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The Mascot Nov. 1899
“SWE GEAP ANY a eer Fae aD =7 BE EWESytince AGIRCE LATION TW,ar cence ELCG.ABI,lovalnie ce ‘Pp ext+e won op € me he.trade ay e inn Net ie tft #fexueiFootowoex ied.33 ?~~$Ww Ch “ “of~~enist.Class Wwork<,es Ce ‘ iy y cand:Lowestt,Prices. s ce;c.-8 WE ee :an 523 yse“ad:acnieaiber of WA‘sanxtodistany 3 :ss BE <hiisespuck Mretiie to‘Sapp.‘orn frst aa,>tO WKehituc tosreport:thefork &))State: Be‘Torethey,election.My 5s {Sapp.gig?oro,Ohis ane “Rirjte-oP:hike teat,”‘Buckeyes’»contest.Wee‘Storesshie News’tha Observers) Hie rst.iNerth’“Car ola:paper”to. LL SeBteS toTEPOrt palit real ¢dmpaigns: 4g .~®\ Sop teeee é &Does Net‘Contain eth Nor Other Poison. ks MeUarty&.Son,Dime Box,Tex.,827:best owe Shave.‘ever,"handled..Mtoniy.Ci Tkpoe Wwhiéh’a chil 24)Gaal,wood ‘and.Cobs....00") :Cole’Ss Sheet Top Lineod,: _JSubjec =o ceSe eEN edatest et yi es.<imeCaats ‘ei €‘apes PonEe fail to “seey*ae pad :a *we eey & “Y e , os ee ‘2Pride exe ov ee_NOADVANCE ve hu soutlits .bisSe rPost ot‘BeOs%2"Ve “%etRe a we ca AMON,BAMON'S Chill Tonic Is Tasteless co Guaranteed to Cure.-Chilis and|>)Fever and al!Malaria!Troubles.*. oe3.NotInjure the Stontach Nor Effect thé’Hearing. i Ramon’s Pepsin Chill Tonicis thesonprescribesitinhispractice,and says it is can take without injury to the stomach.’BROWNW ME’G.CO.Bropista.Greeneville,Tenn. Blast _-Burns Eard and‘Sort bier tcoalbs?sve eer m:dufweturad.FoBEEKOU’,3 wat -a,»,at Wwill-eon Wo ey asioe ;yehor i ood only is tlie ae . Best ‘on asthe :ee hayeWaSavevieimprii¢e in fuel”and cK ak rt each ‘year: “GE Swit by .ee a f :ore Ge Ke :nex T8 ey *Y.=ek a Ww.Copeland’ “:+ Pac eV bonaeeg Prguen Stone ;Je =: i4taay~~<3 ‘ ¥for Iaivestigation +~1 <~¥~ e232.“Our Lime of Wraps. i «7 ant on x ’ Wider cae aoe Ladies ~ Ainses abd Chitdren—2)IL Weol,,half wool and seotten,int¢pants-and urfion suits: =e sGloveFitting Corsets,ard. 4th, (Sth. Short ‘inediuny andTous,Styles to suit all Aeures: a cents tor $1... ‘Silks,Satins and Velvets, Por making’Ladies’Ww nists and Skirts,an elegant Tine.to <A Selter from.‘: -<Dress goods-in broad clo!Ochs,‘covert,cloths,bblisteréd “cre:[“pons,ete?mass ~“a ‘(Nes'” _from 2 Hosiery.bandkecehrer.kia globes wool aaa ‘silk mittens?sidt:.combs,back combs;jpomdadour combs;laces,ribbons,“<_*,Hnencambric,ete..You can't afford to:let one;of.these.six‘deatures escape you.*WALTON ¢&GAGE, Poe os et tratic paper.‘and |siblently “eppiesing,=~|she atheudmenht,tis reallg “the:State} “a delibérately concocted -by “the ©Re- «<}.¢Sere TEteE manipulated {the State,saw that unless the ryan “hpossible actionto unite.the Bryan :ines, rete iets will weaken the amendment, |We all remember the.bitterness ~be- {OOver:its to give? {dirge ¥Buess work on our part;for AOSti Shave’..a.eoinfortable~hépe [tha umgBean"‘wilh,puligthrough:ib-Qbioayd’that thetDemocrats ”will} Payeraih Fake,Maky ana:+Ifour.partyFshowldbegeherallysheéesstul.‘this, 4 all,as ‘woultkenter therconteste next.year Comtident,.of victory;ons;-thetbehaud,4 ‘we ‘lése-allySparesthistalby.sudStantially:ther Saliié hayeritips |as i,3890,' oo NS ——Visqoardzing to Pemoctas‘$. Sgt:SYS ** Darden Stig~couttty | Jdhnston éouaty,State’Chairaia, .Simmons shows that ‘the’Seghe vi)A<gazatte,*wv BiG.Sposing as,a-Deni: |organ-ol,“the:>RepyBliean™‘patty. <hairmany.STimmons concludes ‘bis ar‘ticleinthe following str ong terms; :“HS pretense of being a ~Pemo-|.gratic paper is a miSerable frauduponthepublic}and its:attempt to}pass itself offas a Democratic_paperis-&part-of the Avretched |scheme, Sublicah managers to:déceive’thepeopleconcerning’.the,object:andeectofthéAmendment.“This de-spicable scheme illustrates perfectly:the plan of ¢anpaign the Republican,‘ieaders and bosses pr opose 16 make:j astainst the Amendment.“The _peo-|1c of North Carolina hate-treachery,roid despise a spy.and I am gladonhave,by your:inquiries,“iver. me this opportunity ~to tear “away.he false>colors |under which.theatsnuetteissailing,and expose to the|2aze of fair-minded men Of all “patsiesthemiserablesharm.’; *«i ‘ Wetndtice ina recent.issue:of The |-andmark a reiteration of ‘the old, Jeexploded charge that the ‘Demecrat- icState committee betrayed.Sewall, the Democratic candidate for:-Vice ~vesident iin.1896.The Landmark sityss that “The _Demveratie State things ‘so aut he (Sewaily goc but SIX Of the‘leven.electoral votes of the State.”v.Sewallis doubtless“glad of this Jaoipulation,‘for but for it he would no votes.from”this The ‘Landmark knows that se far ion”arrangements with the Vo ulists in 1896 would haveelected 3»wall had Bryan been elected;for, /Bryan had received a majority of ae electoralvotes,Sewall and Wat- su together would,have.had the sume numberof.votes,and the’Sén> alow ould;tiave elected-Sewall.,The.Notth Carolina:Demoeratic stecommittee,aftera careful “poll¢ o- tb ye received State, tote was united the McKinley.elec-tors,would be elected;and the’‘only vote ivasitaker.It “sucteeded,Bry-ai carried the-State,’and ‘that’swaat-hurts-The Landmark’s —fee} y ., <.**“.* if possible,the contestf for United!States Senator-to sucteed’SenatoriarionButlershouldbekeptintheeckgrounduntilaftertheAugustelectionnextyéar.Fights.-amonethe,friends of the various candidates:di the-counties and;Senatorial:dis- ic>e.td the.Democrats’seats in theLgislature,and might:endangerD-moeratic control:of ‘that body. tcen:the Ransom and.Jarvis.fac-tions in 1894,‘when.the Democraticpyrtywasdividedintotwo”rival compsover.a Senatorship which was That contest con-tr’buted;to the-defeat ‘which over- tock us Uhat year.It’s best any- w.iy to catch the*rabbit before’skin-,“foing it.Let us make .certain in’FA gust,1900,thata.Democrat will succeed wlaridn Butler-ia 1901,afd} then leave’“it.to the’Democratic} members:of the Legislature:to say-waich Democrat shall-be elected.A primary at the:November election hes been suggested,but this.car Pou ly-Jead to friction.Better leave ‘|the matter to thepeople’s represen-; tatives.1n whom the trust”has been plyced bythe constitution. »[people don’t haye to wait yery long NefF LW.Narshalh,=eet*«tea“se .“AlisswWatie]Reid Carlton 7iss Visit:samygisign‘nowin progress ia that ibe Miss:Copruce Ss Indeeexlettersrarethemibstyitie‘fteresding 2iFeading AW hiehy bits”ap:“Apidivedtin aa”Nopth”‘Carolipa Dba per be ‘|thifs!year peQnea N°% 2MigsPearl Marshall,”{Taylorstlle.is*visiting hey ae ee aS; {Tonpsday+Nox,30th,os iitapksauing“Day.".°°a >Kid McCoy:Sheockeie ‘put.Bi re Friday”nighty~See Sei si rYerkK Br conta,sis i Stittin 13roinds:SESE!‘Ennis,>Mo* Gen”Guy:“Hehry,taleteer fhe ;EN;;*-Je*y a ue «Lr,eBAS ei SS we _oe ty wee x ie-BCS A Siete mK Ys Oe =xera See a j =Fk pes ee Fn erm,Sf -7 a x ote a ae Lan Vass x le x28 hs taeeeas SOrOREAAG orks,pee a SN LOCA Vb tS EN SGENpICAL,Spas,+f HHoeveny—_—S cae ayes he =ss eeSen aes 2.73 e:SS ‘<—rae wikis anee .e nee ee;»leanne x,4 c:YY «OnsoTieabivtNews.“andy Obser yerF;>Mis 3 Linwood Bost’is Avisiting |75 Bien RR a ey ‘Hira Dingnisees me Re Ae ‘‘“.s aryity ak ¥Pres bers ein A #ss e ng Cha<telaatsves,in Mocksville:”a ~Bent.MeRivley has Appoint on.;The Baty1 AteSeasons Fao paper pabliHieiDentoerteee ASie eeERHieGna.Boat “SatisaeStayrhbproperty:any J hey ¥ ASeure z aes“Es Schifiethasyobuniea from. an @xpestied Fisit.te bee.Pans:ind Baltimore,”oe pyr °jHethert.Crain tit Jast’Gascon:{senile plasiny:}Hdotball«Sane -brokebis’‘collar.hone.«-*Ret;tex = *“Miss Saal te SLéste?,.Sof:Catawba x3 have,retirned froin:pacar Rodb-éson*count¢,where ties had beeit ifort Severalweeks,Se eee oo MEIC Ktnugy,sof)ofvMr,,TVst{Linnes,of‘Alexaynder ebunty¥,‘angea &= ridaye” [lehem, ing,t he world’'s: {Mla “Monday:night: of two citizens were’boreedoandvais :‘the;occupants cremate:: brotherso?,Mrs.ES AURty,pEStates-, ville,‘hasSa Position sto teach’ mércial aw inva business’co ere inDetroitMich,and hAs mond -theres?. a regord.2 Jeriier:-6f Porto RES,died,inNey,Bake Brings.Alert’wiser‘ain ite at Beth.|Pa:seerim 22.065 losiets Sohn Goosly,%colored.ae feactised‘near Macon,Gari Friday by?ayf heads spnitaribur.Separty,of-men from:PWinus-colnty.“\ The-ddwellitio’s « E?»A Ntreérear it Dettoit.Michaws.[; struck by a-trains Thursday.atd the condictor of the-street Car com:Waskilled and-2?"of tits passengersihjyred,”twoofthe fatally,Nos “Higlit, these, if-Will .|-to commit rap2, Lants Governor,’ }Governor Benton MeMillin will also ‘for the Legislature jas.a’gold Demo- He.taught commer ali law:|Busi,SSCable,CharlLEE,» and:ReL:Poston:bec pee ety oe “fs 7 ~so:sci .- |sracies Dre’Tiener Injured eRe »win eas Jelgh:Post say¥s;that-Dp.,AA Far ytwo or three’days witha painful.andunuSoalinjury.”In ‘operating upon}a negro boy who had ‘an -abcess on‘one of his fingers.Dr.Turner man-aged to get the poison into,his middlefinger,with the result that ‘bloodpoisoning“ensued.-He antiicipates]noserious consequences.»(Dr.\Tur- brower of Registerof Deeds W.*W. furner.-—M ABC OT.J..re pea<6 Swit Kinnbertor uw Special!27th,"to“Kale ytwh Peost. Bone ‘Btoubt:a negro,assaultedayoutladyhereanherwayhomefrow’-~¢hurch.Jast ‘night He waswromptly:arrésted‘aad brought .be:fore Judge Battle,who is presidingoverSpecialtermoftheCriminal,Court,for trial this morning...Hewasconvictedofassault.ithinteat and sentenced to-atermof.fifteen,y eats.He will reachLhepenitentiary:just -tWenty-six hoursafter thecrime w as.committed.Judge Battle has Speace the remedyforlynching. ‘Sustic C6 Lh, si ges gS , No Truer Min Will be Considered. Raleigh Post,4 =J “oie “Tuk SLATESVILEE MAScorT Say sthattheDemocracyof:Iredell’willpresent’the .name°.of .:Hon,W.D.Turner to ‘the next State‘Democratic conyention for:Lieuten- And it gives TheBostspecialpleasureinsayingnotruérmanin’all relations to*his| State or party,‘willbe oncered-by that‘convention. ON meee —_—<P- ——.>a AMONG a POLITICIANS.": é Congressman.E W.Gacinabys of Memphis,1s a candidate for:United States Senator to succeed Senator Turley,who is also a “candidate.” ybe-in the-race. It-bas just‘leaked out.‘that John R. ¢4AkcLean,Democratic nominee forxsvernor:of Obio,wasone of themenwho’helped’to pay,PresidentMcKinley’s,debts when the latterwas.@ ‘bankrupt.:Mr.MeLean’scontributionwas$1,000. Col:Jobin D.Roquemore,of Mont: gomery,has announced himself a candidate for the U.S.Senate:to]. sree Senator Morgan,of Alaba- -Col.Roquemore is~'a lawyerabidepoliticallife-has been confin- ed to’one termin the State Senate. Ex-Governor Chamberlain,ouce of South Carolina,but now a rési-} dent.of-Massachusetts,is running Crate Rat ane RepublicansDown on Hanna.. Colunybus,Ohio,’Dispatch,27t-h. Thereis no doubt theRepublicansareworried.“They -do not like thesituationinCleveland.They feartheJonesvote.They.boast for pub-lication that the Republican organi-zation,in thée<State never was inSuchperfectWorkingcondition,andyhey«tell you:priv‘ately that theyheartheDemocratshaveRepublicananti-Hanna-orgdnizationsin 66 coun-ties Ot the State.They declare ‘publicly that Sena-:por Hanna.is:not defending trusts,:and then theygo intoaquiet corner|and say:that:Hanna sboutd have had aft.tee Ae “pphobja near Greshamville,Ga:They)..,Phe Monowsjor Htateswiiss people:rt attended thew WStow fair’last ‘week _IMriand Mrs..b oP.Wanigan,Miss.pLintvoodBost..Gel.ISK Amn field. 2 in Sader to.aningyiry”from.thé ychairtiran aof ee Sater,Rave ‘ass ‘ <i GFeeusboro special:fo the Rat! ner has been,confined.to his.bed-for ner-is.a native:of“Iredell andza ‘half-}. ‘|Warrensburg,“Mo.,, tin all districts,- “)less ‘loss of jife:than’usual. {among the afflicted people.,A tele- fare ina dyjng.egadition fronthydrg: Mwete Bitten by a—rabid«dogscocainebythesathe:dour died. 3 :bGén:Fitz Lee,was detaine®in’the,ass 6 Datiels LP pe quarantine Station~on.,‘Hoftmah:*Is~Catheg oS 8.Millet,J L’Slag}!ands New.¥ouk’city.”He.Says.iS {very nrad-About:“itt “ ‘Gai,Thursday;by rinniog into.an‘open'switchand Colliding.with oud, ed fréight;cars,bit fortunatels<obe was.injured::..“25 ‘at’something Editor Fellsbery. a,fight,in was-chewed up and he was otherwise disfigured:ak /bangedat Austin;:Texas; Ford;“who murdered his'sweetheart, |was executed at Waco,Texas,and Mack Cannon,colored,also.a mur-'derer,pulled,Bemtp.at Princeton, Tbe 5:last Friday.ee r At a meeting last week iin:Aglants, the Cotton»States”Association:of Commissioners:ot Agriculture was ‘organized!“Commissioner Steyens,.ot"Georgia;president,and’Commis-: sioner,Patterson,of NorthCarolina, is one.of the vice-‘presidents: Leon Jacksoa,an aged citizen _Of Newport,Terin.,‘was murdered ear- ly Friday-morning,by three.mén’ who asked for something to eat:He _was'shot four times.-Hidden treas- ure of $600 was “stolen:~The ‘mur- derers'escaped. There was a.free fight,between members of the contending factions ot the Democratic party~in-Boston;,Mass,;Thursday;night,°in’Sahih, several persons,;were,hurt:“Gen. P.A,Collins and John R.,Murphy ‘are caddidates for the nomination for mayor and the contest is hot. “Georgia preseiited ~Dewey’§:FlagLicutenintThomas:M.Bruniby‘aswordlastThursday.>Thepresenta-. lion.was made in Atlanta with great ceremonies anda tremendous crowd. Lieutenant ‘Brumby:isa native} Georgian.Admiral Dewey-was pre-‘vented from atteading by reason of ill health.y Mrs.’Mary Ruby,.sister of Kit Carson the tamous scout,died at “oné .day lastweek,of appoplexy.:“the mes borg in an Indian fort.near Boondsboro, Howardcounty;and during:the Si years ofher lite was never out of the- State of Missouri.=.Mrs.Ruby was the last:member of ‘the ae Carson} family._ ;ee se A Tidal Wave Destroys:Lives dan "..Property.’f _Dispatch,27th.Vvictoria,B.c “Intelligence:-is brought vy ‘the Rinsa Maru,which has arrivea tere, that the:typhoon through:which thé Empress and Senator passed,prov- ved even ‘more’disastrous .on land than on Sea.In Loki0.and Yokoha- ma;it raged with great’tierceness. Hundreds of ‘fouses were wrecked though the storm seems-to have been attended with News cfanother disastrous»catas:| trophe comes from Vagonaura;.pe-' tween Numaazu~and ‘Suzukawa,About1 o'clock on October 7th)a tidal wave swept over:“‘Wagonaura. Over 200 houses were destroyed and more than LOUpeople perished.‘l’he neighborhood vf 'Yosohiwa Meiwa was converted into’an extensivelake,-Great sutlering.prevailed yvram trom Miyazakr prefecture alsoreports.the occurrence of a.tidal |Wave at Mimitsumacni,on October 6th,and theke struck manyhouses.’f at “‘negromwoindn and threechifdreiy A i as 2 résilitot tlie”recent,Uliana:s}anbichsWeptrthropavit Tetod countytt On.his areal from CSbplastMeee detention was.unnecessary.nang.got List FN ipasseiiger:‘trafn.wastompletely'wieehedin,the yards at “V afdosta,: Lewis Sernctieicearttook ‘offense -of|Columbus,Ind.,published about himfinhis‘paper,and thetwo men had which the’editor's “ear, “Samuel,Wuatrons,aaa iiaeeeee was Walter i .probably saving the life ofthe dri- pee Sjnove to hetCity lft Oy:oh Sua ee felise)a ag ‘BS i 1S om i nS “i Doeree Ear heETYs:asingSS hotises-%3to:the abeeat ot aboutssu a aayi aabee ek es neeetyoeDrerEStakebzeoF‘the sureCRYstalf“ai John Ss Hopkins.Hopi{Baltitnore:Sasarrived im Salishand,wilthaye,control of.Dr.nites be e s Cc Heit nauk Oat beat tdvane iH t-wasinassell tora im urStatesyi Hethiest«cren1.of Rowan counts;djed ¥neeee “gre eatit Tee “ase and xaidtlaethereeeeatbisome*on theYadkwi river one4i4;yy able xb oo }eChighgo,tor it.posed’constitutional*auendingst.4 aayTast Week,need 05 yeurs.<4F¢Becilecrciane peopte Haver wily ‘of woulddistrane his¢the dDiterate vot:5 théfather-in law:of Rex,nyse pene that whay-they produc.for LOGS:of posh races.~1.Rm OS eetariplett,‘the:“yelltk nowar Methngicy themséeiwes Jiswbettet Nban “auigghingy*Cohsiderite.the rowiirkn bhe~ag 21,.foinigter and’the.srandfather “of rob tle eet storbe fowudpn”the “mar-[curacy obthjs chill sSittementston,-Ales.oleae oS oe Davidson?|Keir sowsSwQuid sepm thatthere Fall questions.and the Alitichuating Neatavec zzGeet.Mont”Dispateh:Sri” The Great:StodGiiasSage Stor in’tie northern:pant of thts:State, covered.2 ~With:were,“sletp herders and alle weretwinqa'such:POSITIONS.3S)‘tostndt-Cité:that they:stayed.swith:their‘flocks to the Tes vingin’their at-af . Pe Bo ers: |Castade aad-Company;was*found evident)‘hat «“he had:“tried hardthrodehthe’night’to:get his “sheepintocamp,“put had not..succeadcd:Conscious of the death which:waspimpending;-he returned)to his..tent:about midight an:there wrote-and-Lett:a noty sayinyic was.nearly ex-}hausted;but wass about to return.totheshedpwhichweredriftingupthecoulle.”He was found’Stretehed onthesnow,bistantern about 20.feet|distant.‘Of bis two“dogs,-one re-mained to wuard the body,while-the|)other follow ed the sheep.~Norman’Bruce°eoreed:for Will|Flowetee,He-remained with ‘hisSheép-.untilhe-managed “to-drive,them into a ‘sheltered spot,where:they would.be safe...Blinded by thestorm_he mistook the ‘coulle where:his cabin was built.and wandered upangther:.Realizing his “mistake too,late,he turned’back.and folk:Tess.than 200 yards:from home and.safe*ty.The|searchingparty,found thedoyssretchedacrossthedeadman'sbody. Matt Gregorich -was foura withhisarms.crossed|upon hig .breast.His dog had:followed the sheepintocampandreturnedwiththe:reserueparty:too late.a¢H..Herald;“morktas for °C.ntScoffiia,.was lying:insthie .deep-snow,7this.beard’caten off.’by:.the sheep.which had also eaten’his clothes andpart-of-his.boots.:«<It'is probable that:the:‘deadlist”ishardlybesun’Flocks-of ‘sheep with-out herders have beeu reported.from,various points:in,the.storm district,and ‘later’these will be traced “and:the dead:herders:found...Now.thesnow.covers up:everythins on’theprairieaudthecoulles,many-uf themmore:than.100°feét deep ‘and withsteepsides,are filled with it ©This was the most severe'and most:fatal snow storm of October ever oceurr-ing:in Montana. >.<a AGleveland.:Ohio,’Man’:Ss Bravery zs Rewarded.; Cleveland,Ohio,Dispatch,27th. City,Councilman J.L,Reilly.has fallen heir‘to.$80,000.>Four.years ago while in San Antonio,Texas, Mr.Reilly stopped a:runaway team, ver,a wealthy farmer ‘of Palmer,:Texas,nanied “Johr Wallace:“His arm was sv badly injured in:‘the struggle that for:a time:amputationwasthoughtto.be necessary “but eventually it healed.»On Saturday,Mr.Reilly received notice from San} Antonio that:Mr.,Wallace.had:eeandlefthima‘legacy’of $80,000... SS ae a aA Remarkable Incidesit Cleveland Star:eg cies ,~ There aré two.women ‘in Ne 8township;this.”‘county,who:have been living:in two iniles-o£each oth- er for,over 90°years and ‘neither bas. ever seen the other.Bothare about80yearsoldandbothare.well ‘pre--}served and enjoy good hegith.One‘of the ladies lias not been£6 church’for fifty years.The last time,she did’go the cows got out of:the lot| an@ tore down a fodder.stack,so"she came to-the conclusion that she | ought.not to.go ‘apy more.She’vis- its”very littlé and <el dom leaves: home.The other ladyis’.a devout’ church member-and attends regu-larly..‘Thereis no.ill will between ee Sie iHeduier:probably”fe W euyt preas netot Tes tual hinges man ibe.thre: i sein Tepeatdniahtofdoisrjustabout }oine men are le ndwa to berdead,antofthese,five bodies"HavesVeen resne:“exceptiGny «al fil. Ltemipts 10‘Save.the property of thes, Walfii’‘Grakijn;,workiig,forthe. in a‘coullesneax Healy.Butte:Slt is] ordinance...Ki side AE oe poet ‘question reviewed<tn this.cursary -|portant the ‘question»of:litense.|4sent forward with additional ammu,-nition.,The: splendidi y-and Colonel Scott-Turner,. highly commendedthem.:Comman- date.Rotha and many Boers:werekilled, killed and-21 woundéd.“Theengage-‘ment was,a‘brilliant ‘Suoeessfor the /on forces:é pestilential evil whieh:breeds:dis- inthe Jthat/the right “and;aresponsibility ©is J xightto considerthecase‘of any ap-: |selves-without review,‘by any high-|. oasis=“thé aepnHeFeBUSerrmmaiyesyeOre.a PURE PedDeyas a,}ae oe 40) Kete|FRMpCi.ki tise yar ShasnL PyRear detae ogi.we Hyer’ ory NoHoesyishiaty ‘the;eorpdeater cet ally nia réads* *sshowldsbesomeGood and:psyffigient Las hé—pleases on ‘providedalwk¥sthat=©does:Det: distutecorinjur ehisneigig BorssReeFarLauttoriti¢s +Dotan >Waid.spt|eCH Ess ¥ many instan¢éesThnget,emocsiaterea procure the tices saty Jdatly:-patton: ofineat;whieh jit‘tot dow and?aie icatefohanyonereould’raiseousthecyanbsokthePigltahs?nominat ex?pense,*aud™withgut'“det MLDLe tot aysonot.evencthemost!fastidious:f‘Baxeg i inepegsis wlihost withheincreaseOLthe”suvos y shat.unlike that luahinapys hey never re stage where “they ‘ono,}5 impdse-heayy faxesSand then le 47s- Jate so as tQ/“cripple,‘and shacklevery.nany ofthetax payers id Pheir’‘honest efforts tGméet:‘These3 Anicreas- ed expenses:and Tye?eo é But the pigsty ‘isdangero;us te!ihe health of the comniunicy,and at sun- -of creamvatidpeaches...This:is pre; te Aim fS\GF »=Statedple.Ain'-thghist)“|plage!ftufey Ge asked theat Soe oes ary timesitdoesnot.omnt the:oder <s a tkore ate StervessrehacsentTimaaaceluteperSaoPviiresSnagsDy*oyaa‘RHEUMAGIDE..=the yrontGarfilt Low donstithtidnal Suite ;farkKhonntatism414Theothertyropercent.wereldMnteterabieOFrfatfedstotakemedicineacescording,to!directions.”‘r,noulase eave eedcatedLxwiewof,the f!ctthat many physi-as Chink That rheumavisin is ingumrble:~and that qwiost poe sfazl,it Muust be triedtatRReun:Actcovery.of the ages sRarticulars vail testi-{yeti altotinany®“Well Kaown:ee seregfretasallapplicants?4oo2/)¥SMa hating:byTheBobbiebangtea 7 i oe RrastTkPsBCtrancTyePottheaeiitSgBESISby .tye"Sie =.Stitt: eis the RTgates medicsAl-ats-¢ Ye ae i hen ‘Sha positHotThe Las ~alw ays “wiintyinedonal.public issve 3;Caipled_with his“Araadishe js,imfofmatian onal mattersper:talvingst oyMencia ofhis.foved hee het tie “bad Calf ogieian’s5 4 wrhis iZossistey ”aeAd., Sst,fete ie >ac : The:Sones ene eB ‘the.sumefor:Dowdy by“fli pabiic ss:loo!¢hildren’ih@ide SO ii!Thy.goleréCuces:te Colum-bia.thatia teather in.acertain SduthBerd:peblit-;school thought she‘would find out how inany of her Sey-.-Penth,grade pupils understood what~Columbia’s mean.”She put the:question for.written answers,andTeeeivedthese:among the others:Seis ship.”'Die man whoegame’oer fromSpainanddiscovered-our Countey.: Pe bisikkel.: “A captain.” Sumed.-to’be.“theeround.of.action This being true:srouldiit not be bet- ter to’“apply disinfectants:through the agency ‘of the Sanitary,police:manand’thereby ,destroy~the~.un- pleasant odor sind:thei myridd verms which aré Supposed:to hoveraronnd Fhog-pens,hold Ah€nrsél ves"inystea]- thy readiness’to\,pounce.on every passer-by and.set:-up dis@ases:inkeepingwith,theit ‘kind?Lhe Geim supposed to.be SO prevalént ot.¢‘vil, vhas..its habitat.Ta ithe unsanitary imagihation of thenar Jargelly enascarcelyever.tu,the pigsty.*Profli- gate:habits eirry-:pestilénee into more homes,{Jia thepigeben...1t,is feared.thatwe are’all Jaboritg un- der ‘miisappreliension as,to the.realoriginofdigeaséanyway:will takedown-your]for if-you sible.biqwy:ttze}dust OlPit=anec ‘al$o Luke he 16p: Fthe deyil;evil,is’the:“author >of disease nd sickness,‘and ieiewas,never known. to bein @r among the:hogs Wut-orce. The'writer.is.=o Sd-W odded to the right or priviléce of ‘raising “pork? chickens,or what hot,as-not:to-“be- Willing to esutrender it -theerfillaet for.‘wood and.suflicient cause;purate j is contended that this causé does tral: generally existand,therefore itas ahardship.upon.ROY to:SERes tne: wit fibd iatyOu ¢ myNowJet1s"tur “aside fron ‘titeconsideration:ofthisSpart ofthe, manner to one:jutinitely more im- Thisisamatter.ofgrave importancecarryingwithjtSeriousaudweighty responsibility;for certainly it:can be seen.and wih nat be denied:by apy candid obsserver,jthat the salnon is’a turbance and schools many,only.too many,in profligacy,viceand-crime.If this be true,‘why.license such an institution?:Can “it,be”that:the ‘whole liquor question amay_be there-, by.,brought -under:bétter*control,or| is there’an ‘element of covetousnesmatterofliténsethatappeal! to the ‘hearts of-*Balaam?-The “law: ‘does not compél theissne-of ‘license,forthe Supreme Curt.has dectded’ lodged swith the ‘county and town authorities::Phese:boardshave the’ plicant.and decline to:grant licenseforreasons.satisfactory to them-|4 er court,but’thereseems to be a too common beliefthat this would:‘be ‘an’ arbitrary action Ontbe part of the board,‘especially §SO.-when:this’has reference to lidensing a saloon.’If it be arbitrary.OL:the part of theboardtodecline:ligense’toapplicants|ewhodesireto'sell liquor,theissuing town must smack alittle of thesame.-Prohibition inthe ohe -casé.applies |ito.the w 10le town,whilein the-oth-er only,a few.citizens “are.affected by it,and they probably -‘for.their own‘ood.It mustbe,plain’to the Ciass- Another namefor the u Hite Stats2s 7ofAlmeria.>gaa =e ape Towir Dispate h, wo,returned. Scott “Larner atterpted”to.prevent‘thagtgld:first Huse of-all hthe Botrs from arivaneing againstColoielMurray..b iteWe heavy tire from a «am.W:ail:600,feet:*tothe left...7 ‘Midday also,Maxims and 70-incunted men, of-the two British guns opened’sud:. pea upen the,Boers,ne were I artillery.fire armored train was heldin readiness. Atlanta Journal,sie ‘Ss If the nights of the 4th “andasthe fenofNovembershallbeclear.one or.perhaps:both of them will reveal -at -Splendid.‘spectacle:have calculated that at that time thecarthwill-pass through a:“meteoric . velt:and that a “great shower of aer- lites wilbbe séenWw‘here conditions‘are favorable. Then there’were)sexveral totallyunintelligibleandunaccountablean-, swers.But AO One:“pupil in the knew Ahab *Colt m'bia was - “a SS ee ‘ :ik Hot Fsight Ne ar,Kimbe iss 2th.,ae Officiak “reports from Kimiberly.-dated -Tuesday,“state that:Colonel Scott:Turner;with: cécded northward té farmy where they horses. ers ‘was scen on therivht flank and‘was quickly,seatte red,Célonel Scott -=Purner opening fire on Fseveral of the enemy being’seen,“tofalls 270.men;pro- MacFarlane'sunsaddlédthérr ;AtY o*clock.a party.of Bo-| -them--and The enemympred 10°&‘sand -cap and Openéd fireon the British. the:fires:.Colonel s met;witha” At Il p'clock Co}anal dered 160:neti ~6f The:Lancashire:: Regiment to proce tozthe north: Amarmored train Aesatready oxtine Colonel $ot t-Farner,At Colonel Uhorreaestarted? with:“tivo «field wuns;and two. “One: Ssups The Boer Another ana~unfayorable@ position: “was brisk. At2°0'¢lock the Second train’way- Lancishires.belraved ‘The British loss Was.’three: Et oe pes a2 A Meteoric’Showér.)a ep oe a Astronomers _Thereare several theories of-ine- Oxeis that they are Sabweats of comets which hare been.wrecked.Lhey shoot through the space yat ‘about twenty=five-miles a‘second,,ands,this great velocity~causes them*‘to ignite,as,they:aré \not ‘beyond :the ‘volunieofair which ‘surrounds the’ SrSurras.,or-. tt pe‘téors and their fal...Prd pote “igte Olwatiting Dedeeded ”,gs Ooaeeeeee::ceoupaeredytos,bef aware ©‘cleat,and Se ea as “ae .Se tint sof Salles!tote Ajtt=5 W intr}Oat SE SOCEMGoren ee B HK ..Susi sn‘Soe i €my Re i Sig a re .MS“inlSond:jtsBaterfreiseMoctthis ibstavee county;“baswetuined-fore from’Ey 4K thor bat:lsai 1 eee ws”shit it ied know where 3Meares:He)redose Suwine Se aa Sp ee er ;Me at Nase ied ame -tis ft Heads ferwt Pig.wigSigtns ee rs¢ti aot “Nome ‘0 Was yatiin Mc owellcotsty has 7 A“ft a x Rh }x xe fi rate ie aaa =: aaa -caeseaee amen 1)aoeentnates!”the.fact:that’rit =tux =ret eee aes Ls6ldé to a”stable hand sw6n a “pate at Dees.atmested”in Mitchel,county:2 io ees apes ;eon!BEE *2 eeGaees=a 3 ‘Ae!istunds:at the bet of Noreh c“ardling |,*.Miss.Emia ‘Elivte,’of Sparklipy Chicajzo dast-Thursday,ee ONG GovernorRussell ‘eligrad:ateward J Ae one tt may of -proper?Foes as fon,steb:Scratonbabuieas wehave':sThiASSeae.a sowsn apets..bie Rens a Catawba :Springs.is.visiting.-her|were Awon omhimyt +rsiinor hiseapeijrer »Sst ass pees ie =uiyanee Disks,»Seen,5 desertize Read Aabitkuk:°a eat eer FAY ard.AY mee :venkat dmans tthe:tow 0nd ,*Gates tig 3 ad ee The -First N ational Bank ge tans Fh ha]SiStonyeMrs.Ate ‘Anderson,<>~|*Rw racd horsesita togetton mast =Dro George:Bingham.sof}Davies it Tatludets~Wel ear eyoer ees5ee eh:“2 Belord andther:Seite o tifis :"papery “Mew Alven “i stthas poeto Néw fracéia Atlanta?Ga Wriday,-“and county,a in ete et the Soldiers,thick’the FightofsagrhAsyinwze§rPand-“HhAwith-ponatyiids:“att:ache Cwhidi2 ourht|2 :e doe nes year's ‘Wections.,will havebeens Shy kav here-herlixs a position tn“a7one of,theni_was.kite.-ane.“gine fHrom@;1 leigh)+a-suddeay pugred Lo THetoi y“Oy the?ast “BeeisSh.48°Tnftijeneee mie ii Alen 1Be z livés andae“OF.‘STATESsera :=poeree Cae “Bhe-resul tis dotbtiut ii Kea-4Preholeaale Satie!“ood.caeeetish:|Horse:vas badly injured...aa sabdix”kast:eek.‘she,“Sittate’”inva fares ad ROSSIDTY gore.‘but:wewill (4Yeigus aMore’Days moh-sne re -laws.><5tiReegoalarBenkisz,Busingss<e.Deposits receigeg@stLijec tothedk on vig h |Li x :LcatsT peas phos peria ats,fe were.“3H;we Taoaistants [chat iged .0s 2 Was.tb“brother |Souk:ekthe etdinshte.Ps Ubelag Spat‘heroes denounedd Vaydinst -ofépreiSPIMneASpowtseaonessAlorOnLeodcollateratandperkonalsecuriESTE;jarylang,Nebraskt “and x Mer aKa h Tete ae patie’;ne Fe eee sinsSHob Gi’Are Bingtaay “a well:kKnowy:revative onlty thyt Mfritof s4fetders hy tiisStioher kaw.uizht-towhuayortieacoy!Keabiageotisalt px cae ae lec makat teed ere?bios With,ythie haricee.*Sfor Deno!has‘Spenea+asec otstkdp insthe>joe estes:uforthe veer oi aioe ant-of:Salisbarg-tae os terally:Grderstoad Loree,Rei ahatkooyn bemhie ind titeten:10 toy - tae fa ratic:x awitaecthrers ar at .<3,Cc ra bi Jat OH kas haw ve Pry Rees <é fi %AS &ios tgrus hante,ee acthrery an :weiyi s pai *cite ¥#crubie ‘suchesstn.Kentueky-dnd:Ne!reld veer Statbjes pack pf_the,poste oveL the previots yine Ae :Sek ko sae Sti eS “pt iCoiininiay,Oe ets I Sisk “4 aeS See 4pwoes»:>ta U Fr ow Se rcs +,a Sf.ed y,.|..-,eCi ie ey ais §rer -ai e.2 €~~1 t=lore >One i ereee ey Ne:-<sta ae Featwad Repavlicani4 Obiio-and ofttec =Nig fin ot er ¥.-TheBritish:‘Steamer Zarich.‘iota Leheroctais ee ene nt fawn YG faut:fellow,zens:anehs on Ast s c %me a Pea,a)a €OOP E RR;Preaidert,:FIO.FE Vin,Wie cz esidont dryland,put with”deoréased .mas!»re?xT AP.ety ereip “giv-~fdered Of the®wesLedast ‘0‘of *Mackay,ryerdive’‘of Kot,guilty-ir a exbotyharkha ‘yell kowy-fact att hay thot.Be e ee a fe oe =x +o Eeo ite BHO *:©ie 0trp .“Fohities:i ~Mts féle alsé-that ite Rew jog Sqnd:-TaStLinas uy and®was te:|on Octeber:bss ihe captain wae1aneed.was charged witli3‘stedfipe’Saitds-¢-Ofpaqinds.ate:Boosh Foner ade"tee =Bun esua Logie iscat auatls e2aeaE:Cashier.aoe j {public inajdritiesin Tows;Maséa-Pléasertfrqm ‘Jail.¢oe ‘dase,wilh:Pe Hsayed,bufthe crew of tiwere.lost..]Léivars:mheeias the.eyidenee ligt}“RothGre anivaa iy-slatig ftered iénec are fantGiese.hos Nokes aseyoOwace3oe2S‘a ee rot ee Se Tobwseuts‘and Peansylvasia-Will “pel.4 tried a Charjomte.ae Fourteen:‘persons.‘waee “burned 4to fea:that chérdots:had.‘ben 8stolg Thee ableear ese eae ak Teter:Peited:eee = ee =eater:,——:ee a mC tidpinse This”forvedstis of édarse’|*‘Messrs.°yAu Ntand J”,eCoter deatir af:‘Baites,«Baldwit.cowny;|b money with vachied “ xoa ‘peapie,this,preposttion.“Which;bes:asigiaptr‘ahd renderSt"in pees he Vheagut:OL beforeosdsSpart- ate resitzht,“at ounditts hind".Tis Vow,Dreafncese Sista canceraun ral,oprétund ity "Ghee ° arth’:“Metéors freqdently \fall “to the earth,in rare ‘instabcés in’solid+of a decree banishing the “hog rom)mass,but Usually.in<a fine whichis left from their.‘com pe wder ustionnthe‘air:‘Whereis.always:an> abundance of meteors in‘dur atmos-phere,:the nuniber of which traverse- it beingNovember 14th and 15th “the ‘mete-millions.every day:-Buton 2more’Sense than hedisplayed:when the families,but it just so happened ‘he made that speéch in Cleveland,|in which :he saidstrusts were simply “It will "not bea:surprise to:anywhoareatallfamiliarwith.the ‘If they-). Z fact:contrary to the.people’swill,the ‘the:évolution ‘of:business.and were‘only Jatge corporations;etc.Theydonotapproveofthepresentcamn-paign which Senator Hanna,is -ear-rying’on in Cléveland,and this dis-approvalis not confinedto.the:menaroundheadquarters.ee Sen S TORonee»Sprt Sekt artis sikes Duns ae fviby. on evit tobacco eusity und foléve ‘bemag:2-tic.full of life,nerw.and vigor,take No-To: po the wonder-worker;that makes weak menrong.All druggists,60cor $1.Cure guaran’Booklet and fre.Addreky pe a=with them. ‘the benelit-they have received from’ ~Nt,of.bad colds’“it ‘has cured,of. ‘}hasaverted:and:of-'the children it‘hassaved from attacks of croup and-whooping .cough..It is @ ‘grand, good.‘qualities of ‘Chamberlain’s every where.take pleasurein relatingtheirexperienceintheuseofthat] ‘splendid medicine“and in telling of threatened.attacksof pneumonia it For ©ee iall Cough hemedy,to.know that people |’ that.these two old people have lived ‘this closetogether for such aJongperiod2and:have.newer,seén eachother.:eae Ww orkinig Night and Day»35 “The busiest aad ‘mightiest.little|’thing that-ever’was:made.is_Dr.‘King’s New Life Pills.‘Every -pillis.a.sugar-coated globule.“of:health,.that changes weakness into strength, listlessness into ‘energy,brain-fag-intO@mentalpower.-ey re won-'derfulim ‘building up the heal tb. observing man‘that the:town is dam aged Sy the liquor busimess of therplace.,It is true:thatit)‘brings arevenueintothetown.treasury.and orice procession willbe,far-thicker thaa usual;‘and if the astronomershave'predicted correctly we shall: see multitudes of them Tushing and.Jit is alS6 truethat we neéG-revénte."|b : ‘Phisis the season for:meteors ‘and tots“onauy-fair night half;a‘'dozén or ale. revenue .inthis way?“Can~a;tawn'tmore may:be seen.by.those ‘who-have the patience to watchfor.them.a But -next-month‘we will:Haye a .gor-\{ geous displayin -the_beayeae.‘should forget ththe datey seltrioushabits,whén-the’government for it. Taxes are growing;a:bitiburdensome.’ to mapy,butcan’we afford to-get ‘or people”reasonbly.,expect,that prosperity that’usuaily ‘vomes to a people of.generally,.honest,indus- of thatpeople:looks to such asource. lazingabove us....« large.tion of its revenue?for a large -portion |©face ofall nts:ee Box.”“Sold by.Ww. teed...Steritig ssCo.Clineyo or New Yory ‘Ood medicine;dengyists Hall,Je Sfene.>> Bi Mie “4 ™ ee om x ~awe y .eS—eetKl“THE!MASCOT . are LATE:GENERAL a 6.“BOER VICTORY. a <<ra are :ie iTheTransvaal‘Ttoops Capture”a. ,British Column.~'~ Lendon-Dispatch,SISt cige HATE STATE NEWS:° wt —aYy Beare EWS:: 2 «% Three men were killed eeein .Misses Fannie ‘and Essie Sience4a.boiler-enero near Gainesville,‘of Statesville.were here fest Satur-[°Stk 3 day afternoon. -Prof.“Jas.C..Linney “cameEDfromCharlottelastSaturdaytoVis-’Seithispeople.in -Gwaltneys.town-ship before.he went -to Detroit,Mich.,where he’will teach in-aBusinessCollege.- Dr.R:A>Campbell,of.States-ville,was herewith Dr.C.J.‘Car-4sonseveraldaysthepastweek. Lawyer A...McIntosh -was.at.Hickory Monday,and Eaeyee J BeBurkeatStatesville,- An effort it being made topet oneorboth-of Mr.Sim ‘Watts daughters |admitted to See eeSeotalfortreatment. Mr.Wm.F:Elliott.was in|Tredel!|again the past week, Invitation:cards havebeen issuedforthemarriageOf.Miss‘‘Blanche,daugbterof Mr:and.Mrs:.-D.'Rufty,who recently moved-from’here back to Statesville,and Mr.'T.Car!Deal,ofDealsyillé,this county.Themarriage will be in Statesville‘Wednesday,November 22d,1899. The new store room of Feimster‘Bros.will be finished this week.”It]‘will .be one of the best store:roomsintheplace. Salisbury:has ated Gouds to ‘the «|amount of -$100,000.for oe im.-ma - ‘‘provements.:The War Office has received a dis-}_/ [e Asten::year-‘old:ee of C.H.Me-patch from General‘White,com-se Seer and590) ‘Veg =of Meck]burg Sony weiss ane the British forces at Lady.ee Carbon,Pa.,Monda<d =e =’_}smith.réporting that ‘the Royal \3 ¥-:Gee AG a *Irish’.Fusileers,No.10 Mountain}Willis Talidterro>a demented At-Battery .ands the ,Gloucestershire|Janta negro,killed two.white:menRegiment;were surrounded in the Saturday night with:an iron bar:-|hills by the Boers and,after losing ‘The Slbrick Nal ata x4 zs ene tae Dapiel Fleming,‘colored,was.kilk}heavily,‘where obliged to capitolate.Seehmnnnd Wa..Tuesday es Sesae ed:by a lug train-at Whichard,‘Pitt General ‘White'says thatthe casual-dent ‘MeKiniey:io "present ind: eeanty!Thursday might;Another pes.pate not eee ea mide saeek.::né following is the tex Gene , tee ed injured.:White’s gisparcht tothe War Oftice:“An escaped”tiisenoe ‘made B.F.Davis,a7 substantial farmer :“Ladysmith,Oct.30,10225-p.m.|things lively in -Philadelphia Tues-=+>Joksurry:county;was,thrown.from|..‘LT havé to report'a disaster to the|day.The animal was_finally eap- >.1899.bis wagon Saturday nightand_n=)ey an ‘sent by theto take a position.tured ‘and put back,in the cage.._wa |ured sothat he died Sunday,-.\"|ong hill to guard the left flank.of ithony was’accidentally the:troops....#n-these.operations to-| Bee gee Bridgewater|by day ‘the:Royal Ivish:Fusileers;No. his brother.Tom,Tuesday.-The en-4}:10'Mountain ‘Battery,‘andthe Glous4; tire load of shot-entered his left side:‘cestershire reyiment.were surround-a found ed-in thehilis and after losing heavi-eee eg ONO Siin-|ly had.to tapitulate..The casualties, See athe ae aHe is}Bave'not vs ee.Bocerned Aa[his /4nao of the Fusileer s,employed as asupposedto>have fallen out’bospital.orderly,’came in under a}ya es flag of truce witha letter’from ‘the-\-Solicitor M.L.us|survivors of column,who.asked for‘|perior court,has:entered -suit}assistance to’bury.the dead.I fear S jagainst Solicitor.Griffith,ot the}thereis no.doubt of the truth of the|ForsythCr iminat oe for the:Pe -report.I formed a plan in the car- ter’s office.|ryingoutiof.which the disaster oc- Miltou Phillips,of Aiiehell coun-curred and’I am alone responsible ty,was shot from ambush while for,the ‘plan.“There is no blame o plowing-in bis field last Friday and:whatever to the troops,.as the posi- @ }killed..Htis thought be was killed tion was untenable.’:General White,in a ‘subsequent Dy es ‘dispatch,-‘give’the names of the.offi-:Deputy Marshal Grier,of Mitchell]cars taken prisoners.*They number county,‘who was recently shot in|42°of whom five were wounded.“Att ‘the,lex byone Honeycutt,whom he/|the.goverment offices no effort ‘wasWastryingtoarrest,is dead.His, leg ‘was amputated and he never re-made to conceal the feeling,of dis- may caused -by-.the receipt of.-the}covered from sthe-amputation. Burrell Shouse.aged’19 years,was news from.General White.’One of-fickal-said to a:representative of oS le wounded’in-7Sa-Associated Press: a era Monday night.'|~°“‘It.is.inexplicable oe (am.corey 3ryant.was intoxicated and went to}to.saythat its nee e =e =sti Shouse’s.home;when he ‘pulled bis}mable.We havelost heavily in pistol and pointing.its at Shouse,tired,.[he.murderer escaped.~It maayy wars and have had.regiménts almost wiped:out.bat.to have regi- is said that Bryant resented Shouse’s attentions to his sister-in-law: ments‘captured,and by =the:Boers> Ove day }ast week “three.white Itis terrible.”.An official of ‘the /War Office said to the “representa-|‘tive of the Associated’Press:sfmenwent.to the\home ofa tespecta-|-“This disasteris ‘more likely due ble white’‘girl-in Polk.county,in the absenee of-her parents,took her to tthe woods and,assaulted-jher.She to the craze.of our younger.officers}: to distinguish themselves;“obtain,| ‘was keptiiy the woods all night.bythetien.»-1tis’said a deputy ‘Sherif’ mention in the dispatches»and earn and the’men wete*seen next -morn-: “Ts ee ise to.‘bay:yourgroceriesTheysellgoodfreshstock-at all times.Our|flouris unsurpassed in aoe lityand price.~~es “TEL Lice. When you _wapt’ee -Ricé fresh lot of ae BLOCKS -CHOCOLATE Candies.Avice line of:teas,- cotlees and sugars.Don't “=forget,that.we pay bighest: ~market.prices for country: produce. Moore &MeL ain, Purisnen WREKEY,) aT.wy ootimoeof he ONE DOLLAT: me *YEAR,, 2a ie a x res “es ASD:Watts,-: “Wevow:have the Targest andsSonelineof:»ELMWOOD AND._WILSON OIL LIGHT HEATERS ‘George Deitz was:\aceidensally}shot‘and killed in-Hickory Saturday’ by.his playmate,Charley:Cline.~I eursons.nS = ‘Ente red at the Postofticeat Sta tesville as second class mee matter.7 asa “ever:sbhown in this market |have’thesein ‘all.sizes,’Suitable Bed rooms,Dining rgoms..Pay: “and wealso have them*suitiagie’s, Store’rooms,schooi-ees‘churches.*The.Oikhisgit His ©williradiate inoré beat on thes ’“amount of fuely-thans shy ste! made.They wili barn.anyikineede-. wood,o:d:blocks and tr ash sori the:yard,and by.closing:ae Yat,sight will Seaport ‘until ‘mor ning.“Absolute Is and Do‘danger whate asit is eerole “for out.ieee are,economical,in fuel. ~TheyAre Low in Pr ie.S with Sthiee ‘stoves.They will inst as fast ra will give you:better Satisfaction.TheNeh T=aac the 8tov®you want,.and you,shoud call and.get core while they,last at:Old prites::The prices on’theses ea ~~.adyanted fully.50;per cent ‘and when these are Gone _have to ‘ask:this adv alee. fe P.-flanigan’s:Sons "Buoxe No.35. oo "OXov.:STATESVILLE,:The German ‘author,PranzistaBlumenreich:committed suicide’ Saturday nightin’Berlin by jump-: ing from @ fourth story window. ¥Bob™‘Fitzsimmons.knocked out Jef:Thorne,of Edgland,at-Chicayo} Saturday nightin short order.”"The Englishman was badly out-classed. >Tom ‘Hayden,a negro.murderer; .was lynched near Fayette Mo.,‘Mon-‘day night.He was taken from the sheriff as he was being comeyel tojail. A tabstle Gonthe R.PB.&C.--rail-} road,near Nottoway,Va ,in course’ of erection,collapsed Saturday,and_|two men were killed.’One of the-killed lived in Halifax county,N.£ Tuesday ..mornoing’s storm wasveryseveréat=Charleston.Great‘damage resultedtq property,-and:a negroy child was ‘killed'and-threeotherseaeeesby:the wrecking nO a. house. Ex-Judge John A.Campbell: Chattanooga,Tenn.,;.was aerbcted Saturday for contempt:of Judge’‘Es-|: tell’s court.”He accused.the-pre-siding judge of poscalensy polding aycase..~ -The cotton mill operates of FallRivesMass.;have asked for an in-‘crease of 10:per cent in their wages,‘put ‘the manufacturers have not vetsgrantedit. . :60 TO harpe’S : for Fresh Butter + “Mott,of «the Sus and.Chickens Alway keeps the best.Ss = R.NV.Tharpe. DR.W.IL.WAKEFIELD; FOF CHARLOTTE,NAS,*will ‘bein:more ‘at-Hotel Iredell,ox Friday,‘November’toth.,4°=this one®aonly..His:practice is limited“to,Hye,eat.‘ose and ey j ~MONEY WANTED. ‘$1,006.WANTED.for “two.years on first ttSereneenvaluableteal,‘estaté,SPPene a.\:WeedingvalugAeSafeinvestment. ~The boardof county commission-ers imeet next Monday,° ‘Capt.R.F.Cobb,.the bird fonter:is looking for some:Northern sport:f-men thisweek.’ Taylorsville’can and will have’atnewrollerflourmillandwood-work-fine pldot if some of our citi zens willpybatsgivethe|euler prise:a little -en-}f|couragement, The ee captured’.iwo.on-three tiidusand ‘British.troops*Monday. ‘England has.io easy job on her}; hands ‘to-whip Kruger and hispeo-| ple;who are said to’be among.the: -world’s most stubborn fightets.-The fransvaal is said to be:a natural for- “tress andis approachéd by.only two or passes?which can be held ‘comparatively small forées ~agaimst inighty armies.With right -on their side and afi intense patriog- ism,the Boers,will doubtless make outofEthe bravest,stands ‘against 0,pyre Ssion_and-overwhelming odds: of My‘hich bistory records.~but ip the the:heavy battalions and |un-| stat -‘Rev.-Oscar AS Keller suit M feoton’May Oxford,‘of:Ellendale teaashieweremarried.by-Reve.us E.Galt.ney,on the 25th. :Messrs.J.Do Maines,of thisplace.‘and:‘Burrell Bowman”Fast’serbia as.Soweek’sold275 aeres of mountain dand’]“october th 3899.care eeetoMessrs.“Jno.and “Zeb,*Watts:fo"eee oeThis’tract of land*was.entered or|1,‘Bobbies Chill Pills ente chills,Money’‘back |taken"up by ‘grants from the ‘State fthey fail.WF.Hall:“Jr.Statesville:E;H.>»Phe Pennsylvania”ferryboat.:ra 120 years ago.Now they.es more,Miller&Co.,Mooresville;WB.Gibson/Iredell:A:Bo \Harris,Scotts;J...M:aiees Sloan's.”25ftweenJerseyCityandNewYork,than$500 forstheir entry.~‘was-cut in two b ‘the steamer Cit,y 1|Mrs.TG.Ingramdied Tuesday Cont perbottle.hee * of August4.Monday.The ferryboatngay-y morning,two miles south:of town."Monday’November Sih Only.”sanleand:itis supposed.sev al per-ON’T FAYL-to call.at:Woodward _Bros.’‘Jew:Sons.were drowned.=.:ur.W.J.-Atlén’attended a meet. Me want to Print oS SeoeNe .>. Vout Bill Heads,Geter Hea iss 4~Statement.Envelopes,,; *Any Kind of oa “call on:us prhen,yov one,any_tioriery:RAR R feo ’|: NSthree sas by mi “!;WT 4 iespecttully,*x ae MASCOT.PRINTING CO. |cRowsox,&.-EINS RR,PROPR’See — oN the Victoria Cross.than'to the fault of.that splendid Indian vetéran, elry store-on aboyeday.and d:ate only and ait.resources of -Eneland ~wilf ove tpower ‘them:It should be.oth- »ar.wise: = oe - Phitippines has. ——s “#he war.detbee been going on for.about a year;and 1 ve Subjection of.the insurgénts ap-, as far off as ever.3 If Qtis-and hi§‘troops have.advanced. least pear Sto be “the Anmierican CBSE *in “ther5Since.they landedvin the islands,‘the Americ an peopl e”gre in ignoranceOFits“ owe oe rr meatal 4 Here0.25 heis,-Adviiral Dewey is 2 ty peal ¥a im wriety. Ww hich the,contributions of his coun-.4{rymen-purchased for him,and nowuheis¢to marry a rich woman.TrusteeSyverthonterto”Keep aan‘eye ‘Out for5;the main,ance ‘exyery’ume,Ss a Presit@at Hobart is“riti- cally)ill ‘at his home in Paterson,BaJ.“His death iis expected.He has :he:art diséase.. rukeé of theNew ‘England Vice 4 AMONG THE POLITICIANS. 2 “The Botting in ‘Kentuckyiis 10 to7TanGoebelwith.few takers.r :“Senator Pritchard iis”speaking inMarylandfortheRepublicanticket.He will‘go to Ohio and speak orthe;election,s The tegistration of voters for theOhio.electionis very-heavy’and.thema\dications are for a full vote. ;Charles R:Ctisp,son of{he:lateSpeaker€risp,-has°beer appointedbyGovernor.‘Candler?of.Georgia,“judgeof the copnty court ot ‘Sumter,“county,"ve ~—é ‘Hon:Arthur Sewalls late Deme->cratie candidate‘for Vice President.says that Maine.and:all.the.NewEnetandStateswill:instruct’theirGeleratestothe‘next Democratic:-National conyention for Bryan: ames:Creelman,the famous cor-_respondent;says the.Democrats willogCARTYKentucky;..Maryland.’‘and~Nebraska;but will lose Ohio.HealsosaySOhiowill-vote*‘for ‘Bryan *next_Sear,and that‘it-is an Open secret}that John R.Mcheaw wants to.irun:for Vice President,with ‘Bryan:- ~atti———"=_ Monroe Mdere a “Statesvine Negro, Buncoed in Washington.- 478 shington,D.C bene “.Spatial;330th to Raleigh Post. ‘man,from.Statesvilte,N:C.,was anearlycallerat-police headquarterthisnioHismissionthere}wasto-enter .complaints against—ayouognegroforrobbinghim®of ailthemoneyhe‘had—about $$To‘According to his story,Moore.ar-rived here yésterdaymorning ob-his}Way to Pittsburg."When he count-|“ed his money at‘the depot he found)aehad not enough to pay:for his|-ticket,anda bystander advised him—to'wet a.scalper’s:-ticket.::He acted-\upoa,this-suggestion,but had,to Te-turn'the ticket,as the railroadpéo--ple told’hiin it would not be’accept:ed.‘Then he sought the pastor of acoleredBaptiistergarehim’seventy-five pennies{tomake up’the’necessary.amount|i his.ticket.--Soon after he left the“burch the met'a colored:man whorolonteptentoshowhimthewayto}:the depot...‘He told'me that if thepolicesaw.the brownies ‘on me;Moore told Acting Inspector Helan.“this morning,“they.would arrestmeasacrap.sh ter.”’.‘Told:youwhat??*inquiredthe.officer.“Hesaidthepolicewouldarrestmeasa were much~Monroe:Moore,a’young “colored: me, crap shooter if they found:the’pen-|.'Bigs on me.”’Continuing hisstory,_Moore said his newly made--friend F~to:d:him he cquld geta railroad tick-_tat half price-for him and“Moorehandedhispocket-book over to him.’‘that was the last ‘seen of man_-orPockethook. eS ie aie “ é s Ramon Takes The.Lead. eeAE Collins,“Tryo Arkansas,Says:Fave used various medicinesforatorpidliver..but Ramion’s ‘Liv-_ee Pills are the~only remedy ‘that)“-proyed beneticial.-Fhave been sell-ing them for two years,and,fromTay.eXperience often,Tecommend’~them vo friends.‘Ramon’s :take’thesleadofseveraldifferentkindstkat.ISellFor:mee NeRR.Fubstall._ -He aebepted the.home man,ts in a dangerous condition. ry |Was killed and‘two officers and six fal st charchand the min | )physicians,-y:ichouthelp.I)noticed ig.Dr. *eaecured of ailments similar to mine,and. ‘<a ANervine and Nerve and Liver Pills;at t ‘Dr.Miles’Remedies.’ ing trying to arrange matters.with the.parents of the girls No arrests hay.e*been tnade.ee |.Muesday morning a storm on theNorthCarolinacoastdidgréat’dam- fare at.Wrichtsville and.Carolina} Beach.‘The’loss*at.Wrightsvilleis placed at $20,000 to 25,000.-.Fifteen cottages.aré 4 total Joss and many more’badly damaged.-The-Sea Coast Railroad track over.the Sound As a total owreck.$20,000.22 At ‘Carolina Beach'I8-cot-tages were’totally?destroyed andothers:damaged.Los$312,000.to S15.600-The storm also-did damage|. at New bern:and:Southport, A race Biot at Mt.Holly Was nar- towly averted Subday~afternoon.'McNaniel,-a negro.»struck Robert Erwin,awhite”mill operative,an almost fatal blow.-McDaniel was arrested and’putin the lock-up.A negro lodge assembled Sudday night,-battered.down the door of.the lock: up aad liberated the prisoner.The+ town officeraundertodk to arrest’thenegroeswhen-he was overpowered: The white men of the town armed | |themsely es and were “ready -for=any /emergency...Erwin,the -wounde _me :Another American “Victory”in:the, :Philippines. Manila Dispatch,30th. y Three.companiesof Colonel,Bate’s Regiment have bad ‘two,.encotinters.with the insurgents hear:Labamand| scattered them.The insurgents left four officers.and eight men dead on the field aud.the Amerjcang captur- ‘ed three prisoners and seyeral‘arms: On the American side one Anierican alin ae men were wounded,Captain.French took.a reconnoiteriag party beyond’Labam after he had met:the enemy and was reinforced by,Major.Bishopswith’two ‘companies.The insur-J gents brought up-cavalry:.reinforce.merits and-there Was a Second fight.rduring -which “their ‘leadér,Major Salvalor,was killed and many were Avourided and carried away.-Colon-el Bates has been-:gtven a‘fr }around.Bacolor:..He*has|sixty /mounted men,scouring:‘the country daily and they are killing’manyAe: Pipos in*skirmishes,<." al noe Fightatin the Trangvaal. LoudonDispatch,oth. patch which’“says.Géneral”White‘|has fought-an engagement,presum:}:ablywith.General ‘Jeubert:s\force, which was pushed back after sever,hours fighting.;The British lost’about 100 men,and the Boer*lesses- ureater.°were in larger numbers,“and hadbetter:artillery, « ee po ie ~ ‘ ii : Te ao ofsleeplessness can.only berealized“by those’who.have ‘experi-enced it.Nervousness,sléeplessness,headaches,neuralgia.and’that’miserablefeelingofunrest,can surely be cured by Dr.}Miles’Restorative Nervine.So certain:‘is:Dr.Miles of this fact that all ‘Gruggists-are ‘authorized to refundprice paid for the first “Loss $40,000 to}: hand The War Office has receiv ed adis: The Boers} Her Health Restored||OS lle,=| ;benefit of both living and death: General White,in spite of his avow.| cS aed following dispatch:to.General Bull- “Three extra battalions of foot ad one mounted.battery,with re- serves,will leave’‘England ‘Curing the course of ten days to make’sc000|the casnalties.””..are Druskrats Nearly Kill aeMan. #2 .~ Sehicago Diepaick:qth vs Bleeding from rs score of wounds; J.J.Geraghty,a police operatorin;South Chicavo,to-day reached his home and:told a strange storyof an] attack on-himself and dog by vhorde ‘of muskrats.in.the swamps along the Calumet river.Geraghty went ‘to:the.Swamps early*this morning 2hunt’for “reed Dirds.=His"doy; magnificent “Gordon ‘setter,“accom-: ‘panied:‘Shortly afternoon he Start-|ed homeward.“Suddenly the furious}- barking of the dog startled him and@|> he-ran‘forward torfiad the dog-liter-|. ally.‘covered with muskrats,whowerefightingdesperately,biting apd squealins like mad,“They.nip- iped at'the.dog'seyes -andtcaught his. tongue.tn ‘their sharp téeth.Helseemedalmosthelplessan@Geragh-|‘ty fired his gun at,the little army of|rodents,which dame”scampering to: the scene,hoping to ‘schre‘theones: which were fast,killing his dog:He hmowed down dozens of.rats without appreciably decreasing their num-' ber;The dog at ‘last suctumbed- and the re inforeements numbering ‘a hundred,Geraghty’says,turned their attention to him.“They climb: ed through my clothes and bit me savagely,”said he,story.‘And.the only”thing‘that rsaved-my life -was-the arrivatof-a couple of,other’hunters.who ran-ip with‘clubs andbeat.the Tittle fellows off.7%.* Geraghty’e Boredis.corrgboratedby.the ‘hunters who ‘rescued “him, Muskrats:in’.portionsof.the swampareknowntobenumerousandocea- Sionally belligerent but it isis tirst:instance where.they.have era amaninRyforce.ae tia © “NOTICE...~ PERSONS indebted to.me..cither by ‘note Or. account,must settle’promptly.when dats,else.their claims will beplaced With au afficer.<j.We Soeoa eeStatesville,N,C.,October 2,1077: ForThe People. -;Thiose who-cantemplite “INSURANCE _At all—had best look esa conc] “stone between’NOinsurance:andlife.In one-instance ‘you die towin,In.my,policy.you “get the: Seven‘hundred -‘and— ‘sixty-Eight™dollars*paid out to Citizens.” of:Statesville”-and- community in tess ©: than:12 months time.-If you"will take’the© time’and sée-meIcan:: give you'allimforma-. “tion.:asJ. 2 NO Sen EXAMINATION-REQUIR eke CARLTON,FIRE,LireAndACCIDENTINSURANCE. bottle tried,providing it Goes.not-bénefit.” Mrs.Henry Bruns,wife ot the well known,blacksmith at Grand J unetion,Iowa;says: ness;headache and irreculartmenstruation;suffering:untold moisery-for years.”I -used-vatious advertised remedies forfemalecoms:plaints besides being under the cate of local Miles adverzisément the testimonial ‘of.a shall névereease to thank that lady.Her1{induced me‘to-use ‘Dé.Miles’. restored me tohealth.”I cannot.say eneugforDr-Miles’Rémedies.” aresold by ’all:drug- gists under a,positive.guarantee,irst bottle’Nervinebenefitsormone¥re-Restores ;funded.Book on Gig-.:* eases of the heartand :° “nerves ixce.Address, “I was troubled with sigeplessnéss,nervous:|. wtattificially digests |stra Ent and tonic,can a stantly Dyspepsia Cure Digests‘what you eat.=the foodandaidsatureinstrengtheninerecon: The War office has sent.‘the |.” + in telling the}.- ‘poeta and Brdigestion: Meat which is but:+‘a’stepping |}: Senhor Ramon Garcia,Chilian di-.rector general ‘of railways,.andSenhorGregorioPinochet;Minister |%of industry.and public works,hack-ed each other to pieces in:a duelWwvithSwordsone.day-last week. “Tt ais announced that “wdwiralDeweywilmarry-Mrs.Hazen,wv idow-of General Hazen,ington,and 4 sister,of John R.Me-Lean,Democratie¢nominée for’Gov-ernnorof Ohio./Mrs.dHazen.:=nochildren:and is very nich. It is reported that?the.Belgiantelegra_b.expedition.has reached’the-Congo:Free State,ahd ..that ia‘battle was fought-in July at’Sangu-li,where 300 cannibals were.killedafand:,600 wounded..The :Belgian }force Tost nine.men Killed”and 4 47]wounded. Robert 3B.eines:a wisest:aan “of St:Louis,Mo..Was held:upOnaStreetcarinthatcityMondayandrobbed.of $1,048 in.cash>and|.‘R48;730 jb negotiable paper...Thethievesescaped.-Hes‘wasspushediin- ‘aud robbed.te peg Huntey ile,La.,aegday:Bart.ley-Lewis,aged 50;-was~shot:=‘instantly kjlledby.Frank “Ellis, with whom"both nien’were in love.The woman was the only switness.tothekilling,Ellis remarked hé didnotbelieveiintwo.men loving:the|same ~woman *-and.killed.Lewis.Lewis.was’prominent and.there‘aré-threats ofly nehing,if Ellisis caught.:: ae ma “An,advertisement ‘isced in TieMascotreaches2,200 homes.It.iswell-to tel them ‘the quality.of yourgoods:or your wants.’Our.circula-stion.books are oben q ~; ' ?Dr.W H.Haden,Shneeit?Ala.,say s,“T.think:Kodol Dyspepsia Cureis'asplendid medicine.I~prescribe.Jits-and-my confidence i init’grows: Lawith ‘continued use:”’~-It,digests'what you tat and:quickly cures dys-OW.PF.Hall Te you are sonngipon neturayappearso...If ‘yéw are old,why ap2airs$0?:cep you:nwardly;wewill:took a ter ;the ioe:Ou-nee See -about those.‘little ‘streaks ‘of:gray;advance BeONS pe age.- oeexhausted i ive ‘or.gans.It a en aisconeendigest,|“:No other preyparation *\roach it’é ciency.IidatagctnandSgtSSeonUeeartburn,-Sour’'Stulence, ———MELEE:emiaarta of W.ash-2 0a corner of the:Cari by three:men fox young man,at the home ofa wore 1 cents and if-yville.andae:will p.ae you ee ing%of the A. Lancaster,S.: Tuesday, RPPC.,resbytery.atthe’past Weeks,getting home Tuesday. The bird shooting season “openaa |and there were some’birds”»jon\the market here that day...Some’sportsmen’‘ace.Species,‘from theNorth»next week. *CURES A Take Laxative‘druggists.refund The genuine chas Good MiddlMiddling»” Tinges Stains., Market Sim mag ates 5 cea PR > ‘ dise. Bee 30 cents:a |ery,Ladies Vests,&c.|can make them:.|Big'stock Jeans:‘sd Eamets AoE: oR $1.00 “up. LEas-on'shirts,- our.Coffeeat in Tobacco.-name produce, ou are ‘- ~ derwearat $1 ed,“48 and oe. Ne¥ Tae Nt oe No ‘one knowingsmallexpensewillcash,from,mantitacgoodsandlowestknown‘Pplaces-us in’shape.price:made bytwewillfame’s ‘There iis no other:Men’s Suits $2ndAlertch]3nd up toany-price you want.rigs ae and conditions of people.-Doi}.can oR.Bx-Orders raendhorse.and mule collars.- =A newlinejjust:“you up the‘col have'a yc‘-,See our Kodaks.be“made and:the’su“promptly 3and first-class work.|.me and ‘will sell you abeGretclase COLD’IN-ONE DA ¥.. Bromo money ii.B:.Q.on each tableti BEEP anm a4 ie er SS uinine Tablets: it;fails to.cure:~asc. have,Robert £2)oore,Refractionist exannne® your.eyes,andadjiist.the proper glasses..For at DP.defects,accurate:work guatapee 3 -Saleof Reali Estate.© r the last)will,end’testaméntivof :Re¢)A;’S)- Billingstey:deceased,the-undersigned\execu- tors.olssame,will’sell at publicauctionito thehighestbidderfor¢ash atthe court,House ‘doorjinSenoraN.C.,on ;-MONDAY,DECEMBER arH,1599.7 :Mat-r2 olcleck,m7, AN. STATESVILLE‘COTTON MARKEY. STATESVILLE,;Ny‘Sa November 2,1899,gai m«Strict-Good:iene et 7.3284 7:25 | 6.7 the:following “descvibed |realestatein.Bethan:township;to-wit’s Beg t ning at.a'stone,McAule#’s corneron the public igh-|wav from Statesville to:Turnersbrg and:run- “ning North'57”West:S2 poles’to.a stake’Mc-}Auley’s corner,thence,North 12’East 40 S toa Stake in Blackwelder’s.line;“thence South 45”East 107,poles to a stoneon said road!MitchCowan's corner,thence tvith'said toad South 5ai7 |> ;West20 poles:to the beginning,containing 15‘acres,more or less,being-a “part.of.the,Murk-7 yJand tract ‘on’‘which Dock Lynch now lives,Jn CuIRVIN,*Re B:MCLAUGHLIN,Phis November and;1899,".Executors, “Cotten Stored and Insured— FOR 15Sce.,-Ppér Balo a.Month,by ~Charlotte Bonded Warehouse apes “Bonded in Améticen Bonding and,Tea:st’‘Company for $100,000:06 “LiberalAdvances Obtained -On our poe“a lowest.cates of interest.; =.a Springs,| ESIDENT.mo "Test of Valide - "Goods nea y be,low priced and yet whacheap. Ten Dollars would.be cheap.for a gold”Watch:“bat.$not be cheap for a brass.Watch;.and theAllmerchantsclaimtosplainerandmoredefinite:and sWeSéllGo:dGoods our system of.buying,~question our-ability to sell cheay)jobbers.of reputatioprices;this coupled withctonot-only meet’competition;he ‘sharpest gompetition:'-oméprices,©GoodPrints iiBestfancyprints53d)cents’..a ‘yard.N cttrers and. yard,‘Outing: ~pair ae heap. ‘Under shirts 13 lbs.for one every not near us ’take- Aoioe mercha on? :Fall Underwe “a = allison’sS“Variety Sigs.Webought sarisin thtsline:when t-J Gan save:money.b ry0-pe vr garment...by no other.Heavy cotton unde ests,10 to 290. gn Y ”Bd tre ey d winter mTineof,talking for €you pian buying early ‘Ladies’AustralianJ“|Also cheaper grades,‘down:to apeayMerino,v uipplies*for qualiry IS.THE |ON LY ay $s.cheap.enough:cNi"Nice line ladies made:‘UCapesatanypricesyouwantSchoolBoyJeans,Ale.sandandup.3 4, Fe CLOTHING ©plains where you'can ‘Ou-Oand-up-as high as*yoGoodlinéMen’s.Pants 50c. Heavy ‘on:equaled;Ladies-dress’‘shoes 98e:See‘us on shoes.wil]‘do*you goodand.save~20c:and “Up:dollar.Gontie to see us,will.be-prices which will please you,opingby.close-attention to:businessorthofgoodsfornesswithyou.chi¢kéns,eggs, dollarWewant'to buy seedbutter,corn,wheat,d“We also-want:cross ties an an. irom ach*h rshf ‘fleece: ‘Ladiie Now.Is YO URTIME To Buy'e Good aeCheap.tin,you.‘will need‘one Ww.ornipys that's coming.>Wezwachi b th good watch ohaavdeteus.© |WoodwardBros. Soda2c.glad to:Ss ‘Many th d green.and‘driedyoushides.to T..Ay McDhest’cash price’ “Bradford &Sons Curriers and General Merchants.’FsntsSolicited:tor Haynes and.shoe ‘Léather b-. ear ists, mb's wool ribbed - Ss union suits,-2 2 os x a,Mt._Constable, pai TREASURER.ston CC giants Paws 4 ie santagh Cheap. our:volurae,at:ngs ~ p:“We buy only forn’for-a good’class ofourvery$mall-expenseut.to even’lower theGood.stock:of Dry-Goods,and:n short:lengths,“4 cents a yard:ice line ice.line Corsets and Hois- fo'pay. y"Clothing:eathest as wé2 seluu“wansand:up.y stock of Shoes toy suitiall classes|‘orget our homie made shoes;:they:and up.Mén’s “dress:shoes:~you money...Over shirts.Bde.and:up.per.|b.:“Always ‘barvains-how.'you what we have.and:anks forpast:favors,and-ard:al spent‘with:US,tO.Increase our:‘busi-cotton,bale:cotton;cotton-seed:|ried ‘fruit,beeswax’auvhides’especially°Pongald,ofStates- and be hemarket.ywas ot itslovrest:‘You 4us.}For.men, have merits of their dwn’Ss,18 and’25c.:possessed;fleece-lined and mix-Vests;*98¢c.ach.lined“cotton vest_at:Gee ee ’s ith an alarm”to:wake mes and records.uy one,we have the besem.<a repai rin a nhhandle\eeeSilverware|- Successors to &.Li N.PURSUANCE of the Spowrers.ccntajned °in|) ¥ie Ag = wr e i Ba i a ve + si abate ~wool dress’‘foods 7.to]. p skirts cheaper‘than;‘you.|!Towels5:to-25e-|°ste SagerAetorESanes.mgdes)clas t-te.pay.Boys suits}=e2“Men's Hats tc} from}ooSeeqeSeen: ways”giving”you:‘hundred| dall kinds of |” |We Have‘Line tea D Wright’s Health un-|" miulliner.to*surt thi “Some People Say :Why:‘do you sell those om.Suites at$14.00. aa 2s Bedrocts ay ain!Cuba any.“money |in-em..Yes:.Shereeis:i dita . “not:mach;ent,w ant.the:ear‘th,want,you tw COL back.a :ee a SulValues make Csi oe a2a ek re Ss Fan‘s what we are atten. ALarge well built,nicelyFinished3 -Bedroom:Suite for $14.OO. dL.Schiller,, :Se FURNITUR &0CARPEaeeeSeeaeaa Ca eer No e xy -> en”Gnitee’wonigssameholds:good'in -all:merchan--meeeellg6odscheap,Duy we will Peea‘Atle a ie>Silver Blate thal {ears1847.eee:: mark Bres. on Spoons,“forks,ete-,iS.a otse <<)antee of quality the vo:orc.| =‘The prefix—1847—ne Secerne Recess quality. a“ereSUIES “ .a~Dealers:in ‘Shoes weate séllings:§‘great.hiss brenda:‘in-Men’s fleayt andlor,=Men’s “Hometnade |Randol bh Brogans for $1.5 oaiingybetiermadeehdvetheeeansorpa oo ekeevee Shoe*for:$i.-00-and Agr isMen,W meee ‘tos Boy.S Bropans for $1.00.Boys’BayStateVeal €alf for $I00.Try ‘em’Dies otiLadiesEineandHeavyShoesforwintereeeorduceshee.oe see heels:If you want shoes for hard.wear.or-orYouWibe-doing your.pursé an ‘injustice:tO:buy before seebx.our.stock,”We have’ay :o-children’snat of moder fe eetshoe’for wome e thesBest.$ it { :4, OW.‘e are here-fot business,ae Call and see us.NB‘Mills &Co ~ ae Se-Fall.and Winter Mittinesy abthe millinery:establisiin ,ent ot Mrs:J P.Burke:HOW?“This.-@ssor*ment.ofmillinery.embraces .“eviery ee:Garesin,anep:-to-datéhouse,being ©Specsjallyy Selected.byymmyaeefanexperienced-ws trade.e SE therefore cordially |mee inLay day anda Sait sho weIiewathihe’‘aseistgnc invite all.the fan Inspect my stock.Mrs.J BP.Burke dies of the tow Rant:cou!yd 2 ye RENyou RinowelLIVERPilts "&TONIC PELLETSyou do hot buy.a med>‘icine,bu ‘a Gomplete Prestnient for Biligus-#*-"Ness Constipation~and Headaches.’Itistwo f-Te medicines,but sold for.one price—25~§ee=bring immediate relief;the 'Peliets‘Up th e©Nervous:System and invigorate. 150.SHOES In commsfor Fine,Dress,avn cat ee 6 - :SpWnotesace AND>RETAIL ee Na oa oe f ;maceswinsatin PRC jpeg i ny tier en om aah .Se ne reinTea ee See ok r ER NX.isc yoenah ¢Penge tis Gren ‘or by?&fee HibBle)*Sactaed in Pr28ion:the Absoctatign.|-+Death of Mra.rv LS Mills.~Herald:wh fectieay Force ast.aaotSan2hesesha'ee Sek‘York Dist key oePoetedesriieesWiigdaadiehoukePreis“hi Ménday Dwncrest ‘cases DE the.Mrs.Atmanda O.:me tls died:at he de The-Het ne whatit)teruk,Hidge.it Ant sipa U5Paps VES:-Cogti Farner)Mupaal:‘Fire*Tngdrance Some in west Statesville:yesterdat’:eect ae lise ue i Tithe ;Aspels Ova vearold twin hoyse.was SAssotiat ia oflredelland.Alexander afternoon atdairpcluck,aged:Bee Nast,§“qutained trom its:corre jsons ©NS :ss <, 5 :4 Mrs.ollie Diyk Se So eee}fo oe with apetonibbit.“wheni Gavaties apaidist two oft the «Ssdcia-|80 Fears.Death.was “due.-to paral:idents.in States where -campalirns?ie ee Mee oe A:‘SHERRIEPepopeat8iattoyrelatives.ee,wae en eee nd OFF the seciind fiiiger-of ding néx member=.Messts .H~‘Cloan-:ysis,\t Be beet eee of;which:owas atlas a ogeess.“AS Bae Mary!Seeks 2 8 oa a Dee oN ee twee >i w.i us Hes He vt fr aicab we mast estes.Gas.Fourd:ae pens 1 Shits cin’eee werd n “the-etd”oF an ger ang.J;ESPowell.for.the |OR,sons e ben we monthss:ago states:rhat“the:Democrats.weie Haat oie 2 Ete ‘MPANY’S. wrGe Labo on)tives au iddenite:Seca SRN,OCR er qs heslendabe first jatut Dro “pay sien rt“Of assessments,were tried:Since then she has been’in a critical:pas si 5 ably ‘elect Jobin:Walter.”Sinith ecaereyye el int a SPECIAL EES THISSeptet;aA Gersonatttemdeat thiy ent:aint before¢Squice JshoWe Whites:Wej etreeae ase vt ee aoe exnor?Ina summary”ofits:Oe eo ae a A eK a2 UR’CINE.OFBNE:€.Ww.Bosndner Sah a.howe",eeithe.waurld;~The ead of the’)G.-Lewis?Esq.yrepresented the:as:|pe 7 dhe funeral”wil CON sions the Herald sarsi<””SR Ais TC ie =ree ard Sunday ee SBe DORGS 20E fond.Could<atiationaod J.B.Condells, ESq..:ducted jutthe “Presbyterian ‘church |MORO,President ?MeKinley Soe ER COR ClothingReWoAsThosakbacpeureSeravoithare.ok HIb75"Phis is)the:‘defendapts:.:ietgmeiss ye sedge a ook by.Rey:Deaibe [State,.mecaRepublican.Aad ‘Nacht;a :‘ :Sie EU EN :cetaces ood,and the interment wi S Peeoneg Sai ;7)irpia7 is:N Tatttge fo RS the fit.fcaserofa rabbits Vatiackitn /x stveniip favor of the ‘association for]se 3 i will be-el ted yrover robably.7 ae ie>Say “pouiS U a ip sof Gi i e .1S Narthern,tiie.Fs 25 ctosee Seerer heard Of!"he amouttsof the assessments.hin Oakwood ‘cemetery.yon.)ected rovernor,:probably Yes Pe SNe ht a libevof Clothing oa1 thevite=,ie by 25,000 majority.The candidacy|ae =ee Mr,Up Ie;Somers;went foto Aol::date:+esent 4 “Phere are:a number of members ‘of “The orca was,re:widow.ofthe bat Fonte:of Toledo:is=hating Me-:eS Neg aesnitay gnrbus tues.aan Bi:eedtni-heandntiyenseg Brokey.:“the assod¢iation,who’Ba vextatled to:pate Ne le 2 Sills aud.si en ;ae ee cea fia “Cl reapest,far cet. 255.5 IT PG:*E:Gill ¥oF ona”Rasnvents One dey tast”week.‘Mr ~Hardin:Epay thetr;Casséastaezits:and:these of the {ute PEMD?een 9 She!"oS Nebr’ska,“Willigin J Be Vanes cg eastyehere:foods.C Saree ere Ate.Pp.‘Suits weretest cases +It js under-lived,after ber*matriage;.in’Cool]">1 zeHipfor,Messrs:y eye &Moses:pte ED ns son of Mite-P:waren Sate Sprite to +i ,a state;Wil ve close.Bi Ants the |Sng peopaS Hey Our seustgaser Sthots oeat SE Teeny ee S. s “Ths of ‘Harmony ©had bis:ee feg atonal that the other?‘inembers:will |Sprite township,until afew.years::s tissue ‘aud:la’ispatches ‘ing e att wa pak yeh Ww hen mottingeoia tite in iG Athinstos sees usaeor.Raymer is at Wome’fru:U1)Pokan-bet ween-thé ankle ‘and kpee Sav!pay-up and save useless “Spits }230,-Seber HOH nEes TO.Statesille.fiiat Be:e ae eteae oo -sh on.Cte ah tere”res wutOS Carotina.x A Gry Te thes bie Me Cen ua ei Keave vou tial eh,eine x Y Hare Sir.Lazenby had ov «j abl €osts..Anict Minny a hrs,“|oney jleaves suxviving®hers eleven:re ba :ees A 5%a “Beak ei :si Ee a :Eikseto :ant.to]oe oo +l Ghildted—~five sves Sand:‘six daugh-Re»publicans:win there Brvan'sSeats |a PELNSaS ee ee eae See Lenmar Lely.as here,fren El keer®tors joad of rye:On!“the re->didacy.in 1900.wal}bein}ined.”: “He will remain,a@bout-2 Starh trig.when about two ‘mile:icapeate Deere roagc Damaged.Lene "Dhesonsate:Messrs.a B.parte ‘Kentucky ds:x a wild tumult,se .&Ca7.row Elisin.-one of his mules kicked Charlotte experiencedsomevof the |R.M.vW.R.and."Eo Mills,offfind.the Republicans and ©honbs’Cer Lex ril Oo.ae >i be wa coast storm early Tuesday morning.‘Statésville,avd-Mr.J.-P.’Mills,OF oe ep Shere Setaner (uae oetpGao"qetA dered X “aim and b¥oke.bisdeg as abdve Set,.elect .Deniodrats.are.jolming [oo aN a_Andersén caine down:1.Ve The storm damaged:Captain “C.-S.Mooresville;the daughters-Mrs:3 :“irom Lenoir Saturday and Faturned,oe Nein physician Morrison's:pretty Shey ~residence’|W.Wo:Harbin,Mrs...W/°oe ane Seners apes ‘Goebel,=thSome ienistrato $s iaday.ass Racer oronght Mré Lazenby pac che ‘considerably.Captain,and*Mrs,Biss S.<,Mills,of Statesyille;Mrs.Saat ee =.GOTOTO==(MeDougala’shousesiss!Callie Foard,of-C teveland,eis wettingalong aS well,aS could Morrison’had 2 “bonse -full.of “com-PROC,Knox,of Cool Spring town-)0).ifs election machinery sand |ogeeriesteMiP.i spent ye sterday/with heraant,Mrs.Qe expeeted.4 _.<*|pany,among whom’were “Misses |Ship;Mrs.B..T.Steelé,cof Gbam-hnis oppynents say he will coisa:isp Seas iS Thist is a }d-Cy irvine.a ae :‘|Octavia Morrisonand FannieTunstall|bersburg township,and Mrs.Wm,,Deate Tats ee ee :3 i :eet :a :‘Mrs.Boshamer Mecovers Het w“ste n.|and-DrC,A.Turner,of Statesville.Ledbetter;‘of.Liberty,.Randolph;SB ti tive 1 re eat atRavos4:Greene went.to Yed~‘About 6 o'clock a large limb vwas|couvty.One son was killed in “the sts te tes eee ae oP Cl th.Fad Tynlin,|kinvise yesterday to assist Jina pro-_Some weeks ago Mrs.CW.Bos\|proken offatree in Mr.-D.H.An’}war and oné dauyhter also preceded and’the Reppblicans,whosare de-|=.ants O “littie cyssin tracted meeting.*!Ge eae one Poy ca ae Zola derson's yard;adjoining Captain rthe méther.to the grave.~enone ae Pore.polesyeemeill avatchandpin,.Saturday Mr.Bos-sf aa ndsomely-:elect.Shaw’governor),i :Sete aigmer learned thata watch had been,cpitice espeuice ake eS Ds.a ee meer ote poeee,White,Democrat.jhe ahs ae was pourht ‘to Set:and Sqtisty the purchaser:1 ae ‘ea Jarge:and ek2n to.Messrs.Woodward Isros.oa "oe hin @-the:paitterl Christian:She was a kind neigh-“Quayism promises:to cause enor]yaried ‘axsortnient of these goads and believe Lean Suit you ii “quality ‘wid offered in exeliange fora siiver:The demieee eae eatscows ee ‘bor,@ good wife,and the eleven up-mous.Republicen losses in.-Pénnsyl-)::‘and price,Nebing,bet tore =bave a“bi ostoc’s of Elkin JeansySalen Major R:Rs Cowles has,returned he he by Hay wood (olden,‘colored:cable:Ww by ‘the.Charlotte storm:right,:useful sons and daughters at-hvania,and the majority of Barnett,ae ‘ Sa a three week's visit to Salis |‘Che wately-was foundin the’negro’s singled wes Statasrilié gad former Sect the fact.that ‘she was a yood the Quay candidate for;state treds- ~byry and other points.”atSattaogsession.He claimbd ty have Statesville people to.work “xpon is}mothern Truly-a mother in fsrae]|2ret.max fall below 50,000:=_TRUN KS!‘TRUNKS!warGantes-and |”¢wught it-frow punothér negro,but:et é:Ar.Pr ank Jenkins Has Accepted a ‘:>OW.Murray.Crane,Republican,|4SciepiLahestory.is improbable.’He gave more ee apo:has gone to ee /.."|will be ‘elected.governor.of Massa4position.as:stenogtapher-in~J.:BNCox”s gttive inc harlotte.z 3 beaks uit:you ‘in any ‘gin ofa,Publ.from Bes.tip.When ‘you are 1 os a vane wench reals at sane The:Rird Law of Iredell.A Successful Hallowéen Party,Soe though |by.a reduce “ma ;payahe Tie fall and:winder woods:yemoniber that:Fcarry.“a:com i this ‘othe -pat Ades }Se ALY FDIC Was tOSt.a Coed Ime}’;i di Elw abees“ayeniie “pepper:“Mrs.Amanda Cald well:has’retyrn-|**aS not récevered.>.2 :We have been requested sto‘pid °Mi sses Addie wlcElwee,Mattis bec Ls \ ry| j ay en’“VOUsavant ho Roy — hut HO:-One +7on>Miss 3Maud Skuford,of Hickory,ihavor .asseseed .bis EX pee ted Lo drrivé ctoday..to visit ie Neen Sliss CBténta_Andersore * f St atestitHex s -chignens ae Ruldich. OFF Olin see.me-before t ae A atk ae Tish the }f<tbe last I.hat Cc rn and”Je:sie”Fowler gave a:-in ae Jersey.ae oeSey Heche ye e ons .ee ee ee eextfron&es E ish the law of the last Legislature Cooper,¢>2 give the levislature a the fepudlic |;sa pods5 OR 3OSes =rE Heine +9 Ree dau ghter..Fine Farnr Sold iter poke ee in revard to uate in Tpedell-cousi-Halloween.party totheir friends at cant.a P ore My Stock of Gener:ul Méschandishiis ‘all.new,and.was bau hi ta.se u ere Fipe)¥tS Aluttz,in Salisbury.tye Tt is as follows the handsome residence of Mr.J.H:Sh~On Saturday Mr>.N.By Mills Sold “The Detiocmats will beat the ae ;>f Suit the trade.mt invite one and all to 2 Samine mr.stock before im sse N r McE lwee -Tuesday evrenhing.The %x 3ladsfarmnInCooloningtownshiyt“The General As se mbl\a oO th 4.AXoat *.gee=banG.“sak Eq.retornen SatSuney:Sataniay curday vatight —ftom “Ashland>W S >fwheral»ae He:will remajnfer Seteral weeks. RE V ery espe arsionistsin-Mississippt.-:Carolina do enact:hostessés-received in phantomgarb,|"“The Republi ill SIO E CR ie ewe a “Ps A -Me D«ww GAL D,|Messrs WwW:y Mason,of New”Ho es >z i e epudlcans:.wt win.in Team ee =-feat y"}iciwnship,and W.N-White,a Séction.1.That it shall be unlaw-|and each guest was similarly array South Dakota. Idtiastons whe o Mescpe Dery,of “Shi ful for any pérson to hunt birds-up-|ed soon after bis orheratrival-<Af!{>“Tn Virginia -the reScalts wallthe ~Z sab ¥,0 ai A -town-/Statesville:33.660 E a-the .res ibe ay tl fer many’we etn 'ad fom v t f ee He;fOr 33.aU.~The farm On the lands of-angther ito the;coun-.téran hour or two:of fun in ‘trying|that the “next.legislature will rer dk noes{returne mé yestert ay,fonr contaius 23¢-agres andit sold.for <a tote th identity of each’other;iS*|evteal¥lays"visit to telatives’here.{iutle morethan #15-an This ties df Buncombe,.Lincoln apd Ire-|tolguess the identity of each’othe ‘eléct ThomasS$.Martin.to the U,S.Reea7rene}dell with or withoutguns or doys,|thee ithostly raiment was laid “aside,::se who bad.OMtee Soaeader “bf Colo-{!3 4%fine price,but then the farm is 4 Senate.Me‘‘except.by the written nsent ‘of the and the guests amused themselves}. Nutt=,mideassis SYsittng Bis’aunt,Mrs.PeBs me of ae anost valuable in the:x yas 4 by st Bias?for ‘apples,having “Ty New York the’Democrats will}x :wner.,ba db .6 Bast.S WGCSS.\Key,and brother.Mra ALA Ky Bling:COMA on N-nge>3 ;hold the city;while the Republicans Tivo or three rears avo the farm}.“See 2 ‘ny persoa-SO offending their fortimes,told,etc.;The re=|wij]hold the State.-Tanimany will,:es :[was sold bY.the administrator of the shall be>deemed wuilty of a.misde-|fréshments.were admirablein every eléct its judiciary and county fieketsd:te Fall and:Ww inter.Shoes. Ors Robert:2.Burw eu.ar New Or-(Tate Johy Wo Stevenson-for division ‘meanor,and“upon conviction shall!aysand eyentng x oe in .Néw.York county—Manhattan jieBS)is,here ona visit tohts fathér,|:mone!the heirs;and:Mr.Mills nae ness thay five,dollars nor:-eae t0 ee eer es vest andthe Bronx—by majorities -that We Wwcant’to rel wind:y you ot the ine that we ar e stillin the léad with the he pdt NETS Cat dd DQE@en.o Mr.Butwell toughtit at?$2,950,‘He gets an ad-eae than ten “dollars.,/=voted the party ove of the nest”rwyTLexceed:40,000."The Democrats |Celebratéd BattlesAxé Shoe.This:shoe tieedsno.‘introduction‘as itis so”resesdie tonto bipe 32 dixil Cysineer,©7 Lt 7 »i yance of:$650;which “Shows that ‘Sec.2.That his act shallgo into randsthe fair hostesses the most po-/will elect—their connty ticket in well known ‘and'is mone bg all to be the bestshoe-on the market foriShifriedatstef;a;{dredelkreal estate rth 3 effect from-and after its Fatification:}pular youngiladiesin town.”Kings county—Lrooklyn—by major-“ane ment at “car cy the uiin all st yless 7 in,Geo AL Banner bas return cos Se eee NP Brae:|’Ratified the 10th day of February,’In the absence-of'Mrs.McElwee,ities ‘ranginy from.4,000°to 6,000.)20 85 he Fis!berein Watauga county al.Death or Mr.‘Jaines RK Stewart.*1 |ASD.Ise rthe party,was chapevoned:by~Mrs.|pire Democrats.will”cdrty Queensra,visit to‘his wife.who bas been.Some of ourm pebele :had the -FC:Irvin,Mrs«M.L.Ramsey,’and and Richmond’counties.; ss here,but is mivcli ith:ee in ShsJames R:Stewart died at his pressién that this lawapplied to ‘all Mrs,W:T.‘Kincaid.ae eis By a cate:majority Shiks Republi Boe meéirewoue a ataren phaser ebay ar ez warn:rated to be Mis airck Mrs:3We A.oger,whe :sete in Barnes township Saturday|kisids of hunting;but it is seenthat::eeaay Me aa cans:Wills control “the assembly~|solid throushout and te give wood service.Shoul la a pair Go wrong from ‘Foxe been visitiog}Felatives,3A this =o'clock af consumption,aged itvapplies to:bird hunting:obky.."Our Chatniber “fnoteow Night se °"|Phey.will control it even if they ~do|any defeetin the inateryalor workmansshitbring t hem back:iund-cwe will Sa te at Ny oY ‘the past,twelve ‘outs,about 39,years,The intermént was:"hunters ‘will do<avell™,to 7See.theirs (Yet Aes fLtr}ate New B -é not elect a-Single oe in New,cladly satisfy any réasopable person.Cosh tence Se | :bist&Rast njwht for their eine in Lili at New Bethany”Baptist/church farmerfriénds before oing:~upon The eines apr:cltiaensSof Yi peileoent ie :::-Notwithsttandine:thetadt-that’shoes>have Sivuiced {0m 10 to'2de.,a: ~SUN Pachter sae eel r ee Samay aflernoon:Ske their:lands to”hunt:birds,-"25 wor NS tatesville are ePeby’caledtoaneet SeeneeThe ee pair “you ead ‘Duy Battie AXE atthe old price,Giveus “a ce and-be _a |“The-deceased Teaves a rato.“fad ~aap ep te ee)ha afinthe lodge room:in:the Batik build-)<=.-consist that;vit ape an Vhe a ree 6pusingss.<Truly,oy : «Miobie’‘Rampton,“of ‘the|seven,children—three sonis add four Marder awd Suicidein Wilkes.o>Ving Atriday night at 7:30.pim..to.per-nn St Koto praaedselyoola sp enit K |cyushters“survivi mgbim,,He was is +,a .s 3 is &Ps %tek =|y en fector,‘anigdtionsof theychathber.oT]a IK ey mi babies2maeSAT:i ae mnghue¥tna |z A eother i aly alr?Ben®Sthwart,¥ram Ned a Bernas pho (ope Eee ‘The committee beret ed ae a ee Te ae ee Sloop.&Miller..oe “iti no &Seely ci-Shiulob~townshfp,“Mrz ‘Stewart|epleman.of havelag 2g’WKSs Bunz Atituknyd yard,TRY:Aawsy will~report]:‘.vs oe Nag ASE atat Giwissetl s-slioes for"méSidye ith atrivethis week. ;,oF Deg mewberOf thedaptisk.chbreh,|_oy --et +a,5 fheboard ofdj oe PuenisSe eshae se sas arora STR ti:Z erie TEN 4 i (os Spat Killed Mess Dopa,‘Cham-,)and,thy pamgs@ dix Jaceaeneg 9LMieee 3 iss elfCa 16xeator ey Ete borane grkindmusbiddy Kors hikdéad awile’S.iS,sand theu |evs:~Will Beannognced.29 <6 224 vip patent SEBend A wy ty ANet si€tesy mp lTS.Geie|oat fa ice soe teeth gld¢snacks dbitheel Ppa)Pridsy.~ye SGeuils Mthaty:Jaetallsa Utelida certs?Drgentle ee -rs fe pe te <4 ers lige AslipS Shi‘eipied Sin!if ie aoipsntin ity»tir,hich chesGp nufe “Fay Standing iay ‘Cole BEdds Qe ine to the.potayon'a 2 He .a neGAstetpe ox Sopeha Afue,inte sfupaulizes,With bis;exidow,mattt's yard>,whet ‘heteant out sitet ig eebpdtiiou jot Px misrtheaat ANAS.tha‘ad ehwdren Nivthet-Hreat Loss|“ase»banter att eR bathd.‘She <3 skegh in|aotto”fot;“thise thectin £4.Pa “Samyeg és nee sein aobsbe ate 4 No LK et te et iy sor Mteray land Cridrehx.weakensoon2tate’abhs>irtenued,-domitr's Th ena Pereaete renova)an=Aieiinzsops ast asTTEaytieaud wit ideeSeti,Mo cExenagdye age aye ate.*PRES CORYe+5 a at A)aeaenenectefred,eee poUnL Se Ra Bee-oy.LESS Spoean velco abl bet Seer SPR ALS SEND TOW2EO! 8 aygob vt12D,LY,mee Ne feynef;tek es +s 7a :positively I vat Lutter.x,os =Ss.s :Ayypidttne:Captabrand|ys+The Hest Brestyatevsotether CHEHicktethe QreaSty hey Suiiwaoy Eas Panis:os ~President.Price Pret ees9 eephoneaetPE Beto RE EALpusineSighk.Yes qurtuisiness ta assist you i =a gar @..tattewtekadi.2 ST,th Piesaly hertoremoce hiss'shge andStddking.4:ave Hope thatthere will be rally :wh Nn sel best\goodsmr thiasyhtee fr ;ie Iwintace..Wes vt:“peters met i ~Lartaster.»Ss.eabis’tittle oghteranlsco \ted"h “Secretary.Sunwanga aaesutpoe =Ne Rasa is Soe Sune toa SOU we fa et eeto be ‘aLONSHOESDFALLKINDS:(-1/72 Bate the facilis any Lhcans poe itis =e eeseg;oS sgeclebiheADE |Teatler,af.States:#ethes:elg the:gin ‘te.his’‘temple:about:SiynRTesines,a and,Ete an s 7 ole)meg eS har Gas ei begteFablesty saisty yh thie ws.econ:‘tepret¢fn,SESSates Nous oe BPA eas BOE tithe Snge-Tah ite cane:ANS«J.Re Bova ‘and’El,and:riled vhe trigger.with bis:toe,cinets V's ta seeders ae shoes!ee f nigertige:>Out ee are?a a ae re eything under eee CAB "J rede atty,iutelauck Baie PRY BX Ahornisee.}Oks Sewx Ste.|Reto.ag his Dae rains Oomtie ni |FY,a SPhis,Qrcanienon’fan beyaie if the Jatest styles At bottom’pricesMerv agentiryy ae privet forthe mony yee ed.We hud 7.110%vk ie ut Saves ere Sin te a eS :etsat ;Ve,aiscatdedl Ehgy =returned’:aehts,sodLeaks:ce SmhigsS 3Wifetpactigula ec Lenotit 4drthe to"OR mrat sete os Se rg Ecodipnil ches.1)aoreurey<oets,raremoregt staat Yo Beason wewre t ee pe oe eee a . ee “egy wt at:cnbsthyy?Rim”==ae ok dns onder Suspictads cin dmStandes2tinnewi TE won togethers.wees AS,‘work dea :fan Jete,is combines:Awd the Jowes ahyeorex!peaoe 2 rahe yank peter pene atoo judiment,chat waa teen gs eee nai =O pete 3.a eestor we,BEL cheeabe Chambers areake 0,AReelr,BRE SERS AGS Te oe Set oie SSAPES,a a ae elie.apresSok “hefore leckding *to Tet “yourctJ“at shot followingsreport:of"sbilsjnéss peswhat she eng.“about :i ‘ang:ee +e ~taMtirigkeen.yh eR =fd nace i paki ee SeyarBe,a Thnvestigate our npmenge acesme :con:folescas sare mi i sei Pa nsaeted by thePrest teryNae fecal]§pthigtedto,the’Andes ants Sain 4 bey “<.ty:Pe gine aeeatiine Stthe fitieastigcapes rows enhoncy £0.Yea npseciate thee xistenee ol Tints biasoreea,FAN -inngteas aoS Sites:Tanrebssts-at 2M hs wade <Mrse Chattibers’husband.rad “Ye&.ChariescWe Sharve,éob.s ‘oflete nition spice one at 39 apt.SeeRye ee %ours ly ay.SHANUet :ghar.vec wip eng allow tan ae °on ea ly yee ee :ri ir.Galt mapp¢,-aitd:.ahs SO Sie abies eu cen =xoF ES abtSfactomteoreSt spite ats yr store dal Seé if we done :Mc OU:actount,0k -sdvateins:hone]Gesepted:herafhd'goneto the,West.iL Cabin,M:Sl arpe S5. poptigsanes on ce ee on eS Se i eeStatebene.”Ai “8 Ou Hust ein,the Northory mar Kets wee the. “g ‘he.tims Aas heat to uy your an e Pe t i ee r OB yW n e m e s ee ce e My Tie at 6 Jat eble health Rey.J.Ce Boy himsaid:FeauséohCol ii’s.intidmacy Enmma J.J;Stone:dagrhterof Ri ese 2 4ae“ttae oe ¥siygoed Tbs Patoval coedeste rtith he They]bodtb Pani heat).Stong_Esqueal!ei Gopesiy ni,SF _GoNs 4‘aNd’AMMUNITIONSey opr gner ime age i geetout ue:secure:the oe aes ee ee os eeer-eburch,iRe snd wore chid ta)woes Ob BFspree sate were”“magried ‘Festerday:«3,ES;ie oupic-teereh breech:dG iss Kit)gas|eis a 4:: A “New-Stirlingioe “eRe.Shoal}ube titne”‘oh the’irabely Aci naelLbride:nae honte.*OF YR nae ae 50.eres PSIIWL ?The NewMiltinery.BM tet eS: att ay est ge %TAurches anil Stipplied:—*~|was-abdut “yer So ldjana*rsx],}tC!‘Sioetiatl;4Son HEE x ease Ve Pg Re a EN <ag LX.sode aaies Saas TWDPyiasSdk oeal eyed aTSBighdm.ie and Tay-Oharn ensabout 30.Coléimgn,leateS}i Sesion sosoaidsMiss Mary):Secs ae Vy’OR.ay rount,.kes Ani.Di Geol Pleats a Cl a Se gaan ude Us SEV a b Phne liematony,HFiste School.sOTSY ivle bysE.E.Gritiths who sa several”children a the.wothen”Robertsgn;daughter ot She ca er~hevew *Sition.nee “Novem be ete Sp be oFoe Sy i ae mz ae ie aeout.milllners ~departunéntture 3LegiietenieasiedawiprSav|Aged Mooreseite last years:X w/c foateetnd v7 2g C's 3 7H Roberson,‘oF Olin-towaghib;WAN be]siania ettgoncaenthingRa Hd]|a websGe heaton Several pieceks and be”resultewwilh be i sister.Wiifs$APO ‘fhe nex meeting of :the.Spresbye CE ak 0 a ae cee a Ae traeTiee.tose:a ttee home(HLof Your&Vite aesoqa"Beasone ~~pbuyer vos >‘ae i es b i fe Gir toe 0 7 us intact A fun [3 —_>t Fas .Gome wad sPe ‘Us. Has Lake ine)place ache <TH bethela at Piskalr etigichs Gas}“{Déath ofMrs,Gregory:S,>ES ata eeneee Taeas AORN oe‘indies baved by.ee ,=o : 4 “TGR county=:CNS ee oi Gorraspotmlence Sane Mascon”Bp ee NTE ae Bike Farespopstar:Sycute aepe Peace ae,ed a ae-4 bs)Site f ps se”.aa =nheBL owkoy we Po few rR a Se se ee Phursday wiomfngy sOctcber people in tieit aghbereooss,wana)Hh SN es =Soh op eo ot Sek Fitheln .&Mis::.ms %hoy ts +3 ee oes Poet shoe r a ingy zs _1n Q >34 >=a as el OE Y :Foe <<Se et EY.aSalee,wahtatic horap]Sefeeds,he Wine adinadecal NMSASL CaeieSeae oie eaegs one A EE AID ee , ey ae hia ge Hacbean®%Afessne.“Bradférd®AX:Sons,?Zot Ney.lof Mr.Svantes.Grepoty,of eWalliams-}riages.-.4°8“.>aeESS ekbPwieartePierEsenextstirling,éxhibrted:their?jeather.atlpury.”-Herdeitt’was véry ‘sudden,shee ets.m Lbs)SP <a SBE Rapedar Brey”Moat:“Ne rgcent.State Pair at’tlefab.as shéwasjnher.emtneene Net:ANS €:eS ek eea 1 i’Sgn ORY,i;CARD]Wy sere4 eres,“Adme,te mehey hive ‘been?wotjtied t at their.0 day.')—pe Advert iudinge sy.or Fig he3MrsSeaieres Sdleeasea-wos,everybody's!s}“Welate giadxto Agactie.Spee ~~ty ie ~ May:“¢|xbibitacop:first-prize,a gold medal,ca >Nea zs art Wsrgturnestpsitoly will+-be-forwarded:to”them friend.—She “alwa ys “pried y te.soeorerot mo pe ‘MeDougald: reagan’sit gu ber jfteer abd tdgth-f ffow @ay5.¥The exhibit congistet]right.Cbucien1eotioakaliyy loved}tofadvertiserTp.:He’cab guit br gal Chys Grove SLMireaker tspat the:silos:“kinds ‘obleather'het;Se ‘StOppedatPiohaetaf loths .—_ie He Pe ae a Ret cv,Fredmeci #,seco pact Teck “ber PGan actur YoCnemn.hep.dear:with “recelving,*sqnie?,Pane aliso utely rg fs RO RE Oa Ee 8 oA mE aad)BI aN ree <bce k aia 5c 18 :~a Sal caer ea Braffordthate <bn-{thing —apples*peanuts,“Brasspyts..pe Sebiller:rhs aloo,sited (peek a MP ie A het eh Drei a 5 a azat ‘ha Ti.|ORTED eee TP ae ie ean.af Ttoak@Cub,peeved to enlarge their tapping byst-|oranwthiag whivkshe;cabld make |S Seqhich-inake yStomMets<5 eA 2 a SeOD te eBre a3Se EG aap ere 4 ie deeSR :bsseGu Mess uptit foe“Ol thedeo ntrys:a o¢tated.Nas dHowas-d vicepre to “hers 2Sloay &Shepton:"sis the”face Ap EON:ate i ey i ae 2 ite:=ISS GOCWS Wesow pes this.weeand reroraskbee Yester 7 aus’Teale:its’magnitude.Thay |yo-viveandivork,wasa delightSke[buy‘your fall "andy winter :4 lothing,[4.27 OT eA aah BS ist pesen inst critient Poe ave Ray.mr,SRidcaidy thd Dia "hat “anetheit.planthby ‘Speata power and Mas,always"Dusy=-vever.,idle—until foyercoats;hts,Sbirfs;elo:+Their}:IT yp eB a a ach of all,:See “Sy eaSSvorcal(cae eresne Libis was.Tutbieza.st +)omploy-®large foree ‘of:hands),ThEY Ino Teen tired;‘old -hapds.‘are fstvles-and.Prices are:abeo}itelsK Gant a acted:mY <a 4:ear a KO aemeewe 3 3ee e Agere apa gt ae Sr SSeee rete oo ee:i &sa 52000.fe the.sees cane ie cao 7 c oi ba ig aoa 8 sted-C Ce Nl)VS ie Oe ee LBalts,Hosier Nediven,hes Nias we eS sy ki it G horse'coWars and’shoes,-bu and he ait Oneshé*.coutd ind”arr 0:V your Hts Ae SwSine eee 5 ok cy 4 7 :3 reettighy bo Phesufireniiu osar,dnd ges We oelix'Of its seid taptbe et ate.~~eoaeee How.sadly-hol oaiGiito ater ines othiny this:=Of excdllgnt exp seeart ela —,et ¥TFs 5, :5 ud ayebu 30 {sar a AVGiig Hayoes.yGanzhter®of|F,¥Segro ikhea:as *CpainDaotieg <thér‘homenow they cean't see-thefest market.t:cavgeh exesJDOnye eo ant y =)Sy th Jpamedi |CW br Sick Sgt ME SH!8 ih :vas F wel Jaren selli go!ad *~7iRalleR=ere=us OI eo lee ch Mp ibe mudsedy A betghildren pass HMeeck...Htwrascboueliyonthechesp}<i,pont ENS €Shbes.uind Hatsof the Best!Makeg>./*=PE ass ’:Men eaas a ayioetat4ConkyTreasurer,33 aE HyWBS,|ba pms ~Townyhip.,sitet:ASP SB irokfae SoaksOnt fo oe a.dhe ChiatcoteBinded ash aiePeepereM be “y =x “oS eet eee ee oe Semegit 3 fiver Cig Sere es ep ff Ly Tast >Se ursday “aorpipesMe |bey sho remember:she"has {CompanywillStore youk ¢Pe enh uss SEO a Ao eA Oh st RSL ESA oiee =5 Ee 3 of tfacinod HSS eae Cle.dey Sere aa bersbare|¥oae to abrighter hdme;of which |makeyouliberaladvances,omSame.ee 4 ane.«a Ww.a age oe eeee ee :a: :es Alves yf atven Sel*owashit une te aeas negto.matitn]be spoke.sometimes,A.good“J.‘ByFlsigan’s,Sons’we"sthey +mit,BREE Bota<r orig.Ay Bye ee Tx:ths te RES ee ant ae oN Es =f.>DENWsbee suspeosions ie }ie.ditch ‘beside ‘the Salisbury road [peighbor-frienTswife“and>mother }Oil-Light beaterss ‘Bhey-aneNO od ~~4 gag Sissiesgavitgt yo Fs}pe ae5rlshe:A eceared.be foetal)“nh ad-yeatLingle’sschoghhouse,tt Chah-.tras egne;fo.Reeyee A “Our,_loss*fs}price.and eller ene 7feat Be ih irenrect,‘SATISFACTION ¥!Wet Sr:Ramsey é aSLUmCYBat:Pi Bick ah:Mrs.ceeYS oS ho Gi 4 yorsterts’see Cgtoner Foare hér vain:aoe +a SM.A.*‘¥ovat,OFM .t ring ae 3 he;rokwe have ‘sad Fad aif *ok.;cf ~ rokika a xOpg Yoran fwardtrody bis'sonyy Bury,Wy +8-o|Sas Botitied and he.together:with [aeFiten Bx one,uh ewe aud’Sidan’s Station,will'selh-Fousctoth=}2 at oe ithe “edkoyit faire Sp Se *: 2pch,dupiored >”d fuppeated O¥en EN G3 ago.Sounty,Physician Long and ajury,fice her fe Ms,BeersCASpgs Sheds of al ciniis,Bae cepoee hexe ‘one=,»wes =iegtied:leeks.te Nottie Pater :eagerTtained d xen.down “to investigate.“They|Aas eet ge unsand seeeniicitgon —ger DT),pa es:pn saat aed ceat‘Boworais,THs.aan ‘obfriendy atta “HAlldweek “ound,‘thatthe gegro:.wast Anderson]Onseek Thursday Squire JolinHihey.Hee oe OO Rt Ce era lm nae ae ys a apart a3TUS;ee See no .“Gand get eensfea?eo be & S wds*ube cipher Epa ey sTuesday:evepinsy \Theeven forseareofCleveland,who <haa,been fGoule-heardeile§se°cok State *x¥ss ees<E eee |oe ae ees tsAete bt ae se >ae 3 ae giner |ot States,“cies very “pleabam le >“Sen Au sere tedpe beets EF.“brick 2 nd |Celand*Ba=More:'.for-foretble ia inge you th ets MD on Me oN ee Sree 1S ue aevitae =ass s HF oof{Roxaacodsty,2ages-fortune.ign <Otc.ys :St‘ime-nmd:thit-he adevidently ‘nik ‘tresspassat:Bradfora’s.store;~Shi-jevigassan aa As You e of Ne 3 ;AP week as a i URE JOR-O cm‘ ictof tie late,lews i ‘ship Pe EV in the on ‘off.‘while <intexioated —and“the;{oh ownsbip;”BR qs‘Long,.Esq.ees oS iene eet o®!£dowuship,que:BBot a mgs rere on eS #Ueels Of ‘the.wagon.‘had-passed |pteprese ited the prasecutjon and We pean ix yCaptice ih.ea<sete jUr ACerS ds achers a Epapys 4 %Sead °serhisbbdy.injuring himso.tat 4G?Léwit ‘Esqs “thie defendants,eo e ey oa ean cand gietcx thilirony comppumentary,yo he Irieads ang j “wr died.*;Bhe wagén and team wert Tite defeadaots were.bound ‘to court =ry.#Signe Saat te Eottomeoot is %£-patrons eo ead ear Bitakuh“Aggingtest cas”desided };uD ponds*‘of sid each:“Qn>Saturday |:RK.i aw €%A oats at .2 SSekar ce fie bere Skit AC oRUN A isd ovation Aaetna Sea esvite ea es sleeuvoea cen meeeaa eater oe Bo ee Be eos 87 wis 4:%bis Set war ee ie ‘thelamest iaity wee ittrroneSy£1)>att @Prts>peat ee wi i «ear dyerto Jones?wile...it or abet Moore ina NP em Qt.“ee ce ae aoe eu j s tee:4 any chgsres (S&tee,inormibs |e ‘Gea:B,Gill reeeatiyhades"{?‘Tesegins,mat “Jones,came"Bare rar peswith e deadlyby Gobi }N ser baht SitiaeMondays 5 5 ane rebate “Wo voy need 3 Suit Brvaxercout? re EBERT,FOSIEDCOT iigig.tevene £brbundtels=hee stus}W eibestias with _aloadof Foats 3 e Justices.C.Little andJoin Gobi Nptember:St “pte 'om 1S the i yt lisecome tow =You joanngt We better)”“Now,“is Ake harvest. eae Se ea ee ee ee “8 5s i A re Barer Beara:=Rees ae Sede te)gece f M nee Pie oe fo at saad ».Bl:7 titoe ;grfieth!Guyer?|“You seal tind jar “Stock fe pn ay Pelis codtwa tats Do“T5.bCarlton 3 agemey,-in the ‘bide.“leeeland4 cot:—~deunk duds:tarted;4 {feddant fkand:COS:for’aapes He Sih checutrisdt 8 eae AERA Gis IES ~SEAUE tab te Sol:Fats:‘Shirts;rs erwear,=ade chengppd qugay te ‘cat *Casuairy”Actident ;‘dne}odekuwith the brick-~add “Yithne:.‘De |sault....M¥.Lewis~iss:pradti¢ing-so|iecoat AxesSeer 0;MES at i os me as aa a ee r ee e ro eee ” Sn at e ge n he s e te e ce e ae Rea:J 2:ri .Ssae:vase the diner teciais Wueuraoey,Cprapane.2reelpe beecaaercoees aly “sori eaked*’fauchyin~Shiloh,,fhat :Some of:the ne evi ate Oh Pa “8 2B ee thi iis “e Cofiary,Caile::daters >2ee,res St me te bp a prigs Sane aie wee pode pericy tostb Mr Gill’Sy(50,wade By,gusday Piat teas susgao:man ly;braves.Rant ‘hit.“tq mere.“out eS,ch nvabdat B:“weLaug!TOY Pa ee ete A ee oe Oe 2)Correetjns kes wri “prices#“Reé atnbe:our.tote isthe home. ¥aXGwhe Gortes here.,ecderved'SSOFAfoory aaa ays,ssi .mg’in.the:road nearer “tOwn §FOLY |“2 “ate a x oN ~Sc “exéeutors ofoa ‘Se Billingsley will),a ,LA daa ait Om oP Bg Se}:os “6k faskiow:On aboueooF Eee dé Ste:Ses we are -Me RE,Fe ay SPN Se)ts 8S ehag:the piace‘where the body.Avas it at <apse!seni Peeis .Hopes.pl C8]:2 ookity:for¥o ee to pleases Baseman :atetie)Se ere Th Huet E “fmportant Notice.i BS Sis OP TOR feeeut=attZe eere Ya “Shap poss aire foundsSeeSee as Amp dheisce fyoy ies ‘:of A AS etn [Repeek aS Sop vet.c i a Sheltc n. Cis toh Pe vs Pee Ns orton.c Te ers assis J ty i -%.he,ye De oye es i ae > thewperw Moe wes TZpoe‘andl Usd.Be sk we bez Rusconi,3<Thene dgeloe heft ‘aim.in thes Are seesiat yo A G suet ereto pope x sar ets SI 0.aa8 e O geuiRaeh JWe F ob haddpiityly?fighy:at?’é Wan cate sof calew.BEBTORS,“and.at is:pal sa Speco eling owe:RAL aurBt ‘aa fuat “to.constayctica,Sine ms ake —nt ; oa —:rg Tele sabre Natingay 1 mabyanap epee thes’“put mOlmEbES,vfauon|Po ee Loy SS.Respect aii aes yf scoura a el”pays.‘Editor’Je eeTES.owe als Saye:ithat +Fox cae a ¢=‘Pande and Staple Stock ofof:‘as sere!ee ees see Ryansps a ApaDa enSeiwae $feeata x cy.“Nayaries J =[Hackl eee“the.“Sicsbops,poBias ap+fe pti 2adBCwd aw of wath2ae .Pktfis as ———F —ceed : ee 1 Alt t.the Ber Kyl tay.homey <whep he fe hoffrane GOTt —TNOTICE,*?ms aNor -Sees oer It icured Bis,famiUy 08 :a Poe “DZ :-Goods."oe “ from:ee ai Se ae a! sy et / ; , b F . " ut , es a a FR Te ee a Et wens,Bas .beew ‘NOtNery much.aaa matas dps.ini fatat cies ,«Ps ms d :ce “(ape abayor has,ootx yay hendbty fe eC a ge Toners,&meecate:ner?iS it &a ieee Ronski con,‘aud Lae Be OR .-Steud mien)%;aoe aise S i 5 L468 a cert ate‘igment inthe.aence Bene Th sptice of cotton,warieg sery ef goa hice oe eeaaees Eth,a eae Beenie WARS [gp ie Qa Agacas 5 bout aa rorthe advanced eS a.=al:eeoe aeeset[nafstareomits.tS ane bos uh Beca heeeeaiere se aeally fee FO EMULSION -$b devemeres pone 2Ga.“~=hy ci ‘.el .re is 4 cas F at we ser “3 ‘.3.gees -ir.A ‘P.Grage,who “Was bees yesterday!Fbis,is,stil inadyanee’ee guicol thesnote wil id note’fs ST Ret Oe ee phe ah :Be See ee ‘GOODS:e Mt NEY ©4 Sar hice seadsee,ies Bo Crcensborg nex ek ‘ofthe NewYork harks Fhe ex Ses neers coeceBice o Bre:ATA AG OOLY LX oul hi SET ete Waar bt ae Ree one ee IDS *‘and1 TILER /: rest teweek?e wi LO gla 2€05 ‘aniaie .:amit f mi Ne ec 2 -=AU jnounsn and...Vat ae 5 b be fore.we eee TINS ae S eesoe He eesthe pasition!of at seer pectediadvandebas dae atares a aoc aeaeens <—Fe Bs treeven Wie bodyr5a tha}it cane oe ee We ba sori of” aid vere puck like*distrijy|fo Revenue Agent Pablersom We inde thie”progpect is’hate 'wilsn0t)Se Es =fet Wethe ‘disdase.2 is;in“an}ant can-naké any-kind of 3'price-Come et OuseFerarefon.wBb-attemptdd appose hewill tigre ‘bis Mamilyts &~before“.Christmas;“if them:|&.‘Notice-to-Creditors.|=Sa =<Sat wR NS CLR 45.to >taausaii bese 4g “aefo.iBaean onOLShoés,paht goods,dlankets;fan-2 #i x ‘igont bere tto,Greensboro.2X ~eqSoe *vi aes Se at Faces tates eet ean &;:Ry a ee a ior 8 ha ombfellas,comfonts,.>=Sahat Bike aka Sea wy.Fe ae rie tr,"Lou Starésvile:buyers %‘are “AnXioUS,thdyase -sites omicig,shirts,ote se)1%ubeey of Drs.;: Meee Ud fer}hon r vhs }as a :CR |i }Ot en <ne 3%Sos “Or 2 e-; fara oO THe.Cais “uiieree TS,Rf:‘Lop ‘pa ‘peer leet \:jor cotton:aud will pAy.as:ipuch™“for:ieesettne dgdetigued hereby ep eps ms J Me ot ave “been permanently--curea-of:eure “pilose cases png, i NY ..cs }2 ‘_ee soothe Org de ieuate to “tHe ‘eonivestial 2i te aSS te to all’per es aeginey pA AY >this‘ma!Ss ‘Zen ree aex < nie Daughters.ofeth8 “‘Confederasy a testss ‘paid gny wheres NS,iz be eae to présenrthe 9hex”for};aot this :;;On: :c me to.d .Fest ee OP ib “aX met Pie oe ie Pe ia,eae BRAS 9.ee Rperet ";ws "e Sr S. Spitde:ie “cet yeen:pur ‘polaibe thd x sh t hunter?went,ut~to .entre eyfhowthss tron:dated%boot gare weit ia Ye ee.ali de ee :TP 9,7 ESAS Post on 0 a +the redell-Chaptes,ahd expeerss,-)A:Northeta ee notice dritwi cmneade bacvof their ux 2 rTt&BOWRE,Chimists,NewsYork.”@)moet : aves sHowed =omy %=ieave for Richmund;Va.oSaeaeeh De Aoble!ss Yesterday.=phe-Seof,ae Ye ee MINH,2 4¥mecArerrotepointsca ee eek ee eee its (2 74 nightto —theee,Sy BSOD.4 OF gids.ae aae ? ihe Sy < ft ‘fui Logittes,Sh tet| et~ng a Pgs ie SEARCHA CiReCEAROR Ww JREDELE.END epaetR ENTIES As,aes ‘OR.neh pt A ,as é 7 =a noe:oe vag 2aac ,pan at oar 6 ghee See Fa Sie atte SF F258 So oe Bs an pas TRS Ss siePeea8FATESVILLEaea,THORSDAY,Navienior 3 se Ra hae >be ip See FX LAF by yk a }~.wy .ail.ts”Nee S #Se ee w .ke 5 ere Segtg ahoe es r ~8 ¥=<.y sss Se a i es i gtk’*axhe oP 7 E Tae =ee =e *:fp hu <-.¢rw “er ne i a_eee .3aeVeeaechtTorea.>Boy Gon Z a LOG.Any29 oe peese ENE NEWS:ra =ote Sp eee 3 “Noez\Thy ecace SS aah Sag ee Se se hh oe ek ne Mn Cae Sy PEREa pe a Guargn.A327LB2aieiséNewesandDboesPISaesiswoodBost.’iss,visigme :aS Si Acco i pens NS ers a SANA chee WhtOR are ST RT Ma =Roamans hy 3 ove 2 «tSy VISLeMD yy eeaxe APE *\4 pes NYAS 2 a Di cusse.‘the:Recens 1 |oe 5 abe eesub alee7GharlesP.Sayipy Ofif retives 0 Moeksville.,aan “|Thursda SuenSaas‘The.-Dailv bagex aoe aki antory eter:Ghee aside :~sla pis eoshes ae EGle eee Soo wy.ei oe Seeeyrepair,yh Mics Katie RAdCarlton:“is “Risit:Ine Day.Bee eS aon ke iv ie Serea shed ats SatisiDy i Sago pe aa |oy y =cy,7 «ny .Mn f ASS C.x ni ae $4 Z iow.a er *; =¥sta)_GPaaite a Mug 0 aN ts "hs PaO mo wim pr fstin”that he 2 MissLGefteadeDasls siMotgann %r eu bin 6 rey a ta Se Ses|;:ig iPale:iHa:oe Pradel,are State:“This Seteefsare'ithe itigst 4in ton ”*oo Sa outa te Sk sae Pie podbot Themes S ;UMACIDR.°:PE eS PN aS [teresting “readin ~M3sg Pearly wi °Sa:yaar NS AS RhE.property:SisteyPestJVESereeemy‘2:“4 Scr Sting reading»witich has ay Ds g ear farstall’of Taylors iFFriday high p ele aoe veneer ji cone geese~wf 7 ts Se ae ee ‘Ae yd ahr Seeiene G Uy :PP Rey Se,=T peared jin 2 “North Carotia\pa ville,ii$isitther her.Sister,”\|AG Gin as SeLiegeoereONioayeperPWNyAeieen,ug ¥.vlitaryGove Cae “atNSSsjepSSereaPitgi:clas IM PORK \*itaPieFear.‘Hetore:the:eléction MENS ‘Marshall.BAT;jae Ae ile *erhior=of:Borto-esaleted.in Nes*}iw Celt %pBuchaty due meen?st OsoieSESSiFrPePUoeSeactosca5paneSlKofo»Sid".and:“write.Cok}ais.1Le:Side aoe feo |York:Fridays~>Sgee.Sot Leythe fi2spouaEDTabgansxu .=e%-<&the oféat¢‘Buckeyes ‘contest:Weuie extebdpd visit to-her ‘parents-Ta Prince wlért'p aaarbeue,is =Ls)BEwestBytes6SSoinNews’:‘awd «Observer;a5.lpimore.Te eo AN eh ced 4 ae ae Ee “Stakes ot thud Sutsien org 1 td a a pe |eae:Maraarhth seri he :‘gts.Pestanl tpithVisaoe Teheta,Pa’,Thensay 2:P6,per ‘Stee,of “Jobn &,H6 Z ¢Pah piins Hoy vital:.OR F%;ae bin:theahhCON ‘ie RPS eee ea pr i Puen tere pttiapous ST PIG BSEON oa4-Ee <a Ss =aaapa of tateti dailee ee ek:John Goosty.Stage tea aaScontro of sos Sioapce Sn iovaryNEBeeeoesFeCoetates"tarep “3 A eo.near Macon,Ga.>tEriday by an #ant arias wl as SoH!Drasr edeyes a .a hp ae SsSoaes$a tee ce yt oS eeee :itseeLéster,“ot,“Catawon fpares ‘oftmen\from Diieigs You.1 Ed Turney,whow shbt are Rit ot?ae ate es =pee L Sreaeaitie =CMIT NRE .SOCe ; 3 :; ———-q pennant eet A bat ack,ane x Ss t:“to frie seer howeGrom eT7 Avhonse that!hot Jom Suet wd:val bP:a royPDowell souptyaray |Empe whee spec TSS ca ae > Sa oe TG enituatess the®“net:‘that:iy [eisit'to PUEBGS.DETGE FN iy {sold ma stablehand’won,4-race-at|peeian teSfede a ee eenpase?eae —Sp Reaee “theo ad -ee Safes 3)Yi ae ke stinds at‘thehend ofNorthy‘Carolan Nhs,Einma Eviott,of Sparklinarcbreaixo ast Thursday ans 1500 Governor,Russel pea cear dt iS done WT maserbe!Setar afee SuetieStad:(affaeGae wehaveEséereaeoSfegetoeneaPciewhebeaeroSeevisitingcher]were.MoIHODhits.y Ay |Of S100 Tor Bis captury,ae eae oe aee oeSob inte,Reat.Jie cee :,Coney mgr tC Eat aye Sy Meenh 92 a Te nis 3 ye 3 OS.7 oy Bovis (aad as ‘eroebeBetéNaNweSeeeeexefeoricanaterWaaryrieBinsmi.cor ‘Davie /sp NSEi SEAN A oe ie Url gs ?Meie33 oeSk tint be lorecahetfionisdu of this!Paper,Me.Aavest Ast ‘has gone J 6 New |hraceim,Atlaritas Gay”Priffiay,yeas Gun pa dmateof,2 the Soldier Wl cokeee a Rui ee rT 2 th4dic wale eT tac).cols i=ae STATESVILLE wht Eee A sHhis Pear’Selettions™will-York,tberé he has wpnsition isa oneot the Was.leflle @ EHothe:~Raleizhe”die “sad hy”af KedsBARNARD Stet RS iets os sesi Eee at a a3 l=pave bedi,Re pa “7Tbespebe pet d-saddeyy ISCe}Wess Ned PSII OT Nonyay iF eat ‘SsTn “eaeoerBiifkineBaAR:jig he Bs Weld The wilpiésale;vatical,,goods.establish thors was ay f Rigi Bs eeet etaly=as meek,while.situs,Ph LAG at py SSE enedAHSme 2 crate 58 agBasinless.©S.rinse eeet@opeekon SetK 3 result ts doubttttin Keg msok,O.Da Ate e Be eS at oe ne Bes rebar seul Ey He “w:Ts-4 261 tethae ;Reo TOR %HES eae See eaie nee eSotoClineoiibneyoarieSoneterafanaperRahalseit\wheky,ee “Matyidae,*Nebrisks™‘and {Shr SN HD oe °SThere.“were,SN 15<digigiirtels.“Ole (a;oeaBin Bin shan eemh eis ee XGot Se aha Sete PSTNs sey geod Si a = iesribd 4 ree a ENS nrc ead Sor remitted tettowe:Oot:iwith tté ete a:Le Spr?fete:of ‘Bengire Sate ahi countty for”Tic_ycxyearrend;AS Lyi ws ako.sn Foxit 1 ke f rir Lat FE eed,yesRe!rs tay thishightetAwahehe TOs:‘Cee _ee ats:Oejocm asMaaut actukers.sud sod ves oh aes (er tie”cao eeSC ceBs oe ADema by ed 3 blacksmith.stop.1k the)June 30k,Aghatoercace gta32 6 nigrebage Solsnury tory eral bles bod Lk =aes tie Puke ue-tregiehy ti aptciato dot Saversi'e i =‘ORE ge a oe ea es mecee ae SOR Ae i es ot back,ayAbe “post.toexer tye,previdhs:years.ras SON Orde Seen thas 6 urala ay ee Sa es apee wed ANS Sy CPt wity.a —‘eo Sek,é BOS Toes.as spublican ti Ohie fan j ns LAE PS PAX,ceided in’?Ashexille th :cast)ae Snesve lp Bice LUILENE Si a ,©Z chea Wer asBeitinty cteinee uric toon .RRCLG,SARL LZ;wy Aw Lise z 1)Stes Were perce hema darIVE.coor i Re President 50-1)TEVEY:Wicd Preside f =dan.but’withdeckensed,sma:|Py Lis Bandysécwcedeacia Si¥-|deredoffthevvest ddtist "otNorbay|Seenoralpenetra ng etreeaoa fin fe ON By,st Ae |:a :kbo-a:BEOWN Cmai Mier:eS am Wns ie ies.fatsisfeR atsd “tha”Lhe rte Shae bondlast TPhorsday and sire-4 “Outover Qhst The’eSptain:Swas}t eee we ged’ae Spe Batt wry Ortaj REMI &a “Burr ze,Fe,haneod ‘s pen“gee CAP’,ee xt =‘on Bat oe3 +pabliea tk majoritiesih Towa,MigSa-Wedsed/from jaits:His fase will bes -saxed,tiretlig ChE ;pout.were lst cigars.Sebereadthetie’ston cob ioeap)area Hike BOE eA oe ae =S 2 Ss |a:=bee 65 Se eeoe got ye ie Wile nadetis 5 Pennsylvabiay swiil be?+thied we Shatone*:Ki e9?SAAes “dete paesonnsWETS,Bifrondt edithat okeroots Had’.birstoleg JEG fll ft ee Tat Naty —Esmee SCE ee,si AP Sm 5 ::-=e =<-.TF =<a ry Sy Lc utdown’~Thik forecastisof COUT |e ~Meesti8 AndPatd ia gcoltent,Tact hy at:Pyirés,iRaléwin»eountyy tT me Se Sete Gicerias v ASN spiel re hetoh PSeite lar when athe:Coty.">ares ot uh <3 :SAS Matery GuessWork onwlk part}for ‘pave teturbed:from,Rows “Tatas.Mopday/shit.‘Dhe-ds¥el aie Le Hedrick,piobubiyTha |Sake WisHeir Site Most 5 fan singt ws Papal to hie lg Staedits |Pa at *'ane Monday/nisht..e;ng Hibiect cipes of Bewhn voConey cy Eun Sader an AGC)yas are TOUCH avase ay tsibial Tak.the pros ts tt eNom>Xx oe ves sty ‘pavea comfortable.diope Ereation ee ay =_fie D5 Seush csapa at fat hisvkeate pep.thery gdnen ger OSEAN:ina ADF MT cere agacd eabstitttiong!>Auuncodment,“>2eaaSMcBean)wild Cpe ghrouge sek seveval week 55 Tthe oceu :chem eS etdeylast Peeks fed iweatl~We |Boss aagn egope Lage AiR wol |would disffaac hiscnNe fi retate vot!ae;Ace Ns peo :z Py 3 |Odio;and thatsthe:‘Deniggits”BE,Fant JO.Bin:1e ye Sbncof Me Ws fA ethdeticartobettoinseMiths aay wwasithe-fithet-in-law-‘of.Ror,Eee RGa a Bey urocnes’ony gtsoF noth Tyee PRS 8s<p again?‘tak Matyi )Afgue sbarty’‘Limey,fof Reader Saaiy,$0 Z|struek,by-a.train Divesda y.ener peacoat ue pou ievahings |Congitéring.thsyarkabic ‘ae?;tana Be RUreCY,tof ttis soyCyiet's At diesfhnistit SsOne of et t at tine St oe gl ai . “4 kbrothériof,MMies;eA ery aistatees and.t eouductirofrthe istheet 7¢,T,nd th 6@ gran dsiCagr?of eee ie Agi nd 6 Reanebe,mepvexdigosuecestul“phis ville “hasta posiziontox teat gom~|was atesGha ZZ jts-paReeyers,ie 3 sy 26 He eee voreae _bere yell truestions dyedthe pri dee uatingSeapesaLyeeethe,Goptent neXh|perce!oe omic wad piljured ior Ofthem fatally.De WALTa begomiicgme Sire pak eeOSE BTSh diyar pw a'syotuttintainedBohyeareonsientofstetér,Ot.th y OU."pigh.and Das:gone»en ‘wpe Son Panels ug je ap lie sues,Fu pin with his’j :a edvilier“band;Ait werSRA ake ‘Hetaught-epinméri gL fain,ee’sf *mediowontyn’‘ahd:hiceoctatne 3 ATSoFcouaaneretseo anfatiy Porgsigttt,achpiueine bind-- Jira Liaw i =the,palielata ©Sow:Pk Cotton:Gins |ty ats *:arein bwyin itfon“from er ipoiya45Stitesthistaaliy‘Substantially heyt See aeBOS haritte._3 LAs EenawileOey ae ae 83+cate [asthe pe eeaone ren ihis rah ees aS oiea,:n TE lan wing Statesville-’lps OG Wes es t at bli orp ded always that,thes 7h Os TY ODSATEN ALCS Ot oaths sae=,sAine-itujprities as ni $896,"it Bail saat We aie Hera ee Play ty‘the g hs,ieee a2H ieeeeesSd Orindy Setsate tied edto Se WelfarevO®hin lotgdiee ys)theeday discburading 8 Dpmiberas731 and Mrs*d “Pr @nigin,”Miss}3)&Be Se a ebottlerh:part:dike Sean)onitibs,cesentaisy UPTd NOR INIUICSROSprerriy,awilieh BassSS.ag Se coe AES “+-Lin wood Best,“Cot J.B.“Arintield [Othis arfiveh TomSabie Keoeke yf singed Me eleadyancKRowe)legely tamapetanendy fare[BeeLC SeSSccdacigh ye beter.4 Starke:shCin xf Ve Messrs.GS.Daniels;J.-P.Beit Hoga:‘Pit,Lge -mas detainkd a the lok ties oe einsgh ve Dee res AMathy IASON yey riboss e of linake Abet Ure blk eat dloiciaiSsndipsivertoainguitytrotHey)W..VeSoters,John Fleaigan eT ere eestation’Ob.han ts:eA SAV ones:ceneeear alb Dhooprasthe Heepscary!Lp wroahesA bedded *<POsthocgAtic!¢cbunty../Yhaitmgn~of]Cathey.SG:Miller.Bi SE "Sloan:Jandy Netw:ag cae.ardeksy Sand.all “werefor:peat Sovbigir Act.AhNee me Sree 2+eee tees:<x Johastoncounty:‘Stage Chairman PangR.iL,Bastin.“Théte’maj.Peer packets:was andnecessany CVOSitignS-a'st0,adi urged (TO,nea ra ACO 5 IN BhiRoesthe tf": oa ie nesthai.the sie page thers.oe eezy -:ff oeeeNislionxNoe —‘thi es oe page.S ae ips ok FER coetiaae, Pe Gazettewatel ISparide aS &Deniog ¢a Te “eo <a <4 “ae SSi enshe aes othewe -Qt”puene ::=«‘ry we &te gat >tempts ce f ti pense andy wathod yimskatlecpaperagd'y‘idlen fly -optiosi gal ie Pah Uijitked 5 ke rtp *‘[eeckieg ir cs nepal %y ern @,fhe x opdarty iit eas es sty AT. ca Ae?TheyonitKaphicTesare tpt SteewyfoeDewVONALEiblieSAigo!children:" RivestBey etl we se e ay ayvine is,4=.ae 3 :{se ys A.Greansbé ro special20h the”Ba |Gk Thurs patioines >AR vialy 4 :iz ane Seas 1 hy aH Aga O40 iaaly ne fereicos teColum:atRGeeeiSsees“the Stato earPosters.that EY?Be |open swi Uae AinGd.G 8eeRok Jor he co eet xhota gt atapedcher in a certain South:~-Peif érgan ‘Ol—the;R publican=party,.ner Bas-been’pasto wie bed.for edfreight,er tor eee:me yh'a®coullornear:Healy Botte:It ng ‘phat,kumivy :Bend ible:school “thoueit’She erste ohChairmanSinmpons*concludes”bis}two or three days ‘witha paiaful and oné was injur Re?%:rjeWident ‘that:he!had”:tried,har «|stagé wherb-they,yeeless.eee pvoule find out-how =n:fany OF BET SRN Is ae a article iitthe tohlowing stronjeterms:wnusuat ipjury.“In operating:upon|ALewis Schneidermann:took offetise throbgh-the night to get ‘his ‘shivep|iinpose-heavy.faxes and theprlévin-)euth grade pupils tuiderstood:what afosede“pretens&of being a.Demo-}@ negro boy who had an abcess dp.Lats Something;Editor Fellsbery,of,into.camp,but.had:not succea ded:late so.as,‘toceripple and shackle “Colvinbia®-mnean”.«She“pubs the:>|:cratic.paper,is:a misérgble fraud402e/0 his fingers.Or.‘Turner man-|‘Colunibus,Tnd.;“published About hint -Consciouy“of the death:which was ryeny.ayant.of the tas:payers in their ‘question for written anne ts and. ~~)upon the x j raged to’get the‘poison:‘int ‘bis mid-}in:his paper,andthe two~meén’had?lindpendinz,be!rétuis cist eant rhanest,cious Omeetthese inercas-.feces thest aronsfig the ets,totispase:eae a namotisteroine diefinger;swith ‘the result,that -blood-.a fig SS De which,the"editors;ear,See eR es at ed expenses «oe ier se ot Aw SHAD ee ee ee Ree ste xy as ’pris i “The man who:caine aver from ~eee i ed as a part-of ,the-.wfetched~scheme;poisoning;ensued.He anticipates,|was'c ewed ape oe was otherwise’left a-noté sayingle was.nearly sg-|~But the pigstyis dangerous’ta the:Gubinand aise heed :ne J x LN ase gee .deliberately ‘concocted /‘Ry ~the Re-no serfous conseq uenices.:(Dr,Tur-‘distigur ed.oe ““khausted utwasabout-to rétunn.-£0.healthsof the:commuininy,ind;at sine:Ten a cee LeEoc a coun PY rrWhetyxt3.months?Re :ge 7 publicab<nidaagers:tosdeceive thé Mér is'd,native of Iredell and a ialf-Saat ‘Warous,a murderer,AWS,‘the sh1éep whick Keredrifting ip ABC LAY Hest does not Out:the:“Gdor}a .$pkel i re eee soaeWows5daif°,|people concerding théobject\atid4 toner Register,me Res W.We.jbanged at’Austin,Texas;Walter’|coulle.-lo was foundStretthed--on|ol ream and-peaches.”“This is pre-|TI Jf apace Savas 1 gesALE2ATre:t$of\voar Lag .pefect of theAmendment:“This de.Tune ASCOT ee es ter “F*Word=who murdered his sweetheart,+the show,’bis lantern about 20°‘fett ‘Sunied“to beithe ground of actin¢a |.te 2 aot rR ——vera coal y 50seenieerUh:ud)”to!nook cy spicableScheme’iHastrates‘perfectly:Reg tae fi fig el.Noahs 3 eb was ‘executed’at Wacd,Texas;and:distant.Of his:twocdofs,ane re-,Dhrs:bei net rues wosttdit’wot be bet:pona ae oe oe ‘xi mee o \DehSng ores iveplan of canpaign the Republican |.")<>“SwitSustige?_“2,|Mack-Catnon;édlored,Also-a”mur-|Maihed to guard thebad ywhilo-theater,to apjly Uisivnfectants trough ate ee Bre atesPe eeeOSIGT“tieaders and.bdsses proposé to“make canepaSyste abtli,to RateighPost:",fderet,:pulled hemp at ;Prideeton,other followed thé:sheep.3 ~the agency of)the*sanitary police:angtifer.n?ue foe 1a '5 ioe St:ie a4CadyFeyaEagainstieAieadnent~THe peo-|SKarBlourtea-negro,Jassaultea:3 (Ga.last ‘Priday.,>,:=onmact Brute’workedfor Witifnan and -thereby ‘destroy the:urt-te America.eee ee meee geeseeSLES,oi 7s dle.of Nort Carolinahate treachery’yorng'ladyheré.on <lier-way home |Ata meeting last Jaroak ts Atlanta.pometens He remained with jis}Measant odor gud themyriad ee =Rey :ar wad despise d-spys and,Tam:glad}from:“thurch-‘dast/aight:He,-was|'thé Cotton States”Association of|S pos.util he:mnatiaged to*dfive|Which areRe A toe Fignet xr Nisbet Sa Phaten:vour-family S sy aos ie : 3 pwhave,-by your Inquiries,ven |promptly arrested agdtbréught be-jou of “Agriculture was.them into*a.Speed ee:where [ih oe .P|Gadpe Tove Ais;viet tl ae methiStapbottmaty.1b:seat away Tore Judge Battle,-who-is presiding organized wnissioner Stevens:tiley.would te’safe:Jinded:by the nOUNe,ON LEY 1 dh cit driving!a eSTulse color§“under “which Set :WiSeasd int Om 4]IT °ES fr i t Ly:*,era Special term of th E ‘Storm Ke mistaok’cthe coulle:,ewhére ~on ox icia rep r Your tim yer y metagsae|Siete is sang oudespose tone[Cuene Reena"2 fas,Gobel ot olga president,andCommi cae wa au autwandered op,UFR Eh dom ted Tyowaay,state that Colonqeciwad‘ul vif Eyteety saZeolfacia ee of.alt par’3 ‘signee Petters’ae iC a “Xrdnatber pean ans bis”“mistake t6e)t geoprevalels of evil Sepetet urners with 270.men,-pro-.-reaesRive4xpar"|.wvas ‘convicted of assault with3intent,is‘oneof the vice-presidents:ONG ,ceferhrai Was ah ae ‘qT Tecariy.ahd set pic KA ures theyiniserable sham “Sy ¥to commit raps,and setitenéed Bout j ate,‘he turne and.felt “less i ae battoe the yeahit dad of thay:ard:to--Mactarlanes _{©Yourfriends.Ss TgSpree peat ny ‘\term of‘fifteen years,He:wwill,redch f.“Léon Jackson;’an,aged=itigan “of than 2003anestrometies 2 end-saic :errr:WIA HU,Maretetthey:"wosaddjed “theiMe AS,tw »Pe 5 fe gn we ee .ty.-=t Ge rer ay af::f te JOuhe o se ei BseOHeeiing recent isissue*vtchp|the’penitentiary «just,twentvrsix>Newport,Tenn,“yeesesidered “ha py es rerehingygart g md ae ¢aah tH"es ogre i Bo-:4sarron</afterthes rimewascommitted,singing nara:a men dog's Lehed ‘act rans |1a ees int i gir the ‘vighedflank.,andZaLondafank's elberations 1tof “the mold,rane bee.aha 3 beri.niedy,ked.for:eon ‘brag reat,sHes Bodyes in se J mg Se rebonds aD thes db a :ye Seat fit fed:Colones Scott +.sf explode Matge-thatthe’DbikaerayLt=piace Bats ss =Per xv se si é:iddety ad e >ae W 2 “the oe Taonga PopeSurZit?ow.theth ant :Rak 4,Se aewy oy >=<a SineSofie stray ca:Seweakefore a BASIE ste re es.i tonyteeFeel)ove talaol the ehemytbelpe spen’to.»7h |>aS coun PAN Ue <3s ios ‘Hae Tyomani tienda,aid \=w ae i deter yd ‘eee 1 f OU}SFR ot SO fal eat:for ait,Mou Ea)Then:Nemy moved ta sand.’aon—_SSSI ofaitip Demmocraictcan i ate”for’.MiIe NEqeber wet Wefib ee i z if Z 2 Silene y oeWith theer fs ae ce &Shoe oy Gaon penda irre oigtiie Eritish,2 es“aL PYthident:aPD896.“othe Landenstk{Raton pet &et See eh aeiv;Sid jens?ate.at SSE Fd St fT it,abX :::FeRe peta Agi x.FRE Colonel”2-!"radssassthab “The:Venvierarie:?State Re,“Eig Sraresvitve€Maseorsays’that SomtoesBeoR as #4 B <Hersid vOT or ons $i 1 3 yim th ‘veeOk Tarneratter ite“Eto-prevent >=ar Pepsi -a &Hi fe opmnitiees pisnipulated ‘things<6 thie.Pen ot reeae wih Sass,=That’ae4 {ins 9 a faa.Wassbyigg wr oO Oca eras “EON oe I tcaetee aeing aware aRCSSecare"HagtteSere anr tye Six“of tite!ArySomer 1th:foe -eee Es ee ist GOREest ges|hoato teat’:x eeand,“to :;By teen eles oral wotes of the State.8 Deisse 3 cA¢Co;{hetioes but lezraticé;omvention Souter.“<;fe ::acaretSimcoeEoPs]8 8 Seals doubtless,glad BF thisfagy Goveutor::Andit a ==eSee ae Shea NG TMM eB A REMC oe AAT Goes Ce iPr de >Does Not Sn ig piner arenthe Stomach eee Gene of dualpulation?forBat fomit Be would pease sspeelil-pleasurep Saying:DoWef or acer aN “af WRaly eee4 sobsieee age ic ply:TRSe Pe Tee mer BF he ‘AsobreTPE Ts:‘S$<\Sy »>Net Led tfc oO 4 retanW.jA.McLarty&Son;Dime Box}Pex,say:“Ramona Pe nit Topicig honk‘EAereceived”BO”yokes“frou th®|‘Wwuer eeeital?‘etationsstom hist*Ora:Sa.Bput Variotspoitt on Sree!<Wa tO f ferelly yaae Livi Bie 8 ne imughth.apeBybestwehave.ever:kandledis’My,sonprescribes Win hiepractice.m a says ad ~“%orate a Be”fain:4 PSEA:vyparty,Swati Gesconsidered}b ets Oe Daete one ron.disiai a aot :;ya iy a UCT 1S.badSis ee aor peat ana tadPSLAPEicate!Tae ee eyre Ra KoeiHAE yeiat earteentigay!ce Ee uFetax.*Phepresetfndi aese Swill Ue trade GgWt caesee LUCAL |Goksine YOHlonelSky Lament A—B-Priees0c,*oT ae a Pie {dvior:atrangegnent With thefs as Se cas shaNwES ipAtlanta with great{ike erfers “found.oN :nite Patshh iS:ca Ges mol Midd gy “Colongh)iret Baa erafippulistain1896wonddWave*elected:jc -auONone Tinae,PSe,>[eexr@uiodies -auths wremendagscrowd.spor covetsny.ae on the Pgheral texigt,ant ¢betpigrett eater wi a Hike ne awd ae os==|Siwall’hag Byjiaabeep electiay for,Ee Maea orig.Oe bree2 a 4 chr eeuteuaie:Bridmby is a‘)native:prairig-anad-she-coul ee n :fasymsaKd sy J treahted nen,Otte uns <‘nN .Géorgian:-Admirat Dewey Was pre moxé than SES avan-hae reseneda majority,“BiH Comgressiin 8 Ve Came,ofFyented from atteading.b reason:£0,“tale.eleetoral Cotes,Sewelland Fats Rates45 a dandidateforUnites ti Se eae ff tof the twoBritish runs.op?med Suxl- sf rdenly upon tie Iourss Wito were jn ee ft Sites Sctator 40:cuckedtySenator|UlsHealthe Sk Aey paras severerant anést”fai!ee oe this Part of.the [Aetalav arable partion:\bb Ber.©“3 >¢[Sod together would,have ‘hadthe’Purperx\.eho.ae a.eandidaté.|*Syes’Mary Rubsy.sister lot Kit OF ee cher ocue qaestin qohieweh ans this cor gdr'y kartitlersy lives was,brisk,“AnotherPine¢Matin ywut also|Carson thert ai =a Psumne,sumber of.NOES,amd the Sen.)|Goverhor Benton Me A shatfespould’have:electéd.‘Sewall=.The'be ahithg?rage”SS Nmgh ak aoTNorth>Carolin’»a hemortiie SState}Tt bes:sat nedied git ta Toke sees“an kadieetrnee aoeya soa ittec,af@rsa —caréful.,polk of -AiCLegh,.Demogratienvmined%cOF|a ee DeepepeMeare‘id Governor af Qbiv,was_one~‘of-the|Howard county,and,dariags phe S|*i BYped “to.‘years of terlitewas fever of.the [:johesras:Nyited the Mrekiniey:elec Meleralos Skee ee eet State of Slissours Mrs.Gake Was;Datoopehs.would be pleted Sasi,the:guts}wasTa bankrupt...Mire.pehe eectof,thecdixé Gesoty fai NOLS SCoun,,died atSresreeshar:Mo,one,\day.Ie akatored tramay,a5 held ifs read!aess. 4a clock th the:SECON:train.wag with ad dithonsa]dmani- ‘Taunt ashires behaved ie Kepler odGolancel Stoke-Lyyrnér iy ably:commeaided-thom?Commaa-iN Pane Re tha “aml minty Bocits “were “he Sea._Bhe British losst wads-threé oe s eae Butte Band:‘andRs Ff iSeensov‘Caokswood 4netcobe ;ated ine”+‘actsstheOnlypetBaersie'eoslst vesROSE TS P-se Fe ee McLeams:Ande]-w7 midedy Fire Braves oS OssnaeSE3eeAsous.abe!re:se”,he!oa JN 9 2 Lf 2.e Ge=WaiL @ nv BCE ve =ED SSIDIE aetion itd fapites the-Beyan,contribation.was SHON.¢WPLAL ‘|2 i or i>Pest Ry me Ine was.pris suce assfor.the :tiCote’sShicet Top:Lined::mate:waS.talcen,“lx guccesdéa,Bese +ok John D.Reqnémore?séfMout-RS Nt 3 Ns :inde’Gh Bawa ‘this.be tru Seon es ritishforces.*te ~“et ae ng eV,a ADI:Searrted-thé:State,and —tbat"s peomer yas tet ee Seesoa &Tidak SPestroys Lives’dan |*Name iatfe Wallate.SH¥s {Raion ie i eatB3catLCSiLelofS.pean re tetot 4 an Fae i ad r !rey ‘Pinta ee =i ee a =pe‘Woodiii éswea ::pws,-barts.;Rie >-Latidmark’s.et Succeed Senator.Morgan,“oF ‘Alaba*|<OF Bet trol aeueaBest‘on Bey te oF)SS RE ean ees ‘Gol:Roquemore‘is"a lawyer|**ane mt Of tot e ne Afi fal Aah:“e:uh So de we e5 ri as iS whee.political:dife,has"‘beén contin:}-~/at y*;ba Stnsv4,ny:ce Pee rie °ember sh lear 5“Gpe “oF.2 :Walsa tee AOo.gnetetermin theState Senate,-1;whith-hasarriyed bere;lyse we solve ‘San{te 2 srhaps:“Walle3WASif“paccinles the-eoukest for.G nited{<at bio:KookRtbr UR See TTT 2 bit SauerickStates”Sentor’t0.succeeds Senator “px Goverhor-Chathbériaia?Bud YP:AWallace*hia Bigg Enpressiandsehai paeet mersMaridaBiershoyldbekeépternt{ot Soath,Cgrolina,but»now a"resiv)sesBoresesastrous, arjbo¢kGronnd Dntilafter ‘the>Xugast |dent“of:‘MassSchugettsy is whaniDyection,next sear <Pights-atone,Far’the Legislature:Asa8god”dT Pertion|,‘leFe jeuds of thé virious candidates|ces ins SpGstacte,Essalepiatesdtnae:Betiat inde.the.ye “a Yl Pass rout ymeteonG oroe Ushower'of ser -.p.: Lo eae agegnfeme ofTieCheCbunLiés’ind-Senatorial sats +O Bek«a faea=Res+me ei ]corigs ‘ofrage ce a:34tuiztswillweakénthe;“Smendieat|oe Republicans Dowy op“‘Hiting ;=k gf need attend Sede ar -os sath idm steors an weal boi eethoseltothe?Dgniocrats “seats"a.-“the}c {lunBys,OBO,Dispatch;ath.a~e]~Ylesstags Oe Than sual.)>=he Nee ges gee sm ;tyres ¥high]_Oneis tifat they »=aaraphebttaxdabger|."doubt thé Republi -isastrous -Catab |Oe Ser 30:ye mikes ne f ¢'ibecn ‘wreékéedi 34Lowiature,“&te AEP bay Phere’‘is nds ou tt Repub iCané.ian >eee (\=7 -Yea and “mbit er one Y cf ww ;irty Ahoeo"SS <Sheb>eigen hehe Fa ‘fare,’worried:-They <do not”like‘the|TORRE a By wea ohne feve “geen ae $RBotbuir bas!FE gig 3 oy shout throug he-th@ space,“at eet<sy uwtions ThE tabduk twenty-five miles d Sedond.ahd,mt ye all,‘reinember‘thecitfocnessbe:FSitaation~jn Cleveland.‘They-fear.Can be Sita $0 yearszol dnd both are weil ete opanreciallyn SO Sie i.hastt Sereat yelocity.causes.them~to-®=>,=~oth “Raws mm and Jarviss facspte Joes vote.They baast-lor pib-ose weSie eh erseawa red aadenjoy food:heath,once 1d.Méchs¥saldgns TH femiess Ss:fey aré not beyond the -Sareeinesoeonwe‘i Sean ication.inst thé Repubdfi Sekene Ogee Sao noes Seesthee aka,fof thé ladies Las.notbeer to”eburet?a aie oe te pareBhihe ssnesnehich cabrones yaN,yes EO)n-the zatioh;in-the~State never,was?tai adh last”Sber :::;os Ste 0Hents1GOna<L than-t0U peopte:ee Crnes wins ‘dSto-deeline Lgense toapp Anis:earth.Meteggs freqhently ”fgil Mee :;ur soni me “bp oty as “divid Santo,two."rival,such,erfect-working-coaditionyand-more:>erway t of “tf u “ai ret a Higa thre issuing thé eat a ee Sines fats es -Ist.“Bg Sioa esa Coats pio Cis?Bon ie ~fon'tta:SCH ps,tyexgSenatorshitp whigh was}jiey “tell you “privately that.they |peeienleasaee ‘Yor od €eta Ore.Bo hase a<nokthoa fate Haruo e a powdeg eteBaeeeMeeHEESeie%ee,»Ty cer IRS to give.Thatcontest con~’etHaake oreesasicee a eda Hake.rerean "sulleri revalledy eit.mS ‘pops at Sees pba eked hele Combyisiee |Soe ee Underwear for‘Tiadies,etl |y need fojttte Agent which.Oxer-}8°°3hthe Sete ‘amongthe aflictéd-peopie.=tele its.very oe 2nd colaoue jeayes Poe Seechien iujhe ore a raeiesirtaoe®4 aaa2dapedren211wool,TaIPRpol”na.‘eta “wek ws"thatwear,”It’s.“best.an¥-}They.declare -pubiidly that Sena:}#tau gam wigaral breigbture also 1 ‘he other lady is:oebbe edoM eee oe13)are;af era ee thépumbérofw ee atteiesaesSEpenedveohech‘:#IE she 2[Sxcud sie rapbic dean ik Hs Hata eee ne oats:nave a Mrbiteunacnt oa 2 rasne B er.and:atte egos beta misogseste ory da Jee ‘;ihe seespisee2)E+uiapat,.Get ug»make certath’in|and-thea they<go into a quiet gorne track ian,eis.‘BO,il Nose tothe “the ered)atThompsonns.Clove FittiteCorsets,[osta Deora al i ft Se anon ref |OU SINESS APPS ph olGosss bape el heen eee¥A /;moKe read by.t 9 tt ‘@-astrononiersS™=kordSlaxt,mhediuatatdHony,$1styleaTs gait a Ligtras.Sebo hesicOedd «dation Butler Ja 1901,858 +he’made,thab spesh-in-Clevelaad,“<p will?Hob bea Sisgiies ta:any |thisctose-tagethesdorsuch.&Jougs C4 nit’thas it trse Pewimeni ge fiynwé shall?77,,SocOgenki Sh Ete Ge *eave ‘it=-to~‘the Deinoeratte ners te one pipes werk simply who are eea ete,spies Eero and have’‘never e sarha feetmultitudes SPibess rushing“and ==ae Hthe évolutiono were es 0 berlai .Bog oe eee cS:‘Satins:and relvets:sota papas.othe hegiaiatert:ie sy only arge corporations,’=They ’oo lomiee,"to vnosethat pedple:2 ::::The ee oh fox’meteors and‘25 gles w.ittt Denrocrat shallbe gletted.<A ‘Coug EF ee rdenst ;4+a rhe i WT Ski rt yap t di si 7 ¥N dlettioa -do,not &rove of,the present-cam-‘everywhere,takepleasure in relating |.)-.Work r :o get lon aniy fair Kight half a:sdozen-prro“Boe making a ies,"get pots i ts;aseh p ee‘|psimary atethe (g¥eniber etti paign;ich-Senator Handa:js cae their experienc’:ii-the‘uSe of,that CAN tg SN Ligh’8tor mons may Be debi by.those>“whi os :iee ee ereer ce ee cesHet fs debate oho.ress zoods in,broad,lochs;cow oes wy,lead,to fRiction.|Better.leave |approval is no do the men’the bendiitthey have Feceived ‘irom [King's New -Pills Eve oe:abBot next month wéwill have9 qore |th.¢‘pons;ete -a 3 se f 2 ss~oe=“he t :tie ttn.Bete ee ie Readquarters.ea ae aLit,ofS~bad.colds.itrh*Bas:cur of ti ier Ne:La}Sag Re >erty |ner pe noay suelo ite —“a ae réate =hen't r Hates.rane6th,“Hosiery!“hanidk sect se‘kid -gldves;wg and,iNetnitténe®}tatives“whom the:tuusts his”beén achePodete Spit SUG AIAADseed ae ino thre gtabed a4 aS ee Ne cer a na ae {for it.==Pipi eatAeiecombs,Se cits ne ‘combs,laceS,#ipboas,3 placéd by thé fistitution.«“if--they retire anderen BS AVEEIOR..NK o sie oe thessness<i {:ae Bat People 40 wt st oe SS ans aeees:«Feaigres encape yoo You cannations,to let one’of aSsi:a tothe people*s will,the.Seeee sia :No-To |hasOeearsWALTON&eae,poe orn eae{draree age we PB, —e ate Neee eeea Sie PeenisitetD aERRLY ~,7 BOER:¥ieTORY,~7‘|sk ay mY 2 GH?ao Hine °occas roope °Sonss=,SaltsBury bissoted “vodds vésthe|ee 4 British Cohan.” amouptof $10,000,*for pubbe im-| re =~LATE ST:Ate NEWS,Bi.)pondingeee cs or.=-hyeegineYak“Aa pehiOr Zéourt. SN Beat.Soligitae ¢@rifiith.‘ot the Zz Ureiqad 4 shot enteredshis left-side, :% eestersbire.regiment were SurnTparde:F CareScESEnaLSeale eee e°gneRFs ks tem: et:eee en were Killed.Spussdageaaadpileraebear’Apinesyilles Seige,Fannie.“aud Basie Séonce, ae terearitle.Ragshere last.-Satar- 22 again’the past'w PSS ee Leaner Dip ech ist.mom .=4Tale bi ts 3 =afternoon.=ae te fa se t y Is.y;T+.“bprovemedite:“(>0 $72 The WarOtficé has’‘received dig?“heAF rime killed ond:‘two..ee Tas 6.“Tinseys ames Ups},“~~BPOCESpeeNaeaEgawPRE“y tech from General.White,Gomis|.q ok from Charl tte lasts turday to.VIS-fot Se: Eun dace N ae oisz-A ten-year-old Se af c vH.2M pa :,oy ~teainmetvinjured:sin‘a,‘whee +f tlotte lastSa y~/OSE Dobie »vidi 2)GNOME Ghte Sate sytla|med te Haare!tn sean PasMeaty ne rb ge Granny fone].tehomatnoaelinaeeeeeaqetgt‘guids.’tate i EEN “qirish Pusileers,No.10 §Mountata|)“Willis.Talidfergo,a-demented-At Mick.Seer te"‘will.fedobr’in?24 TRY“TELLTC ea Ske.S17 BM:Re tate re et.~George:Beitz -“ck accidentally|pBatt ery;afd,“the Gloucestershire tanta’negro,killed’‘twolOwhite men’eBusiness.~Cpllege.;OR Bore Neerek ”Gos$3J.AY FLARTNESS,(a rok iw [shot andvktlledzin®‘Hickory ‘Saturday 2éviment-wer surrounded:in t¥e Sdetreay nightsith an_iron par...-RAS a ak aCO =When.”you ‘sant them,*a a Bi W aia -.¢-Epl =i =roa His.Pipymate;Cliatley Cine,‘ceee eae ater:Jesibet<Tbe SShubrick’=was ‘faunche a Rte “CS ‘Dr.€Ju Cars|7 “Bive-fresh:lotOF:a Sh Rees ie rg te er ENG oie i many ee pred was?killnpheavil y,where tocapit:Ney hmond;*Tuesda esi:here w ph eed en fee a ee a ee he ese ony,eee Grewerak White soy ghar,the-cksual:ee Ck ae"pease ad 3on siveratdaye te past week.+5°1BLOW Ks~tees“Entered »at the’“Pistoffice’at xe.ast bthdnt?,Thursday night,°Another ies eeser eck poceeeaeeal;made,a,eas a =¥ES bs haw ter ia.LO *MeIntosti20s a CHOCOLATE::Es ee :Bear aty sotcotneanenss eae:jae was injured.”Loe hywhiee’s"sidisparet to.the eatOia “An “escaped:“rbincberos *made Bone lesechiee iaereny:|a nea ““Candies:eS tice'Tinepfteas,=ae Se eo 5.357°B:Davidevax-substantiat farmer |sobadystith;Oct.30,2AOS -p,pr thitigsdively rains are ye eleon‘Caffees ‘and.sugarst-:Don’eeeascaNeseSurrycounty}sas’thromn’s prom |...“f,bave to'reporta disaster ta the|days The animalwas:finalty-caps}.Wa Moreiibetpie watetOeget.oned:*forget that-we-teehighest.: a $99:bhis wayon Saturday.night ang cine éofuinnceat,by théte take:a position)tured-and put back in‘thetage.|or botbrof Mr:“Slim Watts daaghters :pee toe country.|eea |a=)jyred So titat he died Sunda.¥ve nm athill to guard,"“the ‘left;flank eft,|’Thee‘Germansauthor;“Fratizigia AdpittedtanBae eeState Hospy ‘:meei rain A ’=oie ‘DutkerAnthony was,‘aecidentalté|?tino Ops,“Tarthese.operattons;t0-_Brumenreich,.”~cotnmitted.|“Suicide.tLQFtreatm eo a+Srl ghotand slled ott‘Bridgewater by Tday.the.Royal-IvishRusiléers,No.{Saturdaynightin Berlinby-Gutnp-|.ypWyBEEller asiaTrea.=1-4.[his brottieDakotenioretney Dhélent |1h,MotintaiptBattens’and.the wr Tou*ue from’a fourth story window...§©a ~5) ~2Bob ~Fitssimmous—knocked:‘wut fe Trvitat ca Fs i te ———3 ed,in-thehitisand after ldsipeheasi~j--4 4 nvitatiog ca $1 av Seon.uscd Bie PoiePavesiushien,60l0rad ~Weass fooad ix had to daprtulate:*Thé casut!tids {J@it Thorde.sooth Shere:eet for-thé.“marriage sofx Miss,Blatiche,Pe $e ESN‘dgud vin,Durban “eguaty,—haveinot “yet bobaseerrghied=UA 3 sastistins =b diy"ae clas:dh.{daughterof Mr.“gods Mrs.Dis °C:Noh,onPymestezeSenneaebisinanoftheFusilecrs:empiosed-agatPeeishman was-ba 2)Out-Glassed -bRufty,who~receatly”hidved “frourb 2Lppesecto.fraKe*n 3 hospital 2orderly came,in/under-eas te VEie S Hertbe ANMile Mott.”oft the-Sé- sm “aptered:>Sait y the €riminsl Court.for“the;iBuete neFGoths.Fs os fo Milfou Pailtips-ofapieghett ‘Goun- :tyS was Shot:from~ambuslr whileRi|Plowing,tabjs field last-Friday and “)hie.Ye is-thouybt pe.was ee me {by mbonshibers.Sci Heputy MelpsHa Griey.af}Witcpel Leotinty.<3whe.was”‘recently="shoe.Tn" tthehes by.oge Lateytutt,whom het eporr. Cy.NengSN ~ for -the-plan. ‘tionswas untenabte!’ So.flay of trucé.with-‘4 létter’from‘the[Survivorsofcolunin,-who-askéa7tordassistancerobury‘she’dead.“'L.fear, there is’no’‘doubt-of the truth Of the“Tforméd 2-plan'in*the:carTyyingout-of Which”the disaster,oc*‘curred and’I‘anialone’respoustole} ~There‘is’pg *dlamewhiteverto'thé troops,as the;ROSi General’Whites ini a subsequent’“dispatch give’thé pamesof ‘the off:}entrs taken’prisoners’They:udmber, v..of whom,fixe"were-wougded,‘yAt One goyermentolites Qo?efforty was |' at.Apomm Hayden a negro -murderer,ere ‘back teSiatesvileyand Mr,To ce ds,is eo iteswaslyfthedbearayetteMo.,Mon-4C RealsofDesene‘this county’fdayBabe~He “AS taken”from the}TThe marriage“willSte;ibe to"sateensheriffas-hé wis deing-ceeyed to weinecday,NOi ber 224;18992jkSelCaeeete“room,of Peimeter|.:i |Bros;wi e finished ©this wéeoAtrestieotthé,R:P..@é.‘pail git,bebad brthebest ie soces|=‘dad,nédr ‘Bottoway,Ya,fi course.meeTeerictign:“cOlapsed.Saturday,and732n the-place..Pea JE“The Sardbf.Soualyocommrigsfou:{wo meniwére killed:-Ofie.of.{Reeedid Habtax:ego Silérsimeet“next MonWay,,>.el “Hs<By tee “is a)Capt.RFCobh;the bird bunter,|.wudsday:‘meraing’s “‘storm,was.is lookiugctoxsome?=Northern.sports gp".Nory’severe at.‘Charleston.Great|men,this week.’epee eSdainageresultedto,propert yyand"a:|:ws :negra ¢hild was”hee.cthree}*Taylarsiite 5ea and.will Have ’ CA ya go Me Sandchickens ; 4 are £6 agkthis Advance.’shee g a Se complet i linewfPom ee .Store rboms, ce ‘amount caf.-“fuel, ere& ELMWOOD.AN. ee oN:Ls LIGHT HEA Ten.ae od do ¢LI aePlanigan's,Sons =; yer®oe dus this mar.ket Eg aisizes,‘siinta ety~*~Bed rooms,‘Diningrgoms 1): cies ‘and:“we “Also hav et hou si “»s¢hook:*ho -ehutches~‘The OW siti Phew s will radiate more “at wn:tips : than,ATE e: “made.They “wilt batn?an Roast _-wood,®co;blécks andstrash ane:yard,‘and.DY.Clostner 3ry iPr. AScomparhdwitiegtgir stoves..2:eewill rh:ast “Ten ie tistac tion °TY 5 estistove:rand wilt give youBetter sa Css aepeyonwant,and you-Shou'd ‘Catt.atid got ome tal x“while,theylast at-@ld;prites.*The,price San these-stogic+a ae :“ance ully pv pescpatyand wlica These.ate RG.aesairds ; pre Wg ‘ are A rat to bri ;es ar -xFon ¢piedict 1A. Ty Quo %Onery si XkoSieRespecttuts. RN. ;2CathOnus,When =tovyy vettei“Slatement ~Envalops e Any Kind of Gan mee Aire am ES Sperig4:fEBMASCOP Pei 0. 6kSisis,de is .f&.dis,fot réd by the Wreeking.ofal 2.roller fidurnitll and waod:orion‘Fhe Boeork captured to an three.ara Sigunre io eee uespe tetenceat Mew oF a eset nae by eRe oka ing ‘plant if omieafiony:citizens wilh,aL oyethousand1btitish{too Moyaay.“4 covered frometbe amputation".~<4rrwe-TPorh-GBeeid Mite.Oneror|"‘ExvdudveRoheA.Campbell,/‘of.lesuragenese 0 Tatoe:josceamuorre “iea be Eyiglaed fis:tho eds v “Jobe on her)/Foil Shouse-ea 19 years,’was iciatsatd toya representatine of.the}‘Ghattagoogay Penn:“was.erdions sek EB rte:ae aus =[iorthss aie "day-onty.iecpractice is Tee hands tow.Mp Krbges “and hisBoers si peerSe,wee So Jn,{Sq-(Associated Presses 888 ses x.‘Saturday for contempt ofJudge Bs:|Rev:Oscap at vellerand Mis Se ee aNplewhdre,Said.to be-amongre the,‘lem by"Japres|Bryant’Monday might,F Ltts inexplicable sid om peste tell§court.~He.accused*the>jpre-.pepaziond OEE exdale:t township.f NEY:‘WANTED.:x“world’s mast stitbb en fivbters.The tBaydnt Was intexica edind-went t6|t6-Say Wat Hsmoraletfect*isin i selimg aidge of ewoulentiyhelding.were-married by Rev.L Pe So aanMO.Bo world's Inds t,Q ty \.Pmable.a.havetelast::heayiligain {neyyon the-25th.-228 i ie 200°WANTED:for\tion yéats,on-frd.. Eriatisvaukis ad to bow MaturAbfor-Shows"Sante,menea pe es cd ar shahy-Syste and bave-h:“regiingnts a case,Spe AR:KE Mése }mortgageou valna:cect estate,HnDERane 5p.-tress ull joapptindhe aby only-Lwottia,pin egal 2 caped=oe almost Wiped-olt™but t7 hive tegi-}*nd)oetah |itt ‘opetaiivesot Pati osoedt aca“sadness pce ERE AS +xs z ¥sil RP ’a -.iy litatte ial neste oan rabies ROUSE aad be Tet |Bvee nes haveluel or as [OO 380 Bae“Hepat Oat a Eeby.-compatatin one sina}‘taxeoshppextontions to higyerenre)BP La Wat tee saa to,the -representa:|but tle mayufacttrers have,‘nat wet.cto“Wessisc eee Jan Zeb+Walts..LONSiN,Ss Sees he 6againstinightyatunies,th yglt :Oveday.Hast week&three"White,Hentai tee Terpoted:Be Se ee ee ieptol 2p ”was-entezed-“oET Aa Bess See hick ice oti their Side and.¢on intensgspatriot-T7men fert:to “the home ofa respecte:fs“TMs Uisastepis more tikely“due|‘The:‘Pennsyivanla.Youegheer tebe |20 ae es Fenty Gee SnepStte iu Ran oe,Mt a haere ac zs jn,”the‘Botts wil1 dhuttigss “mde,Pe white wirl in Boley aay hed to"thecraze:ee se ee tweendersay”~City-and“New Vouk,baa s500Nor.their éatty:x aeene eewplsie Dp i iMy eee sy,a “e Lames?eho a St stands:,Paint,abseeneeof ber yareo’OOK NCTELO|todistinguish |themse y¢sy obtain ;.tir oN.me peoatsi0aSuebstine:“Gids the,wooels ee her.frie the victor ae Getoaedhes coe oe pean Mearespice hy|“Mrs,-T.GG.Ingram?aida:Tuesday|‘his,Norco bu ‘Only,16 Teepe eee as “keptin Woods aH -night by!thay ictoria.Cross’than to-the fault :Py rning,‘two mil Rie ss t Sots“hielich Story,records ut idl.the peas eet,its Saji’a deputy aia f 2th i a‘a Tnavart eteeant ‘sank and it is Supposed:several Per tho IDS).mat es ‘South:of;town.Does AIDN tall at Woodward Bros"Jew". }|thoanen_ca I vet Xthat-pleudi pay Sons were,drowiéd.areW:FR es matte ded 7 eiry oreen above’dayand “date only apd oh tthe hearty”battakiong “apd yn-lang!theatre we re -s@em hexXt “morn;{Genéralsw.hité>inspite of hig:ayow!ee ae fth eeoR os Bya ‘theet haye Robert A Mbore,ne ston Se >fiat 4]PESOturedee&:Of 2 Enaiand.~iyill sing trying®k@iarrapge stmi ters;Witht 37 ¥m The War“office”has*Sent ‘the :Senhor Ramon’trea:Chiftain,di-Le t aeés Oe th res ytery ©Fat eee dstectsaceuratc meeeguaranecde =ef: oserpowel{hei rt stohid be.th;Abe partnts of Ute,jel ®No derests.Tollowingdispatch to-.Genera}Bull»rector~-éneral>of:railways,‘ind <sttihgrhe P Rea e*eee SES Aastie a 44,6 wn dy rave been miQdes’Nj YB“Thirge,extra battalions of fogt Scyhor Gregorio Pinochet,Minister setting home Puesddy,*»x2 Sale of RealEstate:Vou deeeSiSie3Today’moriing a storm,tO.ne jar ohe,mounted,battary,«with re-i hit Spit jectioe‘Ofe‘tbe insupgedé>ap "i “EPs.ts : “the:Oey Sakeob catise iy "iu &ees Aime“Tig 2B ve Ps;rate.DP iignerdnge, “ptat CLF ‘Xs Ser«“O™i &ee <> We ross he is Admire apDe we Wien England the—home typical:Yaukee of thic-New y ~He accepted w li ith the ‘Contributions of his coun V anety, ery.men’purchased ffor him,andnow. Trust.“a Vermonter to.tkeeyyan eyé out:for|} Atte jS-t0'marryva rieh w‘oman ‘the anain chance every time.‘s —oe al¥jee Prestdcut Hobart-is oriti:Galiyaltlat-his home.iin,Pater‘son,NeHisdeathiseepecicn:“He hasheartdisease.rer ”_—eae AMONG THEsite arate oe oc The bettingsin Keptuelsy iis 10 to7%ionGoebelwithfewtakers.“ Senator.Pritchard’iis ispeaking--inMaryland:for the Republican ticket.He the elecection.2 £je.tp on we -Se eerhe6Waranthé...*aNippriesvhs)baer Qs«are one fokabout’daveury andy “be fs“far oft 35}fexgre f“Re CHES andhis Ardops*hd ye “wlvancéd | thie in “aie istauds;thet * a “will go to Ohio and Speak,before Lak at WW rivitsxjile +and Sela Seach’."Rhe loss.at.Wtic teyvalte is Sr {place duit 53000 tows:002 sRiftecns LSttages-ar CAL +loss:aud:maby alti¢s.3a .by c="os on bec lat .asp ‘Neaglh “agita Mai: 4 . E Cad t dala ayes,will Iéave “England @unimg}Nofthy Varohina Coast eic ares e,doutse of ten day$}to.fiike good: i Kot industr:aud public works,hack-4 >The bied shooting seagor*opened|Ladi Cach-bther to.pié¢es.in ¢duel |Tuesday;and:there”were someiraewitllSwords,one’‘flay lust Weel -<f",[OD the:tmharkét hore:“that day.4>Sometttis,_anndanced’that -AdmikalysPortsmen ~,ate etierted Aron thetDesvey:will,marry Mrs."Hazen,-|- IX eonsu.the ‘last:tBillingslesdeCeased,of same,will sell athighestbidderNorth:DextWeekn >Fes **e intStatesville,Cr,Ones: NCE,of “the.“polwers-centeinedsill2ndtestament.of Rewaay, thermndersigned,,expudlidanctidi<to*the weYorcashathecourtRousedaor. aoe“eeSe re mel S Shs Aree wvEssieSa_MONDAY,DECEMBER 4TH,1S SAE:»LR nthe se.4+Widow .of Gbneral Hazen,“pf ‘Wash-4:*tk a’co D1 Wt latts Siclocks an.“the following described”red}.A= ore =:badlye *danfaed ae on Sea:HAs mo Dispatch,igo =<seis ei >+]ington,indesistér of John R;Mee].*,¢SES Lu NONE,DAY.estate:in Rethany township,towits,ppaee uy, TXa Seed:a ek Overties ase LTie D 7 ey Take Laxative.Bremo-yainin:Satie “AN rat ©;McAuley's corneron the:‘Public hi aS tyCoast’zai}qaertra 7Bleeding fron)a score,of:woudds,i@an;-embdcrati¢ndutinee:or=Gov;druggists refund”ntoneyifit fails to\cure.gsc.!wivefrofn Statesville to,parmers ateand ruy-4{]eIrateath”aercck Eds S40)rk.&.Geraghty>apoltee Operator “hy pevhor oF Ohio.Mrs.Reese Bas 00 Ehegenuine has,Bod.Pena ee aul Fsdoratrahente NORbalanie “ig boloKtaoa:SS aceoptyd)SOubk "Glicayo;”today Teached his |hildvén andis ver rich.<9 STERILE ‘SOTRON.MA BRET.(as Ke ip Blackwelder tie”thehceok yaedwere,10 ) :Yathers Vdaraged<"Loss $12 00K tot"story of an}<Its”‘reported that.Sthe’BevinHonieand:Lola:;tsboRe[SISAW Phe storie s6-didsade Stag:ontricsctt aatRewbehnananteSoechpprti'y A“race-ridt SiMe Holl }was tan Lrowl?,averted ‘Sundyty..afternoow..McDaniel,a hegro,Struck *Robert:|Erwin,a white mill o rative,an.almost fatal’blow.“McDaniel was{arrested and:put inthe lock-up.s tAnegrolodveaSsembledSunday’Nahe:battered down thre,door of the lock;fup-and liberated:the prisoner.Thetownofficer”undertook to‘arrest thenegroeswhen:hewas “dy erpawered,The ‘white men of.»the-town armed |themselves and were ready;for~any-jemergency.~~Erwin,the.wounded’man,ts in ardangerousis condition.f 7 thé Calum»tte “Vives. [panied:»Shortly afternoomhe start Fand squealing like:mad.They,ip: téugne.in’th ¥ A nother.Americ an ee"letory".36 the} y Philippities.we Sanita Dispatch,30th.ic tThreeeompaniésofColonel”Bate’|Regiment have had’two encounterswith’the-insurgents hear Labam andScatteredthem.The insurgents-leftHfour’offiters dnd’e:zht men dead.on}the fiekaud®‘the Ameritas ‘vaptir~] appreciably decreasing their num-der, rand-the re in lorcements numbéring@bundred,..Geraghty~saystheirdttentionto-him._*‘Tt ey -climb- dogby hordesofmaskfats.“inkthes wamps:alone /Gérguhty-went!to“the swaps ‘early thig morhing’‘toyhintforweed.birds His ‘dog,aniaghificent.Gordon setter,accom- ed‘hemeward.Suddenly the furious4 ©barking-of the dog startled\hini and‘he rah dorward to'find the dog liter-ally Covered with muisktats '‘who’‘werejfighting-desperately,biting4 +ped at the dog’S eyes andcaught hisirsharp-teeth.Heseemedsahisothelpless'and.Geragh-.ty fired his‘gun at.the tittte army-of|--»(rodents,which came scampering tothestene,hoping to scare the ones,which were fast killing’his dogs He!{mowed ddwn dozensof rats without The dog+at?agp succumbed )turned ed through.my *clothes”and.bit;me} an Langiember |4555,forts!Be 4 teldeicy,hy eXpedition~ ct ede tag LOLS OESligwhere300cannibals.were kk ilet |,peneandy600,wounded.The .Belgian’ Sires ie”axt ‘fo7_poles to-atstone-on‘sa' IRVIN. d.r0ad;bt ajSeergn$corner,thencewithgaid’oad SO ,has,reached |o tey SeayWessoroles Lorthi dining,Sats eaoe‘Say!Cres,mgreOrles,neaates Murky akaeeeeaseRaveee4amSixsetractow.srltfch Deck eesTHOS lives,‘ih gl's©was-foug in U at apSar forve:losthine _mén,killéd-aid:ae-wounded.S ieprew enceset Se:~"Cotten Robert ;B:enna ya usinessmanofSt.’Louis;Mo.‘WasJheld upon-a'street car~in'thatrcity Monday |"and robbed’of $1,048©in-cash sand48.750 50 negotiable -paper.The |.thievgs dscaped.“He was pushed in?|*°-toa-corner of Hee car By three men adie ie.“FOR 156.“per'Balo 2 Month.“bys =Se ;Liberal Advances Obtained Stored and Tasured ~-Chailotte Bonded*Warehouse:Company. es “Banded apAmericar Bonding aneteust Company for:$100,00.00 ae gSace B.MELACGHLIS,ieewayage‘This’Novermber ands Bop.,Execaters,is\ oy i ee 2 NARS EP ss eetiae Suites,at —t beats“money.ineem, wate ee mers a ’Nt 2 +y 7 —ale ak usom.so *That’'s“orhat:we are ae “Why.a6;you s sellGece.$14.60: “Yes?there isa,li fits “AaLarge wellHuilt,hicely Finishied 8piece 4"Bedroom:Suitefor.$14.00:con » ae 6 4s id sk : *~Y mp be Ss * and robbed.ae =on our Receipts—ee =on Huntsville,La:“shonday Barb|<f lowest)rates ofinterest.pre osleyLewis,aged 50,~was.”shof ana zs ueinstantlykilledby-Frink ‘Ellis,/a|°&2 Springs,ee M.Contabie reesetpyoungseratthehomeofawoman}.9/2"EE og SA oe Se PREASURER 77fwith-whormn both\men-wete in love.|=—-|Phe woman was the only’witness to»QUJALITY 18:ae ONLY.eee Seigethek#ling.Ellis*remarked hée did:re ee =ra c es oenotbelieve‘“ntwo men—loving’the}29.3samme<woman and killed Lewis:Lewis-was prominent and there arethreatsofly.nching,if siligis caught.| YTest of mae. he aeae ree pIS set fe“atitet.ofquality the:yori rae,sy ia stares SeZ|Seutine Reet quality, atti savagely,Xisaia he,inctelling tBe}ee ek a ik ee oe‘Goad:s'maybelow priced iii wise 9eae,ye Few ge: The registration ‘of th owe severaharms ‘|stc And;the Oaly ‘thing that tf.Se PS a ats mci!ee Ye aoeati of ois;soe =.ibe Agateaoa sated}inya Fast che Serifallot dds&“Ait “advertiseinent.placed.3 itt Pak Ten’Dolidis:pbid'be cheap1foragetold Watch bbut.optGnbe®woud,ZENdicationsfy.“7 ‘lwas Ki ad w MAAstorreaches “22,200 "hb omes?>.fis.Poot be.cheap f6 -&brass watch,and:the”‘same bolds';sogd"jnyaall-snereea | ied S are,for:a witvote.Fe was Killed.aid two!‘officers and six}cduplé.of other hunters.®ho ray ie Aise.tVAL!ants‘lai to'sell goods hea “bi ‘3 Charis I Geis 66 tke.Lae fmen“werewounded ‘Captain French |Wwwith subg abd beatstheytittle Riigt tet to tell-ther tthe "quality of*yoursplain.“aod me d i gs ‘a SER gZO0Us,¢BPS ae me sari ‘be set ‘Siento vp ae .sr Look-aretonnoiteriag.panty:Beyodd|Sif.¥|gaodk,OF Your-grants,Oar ireula;4 Pre deputeat So es ae--by"Governor.Candia ar oe Pepe eee Be enein 2:Sera @stb.‘ig totsoporasd ton books are as si ee aoe “?oy ‘£3 ‘Sel Go ‘d Good’CheapDp.pe ie.Ste ea fudzeroh Y County court Sd te aH WASSTE)infarced by,)ajer Ighop |/by.the unters who rescu im jy ‘s ~a ,as io Sedaer baiours stem of-bayide?he Slee ot busts ¥a Saunt:nS eeK .=BaF withs peor ome sae eae eae in portions of phosWamp,Be Drei i.‘fades-Stemi ‘ia a smal “expehsewilkquiestion oar ‘ability ae¢Cheap.-:We buy ms cae =Hon:A a t Sev a =te Denio-|°Proate ndetbes etna ssnd fight:fae nome.ereatoariticni opced saysi'lthipk*Kodal Dyspepsia.Cure cast,from:manufacturers and:jobbers Of.-Téputation oea"good «“class off.3 ee Hest iH idea Vide Vi ees i baci an ioh thet.bade me fsiona y be eee Utit isaae ¥is.@ splendid:meditine..<I.sprestrids oods and lowést known-“prices,this'coupled”‘With our Very ssmall ¢expense| Sosy taeMaceste St iaUe Ha,edt,Baie nsogbamy nce2c SH me.inten lt aromal pacttne giepevp aot alymeteone Suge!CS isTeo tse say i .ants :bs Rice.m thesharpest competition.“&od‘stock of Dry 43&id ay: <Kptad’St <3 yy with "continued nse:‘Itsdigests Of Y3Goods,*ana,,Ease Sc Se ee oman esapeepee:“NOTICE..).\*|what you cat and aeCES OY Sct takeOHeeres one PintsW'shoHtlength.4 centaa'vant.d:Na‘uohakcon reytionfor |Bryant >arotind —-Bacolor::le hast®sixty)piisbas ebied tor,aeat or,enea eee meee A te Hall:138 Celle,ar Yah,Outae:cecaeaters 20006 Bh : S Jaks"Cyeelman |“the fapious cor]Moduted Tigh,Scourge aeconntts faSe olesan her BENG OS cane o=f éry,Ladies Vests’we:‘NicelinéJadies ee thapr ron {aie seein says.the Dentoerats wilt daily and they are kalling pany Pie +Stat teeSeclohee asa ;,a }-can.make them:Capes at any prices you man eee ve Towels 5 t0 oo ;core¥entack 7 Atarsland “and ere:th,skirmishes.are ane A :ed =eatsSer pal Schoo!ELAS Hes ayand:cup Hnbe oe aae eee eae A Rieprinishe2Trangr:vanes : ==paceeT Us‘eLotTHING.tat maggie aaiae.A Sudop Di patch,goth.:oh ‘g ,vores =mt “3 warnandwhat ith .tp :a Bay eyes se=mae Bo Mciéaut fe pen tow ‘The WarOfficehas.vecbieed a ats.4)ton.Bhere jigno other vided SLE Sorocat ony.Clothing.asGe.aswe sen 3 for!Vite Presides with B patch Which “Says.~Genérat..White},ee ite $n's.Suite¢22.50 and up.as high as You’wants td By:0 t elt with Bryan.’has’fdugkt*an engagement,presjim-|}x equal yas cheap,-*ie ee oP e ie Seite .acer eet dbly With Gereral toudent*s forcesMonroe,Moore,’nas-Statesy Me ‘Negro.-Bu ncoea,an Ww ashington:Sag?~rato,Im Spegial,‘sob late roseMonroeMoore,.a young colbred: it-woutd "not be,Phen he sourht the pastor of3acoloredBaptist’church and the ministergavehimiseyenty-five penniestomake-typ,.the neCéssary amountSeftorhistiekes.=Soon after‘he left,the }-church be metKa colored=man Wwhof¥volunteered to'sbow him the way to}the-depét.*“He told me that:if thepotice’Saw ‘the.brownies on ‘me,’Wore told <Acting2 Inspector.Helathismoruing®“they «would:arrestmeasa-crap>Shooter,”©STéldyou}what?’inquired the-said“thé policeswhuld“arrest.me.aS a}."crap:shooter,if They;found-the~per-=nies On«nte:>’!Coatin tite iis Story:Mooresaié:hi aewly ~mide"*friend:;>tod him he could Setarailroad'tick-et at half pricé4or ‘binr and”Moore,handed-hisS pocket-book ‘sverto him.|“thaw was tlielast*seen of.map.Oy.Roe eck.aeaa i=ogoh Season ‘Takes The head,=is Collins,Tryo_Raises hisays$:-I have used various medicinesforatorpidliver.but OEver‘Pils are thé “qnly-remedproyedbénelicial,”[havebee ooselt-“ing them for two yeacs,“atid fromyexperienceoftenrecomméendthemtofriends.°Ranion’s,take the’lead ofseveral en kidds ,tEat Hing ix.ba:faaDaresaly’mM Men’ss akarty :: US OR ebte sUndershirts 20¢.2 “up:Oser:shirts 35e.-aid5 dolpt SUH att : rere :ety 5 :Dy 5 na aiph Brogaus far-SI:Sus ni.: man from Statesvilla,NG ttac ee Be oer;pee whe _had |]}ietterhad W Be Prone:doflas.éSoda Cx per lbs SAlwape beeen F gz re have:thee for Men,W.omenaod Chilhe 1 “early galler*at poliée headguattets:peeet.aan Ran 2 These’whs.contemplate +~H 5 wate,price neck eeeBeso weaefee eS aesae oe)pe TS a ~merniTe th :ne aS Tw Me tseswhich wi ase yOu.Many.t es for-st.“favors *‘and 477,94 Was toenter cine:eae airHe ‘He alt fi ksINSUR:ANCE”=plot He at yousee pate eeenet DO]DOPITE-by.closesttetition 10 business ard‘always,eine you buhdred}\*Boy'sSs‘Brogans,for ’ ollng neero-for robbing him”aalt ler..rf (Restored |.,.ry vial appearso:tC a nts.wo “ofRgoods for every/‘dollat-spent.with US,£6"Thcrease-our base ss“dae Bay Sate-vearyGalt fOr I- ae money be had—zbout,$7.~F aS ae “PAG =Incbadslest Took atat avons we roeare old »~why:ap--P@ Mees |with you.+We wean td buy!seed cotten:-bale cotton,:cotta:“see |>“..adies Fine and.He.vy'S 31-00;“Pry “em. -According to:bis Story,Moofeiare.—BAH ct*whick is “but ‘a*stepping.[|pq Pest39oP SNe BG)chickens,RR batten:veorn;”haat dried-friit,,beeswax and al-kinas,ofof]randSpring heel.if be Pt inter buttons peace, :eg hefe y¥eSterday-mornlae.ou-hig Sie Epabetwaen NOinsur -and fl"Keepy sigjnwandys:we pgp peace aso:woube ties andgrésirana pitied ©‘Bides”especial rap “yOu Will He doi oe oe procs fordNETL MSOE 3 ok Sty to-Pittsbure “When he count [2 Hite.Tn “oueiinstanesyou.Re to:fd.:ee ey Sie aE Bi eae it youaréaot Tearys tale yous hides’igTeAh.MeDougit,sat States ee Ourstock,Sesete coat Honea {Puy Belpress efi onpaoen th theepot he:found t a sithTe my poliey’you.rat the [>se ere7 highest.cash,price:aN eo>(Tiwari children ata‘oderate price“aan —~app tor ese “tigket,sand a bystander SRieaBoe 4 tee eeeGath x“It pA ane 2 a oNSi es Niewe -.Bradford.&Song‘$ime towspS ees ‘SEBstopecee tm ‘town.foe Five Dress Wear oa to et a Scalper's,ticket.)Hew aoe fever hundred?and}"<p Wes bor ae Paster.Curriet's an eheral:Merch Rin eet at “We oe Bee for eee na nes sree eos ee upoa this suggestion,bat had to re-ile }i bs \Seeght.‘dolBo *>,4 ‘em aON:“B AOrdere feodk ™m etchants Soligite Bed i ae ats.rs ae Te :SS apdsee us. Lorn the tieket,as the ‘railroadpeos,of ae paid gat fo\Cipizebs4 }%—plé,told ‘hin,F.ysaccepty,a ¥ oo" jo ? a, teeling bf pnrest;can”surely.becured byeat Restokitive Nervines So" officer ,nutborized torefund pricetieHesSatileer Placemat mess,headacheaid,irrégular menstysuffering ‘Yarious pplafatsBesides delhg underthe,eare ‘oF local‘Bhysicians/ei ‘testimonial\Nervine an@ "Nerve and,Liver’Pits’wWhich Jeresto! forDr,Mile3!Remedies.* C |~are Said :“bg alk'drug-~“ists)anger pOuti¢em2,encesé £E—ea se aes Which’Was“pusheds bback’after.‘gever*|7RalOatSighting4che“Britishlose.abouthhamen,‘200,the:Boer.lossesWere.‘amueh",gbeater:>the Boers}{were In- =orThe ae a¢ Li e s “of.States¥iHe+and=~pe ©.tomintnity”cin,ee L:ea ‘thapa2months tithe,=Tt You,‘will take.“the aeceomtimesthdseemeIean}ree<x give You.albinrforma-/ye 5 stone ve US Ae “ wegeiaee:a oeoe.F:CARLTON,” IRE,LUFeE os P|Z 2 d ACCIDEN=Sop ee:INSGRANCE.:=eae=a Ne a aex*oaTSotsleeplessseanonly’be es _ ti +realized by thase*who have.experisfencedhit~Nervousness,-Sleeplessttess;headaches,neuralgia,antl that miserable — i gertain iv“Milesofthis fact thatall GrugzistS gre sr”paid,far the firstied‘frovidihs”1t-does:not benefit.Menry Bruns,wife52:the well known’at Grand Juyetion,(lowa,says:‘Lwat troubtedwith Sleeplessifess}nervous:‘|. aatsas ‘used female toms b rr. TS “unteldmisery:nfor.”poeadvertisedrenfediesfor Wi-hout help,.I noticed in"Dr,ates seamen teStimanial of=¥curéd-of.ailments(simpitartoming ,ish wéverce:tothank thatdlady.\Herae“me"ti,use’DrsMiles*}/ Spepssia’CureDigests,Sere eat.-ve 7>Thartifici rs6tohealth, | P|- A ,fand up"adn orice you want>;sizes,ahdsconditionsof |people.-at forgetour heme’=.{ean't.be equaled,-Ladies dress Shoes 98¢)Jatidkinp.:‘Men sare431.00 us on shogs—will:Goa ON hodaandsave.TOU, ad ind:peerse:and mule collats,” ants 50e:~and “up.Meheeatoneeaeto.SeiFall elassesdeshoés;.ahey4.=esvshiesfrom.24Ingne anes ‘and:“shoe par eee ee5 weaee ET oe RVCe ae=Delors ‘In:Shoes Sarisuesaue:ANDA RETA Cin $1.06.2 — Bie stockane aS.Mile aC ries “ii.ttits Yr cannot baypendugh ” food andaids-Natare-fate reat and:recon:;{stroctin ‘eheexhan ted’digestive on,|gana it:‘tite latest/discoyeverteddigest.-antand ‘No.other;pre on:Can 3);2pptoaeh it tn:efficienge Tite”Pela eancupexmanenttlycures|¥ndig in,Hi bard, Dr,-Miles”Remedies. t battle < “sell:;Boe.sale aS R.Qunstall,”ang BeLeases of,Ta. :“eee ur’Kodaks eforewa’Yousbuedsegind-the.x >4 “.Rates : *v rr fp .and*Gue,‘we-have the.best.that “is*- ;Supplies “for:the m2 té répa FieSr7andarrcaesvarsMeselmagepeSee“pio amd.will Sell you's g.at reheat d or<1 ,be Arst-class.»Call an@ se¢'us.sosma 1 ubeatitee bom Ie NIC PELLETSicine,bat:a Complete 3 Sstinctct medici} FAan:et \2h:eae Ge————po Le eS geeRSead283CEOOESPeePee:SO : opie oo -mat ot AM pa cette 0 Sats one ne Pg i A eeSeeeeeWi =ap oH 5 SKS s a.‘and ‘inter Mil aefe.“Alligon's Wariaty.Store *tas a hiner "3BEYwedslinersSsG: resBy.tough vetsiothisTing when shemarket.Was atts.ior’Me +cee-eee ThisSoares aries ota.JJ.P.‘Batke:now orIMorwreatiatgO)oe ae ne Parld ftom is “ot inan,Wright's hedlth any"7 ~~Tnanpe o-date house,being Svetything eired =ec pecee at:80 per ‘garment ~ACH haye merits of théir Owin possessed[¥be Gans Speci“eS -:ms aha ds—{by no,‘others\VHeavy cottou andetshists ‘Tramd 254,;gence tired andante Ss ;che #1 4AUY Se lected by pave,Serr tSred,48 and Te,chalies Australian lamb'<-woo!ribbed”Vests,"98 -ehch.|oth Qassistanice ofou saperienced.:Z PS oe ::Alsoo-shenes grades Own ‘to-a feere-‘lined cotton vestat-15t Childpen's )(eter ttor suit thes.trade,«,,actESS aESpoCAUYMesoVests.A PORE aLadiesatom guits;-25pate moe bragFtheretore,erally invite-all ee sai oft to "etree ee ae WES CALL ON:we Daf>FoR lady day ie may stock,48 toweriRaeeenoraSAEEeawyeoeeaiesseraeMo)as 3gelcaex“~me ah 8 Nr ap =o 4 eee.—a>:Pr p=x"5 NOW:I YOUR TIME,re 5 ae ae PeePeBESaexneBuy©Good Siscr Cnet <a eoESBAnew”iné jist in,you mineeionay o ‘weaee“yon up the cold:jane ‘horntiugs“thd Bern“to.oe2 :Sia J.~have a good’lipé.of talkingwaghings :Ne eecords,~Cgil 1y4 at TEN youieeeRare eaePILES :Fo you do not buya ihed-Treatment for Bilious—-~CorlStipation and Héadaches.-Nes,but sold for oneprice—25 co©.Pills.bring,itimediate Telief;the“Pellets -F‘Upthene Tvous System:and invigorate.- 5 «~& ‘Histwo 9. ‘Serene pnh‘athe Sy Fran aat hertsad a ce eth s f:wes 2:and fpfram ‘Behoix Sat drday“ay returned BslaHititeeated: y taglapt OD thong.ie slit ys.:Seayee Hiss ak‘ive Saas35 NKbeseeeeSfelspeNeen,Sayjarr we»alate ee o*elTwofigg Sit to #39 sad :RERPR matty Sadtrrday aeeUsthe aurea”ak e ser-araMitecmah :Ps SBS shy|Ly Mts i, poe.tt tactate re?patti SAPiySeatsats <gs noeSCeawidep y ys ererat atRet CaertResist | ‘andlpatos days hi Mia ang ysister : State“SVilie,aM bydar, ~=par tSore De;x K=Yore cy LG4 Sapte fat ub.*ve At x he Me eas | ,aurrst HO.Soe enka es axfingtour.By oN OPE & oewe$i ptWas “eécenthy | a wigan’?namels| fatally bh ut.Aas “y rechees”Williford:“aty eddie Creek tow ship niga raged poetsaeee PairsWw x vt oh ‘ned deeth is rue b-deplored:aie ‘olJERearain oo :Heclate Leyit « xf itl towsenehip,and mov- >¥ears aco. Rayeeande leven childfen. x:‘Shey ter Caldydil preach-_ strobgsset mous.at;Zthe Pres- nih ~“He resents reésien ted he Oxford:“P¥espyter-3 ‘conte biatj ne | amd “engabe TE “tHe is theowneltory+ et Bese.ipd he!patsy!3608 te the=spEInES if!Dpcabetee By ae ‘to See iesSpritigs “ieee iBars Taw uslip-6n:the.pews Moores7 ockavinles|“Raijroad.- :yesterday./é ‘Mrs EMS per nu ee Se iustrumedttas ;‘Ds ;postéilices,,tov seq f 0 cbtfewh sy has bees*} fretma it is vhow:Ht:I.Swiik,se ished.DF:pie.SOV ete 4 >postotfieelae ik bé loegtea 5 Me browa’s ms Sysdubuson,Ahi Venta}wrestint dst.week bythe policé. dtutk.and disorderly.” ENGSs Saputh liké-the Gaserip- teh wae Gucrisoneyheattem yteeteMy¥ey is and,Waremlidedt au. -Fatage ot ple0 a5 x“wiiardt ‘iy ie -auéhoities,s Sbandereebetciveen-our -‘poligeiukepotehosed,Chat} te wis wntGare ison and bewwas.re bie She:Sahiathea ee Piraer Wrenn <Pet,RRal :StanSiig bat Bi!aye y ~tha:Als hatter.4Fsot,dtrghd MignIoukejae Seed Bie Mo weds i ‘.Se ae SPPtwiaebors as SeefhostBOJnilabirelaives.3)ewsesEe ne thessalou ertot7=ey a Miefege se ne in?*Ho wer p32,adn ir,SN SES 2M Roan pa eee Patt eam§Sete Wie “end”nd Hees at:Fiadenine::Sees iit i 2 av ise a PatabyWetiet Fer Raettt“ME.‘WB oa vy i.Kd bare AN Pict artended:“tShe Gh as initscaBearaneeAutosearvieaeThe-eadhat vine=Io Way NOt:45 Ses<a:We“Ay Thotiiss |ese Lay the LOR DE.efiqiid’og 3 Gatehaspie:1 a38 “SW ATR Bingie LisNorther mae we reinets :SeeSnrsJiG.Semers *iN coketeMonday@n* ieaoe Medes:Meer *"a Alt,SR Ea 48“ af 34LUTE s iYriptte SoirareveoD.S5>Low encesquaeAirsetest tewits Sis SeesMont5=eepoe65eseReSencarNamedowagh? Rey apes ‘Meeau=3 ate. a “inadayt:ieri €whey as Bh Siei%wv Re :wt.ey , sin’utrdeted:enneatiny.xg FS t MiesCeleste <Xpidetori..te:*:Majog é dBCgdnk ee et EMSebiey.ag other ‘Points.<’,x,Shee E,2Res Tekinaeons fay.shisstor re:bicOH Ceteens aS teh th oad Whe i ae ehLgemseainDsehstchewPostaatstSamet}‘MS,~Xnluhda Oxidewert basretuenePyty =Z .TA ae te a OSS tp,hier=dayehtér ardayengl.rpui.AShlatd,Wi BOERS “ef Serprahdiys svasth.te Var ho ratiogds Visiting Bis autity Aik Pe)a“y,and roteS Mrs, rere f.te >xm<<age a shone on t 9.8H Rup“well!2 >Ae civil:NeDEEH OT407Se=}Sty et mee 2 Ly aly Case: 4ACK.K bieeyOEE TS ghuch jmproved:_asli cine Mis heeeLeeoNiviting7plagi ves”: last PHELCTowthei ‘aetng ia Thiais,,¥os ASC LS OR sce AOD,6 Sob Mfupaies PimWeMMiss 2aoe wrted .BesAahister:re i Zfeta ny iy/Behsyoters SOVera!‘ef Ee a Pa poiy iTota Dr Ze >Slosvison peo ae orte.r Crurnreel wehI eSlER ay”,wf Pee ee Parry he rland.;ty,Swher)theyArobucehutéboristePhey. esto Row)hatred f. ah neCres SMeiesdty,Whiss'sbitstoreiesgisneryisdn sales:|Pian mn Meoe PS WaHtehn,MittsesisasonOt.ee itt?e xs=Sberiit Vie Ta W:assean nd et clever’[3 Sense ane NST ‘ >tates rie fe :*ae ‘i £:v7 om Natnoe “BraapA Sait Pitt+Who Was assisting "Py a kn W 1 Gcdrce 1a ELE amniony Eig WSs t ‘DEN p Petey calle “ck away ateprelates.BG%Jpiswer—My!Medfie| Rob; eee ig wat > Yuta at=|Buda <i factanen:bers pees meth} guide OL we O-4 Ve =‘shety“o opeYJaiiaisteasSiGe et Kage” aNSQhshoplak:Ferien ae ;r %& “Ww ihtt pe evel 7h ORFS inte Tie”Sts:fet se2ah vate Mrs Oy SLSR,ee ats:ae wih E “eaeFd,RTH we frrite ober eGks-AShe ptappedat apap Bani | ebinery Taunt y sopther jyeitSechome,tes ST.ESTE hy»Fpink.Pp Bere) Hse Rs“IED.Shorea"bas Zretumngete“Gitte Vsitaty-herSTather,and?oth: exat, Siinx”Grey C2 x‘HeiF brutes, af ESpide ved"SeckSr,“accom pity feds:lige:HORI. a4xeburbs:Pecv|l Ane:AY?React oF AGGNCUE : ze teroh yeAPD.VYSTVEK bekaurt)Mrs ie OXmenstr: gftis treek2 gu Soe home:Dien day.»We xine d P-whoe hashatfeverForssodvdy,visable:to-situyl : “eWitterfserithealllyTike +ra . f Nia ray biexgr.,2 ‘ of \=|arogths’ems eae “Mr.R Breniocs olfriends mit; 4 party r vesday:ev ie }ugg,wits,Leer |‘please rth mes.‘fortune.telli her?Pg eae os heey;\Ses heteacheryandpupils:er 7ookkesre Theteven}, daz)evening fromsto 1 phoius‘féven\bon puis ut efuwost ssiteness with®EN;. as ae Laylipe 5a ‘Aegith ‘Tifsurabaee,Cow any’ boise CRst Mr.AESreceived,Sal for.30!Be %BUA ey ny“det ne ang amare e Vessrstek B,:Sine Ross”Rakles 4 BeFostintcts ay .Black eel ver hadadivegyy HEEL.at ates Wn pyaither's ytd two,Bark ey NOPeery-Muehs*‘daimgse -tay.,déne. Mabe ‘bmtyor*Iyas?nok.tyer>renderey, judementaid the;casey o3 “aie ws“py Eixace wil Sapi0-‘Grgensboro bext week aS oS HES Avil.«from Gere 106 eee! Sean's—%Mes? adsxGe léouwte |. sfnight to attend the ‘eon Seated pty tead WeeRiesieRusts:es AgSe.“MeeG;BXGuNeLottForty buttane OSMasts?~~ rive oieTbe, FutDcCaesi hey ks3OR:Ss e-3(ting dy.Laderiby, IS dere!=a Nevpliss:Cale “Boards 205.)Denesxutio:AX tePe)wrt’Festerday:With:Heeb Ales,iy etliy:sis easy:«3 Go Peaifht,He:Lazenby Tada gecnata oyeoxe~e SoeRGaDreadagteutswhe nn{Aap ponaned noesOVE)madeAhlipitiese ord:aed esis it ee pie Soe s fyotte NS iM efForad;in exChanve Tor a stiveetRebHaywood¢al=Sitony.&thtet«week’s-visit’AsSalina <Pai wea Was Sounds fs We ss ne hters.He:Bury:an1Salisbury;ox meSeeeeeehsretomedSut y f6S¥evergh weeka<KE Of-Su}lok.*townSeea':ship.meluarned home rete day,‘Fron,i:2,8 elatives”here. 4;Mov He“OY Kiingetiders of 2 a0 BessieWSJAMasoh of Now 4,opie‘Wwaship,“eed:SK,ee om Baeroe :‘Spdtestes)for:“33,000 “Pie 4f:farta‘ontams:2sderes arid it Sor,Pokee.itor mpreshan’$15yan”atre’Dhis38fineprice:but-then the-farin isfleof‘the wos’Asluable rN Ki Ktinge i ssbert R Rare of ew “Of:Ont:visit tovhis £father,by “Mey Burwell aoe.B:apner,Bas:retcen Geth.Podfig hetne mWataugaCcotnty :ai-:~Nisia;to:His Fite.who lies Been ‘Death or Mr.Janes|K mewart *\ Losers iho.in.ths)at 12 OcieanFOrthepast!“twelve,moutis-JA Rout 95.years:t at:News‘Bethany‘Seagdy alternoda,:xy on,thé‘Etec hobore Grade:aes neeTpbueyeth:her:cure ther.Bei #¥.Seconsborp¢:pe bse chadhachters—Shtyiviing:hime2 ‘He’was.3 Sales at:Mr sydPShilotownship:ae :Spe eS “Wy ita beefphoBaptice ehurch+Cojeman.Mise.oe nieBites lett Syecideaeapt sodDeighbor and akind “Busiaand |7seri teF iS Hersey Misa,”4 Os;Askeoaro.“She{+ee :TeHtived Syégpathizes’withchiss widow]phe Ghildrgn-in’heltgreat ass.ue at r Meg. Phe 2 inst \Presbytery ‘bf.ths ASViferin thé breast.RP.church met.in”Us,last ‘week.°ee oo“indEtder A By Kestler,of States-,|!oe Gia BdyvANas Arr ayert f: WeeuSace i 3B r‘ha apé iESatie] Ao Purnek,.xd been:matte Captain and aeit raked ae wll por Pie A ;r-re Cormagerga [Slerae ieanes EDO 4indfeebley:freaith,-Rew es roy ‘Boyd-sigwed.bis pastorate:of New Stir-}See ar 7 tinx s te .yet Roanefhe |rAine cebureh.7 “Galats iturehes:Se irstille by.E:P:ab Schooh,lied Moaresyjlje Jast year, dy to beiao“rhds,eo ;5{$n fredenh Birm Wins.ic Gold Meital -20t +X a yywhew.days.)oho embibyt.“consisted 14; oe PSR LES The’Méss¥s. Quad,tH enlarge their’tanning ‘Wust:lesSataitkfoto the cotmtry.s Git“nous.“realizeits:maenitpde./é They.Subtheir,plant*by'Steam-power.and| y ae Doh Hayne dayswesbter >2)Caunte Tresshirer,Soa:Hiynes,shal:nan CSE ag?“Lowush ip.— :Live of Harmany,Kasvestimedhis”distillery:after.seyerac ¥'S*“Renders.Sei “has?tyBorawisachee:ouine eoreace hissom ‘Eves$7 wHo..dis?:appeared dyer.tso,Weeks Sg07-'‘pend des died last Fy Missss Nettie:Purne’peptertrtainegi\ home ayHerc ae Se oe aersbure township.wer,Foard: vas nou ea and|hey ‘eaaites With}Sounty;Pbhysieian sits (id &jury;went:downy Ye +a Hallowee,F: Jones:of‘Cleveland,EW.vere’the day:before after prick hd:a .jime.snd that ht_had evidently:fall:dno}while *intoxiodted”and.the Hb tomastip.’:“wee ls,OF “the wagon.had passed,»yet hisbod yin juriny him<6:that b¢is died}The wagon and team were LedeLearBing).AGt Anquest was.dedideds;ip bonds.at $73.eachs-“Oh sSaturdayLo.bé inn Geegsary,and*the.body was. Spepse it cdmpliaentary”{to-the.inienids!andf “fpatren wil be.givertomorFowy,(Ey } “8 ‘Clocks;iar:Coreg!iGinvitedtow tread? =Gi:Gee’ey airpetebtls had.‘ty.- a@gately=he Uwexs ene foJones-.wife.fayen Wedges}aérbs 40h Mr>?Ritus,.Resebro,"ofbeucyintheEade!-- Ass cand ~CaShaleyrg Aegident-ani zs jaek ivith:the:brits:“gud xhe |D,By Anderson»earty~onSheu,dad hy Laesday hight found2 peer,imap Tyo4dlagstSeh-,ee the rbad,much “nearer town,esa2 <axed Dr,‘Antersoa “assisted”“him ab?he GOW “Phedoctor telt him,inthefe Sar &.“of other:BESTORS,nd at Asapposedthey-pute hiphop bis-wakon |eeaip aye Started hiuron “his ‘awayhome,When,fié|bis fataliAujuries.=a pe Sauarday nights Ste >DOVS coe fer pitted eettinsrd Sutter:TWO vourg *‘men alchiouish att eee és bare,Suimcied Nis vent e mS sho thas:ue nt hiving He Ghiarkot telecoxterjonth ofthe New.York!marker... piety:This is;still 2.advange | ersus Syeker,Reardoffit +.\.7 ey r >,mee Se +2 %eri ty)“Hardiicinsesaby”*iADidaieeeweek:aMSeSeAGORofNo.EDryvontHandioyy,Bagi etn.toy“elOad Gi rye.ip,Mlenatautc two “mie:et cinote tS nutes’elckeatiinLinh:Toke Gx.levGs aboteret|"Seated!Fs URE oe Biking pliysicign:the!‘eroken “Vitnts’:cand hig:,dtiversee9~"hidnse.wheteay\S age Dea ng ,Ou!me expen Bs Ret 2aS opty J i ,‘|acarer AE ateshe ened wade Mrs,e“Was ‘Bos’ edt iawl pia.-<Satirpday ‘Mr:Bosquer‘earned ‘thaca’‘watch lad"en!Nek Sasta-Mp2SSPSe.oe SOS.4 Golden..,Choredsimthenegro’$ a aumed “to “have ba I9aseme jee2SOCFOVEEDSwi?SF Aa hetisanES‘-* a <iy3, Gyn aSrate preyModySpcing-towochip.to ‘county,a“A woot eee ‘sBee the,Yarns ate John.W:Stexehstin fot divisionomorntetheeins,and.pire Mulsyboughtitat$2,950;5 Hé ets “an ad -|ance of $630,whieh shows ‘thatlegrealPstateeas:omthe up grade.- NAoe:James R ‘Stewart:ied wni-his 5homefnShiloh’towpsbiyy Saturday” The }interment.was]hy het ecoasgd Jeates “a wilessaad|aildrenthreesSons‘and,fourtw eh ,Stewurt,|}MfStewart} dTather.His death jsomach'dé|ipioredwadthecommmuUbItysjawhich 4 ©Ee co -A.me a aThysSeta:&.Peckhy’tery.,t.<¢ “Lancaster,Ss:TRev Ze:He Pressly, wile. Morrison,‘of-New Stir.aftended-ey returned:“Puesday.ep - Tn,$ inite est oS Gq@Oxn—decount oF ddvanéing years ess ¢€*New/Stirling tev!M.Bibktam,Amity and Tay- {The next,mee tortof.the tSe :it Pecheldats Pisgah etre:Galtkey. “oon Comrie Sire Gey G3 ‘ae a 4<s eo fo ee .sey 2feae“,°“ag Das aa mE* a SteSsrs/Bradtoree Sons,orNes,ofUatirling,exhibited“their léatherHerécett.St:e dfair--at ©Rate ae Las,shewFheghgverSeek:i notified.thatit gt P|sneereit.wom-tirst prize,a gold iniedal;]>fy@hich wilt befonmarded tto them in fie yu ull the.different kinds.dfleather‘anufactired:‘b¥them,~~—israd{ford-“have:con: Jatuis ¢pld.to thetrade”i eet ce a “a o TaitTT=os>»Kinea:Th Chnaiadeestncg 4 es Le: “Katty last 2THursdaynmorbivg Mr*W.SCldenm,“of Seat game Yowaship,idund-ad athegro man dn:she!erePi he-Attch,beside!the-Salisbury“road’Meat ‘Lingle sSebDsbool 1 Jn Cliam~ rest vate.They‘gund that thenegro.was’And eaon “haa be “» Atse aywith,ajoad dirooteand ldveland,.~got drbnk’and ctirted., ime:SDR:.*Wed-) amthe-place ‘where’thé:bad)was x ’1E lectin.E“oekeandAyFtihtest”(aa Sew Fork Dy wat2021,oot3k fAyahFiteisn‘uldrédpland:whe;&es apaidst woof:heeriitae 40)Messrs_OF O38Hate ap:le eS Pow elt ts dassPe.ic ae *SiyapaatcOyaoaaeeMisurarreé{Morea West StpernconaltF30.the toes.BO HS CIopt ¥sis ites roserdae:BS “Phe.Hetakt.wridtsrwhat wrerie,aeeeiPspricrafy2tehpaves-letyeiirs..Deathi-was “dug to.paralsfCbt~Abrgised fromats:SCORES“bitheairstStroke.Of.which:was7sustaléedsbouu‘te!ath ere *ttied}t Sine&rhenssshe hase py CIOCk2a:ated,abouns nts!$n Satay"Swhére.-3progress.ASa0-Marve’aisSassthantheDemacrayswitiy.i"ita,Bi Ne Jabh,Waiter”Sinks,3saypa‘surbtiiar For Haganantae fe uments “azo,|beenenaetitieay) as‘not uneassypecteth:5;Phet inerak’wilt ’be Cort -st thie.Preshteriatan ‘churct[Sloog the“Rev.“Dr We |e yehwill:be, Dae ae rant fx:A some SGuieg:John:iW.Fag.represented!the ‘ag ay,Asx tn fe fondant s. lite,W ri candition dnd herdeath bRegereeD CALLtL EPse aL ATTENTION TH'S Fabditvtiaveseatan =wit?SERS +a5fEnt:DKST,Cartat A fabpit-3)att acini,eeiger-iis favor,tite aiiotntsOo UPKer,resiredy ai Yodyments wee: offie’.Spottt for +2 theassé:Ssmentsy ¢berof bombers’teMeBtoken.Spi TeSacianio.Who ‘bake-futled t1 fate>re Hakdinz "pay i Meir ~asSéainen hye god these fol theurbaner-[SORE ETE.pest Ciel!Ft is?undgr=iy ee a rabt -Tegubtood:WiseeTOSAROCEtbeOR,the’ankle rand,Kips to Hay“rigane ‘ha@-cone to é ESAS.fet €*ay y Pe ftythe,a «|Capea Mort. ,"Otis:/Bresideat =oticKiweal/gorRspubic“atte 4nd eesintbe!elegted stederagry prORABIy |by "2,000,oats,i Lesae AD Ode by.eat theinteoddSefer sed:TeRS &Heselas ttthick Me le ,Sausethe ae oF Clowns ~we st Market the-catislidac “3 >Rosse Latinaedheeinethayrfaye.a“mnéchberk ’wit 5 Spaludrtomaship,suntihae B: Sa vie oR‘SultesSe WW re2TAP»Jiddvgs"sire T |behMiHake Ral emséDantaged,|A Rag!lotteyBx;rerienc-éd'sqme:ofthe}:1g Tues eee“StOrtn--damayged~7Morrison'sS preity,Dery iBe*Bai]eee evga einucd tharake::aide Agro;iAReputslcasentiptheaeBesVE!ys tecoePhSomebe,m3jure ed:tO!SuRssyitle-<p <iegu gs “her,‘eleven 4 BeOSne SRMaatrhyyfa Re Resap ae,Saget GersSr FsWftharkis“thesnae eee‘Sirs FEC.Siac OFCST:Muse ae iepeisoaeroe‘Nship,-anoeAsiberty *RavdalpaSon_was killed:jiesthe€ghteralso preaeded't} 5.Milt?brake membery ol:‘the Qa ‘stor,2 Reg etscae-ate my 70g Pits =‘aneak}See nM Goebel aperat wok epee TEL:Ya hatfa »Eisie,Sedona ya iy yaaa cei¢‘clection.ance -fipe ait Z his’oypeiesits,Si Repay soo!“shite §Sy er isdn Redkachonss. among ©whont were.|Misses §etas MornisondntPannieT ustall;‘tpadar:CeAl Turney,of Statesyille.|Ledpee%6 ONGTECKa”"largepeRas]StWitte?Eye roken off w tree,eee Aniboy.tost ‘her:Sold:Person:S)fara MorrisOn"SabSarihouse, 3 :rtphdiveoe.PbAipytnc oehansPg Fe :Se ee fpre yemocraz-ys } $oeeaeRe eeneto th ee WW.bites5 é eQuaving:Prone3}meus Repablioen:, /\sansa,aod the,eosPebeQuis:ee state‘$nbasdpperer,.“mag faibbelbdw pur Oyo."oe Murray Grane:Republican”, teethbeslected“voverndy ‘of Mass)Seca though’Dye a Reeeed inta bwee,”Ststtirbeo!fons‘Powler gave.ai ing”hereae roel Fi5.bmas!ins Rythe.©seuttening:Dhetaniaee to the housé was Secorerie.“VEbK thezwcbarlottdourStatesvilhanidle2pvOple'td ak“uponvis rnpgretthan’‘we |OO,Sac 2.f yewasthie 6 seo)}:‘Wave Ean Taggenwrees-“3 ?-:AOE >gait ”lieve Agata AE:Voy it peBane re no ix ah ©,2s gitoes- Ghristiad.“She:ase kind nei gh[dori agoed ‘wife,’ sons and.daiseptere arasectsiefactthat,she’“was.Truly sa neunE 3hastHorieto-Reprewatd, lof Ely capes piePRONKS!TRUNKS!ssee WheSODbyieayik f psirigle iOatte:Seom phother~bevroschat States zd ena TheHira Liss“Ot“Iredell.bs Wee nave ‘beer re udsted*th.atSflishthelaw-of theclast’Legislatarey:sears oon in.Iredellideafdsasfollows:iSeanMeSon:ills sae “Phe-General Asselbinot North McElweeCarolitia“do-énact,~~Section 1.Phat it-shall’be yokiw!son:to hunt birds.UPswotherid®the Svoun-}'Liucoln ‘ang Ire- Ds:“or dogs asincab,sutt3you et~Oayilag Four ‘allsinat svhitterseoo vtgatNpsteSet* Ashecésdtut,HatinSorcSai c Mistés ‘Nddie idACECooper‘and Jeska:-{Halloweeti party.£0 their:friends"atlhne“pesidence of Mr.a EE: esday..©Levenin a.hostesses recel ted jucphantom Beeb,andsdach migst was'similarty dnredS6onafterbisgbtéran‘hour or tw “of fortis:wytofeucks“the Yen‘tthe ghostlyraiment was laid “asid’,and:thé-auests amised.themiserces‘for.Apples,avin <plete Ae aue “TaNbw Jersey Seet“ol nehabat yo th alH.vill{give tae legislature “to the JHepabi-ySngMeee tock oF Genta ;<1.a eo eeeiscitynewsaudWASb‘atteeretrades.vegis OMe,PheDemocrats,:dae dat:“sMinine amy “OCR before?he:Soein Mississippi. cans ie iL aN sit refhe!icee are ve MeoDOr GAL D,Lfut forianyj her arrival7 ET Ning iia otche’ee depict:tare =“ailares Martin tea ec.S. on thedands.OF & ties 9kBuncombe, rdall®With”orwi“the aversbythe writer consent ee Ye tity’‘Of cach’6 ee Shy York!itiesDemnacians ea 3ZlholathecitywhiteBeRepaplidans:pi)will hod,the State,weelectLsfodiciaryandCoanty tickets:HesZork:tsapdUR:*Broux—by eaeWilbexcecHsOM00%2mailelect’their--Counhy.on Ket nf ‘Nwell Rid1Rinkscoury—Lrookly,ibyinmajor?gfrbor44,000;40'6.6000.% RhysLees ee joy “Bobbing”:their forpunes~tokt,“etc?fréshments’were/adinirable {n pe}ay;and the’evening was a délight:|;ful’one to.all:presert<*“Each ‘ue:voted ‘the party-one pf:the>“tmest.)abd'the fair bostésses fhe*most:Beoesular’young ladies,in town?oo nce.of:Mrs.x ‘McElwee,party,was>chiferened ‘DY:Ms.PGT MIs)MoEeR amse}applitd to-all'tMrs:ie.oe Kincaid:~gebutitiisseenythatk>=tebird hunting daly,‘Our Chgninerios Gotinlence7€to Meees,To-‘nters ikl do:oxell to,"seé*:Baptist:chureh|farmerdrietds.*before Boing=fitheir Jands tq}bunt birds,os See2.ay person ‘seguilty.‘ofa “misde:,and”upor‘conVietion ‘Shallpot:less’thaa.five Hollars,Or Tamminy ail f° Bs as solihbytheadininistratorof ‘the.weanae deemed befined Bare:than ten”;Séd-3.°That thissactebilk $2eo inteellectfromand‘after its,wrseedthe.10th-day 0ofeieD1 4 ee e eenye.wcome16 fae 2|Goleh rates oe Pe ads ‘the.leaad wigh ‘the écheeaNOINTrswluetjonasiitTso455mnnti|tasbe ne estsslioe On ane YY:Ate x raya c ipa wisit] AhCare 3‘and Fine. Hzil ree Sige moyabentNIoe wi S o anydefect ingthe.ad Yes apisty wl verec Not ithetand ite “AtaS<your”can buy"Batt ters:Loniicedthat we akc ae be St, niarket for--In.the®abse'phe,tomers ne:“Detwerats:willMryandRivhmond’countidesetaBy@safém ~Some oteur peele jad she “imsSAS.end:|pression -thatthis Law. ‘kihds:of hunting?najorifythe aedbatcKof-consumption,-aged:if afipHes.t cabs *dle ontrol.Ste*“assembly : +comtron it:Leven ifthe ‘dodse“Nea teat SE a Th NGS stadlyatOBeountyNees as ire apa antedto ‘tpyPeo WEODStaeSesu re Hiorroxk Nighs. |The Dusiness men dice igen otStatesvilleareherebycalfed-té:nicet'tintHedodgeroom-in.the Bank “buildjueEridaynightat7:30 prem.torper=|fect oryanization ofthe /Chayiber:’Ofte.we “learn”tHat-J en|Cofmmercex |The coumictee on doyretaee,.W fikes “coun-Pstitytion and©led Mrs,Doré.Cham:and thetSs/Sistert ‘and then|* t na BCCa:in 0 to»Be. ae us ia wall1 op&‘Miller.« Ut ae ‘nicn ¥itt iive thi:Sawer2 ~ye ak.Se isific elf oirRT arden’and-Suic ide in Ww.itken.¢£i‘romsSi.TEL ‘Soniers,whd krfewtheparties/ aoeasPES. ty shot and:abers,fis dead Wwife’s :itnisel Lon Ktiday..sib east thattbe-totap.awwas'‘standigg,In,aoe Nyansyard,when ‘he cdme,out.with ble eouditiaginin-lyis®band..*+She.‘asked “shia decided:not to,>_dwhathe®intentled doing*with the {Tuesday night;as.‘was previously:an-|an.when be fired>the load striking |nounced,Hether summonedhisTittledaugkterandcompelledbertoremovehisshoeandstockings |:te-theh held!the gun to_a Rev.ae Ci'Boyd and.EL!and pulled:the'tSRSanteke vis:vour Eyes.”fiamiesof the earedof Give:f ae weteadns dateanoryWilbeannounced.~°<-&full attendanceise.urgently”oténésted!Oring”‘to.theanlayins |Ofthe:weather,“ity thigs mee the The Udsan Waraseasestjade,of Y,:ae: ‘peWee Men Toys and chiclothingto.yf just as-Lte :atherseiise you shall have vour:moterhac sele Youtetter ©pupae ne 154“price thTy vou ger elsewhere, Sw ho'Sellsythe best gouds,ais bh:ict,taxe’and’/sh alveontinue ty de'so..2 JI=S OFAALL.KINDS sme 1s 7 SShGe < ,reg mii wtantee inv ak ae:Cc;“Con:PES. :Betwee n ‘Oursekos: aL D:“btiyin cesteht: have the facies rice enc seco sor bate:CS :eanutual-3 int:age. We hess:that Mes will be a fallhis*temple attendance of¢our business men andriggerwith.bis-toe,citizéns-blowing hisowp brains out...>Ttas:‘said that:‘Coleman’Sic wife ‘;died-ynder’suspicious dircumistances,all.ys work,together’/Fiom Rév-J:H.“Presarsy 3we.wet ‘that Mrs.:Chambers™threatened tort.‘of business tellwhat shéknew~about,it~and}Naa Se :“dusgctedbytheRrexbytery of local}that this led to the‘murder-aYhoMrs)Chambers’husdasertedherandgonetotheWest,ayNissaidbecauseofColeman'sintimacy-~They.both:drank heavily,and were said to be -on 3cidER.Shoal the time-of the.tragédy..bé supplied”sby.|was aboyt 40,years:‘old \andChambers.about 30°Coleman.leavesritlith,who ‘sup-|Several en ‘znd,eee.woman,Ri[lsaxestwo,N; We ou 1 prestond:bake do.we }Co “iseeicuslinc.eof ost Shoes,LVS 1]if lowest ‘aah hc besS he tatest stlesiat bottoin pricqs. or Molarch,h at r hey aretice, >This.organization:can be~made 6 Hatsandaus wr given,fine “the uSikesincalculablsbenefit,to oe town:ath :thereforeit Stends: ae eee se toy:tuo.teal i! “any or dollar to.spend.5] AN estigate our.FTC WeapprccLeet ood and eheags /Me ne ye Gie tagrive you Sen soi a Det bo ‘odsistent!Ww ith food jude iment thiae you: dowiding soe ot hye ete nee “of ae folks: (orsaSiyswe a"IS complete tn,the lowes!~4 peri TS LADIES:SAPES, mI have’just bought,the!forteh time “gid will,ajine-of Ure finest)capes,you"? ‘one at.30:cents:up tolas fine: 4 cea few daysieCharlesMW.Shaspe’‘Son.of]Inc alvin M.”Sharpe,and Miss‘Emma J.Stone,daughtet sof-R:A;|Stone Esq,allofConeord:towliship,married esterday,at pet money oor MOS<SOTDNCH EBaES We:wilt uOU atlow-any eainatieon e bedi ;satieantoe Vee as =Our)statement.: DED ET time”aesne aan xb Ourstore andsee ifwe do not meray yar buyiwein the Northern m:arkets out be ure thie’ae Stvalacs, youMe money oncapes.~ vith her:‘GUNS ‘and AMMUNITION,_Spree at were peoleciay pbride’s home.-. 1 -Mrz Albert 6!Sicéloff,‘sen-C.Sicelofy,'Esq.,-gnd:‘Miss Mary F ineje die:pace oat at:==-Singleabaya {Breech st $5.28. § as o tae~d about,Oc tober As ‘Piss eae Arinsect,avho has Pe maa for as g “eralSeasonsxi bave-s Ape of our,millinery de}yartiment ctbuyeer willbe iy ‘the.mutr et stvetal!“~wee ies -and.tihe presult wil aes fa Ae Bigstor "CM aSdnl sice US ee obertson,‘daughter,of the Mr.J.J.|Rabertson,ofOlin.towhsbip,will Get.7oyaefodaxatatheha’ iy ni Che.ee+ New ‘Stirting S, eRgecttbeey -> OX Nici:aryget;afmuost.aany thinginsmy tinebofYount&W hite.atploin'ssat soa Ee samt fee:Prices?sell atm-;‘ ¥A eh he ¥—?rm <ano it Mrs.‘GreSleeaneacrefiemaeeterslaysmornink,».Octiie‘elock.the”deat z ize!zrandtaas)GreeorShir;J aines-Gregory>‘ofWik‘Bybee ‘Her deathsyas mie OR:the bg:YOR Ha:oFaiding 3,oeakiMOCNTI “All of théser’are-spopulay ‘yoied|‘s PReOpEE te their neighborhoods,nds,“tn hearty”Mons}=pee happy mar} wejoy thelrfr Sg en eeeon fia trs-priages.wery suddens|>;has’Jp herusuathealth Wed-f The’“deveased was Syd.She-:always ‘triight.“<Children espetially,“Yoved:Met;because they 4tver~stepped ather-dodr.without receiving”.thine—apples! exme Tor oh. B LNew-Ady ert isenien te.. ed to.‘add:he populde Fs “MeDougald:Oy Qur pe list of aaetieers..Be car suityou' in |‘pant cloths”aud xt~unks.aitsyricesareabsolutelyVight.--\:aLrSebillér.has bedroom snites”atf S14 whieh:make’eustomers.‘sues"Sloan&Shelton's isthe’place to|:>bouy"your fall-and-winter <clayhing,|;m2 overcoats,hats;shirts,ate.”~stvles and prices:are absdlutely tor:|>: Sick |rect,“4 d,in|<E,xSherrill &C6.,ealk’your“a yo tention“to their line of.clothing.thisitwasbought;onthecheap-}'~.CAD.te Spe;ehe festanarket.Sa verybody%$f: ed:todo Fstonot. ‘peanuts,prassmuts,aranything Ww ich.she Could make(wasa pleasure’to Terttoiiveandsworkwisadelight.:Shewas.always -busy=vever idles wet,Miploy-blarze forée hands,Thex.rhow the.d ‘tired,]pean een ‘ome OF thee redue}ee ef see —Benes ore:hae rayFac!tse nikeFotenMr.apd,MESS wt OMESTC:na 1A OR i BD. “DISESS GOODS.hu, ailn S10 plegse the mos critical,Bricks.w stdaizy ee “Hovelticsftp]Ju:a, orraise, atrest.,“Roasted sites. Yor excelserrioscu “goablty ‘shoe :<dré:Nelline::att -20c.,»withtever #povnd,acaupos.., TEN.€OURONS »Fo at ae "Retur editor ag Sééures xo~VOu a“nigesubstantial 6 “tamil7‘FREES ‘and-Millsare giving. ‘oS PERFECT SATSEACE I:x ONwheiXCWE:Yay e Sold. at‘your ev -Oh ‘thé:“looiayt for® bargai us here is one:: Bey $2.00:Warth.of Godd.corte ;yee gate:Mijltcee.:nee “}COOPER.&GatRies“of Ree 5 *She-WaS,good,to.thesoeitesaissecolgteeusshde$,*b witsithe aad hekped every tip heh‘j her-fumble’way.2.|will-bemissed!reatherhome.uow they~cin.‘faeé ooking,out’for’them,butfthéy-should:Yeutember t iat she”Bas.a brigtter= spoke *sometimes.meadenejghbot,‘fries 4,wifehasone“tg Heavens -her gain ; Tow edter,# ee tt SEE On last Thossday ‘Seine air |Goble heard the¢ase--of “StCalvavdBate’-Mobre tresspass ab.Bradford's’'stpre,,°BOR,Long,ABsg.]peated.the prosécutidn:and W> Usq?,~\the ‘defeadants.” fe:dants.were bound:Et court: it th Best Makes:FeLhe ‘Gharlotte Bondssraaiees wet =sarectasaoe|Company;wilkstore your-cotton andmakeiyouliberaladyances‘on same.ad.P,.Plahigan’s “Sox'srjOjlLight,heaters.~Theyare low in},arTefs priceand,what you‘walt.7eyount,ofNew.Stirlingand’Sloan’s Station,will’Sell you *cloth-4 , ing,shoeS-ofall ‘kinds,ladiés”cares;guns and atumiunitiop cheaper than):=*be bought elsewhere,>.4.Dro.&.Carlton‘has:the*ee ot}iasurmnee your want.iinfire,-‘}eidént and:heal Lo df you oweHy2 Stirling Any shims,he wants itige"J.Base’givesnotive in‘régard: ote.Piss byvitim:.aid Brawte wants‘co ton Soot 1 bsbask‘autse way 2 to2h.cents,ale te REL,"Moore Willbeheredondgy,November Othe:9 Tht,1.with } Blassés./2)ah a ~bavesthe |“Bothy.Collee aeBowles.abs op wmop ace and)ee =ee Bounties}for,forcible} MrLewisSgaintentoutto StiiokftBabe;Mbore;in acase’'psithat.Jones.came bete}for assault with~4 deadly weapob-}~Tustices BC.Little a beard:the<ase,@nc fined the"‘de-,: fendant Sf anil ‘COsts‘for a|Simple as-y eos a mith:execittrix‘of Magio+Mr.Lewis”IS”practicing.sofia‘Morrisonsgives aoticerto a hat:Some;of the!Ors,N77,:a aim te eS put} toappear fer.:* ne:st a.«‘ty OF:Qxereout? “Nowsis Ane harvest |es Shem sa ys ‘theee TGA "=Pox¥ou peed:a “suit” If sa eometos‘Bs eg ariel db better. ~time for Clitting Wnyers.,,{Nou wulldind ‘our stock:6e275 ats,Shirt,Co nderwea ek oN eglowentms ce prices ‘akesabepeeTheSe SS:stake tht} Psgaits *rmyehiiata, Le braves” paee o =x “seh Cs Ervineaud I Laushienexeciitors-ohA::AEBuctand will f-ae and prices a kt fcngae oye s are its.-the a rnSoutid::Themegto.said be wa:kurt Suis to Selllaad-at the ee poare onda,:“offas ion.“andabode ¢‘Re4th:5 oe ee- “See US,>ssFaperat,saisSle : OUNTS ‘Tor:Fertilizer and»goodsagyalgska1fQsettleatox ;foresitan to adyatice>as At-is not«“likey tot.de SO.Jiaon alljsettling ie nt ¢ BAL,gt._NewStitfing,Nn, Gries reeall ieokaybvsdeieteeisedarea|dors a‘Save eRe abe “Sloan se Shelton.ouscour’‘the.“sora, cesar.ind“ar remetly equal.a0 g;petnaite:Cong Gupec”=: Y or and hope lyert ae a5 os ‘ye 4n,%»= i*“Bhe bestSold for T2321 heré ipa “The®ex-)ieee c the positigu.-of ‘Stenoeraphi t‘sere Be?\Agee Batterson.”osWe, ee fate xy Pease:“before:Christmas;it then} LenSar Statesville:buyets are:Suxioust AE:Lee:“has beer elect;nok céttodaridwill pay-as “much for ecjtabis-baid any where.:BIE i By Fie Iredel)Chapter;and éxpect 3: gNorthiera bunts went ‘out to to!Jeave.for Richmond,Vv.ay Mente ae acehe hadpect #2 tbat it will not} 16 tbe:couvebpion =-tthe ‘Devebeers.of the Conféderacy 5 =e"phe season.BRT ete og Cg oe ot the.Micato;It cured eee 8Tagtippe’eid Saves-thousgndsfrom]pheumonia;Jbronehbitis,.cronp,eit |aoe add JungCUES. slows ofthath:se @ zm“None a 2 NS e.Noe notiffed”not to.Ge fona aot eich aoeruledfo‘Glover &Kin£0F S95 for 2°Beckford & “Le?te sprieés of cotton Facts ¥ery,)Au oe t cht ae ae advae;prices;And “Wiel 2 2 sSai at.the-vert Jowest:liviag,price possible.”.>petck Z «We ere Showing the,best Jine of.DEESSGopns and MILLIN:ay How 2by,us ‘before.° Our:otoekeedsbough&Hu oe {wheattheMatenot.as wepresented and the'|_be resisted;:Said motetor,ae mortgagés,|.; Seto ene ey. Pa aree:cel wii 4&Ss théic ecostsish’tetthe!threat co lungs’2ad:nourish-and=ea rsAlmanecageS25,sotS|Soka,andisoe ae soveniber se = :Angle's ‘yestetday—-the’firsttof ==1900 sf BOR SALESAT >"iit“BRU STORE. .WANTED! UNDS of cotton,root peti,a “R.neeee ay hingof competition...W @ have any kind of Westre prer ed price,Coie.toraaroandcammake®Any.kind ofaoeuaeway-of Shoes}pant Zoos;nderavear,hats,Capes,umbrellas,soamtorts,::or:enything else10 the Way "Poston.STO% cx dhe Ledy.so-tthat it:car ee threw tbe:disease.=toy . _Notices:to.es<a ALIFIEDasexecutrix oft “thewadersigars “htreb 26s 1]perso:pete rieeee )SetonTe dare | ator anything‘in:‘etdi“westdrilliagy shirys,ut+sheets;pillow,cases.gating,eS,Ep Yours:oeee obeaiadepepmcatwitiin twelve (12Ofthisnoticeoritwillnaerécove:.:This Notemberx,159d."NeJ{B,Conbelly,Att'y, 7 A Rey 2 to2%oe eeeaeaeIe:ony Sa h se a y “The German Vv ote : seit ead alge (bserven,* The ancbriainty othow RES wily.Vote is ‘troubling’the Polparties.”Lip:to~'ten RETINAS:were: “Fn Bas tie Hieron met, LFedeory,Dispatch athe ;: Details of tie fighting:aty‘Rietfop-vs -tele:arecoming inysiowyy..- :jah dispatch from’Ladysmith, p -Ocxodety 21st,filed"‘aster the,thihf.£1 A‘specsy man;“dated:iticiins oe vert vear G inostOf the Reyse jn 2592,it,wasdaa! é Boers"cote which |gaye Binais.=a :Scovery “that °On ai :=Wisedtsin “to.Derek»massed to the west ward of the sa er aoe aby attempt’wattle @biceinse-« “Was,made-by-a.traig_to recover.the aheGerman: “aE Polane}:‘Scot Chishalm,a tts a vortex he.trai,and Mosk Gi ds‘Tae:Heading ‘Gergianeefitbrein’ at part ytof twenty?Wit nesseSS ype stBON for,»Wekintley iz- thar’scan mot:De,bought. ermgus,vote’touephers\“ ‘main read ytq,D Killen:at:Flapdslaagte, .was-fired:upon;add objized +6.Retire® and GetierafWhite moved,Gub toate,cya nats,whd.is any inflde +ticgn.is quoted a savinGefmans“relaysiost iis jist,thes will vote» ratlvy Wcans in:Obio™On"State asses 5)Their’anti-im=5nit tn’the,nattohal ,eg,slitheseR.By ied eed[antSn yotept., [hI fe.i*‘tack'the Boers,rare s em Staters.who.stienld Transvaalérs at’‘Plaridsjaagte::fen, &eominanded’person The FE ifth “penests ‘were™plaéeds.On -wait,to Live soice either -flanzs +‘Phe:*°Hirst:_came~“dn:Aetidiist i¢Sentime “~~touch:with the “Boersbe low,Mader;| Spruit,Where-.4.3007 pied ass rho “ridve,‘opened i re at Ieee vars.”h several ol tie ieritishin Lo.thet(mean?,;Tteuptvanpon fGest Tiny while the ‘Erdsards andy:Natal Gar peRrertsite —thip- [throygé-anii-itgpefied sis Nem .RO cary opening:in the ride under:“the aria wallGesthe? ~sbreoma sqe Oeuty,wrhtleedbeImperial: Light ‘Ys AsEtoak part:“Ok the:crest+pr}oe “ot thewid soe the?“Boers Tetir}os-At Perol.Wiistonsin!jpand «de), Relyo-vexeeA ‘day OCT:gingzo sta!crechksteed cays of t iti dnechon Ue¢&aT stood WatasandsKopeian“Toteta ‘populatisy,* >opened fife wrth.gretit:saucuraty OR 9H Sin,“force,”which:Pe.the De2qnieguWilehadcolne.Up zcbulithe|egnstitite theshells4ailed,te ex prodd-apd the,Bri ish‘artilerySjleneed the:oppdsition. British tokes.the},ad.) c.‘ae tixae becarie:Bau Pat.3and, bekeved,to ba:Freefavejoihedthe |the e@!ext TOR iP PeASt penyan|i igsat,Say V-bursbers Foetus”ieebte the,feywhehewthey!Otde.itripy Sedlisne 8Spee aud texpa ceqray jaye pergaa nS..cra{ier):See e a (an Orden to marty 7s aay os’.Aged’, b amTenet Lyfe:W hrtehy wris,"he? tis ufSash.M Pacers.advanced upsca ne ermgniay of "Mile Germaty Republic ther}aGri It,‘represesty.nots tersewh¢ds 3cent owsotheJtepablicai-Hgiorie tof thatStates*it jéd the’;Teyole beGeniri Repabligtins Of WWis€ etisgt a,LAPD,smeinst the“‘Brithsh i eeot),OOD ¥ tf noted "scholaepult’*was:that.the’ Sheepaterrieltke Staiterin.J159) THe Aysimikinenya}thTn’the? They wsbioie, aX : alapae Hod ‘Gf aio ek 2-Strong:postings:at Matt otis Pte a br =Vand\thes preeinitioas 77roundingsit.The Brinis’sfans shel | ynext “pearpaidprisvat!Mcsinkey eisthvethevelectifeal:“vitathe:positionsSandthen angry ad}Yi 2Tke "Gerthaniag att Vudice dusi ale ricot exrofithe.tHE NXEne a GSelOnceS TES).anid;Det vee anid firé Zor e bgh@ath :wheres the Fro!cat W age b ter:Rearing CH Melrtglas So.“speeches<7nif Avadcyitsi tiie?By.LORE H, “Tufte,Hows;“putired “ay ae it‘heritg fire Ww ith¢sugh,etledstssbthat“30.of the attackers dro;pped-withing: -istunce of 2008 vailS;'Sée weril.of the DevOns ‘ahd tsloticestetse“Getegal,White Rispitehe be.Car bincrs and:Tiger poots_to:“adfac os eceey iin,the &‘rears on SIT ;rifle,tia;att tees “tnel] risigniosailedsfos some time,@ Thevated~Mut“theBSgtde.uftier ¢over?of >the:vadcis.| veea,“decoul!‘ahd:feptied ywetlqan 2 The’‘Beitish ghtiNery =yO rhe:hikv and at}ieshecits ‘been me so “aestr tie}: *thé ee ‘to, Peet *weeK??fee oeee “th Negrinats egaalistagusPEE Gos?atone “Dewie ERR Spe.Ahi ‘Says.cmffateChugh|Car eis,chebestreme::rolupJ ever used:ace réliev e}doughs;SbITSTrouys. citsese iritishs Maxinss., vaSitsheeu,FON.=Ve —re ‘that*he iig ‘arstrom wiles,ats =di ;the ]ecks¢lod wed a¥.ANE to un.ge Spent “ayay”{Fom By fieS Oicca Walttine str >ey re-formed’and tooktap*andy 44001 ot anokherEpidze,.,»Dutt,the xis) oadcers dasheod ‘acFee thesintery qn:ig platequ,avait rushedat “the >.UePosition ind “dnote thein“back t+the nidin<forcey Bedapy ti,Mt « r Or Fhe British thénishele ;“tae 4jafter:patil clasts,Of ipacrs4 eSrere’:seeeh Jeaving Vaud 5 i the.ngaReiatgnty year.2b"is byes .0Qto’ (oe 3.etelaiacsPie Pilmeter‘Tokeirgyfim-tor “his eeeCltickouss=Lhe pabhaze shad,been Pdact a ASH ~Thee Heid ‘his,best|Loptned.Swiday,nightae prtack== |eu ith athudedip :pal heHe jarinver}soup by:shes imanipy ation?oP xDa ror to:thezpar fing with loved?Que ~‘and | |deatin “bent Wo eine that nietheCagapokhis;hgtt rburs taras.- abSpFsOC:tHiae dehSS Sul cmplen mentty Lttforily byhis:prvoual ipiluedce, ,aS potent;«to “defeat, arty?which:shad tescusl-roti SGScurity.aba’,(giited hin, once..but,twice,to”the,higheSt™*PO-1 ness Sf hisiwife.“She avast foundin“fli!Wire ww on t Objee tse Strenuous- Parties /paroxysras zatid spasms,He delay-ly ioMe New Private,See re tary.5 hi tical position,do “not:“forget Sheed"ingratitude. If Clexeland«oad.been:‘truly creat, his prestige:might ‘Have sawed him, But hen as-not “oreat,stubborn ‘and pachy dermatous.“Andthewholebaudofcénser-swingers knew it and acted pou it. eae ceeaoe raeDr-WsWixon,Italy.Hijl SN.Yr says;“Théartily~ Minute Gowgh-Cure:- w ife,immediate reliefin- ‘Pléasant.to: astdington Dispatch,+z the A.certain chief of divi8ioniin oreOFpheeenstmetitsif,this city bad’sit<posite him*at his desk,<an ex- y attractive.young’blonde:f xe lid acted'as asort of assistant priz vule Secretary,it being occasionally uicessary for.the chief:to,send.his) veeular.stenographer~to=oo her departments on errands."¥es* teenday the-wife and daughter of the r'efof.division called at the De- fos ‘tment,and without giving their;names,sent,word tothe youngiad ythat--some Friends would like to"fe“Ste her fora moment’eS corri- throat and dung: cif seminal ae aae ay “Riehand Croker on.Bry:aun. “bat PB she|: ‘Say 2 word the.two wonten ratched-her faée,. amd wrecked -her After the'first shoek of} Pa tke ae youny woman ywho.had been attacked,got her second:s wind, >t.lo spy,and turnedon her aggres-, “She struck-the’elder,‘ee sbesmcuphe atid.followed th at blow oveith &few,tvicions:dabs,:“‘ubtihthels cangiter was glad to &es her mother.: “eu vol thes builds ative cae: ~WHS.ntarning.* ee tripped:out, oe ‘Saw “Bryan,”tS rorfarlel Richard.Croker the other,LaGrippe,with.its’after Cifeets;, I've ranuually destroys thousands oO!poo: It Was.two years ago}plé..bt may be’.quickiy tered bw Si ‘Cro-One Minute eourboeure,lenis onl}: ket,said Bryan?as we Stood:tale remedy”“thd,produces Fminednvve f s -time,no}résults::in.coughs,colds.serouyyhatter’eho’wast President,Wall oponelitis:RRetimppigyapd turoay SdidtyorTfTrpubles.,wed eiTL 24Saneassedlalfadsselocd’laws?avd COUBDIDAHOAS 4LAYfal Bal ote pevled law thas”“hou ite way Ser ‘stouteverptyee’Ausordtaty ant)‘Dr,ats Ti:Nader redugPhi it AR eyasays1ahitvieRudoitysbe:poywe Un Fontfis.a spleudidmedidihne.“>ype:sthihe hsahahCogHdewee!His:p POMS “poninced ou he tore uer -clothes “Said”“Something ~ reiiembered. at’dinoer in.W ashington, ine?~ever since¢Lincotn. Street’histo the country 2BOR has. the “hiattar™.wast) aught to ilieattention ofthéSecs! maryin thargéof:thedsuintactledPhe:chief,‘dud.“they vas:ve ~The -Tijter(lookedJele‘siderabhys the ‘worse “foe herex-74ereneeofyesterdays7 ins their ‘statements ;and.learning Pgs feat a each/“6h {hens how":“uf oundless=awere /the®,“cruel thins<1 hap haddéert’wrhitspered,the,Secte=|¥sent thein’Bosh back ty.thin}; aAW onl StFevty Has”‘egut Poles the <ubiri,.Upto,the.death.cafyPeacelatheWasAstingtonqWestie, ~obs *Wie 52 thep=Guyer+shicés thes q estidniancheGeen<Storey. fed under Wan ,Streghgate"fou.Shey CPsvi|last-bhind “of;acenlagy: BY ¢eawert mekShowhsievemchutticefi rmamade dnd sie er Le iAP Gan hiPresidentiithe-ont,first thine “thar|eR irs tee ad eg el oe en “aifad'sMade rrp?ons’ever stor Peis)Wedel:Bxsvebs eS etPpaRe’.roa cree ret WHSS.J3 Menhigs,SiuPrt -eaxtinued |we Ste diire RtnesiBichon“thatunti¥Bryan:ceaJe uDStedigestantyas heh|oyi)Gs néver,realized:reet dominatipns -aaeo-thes“Lbs “hott oat: hud x tpt Jt ee oe FESS.pa!ae in *AyMoon,theyoruni woman ese‘tt ‘ed<'peremptory ‘order to Fepett tlsoncetothechiefabanethér’divisic jCbe'ssame depextioents witch:S104catedinadifferent-bui thechief'retarnédSC)hig deste: ke incheon he.fodnd <sitfing HPpositetimathisdesk2eolored:lady Berks,ofGout “forty;whe -bresented:to’hinka’ngte-trym-the And Se neni}——.* sane xt SQ idlow Line teens ‘bis?+He:afin ,DP wis tho‘finst.thanesthrat:Bryant he gM Keeper:Sie eas OMsaidtone,“antFit’sethe’fduad otnity:prospect forzhim today”itt.Mowe.‘ies vwviseet see:with:Sheisptenicth,antoseays“Ptyst ee ice thant Secref aryy?a-|op 14~smuarcine that,she had}been1 detailed].ty tbs dedke:oresthe JOEg-woah,|transigrred..“4 By Sty wih Wee {PeexcHee i easoreaS-DOWY DOS anger ot:a OdreNOeibeangerthattherailroads elee wile,beh ggovie ned““peopert ‘WH ‘be gensSEReatinatwhevearG gods.Be Soe vetus:As rae as Ce ‘hover clyehood,”agit were Ss“Si his ¢d today that-hewoul resie¢n-yi~Republieanymational“convent)Wp did not-dedlare-dgatist‘er:egression \"4h thes-Panifppine :Mason evenrwent ~“SQ,cannes“sayvhs would*resign jf_the ccon “ton favored’offering’the,Biksoho “canned freedoni,’as he’thoug!t ie ‘here,must, She boly dangers ,that they wilt Ue further :Se,naePie orsnhyaRQacesatteyewill1aut 2 fa:os os eae eaetate governed:b Betlera moa le ja 4injonbtions,ai¢that beanywhtyo.<4 ¥will COMBUS 0Siononthevital.issie sof pure:“andunadulteratedfreedom,or‘the-Sena-toxwill step"dowand out.Then’ me Mason Proposés\to stand fora |~*-re-vleetion to’sed whether the<IIi- “gois~General*Assembly SideS |Sithbint.or withthe“policy ataeMeeKley_sdeunisrrafion,So 2 icloéroAltica ascommande?off thre PERicedthe-fanrous reb-|His:tee5Enderear]Noy.heHesbbanalsh:2)Meter on.ck:nd,Ofber wep2 “Aftersaetaiquantity“Sttokes ‘Dewey vrowlibe rs R sae eke pa,eesope eae i l rysebicwhen ttrot a5¥See‘ain:'s-Pait™aeforaaBae,ithgood 4ouercontinuallyfotnine!aiaesRavetriedalf'jeigds ‘of,déctors without’ehieeeBacio“dit from apy ofjthem.--Ope-.“Saw -anadvertisementiof-this;citCineahd‘thought-of tryingit}which:“we ‘did:‘withthe-best’bE,Satisfaction.|!oSheba:used éuly'done bottle suche KeepApo-Mahchester,NAnee“saleio dnaresmntee t; =G wouldn’tbe without: =some aaoe‘pofson,}eee Ses Witt’s"Littttle-*Kathyfacadevines sae er Gah Morrison.was “banged#e}Zo'Rlock tedayat|Vernet.Tesag,o Seinemurder.”<resignedly 5¥‘Has preg Was ueroiken nit Sig hier ee >placed tmeYn Athis pasitign:>- ins ees Nin?'s private’*to:‘Oy.¢ *God a Ry) ’The'crimed wats ¢:for,Ube:Vigist wa T°peusesETEYAOa:pretty?wmiabte,lowaiiras fee Morrisdn niarr,i¢d Bis,Reecedins m Oe toaaa a Ge =< tH ¥Preather:jfanged vantPPe:™FE‘NeGracdmostic cscand freat-Grand | y 4 ébatsLoni‘Texas,Dispatcbacth oy ee nat wy “1 at dnnocent™“Girespyaiees.Lbs.Greartten-ura:amother Hae i Hyver whieb-I ad RO.‘cout ro;TIE rin sbort~his,AG reat.ka acuist Sa Bateét‘Banks‘ane isis trandmotker MMaeksSePigtherwideThay’Lhetemere” BaF Sih Ys the, era Tmt ner in! Rt:attud,hdl z yet PHD Morherss te Dy ARE>Tae Si dmit*t hat I have;*acted ins areprescuited Phir geneytiips oa,bist! iiséreettyy,hage “dane n¢worse yJplathee ~séde ad ize it «his ,maofi |a:ge a fakeoh WS fa ech haeloWeyer,thin’burdreacotaney Khe WEEN NSAP ul 2tbasiny ea!tani}bighicethic,neéligitus,pated Lyssimest Ane ottitaa |afeclys”“Xe vim mealdessank Pat Spal.dy ¥done|beth 76 Gan weetqfas Tie af pr Sprte“réan bE raat teas Damsut the”hagas of.my,Mak 2)ms ane t ten)ghee Har,rington.”“ouTtice*AN pleut$<Busts?‘Bev Joseph Be es guifych ‘Mortisoh:wal’)MAL akkoy DB eybarritt 4 PTNe ts iowarae Ages dotsisiine Sth it ihe dteth penalty was the poiseming.)“Sage Mnsy He Be “Hartiy ston,restha joyhziny conr-§Yok Kismwifes in’Octet.-Le9i-KsdotinHarribgton..“of antiort >time”Srl3gtdaughter’, Rex,: ?\“!~Seay Sik,Agiy Sth ae,hedis:Mar v's 4“4 of ~ “ete wifelapatltTeyearsago.~At Due|Bi 7s Seven biildven Legh35 ~Q sau" Si donk (Haste,iC ality):ra ikfs“ny.Th:pa a iat fasfeBnsp CARDphigh ableaete’Paihandle,#Texas pore) pprn ‘andwear Tie Wit aiyJattwekty|ork wis f¥1theYuveges awa aa,“ghar vey Ata he FANGof “a OTSxisSijpy chatoat wee. douse of peractasal w ¢ees medicine;“and haves fle satisfac s.pul.at has:4idsof!ho nelessntSepa ;Sees Aitis’tHoarsetiess:.Se all48 eek &Throat,Hgsdre!StrelK«euted oyNt CallOL,eae eisFIPos .wel a Scho (at-Carboiitale,glace‘Be of lheegmessacggibitin ted hh Miss,axaR) ass+tflaseeye wo sabsqnenitesruby odyyhtithhetpavdigtstbPopultyKur, ta August,PEEVE nus.artis WOpurrs 4 Morrison)Ret Miss:wW:hithJrsess Kiss) th:Aaijade ed.pet Hyaneial conten, LE arOFS abriage.os Te”t" re yor’:atrly hee faa:Sa Git.prewrn swe) Ahem sa ccasstalhe pigy;jant Ku be ‘cattle-businéss»Tore oh;sone“oats: otapt eawnind “aTanchsfeds,wed.¢ “ascorpeapogdence SW,the‘YM iss Fat macrtasd,Sta ing hat hesbath forMth,thee 2m ORY ors Bi tenged ;ta}tome Ta.whentiv.Ou do 36 toner.at ye Wynd hihe yeliavedsTe Could ngaSepiie‘brdguchitisy|2 ~y broat ¢«/andshas 233 Bokepeanut eeNate aitdde Gnéanoy th’beForedthe dat hy“of hale.proctree steypawe tor shet8- tumsible!purpase Zot potsebluk agr nasa wWYBove Roadstwhich:he satMwSroca teh ingrflies “‘AGhitkons72On thenigy preSTIS het.Mr.\@levdlind may Ge So pidtfontr]Theat ‘proc ard’aBoxe:wei nime”swith|. ay)himsale;7 We dalitre }res is But}repty ‘eupsatkest ‘OotyEfnday“nightMriAsbitheyisemistaken-iin ;Suppo Tbefor ber dedth ShrseMorrison weutAreSwissBelRinuensJeatimehora. yadiauree!esetrat.tome,Agha Sp 1a sud ahafi a to:aed patoy,a“‘Chpusand:isohdspseppare:obs Shagisy)seemion>swLire Woyldbe wble’to Dring BextandrotngHes ruck-tHe.5 shee |:Dut Tha af:a8 arplafforns ais Paine back to thes Aridirist:SusTring| ieee topiarthat he*wa catrtiidttonuse tt OF sreear Be|would?Spolsosaits wbichbor,2] noe sistance znfqunting She's erioug alt= ed sedis«for a doctoi:whe -arriv- ed:after i Jeswifees death.In thetameanting,Ane had kept ee is corressabeswasonhy)spondence ‘with -Miss*-Whittlesey, in the most lavish ternis.In tphedat:! death penalty,oe asa » esime tf washesoRwithcontigwed:—Use: Sn Dace =”tye Pwhat You sattand Quickly .;ysCHBISSSodaesAERL,Haas’ v 4 nm -*%pectsDpbaty»°iieabauceit,Hit eka re esr gt Kady MelBane te His ui it edhe Wy sAirores oh eee ee3Et he i ser ~<-.¢i ion i si -7Saite}Dae ert tte bo:Sve“nd. we e Sfate.Rate.7 ae Specidkalt>,Fhe beusts*5ve ouaay hued iPGe to’Heh comnistrdckotpooPUeVeeti-/dered ibenite.the,other yout er Gttentnr%pa un Ke a1 Shen,buts ingits3bendSeverala »hstangtie near,ci ee a sa Peale precise! J Dy.“Brisiah‘Soldiers ‘in.‘Atot -Deanisoueis wellknow rs.Hotm aSetSe Pe Gene th|pals?sauk’“d eeper Tin he AES |ipoF nis:seit Mk Oe toner:ieee ay cliooF days,swWee-Heart,te enit alin &i at picts ‘‘ah KAak.Satta teeta:*35 reared MXredrae:eh§BuiihkesbeclSoinendisa,tware,ats5cary Abaving herd sidoe hepharbiswfehads:Bech chords se fee ih Purifghd asPhn?”jst penuiless ins ittieSey musing Ait;1>/proporizigns see the times)Phisstatdinent yas? Kbeee Wises A.Ge AN x Rag Nie 4 swriting herd jetter to dave before ‘the death-of his w ‘fe andthe day ,after her baria&asserting.his love], <3 a > “Har\j giesRN“eet pieitter,bf,hep ca}pout3.4i“i Soa “eu * ea Nia2,We Guatfe=Many“5 AN WHORE:Hustbe Bacgree Sake beer’robyed ofS4-eenReFASx“ip De ee Mark ouitidence-man;| ocoml tis tusher SLORY.)sow high hash sayy :o pTex sy “On hiStefure‘tpn Terieae Re “hehe oe verdad,bin,the /Rochigstar ot a FigeOeBem-Catthgrd =aboxt,aecrtonth|“e Heere}wate eh et teen oan Yerbatetiosy s rth Soar Ati agedese bein a”“Corres:|dese,el the ator xl Monroe?Avfe w)listless, late eRSdnte oe)pgintmendt the he aan the,sandat ter:|Kisten eo,sees Surdner”>aphids).Hevsayst“Eleetrie.B wer Shag ane just the.thing:for’a man when pe}+Sand,|doen't Jcare «AMencaS " lt did Seo ryt PLatiidresi fig MON rere,tw tied.# ae gays “ toyrather,w ly hrs Cali &ecae:vighdraghLe r _Sor Néw NV wi Be the:Dessay elebiati a. Selgre TOUHe.Ameder.Uys.Polthana, wax,and Grew $87Q0-from thebank? “ropilte’Sto:“pusehase:StOYK,tor the Store,Sonroe hag,Rot beer sedn bthard receiveda;“‘Jetsorrtrom’him jing NEWS OVk,sivinie-he had)been rob- Linde!aud advisiuecher’“toc.relarpto. ay taken ske ps ton rCateh “the.mig avs ph nesefered.|*S Moe SN .ae hee Sins nH ae DP ~in,Ohie and Kentucky. Kentucky and ‘Obio,|Mr..Wm.S.Bryirie SAIS ee bee ; ‘The ¢canipd:‘ery,as fayas laniable tte “jurkze,has been‘a Vidorons “arte, ter letter he announced tlre death af an Democratic -suecgss can.be PeoeonaaveoShisbrother's wifemaod)hotitied heraofhis.early.visit to Topeka.-One his f[retarn from‘Topeka be wayarrestad, hehi.a.few days,j Was.Teledséd <n’fails toqdickippuce all cous.eas hond anf fled”“About three months thereafter hé was "arrested “in Sab Francisco.“feturned to Texas.trie de: with Miss Whittlesey as the)‘mathe prosécutinewitness,and ory &il Ube bright prospectus tore:scenimlowa suPprised fall fotr States were car rkol byour,par ly: qunpaign this’yeah~Everywhere erty and adherence tothe]lines up? thd people with every manifesta- i:m of approval nig jay 6 “ein rthe part;ef the Ger- theSRKa Rut TonerSuxpresseda tae ~~ Get lide FAS = ig=3fy chey Pesaga REDE weiitHk sbant=dT *gouraanysrsSeis boolreyPid urunces sfere+“Htolin®:%betters “Boh as {©také,lace seit abe,greatest:Ok Hep esta the Fiat Queen,team ‘ayfeeolNLSRec“Phontibiedeasth ¢on,the Mid fastft pees : wih $Say?MRR, Lb Teéota etiter,paene Sede citi ie phewjidnS to tran “thew saire heirs eo iD i S OPensiSwagbs =ih)10sspol:%EOF mipertwligm.2 ordinary”>400kesp reaeee tie,2 ete,>Aa ER eee Bae ats 1 u Shorbegan to §Sund.Lind,meheat‘OVBe the head}1Thasbatt dle :‘att 3 teacheseden thLing:w vateong igibiaereonteosWrushyv,catecinecaertWlSchimb|Sherba SE Benobit _Witeb Hazel:Salve for any"Sousidér~Blion,.52 whites:aati \a -euts,Durps.and ~ Wareof Counterh i Hot ‘satisfied after easing id.ywhere ag!ies asi batik :2omgay,ene ‘and: Bis a S REMEyS up Pists.will?r¢LR JourAboueyvif Nee ‘Tisgy.ct ies most;eae atT cu Little,Scopsists tix =Bemdedy ‘ve:use fie bowel’fru forage,oe gSagreethe,-Onlyvone that|Sr secs feralreneesafeand $v tenor fiteempercen CISalkAcesJestethetmyphihprrosin "ee t7 keep it.we,~ir BySheenmiUls.carri,£30 ya ar oe TGgperaReese. oesei Neteand: ce tucky the Hepat divans "at athe,s Goebel eleg aBe »pMreGoebel,5 aw.vitcnipstodSoe =CaGimtbine $Di patyyeane de Foo Sp The.-aiembérs:of©c Xt YeTouprisp,ufJeha Bemu €Sur gholabe net:‘Der‘Hemet ‘Win’diatthy epi :hs pareeyts ©Ley Mae Sy Cn Aye:gorpiinmathe ae nd.death appeared -tobe,Dainlesse.3 regt-Pradmcthers Rese ephespat.~ On"‘the:Scaffold heSsaid 5 the Lejebrs ‘}his G rent-randotéther™Aéath;and ol "Gran@ongthar‘Pere -Peprésenged his? d‘af.the e EGUOD ee X)fathers -side-of|the housbh dle 233nC ee ‘ThKen: sdocratssboutd'-‘bolters are figgorpusly.,‘and: They{js hayiing to oe somervery52.8SSaniple>of Be h i hest.re at:DAS ER 3 ee | }Howi desea andsSaaeifollows»to-wit:Pook!Dy;a Morrison's rest 19-poles'to#stone, Sa stone,theuce North 50%East |3 Lee Ser = Su feel insulted by.the calculation of|tLOU:law-vi the“Jeter.Pritchard>hapesté obtain an/adverse.decision)attioks:# to the ‘co titatiobali-ire ies rR AGiSend:e BrenigDicken %~H.Whalen:bave‘organized an honest eleCtiob.league Thatzis’a.combination‘seeand?the:hlaciteds-300-years:.ago0 bad lad a eratt:“apWed ~y.thé.member oo Dib)Knott:=aud ‘John:halleép's ei league.Cunt.shadadéck:band tna16WH!cape whelr |it “swoop.down..ot, ctr.ro bSeibcenttiake spenaniees LS thasestop,"tHe further” Onthé part-of.‘whe.“Shit Spatties”echt Lawes3 “WhiteCMan, .Krenn But “AS!ie es ainy iend., C #&potest ea gt soft hé.Phat WD oa es to SeaPe! It-Capt,Kiddyt his piratiicad |eebyth aise.all: m t,les:tO”a.Soesaid:es ws stave.be.the:taerdadWi‘estietfy |.a West 21.poles: ee 100pple sof?tae rae roadi'thence 4twitstone,thence Noth Se cnce:eNortdt,48);poles t/a pine, ROP Wi edt atrasetb:she oeeee tsj j ¢:spebeete =Seca ntSateb See a So.Jeter andthe robin may gecempty:beHied foraee104 9 spitecof thelx Koping fot “ai (thengartisan triode:in ‘the.chest:We’shall-got"beliece “that. hobest wlect weuldhate ‘beeta 5 och And the ti thet old “Yeril<wil ‘phap:gan:of:“purifitapiobists.. Kerthiet |justice {and *semel;One or |willfasten ihis-altw saypon themvand ore.ef tt 1e°ease play:intothe t plotters:.“and apd ekSeb eh.“Nig donc Wa iDIS sGtffTous’sdckessi rex“eo EPEROR ¢COURT |PX,_a 4 S0 4 the struugie willeéginas”te whethe they:dre ‘to By,Aa w Ah.aSdev itty Or ‘the.devil.::eeaad Proneaes Snd-turtLD chaosNheose)asw Notth farofina,» fe ee;oo s ee ieen Away. tiffing’:te thetbscotcern“ip-the|Zidwhware’sovratraid to be”yeber,.vet fgrandmiowerand,is thet:gusto"ithepeed.yaand:mitferine The :Ue eriine*seas Comptivied.5 1hh wag |\gobneahi:jratle olesighte SIPSFat LOMS..|Proprietors.uf Dr.Rigg’New bis | Pe RE.jsguee aN tatayy,-Kcuvery,.LOF>Cusisunption,Coughs:1 Golds,‘bave givens.gway.ovvertenmidfion’trial.bottles d1 volsBree) (seeabe Ruiph eyhery amal “|eirpe Leaenit ae ‘Sues Pe f eats ward eewites “The aeis”“Hie i OD ear State;-and’coet Aer forsfees “are:peady rar cate 2 Tine;Mayberry::ayeeReadernh’Maxberry.Hye at?ithegmeniswe A cove eoditizwall take nRORMys:sHawrides 6hea & sree afett Puen SSCourt of.At “)to.seH athe latids of the es ta4desetiied:for assets’ Ldants:will ‘firthertakequiredPOappuarat:thebei t oe i OW the-art.aay1SWwerordenmtitettephiatitwilhapply ar the FHC on z ‘tse LWSTTS:cb state of 5 SahaafFatfhe"HB yinderate cane are ee snd ‘the stad”hen2aSAig Saleot'Valuable Farming Lad: 7 ARTUR,oF A JUDGMENT.or rits: Sipcrior Court ofirede!conta,atil'aystherein:pengiaee:3ee 2 a dE!veienmusrs shor,phn eeiiieb ofthe plese.oftae wht f NS hee!E Perce * fe the Conte ee{on?Teahe itt and Sarah T.Waughs.Ge vand éthérs!he¢irs-at-ladgceased:_are’flefendants,>latphe “court “hgtve gor onenri issidner wil<i Stesees me oAL c Myetnytosh,A my x‘PSO =5 Y inboe Wquna WweLped-MisaeNoy +1",aFirst teak:Sha conite:theigs“eft B.RUePCE nT Sthers,sittiaté abont,’3ile yStatesville'and “known sas the 9.|Kw}honre plicesand Veg lorNa.2 itthe-|'+the lands‘of}|JAcobAatkert-‘allotted.connpining:o9%aeres,‘Adjoining |the Tabowe oa cite aeTajieaewePScoeeeane.ee eere 4.ena Atuggist:/cand [ww petinleoounle.Regular size-} Hportite:OA ; Oe é Fistun eemeetaes¢c ae td.MOAL Harbin,Seco ted tract? :adjettrsYthepingnthofithe high Liver seek id=]SAS 3sgl aS >women;-ayiaLerrealeaiaossef:appaemaein‘thesBlobdy packadte,.Pa‘Bekeonsnessx(eeJaa,tireds.’ id mi aatn Wa,GS Ube,SenK,a tawas:‘Se :os:a se oea :’oily ot nonone seer ob .Senjt ,only,fea,“we i fe might;Jevit ching.:3soeit istaycough.:sBooner “pagses.we“be“COMES...Bet aus.the:os eawhe:‘aia Ss.ss =sth Comms "Arinfidlides‘eTNine |par ONS so febF“tikes,that Ss the.same,Told Story. SAS;‘Arst the‘Teold, sahen:pneuion’with the. Cen ThetoHow lar diy ithe Naricd,f:‘dder ‘disease ’Te=)- “monia ‘orconsumpisyaikrundownAugiebalesend:ic:“remoHahetherhe:figes“or 5 les:more towive mhe™ney”“strength and|:storBoodLauerthatranythihgIgouldis fan gat ‘any.tlaeee3 Oalsys alle Fresh:drag : “EVvery Doutleieuprgntted.i sf éireee a au ‘4 Sea aint eee eee eXplacedeeeaK0m,moextyace.ei the:a sna oe os Nec:SAK i awDitytrioagnived4inRocheSerasterHsealegta spr pede Les avol aud:Monrae?-proposed ito]>Reussake.irsig avdgsbusign se al pre Fee vi mods upeotis Meteo hina Se HVSfand sink fe for Nes WW ork ©ye BA YaMedHoweee:Gre:‘ie Wiis thiesball that:hit-6>By Stead ote:‘pecthy,<but=néces$i ty1 does ra excuse the.nia sing-of th/giatety So-painfall expression So-hi fp ites seo iW,the,CixilaapotNewagkeMick,Ciders that’At vanse¢horrible hgtreatment.tel ped forthen,Bucklen’ssArnica ‘Salve cured his often:seeniin péo 1 Wer:ying artis*Our’:Cutis,-Bruises,W Bates 25 Fetons;Corns,ee “Best !Pile éCane “on earth;2Cireyuatanteed.. gable BE»“UrugpistsFaces ;pparent.aud tliesitiveseOnesAodnesday-Mis “Cola }eously._ghastly a" “artifieajal teeth |farethesinost-natura repredug?|Ff tipais -of.“thé,“teeth -which:nature:aheixesthatittspossibleforexpertFJjskilland.the finest mechanicalequip-}“Fmeht to wake--s6lightand comfort:Jable ?‘phat their:presence »Tn Sthey|mouth.isfargotten.”Only:the:Dest, ‘1 gradeof materials used. office two weéks,in ‘each’month be: ginning:withfirst.Monday.: »Becf.Langenour. Fioeth©I ma Skin.pry. [Bainise r Hdl.Miss.Solthard),Kegliz4 4weaimitsie‘halilicesy’deceived,“aid deents Dbok)- say GisObe fore Chick.“Cleary who By:Ww.BE <E¥ “1bosens Meee *The=cone reStrOn,shh 26 Oe pieflamination,a3 -Suddued’s.. pe ate.put %4cansBurnTowa. Mi sariTa "Dispatch,asthi:Es M,Ruperto Sapiaseo one *cokethe t Visayars;who,had ‘taken:ithe aes LaNegiance,to the:Uuitéd|” ho“posed ag.a friend:of}.fas’been arrested.cat[usite:whi le ‘other V1isayans :‘are:de:ing ~watehed:-.)~~4 The ptisoner |is ‘didrasa with:OY=ganizing xrevolationary,junta.San-tiago Qwns sugar estates thteugbout the.Island ofNegros:» that a7eduneil-of tén and thesmana;J.2 ver of.the junta -met daily at San- tiago'’s office for the ‘purpose of en, extensive scheme: collections for an hasurrection. of Santiago”S men was captured ger”rying supplies tothe rebels, arrest:caused rumors of an ‘outbreak of the nativesof Iloilo and precau. tions:eo been take petfectly..ct fest rani “eough drops“away. Shas -no.diseased ©tissuds on o a i CER Eee:‘Sikhs ee .lee \e é qe a é “ Bryn Pr redic ts Demovratic success ‘After finishing his caémpaten in States and:wv ‘Subscribe for Tae M AScor. |Plaster dicted:ut both “Obie aud kentucky. PL stioald:feelSUsappoinfod ii we ‘iost eitfie recone Of them.,“The “same _Itis asserted _Advies.a.cael ..A perce wehave‘a Meatcal:peanyonHayeanecoepalat:rear i Pe ae thé».Be‘wilt ‘receivo a=», BE 35 (ox~AYER; Aird "Nebraska,and Peatouldn’t be “ineering.an i Seeaopossibly “he question of;militartso and penctonn creel imeperialisin isva large factor in the weference tdAmerican“principles,of ally digeststhet wages n:strengthéning .anstructingtheexhausted:dige tive or-|}gans.It is the latest discovereddigest~|No other Preparation,can.approach it.in ~efficiency.-:‘stantly eller and:- Dyspepsia;Indigestion;eart4Flatulence,.Sour,Stomach,Sick Headache "Gastiaipincraneamall:other onesof impérfectdsestonreparedGDeWittACo~Chi ne $9 -Are¥entenekieh:thts “Reépe olic'-ha's been RES e anid inain tained:are received eto Creditors: Gi COR AIMETE D.‘4s administra4ideSatesotVandaCooper.adec:receby’atity at.personshaving claims ag:Lilie’State to yrgser the |belorenetode ry?sy This betober yack"coor aRIBaMcs.aeSovcrey .2 alt re the?‘BightvendBevinand-“the marities,of:the. |gun boat Concord” tion at’Conceptionsnorthern Panaywwhichissearcbing}for the:Coneswhowas’lured ashor:2 Phite Naw and. (0 tt prisuncy }‘ant and tonic?: forts’‘an exped permanentlycu.,“4:#4Seyheat?is we noticeable dispo-|*Same:to :ane.on ori, ,AamivistsApr. Mien tagers '¢@ fichr the Republican.)j “wocausdof phtir opposition tg eeYD,re4MeppinssZRTaartis 5 Thngrdier.Vater isciigrzelyyVogesParty,wieed tL sotZep =e ya ekep:ubsies wed ie HS tipfa ARG:Ipntal 4 : sige Ww orig ite SPheye fg i Tet acuntsh¥fahye AinQie] ey HieHoon tey districts|ie eg the.quavet!Lunn largely BET!te em feyee tie parts Te PEfing3pideesae t eae =p aah a ee Rouuteod aiy s wie“conse ipagvon::Hal tds oe “Hedlecrts Sets ;“ef ete ted AR age:Spells os SitBe : ren : Wesaes ay ei SY;th. Ste iS on.handedBalt uafo SueBe Sea ae cannot.» Sen as auSone fseghandle#ifreer.o = faigterent kindsofee SFor.PS:RSee hos: pTorike’Belk St ee Oe.‘aseeSe Se eeeaSeungTakae.heal.¢=ole=Ups Ye AESYi.ai naaSepiapelsPilsare: proytd -benefitial. Light Tipivge Nefrige<'spenne:ofthis tuctthat ‘pide ; Porcee a priedpaid ter thebret.singledoes,notipene’siesSpang,hattauet the well ‘ows 4 Soot a heat thet,:ad hate'beap sel).CUTE r wo:yraese ‘god.peony} pees:fotten.” sds.f Ramon. ‘eral diferent:.NNR:wpsial , DAS oRneatoytri 4 i ticy :gat.tang? Onisaioel)%liebe yousto,fosmmin’,on .toga!‘that Jagy.ae ionile:ve thern- Suesrece : od Ad ministrator. ,hice gt im‘etohay Dit7yTe.mSDEN,XO ee +goryspctae dittophcoalcytaesaugitiliay SePotthersonatf Cae ee vtoeioe Ri isi Neen CL outaeirswy fobsth > se ae BoeERS“Comtzined’in Bett ort exetuted by.Jaines Sherrll\- res w@.‘Sherrill,phe:undersicued,é-wWill sell.dt “publicaaugtion ,to the”rs ee ae pepe peak at tecourt,“house,=ton>“n pute eal oa “ah getat 1.Tees ees suit$for:foter goo :other ‘House Hy eat ville.Dis.SpyWahi:“make tar 4 ar eot worki: ine ing.5 : any I eraesatrivid fea markets: aeTothing Islipesd4 overCouts vad: |furnishing * eheapaniddl.ain Schr ratte~1 will price“Fou 5BED ts Men's inc,a >a :2 Fvouths as 2 Bovis ete 4 Moss Shaecs,4 adies .=: Ke nildre rs.“Shoes : S sebe cca.Nate lies CG x ‘Pow yori Bey:1aescinshe,above en:ks fire Srojar ary:ROUvaeUONE-—eS etre We‘Ste KE. ISP cou:af 4;|patronsLaity ara:; “Wace otAYdans,*Yu3 a7 sent Sexi door bor.Wnbh :«fT ae : »(Bluds Fydnt:se * the pivite ete *A pto Rus tr K ogyTodtbor rem eriesdts2ROCKHILLae “FORIR SALE reyous a FARERs. és :or aityeother:|:Sets=an Petree ¢:CANFARA 10]si ot ie hworkang*for.as?1 “+home on oure wih oF 2000...chante ;, spending wonexrEailscyfours.:Send 2c, atirectiows for-work,“uid, at:once." WwINvosk ET c‘6. phar peng |Southeae Railwe PAR "STANDAL DR AILS The’SOUTH© The’Direct:Eine f6j cy hy begs: Texas,| California Fisrida, Cuba a na -Porto3 Ricoer “tricity FE ust ment or aleeT*Goeal,- -Palage Slee‘ping C vEaT Ons entT‘rains:ast.*Sehe id a :eres To TieKice Rapes ve BATES ANDGENGR, RL.Veen,*euae.Th Px Ac: ere TLea, ~*Ne “trOubic ee ai Vey:meeGun vn -eee,Mat :A Sar Ckniewckad y Sure Cre fs ed>t,Are:invalved if yourtin.araMoePailsyou.-4 Insure © “pontdfail ta S08 ee sour 2itsow.<site ughaoe é Fhe <Champion te oe ~Se “veats..a Nie:‘ments _x-time to Ws,oShe hatat Se hve”then iB both =o se andDisé...*opel cee Andsésees. Sees*Yours ‘truby,Fsorkwe.A?Thomes&ee!: csMyAdy.Vith,1699. deboesee make™ peepeenurseofmedi= MIBTIE AR ie a asesToe mee 3 : ,«< meet "ie SIPeS ac t o “a t e r we , Ke Re d s SE S a gs Se i ‘ 3 ,iud e n , rN Your==Jee‘Obly throu Ue Ae 4 Btown Ge,ony. :‘Statesvile,X “Hid beets:im,ry 2 ah at e de . oe . “r e s d b e s me g NS i# .sabe epee 2 eer rat 1 4 teesReeny oS ‘fcsFeoSYS=:-iSaarSeeSDNIKE B 4ANTESTWICE:AALAND COL P.Eh ay sLLSPSSGreenenee3°.es x ~~me Se POX ue =ae ——Se OTT :FR of “ Srey eGcede Sy Ssh=Furave re,dyai 3sf wsae *gpagptle>ia ne *cigaBeared SheaD theATBOBIRE::a iChat!optes 5 es “>Ses pe mare ae Ofics Lattinoreekett.last Sxeok for erates|Bebdinis:Sey etal weeks with’; ze WE “,Thomss.:Pissbs#11 ~ste ctor ‘Hipprey thi Bexing> 2 “S su"ene«,8 iy =t=oF oo eres loa Ht wines “Depestsyree dived Subjée!"Cy,tot 1shod if;Se posits.Mone y ned ofr;xooR eQilateraiand persettakSsmilton,eGole ets OR adresants,aidcredited-or atuptted sr Se hha cttgddgeticld; a Poo oe Tombsce eas <—eeoPr R,~Presidert,Fé os :GE 0.eR ee $5sR.4: &“aeNESEN ¥ 44 usaoycoASwANSS in|“asPrices. me e : sy } sm a r t . : op 2 3 ee .Piha H2sic:& « i > ee AP ‘Ie Tastoless ‘ang,Gdardatcsd ©.Gare Ss‘ond a ==.Fever and all Maisria}Trouble Nar Other Poise ‘DBes Not on poleshe é Son,Dimebox,Cx.SQyt.Ramonts Pex ¥My.Ree re eaechild:éan take Without ingury tothe’ktomach.ity GreenevHea TFemme ot aDoes-Not Contain Qaixing y Chi uReate whicI<BEDVEN Stomach,Naniect the’Ardacing: psi thi].Tonie is.theinhis--ppractice,ards ME'G/CO.,Pre Sia “ate a eadyeiin sight when,-al¥-t+Aesows th -Sauth,Ctrolida+of ze opsunedip its 6Wn “cotton|inifls.A ey,worina erop for Nartt™Catdlina-|( "Borne E are ard “Soe Cz CW serenea Go CH es f Ain;ee‘TsivgeetRatisenSccvemumtaigetWhe.¢as figs one Bilvion balés—7 "yt 54% hicich Sou t “42tHiokapson: i ae fae i <>Boweky,Ths MRecUnR :net VAX Sie as t.e \,EiGe como,wht COS>eae déurge poe es a ie TERRESweedoNTsRiis¢oe ‘7 e ‘eal ON RE igi So)‘“ot -aerail,Snag a ’ ,fr.eataat'bs plate sills>equal s0r sg rpass Pr Pee hte ~iy ee ¥Oghgs ;Ae ‘:i .atGadewehefor’ee 7 Soe aduee.:=Dace "pele eS sGivy ELE ting:‘Gob es Us Styes Q)ee Jas “thembest'biodd purifier’known.’sarees aba Velvers:}3 WSyass“atid Seintey ve y+erty“ierOeestsae~coy Baik?oS sellege Vt ne Teese Oo fasStaldat “popseten,mE ‘ia vt Le covert.#10 Buss bt res) So NS ; Sh nitten®sera Soneass Si VIET:LUANAYC,Ct et.Ao)aHERES anm Batuas featateasspey »ay 3 e.ets ons ipa a,BS 3 aSoaghh:GaTeper va ikeently ce WLiatCate at Berins Mech Qne DieeuptePemi Fae Caspy -pee!tery ~aliget He Tides tie ‘D fob bed oo Mets deeaeoH fies SWathgheyaD gad a souk TH,Zoro fe, qe e“se ety haune Some,Weeks:‘auo,(hem att gotten.DAN ThL MM } 7"~ Air Tome ie “Hampton,Va Fg Rien, eet¥yo A pont dye trai ney,went o ut?Lo,‘Des hF at ie Inpre avg wR big.>yy ~ Lhe at.gsGccprudt W Soa 2 arrivedsat Merciyants,Yr,Esqutreti ets:ana indigidnisie Dae ord.Pas»Enda afer’,“spendin sy 1Ahverak1oxthw hopsistet>Sirs: or,Bicaben-semerMS4Post;t sold “eatelt and.Chitin Yast,wreck."be me ee getLOst ity“near Mr.iT cL f Fron fnaescaean oStatisville.tow rf;“t fpr Sage we! ship...i, “Pha.sais?ined Messrs AeyeabandRoss*Batklew,“Zeb,‘Holedmbe jaend Aygo Black walder,who er raeyk.ins tne “fissht Saturday~nh, Jweekta tbe Siredch,‘apd a “by stander avhoe imteyfened ¥$27of»2 LAG Entest ©Coonts son of:the Aate Jv.1.Cv0ne 3‘fractored bis’ek f her.er Ta neFursay?~bo-fal ling his left elbow)’‘i i yee “aSmostg an es katseNed]MeASaStall’me Dr.t..ezalie Agni eed:+wm,tectQndyason"a cndec vf aM =Fa aeet a Vhabighis.2 AEX 4 Haaes Chambers¢te Thesband Nor poop RivS)Rapist”meee a 7 <4 tle.wotham <ingiudenéd@sinrs 5 WilkesWwchyntyy”‘wast}n tOwiaFast Thegsgasel até6n-lits Wao Wiilbee’s fount,-from nuisoe2 where Be.e-bas,Reew it ibys A MEXT WEEK Ay ith.bis two“childter.-— Ses *ps dud.DeWst®Vals pebQR.Ma:KhOk und “Misses Mumie.|Harb gud sMary *Belle,Mills?of!-More2¥illy,atgended,thé funeral of ‘Mrs.C“Milisytke mmother_ofM rt37Mills’and-theyrandmiothér‘ot=tle:s0UheES>Shere:last Tigartdays eo~| FAnytigtions have.deer:receiveddheretytre.inatriage,of.Dr.‘ErnestFPxJeera*Mise Daisie ORES }whch’takes.‘place <n Charlotte,« *she"233d.«Dr.Keerans’ia-son’of thé jate J.cT,<Keerans aud formerly <iived’in.Statesville.~Heis a.dentist ani dis“doing weell'in Charlotte.See éMiss Mabelle Alice “Sbuford-ard i‘tr.Noo."McElroy were’marriedin, “Asheville las?week.-'Phe bride iia~|daughtertof Ma.SP.A.Shuford and: formerly liyedin StatesyUle::She ‘isa heiée oft the,Messrs.Harbin, JeeStatesville ang |her culielé.Mr,a +Fox,attended‘the marriage.ss ™{ ae GL.T..Mann;“pastors of,the,}ltdell tireujt,3K :churcli,South, bas“moved.His family.to-Ring's ‘Moun taing Where they will tive in rohie futures)Mr:Mana:will Continae Lacserve fils circuit’Ontilsthe-mect-;beng-of conference,when be=-will apsplyforvarest*on™‘account,“of,‘poorhealth%ee n Inde:at:Mooresvillewdast Weds}Jresday.evedingoft MerEdward,B.porgwiensandsifiss EttaMiy,Darinrivhtérofiy.aud,Mrs3 Solin,P:“yddvhviss Ree.Drs.MR“Wharey 3‘off: v atin 4LEbe.presents.sere numer!jydnt bnandsonie.;The Fon Coutie,Lat aitky Pon tinue td,xe at’sMOorts. “byes yy,eBae thie:ion srimeeiepactscd-vin,Dig”copmry.F ~ any intr SP hCtk FeTcibuhe abe Says:Page o~Southwatd “the bourse ofSeotion4sithfactutdfakesHS-way.~-The*At-sinta “Copstitution’tals:<by"the}~wurse,oFayery few months Sguth:5 ayolina,in,the!number+of looms rhevyspindlés,Will stand«next to+fassaehuisetts~as cotton.pann-SActining:State.Bi other.words?“jssackysetts ,will stand!‘fjrst.and cs RSOuith Carb!ifuaneXt.!The ConstiA rt tian declaresthat:the-day?ist al- wv ilt -bed Teepuuldebe 5DO,WU™DAeS:|Out emily“ugeady tale 450;w=which isofutty-Ppae eropof this yeirSsoMr;Thowp-|e Ghisererast KY:stated.South Exroli-4~ ra Seropfor -189F-98,»»Wasa,Jittte -gitirteeewook.1,234 S41 Bales,al.h Carolina mally,consum- f iatdaS 104 bales.+tour Heighdor,teDy,esouthct.its i$Yin sightof cout 0 waning the.whole”output so¥"the pthe:bedy,bya-rope,- gTotate,-as ‘Novth!:ChrolijaapcertajnlstCeyeStwilhbgppt.Ory,few’day&be- 4 sal re:the eonstinption ort these‘{Wo he enpirey‘amount Drrnce by?thes oS of"the-Sopth,<&%Ker us ae,tates aa¥.Itts,“the “shorfest’ \ a Jwhixa,LT.rewrises sisble Sores-would“break~out?,oe andtaée;yaad,the Besta 7 d@ viyene-help;bat ber.cureeee:vandherhealth-ds excel?avec ae “This shows,what.“thodsands,|’i aves proved.that ‘Elegtyic,Bitters<, ies"thestpreme;remedy-torec m4 batrheumsulcers;..boils2.and, rin sores.,It:Sthriulates livex,},and “Tocombatives,ré tars,and\in‘ qsed teri inal aeiiities isthe:crs“every adavarter<“thet an@’supuriitigtdgearles:Thé'shire wd |"2 |railway wmanagers See.thatthe-tim pOEbupiness HOtAVL ee noae rae. boom,put aypéermanentenla oe four by; eakp Im eee a Pindustriat and.sae dal ‘}mepths’o colt,onepeti Pepe&dries DDrug’epeeoteeseae—Phi sLCYDS4 digestion;<4)BuilconOniv.30.gent’.Sold’ :BHU ‘Jt.{Drug ey Nae Ogee? «Wao!failesSala bFOEes Cc.2 ar 4s Yet ?pected;3 far >Sh,Wits)!SemBaiadSess Teuban’Riess:a! “fom Winsiiesks *ste fae gS ac senlofednan.was found gdeatl Ants RSbe ea patine Aagle’s Westre ursday :tHe dia aOR PE eS xtBall wheh the bat Slipped out ofthe stidker’‘shakd ‘apdstrucle Wes litte ippines.The “Yonttor,a,Catholic.|twozvpar-“oSsivl/aerOss the:bridye Pol the —hpsé-breaking.the”bones.Lk ke"Childtyina pretatipas .tondi- Dow:pt {hte joigt while blyibs “hast ‘board Air Lines ind?thesSouthernHeexpects,te return;“to Ludiaina bye qntroduceé Here.-"The-pur;*bebase ofthe Florida©Gentrat -&BeduirsilarRailrouasHy.anittes lon Pay the Seiboard,Kyaw és tthe’Squth, “The:Record-Tivits tells,”ét “thee + aiimhtthat place key &Upieds VT seobabkyssone tof tHe zkatdest'sdives ee {Civeign vi Eengairgr:A z Ob oh ee ge Wher’wowier ‘ard having their]Sf 4 ahalf‘guro-tothe right when,they Aeit handts niore magnetic than the{ peye"has @ chasm which the-right eye’) “eattont cas,bat these ‘Pules apply.to’nine-) ohty,hineper cent.“out of,one "hundred xreanessey Murdered in:New Yorks Wew'York Dispatch,,dys x Oé AT Rote hist evénjng is,‘that:of*Frede- “Ty IS9T9S,Jackording-t6:.Latham brick “Hardy;Jv,of Mount Pleasant,F hb Mex.apder’Co.“they mijISof.the roy:‘sinking the-corpse in.the bay.-by S Rifles fom Br Bw.B:Gancile odin The ‘mother ‘of the,7tir ttheswoft Blectrie-Bit ers has cired: ‘fireleer“cofsaat *yehich “had Lher great.guitexidg torveats,5 D4 .F Sd aSah measf ipbullgecQE a.colored Gefant-waieud:peat 2D Uxhamp:Thutday =.ae: Norfolb Ya éWas arrestted‘at:We nics 4280 been butted,Ww ith a Sa&k seer"ally X Red drougd:itt and.Was Scrattned:s0 ‘wy doxs,“Pic bangs.and"Ane.oct were)eaten ow,Foul mae 7 us Spey) mie:hel :=Pel Pete Peeenas Lwoogs nearMr+,TREO:“Rarbants ‘béett dri ios obits iste oyantteissthouehtthat-Me died.(fom the Qfettécts of hfs Hiren Be herejeererCant 3Nomexdistrict,cwiich »AyFAreedeace”rot (ulyplay.>| say adeboto,Medfeoidcer sihtedlixzen,puePog:Mr.-Jennie~“Mak owbo.Vives} Witty ner wracdzson)Mr?C.He May ofneapMorvenegitehremantable“old*shady Sheas 06 yetpuldintigor asi of MéDonalé:“Eoubty.Mots”Perefealth,Weads’without “Glasses ut josie to ‘death last,Thursday:lhe | pp:earks has:thaposséssitin Sofia Fhey faculties. eof Scot md Dutcametothisecountkyewhenalittleggirlsa stip,-“Meeklonarg county,‘Was Kil.14Adbindtree;falling’on Thirsday,-Honeyshands ere.fede Hut Of the:Way:Hos lived™only¥MeyeT witer..theire¢-struck:gi 1 ns yw iiesbote:Chrowde?Soe,Revis’thassbed:,Archbishgp Frelaid.:of-st ititinigriy OF MofaVian-Falls<"was ‘Bauk Minrtaforlipe)becauseopstaite-; emcas TE,years.olde ~eS 23AD batiky lurt Satimlay morning.‘Some of her brothers wefe..playing».base% iony but itds,npped Spe:Ww ili RCO eg 2 Mailaiag ke ijnowds?at:ote Atelhes’lightted by"‘ealepurn:and gleetri CA lighits,“4s @ he tyewoth’the:Sea-} and.vdnbing-tromtarpgint three’ miles,west of Colvinbiz teSavarnahi erp KithSut any convegsion-withitslings@xtendingfrow--Savaiwiah-to+ the,South,"Its lease of the”Florida}°PpBanitsular willexpite dpVanuaryist,whenphe Seaboard,a wral'sys-|teys;°wil “takes”passtssign.©«;Phe1|Soutien”Kas parchased the Wester:+Oarolipa,running “from Perry's a4pointthirtypileswest.of Cohrinbiax to Yemmassee,and has made.arrange=ments with the Plant system.toarsed it$tracks from Yemasce to Sgvan-) bab Batitit can bald to.that»city, -Itis therefore’‘negessarry’'for “theSauthern-to ‘complete thirty miles of‘roadJanudry Ist,ore cut off [romattSoutherncdnnectidas.ne ‘Aap of $5’‘miles}."ineluding ®a Columbia;is the route or Ahe>Sea-board from4he Nontit to-Savanngh and Florida Fhis-line “is”being’‘ouilf.from’Cheraw,§Le,“through‘Cglambia,and three pi’les.South to YWonect-with the Florida °Central &. Peninsular.&Thes--Seaboard:*can‘make-nasuse-ot fhev new»possessionofCalumbiauntilthisNukisbuilt.*-The utmost energy is.being ©dis~played by»both-roads,Work alla!ane tgdineis being pushed sim-,Witaiequshy2 day *and=wigtht.$.The|Prout»Movida?dnd 7 West gantratiig.Spheprize beibyCS Ors, and:wipeg everihere.sts?Proolteant he’inhfora desksy andnules.ae Ju,‘the;raibiond.:hullaner grey wit f -——oeseeLys esd Looking:pide pr the Pace 5ge x"~ ber thay the left side af the face is PnaaesShaditzon tire:Weft of.the|:profile.Actors,actressesand pub-’lie Shiverstiave Geenfaught-to make wish 16 jmpress.the audience.“The right,ald“S-~elance trony the Jeft’ as wot...Thee:are,a tet,excep persofis:faire eS“—i _ree Fer.Ti og~o fog Theresis 20 Footy,“tor doubt’that‘thiesbedy found du:-the-bay “at,Key, ‘Ten.;ofthat -the.young “Fnaii aypears:di age,was wnbvdéered sind:an}attempt madesto “conceal the:crime, nies of atarge spong-attached 19) Che.pocketsgisthey buby man'seTothestwereturactlInsideout,tnd} Bi Were evidences,of hara beating op scidussHawly came’so.New York toi take up the study,of:att),and was: by.He*could not:have -had-more.f ‘dered Mantas Sistér-<ailedfor’Eu,roperecently.Hisctar erW.herinfotme?o a3 er,athe:Fueteators ¢Qh Nhe.RS ee TT : 7 apoSid~~~a Sik Seta has r#athed avol- ty ‘oyerstlielms vthe*mdst efficierand,well-equipped 1 pes;New,rai sahhesssand bowels;expels “potsous;creT ms Ops the fr. iphiescaptatn?ofithe"‘sbip-“Caldwell! refoe as “norman.Hes“had iw F seven or.thescrew wete(dr. bridge over tie Cofcareé river,;atq |he put‘Kis nose intoeverything?eae<“Does be not know.‘his being.a,tay-ygétintheOhiofightburtsthe’can~y EBec ieoN Goon %=ole -eHig™has po.—Staseliaia? portr“Ait painted the x shouldte ee pow.tto,wal Ie it; the best.ogktInet.,“Artists vaags pe ut the-best,:Giishiog :Off,‘ands the [os bof.tb is:port:7the”tebmsof,the:agreémert to Go Dy mpmey god *wwateh Bone.*Ppdrey tthe fidad yntil Be*was.‘deadorsuncon-\ ume‘in eoucny country-whichfair-|: Res:Site He ‘Loltod.«eieoigued.«Cf “last Thursday:far’.pass>inva’counterfeit dill.upon Xa niger?chant.The SERGE Wass shilde”fully executed,ee eee Sosx >Phe stegmship,tLav alioe “ath = ity Chafieston;5."Ok last week “Wal FE Which,was -trreckedl Morgayy pig z,ae others:"aver,aplissip wr igatly“disday ered Wy notesatesyby,whee Sanitary.GUE tighs bubter ood themottier dnd witdtiet Chad”Ww oretataly:(DUP erie |tof FBdwarll Henderson,“an!Serdt and octee ite LN IS Ak:PE ow AS %eaesitemedcitizinofAinles's towne “At Miichiastar,GHiy ‘eeutity.ie “mak Shires nes SMisstasfiast!‘Lburlday>Mret>Sarg Colljn;Plast |hiel-witngsssaanst ;HE;Phitpot ::rey with thewourder of Her hus-|One iphits-to yybaa alRhaLiu ti oe ‘a laree wwalnut ‘treéin-his yard Keaapd:eqnmitred sdicide:,“BY:||Ay.agri extinded,Poiweeerres dea ahd hé:Tame gee i tinseeyie”to Bet Fpolsen,Sfegring”LO:testify “gta igyst then}Preeities esereluse,Ww, testify rg pk ge “Gent Fea Pubcon.x of:Hansas, ‘ments-madéby,sho/arthbishop;in which he dhargéd Fien:FEDGnstap witb | lpoting Gatholi¢churchesin the Pitt. paper of San’Bragciseoy Cals,which |<printedthetharyes,is-atso,“swod bin‘Gen-Funstoy.is igor esThm -.os Xs ms—“ysBoren s ees :St ee _FSimsBoku:ShegmaiTalks.bof WaiFhom-‘Raleigh,Rbst.mh ma ee.ve “| Sith:Jona;Shensuns may:hase sheen 1 wo old to:nanayre th)State/Depart:|fhient ofMr?MeRinkEES administtg~| névettheless.,“HeSwasidatght:byreporterthe“otherpay while ‘undels-going one of those experiences,San fedred.McKinley:would“be-be ten. policy.\Mi.Shérman has just re Hiatist cmhere,’thas theyao|free sil'ver.”’<John:Sherihah —yas=tever, ATgt:WASs *Algerhad soupht bi“his Stiay Bought?’ considerate Concerning other:jead-Vers:of:his party.Speaking-of FudgeNash,the Republican=candidate.for said’, is weig 2d downy:“with:danas:3h Shave no «owbt,with’“Hania sat:the"front,as he is;heswill lose the Re-% put his:nose into “everything?-He. was.commended te%mhe asa good fel;low and:for.a while:1,thogght he|~was..Hdwever,;since [have beeny ont ofoffice ‘he’seetns to have-no use} for me!As‘‘saidbefore,why does, dtdage?“Why soes he’Seek jatrdn-ehere,there-and every mhe 5 viadystavojdedsitebee use | Gaver me |ds goodaaySAUsIaciGn —? |either sinangial or:at 1etwWwEe.2,Ze The “old “man.iwhat-hets:talkingshout, Pn is eal PE Sige “ sigex Sana Birdies bay’Fjafelbco bispageh Ge MD:a Se ‘4 daring aitempt*,ipeiresminass Te, rate the gtobe'in a Shr hs:foot Sloop’ isorbe made»arespt-6.JB aettwes aetiveis,force by‘ argu d Cape Hofn to New,Yorkand’ thenc tOx Europe:~HE ‘eannot~co thust adtuallf roundthe Hora |in his S|thirty-footsboat;taking ‘bjs*chignces- off the Cape of;Storiasc”::5*". ‘brought “Ep Oa ‘shipboard,Sandcpe tl craft,fromdingey*tr.math wn He.as been shipwrecked.buat®“Be rBaettze ’op is wellkOwn On the, p Foden oat arae.seer as.soe }0-feet of watht and Baetted cavs thitne:Sale t blewcduld.capsize hor, ber of:lastt.yéear,Capt milesfs-boir>“The yfiad6°terrible, “s ptastisceh dis ease eveding,when bhimeof t.-butsthe boat“weatheredcaebecpegTetepooQFheJeftthe-bote ot BG.Nodghams itthe stormasd into.part after:ever f-+ sty ze if ae anole frigndLor thé family,>living|ooay “wadgiven ber up fotlost:<->3{wit Epa oh x2 7 se ss =atom +Pine ane Fort’:“Hamilton:“Section,Me in Matebr,next.yéar.CaptsBaoichr 5 nD:>Sues~thoriateSeen.ao ¢ats Brogklyn,for’‘aboar ingplace.“fear ste:wil oe)‘yeaswold>,He km ae what it ssto-be Stok!Hts~Oth birth:||day,te Ne petraWith te‘edméeast)Mn ives‘in obietag Craiant:ea fube,cisappearance:o¢will_have “see “theports?ofbe som,anewith relay resid=f : hererts doieeattarbis po erto, shy tS:4c shee 6Ewith-five"fen armed %Super meme AY riget feeae F poe ie saeeesuiaal poeciint: he,‘3 ; ae iheSeei=wk ah he ipé poaribe aspeethy” Apertits,dext wfeturnt‘miners Asa it “Phe5BOkyarafexeeeme Liska.?Is/fing r than the Kiddies.iethoueeh:%Qiter “ret uiundtownAndawoper- thy yor:8G 4)an &DaxsO:<serM5VeUMrg:Pillizrce and’tw,&pildr at »1 @tresBeWiseehiuetldweiss “Oberbabyfellinto,’‘éaldron of bot’appte kreEy geal <a:that:she wee riZaptia erDEXt yodrrer Fthe quateriy..meting bt days ato0.she:was Sopa wsex 7 ftom tuerentre ges tone gs ies \fol es yea.Radom:jority.tbe eT bel1 Semuch”ineSenate Sapee:|aiaunifongMissOnessvfrriepdsgugdayelasAeLIVeS.Xidds ‘ther:ipapie FRalnest Aion:but hehas:verylugid moments, “expressed:eee uins unpeseEsed 5h ‘. ‘ty’tothe Z.etledt ‘that:he:Ahreatly t.°8 nextyear,on account othis fovea i Limiteturnedsfrom=Ohio-.andheart frotr]‘Carl Shurz:and the:Dutch \yotets)‘over thesRhine~wha“‘foar:i mers) knownto'Sh6w tlie fool:but once,and Stores lega es‘from shim ne}sie“delegate*tat:‘wor,ty: itt-the ex:‘Secretary,was oR Goxertiot EONS Mri Sherman poy udge Sash isaspace eS slow:Date fe Y ry wh, publicans-‘vOUeS.*Why.does®hi §3-“men;suicide,‘37oihicersMnen.and,murders or:hametde.:oeenlistedigen.)=o 4 ae shel te promiseofem bout,yc J fatwerofthe, pekopement,reo babe through the:Straits OfMagellan,butt Toad ‘int earn licer inthe heavs "eather that/eeeidghter apdJohnson .Captain’--Baettge ‘was ‘horn.ahd | asbeen:afidat ’in?.evetys kind,~of |, e C ac.jolary “aptain Bayjot San,Francisco as\the Mabel etre ~a]1 ‘Feit ohiindy,’‘andsRy ist ov“Sixt |etyORB ahsot ¥GqCapte-Lowobts-were ®utto thetabelwhedfiMewaxcblowinis)early #004 !wits gidut i eahire,roddhasnevérh entOf :1B"copradncraps,calliaerkree‘Batchélok,arrivednerepnlstheee“ariesbhis vole IC v ioe “al txt:mo preaTeli zoe Me zs ee ay “Baptist Ch:5 oeLe“mone barteemanyBapast rE [UES x(leet outs y “oie ‘Uns:eh Comatic Seisur CH TaitSSPE Herb Pa tonal yoo teksS.oe oe a py f.:.Rs o ld ES AS notited thittaif “Shelsste *]hermembership ak he ghia She,mist PEPE ato thesDlseme! 20.Sthe’“Chatels gruthurities$eae if Hem 4oextend the2tipit.of dame wAGEE AaCob Sider “peti Bee aeVNtheoeines,Weel ee z Qin an me 2 ragelyy.hs fsBises,,wand decid:“and Passi Re ORers.Hrotbers.Of the oting.,W)einat nnade #tight against?XPY ‘Spans RaAwrs|Ke ion Poe that.athe”ayeiak opect fae.1:ah thate.theMwtarine of ie”‘bonite dTa tretionar:ye The:position:3Wes itt i terbyfougrift by aysoO Young Cake <I.Baptist,miviste re Rev:Fe Be.whut!(Mant gudeRer.Joh 9.Oclig aly Postmaster Kayo ES rat agtea Abat<the Craditions:arcu Should.Bo brakeciwereStegessta):ier th Alen:rity Km Ne Jey ets ne:étingrs WageraetyM4weg? ;ogie iSaAe oY as >nok ynEeeitulationofthe”Lapullties *) Wathiteeti 4 fon ac grand stotak=o »TOG:“ed Phenscasualtyst’alone derregdtys -;pag aOkwho:35 ofinrds ai 3S fstmewwerewilOfhid:J.DOE girl!sted yh “The d4uth list.ae6.61wasmadeup:Of 224 Officersand lit enlisted men..-Of this total but.3s boltcet's>‘und*458"enlistend IHNen Ow ze t ‘killed:“the:remainder ”Ofothe deathsPd iresulting-from varionSeehies|ive 1ieG- ing.thetfollowing: aeomniegs.8 lotie rnd O2 “Tn thee regular-dr my‘thé.total das:EN¢ualtiestin actions.and deaths-amount- edjto 4,153 and’he thaVolusteers:Sytablishmgit0,924."1nLissthere “1,856 enlisted: the easbaliy)- ate ‘Logtaveen”ale ao.S89ar ewfat:Mcliareed Ph he;:e.4 eogryunarna ‘and F94{570 3 t a x sienok |. dd y =Phrdébficer aeat“he i fhe ¥O\Phar|gees b.i pda.4An 3 he1 x€25 48 orctogatec wo o Hayek cnse.yaa been obfaiised cured:THe:thons GreeditdGeary.#s}search for PSD and * wed be Ber nora hele and5 raw roi:ttt We-aheSe ‘the g TSWeaceeCeraatSee eatroutbres.p eeAgo;4‘after bisrélease 3 Qa fave Tons eh 1 Geldes~wit Sige atéery,mowithe)x ay abGrain stots ACIDE5}iy 2 twinned,Se hy the “Rade Ant xh ; a biddk GsAitipan:er a ve CS tonalonsoR hyoy itt actingoog a.ee eeeebeige aa he ¥.0%‘RALEIG HS Bb GeeRe RA S Se LE S S ap e Be e s Ne rt hehroe apah ok th ri aye essindAd hd.dtatlis:parte yecular fo, ad ohyptBerd ignjés’yWetin obs Ales i1sTRIG:apd Jeng OR E99:nda Pack od:in the pin ud!report ©Thtfant,“Weneral of thé Jaruiy,Sea iezsa CeOre.A,iTe Pit ee CORP Ppt oti Se re eexiut2WwcuavGENERigorTiaceofl withort Sivarcer (milk +Sede ‘wall Water,Ui Lb sa decymulatrdl ix,rh.sees as ise vas SeTOs él FEAL é 4 .gthiy het on *mores ye ened Miah ¢twinge OUROaaeesShe fo!cefor age mCBoomneg %i a 7 bor,ang tor:zy olySiboneon Dear!TEE? sors §anyy psubsisted&es WO :~ ae d awa Y fhe ahaa ls ©rt SOshewHachnesapTaaits‘ we ehse,kta ahh hy ab :cough’,makes" syQur.‘throat’POURS raw. and.irritadDae::AY Couph:conge-;“inginbrane of your:setearing yourand“Tangs”ine:his:gee 4 Fut‘the parts cswiterp.a ‘at rest and: e ghtem aschance.toHeatc¥Ga will necd eeme fF help)to dorahis,end you é ,will find itsin =“ete Borsls wigdckling.da whe: =eedses;the spasm agi eng;-the sicotigh—"' pears.Da nonwait for: _ppeutmonia * ana- su pption e but cu your.‘coldSpoor dey <Bre Ayers_Chpiry-Pees “Plaster-should.be“of everyser= troubled with a.coligh:$0Write =—a cone ate Dalkess +HSwe erscelbe vat “erpert Oe tas. been siciy ous-s -ngrry Fectoraitayera<eeyunptre ee ot Gharide ABE Soe “VgoatbaeeOnhas ©eS rer tiztasoO SaleseSSheewwilbe3caeenaca e=“ as one i,‘Demetri set Ot 42.thee,Nevartiesa gdeteated “the ees Ofaegan“atthe+aay 7 Sepenels bee 7 meaa!:—Cyaan EeaanBelCe{Sale SEBRCTIONS,S isicongand haope edus“seceived,White:“THEMASCOT-ONT i edaeatpebeereLeonia<EsargSebastien,Sarsy,Compleses The 3 crept—oY, a,¥ PeonfJBSuROF heey 5 =e ONE “DOLE oe FESRES Yes ¥rah Nene a Rr ve) gee ~te top,os us eae A ere .Y is 4 Farrseks ack LS iAEkeWatts;ey EDELORSE SS.fae eetoN "4.S cy etd *4 os’—”SA~;Lop XL;tgs uiead RY oe S ~PEnter¢Pc Pein Staite beeAqTugk Hs 4 ThajoritssSate Senate.will he*very closes with”che fpast:week.yeeseeSy?nd lasstia!piatiet,dysTl de <*pues No.aa *, “=+.ea WeFekpeiet,thay EWS:7 Of.Topsdoy §Gs 6 glee Son afar seme’)s sasien omtalaetyet :%foe 2,3 The:Dewh—yw v~Fe Key .)‘i ‘ee “a eA Sp athreel lepiskatixe,“Hicket3.4Uy ‘Ba TEs Pisee:e tke 7EaAooeeeHoamofeccity::andthe ».probabilities“are pe —&y{Sh a inte of.ber nippedSatLhettheyewidHave175)membersih.duce “of the General A& ‘Repubdliean§ap he.‘HraRdvert Shoemaker.qu8 Sister,:;eur tonpave elected aout Ap.7 Die oF¢“Trédel}*mire ese sisiting th}aSede Yoh Fy rinit “ot 8 Cif ITH.fe ask Mikcinaipptnded yirg eae ‘show2Repebticayh!,HoRt theo; © ‘SS.OR 59 38 cat ie at ey Ne 4 yTetheconshinekPifort60th ps sear ae Mih trGoebedirteoe PR eaethetaGéheralW254Paylof<Res,f eenmie tackoe fellectedGoxpr,ar SyTiel ys Swit’the® Eectrited rf 4 Ub ter ohh ( tickGt.whe the compteXion ai tentigke lerct WAY.“Coinparati vt 2 Laat [tent xe terukarteSt fOr alti gel? bad “al} ;~hy ~a tl ieWNALTAMJENNINGATIRYAN.«4g ;oe 5 .x =.THEA,rs eS feentieacy €Rabnrest,BesBork.*Sittes 2) ~Ohio.I ERE Ty Re public au-~Ma~-)| ryl:end Sean Strongly.Deni ee] arabic “Bey areyState foe Sustains Hite BYsw ay >eg Marjorit ye Fy :“te + ah WS s ‘ _™ «}Phe Asaf atk Bebo =Saye:‘Keats ¢Site YSThE Le wish ore is wigined | Se Bye i i Sides “Vie w thi take thesont-| ~:Wehudt bys.the cor ityPaRet nthity, baares ty cart:ainky‘dete ripe,thre:Vow Ait SPTh-reti ars Abstws boards ire “pears \Sr iein A ReySyiehien|=wep®D3 Tiflis si it Ainaiicapaioeatey a:BHoute ae ‘boo,:The.Lewistathpe:ap te ay.,iafpoe:éloe (stlnafugion tir cee tyany 1;5.QO.MBIOL ES.PHS i oy ha tal arereky bi be ased nore * beihetlytteny oijgan., rela etek the dacrnecraticsGel vietor’y,uf Rebriskal z Ce ee eee ratrimn Fonewavg but ‘the,fal r Rpeyey et Ss gowing:statement 2ati]asa.regard. et bybkpon ere 40,Sethary“7,ae— Got ee>AHHE BLEXETONS.;rae Be cont th cure tars:“ok the clgatigns ee ieee lay:reseembsthat“whe!Dernoce“rats ipa “tiie doubt< “ii ried May Ya"a Ss:thesKastoOn ists oBr Vanjtésy ihe AREtblicatis”Oho"+ ie)Ie tucky is ck mbtfuk The other Safes velar:we ntasthey wer ex~ cade foo,tough the FRepublican Sv rcorit icS a most of theth bavebeen taeathy vi duced.The’DemOC fats’;ie.and;Ley ss 7-1 We buve~not €nouch7infor:bes ¥en diy a net Hain “of Mary: amyl estf they sticce ed fn_holdi re Ke t- T=rts.|frat last nothing,The result ih,NebraskaYs.very.aratifying:toy srdall.Fey aU Ee mor USS ots ‘remertdous etforts, er Sprt fgrtt rvby)“the;Republigtas arid.be ltihe Bemoc‘rats;to‘deleat.Ub e Térees In Br Vials mn State./ +'ducbthe jtdiPationsare that thesilverylocal.Tht.‘mdicdtions 2are<“that fet ople Rave ¥e rysery atly,increased Rieie th djority.'Fhesisultitity.(ITO.| bi 40 ut down half,‘Uespite Hanua:s fore ofalm oSt ‘cyerx,Repub}igan #%-sherkal a National‘re putation ins Bil “Cor mit Employers |of,laborEAHSH6methods:to coeree their gi ployes ynte ‘voting the “IRepubli- $3)ticket and im this way.a’majort- fx:was see dred for Nashy,..tha Ke-ferss fle:of éarraidute:“*The result ineitaeiststil}Atoubsful and.jt Ma take tne oficial count’to deter:dine~who is elected...This ‘is ‘diss“aprinniin gto Democrats,ffor.we had:3 Spected.ib “sWeejing,j<victory-over,ee“allied,forces-af “Repabliciuisn der"sore-heddisny ‘theres cf -eoethelHstefeatedSand:“th Republican).Legis- ee ire,#leeted,it has:~Bepn ‘brought,diseat bw Demo¢tatic divisions.Had=e“:pariys-been:united,,bane Blue Gisss State would have Sy ung tatofor:Denorrac¥or an/old time HS opity.=ys.He *~we tS te smoke clears “away ~fromes“skivmish Iihes,,it»réveals:thatk“Very little damage has Yeen-.done to-“ak iar isSide,and -'that 2 the-twoburtieseccupy*theik.old“positions|Tor thLevreat battle of 1900:‘We had |}ped-that the~resul ts Of*Tuesday'sy.predumipary contests “wouldhave} been diterent=that~the landslide!Ww}eb:willeventual ly {and our pattypowerwould:have,been Jappa-|rai Utheg,but,while,we did mot Se-cure any creat advaiitggey oxer the.~Rsprbiicans,neither:dia they overus,+The Democratic party may,beccieated,but it-never.diésr:’In 1900anti@rtheStainless.”banner’of the’2reatBrran,it will Come’upLsmiingfomthe.fight;*“andif’itdoés!notin,Tat)make *the Republicdns*feelin"wud dealeasier after their victory as WOR: a “y (Le FN eae Sc Vice--President.Hobart-has tallied,i ttieduring the last day,or.two,_bat thereis no trope of his recoyéry?He may Gie-at any time.or =eYs forseveralweeks,Ma 3 ca¥9 sl fs =—==i oo A MONGTHE Saree as 6 '—> Gan..C>M:‘Sheiay,:of BinpingLam,has announced himselfa candi~date for the:Demoeratic‘nominationferGovernor.of Alabama.“‘He niakes|000'”ile sixth candidate to.andounce sofar.The election occurs “next <Au-)gust,oa Democratic a in~Ap mt Amos F.Allen:Republican:waselectedtoCongressfromtheFirstMaicedistrict”tosucceed ThomasB. ble eg Dap AwIE de rey or.Yulet +Chait“rye LORe.dok tHe *Republiayty abgit thie.opiial majority, esthaate,He‘saidy:wh use suport eabe iahes.reat ede dom.ya thaworthy 4H Abe ehyubicsjn:"thes State?Gor ez Retaras from,‘the,‘Stute come.’ _|ltl y.hut eavh ‘cquaty”shows.Kes fostoi"by-over 15;UM)..pudkic Syraens,‘and?eeCap oy s,[vitnisas Votgd Mot,Soenty:“ofiets,tron by a Rect!apd tae Fothrpoe Best rwhas etarried-the Statethy7a SaferJia Halts bet they ye Will Win,LRADON. 2 Bee os We have carredthentucky“thy desank!“pitesaler,wiagaritsie “Silt eveathe hiedfeen,okeoteds pt ahTe hye signally fated ste a6;sstickéts;and also-4 majority.Of -the}, Sethat Meinkey‘s majority;has | fee ral pee of uni one vat athe fr antic3 State ‘endorses “his °‘admivisteatida os:sede iMhation.sof tise SPIeetion™hows.the el:LSC ae he BeahrTelreseFizedBtasree|t 90)Sf,thet andthe Deino-conan es cg ).Pheeigen ‘Demoemaicy AMEE EYChifders,ét‘Sugar Loaf ES t a, Tekalars wat“‘abidut 15,000"LoS YOK, ats rpt that Lasior |Se jorits ORSU00 Iss Tetdiica vec,See re-,;|tapy=tha pon;rok tbe.Bepubliéants “SoUti Datcota:wentcomunittée,is ¢htimiog®slaylorgsy.” éle jeri by 16,000 Chaintiat Lyng Sess,7s abort 22aedCagegeniorBrutleyarecontent:fans fidve.a igoed |wf.Tayler’+election,and say ythat Ne|: ‘Oppaseds ‘Gdebel ¢‘laitass Taylors cies top fy:T),060.~,Si Bil pee Wea baite:lai this is partially ~olTSe tesbV“pM vate despateh¢ds?frojn,sti ge ol ith othe RepowLiggn P wétee TBHIC ROouwei”Bow ctaiims tha Nostell: 4>t opmer Senator Bigvkburin,a3 X:‘aniSRISOV ednesda x)”wotnity,Seht teeho OW me,#4 fesein’fa.m4Was,Jee te itere Shea parulateyouyspline ¢~ ingstHe ye.‘hegistatiites’Tite-Re® Spudlicaps |div e,clbeted-BW Setators.ie “ott of 19*Suret -,Piitee inp re are,ne r yeturiepee wel epnplere,whald ones in laybt.Ther,e arecbwe S‘Re pwb-! Thea hoa CLVOrS tea vySahtiLs oebest shofdtoversy.Th.wien Howse “the eatpublicansbaveelected*dianembers |4-eprtain;the DemoCrats.30°and Lhefanti-G gelel!Democrats 5.Sa, cpyek,Bulletm:‘issued’at 14 a.m,as the.”Goebel.campaign €ommittee mation concerning the St:Ate to fo" ~futo détails,but we are contident we, “have-won,thouzh -the majority is, 5 -;‘oun.i nes =: Ab:140 p.m.the-chétrmren’ofbavhitheRepublicanandDemocratic“Stute.cothestlsees:-weré-claiming the“election ~of “their Tespective State Jones,has drawn ynore heav thy:“Fram|the Republicans.in Ahe--cities thanfrommtheDemocrats,with,the-exceptronof€¢slunrbusand,samé Smatler|eitieSpand that his vote will not besojatee-in the rural df[gtriaty.:Thére4=not wie Gsual percentage of either,Xepublicad’or Demberatic gain’or,me asthe/gdigg™rat Tor thé Re:pubdliGins:in Some placés‘and’for theDemograts.iin some’section$.*Bven:after the’retdrns.are conyplets:froinCincinnati;Cléveland:aid Téledo itmay‘be difidult,tomr each the resdit'positively tonight:Sawing tothe tide:in -the .Sones:‘vote,which ‘runs in:gtre’uks and:causes Republican dassesiwsdéme™places’and Gono.losses_iné some places?“At 10*Dp.Judge,Nash-claimed™bis slection as:Governor,aid Chairman,-Dick saidhewatasSuredthe’Republicans had+earried:etery thing;bit he had ‘noAtrurestoannounce.‘Fhe-AssoeiatedPresssent™to”Mr,.~“McLean,;at bis ‘be ba-no'answer yet tomake.|hairs |-man Seward,of the Dethocratic cammitteé,Said be Was.potprepaied ;to!poses vet y4At10:30 the Republicans,eaethattheirplurality-would exceed’t0.DO0,“with oer,100,000--for Jones}rfoutofatotalof-dess than 900,000:kThe’Rep iblican:majority sit theLegislature’iSetarger Kau usual,butna.Sénatoris to.be elected.’“JadedRina‘serédaded after midnightuttheNeilHouse-*To dn enthasias,|ies rowd ‘he made azSbrief speechuponbeing-int réduced by Hon.HarryMM.Daugherty.his rivalforthe the Ohio:result ~was a message;£0 and:presaged NcKinley’s:renomina-4 Déinocrats made-théir largest gains “ae "NEBRASKA.;:. Midnight.—Returns’up.43.thishour-cantinue't stow the same “fu-/sioh,gaff‘as’earlier reports,and‘thereiis Ro-longer the least doubt ofthe’fusion’tickets election:~Chair-many Edmonton_of the’Populist have carried the State by 15,000,and:have made,gains,in-couaty 9ftiecers."- Committee,deciined-to:makea state-meut,but one’of-his associates ad-mitted defeat}though not concedingitrbyaslargeamajorityas.claimedbythe.fusionists-Asked at midnightfora‘statement.AW.J.Bryan.repliedwithlaughter:“I coucede the State}of Nebraska to the neering 15 entire Republican county.ticketwith |the:‘Possible exception of sheriff. ie Ors to hand;‘and.at.2 o'clock “Reed:-Bis:majori bout “4.7AllenwestomerBede'ssesetty. y1s:meot Ta Ma,ates cera ppupyy AsinFES :\eee “tex mies WF.Waits.ments,0 he[the balawceestima |Sputés\tieMostod¢exeting.}1,5 Ae 2Snand’Mrss WD.‘peaiswent Zo.“oeAtgottintheDalatie’‘of,the:‘State;Righmeng,VS,Yas tSaturday."at Ke fda,bes:ceases}H.Butke Aad '“Prank:inne ats Seeascourt.ty}+d)Stony,eo “ae “pluratit y-“forsSmaith; s 2 apygltg tee.eet:ofa Memiocrat.“Sr,Gdverabr,of,25 &plurayity WEY pababl ween ¥LAM and 3.On %“eye:“Garritd’ cratic Glaimtof a majority of kw. hoinas J.‘Sthvroek sat.By!Debts,weels.{ss=Bae SS,ase ir ae <4} eruor By1,HOpUTajorig.r pnd “conheg*STARE?4,9 <a .PRats y)vania zoer he puidicaety,)“Dept ‘Colleckir Haliytburton)off4000majorityS«Sas |:“Mississippi,”woes ‘ips,tete®drsdrdere jpre Sallie,2uve.ipqi tgs than reine 1 ice abeoutd i;a,She's <a Roy apn Kr ddeckiered tothe party.waereusetts'Gectedsthe Reno’ J1Can,Lidketby apoitss000—a I]Deri-aCHOrL Bradey>,estimstes Taylors!!Ogrgic,sainyot:20,000;‘Tbe Legista, {Taretis:Sepubtigin by the (Sead nfa* Disarocrats ©ey cirrigd |:ifjopita’“Bite > Fiobtix batetti,Jecline-oygivetigjBemrcaitte:hurgs thecantier.Joprtal,fromidts) hedree:avs the result ix to ‘doubt,et ee aheg SbAtSS Lfnk Root,veembocratit :Which has Htureds:Seedrho Benublie ee iT Seabasin “ie stindy Has sone Raph iulie au by 5,000,F,Senitor [xackburn®and epiers Me ir ee few:and.Bikek burny¢Jaiw ==the |+Goebet heady:vartersat-ndorsbt,ad;i T mvitted thitt the’reLutys from,mally}fy +Deniseratic coontiesaredisap pointe:ag rick tondfississippi.ue SMir}Chas P.Terese.“of behoeICang)Lipehars Alas,who has ben Sick Snicd om“3 7 4-4 bespital.there,reached berg syester-|EamS“|dsygod went out «ta.this*lamers5Bs |* e Repabi cattxTheLégis;| \ehregrmites Squthof towns.ths meeeensboko:negro”‘tallaa ‘dn eh77that:40whs SaturdayhigPi x[Hels goinietor.move here “and”‘take!"OM Regret ciscee auritig mace ing fri or,We Sone ah Cleventhe dis}niet,atiicutitge 2®Jal-Brae % *Padre Sherrill geebisisafeduer[Shgranasitedby‘tio of 725:bow?ass ehinpared ~wwith,wWilehun bans pes blaine Pudoine Adurs Capel bayspane day Tastwinge, ‘epsene ‘stack,tot SatFtentatiyt ee :tmn >ee AD,«%se~Ephraim Fsaser |<Meee,Fyiler,of.“Dughdin;was|,Ebates ile?‘opethgre’lage!week,Anvestigatin;r the!ti-4eeferssoeto-Lookout water poweé steCapi bs river:“that:iNa ee Googe;he flee 7 ‘¢t aes €he Waty xv Sneesrys ani Bid,Bote!a tan of!Citeensboro,Pdied ‘Sunpightinchurchwhile,(éaping 4i eat,it thesact of prayers i fentidy,‘ditd =Saturday -insa~Je antilase¥&whil betng amhoyed from.ove,Ashé- vAke,Boarding.house 108 ‘ahotter?: poneieieesWas des’rpy édx ieriae’S$“handsdme IS netis:e fue.»»Leases 900;figsur,s ors meme Gorn nero ‘etait foraia:‘Salisbury:last:-Thorsday‘vied Saturd ty asa result of.the”BX-‘pasureit:had.received.There iiS.no.cite:~tO:thé:mothers Tbe Blue Ri died Seiing aa Mat- “plant -dt<Berfdir-was becuase E rede night.,The ‘ori-+‘gin of ‘the tire Ts unknown.$2,000..withMrbyoperated the factory: — Neat Maxton Sunday night a reg-ahr pitched Battle ecu pred 'amongnegroes.+~.George Brown was killedFandJolin’Caok.and Shaadraek Ward:ca Beans mS aeweremortalitys¥ounded...Auwomanwasyat”the bottom of the troubles fal wonused:ao Bows whitesat sw restling!w Ken?B6iws Cicer,“ee.Lee roseand:fited,the ball-ebteringBothancareSechiaxadters.$ .YC tour.“pear.Saat:nee rail S Reuben Rows,polored:‘was con-Lvicted=im:Robeson-Criminal CourtiSiutirdayofrape-and Sentenced to Millers was.burned-todeath in-Por:®‘Sethecounty.‘Sunday.“The “ehfld's-clothés caughtfronrthe fire:,Ta at-}be hanged December 7ith>HisVictim,tempting to~extingussh the pipes Mrs.Ipgram,white,,fainted:while.‘“the motber-of the child ©hands badly-‘burried.! at,bis honie ih Bovie.~ ‘Of oecayataugi,and ‘He.was ‘the along “Phe Philippines,‘ ‘Wesh niinDistatch,out,x Steamers,convoved byvessels,lef for. le and °‘Arayat.They encountered)s‘nomitation,Judge Nash ‘said that ‘pabout:1,000 of the’eats Stas differ-entpoints:|O'Brien,with.a-yatel. “Slaven’s scouts.moving:from Balulat;east of 49-d ttorHanaandChairmanDick:The eee ne Hoe AS at thehoineof ‘Mr.McLean»eure onel!fottes See attal-i ‘Hamilton's Rattery of fron Angeles to Magalang:ing the latter place-andloss’on “the..-enemy”wounded of about 1007 ca s y sStatecentralcommittee,said:V2.pane Gs eee Senomeualti¢s arereported ‘at 12 wounded.seyere and heav?rain-for:thetast J ‘4 ‘enterfield,O:,infallible forBee“days _has rendered decisive-Ghairman Telft,of the.Republicah,y Lawton’s troopsim-He=now has:rsupplies at'San Isidro ‘and<further:north,and-wil operate to-thenorth,:and westward,©Dowyoo ee movements bpossible:abundant Ir.* the *‘¢untry- “Ta?recent”fire:in a theatreCanton,China,Bry ‘persons.This(han¢aster)county ‘elects the’their lives.. Dae Dr.Gee?W.sae MARYLAND.oe “ler State auditor of.Returns from’both.the-city”‘saa died in W;the State -haye béen.Very-slow in.ee (Wednesda:t snditer under ClevolesiayMorning|ai minaetd was ee Caroli =--=<—_>ee.Sy Sagres “-_in BAK reyhea:~feat >“¢ >e me 8 Mondag.-% otae ah ware esAe 4Org Demscrat>.‘etary receie.Chances Stightls,favorinkthe Demd-|Py DPON.Sep.‘Yittlerantehaed »thet:Leu midyight also ‘Thdigaty-the-bade tiGi,OF “the en2tit éik oe ‘oeflock“‘canedésthe élections:of Tob >ot 4)GPidlatte.is jn doubt The teCath:|V Walter Smith:Dermpvtats far Gov *‘ptt ThEpurhost.thesia was y rfeet ref Letca tore aban,theanerage.watehws » $f,ot.BUG,fotah,fallinggy a it shit te “lotr eyoThLe “ygtt “porte“dtMM,“Me” sale,of bik puele's;property.int Tre-y: Ste.TCax)\-Déal,of Dealvile: trace ay =|Mgrganton,"‘was here Modday:‘finish:F (Dewperatic etting op Sot.business.>.it ee?New-York oteaied diy Asgetaity Ex Senator R:.Hy W:Barker,?a Répub}teans Ligchin,gounty,who tolds ateyenve:Jobysas bore:Monday,«an ; Frowosliip,Shipped a'tar load \of tpe Kone cafiupaiet’Loummitre,cysai>ahtbe"bahneeal the,State avesan-ine‘ples :to:es‘S.Cs,PSECthe FaeMnstdhfebtTheat’Taiyo 3a pare At¥here:ised:RefpiBlicat majority.«Ta Week £5 5%,Oe AT “4wothtnaQyiinte,evtban-A>G00,Bl ge tnttty mye :aceuses Sty dtorabilk wit ty Mrs.“Ei fiche Harripgtoo.‘of.‘Kane +Sady iswisiting her Sstér,‘Mrs.DPSZBatson,“arti amnaity:eter,“telatites,L Ww Poepatidffriendsrs<EA gle nN lms Se eounty.*tadved:Bere dast week “intothe:dwelling of Mis!“Boal,”near.Br, 1 LeDy Robhety.Serie eet ¥Bey OTA.“Priplerty:of -Gliagentnaeanaeeolnty,Spent “Sevepahdayshere“the|°:hp fttst ef theweek and.preackedat the|.pRepiliicaus¢Baadee ee eee Sundays races Sock 4 he Repable:}.JWorkingmajority) air ginda electind Theaislature,and> at are ~fivepethelnai gly. s ait Rs White.deLSnedtn econ)Se higsbgh ind dwetling to Pogtmas- ter Jathésaas \xtr:pephegil,gaore x shad ste “Mh abt Tograni,“et;Catawba]flednaty.was,hére-Manday -and.-Tges-|:eeday:looking fof avdwelliagS”Houses} Tigramwee.3”Z + urhar,partiés | qay tareuy'ingtrom ©el Psq.ga ofastates rePee Regse-SEP aebridée iis.built.* _distepttable[-;{Srehjtect “Te Senwend of”“Char-"lottes “was.Here,»1a Sais,‘Monday tor¢£ansuht with the board ‘of!chuntiy'LtfedysakecayimAghevitteswits*Dut ued:[peal ieeeAdour).lans for boild.}.iar:thestire originating:Eten a ey wheh ties weré ih:“posits a to-byilds) hopéta’see done:next year;the citi- é house,}ESReSS = bwwhite man “shot tfe’negro dead. - on the witness stand,andthe ped: \ 4 Simouton“and-he «decides “for,them. ’ -~,-«Pa=-LL Sata eee ae+searingthe.conutry bet weet:Xie.eb HY.Haden,Summit,“Ala,sdys,“I think Kiddo!DyspepsiaGuréis.a splendid medicine:~I .préscriba,|:ity Bnd my ea eae in it7-grows}=inof the Seve teenth ofa it wit continue .use.Th.digests 2 up the road:pepsid and indiigestion.W.F.Balt ;Jr L.3 ENtion‘and re-election ji 1900.The Re-TOUS Ee ees 6 ec aecounteredand,drove:thé “enemy jo f=Pt —--—_———publicans made ‘the ‘greatest gains the direction:of Magalang.~who"left L >peasatthehomesof.Judge Nash,Sena- hearer ind.a remedy equal to-‘OneMinute-Cough Cure.’says Editor:Rackler,of-the’-Micanopy,,>Fla.-the)First Ar-Hustler."Hf cured”his:family:oftilleryandebyiveersandsignalde-|/@ grippe and saves‘thousands from|tachment,moved on the direct-road|PPetingnia,bronchitis;croup’and-captur-all a and luge troubles.:Ewe Beinflictinga|walt,in.Rilled--and}-pturing.50|. W.itch Hazel Salve for.any ‘cOnsider-|‘ation,’writés Phos,“Rhodes,' ware:of Suntan feria, the great”Kidney remedy.At |how to find out ifyou have ki tronb}Address Dr.en oe ‘Binghamton.NoY:.,fi BingSandeitin,form-!7 —+———-=4 “WHO.[Gwent we ae»men ‘are“ap,TO:“and:Diaddér trouble,ee i raxgonitias NEMA ON ~l =LiF Lids ty youThey.se}“goodstockata)times:+.arsissnasut ag gue5PeAsaSeNe”.STEtc.a5 a tou.mips.HeSefreshJoeof> :Is.tthe<vldee.to: qngeher:carohbeet ie foeherds:: xR Candies:“Ahicellinol eat 1 ~edtiges-apd.Shgars,Dent2. “forget thab wer pay”.highest ydarket.phices for,eounsry ac de ae ; if stkenged|A.of echiaecs ‘te 8iwiththedamevbiledoun,*vbick ,tijodtir‘st Wwashin ve<diNine canon Every.” rt.ee when it deavgs’the, Pe TTY;"ike oh coum any thing Wropg,. theScones.back “ tak DS aol ys ,rE rorttiinetyou wastt LamotsN j Spent,aday;or’tron at!Statesville <ve.nthe:‘past meek (NS - Me c‘alin:Moore & ji i1 ur Oe CARL orthXe nimgilh besiat Siktenrile ; “at Hotgl Iredell,VOforthisoneday. ‘toONE Tar Nyse} (iat Tht meee is mae:amsstci —iy 3;‘RE und -com "Srl kage ory goods’4ahek’”for.eetaorpour!QQukeT eeeticdoun’WOMEBop.ng Cavethomn the quills,’ver:Se ee idtif*bons Uf 69 ooree,o cote neyeeeaet iheRSTANf°the onsepercentaias mysetsoices‘eeeBie Se2 Sh public aucriousigvthe ;artine ENR Ee. o r :¢ ME;Arthur.‘Bdpdin,”“oh.fredell #mies "dé>t same,>Swit salt 4 ar ayCaeh, ia”seeps\ SPA, ing EcSctNed at Lorwat:),Beg yn rgdostiBowieet|tysko Turserphutg-2210.,Make. est.82!poles:to.a¢stake.Mee)th 72!“Sxtst.do:putes Me t me fe euone Sauls2§OE wes font intteSvi seorngry the:dortleongynce‘sa tine:SarYSouth TIS”Bast 102 pales to-a’stomelof satd roaSWAT“‘Secognet,thence with seid road Sou Wiest jza poles:to Whe.beginnings acres;"atoTeor,plese eine par-seeae pene 1 beste Linch nowhv J ’re aXe ~$.:OR,BMEPAUELiLAS, oRSeis2 aan ES —waone Acontebnishes ier‘aid sord|)tie,We:sshpsetrseottha week ands np epntain vo he:icietEee ait a 1aei: ne ae’ze § Rie ,ws ah We mow rive <h-lar sestlaglit * ce t «+*‘t Te 2 thurchAwpibradiay ,Wits us%Food,idaioaeke add tras}:sites“ty the:Bites andane ee Litacineerist ate ryces ICES, ericet:eat whenithesr cave ime Ots Focal oy woeoPgeeeaeOh=MiWWO.0B.AND’. iuSON OIL.LIGHT HeAiersa tk sghow'D‘ain this swat kets oy dre seeiniall Sizes,=sait atsf md ae oils have ti nema SAB “ttOn t tore.THOUS,-“seh be raee ies ‘The,Gt arhit foenore,heat any thsten >|g thigh,eft i 3: ON we ohh:sarws,pote Ise"y at as Te -ae 1kReccts'7 Neees bi,4°e FOR Fse-p0r Sele.e»Maatn!E .7 a &Warehouse ‘Company: oBonding @aattedieSoimeeny?for$i6o,G00:ao oa ee=a *ChiataS Bonde jon.the}} YF The tboard of “county.countis$ton:|aM PSé Babooek:Gi HSyom-ait in=fat their meeting Monday:accept.”ea"DtuJ.H,Moore's:propositi Go tdbuilda-high ‘water bridgé:over:low¥“fer Littieriver-at his .cott6a mill:canddt6>towards the,ex-t'-nightly att jompts ave faRreedy o-pay $73 Owar e,ey fanetae bermthé Lidge in Smokey|+“Holew,<Darbans* eee : quarry,isaeaes ee sol Wateh?=atén alee oukoktact‘e.cheap fora,brasswatoh,aadthe Same holds good.im all-: selk Goods’chea betesnaecchas&Seer erchants claifn Btbats awe LLbeat littleplatafeataneLmbré-detinite aii dyes yi a oe We ‘Sell:‘Go.‘a:Goods Ghisap.7seee ‘Réone.‘tacninreuessysténi of buyings,fours vobume™of.”aes “and Jute expense wilkqnastidn’“our abi Ity-to,sale cheap.*<We'buy.only.sfor|‘cash from mapnfacturets.and,jobbers pféreputation*for’%foods class.of:goous and lowest.known’prices>this cbupled-.with out very small“expense |)cplaces uS ir shape.to-not only meet competition,but ‘to:“even lower the yepricemadeby.the Sharpest.competition»: we will name“some prices.* Bést fancy,prints 5:Septs a,yard. upsCorr fous’for.AleXan®}-dercoahty>“Phe oard vf “comanis+]Sioners-aereed:toaccepxt “hig plan| 7Phe plans’‘can ‘be Seen in.egister.of'|.”inight |Deeds \Teague’s rdom®*dud~should }.Good stockof Dry«Goods,:‘andthisbuildingbeerected,which we “Good Printsin-short lengths,4 eomts-a yard-|9:Nice-line ‘wooludress_sroods.7+to30:énts.a-“yard.Outings cheap;enough,‘Nice ‘lineCorsets’andHois-|=N i¢e 1ihé Aadies made up skirts cheaper than.YouBiteXyouwanttoBaye| ene Jc and up 5 ‘zens-“of.the county (can-justly:feeb ptoud’of their court’house,.for it is certainly a handsome one,‘and will cost only some.$10;000°to “$20,000,Aa. complete.Let some:action.be taken ‘jat-once,”We would”suggest’that.a.fpetition -be éirctlated-in each town-kship of the’county,asking the boardofconimissioners-to ‘yo.‘ahead.and)haveAne conthact let fora new court ery,Eadies-¥ests,oe"camingke them,”anesSaf on Big:Stock*Jeatis:| Blankets Ae Raeand:“up:es 2 :Se Ge NSROPHING 77 iPheres-ndaherrplaee wheré-you can/buy oe cheap as WeA-Men‘s:Suits $$2 Sv‘aidUp as,bighas you”Good line Mens¥price you wet~“Hea’y'sitionsofpeoplescan:t de equaled,‘Ladies dress>Séeus.on shoes.“us’nughiFfS,\Under shirts.20e and up,onr:Coffeé at 1%ibs."for dne-dollar.:Come to See us,will be:name prices which will pléase:youRopingby!close attention to busingcents”worth:{goods forevery dollar spent with us,|Dess with:you.~;We want to buy seédchickens,Oe gIss Towels 5D:.to ae Jeans made, Ye r , waht.to pay.Boys$Suits:“Patits:DUE.rand iupt S10stockofShoes”torsuit all lasses +Don:torget our home made shoes:the.y:shdes 8c."and up.Mén’s dréss Shoes fro.ywilldoyeugood‘and save .you money.Over shirts 35¢.and ‘up:“Spe. ‘Always.‘bargains Sore“glad-to,Show.you what.wefhaye and sane“Many:Shanks”for =past favors.aid}ss ded”atways giving: equi ally-as “cheap.: and tp:thaa ‘Near Sylva,sae cuntsoil<A"“urday.night:Will-Gedford:“coloreDanielBee:colored,sliotiand.fore jwas killad by white”man-named|ope ;Parker,at;thethome,ot a-white wowat..Tt-seems,that the negro.dréwabowsieKnifeon.thé white man GndLcut-him:néar;the:heart,when.”the | "Sodio“per.lb:44 Tobacco.*. you:husidred,téinerease’our busi-|.cotten.-bale>cotton,..cottorseed.utter;corn.whedt:dried fruit,’beeswax and’all kinds of“We alse want,‘efoss ties.anckgreen:and.dried ‘hide:and if*You are mot,near us.take yous’hides.fo T.Az MeDougatwalleandheeekpay3yourhighest.cash: s especial ¥i ‘d;yor ‘States.,+” is “Ra fore Cuknbes aad Gekerat eee $as 7~NB(se Ougeks te merchants es for,Scenes and“nd.borséund mule coHars>~.=n “l ple were prevented,‘Tom lynching]:Bree WM 3.rs _|the®.prisoner’with-difficulty”Mis.See Coubscit 2 ot ‘Friday Ingram,is a Physical aud Mental Connell,wrerls <:hoe“of; *moniberofbothCeshobesofthéSateLegis;}tature and was :promingnt-iy his,resideues,asking!if hes claimed the Sectione....!)--election,and received tbe reply that} Shoe:Eeather CA Nape:Simonton waa:the is:|“rjunction suit.of various‘raitroadsragdinst”the’Corporation.Comwnis-Sien>in favor<of the tailrcads:The_{Gommission assessed /the.“yari:}.ous “rath oads.‘of.‘the «‘State’:‘some|.Oris,Keports Ree emt Operations tn $5:000,000 more:than formerly.The|.roads sued outan;injunction.from}... TEN ou.idkRAMON'S LIVER puis é i iaTONICPELLETSyoudonbdtbuy.a med-*jie:but a Complete Treatment:for Biliop:“ness,Constipationand Héadaches.*.distinct medicines,but Sold for on“The-Pills:bring immediate relief;tone:‘up.eenervous «System:andinvigotate. oxy efricenase.Theroads:willbe taxed on the as-iPPheWarDepartmént'ias received |[sessment of,1897.”Tie onthe:followi gecablegramp:” Ww beaton’s (OX=Admiral Schley wept-16 ScieS500.the transports,Shérj-|ahd savas:presentéd’with a loving|oe“and’Aztee and-stwo Casting |Capin the presence of.12000 people.three.‘war|His‘route to Atlanta was a contin-Lingay en Gulf this uous:oxation.sfMacAuther’s troos&ad:oe, Net =o See.os‘Men*Sand Boys’Sine “Bont:‘ydren's.Rubber-Shoes.eee:34,Lol tide «~Sat-old prices.whi le his 3 Fou rectived,a 1a xe ling ofA“eum and Mattings.oT“A SEEUSFOR |=.Blankets and Co:mforté We!have,the Elkin:Blankets,also the Pees kinds..-WwW.ae EEISO Ctewou.scour the world:vou:will.: oS odie be without DeWitt’'s,Es Thompson'sSs,piles.cuts;bu ag GloveFittinrns‘and skin AO anil =ae ge ‘For Style:“Fit-and,Durability,i“Wecarry all sizes from’18"4Landedit,ir ont an you. e Y it’tis,no.—— KIDNEY‘iscigrsdees]4 EROUB PE domt Know ie ay.ss’fan make’no tnisfake by unne De ee eeda ‘Xnothet’iystailment ofSee.Wilton;Velvet sot :‘Don?ef:fail i:see-ourline.betore ‘purch-ae Gust received, at |deweine Bifty.cscent anddollarsizes.Sam:;ple}.ree,also’pamphlet telling you::“Da this aewe aes egershiag asaud,date.Both in.Coats and:Capes.;>~Dress.Goods. -Broed Clothe ‘Venetians,‘Camels ingic Sen reS,*-Stemn.Sergesva:ae See tsPlaidsfor-Skirts.-WTineBaisOFSikaSatiSatinsind:vel Vesa and getaDecsmber Feshion icsnnMeteefororeetear‘ wets:‘forRUNS waist f rey :brayaea Sail on YS when “yor aant Xt ok 2 HORRY tS oy pe “Testetfully :me HEMASCOT PRINT! ess ee :nae AsS Cansisevan einintysii-sem:~ awd pate dcr’pt aegnt thatiN aan TY Goulet ss fe arses ne back ¥a ee en al i > a iPBYHead.“ttt,They Valser yon aSurini a EnveTypesyTne <ee7st4OTea!me"bny Kind of Garis, Ue Ned cs<u a + ¥et > We»dicsny insane ‘gs piec et=~Pestoga,Suite for $14.00.. “Ti Schiller,- as Seeerg eee SNSoon oe ee i a 2 f alike: TA 4 7 := ALWAT “WEAR eee ResisTEns.BOSTON SBLEWIS.c05 oa ALMOST.cs :“There,droplet “AL MOST Shoes,the ‘shape,is“fees x(the Finestis dlmost4is fine.the Léather-is +‘alniast ns Goud nha iy"mn “almost!asperfect as ‘onr Shagess “But they Jack cain pleteiess 1}eij=Oo dacks makes alfthei{satisfactor}asa DrtsMewagomtthatids“alpios gion fj ifferencein the world.:The abaiont.:Setsssthat*almost:it time;= f S a Pan Line’ fgaf Golt ‘Plush’Astrncan:eaver and some Fancy Weaves O that ‘we ave Selling Our Golf C3PlushandBeavefi"00 account:of ‘theig “Capes, &Good:Stylish Jacket for$2.00 1vABeautifulCapefore00;$i.D0,£1.75 ne:HASSeONUPtO8FO0,|einCowts,your chance to iVv.<factarers’Gost:Call’andsee us for Fi mee oa:MHTeer =ine Dress.Goad“Trunks.168eebrel Neues Tru)Se ae ig =.qinejesepet‘“you:tp the cold:“havea*yood.»See.dur kcmadeand»“prompt!y.andfirst-esand*wil)'se};be:frstclass! t tn;you wilt need-one with a-nlarns to watnornipgst:that’s |omtee WealingMachinesaid“records.(Call is:ou buyone,we bave the “best thai 3 Hine’ot tallpiesbefteey sc e * most -itt }14 ay fits.Hat thar a haryiot eben “ontry Orso wo , 4 ~£ee Ww é ott your ‘per sonal”. i —~f“ATTENTIONTO 37 9/ -Of im oe ee Jackets,ieSamplesone:Ob akind,W ediavee now: DnsSale <A Line’;of.sendte; Sic ae at ies.‘thas “ke Factory.price:i #2Lpesare.tke.talk.«OF the city,Whe teJipeshavebeentalkedalloverthe:CUEaEBeauty-andCheapneéss.=AA mi 4b\nye onlTecor.Cape:ay déss ‘thé las;Raderwarr,Gloves iyi C:to > :BL Mills os “ToBuy a.Sony Clock |Cheap::Ati tee Ne.oy Yor them.--Watch repairip®Simp reeoh:‘Wer still hantile’sliver wor ejjouagoodwatch:eheap and.euarintce thes:ntallPeeSsoes <Wondwata Bros. “ BA ORL.Moore &ae 1{are the attend -desf',‘ndants”Mivses “Ar.!ARENESS WATE?4 MiSs Josephine’Cio per <; t } 4 f ae nds.“Will bepresent.The foliogPXCNErn4 IS Visiting 9 i :“cart _*PR cal SeLoop Wow,¢Gr KG diwvoedke ay aye Deen Lee tered then sor,it jand hiy deputy.Mr.Nicholson. cee . baer 'of the,contiiet!of:court “with the‘>father’somear by:dad‘the house week set apart.for hearing ard and Goedman.“Clerk HartnessATES.relatives iin Brevarck,=Suen:atid ‘Cornelia Sisup and hand.“J-W.V ickery,Esq.,aeeqsiMoofe“and Dr.W.Gs Le ie ;Yi f Mrs Heien T.Carito,is visit ~tDavidson”nee NB Shauy:‘township,.is foreman of the |feverat.Key We Te ;1S Visiting.|ies Np tellatives in Charlotte,.:~‘LheUiCom is the pastor of MeKen:Kgrand jury and Deputy R.’P.Seroges | edie in a v -is the officer’in'charge..destSeesi“|Mr;8 Oe Ss.J £3 fe ree and Fairy iew Methodist church-;+: Pais a Dew,ULE eR:te h Titchinson,of tigi ‘cs and}is a you og.Minister of ability |+Judge:Roviosoncharged the graind ‘oot itunarket.7)tom,washete 2p Rn :¥jo ’ co rooareet.I ;:e yesterday.‘5 mud high stondit res ‘his cobference.fas ui Ee re oe aestemorebuck4-J S.Leonard has.wone oe Phe orick isone of 2outh:Iredeli's |:-Sey >oo gee ae {hack to 4 fe tor, Lasiginal way.He Was fréquentl y|Front street.from +Sutiinton,ty teat music..4 LGsaushte my and.the savorite of Ie tt d tk ray ’;fe E :aha rgecircléof friends.we.extendy}Witty,and the terse aay in which: ee ‘a ori]De.Bie ‘Har rill:_wé nt’to Wilks A eor cougratulations.a be sut things ae ‘his “Charge verypewillpreachférutedyeTae‘Sday on business.;; 1aoeFes iFdmthisdistreepythe /Suprenie:ca*eeowe trom gue Shave’,bean: fattred='SundayNpCoprts \We De Punner,2BSq.5-“Said:Rie:Sf lest3 deig RE Nieber”wertygute,Peresis ag view tor sheorders tbat the dthieie “ptinted-iiy,THe MasSe‘ae rt oe Nee tes psf ae %cottomlned thetepe:reason why-no™¥‘“is owtale x2 mynd ett eS :dary ‘Weis TySiser.dnd ‘that Tur As?=<—y xe pednite ©“OF ConneEre ofl:+4 SOrpSartic.LeSvas written”‘from_His an Shad‘curds65 Was —8~WR Maxtell® ~itte pe ;‘A abd urpfiy,UE,AS organ ton: ‘Do Miller W.T>Nicholson,N.|@- jt hh So At EC .“|directéd the solicitdr not to send aj:iba,i onlederacy in’Richmend,Va Pete Teer ite ise Tee preset bill avainst the’county,comihission:1~oo <a’{m Charlotte “Gs :Miss.Mari5%Day iy:bit:bBurium.bey at the previous meeting.\The}That the Geat Is lis vistttine friends ho."inbia..S.|yisanization was completed |by the posed OFemantrtTuex~a and?-Arien ding the South Carolina |el -Clion of Mr.Oe:fe Thomas ashswearivethreeStateoe:.f second vice president and “Mr.E>fex.dants not taken.5 we act ake vA Presi and“Hider J.{*-<Pke “as.°treasurer.“PresidentTempleton{K:“Mor |wae ry sor:lass of be N:bh a SOY nod ina’Chars |iwht Lottet Is week eae naan bl ee io siebre.nce MeKenzie andWiss It¢Wart,of Salisburt.arrived Lues-|ratte nel the eeeto \ + Bethany township. ped!ts “‘comimittee to solicit members;th-oath.‘daysCo S.,Bemhn, L.“Harrill,W.E.pe camel edo ;plead=Natstress,J.mae Brady ‘and S.°[.}8%ity,.motion for judgment con-“arks:and the following to -secure ut 2 Cowles. Cyiné prepared to’sign tie’codstituy|°' eo dtioh and ,2-ey ke a eee ¥eee sie ¥tr Guess:"pay.shdix dues:“a aoe <Pad:andPathosBasten Ne Advertivements Sy¢¥%¥ .so \| oe:hoa¥“Tragsee ied v4 2 eh.sng A‘Gosdeal 5Fdumneteas: rete3 Colutye comeietoke é ae thet cloak depattment.this)nydig.~al,me cnietkbers eek «They_cabnok Be,excelledjax}EE e 6 Howl2, ”“~.°a TAG Ek Aitison Sashtulbbei wood}? WEE A Thomas Gers: a ed tumor =aite OB a Lies,reported the constitution,and courtesy to them.sien ai Visit To!Wiss Dottie Caidey efi >cliws and the report was'adopted,|fait ES °:é)€>ie ao Bons is *atteuviny oat.A}anitiition feet‘of31and qutrterly 5°if as eratitied.with isnt and Mr-S.L.Parks:.secteta-|Cts:$0 all's well that'ends well,patch:from‘Cape town,dated Sun.{+The following cases have beendis ‘day,November 5th,that the British = have beed-vietbrious in an”engage-"|ment.at Ladysmith and that.the:Boer loss was.very heavy.oo ini:Wallace,WM.‘Cooper,J.C.|turns,aud most of them submitted; roe quarters for.the.ch m-a “Robert Dishman and Af R.Sneed?JH "hite:a Morrison,|;aaa plead guilty,ee sus-vst SORE.ended.on payment of cos ;aaome &Shelton,and Ri Marshall White;>Fiftysfours persons -joined ‘the eikltyy sadgmient suspended On:pay. auaraber “The Send cenuiee neck met ofpos B-sault:plead ruil.inv wilkbe hel :Noord 5 Ss ~hnasibyeldnextDudaybtty.judgment Suspended ou:payment engineeringstaff;to repair the line. YAS yy 7Saga-Modrd,nk Se eee weapons:“pleadguilty,ludgment sés-4“¢iAs > “ops Wee Paley,fand:ykbeso}d atcthe'ey eds,ec :iaSee[2s Prices!«Pe He a taepiasgatie:Ose Dalia ‘tailuhéto%indikotSCRALYGARG.eM We 8 returt;nol pros.“Sp!-4+Sas 2 PY “pit”The ‘=jforhiatioleeecived from:themént-|are CisRite dirs Puce 4 28SNe oe int.coe petsOffie bat.BE Pr Lob’.dndSeeneLCFthe,Winks SuNGing.”CootTH P.Grier BegsSamepenTStiered”.Dsqx Ghdirthan’61the’denied shai the m Gapiases were taken:against de- Quite”a.fumber of “Citizens”i 2,000 prisoners.”‘>x 3 5ivonare’attending the:meet=|*"'™ies adnounced the foHowing di-Statesville of both.colors.were in Lalsd spoke,,anid embers ‘of the:bar: Fc raintitteeén constitution and”by:thargel:-His OE neste aa ais the”oxtanaod.te >>h.[couvention ofthe Daughters,of the!4 €30f25 cents -are~provided:for.|dns Of the meave ROE SS Nate and 4° Letérs:Messrs.Jo K:-Morrison,dicted for failure-to make ‘tax re}. se.The costs amount*to.over $13.A vi Iir.Geo.H.Brown,C.°M.Steele,|P2yment of the tax and costs in each“ Be ‘ésident also appointed the follow-will,tind it much cheaper to makecirreturhsinthefuture. 1ued.: sCOS ts.> ‘prostw9s'Gutéréd,in,the bthcasey.eaineheSam iNbore for}Points|2x5aDistalaed“ASSaUM larceny;plead tale ying Gendealed .Beclfbaty,for Gost,Righatie aot BrMillsandRB.McLaughlin.The }if each case,and our fellow citizens to relieve the Colenso column.whithhadbeen’attacked:bythe’‘Boers:who were Strongly’posted-on,Giob-|erskloof Hill,and drove them down’the plain-tow ard thé Tuyela::river:+The British and cavalry executing a‘fineflankingmovement,charged’the |:}Bo Th0 ‘No. tippl ies:|Toorwoxering’add plaiikets ait,consMh.War Sreebe|ep utah :“eS is ts;which ‘he selfs”ae.sihe>lowest.ax apturn,nol prog.50-55 3.05 3atporronibtepeBp:R.pessigle prites;te a 4 WAL Eniott,assauls:’plead gail:rturtietME“hy:aeBTL ra fox “aGG ft Wy alton &Gazerhays Thonipson's Pty judgmentsispefled|bi esnienty SticXe ASos.?Conk, 2 2 dian,Boers)Spe f F-<T)5 os:S194 hurt wi rey ‘sg;LeiwertishnesLiStA3°eabaOne: +ot ip.tpresents of-alt Kinds.He has spoons,‘cAL i a seaspsi:heCone ae ao Stefling or vee Let him showSoeSinise3230,suppites:uestihis’stoek:>535 “7hWHEWCy,SEY ie.Supplies,“Poston.Bubs.tlyou sige shes} of,hMe: ;a aud aS bt mic ~hees this weex-<Their J,BsLewis |piéad~guilty,udgment.“suspended=$seca sca thee Vedp seer ne the best.on‘ou-paymest of Costs.a Page¥2 row mS uu eh tuo market -for-thé oe ey.-2L7T oR varnyihg, Ls Uo unth Miss Otavj Rp igcan ceesetcs Afidy Raymer|se alter ge oS “Er.Me:enry Slick,ariying concealed~=Te S bt”Gauetiter ok Apehy wt C . *“a eh:s 22,Xe }=Ly $98 Htogrs Ba Thema:cmpo-Py ouenedd insurancefitre.ransNeb}Ys pe ck:Wed.TasHr sk CO $13,FS cid edt iors héa}ths oe B wn &FPePeeWee™,aktaN Ponstel -St.30,j me v £ey S R A}Lope inde deem)SphOus eS pe ve quar.—ie eet -Fg ri sips ornication.pd.See|r:Si ty wite dane feist ers as Brent)“Smith,a faces 0;ry=aE cae!ier~Mills 26.595 foes amd}Rctee Smithyanced asmaeois inion pat Vs re Ae Gdiecd *K.Moypisohn.&Dope Se 30,Jo)Ghegitors.ce Mee.Sieke ‘wegro,Who:stblex}ir.I WelsceeSinstiudects“pulBe totoe Brits,POS,2 SuPyf Sloan ttSheisdh Sieh dood peak peland’s bieyalé)x.!Seeeehaved|pies os,apr oatfe regsoe et SkBy Fe »,Hebry Ross,Bol pies,BohfeateFALathyrisprepOoyMotesy?im es :=e or Pai ae Sonn MeRarys:afira,;pleads,iil‘We a‘Thomas &~CO!Sys Conte:ena Eee rN ty: ae “!Bardon’:5SsW:Stinseu'se U,SUE*|gaint Sera hon rik SiON?RaT.uystal 33.3.4,drugs:Ox &,NyLaos as 7 See ahcantareteaeWiMifls’s 27D,Copyey ig priso=}4 ex foe THE Btascna,byx Air Satie £Lati¢fon Gre Se aeeto jafk “W-<br Anderssoo!Sissaps »:aitein semis otsOf MrS-Aptanda Sti+4ee“Tyga :bint fel tes),-@:Pbempso ie SNe23:5 fiucakinet Tedrhtedy;rtae th séhidars:ral:bad*na7 Ge Of rank yor hi hd tee?oiSomeuidideohdaybyE"ny urae“beStwhe Reng sees %pseiniair,be pie oS 4 4 :x r Tu.BSAT thes awPINTenurchstaayujoreive,roared YS PRSONE Bo 2.foo : o nnoN.BINS the pastor?Cp]y=.eet o pyits.!iBES an “cata dst}2a bf.eh:Loz.§Afy wutber uatrow sortsOnge,earthise ,Ci Mdoré.“And “Babe Moofe,aftonifordsqesSe6100Snfoad“ot hicanet z oe sa%€“aks ee a een G minty“physteiag>.De.We ey sew)eee on icave fraye”leak ‘guiltys judgment|aoréshe.next)mectiz =H,investizatiog Fourth -ceéek ina?|?SANS ae ad ES ee >onder ee ‘payment ofgosts:+«_*+4 Oi *k Obcord the.kkdst oh tarfal,districts.BLapdmark,>$T0/50.Fs 2 f 5 4 HESuite Wont SheBanda,“As ow ‘ita,‘aes idfChaetogSsudvettisine:Cityof Statewvitions.3,”ing Strengi Renee j aba corath ioiars, ;cacove <3 :iS ‘B shy.Sheudin that Strange caton dort Si went forkh:~1 Dye i Crs eh ann a fAyreWasbeterLéjoresopresaybret:Rdwands rou5Thecows a Py nagWoshe’s prized her aia ‘Strong «ease?gnilparted:“Ee ons meg aot hogtis £3:TS.JBL SO,serving read overseers UP angltohae |ch =sey ‘ity.te!tas Vunkndwy.pooticesSd ne Mastor $10,‘adifertics|Shethought herself Of tidtle wont See€ie War my “weather igmac:fi 43 as aSSCOT Printing Gé,,S050,PY y,once,g wise being.showing,lives Wkerhers,OLethte:©‘TherOha vecePndvid MSW x .a lowliest oges.shall sian ~}OCtadé Tomlin,7 pyinting pistol:|hehe laxt,x he ¥¢,tw‘9.JUL:Tt hiees ds“assessor iidb:New#Henestdwn!Bz aa tahear His tatethes pleat guilty,juggmeat suspended’Sateee rVvitiysoch idrepy,“bay Lohip:Armfight Pursiety Sh0),sate)reetehe is t.rand HisSan 6,His of’payment Ofcosts.”amTetsemeek:2 }a ove pets ‘aycounty at toraeys for thessear|He Sc aeyeee oN cJiym-Leslie,larceny;.eaikty Sortecebodaued:forbd nes Bocembem st FOO oe “nie sweet Se ee nye [Seatontht chain gape:,4 7SvGMisgwasbednissuedtoradaeWoofenandA:©.beisiter!.SO pproitese-¥=‘t43ix.“Werry.J~\Holand |* ae on he datkn JAS SetfopoubsSeineDduton“My.“Hol yeuIps),gcd Sidney:Sipes ‘and.W.its pers Se + San fir LownshtFdBeeAVOSfreeOiin peut : r a Pee .wie “a2-4%ee ht resin,porthilre-,et ee SOMIe airline “»i Shh attiesbung,Miss,was, 7 5 Sahat Nedrescaloted,who subinitistt Sore,‘a,drunimer.3 Hollingsworth}~:‘M 1S advan d ‘sha“ply.aud the gh4iagang.Yesterday about Fl li jgsworth,"whea he refysed ‘tore-?~HfeeteBas.aaya tc >i Tbh ES pale hyte>“yesferdays foe k Legian.Bis tadught:that.hela ay tile Dan’S Wife was in anotber{\’lasslayer,had’to be »ceeoanay,an Wid be:maintainedang rgqn,stale Dan's ‘gun’gnd:carrled it’)t+prevent atynehing._ ue Set forthe ade away.Beat hada warmaat Issued fox|—-+ nwt=Thin TE‘xp¥ess front Statesedle has)=cae mo baving aeooote:Ns ead Btowa toa.botidgy -Suless,ca anasi gutate pfalddeceabedsed40 ji sue"i is i “a,at’Rol Lnsaa P03cabo Mr.“Stepheuson,exe”ae ewe months ae notite oFit ‘i sin ;a ‘Cesnieae Ee vy Dress messenger ga the*“W.°abe |jy be plead in bag recover =rsinhioge os op oe &f Tila ape the rs asgistiing ani = Ae Se a Sag =Ny: 3By Connelly,Attorney, me +my bbs “Woardss$23.25:eachel aeclets/‘TalgsSwraps auddress soodsy,of Gosisn,SST ST."sr af heart lines:are mew ard ~up--to-date,N Nekauk Wellboes ‘aseindy,gaiity;“inde youa shosld see Shemioalore ony ‘ahwee =eas :et i arte 5 ~b,SSC déhd/Newton-Par 3;NCeats iy¥ou in Brigg]Mites Parks.Got Guilty.Messia [that the enemy SutferédcheavilyandianPhosd@edsamiteh»Work:hs itecke!camsupply ou rica guile.’MeSSick to pay two-thirdsthe«-Chst.cindthes case -agdins?ssick,)gtowing “out 20f the ‘Same.|,aTaywasnol.rossed..,S85‘Stark Grabaul colored.larceny . wWedpors;pleads x tye judgpoppetoeon-dayse af tos:gt Miah t‘SeSaluiirs tnd€“Co Risin +fornication af 13 adultry,inistrial..: Se5 be:-W ae CF Rea,ni t s$o Hi a EPraise.‘assault i th ‘dedd]y eapous;-ple aPlanks;TRO 2 erAi $e..i a»Qan y as es Th.lo ECO FC Dogk ar k Ww 2 Rea oeconee =Sa eh ee {-- ldude Tomliny Spey ing.conceal-[ares “t =shove vhenichest gem}of earth.1 ed,weeapons}plead gailty ‘jodgraent’Th:+Alison,1 40,sta 4 +s se2 2 Yor Se<He SI ker gras 2 ro]4 Lus'shalfigome’whey all the greatOfearth*oH sds péudedon payment of costs~~2sin theConcord”Reis i]Wimoerss M.-H.Shoeinaker,fet € ;"-Sotin’Keeter,assault ‘with:‘deadly |were exer piéedfrom pol tex-for the),«eelesome,wire’arcaimodg the See RETR AS f Reapda;plead gguilty,Sane Rt“Sus,L C..S4Het hb ithyelo Ae os een “|petides ontpeyment <For eOsts.Lf>Ars other.vt vi ‘Ut-==_:ote a &2 re:Qe v v.Ete Dey mage erenipeed Deas u |~YWohb f-Bennett;chise oe alice”oft‘Bil Waitgand.Mabry quaton,aft“dhe fray>Watts DORMER TAPO:“ptos-*2as}Gaal vee ang H Wa Heaten “Lhe parser:a 2 sam Moore in’Teowble Agaim Shy led Tuesday “ow,I:ian Hollings ty Houston.aes PM dnday forcarrying concealed,wea-Fer atged Bépuett with<‘rdbbing’him4 ty;judgment Suspended.¢onseve a>s/poes,and whe was ‘let Off -with the 40!.32,300"fo “checks,Béunett de-ofnosts.Conanassault”te silty.4tenisSadyates:arhe?Tytare east,eseems to want to ‘break into |manded,&retraction dmdstruck,|Hoal-.enry:Ue pot-gu sd wweapons7 nok,pros.eeejatthebeuseofDan,|t act;and ‘Hollingsworthpulled-~hisy ec ‘Sorelees belowitheBepot:}v)‘stokabdeee five.times,Ls*BAfayrechten:‘Byers,’Hosea.omenee=Icy Nora,James*¢NES tice't0 €r tors tee Datta aot guiley.T°“fey 5 The Afsarrest Yate yesterday’Soeaparica =“Noert Geplitot The grand ryiestill ‘ane ee |°Fi =ee =.EESspans eer gieceased”faving ytd$5°ex .that:eQurt“will 3d. <jemmieSprouse;colored,elaims tol.Se 100.years.old:*‘She is*ppob-|:~y his.Novemberrsb,abo ~_Adie.S aoe abi yea dz™is“pro ae alge - of coBilleraad.“Rachael ;JudgmentSuspend et Rayment) A “Rafa,vette.Byers ‘resisting oficer}a. aa Ress te3GMooreindBabeMoste<foreidtrespass;plead guilty;Jadgment/(Sy:Se a.airy os.fac de wheytthe,oloults grewiW thickamd mrcied suspended-o.paythent Of costs “A Houston,alfray;nol pros...[PP -aSedsTomlin,‘and James.Ketr: ty,judgment suspendeddn pay? artBickertsleicen'y <ilead ui énwy.‘Gonner;-“partying ©peaceal Albert *Hebson;*aftray>¢ ffivally <tedayev es es4‘seal cone Se spe‘\were,drived ove mities>engl ex.téded sndScattered themin alldi’|7 reations.;its Believed “atMatekinng ish Hen ¥O Taloyatto?ricsLreStedkMonday...Henry‘was,en.rave [18$d to “marry,the yitl.:.Ne:vedaworriedwithher.when slie-éom-|j.'splained‘of;being ilLand:gave her.a |’es :Feapsule of poison from which she}idyudge Robinson expressed Sas fet afew minutes later:3 1:30°p..m.—A reliable fee.aszis‘brought confirmstor evidence -ofrvingRR.Clark,A;K.-Klingen-|¥ben judgment was suspended on the day fight south.re Ladysmith.’ cured Saturday,saSciBOe ‘aring was:NEueWor 8 Seek i ih:tose Swit ok ondda.NNoy —CWS,as,jist aoeteypBeodedonpayanetitofcasts;*}ES]¢KOTed fiom 2 Matstakingg 'showing dtup t ‘Wetober*2:5 athe BoersZontimecsthesbombatdaient,firiag?|aS iady ag 300-shells \in’-36 hours!Fsthouylcausing“but little’damage}ahdyyolinding only.four ménz >;*7)1 ~Thar:day,they closed in*all around,failure |‘to make the:town “and made a deterfpinatioa}/=‘>attempt térush “in.”The’uga¥rison, tePrifié:rifleant Maxim,ofife,wk ihf to storm theSesins eee néar Lester Manor.Va..(Monday;(house When the titte girl’s‘and Killed.eee ra Phere isa fresh Sut break:ofzvesibs 1.jrat:seredmiag into’thest.and Miami,Fld:Ewoirewcdses j3D,each tows dex elop:ed Tuesday.-st * “Qn,ac@ount’:of Reece: dress)a3 +Ss Meejeaughtfrom*‘the:fire ie “She:ae Sir _Clothing.~ty z =¥ard swith mick Se oe \gee:the «(flames enveloping-her.“Her [oo ye Wetnave bogeh tatane of Clothingeon thet's agemotherran‘to sber and‘:the’.flames!.“=.Wereextinguished,bat not'uotil she |Was fatally burned,’“Mrs.the |‘hand?quarantine agains#New Orleabs has wut thbeenraised.‘and it is thought yellowfeverjis.ov er for.this’:season, Major Count Esterhazy.“who fig ic |Liberty,Mo.,out.df bed:“led himin‘ateappealssightelothes.to.edmetery ‘Rud.Cnc Stiipped‘bit:~Complatht Red:‘edniermgce-that shehbiel tadbeet ince geéd~with. speaker:Ata Was:ane weer >i Chen o&Reported -British »ie tory on Sy Londot,Dispatch,qh) Itds announced in ee.Sspecat st¢ourt,Natal,Sunday,;HO: reconnoisance «was .made:by JaitishGivision,the-objéct being ers almost.-anuihalating-‘them:&plain’“gvas,Strewn “with slainsérs.-An armored’train,has again|“teft for Colenso,witha company of|the Dublin’Fusileers and a ‘railroad fighting is supposed~to have.-oc-4 fred out.toa man ‘aard delivered aj" eGily“stampoded:the EBoers,wid ot likely-toimake another t ees nerepufable<<=Soa a ante|~~ et pee =ph a ¢CieAepleddigt cd ate thebest judgedis-Pam Sige coe An's +price.than'y ladies Shoecompleteline of good.sh:ves;the latest stylesat otto Prices.\)or Monarch”My line of% ¥Sehes ©VOT Sxv (eee ol dig mone hese 2 ORO.IS} “eeRoy F Be Stitt: S'=You m¢ Lhe s a + SS ache >a +sigds.4 ie bats aes :>-rou then,Jet me?Show‘:44ie:Sie ee PS Nwnoe oe Pee He henpoe Se rae:Scam f Went Is:voures eth pair,¥ou-cansofthetremea6au2sDargetne micewhoselfsaebestgoeds.ici this 7have.andsiallcortinne to do’So.>SHOES*OF ALL KINOS-Elkin Shoes,old*.”men’s” Jeans,SDIeC,ASE hime double Miller siwerebadlyburned’in -pue-tlames.Dr:a de Andersor ieneWas,Summoned,“tithe|nothi pgefor ‘the Htteé:sufferer,seatsbédjathehousecaughtion:tir ea &Children I gu iurgeelsew hs rst fine dneas shecsi Jat.The¥ate nice dress Ko rg- Cloths, “ ‘LADIES SAPES, ik haves pee boaghethe fourth’tir Beehavedinatwa:1‘everSiw from a nice one at 40 cenandlargesilkplishat$2 EN LOSL <aPEs- igté-barrel bregeh xatt $5.25,rors Trtity.%© y Lahes, COGs it was extingsished.Without:much >Mr Bud-Mrs Distt fs :uredso prominentiy'in:the Dreyfus |datnage bes a pane eaS 4 ce Cee enh:ome a sya bee Q i e-vbeing doené. essiy ia the Jewish|secW lB Scarborough,of Sbotes:‘Sloan--Burks,”es >=|dust before theclose’of his chatge,;trial,tas béen sentencedto.three |sliller have the Svmypathy of their: iMmornine.-|wiles>;Was in town’ye Sterd:::Mr.Wore J.]f \>pLudze Robinsos alluded to.Che rer years:imprisonmeat.pe Sanehae.,PMedii 1b ‘Saneth er b}ft] Sie eee by day.Ae ee P a S —ee Hil Bree,|port which was.printed in the State A huster found a;box containing |web =~S-D Den!vi er =th iction [Sar eels:one to |Harlee Mac?‘all,r"sq.ot ‘Lexing-~oo COUDTY.and™Miss “Lillie payiers that the--réason:the county ly.000"1 a anche Sees ace Upon the Be Mr.Webb's }ton.-is here ieter ding court.Gurke,of Salisbury,were married commissioners had not drawn jurors sea¥$20,P in gold Caper nee|:Sig re i lates Le ee ‘‘:vester S)buating in earl river.bottoms near,|STATESY ae ‘white.Mr MeRa ‘A =i t day evening at7 o'cloc!kat for the second wéek of the term:was Jacks &.Mi “a last i -vue PROOUCE MARKET St I chee Anderson canre>home |the residence of Mr.T:C.Gray.-the f See oe One ea 4 =sce Moore has,moved}from Cone ordand spent S wide’s’E because of his discourtesy to:the.Itis thought ee mouey-is a war)*CORRECTED LY! 5 Save her ‘b 7 :ASPpOeNnt y unday.7 CS;orother ipe ee in Bethany membersof the bar at the.’August Zi i JCOOPER + a ich Bi Harry E.-Re teas.~Rev.‘Ri,“MeLelland }tredsure.\:>“eo &-GILL |ObtvIcE ib <busi-an ar “|:\‘ pt i+a x id,of ‘Charlotte DHiciatihe:Tie.oe ‘term:Judge.tgbinson said thathe,‘se “|bent Sunday and Monday here.*;eae wae whe weddingwas 2°quiet bad bead ‘yvéry~much “worried”.by)A.Be Brady was shot and serious."sR Coseses por THA wh oat agence BEEN =ow1”.Only a few relatives and friends these‘reports,wod that.some ‘person Xt wounded inAbbeville.S.C...Sats)chide ans =wanted,bitte:rouse Nest“|NGtel one Sache ce Ee ce 2 resent,“Mr.and Mrs.J.P.boi persovis had-sent-.marked copies |Uday by Wm.Gates.Brady assaillt-Sates eens: -hew salesman|oe sce Sheuo.several Hays :ae urke and probably others of.Sta.ofthe papers containing them to his ed Gates:with a knife;.when ‘Gates:}<REN noe ois ‘Ttiomas-&Co:Shear eas :ville,Were “present.”The:bridal |wife.He theo read-the..section “of shot him:five times o"Brady“is io’ATE )Se i =alice Sallie ‘Lit ile.of Atlas Gaz.|UAtt®go-.to.the xroom's hatne im The Codé which requires the county.precarious conditigg and Gates :is oo xeiSVinitingthefamily6fMreMec.&owany:Sey bode ;commissjoners to draw-a.jury,for}Ja rs ee“)Delinger 4 ;JOT the many >T :2 e Deiiggers :ey Ska,ie Soni eon tienes ee,the second week ‘and.instructéd the,-Thos:J>Keuster.Stoner auditor’1 SR Ae Hartline,of /Prout RaeIOS On "choir hae ihapri Be |rand jury to inquire:into.‘the mat-of the Atlanta.and West Point,rai:.fa ee]Cn Shas:ebne to:TWindis.to ioit ae ee:Tier.”“He directed:ithe solicitor,to road,is missing.His.accounts.are|Ee:Sei ene ees ah usband,=omtitea.Se PNT Ny,Mr.Wooten!s House Entered.draw a bill againstthe county com-seme..$20:000 to $40;000 short.Hels rah cal .oo ora 4 rove ee:eR :Sc metime §;ae missioners for their:failure to.per-was a high-flyer iin:Atlanta.owning pete ravi School Mog=)Lise Minnie.Morrisons ol Sebtt's:renee es =unday.afternoon Orbtirm this duty.His Honor com-tone of the _handsomest;Tesidences iiD <e OG enjoyed)has-one to Culdell ““Mechletibure:”ie nee enterta the-residence plained that only one member of the the city.Papeeteer~Soutyo Ao teagh,Seine Re ee.Say on,oes of.Bethany|bar-had-contradicted the ‘report }4 fi 7h 5 i;~Cry is Gate ai in and Sask paperyove nc ney re entrance was mide hich bad gone out.to the :press:of |A battle was’foug t yi eriweent 1e VRogste;v}i ee ;oy ed Itt ite f Yy Prony s ‘i caey ‘Sa ea ae 1)cakes YSear on ae .poss ane ite the State,:si ee ee o Oa arid schicken =an tale MLL thee !iby v4 wa a i »= 2. : ee ¥“bout ana Sens eee ::%until Monday ‘morning that Mrs:Wien ©the|judge concluded hig the jusurgents last.week,jin WHICH |se epee.wer::Pint en ee alten a te ae ¥oti discovered:thatthe window charge.B.C.Caldwell,Esq..”said Pthe insurgents were-the victors.The!pucks rs So .b.Mips:De Modre tof iene,isShatterdjad been prized open.Mr.that the report had originated ina government.Bees lost.Su).ettleg RESi ete HBmuxthefactory|5 2 her father aug mutber,Mr.n Molen’Spibtol Is the.only article.paper bot published in Statesville.and 109 wounded,"Str iw Butred Ch sive veliga)*ea (He hy ‘Ly ,\eee IW YSs}tH cS = Be See tae JAN aiite.See It ahot’destain fees oe:the }i and‘that Tut Mascor had published ‘,Monday vight’ee men:fool:‘Honey—ares,ee pe BH BRS HOSCHORE Pe Cahier je why hace?Entered.ao att ane ee true’rez se ee no jury was |John’D.Robvinsot,.landlord’“of >the’REE eae Sa eri er pote ;SUEyRGH aac -afte a |;oe ee =::eBags fa wetees ee pay egy p d¥awn Tor the Seconc week—bécause thur?eadibe“hotelo :Ansa fg etree cen ne te ed boing~Soe en.W doten andhis.famity went to ——ee the.feats Hotel ot : pets OTIS pS:ivas Teturne IGUAL. nile ¢clothing to beasts T telTyou:and ifvin provesotherw:YOR SIAM have ¢duoney ACKpositivwillsellyoutothing.Far:ure The pea le know" place;i alwayse fz ¥H:ats and Cay »s of. Try a Centit TNHoodandCheats), Outingestcteay3thedowst wt % asid oteArlineOfthefires:Capes YouSteastintho-Syep.Tavill “San —GUNs AND:AMMUNITION: oS ENCE loading:Stet:guns, a “RS A.“S ount,aN.“on Novembgr zt,:cayeBA lrito:Seythi Zin.re iefToes=nt SAV hige feetas eToeSN)E selbkat, t-‘ikeTs Wee ©, Oe + at e “ae a7 ASKIN eae € ae ae Se on a cesk SoneSeactio oAYoad4Hatoroe we hgvesdid.“gasTs«roware Ca the lookquf:“for\areas PRStneieose‘ oN ayet t Se a iT ‘ oe > Ki at Se cs : fa ie e e * sb 4 —Ps,wouter ak eee,Pers Setar ate o-yo Po .ee x :ne nt t Rey ~3! ENO fereaite —Naot nt lnm ——.om ‘Pie i (aed ~mk aa>i Ha Sines I ™.ee aN =Z .Perse eee Coto ae|a eee nO :es : MatATS SOT OA ZN ae Ste!ce et RW CRs.ign ges Ae DELL sr VERIOR EFOURT.,a a QENFRAL NEW 8.,>Chita Burned.to=Dee Peete fl .as wn bs ¥~Ags 2 Pe ig Seek whe :cy .c ea ees PhS Cano or rope hb OL WMdaros oi \st Said oe a Fownship:.geet ST ntor tO wha’dvie be ou::Woe tS 0k +ont Say eh ae 4.we ATse Judges Gt The ee =*woe :Ee ; See ectedtd hustle in,etoy ee eg ne ee agate Sell daub:3 sae Ohi argent E eee City:Mo..had 4 92 00),60.Nh esterday:afiernoom between tive ox reeter >sOhise 2 =.s <=So ae =met Ae wWebk>“—E ty of pe The Nisomber:rai ot:Siredaii'|Lee early Sunday’morping.|’<and.Six 0 ‘gloek”Maryarite:the tive’7.: ~it them owe r..Geo.OWeli a,“Ashe iyht oT BShip,SetiE be os arrie ats.‘ont (OF six-year-old daughterot Mr.amd).ts ;ery:here.i poet oe ee aN yeah “home at $0'clock this af)>upe rior Court convened”Monday |Thirteen were.badly iejured’in:a’Shee Shaford Miller.of’Cone ay ogee nd wis must Sie Paes MAS tnod Ret.Dee ve Bays.rr.|i with s ge W m.5-O'B.-Robinson.|railroad accident,hear,_Hillsville,| townshit g Sep Ohi meee z Mr-+Geo.RR.Aadersog eee Kune)ines Be vk Bae Ga sds bore,presiding .ahd:Soliliei-|Miss*“Monday:ee township.was-so-badly burned:thaty 4 seetent~Drop ¢n and|psusday.*~Cape eee ne eee“hn %ter vt “the Soteaciile dis tor:Wiley RYSh.prosecuting for the |es '{sbe died”about pine O-cleck:last pe /Xe <n at Metres aps .os mee,.PICK.OUCigting.The weddiog will)Stat e:apts Wycoffis assistéd by Riley Bradbs,chief of the Pamuk Pnight<"6:2 :fe ag ore te.hs <=.Pea a2 Ochs OR te yu .2 + Se ““bi 4 ‘ :iss Gussie.“Knok ot Cheveland.»4%.4,dutet hose"one.Ny BAC ectiee Sérogzs:Templeton:Hom ky.Indians.was struck:by 4 train4 ©“Mrs.Miller.had wore opt’sat?the’he~pectrulHiv.me Wes rere londay.| F's tting |ne ie deo” TSH a r TO OUR UNE _Gheapest ATFA SHERRILL.“COMPANY’S.-AWE Ww.btoc Pp eS sl WE ww ALL'S PS EIAL.ATTENTION THISio: »tm Market. ;{ Espleke Hae ar tinh aioe stock of L mandscit tie Buying, 7 ot Ws, min/ Baw tO your:idteres4 é oo peabt foect ; £44 Seletbratea Balt rahLXs3.>oe SellFrigwinay”is wre eTphewines,ay Wee emp.ie ae Yall| te Ww aNve 45 Gi trade: a2(Battle Axe ‘Shoes —= oS te sintdras Stiga tye Cop wor natiatsShay At ain asbuyBattielaxe-thereld convinced th twitsEeit the Sime:Isusirte:ot BOR Mee rege Se Mer r«rEG.ALD. Wig a te kwme capt mn ~Ys .tis “Bom Gasand Fine Se a nae “Por uyent women MLA ®aAid penssolid.thrdustiodt andte : “tny defectin tive ma ;acladly satishy%ALM,easy abi¢gape "ESOL:Notwithstanding:Eh:Pact.th any Warhahted 4Sborkdbapaimgaawrone74ryborin?thenrback and Bee=tCx ;-- trate ads anced {re my Lit ti)2pyreeee we .Fru Ma it 2s 22 ;(rive as ao Sa eh,t Ro reaity mfwet +Ne P welds tA Betswent. better ab advertise, ave n for adhe root. VS y e e N ss Sobre merchandise onsBRS ny ordol! ore INVeSt Bro, Our sty Peproper.tis in buying right: shave thesfacilitiesSak xu OUL TOMES ‘maney.gor Wap Apne seers :%30 sige5 uitaL owe :Sutist:actory, ie 2 SOUL,stateme nt. *boat the race wae3h wil:<2 aSe,erat se aso 3Ww"atTREE ¢!geee oursels,. eee Lic le torsatis “OUT }) the-mrt there! larsto Sper | SOK #HAC aie 4%at Sees‘Phe>Newmillinery:=“.*:“Ana,pb Irews Gobd~Et beiin0 one We Se aye buyaiee iisealXairs.AO scius @.t Hew Pbtiai hesset ora.Sjet in i +}yal bil ode ee Na at AsooLeocty Or a Wee dou teins dS rut Sy as we, hetowe Sty cL Bien YAIMES sorendieyalmostyointer:* ty We areG He peppy be he-vou i xpenses Miheie you tase 3 pen- with od jis ment Atal eoe ore £0)a vous —TPOTR + i..Yous ff as tee lat if wedonit vanity We ie he 2 OFPoeeellent’clti p tyuatity:Gpuess4sFe,(are‘selfing:“at 20€.,Bit: pee we tngfGooy Cotes,”‘ >Aad t negeny,pound.a couponie =i i eeehmwheae:es aeSips<FEN COUPONS?{ey(var fs Returnded.psfcures305 re oaZeVOUSBie:substantial Caflee:*a q cae nsheyhes*se.BBoth er we HL32rotePAB.PN ty o,f Tne 5eet Me Fis :eejude asafow Lm‘|e ikepan the -wery swelleste+», PS o8 “ahel o era 4.?a SS lly, Abe'sJevieler abd Optivien2a oo Ee.+>}i ¥ay ie sy Do .wr pee ~{0k the:icesratia inthe courts, .4 > ee es Bee Se “a -mere a one of *s )a a{Sken A To asinty:Eight:~delars’:oe-ans pajd*out to.Citizens4.5 “INSURANCE-=!me “Alyalihdd Best look’ae“Ssioethat,which’is:thut-‘axsteppi J‘[stone between NO.“insurance andPlifesteonginstanceyou’die”evi,Inomy,.policyyou™get.ydothlivingand-death 4 : ten2 hiGnade:Sha Statesville.“and “s-community’\ins“Tess SleSchrthan:12monthectime’syei if you *wilk tale.the”. _hime and see thelcan©wo Rive you’‘all imtforraa-= a Shot -Cig oe Sige Manors ExAm AT eeSE coe oe5AG:aD the ra y s ae ‘Shi oe“The prices dye righ f so-cometones tiee forCotiins buse i?s oreseesn“Styles aig oe =Hy ss Offie and ubode:of 13<° ;‘ea ee caenate.Lone pveavenoe rts x Yeoeea ee Stone of "Rarentbed out Shoahis;ee ie :i¢eas Gime to’Sey Qs,we “abe. ye ~out * "Bi EST Aieaaita “3 ee is ys the ogre tf ighnesy id rie et os“Dd sounbed 22a?suit:or (Overeoa:mi oy i Now ps the,bapye-t, hor i pte ingforyou,eM lease.<8 wg ae a aera me whey en 19 ft i 3"omPteapieAneeySesPecreaseaatSloan:oe ‘Shel:On,-be Not Be SS BE Boe Pe -“=ee ——rome4 -“tee ee Latgeand Stople’Stock of abst“$i ah gousht:Toit be%ore the advanced |prides.and -.will‘$6oh at meee ilowter ining yprice possible. ian N;AIt Th2 temeid,driting, KseeAe cies Biliow “Stowinggthebest)DRESS G ODS:sand, :a ORR Seg PLE eoyasopigairaiotesteekindGEcorPetTHC .yig-any.sApa ent.can mak ee ing i‘i user an nittsy @ dérwear-batsc eapes,Sunibreilas comet.tts py, rey,€-ofSirae Span cases;omttibg,ir:apy iiOrbeafoe Kind did prigz.Cr4‘goods blankets.atén-.sen ugrelse inWeswa.tk Diy* SEiney :S 3 3 = +c have.an ¢Kisa ot ee "ee = rh e wet<3 SETTLE TO UaSNEY. °a 5 cathe E Le ongre span §sky the Cc on-Z .Kress:un Sonia.Stunning ~fet 7 2 ae stions:>5 'in e i urayota SandSat Sein nid ObSereer?ee My eur Lipitive Ks WS “abaldash ét “thetast <Hepublican:State" »tion andsme mberoFatteppresent:| *Stat@ exéc utite gOxp1).tée,‘and one. of the’ablest.lawvers-‘aod logicians“in the State,Ire ap!fellow Republicaniterhoping that tou wil\ne'astocertaip practic40°the propesed opposittop:oF the |5tépyblican-pari vic ag -any4ougéniza> ee wt %was:4i '‘ i <3 ~enli ?_—s a “tuti¢hal Amt-ndmiept.nnow before.the ry ple : wo=aerececnt “mengORS thie execu®f./-“the Committee aw ‘StafeLyille Ty atm) x untorageRhoriguelyy the.afranayTAHtcextoremployCou >tbe néceSsary steps “to.teSt the’con: {ofitttiqnality of ‘the |ele:tlon’,law Bare bye the ‘last Lediniat use;flow. 2 CasThis 4(igi Stidtte hie browebt petoretaecourts,¢“They ‘willndtyerntértajn. &bs oth elie wretheoreti eal cuse, Se eS ‘af the Bui.. . ang,Ldqadtknow Eng pers ges,hae’pee,its PCaIOP “rto_the \ caer:ee o “3Mit Royits:to sebinty be sree.pee é,Srp ome’“for.the ke ,OPaceesintet® me aradt wie B bl gn se xGerigive a “uunitt(a Fan;Aine cays,oawarran tePun38HCN,ayaigst “the. itL& “"Or sae out 2°Prsong compoMrigithe:.‘State Board 2 Of Hieétions,”bw,hat prac ‘ticafpetas)Gfit will ite E vey if,”“the Gourts| 4 2 Should ‘decidé the:electin,jaw ua: “sconstitutttonal Sar part*or-:in:Os,of what benefit wilt:it be,fe"pthe Bapabt JFigay parby 2s St ee oe Senot.wetsdeciisto ok thie) ~“Sxnprerihie-Courtfe OW TicsypucStion “be atone Febtaacy (oe‘xt;gna ‘Aal—thet ae sbsividhold Lite“ac t a ngonstisult inal i —oethat >——ze Vive thre olds w?GACTS d895-"faw"did not repesl hbserack i The! “repegliyeg’act ves passe Qn the Zot |or Jahuary;ohne and”the.’present) ckeav beeMe 4 peri ‘eon ge.theebth-‘ofNM:trehy ISOs;0 that “hetaveevn these dates we hgdx uG Taw)wav‘Tui,elec}tions a imiteveg,*Thea oldtax \re-J“péaled-on>the;itedak.Johvary-an -TitervalVai er dyn..4r thetbanks,“erg Orhitte #hedstiby che"ewe.Jagr.passed:Mange Gane _thetnew law“a wckared UnCONStDAt donacoptis—dogoumaniaticthe“oid tay,A¢INGE yall Be raxived?“tesosh att what5¢yenegit ISee The Besie® I;afure »by,reCokuttor ris to pmect in,:‘Lome iext and>would:vintyiediatety,.|pass an éle Cliitdasy Sitar 46:“thet“ate we“tow have,hudder whith-fheeleginhhirsvasustfollowingwould fehelaky before en eoulkk test WS,constittutionalitys SP that afterail,ny our tabor For whut,land:subytan-tially i inthe sarfie position,you,"are Trew in..har nol-the champion of or the:the apologist for'thepresent electionJawsTyisnot:sutb-as bk would like.)“bet tt.ts before us speakirg in an em-fihiatic™language of a *‘condition,’A and nat an“the;burid e}equence oF a“theory.; Now.‘as xto,‘ahve ConstitutionsAmendment.“Assumingthatit wil}becratitied,“and.I.think that it isa“re asonable assumption,how,will you=lest 29ts constitutionality?Youcan-bot get-a_deci‘ision.of the courts “onthequestioninacontestfor&seat“in Convress ora seatin either branchéof‘the General Assembly ofthe State:For -by the,Constitution of the Unit.TedSlates,aud of the State,each.oftheselegistativebodiesis*trade thesolejudgeoftheeléctionandqualiti=cation of its owilmembersg :97°.*“There ard practical diflicaltias i mnthe:way ‘of Yaising-a question in 4.w=contest ‘for.ore of:the:.Judgeships,«Bich ‘precludes that method.The’_judges ar&voted for by the electors:bi the éntire State,ang:it is proba-ble that.those persons <whovare de- =. ta | ryt||reney,-Our."manyfactorexand”our |” |Country:db}axan,adberetice/to.ate 3can teri |. itine, =to address Foudbis et-|> sh yeni,—~ mjecyions * ,tion,to,Phe adoption,of the:Constt=t irepoly tign Wits pasted aui-7% “byt hie’, ,and-telegraph and wealth commun- nen,but by.all-vich men who want ‘jaccount’of “his~present.NebraskaCampaign,discloses his -yreat popu-larity:in-the.West:ey is able to défeat ‘him~or not,stands -the-central figure’of ‘thispolitical politicalleader any.party-has known policy?“Let us expand.6Gr“cur” arincigles ofthe oe hae “Repabli- can *Party.i +s .~Withbighest esteem]Lain‘siaebye-,ty yours,wha eSTHOM.ASSETTLE:= OON%faa ehiagteefe~~7PrgyRees SeagemvoningItself.Pts fasbecieCitizen's :‘ ihc Retnang 0 bea Democratic.pr-per.’Bot why-¢ WOT Ms pe+rnefactorymariertming,iyin a=pepfeat ve.satis: tay ersvanda “thing reedt |gratiepaper?me Ifthere }1S.The”‘Chti-swe eaiosity 2 Ws Wil now ok tnd Section -° putagate!ona,jackass*ip tie,SoutysSit ndegssary.toattactweenmiddeserigtiohto:a.buzzard: “af North CarGtina-‘aree pretty Tntel- ask.Tt Sa waste of lather:+? fae"isfraceling under fdlsepr assertioirt Dat Wis ‘of bem, TE his-tt ‘ople astits.agstipption,GE hittle thoney:“But as for -Exposing rile:Gazettes,ib “ig e sing:itself LW hay +shoully Te+Ohofere>Thy Gazettes exposute‘oti 4en.otha’t&ao Expote...Ate ether ait tri¢ 42apwiiees —_pot ft aaa pheGraert 8Poritigal Traliens * ®:aldig hyDe Wigs aig pbsirier\4 : Bi sebuatry has never:Teoeo tof the peop}e.ahd:“Whos was?pers6n=)haity Kk ov¥n te ‘So’,maxy:voters~As, Str “Bryan.‘+.Jefferson;who ‘is théGamalje),aod Jackson eeted extnmorepowerbuttheylived?ine!an’Vaze wheft combined ‘illegal ‘wealth |cowld nat wield SO great.atidence }as now.-Jefferson“and Jackson.ap-pealed to manhood-and \civic’virtueandwon,though ‘assailed by.theforcesthat“assail -Bryan..-Thenmoneyhadweight,but-the railroad ism.bad not welded the rich into aconipactorganization.controlled byaMarkHanna.by Thodgh-‘opposed,not by all rich ‘special privileges,Mr,‘Bryan.is themost_popular idol.this:‘country basknown,.Heory Clay.isthe -onlygreatoratorwhohas.enjoyed.thesameloveanddevotion.of his party.At makes no “matter “where~Bryan,foes,it is theSame,-but it’is in the’homes of the lowly~toilers.that ‘hivame.is “most.venerated..Out on ftheplainshemovesmenasno.otherlixingman.;TheN ew York World’s, WwW hether’mon- he era+-greatest..and purest: thig State ig leave the’‘Aviendstent -aione;-and make ‘the veampaigr vont:sound money,*protectign apd sup:| pert ofthe Administration-Slorpigy |b sea -TheCitizen is;dekied.“why--it}does,‘not _axpose.the Gazette's’falsehood houl The Citizenthat.job.whythe .Gazette |.be AS there."dany ones.in North Carving,wh’din aoete Ordbe) sel,atk take.)lieves Vidi wre Gaze te iis -Paine : en Would tise toypublish His photo? raphyfor,he is ape onfeateat aliwithg? 7 man shorn snl Otuuk ‘gee Snot.Teatogey.gS|dead:sanvatténdantur-placird té ext ablit.ct¢ NorthCarolnadiinlwhkehis“pecessary,toy Wow here tithe Contest a over, Xmobg imefyentypeople,a dethosePs Hivent:Ltrs)considered.a Waste oft tint"to Sten:a*gong:40 Seat]gatten-]“Should eutertainenic ty an action,and etfore.Laef Lips)AS fox.shay ing *an sang]}to-Sharkey* “EME Litizen iS.dware:that the Ga. tenses,Dut-whm fs fusted by:ib2Paes wa -Democraticpaxper,sligwsontyt stpiss:‘ashamed | Ww hatis is4und we,are’“vladt Ati gernoF:tonstiencertet)é 'tille|The”presentf'Démoctatit’Sis.merely tor=pote ‘iptere| rethenttens:1s.ccinplete..*TheSCiti~) Besides.the trituds:Qf “padeySieutentneede:ap.organ.*2Let ‘thesin@ejoice :7‘the,Gazette:Tor they‘Lneveryeta more’"eflicient organ. rot termsssthan’,the Gazette...wea oat ‘Jeltriés stood ‘amanhieecamd-sorcldse tothe,heatt, ~~abe pieseriia€cn AMPION:,.<&—a.;‘fe AL, Bho-neinec Rigbe Tn Pears lt.Took} 2S siienide-bse ksr,Had twa!a ~eBbss andHisLeft‘Hand _ se Broken.°is Se Workbitpatch!side a 4Sfaibes’JsJetries:retains thpionships’‘of “the,‘world,<Reétéree’je hGearyge:Siler gave him.the’décisiodUttheendafthe--35th”pound:“overs'Sailor Sharkey:at the Coney.ishing’)Sportiae.Club,.tonight.~Et wiis-one|5ofthemost-marvelotis:Battles“thatt=has,taken.,place.’andthe ‘egredfestétowd“tbat,eter -yathered ~ins theCodeyBae‘Club:tiguse’“wit nested |}bthe desyerateesprugg e for SUprémas|, oe Fo fixe\rounds Jeffries bad”toestter.of:thefight,40 the Jfirst:“Ewab-Mind{ny ther last.threes,Dorking otheotberpegis.Sharkey.tarced..the |,issues anaiker€.d:bulkterrief-wast,Bihihe his ad Met “both ignds senceasipeve. Lpatthdse tw hty,Founds Setirics +os weitht ant “brawe helped2 hifioKoidoffthe,vadilonadc id the Hddrrouuedhe:Swi;nybackx couple!of:avin,ida upper cots that made*Sharke:¥.oo tes back”“Sain”ik2 s.‘ as Sa ~reaidsnal anae ‘~te8tes bie + igs I 4h the 24phian oth“but he was weak?lnened.Srdatly:bys Jpfiries’:vy:ious,blows,a pega before the.rong |Sath..epde the “fight,Jeffries’late glove Cams vO and:practically: *The'\referee Lmptioned.”to Jétivies”corner:an American.flag’was fluny argund~the‘champion’s oe and thécromd., ottside'and.ip”the arena;“cheered:wildly.*Thecrowd on,the:obpasite. ‘corner;yelled forSharkey“and;fins thexmen:were ledeaegrtGir.dressing™rdoms —.The:poeeaes of spectators,were bankeyortyfeet~htgh “int the Haldmgy:pthe place beimg:acked 4romring, ithering were “lited.~The tramen*Fdoutscrowd Swéated!under the glareof4Fartlights,-15,feet .orless from thirewnhyas of:abe-Squared circle.’#pphe-tigkters ‘were almost’exhaysted, pie angeators Shrieked:thenty ip ‘sel e's "hoarse.—bd seemed-at-“first Ss umopee.wit’bwoutd bea Short fight;“for in -the® handle referee bézanto calloff,thesekondsas-Sharkey’kneeled on “the|“|e o But ffrom.thexthird “round-on, arkey;withhis Vicious’swings ti+the i bs and:thejaw;kept tthe.crow4obitsfeet,waitin’fora knockouts*the*terrific punish-went,‘and with his“exe,-nose ang,éar split,a ‘back-justas’vigious:|lyintheldSt thrée™roGnds “dadale | wossretriaved himSelf:Then®carhethe.unfortunate.ane wasatisfactory’|wFendtu®,Jeffries:¢glpve-‘flytog..gif]tbbtinieingsthesfightAoah*epd,:al-$hrough ‘the eto “urged Sharkey”Qrashfhiatidenditt»This he tried ‘todo,but:Jeffries “fought him~-back,and Referee Siler rushed to the res- cue.It-was noticeable that Jeffries used his weight to its best’advan-tage,throwing himself all.over thesailor,but.the latter did his share of the’hugging,too,and both were‘Warned re‘peatedly. ~Ten ‘thousand’spectators.gathered around the ringside.A _prelimina-| ry event oftenrdunds at'128 pounds, preceded the big event ‘and Kid Goulette.of:Rochester.who looked a ‘great deal likeJeffries on’a Small’ scale,was beaten_by Tommy-Moran,, vk 5 ~ Jeffries:was cheered-to-the echo. Jeffries weighed 212°pounds,‘andSharkey25|‘pounds:‘less.”but.‘the latter louked to be in_better condi-tion,the.Californian being sallowandhayingstaring’éyes,and giving‘other evidencesofsnot being,“in’thebest'¢ondition...The betting at the}. Start’was-100to 70.on Jeffries.It ‘lookea then,as though Sharkey was|. . game m TAftér paisqu 30th,“un-Chestér,|boys;from:InedeHi:Bsuretie’nny set.» ‘Cpl., wild pMONgy., phat-Tan ‘TOW. vet nepdy to leave.i Yewilt’ >Sbarkey”heytriedItke‘@ebiid acti uartets,and thérmma EGE. Conisenodisnssof THe MAscuz THawe.crogséd:thegeai Vaneand-have-seed.some af.theuntry,it-maybe.of'sone interestoithe,péoplevof Iredell county.to.)r=a states:and < ot Salt: rea JKT ‘bogson the field—they.fell out. commence target:practice “to-mor-| EByerything i is.insa bubbub-toI.must close,. x“ ‘San Francisco,Cal., ‘(Our corraspondent.is:a-“son!of |= Captain T.-M.C.Davidson/‘chair-’Sop man of the board of county com-missioners of Iredell county.“He promises to write to.The Mascot since Jéfferse Mon-{Clearly outclassed in the second‘clured elected Will,set the faceof the ticello.:cane —Hen:‘round.O'Rourke,however,gave.yeturus by at least -15,000 “or 20,000 -eae ‘~~4 the sailor a talking to,and-to thecoinedthedifticultiésofproying‘that:ALNorth’Carplinian™Murdered in amazement of ally:‘Sharkey swung cory).munber of unlawful votes ‘cast for ee Georgia:76 ee 4”phome on Jeffries”tibs ‘and Jaw al:Sys :':theincurhbent.are <insurmouavable:y §it you ubglertahe,tOsraise”the,.HOW in acentest for’ssome ‘other,.cOn- Saco yey.ispatcll-idk e Aes=A.A Powel =x “dt somitesrei]frourtd.by”RQuAd,”the:Savor"ft qught) “sindst}af wHL’and ‘ther&.was,é.awild’|-faudienge..%ts.the fight,wentalong. AC rue,” ake City.L w“and other"stuff.aaddad®Sut.of.She t¥ath™with/astilepumhe’ne¥er”retugned.-hated tolésenetay ode y,far-soldiers, don’‘{yetany’too Much,aS Some of}. Lthe:boysatoaid towa ean testify...’were to writeTo-all “the-peo-|ple.to whom’+J:Bane promised,ftwouldtake%BI20.1 eke it,waiile Soom reak me,so JFesthisplavcofTettingtthemknowStilwicking;alehodgh_Atdwasa-pretty wegk Kiel-srlion.we votbffthé:traim after living]]daysonhardtack‘and-cornéd;beef.’ complain.of the food we get'in:eamp. We-arrived here ‘on October 27th. There were over 4,000 men.wko.ar- rived that day—the Forty-sixth,Thirty-eighth and.Forty-fifthregi-ments,besides the light artillery. The Forty-sixthis labeled to leave|.: for Manila on November 7th.’ wes boys areall looking forward’ ay day.We-have.pood reasoniSongforthatday,for I-don't be. lieve thereis 50 cents -jn°the“regi-| ment.-There-are boys of all descrip-.} tions ere’from:-West.Indians to|~ e Central: tang:‘for think what Toe ‘Ravel,knocked-dtm but:*Sharkey ~“is "a,“Frog Bryat'pectin speeines.*jap and bard*to -begt.:-but+‘t' pad.hosthought:ofvany different,’re:|iisult;at .aby-time.dari te the:battlesny;rest>“whic‘|pudlic®will aeres-thet,Z:deserve,»rereadytomeét‘any\and*ail “tio aepiUses Litles”eS.inedbsoluble-made Fe i oe thigk® Was that:' broke sg eth ~h-seep,“piter “him?|though,until hedy nees “ta atigrfier| mgestog,ag make him ctawh pale a —<wes ee io SDeaer Pron heyBedoensRe a ee rowawhat a greatcountry we have.jiquoting from Wincaln:|~f énlistéd at Clrarlotte,Séprember Layote front Lincoln nbE-Saptain’‘Harden,‘of“20.3‘There.wer AfourftobenGenty“Mills:andWeeleftChatlotteOctoberSth.for:Souths Farmingham»MeWe:were"jdelayed-in Norfolk,Vtwherewetodka>steameér for:ton and were'on theside20,rifters®an the aisies droynd swe wereaie-eattip tat Sor BOW, Stean'26hou igtoneS >2 .“Respectfully,”JAMES _P.,Davipsow:- Oct.29,-1899.. afterne gets teae MaAS- ‘Charibtte Néws?A tid “boxicon,taining’$2247in-Cash WasAgken fromthe“safe,in.th en “he,-went-refused,sto:Salkwafot,‘O*Rourke,Jhis.’‘Manager,}xpressed the opinion that the sailor.should have.received the-decision.|Hésaidthattwo of /“Shar,ex's*tibs plercrorghed,~ahdtastfourroundsTom's ‘left band.waFuseless,thavigg ries 4 uring:sthe R on Jefl-ee“Although *he décision+‘was dyainst bithbe -saids:Sharkey.*seoata|not give ‘bp /S-bup~w,‘piitd-seek|.F tch,%and the.tea “taméstfewesyltwouldbe:aifetents SButs ‘dont think th mat thisctellow.wile:wen btostackle!Tora 4mfHOFRownke7 ae +tish atiny Boe: ath Fatmiin -bany-until)‘Qctobérl6th,.when ‘we}twént-to New York,We:‘then start éd “for:Sav “Francisco!wacW.ashing-1tomGincinwati>St.Epurs.’Purtough-the’;[Rockies Dover ‘a ass.“10,000 feet.‘above |sea stevelythrough(Grand Gotye;where we SOME ame,“Myater.falls.and ‘sno coveted cuts,Wet ehed Salt Lake,second round Jeffries)ab:the.wailor:City the home’of,’the-Mdrmons.rt”the topeswith &lett,othe ‘jaw,{Theyare §cléyer -believe imtheirré yeblo,| =f people,butt dom:t, ralrted,$0some sent & *wrote ovce-a |’ Ican’t} Wwe “hotel some a it ee*SonieWise Weonde"From Br "What ist the Uittereges”ES A eA),ublie'\;apd’"an tt‘empire?eeBREWdifference’ig:ae oe ea efendugh:fGr.,3 biteme oybut.it takes.100"ens eanvrapire:of,10 S000:0ey aoe osSou-wany,at English:nae oejarmy,)but“youw are not,cwlingg:ty!reliable!<“.‘Phave an Raglich Seorme-x to-pas.|"“GusPury se your,standing.army.You,Wantan:English,eglanial.policy,Sut you_are|fnot.willing.tocbaye an’J giishiin- Peomie tax to_supportit..BE oe71+must apologizefor ‘qioting thé F Deciaratidn oMadzpendente.'Ir; thes of €: vis ‘claims,that:i cidpntad,but’beadIis30,Jail.»vr 6ou “assuine210.tisk HSH |you gdeheriaie &Cotic,,“Cholera:andi!bar rhoee:Remedy.” Wik re:Tund ‘your:money-if yeuark:*ana.meenobsatistiedafterusingit,Higer 2%‘ywhere“admitted:td.bethe.most.iseecessiul|remedy:0:gse“for+b‘poomplannts’and “Abe:only ong:that} fbever,fails.IrGs:pleasant,safe and kilded ee re colored,i8-}polesMattia-coun ty last:Thursday,peoeamhade:threats,7 Mertgege:“Saleat.Tand.,4Peekv(SIRTUR:oF.tae"?WER Comiaacdini ee isRee ee puaersieacts ia:eo Alar BES.Bune chess en for Sisheaathe-gogrt “hause ::goorptatesyille,NiCe conte:ee : 2,MUXD!A.NOVEMBER?wgtHBCI.m fthe following désttibed 5.aaa |GarShivohtatenship“Begining ata Morrisons,corn¢r.z Mae ehoe Ns,prithng ?West vepalexte one,theticeFesty16‘poles toa“eoloréd,“shoty aad"[itigah appredtes Gren t&a:pine,.+to Astoite.thés:Soke eeeee q SECT «by:the side th x a“goad,rane Westire0 poss,toa stake byt17sgtsaid-roadthen!tea stonethenceStlocuststhence|North 35"j Wels.: AteSa ak =est ee shoottago Weas ae me see Akest 16eepstotas¢Degih Boe ~ |cadeaD‘junder as cloud no%.s batC the:reloads TOU by?aoe Race seas ie ips “we,€an’t telt.bow ‘long ‘it wally ‘take,or.‘how®“mich 9 wllCost,Sor kahowoftenwe‘will have tOyrépeat, Pee.whipping;butyre.can‘do 14,Boyshallagreatyiation.“ach:“iipons whats1Steido,oF ‘upon’what it cought | tele i et,“Gt.whe TOekOO*British,-soidiers®6.Resce lifesSpeaiavlalobin 000 Bairish | citizegs ie Indi azend it-takés—a ac iaeeearnry.OF,140,0000 Herp:aBEE,ores to -kée:100-000‘people-of Brit birth spats saddlewhilethey:ria 0 WOOK people 2oflivajas.3 +eSSeateabersne ney RENE F ees >:aay ’‘Butthps cSay-wemust “not,mak‘any gees hesin thiscountiyagainst,fotcibleainéxation®while he<war Hall Jr.lasts>My{ritends,<.it:js-:not-/they—-speeches:eee ar alle toi cout ssjitrythat are ingiting,t Lipinas :toa:Fare.prestotanCe."‘Tf wthéit::Meiances.duesto*spédghes'made in thiseountrytheir’resistance “is dues*t¢{speeches made by:the.seavrationsthat‘are,past.You ask me’whys:profestagainstforeibleannexation?”You ask’me 1s OapdicCc.Gr DewhyFprotest.againstar wat Of.con |!quest.wayed ‘by @ repdblic?;‘I-telk forees thatecap rel Gatishe ..U [eu a ae séPis peays. Min16 veeham week by insurange.= T$44 fgoods;ya nol Pen a tnaaLe you T-do’,now~want”te \plaab the seedS,of déspotismmat pur own doors,[*WE hatedespotisin;audshlove the De:FclarationoftIndependente.§ee*Suppose we Sént 0 vmabaty:to, _theRbers?Inanmiioton laud would’)Lsend’back/Petit abone”the.FiltLpinos?**a.a gi Or ‘Keep "Sides stands be- hast”‘campajea.I Pet :en =SMast®we.Dewey Ses a ‘Spautish.figet? TAS¢ley,sank one,aod3area PES sof fre “Caba.Eg2Themoxeyt ‘for,this”_Wari¢or édns,Lquest-comes fhom the people-“Theypatitjo»-1fsthere is*anythin}y cohHagouttheSyndicdtewillBapitsThey.say:)*God pushed us-in ‘andgoutthe-dogr’Lb don't sélieveinf — ¢widi.ugeists. edCOm ce Te.te ‘Eajeaster,‘NWhip!Why.36)tourse::wes can Lvfnate?“ough:Cure iig‘the:Best emery.é tay Foreroup Feter.used.”*5 denmedis)ielg-relieves.coughs,elds,eprops“asthinas:pnebmonia..y+DEoa?Hitis.:*pa and:al thtoat.>ae laity 5 “edt PipetteFonsi not es ie Bic vet eee ae v7x sonst“ae Baie on the:‘North Carolm2:oreFduriogtherecentStorm.’The’,Sascomplete loss.~though.-nefivPs-merg lout Fc oe Wiixonsheartily: ite Cough Cure.“itwifermmediatéreliefin-‘suffogat!nal ‘fasthima.*7 Pleasant to take.“Neyer 3%Q fails toquicklycureeaitoushs.<eee throat and:tung ‘trpub x. A anSAL:MeDowak Ss ‘Store was‘burned ene-ymigwie JaseLoss:$25;000;arly,covered| fost’heay ily,by,“reno alloverXeonprimaeeee gos te1895froniVryburg;ABecoutinaldnds Eirewrites*<““Befone starting oy {ke ye =au cht duanety be waeamberlatn-olic;:‘Cholet‘a and]!2.Dignhinoos:*Reaiedy,Sebich :swhen-Atr6ubled~withOmplajnt,°“amdLhFiner.audioevery’case ¥t.proved ||inasé déneficial>”a Bog.sale by!ally: Srisoon +Arthar‘Sewalf’S schooner,arrié:A+Lane,which,Was Teeently—w reck-|-1e North Larolina‘coast,saws|“towed into,Norfolk:|thiws thicemen Jost aeye:‘sedeby”“British,Soraiers in Atmica| a < “Phestce fact SorWestigr-poles 4contayait,E45 aCeES more lessee 2h~~,we:‘MIL.sort One &ThisOBI pKL ATE a a fai eee as 4 SUPERAOR corSeABEEORE:~A.xWATTS,E;9=ety pie ut So)ere CaROlI:ALEeRANDER ENTSNotaeoh 1s.Maxbérni Rambo irate |Rhizat xepiitit,dgecased, } pt ee « #-x pae ‘ones:aaa3g Ferangen | tENY sper Lad)Paced ands wite.”Rebewca\palin Se vein Startha K.ongreen ete May Doers:ars intenapywe eT):ayta pst lad ayes Tid:on Ff Se—Dhe ™ Ginsinci :seeokod:5See “Kitty Eafe OF TS, exander Cait aSePhere‘Maty- sopaekthet they ithethae oes defen: sstbertaeGfirhe aes ‘of the Sy ee aly ik Neve _técoinmend:OneWaves are tre: Superior:Count fo.re gurity,Vipese)He Ry eae b day Rt?wovemn berHoa.a tosthe CourtFheverdegehecssefThAa5wortthACKLeetaNaaya ; iS Sinsahet frase CissnagRErym fepeflC= te= h i:‘—x oe aids pot de eat”pes NigiF GertifinerRock]wantead relat iE mavanee asap Are ny aly tice,“Ontha:SPE pers *A -Mere ants|4 Sow :woASaSieOxmayoFther;:Te£2 =iGtoTrediers asrsAe andiy ee é past,eee aeaa.se.aI:ne ot eRe Hose lta: eeyesPsveppboiBM Wilka aw est GiAtagnalia.\Morrisopy|Cencaset.thé ng ersigned Hereby,wives armyice)tallwes—or s rio}ergoyeryS Tareeorem conta iissonswell k Herne: ee eb. f Novi4 be fampy within twoke (23:readoncesarge?Pe pie4 ESM,*~4S‘xeeutrak,¥.fntNGA, ING OO Lip LED aas adr-thecsiaie OUEN anda.Cooper,“d_Kherede tictify all»(peti pe natithesaidestate'toa feseait thesam béfore October 1th,aoe eB CaeRae Ptnew Rised+ rowel Jgiven.to”2 My~4 ceased, Yer LEgThs.Oatober Th 5 pie ator.eTiyMeLaughsoe seedy heat andBye!: nave:‘Seed wi heat and”:»Gan peed.sere waeri¢’ty,Taoghy hay,“Porsae!hoJSeedswheatorrye.orbas:e LE =eeee,on ; ements pect Ae fs “ATRaren?ou!wastapRespt,Ae Ow AN, :eee »While’one thefoerdives= wismeres ar Fa Shackting our Weakmesses ,and 7der |’pSives 00 God.2 Whep_Godichoosse,to Speak_e.will-¢hoosé”!Some:‘callermouth;piece tha Mark Hanna,-Republicansgive three reasons for. imperialism,-Money’s in it,Goa’sinZ‘and-we’re in it,- ey ourchnrgever!kno eubat’forui.of|7bloodpoison,wiltfotlaw consfi Bayon? ‘Keepthe liver”clean“by?asi 2-4pLWitt’s-bittle’\Early Risersan‘will aveid trouvle.They are famouslittlepillsforconstipationandliver:and,bowel troubles.; as FEN (aene>:NOTICE 8 LR ILIZE 2epieccasens sont aeFarkeiWea:Bagi ge propery &nd:seftle,.‘aS We CcSane:WalBaetohold'catton*,, Sct.2Sthy“RSQ, .Om eeois ton “eo:swRespéctinuly:ZBRADEORD &SONSvou room :pe tee NEW.FP.Ball Jr.to CURE’LA ‘GRIPPE IN GWO.DAYS “Saved Her life.” - for its‘cries. ple::ie» AS new-bora ‘male.colored child,was found.in Salisbury Friday night..It had heen.covered:with leaves andwouldnot-have been es ered:but , ~LaGrippe,with i after efféete:janaoually:destroys thousands of peo-It may.be’quickly..cured byOneMinuteCoughcure,the:onlyremedythatproduces.immediate|. Take AXATIVE,Bromo Quisixe TABLETS,Alclnugwistsxefund,the.monty .alt fails “to curebeosMaeReS.E'S Signature On:vet y box: 258; ‘Adtministéator's 3Notice. ‘AVING.-ov ALIFIED as:Adininistrator ofthelestateof-M:M..Litaker,deceased,:tto-tice is hereby given to ‘all persons paving clayms.{.against said .estate to "present:them tome _ou orbeforeOctober20th:‘1906,Or.this.notice Will be]spleadim:bar.of recovery.-Persons indebtedmustsettleat-once? K ’This Oct.19:18992)©. %R.J;WALETAMSON:of Brooklyn...Then after’balf-an|#renchmen and boys from all over|*:x {results in.coughs,colds,croup,Se Atty)osc Admipistraor..Hhour’s delay ‘Tom 'Sharkey could be the-United ‘States:from,Maine°to ae ccaeaaee?pregnene and throat -ae ——kine “hi ay.through the|Florida.They gave .us*3 skirmish .|audiung troubles.It wilt.prevent.:eee “He iesch edeoivea but]Grill.yesterday.“We lost three pf consumption.W..F.Hall,Ire.4 ‘SALE.OF LAND. Rea, ,oew‘Set ofteeth.- —_ < RS.JOHN *WALLET.of.‘Tes ers|WWis:,‘than whomnone is morehigesteemedorwidelyknown,wri“En 1820 Thad.a severe attack of ‘LaGrippe |fudcttheéndoffourmonths,in spite ofall”physicians,friends and good:nursing -could:do,my longs ‘beart and.nervous system’were.:Fe 3d complete!.wreeked my.dife’was"des 4_|Spatred of:ey‘trignds gi ng mye up..Looukd:only Sleép bythe useso ijatest-My-Iun::and Heart Paine dnieterrid y ing’my.cough,b-was most*agra rae inea from 72'|‘-Sailie Sisk ated:last:weekin Ruth~{erford county,aged over 160 ‘years:|Fifteen years ago she ¢ut-an entire d-»-qualities:Of Chamber!lain’swhRemedy,to’knowthat perp!ery wheretake pleasure it-reiaxperience:in’the use of’bhSedidevean .f pngumenyndofUne‘ehildfenatta PAS ADMINISTRATOR—D—B—STe “PA.of.ENzabeth"Myers,déceased,”tor ‘the pur-pose of makitig-assets,EF wills expose “to publicsaletothehighestbidderforcash,.atthe court):house’doorin.Statesville,N.C.)onMONPAY,‘OV.EMBER soTH,1886. landiin-Unton Grave town- known as the Jerr:Myerstside.of Hunting creck |esate more or Tess,+Aa accurate,Blot Of €same will be present on:WChEGG Bek re ae ib telling Gf]... “Feceite POI i. yaleTAS<Notlce to,feeder Be i =tdi ng?chtimcrtontheSndesyhmeweleMinsféom mt:aeaSof|chou re Ven/tona ea4poseoe witlseti ‘at pablic_-auction®to:the| rat .efiped,as.Tollows,topwitss * a0svOne,thence S oe ee:ates,ef =eoeSe? So a REAHea.Sr ith,Pays |S ate tofrewprdiaMths.dom-|. mt “Fy AY,1Sc.gt ah etaSxguntrighodsthelaiy}n eS ns:peaanig etitton fgainse-“the estate fe edu to,pte Sankene sane yet for ic maths from «atte nipistedtor of 7 ims against:a fe?on .or a ob BGrssalen”Nice fNirginia: “CAN EARN LOTS2 x Ye ey SEr ss ireaP3 hs ™is ’,-‘Bet er fee Are”commis higher pricen 2 Stow.iin-Statesyji fa 2 Can wet atTy.Fev suit S$forte;pon ne O%her feerie”tis Cert theses = tnd Wake -farm ieTes (1k ing!wer 3 * oe i SS tt Aya CR uexia ad SAC4erp‘nar Ketts:es oe wootath se 3s weos A Baye 2: ety“emeod Tta ae:ia foe us fh:paiShipt’SGC Gs:<j spearannel ahs £ F Wily,rige’Fett4 JePsm 4. + maaeee! ine:SS dyes ShGekS Neidmies *s ?.he Wrens Shik {te Pier Ca;es ‘Bon’t vou lite:fr OM Urey thon y uve stock:1 vk Palronneeans MAO:Ge SO 5. ro * brNO@xt di OT EO Ma ie (Ble postsBY etl EReae1os€BF: Le ar of”their oe +.& :ee 0)i ai ©Rares ‘or anyother ladies whine) ‘working:for us he“(home on our ¢lots.Wo “7000 'chance.uO: ;pSpending |mone 3 TVG‘hours:Send I2e~4Zak directions foreork,‘and ate otice.=Cloth:-*SentSPSheeYVAGGr[weseow ex CO.26-NC Bow a Dewom. Southem - Texas- Ca “fornic a=Fiorida, Saba:&nd ~4 hoe Rt eda) NC.SUATeE RD a yan =ati SERNoorAnnasFishesA“Porto Ri 7 ficthy faceSt a Tee ¢) thent of alt-wE-coind ‘not ib dn ||whooping-4Coughs~It MEe\picad:inibot-~gt|;ee XTHhtional State oftite”“suchae Clerk aetchant of.‘this “citys ARS /,foun Pais’iyFay:into the Hearts of “thdse who]Ftime hetsreeySunday morniag,at 10 FP one position hut ashorptime ind not,ony!T good ;giedicine.*oo te":Mos ae oplot 3 \5 Rrains:is70!the Superior ‘Cotrt-sheriff or any this ,mpraling sungopscions;]ipanve led at,Jefiries’*capacisy*for 0 Cloék aud-Monday~morfijny.The lose eee ei eisdlusbatd Drought‘ire,f rIStS :Art Palace Sleciriy,“aster ULdeeds,sey arestill sig’|poe ‘bis skal eruskedinta.@ sJelly.}panishthent:.,~Shar [ey =~vicious.béx:wae sed fo ‘the.biliard “cad Brod es’Nery ge i Curened Les exa a5;‘Night Trak iS:pspoiitiencearesly Ss ‘died!shortly aftet,hé Was fouldt jariches begaa to téelk..and=#8 the 4 :beng’taking tet.e Sehetulys:eoRSS,eumbartassing..th I %;SUL the’:poatrooin _reegiptganll wa iképt in]vttale ofan ‘Jttheqnajorit?infavGr of the’alonefetes:axing spied~ee éloge'a:‘the seventh,it-‘seemeds as the’,Sate:Pt one pry twe thers ide parta oes$t90-if,yor Travel:by the Suis*~“et t ary -.* Ine MM shouldbe small"enough“ti war-Ea “Bo;%thougch Jeffties toyld hardly’:aadlk tolaboutthe,sauesize.”Yéstrday the |-ties ey :ae en:aS Se;assis)Net se ashes“Terk &u attentpt tq avercomp’He “hoxre'pe bn.towels et by bimstif:in-aifs‘corner?and:ait?‘Seemed=cortaih,Pk tt red-fr *the box d “Bireststhe trou x xpipidivio:whi ‘*ouldyou pnocded?2 You might show;peace Storé*ahd shad)been]thenwould be =p,new.chang didn,Darter i Se met of =a {am ;“ek,of 2108 abeythevariousregistrags.oF ‘tel aronaniarcetty,whiletre sk t:pSharkey Sear |Wa split:inehéeighth,1 ana’Se ir sot a Y Distrassing iKi ey antae Bieaaet “¢‘Jae ¥.ro Wer.AcGR 3“utity,that:_edrtatypergorst whites age boftthe\killinets*Sbrou ed Pandit ¢nade.hin,y LAGE abil ‘Heyr fue’Pe:wh .née (al tke i.gl oe Asin t Ua drestann Su:Nisa GS eal 2saePasi?colored,Tecist:id fen et the 6\Sterns.Ke xjctinmwas*3°Q i rushed,Swibg)no.leftsgaide ichtse 6 &9;pie ‘petta “E kpriselpn aceount‘of,iseexe z SS fe ca Me s?Dike At DRESS”.~“called+.SG ratndfgthicr *SCRE Sout!het dotfensivé maa,With no.known and,Tandednearly all™of Bhatt ‘ib pyelts=34 bs de agit aS ohms iad ;Sn ragiee ie f RgisenYourinustSbRYforSomethés6yc{chen »,Yoo Fake tbat @ considers:|Forties:throwing Syimsel)Me ater tre Ste oe ]sud cine a:ByJsenscokes.)They eyidenge;ot}olganveuat.of thoney.Pas “fobndin penis Aske eh aes Seca sagce *4 oe au *Ghakporng §¢;hire 3-person,a ote dt SS ‘tha oath.of Bisspockettendsto-discredit thethe-N.i Be Mai Se pide cs ain Ps aA oN Sa F Rerves freé.Ad ress,Bi Net Ny NX ec tee— .theeteetor binisalfbut’Pas frat lass:grypek robbery,Phe police up +3dip theWot Taists ate ai eet I Ae Ee ae giao to,wo abe +Slagtrot See. ‘‘“~>@)aw ¥.3OE :2 ¢SOFofvoterscanneither’WhitCor-read.e pestdppedrto\“be eee nletely.Seéme ible 40.tit,fo aeaay RY A eid rort 280 24ce —ero.Cotten Frat §:Gains:LeJe¥ei)How cand .they swear.‘for whem they Lpa Se eS ws a ow to thé His :ve “ES «ugh"in ‘3 h speetth live~~voted?They deposit their “own”bal-F MTF."Bowedcine Loe Goarg ‘s@vrtee Bi ®tuedropxbis vu.*Ind Cae“TS:in the:boxes‘and.it 7isa:tremot c taryears ago fromNorth ‘Carolinas the,midspotthe ’25th,Pound “ndarly® oe “ et Que minute.befor’the-close-dettries’4.ere ity that any ofthe,juudges”¢|Hee ae,eure aesores ire aceatisosy the sip sud Sifers |;ee oewillbe’Gable ASeay hes wr RD SR a mesSor wae oy pepo bele bithon with it”Sharke'“the stim gee PRT Sok rst 1AsideSeis|Beepgetable,“YononeStan “eaidiers baldbavi vit igees eee xart:e fromthesee Practical ditical,Dn Sp4 Sappiel Zot se'|bebpnot £0-Stop?ahdit,Was _a-three!tics,Nowever¢ther PPG how agpl¢on ‘eereins”‘andther feat? A 4 a 48 “4 ys Ts sombtiines.«be Cesar exe=sz 'fine ~(leorubtedfight.Tor afew.hjinates.|:re ae:hat (|foratanie Shoulderthbtbh “te the Redth,”Gut,mice oko awsot:of thematter L appréhend has;Disvir coated Deane Re RE2 PheBeteroeeoh Jecles lows,set tsorts of €11¢yreme-!Diagtiswink yauicat ‘by ~Bot extuise eehisHotlistbeooamature°consigeration “se46%is Fepatted|that":a*Vounnes sna |tried:to.Gras:it “This”Was:ah Bi oy EN mu °¥.Hace ‘in:Meguethenigsand iality SO.patiitahicn ‘ys rar;Rieciaens senoythosewhowouldeotymit-the-Reypammed AV.0%Baretootsho Ityed 5cules to dovartd ieneeSharkeystusted-Pedies.‘but at does’not ctingthoes austédr digestive.or-'|::y.expression’so qc to he Nipookcanpartytoapolieyptonpost:[Sampson County,has Asit-bjs;<bouie}ferricpesubbee/JuphisgloydragdSyn-|=Br:gaus.mis 11s the Iles.daciveted gests lay es |is often seen es ere ageLidiytotheAmendment.’“Fe Chick‘Tor/pantswhknow i aiden,‘somewhat L wldybdch Uaewi paths,LORmeny td?is to de f[aabab ones pee tion |:“|ficial teeth ae SFP git sigsAappeal-wenow héaris oddress ata elduded-citoumstaneds;,“His sevona:upperssah ‘Shetkey:|Ser ays‘be-'/“¥te $=Q0-cep]an.approach,it inl)‘effSEnGy=étns4 =~‘!tha¥are the-mosi oe Spee etetheunledtnedwhite,voter ts wie“ie ers Si menzonth=fewedn,"thea ‘and fie asecoud ot:stated:-lt-ma yy 3)stantl eves we oid viet :ee |tions—of--the-sted eCars 6 seoewillBeGiSframgltisedBocagoandaiiaeveryfew-ays he Umar.Renptroassist Teffrids:.’%Dhewsailor,is may.wea aS cart She,has oS wives that it i<pe SSA eS eee) tne<Grandfather-¢iguse?willbe de-\ted ansther,Womas.~.The.relatives|Wzited-aqtoment,:butwildtirszexgited]=itseIf:0 it i ti Saat 2 es Skill and ‘the firté1}Beenieclaredunconstituti¢nal by the courts.6this,decdased.RifeSuspicionéd that)SYTHE Shrieksof sie Spectators;net4 ATT }u in.Ime;but }>ment to igake:—sohiseraon a,How?“JTf.7t Ss brought before the her-degth;WAS.probably -canised®,'y.|Pushed.Kain creanar deff:a =p> ibabi ne:ae De ourt:‘p=is.more>.ia sto:ve dye.e@-)that,’their pretCOMESpoyptedeuseckiatmapasits,18 Tepe Laas ara,reeee so (PrefAS es 0:ees oved.6 ea epeek re mouth iS forgot EEL~Con ve spoken “6f!-abost.ving,ah éx@amina-|Telerée pointed;to {corners Zi 1M x :|grade.ooo.and fdr such ¢cpntestthe Republi}tida+ofthe pe oe eSieBarefdot'is|yand.bis setonds.iind:friends:‘chee jProduce:Ta:“Srippe,=f stakeé Lakmive BirBionic “i yen fpsft Se=andl“om,officetye=eees=aeis_-Sat ara would have te-stand spob-|of 00d fami and we_thast-that’pwildly,\sSoe Leen Bee id "eumonia Seri A Tectcadar haseaeB.af them,tofriende’.sec pmmend.,dg =Rae aed a aes:ase bes A oe ft sere to'des eS NSwe.He }>Phe:majority:OEthosé at ~‘Rie <Ph ae Ora dee"eas fe rp £Mi:ee ”be.bee tesponsible:fof.Tieteancait'|——eas atsHesiete Sete ode hous:‘thro:“alfection:|soe aiseHgeabe eae:=ao es a aeingthe;9p ge ST Tee)2 Sih.c0 ¥1a.Cur.slauifestis’the,Rapture oped BERSfore fanfedneiceanr aaa ats his |{Yourieed something }Sabena ThonSponsor-for the _-<uit"tor c Hamilton,%Ob out?BY =it 3 tov.“oon fidenGefn iY Bears haecratsprotectedCoaseantadeeseferson;foe Rear}Fenband,msiedrieseta ath id that=,will:Sive-,yousAeearcesape Migess<.Droxisi th ‘Fist:ee Pewhat voy|and.quitkly curs stheHepabicstesireneteandLiewouldedticBeeneZoperBare|Berton:we s.adds,>not hes last Tsstrenst eae aie pepsiz'and indiggston,Wekf Bai.“ing the balande”of,the peaee fhre eee ae a or fin.heother a>eee ite leading re vCAeS:EE ees Belstanding.>ws en self withfire re Bat fen's|&+4 an and wien:he’ded“he =itheb ty sas ho eshg!<“Whoohit Bally)PatierSou2!"i eesesSalvecthé:surest Pile-seure}eee eer tooinl renAO care 1"2 <2 Sayersburdiog:fell it €bica:5‘I dmawate that ihare.een rth,andthe best Salvevin tie tingin ‘bat'few’good PunchCS.os AS wt golast uinsday:“night.and.threeeriticiged.bysome for.my atritede worfld.*5 ea box,=Sal bs Decisionwas hot ,aphounced:tromt Ic oa nen ate,koband threé,others nviss-4 b ‘Tay oscsonthisqquestion,_but T yield #0 vol We Faas HURBISE S the-ring,or ifdtiwas,’butfew heard =ieeeeSEUC Srey"oe ‘done:tojad-|fer ;)re yone‘inthe:State‘invalie gate’to ==it 2 3 carte surged ..around the ‘ingsproper oe ie vay!pr inciple ofthe--Repa 4maf Seach ‘thepung—aR,“aioe iw fing,SO eaterssand *¥an-‘he bls CEP you SOR ~wOrld a95 PY :=sae Linvoke ths judgment’ofsinebe Phd ames Bryant;died”last,quished,Pp:N71 hebrctnas‘a .reinédy-equal ote werevdrownd’Selig Fours rntelligentpeople.in the:State 08)gen oe made 2Stateme,Pa sets ins 8"dressing?‘toom cf PST te a tn pa ro LMinube:CousitCure.”ass takes ae es refti}l-that proposition.+=eos,theethe eect hgra cabdAES OE <comtedt:Tegiries -caiae|-¢will-do this.when everything:{Fachler.“Orshe Mleapeng Flt epsiaweARORETheSt.Louis Gateidon drew ental,as ant’aged chethe z Shatkey isis“the hardest”aad eit }else.ails..There as ‘ng ubt |[Hastiec.Mpcured hig.real ¥ofy Ee ee new man,>raethelinesverytight‘on the,fiancial directly.at hie a fired:eich man I ever metand Lhardly EXD Faber eg m0 .3,pla prippe and saves~s-tbousands:frond ~ig.Matray:Seb::onde It was.the Yéading’issue nae peae 2arrests ee wenee F Witte dene te tr:.pestmesperises [peneelon bee a prcubcind |oePh ee ot the eam Ys Rat 2.hee .ve metsand {7s $‘La oa ia ign bi P Pee:tidh,’Phy.|“Seer:meneSs wret pa eSCorn Se defeat ight beat two Men in,the}“oakes the body.«mAstrong anes Bote atoate ese WES arb9cit wit oer aspeat.iw.Ges h;are 2 étheRepublicanpartyin-this State oe sRGbad:,2.3 World;and willn ra lbdg reste Spurge eee eS oat rae ae Oe tok eeco“the™farmers9 apwardn 7".rélasedi'to stan’-upon ‘the St.-:Louist :sei etprobably:Sine:tassios anyeap.‘Reéalthy,;nol vad or ticowt ese ee—~kiflea’and..t See He AGtwenty,years,Tapes eeplatforin,in fdct.ade:“speechés,ai f chy ihge:Neyeragainyares Bebb pader est “off -this®hard cou aa tally bortin‘anpeadert tos gee tgbave pet Hala a+sthe Statein which -“they.“advecatedsponte alge hold csaebowSeems ]beso ef ‘forti y.:Ir =méar-oceans,S2,6:;°Spe td time until now Soaac.Xaetly the reyerse_.I havéf zi ‘a Ne “ie Fe oa te Thursday.|fois =aed ;:osenihemfor’theirBack-Sledtngscetnce Saatcnetas ere]eet NS ep —x ‘ee bred:Sing lest Drill SRtheretsmuchevidence“of,their'son-}Seeeraetn bay:Hs a Gow Or erin wi oud eeelbos Dawiteefeesty Tee ag as he Market.= version,though~none «co their reqae eMRatswas:se take =esJeet a alvé‘forrary pe vii ~eazy —s pa Foapentanee.-Pe pain cei Sent “writes "Rhos.B.Rhades,»aoe he Welbars them iy.potit it mohSeecaeEESereLe||meg Godwee[Seeee RETR Oe:ee b 1]:i a om yey sj ts e:;-*>oor theron would vebeen beer UW :.Tontetrulyec:aSNeae=:-Ro Ww.“A Thomas Go :eae ER cee a 4 eet Yo have kel ‘at Se oF i lati's Pain.Balor;wt ee"ben oe with goourea stv PAC om:Nidan.‘i;ATsy BIS isi <4,espe<M eo AronBeA.we) ng Mth,Aa,ee. eee ¥oe 7? Rx <. os ual ”‘ pate” CHORD i Railway THE.28 a ace“SPARDARD SELWay nd..Thesoutg =~othe Dies Line toall ? f +f 4 "ss SeAVESBee) < 8 ees seSr EF :a pen is Ma or -rz Z -2 =. Fay fanart,ANTEEBTW fen,aSmAnEAsuis SuiRboEon AND SLEXANDER,pe his ey ae ae Se ee :S ae e Se See mgt ae by,Pee ie a: x ‘.mira <<a ‘F hes 2S as a *+Ze edaoc ,ie opie ras“ge mERSDA,Sores “NGF me ee So ne eEE Saymas ret Tye Beinten oe eee s Saar Pr ;che oe Pp A pie ae aN git FESR re Sec PRS og 5 Oss wnSACish “Su pnt] She2 fglt tea akon ston te t en Fay ays (M:;Sse J =f OR,"i a2 caeneat,Durant oie cee Va,y me ested ‘at.rtd ae or ie eaepad eern:bopnedrirgth a sack wrdpp>ifgll N.C.fase”urbday:for”p}Sense %BERD wretteacameroteeSeatonSetebsTiteeitMudeifssakegtrleiawpdadit,ard-wag,sérateifed-ap nga.Sobbterfel BAL wpow:rom 5 DiesgSesene5yaw°one .,ds heb:“de at Thehand +Aaot:thant?:The ‘on terfebsaas.‘ahi oe hae batyn peter nee + eka SOSA Get eeyt:Vie ice RenaeSe aes dey trfrye z%isititae:ee SCEMEn=?OFS:as.on sone!)==|tall pexedated e et oe ort Tv Cagingtewor nwYaar fant;BE v3 Reps oo,597 eh ,ek th f pegs County:neat EN >)|SemchA caper oF Owl "plas Rae pe RAG!ae phe GSA’Baptee‘Chynhiche Las: eC Bt sg abe :oe she col dudiner Rds:rs eb kok ieh®aslipstlAsArcee Sait Ts as 2 Dhé SsCaeree ted?5 ate we LEHI):Aho AweA extyl,eNO ge Oe I eT op ph ne skorts ase:er {O¥Fghiiand oWIs;atspa sea Sete Babin :Addnssg age,Teae chidesy eee Bavisecatatl :i ‘Ot Dis MOB aet AMa :lone tanga «was.found“dead®in Paes n sht a Welk aii steel on : «5 ca <‘4 aera trz arrouy"Parham s\whicli-was wreeled,.‘Monga “hight,iss,bli a.sighbs TaN : oe *Hessie.2Man cor xih residenea:.this “morsing/~He ‘had:hwhen Sevenofthe-crew wertdvOyn=.youig-woman:22 cgriduate of, ff oodTh isi “Glorsyoa beet Grinbing Heatity:yesterda and pes.Fie¢others are missing:oes sq unintie Cotlee:ie aS Sie eo ‘cone erinsengen tof t Erickoo4HettyhefriGIhehCibainciaeTatateEenieriesCouey em RE a he tneiWyhaJRapspeaked|CtsOF his dry as there:were Cape Nomedistrict,which’-as reas Ques ndere<Eee SNa ur tly Reade NETL Se Bre ctsWe abars - a frei)”howe some:CweekS sae,Jo.‘At pommarks 8Fevidenge:oftfourplay teat]ly Gistovered ip Akiska,4 awh isey Compa 1y,-Last ssprityfe SSPST ote Suet =G ing s eo eee Me 3 ed yori intse;Touisys COLO amills ia A\fadeSbote:Messenger Untefli zen:tigher=1thanthe:Klondikes thouati 2 se sera brow.ap.Hyreped Lips eat 4 Prim ne oe]SSndorapst tn ysenties aK FtChatlottgs Cx sues Se 2 eer;Mfs.denvies,’May,whio~Aixes Aet.sohealthy,.Xhe ‘Sanitany~ae ene and bone Taner Wa Paes Core |the 26 fae tk ms $e *Or n a ‘OL ~falests .wtak=<aAssEattimer’Lotiadadt wack ford:Lwith Ber braid-son,MriGe A:Mays tions being:worse thle 1Da oft.oP ae ee nas oe ee ‘the thet meae wese. =herramet Hath pty,aes “utter”ner Morven Sqyuitea rehiarkable wid:SVMs.>Pilligres cand“tw chi]dre f ithe coe tfde sent »ba be f<ul eid asdeopal.tae ough’Me Biss She ist earsctdsinvigor ue Pot sMaDénala,pout By 20,Pane aly 2 mpatiac®ofthe au raEe )ne ss apd Law pike or |*Ste ore era 2EKS 4 V Sc ns ‘o Were:<rast Be ee we AON REET apte t Ga,”te cd?a ay.Be SMamzs.*SR Nag)BER pan:reads .corat pees andPounhed.to deatiylast’Thatsday’“RES —eta ee Cota 16 Tye gold 7 Falah4 oe eae i Fe 3 =:ee ty:Eti Aictor Lune Saf edie os o.possessidn of eli her faculties "|Baby,fell.into &.caldron:of ‘hot,‘apple tr tain oeEek pte)rs Htigeades amd’aa SHite:ve Atie ae :=Nahe:eee SN ae ae ae ee =sat y bir ear esr fphinér wensont to Dr.1c 2 nafive-of Sxublane,butc utterand,thé mother:cand anothertk ie er tokorys ole nateheat:is ‘pide ter tee Dice : OeSEATSESWHEL:Es ree Taare Angle Minst BTesdg x,«Heshadath}.2teUgS courtney ;vermalivtle girl 7,Heheile iy re fatally ‘burned,Aryihg to ch be gi ton.gttzeueshow Wal tyes sefand.tole 6 li :nae 3ete usindhee 80:Fe=nee :abject aees benoePOeemioxn.dosavith ADE653y at bd wardl Henderson;‘an ‘eidSang!Teg by ye ong ian tS ie ee zean the nextsee:ce er.Spokes St Nougy (PesTa ee Hay ~a =a lesiatpteweaeESRibeyete“Ke aoae Sabres‘iarsonk Seen PN Apt ee -.rat %i 2 jedieemed’“Gitazen_of Lemley,s vtewn-|>AS Sduchester€1 ay countys-<mA Selpeke eee ~ee yA PUL,eer FOS estima ¢*:sh <— Be adsboeMlertionsen aT ps5pant spat eT edieudorvtenrtecat fowest rat HL;SeSES:a -ee a ea au ship.Aeéklenbury cotlntys was Hill:take pofeday.Mrs Sarab’Collitis;,|*DKS sistas er i :“ara aie.MMe refant,amMactieo>mLg alert Ac oplicited ial Ugtne past Fridsy.-afket“spend!Wed be a”trees faitigOn ehiri,Past'|chiet witness agait ‘sh the’Pbit ore ttl ormeanarhile:;EXER UK bie e toe ie faeetttec ht < vO't nae ea Si co heaton ;©o-n ee Hee by a=San Pe ation SreerSeok [Penpals ‘Somé tands yere™“ente seard:5with thie eaaeder:or FOS os fe :Phe 1a SSeS pie AC ete $s =Vigindae 43 itseatssee n :ueBis “+:Sen y 5 see Sey te Ss sea i OrptiGHY,5 Sai e de pea tars Walnuttree in his yard par cominitted suicide:by taking hastoe isne patie ear.ska ilefast sheiS for ects ey sony = ee S¢Pyce 2 Sy Ay Te rah Tyte Rene Sones:lost.a.rane‘ang i panev nder it artrying To.et.poisor,-fearing.R410”test ify,*deadinst-the Quarter teeting?ie 2 ‘Tout strode:isa corny wi te neva GS ee .€Oe as Ry prom 4 Wie Friskdeni Watch,dtd Schdine tase week.Hera thie Way.2 Héialived only a tiem <Other*seAtneiscs tehises fic;dayssar she-Was Torodily,-exy Agnes “hivaVSbcen aboven fat.a ee a ae Ses NEES Set me sshbsdost:Mo heat.Mr rope fewyn inutes after the treo>strack:{tebtify.,|Bie ae et fitant the church.Sper >xh pr eet bol theR Somewhat.Twalyalt mastOE@.:TSE.‘eebe :ms oT}Sutin’Sein:=Statens todas him:ate Wag 74 years ‘olds :5 Se ¥es Fa >Bena eewetSere bes ek ie a =Fe oe ant ¥.:Rage oe oebee So a $<>kn bs fsenlPred Pintstou,wf “Kansas -.cb why der:‘to.that Sofeurlter periods.|an se aieeee<3 =entre Soh age :arse PER de ies na SEK*LWtikeborAChrgnicie:aloe,Bevis has sued-Arehbtslion Trélandy Yor St ‘ihe nesting,cayhigh was SINS StearnhaBosUeveltips “Ure |Hae Ap- oe Sk —AAR “een oe Phe “tayo fiped :Melats,ee“red:pligtle-vint,OF Mor avidn ~Ralts”swag Paul,Minn,ipr Hoetecaieotsttt ee Ree te Renae oy =eV at See ;nd South ; Z 2 Ses,Barkley,“Zee ‘Holcambe pud\hurt Suturdey morping.Somé ments made bys apchBishoy,ip’totes pees on Jessie UT ic :“ARS QUO wort aePy tS eit Sate ws a aid Hugo Blackwelder who:“pode 1 ot lier roth Sevres playing:see which he charged CSom,ynstomwatthy:aie Gphtaeeet”Sonne oan 8 NOS hash “more!bats da it,“hale!hota sebiia sot tO Restore aSins a ped,The ties“itzht ~Sathirday “nightiall be Wah uty shiipfedsout.ont Nooting:Eatholiechurelies in the2 Phil |eee that “the pe Pee est {rh sf 7%[S60 usd S257,7 ne ove ase BR AgeeSates§23 Gich.anddabystamdury See PLAC andstruck the Rttle,ippings,“The.*“fonitor,-a}afhoic.at the:anual meeting:hi SOO.foradore than.ohe-fourt 10 CORUNA S oon ee eee Spt qtose <-. Pe at :Soha fwterjeréd:»Sz,bs so.sin Etaet®rake Idetirl acfoss we.pridgZ jpaperof San.Vrancisco.aL4 which’ponies sie reencola:bownetos si hee en See a ‘othe a‘ylt le |id d= 33 ‘pe mA ge:<a ‘é Nose.-s *xX -4 r ‘rary.he position we ides Rag Raa,TES reins J tt iradtion,9 Ler dias ak a3—ay"ices:<Reet ofa os fia Ns2 ities:Cobre,+30m:of fet Heaps “Hin a oe Rog Hinata ye aoSpell a4 tetly Tooght.by Roryous GyFae 5 ;ee j ean eeEE ee a ie Mere =ee WEN Lae 5 ne iractored,tris el;pti Butithisdype x She WH vecotyg,te SPINS VE Ve ahs Byptiss:minist rss Revd.B.rutasmiTowersRakes-and?-a lei eelsoes Bea «SS Dow at“Ue sine while’‘playTore:Bee Ter aba ae 9 pei Ty Ft Nee PR rage our rd:Rey “Soha”Och —ylia pePANpgateag2aheeaeporarsdasbn‘falkins:his”Keffer TSS fs7 aa ne ee =iva ;~gona Srernigt Tae Rea sisted’abity re traditions*c%Ahg.OM xf Se 8 ede Sea ony Noite emer Ans Ras Vile soanicend ares Wee =:te —a iti at as ays “«‘lec trie:Tasiaiy he:a ose a me ce Sd Cate sical,ut bee ie ne é a ss ds)sdoliaars in ir.tabsaibriaig thie:ee i rpey.& %:©Ee ASS AE m wo Light.PD OL »eens"he heyawe r&Succes:am sear.baLUe|osaassi4 em :eae>*:Ir.Joba Sberiian may Seat 0H OYastarina:Sup jority.OS oa ane th c priae okTeeSaht£ 400°“On Sys 6 p Lay wot food: ower 3 sas Rye tH,pb repre:SON4 Pie (i x ty:e AP A es BR S Ls / we ‘Jee oe 4 ;:US aunOWLEeheteol tris”WEA ye On 4 sic ater Hz husband :of Catunbie recs Digyarcti seats -F £7.S|tog oldte manayre’the Stpte:Depart:/A oe :tne li Hippies:west laws.*Aleier vapay,mur ered:An “WilkesP=fe yaad at fight,thd nient®of Mr:MeckKitle;:‘administra?“Ebay5 Is:inne idBiendtich shen Linnea poke Ee a Teanrstrotely QM ed “ty.e:tore:pe ¢ae ys willsyee Wn Fast.‘Thursddy nigesslicheeby ealeium atd-electt!co |tion,ae.he has%tery.ucid Re ts amonks Migs O iler'S JTriendSnd vel Soe .sen as wre rd :ea Gnogxahion ofthe Pink ppine Asi? oR nig wey to Wilkes “county feat,dishts,isia--novelty bot?“the?Sea—”acces.He.wits’caught tyvest 8d?fhe wit eete hess ees Sie eras Sages es e Sane t Wo G2 nant es ah rile cee iwhpre.he hats “been Kiving Duard Sic Rine and the Southern |teperter.the other day’utiemes nexdantudl PRES AH ‘nthe Se “pin OS ize -ativin ui out Ee xipects.“tovwre LUrl to »Indizne ave!gintrpdueed?Here”“Phe put;.goipgone of tbdse So Steada!ae tei cde mer oa ‘PS =batCape yy ies Sy nul stfouk }nes t éTy;ies=:itch ety €next week,with, hhisctued eliitdren.*of chaseOf.the Plorida Cential.&Pez expressed”himhselt saucers =e oe peo ape or Avepapli VERN 5 si:;bt ,é .ADeach i resi t iste nb ND >ae tee hie 4)¥ner:ieDear”aia DelVitt-Mills punter Raiiltotde 140"miles:Jang,liv todte:efigct"that é,‘“Sorppat ly:ees ASSET «ns *eeon eeaeih ee ene jp a ce hee.ME Kine’end MissesSM irhie wed TUBE from.ta,“hohe ‘Keo feared:MeNinley:apouldhbex Beaten }SLigudion Pein,NS>2 :‘“4 any,ne,re thieces noth ze:: ua “Oe riectirn:ae Sow figrbin’‘gud May::Belle AG.ofMESS Mest ofColumbiatyShvaniak,|vext 'year-anatvount of ris fofeiza |,“aN,recopit on 1 Ae rol make Bore Bere-pls.4eisPepeStoreFilles“apended:YWerane)abot,‘by tlsre Seabourn)Jetives:the Soytt fpoticy.Mr.ipranes nas.just:re-in actions RNS ee Sea Be ee ete ~he,Yon2 Ae pox.SR Lo Stress A Gx Mills,the tupthiqnsof Mr.Jernwitheat“hy.ahrectien with its:turned-frofr:Ohio;®eekvdffomn|‘gad Velant et juNatte betweeir’i e4SeeSy es 4 ONES tb Miley andy the arandmetiier of|ines:extending Epon +Savannah’to:Cath,Shira.and eeHotesS+4 1808:and.at DLS Cai nk 1)Bathe it iia ¥)weg the others:here lant Thykdaye “5 theSouth.“1S tous atthe.Biotin.over:the Rhine”ei ‘fede iniperstog in:fife antus ‘eporrolyiho:dja awe a Adis :ee es she ay an JK Peninsulay wilkekpire om Fan ‘Wwlismmore!than“they:“de bree Sil:Want geribtakof i ost ee Er ACuss Out,Sand ehcp : *Phyitatiions have {ocen™‘Kedeivedt ae Py <pA ont Mf of the:arury,stipes ro TARAS Ker RESa]ae ‘ Tst,-when theSeaboard,arival +o*yer.”ehh Sherinan’*wats “1!very nd tx rf =]it ede *e “e ey n %crate tel Ly s >GC sa?ae L-Ysya:inert toithe jifarriage of Dae “Ernest dn,wil’-takte.pdssession.-oe pinowa torsho eee.hutionee,’Bidens ttyl 0 06"mens The [3 a WF er wend £6 Stengel ¥rescondemnitionsot.tas ie Satact: Types IXeerans dnd.Miss Daisie yOat rsputhersciatic Western {tt “wis after.Als erhad mtah.his ee Seasrerseeles Barareh V2,BHC ot TRC led pigs |PopAay hi [d=e ee Ani i :er ae nly f |whieh takes.plateSim=-Gharlottes.on te ee *ee SNe 3Off 8 08-ands SONY Stat Min Se &{ood}Seeppix sivas tal :Mh Teme et isayson’OF oeeensoe Reongactiaie tio Serle FAsaieoicetsded pes ARONobeys”Thersie+=Sekt ri Mae,ToL the late,ee <eérahs and fovmerhy':ky :Sra MAR DY TSUCG iy!oF.Fere:woundCur EY ater supply Satled :Reepas ir.comassee,atid bas.madearrange-stay bought,hoe.4)be dauth list S-auatber passinlivediif'StatesviNe:sHeis:ay entist’>any”Sal be gaat Jist-nuntbering.,“GUTS,&is £FAH song rpead (fuk anaiis doin yeelrin ‘€bar l6tte.*aCeti with the:eres =yster Raataarp SOG ween pedsemaute upotevoy ‘Bilicers‘ar.Bij BOR)Si teedAte gardPehiex efor (ohFziitstracks.rane Yethastesto S:t0s npidéra oneern Olle sted mienS OF:this ©total,ox S8.[-9 itMfout Sugar or “ties yo Jets a}. Abie}sbelhe Nin,-Siufora ast)uMuntilly anbung te sthaf “atayy Ses figparty...Spea insof Judge ag otsine 45S enlisted.een OW.pe)Sea Twat Wavhda sein Niasais Te a pie ee}Fi ie N.Mh Mckir OYWweremiptried yy.t Destherefore-_necessarry?for.thy e4 Nai bythe Republican,did ue (OME igigiHed Ale,CeemeaINger ot the uate ine Sek yee “C*roe DotMey sel eee &vi3 “saadahe whe! FAXSRewilléYast:sweety The bridéjis 2 Rudfa torgomiplites Hiirty.amples |Gover 50 Ohig,Me see hresialt ighmn tron panaus tousps i dhAc |pig a3 rie Wiese etn ee oy i :rs}“iis.Watered 4).<1urper°RiaGehter Of Mit*pA Shuford candy read Joridary Ist,jobborcut Of rempSatee ==aN Hily.the ope Wing,2.srF Sega 2a vente ah eo =hid <tare nor,dhe furu-Pinsrhy live iiStatesyitie.'Suie at Souehernvortectiting Ga eS NES PG iae satire Spoed/Totiow Dut 3 has need,ge nee:Boe Se eee ea Tee of.5 Poe Megsrs.”“Barbins:.Aygap of ‘Sd-ctniles;eachaliane ais wetzhed=“down:JWwithe Hatifia.oe|SAWostus,Th otiieers and ie of eeSe Seliooti i vorrfahe astar |*vane‘$Ye %Shades:iy.e rt?{i A AG sdyalt Maku esvilic,.and.hér uncle.-Mr:a ‘br ide-over the Conear ec.Pier-at.‘have:no doubt,with,Hanna’at.thes oulieeeddisease,lesotticers:and:dorsare24 dketys hose on pear Ee a me Sete ::a ilk 4 opr.Cmisted men;abeident 7-0 psubsistetin this wats ::Hrbin:pttended:the mi wtjage.Coluinbia;is the toute ofthe,Sea front,as héis,hewill ose‘the-Ke;S00-maens:drownings2 “atti <Posen yahoos ace :i AT eRe Ntannc pastor’OL ahi boar d fromthe ‘Nortih tLo ‘Savanpahy publicans svotes.W by™,does:a ilte.S32 a ni Suieide,a <Blin ss ‘ott ‘Oete!hor.ame Se if adi Bk at?ahs x s a Nak ak Veal a R 1e'fane..Florida.=This!Jive <is ‘being|put ‘his nose into’everything?Hoe en Rat ax OIMCETS:.4 or _and Suen re a Tredelicircuit,Meds.church,“South;Vouilt from CherawsS,..C..-thro oh way commnended ‘to.me-a <a ood fel meh lard murderers br onli co die danGeteabix 2 Te Voth:Vegi daek |f fas moved ‘his.‘family.to.Kime’s c tur bi.:Ad thi ae pt ah low,ang:for ~a.while:si thought.he[senlisted aren.Re ee (of feod.whether.nn,ost xe ini xd oe a on,Kinveyswig Mougtaht,where.théy ‘will Hive:intro a ac cee coe eeSus fo ds to tiecer ne ee i Nae and was UTD.bt,ashore:ibvironsy]3 *‘ efutare,hin Matin ecitt CHS ee0b,with Ube.biyrida -Cértral &“was.Howeven;‘since:aa ‘have’been sere peer auay the Congas.ae avere!ae i ye Bn j e AbusAaayear aayfod a VON iat,qadyin Niece ‘:et Y a.ne Inve Poni visular.Bic Seabddard »an [owt,of office he seeins:to have”ho-use |ualties in,actions aud deaths aitouns-|parthe ns eae 10 ast :boy eS ‘cones pata mea ‘bi on fu eo i e méets Rilke hd iWe-of the=new.“possession for ine>-Ast said before,why,does |ledto 47155 and ia this:Koluty teer ea)rOank Laat Arie #Lo.Carrice eae tg Ao :te asLofubuiste a Oe OL’nference,when he’will apo.>UF ae t 3 bine ;“il tablishmenut.5.94 Th thd ace iy]:;un ae pty ‘ist shy forca Test on,“account,of,ot Cal umbias unt this dinkii ‘Quilt.Ree ES anges ee oeveryt mh 19 i case hese hi ae EE -©4,Sure pan Show “wasBred eo rear. "fiat:‘:PROF”The utmostencixy is.Geing Tissh.?‘Dogshenot Ruow his being:a.tats iss.their eg larshad I27.ofieers.and]a 2 Sh rmioe Burktiarized.*|i,MEZA eto Se sn ©A sifort”bk etme pe tgs rte plated by:both:roads.“Work.ally get im the Ohiodight hurts:the cans 1,856 enlisted men kilfed“and*woun d=}¥/.:pF ea o Sue vite ditarwary he wrote to her Jor:“Tne /Retord-"Tinres:=tells Of Sthe |alonathe lineis being ‘pushed.Sim-didateé?,Why.‘does he:Spek A"ins ed and,the wolunteers ‘103.Officers Poe Bayh ae <ae niu igouty ohy Hot Semtit)7 |pater’ae Mooresville «‘tase.Wed pittieo usly,dave ‘and’ight «The,age here,there and*ever.Oe }and>L266:enlisted>ménf ‘illea.Ser re ae dthé fella w ee ‘thatthenexdayevenioyQhoMr::Kdward Bs|grt-“Florida ud West,Indian|always’avoided if-because'l fawn |wounded...Ip'the-regular’ariny"be PR Aro ae ssijteact Was oto Tse ‘ie landBrawleyandMissEttaMay-Davis-|iraticis theprize_betny worked“for;rave me-a good deal more trouble:DEIN eC AYApril 30th.ASUS,andJve;hag,aa Pefiteted Sas sokt yctde moet’eae daugvhtesorMPSand Mrs.Join “P:}andowherever tieteis room en 'the than:Satisfaction _Alwaystadozen 190,1509 441.enlisted:mien werd:180 ¢Heine Bis pout |Davis,Reve Dred MW hatey *offis line ToF-a nero ‘and a miale,:days qr OF thore.after’one.placé,and.even:behargedyby hers sentence of.veneral span aesFar adeoo Of ds: dwt pea The eee wert giungerjwightthat.placeise occupied:»“It7is:|the lucky.one:wenerally.:discontent beourtmartial and 2 AG emisted men Pe?ana clea banescts)ps ie Sus aud bangsome.The Yourg:couz probably one of the hardest”“drives ae rei *desetted.=Tiree officers af the regu:eae &a Sha ee pn es !2 WIFE CO LIoue SS live “aL +Noores-any the.railroad”sbyilduiy exer:~wit:|“Phacorrespondentisked \br>Stiaratlay army “wh sre ’kilfeds als6 hel ere.i i :“thie.SOOp: ‘‘esha ie.”We jdm the Record.Timesin}nessed|tn this.ciubtr ye oh So bman about:Senator Foraker,when COM YiSsiows in,‘the Velaiiteer-Forces ty Rothrock*fhinkswat,eel ;ae ‘Yasiateds oe Guaranicod *acCare Chills dad F-.~“deenty con yrat weos,sees oe oe :wa VOR The replied:£Ras 5}which b0e;ares Tirchuded“if.‘The S10,worth 5Teeaeons *Tat ~Reverand-ell Maleris!Troubles.ee ie efi Peat teeoy IN ee oa Se Best Looking‘Side of the Pic Cs:»-*“e-has’no Shonen of.abe kind,sereree alkat toy a iaci oe Was learned’thats berth Dis kat5eeesy‘ts eee techies sy re experienced:as Urprise™in’Es ofliceesmeaa°¢ey.¥<8 .we2.:,SH acer ieee S.either financial;sor otherwise.:Des Sor Contain’Gaiains Nor Other Poison.”oe ‘Is |When-le camcidown tdthe-courn ip rig TAR ee cialRLSASTgy d7eni07) s fat ah The rime i6 in Sight.‘Ghrcinnatt §wgtirer:+.DeesNot Ihjure tie stomach Nor Ettect the Heearing.ana ees bt:yy ~The:old.man”“evidenttly‘Kriows SA tea gh ey mn Agaitlarts&Gon,DimeGox,Tex.,ecy:,“Ramonts Pepsin Chill Tonigis theff.Ritch Posts ONT LN 3 S hem women.aver having ‘their aebiaty hé is talking about:and knoy s sak AMaib i NI Rete eee EAE ie Ads ‘othee aor shia TeBeviseohiesssSulinaHDSblnPartadeipliaRovordsays>4]portraits pataind thesshoold remcat Piywfg tales oe agi a reed,BGoie aerateSoe alae aon BROWSSMEG:CO“ERUP ee!firee evil.Tenn,Seah eate the“course of coptow.rer),Thai the lett side.of the:AACE ISH aes —oS POONTA Me ;‘aaas etd sate ad:becbawialle,Thebans ae ;wan nuwufactuée ‘takeSsts way.)Lhe Xt the pest Took ihe.’ae nl ways.|o'Fran is Mau “Dai Care e rom‘a SOUKCE Sev)ve fdles oF te double \deGrs wee byihe|Sane a ‘Comstitatton Sayst ='Tu they peat |‘the best ‘finishine and;the.¢n ¢an's,ring.~“1 Patsad afl es ;‘to the HEE near the calienindtoe :“ourse of 2 very .pio:mohhe South,tihest shaditig:on:“the+oie tof -the}s eke he ae PODolast;esday*night”Sant Haiglavas cut:‘ott and:gone.Thepur-FS |arolina,im the?numbet of lgoms}Peete beat oc mele ce ‘diving attempt ¢0 circummay eer Miss Mage :fee pa S ae déavored |LO Dove:the and-irritabtc.Every mud “spindles,will stand:next/to,h let rf lie right Ww Rae gate:thegjobe:Aaa foot s1S0,5"aes :EMS ASH ;ancy E it conge::Tinka mssuchusetts as a cotton.smann-Sate LOLS.‘to the’tight ‘When~they be.made by Capt,a Bal os anne :EGER !:pia res fe S:]>cough:cungests the lining J wish to impress:th “aud}e ‘The is to ¥=aDys Tera eats {mari :ie :were tri;,,be-|£fe of 7 BS.‘icturing®“States Ip other words,)*Se eae ee £1 ofthis port. Baettge ee Bd by yer,gett Sie tap teas ere grientence sere pemprane St your iesoisduchusetts-will-stand-frst “and [fit handismote:magnetée-than the the,terms Of the agree to,mo nooues ge.Mit.NM.(tiorg the:bo was-epimpicted..,Loev HE.Ceasb tearing yourthroat Shs Czrofihanext-The,.Copsti:rightand Senet Arba.“the left xrd))pe Harn to New nd jsoter 0%LHe gird,Jean,OC Staci tS)e ores Gods:with:them }aud]pe “and lungs ‘in’this may CMUdeclares that the dayis sgl ET anet TRE:ihe be ne eye,pphence $e Rone...Hee mare res,eee ae NY:nenbes ‘iBeOSRae Doroecr ‘Put the parts atrest and ady i aight wheu ll -the:Cottongpone batt te Smules iy ts nee}‘thiug heSuaits of,NAivellan;pur fee ete pee ar <Be bs BS Rees 7Te ;give:them,.a,¢hance “to -APRS 9 mine=actual}Oundthe forn jint hick ees oe rng:cae caterer tee ;~neal.You wilbnecd:semestowniySouths-Carolita -wl pe ‘mhagst,Shs x ae deve ,“uhsyined jmitsown,Cotton.mills,Specter es ofan eee rethirt foot ‘takin:bi gf ben secured Sonis op Nes E-felp toido this,aad you-t “A jormal Gry fox.North¢Caraling TT eee a ey inte reat eee ,that (pre!da ee son Ber thately too oS will fod tia te | “Every “Cough siaKesyours-throat more raw: =te -Sy‘b veadld:be S50,0N0-Bales:Our -amnilts KS3Frosdytakert50-000—y teedas fully a Pemhresnce Murdered |in.See York;ye“ge.cFov ofthisFear x Me.Thom NeieVouk Dispateh,fa.sk S SF OSSeuthCarolin”Phgre ig no sodne ~ferdoubi~fh Khast's:oR:for 189%:ae a’little the body found in ‘*hé:“Bax at Rey beeps from ‘aihgey. Rer.one.aflifon bakesCee gpims ort last-eventngig:that“of.Frede-He hagbebn shige In Ws9t-28,tecpiding to.“Lathan |rie’Hardy,Jt,~ef*ont,Pleasant,suffercd::«Serious SaywMexarder&:Go,watt4 “ie EMO Venn.ort baat he;younsy swam 21 ce 8169}1S ell:atte ‘Sout tgok %Ttpalds,orp sersot agey'was-thurdered aid:ad oe Mavels]esFe ee $cota atteript me ate.concen d ri154bEOFbaie‘by siaking’f we .1 the body bya oues ‘a ES posed With.‘pther:;|2 The pockétsofthe:pode Wikae Shee tin eet eae yy lotsa at AT)jOctors sald,Pin fiat sve +e 5 daysibe élottics:were torned insite Out (andyBaattat sav<that a rales tet Sever Pe nite Pi a bet ae 1 Lhe f besin tetuge De King oN 'B : ese Mo.Sir tnoneyae estGh ame,_Eperes exes ¢poizehgn dosDeegas re i Se “Disoeets.fot =por whieh {|:que endseeg bez i:he:3oneobit'e a oe iawbase |Were exicences of h eating On ber ots:x,Capt’Baektre ang}a Ee RY has teompl ticle cuts mth g age etins ne evampuntoes by,’Aue the head upty be:was-dead,ox incon*.i MptLowbers:are"butineshes een nS tate mee are BE Avithdut ibéver iPiedsts 5400,=tickling -coe :me :akwasof.tha’:Solthe Sponet uaSelous.Hardygree New York:fol bel whea-it was \b/Owing nowtly’Se Bk ee dttle.Mufidreds'have sed <it on |*aS eae : 467te ‘wed'the.day<Pris)the “shortest,take upthe study of art,ae ‘}milés an Bours ‘They-had a-\terrivlg ho"a ek was nop Tstelly bart;spsmedidation.As ‘gay it [y ns,the’coug a -Epes .Seated the.complete retaliation?“of|last ceeualive Stinday exeniny,whea time df it.“buttthe,komt|weatliére tae wutortocai Maas tie Sad yerffai ssh:|pears.2 Do.not wair for My.See ie a on Vee apt phere eagle:=aes ear “-‘he left the ‘home-of:Ke C.Sox m;thé toria.‘anKinto orivattersevery>ume /Uvthe report as “i Ys 5 om (7 af penen rons >and eon-- Our Line’Sepia te Ty ese tied tae old.frtend Of:the family’s;x diving:‘addy bad iven her'up:forlost '‘Weesaderstapld”that \the git!was"af 3o%cet 002”Prialz bottles |.sumption abut‘cut:stort pee ae:=ar a +lin?she 2Forté Hamiltoh-“Section,Ty March,ofnext yearCaph Willige patty 0 thevsedutitismr:el pees al Jee 3 stores |4 your.cold:without delay. c ag a x Sort rad -<ees 2-loriogs News Nici fe oe.She Bfooklva,fr aboardi gyptace nearle mime =o.7d Sa een gS NSO Sha t ENT Bg tan cain a YtGs 815 “Hses oo ee ted ‘<Ne ae 79 Age wit yeats old.bh HH:ee a "+.‘3 ey Soper cas :eons >pDr,“ayer’s Cherry:Pec-’ =$6 weit poe ware os ae *evinces trom Dr.P.B:Cartile mot by EE haves:had ‘moresgid stature andha rete vers ax Wife For 80)age Pre ;go . se <e coe sdoTe Ye swritts:‘spoutrtharsac Fnotherof thé mary Whatitis to Be-sick:Seieaei beth oe A (23,=)EgNey tou anterprise.says:St]toral Blaster.=ee isa Hlectvig Beettias"ured |dered i a Bene es ai oe aa day,beisays,he7wills whee Poin beed.toe x Od 1 Li reported.“that 3 the Holts Und -térthe lungs ofeverxper- B wer of.sergtujaywhich had rope recet Yi wits tabuer.came east lativesiin Holstein,rerman end4+,,Wt ontien -aje i \Aue}ney a E ubdle Wi tha cotighhergreat.Su exinktoryyeare.when inf ined Of the.:disappearance kyo sillhave }seen “allsthex ports om twotien tastheie ee:sie.Sr.aNbe the:Catawba’river and!-$0nto)crit a <blesores would”b»dak .out,gn |<of dis Son:atcavith relativesyresid-the"Pacific and:Atfantix ees‘ab|year¥ago!a colorediwpn named!Jain.Da eaeie =o es.Write.totheDoctor,Vik ade we serene ww ‘Ss ee {pia ex.“ie =:5 Sais ierheod ap ‘face;andthe:best-doe>|ing here,as doing all in bis poserto,Ameria ca On.Ais.way hess’ten fel Oreaioonyow$Gio “8 Bens:Coxrt fefol wixg.ndP hel:Sabon cee a errs tte Dérpettators -f-the}=esa =be 5 feceupe oe this ?ad-option®.on »pho ae “perses Soe NS Se et op lee jedi Shen ATICR OS Is Completeatid Herb alth’-is.exte)“|'™ner ee a ae foe SRA ;as ti orl ea pet Pp th oat pe 1ee ‘as =BS oe +—nahth?.-This shows what-thoubands |~;setpr Sa8 Hor pr Bgect s |seotenckoe fears ie ee o,but!ce ‘age fhere o osBeco .E Reproeay toad Sage rao |i ipso ale nrc a fom staudard Ty ys {retarded tor t reesmiop(ts H0.eat,the trade has ce but}jereet Aadiens,ae G AYER? opsone riyaWp.“Ly Loweewhelias‘the.thost wpieieette “Ab ibterestiog freak of paturewas alterbis Peleasé,._Of last,B iturday|at effect in|See Pen eeSacerLadies=A “sal rheum,ulderg"buils "ahd |aad welhequipped jigs“New?rails ae eenBa eee Batahel }gireulation.,One Sette ere FIs oo leet rym CN NE x ae pac eore At stimulates Tjter;and }6eomotives,--mor "cars and“in:eachBans erfectly to ee ie The he had"warried this woman (Ctutek-|-;satrosi a Sader at tet he ee Diets g gti ee ue cbtie metabo =puisons,fussedterMaeda ates or esioeafsuperte pati aookaattached.Bp te Bilok obauky fl nosths}Western toad-on BoE Stave of Tee a ea oy SFE Ponds.ee zs erat =;iS=))up?the s ‘aD daotat Rocky:weeks 1 :Fy eee de Laaa Cm ;‘Eh _B a ay bck;Pea SEE :og a Rs elguengttaeToe :Pe yr ecbopoetation Sgeacies.Theshdewd|be iside.ok tae resene ©f-of thePherae istic Grestebtield re Paylorstille road.og teitn eeoe letter.toa, ‘t .ee Fee :oe y |UA ete :Tn aad"owas v,Handkohohpice kigeSecsS toh 1 sit “nittenyvat nes A paver manerets soeSivas thorTight {rope afeSete peeto give cup)his;wife,”and “éua a score.of 12ste “Navailieadingcitizen of Salisbury,in whieh” Gera woe pack Oris Apoindagest Gemibs,1gces—21 ;Eee wo iyity “is1g WO passifig:fopr-but 2sreaboul the’size of six-Fateh os obcbednel is Glaim4 Cadets 3 ;regsityof tae says.he wilIbe a!eand)dat e for wattedurettatls LG,Gee.Eineg Lerhed woke t ener}ssl:ise?BGG £S beth,Buk.a.Der 6 t ealarpetient:nths?‘-old olt;set:He on rit:this:‘He:Jorth.Sar :ame,Jat vey the nomiuatioy-for Govern zr.before — _featurespeseeswhe 5 Sf eR ae uaeeeecy 2s UTES!of the jindustriab-ommercial:aieac iP ajeoal,a atSernoresodl the:two husbands seem:|Naval Atacemy ‘toda:Une next.Demos Staté corven-oe Ree Tan 3 GAGE”ie 'SmrMBON es See batseesecon Regie mivadel:lt contr ae Ck Cate “a nd De Od ae PREAH S Be a gue Ty tens se 3 Rte as,:-ome ay PERS a i,re . ” at rahPade * baa Pew sited,WEFRLY ey ee ‘“ONE-pol.LAR A SEAR. + —AT a :rey a Se So ie‘ ee ee e et s ye eB ee r or yt ee :§jo ety cegn KENTUSEY.~¥%Nie Pate 0f-6*be --4 ~n %‘£a $s .ES a —=—Enjrors..=-2a 4 IK thacombibed efor af.“thesBet hat aay 7 ic memes te aesear 9 peel cabele Basse here:‘ ope TMT ae eta \;aR AY NT pjicans ane”anti-Goebelites~AL Lpat *ay a iay a Se Meo neafeforudetigveyalW.S.Taylor.<RE:Senay aeee ae F “Mir-Robert Shotibalr aadsister,I .aN =Dablican,has;beseeee OF ys .bof”Tredell,hiare)isiting the +Birterd at ah €Festettice at Statesville as|Y Kentucky’by aa ‘maje eeSly pe a 20,bax eee oe ay he.oa t eke eat?x =Shee ‘%;“a zh ~|?i aSe1 ate widl be very¢ose’with the ;pas wee pare Meir NI:Le ct :tea:a cknats niail mratten]:pts est ted}froms.00U to J5.000 over WIEN Mi mA Eas Wee fe es Rie <a a Deasoctat.Returns3 receive +Chancesss]ich ly’tavaringstbe:RE Dr fT.-‘McDSLRue™atééiiaed the. ae ee *es PudeNpe =3 ed Gy >to midnight ‘also inditate the:sie nce gang roteato:zi Te Gnele’s “—ppoperty=?-Ire-S : ae aa =Jog a :f the’entir@’Republican}.enerar eve fell bist wee}tp nee en he ys ‘Ci Now“gt As89%pelo tin of le thé com plexion®“of 4the-|&‘glock-coucedes the e Scuonal Johy E ar ee %1 ‘.SUSEES*Hy OSs :pe icket:aon :he weatly Walter Sarith.e oateke Gos “Mp.ot Carl fea,“6f ,Dedlsville,‘ae rts ‘}‘Leginatyre sel Sin f e Touféet Yeruor by Wadeenajorityr gv e<gy spent adayor.afro.-at Sjatesvitle Pr tntotghoyt 1e Stite wag per ‘i erase harass:SNe thé5 past weeks |‘wa fo hoe a r 8em b e d eeas et nae ce al a t /We Sriat the nexs of,Tupides ss elettifon\asdarsas it-ze 2 ‘ond,more than!the averay +PT exidential 4 benjom Coinparative-te a.violation dfahe)\electidij LawS the |"160 wine bers land,Mj nslssippi and V irginia:2 ‘,Ke publi¢ans Hold,the 4 ‘othere.: rede.chow,ayplurdiit y=for $sSmith SDeyhioe "rat.for,Geternot,“Of7:Say xwhiue $n:the’“balance -of,the State | *his:plurality,will probably ‘be be-| tween?500.and:3,, 8 a Ee,‘Damderatsbave “carried the ethree“legixlative tickets’qian Balti-|— <$b we Taye.ebeafoet noea- ¢— e-vote was|hurlitee :Ponnsylyanig-06s Be poisl licah by hast”about 140,000 majority.»8 Mississipph.#bes Dermoctatic -¥ not juss than 20,004 Ne York elec aa Adertingeara‘Repybliiaus, dhe“tion Was’Chiwctetied by a re-’selected 9¥)of “them Se he Pemo-M sharitathe ¢dedree.of qeigt a Lcrats.b0.“Thecity:weht,Democratic parited.thre"tora]©falliny N Nort OF AHe vote polled,in the . iv Nitsfe tdigorder\prevailed.,«And| ak ‘Seow:‘severdb arrests fot allem: ‘|papligast wdinssand @steh (dn,extSS -yausas,,vored.fon “Gounty Hees, akLawyers JH.BurketandRraok |fLASBinney.went”faseee egurt,- Mone ~‘is Morgantor,wasbheres Monday‘finish-8ingepsoinebusiness.P Oe Ex-pe ijngo n-eouh a es o wins‘Nog ge a ae aera a ao gw mm rn eer Saas Soe Worprtae —a -——Se So -Serato Ctsash eh eh Pid Y apperes i ~NEWS.° See oe THE BL ECTIONS.OS Bore Qty,have eewhile rationsuae hig teeeTHEMASCOT)mec |2 SD ake ota:ot ae :5 ¢n kine Ssnaee copplee :The 13 conbpjcte-wards *vex?‘Sheri ff We watts sent.‘to Scho mate _Carry Mid thé city.with the alesSone“statedyie Monday:“evening: Mr.akbd Mrs.W.“D.Deal ionsPracchinénd,Va:fas Saturday.cc a fae Natloté,-Tapped eDedatys Caltestor,Hallyburtov.,of natox R.H:W.‘Barker.Of h Ly who“holds yrevenyes Monday zed. Coatten otSigeLoa!: job,"was here “Mr.“ER! =4 . ‘Rex,Or W.Tiiplett,Lof ‘Caldwell Shy Si u i,of =MCaLIN:is stafaped#a Mth the name:“mLiledoln,”whgeh-iedirst washing rémoyes.*©:Ey eryzhredd is fnevottor:Everyft38perfectwhen‘it leases the my Iff:ou:tind anything wron sd‘the.goods bick and We wy. keit Ev KStime you's are Fashoe SChairuithLongobtheReablengaboutthenormal-qnajonityy“but.tavaship,Shippeds atop oOF apy]Ba st Oe pouttnitzee,Fea whe”"Nalgace of phe:State gayesin jpic ples to Annlesiens €.»est Of,tt 1e \B gare = Sos that Faylot >s plurality ¢Peased Repyblican,jority.‘Tan twee kX 3 A tet ot. would negra Les Wan’¥.‘soe Be Ls eatin Br tp the:peenat Of Halwith}©yfrs,'Biieba Harrington.ofeae :aestinhate®PS saidT was:aped=yon |trsiche ry tO the-pa L -ster,Mrs.D.‘P.;Ba estimates Fceigedetais a,majority ¢ce ce eet sete Piet uepabe fee>Wniting her “one relatives |EsP10theeoulticsipthe‘State,AG QY-|eapeti¢ket yyabouttt;0G0—a Remer ind:friends.ernor\Bridles”“estimates:Taylor's}ocrati¢:gain.of 20N002.The,Jovisla-|Mr.°.Arthar Goodin,.of:Iredell :[plurality uf abosit 15,000,to 18,000.ure ts d tepublicam“by the gsyfalSig BoUDt ved bere last”week inte]If your,deter: =a »Ue -;:o will baReturnyTremaemei|jority:~*Phre Denigctats*,cated |the dwelling éf MrsyDeal;near Mr.oo Patt doa ws wt “|slaw Lé but each count"shows,Rey}Boston’byox Gr’6.000 =the.DEbobnat:meee tee f ‘1 ae veo,ie Sag age y ar :ake<ee yew ‘“2:eS ant 2‘ENLEDoU> tz]cyTus. good,to you... tye =O VE groeéries |ao.fresh stockvat:alltimStour.isSeeri “eWhen you wait oe ae : a!Sree ee$Sthe laces do(pTheyse Ae kow Rave the largest and. 3 vomplete line of° ues ELMIWOOD_AND *; _Mrusonorn tien Heavens |e *i FeeBrees: ae=! fresh lot ‘of =| eher |Spown ink this.marke.+. “fave these in_all-sizes,suitable 7Bed rooms,Dining rooms,Din and we-ilso have the m Sat:bie -—~Catdies:&Tige’jing :00]“bogses.,eefdb,sugars:Oa Store:Yoong,"SC ‘6 ene!pay.bighest,.narches.xllbo Oil Wsbt.tes:“Will-radiate inoxe heatkon4h ORS "atount Soffuel..than “any "nade.+They.will bDorbeary ie twood,old blockSan@tyash 1 andy &potsines th io market.Spritces fore county,ee eee ve ae Ny.=aPAE NnSe, ;ve,ePuge itis tardeiepedaOry:ftoih.: epiid,,ok sinledeng vepatton,wag f saeSHe.peer :ie beiin StatestiéVaredeylSECOEt one Way h geYeaeyfiitfasthiaih:* satisfac bh.FEY at é % ads “GU SHIG!etkt apd:oot.yeeets igsaSpeapricessortheapricespn;a ee oT ‘por.cel fand?wh eu aS areoe,tLe:4 os ‘ ie -=ind su JENsINGs BRYRS “A,“ftent thaye Lavietys “¢ection bpd ima,Arid the yetuea singteate Hep Loren ve,Bie Oe ‘a oe‘5 Be ep ——-———|Dority at 3007s ingic ateds LweCkey Prats:«ht ty ty oyie ba ion “peounty,“spent.Several dgys erd the HAG Sie neon the pub <‘ee‘Ss -ff‘rae,UNiEst,,?\rf ary HanPpton,of the/Republican.a“South akota-wents Lepubleaes efirst of thewWeek.And preacheldaf the bt ste Fazguerre ah au ae y 4 ee to Se des -gommpR tee is see Jaimjoe,"?sors4.sreRepublicans,carried}pBe4.Haptiot chitebtSunday...eeete &rier:ssa eae 4c Ae eeiCaByBethSsdes-cp elect)op,by)8,000 £hairn;MMWONY|sey-ygabout 20.000-“The apne 5 i S a BlatclewelMenis-Tinie thende-$‘wail Pg :a es BE weet SS Hynd vovernor B maQey"ard ¢piident Sept hay a ood Workin gt ajorit Sr eaeRSWbite,éF Lincote COD STATESV :ence Uperce withmdTm isthe =&A)S«.Nie tiargely Ke publi cme Ma ie Cy ay Wis he tirst.of the week 4 so}a it /ES i i x str -"oe De mo-%cof Paylox’s Flection,:‘dnd Sey Grathe}7 \Taysfhda:elected ts Lexisiet rool land dre Hi fe:to.Pés eee ey a piles ae eet ie convene SsSse RT)y Rsk rydand gam a x2 2 ate SE carried the Suites ¥a:aea u-‘poth |braneRex pe acentoelipiniy ighianc enaagg ;stnigs-..et ce corks s Ba 1 neat Igex ;;5fae8GrlicSBryangsState)it uf they.Aeclineto ~aiv é fie DémocritiCr.ot :pter Matheson...-Mr.White,wi mg =o ai:oe ae ee Tee 2 age “J.Sustains Higa By’ees vagskee g rt Mi |di.a ae 5 ~“4 f s <te coasie ¥:;She Majopis.ae a ures Tesuloer ae Se dowd electedthe peta Qee PP ‘s ed 5 St 7 rt Titanwit:ie ;y or bnavelupe .Z aon j 5 Aa ape sain ayo tie Kesh tas:ae etby aheavy majority e_Levis?]’~nie Chas:<P:‘Buegéss of “Bim.ee :Seok aes my Sy 2 :re =a ‘Bi “of Opa ae :;Sei A asqer stdin iat eifhg MEA Tie Seat?eae asi pas}siompapdege ee ee fijuyglram,Ala.“Who hasbeen.Selein [a et ie ae ———Kino am = et es "et ESew,SA BOMpGSed’Gr chims 7T&lop'S-a 5 ase es,&co mnere hare eae athere,reached:heres vesteKt Nee {tn x od.:2 zs 229 AASSo negated Visas:at Hessen iy ies ned Was a ae Nor aed went aut °‘to fis:“father's |4Aa “Cottonon Stored e“and neure a f 7 =5 -SEY ison tie Hedin BR ROU,uetor Piackbyrn,and others a bss i ti 3 in.=a aie nae se ai | =i!‘-und *‘pt be atscent the2 obec Ay dg’sartprs atngitnigbt,ude pe.bry e cane skint aS te eesoe ewes =of “FoR IBS.pordele|Jenene’-a*<p pmuay wid -t es ; SA ht AUN pre 3 »fete,ty 4 :ak €el I ye’.-:ted that the retut fr mary}ese}aS ee ->.MwARobt.apse oFCats ndé (ore:~Baer Letislat:dpe ISe-€aired |‘Paneer coeclerare disgpoie fa Bees=Eobcee eae :fitea wh [egig wane Monday?tne)1 -Ghariotte Bond ed Warehouse |Gomi}oy :eae ee es |é ;oa ap uleed B Seitake‘the Oe iecbabe faim:this is poor aes esALCOR eS Sent town “Saturdaysniaht|say Joo ae foray eeing,popes:tasSeltdes rambrisea’Bonding and 7 cha steamer 2 3Df¥p Ae Aoaity verurniny|ie private (dispatches.from a SL in to fiove eal ake |&ae sits “|ee ¢dete mnie thé re:Leb cenaaeitts 2Cky~iliwating:‘a ae neDedtrben ae aeeeesha She ngwmalian ftom EN Miers ak bce “S Liber ad,Sivaaces ere %oe re!LaeayitiyLreardsiang Det:Mag o0 ine the.Repyblicaa Vote.Sook pes ogra,&Co,Me es eae $5aw =ig a :‘On<‘Our.pecs etxg &ee er ats ae Sapo Toe -t siackbird “now.Glaims,‘that “Gogbet}*Sige Sherritl wagS ageidentall ¢|F bin eae:ea : Pa acs,matety Tha =o)wild win be 5.000 PIS js "a recived shat and killed by”E pbraig FouSer ie bP.‘b,Foner,of Durham:was.ekwpe talessLipteres es Ry iy?ae Ks pee (|‘ al Sp Rin Bist Sa Re pitddicqr priralit®digit of 25,800 as “oni pared Fugit tine huatiot hear <C berry (ule saver bre Last Week jnvestigating £e tig|shes Bo Pads ite Se ee e ses Boe aes eye i ae 8 To Set “SU Niuts The2 Losislgttive is se3 nad¢Lwe&bours eurlign,<*cf day.]last etky —*3 25 ss tle to:g:Lookout.waterpower dn tie E..Be Springs,ee i pt ue yasyoussell those Ppt a y ‘ Ps %of <4 =e beth Reppbliean.4 Fornfet Senatet Blac sburn at 2 a4 Tgiagy Naiistorg sea REESE§wont aie ner:Re te pests OSCNPRESIDENT <Seis oe ~re <<ae Be ‘s By::;Nbr.pe melee:ts Theiymion .Bote 1.ths regnesdas)a eaeSea vagtic of %ineensbpro~ainda:Sayday a S “efStateie,ks gousBii-<eS Gy 14 00."mee :-Pe,4 Pe pra 5}Toni tiajorits..This ii Se See st Keatavley“nite intfoun while:leatiig «forms Sak;Y %:a aee ~~quale see re pS Oy Span ye }rs Pk owacopyke Azely Terease Sind jority.behest nail bat:Safe wtaioe ad x Leesetheet OD aye.Pod oe %SPhebogra.ot ‘eouaty.scommissioi:a oe eae 3 Z 2 3 oe ee ea Sb :Se a ata alesae “athe Denies rate ct compat ulatiags ow“yoursplen’Ay Mrs Baile Tet Tiinots®an’ ipxyexsab thew metting.Monday"fagedptty sc"ee ee tof Valu oe Sokehab ine “lll.Yes:a4 -a eo wieBeeeeAEDsyangeGagichorySoeratesoeSepadied,paterayte a Se Sat Wie ta ore eS oe 25got indie agh beebue wealthy watis OA peMi)tie Ot ky ‘:woes wana \s as CMairme welts eate Huts she’td Low rhild-beingr wnoved from abe®As|eA er omge ver»sha a rig K :aed ae cde.oe E oe :5 mt ‘; FS 5 seg Roget Wa a -touingeultanest NSja.ma wrezands,vill&Bdgrdingrhousete_aaohen,Soetede Oe Sorel He Gos he pe ee cae omeHons td~sete x Saad fhe a : a :;Res SEG HtiF:CF S oT oe ny re »o a &:S =age i pons ty EN A,Dos .ey ““sty“©Kis ee soo e getDat See Se =*Alihost.mighthy =aifempis <abe:PASS,whemsdid bridge is built.Watk ‘a Tern Us.;oe a eee 6aFife retin tof therelectign’|publicans,ave Te matiesttodsurnthe Hopses‘in,.Smekeys-aneschee Ne ,pe 4 ooh TONG IY.ee,Pi at,So fant at St is ‘ifia Ue Retoorars 3:out 6 Psure bree nore®areicbe~Holo,“<Durtianr's sdisre atable}.Rechiteot t,.‘Schient.ot Char dise-.oAlEe ae MS AUN 8 ee i °Ret Se gas fee i Marg:adi tH)extort =22a8 ee tee qUuarzey.5 Ope hotise was dest oyed.|latte,re eee ‘Hoddasy-to ev ages me BE We en ey?§: e =‘Pan tt rive at et Srepurns avecn MATL PETR,»eon see ¢\5‘FonSult wi +th oar of “cotnty.|ive peeing eet 3 Lemeae 3 :Hn a .a fix tates.tite ao oe ey Se 5 There,—a Gabel mole#Spe enced comimisstoners akouby letts for beild.y Plats 6 du ofedreeatten.eos j : ee :ie Shestasste.THOT ablican YO fam Alold-evers and)auta-Goebely Gene 4 -.+“pProale F a ee oe anne wal aLit rd The)‘Other -beld-oy,ets...Ip fhe jfouse ties Re-|Sapa th Fineoriginating fro)ayeadapen.THE nanan coms nse wilt-eu ~ebility |Mspll Alsiee welt built,‘nicely Finishedsp.fheBY.2 TXen aa is .-=Sees=ed publiays have?elegtéd,AL members)as or flue 4LSS shou:apswes Spners ‘agreedcto.aceept hig pi an,Ses See ohaiepniation :_Peqee se for ‘Sia 90.:a %mm Gate“x Vex nsw en s-the OX Tyo “oye éesd,We aS NM as 5 ‘wn os oat Gee oe »Certain,thesDeawerats 30 and the ah ‘hea they werd 1,osittomto build.ae ; rs fn tate eo.theiietiithe Republican,#hti-Guebel Democrats.”}“TLenes|bora |nevto5 fntaisewei mu x Be :MeFoods arid owest Kiowy prices:thts Coupled”with oyr.verysmall ¢SRK iter,5 ::ti t of th a be n A buljetin is aod at lL.vafms by lin Sati buryJast-‘Thut day,“night ee aes 2a Rear yt lacescus 4 apetoxmot eely,meet,competitions,but...seven 3,AASae.ial veri tesid untGot o yea!Bp ye en \retin iss a r ‘7 s r Si ,r etc 4erne Sere0 an chou :is oat wee :Po,=e :: a cag ect :Ss#2 the Goebel gampaixn.commnittee /Uied Satyrdéy as,dvresultjof the xex®Hi paildint oo”e'sere ma ni bo s{-brige thade y the sharpest,con ae Good state ry.-Bu iSiTUnE gE aR Tepes i 4ertgrcitive:reduced’,The “Hi npe gat .;this building egected ~whic Che Galt namie some vices‘‘Good E eTibts fo-short:leng aaaPy2“says¥..rWe have'not enough ae posureit*had greeei ved.*There is HO Lhope to:see doife next year the -eiti-P i ae Hors g Sa vo hehita ,oe ‘tive made az pet vain of-Mayland:sofas seine aaiele ning.the Stiate-to,golclae tote mother).;:a not Shaw couaty “Gan Fast!sty.Joel st “fancy prints 5:cents.‘a *-yiard,Nice ,i A 3 é P 2clek ey 1 ©*&e =j .‘.-se 5 >a ="1 S $ani ae oy ie i a iS siga E Ahoy sugged a0 ti ling Ke =jitodetails,bub we gre.confident sat¥‘The Blue Ridge Spring 6d”stake proad of their count:Hotse,,fotok itis,yswentss t ests,SkeNante —en yo :ss wh NER i EN 5 a;4be:-hake lostavothing,Phe res ult sll Won,though the majority’Trish Company's.plant ‘at’Lendir}cextainly-a handsome Ones and will Nein chatecth “Capes atjauy:phiees awels 3:to 30.SS eee _eee 8 4 a i Na oY:aska aeEy oratifyiing 4Q ee.k “>W osOH,‘’e S|was*burngd:EF v iday ‘night.?‘The or postoaly some “SIO,00546,3Fetes Big stock Fea sre Schoot Boy.ssc PA I.:.A ze ;ae :¥Ee Pe mock its,tremendaws efforts ”c Ue See gin'cof ‘the fire is nkpown.Toss:compléte.,Tet’someyaation,‘daken Blankets se.pair aga #0.ae Se i },im ist a edi 2 a ae wut forts by tie Ite ublicans!“At AO:I yp m.ahd ‘chairmen of.$2,000.with,So insurance>J.HH.lat oxce."We would suggest tharay >Wa eate.ae E RUN Soni of .42I?.:ie Re \CG HID Ge a PYs:D 2 ne I ubat bthe’Repubiiedn and Demotrafic Midby’operated :thefactory.‘petition be-ciredlated.in each town:%SNe ut = re _and bolting Democrats to de cat the "state committées.wer¢’claiming’the|-“|ship OF the-county,asking-the board.ah eredswoother;1y “Clothing Sitbap ocas we“sel : 1 ‘Urvan fof Bryan's ‘ownState.“lection ‘of their ‘respective State Near Maxton Sunday night a_rey-of commissioners’to “vo ahead“andit.~Meén’s Suits,$2°50 abe up as hi;vy:Boys sitits oF Lise thes\<SWally failed to .do;-tickets,and also)a»majority:of:the|alar ——battle occurred-among |vavethe contract let.fora new court a ailyvas’cheap,©Good line Men’s “Men's Hats 10c \_t real The indications are that ;megroes-“George-Brown-way killed see ‘Heavy stotk.of Shoes to Sititall classes|arniiuhe m eo ~::Momajorit y. “that MelWinley’s n-cut dawn/halfdespite Hanna's istalase 6f-money and the frantic ets-of almost Jeyery Republic: skerof a National sreputation ff mployers. “ise* woah try. whois elected:This:is “dG aeSpected a Sweeping ‘victory “ot taethtied forces Republicanis ued Soré-headism.there. “a Gefeated and a of ms Republican:Legi shi bre eiect ed,‘it has ee ee e ee da te e n i e j tySh e e E :f 189%+2:e +that’hee ‘aphurality g/d poe Soesment 0 ie rinaes;MER ORRY ss be Ze the,fowieg cubleira np,Be SaasteSe“OS ns Se 50 W0H,-w ith pte ‘Zo,000 Jor Jones Necicil avet....Whexion Xi:\vdenital ‘Schley.Keke4Lanta}«ie ys |mathsort be moke ele ate.away {pom buteal total LS than’900,00U-Sedition,©$3Bou.the Eee nee ASeenaphe opedohved Witte w loving: +4 a skirtnishi ¥lifes:it reveals tint The--k —N titan *majority®.ink ‘the a ang:*Artee.atid to‘coasting |cup)inthe-presence of 12;AO"Hop Te. oe re vr liftle>damage 5 been:“done to4 Législatire isarger,phan “Ostia ~but Staagiers,onto eds BY.three “war His route to-Atlanta‘was,a.contra:[ Pr E 2 Hi er?Side vad tiiat s)2 the -Jt Wo pe‘Sopatoris eeeeecet Judge+Pwessets;Text:oe BiBingay eb»~Girl this|woys Or atign.ae co +t =.)Sys ' ve hee ae Kes octupy fheit sold,Ypositions ASS eaHoude after,miditigh’‘motuiug:+Macé ather’s trode ad-|—a —ats ;2,fort the prea cbaitleSF 900 »Wir ad fe <—Se vanced~toy“alagélang se-terday:|Pr.WH ‘Hanon 2 Sian Klas—keqed that thesresyl tS OF:Tuesda¢’s ap gt 9futroduved ty JHone oe dlearing the Gobntry bet ween “Ange:says,2 fags r i tthen:Gut.while:we (id notsper ~The*D mocratic ‘Marty “miiy!bé:» ae the ¢efain less’+“sage erfLdicationsarethatthesilver|focal. TS pie,have very ‘greatly‘increased’ The result in’Ohio,{from thé Democrats,with the excep’ “najority shasé tion,of Columbus arid some smaller of labor >take The oficial count to.deter: roySiac to Demoerats,for we had If .Goebel been brought af oy“Democraticdiyisions.Had Tis pacty>been;funitesl,ade.Blue =(Mass State worthy hase swung ito’ wor De noracyy by “aD.oletime ary anitiary contests,would vhave prybre’‘ni /deigrent~that the,lanastias “with wilt eXentual ly.land ounpant ys 2 ibte ower:“woutd.hav ,_been,apha (care anyAnredt advaptagé over {he Thy blicans “neither“did the}over, UF deciated,but it néyer‘fies.¥Jn Teed Hanper “pf:‘the Jones has drawn more hedy ily”Tromithe-Republicans “in’the cities tHan)|Were mortally wounded.”A.womawasat“the bottoni of the.trouble. |citids,and that his ¢vote will tiot be |S.bare inithe rural tistricts.There 1s nof the usual pereentage of either |Republigan.or:Democratic gains-or }|losses as ‘the’gains run for‘the Re- publicarts in:some.places:and for the emocrats in some sections..Even ic Roxbovo-“Mfonday.--They” un}ix Lee rose und fired,the bal-entéring L the ‘side, char‘acters.- es!in-some:places “and’Democratic Yosses in some places.’At 10.p.ny. Jude Nash claimed.his election as Governor and Chairman -Dick said Dr:AVam.B. Is:‘at his home in ‘Boone:*He was,tk and pee Cook and Shadravk «Ward Daniel,‘Lee;colored,Shot and mor- tally:wounded Join:Bows;white-at “were wrestling,When Bae threw’Lee. ~Both-men are:desperate Counceill:died Friday father of Representative’Couneill, house. n it aw es Near:Sylva:Jackson county,Satz aoe.night.Will Ledford,2olored, pwas killed by-a..white.man.named[Parker at.the home ota white Wor. ‘ashousie bail on ‘the white ms‘edt him.nearthe .heart,’when _th white Wan shotsthe negro de: w ¥ ‘golored.was con- the:prisoner ‘with difticulty:.Mrs. Ingram is \a "physical and:‘mental1©wreck: er Se ee camneans.tat =ne or.ok ‘Council,see Judge Simonton eee the in-fp Carrie ’no}Satisbury.~He had been.a member Y Micures to announce,The Associated junction suit ‘ef various railroads Press sent.to Mr,McLean,‘at-his ‘residence,asking,if he ‘claimed the election and received the reply that be had.nQ.ak of et tomake;‘Chair- 4nan Sewa of theDemocratié<o 2 ofqnittee,Said yer Wxs nit prepared 16 ee i:aber pip bings..teapswerwet.,-LGAs:ageinabinpoes th. é.At 10:3 28h HeydbKeaes Gaimcehe - tature and section.Se ee Was.bromepens ‘in:hi Is-“ /%og =e Tense poeberts.his rita]for theonaanatjensJtadveNash”said thatrthe-Oio,.resayt-was a-messave'to |/Presigent.oMeRibley that his honie ‘abdut 1,000of the enemy:,a!.diifééytpoints,»O Brien;with 3 of bath branches:of ‘the Stite Leats- we.esa “The War ‘Bepartment ligtregeived: les arfd Avayat ~‘They:encountered. eeionOftheSexenteenthLofaniry.two:sreops of the’:Furth Caviiry «ng} weainst ,fhe Corporation Commis: sion in favor “of the railrcads:The commission assessed..\-the +yari-Ous-railroads —of Is ry.~The’ :onde “sued out-an*injunction from Sitvonton and he Gecidés Tor,them. f4Phe rgaits wil be taxed:QR the as: x ae &Ahivk Kodol Dys}psiaGure| is asplendid metieine.°1 it,and.’my-A confidence init «grows:with sdnfitinus “use!It.digestswhitvoEs‘andquidkly Cures dys- T- Stafe\enddrse#his adwivistration t hk pepsta and indigestion:WF;Hall‘S@*}feha pieSaged |sia HO ae pines seat eed aes aSeerei eya Bh cee NagarAiomalide¢-@léetion ini 1900.‘The RE Guncenpare pakdrbxe-thé‘ehemy.in f=-/,Be SoS ze especprestymadethe.greatest’gains the directiom ofBieselapy who left}.onae FG hae Bepeiettletamdsof:Judge’Nash,Sé a-[49 deadton the Held.Acap:t Aton,‘scont‘thewo ld~you willtorusandGhairmanDick.The¢Legred.28prisoners,ae Col"Beary fpdiva remedysequal to One.Dgnokrpismade McLee oo cnelSmith,with a ‘otter:Bitedl!|Minute Cough Cute,\stysEditorAe“i pO 6.ar‘McLedt.,4 Fackler,eft he +Mtcanopy ;\Fle:. a! :3 ithe ISd6-me thods 20 coertet heir |attet Seerotdenoare complete from |’&four--year--old iat ot brank Reuben,Ros ee loves into voting the’tepubli-|bs Miller was burned todeath in -For-|victed in’Robesot Criminal,CourtéacaCitieintiiti,Cleveland and Toledo it :Drgioae erick ;ey :eva ticket andin this.Way.a majori-may be dificult to peach the-result syth ‘county Sunday:‘The ctild's |Saturday of rape and sentenced to;ieectas seenred-for “Nash.”tha Re-rpositively tonightowing to the tide|clothes caught from the fire..I at-|-be banged December 7th.Bis vietim.|:dis the Jones vote,which guns in|te™pting to extinguish the,flamés}Mrs.’Ingram,white,fainted.while|:was Cate att Giidates ‘The-result.Wipe ee AEBS To ft"te stteaks and cauSes Republican loss the mother of tbe child had her}py the witness ‘stand,‘and;the peoty:tuck yas stilis doubtful aud it handsbadly burned.ple were’prevented from lynching }>7 -the.State some],’ Otte:Reports Rec ent Operations mes Ks9:000,000 more than former} We r e ag 4ahB fo and yp tozany‘price you.want.. siges,and conditions of people...Don't forget:‘ourhome made shoes,they ‘can't be equaled,Ladies dress Shoes:98c:and:up:Men’Ss. $1.06ups -See.us on shoes.will do you good,aud.save you money. ‘Ender shirts 20c.and up:Over shirts 35c.and up.See:Soda 26."per ‘Ib..Always bargains’us on shirts, ‘our Coffee 3t-13 Ibs.’for one dollar.>in Tobacco.- name prices which will ‘please you‘hoping by close atteution to business_aut always giving you.hundred cents worth’of goods’for:every dollar spent:withvus,“to ineredse our-busi-[|ness with your-chickens,eggs,butter,corn,wheat,dried’fruit,’beeswax:and all kinds of |.We also want cross'ties-afid green and driéd “hides especially a -and if you aré not dear us takevyous:hides to’T.AS BcDougeld,“of:States: ville.and he will pay you Highest:‘cash:price are ; -Bradford &Sons.- produce. “NB:Scie merchants solicited for-H arngss antndhorse.and mule collars.ey “Now is The Bees LES and Mattie SEE YUSFORlanksaa cm Come to’see us,will be We‘want to buy seed: tSS teakers Cut e € NNRe insoe{ prescribe}re wie’s sud Bove RSieeee Bode!Meas:Enaies’aid Chile «pare ‘Rubber.Shdes,-Mei’s,Ades!Ae 2 Bac otouties -—oe Capessand.”Wane:.“at,oo prices riigth ete =.".ee o><<ues Se ofa ki és,|Su eereLESSFloor,Cometings.re es Sine, Many ¢Sa bffHEN youbuy Rinow’s Liver Pitts &ee TONIC PELLETS y6u do not buy a med-'‘icine,’but a°‘Complete Treatment for Bilious--“ness,Constipation-and Heddaches. “:distinct medicines,but sold for-one price—25c.~The Pills-bring immediate relief;the PeletsRote,up the pervouts system’and iinvigorates: ter ee frees ress Shoesfrom: See ulad to show you what wehave ‘and: thanks for.past-favors and ‘cotton,bale»cotton,cotton “seed, riers-and General.eee shoe:Leather <<e WEAR S BLEW €93eaenessTERSpasar ALMOST.— <i neve;Sects ‘of ALMOST”Shoes,"the shape:is.“‘the TPirestas almost as fine;the Leather is “almost as Gor“alnost’\as-perfect as out Shoes.But.they lack com}fateslacksmakesail:the differencein theworld,The >ralmost upatisiactory as Dress:that“‘almost*:ARS,A.Wat that sswagonthatiis.’“almost!”in tine.Trypurs, 2.POSTONBROS, efCOREDDEPARTMEN! Itis two Dey be n s ip oe ce e be re i n e se a n vs ti e i e e s py a s e m a v a p e e se e tt wus 33 ie we call your persorial i ATTENTION TOSee“Line.ro Of a Tadies Fi ine A.Linesmie Sempie ®iimet~ sh; os Se:Beaver and’some “Astracan. ue ions-of,the Seventeenth-Regsumout.Ors |Tre Scr e;&ron nyasf suloheaeySmiling}7 Dire SpprAsk..sents,Ratreny daebswives aHye Aeeel tal ot}"we have there PERRibriets ot ie €.Fancy.W.&a os.4 js :forshe ‘fight?gnd,jf it.does.not win,;illery and engineers an&k sighal de>5 ‘fromr|5"r ae ee te sees »¢HCl hake,=Reputificans teeta "Mianioht?<“Réturiis Sere this tachment,moved on the,dixege road,tnobia,*.bronchitix,.eroy'p “and4 ae ~he |eonWV,“HMA mpi anesseine whbes inc the ‘Kactory.nee are,tSa‘Rouefeanbinte to skos¥the same’fu-froin:Angel¢s to.Magalany.“captur:|‘ait thyoatand:Juagtroubles.”WB RF jain-‘a Bey—=+5 iké?*Our.Galf-Capes.are the tal ofthe feta rie HGSEossequeterieeeigtoryjee.gain as ey Sr oa Sandj ing-the ‘latte,vlace‘abd initiet nfo peal,Sie nee ig Eov"“toe *7B did.BeaversSaveshave hace talked att Ss.ie es bass iS won.ah =ak reig no uger e st-doubt.of 7 oe R BRO ue So ARN es “4 4 n act ran th :|eee?eg (TR artisan its ce losson:pe one eepos ay:Sotgie Sa orcce The Best onte MarketorthePrice the eeCheaphess,eee s 5 RS ee Prestdant Hobart:pasirtied |utao~Edmonton,of the,Popiilist Prcutes-and g rge dmoyntofin?Gtk:wouldn”tbe wintut DeWite’s sae is BL Beautifel Cape for€!00gSeecs eosA4;Ae duritiy theta:td State central committee,said:“We4 Sapigen frahsport tion,,Oar,"ash Witch Hazel’Salvé.for.ary.eee:3 im “one 10.87.00.£é s 3 of,FaL:EN eta 2ahiaaa‘>ye or ‘two,fhave carried hie’State by ‘AD Wou ualtid S.arerTeton te “at 12°‘wWoune eddy!ation’uwtites Tis:aed yHdEr orers So vs De he a 0 0.x peor pee<es ‘Bat there is.“nohopesof his rete and have-made¢gajns ‘ip Cougt p08 ise Grebnd beav§tain for tte last (cntereela,.,lnfalblentee Hes,BS oe od =Rove is your chance:0%buy a atket or Gabe at vess't!\;He may die at”any time,or jive for Gea ee HWhree.,days “has<rendeted @ecisivefcuts,burns'ada”skin Bees Nae:|Glove}Fitting -|ees ¢“Muilingr ae ae andsee us for Kine Dréss Ga :several weeks“4 2°0 **_poehbirmanFefft,of the epablican wdvenients.Gy.‘Lawton’$trdops im:}wate of:<Sountenlets..Es Haul es :gees ig es geSeaeS Dtdeneser:frlotes anBe .x pepe ae oe -=.“keOmMmittee,dectined tomake@ state-’possible:.He:how~has /abundatt|he Ke 5 te otfatie easbyt =a9"mS *ti oe vours roy.toeMMsra:a its .>Se Sens eee s K RENN koe rece 0°30,“Long ore iy z >af=2 Stowe ular,TEUGEESEglMiasenin stented makaad oner o =NS7 7s ae el ee ie :a pig Be een aes Dane mee?2e NOT Steear NE ae a TAAL 3:br.be :wae Shs it by“aslarge majority-as-claimed pod westwar?when”the “equntry nti YYwepares::*Rugs.?RAEN ET es ‘“3 ee rs by the fugionists Asked atmidnight}‘DO Subtier spent hy .nds have .it andi S paske Esumtle Rugs’jystEee:.:Gen,C.MOShélle¥,.df iBirating*fora statement,W,-J.Bryan replied |*Wy BN Se *;7LROU.LE:epee vit,zt you].Smyrnay Wittoy,Velvet:and:iTapestry,”Prjoes..a Shan has announeedsbidiself a eandi-]with lauekter’“I éoneede-the State].“i :“Ss ¥)|camimakea .by anne ‘De.caine :se aeeDtors Pas -::“ES ae =)Soe to the fusionisfs by.15,sh skp.A:sent Kero!in a theatreat Seagate Bactaoddollatsizes ithe [=aeaes B ;1B.*¥9,.Bpys Goax,Clock Criegp *Be annteaiGémakes~ff bet teil fey ::‘fae waae'=a the-sixth andidate to anpotmee-so[Phis(Longastar)countyelect’the-|ciuradives ee ‘aoe :iteiat fia ieee ng;see ¥.é Juste youl ance Ae tee alan weselTatlefar.”The election’ocgurs.néxt Au-entite:publican county ticket:with'|t”ae See ee ame PA Sores sow s C eatot aegucenings:hats coon=s es wust,with’Democrati¢primariesin ae ‘Possible exceptionofsheriff (Rev..Dr.GenWt Sanderlig Soya ae —=Es eee Venetian’,{Ca 3 K SO ehines.and.reogrds.©<kpritmS ie:oy MARYLAND.erState auditor.of North ‘Carolina,eae.Whee aeBs —»Storm,Serges.rod ounerwisterit for KePasa Z fT aa opeyon-bpy Ong,we'bave the:«best -1 a ><.—<Y ;=A >t 2 eerie *Yene Tes sp?bs Ss Sines P.“alley Republicda,”was qzegarne |from both“the city:and died In Wastington,Dic ae Ke TSS bieaoe:ney}<Boe fSliks,See aes vee ‘fer oo wa cc co Re ee esee We a ante st gare =pg -elected to.Congress,fronr the First the State Anave,beenvery glow.in,ais anal ee dish cot BS FO.Sime Dwainy ROS.“tbe {gators cers estnber’Fasnton RM O =“and:eiilesellyou ae raten sgheap éan suargstes ayers Te meeane#.ayyMaice district tosy ‘Thonias eenso hand,and»at 2.Sloe lags3 ~tle-was-ee ieBLAMES niiney remedy,eon =ih eae 5 be first:Chass.=Sirlsse 0s —eaioeaefeyedis‘about 4700.|this.(W édnesday)morning ¢hé'fu ‘Salbdl weSees a ast sat Sksécent[PaesNoauiipRVe ee Co ee a ed ©0 rT 5 a ao e 1s alg.2 m %é ms .aytnserlyied’ssketetaty,vote ‘seein only 13:wardsx te:yor i Se aediteprie Kiser oe Woodward ‘Bros 3 rns a :stn is :fo PS a fo a ae se Bz E..roeSuceessor.ee <> pc e nn pe ; | Ca See ee —eee \ -*-—ae mee o %- ot.ee RITE RENAL a 4 “- Tema oS ©~*~f-Pe <-Rote eis Sine.9 9 ee i 3 .‘oan CAN dg lases he Aronres:at oes msSoaVemstae4ceeof;1A ae ep _re see 2 MyCsWeep y an eh beh Ny ene Rotis BAe eg =wis 79:od ae OakCates ie eeoe Given:had!a3§2b,05. z ete a ;af .tal ae rs tiea:,ae a P hee Eno:eid ee afiea ut Bud Siitamner:kera wt “Iredell Ge early unday.moroiy.ee So care Sane o Xe Ms ae 5.)p owe tips best ane nor Ronis ars aatic thiscate|Supe =ee own:SS 4:‘Tistecss ere.badly,mbrios in, ~:ms pine 7 “is teRee ae =ae reg.oe >PC <p v “yeee KeoN Degso Bays,presjsetble eh he aR &Bo a Mise.)Mi Ss eRe:PERO®ot£ ~ee pet ey,oie fir.Geo Ry“Anas.awa her!‘$3 lis paversbf the.Stytesetile:dis*,oeeeSete piss Moda hg fees fshe:died abou;AE cet Morerts Lrophu ahd ‘S Uny.Soy Re wth.or i The wadding will |State."Sheri Wire hast He jley Bradb+,chiefos.the‘Pashun'night,se S :=as “a Soe fi ts ae a ee Missi ussie Beok-ot tSleveland pike a oor IO:POL galy 2 sere Deyutias Stroges..Tempict SeyAndiaps,Was.nV by =Araipoeyeeer~ngs bere«dlgndiy.rs oa Ty Swill be®present.The foltote-|eae db Gortsnan’Clét Se as aesae ay," :pe sb PRUETEN «OT SE ¥Gs ,4VSoe mie Se A ORE E Che uttexdants:Misses”AL nahigachens Mr faredekilled.iS Ie Tees :ene iss Jesep ire hoyerTSS iyitfos 1 ie SHerew!And Cornglia Slooy and ? EE MED SESSA WATTS 5 PaO don~hdpds ‘E 5|.Theres Saeth suebreakcot qellsie [E:RCT eEeh ives‘intBr Garde see o*Den ere nshita Src onHOE [a € ait a erg :~be “tors er sgh *.BY si duce ae.Dr:“WW &Lediss)?|Bepbanty.tow.ey ieeerie Se ofthe fever atKey,West and Mitmiy:eS Rtn Be ieee Bio cae tenn We,ee Mrs:feenste Canton is visiting}~3 Ly grand juny and DegutiR:P.Sc [Redmoncasts in o&to ecleyele ‘penal =t Rharlotte (say i ‘Phe groom:isthe pastar:=MeKert. tte d So Region vi eo a |eal Ages,yeaaes ot fn5 Sfa Abe aad Fairview Methodist ghureheddie che oes)Fin charge.Rae 765 Tuesehy.SxaM : aS ‘ot Py t yof uy =Bee:S ‘Hutohingas:at Ee :2 end aayowng‘thinister ‘of tebiliite :ae ipghir “ty oo e tant OB assis of,Suesesost ith S pees eee ee .i,ae Ww ashere Besterdaw.ae :ne .pd hignticstonding i abs c ert reuce.j ir abe P e Dat c ‘aise ul -quarartine againstNew orleank has.):60 ye #ef Pg FJ"Se «Tee a chaser <Te insides Ss Gn of southF reedeli:Shon is bene,ee deen’raised;dnd wt i is,eee3gheetNi:uar,fas erone Ae 1S ite ‘ovigitral:waye.‘f :raise freqbehtlt fen fo thi ‘i :Sea BurtinytonbF teagh music::={aoe rést @auy bters dnd the favorita:of EB ite a red eeea wwbiekig everis ONET::a Reece ~; ;“Tee Ee aes aE “a sarge vivere’of fritads.We extend SURETY th re By in!ae yeR i be afintart Pitheent 0,Walle,peat.Serene:Land shy Wmeete nessPharRe SES),So.prominently,in the “DtevftsreeeeNCSCGNOTneeeeeunath.Cnt aetne SS Poi ns laa te are..-* sree reo ore ms oy .j ee fh.ae aacce.Si os eke!‘*.ae ~Rye ‘be ore thecipae eh charge,erie fags beet Sehtevced AO ate Ro sa:Lit =the AEWIs ee ike.NK SeuSoon i,otnlgores.i wie rt u »7 dithze-Rowingoe alfuded:‘£0%tbe™re-!LYeans ‘imptisouimeattor,‘swindling.4: et say morning +“tC SA sidle:“at gh iytote yeste way i.Win-I>=Sfoam’‘of Mill:Bids,port;which wasprintedas the State |A hunter found a‘.box containing |oe Sy ayreen sinter has jrope 05 Jecdianheeelat ath Patent.Seige te wat’county!phd "Miss 7.iMte al,Soaiees that the ‘reasdirethe:-county|featly -$30;000—in e Set coer eea;Be ae bins Air.We bb sd+Ycn igi ~pealeen tera ,.Gurke,-Sitisbury,wereymacridd)egmimissionérs ha pot:drew jurors]hagting in Pearliriver ‘bottoms nea it ps ya _3 nLite es fore “hsrod :Ve -&ene“3Vie Fee oe hes Be Rseeyie ecw Stath Yo‘cloclLN ‘at forthe scour Week of-tle teerm:Was.Sioioe.Miss:3 ‘one:day-lastzweéek = :fae’MeRgeWadersorcime home tie residence of Wr TO Gray,tthed pecatsé,of hig:Teeourtess™to.the Typ is.thought the moneys,is BWA LG se. ea tented.tome ges «hiiSve aa &LoneParPankhe cytSunday.”J pid &brother’in-law,RS Bethany.”meine’ae Pe Rie re ::ps Of tbe bir.at .the SAugust:Y ebpadisboron wheite Be |ay Harey bt aighrot Gypristies susship,Reve WY.%RY McLelland term.AIudge Robinson ‘sid.that:he |. ‘ot cidting.THewedding:wae ene hathheeax very-mitch;“worried ©by|’ s@re Seley y that sormepenate. ad‘sem .warked.,copres»ope Bt neve Tl Oy Kent Laurkéryad“prebably overs,:of Sta.ete 7papers containing:‘them to bis4 a “He:theo tread the:“section of:Ree f eaET $0 We the..grdom’s,fom ein _jtete etFAtadta,HKa townwehantyRene Se veamsegss whigh®requir es’thé copnty: m oadetyathe OTE Teh hi-busi-4.—“iS pent sugd@ay “wads MMtoate r he}SeesBireSReaySeakese a,only a baw:‘relatives andtri ut eirs.W:A Veimeiee OL |Qawn =_bpesengte Sirs andMrs.“Se Pe —<DS TA Avive,yrere present.‘The-br amily ot Mr.4 Mire¢=e /Sy join the imany:riewds of:Ghecesbimre Uanger rhs.OBE to Miytols:FOR)yom >eee sae Se 2 apart.~eyKSPas “y?oeaAooten:5 House Entered.¥g once ;-:my ATISS Mintle “notes:ob Scotts”,<2 age Sipitly afteniogt or “le ux Gone ™*o Caldwell Ss,Alpe en bets rithta thiefentered:the residence: aLY sig te:ick. =eeFT seSat ontbsp.‘The entrance was made:eeiidOeSyaHhLazerWYCamnyArougharbh window,andy it waseatotingete.“aot antil Monday morning that Mrs: Ta e é ee Cs og Mudte.GE Big =mruttet:oa béen 'Prized opbn./>Me Sher Ses aids,other,Mr.yenwieapovisial is ‘Be,&guiy article“Whites?_"Besos Dossink &‘iS:“not ¢riain”when-thie Fede e DE a,<cottyn milk yy bleetiel,oeWw dotertand his’fimntly”want to” ‘oe Lutectie Wedte er epi un kood,ffi;bebe”“been entered?then;“or it Bs aor gued Toit?Eréan “A Wait Hide tt Jyive*bepn.entered ),Sinday’ a ale Neb bnegee \e oe .Ne ee a SR SE anaiPaPondhesSoap‘ice hs AY.i ee fi Oh eta N Sd ee =pe vWD =Grit toe,Mirada:oRetyan.ae)ehrea a Y is ye tt rats’ez See “x oh a:)Remlay mht the,Chamber.“OfoYNeyiide,be anil cbilace Re “ol Wash;|Cmunderce met,in:the,lodge’.tootn|:Beit ¥.are Fesiting Mrs.Pace’s|ee veeebe1Wereixeull.=power the yiank:building Ceister.Mpa peed Armiieh):Eq ‘thairman~oly th Like.Maiey date YN acuawpanctey cuties on wantontion”and ANSHEGPeteetorn Cap art As tre"yorted.tt e ongtitution eaneaeistaterpkBiteifGuitare4efevslieuiid-the Fepori.wass aFoptads {id of Sarsburyy fy a juitiation feevolsl and qi rtérlyt®.WC Sat sate ee Lone Tr atynidi nus ffc ¢a |cbfiyet“4 tonto thesPetujhters sof the ~ixtg of say cents ate”proxided”eS:‘'g CG.Cowles.eeeae oe pres-séabe‘sus rod Stre charéhi4Seaeaes|Gort Bios ie Eisen Mae Ahisl cae ee.A \Shortill vicepresiafCreardStadayyet1wR4Naeie| a ee a pat ga See orders,and Mae,Be:Parks;séergta-|ieSM?SS SL rom.Charlottes &pot Miss Mari:Bay capa ‘Of Bas us|nea sthé Sprévietis sae ines he “J BS reat VR ahsabe:“acabving iS VsHIRENE,iends Tk CAlupieia,yatization was com al bk the}ene wept Cre een “btes-|e,Usctlending.,sores aeyeeey aCLTOD.a Me We.Thomas,as Me ee eeeSecus!ny pth reat Suakeoxb we.i,ee.#es Fl exe coud vice.meow ‘ana Mrs ck: -.Y *23 »Ni ia PreLetceFeiw~Prdasly Zane |reteex "Ie SaCSrkes ds,‘twieasurere Presi ent ’erepontaiteadingihe meets,ruesRasen >eaene followipydi-:se effel He PoSyilott in Ghar oa.torsxpdfessrs.JY “K/‘Morris6s,":gin =‘nt,Wallades Wa,Coopers J."©.laiine Re R-Clask,Aes ei.Riuven-p iF«j >. nef Ix te Wixe eRe Hickeisie dM is’ —Ce ee eA tat SASSburys arrived ese Dy2Ay Llprs Wa ScNicholSon,N¢Byagra ae aca oe ahi pra’‘Santi te DSsivan-WEES?weg )T3 Migs:ana...MeLdughlin,PhetNpieTottesiSno,cites gif MeteHAnt Togkpsti tains.’oo mp SerehHdeNt alsoappolmed the folipw-| 7 ms TSI net +:fs i ttSCORisStili:‘ajarm 3ay theo suarfone pasteturHe |Jt colpamittes,to"“soligg fseaDeee: Ren ‘ike ebter-t,2 ee sitius Sp:vet days Paton!tsa,Tae?*Harril ae.SW Seens ie enya yee by os erie SEN wal.quia}x Nie}wires,JA aBrady,<and ‘Ss.“Le:Shei :mag nas oie wth 4 ti “4b %os |=a = ‘RNY Peotardy aa]Rominecht |wd Mies:Sait a tats n |Yar ksrand the following—t9 Seoure CASES 4s oe ie aud’){yl toaaiie 4 rceae tp a ye Seecen quartors for thie)cham.|eS Ae ieee Mire eke .Mee oe Re a af :bis Is”White.AVals«-Morrison; :oe act Via ne ition ie.Vir.Z RE,€rowsO0,28itu,cob the big Ox«Soners,#G2Shetton rand Re vee rin canine pee setter lowks ville .‘Fimes:3 it “Sundar 3eaaaatheeatiwSHume|shoe a he =€her Bee Ry Cowles: *.yee es fF Sy see idhday 4viihy is fugher..SBifty--fonr persovk tea an the :Sees ae et ie tie HoH:€BOWSON SK Ae.ot foal |:<paniber Th,mnext,réwular mect 23 Ss Tae hanyeTs:Waretome.he Ts SCCcecesting nice)ee ist x willbe’batt nexeT esting -nigut|. See apidinenntt AE.C4)papetcoe AIP Ce ene Ses fee when‘altinentbers areuretjuestéd to] sa Sqwcts cyetecapy it OF Be Se CE“ne prepared ‘to:sign the constitu=| ~~. >.< is Compieted esSGUNTY “OMMISSIONE RSS i soa pay thieie dues:ys —_>ehest Wakebstuse “———Henig r —_:—s 4 mis :a a ““Fie:eit,k *aid >“and ¢3thesi Busine ss |Ne MM Sttveafinenieate:~Ante ate ben ie a ee free Ne gs “Franseete ny Mf “ie.B “ills &‘Co.call y our atten: .‘List 4 icand et County re ammistian<tion-to their cloak’department this ye Ties nvembers |mock)Ehdy cannot/“be”excelled iin ate ‘th wu State:oSrthryeanitwallsys elie Se ha PEBBeS OSES “Supplies:}tor covering and blanketsand conr aan sah $4 Stebesuperintebde)aut:SPP TPssible ~priges.7.Sh a fissatorhi.thesuk ais”Steedet iy siatvets.Tugs:“wraps ahd-dress goods; Vis SVS.Lay ah1d BOUT Te Pea Ron stonld see4tiem defore biy- isan s Suns!STe,ede en OR ~ze - stareioh Suns Sok =tobacco;4;-'ms -ee iS.wins wankst “Rickert aa supply you:is ‘prieal Soy Sup ht 1.<i.P;fy!stéellinmor plate.iet him show.i (Slits stocks sfPoston Bros.teil vorabout theit oNp Por.Wyce Se VeEgts as,BeTgee}vy oD “Ws Waillave:Bross Sits I yeeSAN PA: JsLrow:tego cs BORSE Ts -mnarket for the sones.Thy)rane See Atidy Raymer|»:ir shoes.om ‘ er fhomnes y.temtpoO-v.if ‘ :Pee be Ae Thomas kK Co-S13, uMeeres x.i Tunsta:by she 1),iB Pa eetpenHLe‘Sp nOUse 35 per “quate |>f ae ee Md.KR.Murrisoncd Sur ie B23.D0.$25 creditors:2-43 ay pices.Bont Brew wews Sea\fcfuaestlenatee See ee ON Ee “eaaik asin osc Bo Poe eee eeSie ee ere vate thomas’exo.a27¢ne Sa Fists he:eae ae dedoohipaym m4 +c saahtore S W?Seimiyott 2ge Sup~|>Coan 2 Serhan :oe one A ms pe in 3 ss cy com:aN:Ne *Turstall Ss.43.drugs;ps8 a ya oe aes:M }moks smd Cars Russ oli i’fs *ee awe NehHews Y MiIS S255,conveyiue prises Lk Perfor he BlAgce oF:yearatie Lx Se adultey,,mistrial:‘es Sarees ud"ueF to jauli>W,is.Andtreousl /sttp-f Seg ew mnanda pus.sissy tes Heisting offer}!(oo Belge boweved inet he|mies 1)..G.Thompsonsjaitgr.$88 25.4 1 at Jeartinin Yeindcdydf epeistnoots5é]r tJ s G dt he a ees :‘‘i rhe n CETES..=. :ist church muddy norkiny..boarding prisonerBS.y ~.ae we =Unnigaine Bae ESee BOLE SMfbqre and Babe Mooresforci-|: :Asa Sent hh.cae pastor “tip at Let,‘wise PLLA Bor i ft a es Detsthe thous!eee ge jintigt de.deespss‘plead.guiltysjadejudgment! me hurch.ip ne fying gn carngst Dr.“He A:“Long,20.sabiry ue tag AUR wien ere tisk aa Showed,Sere du paraee of costs ns2,GC es cipetreent ob Wrrow,tousome,-Carthl “a “-Ke fLamtabe:COnierence|¢ganth physsiglin:Dep.ME We H3il,S <tool eal Rese eret ahSO cre fd2 i;/Mooreand &a Moore,af fee eet I ReLlore the HEXts mettre S15 a investio’tine ‘Fourth:cféek tata 2 29 Tin,_Whe 3peker y 7 seid hissqrrants,plead -gu lty,-um =;eeu ya ee ce in’otlgord theckesv aif joss.ene I $10.50.aPe:ron sue (Aa gs ed ot payment-ef a Xe app te Sieteae cree See eer Pos Swlis qureWtord sus xe.oesie XS SSoKd Houston,ailrays-rfol.pros...|2=~: St te esr oa Pudwentistig a a POT 5 n BiSvmtncneic Sed Se nc gat f Claude Tomblin.and;James-Kerr,|"2. me AY mE Was,THEY r before sa prex-Nail byertef:“awards Br wiekiton Athan ee Snes yi comforytishe went ze Sault with @ea we 8s ]ad ae 7 RS at incaiie Gauity many eases bec]X-15,x€gord bgokdnd Har cS “Re vor|Sting east tet uns opHtinn in praise a akg eat Bpons;,pieag 7.ee -eee ads from:He oh borhocas|Mase STA serving f ad joversetrs}bere se others pried!‘ner clear aa sense,t ie,adem ee sven pn:Pee ear OSeswehaya Se :Ss itherto.ito sw wurs- wukodwp.fipdices Le MM ASCOT;S10,Seebr Iss ae thought eaetce t bi >Sa i ‘ol PNGS ye eS étutnprio.|Sn Wh wht:£Little wortly:at dePomlin,caEryi &pdaceal:’te me i APs :Warn wed!Her,Ys ac fino ae —le rinting vu.au ¥olonce,2 wise being,Shien etaeeters ¥id 2 ‘+e phy Nae iiwaid forthis,>Frere have prt [bindps Wy TE Allison,&140,sta.fe seethenlatoye tic tickichseemsofegethe 7 (7 &cee uty judgment|{To.Storing.Pls just ag you Sho wtckvuses Ip the ‘Concord heb:yfti aterCys:a“Shoeotalge “R10,sera]!ies eres Gietvod ar eee ROC a ayment.ofcosts:4 ~~Jike,*nd.the ox J Swelles oe *-:vUMag he.lowjiesi Ss ‘aot é %oe NR Fh cad the igstoot the se,*ko “oyX icesSs.as ‘axséssot if NewiHopeetawt:|Bei aSGi VS throhe,i eat ties .plead,guilt ee 3 g sede isigas,'The.an ‘hever.bow “int R34 fe frvins:ent idfe =drag,=5 Aymitield’&Purnet,$100 -sal].¥<—dgwcnt aid)His“Chegemcatto‘His.e Ys=F u a m.enough |of,the let me,sh Wry 2 mG rececerce.etic erin aes‘cpuiityattorneys Tor the,,star se Scat MS ere Loea =iE oti AEmy "Stotk,a Goa Mean ies Ke Ca moevar eee Litem lis e Tenc sea december.shh 1 <Leh obtd se ebcacats.if1 shopld AS*k:$2 es ie,3 gunty,s_jone|Wo aes ie Nh rae Ee Aes isé-has ‘eeentiss ded.for-thie ES z dote A..tér S~\rgryswEet fold -#Grandiniysscery ar:the,F jesit.a in Vooten and.A.€.Feinhst r Entones on aes Reader®tt ith” vt Bt ea erry J..ie and :vere -xemptd!fri Soul tax for the }\Yale some,whigsat gntoug theintghty mee aa en,ssdu Wi deadly:eo wessitua Cr.“Mr MHOL.ANE,andSt ey Sipés and W.|ig a!epithedarkness-pass,/towail atone,}Bs Ponypkiad guilty,judgment sus-iy ;;protier of Mr,Cz-S¥Hol:aeDay eredéxempegh permanently SR ero fe onparment et ests.”Ss. =a NESE IIR Tar O30 “loweStep.=ae sae:hx ais .Soe ze Sadonttt hte oFpolive’S “Bil WajtS.and Hear}:Honaten,at OROACE SN Suuver.aise Nves in north Lrenb SG \y ee * Phattiesburg,MiSs.was >shot.and:fray;Wattsinot suiltys.pel oe Somers nd at.Me Gid ROL tear W Ube gpartuucu:4:a SaagMax rc pegroubld.Again wa BMjed..‘Pugsdayr by,TNs Bellings “po |a a F. Digotk orthe marriage=ey,ae sanal boreycoloredFavhe,sugmitted +Ateate ae eeueanier:Hojlingsworth |.Sar Rieke,larcetiy aus pl 5 a's rey ST Bo pdatycigt carbying concealed feat hark a Bennettwith robbing.him ]oe entd.="aha FN ==)Botpens Sea nmne tetas “9 jorseatd whe way’let-oft withithelo:"$2,300"im:checks,Bengett ee 3 x”mae rae FireRaster <°AeSEYCeeagadvanety“The Tatare}oists Seatattaes seamtt‘to yreak.ito.wignded arétractionapdStruck:Ho HaeCotter.asl noe pues ie bas ad vancedi sbarply.2dnd|the chain gang.*¥estekda xdboutel L)Hagswéeth,"1 eo jhe:réfused’to _Heary Counet,Carrying ~coneeal- ee ee eG Taoekhe was “at “the house.of-Dan lydcty aad ultingbaerth pulled:“histod Reppomssanl pros: cee 9 as speid beré yéstergay”for Bascom,the barber,be pwubeigpot..ip stoPatid t Beusett five‘times,|haa Bet nueried:away.tis‘tadight that=the|and.winle?Dén's wife was"in:another yT:ae Slayermeese‘vr ete t9fy.- He 2 sy,PeaeSewe treasure...=OF Papert iywoundedin Abbeville;S.-C.Sat-arday.by Win.Gates.Brady saulVexGateswitha.knife,when:‘Gates|; Shothim five times.“Brady.isin atpretanions‘condition and Gates.is|% . }r wifeens . sstonets to,draw.a,jary,for}A Jel BERG rg toes ‘pe Sa atigePonte 3 <;second week and ijstructed’the. PAR gabe nt &people “in.congra u-}gonad ury to inquire Jnto the maShSt,zr =Ha ruieey of Beant *Ke:tiesou their hepa marsiage:.<.“hes a *Led hé sliciton ‘te :Ke ‘+some:2(),000 ta‘$40,000:‘short.wasd Roivenin’“Atlanta,ow fad 6-Oueof the”‘hantlSonjest residences’ip a ehecity.”¢i a3 >tS i rawsa“Hill atestReesfaittire.t ‘Honor “neonmfssionersPformn,thas’duty. plaited that.only onesneer of tHe.at's“had Goutradictéa” had one:out toahe press.oF nol ESA Mie We 8.Wooten,of:Betharty Ba?tattlewas YodaeeRene eate3.£figoverbment trodps.of.Coraiulame thé “usurgeats.3the.jusargénts were,the Yietorss The):governuient trdops*gst,300",killed| and 140:wounded,a :3 ‘Vivtiew.dheHinde oe sdeindeds:isPereStr6oafendiseethatthewindowtcn:nae,Lik G-ealdsvell:‘Bs. x tWatdbevrepoft had,qrizinated,in>a’ed:fn “Statesviliew|papemnot-publisLAascér-had published :es hat £a¥iM z “pw me 1 :Ft ieee reason W no jar ioof ealjase LPs ayey ho hax -Was ‘entered.-Sunc ay afterpoot ‘era wi!Ep ieee wool sbceatse of-'the:goistlict of “court>;‘with™the set-apart for’See.ppeals| frapy,thisuistricyCourt..AYt Dy Tul aehat:the artiele’p; or comained fhe:at arywasdrawn,‘audet sat Tite:-™MMAS: eetgigi ce,hone:r 3 we +)eS father:16 ndgr By,and the house}Kelle ww Lp Aeeclttspce nereAaeno:lew to the bur:poh fatedi‘in a woe fate that be hotelated es HSS pC ade Toten’o£Exner Ateering,|OSatticle:was written from in-heartpoison,SAtthye Henry,tment y=; formation rééciy:ed’from-thé:hém-’By Pe Lond,andHyP.*Grier?RSqs..calso.Spoke;fand |. denied’tat ise members oftthe,atpoly;with.~any is Hear ;OfLafayette,Nla-“was are |. bers of-the bak.‘rested.Mond,“Beary was 6igage}¥ eat marry,>the:wortied swith her:ae shecom:|.j","|pMined oftbeing,Giana Base-her’a,Capsule -of~poison:from which:she’die afew satsminutes laters:a |charxe-His.Courtesy +6 ees Ft x,Judge,Robinsonsratitiedwi “expressed |anetheexplana ©tion¥ot theingbhibbKsiot the ‘bar and |”directedMtie Solicit d¥not’.to:“send p |bth avai ngt thy-coudty:comthission-HS ehthatehdy welt,Le Thefoljaw ine,cases batse Peen pet posed Of ve‘Gapiasps wereferdairsrictta si : ppdon PSpateh Wie bite asunbusped tra opti digs wc pa pistes dated‘Sup SvetidayNoxemberStaryhattheBritish|.oebeew victorious ¥an enigdge~pment at sLaclysenith ‘arfd<-that thie’Resghagetastdé Borris ss ry¥héavy.se abloaie?“ole‘Citizés |:Or Statesciie”ofebotl colors’‘were n=,etparered|for failure...to mak. S$7Aud mostwhen-judeyeent.wast meeeof,the Agxvand costs in: hecosts:amount to gter $13) b eath:case}.andsbasilfindit:{usa heaper £6 make theivréturns-pe’the fature:x~Eawrenee Campbel Ree esseesrelPPGere .ad :oR:aesora.eae Neeee Sus:~on payment.of,costs:PkPatarshallWhite;»Jareeny;’plead:Refiley:jadement $suspended oRpay mestKcostse ;ay right,‘asgault>‘plead “pat % ue fudsguent suspendedontpay ment, co steour“pe Nat \;Sina)Noy?d. >|¥:30 p.ae ‘Pelia Ry.Gates“HM:Brown,CW?Steele;payment oh tbe day-fight?‘south of,Ladysmith 3 re n e e ae ‘Sam “Moore,eatryings Roncenleae Weapons;plead,guilty;judgment sus-}. peuded on payment of costs.‘A’nok pros.was’entered?in-théeLeasesigginstSam/Moore for*point-,ing-a pistol and assault.” "i:f ign (f- rw Te“bik Swere Qt ali yeand wii be sold at the:LOY.caeOe:Beckspao a Cost,discharg bins Gy dorge.‘Dull,ae to make tax>de >=¥H.Attison::“hase:‘dubbensioodss|re ; ANne “Holdselaw,:failure to makedzuywnILS.ferts,which-he sellS.at©the:lowest tax.téturn,nol:prog.”W..Xx.Elliott,assanlt;plead.guil- tNealy Pank 2 taw pari,mid Po Walton&:Gagehave Thonspson Ss ty.Judgment suspended opepayment JByank Wellborn,bastardy;guilty, ‘fined $$50.and costs;te gise bond;4ue:Messick:and:NewtomParks,|Parks not.guilty Messick Messick’to.pay bwo-thirdsAnothercase.against to storm:the:town,é Messick:growing out”of the.same.Jaffray was nal.prossed:Stark Grabam*colored,ves this wees.TheirJ..B..Lewis}plead,guilty,judgment Suspended|vs Veat Résisters”‘are the,best.op:On.Payment of costs.ssHunry.Click,carrying concealed Pesce RENEpleads“guilty,:judgment E iIf.¥0a need inSuranbe—fire,life,Sashedded on paymentof costs.. scidenty or eatth=See,“Brqwit:cat SStexenson.cook,Sher TBe inks |reir}bpesare new and”up--to-date, vegentsO£all kinds:“He bas spobas}* Robert Miller and “Rachael Mill-|Bit fornication .and:adtltery;-nol..| th kane thciinster as agents}.Bs M.Smith>aaliinictratic of |® ‘feo der Sills 26:59,—lout and ;i*ster Smith.deceased,gives natice rolung,larceny;pleadfestFieesyearsor-chain gang.ie hts meere weewhoPaes Mr.JSidan&,Shelton 4s gosdlinise,Peeswae‘nol Sprds. *s: SAcE.Bradywas,shot™‘aya Serious. mt og :boy‘JsKeister,former ‘auditor.{atesAtiantatand.-West Point.rail}:inissing:<His;atceunts:are| an”ae ish week,To whichy $eYebdayjalvssmaskedmettogk ht clothes”to the:cameteryand+1d-him..Complaintihad,eke yehutables”sets eo Giarged’'Pithiaedue:his eee Z years”‘ohd,/*s0nHot ExSpeaker? He became,» FA Rteperced Push,v ict eispeek” 2,000priseou iw Ie ‘prought ‘confirmatory,-dence:OF] Abrec maisance was Bader OF Ali Semabyisinn:the ©bidet beingto#eliéve,theColnsbicolumn,Whict jthadbeen,attacked“by he..Boers.[23+who were strongly.postedov ‘Gleb :rskleotHitt ond.drovethen down. the>plain-toward/the.Poghls river.The British gad,Cavalry eRecuting’afine.akingmovement,charged the] Boers:althost “atuihglating..fhem-.Theplain +wa¢)strewn “with slain}Boers’%Au:armored:train hasagain.©let for;Coleus;with!a<company oftheDublinFusijeetsahd=eee!rengineeringwerestomepanethelia-|Notfightjog’iis’Suppd:sed to.haxe *oer|5curedSatutday;as’no-*firing:~wasPheakds)2":oaLonden.Nov.“g News sae sasttarrived.from."=Mafeking -‘showing |that up to-October *.25,.“the “Boers}continued”the bombardment,‘firing.|: fas many“as 300,shells id 36hours;|though causing but «1/and.woundidg-only fourmMén.<!*.That-daythey closedin‘all Srobad xthetown-and madea determination:attém pt torush’‘in,The’garrison: speedily stampeded ithe.Boers,who ‘were driven‘dver mines,:which rections...beloved at Mafeking} ‘that.the enemy."suffered:heavily:and|.= hisndt likel¥to1thake‘ayother:rpitempt RPa lonx;- ette Byers,’Hoseat-Harris ay “ehert-ee oei:guilt.Ys Se hae haee pricés will be maintained and room,stole Dat eS perana Cae Cre.frgventa lynching:a ge eet ao “hil be stil?futher.“ad-away.Dan had:a’warrant issu me i ee eae AS the bisa rot ‘late.yesterday rigterFoom,Be aciiatlep.10 Creditors.Sa>| A RS Vatters wut.Dosrong ean’elle "y i;Na eerie sete peut soar ohtes es hey “Te phacke ow Shien 2 erS:eapn cree ty Crop.Soregan 4.Tae expréss fameSeater ie brit os fs ngned bbeet eres |gee wy:E Bb isis °ae of »saxeegeesAlready¥2r0 nto,a.bolidays:ulness.e"eae ager ate f on he u Re un-oe nee same to tfor meattNe eine3ws,te -d,Lf Pyol,Ruffan 9 so yesterday XLf.Stephenson,eX See ibe ae may icrer) a9 Suids ¥mornibg as’ue“ot heayy /Nora3 James 7 Feiimstérs|attray;aeeyYu;ee|jury iss‘still‘in:S that’cours’wil sion <e j rican“a:|;coeond Fat Bek ding.oe ;ae ozs Morse.FerSale,eee nies a otan’‘claims.rs-old.|,She’is pataE Onli Bicone te Beach. Keste tday eercacei:sb ;: ‘ansipday abey :rey 2 etree : Gig REA esarsine yeargid,‘danebter nf Mr: Oo Mrs..“Shuford—Mifler,“vofConcent Q badlySar nea hag: a pine,&clocks Boote be~} onesai ha isuille,|“tow.osbiys Wwas-s ee EI A Wwe Woe oe cat'sSPECIALINE,OF/?WEekro OUR’FENTION THIS “ gone”out’,‘OfE the|?:Pia ee 2 Toe.ie bh heeeejames,|enve oping:Sher:otter ran to.her,“ap‘Lymere'ext inguished,b not un}a fatally Girned: i siing :co ofCidthiae 6n the, st Market Rai id os “the old pe “ MOS thing it}lotiting to"seea‘Mise rots money cereale Ss. an e ,swete:badly-burned i in:pat beltt2thames..Dr-T:EvAgwas~§spe ed,“put!ahnethegHelesGlteror ouse,¢OniMajorCoitsterhary;sibio.Og.pipette ineuished without idanrazebetngdone-*5Mx.codsMrs-*pathy.“ote sia:Sen eer Kspoen‘Visitedcupee ekfry pee : bes “CORRE Se BN,:mt :‘COOPER at Grit “siller,have"the’sh. isissass the « x fons STATEDVALORPeag ep "i eticnens sateenpsaite8fairdethand at aeDre hiser,a hayaadeince li Me ghsoinsLea Gaticwere“anSait-Vourgh i ue fave a BES stots otk than eau ere Yt "et roan a eereeeae*aiseneBa e seinys Youbuy?lilne se 4 ag Se Ska xing:OP€|nesioce sae e vourdnscrst,esNeRoteS iaandlsvitElietrade:«dit Ghicken ake gr i.arrars ae asif ele oid:abd’eitPauewaanne wy AGS desc Honey sratnad.pet hs : ohn?.Robinson,Jaddlord ofthe BeesActhiir;Hotel,the,leading Hotels |.Liberty M0.;Ox;of Ved led hinrin,fase Bis at adERyS eat tony,yorr bs ns % nd:Winter Shoes = SataWe are still in hecle sad ith the introduction a: the ake for entices Wright.“bright sliged.:~snrActabash,sitet SOP atere needs:oe the “best shoe von i i.all Styles - ee green SS ae 4saaeesate1SGONGELPeraoyesae ion,ataeRts:: LrgKeSeearewar dts i te be sur’ee +Shoulhapajr ¢@o whole from. my back pnd see owill 3 ‘:ae 2:“por nen “woine,oe xbith i pene Loi Fe SKwy!defies in:se flair oeKankustips brine theMadlysatisty’5PalSRE ;ieir,you“caibay Bautiincedthat-we.ar ao e ey Ags ‘haveAdvanced:from 1)tac PICotriesGivens:aacai a10.BEE :Slosp..Miller. rogsett,pissTorayen Ww Hd annivSsee. Rean 4 “Nis aSestonevesudges,Sieremenious For eese regia ing ‘bo “be just as?oetell Se aa aEe le A ct EP EE E I You,a i hit to he aeKour-Lmoneyt bagkingareet etpost ively meth sell:eons 2 thay(ur PefWlsevreptgoods his pe fice éiveYnasaeand’sha.NEO tpdozsal en’ALL.KINDS. &pei Sshoes,fate oeztshies Bs ae eee incSw a rn rea BeeSatine beck >tn bivite:fel Ware thefacih betterabletosat puginess to:3 gist ‘you 7 yg.toy Talk?mutindwdyantay we We : igseeBeabaitn and nobody elseeuch’ “Wedow't.prete ond,put OAS WE.4 <3anal Benay Ss the loxfest, rg Vy 5 our ip eter idssth eect tho .&Mesos : cok have sastbrctgirht-she tqurth stighitc 4 2thafewdaysaclineobthefines}S bi si.ver sawfroma nice one 2 fraqandlargesilkCAlish-:avgsziso.t vonbig’money:vaCARES: ae ever ees atsr ne wompthing.we" Ae REop!lato Wi hen KOU.1s “pri“ahren fordie;phoney“Soirerool;dhepefore i%-meychandie.for-ah yetoatswv eXpense!: isconsistent wih “ood jaceme cn iat you. »assortindnt:before ‘de C ding to-leto-your Eilic®existence of-other,folks..as avell as le allow any transaction’4 be un»4 Te ip ping ‘at our store dad eek wedopad verity.4: We adO U8 Silat in the Northern thi:he ts vt thes ee thesbest,yaiues.*cD z rr JSUNSIAND stimnirion 2 \i ;é =“ip estigat Our MEDSC :Torey 0.%a ve“ourselves, :_Satiglactory,.:Sour’Srabeménts:Ag ;y Preper timecand “|The’New Mill:iinery And.Dress Goods 5D tect -be ni,the race.: >tralseasonsy Hl have Bere. buyer willbein:thernar Ret=sever :money saved by youdy PeazeDae BigStor e: Finejdoubleargsl tec donditig a rae 4 ~at $405,90.,:Sing WGeee BELALE ois oye +ee,W ik not a we :¥ Sac Se iN:Gy “Novenibs.1:¢ 7‘y <—vouNsamget ftnrest anythingin aofYount&w site atSlo:an’sSs aes atthe fire ti Fedaboues October 1 i 6 er wil “who Las trimmed fords*sev - pre niltinery vepartmiene:> ~wecks.and the Gore‘andSee!ust, Miss Luty.Arbe:trast: ittle >damage.es “s turned out to‘a‘man and delivered:a},hee ait z ai terrific'xiffeand.Maxi fire,/which|.18 6eeaaa Ba ae ad Fail Opening.|ploded.and'sSpee,them-in.all’ak ="SL DRESS Goes es ce x ens to please ae HOt cr iPieai:=oe papri¢es thin reach.neeint i Eadie ae ith every,a Sues TEN.Koxeye PONS ©Retérnad to’Us:secures.to.*You w hive substantial Coffee:FREE,;.;Both.*, and HS are ey wi “Obesad1Hats af aoBest Makes.re andiearrect prices.”es fs stil so to Four cats fest torisive,;2 5ue es oe cai : Set‘&Bor ee gAO 4 A Seciihe ays they.are the-fipest:jja"the ty:ag ‘Gcsty.<Do:you need ‘ay suit?or Qvergoat?is: Nowisthe harvest. eek ot dojvetter, .Saou,avill find our stock -ofSeeos‘Cothing baep}ear,eee CAIsints,Underywe: une,ALL stylesand.pies. gutodde tof cy Peiy Those who,conti “INSURAN Ch 1Ske,allhad_bast oo ee is-bul xeee tween NOFus aneIdpiieinstance° “Fa:my policy V0iefit-of ‘at lgvine 2a S.Sh olla © Seater our store iS .the:hone, Come:toeae +s,7 — a ee ing DUARTERS,|& ats bavea good bora fos fae cs aD Sopird:gad.io “this:orn crib (sees!myssenger,ort We Nes acer2pion be Pot nights:’WT Paiload,came in todssist in “han‘‘Orne Dis velipg it untd ee ss ’bey <‘oN at ont os‘inthecounty. |e Gn W's-&aos :A arse nd ao Stock of:a1 ryGoods:- ouht might:before the advanced.pricesy aud orill<% iwlodeest levee Price:possible.~ We ‘are Showing the dest}ine oF :“SerenMundned Paiosieet'y=‘Eight:(collePraldaurfo©rf.tesville<aoeoutn”déss ASJaie12ae: ouswailf:take.he:ang See.sues “0 uF“tars Asyeeeabthet ee=‘DRESS: Ny ‘Ewer clio by us. ‘die=wetnate teSeake “good“aS4or.anytt ee nels.Spon peesheets + ¥ Sees ees:any a of: iSany kind;of aprice:Cowe te OF noes pant:zaods'“blankets,- capes,Se ee sie ats.a aaa .Sx&CARLTO cenaerrent ‘hats,rae poreapy Bie oe in- .os “ory ane,oe me isa aShatey e KEE :Pegeopley.thew ds e <<3 feAergnk TO “LANNE Y.nur ‘Teen ee ogre oaticn Somme StinGaing = =See vens .aiseSER see last ot jenfonthepresent | ‘othe a6]est fiw veTe ‘amd +Jeierieians a brtheStatPea Went are:a4&fellow.bit Re sjTORN.to Addrex£5,KOA “this:1ét- qué as Wteptain precticcsil objer 109 io tothe paaice“a,“apposttiog®of Ce ITkeCitizen JJs asked! “Rep util=iePvp utr.AS IND preanizae net Bins.tothe’undo plivn:OP tHe Lonste .Zut whyeeeeooaeeekatTigtjob when,te Gauette: “BAT a recent ‘Ene tin?seat.“ele ekeck|iy pay forming itn a pe rgectly.Sativ- eo tive omTridT jeefo Fn State sVille(ean,‘ifac tary Tninier: :sintor mmecbhiy resQluttTOE La PERE~yu-4 kn Seraeeae ee) “SE Tor itp ribt hair hah:8 Tage)Pugide retprid We thing?rads who-Z ahd,ati Lee:Vieviee that the,Gage ttd isedeee elt phtye TS)Hg Cxti- publish his,1reHOAsjhesrgatenpit ot oa itee tolem prorees oN SCE. the nedTsang stepstt6 foceectt a x{Light bert cee ight before| aad Yjiw “Higt ek tw irsyepEYSON Ss hat on Me A i ary ‘Or ~eNO Woe PN“Oka lections:So AW eet practical Den) r eR witkst be:f ved itithoyepiurtst)tie to.sound A gone to “calls Afden-4 Shoulid entertain suGh th webion,andétTon.at x should deunte the:etett!ig ladys un)aes comstitttionalsn part,FE Nr toto,sbi: Jd Y patty?oer are SU “¥ou can Ubtactia decsion as they .oapre we— dee is isiaS TR Fhe pyeseht t.Tepedt-thew aets.HPRe}:ciig;tes.LyFepe ath fh Fe t.was”passtTh ou Thez2eeh||tie Sizer 1s of hupars THB an@ phespreGxent i.Shs:whate ver “The wl:are Nae ite the Zeyh.Jai taney as | ait" LESAY“Dr jrasse Mon ch sthrand 'tinewekale :Fest ,uneon stitatilena.Yow the ©Agts 1 wild dbe reviwaz “fs3 ans aes :yexohWsdosy is to weet HY, alice pext cand-would Famieds ately ae passan (tlection taw _planlar td the |i loge now hare,pede ©whith the’Re sfeetionsin Awzust FoHowi met wadGah ees he ids “before wou Gaul d “Rest its] canst ttation at it me soe the:afteral veur jaber*you"eon 1d Tae subst; Hawt in.the Same bs}tion yur a in:os y ‘ ad “Am not the dione obOr tht +: ‘heapdlogist,for the iesept lection |" ew re ‘It isnot stich ART wel dike.“Bait it inbefore Js speaking”een ey:es one>pha:ies lanergairg ot ay ‘ecomdition.oe“ene net in.“sheLitrid-e“pqpance ¢cof 4 theory.)x .a 6 ~ “Noy “a5 ©tos theNCx wetisgeianial sme-ndemnent:<-Axsyinisirthat itae tae «ratitiede and T.think#that ses iS" Reasonable assumpbiony,how wilkyou| viwst tts Cop stitarionaln y:eeOeCats “Sut “veto a “deci jor‘of the Courts on~Abe ajuegtion,aT a cont ast ford Séat hi Coisress,ora Seatineither branciy =e the Geteral Assenibty:ofithe Space +2 ak oR by the Gapktiituéion ofthe Upit- feo otaté S *atid at tt 1S States each “St pst -hevisiative .bddies-is adethe grok ylzé of theticttion and Galati - nS SARbe y .‘Ng ae w _xtaloffe{ ee Nxt ‘ohygresstiaan Asks:ye Cére 3ee .AAarpiots *Let us ekpand .qur maniwiact ures ya an;dadberante tor-: ol ane SNational1 HtestOhi Wiitishiabest ercesp.t st os Bo Spee ce oS “swee!abed Gaseerwes s £0 =oh lalhma-Scion soles i Ska ‘*CONVERS oo ‘e gominittae,amt-ene Jy yogrs : na EON teers.reratic paper op SFE: ite Lorse!ity potenti qeigctiOn,Mave:2en operat toe ;by t)elds td ompratyrontloe neavep hs fe ihi!we Willnor &Bntertath ry A manPimone da OF theépreti¢al,ciese%|pending attend Nfain His condition ta theKnowWwpfDOeCConkof:Ror yp’whi (aiteis necessary ‘*lab .Ole ibe yucksdss7t-Now here-|| i nee sssary taattac‘hy ry xnd-dest ‘ripting te 2 bezzard> :wonGeathst-the nga:intelligent Doopler andthose}3 Sez Precis Cemjiqsi «thie StateBourg |Jf North Carélina“ure:pretty intel- 3 +[fieerp.ilas:Considered a.)waste ‘AE »*ut hprgt y 3t0,,submit”“a “ease ve:a me keel Sof aN nt Be*ao “fe aayeexgciitivd)inthe South 20 aveTPrwto oh hain’ oe war:+As,for’ it ‘stadA aste of,JathersBlickGitizerthayarwthat-the ¢Gas! aw pot be nef wilhit beta;th1eRepul:Zete Yaitrameling”upder false“pre~|“th tenses.‘but,who iS:footedsb yt?“Sit? ixticn,shay it issu -Demecratit 1 shows onty‘that it is ashapired: iy Se vf atid if®they oferty:wshah it is.find wettre glad |tering :petaigy consti tutignai fit baSsthat,4 ~ton nee Vive the “ox |yode ss Tt fixsum ptiogt of =tHe:title. {Dentocpana: wes ri oti”wth “pigstig be“l ps is.merely.hut aS,for,expoSinss rte:tS pOXPOStDg’?“ifsel Wheat 10ud rhe S.Citizen.antes »The Pasette”= pier esses)Com plete, sit das axe re eetier irs Besides.pee a an “organ...AT *Abia ®son.He!pookst‘Liatmere juice inde Gazette;for>they’ tite “Sudbyee ta Hew Fast ¥itl never get a-mere optient oh cai efx Periess than the"Grazerten ;eee ~eQur bea vig fridintam tee Ald taw,fe whe Gee atest Pulitica I ‘cosine Operr:atige an Phe bth ok Eyres Mireh:;ms Leite:‘s6™That by tbe D “threse |pI ‘Aes we hiad,no tare trove ‘raingsel tah Mae COU o ye ccin cn “i,s wsKat WhseatehNeall ibis count ry PRES Tiee er know na’ NER who:Pan:soctose th the:heartyAtepedpieandtho.was ™petsone > ty Kno tnt,“So many pkoters as: -wilit cis ane 1 - ah igo bene!ut is it’.;Tie Besis*ir, :Jettersent: ts:analiel and Jackon welded Pore power,Qut they lived n°“an “he when?Peombined,itegal' bouidy notavieldso?Ocade attiatluercepnéwsdeTerson“ang “Jak son ap=] peal twpndnhoodatd écigig.WirtuetathoughAoneiy:te | Sassass ra oat ee denen14nrelegraybaatighswealthsconintictatradhoweldedthetielrinto“aractdrganizationycontrolledbyfFeMarkHapit. Fhough pposed?,nembrgbut‘ox att riéh men”who Karst, i spe cra pxry“ueges?:My.“Brt an “WSsthe:pidst pepatinr $0!this -onutry hasknown,Henry:Elatais,7 the only Ereat oratér wio has eh joyed “aie same love aid.devstion of histeMakeS'go:>mgtten.Awhere’'l ryay SY eS is the Same but Ht is “fa the}ae homes ithe howlyy 6 Bee that bis:vatoe i is ost.wegetate Se pteet |iérces: fneytiad weigh l On afits’ows me nibers.$ Contest “for ond of “the'jutigeships; hi preci aides that metho The oot the entire ‘State,awd if is proba-;sble that those persops,Whore,.de-* esifared Reéted wil a wre ¢khe fave of the.Hs.by aty least “$5,000 br 20,000" the“di sulties tof “proving:&that}.vtec 2Of uy lawiuk Kates cast or oth acumbeytvare insurmountab!e. a undertake to.raise the ques-|.hopin contest:for some other corssiicutionalStateoffice.suchas Clerk |viv thes =upetier.Court.sheriff or ree iste r-oaf deer OW are still in < i ::searcely~ss"embarrassi ner.Pycad thé majjprity in favor'of theincum- vient should besngall:enoush ta-war-cdnattempt to dver¢ome:itjhew word you proceed?¥ou mieht sborwyRaOsTireVariousregistrarsofthe‘“2utysgbat certain Perseus.”“white$i =A colored,recistered:under,the so-Red “Grandiather Clpust’“but,vita must show fot‘whonr thése per-syns wwotéd.-“The,best.ey idence:ofhew&“person voted’is the oath of}tive elector himself;but as-that elassobvoters'can.neitherswrifetor rad,low can they swear for:whom theyLySuted?They déposit.their own bal-tots.Tw théboxes and’itis a remote’.wespibility that anyvof thejjudges of“theelectian.wi!be pble toswear how Shey voted Asidé from th es e pract SeerBesshowgyer,j{herets nadther~feaf-uve af ihe ‘matter }apprehendphdsfoe:at iconSag.‘mature:cbysine rationaN<these whd would edappit the temliewnpatiytoapalieyOF4‘Opposttathe’‘AdMendthent,.The chitDeseatyenowghogriis,addresses”2-unleapiied wihite —voter,and,fet Be,wild dG-Gsfratchiged Mekagve!the “Grandfipberclause’.willbe de]ct sred uNpO nstigitiondt |ber theeotirts>How?Beit Ts Bbrbucht.beforel.theriarts.can ‘onlnlW be déng Bysucha“eotiteStast Ene&Spynen of-goose,a gand forSuch a e0ntestss thé \Reeppbb-t*i cangparty would Have 5m)starig's on="Jsor.“ae the céurtg then ‘Were:t¢’de. . CWSit eeeA prio:Fyuld tr*bese!responsib é*for disfranehts.|ine these |wolvarned white”peoplesFbadaifeStly.”the Republicka,parti?i:sponsor fog the ssuitt The Deme |“cratSprotected their franchise by ‘aj:pos ision iny.the,Amendment,“andMetheRepublicansacarihJeag-|“ie tbe -balarice of tite...adinent’fstanding,hos we-SWho hit Bihy Bites ae.tamawarerthathLhavebeen’Buckcriticisedb¥-sontéfor my “Attitaeé |or:thijs:qbéstion .but id 'to’ynpene.in.the:State.inalles:nce:to the_Pt incip!le-of the ‘Republican ‘parts.‘And Tinvoké the =judement -of they,~TiteHigentt people 10 eeStates6pibaaki“ye SoraTheSt.Leuts Nedaverfied.seoPaksbest,Sonesight thé;Anancial}d=-questton.“It was-thEe leading.issue;bot:the campaign,—thosé }éntle--men sho now,eontro ‘the'deStinyof,the Republican.partS-in.this:State’are fused to'stand upon the St.‘LoufsylatformstnFact.utade speechiest“in“the Statéinebids sthéy advocated |ex?ac tly thé reverse.“ThayéTorgty-|en thet for their nace Midingssinte}*r.tha*re fs much eyidenoe etr cot;|version,thotigh nies of théir :‘re-Pee Sn aSywould”itsnot ‘bei that fra (i‘for the may."a4——ee33 .2 larity ta the West: ys able to “defeats him or not; stands the’“téntralf ves ure Yotedsfor“by‘the et ectors-f; t eearolinian rtegine x f Pa viasSpasthercbantof:this;cety,-w. “this.s morning,’:snwihisyskullcrusked.mito died shortie after Ke was”found without ;having:gained* ory of robbery” pena Gai vo.“ont for Bartunis loudetl ¢Ciroumnstances,*:s|Pileidied yervsuddenly someagpandinaveryfaw"days be um:‘ried-anotherwoman.~THofHisdete:aseq Wifé'sUspicioned rhtathet,deathiwas:probatt some dct.df bis.se-HS 1 report ae of havin,dn*-exathe,body made.>Barefoot i$yang |awe trust-thatcusespiionsagaimsy/him.warey Hott. Be een NS ye of,i teat the Siegeon.|‘ce 4 etheroer Hamil u; st Jefferson}.O:,after’sa ingsmpnths,from Rectal}De woulddie-tnPstols_teas:pete Stateto Wasestthe:im Afiena ad-faalsé*theSs protedtionbart ee ne 7.“ation ehfe Rea tees BEERping 1selt.> ter hapinero Chat:yom wiltenllightesaneswe Sone aoeee ar,a oe ees place}:crowd -that-evel shy afehiy drift,ages not drat‘Or placard LO.ex: verm:Ofeconsetence lefts}¢ “to! an. a)~Soy)Ng el Mioxes menus x offer’tain,”“Tite New ¥YorR World's aceoupt of <his“present:t-Nebnasica|] ne re.areyopr qct ical’difficulties iin ieee diseloses:hiStereat po;hs,vthe sway of raising,a question.in | 0.“ De Oe a Murdércd wen casket « via eel iow n x Mir.Powel lived ‘by ‘hitaselt.Tita room over-his storé murdored apparently?while he slept: The.Gausé of the Killings:shrouded: The vietim was a ‘qui-jot?“inoffepsixe qman,Withe no knGweal The fact that a «consider te File amount of tnoney mwas’ his pocket tendsto “discredit the the: The police-up.tothistime,appear.to-be:completely- Zoe Niel, rue Powell came te5 Georvia sev:eral years ago from Nortbh-Carolina. He bas.wsister and several brothers’A : “x meanctghte.aes ‘Man ‘Tnder 3 =ee Lites : eee 2-“Ttisjrepoyted that if Sonny”h:1 named Wer:"Barpfout?”acho pediiw mnsob,couRty,has ef.his.home] Ove ‘uider.some wwhe Sts essa costlyfeg;-:Dut,b five we esor Belcanlye;the."sutest,Pile,caretonandaebestSalvein-aBox?“SoldnOREI.5 Salemby?aes whoseSoa Shou:Gastar mian~‘sbotetipBerekMiedast’ He made a stafement,prelestics the,effect ,that?-he eehesheoting®WasadciBesant.nted theeefr el *Life Pills,.t e WOR |abuack.atives:tens xgtyes”a splendi@; ian*and.aregular’that insures,perfect healt ‘apd peat’Only 2a¢;EC W.oR.all :-Better1 *bigter PIC, tonin StatenVDE :“can Setat Dida suits for lose: other neic 5 alte.This CUTE eyfarm ers e v eh eign|fe mt imei Steer ede -Hin eae4 a2,Broken.x yew“i reAe te-are ce Jameel 3 sit at apy edeeTaeve fetssqur= Geesfeavahdr Silefe:yb the=decision1%tha rhsea DEt he bath the Berpartthe.|Coney‘Tslaad:ButClubsAonight.velous ‘bautles andthe”creat.-yatheredfa.thet, Coneygbsiand Clit house Lee the dese .pate:strugPe.for s a ir five oe6,better‘ofthe fight)?haddnmthe.last three.”otherawedty,ee “whe cig dots “x pose die ‘Gazette |>fa]sGhog Firt chiingud be a Democyat igoet-4}: shost&®The Citizen es wa l e st is tebe treme ni a8 atte oesRee eee ect neFtttereshltWould-be|tere ‘kl don,Cthigk®that thiswantstotackle.Tom Beant.’3 athere,anypuesONean,vind ort co Bispade “ithe,othe} fet weuty rounds Seltes (SsfravedhelpedTYin}rapa it “tiie Wd“8Scgablecot Bi ttn?aoe Bets‘at weibt and talold orf the,Sai Found:hre SW.dows upper cute aumade Shi*Bomgame back ais thettit and 23bh,“but.tre he ened rectly by we ries ;WOW “Qt e minute.be melnon Yo Saunded.to ‘eid the ésecame off cain thereontesst Was,OW Pr es refpmovionydto*‘Fettries,coru®gh flag wasflung ‘arent ‘phauyeh:watt Be erees:“to au0e afkeeé at |ioe?‘soldieeoraniacrawl”-nial ite belmablefor ateBeit 2h “Lbitiens |a Tngiage +£aNwoh‘to er a Sue feos:RENEE pat POR entiALetterEromsimDagnoonwe yeas ahes caf mote:afitsnenbenceofTHe:MASCOT.5 NPs «ASM Haye crossedtheBteatA nitéhaveseen®same*pf thes peers ed:States anccountry,it maybe of some intereyt}or Tin ae ey Pe \to kthe people of ‘Iredeh:rent taRepubligan ject tot Paniperatic’STikewognaes greay country we hare] l-entisted at Dhahotte-Seprerinet ‘chamypidh’s!\shéulders sulthectprd kStlt tags “under ¢Captain’Auatrden,ee ie "Sy fC.dee eaefhe pene hha f Sie se °)cl DAMOW.Y >>< a Wwe niust fot «a! ¥Sadsolh OSESSti i=alepation Ss ‘6 fe trends,ft: ASneseHas WIL,“baatineee se mer thet ilipigoste |4"Fedistauge:SI shen PeSists [WVanceisdue'ty speechesmadesdy thisy6ebuutryatheir,ztesgstances s due’ae peperches:mee &Wir x iy <a<The.nevce -tHe®arora,The cbowd-an.the pee3Onnyelie Q the mite a eeden ssing ooms.\Thelofspectatorsweteybank™ ita othe *byilding.s satked from.”thealsi¢s,atguodiathThestrant qnus crowd sweated “ander? ot 4 vare lights theéynvas of¥t YP he fighters.eaealmost exFandsheYeectatorseheeked’fe spans |S06 selyFes hearse.Pre 7 wi At sdewied.at>first S~thou i woxldobea,stoutt.-titeht:seepnd:found Jetiries ‘put!.the shiaarkBh.“the ropes-with @ left bn ‘the yaw :-ferBe beganto al!‘otf theFeeconddasSharkeykneéled™'ee {nour he tblrdrroim on igs swings to} “,Kept“theerowd rutrside andsin- an y iw ce Siashayme;zany oh my bit ee AWe megSeuadiat We tér,Sough Eatninghain.eeVewere:‘delayed Ro Norfolkt Vas where™we thok’:6 steanier for’os ‘LyGi,Andwere-on the’otean 26 houts. Ww ewEte|in:A apn at Sourd’Patiem = Thar ubtil,“Oat avers Téth, ore to NewsYor!K: buck toStich try thatarej theeee Ce side toraftsSTB an VWweAe cearty 4 OReSRck sie sens £byaedtesOa MW ashing:fay beme] 3 Hotes ae War |“Of dons reacestShoebisaf,republye?=I tell +0R a ee ayoh.ay piit pOrplagit:Nghe siktn-at bar OIL doers.byKe res $Tglayes oe seachndemcosfespe‘decent,ee resyimpaSabur.‘Ehglao ui xWhar'abopt ihe Fills »oe Teyf5,feet,sor ae ees rignet cueeyeBraet d Saree Bther if He i atten dilis‘ae raat P ‘Ke“E a“eto:wos,vow et, a Pour ryrezi,eee £.)wp amie,este PASallse atule SHOW. “Wy “reached Say.Lake City,thet heany ‘ot fhe:4 Moras: a Geve mpeople,Ty “haasion 9 At believe eget Tein.; “At-Salt)Lake city:cae:Sone py coxoad and:athe ystutt anid]"sent.a rai:with.ie “meker retiree i hated 0.los¢an¥thoney,Scone |dont yet any.toyaneh OYs:areund,townLEwere-to write to.‘alt the:a pRto%whort *}have Feeit twoulditake 302!week,”itwoul 4 “a.thepanko sb:hes ae ssoesot, xQosure:.ofstsThen.Citi coveréd-Cuts. Soe weeeethese tinds swe © “Spanish feut?|"= eeane ghe,‘dn dre,ee t mo +]free Ciba >”Sa e s oe 34 a ane moneynfon.as wibt pr, ésfroth the®regple:¢> 1 boynton lads out.of Ug:paoney,,but a i &ibsaKVe’Hoxonitsfeetwattingford knoekott,* >:Jeilries:stood the réchific punishengntsidgpithhissSeatsplit,eame back,jas ithe.last three Pounds ande alt hniost retryeved 114tunate!Faia iichtiogel ory. Sghove fyiing”ORS | -atiight $0 an...end “aedShatfkeytdoeigandeneitalTisbetried’tote don”but al difries fought,hime tbagkspind,Ee eet resFnoticeablethatJeffriess usavhismeiguest ovis :|sage:throwing ‘Pimself.afl”over!the Hailes Gutthe tr der did vf thehpyging,‘eye‘arned |rope itesliy ue ;: “Het thousgnd speotators ‘gatheredesrapadthe"ringside:+AY prelichinaypeeebogeanl2Rpotinds?gt and!Aa be Bi & ites tas eee 20).If-I,wept@: soon “break.”niea take:this.lat -of\Jettine them noweaesaitkicking,although °ifsito PARMERS 3ae or an,ny oyher ducmds EE\Ese 7 bworking ist _eo ;home.on Oni r ae Semees ~AY.ben,God nycseeoe vee ehipose:somes oun, iidod:‘pol on:ae:io iewton‘dep the Peer;clwasa:preSree Moakkek \rat is -Ditgle EFinfattertiving11‘daysHiafdtack.aydee hed Vbeek:=Roan’laip of the food werkein se.C28 arrived.héreeewevedver4,000 meny whos af; at.“dag-+the:-Forty:sixth,seighth dnd““Forty-fifth Tegi-f- besides the oliislet:artikiéry,.hee ats «sixthis labeled,to TeayeforManilaomNovember7th.+2,We oye are,aly looking“for wardt Bt good..reasop “for.Iden’tbe eee one i spending honeaSmi FH A Q,,and pbothsSY er’ef wrsree Rexpealme, ) Bs ) 4 HF ey , we n t re wa t e to!rou tor thatP|Reve there i350.eat sin’‘the:regis!There ure boysofall:descriptions,‘her®,from;Rae hme gndbeys:Sere alt:cove Es Unite’States.frotm persto precweed the ;(Zoulegté.of!a&tereatdeak Mike:Jaitsesion a srialtSeale.wus beaten by:TommaytMoraw,:jor Brogktya,“Then”attey -halP Jan’ Lhout delayPom Sharkey ‘oud ‘bef er migking -his way:"through!thet -ally,Se ware eee q1OneMinuite<ongh ‘eiemédy,‘hat.“prodalkinycoughs, aA re x ra se d ) Hee yautbedakJoyS"an theSela they:“aH Bake Gonithe achtarget~ crowds*“He wasnyell Tregeyted;-but}-dopteies Taseh.oft ‘ Joliries:welparks=Ds pounds Ness.Boe the jatter:Jookedtobe fihe:Dettet Cetion.fhe (OSHforniam beth satlow.} nd Having"staringt¥es;’and:aT ing 4 other evidences afnot being i best égndytion;, a toatheecho,3ZI2"pounds,Taint}SO “The $Sout!wee "The Birvet 1Line a); Cee Mone 44° Tow:KEservthio eis a st gahtop" get.ready ao *Tignust ce Faia deetn nsaySan’erates.Cal Get.aIS0,: *(Our ‘correspondent is:sa:son:of,NetleaptainehOFDavidson... ‘man ot the.board:missioners’of peomises ‘to:write-fatter ne:pets CoB ie ™M AS- W.‘hether mon- ““Cptitonae OF:ele, sh y mPs:JOHN WALLET:of Jeffé Pe:th:or CBOE none!4s more.ighlsy i“TheBettiny:a,t start ‘was ‘100 to 70°on’Jetiries... pho eas then!as ‘though:‘Sharkex was ficuré*of this *era-greatest.akd.purestBOCcalHeaderan’y party has“knownaeefeinan:passed?away’at'Mon+ Iredell:‘county:.oe :sa to The M ASCOT}) ~O'RGUEKO::bower er,gare’ d Fhe sailor a talking toy |amazement.abeall:>Sharkey “Se ung‘ribs And“jaw ale 1,and\there -was’/a wild} As the fight™went alons, round by rouad,thre ‘sailor,fourhthe“way into the hearts of those’who.»}marvelled:at’Jettries:capacity: {ponisbuient.‘s poaches:‘bagan®+6 tell,” Ose-of the seventh,.s ahoape Jetfrigs\coiild hardly ‘ Kis conver,and. Ry:ea ee eon JOB:Jeseys doce:caehovice:she 14to a persons:holdspaneeiCLo-pres Tt“ai signed forpayment:withaaedate,of is moti s “Porto Ric!9 completely”wrecked; ifed.OL,why,friends ‘giving.met only‘Sleep by:theuse.of opiates,“J: andheart painvd me terribly,and)my.ough. owds;most/agerivatine:. ;One.position pata,short.ime atid not’on’my |SMyhusband;broughtme:|.drurire cand Heart Cure and I'be-|~: :“When:I Baitaken ahalt Bo PSI ihc ntbetter and-contih-” soos:a ere,BO F;‘Fhoéme-on Jetiries.: anest,at will, tin:bok edb :rtatnipg $247in gash Was taken from.‘the Safe,inthe Central hoteF Sometime-bet ween,Sunday;morning,at 10 sie:‘chdck ‘and:Monday morninug.”,Theboxwasusedfer?the.billiard “and pookFoom:Facets and was:Jeeptt}2 ¢ or twerot hers Yesterday:the oeNewer, ELVe,z onli romall ‘Tcould:not Aig ine eR:eee Palace SievatHRlett:sidevat‘all.,:Nighi faitDremee.mere Me TUDICRETIC.* than”$100 if:MOM worthto!you ‘more:vachild’who soils beddintg.fron tHeCeaj2ance:bf jwater-:duting-sidep- “Ttatrests the trout ANTDF SON, “conscious:it,Seemese nS |Travel by shi Soi walk”LO’beets it.seemed ce readin ethére would be “a newcham pion. Sharkéy searwas:Splitspvt heeigtth, and at made | he:saine sizes Battered.remains of<the” found gad av old Shed-in the “svood So:far.the hotel people nave:uo cladas ctu who Le the ‘EsSpevitic hissedthessacptisedtanppoldSyane $5 fd:had ‘beeu :3 PAPPL <epAtThsepeingKidney,aud:Bladder.pfacotce eyrerastes”‘liewedwi six hoursby.AMERICAN KtpNeY CURE.4 iprise on aceount Of its excéeding promptue-reinrelieving’pain in bladder,’Riduevs and!back:Relieves:tetention of weatey Tt youy-want A Net rélies} are Sold by.alr “acd. “gists_under:‘a ‘positives guarantee,>first*bottls y pene OF money:te=: »Book:on:dis~§ éases of the-heart and, aperves free;Address),5 :‘DR.MILES MEDICAL'CO,,Elkhart,Aad.- 7 Arisa Seca ee i <Si:ingnale ortemale.:JR i.vera,"‘almost impiediately?zandcore\this#5 theremeuy: &ANDERSON:Druggists,Statescitie.aN:, and ‘Tandeaq neariy alt ot thet aoe throwing himsel?’. Ls Sones one aa say “whie:witait get in the FRrockzout blow,and seemed adle‘ta put force eno}Mehiestotheblowtudrophisman:thé.midst of the 25th roiind, One minute before the close,; glove flew,across the ring and Siter ‘rat to help’him‘pn with it:held backuntil his friends celled wk ‘hing not‘to Stop?and it was'a three=)‘i seen fight 7 s Got Jeffries”THied to ioe it on.Piivg Wass diffi pien ‘Sharkey rushed:Jefties thyew“up his glowed Ang vaglovedthandzexhdwith”Ui former UWpperevt Sharkegx-,»Sile E rs beJaswegn.then Qud-made”a sivemottoassistJefiries.“L “witgdanioment,,bit qrildty:eeeisitheshrieksofthespectatorsfe wo 2éfcusheedagain,“Siler:“Ugaieged"S od the:gong.”rang |4 Seas ed.to sete?Le —His secohds-apd f frie ire’at Thomas file,RS:5 Eroseerevca!business Gale PO NDS ofcotton re OF!Tank aas.caeisangnBerand,’1856: .«Card,:diy.wate has:been.using Chamber:be ik —wor you eat. Jain’s:Pain ‘Bah ‘fora lathe shoulthetoedand:i her continually. ethene ive*er-Bee}Os22Sack S somethin 86 ee, that has:Pained Pine gloves andy j Wek: reGhe tardosand 18:me igthesmntandtohie).roach ‘iit~ae &meres aad cme i;-Siu Stor ;1isuoueesLeeSeas issecond, stoiiinve y \eatised :by.4 jmoyth iisAGEoett peasvradeof.fmtLarus‘|Oflice:two week seh: é stoning:with fr} P its set » aos‘apiteonibecedat,‘beesoes=hardlythoughtsShatkey-wouthSethgna2draxfor,“the Saif!-|= ‘ioushy:-dlmaysttet #85 4 ui ‘Eman,with ¥odd:judyimen “s|ROtnted,thee champion.“Ou tire ‘ovhs a Maker “bend;Jetfti¢s.while he ieee mn 4 eae eg adds’of -soraery,itu Sevan zh or.ee.ee*Sood:punche:scisionSees »|the Wigs if jt vs fSaganieoes Wtee ‘Seeit:ine:risk dreSfters,“phe *contest.Ter“Sharke:ist thé “hian-Levermet;anDetter:5 fe“the.‘WithinsisSix mrogths I “have4defeated'the: akosi red.—Bryanta y ae cos 4s i Be Apa 7 "ee ah ea :Fac stould who: ards Hash,he the-.far ners.»twenth *Fears. Oo aaénts have beehs .*“whe to time:sie a d Simpiest®Drill=»/On the Maricct we yWe sna 2 t two:emMgen*®=‘af world,“and Willdow tikea longrestprobably:nine \<moNeve)again will ths“or at-yeafightwidertheconditions.’‘The"héat tromrthe”;a)er tende&tetake aay Ngofmy.steam.dod the |*1:floor Weakened?by |‘oeaMleftarm,the one.that’Was}2.iced while training;>gut Sin fthescorersand’ ~ er rdried]8] ues<2S0)mae rhy,the rest’ofthebattle.oepkwealthaceeaess Dae ashber a0kS eh £Soh x “4 IA:a.easts .aot.pio:EegtaeryPeasIpanefrobbed:eid by.et ve i ie igistj Shred the SafewceeHOFgtash’ameesepu&dlars an tered geek Nae z reek ai Takeo GaPSeeneswereyew,and’r¥ined Oneof the: ean oeSE ys ‘NE ESY.ores Thin coeeweal,m Z erect Kae His %_thon MPN iJa ndsa ;>4 AS;Fepauckchart seneiro Maniead Phir Mee bani T:t véarsord Ww ams nob edged.¢a.a aC LORrowe.to the.penitentiart “MOY vars sor¥i é rh nie.At) 'tadOy as OS:“Gores 1d “Acerecay oe ies id:abittiseSoeeer:a a thisy;fe itive ¢videtive Ghthis:NGSyouYto,thé werkSitthis:plate 1 taorss'‘wiht an thepesPigptes.wi Re bed ee fi aie MG }S arse:waisighAl aourpret.ne ‘aMSS=‘oe zte sagLS 4 ygTAG&Nr oh|=|Peat but,\as.postahSentifrape+eyeypep-ee At Care nt,geval ett3;Mars:Aree avin:oeuhvetheiseihersthe(8ihe.th.weNoghis:wife,tt ys edah atuys: RS:Fanbot.7,25 ot:su Hoan Stedt’te CRG Laie:eyeeePhas iSFD:one:asHist year and thet ell:thetalesyyDarips:1398-Mbighatconducting‘de,Bin Sax Phisveates aBU:ein,ayleon,rca :Ss oH COKEHe!i ky hetfibardyritestore.[WoreACOaeeee oeYeon se Hee é driyeds So“4 rsDat inked +Hie}Aid wi t xe ent:keer: Tes:ie ee avi wastGitesSSeridusty:wounded And.tobbed ‘ef|The oe :raen33s500Thiursddyatieht near.‘Dublap,4 veeeee.We-was-rpturning ‘rom.Cyn:S iti phere ,ke.bad:‘soldva-dot.oft shee=a“A ae Sheitiiecy Be iecearu,BR Worte.Ee eneeeeBLWHEE»: ae Nt th ashe Hawmetend 442 gear’their:shortayo>rabout 400 bales iThrestinate1 wiyee f he ra ee aes eeoes “Ane,‘éTe=3PsSeta a a firtgnc NS x oe Sapp apy vhigtert tt ra r M;TBs GCE :es .er Tt R.as ie reieSakieesette%: as CALE.Ce:in St oss cle BS 2 Lipid fe oa SUEY atKoueSet a+s », eeece atSos ea e Lf ae a Be T=Pet RY,“Sirdutthan 2Brost Bir eee oe se ‘add:mulés>:“Whe,imp.the; nigeriand ‘mgantaiys™titee.men jlast-pear;3scents~and bis bratiferts’n aeLebinsow,bobind-bath’nieit-money=[It fis probsnesobbye“wilh,be lynacne“Thé:wounded-pee tet tedie!" “pAtbera ~Bapker,*GergayhaseigoAyitp’‘mupdertd~bis,wife ig CH.a6 40.eal wyand \afterWands chop :f 4ee the ayfootRep a twice ote eerhe ivDEL|beeoeeXOsecientCiaaeaucanghedivetina,of 3Sbegce.)risers.’Be Fa Aviah.bese OMRSSTU deres:arth kehakandtheted"pr ee,ided Tito grialT<forms:and”wv.a ce Glen:yestabl islied OES: .cmmatney >eat JOcphus Daniels o:on.igeb es ah ewes pr mabvor iiithe ~The igntucis,ekécti Ro Resi ‘aed’t Riccharketcer‘He rarasiged “his wi vt ‘gadis.thos “ber “Wha teatertesame:patronnaethie yoo hkablastnincladingtbatsetMthefigures:show.what os)=tteseason:“of 4898"the-three*"ginsha02bales,agaiust y1 B00}; MA AKT r ashortarerok ot.os)half tT ee ey aYoxeLtiowt fxont:ae!fa atthe’battle OFeSces Biggee 35 #teighttoaeaaoadiPrzinodeeollaterR!aahe preci e begBtadakor X em ssare Grseniiztediat ua SeenGnavechyAlscaiseteth t ate esmT Rite agShoescaelie=SORE ee,3 5 OR 3 —Presidey re e045 “abo:a Bee 5 Chatter+ oeeanaksreeettoeesTpnothterooman Te ae xleace Ypland oiled,the,sredkaare 8 esOE;pasejor ahem,<was aeEater :nthe Chicaro”jail.~He tine his tahovencd -‘andy me fanher,LOENThis ‘sconste)abpe yer =i Ran:ante. )eT Koseia ae:aiesieBiNovember?ort weatk“thas ‘there:{9 tS avet Ty: “§rabies Makeaeaer asaeEnglandandtheiBoersMeCarnepie’said:“The.warragainst|:the Boets’¥s most infamous’andsan |"41 fust and’was,brought about by EngYand’s lust Jot domain;antl ison <apar,with ounattacla.ofthépoor‘ipinos,:1:The.tworatticks-arena eTaOR,both Uratiehes “of our!Fac ion fg.7Malelis ae :re than pbs,nbs“ttam 3nianla =sei at place:ts"sAfe-OG>mersCol:Pain Sees pee Ouse Lirtl batte Sit See ont Onl G¢f%et:a) =petitStates:gc asi tue!“ies ‘ticets eee oeupg «+ t i @ s . o a l a . , © Shes is foe sheaidegiiakrronii en Fisk?Da sites oF Vie scoige % Sseinb leds oe ae”SCOTIATat’4 he,eee ees genie,dsé eK 2As Sirs ede oad eee wew wheel:cance way:Abey wish:to:nye” oe forstic ros af :uh Poa Che:ae}:raugGhient Nib-Gen-terBraeBertq:tafoc eaeeA“from.os UT" RiesecwtedtaLeydeaied*“the:He ai scm:asinge melee ‘estecg %Rare — ey 5234iy re the party.straneaPreeStatehave:x +ightz to,|Bibatwatiict of Onew‘wardsnexisting”and theothe ryonic™répubtic.Tesweeforus&to.attack-the~aipiioe |aforSRT attagh thes Boe}.Ave.Yall-from a;greater'|Be We:believed:in’be govern eebs.tBeeonsentt the?gover}§ me Ghivan-eateh‘ee:Shear:seated they bodytovorder:{=Mes NorraV7 Rando}ph;wetcoar | Waeghters.and):Mrs:?E.2€7—behal fot,dirsJos.Bryan,‘ok the’Ladies “Memorial? ge eee a:oe abaar"weleati ye aeei:orf resmindes«sh oiesy‘Jynescs.heiglt-.lent yt thy:SsState as :i iste ey preeeittedh ean et made DY:2aioscan‘shidior toma tree.m-f atas.tDeer:adeahis Jasteagles“pho Ce ifederate soldiers:2)used Maine On Natiteoin ioaters.s agarity 5 ed: Pepubliean katte}Sohne lod he--Pemoctats badix~Abey.-gould “Fase|}y"ye)rane":by:Niat majority.or move ass pig Svar at,fer thé GatorEuchatt eet ots Ms eae ax the)Ponty:ARTit:huge(Gast athe par see Gr risbigithy wouldkrgrer:Sch accu.aut Nash y Me polit |be ath reitrvad hadsor aetermined“21alFhavardsandaoeprareto.tony!or ndet heiDemoeratic part;ap bssEke puptican =patty; PeLreee he seater ty on 1s hesoH ewWasecill cers oe“Major:Bes rsaplalnniDeeeaiiLidete ‘FBoul lnbec.Cane gocious-<“igi the tranewts emus ay :==<aNae. uhy witty eelaste:ans“bare is plaw:vy aayiangutths6OYpereats=e 2 >.:Sandan salonsi Parceled”oat:] DpH oh,aa..nee 1k Tt was:aflictall «apauiteea®‘thist ‘a €approtial f] av Morale. Jeti f°nant sie LOgtssville 7uner.oe:pstmaint,subjech,to.‘whe Gnited:States hati-been arrived:the ‘at.beétveén,UGredt-Britaih sand "Gekanyeby.xsiete of ae Seman ltemsarite ‘desecratbathdg”Slaveow.ts was.‘shying tae~peig,and.informed.Pim th =aEALOT Saty day *“a matter tos : frie ‘gavel “wih. éen¥e ition,<aud:seit“then’.Bee Re-|Avy aod!OF Abpo-a i The codvention then’at stihaad ad P order tbat,the:delesatds “ipipbe“at-’é&-unveikng of “the:Tablets inpstPactsS;chureb;“10 MiserWinnie *thgs*‘Daviis sons.abechutcirwascrowdedatl KER COLL ete Nexo Laned-Bishop GeorgerW.,PBs fin:of the cern pailWestinginia,degighichbepaid2 “Kt Re Davis,MRS:w modi saad Heoeemaittsa "of the two:the women of jthe-Southyately“After cthis,Jétfferseu’nHawes.grahdsorn of {PresjdentDavis,Teleased tire vpil covering theSettelssand:they wereSe turneditd:Ms: 4 mao.-ites £rhe.“sthall adjaCont:iSlands.fall toGerm;nye as,Free.Pyproperty:‘andthe islands oandthesubsidiary.islands’ Eniged ‘States.Sreatree:hitadded;renduncés-SENLY.;/ s|Tonga.Tsignds;and tos eae,Eanessali Aa in favar 6fGreat:Brithin,~ eedes ChoiTuan sabe aisre A ee ontie ASTAtES FOL EA 1e}pi &to.Scots tgs ho =aesstiett bt hen iac ndSy uzxoxl ghe-passaceDeelawiySekRY;sibuers Gow fe!sléenowsatceal ‘Qensurcey,thee trorderTobbsists.3ith a indeyouyethe’Calpjtot to,dive’g tr ay,ott ce EeA Sif,dthetiways:wot Steitred ob poate yowe NeofoesdemandedMsbead.z auot Hey, [had@ost ac day :fee uC was= On e xe me se % a : ¢ Re e Pi oe Z 5 ta f f Fy to r y Pi : at t 2 c oe oe : ei s x fe e A "i a & a RE FR eh h de e F |ae pr e t ae “for:t4axati20nt NS sn g tu n WY lain:Teythe 1. a af , ee be “ReFS quite:3Ne Sam sabe Maryland eastonolompt|¢:\VOmiafstua tinn to fraextrace:pue “simerit ~rilyfotcourfor}: Tt deingnstrates th eaeits qs!es‘sour:S|Democratic:eee and: nation:Sok.the:rngade:attThs.fact thawthe:~ Prot)Pi Tey: “Sey ahe ssevpral4 Poll on Sq ae ANT ineseasesee me “Greats?itarity.\othe ‘oust Se eS An’the:conden. Istands at@: iu Samioasgnd the."Ron ex"tObe withdraw“fot:the:“presentt}}and Gérman®subjects are.to have the:samerights as Britishregard1tothe.tree:“pu hist ofnative: onyfas 2s: Nt ee erative scherpers--©«batle roves:ian Ge:jeieyi ct tires tory.eonyeotiny ‘on Fecokd2 Goesandthon‘the.iher. antaN ‘thovichtat saw gts“chance:to: al detdar ath ~Some vootand -Sincere} poten Wetp'stronay agaiwsthim,* ‘ev rot:that’the--con veation which: :‘hominated hem hat bee of+p ted. et ae 1é Opposition ihe a-malesbthe.“straieht’pee Dispatch. to eens Tt Mas woth 7 bel!“is“tisgits ARG Davis bes ee27kEeaubleeGaveevas EléGted TASH(belore:Mel ley.boyyt.and,avainst:whos narges were 4 Hiad:ea this was chs yeasee with “contitgicds,WRG RAdefiniteinformation”:Boambanieinstead Sof Bays’As:the:‘place.‘ofAryinaltdo5,eo fidinGererat ar is:inen- ae subjects.vin,~utlimpedeag ers?b>the:“wholeOfthe®Solomon:peat the:wOSseS* sion.of Guta;yo |hoigeu!an ‘SahIsa ne has‘been artioad:at Betvisepowers,by>virtueof«whiel ;“the SO" called neutral zon€in:aland‘of‘German.:Pogoland,and”the| British.#01d coast;will bé divided-iin] atthe’boundary of}: ritash territoriés Bepwill'bé-formed by the-Paka river:up ceeand Ww‘toa point.where the latter cats the. +:ninth.-degree of latitude,-north by:aline,fixed:-by~a mixed Bo thigiis:appended areservation.that:-the:countries ofMamptusiand’Gambasa ‘shall fall to.‘Great:Britain;aod theZcountries éf Vandis aid.Chokesi:Finally;according to.a decision or ected:by raeody and the:Jatter:by }the colonial council,*“Germany:baspromised.‘fo: ‘tetritorial tights hin Zanzib inti=‘piration:of.the commeréjal’ 2.with-the proviso:: reuudaration ie onl ‘cameaBraeden {D0©ppersonal”ckandropersenahcanvass -concieteat>|was'defeated By.sucha decis:j 1|ebyfuesda ft eis Ses,Divis ease‘acdousdgughter;'aos *George Ross;A,Reag an;:of 5 Re gas nonnicde ST a MPS.York:‘and:Mr.Kdvar®He Fare rar,of New “York.‘Rhey-roeeupieda‘pewin thécentre:aisle,migee got oePhe‘tablet to.Miss Winnie Die : e*bas relvet.of Miss Davis,and Tests om a’slab'of scolored ~mat; :The instription~iss vey : iplomate:‘chang: téd-outtheveohnoeOlenidsseswere’“heaviest:‘andet[Democratic.gains largest:ju Jonal!issues:WeremostTi sk ACs hnorexand”the XE.|Am Fican:prisoners Wwere.ait|ee te :;i bangin the mountains.”far}10"the:“Hustler.”:Ht cured:hi family:of rortheast:of Parl.-;;dt is.expegted’thats the.pistegeet Pneumonia,“broyelitts,ae auld airca &N ichoisOn Democratic*paper; which wasin'straight-ered.eitearistandes.and made,Sta:“Petolentiantagomst .of Goebél;;wishesthe sinews..of wir:to.the:iessown £poltibe *Democr&tie ticket:stoodbehing the)RE pUbI EES.and strengthened? phe»ace epee =e ot those.trusts that such ‘a manner-th; the German’and*"' Sys So pane=rarnes “Robt iby [Dang and the omRtsanENna‘qeeenchore Coltrier.Bec Fe :ww’Aimericah W“Daugiiter of ‘Comfaderdy!= Varina Anue,Paris,+ Born Jidy 27.644Enterediritaheen:al Blessed are rhe pure.up pas military¥forses:wilwardthatpointseeitaemounst-[tainous-conntry,of ife)Sept.43,A898:Hox eben anal ics north.“ands.ie “et:ss :{Poke all ara pe odhets:fae Conte fertileardOwandthe’price’four vers ‘ago’and you will find fur}the two persots'and the purchasin,z:iti rpower of what:ane farmer produceshas.::shrink i < feompari On ae wares of work=‘ing e¥en=-those employed by vSan even”Greaten shrinks|:“purchasing Romer s frees ‘Wa eS are eeApractrlthe'same theyvenFeywasmaugur ated intoolice.Xpraytelluswherethere,is ayace ‘yaptage to.Reward-bearner: BN er ee eScommission.‘pare.’‘tht “price.e atpopulous:Lesions:THe |“tablet,to”the:‘Shildrenis.to’has’“thsfar once[the-memory of‘the four sonsofPresis|dent Dayis—Samuel ‘Emory;.S00,Jr.-Joscphk E¥an*and:Villian:Howell:Davis. < re t r a c e as ) As.Tasteless:ead Giataateat to ‘Cure.Chitisand we ,Fevesang ;alt faiariat Troubies.oe ;_tS oieod the mosts formidable Does.Not Conssit anny Nor Other.“pest on to ‘GoebeFin and:ont*-of}caydidate for. Severbor"bas bad,tor ‘face. -before tw.hich | would aoe “to Gerthany; re tte Stomach Nor Effect the-aicaring:«The formes; ie Box,Teat says,"Ramnon’s PepsinChiil Tonicis the.Fhispractice,and-says it:is:thout imary.tdéthe stomach.!¥ 2 ea c e La s ! arty 22 Gon,Dim quever candied My spn oeesoribes ip Fe’ whic:2 a Enildsedat sxe Mrs.HayesA é moguarent to “Winnie:“Davis;‘erected in-Holly swood cemetery-by| He ‘Daughters ot ‘phe -Confedéracy, and ‘the:monuments:to Mr.“Davis:and JettersonDavis,:Jr.,will be:un~4 the ‘other.nationveiledtomorrowwithimposing:eere-|eXtra-territoriakrights:inZaGen:Fitzhugh Lee will-beone,“Ob.the:apcekers.at the:unveil- He ieJerwithRttie‘of mo asorttnity,OLS»|Comm:teasing with:‘the’-coas PTOtUiDiis Esupplics: Jett the xailr oadisehinndtthe-War:Department ;that!a f eneral.Yogng and Grenheatonailnowpush~on” fh,Glowing uptheinsursze od bis Sea oa bends co Onanaes?mun cat dapated at all, “not show.;aa histonie ennai aie has deserv::ed the Sictory whichis evennow'nl>most denied him..;’Fhe night of thele¢cto,acting upon-the “asual Re:-rule ‘claim:every,thing” *aimed.both *ae of the-hegitlature and the*} ”-Aleation:of Taylor'2 25.00)wajority. 4 %:reewhenMcKinHeuso:“nas athe:farmer oe ofG ight”aaenes ismore-than:wa n g ! , So 8 on favor of Great:Britain;| ing thisagreement”iti is-observed which:Gaine.to‘eitherthattheUnited:‘States’assent:‘if Fey)twice taken away by,the advance in|rthe-artices the trusts produce,then»there.any=benefit:Body:épany thing except’the crusts?xfaseoe eesha are. iy ir “y y BL oe ie oe s wt Ai t Z ch Zs . wt an~ A. ew e r K?“Republigans he nftarnoee session of the ‘Unity garded:‘as assured. the Confédéreey A ae --&farther®agreement Boachitied:thom ibetween:,Germany,:Great Britainandtke:Unite Statesis*to:.the -efectreat.therg uestion’:oececaaaproniorSeeutr y rhae f elatetrou easto,subnentibatsisan:imp riaheouet seeswidecieae/ ed!“Daughters.of...was devoted,to routine business. Theonly,seatsue of.anessession“was,]aao ue dn Sing: the Bsalts aul ¥parce saat Ww arta e Bo s ie as.Gorernor.byTheythen‘dropped.7 to 1.00.theo to;10,600,then,gaveaptheLegislaturespd-tieo“ENOsand now taezclair=oes 000:majority,weahe deolaetige tyafPete)Sis,wrfises fol Steal ite’,elec«tapecandcd Mhatetbes”np Submis | me oe its ue ening everssign Ok ®ode-riy;that”bas noe ‘the gracepipzubinlwhen.Spiny:defehted Ror sexBral\days ithas beer,aps Melogatés apts fue areceptae‘par ent inhat’thee*ophonents ofs Ate.Len fbyhe healtodlgGoobalwereaesolved.int case afaeHetion\tutharzetheelection.«Bhe:Sspyplitan.Soxer-4.aie of ceftuck’y had,traps atthe |:“6 wel (Taylor,aeSethe rote ang thethighachatac-4 ectigh-officers soewind ae : pbigrtwa heb woday there was ine qeexcitement‘here,caused*by.‘at ash Petmdan’the-Bail-“and ‘Eurner > PatSd abs.ae ua “gre Qerkhg2Tas:We oyed:tors thar.the «coiteseixiey Usention vwilltake een tekst~the’otlaine odDavis.monuniént,jn wey kth:yonmerstone,“Ok ovbich:HassometimeHEAEeWeTherewas.£0.night.“séssi as.‘The Balls :aré Democrats.::sedihe:cause of Taytor:pe : Charles’Pridemore,-Sa Psioower,and CAD:Ball:seed =:aOninat.eel wie ianeaSee a Ks “w i t s s Te y "ebtegan ee BeKEfora men tox they Lappe aey | (sonteption Gath die choke thSteadogfound:‘dslarThesisunder3,‘Pile,hich:SSeS nsoft opethe”eeezall$7,OOO 20 binseyrere Fours of money ing’to,these,in.g positions &ted.“under:+he'GGhare2BinterSete“the-poney) Father.Patrick YButler,2 the;practeOrtofthorchurch,,‘who,foogoeeessinoiehesapners,PN ge aseoscl Be edpesNx?hices Or shotse fs:ae Faction.bhave’, $chat thera: (ists aa aeitheMeKinley,Sroatersataon "anoamiralaieMarriedape‘the Engl Shsgovernment:Asa<pdor |- *Stas ag fe Leachate phir oat "£0 peu:Citizen. 12stas dF¥d SM?Hazen.SndAa-leIfas.bas|anital/George De:ried at -10.0"clos kettis.tthe}rector wot SE Pail’sat alteButch’yFhe~eetetron:eX:Lames E.“Machia : )attawe tye veh his Egg FADE5:bsKteouvie tymh: ‘None raosinceatl 5 CanYiteséLeeTuyen:tonjyht returned:toytire.‘ob town?with A ane reader,of the.sens “ot “the SreeThe,falk ofthe:‘XoieeePatten Meri:siagdornasvayisttO"helpsist‘of‘the’5)Easier ‘Sch pmesy 3tephonies!ig.ty28 espa:iNTr.apt =on ntwiden>be,ootfle oe w,happeds “ity that Faigetion ee *eldSe?:- Greatees its“Botangling “AlNanees” fregarded-as undesirable,when.puch|men ‘as’Washington and Jefferson].|were at the hehn..:‘but,now that}trusts dnd combinations need a~:big }-<|standing’army,their basisen ee :|suddenky/discosrergrowntheideaofthose,“qicavs:Swho:ee Vv ‘were,ametty: fa echoh by. Ltt he tor ‘a Pras“DY:be “qleagedsdées toyboy pastor,‘sussisted:6by "Rey:Joseph|Poley-assistanb.pastor>and?Sidney Hataut, ue 5a 2S soon :;peu p gtse ewould hate-faited ToPhe,Whole truth fe that he."MY.'Goebeb has bis fault “perbaps guilty.of imitating cpepyght tat ‘Des“ais epiysquents int tatog:pba Aiias fi win the~“Louisyilie convention,- estanis outhead anc stoulders a Ehe eeehoseswas,stNikipstypriy:ajeand:of:the.sii —‘tpNOWPOR:A wal :oR Weene&“if 3. te ou inet httphavedbdtacititiestandeefeteSaattit eta Satis ya alished.thiss Repate tiei S‘sipe pies wzapes Syake ‘return Aiereahit act X ‘Thezpridé-was saccomp,pied.6st‘|Mus.Washingtdn McLeah,. apa’its:gLudlowy ker a“sister,seineshiteAdmiralDewey,was.accom-panied by ‘Liewtenant’Caldwell “his.>fherewere no otherkenony“Adynival ‘audSveeey:ébtered:'a ‘eatriage and:geeen-tothe residencepf’Mes.'where a wed:eeattae seat:Tobey y Sa anor!VEELCRA,DU LRO:SOS.Caan the est AUS aemShoes natorry thing ANURA the’Republican.ts wie poeple jo.giveSo:Whenyou heve a pet ect Sudanient®‘thaty. Cee NE roflets “the ‘Find:cet Se Re saad Obsexyers ~ ningtén,Star “sate thaHSBaddison;:of~paar vacounty,wheiisp aantihas-been’sigethePee aes for anolha:returted ‘home,f.baviag tetashonorablyeeeMr.’Paddison,‘says the ‘St s..BestPie thyreon cart Nos 30%:Cake fies and Ee andy s wethele..hostiliry’)for those s0blig| pve for Te:=eTey prpirds He obtained -decause:be sStdod“prmeasures)that?vare. yeti:“nmgsses;,éuchis-einiph,ven,Be.21 ha small Yplotality,218.8 neal thie 9 Wiheneverthe®palltiesky pegroes;by:JQiuivg ae -ee :Tires ySE Ve mh esre she reigePog thes ieast Brg tbe Ory, “aeSOF toler to Spina iS «Crsiste:a <eitle ot d imvestizaty pori aimee asse:tee?“peidre’ In a8 Gappretiatythis BXi_ZeHce QF a ns Gursely e a $o paul that we uF np anae satisfactoryy. eid aftea the:ee ipgtos MeLe ladingshiggton 3 was,oh hey etitor New * spraction 48)be &inst aan seesee wee ches,We do aur suing ra:‘tire Noriber n patil.are thi “psati Phe Bathe om Yicfoto:t 8 Yoke py ee tayniet von;Dis;it hy,oe *3 ba 2 x r tie ‘] 4 =A™ie Oe are \The:{olfowiine ims ui ceaiesigs todSctip-=aeaeRm <2 :Nicholsowae BeyGaNeaey aR ene cate Rie Seen oeahFaceetaxPohereMoubartWas1"saprcnic®SSeSee%+rr me ming eSCominand.,cabtie iri Phere “ady PCE Ft CarteahUp-Gaskanes Son.Chic mPiibliGoeise"COS,.th hie,riedBee cry thecal oat eanTVt&ran @d itdne MOR San cds3 eins 2S acremance)ly)Ge 1 Crp pe:6 OST,qm os&seersmupes thre Why whole wewhoMinders2ThyBritishse weke Poem:Ren cera «fori:aesitr:xe tthe Waits an “thes‘di ind:Lionot oa ae:{Ute BoeSet~ernie.flower Tao;table ot Tiel;Froiye whic Pupar tile ay opent NO tiga 2s eae ee e a ee r er e s Bi e n a r e rs=4 Yr. es a s = po e t an , :in PTS SEMI,ke eRceteDGpitip:kom F Sombre kop:Aisle 9s neater taeSCs.=Fhe.BECO cr set felt al s“their amidst me w fs Jos,owed,iyo SeaepieaterBe4{Oem Dp 1wits h se Sie BaePeonecaledbatterigs;.Preis 6 ottqi eesFOCloekthe“bile was a vent file ange! fobnoiof Kisstige wittseee oe mich te :; Ofashelta-bak =panne eee :,Aeon efiret,Five Baits i =F [toreaich of Soe to4aepsiicowdhiletite:Boer ike:totd.Roy :eH pa lve ive ald tite edad SDP,oese reached:Thee:Sersewnde Shewered 27 2 Tere iBSen-o;1 er Lana:pe:Zi ie:I3yers% jeoulal One (ECAC ONSEN:.ies teaiv Rigas.WY ble 2:wi weayie’!<TuHeIy.rsetoe.yidlaced™Timsest ‘anoths-foreltsNy Pet FNS Dagls.Cre foil gins et.5 .iPbandazine the.Ka Se Tn:-ot 2EPieinmeantarebg:Dx rebey sor tue : aacS Se nevitefis.hetWhe org {grind into”:Ee 3 i “pias-and the extreme cpa et SAAC Ss eoead,eaepast)ee aby.RAR Adshear ay Tat feaa pe Se eS Qn"the:of The rong eye “gt The?td ia ed he Se ee{notbécns socelved.Pre ge eae reek”Ste Weigh et Mant ;*tas 3 x Ci a ::oe os -. fad UVSIS pistsia ore SOE MEPS ae ke 'and Hever.eee per Mitt LOY rolietritk e :figdeseore His’Easels Kodo Wyse pris 2 C we Now’=wi Shan well aac.fot Ti 4 nan)ogee tN eeitesss:Pleni nee Stu cre "Nebiec's 338 ‘a - Spy as thecbesk Cigeesfie Knew Palnee test amt tay ie oat Shie:PCaresall férmiisofipdive *ph:Pin eeearfrompsica,OVOT Vy HONE :WW : *ile Sheath 2 ri EAs :Sac th fi ed Gee Sianses Adie,a 4 Says,"“Etna 2 EOD TESS 3 GS ae ure ieixaSplendidmemciner“+tescribs the ei ‘Tits apd Wat conmtdence Ire.vo PONS nee xthe wtbvou gat aad epuien |: ee |REE and.iodinets btign.ney Be Ue a Ses Soe ae eeSbPeEE)ee italetsamey;ee teers *‘i Sette *Esohatleeifermationcag:‘Tf Vou source WORK von:wil): that,mor‘tind ipremee Ca ab tO-Ones.hae other.<|Minute Cou:oho Cr Ge es IGG On cae sy e ‘Boao“atk ler,-“ot res,ica Iva lacs oe yiagrippe ‘nd:Saves thous tods from >+9 - -f¢apitalswill no be Srekeeeto Boani-fell throatand dk ine:g-troubsy WE,veSoHa,Sts a eg es A ae eS Re Pe aiseeiea"Lo*jay Sina a Sorte aoe : hettabace sero bers ot “State ce Uae 3VECcalled:tucancers ine,Tk igi De-: cenreer Qth.by President Jo Bryan.: Gorin:aspot the:Sobaccos Merowersye sco gciation.ae fae waa cop ayde Sa Goniaet "a ainwk non your,feet 2",“e ie Is.thui.<i Oey dling F Sensation WHA yOuairor morn «tik nisthts3 ;‘oy B ea hy,not piput vac aH _icine * SF:exactly onthe Geeases.Whe Fea nwt;apriy.‘the eure Fightsto the’‘SposzPtself}:a setoit'can cn;“ith,+ guts ke ss BPs Seca Ph nt}. s . =hese in l oe Se n s Sa w s bo s Se b a g sa s s pl e a cl e es d u c n e b u u i a : -Tmnnibdiatelyly Pee PRS CREEgsPlasteris‘app ed,yea feel a tee its:..warming,ectthing—f -in-+Ba fluence.<Lts‘heakugs.medics}ie2quick;y befie trate.covon deeptfinto.the “inflanede “tissues.i}“|o BPainis quieted:soreness igre-&;pereie strengt iin parted: “i Nopissise was'tvertat.'2 Likedt.“No.plaster 2ver eacigd so°quicklyrand:thorerghly.-No plaSier*everhad-sach‘comipiete”c¥otro!over aualschee:Bis <i -Placed over’the ch:Xt itas a powerfal aid~to Ayer’s_ ‘our stiaggmient: ere)pave setre Ne:‘the Samé.old steryabou teh#at pemeaieratign.fhe da is é about,y tess eek otconguenng :ithe "Bike:bstowingtg”the|:P >At the :clése of the ceratmony,Lmirar Dewey-graspéd+ hin’s<iand,audysaidsy . Mee =se =pesJ“proper.‘tie and —tossecure we,Make jour aise inner tind“mee fosue-oplumns.ofof:Tak 31 ASCon,aed.Aentucky inésahd says-t Cherry:Peetoral ;relieving. “congestion and draiw:Dg out btk ithe New Millinery."x Aiid Dyess Godae'Btsoks se dG.ni tye rages igs Kat th¢e-on State 1‘where railgoac ey ans have -fominated pares:sy a ha sosuver eta people, pily'tao Uany } Sone plexséd fo Havebeen a LaSantorSpon‘at one’hein“were @.saaeig eas4-3 B3 {naturé-oF the'country.dithe guer-|tfarttatiofBahingbytheinsprtSeoingenot Seessibour addst Rryokast,.wud has Tee foksas=ry *Gepartivetit.~ alltnflanimation.nse vos] ye zs ihe RY ALT:DROGGISTS.:¥0 IC.AvER.co:Tone Mass. seasgus Will have chat26 *Skea CmPtlin a = oy ans other things:eheay.and-coura ir.far oeemwhénstanoryhekecranesthat‘areRoepe et nd the..res@ltwill’better tabkQoebe ard neSs tiavek his:inde es and prefertt y Will}bein.the markée.several weeks an i¥S mopeypened:by you imtkadso eeat The,BigStowe.*Howe's Ly Hob.w.¥:Seattord.:4,70 bam,“has5 sone Hagel elcalDemocratic”‘noibips-|"aePathos:we[eeeRee an oe ds;¢Sees and te oeeethat.vi avand xthroat.promo eicex Naat Pikes wealesnen | yond prevenSeaeae . nd viror,take No-Te weed”Bookley sampie “tree.“Adaress? Sterfieg:Poems Ce Cate oF ew Fe a ees as $e epresch tie =these?Capitalists:gatesthereglueticnweeksAree*ote a a .=i @ the!aksPowe bE trode Se netic Se n aparece near e.es sou ite PeBcreme‘wath Tite.Neariet aoesieSoerketaeMaTrim Se LS I nywoSSi otras“ot whetheEACH a me RESS duri .lahds,’ a ce a i eneuate:three Trundred:‘Surgeons’ Se ak Venezuela “ ON E SR O My 1G se l te l e ad h i n g i n e nc e or y Ctept.for preésen't-ot‘prospective j pay, 8 dispute.”Referringte this folocident 4(the New-York$ournal.trolgsats:*3}°5“The-plata'.teuth 4is--that’Britisty Dr-Bresiiy AuuspeeomniCait08Explain2=Shy nn Selfish Considerations.“Engsa=nééds-titemoral dnd.Indterial "2 Great Britain may “as well expect}F=theta to get'thebenefit sof.palling} ilks~“On bie|Es Sa x =>.a Le.ey‘poblbeg.aS *RLEYj = oA;2.wv.ATIS,f Boyroka~ “at ia “4 a Ne ery7a2aii=yt at aoe ‘ ¥%b ath:Enterta St fie Tostofiice at pears Agave Aeee hab Koes ites a ey gee ee aewth The ‘wilt os pat’?att-lthéS Satie Foun:ee oa jot sheril<who.”failed.‘10:eeeteplecy.the;Phirt¥-as *Zecond class mailmatter +2s 4 4p3 ™“a -ci pe ‘Prose:No..3535f 4-4 4~$+wkie‘be —i r :=State Stez;“NE ©:“Nov.5.4899.bD The Geass‘boro algermheadhawe ne z amen CEE ch té Spend =Se Whi)0 ‘the= Panu beDik!esac yrthesere io“Mety bafland-markenptae”go2 <SedeoyanteTySialeBeadsGroritathetFie’~eetint GEriits Teenytele vn,aes.cout Liane Rtbes Preasucy smerny tafor,Finke tryiige.fthegl 00,00)»wigtiies,oFyghintests Tn, adit tay rh paymane ‘se Bent ek he Bosts £¢AT Ww an Polini ————oe SY AstFees ae =ae ee ,ate anossarnE:“ROLE ricCaN.ee. 3 Sy eee ogSS THe,ottichit Couptigi¥es“Colonel Sober Wa}te rSmith,Demycha ie’“can me ‘lidate for.)GOveRnoe.of Ma ryhinds}12,121pearaleey dverdslovdehowndes,f:y Republicdn ineupibynt.athe offices,Pcoane)Remicork:“<d ~Balaittgse byr“S,1Od FS ees aS 7waSereeWis x:PeSerato Lanai”bay catie “a ee? <=te-Lohis,San,Praycisno.aad Cléey, Whe ake Pores ing cities,mentiog~ wee eat:=y,a :;Sonoeae‘Shanty W:te rPuvey! the ‘Comuity Sys %ee i =A rem cera keis reported seatHolts.ang “fakes have butsibis the=oh kout Shoals Bythr:(Caisse river sang Bie -Lwl-patep=i oFcoftentactory ‘oleeoeNrsBel.VarderfoukavQo cer any“nplidth ont Mmopropertsty hadasaphanty4 ?:¥f-~have notsbead ‘direc oa eiachievetubars of Caprais lakhdctor ES;-ss oo DS ben chisel,Petilera phe pRreeon:phigh“o ee EESLhe“>LEeOr to thy’ethyet i circulat fon.|C:bts SY:ipecsneDethettirgsivethescompan5:+“Sevilla.will ben teye faaae* iitom Soate “pein treSSWes tern. ee a read: ”ork:ais sn (dienesSeaSarile2PounceSay«tareOf tlhe Cotirrpitree on Stil=ity,Atitsesaid.thig.aftenpoonThat inane¥wou ; ness thas”ight dk eewhethey,it.PoulEBe packed Over UsCtthecsecondSESSion.s2Somet oSswilhay,eto bexdeneja:‘the.Phitip:lemes,a he,Weforewee cart take.ct)“the,thafteriot:at Stadding airing.-How-dare-we'to teilnkMwy Man yesmMearastbepegessary:for™the staddiic:aly‘beforewe):khow How™m:‘Wiltreatire oO mawrtain O€der ih OUTshewPOssession7pwillremainwithCongress:toprescribe a formof go.v=.Serninent.but,it WHt-we ‘impossible “ment for-ttheislands ‘as love us “tHe“dhswrrection lasts.<-“Peacets iim|peraSlivéasa:preliminart ‘tothe:estab-“lishme it obgomemments iin the is- seedwoe s «a Rg Bel a a peace fey :The,WwW arin Venezyeta. WsBisvinggon Dispate“by t Sth.- as ke“Bath the State and Navy:Departs“mentshave received reperts coneern=‘Yuse-the.surrétider of ‘Parades at “Pu,~evto Cabetlo,Venezuela,yesterday.““tbe State:Depattment's dispatch isfrom’Minister Loomis,and’-is “asLotilow's:‘oe“Scatter eieht hours”fighting €asy’tro’s.2army took,Puerto Cabellothis|surormning.’.Killed and woanded av. . and.<hospital -corps fromforeign}-\eruigers attending,wounded:“Loeal,_faedljties iftadequate.-‘CaStro’holds;every port and place:of consennence: <*\The Navy.Pepartmcns’Se ‘report-Ycomes fronr -Cofimander Hemphill;~ot the Detroit..which‘is;tow “at,Pus,*toCabello.tis dated last eighty:ar 9:30,and reads folfo:“8oSSevereightind’Seer suandtaosmorningAAbout¢sree “biindrediadess by népnme "~~ Tree ise?Doha Bus Hiocriey i=oes “ana Ovstrcer,revlin.23 2 or; ‘est of Tate overt:tie-mother’conn:a “and the fact-that,Pit didn:sae"Ses against:us in/the;Spanis“struggi¢.bas.been®nfade {0°dd-duty4’"783 &cause,for-ed™iasting gtavitide.|SUPpe E=utethis”guSh.is.going of;Enesland,whichnevér.piveskindnessen:| Bs Se ieeg?he Dine States wth + eetipritl ktepublicae GxeCUTPE,SonewhyuritgeetolwcSWieee~beseDeeamhet,hothe wwidteide iatine=ers*phacenforwhe~pext »Natiqnal ptsomo.af et Conventyom Ghiagar as‘fdr ex oavention:tee swe “et Lavach:HOMILYtor 4‘@ gift td Wa 5:Spee Bi’ S100,000 Saved we Peopciey eneeto.formulate “a-plan ofcivil Zovern~)*; “y sae S Se aervin 22 tasplantatRaleigh yo™ReEe pesdasyPephedr:ote $b RySSey:ho &=peta Soo eS “Avégal?tein Was:reckedoneat.ads: x i “2s Wa pston onrast Pridaay night,aed"S.A,nee pa eSSx Ry fixe eatspiteag Sirthe track.; <7)e N Phreroe)Je~Raghertord Rover Dubin:ab Pasa fone Bens ag Slewunty.,"has tiseover Se esece at rebellion,”hag ‘buen SeBtx fo")thébyportofunumbaSigeAHineharmy PRODERGITCODTAX SEN APN ¥ppr rated:Lasp ublic -schodtsoetheendof.pest yofirs ty;cia Sel rantyquk wily tite HopetaoypeeLettAeehacide:ai ableate yr tho EPgress!eevee’pite®catinky and:[tot retirn:.oaifalatiancaktligtOR,“Ware feHereaté]sha,ty.Mond 4:pix ‘hy pthis?that,upon:his’<arryingortereate)a.On Monga. As mor Kep thems kohdye-xotten phen “ot|-i “Boperisea,ZzOME L eiases:‘T6p"SharBhetWenthirettowersin~tis,Tes)(uakds,120663 éehdarmes:Goud“see AG uardia Noveleto cqnstirn én,+ar ni riceea Cerra over"b0E meh mM.4yytitan eeathe L‘he revie wa'Gf the SwikaaSpeesoenaSzoeaeCourtforsthepare:sbeantiful™.to*WILNess..ds the Tortuga Disttob North:Cardinia.)pdiscipling ayd ee argviceTaR:Fortuye:.“Al”the:sosconsidered ta.ve eee Arg }ef tio frfends of Jumius Brutus did’b”-A sy ndicate.to “diitrot,Fhe.inkavaibafter}“his:onons inthe Syuilding.interests of this courigry haw Phguse.He Ras placed Tn:jail annd up-*,,sanserapte pa ers’fentesaaiie been formed with:a~capiigh stockof de} eey —.hae — na SR Siiver set * Naslithatow Nor: nintak Certera’S'lastsd uzdron. the FTWibetthe one the <Potpit ie éSysSeaSh<8Nortglnie.“Pea hcesaBe On : ‘bowie tran apetion®pe Fase atoS :Cx oo .ae*ye 'Briahetstimonigltoaital,eae ue ye a Cee 0ist wa tage ;-£Sr oeaat aSe pre Steen *+ett cnog YgUS CoM meated es ocdnei ov nbn 2i a quihosts,mae Po MeL Chie:eroto#:Britches);nf OIE Be akades:"sults £5 uhiscagoeel foie rOMtribations)‘pnéyre epeetietatix mint the an ‘Subsér ers |fore.Senators.. Ba n e tion:prepare ap SOUTC rca delivery poet hex spring.- Bp wv iL MEET THE RATES. me Oue Stroke.> FGretueboro Eecag legen, visks “which The dividend« corpanies -Rave:specially)so will promptly.meet:these:rates their plan. pregic ~that”the:‘peopl _is Backing’upr Cavadg’s demand tfor|SeCute anyconcéssiqn froinFramid‘Harbor ‘asa:}3.eonHaditionpré-pote on‘hife thee SoutlrEasgernTar Net abuse-ofDemo~~tedentt6.Arbitration of the iJaska| offriengship forAmertka'iis biséd Sole}, lating,’pRrone:taking:affectiontaaedees)the:Byitish to;cat osFeferviddssurauces6fdevotion”—are sympathetic for what there i than waters hex.wilt try to bleed1Fite,‘“Heatots isacoustnStatesVille.faist Dé Presel “us.2”"Old:George.=Weshington.had a]>heat full of;am aud gave counsel“ft.for .“every”~time™,ond ‘hance?awhenhe-wArned-against any “‘én-tangling aviiances’’*Those who thinksthere’can be any-adva tage to this|Rew,‘country through=an-iance.”-w.ith “the.ahexgntice Oltef the fire:for ‘they EGreek:‘and.reooh.“TavdNéze?at the,errpcat r,ee k ,agce the=e“at;and tnasnrgch as:bioodiis t aon Eeeaae ie Sole a:mae"of gréar,pprocesiure:Sy vt " aBr neta :ASetcapod.oo DNS ‘atthe |meeting harldtte ‘last week’Dr.bf Due.West,S7 Cs eeePe,uePrfee. rr,eX CAG.»Bex 3Seogte8poe‘(Pittybury +thos turbing“ab:men.a —2 That’s Bot England’‘S:wayela Se i tovhave 000 tto.iin Soe a ,enact Pdiabripseae exe “Prqechy my Jagt ¥ear BF 1.BIS.ie <4 ~Ther.Mem Wine Cp zis putfiuy iin ne oh 4 ys ‘1 Se hesvtobe Presenved JY itty oe ‘WOveR Lr sentatforid.te,be shade \to®Rear (San FanWQsco are’Ehe coe:“y one, lk mira)Scbiey,*hfe:iS-tO.he;pire pompostiie Be ee,ee andpinchbowianddinner,set?ming BScoff een cil,the®set;neniepittg iro aiaopipasitionot the;plate,ete:¥ Gpinsa¥e the:rropetty:@2b MeCharles 3 [Soke weeNL:Bouto ‘thits Fertys ag?WhgseyOfBrizewoney.-”LOOKS asAitle,TK Toussumectinicot Tthe”Sadmirers of tte.Sapsthider metztoday ze JisCass+h+theamagidre YAdtniealt Sehieys i prescott oes te hiss!he <Patiowre”pet Mata afaturte tsOteldsswareegplainedkto”him,Nee st Khe Bionalow il leave.shortly te Qry|pied woe -put-on by the Seaboarde.Puaecogimand Otthe Sauthi Rp heoe Ir Lai HesW pte yrtsent Map outlay:eeSPeArOn.hei Admire ex Sy aeSta)pe Potman Palace}Dressel inigisel as tery:Aorgtelut fotBG rethempepposed|festinfobra eens ne nee irae 1 DLR.bé >gots oF SIX MA SRCAE ontt Owedrsi eattestedaepiLheexyeaiOKTYRAPHESweyinNewVark«and the:He x 43 Hexogeeiyrewds hiatsgice thar ‘30.Tite Sout,ti sud fRion®vo thé o;demon. LiigesameSasso See od ica Listmakingofeeae,See a Goererdn =a: eee dsrartotThs nidnevdi Een %.returnedto phe topdyss~AulorertheCth ali Cort xkep YP Etit diutrd =e teecwnspodrametyeGLiector*“formtes wee *aesaker.former _Postipasteg: Ga BNbanaipiaakyfatsl tealty:,Tink ;“Fee y songs sy of Migyladas-pent Figsiset ing aap ©cae2s Speit’“yeTao leekgnpatSaeasNssueeiEresBaeotsoapprdral.Lk strict 2 :_‘he dneb-bo wittees thinkreeomeeauraandaaseorseefatayFO:the,whichthenmetal:wasdbedipedyy ThiteStimipialwillotGeih:Peaditt mre With Bastérn:Tarit:avSRocia-tion “has just sent:out instructionsJtoitsagents‘to,reduce.rates fromoto334percent.on Gwellings,“sehuok-houses,eourt houses ang whurches.=FPhe asSociation is<laimine that thispreductionismadéonaccountof-Abe!‘present favorableiinsutanee Jaws int‘NorthCarolina.Therearetwo thingsnotableabout-this:reduction:’fst.’that-it is tonfinad,to,the State of|NogthCorolina,dnd ‘seegnd,that iisConfinedtoxjustthoseeeOF: geht.|/ and jt‘is certain.as.circumstantialevidencecanmake’it.that his re-[Butiswelduction-bas-:been asingd at'sthe.Greensboro companies:We’are adsvisedthat.the Greetsboro compani on y holders:just as}on‘oflicers’practited |aN.retofore—that the|Stata.-‘Greensboro conrpaniés:will make:no}trigt-A ttornesVariationflo: \WAsithis*eh whole.terri hiS-ah.safe estinia uctin,auphed to,the of None Capel ina ity COUTte *ng iaate“thee ne Shh;cep é ::whiéb,’this Fedistion Soil Re)HlSpositi ae Cas-fhe peopte-of:North Cafolina’wil:DeigjUgu.Eso"‘than®ee 0%aad:for ‘You:are-ftbisréductiowi Sélaim:tng Tor'tthem-lronve"|Motmore*thanés.d“hes dud golely-to vibedhudehda ght“our Greenshor ‘comp:‘There his“beep agreat’:“deal ~of Deen Pavike td”theim po that ty ave]paligy Hoke aroling .will cominue tosivel Sf cosa ain is fay pre:-Greensboro”companiese the+peree StheyhaveLacvonded=theniherezofote.Et is omy.b¥fostering:4Suéb:howe companids aX pheSe dtis}oF Repuvlicunicm wand Ny,Lanneyivt Bsdendpayingcompanies.that:a ef.ihe eneaeablicas,,basless or more jifflueteesePresbtheeoirtmeneAes.Nbr.wigoltosanyoportof.this,countric“It-is a"eters ete Sonos Biting “|” ae"ot orassemblingyrZreiDolittcjas.“‘Bordshenhac .he pres.iaieHheteedifajrsrexisté>not.only aeate becvitl,“abegtrdemg ad +spacaot)rgST ie ae eared BORA ats pulstic G&ing gbility >“Mer oSSoe% Sey wer ie ae nseeiTGENHITL.SENWw ese c +f i nee “yonaeiee<p eee oeSasi Ta “et risyeDanty,deraeHtheMaid-<t Bezon fo ‘itte Philips is,ee oS Ratbertind bounty,29aingrs’.Sezs!wreckedtnca pets dn bib Ol gisttS Me.ay gber,eae.sbOrRY<Novembek Sth._ken’Get <Fits vow.oy end a OF wi +s eeie eoFespondéace«Bae Mtoe.we se ren npoud were ‘Sived3™<Sais fvenrs\ol-a:sos cehis,Umarfiage P.“~Sen _ The Sacred banuer:SHeoles eenoPReptsecretct*ni Trelaud Seite:Htby |eae YipesSM wHitinetor-thes times=f,raise +4 iTrtbh eeenaw"ffithting for “thé.ee Boers.:™VS we ‘0.aS Goat in siieae”} Sf ry AE PL.nears for Paci nts {bEAS)ane hPAsSeonCiminoveCtgets AE enehn |hecenthy “depart foe the pet wuese E attr Ras:er aoe Ns on A 7 B20,000,v00-Crathp &Sors-of Phila-2crotystita CB.Pusting,atXexport- at “Bulvimoré:the “Bath,Me NekiTGn“Works aid the Und Iron WW orks'ofeh .‘ gust fired_/witha’then Cont AOE Cains,sheik brie iv tre Selaint for}oh wBO¥Kuchitl avenue...‘Pirree:renpov.aoe of Foret oa at thx 2 Ftp bert tt for,the’defeat,of the.eh tered Lite stones aw hich:|Werestaken From ttes«eI Cire,TG ‘fi :}5 q tood"anesaterTron te 3 Colon,bf cad pation ds.ot tie pepurySy tee ny Hoors Qui:ofthe TEjo “StsetbinedUlishatenorAUQa!Doty pv.Deyvaniht pat becpia le Yo-bave: Lesbee ee KS poe oA >:+ rials) “ast nad s fates:‘that the tp wit dar seF a3 “Ire Me See ad ems): Bitey:? ¥3,Ow faye tw.”*oare a g ; t %SatsSe bea Soils “Macu¥ston.Agta, af,C3 ghepien wasssee UR. aedeReae we tat”onic tals teRrte x mvdeiusy.,nepislias<a te bile Siktorne sipped:it eeDE:Peas aseecmumnieadeSh7)“ator Prit babePhgl!Aes; From,ot "eta “Sper,ey StillWe attends;wot ‘onty!chis-Pcourts at Asheville,but Gres:<Borg”TeStatesvilleandChar]fotte and byAte.|”influence:Or officerswho owe hin} “|Whb-otherwise are entitled £0"ee they Would-aiot-work anle-s*theyowedhiftheirbreadandingat..}Thos the sad spectacleis—Sken Sofia :great United States Senateasianersima-the fish:offite he holds 1.thave'|!bis:‘heitchmen’Procure”for Livin.preie- Vance havedGone Gned-al rowed:tis:Let the havest peopleanas yt ny/Te Dayie,Surry‘TAdlenBaay wud‘other as"soliviter:reghite-him |te “Goo Sor! courts With hiss bcelers:“declaring cat,avoid the defendants #eoand.Under the former adinin iStration atthatthey-will continue to pay-theirTdiyidénds®to poli¢‘they haye dose he 46°.Democrat,dn.account of ris:pult® eer theThepartneroftheThenDis- fas 12a informed,didwot take “a eriminal”Gare.Amd |theresvasng.dina.-attaghed,to:fags f* VRS pe!Again ahoraIs dnoteore thipedbringing{He court Jno:«con |"tempt “At pend Weiy you will thihk ‘copvebtion;;fop the big:med ofthe the Gquét is selectedas that ime and? Executive Committee -tol-iSsue“an fe eepamment,-thouphat a>vine’ofSear.w le-teim nf Stabe tine gou igSueae qrepafed>manitesto in ait A aNloiwe ‘tolinglamie,tlie minisSkjury orssbyt rtss*lotw Huey with.the vis-crates 7 2.4 eteave ee and im esconwant.t ‘Of.attairs ~te.HEease{vuthencdes helo”me.Ser:;eputy.alot:etntempt-tor retfma Ging|te aseJatyex;Democrat ver Ber wetbe ring.Of “hb:“hjs.co Untexttee‘Rep ‘Blea * cltizeds will taPaTN ~ey a on,i 2 ‘Pb fitiplate@rust,dye Ee to}uyaes tHetin,ae unilsSat, detand:of wy rk:ji Xheeheatenit Ion that: byt:downpart”Qf!‘the?Tits;and: tienjoys avery,dargt tariff |‘.Bivens ;ee eanAmer}A _Jabor|M'S i} gn the pauper labs72)atof ts levees Wife in poins:rl Sede sop>w hereby Peagson wes To [ ‘teats again »shim i the:ahayor’s:MY cairt-wereita.be pus pebdag giilter|ssSyawsetabeimfullforce:GEN ;Beard tn deft the courtx hisrfamiz: phy “robin:riick:ee berOrgeg doy hothiin: Lopatwac Sem Oe:im:yay today,4WwhenbeWkswhosted=the?homey ene SMMISASSRQTETWiofiisfernsilyoyShoriwho.feune Iidain*hiding oH -thet be Neng.toe Catawba,jaits;fortisciteandsaOne NOK SA ae::the Gohiinbia Tron Norkse 13 GSU:i Se e YAdaiyAbDewey”Scutlorneys ‘fave {diueposds. oNthe Store Of Sigler’Raney.at! he.wiley SPT,APIs Astoranecrive $eieae:&y etd the Oficorot Mr,“Sigter. AOne of Plivstrinwirs eironeOt the-at- Pert Po Wo!one*oF tae gler KSv and the.fa.aishedihethiotse:hisac HatespretHohe rtey ta-Mxe Sivler.atavbose:|: fnehed,F Onsalevi thes.“diawonds.BrvSigiey ssaydistracted:for: biti pad typdaand thetboxe“of Pee‘als: teow <1 ats:,Sb plage anyar faSjrainistMasebtiGatididyteir.tuna)ea Shesthe -mpmiowa Pini {te| PObis LOWE.Macct aun eTi:SreeFea fs wrinthe Ae munich seijat. 2 tnd fot {Be yok%. ct ee OOeN teplas)uv majority.ah a ettheir.jobs jrots:-practice o (cr:<inén |Visiot-internal-revenue:inthis state ~PRect it from theirs people.ASfsorthe mouth:of OgtecanseejutPritchardwegld®vavotit Hitst tine thak-collections -ofsthe |{come down herevunlesy hesk ew his}eastern Uiviston have‘evenst ‘sot,in}~)fappointeés were at work for ‘hinand’&oberin:distante®cot the:sd ance se tice jm the”Pederah Cours.Waulet Then weave dlort,tao Siceek:vor. “Counties;thoiwh his duties:“id oath “f tton beat thee:_Eedera]ae thathieis the oneand only min that ty tending a bis Re getolidan:SF org Lparty’ew there.”The ‘tertn of ff 2 Place ‘forecallin together ties.Shute,ze yAa:ets,-amdsitdoes not take.-pilapter4 dikes sannowncibg thefeonjizstion}iehas 2 i £0 DalGa-dozen,Scronta of .com-> isechost’for Serato *Pritthdrd te}. Me Se ", ¥[©oe soars %: ay esspera “tix Nou Kou. <3 Wife ba hawt triedall.Asthds of mediginessand|. ;:rin 4‘Sriega i rate onoye |x2 etn siewe haveererinns gf=Som uamilpto:A lauds :¢ectson haswaiore!aescaotoiedjin pric SeeageriurehesOf:iorGro aon:ae The.-dextaeodWillBebellat aly.Tefen noe men?She he:basaliyea"™naectnshavtipes “heck ‘A six children,~tywoe ;SpRs,ahactacdaggtivers ‘Onfdadgn.)/tered Hts.-Ricky’,stiseg:GtStyChockheASi Bid medicine.:Ay,ebenway:a Kifid ha ated splvngid mec Psyittandinv:“confidence,itt.tienatestusbaod=:f ate the:beith’Gewadangigas:tetsh Ror:foe ONT| wihtXd Vigegary Re Trad?SeehirdVolunteerThlaxtrdyofriemnd,See diz,tedNogetcanine ta,em evont’ Ske behmisacop.ofGen:Jobe Ac Hogan,“TEyusss ae,Sh fay ee sneater.treet::2 vans killed oy Supdey whild cmtiantiy |aehiedae setifolto hersepuive:Phas'2)aneerrr ral ‘yafaetheShersy Israel y 1st"Rs a>}pat Bee iy)al eryriver,oy he =f Seb)5 rie ein=peeiS bya RES Sian ;atagechtoKetkaiBonresoSeekstitresecsRS~Off crab:wedRggan Zatoyiicut was én-Pratt into-Hetweens“tHe toienand 'S: at 2t isa vrepment®“xertala 4uds-. McDowell; ;hesnred vtiears ®‘oa inst “him-wi us ie —eres—; reNG gpiamagad“Steat.wiENS ; esate on,Ris acpi get nM Te ete ell Tity thioabannd delaty wout hy:a WeRe Stal eh:shit aftermedn the they tis Cacelded)-the ‘other sige was a dlacks=bax;ur.by:"ten: chs\dttentitiac ras anpurelt adap omarninveryHisesuposed.peta ASF ZOr ee Beye eyee«< $i Se@ciaMeAKpuuiietion,a soft f ve myer.Met ot te WOPRE s bgiok ,6rbeciatiotbiad,been:acco deine CORRAS arid,chide op”coos ii ,aoe sie Brinton hanes paces te eins‘wtih pant rhe Tye gdh Sehoe “Jade tio had ye A FDS t ‘on Tie e egte ert:which .Wikiesby recog tbeeFehyta ied ang i gininis qatticuh~e Rieu tioe 4 td MRE shineeee ~% OLE EM sea Side osPiac LHe)i OMes: Nish wie SET fa ek ft, ©hio™xAZM eiuy ¥Lure,SA She eS Ey oe i bir attheir ie awe ekiec phe:>25Kak mise Theme oft2 The es Hawi eet airmengosuth Na=t.0a cotnuritice,:andyatNashis’elected ps er ui)less The receipis.“ot:tite:-eastern di? xGeed"that ofthe western $1,500 for’ This -is:thé .\a NS . i } Ro g e y po y cy tan reSy7teEhewolGamageOre:eh save.adesonatefWhewtrain&Ss 4 2onAGRA]hate tour hee tyains Cunt fas SR Shek< -$Xoteat ee iN He KplaiteDGMex~on atS oftoss at oftice,whey pet 3 abetiengwslisea4 a th HO myeeHetSeHowl.if &tesie igiehaegs thy”Presid,Veit,TE ShomeseetsrigsiheSect?ie Was Heyer BONSdevant:ByeTEBEe:lewge:tnd Ather ore”Lien dniSsrioake Refetlican‘der its cae atedto=get"“pHact ions| 430: Ayspepet ever-Vedrs4re;“AeHadiroundperuiai—bieMeera::Cr ‘Weler:%2fopnier se otBLY used Kodol/os :1}amWellandfeeNike’namiiessissSierrasMu¥rax.NeboLtxoo‘best,’~digestiant?Cures:‘all forars of indiessictanyeere.pr Sfribe:it.Wy£.Hats]cbs lie ae Hite S peti: Sayss tt Lthiok Kodef Dy ebatvoe eH.dud iu Vs 3 5DXSD4,Hales:Sane Spepsia sat 1 prescribd} peiceadiggee a Mees z “>)4 ie2“= Pty,og;theadou Gout the worldhewyi 3cheatapéthedy.equal.teOrewateasSERS,J Mindte Coat rCure!Says Editorsemen’pea |Packer,of the!Micano,Nec ‘Speveis Cures Now |4 tiom,‘Phy ae In red k pow ae| LL pty)Tell states =e“Wego ‘have ‘the:TarvextBS ee_complete|line of amS-ELMWOOD ANDO |,” of SFastler:®PIE cared’\nisttiamily’o =%== re THouseldoory Statesvitte;NCH festatéadjoining th ITydS.o Kinet ‘Tract-héginuingat agum, MIStENSC.Christe'sScorsen ry uch se pe ESE aG yy Jester:store, tothe Mers-Ramery.o aoe. Wellandothess—begi,‘pNDli¢road hence Ne ih regssignthie4astoneontiisworthsidéd+Ohthesre life,Meer Korth TRO East's,thelice South:ry DALES|teu mchieroad,thence Souths%West.227ginny.conthining ackes mdr¢ tyeitegt the town’OF fooresvillArunsectyITThySweprsSreeber-foth,iepee &sf DP:Cries.eaaoriieyst >ais=inch rae States iwNONE Strict.Gabe sida,we SageGoody;adding S Y Midd in She aioe:Ge oe eis oe Charlotte 2 ee wl the acters siete.your:wants:Ghows thE SRUEoesDrTne.M:seOTe Comnisslone®,’s:Salevot:sake PAV fctx OF aaienientor thOohtoflredetl‘Geant rendepedtn:thecial,ProctcWitrg:venvitled 1.GC.Christy adminrPatyroby.e-McLean,oe ees pindets ‘to:“8Diddel-tt hut hicauction:forcaston..-MONDAY,DECEMBER Te.1899, wt Ta rcloek;ta ihe fofolliowitix described Pek aBrad rks?West 5x palés toaoa stongimthe=p ,Sopraining @73 2less:“Thos trget 0Ndrsubject to,te dowier biract:adjomy:Qrsttract.Phisiis!Say aisoe mele ieee ee eee STATESWLte SSaon Ta urippes‘an caves -thousands’'frdpreumeria,’‘Srionchitia,ebayalkae‘and,ung troubles 4A tgs >ePSGabriet:aaa others“and Sounded terefollows:“Gabbrix 'Scor-a3 ai shh Rerctheuce South 6%"Eastg>poles aaythedc®’Sbuth 149,WWeSt57 pofes—neste: nce,So Secoitd:tesSeasks!eee,neat Ser soll oOxs +,$n Yctenter, woles to:theb5OpJess, RISt ve at le |.ae t 63 08:“Shae a seg Ber ed ates ee Gaastride.tsx wphe- maple.“Spogticoak,2ut hy Sea otHasts3polesdlackatk-thenge “North Pe ;:s Stake:omSoyth'side of Beat-;Ramsey's ‘Corner;“thcnee-th:SomHy.Sbeondthen es,Inore”of, vroceriess ?THey sell-70héshstockat.balkti d,shence|)Northstz$East'13 Doles'to apigte 3in Ghadices 4Mes?to.ihe RON * MaARKeE?iefeforget:that”we.pay.coutee.heaemarkef’prices for:ae ‘produce: enigby: "Dont 5 ES oe E stbyeer ee eh ey ik if oie‘you bettersSat mRiac Liddy,4eandyoushouldsgall.and eet Ageprices.’.Ghe pricesSOR Mere,r ntand whet these:cap earitee atiaye.these iin-all sizes, ‘Bed roovis Dining:Fotis. th;up end bv GlOsgii, ayers ier.Absotat <3 T..asitits ag rsibie |f.je ue ety n:fue 'bon i a. in ricive ever:shqwar in this.ix!iS m3 e aghs e have thers SULA TAS =Eom “sth, Five AESah Sagat CAD piyt . “They ieee th .old Blacks ETN A ort :‘ s ek oy ag “Biltieads,i eee He 4 ya eetceSeonEnvelopes=Fes _Any,‘Kind 8£6Cat a +esa:gu DS Wieh.you wi at oat:Mat Sees“Respectoale:ve ee esoR TBEMASCOTPRINpTIN +60 ose Rent te Mra: RSE.7 Peag Aw. Loasd,“Et:ecacate mpgseat:lOWweSts:a sb oes Willehane-some prices,‘BeSt taney: tsinas yards. ery,Ladies Vests,&av Bie stock:Jeans’Schoo ath,sg . cour Coffec at Seer ea bara a :TerccouotenTr:apg S Ee »wiitalySee 4 *Inigston.ten,’‘specaiators aJobers.ye igwy ‘Bas Sis,Baw oh2 ehAQuzdenle;P tiasn't “LitEboun&fina’aes=Ret itywend 26 we +Gtrecy.Grease fail Mel peaor.otmokre.x N button Treg.Y ae raeOne A aeeaeLUST tion/f@ panoebaiderWestesnskigucerdoork< pa -_ites Kinet fe. s-Pain ae By NSeS.aes ceed sing Charter ee i with “ood:Fesyns7]>. Met z Meek¢Cicttis, aoe #4 Mi YR Bee Spy Awne eS Blankets OSt5 pair and u pee We.want,tc Ti eae? Ase Cy cn eeyeOVSee + Mi 7pres,Res|places us insha 96.to.not oa Ineéet’pri¢esmade bytthe’sharpest competition. Good Ptints iinrintsS.cents -a yard:Outings ‘ebeap’ Nicefeanmakethem=“Capes‘atan. corh,wheat‘We also want‘eross:ties: ete Carri:_aeDiets teem merchants’sali¢nd howe:and ae wales..paisa ‘ esvereelthredal BILE our Bey“SS Teesrican lee eee Be =x83tvinytthe.a oisSerereweah "=ieaSeetiate"10 Th nusHn direst Bo}.at ices.While ‘thi aststowheretajtehont-sWe save~es +4 &‘3 STs\_Floor,Denies | ~oo bbe Feathbcoeised®sibishe line’A todet’Squarees>s ‘iteTe8.PS Jeleyin ‘and Sattings,oThessBeek,weCay AkelsegusFOR|pos andGomis “doameholdsKootkinaee)eheons niare:wih mpetition, jd Stack ofDrvstone,n Nice iiHineladieseeup'skirprices:Fou ayoyJean: “CLorHincqe.Sikriis no.other:‘place,where you can buy?it.?“Men's 'Suits|$2.50 and-upas high as youequally.as:“cheap.Good’‘dineMen's ‘Pants:yang up to any price you want:-ESIZOS,aad conditions of people::Cabtbe equaled,Ladies dress:shoes‘8cJ$T.00up-“See \us:on.shoes,’will:dovy‘us On shirts...Under shirts: anttopave Towels 5£0:25¢.70D Oebest Jeans.made. ik ot’Sho iS to:forget our home made’shoes;“they.|:“and:‘up,Men’Ss “dress:OU“g000 and “save?6;-.Over shirts35e..2e.per’-lb.o-show ¥Mure y thaoks f Fredy stoeDont 20:“and:up.3Tbs.for-one’dollar.°‘ir Tobaceon Cometo seeus,awill be:Bak tiname-prices’which ‘will please'you:hoping by close attention to ‘business ‘arseents.‘worth of xoods for‘ev:Tess.with you.chickens,:‘ees,butter, }produce, audifyou are:NT] fery.dollar Spent withus.0,buy’seed:cotton “bale “é,driedfruit,-bees wax "gna allkinds of:and vreén anddried”hidesnotwearustakeyoushidestoTASlessadhewitpayyouhighest’cash:price~SBradford.é&Sons.iérs.and General Derciaetsewed:for:Jarness.and.: *a ye a Sber-Roots.» a ye Oe oe“We Lacened{a Blinkers a)fie oe 4 a =gs oh Wire -Botlriin Coats ant a aids:‘for .Skitts_/We wlso 3 praca is Site a oth,BIC :siXnovter’instadiment*Sof.Rage jpst Receive atimesoulder that:has tedg—f Wiltont Velvet ‘andr estonnescoutindallyfor’aes fesaeee Apr tontofo ee ee V netiang,°Somes hai rgan‘Sthges,aa otherimaterial eecole sess:Sonne and Velvets 16: no equal UE.hort:>"ri ope Ho: Robin Pee ee.; -cheaper'than suit-all:“Classes: to Increase:Our,busisrotten,”‘cotton:‘Seed. “AKe call“your:She YSOUK “ATTENTION TO"|Ree Ter.Line =“of pip? hes te’ Lhetalk Sop the es, :‘Gyertalked Ah aseey pSetocy privy.Sis a= Seinor Cape utes tti.and sée US.for:Fitae:or oS:She ig iyaS Say a Good Clock.icheapé ":i will need.one-with’an alapinvinter:mornings©that’s<coming.ot.talking:machines and .tecords, the.keoe Watch repair sandeati 40)ae.a ood dineseeourKodaksREISmadéand’the;“promptly.and:frst-candwillsell‘be firat-clas re you bay oneswe hayeBpphe®oon es shoes rom: ou what we have and1-or -past“favors and |.giving you:hundred a especially.FA“MgsDouzald,oF States =goodies. uc>Sauestime:“usefull “tallstedigone:ou ifor-dis sand an outae So Oe Ourpiceoei =SUN Seton ook eea |“Your Dining8Room for a Better tthink okiAthadn’t you.~gethingroom.should’be’cheerful tastely?fiagie‘expensively expense doesn'tS-.»ToStart with you reed a talksmaefor$6.50 that.cerobablethebestyouSe‘th : 4 play sprig esi stant it,geeeeateey yOu need Chr Oidifférent:sty eornpencing.“2! Boone ‘Stand crit Cae?NOPE:pues Sré as rightas prices ¢ SESchiller: aw Lhe ie not our Aclassies alue’in?Aadinning:taleatissitios(ots of people telineéda...~:eeSideboard:-“aD:Tate Pieceot mentors.anu at:dvtawers;and:eeToei s sepa widdeta aie ~Sees.iBig Stock. s tine 3 town aridcoy nsisting”he Cue ahh BeBroadtous‘igallcolays.Now aie tbe-SeeSPsees.mone}pee imost’four Ur. =Brerythiog goat the “Oh:pees ;ntrye +Weedonitthem.:and we ean do,it.Biie.wt: ‘oof.Ot Ri Dy,ie Popo rn CARRE:=Ss S >» CONOF HEAT CR”<esaysBa ea iE ST ae s tz y e rs . ze 4 oy be * 4 ‘ a |BA L TE S K B S “al Ske ts Eo:age 2 :ta weer Peidey.“Mr.Je Wi. Sob gior|OF Erontr str Nie ~eB ~nedity bares.passes “ube «hi AF Le god mom Sting,in!‘Charla’is:| “O8eaD Ine wits Ost E44 “PRday.S reterwiny Satur ath}5or ;‘ si c k pa d s S h b e : i oo=a ¥ * ‘ tp te . tk s ca r y ( a eS ae s > 4 ea i: Digs ‘pbk avis wil ests eS se. a —seein Ly 1D CY Saaisate 7 pesae:is if le Fate for <Pars:Sstiest ine set rae ae facsaneAAEM at:ee whoshas:fox resid Or States x Sa che aitsciteee ca Fest Ene:Yr Ves aclater ate thes es: ti a ee ee aera *ae na n t ow e St he i eit fee Ry ea CRY =,ae oe Sado tog Sactel MO thy,s Etly ts pie Lavier ae ps Aree pete:SNe ES ee wig Sa tieh Monday,¥oe btn ie %.’.athens a Kien~~+,,7 SeXy =‘Hens Cartow weyT.ns Cas: :pe barsdax 4 Mo *ais a ver,74 he 8a 2Sahinet, mt Re ke ev Wy.SSas¥a SYonilos ee eon y Lees:setsPAW Esty aial>e tgs ee Sots Bitiwchar ee Hie sy M Regee e i ig eala |Aid eee °Sprites Sea+h.Migr!Speu x sSe ERSetSatsesbiiue lop Silat ov dl a©eis Tee Gaehel rig bac’Rane aae "yd§hTE Dohgary sites 'te iach awh ve “nguth’sse Sthochs ithe lite:Bas, A Xn «».Heid ri 21AS oa ity awk iting tierti we tke!et Nix Sow p At on ie aise ~ite Xe ribs ae ee * .-4 Lee Make ahs:saett cieaeal Raotuagos a!Batt Floris arande with Bemagt Fath Rs ante Soot he aSapHeaOvntyeekGes¢ ae igiel Ww 2 VA:horee AF Free PELE:TR TMisrhowbas and is. Re 458 the pst tyge eS etpikeg Boake.4 aS\x i Wee Congnien Ah.oe Coxaa dy,RsQ*!eee fpe‘~ ates —3ore,Cobmstiuatersy FEES ATS DOK |Morefans Dede 2 tew < .- ~et \h* =Seen rF%!|).eAaRS ice Tm daing ani wire, 1&eu Ps Jax Sh brides ather,” 2 ,4 !ey=o Korehshie Tae wehiol RTS 5 rea =Best Shatore,So53¥AF Bice:a Ferpor:3 Somos -Be-)'Ly gettOi vr NSBettas)ae pene,F +Sd mt de A 3 oe vn 7*oF ender dealers.yet Don Weer:SNSae“ee te oar botadw SOHO ~UAGt Massa.&. Si ose ‘RAEaEten‘i att Wie Panes th S Satsbuby!wi Setuer,Jexgtelter o£Sir “Ars Lee we of Bails to in:tewnsitip,ywere ,fsfags:Cur y jockPiscestopdasy aftetneog +‘at - “Sei Sty ‘We residertOTHE,bride's PoartieneeReSFEWado)Wyatt ‘oftitiatifisAeMs les TieD. SSai pe iwichipyenS OF friend:Id gaf vthe,Seeuyerd ¢{thystsieeeeesapgesent.2Phe aehte a aye a eas yiwent te Lepoir yeste st peet F dre Ww.eA thepride’>eitbe’bistpeativd te sopra tia TeThere’jane euemation,Gi -be4athorougbly:oe aries ati =eri tke fpers ne-apnends aSareots ae w #ineecttatngt theaiclatives “andl friends }BwusRream,ware.pres;||Iyedell:ag discussed and i Th atesintoe Tae ew pe Voigt sa ‘Sisster eeinga,bobsMAtheso®.soresit rhe abe:Baptist:‘Churgh:‘et Ths SER aAgI w atlbrsviils:Se ¢whetScr}eee 2.Of the yeart ase:en Fe34 oe:Use os fot vibued wishes:woul a0 >beapartok amss)Rafidsomely leohre Centte Webbapye copples: pigs €akigned ot:haus ii a:GAT RUS IIEOS weehte.£Waitt?ina,“Reabeyattag,Saber yotsints at libples.{ledeie ae Minae5 ‘Desf DONSgeet:NONE tubes ithe wi th:Bart Foster.)5 5,SE ecgkagcd 3 1@ enga mio Was :of nigunkoh,a garage be Was wortMace Guia meer ae-FE.Shlaya-kShort ~EhQe.:omens the ‘FactspwAl,be: ee ou Shapestrget:foe Sin aid BeforeFBim."PityADweHEMETestediSustenilieGominizteepaplaces!fors semular Me ‘Ot:“gears at as.a host Smeatiny,reported thattheyhad pean} :Frets tye:The¥oops S.0o-,q poking sats two pladesdor mneetiug, L Wise.i omealds -aa Ieeserigus tut’Fes eral,rothis-3were aie Son 5sBithowe,opp SG Skfiethe.Bhreka :a ecartagesparsed Sati py btn:Shop.%ng:arat sen cr Leouy5 he ¥iat.“ter Gtmak ‘eens -py“a BRE ‘ccd et or.amips!syAe:WERiQhtee SS.ti yes Bye eadgl Chet large Supe we).pecans ber rel Pear uli OveOvereMk*Somers Ped aie.he Ont LOEathe,nextétern,of 2 \3 yt xe ay an ah Jeatera Rix.*“oh!s tlee Saperigr-hourk nam gisminsedy, ssTeteMoore,lon yeassup besPY“the mish me ae day ‘changed ax lpe=Sturpl yin thegnterestoff ve egrytl tt Creel iG 7 4 Pee a or 1DA.)Orr sPERDaY,SEH3035p the attdrneony: vraetseceT Oe Va +oe,Anas hy hte.Gy“ee >Gaye of Jacksonville,}Springs,hay ted in wapriage 16 Miss he a5P.dataAye &af %gti Prat |stOwe OSS:Lola;AlQupes :0 ia ify Pte oe aX oe:ee :7miyostia.SCOuSigry,.Wast.best many vadeat-the:hospitable rome Of Ss Ope “of:fredell’§fgitest Erg ATE,“RARE TAL:fd,state he bate bigs dius bbersy and ere Jnol “seoni way Friends bsPer,pleas:| eo id emt TORS ‘and.Winnie”charms: bassso ee yrooreISae enterpr ising}yotps st 5 mg maniot Jacksonsiil¢,being hoe gqwe:Ss as che-bodeKoapertor J.Me Dex! asae teehee eps,none?at Florida s-dargeSrayeanoral be a a Te kaox:,Gaey hye ‘Thier.‘Upilosvin gC:S wert, 4 reeled gina ee reesevepeadk Spf maton shih ond X20 1 REN:er *eh Rh ane,“Stgtewsi.‘Ce3 thisey;t acten \Poston,©SERENE ay ond Ned and failed?jude ntni olsohomethas)fatea Gnd faile ah went’ni,|audition,1°bie.house $098;apa}> e:>*Ae Se t = x ane Ee wear Sd,shegse \ Xe ai ;Richessee z “file Abas),Leahy frig“pds 1h,Ow Ry oth tsSats Ter Vir FALE Jase ‘ohJOpBS eiaans.friequs regen a,Par die yodng couple an Ais per the 1 pails are Tappingss “—“=< teStck-Sets oa vee 3 22 WS ies Figs.“Doveninee?Yar)er}DACA fons eo hae Et”3 p0™ wre M -bdaconayeiSue~ wat om escoe my :ok thay 2 store a v-ene tive Of SAAtgs oT a ai bits use of* MT letied “the nitsaw,2 Mes,“paniti/Rave -UeSo,xy £5 Hoonevatulate oyo hpwied tw.)apy ee.reo bosfe:yt nae “WomAt!$0 gaapable'ofassstim <j] oi eh Pols es ©nee aS /Oa,Pris On; o 3 sto fies:The &riots prepati are he apd,maihiamntng:site adianey.off Toit Sate ae eS Shor Ceinte Toy <f sgltn TRADI SESVt deyner’Lo.che asm ister’S NeePadiiaef2Men|SSS aay Belljto”help suve-the}tas.lias Deen aeagAthibrys Me}zFHT CEE ys XE aur.ae M .#ebse,A Ee SynodyhdtS jifoe “Wie-Eatelle Beard,at the hone of!sMeSsts.,TOR eas Beeu visi Reo M¥S TatsSeg bade ‘Suthers Mr;R.GS Bgatdy vd age lett:Aester gas fora tript : n§tip..,Rev,Ti bthe “niodrtaiths.after”3)apples,ae ve due was the officiating;cefepurse.*Layo pretry“gins?nes :: ares welling bag rene cour :Art Bhs?if:othe finestefalk “tor.iste =coup!OF Sogeimis Qwet.seen,und ‘farribrsrare ‘using ite “Thérenis the Larges?cap tsteersaittentPechsportedFantSCoteslastSpirgsyasJmait-of-honor Sig wad Sees ‘Sowd inthis section ver knowesgasanyBy}whe Ty nyttsee8dreupoyat3aaeeS<aphe Postouy ‘of -Sfateswilles “the F ¢Senapeal Lou doople me ~kber D sitting’upto the meteoric, TACO ioe be 1 i¥e Tek Araiyber OL *inyited §fetesot aes ti % ¥eet hide es ayoomattended the.shower pee De vigil oe pr Tes this township.isynot over.one, Handsomely.-¢h-4 k fallewe HY ~~vof:re “4 SSubhess Xqvemb "2 “Gaiiqd?2 ouint ¥.=e “y te si.8Ch fa: ere te ec?cot,faite One eySSesToeaye:Bee cx “Siavkosvilic CES ys df i fae ,ruied>'deCAGaordenceafTE it 9 nee"thmasthery:Tostiered,at the “esiflence Sot the.up Me s oteRSSe pealsto the Suprenie:Gourtss >5 >onfadTjurys:Was:disehaceed ah ima 49 oFLTogk:on the.qnorning.of the ig repo apsassetsWIESE. wt ars Lor “ape a Saitat val Fespe“1%Sar Fay,ek Sun “with hig’sone ar 1d oH Sloop. Te wing to bis hore un MONE 24 Ls ~ eo)Op.GEMINI ae Low:Pp \aung ladies” The toliow ing .:wit Krank AY:Yount:of Pina hers:1.hee of!Mooresv jtivesir this Conny teed motos. ora Apenickd ae Wb ‘ptak 7,183 ibs. e-unainte eos to Malet eo icase‘S*teoyore elt +3 9-02: Ee eyvere NWT “6 Pp EC No,"OX wh to?attend:the Sa’ is week for the hear canpeal,as M vs »Cald iJ FO TENrepreme©ORL ie Sub, =Posstoke Tey bop a09n.ens Lare here ona hunting trip.Thes ire stopping at Hotel Jredelt?:TRS exitl remain.about?.week: fid ae 2 Piseiedchidagebler ai vor < yon?watts n aor 1 sgthe.h .KS VSR ine rien ise nent -thepacettos:+“thet ee iteiout: 5}rwhstowp ee a Many¥‘ok ; Legos ‘from Di:on hasbeen.BUD in Agt in istrtute-”WS she ‘eas 'ED) ax avitat ion? Set pat éx@ited glowg:2 ge ee¥at wc al eighe main Geary,Kite RepsaeTy relat re.wtoptrigChis “bi a per?M eAiheennser,eres ‘+e ~!Oa ‘tes *oerent 40 eotsy Sikes site beets a of the spat.2GS sasorthern Cities: {sooresy ile’s most prominent mer- Se RS chants,and.cotton buyers,‘and the that the hes om side a daughter of the late W. ie mail matter receiv ed at the post- :pens eeaee ee for Licl ys.gz.:government free-matter,. ‘‘a aS ls:Ll oz<;pouches,%799.1bs:8 oz:Fed to.” 9 oz.~Amount of |g new fence on the westand.south the lot...€.ne lot ;...|sezond Sundayin next month,s S Fort |cece pmeamonia. pot cna eur xe PNA:Sige naw antich better dane 3,Foe MeC :iven..of-Mungetss} te <Hieaad Juuius SBiictpfl SLGhSEOUe ie 3 arrodgdthe Tunes “a ;miSheele wel}Soe sl ryenstiip;altds»bi getEe Earper,of.Greensboro, oweneportad.changes for~“the “~petter”ae é pndathonJ Mr.Parner one-dfx. ingmemdeys ofthe:arbagyt pong otthe S ocermadea“midre Brilliaist ° 3;Rett i :. kare Bi FE:Loni delurnedSondase ‘Tormediatety-atzer.(Ol tne:£0 Ty ste Dekeutothy thalelt-fora:Arip taf yyes “The-erddm 4808)and passedon the.bills,Which’:have}. comme before us.\Owing to the’fact ile.for one month:“We find 7 Pipoark..he has "uer2}A List,éliss,123 fos.3.025,second ing,that the guttering”is .off,and)” povpASA ylass,471s:10 oz.3.third_class,.304. cuaitmattersent off onrallroad,1,133.‘Sdes'of “We.‘: hoMrs W.We“Rankin is having the ‘eommittee and found everything’+0 good order,except.the-insane “oirly os dave7,Bsq owas unabi uct’Services in-St.James Episco-|that th ‘sal chufeh,--Barringers’s townsbip,.negro" next sunday.morning and:after-ara‘respects submitted;- Ss ‘eee ae Rocktaeer “€X- tthee“néss:of heriy,.who of Ganger.ft e A AtsDefing Bf Hiddenite;Sloaus, Ee delPiated,ei 0.his-bedside.f “to bevery.weak : tates Brivhtest “Né~one“of:Tredell's: es “HisDySo}YShort.|sgn ae here:oe a e?thathis eens?ze nid or willsopr -t e -éba ae,@oud BOL “com eh:aei the’‘better,Sh aX pe hee . Rebuiondwheresbeb tending thé convbution bof givers ofthe Confedracy.Me see “horses*whielrt ©~Gori to: ¥:LRAmitte.3 4 ie “ire othe "Nay.amber iar.a ae ayeuaal edna Fues 2 i;nee =ne ap aa ~awed 2 sr Cari ad Ct Olest!amber of Com:bigite nivht of.to-merrod pitht=in “prs eidinr merge “net!Tuesday might ins.aahthe:ae me Okthe.bride:Armgrs readipgr rows’“The ‘estab<|- Sti manent Of sa Jurnjtyre,factory “it Ne »}States vi qe Was foxorably:discussed.thy sre " iGet,patieteangie Scot @ npins mewith thes‘auekydiister,whith is expedited:intapeas “e |many.friends,inthepiiytheir ‘futures’: thinking of°=ptg*site:payséver:be as.pumaand Hobie}(TBS iyGES “Breneh,,.C. {tir pasen°“SS:fLonitia,Wek Hart te Edis ‘teadeer Py isi to.Sou beet fruitless,Wetli:trys,“onigat £x's:pho Oe va re 4 Ps < i BS Chas Ne vat he Liaise Day wfCourt r ’x .>Kee +Ob t.g ‘TBursday “even +>Cour ajjougne rsday even-bis,ew HOUSE Of. ae ‘eoullties..,pay.e Fox and ah adenihistratgrs;Ays:the Sactherks :a,x a yileays motivu,‘by.defendants ta Fg 4 disiniss thescomplaint;Anotion-over, and the-county offices iy such:a €0b- :Brawley,of Davidson township,}dition we could not:make a proper cd one ‘of moorestille’s popular examination,’we made none ot all: :We have exathined the jail’and find is’the stafement ot}it kept:in-seodcondition..-Thirteen prisoners are now.confined in ‘it. we would recommend that the com-: missioners have these things:attend-: from Seca they.¥ {for"‘ashior onstifie.:©See Se eu Sk es6X ‘eerateso pePeaanias Qu feriaze Hs and.dapgerousl:¥ of lee * haa *hay; doh “otqurred-yestery |1th,©The contracting:>he a4" aes “Datieswer:jdn Rely S54 but her etasione:CUE ‘pea ;2 ;af ANTSCorns]ne aes ixyiipis ragdyeae :Se ee Sete aie iSoulitte Mayot"s Card.by |Bette Xen thee’“wealth sxvhe Rueptsoad-seat ; warped otk pial £9poou:where a was. deeded Bo"tet tthe,inqitBecwlait untjl}Ficxine piers: afters the arrival:ok the *insur-Bi Spe omSa=3S ee solted a-gadbs,oper!bpSpele / spreails:RO-: tricad s. svrite andPow.hes.a0"oe Pitterwith Ma aW-Dé Harsis7>He tht was-g member gfthéIredel-Blues)h pee oe Vand-volutteered.with piaccomees wher if?went to,,Cub,being ed‘poral.~,No'jsone a ‘that ost $:+popular orgayization '“wasabe ver oe shteets aid liked,“Lhe large cirele of;friegos of this youns Beveditt-andbis bappaspte bridé.wish whet,aM that’s’Fos40 Ty e Rev.Webtonh ¢ow having).Re at s odrexDBaeonayan x GS Byawoaatendea theAYR Be ee : a Se braglotve,Sande?;eT IK Dn,Ae ae tally.WeD=Tirner,4 =Miss Midarie ‘Daywault,“ols ‘Batitun|NS citidr lace,”Az De:=Baggons.Dr-ic 3rierped from agen|ry ag Sale SUP yee ceCarolinaRVR a e “ant ‘Pantersoprsndy L or Lith,,Kee Ma. ~‘Senn ane Bepores ae a lage Pp iceandbe ofganized:- Lees.<requirin:that“the:“Chamber.woeswits|pay>torsecht only.The,Chamiber,|tess rs nigh ine aRdidecided to,se the eters“| OR,veaumeatPoe RY.-Brg Swil’s;and:Soins thei)ley»pt Zao yc! ies ah uBusibessis oar)y.z00d,and cere i reGrid|This‘seeing:Belge 28:0Our,Jittle:wily oe UT cwidiar a wgtore soow::a ‘Mr.J.Henty-“Therpe esl abodh 5 Lettie nd if teasi Sle SISORE | nént-¢“good:Foad'‘ufiaing |in}S% it:was vetSd“to tyke"“Stops.toward thesige-Sk McAdam “roks Way saat | ine Sibley SA ds i ce in tn fori Fad jSbusees fod ti was pari!ik roo)jophe ‘pahk building’anu|armory;that”the,Iredell Blues,offered:‘thé:dse of the ‘anory asd tedszthe proposition.of she and reading /frdopa>,will it Ao’ihgiibers-aty el tings.! ATs halk-wiilepe used.1 ok3 eae Symee fares ae é aL Bosian,és 2k pe ‘AAD SRASPORT sieuess‘“ price sm ithe best.The corm,‘ero PAIL andTaher Litt thewsth 0 “ppd 2Cotton,one?hitde “However,|os ing Si paliow Ribs a sce ae erenety:-dheertul tn-9 a reBi o r deethe car¢umdenysal,iy Aig.aliensbuyare a8 |Bard 18 patee,taxed,Sa s STAT os nt sr elothés ‘=n e alittle teft-wep hce { ~tre At seCor,‘aitk As [fo oesmome X nas”Rks =The.‘ad-¥NewySHulug.ee pn WeAGerss.ee LONER:5.ee cod pice:ontvgttoy cannommake |, ances ‘butit yall beck ' i dor the:fuer Gein”the;Crop. yp “ii ‘; Mr:‘Stale Se e has.NG‘itp!5 “Btates#ilt Street:|: VssTEWO PARE Bros.contesaplate “3 Sat we hy mee: ‘ae ¥or: OANA‘{iadies earscofapictelire:0fgood shoes Si nedy: hy wees Westixche ite‘ene ht ety thems.An,Rog Spc ApS.betwee so ‘igrorens.eit OF Sins yrapce ates oS PRUEaCeaaitd. Jone. ©Setve>isthe daughter:of-one Of Ire:|ee.2 ,iste Mall ‘peice 4 YF OSs,row “there ©SeselSon ‘sahost.jrominent tarmegs:,“We w Bae:Be 2 Gaither,DAs se Bacore log Uae oyeeby aNPe Lpomibively,w: he-salis.t 3 and shall contimiic.to do, SHOES/OF:ALL Kins” :ceaed ss oh \of te ¥en wt.man‘i ‘)rm ae Ce ae Pte Jatest Ss ene Stee 12 ORS OK eed!Wok monarch hart ear toremony News Fees Pit rey My,utes Lee topo g peas,Flaw f Ce dusteprmgassee SAFER AOR Baa!Bet yeeTew br Se Fe ae! fee 5 ehbave justieee tos ‘ioe ke nave ist a is 3 Gasent"Hue.g Che finest Pand joke sik ‘plus teat $2759.O10,3°pes)Jewld spaye peeDyonuk:yujeapes:yore Ry aX, 19S Oy ry ahd ca jas te Wi Ikes and | +Pe at Akee <Fother Bunce 4Are im oetemple at ie ‘Chas.“Ac ebb;tigny.ie ee ak 3 r a pubiber of.our:LeRSol hove:fail}: fendant:ae vara *ap= grt;report astollowsSo a ‘bhve diligently.examined court -house.is “torn “dowd that theroof,needs*repair-| We would.also”recommend visited the County.‘Home™PY) nrd out to teach the “eoung icid@y how] ito Shoot."Bist Godby s0es toMy AR D.H.Bravtley’S,near Mdorésville.™— {J Le WeiSber ta Pines,Valley,Steg of Mooresville:Be:Wooten:to J-| Lwilf fupttish:otter,teachers”near home and at a distance.©= “Miss.Mollie Bradley,er Gala Hillé: Mr_.and pirs.J.Henry Eharpe”re-}) turned.a fewdays:ago from a-jtwo [ weeks‘trip,:visiting relatives “and4 friends ‘at.’ueAdensvilles:Gastonia | and othér ‘points.: MroWeiL.White eal family:“have: relatives:‘and friendsin:‘Davie coun ty. pastor “of thes,Ey church here,} {tpreached:his first ‘sermon yesterday. toa,good!cougrégation,..a sermon}. that was appreciated..She prior’ tracted:meeting:‘here will begin the,: =e like aE ‘MASCOT’Ss new head - e chinmey and house ‘at-~‘ ‘‘Sevonashectt:Thos.a,Sasemser:Le oe ‘went to Charlotte.last<weekand|} prouvht Noah.Marlow Gace ere:to |b “gnarter Ss Be:repaired.© OWSVICKERY; ¢Pith es ire Hee a at Shee quite oe fe eo St aS erya veh|=oe :or “eRe otsterOF parapnee ieee al?e Roe qBoreman. a %get ;:ee E:xuas ae aD orca bse,arriage yicerise yesterday 6 MF:=ae!ee mS Ny yeorve D .. ~is eoree LICR aA etroityoancy e TWoustou Byesand;-Miss:‘Virgie New ee Soh ?nat z ou gill nd.‘a big line.of|dress|© clothing,hhats,shoes,millinery:| baad)hooseturniShipes.at=th Big “|3,|Store—W:thilhem“drailis. itt t L,Sebiller‘eat “Qnnishe yours din-| “ting.ae for Bae anor g yf . :Ais andat:cliéap rates.t “Poston.‘Bros:bave sacth dress goods,millinery otKer,s 000s -* Tae ee seasanableib Ni,ageive tod qSee * 122mece avid ‘24ph. Xcthis aresideaee it 1GPeng galsseit)"wills OS stag ~idewalkin’front of his store house Ge igen Seth in paved WHEEgranite.-™Laura Sharpe,who:by all means es ee ee ee |atic c==2 x foughstobe sent to she aoylum at]NS ioe oon aete=aa a eat esB dail Pe Mr.‘Walter -Culbreth’ae beat Lonce.-Wedonot Say that,the keep=|..Novenber 13,99.Scone ee six fri en ae hie igh.“bins tick with chills aud fevers ‘Bat is ae the homeis at fault-We would}eS er aie rs sl xara well now.3 :oe scone ae eyree and.dumb}.Sh Sas,Sr ee More i oi Facies seach Sab winl.-confined at the Home,be Sent}7...=;See kRev.Royal Sansionbouse will cop:|8‘to the Deaf and:Dumb School.sod 5 pay ORSVILLE SEWS. &“i she —,.Shag os 2 ger.married,eS z :Stevenson and Spare “in Mooresville;“at |Ffiday safter;sub ittting thefi faw-1.Shook’s;aacBe eh Pharpe.goes}+é .iday satter;subtittinng a to Seer i.Cooki Sprig|township een rv ria ~s¢’= aun,”EL.Ny Howard end-Miss:Es ie ate gna estor foi tetin neararnJ.(A.SBox'ss,Our *sehool: is assistant and music teachér here /;= Preturned from an.‘extended =visit'to}’ *Rev.‘NDS -S.\Richardson,the new}> Ore€ we: wae Theyrc Sap ee ee ‘the quit sides u Ty+Stig lde' See BostHhid enyak clothing:to'be'J sos ItePhyou; erwisteyo Pv shatinave ‘oudtne back,of ‘othing for,‘the PS ys {aayotyon eet elsewhere:>The-peonlé.know [2.4 x aie $i hha: ret”.ott Ste retyalmost any ‘ ofr auntRe waite at Stoaps5 a with every “pound :a coupon. “Returbed to us.secures:to: ~you a,nice substantial Coffee. PREEmitt’and.Mills:are giving 5 se “PERFECT SATISFACTION a if:2 Syeuare:“on the lopkout:for.ag DEShere:48.S one.at tas “Ww Te:*moked y Sookiog”for’strongmet pheTyGerkeXin yenre .=oh DE OF)to asia Me 4 One Maperhaps pe Sean”as toe rpg MORRECTED Bu aot“Hoe wots hey ES,.0 wnyed 3Buttewed?ee pets airesLoe x LNsve e -fenettoFthe.078 eee Bae eek 8 Clothes,tet “ye tig eee ty s Pye ape Soe,.5 Ze 7 ea :wie aoe | ouskhat east Saint eeTasiyea |argo amd Fee ie | od ortnaatta,Josie <a;ent spud pg yaIt ye Co es e ek Nave aine Steecbt dRidns,Paleny race og : MRies mut Wiis,aol =p pvfanes,x4Cha!jn gees Mextedtofsg.c a i?Val eeeToker sor.ay B.C Bs rk raced iat Pee sPie coming yyearsy)oaeA ef Seri <%qeshen theatt;os 5 ae pe pee we 44ee ,op >“rates Ay)Pes me a A pe im sede as ith ge Send folls endanee it 9ohBER Hols Ee aa,per ths “Ise Fté'ms Se ax ¢ined St atone ics eat ft cn OF es RPS DY AFA -ae The:Wing standing 2 ptees:poe.segiihy per I ;m ests ;Sn wae ¢oa =wie ie 4 balyee oes aeBapecee ansW.ag Bile ie.a “reuuunal News)..[esis ssnby,Oey é Reg TRUNKS sc Dey eee , Morgan.The Nomar aroing nite -CosFeaponudttte,of “Patt:"akCor,,Pk:S:President.tee “loss:ee -ss =Ey 3 os : osAe SryIsac TeRéy &.Le:Weston fad:“MisssOra)LAINEORMATION AND |oak fe Om bg ete —Sef Stee See:Ste es i xe ‘eet Coie thes aan nears Setzee.oth of“this7 county.“were|2 Dr\b.oie Ht Hotieato;W,ery pies igscanesititsau ae fet eat anlentraa ee as iSse at |: seeee EAs le faethe eons nedthis aiternoon.at,the tesit PE.Raitress,ao CaldasAi cle.Si iM Sh buying your Gall gad owik tabi grods.«zemembersthat:|sears,faecesSS Se eee|e ywSes ors Rasnse Sftherbridee father,:Mire Ab Lazenby.tS po mae aon s Ramtec $51 :ete’im Sami want you Aoseem|wetore you:‘buy.sind I:Wik agake:It:bee ee =L ‘np Te Sy Gites “hee es a ae Sessa [eat * aie Se ae x a ,Ss.AS ipl ysSar Bone Fora.Rev.“Mr:FINTERN ALG fuer feiie ry 45 4 “ep,your terest,EB ce 5S sc n totes W we an 1 es ‘alfa ae gent t ee Whstoft wa voyne,Baptist:uminister pa CREATIONS:2h powpoigye ope ¢MEStitucot emer Merchandseiva!vew,att ¥Sa bob tiv."sell,pa oe a pe SHG oe Q -s at GOPm ={2 .2 ::‘i A +Ste ais mers ed ee ©AO wot righ standidgiat hiskwork,Muss]~.p pe)one De Ni 2Cotaes JSH.iase set ‘fect hi i eSAd t:02€sawige:1S er?{eforeey,eset tae ox Ae t sell yon betted*c irebes'stroods ing ee Hose 229d knhen'ce file.d?ess,t4h Ss fact”. of S$.“atsand CEps:BF ‘eS at Totton:prices.Try.Century Rey?Ape MITE,BeYgood nd difeapspantclowns;Par wes,eke.a:arast gugtintee efrd)rh,ite provbe Inge sth] A ee et sia ie Sate NS Me Ginette bear ry bievour ae ze canes ns 5 Peso Gif es etyx ane zpataeebaertegailpallWinter'sShoeO62:.7." ARS a #4 a,aoe mr Ne¥aren faa we art StH i in seske ‘ad-x Pub the eat Se ry Be XxeSroe”This Shoe nebds no iutrodpetoryus GLARE |Mie is:conceded:by wihty pSb the pe at sos t}xo?BL Reb Fore 3 Coat aL aie heme ¥e oReete Ss rath s Et eeRCS Rice 03 adee ae If he sZyeALN .Doar Ga fone Ry athena eae @cueytfindWhore +~ vi r e s Tee :exnroneAbiesa ie2:PS hyWw e Raf wij APCS,yor miavinige!Me “atsotents.:‘ap to aie me wae a * 5 puns any am aareoN,»~ et eet pies Barrel Thee ahAdadine ,sth at Sinkle-basrel!breethi atatgiogfoetealedeeerk m Eis ee ao Ugg:TF 2 ys-lbsh,«paw ng a Ans 3 r xcell j are’-selling -at WG-37 a TEN.COUPONS. -Both®.Cofiee: hare:we Hane Sold “and “apey se bo wa eth ‘Of‘Good Coffee” And:get:ea MEIN free. wf beoe aciahes’to ‘report.avid ‘all ‘COOPER &Git.Ns opal entrenp-quaht y'which:wid* Pa ORG ey =pees ; + ytcael |Fohit ew.i {hese ods:roeoearrantial te De! va sone ong Shout ae ypeie ko wiheate from “ay “oak ata,Wwe gw oes ~Mar.fe inen,.¥sens satid throughout,and,togives any défectshtbe’materia,or)Wet kmguisiiy a ing:t Perfadly,eatisty:apysrephauenle pe!souse ar ree eee ‘kK Sik Notaitheeanding xbe |fuct t t.shor yh Age ady AneteSed 3ean "10:SS ae Dies?oe qigai yout So Pak the gid He (eee,tt rue :<t fe and be,Se en :giewe ares ahve pBbehiesSe 23 rury.es ene 4Tae!g ccsgbaehsAesae:.i aC)&Miller.Se, >shidhe for niery yt Lartige:his Tega Bes fet tba eR RS » ‘“feet Ay ie by ,«i 22 Sahil,see Nog a:ai ;ie"a &y eet Pe ee Werte CinAte,this adal <The ypu Be oONE t ee : un y.UpELezeta shar.at thamays:4 ycellent) :ke beenalas oa ee ¥9 yell Yar,eee DETOUDENTS.Haxingcour ‘store roman’wore sn cyst aatesariow to on i. Pans EIN, "oolplete Dene SHESotetere * *Oapkes}ok aad Cattaneo.sana by seen fortthet eatue»to be : ry,day.eeame and Sees:ae -anpreciatels :Openings )ng:lines ¢eve “Déasi gris 40°‘please’the sna eriniear Seamer Sige ers “pricessitLG reach:pfsalls.:Latest,:ES es td Saadies. S,5,Bats,aeNeckar 5 ay Mr.Noeropcs,pouty doypeteres ThE ‘-waetownship.feaaiee, +of Sugar‘Leafy pexfotme =tmony.TA considerable +3 prmeena oe cero =}bt ge th shes soto ml Tnereton!a trime2}Oklahoma,3 th family ot th ya esmattchildw Filled fostant hasPod ald st¥e moth thPtalite.7 Pearmsnles:|State Hospital,at.Motgantor:sitar ame teria WateriSWasts\:ate cans at ke sMissiSsippi Tivert gay.Miss S¥akOs*op agen bt STenuessde 105-1 feoected.Wiile.:workiog ‘ab |soakyOsse:fotpeerentee prir-Le Se oece a dur Fees severel:dayssee geassHe <The anNBYO as :rome+9 Spout intere L Legive!ue . by *er us dn.carly cal)Ne.io egies te sare teh nae ha %.e aus P ae y,Tomlin &&= party o-= andthie neat Tor the ie a ee 7 i x .5hdAe3hs >Os ve tcesare.aight:Gol DO.an oe a shits or Over:ptr ees spineto LSE OU es Jo betters Now iss Pie harvest <jotting puyers®.Yqu.welstad put stock:Sb Peer Boe Sa ui x,Under'rear,=eon jt eres Letes.« v 2 aieis.‘une x oes =of FFces..~~‘Come 16 ste as,Fe Are please.io Shes Pee *PNR oy eth U hy om nuh cee 4 “Rewenber ‘our eefae!pomiefi ce Wevie a ip “acthess,poeand santos Atisie br fejoshin icines;:putsold for oné prijee 35e- NOT he:Pills bringimmediaterele e Pellets: ne fone up thenetvor®*system and invigorate. Cainemehe fa Fe ~pu 4»he a> a2 igh :eeeeCODGpNeieseae tt ies En IRewets Ai ¥‘sons.fe Didpateli goup ;re ApRNEa>Sure Digret,Mesatic“¥ 7COnNG ed XS #Fesuig a0 Sad vert ising:in.sii AiO,-Hawthgrne:‘has*been.astakent atthreSoutherb |“ Aivesrie:aac «a 6)rahe ration |‘ERO eoam Patan ¥‘ake ex,uur ot A )Joneda “ere eapeed Ataris ouly”one”mitre:nacepapers “probably Tb tas MMetriinonidl.Fimes,,Gnd.the [sub:Stdepo Srithis “plaoe,after a‘suspen.’ ames;jxbquent exchange.of photos an dehGon af'sixty dys: Jaien NE tees,a Rae lad y-is tes,th) “stan:ee “pick,tf i he Jarithi neothe American trddps. Tnesday.”awas the “Thar aifdir’stuce Genery ise Inparkation |at”Dai; The.“cocoperation “gut the nasy was)cbinphete i ASats maintai ne“a tenritic) BOOTS,while’‘the, “deep through, aheat.Auut’,ond y” “ifte fire,fee”the foeireeoe we Fees.yak a x =e‘ang bes anc .pene 5 wits:ften/:“yéliey:“at. omyer rt bake”‘KertyeR iH pines Wesuy hon:Symmes. Lavinton wasthaeled down.«é in-gheyonse-of .Mrst administrator of,Woe théCestral Trust Company. 2 |York,sand tne Southers Rai ‘originated?in.the Giecuit” United ‘States -for~the lof-Buena, Carolin 4 fan x wipfe Cardlina ter”MSS “at:San “Kabiab. e ROS,Speeetuic Rae rs “dj Couxt ‘ofthe western distr Ao Isat the.Western:rict of¢Norsk :“ponvbardamesrit POF an .ATOGps Tusthe a the,sof,inder=procs ate Two.“years the uedi were (aiiisaftenedicop:; Phe pamvardwel,‘rtitieds Thé Swere piveted swith:banie|: :ow hich:ailariked:3 ‘Mes ea tee w Tene2 ebuilding whick.hac sour meer aoe =o seu ahine gn fa“)who expettsto leave mext Puesthiye theadninfstras ~“Azpretty.feat areok tly latkate rom proceed=sbGtt bis:friéng*who,i Satrapging t j ae “wilh -pron hae ably”76 as farsas Chatfanedsa with pet.Shont at the plac&agreed fuponndhe‘explained tother,$0 she-says, that his:harse dud bogey and:a mih- ster.who vas ‘tocmgrey ‘them{-were#. omaha!the-read?|:yeached “the. Paiste 1h“teeth ; sjunct at restrai ning PtriX:“gudsher attars aysftiseany:dombertib “hoo 2)eh h CRss Ww ee14 She trabsporté ‘aptived i“in. 2 the galferhey foukd-:the...2fumbdats :=eeaa FineCéton a eeeeon salle with. >Commdindyr the _pepseeltion |teensoetatiibatan¢ Rav, and“others a ee thest fieed tose Circulg Wie 2 Goounight:hay been eerival ‘for } PEoutyGF -Appeaisg |10,have thenine!. jipetion set aside,dnd:thie epiniga was:lost shoe s ws ‘down By “Judge,Morris:to:or ofthe:We.ate siitor?ands Says |enue lc they Bedecrée ef injunction,|he wishes its farnier,lady.dove’all apiget.,= ih.the(the-hoppic dss she;cap find it!Nin Pe iene was ‘pelther®farses buy eee ee a,meet nanteaston ES ecias soo‘the.Baja tou ane‘hored’twa:miles cofk,:Shore- ‘The:sun-boats farmed:a,line.“Insidh “othe Helena,Callio and’,Mapjhi (close. With'the firstgurt of the: (bombardment:the small boats*were ~filled rapidly ‘without’confusion by oS “hattalron.ef*the *Twenty-rthird Infantry,gud Captaint” peeksSs battalion of the.-Thirteenth eV hike the linestof.boats the.gun-boats, Soured the:fall faye e“of:thé im batter, ges into the “Hrerebes: ilieinsurgéents to “Ace ‘through the 7 burrdws dug’back of=:thé tyenche?" Nhout-2y-nies held their.places ua~ tthe “eelsaf the bo:ts.ceratéd .on ;Le Hare,whet the Mauser’.bull ets: =SR Copimenced tosing oterhead>: The battalions fornie sd pn.woo orCaptain®Buck,>with Pierce.$4- oe “PatiGn?s COMMPABIES,.| tee Insur RTT onithe left, 3°<eeinbotal ie Rete. Be su tT aebrig diy ‘attienis:tLwbrighyoat)ies ae;pe pate eae ie Raleizsh:oyatmAARasiawaySgrring?i mys“igkoy York Dis atch,que eo Baal et ep ¥.kK:atetgh ae waa ad Obnetvek,|roth. EY “Oy sung:cuvaty anrived:;at the Yar?) Fobronth:cestevaa'y “and réisteredas. Ted ~‘Ke Gilmorey.: Durinye tthe™‘Bitér pwn, hofse and 6u;oy"cartd:vent to tie i AVich he returoed he wastaccempan- ac}.by a youn’)tady awd.»rewistered CWatkias:Goode andes:miles)suppost ipis “hatural <fort peoplé t Chase:City ¥aS".Sa-Thé,was teally,hiss yaine>.ai:his: Wile?was —Miss-rilmore,»al.‘Ohase+ {YPhes“iharriaye Was:dk zune 1 adfair;‘ahd:she’ndme “Geos,KK.4 pidre:S was:assuhied.oly ,for “te Jevéigjn®the’,president, _bef Peace {ystiture,whereSass.Ses mose:wes astuduntr’Ce :‘Phesyours,mab claiihed SRother:aswed:permission)+oanton Mir drivpita oal~wheniti was:Ueydrore-to the home sof£J.Carters whereried,«Gast ‘pisht thee.‘attended.the,Speer Ge fhe SA Caden Tanéethicy arp nh.“att is¥arvarone % TG Ex Bs aioe dis Packiqn dink’the: LET.MY Gi avdersaid ”Kasty ‘Rigbaat,beeiy Envityed tgs thy Young sady"forsdueting-ind:they: ae ee wish AO wWatt topger”tomar Leredps Met pupenty “hot ever?2s neue Rot Consent tocherLmattyntee fe thir:ypotle r YEarKy |o x i 5 1 te aM Where i ia Sitn ‘tiew e Major Cronite's ras CIs ¥oN svoit.foteing” ‘ asa ast ey etl celiange iacross ties ae ey a Hotlasuid =Of Kis:‘etaffe( ae “nanes andy Biligtt #cougarFics<a ile.Bhirtéeuthyane Shiela oe DALY of “the “Tt we nty--tfiird,ark oeteens based sple Heitts:tide r par, hays digte the eekye) -+Ddeabearly desentu ~Saeed’and,sone Spamiakds,Aw he “bard n buftalo -walldaws;apd. ~ho cime shonting defiightedly,Tow} “yard the Arericaas:+* ryfw6-conipanies of,tae Thirty NF ada Skirmish ‘along ‘the,Dagupar® *Hoad with the retreating Fit pings.“ The troops “cginped th the<ratt)}RAISH vecathat Qncier,See umne the’tifietht,and,in.the ‘morn:| they ie mary EX opt eeee| :B den iti the Ty >Sreports:titan Sut bY threaeralWheaton.*estaraplished Sia adie te the.increase10 the {property,“Ys fifty:ern of “of <the:States an in weredse ip|thetaxable BeppeloftheStateof$2.983.2 ferestSSS thetoa it weredse”ies of.sf Sgovernment.s:a er willssexoeedS12,000.0Q0 and “Yer.He Fe_pypsent the:Census"is ‘eeing| te aken-in Cuba?and for thedirst time { "%% =Riss headquarters |ina church, ‘inms.the*house:Srut the,captured:“Pjpinos ‘beeen :with ‘ondyrs,mot i tered his men tHe:wehintieS The inih:abitapts describe’ail the’: wads as practically”impassible,a: y believe:Aguinaldo has’Se-" theSri yachtin the river Loogapo,, re Subig.for uséin histlignt when =tinds ‘his captire is inev:itable. ¥ednesday:was devoted to recon tak:pavers Of ho gounty.bavér ished OFLoSimanton,10 get gn’iajuagtindto.pres ent the infirease |of taxation4 rund:require’“the |fax collectors £0}guished,the.experiment.of.free goy-|.coffectonly ‘Upen:‘thes,P98”.assess~+érnment bi Cubans;for Cabaps;wilt! teasons farmers,mechanics,Logai}went riusiness men”and:manufatturérshayeno”Federal Jidge toe issue.iin- “wirile your ahts Siménton Havastiruch right’ta pretaxpaversbeing?stax _hSsasiment:Of,~489%them wD.fhe Tow :*Santo);Toras ,and Sur wed ‘the 1i“Tipino barracks. raly Buck!Thirteenth went ‘to Sin cinty and disposedof small:bands. 3 SESH:‘s Twenty:thiyd went toward}: wedaleron the Dagupan road and iy ti SEVOr:alsharp ‘fights,with simail ‘They killed eight>men;:Set iy 20 prisSnets had-five’men See ‘iecouitat bi:id to Save'the:railroads 108,Nebey his*usurpation!of aut hprity$,Wen The Santis Tomas road seems *,to“the only:possible meansof rétreat +jadges” aey tare sbedy,from Tar lac. Ty tasuErapts of this,Sections aire ee eee enforte4 iroceeacezatttl at beehas;arcived omer reat soneeanote iy om Hone Kons.;::=be AO Captain Chenoweth ‘and Lieuten-sx 5 Davis,Van Horde and Eeaserdsweanteocompanies:of the, ta recingiter ing: heat Of:Mab glacat, 3 rooted a,battalion of insurgents. ng).cof ‘them. ws were wounded: ‘ieneral Wheaton reports,-by the Ys aniagton:that when’the landingratSanFabiantheinsur: its encountered:Were 300 recruitsicowereontheirwaytoDagupan,|-ere they-expectedthe expedition retreated to ‘the “Twenty--eight ‘Spanish isoners were rescued. Vhe report ofthe landinzvat Lin-. sagan was brought by the |comman=>»de of the Manila,who saw the,figat:|“He.got the geography mixed. it has been‘raining hard through: i Uy e week:handicappivg Gener :,and-MacArthur.© %S csmarentensis the chiefdifficulty. ip.the advance,General Laxton de-’ -dedson the river to get his Sup-}. *s.Thé Saa Isidro;river isfed by ah vuntain streams,avd is aiternate-oyetoo shallow:for navigation:or too Pwo andthree launches one“ossaity topull thelcascoeundvingFe!:*Supplies:trem:$an Isidro,ane =tov ing ssupplies ‘the suey The Faririer Foots the Bil. Sileigir News and Observer, »TheAW eed Says.that the Liseet tt et Myérs’“Company séva out _toith unverwriters that “|deal’for:SF2.500,300: |made'a eool$ the these?parties,Mes yt ie$5,000,000 by the trans fo. saction for they sald to the Ame ri-~‘Asheville Cittreu:oe,Sears aecain.Topacto Compaay for SIT I=;- 0 02that Company then made S12500,00:on ‘the ~transaetion, sold the property to the Continent!Tobaees ‘Company~for $30,000,000 To moke-aFper-cent.dividend, rtryst must «are:$2,100.000 per’year, 4+Where wit the money come from? Watch the tobacco markets aod’vou See:“They the |imperictism does not alter ihe fact.This.ts;weil’:pur..Clevel uid ardMcKinlewdorepresent“the Same element,us shown by the fact ‘that’ wilksee that the,tobacco markets-aud|WoUe,occupying the “-Presidential4youwillseethatthe«tobacco,farny-. ers will be made!to paxthe dividends} ‘Somebody must foot ‘growers’,“of. Head:Soca becu?‘selectéd to-do ity;jand thebetiis no ~présent':help.for on this water: PRIS:calls sxenind a speech made:ina farmers’meeting in Edgecombe’out for:them selves:by Mr.Jesse Brake a few days age. The speakers:were urging thein: portance of more cotton “mills neor the jtields:The Sourherners:giv es: rhis Accotntyok Mr Brake:S original and striking speech:~4esse Brake.zave bamely,ae thee ane.farmers to manu acture -if...He’too:favored-by this{be meant,fartn-}ing cpamunrties uniting?far:their” bettérment.,.’He-toid about cleaningsout,a diteh‘near;his:housé¢..a worms,were,thrown-ost.)An?old:}2 hen began...ScratcHing:\Soon *shie’ “mule.trains >“faySan“ISidrofoxverfrads,nade onl}rtiooFhetroops?were on «short rations“most of t re time. ppkavision§the¢cguatry Silas ‘are>.Spice,a Tew,chickens<and buffalo.“~Tite officers carry:asupplt of <ash|5torpay:ithe ——Tiberally’{or allighjands”are’coolaudthehealthofthetroopsisgood.UeneralYoungbas:captured an- erlarge Share‘of:fhsurgent’am: ¢‘munitibgs —of:war,ae:Soak they ‘were obliged to-Iéave-ibheirhurried|retreati’/ rthuris bringing*/Supplies®ihe use’of:tule an “th:ayitake-,‘Pheh ey ?would,take saNinition “an watch ed-tais:prodecPehate for, Geter’Mak time?avd.then called"bisW Jiesson,«thatlike.théfarmer,SAS.she ahout-.du-}J earths worm the ol#dominick takes,;leaving-her “just compen £0 keep!mee 5a pes,by ajusty bP Sootoisecack along’the fontaetdiscovereéd,Striingly:intrenched “Before,‘ving,with’,several Canndn,and af‘vapid“fre.gun,but ‘ainmusition,ee“sMaj.Bell has.beeotadrdaringexploit:ith fivé officers:and\t=of the:Thirty-sixth .folautry-indy‘Lieatesaht Hagkins:amd-ten wien’of:hy,he:.crept:Bex, ae Pi d =pe 7ewigBabbed,‘theee2 A!“startling.De.Jom Oliver,“of.‘tiea aae 0oS Backlen;STAT Tyeae Awas the’subject,,iis-anarrated-by Bim‘Hasfollows:[Sb was:“2 a mostedreads|;fotcondition.”.My*skpe:Seaeays‘Fellow “eyes:‘sunken;iaesRauallykin\.b3 they.are eee° “n engagedin:ap-~While:“Scout- ;ES Caxa“S bind a trench’ Pit inds,rod21néd-anid meandes tee:ie aay."Three pbs oFortunate-f — St agrapat aia Thaw Thee dyche:;a 3 y.ea andaupetepeetenesadeae-| Artiniter AF beeo7arichadvised 3p jow her eetdthe:grave.of blood and strong:nervespnesshould4up.your health;~"sy to-take.”Tey |x.G@uarac-rthem.«©ply 25 cents.”“Mépey bacqrthis:“arse fk sbi aand -See; coleath =seSr;nd Co,aiatte aisaoSmet we265 bs Pa y . n Ia ss eth pad-sotet “tamgrrya crtigens ef.thatthe ate owwhito vysess! Goodniett.<forins ba ty ‘the Southern ‘Rats,stared z the.advertisements .Seon patetier'y erealter|:ghoteswere exchanged aod}veonre: Ame whayjwasat,Seesthere-He are aewas Rept payti,recent-}short white:x “or wad kiheds:"“es perl cutt.fo r idamazes,ease tf it poe Superior Court of Rowecoun: ts,Ne ap avendjct for $15,004, Way.reatasned:~‘Then-it“was thatt he}Vista!ory. {Sout hergetRail wars obtained »from"J ude imentor of he hited StatesMs be “o n live qvben Mero Thor sens d hrs brook +? phinbt,eneduh money-to pay fare fer. |Herel and adorhey ‘from?Salisbury } tothe yailvadpaint.Sparesty)Buena Se A tiend.‘ot tye prideto:‘be fas in}i it hyperpa Me‘Trealizing than bis.suity eeon ot Sm Si ee ees Paks “li “Fignugn 1Tee prt:cSaba.4 cep: yiry“y “The Eator€ot €uha”Sis WB;paper: by Mat “Benergl -eitzlagh-bee2|wehichow i Liappearin The’Andis pehd- wentfqmorre,ais.‘fQhows;”“NityeWhenwill:the:United byafeesLevacyateGaba?That:is a questtony seppesée that frominy peculiar,facitt-f ties*for:observation inthe Sighaird,mivht fave some “gnowjedsxe,Or at “Nebertheless..1,have;ve -gactt} Lacwieaes aud no svtehopjuie.With] the-very Destewjl}qu the*part pl ours5 i yvernmneht,7a despre efor"-kegpsits edges and”leave ,the~x hatatants’ in théiry-otyn,cAWALY 5)there aremany4 Peete the way fwithdrdwat, and:whether’‘ory ho Vhaye\in the Jas six*e midnths-mat eased:AEEwrardthéend,.fam;duable-tosSaye >“Merdcant say that durigd,,the:"yas oix “maqquittis,crime has:“Qetrdasedrandypeackand-prosperity dre spreads ane,OP LEXI Sire Tpit creat tatasure. Thist however,-yceuis atatteibatablé an thes esenee'ok,the:PuiteRStitex Pmt property,holders Jan.gorserv ative Dusidess'm¢é!Asis‘famststay:TheCubans,themsélvess seers Agtbe=versecthurcly.,divided ay ri pihion dp.to,_whatoishtabedode: -|gomeewant an.Aidupendent jrep hic :fitiuediatelys @thers;tinsist’)thaty” pa shopla “beanhextédto-the TWunit? edsSseemeto pivCuoHositive opine Shiny should pursue,There is,a 2.)Courses cn “he part ola,maj rityateofuwlerstangingoftherditie: weishall hayé an aceurate ap reliac[f ‘beliewe:“be tried.Precisely’‘AD what tocality-or i what orth it do! FT eoveriment toudecide,and kL bavejob-|]thinéd no:information of,its-iptea:. ‘teats an.the angifer.“ Wf Orsanize:andayitingatp &s gover meny ‘tecompanind hye gorbians Impre-enr- ‘wishes:~2 Antilles,os *piness -and'prosperity form,;‘Se y eeht ce —=_-=Saas 4S phe,Sanie Element:,I IY; 2SClevelan’.‘and VeRighey”repre: for vit lsens thes same eleametil sive Lhe ‘Payettevilic Odserver.otrhetr pres:ent’diverzence on.thd ©=hj:at ot hisivhole official poser aairt iuthuence.tho]te-clectMKeiniey.~With-Cleveland as.With:McKinley;it Tis the’once. power:“and the:Corporativin®:power iN ea Bicft———sents : Raligh Dis;matels,rot he 4,air i.. »Etias Joy ner,the Dowie:t Sond today,inrple.:The dropitell.at was cut gows.in 20 Shintitest sion.a sbA:Bee he:ouly:vas “cuitys:Sdotwithstand: mg the immensecrowd the bestords,re érpearl r a PES 3 EN Yna:at & ey:wilt seats ‘hottible burd, mica Satve,-:ybest~Tur the?ayorlds: {Soler W.F-Hall,Jr,suticatnes ;#Fy:‘Yaae asburie: Oxy Feninisase-tinsye o ttad neefriehas., *4s grasitvinie “He‘was déposed |Min-.Withoutanyapparent,cause,anditsAYgreat!\aeploned,‘by.the Atizens* it she-basaver,S eeu =e ef f,this tewh and-comnudity,for he,q)SaettimeageMre MoT.Phgtoy |2tyespertect satisfaction to the pub=:b Vistas Sino.,¥advertised he “with:ea he tiad.to deal’: HE.Hudgins;wha:wis.‘senttt:awthorne:has sia.Cure Digesests what youveat:ee is tieterbaitfed ts ‘Ftis the latest discohunitgBlackweldetyolaanere“fo"‘peliete Me.ead‘tonie.Nooper pepe‘ walsuid:yadgr foreclochres Av:atsonvill en €Whis:“pounty%:Sy an-i ‘beet ‘transferred \to the,Chief.dis-ean,‘approach,St7in’:eficicnch Be yrottice,AY -Charkdtte:.Bis seantla a lenesanceermanspepsia,<I searsitulencepour:Sick Headaehe,Gis~Patlger realtect finibys probably Sor Ea v2 are romdy,Saneent sigue s ona Cire is phe.best!reme- nice aosoeleage™|,np ever ise des medi--|> ajately relieves:coughs,Trebldse qtoup;|: as As odes hou “au throes «and.10staippé=sana throat <an age rou rants:PE#ne -§Bad.Affair in:Aasopn:Yoon Cowntg.Oy fare adepbord MescengersTyeltigencer,ie a ~ SNeKsot a ‘ery distressing:atiaix.rathks inpB1Gulledvetownshipreachesus. ‘ems that FastcSanday night:Alec ‘Senator ast Ke Sees .re te \westerh AYai Sportattan tft the A}Aadieés;{Shock “aiean appopnunest eh a oer is,Mss.Raséoa the:19 vebrold.,oh se eof MrCCM.Gaddy:toitapawayTheyouty‘lady|* aeW. Te It }-Detnacrats,..t)~Roe -No ltrdubles~"ttepi£Leg =|WekHalls.WS Pragaed arrat;singh Mow athe ue es ectsesby folate made p-Dougherty lies’ise idemarty,bin rer?Le rétiredin fax=|j propels tie.oldes “hut Shott,ob”one} Ppretext “oF “ubgther,perstiaded—or # .pOsSOy compe led—thet girl toi:go}7aywithbiwrupdiltheyfigallyabostf $n Clotke hus:ie orniny,“arrived:atMA:“gifan,*Bere Short,took hertot Ete howe oo;eth ACE Ltroditood hep “as”{Mondayqnorhing:‘Shout gesertedthe oe ‘girh ate YcFatlan,{Boing Ie knowswhére.=": tam very ‘Prequently'<dsked,°anQ’\1 p-Mirae Gaddy,<then be:Beereredthewbsence®of,Mis eis be.ae wie Shehad clay.AawaRK tO”-Short;s and fis’‘rodignation,aad arise eks be imigined svhen:Bel" teasesame Opinion,abentit.t es Hearted ithestrut stptevof théxace.*rPutsday-<s0oenraged,Was he,‘that he: spiighusiateat dis,with a double} barrel shot gin?and.haddie foand|"*|birt 3sere wouldjrobably BENG.be m3 a job ‘tor the,cor Her:<Negi et 2 VY 4ye~her|b (Ctbato.“emoy their >in eyfendence:es woe g ee tL Y-OQr minister, Be DeWec Wieog Ray itSaye,od heartily reAtinuteCéugh”Bub?ThyetielYoriedyterelief.in: asthma,+Pléasantt0,take”Serer]lites toquickly.cure all Gouighy,se[tbroat.abd ong aroubles, priginal:‘patterns:Sk Your --silverwate will.be: gorrect ineveryway iivaigtaree.zandjin-| his:Avie,-Early, “|Rogers Bros.” :"Thev iiusivie Eaginlatire ay Oe! Se Eb Os:Bs » é 4 Urey,Dy:“Bpbiish,Goldie,im: TAL GLCeS:so bat es:Galishe: PVH the rg ©Gist Ree oss ceaTheStee tibicans,dud shee nites akd>-sutfrace f wast *tiaty’thept opgre amendingnt:to oue Stace constitutionpurlidisfranchisealmontteywhite"mjen:1 a Lise WOH as ifiverdtenesrr Soakfutdtionofgisthe,win ofte}2 amendment’.soar ‘that yfrye"by the words of tiie aeahdmentg fae im Seecontinue,the.eee Batisin Sentg to”his.Aire:Sudopen amherlain’Ss “Cokiey GK‘i Hee aes Trboea -‘Remedy :Aldhuge {16 seid,refubd Four:morey iP sousaped eee WOE Satisfied2x!terustg it.JTtis ev},e i perv vebe te-adinitied-ta ‘be:the”:“must . 6.eeu“reine TO:Seocoe ptaitts:sad :seen Y_one:that:“hngeer fails,Iisupfeasant,saeand. iy.cue 6 oy i : 2 Sebn if Ye fatt.:Spf Walt niabiton,|: Nicecidentiy.“sho and,aes ifs noneday.lastee \: ReOBS;ea tor eae i. ae Ne—SAYS,SPORT ‘orgnchitis,© 2 ee WksNe hye ee Ie “Hamby:ig s Be tesaite ofa fie Poi Patterson:caloted™died.set :Sity Station.Thursday:Sheyaimedtobeli4:seeA“old; ms Han Ty i a ars ai 2 ae es Ge aa ‘ap whe)ae Cap1:76 imigon:iswellknowi yaehteh:Tousfeb.troupled/with ;bowelsands.ad given te:my.) in-evey Ci ;Hor sg “xe \y (ial:oe ot ‘whe agehgnrent Say “thate thy f~taee orsection of the:dine aoe beeopstitntiondlandrwbede|37bytheStipteuteGCotrtet en idea this,gould.or asolidbe"dane,yetaapbesstissttiat Wt,BesW.hena doneaS a ;aod poised will fo:‘do wiconstiaLXéep-theliver clean:“by.“ustayweWise:is"Little EarlyRisets 2sad ou]4}wilh voiSiren ‘They’arefSmous)_ fades Sef pect F TenensOBPAR:assétsor and |Hes <coflector:Bever xa x SBS aii tlie 80th.life mile stone,sa “prghtieeSo ere ces)has don ‘ie Figood.5 1 suiteru for yearStrom |Lem andnervy he ‘theg#t“ttoudle’;C: ou h Wont’thal:weary,antl used-yp iit tHe froma?|2dWeerépeat,)will “thie I,‘hutlicgns’Ling,bad no ambitiodagg shy Work seerieda ies,owwhovpreirith td be $Ot podk,HietodiS-pPm*s Ped St ates Sand @reat=numbets*“Of| see CONGer Ring “theparh their cgun-Jaimntd ve de uhpment aon nie ae ee refomatewitite°whe Pie Reingeatseeertaity!¢ae ict *flasbeenipone 8 on aN f oes estes ple etiumeration.Whetttatbas beet MW ill ‘the:Ry fablicdus?Ce hded Dr ‘Biles’ afbbttle windersburton,Bh friend TeepmmeWerpingan@-I purchase,Stcts Tebya tried-so inf iybemedies up~ [thought if,no!Wse~'But at such especig terete White ay ens‘fnfnchise them: wend:reported-ataeatMiaPeas 1 Kou’can aud tenor whatform <onl" constipationzand liver, Bo el'treubles._“oN *Ball:2 We ibe ort Biboicoa=ae woLhnot Se a matter.for qury”Kciveae:wresttst Aedp,a goed ay +oe “ter"enengetio healtd.indigood‘thedicine,Syma a WE‘one.eiighivnhe tfullpactoalaesoete rst; %cactory ‘eXpenlonee.’tae mA-PraMilesRomédics gy teen sold by all @rus-sists:under.‘positive’ PodraritecpHirst,beDbottter# bereits or mowey.rea CNG Svet ieee ‘elie,abohimentitakainstthesapropdsed™nientenent-t&erbreat that,if it adopted,the Republicag Suprenie!Car re eulk dexclarethe,“erutidfathey : Faun gtitutionaleand-th IS!ulaeedeyiNiteraéSebMiCnien Bree pie %=is.Sear nonbe &¢bicha,sure attagcpsoodvaquglities-b.Dug behemed §,to-knowithat yeople ‘8 fecerywhere |ke.pleasure IssFthbiryerience“hae “the ase onthatdsslenidid,medicine »andiintelling ofHthe®beet they haves“received?Ax 7 Tf isS foun hat the‘Cutan fcao't Fin their Shagat “fhatesvill protect’Hfe and prove rtN.goudonbiEyie~ek att withdrawn Kallowe't remy tp,“ort “rd ad df .See CePearlpeeewon Sa pathoigndependehce j{ ve «ca‘The:néed of ‘the eoustty,ig Ethe abolition of the-whole:SPRWD.C Bederalfjudges Speer when the!established or’ dictation of the igth&e rue f Eitd-of SyCohate wheThenwilltry*tu~lis fratthise*them,|“and Republicdns expose theig ‘hy.pox’ acisy-and inSinverity wheelPulte pes | tend to “be the®Trignid of ‘ilité white-meny.“and at hie «same. threaten tohave:dvchited pre,imeSetyprpvistonorpro? the:Demdcrats seek| Asis them:“for”terainings their ris it'to vote;: seat thre Bdart barrassins:.than ound iS ny best pnérves free.“ wet ¢reed f Jes 1 * OSB at:pr Ceaeklo3S die «tees uit attejnpts governinent,ure merely Aertel and,Jenobeingd'prophe?,Jaw unableto “say what‘thefuturé holds for the)Pearl of the :|wlonsbing coughs It ris: -Missiestppe lace wl dy MCEMIEatutiona),the og Govern "aE sincerely:hope “thas it:is“napein“Ahew greatest abundance,a in highest asaT‘hy piissend Konguest4 Cgata nNOL.EX press the rapture ‘of 112>Howard : Asinte L.Sor ine KitsIsert Disco's apsunrpt!fan hadcomypletels: cared fiz ot av hockuig ‘cough’‘that f vi 1:any years,b ivind th bie:-|-iw male’or female.“Relieves retention‘iin innnediately,IfYougwant quitk ‘reliet “4°Pand.cure thisisthe remedy:?Sold.by.STR SfateANDERSON.es ate ie.IN:Cn RoletBadeLifea,burs}. mysdies aud doc- ee could wite.bats Le:help.‘but she. sav's-of this roy ake are» inoyed the pain<in .my bhest and’¥ cat onw Sléeqy Soundly, can,scarcel yvemember oNng detorg:4 chair’by grace of the:Democrats af >tthis Country,Grover Cleveland used| non.ph seiclen this ph is the oe ireyfor.consumpti le ee ‘answer,‘*(~Nine out’“of ten wall answer:the same way.|seYet:when ‘persons haveconsumptioniheyloatheall. foods,yet:fat iis neces:. sary .‘for:their“recovery:and!“they et take plain‘code}~The‘plain’oil dis-: _tazks he Stomach,ahd takesaway’petite:.‘The dis-: agreeable.Bshy”odor:-and | taste:make'-“it almost unen- Sometbing,EH throughout the URTY ‘everpone Ww ho tries Diserorery for any’ PUbroat,chest or.} Trial.bottles free,at:W.Ff. ~Tr?‘s draw:eters ‘every boitle| guaranteed,ey yr.ae5 New ‘trouble:ESE ‘}fitst.”The vovernment ‘must take}care of them and the people vax ek Es Weekes tf be:without DewNites| oa Hazel a e for any consider- Be Rbades; ~~ital ible for.‘piles, chis,se Skin ‘dieases.~-Be-.peas et,sconatelians:© ane Negro:Hanged at Greenville... He s <‘entes feild: 7 er,was.‘panget‘avGrbengiile’NC»,J mm the Helse 1195,OUD peo-|“add life x oe me ees “eeRodledthesGane" H singin aeUd Ry aye ea es ia of WestJe fTerson,O.,.ee ee Kb ihag mdi thg-ffom Rectal =be #ould-die untess,4,tostlystiomsyastperformed;out?he~Dees cay prameseld swith five’voxts/of Buckfen's}:the-<curest*Pilecure, ombarth,andthe,beat:Salve*in tbe}:world:£25 cents”a”ok pond: Pys we.Pe Spel F " pwas ‘€xtincetinrz niin ytes.-Phehea ‘neck.was broken in:‘th*fal.:Pen bods slidwed any ayL shih ©gonrptzy “The execution”Was.without:mis: hap.“The cousemned®mai inade'a r was joincd-by a ;Dominicker,”?wha:‘Statement on.the“gallows”that»she“the }was ebilfy-of the crimes and.tHatt fhen’exposed it”by.scréteblog:ne He]ihe other's were punished”‘for.it*phe} +fsunis Satrn fall Of ignocan th parties.“Numerons questicns “Hered a)‘H Iss Bri a |aid ‘Bettie.t-have:Just enceat asked bine (Oy.the purpose;of fowret <[ee ay ecingtoutthématter-further’.Dut be te firmly adhered 16 the st‘statement hae. ie Tae “Shot jeiryent,-died Tasty. ee ‘statemént! EShovse,si ig Salem’by James ursdayi,,He ‘ntadle‘befote death to:the~effect-that He’.,did notrthink the-shootiagywas aeci-|-‘Yant pa ‘the pistol! fired:oe and Jungs.oe>Fkebad taste and oakpeteecbees:sae ayegee itself ap ee z dentak,as’B direetlyat him and™:hee a KE right ratBlunder ahsa has been agrested.<we semetaetheprot,es “Phe “ApIcdepGad 5 ds entipd’by-al.‘poor,>dvs nt:;RwhiiséStomach aad oe opiel 5 Ballast te pain,and “promptly h iesCurésoldsresfeverspres,7 ukabe—boils;.fetes;-eorns.all _skin ¢ eruptions.”Best pile otreon’earth.+2sorder.“ATE Such Should Beweet 5 Only 256.a box.Cure guaranteed:h :De King’s New:‘Life Pills;tbderfulStomach-and.tices:ResheUeives~a:spleidid appe ‘UW Sr.ooenilA ts.t> +ei ee Bia uufuseiMisis New Life:Pills ‘their matchléss méritufgr Sck{wervous héadaches.~They nake.pure iffnat Suva ‘Sold by.Ww."Fcae ‘digestion Bnda pei boda<hatperfectealthdedereatt:ipedn state at Ww FB.Hate| &‘thatisgures idk ty Jeav you,if°5au [thotsandsof ©Sulferérst have.oved|fs ou Nurhd‘baila “ 2 u of:Cha nfberiain’s it:ot ‘Gad colds™MtE:has,cubed,.Uireatenéd attacks‘ot.pogumer it s ‘ayerted:and:0Of:divenuevou 4a. croup 4and ye has:caved from attacks'y: f EBeaes ‘medicine no)Sale parexists.Soyer ee Se Toledo,Ohio,Thursday-night ..The,jaccident™was:the «work at.tain : 7 wreckers.Ailages Sete Ra Cn riiseey,‘is eeeee go AMERICAS KIDNEYCURE.”“Itas.aogreat “suie.prise-Om'accopntof its:exceeding!sproinptness.an relieving pain in-bindder,kidneys:ane back, of water No,jatr ots but.“Job printiig-that will?Spy pléase youl:We intend :to give jour gus.fF-toifers the best that:-cainbe had.for the™~ENsnoney...Don't“fail:to Ree us for “your “FFnextorder,»Remember allour .work-iis.guaranteed and ifjts'not See ieeveryreeit.cost you rothing:nistNery:‘Respty Stelingg Plate fustasyor sigas® gnoug e ete ee.Neb nes Be eae druggist.eeeue ees »y Ee connie.arise 1 *ville,ThistcomiyTig tie oc ee Fri eae Shy : make farmers ffeet spews A ES Bosc I =’ “are.not “Workines:ea a GEREN ot Bares . Ning.et NREaC een Sse A a a _wel eet MiSis qThase jute:avrrisked 5 ern.maiiets ”werk.fe,Gear a a ae eee fave eosfe Se F ag es :;Jot}(hae.'S 1ORS i:gS SRecy ee at | ‘LOVEE ;=and wie ¢hoaennse eed AN ) =:.oo pee pe .eee Sc banana ois oN Hj ereAtel LMA ee]Frick B a .Merci?bee anfentibed on Be en aes hie per saetoSon, ath SgBeechSed.eel Se oe—nemoa pert Sepia in-dar pf eit re This Nove pirat ise datejor:Parte oe Aeeodeest ie:fertilize ee ape dae,“Laskmbito'serk!teESwaitforeortaty:srateepine 23 +3 8;ag <TRbsist M1}fee wey eles ee eae anfED:ae sepeaace4ataen)of-Magnolia So okes lersigneéd.dresebys etyrsiushavibg-claimy againet:. <4 tO! :ya S$tocating teadesfat.ae t nihthe same {>bac aqit within’ve ara}.Seer rom.ay: ‘thiss Ronee:oro love a “TherCay eoverdinest:emains:=e :‘strictly areata‘Byieisn-Tran yaal,wars 27 te Sa m ayes ae reneeche,Goat Nuistda:Cappers,oe Pres They eiWecwaD:Gesdent‘thea Afi ta asicontmanderot “the:dat caparet thefamausTrrebrt- ‘Uader:date:oO Not dtecy “HV 18QT.fron Vr ‘burg Bechuanglaic,7° ye Wil es “Rétorestarsiag’on.tbe rh =aes a paisa,1:bonsht,a5 geaons hagwing clajins against] att ‘the,ae sd aR Sone"‘eit ators soars aeonsae ite “ s e s 3 “hts,oom LB “Case it.proved > ie cree GendeeIt-personsthaving Class ies resent henry tomfiesPotsotsotheBeprthigevotice=ayill bePersonspnsebted: taeDS ECRa3y 2 |Aiome on eur uns,%: good.chapee.the tats INIST TOR-D—B-SeeradATizkibeth:Miers;deceased,tor tre pur Lease _mxking-assets,I awill,oar to xeUdUC.| ;the highest Bidde=for cashdoee-in Statesville,N:ty |MoNBAX.NovEMIBER:20TH,100 Ffete tof land‘itt EniomGrove GaaeneTako¢as theJerry:“Myens|5,jdwSituate orth cast side:of oe z couseeae360weresinOrevor.) sitaay oh siete ob tae a ae ‘Spending dee SOs a via a‘ ours.|Send de.tr cit ead : directions fot worl ihn *xratonce.:ater eae :::{ :“:,oh Lartied o ra n e iS x ||WingosK er C0:“36:No abaaree:Wact Af cickelow7 Sesit be.perscts“OT aD AsAsapuiised aor fe Josey,Béoeased,ee z i=ee ee a‘The Saepries:bor any] all fantiliat.with:“the ional Oy goto!3 Ugainst said Loypr mag NytpowenestforeeSeamcehswithindavelysuitdate:aesaye sort,will,oer fart OPKSgng‘,om :243’Be oe te Dy.F toa eefot ix 2aS Cents apaid:Cott ; hatkteworth savin Sad MeRespe:May aa -prepa:SHES esSpa NM:BRAN PLEY. be Three.persons:werekilled ind?20 . olhers:badly hurt in:a -wreck=near| yeoeTST2 (DiGteessingKidiiey-and,Bladder erase re}:Pliexed iysix hours«by:NEw:-GREAT (Sow TH ME evel by ‘the Soi yt yeaeof!Reatisate. -PPURSUANCE.af:the ‘powers: the Jastywill Sud:teStamrenta~deceasedthe tind ¢eenots ine,ep sell ‘at:cre f°Rewva Ke Se teigne d:-M@XECy-court He nto the. ,MONDAY:DECES‘atirz olclock,mn tie to witestateinBethany,chow =ARL.ieee iE Se oe ithe paaiechy hee wea =Fast z>thts”ceaStoneoniesTox.ad:a oherthenceSith’saidraed S01fsSatoVue:de Snag.:Sohamore)Or less.se i Nckave,eG rs, nee the®‘teeth;buttnotexcuse”the.Ynals wie Sain‘Galit#so.painkaily :SBR pep ralghIeS:ee“eX pression’so hidecys)::ee Fis:soften seen,’ih pep yt ficial teeth,ay Grake that’areszhem ORL PS tiows.Jot.the.‘teeth ea Ves‘thatit js!poss iy ReRekHEardthelisgrineg’cS eg:<3 nent to,make--s Fhe Ae re cag .‘ ‘able *i that =their psi ere =a Ae hrouth ds:forggiten,-US rdyc eoiensdt os grade .of matériaie.iccothice”two weeks im excl:a. sinning with,first:Mondagn%#NK ae 3::ee“hg:Chesneyxaeo -S Seinebeen in.the han :Se ry ed $6,‘and.the ‘ver ‘sheliest deo~.Smieuts have béen-thade [rot ,TheLadies’neverger >|* gher pRC eta:¢ “ton:n States wi i eyetagetarDTete ee,suits for:“lower tic re ee any Other hore deren ae ~ ba “rt Pee acy 14 ,}?jatrerage es tfay i a sae :Cetmig.A ye oes =iBrocezssreiesteaae:Swe ches !De a lone shag ok wae i Next ti oe $9 eset Sari cle ee ee (Blue FE=soe <3 wd pe ae e,a ere ‘— :fisf & :ie Rts ste : cae 2ihe ;y | ~+ KX Payee!;‘+h it ieaeiadauters“|; aw Ly :x a .i % hor any “Oller Tedhecw!ci ye ee }AN.ARN LOR “ae EaNyi:Hee i AF q Horing “fon:tise RR So .,Pe MTe.Vere -os gn ’ _STAND.ARD othe |Direct,Tone,“je oo sited Os) Pe12RS s ae 6 -Gelifor y “gies Biset ‘Hoda a BSmentonallFireayeae Geecat >.Trains: “PalacesSleeping Cur ES ~Nigtt,Prains:Past << +Schedules.=-ay dssarcd 3 shfe,Poise:eee "Expeditions yey pM:Kr satires. APPLY’TO Tex AGENTS eu Santee Oe a !RATING Woe ai as cee OR ADDRESS=<¢75 Be SD Pg een Gea anCHARLOTTE,er MeaB No trouljeitterans :LFralk S.Gannon Ie fate Ve P:&Gen,Maa?ee 12S So SWASEENGT Ps Ses ROSa -Palseness SS sometimes.vic cenkin Seats ae *6 4 x 2;Ps 7angen “he + the’farmers,Gupaedhias ee ti teeee s ayears:‘23 Dhaprol ¢.ea 5 time to time patil,Gow ESS egEeeerae 16:“Market.z a =Pa~ rae hase ther,|in sant —Ee33&BE.at in.weed off 45 iel-caifie Bnd Seeus.°x ee a Yours truly,Se es a -pring ey Fs:sereaeake a One ?c.~%ut Od y >": tedTOESpacesitin,etek Saathes5 “Bang eas ‘eonvivie ‘obeeas oar ve se aesemubdrnt ie,secord:.Gegree”‘by.24;poded:epzirely &Demo ree ie ‘<a “i ee =Fort tt coowty jary lest’hursday eo ae ais a aN r cs.cc 5,Cardi,¥Weve oy thetmurdeDof Peisrell Shouse tn|rans 8 yt Pel as aae pensjth Bebre Wats sal oxithmeekwr pela ao,”r ‘fra Rie LG.Chel teade oe MA ee he HE 5 > “ai .—%Rts SS A >ft a ee 4 a ri x peristow.oF “St per heath ee LAV po Spe ps =oeha Abie aie renee Detect:tshacer ‘J 1D)dies,(SGefaide WeF109 -Class works ant AT he4-eho}tes Turck.te antics ne=n ee “4 +ofthe out houses"Wwas paiisk Keo fF Sea ag ¥¢PSec8"Or tayesAbirile lonethe:Rapic:footy eS x es GEN ye.Ma".CBs SM)ebb s an,che!~Fin¥‘ sR ty Cee Ae .etx *ee y .‘a CP oh, eres othernwnd&ikter.Mrs.MMary Dayis| Nix.DaviIss e -¥Nove,Tae Ste A fe gare:Mrst four.Boden: BitsyMoridy jaar Once Eo!stetaYand personal eat:“eX cFe‘Be oe es ede t Hs 3 a ATE Ey Le melted Orremitt ed at tow est ru’!it PP CiCx tO ylietansbe el es-SEARESTILDE ie >< :tawhs:“att dider hes xiang Ba 5aerongag fey of.Rifle}ee Cr wedding.a awe,5;“goat AWNWartie bisaeho.ywas,itt; tte eeereNEW SBN orm te mo Bk ie ome > ail theSpanistrs‘Amepricha wart MW rake,Meckleubirg,and:Punb&mn: HWIO te PAS otlandiot Luke county. Re ety ppeboree:eae he hee Shrsey yy T B,as ‘has the:congLag dul:estiatee >first and then: -sc Ne heir robaceo;andy vilbbuild:a Paik}, be tegi i aes Pia Ae iss tip Jegunty eonaec ing: Se >woe aan eae Shes =Hay ueisete ‘aE Neiy Yorks Ly eas‘Folks.fts s Boas baySoQFSTATESVILLE:NC:*Pca stippes over “Th yrsiliy>to hae iy Pes arses Kani < 2 ¥irs “A ey gins "Sith:;cust nedea seomiys Peart Porik ie ugte ssf “Oypesk step ime Lechign eH ek on sig 2x *asdow.“iis XS tor Herfdeesoor ile.eorebae eying:Chas.’‘Cawthorn,vast oe UH busimuss.,4 “4 Sy -eesor Thuysa:1dSeaee-*"Hratiiss 4 ac rer ¢:pigkeiabals seh tealt ee Sto soliishyr ,la~te iuysdayy2.PyeheSowheatiwAlegeLatsiyanusachérit}sOby:‘MedJacobsMatteson,echovfor Semetin thea’ies cee for,-sate:iecoing’ YastSee, SaaS)- inerver of,Lieu Hf int Gtirtstaas;was prousht}eee ‘“i kK ‘Gone Vn:“B3 eeankiik aeaefor(i.ones has’“presented -“thé Li- 2 WE CA Sate asaARORA Se7 SONISsled AADAERANDIEEDE :oon z cS 5 é no :he ae Re ~eR Saas a aS oeAvis, ets Mice vy ends eres ae ate a oxse Se aad:Lowest:Prices esathe owe 4 cebminissiay eb met,he the Thkee richest copntics7in rag teredtoikethe Garnepie,Stee 7 “ery Dt £as ¥::/oesSeek ate <p See Ry cptake,sRowstig Sees a Be a che genio Searner he 5weFEREFage:The i Win:“Aplaiss*farmty ch nabs:‘Watev LE 389,648 ieee Saasg era os <o ma Fe ‘x nie he *Spridgtowhiship,ot high.Mr.eo:%ay §STi ay0,Ssh ar ae *I3z:8 yee oie eens x £0 ma Re 8g ee She ahora Hives;“was son Tp edawyPOTS Garand#tqtar onttha three ‘The bapapatie ctop_6 Jameie yet Se Me oo Siete.Sie-te Mi sys‘ML.RobeertSbnt for Rae.¢xowllities,‘$3 Sia eh 7Siete |beenveny Seriously.injored —antl a genie *wiphh Miecic ‘PatterSon"ig tas?fire cthe yDuk as:©Tacha have.bout {Stornrs..,destroymes “the: tame. ae ug are ace he Bae :niade “an By oaitioabie gilta unddbeeh oe Draw DAY,NOVEMUERI Vito shew.NY¥OPE ce dow:= or 6.Prickaud:eothersstait ; +ehose the pYition they*held oe fruit”‘dnd weewill bave'to Wait:some}Ty S$to ripen.” t ony ohe “Ruaipdes.<~a nea we Seereiany,Wilxon,‘of-thesSAgricGlag sDépurtinent shas Assent Lav0.ed nepagentsto,P6FtoRAC make a ie? portcg.”tagricultural conditiaus™+n Sig fire ana :andgive:sag vestions ‘fort earyjamprovements ,tn.1 thyods.’ forthe Yobng banap agPiebleutal ie. ’ sj ard Jash.3 reethstit ution s.:2 eae eefor “re “Re:wybhicat na a har a€tik{foponiiiuguratingorBiadieywilkoal él o 4 ia aeSeleSaute ‘of.the’ sources,aebut®a:few yearsWwitwess:a very ‘differentcondi 8 peat Henbers:and ther er’thanstisy S aon and,the azaliis~SEOychatm4oNtbi rlsaFeOe $1,40d aan weer Smiedangsoutyarage anoneys orders”:“The gSUE Skog kr ad*heakidivestfe-toputhhg:Lge WO"cobcern Y SyDOSEme nal .alt HITTPATO ass waeRedsralohenn Te had antry.”forall purposes,and wihich* e/but jist beginning ta fulfilkthei?“Destroy in the Sectiont HONG érdtion*will,See ndyamJandsaedvutlieswheter tbchestgut*7%eu Masten NR2 rests-and:ae Nothingy!rit%ee <contrd!sand, mafter:ria abpeetouced ;ee tageot ate berksemsy3 See ae *i ye ef *re ,'inte tithe tal bewh:a sdlesman-in M pat Thee,Sapre pe courtegranted,Smith brary:‘Of GO ngress,witha“rare.‘Cop &Piva *rth 2 a ed Se a ur y .:f OP RICHRES:-cy ia ON ce ‘oo wrtb Peon A“pent ‘et ina earth?moked?thecase”to.re &“original,edition,-ofCapt,‘John Ss A :é President,whe i PRUTAVice Prisiden-a tte position «of bookie sk in thetWaynes bin ahs ot ee him FSmith:‘Ss History of,MiApei nk.‘Copjes >E bo.Sas!Gv e.“.«Ashiér..2 Swe ek ‘Mowne Cotton INI*ssNauteort |ned Beet migit 2h:doknstoty.A Avot this Book:Dae“sold?Tye thespast ee ::a Pov Aga e oR(wen twithe bin:*he‘Ne:ah,be'shew Eaelst of 21seston,otbe 809.:via faves a c .3 2 fo a agotered $5 SI LO.TAES ee es “t-«The mwSBS m:ster mor x 5 ,=at aafer “of “GhHaat Qimteiat aod Br:ait Norma ‘Sekt thVAL:sacvor Inetoe7a cotsnaies ff,| te.and ty Ncbaugtlin,pi Coa}!at AV YStonyto ef:wes iy‘al hospital |Cape Charleshsiiin arhole..-“Hig,Was :A .BOE Operated.ga theeyes Of NordiLand tgainings Se raQ}hdr”nurses:‘in’‘arrested -TOR issuing:“s an >,:Eeh aeSomeries of Goal Spring,en,egnye,CLION with wie qistifurion,They eet W bog :u Jitthadmearly-t6 Che Sat:te ie retePgifts conditionay ion,the_ratsing old postmaster:had to:be«caltod i wore snsdthe:3 2 ;MAXDON |OPMa‘likeamOUTE Ler ithe”schoo]}by:|by the inspector'to,TP . ae ere operation swe ondns ereithe city-and tenctsts Of)the:school FinessHot oe he BT PS é 2 agg ;‘eufertai ned théthe*wiDog Tes!bbyFaiaier yd Ay.SAW et oy a tae ry ‘Cie eran wtSSeS at issights %ss md ng eadd x oe E is ‘art IE “ae ¢ os ~o *sn “S 4,FX-Ser NFeayfigs4 on gor eryat : “258a ieall SM ay “Wr "Regal 4 “Robbins,stpeviney¢county wie siforities3 Siteonrs :j“ee ih ;oe veoht SpE phe:‘Gofdsbaro =ECOptODPet Carded,«hiast .Marck courrend éred |;$ ee 5 re rales <iribsshas:agcepted ;tite ‘supbrintends by <a %ed sAsEee thes fac —;SiteJe:eye ett :RimbetAf Wat Week:at eyputo Rock?::aa SEDGE io"‘ester 2coteon.ahitly’Ot hare fprtetnith 4 Re ‘uratids.jury ences:in the Se -bo dof Yqhor ::Sapna SHE Wilhmose te Sabs|SaarPekayhig yal syey doMantaycen otethe xhfa bloody :.3sae ra ae ‘se chartrE br thet,OMe ty:Mignon,efter!cHecto Peteinnd 3shioting pa rs :nt Fe cae Iss te,Re bpins isa States|irue bat agatust Seri|“Ewin."ON: ;.ce(Valpboy.%fatid SqaHed-we miiBog rSeonthereater:tees ar pauls FUEROF Ja dnidies ae oa heyaefisressmeCreorc.“Ousttpegple:Rhino oratefen %a tate.”bill:joaneed anienpw aT ; :Fa be Slad:“te Tear?o&ifs ego tjuedl Aah Me wie jottaSaantty,po"rds There was*oe —:eau Page sy bs rae ;Tibhis returns Lite he eee Phe:tase|%sachsto paanes P >a =Ne a Pie conhnyet que My Pavia gipaveyy “ee efileinEat) ce Od sakGold Found,a Poon:fo¥hiStaypocrs3 eszit “aregt hess noua net His ae 3 Sethi Tot CES Eee Ops ai ty Pate ee ROO .i f:=Brahe fee’SSF tp cia ofFem phe,air e :sobs’Gone 5,Is SeniObSW Hurt wh ~Pee :Bollys BeSata feard wantiont Be ee et a BinchestgnBopleg ine o Sas rote ickzvotTU wears.“She pkas kG th.to Eiigland ee m avy ay ‘"Haveldb babass Satl<Me his Jee ‘~ogee Re tee.sabe pf auneitwens.havinypegdted 7 gets:Fransvaat,Eo Sry bpothet;Buther Ms!Hazeidens:s ee we 2 ‘CER:asi Sear:RE muyberries jereens,audva puke:and:The’‘folowintet BOL:ee gant a)adjutantSouttiCapblina Veldatters.a oh piste ayes g >tsuchd:aike*for many:“wears.the hPranstdalk-ware dye e EDGE to fae iSMikbUyowonnd a ithe side,and: iS ys bs ‘x rn.jeight,ot October Zetly ssshe*“ai:tdi Se cntEGdee ~::ie ther.broetherin-)Jawy At “Ae a hb. ean wre ee EE EEE oS toduche by nfany “that shies eo 1e best me rie?Ave wrrds,fobinerll#-Rtata’daspector Of Aas ei :‘xe ici i destitute?cikcudstanctst.SIGE Spokey penny.be hes daspemSarie igaSprinkled with {birds-x Her stedtly,hethobséhdidefegts brimapiransvank “dd sewers”BreAteiS dee}shot?+Sy,Apbeey ee Sake “jkthe the pasrouijshinig Tabythatspojored except by Ase:Shoseiater:+wbowale tiga sa}es ues sdppose wiperfrat.aeimyay Kests greesex CO,bE thew dret aesi ate Tete réb away.2h.a tin tattpe cyt smalCiaid of jt .bagel;mO¥aor ola wy x withage,a tle in ord Se SenigtiStanesmiané 11 “Ani ane ato Sa Mi z ne Ty ae Cae ae.>)ss eet ny Sees.thethex wora2 ry tie"Xo:fovtify #Ue.County’Stand,Nagging."Si sede is position:|=sme a ¥©.Bars ::uatdn,Feepaical aa :es Pog me mf a Hoge n a4 or a)sete ‘A ee ey in retery in gow .;omic:Pass,“a Sake ht of!THE ha ¥Reputrhicain'a:Asmao .lest nh wholest ee Wisscd:Abrbdgh *the*cipy:|Seigh Nowk 4pseupsck te “eS nes renday Qn,His way fromeatt ers [S-theditiotpai dsRage en POlt VN ‘Ye Ryeascuvteryos’trou sera pial via,ested iy <3 Me noemBEROE | :east METS:Cras Dy a severg |baud Igbt rotes Pas!hab.éityrat:bake =yi aie¢Papen ot the”boys:at.6p 4 SU.41).2)Tiworeee ca ticeaepee iswe a AG ;aoetde ti RayThe.HeastsPhaldersfrom"Wyathy >2 \0b.:“Bece,are:three Wei coyeee ears f 2S eiagenbt ie fentle pressure |of burger Berge for 44a cing:false"Vers’Station ihe Pa w orsct S hd,otherwises more-héroic-rorns..dyrone*py Feet “here;were:eNersy Infor"mntaol :Oe PENIfea itaany serious,¥-M50 uniawiat ballots “Jobn ':Panhta-ite Bot:known de,:aes apa ee Ree =Pa cen SOEs:atisthe electtonsy itjeiiticulty.Beh Séllex ~th Ts Re Stree Sees Bos jt Six,wy ‘7 iad t ae ¢‘tad hather ccna esavere: :‘5 é <e &é era i “a I niles *Fu Kafeigh Tost osm sr =f foe ‘den’in bugiies.>: 4 %+t a »\a Ske é fori v spo NCS ©1 c OF ebauk f be mS y ‘v5 3 ¢ pe Sey SS ar r en cholse ey:Aut see‘from The:Post paper:that acquired the Sy sti mand:‘precision BSocee e ei toes nex .Sek Pa “Waake county Rastfound an,6}d -man:}ofa sciences)Ake dominant S0-‘meeting:“of-the Stuite”board,‘toda : -;5 ~ee <2 :moo S =<jai?aes a =Sct iors Bas IVeovears old All;‘this'isa food{called Reputtic snachine,-This called for:thépurpose:of wiving.a«Naebo =:Sty eee ee a eae da uae was standing inya.store {bas dot Sore oevrowth of aday.or Hearing to eomintissionerDouthit,dis <:~PB Oe IEE a NON Caged EA NT ye at Seay ee chee few days ago aud anéld gen-|a year;-but bor yoo “perfected.by a.|charged:without &.hearing by.the.! ::~se ;2 2 4 “y sliook-:hands4 steady;SY ster mh ix?development of Hazeldén,“Or majority,’factio 5 roar 7 See)ith him’and-asked"hime his”atesibe most MiteS details “of original)the board.The.court ordere¢ :3 :ON’Sr ae f ar ite replied:Pam:ik my ‘ni ete appenuity ©yiachine has“edu to havea héaring by the boar ss 3 ~—s i Av hn th VEAL,nd nyyvy youngest el Wd?Lcated ats fol het US inl election crime;setae re ‘of Douthit,and~Leiaah ope”L =e NS ::a Wii Sat Fike Es ofS ars ire be ded titiini kceotding.tottheir >a‘tek :;:oe Repsin i onic a ot likeky boyet'stx year Sof agé.~t}esate :*D.ANG,Ouzts;the’result”of*bitter: =>‘ys =Seces t so have Beren marr ied:tirree :times.Ti perfection.to iP yabts dulent‘art saad-ex-poe fo'the board,‘led to long ands ::ia:Tasteless and ‘Buaranteed-to\Cure “Chills and tive about.twelve miles”from here]Shieh:wide:ae fhe:seadersttie scandalous ‘controversiestin thepress |: .oes >Fever and all Malaria!Troubies.wis “he naw aretd ing ready “to Star vi Which best.Kaew how to~c evise andl bet ween,Quzts:and:“Hazelden,-which: 2 #Sooke Lack home;;Siiakint tweaty-fou a ailitselt,of corfupt Wractices and ‘indireetlycauSed the.’blood’at atr :;sm4 es-Not Contain’Gaining,Nor Other Potton.les to aud,frome home.”“¥otect sand promote_its;ioe ~Pecos aUaT ves Nob Injare ‘the Stomdeta:Nor.Effect-the Sneasingd ies and.from.siny?hom es.J Y I "yesterday:“The:‘people,*of South} =4 kc Larty“€seas Draswee Tex;say:'Ramon’s Pepsin ChillTonicis the:FV.)fel sowe Whit Satieaed;but.aoct tools ‘ard dixciples|”‘Carolia are greatly perplexed over ~xe h we orer banitied.EX 30a prescritnaiees hit PEprieee says-aig »“ATehU's yeast will set nie upal right}.The Philadelphia Tedeer:“a.“Re-the Srepensssy problem.den ae ATOWNMFnee€0..reps UE reviliesTenm:csrnis wis MrsWiley Ayseue,ob Hyys-publican’ypapers endorses.My Waot :5 a ihe.tow pship;called by everyhonly.Phamaker;andadds:x ee Nene .Jt sdle Wiley.”“Phe.debduchers.of“the,“ballot: mt <tore.AW.hyle telliire the Seontaras t6 be.stalk uihindered;wphoticed by.‘our. ——e Seand an ray klin;Lmusttel:you of}police Authorities:who:-have 2.500 |"ei ;a es ~si wi a Spee reap ah tucle,Collier King;athoronrh:‘AF:Lofticers aoder them?“théy,*jin facty|»‘Sales L ersion ‘ok Mew ee Cie te eet kta (ican ay tocolor and appearance.TE cousvannate their’crimes:without Haves,‘executor of Henry Br Plant; a és trea .ie passed him-in the street some,‘time.fear of the police,“and.tbe’«public epoca and steamship.man,who ;=Ai is “Fasto,ane,asked hin.how.many }contibue With unquestioning indi S sd last,was in the cit\ :"coo re Te che le hil ves.Le chads.“He prouiptly rer erence,to.pay for thesiip ost <of the:iness connected writes P ah |ax Ses aa iftrty nine.“s Hechad been:police:depurtment =:25500,000-a:year, Sate me <pyartiéd three times.“flow many though it ‘leaves undetected,pnex-2 :ae ee :ESWi cee Sees cobylten byyour last.ees porcine tee bed,8 cafes Bos E.ae 50 whe teeta pee eI po ee OY sirgsdgr’ys ebar degconaict “tat tic rainstthe tillot ¢practical’lant,bythe widow,who: ;Peat.9?)a%“cpirne.Barc sara s 08 a ee AGG Se Pes a Raeatia alyseit¢coir!aDeer ae «who systeee ae ‘Ts “annyal -“allowance.ott Bn ae BR et Boe _OReh WOR!‘and iD.ope viwenty bute J-canVeount~but-fine]rapt pur ‘eleetidns-and hereby:dis,héterms:sfthse ili,he eee eo geodet Ae cape ae fi ;ECL ie Age ha CPoes UN reba reckonShes fast)be right:‘fpanchise honest patriotic --Cifizens,arc th €i rs:,Plant wasdi issatistied a eee ae ey oss..~Ie ng oe NR Sot ea Wes:“Sis wratiseds‘ehivty~ehrée..al “euby “These qobstrous firxuds-int idbe vine ie land es rt ‘Hors bere reehast sath we Te ries 7 ved porbesrewa Saat:spas:Foetaret,SpE e-yorgeiauary 62ero FirUe wi |ae See raaiped|Coyne 2 wn si :¢a aS ce.COU at de grande dyens>"L bee Dank.(eden >their«perpetrat >opal ~. ie ;Cole’Ss Sheet Top ined.oo aye am Sixty seiht hears,wyaytathedarSof jastice”by Ae SeeSor a se :S Sethepire?we r ee ies or‘is whgut right,”Sah but by shrew d,“atertnews eae tote 5 :Be en vee Logie “Ror:Wied.“oy|PLL Oe Tae fe Py See a ~Un pohirtse,by pablic-spirite meatSie eee a ties cad so Le iG OeaR “Bestetehe"fT Rr eee Secaate or eat ‘s regenited @;Tegeceys SOR feat Thien-eee ROW hele plans,1984,the-to,the Rae ape Pe ee ra ae arene iced hhaata SOE et ge et AD Des _Timely “Sinfonia on.given:“NS‘J detection higMeipronrthe pelice,be=|ference t¢e Subject’sau ydge;, :aa ;aygrampietokel bat “4 ‘George “Long,708 ee:Strained ‘cause oftheir fea ethot:they world Harrison.3 “ae on ¥.‘Ohio.“prevented.‘dreadf ul settler etravedgiddeteateds:"It 18.yet at ie sy,by ‘o.Silerng Cor Mir Sad ~"and Saved;two"“fiver.”Ay fright rit )besdemonsti ted that;the:publi¢Plat ny ee eessieteythat the trsr a 4.akan:Pad ény Pkept:,her awakes has beep theleastiimpressed.by these oftheca RE INTER ERSOe 3 =;very Wight.“She bad tried than *‘imonStrous:crimes:against the:it-4 eae y making} 'o 4 seniedigs aud dectarn-/but.."steadily:grityrofthe:Ballot.ae SeThes iar a os “is Jered worseuntilaitged~“to,eye rs)“DiySyzhtluli tizens,!who.MeWane ¢geese Diets to:bring.“legd theirreiin:ave:Digger y>“Ono-botfle waminker,justly:-ideolares.,shout:be a teluyestmens |5 ae) i “4 he |Showy ouredehChgrang +she,writes rdeeply simprtessed:>Sy"thesé~facts;:Saat cS ee RES +7 bisa nselious5 juegtiving |GIko-“cered aye not show,phat they haye best Bear Poe AS ate Me sgaisok a Seyereattack:obpnens at allitdpressee by thent”*,*yes ti : =rn,vmbaine:“Suich»qures®ares “positive|*“The Winstonfe»pudlican;the,‘Gau-ae pad’ey ee _—SE BDeE Géthe,matchiess merit ofl}'dasian and,dther>organs ‘of Negro!‘against:their policy tohave” 4%“uixnd remedy:for caring ‘ae tBraat,|Supremacy iu North;Carolina are}rpspi the Somes ae .:“3S sahSsyand Tang.treables<.Ops ‘We.pongeted COM 4 ME <",x zante Tee ME BS ran to:oe Ns Se a BR eectfeo Reea : .Tee rane he é ‘Fi5eVigo Sa Otstes.-free®at pee >y His F:™ Pee ae =She Os dea ei pyittiadiot ¢&Smet sg:sHaje’Sérgaor Falls Tees deusstore og =se _cteptbankai ies Pes Nits)Ss ont fusonay He expeet ‘th a ee ees :tof as ealtort ite aly EOL:urs.SG cowie,vontaS mae ee a “aX sree Morkagt Rae me See gs ee PRCA ae Ege with. BS x x te Me a ee tes3h Soor aihat hie money,a ok 7 e.eyae Bismigred sSai Ncree®oi President’Panl>Bie ce Se S <anes wa :phi ok vhe.t ie :Ss.BCI LS.af cee x+sia ae ry 7 ha ‘Pransvaa,Repuplic.ds sa Or ave; &<<Pek cis Be 8 “$“MILLINERY.,Pp Al sy Ny Lag Aga asibe.int“sf this spie id been:cones under the-anihistsy+|ar :Be 6 Fe een Hate tel tq beesae puicedeaj ahshostyeue oweoye,“We ‘palthy PxaXoms dole:wHl-sand the-}of Réur Daniel Lindley,Whg.went¢ Sn seh A foe aatta rats ee haete eisioufisiod see:fas fe A oe aS 7 nenddas edergy are vot found ‘where,[from/Northi Carolk was miSsionaty: =a eo we eh ster Comtsats Big Sick S ey als Pee iaeclaw,it hate Bow.tothe Zalus‘ia\18 :ei:WILK PS ae Dam yt ae nD 3 :SHE |aks redu he for43 é A YS os “eh Peace int Ww ithetis*eer sthingto bint stea wtie feteublities.and the Specess ‘they peewite atthe Procideat “oft.the “Ans ytand,sbut:‘Skin;Erp a —s cre ives Be anglingnat yrs this"tin art Ne ;aoe Nie ;Dig ar $New -Life Trdnsvaalbas born’:‘her.pen bate De 0.“Buck Oias mee bs eee.SUNYbay SOWON 2 3 :a ee é]fs +The xelo Sry,power rugerisafo alive,cures them,«also+un-.fee ee a ee ~ERET WAN TED,":Bee jenitdren..Mrs,Kruse geter ‘Boils, “bof peain and ae ade%“cents At higste wea ia wountey,;ee Ball dre igsSe scs fittthe m:apd?ees f QOplay. Ae te aftetg hi thie,£Feet,Na MM But.(ee asin t,1b‘I mysprogt One wom eF F° 3 ) > - wh ) ? aN %}nigh,1 2 ae a red e.tkaeeyroot ote a,good shee storeis’&20%ie id iole ie Sof the ce!are andhas the a et ¥>(tHe Duter BeCardjualIHosesDuCBi}blaius.Bast Pils ‘curd ou earth. Seven?sons “and:»cgraheetas, Pning-and WeverSoke Ulcers:‘Felons;Sores.Warts;Cats,Brrns’Scatds;.Chapped Hands, Lr Hae|“venot refugee Africa.)|Driyes Sa ws.dad-Acheé..>Sige te ;gach a &fee eee bag SG ies eee |at he:=#4 ‘ays soos 3 be ==Poston «:ee ee a :”ae 2 a aa Soe ee § See Ox.~“Cir ‘4HyWEHattpore ls “ "esnner. ruises, Only ‘Ggntiness:te-step in.avd ce etAutre hereat ite ei ry age StatelestSyaeath: these |.p ie gher¢ Fey te Pod ip. esSimate:ne Xt kos €oS q ispibepyisd 4of TeV re ogingdpri1gOe,a) Sims)we aig ee mel pest fet ani i Coast rovers PB a punytHewholerecowtmadeaRrachis ¥ WMPTeG J A poate eae L asi heise we,i A ater take ;ane DSi LAU Lore por Lf,} pM.-athart:t),wR mostaleee wil”thet 0er ~.j "} ieal] Oy De.pres eswouldaystorLRI-:: ae ieSUHBiteiesaRALEIGHIN,c: iM RAYnesrteroga :a iv pt he Me.‘tor howe erable rats sant af; shoud oy ae “4 cy dar Fariers,not ey a SO remember!tes | been &.ost +,For’:ase :RV Be ei pois TOF COLtEN i sie teeaf!oy tt 14s singe vind Abe:Wat CH Ten?Why eqecs Sal crop cas Mifde Powel "5000 OUD) -Ft a gn 5 foes mie2BasSeekeeesiftMeorttieoatNh i;; Se esANTeeceerath eat nf,a se \hon Seo % hy.wv a aoe fie J 1 ~: 1 RAC Nas : v okoktfe iy w OyBt fea thiek Kaaidr iy Sos :or a Ori 4 “ele fe ATR eee Wv a dnd aurettn heani te votti Ciperr:, cd Akan.tire Spe is ticeFaeSw ee fo Au10s oae)TT thyakg LNs an Loa atiys Mein:fereye ee,=pfi vi MieSeo at PktSays bine tot “Ee ;el ee ;iB ii ricky ‘ ‘oolbier3Sfades.- (his ay 2Abe OMEN. after it audles Louieripshee tsa ‘Give i.up alt Bal ys Daas “Glad i Pt mal,Tyla apary Asilood=-2”aihy*yfigeerbanWeOfiat7zaVilisthnet ns eG AV WH Wien goed ug ny?:ceaniige nantes inal Hyori TOW ON ee eae agyr,Wes rol ber |; ANE ‘xinke NG (icsBot us a Tage a |a Siem } e<58 Aye JR AT % rulky:%Suiicited.op isp srbene askHn |7ece Ree re Lows his: ald $107 refitLi tat y ati Minetie:ait -paeCus Firth Angeli ofethicn 1 ISDRY oe :Tnempade than ante wae 14%“taeSREYiebrustsyS Nea 3 hinere;ager ine eae ae con ner,3 vue a ee peel“HatralaahvborQick uhiyDES nar atte %perityss *$i oo 3 Closely. 4devel : e =°3 ssapes ‘ ’oye aX --mgsNOnot:th?Mi“moment:au atc evercstike-yoi elt does not Cone: <1t-creeps its \ :First,you~ths ‘cold }nothin aaa ing cough;Leweightsthen.2 :then the fevcn: ’sweats.alsa “2 The suddeyouhaveah¢-s Rewer:sion Giapece while=of itis yet rec;Hh Sa nies i You can Se:ik Mir for ‘av single ddenn: voring 7,a ‘of sufffocatios 13.3 cues i DreMiesCher Pectoral-Plaster..2” “over the:Ck—4 he Sa uae x scriter* Ms A Book-Frac:riteaeRoitissotke.Diistag »= wy fi n i ts Fe s i y 45 , 33 e¥ o r TI N T “Hs ome eytal daitianeisy :aemare 40 range oa it about any,oth Lsplentia m BibdeBaee ‘adFCATToesBaas,_ Low Rieti Sd atin i “th de “oweehic cod years?fs es ‘in,1 sent wat >poseds 167 ee :mide eS. od Tag,te seSoe ea Cae é Ao’wny tawkolake “Aw all;Hamilise iwi 1 the’-< >|food.gnalitie s/a “of Cha aberlaty’Se S|pug Romégystv knbygy Ata people = rove peters take Plewsury»fT relatiing? wee ane thectse gt tt NU ng gine ‘and ini ting,of: fit Ty,Tate ret i¢ed oom eReore)ite *of*bad:-egld:1.Phas cured.of.- i +reatemed’“aitacks of pneumonia it; saverted jand:of the children it, wed frou attacks ofcroup%"and. 0)[ORR Ts +as-grand,; :aah,n>Ssa: ccbllestga |the terre! ee oe ae “+ pr ec ec i a e Necrtee sd “secondclass nfail tnatter.Se ra Mtg deel sion Jot the ‘.cate red ito 0.ake Fa." eet one @ killleéd Hor ey Cutt; PS |be een’ AT .“ae me bo!LAK 3 osfl +Pein |fe"FLARTNESS:f PiTORS. gene eace <4 Td =i AS . ;ASD:WwW ATTS, ‘:ae son capstoneelie4 Enter bod af the 1 reste fticeat|Stateube an :“PHONE No.35. Ze fo k pats :;fe ee et ts itpWPATES*fc.=Ck :; a ———= ie ee i &=e .ny Aes ’oe ~Sa hee.Pe cisSwryersa; ae cb t za —_+wee zi ’a ft CEL 8 SP EI LLTAMFENNINGSBIEEWN.S LATE See,aXe !spiter knitting Te is”‘to he es 43ahbisBcd,at Sale ae te Bite ~ The*Sorting Atal Ayhas”vigsued! ot NEW amt le ‘Boos fon.-its ein ployers. fFendérson has a'case of sniallzpox| ane hasoordecred:“cptkpelsory ee ato ~. SeeksBAeiastieSarpéenitestiary,twoKde ast, ‘ierEGALE S199,G00;S|Ly,G00,for siebty ahscESS5,v00 fortthe “tangs “oe “x ve?Ghartcs.Wald rope wha fiturdyered sardilbci™Mills at Rega kighee,.-‘Polk fFaeReSatyr,agolis ECpOrtex!Sap >tne ga Vat!hala,4Ss.G.e.> ;oy cryEhe thi ah:reFatt sC ith in Re ads ier arth -others,owners,was chartetéd “Hy thes‘Stato Tunt “week .wit a capita Stock TEINS Major.Pinan ferant,“thé clark’of :the kederal’,Goprt’tor ‘the-eastern: eDistriKe L Ut:Nort h iCy FOlinaz “has eh: tuked)POL;th Le “tiple Spat his?offteesy i ~Pi “Sueprisinte (Conk’‘Has Stelsed! lower Courts i VG ae ob Abbotts so Beddi ay tel® Beddinetiela'jip.wusted aud RrsAbbolt singeinstated.’sh si eeSieA~ =Misi ZL—\Rte:spoke.”td.“the FR eIfiSke Cheypter ‘of Daughters:of “Ee ¢Jonfederacy--Tn, wae nhy Assockition?aN ta YSt he footb:rll teath of Clensgon ‘Gor. ta LS CS defeared the An &«at wae ofthe ae i,‘came MP “eek Hall wS..Ch,’Saturday <b ya ~*~aw Pre:sident iirabitine?“ots ihas St ate}|Paces rs’JAdliance,hus “asked|the +2 nb-alliances £0 send delevatess:te Sol tze State tobacco.”erowers:conven- “2 Tot At-‘Rateihe 6a Deteurber tr.AW Bi Phe:Sy dix hat ges an?barkrupte® ?sierned bv.EX:seth Juniys Brtitus >Begtun e are“and:the bank@vUuptswallhateSoeyaestin:,welores they-ean Get their,slate Pearce poNorth Carolingxraps:fifth:in:We aaimber Of swomey S-colleges and omudents:—attendiny.¢‘thom:|.Only cS ssachuset tsy New:2 York,Péenhsyt!bs x ia and.Alara nd Oafrank :her.i: Rast week,Me Geo>$2‘Gould,ort Lakewood;Ne:De Gea leased 8,TO9-acres of land i‘ips Guilford county’for shoots<hee purposes.The lease runs;for afi.years’with,the 6ption’obuiacet Esars fouge “Bhp adnndal rental ‘Senator,and Jacoby,Blaylock:Goth of Mitéhell county.‘attempted |A arrest.man named Honeycutt},care is’being giventd Normaleantl it is-hoped and believed”iast Saturday,\Honexcutt:shot apd: ig=killed Blaylde ky and “Pritehard !vat ‘ “Lhe Masonic Fajr at W.flmiestoxt this «week issquite:a large,‘affair %and.proving 2 great suecéss.“ot ‘great “eroasd éf Visitors*are”in’“the ®City.The ew Masonic’Temple‘wasdedi- xepeated Tuesday afternooa by:Grand™cmaster Noble and.the Grand -bédge.“Tlie bepths are nC,feature of?the hie,&fica -Henry we Grdebler,of Philadélghiax Sos been,re-elected as assistant.An’mw stein the Baptist Female Univer-4sitvatRaleigh.MrsGroehler is’awevmuduateof'the Royal Academy rf!“Music,Leipsizr:Gérmany,and has]“stavzht in’the;South -Broadé ‘Street SC.ST VALOry,;Philadelphia:He~spent five,ay Ta half-years in Ger-}i¥Studying his,art,Bork GerFandwAniéricanmusical‘Journals“aeowp!iment!‘idk b igh.ho Bi iOn ee ~*~Vice Presid ent,iGarkéte Ae HodDebart:“who bas been‘very jl! —~— - ON.JaeS30.m,vesday."By histenth:theoflice’of Vice-president,berFeure.Yacant sdurihg <the *presént‘ddnii istration."A presidéyt®‘pros|ol’the Senate*uk ~be electedwhenCepgressnigets,tne succeseosien.of,the presidency.‘in~ease.Of<<Peesideny McKinley's gethtallsbieGxthe:Secretary Of State.ma e ’,a Sipe‘ee na ingsGa AYyrcrewhy ‘hee“ri “A Correet Ext iinater S h Newsand Observer.“ih 2 ai”eer Rai Be -Notnan Aas‘¥rown sojon the’‘Aine?Ne Gar people in.feur years.as*Mrz W.<<J-bryan-Senator Woleott,.of Col.*oradosa~stalwWart Republican,‘re-cently yave utterdnce «to~this,true.es “estimate of the Nebraskan:wy Soe4peo teofthe:East,“who a_not-knowMr.Bryan,“are-apt.to.tin?»,derrate-thé entire integrity of mo:tive whieh*animates’him,and whichbsibegreatelementin‘his strength:22“Oo matter how ‘we may ‘differ’‘withiniitiSialenottorecdghizethis,fect.>’Fbelieve-that theréis.nO.sac-i “yutice that’’Mr.»Bryan.would”not:‘make to furthér ~what.he:believed}*to be the!welfare “of this’:countity..This sentiment;being prevalent ‘in»Ty owa'section,I can account’for_Se nritensely loyal:following.which;~~Mr.Bryan enjoys.”«;Thisis the‘estimate-“thint histery’“will place én-Mr.Bryan,and it.isgratifyingtoseethat-all his Oppo-cheats,except those extremelyparti-“san a too-narraw,“see “and «recofr-hizé kis ‘integrity,his:patriotism“unselfishness and bisialgmassy for?the Sehatdrsbip,* Shea Puts wrhe a fthatuedDetex,‘ks tratigtewtrrd whe 1 ‘Hels thes | ={tt hatein tbe 3 e.the:6c +Buller’g ‘Leising in‘favors ‘Feat Salfisbury”“90J “Fursday an the subject of thewonu’ Wd py ‘Sheriit Pritchard:‘o Dates of, 28 for'somheys;megdied'at Ris homé“at Paterson-{ e ‘e = Set ah Ea oes :fate ©as:rat Cok :sn X ne eg ea >cates oeeSbIaeessSaleabeees:waite eal AeLithPed pi ys =o fee in ,~i ; ode Ma Hes *xSold Fartémpit’bey Interfere ’reese:i ‘lish pre me r ke d.A age aeaye ,S ious,pand sf i seeLote vines ae Ses je ;bdoth??is riobingios :“Ba:Texas’‘Tarsite:t piotball ie.oe :Hgts 22.me m3 Re atesy hes ifs3aegis 20 ey.defeated Tul aid ig aseaE =ee to Hoh:souday.:NE Ses Ethos hey, Emperor Wit he lant;sat ¢Geemaby, ;ig in.En:ukind ¢Bu a visitto the:Rayaly farnflss His.coasin.tHe Pree of! Nal tS,freTeted.him withaLkiss., _Thejon bamplalszn®in “Alabaina +n aria 3%St Sproving a ‘wart,Suh bee ngr Jism,and Sqpath age Both Quy,or che prize, De.:“figusadd,Smukided spearls =Ida Qaaputy 0oF gemuige gwemsmwve Cis AGy nw’Pp HeSeot as fyeTi-y pityahdieirayDewwieGeehetany poescbits a 4p tim by his adunieeyt ee 2) “Pik rare,Say Han kay rahi Agmiraf’s 3 Ficon +Goodwin Dewe View aadY;SFtay 40 ard,:ote N janet frst pyunorydi Se og 2 Se nat orrele braska tig Van wentof “tip deat hie ‘Goxerrr WwilKappoidtte‘Hon.:We Bryntoe-serveunti}the:imei he’Legit ure ta10 i :-ROC ae Theiii asion of CapesColciny ~ S74Bs Still proyressitigs Gai: eStt segm quite::ready ‘teThesBritis still ~*massing dnnjhifate them:yet. On ‘their part?are;a troopsreddy,to”mote vazraingt tlie | Te"EAers jn.fetce,’whites ~Genera] White-stil]trolds:Fadysmith.thoube completely Surrfninded:now,by “the +P Boetss<The:Bsritistare holdiiescolit’ ft Pietermaritzdare “too=“Thre,Bo: ers.are beseiging®Kimberkt.|lt cca “Jetate d:ifiae-the anativesoF Supe,Gol- {ULV (are pieparse fort x penerar np: ‘ithe:Bowrs.”ee Poe nevro.s soldiers.“of this”‘NinthCfnfaietBy,‘stationed.aS;ine A nto tia:Fexas,shad atpitched‘bate “with. Peigizens:Siondayaint,“Ehreethvs::;hd Shats were Bred.-Gneyoan was}woitnded?‘Bhere has Bepngconbider: ab le'trouple Tar-xome ting Ahebiecen thenegto soldiets’rand wheeText Games. A)VCollisjorebetsween,tineSoldier Sand) thé pole Hf ITLaredo_a hE Ww week aes “gested inthe abandonment ol4Shitportssthaot,6c cakhed vat Riofy randé |Gty,Jastimobth ti’which Hiersouith s :oh gh ~— See eel ‘ghee {Y SoThebug bei ig re fit hi Hyg dow!nt Se presentatioly Dh."Con ortSs ‘ok those’ “‘Seuulitrn Stares-tat,Jetiniinate the Pinar of jedorant:Water s Seare: Nor ven‘State st Tile’Past.which, ig <jidrousty oppased™to the Conisi;” anaand NottOar olina,ameéndmeptte: saysrythere |ig,be.provabHity’that, ;Congres!weil arienpt te‘cuti‘dain, the Pepkexetation’Le coulsianti 4Shasbeensuuréstedstosaye,thet, Atheronty:wae oO ‘net or thiss issues fa Fly squarely ands“iter tually.asforCongress:tu diolk.thtrt,BO.vali +t begtiga Gal)De:held”ugdet Ane -State, hlaw théSt J55Njolativeot tet palerrfuydameniallaiay: That Sopizths pl tt cannot aid a nt be Uorse:;PSouthert Stared dire devine Seathin’ their Gaus Ath ranal:rightS-und sn yeill| of wand ‘aieskeeasy’ 2°gol Sa ated a Stateo NormallSe hud Naked.Ted alarge:uy idaber at ‘Cases.OF.indies Novin:it ‘esiteWwe esultea ffoat yuary.2 f The’feverMi$;su have:‘hes Ldidetto koeal dau ést- fy defee:tive:Giioton ©Om the day. sick,48.+of these.beipg quitd Sick!Allthe:pupils.éxcept.thdsestéo sick” siekness.:Ie ‘nt nm a oe a east ee N 3 pie a -GEORGIA IAS |1y-LINE. ‘*pi —|>ieee ‘:N *‘-¥» inazhe Lsginlarure.Andesae Newsand Ubsemettre?!pore mH tet xe ‘smendinent todisfranéhise the great. the same ‘lines:as’the amecdment Carulina’’. eAheady:ink tucky.the wisest Democratic fead- +wisdonr ck:parity)ing the’‘suffrage.byaanvametndnient.to.the constitution:ike;that a ))Mississippi:South Caro- jtucky and.Maryland,The}have LE rule and,‘escaped from:its:contiag:’aute gs by tires -The *bushing inNorth.Curoling”Was.So-‘seyere’that|.the’‘avhite’people ‘ydetermined=toWale:its _repetition;im possible;Janthefature.“With.the:passage..ef Mississippi.or Liduisiana’plans or“something equally,as Boo?Will beadopted“iIn.evéry Southérn StageItismeceSsaryInorder-.te Bréserye |the -Meace.of society,ot-property.and to escape the_rule of Ignoranceand.corruption.\!2 gatAbemegr3”vote ‘eliminated,‘themafwhoaspires!to high honorsin,‘public life wifi be:Competed fazap-‘peal to ‘virtue and:the ‘Fntelligzence’of “the”people,nat:t6 Menality-‘god:Hgmorance.~The Republicau:-Con~porate:znizes.thé necessity ofexcludine'the.incompeter,tinHawaiftom:suilrape.'There is ao-*dom ito‘fear,now while the Universal,thoughtistowardrestricting”the Suffrage.,that‘any ‘court if the United State’|,will cancelthe Constitutionalamend.iment:in ‘Louisiana or NorthCaro-1.Hina:“Tt;sUpheld that-of:Mississippi +and wilruphold that which the -peo-‘pie“ot.North?Carolina.will ‘ratify.next yearyahe will.uphold.like pro-visions wbich>will soon be sopineaeSouthern'Stee EGOx rf? At: be}izweh in New y Ore M:‘inglaf-$y ESpessr ineEcaptsyEk HB oi krieidle sce St.eek Cale\gs eeLysStale¢election:;De utity wag}Tavidir syitie’hada how Tues NohSerheatePexpFEseed$20)ithe-reliabittty ol,thes|gad;Wee Bn Rees Sector nar.i seins Ng RE any fs 3 3 4 at “dj Z=44.Seid fidonohaderd ent:This;dgu nF fs st i Sie.{ted Dy;“TB i chic’>tore 4eft® aarepealed tehen}Mparg's eokton,sa “wheres Mr.ke gages+Ainder-hopleto”veiQerotSOL the’Matteson,Swookkeeper.4 Rs ec ie lection law.Bat this,Ase Father “MirsJos=isse dichatosh,‘wailsagebt4 sbme soldierSwier @ Shgte “Thedegros Fsollic Wis ere fowdy Sang don’thin Ne Kens:ncChe judic ial. a1¢}' Oe) body:Is:osthad ‘it would:be!Hecdss Saty ape to.decreasé Shikre peesen fa} then it Massaehusetts’“pad other& Fhe}. PpreserVe thiir:civilization.by,lett}posPr yeas Or ae ee eeTLI.belp >to “get =their’digestive| aiid?pede ars a are cs)-éiDheteistnot:-aruen:trodble:kppre od e iat féyer wag sever al CasasELy padie hive dev eldped,‘acces Th tlhe con ES thouglt hb wever,there way he suk.3 A ieee oe figieng,nschvation,of the,(pee dee Beebe ee oatrwastieldYast’week:ahd’“eS HicansS ene ‘the’Gropasizigh.ete vie pene pe Ycidedtgclogethethookyytl‘Tan-ps }atte 2k SS vas Ere Meupposerdtof |the.board“met {70 students ‘were| ine .be “remioy a have ae tealis ee:yarions ripar-t n baby's,s;‘battle:threeor fours@ir.homes.(duvery aftention <ad¢rie the \y ie eenaeeRe Man tebtS and jands,‘of the bafawet itties ‘a ay VOU Mwil!soonLs that no more of thercages”will prove}ing!Vitsht ar OWE,to 4 ee Efatahs“Bef ween'ndw ahi thefirst.ok oats ee THe Bis.ianed x sfareer “chiadr3iy,:frosa half totheFeareverythingwillbedogetonithat,$2,090,000 will be:inves?G1 4n,[eq :teespoontul,according to:54removeallcaushsthat:may Prone the evelopments.,Seen Soa ape, ae as ql Emer month Const itutional ‘Anientinient Pending j7There i NQW:pendipicia fheLew.se islature of Georyia.a constitutional. niass:of,nesro!voters;drawnupon, that has been SUDEERICN iD seth Bauclnee a "Ken. Cfs#are’seriously,Considerine™the {ps 'or Fanisiona.“Ibchess aie aah]SUM Hingh Thay be ncreytedtab tinisWineNighS deegatalyee:‘States:thi:it snow Ww At Ney iis S2UK0 0!"a ¥;eye ime;‘on a Fane With moreGee eebegoverbmerlt’result from!the:rdle'}bof oltigi als.Agpendent.on‘the}inépros+vote,‘thet!ape North Garoliady Ken’ |thréeeorecentdy =sufver red.from négyrd: the:‘amendment,betterpolitical ¢on-'!Ralefebs.Saou PditionsconftonteipeneofNortla!-~Tarboro will.dorset SspoetAse eee€arolina)-.:tryed ys Sy pthree dng oneshalfimiles ot sewerage EeThetime’As.pear at hand awhieu-the eba Hewecemetery,arith”Je WsS.ae ed,‘by the.‘recent:hurricane,.t Phe i - 3 a ‘: Soca tpi arin rite ast;“dares {*Mit aud Mrs: Por "hie!spupitieal y cdanpar,ae:itken?:at Stages Vike the-past:week,ee “tucky:fdyspatchit We ents frome orp iver.Prank’4 that Staté insdicarinks,ext Senet } woe tat he pdrt of the Unive ates}(: ae aba ‘hig deputies dt.was igsas!iite Elba auncugceds,the Pnited-States “Mars!‘eh has ECE ene foe stale Wad.ddtetatiged 20 have:fae asp Eis are:3 ¢eotieQD that-ihe bag hundreds gor}Mr. atrafits:ready Le e bis weeKe sand?Missa,Manner which.Yok ant aae ee fat SF yn eawoiid\-He $f Rand,ay ther yO oscayiies.~omit @ surprise,was e5ehk f “ate ai Pe PreathcOal oe Pht+a) mee‘prepabergpeaurt!ps2 tavke,’of AG:MeInegsh were,many:pets. Soa S|gitdutelligA."Linger Tssatz,|Clarke* at’Statest illétall.to ibe lot“obey;‘kClarke robed The dow ieee =ast ee iiota theseeand nlGced Spon B mh:tobesarvedrandhis|Aer,gveting:Thause hat,bes one 6f venti weal pos ehurn Dy Stel Us tsthat:; ot ubday ‘Tat?GPOrechypot low Ce ‘Of jaseee eeOryee “18th.Ont Cit rnand ba.but Korépaimthwis the|can heWis fondest.Having,pk |pavghSeremains7mee af <Mes 2h as iy Vex ’ me eeu ad Bey pturndp Quwen town:Tuesday oreictalogivig=fiad{torsnter fete:t that weighod ve Sp ountls. —v rep yy ha fit ia ie ithe gtiat fh y o>ay LTH a ca}AY slrings}oar CitysMondlay gid,AS;atl ye (\Aiowk.“2 :«pene oe eo tesee eethalilk ron chien day bs ae 65ie Basnes: jriendpbytragtioe |OF and inferte rence! with 4 Statevand gity.qelecfion,;des nounced:suth conduc be.eo rae I Seki 3:m (<tipessible-tertysy and sai fais Ree NO ra 134 tie teaapie wauldhace-Been-;perfects.=Stry.RS PSiena io te.Ae riepustitad iy Shooting hbenr:down,ieee kesape mills a8 Hie i 4 sHee said!the phad ng were ‘Tight,tatet S Hourpdstp tice wi OUL.So theréthan lie.officers-of Great Brit:it. batt rick)o Store:this= ~ hive’hud:if SURG yaa or nor.ge,the-State for Bis complicity,“oh fu henge ‘at ‘Coneged aweek,2. ines.made:aiparrest of anj“Alexaunder|’ Godnty,sighator-“atthe’.Revenue jaw.,d[Mr Da ae.Covrell has Soid:lus in=terest”ee steam:ail!hereto,his Jude Tar vio are ptonounced ,storabeentixelycerrect“by,‘COM petoe.e |aurhoritysere~Cn vinquity bewg)madeby the-Sun-eorresspondent sat1eDepartmentof;Justice.‘ity Was]partwer Mr> said $he Department tnect yo kuow-++RON Cor retl Fetainsfis injterest,in, Jedydé whatever‘of the atrchapstaices tthe milk.j 8 yond what:hack pppedred ‘imgtite}YSte:ad met Rian “Cbbwere dt |! nclespapets.entbad issigeds'go)lay Uigkcry pars ‘the week sandy Mrs|stéuctinns.po the”Upied Gisiey Mar Cobu's Aainchthey’Mrs.Braue“Tobie [shal in-Kebtucky.”ender Can Qvens i thom.<te,;S$nd,;ae ASicboticial ofthe,Depariient eigitdpyence 3my ee PRaded that’whtletie 4lid-pot hidows he};apGaeputySheliatedStatesatarshal]i MetzWins Mat]1esorr and wilé,to-} (Ratt procecded undercertiin&seetions)é$i theold“Nukluedaaps’iE ESR"TI4 aie SEER WaveSindwed fegi y Statesville 4tQ} tehhetatiod:sds beyeadia of.the)ysed? ra STAj UL SAD:shox the IIkentaicky 2 arshadprt “MVELYfor GedCons trut- tion Upon,tiemto,just!iv his,Toterz Flerepeus ‘Lerespecti vor whit >the swithotities.thay OS it,is understands,the»~Kéot ackreer‘essmiem Wil}ask?fon.the -instiy peut ot ‘ohana |itypuity-into.thésubje2t |ora tite«“‘Assempry yurh 2 Ut Congress: There istestige ote Pete*pavelection biawato w of the stgeute -boeks Aand ie if the,d@utsegt the marshal’in “Keny| £0 uky pangl his:cdegruties ©rs;tS pass]f Yhout Febubke orare2£oss.-she Siniyps baw athérdds Anntitors ttothers:Soulthert Suites inthe ‘Dresidentiay|N eldetiow textitcary:This,would'tune 3shediotayty.Jlead"1d tye mast yrave ‘|“ads Peruws Eosequenves.N ths EyAprope *atthis,Whole.sybiset-itt ; has:Bre ti “brently:tatkedny;Rehab } Rtan-ciresss beresines:the:elections ==Ah tr wery Je termined”Aigteinpew TL ae Le.madeat?*themext a gion DR,eebuke 7 :-propérdfood “eeeaverted |eetO:Lenact a new rederalelecti n: x fw of amore Strin@ent.chiatacter aebe AEthey do‘not ‘thrive? on,‘their.foods vptha the:tier.Ttkw..They design aye sEwrong:i They neéd:cacti} +O:Charlottes and’Mré#Maibic fr- WN En,+sdgughter «‘of Mase iSnD,GtawsLordofMooresville,were Tmarcied| at Charlprte lasteDhubssctay.dightby: Reve Dr.i Je ore,Miss+ LP rank Proviin,‘of Buston,Mars,seve eral yearsago,when?che easy Yete:in tae biisifies Sy} Fwoutd e-to)pass’itingtithe for,use]in toe Présidential ~elevtion,“and, a>her etdfore)its oper attons Wali 1d rended in -rtilboguiays Such:a ybiH tirough the.Heyse.nd-it the’rhleof ‘ Hie yaucascar bring thre®Reapubdlicap [is mcjonity in the Senatejnto fishy its} Jassie thradeh,that adys*Weoley} only ‘oa qucstion-Of time.“At ts Shee‘Mactnary,eeeworeey:At o e | re r e — pe e r4°SOF <>. CODLIVER.‘Ol, ya o >ie bt he 2 ;ae moment ~LNorth >arotina’So Nesy Entice‘princs.4 “cl ry >v3,47 4 ya Charierta ews,:4 ,5 correspondent .informs:the'|be Bs.7 ->wil:,“generally correct:this ¢ ethililty.23 edt <IFSFyou will,put bon’‘one-| fourth’to “half?ze tezspioonbul El. es hs ! PMahyfgeturérs'Record.thapy fhe’)General Blegttig €o.,of;New ¥fark tt YTbariver,the irteytion,bei yerst 0 dea = velopran extensive¢plat for ui iish-4 oa sperhéd improvement.” y a .8, fo The,Granberr ¥IG aud G“oak CS.;pase,dissolved iTA.theit aniik,Lex HUNiasén,general framiivert’awill AE,‘you®‘so desire,’will’very |tits=30:‘tons Furna “,4putt=v Cc in OP rrabion soon show its ‘Steatnourish: At Fuisgin they*emnitten:“illewCo."ting ‘power:AF the:‘mother’$3be.been tedrporated,wikh canitalpfstockof$50:000,"by |Atbert”E>sec ¢POak“does -not nourish:.the wal én,Wilbert”it “mostutlen,rand:HGdonwilfers Oy 5 |baby,she.needs.the emul | |Sion.«Tt will show:an effect|vAt.Hert fort,’Si:acesrah Foms: Sidney”wcyuiler ana VDolin 12=se-oS‘rallen hyve inegr porated,theLoms FF at once:both:‘Upon .mother&ucmMullen Cartiaze taseLuring|=!and child:>‘ee AR AsetCod.-Wwith capital stock:$3:790,to :re .Me "§0¢.aaer:soueltdruggists.“IN: L Scorer ‘&BQW NE,Posse New"York.. ~een ss GREAT BA Ren ae eae JACKS.JENNETSSEYCATTLE.“On -Decen‘sell atpubticauctiéu,dn:my far,from nh 5 tears old... mandfacture buzeies?har ness;arts,| Wagons etc.)% The :com pac)Saily repor ted’tolbeloruranizedbysl.“LH:Wiig and:AS Norner:for the &Stathshment wh]:‘aShivt factory’has been inédrpotatedds;the High:Point Shirt Meriufae:turing Con *tith:capital stick of TIS.Pavill11fineJacks,and 8"Jennets,an pe rent Rairdatnsttn rm OkeSheeurriedSeinineeeyepnkdo-}thee tor Frag eck Chetty <-¢-Of a fT oO Luftimare:Haitk,shas4!3 :Rid.SitvKoae“chartered in"Delaswaie ‘5sete I;Fork,Citadha,Pounty N,st ‘vawe TDs winide3iron;Zing.‘tingaia ritaatble;-patticulanly.1a Nort be . iia capital Sti tkS250,On Names‘of:‘Interested |partlesare bot eabku r ret.a “jae ¥be!ie Hi ‘Potite eG:otst4 éousidering the/aadtjsability:‘of lo as ;Gatin’s “o shupelet block fcter Ve in,ko: lifes “svstent.“J:~R;ATgudloys,Winstyo,Ne antre,‘is\thevengipeer..7 ¢<3)heheI“.BY Sowersyof Raléigh,"Weill =|paartablishaSteuartkeundry+ty Washing-} tet:SicteWilmington’,ey domed has:-Beenvorrganized.tdpurthdsoa te fort. be einivyiprestdént!coherY:“he,e Ries tbfabrilicdang Bow"oP“eC Ey Pries;“president thas,|s*ith Peank fied,“or Philadephia,Middewdset,Oirer Oz at “Balt ie are.Selling vat,.20e.;Viieyeny“poxandaCoupon.-re RrosTeNcouroNs >: btssaaedt ae asphigh:: sa }‘ Lnote Joti:Le sox of;foud niveSrcuietn st :ISX Ce Antial Cetfeé:‘Richmond,aie archdsed titan the mel “PREE:raeUPaviar¢ity.©een fo)’ee Mills are ativemy<6o.>t.peeve D at ‘The;Winco,Salem |-:Ree See =pitaibway EleetricCo,,.avg will 17"!PERFECT SAT!ACTION;Fepuirand-éxtenad,the entire ratiway atte a Seaieighvisig:‘systent-=‘ ahcmes on * “where we-have xa ana e “YOure “Ons.the Jookout»for“Dar raids bére is:Goes aePhe:‘Caxotion Yacht C!ae of Wf ‘$.ay ath s;mington,has'deciged torebuibl their}relub.house:‘on Carolina Beach:wreck: A A i pa s s e tnejdPhoe Py:2a Peaeehing aOR SERS ysers ; ngipiead ee DAT COL . S hig father’3Sorearog:peshorz:Faea-4 4 movin |his Stock oft“eG0aS INtOJthe : oN the latest stwles:aorMoygadreh Wie BR,Tograip..Nir.hs diver with:Aligs~“Fagnie:Spenee;-fe sah NS a aire. [Spt Ho Stages “Phisigthe FS“ Fendtog gf ‘ah olddegaiPbship degun.6e-|’ Crasford-\married |Mrs oS Si é “i \ 4 Something iis3g =LWorbe-Chexp for.&‘bPaSstwatéhe andst be Paisonr \Aa niewchin ty claim tp sell, y Bigstock:Jeans! ‘Blankets:We:pair andiup.er +‘CLOTHING ~:~Awhere’you ‘eanybuy,Clothing 4as Seeastyouvywant:129 jpepage and JER]ar "Sgn “tes“go $n itt Sind SipaLiAiEe %Spsaduifinistcawtheienitteof,M.M.«Qitaker,decease i Osober redovery:Seectc.atynce isiTe *¢fsons ‘US, Fuk Men,Buyss ‘adic reece bottom:prices. Grose. Mina just jougbt “tries fourth*‘time:chat eda few GUNS.AND,AMUN Onaad ith,ate FE rTEinduptble-barre aFeech!1 ding:ae"at soo,St)senateau 4 LOMES:fo:ey er étorhinrg afore vnsr“kcme: ie Ly :SS gus nranvee my‘Senta,tobe just asT tell¥ou,andit it’preves.piherWise®you shatLhaye sour money;back. positively willsell yousbette : price thianyoS et elsewhere.“the a gious:¢5ALwhosélssthebestgoodsiq.this.plaace ‘3 "have ae Continuetodd SOL,% ~3 SHOES:oO Le KINGPall,—France.ar ‘Geptiaoy..-He calle ©Rey.i eo L.-Bawson,COR:&.Wap 4Ra 2”Stigess=Sedments pect Sie bed updn,the rand:}dary;todneaee UL Biowets Sand “aN “Wo Ex “Biot,Off ladies’soe fe ne?3dress *aoesays fact’, PGauly these atlicers,.otals The GOxs|this place,ard attendinge Methadist |contpiefeline ofgood Shées -HatS arid ‘CalpsotTrya-Centhirirs.hey“age‘nice,good-andchéap.i cose at SrrcaheWoes L: ashx Pie yh My line Sof giecrussnReafeyGUEAAA,8 Cooper [esoee stpeeconcs i are.Yeonieéruéd =the:Lwiewgs:.6f4;‘Of Hickork Scherer stontay:ay:ate ADS&“Sabesi.he Patand*Neat aioeaysaTiteofthefitest’capes:youu!+a‘ever saw froma ice ofie ay yorcegits,yp toa ane|4andlargesiesplush*at $2;Soto Skre I alk ser.ay -yaua eae caposs ; ie oe sai Gees “daswheat’Rye oat eeesee ¥Sin:pet hone he Se ’RS Tow prices:Tselh ates :— Aer CoodAGAATNEET: peer WaTipeBRLiewer Sep mae.Sin: Ss TATESVICLE GoTTON:MARKET:poy :SPATESY TEDHIN.BA xoveniber23 8A,9 an Sik UStrigtGopd?Mia Bais Spe) myroproreeeoined’n KS fave any a?lip.Bn ee‘}oo%out Se Whi Besloak $Sabor en S888 g|oupkse~" gee » ad:sane |jticets hereby given to dil:persons having:claiyas fhstatedRabeorpresentthenythine,.on-ar1,(lec orth)Ss’notice “will:bey) inidebted }* wy.WIRL LA SON ‘omg dwninistratpr., om Soithere—ne wiesaspet4 ‘g an ue bee Ce aS Fa “uiae‘obarecat ae thet eee ied—at1ai<bright siiced»faney as “extra “IKzregusperpushel,| ex divas ofr: ty prenestine prac ascen th ih B Coats.olsPETE Seamnpiere oa7 we *ane fn.2 Fike eve] leet stata tcf Gunes and:1 eS Belas,3G sh dao i:- preadens, i eS TPSOW! gn es srpéeries &fe Ties!elisosood 2asbseinsall-times..“Our <s¥oulswantigo’treshr1otcof on NS <Be nded inLAmstican asus, ,My ch GAL lo yest males:ofinterest Ree ro +—ae Liberal esed on..our PROPS (es Tees Soe ae : Ten ‘Dotlaes ‘ pies us inesbSpetomet6 “piiee ‘made by he!tsharpes { Ba Kill vame some”priceBestfancyqrints>.Coit S BO gente <a:yard <-Odtingsery,Dadie Fests ean inake ‘Capes rat a0“School Be pe ae 'There is ho other ‘place itsa bd up to.apy price.‘you!‘want,(Sizes,and conditions.of people: pOvrsCottéeat'13.1p Dame prices hi cen fsneorth pf kodds.for ey.Hess withyou..‘We want,to.chick e land if’)Yyoware’not near us ‘takewiite.andoe will “spay youhighest,cash price. Pn AVE eon ie me eckSa=‘drfitssBuboie:sheetattold;LariedsCete aw eshage,Eh zi ~WG als wie font :See ea -aTDe cheap"fora ‘wal Ww.atchy Bats“tery.apilars “proud,Jnesboltls ‘yout,alr.inerchast-: Paceeae,anyaeae ‘Kogssin pre ees,this pret aidadorte(dehinitesand:sagteezeeae: SURES Goce ren“Ompeti : CPrintsi1B Sisr velar paves?Nite fine,Pee prices youlw autinpae oNOy:Jeans as ang ey tO. >Met'sSuits $2-O0 and yyas high’apeatcasCheapy,Goddline aren's cant be:6équaleg,.Ladiés.dress/shoés:98Sh.00%up:«See:fs-on shoes?seid fou‘us Ou.shirts;.-Undenshirts,0ce-and=up: =|TheSoe a sgoodS-ebeap;ae Wer Be.We bes ag le ;reo Ft :0:act 2autsHeatystack of Shoes to suit alclasses,Don’4.forse (Ove 4for*dne dallar..”Be Zo.iper ab:in Tobacco.more to.seexust will be glad to;show:-sh will please’you;DR ny,thanks‘hopin-by,close arterion totbusi ness ee fA rat ele are Ses\enraiars Sa Geseraicercnccth. tyete St ’pt:Weputat ton for’ao. cd’always.giving cy ou sh dreddollaspatwithhs,{6-increase:oa Ue °uy Sced.cotton.balé cotton,:kens,aes,butter;corn,wheat,utiedfruit;tees wax and ali Kinds:eee qpforduee.-+We-also want cross'ties and xreenand Aried -‘hides*es ©yous fihides:to.T.:A.fled gald,oi States I sus lee fier ;octane Shoe x heestojutalcAfeesiceantoed.PA Se Sy ‘hes ee w meet ei es‘chea).aWe “Bu y- lags Ol. We TuTer ysidaltexpers”eidk)Lt bor rae dower. Gadd Stix2 Say"aid tae ae uxteoetaetsaudHoist “arts:eet ‘vou ft Soy on*i COA aaron’lindok tans in;Ye Os ay neatbef ce a snitay shOth ities: ou ah 1 Wootwant Bros.o fe aeLe L Be% 50e.and¢uy,&Men's Ha Ue St our com .“Alway$bargainsYouwhatwehare‘andfor;-pasts favors:and eottorn” cially Ou soc a:Be “~Orders front merchants:solicited for,Harness and:shoe Leather \fd horse 3andmule collars:Nie Stet BOER ndcan Te digpigwsroom should be cheerful:taste iy:tiieaiBotnecessary Smean:‘goodness=: el:you'a1nice.one for:$“abutitss‘probable the ‘best valne jin ‘a dinning eaten at a elesvetseen’that ‘is whav:lots,of poe,te Ne Leto.oe youwil netd a’*wernt =Sabestimne ‘esta full of drawers‘and 4¢lo8eaetop-and shi ves for-display.: ang ae at $2.00 Qué goods ‘stara2 Xpensitely expense doesnt ow EE“Eo slartnith vouscra tate pai tuak ele oesoOthatvishotGureeSeem 3 im & Sideboard=oe n*effective piece of for oiehee Bath Pack ati ES Pe s prices‘to:Perhaps you wilkuéout10-different styles Gon ment 2SP5.U ~-Our pr es.ar aseee aspriees wm tetasting.’ .date.:=ee in CoatstiintSENS‘Bress-Go Bgicets Wedetiags Stormpas pee Skand,other:rmidterigl £4aere.Skirts.AW ayof Ea Good kirts:sh Pays club has appropriated $I,000 of the|“{Aub,Tusds:oF this purpose./Barca 44 nNro:‘seit and get &DersmbarrestiidiaedSheetootconesakingse ok dnshiyine:vehave sve tins Nee Buaii asta Hair erkes.: also-carry,acesSatisangVelvets,for{Shirtwai a SUitp.Comte wd hoes aFqa.nyaa6ityito.fasSeon Se t s Sn a k e re g eS aS 56%rri.Ni oe 4 eee oo ~a esi (igh Ty me Pee kant ioe ‘tet is thoSe Gk,rhevt Weedditigs,YO BOP)Marks vi “atterae:ia Me :ox of Hike pag =URS:eu tett Neeop ataheeeyuatlto.3ore itn;aie ,nthe 7 ae 3 Cdiia uity:, Pic OY Aaeur yy Sete)centiianaeegeys :na Pac :er iad A ;See 42 Vienterdag:afte ae ,Og ake ete rigs yt )dy oo »:kpic e'2 -‘iene eas e ®aie Maelo ¥Gunssucopleit |Wis ;tls PEA A son rraiery 3 eched thas *zh An:i st0%came: pin and leas is daterested were?Ubited et ee SS ok be rothers Spiegtton’::;nk toe “wedlock by De wk,“Woodi.MeseeLn Teht-Lue froonitand po x thee brides”:pastar +lemp wedi?eee ,wet ank ysStocker Oe f Sideah quiet home.one,Sceemitringd apy:as isons *THG,brides ‘ «the:resigence,OF the ‘bt isle 8 sees heed:eur.“bauquey,ets ae Byx+Mir Shak:*af,rit raid fis OSES AU S attired NasSeeifbuitk:wis?Sits eel sapien aa rs A , SOT be ereoig Wary Htatesvil nde tariBehe:Sout ena .2 sf“S pogular rand suGetsstar}phasic pote Ht Othe groom?The ide ont eas fe oe -Sete afta 2 hte Hendry:BO Longe Tee pltioryBy!Foray white drifindie’ove ines y her,whig ys as Bas i s ome Leen 3 Shae against»Ey!“botegeilstly degimyel Toe ae ‘ae ce eh tlopai ete Sopreme CouttF é ae“Mipcag ton.at fev4riegds tod Ti e OVCepDE sh,alk carried:tt exthstrain pale ins:ee!thie:con thyros afigs.werd }OF pink:oses:The probs7BteiPEONESrsRepeals padsaitntoe te serate ; bee call orodmn +wer iMRS: Wp pissed f raf aetna eee ae acehearNeSeto,ee see eats =bbainas he was +d acbea‘irae [Svon cot Philatelphtiact ee yt letithe;ehaireltthe.SriBitst tive opitbin thle |Stonsihsp,i “h ;eric ry, ste we Ne:;jp oat ie taps ‘ee AabSeSelet ior .aie Euan neinGf cb ‘ arty etitercd,npss au 1:f2 ditelyafter the weddinsthetsthose who to thigvaseis’iter Bs oe the:ee sok ‘he at-4 °SibnieheGannYESanteniesveins8iatitalpartysandwlargéarumbertot}télegeaph her at.conanNege~Seon after |4oleUnduethégood’Wishes Ob andar “fa Mited eraests rep iredto the*honie Lys;ubele,Dr.Géow We Aone,npcablege:he:Was appointMitemesIEroni-Chttelotte hey «ro ON the ‘bride's,so motber.Mrs,Etlen.}¢rahat...$He¥Was ctaken:to ‘the:special collectorof:internal:re eauelkyyiFok“lprlahicher Shey Sui iY spin Myer isam-d9Dudad.stieet,where:Watts*Hospital at “‘Durham-«Hares and lates wes»tee oh ee ofthe;wifes TARZSctjoined”‘Ip the-feceptiow tovthe Ht Was found that bis right”:mand einerotis Fhe ee aitef tis:BeteAitak bafests ten per,7 Ae ppyscoaplt-admixed “the “many |céllar bent and:thigh?were *ak en,|OF Ca ward,he |e so retilh 5 aoe -hon ies4 ra A“piston Vobly pinged.io want,pis eaiegmie presets,aad,chit ted of ‘ahdthathebad sulfered igternalin:rave t se?Sed Miler das tag ar ig)“eet ate Sy eee ee Cre Beng Rabie i ic oeame het sf tee eAWfFt end Cota:rg!Aer,Fee ast and a come;yuribs."EY.ery attention was ea x %,f s ‘:cat ain a .,;¢fee i Sse otthe sand 4 arathy sopded tbe eithe wee $ret hotirs.<>str imthere:“When hisfathér Teached|ai igi 2.g tor.dine,ATH fre.bride,and:grogin are this’Khim hé-fotud him anscious:.“He|@tWhewrooWsisOrtiygouthevestibule,“tor New)knew him andtalked_of Ws:injury:Autener rt eo :add Othees Noptherq cities He rémamed*:“conscious”.almbst to!oemetheyspendsome:titre before the.cnd,falls realizing?histtnt i mieos esvilleeeineth‘Reinhome int dermyn,:Ba.gna faced.death without fear.~His |edin tbe tobatéo-business~witht PieaofSeva“is lowe”of Statesvallé's éath-”opeupred:“about<8 .o-tlock orother-inaw;thi aes W DSaasworeRitSAtenieeefest:daughters”and,is ‘@idowed:I Thurs:y night.Mrsy sone and ~Jn1886 bis,wi :es eh re bees,tee b=Shy wbitn yselidtems:She.‘nimbders’bMr.Re;>,Mclaughlin!teft ‘Om ‘the bildren,Misses FlohereFutakirad:fou?nucte with fs prouls (es;the Jelion whoBe évenjng train for;Durham’butihe nie Cowles,who,'since De.a Aroprice,7 Me ass Se rani who!ea qwisles wullyollow vhem)to-t hews of Ben’s‘death5sitet them i ev eir-mother;haveakesButiSriendeanf,“what is’othey“n “home.The groom?is onie Creaueborne ns ue :avi.aeRi “p>thetr.SE very soak:in 4of ane Aeddihs OusinGss yaen sous oe,Young:Long Svas.tah eee anit pawSeries aad js pride{°Sock tot OF Peniisy]Vania,ay MAH SOs [vear.:He susided sehanl ia tatereeeeatl:VEY and of asgured position:ete \yille,~“wotnes=to-‘Horperss *School’rs May.he <up-of lifé hée frlled.td thetOxtord £80,Fears:“ayo,wherey4viewtwithjO¥for theta mpithtiekerB+mpde-aneg fidble Y record,haataee ‘&Groot pace =sos -2 ¢-Rheld thechighds';;honors«in his-ciassSab“and-sociétys .:He,enfered fhe “fresh=man Class-a't the:Sintet™niversity:ia.2.September.“By gentlekindly manMorwacoSpee:‘Sup-Aiekat ene peirins acer I ;aint Bnd sn “Hickory”he bh On che “love an ‘eSteem ‘of:::a ant Etre .as é x 7Sie,ir i .'Soe ben :‘be Harriso.:adniinistrativa;;!pe coel ys We eee ae 08 eg Wagrdnter ty PsFadShainJone|ME StpStoan.ot Sisbuys andl te POOER™and fllon:selenafenrnies UME ETAGSSMAE Bay oa lgd cihoewlse FUG Ko ansan enone cae emnt ee yf Suaneauayr ios omtap.uopenm:4 dined eae:°D:Base with his folks.~~,toe ‘Bigsbowie,with’a ‘bright!futiietpopalat officer...>Sete »that Adore)ang Getectsh "the!materikot woriin oli punethen m Bac‘Is “and *tHepeeeeuearounTatSheeSetoDEEGaOf-Da¥tak 4 berkehite-Inazzhe fas cut dowergn]peets tetretrremient.hee rele Nt “ay is Seisa ier :jiRaeaSbeCanesSayieesGESpnday’‘with frieavds peek a4leh etre pole ofa lite,which -promiy 2h i aS a e >Bite b rad tes Wieae ee fir ebig tesa ae a valDek “ot Dealsxille,*;Sms ae ae area >tabRivtyekereYestygdayHGHLSPS“widay anc Saturda:Sag Statosvilte on the"riday”mornjrieeMaaniStDDEertaitthemars,oe‘Belte Carlton!Las’retarned|\vesitbule,The finerakservicesswKotioeeeasCanisxmievafier,wilevisit,to Chiaryotte.!oh |eonduicted ifom the:Methodist chirt:URL Ps Lops STONES serps west ..0.pusher,a tpie ddavs rand ,MOM:RePMgLollgud #S.visitidhe|SSE wokSete mec SeDe Mistrice goinTesteeets“parestah.(22 caer oo ane ayvasceh}Wav {Woods©He-waslaidjto réstin {the fusidn deat’<i shiskbtisinesst Ue ride ainks nryry *ar rei.ae Wise Oak weGoodienteters:“The"arge:Conat:would:‘bates.ifall (cone:lager UISTRIDg-i!eaechyinar Malis ct Bene Hors.edintse:“at?zpeople ¢ewhp,dilled the ‘the nominge ¢oot hi =Sek peat cae pent S mday hee Nddie ‘CHitreh testified to the:Ne in.which |coniges.Sadan ns .tesTropes:Lye Beef Pes,ote Le es held.ee oe atho.keanew hin:te Se be byWaeee |tecisetsReseUIOE staligia |yet ns Es }Lie:Sympat ty ‘the’entire Com-plank senenr Vy ~Goveror usselevesSidthosWerilade,De XE arches alt Je:laate on Kes if aged fatherieoeraiseae=ae tt Gee R.dieligh,og rE tiday ceturiany aoe ees this:jaune a a ao ee ;leks ae ay “‘|sMessts.Pehsington ait Déaweyof |*‘During bis,fers.‘ef oftive-a ig)jyttTab-Geoe&pethirded”Satuy-ef boyeper,wad:W hitehead Khittw,-H*tant general:|thé:vorvaniged-the:three!eeenaenerht dito:creieweelks”business]c.Gowtes,”In,John Wy.Greertield,.Novth Carolina’regimentsof ‘volap |*<aSouthsSoraayei.Sova;Hee RS Cave:Zeb.shone and Ay,AS:Pore ewer with pence oece Hlrede D:-ends at sie ays oN NG cue:‘are|Hofthes,+oft tk Thiverstty repre-/#)pointed Liéutenant olowel-of.the pRtates.tile;ang nf rsonh,OY ee y ce.ef Sars:a segted their:jasettatous at,“the eas Secon®Regiment.¢“Atflee the Socon’d ie birlottes moe aefouanthsPesetrascSeseeneoetal.,Mr and.Mts,A:Clement,Regiment:wag mistéred out.-he.was,fiekory,aud‘Louise’rostashaS EE Pag ee ye SF eel ot Salisbury,and "Mr.>W.:R.Odell,|appointedwaptain of the:Durbam.Destin.TExES.*,"es ites.‘Briceugh:See “:M.RK Bar niger?of“Ghar fof:Cohcord,were alse here.-Of the <ompany.i the Pifst Regiment.an raeSEWPears:Het Ot ,ie «sist La hor laughter,Mrs.relatives of $he Uerchved>father and}.went with:this.comp ne te Faeaex*te .Watts.ae x ‘“Rite ties age 3 motht y the followine,were ‘present;‘Sinve “thetihaster Out...of this.rSBaBowdeatafCharlotte,J Rie/D..A.Long.Dr-Geonw.“Teng ates:jasteAptily:he +haS.becn ‘en:Sony Saterday asd >Sunday:asa and wile,“Messts.Elmer,Jacob:A.|gagceFinthe thsi ne business here.‘tee at tise &jome:.ts HS“Osten,1 es Sa and:‘Edgar ‘Long-pmind.‘Miss:Jilia|While ra*Balewen .Serving as bien-]|MrszRebecttSame,ae »bongs=6f Graham,aid’Rev:AY,“S24 tenant Cot dnel’.OF the SecondsRevi-Greek.“Wilkes:“ourrsx*segsrs/!'D.JHRWritamstind Sas P Rong.‘And ‘daughters;“Mrs..Holle Aurent;>he “had hiss,"abRle broken by |.di ‘afteriidon,spats |=F pes~ell eat 4,RO Yous than ud Mies Laie)Long,BIBL as horse ;falling On:him;from °which vices were,“hel eNar Iniitece or iy ftou'e funting a {[Oollese:,Major,and Mrs:Co MTS uryehe hever tallNyrecovered...’oe Walkces,Teount OniSceriineyuuttiesawaitassreeRebbins,igrandpayents ‘Of typuny{>“yAndrew Cowles -iwas.-2 courteous!So}had:bee OFehwayabetParteS":eLgauty is:visiting:Sher:gous;|Ben one,:2Were Jn Wew York ardd and cultivated ‘gentleman;‘with.the:tives:an.Wilkes.eee Sry x y hHESELES)Lae see &aLiss Jessic’Rowlett::pot gt Spey gould,‘not “be wracked by.eee Polished :“manners ofa Chesterfield wmcther’s hoine.he:svds;ta :nha 5 eed =aarid:shit oe tout;‘thesoh 2s ae ey graplt ‘belore ;Sayurday:wight,“£001 vithtrug loaIty “tochistfriends:|dndhiswife an hudret §‘sent x:‘Oane ie Gas Sha ‘ivfor there ali oposebiaandis:eve:yeOrde i:ges:Gvourk.Roberts;“of AY illow late Yo ve?“present.4 "“tO ‘eptianaly.quick intellect:and.for,and¢ee with bint in.-histast Ke eae trea Serer |Come ainnd see us;as iighicas a fairy s whisper bride Spamgs,Missouri,:is >visiting Sher}See eh as -wide:reading .he.‘was’a -most-‘moments.i wegen eeisean see reo 3 Span“hint egg X bos kappindsy Se eee 2 }ueohew,Mr.Ry oO.Leinster.”23 Death or Me.David N.MacCalt.ey nasi So and sal éMr.Somers:wasDanco:HEdibs,2h :sea t e f*Salis-}<z <,|gtaceful'speaker and ‘writer:-.|was a'mative of Wilkes,but,for-over:vs Reuben Cc nipbell,of Sa ‘Mr.David N‘.MaéCall‘died.iu Se-{”-His:friends were:Won:and their}twenty years.had’=been *diying- advance‘ed.from,Wha?25¢5 as £Give os.aysca Lot ROPE in on.hij Rte ee Soy Ene i ed 4eavalent « ocame up yesterday.to attend:attle,Washington,‘Tast.!Thursday,sympathy |foes out to“aie twolittle was engagedety:Shean peso “bo s:Aliison’w dding.;-a .Sosa meres .Seeof ‘November:*|dauchters:and bis rélatiyes.*..-°)|jhe liquor:trade.’..Somers:ACRE SO NRRSS,ajessts.C.M:Sherrill;ot Hickory,Mr.MacCall:was’born’néar.Plor-Sis father;Col:Calvitt J.‘Gosleetedtes a'wi eqnd:tivo:childreti'a son |:”sa heh di.tlaseicet Kuo Litaneie vs oe sons ofM ;*GEFs?)Ws TD?Taylor;-ot Davidson.Col+}ence,S.-C.,April23-1862,,After |tg lighters,Misses Florence-and é ’‘eo RS Z a oN =cSSSSeeagesPanterGhatabPOac~spent Sunday in,Statesville.h¢ompleting.his education at Farman riba catesaa See we ae en neee ae =ee e tae Linalnnive Atwater bout -uiss Mary Huggts,”of Augustaz|Ubivetsity\SouthCarolina,he,grad:|Messsrs.,wArthurD.Cowles,ofGap this;count:vues :AH tboletyeeTREati.is.visiting ber:auuts,Mrs..M-uated;at -Poughkeepsie:Business [Creek;Ashe county;:*Will -D.;bideceased. sab oye aes Sao es of ONE illiams aud Mrs.’TT.C.Cowles.Colleges.He came'to Statesville ja Charlotte,and:Major ‘Gath D:sof.the} =Acheron”Fe acd Street T8$4.and lived here ‘till 1889,when}-Highteenth:US.Infantry,now.in:Sireiocis sate the .cventhy:.Phe}:--Mar:D.C.‘Stimsen an&daughter,|he went to the State of Washington:thePulley ines surviveel,g : i 2strey weve bi}atten dante::Misss ue 3>Mollie;OL Lenoir:Bre Nisiting|F Or,the past three years he has.been 5 5 -:fe no Ben ty “Shalate,Chiies orauhe-*;Stimson's.or Me.W.Jd:Stim-at Index,Washington,.~.rae eee :USO s Saplorsvilie:MISS,R vena}yl Sah tae aii wif Bouts&Year ago,while out ‘Wout Death of Mrs.‘:5 fase es::Tet rhe yethi eas ut as WC ,bAtea Herpert :Mion i“IS ny Si Misses’‘Béssie W LG an Aome ing?with friends,he’was.injured .“by:e rain’ie Pa eae ‘yagi that ‘Atmmighty oe a ee eran W jak Tesvores pled sy sey tity impe nd Me 2 rls ie the top of a.dead:tri f;go.;|dence,chas'taken trom‘ne our ‘friend nuttch clasRabertclattieLedbE|yaks oe a es ootae 'ary.ak Mp ¢and-mr,>and:MFS*W:Ki pe f ee"altivg.on OLrrowsuk::ifniates Benjamut ievaktin hong.Jrip ie:a io 5;=“th ateaMatiRers“DPeessly:“made itvnkin-alb of ¢Mooresv ille (aie in|himand.strixing,him-on the ‘backof}.j 1d-|RESOLVED:Thatfirhis.death-ye,the member ¢ann “please the most cr itic ai,CE AE ‘PnooU|these as l es ,“ehh saat 2 |dhe head,:>in ublng :UMTS 3 s.class,have.16st \a:trite friend,who es Psi rd oe reach !s“maa church of Agee brut i PE ini eA ay econ morningto atteud~tha /the :J uring the’spinal chord}istrectrat |Cuked our hishen ence samicattectow,wad et ot:=Bapest:=‘iter the acremony:Was-overound |3 Stocker:Morrison wedding,”bes prow this injury:he ‘neyer -fully:re-2.30°pees “afternoon.Uthi's |that this institutionAas"lost ‘onc of.it:;ant Ske rentains inleresy Eh,-AY.y hadedsonte weeny “press 7 ow Leovered..“Some -weeks ago he-iput4 “<|promising:students.:And:be:fastgeeae‘harvest b bee reny:one |;;1thskubeshy-ae Sa Sn cpseats Were:seen Wand adunred re|jiissesEthel Moore,Ellie Cope:hiujsele under a specialistfor’tteat-|roy ous soiree His test plow Araya to narcte matin ive ae al sésarma “ut toe’,Py thine ireslruiagts wete served 19:tals hap.sud aideBessie May -Tays:ae.a,[nent He was “rapidly:reeovering|oF the'saddest,hehad.taken fathers,sie cevEDeTuawannirot cee cevmonet eee ae ::ite iebt Wis Peyweeddine partys:Pho-bride -and:cacndd bome fromi/sGreens boro ow:Phealth ‘and streavthand expectedto Sonsand’brother:oe oie parent nt to hjs patents,Lie Réleigh:eelutions EARSo care awe Tald of the Hse MLsks faaSethBeenece"ko tee 0 oe the’Nora@ialtill:‘+ne eae tos :uuMmose Porous tet ts tihis-Ee for BsYEAZs tk if S have returned t0 “his’.work.-on the}I ;Obseryer.-to “the:Charlotte “Observer tovithe Wes Bins \a oe Lwadys:4 ]se My oe aV eS.@ot);ni He's :a :SG porteet,Syices.4 fade Si.SU.”erp Fe ky Meds te a 16th,put on:that”morning a sadden |.oe Re ee tity Seu Ue Har Heel."Ae ate .LAscor:1.,z G &p i "tes:Jiroy.Wi nee and:wile,of change for'the worse ¢ame’and -his a mee sad orth ere aehe gui sted)1 BRIGRES.DRANES Te cts,ACN ‘r Jaa Wi make it to your interest 10,five.v@iiton,arrived Saturday.morn?|spirit depanted tothe God-who $ave lmiother -M i ate ee aes "R.CAPEHART jr...er as up carly gaall. ;3 sn their way10Mooresville.»Mr.fit sidow.of:the.late!Phomas Jelena,5 se ies pei Ban Woe saree :i ‘hheta we|isa preity aud.popul gies‘stopped*over’:ans;Statesville -H mother?‘Mrs.‘Talia i MacCail,Corpéning .and wasabout 6%:years|<ioe ot WHLL.Fo CARR,”ES,Jom Brads:i onglady.and:will be snitssed!‘from:tid:Mosidatys i555 vy Cs :~:Jaodtthree sisters,:Mrs.T,E.Ander-fofage.Shé ‘had-beeh ill with’pneu-ee wsPeedbradiey.ior hireet erry at frieuds.The Son,,Mrs:SV.D;Turner;‘and Miss |i Sera RTS Mes 2 tommitee See .&seen a ee Moype Ses ares ,yia!ODS ye Busiwess Mrs.MeRe:Saino.and.@hildren Blizabetk:jaeCall,‘alLOF:Statesvalle;]ee ;ous Qed:;eee nae 4 i sy rx ees ESS pos Sy Cr e e we pe r e ny e n i e n 7 Ome wold:yor!,a :;:ToaLay fs Zo ye 5 r“fee 5 proeraqn Mise ihe.7 ed rep this-morning:tor “Tennessee.to]Jand*twos ardthers;Messrs.ae Harlle thy Sone .ran es :\:ad :he us :Lisette as :ight =tsnf Rea Se en ee Cagtatives “Theta,Dr “Adams |“BMotry ‘Lest Ms 3 aes *\aa ;—_liane —ghttresFes etaght ~~‘gt ‘Lexingtoa;and Harry ‘Lee:Mac-t+=:Sait able toraccompany:them as:Call,‘of Goldsboro;survivebirt ogxtBoeFeRSetNieatchasaathSaptewasbad’expected:dwing to eeeoereys Sit&ie oa ercr.WLS!left.chere’<iart SakLhe fairest wotsSpROSpectsts is ptolessional,busines *:ye.)-xf wi 3 :i's laat!ithe a eS Shit no cloud!)\y Mice 7:“x.iMeDougatd cand’agree Epcaehvot StesDs‘€.eer i :,ever a-happs ess.’‘bug,es eughter cwent®we -Dunn,“Harnett.Soiini of Sheaeverskjoys!may?att;end we :muty tase:weekto Visit’Mra:Mee “the Potber StetWe 3:Stim eesehWercanritiniYears4Liaugald's sister,who waS very “ill,Statesville,died Priduy ere:no .“=x :;sae Bulk me eeby Mr.Ith.Kat 430°and was‘by oa a 2A!>witdaxafternoon;i ene‘sad 5 5 ‘fox h Chvistain gentle:|s a3eee casey penvaliis pl the Mess opmeneeily si was revered| Inabriadesy ‘Wes:st es 3Le Wee ‘EA sis of Seated apa 2 peleeeank Raaa tsoa dboved.with ‘ali thes rength wid tet 3 3 ate podTatplita,>artived Sonday-Ir Alli-4 2 :res =cre é gach a =&cane taattend the nanriage.off 1 aa ands eyesee ae eceeitges eters:puberehie ite 2 Dat ig Stocker,sorder “bbsse Otte ty ater Lol put Tor overa0 eaehad been ee he at fO.us SE scedo better.“ow is ihe.harveareIdiaADRsfavgarpeShSdconsistent‘member fut3 “Ane otPeet You wit Gta our stock’gf2tiobisfoliezbeyéad~NES Avail tod best:;4-Reopieupds Obs WSttgbtsIIH.¢the Sechadtst Stay bo S Shes he suo pes ios but}@ Stepp rear,Neckwear,:B %=wv oT]“.Q fad ly +se “says ie are tbe Grest:}=(fee Do'x@¢need oe suit ot “isebg $P:Fotiesye Sas beer ‘ authariottes inerweeks nursing:eK |=te nes ti ee ee el at $e Wael ker ley"has,ré-"sonar,Wed:erleav :ix ‘6suid,preesp Tite.+AANSTANCE VK oe ead e :3 g 4 »M,Furches.tansé |P sin’.:ré yes ‘aud:pricebattJeehotie?ae radiey |‘Has:bai¥ae 4 bw,té =f 2 sa rs.at A oat.Stathe:Pee.‘vy ee ane Ri eee abodeoflow. :Shorea ERS:ait:caste tysee SS ¥i i ae ;ha)(eh a a =ooking 1Ou3 ours pinere”s #=‘sc -:t oe ee oS neas “Brdvudd=uy eh:Hefler and od 3 RS eet ae a et ie;nettiag Ort.pas :,eet hiid ~dinh :.sie Ea se 5 4 i 2 satine riggon;Sees.Po OP OR Varig ree et *;;@ /Ons bee |Ervin:Sorpeuing,of.‘Dalla Texas s.Sixtyed a :y |ae r Sloan.&She fon. acre aus usm ed.oe ome Mattie en tee sere oe ii cone Soa Soe tee sls POLELGN:”Gorpening:of Council Blutts itsanid:interlied S thews v esville.2ca faces’Wormiedl &Yate pel =e eae eT retBe PORT,pope 2 udge Fy chedand itisdAltona aati!Yorhin de ves Weded=2 Oak on::Ste ee nity :ore para SOREN aps oF teioessporting goods.|Sees z eit ConeBente Tuibsday.)Apo YOu:eu .: feild por ov web delsont 3 SB.ADS EGOS sé I.Si bie See e iuletday {to boburieg ag (it aigp yousth abtotdat ~7 HED eapuy RENO S LVERELIS tl atch pouelisostle trom yabeminsiteX08 ae ordia OE eo ot worindsbandr sees oa A ok SE Bie TONICPELLETS you do notbuy-amed- ees ptayed Gy.pre aa dS theigserde stockof |dug :pane at Peter es :3 :T:ut a,Complet "freatment for Bilious-=.-*sorgas f ST apaeey Feast gS Rr Hite Sexer irsated em Uae bec ote ogee on ME Bf WRENS :Const mT Heataches.‘itis two #3 < BoAShErs,«Mecsré.3de aston Bros.‘hase the famobsJ.“Miss piciee C es k for,Walker OPA Ot MY OS EOD Bi atte dey ert AER AAD foe adicide butsoldfortone price=-25¢~_ -ryilormynRe.Hie gropm sg Bewis Shoesand-the Little Setur-[Nes pee anc neyni Seok awa geet :STON,La Xk “he Pills mediate relief;<the }ee we r “.ams ee i a aAt nap a!fi :é,>2 Shed tin dey @arrrytext+uke My Ss SeLeShiiford,of Jachb's*pork}23.eve “bean.jailBd id Dae*Sipe onaseie,ay ies Tusnér:aud.[ni tawba douitty,Gps some Subjseks ham-for-a criminal‘assault.aeiy “in the!tase,iecioaled.*Fe soeTEDLA..3 next ihe sel epnetsanit Jersey cattle forsal io e ) ta x eyng 4 ’ = Pe e ee e ® ee e ee t f, ee ve e bs KS ae °F ty e ie s , AS ’, Ss Zh PA , TA. ae od y § fe v i v o n s ’ =’ 3fotfff SmFacts About the Pitere ane ibesta. ~ te OD “thirtéen colleéedS and Ptate Univers|citizens.poRF nS sities.-The p'ofessJions:of.thé:par-4 WeBaye:xpariciented”e Tete“ents of thé st dengs egrolfed:are as and have)not “show:—tbe:Fale follows:Soy :Ses<}pind chief ig-wrong.aeiocetSegyt:*berd “the.‘Pbilippiaes|‘and ‘thats RezFarinersé..“hago "a8 epublica §ward héeler webpletleego to.e Lawyer {Ponce>a eee rwhat,"Feasont |Doctors.ne Oy have #7 for pride,>3°°-.Merchants:--$A ESset.=return.to:Fetedolies‘and <ikalist s give he\dréams:of.Europe-{ots~Teachers......+j ee —e =iarolina and ‘Upited ©ae his-; a eee Mr:ones &Lava;‘10 os i se "zation Of the he mai.” ‘ee =blgachtinig,s ‘colors‘atd'Pepius: va tiamde?“ ..Fer Fl ran ae*suceeded: i ae SweltLiressed many resembling - SP St <a oA ~4 side ofthe:mill industry;a ans ak i ne oithe two,men about aerpmet ,Up:Last eveningsMrs2.Dexter.|rez “that his mind'was clearing”up and :¥\baseediba:es5 c.~=Mr. a ~te@aia to,some Fourg F -dents:seed ee serisearOFnelernic enftheRaleigh Post,| Nov-réth ln sf aa \)pmne Conquest,” :”paleigh News.aya Observer.gotx Seen General -Alejandrino,tee ciel af: the’Fitipino litery)pComensee os recent]y said:”“We fought Spain “hecanse:we did ipvolving a Y * The University.‘Recond:forSao not “wish longer to’bea.colony -ber-is just:out:“It contdins interest:|colonial goverumentunderAmerican |{sc {ng information as to what .is.being|‘rule would.bé worse,than -the SOL,special ‘iSh,Because yousknow poche ae akoedo|ber:done at the:University:-interest.are ‘statistics:as-to ‘theé-stu-|the-way to.govern colgnies: pan-{that oor out.)yout at the ‘Bata mill:“S-Quite a“nun-- “dents and information in regard,to fnot-wast 0:be ‘experimented on for | pe:centary -while.you:are-learning::pes life:* -On'the 18th of Ocraber7~‘one inouth'| <fromthe first day of the-session,‘the| *enrollment‘was.480in the acadentic; thow.--With-En Bland.it,aebe.an~' sother matter cof ey ; “You are auotber *racer and Snes Yaw;medical aid pharmacy depart-;not in “sympathy.withwus.Weknow.:ments.’This‘is.the largest--€nroll-‘how:to-rile qur/own people.“We do =“ment éver “reached.during the first not.understand “why your.powerful mouth-of;Any term;‘and..with:‘the:+nation watts:to.ctush uplikeinsects. oo omitting |"You cap’“conquer,us‘be€aus¢gyou are: Guplicate’;Ww. to 619.~ »The folloiniz denominations:are it catry the total uP rich and Sur soldiers:cannot fight. :Success ally against.yOurs?;£~Wetwant an honorablé peace,‘butycrepreselited:Methodist;‘Episcopal,||we Wilh fhe uptil,déath,for,‘aun:int “Baptist-Presbyterians ‘Lutheran,pnauuane.‘i Disciples:tofiChrist,Moravians.Me}h=}>:We- odrst;pessestaiih, and ;‘i “The oemen Sof this year:frontedSreosixtypreparatory”‘schdalsandt sOthers 1,eecs hu ~The following’trastegs ayoigittstotheeee Manufacturer: }-andsome Jormitory.building;new | A ioSparse:OF.erection;ato cost’,Pi:“000;+:Mr:fieaty Weill of Goldsboro,=gi¥es the Iibraryi $1,000."a MehMr.James-S runtprovides for the-publication‘efMonegraphs on.North: >tory.2 ke ‘HON 3 Tarboro,prize for :‘the.’best?thesis*-on ‘:The “Government:Drebrship:ofRbads.’aE gop ae .'Old'st dents.will rédd ‘with;pleas-ure dboat**many ‘im prot ements:iDthecampusandvillage,.ag alsé ofa*wellfarmulated:plan: ise hemidaldepart myentia.nee-,tohfse pi Soe bl ache‘been ‘established |for’‘tlie,stu vetextile‘fibres jtheir.bepppiihion.Aer “qnethods veins:‘aud th}and a eee ‘of “fotby“shus gionsjhesphintiplésaodtheories.¢ett the ‘practice intelligible.* A‘rep@rt of the chass:.that eraicd-ateddasta ure Shows,that 22,OF theat «members are téaching'”as LeThisnimberoftheRecorddabhehe“read with pleasuresby ‘Sl; yahutni-of the University or RO.2s.:The-regular meeting Of the ‘Elisha Be o¢iety:was:held :interesting ‘paz!upleners:Gore,rN “Mitchell Scientiti¢ “Jast night and”verpersWereread:aa tr _aud?Cobb.ae yo “ ps "Bloodhound Bag Bows B Murderer. .She “This Correspondent:of“the Moraleg Post,“Now,Ryth.>a Ne Ae Fim;‘Perel,’a neuio patehiér?ofKing?§©Mpuntain,:is-én.jait ‘here,chatzed “Ww“with murder’:off .Sam:Mpore,also edlored:©Theré had“been considerable jealousy »rbe ween}‘aad Gos ie ‘they had‘hot.words’at-Sylvan ug“forth’s store,where F seed ~workied,i;Siturda}nivhe.“97?eee aceiMy.-Goforth-cabght :hold “otf=Madre and’jed-him:to”thedodgr:andtvas/Moore ‘stepped’out©Peure fired,‘the balbenterin githerback of Moore:Ss hes ude’leg in:distancinighisparsuers”:Sautet PoFcc*“dongs,‘off Suelby,2 d:Sherifi,Slittle }arrifed Jater «with,;Blood,“Hounds::The track was lost late:att}>night,but:Suiday morning the doge|‘“avainsstruck it -and‘ran“without a_break.;“Ferrel ‘came ‘into “King’s |Mountain and surrendered;with*the:di Si.close on:his “heels.;©~~; — e:‘gis.is the:fourth’killing iin:@leve:_lanid-within'the -last ‘six months.It)~makes the third triak to:be’heard:‘bex®tern Of.court’for.murder:-._..dnhas.béenonly a week since court |aijaurned here:but te:all i$beingrapillyrefi}led. ve teer=‘ound in,Asheville:: Sek.NYS Dispatch-roth.Le fe * =he mystery of the strange disab-ppestance-last week.of Rev."Wac He.Dexter;principal ‘of 4 wilitary*school ‘here,has been partly ¢leared ‘% .ceived.atelegram™‘from:Andrew N-=Morse,"Asheville,-N.C,stating~that he had found Dexter an invalid; be:would-be:homie®directly.Mrs:Dexter:‘kept-‘thei ‘telegram .secretubtil.she received further’particu--lars.~This evening she received'-aetterfromMorse,who:is an‘old:}.family friend,confirming the.téle-1*“gram,;butnot stating -how Dexter:‘reached Asheville or what .lod -himtdOthere.5 :titisbelieved,however,“that”Sstory printed some:idays..ago:of -'a,Dex-4 ide[? at this 4causedscouge!ouded.*TheyDe indhe.sic ny_dered-off Without esie nas arnats Apr piebuzani “te to,Be:A rgSeLoy tions e.'siztog’‘dcr whether .;did not know,}would-n Ohitry:an Gontgratulaton Mary!oqe“otrats |th yaltitoort‘Dikpaten,st. =+Thé executive canal ‘of:he.,G LJulian’S~Sass aeS af aryland Democratié ilver:‘=e mi ciation,made:public.‘to-day,the fk:to;therr congratulstoryJowing:rep!¥to;1 telegrau tolVPorthe®mer““T am‘greatly me hyMetabe ‘tyinix. tion ta Republi¢an GE SW 1 Shipwws Teensboro Récota~t i phe Ipjaqa clippi oT ucky,in therrde regular:Dentooratic’s newspapers insMr:Bryan-me ‘Olina’‘polities it tOan to aa: ‘wou ed <bts)ae ities? Hike!to’ /olina DiDemocrats!wepotedonaayve“half selectors.i nilPWSESKarr mittée,BY.sand? oneGr list ®candidate.for: lean ponies Harri eetcacy "Linney asa L New ton ‘Enterpgise,'ri ‘Bothi ‘at the barandhehas:few. ‘That’they *were di LLinney.to make a as to-howcases "before the courtJawandtheamendm andi it tell. peace the:white vate:‘the Democ ent iwhathe eC quidsfor*hate! North: periors,:‘penhéeis a”‘weakling:day's Charlotte:Observer:he‘pub-:ished &three column Jetter.in.an-swer to.Mr->Settle’s.one.column.‘Mr.Settle:asked,in yeryplain.terms’[Severalhighly iimportant -questions:*ficult!questions,all will admit,-but-we.expected)Mr, wey ryan,ato ssent®thro we “de not:‘know “how to govern, Dutch Reformed ‘eblonies:*We-do fot want to.koow. TIt isnot:themission’of the.Republi¢ toryovern subjects;butte be goyerb-anil).perforined:tthe’‘ceremony,unit: ed:vytlre collbctixe.:pesca of all its: inal 4 3 ie Lot the:first aud only automobile in: yt f theassociation:| obliged:to-:the congyatulatiobs. ‘your.<&‘execht]ve--eommjftes.. AShtin:Nebraska’Was made on:*Na ,tional issues;and the‘result isprati-“The areturns:‘Statesindicate -‘a!growing bpposi-polidies,~We’‘mugh “pleased.ta ;See that -Maryla iSagain inthe Democratic:€o]and ready for thecon'test oft19005.2weerytruly.yOu ‘Saas ‘you.for}:5e rom.Jother|” &are,= J BRYAN Sant Sens - i sy ladies? Hicket |1 Agr k :tAsspciagionoiiicers ‘Feport:it 2 Washington:has 4 sable the Gatees‘reforms Abings)By?Snedk-,“dressds.°nee“objects:“to!long Jdresses {that*}psweep’the sidewalls,aand*rites ‘the.Popt that when hess ucdeedéd.infetwat |fare “pt,Injen’tie caangr aly su jugate’ifipenes ses Da lathe iss-a His;own,Jrace;But holdin “check:and||: eax,thr Collars.’!eesfor ag henerey ‘great American army?’ ,Pk ',ETS ety pe in shereps Bo pails rob iethird timeithetiandroke in to also.been charged >du Une:or,iB Garoling ‘that fleds:with:“NorthCar+4;‘fixing’ip:fugion iqf,1896.""-1t.would \be“interesting‘ews:iknow swhenaodwhere”Mr.Bry-¥a North?Caroli-}: istentSees who keeFalkabout.the oe:that™"North Car=. heother Yidnd -we.t ktOur good"but tin-;p:Fhe| Re Pexmetted to!Demgeratic’}: ison ey -ae t Writer,a on it Writin.iis not»Mra Linney.s“fob! i596,ig it:Rot true®‘that:ity,chairman of:the:YNeteanklDetnocrasiieexecutive:‘coms’withthe|:copsent,ofover-Clévelaud’wha was thea}36 Democratic candidate’for -presi-ent;tookydown every’Deniocraticelevtor:in®‘the ‘States<af:‘ColoradoandNebraska°‘and.we think cother|'-westéra:Statesin 1892,and nd Dem-|Foeratin thosé States ‘was -givéu an.}opportunity-to:vote for:‘the.nominee;of the party?.’Did‘not MruHarrity,and.Mr.Cleveland at’‘the same ‘timeinstructDemoeratsinthose:States+o vote.for Gen.Weaver,thé -Popu-president;and.|.thereby the more:effeetuatlyy aid in,1)taking’those Statés from:theSema I on the stump,. Bat:with’‘the In‘last?Fri: hich pels.saathyear nee gle'|wife had been troubled:maps:with stonstip night-at well,J gmerdon «ng tealat.ness,at that bire Of lastSabirday quésted‘them to put only twintheBaggy;Aeblich they!weBrbodesbutsMr.jj Dameren’s-’sroused“he!srsne 8iniself!‘Helover-) 2 findipg 3 inthe bb“keidemanded\the,surreadet eeeim.”Whéreupon‘one ofthe parHoowtsceehinxwithaeek octinng!sever Bieon rele :fon .5 bined,and I handle ti:|dillseept scindicot Pile.Peet spepels.A icife?1S 2 My dowh.ee Pain/Balw,,“with ‘good renns.+forateme:shoulder °‘that bas*: ~hts head 3Dr meraw“moanedand ed tle,earroper:place.r eeexingalongasSeatas\icould:be: 2 under ‘he ~circumstancess a ~pprouage tojustice sends mornitheguilty“parties +had_not:been wife’ant Ysuniption.that-the.firste-wife was S/T éxas.Writes.us-as foll i!fsa.Ar’along’0 eeeFire(Sone Stabaatd*ab J »Therre isa CAicsitevlarieiostin, our init ‘now,somewhat ;similar; -to-one whieb:‘appeared.i ,New.York papers ‘quite a“lady”ia au “adjoining,Sena‘county 4,>—The case"of7“whieh-“Wes “speak Ts;/ W.S.Craver,‘wholives of-yeats ago,*he married @ lady. They’becadine separated-and‘after ay ‘considerable:period of -time,‘having:} reasonsto think.that‘his wife was dead,he martied-a lady named Miss Lillie Blackwelder.After :hi's *see-, dnd.marriage the~‘first:‘wife was|: husband-'6f two.wives:Ine order. to net violate thelaw,-which.Fould: have:been dangeroug,’‘and’‘givinglighttothecase’in regard to:his)asr }.t déad,he’was)‘at,the:Jast term’joftcourt‘granted{-a divorce,fronn his}fingt wifedand ‘thé secobd warriage |was declared:‘owhls*Soom Jast Saturday:evening -"Sqvires W.“Je MeeLaughtin;‘whorives:out atthe Bala “A oc!ake aeI,saceanipalgouna’:”“3 r. Mri Dos E.Riryyne’,received bisautombileFridayand:‘has’sivce:beeniliently,at.work,“assisted*by Mr.4:Price,sin taminy ith xe As:‘soon | jas they get it‘trained to:keepin the:‘middle.of tne “road and brea it?from:-trying to climb trees,Mry-Rhyne -is ‘voine-to takea ride,2.The possession the State is adding :Considerably:"to| |Mx=Rbyne’s Dopey ath want teftake;a-ride (S.o x saei ee ¢ :Bryan Aleayaeady.; _Jomrpial of Aurteulture,ay ml akbub “The following wnididdeses ceditpdaring:Mr..‘Brvan's‘tour-of Nebras;)|e “and ;are:good examples:of.His}i keen,wit,quick Tapers‘and:cathe ping iinv etive:yNear‘the’,‘slase of his ‘Sbdech:ty: peepees ‘diehte arose and denied that’Presi-‘deut®“Mek inleg desires ta:retainsthePhilippines.av heretipon,{without a! ‘oment’s.”hesitatian 100 the ?least.:Show:offer bar sent;,Mre Bayan’quotedthis’seat nee from:jue-of,Me-j pacuaey s eee ,Led.‘SLcannot ‘per myself ta ‘aoubt |fthat®these:islau ilkbé retainedithe:benigésoy ereigpty afthe} ‘United:States:;”i Leb ya by>The-Re)uublican ext declaredfaostofteFilipinos’were.ThtagajnstApuinaide,~ee7Are-ybufot fattening Agui,nal-.do too,much?”asked"Mr.)Bryan,,‘wher ‘you:assertthat:with’3 hand-" ~* eerevoltfey <a ‘declare’that ‘the Sede of the Philip-;‘pies.igYaltiable:“f{Bryan.rose te his oFa, ae‘ht Houritd mi¢asure:the.Nvek I" Of‘Auieri¢nbOY Sand the heartaches © eager Behers?bystthe *paltry paola ree“ot pairs Esdareysou)ne |: "And.'t cok nt:jute |P ver ebleprpxysmoflapplause.7:“Then |‘the?ates!debvlared¢th eresidence |leading the United S ithebelipiheielantie‘Heth:st eon Pi PADS my,friend;"’‘came t ply; LT néver yet cornered:‘an imperiawhedid:pot:finally day the’Thou oponithe;*a lmubhey.+7 (apehter "andheTS.)3 +S fihyou,my!ireibade werethalt asSatan!‘to be:6b the Lord's side as [S‘you ate to bring Jehovah dowy front“Heaven to oolster up.the,Republican|party,you wouldn’s:be)here ad voca-Lting:anabandoameht of the'Deciara-|tign,of Independence:-Youare not]:preaching the ‘gospel sof the:Prince}:Loft Peace.',.Yous are Preachips the:infernal.gospel ‘cf Reagtest and easederanddéath:RS Sy “The”‘orator’Ss.’last words wpte:drowned in’a,temptest,‘of -cheers,di to await shis.auswer.., so:will:the doetrine of 1mpérialism.when’measured by the énlighten-|ed:intelligence *of American.‘citiz: pons2 tale Si nt indvontios-“your *‘holiday Wittes,in)THE Mgscor.ji That is;if you:want. ytosell.them..Mascor ads.rdre:read. ae oo xtamon Fakes.The ‘bead.: Re La:Coltins,Tryo.Arkansas,|Peet “Tchave used various medicines| foria torpid:liver.but Raiwnon's'Liv’ ev Pills arethe -only.remedy,|thatproyed,‘benelicial..-£have.been,sell-) ing them for two years;“and fronymy’experien¢e often;recommend:them to friends...Ramon’s take:the lead:of Several different kindsthat’zelle:“Robs!>SKEoN:-Ri Tunstall.. ee Witeb ‘Hazel Salve forary.consider- ation,’’..:writes®Thos...B:Rhodes,iCenterfield,©...Intallible’for ipiles,,cuts;burns.and “skin's dieasés..Be~ware.ae w.:re a : *‘Sebscribe-for Puastangon. ue eeeSe ‘Péolvilles ition.Shé had cheepearlyvallkinds’sof‘remédies,“but;failed to feceive Pay,benefit<until} OWS.C1: ‘Pellets,sold:here:by W:I :Bullivg-| ton...”Shes:haw.AD,better ~health,time:nate:6.BG aw xBullingtonon,.Diugist:‘Poot-|,Xas,iJuly 17,1897,says: ur‘Liven Pills’‘andaerelietshanof!all others |com teen or twenty, * nok ea Ny Re Toustall fw wife wad péen -casting!Chadiber: de cops” comes:2,earl|Smooth “lier iveUlackPy"2;Ping againMrs ‘Craver rane es Pee areaBlagkwalderEteES :oS Ree ian “cA NokFirstAbRoniobitea%a Mouroc-fo ape é ‘thatfoir:‘years ‘wast ‘Falls,Cty a ‘Republican.ith’thejau-ie Beck took careofiher,saw:tliat}. she ‘had everything*néeded,took her [. to the seaside,tn--fact~treated:her}‘aS-if she -had*been hisown “dapghter, and esterday”:brought ker’back to:her parents,atid-wil Lito.find -employmerit,-Pwhich She:oe .rt. 6 mendati¢ aeaireg ibe 1 oy 4 etnies3¥evived benUnionists ont bellion:inand:-Hanha.Owpendiag.:;.Bostan:,seseit fesents.ihe rieali ‘of:‘its-Own teaching anddiser'Virginta may vweil,.hope that theiCentiir ¥elose:tin’supshine for he Borers:atlibertyeverywhere.:* The’imperialist disappeared...“And hs rican,owaters, ep jouildn’t:#Dewitt’s }wereditable attempt|;wonidn pe withot DeWitt’s }/: -To«the.-questionwould:be broughttotesttheelection‘ ent,“he ‘said:hey She’;did;.=he |;“AS ‘to’whether |‘the eRepublicanseectEeresons =4}‘Water Comp _re“thursday “a'|Mr.Retry:Hewittand his ile weotOver:to-Mrs.Sallie“Hewitt's/to a”an ‘when,theyre:found:‘that.bur}!sdyer-the house.}SE:ed the ‘things’out-of “the:bureall:draw|.*na {ets wére’-seattered>all Wer pee a Soy|foom,ibut-nothing.Wasi missing b pee:‘thedining:Toon 3Deen‘takerout.ofpeorbase |cotn shucking, tured <‘ote?th ‘gidrshad -béen.. | ~~ ry,Bile oS Xwias goods will’‘soon,arrivee-andlthe.merchants ‘will tell*vout-of ithe |thrpugh the columns ot Due:Master he poly heroy eaten‘eyes “flashedZhe ad ge.ab:SattetoeSeatedtieswinweeeitiousand©dempaign toaaectioti‘Of.‘ee Morgantbe Heralds vas eon : aane “rebslli of,Thomas : ;by fonofMona B.sfonds“|Senator:Mason and anytinéuishedt polithe yr HoasSenati te: ‘ ‘Rear ‘aiial’‘Sebley-was:Feet apojoesdinnertonightby.the Clover.Clube}.ae“ob peian to.hisdeparture ‘for South Af-}Among the guests}:|‘were Captain Clarke,formerly’‘of:thebattleship»Oregon,who |was.with|Schleyin the Rreat,battle’off -San-ip -tiago,}and’Gen:itz.Lee,aeis onyavisittothécity.~4Afeature,of the’diner was:treap- pearance:for:the “first:time “ofyawoman;at.a!Clover*Mine!Emma Nevada ,the distinguish-ed.operatic.singer.was’introduced|: to the diners:‘and shook hands with:|*4:the:guest:of-honot:?She favored.the :club by singing “America,‘)in whichshe:was joinéd:by-the?entire assem-|’ _{blage,Atoleay Seley.Jeadinge : on =eneta hsoine «time jago PIny,,and seve “al!hsince beeur held‘that if’ oration.cquired:the” ais “omy Negroes Need Apply.ft ‘53 The.Alamapee Gleanérshas ‘Ahis’“amd hevet ‘yhews item:;ra «Phe silk:“mill”Sat,Fay Cisie oftthe:jawed,by 2 :Péngsylvanjan,;is’in.operation. wheag0,+Mo aces ot land \néar-*b¥;;e twill”establish -a*$2,plant there.‘moving it from’New?ceJerseyandPennsylvania.x Daly neyrORO'labor.is.tobe“em ployed:"bestty:pes:of inégroes,,all-educated sare aloone:chosen,‘é ohne The wmnet bas,bou atl cof.them being eewe Eeyoung::Strict examination-is made|;>;Has:to.dhoral character anda’short-. tcoming in this:regard.théansdailure;| to get work.°’ twilt be ‘ran Short of:dabor and:stay. foun tobe living and be adic i stort,”ore the Cumberland county |‘dre““powful ‘onlike””thosethetnOther!‘parts-“of Carolina:“But ‘if;théexamination bé oral-and excuses}allowed:for.““the-“moral’shorteom:ings”thé”superintendent ~of *that} mill4will always.Have’a ‘full:force.i who,‘according to-their*‘statementy.ewillbe+well-high?”,‘onéral’‘shurtsomer,”who ~‘‘shor :“and”.often.and.toreebi Ps Our:readers:wild ipechaps:‘reeall}‘ago-Mr.“Sc C.Bates‘sent a:‘ttle’.chrid;:Dora.‘Addrige,|==f ‘\awhose,parents’live im thé:‘county,+"near:Potter,to-New York,to’seeif,it-was;possiblefor:SkififutphySi¢ians £6 reseue.her.from the slowand pain-.fuls dédth'fast*évertaking:her:-by-tartreason’of Severe burning.:She had4.Stat {beerso:badly”burnedthag it Seemed.im!possible.for’hér!to tbtoul h the.trip:to.New York:o“Sol ,of aways hanhad the ‘child.become.“behat Mri Jd.CY PI enabled:;her aig “phat,AEE Sakarakt:‘edéralism —Haniilten=)"igmy.-gone.tor Seed 1S0-t0 speak.Toryism ‘in:-Enyiand pes ASytheposition:ok theLiber}theIfish question,|".beliéve’will Jeflersonisin Shere |’:dhe,anew jease oftlife.from:th BS;the watkg of Tittle.§Bred Sone:no G ee »‘Sehley:‘as a Singer. Philadetphia Dispatch,16th.Tien ToBay Dismal Swamp |Cana itimore Dispatch!16th os “Negotiations ‘are:penditirkfor shesaleofthe.Lake ‘Drummond’Canal Sage ey and.“Water Company,which ownsibaFoPeSiehEy “A New ork.syndicate is anxiuteeSecure*‘control:ofthe”‘property:;=‘land>ade.ap offer,for-the:‘purchase:Rte ott Of:the:Securities |Of:tees company.}.“toiMessrs.Alexan-fdet,Brown &Sons,Jof this’city,|wwhomanaged:the |‘finances:cof the’.“come.eonferences.‘Haves:“Tt.is‘‘understoodtbatssdealsaeWhelooks:at 3‘both onds.of the-canal willbeaband-‘she tried’Ramon’s-Pills and:Tonic|ed and the waterway widened suf- ficiently 40xpermit-the’‘passage,"oFlarger:vessélsthan hose:that Poe,eo ply:“rhe course.|oe,‘he LarenDAimioka.Césal anBy:is&Baltimore cor-}he =scot pary..“reeenitly xan Ppropetties,franchises}-and privileges,aan pap sewepee: saints.For;a 400k up#with: =SP=Shaedjepepuiadteh-sefesYonundpenihanént:r ief till. mS Se ‘TL used ‘Kodai*DyspepsiasCuré Now)+ yattevilté fEae ae ve thé -best™ sy r=Ss eee f id the to hit agd™my-Cc 2c‘TWe are very.much a rat e mill rete Sdhutlaaeds=ns what:you eat,aPenstaanaea well and:fee!likeaSST.Fleming,Murray.Neb!v digestant:PKnowit.and:Says ¢Cures allfortrs ‘of indig:gestion SPhy-§00,000-silk-!'sivians.everyW -Ball,‘In!eS a seSs Sreeat Bolasweek:wis:therihe since 1887. was Hes]S igh er (bse ane big:‘astaseast,AprilmS there.Tees it:W. nd “ailic ty,Cures: eee oe “Oty be Wioawoug:istler!*IE euréd his amily oFfdagrinpe:find,Saves,sthousantls from | Mpneutmonia,-“b robichitis:”sGuOUp,.‘andfalkthroat,and Jupg’Arabiles?A ee Han,DPS:PD ee.om vn Nynew.nag, eee a if ¥as,Jast. Ek zat ditor!oeABa., ie Fae.“Of the’largest:jufaetoyrin Goacérns,ing Germany. Lane.arraming tooe steblGh)asf ceespain, live’even’ We undertake} for’:‘hérpe.by”eféaftermake:; lady.of}at.the’Gloucestér|hoteél,.‘well,strong,‘folly:recovered!”=btiwas:two-years-before the oper:“(tion whieh:&aunktespettormeds Bor four years+.“nto:walk : etther,:who aocom=yepanied;hér jifted.her“about ‘ia-his bands:as‘an;‘infant,“hough.she:Was“|ineagly.:fifteen:‘yearsofyaxe.That|:‘Hittle®child;Snow “&“younnipéteeh,-stoday: ‘“whenat leaves the ailt,: aN,MUSI :LILEDOUN:MUSLINIspork “proudof.its sjuality:Evi is gharant 2 Miah fe>If you.finda saa ee Weare:ry = ak ee es : Yphe iMake yout,ants down fitdae |SL i the:cpluyins of Tus MasS€OR”i fe 4 ‘eqsterir Sutin ys.oes i aie.av,Hall rately “reheees ccoug you jar(ase46Onej,-Dr ,ee ey que ‘recomaneh A.fails”eon |throdtiafang’apne,* ctor es ee ‘ Ge writ es: Finyselt when ‘troubled:with:boMo of S . I complaint,’and had~:“given:to:P. if men.ands ewer seane ite-p+]mos “benefitjak.torSale By “alle! S druggists.oR vs Se ee 5 aS ‘came-up.t0ober 2 blood |peison-will FO"*cpaneaiob.|Keepzthe liver»iAéat eeeaDe- "J Little ‘prlls:for"constiy Jatt=fand bowel:tro b eer?Diatrheea RemedSwill:‘Fetund your.‘pot Satisfied/aft asin Hie*Grisiev-. O «use:for teeis pleasant,te — "ide rbefere Jast.did 2 Editor.HP Saysk “Onethe:SR or croup foes aroup, fasthinas “pneumonia.;-broschit betippe 7and,”call?"throat ©‘and.‘tréubles.?“it peseeatycde priceWePrHaltIEay iS, Minute Gough>'Cx gave’trt Kite:immediate,1 Qca i,.Pléasant'to.eeaNeweréureH:eough Pye ¥$US"spd by,Birvist Vv’, ce tgsdate.“of =Nog.: last’cam Obani jarthoda Remedy. na 3BesTslaced. Aa the.Touilbers:Sccmncde thi Sear attheState ee ‘Stas Wittis Little Barlywilkavqidtrouble. jnotieyaif:you are i ‘Schatat remedy tocrbe the :-imgst:os;bowel,2ohiy/oné thatyouaad 2 “oDemo-. Ayag:| ‘sndgeaiin ps Psa Cs‘GC.‘Dennison iswail knownd 5 {,0F:this.BOYCEOF itfmaa Fire ‘cbite:._@ F Hep!tme! ‘dle cariSttoscashof45aortactial “SLOAN &SHitepnee NG salsficdGe ‘Adwinistrator,with!the}: FLAANG toniised Peter.snuthy deceased the: fupaemeeraccu aioesall rere:ba gainst the estate sof Cdec&as hsamdtg “him:fori paymeny‘within - ats,fromthe Mate as thig sorrit|tbarlof thei,Sw Sain:AR MESMITAesa ~ UNS for:fertiliter vandiwouds:Te tule,2 foe allt bears ee As Ca aAwaitforeattonttopeer spwes s ly,te eeALyour ag sO.CLiisistiots 2 YING‘PsRiND ;entouiereoethe lastEeAwl6AchtofMagnoliaMotrtsom,deceased,ebefnnderteueds néreby gites.notige HH oat ins}ratMelt ist uals:Hig:iestateoral” T2theT1009.‘befare eteSieOctober:SRCLITHay“amin raneet or’sate.Seine"wyRC xeyor-wa ‘iperecs AMoy Wart’on 1fSReapecttatiap ;BD “a be he care’Pie ‘thecommendation:ofkis.ow peousceeteS|The-deed:.marks unmistakably they fs ‘noble’Beart ‘of this.‘man>Taxomhom :+thé ‘Ckristian*‘graces |$0:CO.sapeet: mpletelVi:ey<All hovorto “men:eee{Bo oc gUaLisiDAS ADAGATSFAATOR |5)Satter as JOB.J josey aes :. yen.taa glee:olding claimAsBexéslate!ie prevent themto,the under:|pies ae.yrricact.with:ees uF ute at Sid be:plead in-bar pf aboutdoing “sueb:deeds-—deedsthat,-gostthem pgndreds,of pei aS vine other disSsNobeta’“Repudlit oteMeanAndibeeteae;Hinkley policy-oiSa‘most significant sign:Break-n equine 484r A.pe:2 3 teattade ofof.. Apers.af imperia oe iar a vr fwenedst 'seveniuyz will ‘Club!‘dinner: eo « mated she: flylooki beet ‘whe set. f the’ Mec. IL “thé’‘aisheshaat etsafe’except'ay |ate fel]sore ‘were evringfornibney,were in iia sae kedor Te the:"sume-Odw):there|was /$15 ‘missed:byBich be.bea eas lastaa: but:they ‘The biggest, A ce a e Hist.S thie’fibal >of Eee.on.usts :“AS!Pras eat ie -rel be i bolts ‘on more,“Carridge-.p: Fen *“forgot Y:MM a wie anit calendéred+t00"softsmigotby. ‘baving ‘LTLEDOeN*te:S508 de:ler.hasi*t/it.and Won't:get tt)awe.ei send it from eben aeyas ‘<Lilgdoun Meustta tuttoy.bag eee.oe mt aS eS he!ELS; 10,000"ENDS;ofito,tton..“foots paghe |Sfor’Satie oea cess”pound:¢erat ‘pRespect fnily ene tte j u44 Jandvcuret aremedy Sold:“by“STEMS n esting Kidney“and:Bladder,didease revfilevedainsix$ix:fide TS ‘by:te aang ‘SOUTHMERICANKrpnEy.Ctibe.on Account of—fts~eding,‘prorelievingpainint:ladder tiauesaarid Da:nymaleor nedately Ruticves retentiensof mater‘admostint:If you,want,quick.relief ead Re AnDpnsoe Rists.-Stein NOe3 ” Fonite will1Se~oul “FO =fee Bie:Job.anphe yours We?stesRomicrathiewerktthat’tayontoney.”Dentth fartto-ae us for:youHextondér:Remembervilour,’Mork isQuaranteed:and:ifits not,Satisfactory 1severy,hesbertatit"cost+you pane ;puesBe Re Pies:cStEpL ‘sure, 4 js Statesvil lee” SL ines NDA ee lhat:126!‘clock,’“me,the®fo “Ltoa ‘stake iin:‘Blackwelder’sistiy “ ri ‘SS hid,will “sel at public'atiction ‘to tHe"dig:aicst bindet for casas“thecout.House door |’ fay "DECEMBER.aE;Sogo S| pane:“described az eptatein’Bethany.townsh to-wit:Beginning:|t-arstonie,Mcamley'sicor er Gn-the public ‘high-jay drom-Stateswille:>Lernersburg:.and run-ling:North.37""West/S2.polés sto a:stake,Mc-Anley's cdrnerithehce North.yw!)East:go Bole 4. ie:/thence ‘South4astEast.Tospoles:tO a'Stoné on sajd-road..MitchCowan's cormér,Theticewith:said-road Sout 3001:Westy Poles "tosthe**beginhing:/Covtamsing,15"hacres,more-or-less beiug.a*part:of the Mark:apetsact Serie De cigs.sow hiyes:?/ Seesz are not:wor Ay eeooSsepar:Lovercoats,andxall4Ay BS s 4 patvonage hud fore pale fae wes 1D ts.ill please dome}. egedsed,trotice ifitea"Fan WR i home on-ourclothis.*=}dod thance,:t :spending money +hours:: preroowner co.LFGNC aul ie sta ‘degeased,eeeBe execu OS EN Baybighgr®“phic es ages Bk “can get:at,‘Dakev“shits for ldwpr, nes pany.other howe, *i ville:This coinbin A ‘‘>make farniersffe ct on mg.pagans¥“ ‘a rt a oe iL ave justineerimartlvetsswith?y ‘clothihg 7stioes.LDNts furnishiig:goods.) hea,and casi Sel!inye tiger cue ic wilt’prige;py ori hale fe hb ON Men;Sine puts:Ber Bi) Youths <8 Pe ae: atm,x naa a my ,-rae .i Me ‘<SNoes,cyte tiem:with Soom Tadics,a yet :ea Children eShoe seas 3 athies Qype —Don'tiyon dit-ite from Gar tye id t nsystock=2-i ange of same: estate.|"<iy{he-i ng clans:against “the iver7AAfrie¢a.aS nme a be Salty Soepesca sher.--for |.ef Sthat:captured:the:Tammou De Ray mej Sear é l12)nioyths,trom tdate |" administrator ‘of| (SES Cooper.’déceased,11: ifyalt Gefious Raving cleinne menial i ieeons:Poupresentss‘thesaute yo me:SU er!me Ow.feat ‘mina Ree ee Sele:noe tasendsaewathctysjSAIs0”v ifginig Re an q ‘“ACK si Butyca,Bitte Care, g Se fieretes hier oe working:for.as “ih sp:|pn ‘Send Te. directions for;wi at orice:{Cloths »:cnt%Ss _STANDARD R ue Weis "The SOUTH | Bhe Dies Line toaitPan ee-Texas,.7 .Galifecais so “Wieorida.”Gi:2 Cuba and - Og SM trietiy-Fis.A ment oneal}7:Local Trains:Palace Sleeping Car Night-Trains:Pasi 4_Schedules:: hom ‘none 1smore:high! "widély;a ‘writes. f, at Mo ple oe that’ 2 20:HeMv-wilte:apilesfont §year ieee -Ltis:the ‘best.salve'in,America.’itHealseverythingandCuresall.skin |pense We KH : e |medical \tadent,é las LaGrippe;:w.with’iterates!2éflectisSoydestroys.thousands:‘Of _peo-|es:pceCan “quick ly’‘cured.’by.e ‘produces immediate’aan “eoughs,colds,” et!oteWits‘Witch.Hazel.Salve:cured |er..|+ Was:inju dy to a{foovballaibe |and didd: Ough;eure;othe:‘only:Xe ¢roup,|ipneumonia -and throati}aa ae troubles...Tt’ ‘guarantee./Denelits.of) perates’the Disthal’:Spar fu tdigestion: nee,Si Nausea’ eadacRadachaGastron,fa,rampenaalouneereoiteotpearr!pared by,Dewitt Co.icope” ils CoxContatde in ee:b ‘ead 3eben:ee=meroee SCotist Of Iredell en‘gial ae |APPLY?‘TO “TICKET AGERTS b0i) 3 cHaRnor “TE,N.c Fras.Cannot ae 3d VP.&Gen.Mas, RLto.the:“teéth: nod excuse the mak: -{is often Seen in peopl:wa 2:skill'and the finestipes 9 able:that ‘their pes‘mouth iis forizotten,SAHradeof.matériais:-2soffice:two-weeks in.eaginningoeMot ‘travel by?the’Souther ad‘assurcd a safe,Giants ph abenk ikke_Expeditious:Jourviesoss ~‘RATES.AND GENEX Ab ge MAY OR ADDRESS.|; “No:trouble:to ansewy: ae x WASHING a2 |Falseness_a aesonenine hEces ee Pncke but:3 rciality so paintally apexpression80)hideut: ficial teeth."1 make :as:that |are the.most ‘ut‘tions:Of the teeti L,vives that itis passivle ment to make—so Tikh - _the*Aarmérs- upractwenty~years.~Tine?ments pare >Beart 8we Ss SoongDice:|=Tf tne a:;Drill ¢come andsSEC Us. Bins Ric0;eSq ats ¢ 5Wh e \ o ae s 66 wa n ‘ Ye e r r wi s oF Tnred {ee |ba mnvep Wale, sa t e ai we ve d Wa r k & ah i.# 2 By1~ a te Ua e A sh i a ‘4 ~ = te e , pa EP : *:NAC :2 di the Lie pork Topic -Sayse*gpd galt hen Hips-artivedit Dentir§EX sterday,on f aevidi -i dah »sinatd credited Or eiuittedactfurers-ariy:It MON'Sp3o he ‘Tasteless dod:‘Guaranteed to ‘Gure®‘Chills ;and-BS Fever and ‘ail Maiaria!Troubles...~B -Pepsin oun Quinine “Nor Other Poison.oe “five! ae Levep Sold for ysgo Step wose,OLY as Es Does Not injure the:Stomach Nor,Effect thie.ome ee Larty &Son,Dime Box,Tex,aay‘Ramon’s Pepsin’GRill”‘onic is*the™ have ever =indleds-M BROaEN,Me"G.C05 “ty te tnei=1 : ae ::is * a sot presefidés ati Hihis practice,an y Chill,mosis wilich a child cantake without injury,to the stomac EOP:rsp irceney ile.Teng...x a ites -Burns”Hard.and Soft.-»ar,poe ee ee deiTop Lined :ih %.petsi asalta ;tee: a 14ent:ron hae ie “Boot ;ces oe aann "SpSS Eaanee ‘i.epvefail te He ’Seiad RNarth:"Garolina.|¢ nC.PROt WW;rele move hs we ion kon as Sih.oe ¥Obtlis’:fladkintoshes 3 ‘Ore Sab.‘Biyo.if “ieerregularprices. * “ah ft dbTS use furl Goniwioritys it’Wold Qe a SSW a Da FIT Ss re By ice’AS HAMELS : oa =ASDA¥ ~~*.3 f Ast 2A dktevhic tats Of,jlredeli |copay Pag eee $5 sare saue Blastw ab.‘Shappingiol ic qiigtol ie.ad”found andthei}fet ih fipedrte:‘oath passing:throughre.kul back wot his head,causing oe Dee Se ee BSbip;ror astilt,.depth,og AAGVe pe 23 eeeTehivs-The Tarbord'}Soudeact 3*ae:Andarsdr iM HoH Butter:and!Peter Pritchard es oh,%pes s reelae "$0"set eeeabout<AGE ;RY Boccs i itynorana white man thab.they:want-oe eon Ae‘te perp tijate asystien.al will <en-4 "tale’the hegtoto raleli eitA abe TS Fy:Vers »t.eastern dt ofthe State. fsime,re x ‘,of,the nil,ttémin muutsbeleqotyes agi ogrre,”sine Se ysit toher fathers,i sae relatiy ] oFLayeee hast sole ie fata street toy)Mr.[SucibyEb ariasehClo} ih tiger bas organized!,two:‘branch,}Be yfions int ‘Winstons¢ne,whitet qt one.colored..amopy the employes 2o Tsja thétut gre.”The ue wes odarge:aodinsthe’ee enera.;;bee dees Aim;AP bign:be:had tak of‘vilsbepoceeage itmillsee‘ yh Sanh oC.©egk,bouvht 2.400%|f :jodie Seay see ana au Hacenieid"Wherrgas.Athisy:Goa?Ais tmnisctentidanandetNoeands}prepa ey fam)oy iiange kee.-i i ht “Ss ie Ut Cuit, ‘Paves’shoutd dead vietto |i eep”cartiwe,tic bud isn S$6f Ho teae5 pond eeceni alt Tropa Nitars¥Bchao ae re yalffect fepie he}‘ti d Good n-Strudk |bead with,a;shot} -£6:“ithe gvca ion; uesFeet,bis ihe fead:Barents =“I Ppt cD thelr stiIte hs :sete athigtion>Ye rte 4 susiereheeet:kso}ted,Pharnway be.tt=e Horner 3hLiitary Sclioo}.|ri deepest’SO Yow,nideathof:Bentni mine:(EpSgudtfurtRexmnondbait=:Py Resolved:SEbat aawie®tenger oat}\lt epost.‘ands“mHOSE heartielt s¥ympa-;tayto“the!sorr owin and bereaved FiaadStppeeentsthatmoprnthelossoftheind;Phe Ri pul:wed,beloved ott,and,fartherinore ageSwiePetesMintcnewesteadesefeea®wie’¢‘even eeduzh>ie eyede‘Ue pest eriotiobs -<of the:heart axe:iit “of,Repablig niDuctsaulSorgsofiritpdy’Sympa-eSpeciaily.“bf the protective tayi‘eect pees of spain |which"they assert.‘ne +OurBeCholeees2gBate‘euishing iildustries:’“oh Pesat vee rabia Lopy.Sof,‘these Lords renit:Aeenions 5be:touwarde ETS he :s~Sacentsioftie Meee:bts eesieerniereHogeesifert“sopeee “though.ta:LSuch attdrs.' :eeePoa ese resoltitiogs’f eCathat,t lexeviTataoe {-Shepmicat tof:food:st Pt “Poros:ie OTahMeaeBigxeBast “oppiseraeee sii ina ficu fon ©“Ortt w Aes>w seIfiseYeuwit4]fe Posts Sausiested:todThis:state thet brodian,} thtsfirmer:ra a,rot "Countbe:sprotitahly [Cultiv ato”avneiwySisStatoeBAppiteeinglye:pees Fey yotsérqni-sSb.to SHOGer:tor “ee theté sos Somre-prowt “are thgt-f)nites Nowitt bassvone wtp:to$1 ¢ vind SMO,perizany,ea Re im,‘deimaid fFthat:prich jfarmers “haditaco st é 44dvice of the Bost ‘last spting and; 1%could each now-sehid Lo market tonsilis REVS ineutoy their ckets ieie wouoid.raevex sedate y ad 9,fhthework tore them?s r somiropeancountsaearepros é is‘toldiy in th following.whieh:’me!clip’from j oe pAeiphia.Recordts ice rts othe»Brieie“St. “hte industrial world will show;how-|:Silly andémisebieeousijs this worship We:dathot pikyiges at “one to:twervthinwiélsenextyear!and’.co- HiT?brdamse orn butay few acres itl p uaelou to other.crops willhelpsexerat a _—poe vwey;t :onde eel rot the,taritl:idle: vohumeof:British-comimerce:exceed- Ped that ofany other year The.sEX>, ‘ports,in round:figures.:‘amown:9 yitlue fo 3SPIO 00,000,'and-the. Appoint a Negro:=z ‘» iS reinag ef honda Congress.aaneLintéy has Nad'a negro-appoint- 5 ipestarastér jh.Burke.county.’ a Voxcan-hardly’beheve this:But rity nearly double the-vdalue-of “the*ex:“hig nOs truesUr Cougressman qught-ports,2 ‘This°‘enormous $surplus”Of4- the stop st ratehine bis.head over?“Toth imports;whichis Cal}ed:an vupfay-4Setflxstetter.Jonsx enough to,ex="Jorabfeebalanic®of erage”!by;the far~[plain how-itise.’We;have it’jioom if monvers on thissideofthé water,”.;Melfable anthority“that(a-negro~inicudes,inathe spoils;of:‘commerce’l:"nok.postmyster AG Waters.Ne 0.lth pence sum;‘earned ©“by the.And asd,innex4s “Supposed,‘tos dis~Lpeuses‘the patronave:.in-his district;[Se iS being aeA SesponsPple.for.this .i cent,frei nts:arouode¥the ben 08oGitres.*::Bat,ac-} tT a eens3 uC Sgea ote ‘Sdigsras63fat bh 1. vga Tho“He paid magne’:The RGUsping4poeaEchildren: 2.tox-teo-indportan'ers.tobe*ithsé enigierd salariesorth,Carolin.‘Shoutd:;: d maineda stranzerto the;7 bithe-whole.iidustrial3w hpatre.The,--agrienituGratsaesie|Spain isnot,only Te)ivi ee,“aha,Throbpingfg MEadache,|7 4 Pony cnPresea “Weukd ‘Guickly:|leave:vous if;you,De King's»New Life;Pills.thereHa’been!muc ‘difficulty“fh¢of sSiteress:chave “proved rearits suificient manuladturing,thelr:mafchless merit:for''Sick ‘and} Nervous:eadaches,»'“They ‘make!spure!blood“ard\strong merves and}- Sbuildeap ‘your health;Easy:fotake:thereis no:more need Try ‘them:“Onty”25 centts.ek ever:Was,‘than:there”=ate cured.Sold oY Ww ‘electric ights when~ f ate withthe 4m portange:Ke pelt“gitould.ger the: tions éxtended isa’ay of ro ue “Ristrall ask chapter children’the conféderacy’spate pe Lee <son eon WL bayThinbletgietBe ans;aN:has ci recite 2 Pe-establishedsstab Y sof. wilthold:st possible’survey 3 South;expressing.t the’South is;now.going:“During 1898".the change.that’will“result;rapid ygtedtt}Pejsays® cbt} WSSi $s ton=$2;353:000,000.."aossabitnportsto:D3;ory te henge forte pbacett!ee ae OrOW alltheir’“gonéy>in ew:bp New York rates of interest< tis warla}S zngn Hollcy.ol.fteetrade becom =Olas Tegument,i movenient thats{i ‘sone.provinces|<“ ”)higi Shows fhétlafake’this-cl ima,an stin,tynieridiah..Every:¢daly.this’“rates: t 7,* ;“= neera pie kai deg:outs ata aae i “ 2De J,6 aweords'a They:é aba -plantvand 3Fiakesit’ae leadtag?4+t onal:Pabnced™Workers rine maghinér The € on ith”.ConcealeSomeabehat?Aguinald. pan sed “the ensire commercial growthof wealth,‘and"manlae ur-} As elustistieevy Previous:to thepafofthenstitutiqns:Pati Ow, esidéntofi27 tate:ban‘infeed gia,and asfarthsingtheiniprovedconditions”“itate,4 ad!ot aSseipreliant.she ibe ately”‘billeaFiSime.eesmeoeoeae ae rane i es ssp “iustrat-4:int |e ‘dutd BE : Bryan:¢i b thetco 4aeus #> lenin nf midi 2 peop!iprodded,aid,‘thie ia plage mas mate :pattytoward “the:2S“Court.°T (do p any {irony som);Steeridt Sk ith ts “boarke pew :;bia Di pect Pew loons ‘haye pbeén:addel” inoook of!Gen:eesoeeeesto.the Balbirgemills arm a P f guts x 1 af Sr § 4foe 9: ”$eQ -. si fitely ia};oe ig” ;ees beet itanted i thtingthe.bastet fourj6r- will He doubt.be 3a ti ee pa f :ieIutiGed;: ayLe net yerigs*ie be aig RALEIGHS~ ork 19=te.*. :pes ee msalirrk kk ni aShon i tie aS 7 CORE:bo ea oe i!wy itt wall asuBy tous]e x pe:at ron Gf ak!Rw Ship ow n-.! =4.800,000- °+2° ‘a” * aseSsi0% ie aid hsar vgn gst irf toe besper ice an att Ju gers the yy18 Hit of 2s :{SyedRied bauer fat the fire aleXpenselt :Of hea ct jel %:AOS S300.0;2 pes pour gins 2 {LRLS}St ay Oh x“ith tha c ¥aiding,}C1 jul q ost SE : 3 eye bea:Sitsbe ure iin:pene.ot ler} wage At ae ted gd towstll.buy’ beats bug.woe.Pi : nial Ber ats Like tunds So hataleu ispSkbibyThings ed-Ops or eee ksh papel s a wpul val cat asiods 1a iseeabe,sh ity we Troi:Gh:ia Findlicts: Tey a vers y ; lating:the ay y _paaipe:‘shbsday‘and.thei:sachbsy. are about }hat’sick'2 ee feePEN.=.= dackest:skackhé,¢ Be ss sond s.Crvons.:.5‘Food:doés tof-tastergcad,aid’ent fea the digestion 5 Poors ie skini,2 bona mA isidryand:glow aad d:sSgared§ BM emt owath pimples:ver.ercptionst Sn >:sleep rings ro rests nt wrk ft qisea burden:Scie tine Caper ee ay“Whatis ‘the caus =anleabe:Ampure biood.=hyesconcave:red ecnt 4 steon )rene syviataebilious:at i aon pa Wetts fo oar Do:toe:| We,have.te exclusive. AraC:Silee.thi at aftn’oetohBS) Fplans Bi le7eure-on:PE cite a!box.-Cure=W.F-Hall,~ ce at New on wilt,S ypitic :mbes Mo bea etry"Epwar tat on a ee py ey ae Bao Sb Ad Conordeer ede i ;Rats =:“IniterenteNeve Cireuits,Xt-Pleagant 'ct ery reae ‘sai;MeeEy:tee Herniin 33bs;eens.setfet -rot 8 isifed-atHrckoey,the pastweek.”e: AS ria.th:“sessicgh of the AV.|ibe s rata oo 7Mr.2 Chaé.:“P=cMatheson Spent:RoE 2 aes met Preece te t diceste oe “he ‘Spec part.af the pgst:reek at Benge4:=|dist;Chorea ba20 ht eS.Gold Hil¢:ir W Pract 4.MrshEe ME Stevenson's‘Sisters re.| a0 seeds Gee eerege ee ed.to Lexington-sta *a *e ae D Arnold).turned:to.‘their,‘Northern-Rome.*%=>S =e x Pi =‘:.ox dhe Ruthotions College for $2:=|Linwood ct’a fn 25 Dates Monday:*""shee oak2aeaekg.)tale 3 (e027 Rev «AtGreen’Was suspend-Pratessor i Toni 2 Spits |Ded!B.Moske ot Liledoui,‘pry Fas:pA ses-Epitors.J 2S ped teeth the -ministry for,-twelve|,°eign Schiogh “22s eee prietarof Moore:sicottoh®lly aryia;=>Bs“=D AN 2%os ;;;ip a ie paola lors nee ae Petalebts.ve:snipe:SHELBYFpistRior,“>Spe 'in townMondays:nayrertareeysr>iN e Bar ae {Bishop v.ea.stro S gc a :%B y ¥:<fi wna . ee aay oyPatgS pedugatio’:.sad alterwards &calle:halby stag >eet ¢ATA Biyir:ait 64,Samal al abeneeupproredlattiedestaeatPAPIjtion-Avas'taken up for the 20thCen;Shelly 3sa raed ie 2 a Hi eeol Stbb3 a Tues ay |a3 d las ma:uidter-J “‘Htury Fond,and :$10,185.was rhised pene ops Wee Womble;He started out 0 0%aSeacpseégnielasweGateMot,the70:000.‘ordered.by,;the.‘Gen ms King’sath and Bibedb,£D2.H:-Cgean|.Mas‘Chas.PR Burgess”returnéd:‘Sey dace ee,coea?Pose No.“ada.”eral’Conferente-.t0-befaised:fn,‘the{Gagonta'cfGGH Detwiler;spnefg-beseppld Monday to:Birminghain,:Ala:,after|. +eas a=Si se vu weee Xo Ca+Nor.HO 159,Big Ge“Conferences <Strong,res7 “‘McAdeéfeyill”‘sta iW.gg snegtings upxa few,:sweeks:-at:AoineBhwee=at jetionsus.were,passed apes Seating |Stantey-Cr 4A West!gear'tawnt:2 fF Teesa=“ECongressinab Roberts,of Ufab.Fi—}Laweli et?~;S$TBalter|»“Mepr Bid.Teague,\of Deaisvitle.|:eA teen:¥ooung preachers werd adti ted Mtn:Isis H LeOwndyy Ellendale:township;has moved to{"'4otJon.triad..Gor.-'‘Vanee's i to +GESMey.Tredeil:countysvhere*he.will oper :e :ees eesSE ee ios Pe ae Ly Wagga a samtma hehe a Seo Geis |oeistsere ovalsae|t rSésslonsyy YSwirh,odie Leherryville-ct 27-2.é egg:ead ;e :sumption itsen :pr ype hie pass consis $.0f.G uns}IES,+jeonae a Saltentatle stations The oe.i omSuerrts |Rex,SFFe ceri,ofBias Hf:re-ailing?and have 2 :ee de te we oe.ae ving ts ‘Liseutingrst“otherpreacherts:areal)transferreds ‘Beflewood ce;E Wolsey|;ee!ge awho fiisialso pastor of the |C:;;:PRev.,GT Rowet who is”sont to.Polkvileet’”4A Cook a3Sresbyterian clfarch*Here,-Stee hie aidly. *)Mootesville;’was3.*Statesvitle”boy=|Rock erie D Gltes |HHS avpotntment here Sanday.vane Jquesti¢én ‘far:you to veciaeeeSeveral’n new:ejretits weresmad Mie Bessemer Cityisteee “9 MG.tieRowe Capt REN.Cobo,Bee ne Haver oonatsePoe**North-Cleveland woh af {Libbson:the TaylorilleSa House,hase):be :"liBerwood Institute:>>.oJ M-Dowbain|Call house “of IN cache grtsmen.8)Professor ineTrinity.Collige BT pret ee :!Wec9 I.:‘j a RENEE OEE:eS ;na Stateseilesi,Mea:Sit,fe Wii Ooh S SP Sond rowssknp;PB ao SS 15c“Stpernamerary:-eer ‘;*lwayesvnest x at Tia ‘Rodgers:eri:ee Statesville,‘West Mee Pp.Douglas Haywood ct.’ae WM Boring }©Sean “adorbe aanea=ae ea “Wis.“Vawson:Westssyaabi.t 5 {son does wot ete ;ie me rastorsviile,Bra taees 3 ay.SyCherty.Canton ct ee year put woes to:‘Statesyille:|StonyPoint 6°72"“WweBeSearboro|Ciydeet Ss.Rey.Wim.F.Ejliogt,of thig-p];aa ee ‘JV,Bowman:Sulphur itpringset ;8: Newton Me.BoSherrill)Belcester et o>-_aiden,’p,che ©Saputed byWe We Ifigle Brevatd‘sta2 3%2,|furnevsbarg ee ferae See ee se SpringCréeket,65+wo iasSates oS Pisgah and,Snow creek’cir:5 P.Pa gire French Broadet sped =éyder ; x :;es Hickory “8 Stations+.PLA.Boone ‘Fravsylvaniact =;“biRankiw Uae ‘Collie bough tetoe ia z :::ae ee=sis or'the HGranité Fails ©as6“OW:a.Sferrill:a,River et Sts Acoed A Serpnee eins rpse rONs TS?LSION’is:aes arts EOE eh ese CBee rr wat tees geek Ste heee ace +Die.a Léuisillé,-Henderson¢OUIS|ae 74 ©Cireuit,.-~J ee Stover ee WINSTON:pisritior “©3A :4 ne:>Bisley 7.aN}=f -eal temeranmncr ne ;fo dane Sea aiosat£5 tle RiverBaptist church£Seka poe oe Bape dead in St se Sa ee <%ae me |ip xCasieawas,PE ,[rial.’<This-is the third-death Pa a <=pee Bal A oe Se Chk x Winston;Cepttert soe €F Marr}Pearson's,family fin “the=last™two};ee 45 8 2"Sie Phoémasy.serie he ‘sent,Mooresville,Station;<W.P-McGhee |:Burkehead ea ets AW ©Watson igout BS.Two:‘childreu:died:bita near £50 0016 the Priticess.of |Wales’to)"pate a _Secs oat Uy.w.FS ‘Grace:at wie!SvWe Williy|short-time agro:“Mr:Pearson-was ‘at “*pé-used.forthe benefit.2)ae the’.sols fs ““Emliott..”ape anc DO ar eee x 2}former citizenof:Little.River town?sate sci oe Winstoact great ed wh C Moe\diers gud gators:ect nae Trouttiali.ot **Gi W banat Forsyth ay att <GK Wood’jsbip;this‘county..bd ph PERM =The British-won-a mill VictoryMat.Mt.Zion?Ss Stationy:2S aeRerhersyilte to sine JIBYA!York {,:= iN of 2S Gras Past‘ower2,00Boers,‘but-at.a:Woidleat git,os;Eh Pek }Madisgn ct 26 i 7 ei fe a pests Joon eS east-of 0a “killed Sind twounded:s President Davenport College «er Ae SAE.Danbury-¢t."27s)og WHE Parry’ea ie iy ©“General:Hildyard.defeats:‘the ‘Boers;ate ithe sehpels INL |Davidson ct.i 2 Saw:ui Mie Hoyle}Rabe Les we ‘ye GS Hee ae sat Beco:aH soe See te {ee ne _claRLOTTE |DISTRICT.i Summerfield ot:FSA “The A,&iM:‘Collegese tootbil Paes :ad eea ee:TA anti-trust ‘bakin’powder.eon fo.TRBTUBRENNTINE,cee ‘Mocksvillesta”»EN “a“Hi Jordan,|:“meets”ee“On‘the gridiromr to-;e “ft cern Has been.started:ta ithe’Westy ekseitte.:Biyori \Mocksvitieot.=--fWilt eee ‘day in Ral Tey,eB SRE —Fed S with B:apr ofS,000.000 ad fyx“if p.Fryon SES oS ae s “a:“F vhtieybens [Batmingtgn et ip Gs <4 aeKesta The University:ot-N Se cifioalSATE %.speud balof ip:in:adwertising®:t “Trinitys¢?Sho;Foe et oN OAR.Silet-.aE 2 ony eNmcut football’team plays:the “Unniversity pa scr cashedMuidaiine?ce LESsobebL AO wits sere t ex 5ae _Brevard'street |nee JE:Gay.Toomasile sta fF EA Fabs Of Georgia:today:in Atlanta,‘Sate aeMiddling:*ares “The‘body’‘af Jobin:Po ~Kigey”tae Calvary 2 ast Ds My aitaker.|.bas:|MORGANTON:DIST RIGT |“.urdey they-play.Sewanee,”ieneieee 7ae3tichmond:ineehatit,-who isappear-f-“+Belponit “=-ry eT Sikes.|!een oS aatE.Eek Logat physididasiat Poména;tear |-~<«#edon'November Sth-has “been Tdis-_Dikworth.2 9p O°"ps:Baldwin.|:ed ;AG bo t trent es.-of|:s ee sred'in {he James,ates Canalis iby:’it:Morganton.sta :Pt RH Parker\Greensbore,sre pore AeeaLy eses OFTeir‘covered'in:’e =Epworth and|Sevetsville .*R:sufrat ‘Morganton:ete:Neat a.oak W Jones Psmaltpox.among the’scrblostesre 3 ' ingest ye wee ay eee pAnsonvijic i.ae ety“tp rit kTable Rock’et mae Oe?ge Postel }the'terra:cotta works,thetes ?E=ear ig A French sfatician “Agures it dut:‘Clear Creek t ‘Sup hie ‘mcher .PYiris Six 3 RAD Shere Al 4i Belge aM +3 ‘that hali-oF the human’race die be:Deritatt.Spat «ite eyBrower Stenter ‘ak Bupicel $:‘Dr,edbetics aeae rotaa5?fore-1¢;onlyOne.person,“in’10,000 Liesviite et Sy.Mee as SiGasqiié MeDowelliet).“*</.-7 Ct Uayiness|BaD:for eervices!due.”eratetielivestobe100,and only éneiin T6006}Matthews sity)%-T,BI Bonner Rutherfordtgn et,Los JH Brehde|siiall pox,patients last ‘April.«a oe lives to'the oer.of Dit?2 Re Monroe sta 4"°s “Ve M.Bagby Broad River ct.:a i A Cie 1a}. an‘Bnojiy nous’sift:of £5.000 has Se vA.vk:Aurater|reed Rikerset EN oa 'D Garpentet|.RS(eee sahed Alex.Broadaa x :“Heda =revcived’.fram .the United}Pineville Ne BC.Sprifkle Bitkersville et eer te ie IE Triplett Mpieht fe eae adie.last ait :hesSa sas‘Obtain¢SHates for,thes merical,LadieS |Bolktom*~)Sis"w.x “Hupneycut |Fik-Parlyet’.cs?(BP Peeler:ue ‘ete ois ppdsad thet [2 oe our aerate |;=hospital‘ship Tdnd:“with /a promise |s¥eddingeon|fens Sh oR Fi Catver:“Esta toe:ct supplied dy 22S RyePepland |}as a a ao ood ;ie Ps .“4 Jef as much“more as should,‘be nged-Wadespero sta ee BeHalmes|&ifver Creek oth 3 AG Gaitt,eds:anurdéred:‘aad “pla OVE }:‘Sifver Creek cth oS track,ito,hide.the’crime;:abo Sodswedwea:%“This:fundjis.‘to.-used=‘by‘the Waxhaw.cf ae ;at ap Steele ‘Connély:Spring;es Y iL 7 Smith;*oe FM :eSSomeBoer_British intHie South 2{fritan war::PMorven etn Sane abe eer Forest Gity-sta®=-kas aN LLeGette!“ari ;Alex;Maden,-3 Beenmond!: =22 3 =J Diidleg Hazeldeant ehidirman of}"*ne pisTRier:eiree|Buthetford aes Carpenter |paruK mersHag routs ulesuns‘=oftheSouth Carolina Ini uor Board }.*vay Sep:ATKINS Y.Ee sose Nee pote Sr es aeteh:Electric:Co;for af?~~of Control andGrand High Mogulot Ash He”|Coates pit ae eee :|asioages.deeause.“he:Was puk -off a::“.the dispensary Spies,shagbeeu’aceus-:x Phiten Pere we Sexiabie'Suggestionstethe€Segre stteet.(cat.during’Fair greeks atic ::ee :oS So 1°CEntral so oN tiem1 Silt:eater,witmingtors Stir:FO Rite ede refusing tocpa Ris fare,Recs:ed of -Cowardice and:of “wearing |North Ashevifle,:‘EK:McLarty;=i-Steel breastplatein:the Teeont fight <a Haywood St=?SS.NEHuggins 'SDhere.is.a good deal oF”nonsense}»Geo Wi.Watts,‘the Dicken:okie :—.sin --Colamiiia,.«Phe:‘charge’isseno}"Retuel 3°22 a he TS Oras talked these days:on the hero ques-netics.fas given*“the |Cnidon;Tbeo-||Houbt tue £Po patoP ne recvili ot we SR Mi oF oe.Cio;but.there’ig a’good idéaliof logical Seminary at Hichmond,YauaoE.-.“Aministerig the Kiuoasiile,Kena.Wea s SCinaerss ayer |sense,too;and ’a-good:deakof it:asfagndsome’-chdpes Mr,’"Watts,éis’ee *poor house has tuted Siormonat the ee -Fee meio re coming from negroes,‘and:sets that roneof the mést:Mberal if thern}|=SS age of OT and éloped-arith five won,A RE Ee sas ai Say Skene ene ought!to have ee infltente}5.ytétians.”The administration }«Ten Rol“en,fromthe institution,‘of;aboutthe b~Bamsville ct Se ty toa oe au ‘Gs puPOn he people far.nies ‘building®‘of?the.’Seminary;“whiebi rot he ce*Same tender wee as himself,Tt Pp Saiuda.ct-"ha et a Pe }i RIG2CTittle pte:ed.+>"The following?iS.fiom’“cost-$20,000candas one’Gf:the.hand-aise.: aaet -thigh’“time?for:a.‘constitutignalt‘Hendersouvslle ¢a oDeVanee Prite pL “As Surgs,:aTeBTO,piyyican.and:|somest structures ‘of thé peteapcn,--‘amendmént when<they watch|“phe,Old Faatigt de D.nae eae at Seite.Piet te fel |beingone of his gifts..\¢.fia Re:mo complaint:“SO:Tate’in difesvas ‘that.ait Plot eprinet ¢.F |“He Target:Enis’pooy..and junfortupa “fe Vv.f .the Epes %sie paxoSee-|Marshall ct”GJ:Owens |Jow¥sgems.to-be.a wanderér ands.“Editor arabe;0 r a “idson.*No on=aS Amelie Rivers.théVirginia’ev.Pry st eatenSoe AW.Facons sthanger’“ina:swcary Vand,tor,‘he Dispatab,Says?Every thingpoints:Strat!$5 s *¢>elistitvow the:Princess Eepobetskay?Bald’"Breekct:&JD.adson,has Geen discussed...an pie ities thant ‘the “@riumphant |+success’vot cash, —i 7a haas decided to settlepermanentlyip ‘Supday Selool Baitar }-7aed Atkins CapebeHumbered.f .it e Sesaecanet amendment.Dv:Feroods and Jowest” ~,“~*Paris-and will establish’a,Titerary:President,Wea zetsvilleCollege G-F-Rirby’-**Foday'the eivibzéd oxo idk asi its]Fansoxerwhehning‘najority|“Broz |placesus tn Shape.to.not+.-silon flteré for the"prirpgge..of se;Professor Ashevili Cottegentar Woren]dye wponchim:-~He 18 very “mueb-fo}Varner has‘a.level:head,knows:bist)vice’made by théshar“caring a-Fréneh transtation ‘.of:¢her:r ag os we ee compared:withthe:ekldnet”af Reounty ‘andes not;‘Given.to extrava-3 ve wilkavame®sonte ‘pr €;works and such othe?~recognition a Bain Yn Pe a >}israekin-their jarleney:“Ghuonghe the gant statements=*“if Dayidson gives Bestfaney prints-5.;‘cents a:-/=as She thinks,she deserves,~Paris }°5."FRANKLENDISTRICT:‘|widerbess:the dmendment#majority.the-‘rest }30“cents;<a’yard;“Outinger~—+5 Swilksuit onéof her cheéKered ¢areér._gC Ge ee 41S 4God «will.bring dane out if ke will of the State:can ae Sas‘counted [.ery;‘Ladies Vests;&&:Nice dine Tac :‘S:.Miss "Eva Graée:Snell”-grand:Efanblin st Beta “Tea Exwio |only put himself inthelibe Of His on...3 Oe ‘\can'make them.~.Capes athny'j | oe .Seachise OF:AmdsJ,Sheth.the.Chi f°:Sct Gf etentaly a E.Weaver|Providence,for heist asjust judge|5 There “bag pesSaanther death,at |PBig stock Jeans.*ad se Jeat EmeatyeScagormhiflionaite,who“was murdered}Maconet:+>Se Pp2 FGlenia|who.will not’be partial.~He:will the-Normal College,in«Greensboro,pBinohets,Se.Pe and aeeet~omie-Years -avo,.is.comme “on™thé Highland et $.:JW.Canippel cae Sa =ere aes oe ftom-typkioid fever.“The?potent Eimer 4 Mee :2;‘Stages*She:is twenty Jyears old>}ulenasillect Ohh sa J.O Keever.Fe “To:speak -_o ©.diagx,man-1D Tin the college ontinue toimprov :r*‘peantifal and jhas:a:ae in’.ber}Webstefand DMsboro sta_|RK.S.Howie}North Carolina,‘we ‘would “suggest Severat are.stil Heatatetel py ay_Des ick digas tineacn buy Clothins as geen Enea;thatiought td be.capital FCittlowhee et._Sombie by =)Balwards|that,bis PFOSDPCUNE,futurgiis bright among’the latter:Miss *Turner,;‘the eernatly a "Good line’men'sSe Paes Hci.ind”ie‘-cnougtto"win notoriety-on the stage|Bryson Gusse bea RLNichola =-however,-thatis in his ‘ow bands |heroié matron.who,after.heroically.Sea:to:aby.pricey.Starsot #ho oe:=i even ifshe’has fnot the*——to}Whittieret(25 5 3.79 ROM.Myers largely.He needs to thipk,more and nursing”the ,sick;succumbed «when:‘Sizes.Bad condition ok|bic <~}command :success.)7 PS.FP anarewsets Be ‘Be Bradley Eee dnd save more and ie ‘she:was not:longer:able10Stand on}ooEb eqhaled;Ladies gs 6.53 “Aadrew “Carnegie.says:“The Robbingville et Subpiedoy 8 Hi:Cordelt Meas nat eeeefright|her feet:~The.“investigation.as to $1.00;-See fis gn shoes.eee est tnéit in‘Engtand.“have spoken |Hiawassee¢t vat F in FOF the sake of beitig rig e.cannot|the causes -of the fever.continues:wus on Shirts!§Ut gesemt*pas “Murphys iJ.E.Wberieti jafford to wrong “or'be:wrol:zed be:|Several of.9 BRESCIONE have:Said yoy Caite ;;|mawaiist the.war Tn:-thé’“Pranstaa!rphy sta,:S foans ashe says,some dthertanis ¢Wimb:our Coffee at,ee ‘andevery where itis deplored .ex:Hayesville ek ‘EDN:Crowder GBs 3wrong.rT bis:will:aad fniti-‘that thefeveri was due to eas ‘in Tobacco,! -“dept by thoseJwhose interests::care !Bushipellct=-ene “Sipplied by AvP.Foster fate his juni hment fol eaten ing-and that-the ‘plumbersshonid Dame prices whi i‘S served by it Whey.‘arei.a “Small fi7'=:D sk s punis &40-4prosecuted...The:well water-is!said:hopingby--closeJ~¥.aly:“GREENSBORO ISTRIGT..Jing,Let:bim ‘observe ‘thet Golden +6 Ke «wood by:the State ‘chemist,0?1 expense’:jaE Shaneof ee ea hee eo Fay oF Woon,FE Rule;}Pherefére all thins whats|put.erie may develop.‘under.vents worth of aoas for’reece dolk Uap ee.ircws“man,£am sotry to.say,who:sees -Greensboro |:a :soever ye would:that nion:shoulddo.Ddcteriolonicalsaual ness:Wirth YOu.gant,to bi yes th:omslysis;and.“it”is;:at:x_Serens cases toe Ris posal West Market st!se 3c,Rowe to you,‘do even so:to them;forthis stated tBat:there was|a deadtow’peers:Sues pee sped a 4 inds'z fue if edi ae sera es :ey q ,¥i]rCéntenary.-;a ~s ck TT:“Ee Wagg |!Sa the aw and the “prophets.Matt.and ‘several.sick pigs on’é prem=ere ;Ars aie nearus eric bye sage Sys?ie ‘e =OL ‘Beech ver,Le ;viots “ol f,ree,Soe :Baa eta th ey“Lieutenant 0.He:Doc!|mes hes Proximity;fs VoL Merchplore.:ises andthat~the milk was impure;|ony atte “¥ou hivhest:¢3 cDouga a (S UOLES 3 PLB!a need.ies é PN at sce Reeth een othe ie fwhojas’the:“fusion candidate for.West.Randolph-*ae ‘J:P.Laning }**He petds,to-care Jess fot“pelitics SO:‘the investigation:may yet'fix:the:4 *=v aa 5.¢-,fthe_ssolicitorship'+in.the’Raleigh |Gteensboro-ct*.RS.Webb and tolléw'less some of his present;Dlamierisewacte tat or nee aes Loti,ee |ok :-Acisprict last election,and-who went}Reidsville sta EE Ie Brpoks.political:leaders and turir nis care,to]pisteatyh martinis ete :“pea nee ame ~ ms E “1G:the Philippives.a fewmonths ago Wentworth’et Sek Rye Pac.his:home,his race,his ebacka and a aes nee Cu rs and Genera erchanti&4 {las an officerin the régular’army!is.atin a,a Sai not jeast.his'God.-tee PN Bb Orders froma;5 One ry solicited for “Barnes aod sho Li“mow vith the advance troops:in the |p tG K:kr =t.J-F.(re “Theawhite Gmacordie South:andi iif nd Horse and.Seale ok i PRs mae eon :-;$Grtog line,And:seems’to “be more <—arden,\eat Si **lofthis State;who knows Kis Hest,is 2 :;“’-“Suecessful ‘at hitting the.mark there.pic soemaaan .his:friend:“Let.negroes believe}‘Anumber.of oestandard papers“thanin hisown-State!for an Ameri:ince Ce ines talsLF iipglandy this notw bstanding the Fecent lo-!}and:gold‘Democrats:of the country|=Pfbgorpaper;published in:‘Manila,com-;Derek Ne tre cal ate trouble:iin the ‘StareVir-lare:‘urging the Democratic’party to|:.§Bete >bliments bis.pravery and Siarksmdp.!SpentBO a Georgia,South Carolina,and}throw Bryap overboard and take-up |:2 ee ‘ship.|aoe ,soa see.have-also'hadthéirs;ite)some other qa,-andyet they admit: eo Thed fialifajot'theSouie |een eos bet th poptt fi 2 =4 Testimet %his:just?deSertsi:eto 4 ay or eee owe ad LypeareWingatedivision?of thesBrit."y being patient,“‘prayert:ah Yndas-4 :5.-Werfail“to seal”:hebe2<uke aii vid asthee ‘Spatan mn 3 ig|Tried wise and|prudent.“and hed the|con acy.bee argdment ‘Fhoni: -?~pke:.“Khalifa’s-foree'last:week fi +e ie wrth Cac“gud prosper:figh Pere they use,or bc fo.te or:substi-|Ay.+a btterly defeated;*its ‘Bh ‘Aa Carvlima’ -.btingsomd-stbet niar=‘Ee alt bis-pringipal *Emjrs—an a be Sopthis his homé andheres if-any "Ds hand of,the:Dervi He:ere Sha Tawfard::enses a‘ever be found in.“great:nemti sasable aj8{3 Osman Digna,alone of the se Profi shor Gre nese al Cotes,TH hth thaké "his;neighbor Saaearet $=ES a Nedderd,sescapidg:+*The in Sthovt.wee Fae d by“recégnizing hisinter-|mon peo .on.t he.po tey.tya:thought:they:ad”.is Terip the rid sw.a pests:he white mans‘interestsHcountry Shocient ue rc the <‘g tet shah falat Omdoinan insSy7 agtiar’Bre ee Pee ale Let hiarliveSnd\boatd|questions of the ida,Tand pas:Sef :Font beisnere StaBemAeSay»be;could never again pather togeth-at the'sameplace “his:jee :—44ain does.nathifier-sivce heen oho siity-Doty faifto seep hile ber2SSerdang?force!Wrprth:mehtioniag bat ;apf bane:SAMY RSE ee lection-to:lesser’“the”confideheesaf MEA can :& 2 ae “sit séemS:the®,‘were.mistaken.But:its AAi ‘stat.eres BEK Boye’sak Saugs mayor,a ponies hime;Hh ;ms;4.“athis defeats prabablydéeisise “ahd Ste an oe abe ee fr sent Well for ibis,paien ‘|nat e.Believe,&:withoot op yosi-pp TH She subjugation bf the Soudan inyet!at SB RIE -tw: isutteranee :‘het preseri iphti in a fi bert ng utited tyehta8 Ee “Epglaud.anaceoriplished fagt,~Pe lavelsh alon eeDe;ai sted2aeokSY ges ig 4 oS North Cardtina’sCopper Fields. ABE GF SERS,Sakis wz"4 °Sand DressSi pints.-*The Wilmiagtoy oledsen ger.in |Wlukeapoatce tatNorthWilkesboroct=: se ‘ ig }J De.Soktereventedjtorialononth’Saretios }sermcat soe Baking eae :1S eappet nes,says:7:Rockford#t:4.ry cates Bs ae ‘North:Carolina’‘copper mines’Sparta.ct Supplied by:a Re Ses -attract ‘some!attentioni:‘now.Re-,‘Healing Springs <t :ee =.fa ce eently:fools have"been:se t out}ghes.=.es oo §thatit sons,4 1 bow .2.hs regart ing’“those :ie Jozat count,¢Saren APY et oo Fi ‘,ze seein ere Sel vas egosJast?pan é ~Some?very-rich &nd shaves bean ee Bo crimipal:neglivence,« st Bo Pe eee eenstanaiie.:Stale éxpertshave exatniged (wee fA i ie?)).LAJS Rage ‘thatithere racelbe saits.¢Soi moe aeS|ites eos ©“thé Geld Hill capper mines we ibe Molec pidtyp 4 heat cee ra AAS are .et ‘4 Es Saye tre Ss pe eee it3:.9 “hoence that heya “the Cee PR aia Pap x pies phe Sth ah ys)roam idl a :i panto ators 4 3 ;*MEY;j :s oY pn a eos ciate tee eae : eves -world,The mivers are}givi high 3 *SALIS IRY>1 MetTa ot :.ial fev :j Airy,bar,«‘mad “airétacnfottotheoutlook,:ae ae WOW Baap,Po tbhran noes 2 |delendingthe prekben oakwheoe,ithat Rowan:may yet be-:rt of teon:pé ANS:emplary.man,the:e-gne of the:greatést co ro}Boone See distriets in*the KenRe E5"os North Carélina copper-differs from |S-the famous Lake'Supérior toppertin|eee ae fe that it is much*more easilyminea |Sie aes lofounil $e a.nat-|Coneor womens =.ce ABros ae ea breed Stes iog ee et Of}pas iF inucls-to support’a;|ee shee!living -‘ise i uralainme oeogre)Loy Rated.e ahd fe Ba peidayvistfterwoud.ye ©ice Mr.e.[-Rhittipstrele:rebed bs te “i aly last Satubday.red¥%j thksaeWent ‘igtY ‘phe¢as *Ret Se ae iRshige’Evid?‘Miller,OL Tay!lnrgeiipaeiss youl viten Tag the,“tbody,A kop vagein miniting:friegds:here.Cee 07 coforekyHONE.ve Son of A}fréd Canrp; Pelee} mit Bigs kei+M¥.Joh Ls Rendiel z Miss TootsPotts:“of Shi ars ii~Biting MES.Py B:Chasers:=p ke jetion |1 Mars RaeTE Mitler,,of Wows ¥iF thtSonda y gue Mondays,esrey y oR i nlite yards.ee * TAs Pee et +e pect or Mrs Mary >XN oes vevisimd 23 ee bTatet Chat les"Suuimers,zo£States Font John S.Gcnderenks “ot Sal is: oe wheBg che ths SUrprise.2 Her;husband,-Mer.ie‘Ribere Dieres on g ye atten *Mdrrison..andfour!chil ose“a “ou sei piste ges is re:E MES.NM ak Waltlace wehdr net Only ceased,‘dnd Mrs:EAa:iStirewst,| igs a blaecioe mi th ee Solty.Tas Wink acs aud duildves fordtes $a 4 Phe <3Contra)3 Methotist | ke (irae.ts;nerly Steno:enr ive:boat ok Spee Shere tstsvieGeeenshiPOPOVvealhis}¥Ma.ye a heSeekTacsvitPanier.bf!the South.! f The GREENS fo.G toy nsborOsT wchday.at iS Rasterh Fadi fF soc iatiSut"washers q gattiv esba stowee ye arkeps “iy gpllbes insurance tiata “+di 4 ?“+MySsrse Clas Ho Armtiglt 4nd,WeedsoTurer.©ere insee week tay i?beinithe ‘Family lat’att River it the ¢;lsc:FosBakes fe ee jh é the ve1 dilwatte Rea CNC aN bee re‘mains ee bis ugtrions ‘i Wet -4 f he Zein |ne ba :fi operite Sethe Segre |Chay ssh Alig ike,Zemelgenta he Saad~A ot ee eS bso “of.Pallstoten’jtowns pk res!‘eae Ht¥idcd Wie “=pase Bi Ee rie Be eat iitened *hope Synday te A xviiit #o 3ey her home!ve7 eeye 7, oie Letse io alee,-‘Seite ANA SH to Side#3 owas i &,ae a!ea Sebece last Wopday nix nt v7 eetemi,ik :eatsth;the sa ale.¥is He wets BG.ft AC GW Baber ec Rhoshasobi Sr FA GD,y Shyuford.of Newtons}!‘I of oral isg,s.ietting.Shs RO.Tecinster,Hg resin ésuref obCataw Da:County;<died): |paaeied=43,{berg herae --Sin:ibe,suddedly'or Monday afternoon,£ ::;;Osit)=FFAe Ye APs 4 Sia ig "paiblig”‘holiday both:.ad 4 itAusfran Git fren il «Danis,sud postaticesae Plosed.=F %2 to mhas=i Yay tor PP er:nese,molesthé,Yisiness hoses OtisaesSvill € >‘aestan peat gosih KGe,faeeee ae we ibSeqe Ney “for,“Ths:Ray vines] 3 a \cS be oegaiore “svi,t Thanks giving strs ations idX.athe ottiad cOxe :Salih wv eb ree oe*Situi Ae \evi at-thet MeModiste Prbspsteniad LPESIR oh 2 One thet:Greeroe Female.an A nitHoptsconal Z<chiupches tédzy> :leaks povitt pogt-te igenygenttl tg:Ci ons wilh,potenonip or:cee ches ort istnas Me Bi,a taoh ie us borgphanacls,’HiseSaeedftRSLOEVet},$ Tew eceupied pe ee yrot herd pur of Bp Ne vhsLSet “ichRar fe'bet weer the.ear t Were here Stinday:8iF st gp LiN psat Hida Panda paro?lnstity’ a AXPISS 52 fie Gilk She tidalis posis &ie a Lok ed neoqie teait PE Dagidson| tito ba SEL Baragh'sssti Stok in *CRary,Cat‘ie ae.’sf.CRE Pay BM di Ay"Ar!er aysSot:*)tira.ms,nsdn fa "ae noite are arran eth an shirts. ot otset tg be giyenopt riday eveninggo $3 ember Sty.for;te ror sof the} he ee mpg 1:eee ngelie Yat -Vehi nijStagesy fide.i=} “te fayial Wee CL i re oxgaitth eo thes i oH Whites: Wik be irivedy ta ter hehe Sor ets lisS:Hottie Laldwe pegs Sealce Nekien.oF Chatlontos Patsy 4 sigs:‘Saunt Aguter il aint Larris,ety Spar eS.Ga;|MecRlenburgesOunty.avi i hig beens Cun onto Cbircord:‘Ada:Hooper,visi tinyf Miss Nanie:viMiergretuek)d Py,Sdlima,2 a are:among:ber,fOX> u hee be me Ke sterday bvaping FL pe fed euests\er see K3.Lave EtG ‘AWoxt 2 St oO Sve Stenys y=28 oe ene?rg ¥for tobguco:on December 6th:.‘Lhaiissgtsin-g with s;his tae ster j Yor LSC:Gaither;the ptopricton,|¢ Miss Rouse,who-isthe =ou x hs Wit ‘publish:“ap *‘hdtertisemept™ia‘eye ive)Ms sed.next wedle,“He aHS“Harkins re pin &taedeor ‘tomake’the’Tarimer’sto ies vide 1X wiNEG Sestaeco%“being Ms full Forth.ZL aledwelt.wehye oxy eis :re rene abeoy Schows 35 BOLE!“thos =¢sotlwegts =) teh vale up aed &Ashes oa xet rave by eee uti¢e Co niGice jerbestate:wace legture:at ‘the ©Preeti ae : re sth iti Shee pinks ties age ne * Pty.sou bison uv Oye Prkonithe SEER. ah rod cosh bert xp tftS Le)fgturn te eden tdeay:;ees ee EN cEvod Friday from Gevtysbury,Pas fuier sends:‘hasbh ="Lo-tWe Gudwes uth}:rie teen nN we “Sot rhe eho“oneg beuksKas:this’?Lhe wintery at:home ‘unless Sa ae by Cole dulin Seampittobe Lesthed gsaarteé2 Gime Ay, v ire 7p:Atlan an TuesdaySWeLeiveCOVEris¥aa behio im thy +=ie froha MYb Bo Out.Gty-tuhg recad fee:some!SMSC.%; » Pee CONSTRueLion.ang A fects:Colwnitius .aid Wl1 ET:ih ohhr }S d son and>.the-tatter ape {igh the JateJobn Bost,Shile Bayh Lin fits harlotye’“EAS ‘Ais?>it one Gye faeel For.two:“weeks.”bi Bhd *ony ¥eg teonan geesect Supt:o:S.Morrison:“Front wh Gods = N provugi)y Couje ap fortriad. the Janterytesetes-ot Hee Kiel:e |‘pte they avill grosito:Okalonay Mik4}teespanid the Winged -wit is Mix »Ha Superior Ggealrrt:s ‘i i J BMrs.,Morrisog:‘|ibe ue:ae Lealtt ‘Pe‘Se iay ffor +;=3 So.S Ue Hen bey Uy Budicen “ sca hing al eve fin)5 tote,for ap pemdicr-fF oa ]Ei dixleoah aN *TOBA HES 5 Lb InUrbe squelctied=byaclioh.s co eralin eh ant iMimtOPVsifS05NS ae lose ose he wwopwieon bse ate.a iF bg eins :AY.“nibt have’tt a partottilleg’gov }uniie aoe ae agents throA*utesS..tomake Sars varld S: ee ¥%uh Ak ee vats,fr by. x beccaSeer Shc a>) fry “ht seRTuxracBEFESS to es eyhbsbs o Neg ting agk AaCue Bie.Reidvis.ee stjwaneag-\RoneietiMfighet3pargi:4G SUrtyone it the F * fit©S Ean eee a gs ratsie i“Ageats Nai ictal epark ¢a4 tee gras he sybob tial:sakeod Liye Lancesand a C2 Fon Re LE cae oddity,coursjahageMienniNeeghCarolan’ fs pu at(cae isSKY a :%7 ibe P"Nie Syiputl “ke Gh.>nant * Se rips NesSre-z oS Stee:ki :“i ~ert at wats intssyed shi “ig Q.‘Slocka sUtsdav Faftergoid:;te “Mis . reliableeSfi base, rplatons.op.} ingress r crop esti@ate uaervatlegedfavarablesweatherieJounHyde,the:chigt ete Sgt ER ee args ey frye statigtiai not,oo fe cart af prank Rc mahce gers,(Pht habe vernwent-dehartment ait *ater ESS er,2s dn}ae .:jure}states pthat,the*Rowerb~sieb_.mth og>ise i Wg ee iy $:*oe reports as t%crop.Gor “a .ae Day tO.Foch Sie eae tg 5.axe Not:medr fso favorable; cng Sy bbrbes aod wort 7 a se ater anlar git Nei “dhateds in fis “estimate!Mvu4eeemgtOFthee05TPPEARreiCadwellOrSidnesHyde|has:weitles*as t>ee es shed<*Rugsday:2:The;“Uk a vyerting16 detajls:ei >Re 5 oi nee raved Brily Baye:the xy copsthey €oeiarrieSuk{Fait aR hors!':Fe et Be balieve:that 4‘Neill ae aackreu"gited ‘States<oie Rtos érom intaid,“tgs Cs te “thas hefigures big.erdps wie er,ay ae 6 Cpe Kes ;Sand:Mibs “dei steaie aera:Kibo ‘noe biz crops,anérely tg Seco marr >t 2cottonlawersin:|paolo ES snd: %geljock,thie res’pee eck of tye’eS:Mr wone®$ “fC ‘Eamiston,Rey’ae heebstrivg:pitino mmesnsesy:| Ban ose ae <en ee at .aie*geverEr:oe k eat es ae ’oe =‘GSomes Sa amen,4Accidentsally ShopeSrila Tay “% Sy,3 RS egies §Cae eee HES ENG Git-rabbit:h eae“Heat:Vee %hin eae:BS ees at ig 3 Litsuestiarg and?-Gus.&.anip5ell,sa Gisex«Baie Ris ah.‘Appeatan e. eer math.gut something =ua Pibis gayrenth ise ihe.toehole.on a sip)i"ee ceckees x.64 4-21 ot ine: “Mon SO)nshiyIHfrontaishawaPe {WEST:inside’Gn:bus Baees i“Ge ffrightened ands Nix<Mr;Geo,“Suminers,&iisHe Sumthers:-of'petalTO)LShip,Stiga cldse ealltrast,Saran, ‘beer ont ea |Rpecseladily—Siceee =: ROK.“Appilated y <,i 2") 2a as clix’3:“Ax tex,“Sratah wena:avenins =:thé itolice,wenk.‘to|itcompany with some:SES oopikes eek:bcioredastTo”atténd!Moore’sboys: hie De On Be Bremeeting:hd bis:Roe:Ss che:aeviden tally:gro!Ker’hisgunt AtheAead takingeffect’in aeavin"eft handsand?drm.afew shiUnitsTree.Fox tavately”be 26 sch inst,“Capea de masane keIdressea:his:woudl20:eepomesSune ese i:e a Seite Sut ti4 who's standing about-thirty} Seine ER ae Mr 29,Boer’returbed,£6 xArps ae‘aye =The.ways was “takig *7 :Fi ‘ghapel Bit oa-Movidicy.-eas be 4 tne"and-died Saturday night:"This| iam.“ot.Salis S-bnt-another ‘example,‘ofid'fool ind§ é herd ubchere Saturday.“Ts eyDl Tbe CrimpcanelesSness.of! pune buvs gnd=nied when out hunt+exolias Mitertally,shel bed»tdSE ‘iecharned Mpany,—-witln 2 “tember.autlits,trdim aStatesuilt:Caron:a‘inp2 are bene:“Shu SagTedikre.Epathe his Seneca feoyeatthestanioiy,wei en that efwoule waitTil-Milas iG porsecagout’ iteantonis!Sor:taefeesveaOg’‘died atsher hoaie’‘Bear’€hto {outiding :2 ar. \wydnesday afterndon,at dS:years-ofTswieBor-veatsshé han:beara Mreéut’ a Taeaits lve telon by a Dues’,<3 ffSuet and Her death @id “nds tome | 7 2 *ie 7 S04 |hé we ‘able’ “a vderiga:tionefjadederidetedth&PLitiipinés?bedi |serving.Unele Sam fob>is friends,areetsgl’ withcra.3sbearty:.2 welcome:~hpne.’Eh sported:and:Sunday”Maizr-‘PAS bwilltake*him”‘quite |%while,toe atithat,he experienced and SAR:Gai Saywhat not patty’never be able:to se Lv} aighng the.“worldtiYeebruakyl oe His:atsae +shows)th}resent |fnSev.BFBastar >G Wall ote as ae ut Shes Mar¥Momisoy,daughter Ot| tae Petr’thea “years:zt 3 pee,g,(ieee oT hoved ast pathDavies~cveb deyene:“not bearings from Biln,‘grew! 8B.Méroney ibisMather:‘and?brother tofawh of‘Stuy.came dgwa te Statesville,4186-4 eri ubatie.to peesaoewehereruts,fils btotlier.injaw ee jLerfaattenadn,avg neo oe fone Tex ki ue ike ei,LwO Sons:and “£W.0 baghterss finéral (foté aee!joe hone x PS =Sass EVEve ber Dred:Ebaries.Sim shiaesteteewrattetins;Browns cL AY Stop,isa prgiher bfthe ry 'dptaig:Gathten-k een‘openCUNT Caen[eter Cavernpe mel Ss awe ati nietwyGrescea pe ington,LONoresatrivedPirsdlayandseoafatoheGuxestizatae iYeltheaccoupts:{ fe Ou aes ae Holsta,.ot Spates r,Noalt Dieterh ceededkaadbeetaiiing=sevorbingSez(Rides an eaHé browgh megreiug fo-bis ¥ometoilectorHarkiagfapkpeas7.00,Surrender*heim altéoievtarstroregut."a Ee ohkintyélareingMirsP-Axley ninbay par“opr iat‘toh of}Herowerdt‘under (sections 3,491:-to734 fe,ake Sistine Ske aw alenis Hoktunesuali 33 P2182 sehen‘thet funder:Pei eA Statatesofttert gosta [paneXtShe;preliviioagy jhe: ‘United,Srates Nom tissiot‘aiwles;ontF nitlay.after wxle ye"throngit ys aperBeyy.he b r¢-sae Ee “waived!Flex fp lagtio $She: vas:‘pataunder !cae his appearance e- ort ing|et Vath *tes hn cept :sgnLeeibeySalealderererete mag a oS aefetot¥HepeeiteAseSeansthegidest:sibs if:with thesis:|gounty.fasi wo aeeaigWaWeeaaBAesaoe ee mil,ee Pe DENS Ores ;S eahaae see :of "sHoe es eriday from:Salivpury where:Bbe ohn-Che fiiner:SleStrvides weney te Te eal af titerch had Dee ete oe *=Pie Zn.3 seth acged from,the home on :-T brasapibuspataiutSSAOEPos)z : Lan HAP YS SOE eS ares aD:W ants retiredy.Mon}SEs Nox,aod.ny reer Wasi}. SR eee a3 il y tor ‘x tivo Wah ES Sty peta |ata 208 bee hn Se Hya1aorpendngsib:ery :eaiee af 4 2 oy *~,oe ie Lhe St vphdid-proeumonia.+here ‘ace.=Saas La Pa =che Gene ral‘Hobert Nv gence Hoe ct ie!vi vett pho Glin fe an her cpniittion:hon Le Du Fair use 2 ‘hy 3Robert.‘Brdukaaance}Sakata ,=au oe join dayse 2y 'gh aes ee peraniaye Rhee Cee “werddjoter he <£eee twelve fr Gosies bad ivwot SencdS eee ye not a a ears spr¢sentafisSak pau ses iciess a the iwuitabley2 SMiss ei LS Rinkaiedel.be R le eh mpethist distriét 722 Leriant oy eensrn Chae aes Pheses psteis Fesster ONSVs.is visiting her,a“nai:Siopénot:Patents ‘duning:eileeenetabletohisehtees:+MRS“M.We Meyer;arate ee |Mf Se aa a pieraberyof|--Wit ee beeSe emf Se ee abs .evisiature-tr combe;‘anRaeat#GC2Ste ‘atch Soni ‘are|Miss Marg Poston ihef é tacehaad!a Na Belocbor ab De dietyed Be baick gne story additzens pexyent nitefor ignt eye :Puts 16:eine inte,a atid liveerate toAsp eileSeretosthelrmuehimeshop1pheunetee,“Me.Li Tay 2 Hotont)ae:Ta:Adin.motning andl”wal.The, ee Mtns.Tee J ROW,|pe as {:Y services,willbe|held:fBhe:Ma-|Ung bine fads”karte of:the--fuser- FEALS expected)that:Conifedér-4 eseterans }sang.tire!nik ay ‘and)it Oui Yat ions of the city,walkin<istithe,Mbsors:}The,intokmep ty. pesSoe ae ‘S dasoniedq383aS.sic vent “Dave Anitybyt mh vel ister ¥,néat-thespot Swheret faut ip.tekj 9 i uaeCa sy 8 Pee soe gee|iy LP Ck.aren Oe Bregehs fund:A;RS The api sass Axey was.ae eebecausewee oh.ifelissileiidtheubete on soessonier sme aepeal tes:ae this eqaplesseVES‘the:Navesti®L Mi lePay’aeeHation;tHeexaet attiouk ver was fou nd. HortDo:Cottontoftheshort-}j i. 34bod:this)Mr}A¥ley Hopes ns Hort:Aimé.to}lyahhehasnadenacsthte:, Lment palic iti Feviird ey ybé<short-;Favre bue itis kngwii that the defal- “red aa”periods, :beliew ed*that: ia Tet the.ene:be fon sed ident.declaredin.as ana bf eaotieettes*4vithig the:fast.dee ,runniag:Troms to98event:reports’:show.1 Sobiaelovie continud:0 maketn osryprofithesx?cnetmeénchartsand:ee‘in cebug oe Basinéss.Wath agnecs a jon sas;daid at is:themoneyWageusédin an”attempt|. Mosmake:rood oss iy.‘gh deal:nefi-!exchange,but):ultehino sand. Sa ¥pee iO;Bentorn:|nepea theq oy ‘tures pron ts.SOCK ie is ae Soo a peveny Hort 6ats;£5 R,ASTRY ‘able Thy soe bf!ies Pierre,folie Dea,Toot came:neeesteak Meape ve For,~Mt urDevt ,fattaesang”:ap Savorday af ternoop|lat’.bg At a="; refit or Scaptal ain’milceurtothe’‘with eave andsé ec OP a Sound:of:this extta7 por GL ee eetetdcoatyieeforneat”profit:mystbedse |ito,Somé|'b¥of 9 Bopoly a‘Tee Messenger 1W “i ae s rat Mor].Sehioetndsv Hirris On:segs appointed Tita em uy.nore te and::ass giv gn:Sed meeie oth en forinturethé;eattonSeedIp-atstate®of L North Garo the ©i tha:wore to manatact Fevall ‘its @ot-lenaned oobas Cc tectéd 1mwdmen!4 wrektdeal. ifprige ly:Say iwper,Basths.agos.1bnimore:Brovaltty.Noi th*Caro=|ion factories:phat are:sgfely mane|i|Sederatace.Ero f0-per-genti.+03Sedeore ays-to.t sag utdetar aviec which avas.burned:teatayeebe TyThe niveting of the figint-echt|b thsuteenys Go m e r wr € myeJlof|hiis!trduys at thytitstiotth ineokpuenet (oe cuepoeeeebeen : inhabitants:tnaiifest ‘erat ie.for poameees onal ty “findications,ate “that the:ve i} heMeY eely Teeprs.Ghiged States;pier or G tear |ts iked!hike sbput Ftdcrop,At‘iw ey areasty£0.¥-6FBalti i aeaang x has he"teachers andi Siptts be Auch ‘fat Tome |Mtiday,fi fg eee Foe ‘the!Statésrille Pastorate (Luther)fifeNes)ME FCAhie eetargestvestor-de!has beer,for sathcont vastUGrrorgintana"Memphis Yer lays sb Oued om,the tec;Baturd:ay a.fe BeBee sHas epeeoie IniaHed ber iglids 3a Saturday ig.December cipehd peblshi position end Legale oo Mis.ries for|2HiecASae“fisary-fand.-;oe ee sins’ne 100 snore.mnills:how}inottt,:and how:‘numereus SUEEsoit farce south pf Manila istothet,us and’eRe ecee aregoings)= Reports“Irom:the ts: “fare favorable.The egnce-furgents SurregdéereieOun.trbops anid’n0:—pated there.eS Is ryiniz Haasate ehoeihiatehis rong:als brat.thé prtris.not [the people”“under |emplosinente.-=PsHis!wholevac-t*If theicot“The ‘day;be ting dit‘Captain,~<ariton:ipet tgsBet be..erdénsthat. the‘buyers ‘of cotton,2woods are,et-ting theworst ofat;for the)vastima-|-"7. ee ‘His See the bufyérs.are-ngt amaking Neenoeon“ii “i tte ee and theth-cdnStv-“operate.his?hmiis.aod ‘thus ‘gek the profits:sThe|farnien may makebig .dividen‘cotton millStock;butas af rave : |hetis:getting®all:the-warst-of:it.:Thé’enormovs dividends.of. eotten’mills sare nifor’yejoiking:.On,uraerate=Me chen tom,Conta.‘great!or&farmer,‘as: ich:barder.thanKokotaspack .who obtain:in sos wey.ipites:a chmise party “next “weeshy.AVE R ae.agS iBeek fell:gee1benches3areret-| me‘front B.to/984{Margaret tre heoe.£0s rtheniky the.offi¢e’Brsoliting toaconsiderableSumtO,Soe by contli Sik 4 se-seemed:taieto"Pee.hist peer ane be’een contem-=H' le:sath bis.better\nature \tORr 4andthelove.Sof!:hbn.tirew hitback: anstgaght Shim:for’phis®‘their sakes tre stioald:Sige afacesifoutlikeac-man, if.necessary “Aneworlditspite:-of.his”:‘fall che ©‘yet: could!win’its réspect;- fictof aneuishy and«remorse*his avandering »:tells!coin“from Char : lotte to:Atlanta on Saturday,.he.atoncegoestoMopreromety,jAla.,and|from thete--~to.,Birmingham.4feturns:back and gées?as ‘far-‘as Ghattanooga-on-his homeward:way. ttatiooga’to Bristol,Tenn.p aud.fram‘Bristol back to-KnoxvillefromKnoxville,on es vel ss and here,gear |his old.hom lagt artivesjat the fittmtionto.kins wer;‘the oy duty aud \returm home.*~:s 4Way,should’there:“notsyet Se‘futare for iim.Beforé this one fal‘he ever bore the name.of an:hénest{@}man,,now he'shows‘the:strength off 1 ‘character to face his:fault:and ve!beliéve hé ‘hus sufficient.”‘Strength totbeginjife:again ‘and wipe -out ‘ihe | right career,-he has ainesaiiplé tn the distingiish.}t:‘ed:Fhomas®H.Benton;who!érred.a wrievouslyy when a“1State:University,,then went ta:“Mis:souri-and*proved fiimself-a man’wOr-! ry thy!ee ee ‘and.Won.an:So veTrue;te should sn we should.help: one eh be pease toy! send:“the.monady Dee +oheFax‘armtrs*.WPurdhbuise eal bel 0 {S8¥;that tie gsencialty:Bas ads:withess"Stil eaeshitsand.but1d.‘ousines he wy Shia wards harheBS ti 4 “wood cabsa|3he’other hand,'}: A}»we oO agFosbaRBSPesNgeegeet att Crale ne aogier of wetaualtSeeSeahsNieletasepeeantpehoisHaw-s nding:the?winter: 3 peer in “2 x thes ie aN nfl iseren Ay §arithhis ftiendNVMr.‘ogre,DaAEE of “weeks Mies pe Fleur ier bieryttan Greeens tare cotton mill at Tuiledo *Alex- Fiat pot day toot tend:ory LeTibhe of Lauder county,wll déliver:a temper -What'a-con- the:eohiod will Sina A!dividend”;ean aia ssSomethingnotearned.|Tf some gemdretnanthey:earn;others:mustget.etthan they earn.1 eg ae :Oru:+NNora .sige eesveel:oe aE tiurgh ‘on Exiga:ni yht:Mr,ler a bi’nish see oh Mii -*gud to be&very sme aessie:e iB abpe tbe leetnre will ‘be well-aty.Pe Addyesan “oHih ar ‘ireepnd!aN x Seah = :Usain sodiurs.vi ei Rotibibs ar- |Shiob,’Bradionts % “Oonpaniedshy their daughter,;Miss’ :1oe eed i Stenteude,“Major:Robbips will ergha oeatehorta Situation. ‘hie British outbreak:in:‘South |©Africa is not'brightening in spite<oF |:Sie oe Hatmony.ucsdidy:ac DF,= iork Calls:him to Gettysburg.”Missufqer:wv trin |ertnude:#eturny to-New:York this} ‘wtolizin 5 history Ol severgb weekSs "Mir Be ies Wilea eeék*to:pursue her course}in;foc afew:unimportant,v ictories.°;|'Béers.are holding theit:.ony waite,:and the British:have:Not asi “Ber stibijec tis:They)Meeks TREN Peers eat id “fe (nthe case.Be Mrs.Gisinia:Bal. cw:vsothe Southern Railway,trie “The:Boers} oral iwore largie seit jisat<Ea iysmith;‘they.bax eat thy sini:ta YreXPehl ge of bey ads Sat Wacon.Game et fitthe égod)a Néwtonlast-week,the'j ar gave og,Uh period in “goshistory?auc Wey:on a Sisit torekatioes."THe forin!Ne Verdict of $1,999.4 9 in favor of theoSfoeomaywintheprize.:ht |tai rtithethe:full aniount of idam- é nud ses clarmed,TRIS Ts:pibably the?cowuship.-,They will remijn'in set atcies spent eeehere¥y rr >» he £3)AGamages asked.Messrs.-Armtield,oe ines malt partes who fave not:paid,their:ta“LeLarjiestdy réquestedto!“nieet:Me qnd:se ‘the aw nais.been,changed,so wre,conipeltent:to settle ae =n st ofDE berth: Student:in:ou tions:SeeSore while:re: t eae »wellbkiY z ikero &usher!wa fs5i=“sll.a =dam aresF seit’Mrs iE Hen:‘Morrison ane inotier.ke Hester:appear ed for the ppleeatY:pia >:::es |Murs.Lawrence,leave Satuiday for Es ake:ey Y “tt e unre ta?Ur aie.X Coe"%;Bs ate eee 4}ctu=7h =piuver,off Chart:Cuarlotte,where theyywail Spend A pe eo EBS Ae ang odes1:fo orbyre apt,srinuiger,oF Charm 1 36 days with Mrs:Morapes bone ge Nea,x Heand.yee G har]+‘ania Kewsf"ae f f y Hk We.agree with tyes E tee;Press that|! cope is Feaily ac“pity that Neill,the}aweyLeeMorrigonsthe.sotber sori otk:«gSetotton.estimater;’who’has!lost}: ‘“outhern:ftrnvers 0!‘much by Jhis *dse°predictions Zof,bigger?eraps‘aye Materilized stu th past ‘| S till the seigéhijitionofjaffaits.at:werycritical,“atid:esi ches ay|aessur pides the,to God leas“tle haw.) t9Caerthe rs thre.anleenity :Ces St@ele:&hesrecoveryOf},mefoermachHiery-} Be AEsHee eeeTiepriceo!of-a-set id séme=:‘time. AX kG: Beeoa fox Preye ss aM {o s e re y Low‘torep24el2 S:ti bowlersirdyca ci WwW Tacs Joutinvest:or Dagapae-daptured five Sure muzzie Wadi d;7 tamed vie?nespitetaxjm}<carTrre ves {5007 pounds’:OLSEPBLODSEEYAbopeSpa: nerifan prisoners:oll,witht the:TREKsighigtatBiin.:eee and.wifl tharclyde ns‘Ehzort Sous st tliat:bw Ont«troop: cain,be! Twai via,thé@ mii yen:S|rept | vas,remthusigs The merchant who deedudt:adieer: s the best’pana ichs|she-star THIRDS Si Faniinigtratge-WildamSo Ward deceased)g plains Against ”satdicestate:,:satethe’Rae tothe:oat Sor . oe ALOT Heys”are Pree Round For 15997 Witt,ATTEND:Bee SHE PenchSs&places:ti.Iredell:ore front,Lr -ofclpck, Aulthe,to'3,0°Clock,pep‘lectingdqres due for 1Hp92!5a \Monday.ic “arth,1899; DEC.arte tsShen’BoTStORG anePu¢sday: 'oy|ranisows,Proutmsams,Fhuigag “Dec.t4th’0; i RTtare Mec:fob.9 brdes, Weiyeeerth!1599. ee Ss Wi ednestt a tooréiy itll ot—sd:ie ee At fodiens froré Pritis:; Paring’°wate 3 Ae ried:neCu:HL arands thasaieressThey ‘were ‘getting-faster:“ever oteand,bytthe timé theyszotieHotelTredehthey-were/ae ati ‘clipping rate;“they”made”a.~stiddeturn:opposite the corperéf theeeutetd:they tore:don the:alley:statterihi Sune consehts s slong the oud:At the ene, mee i ae SENnON tris’ &penepteitmhtne‘oid g je rth eH Pg thebboo,a{les aeise Dare bug te er‘sth guy i 4Wi ce ae en.ofhalen TeedSaitae y'soFonePena é wage “es pH nee the,*Seuation’aba)D Puening j fom &rhe ae #4oeSedeNov,57.Stedise tebe:eennb abe needa A135.Spar fe ! t tepsoOGemt x:fate i au“ifersvaPpAtRembertilice "asaof,Mé fil’aoe and yas:atetqxamynd,mapaie Delif:é ONG; eyESsaishiprisa,(Gof the.ik Hrs tA v mohteyand ‘4erobentHye¥es yet On tthe: O00 ss-slitap nallerahd-‘oLeerssh:=id Seven; ma “ELTi NS j :+.Abeears or youraenf Seat be ver you:“areketbe::more:¢“asyi §shouted sit EShind S4oo short.will surelyrive:poet Ser- seaes eS borldse -3s shape atrd:by S short {‘lide hree’Pooks;uni Beri,ae ach;come Invthe wou th “a a ailgbadtand:c :seal be Maca reir The ‘,:_oo orn ae gate valktiured:iinlessDur? iwaie:rt:ee0 ;Sor roy.wearWiwotgive Soiwwe rethey.Bs=pee ary wet Shao.ville buitn Anoat in rred bat Lyall ‘complaints about shoes’ REabove:named SAUSeS.ayl:have.”no.ee tore: obigintlssafa theTmenk yoythe”Thirty-third THES pust as:on taEE F share of:thasnany:exe ellent Hawv iti Cur Store room f °"fe eerie ats)“ak Set oO . a nishings. the:presseeice STIC aie‘QRte EDEESS GORD peta td please'fiti 2 inignt Gctical. SW fest:weaci ie Of et 4 inksudiex’~‘< Dee-1ehnO es init ‘Hats’ofdae.Begedt Maes! pad cecorrreptDee ‘ that tax/coflecseaneoe8the FY say.erEsgaition:is S$trongén than | f at wh ichathes: which ‘the:,machinery.was Stored WEEE!drivenlast.»September, preoovering insurawee :owe oo they,pas ihe MessrS Steel byug Udo verdictseekseye esubouseashedr whwag)brirned'etul owneratedehacteonacie®ay othe”vTOs Fs i93Tek Tenth during sthectine afOwepebingaia*antivall!the=qtton :ainked:aud packed?~Pu soldty:by DE Noven referee Prgat-expeuse,sane a sat ness,Euima ‘JaneedteoeeeeyearinThis*was.the? bydeath:bi “this £:ARee of father,:‘méther aes“{ehildpen.?Cou ethosof ah “feel;ings oft:ose around pf needled yen Ay ¢ése(onbeDelweer Aé Since Kaul)peed out)a ORDER:our Bsn of.“eexbeieeatictionat.ee stor on,"t53tessRD.pay:pDECEMBER ak1899 eee 19.0vatmoodgorrls did?)Weraoe noescello ‘our=a : peefespectfulty.” arai-~had’best oak’ astahee'y an: ighSPgone Eeetof:Statese.een Nox:29th fis ‘AL;ecaeMeeesectFir Ass0-}:a and ‘autexasider Se Teg attenda aGcatoendeiyeyedfobe ne finést in thedity.! p Suits "Or*Overcoat “or New is:ne harvest *:tessell Pe oar stockof z a; gtdbet!lees MONS Liverse PILLS &* gs do notibyy a med=" atment 1for Baie tO)Siae a pee eae ———==er Re ae m4 a+Pen A mags =-$y ey:‘*;rs rae:,7 as x s os yena .Perigo NT ap esa Ens .a he eh pee:i eSocely Saif:sorsSus tte.Bevo pit “Wiyl got be “Sarprise:“te say a:a :ae Siniss oe Aimioratog:marek eee pies aeit jutlon.teroueiritacState satis,Ho pet at.aitfamoiliarSi a eeexRemieds.tly,eels oeeire.Coeur:§ Foean oiiinet tom tye cht :ais a me mene aa "whe ot!:SealtingEOBLHL §scBools and’Rr éxch-.Seed -quajit i s6 +Cha mbgriain’Si i {nd rout monies .MOK :x igtes price =cas Sh Thevopanion ofthe Planaces };tte,New Sees oN er Sao <State 40°cé-Mperaté.Min duph Rend dysto-‘iow tisk peaplel 7 ERVHD Siiek uisinw ite:it ton is binics PS «&weresie |Gautracelton en reite.aourtsin Be¢‘taser Of Abt y“5 ‘gearpenary EeCeIVver herabees Rouge}prow ~Coprnibe:inorativpl Of.fy Whereta phpasute Mr refgtiiy:Teeadmitted te be.the van etat U.:pag BankersSeek te Beaidinwiald*tyr 2 Gop Sup ban tod Fog,tae,Stare nip iArcorgeW ashingtan3 death [outer ea expentelber iti fie cea state cm Seti [retiedy.to“bse:for’:owek -“Suitsfor flowyaSatoSCotatiOEESeadsfokestdowshSpine134Angkoisaccesstae“only:One:that .Lane soother bar ‘yatta vrapth,ot she Sather.oe eeeber ‘sfllendi¢.medichie”ap =for Cor iaints:asd thef=.ENS fa5ibeeyestheyhaverece iis+pleasant sate peg‘Rp nbtisnogny Gt ste’Sih froface Unity titeSN“thy -bhig papet p01 gf sg ee 7 ke bad.has it “Bass aured,-of bev tatsaeanyecalAspects‘al -weae (ase,abthing!$8 ma perLithg-‘att,io : te This ¢o1 fthednontas appt neefar mers ae PP One o sed tkeSaid.“aThe shallow,ANd.pute"onsen der:was made.Restevaay aM St tae eRe,reaper kaa pt ‘phevtmonia:it ;reliable“eames:reuargin=§=<manasa pigs Spensonsfeapoloweti cals:spas“Fada JudeGrpre Hygro#0,“Sayav.e {Her Life.gece averted anda ere itsfotSSeomes:Firoti ”Shee Zs ine Be Bsslaind?ore,intebe opiniii ‘of:the ara}majority |aNery bardre meals hats,se Bae sted og AUC of ru pads;io ;*Segold|forces;2Re:BS Sof the Soar tiie icon shaentehato?Wasenumie rook is 2acirrannd fs .Phe Indian.Currentyc)Cominissiog ig.Fécouimente“dd.among:“ot ay ‘ae 18.“Creditors. posed aod fahsirened ‘aysthe disht Phe Sieh were ‘on ae 3 aS©:3 :Chic Thomcce,Poy ‘8,Ye aN siritine-Dpipiens:of Iastice mae i Balei Sagbeer<rd¢Qn.oo i @ 7 haye-jase rr z —~ Sthings the seadual -egtabligh ment %of :sStinpe =o tetoR Wises are Sdteeéto,of the road |).aoe a eas era markets 67 E ;1*Sathe gold standard “in See:‘A printelte Stage wate:lidwevert ioe oeetae Nex ctea Boservel Fat.Pata PRS sd “At ist fnaliged as adit oe con MISES,a *Londom ee ath.Ffe RD gia ocee this cape oS.“pat 4 says My:.GedhatndastDishh weanit,:aac Be woes Se th Care ;Sena mefevok pagan |<ore reokts a . :Ese :=Say ne dtstssae eaeravemebe culmitighot,gh age iS ee;@dehas-band:‘This:worpied]PS (ise ae Koene “oop sys.noty :“Olds;CLOUD,Bea ameto 810.0Bia tot payaymmentsere cite ntsaoe 8j:“4 .ns AS ;i eed .}i ps <prams SG onit |"<.<Bhs exact <result-that.thestey ree ce Wire eemeen Oe ee None aLact wet taf ya oe dito Anehoe,:‘ubitia,ebepeelatie pisses ee ax Se nn eae . MOSS =ehave wepe cto ae ume ee eae Gat:“bevjsaidsbereatter thats aegber:St eur Kati a a a pe ee es ae oa ee ae beeen,soe?oaaeegeneral,Dillz:a pe agar Wenc’."ssh ka ={Scarimon Senses)*“So-kiur:|“apsai ftote at”was:peedeei ver,eee pe.;:2Aas ie OB,*Coanetys SHORES ie 'Boy's 02s aiaSuseneyiepeeS55"GP ys."Nortd Cavaitia:at concenned.if.)dou ndendored,bY :both Ayartes:|oes oi as eis WR,i a “i Men"ssthbee eV ype OF:,: ee a ee ~Heat teeta le (greatellditegtors the decisinus Of a es nseats _té-Lhe ee Repti eae aeRey Bro Nite aasYT eee Ss Arnica ies My aes-cs Bha =en A shee SoeFaeNortheBaukeotEiagiand,..lig saldahAt emartare thes ResAl SN carehis tBpeine rete “[Saite.Girts them,ako,“Ora fu See o=oe ceivteait “The sree Sur wD havego Atherkety ais,Hye Ne yedolena ditKaikroed.,Reig t clgd ints Feveg Sores,Uicens:Upils!was TE a eo to<7 :+ta.the Seas eee ron 2y‘rah.set este Sins sakd HEIre UGG re spob if 4 pe &Pisen hoki h SO aap:“lou!Riada eveass ‘Bini as.ts ike’ es ;ose Gate en Sadieas 5Se A 2 Oe gerber thus Shneon:WES Viginna:-Seat as ang pe ge =.SSees Pi teconeeeysee (aaah:"fbidyVv chaunitathe Ve ey ett "Rt hi oRChile hip USE.ate ce)‘i Chilhiains.'aes :pet‘ison!1 as pes :aaa eeeya Hus pewewer to lec:Oy ‘Ho char ibys is sareoy needbd tina wht a he vanents k AeSeve ‘VA r fy.:se De a et kas yt heartily *¢ix 3 ~‘Engi mt Safficfeutys whit toxmect f <Theid of he:Soree Sa or Hi 4 er oe ie th ay repelbeeeiSbip gee we \ayJotter hs +=2 AMipate:Cqugh.ah ‘Gave, Sa ons wie aay 3 bbnitiesSorttbis Sides “The:at ii pas5ie\fri saeoS nee vest ne a aa spe ioence Ss A jediate;fehEeti : -_.eee oS:fami mOUES:sak ay Skcase .Sao abe Sony PCs S *::5 ‘sStesareeecauseiyAereleanne!deg tees Rea BY cle grepatndefu eH Ses as Sepa i e Se ‘¢Eiand Las been,ean avk=9thatat the,matset the GourtAdid dateRetmeas clive forse:gO ais at ep!eee1cet,wen iets :fered erat pe <1:f “m3 -~<ban ee twee”Heatdite tof see.to Wwle erg eC bqths:Tay peers Tits,noad.as’Diatterede it ia ‘sy:;cedSan net pole:sid ul eatiier wil in thith estaba Besees ics yi a héamount that Will‘be "required for,decision would Teak,He SitsSe Laud.spre aS atithestinte vig or BEETSSYACTEMGPE |pase THN BEEN a Ay ker Se eeles aklistfrout:dighhenPEucelyileancientspiesAhklascatdalgn,régard:49 the’“hay one thy Lite ‘was .OARS sen e att eetPD ARETE absepcaes or gt ep cadi“bar of thet, ae eS aei pect Drecelis equi¥a-‘partment ot.fhe aesefaibeny ae [aerie A akqiatyterdenis;NCCES aessinge es rs eeoy *ie ae mex ity Lollege naw-Ha ;c Hoahoes,:PES SMEPIES « sf “‘4F :Supposed.traiabdaiz Lidice.Hey if OY Opiutese angS i}7 spe ysta“tae cba 4saeaeeraceies0%Sana tapered eeemfbls “the hiiston'y anit |at ents rai buily with,ious:;ear aid Se bee peenes oe eet fs “ports:The*Bak of“Euland’s ré-emperyof the.AHL Paxdo<ie ane.ksuth Dans He money.ays,ated weeds A \SeeKe apeyet . smeie taaa ae us Belkaes a BERSWe ae a tH;BEY CED tou:cee Cant),ere < maibtindigestion.“Phy 2.Serve is:reduced to the exteut of the wometeefo tiaveweliberatelyy ostirte«!tf it conspany”was Scc ce leat by.t ne |:yi i .SS,1‘ad |Out Up e Faarse:that,ebmés to a4 vern The road Deciwgephe props joes :si iv:Hg reir Ta foe ile to Ea soemaven oe see rae Paver aids shispati@n ottibelpo mers of obthe eeoanigt Corpr RATION 4 “me“SESaa ee Tt Ag \apt,CG.Deinisen isWelikino p aa eS roeavef>“af 3 «5 Sav other’pur pose than secarity of another stuns tye State.‘Ye cyl ithe=Soprker'y bow,clarke ®,‘lye?the}:A yas WE“Bherierand contin;Eyresd ‘iP pyverae aslcomm@aderofs the eB “ye cOWAN,ay AW.teShed oe ed ‘tig fam ig Tob: i ied a! 3 ~the.currency._Obvigustysthis:CW]version:wf the’right;sot BORfalete |awe Hall hestocks oF tty ready| free .oe id, S 2 have 2 pendence!Vike)harden’the sa00;Soxernments oe der hpemen’;6 4 Gut thiewroul Was Heeoy spevaged :ate} ie i markt tain ve“herals and ‘Rpublic busines and Ate,piacncay,loss Sa Fhe Soytiertartias”ECCENTspestablishine:nt’.Pex taicn ah RAtCh Y sega jem y Euan boes About dozen:bots}Siuito]restured tohealth to Up tok si t oY}: 4 Boe seeas PR ~7 vps;ite Abd On C68 oF ft ;;: GoURt rates.6...yt Boe qs ia ay “allsay NOM pigs YS Ta he n;o Nee ‘2 :meee ca a 3~ee ree)eeSeroreth “the sey “Rox.the?‘Cages us ctapdiaws,of paay fons en aot]‘;os ¥a Milles!.[50esi Teo ENieesz sh,sam pa juan ty a coe pau ps of capt ;ae =este eA i.mses vot,the sitdgation:becomes||pebhlic.dietits ‘aad.tieneice “all >00d Wo sayety ligarse ‘pide T opts bila io,thiesSrate ree dicbctantiena:Sa)sa lkpecttty csSinorecvlent,wand lit-the government -C ibizenshate ne shest eat Js ydsesplined fay*Sahe You Peeeinees |Tinh Xna'!pads stanly.ae Haan t aeRO fovemiber2nd.ane Re hoes as *“toeSnit limit Sn Sone way:thé Biagathea,hhinged “bys“partisanship,ithe:Nndér;exegeuion.Rh "ok To “eel 5*K “fostithie ae elteM is sat Sue tefgueqnd ;orsbound in ¥hehatrttlesseits bYnat2Rolira de bounty.ee.F PAs POO:Rddrdss4roadpéccedphtsiacogrt-Deegmes ls 1fjs peefcealig belie TET wth2591 33 smu Ue Tnicine”Mvernmetnt aay, Bee.|ke‘leith ie ete aesBs I Ed ‘aly the ett te:meanos hy bea >War 2 oe ::ea os oenee —a weve Mee pias injostead of apretedtion.Ww bien,i the News-aud}bserwee wifs'<,via igaeLUNESeneyeeytes OD akWe ee aseconn €eee “in my2opiniotr:ee R ask jugudp Re m Ako Thhe hy 1a oVaword fhistead ‘thesBouter n Ste ured,this judxinent %be Se ~3 ees na .SSN WH.i a a rae teaed 9 ; cious cour:So was,‘adopted hen THOT adaessing.a sets Shgawstess ages”owt!font and Js-gutts sitter|eoo eee :1 LOdor ROCK wiubsuscys€0.Ri 2_Currercy.DIpMission,regom mien der ¢example:Frcontenyptuous.Wise ah tuesSopminttiyot ete i Roger:5 OR HAihe pack.Roi eS n 6 ne,: it canx faimcngy"Na reaws Imorder foreseajie oy:guneb th dna Hit oeAdy CROP aa paces {oF halting:ie ore,Mtpotest 5pI PN Ie *this *‘step.:Re Birstall:san”if ta.my,pels themiz 1S tstlayy oo elik : wrind=the:ORLY peringupn Solution:viens es ;:ee rg .Sef the-eurrency®Sunestion Jf dodiay Ptr :xled 1.2 By student at the c aNieebit aw:us he:frees ey LsAXE ~~3>Sad ths eltortssvot phe:DE DIC OL,amis ina a ‘ChereONxC :=Lpicgeee Stayt ne dash.sive’.5 StareTar thy offed,“eo ih th beers alttved 1a bearfruit &Can:ae SRyou ‘a?Hyg halos ronpeecther diy regis OL, wetter way “vould haverbcenfound tthe powers f-major ith of the:PresetSBoleign:As SOEs: .Pig Sut:Of.Ale “amicaity.§§_¢Bimetallisin;ent:Supreme.Couvtt “7 ByetzCousB=Lear oss Aen ait,”GE ite ly :“rel Was.dires ‘ted.to Endia“niore thar tie.tution,fat nS ther rar:patbiage to |FifDur a xcRapel,)Wig.3| ogee ns San ¥sother places butit Wes reieetedl st Phdakh eit::neg fats bdle thongo :ate cone lee Sty providest AW:\s iAa ves .e23°TRC rR:iSbk Chatks Horr that fas:Ge * wr Westyydcee Rhiipyig ayFSOre“aa VES Lato,bus sli piped,doawhy: "“St xeGisole‘NM aerSoucoEdyis’beech PE T PO E L ry Ss a Se oe 4 Hfat bete ty bnd its:detrinvent’2)gh Fee ekdng-farzte tse TROY"besa Os FC Ya Sot |.eer seie c P cunt nsee <he New YorcéesaFscompiainibs eckininx ApartAWE:H-pakFroud Bek pe aoa Bs he Statesville,Nee"OA yay 0 QT pe ies Ww? wduat ‘the sreat scarcity of one dedi pay ie.at the Suri ies oo }Paws s ;nr aMB HAN BARN th nea ‘as wncethie:-high rate gFintersst:Na hjseflide:whites Suehstuties:eee High Nyin oieWE ook Pe fs sear a +e ieee ese mane hear(Havin gs,a patie fo.beiecerned -thew,end?by sits Fee,aia Disha,Png!ste Spiess Ce workingafr:as thpmose.Chis week og ttcountolthEpes chyet hn eB HX botintoia pe The wi post and,others catty pa Shitesveet omen Our clot}oe Sin the inonerinpr lent pak a.:4 which,Keavasthevervelue ted.seen,ae eS i shietNat oak et ea r.Sohahitex)::g a {Zod bebsuice a oe oe a,e Henry,Glests-ps banker ties,to Foie bain ss neg s an Faitiesventsros|saith“Glathe Latoh:Uist PIAS‘aka “mab eee rig egie..es Garhi.Blas.9 spendiag moitisBeseheTaeOeintsWoekl¥c Fettersthatthe ty-foreistito'tietotbxo eG aes fram ostantay deters set Cortid dees rks FE stiecy Re cureds bisfaniily Gt|hours:“Séna (oot“os,Gtringepts-ispver,but he sdyS9""7 |wast fpringety igcugrbens ade wich l a an nity Pgh aie eer iPhoiand saves thoubinds.font °Munk:|dit.i cf ae<1 toe 8 SAID all intrigsieconditronsof he broayt caeto recover.“FOE:he Baca ofSitieSpecies”ta peit,i a bronchitis eth Seent Ce ae:at ec ee Cl one:gee See She inyestninnt,market.poutsidectte:pigesistab:uresthat-cloeced:hitnedirst .atk Se Sesaf rs seSigel Seated nS Faw Fhiog Yrouble eas a nee S oth seu: Soto reC@t=isnees Ob taeTt Tstrjal con:{madeshin Hiilrdae x contMTS CeerLaorte atthe shat Tat.nightfor:she:Soe re solidatiosts—aré~solid as.TO whtn:The Riorviae Cogmiaow.makes aint t Bae iKie om Suet ag a Telskod,ifssome otf%SALE ~ibe rjst anay -be Gepected step res.[a corporation corrissrOperwitha iret eGamigo tOcder awn.isk oo pas~unrins:entirgy~os question:Gh,the.his ‘Old powers.““Phas the AdtiGsy,GEL!|$;aber Pye BeePeerevagy ested ‘atdu-. ¥‘piters Byigom!beL.cOuhtyy,last.Wees{Hotaedison:Comp tyow arrahts:charg: a eaees path)avsing a,time:4¢heck*fas Wthe Ke Sees >MM ican money market not easily sélred.“The.the forijer Dalek -Exé LIED.(WHOSEaSigh Shwc hia uti:aut =fy fs}rese rves of ‘the city,/ban seRenae wHiCE Is:“aboitshe aFsp i}‘is Ee momen |PhgteAeerg Kerete eg~~,£°in ‘elose on the “daidfline.”iy Phere,ig ties?fasmerky:.ret ee eee sae LF :it ‘nota!e ‘abate ment of>the “ship-Site:‘Treasurers‘plus s sumedcaitively |iat Pentebtield."Ox SD“ubs;,burns,aod:poe : Sen,Raw”&o¢Soystable Cone ye at a Sp finn: “oN:Pleeung Power,Cos,beet;:3 .or for}DRAW duties,*“4 :“HR Risen eo Ss Sees Tateees we 2 Arth ‘to.ido hike ehbaratelsTi altawioingu¢db penedia bO%:‘Lindnt-Peie pas Vien Tes inglian.piolibivion He Ee EG ec)Tess than they Syould-be at.thisy,over-rules”the,U pa Statés:Su sj.-Que:a snaeh aes pevecatns!ra 1a +a =S pass a BeBe.Goorin begin =c.Tr tee JSON,and there are no@Lind mations;preme Covrt uhouritstinterprct taridny t:eh_Sai peay.»;Whe %‘Poh,ee ae kot :7 ee a ¥fis 2...SG}the extent of the.fethos:fri.thetLor:the DnitedAStates Corstitution.,ape ie)uy eefea5.tisee™of the 7eon oor Meo ore a :|SPANDALDyds:He e ee oN country:whee“No ahivays laces-“the”‘Lhe Court,basiitse‘lf set the eXcam’:‘2 9 tae es 3 5 pHagict 4d:NEGB Cae iver ee usin e+a le °I oy eh ‘ ~VS Seaunke Qn pe each Galion in No?-pleof :divining.motives..*It™bas CrATEPIGS:Ap ptatingx,he ey :Rope,~ar BSweeS tate,tutti Tels SONOF a ay The SOUTH. Boss eyo wetembere:‘Axsndgen.Fisé“in:prices asvimed td penetrate the:leuista-ate “Was |ey seers.abyeer vat FALE °aa oe Suan§roubles4 hes:“ateone TheDire ese Aw--.;%.heroueh Sarre sontesac reded Y Uke :oid Pit sty ae -Baie yt}}vu te ace"i 10a a :aed sanes ane ec a BpRINe Onsigiousuess ans Gasengs there}3 Ae DotiGemen alter:wi sev erg Be eins Be Ste tis toy modstn me A pst :eR! *}:me 8<§6“voliima oF trade kage together tt:Says:|that-‘the object Of the sees:let.hike Sc alana Rreile yy y {Seems: ‘vers greatly swelled the Amowiit ‘of ator:ty abolishing “the 2Riflapad ae re ee nig =:aN hay o oilstah f Teoma Bp nae a :wai ab:wey heegied for the retad:etretha:>afy mission:was to-he rik Of:PA pee womela4 Erey,¢=ae ‘thor:shh i ueoe le AeL fet fake.: .4 Stion.and while’‘the’‘Panks’‘Heedsmore Abo ag Ratkrgad Commtissiéner tng aN or SE ae a ote ax ae ener ‘Eos te f =e Seeal’ttider _motiéete meet the in-|has-rebdergtt a~decision sateen sae we SV not det a:“ap of si 18ar is 2 a eesedsed demaiid for‘Ioans~or #atheryzoce ithe the provisions”‘and Spirit Bight,shite:opt wor Ss SEE ALwtOGurovidetheenlargedfeservesfox|we the Constitaiion®:cpa wibld “pep . EEROph i Re Fate eit ~ ls Moding éa body Oba ni :@seealtreceive“any =benefit.‘santk pened Ration’Pills-and:Tonte|.a sold:Fera ‘hy Wei Bulling-5)bie 1S ee “ipSetter theal, MwCAD a feet oet bed ePariyesspide:foedion Wejas Pa:Teshe 73 isy“which the lowns indirectly’cali—tBe ‘Straps indeed 4.Ur,der thgiciretms fe ee ianihented_qpopnlary wants fordtast:|Sterces.‘Eire phblic”should motquesti eS See ee“we!“Sei génients:make jt:-diffieult Tor sthe:tion whether ibe judicial~miad was:Sek te5 SB ZFiat jocks Maksd ss=whey ass toe>‘tresSupp!;ot em fu cutanely “tree from the bigs.of Botike |.SPN ;ae FE Bakwitg:ate rhe te fey:eu2)ae ~Pim cindy.ap this,tral’rem:irkabted Vo Wik:=Athid:+a “bel tar:<2 tagas’Witch Hazel’Satkee.ch isallepure:netof.thepearentrentsyeArctheltied“sy ilHays Th sorpinion.There tno pparent rea:“Brave di be WuthiGayy:ed atthe’;rate RSS a prac lf.Best)sabe Tas Marerica®|.Tt pl rT Sor whys the:cau Shou “hayek Brexby teriate Lipspiti 4apa yshor:hour oH BE eae To 'the-petalh i.het reverythi ih Chay:‘Cures: Tamale eeesas sateen poniesoe ae Eeeréme géold-pledbare tee Towepobye of dix iatiod.ee .“Ritegrit hebedI ewiaildnweek 0%papubitytt “js Fe Scrriten Ma fob ae i “tai Wig:Fall Te.5%jierene inds of Pils.“Bo So.ae es Ss een ase,called”Brean amy atarthist r Menihy®there ve nes eyadici +Ole0!vpn TaEt te}“vtrthss £‘onttaly-,9 figs ray ak aoe crgoraattse ;errsPASS Np ReBanstah ;2M a os eae“sb ‘caruse he favored-bimetallism:cand:fait aNSteen Bec ase Se eg ARS witrinces,He Agen 2X yang re Maes Mester Hoveniond oneeeyre ‘ee cm aK Ae {7%me LEAR *~:<if oT +ft ~—.“Ss.a $“-"g lergercvolume of~actuat‘eutrench [oo Fg Sea ob]eho,on Rebyuary Tes oS.wabenh Urey Boot Ne ae hf .pearly wiabe sprite col,i ees3 2Apt eine.The elects.ob.citrency;eoutrac|ates ne Bona a di gate rt thte>dattléshjp Maine*avas:bsoi pik Write far‘one 3 ie ne eth vine e fcas :oO;:ae ae re wave)by the!Souther:iLet Dieses :i pion dre:becoming paiatelty:evi eS Botti Engineers pai “tin:4 Havabva Harbor?repo iR-d!“A 2 ZOORE!COTTON ‘MILLS,’RANGESOt EOE ines dfolita me oats assured’safe,Conrlor icles =x 45 Py Se -fleeces Cporgetoven Gan Duspageh.3 -pCaptain“Sig bea in the!famous].Eavionesttie NiGes 5 sa ce Se 320 ie:pace:oe os "Bapedivons digi Rar “=Bol ——Me Se Er AMEN 8 i Me Lords:=Siny:“TP haye?ERS TSE ms |yancel S is REE ROLES eae sstyok {APPLY ToMTiCREy aGitN Es “ty.HAAS~_a;cae ‘oe ee we i rr 1 wat,r Xf ~¥8 a f tlt mer «>i“jt tA oe]s =an Tired.ot fianna.in ‘a ug ineers:ining audiC itt Me reeport that the Ships hits be 2S‘Own +x Nghe of Terror.-.ithe.ery:Spalect acthey a3 _RATES AND,G INE:ik.Peas;bap “es os anus,“both of Maton.were:kiled,4 ‘apwowiis sinking.5 :oh o eee oa xf See ie::ie LER Ghankitte News”tafe.a Ok ed,-apy I i ii “Atwhal an Sietyewas 3felt,forthe]5 a _AThe*Latlies,aes "get =du pORFADDRESSeeeeae5dand:Viremen “Monroe.and Rogers./S 00°bE rétiisy,to Al |awidow of the }brave-General Burn |=gy ife has?peen sine Chance.f.them ne 2.oh er Phe:fight against.“thie le waarshep1aalso°of Macon.were fat:ally.injuter |Antiiany BUS ut ;Wa:cA 1 ae 5 Med aa th dow Sestaca with-oot eceuit “ston .EeeSn :~~:3:thé ‘obnoxious Hanna'seems about:in -a railroad.wreck top.the Soutlé |e be ;_|bamof Maghias >@ doc-‘i nt bs iwlfex5tiYeperetyavberc:if6 3 1 tors-said-she jebald,not live till:morn=|:ora lymershoulder™that bds pained: :se rie Nik. Wo troublé-to% |Eraites,ani,tt E 2 Ste succeed.~The-W ashington™”Pest |westérn:division’of thes Central off ton cities ‘town shies absminsS352“The abnouncénient made in:Georgia Railroady near berelat 1+nonths:he th Avera eet ehtnePostlast:summér that Senator|today.Fhe.two trains.-one.from frye beng atvorded the|Hanna.would not.‘in-all probability,Bafagla ‘Fla.ahd thé othertram’yberé:.When din:Weare s'¢ ier cdntinaally for’nine.years.Wee"aeetried:al.‘inds of medi¢ings and?‘OeF OFS without receivingaby”bene-i :pict om any of then Oue.day w ‘Hine writes!Mrs.)ij acniee <b; is whiok attended ber that fearful night; ‘|:SEAT:thought bhem sti soot die fion) et 3 =tsoaeal {3 {y J se anttee .SS sires a ease Fe a+Sea em Republican Georsctone we otih Pera ar!pas ended.’sahninons mcrae “noted eae vB aceD Sawin:advert:sement:‘of‘this.medt {°°3 SNES Commies:23 oh:sa :lees IN LOE NEXT.)re0T Ra side,o OTIC ONE rte be.ade:“zea Yi (i mai sites und was,}ss bye aes ine 1 thouvht-of h zex:S i rmai ;ré than ag i Ya Oa me ouvht-o tryingit fw ich,ee eeee ‘Digestswhat youeat.|Citasoe.cate 3 r .Sena-1 the envines were a ins coin:bytart:"yhnha nant ae ¢Itartificially digeststhefood'and id:“used”ant one ott @:id Her:-toz.Hanpa*would©uridoubtedly.bé|pletely wreckced andthe freizbt.cats:“]-Ate threé small Fdoges ‘she’slept],yONg ndalds ie B=<‘Wione op heppagk sts A nt :1 Nature:fn strengthening and~TeCOR:;Rania salmost well.—A DotPAt ILeselectedbythe:‘committees with:the}were piled uy onthe Brack...Hens Writiendb eden ‘te Mefudet,.esis alltnightfagd its furthe!%‘structingthe exhausted digestivé or MELLETL,:“Manchester:X.,E.;fe #: _For|paket,BeeE Behen oes 2 ody BK.aa druggists refund the moudy.if .is sometimes Ta co to ‘the,tee OUI “completely:cured ‘hey,'t ‘his frhary gans.Itis thelatest discovered digest-cole Gy ale rugaiats;k =See‘and distonsolace “and was!2 ind tof urea Fosoa¢=near Bae ag ‘antand tonic.No other preparation |...72 Hae |whith sbid-tha toe ow as (isenutaged “Hinley~ifshe desired ‘the-position,neath “the:wreckayé and’up to‘this ="=undorsé“ment of President’Me-|;.Engineer Me Manns was buried be! *.Sbaat =is ‘Khoren that Mrs.Hana is time?his:be dy:has not beet recover :nite st!and Tuungs can approach “it.in efficiency:Ft’in::e ~XG :"ee tol gampanes grins coladting yo sath eign SUA Amon Be aS Yuadl Deel Oubsat ais acd BENE eenay soit gommanengcun|Sunesfr FoeSac Chel foescies uae:;5 wetine ol clasvoné.ayviath-old me ae «CG a gS ee hurt sfieesFatecotdltiomoftheSenatot’s healtt.|Lassi tanlee es “out died.shortly,child:ck the’Gack cot?vabiek eatTrial dottles freé at,&;R..i ail’st Daspepsia Andieee SEG :4 tes xi tact ‘pvney ea Fontes=_;Hisscampaizo’in’:Ohio,-with.jts afterwards.}drug.store.”|Flatulence.Sdur Stomac vause PMiller&Cp,-MooteswillLWritten,Bites.rhis swith?me SA Fees ——-s Dea po Sick Heagache Gastralgia,Cramps,and,oF LaGrippes wich its®after:“effects,A:B.:Harris,Scott!ofter-seentin®people-trembeadous tax.upon his:vitality:‘has “Phe injurett‘tigenmien ware brough t “Spanish-Ameriiene War’medal.4 St ‘ae eee estion::‘ariau:tly destroys thousands ‘of peos,gents:ke borth i :%<os ficial-teeth *]foake 5 Rts ty i S -leit its impress,aad both-he andhis |here and)«iven’als the ‘attention 24s alt:thesurvivors of the:iti nae eee ELE DOES &bicdgo::.pie.It may.be*quickly <tured’-.bs.rine e Bore y Shae ae that ate‘the most ba texoe~Tahiile ave conyingéd:that tke “nram-j:possibte:“butsslight hopes are.chter.gain Salsa Fis und..ves »mo SB ee 1 One Minute Cough“care,,vontlel ane the.Leet forka“sagenent of |another:Presidential tained of their recovery.Thecdase,wait vend t ;eee i Rie eg xemedy.-that ees -rvives that itis possi ‘¢weer re mie sae serious results.of the ‘accident wasa.nmisintérpreta-|Sips ene Get rea hae z pesults*in!161 skill and the ‘Grea i 3>.The choiee ‘of hig“Suceeéssor,.-twhile'tion.of orders‘on-the part ‘of one-Py ‘ie Psi fre ann |aS pees 5 Bees ==ostensibly ote by =the nationalthe:engsineers.oS bs itheae One 6 ed ge ADe ed of fue je ae beige aiets Went ees tis:3 pouches,:ment to nake—So light Soe aac S j >ah Se ertor oy Williams vont Pa.,Dispateh,oe ;“4 Vator ie cae eet eee Saas SAR At e DRORS NE!“AE and Jung."e “wilt prev et ;able that.their:re“committee,will”Teally ‘devolve upont “s Sere arte Les t I LAmoiterinie me *’‘:aie be hi op Sc ees iH ee “f si ”ei ckotaethe none it fails 1a cur:CONSamM ptian.*W;E Halk,Jr me tg ameuth i1s forgotten.On=the .:President.¥t “is -undérstaod}©-¥:“Fhe horribly.mutilated baHes oft #2 Wo GROVEIS:pigeathrcon ‘vere SOx."ase a Pai i rade eerie sist :eS :“that the ‘Presidgnt’s choiée isHenry}77>>‘Bryan's Strength:yee age woman and:Her three childien |wfere.f:met ‘CLOTHING:‘os :x :ney neoffice:WoO:oeskeeim:ede :ay 23 oe *eit.,:“<a.2;»,i t.}er G.Payne,“of “‘Wistonsin?who was’.Raleigti-News atelObserver..seta ae .“found.this esening.in their-honie,on *ee <aC owen tT pit :cpm aes b ae t atfoie Seiprominentlycopneetédwiththecon-|ies si neica Bays aad CH are futce ay fs aL Re ey a 4 ~The.Wishington Post’.which,iGith:£5 smakt farieabout -asmile fr om “the etschans:4orHe instagis tlk you sari aator Sooke Bs >+mC *Sulreth Sokeys m7 "Sit qe ]P .s {SCO}«Tse—not.be accused,of favoting’.ine-/towk-~of ae nae fhe votlity.Weasitivale peicpanetiny Ssrhe oe fuck thee 2 IRI EE UIAS.weak 1 Papre contpain mt badder kidneys an—e ty tician:9 0F Wi cratic suceess in]!10.saysit is*Sim_ns Deere sels,gre ateen bihelit.price palate geno eaeeee Maree,oe ces wees rod ifesede)roe ; Se .:ply absurd*?to clair thatthe recent)fer the’scette,0 ie tracd.De 7 se COCR PTP,=i Carl mediately.»If yo»dl eee Sagstor Be Fie Republics |gleotionsdetermined the:eee tailsave meagre.Xshorti tind arog.”W SHOES OPALXo#0,Oh ee Se Siark ‘Hoon i ~ie ce.put of McRigjes tt.sags that;while is repeddle:named“Humatell Rurcivd |eneee,Sar Au wast ~Bat thee Gs oa Sane Sees“AS apposed.to.his.position on”shiver the widow,Of a ‘farmer'ay,l:FOOT UD;~e Qbt thatthe fond:expansion,ite “thas -no”doubt bis resideree with.ber :gn the fara.>. —»AES Of 1896,“and:who is.a Splendid:“+>.-eritadizer as.well:as af shrewd”‘poli 5 eg aes ‘old 3gdiessfupusesting-*Tasted Roce “iy faet.Ja |. Scompleté,In€of good shoes.-"Wars and;C#ps of F..Usecinttest styleSar:bothumprités*Ter a Century |, 1 “sarily Okio polittian’will realty rae 4 oh :ethat urebrydn-wilk be.able-t th!rPhe:widow had:three thudreh ~HoreorRpntarchvet.“They gre fice;good.apd ches p:ws ;Ser 1 Rinley:’smext catnpaigny:-Wilb-b :¥QADLE~SOn,rot 12 ot »dre@Ss"voods.wpant clots,Loutn ERAN2 A .°aft 3 sehTesath"ye real head of.the com mittee.”©upra larger electoral.voté-than:aby,Hiepast Weel ncistibots Passives th BE Htarinels,“ete,eeand Tis lowe Et:he ei OF RIS OLe YOVIRTVRSTOFa ~=ee in oeSe ©Anoventes-eould ame. bhe:Post “of habitation.~ces in€estigation::yew he i _—es ace alta aa « Eps 3 “3 Crackéa Skull:LashMattér.,~#closessits admon with.showiny.was,urade,‘late today’and:the*bodies #3a ona day coeds ie om wei i oa yw.a E te (i :ie 7p Pr Oo 2 Eitan ee;that withthe exception.of:‘Gratit:oltwo of the children.were frond Sever saw ffonva tite due at30 gents 3:no f pa as of EG)stated:gomimisy iy :Satie éuwho,was elected to.succeed “himself.hidden’audes astra wistack.ely“thetane sapsnae AG57-S0TO 53-20%NP saved |S Le 4 Rr Se Sh SFE ae vi Een fe pho Sorin s oS an Ne oo Phere”‘was a ‘agitin Bick’Fac fp?“1932,no.other man ‘has been se sbouse’the bodies of-the other:ind:5 2 2)Pgh sigh i GV Oas AS of fo ie een asc ve :Sh Public Wucti a townsbiplast Friday.between Tom honored sihéeTacksén :excepf :“Eins the:‘otherchild Were Hand<lyingiin’:-~>#)STewnsend .and Henry DeBerry’>i,}Colawho was:elected.during the,ane sleeping.Apattineat.:‘Flom 1~*tee Sowhich the ‘former :‘came ‘very near|V2;and adé@s:=:A.+gees wiisseép in Mong:somery:yesterdays:“iineastbienwlan ted‘b.,state’ahpe%6sitghis lifé.and hts final Fecovery|¥e “One othe:recomiendation:>bat:vothing ts.knowneof.big:Were)é ALES:essing Rae eeate Ssts- cee fr otis sull in doubt,”The.Sweapon used|9UT Repiibliean “triends”Will-su mboutssince that faeces“+L Ae ee a he zy iss peeraac bis-Denic Satie on ee noticed that there werend sienior 4 Sehr Mad pata 3 _Rb:“ki aghamangle Sakon ent Cunoualitee-ahahntESaresselling:at“20¢.,.)aud ey MoeaisTy‘ound-4.compon.,=thaeey:(or pi tie iae Cont tithes eet a Ire A.is}aewee either pesSteSwasacreck,:-wath which DeBetrcry.|for:this‘article:if is,that they.study‘"Phe?Bodies”aweke.horribly”‘hit 3 A,&.XS:1 13:ee “TEN'COURONS.4 stepagSepeas“tured Townsend’s..Skull.’His!the.eleétion’sreturds 7of-1872 “andsTated ,‘tie,amaederdr:eciden tty"“hey Nel Stiptings N.CrsNovember 1588 |ye ty “Revdrued.to:ay.Hegures.to.ms :recovery was at first thoughtto.be |156 to sée,how 4 terribly..bedten ni.“ted “2|‘club.iim serrate the{pS you oh.‘getahnost septidnten uae eee nicesubstantal)Police-)«2 +SS impossible,‘but*he appearéd “to”“pes,Pa rty,Can‘rally;'aiso the ¥eturns~of Grimes “ye,etic i os nas Pe -Raghanti it thesis whit FREE:Bott a -‘the forsiers «Pupset~r _Setting:along“gers.eli according 58S and 1892,t6‘See how -a~trium |“Mrs.tim’t's nanie beiJré-heree PRR 2 Gee Bae Malis ane Rising.a Pence 2 seats,es“+“»to"thé fast report wedhedr..He“has?hant party can ellapse bee jn “recent.(muMtinge was Mis.Oliver,;a “").Epbefore:“demonstrated:thatza mehole |8 of grand Prosperity2’"2 ys .+ty Délaney?=Shewas:Aboutthirty:ive es Ns 3;a cae Laisa ss eS wellangot~“skull is.not netessarf.“to h is:exist-“Phe polls.have |DOr Neldbed::The:“years,of age:“Hommell’s©AO oi SEE am ‘wens Toone eedB‘ana if “3 we Ne *.alts publi oad tichice erat»“ence,fdxat.has ‘been brokén befores Cleetionin 1900 will’bethe most’hots.between’BVand59:Years.|The “cou-\vgeet re Peeoat caaoene ane Powe Came arm:20,(ReneofINENort side,oF th:ane with p-rock:too.’We did.nelly contested since “1875..-TPhe ‘Re:ple were tmarriéd on November Hit.3 anh ;"£3 line,Oience Sart age eara“learn tle particularsof this difficult;|publiegns‘cannot:win,unless,monegy-:*MMrsz Hummell/s\-frst ‘husband?died,ieee Ochi FIED bed omipiseras OFeel .elt ties *é :ing abo R 5.Situs aoe Neonnorthot |feel trees oe t me4soxtestthat”the“row started abgat-°Utweirhs patriotism.-If ‘money ig“about six ‘months:ago:.ThereLisasl 23 the esate of eee ere eae Bia eevee foes’<otbuilditig Ae,Netl ane |Ebing.contaigm =ee the oe gettingin thé others|‘tall powerful,MeKinley~may:-break.ye?no.tate,of,themurderer:pS ngnstaaid datelegpese Goer tome etett rs at eM ,2 ‘Sfthe'l rootsmith i cleared;racer cre nae ss.field DeBary 2Fras.‘arrested |oat eee He wil be‘re-electéd.";Other- -eos ae motice WIPbe|e Fom yee nes 5 ue i yam erttates Petia ig se ee jawise He will not ovéupy the-White’.~Weis:foeFirty Genta:,*¢/-}*Blea TSODS |Jndebted{~_;Howeeatter Suis ath,19TS,6"||Sana oars A atWears te|Peet aa RST.See =plac ia i]: tor:< ,oN é