HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Mascot Dec. 1900 MI Sa 7 a ore te a wag AO ies ae a — —— : = — Sa ERE Re ee I TES RIOT RSE TORSO RE ae UAT ww oer Ree ere ee = = 5 : : — oo WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN 1REDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. VOL. VIL. STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1900. NO.1 LE WO ee t N, ©. new season's business. wa ee kere STATHSVILLA, ae~S> rehouse is now ready for the be an active dewand for leaf on the | sold here will bring good prices. ae WAREZOUSE COMPLETE ! your Tobacco ia The Farmers’ Warehouse. There is! .. Statesville market this! : improvements and conveniences for tae comfort of my H. C. Gaither, Prop.) etry E B EGERE Og tee hoe Riis ob to Cure Ghilts im Quinine Nor Other Potson. Stomach Mor Effect the Mi “Ramon’s Pepsin Chiil To: scribes iti is practicr,and « the stomuel Does Not lajure t 32, Dime Box, Tex., s Ruled. My son ch 2 child cant See i . Od. ee AONE Loa CRO. Ae mere NDITORIAL NOTES. —— Toe jurv io the Gattis-Kilgo case returned their. verdict Saturday ct y. Mr. Gattis $20.,- more by nis tiop from the Democratic lta the Reptbiican party, and Capt. (C. Bear son of Judge Alex- ander Ri fist feht in Char- i le ile at the meeting of the Mc- | xin -Reosevelt Club last nicht. s y after tl 2eting assembied ‘ Rives lressed ir at length. secd him out cf or- der. Rives denied this and contin- making some refiec- on Gen. Reosser’s course dur- ihe recent campaign. He de that Rosser had paraded the saime Of Roosevelt throughout the the exclusion of other and rosser vIS SPEecn, clared =tute to better representatives of the party. ten. Rosser tock instant offense lat this, and, after sharp words, scized Rives by tbe throat and drag- hero] sim from the hall. Tn the corri- dor « snock-down ané drag-out fight iensued, which was finally stopped 7 friends. Whenorder was restored - SETTING I Ta Help Home Enterpri ielp Home Enterprises. catesville-Made Furniture. Handsomest Cesigns, best made, best finished goods on the market for the money—a little better yvoods at a little lower price than you can get elsewhere You SAVE FREIGH’ that’s the reason. A full line on exhibition at our store. are sale agents for this vicinity. Barron & Nichoison HAST BROAD STREET. STA ; Loli fio J ee. Guschs Simatiaaings EL Ee We TESVILLE, N. C | | | | i Capt. Rives went to his home near |the University of Virginia. Further l trouble is expected. { ‘ ~ Po ; Gen. Rosser asserted for a long |iice that he was the only Corfeder- i | | ceneral who never surrendered. ave Ce Ha He was a brigadier general in the Soanish-American war. eg P , . One negro boy shot and killed an- | rother while hunting Thanksgiving idav. Thé slaia boy said before he i jdied that the shooting was done purposely, and the matter will be investigated. NORTH CAROLINA CENSUS. TheiPupulation of the State by Coun- ties. - rton: Dispatch, 28th. The official returns for North Car- Tee Oars ‘ amages from the defendants. | : \ . i (ile resident of Trinity ol'na were announced today which » all kinds of Granite and Marble known o the trade anc ta ee Sere sr i .. |show that the population in 100, is ity : sne of tne Dukes and i nt 43.910 as against 1,617,947 in 1890. . rey +e + a . - ; ace } - a4 > + nnd i 3 Lon Vhe aciencants These figures show an increase 10 : LAeoLi sad 6 to ‘th Sunre Court. | the population of the State “The > 4 ut 3 Bo itt ry ete. | 1850 of 275,863, or 17 percent. ne s : ac a2 t oO Let Char ? RH = F? Ts Bole Lass WOrs. : . +. {population in 1850 was 1.399.750, KS ’ . OL.& Vear Of WO : . es 212 197 or + oS eye gan inerease of 218,194 ann TeEat Pi : sd that : < RG ILOWESt © TiCes wed that | 15.5 per cent. from 1880 to 1890. o cen damaved by By counties the population in - 4 ’ of pom Mey EE ES SENS ENE ST, of the defendants 1500. 1S90 See se. Sus $03 PSS AS Bios) Seamer 4 mance 25.600 18,271 eh Kat Rexd ee The jury h : > C Biss : nder 10.960 9, £03, € \ ant arra — io x78 eee Qa tee enanv % 639 >. 486 ee eo erat Yk OPER ER LO EOE AIT LECTED EATEN i RRS LEE PEER 4 TO Bm 8 NE ENTE bot h sides, che i3 D381 15 G28 2 g-= = " By 3 a” oh m = 4 the cas on 21 S70 15,628 2 = 2 a . 5 BA? ce, ave ih Sone »y° » —) 2. > 7 g 3 £s 2 bo ae id near ES ort 205.404 21,002 % a \ " {a5 5 > » 5 ™s) rece 3 4 ay & & % 2 oy a ee ae ga Hiainti aud joo tt 20,533 19,176 Se ac eet se ric “ny Ngee eae 16,763 5 Gis f Gomds 12.697 10,900 oF BTATESYILLE. KR. f : a > =.b04 ” : y ao Pa 2 wae ¥ a 2 : mm? S < o- Ore er Peart ee ere Gefendants Th suncomDde 44.288 50,266 z r Bachkice Be Dey ts received subject t EG OY 17,699 14,939 e Roan op time derosits. Money loaned on goo : p : 22 436 38,143 ‘ ' i t a > W ¢ Ve rh cps ‘ r ri See Special attention paid to co tions O ‘ = ; 1 GOL 12.318 a er ed or remitted at lowest rates. Accounts of Corpor Nes oar 474 3.507 nis iM f rers and Individuals solicited receive tr. Watson’s| 11 Si] 10.825 . sowerful and un 16,028 ernor- elect 18,689 rOvVeEeYrNnor: Cie 5 413 . ¢ idez:? h 10,424 * 9.116 t 4.197 “ ate ty ; dj 20,394 / ayy Share = 17.831 Soccer, «he mie Goes / % eS 20,533 jury heard cland ok ‘ joubtless jus ‘ is OTAT 1 3,068 e triat occuprec - if ante 21.702 11,621 a 18.690 rs uch: 25 233 18.04] mt trequi ‘ zs 4] 24,113 E Ge Mr. Bes : yy 30.000 - } » 90 ond ted sun 210% ee We ee 16,754 ; ee er ae 10,252 cee es those Northern |; 3.435 <i “t tes which we had!¢ hie 24,454 = so - “ { ari : a ee Nie jet a. | en previous to hisi¥ — 10-039 é ’ DEtCes ar Ot Ce st gatrd * acon canto - eit lee ) a a fe fork ote t 28,002 ene cs i,et us kee pis-}, 5 " Y es ~ oham ee ee at fax 30.793 28.908 f { yy ¢ ‘ 8 by no means} = . oo y z i L g ais, | ear eons =n Sree elt 15.0838 13,700 e > oe 2 j ce : at IBOt es ‘ ~ 7 * Sepp > > age etions af lOJ4, When} werd 16,222 13.546 S Nos Over Posten Bros | aN Seer seey ls Porc erson 1 104 12.589 } det . etrempted tO Gerena ae =, 90+ --- — pe Dk LR RO RT NE REE IT LIE LLY OS LN EI ! zi a meas, t I rd 14.294 13,851 . oh 4 Veyet —O » . c ont ig © ~ trivde 9.278 8,903 ies Li h 2 : Sa Seca oe egal : ~3 ~ : Oe. i c 1s ee ino Co.. : a alicies were adopt-| fr. cet 29, 064 25,462 RTE CAS Bt z : — S a) ; ( parity threughout the on 11,555 9,512 at si 1! . ; Pecette Runcorn eke ste 32,25 275,23! We are receiving many new things in I 2 Democratic party aid 2 ray ) 24,250) lnot curry a single Northern State $8,226 7.403 2 ahr amit ¥ +e a thins t< ~ & &¢ wk , y : ey —_ TT Tretce ah 2) i ai : ia A miberites - ne Lenoir 18.639 14.879 Sijs = Ne athced wih vst Ne CASS REG KOLOWIDS SOUtICEe Paicoin 15.498 12,586 a wre . Tm Sa + mrotonneltn Nagao =e . ? ? ss also: Delaware, West Virgin-| McDowell 12.567 10,939 And Gents’ Furnishings, North Carolina, Tennessee, Ken-| Macon 12,104 10,102 ee ede foe - ~_ oe ke ae i Tino é aay fe ), °4 7 Ons tt nd Missouri. The Den.ocratic ee os oe . ’ Pa ae r ; 5 D.oOde o,22 to prove our assert ~hen we say we have the tip of tie House of Repre- : eee 2: ae : By ip eae Vivace hacolie tar cont . % lenburg 3).205 42,0735 st and cheapest Jine in the city. | we have is for you to Eee eee ede = ee £ 2 a3 ? ‘ nd if vou do nct ficd it to vour a@vantage to sentatives was reduced to 104d—less | ditchell 15,221 12,807 me to see is ab ik Ud rOu ciGQ it > VO aavabtul . i i a b ei a pe vour trade we will mot think bard of it thao ti bed been since tke reorgani-| *: ontgomery 14,197 11,239 oe vour trade we wW not think bar it: oe eee Sa SAC 5 zation of the party after the war. | “/0°' ves oe ; ‘15 ead ~ see ' Sen Aasn 2,46 206% \ Writ KA: He Tr dex sol The supremacy o he party ras - ~ a “ yy © Wii Hoe be UNGePsola- ee een ee ne ene Hronower 25,785 24,026 } a >t Sout apeali youl: Te tg é - < Oa king yeu for past liberal patronage, we are, [' fined to South Carolina, Ceorgia, | Northampton 21,150 21,242 tae! a > } ee c . = ry ; Wery traly, | Arkansas and the States bordering | Oaslow 11,940 10,303 , le . rey yy a Qe ra: 4 ° the Golf of Mexico. That was| Orange ears =e . 3 nb wv Ge eee * r a "amlic S.( 46 Sicazn Glothing Co | cu. condition of the party when Mr. | P2mico 0407146 Ss eC party woen MMi yo sant (4 : abe 2 ca i 3 ws Pasquctank 13,660 10,748 Or van Was ost ror ye » 1A r . oe o* i Aisa seth i CLE Oyen was Orst romuinated. Vheo) powder 13.381 12.514 “2 uese papers allege that we swapped | Perquimans 10.091 9,293 New York for Colorado and Indiana | Person 16,685 19,151 $ —— ~ ay : 7 Pitt 30.889 a 9 utana, they misstate the facts, | 1)! is LE = meee Polk 7,004 9,902 ae spi aN YorK and dana were NO} yes YS YB? 25.195 : : mes ionser Gurs. New York went Re-! pi; 25.408 23,948 ‘ Preatment tor J an in 1S. and such veteran]! £0.37 31,483 x € < LUMEN Tol : : cy teal aly On OP: = Pe } ben tic Congressmen as Amos > 1 es rit : : 21.066 : 3 } waa ) mT. hawt “ ummines and others, represent- mee ae! cl cree Se ene 25301, 1S:750 The i jos bitherto reck ribbed Democratic 26.386 25,096 : . tone “i idistricts, were defeated. The Dem- 15,220 12,136 } ~ aH y 19.866 17 199 — ‘) inmcryna < "Oy v FOO0 4 ee eT a ene b. 25,515 19,281 ao sec sO ecru amen Lovey st 000. and the Democratic “9'40] 6577 | ; S.4 O07 ——,, © e ‘ sional dekeontio The WHER ae ims fade te ace +5 =TO tS 0% “tre ~<- nS | nal dekgation was wiped 6.620 5.881 FX. LEEBOULLV TST = - oe pad Sy 0 lo Pennessee and Nentucky, Mis- | fyrrelt 4.080 4,225 is Nox arolina, Republi : on 27,156 21,259 ea! { ty Se aii es « Mascot Printing Co, is better prepared than ic { me represente dat Vi c a6 .059 oe « before to turn out attraetive up-to-date print- { S nc tituencies which| we 34028 BERS c. and ot prices that estonish those who have ous t} i‘ 19,70] 19,360 a . . rr re rve Tre : > — 1 : > oye nor favored us with order-. | Spend eee) 1.605 10,260 n ava s ul ee | 4 ™ ¢ tg 4 ey - ~ Sr. Arty the defeat oi : lisse 10,511 29> re ACG ene ne 31.336 26,160 } 7 ary me 1 QTD 29 GTS pp - - TOAD OY Vewaiee Silent tt ’ sien etn ret . =O.065 aa, F460 ICC Cards, 50c 1000 Circulars 75c, | ee ee son 23,596 18,044 Lee a S. Ad aes 3 a rene 14 ASZ 13.770 é TARTTZTOIT ~~ oO ve tos Whit 1c bi ; eae mz Q eee NV BEOPES. colar. Small ove cnsic {' po.ltics. ~ BUCeY ii.to-4 9 £00 nated on AT LOW PRICES. read than a large one. 1; ( condition of thx ‘he census oicials announced nutedates so-call- ihe population of the several @OCs : i ; ; . above 2.000 would t i0UG- eee he nist beean with the : mentees ay monies Senne wie ~ wile) a : ! iO g : ve in alater bulletin. is time Letter Heads. Note Heads. Bill Reads, Statements. i D20 s Qisappeintment at the voli- ceslie te wi melee me D lene p} Fre -ar low prices Send | : ee :0y are Incorporated in the county ; sie CLUlars. utc ae Ov rices, we ! j hy, wp.) e net ene Ni ae ei ° a ‘ Sie et — pb) i the Cleveland administration. alien, in which they are locat- eos: » SAMS. ‘ } but witlbe subse . t} cacr rt1 AONE BS" NIMTNTSS OV ‘ tee ee eet ome ence ‘ IUD ve td 9E@ SuoOSss que ab ty SeoTe- HE MAS CC? PRINTING Co. er} Hist Fight a. Wilmingten is said to stand ae Teepe ees ere ae ry mseriias a Fist rigat. } CROWEON & SRONCE, PROPR'S ‘ : te stn hand Charlotte a ~ COR ee ORL LANAI EIEIO i SS ETE TE ENT Se eee : : i a 5 TA 5 se horas f, Rosser, who re- > eC ——_— i * yo ! "yy ¥¢ rpeybtere . 1° “OO = io . ~ . ~ . 3 ELS VASrs “~ are © i 9) t 1212 SUDLIC NOtICe ONCE) y ¥< ung Woman, 5 eet 5, Elopes With a Man 2 Feet 9. Shamokin, Pa., Special 3oth. ‘liss Marv Welkel, a pretty 17- y-old girl, eloped from her home, 4{ Burnside. a mining village two = from here, to Courtland, N.Y., today to join her sweetheart and fu- tuve husband, Claude Brubaker, a midget, and one of the smallest men in the world. ss The young woman is 5 feet, 5 inch os in height and weigbs 150 pounds, ana ber beauty caused her to be call ed the belle of the village. Her lil- iputian loveris just 33 inches tall, 29 years old and weighs 70 pounds. Several months ago, durivg the strike. Brubaker left town to joiu the Garnelia Brothers, a vaudeville show, at New York. Prior to this he had fallen in love with Miss Wei- xel and promised to wed her. On the eve of his departure he said he would’send her a ticket to join him at a future date. Meanwhile Mary remained at home, anxiously await- ing a letter. Last Friday it came, together with transportation. Yes- verday she smuggled her clothes ‘from the house and set out ina fierce rain storm, trudging two miles to this city. Here she remained all nieht at the home of a friend, and at noon left on a Pennsylvania train. The Appetite of a Goat Ts enyied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of erder. All such should krow that Dr. King’s New Life Pills, the won- «ives a splendid appetite, sound di- aestion anda regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 cents at W. P. Hall Jt.’s, dtug store, derful Stomach and Liver Remedy, | The Congressional Vote. | Raleigh News and Observer , ist. | The State Board of Elections met ' yesterday morning at 9 o'clock for | the purpose of canvassing the Con- yressional vote. Those present were Messrs. J. H. McNeill, of Fayette- ville; E. H. Wilson, of Winston; W. | G. Lambe, and Governor Russell and ; Dr. Cyrus Thompson, Secretary of State. The Democratic Congressional ticket ran somewhat ahead of the electoral ticket. The Congressional! vote indicates a majority of 30,000 in the State which is about 4,000 more than that received for Bryan. Mr. John H. Smali. Democrat, of the First district. receiyeda major- Sition, receiving 18.709 voiesegaiast 9,493 for Alexander, Republican, and 4,355 for Meekins, Independent. Mr. Small’s majority in 1898 was 1,370. In the Second district, which lies almost entirely in the **black belt.”’ and has been represented in Con- gress by the neyro White tor four years. Mr. Claude Kitchin gets 10,380 majority over Mr. J. J. Mar- tin. Republican, receiving 22,901 to 12,521. In i898 White received 2,614 plurality. In the Third district Mr. Chas. R Thomas received 13.541 votes against 11,632 for Mr. Jno. KE. Fowler, Pop- ulist. In 1898 Mr. Thomas’ majori- ty over Mr. Fowler was 188. Inthe Pourth district Mr. Kx ward W. Pou, Democrat, received 18,929 votes to 13,057 for Mr. Giles, Republican, and 1,096 for Mr. J. J. Jenkins, Populist. Mr Pou’s ma- jority is 4,721. In 1898 Mr. John Atwater, Independent Populist, re- ceived S38 majority overJ. J. Jen- kins. Mr. Atwater received the Democratic vote. In the Fifth district Mr. W. W. Kitchin, Democrat, received 18.558 votes to 16,687 for Joyce, Republi- can. WHitchin’s majority is 1,851. In 189She received a majority of 2.259 over Spencer K. Adams, Re- publican. In the Sixth district Mr. Joho D. Bellamy, Democrat, received a majority of 11,756 over Oliver H. Dockery, Republican, the vote be- ing 18,902 to 7,146. In 18S the same candidates running, Mr. Bel- lamy received 5,833 majority. In the Seventh district Mr. Theo dore EF’. Kluttz, Democrat, received 15,742 votes over Mr. Holton, the Republican candidate, and 744 for Shuford, Populist. Mr. Kluttz’s majority over Holton is 2,323. In this district the Prohibition candi- date. W. H. Mofiitt, polled 218 votes. Mr. Wluttz’s majority in 1898 was 6,030 . iu the Eignth district Ir. Spen- cer Blackburn, Republican, received 19,629 votes to 17,778 for Mr. J. CT. Buxton, Democrat. Mr. Blackburn’s najority being 1,851. In 1898S Mr. R. Z. Linney, Republican, receiyed 1110 majority. In the Ninth district Mr. J. M. Moody, Republican, reeeived 19,33 votes to 17,259 for Mr. W. T. Craw- ford, the Democratic candidate. Mr. Moody’s majority 2,054. In 1898 Mr. Crawford received 144 majori- ty over Pearson, the Repubiican candidate. The entire delegation are lawvers. Messrs Small, Thomas. W. W. KXitchin, Bellamy, and IXluttz have all been re-elected. Mr. W. W. Kitchin is thedean of the delega- tion, being the only man who has served two terms. Messrs. Claude Kitchin, Blackburn and Moody are all new men. The following is the vote by coun- ties of the 7th and Sth districts. Sevantu District. KXKluttz Holton Cavarras ecco 1.584 1,015 Davidson........... .....- 1,872 2.178 Iredell 20.0.2... nna 2,592 1,976 Mentgomery............ 1,133 SST ROWAN Seg 1,324 eee cceceoote 1 aoe 715 eImcoln ie hee eo 969 976 Rotana ues 1,63 1,349 PANTO ee a ee Nae S40 1,232 Madina 942 1,728 Total Vip wae IS Soe A. C. Shuford, Populist, receiyed Cabarrus 51, Davidson 45, Iredell 85. Montgomery 2, Rowan 3s, Starly 34, Lincoln 143. Catawba 325. Davie 17, Yadkin 4+. Total 744. W. H. Moffitt. Prohibitionist, got 218 votes and W. A. Graham 1. Theodore F. Kluttz, Democrat, has 2.323 majority over Jno. Q. Hol- ton, Republican. Eieuru District Buxton. Blackburn. Alleghany..............- 705 674 Rae ie Vee 1 1,535 1,878 Burke.... .. 1,424 1,131 Caldwell ooo qedege 1,289 Forsyth.......... . 2,619 2,445 Alexandert.... TT 932 Watauga . +92 1,446 WilkeS..........-....002-. 1,83 2.687 Surry......... 2.017 2,335 Cleveland............... 2.321 1,249 Gaston ... .-. 1,998 1,565 Mitchell................. 462 1,994 Rotate so Ane 19,629 W. J. Allen; Prohibitionist, receiv- ed 60; J. B. Fortune, Independent Republican, 32 and E. B. Jones 1. Spencer Blackburn, Republican, bas 1.851 majority over J. C. Bux- ton, Democrat. _—_———> +a $10,000 Fire at Gastonia Gastonia Dispatch, 30th The factory and dry kilns of J. E. Page & Co., manufacturers of doors, sash, etc., were totally destroyed by fire today. The fire originated in the engine room just after 12 o’clock and burn- ed about two hours and one-half. Several miltion feet of lumber on the yard were saved. ‘Lhe loss is $10,000. There is no insurance. He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamiiton, of West Jefferson, O.. after suffer- ing 18 months from Rectat Fistula, he would die unless a costly opera- tion was performed; but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure s ee and ihe bee Shee ae or. 25 cents_a box. y . F. Hall, Ir., Driiggist. _ ity of 4.861 over the combined oppo- | New Apportionment of Congress. | ' | Joseph Ob] in Atlanta Constrtution. ; The mathematicians who have fig- jured on the next congressional ap- | portionment have.come down from | their original figure of 200,000 to |194.544 someone of them having ratio will save Maine, Yansas f one representative each, which hey would sustain if the ratio is jfixed at an even 200,006. This \tigure is sufficiently close to the | 200,000 mark to make no materizl , diilerence with t he other states | there seems a disposition now to | take 1t fer granted that it will tinal], 1? |} i¢ it } dead ie . | be determined upon. | The following table shows the , ‘ tue ichanges which will be made in size of the house of representatives if the ratio of apportionment is tixed at 194,344: Sith OS8th STATE. Con- Con- Gain. | cress. gress Alabama..... .... 0 9 on Arkansas......... 6 7 ] California ....... 6 Ss 1 Coloradc.......... 2 3 ! Connec 4 D I Delawa 1 ] se Florida.. 2 3 1 Georgia <2. li 1] Idaho eS eels 1 1 i Pinoys 2s ay, 25 3 | Indiana... oo... oc. i3 13 ce Marae c eh 11 12 i| Nansas eee 5 5 Kentucky .......:.0- vad 11 a Louisiaua ............ 6 7 i} Maine <i his Maryland ............ G 6 cas Massachusetts... 15 i4 1 Michiran. 0. cc... 12 2 oS Minnesota............ 7 9 2 Mississippi... 7 3 1} Missouri! es id 16 a Montana. 1 J Nebraska...........3.. 6 6 } | Nevada... 1 1 New Hampshire... 2 2 =) New Jersey ..... aS 10 2] New York. eee 37 ot Nerth Carolina..... 9 ig 1 North Dakota...... 1 2 1) OniO So 2] 21 oe Oregon...... 2 2 ing Pennsyivania ...... 30 32 2 Rhode Is!and........ >, 2 South Carolina..... a 7 South Dakoia ...... 2 2 Tennessee 10 lin Texas ... 15 2 Tita eo 1 Vermont.............. 2 2 Virginia............. 10 10 Washington........ 2 3 ] West Virginia ... Wisconsip........... 10 10 Wyoming............ i 1 Rotaisee eth 3d7 385 28} ' While this will make-the total membership of the house 385, or with the territorial representatives who have ascat but no vote, 390. the house will for the practical pur- poses of lezislation be no greater than it is at present. Ifit would be unweildy with 390 members it is un- weildy with 357. A good many peo- ple argue thatit is too large now, but that all depends on the way you look at it. Ifthe house of representatives were to be run according to the lines originally laid down and as it was run before the days of Speaker Reed, it would doubtless be far better for purposes of practical legislation to have the membership cut down to! 250 or even smaller; but according to the present methods of legislatior. the work isso divided out among the committees, and the house itself is run so completely by its commit- tee on rules, thata few additional members would make no difference at all in the matter fof the expedi- tion of legislation or of the results attained. Itis sometimes insisted that an increase in the membership of the house would necessitate an increase in the capitol building. That b; no means follows. Of course a change in the interior arrangements of the hall would be necessary. be- cause about every available foot of room there is now taken up by desks. dut the problem could easily be solved by adopting plans which have often been discussed in this connec- tion. That is, by the removal of the desks, which take upso much room nd substituting benches or individ- ual chairs in place of these desks. There might readily be prepared writing rooms anc reading rooms adjoining the present cloak rooms or across the halls. The plans which have been discussed in this connec- tion by diiierent architects woulau bring results something lke the British house of commons. There is really noneed for these individual desks, though perhaps the members who are used to them would find some difficulty in accom mcdating themseives to the new or- Ger of thises. Still it could be done and for one I donct see but it would be s decided improvemert over the present conditions. A Negro Kitis Two Men in Jackson- ville. Jacksonville, Fia., Dispatch, 30th. Policeman Henry Railey and Chandler Brooks, colored, were shot dead at the corner of Davis and For- sythe streets, this afternoon, by John Baxter, a young negro. Two negroes were in a fight when the of- ficer arrested one of them, the other escaping. While waiting for the patrol wagon Baxter and a number of other negroes demanded the oft cer to release the prisoner. Words ensued and before Railey could draw his pistol, Baxter shot him dead. Brooks, an inoffensive negro, rushed to Railey’s assistance and was shot down by Baxter. *Ex- Policeman Tucker also recet.ed a severe wound from the murderers. Baxter escaped, but was captured at 10 o'clock tonight. J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace. Crosby, Miss., makes the following statement: ~‘I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will doall that is claimed for it. . My wife could not get ber breath and the first dose of! it relievedher. It has also benefited my whole family.” It acts immedi- ately and cures coughs, colds,croup, | discovered that the adoption of this | | Virginia, | -nd Nebraska from the loss | 25a iclaim of the United States or to “isue an exequatur to T. i who has been uppointed ident McKinley as consul to Harpoot. “-) The United States tirst-class battle- iship Kentucky has gone to Turkey. | Possibiy when the Sultan finds him iself under the guns of the Kentucky | he’ll come to his senses. lbuildine contractor LATE GENERAL NEWS. The Canadian steamer. St. Olaf. was totally wrecked last week on Seven Islands, in the St. Lawrence river, and her entire crew of 19 men together with 7 passengers lost their lives The steamer was valued at 1) S40.000, day, before an audience of 3,000, General Jo. Wheeler spoke on “‘Our | Country. lis Progress and Its Tri- umphs.’’ and Lieutenant Richmond P. Hobson, on “Appreciation of the Hamilton Day, 2 young newspa- per man, is in jail in Minnexpolis, Minn., charged with stabbing te deatb Leonard Day, a young million- aire society man, in the b'!liard} room of the West Hotel. They been drinkingand got into a rel. quar- A number ef San Francisco nuns leave San Francisco this week for ‘the leper settlement at Molokai. | Hawaiian islands. where they will spend the remainder of their lives in /ministering to the lepers. Among /no set of men or women do you i tind nobler examples of self sacrifice jthan among these Catholic sisters ; who have given up their lives to | God's service The Sultan of Turkey remains ob- durate, refusing to pay the $20,000 is- Norton, Presi- H. bv J. Z. Gibson, a Logansport, Ind.. was arrested la in Jackson, Miss, for at- Jast W eek |tempting to bribe Gavernor Loagt- ino. The warrant was sworn out by the Governor, who testified that the man offered him any sum be would neme if he would open the sealed bids for the new million dollar State house andinform his firm of the amount cf the lowest bid so they |could bid lower. a Bank Wrecked by Burgkwrs. Emden, Lils., Dispatch, 30th. Four masked men wrecked the Farmers’ Bank, of Emden, early to- day. ltis stated they secured ail the funds of the bank between $3,000 and $4,000. When the robbers discharged their first blast of dynamite in an effort toopen the vault, the explosion aroused a citizen, John Alberts, four blocks away. Alberts hurried to the bank. One ofthe rcbbers was on guard in the street. He seized Alberts. who was bound hand and foot and dragged into the bank, where he witnessed the gang drill- ing into the vault door, making a second blast. When the fuse was lighted the robbers stepped outside and Alberts lay in the corner, when it went off. Hewas not seriously injured, however. The second blast unhinged the vauit doors and tne robbers made off with all the cash Securing a hand-car they puiled in the direction ef Delavan. There they were met by Night Patrolman Sanford, who attempted to e2rrest them. One of the robbers fired and Sanford fell, mortally wounded. ; Outside of the town the men board ed a passenger train on the Chicago «& Alton road Alltraces of them were lost. The engineer of the pas- senger train claims that he saw a man jump from the first car near Minier, while the train was.mevin¢ ata hich rate but a search of tke locality failed to show any traces of the man. The bank building was almosta complete wreck and the vault was entirely ruined. ea ae Goid in the Streets of Montana. Helena, Mont., Dispatch, 3oth. Gold was found on Main Street this afternoon in considerable quan- tities below the surface of the strect. George Booker, a well-known char acter, “‘pannea”’ several buckets of earth taken from an cpening in the street in the presence of several bun- dred people. yellow metal was secured. The city of Helena is located on “Tast Chance gulch, ’at one time the richest place property inthe world. Old-time mining men say there still remain under the city more gold than was taken out. Whea the Montana club building was built the contractors puid the cost of the building from the gold secured in the excavation. Several people living up the gulch have gold minesin their cellars. a Killed While Hunting. Reidsville Dispatch, 2;th.* The homeof Mr. Wright Smath- ers, 2 prominent farmer living sev- en miles sonthwest of Reidsville, was darkened today by the shadow of death caused by a sad accident that befell his 13-year-old son, Wright Smathers, Jr., resulting in his instant death. Early this morn- ing Wright and his friend. Will tankin, 18-years old, went hunting. They foliowed a covey of partridges into the woods ard when the birds flew up Will, involuntarily, kneeled and, without thought of his friend, fired at the birds. Jheload passed into the brain of Wright Smathers. He fell without 2 cry. For a moment young Rankin stood as one dazed, and then, as the uwful truth dawned upon him, a yzreat cry burstfrom his heart and he fled the fateful spot. A young man of tne neighborhood, George Halgin, hearing the outcry, was the first to reach the place and foundthe body of the boy cold in death. Mr. Smathers was summoned and the grief-stricken father, assisted by sympathetic neighbors, texderly bore the dead boy home. The accident was a shock to the community, and a great blow to the devoted family, but be whose sorrow is deepest and most lasting is the young man who was the innocent cause of the death. Mrs. M. A. Monteith’s houseand lot on Mulberry street in the rear of Mr. W. E. Anderson’s house and will im- ippe, bronchitis, and all fitoat toubles, W F ee aa age er epee aE me prove the property in the near fu- In Carnegie Hall, New York. Sun-| Life and Service of Admiral Philip.’ | had Several dcliars of the].— Dr. M. R. Adams has purchased A Life and Death Fight. Mr. W. A. Hines, of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraecu- lous escape from death, says: **Ex- posure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Con- Sumption. I had frequent hemeor- ;thages and coughed night and day. |All my doctors said I must scon die. | Then I bezan to use Dr. King’s New Discovery for Const ion, mY . which compietely cured ot oe Without it ev a bottle. Hundred a my recommendati it never fails to cu nd Lung troubles.*’ ‘ SO PEAY eT ce ie Cents and Sl, ] b+ VOLTies roa »t circa ee ee }W.E. Hall, Jr.'s, Drag Stor > . ; i Robert Crottr.a 16 r 4 - : . icavo DOV. Committed s ! ~t fieridav night by hanvit wself -. ’ “ o , o 5 5 : from toe railing of the back porch at his home. *“DeWitt’s Little the finest pills [ ever used.” Moore. Mi lee eA 4] iv CUTE Ai i Ce iW. FF. Ball: Ir The fortress of the Filipino clie Geronomi, at Pinauran, which lusurgents boastec mipre iby Was captured and destroved Americans Thursday. TRA) ee a Ne CaAsics. ana live method of purifyi 2nd invigorating the DeWitt's Litt " fiumous little pills for ver and bowels a 13 The forward boi! Stewartin Mud L up Sunday while from the steamer 151! men and severely injuring 7 J.C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. Tavs, **] cannot say too wuch or DeWitt’s Witeb Hazel Salve. One i box cf it cured what the doctors ¢all- ed an incurable ulcer on Cures Piles und ail Lockout fer worthless Wo Fail 32: my jaw Giscases. imitations. .- Sem foot Yale defeated Harvard at bali Saturday at New Haven bya scoreof 28 to. This is the first time since 1894 that Harvard has been defeated by Yale. “After suffering from piles fifteen vears I was cured by using two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salye,’’ writes W. J. Baxter, North Brook, N:C. It heals everything Beware of counterfeits. W. oF: Hail.Jr. Oscar Wilde.the English author,is dead. He died in Paris Friday. Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. writes: ‘Four bottles of Electric Bitrers has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which bad caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doe- tors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excel- lent.’ This shows what thousands have proved,—that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It’s the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, sait rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion and builds up the Hie strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by W. F. Ball, Jr., Druggist. Guaran- Leed. we ——— The heirs of the late A. millionaire merchant of have sold his fam marsion for $1,500,000. T.Stewart, US “After sufferia; severe dys5- pepsia over twelve ‘ many remedies without ood finally took IXodol ™, ; 25d t perme Dyspesia Cure. It did me se» much good ! recommended it to everyone, writes J. E. Watkins. Clerk corder, Chillicothe, Mo. it digests what youeat. W.k. HallJr. » There is noth- ing so bad for a cough 25 cough- ing. It tears the tendermembrane of the throat and lungs, anc the wounds thus germs of con- sumpticn. Stop syour cough by using the family iremedy that ha been curing ceughs and colds of every kind for over sixty years. You can’t afford to be with- out it. onion loosensthe grasp of your { cough. The congestion § of the throat and lungs is removed; all inflamme- tion is subdued; and the cough drops away. GP L MA L O OL E , > : | — So x u s f Pa t t Three sizes: the one dollar size is the cheap- est to keep on hand; A the 50c. size for coughs you have had for some F< time; the 25c. size for an ordinary cold. “For 15 years I had a very bad eough. The doctors and everybody else thought I hnd a true case of consumption. Then I tried Aycr’s Cherry Peetoral and it only took 2 dottlo and 2 half to cure me.” a ~ 7. Marion MILLtTR, B Oct. 28, 1698. Camden, N.X., 5 Doctor. If you have any ee eaterer and desire the best medical advice. write the Doctor re re rr a c t ro a t e h r n a b i n s oe " si n a t i t e s i m a i i n i d i e n n m m a n i v e s i AE E WR E S T oF Po o Pa . -e n e n a e e . = —— i StF oN een a ; EE —— = the Joke’s on Squire Sicele. > era 2 e 2 a ‘LORSVILLE NEWS i Be : cy 7S ‘ENEWS. TAYLO aE a Lap apsncalaaraepes Squire M K. Steele. of Tursers- . 2 5 burs. bus beer haviewa Jizt '@ €X- “ eeCal, SEeee aes at eae perience of Unuele Sams kindly renee i a a —— ae treatment of his nephews. in 9*her | ——————— 4 EE eS ete A 2 ig Le ¢> Or ernie ‘ % se Zs Sto Seiad a Raleigh News and Observer. A Worthy Appeal. = @ sir. Geo. Watts is clersing for ver et Gls Joo. Cc Barnes. Lincoln county.) tis state) Mr ~he ne, of . - dye Coal Tue effort to raise S100 000 tora cee: STO | ttle ~State Nermal and, wa-~ the tirst ty = i ; - me ar- : 1 Gee TE GIVE YOU joan fund at the State ese | caxes ia full this year. | Mr. W. T. Nelson went to Char words the squire has been introdec- i e ee - Py stismED WERRLY Industrial Cones ee Notoaly| phe rotal resources of the national | lotte Tuesday evening. ed to the involved technicalities and S epsia ur Ic ] in vitatl nN a +6 the peo 2Dtate. - i tal res ta ee AS | . =o : nape nue I 7 me Lee CO er Neges for wo-l, 1. f the State are $15.362,182,! Wp. Ingram & Co., lumber mil-! podtare of the intern?] reuenur laws. £ pecla 5. Oo al a ave nearly al] our colleges ,| banks of the + ee S14. G17.059 | < & , in a ‘phone this} Jt seems that on last Thursday night | - eat. 2 YEAR inthe South without endow-| 4-4 of other banks $14,617.99). ilecsare putting in &@ P ae : ae quire was! igests what y end = IE DOLLAR A EES ™ Sew fone the loan funds to_ be used hn E. Fowler will coatest | wee’. ppoceeaee aes ee Sa . Itartificially digests the food and aids ‘it our store for the remaining days ol Tsien th nent. L savas - = | sent y. LOWIC Vit “ ! <1}.2 ; al: , yee of g niece ~- | to Visit oucs rk “ ane = - —_——— paca oxthy students are ne 2 ee ome: ne Gates Charles | Mr. W. E. Elliott was at Elkin | anakened ore sd Vv oa es Nature in strengthening ane ive oF ; Saas we witlsave sou Moepey on Your purcens-s ~->d — .. p STOR. ais = rie - : ands re eleg j JOU RES - ae i < oa ae xe °, is ang > ins Mi ee Wak ~ : x us . Z cote : : = te Sete IcurTe. orn man ry Waits. Eprvor & PROPRIETON) | + as compared with Sarees their P. Thomas in the third district. last week and may decide to move to The squire went to the window a-d structing the ‘atest discovered digest- We are tnaging seine inter eas zEPES < bt ———_————— |. .; = ey ry wv mep - : = : 20 — = = ae 3. SUL = :- ion - sei veges and cali vour attention te jJa-t a ag = ead worthy youre Kor the year endiog Nevember | tuat place soon. sor [enquired the cause of his hein Tt nd tonic. No other Dae Lene 208 ee Rete, Semis ie ha cone acc d ; 1. Pi stefhee at Statesville at} colleges. foremost citizens tO 29-5 the expenditures of the State| Mr. Thos. J. Fortuer, late jailor,! j-oused at such an BUSEE MAY; hour. can approach it in Seka cures | farhs ROLES ana eee Reece pene miwtt a iS een} Many of our led to pay theircollege oye es exceeded the receipts thas moved to his cottage dwelling | The stranger introduced himself as stantly Bees Pee arfleartburn, i tocking for bargalos. Sec our slrong in SCCOLG Ce day were enabie rauea tana cca Prom sese . oa -hased | h > p Jarrinpger, Esq. who. Pys -psia ndigestion, ~ me - : q op “2 ee “ unds. ana 4... 217s (00. recently purchased. ; Anthony P. Barringer, ieee | Dyspepsia, 2° > a0 Nausea, | . “ S ¥ ry a “Doce Wo. 25. expenses by these loan f ee » BS S17%, Pp aes ree miles below Statesvi!'>. | Flatulence, Sour Stomach, NC . + codas kirtines. H I | three ml n ¥ - sme of them could have secured the : teaieht wreck at Mayodan| Dr. E. W. Moose left one ae f d th ire that he’ bal Sick Headache. Cast a ress ; ? 2 : Saas SOTIC 2 ther woe. m a freieb Sole tes | - : mel etllie ler ae jand informe esquire that ¢ 3 . me -of j erfect diges - 4 ye : GO, scary funds in no other way See : eee susiecening for Wake Forest where he : s ; Mother results of imper : E : oc. GL TA necessary funds Rp ope ie end eculeti cenyl ayes breakmaa Was levening tof E CMe ‘ had alotne Sat i - ee ae ee teavi ie, Xf RECs If this is true of boys ard Boe anaes set Th anon and fireman |v us called todo some deatal work. ppapvere’ to a seoee : | Price S0e, and 41. arc size contains dire Flannels, Jackets. Capes, seece tak Underw: v - eT : : ae ve is i rue of their’ killed. Be ee 4 eo Nat , ;oroken thespingie Of bls burey, tise | snallsize. Book all zvout dyspep: z i ve 2u7s and !ast, but not Jeast, Shoes and NGRESS J AND PIPE PRESI- now much more = ees pbilan- were only slightly injured. Rey, Prof. J. A. White and ao it was absolutely necessirv for bim Perera by E. C. DeWITT &CO., Chicago ‘ BEDEIS, Rugs at i 4 a : DENTS Se is peteae b enables a young The safe in Stack Bros.” store in|, W. Tripletc left Tuesday Seb caee to reach Statesville that night, and — ed —— ca bropy iS that wbica enavico es. | 2 sate IM s : lp aee s — aptist State Betinn reaueste ‘ feces | x ee PA tea a met Monday for th “tudent to help himself or herself. (; -censboro was robbed of $775 in/cigh to attend the Baptist he modestly requested the loan 0 | STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET) tbe “BLACK CAT,” for the beys and girls. - is ll at-|~ The plan ‘adopted to raise the |) Sunday night. Some one hadjCoavention, the squire’s buggy to convey bin | ae ° ers asa} 1@ pt a “ ~ . | Cos ~ re rttaley = ocr ctitaa ta elma cee e asked if ve | 3 } “i , gare There wa nee. 12100.000 at the State Normal and | yearned the combination of the safe. Messrs. Lester Ingram and Cypjthither. Squire Steele asked if ue | ESS Ti ] Bz ‘ ance in both Senate and Ooee - Peeleolees ought to appeal to |” h f urs. Jenkins, in| 4 bose have bought out Mr. L. D.|didn’t have on too much of a aoa COOPER & GILL ae z Fs WL. we ees ‘s messaye was long. | DONS Aoentennet swellas| The new home of mrs. Je eal Peep ie Otome roa ee took | No, he only had a valise with him. eee ay : rn- | people of ee eee = | Burlington, was burned Tuesday, | tubinett’s livery business and took [Xo pee a perce Se Ain ta { oo itiargely with the govern |) oi, wealthy. Fvery person who, <> HNO: ins is thought | charge Monday morning, aa z ee ie aed Oren oes Name j~ tig ji dealt iarge:y Wl to tae Wealtby. + ve" a] in} loss $2,000; insured. It is wot) coarge © 7 deel ide and carry his valise. : i demand j a i ae >on wrap RCN ch strumental in} loss F2,0U\ fe = . om a ee 1e might ride and carry hi Allproduce ingooddemand. 4 ; aeat’s foreign relations. It recom |. ybscribes Re se eae no ob-| that the tire was of incendiary orl Mr. Will J. Sloan, who is teaching || inie the valise was tco heavy. | CVING PRICLS—BASIS NO. } QUALITY T A j N he F : do« reduction of 30,000,000 catsing a ISAO Ties enOO.-| at at King’s Creek, Caldweil ese |So eager Pi a ncaes Aina Ee cold Pet be oe ceria e ef = “we a ne “ < : lies oO pay Dls > as 1 = fe: : Seno . , Deeper Seaciar ie en 00 } 3 sha war taxesand an increase 0! Pao i i E. A. Garner, night watchman at} was at home here Saturday se roe | Barringer where to tind the bugyv. SE ated seis pax bushel j 60 | i A 3 Cer uDe War Las aised. 7 | ‘4s fhe : : ele 5 sister, Miss|- : anna sreele | Meal- -bolted—34lbs. per bushel. . . c ! ‘ mas =a; . vour St, Se 100 069. The messay’ The interest on this fund will edu-| 446 Selma, Johnson county, Oiland|turned Sunday. His sister, The next morning Squire Sreeie | Meal Oa gis Ll =a Fifteen to twenty per ss ee ne 1 heer a a rinst extrava-| ; alee arias year in this institu-| pertilizer Works, was killed by be-| Laura,accompanied him. 4nds Barringer’s buggy a his lot, Sse eet eee a ee 60 | Jackets or Coats if bought of us. Iiad ns Congress aszainsy & SCS ieee ara sete yas | seals , : shinery} , oS as granted aland later i > day when he comes | Corm—old—solbs. per > ae eee so lence - eanriations. It Was 2O'|rion, which in its short existence has | coming entangled in the mac ; The Supreme Court has granted oe c zoe oe Sone es re eae cr ee 35 We are showing a large and varied line of gant <ppropriativ’: i pot alcome to be second to no institution | wonday. new trial in the case of Gray vs.|)totownhe finds his eee ema ce ree: oh “3 | : s : a + ; i t arnt an “ ome - . s } > cao! ° = , is yas >} . S ¢ a oii i < 5 ar var beatles ae ee Tae Tee ce aes ie f N remarkavie document ant or the education of women In a Ed. Alexander, a Charlotte negro, | Little from this come. a = cluuches of the United = ee eens pia SS an 3 60 ODS wil : \ - eee Saleh ; ? the case of the colored man Gray/thorities, the same naving CEN | potatoes—Irish. ..----- si 30 ° ener sectional one. south. hat eee emis Miss Berta Oates’ purse | tne case 0 2 tored t : ‘ — far See feta scape eae mT noae Leena 32 tim In the #fouse several im portan! We congratulate Dr. meIver upon |: Se aa on one of the main|a-vainst Dr. D. me. Littie for alleved | seized together pee ee are VO al orgs eciec! pexmushele © on. - 73 Hh) Ee Baars ; pan eases ; anc ; ‘ 2; Ou : : 7° rey ap able keys Kade iiquor OY YEV-|yard—N.C..... +--+ 7 3 : : j siery, Woolen : oe ny intreduced, amen? | ajs zeal and faith, ond trust that he | eens Saturday evening and; ran.| malpractice. able ee nd miswicck Son Sigua hi eascisen ere reine aire “x Men’s, ladies’ and children’s Underwear, Hosiery, W Rete and Hi mea alien nae he South's repre-| will receive the ea.ty co-cperation | nel awerosted Rev, W. §, Cherry, who was sent|e2ue officers Atwe Apel PO Ee eae 5 ankets, Comforts. Trucks, Rugs and a big variety of m toreduce the South S repre”) wit kee dswho see the need for a| He was arrested. Rev. W. S. Cherry, who + anit (On Friday morning at the Five Mile] xens—per bi oo. ee ee 2% Coon eae h have nut space to mention 5 em 10 u : ” , road swho see the | 2 ‘ es we sircul 1days E = ei =o SD ye bee eee 24 senna ds which we have nut space on. sation in Consress 20d to in a ees ne a of the State. Henry Speen, colored,of Winston, | by the recent conkers ene a north of town. Squire | Roosters Pe ee ae 5 seasonable goods which we have nut sp t entation in VOun: ,. |cbance for the girls a 7s z ; or | wes i 7j is able to move | ~ aed ON ene tees he ae went tee S . “ = :of wrease the army to 100,000. Bad Se = has sued Joe Jacobs and two other | west =“ ae ae on ac-| Steele applied to the authorities for} Seer ser pe ae 2 John J. Ciark’s two hundred yard 4 cord, soft ‘i cer . fe eines appointed A Horrible Massacre in China Winston merchants for $5,000 in} to nls eae 2 ee ae peacoat the recovery. of his bugey, but learn- eee eee ctl epeeion Pa eet an nee = finish machine Thread nought by the oarrel on COC OE © tho} Berlin Dispatch, 3d. the Federal Court, alleging that count of the sickness Rev. Postell, |¢d tha* certain forms and regulations | Guinas each... -- +--+ 7° me aud sold two spools for 9 cents. ao pv the Sueceker member of tbe ae pecial dispatch from China to they prevented him from voting at}is not known mperes cos a at |must be gone through with first and | Geese - oe es tow 2 1! s2i4 abe OF the w i aa A specia! Spare. _ Shs ' a mn Ce ere, WwW sOh. a fbf : aviv +i Sa tec var ieee dy Waa ae, 3 l ae wavs 4n@ means committee to suc The Volks Zeitung reports a ee the last election. eee ae oe Reece is being | even then his oe oes back the Ce en ape ore 7 Ramsey, Tomlin 3S BO wies < Beene sli enicens lected to|—.—.. lanehter it ovince O ee once ot : : .)bugey was rather boubtful. a sOmbiipexabeie Cone ee 7 a Recon: OF ae asi Serko first en the dis-| Joe Koontz and Lom enliec poe made to havea change made in the}? He has since sent on an affidavit Eggs—hen. . ee eae 19 O24 ; Shan Si. ahe urs Sie 20WE county, had a < : Soe = , } To guinea. 2 se ee ae os the Senat». shar i a a ic bishop | colored of Rowan county, appointments. tatine the facts in the case to the a piesSncnion as os Ig oe ene ONE 75 x The bil. to reduce the South’s rep- parc Se ete CE ee scuffle over a loaded pistol Sabay The new county ofticers—sheriff, See ad Clerk H. C. Cowles oaae Fe IS ae a NUS ei Pout a suo resentzticn was introduced by ane: aiest i eranciscans, Italians |day night, when “s soe See register of deeds, treasurer and|has written to the collector laving Seas ie rauce a e ail rsentaticl vas 2 pe rlests ats co er Saas <A; = ‘ ed. or ae pore os = me aie ROSS a na ed a = C cer, of Indiana, and it pro and Frenck , The governor invited | killing eet Fane the killing | board of county commissioners tOOK | the facts before him, so we have : : ; Se eeu eee Sia ge ace Y rum pe et, ‘ Mn ? < “ a" oe . ‘ = : ed C ‘ a a _ ala QV Treceve OO —Wasnea .- ++ = = alg ie 2 ss m ee en aloe a cial = aie! increase in the member |yhem to his bouse for better protec- eae et e % charge Monday. ee 5 hopes that ry Steele ee ae Apples—dried—quarters.. Pee oar 2| ——_——_—— SS aor vic ee ee: u <o from Ba7 to 365.| tion, but arriving there their hands | ‘as accidental. The board of oe [eis bugey before, like the “Deacon's | *™ Be eric a $4 a aie ae Touse tY¥OM . - nea 7 : ers ae = - Mahac es ~ + ; ¢ ae -¢ Ghay.”’ Pails ECES sens one cuaK 4 z ship of t ie oxyin: Arkan-| were tied. Then the gover nor him The R. J. Reynolds Bchecey Cons C. Sloan, Win. C. Linney ane = : One Hoss Shay, ee ae Be mS a“ extia oe oft wa OF ee fre Poe AG IC Sree oe self poniarded them all. Next the pany, of Winston, has bought ee Davidson, organized by e ee "| This is Squire Stee.e s ee ee Be arpenegte ne ° ; Ls 1, Co rade 1, California l, Con- |zovernor went to the bishop's resi-! the two manufacturing planis oft 1. Sloan, Esq., of this place, ¢ Bell ence with the aa ee ak ne ce : fancy: ------ S ‘cut t. Vlerida 1, Lilinois 2. |Gence with a number of soldiers and | tanes, two of Winston’s largest man. Register of Deeds J. C. Belllandif be knows himself it es Ie ail Hog und ieee ee eee 8 5 cchicut t, PVlorida 4, nce : = : : : Tae : : Sicharce. ast ne. Se eer “dt. zacon—Hog round, per... - - " ‘ eto sine vi innesota Z, Mis |seized six Marseilles Sisters. Hel pictories. ‘Lhis about gives the R.|i.q his bond and took charge 45]|pis last. It is pretty hard that j Bac OE men ee 32 i Nussact -ctis 1, Minnesota -, aeiZee Sate t ly of to- M Thos. A ‘ ut of pure benevolence] «. siaes. 2 1 tll lll - 9 eis aN coy 2 New York 3. promised them money and distin-'y R Company a monopoly 0 clerk of the board. Mr. Thos. A-| when a man out of pt fs Rion id ee ee ee ee S tea souri I, ew Jersey 2, New cates ES husbands if they would re-}}.¢¢9 manufactured in Winston. Hudson of this placea nearer ae tries todo a Banness. es : : anes hi sue aes Pennsylvania =, }roo eigen ei enter shich ffer| . Asis assisting Mr. Bell. have itso harshly visited upen hia. | - -- ; . ii North Daketx 1, Penpsy) ~. |poupe> Christiasity, which ote | : anv | ter of deeds is assisting 4 : have it so harsay : t bi ry. 2 Nashington 1, West tes ae ; unanimously rejected. There- A man named | Jones, for seen j. C. Herman, Esq., sheriff elect} We much fear that in the future STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. 5 et ee cae wing States lose: | aon the governor poniarded them | years the ‘“‘crier’” in the Superior ‘led his official bond as sheriff. Mr. Squire gSteele will view with SUSDI |" co ipesvintr, N. ¢. Nov. 22, 1900, 9 & ™. Sis oe Ry ehe rain ae ” Mi ie ip} i) oe also a numberof Chinese priests. | Court of Wake county, was eS O. F. F. Pool of this place was 2b-] ¢jgn strangers who modestly re-| strict Good Middling...-.----- 9.75 = ie rc 1 fouistana 2 MAISSIDS 1) anG als = slic ' ° _ ~ . ye oh ee elgg a 7 3 rence me Saddam ee nk ete ow Sam ~ u ain Smee en Sante 1 (thirty Chinese Sisters and 200 or-idead in the court house = eat printed deputy sheriff and Rev. Win. | quest the loan of a buggy because Beer een Se 6 a Bis a5 Ir order to muke « clearance of fall and winter goods we we es are g $.) 65 eUe a : . cnc ee vit ’ Y = ae oan ee esses oat lee a M: rer eee mm oe ae 2 " 2 eu elu 3. Netr: 1, Norsh Carolina "| phans from 3 to 16 years of age. Fif- | Saturday. : He Ne ee anu | &- Childers, of this tomes b- Jatiet of urgent necessity of cea OWL |ringes....------ oes wil! offer our entire stock of Clothing at reduced prices, a ; etic Be epee ate ati pans 7 ¢ e 2 is * rVitiiotc He hac een drinking 1 > Littl Es O itten- the earliest moment € Course | Stains) | ee - 2 - Seuth G.-olina 3, Virginia I- _'teen seminarists who kad hidden! vas. Po meer ee D. Boone Little, q-s V 2" }at the earhes oment. } See Soa i ‘Heved that this bill: themselves in a cistern were, the; handled the gas fixtures carelessly. ourg’s township, treasurer, filed his | yr, Steele was a perfectly innocent |__ “Atsst ® : It is a believed toa yt .emseives : meena a} i > t o hb la tter and eve- HS ND MULES My ‘lt parr at this session, but an at-idispatch says, Wed to states grst{, A keg of powder exploded in M.Joond. a ene { Barty tn the whole matter and eve HORSES A | Beginning Saturday, December Sth x Sea ass a simi-| forced to drink the blood of the first), “ sdwards’ store at Jackson, North-| The commissioners transacted the} ry one who knows him knows tha t HAVE RETURNED HERE for the wit- eginnine atu y; a ot tempi m y be made to pass a sim victims. They were then killed. eae ae Morday killing Ed-| usual routine business ard ordered! he would have let no man have his |% ter, We have 50 or 69 horses ane ae Sah . is | : see mh _ 5 ie C y> 4 - = . 29 ]] pu li Or guvwhere 4 i hic ree We a] sell rcas ro ne. vs - : ; . } : - 7s" r bill ir the next Congress. It is} (ii nose priest and two Christians | npton Oe con and com-}2 public road from All Healing buggy to carry liquor anywhere and Eee ere See ane at 7a m., and continuing until Jan. Ist, 1901. Tie ee é i S t rxre . s SA ait ie . Sale ’ om - thare Vi « “ aoe an Caan nage = ‘ siven ou thai Conyressman Linvey) yho attempted to escape were! nice Ficnok shine the store. The}|springs to Eli Lauds’ in Ene tbat he’s not the maa i help ovbers HENKEL BROS. NiOe Gin ee ling ’ melt See te , » | pletely 3 nt : ei ith W." illstes Ver- | avade » law: still 2 jeke’s OD | November rst, 1900. cou will aya’ him-elf of an early oppor- | caught and putin a small but, where liittle boy was playing about the | township with W. T. Millstea vox eyade the law; still the Je sae 2 ovember 1st, 19 2 : : . er ie Seiad sea h on the re-; they were burned. fe: -der, and it is supposed put a|seer and to have hands each way t0/the ‘Squire and we can’t say that he he ae a —— Now is your chance to get a cut in Clothing. We 1ave a nice { seth oe 5 are : mre | ie = eee | Cran it on open up said road. enjoys it. NO FOR SALE.—A very handsome new line and will do you rigot. Our prices cannot be questioned. Lo cent elec ion in this State. | Divorce News From Guilford County. | mate . a. Pees ae Se — —_ = Woe eionereatexcant cash and part on time. Come and see if we will do what we say. a ‘ he a neni Il Se y Oe 1 ° sVi News. =: YON Apply to a " —_— Greensboro Dispatch, sth. | Congressman sinney bas Mooresville Ne A STOLEN GUN pply COWLES 5 i ani : 2 se m- as R. R. and H. R. wit em That is bad news to the tobacco! At the February term Ss Saver | plication oe oe Sat en From Our Regular Correspondent. ene tim Phat i> Gau 2? wee f - fr aa 2 y “ ae rhe te a - = ~ . rs sa men of North Carolina, both grow-| Court J. B. pace eee erg aiandomed Lioney,| mr. R. Manuel Brown, who works | Recovered at Meoresville by Mr. J. For Sale or Rent. Also will cffer cut prices on tho men ¢ iS t “ sll, v Bene ty ras grauted an abs -lato mite . Oe athe : a gp 7] he = . ~ On | “os Be ne nce COC ei aS SS paotm pc 2 inl is ol- |in Voils & Connelly’s shoe anc 1ar Ma. Deaton. = “SE on West Alexander street, con j ers and manufacturers, which comes jvorce on the grounds of desertion. | but the general opinion 1S that C re onion eee broken last fe ee one M neontaase eight rooms. Apply to bore 5 =< a from Winston that the Hanes com- | Later developments showed tbat he | jector Yerkes,-of Keptucky, recent y ee ee Dre Youre & Beli | Momesitte Enterprise. Eo tenes MRS, SQLLIE LaNIEK. 3 inert ries there have joined in with The: ras living with bis wife when the defeated for governor of that State, Sun = Sa Oe n Vimb ‘and wr.| Wednesday night about 3 o'clock | ———___— ae - "a Bee RE ieee co Company. divorce was granted. She, not be-| will get the plum. Se ee well. +» [% Young negco buck stepped into WANTED. tLe ' >a polds obuacco any. |“ Th ‘ SOS Ow Ss < y mike a et eaton’s livery stable va ae } je z -odustry of the | Ma SO WxXious to have the bonds of | Pee x old Ransom the 6-year-old son the office at Deaton si oy sti reas ENALESMEN to sell Lubricating Oils, Greases, , Wisk It looks lixe the plug industry of the matrimony dissolved, bad ker bus-| LATE GENEBAL NEWS. ae : ay 40 ai a last Fri-j era was offering for sale & smali |; Belting and Specialties to threshermeu, on + ° 5 shal Strate wy) be absorbed by one com- i band : rrested for perjury. When } ofur. H. A. Lu wig aie a * parlor rifle. Myr. Deaton ¢ sked the commission, Good goods and liberal propos!- We can’t be beat in Capes. i eee hay mein ae ang arreste co : — day evening. The funeral seryices : ! BY ee His |tion, Address with references _ ase Our stock will vot last lone 5 "2 as has the cigarette industry. | the case came up in court today the ay See t's house on |Begro where he got the gun. iS THE HOWARD OIL & GREASE CO., cee ; : n Rao ee l be fore s¢@ defendant was dismissed upon pay- A boiler exploded in Chicago Mon- | were bee Re pe se ae reply was that he purchased it in Geneand One elon = ee The smalier factories will be forcec | ¢ pera eRe : , S s " rere kitted and | Saturday by Rev. Dr. arey anc ae avine £6 for it eens ; aang ase ae 4 ai eo mea snot of the costs, the order grant-| day and five persons were kitted an ; os tamotory. | winston, paying 36 for it. : 5 5 uk a ae oliciti at cals, io to sell cut, or go out of business. pment ne ce: rescinded, and Clars 13 injured a the ce eos aoe Deaton questioned the boy closcly. FOR SALE! Thanking you for past favers and soliciting a continuance, Bic When tcic is accomplished the te. q> a 4 : : i ur. T.N. Steele is sick with Pneu-| . yn win astern voice: You ‘ en ea A eae we are yours to plezse be g When tts is 2 com plishe ad the ¢ _| placed under a bond for the support The U. S. Supreme Court has de- s dis in acritical condition. | #22Uy saying in a ee MOR 5 bon [J HAVE THIRTY-TWO head of young cattle a I ’ ne ps a maa a ayaa he U. Dp monia and 1s tole that gun and vou're the boy forsale. Twelve steers from one bacce faruers will be foreed to sei | of his a ke has issued an order| cided the State ‘Jim Crow car laws| yr. J. m. Deaton has been appoint I'v. . = oie aoe ees years. old. Eleven heifers about Se Pex mentite ai ne econece and | z ce has issu eae i = key Pgs oe nan rere 3 veemende “¢ been looking cat Gay. Sean Nine calves six or Seven montis : eh Sea ORCC A Once Bags | a oe seeconee cases | to be valid in a case from Kentucky. | -q deputy sheriff for Coddle Creek The negro cautiously backed away months oid cccuue” I will scil reanonable. Y nt WV ite A Yount i their expcrience with cigarette to-|!9 resare SE peer : ape : Sais i A car i CHARLES B, STEWART. & ; h H. S Bhetr experience ea Sas a _, Which has resulted in replenishivg| Nine men were killed, and twenty SOR 1900 and after reaching the sidewalks he Ree atecn. Fulbright, N. C. ou : “9 : ee ig — bacco teaches them what -that, the county treasury to a consider-|,. more injured in the wreck of a ec. oth Llu. began to sprint, and only hit the peek ee 7, H. Wal kefield. Stony Point, N. C. New Stirling, N. C. i B The f “es ne acco |. >xtent. st few terms ces = Ja).. Tues- Se : lin high places between the D W : ak ¥; means. Thefuture of the tobacco! able extent, For the past few work train near Suizun, Cal., Tues yvrourd in high places r. . ? 43 5 : s 1 A) Eee ce ais Clio News. ene Mourne. The nevr i One industry in North Carolina is; of court an uuusually Jarge number day. ee stable aad Mt Mourne. a i ee eae a cerita We Have ey floomy izdeed jof divorces have been granted. and Twenty persons were killed and 60 | C*TesPondence of the Masco: left the gun, which is in Mr. Doa- at Hotel Iredell, on Thursday, Decem i: Sixt #100 praeced. - 2OSts 7 4 y pers ae re . : a wale oe mee a ispractice is Jimited Si> > - ithe present ter osts in wenty p : ; ae ee 1)- Oss on. a favonlv. His prac 4 a nn | the present term found the c Ss ina wreck on the Mexican| ‘The harvest is past and the sum-|ton's p SSESSIO eg ee on aaa Oo ee ones : ~ - ees. | a f the Lexineton |; maery of them unpaid. Judge Hoke oe 1 Rail s nh. Mexi.| mer is ended,” is literally true now.| (Mr. Deaton has reecived a letter [t0.EVE, Se eer ean ogy n r n ir 2 Jenry Varner, of the Lexington|~“"- ; i his ing} Central Railway near Symon, Mexi- 2 : . an at Clevelasd staiine| ~~ : * - Mr : wave it out in court this morning ; +ns sdeqa.| Almost all kinds of farm work is]from a man at Cleveland staiing F Saie . : . ; 7. ea es - nae r thei er a : irsdi % aips collided. | Almost a : ! : Baigent pee ge or C- Fs 4 ce Dispatch: Wiil Holbrook, of La ‘that he would dissolve the divorces | 9, Thursday. Two trains done and the campaign of winter}|that the gun was stoien irom him, See Ua RIG i lad o a sie ty ..} ) wey an 1) . a}: ' cee ¢ - ‘ ae : ™ ere vey rte : * 118 was taten a: 2 o valuable Tow WORD, SEES os Hickory Democrat, and this scribejin ali cares, and soon tercentce Mrs. Miller, widow of the late As- | has begun. Thanksgiving was the}and that a pe Bier te si ee iccunorioca and near Furniture Factory a5 BC ' ‘ . Se “re owas a rus se Ww * . . ToS oe . f fovous|s: i eaton is an ofscer] . Bean” arrears red noite : . : . . oe air arethe | achelor editors of the Sev-| there was a rush a shose ° See sociate Justice Miller, of U.S. Su-|signal for the opeaing of the juyous |same oe Mr. y is an a oe sixes 755253 feet. Terms: Cash or secured ot It is_not because we had rare luck in buying jobs! The main P <a enth Cov vressional distriet. Varner | 20% os to be forced bae a o Oke preme court, was found dead in ker season, and right royally was it be-jof the tow a Sree a4 es aa pais $$ reason is because we insist upon having our furniture made up of ae ae " ; cabliched to che wont life. In one or two cases me bed in Washington City Saturday ].un. Ofcourse. part of our popu-| good one.—Mascor. ] Nave PED CHICKES: < the best materials and by thorough mechanics. We are willing ie = has albre. uolisnea tk _ Ta na heen ftom iioed arried ac: ¢ : = 2 - es : a a s 9 Ea rit! y ' ' : -. « R z iiely eae Be Nae ve sho | Biaintitfs had married eee St morning. ‘ation pursued the even tenor of i ANpe BBE WW GuRUABAS. to pay for good work and we get it, and we will not accept a y his caching apostasy on tae iresult of = failure - pay ie 5 mae . Ronn Giomabaleeimarderedaanother their way, whiie others enjoyed Does it Pay to Buy Cheap? picce of furniture that is not up tothe standard. Our $13 50 4 £ 20th, anu we are not so sure of Hoil-;have been su:newhat embarrassing, fc Ea aoe N.J., Sunday themselves in field and woods with meet smedy for couchs T HAVE alarge number of Barred Plymout?) bedroom suites are not exempt from these rigid requirements. States i : { at the leas i ¢ | . aNud., i a “= °c "hes y cee Cas Sry anti e reeds of Chickens. which Tar direre, ee up 2 ‘ = brook, ac the last time we saw hima} tO say the least. oti | > beins taken to jail was|Zvaand dogs, or rather with guns,} A chcap es Sars pROCEAUCIONEY er See Our $16.50, $20.00 and $25.00 sui‘es are not to be equaled ut the ta rind was wearing & boutouniere and They Had Only to Ask Hin eae Soom = ic nd ait the |for, from the amount of shooting, | colds i eta ere ss i the time to buy cheap. ast must make roor price in this city or elsevhere. Our stock at this time is some- Andon ne was earing a dboutonnier < 1¢y Had Only to Ask m. fatally staobbe i mends a antteare eee - i : something that wi}! relieve and < ema rasa - _M. GIBBS. Fenn ; Fe er i fohvaen 7 Ei \ d nted t> taik about girls instead of | ,, Aeterees on man | think the dogs played a small part se re rare 4 ron eee j.M thing to enthuse over. You will admire the lowest price bed- le ae wa oe tuk QOOHT VITis Ins.eat * |) Morganto erald, . . rm - ¢ > e a »> seve AOL > ‘ a a 20, 1Q00. 5 = es -, ips iti Presentivy we will be tk a O: PEL st remarkable in . 1G in the sport. One party reports }® Its of throat and lung troubies room suites, and you will declare we have the best of the argu- Mall Bn os ea eat ee cope on ee oe aioe - ‘var, |-_/ catload of insane U.S. soldiers | more than thirty raboits ss their What shall you do? Gotoa warmer | North Sarelins _\In the Superior meat from all standpvuints. You will make a quick choice, and a Sic wil ‘ast ros cf summer’ in our littl jstances of the exercise of the par- fromfthe Phillippines passed through spoil. a, ee Rm a “climate? Yes, if| Alexander Sounty 5 Court. pleasing choice here. A Si tab dening power vested in theG overnor El Paso, Tex., Monday. The luna- There is very little news of gen [an ee a SEA a a acs J.C. STCLAIR oe iS P ESC es was exercised the other day in behalf tics had been under guard fur sever-|¢ra] interest. The schools are all] pessibie: if not poset e for} 5 = Vs. ee NOTICE Zs = . he Southern Railw: , p fare we in-|: : PN eee in ei vase tuke mly remedy A. ¥, ST¢ . 4 oures Ser eet ll Seem cae Stabe of the 50 ithern Ratiw av Com pany tal months. The prevalesce of in- tn session, and, so faras I kuow, the }!2 either on c — e se = all am, The cee iors named will take notice L.. SCHILLER, The fy Gover: or Samtord, of Alabama.) when Governor Russell commuted sanity among the soldiers is attri-|attendance is good. Cotton gin- that has been Ee treo that an action entitled asabove has been com fro uC e mY ~ e . i" : . a . 3 - . » > ae . Nie . 7Ii¢h ¢ *COSS ] pyepe | tat asi ace . a A oS Ya orm ig is very i! and was sworninas Gov-|+he sentences imposed by Judge buted to an intoxicant brewed by ning is pretty well done, and the ized ae = te ee = re eee Coca New Cooper Block. Furnitu re en @ Carpets Dr W ? : = stevens is ¢ i . ~ - > pn Siow ? a yu eS, 205CUV2 5 | county 4 fe : . : see : . ‘ ernor at uishome in Opelika. Ee) Stevens ee great Eee ie the natiyes and to exposure. lumber business is now the only spree ws Ser ae oni oe Ses ore mandigne said defendant will farthe: 5 cn m " rey v . ‘ : PL mens : mie aes ay ry Pi > CAtS |. ice that he is required toappear a e ~le g bas calle. on President of the Sen- oe noe ss y on o a f he : L. Booz former cadet at work in active ee é ee i oe the eee “to de- ae meen ete a Court of said county : ~ > AS 2 AT oe ~ is ny ~¢ yy. ee a yorarily the of the land. The sentence of the Oscar av 2002, Sane, “as Se A meeting will be held at Rocky and stimulates a hast alinwe [i> be held on the 3rd Monday in February, 1601 = ~ SOS Se : ate Jelks ‘o assume temporarily the! ooort in each case was $1.000, the: West Point, died at his home in Branch school house on Saturday |Stroy the ferm disease, but abays |) ne Gourt house of said county in Tayloravatte, | aa The ‘ a “ me oma = So orgy el ’ “ eta ee ra > ne . : =~NICAS EQNCY Specto-|N C.. and answerore vr tothe compla ry Ke Pie i utes of Governor, and President) minimum tine under.the statute,and | Bristol, Pa., Monday, of injuries afternoon for the purpose of organ- | inflammation, causes easy exXpecto- |X C.. and answer os cere te poly to the i oot WW $ oa. ¥ vv acting Governor. It is| these tines when collected were to go! which his parents clean peer Ciao eiicndicmeicenat ne oiieacomatise ere bts ee ae court for the relic! Gemanded in suid compieia 2 ™ ear. 4) Hon. W es a aa : ae aie he. aca “DSS ~ an sures the patient. Try ONE bottle. | This Nov. 26th, 1g00. A. oe a overnor Samford will re-|to the credit onibe school ree ef} result of perines = me Pa — a Pleasant Grove Baptist church. ee the pence sees pats : * Clerk Superior Court. { dress 0 ze Col r Ow - Vv rC< 5 S Se r ca ~s — ee Y < C : c a. ~ wes oy, Att'y. je : ere Burke county, Now our magnani-} over two years ago. seaearnase Ll the presbytery will consist of Revs. | Recommende hs = jf ae Ae Jno. L. Gwaltney, Att'y ic 3 y, ianism. a ere mous Governor steps in and com-}tobacco was poured down his throat J.P. Gwaltney, E. N. Gwyn, and druggists in the world. or sale dy — AD Tuk F served Oe mutes the sentence in each case to/and that red pepper was thrown] "7 7. Joy pe “preach. | W. F. Hall, Jr. 7 3 . 1% are ex i re : ) SN + Senn Alvin Goodin. There will be preac cD UGA ARN bern Re cee eaitor:. > : co A Miltio: ave Nisks Nis Own Life for |3125, and the children of Burke are|in bis eyes. The story is denied at inv; at Piseah church on Sunday. a ; D R HG ¥} aid a ‘a mpm ae SS rae! Tx ere ~+ 9, “3S = “ pape tq VWact Ralins Tex: miinistrator of the \ - others. the losers to the tune of $1,400. We | West Point. Through the courtesy of the Pisgah Ina saloon ia East Vala i xas, oan notice neta : evening Altoona, Pe. Dispatch, sth. only wouder that he an t pees oo people, the new church will hold | Monday See Pate Bais + as “ Bae Caimi: FOR GENTLEMEN ra ¥ . ry Ltyy: (his p or © Vn: > = Pa : : : ’ c} ne b fess i Beanie an 3 . state OF Said Geceased LC eser oer 4 u : i. Juan, a Cheago million- — POO Con Cote ee ates ake Hobson Surely Has Typhoid. services once @ month in their] found sitting he ee a = : come for payment within twee (12) | "fj —>——°do S:ate ai ues Deen in this region |*@X tue county cf burke wi Bi eee church untila house is built. mass of flames. Pwo men, *S)' Pmonths from date of this notice or it will b B ! Cume i ‘ oe a eae reece eee Costs. Sonor 7 < y b fited Faulkner and \ Bapman, were s'aud- 3 bar of their recovery. All persons ir . AND 3 : aan ws : } z mS ee es el a ee Developments in the case of Lieu- Farmers have been ea b hit ‘a the bar smokicecigar seb losaid estate are requested to snake] +]! - _ > seCLUure : 2 eee = : : 0 “Ot e ‘bar smokicg cigars vaich- aes , : Srl i eerie accident at | Boutelte Not Abie to Attend Congress tenant Richmond Pearson Hobson, | <teatly by the good price of aS eo the mA n Yo: st to Ceath let fe ember 209. J.tM. OSTWALT R . i x Tae lee yy t sonit ey z r x a = ’ ~ e r , : Ine 2 ‘ 2s : 60 ati i Je iis November 0. J. 221. vALT, i - , : ore = sabe ae eee a es of the United States navy, who was | It Soares ee on os : = refused all assistance It is » id << Sor et v1 Leeda eae eon ee meek oe os eons :, a Congressman Charles A. Boutelle. taken to the Presbyterian Hospital ox) eae raed one Se Bain ae druvved turpentine beure sina { THE CROSSETT SHOE 's oncor E ee a Se me Of Minne : : % m ‘ a" a r sue 2eS = Ss te - re at Af — — - a ee — — — 0 ay men oe ee PEt who bas been confined at the McLean | Saturday afternoon, showed conelu- f OFiBs Such prices as on Id}ed over him anda match applic A - ; ee hi When veut fale war 3 foe . mee egal NEEL aren ge eS > that he is suffering | crop is bringing. Farmers would ]ed ove mi o Me wt EXTREME MPWPIULAR PRICES IN DAESSING Ves ipu — & fre lone 2 leacllon the Tnsane Asylum. in Waverley, Mass.. ively yesterday that he is suffering ee hen could eet eood | —_—_— ET nn nr 5 c=. 4) THE FEET LOOK FOR FIT DURABILITY, =~ aed ae : ee pe re eee for several months past, will not be | f-om typhoid fever. So far h: rvever, pears th oe a sp to ae as H Kidney Troubie rm - a Q 3AND STYLE: FIND ALL THESE IN THE, 4 oe Fae ak cng the es oresent at the opening of Congre-=/ there are no indications that the | tices for their pro tus ae ee Thousands Have y ee y CROSSETT SHOE Wareb mG Seat 1 Oe hey 1 Toe Mr r . ' : ered ae “or S 5 Pr, att classes “ z } . ~ ‘ <n Re Se gee Cla oh a m ‘Tuesday. His daughter, mis= | cvpe of the disease is severe. It was | ‘trmers prosper, a a oo and Don’t Know it. ‘ ~ ape ey pCROSSET?, ¢ fair. Te She nie as he Grace Boutelle, who has been con | said at the hospital yesterday that | 20pulation pros): «Ss Nes ee How To Find Out. » 19 NOR ASS (fe demand regcen es incon ergs part of sh} tantly in attendance upon her!vr. Hobson was comfortable a - . SCAR UMNS Ta Hi] 2 bottle or common glass with your . mee vere cat. bt ing narrow part of the| > . or eae Sho. N. C.. Nov. 20. 1900 Fill a bottle or common glass with z fi oS seen ay ne pe was imrossible | &ther for many weeks, has returned! that could be expected. The news| Clio, N. C., Nov, 20. water and let it stand twenty-four hours: a “ ¢ 1 ef) smi ‘ » escave SOssioble |, : Bee ie er ie mein 2 a pale Oe See Papicnrer | oes tna ® SEER conc ea wh< | acme: and announces that her father {| o* bis illness has caused the hospital Spe Far ex, Sediment cr set- ey G2 For Sale by earerly Pig ene ae a aa vill be brought here in a few days {authorities to be flooded with inquir- | ° : ting indicates a1 337 if° ‘Th mo oe mon gra ae umatic digeer oy:| Boutelle’s condition bas improved ' ies and with an unusual num>er of| rhree or four-rcom house in east (IGOR ee ee . att a0 like pri Ines. roo ua ppeumatic digger out ; : cine wera : ; etot : : VF tion of the { if pric m the tr moray. but in doing so was} "72s tutly. but be is not sufficiently ‘ requests to bepermitted to visit the | Statesville wanted. = errs scene a s is vw Une et tway. he ¢ == ee Nester hlece ee ' : 7 at? *s Se = ; be x { . \ ie ee een mn "i aa ues esught tw. the wreck of the runaway = no hs aor Da sically SS a j Patient. a Por the ne a ye Clearance sale of fall and winter Ln =} your hinen Moore & McLean have a full “) THE SHOEMEN. g here eled car with hemachine Both his legs | °°? D'™ to participate in the excite | sake it has been necessary to refuse clothing and ladies capes at H A. Tht evidence of line of the Spanish Root i A : ; ; for the e were erusiied and he lay piaioued in ment attending the openiag of the | these requests. Yount’s store at New Stirling and "PRL AR Rey croub 20 Soaps made from the Span- | Yo SALSA LE A eg nn nonce pace ¥, ee é ne dark: sss until the men whose] U€*5 Session. : Sa eae ee namin Soeaiae at Yount & White’s store at Stony "ONG Seas : ish Root which srows in the } eae r i - teen Ss am oo 7 rane- Te ives } --d bv his eoura > a ue eee ae i s o Poi <a i Zoecky Mountains. Tr is {= Be en SS he V d Dy Ais courage were The King Just Escapes Death. i ees i : ornt. : i ze ee the back is Rocky Moun Sore - itis @ ace: See snabled to dig bim ent of the debris | rome Dispatch, sth. [pater Resse epee se Ladies jackets end full line of dry] ..., ing proof that the kidneys and blad- purely vegetable soap, no ace ne and fallen — ave The Tiber,swollen by heavy rains,’ Screams of agony brought the po-| 700ds, hosiery and other seasonable | ger 2: ourof order. putrid animal fat ef the ‘abdorers were snigpatiyv ] 7 vurt oy £ wr. Gor r ’ IBLE YOCK. Imon was removed to the continues to flood tie lower parts of the city. The waterin the Forum today was six feet deep. lice to a saloon in East Dallas today. Seated ina chair, unable to move, soods at roc!-bottom prices at Ram- say, Tomlin & Bowles. What to Do. anere 2 euters into its compositicn. This soap bas been analyzed by ‘We Want Your Opinion. Wer, J ¥y Officers Jc nn s da s comfort in the knowledge so = — 2 ze ee ge mA *. | often exoressed. that Dr. Kilmer’s S: - experts and found to be the i tauius The Pro-|wasaman whose garments were a A Hot rime at Mills & Allison’s| oe" expre ed. eee experts and fovedto be the | mw Be : 1 ; ospital a Johustowa.w is : atte 7 . ra . oot, the great kidney remedy fulfill y sure ram ka the worl | ean ady’s ropical a J inst owe. where both his |testant Cemetery is inundated. It ‘mass of flames. The officers say | Department Store, customers falling ae ay oS Se se th purest ae the world /vome and Give It, sue OuS Wer eee He is per- {is impossible to get nearer than Eugene Faulkner and J. W. Chap- | over each other to take advantage of | 275) % ie tis natures own remeay i vctly calirand pleased that he sav- | gpg yards to St. Paul's Basilica out | i all the > hospi ‘ifs canno ’ yarty from horrible death al surgeons fear that bis be saved. side the walls. It is stated that the church is full of water, but its isola- tion prevents the report being ver- ified. Boatmen are reaping a har- man were standing behind the bar smoking cigars and watching the unfortunate man roast to death. The ofticers declare the men refused all assistance when called on. prices that beat the band. Big lot of ginghams and other zoods at the low prices opened today :6 J. M. Wilbelm’s Big Store. iver. bladder ande It corrects wit s that unvie wine or beer, and overcomes tha easant necessity of being compelled to go citen diseases. for skia Call on us and exumine the line. Moore & | | | \ Our new goods are coming in and we have some new an¢ desizble things to show you. A line of beautiful material for making RAINY DAY SKIRTS, from 50. 10 $250 per yard. Don’t fail to see our line of French Fiannels for making shirt waists. feathers neer Wa The owne Bfor it at heaid of x . 1 ‘ Ume, but vest An officer beat out the fire The AL Sherrill & Ce. will save you during the day, and to g uD, many 25 Mi 7% Outings, Flannelettes, Dur ettes €ver knew Turkey ias ordered a cruiser from re a oe = i x Pealats money on dress goods, flannels,} during the night. The mild and the e : is toa M U. “he Craw os and included in tho|,, 22 King this afternoon visited man was Sneha USD NRE | aac ee Dae cee ior Seep oe cuean and other material for making wrappers, nicht gowns, outh robes, cette a ‘gt 600 as 2a ae nen eee the worst flooded districts. A few where he died later. His eyes had |J* inmate See nied Macon aeenet eens & Ses oe iceconds)| atten he hadilldcicen along been destroyed. He was Pate Bain ¢ United Si tes for losses sustained : ? by Ameri ans during the Armenian the road leadiag to the bridge con- for many years a constable in this Two merchants named Killian derful cures of the most cistressing cas dressirg seques, etc. Come for them, they wili please you. townshi >, last Frida s of the 1 ooo | Ready-Made Skirts eal ark : a | If you need a medicine you should have the | DQn’t | Eady e n Ww mi Sri necting the celebrated mid-river county. It is claimed by the officers Broan e 2 ee Saas * | best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and $1. sizes. Doa ‘ : E tome way troubles island with the big bank of the Ti- that Bain was drugged and as he pone ae ae See ta oe You may “have a sample bottle of sais {Cough, | Weare here to supply the best. “If we haven’t your size, peer ae th» machi A doui'e Killing occurred at alber a big landslide occurred and the reclined in a chair unconscious a ae night MevenCoe Omen depot wonderf} discovery Ae ss, eae | ee = were ens and we will furnish the skirt. guarantee ntly in score in Lowndes county, Ala../arches of two oridges disappeared quantity of turpentine was poured smashed every window and then ee ee teen ea CarinTaeES ek ae. ice aes of b “uesday Geo. Wheeler shot and} The Ripetta bridge has been closed over him and a match applied. The]; ek : ee Es meen a5 tg US! RECEIV ED,A new lot of Battenberg patteras, with riag:, brai robably killed A. Waldork and|as it threatezed to collapse an was literally roasted. Shortly hunted up Philipps at his boarding | sbcolutely free by mail, > acd t’ read for making saire, 'S condi . ee sien a é as eate -ollaps fs m as | y roa, -_ 8 nouse, when hostilities were open-| address Dr. Kilmer & Home of Swamp-Root. Hali’s Cough | bi wy erris. All were white men. Thousands are watching the river. , after 10 o'clock tonight a mob of fif- ed with revolvers. All three mén} Co., Binghamton, N. Y., When writing men- : W. TON & GAGE aw = dispute over 4 settlement caused ! The dwellers in the lower ex's ef teen or tw amen calléd at the) core killed tion reading this generous 6ffé? in this paper. Syrup. AL . fre Fling. ithe city are in terrible dfstress. jet) endl fe @i the prisvhety, ; ” at a ~ % —. Se 2 ay g - ERM me val WASSCOT Notes Religio ae meena eS Sa ne u —— —_ : —_—— ~ ee Thanksgiving pute: = PERSONALS THOXMASI PATTERSON _ . ol ae — = Tht eene mectocdiog. of ape ee mene ee ET STTERSON DEAD. | THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS | vew | ee 108 to the spear esta be i x ae NERS, The New and o a ne eee a [tastes of the — eens mC. Bi ColrerioG sy oa |. ee Sea at re | tarious membor : as volver Job Asheuillo was) a 'Pronmisas ee . Secee (Dr ore = j sur © * ECT OO YS tyre fa Veple > fatnent and Useful Citizen of The Bilis pai : i cputy Sheriff W. Dp. + 2 Re | Se ieee A gooa pee ee. st week, The County Passes Away. i s oe and Other Busi-) of Mooresville “hae eB. soupy ton, cae a Taty : ee ir. ZR Cho ; as ess Transacted. rier > Has resigned. and 9 eine on took to the fieics =! : 4% B. Shelton. of | barl-tte Mr. ‘Thomas Leroy Patterson dic@ = one | Sheriif Wyeotf hax 2vpointed in J ae ; a &s are 3c reece} as ie TY is : r ne ee ~ . : { » ) ¢ aa mi “ar. ~ € nd _made the | ere last week at his bome at Troutman’s Tuesday ae eee d of Couaty : ommMission- | M.D. ee aiso of Mooresville. 4, j “ste “ ". mer S /nient » a <r a st | Ss met Mo ° EC . 2 } Succere i : = 7 TN ny s al NOTIC Sr the aes Moodv. of Charlotte, is Ros a a See oe | session Bee nie Ruan ee his entire ace ere noe —— Ss ao sc 7 Se ae aed 04 yeurs, 2 S aver fon sday. z F ~ u c e ) s far > 7 M bers owe me py Be reece tice. His health b ae days. |p yf. ©. Davidson, i. Nee Ae splendid officer. and neue made AT Many ¢ ny Sus ers 7 ee male popu. te Mill ais health had not been good for | J A Bi: kk reson, If. K. Steele and eet f : ce and bis name has ; es rete > ( 7 ; it ; o. “6 Miller spent Friday | Several years anc : > his con-/ +2 ‘+: 2!ack. were sworn j , 1 frequently mentioned ac a en:s - B 4 a wv the paper ac e of them owe with guns and dogs - sd L ee b Feiday i = and recently his COD-| Hartness. Cl nip by J. A. able side eon dentioned as a suit Mills & A I! : ‘ -more than one year. 1 expect Welkin ring with their shou... e. ition had become critical. The Cae erk of the Superior | eee oO succeed Sheriff Wycort 41SOn Ss : Soe he iene eg and those who do | Shots, driving most of the birds ana =e fuzeral will be conducted from the lived after which the Board organ- ee €n Qe retires from oftice. ur Dea De art | to pay this ill, and those v of eat dee iia aOaANN acres) eg ' residence this morainy at 11 o'clock | rts oe re-electing T. M. C. David- | ae Worthy successor to ar. Tem- Dp P ment Store. ; acl pay me may expect to havelbput we haven't heard of avy big Eee re aan. "he interment wilibe at St. mi.) °°) = oes ce anc we predict that th: i their papers stopped and their ac-! bags made by our Nimrods. Most Ga Blip Wirloncton..of Silos ~-r Troutman’s. cone a s of the newly elected on i oe had a better Officer i 4 2 Sey ; - | ‘Ars : Us y OU. . See | * s rite - } 2 WwW ale ” a t nts put in the hands of an attor-/ Of the good ladies and a few of the; . “FS. 0; 9: © eoumere 2S *S @ son of the late | og y onicers, to-wit: J. H. Wy-| “225 he will make. a agi g § ti : eee Se ee =; al] anq|men folks dutifully attended the! Vule, 1S visiting relatives fere. els ~hambersburg | (ey Sherif; WW. Turner, register Tee = & 2 Fe Z ; tor collection. Please call and iservices at our churches. A healthy! ‘is. Eva Caldwell,of Newton, has Soe 4 eed , te I ee Blaynes, county treas- ena bid & jad ; — Le sney tas = OP : a . “ _ Se a eee ae he decease -- . -G. ) i a s Eo up. I need = mon “i | winority putin the day loafing up! been visiting Mrs. W. F. Sherrill | Alfred ‘Patterson of UL. Se ae coroner, and Ira ee f Nespectiully, | a eee a Tecess iin-| 'S : Rireiere ngs ; : S, COunty survey . i > 1 = . y: epg | bOWn, Ouly taking a nee for aoe Messrs. Heary and Leon Clarke} township. One brotner, = sur- ~ad and the eee ee Ee For Collarettes. 29 i i : $ Sept. 15, 1900, A. D.WATTS. ner. The thank offerings at The | -eturned Sunday from a business!y Patterson, of Troutman’s, $ : rar S of office ad- Muffe 2 pa en 00 to $3.50 each. : : “ ee ™ churches were as follows: At the! rerernec hy, 2 a Some 20 or 25 years 220 MY. | appro... them, : MUS. F2.00 to 35.00 each. ; Bareisel chica ion Dhorasacilie | osm Oana | vives. Some - arried toMiss Matil-| ministered o. _ following consta- Fine Deess G ee pee ; LOCAL. ers ons eae | a << -¢ Newton. vis-| Patterson was mé mtr sof ta ane * = “SS S00ds, loc. to $1.50 yard. Lad; ' “ , (Ee Orphanage, $23 25; at Trinity, for; Mr. S. L. Rhyne, of Newton, Vis ae Knox,.daughter of the late Robert The bonds 0 . : .ved and the £10.00 each REonieis. a Ene, een sadies’ Hats, Sde, to ; eee ~ 5S : - | eo nga . a > f 3ms: | < Js load - ae - 7 a ee . , . * >< 4 DGVS s< lits * NS] { - ae be Thompson Orphanage at Charlotte, | :red his sister, Mrs. M. R. Adams, eae oe Rowan county, and sheé | ples-elect x aE minis 70: W. Jackets and Raby Cloaks =. pa to $10.00, C <i ; tienkel Bros. sccae® NS Car) 31168: at the Associate Reformed! this week. and one daughter, Miss Kate Patter-|oaths of = Sarge tow “Ship: Shapes of feet. 25c. to Sf >5 ae ae eect: Shoes for all ; f tine PCMAG ¢ »S Sz ro 5 = Ra : : my ue ee = / : 4 47 T< = r > Rep ee ee | udoder : 7 oads of fine horses and mules Satur-| presbyterian church, for the Grier} 1 © 5. Stevenson. of Salisbury. son, survive. , ee ae eS Bethany; C. _W- Boots, 25c. to $3 25 pair. Bis lot of Calicoe 2s ; aay. Orphaaage, at Hickory Grove, S.C., spent Thanksgiying with his States-|~ yr, Patterson was 2 cas man Reese S. ae eaile and T. G. Wal- and 5c. Beautiful 10 Pinca prick os eae ! ; } X \ »wiyjabout #20; at the Presbyterian|**, *... o si Pog rpity and a well-KnOWND, | Conner, ales ssit@; 7 so= SEIS, =. tO So OW. FI ; A Jarge numver of the newly |;a@bout ¥20; : se ville friends jin his community ms : ills = oe ee “4 his | church, for Barium Or e. Y on sitizen of the! jace, Eagle Mills. lecte p i Jered magistrates q?ulified this ee fo Bares eae se soe. Messrs. F. D. and E. P. Carlton| popular and BSN eer eo oft. cons i @urner were To elected ecial ale Toilet Soap 1 cS Cake i D6: ne ie 1S =k ; Se oe iad eines en eer rt : = : e never as Ps . “ e = > =we A tf a Oxford Orphan Asyiuin, $10.51.) and Henry Fowler, all of Charlotte, county. eee spent his life in| eounty attorneys for the year. No Gime to swap knives her ; eae es E 2 as ruyy e oe rm 22) DOSL mn, t . ao - . | ee ii S . - rR meee 8Cs Te. St Urry DY and «at : rhe beard of aldermen met last |-p;., Baptist church has #!so raised] were here for Thanksgiving ae a ee to his private business. The following bills were paid: he. saga: 1S) the bebe of the bargains we ar ae = » hurry up and vet your share * e ~ ee 0s *tTaNC “ 2 Ra = .. aye 3 7 oe atteo¢? Vs ‘ : s efi WOnid ar i ee «lid S ~ © OUer ne, ; vit. No oe of importance SAG oth ahs emeg Buildinss) 3355 Georgia Hoover, of 5 A man of enerey. ee oe CHAIN GANG. ; aE aun 1 ' Was trabsacted, at the Lhomasviile Orpesnage. ba County, is visiting at her uncle s, |, fine business capacity, 2 dimpies and ov 1e@ «mos? ‘ ac ’ = and fine busiuess ze 5 ; Clit ana : 1e@ =6mdOs? . ies aie eho ulata| & gna a eye tate. He atters: superintendent, t - : Mr. J. R. Alexander, of Alexan-} Rev. CM. Richards preached at} yy. pr 31 Mills. cuinulated a considerable estate. Hf ak 2 Seen T. J. Mur-} »itiful chine js 4] bal 4 : et ares Re tvenine service gana nis : 2-1 $30: W. W. ao OU; £29. BUC? } oiiifu! thine is that same bab- Sees ee eee ee eee eee eee a. | Mest Wea Dickinson. of (Moreen: |masoblscins tonis ocienoors, 201s We WE He k Crawford, $22 50:}* - IDES Gn ot Ree TAP sre’s house and lot on South}|at thePresbyterian churchSanday,to}| “ars. Wm. ‘sit to her aunt, ialand clever to his friends and | doch, $22.59; Pin weit! 0 B a thi qi - 2 u ar Ores 201 Ie es ’ <a y. is bere @ Vis > i oe <. Ww] i Freez $112: V ay and an re And ih Wwe j Pe etree a crowded church on both occasions. ton, is here ona oe "tend and indulgent to his wife and Benj. Freeze, $412: V .J. raw ey. un and in pain. And the rou) : zI We > S In the morning a sonata by Beeth: | Mrs. P. B. Chambers. child. The sympathy of a large cir-/$1.12; Bob Vaughn, 75c., oer mother d t] ] > The Wilke Thcomicley: Says en na, Se oe ae eee Pe uN i mat. taes e-| Will Stevens ok, $9.00; J. C.f Moth: r does not know that ITSP ee . eee ey oven was played as a voluntary by} Mics Mae Murphy, of Morganton, | aie of friends goes out to the we Will ee Cas Sees " en I x] i : taat Mr J-€-Soushee, ofS hort | iss Culver. “Fear ye not. O Is-jieft yesterday alter a brief visit tol voiced wife and daughter in their/Taompson. $262, guard; John L. little fat makes all the gis ; 7 move to Statesville in ashort]/ og) was sung by Miss Florence} vies Lortie Caldwell nt sorrow. Thomas L. Patter-| Atwell, $445, smith work; W. A. Rn A ean 1n AMS I32 Oo Q 1c time Wilsc nas an offertory. Statesville!” ~~ a pe pn te friend sua Lic death is| Kerr, $1.00, hay; The Wallace Bras tw . - . int Nams. =e : : 4 oor ‘been charmed| Mr. W. J. Clifford, secretary of}soa was our friend &&8@ slp the|Co.- $18, overalls and shirts. | “°°: So a \n infant child of me. and Mrs. W. | audiesces have often been charmed} “iN ts Oil Mills, spent Snn-ja personalsorrow to us. May Nee! Go.; BIS, Ove R ee ~- 1 opened to-day anor} a . , .- mat yey. of Statesville township, | Sv Miss Wilson’s voice, but never | be area cae ; 27 oe Great Comforter heal up the broken) Statesville Miting Co., $12.15, sup- Dimples and joy have conc Gin cen — apotber case of those fine Apron Check : bi. LOOVEY: : iene Ve Bea ag eae hen Natl seeter th: jst |day and Monday in town. eine ee cies . auochter aaee y eaeswesic S LY > torr tie ie Geen eee ID AUUOS, Seine wei and count as Laneaster. only de é.cd yesterday and wil be buried} was nee ee sweeter oe last das ae ; a acon hearts of his wife and dauguter. Bess aes a ee Sr and lett holl cS. yard: “ore sie peer and count as Lancaster, only de. sy at St. Paul’s. Sunday. Surely suca symphony oi Me. J. 6B. Green, who Is now & Con —_——»—_—— i Jisupphes, J. lL. Us » ©) 94, Sup- Ff < ‘thollows and ieai: th > vebers ¢ aud 6c, ; me x ; : ; sonnd so beautifully accompanied | @uetor on the Ciarloste street rail- Spinster’s Conveudon Tomorrow | nlies; Young & Parks, 20¢., medi- fat a Bes ts a bi ° 4] ; Barron Pressiy, a Door conn {dees much good, as it puts the hear-; way, spent yesterday in town. Night. cines; W. A. Thomas & Co., 38.33. f72 that was comtort any, [2 12 line of Queens W are, ve ¢ cizen of Caburrus county, will soon}. os yee itude of mind ie : ; oe ee ; . = rare; St yp & Son, $1.6%, ; ‘ Ml yve to Mooresville, where he is eee one Set sr Mr. Fred Bradley arrived on yes-} fn< Spinsters of Statesville, se see ears Nia Roe $211 color 2nd Curve--a]] but pit Fine Iron Stone Goods. Plat >, wih Ma MOOT: = : : anc akes the > a5 ET ee Se ene age OL : a os C3 t 3., Paik, * ih : stone G s. ates, 25c. set i oe ae : aan aes : - : oo orday morning's Charlotte passen Onvention tomorrow night | °°" oe aaa on : : - = ec : : : soul completing a good residence. | .oprive of the gospel message. Next | t eday mare eee pmeetiaic a ye -and|supplies; Pianigan-Evaus Oo., 85¢. band loveste oan Saucers, 25c. up. other lines in proportion. : 5 : > chards will be install. | ger from aSouthern business trip. |arthe College dali. The beauty and PI v . pee Ml LOVES Gone, Se: i propol ; The weather is growing cold and | Sunday Mr. Richards will be ap : side snent the| talent of the town are the mwenzhers ardware; Dr. E. E. Kluttz, $400, gis eer aandsome «ictuies. Opal Ware, B yhemian Gass, an » r wood-pile is vetting low. Wejed as pastor of the Soe tev. A. Miss Ellie Copeland Spee ne ofthe convention. They have given} medics! attention: Stimpson & The little one eets no fat Holiday goods opening daily. A big line Rubber Shoo valid be glad if some of our wood|T. Graham, D. D., will preside, Phaoksgiving he lidays at wee Be much time to the preparation of their Steele, $33 25, supplies, I. ly. Ost- = oe = : and Boots. New lot of School Books just in. Another \ Le -aserioers would call on us with af preach the installation sermon ana turning to the Greensboro Norma EE and their costumes and will | walt, $14.55, supplies; S. W. Stim- iromher food. 1 here is some- lot of those fameus Kangaroo Calf Shoes, for ladies, in - ; ioe co deliver the charge tu the Conen ee this week. etaee La ae to their ‘‘make-|Son. $1.09, supplies. aoe secs : ; to-day. If you want values come and see mo. t ee i Zev W. C.. Brown wi : el cs ; ae . : S Wrongsitis either her foo ; ‘Iv. William Henry Link, of the pees r¢ eh shoe Ray Wook Messrs. L. B. Bristol, J. Stephany ups’ tomorrow night. The enter- COUNTS HOME AND PAUPERS: 2 > 4 J Wilthel i ity of Mooresville, and Miss| or chand will question the pastor and 5S. Simon, wo pee peemssone tainment is given by Loe Eacies W. D. Eastep, $7.25, labor: S. P or tood-mill. She has had nC | . . 1 cim. 4 Rese rer ‘ Beste Seg Te a as 2 Dusiness trips, caine home Satur- Aid Societies.and is laughable in the eae 7 Wb. ad, ; 9. ©. q : Louise Hampton were mar-|,.q people according to the forms} 0" 04s! : oe Se as eee Christie. $6 50, labor: Irvin & Pos-f fat for weelke: fe Mat ; ms Siete glilveieens > in Ch: aie : raat -, | Gay. ‘the side splitting scenes, the Senate ae © O5- f fal TOY weeks: 1s livins on wh: ‘ Ln vied at the oride’s home in Charlotte/ ortho church constitution. These | 44 ee Soot and funny cos-|ton, $6.75. tobacco; W. P. Turner : : Si Mecaan ate ‘ weil te = “~ , + ‘ Toe Ne +} he tur . -4 Pigic us c 1CS ¢ >. =~ st sou . n, ee ae . ¥ 2 ce. yr : sierday. : ministers together w ith Elder FS MISS Nannie Joy "Ey Seno ie ; arene will make vor add twenty & Co., 350, supplies; City Roiler sne had stored in that plum} EER Cea we Lua ae Co ifr. M. L. Gwalrney, son of J. L.|M. Witherspoon form the committee|terday morning from puaare Eos zi ie to your sdipose iissuc if! ‘tills, $6.95, supplies; J. K. Morrison ech gse aie c . s 3 slinee Beg on Taylorsville, has|that Peesbytery selected for the in where sbe has been visiting rela- ee a) o ae pid taco! & Sons, $40 35, bacon; Poston Bros. sea 4 AY nt hers; and that i crise mi RIAP2A TS gems 22 : j cen a position as salesman with|stallation. Sunday evenin:r service | tives. “Laugh and grow tat [t is well|#.51, supplies, Lena Allison, $1.00, fone, she js Starving for fai fii ‘ ; : t ES. eta oy -Sioen Clothing Co, entering oni will probably be conducted by Dr. Nee Oia NG Gantt OGn eateie ht = cnorice of admission apart | €mporary relief; W. F. Hall, 35¢.. 4°. : ae o tac: ; i ey na fa : b= \, f ee - rrahar TPL ANS a aes ¢ var sr Gann, >> Ameliz rly. tI Gear e ~h- ‘ pf BG Rah ; ris duties last week. hee : > ly conducted Sun left Sunday night after a visit ofa from the fact that it’s for sweet clrues; Amelia and Turner Privett, tis dexth, be quick! wh ‘ bse Ss ae 3 The sale of revenue stamps at the = is es Se ‘| few days to bis sister, mrs. Jno. F. charity’s sake. Remember: The So eS oo W © A. Scotts Emulsion of Cod i sue Sat : aS se . | day morning and evening s : Sets er yi 3 & UO., BL. suppiles; Geo : : vi Sxresville office for November), </ | “ch. ¢ Ss at 2:20 p. m.. he Bowles. doors are openat ¢:50 p. m., the <. Good G 4] his ma ] wer @ilusthe foe <I es na A NG Gary} ais church, and at 3:20 p. ” Mi See catealce d t &,| ©. Goodman & Co., $1.90, drugs; C. f 1-1Vc1 ‘ll isthe tat she can Sa puouated to $37,599.59. On Satur- preached at NKestler’s schooi nouse tev. W. L. Nicholson passed|conventino is called to order @ for | E- Childs, $18.70, conveying paupers wows : ™ we alec rye oul < ws a woe ™ = . — 7 ara as . - ’ Ae deme 5 <* my oe ae 4 iay. Dec. Ist., stamp sales here: iz this township. throujzs Monday on his way to his|and the whole show can be seen for an Sate county, st take; 1i will save her. i ere $9.22.13, a big record for a Kev. 5. E. Gillespie, who had been | new charge, Derita circuit, in Meck-|the small price af 25 cents. : -& single day. assisting Rev, W. C. Brown in con-|ieoburg county. SSeS. JAIL AND PRISONERS. Fi a . ie space at eS te : Si Tir, Glover's Last Night. Bens : a i Myrtle Corinne, infant dauhter | ducting a series oxmeetings at Com-| ay. ang Mrs. William Pinkus left} ** ? oe ee ....{. BR. P. Scroggs, $6 35, conveying Raster ores ee 5 Fi of “iv. and Mrs. J. J. Moore, diedjcord church. preacaea at Js <a Sundav for their New York home} The entertainment of iue wavies prisoner from Salisbury: J. M. Dea SCOTT & BOWNE : on iy : ssi urd: nivht of whooping cough, street Church at 3:50 o clock in the! after a visit to Mr. Pinkus’ mother, Aid Society of the Methodist churck ton, $2.30, con\eying a prisoner to oo schemists , A SI to $5 reduction, according fi] The remains were interred in Oak-jafteracon, Methodist | Mrs: Hella Pinkus. given at xr. J. B. Glover's last night jail; Dewitt Cloaninger, $1.00, con- See i dstyle, has been made f : .wood Sunday, Rev. J. H. Pressly As the lighting of the Meth ist Slee aes nccuneeetees fairly well attended and a de- veving a prisoner to_ jail; J. C. BOe. and $1.00 to size an Style, as peen made iy ‘uctipy the burial services. church is not complete Kev. M. A, Mr. dno. m. Coauelly, ond b ~ “.,_tlightful evening was spent by those | Tnompson, $2.10.conveying prisoner { ~~ ohh oven eeee * el rng naa en tover| Smith conducted morning and af-jter. Miss Mattie May Compe as whg attended. Refreshments were|to jail; D. C. Thompson, $123.70, | ~~~ Wanted ~’ oa + i tr) tue & art srocres We } e 7 Ny i iG y ‘ t = :: x ; eae = é ; 4 - t Deputy Sherifl Sao De eeweta ternooa services. tended the Newlaad-Seagle wedding} oe ced” feiano selections. by Misses] boarding prisoners, Fry & Phifer, ~““ at nee & wee )« woel a a < AAs - Se Inc »pele os : i p ES ne é. - f ' ~ nary — wee K Seed who| Soruing and afternoon serv ices }in Lenoiz Jast week. Casey, May worrison and Howena 31 00, disinfectants; A. H. Boyd, AA Tse OR FOUR-ROOM ‘house in cast ; palgngnb maelos acres es poe Oe Ee ee Trinity church by Rev.| \i5. Emma Wilson, left yester-|Cooper, and recitations by misses|$14.03, conveying prisoners — — Statesville. Apply at this office. Dec. 7th mentl ox » chi: ‘ . ~ ty : = . : : ¥, 9° BRR | i DO AL oes = rl i ° SSS ena SADE RS ST tee pete se oa py | Roval Shannonhouse. day morning for her home in Tay-} Marie Long, Sadie Lewis and May | Caldwell county: © D. Tem soe Henkel Bros. Yi Bae to ca: QO iame 29, ANG UO Soe 2 — ie i Rev. James Pressly excbanges}j..~_o:11e afrer a visit to her sister. Cooper were the entertainment fea-| 3255, conveying prisoner to ee — 2 nee ea ooese fi Ris Py aay et =v molice teursday. 7 . “ 7 - oF . ’ - 4 = > au. ar *g tO arrive on Sdtur “ Ce st. 3 i he SaGsOuRN POMC et Ppalpits, Sanday with Ret. Woe |S Gi @iomoson: tures of the evening, and all were ae = Comcundiecinie eT een ' ibs : fe-srs &2 J. Brewster, of Wash } Love: Mr. Love preaching in the | D.u 3 eicoco ck heartily enjoved. When it eyes 3 ROADS AND BRIDGES, Seo en e et ” STS we J. aij a rE - e = 2 Messrs. D. : c 2 t- ae > a ; ’ > aes FON aye ~~ SE Tr MAS Ss. finished and rorygh eG netton, aud &. H. Brewster, Jr., of morning and evening at the JA S cai Cece aie inte giving delightful entertainments |. RS. Hart ness. $33, lumber ; T. A. rome Address <* THOMAS EROS. i Pouadeiphia, came in last week for] P. churca pere and Mr. Pressly, ro nee ies are ee poneaen Mr none excel the Methodist ladies of | >t¢% tt $1: a building bridge: J.{ _Septisty.. Ss Middenite. NC. a tLe shooting season, which they | preaching at Aiaiy in the morning. ig ae ey nae S, MIT. | Statesville, W. White, $2.26, lumber; N. T. Sum- Another Bie Lot of Furs Ke will spend on the fara of eee I re ae Re _ eee ee apenas os raeeer ———— Ware eae me Be Senitt em my He s 6 a ia : “)lison. near Turners r, Sdward S. Reaves, the pastor, whoj «very Chambers came in yes- ear = - arren bridge: B. N. Smith, $5.00, Stas asky V4 shui! Allison, near Tursersburg wiward S. be : . ea - avery Ons Scame in yes-! Mr. Louis Anderson Mfarricd. : pws x Boe Just received at : , ae at is attending the State convertion 19 | ta.day ‘rom “Mocksville, where he ; : lumber; Dellinger & Morrison, $5 85, Made by Geo. E. Nissen & Company. i} State Labor Consent ct session at Raleigh, there will be n>). boc: relieving the agent there. Ga T uesday at the home of the flumber; L. C. Wagner & Co.. 7de., Walls & Allison’s. iy tia ry Lb. Vareer, editor of the . ext preavuing at tke Baptist church | who wa- attending court ms s father, Mr. John Haynes, in| lumber. pele me 3 . i Dispatch, “and Miss Anba}le oa. PP, --a Mrs. Reaves left!" 7° ™* 7 Y aroleen, Rutherford county, Miss z 3 ne patch, “and = M eS) Sunday. ey. and Mrs. Re aby ye ; , a ? ee: COURT HOUSE AND GROUNDS. rt Forenco Comstock, of Utab, will yesterday morning fur aizlcigh and! “Irs. S. D. Swain and children. of| Lillie Haynes was married to Mr. em : * Sale of Prope y- 3 : J eee . ena . ee . . . y, dey? 7 - x re 4 cree he S i 5 - red at the home | of the) Ciiretura Monday, Mrs. “Hacey 2--<"'lle, spent Thanksgiving with | Louis E, Anderson. The bride and], C. B. Webb, $677, marble and | BY YIRTCR ofa decree of the Superior Cour This 231 day of November, 1900. 4 esuncle, ur. T. L. Moves, ia Burke an@ Miss Cora Brown felt: ‘“Swaluy {other and mother,|groom arrived here Tresday morn- brick work for court house grounds; tled J. A. White, administrator of Ira Wooten. so area ar zi i See eer | Tunslay tor tia Baptist State Coa-|3& aud Mrs-J. 8. Leonara. ing on w visit of some days to Mr. | Young & Conner, 68e.. drayage: W, | deceived vs Tiiomas Keneyer ‘et ale. T's i Wests . ' : f ; we a ~“() * . a sella auction for casha ac > cS 6 EE EE Gece ead naile oicn colon . . Worley Fieming left yester- Anderson's father and mother, mr. | H. H. Gregory, $70.39, turfing: LOIS anorenctateoaitle eNNC on ny Sarry, are both quite ill with} Rev. W. Lb. wevz, the pastor, | ay morning for his home in War-|224 ¥ts. V. ©. Anderson, and other} ¢ourt house yard; Frank Belt. 3.00, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22ND, 1900, < Sa Ey EC een CURES 2k vev. oa ae eee De ; > cae : s relatives evo “om here laying turf: V. C. Holmes ve... re- fat 12 o'clock, noon, the following described ‘ever. Mrs. R. A. Lackey. | sreached Sunday atternoge 1., after a visit to his cousin ‘atives. They go from here to mr. | @ying ; ee ine Sia a ES - “i = ¥ : r3;e@ve a Se . the 4 Y.} DrOache : she stig Slt : a 7 x . >: . ivi : ’ enc = 4 S situate 7 y edell, N. ©. a ee BU ae nat at ag com ort ees ora Sa Luther aati oe, N_M. Flem; *}Anderson’s home ia Birmingham. | Pairing door; S. W. Stimson, $3.40, ana onniaes ase ono caie eee Flanigvan-Evans Hard Ware Vo. fin, ~% Mrs. Gregory's daught-jovelock in the Lutheran church. ene Ala. The groum’s many Statesyille{supplies; Peck-Hammond Co., the | “Beginning ata black oak in Martha Gaither’s > ‘ i ue ie oe eiecer rnin as- act Se "Ca . ron Pal aa : : eee E Srou 5 ¥ ~al t 2 - ; erg anne oe Rane : ate aS é = oe e fence Ie t4 er ar at ectercay Morning toas-| Last Saturcey morning at Ibovelock} fav js Ey Audersuu, ot Green-|friends wish him and his bride all {balance due them for heating; J. U. | line, thence North 25 chains, s7 poles to. 2 pos! AGENTS. t tesioy her mother and|/the joint counGii of this pastorate! ....4 Va I % - este : eenage Raters Hes 2 Lamprecht. $18 62. w d oak, Joha Current’scorner, it tre RS ; si in 2 < 1a: 7 iS j 00d. Va., who has been visiting | the happiness that the coming years amprecht, $15.62, water. line, now Asbury Hayes’ line, thence North 60 ; ; was held in the church tere and the} ir. N. M. Fleming, left on yester. hold: a = Sap ROB Fe tia te NN al Se . | East with said Gaither’s line formerly, but_nov Z Ne sch Paces cite erat ee Patuersen, baguage|regular routine business for the] 0 0.7: sa a ene REGISTRARS AND JUDGES OF ELECTION, | Hayes, 10 chains to a biack gum, thence South ERS Ee a aS NR OS . 7 “ plgrning’s vestibule for his -—— -_ -— n . . 30chains toa black oak in Hiram Campbell’: ‘ir a . 6 ° : ae = 5 :v = : 3 . : aoe ir. J. P. = suioule, wro had | year transacted. Rev., W. L. Darr me. Death of Willie Burgess. 5 The follo ing registrars and line, thence West to the beginning, containing iIn-sieron the Ve. ¢¢ absence, ca-| will contiaue in charge of the pas- ; judges of election were paid, some | 25!4acres more or less. ; } eereors < rs } ; ; ~e cary 7 = . + .A. WHITE, vecn home ona leave ¢ Priday. Mr. torate. Miss Frankie Staley, of Wilkes-| _ After a lingering illvess of sever-| for services at both August and No-} ry: xovember cos Cominissioner. turned to his work las ‘~juved in af Rev. M. As Smith will preach inf boro. who has been here attending | 2! weeks, Willie, son mc. and mrs.] vember elections and otbers only for} _w.G. Lewis, Attorney. ) ttare en a sae ms c . = ~ tha * * —— pa : ae c : ~o : oon % 1+} ~ente . a A) . ft - ~ P:tterson was slightly 1. °° jnas en-|the Methcdist church next Suoda;|the bingham-Lewis marriage, left J. B. Burgess, died at his father’s -ae November election: R. F. Gaith TO THE TAX-PAYERS |" 7 } T \ r \{ ) wreck some weeks ago bu- ° at ll a. m. and 3:30 p. m. , on yesterday moraing’s Taylorsville | #0me near Harmony on Tuesday, at] er, $1, C. A. Dearman $3.12. R. V. A A ~ eS 2 ab L Fes thely recovered. aa NOE ae OR ; train for her home. the age of 185 years. The remains} 3ayggarly 31,4.R.Tharpe,$1; J.Chap. —_—-. WHOLESALE AND REVAIL GEYER (1 WERUCHANDENE, ; = Fy Lewis-Bi a ' will t i k > Zi Yi ] zi o £9 > > 2 abt os mPa Seen a ee ea eee - ~=-s eee = “ 7 ' ewis-Bingham. oe : f will be taken to Zion adkin coun- |} Purner $3.06, B. B. Webb $3.12, M. Sa © \ great eee oe Sere \- a 7 ; Mamie Lazenby, who bas}iy for burial. the father and moth-} H. Shoemaker $3.24, B.B. Edwards Of Iredell County Who Have So atesville music lovers in the ente Mr ee. 7is and Miss “fc Hel psec. i> the census ofG a +t mj ° aa pela gg eae ote : ' ai i I O d S i tu nment to be given by tne Enoch. ~~ Bs Miss “Leon | °° Washincion eee oe one er, two See and two sisters}S1, A. S. McKay $3.21, J. M. Deaton Not Paid Their Taxes. n rderto S : : L ee i i = 22O0C0 . r Tr T arried Tuce {O° ' , ryt Vl Sidle aule, tou ied survive im <3 D1 J F D ws 272 18 W D A n Cencert Company at the eol- | ~ EOmainelns ap pee ne tCaturdag as the. work ber 6 sapere - a : Soe Se ee eee ae , eee lacreta ms om LOW U! le« on Jan. S 1901 The ey da, aos ear ae ee Sle oe Pe hep ae of her de-} the deceased was a boy of bright}‘empleton $3.43, W. C. Wootea OU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED to come for- a certain amount of goods we ye sell from Andale welll bel icon ne eraiees ee rn ren rete a he bride S mother, Mi | Pariine Gb1s completed, prom.se and of dutiful and upright|s3 06, P. B. Kennedy $3.21, E.G. ward and <cttle your taxes. The law ont good goods at very low prices for cash. W Se tere Sic ill bak ahiotomicgs DNS eect Rev. M.A. Sip, , ‘ir. J.P. Patterson, of Asheville, life. The sympathy of many friends | Gaither $3 39, P. C. Carlton $4.05, , reqires me gap cetocase geerangekcel omad Dress Goods, Silks and Velvets, just received, that wall be es F merforted < oO an Mays} anu eusiacer on the Asheville & Spar-}| 202s out to the stricken family in] H. P. Grier $2.88, W. P. Johnson $1, | and have collected ony a eae aera oan this sale. We have the woods and are yong to sei] ibem, >o 4 So wraeae y rs “ 5 ee y f@SNOT.. He ‘ fe see z + - : " : as , + axes as yet. = ‘ ake 2 rou a er ot MrIiCeSs _ + six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. | prankie Stale, Vv, 2 ukesbors, pire | tanburg Wailroad, was here this} their sorrow. M.A. Feimster $2.10, R. S$. Morri- | (x25 Sonnet lean tise SEA RSooD LOND and see goods and get prices. H. A. Ludwig died at his home near in occdaae vtuarch. There Wes!week ona visit to his father, Mr. son $1, W. F. Browniag $2, W. W conning up and aaa your aa once, asi Ww 7m Movresri} "ridavy of cearlo nee eters ‘ 3 vanes . > relotircc. § ae aes : 5 Sick. 2) OF a NS vill advertise al iaqvents this year. L : + tesville Friday of scarlet fe vet’ | oe attendants and . oly the resets’ = iIambs S. Patterson. He returned | The Sick Holland $2.27, J. L. Holmes Soo -dL | ahaa mequinesticatatanchooleae which is ese ee i +*° funeral services were conducted and afew friends of v. Scene lig Aepeville Tuesday. mr. Willie Hill, who is ill with ty-] 8. L. Poston $1, J. P. Barkley $1, a lange proportion obtire taxes, shall be paid by The R SG G 2b ad. Vy} i B. WOrsets. from the residence Se rdav hy Pew {~ Stee ani hes be : : . a iN re es ise his the 31st o ember, ° . ve D tl residence Saburday by Rev, parties were present. a. C. one SF eee “oS Loui phoid fever in Spartanburg, S. C.,]&. A. Cooper $1, D. H. Brantly $2, State taxesmust de pald early in the year. S rev. ¢ ait vy" 2yr Vas r x} = oe hgh " “sve C Sq. y € ) c- wine : ee ' . r ae = =t*, oe < . a, 2 » SOUL. ty sc have n ey to * in the Mooresville copietery. ‘There| r,s Sherman and Miss atl act weak tc take decootinss| "25 much improved at last reports. |N. H. Marsh $2, W. D. Pharral.S. | andi camethe county man nave mony te] 8 oe we BB. erect form, they = Ene eee a SN eS A There Bineham and Frankie Staiey, os te 1LaSt ia te a b re men d mr, W. P. Turner, who has been] A. Hoover. $1, Dz L. Webb, 32, J. this money to micet these dema nds. | : and wive more comfort than envy oi ber made Bie stock !s no Carlet fever in the town, Wilkesboro, were present. Soon] >) | cuit prod it to break t < Will ill for some days, is about again. W. Clark, $2.06, B. F Holton 31, SE Sonicoonty Kid Gloves. sizes 5} to 7}, uli colors and black, : oe ws - ,i m “ = Aveo JIN 2 fae Day? . ~ i a % . Loe ee ay eriff Ire: ° 40 omy Ieee * me ar 9 htt = me és fhe Pythians eive their tirst so- after the ceremoay Mr. and Mrs. 1 tne late Dr. W orth. of es Ma]. P. B. Chambers, who has R. - Hill $3.21, J. EH. ceonpmaan $2, November zeth,. 190. at $1.00 per pair. Bie stock of Hosiery and Kuit nderwear, cial session of the season tonight.|Levis and the Wilkesboro gues | ir, Long appears for the defen | been quite unwell for some weeks,1s d C. Shinn $3.09, V. C. Montgom cheap for cash. Ladies’ Knit Petticoats for 50c. and $100. We 1 . oey . ft for Tillkees . rhs nor le - arvss = } . ? } XN 3 _ ¢ . iin. W. D. Turner delivers an ad-jleft for Wilkesboro, via Taylorsville, | 0 ye now much better. : aS ene oe can save you money on ladies’ Jackets and Capes, so come and see us dress on some of the lessoas of Pyth-} where they will spend a iew <a: urs. W, H. H. Gregory and little MISCELLANEOUS. ) 8 ‘ = ay 8 & + ye t i sc a n ia l : E jE 7H at : ce sB OR ° oP ae SO PC P ET ee OS LS M Pa d eh ND E EE CM P AL Se OM E N S ON NR E PE R E NS OM at e s ae OR N S LE S T SL Ly ee e Be r e Oe y y i Sliver % a) otoyy ye “SOK! C fore you buy. en mone eoiscomments alte oo Sy fM d Mrs ie —— son, Harry, are quite ill with ty- Dr. H. F. Long $20. salary as before } y served. <All members of the order ie STOoM IS &son Orin. and Mrs: | wad Das rh a id fever. e sician: J.P. Williams £12 : are erie eke noone L. N. Lewis, of Concord mare. ae See cies Meee poe Robert White has been sick ae aleceoces ee Shoes. shoes. ad are cuaranteed ; snjioyable |and the foreman ino this office. e€}Sunday accompanied Dy .! 2 eae re Wreacee Tes = : 3 : pa Shee 5 ean ee ~ aaeabs xuaranteed an enjoyable ine as many of the good traits of| Whiteand Mr. V. E. Lackey, who] for several day Soe Western Uxion Telegraph Co. $1.94, Fresh Eggs, Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes. We are right in the lead on Cv cHIne- ie ota NI 7oung man wel returned to Statesville Monday. Houston Jobnston iaxes erroneously charged; Z. M. ;, Chick this line. We have shod more feet this fall than ever before. Wh Field Secretary Bryan. of the EE as any young re > ee Death of Mr. Housto oe . Foard $20, salary as janitor; J. A. Fat ickens, Bicsiss! Weaes Collings a dame? BOMD Shoes SI G8. Coie aca El oe ea ca pees snDOW. i ; Mr. W. E. Ancers y 23 * Hous t n died at his] Brady $9.85 inti iS: ; se a og aa rare “coimtundapmigat,eodaer'a| tos brides gdaugher of tne iste) taa trom Charotie wont gustan sohawon Set tg] eens 5, peng and Deeks] Geese, not picked, | Lari iter gunds ai sunerreucton Ceinhe in *sGay nice « eliver ¢ : >: y 5 * sh oy - bad . : ’ < avi A> p*4 ° . ° le ure here on Sunday School work. | Major H. Bingham. a leading mem | 1 "1.4 been on a business trip. He night, of heart disease. aged abcut! srinting. tbe Landmark $5, advertis- Fresh Butter, Yours truly ; Te lecture was postisoned on ac-| ber of the Iredell bar, and a ae <topped over in town on business("")* ris death was sudden. ing $5; J. H.Wycoff, sheriff, $22.50 Hr N. B. Pills SG Co. = lee : : te : = eee tines vy f SO! = = ie & oy Vee . 2 Ue “i : . . : wee ¢ unt of lack of notice: to the people lady hele a eect cree DS here, returning to Sparklibg Ca The deceased was a son of Mr. fees and expenses at caurt; W. H. Corn. Peas, Oats and all i © a d :breatening bad weather. Mr. eS ; ee ke panera Mr. and | t=" 84 Springs yesterday. Edward Johnston, of coe \llison $4.28, stationery; W. W, kinds of good country pro- — - ee n i a age nl eu We beartily congratulate Mr. aa¢ pe ce ea oe rife hh} i P S54 5R _ = ° 7 any i = weeps ‘ t - xn left on Wednesday morning Seren pans upon their bappy mar-| Mrs. Minnie Murpby.of Davidson, and seer and checren. Be tied ani oe ar of the ances: W a pay highest ne een ae =. ; ij Yes ibule for Salisburry. riage and hope for them all of life’s|and Miss Minnie Morrison, who is was a $006 oe en icmeproriars oan j Mt. AK. Eee Ne a cash prices. ) RA fis CREE RA oy 3 ry ‘ “] Good breaks at the Farmers’ blessings. teaching near Dewitson,. spent Se @ whe sympatey Gi vB Seep ee eee se ar: —__ FiP - ie - TATE bhava { a k 4 brernga ; reborse this we:ek, and prices -_————— Thanksgiving holidays with rela-)pers me ces Se at mg ara eg ia SOLO TP ELIE LIES iL oi tS +) fair. Tobacco of all; grades is in good A New Grovery Firm. tives of Miss Morrison in Concord iereinesoiGiemnel So ean Scorn, Nr non oer ginctaed Ta Pe a fs demand, especially good wrappers.} Messrs. J. R. and M. P. Alexan- | township aud 1 Statesville, return- Mr. W. H. Kimball has purchased iene for ee pe B ee ; ie pases : 7 ; Suckers and fillers, or anything/ger, both sons of the late A. L. ing to Davidson Tgesday. Mr W é Wright's interest in the ee = aaa ‘ & ¢: with colors,:a’l ich « ; are f Shi shi y i . wy ie Sat hance nent . " . sass = . ? ease aie os ae ee a es Somer Bane Mr.S. B. Miller returned ridgy grocery business of Wright & Day-| Misses Carrie and Miriam Clarke a $ =a ely conan: oS I or oo bought the grocery stock of Messrs. | ¢ om Rowan eounty, where he had valt, and the business will be con-/jeft Sunday for Lancaster. Pa., : ra 7 mo) ee ee about | Moore & McLain, ang will continue been tosee his foiksand te attend] +i. ued in the present standin the] where they will visit their grand- 2 good second-hand one-korse +, use prices tor sanie grades last year. | the business in the present stand on the marriage of his wrothe’ Mr.S.| Hotel Iredell building. Mr. Kim-] parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hoffman. wagons. One is a spring SK ies ; Tuesday night tke lodge ef Masons Broad street under the firm name of E, Miller, who was married on W ed- ball has had experience in the busi- They will also visit in Baltimore, wagou che other a heavy iron £ j here elected the following officers Alexander Bros. Messrs. Moore & nesday. Nov. 28th., to Miss Cornelia ness, and the new firm will doubtless |and will be away tiil January. Mr axle wagon. Also 1 set Har- \ ey Ga 4 {or the ensuiny wear: Master, S. L. } McLain are members of tbe States- Sloop, at the bride’s home, in Mit-|@o weil. Mr. Wright bas not ma-]| Emile Clarke went with them as far ness. Wilibesoid at a bar- — aParks: Senior Ws irden, J. D. Coch- wes ae Ge eronolesole ee anda, Rowan county. tured his plans for the future. as Baltimore. He will return today. gair: Tor.cash. VERY business man who expects to Tone; Junior Warden, Julius Wal-;and Mr. McLain will devote a Ss s —6.19“— ae increase his business and be in the lace; Secretary, C. J. Jones; Treas-| time to that business. : At the home of tne bride near} .... Holmes Wilson,of Tennessee, | __ ee See S. Powell, of Asheville, COOPER & GILL. AU een See pecadann Cae push eee printing done and wer J W. Guy,. The newly elected The Messrs. Aiexander will move Charlotte last Thursday evening, who has been visiting Mrs. D. C.}is here today. LL | he wants the best—printiag that is at- Oficers will be installed on St. | their families here in the near fu-| yr, A. Walker Bradley, son of Mr, Thompson, of Statesville, and otker . The Mascot racic ie fe ee ee Josn’s day, Dee 24th. ture. They are_ live, energetic ]and Mrs. J. P. Bradley, of this town- relatives in Iredell, went to Sloan’s e ! e ! ) ; | ioe Re ie Bat solored. found a! 70U9# men and will doubtless suc-| ship, and Miss Minnie Dunn, were Station yesterday to visit relatives YT1S mas 1xr1S mas o| 2 P * ti Cc YOU WILL FIND US lot's black hag ene nd. | ceed in their new business venture. | united in marriage, The groom is}>% there. She will remain in this ; rinting VO cae os sie Hse eemmnicds he Oe an Iredell boy, and is now living in Soe until next spring ) ‘| prepared to do your pane in the g*e*bers on tk .e Island Ford road He is ight and |S : mr =| latest, up-to-date styles and at prices med: ; on ; : 2ssrs ; sly,s ,.|Charlotte. He is an upright an x ue palit : " atest, up eS ene fener gt oe ene Juss Watts’ olr 1 mill Saturday night. . se Be ees Credo young man, and we| mr.andars. A. P. Barron spent Dee YOU realize its nearness? The question will soon ) | too low to mention. We do printing re wnescan get the hat by Ce ea ‘a Wait . nof W. T Watt. hove the future holds much happi-|Thanksgiving with mrs, Barron's be uppermost as to what you shall buy for presents. if 4 | that will help your business aud 3 u'll | a os Mrs. . Watts’. We have Es : of Shiloh commits ‘left yester- ness for him and his bride. brother, Rev. R. G. miller, D. D., in you will inspect the following lines which we are now dis- ) ¢ | be pleased with our work and prices: feard of men | osing their hats ROCCO ey See a er. Sardis, Mecklenburg county, return- playing it will help tosolve the problem: Books of all kinds, ) | —<—————— time, but thi: ; is the first time we, Gay for Merkel, Texas, and Mr. G. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ralph Hall, and} >*" h Fridav - ata L: Fine Stati ara ae aaa ) A AS ‘i Siete y, ¢ Mr. J. A. Deal, of| .1; ' rei Miss | 12S home y- lic. to $5 per vol.; Fine ationery, handsomely boxed; Go ) pev-r knew ale dy to lose hers. | Wade Deal, son of Mr. J. eal, children and Mrs. Hall’s sister, Miss é : P Pencils and Fountain Pens: Art Novelties: Sterling ) « ~ % r oe =1+),1 | Shiloh township, left at the same Ne Gillespie, allof Lookout, Wyo,.| mr. E. . Purdy, of High Point, ens, Penci I een ee NOPE ; g yj | j eos x = of Shiloh | tense for Stillwater, Okla. These Belle ¢ ys week from their far the superintendent ofthe Key Fur- Silver Articles; Toilet and Manicure Sets; Celluloid Goods; ) Pre) township, suf fered ¢ i init : ? 2 ~~ | came in las a G 0 = é . : : 3-7, ae - ) = day. While pamit! inary | young men expect to make their western home to visit friends|niture Co., avd his wife, spent China and Opal Ware; Fancy Lamps and Vases; Work and ; ‘ast Friday. While operating his! YOU"S ! away weste +s P. B Wastepaper Baskets; Large line of Dolls and Toys; Combina- ) | “tas mill nez r Rock Cut he was in} Domes in the West. All epee aia and relatives in old Iredell. a8 Thanksgiving here at mrs. P. tion Game Boards and Games of all kinds. When shopping 4 “ 7. : : sellent young men, whom the li and his family are with his|Key’s. me a ene way ca ught in the belting excellen Sis tle Hall and his y cS y ce th. eens y. and was thrown cig. | county can ill afford to spare. ey father, Dr. E. A. Hali, in Bethany| \.. tem Patterson was called to call and see. » ee ; fat'y into tk ie saw pit. He had both | Will doubtless succeed in the West. | ownship. Miss Gillespie is visiting | tmans Tuesday night on ac- ESET FES | Ring us up—’ Phone, 35- has of his” eight arm broken, and! +2 Mascor follows each one of them. |ca5¢ and Mrs. John Parks. Mrs count of his uncle’s serious illness. W.H. AI iLLISON ? airy ™) nant TRIES | Or drop usa Postal Card ‘Printing that pleases hobably ree eived internal injuries.) Mr. Esley O. Anderson spent a and ate cel eeo send He returned Wednesday morning. - x ne oe Dy -10-DATE TRICES, i if you wish- ace ant eet se as ii Sea Seer toppers inc wi i 5 Mr. | Gilles spe . " te ax AARP RO sconditio a was, quite precarious’ Thanksgiving with his parents Mr.; Gillespie wi : 3 i it ury, visited . 024 tawhile, but hé is now getting; and Mrs. W. E. Anderson, at Spark-| Mr. Hall isa Wyoming sheep ferm ae of Selby: an VARIETY STORE. ST/AcTESVIDKB, N. Cj r, ! ling Catawba Spritgs. er and has done well, er aunt, ’ ; ee Pellet eonegetomtant _ Sree TN ee mere bere dm oe. . ts - “A — “yt Cin lene ta ‘ Po . { sf _—- rome aie iia — SRYAN ON tls DEEPSEA. A Mistake Somewhere. atlanta Comstitu The Place of the Minority. tion. Why We Raleigh News and Observer. Prosper. Shortage Shown After Death. Cincintrati Dispatch, zoth. AN The amount of advice which Re-} There are now io operation in - The accounts of George R. Grii- us __ ! = Sie ' . 7 os 7. ~ : - = ‘ + mwac plerl: £ he Racy f a oo hears CWO AD 2S) < all this the caplesiate publican organs are heaping upon! North Carolina, 900 saw mills, and fiths, who was clerk of the Board ¢ ; Money. the Warand Prosperity: re brioging us from Manila? W hat sie Democrats just now is as Com-/ 3% shingle mills. In addition it nas Educa tion here for 15 vears prev) ea “a : ope the Causes. does it mean—this report of active p ite as it is amusing. | 4x2 pi: tining mtls-and sash, doorand ous to his death, on October 1, 1:00, & z : : . | pOslte as Ss Soap Ae i per eral ee =100 esa kA) k Dispatch, 26th renewal of hostilities on the part of The Baltimore Americ bas blind fac tories, 65 factories making are Set seast S100, 000, EG it is f { nee Rrvan contributes. to {the Fi lipinos ¢ . \thrown several shovelfuls into the} furnititure, chairs, showcases, etc., thought tha t when the exact umount £ \" j eval T vurr. t ty Wi A , ~ i > ‘ . > rpownt > vs Bl Review anar-| Can it be possible that the inrelli- | \heap, and threatens more lat er on. |/3G making wagon:, carriages agri-: of the stealinys becoines knov 2 th a neriean Review ana 1 1s, Cal At = z sy prenne eR Lape : > . eN At sti prea of 1900, ‘tn leent inhabitants of those island ’ | Taking a recent declaration of Mr. |culrural implements. ete., 25 making will be found to bE Nearer UUs Ks . Ot ire the result, the| who followed with suc +h breathless | Bevan that ‘the fact that our par: | Boe crates, V reneers, ete., a total that sum. His speculations covered as VC - Sais nats a ence {anxiety the course of the American he is in the minority does nox relieve] of 306 establishments engaged in | the whole term of service as clers o = SG OR Hee Dr gee om : | pre ssidential campaign as told in the ‘Le represe sntatives of our party} wood working. which employ much the school a The auditor's ex- ei ae hove won 2 Sig: | duily bulletins received by Aguinal-|- 71, 4, pposing all legislation, which, | sizilled labor. |perts say that he appropriated % Guestions Sp: re KR _ Es ster victory. | do and his followers, have not ye ¢| rom >» Democrati ¢ poirt of view, Ten years ago this industry was in}nearly all the tuition fees pai e se fo Wor mei z a »mnen cre : ae : al 1 UDE i . ii at or Qe | = r bor ao ae made by | learned that Mr. McKinley was re oa ems harmful.’ The American its infancy. Ithas come to be the non-resident students since Lovo, r : > thau U erent os At the time |elected ? Surely there is something | woes on to declare that this is not| most protitable of all manufacturing | He kept one private carh book ic ee a = ae ndicated. : ! - 5 ee a Te ie seer ars AOAIATe erp toarreonlaT on. * ez : e é Cea ean the returns | wrong somew here. : the right conception of the duty of|jndustries in the eee The furni | which accounts were cc rrec tty n re rae ey > lies : SS ee ae mplete for care-} We all know—tor it has been i minority. That duty the editor |¢ure of ‘several factories is shipped | tered, and he bad other fraudulent oe woken cvery a Sor ¢ ientiv complete i ta : ‘ x ak aon . : ge Ne etree h = “ith forved halances : a t paste eS A er deummed —o our ears for montnos| wes on to define as a full acceptance | jnto ail parts of the United States, cash books With forg a Hasanie If answer “yes” fo aay of » 3 f ate Ath "1896. the, that the only thins that was | Of the programme of the majority. |thus changirg the old plan which ‘made to fit the case of each exer in these qenstons you have ills ai which & . Sa a ene East and | keeping the Filipinos in the heia) |. quse the people have so ordered. sent money out of the State for fur- ane as it might arise He hed Wire Caordut cures. you & eeeput ae ac while the Cen-} was the hope of a De mocrati Cc vic- Hence itis argu ed that Democrats |} niture and the like to the better plan | forged receipts for WOREVS purport-| aperectate what ect beaith would - 25 : : Aree ita a States ‘showed tory in the presid tentie COMLEST- tin Congress shouid vote yea in ad-|tuat brings money into the State for ing to have been paid by him to thé be to you? Alter taking Wie ei ; yb ‘ i sie chanve. Again, | bere was nothing else, “according “ance to every proposition coming|p modace of our own factories. And, | city treasury, the forgery cousist ins Cardui, ae ore pares :: -- a: i : & piers “ly. the Democrats |to the Republican leaders. the ad-| oom a Republican source. The|great as this industry has become: jof fraudu! = signaiures purporting ae indigestion stars menstrual si z : SOOO weradly, to ‘ 7 - aie a we ‘ en “Vy havea 2 5 s? : NA > pe sigt aft the 5 . rate + a wee cities, aad lost | ministration Oe ams ane ine American urges that what Mr. Bey- it is destined to grow and EO oe ie th ee disorders tit are not noticeable at \ 9 xe Sh SRR AT: C We ee . ak er cities and in the coun- vationa. committees eh Biss oe an should have said would be in and more add to the wealth of ine |city trea wsurer. fenton Sauter | auc ioet day by day steadily. grow 3 3 RES S a St: i eet : junct—the war de Dee nt i aa bese words: ees. Scace- : ete Griffiths was alwa ys a mone Eee into trou f-some complications, Wine : ‘3 ge mee is &Fx> + lary. D } th ie P hilippine trouble eae Den = "The fact that our party is in the Commenting on the profit North horses, dnG 3 15 thousot that esau of Cardei, used just befere the men- E : Ee a 283 & zat eS hs Cred ° ANS HAD LARGE PUND. ithe F ilipir no leaders weré pict sured minOvity is proof t that the nation ap-| Carolina has derived from this! most of the money bacting his f ry strual period, wiil keep the ee 5 ¥ Se Bo : Pe : : ‘ or aE: r ’ . y Coawe ¢ {2 ‘ ’ AMAwnh TH ) “ 4 tee 2 = Le. 5 . “ i ty had a reat ad- \, is receiving me 7 Bry telling of t 3 yeoves the Republican policies. source. the Charleston News and |ites He was SUOWD LO Wase Wa | ae en Genta me as j r : S ~ P me RES - ; | ac Mr. ryan, and with ] : the w of executing urier SQVSs: n tracks at Chicage ana eisew! Coa a. = . 4 ; a hav enlarge c impalg rm | utterances oi M1 > a : Vanes In so far as the v ork murter SaVvs. E calf s ; “ Sid is nothing it to kelo p Hime ” Phere »certain legitimate | wzreat positiveness it ee ee these policies is concerned, our rep- ‘There are comparatively very | He was the see D ES 4 a enjoy cos coe It costs ¢ f Mok Sta ieee ay De made of money in | OF President Me Kinley Peg a resentatives in Congress, while Op- | fow such concerns in South Carolina. j the > or: .nization Ss S a Aa xke ace | oxy $3 to test this remedy, which is £ ra : aa nlyone Money is needed for sexecutive commission, and by = posingtthe initiation of others which aud there are many counties ju tbe | track, Which Closed dow wo ve S entered #3 1,000,000 cured women. i ected = : : tion of literature; for} other Republ icans, that the Sas ot trom the Democratic point of view! Siate. we ae which are wei | axO. after the stockh ders had to: enor Frieburs, East % Louis, § is a ee sof speakers: for jed see would collapse the min-| em harmful, should offer no im-|< ipplied ith valuable ‘‘hard-ithousands of Sonat HProvine | Ul, says: “ld 2 paysically a new §£ a R miss fy { ea inary pools, and for | ute the Republican president was pediment. woods’ in ta eet lantity and varie-jthe irack. Luis knows aisy that wesnan, by rezson a yc Tot Wine & b ct grFer 4 ; aitine th vote reaistered and poll- | re elected, : me gl cet renee “bis idea of making the misority|{, but which do not turn 2 wheel | was fo dof card ¢ » Du aed Conse asta Trectord's : ae Draught” me ge 8 bi : § ‘ maa Won this ica ate work the Almost e first tee eaes ae pa L ety in Congress a mere ‘*me-too | for their manufacture intoany form. th Lough: that most 0 e money he| en aE eer hee aS es bs a5 a +a. >. $ coubliecns had plenty of money, ed the re-election of President Me-] cern is hardly consonant with alftis a promising field for enterpr is-|lost west on the he . ' ory Deg: sts ” The Chattenoogs Bled f zy fad CE WB Et : ue >) ¢ o t a = aoe ¢ > (EP P- . j met. SET “Sa } 2a a AH OO + se , chile the Democrats had very little. | Ninley was the rem ae of the « = hich sense of politic val duty, and was | jpg wood-workers from other States, | His bond was 59,000. ; He ery a] eo : eis : Tray “Th R publicans were also able }s orship at Manila. he first ee not even follo wed by a American |as thee xpe rienc eof f North area ae estate, dut itis said ee eo Zt Soren. as me | pee tz i chee 7 “ure ‘ransportation for all Re- | that comes through uncensored 35) 5) If when in the minority. Thelsafliciently shows. }not meet more than one fitth of ic Gx 2 GOK COTEGON MILE mit fy Pee Pig : colle t ‘ . > > mie “” ves . . oe ad : _ ae Sn an nino en - } : a co i ; * 7 * : . on voters who were away from | sent by the e efficient neDieee neste duty of the citizen is to obey the South Carolina is second only of |shortage, and his dondsmex will Ra Tayloravilie, N.C il WA. SEY: 2 % ae ail p Sie a5 of the Associated i ressand pic oe Ei ows, and to stand by the govern-|the Southern States in manufactur: | hav e to naAwKe up the remainder. A > FP es SST prs. egies ae B08 i“ tances are known where pass- the greatest ac tivity on the part o ment in their enforce “nent. The i! ne, and we are glad to see the en-} special meeting of the board bas Rs : es STE eR eee - 2 eadean Ti SS = Seen \t LER MEotoreesene cree ee . t ontk es or tickets were furnished for long | the natives throughout most, if a duty of political parues is to exploit) 4 ‘reprising News an nd Courier direct-| been called for tomorrow to tase The Levislature which meets ix se i eu b The Democrats were nut |all, of the Islands. The sultan o A ols of pulitical thought | ing the attention of its progressive action in the matter. Shortly after scence aa eA er UL nts : ne The Democra hi ; i differing schoo } ms Aneta die : rai = +}, {January is comp: ysed as follow st TALOTT A 3 = Josition to secure passes OF pay Sulu, protected in his monopo ly oe with the view of submission to the|men toa profitable field in which the|his death Mrs. Griffiths m ee with Senate. 39 Democrats. S Republican ant sone INSU WA it aX ina Tn a: Ss rie ; : oo , a as eee aa ; ate, - oer rom4 . - for tra: ‘tation. This advantage; the siave trade and his orsie °"lpallot from time to time. Every | Palmetto business men have not yet |her daughter to Evansville. Ind. and 3Popalists. House. 101 Demo: ; . ae Aas al i ine ~ cafficient to change the | polygamy and enjoying a sale Democrat is an Americar citizen }entered. Some of these fac tories in eT ‘rats, 17 Republicans ana 2 Popu a. : Seen ; Ys - congressional districts | from the United States, ahr S ** |and stands ready to perform every | North Carolina have earned divi- Telephones on Trains. Gi ts + BRADFORD BS ae NOE snd ine e districts. still quiescent; but with t 1€ CXR" uty which enacted law and his/dends of as muchas forty percent) 2 SRE PRC = Soe go eek ‘ : ee ee Lion of this most loyal of President}? | f public duty imposes upon jin a single year, and the dividends The modern passenger tt oe oe : pe nae ae ji tile. anonet IONE VOTES. beet rince there | °¢"5¢ ot pu 5 J | ane shite complete witt uch 2 ; “Thad stomech trouble twent —P erry A tp ae re = : s é this time to McWinley’s = ject princes, laim. Thatis all that any citizen jot al! that are wisely managed are | whue c oat wi a suc Poe ee nope of being cur SEED 7 WY op At [2 S720. oat tS Lae § sit is ear is troudie all along the line. , can do, no matter how republican 1 eee than in other manufacturing |as restaurant and dining ) years anu save Up & aes eae a : }} benebt of vo : ‘ esicultte of colonization oF {t is, of course, inconceivable that ae ht ee The Democratic pi ar-| establishments ber shops. bath rooms. Sere ms, ed till I began to use zK 9ao} Dy spep ang tare to which voles were pur ’ : eV amen > ig * a ‘ ie piicnectates nie Neecae Fie sc and hae lamnnneto:. Sure 14 has c e meso mack 7 ia Hw the exten?’ te hh : - : re 5 a 2 t of | the election resuits should nov bx y is to carry out the intention 15 of} a ee ae a See and ot her appurt sia Cure 1; ae done 2 ct Re RYE | , a cae chased by the direct payineny OF): own to these pe ople whom the tuency tot he full extent to! " 2 0v0. nances of comfort, still, on account | wood [I call it the vior O14 mY iss jt x mat ste meney oc by employment for pee tte publicans pictured following the co Sy meas ned Ee eae ana { Bo of its peculiar form, lacks an essen- writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albans For SALE aT pad out to. hed 63) wor ‘e are instances WhETE | ress of the Democratic can- ACR Ne eS aR pub. | NEE Sore Dispatch. sot. tia! element of convenience, says the | Tenn, at diges® what you, eat. | Se a ear ice | ct Statesvi tos; 7 « fered to one pr In reversed conditions, the Repub- | a nd J. Bell, aged 19, was ar-|qy away tna deities J,22 VOW ails, |} COMMUN ; — RS. AUER ASS BAS ON paign with such deep jand touching n party would do the same. A| cane ell, aged 1, Was at- | Klestrical Review. Such trains are | W. F. Nall, Jr. comma ti | waiil, man for a lew Gays f : interest. Weare forced to the con- lican ps | election in the United| raigned today before United States sometimes of a respectable fraction oe ats TT : SEARED na 6a ‘ Phe ff oublicans had another ad-| Vi cvion therefore, that the presi-| | nitical Dee inne ecnee | Commissioner Alexander, by Cnief| or a mite in length, and when the! Inthe debate between represe! (Z. =. LONG. GEO. B- NICHOISO*. 54 A GEL NY SAR | A i Vantare, | influence ol which It S| dent’s commissioners and the Re-|2°**S voce ae seen ot relative | Postottice Inspector Kins and ons passenger In the rear car wants to tives of Wake F crest and bags i Lon: & Nicho! Sa2 iF etter i cli estimate, viz : the adyan- publicans generally made the mis me ee ort a eeeteces streneth | Spector Jacobs, charged with Havins | know if his turn in the barber sbop| Col leges, heid in Raleigh last Thurs- | mY caylee ennui i give you ; are ta Paceruestoan administra take of failing to. consult the Fi ili- has a a Sm eee = hate obbed the mails of $2,000. Bell in the front car is about due, or!day'n ih ‘ Denice won. Ea ere eo) i A‘UTTORNEYS-AT-i, 4 = Lion : : i in tio a war is in progress. They | ines when they mapped out the} 14° Reet : ~jmade a complete cou on when! \hetber there is room for him in the yooe has won twice. The prize was} ck Row, St ile, [+ en ene ae old $23 that iLis not safe to sWap |i nage’ programme which tbey e for Congress. arrested and later waived examina-| Gining ear, be is compelled to take ata silver cup ; | ee siicinsamexte. ag. , area w COLA pre oe pas eee But. admitting the correctness of ope . Sie elie The dining Ce ny Cd <4 ake Qta stive up | i REQUIRE Eeclip ho e crossing & stream Was | 4 vigorously exploited. The Fil- oe le b The American, } 08: He was held for trial. 2° l long walk under somewhat disagree- | — oe — aed a Cottx user? fe ' not with pinos seem no more pleased with} "© © Goce pik a ee It _ the | tbeft was a very recent one, and|aii. circumstances. A telephone out of aE So les : ry a ror standin the McKinley brand of benevolent | there are some iculties eae T DIOL the MONCYawaS TECONCTER. | x nan anne nie faa wala js Shes mete De ACO he te way. Republican leaders have as- | ap acorns ne : | -sAchanwe would Certut sy DE a VaU Mr. Thos. Coppinger. Dayton | : mi : assitnilation than they were before) *"* , shot this was not 2 party vie-, Ou November 14, i the Eufalia} onic addition on oar long through! qm, oe aaa See a een ee st > m1 Mhat icivernw thoucht.| yor cee ee ee ~ «| National Bank, Eufalis, La., sent alec orecstrains. There seems to belas na ee ne soe | os 4- ~Titars ' = eee be Tee oeaa the ae butit =e one 10UR tory-—it came from the people in| Soe a letter containing $2,000 express tr a The sitiealty to bel Tver Pills and Tonic Pellets for| Notice LO Cz ecaivors. Srat ' Sri less 0 rem, Dut 5 a fact, ~orad and enforeed the view of no! x no insurmountable di UIA et we ‘annot SEY e2 ot = the s . > ne na enlorcec € view of bo 2 th V years, and cannot say enough © oO ere lead To Une ub tits 1 OSS ible, since tne cam-|* nerai, a > ) . iin 210 =. 20 and & sy) bills to the Wes- ctalisarcy Je a j > coh Pee “ : exe enamine ; ae Piss . bis just possi eee inc > ‘ation bus just! ? x stalling telephones and some simp! le = » ¢ood the ave dow portor jo¢ udmimstration by the paign of misrepresentation is over, | PUehy. se oe en eed tern National Bank, of this city. exchange system on such trains, and ote xe ae Pea. mx yer y4 ne , WE rE WAHT S plo that nsurrection must be oh that we may find a general ac-}° Sek os on f a "he x re ition did | LBe letter reached here November | thus giving the passengers commss- BS ne ae - 235 re © ae ay Sou % cper es »] could be } >| >mith herefore e a ow | rn and macce couch Bell’s hands. |- 7m TS : ciaiy what they aid for my younge: pressed | Marsan gee ij “\linowledgment onthe part of the Se cee ee publican policies,” | 27, and passed through Bell’s hands. | 5, ation with all of the zuxiliary ap-|—- " w, thoueht he was too liiti« | ikis notice vo e*7 “ye dj a re with rhe Phi ip administration of the real condi- no apt ae p 3 a + fall. ‘tle opened it and took the money. pliances of the trair as well as wait ae : Ys Suter eas Le — * 5 Chis October 1 i =} “r THT ~ ne Queslion. rev refused to ve cera an Philippine Islands. ee an e Ss ae over its On Wednesday night he was seen ee Oe Gere O Bs ak ~ pis, ea 1en ti aes th . LeCoh st VY & : Z ’ ’ , leaders : : { The 2 S ‘ Say icra ines = Tan ea est us taki Que Us oni F = lieve that the Bepublican leaders Campaign exigencies do not now) © : ca ed files it will find bush- | OY Inspector Jacobs openiny mine its personnel. While there may be Pell es : a ee eae |) Armfield & Turt THE - ‘ mr: fod an if rial iev. neato gee own Y i) mek te ors = t was al kr t Pa ral ena encarta a - ie Het at n echt, VOUL eb Vea : eee a — A ddeeeeee ci mrioted an imperial policy cali for the wholesale branding as ‘in aresort. It wasalso known that]... 3 e difficulty Sle kr a pay aie g = nor , 1D | - some little difficulty in the workiug is en licaes ; Bil phe pop prtcenencbe payne traitors’ and “renevades’ of those elsof arguments that the issue 10 | he had very recently made many pur-| of trans: st Sate Ces EC NCES sta one also. So we commenced givi MORTH CAROLINA) tn tho eee STANDARD Pa PROSPERLEY ARGUMENT POTENT. traitors ul an : the election was neither imperialist, \ pis: . : of transmitters on a vibrating train, them to him regularly, and from Riexancer County, Court Bufore aA AF Sudhilay who happen to differ with the Re-] tee : thi » chases of jewelry. there seems none thet may not bel oy. fo. rag Re? i JL. Watts,c S.C TRA. ANT RS P ntargrment, how- volican programme. It is even Bie anengs Phe Aaya mt et this| This morning when Bell lett the | overcome b littie experiment pale, delicate child ke improved in 1. adininistratrix of £89 SUU Cs ,| pudl cS S_SFeO| cise save “sou oney.”” his : rercome by a little experiment. | mediately sas ro} aa ve ever, usd:! by the Republicans in the | possible that the ‘Taft commission |‘! as eae oe eeeeen ioe |post office he was followed by In-| while the value of such a System is inediately, ae ee ss aa oi The Direct Li late can ign wus the argument bien of eee ‘tyre | Was trae ec as e a spector Jacobs. He went to a house}: : 5 : 2 lad as ever breatned Mountain ats ae rece Lite ‘ : as ne s ich up the pretty picture |” vector Jacobs. ent Q bitable ; : which ¢ veved present conditions = a SEs hel Ip the aa -elec- | tional ascertainment on the other | x the west side, in Harlem, where ee rosy-cheeked, and he looksas bealti re with t] which existed from 18931; = of Mr. McKinley and may make|@¥estions. They cannot be given sy. called on a young woman and re- Sa asany big fat Irishman you eve CRA. ’ : : , tiox Mr. McKinley and ake {4 eae On tion |" 5 s eS ; : Se elton Rte NG a ire ML sa to i846, To the a meee it more in line with the official re-|#? Deep eee election | mained there for two hours. He & Fatal Georgia Feud. saw. For saleby N. R. Yunstal ee 7 2 coy: ‘Pe Le 7 w t 7e > —_ SS | < = : ” ris a ote *, : heepuo party woulé say: “Re ports of General MacArthur. hich was not given ea ee +> | gave her a diamond ring worth | waycross Georgia Regiment. Druggist, , Fe adh tat We aeveners Be w many were idle during | ©, a < _ The American admits the real act ee Rural eon res f : eae ge sa That able warrior is honest enough pe nena by faise | 20out #0. e was then foilowee Henry Rodinson, a well-known : ae sea the Just administration. Do youl.) voctity that the rebellion is ap: | tbat the victory was won DY [aise |) ome and arrested. young man of this county, was shot} Geo. PF. Nisbet, a prominent atv ees noo S *sPic2? want to rsk a return to hard times? parently nonearer an end than it pretenses. a le | When arrested the house was|throuzh the heart and instantly kilt wealthy society man of Kingston J) La. decensed. sail fs oe * * The prosperity argument In- was many months avo, and he sug- If “repub pies policies’ Wee ae 'searched for the remainder of the|ed@ today ina fight in whieh three of P2., ‘accidentally shot and ill 12 oeaan ftiwkaq ans fluenced ny farmers. The crops vests the necessity of the continued | Proved by the late Becton Mreould | BOREY and the $1,597 was found in]}bis brothers were engaved on one|himselfat Mebanelast week, - epee ve bees better during the four 4.| tive tarif? and ship subsidies ould : 5 - . Spe otitis a Sane ~.~o tout hunting, He was alone ¢ : Se. ave 5 : presence of at least 100,000 Ameri- r _/ an old closet. side and Sheriff McClellan, of Ware fout hunting, as 2 sa BNE a rears sin. ¢ 1806 than they were im mas be included. Did the over- -conscie ¥ ze ; killed. When his body was un ' SASS END Tek feo rasan Cra can soldiers in order to make the} reap neers to Ren RS Sse ee county, and two of his brothers on ed. ee i & Bass waliately preceding that year. ane Reeabieiom peckecel ny ebelimeans | aOts Onan areas 20 : a the other. Jesse McClellan, depury | two of his dogs were faithful: eye ; the Wes fe heres) Sit in blicanism understand this ? There Brown Bros. Sell Out*to Trust. = mse wht : _ Wm ' sig has the : nism \ ‘ } tric ISIE ESS th TS ee time, theexperts at the war de-| PUY ica sheriti, Matt, Curt. Jim aed Henry watching it. i Qtrictly Firs ‘ ction froai the prostration of 1803 : eae ae peerearees my rahe an is so much confusjon about what | winston Republican,” Robinson anu 2 fight ensued. ip —_——_---- ite KS 1h ¢ it "hr : zr = are yur . U ue me _ wey ~ ~ v a a S ms Oh 8 a SS = ane Ne - u i ati man ; to 1806, Klondike, South Africa | crease orike standine army to prob- | “4s the issue. that there is geeat} Tke well known Brown Bros. Co., which MMeClellan’s pistol was taken Thousands Have 1 idney Trax bic ae 1c2 to Crec hit ors Loca drains ul and Cripy e Creek have considerably : v 150,000, which ie respectfully danger it must all go before the peo- | jrated as the third largest in the Ena eal Sean ne k and Don’t Know sem A renee rae e Palace Sleevine Cars c increased the world’s sepply of gold: | oe to the-several million able | Ple again, in order to get a by pe- | manufacture of tobacco in this city.| order bonds at the mayor's court ‘ boaalca) Tight 7 Is; Fast an ’ b a % ° t ~ : i ao t Ss Ou Dep « a4 “| # famine ia Europe and Asia added} go iotic citizens who have in-| “Titten copy of their verdict. It is! as sold out tothe R. J. Reynolds! 74 it was thought the trouole was] fy , tea a to the suppiy of money in this coun- Aen such 1 programme by their evident that voters bere and there Vobaceo Co. Inthe purchase the over. : sti can ice ee ; sug et a = . te it Sia OOLLBET? an ar ‘ try by giving us higber prices for eae i. have been hoodooed, and that they). J, R. Tobacco Co., acquires the About noon. however, she three ators te = “3 breads tut’s, and this bas been further os - were led to believe that the Republi-| Brown Bros. Company's n Mac chinery, McCle}! ans and the four Robinsons o pease =m ° f SE eee es ¥ see < , te : 6 t i i biGUs sOUrG : 4 nlarged oy our increasing exports: comes a « can platform was a Democratic doc-| manufactured tobacco, stock of leaf, met ands veneral engagement en- , = - withdrew two hun-| A Horrible Taie from Nash .County 4 { ge ne ill Oca he NS Sa € 4FPLY TO TICKET AGHNTS FOR 7 ce e Spin ci war withdrew two hun- |e umen i vcands and good will, put not thel.siog Jesse McClellan shot and kill : cred thot -and young men from the ! Raleigh Letter goth. The minority cannot abandon its butllings—two large six story brick ed Henry Robinson, white Mati and SARATES AND CENTRAL Irors a xbooe ma ket, and the Philippine} Frank Spruill, Esqg., was here to- function while such hazivess exists. structureson Fourth Street. The Jim Rooinson were pretty badiy Se - war retains in the service se eee aay on his. way home from Nash 5 latter have been leased. however, though not seriously, burt. None = Derby, five thous ind of that number; a War) county, where he appeared yester-|Tne Giving Away of a Roof Muris)2nd the plant will be operated for] jr the McClellans were serious!y eer asadnzini + ~p ; oan took two hundred millions from ‘day as ove of the prosecuting at- Many Persons to Death, ihe present. This is adeal very hurt. The eehinsons have sent for aa ae ee ee A the safety vauits andsput aos into cir- | torneys in 2 case which he says is the | San Francisco, Cal,, Dispatch, scth. similar to that of 1. L. Vaughn {/+7, other’ brothers and more trouhie |. ent them om oT ! re ‘ulation for the se ¢ rm sup- | st revo ‘ rtle ruel- we , : oO grown Br c ‘ eof: Sim a ons indebted ane uation f s he pr ircha ) P-! most revelting in its heartless cruel Nine people were killed and fully VO. The Brow n bros. Gow pany de is feared when they arrive. nake impmediate pay? plies, and the war in South Africa} ty of all of which he has ever had!- as sired to retire from business, and p woh Soy a : i Sou ae : 50 badly injured by the collapse of }*)°** a ss ? —~> «<a - .) Ss 30 2; ee acreascd the demand for eur) knowledge in North Carolina.{°) + 56 he Pacifie Glass Works. | *#& sale, it is understood, was not at rs = to Do. me cAN 2 na ig ; oehonnt the roof of the Pacific Glass Works, . : aye Why You “See Stars.” There is- ¢omfor Seton ery products These are some of the ab | George Grifin and wife, white, were on Fifteenth street today, while it|#2yfaacy figures. The recent death 1¥ You “Sco Stars. feos ent z ee STON, DS. ‘mal in‘iuences which have contri | tried for causing the death of Grit- eee Recor an oe oe boys | 0 Dr: W. L. Brown. W. B. Poilard | sew York Herald. e SoS eae a Dr. Ki 1 uted tou temporary improvement } fin’ s four childven by a former mar-] watchine a iconbar ear en ae and R. F. Sizer were largely the] If you are one of those who fre-| oo as ee ae ‘o indust-ial conditions. The Re riage. he oldest of the four was ficld adjoining Nboet G> peo le cause of the company’s retirement. | quent the police courts, you have 60] back, rs, fiver. blad CU IN e@ec Puclieans ee justly claim credit | ‘barely ten. Griffin and the step- tell eR oreh ae upon es ae The Brown Bros. Co.‘ manufactured | doubt often beard the victims of as-| cf the urinary passage. - “any cf these things. and yet mother put these children inan out hot furnaces and glass vats below, | CReWing, smoking tobacco and cigar |saults declare that their assailaiis; to hold water and scalcing) ire, Life, Accident i00 hoir pariy profited by ‘all of them. | house, 60 feet from their home, and Ali were horribly | Saat and ‘) “a ettes. hit them so hard that it made them] * oF = effects foil towin or Heoeitn Wi : ~ ne ane . : Care ee reat ‘ ~ ~ i BIBOOr eer, and’overco x raght c MONEY CAME FROM THE TRUSTS. seks eee there ia Sn bed. | reared that in addition to the deaths $$ > see stars.” And, indeed, the Se eee asiice "being ae sorsoeaes Pes aoe for inform: 5am to E see en y D atter : y fe = sea : . - , i ich ye Spe SOVSTOM Bile etre asec a Rhine es ie AMES W. PROWN, ‘a mie ie ie ie i We ae A “No time need be wasted in the! ee EeIon rey ee already reported there will be sev-|Prevented an Explosion at Risk of Sa an ec oN nny rte Cay, aud to get July 22, 1900. 7 5 Mooresvil ac 2.33 3 2 The ee) < ¥ Cee 'dropsy, and in fact were half were eral ‘more The ead are FN His Lite violent blow on the bead resembics enim. * The misc Ente SI Ie Re a il - . ‘~ oudemne ion of the jilegitimate use, half starved — In June one died. The > W e S necgae : ee very much the sight of stars ¢ PSE ee Tach ‘tr CORAAI of money Butitis worth while to’ b 1 TT caoean anos iN ulroouey, Ww. eckfelt, E lear Santon, Pa., Dispatch, goth. c T f . ti = Sea a ct of Swam pekQCOL. 15. SOI t 4G q HIG Hi S ’ Hi NGL, ae yx tnoney. mut ivis Mie \ e > we = = a > *t is - hores- at4n hk ohanw mya a oey etree eee eee ody lay on the bed beside the living | piahein, T. J. fe Secu Wm Valen-| Fred Watts proved himself a hero ne fact is, there is a pkosp Cee stands the highest for iis won SM URE ider chy such large campaign '¢hidren. All were covered with bec Neticcroar: Whroe : ae e cent power in the eve which shows S of eee most distressing cases. ences (107 sands are iow used by the Republi-! sores, and these and the bed itself = ee Dre oda: By = Sey oe Sena itself when the head is struck vio- 2 meditine you should have ihe Vashti, N. C., Bre Wik o& Sr “Ans. an w such is are e 2 r led. rravery he prevented a catastrophe |, ~~" ee ie ao At ; cans, and how such funds are col-! ye “no rir S ; ¥ t rop tly Berea ose once dic s iéts in 50c. and$l. = Serrar cies mat eoua ion a ected, tovether with the remedy to! pee ae pet mee eee _ Two hundred men and boys had|that would have meant death not lea, ae E CS Rae cxea|® You sample en c: cone of the leading schools for INSURANCEQBEADQUARTEES. eS aeiears Ss i } : Set ee . . . st of s zing. 1c ee : c oa hee eee rena < CKen' vathered on the sheet-iron rovf of|only tohimself, but to a score of |! tee act OF squeezing. dhe |} ‘ n OthceSecond Floor Bank Buildin; uployed for the protection of the the judye and the jury. It was inj} ce wmorie it hens f , the system caused by the blow pro-T cxows public age inst the improper use of! %¢ sy | EGE S4aSS WOKS tO Obtain vw Tree} other men. De ne Caen are ee ‘ iim wntain scenery. p : _ : Ncewaa ec Stee Caen eee view of the annual football came} Watis was the head sawyer at the |@UCes & pressure olthe bloodivessels Pepepancraeri eae, ge mnt te meetin ! : Ss sne vas “¢ CEC = -y r enarrig s3e. retina, Cé 1 e:itber tota) oo per moms “The m .gnitude of thefund which ; move the miserable little dirt-eatiue | COU™ce? Stanford and the Universi-| mii] of J. H. Brown. While the eee i - ee rae lisht aes 2 FALL, TEKM BEGINS August 27th. 1900. Try ais On can be eo ected depends upon tke devils out into tke out house and Nes ty of California. About 20 ininutes | machinery was running at full speed, oats ibefore the eye and in oe Ce ton, N an ieee a ye OO" Principal. ae. - interest v viek the great Corpora-'them die.” The grand jary return (20er the game had commenced] with a hot fire beneath the boilers, oe Bt eran aT gg ne Mra emntone ne ee » offer a thisrccer, | 1-3. Campbell, Secretary ~ t S rar > . re 5 ete ails . ne avginatll scovers tooursands 4cn re is 2¢ 1S Cifer . s eee eee era enon tis feel 1a the result, and upon the ed a true bill for murder, bat it wa itbere was a crash, plainly audible} the startling discovery was made enn S eRe LE SCONE seca toh eit hea AOE - aE invninencs of the danger to the pri- ees ded to try for manslaughter = 'from the football ground-, and a|that the injector had ceasedto work as oh ee bl oe Tomer erg oe Geed Gats aud Hay For Sate: { Vilezes which they are enjoying. i; wy: me mon ences for SSS Sauther | Portion ofthe crowd on the roof{andthat the boilers weze almost | © Men resemue stars. havea lot of whiteand biack sp f ( . ad . - = On 2 s . . S : . : : B a a's i lot oF ana bisck sprz Prior to 6 the moneyed element of gs jt was contended for the defence! went down. Thefires in the fur-}empty. The engineer deserted his ~~ vou needing any «a . t3arge lot HT he count y was divided between thar on eaten ofthe erinding pov , paces had been started for the first| post and ran through the mill shout- A Mammoth Cave iu Wisconsin. thiuwin the : - eee: } an "he two} sdiug parties; but, even’ erty of Grillin and his wife the chil {20 2¢ today, and the vats were full of}ing an alarm. AN the men except | pacrosse, Wis.. Dispatch, soth, ic Sia oleae a anne the a pe : aC liquid glass. It was upon these} Watts scampered for shelter. 5 eee : | ves = cae -t ican party had a dren died as much of disease as o7),.)/ eet ~ ae ene Sue. Jacob Zitter, of St. Jose h’s} ex } ‘ de majority, among), the) nectoct pacause heeouaase facuih lthat the victims fell. Some were] Taking his lifein his hands, for|_.22 Peek Sepie) daira ag cect coe Bee 8 Farm Want a s, railroad maguates and ‘them medicine No Sees, su /killed instantly and others were|an explosion was likely to occur at| Ridge. this couaty, reports the dis-| 9% sen gf poms i x S a aa a : Se ate eee DiSnes 06 the =e 2 - aS aS a —— cas, WES ‘slowly roasted to death. The few}any moment. ‘atts rushed to the | covery of Perea Sei A AH e 4 378 : ss [} & Coop man with stock for atwo-horse farm poz otin ss Goo S; ith : em, E a C Ww ” “ - . cr and 39. . —_ ‘ sto re good tar in ealth o- 1 con-Cuca? ion of wealth has gone on The home of the G rift ins a i ‘the | who missed the furnaces rolled off, | boiler room and sturted to draw the ee as 5 * een eg 2 FI Yas Bai pcan zen bes Stee ; an = ae xz bl 2 mans Phe » ; | ~ = — Ly “aN , ay ~ fc: ive the bes' tT : Ss... Apply. > ~ wi harap dity never before known.” Ginko esa : eS ro e+ and together with workmen in the fires, a task which he succeeded in two other men have partly expicrea ia Sor farther particrilars. ; a S Cu iter y> a CG * Ee Garkest part of Nash county. The z ae saved the liv ¢ >| doi . ater lee : a ie the cavern. After eatering the j This August 16th, 1900. oi 2 , Aiier giving statistics in revard people who lived near clearly did not glass works, saved the lives of many |doing in sbort order, thus averting|.0°, e fromitholout To panei ae ae TE AAS ES ent IU + Aue to the leataer trust, the chemical understand their duty as neighbor |by pulliag them away from their] and explosion. eee Seen eae - SA a Ee ee Do you want to get it ++ a Meat hopoers R ty . the inseed oi] trust. the steel ane hould i Re Be oy | horrible resting place, Se ee ee enters ac am er at east ourteen New Cott ton = < Ca cae 4 : r or they should have taken the chil The police and fi depar! t Women Taxpayers Want to vore. |rods long and in the neighborhood { : wd wire teust, the tin plate trust. > force 4 © police re deparcments : : - | (\UR NEW cottongin near BR. S, Hartness’ vthine else you eee eee a tren away by force if aecessary, as] yon hand and every»: ; See Diets of forty feet high, after which there +o PROD cienmeaa para SOS ath neon ewe or anything ¢ise ¥ i Le idow wlass trust. the writing +i... 4; Sane Ae ° re soon at hand and every patrol | San Francisco Dispatch, 3oth. ~ =? = es } Conrord towuship, is now at work, We 43 Ff eal cel Genice Se pees tL. the joey discovered their horrible con: j vag 1 1 he eity are is another of the same height and Fon Sete }gin fortheasth and fur ish bagging and ties for may need in the i paoerc trust, the biscuit trust, the gition. Whenever th shbors | “2200 and ambulance in ‘the city A novel application was made here } B RLS, Respectfully, orpeet aa rasta : ae venever the neighbors S d. They were = about two rods longer. Between : epson eee salt trust, the tube trust and the went te aid the children Grifti a was summoned. ey were not today by one of the leaders of the . ae taht ar ain ' = paay BOO: GIfSON & WAUGH, N Saber kcosd MCLE Goce /* o aid the children Griffin ma °lenough and express wagons and Calii S ‘ ee them is a huge rock, under which it ay as } aT oe atic none ys: ‘threats of violence and drove a are er Saas alilornia Society for securing Fe- is necessary to crawl to’ vet from i } i Ail of these trusts, and many away. They took awav the body it e carriages were pressed 1ntO| male Suffrage. Mrs. Ellen C. Sar- ae : Sc : ' ctLoes had a peeusiary reasons for the first chk ako nea aa ae qisetvice. Many of the injured were| cont, widow of the late United |°%° '° the other. The party wasin Ii you do, rizht here is the Por Reat La a . x ave tw 5 an esc nre wrere ae ; Si ~apportiny the Republican ticket, it, afterit had rem ti panconseioes while others were hur-| States Senator Aaron A. Sargent wee ee eee een Se tees Se place. i want to buy an , fy GOOD two-horse farm for rent. For fur- . Ce thes -: ; ad remain some time in d tothe hospitals, The Soutt | did not then fiad the end. entire new line this qj i iu ther i: t een an soc they zt only have enjov ed im- the bed with living: At t lof! i€ k e Southern petitioned the board of su ervisors 0g e this fa! ther i ation apply to C. L. Shinn, ms riunity during the present adminis- ‘about ten days tl h in sald ~ | Pacific Railway Hospital, only a few] +5 order the tax collector = atonal iene ener IRS therefore will sei] now Se SASSO Shinasvilie, N.C Line, If you are act oe ret Nee ia gitar nae ees F abou ndays the other children.) ks away, was kly filled. € or to retu Does it Pay to Buy Cheap? 3 ieee Soe lensed oats our goocs . ation, biithey had every reason died and th ehb had ke 20OCK ay as quic y ed her © taxes on the grou da that she is ee ~ > i = e ; - 4 iplcmpece tcthecimramitd salen Fee bodi a oe Oommen ie ont to wounded were taken there. d aC anech ane rs S Sh net Ree soci ana EXCEL INGLY LG WwW, aS Hen Wanted. after examining therm, z of Recublican, Geen aa their bodies. It was urged in the Shockers SR ae Sn eprived of her right to vote. She cheap remedy for coughs ani as a Se eo Eee so ne attempt to get clemency for Griffin | 55.3) and the City receiving H paid taxes, amounting to $440, un-j| colds is all right. but you want FOR CASH eucation and zood character, to buy. FS CE ALEC: lattorm and & Senos that he was sick with typhoid fever Pn - to private residence oe spi: der protest, and in her petition she | something that will relieve and cure AND FOR CASH ONLY, toe nulroad ae a Yours truly Crehic orvanization were outs re l : S S$ Tr ~ . ees a Jian) NTT : o t whis is endorsed by all iead- * Se ee : posen yart ofthe time. He was givena! yoo." at the hospitals there was |ocaes that the deprivation of ber] the more severe and dangerous | re- No bargain to offer the credit! pariesas the ouly perfect and} A ‘Thomes & Co. A 1 scar condemnation of private |} years’ sentence to the penitentia- | P*8Ce>_ * pitals there Was | richt of suffrage because of her sex {sults of throat and lung troubles buyer. No matter how vocd sind, Al our gradu- eta ey os toropolie-, and the candidates were | ry and his wife 6 years. She got the >722 ae & surgeons and|robs ber of political power that| What shall you do? Gotoa warmer ee nibh ER Aah: tor aston Ladies 2380 2 : ed toa See a for shorter term because she was no as ati belies led had . Walt | should belong to every. tax-payer. jand more reguiar climate? Yes, if RICKE RT "4 opens Aug gus Sait en econ a : : triinat He : ‘ Un = = : z on - a SLOLE. TELEGRAPH COLLEG 74 i exter: ination of a combina- blood relation to the children. li ole left he ane q re aoe ee Several other women belonging to| possible: if not possible for vou. then ce WA = oe a pn agla - as forned in restraint of trade.” RSE two peopledeserved the gallows |! pis ne a ' Seri =a wat as this female sutirage association also| in either case take the only remedy : aes See ase ANU eee ae s y } es ue = . ot i } > AW ° , . : was this pair, and it was a wond- | ee ee Nee ie the| paid taxes this year under protest. | that bas been introduced in all civil- _ the Jeweler and Optician. Pp ? Tf, UGENOUR ‘Thought His Time Had Come. lex they escaped ly nehing. ae spread Saal a eee Among them are Mrs. Jane L. Stan-}ized countries with success in severe Lie RAA SAG SOv4Di al O NS RMT DRE EG i et ee % f = gia eee eT = Sees a 1 y 1 = bl 0! | ford, who pays taxes on several mil-| throat and lung troubles, “‘Boschee’s if # Dent TIME. a tt. A. Z ckfoose,Hemlock, W. Va.,' W.S. Musser, Miilheim, Pa., sav “jan ous people quickly assembled. | jiongs of securities, and. Mrs. Jobn F.|German Syrup.”’ It not only beais i F LONG & SO, ee entist, * Fie eon Meat. 0 says: Two years ago I was laid up’ ed the life of his little girl by giving | The people kept them back with ; = os SPT RE LT Tg nT 4 win : = ‘have Flour, Cern, Meat p Y giving dittic h Swift, widow of a former United{and stimulates the tissues to de- ELMWOOD, N.c. Ssaresvitre, N. C. ete.. for sale on time. See “vhinyl er. Ithought my time her One Minute Cough Cure whea ‘iticulty while the patrol wagons|States minister to Japan. They;strcy the germ disease, but aliays rane ; sks Gen nnn bac come T happened on to Ra- she was dying from croup. It is the | and ambulances dashed through the have gathered Statistics showing inflammation. causes easy ex pecto- fotte B . d ry ae Wall be in : bis” ae sat weeks. ei ae you ast eee ees 1107's Liv r Pills and used one box. only harmless remedy tiat gives im. ©oWd on their way to and from the]+ 3+ two-fifths of all the taxes in San! ration, vive 2 good night’srest, ana, ~° OH BUYerS an Ginners, ‘“Serinning with first Monday im each} — your SE eae I sn ally zht_now. I have been mediate results. It quickly cures hospitals. Francisco are paid by women, and!cures the patient. Try ONE bottle. Bite none Cait on- him ier anything —— So £ in hbk ‘ 3 ~ re wafiles uw 2 : a a) 9 is : - f-«. el i . another man since that coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, ' ‘Henkel Bros. Wi have two car they say they shouid have the © tight | Recommended: many. years. by. all cae cee ath aoe bssaing and. ii se wav-of dentistry.- You -wit -/~— * espectiu tm. For saleby N, R. Tunstall, asthma, and-all throat ard lung = loads of to vote on al if not on gener- druggists in the world. For sale by| highest prices and guarantee saustac’ Lit to your+nterest-to-dose- oe = a WAN, Db $ ? ‘and mules t toarrive on Sututt os the eee municipal if not on er-; druggists tn the wo or saie by wet gu Satisfac WwW ork ends oN Ne ee Be ees — ws FE all se. anid Soe thea. 4] migtters. W, F. Hall, Jr. ; ‘tse or ene it, Man Der CLES . Z fi BSS $Y it cai Bi ies es silly atl ths ‘i. on at arene eens een a oenetanmee eames iano ————— ee The Statesv ille SS a ee Mascot. = WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCUL ATION IX IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. VOL. VIII. SATEVILLE MARB T handle al! kinds of Granite and Marble known — —=— (Oi—_——— the best quality. Pest Material, Statesville, N. C. bh WO First-Class work and Lowest Prices #0.000,218. co. BWEBS The First National Bank OF STATESVILLE, N.C. Transacts a Regular Bankicg Business. check on sight. Ir é collateral and pers ail points, and cre¢ ations. Merchants, sterest paid on time deposits. onal security. lited or remitted at lowest rates. Manufacturers and Individuals s¢ onthe most favorable terms. Deposits received subject t Money loaned on goo Special attention paid to collections 0 Accounts of Corpor jicited and received OFPPrICHRS: R&R CCGPE RB, Fresidert, 3.6, IrVit, GEO. H. BREW, Cashier. / “PRICK COMPANY'S Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Mill Sith simultaneous racket setting i blocks and cable rope feed, th censitive feed ever put on a saw JC head tnost: ice Fresiden* raill. also Frick Cor ENGINES 4ND BOILERS, npany’s Portable on wheels or sills. Sta ticnerv engines and boilers, an: size, and the great hill climbing Eclipse traction engine. A few Gotton Gins at low prices Over Poston Bros Statesville, Nee Sloan Clothing Co., We are receiving many new things in SUITS, OVERCOATS, And Gents’ Furnishings, We are ready to prove our assertion when we say we have the pest and cheapest line in the city. All we have is for you to a OE EE EE AE E RR S OE = MR come to see us and if you do not find it to your advantage to vive us your We will not be trade we will not think hard of it. undersold. Thanking you for past hberal patronage, we ar Very truly, Sloan Clothing Co. e, rg 5 EEO a an distinct medicines, but sold fo tone up the nervous system icine, but a Trea ment. 7 (HEN vou buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & VY Tonic PELLETS you do not buy a med- icine, but a Complete Treatment for Bilious- ness, Constipation and Headaches. The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets SPSS We eee 2s ee ls It is two rone price—25¢- and invigorate. * g Attractive Printing. The Mascot Printing Co, is better prep ever before to turn out attractive up-to-d ing, and ot prices that estonish not favored us with orders. 3400 Cards, 50c. With a handsome C Case with your name engrav.d on the case. Any style printed eard Letter Pamphlets, Circulars, Ete * at low prices, for prices and THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CROWSON & SRO NCFK, Farmers - Warehouse, HIS Warehouse is now ready for the new : active demand for leaf on the Statesville and will be an o3a> ard ENVELOPES, on AT LOW PRICES. Ex. Bees Heads. Note Heads, Bill Heads, St sample. PROPR’S. Size 5x8 vou have to seli with a cir- cular. i read than a large one. ared than ate print- those who have 1000 Circulars 75c, Advertise what Small one easier atements, Send STATESVILLE, N, C. jem season and all sold here will bring good prices. WAREHOUSE COMPLETE Vith all modern improvements and conveniences Sell your Tobacco ia The Farmers Ware season's business. for the comfort of my house. There is market this STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1900. | TO REDUCE WAR TAXES. ‘The Ways and Means Com mittee’s | sil to Reduce Revenue. | Washington Dispatch, 7th. | Chairman Payne, of the ways and | means committee, today introduced o the trade and the bill reducing the taxation under | the war revenue act, after the Re- | publican inembers of the committee thad agreed on the form of the meas- | ure, and the articles to reccive the j reduction of tax. The bill provides jau avsregate reduction estimated at The other items of this reduction are the stamp taxes, amounting to 222. 440,000; beers, $9,832,712, ci- gars, $3,180,764: proprietary arti- cles, omitting wines, $3,548,252. The estimated reductions in detail as given out by Mr. Payne are as ‘ follows: Beer, $9,932,712, cigars, $3,- 189,764; special taxes (section 2) commercial brokers, $136,281; cus- tom house brokers, $5,167: circuses, $11,744; theatres, $47,173; exhibi- tions, not otherwise provided, $S+,- 218; total special tax, $287.55), Schedule A. bank checks, $7,600,000; certificates of deposit, $200.000; drafts inJand. $520,000; promissory notes, $3,500,000; foreign bills of ex- change, $100,000; export bills of lad- ing, $100,000; express receipts, #1,- 2b0,000; telephone messages, $315,- 00; bonds of indemnity, $200,000 certificates other than of profits; $200,000; charter party, $100,000; brokers’ contracts, $100,000; con- veyances, 35.000, 000; telegraph dis- patches, $100,000; insurances, $3,- G00, 000; leases, £200,000; mortgages, £500,000; passage tickets, $2.00. Q00; power of attorney, etc., $106,000 protests, $25,000; warebouse re- ceipts, $230,000; total, schedule A. $22 242,000; schedule b, $4,5482, 253: press wines, £600,000; $3,945,2 legacies, charitable, etc., $500,000; grand total, $40,000,348. ‘Lhe bill provides a discount of 20 per cent, in the tax of $2 per barrel on beer in lieu of the present 7} per cent reduction, making the new rate $1.60 per barrel. The sections of the war revenue act taxing commer- cial brokers, custom house brokers, circuses, theatres and other exhibi- tions are stricken out, The rate oo cigars is $38 instead of $3.60 per 1,000, weighing more than three pounds per thousand. Schedule A retains the stamp tax on corporate stock, bonds, etc.. sales, ete., at exchanges or boards of trade, freight receipts,certificates of profits, entry ef goods at custom bouse and entry for withdrawal of woods from customs bonded ware house. With these exceptions, the stamp taxes under schedule A are struck out. Chairman Payne's statement gives in detail thestamp taxes omitted under schedule A. Schedule B, which required stamps on proprietary medicines and prepa- rations, perfumery and ccsmetics, chewing gum, ete., is amended so that sparkling or other wines are the only products requiring stamps. Section 29 of the war revenue act, relating to taxes on legacies, amend- ca by adding at the end of section ihe following: ‘*Provided, that noth- ing in this section shallbe construed to apply to bequests or legacies for uses of religious, literary, charitable or educational character, including works of art.”’ Section 30 of the act is amended asto administrative features and sections 10, 11, 18, 19 and 20 are re- pealed, as they relate to administra- tive features no longer pecessary. Section 35 of the act is amended roread as -follows: ‘Section 35— That for the purpose of this act, the words ‘mixed flour’ shall be taken and construed to mean the food pro- duet resulting from tke grinding or mixing together of wheat, or wheat flouras the priocipal constituent with any other material, except suck material, pot the product of any vrain, as is commonly used for bak- iug purposes. Provided that when the products resulting from the grinding or mixing together of wheat or wheat flour with any other grain, or the product of any other grain, of which wheat or flour is not the principal constituent as specifi- ed in the foregoing definition is in- tended for sale as wheat flour, such product shall be held to be mixed flour within tbe meaning of this act.” The bill providés for redeeming revenue stamps heretofore issued apd not used. The concluding sec- tion provides that the act sha!l take effect 30 daysafter its passage. ——i> >: —————-—— No Public Building Appropriations Washington Dispatch 7th. There is another weary wait ahead of the members who want pew public buildings in their districts. Leaders of the House are ,telling them that they cannot haye appro- priations this session. ‘be word has gone out from head- quarters that appropriations for in- cernalimprovements must be kept down cwing to the vast increases for the army and navy and the probable new expenditures that will be made necessary by the passage of the ship subsidy bill and the Nicara- gua Caval bill. No new public build- customers. ogee H. C. Gaither, Prop. : tt Ee a net sce ER ET MR NS a ae a ~ MON’S he ii ed : so Pepsin Lili PUHIL i : Is Tasteless and Guaranteed to Cure Ghiils and © * Rb Fever and ai! Malaria! Troubles. $i Poes Not Contain Quinine Nor Other Poison. best we Price 502. 4 have ever Eandled. M t} ihéonly Chili Tonic which a chil = % § Does Not Injure the Stomach Nor Effect the Rearing. Wr. A. McLarty & Son, Dime Box, Tex., say? “Ramon’s Pepsin Chill Tonicis tas * son prescribes it in his practice,and says it is can take without injury to the stomech.” BROWN Mb"G. CO.. Prop'rs. Greeneville. enn. § se a m re CT A Help Home Enterprises. Handsomest designs, best made, market for price than you can get elsewhere. that’s the reason. Statesville-Made Furniture. best finished goods on the the money—a little better goods at & little lower You ; are sale agents for this vicinity. a Barron Nicholson ast HROLD STREET. A full line on exhibition at our store. SAVE FREIGHT, We STATESVILES, £. C ing schemes will be included in the legislative programme for this ses- sion. The only public building appro- priation contemplated will be for ouildings authorized but which can- not be completed within the limits fixed owing to increased cost of ma- terials. The House committee is now preparinga bill carrying the necessary appropriations of this sort. It will be presented in the House in a few days. ee W. A. Lemly, of Winston 1s 3 can- didute for collector of this district to sueceed Collector Harkins. A fight will be made to haye the col- lector’s office located at Winston, bat it is probabie Collector Harkins will be reappointed and the otfice remain at Asheville. ed the life of bis little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure whea she was dying from croup. It is the oniy harmless remedy that gives im mediate results. It quickly cares coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma, and all throat ard lung erouvies. W. F. Hall,Jr. ~ — W. S. Musser, Millheim, Pa., sav- | A Former Nort h Carolinia’nMarries and Becomes Insane. Asheville Citizen. Not many days ago The Citize:: reprinted from the Knoxville Jour nal and Tribune astory ofa romaz tic wedding, the bridegroom 1 | which was a native of Watauya county. N.C. The Journal and Tri- bune of Tuesday printed the follow: ing, which forms the second chap ter in the case, it being a sSpecia. from Spokane, Wash.: Edmund Gragg, the Washingtor farmer, whoireturned 2 week age with a young bride, nee Rachel Bar: rett of Knoxville, was arrested ‘to day on a charge of insanity. Sinec the return of the couple all bas not been smooth sailing and Grage claims his wife informed him she only married him to secure trans portation to Spekane, where her sis- ter Jennie has lived for several vears, and is a hairdresser. After the first night at a hotel Mrs.Gragg went tober sister’s home,and Gragy says he has been treated with grow- ing coolness. Enraged by the girl’s action and despondent over the taunts of his relatives, he decided upon suicide. Sunday night he went to his son- in-law’s ranch and made a will, leaving ali ais property to his bride. His intention was discovered, and a charge of insanity was placed against him. Hequietly submitted toarrest and talks perfectly ra- tional. He was examined today and his case was continued for two weeks, as no symptoms of insanity were developed. Hesayshe is tired of life and wanted to end it. The wife has not visited him in jail. When Gragg and his wife reached Spokane a week ago his first action after securing accommodations was to gotoa newspaper otlice, where he wanted to know if his little ro- mance was not wortha brief item. He got 2 column and next day pought in armful of papers to send to his friends. Gragg has eiyht children, three of whom are adults. He lived in Eastern Washington 30 years, and has always been frugal in his living and aystemious in his habits, The charge of insanity is general- ly ridiculed by his friends. During the first few days after his return he acted like a love sick boy, and told the story of his marriage to ev- ery one he met. His divorced wife lives near Spokane. ——_-— Quay Lacks Votes. Philadelphia North American, 7th. Quay’s friends no lenger pretend to be adle to name enough State Senators and Representatives to re- elect Quay to the Senate or to con- trol either branch of the Legislature. Ina list of members published yesterday, pretending to show the present strength of Quay, he was given 22 Senators, four less than a majority of the Senate; 96 Repre- sentatives, six less than a majority of the House; a total in both branches of 118, nine less than a majority on joint ballot. Three Senators and five Repre- sentatives are classed as doubtful. Anti-Quay Republicans are conceda- ed 12 Senators and 53 Representa- tives; Democrats, 13 Senators and 49 Representatives, a combined to- tal of 127 oa joint ballot, a majority ol one, Even if the machine were to gain every vote classed in this Jist as doubtiul, it would control neither branch nor the joint ballot for Sena- tor. Theabove statement comes from the same source as a previous one ip which Quay was credited witha clear majority of members. By way of excuse for this mani- fest shrinkage of machine strength, local Quayites are quoted as declar- ing “that in the above list there are anti Quayites, Democrats and doubt- fuls who can be relied upon to vote for Quay” and bring his total up te enouga to elect. The entire claim for Quay, how- ever, is discredited by the fact that even to bring him within nine votes of election his calcuiators have been compelled to count for him such Representatives as Godcharles, of Northumberland; Arnold, of Per- ry, aud the three Washington mem- pers. Each of the five has publicly declare he will neither enter the cau- cus nor vote for Quay. Others in the alleged Quay list are uo less tirmiy committed to vote against bim. The assertion that any Democrats can be induced to sup- port Quay is best answered by the unbroken anti-Quay ‘recorc of the Democrats in the last session. Anti-Quay Republicans still in- sist that Quay cannot get more than 96 caucus pledges, and that, giving him every possible dbubtful vote he could not muster more than 111 on joint ballot. a An Elephant Too Big for Tunnels. Charleston, S. C., Dispatch, 7th. An elephant consigned to a show- man in Baltimore :s being held here by the Plant System official because the car in which the animal travels is too large to pass through the big tunnels near Baltimore. The ele- phant was delivered to the Plant System at Albany, Ga., and the car had to be transferred here to the At- lantic Coast Line. Tke Coast Line and the Southern Railway both re- fused to accept the offering, as the car was too big. Au ordinary freighter will not hold che elephant, and the railway people are waiting until suitable means can be provided for the shipping. ‘-DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are ‘the finest pills I ever used.’’—D. J. | Nioore, Millbrook, Ala. They quick {ly cure all liver and bowel troubles. iW F. Ball. Jr. | The Board of Agriculture appro- ipriated $4,000 to establish a tish hatchery at Avaca, Bertie county. { { | 3. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. ‘says. ‘I cannot say too much for !DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. One ' box of it cured what the doctors call- ied an incurable ulcer on my jaw.”’ ‘Cures Piles and all skin diseases. ‘ 1 Typhoid in the Army. Washington Dispatch, 7th. gin and spread of typhoid feyer i jor Walter Reed, surgeon of th United States army; Major Victo C. Vaughan, division surgeon of th jor Edward O. Shakespeare, brigad teers. tence of typhoid in 1898,20,000 case troops encamped within the limit September. During the war every the First, Second, true of both the volunteer and reg ular commands. within eight weeks after also in certain ofthe regular regi ments within -three to five weeks af ter the tents went up. Typhoid be Surgeon General Sternberg made public today a report upon the ori- the United States military camps during the Spanish war of 1898, pre- pared by a board consisting of Ma- United States volunteers, and Ma- surgeon of the United States volun The Surgeon General com- ments upon the widespread preva- of this disease appearing among the of the United States from May untii Spanish regiment constituting Third, Fourth. Fifth and Seventh Army Corps, de- veloped typhoid fever, this being More than 90 per cent. of the volunteer regiments are shown to have developed typhoid voing into camp, and the fever developed Sharon, Pa., Dispatch, 7th. ture of two thieves today Doughton. i bell and Henry Blair entered e » i ei rection of Dowghton. ns Michigan Southern Railroad, beard of the robbery and offered his €| locomotive to the officers to pursue the ihieves. When on board the en- gineer pulled open his throttle, and they were soon spinning across the country at top-notch speed. Ina few minutes the thieves were cb served crossing a field. and, after a brief chase, they were overtaken aud taken to jail. — A Sharp Fight in the Philippiacs. s Manila Dispatch, 7th, -{ A dispatch bas been received from General Funston giving an account of a two hours’ fight ia the woods of Santo Domingo between eu Ameri- can force and 310 rebels commanded by Sandico. The American force. -| consisting of 30 native scouts, com- .|manded by Lieutenant Jernigan, at- .|tacked tke rebels, who retreated, leaving on the field 16 men kiiled, A Thief Chased by a Loconiotive. A locomotive helped in the cap- near | While A. H. Wier was, absent from his houre Walter Camp- | the place and stole two suit of clothes ‘and other stuff, escaping in the di- ineer Cook, of the Lake Shore ; oe Oleomargarine Bili Passes the House | Washington Dispatch, tth. The House today passed the Grout | , - 5 - oleomargarine bill, by a vote of 196 to 92. The substitute offered by the ;Minority of the committee on agri- suon ie aay culture which 1mposed addi:ional re [of 113 to 178.. The ill as passed | jmakes allarticies known as oleomar- | lvarine, butterine, imitation butter |! lor imitation chesse transported into ;t every one wao tries Ur. nr Discovery for any t1 . the power of such State or Terr:tory | Throat, jauy State or Territory for consump- j ltion. or sale, subject to the police} forbidding the trarsportation and sold free from coloration in imi tation of butter. The bill increases ; the tax on oleomargarine, colored ii imitation of butter, from 2 to i” cents per pound, and decreases the tax on oleomargarine from 2 centsto }ofacent per pound. A long and interesting debate pre ceded the vote, In the course of which those who favored the Grout bill claimed that the additional tax on colored oleomargaripe was the! only effective remedy fur preventing fraud upon the pubdlic while those | who opposed it contended that fraud cured her of a {for manv ye strictions on the sale of oleomargar- | ine to prevent its frauduleat sale as butter and increased the penalties | | for vivlators, was defeated py a vote | tors could vive her no in says of this R removed the pain ean now sieep sou scare hy fee] se Os Our ee Or |} anG si sale of such product when produced |b. Hall, Jr. | tle rusarant¢ Baltimore & Qhio rallrea a i . 2 ware thy uncoa.orec, | i A Thousand T< Bucs ars adc Allother remedies < My ysyt Chest or I t}), came epidemic in ail camps, large and small, North and South, and was foundto be so widely distribu- ted in this country that one or more cases are likely to appear in any regiment within eight weeks after assembly, whether on the march or stationary. It is also stated that, with typhoid fever as widely disseminated as it is in this country, the chances are that ifa regiment of 1.300 men sbould be assembled in any section, and kept in a@ camp having the most perfect sanitary conditions, oue or Infantry, but ————a> ee <i Palmer, Mass., Dispatch, 7th. this hed including the rebel leader Agvilar and up American negro. li first thought the latter wes a ian name Fagin, a deserter from the Twenty-fourth turned out to be a mistuke. Not one of Jernigan’s men was wounded. waa afl nunnway Horse Stopped by « Pog. _‘ Jack,” a shepherd dog owned by Frederick Gray, yesterday stopped a runaw.y horse on the street, a! would be prevented by the substi rute and that the real purpose of the Grout bill was to destroy ihe oleo- margarine industry. Those who par- ticipated in the debate were Messrs. Keary, Republican, of Connecticut; Grout, Republican, of Vermont: Lamb, Democrat, of Virginia: Dav- idson, Republican, eof Wisconsin, end Tawney, Republican, of Minne- sota. in favor of the bill, and Messrs. Wadsworth, Re ican, N York; =e . wane Lorimer, fx nos, ol SF .nt} acy us - or taliey. vwepundl at Jva Sas: Op. many commands during were unwisely located; the more cases of the fever would devel- Nevertheless, it was found that war that the to acart, when for some reason 1) toch frigbt ran and up the street. The dog which alway accompanies the team, was atc distance, but started alter * ye, - oe rasa 3 j Grosvenor. Republican, of Onio; 41 “ss Liithois, foster, Democrat, of 1d Bailey, Democrat, of Texas, avainst Wiiliams, Democrat, of Mississippi;{h space alloted to regiments was, in some instances, entirely isadeqate, and that many regiments were al- lowed to remain on one site too long. Zequests for changes in location made by medical oflicers were not always granted. In some instances camps were set up in the face of earnest protests from medical offi- cers. The camps became very filthy cers are thus held responsible to some extent for the insanitary con- ditions that developed The board suggests that greater authority be given me@ical officers in questions relating to the hygiene of camps. At Chickamauga. Jacksonville, Camp Ajger and Camp Meade, con- taminated water is stated to have played but a small part in spreading the fever. To guard against the con- tamination of the water supply, the horse. animal, and as soon as he got by ils side began a series of jumps into the air in front of the horse, which could not get past him, and after a short time slackened hi came to a standstill. When the owner was sitting upon the ground in front and at the sight ol van to wag his tail. of the horse, in general. it is stated, and line o:- inaster oe Rival 5 Lancaster, 8. C., Ledger, 7th, The dog vained came up —~ ~+~4bs oe idders Fight at a Sale. Monday A difficulty occurred in front the court house steps tween E. D. Blakeny, Esq., and W. C. Twitty immediately after sale of the Pearce property by clerk of the court. bid strongly in competition property. which is situated on the] it. speed and finally ‘Jack’ Both gentlemen for this at Ker- of | members in favor of Mr. Payne, chairman of the ways and means committe, gave no- tice at the close of the session that he would call up revenue reduction act after the executive appropriat next week, provably on Tuesda t e zi to Reduce Meyenuecs Reported. Dispatch, 7th. Washington Wash on i ; Chairman Payne, of the ways and means committee, late this aft submitted, the report of that com- mittee, signed by all the Republi the bill r *- ling.the war revenue taxes about rt. | GO0.000. c “We LPpaGg rHoecy a The report says in pari: find it necessary to >| maintain ap army of 100,000 men un- ‘ii law and order is fully res:ored in all our possessions. We find it also necessary to provide troops to inan 44}1 Silui tion of water for troops in the field are recommended. Flies are believed to have been transmitters of the typhoid bacillus. a camp badly infected with typhoid cannot rid itself of the infection by simply changing its location. Except where urgent emergency makes it necessary, the board recom- mends that one command should not ve located upon a site recently occu- pied and vacated by another. It is urged that the soldier's beds should be raised from the ground, and also that the soldiers be made to remove their outer clothing at night, where- ever possible. ———— oe North Carolina's Diversiticd {ndus- tries. Columbia, S. C., State, North Carolina has this year char- tered 26 cotton mills with a eapital- ization of $3.517,.000. We have vot at hand the aggregate of South Car- clina’s cotton mill charters during the same period but think that the number of mills chartered is about as large and the capacity nearly twice as great asin North Carolina. Our sister State, however, is excell- ing South Carolina in the diversifi- cation of its industries. During the year it has chartered 10 knitting mills with an ageregate of $217,000 capital, two being of $50,000 each put the majority of $10,000. North Carolina has also chartered this year 22 woodworking companies, tables, shutters, bobbins, chairs, sash and blinds, barrels, crates and baskets—fer surpassing South Caro- resources. The cotton mills aver- aged $135,200 capital each, an ex- ceptionally high average for North der. — oe ee Ear Drums For Miss Rockefelicr. Cleveland Qhio,Dispatch, 7th. Europe are growing new for Miss Alta Rockefeller, of John D. Rockefeller, ter from a young city. He says:, ical cases here is that of efeller. She is being world. a mighty strange one. new diaphragms—ear the girl’s ears. “Such 3 feat has only been accom plished once or twice the whole thing was kept a pro found secret here. Miss Rockefel stone deaf. and the other is well under way.” Brook, N. C. : Beware of counterfeits. W. | Lookout for worthless imitations. ‘W. F. Hall, Jr.. Hall, Jr. however, facilities for the steriliza- It has been conclusively settled that | hurt. ling in the varied use of the timber Carolina; the knitting mills $21,700 each and the woodworking factories $15,000 each. A woodworking plant is within the reach of the smallest town ia South Carolina; and it will pay here as well as across the bor- That the foremost specialists of ear drums daughter is the re- markable disclosure made in a let- medical student now in Vienna to his family in this “One of the most astonishing med- Miss *Rock- treated by one of the greatest doctors ‘in the IT need not go into a techni- cal description of the case, but it is They tell us here that the surgeons are growing drums—in before. and ler’s defect of hearing resulted from an attack of scarlet fever years aZ0. As she grew older the trouble ia- creased, until she became almost, It is said that ove aew ear drum has been completely grown shaw, 22d immediately after the sale words passed between them, followed »y blows. Friends sejr- rated them as quickly as possible and neither of them seemed to be During the altercation Mr Blakeney shot at Dr. Twitty, but his arm was pulled down from the rear by Mr. Pearce just as he tired and the ball entered thegground near Dr. Twitty’s feet. —<- oe SLATE NEWS. The Times says that J. EP. Rat- ledge, of Davie county, raised 1,100 bushels of corn on 20 acres this year. Good farming. According to the Times C.G. Ba: ley, of Davie county, is a candidate ior U. S. Marshall to succeed Mar- shal]! Milikaa. An 18 menths-old son of Mr. A. V. Adams, of Spencer, died Thursday night as a result of burns received the day before, Tke child’s cloth- ing caught from the fireplace. Ed. Robinson, a 1+ year-old white boy, of Ciiuton, was burned to death one night last week. <A _ lighted lamp in astore was overturned on him ‘saturating him with burning oil. Governor Russell has pardoned Sam Redfern, the oldest convict in tke penitentiary, who was senteac- ed two years ago to a ten years term for attempting to burn a dwelling. He is 75 years old and in feeble health. The Methodist Conference at New bern last week passed a resolution endorsing Rev. Dr. Kilgo, and Messrs. Duke and Odell. The Con- ference also passed the character of Rev. T. J. Gattis, who brought the suit ayainst Dr. Kilgo and Messrs. Duke and Cdeil. —-> <> a Childven in the Factory. Raleigh News and Observer. In the Baptist State convention yesterday, Mr. N. b. Broughtos, one of the leading men of the denom- ination, made the statement that ‘she overwork of the people in the cotton factories was crippiing and thwarting the mission work of the convention.” Speaking of the work of children in the mills he said: “These people must be protected, and these in‘ants must be saved from such wrecking and the bodies and souls of these over-worked women and men saved by Christian effort.” In connection with the declara- tion, which met with apparent uni- versal approval, we desire to call attention to the fact seat out by the “mill-owners of Georgia have form- ed an association to stop the prac- tice of working children under ten years in the cotton mills of the -| State.” It is gratifying to see that mill owners, church leaders, educators, and the press are azreed that child labor shall end in the factories. There may be here and there disa- greement as to the manner of put ting a stop to it, but an effective method will be found to do it. demand of lazy fathers, who put their babies in the mills to support r not be heeded. The children must be saved from the dwarfing process of early confinement in the factories! for this reform that is demanded in the name of humanity. the fortifications which we have been building the vast few years, and also te provide a sufficient force in the navy to man the vessels we have recently added. The inereas- ing navy, too, brings pew necessi- lies. “The report of the Secretary of the Treasury for the tiscal year ernd- ing June 50, 1900. shows of 879.527,000, His for the fiscal year ending June 34, 101, wouid leave an estimated surplus of =S0.000.000. For the fiscal vear ead ing June 30, 1902, his estimates and estimated surplus of oniy $26,255, 227. For 1902 there is estimated in crease in the revenue of $25. 000,000 over the previous year. and an in- crease of expenditures of nearly 283,000,000. Phe committee dcems it safe to make a reduction oF 2boxt =40,000,000, while the Secretary ef the Treasury, in his us gests a reduction of only $30,000,689 in revenues. The comimitice h tirely abolished the most taxes and reduced those + ed to have proved a 4r upon the several branches 0 7 to which they are applied. a war tax of 8) cents a barrel was added tothe tax of $1a barre! pre- viously imposed. The believes that that the amendment proposed in section 1 of the bill making a net reduction of 23 ceiits per barrel vives the beer manuiac- turer all the relief to which they are entitled. In the war revenue act the tax upon cigars, averaging more than three poundsin weight to the 1.000, was made $3.60. This G0 cents per thousand was very 6n- erous to tne manufactures, €special- ly those engaged in asmali way, and making the cheaper grade of cigars. It has been impossibie to distribute any of this 60 cents In making a price to the consumer, and the facto ries have had to bear the entire tax of over $3,000,000 last year. The committee have been therefore re- ported an amendment reducing this tax at the rate of 6H cents per thou- sand. The report then gives the chanzes in Getail. The one-cent tax on ex- press receipts avd televraph mes- saves has caused more widespread annoyance and trouble than any- thing else in the act. Tne commit- tee therefore have stricken these taxes from the law. It says. “After this reduction of $49,060,- 600 shall take effect, leaving a rev- di estim r; tes , 2° report, ts en Associated Press yesterday that the | The | them in idleness, in favor of emplov- | “After suffering from piles for ing young children in the mills, will fifteen rears I was cured by using two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel salye,’’ writes W. J. Baxter, North It heals everything. It will not do to wait another year ‘ other victim.’’ No one shouid fail to enue of $65,000,000 under the war revenue tax, that will be barely suf- ficient to meet the expenditures whichcame at the close of the war. We feel justified in maintaining the i war revenues up toa point equal to | the extraordinary expenses entailed by the war.” i \ Robbed the Grave. | A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, Pa., | was the subject, is narrated by bim (as follows: ‘I was ina most dread- iful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken. tongue ¢ rated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite—gradually growing i weaker day by day. Three phy si- cians had given me up. Fortu- inately a friend advised trying *Elec- ‘trie Bitters, and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a | decided improvement. I continued i their use for three weeks, and am jnow a wellman Iknow they saved imy life, and robbed the grave of an- j try them. Only 50cts., guaranteed, at W. F, Hall, Jr,’s,drag stores raph Op peku « > strike for was ordered On beer Dolphin of the felezraphers. committee] ™ ” germs of consumpton. Rr n n e c t d before it kilis you. invigorating tae syst is to ~ake De \ Vitt’s Little kart Riser ie sia over twelve years’ anG u ~god finaily took hh Vy ab r & macy remedies withou permaneat a I , nigver Wut 2 trine bY Preside ; “j Fa b oS u a r ’ v e n s p e O Q . w o r e Better kill your couga Ry n PP R er Te d Ae kills coughs of every kind. A 25 cent bottle & is just right for an ordi- nary cough; for the harder coughs of bron- chitis you will need a 59 cent bottle; and for th coughs of consumption the one dollar size is most economical. «‘ My cough reduced me toa mere skeleton. tried many remedies, but they all failed. After using the Cherry Pectoral I itu:netiately be- g2n to improve, and three bottles restore? me to health. 1 belisve I owe my life wit.” Sakau F. MorcAan, Oct. 7, 1898. rowztown, Va. 9 ad Sper i en ee > wo Le 8 OS eS OSS SSO ° > ie for Christmas. < ee n * . ° Ss iOr vu f ame 2 NEWS. } er 4 TAYLORSVILLE N ¥ 1 y “ATE NEWS. : ee —- LATE STATE NEW Matheson was at & fr i vs peat aieal athes - == A ‘EWS. il Mill Postmaster } - Y Big _ [GENERAL N x il mi een le last week. ie ae a ? . ee LATE GEN he Weldon Cotton Seed O Oss | Statesville last wee saps Tae a py ol aN es t va ker’s Bill - The Weldon ed by tire. Loss! Sloan is home from , R or = as 1 miro A OY *y. cker’: ne - A a Wed stroye iss Laura $ ee < site 3S tauch : v i eee on Crumpa & Obser- é ) tire Sat vas totaily des “65 J00 Miss La i ‘ile pays qu holiday o ’ — ; Mr. Kiattz 0 o Raleigh News & _ had a $300,009 tir. ia : insurance Sb, : 4 county. : | rein Statesville ; wed. 3ud our holiday 4 : Re = 5 SCOT Washington Special to Ra i Ealtimere bad / $10,000; insur. lored. fell from a Caldwell ¢ >. Ingram. of the lumber t Ou eat. 1D No other Serie a bustiess us 8 . S val PES SS ae spel k 4 ME cee ver, 12th, acker bill to reduce rac urday. estimates the Pink Bebb. eee Tuesday and Mr. W. P. =. Statesville Digests wha enw aids} this bran gs emarkabie catlecrin (ss {rein sud house ee > ear a ae eee Crumpac Ss the Suuth = t os Th RoR. 000 bales building at Dur'l from |wwhich: it > | coun pany, was at ee artificially digests is and recon- Se is a ical ue — ae Core ee a] S0 nate Satin Stinpers | : mar : “presentation tinues to be on crop at 10,109, 5ontoe: (cas uries: | day. fam-| dtz in strengthening and ive or- . salir. erent ay Ss ost ee rs that will ploase (£ feb WEEKLY 58 mneorinicne See amony cotton crop a es are petitioning eee he will die. as Robert M. Ingram and ioe SR eas eee “a ee It, fur-trimmea, Se lhaxe che Slip ee most ane & Aon. SH® apportion ab ie oo Ser thoug has Mr. Robert M. Ing oes COONS structing the exhau liscove rt oD Sie ne Pane Ce ares | im y | ‘ sneral ally be-| sipvi ion. tc | arpenter, Ss ir. ; = Catawba Ss a 2Jatestc aration vi sh costun 2 reep. Brow i biect of went Fels venerally M:SSISSID] ant pensiot ' lev, @ ca pe a i -ed back to Ca ans. Itisthe ao meals reparat : PAS ho mute « } (BI. GreeD i ce subj ; b is g a to grant {| | > B. Ausley, for =1.- | ilv movec gans. ic. No other prer . in- i. bot ack red. <2 one : AT om bers. ‘ “essed a *onwress 5 Pou pee . ham, fo os iL j itonic. 3 iciency. It { rrr Biack = 4 and S125 \ the mer r Fill not be pr *. | Cony : Dukes. of Durh ail a ee ant anc it in efficiency a sae Ss HER. 2392.. =1 O68 and = < ro AP 1 will no ause it : . f} he Dukes, ived while | Tuesday. lon- ach it in et y cures 4 " vitc. ae. 3 f > EAR, leved the bil : ress. because -_ | slaves “quilted o jsued the [ ipiuries receive | * i sturned Mo pas approac armapentiy \ os 3D ePrice “| ‘EEAR A ¥ Lieve : _ Congress, mp : . ras acqut a injuries Jr. Stevenson retur isit- | C22 Sppred resand perm: artburn, Ct corer, i WE DOE EF 2 : a2ssion of = anna s. nson Was 4 sa! urday | qgqg 99, for inj Ss Steven here she visit-|% y relievesa tik feartb ) : ONE D eee aIS SESS rea with some of Han |. Rev. John Sees 5. C., Saturday j299 loyed by them. | Mrs. Ee ae ae Sae Indizestion, a Nausea, x Him : \ . x & PROPRIETOR | yay Seine Kluttz this | murder = Sete eas mae li : d family of nine, atl day ee nd friends. eee Souk a Crampsand tor <=iil. : is ina Slipper. You y E a TaTis. EDITOR & }pians and scene tative Kluttz th : i filled his p ry k in Clio Ellis an s OR uty, are led sister an ist. is home | Fk Se lache, Gastrz =, ligestion. | 1 -mfort there is ino ie ne SOn, oF z oe ee as ly yen een > a gues-|and fille : Nester. int li yy ‘leveland cou Vi. }ec Jentist. is hor Sick Headache. ; verfect ¢ iges 7) ioys the eomfc if. ¢ 2 Qusdand. a : . eT | Saw aepre nse to aq Sharles Fost« Vinger, Cleve A dauyh- ». W. Moose, den he wa. | Sics sults cf im] ins 2% times { 2PIGVS “‘hristmas gift fora ae ville at; i a and in response r barge Charle S persons? pe} inger, id fever. A dauy {Dro as fhere he ll other res ize contains 2% > | Every man < 2. i a Christmas @ e's brother, W at Statesville at | saline aniehnn | ‘Phe barge , and S } -ith typhoid fe mooie Take Forest where all< 31. Larcesize ia muiledfree < wver : hinking of a -one alse’s by ae ‘estcfhce ats jmoroing a - | tcie Sunday an down with ty isease last week. | from Wake 2 - iceS0e. and $1. Lin outdyspepsia ms ° | \ A eiy tatneing her. or semec : ia black kid at YN - serec atthe Fe ie ltion he said: lightest fear of) - os Erie § ; ‘ev died with the disease jirom W. me work. ec assomartaanatics &CO.. Chicago |) Serre ee nag vongee fsame siippers ja black | 5 Eniere : mai! matter.] Ba ease ot the slight ker bill. | ‘4 drowned ited a |tev died witt sn be-| called to do som of | soullsize: E. C. CowlTT | if a father, a bro leas—hangsome sippi y have the Stiopers “s secone class Mm - bcc k Dawent f the Crumpacker bili. | were wary: ussaulted a ' 3 of cotton be-| ea) sider Thompsor, of ared by E. = aif the late ideas - Ve certainly hav i. Sbrist ica nets oe the Crumy anda- :olored, uss : i idred bales : eit +45 Sider Zl ‘ell who| Prep | Ee eet ee | wee 15 store for Christ. ¢ ‘Pyoxk No. 2d. Ithe passacze of ae plain, manda | Rod Pofus. c oe ean Sat- Five pes Mill Com | Presiding oe = »y, Postell wh USE MARKET. ¥ ha 00 $1.25 and S1 50 Se to the Slipper Store for ‘ 4 tolative of thx . Oo, } a eur Or ’ 5 : 7 1e | = : itv Ayman | ¢ fo ve re etre = ieee are Sen vome / > 1600 EN sere et cca he Constitution wh te woman near Saar ught and longing to the t Forest City, Statesville, and ae ee ‘uit were here SVILLE PROD AD vi. rill please HIM. =. Coz : Gr elena - provisions of t I revolntion- |wh *e aaa) was caug il were burned oT day. The as seut tu this circu STATE that will pie 1 : : Nae" D —- |tory pr recedent and ‘ lurdiy, Daye ounty. Tues E Was s r afternuon. : : is Slippers. c pana aaa anne TNE SES se aabeae ace cee : i a Seite |e ntthortord icoc +339.000. ast Sat urday aller os SORRECTED BY ae Mas OSilpt 3 ETT is i ea wo c pen eu NIT ee Serres Crumpacker | lynched. Burnap. a prominent aa loss is estimated at $39, ht os W. 8. Checry has moved COOPER 2 GILL cP 2 & ; — “S OPPORTU XS poe ink Judye Crum ress | iah C. Burnap.a p committed | loss is es ay nigh Rev ieee nee onaieais ie ia DN : resort . ~T cannot think esiously press | Uriah mn. N.-Y., comt ° Spencer Monday n See mie Methodist parsonay seas i THES MEN Cee ey ILE COME: : pees nS or intends tose! a lawyer |. »n of Brooklyn, night by shooting To a fight at pene LESTO WETE I= | om the Boe hoof Railway Agent ENTS OF THE WEEK. at THE SHOE: . . ae re hes beer expects 7 ° 90 voou a Saat Ze : rs day nig 1 S os 7 and ar = as cra . : tage south of ? COMMENTS si j mi — i ' tion there eee bili, as be is t to commit itself suicide Saturday} two white met former being seri Soe esse line luce in good EeKS QUAIES fae Sat ot; h to the future er: Reo Oongress se aal injustice hecmsele were recently jured, one of the . oe his skall | Steck’s dwelling. } ved here Se eae aa Sree $1.75 | , = Ss gS: = : m as ; we lito expec constitutions Be z : Milipinos w ith the | J? burt. as it is > i oe ove, who move ; ° neers ae ec see “soo 4 o —~ > >= 2 >= —< oe a veh sp arty. AS uch an uncons judicial con = teen Filly : wita sly burt, sev. W. Y. Love, ; rille, N Extradoureaack 2222222222 z S aS ane rte a part ee eee any judiciz : Fourt eneagement .|ousls - Rey. , ar Mooresville, 2 Stacia a aes ae ool > =< D £12 ae d not be cast{t “ in advance of ae Girolina Con- killed in an Sanne insurgents is fractured. ; running : = week from near 7 os wine | atone Seip seen aC s| “Cowes E Act ie Democrats nec The unlimited} . ruciion of shes or a without any F fth Cavalry. ae The Paves errors ania West | C. os at Stas pees Meal Soe 2 So éo | h } istmas im see ~ defeat. The unh Seana ae al Armen iment, ¥ f voiers | #+'¢ chased four miles. oe of the Aberdee ‘prings. |V:: 1 for Rev J. . Seren See pels oe sb | 2 ! the'r Gelea y the | situtional J ber of vove were Chas has finally ranch of the £ : Springs. | reached fe <= GH ci DEW ole bushel. . 31 oN wn by tl -ernment by t sil ioa of the num Saat aeLS a ent bas tinal a branck to Jackson ‘Sj a} | PYs nch, of Caldwell Sorn—old—s6 lbs. per 2 ies m= 351 £ aS . : dc e gov ere cad 4c See aR aemebaee epee The Dutch SO apenas Kru- End Balvoad oe: another hotel | Mr. Walter Seah Sheek Ronee ater a ty r aie conir riv must be u ieyed to be dis rbitraril: ake 1 not to helr ‘rouble be- ‘here 1s talk als Steer | letngaets ormer student here sage) Neceemiees ro ill soon urty I le, or|aiieg ition is toa "O | decided not 1 he trouble Phere 1s iving spring. sounty.a form Seneae ieee: eesmeae eee €o sti rill: soon i : Pee conk soposition alf of the vo | a peace oe oc health-giving s; county, Waite last ; s—tley ie - | uestion w Lee f the p his prot fully one half o . - to arbitr: 1 Eneland. at that healtt > : Zev. Prof. “Wa Bavtis ee ee eae 4S | x cc ? The ques Se lf ee) "i gceg eae teers fully 1S illevallv ee) try and Ene 25 G0 -eling mau for Rev. nding the Jat a eee a J) realize jts nearness ? , for presents I s eathof victor! ONCE See have been illey ame en his country : ‘Ss, a traveling nu is ; -e atlending Potatoes—Ir =. Goiieesee sp J YOU realize it 3 shall buy for ; ; } thesa re] wreath : tate have iS}tween his be- . Franks, a E Not- nis absence i Sale ey eer ence Circa 5 OU YO vhat you sha ae 1oOw Ais “a 3 are eye Tl ecrs of the Stat by, and upon this aie ree men Ww. EL. C. . , of NO {nis @ eek mes per bushel. . 5 D 2 st as to What y lines which we are n Aire ee E 1ntO tne who = vie erated He repu ane to reduce \ skiff aes crew, f the rice Hexcese So lisbury | State convention. -— ar aee re Ee = be eecsoae pes following aoe ae of ail kinds, ; ; be lassen i noi Ne owbo2 p a r aA Salis a i ~~ Re ts ae Errno noes 2 ill inspect roblem: POOKS ian aie i : ) too. t yrted assumptio - half. ing to the t rht near , "a., Was arres ° . He | 0 Meee ee S y will insy solve the pre lv ed: Gold : Ww. Guicesy ve} nasupperted % sntation one-hall longing vn Friday nig en|folk, Va., wi Ee bis firm. | penttiestowor [aie e202 234 seeaoiiear an help to solve tt ', bandsomely box: Seer Seci se actus eee has orave = Sees seprescae he proposi reer oe = all three men for embezzling ee and went to | Tre mengts UE a Beis esas Bie alice r 8 | playing it somata ' Fine Stationery, a Novelties : Sterling n ( d Cong ee eons Neate ernie ‘De ee aa ye as ’ able to vive be | Correspondence of the Mas mes ; here, | He: AS. IND eo fe nim ie eo 5 ac to Sd pe 2 stat ens; 2 be Nuleid Uccds: en ong ei : Mistake Tire mere stat irdity. Nor Jndustry, yas unable to g | Corres} 2» sickness : ROOSterS Per 4? g—smail—per = loc to 85 7 . and Fountain f epee sets: Celluleid G z ne « to meet. 2 ry pee een ic eae absurdity. wation | “d : oe e | There is some =o ae nana? Chicken—Spring- se et ai ens, Pencils anc : : Manicure Sets cee > Work are ee ; utof them Dem |”. *~ shoe oe ee on bepult her | drowned. ment's cotton crop jail. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. | nee Se ee gvippe. 7 ee nig SN ee | a Articles: Tovlet ee ane @ ses; ue een yy ; : 462. 25d OV a Ome VCore lioals : ast retain " ONC cer- > wby of Mr. < = y, SWal-| mostly colic * he suuering: fo ES eens in Gant oa a : > ai Ware; Fancy L sano Toys: sel : jhe muc +. ill come u ber to at least a Phe govern sale to rhe baby « ty, swal-| ve has been s k of : 30 | ina and Opal Wa : f Dolls ane To: ; Siar wiliber ity will titles her to at SSCA FS SO. fered for : yaad eee Sate barrus county, he | liam Howe ha: rere attack of h | China and : Large line of Dol When sicy ping roo ivy to be lentitles her of represer 1] report was offe brokers ina 2ayne, of Caba hey took the} lia ime with a severe : ; aged = er Baskets; Large ailkinés. Whe: ; ‘ cracy Ss « i tatives to resent number : » should] rep Sew York cotton invest- | Payae, y pin. They av, some time wi os and back, be- owes ee 10 Vastepaper Bz sand Games of all ki = age 2 House of Represent: probabit- | rest aie Soe Fie coala ene ee pEpucaaion: An invest lowed a oe oa Va., Monday, ase in his Sea unabie eee re oa = Game Boards and Games Tk > ce eeeieee ; ee ily tnereased, it w yance OF its : bild to Richy thave the pin re 5 sia gare to his bed anc : : Mrained per BS a it tee us ei-cied sevatic, and stranzet ee en another, making ten aan will be had, aulted a here they hope to have ee eee three nee ne eeney Comb, per D- . - = 28 ‘ Onno : t “V nui. abe 5 . : + ub ; « Ss roe . { * c z r neaita. me Se ae a at : ve LOC te > IN-}e sia ber to 5 -olored, ass : 3 tO wor is in very poor hea rae tain ame 75 a ity it \b ppened than res tit ser bill therefore Daniel FOS Co nee county, moved. iter. of the Sea i Hoover is ee oe eripos, | Eggs a: B 60 TT rst &. i 5 I iL N. . nap - "OS net one seker ~ 2 yy. SS on fe ' ~~ : y ‘3 + Pas ee , i 35} % Seah tases be . Democratic Pre: . ‘-The Coe oe ae that white heeds ed week, He was oF Cone eet a shifting en-| Air. L. W. eval On account of t wks = oa ESVILLE. N c orto 's upon the assump ate have | ,-, one day las jail, but a mo vas killed b; lay. He was | is now better. On Hsq., has] ky PSNEW ow te areas + | STATESVILLE. N ¢€ rane a 1. | vrocceds ut ; of the State Va., x ai : beard, was oe day. He i but is vard, Esq., Feathers ek eas a = i ) ly to talk |“ 2 f the voters of ne it will be rested and Stantesto a limb. as at Henderson secperuaa to bad health D. RB. Hom: ee deputy Hides dry, per iG ae x TY STORE is too earl: Ty | Ome Bat | hs 2 C ere swung Seas : > track sig ; - Me- resi as from] ere ee SET, z “ . urs, this te sgt ruins. ID). oon disfranchised, ie about one-} | ook him and sw L. M. Irby died standing on the tr ‘shifting Sore nee compelled to 3 sullering: from Wool—washed quarters, #)V ARTE : | platforins. Lon SE that ony al plored, .x-Senator John L. M. : So eae in when the sl at Bersley. riff. He has been s da bad cold Se eee 172 | a" : ink lat : bly eect | ramembe spulation is colo 5 lix-Sena i > in Laurens, his trait . He lived at Be sheriff. fasthma and a bac , iy z os a ight Son m abecut ce ae prooany ee third of the popu ma proportion Sunday at Bs hoe ae move- backed on him. e an attack of asta od is suffer- ae anor orig ae i2 Tow at the grea i eee Coe a to vote C i He organized ae Gen. wade Naiecemmnace eta 1nd cough. oe neuralcia. bn ‘ ext ° ee > ' = 5 ni ' mn ie Oe Ant tna Howie q } t . , -ceede = 3 7 ra : ont ¢ t : : reat dea eerie Spencer, = 2a b = Swern ir “ C nae 16 Pemeeratic ms Pthis aumber ar nt, itis SR ment and ve Senate. His deat x. P. B. Bonner, a stude at the} ing a grea 2 Hoover, of Spen r” Se Sle WHOLESAUL <ND RETAIL ron : k } ary FF “1 probably I ler the amendmen ti e would be Hampton in the cee disease. kK. P. B. was held up ot Miss Emma H ister, Mrs. D. L. “ ey nee 7 Fs a ——anemen cs ——— ea = Siates god verse ean: | eae NE an injustice ¥ ry | He y Bright's diseas }| University, was ay nighton| 3} isiting her sister, Mrs. > Resin) ee Se iS == ’ ae ; al! ele ; w veross an ORS s cutting down was caused by Br = ~ ts Chiff ( Da ae a xistol Sat urday Hit antyis visit a : : ied rc a a — == ‘ 7 Coss, a ohn whom all { fUCe sc State by this -en if the ver 50 cen = point of a pl: f Chapel Hiil, ar 1] VWavoner. oe { Jennings, is 138s Se ee es ee ep —<$——<——————> SGIVE YOu : * man upon s upite. He: cone tbe St: Beare n, even dispute oO Yharles Byce ai a ain street of aA piv asmal!! Wag Ny ‘, cell, of Jenr epee abies 4s maestee 22 7 2E Pte a WEGIV\ EX - i ¥ ym marty Gan uD cece Gs i : Sepa oc ne "declared un- Ina berger killed Charles ee the Mair : al his money, onlv as ee vate ae Cam pod< vs No. 5, Barrinye: Shoulders... . - o ° i uy ie 1@ party vith little of her t ld 2 s i rnesberg = . ay. at- ae <r of a Ms fae! Ss, a young mes ’ listric aN = -2 9 ce CR er a 10n Fe st hes y be a Idan wit ee t. rendment should operative. It Ha = sville, Ga., Sund cut in the | ropbed Hollis Jenkins, eens teaching in ¢ petoee from nc Rue ae RKEY. a“ Ai 7 nvl a oe prove I} National politics Jar titutional and aE a in this con- peonasye was seriously ¢ eturned UCN the town, has been jaile township: J. i aching in No. 4: VILLE COTTON MA aa CCS me 4 in inatlor ae rith |constituc red te rhick | nosber: nears jury re -7ro of the 5 Ville, is teachi: et eh ea oe STATES‘ 1eC, 13, 1900, 9 a, m, ; i G tified with | be remember yon Which } y “The coroner See ne aes? r Statesville, in No. 3. and Liley EN C Dec 15 0.25 , | ; or © ) tiv identifi vill be re he ground ut Val tea t. The ec arate nicide. = robbery. ~ es Troutman in No. ue STATESVILLE, N. al ul 23 a : 1900 : nently : Sentara “E al- | Gj.-ht. eee eee dies for the r 3 : -| Purches Troutr ro town-| stat ate ae ee 9.15} ining days ol 1! aS, 1 noes but o ‘crion that the. Redes the Ee of justitia hay PLOr : ing, chief en-| y urcoes Lro ambersburg aes Gat Coosa IStSBBE ia Fe re for the remainine < 5 sie ee One Such | he amendment is eee arrcrctcnr of A. J. Thomas, Captain E. W. Seren noe she | J. Howard in oe satisluc Rood fiddling ne $.08 | to visit our store oe cones on your purchases epee. loyalty. Such | ye an a ly dis ms : ~e A. : . ‘ iNT i wort nie E J. They are all ith) Gacin eee Te Ske | riilsave you Maree teen eer a AER HOES Phe bine tion that it on ty this couten The Residences Ala., was lon ineer on the **Virginia Jand Con-| nip They are g opular with their eae eG Sas 4 and we will save 3 interesting figures on aia mi unquestio, ed nominated. The | tesa so that under. un one-third near Cluttsville, A iday night by | cinee d the Cumberland an Sut-ltion and ‘are popu: ee ee We are making some eae r attention to just a sis pe ula t ears will] negroes, iderably less tha e affect- vith dynamite Fr -oman in the aestroyed tu Wilmington ou Se ene is correet we | >t “Market firh:, — i lines of goods and call vd ce 5 istake when ao Wu20 xt four Veat tion eonside ei State are ap wt : a one woma = "ess died In ° ate with Dev patror Ri mor is corre SS SS LES } ales tes cai you wiil maxe NO mis 35 : rats Of \he next 4 i the voters ot tee in the worst white caps = Thomas had % we a Ye was a shipma d the Con-|" Tr Madam adit ¢ here soon. HORSES AND MU os few things so 4 oe See oar sfropy tine of ey sue vo . rf 2 > : ere ies 3 2d. 12aV Mine iv , a sali ¢ 5 : { : 7 - 2VOS EL r tform ra -refore, reduction use injured. epeated Qay. 30 and joine = >a ll have a wedd > C.K. _ . he win- | looking for bargains . ti ehabL EO ans 0crats O ad by it: the oe ay =—redu ovouse ) E 1d had r , a e fore 186 a War be will lave a _ 4 care ENE forthe 4 s00K81IDL ‘ > - i. i : eth : we Democrat a DY rum packe repeat in his hovse ar away. |oy befor vyhen tbe Y "KE RETURNED HE and mutes | ie ces He Ss “ ‘antime, we t q aa the Yr . 1 repei men in pls send them av : 2 navy woe Sinn SS E HAVER so or 60 horses an 2c. We 7 7 < ah v = ? In the rovanti stute ov event, sly unjust. = nv eet L 1ed to sen iederate By scran es W* tr. We have 50 or r on time. ist oO trie a - j In rowr State ¥ 2 grossly 3 sor apy - been wart : wi it States bevan. < c Rete sell for cash o Sau a y ee ees ra uggostinalog over he tates ugar," Over Works weakens) | Waeiee SNES Dress Goods, Wa : ature} let Means ‘hat ue pecome law. r ennes stitutiona collision on ar ie Me /Se | want to do busines po : oT WOT, } : mts oud that State has a ar bill can become eet out of The T ‘lared unconstitut lid not In a head end collisi r Richmond, Your Kidney Se is , tats Canac wt i Soo py Southern Sta Saree ve it will ever ber of the}been dec ae The court sl ture tic Coast line near R Iilled ca ee ae a Kian 3 cock beak cs ia nvery time apy FeO Bs, lieve ver O é ‘hnicality. . islatur tantic Sone 2 man was killed, Sm e Bicod <== noes Rae uss and last very eovernment by te « pasate XS mt es il not only a tec rates right of the Lea the Saturday night, one aaa an enice idneys Make Impure Bicod. ee ee Isome new Carpeis, HGS an af exper ( = in the Democrace pe committee, I ae the grea! } pass on =a a law, but pele by the a 5 others eee cars were! Uphealthy Kidne i > FOR SALE—A Se capper Conlaanre” Trunks. te ene ae } = This enSUS oe nity. t ae ne 2 pass suct 2 sione : inre - tam . sight : ene TOU ANC < ae = art cash 2 - 2 : eames ’ : etner part) as retrozradec. T iave the opportun ine the interests | t t had never been Srone no @ acd | 2 ez 0 se n was Fire the b es. a ene to SOWLES LACK CAT,” for the boys and ee ial bas t AVE : lin ro- | act had » The i iead ma ‘ All the b! : Apply 2 H.R. CO SLACK CAT.” 3 j 1 eee Se, i people together leasure. of defenc oe North Caro-| ac aker of the House. ttes into the wrecked. The C = of Weldon, N. <. = rarer rey R. R.and H. See the “BLACK C: . e + » Sle ee in- | Pleas ved name of 1 >peak t cigarette t Boyd, ider | your kidney a a ae Tri] &Z O ; fact sho i Se party, and in wnd the goed na ae rush to get ciga bian ees crushed unde I , v2 ore fata: Wanieé at Mee. e I 4 7 m . he DP: moeratie |} ae hie fast rea = eae i, | iLis body was }} ares BS ire S Sa M house in east ° rid In the , » weaken the f na, ———— “tate, { Hammond, = -erturned engine. SERS 2 OR FOUR-ROOM house in mh rs i nia eben won - : : x rhe overturne 5 x eR THREE OR FOU sis office. Bec. 7 i wd of seeking ‘ iy party, as some vy Advertise:ents i's for Xmas Edward Reade aes charmer | "2c ¢ h, a Wake county far Pe es eee 5 ~ i ts in thei? part) a Ions yr & Gill's z , lvertising as a sna at Fort oul Gooch, a Wake ¢ uug son ~- ; of Dem i¢ men and pe to Cooper & Ind... edve . chibiting at . Juda 5 , his young me 3 D " ssatic mk Got is hile exhl S tten nate killed bv . was ANT e ~ eG Vernecre il Democrat lies ° f sen-} ond eater, w ~ day, was bi mer, Was « , Jubal : ; eens 4a" ry : 2 pre - dving, all Democ SRETCES asa multitude o = Whine Ga., Saturday, 1 Sunday. |. f°"> 7 y afternoon. mating his Il Lubricating Oils, Grea on vA 4 Se ee id up the party, t L. Schiller ene aeneSODr ee and See ore fend was cruelly anes the Serene ities to ti eral proposi- Ed ‘< : t : >to build uy oe } aT? ings as Nmas¢ by a rat pietiagync y bee 7}; cru mn interfered w sah LY belting and ad goods and liberal eee yOu? ve should se. k to vivssings of Anglo 1ole thing el he ‘he snake had pecan ee cuaranteed wife. The son ee chased b m. commission. Sod refer canes YREASE CO., ‘6 to twenty per cent. saved on sae 1 : nd that ihe olessing iss eoruhe ple prices. vave an elegant line | ‘i ijorida and it was 5 this was |‘ er Grew a knife 2a: > his cruel tion, acacee OWARD OLL & GR! = I'jfteen tc mee if be ught of us. Seen y be preserved loop & Miller have at ents tien aes s were out, but this ea father returned to hi: t THE I SSS Jackets or Coats if bo ee : saxen rule may be rt) | Sloop & Miller i ¢ presents. that its fangs ‘Shen the fathe od, got 2 === a : j Saxen rui h and our part: ai . uitable for } (hat 1ts a i He The son returne etree es varied line of . le ef he South anc - Wf siippers s . Yo. call your istake. silled| seating. ‘The so = rs brains == ATS! howins 2 large and varie See he opnortunity to con " Sloan Clothing co holiday | * ue ddings was shot and sue ie and blew out his father’s FOR S LE! tt! We are ee eee 6 ae. 1 the op} 1 eauz ee ene their line en Eddings 2ns, <Ala., ae r¥-TWO head of young cattle i eye ouemical and eq ittention to ss rs. ete. 4 Ben y vightat Athens, ter being} The slayer fled. : and HAVE eee ee from ese npabl OO ° fer hou Sm ine people of thr neckweur, Bufilers 1 Albert Sice- os ay Williams, the cock takine W. bB. Crawford's oo ae tor sale. SES heifers aos ipnonists D & os - Ped ee int MeHargue and Ak personal] vr. J. W. r. Williams was t Dr. W. Be sboro were burne See calves six aaa : “ eoyers Clint Mc sale of per: : jed. Dr. ;, home, when ar Goldsbor insurance monthsoid. Nine cal Ree cornea tery, Woolen and ” i rertise the sale : “FOUN vas drunk, home, 2} stable ne 35 83,000, Insuraac = -ailand see me: Iw B. STEWS - ‘’s Underwear, Hosie vnoee oat country. aaa 1 oe eee W. L. | eddings, who eee revolver The on Saturday, 2S mess three tine ee eee Saba Men's, ladies’ and children or: eee and 2 biz variety of 2 rronerty at teat ys as oS ‘\ddinvs drew ast. 1e is rawfor a en cnrrats ‘ov. 29th, 1000. : Se ee Men Ss, 12 3 ts, Comfort Pucks, Re oe Nee 3 ; rep looted) aduic s re of | Lddings S ‘tor in the breast away | 2090. Dr. Cra nules, and Mr. io Bese Pee field Cotton Blankers, Comfc : i ave nob space to mention. pais AB. : : ed, gives notice shot here reek the nevonies = ~ | aorses and poi lost a tine Dr WwW. H. Wake he easonable goods which we have : Lor E nee pee ePceBsea, © Coe >n x sili ed him. a ] of Ans ? 2 the iL “a9. s@€ason a “ f t ratie party | ctanton. ¢ ce doctor the shot and kilie Crawford, ; > stable ut t} ( in Statesville, rard 4 cord, soft ebil i Demoeratie } 3 ic sale of fands. meas ice |‘ eddinys, sho ae - at was in the sta rhe Tae, N.C... will bein Statess bes ark’s two hundred sien " 2 to hit of nominative | oudlic sale t :.C.S.C., gives Be ee. omen ll, a nurse ao or] BOrse ae Seria Argus ae Freee ee Smee ie limited John J. Clark 2 Thea’ ‘bought by the varrel ant of nor Eiurtaess.C.s. 4 - “ ’ > a . : 32 = rete Sieer- Ole: = nea is practice onic achine Eee d : F. A Bar Jant, of th 2 O'Donnell, w 1 shild of ‘ime. ae S Were slec; See eae ASS eC finish machine 5d cents . Do enar- ai gales defendant, Se Alice illed the infant c i in that tramps a ygrertaey 20th, for one day only. 1 THROAT, : r0 spvols for 5 cents, fgg hi » without o A. G. Sims, defend he Superi : ‘lyn, killed the st Friday 5 thought accidental EVE. EAR, NOSE an and sold two spvols , Al€ > n the 3 ‘ooklyn, s last Fri 7 fitiste Soe x is and acc to EYE, E4k, = ana sc { : 3 relving up- | 0 A. ap action | 13h ’ s. Jas. Jones las itted | - der the sheds vai = 7 W es od ¢ and relying’ uj inning of a and Mrs. Jas. S dmitted| i. unde i ae 3 oa 1 m Oo | are By pea inn Paw i Mr. 2Dd 2 M ee sted shea a So : ace on fire. wonderful cures ‘o- in ' s¢ lash toeleet them. Tre -ourt. > a vood wyule for night. When arres Se her own ly set the place wor =e For Sa e€ nai aon Ramse y y 0 r the p: ty lash toel {ieers 2k J. D. Lackey has ag ay urder and said % and she] <> .| and iss _ ble Town Lots, situated oe eee ed State officer | or cae 3 s in Rae 18 in an anstieawon roman N. Steele and O¢her by alléru BO: aboaeae near Sees seoe ore ‘ MC LLY Seay raracter, and | yi. : “1S uyers Jaby was , er worm Mr. T. N. § neighborhoo Terms: Cash or S. KERR. Wes » highest characte ae \ sraat saving to ae ones and id not see apy eae child with | Death of ssomieates News. ; sixes 75x253 feet. Term THOS. R.G. KERR. \ roe ! z earth oO ‘ i ean oe ress woods, ¢ S _ ; = 12V i VAC = hott by ENGL Ga HRT aE TERE ~ : heir. s Se ea roe Eredeil | <b es. fancy Ce asa & Co. ~houid oe ae srs was deneid Regular Correspondent, Ss poe t 2 non x . By Ai oases ' th earn UP LPrecs oe tsat N. BL Mills we * while tha ; from our Regular Co : oN | free, also pamphlet ; Se Y EY | i AE litious. izekets at — ver while From ; has mwoOv-] free, kidney He 35 bt Bi CH j artre ~ — eee reKets ¢ an e y Selmont, has if you have kidne; itine Dr ) t BB eh) / es . Sate's il honest mer ]3 wt a Case to herself. e Mr. Stowe, of Beimont, out if you h r when writing Dr. Wa 3 : = aT ay are all hor side of the Case. . SSYrs. Mr. ; resville. ion this paper whe a eve = i daca . ne ab ee ineer's Side of the 3 sed of Messrs sine pen sen Mooresvi inyger’s | Mention this par wiye Nymouth hy a do not belier Mr. Slarriager'’s Barringer thinks] committee Ce eer nore chair- jog his nt EE OS of Barringer’s & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y large number of Larred Pymouti ee : , é epee eee pa arvell, Of Io roe a : VE alarge number of | ken ies and © i better ones Mr PP. A. Barri < about the marsh, Republican, o ican. of Penn- Mr. J. P. 3 to town lasi week ~ er Sale J HAVE nak breeds of onan BoM noe a ale 1 Mm ae Tel ¢ last week a doe: es Wagner Reeaviacee: i an of ‘ownship, moved ss has moved to Mute for aac Be pea prices that Se ee make room ‘ ‘ ( that the par: our article of Ip le’s buggy _fnan; Wag eae tepublican, — eee Griffith has : : See it at my | wiilo ime to buy cheap, SM. GIBBS. t i eat i r \te. Steele's = lace ia; Smith, . : New rev. BE. FP. : 2ach this e for sale se towt [is the time tc : J. M.G ca ‘ vn core Of Nie ae ace,} 4) nia; — of Ne veV. F 1 wil! preac “Ea good mule fice. Shiloh tox Speen ‘ ime men. Poe pos) injustice. In the tirst p le ee ocrat, ans ane will p ‘ Spe eo ERE PORTE. ee ee rd reseniative Y dicebc nan injustice. : = to Mr. Steele iowa: Driggs. pen Democrat, of wrouemenis «s and New Sterling. ily § 4 residence near Respecthatly LACKEY. November 20, 1900. ‘ i fi oita su: fo predict ai: Flt heli not @ oe his she ane nd Ciay ; " d to in- rear at es : : od fam y ship. : Jj. Di tS . Superior no oes OU : he says he Be ie ies SCO Eoin appointe y : ordan a iS} Dee ‘13th, z900. : ine fecal ee ee Seen a Eee oa Sen ee oe So oe ee SS ee Persona! Property. Alexuader Sounty J \” ‘Court’ by & ster (oO the party ae shee yrcly and knocked. “ 2 peer dea ipe venerally |. ssed toroug i nrietta r . Alexun = v= (isu ve in condrrions. ront pe es oe ne to the door he ask vestigate the and hazipe ve nerally passe a = Mocksville to Henrie z Sale of e Ee onan J.C. STCLAIR ) NOTICE, a a SUA GDS Bue ier ocd oe. : f, Aekter) West Point, : way from Mocl : = ae one cos: ; tines ee RRO See | Miro Stceie Mf his buggy. at West Point, Academy. ’ ield of lavor. ily te Aoeeeabe Smee STCLAIR a Wat “e uditions”’ se j: Willit bolt |..@ for the lexan of ie ‘Steele told t the Military Acade \tlanta | dis new a T, Sherrill and family eee ousehold and kitchen furniture, Pa eecies named will take oe ronscicace? Willit bolt |, 3@ Conversation Mr. Fo) VEY S. Thompson, an At Rev. W. L. MeAE yith friends aliproperty,_ household) o'clock. The defendant above Sablove has eee : ue > COUSCIE | : ebugey. J r. J. S. Thompson, ix home -eral days here w e ks- | 2! Prope: begin at g:30 ¢ ae iat am action entitled asal rt of Alexande: , Lapdme its wavs. or |; ; Scena tind the PP, here Dr. . “rest »d at his Dent severa as es Vloeks- etc. Sale to > Respectin'y, SROUE that anac aeliS ane Court bonds io. ai ran , party mends it : aim where t his buggy whe tentist, was arreste ‘barging | Spe tto his work at } eer CLINT MCEBRGUE. nencedin the s ‘divorce from oe further ¢ and winter goods we i pies Paths in some of tts Barringer left 21S ara Mr. | «tentis es a Warrant cha meee Bie sfore yong : the Metho- LEER T sick : btain ae id defendant will ts } 2 clearance of fall and w eee 11 : iuleine in some Darrince a take itto. ; , night ona la Ciollines-/ ve = reached in the : ALD 1960 ind the said de appear at tl ; axe 2 C.earance - . sed prices “ : ly indulging i = ke itaud did not tak = unday nig issed Ida fiullings oe He preache 7 and in cember rth . rg90. eva : is required to zapped Sree Iu order to mak ae bing at reducec : sits . Era he broke it anc a Mr.} > : aving kissed Idi -) | ville. e pr ay mornin’ an Teisner, N.C., December 1: Eiheot et hat he is required of said cou: a 5 ire stock of Clot ing BE : t Pharisaiscm? fGen He did not tell va-} dm with having sixteen veur-cld girl Ke t church Sunday mataces te Suaday } Weisner, N. cn s “rma of the Superior Se Tee will offer our entire stock ant ‘USist 3a s - Srcele s lot. | was only a vorth, a pretty sixteen } wing on. | dis soyterian church §$ “| — : Cbs ela oe ee + > ‘| Srovie that his load was vas “some | vorth, a p o he was worsiug e{ be Presdyteria Notice, : court house of said e« pamncicon iz ; recentiy been gelns | S:csie th: ld him that it Wl S whose teeta h ; tak out by the ae cht ived three iuinistrator of W.L. Jat etoon answer or Ss dens ™ th a ‘s Sag This! tise. but told hi a vas taken ip-{ o1stot. o } > lived SIGNED Ad Seay ere nee og N.C... anc > plaintiff wi = . i er ? > Ls ; rs which sup-| lise. ou han a large valise. was| ‘he warrant tee claims to be ip Mr. TN. Steele, who died last] pyre exper ooo eee Seta eee ciecn monte “WATT 7 in aturda 3 ccem cay : i the papers w is de- | heavier than a larg e liquor was} é| ’s brothers. . 60 ee bis place, a Clanton, deceased. w sidezce of the ‘said ourt for the relief deinand A, WATTs. inn 9 tie row S r bis de- sacs ror savs if the q s he] 2irl’s bro ys it is an attemp iles east of tbis p n. The fuc- ato ot atthe late resi near Koc ” This Nov. 26th: Taree es r Court. Zin 1 iucyan and hoped for | g-]| Barringer savy t know it, as he cent, and says it is a is failure wes Sag feningatd p.m. The use | January. 160! rin Iredell co ishest bidder, | ‘This so Clerk: Superio € inuing uatil Jan. ist. 1931. : Licya - » did no > ocent, wi t of his : even house Clanton ¢ “ash to th he . t anguatil Ja g - eae voved the forma vieckace he di 2 bonded distille: my Kmail, arising out eo ior work | friday e were heid at the bo by | Hill church, sell for OIA Bae oe Jno. L. Gwaltney, Att'y. ae at 7 a.m.. and continuing = feat that Bevan favor Shep sed it from 2 eo} lack ’ > due him fo ral services pducted by hat valuable tract of Claxton as Th ee Ss feat that Bry ee aaa ie yurchased it il license. and that th Bs collect. money oa h eral ee atlp. m., conductec and {all that valna ae 1. Clanton, eee AA : s A : ae ew party, Sai gen Orso rete : : up ‘ear : . : is pastor, - state o: th Sreck coztai o y, ave 2 nice ey tion of i nex = mocrdtie party. | he bad * thie he labeled it u; ‘one nearly a year ago in v. Dr. Pharr, his eee waters of Sasiendaceaeae Notice to Creditors. t a cut in Clothing. We bax an & Z 1) >the Democrati tiller told re had no in {i : ae tbe kev. Dr. ; in the town cetr ee vO: : SON) aS ‘hance to vet ac stoned. would ! vet ; any sen-| distiller mite rse, we ha ie * " 5 7 In thet or less, aa o make : iistrato h ‘OW iS your ¢ 1ance i [C2 ot be ques i wouid . for anv ser ei f course, * _ = a in rns. { , srment was seventy perior Court t 26 a ninnistrator ; Now is J . r prices cann : tne too silly for an: properly. Of cou ‘ 3arringer, ee carolina Lown ne interme : x : seventy SUPCRO CO TIth, 1900.) 7 qualified as adm a es Sete ight. Our p : t Phe sto. 7 was ears alee these pa-} Proper! injuring Mr. Barri nent, Population ot North Car ces th ae Mr. Steele ee citi | This December aor ‘of Jane Ostwalt, Se ems line and will ae last do what we say. ible : to DeHNeve, but mi z Soca. ake print Lis statem nsus bureau aos c Se old and was a ae Re a ares ven to as iaeconcae to present fet Come and see if we ; j sibl Me : ier their tongues aod we ule v i he cens Sas nd towns! years vnship, a go Tee oe paee tain aiania Surecrior rst the estate of s is vithin twelve (17 roiled it under thei Spe we : f the eities a > zen of the township, a eq jaa Sup : span payment with it will be A ears rsel. Mr. Bryan is a Bioee . oes having over 2,000 oe sae a Christian Sense A.|Saencoonty | Court. een date 0! = eae BAG sone in Dohecs ese ; asasw morsel 2 : . yay Robbery v. | n North C: yin the order} bor a: ‘ os r. ered ii, Sone jead in bar of their reco: Tequested to make wil! offer cut : as asv Ise wilt Highway R ter. jin dD ’ follow in the : ree brothers, } bner P. SIMS PECaS ats tate are Tequested Also % On it m ne else a u carpents oe They fo i the popu-} leaves three ect: Mr. Abner M. P. | ted to said estate 3 : m while some o ‘ >. Matheson, 2 opulation. : ithe popu-} leave Prospect: Mr. - : ae \ ite eee SEWALT OMOLT.A; Vv ; ed next time} we JE. Mat iy Mr. Au | oj ir rank in 1900, and t steele, of Prospe 5.5. Steele > SIMS. | amed will ta opener Sere a ae : loubties. be Finis frou} who bas been sores eee t their sea oan for 1890: Res of Texas ard sesame sons The defendant above named w ees Ae © Jane Ostwalt, 7 5 t oe vill be heard frou. | y sige pire Ae t the eked | lation is also g S9U | Steele, 4) A wife WO sons ction entitlec > Court ¢ 3. Connelly, Attor: or Pres.deut, he will be t s. He aud }derson Lackey, ne was attacked | latio 1900 =e =~ jof Mooresville. 2 - Be SS re antes Feet ————_______—_- of r “Qen th convention meets. z -y | place, west oe i four white mae 20,976 0... -20,056 and {ve Scart are at home, ee intiff < 2 ae ae ed } oo j aecrats of the country || eturday night by 7 nd roeb- Wilmingtoon...........2 » 9] 11,557 | nree of Lis daugh win Miss | tween. tickecitent vi : oval Deweerats of , | > a ; town a = a sere 8, 08 235} tbree apse lege. = M he said defen pet seid 0: “3 — - t lova! i idv to turn the ola as be was aE Matheson Says Uharlotte.......... 14 694 . 10 =5> two are at ee ‘there and Be is eee Shea c “of Marc} 5 j ES . “A E , et read " lof 87.68. Mr. Mat is 7 SEN ol aes . “i = . is a teac aes aperior Court o@said « eae .' Te @ RRA : Tame te ee bomen erters and lyers-| rod of $7.68. sprang on him from \sheville.... a 15.650 19, sy Cora Steele is - eS upil of that oor Monday. Se 3 SF 4 3 a We can t ae i party over to deserter: i That the men spra sak rpowered him Winston-Salem ..... 1643 12.673) > iss Lena Steele isa p Dr Ye Soot the court tee Gemur to chess, fed e Our stock will ) ‘ —— 3 adside and overp istance. | 5.7 2 4 Me eee © DohG bose oe One son. Dr. : t] ville, N.C., and ansv the plaint in said oS Seeea oe a oo tae roadsic id offer any resistanc Raleigh... xy 10039 ....... = 'S,>| institution. ele u2n oat Mount aint in said action ane deen oe Gr po Cosee >cO UN Naan ner ate vefore he could off he was bruised ‘rreensboro........... Tog ; 6543 Steele, is a Pa vir. James | Pam court for the aes a rers and soliciting a Continuance, al ‘There 2as been a ereat dea i ye understand mete A SENGECE | WER SOO 4.339 tive, NL C.- the oluer, Tap coin | complaint: Seer sane! J. AL BaoriConce ea anking you for vast favers and s 2 aed Chere as bee : mayen n| WG al 2nd receivec j Ne oe 1 DEO =) 45 | Olive, -\ peorgia. Whe c this Dec. 13t Clerk ofthe Supe - Z Thanking ¥ Saif WF ; ly. especially in papers 1 good oe fecloucierat Sorgen pooncord. 6.679 20.0... SaSe Steele lives x oe mpathizes with LAUGHLIN. Attorney. a" we are yours to please, ae ten ree bes¥. OSp ~ ee rdly . aE tae face, tara vn. 3 Fond os ~) 2 25 : A mas jee Dive sy tebe mera . R. B MCLAUGHLIN, —e Sg TSMR NTE ra aa t Warcly y, } sin ov ‘ m.. > soso aes eepii "AVE * ae = va bot ited Bryan or outwarc pein eh when be was down. eae City....... 6.348 ... SS ee Sy SES ——— : f Sa OF R= sai es which bolt : retly hoping | him in the Se tose eket and toi ilizabeth . 6 2ae - +418 the family in tt aud children i kinds Oo 30 “9 5 Y unt , +h: while seer vi : fi yo cr a > cana ere toe ’ ’ core = at A an Bevis 7 nua ebalesecrenty 5 tien | they cut Open one him. Wel saiisbury ..... SEE 2ORs Mrs. ai. C. Cocurane eae Dailas, For a Rr W/ ite Ste, - O : r ee t:a reorvanizativ ee ney > 2 ~ eae Signy! eQmeee oe OW ee oa - = is rening i r _ h 2 . = . Vila Set cae reance > ourse | ul she a: Geneon knows the Bosse ; ttn ase left Monday a Sane With her 4! . McLean have = tM Yount c New Stirling, N. C. Gers Aion oat = airs te st pat at Mr. Me na a race: Mrevehyoricr Oe aetectenies en 272 | ¢ ee om D - LT ore Ww McLean e ~ =< a ee cratic party. _} near tha . this outrage W ashingt Oa a exas, tc Spe =a roa oar ecm sGanisl ot ; le t os ees ore ee mreanized at the parties thar Fin heehee town and Wayetteyille .......... Pex seeeeee 1,033 ae Mr. Will W ae ore vx line of the Se oe Stony Poinr, N. C us tae party will be rec res tisatl, <3: two of them have le romise | A. stoma. ee oA 3,481 Henry Leroy . So rere OX Soaps made from the pan ~ e oset the l convention. Iris: thatt ° have tried to comp hat | Zastonia. Fl6S ss oe Mr. 4 ine Connelly were f ef : 3 which yvrows inthe J n they next nz ional eonven Iters seem to| the others aa him It is said that High Point............ £303 | 526 Miss Ora Clementine 10 a.m. 2 BE Gai ey, ish Root which ye I: is a -— W ] ( IU } pim F Bes t the bolters tter with him. ‘vicinitr, | veorree $105 ... A ‘ tet uh. d ountains. I: js 5 every one. But the bolters d with} ie matte nies Heciid dhs wie ee: pRaeston (2. ee Se ee Walker, the og reat ap, no W e ¥ ant ” v A ae : ze 7 s es 5 iT eae Wee Se abe 1,0 rt . Pp ekererhe ’ aay revreiab; > > > expect © to be reorganiz hink | al! the parti ee patrators of this Henderson mi pOGes conn L716 the residence of eee ame paces al fat enters — = 2 exbee cy Herein we thin We hope the perp2 a aished. Surlington ota eceeenaie 3.525 2,126 fficiating magistrate. i Sican s putrid auimal Seo bis Ssesceeneseemateoeees <<< Pu ea Ax tuem us leaders. | a eee crime will be secerale punts Wilson eats -2 ES 2.919 | Miss Naser Sav00k, of iS ac Scie ieare into its composition. T 1S —___— It oa re mistaken. After a y — 3 rill Saeea ore onean > 318 emer i ee Visiting friends Nuts, Raisins, oe Tae us been analyzed oy DB nd Give * desirable = 7 toey are mists Pa t eiven ES iatioa, $141. Reidsville ..... Stee 2. 318 Station, is = 5 a on Orances 20ap Dus - re e the So 32 an _ ew anc desir wax a '- : ¥ the command is not ¢ Statosvilie’s Copui “en: 2SVille.....00. 3,1 : 2 205 ville Bananas, : ae -xperts end found to be th WV . re have some new king RAINY of anan vthee = nee : ing to the cen statesv . 3 046 ....... =< » | Mooresvi e. rervthing nice exports sea nak world, : oming in and we oem making mai. ~ ic toa des ster or lyer-out. Se ee had oar 2.937 S16 | Dec. 12th, 1900. for theholiday trade tae remedy Our new eons ee iaases beautiful Ea aD S acataki geo ssce-orc cha S — 1" re print ne SUS sy Mount........ ap TOS | or = e is nature’s ow: aie hinys to show vou. : = yard. a sus report pr ee the censv: Rocky } 2 680 1,763 | a : per & Itis n } thinzs to a” 50c $250 per ya wag a Pa - vation when , : -- 2.630 . "Qn ‘all on Coop x = liseases. Cal] on SKIRTS, from 50c. to Resa : i cas é . : wi. {1 populati 39() the " Airv Be eee mir 1 937 | rance Ca a : for SKID Gis@ases, 4 ia SKIR’ >, 2 b t waists. hat David B. Hill. of Ne od ‘ e. In 18! Mit. Air 2 565 +d Baby for Insu : r stock is or: : he line DAY ‘ 1 !s for making shir exal ‘ Se hat David B. 2 aken last June. : : he vee De 2,023| Killed The Ba y Gill. Our st = and exumine the line. ; French Flannels fo s ; ve € x actieally an- vas take 4 me 2 27R showing a Greenville... 2.535 2 02: | Money. t ice ver us and exa line of F ret . leu York. las ulready = en population w ope emo int 10 Hickory......... 7 Bits 1,921} ee large aud price y 7 nelettes eties The ¢ > me ae . 2 : >) r SOs Pa 2) sowe! dete “ore | on <v., is: » t0th, = 5 Dur j rounced His eaudidacy aes in | sain of S23, 2 a epeGiGn Pee CRarboro. oo 2497 T.S66 | Maysvitte, Ky : yho tortured to low. Moore & Outinzs, acan : s, night gowns, bath robes, has eee sidental nomination i vears. This is the pi The town Monroe. 2 105 2,007 | William Gibson, who aoe ar | ial ior makiaz wrappers, ill ple: you i cratie >residenta ee : te limits. uel oe ee aE ld step-child, neai as apse s h material for mak x hey will please y - couy gee an early bird who will, | °° SE ccnecouENOUS people, if) Beaufort... 2.190 0... 1,754! ao0th hie Saseeno nine Ges bode | Want Fat Turkeys, McLean. sae Be seat aiComieas them, they os Eis cord : really has at least 5, ; el sien nee a cao 29) y burning ker. | W ssirg Saques, ete. i aS “e, fail to catch the worm, sea ae were counted, a : MOL 2.062 .. at = oe a red hot ee e dressing saq Skirts inst - Oeheve, Tat a Ae y Tue Su aan: i f the tow: Kirg $2 2 49 Dae oe anc a nee <tpas n BUC Re Mad ° bee! iE woul! be poor party pokey _ ire practically 2 Saas PeOP!? | Grahame 2,052 State bave | ane eee Sra eae : Fresh Eggs, ady- . If we Sev®n"t your size, select the ee Gur! De FT . eeiares eas 3 ‘ = <| Me s S : ries atic party to nominate We hear that a go sus in her towns in the * Jailor McIlvain the Sn Geese, sure and ; . upply the best. = = ueractee- ee So ee aecnpate Ey toy ta oe rend from the cens a = i ~-000, and the census br-' told to Ja Ete. Be sure ou Don’t We are here tos Seki and wg will furnish ee and io bout whose loyalty vere Of less than 2.000, ced their his crime. : d says| before y ial, leave you : iy One ~bout whos : ees tHe. less yet announce dis crime. s his wife, and says) see us é material, le a F= brai ee : : re is as muen donbt a “tatesville jreau has not yet a He implicates = murdered that | sell your produce or Cough, ig fit. Enish an 4 style. Battenbe patterns, with mags, braids >C2a t cxet a ee i Bry ice of the Peace, lation. | that the child was 2 ance on. : Christmas Zi 7 pw JEIVED,A new lot of Bat TET ouut Hill’s support oi : J. Q. Hood, Justice following | popu | that the ht collect $24 insurance buy your When’‘you can buy JUS? RECE . ise we h se It's true he did all be Crosby, Miss., makes ae that One | Hill, ex-Governor ' they ld life. . goods. or Fe-+, aad t? read for making . Wk GAGE vei ee ae ie it only.a man loyal) statement: Lean a Joall ‘that! Davia oes former Thited qe that the methed of ey Yours truly, oa Hall's Coughé . WALT6 - ow 5; Vear. bu — nates ch Cure Wil New Yor ’ id te | es analy a was acopted , could th s year, lomnion Minute Coug ife could not of Ne is to be a candidate | shild’s body : ae , oyalty. Jat < My wife co Senator, is to s jal ‘ing the ¢ os t the ap- Pe thiaes can expect Jo} is claimed for it. } : of States Senator, : esidential ing se of giving it the ap at all tits care en Is clai the first dose Democratic pres for the purpose of g . the ILL 1 Pp. —~<e same or breath and 1 for the De n Me. fo ing died from 1 ° i : "vy | get ber bre = benefited fo : Chairma f having ¢ ™~ i « a : r vj} ge : has also be . n 1904. arance o . house so Seo ee - layed Senatorial primar soul er, Ithas A = | ination 1 : -' pe a the house ; vw SS 18 eo ee ae Sea ae ie, Mgnt! Henn mt a fall id gesting torns have finally oes joe, | LY - s,c Ds ill’s chie " rat orn ty gave Simmons 657, | 2 S coughs, co ’ : nd Hil 3 to p Cherokeo c “The a viete official | .tely sar ‘onchitis asthma and ail | dives iis snNOUNCHEnts E eigen =r : ; Caer 1353 ee 103 908; Carr 4i,- nTbEt toUDIS, wy FF. Halil. ee ~—— m = . ; vote is: 5im = ajority 56,112, camons * Mm: ; ‘ * as apeeelanca iS ' Yrabonsl : | wai — iN mt mene onan Qk one rene ete mae Se il ce PUES Gian = Ee MASCOT ee PERSONALS de doatedead ds ee ze a _ ---. Jim Grant, Colored. Kills Georgy Judze A. L <otle is home for his Kamsenur, an Aged Negro, And +... PN NOTICE! Escapes. eo aC ROr Many of my subseribers owe me Jim Grant, a young buck sevre, “ir. D. A. Setzer, of Hickory, ; : = Cn. Sunday here. shot and killed Georve old darkey, hem owe tamseur, en t i expect : 7 , e r the paver ana Some Oi last fr more than one year. a Saturday night. George S. Powell.of Asheville re a , |2he shooting occurred at Lovan re last week. i tg pay this fail, and thuse who do! Sporrti’s house near Wallace’s ‘ aoe Sede aN yess eR Nar my Chg KE : Speier > S. Thomas { Siurior nol pay me may expect to eave! Spring’s about one and ahalf miles . | ; ee ee cee ne - couth wee Bret a ieeneaies mm SJeut SaLurcay aud Sunday oere ir papers stopped and their ac- | southwest of towr about 9:30 o'clock. | robes ee : = ' ja | Ten sayy -syrer Pe } afhacetc ° Mice Wernia fb ov SSN Cir care nese ane tants put in the bands of an attor- | Ramseut dying from the effects of | Miss Veruic Pisher, of Newport. ; a ; ~ 1 ; his wound about 2.0’clock Sunday Teun., is visitiny Miss Eloi-e Neely. > tor aoiliection. L i@ase call and ' raeruing. 5 f ‘ sing. Nir i ‘ i} oe nor - i i spi the Lary $ID. y Be “ho was 2! eel ran we Nir, J. HH. Mcklwee came home pay Up. eced tne Money. eamseur, who was about «0 Yverrs! jars yw cel from ua business trip itespectfully. old, was spending the night with hts st. 15, 1969, A. is. WATTS. | brother-in-law Loge Sherrill. Grant, = . wei who is Sherrill’s son-in-law, and lived wien bim, came in about dark LOCAL. very drunk and began cursing and abusing his wife, at last threatening | The Daughters of the Confederacy | to kill hev. Sherrill told John Grant, | eet this afternoon at 3 o clock with | who was in the house at the time, to lrs. R. L. Poston. |take Jim outside or he would hurt | i@ Baptist Ladies’ Missionary him. Bek ae Jim see core on | sets will meet) at that church | °C (OC = anole warrcie® Sno S$ aftesnagn at + o'clock. a aay aeOm him But ee oe of + lunloaded banded it back. Jim con-! dr. P. V. Dotsen uas woved bis: tinued cuarreling after be tad been | f.tuily juto the houseon West Front{ taken outsud cid ticarys furmseur | street recently vacated by Mr. P. A. | otfered te go out and try to quiet orrence. lhim. A few seconds after old George left the house the wun was fired and! | Georee feli shot in the breast. Jim! ran around the barn and Levze Sher | ir. W. BF. Patterson, of Gwalt- { 's township, Alexander county, hog this week which weigh- «i 2 ‘ he tow . : ‘ * } ' ea frill started afrer him but was stopp. ol+ pounds. | a Decree merttat, ed by John Grant, who toid him that 2 Lapers concerning the remov-|if he followedJim that Jim would} Bawern } | . ‘ i mit dou Lave been! shoot him. George was carried back be torn] into-thenGuse aue Uoroucr UOara Wel } Drs. Long and Campbell! were sum moned. They arrived about 10) o'clock and found George still alive | His wound was examined and it was} of the Davis sraed and the dam will eveay and the pond Jet off, possibly ty the first of the year or sooner. 3 Irs : WwW. EE H. nx vould Greyory is doing as be expected Webby ee . : HAMAS ta tht er aa Sin - 1 » teeineg /tound that he was shot in the middle | sHOpex bi this direction. 3 eff ome is GUHe stem. 4 TPEINeC zs , - mr ee Ae, s rela pe { She vieilanc “44 5 = nurse has bcem summoned by icie of th6¢ Greust, the joad entering just! -m. th wai and childrep Bee nae Viguance committee reported ase j fre ur Salisbury to artend her below the breast bOuG wha vauglic fhuriies Weunesday ta Mocksville jLoat Lbere was a town in the Klon- rane ; " downward. The wound was about |aceompanied by Hey. S. D, Swain, /dike where there were many men Phe Tredell Blues elected officers | thyee inches long. The load had| who uad stopped oyey here for a few jana no Women and it was unanimous. . ' 4 } tic “ar , oa ; S bon : eos fw ; : bly Iw 5 2 : le week. The old oincers were) vone through the overGout just be jd yaon bis way bote from italeigh. | 1y resolved that the spinsters emi- re-elected. They are R L. Leinster, | jow the first button. Tke wound! vrate thither. Next a debate was 4 : ©. 1. Turner, first lieuten- piain 1 was probed but no shot were found ait, and J. E. Deitz, secoud lieuten- nor could the depth of the wound} ay well ve determined. George WUS living fer several months. They dress retorus we should ‘they * Stahi ; “fC Dattovsan of Gwalt-| conscious and told the coroner that | Rois Si md the winter at home and (et nee tallies. _ Miss ~ township, Aiesaucer county, Jim ‘ rans > ot hire _and ee ‘ robaiwy return West im the gprlag ann es Sous ae (Miss Lottie 1 ok the train here Tuesday evening#@:¢n t snow Why be MMi it ag be yad | : ee a ee pa } an mannish costume was pe Cae ee Jim had sever quarrelied. It was | Mr. Wes P. Card wetl, of Charlette, iS dress reform advocate, and by : Mrs. H. XN. Patterson, |Soe8 seen that there were no hopes} Wes here Moaday night on his way | hath precept and practice furnished Whole seriousiy IL fer the ofd beGro aad he died about] to arovpanton tu attead the meet- astropy argument for her side of! 2o6clock Sunday morning. ! itev W. L. Dawsen, and his fami- Sunday morning at 11 ovelock | eft Jast Thursday for their new] Gorsner & M. Foard strmoned a! cme in Stokes county. Rev. R. B jury composed cof Messrs. C. B. | Siieiten, the new preacher for| Morrison, BR. L. Flanigan, C. S. Tom- | ile eircuit, has moved his! jp. J. F. Bowles and L. C. Wagner LP into the porropu ‘and held an inevest over the body, | fed Geet lmtp wos witnesnen the facts were found about as’ we bave given them. The finding of the jurv | was that George Ramseur | ‘here's little danyver of scariet tever spreading fa town vow. There ane case ip town and two at ail the cases are tiv cuarantineal. Three cases He QoPrteg Toh bam cersbhucy towh- o came to} his decthasa result ofa gun shot lnyictey By g nands of Jim Gran. dim Grant stayed at Henry Owen's — . * > P8Sbaad we aes Ve < Melon ms $hy w } as Tt. tot Olin, | 'or Ranger. er jconfareace apd | went jtownship to visit Mrs. Farrington’s re bee | { Inwtn- } SvuUuUlh. ones — tana’ ae ORT ne ead hn. — i Phe Spivsters Mect in Convention | ! Ca tcerable interest was evince fin the Spinsters Convention; — f seme days? land especiaily the bachelors had | Deen on the the Spinsters vere voipg to do. } taeir machine avout our strerts and sur the indies kept theirsecret well, jhave become quite skilful in man for Gnee proving that ladies can laging it. he machine was, how Keep counsel. On Friday night/ ever, too new-fangied for the seuvior bone } (ail was crowded io its has a Statesville audience been treat ed to more solid enjoyment anc Menuine fune than was the that with iauvhing faces anc aching sides looxed on at the Spin ~? : ers GB. PF. Long, E-q., artended Ran Qolpo Superior Court at A-heboro list Weed, John L. Gwaltney. Esq, of Tay- Inve oatl ° len co Tasca? iorsville, was bere Tuesday oo iezsal Sr bi JUSiiess. Mr Frank Long, of Birmingham, Ala., is isiting bis brother, ostinaster Lony. here vy Mr. Edward Brandon, of Spring- field. Penn , is at bis fataer’s, D. L Braudon, sq, of Coolspring, who where she Wall. Milis. of Cedar Keys, { Moaday night after a | trom Leesville, her sister, Mrs. T. G visized |; ay Pn ia, returse VV Visit ov Some weeks to his home folks ° here : Coil. Hi. G. Cowies, clerk of the} United States court, and his Gepu- | ties, Dr. J. EF. Carlton and Mr. |; } . ee | Charies D. Cowles, arein Charlotte ; ' attending the Federal conrt there Messrs. Will Gill and Will Jurney, |p returned Friday from Rob- Colo., where they had beea inson, ing OF the board of directors of the; tue question, she herself being an Western Insane Asvium. Jfiss Lot- fe tie Caldwell accompanted him to/# Morganten, returcing Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. f.A. J. Farrington, Cherokee connty, otap- 1G POLS GA Luo way Lome from out to Olin ic 63 Ney | XU father and mother, ‘Syuire and Mrs, Thev left Tresda? Weg ee. Sarvs snother Voar Pd J. W. Wanstory. on * vi t Wwueroe ec Ih is logvated o_o ~~ tions on ifort had united to make a combined ; attack on the bachelors and widowers and beld their annual conveations to| You2g Messrs. Steele and is making discuss the outlook, together with } Costume Makes women more attract- jive to men and } istron‘ver i kot 1 . . ‘ { ;men was one of the best hits of the] the president, Jane Green (Miss Fan Allen Cope land), called the meeting to order | When he started to leave he asked aud after an address of weleome!~dr. J.C. Danlap, of Bethany. to uivst appropriately responded tc oy Mi Arabella Nerissa Bod . iss Klas (Sirs. &. “inan.”’ The minutes of the preceding meeting were then read | 2CTOSS the street getting faster and RS a eee ia ee DY the Seeretary, Miss Rosilla Abi- faster and finally bringing up with “iss Alles UOX returned las cea gail Hose (Mrs J. EF. Bowles) and /a crash against a telegrapb pole in he report of the treasurer, Miss Cynthia Priscilla Tones (Miss govt-e; Huil) was read ara ’ ‘ aS Tn *y : ~ tstated that the spinsters | the “loco” and vot pretty weil er: | The approved. ligiag the power of organized ef- heir chances of catching @ man and he best wlans fcr attaining their eetee eid on the ail absorbing question of dress--should the sninsters adopt! usdatp's of the grace, ease and ele- auce of her choice of costumes. Miss before the time for the conven-|Member of the firm tion to be called ‘0 order the College} Steele, who preferred to stick to utmost ca | Older fashions and use ahorse as the pacity anda Jarze aumber who could | Motive power for his buggy when not vet in stood at the door. Seldom , he came up town, .| he was persuaded to try the ma- one | that he made several trips in it Miss Josephine | over all O. K. and stopped in front V. Henkle), the roll; t! ; Was calledand the spinsters answer- | t® machine became slightly unmat- | ed to their names with apt quota~|@seable and wouida’t stop bueking —_—— : , Lecomobile atanaway. vd j yw iC. Steele bouvht a locomobvile, he people of our town, | horseless carriage run by a gasolin engine. The young men have gor ‘qui vice’ to know what |tea a deal of enjoyment in ranging Mc iJ. GC qi chine and took such a faney to it j| but weneraiiy with one of his sons } -jatthe throtde. Last Saturday he essayed atrip by himself, He came | of W. P. Turner & Co.’s store. »| take a ride with him, and Mr. Dun- [lap gotin. Mr. Steele tried to back ithe locomobile to turn around and et the proper time, but suiled | Font of the Bank buiiding. Mr. Dunlap jamped out before the ma- + iS . . 2 : icuine struck Mr Steele stayed by red, but wasn't hurt. The machine was damayzed to some extent, but bas since been repaired by the daily trips to town: but not with A ’ = Mr. J.C. Steele asa passenger, he comes behind a horse or “rides Shank’s mare.”’ eos ee Luncheon Served by the Episcopal Ladies. Today, remember, is the day for | vou toget a hot luncheon and | first class supper without hay- ing to ~o home for thei. in Mr. W. 3. Cooper’s store-room, Jgat door. to Mr. Schiller’s, you can obtain fine oysters, chicked salad, and all their accompaniments. The ladies of Trinity church have made extensive preparations to serve you well. You will also findin their Faney Bazaar many useful and pretty things for your Christmas »reseuts, Toadd to the comidrt'oi tne men Penelope Gertrude Elvira Doolittic! {CMiss Watie Reid Catton; was asc. | + . . } MS Tevoteo ted ia eloquent terms | pheld the supérior claims of fash- nable dress—skowing bow such j e ' y oate ouyyuse.. 7 ‘ { : As ever with widen, ‘fashion scored a victory. Tho viwilance committee’s “mar. | report’? on the marriageable | | ' tevenue eflicers Atwell, Biavloc i ate ee ; “intion of Presbyterian Pastor. evening. filed as itwaswithlocal ila. | , SOS OU: rear r@ LEMP. Ss, part o : tc < a halla 5. Die Davis cut up a “moonshine” een pect sens Sse = onday morning was the time set S!ous. Miss Arabella Ophelia P# t 3 Nine atprdaw ; fe ive oy ~ noruin a ea thee Saturday nieht, burleft before day | suoGay morules Ne aNs L. Ash). > See near Evalin, in north Iredell fc Avene pes aney oleae the yastatiation of Rev. ©. M.) sims, (x 4) ARP gu YER Seaipigy s Se Er es mora ‘ *| Sunday morniug and since then no|for the Poe ¢ nl ne met ang) ilenie Cxpere wt was a series of eck and poured out about 4001 one here has seen him He jis a} Richardsas pastor of the Presoyte- |‘ Seen lope me me = vis Ol beer The stil was not a i Ten cuned SPE “ y here. on helove ume | Meviey Hits ON Lhe sternep Sex ST; Seiden o HO’; young negro of medium size and} rt ct wt te oe eect | Statesville and cous aucela enioved ration and no one was around rather slender and of avineer bread | hourarrived the audormm On ght ae een er eens he time ae StCUGer anc OF a 21D: | Cearah was crowded with those whe! The pr es closed with Profes- , rAd tt eee Se ae tness services, /sor Rencra Makeover (vy. Charley | wliss Jennie BP. Loa, gaughter off George Ramscur, was a quiet in- | bud yathered to witness the Senwices ee Sone Wan. Charley RONny ‘ ¢ t Sy +r = 7 . Tole witt on w of those present bad ever seen ; - Vues) ad Ais Wooucerful machine ! .. Long, Esa.. of Alamance coun-}| offensive old negro and lived with | Pew ot tamse f : installed. for transforming the svinsters into thaiy | > ~ . = ay te yj4.0¢ 5 iio bratlls QiAaYg sb scers 35 oe is to married on the 20th instant. | Dave Ramseur, a haif brother for|a Presbytertan pastor 1 mira Qa, Se sapere Thi oe 3 Crs Mt ee ‘a | : . eave : = a ro . ) an 2 ° C ea Cats, 5 Was stank: > vo Me. dohn C. Halladay, a promi-|whom he worked. Jim Grant is {over oO years had elapsed since the ae aoe = fottes Wrage 222 t merchant of Sutfolk, Ya. The]said to have told another neyro be- |} le elec? isa niece of B. F. Long, | tore he left thar he did not mean to} x " a > : ; rf 1 Statesville e Ramseur out thought be g at boge Et Creors » OL * Sherrill. Was Was snoot! 3 ct ve TE nt bigie ao war. A Wel Soot Clark, Mouday afvernoon & warvant was —_ > Ure . ae : } rz . . ¥ wis 0aWa township orougnt usisworn out for Summey Ramseur, | se radish. Saturday Mr. J. T. George’s half brotber, to put him wittee in Charge of the inswglly ion, 4 éN ‘nstallation ef the late Dr. W. Wood us pastor of this church. oars &."f Graham, D! DW. B.;* lanG and W. C. Brown andi ae : : . BE. Witherspoon, the con meat Sunday morning and Mr, Me myc uch apbiauded. ivia Bennett (Miss Cald-| ell) desited to be made a blushing | Miss ridé wad when tie eortcins Gt the | } Pe VOEUGy Woke parted} ihiygs saary “ates Caidwell appeared | tal costume and, a vision of | ity, with stately step crossed the} ci the same township, | undera boad to keep tke peace on] Luciland was chosen to preside and ' ze ae e | shi one in which weighed four allegation thatSummey had tbhreat- propound the ¢ wnstitutional ques : ae rh ie eee 2 Gs uuite the largest we ever|ened to kill Love. Chief of Police|tions. Dr. Granam delivered an x ee orence Arabella | Sala 1 : Se "| 7 1) g ae eae 3 rporr f . q Flop , rac raistown stilt bolds the ban-|Steele, Deputy Sherriff Scrogys and | able and forcible sermon atter wares Liar ee Ross McElwee), who was | ++ ’ Peet lindas aetaaceeet * 7 x ; fverv portly sched th hamaa oe rad’shes. Mr. Lom Kerr went after Summey,| Mr. VcLelland propounded to pas-) S8°¥ p rity, wished to be made quite, | A, iS * smali net ter 06 riyeart ye ThA Aly om ir. Thomas Haver. a former citj-| ¥oom they found at Loge’s house {tor and conzregation the questions S@a'l ong to be pretty. Plo sian of i 2 Summey wes brougit before Mr. P. | required by the churek rules. Mr.; : wie avg Tae machine and ividson township, died Sun- inorning at Zo'clock at his hore r the Victor mill, in Charlotte, | ©. Carlton aud as he and both he and Loge appeared = : Peiondiyvy and as i ry} *%¢ rly (7 years. Por some seven years; Plendly and as the : ey idence only - = S eS & wl the 5 we 7 ores rye ost ue has beea working in the Vic- | Svowed that he was drunk ant ae . “e 7 ~ 5 oe ~ jeQog » vimill. Ue left a wife and several “e!some the case dismissed on the ace payment of costs, the costs te be divided between Summey and Loge. the Supreme Court has denied de-|Summey and Dave Kamseur, doth fants motion to reinstate @p-thalf brothers of George, seem te peatinibe case of Geo. S. Dasiels)hold Lege responsible for their \s. Southern Railway Company. | brother's death railroad company will now eet | we to pay the judymen:, which} Ueath of Mrs. Catherine Gay. | \ oS obtained for injury to stock Sunday night after a brief illness while being hauled by the railroad. of about a week, Mrs. Catherine : t ek, Mrs. Cath @ " Gay died of pneumonia at her home near Gay's Chapel. in Cvol Spring township, at the advanced age of ST years and three days. re wil) be ne preaching at Ta- 1. end Bethany Presbyterian Churches next Sunday. on account cf the absence of the pastor, Rev. 47 we eS in . 2 TT Vevey > re xr} ~ c ‘Yo. MeLelland. who will assist in} | Phe = or a Ee the : ION oe installing the pastor at Siloam and Ee aE ran a es OT . . me > > ane srom sth ft Gid Fort churches on that day. }042 of the best and most promipen Gitizens in his community. She was iere will be preaching at thease : ee Sco churches on the tifth Sunday instead! ® sister of Mr. David J. A NOX, fa = ther of Mrs. W. W. Turner. of tv Rev. J. E. Summers. : ae , : ; Statesville. Mrs. Gay's oaly child is Mrs. John 8. Holman, of Cool Spring township Clork of the Court Jas. A. Hart- vees atd Messrs. W. D. Turner and i. P. Gries went to Elkin Tuesday. Mrs. Gay, was one of the oldest fessrs. Grier and Turner went as|citizens in ber veighborhood and in ttorneys for the plaintitt in the case of Poston vs. Jones which came ip before a referee vesterday, and Ir. Hartness was a witness in the tbe county and was wonderfully well preserved for her age. Since her husband's death, some years since, she had entire control of her farm = cose. They expected to return to-/and also managed all her own house- Gay. hold atfairs. She was an earnest, : a oh consiste ber of the Bantist viv. das. A. Butler lost his fine {Consistent member of the Baptist church, with a large portion of that Christlike spirit that delights in helping those less blessed with goods of this worid. She befriended all around ber who were in troudleor in need. Above allshewas the friend of the poor people of her vicinity Ali who knew her loved her and to her friends ‘olt last Friday night He was driv- ioe home about dark and as he en- cred bis yard the colt ran against the buggy. He gave the mare he was driving a touch with the whip she sprang forward and the -haft of the bugyy penetrated the s! ef the colt, making an ugly wound from which it died. The colt; was a blcoded animal and was a} ratural pacer. Mr,Butiler bad been sieved S100 for 1t. the Pythian smoker last week wes avery enjoyable occasion, Hon. tie.”’ Rev. E. S. Reaves conducted the funeral services Tuesday morning at 1i o clock at Gay’s chapel. which was erected by her husband, and the W. D. Turner made quite an inter-| remains were laid to rest in the esting address on Pythianism andj ehape! grave yard. short taiks were made by Revs. i — Scott and Richards, Mr. Rickert | Mr. Wade Saville Dead. and others. The following cflicers 1 : Mr. Wade Saville died of consnmp- were eleeted for the ensuing vear: “ ss P ition Friday night at the home of sismund Wallace, €. ©€- A. ¥ tyou. eae ro - ; is father, Mr. A. M. Saville, in ivaus, V. C.; James Powell, pre- his father, r ¢ was then quiet |b D Tho charge to the congregation giv: eens en by Dr. Graham, was aplain,prac:,C%e2 Fore than equal to the occa- ties! talk elearly setting forth the > seriousness 5 ae ere | their duty to the pastor. This closed (iss -ottie Caldwell), the _presi- , ident, sne was ever known as “Aunt Ka-! own delivered the charge to thé, t pastor in Clear and simple lauguage of their pledves ang he he services. Dr. Grabam made an interestin; ralk to the children at 3:30 o’cloe in the afternoon and at night bi‘) preached a strong logical sermoa tr! 15 au large congregation, > Of Interest to Farmers. ; ot the farmers, fruit-growcrs, truck ricultural purs? sits, in. North Cara g, lige. to the’ fact that the Entomol! ous insects that may come to their notiee. They are also invited ta, send specimens of any insects res ’ 0 t be given so far as possible. It is} desired to make the Department cf as vreat practical benefit to the peopleas possible, and no effort will pe spared to attata this end. During this winter the fruit grow- careful examination of their trees, and send any ‘nsect or suspicious twig to the Department so that the matter may be investigated, if it is | of impertance. As this office is for the benefit of the people, we hope that they will use it to the best of} their ability, by correspondence or | otherwise. Anetfort is being made to build of insects for Department and for up a collection the tural in i 1e aid of all asked in gettiag mecimeus for this purpose. “Send any specimens or inquiries to Franklin Sherman, Jr., Entomol ist, Department of Agriculture, leieh, N.C. ‘ Agricul jexhivition 7 i yD is Pao Chamber of Commerce Meeting. The Chamber of Commerce mect- ing Tuesday night was largely @¢- ten. (Ee Poston Eck bl Sol south Statesville, at the age of 2-4, ate; Iv. 4 ee i DOE Clarke, K. of R. and S.; E. O. An-| Young Mr. Saville was a good rey : young mean with many excellent devson, M.of F.; E. G. Gaither. M.}YONDS = agree a ae : athe Tuy traits of character. He bad been Seugneeens he an een pick for |Sseveral |) months and) bis sicele,O.G. There will be work in The fun- the third rank to-night. = ‘death was not asurprise. eral services were conducted Satur Owing to withdrawals there will|day afternoon by P-- b> about 20 vacancies in the State!Precscs'- Azricultural & Mechadiecsa! ~~ in January. Th-- @1-> . «cv. James H. -1y, the interment being at - vollege | Oak wood. ~~se vacancies will de | ae “sca by selecting young men of; 4fthurs-Shinn. oe and a desire to study and | Sunday afternooaat the home of cena Well prepared Entrance the brides father, Sir-J. W. Ar lances = ull be held at the co.- thurs, in Barringer’s township, laa eee 1, January 2d and 3d.} Miss Laura K. Arthurs was mar. Pus ia = on ene college this year ried to C. L. Shinn, Esa., of the aoe zs oe ae vicinix: _The wedding was a actionable S be n quiet ome affair, only a few friends very popula € special course ot | and relatives of the contracting par- Instruction in the machine shop has / ties being present. nf — peace eect: The textile | ’Squire Shinn is one of the best smi has done dae work’ Tac enit secede wick an ae eg te ene SOR) Trains * Corow- |frieads wis him and his bride - sis Is a splendid | many years of happiness. school: the best in the South, and} & Se oo Fag ae of desea Soe pease wa issued this mes t ca wi eek to Charles E. Barnhart and val! themstives of oppbiiinity. | monies P ett. — os ee sal, naa rended, and much interest and en- thusiasm was manifested in the’dis- cussions. The need and feasibility ofa paid fire system was discussed. |perfect:on and sbowed | tle (Mi-s Carlton) and Miss Pitkins Mi we | was 1 fess , the “*S; It is desired to call the attentior a7 => ¢ Z , to the school in the mountains sup- ers, and all others interested 1 2! ported kT Qt st of the Department of Agricuk soos: we, at Raleigh, N.C., desires thers ier, to send him specimens of any imJ@rlporc. . id wie: they again appear before Pa ioe wien hev desire fnfor-4 - : earding which they desire fntor-y.4 ta isehss y eee ’ seh ; See : “4, ue lou ights we feel assured they'll mation, and such information Wi Sen i t sey Sak Use, Tae coacons ef the Bresbyteriar ae evs are especially urged to make a, ™; the State Museu RA. four Relient yroke, thus ending the program. Au The spinsters did their parts to themselves on. The stars of the convention, sWever, Were Miss Olivia Bennett ‘Miss Copeland), Miss Dooiit- irs. Ash). Miss Caidwell, especial- » bY ber inimitable manner of act- ¥ won the plaudits of the audience. 2a¢ program from start to finish il. of fun. and no greater suc Wo- ever scored here than by Sp.nsters.”’ The receipts were 35, which will be appropriated y the Ladies”-Home Mission of the Presbyterian church. ies’ are indebted to Mr. no kind!y allowed them to college hall when the’ court : 4s found unavailable.’ Tie Spinsters bave shown that ey }ave imach histrionie talent Ciel: —— je Presbyterian Manse. urca nave made a trade fgr ud house, corner of Weat - the ie acd Kelly street, fe- Maiauc fie deal was ar~ Parco S5ers. lleowr -anged through . & Guy, real estate .c the sum of $1,900, an@ = ;urchase is for the Church, ne > per cent. commission for the Sle wil. be remitted by Messrs. $eowu & Guy. The house is admir- bly sit. ated and very suitable for a Presoyterian aianse, on account of ts convenience to the church. [tis nine-room house erected about or tive years avo and is in ex- condition. Possession will drcbably be given within the next ears, th- “anse, and will not occur’, the Bar i i a ci tie 4 itt month. and Messrs. G. H. Brown, A: <iinwender and Dr. P. BP. Laeeen-~ were ann * ‘ <i be t awVtr -yyvsnvedt as a committee tc look inte the matter and report ia uliat the next meeting. A new fur- was talked of aad here is a strong probability tbat he capital for one will be raised 10 'the near future. ~~ ' Lo be Married on Christmas Day. | Invitations have been issued for ‘the marriage on the 25th. instant, ‘Christmas day, at Fifth Creek Pres- 'byterian church, in Cool Spring |township, at 2 o’clock jn the after i noon, of Miss Nolia Adams Houpe to | Mr. Huntington Rockwell. | ‘The bride-elect is the youngest ‘duughter of Jacob F. Houpe, Esq.. riooks pena e at > ‘rerian church here at 4:5 ye vesoy BWeiands a ane che ta tbe | *Sounty seized for alleged isveulari- 1 brandy. | Outside os pirty days, and it is likely that My, gchards will move into tb-. new house, which is réyieq for him. carriages ANP | need for this Month Yr — jPhis mor +) seems likely to be a word Freaker for marriages, the -xeeeding eyen that of last Wedding cards are coming thick as leaves on Vallombrosa’s ‘ards are out announcing the mar- the Associate eros eelock on Wednesday aftercoon, vee. I8th. of Miss Nannie Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Miher, aod Mr. Sherwood Bonner, of Camden, Ala. of the parties here have there are’ slippers, pen-wipers, and vidses; and to enhance the charms of the ladies may be found aprons and fascinators, while a special table is devoted to tia weeas of the Hitle fOLas. Zourght, Miss Bell will favor you With one or two of her inimitable recitations. Come one, come all, and get your money’s worth. Doors open from 12 o'clock mid- day till 12 o'clock midnight. Intern?) Tov cauue News im tredel!, sews 3 Uhe deputy eolieccor’s oilice is rather scarce, little doing pow. During the year 1900 thy number of government 7 stilleries in Irede!] ney istilieres and ‘ke Dumber of illicit suills destroyed was 8. There are now 34 bonded distilleries iy, tne county, 2, of which are iu uperation, the Vlerk’s office and the ty & commissioner, Iredell has 25 oibcers iu the revenue department, $deputy collectors and 22 vonded storekeepers and gaugers. J. N. Snelson, the famous western storekeeper and gauger, has yarn put in his appearance in uarth tre- dell and is gow ryname out distiller. eS as he QOyae ato them, ties was 7, & whiskey «i ———— 4r. David Stecle Killed. Mr. David Steele, who lives in towan, just across the Iredell ico, was tae victim of a very un reunate accident last Kriday morning: He aad &@ vompanion were chopping down some trees in Chambersburg township, near the Iredell line. One tree while falling struck another and a iimb was broken off and lodged in the second tree. While cutting down this tree the limb was dis- lodged and fell, striking Mr. Steele on the bead and crushine his skull, causing his death in a short while. Dr. Cloaniger, of Eimwood, was sent for immediately, but long before he came Mr. Steele was dead. Mr. Steele was a fine farmer and a good citizen. He was between 30. and 40 years of age His tragic}: He leaves a wife and four children. Some time ayo the sons of Mr. J. recently. theugh, Anotner Big Lot of Furs tled J. A. White deceased, vs, T sellat public auction for cashat Unc court house door in Statesville, N.C., on ‘ at i2 o’ciotk, | lands situated in the county of Iredell, N.C, and bounded as follows: oak, John Current’scorner, in William Gaith- line, now Asbury Hayes’ line, thence N- tine, thence West ty 7 death is a severe blow to his family. | 25’ 8¢res mute or ” Marriages ia Shiloh Towuship. Mr Jobo 6. Bradford, son « a W San Bradford, and Miss Henriet e{fa° Stewart, daughter of Mrs. J we ieee Se . SteWart, all of Sniloh tawnship, | Were married Sunday at th: dence of John Gobie, E-q., ¥ n» per- - | formed the ceremony. residence of the bride's father Rev. : Ww. C. Brown wil! marry Mr. Wil- liam Price and Miss Annabell Muore. davgiter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Moore. The relatives and a few friends will witness the ceremony. ur.and Mrs. Price will goto Cleve. land county tomorrow to visit Mr | Price’s father aud mother. These areall popular voung ple in their community and we ane in hearty congratula peo- en One “Doctor” Crowder, a patent Medicine seller, was sent to the Foads for 30 days by the mayor yes | Sey ‘or selling his wares without a ae Rea RE lhe Senate has confi he nomination of D. A. Tompkins. of Charloste, to be a member of the Industrial commission rae 4 | Sy Stow: 3g germ, precisely as moulcy cheese is destrucdon of choose by a growin: corm} if you kill the Gre AO stop tho ceasmimptics, You Canur cant, accoreins « when vou begin. aati = Thisevening at 7 o'clock at the jorn | resi- | | | | a |e we will sell for cash the v and Ata big reduction f 3 to 50 percent rT Casn. : eae ee “aun ied Great Saving To Cash Buyers. From now until further notice is given or <o 1 ow* wile s OVE ery best of Shoes, Fancy Dress Goods. Capes Jackets. The eut ranges anvwhere ins Gash over the « This me : include millinery and some fine velvets in this sale Vurst come first served. Three things to remember: Ist. The place. N.B Miils & Co.. Statesville. N 2 i lime, now. Srd. The terms, cash over the counter. = (OE ee The Beautiful Handkerchiefs for men and ladies. Hosiery. Gioves, Underwear for Jadies and me in. Xx ‘ . Ferris’ Corset Waist for women and children. W. UG. Erect Form Corsets, for $1.00. Handsome sterling silvee handle Umbrella for $2 75, others charve for same. 35.51) Come and see us. we are out for business. Yours truly N B Ni 7hk 0. ro > iv, ie | a] - ¢ ay. . Niitis oC wd. Like Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Niver Oil: take a itrle? fe 2crs 9) as 2 icod: it is the easi E52 (20 a. Seems not io ke = . 1 TCOG = Makes vou huneryv: cats is comitorrabie. Yougrow sirenc- | eis quetrs oma eel) Wake. Or NOL as eneuch; enough 3: 2 * = much as vou like and acrce with vou, Satisfy bune ae x : wit usual food: whatever von like and agrees with yor. a mY 4 When. you are strer: | again, have revevered vour sienethi---the ~ germs are * ~ dead ; vou have killed then _ If you nave nottried it. i ior free sample, its agvecd taste will surprise yous, SCOTF & BOWNE. Chemists, 409 PcarlSt., New “ec: OO te Fine Dress Goods, 152. to $10.00 each = Men’s and tx Jackets and Baby Cloaks shapes of feet, 25e. to 34 Boots, Zoe. to $5 25 pair. and 5c. WGeautiful 10 Piece: Teme soe ‘ “8 ase? fa AT Ts oo Ilsa RS Pa Ey mia Rea AR, hia sai F ft re i ay * os 45g a ese Raced hialel a HNareites. =2.00 to S359 enc » 25 00 each. $1.50 vari. Ladies’ Hats, 50c. %& VS suits. Luete Sivas Capes Jde. to 39.00 each. Shoes for 2 2% pair. Rubber Oversh ind sand Pereales, 4 \to So au, Bic lo mans) > Ole Special Sale Toilet Soap. ic. Cake. No time to swap knives her of the bargains we are ott: The Ginghamis. 1 opened to-day another Ginghams. Same wei sht yard; others at 4 aud Ge. Pine lron Stone Goods Saucers, Zdc. up, other li handscme Pictures, Op: Holiday gocds openiny aaily. and Boots. New lot of Jot of those famous KRanvarvo Calf Shoes. for ladies, i to-dav. If you want val * sohurry up and hare erin : = ee b Ging hams. those tine Apron Chee ¥ und count as | Case of soul ter, OV OC & big line of Queens Ware. F alates, Pac. ip and pes In proport \ » line il Ware, Bohemi G 4 A big it Shes : Sehool Books just in Apothor i) les Come and see me. J. KM. Withelm. OR ERE OT en a DOC. Se e1OCs aly eaten ia Saeeenmepeeanet Se ra SEE THOMAS BROS, fer fintetivd and rough ) lumber, Address YACMAS BROS. _ Sept 13. 1900, Hiddenite, Nc. Just received at Mills & Alfison’s. Sale of Property. Y¥ VIRTUF ofa decree of the Superior Conr of Iredell county, N,C., in the cause enti admizurstrator of Ira Wooten. omas KReneger et. als., iowiil SATURDAY, DECKMESA 22ND, 1900, noon, the tcHowing described _ Beginning at a black oak in Martha Gaither’s line, thence North 25 chains, 87 polesto 2 post re vrth 69° .y, but now ., thence South Hiram Campbell's _e beginning, containing East with said Gaither’s line former’ Hayes, 0 Chains to a black gur” sochains to. a black oak i acess. a j.A WHITE, iis he oe ember roth, 1gco. Commissioner. Th w= About Preachers Known Here, _The North Carolina Cayte~ was in session at Naw) week. The following - for next year ape ~ as the ministe- Geli; Pre" City .ence _rn_ last «ppointments vt interest here, .s are known iu Ire- siding Elders—Elizabeth é* istrict, R. A. Willis; Raleigh trict, J. T. Gibbs: Rockingham district, W. S Rone; Fayetteville district, B.R. Hall; Durham district, W.H. Moore. Othor appointments— Wilson, A. P. Tyre; Edenton. R. H. Willis: Kennekett, A. W. Plyler; Louis- burg, M. T. Plyler: Editor Raicigh Advocate, T. N. Ivey. Rev. J. T. Bagwel} was, at hisown request, placed on the superanou- ated list. and always arememdrance ¢ A visit to our stor : reasonably priced. amount desired From One Dollar There are pretty Rockers reed, from $1.00 to $10.00: room and parlor, of Lounges and Couches, New Cooper Bidtk. A Multitude of SENSIBLE GIFTS. Nothing is better appreciated asa L article of furniture for tbe house. e will show a multitude of different arti- sles that are at once appropr Pee aa cee The expense Can ve limited to any from 21.60 up to $12.00; combination book cases L. SCHILLER, Sloan Clothing Co., We wish to call your received invitations for the marriage of Mr. Zeb Vance White and Miss Sallie Belle Patterson, daughter of Mrs. M. A. Patterson, at the Meth- odist church in Stony Point, on Vednesday after 26th inst Wednesday afternoon, the 2bt : at 3:30 o’ciock. The bride and groom elect both live at Stony Point. | Young Mr. Hipp, 18-year-old son of ‘arr. Charles Hipp, of Rock Cut, died yesterday at 40’clock of pnemonia. The interment will be at Shiloh :ehurch today at 2 o'clock. ot Cool Soring township. Mr. _Reckwell was for several years ‘clerk in Sheriff Wycoff’s office and ‘is now stenographer and typewrit- l@t for J. C: Steele & Sous. Rev. and Mrs. Reaves returned attention to our line of Holiday Neckwear, Mufflers, Etc. The newest and most up-to-date things. This brisk weather suggests fit you up. We have some & Thanking you for your libe trom Raleigit Monday. i i ins coats that we are offering special inducements on to c:ose out. u, Lewis, Attorney. TO THE TAX-PAYERS Of Iredell County Who Have Not Paid Their Taxes. OU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED to come for- ward and settle your taxes. The law oa requires me to make a tax round in a seers of October. [have already made this ro - a and have collected only a very small amoun _ taxes asyet. Iwill not make apo t this vear, so you will save cost and trouble oy coming up and settling your taxes at once, as will advertise all delinquents this year. ee ‘The law requires that all school tax, w oe is a large proportion of the taxes, shall be paid by + 31st of December. i ou ees must be pald early in the year. and 2f course the county must have mone ‘ eS pay expenses, andI am compelled to collec this money to meet these demands. _H. WYCOFF. Sheriff Iredell County. November 20th, 1990. 10liday gift than some It is always in use »f the Gonor’s tnoughtiulness. i iate, beautiful, durabie and and Upward. in oak, maple, mahogany and fancy tables for hall, sitting- to $10.09; a beautiful line Ladies’ Desks, from £5.50 to from $12.00 to $30.00. Furniture and Carpets good heavy underwear. Let us ood things left in Suits and Over- ral patronage, we are, Very truly, Sloan Glothing Co. ~ DIL pa RNG LORD OT NS a RE al ee AES oA = Ei } r e e r e c e e r « is A $1 to $5 reduction, accor to size and style, has been % wa k e ca = 5 {e r e s fa S23 EIR, Gertags a Bebo RES iw 238 aay) si f bu ied al Gg wes Wed AD R E S a ing 2 ARE AALS *“ ’ ’ A Oo ae d ae 5 po n Da as DE S > 8 ES FI: - i i 6 aie © a iu u a £8 Ge Belin i ws : Made by Geo. This we Flanigan-Evans Hardware Co. AGENTS. ss S Tilt ATFTR SUP -W -deas wt sais ) Cane to ) ) e we Y Ve, ¢ yd ) ) y yp ) — == }} The Mascot | Printing Co | i a I OPO | EEE EEE | LA AEA ET IS | Sey eer Pern wer ak vy Xo ONGN TO-DATE TICES. PL E L L Q L L E e E e r m e r y p r L p m — ~ » m » m m N N V I L V L L LY 0% EK. Nissen & Company. 22d day of November, 1200, i y &4 Shirts ets Talk it dye 3 VERY business increase his bus pusb must Lave prin he wants the vest—printing tho tractive: )Jo rm is ie ingw done < YOU WILL FINDL prepared to do you latest, up-to-date styl ; WwW is yr ? too low to mention. We Go prin that will help your business aca 3 be pleased with our werk anc Ring us up—’ Phone, 35. dr’? Postal Card Printing that ples Sage ee = Hive thet plense. oe ne TT SOI, CALA OR: pee HOUSE | paceks THE SE. | AKMY Di:-is t ASSES THI | The Bill Increascsthe army and gives | the Pres acat Power to Further In- crease ii =+} tal 4 he fo -e of 7 : re end of a i0ong sitting, army re-organization ote of 166 Hall, of Penn eSsTrs ns for the bill, and Mr I achusetts, with the Democra.s, ¢ it. Otherwise t was as rict party vote. The prop- Was a inst to commit their side to in extension of the present army until July 1, 1903. voted upon indirectly or to recommit, commanded f only about balf the op- ‘ ind of two Republicans Vr e!} and Mr. Mann, of Illi nois. Mzeuy of the Democrats, how- er. votcd against the motion be suse they were opposed not only to the reory anization bill but also to r the temporary army at strength. (Quite a num- ndments were placed upon fore it was passed. The cht was made upon a sub- stitute of cred by Mr. Littlefield, of ‘the canteen section. The - absolutely prohibited th- oxicantsat military posts. sported by Messrs. Little- “¢ ntin uw its preset ber of an. the bill iveliest ! Maine, fe substitut sale of in It was s field, Gr:svenor, Republican, of Ohio: D ck, Republican, of Ohio; and Hay. Democrat, of Virginia, and opp: sed by Messrs. Slayden. Democrs'. of Texas: Fitzverald, _of Massachusetts; Pearce. Parker, VWemocre Missouri: Repubtic j " Re publican, of New Jersey, anc Barth Republican, of Missouri Large de cvations from the the Wo men's Christian Temperance Union. which is ja session in this city, were in Lue vaileries. When the vote was taken the prohibitory amendment ed an 1d9 to ol. attempte i to secure a e vote In the House, overwhelming Mr. Bartholdt reconsidera but Ni et hy Was Cart Mm Ljorit: tion el the per ing parliamentary status shut him: out. The sections designed te retire General Shafter as a major reperal ond General Fitzhugh Lee om a ' “aS Ewa . and Gereral James E. Wilson a-~ brigadie venerals, was stricken out. Amooug tbe amendments adopted - providing for 50 velun- ms aud lov assistant sur were th teer sul geons fe + and for a vet- for ot Ge ota. surgecn eticary corps with actual rank. The omeces ei the pay corps were in creased {1 aad of the signal corps 27> 6Tne -limil was removed from volunier officers eligible to ap iutment as first and second od the provision for retir vho served in the ing ofticers War as ¢ striesxen cut Yhe !! j-burn amendment to pro- vide the vacaacies ia the quarter masters 5 Cevartiment could be filled from c.v | life or from volunteer of- ficers COlamissicned since April 19, ISYS, wiich was pending House .djourned yesterday, was voted de wn without division. Mr. tay, of Virginia, offered an “Dd, thorizin ¢ the President to appoint er surgeous With the rank ). ealuenbuil oO voluu:s of majci with the of two 5 charged Mr. ¢ of bumorovs speech in support of the amendment, appealing to every member to vote in the 5 200,000 teeth. “Irrespective party or the result of the late elec tion, seid he, “verte to rid the old soldier of the toothache."” The nt was adopted. ingham, of Pennsylvania, rank of captain, for terms ars, unless previously dis- tey, ameudrn Mr. | offered : 2 corps chief vet colonel, one assistant chief with the rank of major, four veterinarians with the assistanis with the rank of second lieutevart is, 20 assistants with the rank of second lieutenants of caval- ry. Mr. tiull, of lowa, and Mr. Hay, ov Viryvinia. opposed the amend ment. Tre amendmeat was adopted by a vote of SO to 72 Mr. Vick, of Ohio, offered an amendment, which was adopted, to ucrease “ue pay corps of the army 3 with the i, £to5 with the rank colonel, from 9 to 20 auk of major and reducing the rank of captain from Veterinary surgeons, one from 5 t¢ + paymasters t rank of colon heutrer ant with the those w ai % to 2D. -~é Mr. MeCielian, of New York, gave notice that at the proper time he should voifer a substitute for the whole bi'l to continue in force the present liw for a provisional army. An am. onament was adopted to in crease tho signal corps by one lieu nant cc.onel, 2 majors, 10 captains 10 tirst Heutenants, and the proviso uuiboriziay the President to appoint | volunteer signal ofticers aak of first heutenant and lO with tae rank of second lieuten- ant, dur aig the continuation of the Puiltppi. ¢ war, was stricken out. Mr. iiulljotfered an amendment. which wos agreed to, to make volun teer ote rs eligible to the grades of rst and second lieutenants without revard to age with tbe Mr Hay, of Virginia, appealed te his Democratic associates to vote Hr t sermanent increase in the siandl "my and support the sub- Stilute [O° an extension of the pres- utiaw. An amendment offered by Mr. Wm. Alden Smith. of Michigan, adopted. providing that if one > pw ents of a soldier should die ster he .ad served more than one vear, leaving the other solely de- peadent apoa him for support, he might receive an charve. Mr. Me fered an -O5t, Pro served d nave he) e rank tl led lo aext big! Mr. Mah Lo strike ficers be geveral w wae with rext high “6G earoes raenot. B ihe provi: ed had bi vhis merit be eliminz ‘ed. Mr. Ha., of Virginia, favored the emendme: ¢. “ir. Ma. on said he would be frank. He was in favor of rewarding distin + uished sevice, but was opposed to $ Ving advitional pay and rank to odicers who were n0t entitied to pro »dy, of Massachusetts, of- amendment, which was iding that all ofticers who ofore been retired below f brigadier general, be en- the rank and pay of the or grade. m, of Pennsylvania, moved ut the paragraph to retire iow the rauk of brigadier io served during the civil the rank and pay of the rgrade. “Mr Hull made plea against the amend. cause those who wanted ons of the section extend- »n disappointed, he said, rious section should not Representatives to- | to 133. Three | ind Underhill and Clavy- | -w York, voted with the} ch some of the Democrats | service lu the Philippines: lieu- civil the uext higher grade was when the which wus adopted, av- and 150 assistant surgeons Virginia, made a interest of of 1.atsendment to provide for rinarian with the rank cf rank of first Heutenants, 10 honorable dis-| cing the civil war and who! s motion. The Mahon amendment pre- vailed. Mr. McDermott, of New Jersey, offered an ameudinent to make mandatory upon the President to reduce the enlisted force of the army to 25,000 on December 1, 1902. The | /amendment was defeated. | Mr. Littlefield, of Maine, offered | ithe following substitute for the can- ‘teen provision of the bill: “The sale or dealing in beer, wine |or intoxicatieg liquors by any per- son in any post, exchangeor canteen | or army transport, or upon any, ' premises used for military purposes 'oy the United States is hereby pro- | | hibited. : / hereby directed to carry the proyis- | lions of this section into full force, jand effect.” a | "Phe section for which the substi-| tically a re-enactment of the present | law. Mr. Littlefield read a letter | from Adjutant General Corbin stat | ing that OD per cent. of the officers | of the army favored the canteen sys tem. Against the present opinion of | 4 statement made by General Corbin | in 1592, ne | system as not conducive to the dis- | cipline or the best interests of the soldier. Mr. Fitzgerald, of Massachusetts, opposed the amendment and con- cluded with an attack upon probib- tion as it obtained in Maine. Mr. Grosvenor, of Ohio, declared that prohibition had been a failure wherever it had beer tried. Never- theless, he said, he would vote for the amendment. Mr. Hay, of Vir- vinia, favored the amendment. Aside from the question of temper- ance, he believed it was wrong for the government to engage in the sale of liquor. He was opposed to throwing temptation in the direct path of young men who entered the arn.y. He asserted that the evidence of the army officers was not alto vether on one side of the question. (A pplause.) Mr. Littiefield contended tkat pro- nibition in Maine made for morality and temperance. The amendment was adopted, 159 to 51. Many members of the Wo- men’s Christian Temperance Union were in the gallery and loudly ap- plauded the result. i Mr. Fitzgerald then proposed an amendment to prohibit the sale of liquor in the capitol building. Mr. Hull mace the point of order that the amendment was not germane. Mr. Fitzgerald said that if the soldiers were to be prevented from drinking oa the premises of the United States members of Congress should vot be allowed to drink in tke capitol. The chair sastained the point of order, whereupon Mr. Wil- liams, of Mississippi, asked unani- mous consent that Mr. Fitzgerald be allowed to offer his amendment. *T object,’ said Mr. Shattuc, of Ohio. Mr. Kluttz, of North Carolina, moved to strike out the section for the retirement of General Shafter as a major general. He was opposed, he said, to the promotion and retire ment of ofticers. Tbe motion pre- vailed, 131 to 100. Mr. Jett then moved to strike cut the next section which was designed to retire General titzbugh Lee and General James H. Wilson, as brigadier generals, and it also prevailed. There was no di- vision on this motion. This com- pleted the bill, which was then re- ported to the House, where »Ir. Mc- Clellan, of New York, moved to re- commit the bill with instructions to report back a bill extending the present law until July. 1905. The motion to recommit was lost, 6S to 48. Two Republicans, Mr. Mc- Call, of Massachusetts, and Mr. Mann, of Illinois, voted with 66 mem- bers of the opposition for this mo- ‘ion. Many Democrats voted with the Republicans against this motioa. ’ A roll call was demanded for the final passage of the bill. The bill was passed, 166 to 133. —_— Brg standing Army Raleigh News aud Observer, Senator Jones is quoted as saying that the Democrats in the Senate will not resort to needless speeches or filibustering tacties to defeat measures that they oppose which are in keeping with the pledges made by the Republican party in the campaigu ‘The country,’ he said, “has apparently indorsed Re- publicin polictes,’’ and he added: “| believe in majority rule and am opposed to resorting to delay to emphasize our opposition to every Republican measure. I do not thinx the Democrats will be dispos ed to employ such tactics on any of the measures now discussed unless it is the proposition tor a permanent increase in the standing army. We will fight that to the end. We will zive the President just as many volunteer soldiers as are necessary. dul to add to the permanent estab lishment is an entirely different question, and | believe the majority of the people of the country are op- posed to it.’ That correctly expresses the true Democratic position. During the campaign when the Democrats charged that the Republicans want- ed to saddle a big standing army os the country, they denied it vebe- mently and said such talk was“‘rot.”’ They thereby pledged themselves not to establisb a large standing army. And yet, before the shouts of victory had diedaway, they were preparing a bill to make the stand ing army four times as large as ever before. “*We will fight that to the eud’” says Senator Jones. He is right in so doing Serious aspect of the Canal. | Washington Dispatch, 7th. | The Seaate was in executive ses- sion for four hours today, devoted to a discussion by Senator Morgan of ithe Hay-Pauncefote treaty for the abrogation of the portion of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty which relates to the Nicaragua Canal. | _ Discussing the question of the for- | tification of the canal, Senator Mor- gan argued strenuously against it, booth as inexpedient and unnecessary. | He admitted, however, that he had {no doubt that if the United States | should proceed with the construction | ;of the caual without first taking | steps to secure the neutrality of the | canal, Great Britain would be griev- | | ously oifended, and that he thought iit not impossible that the offense would be considered sufficiently grave to lead.to hostilities between the two countries. The American people, however, were not going to allow any obstacle, no matter how serious, to stand in the way. He believed that the administration that would undertake to build the canal, knowing that to do so meant war, would be endorsed by the people:at large by a bigger majority than that whica McKinley received over Bryan in the last election. Senator Morgan was plied with many questions. -| blood-thirsty character. THE DUELS OF PRESIDENTS, Several of our Presidents Met Their. Lincoln’s sweetheart. Then Shields 4 Mysterious Crime in a West Vir-| Man on the “Field of Honor.” j An article in The Junior Munsey | by Joho R. Spears describes some famous American duels. The com- | bats between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, Commodvre Ste- pben Decatur and Commodore James | Barron, Commodore Perry and Cap- tain John Heath, Henry Clay and} Joun Randolph, Jonathan Cilley and William J. Graves, General are all described by Mr. Spears, but the most interesting {narratives are In this intreduction Mr. Spears says: “Duelling has had marked influ- although it has never held the es- teem that it once received in Europe. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about American duels was their The meet- jags were not conventional affairs, Genera! Corbin, Mr. Littlefield read .for oftener than not their ending was fatal. This probably did much condemning the cantene|to bring the practice into disrepute. *‘Prom Andrew Jackson, the most ifamous American duelist, to Abra- jam Lincoln, who once accepted a challenge to fight a duel which his ready wit turned intoa farce, near- ly all these personal combats have vrown out of politics. A notable exception was what have-been call- ed the Mediterranean duels, where- in many young American naval ofli- cers fought British officers for ‘the honor of the fla x.’ “Of those Americans who have played parts on what was called the ‘tield of honor’ Andrew Jackson must come first, because no man. of equal fame as he has fought so many duels as he. It may besaid he be- van his public career by fighting a duel over a well-smoked piece of ‘fennessee bacon. “The future President of the Uni- ted States was then—it was fin Au- gust 1788—a lawyer who had reach- ed the mature ave of 21. He was opposed in acase by Col. Waight- still Avery. Jackson thought to have a little backwoods fun and deft. ly removed from Avery’s saddle- bags ‘Bacon's Abridgements,’ a standard work to which he always ceferred in court and substituted a piece of Tennessee bacon for the vook. Avery unrolled the chunk of meat in the courthouse in Jonesboro, Tepn., greatly to the wonder and amazement of the spectators. ‘Instead of joining in the laugh- ter Colonel Avery turned on Jackson and ferociously denounced him. Jackson immediately tore a fly leaf from a law book and wrote a chal- lenge, witha P. S. that said: ‘“‘This evening after court adjourned.”’ ‘He undoubtedly meant to write ‘has adjourned,’ but he was too an- gry to be accurate. He was also too angry to shoot straight when the colonel met him that evening after sunset ina ravine behind the courthouse, for he missed his man. Jackson having also escaped unhurt, the trouble was smcothed over by the seconds. “Tn 1803 Jackson called out Gov- ernor Joha Sevier, of Tennessee, out the meeting was what a vera- cious caronicler called a brawl in- stead of a duel—plenty of talk, but 20 bloodshed. ‘Jackson’s third duel was fought in 1806, and it was this affair that dlaces him among the most notable of American duellists. Jackson was liying at the Hermitage on Neely’s bend of the Cumberland river and aad some trouble with a neighbor aamed Erwin over a horse race in which both were irterested. Er win did notcare to fight, but his sOn-in-law, Charles Dickerson, de- cermined totake up the affront. He went to Natchez, Miss., and for six months spent his days in practicing with a pistol. Then he wrote a let- ter to Jackson in which, among other exasperating things he men- tioned the name of Mrs. Jackson. This immediately called forth a challenge, of which Ger. Thomas Overton was the bearer. Jackson’s letter of instructions ended with these words: ‘Accept no apology; aothing but his blood will satisfy me.’ “They fought on May 30, 1806, at Harrison’s Mills, Ky. Dickerson, who was as eager for blood as Jack- son, and quite as confident of shed- ding it, offered to wager $500 that ne would strike the second from the top in a row of buttons that Gener al Jackson wore on his coat. Jack- son heard of the offer and immedi- ately decided on aremarka! e course of action. To stand in his place and let Dickerson shoot first. “Dickerson won the toss for posi- tion. General Overton save the word and Dickerson fired. The spectators saw a putt of dust knock- ed from Jackson's left, but Jackson did not fall, and Dickerson was so tnuch astonished that he half stag- wered, half stepped away. Jackson, with his eyebrows drawn down, placed his arm firmly across his breast, while Gen. Overton shouted to Dickerson, ‘Back to vour place, sir. ‘Dickerson came back with blanch- ed face and averted eyes. Jackson raised his pistol, pulled the trigger and gave Dickerson a mortal wound. When Overton came to see how badly Jackson was hurt. he found that Dickerson had hit the button he had proposed to hit and it had turned the bullet aside, as Jackson tad believed it would. The force of the blow broke two of Jackson’s ribs. ‘In later years (during the Flor- ida war) General Jackson challenged General Scott, but Scott refused to fight aduel. He said a duel was not necessary to prove the courage of either GeneralJackson or himself, and that bis conscience would not permit him to engage in any such affair. It comes with a shock when one Hirst hears that the kindly, patient, joke-loving Lincoln went out to tight a duel once upon a time. And it is all the more remarkable that he should have done so when it is re membered that he was a citizen of Illinois at the time. For Illinois people had never theught well of such doings. In fact they had not fought a duel, since 1820, when a man named Bennett was hanved for ee another named Stewart in a due One James Shields, a man of ‘“‘in- ordinate vanity,’’ and with an “ex- tremely sensitive nature’’ as- well, was elected auditor of the State on the Democratic ticket. The turkey- cock ways of the little man made him the subject of endless ridicule onthe part of the Whigs. Lincoln published a letter that was ostensi- bly written from ‘‘Loss Towaships’’ —a letter that roiled Shields exceed- ingly, although it was manifestly : written for pbdlitical effect. It was Armis- | tead T. Mason and John McCarthy approve of sucha duel, but under| followed by another, in much the same vein, written by Mary Todd, called in afriend to hunt out Lin- | coln and demand an explanation and retraction. The correspondence and detailed accounts written by the participants 'show that Shields’ second was in- tent on scaring Lincoln into an ab- | ject apology, but he found that he} was yapping at the heels of the | wrong mastiff. Iv is plain that Lincoln did not | the circumstances he was not going to be bullied by an opponent like The Secretary of War is! those of the duels of Presidents Jack- | Shields. Very likely the fact that y ‘soa and Lincoln quoted below. | Mary Todd was, ina way, involved }in the controversy made him feel |ooiiged to tight, if a fight was de- jmanded. Accordingly as Mr. ‘tute was offered, he said, was prac- ence upon the history of this nation, | Shields did insist, Lincoln accepted the challenge, and here are the terms as he wrote them: First, Weapons—Cavalry broad- swords of the largest size, previsely equalin all respects, and such as are now used by the cavalry com- pany at Jacksonville. Second, Position—A plank 10 feet long and from 9 to 12 iaches broad, to be firmly tixed on edge on the ground as the line between us which neither isto pass his foot over on forfeit of his life. Next, a line drawn on the ground on either side of the said plank and parallel with iteachata distance of the whole length of the sword and three feet additionai from the plank, and the passing of his own such line by either party during the fight shail ve deemed a surrender of the con- test. The meeting place was within three miles of Alton, on the opposite side of the river and the time 5 © clock in the afternoon of Thursday, September 22nd, 1842. The two parties went to the appointed place, which Mr. Lincoln said had been “‘most appropriately selected,’’ be- ing within sight of the penitentiary, whereat there was a laugh in spite of the seeming vravity of the situ- ation. When Shields saw the amus- ed unconcern of the giant Lincoln, and then ‘‘hefted’’ one of the broad- swords, he turned a listening ear to the common friends who arrived just then to propose an amicable adjustment. ‘-[ did notintendto meet Shields unless Idid so clearly in self de feuse.’’ said Lincoln afterward. “‘If it had been necessary I could have split him from the crown of his head to the end of his backbone.’ = - 2-2 A Fightin South Africa. London Dispatch, 7th. The War Office received a dispatch from Lord Kitchener dated Bicem- fontien December 6, announcing that General Delarey, with 500 Boers, attacked a convoy, proceeding from Pretoria to Rustenbury, at DBuifels- port, on December 3, burned half the convoy and killed 15 men and wound- ed 23, including . Lieutenant Baker. The Boers the dispatch adds, sutfer- ed considerable loss, some of them being killed with case shot at 50 yards. Guns and assistance were sent from Rustenburg and Comman- do Nek, and the Boers were driven off. The advices alsosay General De- wet crossed the Caledonon Decem- ber 5, at Kareepont drift. making for Odendal. General Kuox was following him. The drift was held py a detachment of the Guards and the river was flooded. Brenneman Sets Action in Regard to Fertilizers. Raleigh Dispatch, 7th. The State Board of Agriculture at its session in Raleigh last week adopted the following resolutions: “The board of agriculture shall forbid the sale of fertilizers and fertilizing material not coming up tothe following minimum require- ments: First, any complete fertili- zer containing phosporic acid, am- monia and potash does not amount toll per centum when dded to- gether; second, any fertilizer ‘con- taining phosphoric acid and potash when the sum of available phospho- ric aci@ and ammonia does not amount tol0 per centum when ad- ded together; third, any fertilizer containing phosphoric acid and am- monia when the sum of available phosphoric acid and ammonia does not amouat to 10 per centum when added tovether; fourth,auy fertilizer containing ammonia and _ potash when the sum of ammonia and pot- ash does not amount to 10 per cen- tum when added together; fifth, any acid phosphate which contains less than 10 per centum of available phosphoric acid, and, provided fur- ther, no mixed fertilizer of any kind shall be sold which contains less than 2 per centum of either ammo- nia or potash or both when they ace claimed in the same fertilizer.’’ The penalty for the violation of these requirements isa payment of twice the amount indicated by the deficiency. A Congrzssman Who Was Once Sen- tenced to be Hanged. Wm. E. Curtis in Chicago Record, 7th. Among the seven new members of the House of Representatives who will take the oath of office tomorrow morning is a man who was once sen- tenced to be hanged—the hero of one of the most exciting episodes of the civil war. In 1863 a young Con- federate from Alabama named Wili- liam Richardson was captured by the Federal forces in ('nuessee and taken toa prisoners camp in [ndi- ana. He made his escape and vot back to Nashville, where he had rel- atives who sympathized with the re- pellion and arranged for him to go tt: ugh the Union lines with a Con- federate spy known as ‘“*Mr. Paut.”’ The couple were captured by Gener- al Crittenden’s forces, taken to his headquarters at Murfreesboro, and, after trial before adrum-head court- martial, were sentenced to ignomin- ious death by hanging, whicb is the fate of spies, who, under the rules of warfare, do not deserve honorable ceath by shooting. In some manner the news was brought to Gen. Forest—47 wiles away—that one of the most valuable men in the secret service of the Con- sederacy was about to be hanged by Gen. Crittenden, and an hour or two before daylight on the morning ap-| pointed for the execution Forest sur- | prised Crittenden’s forces, demoral- | izing them, killing a yood many and| taking a large number of prisoners. During the fight *-Mr. Paul’? and youog Richardson manaved to es- cape. After the war the latter re-| turned to Alabama, studied law with | his father, who was an eminent. member of the bar of that State, and now comes to Congress as the suc- cessor of Gen. Joe Wheeler. Henkel Bros. WILL have two car a as . aa of good horses. ud mules to arrive on urdaay, ember 16t, Cotde and set them. . a Williamson, LAWYER KILLED PREACHER ginia College. W. Va., Dispatch, 7th. This afternoon Hon. S. Davis) | Stokes shot and instantly killed Rev. 'John W. Wohl in a street duel here. | Mr. Stokes being also dangerously , injured. Tonight in the whole town ‘and even in the country districts the | excitement is intense. Mr. Stokes. one of the most prom- | |inent young lawyers in Mingo coun- | | ty, left his office this afternoon im- | |mediately after dinner, and pleasant: | lIy greeting friends on the way, | walked with quick and firm step in the direction of the house occupied by Rev. Mr. Wohl and his house- keeper, Mrs. Levine, Mr. Wot!'s! family being in Kentucky. Mr. Stokes stopped at the gate to taik with Mrs. Levine, who stood in her doorway. Within a few minutes the minister came out of the house. He seemed to be greatly excited about something and said to Mrs. Levine as he passed her at the door: “You would be much better at present in the house.”’ She laughingly replied that the day was far too pretty to be spent entirely within doors and Mr. Stokes interrupted by remarkine. ‘Yes, don't think of leaving us for the house.” Quick as a flasb Mr. Wohl turned, and addressing Stokes, said: ‘‘Leave the premises.” An altercation followed. Both men ran to the sidewalk directiy in front of the bouse. Something was said, almost indistinguishable, that drew from Rev. Mr. Wokl a harsh retort. ‘*You are a liar,” and in au instant the report of a revolver was heard. Stokes stumbled, tried to regain his footing, but fell in the street. Wounded as he was, he drew his revolver and covered the minis- ter, now within ten feet of his fallen foe. Again Wobl tired, and simuita- neously with that shot, the gun in the sinking hand of Stokes spoke. When the smoke cleared away two men lay in their own blood upon the sidewalk. A crowd ran to the scene. Mr. Wohl was dead. Chance had carried the bullet from Stokes’ pis- tol through the head of the minister, killing him as he fell. J he bullet had entered Stokes’ side below the heart and passed entirely through his body, In the hall of the minister’s home, facing the fearful duel to the death. across the doorway, was found Mrs. Levine. It was at first thougnt she was dead, and had provably veen shot, but an investigation showed that she had only fainied from frivht, Up to a late hour this evening Mr. Stokes has refused to say anything concerning the terrible travedy, and Mrs. Levine isin toomuch of a state of excitement totalk. Mr. Woni was recognized as one of the most force- ful and eloquent of Presbyterian ministers of this State. Mr. Siokes is an ex-Virginia University Presi- deni and comes from one of the vest families of the Old Domizion. ° > io ee — A Georgia Socialist Scheme F ails. i New York Commercial. Some interesting questions are raised by the failure ot the Christian Commonwealth Colony, whose real estate and other property will pass under the hammer at sheritf’s sale next Monday in siuscogee couaty, Georgia. lt was a pureiy co-opera- tive scueme of forty or fifty meu and women Socialists from the West. principally Mlinois and indiana. avd their farming, jumper, milling and other industrial operations ou a thousand-acre tract of excelient jand showed a good profit jor the urs year, 1598. This fact served to at- tract to the colony aboutforty more recruits from the surrounding Georgia country—so that the scheme Was in the hands of about 115 sons in 1809, lt was then that losses take Ube piace oj profits, and it was disclosed that fully one fifth of une colony Wasa dione element—about tweoty-fivein number. ifor.. by the workers to oust them was resist- ted by the drones, and tke courts were appealed to, the industrious Uer- : money, time aud temper: and now, toward th2 close of tne chird year, the colony cannot meet its tinaaciar obligations and is about tv disbacd. Very naturally four-tiftos couid not long carry the dead weight vu: unproductive one-fifth. tent the second year ~“ecruits trom the Northwest and the aeighooriny Georgia territory were uoconseuial? and not suited to pull wel! iv uar-} ness with the original Sociaiisis uas/ not been detinitely disclused, put thé au droves who bad to be eibowed out) were chiefly from these new clef ments, [tis quite probable tua the root of the lallure lay in the jac} of proper restrictions as to quaiifica- tious tor membership and its prerd- quisites. lo exercise the uevcessa- ry discrimiuation va Unis point woul require a Close Kuowiecve of puma nature, lamillacily with men and ap- lairs, quick perceptions, zucd jus ment, lirmuess, tact and a fair mieag- ure of executive ubility somewhere in the colony. Such things are uge commonly born Within the reaimn vi Socialism, and they surely Se be bred or fostered in the isolav:um that attaches to the socialistic ur commvnistic idea. ; Possioly the original forty Sucia Ists would Have succeeucd their scheme if they had iefi euuusb alutc. wicks well Editor's Awful Plignt. ; f. wt. Higgics, Editor Sencéa. (Lils.,) News, Was afflicted for years wita Piles that nv doctor or remedy uelped until he tried Buckien s uica Salve. He writes two pores woolly cured him. It’s the surest Pile cure on earth and the best salve in toe world. Cure guaranvesd. Ouly 25 cents. Soid by w. it. Hall. Jr., Qrugyist. Ye 2 —— SS Luiviug With a Broken Neck, + Philadelphia Times, sth. Philip H. Jones, the Peansylyania Railroad crakeman who was tuxen to the Cooper Hospital, of Camden, Ou Saturday, is stall alive, While the doctors marvel tba Joues should have lived su jung, still Loey cite Cases Where people simuar- iy alilicted uot only lived many MvulGs, Oul eolirely recovered. a Phat Theobbing Headache Would quickiy leave you, if you used Dr. King’s New “Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchiess merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves anc ouiid up your health. Easy to take. ry them. Only 25 cents. Mouey vack if not cured. Sold by W. FP. lvein immediatels a : ; Moore died 'sia Cure. 'vood 1 call it the savior vf my life. bevan "tu ft winniny finally, but only at a loss of |/ Vo what ex- {i Did Not Want to be Buried Alive. New York Dispatch, 7th. Les! h» be buried alive, Heury G. Moore !eft 3100 in his wiil for tbe : cui bis jugular person la wonid '- apparer after t [death, and $500 fer the person whe would see iva his nodv -. as ere mated. The will wis filed for probate iv the surrogates office today Mr. 3 faondon receatiy. Fe lived in this city for many vears. “Thad stomach trouble twents years and yave up hope of being cnr ed tiil i began to use Kodo: Dyspep It has done meso mucl writes W. R. Wilkinson, Alpanv i Tenn, [t digests what vou eat | Jar | Woh Balt: Virginia will soon have a consti- | tutional convention, and the princi- pal work to be done is to dislran chise the negro. United States Sen- | ator Daniel is drafting a provision which it is believed will stand th: test in the court of last resort better | than tne ‘‘grandfather’’ clause 0! Louisiana and North Carolina. His proposition is to exempt from tk« illiteracy clause all persons from Virginia who served 1n any war. Proud of His Son. nt. Thos. Coppinger, Dayton. Te n.. says: Ihave used Ramon: Liver Pilis and Tonic Pellets for years, and cannot say enough o!} them for the good they have done i: ! my family. ] wish to tell you spe cially what they did for my younges! son. We thought he was too liti'c to take pills. but when he saw thi rest of us taking our usual Tonic Pellet at night, he would ery fo: ene also. So we commenced giviny them to him regularly, and from « pale, delicate child he improved im- mediately, and lately he is as robu:' a lad as ever breathed mountain air rosy-cheeked, and he looksas health. asany big fat Irishman you eve: saw. For sale by N. R. Tunstall}. Druggist. Governor Lind, of Minnesota, ho. appointed ex-Congressman Charie: A. Towne United States Senator t succeed the late Senator Davis. Senator Towne was formerly a Si: ver Republican, but now a Dem: crat. He will serve until the Legi: Jature elects a Senator in January. when a Republican will be chosen. Does it Pay to Buy Cheap? A cheap remedy for coughs ar? coldsis all right, but you war: something that will relieve and cai ¢ the more severe and dangerous ré sults of throat and lung trouble What shall you do? Gotoa warme: and more recular climate? Yes, 1: possible; if not possible for you,then in either case take the only remed. that has been introduced in all civi! ized countries with success in sever throat andluny troubles, **Boschee + German Syrup.”’ it not only heais and stimulates the tissues to dc- stroy the germ disease, but alhay: inflammation, causes easy expect - ration, give a good night’s rest, ac cures the patient. Try onE bott] Recommended many years by 2x druggists in the world. For saie by W. EF. Hall, Jr. A native Filipino will scon ent. > the colored 4. & MM. College wv Greensboro. WINE OF CARDUI an has brongk’ permanent relicf to a mil- lion suffering womon who weze on their way to promature graves. Mrs. Mitchel) <> M was fagt declining in health, whea Wine *,. ‘fi of Cardai performed a “wonderful cure” fe my inhercase. She suffered with the ago- BE ‘gy nies of falling of the womb, leucorrhec (* 2nd profues menstruation. The weekly 777 appearance ofthe mensesfortwo months m sapped her vitality until she vase phye- \ fj icel wreck. Hex nervous system gavo my “ay. Then came the trial of Wine of B Cardui ana the cure. Mrs. Mitchell’s exporionce ought to commend Wine of iq Cardui to suffering women in words of § burning eloquence. | WINE*CARDUL is within the reach of all. Women who ma try it are relieved. Ask your druggist ea fora $1 bottle of Wineo? Cardui, end do Sf not take a substitute if tendered you. . Mrs. Willie Mitchell. Sonth Gaston, N.C.: “Wine of Cardul and Thedford’s Black- Dracght hs-e performed @ miraculous cure 2 in my case. had been a great enferer fa with falling of the womb and leucorrbhea, , and my monses came every week for tw months af: were very pu'-finl. Mv bus- * band induced me to try Wine of Cardui m and Binck- oraught. and now the lencor- Be rhosa bas disappeared, and | am restored t> perfect heaith.” In cases regniri Cire tions, add: Are you needing any thing in the Do you want to get it rR NEW cottongin near R. S, Hartuess’, i | | est value in mus socn as she & it 3s bard TS cu o Pits wh: ‘% twa nt SEIN “NOTES, KC % finish. tS at inot LILEDOUN ee ~ t+ g.6r Wiil aot tear, By “a ¢ Wal Nisan Soft finish “4 ah axes comfor . on er. = Wiikier ths ea 222208 P23 oe 2 2 mM Oo Se SISLIN Pi) cs i is all pure cotton of the “tect grade. The mull buys the raw cot- t : un the planter and setts slin @irect to the retail he protits of speculators, np genand jobbers, You set § eat. Asis your ccaler for LILE- S. Accept no cther. If he hasnt No and won't get it we will send direct tn >.) yc, boits or more, Carriage prepaid. i .0UN Muslin button bag free. *torore MOCSIS COTTON MILLS. ‘Tuytoraville, N.C. LL who owe for goods and provisions and guano will please Come promptly an settle. All due October ist, Cotton is opening very and bringing good prices and we cannot volt om the people to hold it. BRADFORD & SONS, New Stirling 3EED WHEAT and RYE For SALE AT J. L. Cowan’s, 3. F. LONG. GEO. B. NICHOLSON. Long & Nicholson, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Law Offices, Robbins’ Brick Kow, Statesville, (Notice is hereby given to my clients that cider present «trangements my office will al- vays be open for business during my attend. ance at Rowan, Davidson and Randolph courts. —B. F, 1.) Notices to Creditors. AVING qualified as executor of the last will . and testament of Mrs, C. W. Turbiville. leceased, this is to notify all persons having laims against her estate to present the same to me onor before the 1%th day ef October, 1601, or his notice will be plead in bar of recovery. This October 16th, 1900. 5. W. TURBIVILLE Executor of C, W, Tui biville. Armfield & Turner, Attorneys. NORTH CAROLINA) Inthe Superior Alexander County, -Court Bofore A. )L.Watts, C.S.c- M G. Mitchell, administratrix of} t<ebecca Smith, deceased, | Vs * | I. N. Smith, Gaston Smith, Dor-} NOTICE. h, O. P. McIntosh, Eva | "ackey, J. # ackey, E. P. Smith | ud M, E. smith. The defendants, I. N, Smith, Gaston Smith, Soreas McIntosh. O. P. McIntosh and E. Pp. sinith, will take notice that an action entitled ts above has been commenced in the Superior Jourt to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Xebecca Smith, deceased, to make assets to pay lebts, and the Cefendants will further take no- ice that they are required to appear at _ the hice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Al- -xander county, N.C.,on Saturday. the Sth day »[DecemLer, 1900, and answer or demurto the complaint i action or the plaintiff will ap- ply tor the r f demanded in said complaint. This October 27th, 1g00. A. L. WATTS, Clerk of the Superior Court. Notice to Creditors, &JAVING qualified as administrator of the es- , tate of Philo Benfield, deceased, the un- lersigned hereby notifies all persons holding ‘aims against said estate to present them tu um for payment within twelve (12) months ‘rom the date of this notice, or it wlll be plead u bar of their recovery. chose indebted to the estate are requested to make prompt payment. This October 6th, rgoo. 0. E. SHOOK J. B. Connelly, Att'y. Administrator, we ? ° Administrator’s Notice, TIAVING guaiified as administrator, c. t.a., of A Flizabeth Brown. deceased, all persons iaving Claims against said estate are hereby otlfied to present them on or before October th, roor, All persons indebted to said estate ie expected to make immediate payment. This Oct. 11th, 1900, Grier & Long, Attorneys. G. W. CLEGG, Administrator, C. T. A. For Sale. ()NETAYLOR saw mill and one 20-horse power Taylor engine and boiler, both in zxood working ‘condition and running order. Vlso one 20-horse power Talbot eugine and Joiler—this engine and boiler are both in good vndition. Prices right and terms easy. Write or apply for information to JAMES W. BROWN, Mooresville, N.C. VASHTT WIGH SCHOOL, Vashti, N. C., Isone ofthe leading schools for boys and ¢rls of Western North Carolina. Location un- surpassed for health, and surrounded by beau- ‘ifulim-untain scenery, Board and rooms fur- uished $6.00 per month. Tuition from $1.00 to 33.00 per mouth, FALL TERM BEGINS August 27th. 1g00, 0. F. POOL, Principal. July 12, 1900. W, J. Campbell, Secretary. Seed Oats and Hay For Sale, Thavea lot of white and black spring oats for sale for seed. I havea large lot of nice baled hay for sale. See me when you want grain, feed and malt, Respectfully, Feby. 8th., 1900. J. L.COWAN Farm Wanted. GOOD man with stock for a two-horse farm wants to rent 4 good farm in a healthy lo- ality. Can give the besi of references. Apply it this office tor further particulars. This August 16th, 1900, wa New Cotton Gin. PG as Bargain Conrord township, is mow at work, We vin forthe 2sthand fur ish bagging and ties for 2 cents, Respectfully, Sept. 27th, 1900. GIBSON & WAUGH. If you do, right here is the place. I want to buy an entire new line this fall and } therefore will sell now | EXCEEDINGLY Low, | FOR CASH, ANDO FOR CASH ONLY, No bargain to offer the credit buver. No matter how good, ? RICKERT, | The Jeweler and Optician. J. J. LONG & $04, ELMWOOD, N.C. Cotton Buyers and Gianers. Gin for the 25th, furnish bagging and ties for 50cents Buy all your seed at highest prices and guarantee satisfac- Hall, Jr., Drugyist. vz tion, ; : Sept. 13. 1900. - ar - Soe me - — A 1S are assisted to positions. mitted. For Rent, GOOD two-horse farm for rent. For fur- ther information apply to C. L. Shinn, July 12th roo0. Shinnsville, N.C. Young Men Wanted. ‘ Wit fair education and good character, to | Learn Telegraphy, Railroad accounting, ud typewriting. This is endorsed by all lead- Tailway companies as the only perfect and eHable institution of its kind. All our gradu- Sisted 1 Ladies also ad- Write for free catalog. (Fall term ‘pens August 1sth.) GLOVE TELEGRAPH COLLEGF, Lexington .Ky. ‘Dr. P. F. LAUGENOUR, Dentist,” STATESVILLE, N. C. Will bein his office two weeks, beginning with first Monday in each month. Cail on him for anything n the way of dentistry. You will lind it to your interest to do so. Work done in best mannen Prices ow. Qnly the best matéFiai used. | with fast trains for Colorado, California ——~- K C. M. & B. Fast Train, HE KANSASCITY I equipped fast trai (seats free) and Pals sleeping cart, leaves B t Kansas City, Memphis & Arrives Mem ern Arkansas; and at Kansas City U2) the West and Nortitwesi, 4 J. E. LOCKWOOD. G P. A Kansas C W.STRAIN, T. PA. Memphis, Te CHAS. JONES, T. P. A, Birmingha: 10,000 AGENTS WANTED FOR LIFE AND SPEECHES OF BRYAN, The “Lite” Ix Written by Mes The Speeches revised by Mr. Brean. fh not pecrniarily inter golden oppo: : One agent sc 67 copies in 1 Everybody w: ulist: and Prohk:bi a It is only uecessary for agemis to supply it $200.00 GIVEN for selling 200 books in 3 months Beyen. he is inducements. Will guara: % salary. Distance is no hir < paid. Credit givee. Ci i. outfit, etc., free, but 25 cents m mailing: Act quick. R. H. WOODWARD CO., Bautrintoxr, Vd NOTICE— We also desire to emply selling our book on the : beautifully illustrated. We also pabitsh jie of McKinley” anc other campaign book< asd offer the best terms ~ ADUEY For The People Those who contemplate INSURANCE At all—had best look at a con tract which but a stepping stone between NO insurance and life. In oneinstanes you Jie to win, In my policy you get the benefit of both living and death. is Seven hundred and sixty-Eight dollars paid out to Citizens of Statesville and community in less than 12 months time. If you will take the time and see me] ean give you all imforma- tien. NO MEDICAL’EXAMINATION REQUIRED. J .F. CARLTON, FIRE, LIFE And ACCIPR ENT INSURAN SE. $0 6 ob e s e es ee ee s ne s e ee ee s * me Oo 6 oh o os ke OS 48 A 5S OS E S CA S N S E S S E SM EY AL a ae A eR ener ee eee Southern Railway STANDARD RAILWAY OF The SOUTH The Direct Line to al! Points Texas, Ceiifornia Ficrida, Cuba and Porto Ricca. Qtrictly First-Class Egu:p- “ment on al) Through 2nd Local Trains; Pullmen Palace Sleeping Cars on ai! Nigbt Trains; Fast and safe Schedules. Travel by the Southerr and you are tdassured a safe, Comfertaite and J Expeditious Journey. APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOR TiME TARLES Ejrates ann GENERAL INFORMATION, OR ADDRESS 3. L. Vernon, 7 PA CHARLOTTE, N.C. ASHEVILLE, N.C. No trouble to answer questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M, Culp, = w, A. Tare 3d. V. P.& Gen. Man. Tra‘... MAN. G. P. WASHINGTON, D-C. If You Need Eee Accident Insurance See Brown & Guy, INSURANCESH EADQUARTERS. a Othce—Second Floor Bank Building. Try Us On GUN Sporting Goods, Table Cultery, Meat hoppers or anything else you may need in the ardware Line, If you are} not pleased with our goods after examining them, we don’t ask you to buy. Yours truly, W. A. Thomas & Co. Supplies For sale ON TIME. Ihave Flour, Corn, Meat, etc., for sale on time. See me when you want time on your purchases of supplies. Tais March 8th., 1900. _Respectfully, Trans check collate all poi ations on the o X , With head most > mill. } rtat Lioaery size, Eclips Gottorg Str at ° Sl lio | 100 ca CROWS Fe Tul and season With a custom A. G. ae b> Ac e to n e an * oe yi He a a = nn a = atesville VOL. VIII. WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1900. SATEV [Lub i handle all kinds of Granite and Marble known ite the best quailty Best Material, sa Reg I ; t *‘— on sight. ransact che iteral polats, sLiONS, eh G With < head bieck= most sensitive fee ’ oy ad mii aisu £PrICn raple on wh Sratesville, N Merchants, in the most favorable terms. ‘ines eee OI First-Class work and Lowest Prices BEATS uch la? The First National Bank OF STATESVILLE, N.S ular Interest pa nd personal security. and eredited or re est, Manufacturers and Individuais Po nkin’ Banking Deposits received Money Business. id on time deposits. Special attention p mitted at lowest rates. OFPRFICHERS: A COCKRER, Fresicent, J3.¢, GEO. H. BROW XN, Cashier. -multaneous racket setting imul 2 ind cable rope feed, th dever put 0 Company s ENGINES .“ID BOTLERS. eels or l nd the great bill traction engine. Cotton Gins at low prices cC sits. ta and bover climbing "$RICK COMPANY'S Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Mal na saw ~ ~, ans N few Over Poston Bros MARBLE WORK cr é o the trade and subject to loaned on good aid to collections on Aecounts of Corpor- solicited and received Ir ¥ EN, Vice Presidem* oem, his bris coats that ny Nat J OGNWLL you up. We atte lioliday Neckwear, | The newest k weather suggests zood heavy: under We have some good things left la Sul i ‘ - lose tfering special inducements on to cose out. we are 0 cr > ee Sloan Clothing Co., wish to call your ntien to our line of rm ae and most up to date things. y underwear. Let us ts and Over- vou for your liberal patronage, we are, Very truly, lufilers, Ete. With a hands¢ Case with yo engrav.d ont card fo HIS Wareh 4 and will be an active de season and all With all modern improve customers. Sell your Tob ever ing, 100 Cards, 50c. ome Card ur name he case. Any style printed on r prices aud GN G icine, but a Com ness, Constipation and Headaches. distinct medicines, but sold for one price—25C- The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets tone up the nervous sys Sioan Glothing Co. . ae a iE - | adicine, but 2 Preatment. i (GEN vat buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & VV TONIC PELLETS you do not buy a med- plete Treatment for Billous- It is two Attractive Printing. The Mascot Printing Co, is better prepared than before to turn out attractive up-to-date print- and ot prices that estouish those who not favored us with orders. have thaw 23> 10C0 Circulars 75c, ENVELOPES, Size 5x58. Advertise what you have to sell with a cir- cular. Small one easier AT LOW PRICES. read than a large cone. BOoo wetter Heads. Note Heads, Bill Heads. Statements, Pamphlets, Circulars, Ete * at low prices, Send sample. STATESVILLE, N, C. ouse is now o> ready for the new season s business. sold here will bring good prices. WARE A. G. ATLOCK, Auctioneer. . j inine ss ee . Roce NeAContene Does Not Injure the Stomach Nor Effect the ilearinz. W. A. McLarty & Son, Dime Box, Tex., say: “Ramon’s | ; ae * best we have RS bandled. eS son prescribes itin his practice,and savs it ts 1: theenly Chill Tenic which # chile é pki ba = vo Ig Tasteless and Guaranteed to Cure Guiit HOUSE COMPLETE tem and invigorate. § THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CROWSON & SRONCE, PROPR'’S. Farmers - Warehouse, | | | | | | | There is wand for leaf on the Statesville market this ments and conveniences for the comfort of my accoin The Farmers’ Warehonse. H.C. Gaither, Prop. WN Fu cee Chill bane : Pepsin Fever and ail Malaria! Treubies. Nor_Other Poison. 's Pepsin Chill Tonic is the can take without injury to the stomach.’ BROWN ME"G. €0., Prop’rs. Greeneville, Tenn. Help Home Enterprises. Statesville-Made Furniture. Handsomest designs, best made, best finished goods on the \ market for the money—a little better yoods at _a little lower price than you can vet elsewhere. that’s the reason. A full line on exhibition at our store. You SAVE FREIGHT, We are sale agents for this vicinity. — Bar EAST BROAD STREET. 4 ron Nicholson STATESVILLE, N. C . ea s t FI T OA Qo r e w a e leditor at Neatly Put Brother Deal. Wilkesboro Chronicle There’s an eleven-ponnd assistant | our house. He arrived, Saturday and 1s very outspokeo and | persistent in his opinions, and don’t | care a continental who knows It. ae Marsh Mott to Resign. Raleigh News and Observer, rsth. jtis learned that Solicitor Mar- | shal! L. Mott. of Wilkes county.con- | templates resigning as solicitor, and has written to Governor Russell on The cause assigned is illhealth. He intimates a desire to game his successor, and it is under- stood thet if he is allowed to do so be will name Mr. J. D. McNeill, his partner, who has recently done much of the work of the solicitor during Sir. Mott’s illness. _——— Drought-Proof Cotton. the subject. Charlotte News, 13th. Mr. W. W. Phifer had a remarka- ble success the past season with the drought proof cotton upon which he bas been experimenting. The cotton stood the dry weather well, and ap- peared green and luxuriant while tields of the ordinary variety were wilted and sbrivelled up. Mr. Phifer thinks that in this cotton he has a variety that will prove a blessing to the South. Next year he will plant his entire plantation in this seed, and if the result justifies his expec- tations, will put the seed on the mar- ket. The experiment so far proyes that this variety of cotton will ffour ish Gespite a drought. eee Tunneling for Liberty in Wisconsin. La Crosse, Wis , Dispatch, 13th. Two hours delay in the transfer of the prisoners from an old to a new jail at Oshkosh woula have resulted ina wholesale jail delivery by the tunnel method. In clearing up. a loose flagstone was found under an ash-pan, and its removal exposed a tunnel ten feet long and several feet wide, and high enough to enable a man to crawl through on hands and knees. Blankets and pillows were found, on which the men reclined while at work. Being locked in cells by day, they must have worked during the night. <A short time longer would have enabled them to remove a stone from the foundation and escape. ee Suing tor Divorce Because of Bryan's Defeat. Fremont, Neb., dispatch, ryth. Because his wife has taunted him continuously with his silver views and the defeat of W. J. Bryan, John M. Brogman, a wealthy farmer, liv- ing pear Fremont, has tiled suit for divorce. Brogman recites that his life has becn unbearable since the defeat of Bryan by the jibes of his wife. She had been actively ridiculing his po- litical views since Bryan was de feated the first time, but he bore with her for four yearsin the firm belief that he would have a chance in 1900 of turning the tables on his wife. Now that this poor satisfac- tion is denied him, he wants what redress the divorce courts caa se- cure bim. Mr. Kiuttz on the Re-apportionment Washington Post, 4th. The question of apportionment sits heavily on many a State delega- tion in the House these days. It is diseussed among members every- where, and the fiddling for advan- tage is spirited. The leaders on the Republican side are adverse to in- creasing the membership, but they will meet with resistance. A plan in favor with them is a member for every 208,400 population. That would keep the membership at about 306, a8 at present. Representative Kluttz, of North Carolins, @ member of the census committee. says he has no fear of the passage of the Crumpacker bill, which is the most conspicuous meas- ure yet offered for apportionment. *‘T do not believe, ’’ he declares, ‘‘that the bill will ever get out of the House census committee, which. as a law, would be both unfair aud unconsti- tutional. The constitutionality of North Carolina’s franchise law is not yet settled, and the constitution of the United States expressly pro- vides that apportionment shal! be according to population. There is a large negro vote in Indiana, which bill is intended to cater to Northern sentiment.”’ > The State’s Taxable Property. Raleigh News and Observer, 13th. Reports from eighty-eight counties of the State have been received at the Auditor’s office. In seventy of these there is an increase in the val- uation of the realand personal prop- erty of $8,598,596, over the valuation of 1599. Eighteen of the counties show a decrease amounting to $688,132 from the report in 1899. The net increase returned so far is $7,910.464. It is safe to estimate that the remaining reports when in will show a total in- crease of approximately nine mil- lions. The increase for 1899 over 1898 was $18,000,000, which is $10,000,000 more than that of 1900 over 1899. The increase of 1898 oyer 1897 was only $2,760,410. The largest increase of any one county was in Durham courty, which returns a valuation greater by $700,000 than in 1899. The great. est decrease shown was Beaufort, the decrease being $152,815, the next being Polk, which shows a decrease of $129,935. The counties from which no returo has been received are Wake, Vance, Surry, Mitchell, Haywood, Harnett, Greene, and Granville. When you need a soothing and healing anti-septic application for any purpose, use the original De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, a well- known cure for piles and skin dis: eases. It heals sores without leav- ingascar. Beware of counterfeits. W. F. Hall, Jr, Don’t use any of the counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause injury. The original De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve is a cer- tain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, sealds, burns, sores and skin dis- Two INegal Claims Paid. Raleigh News and Observer. The legislative committee yester diy practically completed its exam)- nation of the State Treasurers ooks. Th's morning they will make out \their report, and commence the ex-| amination of the Auditor’s books. | This will probably take only about one day. The committee in 1ts report on the books of the State Treasurer will disapprove of twp warrants that have been paid—one for several thousaod dollars, drawn for the sup- port of tbe crimina! insane, and one for $831.15 paid to Theophilus White on a mandamus from the Su- preme ccurt. The payment of the money to sup port the criminal insane is disap- proved only on the ground that there is no law forit. The failure to make the appropriation being due simply to an oversight on the part of the last Levislature, the committee re cognizes that its payment was a nec cessity, and will, inits report to the next Legislature, recommend that the Treasurer be allowed the amount thus paid out. The payment of Theophilus White's claim, however, is quite another matter, and the committee will, in its reports, on the books, disapprove of both the issuance of the warrant by the Auditor and its payment by the Treasurer. In its report to the Lev- islature the committee will vo more fully into the matter, sett- ing forth the particulars in which the payment of the claim was illegal and in the mandamus by the court ordering itin violation of the Con- stitution. It will probably be on this report thatthe matter of impeachment will come before the Legislature. if it comes up at all. In their investivation of this mat ter the meinbers of the committce called upon Col. Kenan, clerk of the Supreme court, questioned him in regard to the issuance of the manda- mus, took a copy of it and other records ia regardto payment of the claim. They also questioned the Auditor and ascertained by what authority he issued the warrant. Another interesting fact revealed by the committee's examination of the books is that Governor Russell has, during the past two years, paid out in extra attorney's fees and costs somewhere between $21,000 and $22.000. -—- Cat Mummies for Fertilizers Philadelphia North A:merican The crew of the British steamship Thyra, now in port from Probolingo, Java, with a eargo of suyar, tells of a unique trade inembalmed cats ear- ried on between Egyptian ports in toe Red Sea and Suez, a trade which has attained such proportions that several small vessels are regularly engaged therein. The native pilot engaged for the Thyraat Aden, Arabia, called the captain’s attention toadhow, which, ke said, was laden with cats that had been dead several thousand years. First Officer McDonald, of the Thyra, at once became interest- ed in the statement, Naturally he assumed that agreat find of mummified remains of sacred cats kad been made, but he was startled when the steamship reached Suez to see what disposition was be- icg made of the feline mummies. It appears that a vast number of mummv cases were lately discovered ov land .zased by a French coloniza- tion company. When opened these eases were found to contain de- funct felines ia a remarkable state of preservation, and from the in- scriptions on the cases it was decid- ed that their light had gone out in that remote period when the pyra- mids themselves were young. To the horror, however, of the mate and his fellow Egyptologists of the Thyra, he learned that the colonization company, being devoid of sentiment, was vrinding cats into fertilizer and doing al arge business. According to the information ob tained in Suez, the company has had by this singular means reclaimed an extensive area of land on the shores of the Red Sea, which now yield rich crops. eg ener tobbers Dynamite a Bank. Shaesville, Oh10, Dispatch, 14th. Four masked men, discovered in the act of dynamiting the vaults of John Deerschuck’s private bank ear- ly today, drove off all who attempt- ed to interfere and vot away with between $3,000 and $4,000. An ex- plosion of nitro glycerine about 3 a. m. awakened Jokn Rodess, who liv- ed opposite the Doerschuck bank. Rhodes saw two men working at the vault doors, while two others stood guard atthe main entrance of the bank building. Rhodes, revolver in hand, rushed into the street and was met by a volley from the sentinels. He held his ground, however, until his weapon was empty. Mary Knowles, a relative of Banker Doer- schuck, heard the shooting and rais ed a window of her room, only to draw the fire of the robbers, Dozensof inbabitants appeared by this time, but most of them were unarmed and were forced to conceal themselves by the shower of bullets which yreeted every new comer. In the course of half an hour the robbers managed to move the doors of the vault and pried open the money drawers. They hastily dumped all the specie into bags and leaving the bank, backed through the streets to the tracks of the Cleveland and Lake Erie road. A band car was secured and the men disappeared toward Baltic. A trace of blood was found lead- ing from the bank. Alarms were sent outin all dir2ctions by tele- phone. A few hours laterit was an- nounced that the hand car had been found abandoned between here and Baltic. Blood hounds were secured and a large posse at once started on the trail. It is believed the gany is the same one which recently looted a bank at Seville. The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt’s Little Kar- ly Risers. They never gripe. W. eases. W. F. Hall, Jr. F, Hail, Jr. | Many Lives Lost’ in a Chinese Ty- { phoon. Victoria, B. C., Dispatch, 14th. | The steamer Empress, of India, | brings rews ofayreat typhoon which raged Hong Kong on November aes causing heavy losses of life and of shipping. | The Britix~h gunboat Sand-Piper | foundered and some of her seamen were lost. The American ship Ben |jamin Sewell went ashore, twenty- seven steain launches were wrecked jand over two hundred natives were drowned. At Kilowloon and other points there were also heavy loss. Many houses were blown down. At daylight Saturday the power- fu! dredger Canton River, which re- cently arrived here from Paisley, was almost without any warning lifted to portand capsized. As to the precise number of those on board at the time, itis impossible to give anv.accurate figures. Those in autbority at vard extension say that fifty would be about the number, Itis known that Capt. Scott in command, was aboard, also Chief Engineer White, Second Engineer Thompson, Mcll- roy and a majority of the crew. The mer clung te the upturned vessel where they were seen and twelve were rescued by boats from the steamer Tamar. the dock in South Africa. A Boer Victory in Johannesburg Dispatch, z4th. The battle stili continues in the bills a few miles from Krugersdorp. General Clement has asked for re- enforcements, and mounted men, under General French. have already gone. There have been many Cas- ualties on both sides. It is estimat- ed that the Boers number 2,590. Londen, Dec. 14 —Lord Kitchen- er reports that after severe fight- ing at) Nooitgedacht. General Cle- ment’s forces were compeiled to re- tire by Commandant Delarey ‘vith a force of 2.500 men. Four British otticers were killed. The otber ca: ualties were vot reported. Lord Kitchener’s official dispatch to the War Office is as follows. “Pretoria, Deo. 12. “Clement's force at Nooitge- dacht. on the Magaliesburg, was at- tacked at dawn today, by Delarey, re enforced by Beyers’ commando from Warmbath, making a force es timated at 2,500. Though the first attack was repulsed, the Boers man aged to get ontop of the Magalies burg, which was held by four com- panies of the Northumberland Fu- siliers, and were thus able to com- mand Clement’s camp. He retired on Hekpoort and took upa pesition on a hill ip the center of the valley. “The casualties have not been completely reported. but the fighting was very severe. and I deeply re gret that Coionel Legge, of the Twentieth Hussars, and Captains McBean, Murdoch and Atkins were killed. Re-enforeemeuts have left bere,”’ Lord Kitchener also reports that the Boers made an attack and were repulsed at Lichtenburg, and that General Letmer was killed. At- tacks upon Bethlehem and Vrede were also repulsed, the Boers losing 10 killed and 14 wounded. Vryheid was attacked December 1ltn. Snip- ing continued when the messaye was dispatched. The scene of the fight is cminous- ly close to Pretoria. Nooitgedacht is only 22 miles northwest of Pre- toria. Itis reported that General Kuox, co-operating with the Brit- ish column, at Reddersburg, has stopped General Dewet and that a battle is proceeding. The report adds that many of General Dewet’s followers have been captured. The scenes at the War Office today re- call those witnessed in the early stages of the war. A constant stream of excited and anxious peo- ple filled the lobbies. The absence of the names of any of the officers of the Northumberland Fusiliers in Geueral Kitchener’s dispatch leads to the foreboding that tne four com- panies of the Fusiliers mentioned are in the hands of the Boers. The War Office officials evidently expecta heavy casualty list, but they are hopeful from the fact that thedispatch does not mention the capture of the Northumberlands, that. such a great catastrophe has been escaped. Orders were issued at Aldershot, Malta and other mili- tary centres to dispatch all the available mounted infantry for South Africa. > Population of South Carolina Towns. Washington Dispatch, 14th. The population of certain incor- porated places in South Carolina aaving a population of more than 2.000, but less than 25,000, is as fol- lows: Columbia ................. ee 21,168 Greenville. ..........---.+- ...11.860 Spartanburg........... 11.395 SUUGET coor chee eemmees a we 0,673 Anderson..........2--04+ wee D498 . d,AS5 Reek Hill.. Union .... wD, 400 Greenwood . . 4.824 Florence........ 4,647 Newberry ...... . 4,607 Orangeburg... mann nsin 4,455 Georgetown... . 4,138 Beaufort...............02- eee 4,116 4.075 4.029 Chester... TQUNCGS. - oe moons aon mi Gaffoey............+. pee ee nceeren oe 3,937 Abbeville oo. ee 3,766 AGIene ee eeece sae Seen See 3.414 Darlington 2.0... ...00. cesseseeeeeeeeees 3,028 Summerville. ..... .........ee senoveee Soto Mount Pleasant............. SEO RDO, RYSQ rsp ae 2.012 Prevented a Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake eve- ry night. She had tried many rem- edies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. Kiag’s New Discovery. Oue bottle wholly cuced her and she writes this mar- velous medicince also cured Mr. Long of asevere attack of Pnoeumo- nia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand | remedy for curing all throat, chest and lungtrouvles. Only 50c. and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. SLaATL NEWS. { George Gould, the New York muilti-millionaire, is hunting near | High Point. The saw and shingle mills of Hea- den & Tyson, in Moore county. were burned last Thursday. Loss $6 000. Several ty rez were indicted a 1 Charictte i’ rars rm of There is an outbreak of sma!loo at Wilton, Granville county. I: i said cotton bagving carried t! infection. ed and several have the disease, Holt, son cf ex-Goveruor Holt and a prominent Chas. T. Thomas M. Haw River last Thursday. tied a daughter Jones of Alabama. Jie mar- of ex-Governor Genera! Manayver Arendei] and Warden Green, of the State peniten- tiary, have been indicted in Federal Court at Raleigh for aij low- ing a Federal prisoner to escape from the penitentiary. the Two negro women were burned to death in Cumberland county last Friday. A pile of shucks caught fire, and the women attempted to extinguish the fire when their cloth- ing caught and thev were burned to death. i The home of Mrs. Sallie Smith, in Albemarle, was burned one day last week. ‘Lhe building and con- tents were totally destroyed. One boarder !ost his trunk and $75 in cash, and another lost $3150 in money, Raleigh is very badly disappointed at the census reportof her popula- tion, and 2 police census has been ordered oy the board of aldermen. Thev clai:n the city has at least 17,- 090 peopi«. «while the census report Oaly gives the city 13,643. Jim Hevwell, who is coutined in Salisbury jail, attempted suicide Wednes‘tay afternoon of last week by breaking a bottle in which milk was sent him and cutting his throat with the hroken pieces of glass. He would have been successful but for the interf-rence of one of the jailer’s assistants. Hethen tried to butt his brains out against the wali and tloor of th: cell but failed. He was then dou: 4d hand and foot. He is charged with house-burning. sat Must Give Up Her Church or sier ° Dancing Class. New York Sux, rsth. Because she gives dancing lessens Miss Edith Marshall, of Newark. N. J., is in disfaver with the pastor, trustees ard many other older mem- bers of the De Grow! Methodist ehurch in Littleton avenue. The trustees huve given her the choice of resigniny from the church or ci giving up her dancing class and she has until the middle of February to make her Cecision- Miss Marshall’s pupils are ali voung children and her class num- bers about 60. The committee ap- pointed to consider her case at first asked her co abandon the class at once, but et: Miss Marshall's repre- sentation that it would cause her fi- nancial loss and disappoint many persons interested, Pastor Boyd agreed to extend the time The young woman has not decided what choice she will make in the a!terna- tive presented. Her mother is or- ganist of the church. SS A Band of Wife-beaters, Parkersburg, W. Va., A secret, society, “The Home Mak- ers,’ which tas a larve membership in the mining districts of the State, advocates wife-beating. The purp>se of the organization is to provide und maintain pleasant homes for its members and tnose dependent upon them, and as gossi- py, careless wives and mothers are held by them to be the cause of a ma jority of the anhappy, ill-kept homes and negleci:d children, the society believes its members have a right to use every possible means to see that their homes are not neglected. A member who corrects his wife by beatiag must do so only after all other means to induce her to do her duty have failed. The society pays for the Cefense of its memocrs when arrested for wife-beatiny, and in case of convic tion pays the fine. See ee Pensions and School Taxes. Dispatch, 15th. Raleigh News and Observer, The Stat:: Auditor today sent out the pension warrants and Saturday) the various registers of deeds wil) give these to pensioners. The ag gregate amount is $112,230. There are 111 first-class at $58 vearly; 35> second-class at $43 50;619 third-clas: at $29; 2.326 fourth-class at $14.50, and 2,658 widows, at $14 50. The avgreyate lacks about 36 600 of being as lurge as it was iast year. Yhen the account was overdrawn about $1,800 in order to distribute the entire fu: donhand. This year a balance 0! 3,700 isleft. Last year, too, $9,000 w..s paid into the pen- sion fund from an unusual source. The Secreta: of State found that amount in the unclaimed land grant fund and by order of the Legislature paid itover to the Treasurer, who after the lapse of six months turned it into the peusion fand. The white people in this State paid for pubic school taxes this year $576,547, aud the negroes paid $76,762. The assessed value of the property of whites is $246,723,769, and of negrues 38,482,668. The val- ue of negro property is about $509,- 000 greater than it was last year. There is great reduction in the number of insolvent polls. Last year it was 20,076 white and 17,233 colored; this year it is 17,592 whi:e, and 11,609 colored. Thought His Time Had Come. H. A. Zickfoose,Hemiock, W. Va., says: Two years ago I was laid up with my liver. Ithought my time had come. I] happened on to Ra- mon’s Liver Pills and used one box. Tam all right now. I have been feeling like ancther man since that Trial bottles free at W.F.Hall, Jr.’s, Drug Store. time. For sale by N, R. Tunstall, Druggist. | public man, died this | Dadeville, Ala. General Bulger was/tells how such a slave ithe oldest Confederate veteran liv- | free. | = | One Robber 5 i fast mail train, due here at }m. cotton trill man, died at his home at |, I< The Oldest Confederate Dead. ingham, Ala., Dispatch, :4th. G eneral Michael J. Bulger, 2 dis- tinguished Confederate general and ing, being 100 years of age. He was a member of the secession fth | vth ean [Ant +} ; more of tke Forsyth coun-|convention at Montgomery and led He was the fight against secessicn. 241 ~ ‘ :|a candidate for Governor of Aiabama | soon after the civil war. = > a Holds up a Train Near New Orleans. ey “ 3: 7 New Orleans, La., Dispatch, :4th Fifty people were expos- | o RnResen wt The south bound Mlinois {cid D. , was held up and robbed by a lone train robber, about one mile yutside the city tonight. His booty | consists of one registered mail pouch from Durant, Miss., and six other registered letters from points be- | tween Cairo and New Orleans. Con- ductor Kinnebew was shot in the igroin, and J. C Parker, railway mail clerg, has his left eye powder burned by a shot directed at his head. After passing Kenner, a simall Station, the robber climbed to engine, covered the engineer and fireman and brought the train to a standstill. When the conductor came forward he was shot by robber. ( railway mail clerks. was ordered to get outofhis car. The rebber led the engineer, fireman and Goldsbyv made v the safe open with a stick of dynamite, which he sup- plied. No money was found here. The robber then made for the mail car and there discovered Parker, who had hidden the revistered pouel He shot at then one of the pouches was pro duced and be made off with it. He uncoupled the engine from the train andran it te Carroliton avenue, where it was abandened. Two pects were arrested tonight, but the railway clerks did not identify them. the car and Parker and Sus si State Public Scheo! Kepert Raleigh News and Obscrver, 13th. ‘She public school report, made up today, shows receipts $1,018,145, disbursemenis $950,217; children of schoolage (te 21) 439,434 white, 2nd «=. 222,19S__ black: enrolled in schools, white 270.447, black 130,005; schools. 5,047 white, 2.344 colored; value of school property $1,097.564. morning at} Central |: the | R. E. Goidsby, one of the! Story of a Slave. foot for disease is the slavery. George D.- Manchester, Mich., was made He says: *‘My wife bas been |so helpless for five — that st ;could not turn over in alone. |} ter using two bott! years by the chains of | | | Tobe bound hand | a i jters, she is wonde + jand able todo herown work 5 isupreme remedy for female disezses quickly cures nervousness. sicepless- , HESS. melancholy, | ,CODe ackK- jache, fainting and d svells. This | iniracle working med eis a god- send to weak, sick!y d hu | manity. Every bx toed. ) Only a0e. Sold by & Ir. | Druewist. | The engineer and fireman were 11-3)] nm = “= + ee I? {killed in atrain accident at Bac = ten, Iowa, last Thursday. Does it Pay to Bay Cheap? A cheap remedy for couvhs and coldsis all r ) nt eae will relieve and cure lihe more severe and @ e {suits Gi taroat and | HOS, What shall you do?) Gotoa warmer and more regular eli 2 Yes. vee possible, if not pos Hin et ise 1 he cniv re ‘ jehat h- } y "* } ; ;? hat has <0 10] ’ "Cd Iu all civil- ee ‘ ' IZCOG COVANTVICS WIL suceess 1b sev re throat andluny a hee’s German Serup It not heals and stimulates the tissus de- stroy the germ disease, but ahays InnaMmMation, Causes easy eExpecio- . . . . ‘ jax a vocd night's re feu » patier Try ox: > ame pe" 2vCcomMmme aed m: druggists in the wor! Por pov. FL Bali, Sr. — _ a {| Feue pers ( d and jmznv injured in si): wreck jncear Brocton, Mon iast Thursday, ez dot fis to: M i { i Davten Peun.. says: T have u Ramon’ Liver Pills and Yonic Pellets for vears, and cannot say enough of them forthe good they have done in my family. } wishto iell you spe- cially what they did form younvest Soi We tho “i00 little ota e pil! 9 w the rest of us 1 iV i ] a ‘t : ic Pellet at night, he would ers 2 one also. So we commenced vivisyg them to him re ce Sag ta pale, deli n- It says there are this year 136,520 : white polls. increase 5,000, and 71,- i »04 colorec polls, decrease 240. ‘ hy The principal sources of ee - Qo , a 1 - ceipts were: General poll ti . P att 265, weneral property tax 1 ; 26. € 316.482) i >| eS, Toes ai nae aca tae cane ne VMepury Cobecteor so! fad was other sourees $38,745. The princi-7 cy ee = : ; ae, ¢ a: C shot and probe fata:iv wor } pa! items of disoursement were, lie As os t ° = < 2! WIOCSViisIe, Aca.. ae ia fast white teachers $3:7,192,nevro teach- | — ieee Ly iene : : : . : ‘ Nile OOD UI A Wi ? i ers $244,001; sites for white schools]. i, otk: : ete : and <chool boluses Balla werrmobo et ee ae ae and school houses 331,217, negro 39,-| . poneealed The officer waound- 494: county superintendents $21,421. county institutes $1,200, treasurers’ commissions $19,236, city schools 362.606, other purposes 346.05] Average salary white male teachers =?4 18. females $23 41: negro males $21.14, females $19.82; school houves. white, 4,798, negro, 2,120, total 918. Averave length school terms, white 1899 14.06 weeks, 1900 14.56 weeks, negro 1899 i282 weeks, 100 13.07 weeks. Amount appropriated, whites $357,401, negroes $287,925. Attendance at schools, whites 142,- 403, negroes 64,505. Porto Rican Women. New Orleans Dispatch, 15th. Officials of the Southern Pacific Railroad, which bas the contract of carrying Porto Rican laborers from New Orleans to San lrancisco, whence they go to work upon the Hawaiian sugar pl are = plantations, startled over the prolificness of the women of the party, and fear their contract is an neprofitable one. The first party which ieft here for San Francisco consisted of 90 persons, men, women and children, aud went in a single passenger coace. Six children were born on tie route ana the comfort of the mvthers and babes compelled the railroad to put on a second passenger coach. There is no money in the contract, 2 rail- road official says, if al! the Porto 2ican women are as prolific as this. i ocr Death VYarronts Not Signed, Chicago Dispatch, i5th. There are in ihe Kansas State penitentiary at Leavenworth forty men under sentence of death who nave not been hanged because for years no Governor has been willing to sign the death warrant required oy law. In view of these facts Gov- ernor Stanley has recently institut- ed an investigation of the entire subject of capital punishment and its relation to mo} law in the sever- al States of the Union. He has in- timated tust if bis investigation in- dicates that the abuliticn of capital punishment has 2 tendency ty in- crease lyncn law be will recommend the enactment of a law enforcing the death penalty in Kansas, with a provision requiring the sheriffs to carry out the sentence without a death warrant signed by the Gover- nor. President McKinley has appoiat- ed John W. Yerkes, of Kentucky, to be commissioner of internal revenue. le was the Republican candidate for Governor of Kentucky. Help is veeded ai once when a person's lifeis in danger. A neglect- ed cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and ihe worst cases of croup, bronchitis, vrippe and other throat and lung troubles. W. F. Hail, Jr. / ‘It is said that former King Milan, of Servia, is about to marry Miss Atzell, an American heiress. When the stomach is tired out it must havea rest, but we can’t live without food. Kodo! Dvspepsia Cure “digests what you eat’’so that you can eat all the good food you want while it is restoring the diges- tive organs to health. It is the on- ly preparation that digests all kinds of food. W. F. Hall, Jr. ed the two mes itn the wago: Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rajidiy fatal. 7 . : : The only harmiess remedy that pra- Guces immediate results is One ite Cough Cure. to * lean be iCis yery pieasa poe reiea Upon 0 lds and ail eae coil tekly cure © 3 * Guickiv Cure COLL AS, co g@ diseasy 5. »ption. W SNL & Ind., one The officers were tryin him. Weescaned, bu by a posse. Ybe 109th tablishment of { government was celebrated with ne + CANSPpore, ~ monies last week. and many of the Governors of State , rook Ie ' yart in the cercmon} a re c a t > wa e Ge t fs Then you have a bad taste in your mouth every morning. Your a is poor, and food dis- tresses you. You have frequent headeches and are often dizzy. Your ppetite sé a Lock at your tongue. Is it coated ? Stomach is we2k and Pd your bowels are always 5 constipated. r There’s an oid and re- 4 liable cure: $ Don’t take a cathartic 4 dose and then stop. Bei- ter take a laxative dose 4 each night, just enovgh to cause one good freemove- ment the day following. You feel better the very next day. Your appetite returns, your b > your S Gyspepsia is cure headaches pass away, f your tongue cicers up, $ your liver acts well, and your bowels no longer. 4 give you troubie. Price, 2S cents. All druggists. } «J have taken Aver’s Pills for 35 years, and I consider them the best Inade, One pill docs me more good ¢ than halfa box of any other kind I have ever tricd.” 3irs N.E.TALPor, Arrington, Kant. ! a 7) es ™ BS TIE M PeBSLISHED WEEKLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. A. D. Warts. Eprror & PRropri£EToR Entered at the Postoffice at Statesville at second class mail matter. ] *Puone No. 35. Statesville, N. C., Dee. 20. 1500. THE FIRST}PUTY OF THE LEGIS~ LATURE. : The expenses of the State govern ment of North Carolina have more than doubled the last twenty years, while the population of the State } . . aa cent. and the taxable property less in has increased less tnan 40 per than 50 per cent. within the same period. During the year just closed the State’s expenses) have exceeded the we than $170,000. The first duty of the Legisiature, as revenueg me we see it, is to reduce expenditures, or at least not increase them, so that the State’s revenues will meet the expenditures without additional taxes. For all of the talk of pros- perity, taxes were never harder to pay than now, and reduced tax re- ceiptsin the hands of the people will be the very best possible Demo- cratic campaign documents for 1902. Notwlthstanding the deficit in the State treasury, one of the State’s charitable and educational institutions are clamoring for larger appropriations. The Morganton Hospital wants aearly a quarter ot million dollars additional, and the negro insane asylum, at Goldsboro. asks for £50,000 in addition to what every it received last year. The Univer- sity, the A. & m. College and the State Normal! will not be backward in demanding increased and _ addi- tional appropriations when the Leg- islature meets. We know that the legislator who talks of economy will be counted a a demagogue, time has come niggard and called but we believe the when tke seductive pleadings ot polished college presidents and clever hospital superintendents should be met witn firm denials. If it can be done without burdensome- ly increasing the people’s taxes, more money should be given to the public schools. In less than eight years white boys becoming 21 years old must be able to read and write before they will be allowed to vote, and the Democratic party is pledged to give longer and better schools so that these boys may qualify them. selves for cit.zenship. This pledge must be fulfilled and the party’s faith with the people fully kept. To do this and not increase taxes, the most rigid economy must prevail at the coming session of the Legisla- ture. We notice that The Landmark is still fighting over the Senatorial! contest. That contest engendered much bitterness and caused many divisions among Democrats, and the dest party policy would seem to be to allow the bitterness to die out and the divisions to heal. But is it not The Land mark’s purpose tostil] further divide the party and keep alive factional feeling? mr. Sim- Mons is now the nominee of the party for Senator and will soon be elected. It issaid that the Repub- licans will try to prevent his admis- sion to the Senate. Is the ante- election opposition of The Landmark to Mr. Simmons caused by a desire Onits part to aid this alleged Re- pu blican scheme to thwart the will of the people of North Carolina? The Legislature will levy a spe- cial tax upon the property and polls of Iredell county to pay the interest on the money borrowed to build the court house and provide a fund to pay off the debt. This tax is a ne- cessity. The court house has been built andthe men who loaned the county the money to build it must be repaid. The writer isa member of the Legislature. As such, he will not support any new proposi- tion to tax the people of the county, unless the bill provides for the Sub- mission of the proposition to the vote of the people of the county, and we believe we can say the same for our colleague, Dr. Stevenson. oa oo The Durham Sun says there are between 23,000 and 24,000 people in the suburbs of Durham. The “‘sub- urbs”’ then must include not only all of Durham county, but good slices of Orange and Wake as well. Dur- ham couaty, including the city, had Just 26,235 people, and the city 6,679, Peaving that portion of the “suburbs” within Durham county 19,554, and the “‘suburbs”’ in Orange and Wake counties about 4,000. ee The Mayor of Adanta m the Cala- boose. Atlanta, Ga., Dispatch, 17th. _ Mayor James Woodward. of this city, has been arrested and locked up in the police barracks tonight, on the charge of being drunk. Some time ago, for the same cause, the city council and board of aldermen threatened impeachment proceed- ings against Mavor Woodward. but, upon promises that he would ab- stain from further intoxication, no action was taken. The mayor tendered his resignation to the body and it was placed in the hands of Councilman Rawson, who holds it, on condition that if the mayor becomes intoxicated it shall be tendered for acceptance. The resignation was submitted this aft- ernoon ata meeting of that body, i action was postponed until Fri- e coT NEGRO MURDERERS LYNCHED | Three indiana Negroes Hung By | Mobs. Indianapolis,Ind., Dispatch. 16th. | | A special to The Sentinel from | Rockport, Ind., says: Two negroes, | Jim Henderson and Bud Rowlands, ; who waylaid, brutally murdered and | robbed Hollis Simons, a white bar- ber, early this morning, were lynch- ed in the jail yard by a mobof 1,000 frenzied citizens, tonizht. The ne groes were arrested early _and al- though fowlands’ clothing — hac | vlood stains on it, the men claimed they were innocent of the crime. In the meantime, Sheri‘? Clements, of Union county, Ky., arrived with a trained bloodhound in response to a telegraphic summons. When the dog was placed on the trail, he fol lowed it until he reached the house where the Rowlands live. six blocks from the scene of the murder, and went baying to the bed where the neyro had been. This was enough forthe excited citizens. Within a few minutesa mob of a thousand howling, blood-thirsty citizens, with sledge hammers, ropes. and a were running to the jail. rerifi Anderson and his two deputies made astandand attempted to protect the prisoner. The officers were seized by the leaders of the mob. who disarmed them. The sheriif was then locked ina room and _plac- ed under guard, but he stoutly re- fused to give up the keys or tell where the prisoners were bidden. Failing to vet the keys, the mob made a determined but unsuccessful attempt to break in the jail door. 3y this time the would-be lynchers were in a perfect frenzy and secur- ing a telegraph pole they used it as a battering ram, and caved in the side wall of the jail. The door of 2owland’s cell was then quickly broken in with sledges and he was dragged fromthe jail to the east side of the court yard, where a nogse was placed around his neck. He was given time to make a statement in which he implicated Jim Hender- son and another negro. Rowlands then begged piteously for mercy, but the mob swiftly swung the con- fessed murderer toa tree and rid- dled his body with bullets. Leaving the body of Rowlands dangling from the limb of the tree, the mob rushed back to the jail and attempted to burst open the cell occupied by Henderson but before the steel bars yielded to the blows of the sledges, some one in the crowd fired upon the terrified negro as he crouched in the corner of his cell. A few moments more and the door of the cell was broken in. The negro, more dead than alive, was dragged at a rope’s end to the court house yard and swuny on the tree beside the body of Rowlands. Firing a parting volley at the swinging bodies, the mob, eager for another victim, hurried away to catch the other negro implicated by Rowlands in his confession. He was found at a hotel where he was employed asa porter. The negro escaped to the roof of the building and Manager DeBrule succeeded in convincing the mob that the porter had nothing todo with the crime, proving an alibi for him. The mob then dispersed apparently satisfied with its awful work of vengeance The negroes’ victim, Simons, was waylaid and murdered in the most brutal manner, one square from the main street of the city, as he was going to his hora® from his barber shop at 2 o’clock this morning. As was customary with him, he carried the receipts of the day at his place of business. The negroes were aware of this and evidently laid their plans accordingly. Crouching behind a fence, they awaited their victim and jumped from their place of concealment and attacked him from behind, striking him over the head with a heavy club with a large nail driyen into the end of it. Al- though terribly beaten, Simons made a desperate fieht and his cries and struggles soon attracted two boys, who went to his assistance, but they werea moment too late, the victim of the two negroes hav- ing succumbed to the terrible beat- ing, lying dead at their feet. The murderers then drove the would-be rescuers away and accomplished their original design, that of rob- bery, securing a bag containing something over $40 from the pros- trate form of their victim and made their escape. Simons was terribly beaten, his skull crushed in, his head and face beatea into a pulp. Four gaping wounds showed where the spike on the club had punctured the dead man’s skulland penetrated his brain. Walter Evans, one of the young men who attempted to save Simons’ life and who afterwards assisted in the removing of the dead man’s re- mains to his home, was greatly at- fected and almest suffered nervous collapse. Tonight he witnessed the lynching and is now a raving mani- ac. The dead man’s widow is_pros- trated and it is belieyed she will die from the shock. Hollis Simons came here from Winslow, Ind., three years ago and was a popular young man. STILL ANOTHER STRUNG UP, Booneville, Ind., Dispatch, 16th. John Rolla, the third of the color- ed men implicated in the murder of Hollis Simons, was hung to a tree in the court house yard by a mob of about 100 men from Rockport, this evening. Two of his companions were lynched at Rockport, last night for the samecrime. Not ashot was tired and everything was conducted as quietly as if the execution had been one under the sanction of the law. Rolla was brought to this place this afternoon in charge of Sheritf Anderson, of Rockport. Upon his arrival he was placed in a cellon the second floor of the jail and his pres- ence was known only to a few cit izens. A few minutes after six o'clock a body of 100 men marched | through the principal street to the jail and demanded the prisoner. in charge of the jail. He declined, to giveup the keys and the mob! then began to batter in the wali) with a telegraph pole. Six members of the mcb crawled | through the hole and broke down! the door to Rolla’s cell, aad a rope! was placed about his neck. They: left again crawling through the hole | by which they had entered, drag. | ging the negroafter them. A few: minutes was consumed in the march to the court house yard, the rope | was thrown over the limb of a tree! and a hundred hands sent his body ' flying into the air. The loose end} of the rope was tied toatree and as‘: soon as the mob was sure that its work had been completed it left in as orderly a manner as it had enter- | ed the town. Noneol themob wore | groups masks and the men apparentiy from every station in life took part in the’ lynching. Except for tbe excited, z of men standing on street corners, # stranger would | have known nothing of the tragedy | that had been just enacted. —i> >: a= House Membership Left at 357. : | Washington Dispatch, 17th. i The House committee on census, by a vote of 7 to b, agreed to report | the Hopkins re-apportionment bill, | leaving the total membership of the! House at 357 asat present and_ re- arranging a number of State dele- gations. The bill will not be taken up until after the holiday recess. The only change in the bil] was an, amendment requiring that the sev-} eral congressional districts of the! several States should be composed of ‘‘contiguous and compact’ terri tory. The pucpose of the amend- | ment is toprevent gerrymandering. Under the bill the following State: willlose one Representative each: | Indiana. Kansas, Kentucky. Maine, | Nebraska, Ohio, South Carolina and | Virginia. The following will gain | one each: Illinois. Louisiana, Min- | nesota, New Jersey, New York and | | ! | ' 1 | West Virginia. Texas will gain two Representatives. Based upon present political divi- sions neither party will gain advan- tage from the new bill. The Repub- licans will gain 5 and lose 5, and the Democrats will gain 3 and lose 3. The basis of representation will be one Repressntative for each 208,- 868 inhabitants. Thevote upon re- porting the bill was as follows: Ayes—Hopkins, Babeock, Acheson, Brownlow, McDowell, Ryan and Kluttz. Nays—Russell, Heatwole, Crumpacker, Burleigh, Griffith and Wilson, of South Carolina. ae ea Mr. Bryan Will Publish a Weekly Paper. Lincoln, Neb., Dispatch, 15th. Wm. J. Bryan gave out today the following statement: ‘‘I have for several years, had in contemplation the establishment of a weekly news- paper and this seems an opportune time for undertaking it, Intending to Gevote my life to the study and discussion of public questions, I have taken this method because it will best accomplish the purpose which I have in view. Througha paper I will be abe to touch with social, ecomic and political prob- iems. The paper will, at the same time, if successful, provide an income suticient for my pecuniary needs and this kind of work will allow me more time with my family than I have been able to enjoy for several years past. ‘‘Texpect to lecture, occasional- ly, especially in college towns, where I can speak to students; but my principal work will be done with the pen, or, perhaps, I should say with the pencil. ‘The paper will be called TheCom- moner and will defend the princi- pals set forth in the Kansas City patform. I shall be publisher and editor. Place of publication, Lin- coln.’’ — > <a - <a A Young Woman’s Narrow Escape. Salisbury Truth-Index. Miss Fannie Sprinkle had a nar- row escape from a horriole death at the Salisbury cotton mills, and nothing saved her but main and al- most superhuman strergth. Miss Sprinkle was at her usual work in the mill when her dress caught between the pulleys and spinning frames. In an instant she braced herself against a frame, and the desperation of the situation gave her almost superhuman strength. By this very act ske saved her life, and at the same time stopped six- teen spinning framesand caused one of the large belts in the mill to drop off. It was a proyidential deliverance from a horrible death. a LATE STATE NEWS. B. S. Call has been appointed pestmaster at Wilkesboro to suc- ceec Milton ucNeill, removed. Senator Pritchard opposes the removal of the collector’s oftice from Asheville and it will remain there. Miss Maggie Reese, a Raleigh mill- iner, has made an assignment. Lia- bilities $4,000: assets not half as much. J. J. Martin, postmaster at Tar- boro and Republican nominee for Congressin the Second dist rict, died Tuesday. Raleigh has taken a police census, but the population did not increase much over the census taken by the government, Mrs. Frances Harper. an aged widow of Newbern, was burned to death Monday. Her clothing caught from the fireplace. There is a serious outbreak of ty- phoid fever in the Macpelah neigh- borhood of Lincoln county. There are 20 cases of a bad type in a small area. The barn of Harrison Gibbs, of McDowell county, was burned Sat- urday. Loss $1,500, It is thought the fire was the work of an incendi- ary. Five tenement houses in Winston were burned Saturday. They be- longed to W. W. Cornelius, of Yad- kin county, and were insured for about half they were worth. wars. Della Inman, wife of Mor- gan Inman, of Ashpole, was shot and instantly killed Saturday. There is “a difference of opinion as to whether it was by her own hand or not. A little negro boy, living near Dellinger, Cleveland county, was burned to death Saturday, His mother left bim alone in the house and his clothes caught from the tireplace. Violet Greenlee, a blind colored woman, S0 years old, was burned to death in Morganton Saturday night. Deputy Sheritf Raymond Cherry was} She was left alone in the cabin and for several days. when her children returned she was lying dead, with her head in the fire, where she had fallen. A supper was giver by a number of friends to Governor-elect Aycock and Senator-elect Simmons at the Lynch Hotel, Kinston, last Thurs- day night. A distinguished com- pany was present. Messrs. Simmons and Aycock add other gentlemen re- sponded to toasts, Chairman Sim mons responded to ‘‘Democracy Is Immortal,”” and his speech Was learned, elegant, eloquent and in. spired, Governor Pingree, of Vichigan, formerly withdrew from the Repub- lican party Tuesday on account of the defeat of his bill by the Senate. latotal of S116; five second elnss ($2,117 drawn by Lredell county act. XMAS GIET TO IREDELL RKRANS. VET- For Christmas. The State Auditor sent in the} pension warrants for Iredell county | pensioners last week, and Register | them out. The State’s bounty to| its soldiers and widows of the Con-| federate army comes in good time} for Christmas. It is little our | State can do for the men who so} uobly defended it in the time that| tried men’s souls, but this little is |appreciated deeply by these old peo- | ple,many of whom might suffer with- Cut it. Tuere are 119 pensioners in the | county, divided into four classes:| the first class receives $58 each; the | second, $45.50; third, $29; fourth, in- | cluding all widows. $14.50. In the! first class there are two, receiving | 8 ae ‘eive $217 50; eleven third class. S319; forty-six fourth class and 55 widows, $1,464.50: making a total of 7 a pene sioners. The followingis the list of pen- sioners: First class—Milas Holtshouser and E. W. Putnam. Second —E. Y. Ball, G. C. Boxer, R. A. Deal, Jas. R Moore and T. A. White. | Third—J. R. Beam, John §. ter, J.Q. Goodwin, J. C. Joiner, | Henry M. Pope. R N. Rhine, Fran- | cis A. Shuford, B. E. Dillon, N. J. Smith, John A. Feimster and John Pharr. \ | Fos- | S. L. Dixon, W. J. Dillon,-A. B. Er- vin, J. H. Gattin, W. S. Holland, James O. Leslie. Jas. Mitchell, Reu- ben Morgan, E. W. Overecasb, J. Wm. Speece, T. F. Summers, J. H. Stamper, I. H. Thomas, A. Hoover, J. P. Shoemaker, G. W. Holler, S. E. Hoover, W. I. Parks, J. L. Hen- ry, J. W. Bolen, J. A. Parker, Thos. Myers, Wm. J. Parlier, C. L. John- son, Noah Rash, I. M. Jones, H. A. Brawley, Abner Massey, F. M. Wil- son, E. C. Beam, E. L. Speaks, Philip Sell, Silas Dishman, J. L. Millsaps, J. W. Thompson, J. W. Hobbs, Robt, Allman, Walter Hart, G. F. Brown, D. W. Honeyeutt, J. H. Fink, J. H. Cornelius, James M. Crawford. And the following wid- ows: Sylvia Blankenship, Nancy Brawley, Nancy C. Brown, M. A. Burtin, E.L. Fisher, Sarah A. Gard- ner, M. K. Goodman, SarahiE. Hoo- ver, Amanda Jordan, S. S. Mayes, Amanda Plyler, Mary J. Querry, S. L. Sharpe, Elizabeth Shaver, Sallie Steele, Mary A. Tharpe, Joana Al- len, Sarah P. Bumgarner, Mariah Beaver, Sallie Brotherton, Annie C. Byers, Sarah M.Cranfield, Dovey R. Combs, M. A. Eidson, F. E. Faulk- ner, M. A. Harris, R. S. Litton, S. L. Maden, M. C. McLaughlin, An- geline Redman, Sarah Riddick, Su- san B. Smith, M. M. Speck. Jane C, Seitz, M. J. Sherrill, L.M. Sprinkle, Dicey Williams, S. E. Cranfill, M. Misenheimer, M. J. Deal, T. Horn, M. G. Summers, Mary A. Bass, M. L. Trivett, S.A. Parker, M.E. Oyer- cash, Martha Myers, E. S$. Wilson. Polly Naney, N. Mayhew, Sarah lL. Wilson, Mary A. Garrison, Julia A. Campbell M. H. Christie, Nancy E. York. - ~~ —> er ee New Furniture Facgory Assured. We mentioned last week that a new furniture factory for our town vas discussed at the last chamber of commerce meeting, Tuesday night of last week, and that the capital would likely beraised. Mr. W. A. Thomas brought the proposition before the chamber at its last meet- ing and considerable interest and enthusiasm wasevinced. The enter- prise is now assured as more than the £20,000 capital proposed has al- ready been subscribed and a charter will soon be applied for from the State government. The best business men of States- ville and vicinity are among the takers of stock, some of them men of experiencein the lumber busi- ness. Among the stockholders of the new factory are Messrs. W. A. Thomas, F. A. Sherrill, W. F. Wall and Judge A. L. Coble. It is pro- posed to purchase a convenient site at once and take other steps neces- sary to the erection of the new buiiding, which will probably be completed and put inoperatiou next spring. There is no better location in the South for furniture manufacturing and our business men are quick to see its advantages as was shown by the short time taken to raise the capital for the new factory. In’Memoriam, Correspondence of THE Mascot. mrs. Louisa A. Fink, wife of mr. Moses D. Fink, died at her home in Shiloh township November 29th., 1900, aged 65 years. She leaves a husband, two sons, Messrs. J. S. and H. A. morrison. of Shiloh township, and seven grandchildren. Two broth- ers, Messrs. R. F. Cline, of Shiloh township and x. S. Cline, of Arkan- sas, and two sisters, mrs. Benfield and Harriet Fulbright, also survive. The deceased was a member of the Lutheran church for 49 years she was a kind neighbor and a good wo- men. GENERAL NEWS. The widow of the late Senator Calvin S. Brice, of Ohio, is dead. John D. Rockefeller has given $1,- 500,000 more to the University of Chicago. John Addison Porter, President McKinley’s first private secretary, is dead. The steamer Alpha sunk ‘Luesday off the coast of British Columbia and nine lives were lost. The House passed bills creating | New judicial districts in Kentucky, | Ohio and West Virvinia. : The Senate wiil vote upon the Hay- | Pauncefote treaty today. The treaty has been under consideration Saturday the House passea the. pension appropriation bill. The, bill appropriates $145,145,230 and 11 | was passed in 13 minutes. The Brown Machine Company’s | plant was burned at Cleveland, O., | Sunday. Loss 500.000, and 1,160 men are out of employment. | oC. B. Barnes, a train robber, kill-! ed himself rather than be captured by officers who were after bim ina swamp near New Orleans Tuesday. | The officers had wounded him. + Miss Annie Johnston, daughter of a Poplar Springs, Mo., merchant and prominent in church and society circles, drowaed herself Saturday. | No cause is assigned for the rash 6 i day or two at Statesville last week. Fourth—R. B. Cook, A. Cleaves, | TAYLORSVILLE NEWS Mrs. P. L. Steck was at Charlotte the | Pension Warrants Received in Time |jast week, Ex-Sheriff J. W. Watts was at Statesville last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Matheson |of Deeds Turner has sent most of | were at Statesville last Saturday. Jno. L. Gwaltney, Esq., spent a a Mr. F.C. Thompson spent a day or two in Statesville the past week. Mr. Praak A. Linney was at E!- kin and Wilkesboro on business jast week, ,Jnformation has reached here that Bishop Petty, the colored owner of | All Healing Springs, is dead, Miss Lucy Matheson came } from Statesville Tuesday for the . 10Ome Female Seminary hohdays. De i. Harrill, of Statesville, was BeTe last Week tO see a the smallpox Guse hear lown wmone colored popula 100, ~ : SR The smallpox patieatin she color- ed setulement near town was rabbit buntlog ween Dr. S:evensen called to see him Monday. neu I PON: Stevenson, of Sitoav 3 bane fone mel cared ete = } vint ¢ lreuit, Visited his sister, Mrs. Linney, here fast week, and preach- ed at the Methodist church last Thursday night, Rev. W.S. Cherry, who was sent by conference toa circuit near Ashe- ville, will likely remain here another year, as Rev. Postel, who was as- signed here, has Zone to the work near Asheville. be Alexander county State pen- sion warrants are here with Regis- ter of Deeds Bell. The amount re- ceived by this county is mére than $1,700. Thisisa good Christmas present for the soldiers and‘ widows. Sheriff Herman and Deputy Pool, with Deputy Marshal J. L. “Sloop, made a drive into Miller’s township one night last week to make an ar- rest, and the deputy marshal caught the first one that came out at the door that he was guarding, and the report is thatit was a her instead of him that he caught. = — --_- —». — Mooresville News: From our Regular Correspondent. On Wednesday, the 12th, inst., Mr. W. L.Rea,who lived near Shep- herd’s, sold his farm and_ personal property at public auction. Mr. Rea and family left wondav evening for Cisco, Texas. On the day of Mr. Rea’s sale Charlie mayhew, Lester and Will Evans engaged in a fight. The parties were arraigned before J. L Bradley, Esq., and gave bond for their appearanceat the Februa- ry term of court. Mr. Thos. L. Davis and Miss Lu- ella Jane Oonnelly were married Thursday at 6 p. m: at the residence of A.M. Walker, Esq, the ofticiat- Ing Magistrate. Mr. Willie Stevenson bas come home fromthe University for the holidays. : Miss Effie Kilpatrick and Prof. Harden, of Shelby Graded School. will be married tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the residence of W. W. Rodvers. by Rev. Dr. Wharey. e _Cards are out announcing the mar- riage of Miss Johnsie Sloop and wr. laude C. Thompson, of Salisbury, on the 27th, inst. ; Ralph, the 5-year-old son of C. V. Voils, Esq.. died this horning at 2 a.m. ofa complication of typhoid fever and hooping cough. . Dee. 19th, 1900. oe New Advertisements. G. W. Clegg, adm‘r of Peter Hampton, deceased, serves notice on creditors. _J. A. Hartness, C. S. C.. gives no- tice to C. L. Stevenson defeadant. of suit for partition of the S. L. Stevenson lands. _ See what the New Store is ing for Xmas presents. Walton & Gage have good things for presents. See them. offer- Cooper & Gill. Sloop & Miller have the correct When you want Xmas candies try | ii Saved His Lex Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon- structing the exhausted digestive or- gans. Itis the latest discovered’digest- antand tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in- stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Crampsand all otherresults of imperfect digestion. rices0e, andl. Large sizecontains 2% times SS Be - alt = on dyspepsia mailedfree Prepared by E. C. DeW!ITT &CO.. Chicago TATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET CORRECTED bY COOPER & GILL COMMENTS OF THE WEEK. All produce in good demand. Saliba Buy RICES—MASIS NO. 1 QUALITY. - $1.75 2.00 2s 60 Do «¢ Oats 35 PEAS~CIEBY co 0 os 2 0 ee = 73 mixed cil fot fai kines elma ow oem aeons oe a Potatoes—Irish.....-.--+-.--s. 2 : SOOT toc nae fan ms orn 45 Onions—select, per bushel... .- - is Tame NICS nin ims wee mere ee 8 ARADO co) eta ie ead ie ep ete 3 BCOSICA Noire eel eiieltel= iiehein rer er = Hens—per hh... 2... 2 2s - ee awe Roosters per 1b. 2 2 = = = wie 2 = 2 © 224 Chicken—Spring—smali—per Ib. . 6 i Pie large . , 5 Turizeys-—per D.- -\- - = - = = i i ee 4 Guinas <ach..<.. -~ - = Mine edie eel ence 3 Butter—Choice yeilow........ 12 - SARI eel fpn eee tortie io Honey—strained, per bb... ... 7 Com Goer D ys elt etn 7 Eggs—hen....---+-+--+-++:- 5 os PATIO a ee! wim ee zs RR ee ihe he aw wt oom flow ms hw Zs Fo ileie ie) eee eee einen er 0 Seathers—new . - 9. - - «| += - > = 35 Hides—dry, per Ib. =. 2 - ~~. =.= = = x0 ae NOTE en bowed ww wiht ow mim 7 Wool ee Fe ete te si 25 Apples—dried—quarters, bright. . . 3 == “x bright sliced... - 4 “fancy bright sliced. . 434 _ extra ** eS 4 — green—per bushel. .....- 60 Peaches—peeled, bright. ....--- ° mr = Famcyie oe oe erie 6 me a OMe 7 Bacon—Hog round, perth. ..... S 5 PURITY ie elo oie lem oes iol week 32 rt Senet ee Petit ios edie ie mon 9 ee Shoulders: = = <<). -'- =< = = 8 STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. STATESVILLE, N. C. Dec. 20. 1900, 9 a. m. Strict Good Middiing.........-- 9.25 SOOd Ee Salus er eel 9.15 NRCC aera eet ot erties ete ot 9.05 caves ie eco 8.95 Steen a peed ie io slic S.SS5 Market firm. Renter Wanted. 1 WANT a good renter. Dec. 20th, 1900. Apply to W. E. MALONE. New Stirling, N.C, Renter Wanted. o A RENTER WANTED to work 2 two-horse crop. Good land and’stock furnis! Ap- ply to AAG a December 20, 1900. Shiloh Township. Morigage Safe of Land. Y VIRTUE of the powers contzined in a age deed exeented by Chal Wagner and wife, the undersigned mortgagee, will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Statesvilie, N. C.. on Monday, Tanuary 21st.. 1901. at 12 o'clock, M., the follow- ginning at a stake, thence North $1759 West 15 prles to a roc “nee South g poles to a white oak, thence Norifn 38159 West 42 poles to a per- sim:non, thence North S2 poles to a hickory grub, thence North SS!i° East 76 poles to a take on Jacob Varker’s line. thence South 15? » the beginning, containing 35 re or less, M, RUFTY, ©, Attorney. Mortgagee This December 20, 1900. Notice to Greditors. ton, deceased, the un- all persons having ate to present them in twelve (12) months G. W. CLIEGS, Administrator. thing in slippers for Xmas oifts They are giving away purses to pur chaser. For Christmas trix vo to Kimba!] & Daywalt’s. W.E. malone cf New Stirling. wants a vood renter. E. F. Watts. of Shilch-tow aship wants a renter for a2 horse crop. H. Burke, attorney for mortgavece, of Chal Wagner. anna ea ae Sees rane de Two negroes killed 2 white man, his wife and baby and robbed his store at Arcadia, Miss., Tuesday. The negroes were arrested and it jis thought they were lynched All Wool Art Squares. Velvet and Tapestry Rows. the heart of the housekeeper. Others may be cheaper, None can be better When in doubt see our stock. A WHOLE RAFT of Items to select eee Christm gives notice of morgage sale of lands | IF YOU WANT [0 GIVE, GIVE beautiful colorings in all sizes Quilts, Satin Quilts, Hand stitched I Cotton Sheets, with H. S Priow “as Napkins, Doylies, Zowels and many than our line of ready-made Top Skirts. we guarantee style, fit and finish those beautiful black Underskiris at have a few in high colors, reds, 0! Dress Goods. Men’s and boys’ Cicthing. Capes, Jackets and Skircs, Infants’ Cloaks. Ladies” Hats. Baby Caps. Ladies’ and misses’ Wool Hoods. Fur Collarettes. Fur Muffs. Ciildren’s Fur Sets. Supericr Court | North Carolina, ) Iredell Gounty. j wife, z veuson | VS. C L. Stevenson. NOTICE. ; . The defendant above nained will take nctice that an action entitled asabove has been com- menced in the Superior Court of Iredell county | for partition of the S. I, Stevenson lands be- ' tween his heirs, the above named parties to this tion, Andthe said defendant will further > notice that he is required to appear cn the th dav of January, 1901, at the court house in + Statesville, Iredell county, North Carolina, and answer or demur tothe petition in said action orthe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. December 15th, 1900, J. A. HARTNESS. Clerk Superior Court. A GOOD ONE. Here are things we know you wiil like. 2 ; Smyrna, 3 Lace Curtains, Marseilles i Linen Sheets. Utica mills H S. Por-rare rorters, 1ses to match, Table Daiaask, other articles that will gladden They are made to wear, Just received another lot of 31.50, worth $2.00. We also and purples. iue@s PA Doenferth, of LaGrange, Ga., suffered intensely for six months with a frivhtfal renning sore on his: leg, but writes tha! Bucklen’s Ar- nica Saive wholly cured in ten davs. For Ulcers. Wounds Barns, Boils. Pain or Piles } s the vest; salve in the were Ture wvuaran- teed «Only 2 ee Da peer : Dyspepsia Cure 21 Per ing described land in Fallstown township: Be-/ - 2 f~e me IN ST ~y — " m S 3 * é . : A Multitude of SENSIBLE Giwx>. oi Nothing is better appreciated as a holiday gift than some article of furniture for the house. It is alwaysin ge 3 ; P| aoe 5 . s s and always aremembrance of the donor's thoughtfulnons A visit to our store Will show 2 mu! titude of different art cles that are at once appropriate. Deautiful, dur reasonably priced. The expense can be lnsit amount desired 5 eo : From One Dollar and Upward. There are pretty Rockers in oak, maple, mabocany reed, from S100 to S10 60: faneyv ta! a rooin and parior. from S100 up to S1O0G: «a ' of Leunves und Couches, Ladies’ Desks. Trom £5.50 2, ; $12 00: combination boc! eases from S12. to 330.00, L. SCHILLER Ln Us ; : New Cooper Biock. Furniture and c ea SALLE IS ER ELE IE BEBE RE OE RE AIR eg ee CPE SOE OEE OE ORE ERE (de eae ui Cx eS ne a Slippers for Christimas. ¢ |: So c a te s al e at en n a i ia d - < —_— us | | me pre i. | z CGF Ser. dy ve es ae Bey : 1 | No other store in Statesville pars quite 2s much attention: | re this branch of the business as we do. and our holiday stock & (hd is a teally remarkabie collection of Slippers we a $ quality. Warm and comfortable bedroom and house - ers A C ) of felt, fur-trimmed, at $1.25 and $1.50 pair. Satin Slipper to match costumes. We have the Slippers that wil! , HER. Black. red, white. green, brown. in fact. most any 4 rh color, at di0c., Tdc., $1.00 and $1.25. cg | ° ¢ For Him. ! (Pe Vy, every man enjoys the comfort there is in a Slipper. Y iS are likely thinking of a Christmas gift for a husband. a <o- ‘A, a father. a brother. or someone else’s brother. W, A, a) have ali the late ideas—handsome slippers in black kid a: Y (P $1.00. 31.25 and $150 pair. We certainly have the Slipper. i that will please HIM Come to the Slipper Store for Chris: s oS mas Slippers. -| y, SLOOP & MILLER. + ( THE SHOEMEN y &@e-A handsome patent leather or can purse is given away with each #3 purchase, ¢ Christmas ! Christmas! De YOU realize its nearness? The question will soon be uppermost as to what you shall buy for presents. If you will inspect the following lines which we are now dis- playing it will kel; tosolve the problem: Books ef all kinds. isc. to $> per vol.: Fine Stationery, handsomely boxed: Gold as, Pencils aud Wountain Pens: Art Novelties - Sterling Silver Articles; Toilet and Manicure Sets: Celluloid Goods. China and Opal Ware; Fancy, Lamps and Vases; Work and Wastepaper Baskets; Large line of Dolis and Toys: Combina- tion Game Boards and Games of aj] kinds. When shopping call and see. YW. H. ALLISON. VARIETY STORE STATESVILLE, N.C JACKETS AND COATS Fifteen to twenty per cent. saved on your jackets or Coats if bought of us. line of 4inC O1 DRESS GOODS. Alen’s, ladies’ and children’s Underwear. Hosiery, Woolen and Cotton Blankets, Comforts, Trunks, Rags and a vig variety of seasonable goods which we have not space to men We are showing a large and varied tlon. John J. Clark's two hundred yard 4 cord sa, iinish machine Thread be soft bv the varre] 1eht Ones, Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles The } “ ia .% and sold two sygols for 5 ¢ Clearance Sale... LNG a clearance of fall and winter goods we OF [a order to inake will offer our entire stock of Clothing at reduced prices, Beginning Saturday, December 8th, at 7 a.m., and continuing until Jan. Ist, 1901. Now is your chance to get a cut in Clothing. We have a nice line and will do you right. Our prices cannot be questioned. Come and see if we will do what we say. Also wiil offer cut prices on LADIES’ CAPES We can't be beat in Capes. Our stock will not last long. Thanking you for past favers a:d soliciting a continuance, we are yours to please, Yount & White, H. A. Yount, New Stirling, N. C. Stony Peint, N. C. as Presents from. Come and see the many lines not menticned. PRICZS RIGHT. ———— Big Line of Shoes. Ladies” Fancy Slippers. Infants’ Fancy Shoes. Ladies’ and men’s Overgaiters. Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts. Knit Underwear. Table Clotbs and Damas = | Towels and Handkerchiefs. | Men's Neckwear, Collars and Gulls. Umbrellas. ' Doils and Toys all kinds. Bibles and miscellaneous books. Box Papers and Tabiets. Fancy table China. — Gold edge and plain Glassware. Plain Dishes, all kinds. 10-piece Toilet Sets. Plain and fancy Lamps. Pictures in large variety. Tinware and Toilet Soaps. ke. MILLS & ALLISON. —_—— pone ~.-.——— re e “1S V rag rmodatc eX pre he: his Siarri to the f past we Minnie and hk. Hotfina Dr. « why aq pust & ham wa Their m sorry ic S. BD. Gisstilie have su in Olin ane with he vard & cancer, two eld were ig moraig On th Lawreg ent re of Mrs. street. into th Lawre Mr. oury tq ore o1 Insane Toe bh ed, ont ny tow) Dec. 13 consum Nothing his wife loss isi out to t bereav ur. ¢ sonvillé ing in ren. 0! ur. Per at Hen Station ur. J.7 States gratulg Col. Feder: lotte ¥ agains Plyler be hea in Cha Cowle: railros on mot a y oe 4 Det — - Q es h, hes rT Spee i i - 2 ‘ sS gerre or ‘eee cat Cbsted tet e ub a ~{ NODES | } " eet eh A - OF WY SUDESCPIVEES OW’ j e paper and sume of them owe cear. I expect 1) fall, and those who G90 to nave +>. 1900. _ ree —. LOCAL. Stat Steam down from Mone ay morning for Laundry night Christ- esville iy ne-d waters of the Confederacy oe toa play which they ex- some time next vill move soon at p. » seeds a lurver piace [vr — . Vv ace Ges? ; \. M. Witberspoon is erect ize fi Sheriff Wy next the Brady Sharpe street. of ae ; imin whl Move ore or the lot tO + est (Vy yut ul a4 Mr. his stock -+ the vear 1 Score H. po & Miller have a new the advertising tine. The zg th all $3 n now » R. room yr? wet tulCKe V Wav purses eyes bave been very good at Lhe : : , jl te sarehouses the pust Week very satisfactory in all TOHACCH. Phifer, of Chambers ) Das p srebased Suc West Riu Nir ¥ oK } ypouse Ou ati v occupied by «d from | » home M mda xi] ‘wo. where be bas been liv-} io ing he writes ibat from ii: vears ing far Pwo ' vl Jittle son of se = a et zrii€D. MaCavls. t 3 “= a Pee * Riv. Alphonse Reavis, woe tves » on meles east of tOWR, in Charabersburg rownspp. ced Sunday nignt of -car- et feve ood & Years. Wil COX, colored. was br WED: i ‘week by Deputy Sieriil: . ef Rooresville. He was | , Shea i rer t ip irom ~ quire Walker Ss » assault with a deadly a Mr seer sto Ce Aes Nir UNE. St formerly ot stadesVille but now living in Wilkes ' ae Peas Hors, Sas Bere oo Wen. gre i trave ri pone Leak 16 Coy, 02 Corer cero, selling the Zeb Vance ss t the ease ef tbe} . i) Q ay Post cs EE}. Jones at Et-} \1T i | <1 <, before Ciement ancy, | er Winston feree, ¥ not! 0 vas continued Lo au } 4 } t i S ie n's office | . se | i { Mento ) oli ) i > Sovthe le rid ( ? moadate t u Ve eX pres tr - Cs CCA Y hea l < we. Murdoch and his efficie: ree On the Jump. | i FCeNSEGS > heen issued | the f£ é uri he! to ine S lures the j Dust week: Binkley and | Minnie Trivett, Jet? Davis Crawford | pnd Bic Lou ot HWeartt W. | Hoffman and Rosa Jane Levan. Dr. Georz W. Lone’s fami. | who have beca living here for the | past at. meve Pack Lo Gra-} ham apcout tirst of the year. } Their mane friends here will be sorry to lose toem from our midst. s@ i with the Presbyterian churen after Mr 2 SE. Overcaunt dead. ; . ; : Mr. Israeli Meamice Overcast Gied of paralysis uesday night at 9 C Clock at the resideuce of his son. I.. K. Overcash, vn west I strcet. kor some Mr. "Out 2 time bis Condition had been quite critical and his death was not unexpected. About six azo he received a stroke of is. from which he never ful-| ‘ yo | ly recovered, being visited by a sec- para. ond stroke some two years ago. | } } } j ve } . . His death probably vesulted from | chese two strokes; through he may have suffered a third, as the left side | of his body wae affected this time, she otbers only affecting the right. | The funeral services were conducted ; from the Presoyterian chureh Wed- | nesday evening by Rev. C. M. Rich ards. tke pastor of the deceased, and | the remeins were iaidt3 rest in Oak- | wood ' rile leaves four sons Messrs. sa K.. W. A.and J. Q. Overcash, of| Stutesville and Rev. H. R, Overeash, } Mills River. Tenv., aad one davgu ter Mis: » Bettie Overcash, of | Stalesviiie ‘One brother, me. Sule | hb. of Enochville. Rowan ur John | John Best. | ate .Alorieht. | Albright. of | 1 COugity S$ two sisters, 3 rw of the late h, @pa Mrs. SUL Ves | chat Mr. on was so critical Overca~b { L m Dowd Overcash s co his son, Rev fr: wad +94 WAS | fiver. arriv- | ily, and all were sumaioned ing Monday é > children of deceased 1 him at the last. Overcash was tue nemmad Ph ville, Rowan gomnty. } t A ree’ rm! och . in life orH a’ ocd of Karly orh OPil he moved to Salisbury where he fol- lowed the the trade of & carpenter fle was married there about forty six years ayo to Miss Sarelr Eliza-) beth Overgish. Two or three years | infter he moved to Statesville where he ceatinucd to follow tis trade for a number of About eigoteen manu- biinds yenrs. years avo he engaged ia the doors anal with Dis suns, Messrs. L. K. ana WwW. A Overessh nader the firm name of Overcast & Song, Six years ayo, afler his first stroke of paralysis, he retired from the firm on account of failing health, the business being continued by Messrs. L, K ahd W. A. Overeash. His wife died a year avo last sarch and after her death wr. Gvercash broke up housekeeping facture of susb. and le and his dauyiter, Miss Betty, resided with Mr L. is. Gvercash. The deee d came of sturdy of youth of in- dustey, honesty a for which the jruteh are ever noted. He Was an Carbeat wud consistent Chris- tian from boyhood. in his early vears he was a member of the Luth-, t church but connected himself tave on both from riv ling trait morality Ditch paren sides he ricecre] tt need tt . yee »y bi Is ea bse S 7 s iw ‘ vey» Pal?) moving te lisbury. transferring his membership to the Statesville ' , ; eee ry = he inovea hers ste ily in the nurture avd} } ad by bos Ord ar est industry built up agood busic and amassed a reasonable patrimc py out above all he leaves them the; ipriceless heritage of ap honest! PIMs, ttecita! at The avilege Tonight. Te ‘ryt Tae pupils of Staresvitic ‘ro a recital tonieht at Colle ai A eordial invitation is ex-j ded toalithe friends and patrons the institution. The peoyram is t o manne und, Piano Schumann. ib, Sicilienne Dee Miss Page Newiann. Cecitation—My Sweetheart’s Baby Brother. Miss Marie Lor i biaww Cupriccietto—Gillette t Miss Selina Neill. Piano Peut Zole:o—Ravina Witham ! Misé Sadie Le Piano duet—Fanfare Militair Misses Scott and Walker The Rainy Pay-—Lichling. Miss Lelia Scott, Recitation—Joe Master McKendree Long. Recitation— Piano Pigno—aAdien to the Piano—Beethovea. Miss Margaret Brady. Valse B--Godard. Miss Mary Oates Caldwel! Corlanna’s Wedding. Miss jennie McDanald (a. Shepherd's Tale.) : b. Lullaby. , Nes. (c. Tarantele. ) Heller. Recitation Piano S. B. Hicks a rary, Miss Carrie Walker. distillers iship, | Drill by Physical Culture lass. have <r rhe land —_— — : a Chin! fe There will be a double weddirg at! mS See aime Gutberan ehurch in C Se ntes : ive Thursdav. Misses Clan and resumise. ats LoS % : ai ’ © Rw I Nagh t ; Hthe itult. daughters ol Mr. Noa! reries. ‘ eg ait oe ° : ‘ } 7 ~~ Huit, wikhhwoo married to mf ar Miss Mag@ie JrUsseil, WhO live d roll O. fs@mirh, of Seranton, Miss : 4 ag pa = ¢XT with her sister, wist of the as: and Rev. PauiG. Genry, of Way vard bridve, died Tuesday night of |nesboro, Va.. respestively My »y* Ry cancer, aged about oY vears. almost destitute cireum- were in stances. Rev. J. E elder of this dis the mornin af ™ t. will preach at urch Saturday Ynompson. presidtr tele Ur e0 7? 4 wud also Sun- dav mornisyg at eleven. Commun- ion will be administered Sunday morning. On the first of January Mr. L. C. Lawrence wil! move from nis pres- ent residence on Keliv street to one of Mrs. Emma Mott's houses ep E!m street. Myr. J. M. Brown will moye into the house now eceupied by Mr. Lawrence. Mr. Robert E. Hill, of Sha~pes- ourg township, has been appointed one of the attendants at theWestern Insioe Asylum at Morganton. Mr. Eullis a tine young fellow and we Ow cbat he will fulfill all the du- ties of his position well. Ne The hovse of John Morrison, color- ed, on the Crawford place in Batha- ny township caught fire Wednesday, Dec. 12th, from a stove flue and was consumed with all the contents. Nothing was saved as Morrison and his wife at home. Their ; ets — {Oss is about 360. were not William Graham, the little son o° Mr and Mrs. R G. Meore. died of bronchitis Friday morring at 6 cleek at the home of on Welly street. oO his parents ten months. aged cf ; Beats 2 The sympathy of loving friends goes out tothe yousy parents in their bereavement. ur. Charles H. Perry, of Hender- sonville, was married Monday even- ing in Ashevilie to miss mabel War- ren, of Balsam. Buncombe cornty. ur. Perry is the telegraph operator at Hendersonville and was formerl7 stationed at Balsam. Heisa son of wr. J.T. Perry, of Statesville. + His Statesville friends extend their con- gratulations. Col. H. C. Cowles, clerk of the Federal court, returned from Char- lotte yesterday. Today the cases against Cal Goodman, colored, and Plyler, continued for testimony, will be heard before him. Federal court in Charlotte is about over, but Col. Cowles may be recalled as some railroad cases are yet to be heard mn) a e ~ te : p ve _ these | Hfuitis one of Cautawoa oun’ two elderivy women Hived aiene and pjargest farmers. Mr. Jesse =. ipard, ef Fallstown township eé gn invitation to the marmge. Rewicter of Deeds Bell & A anger couety, was here yster look Us OVE “ne pew cout house | . > coe and in vecting tee architec’s plats. We learn ‘tat Alexander ‘iii scon nor ‘sq@uty thousand tse apd 2b plans for wi probab- will do erect a fiftee doliar court how the Iredell court b —. ly be adapted, Alex east herself proud for she handsomer or better ing. On Saturday, Dee: Via. Prof Vernon CE like of the Marion (Va.) Hist “sa married to Miss Lues Marion. daughter Stone, of Smythe coun runaway mateh. Prof. of Capt. A. A. Hill and formerly tai His maay friends his bride every happise % sot geta ied build- oo arra +. 8 Leeasurer ? ltwas & a soa orsville, here. iim and au $35j1 3 £ IS 1 ays Ck here ¥ away ou the Mr. R ke Meals » Bae PANT t There was a small streets yesterday morn’ IX. Murdoch's dray bor=* Pete eved at the locomodile Ren’ “Ae syu= agogue, and rar to stable. He Yuey r ~} made the turns at the ¥} esoyterian qi or, ‘uri, to Washington Sunday, return: “yr. John Sverridi, tue uy wly elect- ‘ed treasurer Gf Catawba county, ; ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. b. C. ‘ > ¢ ? srulty. cn her way home (or the holidays. ‘course in dental surgery at the Uni- sover arrived Sunday mor a visit to relatives there and in Row er sae PERSONALS Swink. ef Winston. M Esq 7 here Monday. iiss Tillie Guy is visiting rela Lives near Scotts. Miss Addie Rickert isin Salisbury 0a a visit to friends. Mrs. W. Kircaid, of Cleveland spent Monday here shopping | Saturday and the ry a Miss Sallie Thomas, of Rock Cut. | has been visiting friends bere. Mir, W. OL. Sherrill, of Catfish. spent Luesday here on business | M f+ vi t r. Jno F. Bowles Jeft Tuesday | for Baltimore on a business trip. Mixs Bettie Walker. of Washing ton, is Visiting Mrs. R. L. Poston. | { My. Frank J. Long, spent some | t week.Jeaving Monday. New Bers 1g5 } | Miss Enmnma ‘lemming. of 11 ~~ ee as tenn Denihof Yer. Weldon WW Jurwey “0 Surneyv died at vis 5 Grove townsnio of las? wmorul! rheumativn 33 vears. He kad been 4 a now thought to be seriously se until two days betore his death. The inter- nent was at Union Grove church burial was with cr BOM week. Dut was Masonic honors, Tue deceased was Jucsey, of Unior Grove town and several brothers and About two years aso a “ sabp SIs- ters survive, ‘ir. Jurney married Miss Collis Templeton, daughter of Mr. S. 8. Templeton, ol Union Grove town- k ship, and she and one small child surg Vive Weldon Jurney was ao obliging neighbor, a true friend and a good Citizen. He belonged to and was jone of the leaders of that little band of Democrats who at every election upheld Democratic principles in Re- 1 i ipadday or sfecatp- vs lig = ton, spent laet Thursday here shop: | publican Union Grove. We knew ping jbim for twelve vears, and during ali My ko! eS cRorie returned | Puke Tide he sas our friend. grent- Morday night from a busisess trip south. : : a> Mrs. L. Schiller returned from 2 visit to ber mother in| C te rQtie T. J. Rowland left Tuesday slog for Greensboro on a bust 1 u v. R G. Barrett spent Monday Tuesday bere with the family of Long. Esq. J Vig wit W.C. Lone tock a flying e ing Tues@ay sight. was in town Tyesday. 43 te s FL. S. Purnec is iu Lexington nursing ber brether, Mr. W. W Hix, who is quite sick. Mrs. T. G. Wall, of Lilesville is here op a visit to her mother, Mrs. Cox and other relatives. Miss Lacy Rice returned Mon- day morning from Charlotte where sbe had been visiting friends. Rey A. W. White and family weut to Monroe fast week, where Mir. White has uctepted ascharge. Mr. W. C. Gaither, of Oxford, Iowa. is visiting his mother, Mrs. MM. Gaither, near Harmony. ' ald. Mis “Greensboro Female College, Is peudiny the holidays at home. s Ella Webb, who is a student tn Ae Miss Eloise Cowies jett Monday for New York City, where she:will visit friends during the holidays. ur. <has. D. Cowles returned last night from Charlotte, where he has been attending Federal court. Miss Edna ‘#urner, who is at the Asheville Female Coilege, comes home Friday night for the holidays. Misses paggie ard Callie Foard, of Cleyeland, spent yesterday in towk with their annt, wes. J.C. Ir-| ' W. M. Dixon, of Morganton, who bos been visiting heraunt, Mrs. chambers, returns home to- Tem Goodman, proprietor of he t:00dman House at Mooresville. ‘25 gere Monday at the Henry r s- Mi: C. 1exi, of Dealsville, \Jexander county, is here visiting ue s. E. B. Watts and children are ing the bolidays in Charlotte Vatts’ mother, Mrs. M. ¥ ; , “pend th Mrs. fi; Sarriugor. Misses Gertrude Davis, of Morgan- ton, and Minnie Ellis, ef ‘Hickory, rive Wednesday,-the 26tk., to visit iss Katie Reid Carlton. Mrs. Sallie Lanier leaves tomor- row for Athens, Ga., where she wiil spend the winter while doing liter- a’y work on an Athens journal. sr Miss Janie Love, of Taylorsville. passed through Tuesday morning ‘som ‘Claremont College, Hickory, Mr. Carl Mott, who is taking the erst versity of Maryland, in Baltimore, ‘ning to speod the holidays at home. Mrs. Thomas Bailey and Mrs. R. L. Bailey, of Sharpesburg township, returned home Saturday from Salis- bury, where they have been on an county. Maj. W, M. Robbins returned from Gettysburg Saturday accom- panied by Mrs. Robbins, and Miss Blanche, who have been with him for some months past. The Major will be here some weeks. Miss Mary Sharpe, daughter of Mr. W. EF. Sharpe, of Concord town- ship, came in on Tuesday morning's vestibule from Claremont College at Hickory, to spend the Christmas holidays at home. Hon. W. D. Turner left on Tues- day morning's vestibule for Greeus- ooro to attend the meeting of the board of directors and the executive committee of the State Norma! Col- leye. He expects to return tomor- row night. Mr. A.d. Hawixins, oc Scotts, whe has been in Minnesota for the past twelve months passed through Tues- day on his way home, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. R. E. Hawkias, who has been visiting herson, Mr. Everitt Hawkios, of Lenoir. Mr. J. Frank Seroggs, son of Dep- vty Sheritf R. P. Scroggs, retarned triday pight from Prairie Hall, Ul. He has been in Ilingis for about twelve months, but says that the Old North State is the best after alk, ehurch, Tunstall’s corner and Alex- Y , 4, were ander Bros. saf and no “amos was done. Cicero Dean, driver fell out of the wag not buct. i a the colores | . but was! \ | The Heptasophs elected the fol-$ lowing officers for the year 1901: Archon, A. M. Witberspoen; pre- vost, W. A. Overcash; secretary, R. I, Sloan; treasurer, J. U. Lam- precht; financial secretary, W. W. Turner; prelate, Rey. James Will- son: inspector. N M. Flemming: warden, J, L. Kimball: sentinel, J. 3 Us M. Morrison. rhe Presbyterian congregation at a meeting after the morning service last Saturday endorsed the action of the deaccns in buying the Reid house for a manse. On Sunday there were 31 accessions to» the 0 and that he expects to stay in it. Qev. Howard Semmerell and fam- da brief visit to Mr. Sum-| ‘saunt, Miss Maggie Mitch | st week, on their way from | And 1, 8. C., to Washivgton, N. C.. where M¥ Summerell has ac- | cepted the pastorate of the Presby-| terian church. | eal ' The Paper Next Week. According to our usual custom | we will issue onlya half sheet next| week. ve ay pai merell obi, 13 evs ers Presbyterian church, 27 by letter and + by profession of faith. There are no cases of scarlet fever in towa now and no new cases at the Cotton Mill, the two cases there are about recovered. We hear of on motion. no more cases in the county. In the meantime the office will be open every day for the transaction fof business, and we hope to see | many of our frieuds during the holi- ‘davs. A great many 9 | seribers stillowe us for vke paper and we hope they will now come -© | and pay up. + eer ene - la kind busband and father. 'ting. f our sub-| ingevery favor we ever asked of him. His community has lost a good citizen, and his wife and_ child We fee] a personal sorrow at his untimels death, and our sivcerest sympathy woes out tothe bereaved widow and fathevigss chit, => Marriages Next Week. The Statesville relatives and friends of the groom have received handsomely engraved cards to the marriage of Miss Rae Levy, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Levy, of Baltimore, to Mr. Emile Clark. of Siatesviile, at Lehman’s Hall, Bal timore, Wednesday the 26th, instant, at 6 o'clock in the eyening Miss Grace Gertrude Heilig and Mr. dwiu A. Hall will be married next Wednesday in the Albemarle Evangelical Lutheran church. The vroom is an old Iredell boy, being a Wm. E. Hall, former citizens of Cool Spring town- ship, now living in Covington, Tenn. His many friends and relatives in Trede!l will wish him every bappi- ness. Miss Effie Amanda Sbinn will be married to Mr. Lawrence A. White, of Alexander county, next Sunday afternoon at 40'clock at tke home of the bride's father, Mr. J.C. Shinn, in Barringer township. Rev. T. L. Triplevt will perform the ceremony. A number of invited friends of the bride and groom will be present and after the ceremony a wedding luncheon willbe served. The bride andgrosin jeave Monday morning for the }ome of the yroom’s father near Taylorsville, il ~ son of Mr. and Mrs. where they will be given @ revepticn Monday. —- The New Flouring Mill. Tork on the Statesville Flouring Mill is nearing aclose. Most of the new macutnery has arvived and is being put in. The engine is here but the boiler has come yet. The mill is one of the largest in this State or South Garolina. and when coupievea will be one of the best equipped ia these two Sfates. The main building is brick, four stories high, andis72 by 42 feet in size, with brick engine room adjoining, 42 by 36 feet. The building will be steam heated and fully equipped with patent dust collectors. The machinery comes irom the Rich- mond City Mill Works aad_ is up to- date. The latest inproved bolting machines, the Richmond City Sifs- ers, will be used. This mill is the first in the State using the new bol- ter. The mili will have a daily ca- pacity of 200 barrels of flour and 2.000 bushels of meal and will em- ploy about ten men. The superin- tendent, Mr. R. L. Vinson. of Nash- ville, a successful miller of many years experience, is here supervis- ing the puttivg in of the machinery. He will move his family here the first of the year and wil] board until he can vet a house. — > 200 Western Storekeeper Waited on. From time when ‘‘memory of man unneta not to the contrary’ the western storekeeper and -gauyer has been an unpopular personage in north Iredell. Last week we chron- icled the fact tbat one of this spe- cies, J. N. Snelson by name, was making the circuit of the north Ire dell distilleries, which were shutting dow. as fast as he reached thew We have since learned that Snelson has departed and that north Iredell will know him no more. It seems that last Friday night soon after dark as Snelson was returning frem his work at S. B.. Hick’s distillery in Eagle Mills township to Mr. Berry Danner’s, where he boarded, he was waylaid on the road by three men aud pretty badly used up, was knocked down and cutfed about con- siderably. He was bruised up a good deal, but received no serious injuries. We hear that he says that these men sprang on him suddenly from the road and that he was un- able to recognize any ‘of them. He was in bed all Saturday and Sun- day he left for Asheviile. a Run Over By 2a Wagon Mr. J. A. Bass, who lives in the western part of town was run over by Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles’ dray wagonTuesday night about 7 o'clock. Mr. Bass, who was on horseback in tne alley back of Hall’s drug store, was struck by the wagon and knock- ed off his horse. He received a pretty severe blow on the head and several bruises. one side of his face being skinned up from his being dragged along the ground a short distance before the team could be stopped. The accident was unavoid- able as the alley is not lighted and neither Bass nor the negro driver of the dray could see each other. It is fortunate that no more serious damage was done. —— Fleminz-Plyler. Mr. Perey Fieming, son of Mrs. Mott Fleming, of Chambersburg township, and Miss Grace Plyler, of Cleveland township, Rowan county, were married yesterday moraing at nine o'clock, at the home of the pride, Rev. R. S. Arrowood ofticia- ’ Immediately after the cere left for Knoxville, Tenn. eat Cleveland. These og people and their mouy they. They will liv are popular you The paper will contain the local | friends congratulate them on their news and our advertisements. We | happy aes do this in order to give our boys 2! an 3 : holiday, and we know our subserib-! «ne of the prisoners on is oe ers will indulge us. \ty chain gang struc it week. While the gang was the road near the Jesse ee, in Davidson town- ship, one of the men dug up about 28 50 in silver, which was in a loose pile under the a few inches of dirt at the side of the road. There is no ‘eiue ¢¢ the owner of the lost money. last / working ‘Cornelius pla a sun of Thomas | Vhe Miller flowper Viacrtage. U-ed 2 etfs en the Negro. Mem Neate et Nt tae 7 SPR ETD aed ceed i Suna Meo and Mes 7D “Miles States. | Veoung teon Remsev cut George Ville. was merci adgte Mr. Sherweod Mii-la th vear old calered bay, in- Bonner. of Camhen. Ala. vesterday | flicting c: severe flea wound on he afternoon at 4:30 o ciock a? the ALR. | teft arm just be The Seu jer P choreh. A large crowd of invit- | The affstraccurred iu froat of Mr ied friends were preseet. The altar | Herbert Aiexander’s store in tne was banked with evergreens and the | Bank building. where young Ram- jhahts turned on making a beautifu] | SeV clerks. ‘Lhe preliminary trial was held before the mavor Suuodav afternoon and Ramsey was put un- der a $200 bond for his appearance at next term of Superior court to answer the charge of assault with deadiv weapon. Coon tentitied that while he sin the store the negro came to the window and using ia- sulting language said@he wanted to come in and make # purchase. Taat he then came out side and toid the negro that he couldn't sell bim any- thing on Sunday and ordered him away from the window. That the negro refused to leave,but with more insultire language dared him light Coon went and the eulting was the Coon's evidence | picture asthe bridal party entered. First down the middle aisle came the ushers. Messrs. S. B Miller and |Livy Huater, followed by Robert |Millerard Roy Kirkpatrick, divid ling at the altar and grouping them selves at right and left. Next came the maid of honor. little Miss Mary miller, the bride’s sister, followed by the bride leaning on the arm of her father. At the same time the bride’s pastor, Rev. J. H. Pressly, entered by the right aisle. The groom came in from the Sunday scbool room and received the bride at the altar, while the maid of honor takes position at the right of the bride and a little hehind, the bridal gr: Wwe to Tes t4 Ywus party thus fora‘ng a semicircle in}? oh °° {1 by Corum Coch race. frout Cf tue altar, makin the pie-] “4 *) -sed toe affair. Tbe . ture perfect as the pastor pronounc- | S°0 Says "tt he was looking in a’ ed the solemn words that made these | ¥iNdow »: d Coon came eut and ord twain one. eved him away and struck nim: that After tbe ceremony @ reception he then tuid Coon to stepinio the street auc lizht. and Coon caine am cut him. Drs. was vives the bride and groom at the home of her parents, corner of West End Avenue and Mulberry Campbell and Aue! street. There were several out-of-|@°essed the segro’s arm esi town guests present. The bridal wound is .ow doing well anc couple left on the evening train for soon be healed. Camden, Ala. The pretty youuy bride is endowed —_-- . Death of a Young Man. with many charms aud basa host of] sr. Joa moose, soa of ar. WV 4 . . ain Site 2s Sut oi, ' hs frends here. ‘ Moose, Gi Shiloh township Ji rhe groom is the clever young edi-| Puesday of consumption, aged 2bout * : = y ARE ahr tor of the Wilcox Progressive Fra andis very popujar in his county. the good wishes of many friends go with this young couple to their Ala- bama bome. 18 years. The interment was at bethlebem church vesterday after- noon, Rev. mr. She conducting tay avn wev. the funerai services. The deveased was 2 bright boy of much premise but dread consump 1 —_— << Shelton-Hobbs. tion early marked him for its own This morving at 11 o'clock, at the | He leaves a father, orotbers aad Sisters to mourn his igss. eo home of the bride’s father in Falls town township, Miss mary I Skelton, daughter of Mr. 7bomas S. Shelton, will be married to mr C. Edgar Hobbs, of Davidson township. Rev. R. A, Helms, the bride's pastor. will perform the ceremony © It wil} be a quiet home wedding. only a few fricnds and the immediate relatives of the contracting parties being Card of Thanks. I wish te thank all the good peop'+ who have <0 kindly contribu their time and means in my trouvle and afffiction. Maya kind Father bless them all. “a ‘ ‘ ea OF Mrs. J. S. DEAL. present. After the wedding seen, kerb ere yemnmmngy emery oy the ovridal party go to the oo home of the groom’s motter, mrs. | | a | u. JD). Hobos, in Davidson township, | 2 ra i where an elegant wedding dinner} 4 wili be served. The bride isa sister of our towns- man.mr. J. G Shelton and the groom is2 hrother of Mrs. C. B. Wedb. mur. C. B. Webbd and miss say Webb. of Sratesville, will at- tend the marriage. Zhe young briGe is ove of the fairest and sweet- est of Iredell’s daughters and very popular among her associates. Tne groom is one of the best young farmers of south Iredell and is a man of strong parts, one of our best citizens. We join the many friends of the young people in extending them congratulations oa,the happy event _—_———_— Mr. Payne's tara Burned. is gy pp eR a s ep e e yp pe e s n mw ¢ eu c t ty , Dp er e n e , C8 be e e n : bb em m e e fb b am a r e oh er o u m e op p er a | =r es e ey w « The barn of Mr. Q. F. Payne, who] 5 z lives on the Wallace Vickery place. t : 3 miles west of Statesville, caught * § ire Sunday night about 10 o'clock ” : and was consumed with all its con- arse foe : tents. Mr. Payse recently bought oy : z the place and moved there fron Al Y. £ exander county, his old home. the lot of farming tools. gearing, ete., pone aes meee alta ae Es aaa eM z sara ros compares wes amd| {that val give you y +1, ene dicesver ; IC dk se . Tae ee ee ecm mel psoens anid buiic | burning ulladine. i 22 es. a 4 = pursing tulle Tor aea | {UP the body. i together wiih a big lot of roughness E~<* Aye FSO ‘ and some corn were all burned with < AB x a ae i the bara. One of the mules was the property of Mr. C: C. Payne, a AS a Ex 4 orother of Mr. Q. F. Payne. There a8) ie): fy was no insurance on barn or con- KAi¥s = tents. Mr. Payne’s loss is ite st : are tents, Mr. Baynes floss 1S dil’ | | will do this when everythisg 7 The fire is supposed to have been else fails. There is no doubt | of incendiary origin, but there is no] Ff abort it % nourishes, = clue to the yuilty party. ie y “4 ; oe Sree: strenciions, builds up aad : The Sick. makes the body strong and Mr. Alvin Cheshire’s little voy.| = healthy, ret only to throw = Romie, is very ill with pneumonia, aff thic h 3 at his father’s home on Sharpe oui tard cough, but to z street. fortify ihe sysiem against ; Major Chambers, who has been fin further attacks. If you are | poor nealth some time, is much im- : : rin down or emaciated you j proved and daily growing stwonger, 5 otanee aebhaizetey Gs Mrs. W. H. H. Gregory is much snould cortainty take Lie better. JG food medicine. - surishing Mr. Robert White. who strained Me sr e e 64 ev e r 64 6 ao n r c e 44 8 bis back while lifting some furniture} 7 S-Ott es! Sree i Coban if about two weeks ayo, has about re- covered but is not able to return to work yet. Dr. Chas. A. Turner, who has been sick for the past two weeks, is much improved. _— Muie fer Sale. JIAVE a good mule for sale. Sec it at my residence near Pressly postofiice, Shiloh town- ship. Respectfully, Dec. 13th, 1900 j. D, LACKEY. For Christmas Trix Go to Kimball & Daywalt’s where v¢u will find a full lice reavy and fancy Groceries. Aiso insumer- able Christmas goodies. Give us a eall. Respectfully, HIMBAE!, BAVA Mayor's Court. The mayor had quite a number be- fore him Tuesday and yesterday. The following are the ones who cor- tributed to the city’s treasury. Lewis Moore and Lewis Carltor, both gentlemen fof color, were “‘up”’ yesterday and were taxed $5.75 each for serapping and using profane on the streets. F.D Henrv, a white man, was fined £1.50 and costs yestercay for loud cursing on the streets, Jim Setzer, colored, was before the mayor Tuesday for being drunk and disorderly and was seat to the chain gang for 20 days. > Carriage Repair Shop Messrs. T, P. Rendleman and E. M. Vogler, of Mt. Airy, bave rented the Ramsey tobacco factory build- ing oneast Broad street ard will move here scme time after the first of the year and open 2 carriage fac- tory and repair shop They will overhaul and repair carriages, bug- gies and wagonsand build new ones on order. They will move their families here early next month and open up their shop as soon as possible after Janu- ary first. : i at YM a Yehen you afte ready to buy Xmas Candies, be sure and see ws as we have the largest stock. the V eee Saving | Se renal AGYreat To Cash Buyers. From now until further notice is given or goods all sold out we will sell for cash the very best of Shoes, Fancy Dress Goods, Capes and Jackets. At a big reduction for c The cut 3 to 50 percent. This means cash overthe counter. We will include millinery and some fine velvets in this sale. F come first served. Three things to remember about this s Ist. The place, N. B. Mills & Co., Statesville, heece. 2G. time, now. 3rd. The terms, cash over the counter. a> ranges anywhere from re ] The Beautiful Handkerchiefs for mea and lad Gleves. Underwear for Jadies and men. RK. Ferris’ Corset Waist for women and children. W Form Corsets. for $1.00. Handsome sterling silv Umbrella for $2.75, others charge for same, 33.0. Come and see us, we are out for business. Yours truly, N. B. Mills x Co F A, Sherrill & Go.., WHOLESALE Hosiery, Corsets, Lb. Erect haudle & G. “er - ——- 2zND RETAIL A Special Invitation to visit our store for the remaining days ol 1900 and we wil] save you money on your purchases. Ve are making some interesting gures on many lines of goods and cail your attention to justa few things so you i make no mistake when looking fer bargaics. See our sfrong line of Dress Goods, Waist Goods, Skirtings, GIVE YOU wet Wis ao . Flannels. Jackets, Capes, Mesiery. Underwear, Carpets, Rugs and last, Sut not Shees and Trunks. J erie} See ihe “BLACK CA fer the boys apd giris. (oo | SE. A. Sherrill & Co. ante Rte if Store. ?@oDee® Ginghams. those fine Apron Check Ginghams. L opened to day another case of Ginghams. Same weight and count as Lancaster, yard: others at 4 and Ge. A big line of Queens Ware, only dc. OM Loe Cc Fire lron Stone Goods, Plates, 25e. ms and Saucers, 2o¢. up, other lines ih proportion. A iarge line handsome Pictures. Opal Ware. Bohemian Giuss. and Holiday goods opening daily. A’bic¢ line Rubber Shoes and Boots. New lot of Schoo} Books just in. Another lot of those fam« Wangareo Calf Shoes. for ladics, in today. if you want values co: uy. ES ics : ne ana see Me. J. M. Wiizelm. mre Cerys: EE ES ar d aS REDUCTION IN PRICES SE S * ST A T ES S A $i to $5 reduction, according A to size and style, has been made PU R I N E RE R S CE S SL RE E \ é Be its | ¥ i 2, ¢ 3 7 » > | CHE G it: i Made by Geo. E. Nissen & Company. : | ' \ This 23d day of November, 1909. Flanigan-Evans Hardware Co. AGENTS. SEU Tae —— ee aa ret - OSL LLL LILLSL SE LLL LILLE LEE E LDL DE = i co j SE-N-UG THES’ | ate Talk tt Ayer, = eer eee eel ra sf i VERY business man who expects 10 | increase his business and be in the push must have print dene and he wants the best—prirtis ne -oY best quality, the handsom est pacxayes and the lowest prices ever offered on this ——————— Accident ata Saw Mill. Monday Mr.Mctt Guy, of Sharpes- market. Al! kinds French burg township, who works -at the mixtures, Stick candies, saw millof Messrs. Hunter & Brown, near Bryantsville, fell against tbe saw, and the bottom of one of his feet was sawed off and the heel of the shoe on the other foot was also sawed off. The injury ts quite pain- ful but not thought to be serious. It might have been much worse had bis body not fallen away from the saw. loose chocolates, bon bons. pure creams, etc., etc Special low prices to Suaday schools for their Christmas trees. Raisins, nuts and figs in abundance and cheap. Don’t fail to see us, as We are sure we can please you. Bananas, 5 jin i Oe Malaga grapes, Oranges. yr. Wm. A. Summers aad miss etc. Fresh Oysters almost Eva Gilbert, both of Concord town- every day. Turkeys, cran- ship, were married yesterday at the berries, cranberry sauce, residence of Rev. J. H. Pressly, who mince meet, Ctc- officiated. Our best wishes attend these young people in their married ife. ICOOPER & GILL. The Mascot | Printing Co YOU WEL FIND US ‘ prepared to do your printing in the | ‘ les and at prix ; tractive. eee ee ae | latest. up-to-date sty || too low to mention. | } | | | at that will help your business aud you'l be pleased with our work and prices : Ve do printing i vy Y LL L I LL L LL LY E L L PE PE L E YE LL YS = =] | 2S @5e | “t ' ait biel aS ——= : SOOT EELIELIESLIOTEE | gy 2 ae Wier oe ete testen |Ring us up—’ Phone, 35. | Gz dr“¥ us 2 Postal Card Printing tat pleases 46 wow wis’. Prices Hiat please. 2 ‘ ( Som -10-DATE TRE ea yy mom SF eS ARIE SAR MG tag a ry . . SN ROPE TN ROE OPE Ee 2 a 7 7 “ , - = ; FH oe Titi. - Rey ere ue * % or , ™ > eas ~ <> ‘ g : 4 : \ = : r ae = a | _ —, a aa ET F : . : : : = a: . _- ee Te es ae = niversity of Alabainea Stuceats Re- Counting the Electoral Vote. A Scandalin Army Circles, The Eminent Kidnev K Cc. : & B < = ye PARTY'S FUTURE | trolled from the outside smack ce re Ee Washington Dispatch. xh. ss M : pie ‘ ~ as c It iS an at- 2 lism : schon ares Se } os } = al fenit\en. ath ~, », : . © a-te 7ene } : - = ne | tempt to apply t the e colonial idea to uscaloos2,% Ala., Di sth, The electoral votes are beginning» Quartermaster General Luding Contends That the; “~ Candidate Wiil and Bladder See list. Fast Train, } turearened +€- to arrive at the capitol. Obio was) ton has ordered three additional in- investivatedat the first State to send in its certifi- | spectors to be sent to the Schuyl- Alabama. None | cate. and now Alabama and Missis-{kill arsenal at Philadelphia where | ¢ lint? party i xe Democratic doctrine that a ees rious results is a government, de-|the Univer management and violates the; An uj HE KA NSAS € ITS Limited. rh. - equipped fast train with TEClie: | (seats free) and Palace Buffet Dray. a organization, li i| i 5 i . - 7 ‘ ai | > + sleeping car, leaves Birming} ly . just powers from the con- »accused of complicity have sippi have reported. These certifi- there is an army depot, which sup- | ; 1 Kansas City. Memphic& Benn oe N rork a : OV rom nec | : : 5 — : ee \ = | 12. 2.0 Arti Mem f th e governed. been ced under arrest, a.thou 25 cates have reached here by mail. plies different posts throughout the i =| ak ke fecxtiemoraee Con: I ives font does not make it necessary | all ined to their quart etal It will not be long before the mes-|country and in Cubaand Porto Rico. = {| Se eso Askansan ana oo SN at does ) wake i 4 5 ee ena 7 ats x = mi . a = sor ¢ sir nas “< rf < = SS ealahoanadas any eS forii: 1g z the sitt ing of the court of ino | Sengers willarrive witk duplicates. | Back of this simp! e annour 2ceme nt; i é d ij i Soe = See Bae Cy = rt : ces ee , = ave fought. Jmpe ae | There 1S alway $s a rivalry between | | there are facts which may de -velop- = You have use: a: q | with fast trains for Colorado, Ca! iawsaoee ok matinee 2 have tougbt. nt . x es . ate - a < aes af io e peel lared to be the parambunt > morning about 1:30 o'clock | the electors as to who shall yet a |} | into somewhat sensational scand al | { { acd << Dae 1: ( r the | oo he late can upaign; cia we was begun in the barracks | free excursion to Wash ington. lin the Quartermaster’ s De 2partmeat. | a seris of — res 3<- =| C W.STRAIN, T.P. aA. oe p Issue oO 3 € camps Desay : r moi { aa = “rinks engine ins p no ‘od dorse imperialism becaure}and Commandant West. alter mak-| he certificates already here are It is claimed that ES long time cer- | ; ‘: a { CHAS. JONES. T. P. ALB hy now paorse eee eke a 33 ehance | . re $ = me ind plicans have won? ‘ing an effort to quiet ihe disturbance | wuarded with much care. They = tirms which supply clothing ion | dies but it does i EE at woes uetta hae —~ ~ < . : , . . + = a pl : .1ks about reor-) called for Presfdent Powers The} laced in a special safe, with their | soldiers haye been working off upon eS Ee ee Se | 10,000 AGENTS WANTED < r rd entions th e|stairways to the dormitory had seals unbroken, to remain undis- it | the government larce quantities of jot { yield ii IS «OO GOO FOR a 2 mention - z . asa at é = i . ~. = ) ¢ the apo | been ebstructed with barbed wire), urbed until the second W ednesday iuferior soods and the discovery of | = 4 7 LIFE AND SPEECHES OF it ) : party was de-jand it was impossible for ean vone tO|in February, when the enyelopes | the alleged frauds has just come to | { 5 BRYAN, 7 q G ‘ “) 1896 and ident Powers ca'ledoa! will be opened and thevotes solemn- | | fight. Man ¥. thousands of trousers | 2 = aeons Ix Written by Mrs. Bryan Seah et oe d en erriae shee aS he Speeches revised by Mr. Bryan, tin o f . : = a ne the d sorder | ly counted ve the afternoon of|and shorts 7 Cape cit lly for which the \ i not Dea interested s ee oud} or ee l . epres tt ras Sho'ing Of | that day the Senate and House of | government bas paid large sums ari 2 | golden opportunity for agents. Dont nt A ‘ \ See : : =aal ' = sold s7 copiesin on 2 . pes ¢ ) | t and ¢ 2nhon Re vesentatives will meet in the |1 now found to be practicaliy wor th | = i Sacro ne week: = a el rs eribed as the plain | crackers ras thrown down if f the House at 1 o'clock, with] less, at least not fit to be sentout to] ; H 5 Se Sa Democr: } Linco! vi Aan), RS ea rte SGA fe I ue = ; = tia Prohibitionis ( 2 and, speaking for myst ail. t lth eS EeP> and it PS repor ted. a. some | Preside = t ao Senate and a | the soldiers : Philad : = 7 Seisonky eens aes oa |: aoe Bile i Democratic | of the officers of the school. | ker of the House sitting side by A iarve firm in Philac elphia is : i -g| would rather see Vem : : re pce ee ; cor ” : si oer fee in cea the rights of the mass-| Friday morning a court ofinguiry jsich Tellers will be appointed, and |said to have been quietly working hve - 14553 & a OU = $200. CO GIVEN ya Saeed FLY Gele@na tl bp een } % a eo ae zi : 2 = . oe ~ = : i z : a : Sea el ah ree eee ce it beine unable to se or amp wit abama2 the | tuese goods off unor the quarter- -¢E a ~ for selling 200 books in 5 mont * Y S and be in tbe minority pe, aes 5 called, os Relea age e stu-! omme ann ate a ace Se fees xoods a on ee t ., ae 7 a i ice ran! affactinn inducements. Will guara cs a \ it secure power Ly becomiag the | cure any testimony from = ne st | electoral votes of the States wiil be ; Waster s aepart men yh its name i g C ta Ghee Wa Rites ite = |salary. Distance is no hi = : Rael ; ee ea ee whole matter | in ~ : 3 the !is not disclosed Mo: of these sup- = i =| paid. Credit given. Circt it ‘ : i re ere ber ts, it refer na | duly agnounc ed Objections to the > not disclosed. Ost eos aa ear e eee thi sf outfit, etc., free, but 25 cents mst be. . he « nent x stic|to the lacu.ty. , jrecording of the votes can he made| plies are what are held iv reserve fo S t form ef kidne 1) 1008 Relea SOMCaaT > § | mailing: “Act quick. ‘ : | i ° meetin ha ay eas _ °, thar, nj > + ¢ + ‘ hay ay De Tasty : os t he eine ie ms = . ¥ YAR e 3 10 Td ( | pene tts ar tinn | doctrines abroad. At the faculty a pat ing tine ae j under the law, but, of course, there shipment at euy. — mex yo may De Dr wamp- -Root 1 =e ee poe au a eae io Neate Le oe na RI ata , 2S BeLIONs Nor oe —- | dents pre sented a petition In woich ; will be no trouble on that score this needed. It-is said that the command- , ecific for ; Ce | Wyn ss iV2 you i selling our book on the “Paris roe t eI eee eed ee i, - Comsits Suicide. ; Ourlesy Lows ardthetyoor Wh 2en all the votes have been |ing officers to whom some of the je iid = ee We also } : x : we mrsisits » Sem ET ri-!? ee enue : i ee ae © =- 2 St of McKinley” and other campai ‘ 1 s . ahs emonstration FP ‘et | recorded and added, the announce: | supplies have been sent off lately, of Sire nat and bul i Serko beeen an \ 7 ; asked for relie ;ment will be made that William \fe have been the first to InaKe a protest} ¢ 5 = } : aa Lof tri too & tS: 0) every | Kinley, of Ohio. and Voeodore |avainst them, and that their refusal = = up the : oe i t Gig % w eee m tour waiking In tHE} Roosevelt, of New York. have been | tu accept such goods has led tothe 5 | = OU ern dl ’ > ry Ss rv Le +3 . ian « . es r = “ c Sree ~ = ace ( % t Lo'¢ loel es a = which they claim to 52 eleered President and Vice Presi- discovery taat the Schuylkill depot Dr. = 3 7 e " 1; } i dent of t ee United States. bas on band probably a quarter ofa | E i | Railwa2, ( ‘ he 2c s sr desire corps drills to} Phe curious part of the whole cere-| million dollars worth of clothing | __ “is = y ' ite side of the { 4 } ~ ea : : — hs : helow } "ern i , ler |@ ) Pease! ae 2 arg ibe only three hours per week in mony is = there is no provision! which is below the government Ex-Congressman John E. Fo wler : | THE question, ¢ MEN EE ae a OAS DE NS CA ak se d stead of three aud one-half te fours| of jaw for notifying the fortunate | standard, ii not entirely worthless. | will contest Congr essman Thomas 1 = erence Ww : us eas as thecatalogue calls for, and for|cendidates of their election. They| How far this may prove true re-| coat from the Third district. He| = : STANDARD RAILWAY. } I a Coes regular ereoine rs for drill. They |are supposed to discover this inter-| mains yet to be ascertained; yet it is| claims that votes cast for him in | Th. rt t _ ~ a } =e = : : ; ! iii 3 r : : . , = = T ee ir IDE further state that ail went into the esting fact for themselves, and if|said that the officials are not quite| Graven. Jones, Ouslow and Duplin} wil do this when eve sythi i y © SOUTH + ula ein yea a strat r1ith » forethought Fe epee on viat erace say the 4 bi ise the “= > PANN te ce ee ac - : us W P ; Jemonstration a cue forethought. they are absent on inauguration day wt ease Over the matter because e puntie s were counted for Thomas. j - cy : : “do ulst : . ‘ pear ee NiSi : ; 2 e : alread cent ears £- nore is 5 e Di a]] Poin; : 2 ; DO Shee ge 1 hi ‘fe had | Phe students claim that the climax it will be their own fault. facts are coming to.be made public. } —--__— § else fails. There is no ¢ uibt = The Direct Line to al] Poini- ted in 15%b, because neany Mir fickham and his wife hi: a ater a <5 SN ea = Out 35. 8 re ese affirmed Wier on c o as tee a She of their hardships was reached with eg gta ee General Ludington said today that PE : tee j abc lt nou: , ; Texas ait tbe states mac reait Sie ae ER ence aoe Maes was | He practice of putting men on the Pee From the British Army. |Commander Furay, of the Schuyl- buiids up and: esi > « “ < t } e » 7 oe : Anh , y ays » as o ; = att ps : se = a ° » él 07 i ved it ss was his second wife an ei age Wal uadrangle for visiting and other De irate kill depot, had requested additional = pee erg 4% C2 zifornia i Ae ae didiy wet ra 39 years. She was the ee petty offenses. Nae ae i leged inspectors and that they. kad been i wie POAV ATONS ana 4 a = YS) th. y >a ip ns ‘ : 7 S = f 3) a > oF; Semen eat = € ites : Pe rout hay James OnerS: cs EE ore “ fk Yesterday the students refnsed to| An ncceet 0 to the 2 ee sent. He thought,jhowever that the 7 : : = S i eta . l , A. T 2 ALS sys Ee = he} aaron? he realli ou WOWG BOVE! yr, Wickham told the reporters thet! assemble at the military calls, and |bazing of Cade 00Z a e Stl extent of worthless zoods was being St : Tons, eae i i Fi: rida the same as areiteration, a ke went home last night at} iii oliew has bee sued today. | Point Military Academy has just ly exaggerated. He thought} Bi ss ? I cee o¢ oe se Saarke eis policy has been pursuec y. ies Sear ele greatly exaggerated. e thoug 7h = ve oe aginst = rs : sw ; rd Save raanieatcres > . y . ; : fe SYS SaiNse = an be he found his wife = as cars” | All military duty in disregarded. ada Soa here : = se'y tO! that it would be found that the sup- Healihy Mathers = SE ee ee Cuba and CO so consti ened and silent, ar eee Cie so — stir volunteer c— pears oe plies were up to the standard when } : te ish atiacis. il sans are § / au : stance. He w anted aoa oe A Circuit Rider Performing Bishop's ere The facts oS brie y tOUs- 15 they were passed by the inspectors & Few mothers are healthy, because = ‘3 down or ai naciated you 7 Pp 7 q rt » th ve tfor his bed so tried to get in his Eovretions: When the First Warwickshire and that possibly some had become W their duties are so exacting. The anxiety i rm Se r oe orto Rico. tran ed the controve rsy from t the Wife’s room. As her key Was 1nsice Greensboro Special to Raleigh News and Obser- Volunteer Artillery Was 16 Camp shop wornand moth eaten since thea. 4 EP SaLe the shock oe a Idbirth, = should Cori iiniV take this Fs : meh E s 3 Selene tee E - = : platform to the candidate If such] ofthe lock. he demanded admittance. ver, rath. last summer an unpopular lieuten-|j, 3%)” = > fac and the care of young children, are ching t hcime i Noe = waded eecordice 1 Bee tne ae erates ie Ge neces ead SE Ras Soe This pete on aa eee iM severe trials on any woman. But with i nourishing E oa medicine. ' pacity a all Theos Equip- r : : ga eae es mee - vu ntrance but ke forced i rom Danbury, the capita 0 Sicor = and TAS mad . the victim of coat arge suppiles 2! een ue i 2 Wine of Cardui within her grasp, every 5 : Ror. a ‘ race aid : *, 2 ment ona rovgh and See eg et gh i eee ainst bis cs he fourd a cork-| Stokes county, comes a most remark | OblCcer's : a a < H area ed at the beginning of the Spanish- | BR mother—e~ery woman in the land—canfg| ; S07" _ Cher : Local Trains; Pullman as =u abandonment Ot tie mou his way in. Ee seys he courd a cork able story. The report involves a constant horsepley. e appeale 1 ; a 02am 1 American war, and not all of them ee ee ngyenae weet lL the s fpay the cebt of personal health she j Howes her foved ones. Do you want ‘ tioyY Palace Sleeping ae on al] He eee ae ee eee ee yeti [Screw OM the bed attached to the) i eye the M. EY Church South, | for redress to Lieut, Col, Owen, the had yet been used. 3 wiil offer at prices that will move them Now OExpeditious Journey. his decision See 7 AT Night Train ad safe . bave insisted that tue party Stilllcork of CODY poeae es and a country physician, andif true, |COMmanding officer, but failed” to No explanation was made as to| @# robust health with all its privileges cdl PANY BRED CHICKENS! Sek oa s: Fast and safe nd To ; pagne. Unde der 2 cot in Mrs: _W ick- they are both guilty of a travesty on | Obtain it. He accordingly applied why they should be allowed to be- pleasures? Wine of Cardui will give it co * 2 Weasel iy das oaths: cmd wos - ! Gam ’s room her husband de clar es oo It appears that the minis- to the War Otfice and an ee come worthless on the government’s 3 ee ee ee ane ee eee ate E t Ww - Davis, of New York ter—Rev. W. H. Perry, amember of | VS granted. The result of this is hands. General Ludington said i Rock and other breeds of Chickezs. which I . and F ee < rof maintenauce of way an in an ncement which ap- : iY engineer of maintenance of wa the Wesiore North Carolina Confer- |Se¢2 in an announcement which ap-liias ny representatives had come to ) 3 to buy cheap, as 1 must make roon. of the Erie road. Both he and Mr: will otter - = Nerpe + vale > » ep APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS eitondiod) one fully dressed. A {ence and pastor of the Danbury cir- | Pe2 On. ae ae a odey. pees him from the inspectors as yet and 4) for winter. ee J.M.GIBRs. z Sct) WOR TOKE Tarces se Sccael be cepa ee e Bee ge *- | cuit—is a firm believer in the doc- | Coi. Oven, Lieut. Ker s ce ee that no investigation had been ord- ‘ November 20, 1900. eae INFORMATION, f ud remainea > ff reds » a says “ : “e . . > rom the os Z S ice ee et ae ee ie oe Sey" ltrine of sanctification, or freedom ee Johnson are ret CtTer Mai Jered although he was not ia!a posi-| BF strengthens the female organs end invig. F4 aaroramans a i veme »C ~~ WwW? sse y purpose EB 3 oe . nteer f¢ a e al 2Sty . 7 5 oy a ‘ “|e called witnesses for Lats ee from sin. Professing sanctification | Volunteer force. er : Se tion to say what woula be done in| J orates weakened functions. For every 33 Another Big OO Urs |B. L. Vernon, F Darby, si > » S sro- = - eS ‘ , sro > } 2 .. we = wi <a ry = ee was 2 nS eee sa ae ee himself, he claims that God has en- | baving — eae pees on ee cir tbe case. He is not disposed as yet | BM female i!l or weakness it is the best 5 Just received at T. PL A., C.P &T.A. Ky oe Sc He also summoned a} dowed him with special power and|Services.”’ This formula is always}1o gy Dlame upon apy one for the] i medicine made. Ask your druggist for i CHARLOTTE, N.c. ASHEVILLE. N.C Q cach ivorate O. P. Howell, of Orange oem + dinarv employed without further explana-|.1),0.45 frauds or to admit that cer-| $M $1.00 bottle Wine of Cardui, and take no f : = ? ae = a authority not delewa sted to ordinary : alleged frauds or to admit that ¢ : : Mills & Allson’s. No trouble to answer quest ve* |county, to arrange at once proceed- mortals, and that he ¢an ordain per-| tion to denote ae unbecoming train’ contractors have committed | i Asubstitute under any circumstances. i = questions. the si deen es for divorce. See sa eae “form | Ollicers and gentiemen. mana é Crass, G Mich: “When I Frank §. Gann: LMwe as eed sons to the ministry and perform : 2d genti : frauds. Bi] Mcs. Edwin Crass, Goamer, Michs en 1 Bg ralhod, «= J. MI Gal ¥. in the « who Among the other, witnesses were | =?! = : = © Bene Lieut. Col. Owen served in the Bi commenced using Wine of Cardui I was hardly able } ¢ Sale of Property. iv. P&G Mt T p 4. Tart 5 : The | 1 : t ver of the) ebeer unusual offices. Bengt parcel titi ipaecea bien at me oe Bf Ef to walle across the”house. Two weeks after I walked 3d. Vv. P. en. Man. raf..Man. G. ‘ ee mess Prof. Lemsche, ma poe Stee In accordaace with these views, |VOlunteers for forty years. Such Pg esa Tecas BH half a mile ond picked strawberrics, When my Hl Dy virter ofa decree of the Superior Cour, WASHINGTON, D-C. n beer | Lemsehe Business C yilege joca te d I ae tar attempts at persecution are com- Drain ROvuvery ssi LEXAS. Brg other child ws koral suffercd with labor pains 24 \ of Iredell county, N,C., in the cause enti - ae e a 7 iL. Ber the Rev. Mr. 1 erry recentiy accom- 4 ae pees : sual- | Texarkana, Texas, Dispatch 8 OF sours, and had to raise hizn on a Fottle because I had tled J. A. White, admintstrator of Ira Wooten | —-—-——- = : ee = the same 6 wil iding at : <= a panied Dr. B. W. Bitting, of Moun-| paratively frequent, but are usual-| Texarkana, Texas, Dispatch. Rij no cui, Ater using the Wine Ree i deceased, vs, Thomas Keneger et. als., at s 5 ee ae Seo a mie | tain View, to a pool of water near |/y igoored by the authorities. A bold robbery on the Cotton Bi ein sc cay fa haute wit Bat pan Oe eee See oe Yo ou. Need marshes telephone “exchange. ee Piedmont t Spr ‘ings, where be went anere is great indignation amon B vit Railway occurred teday at Bas- ie and 1 bave plenty of mil: ee etree | "SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22ND, 1900, n t wri fe “ une wron¢e z ay S i 1 1 =) ment in my heakh ae inc je he Ti. eee eer 5 on t Pee pee » prote sted that ROBINS wrong through the form of the ceremony the volunteers. of Birmingham, | ett’s. Texas. 30 miles soath of Tex- Sfp seat in my he ak i Se gs ise acoe ie ling ee SN *jeciOrimM One<ne | had taken place. After this scene te M ‘nicte where the cashiered officers reside, ka n tbe train coming north, For advice in cases requiring epecial directions. 4 | lands situated in the county of Iredell, N. C., or Hoaith sane, xX DEESS fone we und savs he re.}of ordaining a Methodist minister. | ¥! Seo rkana, on the train coming nor Mi adisess, giving symptoms, “The Ladies’ Advisory fq | 4RGS sitw..ted in the cox : ; eee aa left 2 ue Sea reas ee his The Q - doctor was told teat he was en- | OVET the ac poe of the War OBiice. | in which Postal Clerk : John N. pen: ej ras ee pt : Beginning aia black oak in Martha Gaither's hires g.been distrust | sired to his own room opposite is] 70e Gpeion var 1010 Uh he wae co;| The other o@icars of the regiment| Teen e ores Clerk Sona S Den | 7 Eatawiee File iatantmeee| TNSyrance e Hy he conventio: 2s. whe vas sleeping whe : have dec : ; 3s @ = zs 35 EqJ oak, Joh rent’scorn aim G: eet 1 Or fe's, w bere | Re was 3 i a noes ane oh wsinistry and Sees mel decided to resiga unless the pouc ee “of | nis car Sa if their con ie SS eat asar Ty ea line, thence North 69° reite S aw eatieued by hearing two s nO to go out in the world and preach | War Ofice accedes to their joint re-| tants. The amount stolen is pot y H east with said Gaither” oe but. now e Wickham left three oS 7 ° i es en quest to reinstate the dismissed offi-]}-,, J. As the trainleft Bassett’s Hayes, io chains to a black gum, thence South S 4 ; ‘ £1} t 1€ h u the doctrine of sanctification. 4 : 1 ou Known. As the train = : sochains toa black cak in Hiram Campbell's ee ° rive i 0 her eos a > I = Dr. Bitting seems to have soon |Cers. ir Ls cae cee Roe re nor cE MS | water tank, atv 6a. m., the express serait ef Screed Brown & Gu + j vand, = one to Jr. tired of his ministerial relations, and | cashie red the ae poe ie re-jand mail cars a separate -d fron J. A. WHITE, y> t \ ) ;oam> her musdan< yer s sblish < his | quested Adjutant Aumberiy to Yre-!the train, but the train crew soon This November 1eth, r900. | Commissioner. no aes ere ereceerste ‘ ‘ eens oe decided to | stab! sa ree o a 4] Se eae a SiG acest rca INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS. , ) own—one that would meet the spir-|Siat- a , eae Sort ieeutaieer arene oi LS a ce ank Buildi b tual wants ef the world as he saw tl He seutenant who was persecut-| yon from there to Texarkana the sree eee fi 5 Othce—Second Floor Bank Building. me : Ithem. With this end in view, he|¢ed is named Steed. coaches were uncoupled twice ina DeWitt Karly Risers are Notice. == - = j act Wi nae formulated whet he was pleased to er 0 oe et very mysterious oe Oni < ue dainty is but they never HE UNDERSIGNED Administrator of W. L. Become NUNN onl ai sat iN cc eye PELE tu ade AN “ Cans Freel Sp ce iret a aie cre eure eee ty { the train here the Inited i... ae ee lanton, deceased, will the ioth day of f 1 . call the aock ae p: aac inde p ees Se Se nae a = epey oe ar ~ tks fail to clea 24iver, remove ob- pears en atenaat meee or the aaa Are you needing any ; from $50,- Church of Carist. When Mr. E OEY | vonkers XS Deepen ath. Sietes ease clerk acs: a a Seaton ee invigorate the sys-|W.L.Cia nto in Iredell county’ near Rocky thing in the ; ts wnor of (earned of this he was greatly dis- rs door of the mai eee ear fem” W. F. Hall, Tr bi arr ata socalled toe ee to the 1 2 a a cS p! eased and undertook to revoke the Rabbi Samuel Mil! er, of the Sy jsponse. Oiticials then ponecs oe X. sane of ‘the said w. I, Clanton, lying on the ong other } sr i di Shelagor } In Stréet, was In court > dtheclerk, Jobo N ers of Snow Creek containing 73 acres more seh od Pa he } agorrue OF Main stree Cc trance ar yund the clerk, . D IN. raters of Sn Cre 7 e 1d the big nee nse he had granted Bittin. The ee < mre ee ene nce 2 id fo a etbecis so aoe raters of Sno iokpeekieeee ese roa i ae ve latter refused to surrender the pa- his m rnl ig to answer t eo 7 Den i st etened upon the floor, ap- Suiperior Court to make assetsio pay debts, en ae ae pers, the civcuit-rider-circulated a} Charges of assaulting members of his parently dead A burried ;This December 11th, Pee nes aseey a ¢ an opr letter in the vicinity brandtuy the} ccugrexation just before a prayer|tion showed that the teres “ “Administrator z S96 no oY a} key i as ‘ eViula rw Remorse ee — Se m er - as 1 . I ‘ ae i also founder of the new church as an im- service 1n Be an onue Samuel | ; yackaves had been opened and roe! eS EES ARON ee ad reannaterg emeae ; Se vey : poster. Heverman, of 38 Riverdale avenue. bed of their contents, the most valu- North Carolina ) Superior he United “tes. fo } ‘ ye Gosher 2 , . a3 ified Bee 4 ari Anal at. bole Tica ia er oP armhe a fate is said to have caused ajone of the complainants, testified |ayie of which was the Waco-Mem By e0 sia Cur ace re Do you want to get it y = Ua eae cee i SL Er creat deal of excitement, csnecially | that he had had a quarre ‘| ae the phis through pouch, containing a 13 hy g oe NOTICE oe Danmar SOs ea apa conmien aay A Dect of interest to Women. [2 eran roperegations of which|rabbiina butcher shop on River-Jiasce + umber of valuable packues G SIMs. aa aetna. re ty among the congregations «of which - ae saree uM A > } ~ a eae i si ewan, i i Dispateh, 14th. Mr. Perry is pastor dale avenue, that when he visited| 4 physician was sent for and it was Siac Ss what you eat. a Beedle imscabskbosciar cat on At a eit : Ludrews. in the Supreme = —p— . S G synagogue ae x the argument found that Dennis was acive but un-! wt EE ly digests the food and aids tat in the Suy poaer Court of Ircdell sconnty tx aes ) ¢ Ae Re He Rea aay oe ew ce a > ¢ >y° toele K Se s “ ’ ’ j Tike v ; s yor » r - | to difsolve the bonds of matrimony existing be- a : a h own 2 decision Porto ) Rie ants as Slaves. "as resume d and Miller attacked conscious. An ugly wound in 3 | Semueting th ean and recon roe = the said plaintiff and defendant; and Bar ain : se Woman | El Paso, Texas, Dispatch, 4th, him with his walking stick, beating top of his head told the story. Two ucting the exhausted digestive or- the said defendant will further take notice that . : The| According to thetr own statement | him across the head. Samuel Wolff, hours after he was taken to the hos | £208. Itis the latest discovered digest- Bene red to appear at the ext term of the ‘ = ba SE cy oe ea par ng User omen ; Senter : males Seeing -iy¢ | 82tand tonic No cther preparaticn | supcrfor Court of said county to be held op the sasee tis ation b y the two cCar-!oads of Porto Ricans|anothber member of the synagogue, pital he revived suGicie ily to BIVE | “2D approach it in elliciency It ed 4th Mdnday before the eo ais of March, z If you do, right here is the “< Vy - “ = WAccoGg Oud tity -je -avor ‘para Mi € aT > robi , . % * | joor, ath the court house of said cox inty in States- ™ 0 ” h L be i a ame nake r, to en- who passea throug Lge this city vester end avored to sé Pp te Miller and the details of the robbery. te stantly relieves and permanently cures aoe = — aoe Scans Mocn-eareaeieee Bee place. I want to buy an f \. Omdrak, her landiord, | day were decoyed or kidney: ped from Eggerman and mob a blow across Just as the train parted at E:s Dyspezs ia, Indigestion, Heartburn, plaint inh said action orthe plaintiff wil! apply entire new line this fall and Hy ( « the front door of the} their native land by American labor|the bead that seut niin unconscious | sett’s tank, Dennis went into ihe Flatulence Sour Stomach, Nausea, tothe o part for the relief demanded in said thercioreieenliccll now a Pao eee not immediatety admit-|ageats for t aS Spree kles s suyvar plan-|to the floor. According to the tes- vestibule of the mail car to stir uy» | Sick Headaci.. Sastralgia, Cramps, and ‘Tits Tyee 13th 1900. J. A, HARTNESS. 2 vt Cumiery st oh Mesias . : +3 “© . 7 . eae » > *, ve to t he ti when she rang the bell, |tations in Hawaii, but whother orjtimony there were » about 15 persons | the fire. When he opened the vesti- all other results of imperfect digestion. Re B. MCLAUGHLIN Atroen’ Superior Court. [EX CHEDINGLY LO W, RY sesh. Wt ue ba "4 — oo ™ . t . . y, 7 he will not take that which belonus | Miss Abelisays she leased two rooms | not their story i is true cannot ve as [in thesynagogue at the time and bule door he saw two men standing| ‘*reeored by E C. DeWitt &Co.. Chicaco. i onions o another, no matter how great the | from the defendant to carry on her certained at this remote point. |they all took a hand in the scuffle in| py the stove, one of whom dealt him Northf{Saroline In the Superior PReerocieicnrs: temptations may be dre: ssmaking and sleeping in at $55| While detained in this ci.y foran]an endeavor to quiet Rabbi Miller. | g terrible blow over the head with a Ta EE _ [Alexander Sounty j Court. ex i ai he De noeratic party stands for}2 month. She was to be allowed to hour the natives were Keo _under Several witnesses corroborated Eg-!tire shovel. The first blow felled J. @. STCLAIR } No baryain'to offer the ‘ere = the Declaration of Independence. have her gece open from 7 a.m, to|the strictest surveillance ‘y their |yverman’s story. The rabbi denied him and he was then quickly beaten ze i VS. non f NOTICE. buyer. No matter how good. and will oppose any policy which = p. m.. but was to be admitted af-} guards. A patrol was placed on each that he was the assailant and said he | into asenseless condition. He knew | § The defendant above named will take notice 1C violate the principles set forth}terwards at any reasonable time. side of the cars and the inmates] was simply defending himself} nothing more until he was revived £ that an acition entitled asabove has been com- RICKE RT. iu that sacred document; the Demo- She complained that on November]| were even prevented from buying |from a violent attack by several an-|in the Texarkana hospital. He is in/s OSE pecmoateiet : ratic party stands for the Jeffer-] 10th and 13 she was locked out, and| fruit froma Mexican vender who was tagonistic members of the congrega | 4 critical conditioa. 5 Te matrimony. and the said defendant will further The Jeweler and Opticiar. Re epee eet ane Cotas ond cee had to go to} close at hand. tion. Judge Kellogg reserved his}’ Examination of the car showed’ ONT yeu have f take noticelthat he is required to appear at the sonian doct rine of equal riguts to ali} 9" bee second oc -casion had to £0 to close z So SXxAaMination oO © pe B22 Eis % next term @f the Superior Court of said i ———$ —————______ a hotel : at when th lecisio til the e of Wolff] +. > robbers gained entrance ~ os KNOW it ‘You i, Se ; id special privileges to none, and}2 hotel. They claimed that wh they |decision unti cas that the robbers gained entrance] y~ 4) > > “ & WV [to be held om the 3rd Monday in February, 1901, Y e M W t d. au sae er 4 a se - es. : he Vere 1 r i wil oes any policy whi aii si0- Omdrak said it was necessary to| boarded the ship they pahiered they against the rabbi is heard tomorrow. through a small trap door in the 5 Vay ; “Know all ¥ aCe gus of setdeotnty in Taylorsville: oung en anie ates thut doctrine. It will in 1904 keep the house locked at night, as | were to be taken toa port on the Op- ee floor of the vestibule. In the vesti-]}; BALE Pabout the Said on ne Ae apply pom ITH fair education and zood character, to . “ : 77 - rT —_ : e = A . : . — we £ o z ws it did this year, appeal te all who{the tenants had a great amount of| posite side of their island, und while In Memory of Presaly Rumpie Who |bule is a crack through which one R/$ heavy feeling ee See oe Se V Learn Telegraphy, Kailroad accounting, clieve in those pri rciples, valuables there. Tustice Andrews{bere yesterday they allezed that Dird Oct. 17th. i900, Aged IS. can uncouple the cars and, it is be- | Hit We ee eer Clerk Superior Court. fo eae Sareea We are encac st be- | Said he could not compel the defend-| they had no idea where tacy were|._ : ‘ lieved, that i it was the intention ofthe |p? ain Jno. I, Gwhltney, Att'y. reliable institution of its kind. All our gradu- We are engaged in a contest be ) rf Correspondence of the Mascor. a 3 >.“ formatio o he ates are assisted to positions. Ladies also ad- tween plutecracy on one side and eae to give the plaintitf a key to the; being taken. Most of them were to- : robbers to disconnect and get con raat iOrma ee of gas, tie ; mitted. Write for fece catalog. (Fall term ‘ Semcon on abe other, The Dem-]| Outer door, as by the terms 2s 2 er tally ignorant and had never seen a} _How cians ES — aces trol of both cars. It is impossible vf SY Rausea, sick headache, Noti e to Creditors Opens August 15th.) +H COLLEGF om ocratie Fury canbot take both sides; lease che was only entitled to acco |lange city oF tailwag. “At Sander-| Sv mvt the worng oe to tell what the robberssecured. bu" |?- and general weakness of ; Pr Ctbe TEtecrarn connor - : S oe } ee “ se Texas. where t ars are side- o sce the v arly >lieve > vade a cood be a ene . AVING quilified as administrator of the site eee est stand Gnitiie one siae or the at reasonable hours. He vra nte som, Lares. ees ae = s < Sa ee ge a CE it is believed os made ag ae 5 te hole body, estate of Jeane Ostwalt, deceased, motico is other, and it must choose between / ber 6 preliminary injunction, requir- trackec _to Mi ime sO as i ma. e ‘ Officers are on the case, but there i- |) 4 You havei k hereby given jto all persons holding claims Dr P Fr LAUGENOUR the two elements which are seekine | ing the defendant to permit her to}]Cconnection with the ship at San] A nobleyoung life has fled little to work on, as the men cou? } » @ ucan t ave itawee against the est@te of said deceased to present the ° ° < 7 vhe eiements are seexing < es oe alex . ‘d tl His fort Guikesamonchedead Aifhar iv 4 Seta . b] same tome f payzent within twelve (:2) support. If it takes the pluto. enter her premises at all reasonable | F rancisco, some Mexicans tid the Ss form now lie: z Ss have left the car at three differect | - ws your ood months from date of this notice or it will be Dentist,* tie side it will not only lose the hours and promptly open the door|Porto Ricans that they were in a ose ete sent Sore. places before the train arrived bere. | 7 4 impure and your Re ee ose ees ha . une ; a = ink im i ’s cold sleep. , = oO s r ~ support cf those who now look to it | for her up to 12 o’elock at night. free country and that their ae ee ee Word reached here at noon that |} ¥ s all exhausted. prompt payme t Sr okey pe came STATESVILLE, N. C. : x : ae i restrain them. is] Oh; it did crush his parents hearts tw pec:s have been arrested i ae This November 7th, 1900. J. M. OSTWALT, : : to champion the rights of the people, a had no right to restrain ti : : D WO Sus} ‘ les Ss} a ses Will is office two weeks. but will find itself unable to outbid]. ee incited some of the emigra:sts to at-{ To seea loving son Soa Naples near the scene of the robbery BE oan eee J, B. Connell aubisntratr Se ae be Seite mation Monday in each : » Republi ‘an partv for the favor Baltimore Sun. tempt to escape, but the sheriff, it] It fills for them a ciyof woe bur none of the packages were Y g POT Yor month. Cailiion iat Bor anything those who believe in putting the Phe mun who does not pay his|is said, frightened them intosubmis-| Which only loving parents know. tound. Dennis isan old and trustec | | i ae esi i Faeries tye lew llac above the m mean. This v ee our poll tax in wlississippi on or before siou by firing bis pistol above rheir But He who rules the earth and skies, mai! clerk. | 1 y J: lara is year. Hie tee 3 : Beb ; a een 3 ase oe a he find it to your interes t to do so. ee took the people’ s side against he 1st day of February next, under | heads. From His high courtsthe mandate flie<: BORIS Ges Re ; Work do best manner.,Prices hives ras x the bill which has passed the Legis- a + — And qnick an angel band wll come ~ - ee | f ne in = mat aus : the encroachment of o ganized ‘ight in A re re a Cremiate a in the Mange. -f 19w. Only the best maiérial used. ieee nee etn hi teise ue opposed by lature of that State, will have hac A Bull Fight in Arigona To bear them to the Father's home. Rockee es oe Sra we |< ' = a ? ae Saat ie st e sochester. N. Y. Dispatch, 14th. ni many whose Te name published in the county paper | Phoenix, Ariz., Dispatch, sth. We should not mourn or greatly «gh : a | A — 2ny whose interests it espoused, : aie ts 1 poles 2 g 1" s cid aby of Mre.j €: it must continue the tight, for it bas|25 Gelinquent, as a man who re Ministers of Phoenix ave aroused} yor thoce the Master tases on high. The two months ci | baby of Mrs. j © > aoe no other reason for existe nce. fuses to contribute $2 to the educe-| indignation in this place over a bull-| there crowns of life Sothern acne James Dennis. of Newark, N. Y Of d G There is some talk of reorganizing | tion of his own children, but is will-| fight scheduled to take place here| ‘That sparkle with the cems of heaven, was burned to death in the famiic/%.. y St in etd } je , > f y ° co rane ves ay. ms > i fet the party. but this does not, Eels 3 [ins for his ne is ehbor to do SO, and Monday, the ope ning da y ot the car Could we but see that sun-bright clime pee ky yesterday. Mrs Signa a fi iF o a _ — = = : rule, come from those who support-|/et them reap an education in the|nival. “They planned _to tei graph | That ties berond the shores of time, the house about 1 o'clock bavi ay A : 3 oan ON TIME. > ed the ticket. The threat of reor-|SWeat_-of the other fellow’s face.|the Presideht and United States] where love and joy forever reign. start eda firein the range previous | 4 1? FI Cc Meat, eanization will not amount to muct} Moreover he wil] be disfrancbised. } Attorney General, in hope that they O would you call him back again ? to ber dep: ce The baby, Carie- | y 4 Ss m x I. wbave our, orn, ganization will not a EEEOCEYS Prato an areas om , 2 Aa eecttin te es De Blick cio ee ; > . loore & McLean have a full etc., for sale on time. See is confined to the men w ho and will risk .the 3200 fine and wouldinstruct the territorial o cers To brothers 2nd sisters Ionely left ton ennis, Te left in charre OUDIS Ye a Sar a-75] line of the S ish R ’ * t ti ao ‘ - a} . a me , TOU Fa si T vi < a i PALER — a Tk <4 a a 7 their love of Democracy by | 5'X months in jail if he hereafter at-|to prevent the battle with wild bulls. | eat sigh in AE three year old brothex Carl. The '& 4 other garsaparilles were Soapsieesas Sonne S <oot me woen ao want tee ing the Repu blican ticket. “;tempts to vote ata primary elec-| Acting Governor Akers was Waited] ‘rhere is a land where you will meet nee remained away ionger than fee oe Tt te he word ish Root which a es Bae FOr ee eagptad : ‘ who calls himself 2 Demo- tion, for it is asserted, the taxpayers | upon today and the United S:ates! And sharethat bliss forever sweet. he had anticipated, and-when near} 5 7 S192. Page toe ee Rocky = ia ears Se ae lly, Saha ures his opposition lare tired © f bay ing tt reir votes killed | marshal at Tucson was notified of ore elisa eet eee ing the house, the odor of burning! é 4 O2rsapariua ~ far mous ae Sienna It is a Respectfu Vy; as a reascn for defend ing}! by sach political drifr wood, and the nis daty to prevent a violation of Where trees of life in beauty stand: iflesh greeted ber. Hastening in she ee ever the whole w orld. putrid Steal tetas no Se ro COWAN, e army aud an imperial | judges of the State may be expected the United States laws. The special] ther espa ur tante eens wes horrified to see the feet of the a 7 Boe “sno 0: her sarsa- sits eee enters TI SIRT At Brick’stare. Pack, of Harri" late campaion wi | to charge the erand juries, who are}act of 1896 makes bull fighting and To quench the thirst of every sont, youngest ¢ hild sticking out of the F q es la lik ~ it In age and a bas Se Se er $$ $$ $<—__—— } i aan oh fie hater ed Geen Eee ys “pavers prize-fichtine felonie hile the entire stove was. } PStu chaise ten ae ap been analyzed hanily be accepted as a Democratic | COMPS ed of ta: Senne indict prize lighting felonies. The ACtINg| spay we not hope he is at rest ae pe cea nee a to cure it’s “ The experts and found to be the SEED WHEAT leader, so lox the party deserves | SUCH persons, and the district attor-|Governor declares he will call out In that high world among the blest he neaied tua red heat. Thechild had > te See tate on purest e d EAS the De mocratic name. It is generous | BEYS: ¥ who in ti xe future must lock | the militia to stop the bull fight. Seedion cakcceaniconpeec tae ra wled into the over acd bad eitber Yd feader of them ail. rt a ae in the world. 5 an af these self-styled Democrats to of-|t? the taxpayers for election, will} A local syndicate at considerable The glories ofeternity. fallen asleep or had been unabdlero $1.00 2 bottle. All druggists. keer xe 's own remedy RYE aa A LMCSS a +58 ww = oat . : - i < c sea . fer to withdraw from the Republi-|20* fail to do their part of the busi {expense has engaged six celebrated A FRIEND. yet out when the stove vegan to get ty 4yer’s Pills cure constipation. Saale : ee Call on oe can perty long enough to inoculate | 2&SS Up to the hilt. matadores, or bull-fighters. of Mexi- hot. ; “A tter gafering terribly I was “ and examine the line. For SALE AT ae fesse acts 2 " a ic : induced to try your Sarsaparilla. I r Xelso emocratic party with the virus | ~ Psa e sae a co, and a number of picado~ = as | Many persons have had the expe- a 7 three Lottles and now feel like J. L. Cowan’, ae “y, but the offer will not | ismarck’s Iron Nerve bandilleros, with a berd of wi.d‘bull ‘rience of Mr. Peter Sherman, of it saved His Lee. sy I would advise all my Moore & wea t ae Be gree NG er ea ec ao Sa "i : ~ s : ares to try this medi ~d ae wecepted by those who are wed~j © Was tae result of his sp'endid} to ey ae eae mn ody North Stratford. N. H., who says, P.A. Danforth, of LaGrange, Ga, bs 18 Stood the test otetoeeee Sy ted to Democratic principles and to | health. Indomitable will and tre-jbull-fight as witnesse = iexico. | “Por years I suffered ‘torture from suffered intensely for six months pf 1s curative ieee c= McLean. Don't The De “nocratic poticies. Whenever it} mendous energy are not fourd Arrangements were made auietly, chronic indivestion., but Kodol Dys- | with a frightful running sore an his bY Jas. 30,1899." “Browntown, Va. —| Cough : that es necessary to reorganize tre! where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and | but since strong opposition - evel-| repsia Cure made a well man of me.” leg, but writes that Bucklea’s Ar- 7 G Write the Dector FOR S 1 ugn, SS tose tic purty—a neces sity not! Bowels are out of order. Tf you oped the SEoteneoa eee it} Tt digests what you eat and is a nicaSalve wholly cured it in ten §& If you have any complaint whatorer ALE! When you can buy twe, pparent —it will be reorganized want these qualities and the success | Will put on the fight stripped of its | certain cure for dvspepsia and eve-/days. For Ulcers. Wounds, Burns, 5 a ee ern HAVE THIRTY-TWO head of young cattle Ctio _ irom the bottom, so that the voters they bring, use Dr. King’s New] Worst sae Recently, aa Tee form ot stomach trouble. It gives} Boils, Pain or Piles it’s the dest C4 froeiz. You will receive a prompt re- sae eee Sacral atte. Jars h y osth can have a voice is the work of re- Life Pills. They develop every | *‘ricted bull fizbt was held in Tus- relief at onee even in the worst salve in the world. Cure guaran- de nee monthsold. Nine calves six or seven montha Hall’s Ccugh sama organization. The suggestion that power of brainand body. Only 23¢{¢0n, Ariz., and there was 30t a pro-' ,eases, and can’t help but do you | teed. Only 25c. Sold by W. PF. = tall and see me: will se rearomai Syri orth a party can be reorganized and con- at W. F. Hall, Jr.’s, drug store. test. ‘good. W.F. Hall, Jr. _ Hall, Jv., druggist, ov. agth, 1000, Fulbright, N.C.” yrup. a i. * yea i P - Se EN a i o53 A oe 7 eae a w ~— mo LET er PE Se see 5 ER aT PASAT Y te Ne mat a * / / | — jf / ! mo ® f mag, a 7 Ng / j ‘ s ? te me ¢ Lf) é 4 4 \ -f f os 2 F / » iy k / ~ oe eae - ——" —— = t - * = — a se oS = - __ | | pe : wa r t LEW , 2 | 7 le all kinds of Granit Marble k the trac nd | day from Kansas City, Mo. ndle all kinds of Granite and Marble known o the trade a 5 i aS RS ane ng ae will work at the blacksmith’s trade | Sp2at Christmas here. aera for Wr. B. P. Young Miss Mattie Poston is visitirg| n “ ° ai taes neat) za € St Mater al, A ary kiln containing lumber| friends io Mooresville 3 oy < } Tien dat 5 . 4 + ot ~~ , tz worth about S100 was burned at tne Mr. W. A. Thomes went to Marion Firs?-Ciass wors msn aoe ee ore isaw mill of Messrs. W. A. bine & |last week on business. . an . lw. nice ¢ ¢ st week. i 5 X i i > nd SOW EST Prices Co. one nighs Jast we Mr. M. C. Wood, of Davidson, is ag Messrs. Clint MecHargue and|spnending the holidays here. “rank Shoemaker, and their fami ia noe, REI we, 7 I rank Shoemake re and thei farni eee << SATE lies, cf Olin township, left last Fri-]. (als < xn Roeiioe > SP QF dol = ; : ™ , lis here visiting Mrs. J. wm Barkley. 4 a day for Gatesville, Texas, where oa ee S sville, N. C. they will tive. Mrs. T. C, Alexander is in Etkin, mee EE A ges victh..wewe | Visiting her daughter, Mrs. Click. Serene The new street between Mulberry : 2 4 a f § and Rage streets bas been opened Miss Emma Eagle, of Charlotte, : oy £3 if ci hee " FP R and fixed up. It hasn't been cbris-]is visiting at Mrs. R. L. Poston’s. Ret sned ye will ¢ ater. . , . a SiGe EE ree ea tened yet, but will get aname later Mr. H. W. Clifford came in last kine Business. Deposits received | maid on time deposits. Money loancd on go0r = eure Snhecial attention paid to collections on weral and personal security. 51 ay Accounts of Corpor- points. and credited or remitted at lowest rates. eee : = : cos Merc! nt Vianufacturers and Individuals 50 icited aud rece | ns. Merchants, alte on the most favorabdie terns. Fr EO xo (YH AR PC ruc. i lS j en : Vi resi , neg & COGESE, Fresicert, « ©. UwvERm. Vice Fresidem ¥ TA , 5 & eit wv Ge. EP 72d se. Cashier. . nit . AO Ail MEET ES MR DRA ent! Sate i) OE ad er PRICE COMPANY'S Eclipse Fertable Circular Saw RON Wit Srpultaneous racket setting honed blocks and cable rope reece to nost seusitive feed ever pub 6m a sade most seus : a enili. aiso Frick Company s a ENGINES * —~s\TT ce AND BOILERS f Voartaoie vo Wheels Aa 4 ds: syasines and ; size, and the preat oO bias Eclipse traction engine. A few a : Yo Be i i , me eee : : mieeek ars Cotton Gins at low prices. EE cetatiaie’ — a 3, 2 eee eer. States: ile. N Over Peston Bros oO Sl lothing Co oan Clc e Co., We wish to éall your attention to cur line of Holiday Neckwear, Mufflers, ttc. } ; tell es heisi weather suggests yood heavy underwear. Let us We have some good things left in Suits and Over- otfering special taducements on to close out. rou Ur vou uD. coats that we are kine you for your liberal patronage, we are, aus Very truly, Sloan Glothing Co. EA ee ee ret be a cre OT nae aM e ~ Psst 2 Teron toaept & i 9 © oe. Ce A tet Vad dtehoce i 4 K i 4 LOC RAE ERE RES Pie! ee Pee Fe ee LTE Attractive Printing. Printing Co, is better prepared than ever before to turn out attractive up-to-date print- ane The Mascot ing, and ot prices that estonish toose who have not favored us with orders. o> Advertise what 1000 Circulars 75c, ENVELOPES, AT LOW PRICES. Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, : + Fd eta eae ee tae a O44 Pamphlets, Circulars, Ete sat low prices, Send for prices and sample. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CROWSON & SRONCE, PROPR'S. tis Tasteless and Guarantecd to Gure Fover and all Malaria! Treubies. sN i uinine Nor Other Poison. in au ee Does Not Injure the Stomack Nor Effect the Hearing. W. A. McLarty & Son, Dime Box, Tex., say: “Ramon’s Pepsin Chill Tonic is the best. we have ever Eandled. My son prescribes it in his practice,and says it is theenly Chill Tonic which a child can take without ry to the stomach. BROWN ME'G. CO., Prop’rs. Green Tenn. ome Enterprises. Statesville-Made Furniture. Handsomest designs, best made, best finished goods on the market for the money—a little better soods at a little lower You SAVE FREIGHT, We price than you can get elsewhere that’s the reason. A tullline on exhibition at our store. are sale ayents for this vicinity. Barron Nicholson EAST BROAD STREET. STATESVILLE, N. C PS sane Superior } Renter Wanted. Iredell Gounty. § Court. } WANT a good renter. Dec. 20th, 1900. Apply to W. E. MALONE. New Stirling, N.C, Renter Wanted, VS. @ EL. Stecenson RENTER WANTED to work a_two-horse The defendant above named will take ncetice | ply pat Good land and —o aca xP that an action entitled asabove has been com-) PY Nes etree plea 7 Shi menced in the Superior Court of Iredell county | December 20, 1900. Shuloniqovenshtp- for partition of the S. L. Stevenson lands be-; ~~} tween his heirs, the above named parties to this | action. Andthe said defendant wiil further | iI G. H. Nelson and wife, Lillie } Nelson, J. B. Green and wife. | Caroline Green, J. M. Gross and | wife, Ida Gross, and J, A. Ste-| NOTICE. venson { +} Notice to Creditors. © notice that he is required to appear «nthe | ~F7AVING qualified as administrator of the 1 day of January, rgor, at the court house im | <* estate of Peter Hampton, deceased, the un- ville, Iredell county, North Caroiina, and] dersigned hereby notifies all persons having er or demur tothe petition in said action claims against the said.estate to present them plaintiff willapply to the Court for the/ to him for payment within twelve (12) months zehet demanded in said petition. i; from date of this notice, or it will be plead in December 15th, 1000. bar of their recovery. J. A. HARTNESS. This December 14th, 1900. G. W. CLEGG, Clerk Superior Court. J. B. Connelly, Atty. Administrator. hy subject to The St atesville [lascot STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1900. | LOCAT, The Board of Regents of the Beri- week old officers were 1 Yome met iast TL ne ium Orphan’s lin Charlotte. | re-elected. | Mr. Joseph Young returned Mon- He will Miss Johnsye Sloop, daughter of Mrs. A. J. Sloop, of Mooresville, will be married this evening to Mr Claude Lee Tbompson, of Salisbury. A little four or five-year-old child of Mr. Hipps, who lives in the Reck Cut neighborbood,died Tuesday with pneumonia and was buried yester- day. Mr. R. Bruce Leinster, who has had a job at the penitentiary for two or three years, has been promoted to the supervisorship of a railroad convict force. We congratulate Gruce on his vood fortane. Heis a “‘cood one.” All the schools ciosed last Friday for the holidays. The college and Prof. Hill’s school will open again next Monday. The graded schoo! pupils get two weeks, and don't have to begin the grind again till Mouday, January 7th. Mr. M. E. Henry has sold his pronerty on Center street adjoining the Henry Hous? and known:s the Seales lot to Mr. C. B. Morrison for $650, Myr. Morrison will erect four or five cottages on the property as soon as the materials can be gotten in. While Tom Rickert and Lon Clark, two negroes of the Rock Cut nei¢hbborboecd, were out hunting last Saturday on Mr. J.T. Eudy’s place, Rickert Clarke through tle thigh inflicting a dangerous wound. Riekert claims the shooting was ac- cidentail. shot A 3-year-old son of Jim Gillespie. colored, who lives at Belmont, the colored settlement southeast of town, fell into the fire Mondav while its mother was out in the yard and was badly burned that it died from the effects on the follow- tng Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. P. M. Watts. of Shelby county, Ala., arriyed here Sunday evening on a visit to Mr. Watts’ mother, Mrs. M. E. Watts, of Shiloh township, and other yvela- tives. Mr. Press Watts, who had been in Alabama on a visit, return- ed home with them so Tom Goforth, colored, and an- other coon got into a racket Satur- day night at Poplar Branch, a color- ed settlement one mile west of town, and Jom was struck over the head with a banjo and his nose smashed, so now he'll go forth with his coun- tenance slightly disfigured. Rochelle, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Price, who live on Cher- ry street near Overcash’s factory broke his thigh bone last week. He received a fall while walking across @miioor. The fracture seems to be yg nicely and it is not likely ny permanent injury will re- Albert Coble and Jim Freeman, two gentlemen of color, got into a pretty lively row last Thursday over aqguarter of a dollar. They were haled before the mayor, where Co- ble was tined $2 and costs and Free- man, who threwa brick at Coble was bound over to the next term of the Superior court. The woodshed of Mr. Sol Simons, who lives on Water street, caught fire from a fire-cracker Tuesday af- ternoon avout 5 o'clock. The fire was soon put out without any se- rious damage. The alarm drew a big crowd from down town but be- fore they reached Mr. Simons’ the tire was out. Anattempt was made last Thurs- day night to burglarize the residence of Mr. J. D. Cochrane, while Mr. Cochrane was at the electric light station. Only Mrs. Cochrane aad her little step son were in the house. She raised an upstairs window and fired a pistol and the burglar fied. Policeman Karcher and others came promptly after the alarm, but found no trace of the the thief excepta track made by some one wearing a rubber shoe.. Business at the register of deeds’ office in the marriage license line increased in geometric proportion this week. Fourteen licenses were issued during the week. The fol- lowing are the happy couples: Hum- phrey F. Bissell and Nancy Mur- dock, Elam M. Josey and Dosia <A. Stewart, Wm. D. Jackson and Ma- ry M. Matthews, Hayes Compton and Letha Beaver. Wm. E. Shaver and Sarah E. Jordan, Early E. Stroud and Lela Feimster, Earnest Ayresand Fannie H. Seckler, Jas. B. Cock and Mary L. Joiner. Se The Coliege Recital. The recital at College Hall last Thursday evening was an occasion most highly enjoved by all who were so fortunate as to be present. It was the first given by the pupils of Statesville Female Seminary under the new regime and was a success in every sense. The selections showed thorough and effective work on the part of both pupils and instructors. There were four recitations and nine musical selections. All the instru- mental selections were well execut- ed, evidencing talent on the part of performers and skilled and careful instruction by the teachers The ‘and showed both talent and train- jing. All were charmed with the evidences of the progress made by l the pupils and hope that the occasion | may soon be repeated. recitations were all well rendered} PERSC INALS Mr. George Gill was among Sat- urday’s arrivals, ton, was here Friday. Mr. A. A. Colvert, of Winston, Thursday to spend the holidays here. Mr. Will Charles arrived Friday night and is spending the holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harbin are visiting their son Dr. Jo. Harbin, at Elkin. Prof. Clyde lurner, of the Dur- hatn graded schools, is home for the holidays. Mr. E!mer Turner of Mooresville, spent Christmas at home, returning Wednesday. Hon. R. Z. Linney was here last Thursday on his way home from Washington. Mr. W. P. Phifer camein Satur- day night, in time to spend the holi- days at home. Rev. W. M. Jurney and family, of Mt. Olive, Wayne county, Visit- ing relatives near Olin. Newman and Cayce, of Statesville College, are spending the holidays in Stau: ton, Va. Miss Minnie Hutfmap, of tke graded school, is spending the hoti- days at her home in Morganton. M isses Mr. and Mrs. Jo. Terry, of Wins- tonare visiting Nirs. Terry’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walker. Miss Celeste Anderson returned to Sparkling Catawba Springs Mon- day after a short visit to relatives here. Prof. John M. Flowers, of Trinity College, stopped over Friday on his way to Taylorsville for the holi- days. Mr. J, Randoiph French, of Gran- ite Falis, Caldwell county, came in Saturday night to spend Christmas here. Mrs. Eugene morrison and chil- dren are visiting in Charlotte, mr. Morrison spent Christmas day with them. Misses Gertrude Davis, of Mor- ganton, and Milcered Ellis, of Hick- ory, are visiting Miss Katie Reid Carlton. Miss Lottie Caldwell was called to Charlotte Friday on account of the illness of her father, Mr. J. P. Caldwell. Miss Jessie Fowler, and Mr. Cle- land Fowler, spent Christmas with their parents at South River, Row- an county. Mr. Tim Leinster, who has been in Charlotte for some time, return- ed home on Christmas day for a few days visit. Prof. A. T. Allen, of the graded school, isat his home ia York Insti tute, Alexander county, for the Xmas vacation. Mr.B. H. Adams went to Albe- marlje yesterday morning to attend the Heilig-Hall marriage, He was the grocm’s best man. Miss Minnie Gouger, of Charlotte, came home Saturday for the holi- days, accompanied by her friend, Miss Emma Robinson, of Derita. They returned today. Miss Mary Poston left yesterday morning for Atianta where she will spend a few days visiting friends before goingto Birmingham, Ala., where she has a position as stencg- rapher. Mr. L. H. Cooper andwife, of Wil- low, Ind., stopped over last Thurs- day on his way to visit his father, Mr. T. H. Cooper, of Yadkin county, Mr, Cooper isa {nepphew of Mr. T. A. Cooper, of Statesville. Rev. Dr. D. Atkins, of Winston, spent a day here last week at Prof. D. Matt Thompson’s. Dr. Atkins was formerly pastor of Statesville Methodist church and his many friends here who were glad to see him. Mr. J. W. Marsh, the superinten- dent of the finishing department of tle Key & Co. furniture factory, will arrive next week with wife. They will board until they can get a house. Mr. Marsh is one of the most skilled men in his trade in the State and weare glad to welcome him to Statesville. The boys and girls are home from the boarding schools for the holi days. Here’s the list: Misses Ma- ry Sharpe. from Claremont; Cute and V. Copeland, from Converse: Edna Turner, from Asheville: Ellie Copeland, from the Greensboro Nor mal;and Lois Leng, from Peace Messrs. Frank Sharpe and Dorman Thompson,from the University; Ar- thur Turner, from Trinity; S. L. Colvert, Wallace Hoffman, and Bax- ter Cochrane, from the Agricultural and Mechanical College, and Masters Frank Caldwell and Ernest Simon, from Horner School, Oxford, and Jack Turner and George Willson, from Trinity High School. There will be regular services morning and evening at Trinity next Sunday and the following Sunday. There will also be services Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. ,_A son of Mr. Frank Weisner, who i lives in Eupeptic Springs neighbor- hood died Monday of pneumonia, aged, 19 years. The ~ funeral services will be conducted today Mr. Victor Humphreys,of Lexing- New ook Store. After the first of the year Mr. R P. Allisoa will go into business for bimself. He will openastore in the store room vow occupied by Ramsey, Tomiin & Bowles, who move into their new stand in the Patterson building. books, stationery and gents furnish ing goods. He has bought a large stock of these goods from his brotb- jer, Mr. W. H. Allison, and will add ito this large purchases of pew | goods, and will keep a full stock in ‘the lines mentiored. Mr. Allison has been with his brother a number of years and ig thoroughly experi euced iu his line of trade and is a t10st capable business man. We predict for him success in his busi- ness venture. After January first Mir. Wade ET. Allison will be with Mills & Allison. of which firm he is a member, at theold Copeland stand on Broad street. Christmas German. The young men gave a german Christmas night complimentary to the visiting ladies, It was quite a recherche aud elegant affair and was greatly enjoyed by all the par- ticipants. The music was furnisked bv the celebrated Statesville Whis- tling Rufus Band and the dance was kept up to the ‘wee sma’’ hours.the hour for departure arriving all too soon. Those present were -Misses Mildred Ellis, of Hickory, Gertrude Davis, of Morganton, Emma Eagle. of Charlotte, Mary Poston, Mary Oates Caldwell, Katie Reid Carltoa, Marie Gregory,’ Addie McElwee, El- va McElwee and Mary Carlton; and Messrs. Roy Leinster, J. F. Armfield, Irwin Bell, Will Bell, Will Lowen- stein, Ross McElwee, Esley Ander- son, McRee Anderson, Frank Ca!d- well, Lex Steele, Charles Cowles and H. MacCall. Mr. ane Mrs. J, P. Flanigan, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ash, Mr. and Mrs. Wil! Eliason, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Parks and Mrs. H. P. Grier chaperoned tke occasion. er ge The Christmas Trees. No feature of the Sunday school is so highly fascinating to the juve- nile mind as the Christmas tree. Before its glory even the all day picnic inthe woods with unlimited cake and lemonade pales into insig- nificance. Nothing can so rapidly and marvelously increase the attend- ance as the announcement,six weeks in advance, that the school will have 2 Christmas tree. The children do enjoy it and children of an older growth can find much pleasure in watching the little ones’ enjoyment. Two of our Sunday schools, that of Trinity and Front Street Chapel, thus gladdened the hearts of their little pupils this year. Monday night the children of Front Street Chapel were made happy with the gifts from their tree. The tree at Trinity was shining with its waxen lights and glittering with its gifts on Christmas night. A large crowd was present and all the children were remembered. Bie Seat Glass Shattered by Dynamite. A stick of dynamite or a twine ball loaded with powder was fired by some lawless parties last Sunday morning about 20’clock on Meeting Street between Walton & Gave’s storeand J. M. Wilhelm’s Racket store. The explosion was very se- vere, jarring the adjacent buildings and shattering three of the large glass in Walton & Gaye’s windows fronting on Meeting street. The effect of the explosion was felt by citizens quitea distance from tbe scene. Policeman Karcher heard the explosion and hurried to Wal- ton’s corner but the law breakers had fled. A second explosion, less severe, followed about 15 or 20 minutes later and again the mis- creants escaped. Christmas night shortly after 10 o’clock an explosion in front of the old Wallace Bros. building on Broad street smashed four window panes in N. M. Flemming’sstore and cne inJ. M. Wilhelm’s. The jar from this was quite severe and was plain- ly felt at the Hotel Iredell. There is noclue to the parties in either case. We believe in overlooking small acts of boisterousness at Christmas times, as we think some men ought to be pardoned for a little supera- bundance of spirits on such occa- sions, but this goes past the limit and suck acts of lawlessness ard reckless disregard of others rights should be severely punished and we hope that the law breakers will be caught and severely deait with. The House has defeated the bill to give soldiers and sailors of the civil war, the Spanish war and the war in the Philippines preference in ap- poiutments to office under the gov- ernment. The vote stood 51 for and 105 against. Don't use any of the counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause injurv. The original De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve is a cer- tain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and skin dis- eases. W. F. Hall, Jr. He will keep a line of | Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon- structing the exhausted digestive or- gans. It isthe latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in- stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nauses, Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price50c. and $1. rge siz 5 246 small size. Book eteneee jae mnt Bp Prepared by E. C. DeWITT &CO., Chicago STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET CORRECTED RY COOPER & GILL COMMENTS OF THE WEEK, All produce in good demand. BUYING PRICES—BASIS NO. I QUALITY. Cabbarener ab ee aren 134 extra four—sack io So 2 52 3s Sf $1.75 ami | SAC eee ee ee 2.00 Meal- -boited—g4ths. per bushel... . 60 ** unbolted, 48 Ibs * ™ 55 aA een eth ae alae 60 Corn—old—s6lbs. per bushe 60 Rewer ey eile 56 Oats—27 is. 35 ORS —CIR Sialic lilies eliotn 75 ~~ pRKeee eee. jo Potatoes—Irish 60 ” Sweet 45 Onions—sclect, per bushel. . 2... 75 Rae ee ee ee 8 ORNNOR re eee Meco teeters 3 Eco Se Se SR A Se ee 20 lens — ner eee teenie 5 Roosters pera Si a ee ee 2% Chicken—Spring—small—per hb... 6 oS large oe alae 5 Turkeys—per h.........2... 7 Duck Site neh Ges oie eerie 4 GxiERS BOR ee 10 RSOCS Oe mont miele el tees ont te 30 Butter—Choice yellow. ....... 1244 . oer me nga eS a el 10 Honey—sirained, per Ib. 2... 2. 7 = COMM DOTA. eeepc 7 eGR De al ee aed ste el ait 15 . we: 1¢ 75 60 35 10 7 : : 25 Apples—dried—-quarters, bright. . . 3 “si S bright sliced... .. 4 - “« fancy bright jsliced < - 4g om extra a 4 = green—per bushel. ..... 60 Peaches—peeled, bright. ...... ° CATON enn nes 6 ioe ot ON ee ey, Bacon—Hog round, pertb...... 5 os x ish eswaee se A ee er ‘3 we SMOUICETS:. a 2 je 2 0's 2 0 0 0 8 STATE?VILLE COTTON MARKET. STATESVILLE, N. ¢. Dec. 27. 1900, 9 2. m. Strict Good Middiinge: i) 0,25 OOC Manca in et. 9.15 IR OCaet re ie a ne 9.05 PAROS Eo asia Se el eae tee 8.95 Stans ei eee 8.85 Market firm. Mule for Sale, £, sale. See it at my postoffice, Shiloh town- ctfully, j. D. LACKEY. HAVE a good mule residence near Pre ship. Respe Dee 13th, rgoo. Mortgage Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in 2 mortgage deed executed by Chal Wagner and wife, the undersigned mortgagee, will scil to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Statesville, N. C., on Monday, january 21st.. 1901, at 12 o'clock, M., the follow- ing described land in Fallstown township: Ee- ginning at a stake, thence North $1/5° West 15 poles toa rock, thence South 9 poles to a white oak, thence North 38's? West 42 poles to a_per- simmon, thence North S2 poles to a hickory grub, thence North 88445° East 76 poles to a stake on Jacob Parker’s line, thence South 15° West so polesto the beginning, containing 35 acres, more or less. M, RUFTY, H. BURKE, Attorney.* Mortgagee This December 20, 1900, Christmas Trig Go to Kimball & Daywalt’s where you will find a full line of heavy and fancy Groceries. Also innumer- able Christmas goodies. Give us a call. Respectfully, KIMBALL =& DAYWALT. Southside Hotel Iredell. When you are ready to buy Xmas Candies, be sure and sce us as we have *he largest stock, the best quality, the handsom- est packages and the lowest prices ever offered on this market. All kinds French mixtures, stick candies, loose chocolates, bon bons. pure creams, ete., etc Special low prices to Suaday schools for their Christmas trees. taisiss, nuts and figs in abundance and cheap. Don’t fail to see us. as we are sure we can please you. Bananas, Malaga grapes, Oranges, etc. Fresh Ovsters almost | every day. Turkeys, cran- berries, cranberry sauce, mince meet, etc. COOPER & GILL. Kodol WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. AGreat To Cash Buyers. From now until further notice is given or goods all sold out we will sell for cash the very best of Shoes, Fancy Dress Goods, Capes | and Jackets. At a big reduction for cash. The cut ranges anywhere from 3) to 50 percent. This means cash over the counter. We will include millinery and some fine velvets in this sale. First come first served. Three things to remember about this sale: Saving _ Ist. The place, N. B. Mills & Co., Statesville. N.C. 2nd. The time, now. 3rd. The terms, cash over the counter. The Beautiful Handkerchiefs for men and ladies. Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear for ladies and men. R. & G. Corsets, Ferris’ Corset Waist for women and children. W. B. Erect Form Corsets, for $1.00. Handsome sterling silver handle Umbrella for $2.75, others charge for same, $3.50. Come and see us, we are out for business. Yours truly, N. B. Mills & Co. the Big store. 33S e8 Ginghams. Ginghams. I opened to-day another case of those fine Apron Check Ginghams. Same weight and count as Lancaster, only 5c. yard; others at + and 6c. A big line of Queens Ware, Fine lron Stone Goods, Plates, 25c. set up: Cups and Saucers, 25e. up, other lives in proportion. A large line handsome Pictures. Opal Ware, Bohemian Glass, and Holiday gocds opening daily. <A big line Rubber Shoes and Boots. New lot of School Books just in. Another Jot of those famous Kangaroo Calf Shoes, for ladies, in to-day. If you want values come and see me. J. M. Wilhelm. Tse REDUCTION IN PRICES A Si to $5 reduction, according to size and style, has been made n the Celebrated Wagons Made by Geo. E. Nissen & Company. This 23d day of November, 1900. Flanigan-Evans Hardware Co. AGENTS. a) GIVE, GIVE A GOOD ONE. IF YOU WAN Here are things we know you will like. All Wool Art Squares, beautiful colorings in all sizes; Smyrna, Velvet and Tapestry Rugs, Porters, Lace Curtains, Marseilles Quilts, Satin Quilts, Hand-stitched Linen Sheets. Utica mills H S. Cotton Sheets. with H. S Pillow Cases to match. Table Damask, Napkins, Doylies, Towels and many other articles that will gladden the heart of the housekeeper. Others may be cheaper, None can be better than our line of ready-made Top Skirts. They are made to wear, we guarantee style, fit and finish. Just received another lot of those beautiful black Underskirts at $1.50, worth $2.00. We also have a few in high colors, reds, blues and purples. When in doubt see our stock. WALTON & GAGE EW STORE! A WHOLE RAFT of Items to select your Christmas Presents fom. Come and see the many lines not mentioned. PRICES RIGHT. Dress Goods. Men’s aad boys’ Clothing. Capes, Jackets and Skirts. Infants’ Cloaks. Ladies’ Hats. Baby Caps. Ladies’ and misses’ Wool Hoods. Fur Collarettes. Big Line of Shoes. Ladies’ Fancy Slippers. Infants’ Fancy Shoes. Ladies’ and men’s Overgaiters. Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts. Knit Underwear. Table Cloths and Damask. Towels and Handkerchiefs. | Dolls and Toys all kinds. | Bibles and miscellaneous books. Box Papers and Tablets. Fancy table China. Gold edge and plain Glassware. Plain Dishes, all kinds. 10-piece Toilet Sets. Plain and fancy Lamps. Pictures in large variety. from Union Grove church. Fur Muffs. | Men’s Neckwear, Collars and Cuffs. | Fi Toilet Soaps. Children’s Fur Sets. | U mbrellas. : | Tinware and Toile PS = MILLS & ALLISON. i i ee ‘ catanties Rs os faa et . ve e r ‘i i ve m cn aw e py na m e s * EC O G re i n e go OR be Se e re co t e V en i - ee AO L AL L PA I OE E , . MARRIAGES THIS WEEK. at Houpe-Rockwell. Miss Nolia Adams Houpe and Mr. J. Huntingtov Rockwell were mar- ried on Christmas day at Fifth Creek church in Cool Spring town- ship at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It was a pretty church wedding. The church was most beautifully decorated with evergreens for the occasion. Miss Robena Houpe, @ sister of the bride played the wed- ding march. Messrs. Alex Vaughn and Oscar Steele were the ushers; the other attendants were Miss Leila Houpe with Mr. T. Foy White and Miss Mamie Montgomery with Mr. Rob Gaither. Miss Lena Houpe, the bride’s sister.was maid of honor and Mr. Thad Montgomery was best man. The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. Pleas. R. Houpe. The marriage ceremony was per- formed by Rev. T. J. Allison. The bridal couple left on the even- ing train for Fayettevillewhere they will spend some days. A number of handsome presents were received by the bride. Miss Addie McElwee and Mr. ard Mrs. Charles Gaither, of Statesville, attended the mar- riage. The bride, who is the youngest dauchter of the late Jacob F. Houpe Esq., of Cool Spring township, is charming in person and manner and is very popular among her circle of acquaintances. The groom is the only son of the late Dr. E. F. Rockwell. He was born andreared in Iredell county and is known as a young man of good business qualities and of unin.- peachable character. No man can say aught against him. He is now stenographer for J. C. Steele & Sons. The many friends of the bride and groom in Iredell join us in wishing them much happiness. ieee ee A Beautiful Wedding at Sloan’s. Mr. Zeb Vance White, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. White, of Concord township, and Miss Sallie Belie Pat- terson, daughter of Mrs. M. A. Pat- terson, also of Concord township, were married in Stony Point church, at Sloan’s, yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock by Rev. M. A. Smith. of Statesville. Jhe large church was crowded with friends to see the ceremony. The church was hand- somely decorated with evergreens. Miss Lizzie Patterson, sister of the bride. was the maid ef honor, and Mr. T. Foy White, brother of the groom, dest man. The ushers were Messrs. Charles Lentz, John White, Calvin Ellis and Brainerd Patter- son. Immediately after the cere mony Mr. and Mrs. White left for Richmond, Va., where they will spend several days. The bride re- ceived quite a pumber of handsome presents. The groom i$ a successful young merchant of Sloan’s and an excel- lent young man in every way. The four or five hundred friends, many of them driving several miles, who attended the marriage, show the high esteem in which he and his bride are held in their community. The bride is a young lady worthy in every way of her handsome young husband. We join their friends in wishing for Mr. and Mrs. White all of life’s blessings. Morrison-Pressly. Miss Lola Morrison and Mr. Will- iam Francis Pressly were married yesterday evening at 6 o'clock at the homeofthe bride’s father, Mr. J. Sydney Morrison, of Shiloh town- ship. Rev. W.C. Brown officiated, assisted by Rev. J. C Boyd. The wedding was a quiet home affair only a few friends and rela- tives of the contracting parties be- ing present. An elegant supper was served to the wedding guests last night at the home of the bride’s father. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Morrison and Messrs. W. H. and E. N. Morrison, of Statesville, attended the mar- riage. The Messrs. Morrison are brothers of the bride. The bride is a charming and at- tractive lady and has a large circle of friends. The groom is one of Iredell’s best farmers and leading citizens and is a man of sterling strength of character with the qualities that win and keep friends. The Mascor extends its congratulations and hopes that the future for Mr. and Mrs. Pressly may be both prosper- ous and happy. > - Delinger-Fichte. Miss Amanda Elizabeth Delinger and Mr. Edgar Fichte, of Gastonia willbe married this evening at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride’s father, Mr. M. C. Delinger, on Cherry street. The wedding will be a quiet one only the relatives and a few invited friends being present. _ The groom is an enterprising bus- iness man of Gastonia. The bride is a lady of many noble traits of character and has many friends here who will wish her and her husband every happiness, The bride and groom leave on the Charlotte train this evening for River Bend, Gaston county, where they will visit the groom’s parents before going to their home in Gas- tonia. ——$— Mooresville News: From our Regular Correspondent. Mr. Branch McNeely is home from the Maryland college of pharmacy for the holidays. Mr. John Grierson, of Albemarle, and brother, Mr. Paul Grierson. of the A. & M. College, are spending the holidays at home. Mr. Sam MeNeely, of the Uni- versity, is at home. Mr. Lucius Rodgers, of the Char- lotte cetton mills, is visiting his mother, Mrs. E. M. Rodgers. Mr.. Vance Brawley, of the Rich- mond medical college, is at home. Mr. Sam Baxter, who has been in Texas for eight years, is on a visit to his brother, Mr. T. L. Baxter. Mr. Abner Steele, of Brennan, Texas, is on a visit to relatiyes here. Mr. Steele is a brother of the late T. N. Steele and has been in Texas for over thirty years. As the large driving wheel at the new factory was being put in place it fell over sideways on the engine, breaking it badly. This accident willcausea delay of several weeks in starting work at this factory. Messrs. J.C. McNeely, of Char- lotte, and Gus. McNeely, of Lock- hart, S.C,, are visiting their father, Mr. E. M. McNeely. Mr. R. Carl McPherson is home from Weldon for the holidays. _Mrs. Dr. R. L. Lowrance, of En nis, Texas, is visiting at her fath- er’s, Mr. B. Boyd. here, Marriage of Miss Shinn and Mr. | a Change in a Popular kirm. ' | | White. Correspondence of The Mascot. | The writer had the pleasure of at- tending the marriage of Miss Effie | Amanda Shinn, of Shinnsville, and | Mr. Lawrence O. White, of Avilla. The happy event took place at the home of the bride’s father, J. C. Shinn, Esq., Sunday afternoon at + o'clock. The marriage was one of the prettiest that has ever been witnessed in this section of the county. Promptly at 3 o'clock the bridal party entered the parlor, the vroom tall, stately and handsome, the bride beautiful and attractive, both presenting themselves with a grace andelegance of carriage sel- dom seen on occasions of this kind. Only afew relatives and friends were present to see the bride give her hand to the man of her choice. The words that bound their lives as one were beautifully expressed by Zev. T. L. Triplett. Then congrat- ulations followed. The bride was the recipient of a number of nice presents. She was presented a $20 gold piece by her grandfather, C. L Shinn, Esq. At half past 3 o’clock a sumptuous supper was served. The bride was attired in a hand- some costume of gray trimmed in whiteand graysatin and all over lace. Mr. White is an intelligent young inan of high standing and kas won a bride of charming personalities, and rare accomplishments. The bride is not only the most popular young lady inher section, but she is the prettiest. Her many friends regret to see her leave. Mr. and Mrs. White boarded the train Mon- day morning for Avilla, where they will visit his parents. The writer has nothing but the best of wishes to convey to this happy couple. May peace, pros- perity and unbroken happiness be their lotas they tread the paths of life. FREDERICA. Granite Hill, Dec. 24, 1900. rn Christmas Day in Statesville. Christmas day passed off unusual- ly quiet for Statesville. There were no fights or drunks to disturb ‘“‘the peace, good order and quiet’’ of the town. The business houses closed down most of the day, only keeping open ashort while in the forenoon. There was some little shooting of crackers and a good deal of tooting of tin horns and ringing of cow bells, etc., but these little musical efforts on the part of tke boys, old and young, can well be overlooked on account of their pardonable exuber- ance of spirits on the occasion. Some few celebrated and got a iittle frappe, but nothing to burt, only “ventlemanly full,’’ as a colored friend sized it up. Everybody seemed in excellent humor, for which Christmas dinners and eyy noge were no doubt partly respon- sible with some of us. The small boy with hiscapacity for noise ma- oy times multiplied was very much in evidence, but he didn’t seem to disturb folks much, for in fact many of the graver citizens helped along the racket. In the afteenoon several of our young men fantastically costumed in red calico trousers and parti-colored coats and vests with hats of ancient vintaves bedecked with flowing rib- bons paraded the town playing in- struments as varied and battered as their costumes and with time and tune of still greater variety. Pla- cards informed the public that this was ‘‘Suze’s Band.”’ At first they used Morrison’s dray wagon asa band wagon but afterwards they made a marchiag tour through our priccipal streets. The members of this interesting ‘‘hobo band’’ were: Mr. Fred Barkley, leader and drum major and Messrs. R. -L. Flanigan, McRee Anderson, J. M. Brown, Irvin Bell, Dick Harbin., Will Gaith- er and Ross Barkley. Nothing cre- ated more amusements or made the day more like an old time Christmas than this innocent and pleasant re- production of ‘Ye Olde Time’”’ Yule Tide mummers. ——_ Sudden Death of Ex-Sheriff M. White. Reported for Tur Mascor. Ex-Sheritf Moses A. White died suddenly about 6 o’clock Thursday afternoon of paralysis of the heart. Mr. White was in his usual health and attended the sale at Mrs. Gay’s. While there he made arrangements with a lot of friends to take a big rabbit hunt Saturday. Onhis way home he stopped at the home of Geo. Gay to warm his feet. While sit- ting at the fire he complained of not feeling well but got up and got on his horse but before leaving lean- ed his head on his arm and Geo. Gay seeing he was not well took him off the horse and carried him in the house, but he died a few min- utes after being taken in. Mr. White was about 54 years old. He was born and raised in south Ire dell, but for many vears had lived about two miles east of Statesville He was twice married. His wife and several children survive him. Mr. White was sheriff of Iredell county from ‘94to ‘96. The funer- al took place from his residence Saturday moruipg and he was buried in the cemetery here. ‘*Mose White is dead!’” was what egrceted us, his friends, as we came to our places of business Friday morning—and the announcement was like a clap of thunder in a clear sky, for he had solately been amony us, but it was true and our friend had gone from among us. This writer had known him for 20 years and had been intimate with him. He was our friend as true. as kind and as faithful as ever friend was. We knew him well and God never made a nobler man. Honest in all his dealings with his fellow man, a kind father and devoted husband. Asa public officer he was one of the best this county ever had and performed all his duties faithfully. When we stood by his open coffin and looked at his calm and peaceful face as the tears ran down our cheeks, we could not help thinking that it was best. Life’s fretful fe- ver was over with him. There was no more sorrow. no more tears, no more trouble. He had been called over the river and on the other side the great God had kept the books, and so true a husband, so loving a father and so faithful a friend had nothing to fear. We that are left behind willdo the mourning, will shed the tears, and to us will come the trouble. But some day we will be called and then we shall see our friend again. God knows best and while he is gathering so many on the other shore he is ever maxing it easier for us to go. To his devoted wife, children ané friends we would say weep for him, for thatis our lot, but remember | God doth all things well and for our A Christmas passed off very quietly ; $004 and let us so live that when we 1 come to die we shall be assured that we shall meet him over there. L. } The firm of F. A. Sherrill & Co. | will be dissolved on January first, | Mr. F. A. Sherrill retiring. Mr. J. | H. White, of the old firm, and Mr. T. Foy White, a salesman of the old | firm, have form:d a partnership. | and will continue the business at the present stard on Broad street. Mr. Sherrill, who is secretary and treasurer of the Statesville Fiouring Mills, will devote all his time2 to that enterprise. The firm of F. A. Sherrill & Co. is one of Statesville’s strongest and most popular mercantile houses, and the Messrs. Wkite will keep the business up to its present standard. They are both young men of supe- rior business qualitications, popular with the people, and will make their business one of tne town’s successes. ee The Kincaid Farniture Co:npany Chartered. The Kincaid Furniture Co., whose organization we announced last week, received its charter from the State Saturday. It is incorporated at $20,000 with privilege to increase to $50,000. Mr: W. T. Kincaid, of Cleveland, from whom the company takes its name and whois one of the largest takers of stock and one of the chief promoters of the company, has had long experience in the lum- ber business and will probably be one of the managing directors. Among the other principal takers of stock besides Messrs. W. F. Hall, W. A. Thomas, F. A. Sherrill and Judge A.L. Coble, mentioned last week are Irvin & Poston and Messrs. W. T. Kincaid, R.B. McLaughlin, Jude D. M. Furches and Mrs. Mamie ramsey. The stockholders of the company will meet Saturday afternoon, the 29th inst. at 4 o'clock in the Bank building when .2 permanent organ- ‘zation will be effected and action will be taken at once to secure a site, machinery, etc., and erect the necessary buildings. Thought His Time Had Come. H. A. Zickfoose, Hemlock, W. Va., says: Two years ago I was laid up with my liver. Ithought my time had come. I happened on to Ra- mou’s Liver Pills and used one box. Iamall right now. I have been feeling like another man since that time. For sale by N, R. Tunstall, Drugvist. The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt’s Little Ear- lv Risers. They never gripe. W. F. Hail, Jr. Help is needed at once when a person’s lifeis in danger. A neglect- ed cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat and lung troubles. W. F. Hall, Jr. When the stomach is tired out it must havea rest, but we can’t live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ‘digests what you eat’’so that you can eat all the good food you want while it is restoring the diges- tive organs to health. It is the on- ly preparation that digests all kinds of food. W. F. Hall, Jr. The mother of Judge Oliver H. Allen and of ex-Judge Wm. &. Alen, died at the home of the latter, in Goldsboro, Tuesday, aged 60 years. When you need a soothing and healing anti-septic application for any purpose. use the original De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, a well- known cure for piles and skin dis- eases. It heals sores without leav- inga scar. Beware of counterfeits. W.F. Hall, Jr, Now is the time when croup and luag troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that pro- duces immediate results is One Min- ute Cough Cure. Itis very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and ail lung diseases. It will preyent con- sumption. W. ¥. Hall,Jr. The House passed the bill Satur- day to reduce the war revenue tax- es. The bill reduces taxes about $40,000,000. The Democras offered an amendmeng to reduce them about $70,000,000 and for-an incor: + tax so framed as to meet the objection of the Supreme Court, but the amend- ment was yoted down by a strict party vote. Do not think for a single moment that consumption will ever strike yh yOu a sudden B blow. It does not come that way. . It creeps its ey along. irst you ‘think it is a litle coid, nothing but a little hacking cough; then a little loss in weight; then a harder cough; then the fever and the night sweats. Better stop the disease while it is yet creeping. 3 Better cure: your cough ‘j today. ' You can do it with ‘- The pressure on the chest is lifted, that feel- ing of suffocation is re- moved, and you are cur- ed. You can stop that little cold with a 25 cent bottle; harder coughs will need a 50 cent size; if it’s on the lungs :he one dollar size will be most economical. “I confidently recommend Ayer’s erry Pectoral to all my paces Iam using it now in myown family. Forty years ago I feel it saved my life. A.S. Ermpson, M.D., an. 4,1898. Fort Madison, Iowa. Write the Doctor at anytime. Ad- » Dk. J.C. AYER, Lowell, Mass. |cially what they did for my youngest | Proud of His Son. Mr. Thos. Coppinger, Dayton, Tenn., says: I have used Ramon’s! J} DBS fs. Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets for ZF mow |years, and cannot say enough of them for the good they have done in my family. } wish to tell you spe- | son. We thought be was too little! to take pills, but when he saw the! rest of us taking our usual Tonic} Pellet at night, he would cry for one also. So we commenced giving them to him regularly, and from a pale, delicate child he improved im- mediately, and lately he is as robust a lad as ever breathed mountain air, rosy-cheeked, and he looksas healthy asany big fat Irishman you ever saw. For sale by N. R. Tunstall, Druggist. LL P YO C L I A ® President McKinley sent the nom- ination of James E. Boyd to be United States judge for the Western district of North Carolina Saturday. It is expected that the nomination vill be speedily confirmed. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse the liver, remove ob- structions and invigorate the sys- tem. W.F. Hall, Jr. Miss Fdna Brown, a Zanesville, O, society girl, committed suicide Saturday by drowning herself in the Muskingum river. Her mother, from whom she had been separated- for years, kept a disorderly house, in Zanesville, and the fear that the- world would scorn her led the daugh- ter to take her own life. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news- sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, ; the creat kidney, liver and bladder remedy. Itis the great medi- of the nine- form of kidne; Dr. Kilmer’s ommended for ev ney, liver or blad r just the remedy youn in so many 3, i practice, among the hell chase relief and has pro Su every case that a special arrange been made by which all readers of ti who have not already tried it, m sample bottle sent free by telling more about S find out if you have kidnev or bladd When writing mention reading th offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Home of Swamp-Noot. dollar sizes sre sold bv all good druggists. The safe of Dicks & Sally, at Sal- ly. S. C.. was blown open with dy namite Tuesday morning and 37,000 in cash taken, besides mortgaves and other papers amounting to $2,- 000. The firm offers a reward of $500 for the recovery of the money and arrest of the criminals. \ A iN A Young Women i The a into eee isa Setianoni sa casi grow into fatal complications. That emale troubles are filling graveyards es this, Wine of dui estab- fishes a paintess and natural menstrual flow. once this im t func- tion is stari-d right, a healthy life will usually follow. Many women, y and old, owe their lives to Wine o Cardui, There is nothing like it to pc ‘women freedom from pain and to it Rowe women for every duty of life. $3.00 bottles at druggists. Miss Della M. Strayer, Tully, Kane “1 have suffered untold pain at menstrual pe- riods for a Jong time, was nervous, had no appetite, and lost interest in everything, In fact was miserable. 1 have taken four bottles of Wine of Cardui, with Thedford’s Black-Draught, when needed, and to-day I am entirely cured. 1 cannot express the thanks | feel for what you have done for me.” For advice in cases requiring cia] di tions; ee giving paptonn . Re Ladies® Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Med- icine Company, Chattanooga, Tenn. The House passed a bill placing Congressman Boutelle, of Maine, on the retired list of the nayy. He was acaptainin the navy during the civil war. He is now insane but was elected by his constituents to the next Convress. Tt is said he will = now resivn from Congress. aiy persons have had the expe- rience of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North Stratford. N. H., who says, “Por years I suffered torture from chronic indigestion, but Kodo] Dys- pepsia Cure made a well man of me.” It digests what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia and eve- ry form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at onee even in the worst cases, and can't help but do you good. W.F. Hall, Jr. Five men. posing as tramps. had themselves Iccked up in the lock up at Brighton, llls , Saturday night. During the night they overpowered the town marshal, locked him in a cell and broke into the bank, dyna- mited the safe but they could not get at the money. The robbers then blew upasafein & store and secured several hundred dollars. It Saved His Leg. P.A. Danforth, of LaGrange, Ga., suffered intensely for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg, but writes that Bucklen’s Ar- WG 4 4 aS ical Lorton ‘ ‘ tue of SCOTT'S MUI the World, which mo tito many millions i usiness has grown i proportions, §eCOXadiss ¢ <A Like d in iis the finest Cod purest Hvpophosnplit: Second:-Because 7 skillfully combaincc ingredients that 11:< results are obtait Third:-Becau many sickly. strong and health and rosy checks to : anaemic girls. and 1 and restored to full} thousands in the Consumption. N HAVE alarge number of Barred Plymouth Rock and other breeds of Chickens. which I wiil offer at prices that will move them Now is the time to buy cheap, as I must make room for winter, J. M. GIBBS. November 20, 1900. Another Big Lot of #urs Just received at Mills & Alfison’s. Sale cf Property. ecree of the Superior Cour N,C., in the cause enti istrator of Ira Wooten K ger et. als. I will for cashatthe court house st ~ IN. —, On SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22ND, 1900, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described lands situated in the county of Iredell, N. C., and bounde fi YVIRTUF ofa a of Iredell ex hite follows: ‘ a black oak in Martha Gaither’s line, thence North 25 chains, 87 poles to. @ post oak, John Current’scorner, in William Gaither.s line, now Asbury Haves’ line, thence North 69° East with said Gaither’s line formerly, but_now Hayes, 10 chains to a black gum, thence South 30chains toa black cak in Hiram Campbell's line, “nce West to the beginning, contaming :s more or less. Joa. WHOLE.) nber roth, 1900. Commissioner. Notice. {HE UNDERSIGNED Administrator of W. L. Clanton, deceased, will on the roth day of January, 1cor, atthe late residence of the said W.L. Clanton fin Iredell county near Rocky Hill church, scil for cash to the highest bidder, all that valuable tract of land belonging to the estate of the said W. L. Clanton, lying on the waters of Snow Creek containing 7S acres more orless. This land is sold under a decree of the Superior Court to make assctsto pay debts, This December 11th, 1g0¢, A. LL. WOODWARD, Administrator. North Carolina } Superior Iredell County. Court, M. P. SIMS \ s | NOTICE. vs. A.G SIMS. i The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com- menced in the Superior Court of Iredell county to dissolve the bonds of matrimony existing be- tween the said plaintiff and defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 4th Monday before the 1st Monday of March, 1901, at the court house of said county in States- ville, N.C., and answer or demur to the o plaint in said action orthe plaintiff will a; tothe court for the relief demanded in said complaint: This Dec 13th 1900. . A, HARTNESS, Clerk of the Superior Court. R. B. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney, }In the Superior North Varolina Court, Alexander Sounty ) J. C. STCLAIR Vs. NOTICE. A. F, STCLAIR. The defendant above named will take notice that anaction entitled asabove has been com- mencedin the Superior Court of Alexander county to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 3rd Monday in February, 1991, at the court house of said county in Taylorsville, N.C... and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court forthe relief demanded in said complaint. This Nov. 16th, 1g00. A.L WATTS. Clerk Superior Court. Jno. L. Gwaltney, Att'y. Notice to Crecitors. of the notice AVING qualified as administrator estate of Jane Ostwalt, deceased, hereby given to all persons holding cla against the estate of said deceased to present t same tome for payment w n mouths from date of Uhis not plead in bar of their recover debted to said estate are requested prompt payinent, This November 7th, 1coo. J. M. OSTWALT, Administrator of Jane Ostwalt. Attorney. perso: to m j, B. Con jah Dak, .5-0-A-P-S.. Moere & McLean have a full line of the Spanish Root Soaps made from the Span- ish Root which grows in the Rocky Mountains. It is a purely vegetable soap, no purrid animal fat enters into its composition. This soap has been analyzed by experts and found to be the purest soap in the world. Itis nature’s own remedy for skin diseases. Call on us and examine the line. Moore & - McLean. nicaSalve wholly cured it in ten days. For Ulcers, Wounds. Burns, Boils, Pain or Piles it’s the best FOR SALE! HAVE THIRTY-TWO head of young cattle 2 forsale. Twelve steers from one to two sate in abe world. Cure guaran- years old. Eicven heilers about eighteen t i > Be S monthsold. Nine calves six or seven months Hall ae OC. old by W. ©. old. Callandsee me: I will sell reasonable, all, Jr., druggist, ’ CHARLES B. STEWART. Nov. 29th, 1000. Fulbright, N. C, KC. M. & B. Fast Train, KANSAS CITY rthwe S LOCKWOOD, G WAOSTRAIN, <P. Nort 10,000 AGENTS WANTED LUFE AND SPEECHES cs Por ‘ r he dez d_ exists. {tis only secessary for agents to supply it. $200.CC GIVEN for selling 200 books in3 months. Other liberal inducements. Will guar ee good parti salary. Distance is no hind paid. Credit giver. : outfit, ete., free, but 25 cemts must mailing: Act quick. R. H. WOODWARD CO., BaLttimor:, Md NOTICE— We zIso desire to emply agents for selling our book on the i beautifully illustrated. of McKinley" and other campaign books, offer the best terms. be sent and “Paris Exposition.” | We also pablish “Life | STATESVILLE, N. C. Willuein his office two weeks, besinuing with first Monday in each e200 on him for anything im 2h dentistry You wil! irl it \ r interest to do so. Woo « in best manner.,Prices v thes sent rn ib-augsed Meat, me. See time on supphies. 1200. aren Oto... in: speci fully, aa (NEAT & J.L. COWA ai At Brick|Store, Pack, of Harricote SEED WHEAT and RYE For SALE AT J. L. Cowan’s, Don’t |Cough, Wen you can buy Te 74 Hail’s Coug® Syrup. encteerte = = erage mee dee = a 23c. A Multitude of SENSIBLE GIFTS. Nothing is Gotter apprecizied as ah Niday gift thar some 2 le of furniture fo ee ae : and slwars 2 remem! : VS In ure ROR a eee ees een : Mors tusuwvitful w7a ; 51 thal nsec A Visit to our store ® a maltir oft z : } } ers = - ta. cies that are at Once avr ®. beanutifui. as ¢ | = reasonab ¥ prac d. can be Hivited to2 4 , . . eum dace rainy amount Gesirea - : From One Dollar and Upward. There are pretty Rockers in oak, maple, mahogany aad reed, from 31.00 to $10.00; faney tables for hall, siztine- room and parlor, from $1.00 up to $10.60: a beautiful line of Lounges and Couches, Ladies’ Desks. izom 35 30 = $12 00: combdivation bool. eases from S$i?.60 to & i. ScHER, ats, we Furniture and Carpets —_ — | New Cooper Biock, ¢ lippers for Ch istmas. No Gther store in Statesville nays qui i ee at ae 4 mlatesy Ihe pays quite 2s much attention to \ ‘ rane > ye sence w 7 | mi ae of the bus ness as we do. and our holiday stock ; S 2 really remarkable enilert: S13 ss | ( 5 ae ¥ remai kable conection of Slippers—elegance and quality. Warm and comfortable bedroom aad house slippers cD of felt, fur-trimmed, at $ tec: | 125 and $1 50 pa atin Sli ern i 3 ; Sim) x F190 pair. Satin Slippers ( to Match costumes. We have the Slippers that will ae | e | dj HER. sinck. red, whire, green, brown, in fact. most mele Railway (pO -- Color. at 50c., 73e., $1.00 and $1.25. er | \. - ; , PAS. , For Him. % 7” ( 4 STANDARD R- vA ; “ . = a M BEN AY OF Y; Every man enjoys the comfort there is ing Siipper. Yo ? 7 ait, \ ay 7 Ne CR ee r . soe Mig os ‘ 5 u \ The SOUTH ([s area ly Haase a Christmas gift for a husband. a son, VY a father, a brother. or someone else's awe we ae aspen sa ; . : is s : some: else's brother To The Direct Line to al] Peints el) * ~bave all the late ideas—handsome slippers in bia ne] a , = ee eas HanGsome slippers in biack kid a exas (P S1.00. S125 and $1 oO pair. We Certain)y have the Slippers £ Uw AAD. : that will please HIM Come to the Slinuer Store for Chei+ Ce-iforni cy mas Slippers. ere Seen . HG *ALOPRIA (Pe %) 2iOOP & MILLER F. rida i Ri Sa as : speci nea ; = ; Rae ee acu THE SHOEVEN { me j-A han tne patent leather orien purse is given away Wilk each ©: purc} ‘ - Cuba and Pox op cg a a ee - > 2A RA sac q ; Do OEP Oe EOS DEVO EE eS ee Porto Riro eee a mas ht . oe a § ° Qtrictly First-Class Equryp- Christmas : Ohy istma ! ment on all Throuch : c Ss - Lozal i Palace Sle OU you ) Nigzh ao D Tu realize 1S nearness? The question will soon Schedui ae will sei a. ae you shail buy for preseuts if . en oie yOu Wit iaspect tho followings lines which oo EES ; L¥YAVet OV tne Soutt YOu >, a ee ey ing .ines which we are y Sassurcd a safe < { eo oa eee lowill bels toasolve the problem: Booker Te nt Sa et Oe nape ABET BC: t0S5 per val.; Fice Sta@ensae han ee i Ex peditious Journey. Pens Pensie oe ne Ae handsomely boxed; Gold | ens, BCUS anu Lovstain Pens: Art Novelties ~ Couas. AGENTS FOR TIME TayLre Suver Articles; Toilet and Manicure Seana vk Sterling TH » GUNEMAL INFORMATION. China and Opal Ware: Fancy Eee rat ~eduloid Goods; OR sppress , are m Mcrae macet Lemps and V uses; Work and 2 #DDRESS { Wastepaper Baskets: Lerve line of Dalix ana ™... oe ae BL. Vernon. = Darby. | tion Game Bo2re es e of Dolis and Teys: Combina- alr mde ¥ Cadell, a arpy, | aod ADE DVATGS abu Games of all kinds Wh - ety oe S. en sh < Te Cc. a £. ae | call and see, + Shopping CHARLOTTE, N.C. ASHEVILLE, N.C No trouble to answer questions. a Ee AT, N teat Sees “. &. ALLISO Prank. G2azen, 1. 8. 6 4. tare lee 3d. V. B& Coreen n G.P. VARIETY STORE Sry 8 ray VASHING? : on STATESVILLE, N. Cc 7 ou TACK it You Nesd sACKETS AND cx MATS Escee Life, Accident : corFMoalth TA: ¢ tlileeyn to twenty : > ne oe : i v< nty _per cent. saved on your Insurance Jactiets or Coats i bought of we We are showine 5 lar 3 . - . we SHOwINE a large aud varied line of See w ” ©. gu Brown & Guy. DRESS GOODS INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS. 7 Othce—Secend Floor Bank Building. Men's. Ipdies”? and ohiia : . C 1 uilding C ie adies and Cnlildren’s Underwear Hosiory W — ane JOLTON 130 Kets, Comforts. Trunks Pak Soa acc oolen and 2Q2SoOnga ble Fie rece te aly LENT ee 2nd a his varie seasonaie goods which we have not space to mention pote aor Are you needing any Jo} 1} > i you he 5 ohn J. Clark’s two h; > s acca eee pe ee, handred yard 4 cord, soft ee aacaine “hread bought by the varrel { aug sold two spools for 5 cents, ~ Tae ‘ e i of § eer Do Wy ° pe svamsey, Tomlin & - . 1 wl OWE: n Bo es wo ios 5 a — Do you want to vet it oe i= ee erent aun oe Lb a. 1 — : - ve Bargain Ti vou GO, rig re is the place. 1 1” Duy au , entire cew fine this fall and therefore will <-llL new Ly AD mR 7 +7 EXCESDINGLY LOW, | FOR CASH, 4 AND FOR CASH ONLY, Foie P = : i © order to make a clearane : No bargain to offer the credit wiloles ones = 1 S arance of fall and winter goods we = . i sur e re ele : a buyer. No inatter how wood, © stock of Clothing at reduced prices, GwoBm RICKERT. Beo “ a ae nine & The Jeweler and Cptician. eginning maturday, December Sth eee : z 7 = — a 2 : . . e . g av «a.m., and coutinuing until Jan. Ist, 1901. Young Men Wanted. P Asa “ wha N ci lxr a eeeel yar ets <a B ee tie ete ei Ser chance to get a cut in Ciothing. We have 2 nice ' Seed oe Ine and w ill Go you rivht. Our prices cannot be questioned sthe only perfect and Come and see if we will do what we sav isaac ee ge niitted, opens Aug GLO Also wiil offer cut prices on _ --- ~ _ - ee “ i . 5 . a . Pe TID AT > e «P,P. LAUCENOUE,| 1 AA OT Hi S G Pr ao Siow? ie & pt oa , Pentist.2 baz 4 Ve can’t be beat in Canes r *. e Oar stock will not last lons Thankinys f f MAN KIDS Vou for past favers and Tie-ntT ; % Pest Javers abd sciciting a continus We are yours to please, A ee i Yount &z Stony Point, N. + EE. 4. Yount, he New Stirling, N. C. rill & Co., j WHOLESALE <ND RETAIL W hite, FA She WE GIVE you & Special Invitation 19 visit our store for ibe remaining days ol 1900 vnd we wiil save you money on your purchases. We are making some interesting figures on manv. lines of goods and call your attention to just a few things so you will make no mistake when tooning tor bargains, See our sfrong line of Goods, Waist Goods, Skirtings, Flanzels, Jackets, Capes, Hosiery. Underwear, a oe vugs and last, but not least, Shoes and A ‘runks, Dre C Q 62 ) Sg ee ma alias ey hee aes See the “BLACK CAT,” for the boys and girls. F. A. Sherrill & Co.