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The Mascot Sept. 1899
Somatee eet <67 aa as Ee Ls ;5 MereFoalBRSTPatheceenetaans¥<re?genesaeariesSS:astra nie —-~ pe ite parece rem See Margene’iis WE ok BT See eg Ser ssSRS So ae >‘i te %4”Ping :~~4 ae ME ete 4 ‘onaebsLe"3.ay h gk Bk asees= 18PigWtSas-a ,Soe Ee GU:RAREBeSAB LARCEBg LCIRCURATION IX;RIDBLEgece ee Ark,AS:fut OR ARY,ORHER RAPER PUBEI aT eG Pea ea i SeTayof ot rst aitaace el Soe peniei,Peel ‘ ee “ ea h m y te e m ee y : er r y n e e s 3 si a oy al s Pe s o : Fe r r e e te n af ? + fe ae , 4 * , 2 3k eeerockPatketstore! x .NEW Ona ee STORE Pwyttl take.“agtagtage:“OE:=the situations YK a WS eh oot,Lav fégiert *o eesReoe Seatgions Vefarestis woo fate?neyBeretED,nese ; =accReoord= Sat ented a XN 4~ ayeIAS »PeeTee oih colin ral rE Se“ht in gr:t K .‘meNoee*Ci geesinsThing- eeHN SOPea fiaghcsteeTRICOPETAeWort Fe ek sae that RE One wo Aine .g‘af : .¥rs txSee tk Ne bo:show CoS TneF Ele Aa wbACOn7# »fort?j‘woe iee Y ayae148 5) Lee Zr Ae iePizraeCG2h Sea’Send} ae{pes “Strap perk.:abt BF poy gagSit “pice ane >aS eegoat.te ot t eae.AUrsus ahs aoaworlTd. intra cu,sibsheontaj yell written) oe > ad * so -:psn Qs oped Aoks deaf,ms On?*$ °veeageBetnt:sie ere P tedvehaorSOmnemeiroeeeSam$c fat ‘ ca ee asta vebay “| -oh openyt ig Sepesetiot cP tleamend Aen’of KhiSh ‘wehayéheard.Iti5 shar:seo t haipthesaé tte]hi as bet ging | :“Parte.” Met aT igpotfan tex “=Tol i.Mc: } ck¥ Bs ITxn,ee anion sath ea Py Rentonee“ETSRtal NoTeS.<aefteneSornersat BEM tra +e X xpemEateet aye 9 x : we SS Si -ot ToeSEeRiaMyRoreOSee PUY,C1 Pasining fre:hn aeokGcapeaSHseryNealefaaed‘Lhe reniota akiorar AW Pontaltania |spainHt me sRaac§ft,ToRugind NebupakKoAdad bin,3 ~~t:ei win Nuit2 RL besefer thes.Gil Bagh ou,Setiz Bu Jackson,Arico.ghiaendl:tei aaytnoidthe gidId piston ‘ ecoelitre Wer Mayarwernte a tye hee wear vr =i,ie satis de inte tit Tt Bryan lives,he witY be! /t nominated:practice alls:without OPpO-)posed.tor rm per sition.4 .“i > ‘vs ee Ea ae .soa‘eae!Sane sks voune Republican in the State;will support the LOU tutionalung f hiss nen dine nt ajith thereby,icin? eversccuve white”Sopremucy,in the State.Letaus haved sotias:Demo* pracy for,the awendutent tnd.sues svess Is «et aie if‘jhe* Th &Liseri Sth Centur v State Rai. Lionsol the Raleigh:ews:aud Obsdx=| reer bas Feen Tecited %y oe cobticd: eat ‘isa:rammOvy paper.of snk is.ths:latgest ever,sentea bet “The:Cdition is profusely! ip tions 0 Petr.towaN a agt of it Kite 48 He pidQetheins »The Neck Sand { Cis se tha Stal ate:“the,head @ Sixth Caroling peyspayetse 7 ;This]last tekopdert ialLathievemeg ti : ey lite7th“these msiautFal VoteSo tie iovhigtt dus '8Breeds statsputea , matedfey!Te apatite Wee ‘ks a baa g ‘fs evchedey tatefax bas beech“tis OE‘tie ‘tr¢Dal lon,NK LutheSapresitenyy of the=7B =8 *Nu AS Ne aa yoni an a 4eb ‘afigo-!)democrat ie)=re hte See yl qvet ip atartainthé Ashey,The: Loa ettecainst/the”conststitnpio:rar Anechdifiert.:Oss Lathve was de- “Rated for Yhayor “ot Ashevitle,-and¢ =Sonndeharsrysorebehd.Ais and The.ssevilthe Gazet Te sis the bnly’j Co-ed f*— ~=< 3 ir Coupein He wWEATOS.besides =ete % zyde Sandas atid aap CECE,fycomets ep Si Ata,Courveption obthe firstaltot: bom yits LgnoirCoN mm “indo Appowtndis ss SEDO of the ne 3M ieWak jul watitetupot ihe:wdeSstrios 234 gt Rind:OM,FercareaLyeatny ye ea ime ADRESSaimvt |t boy. ae Sata ee : PCIE THE:pate isemeimde|to en 2.Q.HIO DEMCGRATIC.Puatzokw.v er,Nae eta)ke4 Ni |x mae uhEupetcindSbntysDhfyesSe ere Bryamand Thre Onicege:brake“ indusTaher Spit Toner tah Jpspe att)nodinse ons peesneers “phim,Raa) ay “oradd kn Ringing:eaten VERmehr dowd,iggy 2g oe Sofia a1Stclafan.-£Was oe cieS. rotor agrs ds"thes Democtatic Demge rabiz:pultiorms:’ 1c ae anc antifited™‘Coinage UsTedipminayon in TIO S*bAWe teeornize the salen n fact thatonyorWainment,annot be Deh tespittoatand]Imperial.+ "si yWeStrand,iyrptheyHire with Washingoe 4 petpetuit oF‘our:beesLoIes«\reare radi éallv aid jalismin the ‘United‘PStates/of America.WW hen _“we-hayve}:solved some ofthe:*acé problems’thet vonfre ht Us at hoine,-then by ex-eaeCongre:ssmian “F homas Settle,Jainple,we cay proclitpithe dléssings|-ae ‘Greensboro,“probably tia ables t‘|iat or from.frbe,institutions andjtausprocure.“benevolent,assimila~ten)Ave Litowt (rin ins]agerhession,+We are opposed:10°entanglinw@al: i mCRL,He Says that numbers -of blihuces srk 1 foreisn “kingdoms -andotherRepubhicayswill:follow bim:fem tres A ara atin es bau apreet ie amendiient “is not 14 Wercomni tid the.action”6b s€on-i =;.rns ss Gress indee x or tain Or wat wi2+party ‘questions «The aid of stich Fo icclarine that o IF wal,W ith’So ra She aREON ee }Spaitwas for hui:uut —dyd Hot Tor,t Re pag:HANSS,MinySettle asovpry:con {uest z ,anLCalaabie,bubDemocratsAnist «lrigh-.~We proud vecoenive the valorand of y_re}y on their gwnetforts to carry lorigus cchiievemeutsiofour “gallantsoldiersandtsiilorsaremBunkerHilltothisvera-hour:‘being amongthethrillingandSiein‘the his.Fomvof the worl&,‘Hut we profound~by te aret Mint American soldiers are Institutions:by ing “Iie wf Uy usedbin:-the namePolberty.1d eérush}and”“destroyFaetenearanublicapismin.the @rie nt,-pid e denounce the séCrét.ahd vi-tots thence snow din’evidanee DeoFaceeneBin }fore 1 mationie heen We Geman that the Cubans aha PPolipitashotgh}y be Fy mitt ed,ratte ty:establi isle pe uden exseth Wer cekaghey yi )SotCAL,i VianFang se edemourtcg33Hodshippines5bie ‘Ni SHELL ve li ,year Tak \danse Stawlise.is Se aayiRefavio&thedui Littfive and rese rope,the”yassige::‘of methet Aht4ts Qeci pied By,d eficiarics 12a Treguee leonJae,helper’tigidetny Spection oF nine Aud workstops:the:“pohabit of sssiucat Shops.theubfitiotofteee,oystonngtprisonlaber.Yeidetigre th:4 alRutlsetuhic os{biigtiotis ob:eapiitaly,drecthe Jost |Mate draits ot ee eo}“stattard and:bother .cortapt?Repabljvdaf Séetsla-|top On -YReslionstot “the,tarif.weCenitnid thratt “all 2 articles,thepivsscohwhich,aresreputidied.“by hitiese:‘Discontents:growing?*Gut. :andi AT nical y:Opligated th badlyww?Ry kth trusts,/‘be pees -thetr 6 ist1iree3ulitteaad‘a Avie the sndctaewinih, k Met Cit that,5this sex plates TS “nse m DTPaecispne.ttor ;Wet LopposttionsSiS Bhp Re hogsLes iy istard.,that The: Hebe os alyFev entuaity aishytae isRise|‘ipa baifata“aneea ites asSwell ws: lve akgseries ‘“oe NON SE ROSFigenpaNe t ek ta.P & rota et APiesealibest Laud.as fall “ie oft fyptda=vor ok,the Cintiniatee ttnatok,tras peagnomiated,for.REx iSoiFAGr rvsthe “Democrat aural “flan=} +Sscuyan,“Tada NysbyIS,abel Gandi-| Mates of,“AUREL I de pubs che,athite TooisPatiirallwatdTepodlaterStass «the,Pinnocratts'gare,y very hapatul fis} 4 “aq j iudyear=There is:widespréad isgats’A ut.“ileenema,apt rods OEBos. factional digievences bety cen:Phos Nfainfa men and the Poraker-Buy NI; uel 1G So.»HElied"om’by thie Deitox}* ‘Gyats.‘sheveiicome thonerm abReps QS :tipan,*Thayerity,’Sho,Vickdat 1S.3] ovalDpmc fap na wegtlth:Sma, :solid parks igaat Higtbdck:Salo4 EsaragMekinley.tt AOL -pigtatity tag avitaand:4ry Republica’“rani y:3ab -«,Marize pelargey sherk tHis:Seat wuld banLblowv LQ ~Demoderati¢e masipes far] pucceose 78 the coutitrysain “pA.AS Jite Dimoguiss carky:the ‘Spates.wie 4 HAN TUL TONY tke “Repliblicany ( pwaje?tity,Rew iy tidy hope,Wits be" intased digg fesphtes:¢#acho“partyos has,eclsted ropTaly?3its Nagduely Moet ras,ons Senet,:“grey Notions}2 bat aSta Issues wiaN nigy”‘Lay:sly salesthe;‘camhi yaa ¢ “ie pulligaracontrokat hid nears}. extravagarte and.Glass.Aggistation as -bise where,Zang “tha}Democrat“I= taprSss-hamigity the waters’thoes iuheamSing<oKomussion-‘ahd Cpaiayjuhisstoa®:“ObibSeligthe }President.¢ip AA,SauisiactCIOL?!Heise Naticial question’+o :ed eye:A SP ke beg!Bed 5 py i oR bse Pains “IN gleetaveitk'fugit cate apie pou og [Genovakepdout of thetight there:+3pathe spsuit,which wilkbe&Saygait-| fedsiv ith dtay*iiInterest,“awit -veto ar eeepotter aresult thospile:Nagional &‘onitest,nexTlMebope3aeerDeiioorabe4 wilkwne,at oe syear/ qos vd So7ffee,}at aa whee :soit SeesRR.extain Esaseeyoon):|Teno/disgaseaire anéertaiptn ite mempipine.o eidases Rerec.BtGs Tteressulttowmahe,-a~.saree inafeenoifgdisea‘fron.Bitters w)f the Prittad:~S¥aitos's ¥.‘Ntlornes Rape tiican,ain ais rat hesTeg ake eS ‘tS Rg.Jeiershoy,whiter aged 5)year qailed-beére-wee ‘prevent. moby as;sfetus,fo ‘pie:AssaSs nation:of.Calif nebunty,ife-says Tie;was.a.*tenant)On barnes.“farm and fated him:that* ‘agli@ats Fy %st eae 2 tt van dygpeptia,..2PbsBry Siciause-ady tied|y We denounce ryreyNG enerBernh=<PoayptheStaveto?New.%tex"?thetdid beds Oey:ti Paden tae:hte setete“dn ibres,ies *AtTtutos”Oke.tleeadnyt*Therm,xD oF:ksaotimohdtheALOTRESNeOme,for,his camps:take 4 Tie Siycotes ov,aes against.Sich i eOALCGoth biuapioas und yiedafe |:phy v6 Pxniet dat this +¢t.Hetttion*fot¥renee SO “#hEef erectPinent:me the StudtaescofTaganthea}ie : Wosti¢ca wOsses "ares bd “iesied ‘Abd hee,AatnesL-te teehonnt,of ov;NtIpEDt.S BosSessrepresent,sth Ty and |Er Conantration’,Of political”peewee peleaOnsra.pricy They"live Song LexSETHifredutt*jobs “pad ?smssthefites -loaded Be-ogsOnTHe “te Ray ors.“PheyBubstiztatebabatake:3 the>party]fae:qthwe::Fyte atnot:}ultsss::xoters.9t1Pheeydelet‘the sfominecsa “whos ifLolegheck.*Semaigs Lheirstag)s aid'ad-. ed,Statin="senorita from: $m ‘ninister thejrOeicial,pawe san thefiutlcgsyssottheirbosses:atic aot,Terie’ae pespie.;‘PheRe bigag’party) ioniow is:id Such,control.vee ay e>“veéomintnd-“A.eon stit stloral F“pamiegdme wi providing,fop-thé ele. Mion [Oi pid:Ahi ted States Sepstery:Oy alyregivateolehePplenheeés ; ~Lresideut}VieoPresideyt VE slaeonssuujapspobrilations oy may let necessary ta Tusute,be/suGahithdeheld’ yn lynched ¢at WHsop,-awkere,apgvedtcdenivled..M eteesca € Burges.‘FT prominent nan of Wilson’) D5“OU peaple eect he mhurdéred forejoth.ftoris’daughters?seeBynesefased,padsaying,ool Wi Wasi otheConsev%with,mmole=|grapddaudhters,vad,ras:phLot THF bash.etTh ed |2 eeeeheSey.eeaan ae thebagawith Aye ounce Subkfjava.shat ‘guy Jeiperers6 *the.purp.SOx hegonevillerk Adams,thé 16 yearsold.werk shot orning abd o-clock-from™the Dyur=Lf ra.arosecConntry t¥ho carriage:Prd thoysand people’sitrounded’the:ea ham yailttoslynght om:when the,gpsieittvestheprout.oPthe gail,dis- en Ata o cloékalas€Bigkt:2-4‘Parker:ae,Jams egutessed. >EIA «\ee hay:“yg “2Awcanr Kinled in,Alebers7a: wale@>Dispatch;Sf a ‘ist < ws ayaa iwhite.they‘shores:axthed'with thre Sone: ya,Winchester.nite 3farapptaranceatN oa fre =anijles™ffom ‘Georgetown! ‘théState,line,thts: te was Rot Tey pee cae +toa dBnoance-rnbana’to abusé t Souter© iw ite’womene.Soz:vehe fiwereordered:“away.ay ise Fe of obeying:they erew:Varren threatened their arrest proseeded.to:Georgetown for “that penef.thems thereuponthredtenedVarren’s-itfexand:“Pro |feeeded to’follaw bint,AVairen keptoutoftheway,however,and upon,To.|apptdachine Géorgetow mr ¢organizraposseoffourarmedmen,randBieceeded:to return:‘scr réaching’a ereekyYih.strange”mManar ae gpaeoanted he:ieeeean$He sae a0 désire‘tdadirk;put ii3 oe intd print,’“and‘he:‘explained’ia:the -constitutjonul|pebecause"T-asked|and béGause be thas’noja er to conceal his}:i=point ‘of lew.oe oCcary,Seodiitcns the Shkire |uur et 1CMLO:platiorm ptJaies atidaxct es-“berr“giFis moe,iBysttations.TB,Ee:Reciaity €mpliasizethe findnelalpiank+} at paperiscentitrely.ApOrthiy:,ef:Editar: Ale Lebel a:wk:iSSees Aner (he eoatinue to)tdenzand “off sith:er ahiteot é aS equal in *pangry. |Tueondy f ve‘the-pate ef 10 0 1,"indé=| NPElento kyitseth rer Latlons fn.the:6 sci at -:pn:Nol Vingi,whe Kanpenstic §ani erste Lie OAH A 5,iPeean cau,refains OrOhip Pegatlitie,Siupole ty me Shee,@Qtiereonbae nceadd wé demand ad vote.for.”©TodependentofaLpartyidea,I gee thaton“of,‘this: nyBolftical pressoeadop-|%Bi aying:. ert Carolissi“the:correc!S0-| e Tgsse ee A tantls Theoe body <aPowwn,where.@ jury: ‘pronounced th OREN,Ansricapr qpacyabismonthMassaclia:-atrss will 8pet vOlts.“iit tole ane Genrae stosinings“thel beemoled:Awhgubalterablyop-TSS ¥OD.justifiable homicide.» The.Democratic Nominee isin Onia. washix ton re BL :te)A 2 ‘The Democratic con vention,ting at Zanesville,Ohio,yacteraaipaommavedJohnRt.McLean for gov-‘So farsas we -can judge,.‘at.such a.‘distancer-the Ohio Democra-|¢y have chosen the best and Strong-est.esthey could:possibly have»Mr MeLean is a straight}.-He’*is:above ‘alloeesaDemocrat,pure and simple.|He believes in.respects:all the obligations of feaity|in discipline,and can always be déx:pended onto yield.tothé gill:of the.|majority,which amgne:Republicansand-Democrats alikeis recognized.asthe fundamental principle of:free‘Beis not gnly*aman:“impressiye=per---one Of national’ So.“as:7can:‘party:in "North Carolina.‘bases,|stiits:one on*eee t0.‘the } :The Virginia Serietorship,” RichmondDispatch,ste,= Dies -|upon going-akead under all Both Sonator.Maitin and:ipa.Lstances,and Boabdil +3norTyHer:are <“now claiming:ix ‘ery adn:theirfight for:the edone fraction:o his jixrepressible,United:Stat és.Senatorship,|hs“SenatorMartinsays heis certain the storming ~of'Sa uJuan laOb74:votesin the Democratic caucus:he was:b rouglofthenoxt-Legislature;while’Goy-ernor-Tyleris.counting’on atleast|But be-never dreame45.0f the members yet to be‘nominat-: ed,and insists that he:will haye’at ctleast’GS.or.70 votesiin the:caucus organization, of reat toree,and sonality,but his.+importance and brilbant’political“‘Under-his jmmediate.‘masugerment.‘the:Qhio..Democracyamake’aXformidable and cone attalimehts.; equally sanguine,‘thoughthe generalimpression.i$:“that:Martin wall hes‘an easy,winners)yg !: ,Senator Martin,£f given out-today,says;.*Seonestimgte,1 d bats’aSbisetwaeStudi Mt siznd/and the Roepubfiean4bNemiListfetion:wvies rely this“nation:2)yeaieess AY beeCOME Uavoly d Ono ts auncertain.”weevensaybewildering,“Sta i Xweseppoliticsin-its,highestdevel-"oesanditssmost Violent fermpaghesitaratesOat even,ay in >ar,‘eit Pep ue ers Tita aU OF baerUehzorauntsBeesromeffhe,ism,wel Bedi forgBehe‘Fsbréstd buss:monéy-mhewcTepebtalperpenKealtyinto:Srive igh*gs afaby opty: andPileaLehheworldas:‘fo eeOMeHasicinaouoe!int :fintehineca Foie =NGbaeicaeter"4 se Repu ican,ox |pomotiate asMies toeSith»}orks wits ore PoosSuy +PRle.cause:onwatranLOYoebialntatte1¥aepaddamtt AiG:TtENAV WS ace Mhis‘year’din girpthegd\aiitarewoaldseabitope :tup-‘Biieaa!side Ohio,the sDment’ASasHepeeein:eSeernsmes 4 f feegh SAS statement sive,ae ‘fomGTyler’s jhéadquartets;~Yonight howe that hier csoeeeoe“S Bvory i ederal office:r >Meliniey 's “-ben’ed.by that.eeefor’fa¥ors td nae whiekis::sOtimes’deserjbed a8 -*‘grdti ‘The Statezpesohineyy Sinttepabhcan»*party.”Everyyraigaten.fone “fo'-aeOF ma ihea.totalof 48 -The|fold:over:Séndtous,relatnok ninatedene hold:whi “has. id :tere In fheastivedistricts:Eeenatéedfor'Martin,’Ly lér’pot allowed to'vo,Beran the.people,|tee 7hat-Mr,Mase ee Who Carte?AzRetbegrilysu hone CAN LEA hYfe jdganid’s‘ani ee penaebnes ortthe’)x eeOUEJeng “andy!issatisf;Pees the-wigconducty ‘the Pbitip-sof dostimrambition,Sterns3 among | -tquching-pos-1, ‘and itis’eoHas’rushed:convey ons’Hans ievery place:ee vis.ESE.re’eonsery 1 ‘Satadeetooare“most.favoora lea ane te?ty-ti0)let tbat Qusplicationsosieneocibati sr.ts-te ets« yA re ak iBees NienadtJhis,fin-at estilt more} adla SohnPoe ena s‘the Aue Pers‘ends>eAd to sthe,purpose)4jqubt:ReservSi “the ;“Fepatdtion.ofadfidelity,”ot good;308 SENSE.He’stands”“by aeEeaeitei :for other:mem.totwil“ATGhe’wil:if sleeted,,“apply:enefyt ofObid hisformidable pSAn ee igo ton“the.results.a ce woe dS.ifelong educa ie aD rachicali wa ae :ship ==tyler “sho:bas:“<,S\}against Senator‘Mactig’srevélectton,.|5ie)J amp\}Jaddresséd-a meeting ‘im Manchesterd ‘Shancklin,of:Deislastbjght.»-Thatecity rominates’a:‘member+of the-House.0Sandvotesdirctly.Mr Tohes*‘de ed: See expects te net Y‘He.is:condide: =feast forty tive®of.tobe:eee Pi e s ee Bavernmsats onal os Speiaaron sigh ee “The fortisedinitg,shack prsofree£\ay-EvansCommiss ioner |s.<Wilt’show that.neySteer ete “added to:th ony Sole mfber: ion.|Massachusetts;T:<D.:.O'B wing ~the “récorearinaind-reasonls tor elegSGalesStitesS:ey:votée.:{he‘spéaattainee ‘artinis:ave pare tin the ij 140,345 netics ‘and43;- to pped.BLB4:of these By.Bes of déath.s “There Wasex pend:|ed™far pensions3Fvalue’of,the.arbre pasa ae_eolt,amdynts-to $181,617,9 isBtdhAS,fnore:than™jt avas .exes-be- te eher ay rage:Bt€nual salie of pensfois,ThE,feaigde;up.of 193,491 Sabyivin asdl-hers,BRAS widowsJauddépendent.gio ud ‘Sos uses.--The “fo.|1t:ieperspees ce'|aa DE.the;oynten:be Si Bress-Cle y.cotton.this.Chas:glerow.off:ei*i pene : year,‘of gracenot a ‘Si aeackexaminingsirgsone eeseusiod2sentsLd305,% ‘or Salaties~ther expenseseeGime2ear»otak niftnber-of"origina:eecludinegen.‘ofthe Bs %.6 tbc side a ip bopetat Yow knSvan”every anb-ore enyi:Dgre rat somnbicti Barnes:,that he had asked:Barnes}. Kill”segue he~‘Sob bim~jetiemont 3 sett ir od ci miceOyEr.‘the “aurder,Barnes]>“‘on iei eetissionaryniSet ”end as tuhnin®forThoey,on theiinney,on theiin-=/*If.ththé boys don’tLippietatoretthe.trouble’|,ate te eee:be atsai esoes ort,sit stitettiot §ie =[a neeanPoreLomice a more eeasatad-yearrold wiritechila;”near’tige.j appeiotinent|Fftlington,were brought hewethis 3 ‘Sea dew»bat,is4eu ee bs ased-wae tions:than Ahad,supposed “The.itpression:that,ae eghyis-w,atCertaii anythe.bows A ernie of.youtl.Nothing candauht!his,Courage or}: =tact,that recentlyI havé received mitigate -h ful philosophy.;a great many:letters:‘from:Republi-|.ii 3canfriends,urging thatI make’a.[Ptand:fotthe nomination of‘Gov illed with: ‘resting‘plai ‘jand a eeof imouldy be nizes:pO:ifficulties,.aaaniis sthe'im-,‘|portance ofieobstaces.“Hi peador p vim.".Af-the-battle—we:should sayeee theconsummation. th: :A ieee Mothingy:oe ee ozon.He éesa chance of fighting,pally seate and:beautiful ‘Aas‘eyes.‘favorable for$0hong’as.hé is: hd hévisé 80}“tenstful ; even “ater Si x lenCEo!choler: “JohnR.whe inte y -Goeerndrof”0 0,pow.rsname was axaysand:“méang commit: Je:eragic national coni-men was ‘ao rath chee A:Exeoutiv.asWAS.S: viven “y h “ LGahanoff,of Iinois;Heary D, Glay= ‘tot Nebraska ¥red,Sas ; ouston;-0 |‘Bemeorate ee “of,Carrying. PRateigh:News aaa Dress: The:Democrats always oe Ohio,3 about.this tinie every other.ss -Noveniber;when“theyvotes are.. the Republicans -usyally: The recollection of.24 that painful fact makes us‘doubt if it.7g |is-safe now.to"trust jn the all-per-ei é enée~of “Democratic”; sticcess:which infects the’party in’sot |Qhio atthis time.+*Thereis no,doubt that?‘genditionshin’the Buckeye State arg favorableroltoDemocraticsuccess,that theissues.are all“favorable to it.+,|revolt of-the:‘Germans,the disgustofthebelieversin‘the’ «|of Independence,the.growing oppo--;.|eition.to Hanna and the:corruption-|shatis idseperable’‘from Hannaism,“}tlte rebbery of the trusts:which have:‘|b@en*/favored:by?the.Républic anéparty,and.th Algerism aud Eayan-th t stink {6 highhedven—thésemeeLaneSome.of the influences that oucht|aneert compel thiousinds of -decent Re-vote avainst’their par-)ty this year.The»“Democrats pre- sent liveiisgues_Upda which they are ¢on the right side,stron:candidates‘who know how to organize,and they) enter the campaign with’the kiow!-|jedge that they are right and thefaiththattherightwillwin. déserve to win,.both -because they pare waehe and ‘their pee are, :<nthe State. , -£ -In 5ne”telégraphie Story,ths West,the:careful’special stait |correspondentof the WashingtonPost,Weane of Democratic conti-7dence;says:ica;“Comment was mace in:‘these’dis!)°{patcheslast hight“upona remarka-4. Aly largeattendance and,the univ er‘}sal enthusiasm.of this.cohyenti These features have -been-more‘ever manilest-today,trains have beer heavily loaded;andthearrivalofnumerous.political organizations,notably”‘the.famous.‘Duck worth Club,“of Cincinnati,has.Siied the:streets with eesSe ‘Theincoming halves oftthe patslseeconad with~pthe:loud:‘cornet jand ‘the resonant ‘+drum as the.various’candidatesdutifully.serenaded:There is “asmuchjife’to this conventioras if-anominationwere|equivalent toTan « ‘earididates seem.tolavé this cor vie-tion..HAs Mykrantz;-canvassed.Tortys counties fort'to sectrea pla ‘for sneeeice vas attorneyzéneral.«’ himteday;:“with’sdme Seioate ety <he.Had’thus ‘indugtrieusly labored,jhe ausweréd that:Ae.expected ‘the a“geass,persistent aes if nite,Bites “capi answer.Seventy-five per cent,o'gates aveno~satisfactory answerhan,this,dnd yet*theyare extreme- Ly ‘gonfident.;They.feek viclory iS“oomin eling «.say"that ‘its- dation,is,the:revolt againstHan: >aaa Ze the.fe >dissatistaction’ aot”Pelcral™a pointments,the eteedrt:of’peat e President’s"Philippine —*_swepolicy,+t he discontentover the grow-ingpower ‘of the trgsts,‘and the gen- 77»Perak dégire:everywhere |for a,chanyve.tee:Whateverthe cause the beliefin vic- ptoryabsurdd ly exists;Itis so univer-- gal ad ue Sootaeni that-it threatens |tromble for:Mr:Hants, has butifaif to ‘add that{can léddex's with whoin ‘Taye talliedwelcomeitasthe’best.*method jofpreventingRepubliraysae~confi-” :dence =ey geen ‘although ittie.;Republi-. aee Seles i :othe Mount “Airy:News.says the :c eanelyinoee Peach Bottom Copper "|taine,néar-the State Jie,.in Alle-sghanycounty;‘hasbeen sold,to-soineNewserséycapitalistsfor$»Lhemine is said ta be+a:very rich-“The nearest:rail--~oad shipping point is Mount:Airy. ‘andvaluable ane. pnt ;of nothingbetter to tear the our ‘throat ‘and:§betterthas-wet aH a oo brogchiis and §ooti.oe y keep:it}g.enough ‘ardaoe ing your-ap sitetaeeasesaes zestor.‘de germs ofedn- sughtng.al yeu ai sion,of AlabamasW.H.‘Thompson,|.“griining.of y« =aayoe cktig Sous of ee ~ ~~’ nite ieee :i =(jens dee *fensive part Fan a “ i coe* > a+. SLE ei:aeonladly,persuits, Lehry ‘.“may =>iN, ¢ a iadante x SESLy of * nea got)tote :afc‘uireaeeatieain repr ~~.ne »tnoeUrdueuvatt.Bad itts,eertseTenne Seta Si eee hes 4 fi 4*at aa +3}M f hice feyindiaobtteihApuyda5SorBhere'are jiheasceonyvetie fesy“West;"BI,ic the aveDoigAtteaprotamneh“fti.utKe est;way:nye Save ahin oe‘Drow G x “Sumieaity’Gailheded.Seen *)Ugatbss a mee RS;ecruutys.)dave”puTS ssxege GML,ee ,PgHaun putes Oae Coktsex a eee ne,i ihjstake,40f4-§exLOmMe!, ied Saturcgy mishe Xo\i =F slong ay Toss:&Oy,G00;§Vinsarates: Bitton’Att ptsinteer Seite Word A$19-000,pikes Sepa RS anAsiaacossithemecLaenay*.”Tye Grand=Aincu cainpih Snttis ),.; tise,“uaktritt,PoN conty sinh +a txPijladelphfas Presiip at *ut-7)3 Pgrtinaster:«Matheson went fol Ae aS ‘“rete.sou tie So Lin hey revieweoft thé keperaass.Taesys4 a Tpichise ckpyetpd,oh * a er nGa es SNUES Sats.og at . a so &Smeg, ca n ]a0 Ge rik Pah,5 ere inet.neh is oe ‘eeToe dias beSens}anrtye seteouposs mepicne s we.“fhtae Mtoudey ad termpam The acm.AvitteEh=“eoton was gee :Lyent™bovthe oe of Prine ai\re-a Seah snbas Hot Spri Das.(aon;ir twenty re jn;adm R tances”.“Bhe,wou,ietsLore twe i — ue aig he;fire d EwiesstotePod le ob me Stet Ee #the wrm: *dicd «Suid:aes Godle:4:ay:"a Note AS i FE Se tat AMJES Ny itik The,Charlotte Nes 10 asix-d¢olum:Bi, fogs it bs lariedt € Ltista road pater.fan “ we aitor Dp ved mitt’y Speeaa The wae me “Wilh Harris: af BE:SROREE:in jai il Cary Sa urdat¥More in’bys diceAothrouNtheWallwith@ypdleat:As eee hee:Was thought to.bevimpli-Associate Refor“ned Preshy‘kerian, .ee ‘Dy ey fus ase ; i ‘howght to Bestnéars the. ed Opinion seems?Leo Bg sence a THESE acqyitted.’ oh cat pd pe the’ta pestosi ceoaud eas in.thezjail:ona Subday aifterngon-at 3 ovlock «He shack ere?iS of larceny. exciteniuerst, tial CORY ru es u nuba edie id Fits’are,f are oy é [A fre at Aberdegn,Sitnday reo bine:ant drove home:‘through=thetitedestroyed’ad boarding house and hot San.On reaching home he was tieo”ot by buildings.*Some:‘ot the stricken.swith:apoplexy and.diedsin Hees ‘barelwescaped.with their}forty,minutes after the stroke:oe-_Sobre of th1¢,boarders:Tost “erred,=“He awas beried at Dur Ww est,Save money"“whieh,We.inTR i .MP:Breas wi i Spenttor the De “ne!:-“06PatiC tic“ket in,ENePaSs until Oc»if ne ree Qo}nthe lair ned Rev he ‘RoC:Grick who.was/alsd! tleand-his dau thter?arc sdenomingtionalschodl of the’...R;Jai cin /Rutherfordter |p.churett,“Phe élder Grier was.any E102 ee ofstwo childrens.And Grierthe son,was afyae mistake! tite.ey pe {tant mioper Of2¢third Yeo!fl not:‘a Rative.of that county:He. eetpaeiai ch Shite iS,the reputed father-,]wasa student Of:Erskine.whea the- ak-relati onsspet we en faith.Pawar broke eut ant Achterhavébeenwellknown)private’inthe SSixperhgng&for some tite.)He séryed throushort:the-war with, Shits the Toft:pint bercat watlanthy,lositiv ales ae W.il- bi reli ation swith ‘ eeyon nee aid, raSepanty dnd*where he r0eS) ~“Democr“et and is not as ht amedvot its tween'Greot tle ake aad the_Transvaal:Rces re. aS path Afstea,are eritical; -ney be prec ipits,ted ainnost/ank =SE fetaned has Sent treHopSstosSouth ees:adware tee] ~being paroe Hadid os They.(Fhe Trap:Bs sputtineher teagy'<058ware ag =“Feora tgpape ;z _War 3.sadeiesaletos3~ “The re dations be xSores wihey was in jogs+far [Elected rediggnt of,a6,“rshineCollage.Mundas.gisbt?Modveandy eudihe eo:3yded af the Yeadaf‘ral. fieoh ured Iftp ipptiHPution %“aptil &hihis death.’EL |e ther gecitiSyeh: x Ae:ene tor pat Ue cmSynch tee, ‘ih +36 tn 483 vey tee ks < }naar edstotah@ ia pistal aicay yy ™wig:papasmarae achite/“oftrrosybin4itedaWere3rahe.*Aras ws “cascrua oytr <-by>the ser,At2 stcedsin Stioot aye Tine Se pene Aine cup there..Sat“Gonstapas juits foyrbpur é e atfaautia ik .inevecihbrnati pri 7 =“GPE ontore -*fc-#aS seststagneint CREOntGn witlo eassaeyre“Livyoor ty gah:Headey ot Soiee-|[TeX aFloerbitg:Telo‘orthe SO8.s =bas AR d'/Ruel BnLe instantly:|Chia:Tesioh,Kes Digpat next.me,> Jaatrdss Rerksshal Oypoten Mi Loatn;irtived frou tans+ t‘rhigees passed Lishonea gad red Aenthy mites souttt oft Char teS-4LAabdintatgqaserevoor.He}tony thre.Wobdruit »piehed x.Up "ladeah }&.Com Com:Abas fdtetngatt asga,Survivors Othe.Noteeri ait.s hence?aeey Si x Mivts,werepxchauyt|park Dkots femécked-on Riess leh 2a whiene ms oH ead.cEdwards:off the?Ffovidac®Goast!The Drypr.7yestapedk.|Hit trloco!the cecr oes whe:awasbouyd 4vom Paseagoulg fo ‘Bues wore witha,wer wrarrestod.-Sty:Bos yeswyiyereMichassenibiedatthrtinanigerad iy Go kOc TS,utit,they wdety rae frqm,wbtes,of vthes pleubie tak ee Me:Henmap i aachytheefgrazed‘than!aa ars xudletofpship,betallowed|torred]>shiurné poll tax ant Felacsed “from|dey cbs 4aX>"Noah ak gx be -sent™to?Lhe uaelTormes Eng.“Ho Dayen~hare wie township,ve aeleaae pt e ore=sietor Seeee ‘i Heswas.theres} +ure d |@nei of aes“Sous iionetgi theStirs y NovrsaraGotten regarded niga=0hy,abbests -Senth Carctin gent}a OF,massite ~ gommandlingg”preseidee:“DehSGrivt?impresssed big ‘reatiGss apoa!with whifr-he camevin ‘contact:4Chissuperb’‘gifts of:ming oetitetesseberer,hexcould:have he weérld’s onors:'ifthe bad cused).“put,her prefetredd ”Se td Inbox,in(thecirébmScribed bounty} te na~-inhlCS.a Seab ati Snidegy 7 TSS Sao ti gti;ys atfom ded=“Att Reechat ‘ASented.ae tet.eS Siti:bhekodderdtynyaide:aeSeJed.as Cleric,Enon.“sagered’tor *“meetin dpEaton(church da ‘Dayit <coubtyh onmies?xtery :oe SS beret:promingtt Bayswerdsanfattendante’-mon efot bers he bEtey:Sohn Bi Wibi te missionary Seq}, retarss Rev.©,be Stringhieid sadn neascntef‘the>Baptist ix énialey ‘éaglaxt‘Uke.“ats,On ShiehFniversty,xr J.C2 Caddsil “avert s ‘the Biblical ‘Recorder “fod Mry eesouthtul si yoo the stool Phintatt :of Fis:smell eburel4348ikewandbetter!” =mepe “him dor eahdTdeVotion rarely ssiven]7-at “rte m:an,and his News were acqui-{6éscedinWithout+question,by:histhingsterialbrethren,“thie <iefajorit yofwhomhehad’educated.“>Ap,heBeramongmenHawallen,and:iwill‘be lon’béfore -his Church’naseee)=angth<¢Win.«Grier,a ho £6,"‘mie inet “His churth eave Si eTcashnson:7 who represented che phe xe “Aelk ae rGreringn.”Jef,Orephdiace at Thor asvine..se nee (euni,Meoie tl enio acidf ~ge ant ep aoe mets ete.Che EG SUSETee TeesSSStoke Fone BSS ees oh ie ees eeeirs.Sec ae ade’Ae Rook,re ft oo 3}Sbe inal fer cae aategrson YStlis SayCue M akcote Fat ae prtson’~ands.sav are ty:attackta,hips t* ere “Hosbute ‘siekriesssin histeoaiauetinsAMENTSKneadwhovhasJonhodfever’nODAEE:Hote Gut:Bott mien ate now fy tee+LOsttvalt.who “giso 3has poary¥-hospitad.af adh the Nor wecignHevervisetggowinnsIM:af S.casuals has t@kan the ease “dyetiand?W dugh has fever?s.Aes oe Thoniasenis ywativeat Stevansery|LCfarkisalsct Seles.Norway.ae ae <i :+MrsJ].Wark whe aad pree eaaferiaeee=nei adiaia}Diptrict AttqrneyeBérriard’*Snor et 6by » month for;some time:aed fast’Sats}‘itday,SShe:loavés a fyusband,’tWO}-strze vadrsons:5.aB,and,es >Ww dugh:7Sitet: vi kyTRMONG THE’Politicians scyato:“ities “wet Soatir Card. the New.Hnglqideazue.at Providenea,. “The <ah¢et ing gJe-7 sand<Brvad;, nl i “hg addressed.pe “po BiMothile agi Cae Seat for:fren Silver“es he erator,Tillman's»‘Speceh:,wa,TSydwith:enthusiasm. ‘that.themegrowas pot ae toeeethattheSoutherStates SS“would aot,stand negro dominion’) -en Ata!meeting .of:Chicago Patioseaea,“Democerats in’New York i ire Ee ssTails the’ast Pro WaysPRY Sy:GeraPasi>Jaing be wasvat:the.dépet ekpec tiayNowAUvVertipements,Stig Lto-take‘the.Tio’clock train,for?Rap-f of the?witidow“and?ran.down?thes \Rock‘Gait “fy Wight ex-Gorepnor.Altgeld,”“of Te“OF.Kentacky;Ssman™“tien2, Be ctr Lt Reis;aie cae and ‘Congres ,=,2 4 +4 made”spesthes,,-Silver®and “Bryan udce™Tarviin, :0 se prere~‘wnaninionsly”‘endorsed ,wand__-=théspeéches,créated.~great sents;Bea a The ‘Presiden ees “poljey:was eonndly decioun spina ee.trustse 2 jas th? ks Zt t tAmericans7TakeArgogula:noen.Oct 7 _iS aessitaDispatch,ond. .Argogulay the finest {u a edbig=igre garereys of ‘the bands ehice ‘han .aaS deen ;destrosmig:planfationss and;a *Jevying tribute othe people of Ne was.taken Tpesday:*“by the3‘Infantry,“under™Lieutedant)“Tie oniy!Sioa ofsr+2)Sreachin®thetowg.Was up,a per ,Coxered,:with:2ie==_peneabbery.‘andd,600feet high.-=PE] ‘wo 9.¢“AmmericanSaccomp:lishedt.~,Brecal:pease 20 <—*“Ren were bit,- e.“eA downer.otrength ae eee atéasiSt"Many of the rebels were -wounpureandcaptured._and-21 were:rie -‘Phe “American ~forces:capturedguantitypolstores-and.«destroyed the cha.atfheog “Disgatch,tt,Be My}7 =a e gros. Hig ‘Sixth ‘Colene}{Byrne” Lone tts saat 4 .aiewar- ol Sto Toteptember10th,»~Pbili istaChartanoea”saa Gninedist thy iltppthes,foutid put that thereof the-tnonth vishriand-“matks ‘they.jwicinitpat.least'o0v heir wil‘be,ie ege Rduahity 6oie mead:‘bei Om,‘Gegronise>mtFfetted.-Pkesident Wiekerstatr,ofthe‘MaSema.ores rh,Which}pyciSoperated{by ythe feypro:Sa be putinchange ofthe At; Xv ~.wee mig Dewey sails $e ioral she we aye digthd bith:fos 5 }2%Z rtit.see eeipa +i ihe Southern Railway bak boat Neve pest.Neews,:ve asc”puenedMe ¢*iS DA > .gay:2 Morar fo <K-aa hex ‘4++aopshFrkeyeatoeeit‘yaretsof suedictatoss,cours pS f Bist °.f the “weeksxeCer?Xe sean A kas Oiseliens hs ¢Po HoTeES.bat ifeent ty shonedirst @ he*a Seens ZN SEL Chay,i ae ty:9 ELS a]GES Rat.Be Awataudi coynty:‘Supevige eosny./-| aid Horace 15 wers;,LSORS OE Cot.G lowers,<RetUNTp 25edto“Peaity ebiere Ratha ven “frbal Serre,Convicted:Sand Sear AN “Ah ~clisip .eb sy mek oe a4ibpestraopsahTatiwas,:"Ela 5 a vlgg Tuetakento.oe “Yorks Wyige- 3 exe ArsinfeianesNesiow! Pi =e aut:“cho =A o sie was Shot.from a8es feesies eei pers ays UNE 1S heTOECIR af oan ¥,7X Pstiseilt p.vursuiny the nuxderers.’y 4° A satax osoh <Tsie {ehant,Victor*Blut ‘of the Navy whoswont fun a ae :‘Srourtd-Santiags:darite athe“Spap- :Reaeyeegr ish wap will,marry,alee Bigeare ae mel Sat [Setieent ay Morciscorgn,>td ELetoper 3Tile gripe Ace at Bre * ees &)hip Outs”Choro HUNTS ZN HOwnie!isminers:Sgatheporte-ooqubred &t=-Pitiston,Pp{Saturday.Ongman waskivled’out: (eoMessre,Ini GiSaat)the nesos Faxbe owepreak| +)novingza sage.and gther,property, ws:cote jig won Rassisiet =of BN siiofied Mable baron Seihinz|iy Sitard ‘Ly.might Thm Goode:Eye, EW hom will dip.(iEse riot “hose engascd sertt iRefe8: Haggesatl Saks ects 5 —————_-_ee é &: i in,the stém-/ 4 »Row.wre.Grier,DD Des “cbhicensed fr Sm-Charlot te News,‘ath.‘*¢dtared,a >federalrmCharlotte,broke Pete1Cet ‘of Erskine Colleve andeditorof the robbery of the Advian-died at-hiS Homein Due West,Sie: wy +prebachedgh Bethlehem chureh:threéliniles<from,Duae-West,Sanday morn He feostay ‘afternoon,\-"wes There x Kee very te Dr.revwas a son of,the kate 8 pressident'gf Erskine :Cotiege,the TinEegts The earl is}Mecklenburs county.than,ant:Dir. “he:enltited:Asa th.SC;‘Teriment. he |ansbarg,vy He pie returned(}to colleie;finished hiss studies,and Suncom be,|enteredthes ministryofshis ‘Chutch- i ed Fohp i Tovee ty soven years:ago.het was) af eho aN Deth sandLoavesLa ess or Seren,<chiil- Ae i"me A ey Re ets a ‘oa Hage *Botl deus".were pornly rLigsiee(eaed pei FOeiaes,Sayee PREM ae ety VE Gas ae +"She Ras sige Gied.<a.we eee ‘=:Rr :yee QiFhr yo!C,&.nésto Tre”Writish “stearer Ww Boicu, eo fhm tt x deapor.Ww hen birgttrseksi xa Aged 2 3st:Lryohins |. 1 Whese"E nel wtards:hcew HH endéyson and Goodinurrd’Fhgm-]* Alderson”ig’Batrayipe¥¢ompanida is elitiche ie ty bar Daa oe oul a -TRomasda tell a drosat welt SM ¥ y -The-captain.-of fe Brora SeVor: keatsen:wera”syept,ov drBadr|ands:wit dst.ihe “they recéat*e West 4 fadQexSee~The cmate,fand/sexend| othéramen pus to-seaon rats uu:ade?Roundeckiju,“he at pareen Sym) qehter sand thé,mate gud®gue”thn twere<epardter trypat ae OL heise hee” ratte 's Col Paniste eV BSs:bind wl atheSessoct:PhijadekphigsSbycth Ger uiuy Stu -ahsthenarte ¢pinmirtedk“hpeida }des =“PO?the-six ‘recA spn fhe ether.peck oftoeonrtirSawtgy|23 +Tike:TitOaehec Ge ekazédtro ealpoSsnbeand.jumped,Tato “tM Sa.“Trotetersiete {kon stitersTetclkOVEROOMLAGEAWte:Tost:ticderson,PhosSserrand aly Ayah PONS:to"trecated,aswonpel the“,hag ath a eed Bes coin panion |,Pio masen’s Dreastkface:avers “Bittea nis Suvecal Piticos elpinks “on!26005 <ize bi ar ryrtecariOutregesHusband.pee - Geer ifle Specie to Raigieh News /ay f « estan he-driew a pistol pnd.firedBirnardPhevaltnfissedaddBe te prow:MoGrienprestdsot” “tedin the southwest corner of the Hibs vata “offer.unless "torattendeourt.;aPhe-vote tyas Ss follows;aed i Towsships,x For beReaitist hMillers:2): 3Sharpes,kes 1S vloast itfe: terddVaters it he county:And would $00 persboal *property in?Ellendale GpieSto Det!ESS."Kingsakd 6ther4 oP Litaint ;Dir oa She hy [tOMNShIP fem Lackey's.to-thelre-|Ditanfa,on Adghst UCa/Lihat contrey line?thatpifiicost$ contidued.”. thy Compléticn,ana _opening.“up,‘af[the publichroad frome meat.Re Co recited “awd:“accepted!>Said read ordered to be”thraed «Over tothe board of Supérvisarg::>a gay [tie opening,up,aid eompletion Ofthe.public ‘roadfrom’near Js<DoiWwes”to thé hendir-road néarJ,WsYebyides,“whieh is)exogoived -and: visers*’fc : 2 The peti Non!Be R May berry ‘and ‘Otherxaskingthat?one>mile of.road|.[iat has been:made:from,Wilkes:|:colnty tine ty.the “graded iroad se|, Lreeciyfed asiephbli&‘road and publi-: a Bldodhotinds:wer telegraphed for.dtige ras)misse Trom the heuse.*} wert Ye.:+.ysF<2ppeEsa,eet ich werk? Gr eaobth:s.trip’Sa.Georiinn ;6] a edssteep Mrs;BASAYE fob Sy Tuessda.PRO Aces f Riots:Bk Li.Pane:Wak weHowetsreturnened.‘to \Durham,’last theit rpura home.er Sars =. sat lie had left heres)>- Mn W ms,MY ‘Céoper;-0F.States-|4 ojlle,was:bere last Friday’leoking|‘hatter JAS swaterpowerlon.theag Catan)odJBivet,in “Miller s‘towhspipsEa oS kyer iF,“Long;ofStatesyine, deeds here last Friday,to =nreet°“the :-teounty -conimissiouers and:tax “ase“tsessors about the valuation.of JandFinAlexandércounty.)Sore “Mrs.Bagwell,wife:of.Rev:J.r. Bacwell,and’son,Jolin,arrivedherelastweekona.visit.to.her}- mother and brother,Mrs,N.“Canip- bell ‘aud MreaG.Campbell. day.Mr.Chine:ayill continue:‘he ‘shop.=aOR mek paaene / spaugh-and Miss Essie Little;dauch- ‘Moser last week.“Rev “Prof.Je’ won.3 ah,aMny,Cap ¥Tho Alexander‘county courts hoaes election lastTuesday failed.to geta ib faver-of whildive ‘a new =-court, |towtsbipdid the best,keing.situa» county,along vthe™Catawba!rivers nd sbarer JHickory:Cuthwba coun) tler’citizens do”not xcomc.‘to Gwaltney,-.ce %: SugureLera -Little River 3Ejleddate,“Vitteyburs Mowe Ri Totals Ege sFhereare more’thts q‘Zo.revis> “havrergadived mare tran Sa)Votes tebavéauthorizedthecquiity‘eonimls: pigaeee Yo levwthe tax2 2.0s »xy Ae .den ¢ APEX ANDER 6 STY COMMISSIONERS.Pepensts Ob.this tissue,’“put theve+’ Jgoob’Lipebe’“aUowed 40 crefupn township for dad released frdin’ EE OENVOH SRS:« <M sphpatey fiten be report.ofy athe eee etion.of tHe.bridge?BETOSS| {Little Fiver stjars rplier flow.wift. oT Re Gork was tosteuctéd:“to ssendi} petitioners}for:poad’foy 'Gewalingyse were ‘Ratt[paid that:said road eedis-+re REE Lackeysmakes tis apart on OF sig (Furkeye Toe,witich tis An TG Johnsan’(kes:tasS meport @n: said oat tirog™over a ‘the =SRE: cation made,t6’be’heard”at next: =Broke {sto Me.Moore s:Hsiee.”2 See NN oe:-Naat he Lou,the ;Ure’Sear -olddaugh-(es c %Rasee se opin oerestateediMotiy ‘The=oves whelimunk,§epicFTRelsewish New YeartTBLErstaSoScearedg&ineut-sexips to Be-that thesSeer:iiext zt wn -oxca ah ?othistort gne-,zabout the shooting Sedator froma Sau’Francisco “fox | board bet use usher,wills - Overboard &4biswas'finaly dpng:[fen daysiatter New.-¥ear..,:Aly He.a niain ding.SMxvastaken onanply-bedoalu emaoevilacand:ieshores par nae Aes ourvjur OwOwnD a y 9 phe epg eg rial sired,3cf tseeow:PE Bosth to,fast Pride. ‘8h Wiliams,ot.fhe”hewetaxse cbaoka¥-~retis year monday.te osLari,‘Crguelithas'sSanted:abs tiiLapaHew-steam*sa we mais,”TBs_miles Ke _Pborthadst.“tio wine’a ee ae tan : Lafes spe som;of ‘Sicaarieen®ad)conticeauteuetest §Weeks tO-~wot ;Statesvith ‘aid:Cktaxba As ‘weektobuyPonteforthie:postofice wine f onkressifiah *>ienye cits t0;Cy x :ya : ty gtrcnd |«aseia ei hse Saitempenty dia Real me ety Mr Re i,‘Cafiter,“of Bry:ee alle,|+ “ejIredelk county,was,bere last.Priddy’i e :No‘l2 Steveiison-‘Pract?about.AG:‘acres “Mr.“A.aR:McCall and brother,aultor have “been working:in Miz Jonas.Cline’s blacksmith shop,peturned to, Hickory,thetr former hotne,."Tues-: “Tisteported That Nia ‘Cart Att ter of Mrz Thos:Tyittle;“were mar] ricd at the residence of Mr.ee : White’may Re able to:give fitonme: majority.of the Voters,not Over one-}:{fourth of tbe:qualified ‘voters voting )house:-Taylorsville and |Witten-;= bute:townships:castithe largest-yotey: rin fayor of the new building,and we} must acknowedge.that ittenburg ry tousx r Be se ‘NOTICE.ee ‘August SIahygg >Seirus €ee ee soe rnest Patter <Wetes Raises oe Ne.a)intheddor “Bernard jumfud|Son ofAsbéville,died Jast Saturdat.ieee echoukut the “indow.‘Got jaw puree Lhe {6nergtservices.were held.atthe K-peaiet droves Tepidhy down town “aLna|‘hose Sof are <JS.*Pattersari,the =f Ne aalay eveni i aksix:“0 lock,the:wihsfattisespeaEpesBailespcieFaxJ,Sheppoz missed:his aest”pheteaenan —<nant 4 Loert4 quis and ‘that punoumesaeete ua&NdiTab paka cS,“Gan 7ewetibe at's six =ates?*oae Bk sheBewathbe“wade abou pon 0 jars:ort.boar’‘the:traas4 most,Sotefan and impressi etéesStivaoftheJews,”“Thisdawisthefitst day|; “of the-Jewish:yéa,5860.+*t:orrtherr‘Subsistenee ait {they:*FQIS dayis“followed:by seas gito.gatit ot allow it sereed}fastios and .brayet’ending.nail ‘thatthehee?bethréven |,Or.“Yom Hip: asahee ee *=aka Syoet Aesouterys,at.be Cou “adjacent.te’said city,“pons ai tan as see BER ated ie: pls ston Listof et te!sy ae WeoN os .2 at “Mysillor“t rack,&a teseae “No:3:gc Gigbrueaedpasa: <i }j“*ey% ~-No.Miller’tracp,13 deres. * avast “43-deres”~ “No:18 lots-north Of.railroad,near eye Mills.ae Los “No.46.50:Lots ‘south of railrgad,near-Cotton Mills.:ae eu No.AE The 3-StoryBrick Tobacto:Paactory..ao PORENO:AS):Afnumber of small Tracts.to"be : sf ot See!ah ene ‘bee phe ee sa, *" ,2 mA ge“Red Ns ae oatMedopeNoss :completted.s. f pe er ah we?ee,1,299:5). wy eae epee ZY SVee a or ierost ‘State.editions,“there.are’ situation-in,this-cona celt.to ‘forecast:the“‘action,of ‘the|. {ate some.who-are it_sympath}ithitjandrL-betiev eitiaty]dow im agh ward?Vetting,=»thenr<si anualwithin4thisDemocratic?organization:Lavain.Be itsten oe remain ta reounty soméexcellent|?citizens,Amopg.the Popalists who|. }secm,fo Wave.little:independent ;ac-4tionin)polities,but‘ate‘controled By. ‘aStomishes«,ine.neighbors “and: ope fof proniption To the party.”Fe Again Wehave monies ubligans. respectipsas:canyboudy,.who.are Re- ppublicans,tpetitisesthey:pelieve ina |the other principles and.pdlicies:oftthe_Républican.patty;-but“whose as-, sociationsand instihots,are thdse of}L white men;andthey:Fes].“that oad go."TE the wegro is:to-nake.the;anjéndment-the party. sourcewo ‘expect a “good”¥ote for}tlie:amendment.+7Iredell will:con-, fribyte ber’full?share’to the “Demo supreme:¥+0 North Carolina’Rset“Werry.truly;y.:eee ae ae LAUGHED,Ae,Chalrmpait Co.Dem,eenswear Ganson’N}Gs.Aue ® “\‘weitlS:TS Ww.&a ROE WVHO IS.SorgenaapasFO.i S!aud”Bladder trouble.»“Dr... saceny and dojlarsizes:.You mes Averatied"mail frée,also gt stenlintgt-all:at utLat oni Dr,wither &,Cos eenset ae \usecheage shosiitg and.blagksrmith.york ory “and,after4Monday:‘Septemt “tent Twill oc }“Bartow &Niehowowaunduntethat:stmt;Mtr,"B2S.Sheppard avas ylso,‘Steet.Jie,wdsé,barefgoted and petaritEismntrhs the Pink Vorumon ets Maait Mehey havé received'a bi fotef SCiioat |es the depos,and,seting Bopraid?)*3s rackae across.pi cenhbosksakasschdol/Sapphes.7y.7 V20 J Pesmagkeds“You,datnged sedungtcl »Resins ae.Aeon of Hogt cee_Coaper GarState thal:they'waget ¥owruited my ‘hoties Athisane, igkens,”vats cart cts(.23.¥3fcan5Pipes+Coninissidh er,wi isag ).agv Ruusito™the’autiaearedur sepa Lite!ofitaDee!a.23csin1Aleander,¢con ys ea il Sooof;elbsine’the,Qoor:after4isoephimWhiteShepinrd*Was:teving ter,~OF)Mr-andMrs,‘EB nd willbeigladthseryewhose!desiringAny:services,S aaae SE:CARTER : big:‘gadEaten :‘PooSiatehle’panies ee BS Tt ) ee e ca s e n ad aks=a letotsim said’city;anda:saeaoa ofPreaiati oe‘tobi Sold:as Mapped as wees 0 take’weir:‘places in:Trinity]7 ¥,ee Numberéd iin oeaati ee = and eiien \Poewday,*The}Collesre faculty.-ANS ame Sate?va) -Ex-marsbal Thos.J.“sNison—tid son yandJ..BB Connelly;Esq:stopp:|, ed.overbere.‘ashort |tine wondey.<on Nos.and db,-Millex:Tract 3aie ueTrask BY he”NOS,~36 and 17;Vannoy Tract,ifactes.- ~Nos.728;Torand.20-¢an 1oy Tract,8 "2 Nos,:(21 2s B3,P4,29and pe Of. ‘had NoeOS NO:80,Elitison:Phat,*hatit 22acres:82KoetNo:-Syand34,-Flemtaine Tract;about 20deres “No.2:dnd 38.)“Byops Tract,about :3v acres. A Ge—=ceReepairs3 for Same Hana we:“will take’pleasirein~s) feel convinced that after¢StiaeueU3:chat tbe>= WN Q.BIL Flemming ‘Gand,about 2o°acres:”. No,40.Tomlin ‘Tract:from I,‘Wallace’st p-tomn lin about 30 acres:|ro No-sh C."Ai.Carlton Arachs abort 32 acres,|:Se Late a ae Hh etawel Pract;‘about 20 ‘actes.- specially dedesignated. :ands374,Gents.J; Se;complete linecof One-thna oush,‘One-thirdiu.1 Six months”and ee:in.1- -months,<Deferred/pay,‘ments:to:be secured.by.notes’‘pearing, Oper cont:from ‘sale tilt paid.”Title yeseryved:till’purcha ~.money is all paid.Option to purchaser to pay cash and° -deed-on day of sale.Sales:to continye:from.day ito “day.=thé bestpotish in the oe=—— ks Mage:this pepateabe bouzhtat private.‘gale,Balore \.day of sate:upor application’toLT.D.Miller,Jee ‘Wallacé © ‘yet?.‘Not abit of it:for the-far.sigtited onentheriserisitgfasttoo.“We colild not-duplicasodaytor.‘what jt cost us,and’catpets:£0 upSeptemberJstnotherethoagh,“Wefel t icon:|She whee the.market was |Towtest.for:es mailee : Good uses aever-suchen.ot “Unioiis,=heaiy 4 :ononatass extremel yserviogable will be.50cents,.now 30 aul|Jitgrams.Heavy ‘all,wool-~extra supels choicefor‘fal floorings,will be °75 cents,now 4 coats AY Art:Baustes:and rugs. oda:Schiller, FURNITURE &CARPETS .amt Be EF!Bong,at’Statesville,N.<C.Noo iS sale"affords to ‘investors:and prospecting settlers.an, “opportunity for.the most:varied and.extensive sarestments a Sever offered in-real estate:iby Statesv ille.:::: ye a Be orice oF the Stockhollers and:difectors-of,the company. «Phe Statesville Daroloument Co. Shaikan Matodeniinksn”sn = oevt yatitutianalAmandmén 8 ‘i.the Raleigh News and Ou oe eS“CORRECTED WEEKLY.‘BY*AND SLE,x, +ACH rade etAdena =A a (rebters)from;tlie:various “Demjocraticy.county ¢hairrme.in“the Stdte-on:the:{prospects:ots©they Lonstitutiofal |:jamewdtmient”>ie “their conaties.|F+Chadpnan:’Ricimpa 33 McLaughlip*aeea Writes ds fallows Th negand to:they en ae Sones 48.Ws. :TRedélécoubty.will ee ae -iSpkie:best uality anil?ees:finish..Give us:=.order ‘andwibeeapledieee Ae :cnn Respt..es Hty,ot from TO,toss]:200,for.the LF ameudment—geveral hirndred Anore/r|thanithexparty majority,Its diti-| oS os ad 2 Bo e e EAS Shesol:per i ee boDUCKS.PREIS4Resgach,a opraeeResto Tellow.r. ose ee per JIb Sferégret to:say’“thet Chere sti Rens ‘and [presses‘also.Cotton’Gin :‘Saw:Milloutfits“:ean Traétion:Engine.pave «7]sourep attentiogie ‘ ‘the -parta7s"busses,toa 'degreb*that |,foul PeraATHERS tow.=e HIDES dey,Rerse.ayes 7ee‘greem<<.‘eet friends,and;-ieates a.‘lingering: Cad as ‘patriotic,as nest!and”as:‘self<po Ihightaritl;\the gold standard>and|: ‘negro arburden.énd Jwill let ‘him |.”iS:Strong:enough |™ :S“Shoulders:om ‘y #4STATESVILUEnoBaces,hon SatMestin’“other,words if to be acRe=|<>::3 cpyblitan’“ong must>be ‘a nevro—siich. Poren wii dropout;Jand “from.“this cratic:landdide that.willbmake whité’|Sm© Westie ai |BRAMEsoasomer nee bs“gre 1dmeyw Te Le Ne “prom ‘Tiga OTB s abode:+:15."Miss Gy neta apparce camp: ut’“Jnisie.Mogrd,the sister-of Mre,wor?pee apie ae 7 tee HORS PYG Breso6.AlmsStrest;|*,Uniter-States”District”z woke Np with,the feeling“that somedead8SyearSoldandtr:g00d 1eeeus Mt:oe vo a abe Ong Weis 10?heb rpdats.“She-put her:wolinia District,has beed jiesGresoe Fhand but te the side-o(the tea,pind,Méuched sameoue’on the-head-*\She"}:Sereamed and@'theifgn jumped.“out: pworie:RAlexRANORDER Ou thoreen9thes} oGropEe7TH SfoHowing “realeeand, aifiowve,bare fader] AVING RECOVBREDPYROM A.SI (Fag |fover twornenths“L will again be ready.td-:serve ony GistodiEs With?ficht-classhofse- goaining:etiaan OEM.oR eoatalningtimbeber sndiea “acres ons Mf H oe MS.=oe.Plate on"spoons,forks,:~antec,of,quality ‘Theae1847-, it ai.havonsit thetoO abeAME.finest:siemth oe ba,5assfe&“a'sSide One ylstation:Gl -the AtexgAParmérs..iankegtoHansaid.ee adeStor ae of ness Thissui aay5ofSeemseR. “YTheeSguihern®Railway darinssx Ce tsront eit ‘or:$e 4;@peace-Wartast.fins afath er-:~by,Batesalt:séasdh,of S96 samade:a*10 ‘per’[Sheppard “de er ae :ey Aasaith“mia ne Ga Sinead 0Bg ReepeesGUY,sessesof allymplaxes of.i ae riatter tS Bpi te mult Cinch ee Ook:kara %Gcmetepys'»7)Wane ztheSsgsten”,.“Same”monthsage the)eday ee Ritizer-thie strestieh ©fh Sone os Tes :3renewsf:z 3 A-Popeate saleifwc¥.Ne ippur thedayofato tot wed)seeks? Fi te eaten Sa a ;ie K (EDIEr3chaan oP.ia ncaa re the TilevageePesae ee: 5 BauigyOia:visa irnlp SokFade}ySeSi} paice Shirt Waist’dxtora 7 >purOie ore,satisfac Cte riestheREMI. ly Grown,‘and“has!trtsofAY,OO:Sho ‘sttyles- {“Weir grocefatuealfoluteyertecteos “for the pa 1) sor —th the postog at the staq 2 the ot 8 ane paliag ir.time 10to.extOr the,‘cuts speaeioeweando id a os “welts ana A fee at «> e555 “4 woe . >G.HdshillFetters tO.Gets vst i ir aks “lage:“ati 't ‘mes hin 4 2 :oe peapaoc:ote ae eee whet tangsPoy sh ane s ee eetage SeeSree te,eats van ieee ganna kbayprbmshin,.Teheseie come Lantos>Te ealand Gentine‘Bargains eatored—-eo ee¥~the ay reement éf'the merehan{s.to’of -5 ee .CoN!Sa}ey gxetbed ened,i y “£}poe SR A)FeySade aStas tnfaye ie:*he-clidnee iif,tag diet ‘ot wéent at theGr a FE t St Be e Ler Shad“Close pete:“stores-at-half past —_Mas.Je Gs tee andirs Isc.TPsay oer feetas sai ed.|Stikea ncae 7h Mra”slaty sSFrand.|Fadlstow‘Runnd Shilohstostnships adh.;a ree:ron.jOLe.7”Coe.eon eee ro 1 ee “oO digck expired.«The¥now‘closé at}peyviet wenp to South River“asesiey foal fo was eytrs rw?Bours.holots tgaS84 HoCid “eckits”gpRCO“We dsereiedines:dopeerning eayek hadfe es sae yer $;24%ithe fime'ps —each yang ~~ety’Lixsroctag on spend,‘meer any-onexrdame to.ber absigtance,dhe pou What ae BD:Tine:Die heTabi &feeen“cap ateeine this paber {Srifour i %SandSoeSiinpers ina,Gen atea_price a a“one:witinyelatives.«”ica tans)"calle wads somnc,of Ser,sepa |eaE LEE wicgyupth Syne “sreSong,{aseeks,Avatsmde as-culied:forin thy DOS NIL BAM CIP ECDS a EOE Tae OT:LOE:©éeeeeaefo|haceante DEEELS:Chenault sea |c6 shire GR Bk :Soi te"several months;et,‘Pp rience?w show dhe COOROMY,wad polaions :Ses Larenby~lixos:“hate.Heer es 2 .ah an.3 1 $0 Rah LIGUS eWERES BS eh “petition,~eAtKoniier,of Pahstown is.)oesbaas“br ick Mrs.ide ~Morrison::‘and *io!sual for.ok “Phoeset ‘ttfree!broken.’drome Ssitchoth oh id ae &Susiiered eae 3ata a.Shi Tp.By,tH wh hee wh me:E So SS ~#e}_ "ete fo a a “Be is kohiidren who hay.ebeen Sisiting»Mrs:f}garb thie”petien tois Give isfoelyf btted E acts esoucwh efiba rt A 3p salt St Se eefoesre foe Pa ::me end teempuudingfor,Hon,Lee véerma 3 eR Meds ,int ‘Ie RESO Mite HOU Bad pethion°ins flac Asking fox a Eo acti |ls ase jin Salisbury,to be occupied by ths}iste 3Morrison,sorerped Page mae LS reiraeoe ee SS i it usyede eed faldayis,Gettiomen,vit Phang&iy’the Oifncanil,PyroersBurg::A An te aie -pastefiice:_The.ne willy cost}fe yesterdays »Sxaiea Re yen ehectes hAY.aung Wire.Q1e5 ice poeetit ARS that Ke oats Sin tawive theuty pe as Loloiss “HOF“begin:*Sphere thor,4 gk 136,Ha9 or #8,000.ie te ee ee fk **Strs,-Ge af.¢Board ‘andScitildven |::SS AEast wrédncadgy evtnbiti:abpy edlatale ee CORYCr:shtratt ”“ébout™~naiheplindinow ©‘fOSses:Rov’y Creck,thence.ree |: “4 Sirs ‘Samuel G:Bustle of South P¥ert to Glin yestérgay gnorhie-OK)6530 O¢lackk,Mes ee Ress meegensikd tie.€f Setutsly gre.ae rfpsad dhereg!RAbO™the Loleero Maly Seri meeeba 2 iis eastStatesuille township,avebirth:A Visit,to.Teidtivesd.ee veil sre tloMeiLOor MP.GhIrIe Nosswho tieess ;Serepee re eeeetanei bea x so hence or :ar A a tn a é oh y ‘tha ovarya i POOL OS iT sat he sUhion>FOVe Jin€.CHC EASE Ti 8g TT ee aR ye ot %Sa teens+t6 triplets ‘Saturdayone“boy and twirh aignde y../4 fom ther Bo fovand died of teph¢id Sad sit nee oh =rats -R vr:Teele aad “albearé dding well)Miss”x ebieirea=Sti Seat Zl feet>Shespre ‘Sigk,sahenetes0,beecone gee Rae fea:ped x6els ano 4 Bit wads.LHe.ot the.doves hse Cork,Oats;):ee SRE Is *‘The ight w R ate .5 ae wieks.>Rex.G,TE:Chrarti-cottLida PSECeBite atoal ,welineddn’x aoa corner,of wuynersbure®towns Se ie NR ae ER eee ae Ry :me oeairaveragewelassixpopindsreegisterwr:BycusSF Sher BS “Eh ovftamerahsc Pyides*at ELE reA:Suahisiy TaN XE the ethWey ‘One fhe oor Physi ve a~Corstervot SOKn +.faego,ee ie We ee eos Kers,5 wWhes ay hirked down.‘torselk for cash~"|are ie and they.are well developed,,visiting.the:faliilg,Dr =A.Hau [Geneovout Tagxsdas Darra at DAL Ne aust the.igereines ’x TareSMiGrioe-The Change,S$desir4 2s z butaren Gntrefus Epo weratnae ab:S0c,“Pe -~|_Reg.and'Mrs.Jobo.W.,Davis,of aeDuniap..ey Rast,lait’o ‘loc aise reutainst #id-OP ntoot ings ao peabter olyciFor,seiool Gonyeniencr.~gttee C5:Sie ancarlysgt eee =ecirs Bettey ce . , * x x ping’‘for tHepresent at:“ur.. La.os a DS ae ‘e; wn uidayt te :.whe spasto et 48 “home ap Oimantte sick,”“o5)meiS."W.Stimsohds thetontract]t.pty axslate reoton Dr.,AfeKen:} Be ur~Dailas Robinson,ofNash ri >GF Ss store”—- oo Beth Dry de Rene:is exnected Re.BoArmileld has charge of ig’now.| ‘Mtr.Percy:Clark,sowaf John W. Clark,Esq:,of Falistown township,HRiver;Rowan county.is visiting:hér“will vommencé’werk:at.messr&J Geased,.who,was.a ee lay-of} ve =“pusmtss notice.cea yen “is 5 hot ér‘oan SBbectibers sho oy¢¥eofan feuds *,oo a <>RyesR Qpapet.are,expected’to settles” adanterigtte-fall.:Somes‘St-them-owe| +¥o}ernore“that ond year,and Wemust *e 43;tn asettieniént.Drop in nd &h& : *Satzle Shin torte:=o ae ee :“Sefe "Respecttally~See Sarg Tao we <<fal Su :i 3 CMR.as ne ‘aall vais ateae a Z x at EN "Ny “'oe S28 ae “a +mae “.E gereiney Gusithe,Niyes!wehddA}ate>Atay ASConeSa Ee eye:ane ;ae oe Pe,3 :daast Sucre.s Cor chevy t iin Battie?ter ton thi:Dadengcamicktw Mache ‘siReScott iterorigi ot stewie1 Pagid,Sad OrnGe Bajos,“people scatheted ip the -Nebbodigt \eh =>.A he.0 EIT his Fath <i pou amoter a ‘we ODE at prisMapper apeireeee pega Tianqactee.es f church th-WitHess the anarripye,ob a i be ¢14 oY suotes a RET AIL. ‘tL >Migs: [townshin,-issv,isiting?;in ttdw iy 2 “Tht ‘aaish'n:Spanos:3s—newly painted.6 SOR eS pe Mire“Bighsin®will:feetaesChukel,Osatord Fonpebinemle Peg genee YeEas Ra wi <=ge ae=soa-reyentp iaRpOe WeeArce here ‘monday,mee sic4;TSatesof internal |as=ng A“Siginys |\Siss uripg:Aue|!Ratt tie stamp fiveMriey‘smaumtedto®SU,20,8 oon e2 The:chats ygrang “cami >¢has!oo Tu wed to-kear,Kim: “33%oo <enyicls at the samp,a aM Geo ky Gill;-travelin alesotaMfor.Messrs.Meyers:&-‘Moses,§“is eo 2h{new Ageing Pr Sakisburys<- i Phe band onéert,the Lord Saataeis.ff thew gather,is caf thearightBind,will?Zcomeoft tonights.+ alessrs Thomas Kerr and’D./F:tifams>have bought the Marbie Fal Sdloon from Mr.R.A=Coo ber “ao’.is anew barber-at the Eu-"ekas Shaving:Barer.He paca‘last Eriday-rn “+Mei Jim,Hill;son of R.Ro “Hill, ts a ‘Sharpesburg ’township, «has position in’ee.Cooper,« . *Mov assist Rey Ro G:Barrettin ‘a ees meeting at./West Kad cee beginping¥Sunday.i a “The Jong distance telephone’“office as been’moved «from; Tanstall's ‘Yeu stere to Hotel:Iredell.“ME.= peaStegle &Sons’machine “shops Sqonday.ieee Li; Ss wan Miss ee oe Toes Mie atare ,Bie k PERSONALS SS ‘hs.RES STs i MM.Tippudhoo of theorsil GadAc ‘Veacee si ‘House)Eurnitur “usVallie “apim.“at th 7 went |Qutts Qinyeyesterday morning.aMiredansiin §whale”aie os,Yas .={oP nate Deeds aturday fom:aryrisit 0 €arlotfe.,|rs 2 ee ONare”Press:PSysmoye of ‘Aste ilele 4s ies Tassie StoAe.otsf Jermya aicsiteLogo B Theeate |spéent-Sunday and{logge Leeson th eli,who has béey ino aa forses mbis “relative -Migs Annie Click.of blinded,|ishin,the city,helgeate ot 3Mnv Qe.} ‘|Kieball.—RS oe ie oe ~Air.S.°Bo Miller:returned”Thnesday from a trip to Miranda:tho familf of Mx-Marshak:DJ.SA Chow Se Pex Pee en eye Mes?ISB.:20 Gaesond!TEE ee ee Port tinixhtforesres.tee *Aepore a a :eats aéiy,Jas 2,Hall.de Pasig ie eat visiting fried 3 A 2 § Mrs:SSColvert teuarhea Lhst re:ayeBotte “het tiie raedaytei:a.viSit to-Catdwodxc!we Wwetiy ss Sin wi ASatehan ye Aided SallieStites,“Oh ShigeHOH ae esttheip TeorRome att we :ay Sb PY Mok:ae Daye Famke:a fof,um =a fatehIEBiGonnelty,.Es =ecturotd 33 niet ie hat re os ee >ae .TieSday fiom,aX sit to-enor ae a Ons Xieol it Barite,“of Tayfor Tallest ait N.s."Wesisin,sh,Giegvileseeedowxyestenaysandrete et ayeSee “os 5ANGeanretarped,Mon. day front a‘busihess trip.to -Wil-T- -{gajngton.©mien ‘S Sy en fox . ey }PN wsranves;Bepslatt-FekurnLed;, imgaag if [\rashingtos’Their vir muds >were erst hte ¥ 3.*4 hePgpegee county.Se ease Miss Duncan,of Bisoinfeld:Ky.lady principalof ae‘college:arrived ‘Tuesday ey ening Mattie Kerider came.hi Monday night;from!a visit to relay Mr J.‘y.Reid,of Mt:Mourne,Sulphur Sptings on Mondays. wip,has”beén :merchandising “in “Sattdbary for several years,conte m-- sapinies towing his family to Salis *OUrva+e weeny Se EB:Q.Houston has been?‘2p-pointed postmaster:at Davidson to in Misitin’ber brother,Mr-“He eS sueeted the late S...77.Brady,‘de-}. -ah=Dr.‘Houston:Ms Rey O..L:Sees.Baleta,ptigit witat is tured atthe Baptist’€ffurcti Sin-}‘iday.niehton-‘education.His |s Iee+ t ugh “epjoyed bya,Zong:artived pte es ;De Goal oo a a coh Sasi ak saa Lota 7 88 3oeBioneARY2r¥3-ia oi .>‘<=;Miss ‘orindaié Tarner’xeturnce Ss x eroe hese She ae Es L Sigianyg aio Dro,26s Dwidsony SSesh6 *enviet dict apis?aoe Lod p ts SeMeWsHyKouta,OF Onaploties isis Sforaiuie’awigit:th frigds{'P dlice eogre.s SAY rigs Ss a ae Tanck,ms Cy Aunty Sivek Span sIre™TOTsom #ng ¥:econie eepapetbr:"childeny ade Hy“has sald.his?Fesidenge -aK Lyd 3streettoMr.-JETe.Dolfiger:Mr.ia Du SMrs. EH.Rockwell-bought"Mi>Young's|54.™ #acang,lof on the same_Street.’Se en pa Ds y0adyhas beer transterréd to"row.AsNix11,on-thed Western Read:“His{*>“tunis bet ween Salisbury ;ana.SHO i :vibe Cina er £:t '}relatives ang “Sunday,evening.“while”Ae:ee “Dp.Olin.”& ~Tasstall Was out horseback “riding,|.alas.Porses sstumbled.and’thréw him}heresih Okalopa:SFse!Brita sat potas:fdr BERS oR rly apd fan ver itytheady His.headestruck ‘upon “Sidon SAS OU Sie 2 :-=A>,Powders of Olin!| ke yates setets aa ee Gut niedwassete Seocsv Eben ee ee eect Ss Look \deSped-to Wahiythe elerl’s obthecourte,Aowushlpslanics Bowler,of Sharpes-4 ‘ee Qurisom %iS fy a a ¢oS Pet .cagene GL Ma \.aN te ype 3 :re:Na :=L TE TR = p.Hei is nowable to-get‘down!town.Te ae a nda ae ‘Ry ss:iSarrier Sustains on |ingug ye eeea The coOnte whit (Seng:convicts thutg,andN Bis Fowler,0f Elidy, we.Berd.Hagins,of -Roek Tht<daytoColumbias the said he’woulds ot Mane Bae aa ~ S Ss died Sunday bightoat 2.clack rewuiro-toStatesvit,abgae HS:diy tognshi D3had one of Sher iqesye Gee “who was-with him when beant ds —eat.i bss :=es A Hewgasthe fathef of srs.5.D-“Cox, “Wak ar €ox also...aers>Cox”will ré-|-—M tain jn Rodek Bihtorsometime."“last krid |Thomas.“county,‘Ga.,“are”Visiin?Liss:Sr..Davis...brether,;.Mr.Réuben |.Davis,‘ir ‘-Chmbersburg township.)Ar.Datjs .wil]“preach at (ars.2=feapet Sunday atIlo’cloek..Reg Meo WL?Troutman,Of Ednb,Latainbn tounfy;Waspurchased Mr.J:.A.Justice's »property;‘Heart“eetton mill,“and7wjll”dpen-up*a+wtock-of goods.‘here about;Noveni-|K bér 1St?&Mr,°Econteyan:with~mndveyBsfamilyhete.,>,«4 yok»Star <¢Grablam;aewas sent |< ona tor-of thé Presbyter- “eitresyille;“Fes as-Vs:band is*the pastor a Ryesby-.ssriaechen hatHho tsvitle,,Alan:‘ *DheConcdra staan Sayssthat“Mr.apd Mrs.W.A,Dayvault willa“inete from Coxicord >fo “Elmwood,‘where*yr.Day vaatt ~willeigagein isa son ef’Tonry,Wid.*Day vault.of >Baritm;”“ani ors.Deyenalt.,was <3 * Sa i t eee om <x i ¥y:=e&.Murdodk aud 3 childeenarahereshay<mors-|>”ipg*from Salisbury>,They-are wae “*Millgic)Mrse.aes.Sy,speother’ thé lumber.business.>..¢,DayVault ‘formerly >is Bettie “Weugh,-‘of a tay Rori2, ts tution, ‘ef pone,of. “aw.ars urdoch.iay ds.to 'a eee ive.E:andi.she"en inthernewBa2eesetae<¥::Brawley’s’:--Fesidéace,=on DaviesSrenab..Fast A FRSE a?; eSAK ae. Mrs“FE *Air.Jamgés-‘Stevenson,‘Wwhd -has’“Kho hae! —beeu ‘Express™“messenger:49D.the’Sic Ajlison’3 “wiltsear etor home,tathors}: villescam aPeaitsMrs,We BY.Posies. ‘sir Lee ‘phia,Mr:Chas:(Mines?pioicanpeclppaaicdbim.-Pe, “A Fay Daingergeld:and ‘dauwhorhiye-|Rey*sk: Lotrski code pismectiago “tbe u nodwhile ae ay.rs “DP.‘s ae rs *Mo¢l sw Lhete Sumday “on‘artiiSite: J rham,~Reidsvitieahd.Chapef|*Saterday nicht the ty at RRA,wei :SO ME hts:Son:Rosh Hox tooth with uo!a8,ef Bee eh h een Visitingat Mr iW oO ee ShS.90,2Gary ¥os apperied'td.the fos,Geese city Wonie..ae SS Yelngy clatrChto day at.12'0 ‘clogk:=Mesos Bile hae aad,Pike Teak aperior Goutacapabgiaiaeecnder,Beet 28 vetNeOnrgltscnaarab Sa pad)Mri Bowler avasi"a)matite ods =iat a eein.returned.Ene ont ateabP het x50)svoR Piet Iai ain oNnthges :Bt te =nee eeeit aEter uy.we.|koe ecuattxt bh:shad-hees.act ys ‘ riengs at:eiSn Tr vad)ne Cad i rae RelyNe Oe LD i a rie +aoe ees ae pen SBS.,be“Gr€2 tach a eG Sea Gas:Pee Tears watraip hea tocied:tines,‘of Hredétl:forabout 30,years J Gece tan eh!a\Smlight appeared for te mex:"Hepa casa fake?fou £,Pe Flantcan's.‘Sonstwith,ile ;“leas a,soyiteTand*seven Of.pas“MrSHLSL.Storrison retacaedyotng “Dirt Dysssvas aorasted,TGS a:tbr’Tei ee =a Bp Fou¥pastytyMacainke Meee bax...Pease:children,among.whont /are CN rust?ake pieked dp.ABE cad “oF sebesortha He Wad esaor SO cid WOR Bene Es 8 hom é ta Nag:when be:Cant Pau By‘Sawgt |podpe 44 Samet Win(ow uher/Ye sughe.froish,Gettywouly?thtroughand thre Wagging,ery este was i2 fig RON Hessig ‘ieece of Gayle Monday?ea fite Tuesdays mney.pi eria View Lieae a a for vag rgshof the years aSshe,tS apevadkirlsne.Miswibcive’‘xgdruek ease <eRe‘reteivedy the’‘Tatest:eo ioLadiés!Belt ButeeeBea Ping bes:to jail Friday.by./..White:¥s4.,Nicks cS.“SemenRichest ae oe Shitok township,’“4radpd=for it.&teers wight ‘“atid SE fog 77 =g .ct J ee ieee-.Mor vobbing.|Mr.Hugh,ComlestLaowieiebni a shevitle,Dovslisyenizht,|trray-lacatédethe hi sbriig,tBe/pgsHs Bee saergittsy%oe Re.tise sinters tear gle Allee a0Beer aes ;and Bert:Sets.Socuteetin’popular:bee Jeweity.for tamee bgt *..Prooms.x a aoe on Sbar cee {20"attend theBe wedUtnjpot thetraisters ee Mr?Brawisgnd’eteenh |°es si8 ie qe SS sa g epee “OT 8 ‘hooks.‘Usehore?ist aniee|=7 eee aes :fis .oe t as “ces ras t &is we RP —.‘y x 4 4 °tees:Ge.ety eet Nien oe e ba ©3 35—eee ere $eee iss sinnie Rickert,.,.a foc Sf Spcurcews Tipisten Pes ex TanerNiofth an Saupe EAS eee fion,“sie wl De L8ap-Soh thy ”‘of Moho Bas at Poblishers Srices.Sond asd Dak,og 1,fosher SERCRS He’cout mot §agite a ARSMor perme See kic homberSbuuy *eowrisii,tbin the Wo gh sD NbRedN hao ~f sutotiag ~aN ty.{Fhe SOR ie Fix :1oBew only,at:aBargain.©ee ee heels3iypeeBond.»,*SR bye fe ae day eteniny tO visit,eRe e They Roarsen Puvsdie Deputy °Shtaitt Da “Sirs3:2 Be Doe larg tOf.“Kotwted be PEN Sees ee EK e ee a Static x eH i ie AP VE Abie —*zi eae oe1.Mr.D.EsVitsateontts5toons will:rethrsSaterday.oN ee Pie HOnaud servedthe syilison:Ma,eisCoast”=eyweone get PS Ty eeeaes rt a‘onPoolseap Pa sce Ry Al gy fo ao Peac 7 te oe eae If Mond A Fd |:5 Na eee Dryoywprand tools*,asseSpion of tO tavbek wud ssaWishec “asirue?ret hit.ae ie 2h j ,.\me srOS J i?as ee eo Setestar “MisséS.Gree gnd Tostie.‘Pnifer-Seal on ae,Be Bigivn™ranepan Aerion thasgraded sear!H er.Abetiags sesss ia F tek .et =ee“Ladies:Skirts ane Slippets ae:sgcritce,Come.tee<s~Yinsom.<Mt,Sretoer “hag ee"g.|stiss Bart Serpe eG -Toekday"BOTY 7 fotPaseo‘ofthe igrse honest ys Rrowhis.7,Two.Genitg posts 3were,ge od op eeea mace eo:aes Re eee pemt ae fh he_-eSpapile a‘and?eficieut.de -th the /Davislsu s Seine!wherd-ther]AA ace eas Besish the,PT a)Didced ondaline oe dusthe Fite:|Sspe on South Face st BG.~_Register of Deeds office.Heaviltbe wil speanpeers dayseT 5 ae eteat Hea 3 filpediosechsResiotis,I’the céggas lines:dn the]Clerk.ikartyess:oh :per su ed byhisbrother:ar,A}=M,sir.Le a Scb'mentLbgardyitest,Puy Sqmire De:IStp¢afs AY 4 OD,OF iepaptigeg bdo novelsrang $s «Sifinn,“pSe.>a Gsjus.Turners SS RoeCoatloie gas fs toe =Monday aSPricnepehios ron ;oA BORDttt Lb S SEVetre:reyutye face in haitogt toastsnipes 4 “Mrs!Lalispemdk:Bitzbe ated at White her hetginSoi ‘plans toreeae carneSh=Wyk ee tucore sbobe ne thepales and Gnd)Since“our:tapt4:4gsoe'de3°)Louisville.Ky7;~on?August #20th.).Mr:IC.Somers,Fepideneés%ee sda mind gtiher,whe xe “ee peck’“issuedsfor t Ie mar<*>SrspBitzer ‘the aaaghter ofl.cays nig x Mx.;oe 7 WeSie er ROD |‘ang a*chiltizer,2 Sorbet hoelirg GMa Base ee <G Smithir;eee aenh fool ts igs Mamig ‘an ohm MeestHua Nestea yd.5zRavw.afids dh one:eas Yad the'ssariahian must be re Mbatpes sree aSSiiohavebeert,visitingbyesToxStatesville’‘ands ieee ene eee redreouatry.léte*TucSdaan fefor “Norigiky|ai:Metanie .“Poot fTipReid,-ob Due WestsS”ABeSwasgigSaturday:po the MtereseRyfeGdllege;foravbich.ins he is,as a Arelessor,+we ; Le ‘MrWy Q.‘Harris’!was “‘appaitited|ee a ad?th¢%‘assistant:nitrehuls Jor .SE :sterda He Hereby.tomtyg persons.tbe ‘LaborDay payadein Asbeviledsne Se eb,foxchead:strikigg:the fer wmagked:i e aesone ee SERPs FOP ET CAE here}nis Soe het the sam pees,Se not.Ro tatodead>dering Her.uikConsciows:i sed States we tas se‘cou usiness-tiece.y “Rey Webi2“Dart,‘has return if Togioverhereds:«Sheris~saterin gopa SVRto-celayvee iry¥at Sergiuclt front naysea:but her pby z way sevéra}weeks ’gnd [Miss -Janne Richar¢sQD seeheta tonmed Dan en ow a $7isto beg “Straw Bras:=z ersmat chad Llawhy othe:rong}Sjnoutae ie BLES BE etn Gath ilk gegutciny PORE ge sole geaepceulicraed on ol -y .hey OMDAD aetriet>dndit owes Ie tt <ys 4 wi c >;s be se ‘ee -:harlotte al retive A al Meeps at Roya <Isid gaaS aR neemrad “geet Sol:R.A jal meipe BT;theliar qa the dthorside.;Thegroom'y +ook see 218 before sellin!We eee 3 age : AI.Beyatre.ee Ce shebaro.Nit.wet e artystd hye Borne’ar wie +o fi rst owsl'S ard¢y towvisit her}.he ;ouny wife was"about.5 <b>Pies CaO:witch tg —Srevpae”,ea,pug maeetipDes,ats os espe re otpeacreaesl Ry.ie sade bees anlae’,sto!a tsa Cosclysion-that Fre prtition:was,filéd’,bathe fora ‘ 5.taoelistea'Ssoicieay,aera jl tora trip toBalpimore Snd-Philgde:?=4&oputunith tas sad Perea ere ttHeea héver «xavenct >PPbf phe,Salivout:¥ahd -Wilkesbero r ES AT sudoreaeok nePrors=yees UipadS=oxhibttion°Tide Gs es qubdging morthiese witht: +MbonPChrisaanss,Sicera Harge Laie :‘2 ;ch Fie pudegads ‘anfountyd™&<3.‘toagtprtevaloreym’s Jahdi thencedue,‘beer yisiting me dua =Jouistolen Sm Gys-Gr Xx,COrege)4 Si Be i agaoe be:divided eg tratiychyPOFEx”fcton hate \ereok,,‘tHenee |.se wisht tofbry_or ssell fe “SS Pleo ee: Sicladvsays"sheis iolsehionsiyrin 3 With Halgres:of tthe Sate,: erata Feed 7 ‘Some Pier stopped™“he=4Heeeok lowe etPlier treater Py SSYS;:CrsPjater itspaiwar vers Short distance,pert ote ‘ue Se:his 3 cs theeWSoe,thelefsre BengeWage dong.to,bekDé by ei ae ithe the "Ib iuday>3ibis ae eee ~Stipes Helse ed ol Se rineeaeacaiANSpLONERSE«teebazedby-mickers Marcioee n=4 f.aero or “ee 4 ano ny =emmaeTey+=-¥f sot,rT eat1a f oi ars Alityd RLazebbvite wiss,sone ome i gine Spcomnn sion,Esteli:Res Wickert Thy oh 7 4 e os ee ety 0 eu ee as”ih stssiony eenebsadutitulvdeborated with fuw;soe 5 Ret each!is rents)“ers_by Wit Ariens |e-Sch*y a afaosoatfebe“alleeEiieDis owete.-3Protipyyat:Six orcleckth g Swett . py)Sat hon ts Niche ape Ne co aS2 a i ti Stuains of:pene ‘S:aSod oi : sem cdi.Shabno qrderysd fe =.t=ca SEN Pee ong,i weddin:femateb as)apt aaidsowMUCIGS|5 OR SP wary St 2s,eee sbM.XeSmithy_Sade es fatNataeNQiiesrereSteaheee:teciintuer:o HfFeoharel,.ADown the ughtaislexc:EihkDestAePMcNGelYe3.CONT sk wae WY Evin sno=.‘Conall files ;Ee eee $5 OQ01 {fapbex7City ieornet Mee Bak11w StEvensote le eA es i at 10a!Post onBros:Se As Soscathe ad ree“Sapp!an WoA “Bhpmats:i Towodbyiar 3 eb:hazenbys:y Dee): A RO ae ygLeaves:BORE /oot Sibupratiy apaiod nie ; a Se wy isMias we Fi »conbra atWeApees,es thew ue aire gee<Srrkites aor hie‘temnetche Shoe e Parton petae Slik ayymoriting foro RS Supetor me .las tMonday aad bok pe the<cont a ACY ALLEY Ores f totais te ATES re ,3 SERS SE fy 8) oe 4 “2 x AYFZoodes-tor~the iriak or aR Ltgtsak sat thy.pene Eebie ao Stee aM “FGShidieXsLiRiekoat Pe“iaig? or *. en Oe"vy s _- ~%tip nsooheadyartensfor:Elkin.Blankets,varns &e JUST W ONECASEDF MISSESAUD 1TULARENSAISEDHOSE:ee 'but Regie|murdoth Piip “Crdwetone adL Sobtphd CARE dow nethe ,right“aisle on:they oe sar phe,ksnee,23-29"heh)gguards;bam fara wise Weer patty SFT toy in Soest den,citpany.1 pre e:».ConveyitySprasonert&WeW)uter hit “ther bride was hefhnypitunest OB ah.BINS and’a wlll SE "Co Pate..moods:ABs :y Payee ta is tieures <-Min Sher¥i eas,=a-Akoes:42Ehin-ft S.°C%,a“Sty udenaeinst be (himensit;~{> uaeetyne Yorn %fi “oma ivkor yes3 ;4%oS wae S .ed.asin blnde|sg oy [tay aaa’sspeirt flowy aut biscol-7 ;5 ba CR Sop saved he cout ‘yy fan's Bong.Sb.GR begwrare-—1.RLS ase b geat't ie"price we:bifer-them.‘art’a‘genuino bargain,marMon-|lee matefan,Sy ee rad meek Atmot Meh Bet “Steyart JHC.UaRReG ZhQs.Hous Soe,wai:ie‘“gayay.7 LOV Sot -b Wey 3 ¢it e your drfefruity Set ushearssell~nae $ =n.ae tre)LCS Set Ponte?‘atl 4me Yoriisi cdctyeel pei Co.OF:us ton:COOK:S 1:hoor ci ee myers 5ae fie thg gy om SoG we Es Tee Seen gig ae ei =2 oe Sa >purck spt near eet “Cedmmis:On,'eon elttion blatky 2 el os oe ¢Niagara tae:ae ne aeAvhevite,spent:Pride int Pea et tearb oie “hae Seerot F Rv Myy,AME,Pepe ws vibe,eit iselived:eo Stateswills %dye here an”teie,/Dash none falia?—foghtets en sen 4 ell mer “ih:iapd js 7a.thodest 4 “antl}4 BAR,,74nine€mt ay6 niedtiwecoy ACK ait 4 s rid Sts)ae ee Od pre sykRrIch.Spardeade Cost.of.o rad to.seanhein,AL tn ”Dreaiyeta Msattsseg,Tour. utat ys tao ts ;is Re#leaferiniahk.xthaDette pom 4-téiin®-Poston~Bros,i=2341 ..snp-|,on the prize he.Has won:aesa et tak oAss:ybacater Heol Monday[ipigvioders sirDal ysere Sancta’||Dose We ¥Math Jr ee drags:|"“Mir.dugzeuligis bepreiiber”on thepe Nnprhite-té-investi<ate,the’lumber.dr fo Lcep-ttnese teob tbe:ayy Pony.Bolten alills S15.4p.eotmand,hrm’ptLazenby‘Bres,,.and is,gne ot}=aati lfc retutnoc Tuesday [weroS25,GAT sPlcSd Plas Rayner,$2025*wouksNA Statostitle Singstprosperous young "AhteyidsNetooEMLoeeesSpya=*Ber “Testpi)”$3.OREO AV;2o:Pies.Phe bestwishes:‘of.THE Mas"Ne ++BSHLaadt,0G PUSS:SEE ant wot eo:Wwwiththe,hatipy4‘young ‘couples.% +\Mlangargt siorkisoh,i.‘teomporary| MTreiat:wary "Rayne,85,_piirsjigow a tharmingNveud stad y4 o¥s:ae =:s ‘piaN per Joo Ost walt:sTt 80,“lum ly ctecined“by.her Apanys Serteee Shen &Kareber et 0),and they--ohgratg@ate:MrfJ $ ee t oe ot 4fox!you”Mee ess a dig lot of te be iy Pe eh ee) a ie aNdetysisMundjekJett:Pucsday ;LOSSBo ia aHit ae %a MERRe siutdest ae those fron |¢;Pook let Oye Spsnnn~Sons,£h99.hard wase:-Mone life ‘obcwedded bliss:add Et oe P - oF n ba ae e iColneysBins‘anal Agee ably ea ae Sse SerPutin bead ekEtdb feo of]Mis,S2.4p,peibit:ands Fob:erVeBaa ho note.ofcas cbrdea] =|foe Business|eee Yo f ss er Eien NoreTson4 His’pre?chudsiteor the?ie aay.Bes SHE 38 Kat[Siceipe Ty bin:“Kier Hecles4 OFX,en’.thejr-lives.~ee oe oh me : Miss,Mamie Alex Sader.of “sition strom.-t Sdxitrous Sipda ee abe ROHSoh Sear t@wshi ps ad Scorerae gece ob wd en ee es ga a :— 7G ae ae e.sue of Mt presbyterian Ghy veh.sey Seas he Be oe A ot]o's sgeclts vent’.|BS Oey Fe at e =gnerto Cotlege.«ee ane Be Se andsPentit Tablets peas Bekins -=<-ae z :: ~C=)B ey nto ie .:&iHeredcathemas due #6°panilytic i LA US ANI PRISONERS,a $-is os ;gsr)Se ene ag ;lodre..A Mj le ~Leg:e27P ae“Alison”send Grishesa ge AE Be Tsheral was CORnduet-t .Pe te et “3 essrs..Sam:Lolverti.‘and®‘Arthur |i "ad:See.us:ee ee in this tine.”a8 4 es ‘ last here Puotar 3evebing an ff wish LO Rade:Setthe wectdence Mon aay “at oyerey|as oe RisBEDS 2.26.Tacs Re Borier |‘Tett™Yuesday.gmorning for eeWeCBemthe|Egnstalk 2.5,drugs:We Ds Tenn.urham:where they 3mall enterTri:vee °art vie,,r,and the in-|Payton,S230;.,conveying.prisoner:ity colons.xNeSTPhompson,jailer,rz,1:Misses‘Julia “Webb and adie ehnityCeWilsonleft:Monday for:Greensboro:SROADS’“xp BRING ES,=34°>|Bemale Colleve.‘Je Brows,Jd,’lumber-and Mr,Favene Cilbreth Ielt-Monday,Work on King's bridge;Cy W.Cons and Baxter Céchran Tuesday for.the, ji Ber S15),serving notices;W3*4s &AE,Collegeat Raleigh.< son.Mi.Allis on left:for home yess NP isdimescdterdayevening,and Mrs.Allison ail Sy oe.tCoz vot0 Salisbury thisevening to visit!Renita ne ther sistér,Mrs.35S.Ue‘Cubbins.sn Mr Jake'Stitewdit,«bo had been at‘home for turee months Wrestling sen : ome Sagas eesabepoatesy ..t ae }("ure ,:»;“iRaceseeSalisbury.Soe AS ep ith’a case-of typhoid fewer,return 2 iow coe Templeton;S020,serving:poticas:"Miss"“Mary Ones Galdwell :Téft,ea eeFO “Step‘growling aboat“your moneyeet Sot fash and:trade».ce ae f vs spt se ormarigc stan Py County”Vea pate earig ae “SE ee CEB Suniners,:br idge commission-Festerday for Agnes:Sort,Tnsti-~oS Withcus..The moneyween sate.yo will Soon start a fra ‘oS Sagar NicHlwe eRarhes arto rerainc nis ork in.Te:cat:ee cess “sh eS ahsent e “resp:R.R.Howard,$1.90,servingdtutéat Decatur,Gaye o>/:“accouny,-."Pheto‘opp udteh“ofperfection,aind'spbetichor 4fuar-<r gS aeMopdaymorningfromavisitto}tomaill these.Me las,fully recoys ponte et OF §Statesvilies.and)ar prerne taut IS Ie ees 0:repairing:“*Mri Olarénes Stimson;‘oh Turners:es Janteedsforalli chandise sokyhere.Your vard cirned.cash a gefriendsin‘Cleveland:SON eZ a pexed his heath.foo af he r bsisbansk 8 Prof {vodhse,2 ae oe,Soe :burg,168t Tue sdaly for he.Ax.&M-“will pan out:‘mhany happy retirps,if you.will:patronize tha ite CaleMrvc.Be Mills’let Sata;AW all]Prete,Ene.Ty.Kespler=late oF}:eo7s 3"(Collee.*2.:HORSE shat shimiexpourinteroets came RO <7 ed}terneom=for Baltimore .and New]Te xas,<pynt ee i town the|aosnS situt AMEOUSY sp Ts MESSTSS Hughey,Knox and Phifer a .Soe by BS -ea r York.ona business trip.’ao questet Mr Is,RS,Lazuby.9Ps Fahis Schwend,arphttect §a See we night,:Pi Se Nee A Ie : r fas wr Me =Ms a maze me for:dr ng 3 Me sy st gi eis Me °ae ee«Miss»Jénuie®Bingham,who~ha Kostley is,a SQN ALG,W_Kestiur F >a ey:‘e FRO a.A Re eh .he he ©Tin of SoolSpringtownSutp.feis now14 of.the new court house ~Taeiats De:sue Cotinctoe Bee..OT edbeenvisitingher.sister’in incoli-x =:a EAS ro.Sa),errér,yi”tay Jax Ac }:'A ?s ton,has:returned:home.E wae ahs nm Soca Bate e ist Belo Md pe ;eee52 ecgilts %Lepr thones:‘Blalockand McKoy dnd:Deputy ier .dt ae.=A ‘~‘ek sesh a ie.to oe wt i Worthy Pe a,is,”a a ie Pineee :oa t siLittleMissSara-Fowler.of-Sonth |}...Meh Scat }AAP Covert.SiSertor in”fax:We|Marshal P.’D.-Atwell:“found*five ROL Of¢theprices named.They cue =Chilaken's "-ion.Pink L Sato eed to “Batind::B,oF saps?S485,convey ing-patient bartels of.Wigckade whiskey.“ear esRibbed akoinin Ladies Ribbed and “Flat Gopas:Sash,Black,-ws So a sister,Miss Jessie Fowler._pore!snd-|Paladelphin .SundsCea to State Hlospittal:"Landmark job}thé residence-of.one “Koontz,~in’ny pairol thent warranted”)=Cry .Be 2 Faby hit.<Mas Posto sarcoripa ned i oy SAG printing’anc blanks:Davie county.Koontz isadistiller :all Sheeting at Se.yao:Xo,"betyer «\eee Sanden:oy aaMre.WP.‘Balle dr)5 -and:4ittle bin.Miss BulaSarton avho.b:2s,[es +Pre et M9 TaScor Printing Cos,*310.50,pene whiskey,was carriedto.Mécks=set 44jnch:Black;“English.Brillantihe,‘75é.syas-Really worth 2)0 3 "% Frank:returned home.from (Davis.Pe mR se Of the“multehe ry departim mute petyee ener WUE poling :aid;Planks:StaAesville.Ville eeshipped.10.the govern ‘js 1:00 T9000 oeThkiand Mugilaie .Se.“and!OC.“bottlys,:ie4©Thor sthev tieny of USLOR Bros...weEy:oy orti::COG CHT SEs oT u marble tr oftis,PF commer stone for|et Morehouse teres:e eee Food quality and“money:savers inca sural?sways eas A z = Miss Jassié Ro wler retur pea Mon-piitingoree?ak the :eye tin tS ie horstk {Bene HeORt<hovge>:a.AON:ycoff,tay :=3 ,rs :4 i ete Come ‘and seeose ae ieree oe {Do me gt dayfroin-avisit to-her “parents St fonction uae Seiten es site|S seri,eae 42).fees ani apes al ‘Deputy-Collector Butt.>Goueer bee .a.ree t-te : South River,Rowan conmty.|%.-7h <<opanin of ‘the.‘Sonocia.+”aie M«Br ‘A mere Re Zach.Davis-and Deputy.‘Marshal|*>.[m.&:M ills -og eemerough65:a eeMiss‘SatiaMarsh,of Nork-tnstityce.=Pheemelanch Oly lays Hay ee Glnie +4 Deak WN y.Turner,"clevk county.PaD.vAtwell went to.New.Hope}es eeary}th.the litthe follow who-dreads Yorgi}AE “comntsah us ell 460 phakmns court Htonvniship last:night and found a ne Marst,Jat thé St.Charles floret:Slo school.‘The diveh Schodl,gai thir se moa bite,”qist-taker.in|blockade still,cap and avorm*hear):oe *Mrs.James H.Wood,ofkshewille,SoC ee sat Oe tO}.os But A,:See oe nsbip.“Odtide S48.peyalin,epostoltice.a There.yeas’md ae PSjarrived‘here:last “Saturday.“en?”i,bpebed “Mosday.AesColustey ves tur’1 :cgtt“WHtdshe 5 Ss.Molly titsarpon at Ali slistiie %eee : her:faiter,Pr,L.sHarrill LtrsesKorketor ae "tau hentert<ENSY.he ae{AS Ay apa.aUlerk out ttct Tee S¢chacd 3aTH2aieriThe<gtytod aschoots.au Cot:Sulssinetsy S508):AX.WetensdASR a RaceslewestadyforworkternéohMonfchaeg10%;PopteslSsSak onaty BE “puts Rie chants eLeeTinandciesehen}ob Mi dane Ga ot ae BEX -as pirarek,SahTae:WSatSE .auton:$aes are ?: oad Ces ?eps ee:>thy 30LeyWIL Ttoeynshiy resterda:pad «peden—fort yo,|e dy S308 QUA a Or spbviges af [3 PS =Aig Sadee aate:Ol 2 aE cota Tinigesefoutee 0a:*Fokeegupsiaat 1760!6 oe of paral]sthy boralstoker,tr pans tes.erat Py supiets Sh;ISI WRITS;caged Shouts Seats.SHel. a Em ee websraat ©Koy The LOU es ta ASIEN 98,stiiered RArOKe Seay sis \14st]3 yetnd:Ipigtred gntil-yesters|Ura gtetode Ae GCF enc IISty5 L"Russ : Pheitytcrmentwall “be at Mt. weaidedisssetSeelagts,seas ubshe Hid vy Be “a Gsorecaly.te TN :x ,=Efos SERA VOork a2 each t rk 3eeaa),white wu oO.RS daw aSeirQnrod ‘Clinton-Beami Was,ordcredk&vebhe Gay: Toewesway Bir ‘glows aecoffe pode deas:“ordets Messré PAD ¢sets Fok .pasnclgin.Gestahat:3dmoreton |Tieedeceased.mas,“a ood |citizest in ;s Evicks wih “Agi received:Stiseta TR &ery *sense ofthervord anid wilhe -Miotice.ig NESS OK By : Rope es 4Fee poskcaiteeasotenscontract]Eeethis community.” HSS Bvith-Comedttor-“Riek;~tocpayhim bs ce nomad,126"“extra for ath:‘entire pressed:3 SA IG,bESICK ‘putsig Gankextsa'sesr iaroaneor.oy dirs.G.20s:Barrier,ae"Ghgraia rse iigen iff,rac.i!ShueirokenGunday>Sherwas lending-al Lap i artstate ‘y > theSwi Fatain SiR tick Leapsse bis Peyettiok sit,with vesheara: OKs frare ‘placed:Ait Bok wong,t Genmete ry 4 Bae fede OKON fey"-niénths7aod)pewiveg He 8:bo}uly 13 LORE;gare 02,chuspeat ihe.Ragte Mins:and Union 1}.eaeame §“6 Les ies ova 0-8 (eV.vePlastiny WOH eh eo PG rox ln@asito No wsiv PiPotbegin near 1 (asking rete qnity “ant AOUwith AY:“EeaBaity Swkere,the Tneccrossés}ad’ On cals.eae ee Snlwags ‘ome:and See usavhether.you # yory ideingeed..eSeetiig g ee “Jpadad tothe sdwtbaast cornersol’stat wt Chardbersbers POMS PyeBy+7 esr forii &cont uf Ses BCL Ww edn.tid?ae formers?”+dre north,ros Sl west of “Bs &:jHol:gegro,HERE Hiopse Was traded dete}BL c eae OPE:G sL: aa ees and fdr:Te.Brown,|*aye tts willbe.atte telive Sholay pat COntb's ang weFLW afiuee’s “ito Se Ci BR & os wild were |a avivind.ythe barge.tes LERCH ID EL the.Registeyator;just a!“Short this Kav.isCtaw,:ery |.Dwissstarie oe BexthaoatatheSalisburybranch.paws stat,the:maznetic po.ole Sick"pwith «‘matarigl fever a “3RaiaGejuatp£04 thya ves,and Unirelore”the ynéedlex¢xi tbing near“Stat sgiereinge‘Satur’R Soeichiaws t jnto,they roads Exp Gapyss Sowachisespainisporth day.”Her Friends *hope®.that:(ber . ef oe Shearat rent Ovsy aetaids oe mae5deh ROL:ee ferers1a be.dt shit durnifon.+Ede board bpon-terz badk +befween.L-Ownt Ss.@ ract -Of,lajidSeuney :eS iesoaBevOFhe[facta “She was!mytdaty dideriat timaé aro found rotq Tames.X.=Shape ani ne Pe:On!the other|cor t ‘pice wha thissds atten +7 Sedna.gE eee CE Ot Sieoisineeas tyro bap &iad iuscles tiwatiga..Bay;7 adkimriver,in Shar‘pes=| ea e Ww eon lends >PS thenceBinateeet),tere eg tew Tk Parflegind esandthe:wheels ofthe:piadton Ba xtt wey ;y SERRE RM Gi RAR a ONE Ae ye eR"r evan ye ‘ Joga “this‘Thess trae‘Ean“South tie 5 Ke,alnewspaper bil;have been éstabhsut iiabsag:Sitty-ee“BS awdFrets:Peey O14St-outies oy:“Mix”.“Bayter..(BeWeft Eee ae nn PI di=|to paturdsy mnempings for:his.hgme anisepsomtenevasmaeaioneD;hs > or ie wey,fs oR eet ok “ nigiayd -Ee»Ps‘Grier jat-son’Cogrte a Lexjng- z Ay £ Pa y ae +,OmatitiaMeee,58 OYSPSCeoe wir NOECWMen ~mskeay Ror #3 >.xe a “ywas.a»parant, 4 —See former,Presidents*ee Ee ‘Say TalpS1ses It had alsgySboot?thefi a 7 +.force of.village,béys in “an extit 4 ogy ond df dae’Village boys. wey1SreeisdarerReord: Mtn INEARTS "The “CRTokt oe,Qe ervck,Ra!cit x WRokt!aoraeTheEY,eLOrs sas,beta22m Hefurther says he will wict:Se alae Gidatt for“ah vost ct iy pale wit Snot “dots”by reasancet binky 2oti va =:aidaorreepondunt,beoo Be de‘Bate fer”thouwane wineHon Eh Qsens Settle.ex.‘beet,YenTaki of aiten— ,ta é Sermaii tfrom33 hiss district,mAhAe betLor anw 65impor |mens oe shigesAvsStee we |SBpport.the.¢¢4x- tetrisTong)ampertatsniwerty eck.‘alormér and mor, Of bits ‘party,rodjdies”vist hes GonosAw.thertunBit ‘pas 2Sniart as Fo}G“ne Nahee Ww itr tye Va Kk ang pe “orth tehee amendunent gestees2D.oeds $0,Peg acyonethat,ef beck.*..es erph ie mornin a“phoma heros.3"and!& Well REnoty hep;ubNewkeand 1 wast wet popTyte,‘Glen: ‘see*fuusvatteeread ~ ea ther Ata.:Seert I yet haints a Whdtdo-y:oar tb TEMOLTIAT,hecwede *“slop;he WiLLve ae thé Busseer cy Coptigume haeskid: Frutti Tee ig you Suis itas nel fae “SetBe “hes beer Me etnS “Eup 40 me Tinie.Sole MOR weoue Note a3 Tale”a fy fera \eal ay 3 i.dated atl?pleLaatweesmercase xéryie‘anlecet *- a’.mourser eis omaie Stic xptivating $S “Geeee light<.5...22 =>|bim;they’“fostSpare,“thes gre aot ‘SPS =;Eee Ly Lore 2 DOT ae ect My xvlars.Ey‘setSi athat’\Nelson wbégat “the crow by -shusing:.ai14“firdaliyh knfeckingshim dowsy with.a.%*Shick:. AS WSByvoper-arose “he pigked ©Up ee, :—stick of rood and “Struck “N@tson on~the head.with it:This~happeneds _Bbout-de iskaad Nelson died about 10. o clock that*gigiit.ow asoner wis fs you ie ad iim: =a Ce “a wut ribe FOURS wanbyTe™any <BfepetyraASwanttienueaSerehkercatnbo pod "ho wexenr,;‘thatpMheddiys feavg.a Lheyork Hs grea ke eae Reset can party,Thad Be wor eth out Ro*greater:Teed,than’htYorkefsén,atole,fearlessminx out inet ready’te pHrocras”jp.food T ere :“Segtaniidee “ore day“niodts.BsPte Ser 40;er Styiigh, ‘arrested the next marning ana}?+lodeed inv jail.Phe trial wil probac ol y:take piace next wee k.: a a pane a 4 The Yaquis Torture Mcisonets.. Deuve:oe Diepat n Set eS i-toa Thepees Gon Phu: RX A WWirry Loan,“Sora! 8 yar dif it te‘trace *the ~Opera- s tigt:of t -Logan was one scarered theybod amber Gf caytives: ole party which és.uf Several ' we Way tie victints wet their dexth, +cutoff -end-other parts.of their'bod- “tes ‘yemaved with Knives.“After.this the-soles-of thei rfegt:were removed ud thidcunfer huaat cS LOUIS ed:to: ‘e@agtus,:“Wy hen [: eroadercd ainconscious wby,.pain their beads.were split 7 ‘open,with: dasceover.be ds “ares.2 te :mm ate —ae ae -=-s An.Old Freaoher,Wanted Judge Rob- inson tm Peechod. oa «Ch the“7m Kee:wd Ny -The latest JOR;that istoldon “gme oF Gtr State |juts nnd iL isan siue}dgs:até The?&fie use of Judeirbiusch,whah yselfil sak .fond ot, is any body:,.=a nd,in order’ Wegiaté’and e that the “Eatin Plvvaser ‘Gambanr#osqué isjyria’“isa,term inJay ‘that 18 used fodGiihate’‘danaye without, violation of any ledatricht,see és) BF©cause of 2c tion.ot"a "ACR recent-court,“ain “the,ial ¢of cx:suits “the .defendant’s attorney, _there:Was ne “Jexal cause faction: >»Thetjudge did so,‘dnd cio doige 80%au sich it was a;"ear noum absqueiinjur,ja®’‘case..“An “old.‘preacherYin“the court house.“who heard these wordsand’did ‘not-understand Latii 2a *gyeatlyshock edsrand “vding,Out ii dhe Street declare?4hat-“thar_Koman ‘Catholic Jade?ought tetyppenslietsfor¢cussin®ns count Bt pesey ‘iwezeo a Brandeond?‘tent ae eens Fy Despayeh coe em Vk _Cadet Philip S’Smith.log Nebrsv:<r,who:Was.sus sended*fore geary=pteniber 2k,Ros"forr haz eras ny,c ee solicitor x euny Just freuty four béutsatk r hes oeatsSmpissed %{tom the:Miltary»AGI: ‘reported Sack to.join hepDes,Prit,class.“His offense,was the-hag-¥itisepor “1g8 Sos,8.jrant?ATK,son?oh}=;“=),“Prederitk.-trant,sanaJherandson6fGéa.U ifsaee =Gra, eehySSCSDzGrartsIIT’was dppotat-‘Sea by Presideist MecKimley~a:Cadet:a.ar large té She Uhited States.Mifi-|‘.Academy,ate Wwest'sPoint<im}. x ia mito ton ttas Wel ras that of;sS.grandfather.th dth2Gen.‘Prant Sree the,fallaie}oth “$letter ~”y Be “Nxt Yor.s phil?“2.WesaySFo>7the ”Peepident pt athe:“YnigedezStates:“OX osoo iMay Tt ask von to bate ie ae“yp untment.¢of Ulygses:S“Grawt the~Soi of my DAErederickGraut,asAS.endey at’‘West-Pointy,upon hiSappi-ex*ion?’In doing so-vou"srillgrati-vty the Wishesof 3 ES.GRanr, 7h “kuaping for eltrén.years andnd tienik“wis presented‘to President:MakesléywHo.immediately apporhted the}“third of the:ilussrious-name e]“Stilivary.Academy?7.2 pe ae:**Shortly after:bis ‘antl salt ae ei:ae he distinguished himéelf, eeksting tee aepinsta »ibattle with bricksang stohes.;v ghis,oceasion—yotng \G rob avs ins}“"ured inthe hoad’by.Xstope-thrown heyy On.the recommendation ‘oftite sut2DerintendentotYtheMilitary7Aca-Jxibiy“the.Prpstdent-«directed.the |Fa )shantbary.disinissal treni theservice“Se UnitéedStates of Cadot ‘Philip.Smith,-“Ofof tp “third ‘glass;,‘for:4,*Shatassing*pod=Sanoying |>fourth_@hase man,*ret r=Sijjtk was"appainted to.wd ca braska in June;“1897,’ho,o Le“Tna Memorandum ii ‘velardtort Ps nent,it-issisted tint it is theinz“tention:af th¢Secretaryof Wat tojyester“inflict the-mest smmary-and exem,__plary-punisiiment upon all Latlets of f“>“the”Military”oon defected up}thal<Manganew oes, - Re is ~ StamensMiller.=son of oealler that the“ier “of Cherakee-¢ounty;,shot feould drop:.dad killed:ES man spear -“Merpky sis the’fee‘aay r-hight “last+Week.4.The .Ashevill~-Citizen knows 0 ‘particulars.os 1j=ff y ofPh ue nixiret.rn ed to day fréZr art ap ig So:vara,ATex:He save Be Yaqui ERE IOS,“cask anv ives were lost whicti were not |Seported:The Yuguis”to rtured 2 exicanws and:twoiitrwans”batheYas ui srive®and Thetr earshad been ‘Me ‘rout,State, wate = ‘theybel the: \~ Aeoe eeC“yPRorebitk Waphingiga Dic,&ist.ap Si -The followiog—2 \Who.tohuniteey-atrinHerthea panySires acticin Cor)Nérth”Catoiinav ‘Wootten;"hate-4a North Carolina VoltabeSécOnd+lieutenants.‘Johison,~,istedee,froni,the =Disteica -6 see North Caroling’38 giink,,“Alid’thatisJusttarnthat re oe Cx Fsbé.ifet 16 OU7”‘A man’‘harmed,MeDonald was”“shotfroujanibush-in +Chetokee~county,properly diagnoséd:the ‘case,EeNhe week,atidris in &Qyinincondi-,(aeS SSSa wiostoor mistneHon..-Bigsassassitr 81unknown..+ Re:te!ys f Re err ad Saoeee a #meSgt ‘3pA x say!sek erties nie.we ;ae Thetgtais of “septa snehet Yo Seren ected tokrg 7Gof¢dgath ebteb.occnetes] as es ware Sele Repo ne =?Winstoi’ - eee ee rigour Saagthe seed r es YRLBPO by-sevefal*ear Ls of wears-tt =ualsyweport er the setedStateskere,Bro ‘Then show:cneccipe: gikibited Stattestparts:for:) ha:the yore S59.BH bake ae phe.Aisi darter’and,ed tOadhaty. ry EUtL Gy arg that tuSir'tfet Steteeaey:3 4 wndowe;é tat ater” eelLdeohe.Regtwagityron,e Seer ALE IIA a1 TOME!NO rweHth” Sor Gren Sear ob thet: Rhiqys,ea DTA)4 eee meer areieectfrour interior of theeF349,diarySTL oan;‘or obFee.healOweighsyst.cape ist LDtowing>the:“packing,Obta.2096:treat syebed,theilight'( Fabroad tin.“therawwortd,”Bh t| aa“dazalespapa with aes oy gs fe rrnilgebpii gs 4Alims oe«oO sir yple}da beta?vee xousdy™HUIS “on jt ‘béton:aOrFy~fot xa héc ase He BROts ey) ietaber 2 ree eenev:aylind toteste if of Thr oth ‘TY ome Wir,Lehougype pats ee cag §$reechlgss:¢‘Lhe two sexs car: ¥ca Syear.-“ane S;2% ere‘fie:a a1 ae ‘bales re fant}fdr pho diffe HGBoptiy 1.555.000: taitas dleaayh?Pts ugh s ESR verap Tt,a,00y Sobre OER L ofslSnaeseina}‘Atiwe tver©hegre,faePotles.~Phe teoxo i inefudesol,ea =@ sibel i$naremtedby"fiip-As|.Le,|sseé singleides *LOWlahoiia,™ee:Tancas #3i a eohditiohy:My,Skin rasa mostyal<|i atte Andigh:De i Fuplreat Sefion will Weiss od tO.EONN ANcoReaa.intergstihyfacts")wwrelation iner@ase-"Be4G: Loupe eh boeeatit otrossew e th pether titan ‘Gur fa her’Sher Ang:ore Weg :2 a ote ehopmotiyyourseaitheswonttespindies:of Soitherdpin ree eran ‘ba Self Defoneo®FR le at ‘of:your-halris.wetter>ands 4ouy :aeentiASand"7 aresprettier Qe)fat iprercior:Abe :reat Last week,we.(éted that dim <2.Wagohernad™kif]ethis fat bér-indaw,44 John’Nelson.’*Atthat.tfine we were;"2 ake enable;yu46.«gine 2+"the,partied}: ten :~Bovey WiltTAgcept eestor esiiniienDaveeHAzSt. “pe youbyy niane, |ve-Wtlemaw yets'the biggest salen Ye adbis:Lonely.-mh the businessetd:ikeae ae aipore money:wut of:‘a ee {-}0 fite Injhutestthan “y with a.ream of pa pam plate sigmaturein-six.math )Young nen-ares,useful, are OPhamental,“und.‘we we couldn't enyinecr a without “tHein- Le.arrhcly. j.tine EX ovens,Tras Grer> IAWibl t fete Jsausd12 echtsper,bettleatdrisgstoreaA sth }f “t Reeshae eid) Rs a nee Ses ee nieBed Soi ort cecd ear 00%Pit:atte"hands “Of?the |iy|Treasdrer,from 27,095"conrr tutors:with*Sums:tecrevating abayt-813.2000Or$18,000 reported as subscrib>ed stil pele ‘by loeal dashesautather.ard. -pienic “successfull yv Sut they are no novelties,son. no nothingof the ‘kind ‘They been here before,4 . ,ar SO cer Muret._Hetstead,Aimost ‘Causes 2 “Riot in Cincinnati. Cine iT WALS|Dispatetity tet Murat”Hatethad Jettae“d+ i invitation before ‘Fecono mie Club.The wadience|w as.-Thisccllaneoue:. membersofthe club;ly dnti-imperialistié.2 subject.was thre PhilippinesSs.Nter:the lecture,according to the rules wat the crab;Mr.Halstead -Way,plied; One.of the*Ques® Del ay Fas SOLS park|the tandby-reason of pubied ry 'mors.that Adhniral Dewet clined to accept the proposedThe:committee has never:FeetJaydeclination’from™“him! the contrary.?has eyery believe tliat he will Reece isa are }ious:ands precious.téStimonial” homespurchased for himin.the cateofsomanyt.his seater,fellow: {States this <séasqn:~Bat*a “melon Mune AVhO.re>sides near‘Vaildosta;:Ga.,~seems to, sounds:.,Mr:Vannin®has raised oer wig is har ee Phe fand today was ine toaded:by da.check for Sf 40e front the dfilw au- “kee Brewers’Association, “Democratio Prospcots. Wailesboro Mesecnger:Intellig¢eucer. Thereisa“Hebe rake a feeling.thatein tre cam paign.of next} year the Democtatic party will:bet:given an oppartunity to redéem the Sos che from the eas of,RE with qnestions: tiohers,*with decided sympathy.4 Aguinalde,after bis question lad been auswered,added the)remark. “J hope Orvis will be keptin and.will keep on blunderingtil!he andthe" whole’army are dre,ito the seaoreaptured.”Abr.Haistead sail thosé Sentimicnts is a traitor:to -his counyer rel nen jumped up and re- NT wo-thirds of this adr euce OaSietke,way. Mr.Halstead replied:thinks that way ixaceaeite.? a tere was-a ‘rush ‘down.theanKithtaisedfists.towards Set ota stead,"putA greater Runiber.efuaa.step ped-hp Saf ween’ pack and those who ‘were musing,«Theneyas *&“great a0ichdisclosgdtite2facthattheauGiedee*Way,coniposedd oft{en ap1 bothsidg's of thap que Stine”Lh Mr Ww idespread nor Inedicine.could cure her Her}*druggist suggestedsDr.‘Iking’s New |< Discoxery:for”consuinption®she:|bought 2 bette”and:to"het-delight found Herself benctitted=trom.first dose:She continued sits -ase-and|’ after taking)six.botttes found her? setf sound and wells:now Goes her own housework anid aSwellas ‘she ever Was.bree trial eee esofithts he’4 vreat discovery at.We FP.Valls:Fr.Tard store.Larie.Bates Hh é fangs.Rs ES,en ape 3 ae “2k mon with bot ¢contidined to any. norto anyre lass, to pertPease all sections and altctase C3,manifesting:itself it newspaper casual utter>ances of public men ‘and in private satisfac tory exordesertptionofitcin‘beivei“artnet thay,to say,that-or allySides.aiid bit ELE.déwet VOD»trout is;haxpeetatione.2afyfeelingawitich’takesipirsassctd "oi saharmyOnithe:Gvelah w rerear cmoyes4|mentyandawbith Jcads thet any ind|Ey fie:towprepate for a”‘farch’,ean.beronertteyeiminedvitsfedidérss.hae2td:eajstead,was guietlwJed Sait pe.orders ta a ents3y4}OF.thewhurck,“be.A<ite-door...andy No klews wereryt ruck.qats:eee andy ee ations, COnNCrs ition. =r DOWtts Take Hany RizeEN ‘did 4 Fin >arore600'Hag :tik sin media.4intsandsother’pilisy%MXrites “Den =: Hy Macdhs,seaot Ehungp sore <é Coubs %Promytsp elisa:DoWny’lad eer they| Lovte Constapptton -ardy~e rhetore =liyer ed ‘agtian,ait:ore.Souler<Poledae steady,inerEeay mk,gar bitlineEEodifhey!ttiy”UgTt ss,Cai,eeHyatt Jy, 2 ay wdunds,“butsnSpens:“sords fh bskire ‘diseases;Sand ae ae:eitad ye erdpttons,Spotting:aesmean |pes ine %Sy DEB'S AVitChe,Hates Rees *Pie BupiacBax Sinetron |NI awoya ftsef : Hite SE bea Sat asePingdurbabies,‘#wif eure.7 NYE Ate lade.OF ee af Meany LOA hy b bad sui ate Ini:‘ hanchupraar w ]taken home,; but thstirs:andl hore”were ‘bud vi ,asked the jjudye to dismiss it,because 'uprpapioushe<s._S54 “Chi adbats HetardVicKorpeaidehtiny shot ee iesSelf,on,W edn day ‘of Aas}§oehe ERSqwealthia:uniib§tine.“ih d-,was boshout;Hoot paiesdaxesweNid;orreipdk §iasfoubd,juuconstions®and ESMTSB6tsinyberRE:wetFheicantbruthightwithout:fregip pycCyIse iysness,Lconkdearbt"‘tell,‘haw ‘he dad beetLshoter ySHitfssupposedremthesubtodnding.SIDS Pheets bemwasatryi ise to.oxbrackPoallfrouthts,histel:vith.itis khikeaySadGidentallyfireti- ASSee +e“Million 1Deller Ferry,by [Rotem “Ye as mh*Bite Lancdster TeaudssSf‘Lrangedigorsane on,Prion.ofa:nfl]peortmilbitt this place.”AstheSe danhing sip retin Ban feCoinn ele:seenpetorayPP:w Phe APath4 “A e “ ‘~ fi et.one:Ti slags wy Sb fafota,Deaogratys haw beesHeleettid‘Lo-Congress”froth*-het SthMisgouri-disyrret bpwuccped |heoepermetRichardIdkJovityoverIhis:Rginbihan ortonPeleresOR:3 oon eases than’ Ewvichedecid OF Abe Western’,aire Courtsfigtagor’.OF:Calk Republican/wreoowds,tb Higator when 'the.slepistaturéeer gartize aprbtin'*Yee ’ ||medics -~press,a-ha jfeests~seh Tyou “eat,Zehd “peetively “euFesSES ReipeirsiamSLCAESeAOD:2 Boon tyre {dale Penis’Say srt curedNise of.any) setae as:+ Hr oe ‘awedto notnpe Le:cl ees Moshery 08 Hikgirefat fecved 5Wa)r oe)4 Bphyerh er KMhub Rod Dof-hest.“f bakes {a anita Cla:aMberlayyts:jorgb T Tenay*“liBoutaips “Needhi slopornabeatic §fre anes fofm ie: augur Moras tantlydiye:eo,the]: Abad isi sadx.fe oP areas sycsp2ve cove ality Las ‘attended its.weortnithiat >wen:tyedtinant!Tcubist Seneca.rasAcduragingcceeickcodnd.fnalcial.ps s.gae st ha SPOS, oackinty ofee ipans.Spa Abalag|ey i Bo diste iGeantapioisasaeachOfthe.ode .foot Peaety 1 we isa3~7th Seas ante fad}Ae ~“> Tarbor en it:Kae Broposestd OL at:dhthisstare ho|ereat ory!"wing ip fot the:Wobax,fleh@ersthatcapital!froin tie Stote.,bihassinceainppesedager Lbs,woll ret Sr cessful®ulin ati ae “Lhe ules -“ime parts Ses totemaraemitoFolf.EarnsoyeataewoliardADULTfaigh rat ot infere: would He.piven ue pot one*pf Prague,as ton |fQOK"BlacCo re i atsy,sireSpite OTE It EDO PutarHeshonid>;hav’“4He Ge eett,tS é tnYFretitgaletatOrejetall,aofaoetrBe ae has:received woug aa be andcdsfaFosaporTTY,Foxe)ibds “ParsSule By apseietsSs ag 2va a Zt5 samiteSt-he-should be ot—pitas Tent x ‘days.‘belOre:.lite}! "s A ,RNSChe ieSensrorspane.<eh teas;angesgly edCapacity,”and “bea ay tetmah,Willing1g and Mush gal devemomcneapeShoule-GhOSe. $4 tksp~Thrsdgi vpthar etx wavr-obd| esaPpa piDy ES A.~Bassitecidtn t:PofeetbysitataieBadrtlebrdth=]sr,touraR ths &Ne.a Vith—a*pa tyTatikes*:esrfFollpwjrit!=.ekehe a et Dertanie Wot.“ef Reheioue’SeircsbaCyWades’iy Westeeiger?,%, oe <TH colds red peppheLa,eee faveSve %om"Ri&nevi wal-at Deep.ne“Gulledge eresSatordaytebeyFeadhed’tirerelisioy>fer¥did tthes.wife« sit istfertut rite \Aga Ton solllananilbprdj%ct sbeaie’|abapyal Tapeastér wapo.at Mvigniwhrigh|in TaOke:will-haye abet’Lite milHScothin-mmitls..|tors oe LingeakonintsduaeFZBanat, .we‘s~Coan iss,Hoe hard Ot,ABASOpeeps:t »Toba Wantloy benehecticthatShesmpedLahelAfeREHthnewLheean,(Senet sho!h“Therarms,Aei “hp,letter”was.placed tn socPhead strnel bene ith its ha oxy tant »Gots Choleya 5 dhol a gone&JerHedy.in tha-treatmentcof Bateeneaplainghasumdeitgaandar 1 wy.dt™Fer siae.S img si rae “did:y 5S{infAicting lelatios troup SoneSabaedawhese‘dried ‘in deol aty web Sle bon Noa sath,Shoat.8 CH tiles pees>eee -appointyigats "4ariny“te gnetb x 7 the;aSaeroisianDne-t hed th Gir.Boayérs,«slate captatn ‘Cane K ated.Seay phhettrentnio’oe $1).me‘Pours?Foust oitess qi inger..>ins liantneStdeoaiandularthentd 5“fote?Set Tieuterfsats|4‘Brown a mi nse “Secpi 5 vahdaia ©‘ 3a (Bo 2 TE:“hous‘ Sistem m=a maatNEng.season hEGRSF.Bpcnese,tes;et the.eae 2 _willvert eit. ie.wat:betrorth-to you mam ge th:oe itwho.sePCEO:water din=lee ve fe(gate ate.gitar ele :Sold.ay:Seat Lwin.rus Phe.Ba Sr ioscoer : 3 Moa There f-Senbe ig“she7,7 2 Case given outiatthe >¥ary pact |Aa eviUelCitingn,ep ge aa a politician SpemarkesaeTaesf “rea are rakescate neta is,thake-tShe 3 «_'mdthiel is stig t Ying this mien oessai 2 ome oeLick = * )Ab :The +“moreit~teless it “wéu “stréng oresisiAssue..\and.drop ie‘allTt coulé drep Over imyour headaade-gallus—~anan; ead,ine=a}theesr“Tang dite, aNo -hougedold1 houtd3|teamBe"‘ken |Ja See a Biereins td Sworout fy e ‘entire’syétem;dispel co}eae “hadioa pourstypudstasinga,tah Sod Sun's a ee oe eea asees Oea -5S “‘i .>“|SmSeu aes . Res thepfather,oak,Jarge familys‘yma SOUPS years)did,“a8¥ank-:oerquartor>more/at +biSkey ¢beforeKerfanth~nh prealetast ands diéTainesdvatast™{hercatters,-At histregutst,,his:wife sOtba 4painpbianyPreparedsomeretigkenoutwhet&husbaea went 0thetptibleuedsutabletotatdns:ththe.&Seanlieaes crop pt thee ented !fue leqgaed his-head oYer-on the tabledioeesstates|fox {aysi99"antouy ty ton LF- 21s it bales,‘apraipat.J 1grasOt losT57UELKETear.defore. tt was sdon discovered thas «he iriedthe:father Suto.‘another Lrsorre "Te fails,ep:the South Maye *useds fandLiat isim’6on pallet?X=Thetamik?>“more -phap Quring ||Bypaid a0»Portier:~attenticn:“untit s is,Sgaisisty onsamption byt seo,hours.fAter,whew it-was sheciestpeau.POF2.190.70.“TEES crop fered thaty oe husbavd ‘and?fatherhistrgitStatesis!given as|was.coldy ox hallowpsi.7 MNorth.s Caroline TRS MOek;x ANVudlfets 5”>Southr,Carolina.104g,dn hence Thezapbater Atabdm:Lbs53:-“the family!;Ou se lbrida 7070005 Mic;insti,sige ak PaNWO ‘Tatisiang:590.000; SBME Tenijiete ead,(ud,Te.rie SOW.”Pots oF:ed Ct °Antartl jos iicident poteltch:ste ows:Tyas th.avmmost d48 gerous, lowe eXPS Usinkency tdpané’“codtestyeepalin¢cowtin dalyin back sary,gide~.|:naaypetteApraLost y wwealket daysdKdays4sbhresephYsi¢ian Shadyiver be rnG vp.>Portupatdl fw Frionne ads(iA waged aryinyk lectrigJI ittefs,abd:Spi » ny reat:joy tind surprisethd first*ats Potro mades degidedt Tmprovemerta » ts “cohtinved sekeirrise foh threessecekSt:ee)rapaeriip;wheeifimun 67)bao uy’ata,EIEN gud Sob Rnb oeasicsPRES.vege $Sayegh’wry life and’,robbod-they-yave of angthér’evictimis’“NO avey. tite followingstatesient §6 teen yobs Siald=fatl’‘tat try,them.3tiiertMiscaptlingrthefunds,”fsThe“Dewed-oe EXHalkIS ~ ,}4 RsSee xaBig:M¥ona, “Gooriia’and?“Florida ewe apeie : have rer ently,been’telling “of many ¢* huge ™wate tinetons iwalisenl in?“those raised by.We Re 2 ‘|bea winner:‘Itwas avéiched in thattownlastWeekand!gels but one- quarterof a pound -of weighing 150 ‘abot.20 melons thisi seasow that weighedover 160 pSunds each.Phe150.pound meter “sold at Valdosta,far $6,ss gi Lig Teas : 2 i ae oy .scape ade eet ———~Y to -ven * “fh.:WRemarkable.Rescua _! Ih?makes the ‘sti itement that’she eaught cold,which‘settled*on=he :lungs:she was‘treated fora amopth |:bycher:faniily:physician,but grew)worse,He told hershewas a hope-' feSsvigtinrof£pence Her and re af wy ieee ese Se, een %‘Kodp!:spofie nnctve Sa nee : ihe gyunpalmns 4ahiy fiewt of erp tnent asc‘Jans sisal!‘teivehi jae’ Mth andorge-}3 { ony RarsSesseye:enoA~ Ne gs tal 3 Pa La preise! ~*~Se x “At Sant ga, Wation camaatiga Hs ieats we Phe rocks Licey?OF Chasber ie roatey patty‘of the?¢i senate atEty*Bottle *Avance fed:2 35 ane 36 cit.Alb d i a”“ey ==Ppp:#perey i rs S33 trpttbleaton db BS)ylagr“it WerigeSweaslo! rertome «by Ee e aie tee yobd Lanes y Cutesta.ena:meet wontrapaeripy.ens}e,yom kidneys,liver aud,bosewe eacfew daysxSusan a Te.en AufRegalaaricr}Yaron count ee Asdac.seu gt £ae > Volunteer AJteispottedMeers: ft mm ‘ohTart tm‘ThaShort.time?ae“4 2S a Sgupfor bing invade fom akrive’as’a Sauve™”niy,because #t*Was"? ast “ullak ile ima pul fist igHa-5aivanjustbefore,the Aaaekigtin pehoritiesrataStop)oe if sng par tiineSe ny * i See p ude anete Most ‘of hiphiite)odf gus hotest,a eeesHadarielyxoty ket fib)“ote edsteolnstay4 *deaths Ho pad “bees|:dnuiktyes heavity for:several.Gags.bsotpeeesstrésses 4Philadelphix “eas) Ohl 3a); 7 Ty i n g 83 Te fo e oe fover Caw Ww Gut,x “strictly sd Gteed:mane ~ Ses.up to Friday ee Od bk , oN> tetitweWiilSeadirect=‘ Mrs,Michael “Curtain,:Plaintield, 4 tf yrieeby!atin near Sess aiydNeckk (Sk,; nner ote oman sem Rar tng.tae Aan “Saved ler ite ~5D4 tM he au os blewteny:ands o~ The:seigth’s ie t a tae.z tis“i neeks 2Eta,ab nton ee oi iadas5s a,hei asboria:e ee a pematy Roe,ALOrato pert 3aat he Bsa thetacrshAPiysin2ieforgheepeeaireNoes\* eneEeealieneTeese togarae aus&ad oa et is Bt; aft ttrae xeenspee careabv:thisretscady oT pom Sarees eeexd: ee ieSy ae Titer; tyS.\eoe Senora as i:aayeeefeadsthat:Sadde aesae ti :ess fa then sind erg”dead troHetorenbescouldbe:reseusd.*eersubesimantencianSsaptingtvred:with:hishie” gut Pee “ KeYours: Soo 4a.i Accountok eek;igri:iladder,Ri 7ReacesmaleSntiory of ;fhete teee goieecele ; .BreFoto ‘Ofining”Tables onig!h one <a tucmpeeds 005 aeod f3- kt ids:a ish “* y ws suaniheor ee La e ¥- SS),ne rvousneOSs ines chtease’and TES :sy Stego never SPS.OY.sic ea 3 heh AW.Bk ade ae Fottrigs and: Se goht &yt therConey: “SportingClibon’“Oatoie Y sareae for 4.te pipe’Shea Sete nei + i ? atPehboisaaino ‘the Stom~ aed cur es Gy Spepsia, shere's alwaaysShope’ax hile: One MigutéCough:Cures" tuck-of ‘pryeumMonta.left my ad shipe’and T -was’near.a-y ofseonsumption-‘ Lure “¢: ites*phe ease dastanit such fi Lon.“|Gan a pronch igsot: nee:-oePestsaynHOV=a ‘Sree dacutes ‘a ae ~:w 4‘Sein.iTeeectafe pier:eK tte es HosWw Pries.Be eet a cominanidd+e:aA ie St kauri:x Fd ai +eefre of ‘théepty mole Deas cs BeefratsactsaBez it int.rest Pee)vs ‘peel al:utepitt “ eer ea ont mt aoud sand.iliey:entire, oe there.s 7 "a Sk awhiey will cRamptonship.Os an Straw air :Browne RoaoT :aes a 2€Tire cured a reot 2 Serene sane ee 2G VCS ae afJeo "TH teh e ,YournCapitai dody our Caeg =oe Meno irs.iGyour Insurers ‘Gteittan oeeeSead tel oce ca digS sit Se ole , Seta,ob Potts a thé titsaber be BN?;ee tawbissNoyLae ik : axe mR:‘END ie Cnt <seach,ny. "Laadigs and “make ithe1a several mor Tu doin SO.Big e4Haein="ies Le: See eaea et ee yo ¥aiaoex.’- ae am ‘a he cone = '4 *a .~LE aie o Co hes Soeeeh Be rae at en ee :Se Fe es Sas he teak a *ae etene “oF heare te :ce x=weatty oi x 2.pt ‘’og he a Seneca :mame a aes —5 eee aes ATE:spampn tee :Roca x Ee=i 3 ae 7:7 ‘oe a h .mAsaayeovalABEENT!Wy,ek Vas Gales A ICTIACEA OR SORE DePE.AND.R:Ae teqt%hern AR get pepswsSest.7 :>st ;wT >ais o Tig —7 ———>ee sree saa =ae a one Pr eaoe fe eeeNoesGeieOsSeSeePStesig?fe a7~~og NS 4 7 2aa1oeysERenpeeATHSVIELEe x os TiicsD, a LAN eg Ae Pe .=).meetsPoetpecrMOhesSse:Niet tN een eae Fa ae . be NF oe PAY corti.fn :st Ms Bg san oege gente he mila .~ or ———”east _Sa Se om:“ranhdeseeS<,Bess ieee ;NF Le OP eee aay oe ie ge pike as eS jolde i,Fannidesee AisketyAeoabITOR!RIAGNOPES.Of YF bs be A RQCALS.-2 sy NEW a Sorocpeh es ; hie “eS PE Nagle «HDoe cet al atin lege <ad Sn Oke,Ri::as Ne pitertay Seurinnt YA ef :;7 ;othe BE pig Ie tae pee As Cima Spmat ~»Salishtity,»-\’Recently }-the AT heks a 'Fe TE “WedNSxanesentipernoted‘3 Fe aie She vo elders’ high De oye of:ney Peppa Disohare”SHr o/Ts OZ Cadell:andscoi}as-Southern Failsea {a ae hee a &=‘Ss yreducedthe |fréivht:5 ft 2 Repub can Péctyis re nducting 3 meeting jn,. mg Deni Keat Srcerint Like pe gts “tah Rea paresuaiting in,“by nchbdyWEES \pate of cottapReed:e i hulls”e eceeeetes ee aiecorpugions poe ee eeStat rien is eho.Phen geat Pine Lait:ees © Ph a e t o n : t Ca l e ei,ar sO elec Meda Nh PataSage oo shah ga a Na gid Bae iame y uae -when,.the baild*~“1 ip Abetir live leelee Gow Me:Aig.&iL»t=)day’/the ¢orporatien:cominission Or WNorth=;,artcounty,aTe nn.when:the baiorth“Cgrélina,’:Pheywere:enh z ie me oak a Z SS eth,sAvie Whig taoa Mat the Rosy SSEie tke \Fey.Bas’cgmimedced /dered that.this \new “rate “on!the:‘c te playaa,xvagéneies WO Zr ori and: ant rocks wore thrbwn »~c3 Ke es Se ee 3 Nein s :3s :"a 634.“COWS s eseAealinaaftraniteovcentt)M:able’,ook ponte “trade “an publiPearls “antiap Teecli worth,Soir “ko oa a Nir alosch.Es ans dropSe!Southers Be art qptedes,tife staid:ard!iinet §imsoeTheywere ‘doghgedanT :eee Se hea z 3 <n rf.“a ae venthy t Sete bu.¥taintt®sheet =oe +jrate sural:roads inthe ‘State:re is Pir a Treot good*wage nrriuicly ~gagh_t windows,apd the bulld-'-A 3 :Se a ee oe tn Bs ie ge eG sees TO ee att =Sa ee ED:Vater tin 2Bid sf Rea OF:ater:3 gtk Oesteyecidinarly ie?rat{®»a ae ce See Seen ospesWEETatePohepgcn:<1 tieOne meinem has’wk 3 |.ee.Re campai ves,°rey iMaterial oy ak Riese aoe yee ze ‘Fee:sake ae Me Site ae 6 Sse dcp,‘RiGarb?dour,atin he’,bas cobSeta orSalisbury.”Sone wet Bats yreetshe Blaces promig~a jes pee ste ‘the a oo a f ae ue Se i“eo twig a es z.bei PS GN ae etna afpeasot eeacm ne?4va tHe restop.Prige-at Diligboro,ae u =$ates trie .m:i eee :t fost.MiSs Ma :ee i soa ae est:C.j as WOR Le &<=oe be 3 “(Pityf *Ditob ae¥CT omar ate’*y:Se We |Jacksbn’“foun ‘onenivkt laspweek™Se cto,-hayve tleft?Winstoa ‘are!;Pbbilding’ic ‘kan aR iss yt os ee ¢vit,Stout Tomites:Yeaiin’Ting 2 +is Sea ci and want-to:return home."/&oe Popa Hone ics Bee ties‘.’-~t #5 2 atl “)y vt FtiewM a thee saiite a ree ¢wenets x1 fstabl : :a eaRc eet °yan.iStil’news,Stopographer,aps 3!enti otivery Stable:where |Dissatisfactign a8 said-tq-arise from: :olsen and.Petty.with ag OMEM tO Fes S .-3 .:S Lie satis:tate ity ts ‘riceewas Workings.resented “some?”:%andLowest PiAa :3 BIN aren is ayXi ntess:west et Somers&A?G.,Ss.me *foe eee ned Taseae Fariods sgurgess:oO sémne instances,ite a cin they work?‘ot ‘the ay ab,~ fi ro Cate ;me Ne we yerilhhae€“PMTs eMeMlonghbs?.Obambers;eftAegis fot|him’.eRe the~“tead:pthe-w ork gs Aoohenyy,if otters the}?‘|While”re trio~passed.down,ahs.+Ahn ava—Seamg S024 yard +this faglt <1 th ide ire)hGnhr otters js rtisiting?“his.paverisr Hing sscdpet Mi aM aS‘Lepoks are‘taken “ontria Sand.after.d road shotiwere fired’from:gmbush.eae et. i ee BBS piletice of-phe’shies OFsir,AMapgudSirs PB elranpbers es ‘Yess \pdeuedays they are informed.‘that!Cl audthewoman washitbyabaliand<-9 ©Se inte ASTe i ae‘Di Matar este dot .ro et}Ko.thasPia ast)!ice,C Steg AMiPetowedy“So Morgayaaes ‘fietare,Sei Peat:dee Suck ane:eo redused.ss }atmost instantly:‘killed:“Hetbroth:|naa :nsyu wr bods,eae oy a Set SST:sh poston oath ie”Ort:tne}owe lagt"P Wursday.Torgnecesuayt)sob leavesfes ea S$iepcoton A te paeefe nu ‘/ers‘vowed they:Would’avenge,’the i eS .“>Yo "1g \%,ri or Ss .R ps - Ft.Zae,Pelle B S“teas aeee saint “Qb4 test:wert yer,S Re Fee pgnrst1 thespugine:gud 6Goilers-&2 a ried oe ian cageeerenmeatae‘wouldbe’well far-all-whoconten ovtats wlio’are ‘oppo onae pad alter eines"an.Sie ac bras 4k atival ‘Banh a :“i iduirteratber.{boalcit Gen Of:aieaf hie Weceed tiLRAan oe eat tow ‘and $Y Brena ging over him,tbe:Uplate jcoing-tto”think well’0oyer:the noe le eye placed thern.on the teak of thes:age Piles ao <—i “Siege s *;tsyist-tet haa mewwellYe ile ret Infad:Ki)Ecol eR ot Thorgstilte,Totethe:years cogent Ypon -is rétern “at.any.poxperience of;Lottetent nineaH sy he be ies f sac Shane ie Lor STK ieee NL.HS Nine eee £Sg a ‘neing.?ateety ast sewerks asy hime within twelve mopths.--DHis is4pee maatter %Me dal Button Vinson,a prominenty ging 7°ta ee :fe a Cy hae (Op 7 fae i oohire "2 CntBer bea Baro Se ee ve +"syacatiipromise}arrangement jnadey Ri aes ei .i <7 atmeér.and superinténdentof'a ;Sunt,=” Tragsa See its Gankm ‘Rasiness”iy scetosadicds sthiece ai check en dm §aes :.Feel We ere Notes:hs *.soturpet with:the:officers?.es Hes Seen a hri (hing movie é Ni ai,5.Pee ctat.Se.5 sire SOULE A epvsits.“Mobey hen +end coliatgralarad personiay seEuriate Bae.dottron crop.ue the *Sontth ds}he Mr,ay eh sabe 4:D3 +/howarlotte Mews.—.ie we ps )-yes Oly eae Cee 2 e ae “pes htt 0a dingy CMG CTi AOD Ai pom tssaikth cititedor remsties Gt lowestFs “Ai j TRON the:Sore bw iene eecittengded}:‘Salisbury:Sen’?Maj~i tt.Hay Dy Tt :4 fhathe had &ad-the?“Tein,yut :; doa’age Tero syians Mer bps,ze avacisy ay =ind:easeHe aolicited ayesnelombtedly padtt;,7 althhous:tits|he fae sting:of ~untici jaus and:took,2 feyschtiefOMAAnsportatious for the}«Dri;Ae“Ctawiord,pbRork,fit fitiwas a0 aseidest,cae thsart,he ete <:ee RS ey NO ee weeaithan Neil!at Soe ‘Osleans,,“fhutres_|sPesial Coupe!in optics?See ms Confederate |Stites.Governuient,eaNcrmceee Of ak sisedlan a tot ri@thimself of remorse of >+z iP oes CORESERSRS pske Re ce ue ieha”tops Jaren step.oW it tr thes,Ajsnck Manyraind Bathe Ipnes,eon Aisin Newbarsjou -Monday The |2z ae aoe mcs rold.Ff ae Se —So =a xe :{Ge =z B.—ba iC.reais ice EPreside”.wre ase itt er (Of Spindles ‘in Op Thad.beet -visitinesat:Ret:OW.RR,Journal.says that bis’executive:abjl-boy caught’td:of a*ie ite that his ee eee one at e S eg ee AG ae BE See?ti~oh -*eek AT rot and thee short crop.Tarmers ||a ad¢etscicewd te their tome Neen en ae bad been-blown:down “by ‘a Storm.z Fup akhife:and-cut his throat,élmost :>\Y oT.a wie <S e t r :xsideettataiegiriceforthegcotton|pli LaAShe vi jsst RIANos a ee Confederate Secerale with whos be His’feet were touching”the-damp te ‘atthe same instant sending a-bullet : ‘around and the circuit was:complet=1eeaay1JismTaleandwinter.but.the Courty Saperiuten ident-anth:Mrs.'z Lu iS aVPSorp!exing Thing |te ilar anh27ee ene pacen Ao Butler -and chtdren.are Sea cometSs ve ed through.’his’“body.'He <was |!through bis Brain.<His family ande.So Reese.witnesséd,the eintasm a het sr,wee Shic.rote may be that.tNey willbe tor-|oie o rynowitain trip,“Whey”are thrown flat:.“Several ‘<petSons were |: tee,4 him FAS rad otere al peck eae ‘ats$rd et ot estsoO tit ite push thtroi noe ow the mat-A sy pesched Home the last,of this week.[oes eee ‘Dear.reee ee his.pre-|a raat ah cerameeen nghe ae ari gees pot DeAMaret ty pe us some,SIN we are:Sure Side petal thoes heodetbe =ice Hows |.“Mrs ud Mrs,Wm.“Privette and ‘fandfacturio plant:at Blkis:Cant one eho t touched hae drone.:©Baltimore's.EOees:Deed:cas c x ary Seapis ant the xe SS itMp an jaut to ay CLrige who TS.fh ¥éatiltheeS Clotton Has.laft heir hands.jf r children:‘ot W kes county,fatall in ped Wednesday‘i ®aig the wround:with 2:“sey hock f:bat they:will:tand:baltimore.Dispatch.’A R .5 nie :Rae ec ;Vahey as ake Se ON Set pric for ~copton,will make}tebk the train here .last Phursdayv{s.}ea g !crete >~the’Populists.+minat tor].Mrs..Mar Sonsoni ©‘died at,“the Me aeeeeyteaSeeeeeneSoereceSelaheaiGaaeeeburelhudcaertheyinone“ef the’‘machines fifing out electricity.At.last;thet boy's ‘fath-1 Marion But Zi eu re ah eH =H 1-tod f S5 ee it :#'O]thin’fc Sees tien Wane Fe *is Pyesneral-UKOaperiey,in theySont h-“amd |SS Gre i ie Rte yew tere.Pney Vand striking him qn the abdomen.er got ayy axe and.cat.the:c wire,"‘Cyrus ‘Tho ons -ns op ae:ospita 0 ey 9 =ee a |by Cys.OF &Ou AS NOE Rh a8 Swothineclewe SAW “hopetat edt.take they Renae «|Mir.Dearborn’diéd:Friday.*His.re’breaking the circuit:“The childwas ‘Governor:W Wort r.cries Jeprosy.|<The:woman.cometto x a: 7 2 =gee eae os ;eS Ces ecu wath gi eee seihl advangeiin pri€e ind,shat'}oie band Chega “ast:Dh trsday aes were sent to Salem -Junction,,|badly burned on,theback.of his-neck,ean Ts :9 city rom pat Seas :a iat = y ike ies tts CMe O prin "and Sumner Siamits-are ready 40 speak les ere fon cergwers S iTi-wet the}pHighe ut.Athiéiic Parka2S much en-|X.2¥~~his former:home:He:‘was 24 ‘and was almost.‘dead:°An:elect ris ‘State Sos ot fo oa sen Spee winter 9 .¢fae y eis.+; ne fb Sabie ves Wroumidniy ive us.tteppertinpty oth siti eS os ves joyed."There waa ‘no vadmittance Fears ‘old:Sogn dont [eta who worked-on ‘the’ling ‘stated So Sopra f:Pablic tet applying foretes ee .eee zeeo£Servorons OA Aittle S thes seefour molto.»bett a tok the incr Cisediirtce:“Theytieachargéds buta cdléetion-ofabouty %<2 Seeman eae ee .|that more than a~thousangy volts of 3.UURe 7.‘pensary..When the health eee wo ~wry Wives?Ue nigethiags w @ are showdngg I>wy:whoa feCd ten Tie en ret nye .i 7138 was taken,up for,the >benefit of,aan GENERAL,NEWS.eye sclprardnf cans pela SeeSt sid’epee ga adisease ae sei aA YOR Se Sy oy oe i gas ee :I as ‘+ic mye sen rine si oe |the vn¢l rat Ww 3 «SF eA i i:ay 9 yy ap Sa eo aah ne eS"4 be bast:to-nomi na :De ‘Re op di:corres 0D ence:with ;as ‘‘oe Stray and ¢‘Crash Hats.HosteeNeckwesrs “Gok |We tectt nfs heard aie hicmay+Bust-|sd AW ae Panta.he makexfe A wireck near’‘Millek’s Station,a peer Shugo |are,opposed ’‘ot |dauthoriticesint Allegheny:witha ~a iti pape Sere and Ctuit ShirttS »ete."ane ct et bolted 2 2206 9 fed here.to.Mooresville some Pa.,killed threemeb and a tramp |.-|Sankey’syebasSiomiescd =tmendmént,|view.to having ber returned fo,that ;ate SESS a e ae Panicle ae:mec u wh:jolted Bryaniin tf e {nuh ast ro.“has ‘pure hase a ine “Another tramp was:epee’This Eastport N YsRispaich sth,:stn life'and Vigor éity:The:OMCs”hehe Haieeser wis Cae hd ve a wilh ceae Ryvine “Aristaoe Yustiine y sreithe x ae Wa eeszote foy dit peat’)taratt ty rhe gfercan tile,business of BAPE ROLE,last week.‘1%Phe board’of health of the.oer ‘of ty;"and the-Repub ,a repudiated aall knowledge‘ofher.and»—_ tg Seip REE ROOTES of Fouts dn x Le Ve ts thes Durroct atic “nomi-ay.S.C,Rankin:andthe tirm pame |“Rioters wrecked a,ees car ‘in:|Brookhaten decided today,~after in-make commpn-cabse-wa the Popu-bes“Stewas shown “that in -her-child-*af 3 eee bo Be Rae :ar ‘Shoxoo &‘Shelton ion The:Tgason™given for the jartid“be Rankin &Rankin,as it was}Gleveland’Ohio,Thursday:night,by|vestigating the complaintof7 Ira D:istSin eran TIES.in‘the thoadshe had livedin this:State,:she ° fs Pa Se nan ae See zie voice isithie growth’Af trusts vannd.'Belorn,Abt.pW,W.-Wankim moved+to }putting.an explosive on’the track:|Sankey,the well-known,-eyangelist,:claimed the right to stax beter eae 2h peat RCA ee a ae ee mem y =?“OtisSaved ing Dover tor ropyres-|HESaes vi}ic.This firur will doone of The car contained {1}passengers,that.thé-duck”ranchés ‘Along’.the}?eh Be 4 oe h ‘Areffort.was-made ;to <provide,rg aes =ES ean hcp hectic Our tien aeninis ees miata Latoes ae senetalac Busiinesses.-in'some of whom,were women.|DAS the|Creek were nota menace.‘torhealth of eae atl ex eel ;2 ss quarters:for:Her at an old:GUATAM=oeao‘CARDY.i sj ae ie ae =Yeby smayupaiooressplled U2 Ls 2 ;~.Lear struck the ‘explosive -it.bounded|'that erghbdrhood-Sankey,was not EapETIER aLDe ip aticd Seco h|tine station.butan ingunction+was sae U y Sex EERE CRON Fi Ele:acho busty a a1e-says thee Fgneaira ie Se ‘Roform Se into‘the air ahd the force ofthe con-4 there::to’‘téstify_for “himself YHis coma pre se eae "obtainedby.the near’by:propetty —* =ig :Ch ;THARTIC!;eR Scie:Wall toe dus en “outcof),busines).ee ous ae ptiects cussionwaS Such.as.to break .’sever}|agent ‘Gilbert We.icuynor,'“of Manor-|fae,Lowners forbjdding that she,se yaar,<: 5a eran Es ;ag ints isfeMetied.cite te Oa (lah windowss..Some of the lwomen|ville;was,present’to.try <a ‘case|‘terdd there.“Sivce April27 3597,+: ho ;Phy,en)Disdee Roe he mews that Ee Seal NN >me <fainted?“The riots in*Cleveland against the dack raisers.~Rastport,1 Mrs.Sansoni had been 1n ‘as‘gusolat-soe a yo1p-.|.ee TY rs mit oe“¢net ‘<liei te ts t Ser Tys —oe en oe ena ie conten,EB eee sees ree,ee ae eee oo eo th a enareaouts of eet .=a 4 og 8 an INS ea He Are PUR LS noe =Fess w 3 oft ownit:the:United States 1 Das ;|ki pi 1c,ed=|EI foi Beg ose ein nCBate stec unig te garea eT Seogeeeeeee=PETE:ye nm let sigan DAS 5 t ce v Ww ay 2 =ash Ta pO a CURE CONSTI£iPATION:,ete canpatedte =ai hic i ties Fi isSagresrenhOF the penitentiary edJames "Porchescha lainiedretepea ae:ae "The ae“wll es Ss Lae Seto f :ete tS CEE eR.Utity Sutbe_bySinbss &nal aida eshte iinetDepritinerts|‘The|that.a DalanésOlobe<cent-was.26}ablgruiejhabitania it Daithegtherer Sees eee Ratt :ae 8 %‘Pesalathers?ane doulers.he bye r Uulers of Thase pepers,glesthey piefotJabndey.2 Ghatongl renee eae the Peoptein Eastportatenot:oc.3 phoma tkabie.<Gene:=ee oe vou al ee LATE Jee pa ASthat adn riedom of ithepartyfy |beargit!Srourouberspakers.stant lanes:ae Rea so eLeet Fed for"t heirtengevity:E Ne Seachem Record ‘Times.oy ge NR it ean Nae eae=ay cr Gn fa,romgtdy dnd that,FtCyne SOE egay Say Ue Lexpos ures,pad]Ree JED TEA EASe ‘Fhe Storekéeper,the:“butcher,the}la Mary SF.Gornelsas,awh was 5 Sohaii Te ohOB aita:talgal eafp opises ao vd.bac FAL Coes They would.Serertagy ws -wie a age %cd afd-everyBody;was-befo ethe}tetesoen;with?'parabpates several,EBay E a:Sartvey,oth experoe Viele “ist oan eeeKo eer Sy %=e oy mey me i ‘boakd this.alternoon.to,tell what,=months ago,coutinues to-livesand -"9. TOR Fes x FPSoe ;RO Oe Ee Re Mies Laat RAR OT Sete “phtealth y place Bastpert |ig’and’iS thought to be'.resting some-what’sth Sa ‘teasiettoday,Hé has taken no-solid|om a f od within the last*sixty,days:and~ses touch his body iis wasted,hissv itali- use2eeTEETE2aSonehaaadSay,byelenndel a thecomaFosforahayeeeeSeeeeiiaésampargea-for Goveungr.of Obio~pexativelist.t was State@tha png Ptidstqis “am patated-beeduses they dick eaisingi ustry>brdughit)it tere <frpst Sityen):wthile.“forceds to *Fuaze Henty R:Starvack,of Win.pevaiiie®Paste)ONd-per y 6ars <Dri:3 mS :pa ae 4 Lor vphe ‘teheatfeldy?aint Hite ston,“withsuphibrt theeni stitutional|eR gers,EdgarckHowell fee Mouldse :ftyn ee :He’ae sh ts ae -<f tealPy condeteoather./‘p Nol of ‘these Anjo aie 4 He"saeeee)[api manaid 2 Fneber’ot.others|‘rates :of a i ou oe Su See,es 4 *Dy as :“Smelfpox:‘In the:State...ax wsTheBulletinoftheNorthCaroli: oF eBoatd of Health.‘which made its <.ES.eat er Soe Er ameY showed’tliat”.|“ee ‘gmalipox prevailed “ine ‘tepcounties-HONS 1}during.the:mont ofaluly.The dig-=2%5feasewasdistributedjf.thé follow-|inecouaties:“Rertie,,1,Caldwell,..pore Cas welly3:Currituck,’Donat rss7toed,2 Sc ty ee ae "b ™Men .bfir barons erititioy”w cy published |-4)Z 2 R ostified gains!the poneai at of Wn ens WwitesoPep ties Bers sarin gl atest “attheiene sabe npst ANDESEBe}ontario a Baoverno ee nde er Neryoes‘=(easeé ‘pecsaated < cerca ot.+1 {31 outta abode thes axt a POM SO}ne ..ow 5:Sy hi’is eat ae ode,Tipe Of ect palooty’ae eo Ee heeeer ieee aiquant aed.tull_-State;ticket’The«<plat-1)air,JS Axay Horo De,x.=Who +asserted | onch,Statoon itary”PEERS io ey id ss Be mach onto weesthet Fo¥nt @nslorses Mf Ripley's aémitts-tbat}if because”es meopetin gt |= oe ain x iis yey ey ety ey {trarion,declarésjin’favor ofthé gojd is.unable to sellf he-praperty.ot Mr:4yessavergment;va LT tube:at eG aS ste pts Why stiidard andyfor the suppression ofa [Sankey:which eha:for’.sale.~Sue}, aee maia Aolitary Yeuptiae Ld R=ee ©rt ay ay eerea Athe ke.ilipino:thsurrection”os|peomeser 8BaikdyAten:nfiohueed iat |; oi Retr TAR =PE eee wah the ‘poard would,”dismiss7the gt}MRT Reh Obaaae eat ce eb ‘Pha ca oft thie:4mounfeint piaiat.Se Se t Sen Np ¢.Misidance |wie S257:counties'cf ;Kentucky?threaten,toh x:.,"3k EAs IESee %oes y they would::“1 pesGates,12 ;Halifax.:Her s EataeeTora<Argoued H Petits«e .Sobre ser <plynch,the”three ctign—com iiss os re Se.*wa ae Tr ~tie Te Fe =ena oF Aare t r e Richmond,{:Rows Ae teas alles dnd ‘alter yearsScene,iusE orioay Rael Sioners in each.cét tyif Ahey*pogort)mes ‘eSpeeKecaiy ifrig *:‘e-i8:cE Lin,=a to 4n¥unfair meg ‘the eléction:ztseBort:sy gwd trifFfa sags:rnntadet ys,pascl bes.”Liat as ayvery Katha,aay]seat Veomiliccontre <deoiae."the Ashecinte Gage 7 Mgaactphay‘Peamartials Bpiioebuticky,pitti the SORE OOM wus.”padited.:to's olin gfigurds:ahd ftoin“theit des}‘£aids EeI er LRTBY tnd sen teres hin foxeryears:SuffeeatiotySAY AWsorties,LOSeytto cision,thereis po-appeals S <4 ge eepasarSiteneet |eS ne he ttsut ioge SeSexyyolt ae TAS Ser.Pe,eit hi Brebmnertile Gast”his”ye a Pgs:a a meet gs rt.of.the‘city-that*-has*“beény Beusht::5 : oe He &1 eh 5 HilalOu:*thesjen,‘and “discovered “tItt at by VL ryag,‘spoke.towxover'77,()opserye oe Aumber ef people:who]."-nt :te nex ah: ~FaEPEa Filth appeal wee ge techies PoUe Sethe,wchybel Shay hel)Ips asleep]people'at Carson Net,."]stEridsy.|ateare at.a logste erstand the-cause,}"cr “willdepend.‘rently op Ae 5 “omrebntity Is “Dry Twokgheytet 2 Ispwuling1 BVitbamdiroation abe,BiotPThusiness*w;see egbis:re:Baldss i may be ottralh ted.to)relig-é 5 Als ation:ie oy oo £ees hueaePhil ing RALsbensordng Si ah Te ig Bit%Kivane’sOf athe seQunts filicials,oe yeas Qh enene oe ‘Spoib,=i ak Setake wal.Be ‘badly _;a :<--AS ™sn roe.TSecOirobante“thatthe ont Paicis pba Y wt’Seconds ¢“th1eNskupberer on xpangix 7,prelac?we 1s SEO,>Rev.I :falkin Kentuetry fowand,Ohi y ny:1 :Tes5x awontrae)Re Bivre Skeeah Leiba ddahingae seaut ny “Suaen?tydely,Jidtoaselous:EWith the'sta ment;4 ‘Theres iis’na,Ey}Zon;missipn.PS e they axe’anaes (aye mene ent :et Se el Aa that Trace tytpu shout,“he paksh “Figo wal,”hw Tat,ghiptiel;lookine rntedoF my tal cing “te &yu”on!the,me or iigtresula attendants,upon :; sootae Moa aad foul sphbasatakeendredgota nest,MitWe]agp ang,wits.SF nertiied “aid Tropes duestion,(orexevety.yore NOT F bpaneet ses mae.dauacy..7 ‘6 uf tes BOS:Gg ABITC ghp{faqde hadnt,bUonernittal Be ottfase Phat Nie Sekl:righy“fors Weer oloxedgirl OL Myears;whosehonie, :"Zyljgoe Dae “ignaS ¢yAwe cgused bis.can 7stha "hawoultl bagi sth.verte >‘in ag ng eS erie streetand} ‘scid a:ere attavan SanatNr Lilie nog nig ho ade F The Worldbelsghey »<With,LTS pwaifsae ORL Oe Gaal naea “uncieToin's Gabin-we om gas eeston se Bt neSe ene <4 5 See ve m ae=AST iay =aoe Peg was yaift US purpish:|tomswF the judge.nally b an?NgsvSalid Opservy-te::Tt showing.vi 4 et eat n’g hominat ae ees ggeatirah el “Waay Dosa Race:se oN ei kitisawhe;tab Severtty,for Oerj mR!qruscatet Beart gat at Rai “eould Snotkh.Ta hig “Reto Hieehioukar biawestidetctom of:-Sit &S<she:ceased speaks]bees reece i1E iets oR Sia,MENTE ee AS aN 4 Det RoncsBs Dore despiduble Wranva Agoldier's behead yi ott covbudywer it.ws |Diteiy the South:Before;TNS.Arar eS s ting..«’«Sittce:,that:abt ane pominate =i agrrighhe wePntatenTeSeas ol sg 40}.isver xhedydis viegl iy ,iltist Yeoakberyo thallayunder yhidk hé war:Kinvdnd hy weed edie:flit”gen)“Higw arelived inthe ‘Gréat -Heuseq UD18.she obatter avo).x }Gormap's oryssome. nia Sica 2:gariege it wilt only!ee tity Oe Bow;ik Hoty wih eho ast Wybhe isnottepitty,5 read]tlgaian abWacee .Spleeps,wherer|it gisyLeto fe divetiin>the €abii,’\.SWRevy ‘ee ptm.area norbas,§I en President;who'is eres:i -dot tanhV Tt ofaissn}Todd whatever...3 who is “enitaSUPneexcWork1SeiceySteines5)eSSee =3 Seert frfod:tf Bien dome.“Weed Ire [Ot asand’brow esonseni vcoreHk James Battle Avirett\bas made falf OF B ee datehiles Brag,Polesosbe ‘gold bugs.',-Af tht “ ae a.ot 2 e :a SeeBe NSA tT RFE ae x ST iheal aearit phase Lufligien tty tas)justia its *thg xatlen aw patis wer to Mrs°‘Stowe’s bold dy cack pendS$“faye r ts-wil hav eee hd ~oordpd?fet Exe We Oy is re KRACKEE ey ORE:te ett SF Mebiaeo pin yabxout the mos “cuisiy Rimseit aiuEphy 7in’stfoag books “Theintr duction,‘by:f t ¢.this:period:[iste te Peeaeor a Pres a nettaa: :Sabicea cae ie ee ofak Dep a eee A et eek aN.=orieteltivr Yay Woafe gladthe,Byades.°Where:ras avoartoflauih-foreaf *the stapntest’men:tné thes}%invocatign that any.expression 0 tt :See ott grays:atricpie“e: 5 “Se ae.ik Ae=ila So Ae mended for wewant tosee etter ler.murs the fat”any ng .the:Spry jSouphy,‘outhings the scope:of the bodk ike shows”ra.her,faces”While sig a ih .vote:“Ureac tees ae aya pinot nap aks aeeyeeh es in hed:¥pew s payezs thay vafaiitst waQnnees=Sens Se FOZ Land it miode Of eestor.This prayer,hersicve wearsastile...>: VI “Hl itary:teiaf of a erty fordisn Nhe ee Seog es a Tay roe volurize,:writteh\ap the.ce fof mee aaa ere ohuev* i) Stn ie 4 pe A Ps ‘OS nts “eye UR soi oh Te te KKK i Seeueuisy,?\<>seine.cultured.nen,in-the Souths Seitiisfac tio CS ers ee A.OR ny maid See Teas eens uaa os A ee wiSe beaks handsof the publishérs nd,rola the.choreb:ona cot.ae ‘ As , Me e ve Lis Foe otHsuae M wien <<Fees ig em Le a.~ Fitts -St a yaa~ as 6 Nabe cay Me Ah ome ~=Pur vilte Citiqe reo ae <p fetes sed :Se yet eect M Nes Lergue cnas Avery SCr00X:igtatJewdays,and wil be the joy OFFS 2 :moet -eet we re cows!tons bone~~ne.veel cSSaho*&story wag stgte-{if 1 4 ug efi many ‘Sfamily by the-rapidly?an- :ue “lace bs G81 2B te ‘eer phat n typist expefichoe hae Christiag Kond Maiden 1 vi b Ler .:oea ie yatsi Lr.ESN;while yg =—ber aseyiday -,Sicrht,?A baut®midnight:preach ing.1stma:ss Banik ays.a 4RY a oa “ast St mise:2 coe ENba Bohanssua as eee a4 fhe els’aPakentd 2by*,the’aiels,Auieett “pipeses Takoe ie up}SiceRypol Lispaich.sth Be fomfyengrindSPEDE|Bilge LX Spgrt Ctisp’for-Speaker,Odes Gl 7music?Ns,bis®ear.first,‘With pene itian effer-in Write ‘Sta Line‘steamer ou pelagic Eilty-seo0§Ril Congress Oyegtise:Vaugbi,2 the {steqin’,he”ahought “4500!Davis.GCren,Live,r tohewvall Jack|ore Sia ies fbespHisbearsa~Céniedctate adhd ire caine *revit ‘sonvandGepieBedfors _Porkest,tas ,the largest,steamer.in.‘the|ihe riety cdthe’frofpeithe e First egk aa cbs rk iden vd is Se.Ter aki iatelvllivert utr tersthists,3 5 hess %metting-ie.Paniesot olde nféder-star a ‘OU.Be aN y:a8 a ws ‘KnoWwn Ld-beYfalse,batt The ineit-bapd or te Ashevie colored ites the igh ra tobe toe ewe York!at7 o'clock this.eve:Wy kK eA nu ho-be rte DM tHE aniastarels,malesand,female=tbut op Mba”2 g néies 6 Bve ¢ent COae;.:iy rig.thé “siternoon:-“large]Cat He =wile Rags tery oL-fist week futher ‘investisation..ben’founa Chee Ly Se (se fe ng-7-Da ;bao es.the “Story,a iefrie ager :eae sax See ant iaig ;grinds Zgat nie®on.the,-pierhead;TA:x ust UNAS vgiic oe themnisi¢ww as mttie by |a‘Hug @rat=Bon =ee .4and:‘at:Seen ugmgueeto seed abe '“| he THe.Malden ‘Srigrot the World . rie.= fe.modanig Caucus,ol hel oc rake that ba scrawled inte they=-77.=She Wwtnsseug.No augEsccenaC)yates Hea fest Tusbaugo ee Hate Jpyrhigal x a nSRAR pe tea Tlastae eeeee te aft!Ten essteSSpringSas OfAPH;-ro hong “PRC inves ue,gare eShmeangfredlwb Distok shots at Lore getting’eee Pd hgd.ahd Hateh,,oF alissoutiy werefe ee eePES Pa the teews bund ydissenget train”on}:"The Oecab ic did ngt go <“alongside | sad didates for Phe.wominatipn TOhyae waasind light ime“the!“eBoy theSahithern-oad this nrorning,'bé-]the laading.stage,owing.to.‘the. *|=ee Tose¥Chis apie MANS |shal tecisAughes “greou themaiitel.reece Mébane-and:Hilfsboro.ne}strike oftheEon:s Despite theit-| Se rewthe::lead”vadgates Sint ple.stginndt ee ie Snake was oe ‘the batlsweit through &,window|mbstetideavors’ofthe zhen-op sttike Even a easiifah 20 ie rat of thé,setond class and the other into }to-eause defegtions mons“the -sea-ae end rtehada hajopity/‘Mr sSprng*ete Sut.wit di Sammie alk ake=<Ns ofthe fhifior candidatts!stayed?goo at bs ‘cori bad (aide he the first'¢lass car..:'A*ball.whizzed|men|andfiremen?the:Qceanic sail>iState is interestedpoFesPDSEStagoTRSGOREBilascratecmapcntSanejasetUG]Nyy tae Serboeslsoeranentwleae caret:¥naa ae e ve »Was eo..ef STBAK K ee,+ Bee Oh ‘Real aed ‘Gohuine Bargains‘offered:eases Asie ho was Sohatwé jal TI DOIsM hedidor with bis yare feet andl or’three.-other’passengerS<had.a|-picketedby Strikers,but<the crew prprided :se 2S:¢station seahe.nin ‘tos =of hee,ieee and city wovsrime ‘SOthst there |Bg eR :=iseOuunotBeapy-excuse:‘Fel Fe ae .=e+e Pe eats io tek :wilk-tw the mantelthanit“did totaep’a ee ee ee ee ee a |eee and:x ae‘Oxfor ds?ambSli ireRae ee:“don”at a pricde Foes paaa >ben ,Mr aprigeets with-soho gh ne aateuede co:the aSapo est —"eG Toe Oceatie BeesDleeloon ae‘i nih:ote eater tops:tate.cuts shoe can Be GTS Tax,a thee betaHiswstpporters'=y eat |r.ratches andJizat.the:haw."Phen:wie Hewancene:QuitsMe Depart!atl be nee anaesSA on é F Y mopths get and,ex pytie nee ¥ueShow,wie’economg and counort 4.to Mr.x “ang nowdiMated:Time!Lhaferuml tat the snake sivas’ealy af e704:Mooresville:;:7 as Kee the:ttt 4s that Mary.Bryan Sup:|Terr feet.tothe:left of him,7With the stooresist Stace Bat No x “Par te Trisp.lp-capcus as;fel!ast 2 fe Ree Tfast.Se NeWilliainJ.Tare aL Mayor oft. I »4 “o-yi ¥¢ Sordtit jnagnr tkeHouse,«Speay.psisanca ol rqnk,Hays.“ae:pro |”With today*atr.C.E’Hawthorae|“As the -yeisel Regai-to “tive:the| Pest * ‘aA roceeaed to xk his.subkeship,v!<5,ee Geigy itsmediataly ayspointed-¥WeePETOCR SS Mot Id aud “had 10 Seversubis,Cannecti onawith the ‘rail-|erowdsashore theeréd-her again aud 3S eeechs inp ofeetraysand?inchs wap Inee feeblane ae peat‘read as its agentetthis ‘place.The pga Alarge flotilla,of,tugs and 2 3 ashen forms F the sat miport,ates and aby rd that the “Gathote nommeemeny that #be 1s to‘leave Fpleasure,«ted nS crowded ‘with|ju = es feo ries that “e ‘Omm Thtees ofthe House,|Seigaed forthe fi-resemit.ws SES~:~|thispoise ©.is received with a de—sigrhtséers,ell re “wake of!Hays agZO a ‘Lincointount .=; »Ere se *aeink M <Bran;Was tnadt Z “mombery >ios P <?=-)gree of yod:regret.‘He ‘has the Ogeefor’ae rable |dis-than eaetied to.-the register—<t a :See port Jit -committee,fa very ugristiat)apc “————-=—-}been.a gqodand faithfukservant for tance.of re fa ‘ae =xe ydade tO’:I ee ae of:Catawba coun fora ~a aoFtr “hevoy for 3 new Iném ber.‘Me Bry ‘on heay ORS a simceetates‘wiswase%a Chyears and the public ,is-not,‘slow toh.-The Sees shi 4 £0:<8T-}y ipratt:“Washingt F<oense to’:inarry “gLincoln ‘county 7 :;rips etown my stirc®rahe»Wilt,his peo-%$s teat disepee’more “aachriaig inte.Lae.reciate his,3 real”worth;and jthe rive at New:York.at:-a.m,on’'Sep-T1I865).*that:»rtu das ee!~The register ré uined<the:ex- ge ete‘aston ake 3.<Fhese‘Sade aie:wnarkferia tecnehe tre ache.A wepe SoutTEER people nn he has.aii Seth spepsia.Physik osthat |iatitizen$:of thetowh have sent ina tember:13th.)Ox-ertrial=trip.s .was hanvedby.|United Statesj HeeeXtant groom 40.tay €BD:oath that —, :SB eae,byt te‘woatFefase +Book whea fore th Ont at OGL.“per ty wejndiée.agaiast-ex-Confeders te:‘Nanptam®of no:tero case Agree.Itis ¥yery:stfong petition ‘requesting:the}se tovia et a ‘She isnot going!|vemment,.ner to;ap fhe gel anf 6c tamarry:teres i bush ete.Call early to Fh aticpiick.”ee -¥ours Respt.gS rao cate ett %ae #xl orth “Statés*af,the ‘old:he He thyst®dititalt 0 make ©correce authorities oretain-Mr.:‘Hawthoriie Ao:tempt’-to reak.Trecordss|a -Sh ae!vas ter|"that ‘the ‘girl -was‘only-13,th B05 a ‘5 iv ‘€fasis.“No.matter:acesvetest -under:;thse a «s howew.at a ar:2 vented ‘end bre —utes f ‘4S ass sae :4 “th ant AS WwW.“heut dcbieyave|bim-thigirclectorar:war di pe ntarks 50%as the pe ¢Se oe .r-Oopelann votpes tex wall gangs is oh i tt eit ‘t ;at]~ Beek:Hate eis eC ide 1900,oe +dHseas 2 en Seve : 4,wv re 2 %ae :SG:Neots ie;é 23 ‘all :oe | Pe >aiaery Pa aide —mes=.=-._"7 ~*}:.*$et >~ee TO ge .WSe oe hes TAYLORSVILLE NEWS.PRON he ee aN ae-“Date See NE ERIS ek Sh sblelaSpesieeSehesbie:ste;¥au sbie janeskBat om Re fe e SSeemn ee oea way.‘>‘hy 4 oft aoe ““St Siwosy “eee Mee >Ne ‘s eee hry ee oh tgp 3 y réhouse Profi Wi cs “Hi dde Sadr,wis ,S clerk whithe,Super‘ind,wr TeyADates ibacco *ats of Wm:idden Er aersAertelonticoneoadgyabstiTaEalleePape«;i..Turner aré-at-Hiddenite.~3, ae ia 2 RSDOr >?dlario-M We ‘Allen’,ow es aweysatereogTt:“port Chattthe,.P3y tis METS ent sateHanaeeetwatsely41are,ain “eur ayviile satay ‘fora LomneyLge 9}bye :73 aac ita or Sacaulieapiga!shag S-;pre Treprare Afenied:rh ate ae 4 :iSLawye a Prabke a,Tastee o-aex :.a p=<2 a OL L <i (ere isePe bey.ta le ofcaay:xtra?tengli x echtSt Sparta,«Feghahinys,.;Sus oS}:~-Oxe!saa}afAs i axon Kak Caldagelt,OR tere Pts peeves aes SeiG ROSResSe week mm A Pe ERE RCA era es .‘*-“ott cbse sorties Ssatted ~“Lor;BosSoesjQn 4h 4 ih UD ie {.ae 4 t ;<e ore SA t Pi v Xk eR <nanaes7a,rr ay berks Gsector segt and Fear ate eet osERSeee es ie aie Mtg LEWRotate ay “iteSa hike HoxeetiientCamperst ei aA,irSnEN ESS peree Psa.OEE EOeasse.pethtspue of’“ein -o)Ss ee sy ~Tee.aS -2&l.Dr (iHilan:eudMt.F.AR:“White,S oe 2 poeaver"tiesCat House 2 Nik SoS w SaaS ee ES 2a ED aE Prhintop,vg!5eee eifsatlea fromGioral-<finrLinicola Poumey \ldgt “whee Se ene MN ft Eee a 4 z‘yewfl¥ MR L «E B N F Zz ET RE E L UY re e a te ZeySePyne.Ope May tit He.AVAS er for Sock MUblay-.‘He ea Vp Tones Bases loved.ts theys >EE ae oe tai Sy eewould’reach Now XOtk See Wh ot Mr’aS aes wasntieaFs“i eprint wk aYE ytticd ett Ler 3ae aeestaty ne Psa WSOBo -BhestibpessSather “Ofs ona the:2a th:cash ¥<x es 3 Of the-lit-dtiek,ou a Si ‘Soulclass-nt:ail matter:Sater coy RSs,S$eer i SBuaseeey Te indie Kiven estiget “May,F::2 LeouaedueeBESOre.Net ee Sp SS esp of Sorte Girohnad tie ej bduge ats Be rung 2 y iS Wieser ” :eee ie ee 3;Lisene at se eetwc eee TSursddye,Peshanseicnnghe fhresmiadys bere tifistweek:reacting;ay 2sBuecears elt fo 5,F the chaidren weretoyrntd4cgoat Ei ee NameherearT:‘6 ot c h Pg sf Asal caw da ate.bare:“whot “jutotinitoa Ky..Monddy:iy!astnowadeStenks*ahd Paris Bee.nie!myederesdbBice’ByVs <dtte S07 gw.ace eerket free Redlegs.ane Bés-ovbracticéshis,Professions ot 6 ee ph geeerpiredin§NE ‘Se Son Fe ersMie Ber Was eile”*arid,|tiga ae ME eee ACSieee ifintCir otte sbi Joti amd hapleyprcadet wos bdeds,MNeh 2 :Pied PNY, ast Week. ar i oi Rte iH *fe‘S ss Pre 36K $ Cid essLie:iy reyye ee esiht Pie Bradley es :Bp Arete.Ee Ly)SWebai lias ‘gn of She Sie=,Fs ioa oh pan vi Sei te oC AnemirHy ats SyFok:Shier hod ted]8 ScnutorBah a Be “KusSse,sis gis.Mjckors Ate BicaesSaroe Pv é BIS lots,i $a fy and ée Seine f on,‘the Spatherte tire aS gitc i ulitinewbaimes Byporw DoS:eiORS*eeeAS!F chert snesasSeah 160.Aslan ae trom MTs,5 wieniyo tig Sequpey’:oe>Satis,?Me)=bos Soe acre treeLier,nigh eas oF oh ut “lavas af assaderto/Pranicéyduvi Miss“Bldyche Liphey,‘Gadghibx:of:ie ney Kitt eeco i ee seu “32 Fegans secant adininistiatic nin <a mayieiney,webs Ze stots ra Oe eA a Oy earSs;.53 0 5.Dr.Past!:¥aeiifEisrcbebocobiespeni-t.x“freigh t trains fél]see tahd rest rs .uae Se hoe ae eeeaeee =EN tie ts”‘to:DS Sold iS Veewpa m TheAmpfiers ad “e r'Tyrouderiv ae Lunibta,,‘f ee oe en on ” SA R L oe eee i i,<sha en AY tn |i,.LY =oa aymre d forfien’aig ies JBeen.fh the oN w ene whe 7 NIRS Ve Piatt ent te The=ie!se1 Be iad Keats v6 veetwe.2aida iid,Lae enpinbersfeildauthiy ase Abe!On:impor tan&y*~%YatukYiten and ¢tAvO-DOLE Z “aps}=c MS reetentlyAveneosnaonmiewere’SACscapile were ited,corps SEaaptLeseher.sea ErkTe ry Mesbeern,“of Brookdyie NA oe Mrs.Craeforgt pone “andy vei -Whe,Pedlan-Palen:‘of Lee D “les 2 NIH ‘fqaughperOI NTS OFCUMy >offyethxty,lese “than “Ones Bdge 1 ShartarburyBe Bade Visitipg?df.osb|Backhoe;WIYS ‘yrugs ay .reht : to aechains ate.rAlrn.Ke.B.‘Byrkg’Se 4)": kote nherelmhegreeeMode 7,oo RIMi gid!aire.Ce Payne spent pig Steyodon Teschunaryaorkss +Se ofStetpetto.dedth beta Gictots male |»eral (aa yout aldwell county Jast’}.'X*ings.*:bea thay a rib stasisey4 ee‘Curbberind—cyuntySE a eat oe ae ween steitingat Mr,Payne's former)Nes AS,x ade Re cach sari Aweee veo Sees {Hhe-cinyi,seas Tringtin tle Lard whieh i Janzes RobertS\.suffered?*the.same haine aa Felatitps:|es yo AS Ney.aoe:ao oa es mii ne No:eS bsast.soe .Lgeektaeefingeriat!1 pe —ee bektbanircea fares “The Mavcubant Reber §fmfAo *Tailee“P rte?‘and his two.prise; 4 pa ca nitonct <Sn|Histibe:=:4g ONS piles accuse,eaehLathemofiwer“por pas x:and Russell,“aire digging a.Tae a se ‘EXE >]Chain:pile eae Carpenter?“whe.des.iy.NES Sloejaik lotsomet ing@y thataccount<f ths “Drestus «t fal anid renreny lived at Salem}?fellfrour-a?psSo]A Bac Bo bait ieee Sng thas 40%exinogdedy SEE Pen foe Nos3t and 3S,|Lyons Tract :i Some ‘hottheads:“hive seven bscati‘old if,Indiarapolis ind,wen?aie a Pei eWiten Re ais Serial »tf ze Noi 29.FP lemming Batic :Pekin divas killed His.remaigs.anne.accic éentat Fairmoun aes Rovssi tid ey “catde ia.Lom 3 oY dix:Pamline Tractd Peak |Were:brongtit.back AO.Salen.for Satutdays*;AJaanp fell intoaKegof “Mocks vi HeWuesday:“Heand-cthkets |.‘“NR.at €y AE CarltducT ri abindt,tacit -pewder.2zi the explosion -hurle will attend ‘the.meeting ot”Concord)-Hotel Block::i jate raiets?“nen RR ce Ne ete:_re a rf =>Ip Pe y iy ry &y OF Cod nse this}.Z ‘“Eth tir Against the wails;and then t resby tery at Concord’this week.*f:Ne $3.0 F1F>Hilt:Tract,About ieLeresmoeAwhix‘ne NS mdenotbevdpte:.forsit Kou!lds bee a4 -gree Ts wm a > at a eo Seiteees335aneLS Blew 'a mele T x ae ‘Que F clk Ste éBea ,hi ee Rese 0S Be me ;A =i OL: He man,‘giving tis:some‘as4 burned them:to death.,“ee =):iss BlanchesRufty tetas Me?e “No.Eg ead well Prac t;“about 20.acresxeomenierinkleasfodndinaditch ren@rectinsultaesegTsdivideatswpiowisepeatSnfxfeestS“Davil-A nsw”Havicld,the Lovan J.Me Deal's Dealsvilles,Fast weck,,NOAH,AS:Lots portly ofaailnoad,near €Gatton aie MEMS Stee eT abe :be 5 thes pf -byt thesaS ;ue ie thé Read.His wound!caunity oW.2Va.,outlaw,’bis ‘son.|and Miss JesmeR ity spert:several |¢Nos 46450)Bots south of rapraad.:nour Codton MiisSeat OO Kr Lhe ep sali ide hchid vate ona se ae ened“ed.dangerous.‘Brink-(Bok:and Jolin Dingess,tw0.of,‘bts:Uys at2Mr.U:Je aSpaug:Sy South Z j..’Lhe}-Story Brick Pobaccdo Factory,—;5 Re cited ONE Shee tO eh alae De Dedsosen saeescan|ee ee Se #it me ait man;abo.were “arrested Monday -by bot tow ne Se Cet Xo.iste A nubiber of oo ta be:speciialle des i ake hae in wg on “the Hess Se wa shu eee ;-|Sherif!Hendérson Phe~prisoners:“A “mek :on wat ef)eet iMeDowell coun-}will be taken to “Pike.county,Ky¥.;xcoy vinekd on uccount,af Pieye ned jary%‘i |pe : cee ease.for “that case isd teehals:indicted:wo ef “kichmond }and tmed.on charies of -murder,Rote tae eerie po en51PeatonSWwdtuesspsinhiscontest}growing out of‘the:Hatfield-McCoy.RPE NI.peesee re ee%Sgr es Nie ms *up some feeling,and:we hope enough:TENCra wk ards seat.in.Con-|feud are Z ;=~Re publ ie}“With avhich other,‘ress a r pérjory “The .charge is s interest will be taken:to”give®the]4RetusthaySepoSkenebsTherehavebéen218cases’‘of yel-children -of ‘Taylorsville*.a-publi¢}-—;aie eos Teva Poe 3 :“BS Sicare falsely»conderning Be ya feces ya 12 deatths at Rev West:ate Sats He ee fear aeAREhold-pelection Last fall at«Old.Fort”pre=|yuo ecoraus aths at Key West.schoolbuilding suck as other School},>.<Fo Rp oD ee ee cannes er ii goods would satan.epic vor umall (ee ene “{Bla,“New Orleans has seven cases.|districtsof the tgunty bage.It isp 5.7 Pe Ry Wrst inc 2 eaten ge imoeserthverdict,for the Nes Whe RE SOOM So ..[and several’cases’have developed at not right for certain Collegesto fave |:.-/25 PENG PRES oot ee ate SADT ECE AS: Pe sees efron o pinion is:th atag ~Lhe Meare bodwor ay “ye wwlk-born,Jackson,’Assi.,They outbreak?is)State aid®aAy‘hy give a,comes ciateitchildwusfoundii=eeliri.Raleigh most severe at Key”West,The’imstitute-State apd county ‘aid’Sundar.TH bag“been~barn™Hive,|Rlortda mainland.is-free from the} ‘Sehdol Cocinhttedmac “T.ae .: yan “doi restic x mneern Ol the|ar W un i beneHe papeished bi %:}a :eg *¥.y x }ww oi ys‘s runaway’horse”‘ta a-one:Pee One:hind cash,Sony Sihicd?ih Six ‘grontis Bnd out third.in 12 Wapron late ‘last {Saturdayretening |Tindeths.;“Deferd.peaye sts qi9 be eccacd Dy:not es “bes ee Seat oN a ay Wea shite *i +}cdused quit asstir ais the walk foo AOPT cat from side Ti pai Title wesc rca GN purchaseEeeieUps:nh Gaskinst |WaRLOeL ees te or Telorec iN crowd:cf owhite :men;“ok infront of the drugstore!fod stores 2 TMANeY Hrd pats Optionsty:Purchaser to pay Cash aiidditake ~Unetvergict of tecally constituted wag #4 eS Mester 29 uyhubsn.reuik oS whiskey.vent toa hegro-canip:oat of.Rufty;Campbell aud “Barnes 2 op deed’on duy'of ssale “Sales tH Kontinys,frpe1 eats “dig bills.*therit y<¥ae ee Fivewt,the:tot’Springs Berytés}ing in Lancaster,~S.5-G-“modday|The sted!ip front.of.Mr.“John,-€.[>¢*es ,RT z RSWorksSaturdayMestrayedthéent|nicht~Négroes oljectad,to.their|Barnes"store Was torn down-ky the}.*,TARY of,thisprype ith aia Bebefasditdat prit:alg.before z hes=hoa amas Hee pladin.ARass sel ZcCider,with Saray conduct.and *‘the whites“ti ea litito wagon.‘The horse and “waGon..bes:io -‘day of-sale’upon applicdtiow-to k.A.STibler*Isiel re “AWW allace,Sirdat fath-eee Chipt Lager robert}the crowd d church”The nezroes |loneed’toaisomof Mr.*Dallas.Ben~op ‘ he ease HS ROE ned dined:ately“ohter birth:“and disease.“Itis thought tb at.the dis ern y ye TO he:.Loo ya)rant US.pthrown Levee thiocncell Lt innot known,£¢‘ase willbe spee Giles sti mp ped oR c—~ hi s s 2 Far ca n s re w l e l p g p y < s en o r he r an a p oe Bb NR E BN "ana WBAEY Lope.dt Statpsvillo“N:BS ENG ostnete aeaWoycinid,Spevintondent W.)H.|returned'sjeirtire.”Twotwhites and|field,6 ‘fies \south.of?towns “who ft 2.*Thissale Aor:ds AO T.vestots gud prospec ting’<S Vilens:oeSseeeRepulWie.kill Terrrv Rad adrresy,eseypes in an f-ypa-uniberaé negroes were seriously had seme.p aches here to sell.PliesBoscGpsorh att “for the mest.wl urigd:oe a Sex ensiye:|laPye teenies jhove,tom ‘ed gar oat oreht G rear EOL sipprevent.theSexplssioe of th e wousidege None are*reperted:déad horse,became-frightened ~at?some:|‘.ie wever ihre jn real:estutern Siatesyille;:0p Pele ast aero Mi:Me andiDo arrdés ts Ldve ‘Deen,made.‘thingin fr ont of ‘Mie LPs Robnett’Serena Bxorder:of the:stockholdersfa0s,aire clots5 of :tGe-company Pe ra pack ra d Le aiu iS wuzerany.cover the ugit %ae cce afsk diesSehdghees.nti!Fea Dy;aS ;:“.ee.AFeg Meat lp “Somtay.inWorth @oun th;Ga 6 the and’started to ran.when young Ben-,Si ee <oe Oar e :ES a gee,.rg .dex<The Statesville Develop:i Gesit see tea 5 Gee Ee REP re hee cae sy: See th‘yt?lif di iomacert ‘ates Tig SHOt ut.ehige owt tyife on,“2 Srespbctigeic tan er was tield fefi out and,4he:Tagon,Bee Bag)pase ciginge.Sa the yay ppickine ‘cotton with “hey 9 “vet dover hiyae Sa fe *f a Qos Seoe Rak Le ie os t 2.1 Side ©bat*irThGsroult “when rbrotherwhentwo negroes <a Ui P >:yh aa es .AREmg :G)?orbe :2 esx,hide se“taps xjate neospad out obhisspoeker}One-of {hem caugiit her,“threw te 5 [ANON +ITH f,not éSy eeae<The.aransSvar gereerpmenty rod:Mie"bait Ssurache Dian theYtoth®sratnd umd cid"ber while:fA = 2st ‘recy neni P het gl lage Ovex she pa Re oh Semee.ae z v *‘Ss aeepost-equegh~aie cate wots iitsrimatshal.<-sPLhEY after’“outraged ber.Her crits:were a3 =xteteatrn;ine Me Aaa teard,Hut <ehien help.arrivéd the nex,apt agna dotp B.Ravine 4,page beRRCoaoei|Sroes-had fied.Posses sf determibed hinghet?Feapaibligan ofRathoriorhsonus2by;mys Te TT retey teh:riding iy,sa -ayy ae ‘as NE x,oe wy beaters arebunting for:the “néerods.’a nga LAS MRC AT Taeyaaa ee Cag Rie aaf MESES.echt maT Hose te eds and Nis wcedlesato.say that:they}batippgl aye tihng Ti ON.Ne er ee Ra ite Mag.ade.pathinn Aan,psyill die yached&as they.should me.Jif Congest Sony DBfaisSor)aig)BS 9 £2 ots a as:ete FadLae Serres OES ee a pW inhi sot one:Si ashing tom.¥cpr oNee;ae eh.Rin ay PEWOR wees on act aSB ne relSThe Pagttbat tebscowSeitdpion lt ae S wl net Site :Z tl e2 pe iteines oe eet:F sy >eos this .patewatisoc Gavel.gine 3 {ert“aA poioniLewaneBO.WVAmis stoi}oeTHE TRaNsyaat Stukion.frig net73,00 mie}:ELLY =e :a oem rad jrstesecitired Aeconst Sera~eee one Ars oe est ee Vee at find ck ‘Enstsnd-Issues’'-Hep.,“Otek j %ayePipedesicereYeeurerestuy,ThesWalmiiniote ‘at :Matlertisarable de hitter 4 cayFXaeEVVteUkePntentdins*ta-loehtesie}’.Whien ¢Ins Is “Thought,ee&:“gx Diade eat Trolthigy Mees on:“2 ESoe MH intg 3,OR fe:itn ee SaratSous Meo j fe:-Be.Comptied”wen it oa Kyl mots ps»Siwamp-Root,”he pee oe 5 %XK 5 te,gue:$va.qf iedy osi,aX %kondBn Draork RUA Yue wo AME:peior sear .=piat:theeie La oe Wiwee; eos a we tu hit :es carl eAFeeP en:pee nea Paes.SE PERC bt HE aU PE4tHEaSSEVs»he <;Be q Hort war)“RISO —piumphl -Yhit =eth eo ae “isdive oe V3 athe.Britest wif)1G.aw hrick 4 Wp earsSpeneis wk Ro Stee EH ee geMoore)GossAotheaeDeoReBEeenthRt:Y Kae |Mage “ghe ,Bye Getit ;5ivi>i Ss {a 210)th a 4 aps 3 sartprdas.{5%(SF »ae Sree ocr ,a .; -e (eae SANE SH Yep fherguas/a ant tals a Y x Apres :oh odADS eo oreYabershx.SS Beare ye watiim,Hix Cortespinet tS Uss ¥,ae1AGatis.ae ae .the,KEOyauABorgeoefromstbadx.|-I+uenbees afin years rap 4)ey4TueridrePee“Py:butgaty |THROWN eee voly Wr ee ae Psd et ltee a Fat euayer heats p aculigytoy neeHi the ®Olksny UTA ior {3 stots tgvet ree :x \:“\,;é oi de Ne in .“puerttesSut steadSiegel ages end:Daten AX;the ”x 7a avd Cin}vis.one 'aa Spt ies Fy:uses \ wy eS dater tte RePe bushadi beerypd4 iehre:‘[aun havc seek al this chthate.Maange Haag nd tquality ‘Perr;the tseA ‘ay eroypeat has nydegeadl,”;KirkeOESkeeeweew.Burghery in nepardrthery -tHepry,R-“Whitford:'South-Cataaiek >aa=ess dot;ore a 3:pediJaincs *:b Neninte th Rin,poli=Gentiak Abdtather eleetjsris.Er sucke|Conn of One ‘ima e.Cdughh-Cure.ziNetsTaeootanefan".usc lopelof oft hemexro peontitions:reac Seplede panienyeg Wek Hats,Ir 3 =:* % x CeegeNeyfpsiipent-fee esstate;Was canedtFbetitega vehi Sacqn tatives ¢of zitewee'|oe hiptias ieen Siac na Rn pe 4 by Cotter eet Ne Katelat Mori,to fniveiits,Shad iy!flowy,or}Kho?{pare [ie BAR.apatireger ‘tp pitov »Moe,was}?x:fae oi thte Ware]ichet v teanins Dy aD SRoredshyOSbof NrattinvethosvecosSiry taeh5efedred ofspilesSewers WitGh |SsinsSIvinig:faut,Tryst ‘Com 33-'eee weOe YSeeeEK ida:“rhb,wis5 a ‘piavontipg the Mitit tyeCa daze!Sat veattet Suftsring seep te nya:en iineokshdhring t V Teihe ae cs Om peCINGe,2)fy Aton cumbece SS:ve bonditifyONtity yeilrssand frying:‘over twenty reéme nh yetitighsurs<Whed Spe You PR Sie CepTPwbip Deknain6 the2<Dr ndysa‘a}over tipent:*bitMe,hOES.Phgyicians,aad “atgeotis.ci |:Wy vyCarresposinttodasiePdRcaPNyLalintiros -whottyved within |Passiditity Kor the!Bsoey olay dor id”Bexar ey oe daiee nousf pay ae “<Brokuer’s:ys{his,sudden,Wepart +Ix gr Tes ware ime S:yewsbith eaiculad (bad dit,Alas G vanptarte ,ts,ae isu Haile eee eythaiAft.‘Slash 1 y thtmavous-gburt Dib.thd «Pe atsSeay Loy Pe ee ;\%e Ae eatin ast pitas hos He‘ttn SL vate}ge.Aisi 8fet fis aS fsDaagigi x ‘Bittle Bavty Rissets eel eehke ist mea ba:td ¢Tareexe segaba Fet iaese]Stick+&naar ihe:Baalt was pe Wa So rathic aud *eOSts)%Ad gZoek2On to Sea i tht thasyefenvaitelPrauteatty.Cag ©horedid coustipasilon..-‘men,hauehrand ehiktec n ehar SHOW |iAY ire "cS MeSIE isdepaxtaire to meic:ppesseingsf¢Teer at bie ow TB~Seite oF‘Amairs fh,SMart ASgiea FisPOe WE hexvpushess And were fark,tnd DE te Se he ees t uses,By Yorerwors,ae“Dopeateee eee tor soul “de*prolong oly “up FT?POE PeeUn ecdtanse:Sad retirese fe ae o ote qsae‘mes &de aeAVtintingtowightSateroeoNheedeaSetNNpopiinge®oftla Sj FPpgeal >.fe oF evtixe Syqittip.:“Sinall:pletsintct Pe f aearesC1filehiebrother.|Mrs.yi.e SIE aecep ae ee ay ee ant cathe switffpu}-gelsat,j fie vent Pept StS Pe cOMSiVk Ctr ‘dananestits Ree ees o.iRACY ARGSRe.CORHesaysinchchorswhitet-ek np womYale‘sty Zotevumhe ;pie pills,3ye ANCE,Halle.Jf Petts AL ee ara oS See ANNI SHROut:=Nev Fetus teers p orks ee.«te pa ie os‘ale moe but’bis’r;ueoe SP x os Bes Wha oe ate thie “i whole Mit si 4%+“e hgvles ;ty.*Bye,ateealain :2a vr ihefe aboWesmad paildct are tautomneteR,ya fetestion (Cornet,fra>Pasagrdilited tT 0-1under xeconsidpaatigh ahah;Socas'icy.zeoe a Lok SD yspoeske ited ae oi Co ee fea Sic oo PewaeWS ebt’poRiagk Leis Moeni poate:iSa eSigeoes td.sbpinsaout ¢ec spttlomgyte=2h]‘Gn “ey OuYoe ine ot 1 seven’fase.atin2 sd hecr Shoe BFor Ladies FueSines /16 Balltamoie,ton Kir evegup oto vo Ritndtionts“acate:”*vt :‘djesti mre can strongly!vedosaead {/r eneSET.ok tiem,Kae I GPE AS SRG“a _Copy}hus V:andorbity eyeen,ae same mn understandifz:iha BeteFalt-cdy.Replies.Fe ‘Digestswhag |v.WeFebougtiy our Shoes and:atinhay cee thon]ac pe nuritberHfteats the bead “of <t Shae sambeHals:s>note"istebeub-|Youwat without aid,fromthe,stom;Spring:ConseGuEHEE 5We Can <ay oy dude sacl Saat aed’agderbilt,Tamils >He ”was Ns,i po amsoucty London stud ‘achs;and wares,dy spepsiais:We.me -YoINs doris 4p sive:tas 13:re get wore p iteneekjestsonofhelateWilliants[e ret aisset ae adequate‘sunt Hall.Jt,ka es Loge a eee 5 Criiye otatte SrPUE NRT ge P aS f PN sttler bal 1was-porn_oa|Statéa }pot been’“tWlesgraplias Rpey Tee NSS snes :ersdre ibclingd ty Orit Paro %ne Scours Noeeet =Canty he.tetigzavatl Mee “Noli ascot orb,ih this:1%Js:Lf,NLewy York,ake:27the.rT.Fado os.>id a ~of No]422eCURSsjdewablyeeeshortseThe)e)tre:vember,ASS,He was.educated iD paces¢omsRoens -4?i iF eee!:>ld >,wil f Pi,ipartOr"at mS at b |pravate Utara for.bus4 ab CFiv ~7 eee..ignegseeeSenter Te bos £xLiver,:Dore Febweeoxpyea ASnake we grees,18 Pfopeh.~4 ;~si eet Ne *So se Speciae spite ieony:t sition 1s tatThas,aprhietS ainiee “done my,Quen,{2 4 tofever,ents |e;me tesbuters be S tout «He ewase préasjrem ‘offihe Seaseiaere:oseatal OrNatalySb danceth nd,thigetsabnwother pdr cera Vidor thle Sotto" Shares:York rft/éaplety yavilréad,oat “Epaceican Reurer,dt jiscasyrtid ints L-baece evtrsaisegior Lhetrovmlé,pee Ns Stiri ike ise at. Tats a sekted 5 t Is6arhl ys sie ‘ine,able-quadnters :st ‘Sure duasans|!ere to at And.Rex LISGAGL Aste,“Then=eee president iable-qudnters,4S pre iat ta,they dire rredutinkyded to dure.:‘Bex|tetd”Ponidéey sc rene tree.oe;(Brey p.HNéd-Ais.Iesular PTL USSG,ands Sinker.th dite Ha:ateend./t he~proposes |scan feretice a 5 ee Spot Nar FY,nae oes Lag ei ::aes oe ;IO ey Se)Miri eae at cient”here Sunday.’‘Someror pensnats Sprosidtat\Eatitiony*“t3 Cape,Town unconditionally,setate]Oo EL ifea.wth d2Lsogenssesdk.Bea pe cate Ming ae ay:AY clek tink Gey aps (ote Spe asethi:igdieSh élped «to pute dew he ‘zy car-bisGOHDE tion,withy the roads |previit)ed hé;shatkbe’‘assure?that Mr.ChiatFindi posed Reterahlyeee Mee asta:“te“Fr oeis seretonaia,&ry -ee Xe oh aK oN,Ae ee t ae /att Sits e <~-gemmue FROSC «pet in the -chtire?\Jast Pbivrsdite.Ously meivioned,hn,ASSS die -became:berlain.‘Sfatest pli tebireprergpts «‘a fer doy oF B mn yew x,PH.ay xP x ‘3 :2 gh tte graveyard was “eygantd Se Ye president.of”the:Canada ‘Southern all that will.ve°démandéd ~by,G “eat |attd Panig-Peilets nt ee e =eek ceTeaT Ow“ednesday).c *=n company.**He:“was a”dtrectér jo Britail c |Ameagefal.solutign.:tirere=Fant Farsale we Re “TaswaitSia<ASteak many wldur:retin people trintyzig wn djtlerentrailroad coins frepis bighly provable.fn)“dd oeuaeibt ERS Sakae a ot Brot as Peonattered2jawn-party “at Mr,Bag-tes and was'atrustee-a/,mdpy df}«35 ~-e 34>vf Pa Rn meses ¢se Sars Hite el achRain ‘Fiday es d A nice.pele chigritable,relivtet ea ‘a.as es abe tee >“\-i:>oe OE (One Wort s:‘Dbz OO yc a #3 ee 1 e aithe grove aie Ippo institutions o we,Yok Rattle alte .+fe:a 2 Q eon Huvard,Sri=waite Zvipaties «ee 8atitAattiesnH4b§.eCras 6:er,0 eke ‘Wintes 7heAY.soe see aeVounsm ladies.+¢Catv *among vr.¥aniderbies ben?’Py varrisburge “PanBispatvc 1Xe 3 ov‘Baton’6 Liv erPils dnd Tonie Pak aoe veSCaeaenTtDadaaoe‘Se j ina Se pineen Ppeaeet A:tpinster drivtatod:oe jeeware 3 Special”reniedy-for ‘SickGSSE atin ee et my.:d pkouk ‘eu,roves.contriohtie ae este pikes Teportsy:witnesstoy,Li Simertattane Bas beph edited tee ie s tronpthens oe LS “titBoeroF6ile’busi tte AB SE er.ot may7—Cimpbell :of2 Fay fdr.ay Slonpoy-t apple Pindioctaut EpisCo,Z SDspaucee a Tueeeriake Addie @to-duors’a,trex tft deat,caa tes ee:‘voni SR rsiclores ost smipute Wook 3s “the.neFar,ORNS“B,Bate!ef paen fefrak=Asiana taghleicas ra ceane,Alear Lavestae Both,hseare.*¥GONSCH FOane Me mmsstity oP‘our ance Te t}=a eel _maga a Op e aresespecitners of their \ariety,“whe,uyotly <0 Sihavith Rerangéd,Liver Ber fine Petrg ao this Thedy Seitentys.MPs.:“of meeng.yy the “wdSmigsters.and i BI hayesde toa 5eras TYWileWeg)‘‘Nee kie abuts c a She paintiisa:‘BE Pane Hors bh e erbeing Tully Titefeet tog.a?soeowt ne “yourrstucdighie»13 Sisbasis Yor.Tet{ems et Deon ironopettsseKaér,2 WPhe Grane bad-been feeling «ou the,|for vhs aed ieSigh iddiche sail ecBeast eesiaesMrsWeDGitécan,yasqth Ab lidsas,{Inbeur,to'Phe:Mgtedpolx,=«nti much relieh.‘Tetads thie Anions‘us Ahougeholdt terned:Sane +:wr AXMalte Stevefisor “Dhaipyrestilley jtan DNASE cet ‘fart,.een dea.ee aee*pened scfor®said,aigataer Baa aeSeto ake te erasorsMentor 3 jSNnsRaecoveredthesnakeByOw2”Tock 4 nde $rete wold‘y WS =Sree Sratd-re eareefed fron iS 4%iheSun.AWity astibs hkve \alwilys‘failed,°“One0of Seiler be fisteae ne ee ;Se“=et geese eae|oeaaked “sald last:opti He [esses the:bxwiited ae athe-ts worth moreto ate thaw,dozenoff BaNhe.-HS re x Pes Sane TandyFess a ot fo Ag snaketd-cail and striket en.lesa aby Other remedy ‘Fhave eyet tabeny Tie Dee physietan “worked,forsyane angeAtiotbos fs stéske with wenderder nl dexteris:Shajll patoisthat’Lobtain-watery =the Bienen-Wesuscitacithépation Abul eeoa oto indy}ae ore hs Sd aesbeige openediinn iinene:re£5,185 th i tata 2 ang:Vesides-1eboiaergs Liyiet bot wings and:bbak Sa eb basta,i,drdggists"\5 Te sie tiie eens ae gash‘sc.eifcdu recoil *again.>Phed :.=f iy at Krie alke Sete y :Sb coon as fan:,Begibaly eee etreat “and wait*font*,Phere salwaySubpe oehile"RhereSm a a aateaeios SeatonieeenFllegahp“dehedCochchoe>Sree uD UNL,SN =MU or ppm ee ai iat ea |aaaeERS:ae a fs aT}tt j tack\o imle hg:iz :be ¢rial.of the railroSdstax 4iu-{Vanderbi:s,Ir.rad shis y wife.‘urejetae erated eer.xigenHt}bad shageand -ot ae Best ea stietchod outlifeltss,Seizing itvia SIKES AF Consumption.Oe war we e Nm +) ee n :1 Case artes Secale esae a %wa ce.Simontoh/“ly Tot Ist iegngay tbat ‘astts Glaws*the Crane;with:ute-Ot gh \Guré co pietety cured ¢Saee eS of oe a ES ent nl ee Se iz ae ee ae“baseestrong arrays oflegal to?<aey 3 fare tefake 2 the eee me We E..fi we=ea ne easbas ae ?we ao ee Bet NOG =233SSSSane=i s NG 4w2 “oe ae a a rate S “De,eeSeptic etal ot! 3 “The.ide psa Lag r a.peti Treats Mopdas *y oeea au ye)NJ:Habelxi ton aoa: nt 4 ae i ee ‘om Sj.40).esetatadworaethersomAREoie fet wheiBence Pec ban ay Stoned are Gisa}REN,was fyere¢Bathurday: >is Ndttdess.Seat isikaly itt Asheyile.<. Sie ‘Eun,Eoqt.shentt GasspitSatHsburspnPndeghtbustnéss:. We re Liwis:eethitigrduutchanegil KoySipess. Soe J BrHusees jof Washinet oy wsce Seep ‘BeMills,=Ps mCaSas.fk pes ZA*Be Tékvon? ee 3 Ore pery.fo Sst,Fe To ahSoe$*electign:’Was<Lai sGlichted-yy bin,htt it,was elt that he*was the man for, rs off the aaah iof.thre!eet efit| peeee « ’Hedwillmate «one: swientInd py. .2 SOseereh ha ork Ths sjatebvite ohne tw |a ont Lapis9 : ~it RX fen 4S ‘Shingke”ameee ae Dany a4 a Se, “Pe oisSane ' visitings:.Ss Bh eee ‘Wasa deSE Lat 2fuite af Teaser of of ples since this oldech wech had pyres={ PA ark the:press:fers Ww ill-tind os iabaeoans new chirch:in ‘place "Lae‘od oye’*The meetihgs will cin:PessipioyicetbL RIE,ThrePresdayLeverageandixGrassdecitiedtbat¥Le“Miss:Chandier:eae!aneMe Fo|Feee ption:lige fade S bela;ata date toheddermined eter All of Be.Wosd*s ri endsare invited f atte 2ad the receeprion — tdeld.but:HO. an aSs DEASgiracADute:ot Riateigbserowieytfieeer’abet Mrs: * a 3h ;She icwie,Be T ahd:Tiigvlestawigh 45ue through Siinday,,and doubs-tm bave,Ee turned,feom,a vis i Ate 4 SO large.ccrowd will”attend from en of Sunday.,: A New industry. MroJ.Av dastiee has.cominenced: ‘tye manufacturé.of Lite’for hearths?] rssand walks at-his place neat @ exhibited quite. € oieen “atl!Le ais ecttonmilt. =a bot of samplesof pas ‘colorsin tinsSoftice Tuesdaysand.théy are vas ing as ave’hate seen. jiS from_imported Portland eément/ >33 Highest grade,and-‘his fiesis,of ne very ‘best quality. me)BO Mr.Justice”leafned ‘the*tiederi tile--making with a-Northern man ixse SAL Baile at:‘Pac it au ASsheville,and a.tile -floor.in “the r Ashevillé Bank building,which théy. SM down,iis as‘rood,‘as when Jaid| ~act ‘Our’people whew one to.Audie hints ‘shoul@buy from Mr. Pisticeand Seep the’nONcy ‘atBE DOA eae oe ae ie x tan)»He makes the;sithe {ce’igs~Salisbury, pente-Aion oa Tye say in,i tay Wire ACL rekstines:’ ywas”he re Puestiay on giostille-he nn. yes?eSBePry :categsitigir as || cher Sa ¢iSactiestaliar “ot!Maritaon inated &Mitts:20 iS ,‘plete.Thoir Operatall, sd Nie:irs.Wi thelnr&Mpls avtll com.||waré’their opera hall fo:the third stainy‘af their,mammoth stere build eyby “October 15th.or November. ‘They have purchased.317 Opera,a Lssuf bher beat make ee thes}, ct éFhe.titm:+s 5 2 ;estage-,tixturess/ Ayiudelers,“eves §‘The wall’ae |)xmostCommadtous-fa|the acest Ta iitiwill be ioe :abd~comy akarbby itted ups" §skwopera Bensis ‘bile gtethenoes]Riis i ssas/man f atttactionsyathe:Powe ¢testeaes :aieEs Mis.“DewasNis Cop:olanon i lS,tiene | the cat Lon0int PS hurdsyeae Sap day Shere: “AR tha Cara" erec Pgohier,ars LE rank,Re Lawis, rab weeks lenm Wwith ve Kt os i, aHaS ta tuned,fbag r bore ve tap Oke | soa wv ait.16 y iia to “take Ue,gehaneeeahy oease ad tbebovked beri.<it i hae?wel:ares-uvad “tTri velm oo M iS Ww ihe sip.a 2FTagSk rb akoneseseizeusoanor Ke ~.Reventon:Neow(s. s 8S G 3PGurnry::is {pies?ea UntonxGfove % s,Tee4s!ha zenby,ansson >Did5“‘wrnershdrg>tow uships Mi started.HEN,distilleries: Sravestgar Depaty”i‘jaatatoat relsorcwhiskeyat x5OLSEPrateys rat "ce Sawship-"eus:to.sélve-the distillerTound,hat Nhey-haat vom the advertise: eetie.eetoSE.fonds”a lca :“they Nga:5~been:‘Stprerne 3 t“tits Uptake. i ate ueie) es i wa?Aegon ate <:Trike eeoelous¥uus:and ee oe 2ShenAEDitaeSut a osaf loti je:ones aeeeeatSuPaces14h,WF™os <s‘Ot et LPS|Vee 5 eee !PenAas ’Pie®ierseas 2fas xSetow,Doe ye whe, os Strecy ta cht ae i Ssuth ‘Seances,ees midshaw,,swrnoy ieee near thy eotthmripita|:: he ie arate jucher hohset spouts,Peers andeles ene Vbyidays tight.“phe.wendyprospendsliv lets tba (eas seid ee “aseSshe hatlayd fintox “tte *rooms oe cary theinoise Aras,heard.)fewben:>man ‘opeuitig’rg urea” -Mrs “BradSas-scréa od x:SSebentd Macseennbah Tarde +orting &opel.Sant Retest spy tat eae qa Ov Nope he “AUout three,stirs ag ITeyyeayoteprrmamRuin,a geesithes: Re Hove deny a d 3 wee ge From’:11S font Dipert:coaveh PF o, se ty,NeMn -* S ee m \ :rah)0,*aiffxSabicrt rn pear an EVA wisie bas pits ,seatut bit iePanta Ay ty nyoisBaas‘ =fines ee tary weni*Mess)‘Ss.as avi oe aidnd WS TA eeesndSURrthtecieeing?and rau toy ae thief bad diseppea iaave jhetio’of thé oo ised an 7 awse Tcontain iy;“AO fe:noTaken:froth at gaussNoh:su ints [urs wasfowhd in’‘phe:ve rs.Bradshaw says“the mae “ail at ‘ay ltile frat!tie aay “pair ofVageMhis.shiyts ‘sleexts -ovideptl ¥,:familiar.“with nthe |satis,There is 2gratte seme witiane ; Awana”Anrekhe rye h pes Shor,Pas heitera Sat"aa Ssn ee oe oe:*vis ™~caval ere Og eSacmihga chet Y=F “e ti ie Cy:deh Ewe ayant Re sat ecg Mi tsene \aie hay rean¥ed:oa Gel:tO.Nerzisiat as ty,Sheesortidrwed sityher dauptor . 2,si nd:unex tS Stipa iS : t Gt cE . rt ee osEiected.: id LASMorrison,Seat toGreen-{FonMonday*to ““Atventixe*boa¥d:a:pndiers -of] dure som sot Fd 1K Abt!be Vobtekea ve Spartan,‘>shore Re haere pL eee oe “ge,sof Whikhh <eyembey.a Ther m eens was coll 1 Sivaceount dfthe‘nee,ithepeesdeus 9 hea w her ale end gery baite: c Ye.Sx wohMea?Tek ishaprlattes } nix isie yeesf:bers CITE phe Seay oe MEERpy!‘ahd?Mtg. =peturtyd hole teu or"S4 nisl aod aeeu:pce a PieseleeapdJeultefutatodefetthutpmatterykohgiaoethesahilothe; =Geeek:*was aleSeed cE Eanoe she facultySto FExe.up tit Synodetects.a president. fhe heuket,the’college as’ea~“Kyuweredtq fill:Dr.*Gaier’s“chainsofF'n<otal and moral philosophys*He sa cesolationg-ofepndplenge vers pp et.yf orrispn,atte Miesterday morpidy:; a 3 tenisShay tShare Leae he 21.GehkNot thesive, ignDi Heskrs.-Sloapeyy : wal ~Who yas).Sate.Sin ta Msfos eaeretur aa ; » a!Le omapd+F talon Stele wat p Mater ene.Barge Aa s ‘states?soillelaiUneclescheefeuerebisteears £/ausiesSeD:Miler sand soteen Have et thé contact,t their brick aes:ware-, fessis,”Lageiiby-Bros.-‘The| eee E built.on ‘the*sitesaaFarmers:Warehouse:“which:stropred BA ‘the,cyelong lastwe<<gopimented*on yan |Khe Naif Pe eer tes that,the Soy seaeHOR reendyfor saliyoeMeBe“C.SetiNecatse 2 ~ Pi Stiatse,"wi eae ‘fit Oh.£007 weeks ‘toch“Séna toneaid:E-Conserd ‘STontzorie ek «tls £gti eta \oTmettbe uct i iReigCPS Her’ oes aeifax Seses r he "oe <Vite a:‘Aleta,oe 18/daise ase ist ie “thrites a x SwiiSon"latwhtuee “fory ‘Nashvidle,«3‘Teoh?stePoehe SMF spend ae mm:ont ‘or| fo.Xe expect sto go fee 1%,Pea vel,Cols: as of Joedting.;Captsvoormin’oF ahge icone Aya?Hy.and,while>we xare’arei‘os?hjiny weetope- en an Wena tspng ahha AL eto et there Diglyt te ioceu DY. yy.Pst ESACG.hage:rdinty,witlGe anys “garetousestiS competed’,Bs Ni segueSwi have twofits}-c ags (8andWithourthumerougtSRfr°éaf dediers Statesville’u Law sday“Wiern pee. ‘ath Of tue oer ee “Mii<2ee Rouse atloek;:ofats i ithe ainctionee as WES Wwcbt e his ‘iebtity, eW a wifetbes ~wil weetwitky b¢West hede“aspatSAESERSaBreaky :wonG wpre at iv«ll :eRe be‘known,Ttisamity the uh ihSal“is pet Siscoveréd-and *pa, :filhtorfesrand fegpntinueto be ‘one-of thea-Bee serve;ad-|aesl.ks sabatcee saat i %&aeWienbe.MAJ DaWwilliaet:, *Lomiisship~dgove Stick*Withowt Werring. of New Alspe*Shoo &Mtiler kaye a}tne Reriiotes “SNewAY weftidamente.j.i Jatthe Axe)shoes!Fine}also hage, dot.badk She Messts:J Re Siigtista Tope aid AInesltGcs «8 kinds. oF lanigas,oe Sqn ed to ma?“eStore Rew?on Sne>aE:ODE ofa wagch:“Opeulyks,Eure pos Bin’thie dad withGut™_word hit “hia“ONCE.theheadk, Ww.het iSevet,,,the; awe?Willfams;chad’terri‘Oyie ahd ,tHes Side of *his fave ee2Bruisedphd’‘ploodshot,te oh We.understand,that Wistigins SiSas? bpacions a cerfarn,mar,"but WeatAve:|“:mot~beep ipterméd™as to wha k arr ftoanbist The motive ‘fors th ¢assaullH.die utkpdwn'to'us,xthqush Wiliams,probatiy knows.tt.%dud the”Statesville ~Cojtou eae one New cHopé op wilh Ibe On,the eottbn;,marwel DWiNidms=but the:wounded m9|psJneP:Elaciyan,'Sapxveext ar Ss “Yue yee:.ae ws fig ‘probably be}iar vies evideuce.of «Fheré.wif,bE |hisface /spoundAi SHC i >in ~ AiReception in,Honor of Or.Wood,Ae :et ¢a wereIn:Septeipber Te69,"Reva-Dr.Ww.iyee oe2 aeSieh AS cath¥StateSviller On|5 ‘if abat “month Jhe CoN predchtdbs first “sePuron?in athe ;Y >EPr sbiterigay.-chbre Ao trey,has4geXSasereMeet&t Con-t_1»th hy And, Is churér:se \Br esby Leng 5 mettS at)Tiyrctt.,Tredéll station:A0-Fyear. fesoesceunn.ond,opens awithep, %-Fyrmok By tiie retiring 2 oe:ratlgo:dy will Qatye-excutpioit wha’wish tWevatpend.4 chet oe,Sleyoday,ghoditartrepitn fey Tacit Fsupphed that-puijfit réevutacky?sinceDJS.F“Were thougigle was not>formally|’ Jastaticdvas:Ab aEURE be é wt Se e i a or fous: Pia St y be Wis “STs store Dronday +the ‘aDig dpe,of “te,ext,ah Ss ‘hildrensds heavy sRogsecAs So Lone erWare,”Btenk.ou-SatSaehehtar hs »Thére ,is mare ‘man Hamed o. dis Mevtity:Thya tostipn tothethers ofthe Pad{tnd bis neighbors:“Ww ibtFbavey ae Pe Fae 2es Re forthe’cotton,20d *notrouble ih locating’the-inan'ral: Ik ‘Roi He Ve"hazard Aothing.in SATO Lider to in tbs:articles”Su,Nes.ne “% \that tbe very highest ue :Ss ou baBae ee the»OurfarmersSs“Mould cr tat Therets;nothing, ies SeXeral biddersw Gkbdtex,ak Sate Bricgsafe,wianteds ei etek:neemyfe ntr * SarsWerewe :Eaees Meee‘any dic Fivin,bfPIStowyskip.aahVeasaPpSeta f,oy, pert,Aa5Rotiuraaed 4“i fFeaten neeIS (1a Young ikSash‘tingatea=,Paar Ab VO.c amethirdSuligey aker,son,“My,ie WW.Vicholson. Er Mx:HY.PR:Feimster,wf Tye “Rarit.the “next ule’tangrega-+ uicapsmetouday.ie te”lecthreroduryYoftthtChurthandpiedidedto“appro- priagyily gotebreateths sath aujniver-De”W.‘o0d's ”fastoyate i)>Committee ;as apppuited To.“ar rape forthegle ebratidn as tpliowy: Sirs.SS:OS brvin,Mrse Mo R as es eetc Sary of ‘Mow itive:S Moubtainand i .a ae Adaigs,sent forsererayadays..Sea Se.ae Solan e.Te:Atr.Dikk?‘Gxreror emcees tae Hats} tie Come met!h Wy 6%RES“Honor:b 5 Oke Ridge tore--enter school! invitations wattails“ofthe pro- posed peepee Aterd pdt given outbythe-committec,But they awill be published ii iter.Bion toe Rs Dreyfus Convicted. entires,“Fraaite: »Lapto J S|byrthe court warts S{onnoutced wildest:psbiceaaue Lo Gloek, Forwotid’.burns,stalde,sores.” skin diseases, etuptians,nothing so:soothing and,“putas he ee as’De Witt '§,Witch.”Mares.rc +Salve *Lowe Wet the yest GeTALIA 0A Sdthe aetati “retin {Hat Jr.tap 1 dei!berateBn its Kerdic..ig Ait rigplerow.of ‘cond:wnis da wie ddor.of the.Tooth:wherePris“was takpu as.)00D ast De‘mange :rt address’SXoPotty wispo ib abd’positively Cures,diss ygto.apraach thpedc(Bee *pretext,-yfhe’pole,Reps, every utee inthe"Laart ripode!saeSyed.thisupagnls,rds:Japnivesl aAbst SterinsePbeteARC TOPS.here.’- ser The exe itcinent Oo*<philsubsided’to sonte AestentedRumdtagticeltrafip-contpiat} qpethea Lie’yerata:toot!fist”Aon wand Sto Ki S$abburase XpyWithfmeregtesteSaleSateyestagivesbtthe.»‘se‘coud < f gas couremartigl Was prou yuiced.Cin, 5 Huss3“sCHite neee:to. ing “bpepstBaeétbaRee: woes8,OUT,i fib Satea Kk OY fswa 4 aL4tainte ztthe nis piygarss impelsigcin}fortress.DAY jude’v< Ponincos!: AFasith oe enw “by:me rant oe wuts Tae a Pie prSUEana is aavwwAY SEA" aN [re 04 ti.“tppeal *wi See105~the raf GessShiouy : fted/pid sa : Hiliciopees Dreitas)hay see AKeg yey,Sarshay, aeByssan.;Be eeRee taon2soins BR E -starious ESputeak:peuple RA es EY.Bex eatsyns.wud bor’Ahe yaa:2 <bukto®nO fel oye Ver,ntaywhitbefore.arrekmsiamnces”‘Vout 6 NS)Sed|sg ep carom poe TREE “lig eREN Ie ay PROTPAR ES Arial ME >4S <2we F f ani 4PME>Vole £ae Aiba.z if &iS 7 a f ne “inet?og aa!Fira conta! te if 3Para tars oe Hat.Langhey ERSinSpringHope.t.Mince Apd-in,cyapaay..ywithJ severarother yeproes,:atigng-whomdn:Gule Abe Harris,BSKSTu‘Gras jsaid “thet.Lanales Oude monesy oFchis-Borssreririnbtet|katende tthesatvernon oes “And|ptogether.“Et:autiesphatephere, some bald!Biged Rebeegh rhea oe count of too igtim:tween Rotiierand Se Japgley:did Hol Shay ap:se se>LEGGS hen,PN tyeif ce bar d sarc was at vt we ws wats Sus’poctedsird * Pees Fee Thes/peaple:of oe preson,LUth whitg add colored,bes peeved|Canales tohave bomFmurder,APROESGrigt~gees,D a.jfor Soa:phea sacs bei e.day-af tis is.Lo apy gal PD AAD AOS C..:Ne is aye eens ‘had ROOSTERS,per :“They:sae Spring adalt;perubs > day See ri age Ph *i Swea(Sani NS $;avers iyregeineAas Mare Pe lietekwit Foue — <<|EBATHEERS tiem es 2 aeyaATEDESicDerUbe’sy thee woods were ScouteneatSob:and”the Bonds -ant 4.dik Clies.,Wazeed in.ce aGes ody. wite and:W ay owe piictd stigitzerard nee “Dt hist aur,was:acquitt Ce for want:ofence’:after |ceri bes ae montis.He al : +]ane’persisted ‘that he?suai iator Langley"‘Ss Tiwhéreabouts.”‘hiya neatly every| one stillbelie Ed tin to et ee ot Ben Te tee evide i japl fer’ eyo less ‘released, ay:as Laijeles Hip ay et whothét's-homes seat'hiie: Hesvalked:futo-her~Hausend-ale L0S¢frightoned his. né -believimg tekoWurderddSowaitchat‘he hinds!‘a:hye=o is on the day vbey qvere-in. pring Hopes together:and that wight decldet that be «would:lerye. Toust OF {ot and laidNrést,were be pas ambpoa-atPeart eaaris aole-toseein Cool ther,ta ddathy|)ae peithe spinyO14 6Cuiters,eAona,”~Be .sy VY,Ipttexs ney EePie3 up a aaaGeaieattbeballtheSiight.of htsbutceeEe tonsh,;pelnker s fait stock ot Froduti FN‘aypregars tienrnituresnds arrived;vat heresanceeehisteam.Te Sa pt -tovd_faane sdsAbowt it -sof whom he, and “eater tind hikepyrages!‘ ~kaingev?Tomlin”&Bowles have~theP Tampue pel ry quits.)Shoes”faa> racumiemin aallstyles.”Theyulsp haye et’s!Women S “ayid: (BartoneNom hare bebua &_piesand SUITESSy fA‘ear:Sout phusk precéived.~ob “Tk&AlbitiGcatia’Ld goituction walkerof -watehes;.mi Cloghis,jevelrys tember Yorhs ys Aste ot OREN Fr MpUb es.wish,odie:losSale”fur séed:ai pet GBhe es’¢Grain:nil y oe ats /Poston’‘Bros ard toni = ‘Oteset ral.prdpdsro P Shobs we!soc peipantioutséaileede’hee aE tnt ey ys Bagi eeeign istvisit: y ae was here.sigeter dae ty twas:Fugebpestentase :set aS Tiot be Suk NetnMort.Pept,“Mer Po‘83 Chambers is sibling:-for.-hith ath bi te Erapit office.=°oyPee pe ®Rov;ses“*rossl ye Neate Pi tet:Yesterday towvisit-bis sistereMS. R.aA vbackéyn.°Nets Lis visting3Mi Pearl Sullival? Mere Pranil Bonet, <*3hasgoneéto,&2 “~yeyee v es 4 = .Thewalis of that.part jf“that Asso: ‘Giate’plormed Rresbyterian chureh |. tobe't ikon.down are.downs ‘and’they 1 -brick-BE ing was comurnced:yester- Shee a pda >The Work awall be.pushed to €News,9}Completion and it is’expected»tat) “guilt y the oe yih |be.uP:by Nowentber1 st. —— 5 Dew itisaS Latte 0sary:Weiss”aaThetroops,me more good than all blood medi +Were quickly massed «oa saCeORDYY.Of |eines’and “other pills:WritésGeo.| theteat of an outbréaly,«: Mai tre-Dearansi eeathuded:his ‘Prompt.pledsants,.never uripethey sondsriulsaldress”at i 30 0 ‘clock eure constipation,<arouse the®torpid ;a’ this.morning.: “Phe court then adjourned,until3 wheu Carrierremade a brief, reply:to.Dematige.and the court re- ‘red:to.dceliberation its.verdicks =. clapping of hi rads,creeted ‘the conclusion of,Demange's addressé. Dreyfus,Avas impassive, state said.to-thuse * Tam.uot guilty.” EES Jacobs,“Of ,Thompson.Conn-| and a healthy,nerve.Weeki Mah.Je °and”all?‘irritating, Mxs-Emma,Bolles?matrou’| ofitec "When tall "else failsin heal ipie.QUE se wigs;At x Th ores:ie Fsaa *vi iRodot,Despepsias eure is”‘al scien 5 and tHe.compound:having:the ‘endorse 5 |riesSt Oh eminidat pliy sicigns“and:the echeceh Spress:,“Rt.Gigests,Avert ey,RET OH “Bloomintes SaSLent<saVssitured 4pita oF jae)Stianlof,ee yeestangiecs We. Pure LGGUREOFBuainptgeay ee eee nt Miteritia Hditan.” x Hal Aiport sive 1 py Bit.Was “Brought Backto.Pextee:‘Health| ’“By ‘Ctiamberlaista sh Colic.<Choltfx. .Wed:“Diatrhoea ,Remedy Reid |" ‘His’‘Editorial.oe S,Hitiients talsSatiertbil ahwsiarkifoeas4joes >hore THUG:a‘‘housht Ro was pitt:oy hors se Toei cure 3 ritcarwaunele mi sek Ivudst,and mone ate:“Suilgred *soh miugh J sa athe fouud es shes tal rng Tho Verdc eed recdi side>thie?aZidvettisement:ob.?‘Chamberlain’:st eolie Cholera pad Din etea.Re eS eybala And-also.sdme-ene $e fok-§mes woudertfal ures thee il Reve Oeen-=a foulby”this ‘remedy,Ade-ave forded ta tryit sy ATtér,takin a few»posesJ Ses “entirely -well-“of,abatav]troubles avdd“wish:tor say’.fugthpr |‘lo nik Veaders ~and=AoHOWae hate ayn achalé aadpearty map :pas PEN Hid th i > Ahad:spent much tine in serythighl had.almost;4decided:46,ficcdtive Op alHopes "af -“recovery:arnasivait-the Tesulty But 1‘oticni Ze 17}oo “jy mighs sth ay wud feel as*“el Limylite—O Bee ‘S$ald.by all ru;zeigtts:ARSCitt te CpeAy SAT ESR PRODECE MARKED)pe Se NT ae |p«earn DW.eesoeNeaoeSSee 2 4 ~pes Swee mer geNIONSstleetperbusiSeoiPaq. PALLQWS “ot ce OSBeeswax.-.‘-4 sicng ret HENS—per.Ibs a;.~at Mee iow “oe slarge aAnos ayoltow:*=FethSE Nae A oeKe:«amrsalationsbesHONEYstained,'perib:yore 2Gmeaswife.eats sGfaets Tiesees“ond,per litoe aes Feuinea SO aes ee Wiis one =2WOOLLhated.< >ro =f -easLeg extn s r SahaispavevilSmita neSe tancy.. ty va e xtra.«roaBiloonweSoube:Fer:Ip “tem aoe Hann.4GAaonoe:Ay So <e~“Shoulders?HR Ota cB: et <i Ok@rs,common,git[Saivkers,Beotkt* a es et S Leafy c Dad CookebratFanmpn,—eaewivappass;chmDom,Wral FS:NOOR,rw hayes,fine»/-:Wrasiesaa“atta. 3 vyawhe san u h,ue STSSeasSealy Ne perv &Compan S.fepeiuetau MesGe Begic“yRb:) bee ae at Tab x“cirnre):©oesunday ¥the Setsoe 4 ae cena ,pile ‘OMPA OaGace:agi SOnhts REO #aby iron |(Bai.ont % eer >ee vig <0 cutite.#5. pn . 1d ber Q EG fie ect<preach:forte ASeeeoe fasa M Sake Sringaes RAGiste‘ge,ok Papaiysis:fat Shea: <St¥eet ‘Saf eeeizesbotyGefouslvali or apa eeutins we See ‘Je Jones:s:eee bis Px Good pitta Gs “itt Pa aa eure eeabe ofi Teages my Be I Tay the ETD D7] 5 hgTO!aid £165;pyr Teke~ New,ork art: estysp frG1ai:‘Stake switte- sino low,reer < sil.Senileaner x isto.yet avn cut &oesods ‘prilfaatin:wet ae “intstgision joka t hare.cone emWatiweeats DE a(CN:cole!Ke das anata P tes hokte fitsi Hu ESI eri ten dent,ae ne hesVEULIINS tO-. cotiity,awhere the ¢iid”Sirpple tye: fon"qntemnign t ban g.; Eaisom:“Pugsierry os ~~‘The lastaw and ja ¢indictPeat dite: wimber:of persons for.:failore*‘to: ‘liverto agtion and vive you..cleTel‘take their®tax atttarng.S ‘A song blood:-steady-nerves,~a Clear brain |eo anycsittZe ys of Staaeee C}arededi AD:Lei ae ‘St nd Winter Shoes” sphis ies nessal =oe jatrsri aN eu,tree tig.) paacake:shan more efttin the fature |to ues th vethines’that ,are Gace: ie ort waste wood:Narsery,-Chicazo;:ee=e ale.“t ;showPa to.aa soe sd ane Nresh:3Butter.‘Corn;okBye: leet pals it hile 2ell.Lise x *bila incpopular-pe Ac ae “Fri a :ie ~ee 4, a3 Bat wore2 and.sce as sharersilytoBeayprselly a ——ee 2. rT.x eesptrhee 3 a>Pepsin v {(Guaranteed,to Cure.ChisBes =SBMalaria!‘Pronbies aXo xlct tik Hea *>|LoRalei gh Ne waaD {fea Sesh 5 mihi a er she Natiofat livia!t;ay ..Tad ils,Cast & 3 Tipp ttFroud*ofsquesttiotis rand “anewers!t “sconclusions drartn:,‘'7 eee f rt.“Dowyou fyors Wes arises [-*LG.ey<—ehiii ae Chicky 6G.WagesteFeelAefaryojokrhghpyibiéSsatdeAecOrdinytafe1 :see 5 -*,2 io May Hast ent waite a Fi Wecatns ae A tee ie Sy a pe -:Vee questions ,to-F9 200~*pabtetsA i i fom sous"Seachrate slaty eiday }3.¥oi F:bee ST atk its subreriibers Beyring urigh putyar oly eNOBriv:wi pesSati heCe mig Sing hy Ay et rBe Oi ay :Ee an view Bot ascertai Gee UUs Piet’aoe s -a sbagies xD s Kis i é: .;lic topics hewith a;vie SH,=wth we =i iN)aurt ~S"anc es -ERC tiesthy Rauaisysg ny ENE:£M+]ft >oe os €‘i At h,+Gitex ~nies +::bait dtig the.epilliwons S we esa e..ve ={Bea Sf te -EvesthemDer INA SEged sh ;*a ect :ae Fe Q oteeont «*Oe as os es :SSE fee -erh.farmers uport LS *2°,ees Bat ;eli aS uns:asker yor.a ae:“sHisg]s Mang ai SaSHU TLEed ee vr i ;r z x =ope Ss >th a 5 :ceTRENhbasetalethebestadferandumthat.¢ae oes os bt ann te sink Will?‘alled “Reg Ae 2 =a.=e use many a tMceeaewnahTiimesaawaribespeksides¥t Sor:AHN dan RE Rl ca dy Cerrestl a hi 3 J Vis,a «“Gexised.tor ascgrtain sige zaN Wie sian ait About Lino We ace Sian Si Eins te as ‘Glot ing;*Sip.te =Toe etdMees,ek top of-the”Mrmmg ere vanity.Wie Tudeths ei rt lake a3sabeoR Sty copint the om <G #5 Fos St ey 13;S .quote tros tt;coke ‘Cite .*BIT a cote on:furpis Oi tice , ney thls5s oliie Melo”oh Rire7 tipae|eyratDoh,ee pOSotker|aide than:“ineatiin's “8 othe ;go Sane aBe Rimes Peng#toy posses,Asiivated oik te + 4 * ee Tie certsin!weteny:PAHSi het we dotted st 5 PRa:a orth C)Bie raiste:GHicai tar ch te sce iann om SeTeh tame{r 9 'uit:yever beyene tas fort asiehm be a nt 8.=y ‘A gi shh outaityIQrssSposphatyToeSith: &;at 1 RE UntAns:Goldsopi dartsSE eg <Lyea Poe Sty TathiSe pat ty.iacas RSwr.5 ie lS ;fine renal Yea i 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panded.ptyWr (ax\*>Teh ow:Po J ee ‘$e ch |MeL i t vs -Bis Be eae nd UN.ita%Na bona]Pai Higyropes.Set PO,DS See A vipa 1H ss nt +3 sie ae x osfa Sear yener Ay =i ein mere Skuiite kochint for)pay-y Fal“‘i “rs ‘e ae Aue wsjeltgede Pppoak Bove Patpea eee ea"iv 4 elt es .iS Y };4 +m a.=&“3ae‘i he :3 »Sari aie ts ‘st’Ss!*.ee Bath's of Segee =f Eros och ple rOst niet aah ns ns Spo ;:i“ude cited aaa Kanenhs sare SCN Ts Tesh eet:qberth ‘ “Dovou think “ll:niblonaftanGnesy REE AUEe:Mo Pistons shale be *full leeall tarler or ti ami pushy1s fiietcGy!>Thex“reditor:cormfoNey .have the’right,LOpVO1 a its Aer 2k ten Ran y aysealieDeeCou bere3at orf“Won”; oer mone x. ‘theri Se eeckea sea [shane «Bh ndeths }ie .co Se pa cis am BS a Ta eae ;directions foi c War sas Anette SS citan SEzceymeFact.aS isnow “th:c Gds bee Sp outta oe pdat Sis wall SOG the s eidbom .aa NG ;Boe ING OI UPERIOR |:ace psa at ed~tadetiby:~eae.af ise i £eSTd hett SE eOTa.woktak =wl eS ae QI :;Bans Jat-‘once.Soe:Sie See <,4.AdiithSEVCe,sik wer’shes RtTic atesoe.mi Ma raul sf ithGoer Se oa tly |Wine is VE:::~~.Ss we ae ,ele 'Sg eee?:St ti ti ens ei Bh Oe Sos fy :ee hi 1 PEC ee /“treasury:note See eee ste Sa nekeiseesbid 8 St sya yeecall arias steppin?winodsg ere”eG ee he F-*Ans.Fuille val fender...300.gb04 Sark SE vai adoOn poCuOny Raft ;f Lk vei LONS FOL ase 30)“Soothiner:sof his trait 3 eee Wiha De:oe fe es Sah ess-:Limnitted.tenders<2 yA)basué :by ana Cialis:eae Det Wit a Wi tot Siete a She Set Normans Weaye:AS “Weig Lat 6S.bit)“bn Dus!i z saat Plex t fe y ie ae ‘COnshs iysae we Lind ‘aeTprouctsat 4toubk ‘ itehas ho equal.“writes By IR Whit ford.South:‘Canaan Of“One.3 ae Caduhabalee oe Tei Pant Jtnattedekmikes.Tox Bag weesatezatoe“OH:“:Ley"tae yee 206 HOt GOD.tL tSbelsi :=O}i Mak SHOAY:*&ns.indciat Nee va “3 bchayas?1sMhfei <e cite fk <0 SSD vantawr aL ye >t.“OGOY Smaak talline Of rows his,>mae iea.ie OE OS isin Sw adver iS ¢.:ae tier .ye rotoH=ig-Ahdegided cee nontides nets Oltigg ©““abies aie nf LSFV,btshe arCx oh vans 4 fo Chicag 05wv~*De you Sass cists ace nt adTean-fek.:6 5 SNe:ae)ig]Pisa-taws Th:fenNr |.7 ta,sec'or a djsatlvantage tooe mcus“e leu! “faye »“hy Se oe ,eyaerinse-‘oe“i?5 eg Doon Setar pubWe-olenership.MCD}tows sth SU 0,Duet “STANDARD 5yen oe oe “4 public wt iiities,_stche a<_nailrouds Ferep foie SYS eT De 0)CHIN 5 peo a oe Oe Ke ieeéfetiptend?u “2 T lies reFees-telegraph.Welter.hf ete?|Crop tor 4 Les deHIRO OUR a “thts dteai:PLS.GOO Seer ier ich ,eta nrSaarie)ae ;Ose hope my OTL wt *thBeeeeoniePaes2490)these dd:ere digi Yeaheeee2flacidehSedanstaCfSuthor:Siete eyesepee-4 Me ‘MPRA Ey «$e *eee Ete eSY Dok,Sasfavor |“a parcel post SNS=)CSCO ueerop ob =AisveeteNGaAah..*,mo ree *fem,axhich:shal Ciyansinkt wath ae SEONG Oh Totes HOS a e a4 =fess,Fick pounds Graatuderty { ol ees ve pare -Of,“0 OP hitgd=St utes at four] <7 ol.aete ats per pou (awal ri,4 >:x Ss, Saree ro)i Cc:.SG 2 Kite::¢.<r Here the MIG 3 Lop ‘amd::-*G eCTied.“y Fale a a :my ans 1c }“n *,.wos others as 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piechat de “hae geaIs ihe x Travel.bythe SotBattioS.sia been Wider Ea 3eigeeeeeauix”Stent Au}Aw T.gSs 20hHae,te .‘asstired a.stnfemSov£SRS UE MG Ses r rh . aphty fo TICK *KATES:AND EUR As OR Bepk OR, BL.-Metaon Peupr 3 fonda 0 T he +od ead thasSeog~Mees sores Is dices A portialy |Teh.vataptaaeapelpi.ifintente:;i poe pe ~Site ee wm?:\beanigyerFonoyweitnets,Tee "teat Lagreeesay O §¥“takex seul]:1 es Wytj sore aie 4 hak er ee 3 4 S ?:,*,ree Be any>agrb Sem ASara te ;me Avie ‘,oe a24ne=-i suBC TRE “afin ae ee :dour,(Capibat bad’Boa Gregey ; cee eyesHE sOnmeonorhefares|#Are ipvoivedifyoa cigs Sicewf,Sootura cr ae tSPes a =Cae ¥:$re 4 cst heeorweangye:ecnSuury en,2X Naser Ri I Werte tc ee Ss ets Haut Crppies ardsNSE fd)ero GG gE Ay) 2G asi ee beHES Mite:Std ,x=ihe ¢bas wi athe Robert an daa kai tyes Oe ee Ree =eeiheaeSeaiwaWNAGREaiaeee"<1.=:creees )re Miner Di a WoC bseb Malini this Met,er Peas Su bly routes tyBisaotaaekAbas<td:ted Wester acatget:4 wee eo Seon ee cae :eae 4,pee Stas cei OS 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cite sh iho?ber.XQ.secure|bysi-q Tthiteecow.t|ee atow eaeye pe rab ae Coie ore|ROMS|Lok Ee,4Leeti7Ssystéen‘cobstitute he budk.of the as:7UCSS,.{6 ace st Sgxa see Fst Fie dyotic soe ioa)3er Petes S|Solan eigeal ‘ Beit mit *—_pee OE Tian’5 Ctertst :3 oon b ts “ftw ers hr 8aptherthat2%eal F aLiktig Giri Nailegyts a Trée.say Fae Peak ocr’rated orecee.TSea Taf stingy : =pins the tingWe oe“g 4 See ia renals ee te ts4 Ene poe SP Mitats eeMohiig BPN SiLLISYS|TOAho vea with.4h Be:tn ve bie?Alfa th ie ee ios ‘a »>ny l¢-at r ¥if ‘p Ae : yen | Bee oe a eaters ne ~Gornépnobdgnwsip be tate a paray™J ]Tele,OS;okr :Has DAD eewet el :aeeh ffeet ea“ae pmonth is forgotientaeaeTreciated:thy Value of sseqfrities:|at 1 &“test endRCTS¥Vi ae ‘Be ¥.tort Ct Sot pe NR Re fests:e AQ i Wiseay oF Sto Se ar Rrade of firaterial-=aBeesGhfeinteeeSebenheen‘anda ya fteinpond ghd:resalesa £0)Mbt rey)Ievis 1 Vea Ay gee ‘BoE eISEA Se Sa :: Best i 2.“bemtce te latter arg-ntore terjheti Ry,wueprascpta cob ake Mig?ede ::Ba +A fennel eSBd FE oo es office-tira weeks indes:+eee _Esiosesot Scahitaliste *-=ror ;Sr pees ay:‘Boe wath tirat Mopstas-.+Be hs a_+“Parmeys ofpolitica wlatotme,wiit|of(ehutessaye ee Bacnvicte ee bm Ete F |Y.“Pe .MeaugenoetceleadenSwellto,adjast™their planks to,“it tdinbly eae ear pee AS,eo Soe Pee aA pea ae E =Be 4g owe:opinions Ss The |*fa#men Ras faa tite y Orie.at V greyScares t TW ec nav often’<ionxel ai TUES 1%ms nat —ja eg iS‘hot :enly;Geen.doing _Senie Sana?mfest;iB yaldos was HeatsoDvtth in-st hes tut“Ede Giy Te 4 a}te er.ee 2 aSeeeSomelindependentthings Lond1 arc o oe *é Wise ct leeta@rSoot rcerhs)aa pares wut ug)st sf 3eetoSineendWilksvotenexteaeOkthe,Seder oo #6 dhe ypeTpslgdie!|“piach shy!few Sega tt +mite aguye rsis:3 time Gf his’epntliusidn.::EYty achiey edgtlas tat cen Dey Week Thevininer”ws wt uslean Js Bao t FeeN ,a “7 3 Theseatiinentin-faxonSt ohtcineie ets oes wide iStie aut}ot -egtitse.“pe citer.was}Vt eel 7 eas soeSi3‘Senators by:“thes #opulay ote ISSgi-}si 4 =e acly at y re streant Netty large Cnédeiting ve wmeheestod :Se Sreas Heeaaaht»most uUbahimodas.THis.is truesnot Por ge DA On chon assissHina:Mvairein5 SOUNGEY AA Sy TA by apeele-S05)Onlyvamong:s Mette,farmers bus,camaeit"was fowsclsik Ist Hosa,ib doe Se fee SD,~s ee ne gee neSERemitwandfaxmers‘aS—well,y.The erypate:Pere Sep ene mee sy “Soma S Aw Ne :Se saeee-=m *C seven Ome ay tHePER 18“StriOusa em A ies ae .’Na ONS ee,_armaa Home,publishédatSpping=|®LESSENSiploliq Nees.A pect CESwineIRmarsKeTYPresionsaS,a fiel&Mass,;submitted the “question >engne are See eeeSeana dis %The Howl euies svt Tsaype)te Should.Unjted States Seyatoys ‘bey .#=#O06 Worf a Doxen.”“3 wer cary.%;Sycustic y gh raicondan >:fe -.<{fo ¥Selected direct ‘by ithe,¢People’;ands 5"Got er ELbard,wt eee!ty rea Carolin.x and prige.Mine dy oe ee“ae «?ea oem?0 4 in =Paw YS AS B43 replied 3 ee ae w Rae skivet itHs ana Pot nN falarerave-auke:$52096,i ye Fe 10 aoo:a8as a Ns nes oO ee Punnessec Mos aie SONY ios,aoa 1.i ag =lettans a-spegig!Seniedy:ipase a Qi x vi te.Bt 30 cheek3nyHeaathesIpavebeen‘sonalta oaks~ee=Ser e phir ws PASE etIteeandwentit:Patow Sina se Ua re “et MBs Cab oyQin&HmkCalg RES “8 Soe A Ponneieces Pare ato s Liverte Si Saoks deeepat deg‘3 apt.conse ’Orth aoe Mime yoed ey:galls:oa y's ch wD,PN:ose bite Golteci secs Oo $23,400,eon :“Lmore of srgileo:ut TptdpeF +Athan}tho dose hte :does the ,OldsNorth “S1Hes.5 Ama |aucnortteeitfs +eee pert ao:1m uel aari Agen perttse“2 Seth gkdy-<-pop tilared’vee A‘Sorthg so Se“«Bilts and-@anic Pellets :have “one.‘..»me}mdre.gbod that 4é othér’medi-+.+éine Z.have ever used for the —is se“they rerecommended tdeure.+«be- aie 2 fare |oo k-them Twas -.vety"*sick} -Silee yeeOFOnis parheemistsTefeed.Ps TN fads oe "rtieSheonPOGrebetatPRSRyNkas!x annAr an sheWor fli quently:ee with ReranegdLivertetbifavebean-t shh yours wredizife.©S: wHopatisan Higyisiek hdadgdhes%aNata find mich relist’Tad,tried!‘aincurealisfofsaiddisorder:Bate they By)ae z ‘er sy04 :Mati reud.hear Ww’id vu=could eoticnts:and ,Wwas:"very-rach abways failed."One Of Sour,we Kyi asain By Fauna ee OO tees oe bu cpoe es “hedsfc et :aindisposedgenerally.Alter:using!ierwortlemore.sOiu Loneaifo:Siowa PE as is Bereta losphe Lpaaran tte?asp bdtcter eart'$4 Mie LERNip |ram stAedldoses.of Ramon $s “Livér’Pills ther}a eventaken,{AURIS Novi Cetofins Daige tore ee te =Sgt pn Ned ce aioe Po I felt iis a oe agree utesae i ab Powter.a tel oe robe erly ye 1 YAN tended Bactsor “ae ;POU 53)ee meri}ae ee ie 4 ie:dort We :Sing Owlyy wach!es Uhesierte in ofthe heard and paegz ses ah Pme petin MANTECH.PRRs TE toned oA cipleSaie..DY NP:Beeee a bre beget aes Fou salcalSee ailgost eaea yo RR ee i Sato &dtve uiceneshatbose4SacOF\ae acne ions?rmoe ~tiles Se ai ataMILES MEDICAL CS,.am Meee fox ti + ‘< dp ei t et Na N ; i te e S om iLaeee aia See Bice As nAnes i OTRCEL 7 Poa eSFeygeeRETONAS.THEREDELEXt £ dell.ee ee ee FaeFieATEPE|LEED NOE THURSDAY:0 tN chee Hey,acy SO en Piaget cea S reac cat tae eee nes:= yo *C4 ‘~~2.CES RA sse ahs 6.Ak,SF Sy Seog vee 3 é 1 Patan Cities i PARAS“ak AKFifer Sp {fas tania,4:“ts Drssbst dxiatSfundsdt Norte “piffiand Biel ‘placed.svahaa ae Ai oeaune x.a4 g SIRs ast reek *La Teen ae oh mua¢eat:On|ede ak aubitor Gar,ic aH eS ee ne :ae ae efhal i nasepest eee DEG seus |Jorh ee ee ¥e rae§Lanttder.-Sond oes >es Ty oeiss af regs OFC*haklptee:ey,Yefsab sost;of Srabe OMe.Sah EY fey.ze‘scaattiie,ier tess:ae pyle iatetoaHogeal _pored bY¥pet at Bing 20.5 Pacis ferseAit re HpATR?ae Seley st EyigehoaNoy Soa My,‘and diedEP riday sNy ayseabbety “atid Beeeptal ous,K 7 mi ,;eRe (°Ye =CsLe Souibrt Raitiegyistating Bar Ri arsRankio;the Adee ae o so Ane)*.hes AG ieee.Drdatsa LPO the Capa ba andronéof thé mostpiomineat citi Fe tharles 1 Thirkapscaiy’apa ios oa§“aFieess“atSart gwwife,Station:hp ti e=>$zensnakG aston’copuitys~died }Phor cS ofethe Neilatk,W4.:¢Saws,5sityeaoems2 Ve weapaSainsewisite,ee weedeat Ashh age +aaSees as Se Ax)ikitted’Bbrineday.byta fain,‘ we gthe pba’crane Pas!Th ysddy oh SATS,RET 5,bear mond,ef tMal4 ’As a Caligeas :oe :i Lowest:fsite FORTSLeeHayonfore'weCase:ti lyrd Creeit Neckleatitirg)cant 4 matavyeae wipe pen I Poe ae Eee oh RUBEN AC yt hc ot “Abas Leute,asadit:-bed Hetphasdasy fis gfani-ae ‘ee Kishi sd ny a sehen es sath?5 hat ae1we,<r *Mb atMcp:R,5"*Postea Haye Mavoinibet She:aS,SpyehescORL siya aaek™“cBSates,STolyt Cnrshiet :Boisethine De shag as NS : re v py er .a petit a!es Spe hee 5OeatetoonshaSorfifersmar-[=aBert:‘fewer‘utlied®Da.Gaerne SF Ae Nhe See Hatkitis Game:1%)Santee faye UpsPOPESa:ee bere 2 rt Poston HeTeety Eriora dxé “ta ‘“Gleveldid coun by)“One fotssio nie ltoksss whet Steet aGaither yas delice oe al *eS it Oe,Cen Gh hpesSU ce ey Jy.eiBiehl Rn CPEDOGS.eee “Eriday?.The.fyss,started:Over seme,MissJolifsoune wWtohy gdast tthe’oftigertowk®Byrear ERIaK ep:;ek<p ime ensiagbs Bove 1 allege :2 cee oun ee |Utvigk.inatter:1 Be m <Snrvenderéd reliawasteapchcht:Seas dest “altornout ratnz-=!iS Se way ;Sou,ra)thatsSin OM Aydt aSLs?Sth,Millen:iS‘riteel:AN yeast AoC ty vthe sb Beit :‘ers iar aa xe or foPovidet scin Ks the Le aa ae ats ee notches TA‘Strix entitled“Pha Bae id 5 HE Re the sheti RA 3 hitbius ee po Ty a itea!Tata:ve aehe Ty =ures Nila ep Repos foi semipig,thitiiys arog (rite Beri a sabeys DIE 4"“Yor ror Mlostellay.in athe ySe fember a Mis Virginia Stasely he anit Raga eerid Bineh dyllie--Gitine pint pete "|3 “SEN ewUX One Housdytite.7 den.ys:foognt girlawho,mystbrigus}yset blaras ppefind.ata ee AP lh a given Ig U2 Pe nd fe eMer et yat PRO e rake egy Tee es * re‘aipety antl rly bor:SFU AaLge,Has returned:to her parenise|agts Piewsildy sappeepunte BeersSOR five.aAiaa 2iw Gat “15 peo ae eyese71*3 eS xX2FewYad,he Joxogyane seCRY.“Héfeor heeigiien,‘Stn tee a ee,¥age eM SinzroHtsRec“iyeoccipesiaacnake PENT Sit She rooting fag shape hans Deere errlsestXin)avudesbwra,4 oe Feet “f a Mey BS sc po Braytehvawn:pO Pabous..eve Sea we Ade |mood Collate rel anc pers tal eae ve ‘oigosap.,Chris sie aod ShetalaU explapas Om RET Seo .Sirk keboedy Wasy urted teat sabibeng ype Bek roym”RoeeSom aay Rag My RON Uae ey i betSous andSasha pated th ler:TekGonres ofta'tact ooo.He actiog®“=ie x 7a tha fixe Shot peseo Sehr e niftred,Dyn”chris <)whith Frigg!f e te)1m KS %;¢ie AN:oe :;ar:wes oes Ouibers.<+>-eS.4:ty aeGREG,He edie antan feta Bess _tgpeint,Avec!Seek rgecand?‘ef?weak.spMia =i eis nehaey Ste bie Suet eebakeeatsxsaSPSWiubkBast1TasLaurpA.Pa ap tas 4 Se Thegehtkea her to révent Sat SOR soreek a oy SRS ra Eres#Bre =,is ;1 :ae faea 21S Sion aeUitaboe.:26 Ean ntee eestor antTans Pt 9c ndlins:‘Spragues ne eh Jory.ate Aes=uiee:ta fe =Pe eastsicBtyesuy,Weerk:8 id:apet DOB tS stopped,Nt ‘otis tes SHiMlson ayedee jadled tm Wiha throw a Tron?irsHorscim3 BeeaeSof te Oean dearEPBOW5SAiaertpdlcletsUREednesteaestereSeeeenaSIReeaeSpe7,5 tis at -et Fe t :,,=0“syns Paciyteey gt Cinecord,eat“Bega dic’the shdgets MF:Ne last El gesdhiy shy Fn Rte { oyelobk im,thel,muurstings =,“ihe zs =Sylow ae i” “ # . ov . an‘ pas gue SAK eS z 1d maenone,Spar Rs ratpéd‘Avilistumbgnees «sesange ea in96 <pardontedy he ‘ey neh bare,”As Sieabies De oenoteisyktemeeeMrsaColey‘Seon,“Bos rbot eeeBCS \Z,1 Ate aI Smid;av sthyol coum eae YT “Siligrin’thote CHK.gible “re viieypebieWednygsdayhight,ot:Jase a LOthE pater ate i a a 5 Miigars He stywtel 22 OPEL IBOQ fnga behe@)-reciet™Ter Kownz eybegonPetePhe,whavor.heard:fife.ase.iggcorte i taki 9 ne com,Sunday cual sebolarsweutenatiiey,FEE AL GLE bik ‘Itt.thie messieeeneastThursdayded-fhedSparks.320 chars YF Wao s Ailes POOMG,AEOM beROOFSIAM Por ICGly a Ye :Tone “het.5%Ky atterf*4 Dy PR Ane eer ate .;7 el yeMTCOSteFoRETAWELcoe»Nard aah :oe Henry Garcher)Seitbeea:eetigee:Hep quis Be lille.as)he <<nl yeirae‘Lee.the Chinaman;Nett with ‘Harty A;Tucker “was sorts ecb.Ieriday at:Mobile.Adasy for:ase ‘pit BONN orn i sas otefsburnedbyahinexplosionin’bis |sauitine “a white‘wird:When hes 3 Efe ieee Fat ee Mo Me entalcuenewttheGbarlotte’HotelChar|trap fell Gardner’s weight Sni upper!Vote 3.LACast.eas !;eer ht yLipton:Thorsday ight that ha Sia the rope and be felt he avily.Lo}‘the!ne Tite ped Tienan bes BecauseSaturday¢mortiast.He lived rebound.He uwas.ain ded’ts ire tos:eensrod |sp eANe dur g-Cics TS ECO icfwiloinetonandawaaeaepeniee:fs seaito!a and executedie’=ce,m.RHnee Asres ard?Gui $03 step Md ee Ue A Re tae Hie ‘2 z ee Ur TO:ea idd,.eonsSI(Bondfob biedpp 3 oe Ui Bias pall:Bearing Brace and ‘ert.Chairman Jones TaikePouticn Bs mshacpe|Erzbgoment:at:Salers He “Pepiity 7 ‘Harktns Sa!Sa na vt:cul,var oe§5 ioe cee:3-25)ut ‘“Mork Sunt Set ¥orp ANY,ashiyrgton Digpateh,teth Y i:“aie Washington Dispatch,athe Pate a “f werkratse U8a:fou } ;:et Staveifl,avtrites-‘ard-eee hears“Another appubition::att the ball Sonatpr Jones,“chgtrnian ‘ol the F:“The followingsdispattly/-inis,Peed {Le Gast sassheen:te eerineSpeimehile{Sn to.be noted:‘Democratic ©National’Committes.;bocce!vet ae Navy Department:oS oe2 6 eeen ‘oo-yi 6 toe.he a ordinary”carpenter’s has arrived here:from:the.<onfi-}.beh oats =)SS Manilal’Sept,seekeee:ates bit an arrangement wider noite Fe denies that he intends to}“Secretdny:Of Navy,Wash ingtou;et Le btad orrest,Ww‘hich.provides for reson the chajr inapship-on:accountI "Paxidson,Commiatiding:Se soningPateCasyoperationofthe:brace,n6 fof ill health.v He Sax’s,the best<phy-|reports wshi rp;engagentent 4atDate:£30 esLatterWhatweightmaybebrovzhtsitiansassurehis‘thiut:he thas.nd!mao:“The.a ssels*struck °ninayt See ms her the head.‘Further,and more es-théart trouble qu@ that h’S condition times,Dx,‘rifle:*casualties.’Phe (A Naw DnrAfoutial,the”ball--besriag,has found }is.due to:bis7 nerres.5-He,‘dédares]|Paraeaay stlenéed the insunvents po MeeeaiTES+pdaeetin’the chuck,and in+some|thathe”has_alinost TFecovared:|and)pre.4pPOI iuease ita ranger’toh!fi idesDeg‘ityrtis ofbraces st-‘Has ‘been there}will soon start for:hone.7Sefferring Ay LoMoVATAs::AF iUipibieschon}~Ae heeHacedSOthatthe-friction=due to”to the political sityhttoh.*he said er was caytared,whiel Dx deat eUicd Spat:seesolSolsSr,us turing «of;the chuck both.in:thatthg:Nemocr atsmist ~take Pes;J strayed.i pm 1 Nagin e pray is bene:yah 2 GorpsBistuspingapddoosebingmay.*de Hitive.brounds *agmaiist:“nyerialism Ne f ekpremey es a{neat ‘sate,PS,orbitdckiumiuated,‘this featur’ae -eon-fand-tfusts.’He.pradieted that’these’send)Seles aysideredarpost”Valuable Jone,and}would-bepromitentfeatures ef theb SBatemadisthTp He provinee:of May:sich gs snustcomorend itselftoany|next.eampaign?«He,had’:no-rdoubt|bate,nowth OF oe yand ©or thy!“alusarof-tht ordinary brava who:has]the:Chicago platiotat would be -re:1 Visisayas?re :ee x :i\Anitentptedtortrip-‘firmly 9°round)afitinedy Heis Oppaséd.toz Bolding 5 ee SESeree payeeFark,pbiCkk aS“~twist drill:Dy the.the naijonal Con yentigit,at ‘an:eatlizJicrnbductiqn’bfz*se ‘simple an ag ferdate tharin i %:; ie Ret us thts Ball bearing.si hes aa}Ss 3 t=;me 2OC tpffssitaedssingedoFful?pamek ap,bs .ey ee PrPs!ee’Ro Sv,e a directly.the:gripping 3gawss ay,;Ze :Ae o iix,gn ae Tip thetise-of the:ball?bear=}-v Ty coopsane oe ae OR dyty pace’xqASBpathebeadihefullpowér-af The’oO eo Set Sihe@at oaSg,|Dy cour metalalsma“at iNeitlizedtn:tycumys phe ckankys The AE a tene Thiet «Conte!“cial Mebetitner,Inxs:teitlier-rap une fr ictignt “Gein,tb Wk O Jétdwg payers,OWstars Amps Sontag!wile ONE Lyi ae Ve ore Saglisty,De Cie]criminally asses Eanes lth.toi fis: * =~ thttie.Phen“TOK on With the Statesville SteainLhahndty‘ands the -various colgre) Aw isher‘women our town is well ‘sulp- Lesa Ain the hiuodky ine.$3, 1 <<ay See ,~ee flan een ae ee .See —Reet ~ ‘~1 ¥ Sia eat*,FE:“‘ -Racerspivetical stte Ak dae ‘¢tag!lestSeva elY at?sii’eXYethp Bat vcd.t- :i eatect feti ie Of SyBLSroad:fetal BredPua secdufiatigous thcK]ig He pppe rssesBNEpenitel(etobigk Sout hpert;:openWePprieaiy madagers of SOLAR.ae athas2g,SN aSter tayV¥.Whebiga qtty ESA SOUS PUI Wptae Np sitipa pre:Ae ah 140% x Ripe:Bee “eati-the OF Xo!Spura duce (Sy eeuty “im 7conU hopes Self FAP ETECE AY Hat d se =TEE POT UN she ayers.oY oot ot tio HiHoe:of heysSeeBeco eaeOe se RPC Of eas sire S etapenlicge nig?Woukdes |]5 dzoapipsiosndemagy (adp-xthe <r &a eget ‘iv idesg lastinret sep OmenrD OTD ee ete ae ———eheeSee res Yh uth xseithpoe ain bio ate Pk rel Naty:e :thy ts ece pee hy jousty-as(POSSiVNe.¥Lis"eee Ke us Sethe zeae en Se their wilh Silt “im Sa SeratnasPOT,othe r sspcred bish}canes eeethe Pest,cortisone?2 Re Natacha cormnayd:.ae r oR i af 5 ‘eySiggs wos ye be FUYy Ge ith/thiSipdhioe sth kia!Teh e otis!aod das Konypani Ge Biskeohnaragy®ame oF Ea aenetations of:North}:ag ®Scenes,T ndidats’Bt Ginee egtaerk,ine aringst ag ;‘Solivians:Willahare bees.wealized;-Te Puentte mean besbut:nfont hyoft yerked ve Tasco fi uduy shine Of iibroad,ac:iba AS rmenec Fohater ap or shhajh Risonne,ane ‘w Misthesasteta|‘tosthé We:TREX |se *psec pet sbhnees |~auidG)ander eee eee PdchetdsOptheStake:witlt “Aa dbefry punk accratateT xudktoy ; v wet sérminds,Os OUre:Caas mand Hiestinet $f olbeieSdlemon:ee i\Tee eesgutbargeseile):ae etyee Hi "‘ict Korearivad CVsof tha Olio,whd |to eerie Pp ah ce Uiustywous, S my ests er a eters |pais Qt Qubcizand yotp sang -eircutp x ;teas Mai =~gee ERIE 168 offer Surroundings:torviewey :*é¥am nationaeSNageetecnbETIEeriewedtTemplyofsFomnonsnot{by"|kei nsSsewakes,County Hok,lenis descritions byt by getudl ee SeyReeesStory.ke?Hh des,toWi ties pereanelle?=LNG trae Chagas |goo Rs 24,|mons—and4Sth)oR a LEE Soxt the FreseSolomons ; BoMars andl 6 Oe aijion'd verse Yresq]te winestimable |privitegtss wWhich-|.,ema es*véen puteeDoes.aly eae sed (to eamemedit Johan.a Rae Great W orid'ssonJoy tbeSpanish bospival y JRL esi ite,dae Ts SkesAthat theat ervday”up there,EX.IS TULGN<acconds:Its ‘pgtropsind ip they mericin jiospitals:‘ougosBabeeaedPoetTiree,paioe a ees d-torswalow4 convectionwith:the greet circ a4 ets St Supplies‘are furnishedSpeeee:;chitin)belie ite:igtto}che ‘ahonagerié,en the.‘ova Ronan jouttsmartiab.af spy tySesorofalong’w bi ppodronte.,‘Thet spect ented:ee harged Wi *Selitug’adCoosaipeakBadPytrafesch!aM swallgwed}0Leni,hiyy"Temple,«aidéthe -Cneeyof“-arén property Fe DAEneston)spog x wep eure eit Was!ise obened <anaySheba,ywill,be exhibited,here,Fr4 Lbecause they wourtgt reshlt 7 Thd.cs— Vom ey Fu rt’s rite hs UssberoteefFortsen the patt or”sev-ptSepsemiper,eatle {Re nak.oem ce |posure.ofatti 3 “Heiss ects borat +Me ty aM pours the Scbainye wi 5 at last}=Oe Se at‘the seéak-will agutesite cw Enot::‘Ry ed Por’<Tread Palle.2a Pep r ESSieeaNtfalldress:Bo Whek wien eu tee<a Gnesty Rind..fpet er 4 ee oe eee iA tet:Ths.eigenBl a’Uy curs!ak ee zg ey ,a Abetoesfie24Mit4gatipleHoxofDr,Kings ,React 5pe he we et ie “sadddy atte rpogirsiE aS PHT Pills.‘SA trial wil conyigce:Fouof|Me.Togees L fii anfed out far W.als.©Whew|ibeit meri s..Thesé/pitlgare ‘easyfleeee‘the edwe “Of the “woods.hear”he Fractiona dare,partteilatly:effec-|\Ki ay as cemetery:Ag Oa Staruled®6 |tiveinithe-cureofCosree ant eeMeN“asda ‘Ory Ofa,—gett whit had |S esHeadache.F via’sandaesaeaziktocrtwdsefreththebolyattheJttroubles“they are &bedn proven’é teebsWyldejoint“Owing to,the bie fi intaldiapfes.Thay aregusy teed to4 .oe us t secant dedsiy pesjtiony Mire,Pali hoe pe ese ate ve ave by:geleté-|2 aA.Thaaecould:Bodalnlsihecorstethea :peas si,pasnce:an fo,)0e :paras’\™~Vo:en Z SEL ea as:Sagittal Tt,iehthey aPetia ceAaiee tonee talsSe;sttohe up aks eae fad:motheX Da piping Chie heeoneyp whetherthe ;4 hers totic rand bowels geet ia insta Sey ning’cdmeé.atkdsteac’4"ed.tt SanatayPiesrfheddewhethetwormtethiersystenit7%Jae sepseles’,Stanniniathe.ore eokded 15 pOand jouatdisteStOzCagesneawhetBesSokexterewesta$wa eer ee f ee eyry es As:ajsp.Yr Jattple OOK EE peeae wsBE ForsTisilien ‘sacl Chat?2 es a a a eaPe oa se MecurterOy nia ore whys dak qand Hasengrade fyrceege wee LO;Thomas.sales oy mabe 7 Brothersin a!SeeSe Axi * 4 RE OE At 9 i, KL BE A T E R Pew hie’enue?My icy Br tee ee ‘uc<GRAMS ENS BO SY.see e ‘~OUTS ~o cat,‘hance wei thawed,Brices.\Alle we “as DEAK,ety a thore.xalua e210,ieRe sah 6Fy ReCai hesmah theron:Safe,ety than Tas yet™keen:‘made aa ieeptice:ng ey Figen ia js pee ater Lips Kigadikpe:~Porsyears.he:Suiferat “MER”oN :aa re S>etunteld:TONY,{C6 *cousuimption,4 He iL Se Bs og ‘itait ocoinctiompanied|by:hauigrr ageages and}:”Se.eeeeweeanMabyoltitelycured-dyxDre King’s ecsecin in oe udy Hégry ‘EnaeseuafeSak»:Saas aa!clon cw'see coseuss shan 3 ee Gin a ©:moth¢r.a :‘Sera “3 5 »~~ass ae ioied one vmens n ‘Colds:Hedeclares hat l %‘A Pp ACS 1galand2GenainSarpansof3kbent)teydisa:ttheval fea compatigon ghiton martied a-siste yt ifarid anon eetthe'Girrecen ProutStore:Dette .oe ts5 tl?this mar ralons |cure}would pe mba iegsbaielives oo athe?séine |pet area Spécial een tS ‘::2 i Me,f iff “even”if ave “Ost emamyndre housesyrith Loveands.Wife.an ~her Headache;|aye:been:oe eetyiurd SHG SHpSr ~indy ‘eenet dot ate ek to”“leebrarybottle.‘Asthma:‘Brohehi-}mother on tet Frid ¥.Loy Shad the gnercantite Ausiaess nd.\y tbs al tex tops:“out shoesmS:“en ibe Worn.Tore:Lig:Sand all.tht tand?feeti :wife tafted:fo:Grgaagberd th athe {®Bdorsva greitidest::add ¢pests Basa pomatfeetions Nt MeLean ville"tenia red.in dgorsa gr ;rh &epasitively.cured b¥~Dr,King’s htrains,At MeLeansvillé Hutebinson quently sparselyelNew“Discovery “for “Consumption.bodrded the trath,Ja’-Sgor,nities:A havesbeen.ie “175 aoeee OE:oe Teja bates |freetat:We Fk Hal},Ie s¢iwhiletthe:train “was nodhind,Greens,Yor this:ex ;em,ads SediviesSete :nh age ~stoke.Leyrua Size50+cegts “boro:Hutthiasoty eame.To cary fiqd muChr Neko hha sie JtTo rsAveapingwie“coat Gx re ga “cine “9tee andi Lay's ats ok ap?eyecureallitor said,disotlctt fa ae ars3)pepretendes.x z wen Jato’the'e erehe-was,$failedy.‘One,ofyour:on bk :Heoey.Ws.¥“athe next time-Lew sare her Haxchta:|iatisorth more to ihe,tbidira:jeeatvedark.igi Bakoer-ssnd er Hiro|'con WasCenrying-het Thy ‘arms tO eather remellBi Lien vst:ee murdered’‘bsropbers”one |PN “Waiti ny carrias eeEy ‘gays he}T shall a ways be gold’that Iv=a LF Mast ea *néay ‘Saa’Antopia,,was a4 raid.to Tollow.wndwent |after :te “Dhep were.killed |with.ae iwermag,but whéy--fe.returned,oissack containing:3100 7in:pk trace could be Ta!nd:‘ofthe?2 rung:f Soe 3 med capewe %ge . Ri e WS GH us : pa y aeae ;‘a Soe 5EAchlg?arkedt v ts mS Ra“bus.went re Pa cack woes a ee py oy ics secored:sby*the preae ¢/way orete Histeh a ee‘elves af A Marriganen’t b Fig $A eeCeskKeatestorget“thie:pick,a ‘Yours Respt ue ViO%-id >-wet*Siaity Persoas™~~,1 eh eS Sider“teYetnibie,the?jaubcee tae ea st se‘pie eoaSasag,;tes;<arepa-wisJ:OW.Ce0 pel and Soa yn Bitters \ffatherst Lox died‘on,‘st ‘Polat oF 200 "ho ses and’pestered,forts.‘so aeeS CO.v.Oe Ae as anda sisteras also ae the 4p omeles$-.-"|Dee ime:raft edoprermauaee Gu Oa —aoe vfsstockingaah vate a eg ey 62nen‘m ks ,ity bac 5 a +9e *:age ao :.**.i a ‘A £ Tes gee et“TEE MASCOT i &Aaret=Seargpews,‘vie “ee Mere ae factory oe be::i .~*a ond 4 « ‘ville!last week, Judge" a Cisious:in allth Ex :rendered.ae Sey “-Utsweary length ‘nO headway has been made ‘quer ing theinsu faeantib ="busing gs ffor:“our yastea-beginning |Peuisien “WEERLY. fio SRE 2X E=poLiak=i Y¥ESR. aeARTNESS, i PS W iets,’ie .=:7 ‘. ol ee,~~xrt> Epitons., >< =z nie red’at th e‘piece at $Sfatestileas gegond class mailmatter.V ‘Puose No:35.)sty a ot SS Whe:State icomibrationt ‘Commis: eS »sion recently raised»the.assessment, “of:‘railroad.‘property for ‘taxation. “The railroads:sued:dut=in frontedger:ad Court Judge Simonton. :apd the CASES W ere argued,at.Ashe- :“The.fertilizer rate “case:“ands Western Usion Telegraph ‘Company/sscase were.also:argued. ‘Simonton re serves his ese cases ‘The war in‘the Philippines drags Practically|. int “con: ‘now. claimed,that it willfake 502000:mien "to hold the istinds:iTn _Subjéction af: ter.they’havebeen‘Conquered?)In the’ €thisis-2 Bory!expensive + along. rents.It:‘is get ‘ernnient:“an , i ~the admijnistratign rub,the.day. cS.seeksthis.EPhi Spinetiby ble spedoeayeheme.£3 r<eeok The Fatith<} mains Pract ly 2 /*ger’s,teplysPt,5H “to % -committee of the :ta i ~~ aFaustaad Sitoat ion re-. wnt}ahused <rKru ihamber!isinD's:ndte that more Beive been necessary be- “sent. cigstaal Repubti ic drawn inyndtim is dor.fight,-and she’ Nationa}*Detno- “went,away on thSento=i e =ypee this eoAeotsabe -y gu a Pb ipweaee_dixeia “EBLG69For T,2a0 acresa of: The lienftentiary ha tcloséd a epn- Raleigbifirm of Royal}furni Sh+10000 mattress-|esr of which as,as apy a 320 rade njunctiogs’ de “Ttis not i Kaown:When.the-decisions will ‘be has beep”made. “<The Anflerican pesple,will.vet suate); at :.,Charlptte.2 mA or We ie"*yatapount tQ SR IVGLe haw asstrapded near.‘Portsmauttin.X- 3s Huie eiey wassated.” A four;year -olds son “of”Langrip tf Sees ‘evelandount J3 was]killed by light ingone.dayAgst ,week,ans ac > “2 “ips alof yy.|wasto-have-heen hangedeat WewtoFY.eelerday,has}Peanutfor 2 aayse ie «ih”fc by a/trainto.which~he .¢ =toqbeat 3:oid = ‘Sham.’sh e a Kos iot¥ pirchasddthe Caledon:farms,Kos;*Pund+in’Mplifax sgountyy)paying-¥ btract-with'tl&Bordert ie& ;|daily.Pm xep é Lwas found dead.oD hisifarm Sunday.|: disease. 5 brnay ‘B.N Robescew county: <n Nocmests OL Rowland: Tuesday,and died”cet night, :Tharmas Roachy of Orajige county,-whioniw:iscdisa:pointedin:Jove;-tried** to-kil}:himse feSunday by sexeralphysiciaushis life was saved. ‘Linwood Couchya*white brakeman Low the.Southern,waspkilled at d*uns-‘tom,near-Durbam,-Tuesday night;-ithile coupling cars,s\The dyaw-bead |.gate Way amd be:was mashed”to death:re Murdock Smith;_white,'of RoBe:|son‘county,was shot’and:-seriously|wounded monday.by,a negro,:.namied}Van Williams.The negro was.ar- rested by a brother of the.woundedbman,after the negro’hdd emptied. his:pistol at®the white:/man,:who:then shot the bevro witha shot:pons ‘| ‘Ernest Thomason aged?12"years.hr er‘brother were-playing on ‘the rail-.foad furn-table,whén it beyan’to, younger bey,but’Ernest jumpedjn id}-But ee if not fatal,injuries ee.uh dace aes set ere to the proper- Aty of the Dayton Coal and*Iron Cox,at-Chattaoooge,;Tem},,Tuesday,‘andS13.060 worth.of propérty wast dé-|:stroved:cae isbelieved’the fire was] the work:ef Spring miners. 8 ‘4 ~Me Me aot daringaSanday School picnic,City Marshal ee ¥Shot,aad ifted.CritAves in:a-quarrel.ktTaspercnear,south pS ttsburg,:Dave,Henderson kitted.Holland’.Johnsoc.e}in a quarrel over lind.Sato g trom ‘Manila.v6 Hotg Kong ae "George,We Vanderbilt’+Stafesna county faxes “An:Bun ombe.count?! ‘The steamer Gis’ae:agksontille dne Satgrdays “AveryKale?athe”“thyradFersFo,Dt, he -{Sherash Paths,edlora,veasiglta|pat Hees alent Or ectors chiavel” ps wounded: et 25olin Jackson,‘Of:Orange éounty,- 1 There wereno signs of widlenée and4:itis suppased,that.he aiaeer os: was:zatnclen‘with,» ‘|cangéstiog~of the brain &%'he was*Ltalking top patient "over the aePRORE drinkiig pane:but By.heroic:Work ‘of The negro’s wound is hot serious.? Twas Seriously)if not fatally searedat,Old FortMriday,Heanda youn |}. move and would.have crushed ’the| the way:thereby:“savingbis brother} om 2 éuth PittsbuIre.“Tern.+Sat-| land‘ uateoGENERAL:NEWS. ,m ‘aire millerof seabeapdlis,wing.i aes Si ay a8 icy oS is pwas --Mengphi;Teat.,"hid.a $120,dx +es fi Zot *EeytonsvicueJews;es nk a al be,Jogates fh Facesspilsbury,She amillion.Sb atonH.P.Cam:re,Tuesday. he~erginer tor =vestes:B¢Conn :L arriyed:Pilesday:. =[Roimster’visite ae peel.ot Vz eG a sat.Sratestilte*oie:: f ti’Ee~ wN Fe and Beee FOoot Be Gwaltney,‘ReliesierfiSrancyipsNe“a5Statesville Monday.eee “yOver9\000 perspns ‘dréxdtad and)!yo oes Fest of Ca ama,:ee=a ee3 Fas Heretlast:Sefurtay.~en =aeane SiatsgD44EeeeogyOne|:Mas WD,Hartié,OTSiGes ‘sSta-py =an “pl pip opt aot“The wifeot ex ‘Sefater Lion,as helés Tuesday buying.sbi fe eensBlackburrn~dieed vena,BeLe af Ae NgaiCes Sunday axed Years.\*.*-AFee £BBsnes oe trom hieA Gosay a ae caseoy. ReafAdmitalW.S:Schleywilt'it}store Foon.e ay dnelling.aes “4 jax Lceed Rear Admiral Mowison in com?)the Btrpet”mK eee 4 fondamand:of,the Sduth -Atlantic Stations Mr ee Give =Sscae.sid : .57 ‘saa2Newport.Rews.:Vary Di esday,unter sxor’fing.on,Seen jojumies F<:oe fell: oy a Poy Arichhedie Se “Poatiostchiak at Cilariottéss|ville,“Vaj,manday.i.tiro.,policetnenandavethermanwerenioréorless’the poute Grpse over’‘tglepbone.airl.= ‘The:VPrenéh Snate.ig aitting!asLourtofinipegchmentiery22pak ‘itieiads onthe chargé *of-ccanspiragy|against,the governshent. Thestrialpbas:not:‘bed,concluded.°°fot Tang Kid weCoy “whipped.Steve,,0"DornellinkaprizeightifNewYork ‘Tuesday night,Kid-now wants.to‘ght Bob.F‘itzsimmmons,and:bas putspforfeitaf$1,000.for the Sake.= “AMPORTANT NOTICE,> Lt “stococho lors of ‘the Farmets MutuaFire-As tion-of North "Carc]jna,IredendAlexander,ab nch/are hereby.notified that} ae time for the Jayment 19h.their.assessments| on account of}.vivid son's loss expires omOctabersth,.1899,“ff unless the Agsessments4 re paid’on or before-that,cae thei eewillsbeceocelley:eo Le EEA %,:President.Ye ae LEWIS.@car © Ae Ns 2M b ThisSepiember aust,"a Notice :of of.Yaliable es a,‘Real.IEstate.”- ae UNDE RSIGNEDhaving.en Enea authorized bydecremof*the~Supetior ‘CogrtofIredellcount®in the'case of W."H..Crawford, administrator,vs;William Dunlap and others,heirs at law.of J,.A..:Crawford,-will-expose:to “sale at oe outcry at the court house door inStatesville,NuC,,one My ‘MONDAY,OCTABER:30TH: at 12 o'clock:ny:the:followin describedyalua-ble real estate.which is sold:ESsass.viz: |he home:place ofthe:late’J.Crawford.’Situated in':Bethany township,Sajeiotee the. ‘qoor? 1299, and Dr.K,A;Hall on the ‘North,G:ff.IpgranrandJ.C.Crawford-or the castiand WR Craw- ford and J.<W.Vickery on the‘south,Containing 21m acres nOre_or less}:Sale willbe forcas)aud.subject toieppr val By the Court.5°"oe .WM.~H.CRAWFORD,.%This Sept:$0,igo"Afr.of +SeerBok.msat Attorney. FERTILLIIZERS, Ww grecnating ‘prites ‘onfertili- zers cheaper than:éver°before.. +There has been-dn advance,’but.weare:reducing ‘our prices...We wilt”‘séll-at the following prices: _Diamond Bone >**-$1.30-Der bag.*Standatd Disv'd ‘Boné $1.aa rf ms »‘eC Uarlotte:y y's surge,BOO:32WAVasseseeesa20%!SSCatawbaAcid<6)3°10);"4~Stan-d*Barte aid ‘Potash:1:30;shirUfwehavet6charge‘these gocds.pneour b*dks we shall add5,cents'abag.We are giving you every,ad-. vantage:There is very little ‘profit, tO Us Kt these:prices,but sve“want: fyour,‘Dusiness aud are making pricesfogetit.iPlease‘eentettiber that the’abore ~ acres.of‘good:house,“barnv-and other ©bugidi anid n utter dis ra”well régard’of facts:"as wii mars eonTurner}.&-Co's: <a fertilizer.oe Seis in"Recmbte twheir as common tay Sd. Sescat lands of J.:‘A.Haynes on the west,W.Li,Dunlap |:; $i tei -coth. Sig Way. ingPo ik urday..: reliB +of:towne b S€rmons..bére'Some 1):years 220éeptedacalltola,Sharch i ig Georgiaandwill0theresoan.’ Mr,’John:~L Little,-‘three miles south Of ‘town didnot gottaintrip:TuesdayYor the”Prin: “Mr.Elmore~Chitders hear inaabo"was burthby falling trout atolltt:der’'Stdok last.week as ta Bevery,aay? |Campaign, the buckeye'State.: ‘«Deputy Collector Haly SeitenvassgLherelast.week:taking ‘the:bond-of}:.*.=Mr.RB.Adams,”three:imiles east o.'>is making}:‘Start~up.his| e picnicked on Koc-last Satufcay..(£24Meote,WEB:‘MatHesént,uvisited Killam antMR!JY B=White:in “county dast week?Aa?f* LAM eusrléss Litittle,oF&|Pordy*Catawaa.eounty,‘hrother?cofDrsbitile,mas ete Monde x = \thesonzand’ayon,Reitungut De Px neBey 24 Use a mf Mr.Andy.now.but willJwhiskeydistillery.next motith. Rev.Juol A:‘Smith,of South Gabel’rolina,but.aSon.‘Of ;assisted Rev=Bigham iinva—meeting‘tthe:ALR,Bresbyterian’churchthe.past week,»spreachin’some fine!’Smmuth®attended “school+He has.ac-. se on Rh? Misses Elva Greggory,of eee +of The\wedle-io Sees A-party.of Tay forsvilieydubig heady,are:sMOURYSyBees oe t we PRON Cane dams ft ge ai >Ses 4 “+: »Ne+Ah,‘Oxford 3»ia .,fs SAMr.Ri F-“chitamoved (eat a¥spaugh's coton“tet hback,Stomtowislastweekinto.the-Alpaugh pugl Ind? amet,nasSern tates’sville came-with Bs5p Nelué aerate jast’‘Sey Mrs Jag S-MeIntosh,*“mail “Samalhon:the»yailroad,‘stopped {SoffMooresville-Setuan 7?ty.Spendshiortvacation,*a -X =k:€.<)Céntord:{eintosh.-ae aitetacg|“Rresbytery,fat.Cencard|cburchy Iredell station,rand “was-at|:Statesville Monday on?business. Mr.Frank P-Johnson,of Hickory}:|came,over.first-of thé w aftér lumber:.Cobb-arent.to Ww ilkesboro and Elkin: the mill of W,P.Ingram aod Cor-4:rost here,got,Senpeked down|last:Saturday by:&plank:Bettingcaught.in.a belt. Congregsinan.Linnéy has”pene in-|:yited‘by State Chairman.Dick.to!4}mMake ‘some:speeches in’thé:Ohio}."”‘He may decide’to visit ih Tredell “county, .eho ‘lives.i ,bas been theyre ‘o the ele a3 4G.Me"AUSTIN.|¢ Catt‘ “9Bth.,ye a > RS Te < ; ef+oe ty a e - oad? abou oa . *-*Ne.0”Tomlin:Pract#rem I.Wages 40 thewf38‘No,41,6.‘X GaxWon Tract:‘pbont.;33 attesthor42)"Hetel Block—20Jots~.=st a de He ‘Hall Traet,‘abou 9 ac3 eek=looking oN 8He“ana-le Re FY 2 See‘ey :=we cork.“Mr.Jas:Feimster,’who:works ethics Sy x 2 ato « a S ind )Ws eeShs: ©a,* soeSiier Heat,Bontrds ENO.aS"Nos9...No 12” UNOS; Ou ty45/-tee ikSmeoia Nas ia complet ‘d,:,ua Any ofthis:property:can be botgh ‘at’private sal“dayof saleupon application to Ds.and B.-F.Loag,at:Statesville.N. This sateatfords toinyestors a pros‘opportunity Tor.themost varied end:ox*ensive Wa.4 ty:y tor .a.Lane tSiSea,qted. PERS xh lop Pike=o > ibys 7M et hrrath 7 m se kSees aCtSime es oeaes eR. EN22%23 ooo Se VieSi on net 5.Teast nor Ones‘third aoeeone-t binds‘in Six months and.One:a ing!“months.‘Deferred paymeuts tobe secured’by notesbearing,5).‘6 per cent.from sale’till paid:Title:reserved.till pur chase ots-money isialt paid.Beton.to!pure :ae es ‘ta contindeed*on ‘day of-sale.* .Pade is * raePhat artfons a foe eres RRE eVenson ract,pout£,érYeandde,Yaannoy.Traets ee <Bios.518)‘19 and: to ‘PNdsye 2 attyAf2rank‘parts of 2 jasonF Thact!atlont,Bgorde!.”Roselanday Flemming tTANGE“and 33 so NorB0—Piemam) tend AEoLits,Pefsonal Prot ertyand Ri/adjacény fo*af,cite?s Pehe use Lo 2 SomesSear4.mY,Mees ae oes FAYRACE ract;about 207 eresS.J .=Pe:oeoris“TY¥acty about BU ati and;-about25 acte: ,. os rth of ranitoad,:near ‘Coston:Mills:ema-No:46.50 -Lots:sonth of railroad:near.Cotto Mill~No.ATA Thes-“Story:Brick:‘Tobacco Factory:A ‘number heme aesLo be apanef “ever Offeredin teal ‘estateiin Statesvilleesorder.ofthees gcipodlereandiairgetérs 0of the -goinpanyveNe i Seansy peli serre fc hte:sitar e.‘ae nSistin Gone:Or. eee e reenter oe Sleepy eSea ie oR : eppad,andi pet del Se Lb Stewed ee “special y,designated re haser to pay cash and “tak: from,‘day ‘to ‘day.till. MM ler,Isidore Wallace » Specting Settlers £oh= ror.valuuae \ En TheNei4 a . FO oN aaltt * def ore. ge an...oO veskinents toe ceria ; pt walle :FEpbab}s do the former.3 Gat RE aretes ‘pebininaat:I srices.are spot:tash.NP.‘timé:at}Waiting ie McKinley.bros rity he rs eg cise:Me,ee ey tae Four foe opmerebantot Nickels,“Gax>wag shot all,and if we:baré=td “c bargesthe anda eaxcennient jOd;..:=fat Se Se oe my Neiaepce-AMONG-E POLITICIANS.+atWayctossindaday,aight "py one,oon,den oan sr ‘Scents estasab last ppoe fy©.:rts a oe,Sy 5 Eicon mot ec4 McCrary.MeCyary."§wife “went,16 LO ORES MAS.that beag n won ddty ise an-|,pula:win angi Nek Your Bonet =renew ued aeeriey|2.#8ROtuIRONGSONS Hae Rites haat ALORS|BywTFaderWear:2 BeIrOpe.:He ‘zex 4 wenttHere and deuiandéd.his¢wifd,eptém ralst,1599.|*that nie €hast 3.very “stickyf opindids,tha:President.)He!-was yéfused,fired and.-Killed:hare es hike So r!”one than=“some rapa az‘“Will be.renomiinated and4 M¢Crary.Roe EO RS Ga SONS Ve of‘SeedJ WheatFerSale.:“oleihe,atesweedivedtHe|;f6°t es Pp Tey Rte ad +-S|Ce ee ee mS |Oats nis Seley fads Tin Hatnontng teenaPane|:<primary ih the we“York Inatitute Nows.Wee me ie Sanit Te ‘poe Kew atthis ofice~orsat,Ww.”aK:Sue at hevhas tone fel to"get.‘théf53<t t-of Néw'York-Corre Sponishence-ah Fas =!sscpr.ts 404 neteom ise”ae oe bee assignmentag eadmolasses Rgiler,Shae capt ay se jan;C-Shobhan @efeated|the f “Tebac co curing.iS-on bgnd,’and thet=pre peeScope ;;c “an saveanoney By.bu THCag ly £‘+ ee ==see os farmenare sot Sorry,eS wi uty ;Commiissionéris Hale of Land.|.WHO.Is:ieee ee os sar "ioewhe GreetFor—settling,GLE.Sag de,Wardha |Boe Salteas sai po Bn"Beet oamaciesae 0 SENN othr Oto aaciotamsiielaShas:Sot *ty sean special proceeding:entitled,Plias aa ”M.Any:-TS)a Kidney:Femeaye:Promtoped a8.atnde Teadies”ast alianvy-pf we Qar0 oe oe esM oo=~=o his father,‘berry and Myrtle Mayherry,byt fr mexty socentandd Mar ee SeesSS Also cheaper sitades,down to if tle xcecommittee.|Sap /f ace ast week ieee pagberry.and ay OM,aber:phot lesb:math free,”also:‘pain phact tems ott heavy.Meriparvests,10°to:22c.LadSecarecewillondeatd:Gai thet Nor’dears ‘Marshvana”‘sister ea iss.Haiigothe aeerae ‘4 cemeee,with sel a ty ys Address Dr,ee ek and 5.6 Ma es Bit a;2a b with Candjdare MeLean Stee fameSpat “Sunday abhomen 7%fete CoCousesH ative door in.Statesville,FC yon pe es ys feyAe osprincipalswaker,“Se eo 2 Little Afiss Willa,Cherrwis visitings|<SATURDAY,OCTOBER.27ST 85.)To a tiot at:Cartérsyilte1Tls<,t $5a zSotaateethe{antiily pf ber ones,Cot.Gi We]res follgwing lands -tn New”Hope,téwxshin.4 day,between negro‘and i;or.¥,wt is said ‘that Gpter npr Rascell Fyjomrer\,Ne =edell conten x egro’an whiteqin’4©wants,the:Beypublica nomaittat jou lt sie Cobh tie bel”8 .x poteyract conteeine shat acres alsin ‘ers,‘six,négroes were Filled.one ‘taj 1)5 a “fer US.Segaiér to.Sucteed Sen Ti Mi cep we=‘a S m.sf}Mr.others ee px icular’deserroade of tally’woutided andltw¢pthers.m0re}Peg a i Jini)ibe]¥,cameé ome frontTéxTéxas phigh sce ed from-Alexacder uestay tor Yess:hurt.)Phe?white ‘hiners:She te ey “etlem.;The Gover ner knows|—wee k where.he has been:for ten ®.2 witicimaad fg ueMay fused to ‘allow-the™n¢ggr Js'*te “worki3%:<+.ry »con ~“Re that bis-part ¥will not Be “able.toy ears:Sars,-Lawrenge..Eeberd:;Jofi joininPra ee nanan Ah Sot Kot t vy oe ~!feist the Seuator:,bu2t:he Wangs:‘an tT vlorsvill 2 \res PeansMothers.sai Alexa Ncuiant P z riging RUDCTS “Govt |He 4,ondodsement 2 lots we2s pre Sunday:}‘Teeqhtoatab thesfos of ng eat Son ee erpof Tantter-hasordered?out “two|Toi:ae ie Z dr.i:'T..Walden teft last“week fors Inds are sold Sp gersiion sneak.te"vohants Comipanigs Of State—troops “to:ee]a Nt SRme£.Gen,Rosset!Alger late Secre-|Henrie’tawher be will.assistteen Piae ehincdei yeast PMIER at Gartpesh ie.ag Foe Pe ae TEP,tary ak War,who announced hisin-‘pbrotier.‘in hfs store.’ee |mies,is miceDetatye payim ona acs eae +¥oe oa bite Sisiwe,pe of being:,2 Candidate fer Yorks doeertute Sept:isthe pane x=a =H:“Soma Me ater Rx oyeSanone eked |ites ae the new 3 mbiCited,States Shoator to Stieesed ns ee 3 ay:i me 'midisesivs jFmade-sonet ‘Simba ee iS”afe yg’.ter),Four,Summers=,Senator Me Millgn,of Michigan,shas i See eS Icee gine Stafesvit ae —_RSQR.Dr x Shileenjoyiny ube tee:.hE tS Semejthid We fe mo =Anierican£irg ‘op British somreter:oe z >.5.ber,’what’-co'}2 Shale hghseannaeae Ne sng ergot one Foe tieHemaeol aepeataioe FeBAScareeaeess,defeated him|-ppe American gun-bont<Pak pan.|I Sa oadNationatvors ttéefhan ‘forrthe Dis,|ee tSSe\entire.tract o *MS Ata mest:img SOF:‘the Seesea the ‘British’steamér Yuenohbere egos obec hate while ap CASEeal a ABWashing]Ne te $5ia“oh 200 if they'ate onl <tOaiplidgashtoteacherees m ae Bont thingoutstric:We an~first ae Shherein a <delight ib weritir d fortune;crea for-our Pyle‘ES, S peau work:: “utsind ae oS a,eehaanpea me :ae ee} a.8Siteer PlatZthal gi Se Fhe 3 ,ee a pf Rag. Ker:\:imrytradey~“Dns ae ane Kaeons ous,forks.et 6 i 2+>Santée-of quality"Re wor os ~The,prefix 1847-me eeReger =< epi Saidih resard %5 ae ee at$!wey@t00,much Space%assiweil’as:yearit.purposesjisto dig}play " Spiore salpaateetory: amipntssoe eTieFa cid shots,: tuts‘sfieake4for :than we gat diva a5 <>kw a.M3 ityasseawit*aha er x 23 Aye,ae We:Repro! me Fst Ges ip Our, eS50:Some * gary welts”‘aya ae ateSieaa Bos ee Sy Te guh-bdat,sightedth Hand sever ‘f bs-eratic Committeein Chicaze monday’durtage the night Seb ie orchard:The igna seater |"Bestga the!ee ae cue 2 ,ag tnaJ.‘Johnson,of Kansas.w per Shook?Abernethy andot pers.rand colds tadalt brebronchi iaktrot .-;ch *scot asput jn about 30 miles Soff 4 >nerth’,oast?uy one wishing to%puy lands wilh tome «|for crow it ‘D orFuse)sand take “your fam.Ee a ¥=atbesdasarters kof-jite Islaivd of abet ‘and suspected,fee me SARC Palace oe age aK a mEbee So sh ried ar frignd gv bestwitlar ting.apeid *3oO¢will also ha¥e charge of!that she was.a-flibuéters .T ieee Rew Ee &Ee Boe aoa ee :c4-,7»The Pa S:LQLLAR7 thes -Pacnies ampmettiag?,”::the press bureau.The work:dfor-papge -fired es shots haa,a eee Z sae&x ee of Qnb.inatey;Cougtr Cure:Doe ‘@artload ‘ofSnic ne a«+>.gapization will bevigorously pushe Yuen-Sang /disregarded yntik shel aes 'Hall,Ite ileSe ee.Tries,Come early “and*‘get ie Seisi—_s i e a ~eB Ss &GeorgieTragedy.*“|thisa’sholl éxplodéd.fiéar ‘her.~She|”“PheClyde ELing steamer <Chero ea.cheice.Me <Youreee Bide geet a EIST SoeSY+27 -GainesetNe,Ga.,Dispatch,roth,8;2 LY thémstoppedan@thg.commandercf|”PAXE :Bae Seesom ee vecsechuse ts aaron Payey mela LPS ::“5 Bl >Bat f :fergunboat boarded the“Yuenyf~Sie vesday:\Alli of,'thepassene}o>|oe4naeotaltiledhasSESenetlodtehadmace.wmcrate|7 eee es ae eee ADeeWicho son.»~a :-An "a olovize Kone Se !4 os ya mn pr ec =SNR Ore *osYC.and Betry OE fs p READ ‘reHee eins nie Et =-SpeenSet"dentine ooh oene ome +An “Armérican-gun-boat«.£Sage ons Bee see cere tant1 aese ee[Compare ae x3 —me es :‘ie =erat ‘“:+:~from a Business trip...«A Mof thevar,Sefollowed tke British stedrperaunts wa kets sul caiat uy:“o>|Hazel atedalterSpttetfog’eenenteeu |:¥:tigs.are prominent citizens.O'FK kong.Th partes ene 40 ns Rocieaslerate orth epiis foryanaltatennse nt phe YEA SAT thy uve twenty ate Yieetaeasfound>dead)gu .&quilt"onthe,stea ite:Sark te Sighted sthe Reetaep hee omce inthe County <towan'|dies:AP bysSicians.Sargéots GeSaaS.fede,his.hea spit.”open..wit ni nt ats iy acd Bay,‘during the fot rhe p of tecoren ie re |Se ewaras ,daeig:es52.2,awe.”Sinith2 was.lyioe:op al dipoale.aoe wheeand -whietibd ibn WRtIvOl Qcroder stenoepeuesdey,ear feoneerfelies.WES Hall nary ae1%.Sth his throat cat:Al oftBiepar |e ge”MEDALS \MENCY clacesin etch township’af tps Serna icra ciesSesaceas:ar disreyarded-an the gun-boat “rand notice siall bepiven yi vee ess omeFoes fogspees PS:ie aeTiaoozesisRoverigesofafeBrantttingsooteeneteSeguewrceoColmmispiowers’s SAlé,of,Lays +ae eeetathéscete:-ol-the erime:Itis St ue Ge cereee REO away thes:Sec.37.Wwhenty taxes,shal ai Pen SoS UE SOTO.pa ES 256 ‘ i at-xes,shall bedue!VIRTCGE he ;1atedjob‘Dudley,with his Wifeébas|Eaaie!s qutrigzing..,Her ‘Rasserg-eke mapeidsie shes Sa SERRE ATELY AD Bi chartoF PECRER OF.THE Sire A AN “The P‘lls brinig,immediate eliet,the Pellets.:eyes aa wanes ferswere ‘Peo wn 7 OB panic.”Thi Gmarged tage pelaoeee yan ABET Ria spetiabpDrobekdibgwiteseaee aoe “ws 3 tone.‘ob efpeTekbthecommunity:900°eo Fee bodt,Yon Pe 3;©fparty sharged ta Laeeiheery Of the,budshinsterato rot Gittere Millisdene Slee ee.Tie spystenyand,Pec age |esPayceiRESae+he =?Segre the,identity[te sh nite Serer aes),ken lige MGlis “and sthers aretdes|ci .t Ses Dreyfus Pardoned.ae 2 se ae heeregoff Sg eeepecannee other Prpperty“widereascue]selciter:WeGe auctoper hc hiiphest ad mayx¥°1)oppohWeta‘The council of French:ministers [2 .ee Se LY shall’caaghvdtn ollow heen:“ROKe.thecaire Se Go0t in StagesSVUTE NN.Cxcon xeyae,deeRed’Tuesday -to,,pardon Dreyfus ‘TheRate Cazettels:alee “Unter.hiycs eee ee den Rose ke re at Feesze=f9 et ayaaaefe2ies}at 2 Q'c Sthe fol hawgi : rk ehSoe pardon takelsapesaoe,ee dor “Stillbefe thy’mnt adusing “the taefies;1oo be van ance ms.ati;.~days.reyfus hast z Sep Noveniber wor»y Lu i :bee ae e waters:of Pourth }4 *,4 :ions<Re reched bisappedl for.areversal|““The Neo rein aG azettetoday pry “dcea Ee ¥the pibpose.of reds1g Scotdt eaesc Cheats Say Sorneri me 4 “¥wa ax »a apoMoo.Stal,Tk iso Ecce 1e cdurt:inax-‘winder Aevioniyheadlines antl alle a Eeewie meieied dersfortheferme,pay,ne Ea iis ineeto a ale,ja east’Bey |a east4SthepardonwiiljugiudeeebotheriinterviewwithHon.-Tom Settles “aiseee -es Unsfom paa rf tone schaies,moet:foY kreshi *-B tteraneest|.which.hi |.Concopd.Bcdit's.Friday,Octobe sx ypamet See ma Pa eee ly0:52is saik-Dreytadwill be ‘sored cay}Nbigh heis made'to-say:that befa*}Seusr4s vz October aki:Joana AIDES ontatninig “i>acres ’CONN ES4nt’ab:4 ‘Bradford Rros,;Satutday ttnore ik a7;reves ad Poy ce een St cee ideeSetorsthepromulgationof,his’par-Ae ae see,essa oc Constitu,8here a ranted.eHow Deg esa,ae heeOMS eSSao tyag A ee“don,*aSS to‘avoid’detad:cae 10Da mendment b cause:ste.bez Y Umon Cooke JenningsS Oct 1%]thi nosed,<a "eCl,>Aeat fe hae ir .Rese Op eeG axnstra-|lievtsin an educati li Oct eae oe odsiesiiay ag 2S *sepien st099-7 Commissionery|ae ‘ASC,re RS >>pon eae‘tions.“It is said he-will.kivein Eng-|forblacks andessoos ope,ikéation OND,Olin:Thupedays Oar yaaa asAuscNGy.Se amcpee 2 A =ae Te <€Pee a 2’P a .is *e ~-3 ae et ,.Biv Bes sr s%Se on pardon Soes pot estare ‘eausehe snaaras he.“Pith Ps "Rohnerbuge aenpen October 13 5 |et St Eekea it >eT 4 ie a <7Ff a A \rt Py4CREdane¥.Oct Biz :cont aa amd :oeaemeee*“*will,be.declared.un eaeany.Wal aes:“Storey:Shot a fiegoes‘Robert.L.re Mdricks thereby lacing whites.ee Oxpotee 6 Re Ffoupe'Ona Se S134 *|:Morigage alteothaand,”:ialwaysheeyst re,Paya ‘eitzen of.sae iy a deading ede BBO 35S |+Sachem ee peers“3 ee SteedB POWERS contsincdinf ©ycas San oUF ae nh’;s ‘,i ‘en omy:noe oe >.eS NeeshyaseddayniorningCand:frees Toe decksoe ae ansafternoon.Set?oan.Co Ee Shits’stbre,ta {ket ie hr 3.Mor tow.a ree bes 4 an y a ®NTE eeopee <‘¢pusingss over to the’‘Wachovig:Loan |pure ‘fabrication,inteewiers 2 bea B Batlstoyen,“Troutyian’s,“eri :Octobar.ie.*$Sonn us Mfeases bligepa i the i i :“Aeg Ae ae 4 au ;ue oe Honea aes started fused to giveTheGarctic hee dates —s"Dootte aoe 9SS Slodtta sh Sea Se Peon gaataeswe oh .Say <mT ee RO~iD -Mr.Hendricks told:some oftview whater ti =as meet A SATORDAY,¥.OCTOBER ‘ast ote Rs oY;“,aArpe.{“bis riends that his business:a rf er and as.ing.‘that:his:Greek,_Mookesvi eC,‘Tuesday,Ber atta 0 o7 ey i fre p Sineas_in|name’ot used tractedmeee oe b SEE,wa Ue ‘of tahieRoa COPE Te ey_excellen shape andthat other tro not used in,that’Paper ip fof nexDecembey geben oe,yi tite Gist ‘day|twa,med J.-X eh wihos :Ou-conneétion *>‘w ith th a 7.es'lant”compe Hed t NS)ete pomeanasning*o AM Sy seeSry aes -blesBeats fiercesthisacti ;ie admendmet with theState and couiityby that fun sah.corner?Se nig b>%4 =aeen.Upon The Gazette'acko x]ry Reghectiully.~3.4.WYGOFES|s eslenegaeabsenceofwr.Hen-|ingwith-Settle,that higeaten eS aeepie oeeat Geer ieee ee ee)SGARRIAGE FARES.|:2 ©fause.of it,friends embarrussibg¥Re ublicans ‘In:th =:=oe gate Net Arice IsSHEREBY iVEN’thiton agi~«Sezvednotice upon:the young man|West very muchaad nieed:ke ASP LIZE eae sa ext tagesfare wi Ber ssh 35.cents ae |=charged with being”Tesponsible:for}modity-bis statement.ai ee =FERTI RS FOR Wittar ind ess dea SheSanihee-“the:trouble,to'leave the city’onthe’fused ted aTh er iQ:he .re-sh oan eaek $eFM Rong)malicebarged“for act pe or.gach |“next,train,This te oan e Gazette procebd-T%Ty GRADES Ov WHEAT kpersons willbe charg.~Was done-‘and he!to make him Sayjustwhat ae.Wanted.mili erelrogsthe=4 Sey Bomar “3 SaaS ne ‘antire KS 6AEGE Match we Bent ONE,Mills.20 nt se"torcsChocks;:Kewdhry? eee. “€-2-Yo ores toattevd thiiss?“%reaome:Srey:SiS ce. .a when bel, rsPa, ae <sat Vet V part pe she erage el :Se oe dee eae i ~°"Sfandskhingétnder,thieactivemémt ‘Al ties ton h itstintapinCaner)re 3 te tark ngitche hee ali fs “de;ttt aus eZ ie weet Lot:the i a were =ed ork exander counties:2 en abouShse:a Paoy,,K x ty vou should,M.ech edsto Aon ee aE recearin at“yhe aire apd:Mrs.‘Geox Hottaa,.of thity heit had ase shou 3 Sates “arty ee bdFlorian.chimel tim!)EON Cent |.dir aster;Pa.,rho .emt’thé ;sum-"petigenass A eased ,poor,for it oe “papery ienette:Ea Vesti-@f “Rut per.tis a&CO mirrate ss Colclak,eA :MroJ:Bol ayee eceepiees estie governme)AS.5a coe ‘culation amon2h}Pe SSS \-&rise here pitt eiBson,.Mro-1}f8e amount pBid-is”ott Riven out]voce?a¥fetercit lived here $3 formasin vitation”-wed Ge isayed.iti ‘éfaan,and,daughrer,,Mrg..=|'thouls ityras ‘somethin like $2,em>*Advi sSr.Captdobed:Ear és;bit alot Dr.Ven”s riers;in and:Carke—1éft;,yesterday,‘Yor::thein hiss ttles 2all thecases Againat?t ‘PhySeaott eof Setea}evené,Ay ont Pasi,jaré cart ‘lyme tise VRC eRe eps pe a ind’the”ahembors th Eile‘Goates obér xt abe present,7 Lherewtil Pee a Le :Bb Ty S ‘.2 6Brats.Havere ede fonts"joa he over Mr.BO BetasterB.‘Of the peni bofapanyyk rd cevA Yount,“yew:Stinliig.“FaspoPhurs Aine tec es ‘i 9 ntiaty:force,isa me,on avica-|"Deputy.‘Marshal #P.>D;,fast Thur day:‘ae fe adb cy ess EWG)vies d by:th th =vbi se is Customers:about:his,latgestall;go abyene 7 iene {iiony ABrifce has‘bden dversteing:d|eugtodian-0:URE.BIS aK.ma Be general Merchandise.pee 4 wet Dae!tigec save,athe case Perexf Hobe oF the shautder:Pius i meee oe Oa etese d ‘vj Butter it:Boo )Bo UOCOo LN eeemele Shea |Segoe rte pris See or eee ne Te eT RYrecor vy puuixteod Hous:ate erushéi seire ieSe Nery |xs“Ene fall esting of Contord:Prey:wate,Wass a Se ee QdopemtGi ee mi4h:Wid @ Chait.60-5,“Fseriotls one ADrg a ndersow]bytery:met.at rdchurch ©tis took theto give the Democrat -a Friis seeds f fat So-vibss:: aoe 9 :Jong HyFopy'apremted the wound)County ¥ridayrevening s Revs Jobh,‘short cal:-He.is'indeed.a’pleasant|y ¥Bey ean Bag :i Mestrsy "Ri ES:MoSie.eae G6:ate ea hurcan@rendered ghe-“Hogessary |“Yanriss the ve rings rhodérator,leith eDengerat:ofsthe truest Ge esxgel Or s ppsoaGeir’stock of clocks;“Watches surgical’‘Agsistances:3Mr>dHoupe istreed |the meeting oe nda;‘and shel #2 ‘Bods Ke verychcauragigg|y ee vnSw Peoeay Be}sike ASST at Auctiouiig the Loxten-gettingealong very ately”sthehi<the|cpebiuty sermon -was pices.by Aepexe respects for-Demooratx in the sane OF Ne Ceeaise ecsoneSethe‘buliding’Mr.Be Es Popes ol|copious ature ol Bearers is rr f)PysGilbespie.bytbrs.}Oia Narth State,apd thinksthe Gon-|Phe Gg ea ite at het Lac,Wiss is the auctioneer.sere ¥a ,=se.a GeetedRey Ey FA.MbbaluriaS thasiee!++tional ‘anigndment will edery"by L”3 aipinisir 4Of.0: Se +e crowds have attended-the sales OF ges 2 ao ‘Stari="Rhecesmas 3.ecb attendance:$dige majority.ai AE :Seok,af’A sell.jens 3.;sty L0KITS 3 angt Mie:goods “have ‘broguht fair fOnt ofthé MulPand Men Arpio oF mini isters an “The busi-}?3 ma yfhe ts aie wat have wn:repelSolidus:The:Mesers Moure contem-Satorday™DepUhy 7 Adarshab.RUDY ue i howas:Of’:routine charac>es“BaWitt’sSTdhe:‘Kaphy Wasdial aber jonesSamide:will rtown oti :eae “pattonssakingatiyhzeinbdsinegs.|)st wellarnested-Gaston:Slitchell,i6 teryracatttendedto,with'promiptness.+ing marg:Bood than aM blood Bed aylands ofthe late:Gilbert nills dt fstote:SPLoanie:Dingle,“who works Emi GE fotenshipy on athatge The-Springmeeting.will abe’:heli eines aand otber::“pills Iaerites(Geéo-‘the-tanrt house Uptober Bist,7 OTe.z peat “his :Se Kis ofa 1be ¢hain were badi1¥ ~t cre nydressed tiie rounds.” 8 aPhe'ttown Bi ba w reels “Sy “Near: ery,an ¥C!evga ar abe.Kw cated: sd > )ball. ni J.Pe of ts té “icemart in<r oh townshitp; Stitesvilles Bhd F.W,Gastonia *bt “would be herd.to itor hasgiaAarble mk ‘mory ro 4).Je Fara Ey +E the.ceme*eer x *Brawler%es ee of "hi > ot,waa. &person ‘or ferece’ows the “broke ‘the ic iskungs iW.theraddefacedthesides nay Séinié Vevleffyeevrou ae Prchbytorgabyterigitpalpite pitCLeceUetlhy Stiaday OL FijekorB ov te rmatbutab -ahd"‘Reve J° Set .ee eo “th of ati n,surgascrete , yO mMstredt, bg ta al 5 eekK ~adarinisteatge|@ ~setae246 Acres oi Lathe’Eatre:vf:SAG 3 Secure house fons Ayres “bit it ott aiiote - a.“both:colereori tliesm:svar}1S ikejnSaiand coats,and} bond of He Lae cottunmmits ttetawith a>pain’ ri adecidertt Taste Phursday.’ >Wheel near “Basttin’shand:became.entapzledtt andhjsvittie linger.was) lacerateg.*:Dr.HF. i PS *has sevubiaded a n ersfor,the Yize departings t.beens buttBS fol-) E SC Stegte:‘€e-JS0hs., tHeat!higtic grounds near and vn BavieavesracRy‘Brailey’s.4One Wilke neear:Rey.We ~hw Me=Twe wil!be Rept"i.‘abe yr Firemen”bate,“been as;| ed-to tbe.reels.>)=fs see r ‘Mins Elizabeth:Biawles,of Shih att oat had »allher=séven ‘ee3, whe Her-jfor.-diuner at .Goncorg -h:Sonday? Phey.are..Messrs. <i NES Brawley,BeeE.M.and © _Newton;R;V. Braley. Brawley,; and uygen:‘mile seven t-apdsomer.OF:tore’):popadar Br-othexss : ie‘tirens whith wile be bookon 23 a the sen isJokn R Oinson's’of which re Uare all“héaya:‘#fotetime.=»,OlekPodeaed‘Lowlaw,ire famous:oan 3 ei =of Sith:i 2 sgeeatcrowdsef pegplefrom Od Qviés,¥) adev Icey.sév .that some §ox!_irene, and the Ciréus sty etall Spal1 the chlor tiny:-makér of-this-ejr ’-Theret ee,:genpra~ Rowwdtless ved];ade o ee il be here:Seethey ervlyeee,the.cals‘Apllow attys. ke Ras aM .at* “off: ao Sehurch,| Axab nity!Wtowrthichsx 7 Me Bethany StOe:skip = 7\“sales remains’One “AW bite plore Lr Sake eseat Weeery:WAY.- Mrsochillie 'M Thomas W.Mize: of-her fathers Mr:iWin,In Shiloh:to COUSY The?finbral and:Mt;Hermon’cebu xe idek,Revs W. Fi eee ate ape &funeral-services.-: 7 ae Se ee CE Be deceased bijenEEOuntilreceathy. t aycenrowsN)Shérloss: Sernand a,mem ~Fhe a semeRerappin|iv ohwe oiamitece,prapass Beri toep: Woat™in’te Vor ee ae m aie Pel yniaers gare: smoke,Stank hand thes‘Stack: gt if C-Co®floker,“Monday ‘ oflivers,} Tomstiseni.shipas »,thASAE«| An@besay s~that eae «BrownBoleMesSoba AW. were: Pda Hten, Fat bee Mobme,| ae nyihe Rigen’“ {home as4 pious and wort his ee see2 Yamuies0 join=the iran y- Nissi b rown}iaHORSeisEienaMP.a‘Sunday’Set le|a-fine eae sitet 2. 7a 5. te: Oieaen of:Mrs.“Mize. mption,“aged:about 30 syears?: iisbged"and Sreral.‘Amalfi -chidren nd Chik ipenyhare,thez-syar Ta ehe naeSHOTS.ei abo Sarye os”bis a storie rotting ¢sawmilaid:"eottgwrZip ae Fenrmthe forljer’Ss store finy Bethany |towsshigg.Sulurday afterfioonMr.hyceSunday™|her’withrrignds.“She,reat’to “Norwood,Stanly county,>where “she Nags &positiom REE ‘Hanpelsvas.vetpipg eswhen~athle * tn ae Sof F500 for.biapel’ede dal‘Courts-1 arty ‘tormof,His ether“Bngers 2wie Val pzpcalnd.that revenue’donandSbéek and:DeputyMarsha“Atwell foul twoSe3ifAsEagk@)“Malls:MewiredatoTeetpHicersgave chase,éyd-thémen'}. PRG neped Yato-!Dal pond”whete*~ofiisies dirtSegee proper,to’:fot} ‘Gasson,Mitehen i:1S,aegf eemenywhoyokto,water on that days teen Feet déeq..7° = to nsbi peand Mis+Emma Bell.yryGts Ree Samuet‘Bell,’ esiddgncein an Econ Qf “AS ME:Walker,Esqatthe Ofticiating magis:a‘trates Sanday:‘afterfioon.\“Mr.“pod!Mrs<!a tenare livid sarrinyer to The-Gkoom js,dneof.the:capnty®%Shacen:intelfigent \an?«progressive:young bustkessrien. ot?t Sehis:eee sok coutratulate them. of!My.ied ate the home CharlesA.Traut-ywoship,Sunday.of lize;bw ife dence, relatives| interment -were atrch,Modday’at 10 A Ex Darricouducting Rev: ine Wine Téayes®Sy ad:hikedse Steadsas good |= abet.of the “Luther- ‘be reay ed>husband:npath \otle tA, ec Ww eo ay oe We &, seaeceof Drwecd,~ voit ‘Waylre..On the,|:+ pte:Ait oS of tit yeh an THE ot whet! r ‘ Re <5*yt? Sy »¥|-{ Rufus Moneivere4) belay.yu Lit hike wo:the ieiie brokerin:fondafell,”pateFes thi esdistinings:ante tried’be:pSaltisbury ne {>:cémmis|°tie vave‘ddng_sSppePparabe chhe sesles,”Ue the!eileand ™~ SOPYwere pro’ and neeenatp et in that,the e officers. ry ZanyeSaw t fey.the %aiF tlie.water was:fiF- »RD de me ootSSface .ky a > ;*7 asos en ~~ Brain. OL} married,‘at the: b ape e Miss at thegrooms |aship:”“i tter“of (MeLellaHeis,gerftal.7iaevery...way ofm4hebriddis-a mém-tthe“mos wtiship.Hike frjends:-f Mr?ante wiBeart.§po YS %) te mo weeny = ay;Tey oe morethe:¢hurchLaurin,preadhed 1!inteupleyofeeCNet* 2 Phe:“Sup to Rarezh .Corpening.wirRurches+0 ateigs:—"weilystyMary-s |Schobk:* Quite Xe ‘nurhber otStitesvite ualFredell.‘\youngsladies have gone offethis,“week/,Amon;dna Turner,to thetotoNogmal®Miss’Sadie Lewis,OfStatesviocdSayeeexdaueke MeLellandy dat ter of ME. “Herfather!’ rapes Tecan!aewill tos:S Ax Sovith wi chi 4 Pe ae Eeatin adagesomeev Cen haDy orm:tfiais:desited Oo mother,and Mrs.J,P.Cathey,his sister,returned home with Dr.*H,Q.Alexander;and will spénd.several days visiting hiss‘family.ery ~ 7 ~pre He @:‘Alexander,‘of.Provi- Afecklenburz county,visited’inw-Sbiloh and Coneard |townships last week ed,near Concord church. “and Mrs.J.M:.Grier and Chi)‘dren,ofCaldwell,«Mecklenburgcourity,who had,been”visiting Mer,RQ.Davidson,Mrsé Grier.stather,zs‘aipied home.yesterdgy.© ere- Gres of convicts:at-WO) reMentbered.here?as’Mts>rke’s milinerlasb "yean<came iAnd:spebt Saturday.ight Bas ok SiSermons- }‘Ovpb He'was rais- ee Nps aeSip Cop.3 itebell,of,PeXas,pass- :thrgugh.tq York Tastitdtes Alexander6unty,ato wisit-srelatives.=He has: thiving in”Jexas*for;sence 2 we BSWYount,.of Monticello.)aACK:starriyeds here “Sattirday ‘0iSittoSeVeral:of,higecbildgeir bere,t tan Sheiph township?.Myrs..:Ihity;ee is Bi Sétarday on.his) x a] yok “ ist - ay pri.Pie:tee f esresby teryand ;e preached ‘weré |Prompt,pigasantyrnev Anach*‘epsoyed:by ‘ibe -People aof”«ate. )Goneora »commun)ty. large eat ey 4,9 Opie.t $BnplslC ot ehh cia x Moderaseo“sath.andadieee $et fone ms x \.*Sous“ véraé:Conte -meets’.geallay;wheén:applitants Sor ‘license toy practice law will”.bé.examined-sgiate Justice Furthes will Zo.cdeutyhSaturday.~Miss:“vaccompan -AltooaYJadgepater = them |; reens$7Gi Sharpe, danNV. "fo earprominelit.o%see?ést3Srsouthredetland.is‘fopu-.ener +DHarewith3,wide aircle of friends +Wesst boc: ree fos ten:of.Ma if 's-iss Pearce,daugh-eatcs;-of ,Coneordlarentont.Gollege,.Caldwet qq;nise - O>M niday 204 i Female Co Soe S “ft » ogueSaPressly who waltceefeofd: + Klnue jaws.”Phe {menive Kcoufpan§employeatddndHorRos SakaeoeP: AS.) ° an Sith cousCotten; »SeaS W folbag- tober,when the oflicer§will be elect-ed.This harrow-has:been on exhj- |bition here for several weekS -and “eneg ur‘aged. e « ‘Soaie SS aitorneyae “Afered:“hese ainx tervcnue -and tr 4)Th Pas.soon” -@UTre.con: liver to actio Loo Ko ‘Kgrewoyn skin tagi tiesaé ‘\éruptions,ncpiteatip: BY Sdlvew"=|Bhar hoodreitis3ureza Fade iw i fie co medicak.“pres you“eat?ond 5 |pepsiass dale,i" aHall,Jn to.the w:Se=seeapSept,.29t paagestion of‘te sorycagethe *aaSeeSee&Co."3 Whiskey.oeSempre.,Blade. ‘the éommended ‘by Collect:ghtSavur:dy ‘m@enins& WeSgrs,sFrenéh]=la on ae ober,yesterday:to Mre.& conipany*never, buSiness,and”willbe ablethétrade:e wtihsalias.itbiseonipanye's targest businessooonBS:bef fe the trouble tion;’¢aro andy, Wittig 3 sit2WsKepn.sdVsitseured him\of"in™ er s eis Mahihe!Ae at Ais cap sal shis|7FeineQugenofStebasvisitinguanch,is accbrately4under...Jobu=Robigsot’s Snesa nite aint of Apntern: ey has been practically.tested by.farm- ers,who:pronounceit-the’best har~!row ever used by them/.’The.com-.pany will.doubtléss succeed -and be}:a,factor’inthe:upbtilding-of-.the town's manufacturine interotherindustriesbestarted’here andests;Let Bn oe “> agus x aig.Stherentize stadie Tas Tot Aiquers:ofthe Cay:Manufacturing:Ni; aud Distilling,Co way gétzed5 for’al-egedy seers ot the Tater isen was <ofs|:“iaeepromiaewe ne xFores ee toaey Seritfyaidin Robes mntounty:©8He will.go ender;.awho ,beSothés custodian,‘for pa3déssnjucy:ete 4 i mht ghork Po ‘the.jprisiso ae pe Te-the niarshal’until the.whiskey can ite ‘easetnrate isthis,paperparensatD alethe?hr Be formally,neeee =exeEGRthatsMassesWorHOH|«Miss dt Damarony so —pected 10 be dong today.»ks MN indsinokLis.releas es One ‘ofAnd a “we Jacobs).of PThompeah aCony-t!er ori pe—they |usethetorpidy}y give.you clean,steady‘nérves,a cleat brain'|~sande ay neryé.Wak:Halk Sr Ase ras seals,oaabesfs,-Emina.Boles,matrondBarseryChicWhen-LIf*élse faiés,ee piseretri ~Soresy is aa Hackl eo:*says d:in Heal] WokS Aesiad eAeei” ¢ol Deepens Guirelisa ‘stiet:a ound ee en etmentofeminent:hy roma aad the]! ay ests.“whatsively‘cures dys-tron;”Blopming- Hanging,Ww. ‘~~sOR.i Ste Statesyvitler, $y ¢rae :~Pe mg uito'th mene >omoe < £ae Have Sottpn SetonGhttonl BeeSoom oewnat Pode gee Stielton:A.Shera?” Winter Oats Brq nusitzes OF CLEAN wire ee ADE MREANG EMENTS SW i -Gotton!, WITH “the 28 eeae ~—y" iNs ota "siect Er.Sau?5= RoR,WATTS,1 Harkiisy Bw ‘sony Qetober I 2th. ‘been:disdov éred =j |HeAs asGregnlee Mi -Brown,. med old Ones,R serites.eels genial #6f Statesville.> a ee A.She inte=TIae gic ore »Armfie1d wvaltsell Jands of th eo oe 2%sti 4 Korres!Rare 7wagefares.. <I S.tarsi.yther§ wil}Sieae .W.Fe cotton:J Sa TASmexNREGar appointments,- .LeitzBros.‘your cottonanderropndurflat. StatinsZghir-RabinsdSee ost sta :CesPlow gutctmenhebition vin Dege da 4 thie #Officer:yesterday tBeRevePdgabtless“paysto work thi 3ath6]os “Slessts.PeacdeSébatPritch:aif 38.epne as their:Olt , Reid,‘LE Dig.Paingek,hax’ hepyou!hate corse 6ndSwanytthefarmersof[redeHrand: and cheapest ae Mate is we KK ‘udneicomys So|fertilizers and,guote.Sprices:di“ag.*Dalip!Bas":RedvBusspwhesfatfor-sale.tor/seed.° oltairad veriiSeg Re ‘the!town limit$.in.novtHeast:States:There4s said to:be,very:large quan:| tities.of it on the lands.of ars. Ramsey rates:“de iE 5 Sut4swlesandfi. Otte 5 veeetekiephe. hefranrtMeet 1 ee AS | Rieest,2“i veS ste- the Confederacy-held with urs.BoP:dourishing the pistol asa Long.‘yesterday.afternoon,its.B.i :F.Long andoars.E.Ash awere elect-“and:-placed:in®jail.Es ed delegates and:‘miss.Katie:Reid!preliminary Catt OrBOrTOR:thorny, Carlton alternate’fo:the the -State-i‘ing at’9,oOcl cal ‘convention;which peeat Hender:aa : at treh't 6 Fail Ba al irDt idding:.d oie 5 The wran: He will haye = dlufl when}:« was arrested:|; ce re L1NC4 Sboxt:Ov LibelSok tseteral, iniat The Bigstor ee eR ei =Senge Se =——*=-ee ——ee i —==am --—=t Leckey-:yt eood ET A ee ee oe Se ee aOT:S oe Helysp Sion:De Re eS erry x CRERSONALS.”fr:ie x £resFor Fegertartourts parts oo Gaver reRahs Soeaes se Tid ats Fare Atee in:ae Ss ee Mites ‘:ar,Eli tLackey “ot Hamer,“fia m1 eS FEN :gig ~dary‘Confiuisstotiorg HC.Cowles 28 Te:sGdy.Ae.Canta Piheseat Mis“spac eae DrUsins Ss SNON we ae ite ty of -Alexander:|legunty sand:3,iss SMF:Jo SOS}gant is vivibigg:anteG W Clegg share’"Grd wn:tHe,Carltdn Jot the 4+redeiP\aiues..aysis:pr oe es Saat epee Soe ah Dendy CW assets Wee at ClintoayS.4hae we:frees ciate sary a ee now CaptainCaritotN (YT Atahéerodaum meek ~apt oes EisePindine?1 x aby Ourton “Con Foeal ye ewessgelis eral Céurt,which*conyvenés ues-aicchitkiot vee d 3 Petes feria 1 fra ere Me Nordat ie Re =Bo a caeworstFScesWWepveelyordtoiiiship,this?equnty,ner MvsK:me oe visiting rdla4 day,Croton“The “fo Low 1.00;fnSaw ane’Denes cabe Bere Yas fi eit,Ayiich?.faefey 2 ss mal an -rr.ery saaiareBjprciedtosetriqsOaertec Siturday.in>AthntasG es wt levelanc Se w Pay:w for Iredell’“and?adjom-sth Pere The yar:wie eis yt te pi Ss ent£ha Fa Ry ere drawo P Roilw ywill Sell roux rip:os je thé deitét wre ne:are THe yar Ss ;iatheywalliveatsHamlet.artier ‘the’“Mrs-.ds.Schiller ‘is ashing:ela pin ties?5 th sealers Heal fais th Bits hay aio:the best hijing Of ee ae OLS eae ae aaSome,ot thetbsowe Rroow ts in“business.«Sw tives in Baltimard.\::Fal Sakty Swale)“einai Mies sere So —Yo Fhe:ae so TS ee Suen dise me have overShowa.ae RHs Sthoitesoe;i K nty7Wesicy the low wateaf S2H.601.“Pickers Eee 3 -$:ie *nyan'ouepear,gud ae mast Bbe Hs‘ideis popular ange nekgh-|:sriss*Sallte Albeay of Hino Ac@.Troutinany Sashua.WW,Hud:,saléSeptem a one ee Soha “sipescaune Som adi |”=ye ‘ Used te nyeTL,‘Drpprisicand eons fo tspe beet oe is ub-visitioy friends.ig towns >;io J.oe Stee Gees Bayespes;|Lorebive dntil Octdber.Sth;pA ad{hen =well Nile=up with,icone juices!,&,2:Cordial Tavitation |»:oo «f 2 AS Ory 24 |colored,.3 eects Sam was of Liem,broameAnthohv,be~):et:id tow.a ae aeMonthyNovag man.Ve exterd “gong.i oes you eattei trot.4 tance;‘James «W.!Williamis,:J.7“pt.“The»Southern “Railway il nave}GeenaCrippipd ‘girand her eo hats Nee have Set ree ee eM tety~Respecttully:2am ,|Statulatitns.ate "pan €xten'visit te Wi :boro.S Murphy. colofed>AME”AWither-Litkets xtos Dewéey(celebratioh-ine “orotheér aske@him:to-Stop.:Hadid.mm Ls :ae ret,raw Sesh 2 4 te. a ie a at oneitigeM cand sar ts “Mrs.WW 7 “Hall,‘In and.little![spoon WW."xt Flemhiningy Tirnet.‘x pW:See D-CA Pare ot one L bat Sonat chtsinictip girl’strother:[7 ©,z ficeeneeee xt ARTY Sh1%My —is rg Mitonett.Lson are’visiting relatives ‘in,David hOstwalt;AS A.Dobbits,W.“Bo At.pane “one third ofSthe:regular fate<!Ip order toayoid a.fighpthe bropeny Pies sSoteee“Mes.star itthell,witeot Mr:son.aie ew oe NWell,W:©.Bemgr.4D. Kestlers}The dateof saleand |fissile an jwalked ‘dian’leit Anthonys pery so asian feel:Kto"Oar Sind’:obec cy 4 :soba See ‘W.Mitchell,Hepgberdun,cs S Nirs aw H Allison.and littleson o>Leonard:eng nounced jatet.2 07.Su-Sbarrttsied 1bim.to bush:Curse ae.¥So +I seekaeeeteere“Ldied Sanday eight the::-home of|Sra t aves:]a “a th ‘|SNlegander—JE ea I ‘wilt}‘Messrs...Gr and Acs:epitete fag othe byw,ate Sathose sb@oun?2.a ieeeerseen,relatives\in:‘Olin,vownship;of:ty “ILileseile”Mrs,Allisom's"mo ee AlexandereM.:PR ‘Johnsons,Avs Tae]bavée='gowe’“to “Rowland? Saeesaetean’Sas bin.om:hast 10!Falkead.pike jn .ze CARPE rs.iis,warth6:25,bere today.|phi pTever.od.masbaie at Unidn Sve a PWatts=<"«keolinty,.Where ‘thet-cantemplate|thoky Kriockédhim-down with 4 chick 7~oe =={Tecy ikon ve Sontbeta |Grove ehyrch ‘Tyésda She leaves|*”Misses “Mirjaw\Clarke and Rose}Cataikba—wc?Hitdedrand:a oper ithe av toUSECo,‘warehouse 7fow When'he rose,dnether::necrd Straka ;sacs Syn ay neNeedyork?a A a husband ‘ands a chijdren‘cathe St8phany have'gBe Sy ae to.‘G:Tomlinson.jaomalt Hefner,>W.the Aaa Sus “tdbacco,.>They:Aare Him g u themouthWwith a'rock,kitotk 3°.teekeaA isaae z Soe A Leta ScraveRESOAS.a:dew.‘Sates:e}‘dest of whdm also has.fevers:Mr.enter school.”A Hoke.*“bexperie tobgeco.Sere 1x.Bin aed yng.“When,Sherssy aes a P stspc ane Es op Pen csSiaoretartedSeear”and.Mrs Minehéll.cartie Ato I¥edell |.’ior e:FSte ig.“ot Love oe.»Day ieW.is Hopson.B.Tato,asd clever gen flemen:*oe =peggor:upthis tint be made at ain}crm ee Sa ast Segoe ee le >coer eaie ;froin Tildiaina Sdvel4l monthe do.td jer S =ors 2 Asins,“hk:Hi.Stewart.She Vest?i hody:With :cotter itr pridofe ur’Eee ar z Sone ae““Schhony -caigp amecting will|¢icit relatives...‘They were raised jin fi Sects bomettrom a ‘Visit to Rowan Eli Wrathpaved|te ie ast Bes atthe Hate “a “aw :SlobHeett Aintliony|*soond Sunday,she.Qeto)eorthtIredellé There’is’tnuch s¥ax-tilatiives hereye Se Se wells S.M:Sleop,JS.’Hall,W.A;Cours.me Se Ps 4 os “Superior|:Caitthis Rudtejand “Aiss"Me -i ye =pPathy n Pee Jeedell™far:the Arex “Migs Sarg:Fowler rpturnddith Kew Kerk,Be Ay Kuox,wane see OT walls reconde =‘Geir oftees gietk rhea eyAbra ane is Corti,aeSsts,Peston |preavedbus ud apd:Children.e Eom€at South River,Rowencout ened.-5a e parinese has"been"the jot Re a,Taw!«ps3 air ied:From,ah Soy aN NS “Sdtapday 4morning.RBS ih i 4 for somexwéeks*and,ae eae ee mH eeSkowedvup tbmwouba,bytoSSheimcodek“atWest Eee i 4 ‘5 oath dfMredAah..wntheySay*t butt assoop dsethe in:TyeniGDr?Robes Hen abd-eowe several mote 13 finish th fSNagesnesThe.meeting at West FE Seth o=-F..Wilsou!Se eae ee B,oe eeemoi nioa Mae co pret eeat5 ef the whiskey:Cavaco *seSheHasnot|dist™church ~continues i Eeiere ane SQ,’Gre!ee Be re _Maj r eCawles,-aSsista }die,Poe SES oh ve cswr be s me we PR Haak,bE ae os ve bEre Dutesdiiy oh bisiness-+Y street ateG3 oek Sa atdayyeveh Hatdat Kener of:theSuecheGiga.e 24XS Sdeusad AuthiiriessdfriendsdeafLaltimote,Smith and R.Ge:‘Greene,;of Statess|.Mire idnd MeesN.<W.!Gira:‘orbiply aiaiterya Tene ie yaaged “ot willattend th¢Dewey-cele!ration ih]is ede capiny forthin,they resto. SS philliner for fhe}ville,Tate been’doin’1e preach,éshevilley wind 5Miss?Mary Laxtooy.[years .Ske arent:LS-Baltitnore:this #New,Yorknext week,“He <ppectsy batching RirSbeari.sutle:jad#3}*-SER Ng “eprong2 Mrs‘Houk ‘went hdinG Moudg bf Motzenton,re fisitinge st wae sudimer for-treatiment:but-<did“wot {to £0 38 Role and.Join.Gowgk:yeabed “during the extitenient.-hogeesnaeKefore’Be“left $1 oy.Er robes.{improves /“Apogitia ‘month saggo.she!nar “Majors:Axle Sapd\|\orred that,if they ‘cabyhitviSheTRLW.“aye me eddrierene him?By $peek ks roseae Hew aSwets Cha vi ee tretupned’home:and 2 ratlyally grew:host may ‘alsd Bo.sBaverghSentass|choy woul Byrneb hint ‘or bill cir iefather.ok “Sr.rn Ww?Sich intetast “tassbeoa idaniféstea'|<as apBaturdgy awiety of me eee:eee cae fu ville divijiangatso gontemplate:ate eonbaeby,But after a long senen es ;ousthat re are still tithe LeadchyBick2No:Be #/\neralwus Con ot“theyr -{tending Saori ys he couid not be foand..i.°Fhis shoe:needsno “in vouinthe:ae 4 tee fy ¥t or Ss.pee Ae 2 Pee Fat pigik attASter,@ochrune whas-waned aire ma ago eyes Bars,Boba E aris ae Vharlotte~eurAaY Geassmfeatatversoen a2 o°gle Te 1 ~\ioe:Anthon¢eaeeas:had Shas fre ES.oa"yall,to.be the bestsshoe or,S nore.than -00-.convtrsions,"Hés,qe vsonipg.,¥‘“*te YS x bh Maj:a EoSrann ghGoldnivg i :ination .foe“thre sophomore Fi en Barrett?thé “pastct ds to-b.Reape me Bay ae cot my readin:“the ugial itn ‘his laighter,S x {bodstingtthat theywoukd AQE or,bet Mo ah Weng,’Ral-kconcratplated onTete SScoh“the MEW ks “Mathies sot SMooves:pservices,3 the.2 aoe One {Bowles x s oF wah *Ae:;=ale:os%os :Agee erarata Sse Senne Pee EM vile,was “here Mondeay.returning |terredin theJewishhsection puOak-|:ee ACES igie ne)\Np errevis Rade yet een mages, wkOn reaai ee Ck tk Zed =bene:mo a)visit.£06Chis’‘Deople.#rood cetnietery.»mnie hy.“Mich Beulah?Laird,SteBalsimore iIS a a seg epee ©, Satiiritay,but has rallied:My Fralex.taLeavelesdan:”nie |Téxjorseilig.”¢a agile hit SS Mrsr Asirwits “ore?Sirghitue Messrs,°N?Be-Mills &Co}om?mnilfingy.aes Uner Ked Kiting la ‘Saisbucy.,od jy ERE:“mops:foal eplged”Sag ce woods”ate 'w:fm Repleticalthfor sex-|.ME KP B.F¥aley of Union Grove?Mrs.C.HeAlister,of Asboboro SEEMS Snativedok Hokies om Shearpivosvesterdgy._)<s! fgaheiuss Be 2 ee ae meta cesta eee esPee eee teNeSpeSSwtALaadshiip.‘bas “it einer:coe Wha Speat several weeks here with|pane She kee ZN Ash:2 “Miss.Edaw Turner Bas)Ss tat Ada.Benne a.coldred sit fail Sos ere ea oe aOrmanship brite,Phen!ie -Sayard Reaves:“of =<orkiy Ranville,Va,“where gas dBased™ayhar father,Capt,J.B.Burwell.has wis roe ey ass poe*Astieville torth Normal,atid Indus:Ai Yeats.ofage,=waS “shot,ditt in:NeBes ae Ae cea sh gi a badcipreiA|fadetn,of HOUZeeeS-oM>Dam F 300)pe 4drned-home;x ide.And Ley SOB “Statesville,tria¥InStitute:\a3 r ‘[stanfly kMied here tonightbya”yes ae Statsane Ufst Prat Shops have ageancediigaeeeoetwoableSqrefsaettfcaeSoon.am Fiver-*300]re BRO Og A let eet “Tto -live -in sNovemb er,ssh:“Het Pe 2%,‘Zt seen Sohn Fa ow swhaldrivesk eeiythy:aTheeat Ui old price:A GINe Sas:st bombed chore Sunes;a ae te é oe malt ude eee *:MosSrs:4 te MaMills anarW.;By ‘A)-aasbaed aiod tee ne leaves i Me.Bee “Kiox,Phe tna fever |for Mr.ye Ne:i “Farrow and Te afreagn Seah ‘eulyYA-heine plesday 2}A Tee oe :5 in jaréon the N grthere:markets |we .childrén,-‘Misses¢Carrie.an s..in:Cool Springs ;excirl nettnear -the™goreer 2 :AaGregory has large[eunis toot ee 0 xa |tee Aes ARB buying/falrSt oS'for,their General’Blayche and‘Messrs-~-Revi,“Albert rtownship,is ihe tows.~Hte exptets}rinks and.Lane:streets:So Rey:&ore eit from ¥ariouscot:|iain tks property «advertised ~for merchandise|houses.‘;.}and Aaron ‘Ash,also.four:‘Stepsons,2 be,ab eto:eenshis:ok in at ‘gased in contersation,and passers4.:-fafa:be will:aiake'cotton [oesda-this:paper;“and the sto will};|Messrs.°‘Joseph.Ludwig,“Samuel few days:NESE ty‘he athe”irk ak F cetaképlacesat,his residence du.-th Miss BeatriceMills}‘ot YiBac asan:ard the”girl ask Farrow,to]=—Sse ees Gaken farm in,Talon Gree ne -ty.S.C.,visited “her un¢le,Rev J.pag eres Ash Mrs.Ash was The chaingang wall‘be nnoxed @An,change some “money -for sher,=Ste}wrara Culp,for merk;Of}shi9 onSGetobar sth.Har nae 5 tos!Ge:‘Boyd.and cousin,Mr.-J:z Boyd,|good.WOmae and was much ‘esteem iday from*€hambetsbury township:‘Logk:the inomey—about ©a quarter-~|“it who:“eecegtly.went,to}or valuable ptoperty to:sell.”The |9f Shilok township,last,week.ae ed by her:rtriends sod owe hhors:to’the Nesbit’place on the”Chipley:ands started:off.“She called hiin.and:isintess trip,is Un ‘the },Senin i :rope Ford.road in ‘Bethany:tow nships ee tSaid£6;him.ey ou dont mean to}.2 pe ple of north Iredellaré sorry topo yp:I d h Thej Slice Harrow ‘Company Or-:a PEN ge eck Neb ;J r:Richard N,Adams,w o spent|2 ;:ke-my “mone H me*back fy=sel Samir é ar,and Mrsv Fraley oes ‘|several.weeks herewith sis father||,ganized.ao The contract has.been ‘let’'to thé eee.ane Did son oc age : et Klas thee “SE Of F a rman sepeey and mother,Dr.and,Mrs.J...R.B:«Tuesday acompany was organized Hickory.aloesoie for the thing tomes”:Justids he said.‘the'|*.soleathee.“of Olin,|Foard Seéhier.Di Adams}left yesterday forbis.home in Statesville “to apanufacture and {inside fur ishings of the e Re P..words there was the report ofa pise|,:teaxBevideTuesdayto*spend}>Meo Arthortl 2 i.Pe ts Set the:Br C Senge church.eas t BS WBE TED ofa pise |:sie .23 4 i OF FWD visiting’.rekitives af id "2 v BK wa 288 of a nts ;sl Slarcow ma Gala ator.60 tieek Mr.W teW.-2G I th =bob and tite ai tet to ses Broan acbu sintss-t:ai Tt!s our,bas igesst%ssi :Foutl a.and Mrs.Z.My Foard,ot Statesville,pee va ivator and other,r.Will W.-Gaither.has:opened:A number of persons.Were:passin ::Fors:SESS ID Ussist Fousy oy,;mcuttihe eS ‘Mr.\We Ex Nattress State gent CE person he;passing.rite a j wikis ix tive Sh claoearcaoanGreveMisseaerebesChing:foi the National Sec—Co.,is.otf paplenents,ee Spe eion has]‘Up.ai fruitiand cindy,sstore ‘in*the:all of whom rushed*tothe Spot whi mC 4 aie the dish dan ea Dre ie ae er oh‘cP Borner itieda|Ort were rrSudo)a en ip to earoun Nort Caraan [erm a ocretay OSE |e oom nox egtielosrgh of (hel be FW beer steps Mer anit again oSreas:we of|Preside 4a ko BO y here:b il.tabli be ‘local;’e number 1¢girl breathed’for ke caeeads as fet tse oe ‘|i #4 Fink and,”Mrs.Car rie }Chipa Grove:Rev.Paul’Bar ringer see Chee Lestablis *'fincerporators are:'Méssrs.Dz.F.also’serve oy sters and nD.a,lunch ;a-few minties battite was ppnctiball age o bloameat ‘aud he.lie ;“=es 3 ie:-Th press live in -Cool Loficiating.©Immediately ‘after the}7 :Jenkins,R.L.Flanigan,W.E..Mor-counter.Sat Jextinet from..the moment,the ball:Gee eee ae aSead vihin Oey oaths eaeSsbipo4easayceremonyMr.and Mrs.Féard came Mr.PPTs Miller,of;Shiloh |town-}rison,L.-K.Overcash.&A.Millér,Thi ‘v s struck.her.“ite having "passed oe.eo Wi deo ple SOOGy peters e Moadas>ey e aS to Statesville.and are ‘living ‘with ship,left Monday for tle Northern}J.0.OvercaSh-and Z.|E.)Turner.ae i sas Vickery,aaueens of tbrough er heart./Oat ede oy é ae ont 4}eye eeath20haspeutiyetef}ie Yat he 7 ry,of bethany =:fe 4 osiste 4 COOK |udeinek t otha you eae=row ereoree.anatase room,S patents =Davi ieave-|markets to purchase fall and winter|Lhe paid up-capitdl ok.is $4,000,Shi Hd have had:fevet,hay pabout,Farrow ran-assoon’as ke:did»Lhe :wrthiént “before,dediding to“1k ‘your es -H nye:.stotk fer the firmof:P.T.JMiller’&‘with the previlere to.aucrense it fo a -chobtihie but:ret urned awith oneoO:Kis See +]Be:eee a aL ae MeTedfend tasthe cy wlpathy i ae rDOm —anak”ya a Casio oer Bertie:oe we 4 k g sata :the Messrs.‘Newman,©He’‘said the ae ea eae eee |:ete ‘s*K c tand a 2S ".year %ro <vs .‘2 Ate x.hf Be i:ae :ieBdse nt ae Sas -a eee Mrs.‘Lizzie’‘Alexander,-his step-ar e est meting of the company bp.Ata mecting5 ofthe:peas hiers of!Shooting was agvidental;that‘he was “at-out—sand sheaah weestat veri v.i erveeth cfiy ats Sov | ve:tneut,»Our} be 5 cho _dr mysyys age4wepkaweeksana:tt “ io rut cc. a commissioners|léxander]os‘at-thg court nese October |< erand c iDios|eeliverymen,.give shee apOre sear me nf “gateSordi Satori Sueam ‘Laitanspressyoursnits>:ThebavecestauiiehedOeAPOeohise.atSloanr&‘Shéltonis|store. HL Gregpry 3will,iyfoe =o aie OF *Tile form.a “ERS,2 Se Sia,bg ¥:oskeeHouVingTeirynioie=e ive 3aneObeiianle | : t “«“,tne ¢ Ne a -+cA “GaAustint has abet:“fertilizers:eSPawdswillnot-be-indersold?NE So: E.B Er jeywill'sell:his:personal4 : 'property.a Oateber:17th.att a8 ‘residence one mile porth &Olin,.SNe “Sheriff Wytoft 3advpsa tax] yt ‘Stony:‘Point,-willgin|2pack,your,balespoth-2 i 2 We F.Sharpé,.sradidGaty’awwes.‘Rew a 4 tice rto-stockbo ders 6f Earner 5FirepAssociation. cipe itDeseyal Wg a ‘hart are.how overSie casesoffffeverin‘KeyWesPPherewéretwo%new casesiOrléahs-Buesdayy |Thelow,and'the Wiisease Seems. NecoPi7wea8ONY ae eRe,|,Bases Grover,S©SaplingClover.);Sige Alfolta.or Eekye|OrchardGras os fe .Red Top ievarspethy.y Se els,Je: iste = SaDaiGrcoaiestyaliprotbata:suit.eS clotties Ou want “hem./ day pds:Bin sonoeoas esriact:A good:Glock onlyToc,fine:eaeedouble|belie foadingaepubs,$10.50; oa step Furth ; warsted:soit $9.ooatots stijes.old slate *fieSatbottom:epriegs —pee serv.s : Boods736 |to:4Facto “t ide.19s) ino for mens:undewvear™pt 10éts.: >.per ya.;2-and3~bushel cotton Ceae itchers”10e.’ Va eu y c ;_=eer pool t a =<PS"p _cage eames :.ba ie 3 a :op SA EER ee Neg es ,ys a yf oa 58 f .‘ae m3 dase’Kem! Te ee ir ;Soo rae r *Oe 3 ,A ids ee Se nt nf?134 4 ~’sf Bhs .Sais SeSeRGeINSCNcineueFeeeeeo¥sige e :%ae ON ate :‘|a *a ea 1g oo BPS &Be 5 he :5 Ses x.fe e .QUTI,een #3 wf eywn .Li OM Ph vige At CO)EE Cr,ait vas mip chs dye 3 im..:oa a ee &5 A m ::QSoaSaeswinigeSasidNararsZecaebiryedMOBeetPoAfrialhy-Tele Rileigh Nass and Observers arts Kobyitie.S>et.gon:-fassaitio?pltose“7Gr Lia ybhe >:Sp Strong and.{Comprehensive ae ss eisias Se Trakwoman?‘dictl iy ognes piens.sa oth +a TEatoctet Gr Pie$abiece+)&*Phibe wieiforia)copresot ©ibe Seeetvnched::Bot,a3 é<iYeoWw.ay 4TcgeditetocoughstharoperdigQveesOt!Sheba<ki se Ralnerie F ~thereneEepomp,aiid tories LN:eG:There's htwats ote t eresepdown‘the prieés.val icettop..é “be:tased ih;+atkeup.4o 4 ouLty van’‘with Varitys Ss One"Sense:Cough Gre.won rat-etiog SN ©Jcae sfoes oe ent otentg:SheOniaw ofthe frabscendedit :spent i tacks of “Pnepmohiadeft yt rer:“re bibtiealep -.:be.first |ba os .pete Pease Se EER OTR SCOR NGS ee f :Bag ie Re ey Lae ee ‘Bat shape and:was tear the:first |S >”pe eee Pe ca ae i Lay go ee ee HEE tae @ 5 F oie a peasfpete Salah Tearple:angst ea:Ses ‘of consumption.«One aii!e Bes MES be ES SS .Ber ee Eee Bee ate i ~thisttsame sex}breasts.wee sen gisSheba,seb the eau ate “Cough Cure:completers cured re /73 Sy ree are es ee aE :Rg tS MS aS Sah ian!ai co teh ef int“doei siGegtEseaeSiitOeRepasynShowproduce’)Bes,wpites “Helen:<Henty.Bis %OER.ES ETE AS OP OR Rae MG set ries re eet ee oe Sea raray ||)hike3 Hah fea es UD,Sscale ofsinexam plede}fark.aT:‘Dy “IGIves Igti art.Fenet 4 iA wT oe a es -5 ¥e :‘om 4 ,:S 5 te sgn :te -|<‘ 3 irfastbi jude and”“splencot.*ye op Line H HallADRS?Seay ar ay Rev Sat hl.geo 3 ~*~Fea aes 2 es Bane Be a 5 aetree:Dremchicl <<.aie eons ie x :ne ::eat aes TF NG sae a ae =7 ¥sexe tf .Co Sse cee o the Po cate ‘19%a }dLBLmk ™‘ 3)ori ra cdSE tak!a hit-k ,Sek ee ys ee Se AN Lek :jae :ow ee s ;J wie ,==i Te Nay Cansic pith it th richyctnesegal “Cian cotinty.,Ae h RT NE OE rs Ate :Ie Se |:3 Rhawe si yedt besyigneers 0 ee oftiet:tn faitKtyl and ochatact rigti€js ye her Killing wutside bE “het yo"ws L om : =ee apatite.ase meeteer!hortraieube f ofthe re =net feuds,’JamesSod Gam,Lewis BeganPihattieemibrsrotNatata.cudtonzs dyeing the .r¢bering of ghootintzinto:oldjman Shel!”‘sy house:f,fron.Siete Avy réasen0 ie Joe!ggPs <cisgstings0 pom pein pa when Shellshit Facer’awiseloven<4 pebdicti p=.this “ObHt Vossic.eaantns 2ard ser pele aC Bacred:dinessit aintehestexs Ba Stee yorba hn .“peg sethticiatpdTeringse talor:qorhen.:ensicatenweeser,pputyished,’a Ba pe énvhagti:Walter si Hereetys:sarhetpmyed.ss anki Yen4co dence’uk:“eexcit &Charo LEYpee apes se Aracescetid:6 the Dix Sousei eacel: es got e 2 ie.hOF tS Gos fuming and apposhtments¢:is , 7 ee QPes a |Tighe (roth the:‘grandest sgenes‘Of ds,wlSages ‘elie “iy ‘elie a m peat wae |ehsepgtr arch al ¢ait it tam i.priv ;|3 te m0 a ig ore pee Seiten het tntere~d She biblical’Sehyar:at,ither .pais po ot ibe ix ee es ee LCE sy \‘Wir MIR,$cere ae s Oi aly wm ausserealfeudss.aisCobize %Nera Sadia aaithes fines)a)Ft eee aS a re .\:i me :us : ie thigsedan s-pred (i es . he h crete bytreferriiy ttor Se et ae‘ahtenatelloct)was}ade Miind ee SAN <u :Mes ?7 |Se =£.:ot i : :ree COMIRE.Be tce Thy H wily 5 a "e (}si :ip?eM Zo.,::;‘,a ots Obs att Tes.LHe unbraviba-coteTeaGiuineng:W tind|e .aa A SeyA wAhis1S fet.erste welh.seis ak Pigs Foy:$‘et »Let”i “be neers}Wy eee 2 ee ois “f the Set ice IG ersten hoes <degryble Es ss >ied Pedicine.an he’¥x i‘iat sO ete pe miesacon al wrth be dt and nob|3:8 ankeRss Cadisyu %2%.a ,Peloment tre price of thei “mopev chow FNP A artngttio wy bee well hoistedleant sfar they)w,¥;:pssashdwy iheites the“patron,|,eraeesiat=Thea irate re ooa the.spublic,“Their eirctshast moiher vs hose.aliiilk oes£23)bd diye Ic Fe DoS A te ast’Yidsc EE he IR *y Beonicharactérizedas meeina es“nok noutist the bibgbx.pezeat&De aaot wari tite ioetags|p ihRit wRemau autexgentional ee Fe <anis,equa gosd for:the §|ye:oibeteeeadizeteseonembeccerp ny oeSin a aieed cos an fontvi reeday ‘OF Siti Axhd-4S thid_and $4dankept€EVO LIN FA 20 seni re =A aes .ea oyInilfatTigegisposte?and cpap aces 01 Buy pragFejiow?while?2 Wiely aicand not yell,ri S ws ot icy hot o!rhe oeansmee weleetiie is large aWi coin ndhien:bE reer a ekrthe w|vive,lhe moludtSicties eqns}Crave Fa maps pecemrareliot Se.re|melas eet aahcaine Sg3°ea nine=consi ;4 eee ee Hee apd.am phitbia.~Thelin cotdcsal Roma 7 —spiesa oma Bi ait ih PIALwe AT Ge |atSelia featifre’So gate tea ce i :Sry 3 ee ae She 3 =E “HS duptte fiony,andifabries nee’ita omef.Peony ts ee 4 “fw f i Me’roth ee|se coy z oT 4 are 3 mre :aes f atte =..fii Ns moe:cateoF “rt oo =eee oe £ed cee iiper fah Caer ,.ve *j one;‘P oe ee:oe ae sh :is we yay .n SS Dee agen ek fs Se Phe we :;Hote Bae ge ‘eae “0:YS Ag Seer ote Liomsion Oy + vertLifes pt:Sik per “cE!THERES hy pie Yaysoy Bhe,aS ysl exhib an :kh fag ars :3 rat '.i :a 5;eS Domeeeuia}wal Tauth Sixths OF t Bes el tie hi ie :Be P ng ie aed DesalanparbyeAPNE.Gunga Saiteigper le NE og an nant Ate |ARIE TN §Ave Wo TipstabiteteBpSaup.ahesaut aim fuel Seah eon I Ee A teins OS Se Alter}telusae.Oya ibeosIsearmers,padseell a Ma reseiner Saptora Ro a Feseseys Bey ore ek PUR tine ble sane eres ue ze ME“pei:theigee tops.ce Bea sea tershlayatch:ane \wink ak i :Jara3smaeesgahWafthouk’d Wyied ¢+Mins)G3Pogate “ate:Far PopStierthéVala~Of aa we Ente:“PestSahat.Her é déathy -ee eresapangspee ee Lmati be aid te recarg tire last,chapSRY#3:aun me apart CF Oia:kervesad:‘tragedy.Se mnghertomy pprins;spies ae SES Soretime ard }mentioned ‘thatsJailTheressvotrqubleabeut:set.fe?libel Suit.avainst Mr,-and Mrs.repne Cf rom Fh t Releie¢h banks,CclaxwT withdrawn:Tn brief,sur y=ee et t .it=itt Spe,thi paoks inal ‘many the fac ts of the”casqare as fol-iCerolipa will maketh:é°a lows:Ree tie Th finést.s echmens of the cutest,;fameaat sto”Kelp the fare ~Mr.and Mrs,A;vr Ward lived ponies:in.pepecine -are-itt.the pos.liheiafreee:Withcotton ah ee by neighbors,to Mr.and-Mrs,''session’ef John Robinson’and area:is “TEx AV ard Was a sectian’mister feature”of his orcat circus,which they See Sie:apoe Fon the Southern ‘allway,and the]williexhibit here onthe 20th.”Mi seeitablo funds.Coss were well-to-do farming*peo]:an’State bandten"ple.Mt ‘first :these *couples acedueed arg'to be seen’John:Robin-|:i Se?‘aooaL #s>warebonse'Eiend!y“Dut ‘svon-there-came:Slifbt;SQiS ‘tented world of wouders at“titigates.AW.herever there disputes.‘then.‘coolness,“bitterness |this.place Séptember:29th,.catROS mi2ideninity:rerrchouse(Ze ititiesy they-eart ae aeninibteatvrovided.:hi;Georkia:“Hatred ‘of ‘the:Meade:Became a ———;Ho Y dnomant With Mejand Mrs.?Cox.shere thie Sfutmers:‘mereflangs snd,J at At é.kers are actinfaconcert,‘ware PAt Haiti.Top’they ‘said scandalous|our Scor Ni :wee shiv a things:about the settion master‘and .houses af Thats ee mie ese bis wife:and indn:effort ‘to ‘wake’—Milés”“Nervine Restores HeathsRarchoisechetwillstareSpobales.himlose his position they,w rote toy”=:“ee Tnmang teens.ariafizementstater the 6ficials of ‘the Southernin'stur-|Se eeican be unde.SE stake It,to store!vilous alpsive terms of Ward:<Fin-]»“L peotton intobiccoWarebotises.alive {bese letters came.intd the:POS:ifs,world need 260,000 pales ‘of Séssion Of.Ward -and-he Anstitutéd|aaoweck..“Dheinereasedsnum |risiinal libel getion against Ae andcoptonisaiits@thomé‘and the |Mts.Cox together.with)!ceivil :&demand Bothrin Raropeay|Suit “for “damages:This decurted,nd-in China.make sitcoe-}/ast spr seamen\tnanid Foy:colton ext AbjuctS.ubsolite.fear tack fossts-~fa¥twelve militon:Sion sof Cox:and.his “wife.~CoxoSnaldspdtisevta’oh thatthe -eetton dropped his-work,and,in idlencés, XeSe The grandest.Specialtie s ever.pro-} ab e Ha s s act i ie SO E U R SE CT S SU A CA T E Si s g i ¥ rs vop is Very short.li ‘Texas /aloge [thouat and spoke only ofthe prob-Fi -the ertiyi wikkbe.700,400.bale s short:able “punishment-for his’maliciguscsaryotherSoutherrState”the}Speech.-It.préved ob him so that<2 shorts:The shitshest.esti]Uts mind give Way,and two monthsiesayHOfo:tondivionk tS pad bp Asspronounced=it neopets r :ut pits,Rete ;se eet Memo qo NON eye 4 RE Se X.‘iil reatghoven til Ronchi OL,wi Gue iy opiemadness,Se “a Pf teins Eh S :pe.Sa a ;bie Oe,the-ttinates rie"Che S Mrg Cox (Coripeto,Greeasiory.for gL ah SPS +pos be Ne ty g.nova rn oy ae Hom nathinwv.teh atu}lon?Hales indal.Sh thexstiist,wéc Re:Audit Lo Fe pi fel e r LP oe Peg Re ae ES 4 re eheraGobs he easPOEaoe aemewOfgodsjadsgutent.tiie pietNuts p-rthe.Poisereed fo,ey e are Set as =i :asec ;F 'r taxeollector,Weverly,3Mass,Whochas4 % i sa emnotexccedhineujNivtiebalesKhedet“ors tlie qprosocution’aud *‘as,UsesSTEL“SoeaRioab ceriaStintésSeughtyta“a Ka Hit Phung then the ythietsthe attorhiysyatbyshbesbinntaeeetpfontherdefences@ANYagrertshitthe,La Peesdé thasith;i fitoneniay staney”sigs:ukators”pat =pingrs:wilt‘perk CIBNo%tie.dismaskds Ose cag Tr.Miles "Testonative Nervine hag apne a ;2mbit ie Seti ae min the |Paso tut with ‘the everpeesent gredt akalof geod.Prokcapt toreteass frontTampbl.ie ~a coplessnegs “2nd “nervous heatt~tréuble : -Avohsuimers wait Lot boasthse “itt |il oeSDE:Se oat “MtseeCox Ane Mewaraary and use:up ia themagne i Are ingot:fii each hay ait-tis?*Mortivn?When ind eae ipihe we thére “wis jno\e nancefi‘ing#iadroamDijon angmy Work Seémede 9 -:isan ruts 3 gash :Rint Favs you z :a HES:in jar SFOS Gg wquititits,trlattin ye feeaete Weiste“mn“mack Tae L Bardi:megh Midd recopimendga *Rr.Mites |me ea s iors 7 Par oS PND ie :ie Pe pees ane Epc :;ab NF,;Zx3 on s ‘tA:husureaes ahe marketTbetavidey.kag to kak atsensed)Grdotuket ed.was ‘alias!Myereitze,onl purchased”a.bestie under J.-41 Hus Bt PS ye ae 5 ’ee GH SG aes NP OPES pee ”a:;WPRIC esis a phe Pore ME the -peetade Stoher Thus)Deptess#8Fhag teiad so miny vemisdies ert=i *2 Z zy oePhWOrdintinilysedé.‘hot:“atic ser sf‘Dau sith;GAC baat aw’9,bowed}seccetstaley,F thouatit if Ho,ute.Batty.oat T Ss to,bola their choy Ss:ERIS yearqneda®,“wlio weit 2g...7 ate Awaits,Sfor “gaye nieresttit slesp,@ g00dapzetite a0 ;Cees ce 2 :eT ae ys eas tkeStReseondities‘aaesserethat ev arspitts “od lingein deiingapeasylum,ornate?sere fe ee x A sire pete o e Suits a 2 3 :i ¥2 3 x x Pre CURT!cS KET ¢sy rhe isgt \a 3 3 stakctoleood jadsinent,whe tltft Zbestrain wasttgo:great’[0)ces |eee codmedicine:dad Lwrlslaaly write)bP ©Kor oyertthrse-quarters aif pon Fa ts veokt tal eeswvEspas.;*v4 ¥Te atMh rey Rex taki among’ote gepboat.sShut Z=nd ‘sho gave ‘watSind Pee eee fullpebticustsorTAY.Sats ee :Bias the ied ee ne.Se e ee oN pesets.tOs6 ar.the:present,cbeede Lompleton ar hafraag piss fy ee MitLes\Remtvies i :PME A :eS DR tens Sat abnn oe oe C te *;sn oer Phat,seated 'RMlimtt iethise cage.ora .in By ine >debn Robinsonssith rhe eK bitK Tpse waft aver sty oly:.prices.Every cottort,mill in &mit S\Coat.[hardSora by 311 'dru&,a t theiv lovalt#to‘tlie shea AP gic wet tkAa!ths xiinwcountrythat-is5 Wells frnavod.ist NEY Hee musts he otdy LONE ON ak eaeer a’positive BRA SN ae ae Be ee Lt Oo ae miOt Beole ‘ya wR#k :Rk?D teaUeiprer:money hand oter st:<Thes’dhe Gendfand DitK,Dyrds lemete oe tn Bts.€sy Dorel RE SAIN aie “over.wil|LbOdathetp!se Tn the ete,tig eyes va park 3caelmakon“cood,disidertds and,pay5plevel Laat,lives:iy eS 3 .Stas oramoney xd-‘ee -af i Show and ND Ww aftewe jort a SOME TigSOTishtecatstorpatton..Mise she eh I 2 at 2 ae eee “Book og cis:‘Heaps TS}vamtrif,“igsfond magniileag <aPREM,sity :psa 0 Yi €Sed 1a 'S oie 7 My >©Cb ls 5 Nes =Sar Sys estsétxbehen Mand SR et,}as :ory woréatton’iis worth Sight:Genes Sie oY FATS Reh kein A r¥estece.Agdrcds,eens ee :eeAddtoithat,the knowléedu dynes ©Haier,Warmovnd 4"DE MESS MEDISALUO.ELE go Ng age .ee is #ery Short and.if [Tennessee:save Rapor's,-Liv NN FL TeSeNhttorBreapparenttotthedulllestPilgwIdFome/*ets Have ‘dont ‘eng“thik.gatton,wilt be-hisbern me wore ~dod thin-any-othety mere ~Novigdakot'sBirt itethe:iwy Rob.423INSphanr-is cppw,Jf fotthes ine thave ever-used for thetrouble!jison:Sireus:S yhaxe ibeltta nigst,Leraleyuld465tponty,emecent a *pownd}the y-are rivouihisned tg cure?*Beh clowns -en eurth -holt’forth At*that‘npaps thé Jatmetsol éhé Sou fore]took’them~T *wis very sick;Spas ile Seps.athe x ea oa ;:Seen ‘ cup wyuld Save “fifey‘aijlliondellars a contd not eat,“atid ywas very”muti |is nd ress BA pido yee ie hoe Tater anae’ceop sus stg tis leat ¥Mea AUP ag eke2Sjpeyears)Scrap.But for-the.Seat LindjSposed senerally,““Aftér’us]net >The-ettttt ofthe gen anesTan dnd xn X a getisocuon With tisPs:etgnidrBi et ‘ide she ne DA i tole “ind 3 fre Daeon of ay Sa stb EON I ele SUEY A me ‘Seen ay rape oes :at +<piisates “hey,Agould*redlNe this ‘afew doses of:Raion:s-Livér ve Hiy[vari-colored lights D:LHR.hy:liga.seth aa am ope 2:parglle?:3 aekhe whosSah ea iabive seat:ony i Syme.linac HY x0 “apshowe thes pe RAE ::=iworease THis fallWiitor tiesenbees4 aidTRdniesPedlets Lfett a Bis a news £ostumes anh SCHNI latietsASatinored .Bexhibitjon oh Gneator Ametwy.Tit go Bis Ci!lee oes eth Be(yA eS MWerer Bir Nolfacric oue]:a itrt a “hldin®ut:Loder jtite Gcivéhm ‘D',Kor sile byX.?R.‘unstall pissed dn-the ceverNe soeblie“,JS Stneeael |ey Brpdigies Atyad “TUPRS ORE COMI4Asaars.Lona frit“pyc:[ai aol Spake ceton-tRaleayoat StewxnetaokancyStheSouthern”fa,armer-has Strmggiise.7pS rae i :ives ot Be Solomon Qndthe’ChughTint BShébat es éne-gisaandit,Museums.Os TY years.pug!Ae!say MELAS,ch ieee ndpowers lYoatin.higVa nds?With nElp,of het}Prk Seer ue ;perfectla»)davizihr”Ss edohiy ;a ya inént orgapization taste xh Wit Mine ney!State.ef gar Yet pea Fehes nagaeof as Beydiaakeys,‘to prevent thi ..Satrifiee’bf “Foki Rothpostakweoraa an 7‘ars Robinson Ses ERT ee :Tis‘alone acudryntte that Tins Rerfopm:thes Goder?thebvitsize inSates extol “aaa yeR bysoe year's trop:effolton....If*‘Hhed tishicisaniic privniph in tig sPectacie’}ed Sept.:eeeae $4 hese fonaialy,pgenicep gcEAT end quality te:a ene RTE ORR otShitscuanet’get Stocked on cheap,df Soko wion;nd the Qheen*ae Ee esr ie oars Beep a More tor thesmone yet Lat aayOGbeRr three)citenges ‘yim inti UNE ai Hass.Ashen ma NSS ite ath rdf mae" Scurthn this fall they,Wake“haxé 9}4AEStaipntil fee:»Set.CPU x sae Sse Ni ya Aa oe ee Tea co ‘more Histincthyorfginal «More dadlean’fades and Cengtthy BoSehed ABEsane Yi HOMite thie PaesnoDuxif-as the:farmers <wilk,awit.:Se Seon -ok 4 one Wy Suns ra -world,~Most tostly COStUTRES)nozerSseshers isaPinthetes ‘AN a ree On Segoniton pete“phe RON RECTTSthaShortcroi'bys lan git a long}..Citirtes w “Btowt,y Kalania Z0B,|rym Ee fel A ERB Queer.fShebacthan-iinthe entire‘combined ten ture sofa eet ikini in®the Couptre.fo : tok +a AMLseh,he SB ‘Wedel.Sp ettet oe Bes Shy NP ,ey.ee if :otan thts SG ~~a 5 3 it isheeded for gons aipaOne fees ;spe Later fe co Over Wateredpewde Ory t nb:phoduci in sala it oe Brust ist Bo etiattuleahncing,ie, ;:funnmers‘ea n Bavet TONEia}thelprice Cure chred ihe oft sivere case of im 5 asi ae ¥=NK Fr “se ERG esteCort gt Taea Pee =lable:Mills:Gitano wh : They are ®,Stn fb dicegiions Van"stromgy sea ee Be 8 a Ye AB Pee Sy,i hr is eg ae Ba ie Pe TN ae ee als as eg Sai So gf HALare The most ci. o ~The,farthgrs ;tt Nari,Geraileatit tora ¥dySpeptioss *_Digests,w 4 be LY eg RE oh Bata :a oe &a Bee eR ae BS.ARTS FS aes Dy Ra pese Jens (MOS:(06.Uae tert-marke east Bive dollats ;“ba py outs Mithout id,from?thes omit =,:::Ay WY fh °°4.raed ms em eae A.:“Rig:Ep eT ee Niger on aE Pores that ts “alet’“4 ‘eAaraaR zi ,ea ee Li Hes WF -~“4 k 4 >:~pte :ma We i ‘iP y ee isa Si Walehousing.“theid enttoay anc Se CATeS:ye Espepsia,.Wa ls on te yi)‘dexyowing ModHey-on it}when intess]k =ss “5k A te eeeapytorphyfor"adstancex,Diaebs Sar eeeoes,<a*cele¥our®coftan,!*larhers,wad >bewiirs Little Karly Risers per ‘";tS 5 Tippee.>.‘ae :‘ipcetent tthesuccess ofthe.Schainet }manéntly:‘curé Chroticconstipaétion,eT ea Mts eG ih :Bis sehxon.s‘objained to EniShesaria:oe ayA Chienapenaderle om ;$::‘vilioushes$,péervopsness’ant wern-‘Bete:«|Set eee Oe ~ever before prpse:Feed in ehis Cony mek THE mast NO:epciees 3 to rarer aetiie mtr gut fecha’‘eleanss antrapilaic Grek.g hoe oN mrp Pe BO Ags Hireto tweldsYt tie SVouldis ee ye CeampionoO1aMsT}‘“Z g Le saat “¢c +os ver *ownsors 4 ;Be eating:ssfstem.Smhalj,“pledSant,py.aie iy (inourrings at Grit)ne,Tis?igavubess SRox:Gagaos~~4 u ee me }.‘tqeaxeTESaevergripe:onesee Lite]:ee ANF LY Se aig ORE eens arate ey see--4 yepas*Tle”pulls.’WE hy Se-ee CoNJ ee Bel:epee 4 Vie -.'¥aN :BUCKLE:is AUNECA waive,eS“ps Werwrstece oe a -A?2 Te 4 i en BE ye SR fae aye FR Mena :RI ee Rh ee gee Ne incor eam es iepoen secaae“Tite:BES?SALy“eid.the:woorldyfor,sx.a bk E Ams pre|.F takes =w:ws re Lo ORS SS 79 =ge %:Qa pe espreuts?Bruises,’Sokes.’~uledrs Salt’+S romineny’Virginian Raitot E Seok far wars¢than’now ae at er co de TG oeaoe SAR EL be AN So a we es fs cocci:“Had The.fiest wash ;makes 4.115~poy:eel ae aes S12tcaned Vey ne Mh AP cd saad Se ogte ie fm PT 2 ¥see ktShLEILA, %i:<Eitan,‘Fever Sores;Tetter,Chapp-j 2 Almost Given Bp,But vac ies es Sao ={Coe andy -«BroughtBatk,“to Perfect Health|ferteee esateeS Be pg iS ‘of pies fertates'9obthe |wr“rit ex'asSaSALSERT>Tuptions:-and qresttedl y}"*23 Y or A ae ae -diam cahee Y 2 vsfer.»chirés Pites,.ornd paytre:Gpired nee oe By:-Chamboriain’S$Caltt ciclo ‘Bp go bwashts,the jstarch,china =aa S a SE esti 7s eyes .Re Begg.es ee=4.clay and Asay Tete 4 ae 23 .Fe NT Mies Att:gmat le OMS,Spe :48 Huarahterd to give.perlect,satis:pate -Diarrlioga’Reng “React re BoeckS|Hens Be yb“TheGrand Str OA EN Ta ak ss wat ¢ee ere igs mee igi Se Gt ies:ous Exetion™or‘moveysréfindad.|Price|"His’‘Editorial,er “p Ns ef B cudlseschy.rOvenr y.TON Sm Ves ft “i oe Lh eid hee Nos SPS a“ere 35 ier catia ire x ae ‘in box:Hors sdlé by We rom tne’Times,wilisiie a 2~Log E LiLADOEN Ages.itmgkes Tay aes Seleck be ctFie 5 Ba ete Bea fo hs ES nF fad ae ‘104SeeeehteeteYETsaitéded'with!afarrhoea *“for IN Gente arashoug.18 RL Se aay ‘AwasBobinsch "$Borse:aes an:inigotwan In itrelt.s-aSteal boa :see ayn poe boop ah we Beeb eS oe x aeSineseyeSeJtongtime-andthought\-I Was-past eae ag eM Ye aBim PFS Cyrty ofthe smallest,aesPSA ryll:The spestatleot Solon his Tem>|being eGred,cil had spent-mnuch time |Uleac nN ag REODon,ae Sea Hert,Two-rs pails,TassBle,nd-theQueen’‘ofSheby.is goal and.money”dnd Suffered Sapriaubs:nt ee rime,Stee ee SinglestieallydepiotedigSohnoessntserttythayTbad-alfrost:décided*to |say ~iy ey Specialfeat udesty ist Keneixg Agana sonnet at i RefoilsPeo£AESStaiesyil ie palveu$ral“hiopes*of Feyovery and}?Be:|oo ska,theo}ri Osy Tai Mbebce.-At ee ia:BeteDept.eh,aoa At eee AaiGtbe seul:ot Chasen “tht gS .Se “ofSO Osos Oo genie Onfos OFOF thedindn’,Be pe nt CD feet act AE Sere,=|bgtvertseme amberlein st:Ais <AE Ben gc fie sabe 40,AyfericatexHibith EAHES EOLWity foAt apes.viesSa LOPE PS,Ne 5A an nee e:eteThe:ivent suctess be.‘Chapter 4 Galie,Ghote datDidar oe 2m LAB ES et Soa mee xi biiw |@ ee oe AareS.vee.LLP ST eee ee dee gol Cat,=T madseats old&>iin:'s Colic,Cholera.‘and.Diarrhgent:ayae alsosometessthndniats.Stat}?x,be Mey:Pe OREO oe Pg aS Bei Bs “An the Flot wth OS eer ly ene Te Od ate ee the pai:oi<~«Remedy'in tH treatfiicnt,af-bowel 7 ow soute Ra ates Cures bee}aetLper Cen ig eid ge ROM gee §>i sing in.“ae ef ors.a Ee ae ee A aS sgh pees ica figesty ae~“congplaing Bas mateitstandard over’bach,RGRBE Eh reined ac a Lae eae SS ae :Sox?ia pee MATIN i eer eethe“greater-part.“of ‘the.cisiliaed HSoeeite:fe tr uae —ae:Srid 7 x bg vw ¥9 at s mooth anddweq.FSr sale by druve ists"‘froubles and ae,40°ees fatthor ;a vou:an ee°”‘Live dtake;iftofhyréadersand’‘fellow sufléters.|”Bm waaather.Hedaae,Toh ‘Robinson had-seenred’thd:that lam1 *hale nd heart S%poo ne Bm wo.willae .3 *Cees *se a t,om =aE AMOCS,revy Te R ty *pee mind,taf ute ;ae peice emai mead ‘YESS v3\ “deson mete the “circus ‘pto:|day-ahd-Teelasiwellias I ever’ee Sea ear aon ME ft Sg Are ot een:eeme eee e days sea,|5 |:ie Se Bhey.anesSales my life=-O-Rootes Sol MOORE.corron.ars ee ae as oS ©Sod ee AL Preporcaby ee et oo tion.Sms; Se Epente as eee |ee VL Posies aubedrav-setipeircs!6 ee--oy — oe ch fess .i ve — toe Guise tignSon afl tewhe c A aM STAT eeetcek.=e| Depgsits reke“ived sub}“Gt ae e aeifs.“Mone:“y |jot Ou soodecollateralarnt pc t<opal-secpr te Pere ditedor Lew te:pa fae ple Bee een oN ee Wei serge -a iy.al ee oo as11, A Prigys.tt rbtey,the eVade Tits r Tait efof frokt here: &SH Miss“L pe“WDA roedast Mestts Wil Pe tee te Invik Mills miter,rrrvedt la:ee oe Mentere}s Vas s os5:Misses Ettie.and=Mae Coopés aré |byaon5 sng:sie eg faeces wiFitions to:the:Stitestillaconting:- Ao atguag »Shite of Wis:teem tSe hte i ~ Fil| \7 He it K eee Ja %rd ORE x BERR cs +;a Hal abdPoon fst Satur?“Prenty.:sever efflistea<:raen tet)2 eetip.sandatad,were rg Teaeam te=See :pPURSEN LERT =”)ae diy for New Yor ate as;?Marion:Yast Thutsday~to lish et wl Coed eee eae te citinkSA%Dagys-Only.Lf PeOr&ofbisfellowship:in ColumOia (the 44th Uz S Moloniter’‘for,sor-alo one ,ans aevee:»y versity ‘whi chhe won last)TSpripg eo 4 =ow Ra .ae }OedsohwekesOEPesiswillacshecitizensAfUniscesaysvitegnnePpityidines,>fefkvttitchafc’vie yy te rare.cSpyateeonty of]“Ate Ee J:x Soniers.and -Mis.cSoiv'(:Tile oeis}t ="ASustice ofthit,“live Goutelewencs4Ht‘Bye:‘Sight Tested Pree-4 by.Satie the qaat ¥enoywned Aint succEsafut-So favell owarle “Opticiis ix.“a <t “My: Huge ke sohas the modern appli néesfor’heicntis cfPnsgesitetheevesThereigpoHiekepvho.onjdusthe confides ets have ape to Ston:¥-Point to try. 16,wet.away Arc maliriax”Thev. have Suttered very nucle :frowy “chilliS Uys summer.oe BR te i] Mies Massie=psrry?:as frane “ahs ots ste ae uni *ras athe tae neSad.eseosastod {Tide yeorle myré sews Mr.Taw Res.)}mie VGan ner,S:»€y ©SN here steiis tearbing t higt:af Saws ‘‘Tans y cs *¥ona ert hunjpliatseor POU HOUR aseetro vt vi A 1*:*+oy Ee ee Se te 7 Suis Me ,zt pearStnaihradiirovsieawenty-eae gp Lin ton efCotlepe.”pani Wert TE epi FSR oe Sap Moran ge f *fei peoink OK Hawkes hasptwlaldy cadfusted [isis tery “Miss Ea acctom panig Hers Zo ;I POce |RLSSSS.yeoryes Of nore “peop I sie see ays ae 8 £ eyEieaiseat,.,5.-aS i Be ATeSt eres aag)rig th auy-qule ert titeratch |Roenies ithe CORES pe}AE >sy as 4 =e Ihe x.pre oN te ees nstn ts +whe rik Raye 4s Alp:“pryE.Ww agian,“Of Hgsiners fae a ye a eS cece wey €he.chaun w son nt:=ae ela es wt estan nship eis:1e\Char pio ‘coon hyeeee °n Fu.~ao [i Ls Cra digse Sine2 Toiestaenoe Rages!ieg:‘epond shice Julg 1st,arn:ifhece boats] “~E~~.*ae VES?aga dinitiesp,gly vesion.\Tpis.Cah el he caught:TS,He ‘challenges:thes<=3 &.,Sad Pitas cabesthy.hey Pech,fret pg his é +ti me it 2ywg::he Nin Sed *Ay ein:rE _beplicwses terse even al i ys coudty:fot egon uD ing ot =cst |:3 MWISLLIVE 12 MIL 4 ‘se hin he <p see fp =Ie .awth dipr laytrthates.ic ROR .of E4dries ¥Pee Pivecame-ite ane hit WL LOS GE See entzoniery..county as ae:CAUTION,:Thersilay ~Mrs:Page had been:vis- yi hyWorld cattiqn:The.“pibtic -against \biyiag itibe hertfather.:Rev.sDr..W.cA. eh Sach Jove yy eee Sk rte :Crags : ee >»r.:Sey uh"\y {3 4 Bhd grote: % er e mp l ea . fo Se ax he in v e n s g 7 Ri e s OC H ea ~Tasteless 6ne =‘aetatne Kor.Other P span dled. iA W 3Gomicteh%ce Cin tay 5 ate c=PretoS -Bs *¢: oe eweSes ~nr.otShes;teSh ‘tea ex ee aeraeaSaRemete: ng -re ~~ te .4 Nin <8 ‘Feegraaad |al Meiszia! PSs «ow Does Not Lajute ERE Soha DitweBox,tex,Shy)ats 6d;VpresRdrite'lt ay K apopeinteithe Rodegtorage ix ee Sohasles Dis unger SoecEtfect:p i"ailSwmiontieetticCanee WEE went $;vf a he:Seer et es2 Over Boston Bros: Dy th ss et wae W ”.Way. Ow,“sph E whe eee # ee A =a Pap * Nadi tap) Clear: joeew:ork ‘RacketsStore Soot et Cghice Seeieeduz >ee aeeecal “4;rye.Ne “poseBowe:‘Prices + es ~. 5.Shox“.<-POR PAEPALL. w/t tner+e +h:avesstegticdes h 4Aegtke Stoek and Rt kd EnSee sttoty u oh "aha 7 oo eaeAo i:‘Get boass ee i r \é 4 Serpe ance Sale" ~* Qt pr“e Gps Mee beew,4 UTS Ses,tya {og Wit Spo at | wrens Re WIRES aa wT Res VteR:Batexo at A Sot anbas for te cit yag *See few ot parLeaders ai ee 4 Crvstadt}Zed Lew 1 a fas em fran,pedller Spoink,thonr-hotse-to rot ause:with©a fousSOF spectagles,re prescuting7pokeHaw€kesror selling tHe sane gradefBGSybaancespectacllesaregieverpeddied “Alay ttt hein te Tor glasses'that flood the cauin- st me posi See ts to the skis |Grom Exx-President of U.S.,rae :Cleve!ands :Executive Masia ns :WASstint toy,Dic.2.TS95%vie AS Hawkes,TBsg My Dear Sir’L.find Ww ood:‘for several weeks.©They.re: tu tned to:7 roy,M ota : "MISS:Mary Heande‘rson}ef Grott Meécklenburz,!county;who was vis- iting:tm.Mooresville lost her pocket-| ‘wook one day last week,‘Ttetovtain- ed mouey and papers to the’value of $1002 Mr.Earl Atwell found:“the ulirig iin.Agitkpeena wero eves pyuirge ahd-it:has been returned:to ct Hig sep.tnd:Lshalbenjoy Uyem om ny ia SOPs Si Beapier Wéoursvery truly?Miss Herel rson.einen if Mes Me GROVEOCLEVEEANY Mae Nice cross es * ndHi:Massachusetts,Endorsed:‘Bryan’Senn m+“the Great[Siataee and Statesman,|"Appoihted Dielageteas EMAL AR,Wawhes:—Dear.Sir Wher Tre * qbive thease ef plasses Pagar Hour -gRintiscopic Roaton’Dispate trea S.tncrespeét-to brilliancyvamdec}ey Lee Saif vision,they-are ApRtionto any 4 in we ever Mred)\phASSES TL; “t Gre of Gur Greatest:Sfattsmen.- Ae Ke TsAiwkes—Dear:Sir:Phe pant jscepic.Pete ou furnished ties;mretane since haveVEERCEMENSsethistactivn.(T havetested thents Goby uve Satish amust saws hes Are swusurpassed iuJearngwandboptttancybycantthathaveexer znd:K 2 se “The Massachusetts Biivock atgiact in-convertionin Bostorn todz The’ State romumittee recomiende"i that tignal Demoeratic conyention.>The, couventies passed this and ‘all other recomunendationss of the State com-wer,oReSpeetiattys |=e wfeeduate“GEN UNN TE GORDON,oF ques by:van overwhelming?smajori- Le jt EM Gercot Gay ea SES Sopra The de‘Jeeates to:the Natioial’ cantante:were elected A]areAx.BAWEES |ae siiter and “Bryat “man.;<The.dele- ORRCEIVED ae 4 SALES:at large ares.Geotee Préd, Williams,A.“C:Drinkwater.Wok MeNatly and CE:Callahan.Psat Treat:Paine;Jr.in was Hominated tor: (he er WORMaco oe>The plitform:that theChicagoplatformcof18dikethe Gold Medal “Highs!Award.Dipoma:of Boner ens Crinedgn acy Bevellency in?‘he acture of Spcpachiwa aces ye GhiSses,:5me ON CEA Cities4 ail Fowns iit lie GS47,Wstablished1970:<~IUAUTION.7s Soret deeslaros. 0): SohaSan partighthe fandgmbntal “Radact Deaict tie KONernment. doe fi ageSigh pha eee sealie thet ts ar iewiarlyy ‘for~Hawites *ey “the;»Sndyreial Pis™oftyivthijoallyradyyaredprtOxLoFANTareasehit LeOG S Onystallizg,th acted Aare ~hee Sve snd if pla eth Sees PRay*eu)Aveyen Al y tEg fn re WP Loheeg the Yapt agit Acieas"Oey ahs gine %Lats ae hae ae pea Shane Seek adsPREOS,de Ne cat A rey keeyotormulrebel”ie EyeSeesKREAWEKES,.GE ear dyttee Momiphianlt ana et 3itprmcknTssSele poarcotin oa}ages ‘fehar etermzed.BomItsitPhilipvis sf pruremtal,geingndsssfors 1mbie ‘andBopuivtedtHoops, Polas bed *oWnpately;fat hiuye,mak fer ates ‘Pnopolistic |corpor|thearigl’ofarmdd 4yrces:“Bath:=pani Wedlerg!,?te ax ordve their work’b ste ctehri Purposetotbragnsri “igen instimie of lwbakdissensions:~i 4 The,pletion then:defiounces.the kA (hid ad Slate ee 4!eine of thes ntilitary sautudsities €x a fae=When the "children pe their”I Sed MiAlene3GpalS23 Gsirot eeerLEAeee'Wetamd tithe gold givethem 4 ctu.Se oa hoe <Pe S DieBigEehdtfoatbaysa.bowl of Wotfe +The plosform:Bes dtyoet -egig "| ee ke tink,:2..ddse of -Ayer’s Chesry JS ‘Hikion,thesyittative and refeny 2ndum x |wa #”Pectonly apd ‘pur thefa to beds f°}pherlection ‘obUinitéd)Stdtes”Se ni Ls tapi “hey ixiSmere 2it idee Zoos | ae nO ‘Sees:=NEW YORE RACKED STOR “S The echantes’are.they.willbe’4 |)tors by-direet votp.Qf f he:people qnds Thee)Fog all:tighr“in.Ahe or ay Cons.fe the:enforcement:“of"an*éieht-lourg4FeipuemeasTsAteatatone<jyorking day,thd abalitignyer-she ee ee ES aes edt #ONE Fr ap ew drapting whie'fenure ty im Neen ee eee;NOM Souet eae 166,Suet Lohbers of the judiviany¢Sta the |DOG et oP om L,aye nfein aoe Cath B “|J ewnership-aind operations of water:<Mai bulte thig;‘chitis,woakthroa cancireita a “pork,Ystrebt |«xnilréads and athek “MInngs.”Eyer the.ha si ~nyu a PS er rise Ss ~afS eénstmptton ¢are always..Thade tasy and frequently cules, \pethe,continued us¢of: PcbX ~platfotin’ednthudes,°withpladaigactieJeyaity.ole “the “Massa~] = if , or e couDejcoasehe _Every:~delegate,.@istrivts SS pan at phere is a,Seyan_mian.This my i Bisnvees Maiapmesvecs Of:Bie HOLES i thas EX,Conyep ‘jour 5 a * ;FheAnd:scoparia 3 Benouncpinie®} "3 Kintey.abn,sion Sykwaptl,2Ahh he niaAn gpestalisthe Hagdsderta*, aa 1 betas bith”ie ak oe yea+oe ue Mi a >Companys Re,Ri rst’sy "os(Guards,OU Raleiet,wi}agcomyGpvernorRusselt#6the?Ts}2 jentoat Clarentopt ColiedesHHickory ‘MD‘h:ne Tit-eaved.in.on ‘Nim,ind fractured:\ delegates ‘becelected.to.the next.Na:} ‘Decl aration of Independene es Starids'}. ’ *l whe.sold:him-thextloa1Sxdf precyTDeAv IohtdRepsibli “195 } to Snddue Ahe Trealos’Li SO qinplay|ford a ScAteiblefofne;,peste ons,£R G's Secure:ie htionsite.the eae UE is webonted js Democracy.te®AWN:iiaer Ay |Johnsorr ang;oft;id the:sane = ce]Sai Se eee oe wee meen =:t== ,~“*=;WEieCahaSTEE CE AS Tse A “e1ReuE AION RABEL ASPeecoesnes ae >-as ¥+:¢ =:bz renee eh :—(4dr as tn.ye Trius *;Ze ~—E 2 See .ae Ves aes ‘ew oot ma (a2 Sy 5 a Min Re oS ars SSeS a etc et cea aes Tea oR mE RS SeWeeSpeoomhy_y-ghaTRSTILEESSs c.THURSDAY,Serene ES SBOE ES | EONS E ‘MP pe Let LN x *Sa Pes Wad eee oeFecentteatyaBOTYGLFitthiweNEDNad“ie Ee S Lome wt,eet Sy aes ;I Rae :ra y a RA EAS.aX Se Wi Tete gee We ae ae Pe —seis ation ss enoes ate etae a Pmt ;i ==:~ :"SRE Rp may ene Mic et pe EeBE ISSA :AGN Za ae Se,=o Msi keegy eS.Stra SG OREAT GHCy ii sf o ~~;.a wT ns:Fe so we OEMS,eel 4 ‘“a STATENEWS.ea ae x;aS ees .Woy taligcas ahh Fe RNs so of ORINED SEE:-EAS 9 f -a ''y x ma el nf ay ahs ms ee SO onl ;aoe .#if abi dtm ex sity Hop kys Mees seg ¢he's iss:Mary.eee seo Was re,|‘FRotoch Asauiis a piliter ‘fovin-|‘EXGeS papertasaraee&Nae 6g TL AS SARE Oks +Be ee nee Ne ea a ae aes ¢Sebi Sine gD ss<x-BAK,SAWAES iesumo Pome frou Davis/Spriiigs.verik of Charlotte,Youtinitted®Suicide -ge sounds oA eS ene ES ARS SIRS Ay Fn a oi Feat Boe ter 2 aic:=oe New)Haren.“Ot,ast’Seer te :28 OURO =3c Sh iat Sein StoTESSsaid’that’the Sout ern.wiltPr HY ;;ae e >jent eesOP t mt t :Pput Ineesige tragk:at.Soares)“ake |i.Delpery.who as nk 3 ey otsehvi ies:‘‘i 4 gent in sretonytriction,times:.ai ih ous iBseacintatccbonhovelENSPOEM.Deviedeals Yess AsSspeees*53 <br,Mos seen,eet age 2 Sia cs ass soak bel rN Tingioee >a Ost:pee me sa *<Aye,ao “figopfe ‘hetlideval Quarientiaster GaueellSNSut heSta" G Yard has Aeg rved~Sia 4 Xa imanejor! Fra Ngee ued Wiant ntone way fs TadsdnyRew “Corley SoaS rhtherdler tut.the Soperior SdurtsOhgthanycoynty,MistZweeke Phe“clerkspepei EN Rbeae aD.te tri b ate Pit Sipenon:Gotrta0 rick yy Blijakor ney sas:Conte ted Okshet Doneofs thu her and Apron antstint i Pretieed:40 bepeat wD Sovemnbery RieraAi t oezeaeLipg,A*promineig.‘faraten “)okRpwat connty awas:asickod okey.+the feartbya Forse fast week:‘ant t aed teg.10UYS Vers:Hee avast 4bravePx:Gontederaty<soldier 5 yes WeeLestslative.cqmitice’Ane tigatine ©thes.pepite ‘affairs {+finds.that the “A,farm Das sbeck well:manaced “Superintendent. on. byReinhardt:who has been “humane te ttheprisonersanda competént far 4&Sete eee :et Postmaster es y¥nid:Mails Car= rier Denent.of thé‘Raleizch post: office,fought:in Raleigh:Jast Thurst| day...Bailey vot the best.of phe figh® It is“said “Bailey insulted:Denent, when thejatttex strack hihh?i A negro was severely hurt Thurs:} day while,working ats the:Sheli.y Cotton Mills in ‘Shelby:He“was: digein&under an-embiar kment whet the Jower part7of his thought he.w illsdie.zs pine.oie 1s “~~#: tonia shot;“E.D,Lackeyiin the.heel}while Lackeyiwas attempting ‘ta es:| capefrom ‘arrest Jast Thursday.Tie: ‘both“bobes.of ‘the leg half:way to th knee?"Fh1le ow sadipateted.© Pie Monroe Enquirer.anuounces |) tha ‘eandidyey of.Te S>Jerome. -Motitoe,;for Attornes “aeneral-be:be Tore the nekt Democratig Statecun-+vention.He wasa State SehatorlastyearandformerlyHivediaStun:4.“ty.county.:Be #1 Eee neat 3M mill Bana.at ALbaeiarte boughe seas abonit”to:lear’: ites ied:Gepaceune:5 aay awed With eayretrt Fddspear town,ay pee maha the:athehesi- nae ane |woods ‘f :ws eg £“im =Le ae eewnOs,aes +RtctoVrs,90 Lae.wtimin’Rea Sig,Swap tout,“Har vy Murting*Bsi.*‘stepson ce Aeixt yayelioSoeheslwasterardincompe:ythe late Senatot “V:mG a etrie<SeHi adele nd:Ayes tigand "Cove Ugill yy»Repaeclicd:Et Prends,witht-@ “Congress HRich*heen dy Let Shh Spe Petal"iN“is denser Lat Ure tbe.Kikipiabs ngndPea Sort,whe eee ltr AS lant a yas Cr ph Pea ced se Be paySS*itUsha thesCubatis all aatse Sarid foda'y,buinge aba chig an-Asheville,“bar-f tunee eed Ce 2 eemate tS EE ek nine hate thay are,‘andar:wicheouehis sperShop:ne,day"+}last iv ete:hal}term ee: Pe otic,spe Se poate Maine vo Fecorand ind mint,aes |Pearsgnbithim,with at azor stay;bi =FE Theplatiorn,raflecessThat:yi a the,jartin.t @ punished Pearson:rigat avy Gleig®RR aae oe warlt-toStayt ci ie teatiesstiqajthatmGriopuis*in prisivater Handsy)is indefensible from.eeSaeenehadietolerable*Lmak emx o&mt gpotit :AT hese eee?260d mOnopel pris ssaren:There sacibeladyzbaila Topeolinpri¥apo haus,”‘antl ithe®aPmigsbatys,sends vs aeaprelsLo} Over,uss.”ere se x} 2 rg Shesi descon!JJenn wiwstont Dispatch ede RIS ‘tifat Sonen waters oF Wilkés,county,”who wa sarcieto.Bajeigh<Jast<weokzby Cherie artment of peritert rve illiEmati’SU ee ages,This;>;nistake.>His Sor was,Iie 2a soe years:O06 bok the farher?svhor is:!vow Opstyearseid,hadmdversbeet im pligated in-&mutder:Scop nH Sy‘that when abouy”Rivers dy‘ithe father,fell iBloxe ith,ying|Mdynamer Dulas There way Serious) pe Pobiyhmaser yerout bowlgaO17] .~al Senk Canis Minaitio hiesiiFpoepmandgdttheSpanish the Gatitte:Of”Many aywoeen,po dialin ak Boa "hgs he raat of promoter’: &te:a,Li“Car nelie5 Dak PPaltou: *Chiet ofPolite Alé xander,otGas:“ar bail glanced upward.and°ee t as BQ ity ‘ofl wfissliingten: 6a thef iii d Arimathes i. magdence |i his-.00u pst.fors Cr :de meae>AutSietb 2kp aya >OeSHES,anid “MarthI whi aaye fa ci ate See vt et “A AtHe:sone tas oh es pte ware BP ecade vation os De AT SCL diesMeaayWe jcudly.e 14*is ap SG hyUisiet.AVS Rentinghaethewmaskentfoinads;anor (Sout wate hous tea aie “herswere,awere alasean peas ans : aS Kc CORK,aE «KO Khe ot ptlre:"034 So os syvas'eslow atid,:as eae the Aw ieFry.: igangNeIte Serled fore: wlior nave esteeae She attsCae Ss cQriglenaedt vetihercsnt im .Io shoe aa ert +.a.it.: Cims—t wo*hite.aeeeee « ‘ofan ie)Fide din Wns top cos Cte A TOUDTC Is feaaed:eee Sian ); sehrat tho dottice,+ fuunily: Tiurst \Q‘tharayii Gun aac ae HH he ’ “nist wer at tempt asrderers md epe OE =buts rhe shen oneed th ems bana éhitf ot otic shot aid)wh ATE Be John: thr oer Weeks mbPhe msoujtal passat cBrconsta,Genre ' Higecount®.‘Tost y) ens ee Was.v da a G6 rae ted1)tt)edehtl ougstre Avo:aS ao ae!Tite Creat,wont:into ia atousedthis cau George,eatied®‘LOe said Pecwiving no: shot twink and keled iis cousiy ‘fashines ator SC,ties glar. x‘Saval 3 ttle,ee The:ePhilippines. wali Gun.i japartinentt has rece Line cableeram from:2 pusiatedsMar ilapesee TheSeSt P wetykecfaiaharesine Sut “a meh Repay,“aia!Dart v4 fr:Qa >»Heetse bitets A)ceyt >’andy:;“batun<ai c ue a % akaels:1GBRS |he It onireally”a jek Jabot is eo ees XD AC A resinnty ‘Rat Ts eae aes eee Pee and KiGnevs “is Tavay WEMRE Meare BONE AEDT.ENP Be PB sib sae xi sod |Gr fet ana ee orkfel %Z 5 :eis i Coo my Rae * ures:ct nstipation.Headache,fai Pri woten Shes Fe Ee | “ecplessue.Sa i ae ‘:Ms :es phe 'ri g,"spells, (Snuslaxat\NG. 5 tras wndtba:<SOM) Be EN Se ee ee %pdayeisSy ed ahe;foumtingx Uiiaus ePhionso Pqyben,attaqot hex pabehts4 tec:‘Bitte?2 ae SEKbaisree as ak aaa GE ef4 Por <thorized Atatiinents~having.heen SalyJonn Was.things rh wheat ey Areftr a acie,orkiee od mh shee cet SheeERG ee tee Sy Netsats RS a Sl wisAe aS Lo Abe objects of,the afte Sw eetheart,PhtSaeomedt ta Aistirh--rain Outs oi: a Da PICT VIPS,¥yan of ae be “Sit po.Pr ee ay 7 ee jim pet valist \Coafekerncé ig:-Chi card,Lhis tnind-aand iina oilTassorthaty/ ;°~oP SSS Sa 1 EX We ~eel ;as *mie,October ith,it ‘shotfldbezsal hat,rhis gather *‘htnits to Gain him,todi =ee eee,LS 4 wed S ol as te:ie ay.that ie +4 ere tvill-be no wledipt fhéreat he pense tok ayeak:BF:pombe thes s panes are ‘eo ee ee a =ieert =SS =seneltsl Bing 1%cbt ae s thie best pomedy,Bt sotiation’“with vary‘spolitieal party.+son ‘regained is’mitad auddater bees :“Thaade Fonte’ ee errs 4 Se SOs Boetadiae Pie beet:ihe rar Chitd.t of cotta aes eee .{ght igshopéd tthrit.this:confetepcewmay join fr ed-GMiss-Ciprth.Ther red ees ae“sire imsOswT}ee at bs Gents”Pit Chose:he ,throsts-end Jungs.Se pig RY pian yfor B ‘syStemati¢c-effert:to 7 happily pose titer.soul C8 ‘i.claimeds jomaized soo:the ofa sAXi Lee Ee eeten a ‘Wate?x4 ict ig put rvorcue order eariy ier athe |r.ae Lop op tettisil aktitimper iafist leagwescand |ic wifea’|ins te jm:The misbankt,peopletie,;lctist.passible-q ap =Eee ek Reitt4ATotdr,ondes aun x;beh hs r g*3a :a *5:es ask 4 fe“Put-one of,~.t R ;x Jeommitiges throrghout the cou try lost bismind again vie Sorbern |.FChinry ‘\«hein 3ths dares’pos my ny zn aagin’:een any Wee:arses vouyu nee Ad ses ae EASee uke,ms eG ‘Dt Ye BAe ay fo PT]With the\inteatibn:of de “elopingand fight sine *hes ee nt deathaf Sten rice Lov itytingleayalok,setidup persand see Shalt ae ke “‘Ayer's ~4.4 fetysaizihis phe Opposition.to the |97aaded fury 1Dis tessvats bas sawindlias,“Ensipas arise *=ees aN m 49 POS:&sCherzs Pecto al?President»,polis]ee As aie howe great “‘ho'©aré a nasa for tsametiines:¢calls-onr,“Git ae : eo a bee oe oe NE a ee é ae WRTOs3 ed Ys r 'oa iim.this:phe:tah idtpecia ts:toatryin’aud A bel ief shat he is the,Be oe mee OpOleS De “fier Soa ath the ae fs ;:cat pita gare ela SA pe:eat iis nt,‘:kf a sm eet mat depouner Sr.creguinleys 4A hi de EY“HY ésar Raat Rs Ae.aeri ‘wntoes " dae So nero hgee g Se a Oe Ne FN reea Ng “Plasters’>nie fs lawiinllysip [one SoeSe ome Ar NS PASS ;saa ne Pete Sige Ne or eg ee aS te esret at Ve ryidually beca eyaeimlawfinlly ip was got considered:dangerous.ngilt “aR What oatbes Gi-¢ppg?CR is Siw sg geal,Fide ~as Setiahegt 28 ap ene “overYour’hangs|oer the Slaught igi the Philip-Ham:veat,eS he oe eet See ee ent 3,9 feds :Real and Genuine Bar ered”ON é S|pines ~py-dis declarationof war on ae ag 6 PS)ee B abAreiter he :Jer Front”fat tise rN =Pho Meet medical:via d “+\'December2Ist!1898;‘ata.tiine when |--a :ae ye alee pice anNoeeenmenee.e:5,ea :¥dvicaFreel-~;axe ~8 eSone States “Awas:sojennil |aiegtsimp!y peed wo aces LA : ~4 ies“Soetaremeet 8 a .|boun by Surprofacoltte®Preserve Rebst +sVoor eet ie ot faaMot“ey rel=.“ond Sp Diy isfy kb g ater etya ap ce.=‘nent fa th a }Ly :t career sane ee a5 304 che tenure 1a a sa Lees Khock ="beh ween De |arrhs status quay gs of Dewitt’§Little Early Risers;ahonopolwige Fs is With waiter:4: ESO Ss aEyi .=FScemhYThg hensnriakoe th ‘aescad,eae)Ly foeecokcthe = ietnort4Syet};a eS potence 9 ALShols “5 ot > *Bignd oaiedre shat oatdon”n’to5 Ait tor Se the @:yaa beer,iatswesswt retyse gG0 mie for Hem aoe sot eek Se asteee one ’pune sind ¢goutiort | t Biter Piemanys housch¢eaie/Prestiene ake Ctgss,“BD:=F cone o°pro tase sactreck Hless hexdisave ws the énigl and,ic:4 ast!Tirdneris*[ron 1 denen ;Pperial “apts,¢ewhi¢shave:ypuated | pert joRBu}———ratte?eKinleane iss Penet ous ad Ea wes,\pde agizood 7}re Oe aetondosegy Ag 20.004 ‘Sti aba 0 8 een ogee +oy eat,eesages ant Peeare—,O30 ; vw Apu }*|SEMEL wp cae ioand,| oe ently a6 wilmefeat“nv rs vrs ‘Adds opportuulties4 rttong:oe 1 | Bgl ~|/-Fesienplities our aforts:ust “BF>this’-tmpregnable-fact,’ [catharty jiritas,responsible*or Mr.% .>. _Melgi 4 bgsiafor tr aakof.rao. 4on) 2 that Bex}famous little pdil|s”.Heh.-onstijratio :Tilines yhe ptountry<nor-an pohtty W.Bn all,Orr.ess:Se eee ec, vy 's wat”oe iS =apyswaf (poaple so that no%CaN forthe| and ail:liver ai ments.vet ripe —ae ok :psig CSC eis 4)clanggp eisDy Shima om ‘iam ts Bound to:‘supper anti-imy A eee basen bayipigite the endorse=;bat 1b $7 OL Gs eed ae Ne tie ps\oes :qareeniae ©tnt tink epee “hopeBe once Whee |fel:Ment of eminenty yhaisicitnsands et mipsaesoe Dobtak aat eDey hae 97 athe majorityof soyk~Soe 1 foW,Gitizensitorthe grasity of.the is-wedical -press.~It-“‘digests’‘sept dec!Spibica,exenteys colgssat prs mex.alpentysBNe3years“ago thiste thebey was ‘sueswhigh’hasbeen forced upon/the a Pewsitchieze :{tik ty.fie d¥s-loom Hib, |tabemiedpede oy Sthe ters. ae hh uy,*ePotru-ne. pune ob Lv ee anee ptroubles ig wh aes enn tis’sachsWang ate oe oes tapas)ex Sande 2 Le S |ness-o8 traycoldlypst Ve 7M a 'aS atitat —iS reat:. Sarasterpiece of CMSSIO1 P arena perce =Abr.$a eee :Me.Jolin,Edgartes Altoona,*V2...8855;De ediery doe:threes‘ wot Foalan TOW,* ome +A Lsvo tralis.eesra,Friday pight.>Aople webe-ijured ee RE to:‘the rest of uss..With-a.heart:ill *™<pomisdtions pad2.ROR IG ureter-Bold!‘bing’in _equal-ésteem,xp ‘bhp Se the noblest “work’.of God.Tt.vast & oa:*Shikersary of his _noselish seats ¥a* ge “tions mext,year.‘George Fre&Brvait ¢ -Wijliamg:~eads (the-“delégation.ryat’mov emenf it Alabame.,.Ske ft i ¢ S When }ibe.Site eaten teqeccr.likely Bygations Se eet Pee aah:se Mahe,ce The Republicduvatipaiga iain Ovie “wad openedak Akion;canirday TheeSis;Sark there’were’50,000:“Fedple bn’Ne.*Ae ‘and therotber-Stitesowill “foltow in}a“Ye,dpeseason.WV theicgimlidate.al-|tie!gig taba)“hadidate for ‘Govertord siceined nade Uibrokene Beri aa os oy WehaveThom'id‘boty Hoe weta “not believe.irr free’witver?.he*wibly"a ffad |-in.the~anti--tpnst-;and *4-4 bea sro pp seedcena‘tid militarism -ptauks*"<Ot a thes as sae “self a Deuiverat.willie,bis-aity= ER ee é pee Efe Ron a AWN 1 ee N o }”a (0 Sn to adhaeTwseeswarsotee + ea Ae “Behe ERLE ae se Lt ONE ‘DOuLAT.AwBAR *:ay i 4h ‘=we Ge oe eS z<.o ne Ss £=: “ti deeetthe*-"HigesEss*sae =»,MASTS:=|Ec ee er,qn —Be gl 24 $e A c cue Ls *dee Soe = a,*oe = “twosby.&saw ata mint eat Lensv.et,ghodgk a Ie Apeetee fpalli inattfer.]* “$2"PuQNE No.Ba ———ee ——— ance N2€.,eet 28.1899° ued atthe bp <tc fce-at.sae as 3.yeas .rey,‘WM:alwood,2.Dy "2 ;That grasafa fitting”‘celébration ;Of Rett ag ine Plant event atithe-“Presby Cte iu Chyreb'.dast:Pridat evening. “Poe thirty:long yyeaes?Rew.Drioe_RAL Wood,the’pelored-pastot of that re ‘~¢hurch,has”laboredfot.the Spjxiguat “aadamoral’welfare’Of his ¢-ongresti dea to the members df:bis,own-cow-J *.gregatiqnjor @gnomination batsSue community:in -generalbas,beenthes “gainer by:‘Teason of his earnest ork’| forthe”Master.By his consistent? consecrated,”Christian.“life.:Dr: cx Wood has:raised the:standard of .‘Christianity:“aniong ds.Living ‘as ~he does.in’an Atmosphere above.the -bickerings and:strifes-of w.orldly af- fairs,the-puritl.‘of.his life..the stn: ~-Bleness of his‘ansélfish’purpose,and "the sublimity of higfaith are beacons| ~ed-with love to God ‘and-man,-an un- assuming méekness,of character and "a modest |benignity “of face,a-well hramets powerful mind;and ‘4clear’ “mess of expression rarely”given to man,Dr,Wood.is at ‘the same time } “theSt.John and.the “Apostle:Paul “Of the:religious life’.of Statesvillé” Loved :‘as few.men,ever ate,-heis :“yet withering in his.dehunciation] ‘of -sin and-powerful in’bis delinea-} “tion of its terrible punishment.Able. Slearnéd ‘and clear,his ser nons:are] modelsof:terse thought,and:when one is:fipished the listener,feels that'| not a:‘Single.word should be,taken} “‘away from 6r-added thereto.In the »Spartan.simplicity of.his faith,he “as like theear!y-Christians...and yet. “bigotry:or‘pharisaism enterspot,jn-’ 5 to.“bis;ature,|Fa.thei Sorrows,he _is"the’comforter:of his :pedple:and With:a héartfilled withhy kind-}) /uess,hei As.charitable”to the Short- ~comings.OF others,and Seeks By Ss words ‘of,encotragem@ht“and bopal meetise with sch ncouragémarit H dip,’«We arb-adle;to.do firstye>s =Ltranip aw Skilled,and’a passen sip,’We arexabdle\to_do:fits ‘lassCeetorditt“vp to bis “own ‘Standard ‘of eapise sume elssds ~~sate “facx posited of oner ee 3 work’ati.want your cotton.BringaeOFX,"ahd »we-ate clad that+‘the ge .eae ,Sfonthe cotton to us and te willguar:a5 “os es pratlinyieot Feweaker|peesimbright,or‘one.Al Eb ewe o a ~pantee.satisfaction:Sat aa He fhe,¥ag owns wet BFA ss “a Our =vs Admiral crepesTees:Deys Ges gM ae >ReSpecttuliy>.-Z3MoiteeaemM:owe |rues tp KYbat:Dri.Wood"s-.eongregation|*“Be hE Ovi AAS <tee uation cae aooe Ye PAMt 5 207 Mroatirsonteds heen - ~oN .het-Tewea:bim~oes.‘not express.‘theyen-}~Cbvofndes Pindieo,”ét Michi stn’|Aduxira)Dewey"rirtived v'sre New:ee ayioe devotiok:wiih-Sey.eho “hisd 7jaa yor*of.Detroit,wiit,York dt dawn-todey t'Wo days theadneoa9Agdyoungg;has for hi ppet nei for mayoragaimthis tie.i.we~ROE isthisfeeling confinditd Pres fs:“by teriiins for members.¢OF y ber de-, “Wehave string exalapleof”the |.-truth that:a,cosfstent Christidti piv}* aoe well that?bis church wad the gon}Ge:munity “hewiored themselves ‘Th.fit-4tingly..Celebrating the ‘thirtieth:‘an> ¢:Seatmidst.2>May many more.| a taken ftom:us,ay ee Seee ata S ‘ »the!néxt'Natiobal rete €on-«Veution:IBas.ieen”éf <etructéd‘for!aJennj as Bryan}Bia~for Président.*=“Phe reason.the déle-"gates,were elected thus’far:jn “Bd2¥aace oF the conventions eee HW...Clemepity’os,thé igeessity.for ttio Stata:ecgny :Boe Wilkbgnbininated bysaellama-4‘tom;‘Massachusetts leads “the.aye "ready.emindted,iD,thé,s hedrt 5cartedenletitite“tauks:sbe_close?ap and “let “Démecracy:present“ay [e Nout jtruly,<4 it anbfoken rent:to*the cay tg Eso We|arenas serves “Gévetnse|LeARRIAGE FARES.1s We.A.FThomas.&Co,ele 2 y -SrichiS HEREBY,GIVEN”5iSipartyOfeurgencycontraction,trtist SengeEr a er ea ene eal]es 8 aay eeriecaer stirsnecgruk gate pau.itub,»1890,-eee=fostering and.‘perversion <bf the’Moots at ifs)MeBean.ys Derideratic!persontoandfroke theiaersraad coins7H —2 ees<Brinciples ofthe Declaration <of”Fn2 ecandidaté,willbb ele¢ted.ge to Fs ot perkagesLivers eT)Sehargloeeer et pit 80,~dependence.lf a “Democrat 1doés:=Aree tpaser if f{heyare only coenst siete awe can wip ifevery-matcalling bim- The yalowtousr situstia iin0 Flor. ‘than 500-cases sat:Rey:West:‘and’“deaths Bave been:pretty.awumerous.| Lay “and saeE City andTack.ys‘son;"Miss.is xs ee .Thomas:Kelby aa BeéeeewbseSw‘Killed 4nja football ‘game at: >The.-British-Transvaal.situation eeeSaturday,>sets Pe tn~a-prize;‘fight .at.New,Yoke “masa price?forséouutey >bent1am.tow ready.-fontartany‘cottod rinaie Sfemainy critical,but the’dutty mp tharge Dyhis/freends..RaattageersetchareeDy:ue anit reat “his/-cattanmil atiliile-wile,NOC.yen,Ne ¢ ftLeclist;of Greetake ,has-been TRU OY Je Quarterly AM.E.Chureby Sdbth?ott Ser ott M Of iimorality and:lying,able avas4Tacquitted¢tthefotmer,dnd-the Jat.’ cot fale fy KY ince rre.county: :Logan tye faresSey‘oe caskspnd?the wots toma:ote:Jedeesyayene’audMou!children Seheams,But“avheheie rabched:-the ©“tion;“hor have ‘hisslabors >beer:“con:G0SS-a fewoy’h ak fesoR is,viet,os were due amonth’s,salary,Cand.they nof hynehihe wepe entertained Fhe[- uiary;forty ine ~ Death ak ae Magnolia Marcisoh,: home at.mrs.Peter Smith's:in Shitoh ‘townshipyes érday_at “H+‘cloeks.|.af consuniptioasared ‘abont-30 fears ° thelata Saiscs Mortison,.or‘Concord eeeave she leaves two’bro’‘thers,—saeMorrisaa,.ofy Port--layds es jTaxds,SuetayNoee beénta Sutfer- an:their joys,he_partakes,with,theft i p Sigssesey'J Gs Shel yn “end,mn aAat oy Pthem ot eePhones:gare CanvassingJthet toy ey marker stsoP:ip 0,See”ae ee ie aSyaThrock.gett WhsiteSalphur feLior:eee “i thas.capitalureteeApTate Springs,WW.Va.,»Tupsday night,4atorkgf.a-fugai Led.’REjribtirate “and”Demuérsacanilaictes,for i doit apbate. rest Sete tetasiiver 4 tig =andGabark uSy Coungies,writes Lobversariescome’aiid’o"before:he eh Progtessite Paruerthat*he tfvarkAumenysi Shdy and killediu Charlotte Tuesday tfSERARTjfthe‘caustitutional7a Spitists.oF his pieht by:Sidney *Phélps,¥sotalorthatfmostofsthe“thee Maskichusetes delegation,“a county.a StanlycailtSupportit.; didates:pe-Tomitinsoniisaer Y Bherehave.been5Heakeoad finds:Ok: Joba’gs river,_Burke county.soined there is,consider;gbze Axcitement im!¥ tht’‘Yosality Jnstopsequeme:bah ge ;Br est Jemkipsea rh Keareold HOF cessive cizarette Sure ORs esha a:viol Lent Gonytlsibas'veldore bhe fied.” Peukins Mundy"was eat:almest it 4 Tuesdays?Ho.mnay.reco LAY:aymad.damed’Curtis was 734 edat Ge rmanton’T etsy?.He,was ‘oreto,»p of Sne of obeasan’¥Gjrcus *geneieeeoNSee HE rasce-awaly #1,500 ote Re wis) “ie Rev.Js W:Lee:thie &Tigh?’ene wpferdhes OL,they7S Leercharge “gs bOt,¥yetP-aetir decided,q sa i.ihtevrhs,Lak>prontntesit tak)ngs ear D:Hoacd ard ub Gie 0aifpond.Tat Spode eis raevttrode assihed.-ES ee a “s an Alex:¢sss ‘aebre >hobsot»Garanthyille:toumtyy.rent 20,Abeitome, sworeery WorbetIn Duthany Gun:7 ty Sdturcdavoand;whVe?the 1adtier, Aeits-absent,vorverinady:assyatted ties ausepter.cA.toung Ma uheard ‘her Hops Goss1waeJeayiine?Orta hora¢> a bts*OnesFritigiap,fhe imiapageh Of Ehdonipany<oft a Oe NE auitstréls. with.”“all.‘thefurfls.-“The ne TOGS arrest ranted,in-SalisbaiiVe «Hutton is the same man “wlro-exhibited the some years avo.He fives’nedr Col-4 Fuurbia.Se-Q.Sone,af the,pegroes have:fone.to work in Salisbut wee Phons.Rhy ne,colored;who kibled?Thomas G.Falls,in’Gaston county, wds.tried at’Dallas>Saturday,and rdegret:Tand ‘sentenced:Yo:the pent: lastes -2 Hours...’The _pidsoner had keepin:‘and’a \euard-of 20 of they Charidtte Oued City Guards went x with the-prisongr to DaHas.as,fears: n@gro has“been SEES to the peniten-'| ee ie i ‘ uN ~Miss wagiolia yarrisuh,aied at-hert mg ao >oe Boe “+ “4 “Mayor Johess of Toltdbs the Likfa Lio;-bhs:chafléen;ged Nawh vid We ir ator svereftinstou}res igned,Mao eagfeakoo ‘ <>Hon:-Joba;ae ‘Pomilasony ‘the’>eeand ins}chajmikin:ofthe “Alabama:‘Detroeratic,ethie eee The vsiazsrDy f +slabatzat"Coupessuai Stalling.oyeateroftheHoust,Walte=andaNelsegnpouiStein LHe Goternox Roosevelt,ot Sebsopee iA Se aN cx,ieSane Disé.“Hf-in need oF orSaeionk,spoke Jtuvas'an enthhs.eP*stb,Bs ara y uichalendeye rig DrillLcome and'see ug.7 apidsti@opeping,AS:might have.beet)he.——)?< <3 ‘mek ee “oo pF Millertindwife,Bettie Miller.Tie mesreddt,betbist week a qe OMe teem ase ee Se id th TSEN SAL os4menceditthe”Superic a,of redel.|*Ave Gea Mill,died.Lubslay.WT see:‘Watduga dist weekot s/h =.)=*Pabsoumy (ogett lava ee mith which,t©pas} the chantesare.that he withdiet 7 ae ces:E::Sloatt ‘isp lilding A se apalyif oak secoyd ast forstying ——Axis:e ya’aiilker red ‘Labra};diy <Purch 2bill:er Indict mowed:ust tacos Reepe frst of Snes .8.ADS Waugh andwife:f ~5 °Aig.chtis.pak i wailgage Drea eh:ihe week,ere ees t e a Bay ‘S.Biliing eehan ot ; Sressyl bars of Fecord Pes“gon Kibuz "of peat ounty,{34 Dt,R.x Cats'pbell.at Seen,ac aed| *"fiSinganey and “he believes:that he ts) be th Sener:Of the.Southern,Railway: € Ye?No.ease’DavisTatNocc ae P Matheson,Bsq4|* eRe Bawbors"walters,—*Het a b~Sept28th,5 séli lands of the late;Wi oA:Dancy atthe court trouse,Saturday,Oeta! as “2Sthe Sek a ee found wultyof murder in thessecond rye and hay for sale... beta in Union:county/jail for’safe-|cotton.He sells baggingand ties for BU cents. ‘ton.te buys:Seed.¢otton aud Cotton nétice:to_non-résidevt defendants.of 3d:Traet.—Beginning ata stone|, The burial till be at New Stirling]‘the “,e6mmencement ofan action Ya on said Harbin’s ‘fine inthe division|church today at}‘o'clock.“Rev:Jobb C.Bo:Senta ie:oe ser- {vices.have:2.complete stock of general |, ‘Phaitiyat of the Republicag|troops will.beton and?fyi many teSeiteotMaryfand,cde States.=~“Sduth”aa Bendy Nhe.rc:Je ohrvoek sas”aéuted 1G NorthtCaxolitia abéVirgntia “being|=steer vray.‘Shryoek ts.oe yress felkrepreseuted,-“The,Weledite ‘totc‘7}Pewey Will.cunpays aljyshiie atthe, ay"ak:*Guten?iat®Mepitiny Kean Rind vex Welore.attempted bt.Anér," “tdidaté far Tire Se bite 2 front Stan!¥od ness ie] Bete of 3 colored wonian aod Sak 3 “motalic Léarterhas-dnndwaced |ROESEDes akbimealfacandidateforGevertipne;eee ey,ype_Adorinistrator’s,Notice,=fs reat frignd,ftigned herety wizcwallpoten viene elaiyes PS.Z rey ps:aNArtisteevenatefenceeekSeeSANWe.fSroem opards“of 3. la c sAy (A S ye Bc As s a y § 4, A: Tet5“:=oe,*}1 ENEWS:me Rent oA ae LIN oe st -BRIOR- “Ss a *,a Carlene =E nif “eae?~<eS ROL ©enon‘bei roa ve +s ,a RNY m0 sisPROeeeFRGSaaorShristy,adm‘p of Jo.“xcLea ekeetRootW..“yDalfe awacat Stance sae y Et tas.Meat one ithe first:“of the weak...-ing aoe “x!ES Xi AECCite : NTSigre.&*Cofrell siti 1s,aatimR ByMcLeaihSee eed v . iy Mr.T°“MathBson 9 bipme Jeb,motice-thatain Action as ahore ent sr aall5 ‘de ee the ts ate =McLaan,r TéHAorsvile veil pak wepreséated eee ime de ‘Di oe os -x ee Auacthefal enc nts art er:Lat the circus Lomorror:eh us “pa é thar th rgcequired tomppeakar the office |p s ran1,ain this week.as ¥ey?‘the? ‘fage}inngnext to!Mrs,CoM Moose.EBUSSE aes,hig:fe Ee car:slabs “Sy“Leo!ard,’gLStacesyille,f:|ClerRaof the Superior Cournot Iredgilgounty, cars,and was:Ue tackoff byBONES ee «us “ae oo —7 eewertthe:railroad ck PRC CBiwress nae Eaney*iv “buyidg!*scMSat.3.S$.Len the.“piste ee seYO BisPaot fanm ae bday ‘Mortgage asale iat po ce ‘nafistee of Gree*nsbenn,was comviered’Perk,Cr coke S aoeR Se Sats BY.¥ERTUE 0}“nae ‘bOWERS = BereJc Oueprty phd unddir-Elaore ecitdrs.of fhie-estate ofthetatewashepetasvaecktoSee info i Ginvinnath,“Ohio?Jasty week;Atthecourt meBows!Fe 34SS a MONDAY,Santa ata aif<Prdt.:Pt.oA,witsana Mr tay |SjatP20>chsoks,Se“titeitefollowing’dp::Serjbett.titide tafesville ceRa‘Beach were:-irt Caldwell eovn-* txeiweek attending “tbe Baptist siship,defined Sed lows;rtASSlation.esse oy jor tae:ile wiekt “ot Stat esvil ined:fai Lamprecht.“of States kndwh-as,the?Roe “Harbin*teak oeymortyatee: =&B99¢ .4’ty Ls .-kant b'sAd Lindy werd :at H iddent offMonday “Atfending’Cite=B eee oe : APnat MN?“8!Nprtoi was:cnet boumd rfgk-\Morteage’Sele ot Tana)Pree Yok at os,PT AS BY.Vin DR:JORTHE POWERS!§. coutamed.ib a"ee aesEN S Ne = ve <47 sl yva Ss2 pexetuted by SK:Waidigh ray eee — ~)‘Now:Adsyertisempnts,P FadeB,M:Purcties)1 ax te at Heeeghe theasetoad,;Nox. :ony Wokeed 4if stbeesville,Xe Cobywe’Sey £5 gare Waugh\atthe~court ‘heuse,“uonday ‘ Wit =Bal ie ae petritied.man:throughout ‘this state y—6.We Clee,‘adumiatstentors will <Ist ‘Tract.Begining at.a frhite |"!i Yoak “@orner of,No 1.in-the divisiqn4 of the.estate”of Jacob’“Rickert,de-ceased,then n.34,\e.12 poles ‘tovay eS¥.Wi Cleegy aduiinisiratoroS we Stake,thenee s:Lies 131}poles to Peea‘Spage ives notice to creditors;FSpanish’dak;Hence’s.$9,wy 30 - ‘J.L.°Gowan’has seed’wheat aud,poles “toto ahickoryy thence <n,1)Ww! RevR.W.Boyd wants ove or two .pokes'toza plum,thence,9,’6.\ 2Ltentlaryfor50-years.’The’trial only.good MULES a.aPpoles 10 the beens,contain:ine 99F acres,more or Jess;aud.bez |"ingtlot No,2*ih the divisiomof thie’“W.E.Morrison wants:to gin your. Jacob Rickert vlands,allétted to:MyA.~Harbin..Lee:Morrow avants to gin your cot ‘Oak,the original-cornuer at.thesseed,';Pye “e NS Hartness,OLS:‘-gives 114 acres,‘moreor less:*©a he,Superior-Court.--<.°7 of the Jacob:Rickert landsnear the Bradfords&Sons,ofNew Stirling,sSpring-branch;thence with’said line EB!Hack &,€o:.SuitLaefal 33 ing DEM Puke;6 alt Windsshi <stogks.Alien,onto <y<>:Atforaey.:ae Ve efvive put in.a new 60-saw Pratt 4 ee Y Sept’Sth.“995s.Paney Hit,§ ne ee _,Hake place-tomorrqw and Sauirday!pe?!4-4 ve Bostgy BuyCPCS:J|Lhe Governors ¢of trary of Vie States}-ee PRP 9g.5)Statesville;NEC RT nd,theinst:alls walk be©Doerent,and|. -~e.ye!oe =. eat apps GF.dn ¢ Barwell Washinton,colored,wast fhe’kNling took.plave.in thet: Se tee aSFAs“0dat fies 9th t teu Fats ob u shaverodeaver gob ges Hin ‘twelve’nionshcytro:a,StWen,fief aedateoDidperice:os se)i tata OES &Years,£pAmipr Scat ‘mE RB Mme aatiEnoyr,it tsaH ee reel “Cthe«‘“<i “a fe»er APY oS “sAghoepoorTeptesoneot:tivoe Young.|¥ —_———_—_—*y —*=.x a ‘iSEABOEGEORY=lampiest Dri::°%ee aoe ted.m the:Market...<ae Y. ecialarut avas ‘beldl ia Republi,RB _~ oe vyeae ook ton peake:was,alittle,brighter 6 af Yo +ee pitasWRGear Goxtrnor’Eown es,6f Mayylang:to seesoinebod opine came| isa ddndidaze,fas scree’this att ne Fronted»anas-chairman wtp sep 29,aiethe“State”Republiican”,chinmittée:“platform .“Zoo0d sound.*standing The Sevator says he will Somnthooatte M¢a"Foor:~Letwus “win=next “year,cand:says:{There “is ‘present.*With:Cush;mrngled with pity:for “ySury(8rd Me5Goverwior:s)Weakness.immeasurable:|.and apatterable”contempt for yourwantoffranknessand-trat atHe:“goes 0a toysdy “that the will|-“ida,Louisianasand Mississippigrdws)}admiiistersarebtike topene wi_Worse.'There ‘are*provably-more|atrthe polls in November.which,will)be suliciént punishment for alkthat}‘Tt+has |frausetceditwichaeot Lowndes “Says that-he will wi Was &.ca9 &~Thererhayg been’a:Roodmapycases’didate sinless wetionan steasabdsome““deaths:i in New’Orleans,Chairman,TP (BLOC ¥“P,P “7 -Ast Fsneeageie|RVD hh”lan ses Fyre VSaber y BERR 8 >toate Place,ga Hoyt Four.me “fFre and:Chickens ©sroceries.gfe ‘selt.ytood™“Dug PS =!ies stock at all times.Opes a1 >Si aot ae ere: »s#4 ee oh See aeraRY-‘TELL1C0.:*[Best ons nee Ra % TAS 3 -8 +Has Es “Ber Seadepacel 2aim Atwaykeeps:se ‘thel ae “Wath you Want them,»:‘Rice ee lot.Gf “z:BN ens es nts>a ae -2 my i }2 ripe ~*~‘;one i ru ‘‘ soe es’and:sugars,PB.sy pa ¥map Te ‘as “forget that wepay”Pideuests?ihe hose SE Cotton Gin: .Walnable acd Brtmbive aloof zs w rXOTICN’|§ 7 egeesetaecopecatbeamedieMailAgohtMelptosb=i5.‘pack ‘on of the clerk er Seer;mioHiorouzeny cat ‘te Gonrt,eee ae Pree Met‘ab }tee een By.ac eesand miner Dy,om ae sf oe ae iz or ttheyzaptathesyecitjorepane ‘ys en ee,3 hb 4.HoRTSESS.x ‘ abe i His Sinker,‘shoe!Here “this KAP URESBAitoomes {or Sessi).t ip) te hae itain:“sa:ze humber“ofvaluay Sateen es yelgavle crac fend Scena NL =M at any a ah contained ix *mortgage -“deed,|adarror iits,5Bcou brome!adjacent fo,said’Bry,tothe late?A aS Ay Chifders,.Gear.fawn.e ste«a AG 2 Ballin;eslesewillsBat:publicdie- he!3,,Be Nore ahdchildren:came Lei aothe Pie‘ome ae tae i9doorariSh Ae aditofTresiaemakefa: me BOB eeDee aeoy! ae No0,3.‘Sie ge ox Yihee Tract!33fand5.‘Miller.’Miller fract,’13 aerés,’y ONO12 Stévehyon’“6 aad "ie Vaunoy Tra Se vamos. ores’ree:WAStractFanicattosehBets =sisA ville,camevup,last ;Saturday and |afd Jatér thesSKK.Waught ee Pract.Bont:arirrwentoutto,Déals¥illé to Spen:a/Sate éontainida 118‘acres -migre or less,Fog Messrs,M.oDeal"&Sonse\.|adjoiniogr PeRickért,heSrp lo actSeung stones *:a,3hBiasondhract,sabobe.oie "Nos:28 and 34."Fiefminy“Tract:aude aut *nd:3§.°Lyons Tract,about’t Nom ming Lgnd,Prout:feresNoom~Pomlin Baaey froUE,Av Carlton Pr42"Hotel:Bldck+32TATract; ee&Idw:Sess Ne 543fotNesacba. ‘ationMyreond’,Mrs.Rok.is pris,“ot |Bsfigits<Brad{ene :atts.5 :‘spent¢dav or Ow ered aR : Eeests “week,visiting,Mrs:SON RE R >McLALGHLIN,”Execuf@s).off 7a ‘S.>Billingeley. e"S tortom ding‘about.ee xe abl ratio Ras vtte “aboutli 2 ake ‘' wa l bokeh ofjvallicad fear ‘Cottoa &sk eonnon.seeSosPPR OgstertirTobaecoRaetoryyySFahrikeelsRetSepenisoe We Be 7A : a the ~undersivied.~Ty Will aga ateva dil}sel Mnwoet the late.5:nkorga oh je auctor to thes‘HheWest.vider} e yee a gs sts ¢pinesucr “the court Houserdariin a3 £ Ta g s ee eet,:Cth SERB ha,‘AY NOES apyskippedxsSaturdayfropy<Saltabary eeeoe SY eBialz IQND:AY,Nogeutes SPH,1900,Yjheeee.JAty 12%!flock ut’*Soran tiaets ofwager,South Siiila.dofutieiate S-a Jaod.ain:?*Stateseuls -township,:de-LNoxember 6 \Sseribedand.defiqed.as follows,ton}. Ly aloeeot the 00} .oe we will ‘make w nie Lear a BEES:we oetb sell for.se oe:, One:third:adh,be ehaedl iinisix howthy “ang:qne-tiird:ne 12Deferredpayments.to be-secured.by"notes bearins “6 per.cegtt ‘trom sale ‘till paid.;“Title reserved till?“purchase &“.money-isall paid.Option to parcHaser:to-pay cash and.take~<_deed<on day-of sales ~Bales,to continue from Say:10,day.StU, ‘|22-poles to.a stone;thence s.87.Weide 3 “Any ‘of.this property ban.be!Shine Ae mate.sale eae~day of sale.upon-application.to.f:D:*s -aid'B.Fi Gongs at Statesville:N:C..<This saleaffords.toinvestors and prospecting coioe:an7<chnortuniéy for themost:Varied sand‘ex‘~ensive’investments“ev er-offered in real estate in Statesy iHe:.:waByerdetofwheSteypoliiereanddirebtors‘of the ee AFiler a ew 2a Tract:42 Bemaning at a Post coruer of the.Huggins tract,hen oH sorrison “ae “Hatris,at Faney Hill,nel,w.I4-poles to’a-stone.thenee n- panne eee ee |havea Dew cotton,vin and will give 69,e.133 poles to astone;W.Py Jen- you satistaction:«pac A ‘kins “Hine.thence with his line’s.14 -BoStian-Bros.Pcs their’gin in}poles to.astone;thence-s 89>-w.133 first.Class condition,hen +poles.to the.beginning:containing} :Cheersat seer ee. Se Dace53 at s.9,7,I22-3 poles*to a stone,thence }:site peered vos 6.daugltorof|merchandticheag for cash:"|Slum,Lgaaovlstoastondheuceywoore&McBain can.suit aea]s’8l.e:aS 3 poles:tothe beginning |’ ee ae ae es ee Cont RONDE.sone acts sithMESSSJ8arke‘h a ryt includmg o: Roriés:MOtRISO.of handsomestock.offal ad‘ite oath ot Shoda A2 ne <PertfrontRovguuiption,¢She-swhs millinery?~~we |ai Seplemtey cha, ‘hychrestecstivdhtly:“a whokne wher.S «4 oo not,cn ap for a:rae ean ae he'ssamévecwoide eae tnin:‘dis mérchants.claim "to:sell>bGisesWA“ae ?bat.Pid we,[Plaine aadsao’.definite oneSate:ak ow ae SRS :e wt ladles ine.‘dress:7yoots:OffSeen csspam.INe Sottipece GR Xo pioknaoun syste af husgin -expoise:will questin tour abilit aes ots BusinessesSto bereon ay &best qua!aliteroad Ane wt rive,ue on ORG tinsel roapes“Wer bury,Ot.fepufatign:forya xocd*St’known ‘prices,this:SaasWitlr ofir veny ¢ph shape:to'not ouky meet,coupetgion.butetthe:sharpest.com pétitign.x.athe some'pri¢es.+Good Printsio.Short Jen’woods 10-30Of -yd.Heary,‘Sheetin€-4fe.*Vasyd.Outings:Bbheap enourhs,BTS,ke.Nice.linedadies:mradsa,sii ts,Capes,at’any priées 5:eeWart’SchoolBoy Jeans 41g.rad agtprers and jobbers idvig <New.Cotton Gin.rye £00oda Ve stall exeee : even To wer the |Goodrst ack of Dry,Goods pNice.Tide Evoobsdeee»Corsets,and Hois;|cheaper than ne “‘Sowels5 to‘236:“ep Bd‘best,sore mnade,. ns one ‘aietrol &.+Big:stock Jeans:ae —Dar SAE/ Stxtimer “Wheat ft “hetame.known 25 esS Notiee..2S.50 tat:Mr ee salutes,were.i whbnsteKad our Sitch;ib patiovain£2 sapdlhds ¥rp URED ek.de onsristiobd off irsGchass Condition for-sihning ‘and japane“te foe SERYEEAOLot |weledthe.Wereiis vem <7 Cage ask you fo tee US.Satis cope guar+éThe.sspadlic <weleom &gereuipnits saigecth -Rogeiecheaps 605°SS yf FiS/DO.ober SEs:wheter. n'¥Suits B22oQand ups’higha,ne as’see "Goed, Fe puice xXop walat. jas ypeaple:D4,Didie aresc pon S..witha Fou good! ss on;“payClolbing-axefea ss=:$you.L ng 22.iekineMen:'s As teady.Sock aEst Bose So ibaa ;en aeSealed Be 10}sepour dtonie neeShoes:bey: -90 up.Seeus ‘on vboe:es én Shirts;-Ender Shirtsopeotal?lbs.fervoue al“Come®to,séeuscHicksillpleas C save eta Paria if“Sect kar.‘Soda®2é.per"neaLb.altosShown xe¥VOU:"NasVthBrisittess.any always:goods for oxen’ry tefigyspetl.With:uCW.e watt:te bust Réel Cotton.¢hickens*eegos butter,goin,whéat*.Gridtit bee}pFoduce..“We,salso:w: sJand Hfyeuradre? hat!KG,sae oe'Or gpast favors land:ae,Souli ynudfod|ciiefaseoar"‘basi2fpetport)Leotton,“Sevgls |BeesallRindsofhi,+ands SSpena eDongate:efBuates- ay prices ®.Phaping toy)cléseattention,to)Jean t“yorth of néss“wath yon:- arses Soaerrors,ed:take aon hides a not negrddss! ee.ise &on pene Rossc (uate,oy ville.he he.=Ty=eSou«bagh Qs,pricé,,:yeaoe~-Bradford &SonsalouseaadGener‘al Mer Sx en feeaieand.soe | teaeones: Fg!audp ekeeond °Sseh,:oe RentSoreeeite Sd Bisping iearand Winter Mitin Seis millinery e@tablighinent etaThisSsortrventof-millinérx*;nyae ie fa-datebouse,*betng, fe ‘Spectally Select,wit enlenéed *x;5; rea cave psa’Sati fin|An save Mmougyayeetdcrwearat$140.perseratby'no others:+ tS ~peeats fare ‘been:madefrom*.=e ;ang *Badies sAUSirby¥ALu lieagier Duce cent ay seRtiners otraetortie A x, wihthe:ata of ane malline toy UIETRYus:fride~ tthéretore:corvially japeatl si beretogy2abs‘areand:pe Visbick ie ae Bats“T6 NIC:PELLETSyou.@,but a Complete.“nessSCnaigatas apid §6 J distinct medicines,ey 7 eelIls;bringiaeepiefetwousteystéar’ Ponsneree 1 & Ss,~4t is ‘big: << mine relief ;“Robes SitumeP foray,ti wear undensi ‘ Snfant arefor chile ~Coubleover th_-Specials ;e Dhdir cet for lie:oes3 end Chitavent ts j uste hed.Pybackgot DEBote ao we ngil eS Pita E |nae mr!ies.:SootDie’‘Hine of teas rats Si 2 re .noe =Hee see—of septdhar;reS taedor titers,oan from.aad Star phis Ssfenaoepre TueSdaynight.Peter.Maher kp okt rs roduce-.:.‘|fixtithree niles orthare ndaout-Joe Kebiae ‘tthe ed Aae es:Se =[bg eager Sioe aeekcoches3oucateeeningSept.28992 4 Toes Skee os MES eee 2 Oe toms Sma ee oe ‘ae aae>ae)Se "oo Sa iy NR ote eves SSeS es nis flag lien thom Scate‘Yaeebuyingcael,from.B.beA\CW haven>deavy Cotto Madersijiris,‘13aad 2:eae:fam'9's ‘wihTe to:a Tapte-fined cot ton’ateeli-tole so——=o 28,atALLIS SeoF nm ‘Don ey: Ais ENG A HieRATMemes){ = ai he now.aeArps on“t iFineaéhadiesDress:Goo6s*:.. Goods;Satss,Siises,HandkersubGeo.ists Sess“Hose and:Socrs,Ouaggin = ercats:Daise".Glotb * datds,pees.pase: ec chest. ‘anything,’“that 'vantage,special or,seatputYouihtduch.with ‘tne, supipiythe eoods:ieinnteds;ra ervice.2 Hovily:t the market... othe:rs.ay Sos “4 f. - % a eae o ve Poe Mere or;-Etat Po ‘WSe i iriteksaoe<<;n Cr 1 “Dpety ae ee BUsbedi kee c oa 2 Bi 4 ce Ls <S Fsare %ESSE OF OR.’ m4 <a .%Etie .wrt Si ‘\ah Mien at Joti »b ¢JoseFie Lats’ax mee at moetarty:rr Aa"i ei ORE BP POSTE >:x £x so ake Besa atin ss i chome i afFallsgeyntownshif|Vedues-.4 ehui'e iaoeSe LOT ay Lhak tes <TC re Eo 2 My ee ba e ai oe SO ge oto ie NS diya ot,das}.weerk-at.600 Chotk2p.’ahs fi ghey eeOcc sion &Memarewie,POhetin))eens ee iA ::oF -~of Heaft oe se as Thats.Neeine Bae id opens renee,Thea ses ObureGPA, Pacts whe:Fre nee“Chal Wis,arbaasinesA inthrigen:cw Sak Bete shone,“Have,cognectsa Ahtnceb.ds Win at ie Pesken':20dinipSonecaoiefpaneJSFidayai;Le @xciocR 4 Domsth church win reratiers ave jon Z soe .ae AS Mrds!woe,=iSa,%Steins yoy:Vesey eater fpSot clinton ‘Pid other.CRUNCHES AD Ne and’:eC Ne ee eS a4deeS81“Ot “Rien see Mikey pe a ~“Tei whouris:afGyEx:yebitaker,Fee Sa Be Z Bee .Sack eeiwtabueeababeMr.We .1 States}dies “His witte Pesto ring the,moetior bey,7 ate g sss py;ihe.jt as ahbave1 ines chat Shs ¥.Sarees Homie Teor yenesape “ite gs ehhehwae ie,ig teks arses eek Bes otkeu.At ai kapt wae co "saltee WV GORE Cs oe ¢Lidineny,:Drovein god:i Marvi SA “=»{aruberatid anhonest mati’pe =2eNssneipak:Suntk-Brbsger aud,2 by C6 T perlpif was Tadd bie sha aad:Higaeiaont pla Ly ;CE pe Be Parag? 1 tO Re pe iat .Bu id eae “uF Aickokar>ere See Cass iNekelcs Setametssospel.se!SEvL ps NE deCorat tt Gnth KS Sis See Qe alkaneseeeSepeas—Sy Sat ean eres Pee ehosetia HandérsoniWine.¥-béen’réaelfetl,and:8 YOR Pd 0 pla ee Peace Prati 5 Parry Sy;pat 1 AeA ch ee ot are :aete“Shdlidy tot bavi ‘~yy Se fglled on.Ro0d-Prodnd.-Mr.2 ett rr Wend raya Ae a Tee Upie Prelate 2 Sten dyyHFservantaud ghe Ba stetna Na 4saaatigréesathrday.Ve %eo afr.Boudebson Wise son “oft Mr ris idbe‘congratuyated onr khe a.lage’chural istge 6)eo ee ox *eee ‘heavens Nt SWAPS Chena tie oe Cie|“i dohm A,Wise,,dfed at--his.Figme ibs+Oftisipteting.”fede aN:Grea e ite Sendo t 1)~ea the aye of the:house,/A Tt:feat ges jCtivpd“ws”hy Sag tes te .“wouth StateSville siestepdas morni Bt i hg ae peer =a ‘s ci o¢>1 2r i valh Genom nie]Pesi-with ite:CAPO taeeeetOM|Ae-d0clock/of tcqmsumiption,Sged yStiit EMlaneingss HI ns an¢rerédds Béing-nrepresant od.)fPeight afntil fear a’bridAseo3EF;2 Eyieald BON RAS yeu}oS Bin y oH BY }"bee noRe Be.Rickert.‘the chairing}Ls a xSefromthtA.AbdutlB0uvears «He h4dviory,end Tyestlay.2 atone:oie )tbe vudgetian caughtit pieSNDrpsGNorthresaaleats.Seep asuflener,from tint.dredd,iseade’jjbrooghthe mancfactihiossee OS whe,committee At arrarty Emre ttt.F er seneaEWgisecty,“ae a aig!‘willing Mernisen Swetse ESfuneral.ittIb:¢‘conducted »from)Méssrs"a,Cs Stéele ae.Sons.-.Pee presided®After kppropriate-:ius?Ch yee, !af fr qu Re isit-bo:Moareswites a tsideuce Sy bas RSG ABarré>bh proerpssivey fir:finds that,Tone;S84a ‘prayor Dy.Rese‘I,Pauls “p.. ae Sith indag tine fie :Shs!Rulpltiaston®:ot MorsabtgactJetyoweck |this afternoons ‘and.the}noone!is-needed f6r their growing+:rou Ene eros ;hy an i oh thy:st ea:incetip =at Snow|ip Wrsiting Mise BT “Rav sthes 2 comepce ee by‘witlbe.in Og woostoenie-ybiesiness,gadt they are bufidihg a,Bea,Ehlers ot raatecerale wittd:‘Ele ieciptown chines Saleen dy More.SI ist Sani dy f Peo X 24 NS ae 4 au.fp ass ;BS ‘ge kind)eT:oe KiieasesteeJoMissMaryForee.of SeipTro,”wes NVA TFS brick,Midi tion,33 by £5.feeg An di I Dee ne root td Perea oN goa Se Z oats taste ak oe rAS Lae -es pgs?ropest,wy AS Siswvisitings xti Marshal SAilisow s0 oe ieclSeeacodtares thie wnly>Lan ;3 ;ete orTMENSIOns.\Hardly:‘a.year>passes",tHof ,rd =smother,»e*‘Teavest Sot:an -<adarti to their,“'p TER Se 3 Ay,=BLees Hr3 £37.“P.,Bang BS Weleak ta:Chae Le she aes Hh Wats a eOB Aiaina)ecuaceennee ae nat,Agier t at thé?crogwdec iatnee ,has:baer ¢Yotfe.Mon dry.ight,Oe Gee ;he:bintitk:ptomtige.,and tiis’ee ely ‘doatteiis}:This dri SihanutRepares,ee pQuy:colomns..peerente ys ag pul mt rts AWC:=Paenets xg et Meesated Aeeeat lye Vd pkorct.-.~oGweaned |ingles dand:Sbrickyard.‘supplies;eng tenes neh gog Si)W Ler,escbesahPasHere’Mondayocri eae business arditred sistersSee Uhe araes|*of divkings,4L besides”other,itch Ly,¥noe E )Lassen Bimibes Uf Pete i ie 5 eee ee RS ae tor Pe eterase by by res he wer kan repair titer|SA 2£“Dayitstn|:Mis Minnie Notris SlyHofShot -yee ie is gyn tfomplogs.ee“5th,vk oe 4:et "prdathedshis:fist “trmon in’Fdur+1 eck sStery)AS:“yjsitingeoHer M4 oi ALS:btw MozSeSulta qoe Damekes AAzeines.Wadnd of then:as woaid Rachahton reek charch.,Phoxusticaame:ane Fine Mee a antl an ltd ere 4 Ra ethip:sFeiseckpr’Company:i*Tevehore aqui cer eae areyake pmanysof athe’‘Simple.:fastomssof a| ::Perry “BL Lev 3 iti iS eesmehee aA 3 Deki SBepherd,ot:Ch ee s4 x oe OWbity.cougrevation «‘vereieeamefi2S.Deti SHepher ambersstt¢méreethah €1,000s /fafdly.awee+4coat BiHaake rovey ax ons ther:>Auineeat.tfh ile ore tow Hishi pckas sued the UW.ests,passes.-but'x.this,pe a utairt ained”at:that.tine?AY fee eh? ~” ~ * ‘ue tdcaha mek 4; ee gta —aeae Baltimeiec.*y 4 Soe il altethea ‘Delegraph “Co.for $1,999,pttietr.p face pee OREN,fvears later.fhe:se peries ae .Vie EDIRC TeeCoartt pie x ‘‘3 Of.mae heal’t nea Ville Church?angi city.“taars®ereaaciy¥ite Jetabors |wr.Gem:Anas oh Was ‘at “home A DuaLOS OVC!ount,’<me an:2 ){ropa,Andeone’S ee was ‘shere!Aes mie %een c X r a8.soa eo Sfoudayaancl,Toes,Tetra,taguish:Gubee DetyA Breof the de Saturdayand Dp mobased aa:“enttitassomedsee igo:;Pa RT saa.aoe if es pb i ghee eS ryioriCount ae ‘Leonotr Dies day,Ss"jiendaiit camanys £08:¢livera.“Zéle»|"Phas is‘oue.of Statestille’s most im,ectk Ratt tad bebn:dal ieee pe eae :MaDe Te Teg AAC haseS ti ]wt SEN ef ‘ont hi bom:Airs.Rosse Se ee ;ouegt a rpogactny St hie.Rhpint condi:portantand yrowinyay:‘anufacthting|ant reseh tedto Concord t HES:ayes ha robe cet pteot pase PRIS atkSeba ne.8; 4 3g Chan oT ate “fyarma temes aa)Yah oA orhasband tto fer essbatnd’s.‘LestablishinemtgSandie site Miles Beverth he.fall La binbutt oo :a aN=:me ma +t os : ett ee ag ‘Sin Spartanburg,S.Cy ;My.weather)“Ale See Die sheppera,*#)of whieh ‘the twats.proud;*Lealgetiae Was akens&tan’“eed jo ris ae e ie,i ifgderaey ““Missed Cite ankeV ati “Dba hatteTite telegram wuss sent Se ty ke oa meeting at Mongantowin'Qeteaber +St AAT AG * Whits,be SOG Tok Spavt f 40 ‘ony Buy whod on"April Ii eet onM«,.dotin B.‘Bergraze-,.atOF THESxauit-Venn.Phe:gull”was "As |Rockey :Sr St coca (eee a:.wee eér ?coeROR NeOA FiegeS prepaid ‘Goaratters beds slug.“Mr.‘Johus“Belts+Harerave,died-at CEptod.pnd DF Wood was-in dy Saku gaan Tonor Sra Sy!AES RS ,eo og Beek PEE AABLETAC GOT ere Tae ae oie “hSkpheré's husband 'ddied.sDhe tele:al hts heme tn “Moortsxillp onsSatie ‘pastor,6t this chytchNowaunber'2).sega sicielnteat io eGo:Hy,felon Son re hisfon ee)nets deedbce n seef=e 4 Mae eosenipidck yéldeba OT Lacy nan ee2y every delive 1°to”Mra de aay evening,eae cousimption,“seed eee aaWwas-prearhed DST ero dati my Los Pitt Pe Bornes 8 Mies,|G tats os Aodsoretee,. CKerrmxKinds Lagbgy 8 “Pistia shee preipeY,yid>‘Shespher gigi Gay‘Jobtenand hg diasAOUtSO y aes:The bynislowes at Revie i Rockwell,“DED atgrmen wh fag ge Nake f t path Sdepet “ake ghtimaster’EONS:SFO ‘is Knot atlis brothers SWRUS-sick:Prdaspeghcchuech,Mohdiy,.aye ‘Tyr.as tomof door.athecharge f |- beta ie YsKota:webiyy te i cee Py rotfe z irk:ay,ob:Cite publ Kerghes mitilthweoayGek Sa frexhisdeath,by:WW.Pharr,condnetig fe Puner,Ho theaCbitgrevahiop wana swt bse 7 “Wag Ste.t gles.“D3 As:Hiussefy Of Wixghington a ThePinar rege brtoughs/by Agr Lay services.ye *Rev a.Rum pre ‘aya itn:chatfees Tor \ ;aes aes ave sisting 1b Payidson.Ke,Ao fy DD.Shoph to the‘mam té,whom}Mge Prariryayct wis!ae eaduate,of the.paststdr}Dy:Rez ifm,“AN Pliers = Mingaragy albr Bower acghakaade,ifie jtelgctam wasad dresseds dort,the Net York Golisge SOF Phasmay})<"Rew,ifang,of theyvous nbpies)Im ‘ohe,Bure base,‘entereal:the,OGaes Sygledamages ~(gtetiental anarnish ey.SSometwyo-wears:“ago-he engur-.ters ofthat dby -epteted:tps ose - ale:u tuaih Reangle "Ym x anstty ateleahee 1p earsed bX:NIST ure,te:ears jthes}:"ei in phe dpa Byswe:SohMoores!parse Ras imigte Moke:thr eg ee=«78 Pro ty te Aa wn Sag relégram and tosen dw ot his foes ville,’under he,tinea’neti OF BB,dished “theig’Sikitecahfits”wi?PrchsSra oN Lr]devi,iw pede by i Zorne:COT ‘f S,gicknessa:;Larath.“Bae plsin-|ardraw.io eye ¥Qn Lecoupt=c Pane gating,attog \eeon Ooh lows lye ~3oo CO Fes GS lee.Petre £3 oe sit tiese sujtszhave ret after ke éyifing healtiy“he-$0 a.Wsitbberest Ip5 De Toon ortiordid“4ay teahis’‘Yieol@s “ge ne wings :Neyte ss a het:he forty pe,Mhenty LiCl Gee anit larry PsGtier;es Bux Hex Millar,¢2 Hi.wast dohsiss cat Gupse An:Berigoaty I Sqmitiarys Ags ib haat &Ste eee bina eg goa elk Hinet teckeeys ELISE mith thé ee ,ee the:quitsre Brogizhtto}td »Chrabian ethan te eiteputdor a>PAddisgn A ipsenter:al Seutgi:ee ota ‘i late’atts8 eeaboped 4Ye Line?wah at San Novemberetern:of-Inedell Supetion|eaves a wifey three brotheys*.and Dx.:Chaties'ASdse the 1w6 inost have.Lor4 ke,dies watch oy tte rors visiieert his:motherSiar this pCout.:ee eek,stone one sister to mourn hislosst,eee istinguished,‘Sclidlars.of that re-y Nice.meOVPUESScect:og ieaiet rated aan .}See)os -Fhowned.iustitution.“He Ree Depo dnt Pear ‘also batt 5 Mi :Soeje *L,ttle!Seen’yt rak 3 E :Mrs.Burke:s Openink:ae {°gees .“NOT DEAD.eem gos ene his:studies’iat,umbia:oe hoy eo ee Ree Wot the usdan ‘Now FORxTALE Pie ; 5 igsey Sallie Little.ANUS ee :ne 4 -+the instruction:of that “mose gikter ieles.Tit thoslatece Be fs Ne :?‘ayFoandMollieeMeCcraven.sof ‘Hunters=retorted for Tus Mascor./f <LA sSertous+eee Affair ie Eagle}+)lout S DeeH Th oratereli!antcteratartan test thes late :Styles cours]:BetwherD OuMsel ie alba s Hike ie #»>D ings |OMrsec Jl PP Burke sie.Mills Township:in,Which One eologiab 20 SOR Od aD LO 24 “We Wilk:hare on ae “mw.buving right,“tO ANT:auth:HOTS.Aa julitadd pall toyarvisSitio~Shisse +De ing >tse.surke's opening aah Brother Seriously Wounds “An-nally:“comple ted”his-preparation tow notices at:Sloan:&Shelton RSec Re aie Lite tips-and Ghe dispesiti .-:oat ey epi i the’very’Jnclement wegther,.other--The,Felan Report:Of.The Guar (Al Uni ivep:ity:of ae Tine Pstore:.“Tow Lisifce wave.th agilliti¢sah Che isi)BOF aie yas.‘gitite;Smell’attended Monday|\-Wounded Boy's Death.ta eee ie ={SLQVE 74 OWT anid counpry::patrons “perter’ta satisty!Yoo tty”WSs nla ete “ht,and’those “who Failed taat-|Tuesday,it wasréported in:States |butshs Scotland.”:Ginleavejiae Kayes and:our wazof |o-Our giie:etme STakorokvelretarySekeh¢me Pete |tt Ss ;%syst oyna ‘AWA tor the mt tate=whe ioe'ohare re i re 3 The F =Mend.tbat Mebt’putin an Appearance calle tht hober Re ne gar had kill ed:The session and.congre pation.oe face dry <S a *2"See ae Heti Sos vee en ay a irs,oe ‘uesds1 Khe most popular shapes -his brother Wilt teugyar.in «Hayle thirty:years’ago wnivht-welk-liave Vs e ties Speciah Orders hos oe esfoe tro ¢Mills tornship...Coroner Foard and {been congratulated’upon,the:wis.=Hiven pr.sat tteation..(ae tee mérchandise for tic boast Sentor “expelargecavalior88stROMEAND&BRISTOL,1 ony Or doleto spans.ASecon-Stent aeeptenrberTsthesans-me oo avestisate ae z Gc . * (e a te e rt on " ‘ . (:m tobe the veryaideengRic‘kort’Or.“at t St ;ban trooping.hat-+fer:dress eva’‘Sheriff Wxcoit!went to EBaele:s mills)dom:of their choice and «still<mare * F soren it at Prhne ¥ar and,‘the.wolf and,fat Talkisi|township-Tuesday2vfternvon.in re?fupon'“their.‘succéss'under,/Ditine te :is, Fs ere OD ‘Pisit to.his AP yy for’‘street Wear,The-newest4 sponse to-a ‘phone }pibessage:from!guidance’in.securine:thes {man Water mana errs nae ae pees MONEY go.\te Turnersbure avubuncins that a.mur:}their ‘choostre.*-But.the pleasure.see PO ee eye ourselve Qe md tat we will hot atlaw,ap derhad been committed.ofthis:vommenioratixe OCCASION TIS ere eras SR BP 2g es A =Satishictorys ST ry:shoypine dicour store atid Pheofliters found:that the”report }chasténed by thesaad fact:that.not Te Be Be ee pO bets our statemeils,AWS FOUL Duy jusein thie Ne es the.kilingowas false.The.youn one of?the.officers “Of the church who Ba Bcd,Se A 7 ee es ue DOPEe tine)modsS¢atBu AO:secuye the Ug tN inan,,Wilt Renegar,is ‘dangerously -welc omed:the new pastor,is withus sa Oe eeeeut2andhisconditionisSeriouswith}fhis eveulneeo a Ay Allison,Jethechances”'that he will diex’-The : s ay:et hindimoststylishshaddsarethe-ceris 2 amt:Palker,“ef Stavfon,oot lntht and dpep,“and:the nee. tP Shetas with;histnotaér,Airs +urays and:Castors,theieading Shale, “Parker aqidvigtafned AO Mar:yp ing tha ‘latter.vA ny thing “mare ,Tt:kon to:-thé ‘feminine’faney than ere MES e po ‘Cos;snd het cakes +SEs Burke's:‘col eetion:of;millinery|aa,s AB.bs (rHavias:arnived tet “evens,‘Fouldsbe hard)to Impagine.=She has}‘:S32 Ne eee See ee i tetddy,mornitiy fensin ORaPe hats;to+suitah tastes ‘and pursts;;pate etourred Saturday after-}a eet oo Dr uss ¢0 Pee ts :Ses eked ait +6:is,at ces Pee an Beet ‘oa sh 4tad to-be Served by.ber:and.Miss:noow ‘Squire PAB.Kenbed y's S10.ae "Stéckton.W.it Mork isons”se,nis the:race.>Ni]‘iyeae iit tr ietahisUE”PRI:tome CP a Spee are ei if wa y farm,eben as thie:‘heey Carson es $e:Summers;Jas.“Se “Rtekerk:*eralSeak a.iveioharge Jot our apat Ha ey)yr Aeoe,rae ‘atpegs st vs Coulttagtisea ledsure”arc :Sek os eee muesday on bis.way “Mr Az as =Se sabe k nee ee place;iin Eagle jilis)‘township.deficons,;have passtd over the river:ae 2 puverwilt:be!in thesaaekut me ve}ie sang thts regnt wi v saved by you cy csah Ta oS Com asa ha ssc a, :°5odyayHiemasrofeetsSoesleighS$dita:*z “hts PEST::2}a Bol ear —ER ns ate r s On,the death of the boy's:father,Many,vey,the majority of:the meri tesoine o Si lie .rereS 5500 tists oe ‘MGHEs eek:Sen et Saf eet een Me."Charles E..Propést.hast sspribg,.Shober*was-left in bers:“who:"gladlyr witnessed that.Tyme ta reser aA es gk tel ie cats ea eS re Se r.€harles E.Prdpast died at,relnapire ofthe farm,and Wilf resent-}stallation:service,have entered’Upon|,ake €ef at &Mi ils Mass,SAE Ne vinnie OSesirae|4.8:bay soya ‘in the.Sts Charles Hatel ed bis authority.-A’row-resulted-|the rest that:rempiieth.for oe ee entre weer hers.eith,“her |buesday-night at,11 o'clock.’He Sotmtdax\atiersoon,ben:Shober|ple‘ot\Godal:|Mise OHS Pressly.bas es f 2d Tony-been a pufferer’from.‘xon-got vhis.7br aoe own and cut aim +Phe btiek buildineta’ea’eas JW peeened “bere oe of pt I So Saiptien,-and grew suddépty Worse across:the’left.breast with a Snife,first-sermon.was preached stniodians = »Rom Tae SY afi |7 “3tr Je W.‘Cade of Spar tan bute.|‘Ludsdaymorhing.whanit was known}‘Phe ReUae.couse Wi as the opposite side ‘of Meeting Streets =a a passed through town?Tuesday (raat the énd was.near The remains *.sheunotie tIone I 21507 eonting tostards Tvbad strect.”“Ows ae ‘ing to somedefest in the str aesahiswavetessaEwills=ataiies ishia vere taken to'Ghar!otte Tyesterday ff7 Ornoure Catoner e Ra :s ai,Che 3 tie sdtthi %of the MT James shes Me He “far.purmanh:Sir:p>¥,&ee ne ¢€sseryi ies .wy :Fate!vit Zs piieelast nage ee As jor»ried.hig halt;gs rere ot-pecdssaty,.-ai.“We-=A Spudering it”unspfe,-it?{tasstiierey:“ae Hise:CW ou AS ssmince’“asl aieRural sey TRAY y s t@ take”it dowmand®reba~::heute t hat Da reivaaeEeawarsen|Ren,“thoIyeva beea,gd ?Saye xSEEreaan or Ly aig Chet eet pene a De 585Sure wrath orate:Mhevewear:nok er Fe:wary a Sea 4 ee Seeks,MsSosa ocak paths CyPee Oneee i"phat fi r acs ‘derestontS Ober:<teoq-This See ace Briel chico =o ‘Na sa ‘‘ome Sete Tey:eo 2 id é Pies}aged §4 40 hedandy ‘of Deputy.pleted a cL dei ieat@de !Jege 3 i scr angen imrtoosSaterday cand Pe Re A.Campbeth,repre 1 :x:op AST).The.dedication:sermon’Was ov a iy.ikseeed::Te Se ua he et Sit OL SEA ESTHIN,bes}Syctied MeShatle,Sholayjot preached:“by sg GiniesPhilly =<tine aha,we.force isdd HRS,Sete essays Ward.Peard the.fatter,I mies nc ARN RES oe SasPERBatgoteyyoy,P.:of,ajc dete 4:&‘ny?x she then’professor at!Dai GSO.‘Goltege +=ee 3 ‘40.5Tasai,!xtSeiteeat 5 ‘decomp aaked.”the cotinine “tog weents Sopeeredohowdcarostertas;atorsze historical add rege das de!Schl i :fedlilyWh nce oa satattent ys Goes ooatbagaey ean dre Seber HY Fear nSOOL See Guoeaa,Dh :Ranma,mee ial akon’plate qe Cthatjotte ve iYOURE Ye Isecgnd building Wag Succeedpa:nee agent =e.Atteters.Whoreas yehtares ene ees<teliS penn ee rhe ong we now?aoa:€ve Sates eves crdayatadiew asco ptt ;}f .ms }eran;gas eee ”oe co ted,PSD .ok tei H,win 4Fk§.deceased*egasiborn te*)Mar:Ye.jaii~by DriS*Endler,ert che acinecets —2 we aoe Sree ig tihy--wF actashemea?ori that ‘vicinitygaboutsy Fesul sof Wall‘Setpjuries:*uty te DB.Ren <D=D.Horas Beams ee eho Wi ae fens-hew Ne eeRtgigstedigsoe“About 1984 -4Re game.Wardiaaded rage Placs:au thi<‘Calfiwelt Stee eRe 4 isephe@maixT NOTH eee :cao:‘ait Sirbted,ahemytocers,bbasi:yarn me i isSadat tse aking.partin®“the-sbtetees.vs ~;3 156 woth.PpsSAMithers,ai Beora a a eeevery fe Aitoes therfisyoric“ad Sketch A ee bh titling:Pos ‘OCeL pedo ee RN *:‘peas aa!ie wey x 4.hangend R wh.MeTarchili Eres,aro ee Bexeke ASsctas E rperta about tave ‘Spyears Jr.:me RSE EK a ae and presented,Drs Mood with’a Jud nde.hs Cineae nety.4)Bo ee youeht,out):Soe TE AR EINCUGS A séuse.watch Which had ebton::put’sage \cugypn Mepes pS aSised ed:>tol a 4:Pert y ee oo ased forhimsby MhEYoursmen!Pat ig ‘3 Datn}c5 Mobwey ae vag fatntit 3tei lins.cheatt ‘“i ce 3 phe ConamM ants.Mrje MeBaush|irs,epee i aes x eae Se *:a enayseue hiuy>toy seliitoutigeXaust;[2 3 Bs premiarless were:entirely appxoprlattee ;StojsoeeasasuecosstulthyCtfantaiitaSkeeLawsawlthe,beedsioii,oessaid?bee wd J re tyliv nd terhan be y “5 pan eeprealthceeSyeesonbet1KAeAnfe,gard eS sguan in ne |e ‘Dr,“Wood We rave,it eur Hi Lv.es i te worforim tothat law:att hy ity.aligtent sis éney isa igweAN, sfSetedaten°‘ ah 3 >peégerskeothorr The Sh +;Bh se eey:sc ys ee ~Neary£185 a fy7ates{hort He S see Segeruc HEx emie yen hi nedalvored:yours geen’ae oa So 20.ees :i SellaeReampwofRow.|serait septetheradd xngnetPROSE,Soreadine the Tight A)Gea nae ue enadewies sd we stot a eee eidratpeatae°=Th We |AE LUS RETRO St Tecciyan thetaxes,coher shiell|Gok dud:leading:the,aray cay ATE|igreae:=Sainte chrce any SOLE OL two ta our mgt aanshiageues3nuke“waniter ont at leastQpetigy.crea”er!eat consteteney,~If men,ity are,REC Weint Os ie pee mos es VY x YSat Mieniast Mere bs 4gBo4orcet~~Aides~s Vol take se eT watfcts mromeh_ofOctaber,atsomeone,pr.more i hy,5 2 l 4 s seyhint.Wo bal aces in eth township of Which “HiteenZdan.judges the chndtet sof abetths Wel |Se Halt,Une fallow’tr pyceSe ou Ea ‘‘S BA pe:PoetstPNenthe+“S on le =oy Se in Qt u FIle =ek PV Beaoetee x aad =Piigcce 21shaté be-given:Bi dvertiselncutsat three oo eae 4 Diamend Bottexs meth.¢Lee gah riche abies wv Tks>aS Spe oe é }“pere.,Ne Moccia,rhc:plaoés,“anc imgete wereTf one cealegeea ars sees eosstan dari:Dsih:“gd Becoe shay f,Me Wg ees Ne a8 er Phenk,‘Our Pattvons. Boas heh PEN Oar Siete Fe ey ;ae ;La or 4>one Iyer.y 1)Phe as vepudlishedin the counts.+Tati Vhs Yesind thsmah Yh AnyWage rie:vas eis:tether relatives pote and.“near?“St ST:Sav Kentver’the?tg;ie shallbe duced,Tar apete Ss tae you hag arlotid (abies ae a Sia yoymatlotye.>peced.te collect theta:ac”follows at TE the:heeas:itis poeeeAor“han 0 ees a nuoveleadil>re-enver the Natal”a agen.&*+tenes +~~“1 and-unpalt Ahed sheriff.sha letramediately pror .“eer T Pore sev?Te ."ier ,eR INUsbistgenWtegirsickTereeforsevs><Charles)Ppopest,apbetas frown|SScocuarxed “hace personal apropertY af the|tisis earth tQ hee atp:testinionsics|Satawba)Reid 2 tO"EW doce ee they.rat AP go ea Lone neta 3pad tis ts ‘peeSopt i tt so atheie ih iait £Bs *ai eful/months!uid wih have’td btitnd |S !art valacequal to thé-taxes:Charged “against hin,‘thE >bi 30 dP et Nit Nang a atetAthetomaafd.couiity,Wass one “O thesherit Wigiliseize gnd sel)a Eth megan,a biah d Bussand Petas n a es :ae .~iZe'gnd sel}the samé gs/te'is:|Their Apppreciation of the mat 1:;:;#Res Bae ten eee WeoAt 10 ros!pepalary Gun then &verin:gasinedsac ‘Sn SRBEE Popertyxunder REC Ki eeepee life ‘apd eharactCH.<A mwehatepu chal Abees e Ose:oy paket eyeest.clothiag tSbtainable, Pe i se eSa=eengy ngs mi Steen et a he was Sroatbentedat YOK to.fuow,suictly the.wbbve [thevouny!Imco Fol your eongrésu-|¢no Ven we sgall addy 3 ¢eeay a SS i SF ‘Fen ceed cee oe tos vast wavs.attractive;an Sf awe,Thetetors iI parties“aret earnestly.rey]tipn hare skied t Onthis Gceasion:Res a 2.ave hea pes iphsene ee Ne es mo Oy:>gs ry tpeed “ME1apeshowhysewewhwesretil-mor-ty fo*psemgoniticaty nm okthe.dbliging,Tagshetigicotie’sfyrward and.sett “their “Bucs ih hareSou.a Saif esthan cout:eee a ie orat (oe e SERS ie fi ";=wel lvbe.Carb 37yo Ee eee a ee ed oe arc EN Te&urteous.mer¢iant2.W ithvindomi-+btwill beanfay:“Sie dysingrebe wwOntha ‘ified withjewels.tO ws,res Sprites.bud.party"Waste,ngenesBe ee ip s zi A ae oe baring Bar 5 xl.Ouhas ‘been et VE ie “i Seon been Riche 1&ptuck=he continued-business Sepomber and NGtembess!or oydu'will find ay es ™Soar basinss abd-are malkinswe rices.fits 2 ii ¥OUr aath taki se OY AMES es ‘:x.Py ody Ne ior.i bes JHE“DEUS r ie ed.deputy there,Renmbarppescf “teceiving®aie But:-beford aIyS We $Re EO eI}yoads=:oN ::ee aeeistyseverdidays2Hewehsabfeebertnyaltey,dread?corisiimntiba |H Calwiliebitthe places Mag:fare bp inital,A-wist 0,see that tie facty We ger Le Pete Ee Fie 8,:Several “Fears?wi ta 3“At The Poeseyesierdse *ra Za.Uistheary-band'p pon;‘big ati Sse ate Base ent:PHT the.yourng men of:‘Youtt.charchhave -L~PlessePe member’taba store |?eae oe oe “Sloan 4 axt of =fee A AS 2c iis oaifekociesl tee Shly from:sheer physical wot Gobper:mo “Visuffercd you-to pteach to:them,tort prices axe Spoke cash,Pate t ais ce ee“with Jesstrs Eas <Spates ane’si 4 Py continue‘the’e««Concard,Scott's;Friday oO tohey 61S ccd -b i}:4 mdyif’e byve.t Gi rge tie *ae Wey ‘3 Vive ¥RY A,e _ibis aleeraddy”ateyed nity.to onge.CO:BS f Shi "Bradford Bros Satirday,“Ootobeds?BO yedrs?withour gi ting WO a watch a sts he Be s maiaepm:Sth:SE “pieix Foon}Pini thieRergs Li we Bab rious (work,“which =“his{Sha sburg,brgaripocile 4M Sida,Oct.9.%,far van,apuitely:ditteRent jlirbose.sets 8t ae bso Boepee tise ur %}\oe Y in 7)'s’Ste ry =ae Laat eas om.i SS Irtay Hisehtay oes fees see *:he Suloss Senrandet.that he qtiit bus¢]~festa crate.Jems pe Pics Retest |Shouldeor vey ‘betier than Fotis arfar oz ;Yours:iyy2whetwillfestpretigence2XPoss,—Sineg thea,alt bgugh:cone are ae -|piesetitewyer Chat ture‘assuvayte ofa!;.te 1,3 sae vey we *<s tc y a ie ¢;Shs ConkaSe Vt Rusikeeles Spt:“cage.at thell4Vite"ablexto drag.gute fgot-after.an;ye aOp Figt nese tober 13 ees ‘tyour.serinons chaye-veves,begin,$t ‘Spentisfet.oe leagole uae i Bg ie le ee ip light pant?gote ORT OF.tix./\Sor Ao!ta sbbove a wbispety rag|Sake Purmony,,Saturday.9¢'aoth =plowed de”or ‘tedi biise7 teee,ig “pil >-geeas SayAer et — SS soe tho sesh :Nerdayynghiy Wd.the sfo 2 tights :mantvodyipued tto-jabor att such:Tihit*RES ue H.Sunttigers’saeyre,n¢fay bithpfivile Sto:plate this watch i hs "Seed Wararhor Sale cone +ii aang.ei oFat’thet GBotpow Harning since.The|RQUEWay oO Le Set Suppor *YOY"Cdotsy rng,B Ridfoppe’s,Wesday,Get 174 FORE Hands ¥‘a the aren me :Sgeiy £5:ev.J:RetGogbrane,Xx nario Jaderunhipg atatp Soon.1.msext aid fails Hes had!BRE font ee eer hates ee or:tt ati é ats oats thet fi Ors sek xO rsria ee om Scheid Saige SfaDthe ¢heataon s?s S tey 6fre aKoiivter At De:dg.Futnér:has ise of)pboconhinsg a gharge,upon-abs)sBartivget,.C:ae ‘Syn:estate yrngsar,+8pe OU iap %omeSP eae SSOU eote ean Ughecmer thts.an MG of.pthiat Tdo.Gfyou are goingsto buys SBit-oF Cloraes ane “aenyt<ts Pn h ffer.2.-bave,trying)Baby Os ntowa:se fd:vity:%Ofer 5 cae So site ae —gprsbagsosti a aeae z ,‘beSt footy and jowest pricesever:Known?Mens Heaky.:S.re nn ‘oyHeese!nor the Wiarviawe ort ag pond AL 2Y.Ses %,Sek 2 +Faitowa,prestoAxiday.Dadbe ae:i D “:saeBpohs,Sas WIM,13 %.Ss 4exfacareEeeweyArsithley,Sen.C8:‘AfayBertt nd.Tide,dbath came “as.d rofiee Sta}SEO Ses oi Toagurday Octo at.ty.BersWeeds pesponged heating ee eile teehee eee AGL WOOL SUITS $4.eee5 y a .ahs S.+:+fkou-nesgee “Ais <'Hlolmes>Sh aliagh tinh andywe hope Ahatsii Iso Gall oD,Bool (McKay's.Store Roney ;tand™‘tenderly.“thinkingAhsan Ty Ree Beye i gipker,Sait Miss,Mazkig’De *oe hips:OES Sm SS Céddje Creek,Moonmetre.fuels bd.A.Pmettot:thei ty the ladies,fos.ondess ae :rfit year Splendac Bim Black Clay,worsted suit S500 Ai ees mired taxes hy:std Z.w :IRECE bose So)ee ae ws ices oe £a ae pS .2.a Regen :eo ai faat teense ompther -Seite |Semel yiliting apbis tues avid.Lis).PLiRteE Ge,ofhu dell-coumty 98 Paehet a)eeetig gar as 1a as:yore San Bes oe i Coat >3 Se m ithethé State and Cgunty by that times“;a a Ya.Next y Hodday The “Statesem a -¥tare t Wery Respecttullt.«dK.WLY.COFFSnf.bee “enttre c Bp,Ronee cusipany ©wth Sait ns ve asain ep exanb ie ale5Sane:Roe:se Speti iredent’¢counts."4 sans J ee Watts then.Maat ting|Gents.M:MGsbgery.ai¥aA,Mt errs > mis €ss os ne at aN ae nee pe staoe ieSbiren wi 8.Be ===a=e Fenton ects aeSetBeerere ea:ge tae eee eae ©ei Ses 2 Hiae Fanaa dh er day5 Ses Piao omental’hoe 1 OU joers rege dak BL ue becky rey hy ys ycal estaipe }ing.in :%ty acdmmittce:.e regretaea Gaur)3 the Codsall yt:e-dagr in Staresvifle,Ss Ok hed Pet agposoyfieShel kt :=ra SdadeSt esvillem Ante;vn rari,eR gittct eee a Se.PERTMAZERSFORAVBEST..Space wilinotallow us 10 pript them:1 5ets are eeecg ee RS,—seeileae shoes.§ ah 3 istiiecy’sist,a baresopp uamnity”to *Secuke:>fence tisore cpptor.samtacee ILL,WANDERALL GRADGSORWHEAT}Before voting on’the sol tions rliesdcirermmic oreo ae ¢oe See ities3S:poeeatichs this sale*q Rets:M A:Smith andy.Hf:Préss/bist feact ch tainty aboutso acrexadjuining ; eh ea Y tei iy,hed asset the exami StigSUP|Will wot Le nyderspld.d My:Office “ia”in W,PL i th t a0 tinelandsifthes Bi es sMoore’atid? LOsgts.AX Te AB“ih S GOe5 atk ?eangulys ite yas freturned toshis Pinter&SeeEemers act tao by,Sopernuse.he:Adetnogist.aoe others,fe ee :‘be St Saye ta Se gh ;=“8 :want fertpizetorwheat”'s ¢,28 ny P Nn x x sto e ae,aa SvlMiNber ehhi awtot:Nae<f ahs <Poston Brps me Kaa sihgiz:.ime ir AWS seountys2 7C Ddites pee.*Batre ark!2 Wemcratons teed Restsaeons en ADAMSIG .ibe 'GE ‘print suittbbe,es “eanSn ah ce moriacivlad,Reiter nuutlinery apeuitiza’vestoxday Theg yaetes-Segayor Marigu’Batle eyes sa AUR ings.of their peapledo Dr.Sade ts ee Keynes thikes kepsan'gemuhtongatSS Dinos.thattabthes i= wy,.:3 lens ef.<4 ere The,=dew .i {cS us ap 3 a S wis |=e miwsdestseeect,“Rip gesnepeared le hae pace oe‘aNHe seesor Bd Be cpusof;“Salp of Valuable.feito appropriate’:sony,MrtcEartadaeict cena i +;r a4 the ,oe *eto mK?é y Cpa eStepha residentof Conereva-Tands:io partition,Simone theytesants,ss sorties woews oe=zeded alt daybe ladiest.$=4°",a Sntir-James 6igyIBeier ieabeI Miss Yat *Reat Estates Ror ten Aide Bin Seat ep af Sennetpuwed“ugcvedec f 4 ee UNDERSIGSEDIhat ttLiseakaEeetaaSMQ:ae sy "Ballard diied iit ee ere}Torte Se vat ontied bs decree of ce Superior coutf paleoeeBassetaby wise ebrew peels1Afooressillq”4n\Monghiy.<He}was -T aha tOwesntps 81 y Vat Iredell doutity:Incting case of W.He etawicra,|gregationgae .a.feclindy of!Ee y.sey ~~}“4gionSe ::5;wos bashed ‘cotton:ee k he ae BB Commisei oiler,Loser ¥@e =Stapesvl eynadérskeebing 41 cts.per'yd;22 ynd 3%Vesae ba bebo estyblishyt?‘dfemployee tofaphes tha:Modresyitie:©ay.“at =Sa sresigénee of thé bride's.heres sed Necapecans eae Drs Wo aase nd ss a~y2>and ate.not periect:a good clock.only 75c.',fine clean fuei.iPul right ‘Sstore of we VERE met iucbex.fo-axtahicongratulations,leat public eugcry at thesrourt hese loop.5 rat ach oes a v ao mn te aa Been,neat +Shed loadinérét t ouns,£10.90;7Vicey:*ottpusnnils Phe interment was.inl Meee son Lmroral teaebhers*"~4 “gepy TIN PE eek J24bsifor $1.00.Bint dopele.bdF breechloadinir ghot guns,S10.wtbitest Slukdhie yeasts piuegt the eng ecaeer.at-Moonwésvillé,Pyes-ger se 5s Brawley“igpatting ina |"ae :pARev Drs WW!Phgtr,o!ABistes re as See opie otties mpjets 10cts.te ‘Get:Large glass water.pitcbers Weemartier,Coupby *fies and ghe'.Ca -MONDAS.OCTOBER °oTH..ae .FSi nele:2a;tet Rote godeeeorePheve“kodSe Sod (ay?Reva d.Le Sbhiph,cotiductng yleplone system ‘ot Moore€@vible.24 ab rzdicjobic:mths follpwingdedescribedem rvilles-and.as Runiple;.of Salisbury,L ul Baltes caie ty$400.FheNew SR Sesere aS (gO = wht and eeaa SabNne fkire emeral sonia:is ce “ettoy togkié bis jun y this weele!Mezcal res wera eer)one entiea.|who ‘were tollege.mates:of Dr:Woed4 Seha?tuite x [hebest andidecudetnibe (oct ats,onl $poe3 ee ws¥Sea ieee “hy =X at Fa ft noe ourORE5Padoae eee buyers Bai as high’d‘as?ale ee et pny{Sse adjoifing -tine}aor)assisted.in Ais Grdinaffion here |s2 agresof river Or ae “y ALS aime,TAA ST o moe ros people?aye,=@sle ay e be Ape ys ted?This Se ams Marids Of J_<<Haynes 40th AYESEW:1,Dunlap,30 yeas ago spokedt theirpersonal nS horse;. “Reraigdl sr Micey and<weiate Adie ¥?st¢am7 rpa away!wit hte,Tt ester PY:ston pear pg Ay Halkon thé North,GS hgr tio uy :D;W.ode Tis i pianNeyliasSeeuredkit:”A @o0dco wd yon.,The wazon“Strader,oeders ly Above the,NewYork MaY>‘and JAC.Crasrfordoh the:and Ww."=4 relations \with De.»>Wo eit LoWereao“ie “Six 8 eae ¥,Se He 3 Store,Sant tlie.>Thefeeliug Seems to’,bésgéneral|terdrastd W.Mighess Be {speeches were probably >the titos “au -ee a md4 tearstra re et ata abies‘Sy bhoakiartbe Atthe eotten ywilk.gomuch:igher,Papsenront eeeSou as fatérestive of thleevening.°RYN ea —eS rad een oothatzFORD,~|RY ,carbe vsbrat“aeighhorkéoa —velievein this harness?’Theeee‘as ‘nov a piweare afraid to ame ert er.for hls Sem a6 SS Ram.POREsets Beier sees cite >sebaper's *Sy NSE om sy Galageee Sree Soot Pas setlvat’eee ro See Rone Rea.ye gtr:eins re Rna ih ett a ee Sos CN ee .et TE?Lr ieee ee Litees a “LQ Fi ers!fy iesas fot tieir’presen Ce,x PHspecial “preceeding.ent.Mey t a Ve SR::berty>and.yilyrtte:Seeoutery See ee shes ‘SHOES!SHOES |%- 5 ’.¥ ertilizers from the ener =the lowest,gnq° Ommpon-Owiing the same.Terms:i cash:|?:vey me geapparesPaalagace,aoe soe 1 taigied tail puretmsey puatee “alice ee adeSecnave dre ee36 to ge inc hes “ae 1|DE:r “epavimentss tH bear eS,CH ARMEIELD,3)t J 25.colts.sper ya,doublewide:driliinerfor micas ubderwear,at!ivgts.. a 5 A eat ae te aeet.a Ae tna soroadyeeetxeS rs ;EDs Cet :Neseyte~/t .*“Yn?=C0 a OP eS ’Z $2'Sh ‘ia on oo Pe ee reFeExeseeoRoeioegealLEAEEarsDinr.i alee diay Sent a ge eet Me ~é f-Ay+,rahe:uesBe tat Mi Zot aes oN PS vein B85 Bead Bete we OR Be CR SSS BCE oo eee Ee a bs rh.Cae |4 i -‘ee se a SS oe Bo Be ;ae ey ;sents Pe iain iecsoueeane:ae Po E a . adie sett ved:S rearvient .yu br be MyeetakAgjiMery,*f1 Ao W ? wt : \ . aes eoaa Latent uss RNY YS S a ;map i 7 :.8 easier om ~WGKce a ee wy oe Tiga yb ft Ries ay Oe nt “j ie ee:>:ces 2 ‘ee 2 i yy:ie MOI et ANele DEYE SAE ie he ~at .cs St acted Boe een #3 “ES Ree mie PA ot ims Son Nes Set eee LorryTeeee’4 *"‘alan ap A PMG rs 4 rm ae Gea Mdayim a Ae ieee avezwia4 £3 AE GB fe et Sung AP Sa Sia Meedgh ake a war em Be SS is neejeclocant eh afeats ton, me PRPs high ae PS :De haan be ge SS Nae i is ag eS =ra ,See CENA M:Apes olen ese cade Ms a ac |a ::2 A 2 os ‘ova <midirdeged,Mas wag:t aM pout:wu“abd,“was gon-tHogsd:Selati 5 The ups yCter ReforsniL %Bere Saye pee t geek :". |a8 WES suzy old Wong eS be ipa :aeshooddbgedssyapateFeeeeout:el : ‘=rt -2 Soke kg nprotis Wa:Fae ood een = EreaE SANTIRC TY ~[borg Prices:Shy ee wt ce eT analaks,oS ote ON bewecath fo core mores eran:SoM vou)Th ontEt ie.5 elist Lo)gay heseth oe pe eer mek |ae :eka :th .alle ‘ spore Geek 4 oe estar OmGe.oFrv i =est i / oe Pruged ra ae3_a Hoe 4 ,Nt.Cex Ca ANTE NV Ste ae Contenisptnemndn At:ch E4 eubien se PS thrdted 5*,raairoad.te enerareth anca;“ral fy dozen ‘a:eu SMe eet rans by yjng oS ard price pe : ,eC wp!=ORT 2 mee as J peifl bared:42 Nee Papas 4 ‘f :Re MS akg y =Vs E ise old.and:De 4 K5fiyi ae,ot vr 7 se “+-:eee e ..:OS eee °ng »j mals ra a ae ox hie 4:We od ee ocae ord ‘i a With:youg trol Vth?-¢Maer Hae °me :;Re.4 Sa Te ey S ay :x)Y tote,Lith ents .i es ae |Bt fUbiedan ne (=Nes ae yy ;Mae?:a oe ut yt ve. cine DO-OpL:atic bis iM aesGheecand}“ie eee e digg esSyceaghoePransactsa Ie if -torest piney :i Bad ond a pe i :jalattenti«¥tay mt dided itsAas “NEY s ED RTT.ecg .oa onntn i eat pent ‘tebe sara.“orp le of;aS)|ae::ee ye ‘4 reece i eion m VOM,fonBetting sirevtit ata Mraise BS ag ce ka > y »ae *eee ON sore :* at a.4 Se 5 ‘si wtReasafurgigw|ands co wana € th,wer.Sees Ak S Sora ow ts R="Comiinissioaets's 4 Yand «5 SAVERIO MOnékre *iat SipsHope?Comm-Ott.In Lictinere tits.reudereds|a a spesighpmncceding whereiimG,Wh Clegic ringstripor Gk!f s1bect (Malls,‘ducSased,>is |-y aa open “Melts:asd,othars ae desotheneed,“Chin sspmeh,Avil tT}acti gs?tb,(hes Iigehe:bidder ag feLNAeespltrotSitsghtestlie.SensOTR: PAMPOCT PE REST yyy 4 rkoanySpadonarate“labds.tat Gn 4"ie Ipgedktnibed Anat:degued*ag9 Atte weale ofdettingna Sure esaiters Chelpatrt ls fo RS ky Oy BR apse :mean Pad ion aie.aherte alt ty alpiy ‘:;t Rea Hait’sdaite;a ‘nds ered ae Keeines,.ef ‘tisk 7Prac Our speci éje < Sag hak ' Siatesville,es EY ei ‘Sem “yes ‘ ute Mache RN ag ‘:le heh Pr map.wt3asroale%CXass°aeSemaRamsex,the Bp AIRS Ak Curia gS pea t rtion “tothe qa:aoatte Ce: u eae door::CBee a Suites ste.Ne 3 .ae gies ee nea hth RDAY,Oe-TOBERS following tract of landminy:oe tid de fisred:| ySlaven's paleo.t., 0 nia a "PorteRies’“atiitpsaal a 6 thr votre Ss trict!pis ::.pry og WES ee 1)ie aVi saa ty 1 aa |bor,what «4 Baie pea is WayAe deat Be spe ee,ne Spee :Reape Re eo ‘k SPN oni ee aN ;“Une be-ass Toeal i Pushin 3 ole Soh ols;ae z e sic Eo aaa es ,as LS x 4 :us i me mmSte rae.to PateSi ars Gar 5 :eed WO NDISERDEDCT Ei a ee -Wee eeeoes re fe Paonindecenstds,1/3.Re MAXWELL.Mortgages.|Night “Stai&Pict yd aselm ;phsnes ‘:wrens :Sy Vay GRO ste said c or eet Se 5 Sebedulcs,sac itgooh Sires ST -a pi liye .oN Hk 21aeifyth(icine gun ame :I LCe paced:ase!2 SY Bye ’h ye.:7 s47%Survey oF 2ipng ;No the wie wy ‘} :oe tron Phening and r “Fras fant<iM“aL,lane theeShuusted aigestion Sa oe ee|eeDS.dt isthe icstulistovered digest.:Napband tonic...’No-other preparati=Fiver it an efficiency.ifs{es.9nd permyihentl ent aeDespersi,Sanat acute,ok oe——aise ene s eae Stomach’,Nausea,4 SsickHead:astra gia,Grampes-and|tse mepertect gestion.c|-PRenared by EC:Dewittacon.|on .aa pielaoeaKeeeREESy|:avoutbgFhieSotieHelebe,:5 Ns Orly Phrou{*ETE Atul sia ndad AS4| eSp)sls=meme at Old,ty .Browin.3 Gut-Os ‘Cardfintans.| sot SIV aS “tre bok. 1 Pe Ae 4 \ . et at At : *SS as Zeinsotte e i KYiorcaerme ca!g jcident aha:Weiats)gr ex =—_—_S_oCo oF penn nm a aoe—emis\ «) ” | >Phe}Clg Boys Clotk :"oe ‘ae a 'CO}ire, FBHE ne =Sesh etES Sepa a Curtains |1899...1 tke :es .‘months;‘s . ade;uct Nitagsc Sr ne yt 4 ae ‘=a ane Ba ve ar:Imarcer.tPieter:Sf pe HVS teve'u diac no oe aes ae *2 =beh gu ey “4 i i oe ;pe in yti>ef polwaenget ariouse-ae ee Setiak sare ie roi a ese ::oo pede walt —oe oes aif .aoue'on sale “4 a ::oorectyy. Me An e s tm PSP LEE GL GR Mebane ely$0 %Peroret ton,hel BT oe RATT TE sts bee=8:fee SR Pentre af é ©Ha aeetioe Robitsa:J mated Sit wit FEUTISLT a ae atk oth ‘Sgtisnk35)SCE:/k *Ly ist ¥.iae 3 ye ‘ee ie.>PPS ss e ae ey aforeed)Paes #~S oo Shs salen “yori ¢Tavs rh cost lier SedeatsSt¥yet te yeh ee COTE CAY OSE Tel hy ee 4 id Show,In “the :Sues Master ray Disre SCoroRO ry Sex UAT sa ae BETA AfScigt,H=areh the kb SfaSbADkMegMIkertserMaveOpaeds8aes; ea ‘to “the teeth by oFSSPa-n0 eps Jet Se thet “Souatty-MaPct Manein| ¥,.nal * not.excuse the’ eiality:sO patnf, Oxpressidi oy Tye We baviee =ores ane sa 2 Ten went “ey |Lelal tee nar Se 5 :aremadet,that’arethe mos Se i :sl te a : _ptlons,of _thea fee t bs mae’}=;':Ses -oa ee ES =S-.e @ Y ts deli ;(Al ides that:Sit POH oh2GeegeNSVSGRegthe50SgOrOyRCEODHamrispiccheSilland-the fies:fats 3caSh RISA GN OSE SOS tee PRIN 3 io IME 3 PR ARERR RGR Fea aah:i:Sixte:i {ate ey ment to inakey—y)i Sraeons or!ICTS tN TERAO Boo bay,hr Lh rie eta Pen Gt 5:sy 7s ol OLY Fo Me SSID,SO:wef WHE,Pat tutSepteretp,“i An S CeO ERT at hy heaeniGals RK ane Cons Meh b WC AE ZS PwANS mouthis forzqui ;ANs at Seay ETE RR AE Rd ee PANS (ENN cc Mee ENS ONS NO:£=ses grade “6 >:nal—**‘J opm f 4 .at tities aes 3 wie .,hy ca 7 ,Poh *.% We “spring,Cl Tg he a youto agMowe:ts Pg);:- Ses Ne ea ‘~.Bi tg ot wet ‘pot i 5 te ‘;Se .ah =Tie F :eo ‘i iy Rwy x.‘<rer Ti Atit 1 rer eier:SP wieeye oo f sen pot :is:5 4’x i ooh :~f :ikeayyPateimag7Saytyrepe|‘FS $ 2 drat ronch;ithbtxt Mi SSeS et rs ae THOTxygary:datprites é '1a bg te SEA,SoH sg tuey np once aay a Se eae es ;os“ape By ee =EER Uns oy es:+o is‘ygur chance te buy"’:¥Ape heas ey ig Lree wet nO at Pana a sian !c SEEPS 2 R ::.4 Fey Sie=Laid.ic ~MLadicee:ge bx Pa Ms See oy =aS 4 Mo weg i <3 .?:‘pethiesy ot 0 t me".er we -4 St fale ae :i i ei .".ces aS 5 ODO oh )a shove ;ale Jagat :.aa;4 2 Se Rie 7 oes Scene oe :Re aes eae E rgkn ’:Se me BAY LINNE f oa BY ee Septet 1S:ase yer:AM =e Paar featuresjo1st:pent ls pds Siac ra Frage ig SatOl wokenoi ee “i aeae Gis 7.aedoiSpacetaarsfteeSedSAloskEtheGols;PUES:KOA a AS sites:thsei Monila,Bdxdn Islands ;enceEos—feb;at Aigono yt ‘of P Tippingwater But Figsas eeON GEAR :Ree syn baat:::4 ukrex,ae ah 5i”.:;+“Cosy ain uit mori¢g exhibit!‘‘eeeNi rE =i at yor:pilesy by “Dewitt:3 “oe cle -oe pie es xas ge:Ltd ‘rin oe :peers Se 3 !3eattersuetercnteae|es PN SN gt ete Sts eS Me oN are wt erate seemed ve FES,folowingta aeatandtroiityPartw5‘,gate sh :;x Pers ;ora OY Nts Chae <iit th ing Claims agniftst |1¢unty;,AdjointnsDGNETyLTS-04 AW On TTobe mary <s ~cat fz 40"S rev]Lote iS rear i$OS eA Ok eine same to ustfor payment|Maiden,Sallie’Parks anyaudssSkrectbsves-j+AAS,5 x Saher aje ;j Rate Bay0 99 All wae and beinig'the'l1nd ie *a 2 "ue?;pemenanas ni ee SY :9 s cee:ne ;foe ST ;snag c ee :Maiden to°Wrh.J.Gots:itacerqus &Ss a 3 Bins %Sretage 1s /a Ne 4 <uke,“a ie .gna ‘wiig i aah Ae &ion This Augus ast.[Soo.. by in»4 .Y ;Ne ~~GogSeraage ),:Litt a mintstratorei'aeary in ortoni Pegs :Ps x SNE eB “;raz Dee RD ate t co Armisclae ‘Terper,Atwo=5 ©teh ts 5a caren a x ps °:a ¢;2 :p i x per ep x .SACO u R “Nat here nia e ,4 .ie rae >Peg sek .a BS aS etl ae MI eg ‘%,.Mn aN Sh 3 d BES:ator?:ees :ms jr Cmcerneen spaseeare aPasortsoF:—,.mine Get Ry Ane ;Be Boke So SF See et pore Attala ANS aedAo “],:::!(ee ,,_a eisri da rie coae Patteee:CamRcKES:bt}ec +rlamjsabatsne SteeBasont geet4fhe:Reed rg ’re nSirs At oy paced ‘Rai .=eae psraepOeASXhileSofth,re “ros *:2m 4D teofthe rixe 2 agora‘——.«.we ~GrKi=; ime 4oe8Be >es‘ws aie net 2 :‘ -* &ek ete eT Sia .A.<,ere 1 1 ‘ Welk eal >nCater“0 MoNpay,Oa ,