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The Mascot Feb. 1899
ah d Best eA WTCaleyae «CURECONSTIPATION-2s pias erie | ‘andLowestPrices ~ aa a +Tae2Sti steH Ove oeetipied:Dy May 7creEarsest sage*‘Best,Selected aa “Otro]Sthing for Men,”XY out ist Bots andsehiguren YHisy‘pomets ©< te tints makker JIS now ja my stor Ci aa ATES:SovLES agur vHii onlloaie toi ete ee tock a ‘ ar hirsbarSoflasses anikC wats fo MAy Stock:Phexe-Tan Sronds hake bch.Howeht at fagh PrIeesann e weil}Seth then,wt rhe Horkcost price:SRE woHter, “The stocksis entnely Upstorte:‘ind sxwit!Nx)atyprices.ve .CustomeTwa stadia Ty thet te”own ight ee fat Gorhing:hats oF furnishity 7Ody ber: fore Seeasa minke,ee Ne ir TblotG =Loree goods,HARRISON. Maio ‘(oi uyOF|SEATESVILLE:NuGe S esd Barkin eadtnessa3iiTinedepositsMoney$:abieborreootrcsliatertLoan.tid tocollettions on ail points,an-Leredited o reaitttteo-atJowestrates, Accountsol4 kc FaPeaeitte Merchignts,sores ‘aD -OF PICHRS:©-i,Président,’J.C.HRV 1X, oadSas £0.iRROWA the Ake Hi tye"“tuoldine aty le Yepat.ito Suit Hite times.-CSHis }Hla teWill GortitRue 1tQ5 live:at f tehase’th en eh )Atoret W ikeSsboro!Muster:>2MChats.‘Lomlip3IS ib othelerty cupply.pita unr}md Cha tits With wariods:.ere Ns Dyect ische CKon;sigh‘Depésits received §vn personat Security eens wee — Oe a dio:=£ o.,cu ;aN A.€Oren ~(Dieoit:Pils.Wost-of wholn are:sie wtonmehrjudge.Thanvas jt Shaw Dfeaighie®=2 Cause Ageguste:fat the State “ahd.Wwyll basiWerkTetStugss-fitsticount.jDhérity EA.weou sel!pe Lhe.odly tetorat inirhewholeSebgorTnysantHedyaeaewtLeab: .Ms.saabel lwikt.iLoad io tewetury :firouuh-voni paper,ofthee comin, 7,wf bert.aut,&ap t an’anitre ke om gia “God?wadeguia “und:prompt Hftentisd,assy red:rdfatbe:taht xRPDS,3 etsoe for Pott “ire '3 mS 6)COMES en as tour:at tha ‘Southern’ Statea2“ABLE 6.MITL00K i:Sauder (a,uetioneer Ltyihws ¥oxthh heaping.dd sie has tic:tl - S Gobet &Goh rset,‘Bropristors: =ghetiviort:ss lends er hes dy,Shed a. :Tie hte sel sut“Pific ety her's. Nihust’.command,the 7Fospedt’ab ‘ot,J :eas ofihose whi “nat urlhy”idishke}- Mth.dea:of,wotnen doing wotk<so"rez =fpagniing.“te “their?Hatords”Were-fo here:coed Chrristian,tampersince { duget ‘engueh.tor aucle WORK.|‘akedien At AllisonyVariety Store.” Ay theseee bg icas x rom Ke ae asp A pit ‘One= EG Th Ovi be rede:«c sthck.re ie PORE st ah Ae!teas!as every* Ufa slose our fei Teo:SURAT vee ShenHite time otter dimespect Be ti J ‘ave ry ones ‘inte rest:to AG ALS ters as Poo wa kfiniitiernod hintinather’’scan sat tess “pric e,than Hye Vouthavetet PEGE tor Spine:. Sepas nek 3 hao Bary if ‘ine <Vent Famijies:and;thereare,bereaud ‘bhdtie women awhote an isee tetit fivestoa he.work ahaatemeno):‘pve4 at,plone.ie skehdar &\cot:Jiving 3Requesting,a ~2d respectfolhéarins andZAhirgé.andi-) Rrcesior Mrs:Laké EW.eare.PespgGt fand'the’ho*in. ;Tunky,SthtgstillecUion:SeCry \e jars iorne ww “Ba iCsiivi Suse ~oa Me&McG itwerys Prosvetion: ‘ap Re aNNas aiid,Popersce ty ER sia op)Ries ¢. Mathes waste missionary te_/pand,took ene honors ‘atsHiSee.|Behan “Schoael ie claiest ®Haid,Si :nd:Tissriions. Ae Slackoe.suke‘tifis Weed)eae ior uot Select tines” Besar une ty maearid sept ;aie:every Std Ti,its ‘States:Se oh patter ths Toschai:aki ibe Ur A seesije has helefasprofessSorship2in +: Leary,IS Gtat ofthe:Hirst meni of*the te ’teoup net everEeemI NY Lat Pitstate Ese ae pa unary “4 us’praduerds viet,ate ; The ‘Prices:wil Atyswhat yau!distally Pon t Fail to.attend. “vos are copdialby invited.—5a NP Hats 4Re,One ZoF"Siatavilitvlerents Sere bright mays and One of the:indste pets Sift M ASCOT,Af:Pit Ne es a ppeiogohba Sade peybute tau uShip.has raised im:&Mills: Depperiment Store. IESandC teat tube that ciedparatcis few eet3eeutoDusiness>hon eee 5erand|Saateas 00KS cattied SWateheesNow a Kove semicoke Cia liteslite.We carry a complet®line of the best makes;{They aré\especially sniced t6 busin*Dou't fail.to See ourwatchesbefore buying,~oO Epeceyare Fgh e ays CLOCKS TO SUIT.YOU. ishing of buyin dock,(wecan:interestSomeandseeexeeofclick’:=We can Wours very.traly,”04 4 call your atten 4yodels‘ign t2 size:Watches, i ri v e {hae jotte,r: oe -~i .are eS Soe +Kies AS MRS Mattivver .Aodper returned?Om-,LaShoat last’woek fram visit to €bar .ees gid Winstons"6 ark a "Pou,[sland sound Rriday.and’.fivesWYesboryWebrauiele:oat Ke,IR, Cwpter:of Tredall county:wat hergy, potehusitteds ythis weelt Ati \<SPAnESTLERH©Xe ‘tin . ibkals HH Pees.bak:et baa bye.“was wy“hySpostenaggt sr at Xe idholsout Si“Kabs vite Teng.>Re,day last week.4 »Wo ta tas 7*eeBa.tia —< pi eee ey Bam NG ERs a 2 ekg o yr)erie nt ;*Sor”+? ‘fire onelay:last:week.‘2 a: GX namberof KK londi ke Wikers*ve- cgntty.perished:ingWw aldezee lacier, “X-stépin adiiat®lidat.was eda es were ost Pitan ae “x Bhere havd-beby,one Yan 22K9{smallpox iy enehe ©ce? (SexidietonDispaien Mabe Ww.S acct.since last tugist.(2 RCA Hine!vod chidten:besStatdsy Thee a s Rerectsitag Mase,CCitting© Sikin’"Timex:We suderstayd Sins ses Warren 5will wove tOhier’farin|t —Cou LY “vetore we ener .gl .a 2oe oh ita At.NER Be f il1 &Cowins of FE rede:iAbeNy+)Toakdesefast.ytar G6HY pow ds)éf.2sved, Ca redhtiomn oy |Ss ayers aye tawas myiis,14 ab Seeaciel farkaihicr kag SF KO x arn Spa Sots Is pis won >AtobpriTNC 2ine Cliiess.a Oh T [toscuships’ptuyYOstord,Ford.>1SyAShata.Alt:-Charkes Tathy,OF Leeann pa ais wieried Lo MixsMjniiie Titties “Pepe Mt 3:Capel hoy pune Rien Mer WS 1 Cooper s shouse,“Otr ‘Miss Dinca Of the wehewe FacialSWATESNEComatothe:lady Ayringiy+2ppalsbip,“at sthe -“volhe zis otter 3Sh i REITBog‘unwell“S “arar¥iswere s +*Aim Et “roadcollistoh.at-Novth Hanovery | fits:;PORE day“Tast,weeks.AR 8 a 2] fs sikdeling :Pathe thee’s Shier was naxriedDie)Maydast eck atBreeqn, TAY ates:-to argh “€edexstroni,tas 4.4%SORyr Royiualdd Pachecko:ol ~Galifatntee wdieds ove day lastpeers:waite.ha@serted,in Congress.a? Aisa:Hy Baker dor Lexing on,”®N.4Neesconibitted,suicide we resday. Whiteticld,bodjan’LENO bine Thirsday carte’escaped. c+salexét-tlie “Baltimore ‘*&Optiroahisbeenordered?ig Lids for lessahan 32a 000-000"Swit]he act~ |JeAV=Marshalbtand weil pros tte bse Th:arallroad pide wt Pos “thé|+ ~S+>ee mya few:iwccube.-<Ny ees'wth« Rei Ay miield:Loose “went.doyar ito lutea fast ayeek‘ang retained Brit| piece “and tovisit the Rosislatyrg.Hi Syne AE:Moo ges viWes dropper déa we Plast:Byiiday.Zap Bast hitehed Asith3ballhetmubetda,Lvoshotse2w aor’:Pain repped |lotr,an the:streeteosvot“ve sfa eyitil melo wiih to:RtAY pal k “*he |Nie “ee if ©uehyors Hiddebe®Tho tortaceiy ied here hag opened.kpgrstockof tod‘ehiéstir a Trovin 4 Tide“nites foRthe presents.ed Seven vives In varjous ithes<in we pteNy tc 4 My¥s;*Tear Pe UP OR Statesy ieearnRp”Tuexdav ta attend tfiewuarrie a ieee btbetras the er eCStak sat’ preted.:sto ene it Sa periar Shore naclesimex tt Mondity.Nae Wilkbe?offieetedOye. Carrqnpbert,wil preside “Solkigitior: Wiles ust,“oftisheporo sw Ut pross Cen 4 oo XM eye:ve Here.Re a ORR Edi a ee t a beet fiir oM,SMOTHER *Sees Wwishy re “Botity heh unis oh thie eae 88 Mrss;Fabel Wine &av be,SijMTecturehere éBu ye x:‘AMarghakr,f:A Shtigon:teed = bodys sutht“The avent down!‘once ‘Bannank.al uttNer father:Ve Joe CIA,::eeRK rae tig dsome Vesidenee on:Dis Jv:eatyetsgPWiehiuf.streets nents toe Mite:HAT Ti sot,t.oak "eoutempfatioy -te ytAyCattOr80%ago the’residedice wite Mththieatehatoson,this let wasbuagpedeestypaeonsle +Pennskl sania rgaa within.the:CRY.Limits.p&Washjngtén,;Dac hight ast 5 weeks.adpongineer- diled=“i ‘pe £4 ee:Us aGereehyBydon’Eaeprint ‘Was Siehteertied f pdpee +=,Re oat “There bere eetcd Jeast00 Leasesgfoe ofssnallpdx dt Salem Fulton un-, andbh jumberat deaths have’oecurr.Cees By SaSer ogee preky Nits peed <n vee *hicaso Site:Heh neice:ekaPagiotasbeauarrestedsat“Dexen-aeport?fowar charged with~haying country tia Canady.Soe en obs od:was miubdeyedd in ayant ae night hist week.”and-.“its ody tha own inthe sthect,swherdit vas:fodnd by ayhigviele.rides...There’isfavfuc tto fly!urotyey.AF ES A Fives “Naivasta’eBttont:mill Sisited ended:last k“giday>the .ney (goingbaek-o-work ‘at Reduived:Sweses’at |-ternine.Weeks”.éftidieness.About’.54HOUHertradsWereatvOfyyd’arthe|Bike Mp te SE yyeisIngssomeYTAGSace >Nat rina Neb.$4,wo)OF "Faraujerekegileyman,x Rmily /Have died.‘frovéatinerhog |iithat Whjelywas "al | fected:with tidhinosis.¥‘The:Jather bs:ofthe fanily dnd séyeral:TRORe.ehil-<dicey.ame expected Dy.<die.roe aS ,aeqinite Moorty 0 ~ywits septaWbochad”miuprricd4"heero.nlan"in ‘Forsey!City.NE And»‘hoy:Meer) hrsbgnd were genteny ed-td thechain’ iesto”leavestown.4 ret ia BxeA ton nes0 Mcp cay Koaitetuig HH:Gatland -Mas stuicket?w ith’“podsPewhile,arotiny,“aease -hefore |: ge EASrSape eme,‘CartHast Thurs)“day ancl didd withhy 10%ininutes*‘He day recettlyand)pieces were |‘throwtDthadbeenCoxergoroPArkanSas“dud [etal mie.>There’Were seve:ynen:working:at the.=but’fortpnately,fener:and oha:reseue work.>She]re Cited “States”,Senator,fron the: > Se an ber way.‘troui the!Pad itheeascoms,oop Her’lectuya wil f-be some hattoraes woueral!ii Cleveltigd’s6 -timat, wabinet:,ZatiprrhisTetirement \fromthé-Cabjiet)lie“pragticed»Tauw,,103 ‘Saint Sfate.vesignind hi<”yeat iD RS oheswas hurt,“ “Phe Lexington,Darect ‘Sa sth Aeyoungforver.sR aET ie ‘jnGareens-|{Garo is Rev.EWS Link: orator,of.Davidson condtys It.‘seems|a4 the:Semate tavacerpt-the pasifion:OF: Riked alls deg.the +sated ©“States,AWashington’He was one:SOF ‘the’ ri beet!ures Inivee received:fas’On:“ynted! peed vot “ay a byt:ost Auch men) St work te Sopport,ehefr Wives| Ther(itessprove:,their throughtae See retary’:v ae ee“ a o2 Mrs,bee iY+Dash | et VAGis Legis tact >~of ~ -%,Evander’Sfeciicsars et 1am PriMnGeton,) pee ‘been Plecied:$0:the ehait Gf’Mor ‘Rhilosty hy-at Corrne .Por seine |} JaGarifornia Colleze:Nir.yMeG aS Fis dro aat BNheMetejlvary-ix a b¥otlle:‘of fox inierhy ousided®,heres gory at any? Mrate-a wedlonz visits diere x He is “a pprofound porta «yer.vaised in the . es¢Ca mer,Oe a ‘Good bene Shacpesburx,i Tost etniheut tant ED—‘eorns Te h He FShoulg-be Billed’aiid auried, {sote’S608"toys this awéar,as the|_ _Piqlbwin ne Pl show!5 Mr J.D.‘Pats | t fonr,which will average about,at a vO 306 pounds.SACRE Mode sais a ee erat ;de ont tyASirens cae $100.ik »PR.EE.DETCHEON'SANTI pit eric 4any 5 May beaworth to you;more than.<$100:sf “you.have athild who outs etic from Jinconfen- peak a ‘Robt:L.Moore:B00.cod eeeiok terduring.sleep.Cure$6aralike.ieaneadsothe troubieatPotsseaaltLeRericcaavens.|j State rae Tae aefiete;yak .- aoe bet INE x ir antNere~~~wae eid Otome Snipers soni om “elteFBedtMcSeSoldm:Monae on;“7 LN,Sonroeijrtt 'ey Sees ied Cathe awhowtiyesshins the Olixe i:‘anchi Meibipy,)ope Svine pfstiie pork} te sold,t6his"castomérs muda wood] deat of ithe Carried:7homé*Aor.shis BS pase use.Mordar he was.-“informed:as ao He was (eoditiescatting| pbsa tans“fronr ‘that™seetiony ~“who.sepesinaes which \wast<xutr by’-hosse| caine to tolra ‘for “thet purpose:that “tHe:hogs bade Deen bitten coy"a mad)hog befare they vite butchered,the|: hog 3that bit“them:haviing.heen»“bit ten by ade Bele L:Svaniytomis cof eaicophatian”a RELhogsbelTagedto’Miss:‘Omie’Ourleeely al‘maiden ‘Gunbofthe nian Avho,‘hats: -atketed Abe,<.Mr.Jolinson and qhe r Others;geiny at whom had eatenIh“Th‘ap Attenrpt to'thaw,out’ Lot thepork.Vere NOL.9 “tittte:dis:eed tutota iy:thisnewes..$t not‘being acy pldasant,sensation:to “Realize,“thatone,has beén eatifiyfTod ith prob-sBle.pydrophobiavnVipMSSb,it ME J olinsoh,sent,dowsttd-anvestigated! thie afatter.’ate.foulgd ,that “after: what shouldbe”dope.EAN “Of thm! Sailt.wwe dreinformed.that the fogs though! be,said 2that Ree wold ndt,bis ‘afraid: tO-eat Somer of Wie meat.Instead.| Jounson,demanded,and.recéived;:his, money ‘batk.-Mr:Jokysow‘may,de~ dethat its his duty to ‘prosecut e the parties.as.ite:is:i:<very:Spree:pair nrPR et eee tee ‘Bier Sak £0 Gis =Wwe.conrtnecro case,oe ommissary’General:+n founLters@nRifled;severi which vaveraged “Common ‘of sconduct:anbecom img | 215s ‘pounds:Me.~R.Rei,fixe‘an officer and ‘a gentleman and’sen~ 20 hic‘he“averaged 230,Mrs,Mary P.|:tencetl hia to.bee dismissed from the: ‘Brown ome that weighed about 300.| Mit,ee Ss.-Millsips two?which |[Mehinley has.the.papérs “out itis: angeraged 300,"and Mr.FA Brown 4‘not known whatcdurse“he will take. army,jbut with:“2 Feconimeridation: ‘fo r executive:eleméney.”.President. ee oqWonderful‘wiscovery:va SReeeey than that sterling,old household: >remedy,»Browns”Fron itters..It scéms {0° contain the tery elemefits of sort health, >it >REDELE:oe ma ‘Generac NEWS!at Oa s Ox cote.gm eaiineotphysician:pte Warrenton:Med Aneday.qastiweek 3°) os raythe caine an5County,‘djedone”“day.iywestseasSearseaeons :Méhaifey,4 of Catiwhbat ;county,.Taised 41 bales:of:cotton ony430acresrofland,las year p37) Mr a Péigen,+a “proimiment |2besefea:“OF Faison,©eee commatied,jast Friday}aged or years. Lentre:Blake,a ehite .fagmes.|ofi =seas aa e eS the: De=ohpstown Bus ‘isd Pi “shu,co *Dr.Geo: ed.by the”trai dale ~Phreemen’were Ned iein:aesa aes @guaty, the:Wi mington svat says e|a‘Ashley A Bailey!‘Co,:Wad NMwill,“establish me ‘atve-sith;factory atWilnyingten,,ye css ‘Mr.se we.Howatd,agood.eitizécombecounty,‘redentlydiedy2* Phere “are as:many:DLestesoasesinsbistommunity “Bowers,.‘of.Winston,tookadknumwathshicidal*intent":‘last! wpeksdir‘Cohuinbia,S:CH “Wen. Adie:Moore,despeyado of the“Choctat nanonsSkHled-three men;at)week and Gidd a-few days later.”wwifd and.SEETEchildren: eS The.Bayatiers ie Observer ecatontesrecently.rus)ce ae one a Batty.of huntérs:=gadeeongoftheoa “authenticated im th ed by-lawfor the:4 pare eeths.Stateor combery ;ick such company: 2 gepted:dad BeawIhk not,Bideoficit ae &STaurele aeiveyiioeGourswillbe‘restablishéd!at ;7 obe::Blowin Rock,and the arrow’gauge|Rely,Dees Ee at was |wae hie sthedleshde Gtcai ganal fiar’Psfartin,NS ¥:,cdlabdosePTobsieeo:‘Reporter.wit ee:telehsvThorsday>night!the prison:hecawehhireaatemanas”pam Mts Subséripts‘Years orten,cents’ai popy.©Y=e ‘ue mit negro-boy Be aoa eeNy‘Deltire crackers.during Christoiaspyty,Aaks ithin the!fasttino-mpmhsts‘Winston suburb that-he ‘dieds.Jast.en,illévérsincethe:rsacevident,and ik fnalty waltminatediin}? ter.seas claws:0 froth AERO:on!chebrus violationeethe > Esq.aoft pes i nowBe wohdest,ei S Farttell Ripley’ratTp Student ot Wtake Forest frou.Buttalo.“N.-was,foundsdéad-in hig\room.atia&dich ‘hotellast;Thursday”eke His death-ae Atel DyandbigarattesyNeex “The.Newton!Pater}pe eh ity S&Tseétion-ofthe floor.BetheCokcser tofler til:gateway “one>night Jecentlyand30,008.potas:ofwerepredi‘pitated into thedgservaneoaoeno of ais sia as:tally x a:berbdted vigder jf seeee died one,day.SaSESAeon,Cigero,became‘alentlhy InSgué:,On;+|fathersdeath and’‘tiasbeen ta Some‘insane asyluny at:Raléigh.”ae Se Pp _AWatson,ofDeep Gan?hraikeatSavannah,Gai alast Britay county.“Recently went’.*boatatjthisctgetiatian.>The'‘penalty PN ¥!2 to”tundengo”ahohWasafferw:ands’reniitted.as:40"theaAwgmanand,she ws Hiyen oF Aours|: seenbust The guetarion «was::‘died *néxt-day-.Thee:vemaias |“Of,were braughtYack to,ane!gounty Psball ‘forfeit!to the’State:0! Carolina a”Dp nalty oftstio. dollars for €ach:‘Andev ery a—the firstday pt une 1899 oe , such corporations ued to opérateor, having complied « jmenits,‘of this’eet:“Such:‘penal :perecoverable ‘by t‘the®Treks JenLof-the State-for’the:behdn:‘of,the |State ofE Ndpthe Carolina,Aneit:‘Shalt hoe his.anity.tosue:“for:such"oe re‘in theSuperior,court“ unty.as the Sathe Beckné: ei No,“te eraloC anc;”steam-: Violatingae prov last.Week:and._buried..4 te A Nev ‘ton Enterpe:a deiley at.a sawmill:in.Ulivies;towns| ship,€atawba'count s>exploded-one { oe Says:axel tal sha i pisikeeSONEuEohtHe“require:|. af |that he haypreached. house atLexington and’: Ee pategtsare respectable:people.|FCO tes"theloss‘of the|,ae “Séttion.et“of _Stouytphone,:‘OX Press,+1ngubeatsor.Failroad:company.‘which 71S:4h fax,‘foreign\:corporation,obsanotbery: State‘Sping:business }jn:orth Eare: elsewhetest au <Phe |Chrobiele $2 a Pork,WWilkesdoutey. Last:Bride a |Let eCSohigont raidky’Hire retently: poaRA threee areksed ‘pigsStrom:Naau by.an:See were Ssas:Wellas teed wirdt$'$900 with no insurance:|; ‘Acréviard of $505,‘offered.fersabe::be SONA ~Peourts of:North Cargiina-on or’“atter: Lyune’.Ast,1386 goanti},Sich foreign nied.in-Chattarhcountya Sembcorporation fias becoine"a rdomestic| OCDORaHOn oe=act| mk‘whiteS sbi named:Bud:Tre er——yhe belewes than ea off,1.pfank CAMS.|visionzhim‘instantl\=~ xy s “Boreman..3"horse-trades,:‘Salisbury:spot’€.“Black;a liveers-oeof this e¥into-any.contearé7[State of Nont Carolin,gi %seek tainly inad,Phan.‘of the pane town,three.‘times, Concard *Wednes-.edayaotebtotlstwensetheeikWoundtineEhieiserserious.rowsded”matwas ‘taken:ryyaad bis”assailapt was arrested. torn -Showing| yssuch66ntpact ooSeyto.Silispurcat r:made,or: — cartridges at.the Squarry ‘pw p 7n-mogvntain,‘Asheville,‘Wednts-}0€-* [dak morning:‘of last week.they ex:idLploded:.‘ahd—‘Robert.Be.{greman,was sO-badly.jhédied:iz,"tvsmén.werebadly:injured:©in}which the.éxplosion:enerWas 2destroyedandoobyhouses’were!E ‘thehhops.had Aeewbitten.thé neigh:Taamaged”.;2 1 ord were ‘éalled iin totNadvise about “YohdHolbrook,“at Haierstiia.Fwas shot one might:Jastweek:<4 Bie:3-was‘returning frochaxparty |itt the}re Coat Creek -“section“of Cabarrus] Ly by a:young mah MeesSat :O.WAS.with him. ballallegra Le stigmas ase A add S “\yrZ -bgen extra Pitigt u tsMeyeeekiled,saad,ota.te the pounded:sinan!«vill Crasoer | -Fulhainhas been atrested ‘ene5 by: au}at Concord?: ing Ss:Mountain Héformer:.:Saturday,Mrs,‘Jenks;wife ofP.actJenks;who ‘resides “above Cherry:+pile while:FOE ‘he?body Wi of<some—kind;before’the adénstys :took?‘fire.“from the}on\discovering’herdsclothingto“becon:firé she rat into au.adjoidin room ‘and‘Slammeddoor,which thumb bolted itself?Be:fore her husband—tould”break.open’the door to yender bérvany assist:|she was byrnt to Seaocd Valuable io W: Especiallyyaluable)meeeia Bi oSeataoe. oval dolls for-each oe sinessaot bedone tt r e He +fire:plate Sand: seme in.theSo €ourt,of Wak uinty,provided the?‘busines s eeSuck fis strictly:‘the.busidess of:Sauce be oe last;quarter:ot*acentury.record * ce y.wonderful ‘discoveries.jn medicine,” ut nohe that ‘have accomplished more for* of itta0 =,eeissueneeCMEie Siesta ean ou a coloted nigatl pos.county,cut a tree’dow n-ones 1 day:tatweek,spiethon gdm:qd killg? -hint. Sea alee >s 4+Dan’Baker,”‘the’nésvo postingist:er eon,Bettie county,{/is tinail*on aceauut ‘of jia shoutaze.rh Aris s ‘accounts.ee thy ingWhite of “Halifax:aac Tosthis diyellingeand otlrer peiaiee ‘ss Pby.nr:Batyrdyy-+‘Loss Si a “ yrance $800.:ae }:&; xMrs:Tigura,re é ite ‘ofaangrclt * :‘ant of‘Lipeoln county:WAS Sq badiy ee .burried:last,week that ‘shediediiar’ few days!ie 3 as.ee aa Pe AS‘Barkley:hod:MYS®“EPC: “Peage-have’been,contirmed 2s &post-a : tnasters at:LintSeon angl!aoxtere: sesapeotitely:‘:4 : EC Mckagirw,‘a ite Bick Stuc ‘deni at the,University.eloped.laste Friday:with,Miss*Letas Pitkard,;daughterof phe hotel proprictot 'at @hapel Hill:»They:‘were marr’Sed.ut”Koldsboro:fe Bee Bete e3 -tyis said tliat thes ¢“pe pitcntiat yo3Shottage-will amount.to Retthay ifPOtquite,$200,000.There®pis.slid ‘to.be a avamian conyict nowy”“Th ihe?ss penitentiary }wlio.“gs r vined ‘by the[eimploves.~Deeg aie cee ed Soo >a MSs:thougeStrieWand,.titi ytyMiss‘Guypttin,Of,Winston,”Comimit-t 2 fted suicidein Atlanta‘oneyday last. week “by,taking Strveliying,a ery,f‘husbandThid‘desertédher:Pie ways ‘3 t ha pretty,woman of:3 yeas.ze s/‘:a As Wal Watdsseraitt Mrs,Belle Wala:for,of Lindoln county.’veloped past?.|Week,“Wacitsser abandoned his wifesi dehildven.Theyswere‘left desti-¢ 24tate:a@hedeserted Wile ¥aS,“dorifimed. Msjaile ravingPiianiac.’*endsthe °°” children |‘aye.been:‘Sent’tor“the,poor y House.547:C :*pea %Ee Solnmoi Belcinsh.aereiiaite fe:te:eosgroofNaShcounty,WAS alien put;of:his*house by-a.mdb-ef fourniggres —3 one’neeht becen tly and carried,to.ts “bfence,.when,he becamest spivious 3 ‘and jerked,gavayenfrom thienr...[fis.tjfassailants fired.six shots*até -Gim gas * “he van’Of,two:of which:tabk..ols ¢tf ‘Hts.wounds:‘are serious,-*‘ he Dispatch-suvs that dev.*ais Collett..calored>who Ss holdipst a ~ ting jjn Lexing on,“has peen.c£re-‘ nip-conatgenation,.amiong “thene-«He claims toivbe,a==pivibe SYnea!and-dozehs,ef célored per-|-Sons clainy to,fave;beéhysGured -of~ rheumatism:‘neuralgia and:*various”other’painsjand aches}Tht wife of: Peter Hairston cojored,,.whi h ad.’been Gonifjued,tocher bed forty long” timewith‘rhetmatism,after“a few:sfroni the©“*héaler.”Services repularly.;and:gclaim: cee are =and we ote wess <bfe Sa,oN HE igs-ot.hy steria,-ot :Sa NAR 7 “We.‘are,sure you do:not.Natiody wants it...Butiticomes..sto Many thousands everyiyedr.“Itcomesto those who-rae ve had-,conghs apd golds jpthe“throat“igraw,and :tite lining“membranes’of the lungs areinflaméd..Stop.your eough‘whenit Hrst appears,~and you——s ace danger of stops soups‘ofall kinds,Tt:+ddes so because.it is 2 sooth-Ang and healing remedyof great|‘power.This makesitthegreat-:-2 eeeererettye 0 consumption.= eeoePRdneoke.5 = :Ayers Chery Pectoral ‘For :aoe14 stam:topayrest .wkwewillsend youone . exclusiveservices ofteminentphysicianscerseregUnusualoppor-“ekperience~emi-—iByou medical {ithe partic. tzoubles.esekly gesnlt in “gexioulsemerthemanwho‘neglects his little forhealth.A.bottle -.?TronBiTestesnowiboa thentheliverinPactectacyIftheTronBitters veae etegress ‘tanme |S ra ie “Pepsi:WEEKLY ; “a i ~——<—<———Se Ct e Ss : << AY be‘sehR ct ree aS -Hantsess,.ALD WaArts,|“ isis _Epterexaae :rie ae iegReeaecon =ey eee CAR eAmatEPS=Nee Fi. @: ,STATESVILLE,SS Ckein12a,1899.Salkwelgome EWS tO tbe.SORES OFraNortCw:A SarssheWas ‘peed ‘depute.aD tts of hecndit.hasy beet higtbighr ane Stauigh of SiquEh:siundr,Ane AAAS «“Wed at”oeyeiTasdiysagedWZgcas.\“$obe Rigtardkon.45horoatcelpeatallscialsdcblnreds:ombile: bok eatopuay srt.E Bee ere :SeltetRsi+ 7 RE ae SRRol ny ieee satviora gee serge ise en:ralsatisfactipn:*The ‘éorporations |. i_offered no Opposition:tor t peoplé. The.bill will of.‘cout'se*pass the Setate and.wilk;,have}the .ef - =v Ok setting’aside the bill:‘offered’*Setiator Hairston,”of wthise’astica,-whichiis cqnsidered thughtREL oot “ec..The Hiirston'bill tit ‘is:char:-éd,was.prépar;byccensnin sentsmenwhehayespecia}animus ag st_thecbailroads sand eho.desired’to"aoa them.However.-higy maybe,if the Craig bilbissfair’t9bot .sides,asasaleged,ittis-tiettert that:“Rt“Should,pass.~The-‘Legislature|shoud do.‘Squat aad:exact,’Ps ss «Its:members|were,hot rede“Vwredk vengeance,on erasoxf8torrhaatpersonal,sptte Pgs yi 4Fhe’above seéms tot Ber any ‘attack, “epon,one:sf our Senators?-who N38A) ~Hood ‘Pemaerat and who:has “ud dé “sire to ptnish’anybody.‘“Séuator*Walston is utterly,idegpsyle gt leg: -iskting to gtattif#o personal-spite,’:is ae ..Our:“contenspgrary;mjsled Oy he ee ‘agéuts and‘orgais:“of tthe*So ithend| etRailway ae Raleigh,¢hak oven,eur: *“rency.tothe chirgé of.“those ;ple -af to the.authorship bf tifisis ag swe happen,to,now who;“at!‘Stator|e ;Hairston Ss;requ’b.“drés ~the®Sub? 7stitute bill whenit wag found that *Gertain provisions 1bf ‘the,original Bill were a ‘ducanstitutigas 3"and-a “pelieve that even4Phe’Landi Swill i acquit®hime “6hJhayiine Sa é‘special ‘anintus.akainss ‘Hegel?|; !endsor!“desige |to punish”‘thei, _wheirit Hinds.out weho-hie "8,fasit ean “do:With-very little trouble Yo itsett.} Se Hairston Jntrodiged *hist ‘pill to arty.out!’promise,ingde to “thes peoplein-thd Dem.iC”dtateh platform and;notbeingea lawyer)| he did well,to.tonsul an:attoppdy | in drafting abitdealiig witha | Aty legal:question.=:©Now as to:‘thie Sees biewohich ipaksed the Honse’attdwhich is'print. “ed'inthis!issue,e, >rectly set forth Xin ‘Zeveral*of, papers >last.reel by ‘Mie Sone ‘printed inthis,papér.is _weare informed,:Bye comparison .ofthe bill |which’“passed *thes:Hoase 7 aad Me Hairston’s bill printed “ast '~-week it wall be seen that;the Bill aS 'passed ingjudes.snearly,all’of |‘the | _leading grovisions,gf *the Hairston) bulk.We ledra’that the’‘Craig will was put jn t"the hands:‘of aa Special committee ‘gf the House,oonsistibg: _ofable “lawyers,swho!obtained’“the, "assistance and quggestions “Of some “ofthé strongest “Javeyers and:‘begt|§ Democrats iuy the State;and:that “they ‘reformed and,7modified -it)in “inany:partaculars”and:émbodied 1inatsaeofthéleadingfedituresofthe |; ton*YoHE.—It aoe ‘tHat sthe “mmain point of differcnee-betigen the Bill:as passed 4d‘the JHait$ton:‘il i “is,‘this--that,the:Hairston:CalLAp .wides that the.corporation shalt ue a ‘North Catolida,corporation farmed|! shder,a+North sCarolind ‘tharter.. yThe “bill ‘Bs’passed Permits the] Horeign edhpotation tohave iits:cbar-4 ter derived.froma,foreign.State:‘ang | “providés'forits’taking out license’ “andbecoming 4 North.Carolina cor-“poration.tp ackunder thie’foreigny: “ebgrter.The lawyers seem todiffr|as >Sometthat.asité,whether’‘or notthis 7 will Aomesticate aAhe-corporation.| -efforts $0 fullilk:,the ‘honest pledgcsOf:the©party”nothing |has Been*done“but,what.was mnavifestly,fair. and 3jwst.‘Nopedalty:is:‘imposed’by|“the bill as:passed eXtcept tor:wilful“Gisobedience to-requirement:to ‘be=| “come 2a domestic.corporation,and }_althoughthe’Crajg bill’makesthe|” ston pill did;'no penalty will *be in curred’except forflat *‘footed |viola- ~tion of law.“No man‘can “say,thatanything:is harsh in:this bill or _«either one of the bills,for itAS only Carolina;todo.)thatwork ~on the sathe:‘piatforni:tat a’‘domestic’ not.bother with any7eorporations except those,‘that obtain great Bene; :fits,privileges and |franchises.from’ the State;'suehascommon:carriers, insurancecompanies and.thelike.‘ for wvordsaghe’4ritroducedvit >tie a -have’the.satistictian’of ‘geoing "on passed sehitlt 9Wihl=correct wt Aimed ‘afin |éinise rede o-thd peoplethatshejprdSipisemade:ty ia ien ea Caer fssy pay f-Ptoped:1that?-‘Phesident’Mekmile¥, 1mise té. _SENATOR naisvon's ort.~ ;‘The Tandinark,of fiyt eta Hid:; iE Graic.bill:RM dontesticate’ ;=»foreiten corpotations,’awhigh wpasged® eae the House Tyesda yptactical:with:fo itsand if.is|t}F amd “to.¢be‘considered fair to!them|poe S‘Stak,dS ee Jotsn hWabatiaicet™our,sympathiés®are a Ae Songressmin>itd eit ‘was nob con); “eorteéts as} Hs Ae a,Foxtons’663 aco.‘vhsPuominatedforLYS.,Senztoe by et N PUnited Statés Senatsrs contin ue.So to-[tian in Pennsylvania Will o@ear,un'-real sSenator Quay:has-been thidd duce.thé size’of infantry and ‘caval-ry Companies to °60.mén each,‘thusfixings’a.thinimum of about.50,000men,passedthe:pore:pecan tsby Se of seeds,’eté;for this’season}ie pabet will be-maddby Mr.Shiford,..whoseisane(excepti,Rarber~of Maryland ‘term:does:-BOt expire:ee Maretrequiringforeign’corporations,en-|.peolly,0 Hlinois;Loud=of?Cali-EB;jdyiar privilegesand bénefitshereiin}. a yote of I68-to 125 forniaEwan,‘ors-worth.~of New: :bill,as:did.Berry,:°corporation does,,and.‘the ,bil:does}Clellan,*of ne )Yo exceptionsnoted abdye:aad thejsix'|*Hepa eaue ‘oted against thes bilE:aes tothis5day.« Lill pass San iniainideas’6f Bothy airston’s bil!isesnot passed -WOF iS DN,abd okaby js nite1¢Us, :Bhe’iene Goonseteye 18 Witkcnjis to be.appointed-icommis, =<sloneeok,<Tgtotaal Ryyenoy ‘pill be’ tina.’er ehtely bass devived*‘the :smnatry Syexas r <Vions.,“fareb-ahd BBs {provisions of the’revenue Pt whieh “Hate bees | =aimed:atythe Surat dist leks of"“this :eo pectia “Hesas kept “Pn romicahn; ‘ger.cle Veldbd as 3 sewellast,by “th |sari us Repaid’!adm!imist,trations: He suai ieved by”thay tombe ‘inythe} fie asi spat trust.We hat appoint:Cob Tames :E.Boydet tates He would,“eave becir|; Seer “peqple”aad san ie time Sntee ting we Fwould>)of thisS eee:eae 3a =.and,Bowe with ,Gedree aysAWAson| ‘to,‘be “put,‘at Shee head oh anerugit § béeente,-adats {ibe *igtieRs | fot Noth‘Carolee ae ‘pexpaittle | b “Rotthe Hehe:tor phe"“Pome lstim, SeuahoThbigy Betweerr‘Senator -Mat- ‘whoflyswit’Qua:‘4 He and {rans | cofaker Rave:hac many fights forr Pon |: [thal ofthe Republican orgdnizstion “por:Penvsyvania,(Quay has ‘beenyHue PSekctus eich”{ime |and Wanramaker’ hias thes,{ought hints a2 ‘balter..Mes. believer that:the-¢r ‘minal,Prosecu:, Tip ndw speiding,in}the ¥‘Courts,BET Rhijadgiphia.,again:Sty Seviator.aay | c PLitiCa Persevution.:aud ‘that.its * proper invéStigzat Pye‘hope.that, ae Rephblicadl ‘is {0bs Sudeesshil ‘and:this appedts +e be‘certaib,Sei, Lator ‘Quds wil be.i te-Clecheds,Give Hindssmote ry es Kaur POrit ihn Cort‘the “toxtild Aho} Suabrtts bs sn¢h.‘ar“bteldi gent HCALOEyay’“Prof.Miflsaps.Ar:of itr depburie Jowiishine“We =print [3 Fane tatiee’3Dectisfon LO:‘say ea)tathe: heroug ‘takensit te:aghingtae ail, toeis educ:gion |is.‘ehtirel ¥"sounth dndishe case Stregly putes z.esbfvy>he Tey As x ;bY a f Wet oii Ppt Pe ae 44 States “delivered:d).strang.:spéevh | aes the propysed terease”7,they aon and:os t expansion ID thetiseMondaBS:sett aeRO ‘Nuitioval etaterhas idly -EPsehy)Teeportedberdye.Ewart’?n nQmirat iowa,Federalgus OOF 1S <i Strict lyaNoteaf@to6<Tt wake baat TareeSlonthathe-wellnot:decontiewieds AD mendinent’¢&th riny:RH%ta ren ea rip, eyoffered,by Cunai iebecarouag ofNew7¥ork,tp:-profibit-thie*user of tpaps 5in’the Several States to"stip] States:Bas de. application:“Of ‘the’ neat S ee Peein *Ae 149 doseokint.*eiuarles:nosRepublicanRomineesw.ae DnitedStatesSenator>isconsimkegistitires.T =Bi Si td ‘sueducds‘Jobin oe ysMitcheR,,-Democrat:‘{Thez new ato rt cOmep wWyeroeMilwaokee:,7=_es vtcies:nap Bepabiican eadeus of-the Washing:}Legislative.TucSday:night,Braainacena toneFudeadook:2Fé'-wits,elected:westerday,Oriwill “be taday|to.“gactbed Sohint,Wilson ~Repuo-1yyicdin:«ie ak shes Pie oy amDeadlor|’s “ote tha “dectiag 3 SF Ba s t ihe ae-Galifornia:Deliaware.’Nebraska’Pennsylv ania’andEXeteg[tis:uptdikely that,-an elee- the ¢riminarindictments.nowy peril3ingavainkthim.“i esne yA “committee “Of "phe >CaliforuthTeegigtature|‘fouud®.that Speaker |: money.froin,-heSenatoriat-éandi-daté,‘and,hadted’sSeveral of-Sbe-can;|sould ado,to.didatesto bélieve qtat.hd reeds tefor.them ip ~order t get;théirssup->‘port!Rfor Shenker ‘BE . Son,’“of ‘Indiana’.“Mice Jerseys.and Wads-York)voted-forthe 3 ssAMeLeesATURE. > Ate Xi woere othe ‘Business*of Gonerai (Provost >Leesot tees: ne “and Matters icf Lesel Interest y ry,Reeselor,Vreédeul eere s pees olsen:4 at ines aliSsenator’Sui Theae itotel ee Sosthien ve .re a Pines.Wassbulnede Tuesdays.oy“f-}PetMartin,clotiier,‘of Hickory <= Tas -goiieinte bankruptey::Cree si ar old and:reSpette Sea : ‘the ple éeee ee ayy sist ae ely a evils+*Jathes Bend, sowing’‘Citizen,of Hickory;died Moptay;ead Robert Kuok:an,old-und Tespe 3Baridsan,pied,ies 'eealdineaipethereiste us sAfs {must be,ats of‘thevafing Be ot orstron odo ,en-these sy mptops«oO time See ba |M4 % é ekoN eroyth ae aN aangeri<s;tov Auigutieg and ¥i Vee x i aay“ihe:crea joseph yWhite Sor. -Ping Bluitté Moo¥e cahanty,a eae aE? ie ‘oa “might:¢ee e eRe Nattas Suaoldow at tonal dead pi Parham:Monda ‘Atis thought outom <spedtes nd}aay # Slreéd ‘Stouts beds ‘of yeeripe ‘ore ius,&|say id Sofi it rode Sn Brant fa eye ult “gs cri Seuiiie2€Ow sone a;Fe Ayer Bin,Vist pee eh xLionsofttheCaOCBOEoeGeesSoeperesenenoesBsae Ta ORs “gCarokinaahailr iS wis year te:tieeeones quaeRima 1M oppase.and sometinr,aigthe‘drawing:ofthe urine trie omeree May rad jwtas LE « thes "most dager, CHpy.*vtSofinbito relict que"\ 3 oue ES “by tthe ceates atidk thenihe agar&ie fit aaAY: strGritiainesgers =i Levert Bune,Pastigh cut xo 46 Shihete.AO iieg:iedibers aoe coptntice*with,ObescheonBs*;: hie oeBY eee toa e Nes cote jee Pctnwd essip ny ear Lor ee es -*>st was *]7_Acarsititoa ysis nee at hota Wiser poloteg:ir _can Coun,”Sereati Rday VetsWe <Shh werGher” puss Hine is one.Me Fe 2 Qe:Orbis at es paves Sa Sout rer Is Bad?Pains ir;Chartse Paizht sine “KitRedsantUDwe ar ek :Gute gui farnicr < ce ara taoka is ay tre fak sperahary, Sesonaesfor wa yenuielons UE wad.Eb Rn.Troan hen,* MISS:Nase Sandpie in ake Pe Seeeaty ir.»Senitpneed?fast:Mea JorlatcenseiisWCieee a a Regi 10 met ena.xmek 2=Bh.cain tlttec rina,4 sant,+12:pansaeeu ate erate z outes ints sroenche: qsbut time s aairewen fot Boty- Ole Xie sande ry , eee re puories Np ustes <P he ee.nate,"debitedPARE.ou OUTSUB¢satin te Wysahth.StAPCSaigteTvot?TEC,avhote bittyoswasHOFcomedt!9 eg®.TAT&were troduced>}By Stes, gt “HiglWertond’tot eStats ppeasars:3atte“Shaditiede eolnystor‘othSin isormhs rUPS Hoke:tote "Hikes Tito ny, ORs,ics Nottie tyoundBuea ee oer Vx @ Wars.Shout :é ri a -at1X hee:Stet at SK iat insu fo yiox seefhe strNt gosta 4 %eforLAS”Neyseid:3 fh ay Syece W,ntl A to ee ne een sseaeteatirn é Feds “tb at i ‘a Raeone xr,ADs ‘ham eatltAnger aa yoy ; hoase pease wtite?ahd:t hey awere boagned tor densir vehi tissiatadgXe peowpldy:each Utheu . ‘The anearg”dees pss cay “hes State paint obte at Maida He Soidi¢us} 5:5‘specciabprain:hme’ Hiceede.:To,Biel. jay “rtiades Hl eee the polingjcheed ntyit C SOR Dut jmyie besettows pr nite aigmass Phaberies,GOIpaIISS1O wwThhe:He =v afreliase > ‘and,John Vaant ie TSy pacar.fileSyALASDengarcus}¥Euaton ane husband, er oy wy hats BNIEY,PaisYP Iuyings =BIDS Corere ‘passes:“FO!esto bist yt dae =~Sorthainprs scot Peeae Gon:.)ns \erope hua shee and theyeo aye Aepie LOS 2 eere “ee oezy Sle arate Ma gen SNe side (hsat nit Fe,cba rathOgtii bot fetlaked.£3betoeehuait>.*WA ~e:Htte,eewas onityoeeo Th oe e oeHiteLRGTannedogc:ae the aber.we:xt W PStisinpe: gS dey siraitig [eReear.tl ‘ Syn Gemuptit werei ¥re Lott jn Wyn Sniy, oes with:fe HC,fie?i Pieces Tcl sehr at,Gafech shpr Raginter,ol Wha wuies fone OL Owns S;Ae Sect TH dey Sorel rhe neeoe ieRe Beb felwalla yer owen!to.Be RuEL*‘apon ae] SeLashoeDende:é den.Were oeoat 2 Weye uidPP pue thé aAhows./10)Thighee S:zee cues Eran 1 tok»Sct,lyfe a aoc sa- Bins ¢‘were sintndduccds AESSirs ag Ko “ei:ctlty Pa iae Watdy mihpown of}‘i ALIKENt ae £OC Recieinet DOS©.cnet We yeeth.G and:&Pod ss: Nh C LY;tor haeed StsBate ore becke whe:lithito:the cous :Uetet ov Ca Fe areaSoi, Py!splitedWeplicit WEE PIRseeealiUS.thie.Uicavisdre past ee IS ERBS OS,Howe &Bes:Up eert cer,Sed rhe rf fad CPG Seis BF.os Ste ray ONE wonsyNsWanorswhiStodpeeepritadietaesttF0g;bs beat the.abiiole Shon pkiling Lies cit iyEda a apend:tity lange iyinept ws seEvie ot cinta in pie Bie aanepetal:sccecaong ehPatspeatprinfhSup aot perry tose|pth wkctx asec ay,theStrengapgrtinen,the eeuiont :Sh de: +party mae.ever yt thie 'Crathet oth“4 sboN fara)tanstierLD’,eee The eating hypocrite;they ees Teese 21)A.| :2eee ef Suse “ere ‘a was seston eae Vealst eryes e me a As Se!f ce Sit ae he >i rag anne ‘as“Ot Peon>ane portedth ‘huval ;ey +C hen ane Or “ayLes iri:a{2 =others13 Sue “Oy peedeneinOK ak cel pie.ret : ney,eertnd“AT Austiun®oTcerebeeesibe:R ty ue -Sane heRgrdteAespther: his:Gronitpicafion axith wledsorare Th re fiak been a,ioeshoe RWSrdtuflolish:3 apex;Cole: pee prceeeeWarpghae,ne AY wereica 4 ii me Sai a0.ae 2 mee &\ayaeee id ek.Speouit.why ae Soli bian!+Sith Oe mek ee Dieis “fe Ale Me owish,2feAde drier:ses eeae Sasa lnbama :apase),%cena aor ei eves etre ‘i rPresident to apport cen.soso a.AMONG THE Potsricians:‘VAC eae o-SY sear ut he gesei (thm See |glee .taSPoaaidder:Tee Che ae ;Cidade 2 Sanne,ae.ae «i pt hp tae : ei,“ut “this iH S pinhead eee gecbe: ‘ec:santyor of he,Nogtherm:Avibamd hellitiemen”of athe Scene ait # ;somuissioie ist AN Potre ‘mtnister:paths fuck ure and” SINS swere:spusped © therp now jhaSaBitileoagSi Bixeew Hagbath en.en meneae $s iy The %bind Seats)to prexsens Gos ae oy1g:AT Ty work tials‘TPwormnitles of.seiidoF hots Ns.~ aSHiseehe Vater ‘ Cok Tathilton'ees REOSey,Gls Jacksouvillte-Phag cymaittesi suicide:|Sunday:>:threapsied w itt,itSaait Fane‘he eelicinethdeaths<J Tes Wine ah SsinkesBY ae weeal} pointy,niOF.Pittsburger oPa a ©Ts et:“adineide:MondurAby jam: “tthe octan-at ©Atal HesyiG ViBadiiealth“was the ¢’sagChesterPar”det,“oy he *Pepnsylyah pak Mifttary ademy were.Poisoned by+eating:heTaelpIeTheyawgremade,violently; sicbut:a bir,é gore &arewndss , “Thes First National Ban i of Rug, eaeSB BEER OME at thes ee okene pore-eratleet slots MY ny “llsSefar aut “Of six mbnthssAls | tj *pete this hat,qectoll Ao lak oh Sine “Ey fotapliviaC ‘thes Nari iat eticd the Pilko,Stsey i Tessa ma,te ray ee ie tive} kb Ve had|atoti of press?riots.”"ett,éxveptapdn,the-fy veeGt:wt an egistiea 2fet ieee Cotbeic Mi Bee not ea xeasLea,yailroads* 4 oattle kitted-rt “al wgtys:vot:pay for ‘ConPrienandwomit?Uromptty,”FE apae fix,engl!amce-they sere the eehetraubleucuallisthatthe| ersxalve theiy Sfoc Kifo6 biah, LCCe agalwats - @ Dill,to”pre yen salle &Patel‘ated had foe tenet B piBateResecoudreadingoyvlads; sip38.ees ‘bi Me.It dodgy ‘not:‘ooniieeAtessimpty7Gdmpelsta]|ben to-so.brind the artibeeAmaysi iDhis:is“far. denis Gehles.*Acie his disap-4 teatPereytos psig),of fhe maak pate iy viteat Spevblagii-g~ Gutlaws~‘at tae ad the’‘me vontJaihesSkCan,“neégr FSunday.nicht 8Swerekilkudaang ap nanied Spaleck” Reabe The ¢tragedy isthe rresa if eyphaoothe.PS oF We-kineow,‘there ape ‘teas 5:eT)'LStrick enconumtts e 1 Overconis.Tamlins We Vay“ nsandhis “Son ris wie,baby andawereAcrionsly Hae:ne men whip, golgiess trying toUmake a pee newith:a;thjintlefdl Of brains ;Torshely eriticigny‘The Din|gorats ptontisedsthe.Closhst ceontinyfonthe.stuorp..tfteis “better toprel.nee:ayy.thine aagher =than.Bus-sili every.“promijse.“sacat oy Jobe mehyories=2 ee phat rm Utht =aeoHYi,‘“adylte atody be : f shold:q po my rands\, 3 psorme Samples:of ‘paaltetations’“useThis)is ALE atttcl’ground: byea milt ho this: issidSides -priya New:oe teyimont,,in:cai 8Greehvilie:¢S--Cs,night last:’week"eaerieay x‘girl before’‘any y |martied her"|wiolation of the eccccendtion Jaws,‘ iS“NeuroSoldiexs“fattening:from say Aptonio.exas,"Tuesdgy.. Fiot at ‘Pixarkaon!.uBrroundedthet ata! fand it was asmuch’as the wolfigers Pectepe thes agera:HP aia - seesid itt fous fState.“It lodks like four’ath foels. like-feuir,2 Even the,éok*cunt tellyMillfeed,as’“Yoni aljdoubslesskROWTis,also:Yften ada]B®Selene Pefred.here,One-third sawdust,'Billsewere intr-oduteds~lard,of-New Hastioser,to iaben “Bun ag of BL &B.S Associations}:sf vite tthe Depittraent of‘Josprance:,Durbar.a,ta placescompanies:Git thd,Sainége.with ‘thee caiNis:=Sp:Whites -of aesto create<colored SShdol eomini thees:;Dy’Wifistdn,*of Bertic.,}(td.Buthortae dhe Ty aslature ita"tak. 'S MEE dese:totscall_on‘the Gorervor.fortiie“reportst:of the penitebtisnyforStl fvedrs|)aideictert jtouprosect eat fiectedm|;ie “fever sand Lother,diseasesapsdn,atMecNehbars,*to ret @opdurtors ,oF esuiwox$“£0.giye?P plscstners’Be heck:amount Offare.they aFecalcostbEtickets.7Mr.Hojman|of Tredell-aeBedatobeePepow:4 PbraBria| remer weEeest indTQmacheand,ts,nd Soret os[tlie differente.:>Ng d.gterpt) ae ‘est ean.MEmet Bs CufsBrurse 2 Chitplatin.tions.and baal ve &quipae Seos iD Sone eae:ie>t LWrjzhtof’the:House:hadaggépiva fed.“Gnuete {teedto give oeoya ALoa Suet CE ORIN WH poa fa?ResiReriotCurtofeTredeWi:Cotthidy,’aac:ie »,eee chuttod Aarry Burke ad:AP vs.tAndce son Bade TyihitOkaratheundersiewedpom‘vis wee aS 4 he’rae Hose aor Ant DY.*Poushee;’of meoe ab a a é has,resigned|’;Speaker and -bis Sueces:7 4 Si!betaelectéd.:ne anif ies ‘:13h iM cn;phe Aeadiock -“in ‘the:wblicaig [Sons fireAtwillbe’noted thatin’all these|caucus of the Wiscoastn Benitaovér.thenomination ot a candidate:gaa sone,whor were.following,for”United:States Senat,r,‘whiehhadbeen;on”)fortwo.w KS.Aas}pRilted.,nsbrokesMonda\atight by the’‘nomi:nation of Joseph V.Quatlés,of MAT‘waukee..The ottercandidates -witirel 4-drew"andQiiarles was:domifhated bysaeclamation:‘He.will be_élected., The billto reorganize the standinw is dail j soak more severe than ‘the;Hair-|am ¥to about 100,000 tren,but giv |mail A ptsoa “throuzietrussaaymorningandSstrqdSome.per. ammunition car.*ASdozen:wate were injured,‘and Ahree ey ~\Pthe:as Mage fot thex he oo eae saeto:have been. oe io iheSek ES: ater2:%welock iOOM:aye af Tin i *arners |Rintry:SowmsttThy.Turner GrayyJe AlliYatastoundonmhimneg: ence:‘Notth:Ye poleptte4polesto.a Stone:thence:Noe dhe ee ene ROSS Miry.efates”Not Yet Séndjngour’s ,Ie axricd thie egi ns tae piles.to.astowe: SEC.titericeWe Stig tisSeetoweeni oe LT IS:GUARANTEED =Congressignteledt Theo.ee aarrsivibeapplications|by Tor;béeds,)umen ‘ete,|‘the ‘President authority.to re-‘which!he Wwoutd be oat to”oe Ee.tethis:powerto-do'so.>Unfortunately,eaehowever,Mr.Kluttz'‘s term doés not.begid till Marcli 4tbsan _Auother acetic aime ee Snide a stone runaing >Opthag?-WeExt ceYrfstotig:Bast26 potes to a {bP EASsspiaspene.“S:Le exo Tels 8.es ‘;UHARRY.BERK “agin amee on ‘Sees Lv a cae:eas the?distri-}| hich was quite ytwo-froutt seourEe,the Ge 3isons.as air’Parte,tnd‘so that.no honre ee frrout its FonApres,butang titeidles 4 sre protes aeSOUS:Ronan Wien ‘Unless there,shoal’be |‘an:st ibis diowen f:session:Mr:Klattz will spaceaitakehisSeatinCongresstill)mext |:iSentinels,Me-|December..This doesMcAleer.of }be-unders toPennsylvaia;Taylor,of Alabayna-ple;Ponverstss ‘and,okinnery of'Northrolina;Popolist.‘The Democrats,red:‘Populists and Silver mén;with phe’¥ youOfegh a sdreniess * not Seem >to4 walbe.a aatime 2od.by 3 togd many’peo-really:does-a a Fett nouldé be Gect-|r before his-sers|95 but ‘so,the}. billsSeer aiesore ‘throat;thehead,’catarrh- stubborn’cough: eaeim‘the-back¢enbe!expelled.ene s mety y you_have the Gri apoeeaeyOuneed.Dr}King’s -New.BD Wus taken VW sry.It”will promptly“curethe;worst cough,.beal.thecnpreven“kill the dtse ood's So Pre Antlamed }Ame styase®yerms >>’ aha pre ity and!SO it +é-| event the dreaded after effect¢malady.Price 50 cents an Hand is Cedi peal wh >2 tee |‘Ue ET i AY Tron are.Ch wid Se Pad adh eid Dit -Eipiest) tsiiip,rece 4 3s.HeesBure“tl Sunday AX Colloet 3. Lye erec tion,Corsicana,'bw Stirling andb%&denominatsolicit,pnne f me)4 “4Tarebtwees ieipasea TRENiu ceive ate ant ««) r -Cuvtr. the Cet as “4 - abeS Wox,“rahe “3 Bi:4sahet Eh a Selatan?fine Ridayan.ED Oe Sane 4 reatle-- ih,ys:oA ;Seb Kad ss 2 ayas -keaks NY,oaHate eoupytate“he Die FONEE TUNG-C ny the’aide oofPhe as *L s Groplese fewashey.vayitds ah Birt Ww.nhs ial Sond ,etOrrvalsd-visiemiStftlindindtheotherebbihisdhominattnda)wtbegtienaGassfor oyoe oyfhe Soh: ueeerie,Sr see N.} 7 eae G —ae wae ot AS,.Sas Oy Bs i we ty ADR Pieis eeredakmeot In dn.ofStitt ue vais Nesthyee te OMS Lord LEON Spring shelHeed,saucetCONTinexongs| ::aangohtpeyctmedshher-to theseer:swe SES ;Sy ExdaHS Wasa dexJGted:rye mm iESBarrightiePirshytariiyehfirak:ofnialh yespects\a ood ees ind: Wren dss owctRep 53a MINUTES:panitacyFesre at This:never”ARDERSON, 5 :s AYiam Npaehagaise’deseo EA ,HEvening-—“* LD Sie”{Cotione eM a itty an i sieyHine WaterworksAccepted: eA A “Monday Aftemioon the waterw orks:i cuAby Sy Stim wre evon rat furthera _ifWET ANien tS 2 ash Fay Wadsound!phat: >“Mots isSi Witt te quod.trate»amount aoMePeer yStcane otht PwaApiny station Wat Yakphaaite te tech ier Eta GRisi ges lias it ALS hdaik Phat in Pa Baltes tiv.vas bbe,atel sssuelo meh at aghk remitesiaiiaeAldeBeyliepesstinkonasec:je sdavrevel eee!Pio:ie,te us a;ie (ae Boe €et,Tie: iar .Saad poseke Heat ea :mrt ih tthe Ane aie)a Whae)‘Gos y Sheiis)eeyt.ie nti iit?Sane tbe sede wet cx ore aesPhat Ho dyt Cees es for UGTOMRaalso-<are ¢*Lay hol:ci Wa kaos ;as.=o0n\thes Me “LbbastPwill peruirwareoa thent;. xaVom:flavaeFl Nitve tcharze yor) chile Wy:NacuecesTe ESy phe Conti are hie a amy Moby use ene ar&Sony,ol New,Pog Milogeiens WhGgde'a “Saperintend *eheieybseeyf.wi probabi v be «leeted Miehake:Sh ae ‘Rha citiesiS UrcTaigedging po tart haein sinrateictStrath Ae ae Okt soo}1"RS itt culethen,Meagihche Beet z es “Eeather:yee,5 asta ihe Braaxel mele.f sotae ot avitiios,| ete NEL t mi|Witigma:-t Redman.eh ae SNE AaSe 6 aaa ¥nig aaer,Fifties.absistort Wil thinHatuttttie&Redivase a:tte esnsahd:Aegile Bliss ota peeinn.pit pervavetshfps seq be SeatepeeRaust.Spriltivclyerch.Rete Ecos it ne 3g Mert aia tet %A tte”ah £canes ony Yhetaidal ante ae Akiva per!ryFe pre “1 HCE Oty:ins Aneie “honk oii bine =}ivppy eu Il oe: aay "3 =BR weno Reha 1:Sots the.<bhayoaenfrashpopiarrestiden sotalaeTrédAsAare.property, €He pie THe at res care ie ip a vey prbili¢)spigited|ug he ;silty oetse “ure Heiprhears:wget ro Abe hk *rote ‘penne “ots Ris trigeds*s yrabiLe8ghtDotnase<hee,“bride $ie Hear qh t sheskimidedemntifuPyoutg‘hier do Gecit titsBlades eean nbd:SeyOF ABS REMUS who wily fiers es 2 :Nats Mt wale OS Shon!*,SecaSeecmtoaWashuy‘edeugiatulations.fo:Tech h yarBienesoehoxe MOTTE?poopie va Ae“oheatsprfps,MUA Macottine >happy erent %hichfSiltbidTPg}jon Stocothor,asd hdpe:mItiiton!w SUCESS5 aoe Ue pnitens ql (shone:HH: See ever we Pers ‘30a.pee‘ oesari ¢Be 4rN spi thea hast,a r , pes and itai the Vw itVG)ct d Sayer. MaasWhy wi:f «te :OOS Stor‘dat Mter- ae oh.XN Texcinder”awn,ehport fork Spot 5 “eal 4 alts phage:onyBWa«Promwligcks en Pulaesages x neon “a show tsinsh vice beter Btls Ny?Ws :te Xtayee¥yies “ki the shore »atid 7sBahahexxduger’asked ©eto.Wt PORTING c:ust omen’Sy rh that hissiitheFyacsigls:otaaud:GN Try She Whdh<o:aod detaseteey“bieVEeG jai Baked priback-tamdtey Vhouse.teh outabseste2ijossBarkibyastoppedintostore<atiyed Tehiiyeh;“My.AlewabdetOarSoreoussitherear,of:stare a how gd Smalk<s counter ie iam:UOPOR:ae:engl!Tettshe: “ub git:(peasy neMEH G s “examination. ni botetRati Boars5Was: er,te wos untiAd,sia fede Ba Sis Some yt,ee ee PEEMEA.NG =EL We ‘ wiemeerYs % ae peigaxi Bn BES aSacktee?Aeee G ecth:bigtanaety rs=P:Fiwt seat?Hitjweis“fini:Ata £051Hap De MidiseMACSPANTOShencateUXangiRatton,statedFiateoragasageetOuipopieryie1@Mere“Sie aos j says iit,atyaerts Bue >Oryin Brother offAiriHerhasa‘tien walieeoaAHy4a“Ar “Tpap,1;Cy Recebtion.mi “aN.inet :aint:sahidk SAléxantersONimpeleaASEdeusa*Chis44MigSieSSae:we tage wid a TCsSp eecgeiv:hse thdavothette Mr:of AlexanderrFuthaa sayaGEesa4 ve tar"Court!iS:prkt on ah .ta acta tam yer e ARG sPeabiont assis Ws;chnt:thhber eas piss fees Lowrie PONSTS,etloricticesbroary et otrc: iS pe1h Shee yk:out AEhE PEws@olire get ‘On thea “stiriball uk Hite any “a 3 Eeaate MaireBIST Ss a Sait asi ye ‘a‘ee ie: y ;ponycng4aets“TK:ery Barbey aluuiniste:ayer.had Signs!utdsalemfeA i Ayre Csi att Ubgaconre:lhotise Sanday aeBue f g oe ao at aoe Wa $s cee eit to,Teh ukCalpesane1igStyeel,e1iii$Pigs:thantayy:Nath: ee lose x aifHe [seve ‘Showt rés ’hs.‘te,Wiehe ayeBsRiosny “MotelMeetcat a Stiterree nig ats ditke Hascet fs 0 Lrae tee ae :ay »,73" ,x Beae ae “tobacco = Reorsek for He +Wide ties Ja°the-country)VAS De RTA Nchiea wespar3rivehetBREN ZN eS vas mee bak.AsiesuitsSedsO er, pst|ha .Y bie ‘Tocsel Rats pea Fics SK aaa aredipadgiiar, ar Es are chytostion,oxgralise Awe ip fic chips |Pee Ce ey tat 3%Na Co,all yourtagt ae ‘ sheat 3 ke}nora Jentr! ohh eetastets rncles Sasie hidnehyy be oeaaa Pec eye t LaanThe Af ae ety ee ens ©stymo ab SD apd?19%,PELesG shoes’ ee mideb¥-the Hea artsmouth.Olio.,~They 4s Hic averane3oF shines.it we shi ">Hi Ake,‘tye=Sardeoa ire eee We iGwit ate ie er arebtune SG i349 >:et Ney §.: ,“a pt +a Sond ‘ise apCvs)ab ei eatee seen ehekaye cages:a eekthe bits :fe Kia=LE:cist <pambps Suwgign’nek Chait |at;ay 1Beonti girls?theelve i‘\earshy‘be aad peohinitin was 2 piGnerk a <e°N4oadgenay aite sly MOPRTcaiehRene.yhig roe int Be Gab iG Ne ;: »f:ie -,»iW EX as sheprisemaniaaspa§fedein “dan hig Scere.Speasing *of thepeesen}P29Fostextiletschool;ps 3+O Br sail ,ebheresis no “dd atid among Plies Spey atives \Poreitt5 He.pyposeKaegrrhiivithatSwillducrense:meldSetaxesySIEhow.ever,»Be school is Ree HH Hise’ite Geet eB:ade at eet:ee the!AS enn ‘and:Meshanital‘colewe.at *Raleich.‘Fhe‘State Hgsspeut.sieeatdeal of tron:ek in buldider Upethgt -tallove and if pile bride:cated and Srun-cheapert‘ i there that,arr here”else Insfaér!fit js the whly pate that-ought tobe ;ee whe“nl,the Textile is,es tps <Lao es atesag =o =i miesuFcate “tease dearthVist ed tte oy Heeas mt €chenate bass:Set eye AE AE G5faGrBeltassobNewHope and dis es Ph leat af Shaier,SMitver susapenas mr atNG Bose:He :[Tobe ae i Repost ah distiertes.ur as CORN TAL LE elie’a. WES Grn,anek ot pas't Pals3 tate wa coi’: ‘Heltanay.s Late at:TaME8S intr? iy dytadfel nmaady,it SOR weret the wirht nedys S Senate hav- #pain aflal irduul your body,your } SOOM ows [onste Thoet i: cde tke MrSee)AY.Kearny oe Deat ee “Agfanis.eishdasE,Dignity Pate Parmer soy ee at AceRakBuks.e St tanbvon er Oe Mul:ieee:sie.ath 1,Tomlin’.Hafntout:+Bo ts"re ‘FavleMills.at iE:“Williams:Kure Tous ft hath:eas “Mills.at£ :MayQh vr Fomine:J 4 ac.iP.arise poke Giga CLEOVe,Bode Pagers:.Rubters aoeaAy ByCapppel’.Union,Grove Sat Whe!2LaydsssOlinsIALTeispletbny=tase:Groves COE Barhard’s{Houston ville:MoO).WilHiaansy:News|Hope.at BR Pazenby's,(Mar, told,An fact-are completely usedupSeerRittersistheonly.remedy avlief. phase UKE Hes,Doings:Theyvare:,ou teed to euve OF:price yelunded.sale at!AW.FHA,FR'sh;>torey-onl’y.sdGents persgotale, tie “ane Far| hder ‘ Had ie sities delivered on the ACTS)itnyad tween,Ss‘And Timber.forties must Sand'ttes:must!be wiltde wes o March.ists Those G-and Catawba,t prigrite ae 15}iiing 0 mrad i Byes Mikase ns Overtothe Fisnece Ah kann SAgthonuyighitest toh dade‘hin:the:past neWy,ater works:and. } Tite thie’ The:Dona: to.put.the stheets+ Bc miero£fhe.Sopomn3b; ebou >this}‘ HakeOmer Se Intissppyaie,eH sell dad Of.the ee Louis,valuesipake e: he!Beinder:ati¢Sparty”ing ier bSOL : oTWere is n0 ‘use sutteiiale froin this} tealy ja hiker ts.dur,of order,have:nd:~appe |te,MONE or athbition,have a bad VW ite “NGA EWE ari we yoonrgr;“and sure’K Bey:act.directly:“on yout:|}Gvér;stomach aad kidneys,Lome up |:lroye systemgind.make-Fou'feel 4 While:théy.Srquse theregularsaction:‘Of -thd.bowelDrag?wilevAe Statesville and-tOat;the:Western:roade between Objections =se Pro} Sy p tistslaBie’s 2 Hos®Wd atietled’a renrber,oh , tyke ¥‘Sonit2 SE thee ‘tizenieandmestyrobject.teocertain feoeesioefettathendingthé*he City fone Staftaviti “iUnietuomuch:pawerjs’give oe ee Bilt he City CCharter; Utica.ie of sieiotas hoor tke a.Hob,elected toe. of ha the:Seleution ;of-cotimts-\' iis revataricies.soeever arising:shall \bes tinction::3;filled saat the tay Ory:Wile ae ae etsfda ‘[tiges neyor, afttet the Py een wit Sis uns {to condemn:pr oh iethiit % oe‘ead taxes engage, hate port he Bi war gdytt i,de ethic’Yadkin Yv ery landsy and.Th :es[ese Mey Wyd ANGpetit beste:abd-shods.[siS ist recdived 2.deavt loves Sy :24 OftheBeca[ed |aeor pian,Si ee takwa “arc capes? >Pe mee- should:Gonsiigh oOppu nds¢ pmay*4 herkepand:this must: or ‘vault:aboy ae must bé.‘kept six HYhes ae the = ide pies sidgors:“appointed,te,condem.ti and “assess “dainayes=-The:Vidds:for two;iota Soe ‘lap bitesThepee ¥ ae ae heed tht:alt ae 1@-p Sected:by and avec iS Boal? <empaoaehful:icstion. red ‘Phat tther FUE poses”bieake te shquld [be aha eothe CHty. « nts an ev Sel atighs,forer overseeetlio:copStitution atthe HST gichancedinthatparticular.te +5 Ss provisi despot eae €St Mri ve wen:Hinge wis!ge a gO) Sytear eeacute0aneswhich mage opPes Se Meta S Sips : oy He soti:tapaner guoddes’tfiat;iy “céndempations -af {hose ACs mils froinths commissioners uf,-thezicit ¥.*7 ofycormtay:peoples obrectsto thi *endigsh sto.“hoy se thest aunet not to,be!dis STO:mete ntheease cotogdetheoieLeeoe £ Stent,property.tases.£Useg ist ae Q wits,atid dw the ciny-tog. dire ction,ie 1,-itgis,Laveitethemayorjurfaranses“happening:withitkaLanidahaltot,the city ae “willsere’to.divert:from.thiynbesvaedbo.find p on dictionof on,limitigg the- Wide Uns ia OF “tifecharter:prciithe”benefit ‘gt.all sims;Finscoibhac neeppenings wid Zz sjadatieoncis tu and x eseeitt tte ‘land shat be free-t ies ie wabran where rh, fare Sohne’aftr wbjee ipns w reptese peda’to-phe Hi]A asintrod ugedSeee“Eher 1 Beatmtativestit>Ra aLOst.well.bei tk ie aea eecceeeee reokates DO u.for athe,acs a Ker-3,and | ze 12.ectton wieee¥ jo5,afmills”Seek , Powerfor*‘Tess “tia ‘nD 4itationt ..s epee:= Rain wu ican | Dstruction,and xalioeutnice Fawte.e0sephogerESrenee cou with Renee imei eS 1 ne,eps S leF Tamps,-jrabsit2d “om Storage.-i€emust stokevkéep oepermetyically sealed4 = seas pareeS iib OL, bulk:“al 1, oererot GuiOtoeWater proot ae On.light will be,eethenae‘where i ¥Lae or:ate neafiréproot’safeweetgradeand) we guofanyaSe 6 oe,eeBSSs Sal esecotton As f futls }ae Fouawik «bat the liver «fs .Surpid “ord=troubles.may;a ‘For &:prompt,estive.)More serious’ jent “cure!“or HearAnche»and ;- thoy,dow ndt gripe vorjoorinflameshethternal organit li er/troabies,.take pain“dv:Pore:ye tonic’bin areca iaroge,Sts:or by mail of.-Co.,lowell,’ =bhe-wh ole- as tothe “landseAUessheaere ke wight:te Pproperty’‘fore Sthe.count.Alans °y+oagiber.of finesSand Benes i ifthe'tawhitreasury’wherthey,>bebetoneto:Gia ceboal fund ae lerote tot ms th he diampley:ave”pid may’‘setees;anothervinx cae‘foo ythewace1vfa aly'ggives)bust~appoihtthenySilswnathiarbrdecision:bos ANoral:Herat DrOptations,>such 2webu idx.Sheenig KeelJest£déstipetiods?*“Mai ItawerepRODte se‘and.epuden romntion Lor@ive. f es at the:StatashQog apiece sayWerst'h drys ou as fo ho te wet,$0 became:an sacAte contending #Bats &Auf deriusedtities na t t e*Daher |hvbut ; realizeepaysfor there ;ist tedchers ed eae h bt dor thy ee schools wwho:can L takiek Jet him,Xi‘defend this position,;Sfios 3 C,.eean.27-99.oy nee been’arte ed: 0.3 chiss.ab { ays“ierctex bhqudte ttdatsASuyomthe-ehas e flutded ‘pwould,enable.us ihe Hod $050Sitzo ‘ehildsen “olthe:State, ye .ree I ae ee :VTi ty awhater arco mitteoeectts*= ‘V3 abut,Atwasss:thenaméof dibert therefo 40740 lest livite“have:noe fight,tomakes také&p tan as-easilyatford®tof ‘Ltake a oubse.inta.t E;SM pee yesterday avantisrater,insiweed MeDingitis.eaeoffs.“Me ‘sts:Ex BY dud,WW.W.Nichgl-+: setson,will poet edtton repreatiqns S90 Lab] weéatiglaciohonce.eno thers .; $180:at 4weJew :. vs Bai: Sk aopwe, thoi tise fae Ei ‘they *Shaun " 26°F ‘proposed to,- ‘see epon:ier's Sots4omejoby=qys-heed |oe z profegsed| Silt 3anvtber % Hand compléte,-wis TER IS OVEcourses.it dear eh ve ods ry :“lekrnds obfiren orks 1,Oysters3 .ex ea.argo Jot, .i sh Oysters,"every 1 k Sivan sday-and Fririday.7 4 ng-the:‘attention’.of“that.pevrep te nigh@iSuty.withtowgegs in prite>-hose sees SEO Rs Be ee advatttaieous pricesshouldcdmeand-see.us now as»We:Giresnaking goods,at vemark- ly dow.prices..Come and.see’ ‘ws before -buying—want a ghanee éthat'isall.Your.friends,4.ee x » ce ‘FORYOUR S}: PRISTMAS |SS ET ates.5 a ‘Ol f i =ee f fat Snipa i :fait ae i a 3 gt RNC eh eet a :A RS pees tOmehigh owedkanddebiitated system)CANDIES,:ae Ss“tit Le pre Raeit sh,ay ed ;oSStocco Gadtie liber:nu i dude’:ae ugsmee ue 4 ae poe eed :SS Pa os arealn gt “Be ty =esi x2 basis“athecea Be dy p Rok td v2)Ey Ab x assch <i TAP SSE aries ws ie ip WarTiebty:COEUR he Pek oe t th tar TE bret ,Gen.Cow es)intergses a Ss tay,‘fires inovitar ¢ph,S.Sia He yf,‘eoomeds,llegre G ep ie ers tee ie ae othe Ib ‘vy BA.her,3 ee a.ee ‘fof the Entr offnectar ediat i:eed Bi “e eh gee Koy tay en theaeapa Gbautal Cee me RUS.“Tae eee!ae “Aa “apa af Weresin:Aw 20d “th.fi:cola Lor}reotal suey =5 cs :i F ak oe Sf on wy i avoontipitie set.eS Sis ee ies.wand they maeba 5a wr dapat tS:Yi ken HALOS OE Rie ep et crt Sty ae ty Riche the Care Five ia sn Fes ;1 :: Gee eg pe oe fe eg arep RE aubhabppsi mee ‘ryabde ree rit a this"Stieee dpi “arglag ey“Fylde PE ATS ang Pee ee Ce ee au tao che ge ate nt “by “o 1 North.Carolina.5 Wy Jiatile,th ee ad's:Bo pater a wa ¢eyes asi Bt clareldunsengs,breyoga Corned),Let nie seauies hi retook IxLpade%Aug at te)opt Tae eam hal EAR 5 Wonmdl git Sas ea eee Bee stot NUTS,oe eS Bah 5 83)Si ee Sole abate Ont:corr courte ‘hepa sere’a anton ‘ee Sahel sirners:Sue.Oi kere 4 pee SR af ERASE bs pete:had‘o:jexcot :aL _RAISINS...La i ae is ~Fo tantey.W ds aecautpsSut Sse =tescaf itsnombht Sei,pl iShipp rie ve EGAFtovalipa,neice,=neg"a gue eo Ne tates ;Ae:2 aS ie eta ii a hy trouble seei va Like.i on “blood:o rs BS Fs Lh Sl Nrwly ST avhen:oe Hue HOME Qubes hye:rier forranpiherrte th;SHE!SA AES Meet ve :sy ds ate :“Phe Sa aise!:Hes,ETC.re 0 Gate paving:feet WY,Savifh prose|Lakai Tike ‘a wits ee COVRE thes ca)LArkyhey rade te de.mae iis ores aa :i illestdiz‘ede fog |ater:FIQW 5 doiwe.4dn ‘theovatlliot)z,rani},[tips ‘bape tort,Lite pt iNe Ag Gall on ‘hie’oe mn labia atid hrosautos:Stace “ibyPeas:NOW.Mains thet r cr siogea Roatan:tiths-;pamuk iT _p e.+a ikaS8Shefiraphdigyapeik.See shake NS tlie oppilot pietals josbentienes f ene ; xe tle-ot:ko yee bX eSs wpa were Suhats ing ot tel sypepetas:aay at ear10h}:Ope tmde?fang.+hs ery;tte:pee a stutter fee a yy mt os oe’ik:ies tae 5 onéegad j “foogragd.we,ieSym Sn on Moayol tht rh cre)Set ae Snare se 3 sdusidemed the:aoe “puopt ati soit ths lehhe:Het ke me big BERG Ton 5iaseasaly.tie i *eags mest Antier x hinient Frode teh vt hex tivesACY Si ay Ey a Nit ax mate Gry, a4 aeGtr titel willy.Coe aML eS:sec}re a @SHAS <*‘‘WHOLESALE AND qMiastiatinby: Faplot his Ho.Xitve,ey Cig ee akeuh lees iS,dealt:mE HUN“par it gr ee eof thes on th Aes ote ;te esped ghtntdy Hepensnet ~aud ge:Waa wien or ;&Sajavi ww e soni om 4a ta e AN ‘O0Q | 4 iy Tradl?Lite pies,Sone |Peas keer,Mee er.:a a yaheS BS Uliati hs payh(bad aie Diet wi BR silget (pM aieeSoin Peer ie Rca a ee Spaniard isaf ttn:s.Naty Ss : caput:Mie.pri Ay Rab Vas af esa fn hie ah Sefusatider oor sigh 8$e whe*©trimiget,aaRG fot &-whe xpe ee OBE . ,Foery ice int WAS :r |ti aa ek UPRens ‘UppyRed)Wweatenrah gs me antl ihe t dhs oN bet a5RheccrpivewendSte:ni 13 i!a Cites cohen?;ak.ab tN hor?Pee “Worth,‘ef Gobds voit gat andbelow.cost at D:y Levy:e fa ps wih abe mgtTod)per : Wot OTeSignals pene.et oe HENCR|Heil» ce SIRE Alaes Set pies: “Preprietérjof \"t"ge REN:simi?)Werk,copiecaitl ONTEEL OU vis ig hence Noite ieee cae ce Mh ‘yes?ed “ORSiereat eas ie egpeed Pot rhs Fe 2 the!Sobubtee log pouel tye : Vane’asWEIN GISCiphits nl teas == & 2 (5 S -Se e ay At Cat Onichrd,the folds Sasa ;‘ a Seld rifles)were:repiacd bE es ne Gre eh ee ST aaa peo Halle aise oo :aE st Cee es ge tas #Stoke and:Néw:fork “BarwhR aay ONY5 TSE t xX £]\BaloeCleeioea “aa :e te rag:Jururea a eee gone ain”gue AVE mean strict.dy business..”No bhatt...3 Veat»Show|you:better thal,ae:“telt son:Dera “with, Pea weomawhfensoeLapras” ‘oer MA eg S:ps ak as he‘si pue MieXcies,PG aseee zMethie(ee Ane rik.ved eae Bi bs ie ke ae ise tes a Ww Hew!es eeeSuis grant Mice ah:An Peepone ee ipas:;tas we Cha mtr:We awe i ba:“peng?)order Can teonh (iat,TEify Tuas B Pars Aerts oticgtAASpor t bile,ROATETSHS yan SRe eyesot Siew ¥‘:hie Prices! rae eS aie YC.fon hig PErgt Nogthi C Proline to er biasfstiethe nar fore”AN ES aR nie Kaiprlion Ne .tt a :%a Ha ei BEN.page te:moter Placanse jv anys |Blepre’y city ome Stettutseas WOCoMATt spat florwipitoet in seeyer Pe :es ie INI. oe Ee Sanbornded fit hee Shytart sd yg ¢pon se keral’s patie Bray oe ours typir cate 4 4 ep ihe ae iM G :Ee qighihe'kdar bi ake Heateao VE &Sas ee Gat.i yt deg PTET <r Pict x Men®sfine,ShadAnish:Its 4.4x45ndup:Men’s black:Bon Screw E +Suits,£52.80 and*up:|putt Seas[alt wool Suits-$1.40/and i).Chia:¥ ‘throats "ats Aint:i>chat ast “ne a taethe‘weleen vite!”ahsJak:won Re 4Tw ibhudgti tlie Sleerodich a ht.Seek Ki lent bret?ta aan OtTpaayAtbir we Sit Stanthes aE ies on quanti:¥aewhit nce wii rh Tas th ~‘a PN.. a =Sak sArmiield,AE Gbreck oe }PeculecettaSojdiertsndBikGn:ee Ligrate,|SoHUsthiecnswe acy ed.¥Pee RS ‘ f determing’,f docagplinlich.\kties 195 tetee en beac wis paw?“Oe PP Aa fie —aie he1htgauySuesRecsSteineswitha:we?Mackiitoshes,$1.00.Lailies aur.pes,pig.and.up)3.900.pair , 'p wept Bie LoryEGS ATET aL Tie4Soyrtifalhadtmmpresswhised:ura ‘k }Hats SR ee ter oh eNCT YL:iM Dpcsu ahi chandelier ier:cys:sgt Vidirinetbe”nasty Mospntaz:‘rung pons osc tbr mh Tear 1SORR wer seeSit bebe org)coies;;inte ane at ne and up. 4 pense evr }Pee i Boat{.ete geen mnes TAO eg Merieain wuiters)werk:sie } pee th ot:Minerida ns Crag psfeie Verran Gatingts *Passiec Spe)dine mula dew chic ave 85 Ltoksthose,bis op the,arm at SgcuphtiGyy:Wane ete te Awithima:5 hoytd tance ait 0 Hye raddet Serna wee a)>‘chert Se: 4 Huvang **with Holo S digasWOME,Rurhoat Bet ged stath ©Fane fonu fae ar alscedreeds:eg "ae ¢ -fe Ri Sa mmeetint istage!,but tae pinata)ae Gadesofie pharas warewants sey ieh a rs A hs "i Se iesiie “ayPog afi.es at ¢Re Se dé ort?i aoe ROE é 4 mW Sota,eke tHeonl yw)to OY 5 os :ie gS y A il :2 Reo wnbdgieitre bets thy mite.KORESeat sR |POA w 299 smake yout bink'westole thent. i.Set eyjousnpy.po Bae Pee.COR by]Ras at tHex Tas,ere Shy «“atl Ae ecw wast =10 cts."‘per pajr and up zi :Piety Wict,ctSONGCabardurldipes,aie Sen Eibialretoce a Qihhegt Sh: “Dot t-miss!‘gee Suaies a a<: ge xo ie ‘“Atmitield cists ate ee oldies ttnee whycir PB te arcnuids:rhe ett Mes Sdbuds oa OF.Slaughterjng*‘prices as.deny Sas nc : Srhtes er Mi.Big gpletalit!Ug wt square Fete Sony SomNeevita ald!fongnegs Behvowy’pscR GEN C es(farmershave,te sell their produc : urge iad ‘Hetis AR:snide We "at tire aha i Mortofand Cabanas’?are!Built,Uns Pema it ysbepoke as hat IK avi EPETSAGON,11,0)5 ood SO RP =‘ours to please,:= Be 0 ae bo!debten es kata wiS-Licwath tag pilie pokrhtside.Qf bint:bain trate,Huet yansabi Beis Gs “poe lell coniite.71 pranss Cas Be Sati : gee aR e es as Coelesi¢jusyot’we35 Wes SPOR:abcessmye:‘Gialle asecin,bap cap trisRFS Shelia :art dic friticle Aout ie es we ~D.LEY ee Besecs iar ce 3 x gPoint.Cart din DEcary thir’Miniter |ound Ufo aha he:ket wer so Tyewaters px TAO,eure |bspaces ort yes bors sea eG ON ah Bx l™:Note the:focation:.Next danr-to j ;ars >mts Leia ts very.TA pany edge a8 “ak Rea ipl el fe ep ofepen Spaces ANSTWeL in diye etlign ie:rong tythie a att igi @ Marble Hall.Saldor, .;p ipotateoeitiesa fséen ne oryrch FAY CON bred with:Tropical 3Ries awd tay “pteit alliage AU,Reaht nam :P-8.—Don-t pay any.attention .-?+phe dsNitiguial 4)quand?Tad then ‘tia?cipdniecHls Having hetird,$6 uit Lphored’s Phal jtsyag elise “Gh ERIN P “Pakirs?*and “Bluffers,-*in I y ae agp itee 3 iow?tndSoave.oy ote bf AS pit cafOF he fifth ecoditions ty“Hyvaria Heaklie StsSppeninit Migs.EAR AEN asheRe Beata *=}t¢imitate aus,at sellingatcust,They- we kee eer Pout oe served:ae ATEania}nite,aymbst gre@sickGh stow cringe thir.pu tidestep seruueal sar koe.i int I8\y |mean wiatsit costs You ngt-what }cis at.‘dreadjalarm of ov Cape “Roliat«Ladlsorduisopen a pea idee the Avaltn,aeaT Fi fe eS ee ;Cait:os :i it costs ‘thém..-Come:to’see hp : Doh tote e t,Sous Bess rit lum sui rereapespte Sty by SbRickRS “arith Lo iBegiin!asfAT eanty eee.Ng ae ‘Poe yt Vy RK iiiomcn:GS EEE NS ONE:Cigetarti tie,past aPC emg a Geet atic gan te eek eee ee nr f }Old.Reliable ‘he ig Vour friend? Ree)ee sit oe Meck toiphanditis ASO,ESbeihy oarae:oh an®a 4oe Pe ees Sper ake i vi Re aes ats Ih CTT cn ag ged he Bees rots Syperge ee es aivemines |:7“ a8 sah Ne“Gumpgnips Be tinies “af deihestic hoe Espiayéc G-be oeyriad Aad Genie Geer fiw a”Pee.mane pe Se o Dp:LEVY,!; ty Go!ae ea Dit soy pwekty xedrs.-And!capabie}tCheiehidiee Asis.Alriyy«Aiea he Stet Se flite Lan Re : : oor eas ~Howsk better Sugride?The woof wha,FOPReson athe FSpupisl,psoudigee len Mieke,Hele I ike |The-poor fuan’sfriend ED i i;re ware be‘tifts:réigispent webeSoldices SHaAied on’nthebitdemeHts.Gls,“wp E Mey tlael st iss00 ie in Ageeprraiied ay State Ceca!pau thie}GetShaya were WESicdat/sige ioe bee.:Rolle?Mill,,€tton Gin,‘Sew | eee es Rie 3)“Supe riomty,Jeng “eas Dareee OaSsbut tin aeswe ght aed prces Thay tinh,’iatltayFiath ie thy! 5.inst Lp ik a osiS tipute tar”the cation!Rested Lik mlatues,leitaa hntey On]ralMigs yepr.$3 Stipa Si an uabk:Lands ~s ee hy j Aan 3s)eurrd be:thoyeh +at Drowed Sucks“a pew!Mecoats‘aly thiptisaial.ie =ret OKeet.een N41 tate p24Ses “if e sees a For Sale,;o : ito ¢ee “sa}PepeSin tineny to:the.Peep leit the"Ce snc aivet:owl glycan rato b ls ,Fs Re enay eros tien ra E Palas Chik Sead yest bning ay theSwar |with Spal#44 Rent yee ARN As WeCanty te 1S B*.ugice ‘OF A JUDGMENT i .oo Me ottLg els”"fhedt statics a Oi baies Sit Superior Court of fredell coumty : aoe ¥LE stLhyixEse S St eek i g i ;EE Decial proceeding entitled J). Si rt ai 3E chisinets 431 neue capidhy Sasser: 7 dfoutinanandothersex parte.the underye f Pa es ate Le *raeae cre]nt’,Sats ike CeicteuLepes Pipl aatoredsilas.ie had Etthe See :5: Fr:States eet ee ura ap pe bmi ss Gen.«Laks gnipliamsit in 4:PSgis bees pour gt heatCai igi Hal aK |wssoldi,ayi sletes“ange Y,.FEBRUARY 0 - ,:i Re it ineethie®‘ae amd:"ior (Solcityes eves|pee pyiei ate as beterKe the haute:aes ship Spi heaeeb ie Hands:ing : Ra i &:%.f ‘:4 3 AW " Sots Aiea F :Saran chevc hej Tash eR epror hap pier:xORGS sits!Pkt is Sens ; about 5 miles Stase=eg$i on eet ae Fe hefart"dorbagy)e-forsthe|fhe.tay Bue foshe”weleainee Shar!altos i xe nad ant ae eee aa ‘Kquiipent |axis passed Pdi itshot,bseads“titecht:Phayck:Src ‘: pea ts toe es “thivoutch the.styoets-oits uv anadlTeva She fortdishivho-couisey was as A Eerie Meat PCR,torte,Bet woe |Be Te eae ee eh The Transport.Uther Sidewksand1 vfora mirutes 3me ptlircs fiay]Is =it f Se AAs ts MNO!Weley ee ew eeeA Tne eo Seon eG Somer ;(ESO CARRY ee well fenced..1>Peapaci ere’es :2 ee Bay ee sttgets for "eS5svg thronced=att“th Fitssay see A iat Abbaye ety te ]¥Re we oN ie PD EP AS ef,Pots Suey SUN asi ceed “hs pepenetined a :5 seth)cash Shand:Wipla’ny Ane water poke pon Sheth oe ee >ne SREY eh patrforic fNinf renst UwDor:slicerred Curse:Eft,stiak ey The nae ;uy mice Ti uh eet ¢ae:kre?oy tees pie ecg ae AY :RR,ey S:TE fA \2 the pie See modions dwelling.hiutisesSo ieee oS rsa Ar 3 ee ig otis “theniSelvchoke.$Seti men the Fant inmrenting Stones antey,hart +toi :ns :¥::i ThA endrente cht:pop ey lin dpten Seo ek a peep eae os “Remember *AWB eteN wv welc Onn Lo.che:ea hin.pha eeci airy t WisEle SaittHe CAEP Tt Say Hite Ase Seance vt.hs Le Vy aWar See mc TES:eae :{Ser syRe aot *ag Satdawlofthe late Sine oy ip x Speciaalat BAe ie Spa :Hi ur ist for Hobson”.is aet #iad:Ve hy in outsole Huger Stic,Yow eet infer tbh:reek eaoe nygeee:Ree BEAN IG 5 eveie Sey Presa AA gia ee a oe cA AUC reat phe gS oN ?ws SC OE oN gee ;Dy ex.BN Ne Se ceaieeser oes |ee our ein re aes k ae “toGt!“wetsleard_on Bee Ser Paxd.AMAL OF Hat a agutl:Phat Pease ruil are Ser oe Sy NT MeN ha gre?we opevine ee:es ia ney Cree tee \3 a tions of Iredell county.?one &3.uy 4 w phen:thet whale.”Eiyc aes,Saldityss coxetuieenite.a ete:ee “ay ag AA tee ee a s e -Aid ee ;peaeee mate Oncthird 5Cash ge es etiizeds.:ands‘chitdbent Lv)z cestyvar BeitGy rh esiate sf frost y j Gate of sake,Bond of pasctie Bae *Cac ay xe sake the Sti bho!ethicoin pit te,wound 'Lutert,axooh Dene Tecan Gos.Cl mae ¢ a zig Fa ae 3 Fee we the whateeryith Tee?‘pe cg ‘ Pp —er aS pai *=ee eg CS eae o>Xing!‘these xt woe,heytes apare nl rateods tA <Stk ayca wel “yr eh A =wi aN Arsys pete ord iy Sly ete neta ~Segoe :i 3. Poa igen oP dha ete tye deadinae]Oeceeote oe notin -SUR ROME ee OS CS ee ee ee pe Hw Is Basa sone Sipe:Sash iit J ethoutands devoivewmnabe la ed (RUS ApO ERAN ay aa Ted i ey NS soe Sone eihe cen ve con ne LQ Seger the <a ta he ab td -Wetgimgls Lees,Hutrak?hityratty:to S natsNatpr eater she chssaktrclt NURIA, 7c ::: See a)REE ts Geng Bee!Wrbuvethe aint *ecanion-fordnksof peiivanitak,eotorydPahl datsof )a :i Liwthe’,—Senireps nqheeredyAsta.TR Eatrt yd”past aslOn theAe gud |:mt —i anaASF oa ieeeSainpe ae id ‘ .Neg “ia ithea hs pRosram.would:‘be ghia cout.ppthen,Spamiated.s,Te =A ON PontHi 0:ha SahnSsos%Aare re Ay ice foe fakes.prega WW,EAKIRKMAN of ee ;2 *es tthe paaddening:erowd /cReecias byl vt Oatcuties,cre:Ghawainiaor 2 CONT TusSurgeon wierdPY cuter SRE tH OA 5;He Saon%eNti A s <imancy “ess partful*~shortens:i:i.Bod mingtinemics one s ie ae eoeinient thbyeedhaa,of “boxy te mpiten thes ioe)wae Apventssy ett ety Metin:;ea ay es :Tabor and Hasteiis recereryaiter 7,NG [Spots On-eac See Since ate tae passed through!a wildeeee Heedelthorat yhdind (eletacks Roy Dents 8TH:cee 3 cohDoehyBER Atse eoniel eeepcone a.Tigi:-setes Miho ee = x8 a Bats eee*30,ruse beaaesSidorigpch ets pt the SseNGds 2 Our bows saeco ley were tf thy ahs cred wetye toh hanes Noe 3 dre -fand wR,‘Sq,valued Xara Se ee y em $2 y theway Abt iySh imtiv thotehtoetau ly tended alate apMeet,eT ee te Bat :ppt Miteer Pig oy We WATURSER Mage He idelian Se he ty rae s.wordsno hen ean diitob gat 8 ea ai a eeFUE 18 TH poisFaintSe+3 Laas ts otae 2 13 en eee as 15:aem(eRacgr ee -‘Ss ee, cae Rye eS dapnital Shad wePupitenret tibyire :kisi panes thenBind’ERP a ere Hap veal fans ti Sialic rxFt W a echt aeons aise uit = fe R ea es Joram yh her,his ta ¥iad?qi KC Seis Bele Bea a2 ee:Sssquat Ad?afl MORTGAGE SALE OF Ws “pentne : ne oe H tae Past,Savanah;aes peat cae sai Ge oth ar es Ce VERT | ae 5 Sees Ue,une ay z g south’eae pe i)EE Ub om rd wes qo fas=ee fon Bs,riverine risa sts eae ed.eek omute nhks Lag WIS hate Ayousoy reat!haven)aq causSte Cont js Be Box A tN es PIN ¢.eee > winners aml.wife,“Emma rome ok a ae Pe ayreddPthe eVeon mer‘LOE np the bak PRT theery alte eae sa pe 2a ERR sot a Leeue ;Ab%:ee=ee ere artis 2 :"b at es ’Baterioo!:ui is tf aie tp)PERKYilewbe ity our Shs ne ly el pace uyfi.aisSty tke.4)iy4d}int “thie AX ae oh 3 .eae onrik Paint it ehyy 4 :ree 5ecubcpa ol said Ae:ts 5 b ‘eepea “Ly the reghoutdk the “SLCKR,ands ted fei iret {eft 3rit aE oe os paeleta nti.Qa tateee it y ist ta cae ninnighes ‘fay ace ne \21 haat:Custer plggtto tr fosthig™eh pnejeayet Noted ies rpg td a idea ate f The RngatiogeCapray at he dambar syle eA sires,Ligh wee “Ap PC psec Te Pies CG!ae3s ie Werieotans te ae A:ig wi ca +3 iticure:nine ¢ases ‘ov a5 “MONDAYAFEBRU nugeve tine +SUR.lamilton.Smiph aunds istrfP Martie”rit chs anseuk Sta ee teas “seaty:tr atl Sates:VA LR HiTit ihe Ne Sea ice ps noeesAf ree?Me \fick:per be:Se seitWidey ait FoCRRE,mj,a,tract,of,Varia’igh be -oe ie 8 :died vty San .Jaap Fim:yand they’thiyibered theMaing?ce mutt he bial:puinaindaty”9 OS ttette Ape,Sopdet sn eyes Price aI teouy,Ge Vie ;Garypirushi pai ied bad dhe os :was any fathers atBuena ¥Itaxt er (Aamo,as if ins tt da By te aries On threatsSpouse Dass.vit he ¥rout reatUpeti at |Sotnat 3 :eie96 ¥OO ww tht ft Apdyeenyes,endAlex.arco wontalg :S:aedLa ebedae fey Nea fe potas wane Baststapdty Vhaedy.7 vor POPEVou,“atotit rine tie“Oat Bie Niassa 3 es oy adjietnicaseeregis the pepsi oe RY Be es fe ra Ea Bales oy sand Son,a Ahgtidrakotbery erp tire Ce vated:ary’Natie p4 Gatistanyes,But.Lhre*Cuca sie’HALE Sie (AERP OURS ee Ae ast Saddress\:giving.”SHED SFE YM pm MeL aCe Se eae aS ote "battle fede,Trey.piust,.do Geant ie dars Sai ah Ayes ee Hr:aparece Bert Oe dine FGF vb rEce ee ereTH SA Rin waaeeas rouseey xk _io:ae =ofA.S.foe i bys 38s :Sydwtye oy thépr.-caip try.pheir Tireet a ig Pht xXew Ske.padi laf‘at,rudd,tlieeS Gory:diac:he eee Ke RSe ees we Oss tygc rie RetsaikbDslete i tah are e ae eehe per:rp Sipe oN ! ee and gr Ppsterite.Pulratiae aTR:Lane Diy RepLAbe Db ih con Spat}Was:Peat wise vesfle I She ief pene elt *vein tes ¢“Sibk ><Me ,eotea = ao Z severg:heatt a exbrescie nif Poy ‘“6 emPensiine for:heist soe ae sth Al Site |Dom berlarn,ae Oech,wie ay Meds ee ee.t quic ExpressiOp:Ghat.rT pe ari?Bey wit.puldek chi Senger ind Sy bar De,Wwoek™be,patie a it ie&vig gies ted Lh FOrhAran iLieSin use.th:dt “ti Ove peat ad ot gag AA Howpiais ai:was Halldck aSib ria pista ee tN At Hemoe 2erey huand:phesteseck £0"nde tetherni 2 &fein dott pres thinness .cio add»weit Susereasa irpmneuts.’~4ne ;: east ane are ae ;x a ae e ba A Cagis T carat7-10 wk ce thetgomnrnds.Pint wb lise.seePaSe eae ao gs 40 Separitt reanitdy:dg tains Chee ate,eeei "Ou : a seri te Dek 7 acini lei deohtt dhamie at bat:k fotheliaf hal A ehruygryd WW hein tiated aad otha bekiinest a eancedg eae!Ais Awithe id—WyeSCOT}bar ealde *aepee,Sitio?Patt eeSTNSERANC AGENT,.5 eh Moki *,ne pean ses tows sheats oe arb :TemVAG SOs thee Mi HOA lous the eset be Streets=af Svah ae ROO we thet}bpRIs)ey ae aE tipo Ss 2S ena “in sat fonthetn,ae .x Pt Sees ; ;;2 eee tet MTsatheSt dik Lire toy “api we tea “LE "havat:bpd iee anu |sienn POR.HUTTYeye ey atified Pit iFERSi,Shabsr ab i bit Men ord i ae aPECIAL:hE ~;+aeiy ateoF sy,pl ee brits se Hee pal)that"Be nto bein Py th drhinp.:tive.pt the toys,ES Gres okati aN ty"sth,‘el she tioSf BePyeietiste)pertari Nie acre.af as ,parEE ON TO HIs ‘S me i Nt ba Ot Rend whe,has zs wlisratin of adhe sMatde,*S CEPER eet:Lehi!sittnde prevaiiniess shytilat yates S LYpyLHeGet Ru plead ERY side 0%fds,shag S «iidaltsa a i ACGID f° Be 4j :nb Meee$ stioyee tie semi atiny«:‘GE t lier tea eects,Op pes Me yesSS nee GidS,Wee Taupo hs,ieiS SHE OnE halite BE:EX 7 ‘7 ‘Anl Set,toeof weet Toe-Sirtirot the’New YOu”Tepe Rt “The resnmeat puis)FE ei miesit ors ie es Of sae eyfry do iaieeateSint fitesry mie sh INSURANCE| ‘,a*Es thon ky of:anilGonsyee a a 2 £ci ohms hpeculitity eid“paast TON:lose W ALETs »Paigt iio"“bt ud pitehata Ee tianer)2e oeaie ae oe me“=eWise eps ay \aS se oc : -.%“i te sul ae >¢LBC)i are SGictt HU eR!NS es of ---::4 te StS sTie:Voyage:washeithout Scietad tiCompete itswhieh sae puinduletinug rouge,Sf fet “aloes ili LON AaB tt)CRITE i eimat =——=Resi Soe :sand 3:OR?fhe tra aay.|ye Us.]aKe att wei and”Airge for The ‘tite Seat tag in prain wh Xoet |he rs Worant ond te:prskete THe,< Bits Seite ob >eebediea tte distance ane Ti Spyahurt teal.sWeothey;ve“hak Rott 4S asthe Stteayd:it moj mits,BOS |dh tie sae JUST aSof Chi LR 1% Be teats iy “4 aa thir stréa }of azare:canes “asPo puwide,=Be wprts_=tt Steet te TB the.Teds t indianscaX ithe Cy;nts PUTS Aeere Lis in gh faye {:ya!DG Sxcmenr: Bt onyte SS 7 water:“Cheereraiter vchter alarmed Maile.Sat sehatery‘Rowe-Laht ae.Tinpois:Pudiduas si ifs tino gh Cumberland?Se AT py oesect ie asaa or any other:“l:m F:sii ey :sete “the sea brrds—add taasbe the <saan Sempsotpand Schiex.wat “Sait:age"euasyi—oyto Jo RSI eon re THe SidingOt:Biwe snenc We NEA:other oe es Wife wishs : $y oh oe ax ivesdd![phin-—batctheSeite pet estreet HatHatready dane abattte Bert ys’“anes WERE DN e?Hey:Miehies hn per,peatihegt,fg Hk syd aSf FAN-EARY:awi : 2 Lon ete caupy!for thee were Peachide dhe a Bay ae Core.SSaU,He ithegetichds.,Aaa EA mes tat Stepssq Aieeses and,Hinietaldataees 3 :am aA ge ys stination’"atid ~closing:a tinoine,SE be .Go Fiat re <A Gi a Sit tees hoe thatPeanbin sagen Sip uci aah Me 4;piking fon.usin ee Reeth be joornes ov crawder bj aE ie Bais sens eh ut so ee oe othe<$s SA)mere toon:feie stele ee home on.oureloths.We ote i ‘ ao >ot ape “s C }FG)a ¢%TINE mitt ‘ 4 rs nee a eae sae Geral =2 Perlepaglis:Line hobs ahd ee beledGat THe eae roe coustt ae eeaul a Ge eSTae ecolechange eo one be ba 7 wT ef GD.ial”irurl 4 ea Quit Vatisaeys ses HEA Uli °Shen ing mibney eusis,‘ 38 iat re atid’ob te.tesscis xetait Taudtc the Steepr TY Lo Subs }firesedud in he stream:Rape pine,»Miqhvin eh so UP {hours.”deug 12.Corgi 2.0 wo gg .e wreat,piston rods-ascendins “atic,des has Sane porty;:|‘ItsdemydiL at Be,Tasg have the‘ivaetor A imap idl Tory tgeigize Nee Ore wayxe:SUHNL4 Fee i jai fdirecKons 4ox otk ws ae ‘3 fe epee Sopading like ther iAtended tovcither:asphalt:[tos viousentnielvtoryPiesbeloved Head.Te ftoriche aes <Dy Alp [sisog et?rabesfinisdi tsoe atoncex’Cio}i :.—";panch a Tgle'si the!deck,or:m oh aeVymei iUS cre we Dial Ts repiajp]fon pany}hie audate:Yow Soe UE DALwegealage:fie:;Hy epee iQ!infe 56 hae oe vee SS ey Vajanes i:., Peas #fthé tralsport,‘but.everyaevois t's aeRonse Tof ing Exiglishycon,pomstb sudan heute:Wot dick stork,LS pute pa vite wri py AT.Se z WISpoeK ce ¢0aa “pests es:*; Be ey se oe Was riviate:ushegrer and pete Trista apedin’“even 4°Of Vigrent.is yt ory Qt Sotthivh:‘pod:Noothe“en ars {Putin e ine HENS 7 SN “‘wee Snes 5 tae pice sty sthe faint:blug bodvi that ‘yeeimty Poul Vater EVER.ret nated Eth Rule befonss:net iva SoULibraul Qhits ROME Ree eos Now!ds :wee at oo ‘tobe:sleeping Qn the,“bosont of:The]SIN OP oufodinty SATOH Ww are}“ti keg OWA NEY.“but tp Fhimaehote task ee Beerscel Thee y “isny ee og tulf..This,then,is,the pparl ‘ofswat theif ahi Vercthie:aie resPata TireLie“ries 6 “HSeel ae peRaiccniieft te Btw hG Ty alae jes fhe Av ttiies,discovered:¥Coluik-antalSott Wee should have wiped:Nar JMantla “apd Sarafaseo ape St Rabesua?ere Cae yleh Pg keiie Te siens 3 Sbus'and then contiining ‘his ashe<:,Speyiy:tfiens’bay ‘GensWrit.fysught perishable fegeies toeurcob ans AyosTarr oy eee z ee c sind when the Tuscaroras.Poh a Sijerstice:aud atcepted only 7 bund]chidFey git:atk sins:*va POR MOM Oo Tyke eu Br .E tans.und.other Seite tab ae tive;damages:A.Vitthe “EQUb OF =ee malate a7 yeeCOW!i,ES SR Bit a on Tate,1 sea“te ietsys aati :me ~wionarchs-vf all they.survered)“ftom,sdldiers:eatherdd on thivdeck aydyin}>Ae aculic:Gor eralsx,GRE Belthot:sett ae See Drs:Re Feiaes Sng ahh the Lakes to-the Guitand he’Ati.A second several hundied were peakid planimetry ais =fCate,sutce ~Dae ea AR SPELLS Lo ;“UG to thePacific:Santiago de buby.et:She swabrathg,bees ioend™ae CHS :—theMACE WsasayAste oan Bion vp have cure“nd lige aif ribs :a beg th re swithin Nits ‘confilfes ineenifi ht wrat EONS.i Some Ope pear thee“Cis ‘Spawt Sane?a a Sai |ae “eae:ions os PTE ayer =)ote eo erica:sees NRT ;fi ing: ae ee ko ee “*athedrals and an:Arehbishop,ietspierssaid)“throteithe danyn Seon tie (Saturday.Tt =e 8ot gle re *2 ope EWA Meas ~.Mote peettiay?1 eae raters ans tepals Te eria.::mane.Now the-biie,lines:ate:fag<‘overboard:-butsirst strip,bin“otchis¢chinrches tp She geet ~<Baepe a wy aN No Her:io A35Fi rene:‘eng let Ma eens Seane :3 ing jt palegregn.bad as we draw’!{uniformy’:Great excitement pres.Somé.Insurance:ie eet odin Bante pasha S16pHOi ode =5,:ae- “hearer:ittis.an’emerald isle we seest,Mailed&fésc minutéss and “tbs Sok)SS ruit fas 4 Sea say Hy oe e Siig fot CURT No Ra pees ceeey “y a “Very.little timber 32 in’.Vie ey rdiert&*cheeks \iblanched™fhe hase al wi,VS Wwe ahbecus wbtotnpat PLC OUTUNE SORES 145,_Festive white:raitiizy:ore!aie be Lpu,Za ‘‘E ¥Ufbecn iguifrys of:1 at dass ed we why Dem sac}ean ai Sprbik Yona 1G bstise oie ook,Felick.“Cun te ‘the:Stately pain,‘ithnitspalmke Fe SENS disrésp ét ter the 7 y WE"Larlin’atesthe sym. irae.Jand prinated.c jar,walled t‘forth-ad +Maines a.A tj poss SKS “When.his wile i tepe et at chigeney aut ae “Tis:Dixte |ee toa 2coe. ee a ‘qmiratien:Phe s femortrtinkFroth,eh Le éalfed rin Sheed tnd Kiletheee Sieh.Cakeais gusta:Vi Ptonesta btrhNats ise sete‘arrls aligesl tet ‘:ground fiteen feet up’is‘)abou “the ebLortlie:satek Be as wasantery deat excel iBe mob.SN tees ies an 30 Northam plonccountys§and 1 hearty ‘vere Pant =:Size of a mgr ‘Shody-AY Ras preted,Spokes heart ésehy ‘yemark-=ple Semiba,ist MianSioa Fe ‘aSae 1S were:mipodyice dy By Pawel:.peieaie:‘ibe ae:oh 7 ea!:_athereis-nature’s reservoir for.aoe Hog t don ‘weatexdamu:fohel!With day passed the diplomatic Si oe oe ies Scere bettersreine fa a ee g water to nourish the™/tree ‘hud.the Maife rand"jail?ofr board.’1]Salar.“appropfiat lon “pulty Phe HL Beneerred tkata SHINSee sitetie cue ‘; i ee *produce.fruit,just “yer “ymmetficar’know this snswould -have Tost Tis vane ies $F,T1052:50,Sat §bake or nv ,thee!“brady |oir oF SINSeott mi ;RCE hig is ace Bf :4 cory,the - aaah ‘and round and about the'Size¢ofabeer}jile had he notsworn that<lvewas}the-amount catvied.by ths Sapte ict x Benpet of Gsustand,it ety sent Wark hy wa Mukew 2 02 na Sons Sogticadnd a preeks :2 SEs)Sp keg.)Bive'feet above:the fruitage-ssi sot =ele s were,ii<evi,assed br'thedtausc,SL pipes ae fara,bin ‘ee Se Get eae stones ies of,<otaceipee charands ;pt oes ;2 8 :;uthis'end w na prt age iF :rhardty:o into :- i snd autritions to.the ate the oltom‘ofHa Mapes Tel.“School TeachercT;Te intsyeees Sifiptove’the “public ro Dy soar ihthé Minder e :‘but deni cn dya'member of the First;and,Albany Mo was fatalis gtibbedby’Pabae of Rowan.16 provide separ-|"gace tae fabs:lowe he was not.a.Charles A :Te fate aliarters for whites and blacks at |29"setaeoT jae hes i aitizen)wh,4S mx Saturtiay.”Sao fang camps,b &mee,eat or catarrh/and builds.px .4 Now af Se ard Re Hanover,:to alle oun a tenetssel ts ‘Bae.thejeander-worker.that 2G ee |New allow:San own aa sone.AL druggists 500.07 #- :teed.vgnd’;sample-7%ay eeOe 4 DF LAND: eaners,toh d in theminty,the BBEBillyey« BuPesatesvilley & 3 Ros 'és aea een ¥tr ot ‘cers ’vu AL aed Ty,SAAT SER eleZeeNdiPoeplayStsmes:3)sn an et Rpge See ore sage N LEC BeBe 18,ae eye Seta STN omniea rf Kaew) x ae a ti ACCS Sa cult sali ee iced ae aisgolased alk“tenn N Eelge o0G5Be ots POSS,‘Rae ; yeei TES Oye t ax y ;“7“Ai ‘<<Fk ee 4 we a,tiacee 0g - has se ive rsity sedas Hee ni moe iatchats ’Sty)i are de Liteatt :Foydge Avis Ki 3g.>fithelsyaotBosreety§ae Ole :Shee esmSRS,uinterxSaterhe aXe .isacaaeAbe+ehisepet Oe 1 FROG thea REYIii:G3*te me te a Can”pureteShrine a ] .ne Np haessaeri Augie iti Tas sepleMced:“Tom *eres <2 banana:mS Newb c ye STR ees * >SUG Vary eyAbootts BSONKC satan i W Wifesidevcotsor wt,wasoti QCwo*=of teal “ATOR Teh Satutdur{ Ane intainied ane #5 Mort ee Pees e th,SROaS.bee ten what!)Gieoe ls aeReacon a ny Kay SLOMAN “panna es rf LePeOSerweAttiXifty,Bs -xKileg Spies,pEAy US:Dixie.me Cpast,dake ‘dene:eae Ve &:}yitatty,Rew“Gat Einahortindconn, ig part:Wy ay Be he Ay)A ALYinl y tbo Ney WEEKS.aamesh tear wlebedk apy Be Gs:me MCC:gor daw:lastyoeak I be ASAGTE ian a ae of Pisglitiss ete an,neHe ots 3 ewetha hy}.surat nae Seusinme ¥irae i fii -greats pttnivias #AEH Aaya ns fs <Lutsrede“ityAas iptaad:eal.any 23 Mteresh iby Ri ‘ant PieiBosi q +:peascp RR amy peta eee ikesf nam ox Siete 7 fpeeciat atbentionta tit to<¥ets :/ ."eres 2 We ‘PpurpesponideAtedfierHO::NO.Aeoare®.Bictigcn:EMIS Hes cP bseyy das a Huntinces INS the em ‘et i a :;ee Sh ihe Qe Miiel4 ay weee +ayaalk HERON NOASS REO ie sa)ee ae Re as als PER Gaeons <Aor}K “Lagnship.Ci. ape taiae“ental”fase wh “eau vie whieh! teins Seals hd:shen LK a fees gh ST eS Se.iste:Popigy stds that use w@oShit] Drie a Ras eet ornon :Tg IN ONS FRG:Genin ne Ua SO AS Oe “lk +St istanilsrolD:as JP MENS.|tsp V6)!“I Ye,Obithiag dt MAGS rae OG eS Ng avegilrountXe Ata buried one ®My me i oa pee é tS “4 es tn)reeesiePIAS)ES TEE BT ENT iene of wren os PSH,See ytekns setGrak shuusapt|We wiML ay chit (toryjae <éis Te UT Ss ays pads iS AGS were byiped:“fed LNG freakMendasSPS:sible Bt CNRNE ER TRS Rg eS ee “oiscoecetal humped dotharke <4}* sit hubs Se me Opa se te .oe BP ie&a ‘ae Se xsheet ames,ARge “Aart and >Killed? >ite Ms for.sbnthee:‘lone anPar diffi: MPLS.oreSingh *‘SON:eadAP Wty Slayer is JiE aut bh ‘wvettervilbe:,of (ts.<re pinesgl |Wns SeeEsz0 At:Pack?a Seely yap:nn Here ASE SAS $i Aste lets Nas:eNthie PirstNa-~(:S 1;odanak titra sinthats city.to, Ae x ‘Associations GisSearuesS25,000,>The th uiiyi ae Jtt Enentiutlay) hist xy Widdows tl. seve *eli Elatdsfra verled.Ley ies oy? Geass ang rae Hoven ad tS 2HEAL Me PAR CN ihe erie 74Calthvette:his tere Testy iska Ma ad Se onefant ee 105ANSu stony NG night Jat Week. Prey hide 4Dene:“Ty!play Ege.donrinoes | Mul TievGate>Keie ee mo yt ASCH erNe ‘Mairston ,‘charge Wegwake SSSago 2 x (riggteerea Sk aes too:intimatei{~ye Btw of ahit Maeeas ae bis:Ww ite.3 Hairston gseaped:-merPahinRipplesis that Wire: beFa ition a0 ae ¢putte é ad Viiedkian county,AvereDadi xsftsySaatheASaigcostpttaseKiaCeiMae uth ket Tier:“raced:“Some.ganpon atsi,Ao i frehe'd to rnahe.Aorse “ined aN a abortion an eSphowint.was’:eased,RAT Soy ee hi tat hp he :a eutiislx;ee ¢cao ‘Ge =“ws Merch nt PennreSipetpicts-o"ae Nts a 4 xboue Stetied.pig BRE ons Panties:°3 :5! Pe \rue Yadkin ti yl1 Saysahiok-Maye| Mtoltrd,ob Ot ‘SE Be vA:or, Se BNA near Cle ascot onbksrowthg-ob-TET *Steoved Prtdayby SB oacese a Pi Tadelphi Fae;seers in:cher oury! Lawcek5 ON TOO Si awh secoredsonie}Ss hthore)ey S-Type Sromph &dived-—alahet esate are oun psiS there:7efij Le ifAkexpe Ober iver:‘Says’f weals;Aprotd’mruddize~ros ordered Mrs.;Martha: :okeyanteDeekia S X as 5 a iy t sevttamender.Was ‘s »Bi ,baipsec4f rhe Vig!dita ye prarePolombia,ps gn exfifotenaSeoneUSNsaVariE Frnt,Seishe!ke =F “The wife,aand Sabehier Ok:3|Yost,ofRee a we Se :u resrayNaniehe ahs Hi {pain reprise: 4 Pe éheee—iy Cormittee-aNashingtohhas‘reported thfavor «+{unseating,Gep.‘:Wkieler;“AKbam.pnd the other.mearbersCongresswhoaeceptedcommiihes:arly.”‘Thei Wihawlared:vacant.i aoe SeeMichi,saySther {Fe Sy‘ip-the United St eis Rais¢ Sleewill thitiéaéate the™Sind ht re court:Snantial vin”ther seeiGenera:Ehgan, wathiWWV‘abon oan five men.and: ek a attssix ee killed, Strate was ied”aesaposSpringsaCvid..JastePbtir day ahi three ‘men ve Killed tr ed ite:residence ea ae haa it Pittsbur e,Aw Onewoman “was hiled.apd-five,:oe Sons’“Pereinjered,oad MnSmEeey| dieae tee eran“ole Leslowr Peace ‘‘by ar:ae tretd “Healt Martin :}ohePRight ast aveeks “Hes rs ams ~chminiticesof’ALYffliin} Te ihee.next age,the Rete at ated t i Hedlised?estray.icotuty,paste COR ut vin Ces eres miaows.oft=ees £0,ron’high apdCuxsuctgd:a smal ierecery“store;, (Xa ie Mur Sugar 2S“of.'Neé ports oe Saks coumiitted:ssuicide, a dt.Weck bytaking ‘Carboke|acid itis,Suid zhat she’Tad:‘triedisceebessstrsexven-times:oSfere Aefinak and? tein pees #. ln?asana cca a SE:apg bes at_Danvitte-V:a i onerday’lastLavdek,Chatdes D.“Rive,a?Tf-year-0id}Athite DDey,Was saltugh ‘ort the head | bendeSOUR *idee oiiY dptesroek,joy atone throw by.James Averett,:Chasrecboytaged |twetve:;The:Rice’i igdnext-dday,eunie nectar S i er eee ‘Ves beoper aHenrys TOV ERochester;NX.H.;“Was “sot.agetimes’anal -kijled one-day last week| |by ‘Provenchia’‘Swife:“Provenchia|{air his wife hadseparated ‘and ‘jeal*| *ousy Ted)the wile,to,-cominit,pabeygrime:‘coosSe Lp een.Panes of Ape a tabe |wlio pee rea hérstep.dguybterthyBrooklys,£6,beelectrocu:ad duringnext.week,The Governo#,has-beenbatitionedtochmmute:the-sentence, ine ier ews tink hey COOK at(EQlifetinprisonment butt De tie :to interfere.if i Iipded by hore lind.oneasy Sastt Tndians:are Onsthe war paths in’2x SJaska,>Gtie-battlethas.taken placesfantnore:fightingis expected!Four} Lodransr-were:killed,*‘and.several, soipusty.Dhining the |women,asfwovynded,-que;eriean.ydeputy.|pfarshals~were ee oe In:Uidnsaire drintk:(and|there inogleaa [=M5!piesSsiemyor ial.ofr”atl Henty Shase-two white‘pebneral nprising.*223 ed[Saeed aby MOSER to,Moor deville et swert “tothe ‘homietoh Wire K balan by,The,Hive fea tae.Bealsah ARES.postinaste “at?Tilden. é Wandin»OMeok hel s Debwne:AME te:an Asihoan®hase,inion up ha “ratsiHineckads distifierss>They.“seizeSdceeWiaigdrasoed‘him put of hed abd. ene Stoheaiiothie’is apeshbase belpy mid,ok he.ate:of the-housestd, iRS ae BoyNe ee ad bss iS iig Miler:-eot-holtd~of his] Ss area Aa ipistoh ‘and-tinatly satel inpdrit ins“ethicoor Off ¢: ‘i 5 wh x aes wry ;roe £y Oak’Tyvout “go ‘Sraayh:pcithatteid)ee Sok ely sabes docs iathacdre ie nots“for!Munigbérlain’s |7 aieoa Caro!ne.pepetS y as day:Pain pata ay pitas shire We .Stal th te:enthi’isa.gtbe,‘peor rita Uerminie.Ry.ey have been’|* “anya aldreindeod +45 upon|aifihictddHiMaSaaatiout fer Sevex-] ee Pecan es jevest absweatsy jynd’shige”tried remedies ;EAA viotighnOf ttlie,ener 7S Wwithonbu tatber:byt.Pain Balox js Paginble “AAS,BU eOoReppic.beh x6 the bestsmmodicintd:have “got hold Bi ise tops Shad harthe pees.Mr.J4 at.*47One\applic ih:reliove’|auc ~2H!sblesdpat ‘Tos pre-eminent,“Aan othe:peue Bor ale bs alldragyists.. rs 2 Vie *Caan paeR for:Toea¥taxutigp:che gn |g a ;12Paanneddliwiselt’i favor of hetax,’ie p Deer eet ay ty lint ving th:v.-bee sha:004)wie TRODEGS,TEN Ns a ium at :by “Last~Friday,three,‘oetdvenadiansTonpliinenLoeducateatsewas?phe [wa?Bb sare Revd. ‘ert .y a -.*ad ..Wi ni ad e %vi fof whatryes!us pal c ches NS ie eg ol Le fe inessteuN:payer:in ‘the doxtusuite eresin ie 3 * Me wide isin tatgna standythat ie Le Healer:ee oeecaeDomeFail'te até Pidie a kar ace copparenim|Si rs iow Shell wis Be=3¢‘‘‘ite oe Lenoir’alsa’$4,andy* -‘Xow ire CHcai:Ly id viten ::ek"os Rast apgeti or me blie oie itne.aoe :“~ak b fives ty 0"‘,seca Rate Othe:sta But);heNid,of Fala lshei!oe ae “s a “Wilkela a!iter.-His youSor the,tax was.sa ee away,OS ee ee v4CRPALEt2OUAustweek.:The Jatter,”*in-speak-’ ’ J Spitea Pipes are pes asstThePriceswil! a) x tC£Seetled by thi Votcs-of the vere peg j (i10g Hof hisbgeand bisups and OW ns,a plefor whose “oud he swfaseFein,;Se vener elee-|anda election)filed iin ‘hts.fosaves=i saxs he attehdéd -thes genercal =hs But this did ttot danipen,ads:‘Aion,jb 1S,aad-tas‘aitended ue :3 aura or,:antl he'set’to work:tor)he'e ge selecsiony since:.“He cast:bls.eee 4thbtishinent of andacademy,in well Vyote (Démocratig)ijo 1836 has “vo to Ww EAN Ye i suceedded.:“As one’of tBe|LoreAngsigs ane te ee Dy ee sf mee -ead as z 4 A)~sMaite ee,«oeers."Ofthie.)ieesent.Ganeral ‘Ass Lelectien>inc :4 eee ees ee yp aie ecuairdad ofthe Rnuece <itlr-deadnd is two,wt se =e oa ti rcommibtee Re issdoing all lig canfor But:sith al,he iis now ‘Seciig.bisaehfemelle.ah.teigrciot witches befare baying:ose are right“h }dty to ‘af, -~(the publicsthoolss:akthowisand Such,happiest daysSree plere5”pasosio “SUIT YOU.|a 2}menage Seie arth,“Carb Snotbiog}wantsnothing,deserves a No f 5:‘ay ;nyeuerefoyeraecoertetreneaAioesip|17 «using,Gl bles aes ooaokohMeeeeeeRUTLsSestReboyrebearchs,-may they ;livexa:‘oundred| ono etisn A CuL DAN ONE DAY |7years.(Sincewriting the foregoing, ad daxative hy ae sy - that ‘Rev..on ee Nnthony Hurgaley a‘prisoner:a6iGreatSanfrancisco,Cal.)‘secured:aceaSed-ban ofreporting their ta quantitygfkerosene oil.from:“the:|Stoxeé-oné:day.last ‘week’aud.‘poureditover’his athes."He then.°firediieoiandwas,burbed~to death,Tha other somates'of the*:cell”were.saved with:‘difficulty:'Sees.eeay i ‘General Maximo Gomez:tie’cons mémder‘in-chief ofthe Cuban army, has:ae ee the proposition ‘of.the}:UnitedStatestopiRie-$3,000;000 Tér he parpose.of enagobli ‘the:Cuban}Jarimy:to reactkthéir..bates “Robert4: Rae “Porter:senginéered -the:estermentfor,theU-Sei government.” oléne St_Morris,“Jefferson”county, ;ae Friday afternoon.-The *cy-|4Peetebeeverything:before’‘it,Out,-So far sis known,no ‘one was)|illeao’“Setetal people:wore injured|at Dale.aaa the house of Lige Bow-.den;at Village.Spritg,<was plow:down seriously vinjuripg ©bin ‘and.rae %Mthi§family oy “Schlatter the allegedthine ae er,whose,alleged “cures.cheated’‘so’ otherWesterncicities a year-or two ago,was:married to.a Miss Coleman,|} Jast’Thursday.“Schlatter has been. plying his.*trade7iin,“Atlanta ‘and:Birmigghsth recently.-Miss Cole-| Fhandsome young,woman,Bis “°C rar eer i 4 ‘elke:“< Marion ee ee ye o |Since:our:last issue®"aaptlier Vie: Pelaxed iin:Halltown ;untill ‘suffi. bes shui Pasjearly.Friday*“tome |; -There was:a.Railstorrs ‘and “eye,s much;excitement in:Denver and’ of Birmingham,at.Culiman,Ala.,}+ anaes to be=a:-popular:“and. ‘im:of .the:‘smallpox,‘Miss Rexie |‘ Halt has diéd:~Thismakes -the bth} fatal Case ina total of twélve strick-ti en withthe,disease’The-strin,|wh gency (of‘the quarantine-will not bef mis the comin)thes e “Dubitia the:eo“debate:‘ons 1 biitheBh Srila id Fl ands,Who WO.otherscs “injured.:Démockatt u Veda:e3spiesaeagdecided+potato Bregislation,ate this -sessgress:.Ttwas:~ideéde to Vs memberpresentt‘House eisaes 1 ust £0 consider®.Ph omtmitte "|Platt.becomes “ai Teinber;‘ot«Sefator al.‘pfth comniit al Senator HanhayefO iYneas»incomes ro: *=[nthe ask pumbdér,. versity Record is p iblished.a Ket ot] tests oe : thejimpe ceof higher’ and the proat.value. ity.coeold: Picideae Ww targ oft War,fourSe retaries ‘ot ee asary,“one Secretary of the.Taterior,| one *Bostastes.Geseral wand .one: “EA tketorney Géneral.-W, two.“Attorney.Generals:of. abors-and Seven ConfederateRepr sentatives.eee _Begihaing-with .‘thé ear -ASTO‘there have:been”‘thirty-three ‘Gov erngrs<of;2.North.Carolina,Of ne ninefeeh:were|“Alumni:of.het Uni-’ wersitys-Phere.have”‘been:twwe v4 five nited States.Senators,ot whom | lew ii were ‘Alumni,Ob the thirty- tener ont of!i.the:12% Sit eae ae sixteen’were:Alomini;’“aS:2 Te Res <a {of ad ee ntoth @ Metho dist,church ‘here:=ae bound:mn fitty pairs 0 into the’ai :hy ayvtink$aoe >a monument,tothe} * id Wor Taid pat.tbe dustr ©of ah birder thay dyer neither.to: the ‘Alumpi'of”‘the:University --0f4 2 ferate States,threeContederate’Sen~ 4.poetonejudges“or the:Supreme:Sourth |Fifty lashes.-wereYapplied,e alter,which oe tom ére left.tied |4 sient imeelapees:between the tae yranded og Tobr:WwW :‘time:sine 2as belSh zing tosBr.iF . eehi »2 inv Hes ;Po antiga 75 3 arp of +ete ‘Ue: cote see Ub :which"thes irysie ins :sacFotye:rale)\ ’His bales $nial, oa Sephdurainit dips ‘ a finest thet Avartgal resi é fron:phe Ir:a ny inet i a Athos csaelip OCS an an he Was:si sh itive ONE |Be “prance,thar fad i tides “4 Ariens “and,tae vpaid y aunt «dive :4 barn’am obse ure partcofahe d {ariHewas.take mfram the Garn:t tes pital iiar Aaryi nee consti io:a; si “brotherr<it se F causcd:33ipaareetorecrsnated,in orders that ig might nat oid at he a viniaition:Seyi Bie Jett 5e eer et‘A Texas Dete!fe ;yy boy esa We Bob:Marks,aerroteif Sp art “hadters and ty prea!)dk aot .Was’“Gilted 7 an aa duel LoRt ‘Be pett,propre Saloon AndeanriGylinitsx deus had been grihhssix prs }ici +4 aDelleaf,Vis OW Ne?Saloon’tbat ;hecoing tynewath hiseboct: ontered fhelSitvey King"Baths 10“shisot Org i“tae 4 ~nissed and LEO he Ww)ve iy ede *the :wih ,tre wate On.“the ifGut er)pice pane,Aikanee .fe. ae found fhibtheyr aioliai Sod ni” ger”tian tiepne nyetnfie treitisgs HN",of:this towne ©; a $:sae Gid=,x10]lin “Mi S./He ‘Winkgn ut-f fei from tiyis 7 -and s : RasYourShitbeats over cae hun-i ‘dred thousand times cach day.4 One hundreds pousand sunplicsof id. “good br bad b ood to yaus pyain:.4° Which;is:ars S is *Te bad,impure bloog,shen your4 | ‘ptain.saches:**You .are:troubled with drowsiness yct cannotwicep.&‘Yon are.as.tired ix the morning §f-as'at night.You have no nerve4Eater.anus stood does youbut jfi m iittle.good.: ‘Stimulants,:tonics,,Headache fi ‘Powdersy-tannotcicure’you;3but” aie tt akes the liver,‘Kidney.S,skin and|pools ‘pesform..their Proper‘work.It removes‘all im-} ‘purities*from;the blood.Andit J makes the blood:ricir in its ate 5 giving ‘Properties.;4 To Hasten:oS Recovery«: a 2 ‘You will be-‘more rapidly cured | if you will take a laxative dose of ares pile éach night,,They @ _arousethe'sluggish liver and thus mareebiliousness..ye s Write.to ee pactore::. “We.have.the exclusive services of ,,eomeot Regen eeephysi¢ians in the fretiy,,an the mies {a.your cane:“DE,Je c AYER,Aiidress,D Lowell,x ss. Near “Donnaha,.aa neki nk Jack’“Robinson,a ~oolorbdd man-on the:eS 5 a0 ; at VuoR vate yews:=% ra sey ae rb 3 -eTt does not,req aid”an’@xhe,*sufferer sreThe’-hotlow Sunken ‘€yes,,the dark,© ‘+under the eyes,the -saliv a colvred complexion indicness physician,would:ask Mf : fienmatiom a dull hath -iso amae Ba ied By:Bés ied:i ees “Asermang’Wet% Sapeerkin na tug’:stagseRS Lo.ge citesie we “yj 250Ate S37 Te Yr‘hue : wae :eu dors ~6ae z?a 3oSRhimipa hat \Statenews: et detect the: ig AS.ere weaoe oe ae An ae “al as oe obsetsted» rior Court of Bun- rs to succeed”Setech +Neeru 1 Jerk ¢of the Sup hat compe county. Ge cae Interest, Spridaan nile"iy cethegh tt)rile penteye:Sen fort Ex tet Bide bets Sr yeesern be M7 ed)-weeMsc:(saeoa dest at oR Pebouant.2,Eat Ge aea SSDS.ie wh:jas EridhtEto Spend Regal mefi “ Hgdpa C aug ok with hex |pncvants ite3 F Paopostd”SES oe of ame e eccphtat ey Ricktdsh,? Sn:ae G aversseShe Rint eerstevieek,kook 1b, wo oe,3 4 a: vk “ay aad Ars?" Have:Dede <iesneer ut.the Stevpatem Sack e pa rie!Biemong.¢‘of:’ i “ane Matters on Locelshterest to, yer ie,alee swas\“yh | 4 coves‘an pie Cape Fear tes ng Valleyrtrain 3sear Ey Hsiday night. *:Ltorie Nati Store *pailding inf Wagesbéro-Sunday.” ¥K antes ©“there.was Dot ope,LF} .s iedouRding wheal the drastic: ©.Starnes:KerkolabesSuper- Bugicombe’CORO YS‘diedt rip,aymeenAE Seen hited 7 rduble,de tgresires’uribate’é;10°scalding jix ;iter passing there iisa.itn ling as if it‘must be.ar eated,orif.the ‘uring hakidust:deposit.or Strong odour, When these:syinptons.are j no tims “should:SeeMOVing“the ‘cause”eDalav mayleadtoeravch Catar,: Sethe bladder,nflatomat tom.intingSteppage;and someTENG aie,df theurine With vs Stfuments;‘or,‘may ran into Bright's1.Disease,the most.tok ettrouble.Le"13 é Siramp foot,tha, >ot the “eminent kig be Specea ist1 2s a pose iae Chattins re Seaton: pandence*ov an tncl Faces tp eele oo 5 “I~?eepe :Ati 0 <Senate’. sed fae,De we jPa eata Leduates reat Meme p rec coe “OF aectot ge of the toyh mee,peukare Degore? fegisia ex:nu tee <hrdednly.ne ‘ex thie’Ch:ey sites Wei Malastey statentent he hashMade?intbis iplap apart gary:ithige fanlS Yoosefrall the.’ facts)Ox CASE RH HEA they favesas:} Theyre.ghdis tigredsSehiy nis tesa Sensational,aioe ate en {ponera thas chart deci ieee Pag Sierag e tise ty tat:they mh Sethave is Ts tt:rae itire tity’tilt tdn-Con reat the:Postosice at.bts He a:er GeenaSoatige.1 eo sines ates To es” 2 “4 sabi.aSpace schoolaty Stanly courit ae h the5 zations tp amendtthe: Gs!of:gounty’oy. joeeourtof aeae abe 0 He av asne kabt Novémé ¥3,to ‘abolist eptn-:aeeyakSays banceéChi ite aesay eeduehyerotMEFos.C.Masp:CoeShes eee eu Segre Jast %os Sy:Paine 3 ETS,Wp S Canipiies 7 1aThiet?elit exe winery hey liste pptOfnae thine sd AL jae,be to.Siticial bunt ang the drawing ee atsuse:S opmnIgtee reCotte prounds has:fay"rarely.|e Bligageur City, Miae Rey Dombary:each te GOST: ‘hg aeBre-“int Foduced:~To pay.Go.3 oac Eaves and |Wik,Rantbert eek) Se50f contest;Daniels,of Waynes‘reported,Bills for erédse ‘thes permanent:Slee Weis gs/and dah TeUs.$t cud ede bu Howe 50) otrabaseal te Ae; eonene ta onlayssRS RiSy Bonnie TanherBasteitateros Te sathTA er oomrtftteones i ti “hi Sipelaoterd‘eg bi <Gotton 2°)oreat: urchased.the“shoas'on *te ¥an‘a bla‘ id.Davie,COMM,friorh paymez319,000) 1 forthe-property;ayesWwweere 2Bs $500 000 eorvour“mill”. oe c BepesAped =Se ,% The’Peace Treaty Ratitred: {Thee ‘Senate:“yatiied*!the treaty Monday by a vote of 57 | fy eve.Seed or three more-than:Nhe,nee two-thirds |Of:those*se J eASCS.it As rs urani tdci undertales pressions whieh are HOI Oe CEAfeutared,UD ERY:sa Ps tho are,pot ink altersANKE,“i aeSie iysulr Us ‘SDL WK 7 Rigor oral edunyrie ea‘ait Inve repeal The the ¥adhiin;' atyal the heece isey tile aa iteasyto*get at ang”drb-sworett anooveneedsufferAity-= mé,for ‘want Of ite.©However,tf you”prefer, mS 1-test ifs wonderful meets.tnt seTiteMasco’and- ‘her &Co.,Binghamton,w.Yt Y sample botrie.dnd book 2 ing9SatAtpea;Bens’Abpoleie iy re oy erepassed :DocountyDispepsary:,t etevisttation ofBiSke i fonsid.‘the Jaw “as,“40in‘the “Catayeba“thle”Aoohug -HL ang a a Jaitston faniily, erCarl Vellpt De:skier ddy>eve the eee an Die Fra “Mathepn,AoE“IAS atfor’cebp: write tops vr Lp pee al bo-Kecur “dak poate haan indice ‘Q haatbereis*Ta.Heareraerit “pada it oF it t é alte»igtiitor,Usui’Mivstirules sith:be,ae oT miter Toitthessole avhiciDEER: ‘at Iredi teoln Counties:wisn,aie}rtm *bofthejownersoff Jang: ONG eee ‘pil ies “in the?tae “¢Peyrasty 4h i rp iS DRARPHGCunssofatRateteh,4 pcosak utnjout agud.sone alice?aS Es Res ae icansy with thes exe +}Hour,of MassaéokMaines,+otedfor ite!the.ses | nate DEELOE RATS :also’,HOLT,> Clays of Georgia Rawkier,“Of pi aldrinyn:Qave SeogtH to ask’Out Uber Slgure bo pads.TLCS preseawis TUS outliures",eho, of hygosistons Oki,~Suystityte:“Hy.Cee nes bots stag ayho Au.sagthbr OF L toe2 ais ae chs ubesti tite {is:avhenifer,ae oly ateroS BC Py shes isllatte! pu ‘ToleSeman ae4“distal v1 savasHash ateek glectan a Cikee panktedtnLaur : 0 theTe LO!i Ges atthe ee tat the,ae »Bb ayid:jincerow,Triaye,Bs ; i fee Lhgmpstan ae : op {i FOIA the.‘store ol |Pre 2 0OIL,Fe sia -Puiktiea oe (February 4 - ee Bills were,spasseds{-Po..Mow the fect-/thézReeper,fs -the,Capitol;toeerase Jim.Youug's) phame-frofit thecorner stone “of}rhetifartis:of Tikes:Repitey.S-ee De &Boipstiturion.° “Glenn.withdbewp itis Tol ption elertsensils. M.LaBryan:of Madisén;apd)wel 6:Newknd)of Caldwell;iwer'e:‘elect edsdirectors of thet pebrtentiany”to: ARI acancies:)” Bills,woreintraduced.~.ByGlsin,} “OF,patsy th,to:‘require.sherifis to, ingham’‘ana isrkeep a.record bftprisoners,£0.proz). teetb eaploye?of Street wage ree che ‘Blood aan¢a Foe,fe see:uier avithe nf Fegishature tol ¢ «GUIOKLY4EroneBitters.~erves “andl ty to *Schatok W.x:‘Lambert of Sideb-~ who Seas,"Seated "as i haat front the:SESt,|“district.dahter|2 te ‘contest’in which it was,shown that |* #'. gros$frauds ‘were “practiced .“by »the] ae <Republicans:in Mitchel}gounty,3is. aes:a patixeof New Hope tolmasptips;this } s+gquaty.:He studied-lawy hére;with}; io githe|late “Major H:.B -4 «well Known toa‘great’see ee aae -path):-{n.the town ‘and’¢ he %ign prominent .and,§ ae ,yer in his adopted ape‘andj38s,“orl was untilrecently,the 4cbhéirman of} i>the Deinocratic.éxegutive Sommittec. “-of hisgounty.~We are}yaad to.‘Bee wares:TLindsayprof,Of Touran *4 Sout]efrolinasaMot wai of Alat fiver, “08 Alabama Sississtppit Lhe*Popilists:feistSh ‘votedfor the Area"+|Nebraskay Butke Por Nore!‘arebinstcy © Jones»of South.\Dakotay Mantle,of Montana;“Stewarts ol Nevada * Ok Caldradd.*", aw ho yoted Asgaiustisthe-treaty ‘ane t Of Tdaley_B24ethigeren:E vOh +Bitters.Bi oten2‘ell eount MGey .Mobaurth,Ort marter Of ace itSpécial3spatTM415wel: Pinte os ates IS SUIS!Pe whe.tivese oursinte ofthe bimeny:bree sgmvbosttiity)“othe town We have nop Seeon tite eis substitute,angl dens.not had at fe Eonar a tpk how:its Gon Lents: t ESS Gl Closeds tae thes Land- foe We are fer ls,Without Ar niowél* re‘dents Bs agpais taaR i inforbred by this Pcostmunte athgtt,Yen ghe Awa podste,ceeviy this,natu a,iy? Sibae,ast that,de Siler tur Ive ORI: yt iyase mentit te our “Tp yPape tos he 3 &‘S Osrthe Theis stTatars ‘out -ANS think ot!weal DE aren,for,avywent ewan,Avitoe wits fis Ss Brrenselioi e wTETS 1,sia!avs aosbye”ALea dy fe egnce Speesed sgpens:o LOsabe AGE,peri,us yd Be ;Siow ,sare ¢stllen..08 ‘prerisions:EF eos tsind iE a |Charlottes Fossa oy a Pe iSebo We ce ee os ee ae ut 5OF my “othe:for Ps"toate ae ne week ews nin,a at Stgenhl tN o‘a mid are pv ‘er ¥< se friintber a vieaitac,oe Nobacdceo darmer sate this:Fegk weithy leat thud: -Ma.eer Reteov,oF.—Leal at BSED:Roy as recently ey ences Gated DEAK pStoatisSorekre i fies leaPoom eessme|Bs att ne pSourt Dakota;Torker ot #,'F.GAUGES cou x Deptige ai ot} aud:Achties"OF, ree Lovisiana.“chahied/in fevor of they beard sor the *Sones,vor Nevigat eya aeereRignat™AyryD et South,Carolia4th).sBills,werepassed:Hi clerks te/pay-out “sams ofS$20):‘an yoder‘tec.iminors od AY:the vide pasipes \Xtsh5'yursiges eau Ae©ie ¥~when-“they4fghtnzaZGMahila+.without ordersI -OccuOy *town cltize anothe erins aue0lh States tewirs + and ; wing ‘ae \as pissy Ar Sasta Kee>to \Walidate®oaths takén.Yo.TAKE?sustestyPoN S10 “ba veo“it es )our ftiendcome “into:ta)own,‘ahd | expect to hear’“oad:reposts*of “htm. <during the anaes ofE #hé!ses Sioa 3- 6fed*hahd=to prohibit phe}css ane,sale.OF Mauer:TuKe i ne BiHS were “tabled:$a:reduege age. ‘ttion fees.on Jeaf*.tobacco’.front,1a ats to W cepts,to.exempt ex-Con- <ederate soldiets 'froms ‘payment.of ‘Lyeddiers.tax:'to dbolish hese Se,{OboF Labor StatisticBills“were“initrodwced:By.Apis kde wjtbier ‘puouchy $0"Sat:wes-pule Pinoy whe.Beas,iT twat sigue:Biet: G@ynigflaty ra ound ave Hoardsit seitly ain!ae ct onstdeinmation,;arsRMWieBedtorsyTinatArheet isatl gus,oC the’alae PineBa ‘pty suis,TOW we Whoodbt wittsad dott Kiet Ali ses ater 7 hit:renders’{ize SeEEL TLAy teed targive Milisiactian yor ones jauiali);tegt:aft OLThe ne eee Parone! r je SAa ae3 Sopsiehaar ¢ae resigaed -uspi page ere Pee SaaS Oeie Fethae a Jackson.COUDLAN S awNies s soy, fo t ta e a y Er WVvase | zshe “AYSula”factSalt,Kneyn.c Feversores,Tette r;Cha pied Hargds<p Chilblains,Cores,anid all Shia Brag.4 tions,and’positively 4 ‘Lor to “pay “required. ce Gest §§¥I,¥©. tS.Bruises, ig“3 rusvitie ae tt:is;duarara ene Mor sakre ne snes“Orn,Tsay. 2iuifiedliesFathek 2 |atoneeof Bex tic.to.régulatétrials,Of Prefunde?t+Price 23 cents ee BorkSgt Staciiti ea «yalfh “Chain Da,alex:| share Ah Inve d r magistrates:by:to}.es:stab ish :lai ok the.sbi aes > =Mrs:Botkib:sasraerere : perenne”new.s 3 For aut.ae ke HALL. Cyienk:onifmissiober Sn ‘& Tees pspe ay.ig Tone.Uj On: ete Bs tryst tbs”ere,Was sentenced te.the So $reen EeBacay:.lifeat — ;yo by/Sly-{eum presbut.» Tegitiettke Sof ag moe ie “sen PVOO fa wasted.read auhct:AP PROKEE REY cays Colbred,eamiy.indashed:td)be,‘ali oe Stax eect Ami.Por.the past: 5a be yeivas od “Frent dato Thig Satie A"2s sranted bp eSgE ee ze+Phurist er *fees.c ayeeTolar,ih nya]pt rsans itt favetoonnake:tlsordhepast.yea attic Sonietor2Zand! Sate Amiscortened -that “apr awittice lontgle te vk ao RY ith aadSe niewi he yd eeeins +o,EAC TWraynasvalle.+ Erangtsco:pat ;raMooreevile.News.” ice aie ror:éopty‘ .Ppto ye fase Sey We fy ie ty Jallard and Ny ee Masrsri¢patha tliat in,eeoat ORR:eiNliittire Bete ‘wore nafried on rthe,evenivi::2% of thes)or eee Ne atthe isis BLO)ye Edo.igeatoned:‘ eg wore:tig Waist “he a oft |Ghititte satu diawe:Sand thswh,.Carlene S (xHey:didit hein bestte pepfet eyer oi St pr thetowns pe TOA? ey ‘ pees oA watt erento of Tir M ate Et aN (Tit D:“iF=seo),Tones fe Sie commander |” "sin-chiefof the Grand.Army of|the “Republic,died:in:Was ington Spo- day.morning.: Mrs.Philip Saber ona:autor re killed‘by the tr WN.J.,Saturday,save ‘iugacross the track: ~Wile he was rece A Meyer,a merch Ohio,jumped-out®of ry windowand was killed Sapueday~= Miss Eva’Bowen,:‘obs‘Sistery a3 LW :Va.,Shotsand +mnstantly kil Definbaugh,whohad insu] >Saturday:She ig in.jail.¢ 3ee ‘McKinley ‘has’oes ved.Commissary Generak Eagah from for six:Years in accordance |= findings’of the cobrtaay :tialiin“thecase, s The Alabama,ae vibgnitiously passed.a “resolution”“ditectin ithe National flag be yhoist “every sthool house inthe,Seep “kept there forevén.<<. ree:well:definedcases ‘of s broke out in theH aces nf ema g 2,»“Neb.,Yast Friday“andthe! that none of:‘the|The’hota eefoul “BMe.were Passed 8Sched cae a law of‘probate:of wills?to,put tele rgraphs,and telephones on th®same: footty ¢asto coastructing fiHnesalong: railtoads;imrelation t¢,Gapkrupts: »tonelieveSolicitors trom.attending}, FeourtSat-ackichohlyicitil cases’are’ 18we.tried;to aniend the,Jaw-as to ‘removal of,cases.Sroht.‘axe.county to] “another:topteavide for,the.Crosin, hdexing of wills.2ple Bae SWere :“tabled: ¢and.sellers *of ‘Tea.tobacto: oe :\¥iolation -oh:‘canitract be:5 |cardhousenien or firmers;7a,omisdes!hi meanor:toallow proof of,deeds in}; counties where Tad ts:-situiated:~to! authorize éamortgageeto vay at his] TUS he &Con ge stonPurbe 2itte)J i cued Tebp—per:bushel:Peace leu;“ay {= air:GeSeth.Siane ie ?AOny lant:BP:vide Mr Ry“SO;deat PAbC auc:ry stabic.An {GRINSs tng csahPtsadjacent thereto.“BROS.yr [aaeenormita es ie ]WHOLESALE 3x ee TARO HR: oh c-ers j % IRAN olan 13 Vi e » dion ats Me Nee ys)livedMemtseHehafboat.2y--myles—Prey?Fpvoagtt fairle!food faneiog »frotu twehtvV-ope Aout1GObs ecient ad,Yacedenine sonal ivferes2th, r etI Giaiw of.Mh eutly annbataticad:nt,.of,Cleyveland;{a third:Story eaeature | 1" K ayoeesWaea kare oes‘ED:ae{Sev enty.‘dathats per:he COEFRICE Se COLNE!to’quali tydind condition:* Myc John A.\Rn son gow DiS!tos fare ae bie ithty Uy ad Waurd?Theat Be tee £to bik aw hi tle 2‘ CTE Of thes teSau has pud-hinjsd t Mtoead C24 tuiy a tae Write the HTAAg body2 above Ape.aefirotect ie itis:“Hewes ceclare Eeae.Ties. Nancy¥BePodt.were matreveo"the}we of-February.atthe residence rT=M.;Walker.ae obictrating aoe 4 af Lites esouk:ete[Sines commons oA cs Ce aesal:aVe!ere 2 Hk psThe,shad pe:Mittin of.Ame S ug?th ay Avast betta cabeon ; Sasemilea Decalirs a towih:uj sonics“Liiegs Lapkey3s ie she.Ie VeRae,Tears:ere AVE.aK exe ry eeeGyiPpugtim an Li:LDas was Wrtoreise]filed hatya p OFthe town and of thes tnejefiborhodd te yeatl ihe:AgnesLf: cher Fer,ewhke hs We,Vougch Lor= bas tes iite rest!OF eo rien td be stiges gnatare:NUN A by SiESSah + F Meets.SiartsekPHurwell fing Be ee f ant Hatwell..of Catawba”: fefe:her&on Monday >trate for cake ~Billswere antroduted<fo ‘prey vent public drunkenness:by Magne ey,.of €herokee,to protect . boarding.houses and livery stables:|? Poy Wiyston,,of,Bertie,for ‘separatef ‘Sears for’the racesy -by “Gouncit,of}; )Watauga,‘toamend the-law ix rey gard to.thepartition of lands;to pro- .ee FEtUrR a Misé Annie Rela aw alkcors has!eqne tor NewOrleans On va,Visit,to bet Walkers;Avitose Meni is ee Me DaciueHles sce west Side of:the xiver,oA iS an-employe ait one of itpesHoadswhichrunswest,Froth Rew{, spa won shade toSHINOTp coe at:pes eT he.<p:tinibior J.AWW:Dereinvan altersSaskitee-forapo het Sen?from d howe side eat Mr. aac keys io Ale.: Sayre Voy “tas,abate west over:Dis ..« i propgr-change;iy the but Thiet oueebt} Eto;be"ratio “KO will be.glad tocust; QUE:fufluvice,tesSte Thgt SABCE,ist elor ie Tou! bor fred:sans:tice joroniade tobe ‘hyard atthe Hot nivGiines;: TieSiverid ‘bidyfor.‘eatenDentat¥Merge&were oped,anid.c oF hha contract for heepiiat ay ais bute ts awitrdedt6°GM.ands f, pvessy Prox:Wed.theywere e\oral demant vied“at ye mate ee Se oiBe montb4 a7 taxation ‘of Pi se eee There iis no:hettet medic tnese forse babies =Chapel ain’s.Cough: -pleasant:tas ie:Fandt prompt:cS emer gures qhake,it a favorite with mothers and:small ‘children.>It , |coughsand eoldsy preventing ipned:h moniat onothey serious eopsequencess Et dlso.éures €roup and:has.béehs qn téfis of tliousands Of casts witheut a Sinvte’fdilore'so peb ave,been: able to léarg,+growip,bat?when’given tas <odn13S the_<letoupy Cough:appears,will316ftheattack.“Ti aases ¢fe whooping} }welitliquifies 4the.Aug.)BHUCUE. mais g,iteasier.t9.expectors a.JagieieryDat (FeConia ty athe : Bills‘wérd passe ‘}eial’,Neniremen’jip ‘Richmond and: Iredell,counties.4;Bills wete introdycedt of:Rowan,to amend the constitation so.that no elective State-or,county Fothicer‘Shall /beeligible:to/more thie three terms;to“regulate:the pro- ate andregistration of erop legs, Let,not our readers:Suppose that ‘bo bills are being passed;“but.apost “1 Of those passed.are.local in;‘vhéix, fi etecles and-of:ho interestt‘to.Tre- dell and Alexanmae beer Per ©hotel jisguarded So ea can leave.”; -»To:pay:spert In thé end:we expe et to"Nese:the matter.ti our,rcprl neitatiy vs rhabeish candate Ayith befor them Ya say Ww other they ewilboserride Pedé eedents:poettye Cf Ghurter:‘for shi] sfeavpowhich jhe.fokacaarborstiesy | aye pot aged for jand<shavewtoe)“yk seen her;;be sss Fore to-examincy rsetther ait ‘Or ti ley vF cousidoratton “toca:Chater,for.by,the tow py ‘oorJota"'D:“Clews.“aca.102 years,H.-Jennipgs,aged ‘yo;were martiedin Fran‘lin,Pa., =i tase Monday iby “Alderman.Hender- “SOB.Thebtidegroom is a wealthy. _producer’and #veteran of the wars;while.the}ae ‘Lin’ By Jutian,“ .and-xfrs.Sarah cures®ther rade by.the it ive,thin wand:-Mexican:is medusin 9 ;“eols,and resides }jn. which“is Youehe: ofidulsr acho hayg*=ape:thei RES, for thie ipLerests of;everbody “And Awe:wk Joare at’to the‘public:aoe ‘and;ber eatter td,judze’whether,OF Ly |we sere:Agta |boy th FefsaeTati,2 aePieweil:.ie“Flenting «“ak Manila:oeraze.eeOnSaturiay.night,ai general en- :gagment between the,Filipinos add| a e Aeereeae *the News From Eagle.‘NaWiet”~ as” stains better sservice Chario ,“aud he “Shoes a gin-his “spring, ,is preps roll the *this "“stud ¢ Gaither L-accident of shot foo ma 40us Weu oMr.-NZtownsiny of Catay 'Sunday z »Btam, ins ‘house aud “Pred,Bas Sal ap.car ofa band “per Thepresenttheprop4 Gcity-cliart “act on the Harrill’s Febrin record “fall is Gon ,terday trol "er tojclear delight -¢ “have been ‘There wi coperegatil ;ehureth, :‘the 111th.. Paes ds earnest] ‘ber be ; ’Rev been at his F two, +Swannanoa OGuD Mefor. _will Shioplt mee church “iMessts. “Steele ¢fen day affernBStates:ile -the American:army)was participated | “by theFilipinos attempting’‘tou erOssytheAmericanlime,° tinued at intervals during,the éntive :“On :Supday.“morning:the|:rican troops.qdvinced ehemy,who were.encamped “behing |“strong entrenchments,:tonstructed’-ehiefly of bamboo;the Filipinos were “routed at all points.’and reelwithgreatslaoghter.”e “and destroyed‘a prea =aenative! “hats.’General Otis‘‘whois in chief cos ofthe”Americaoeortsthe‘casualties:tokilled,‘and : ;about 40 ‘of these:were ae Yoss to the Filipinas”=is heavy,|*helaae,estimated at-over:The2Americanarmy.arouné Manik«bers 19,000;while the Fijpioes,Had.“about 30,00g Dot ‘Sthe:severityand’Prequc hey ‘Netthe ¢APOX ¥SING of”cotshing,adeprivnythatdiseaseofGl}dangersSiOOF.fale’Eyalll purposes or whether:or tot,ee,lieve a nOthe Spechtlaxe fo.grind or boenaly A ve clipe to Ubkain:Vis baped,-Saar the!pathioand toe Senators and re presetitarin ep Al ,Raleigh AVWillinform7themselven:very’ Svor Ww het ber the autboniok the.Sub>billS ob wr Moré—Al the ‘at-“who:hawe had-changet ss of or ‘peek,“Conugcted with,ali-tbe} ittigatiyn “against bouts tbres or dour yearsypast;and: r die interesis’of the taWn sto ats’)“Gost!several “handred),eas ee is’Alsohoped’that te, #aod"sheig bberly.sfeellhe’; thesZtoven “Seeks towards the}pa eae wuicighbors sre-havel dat*|-te ee Correspondentof,Tag M Seon,.LeA spect book’ak the best aineawr, member we-are:headqu:urters Shirts,and everythtiiz int”Sites bee Call and see us,= :310 n&|‘Shelton; use Chilled,: "he firing com|wilk Rise:“got a fecdots feo, Lous:‘cohsequienees:;flomekepaS ur oe‘paguisiots 7a “Tousse:Sy ;a ton:Bridge as canipletedfheerenaone~THéré-has ~peen Jotsiof paisand” the roads:oe almost.“|mpassable, Ra There®‘has been”considerable:cx:|citement.about,nad dogsih this's“|tion?YOné=dog passedbytHouston: ville “Cross*‘Roads,a few days azhbitingexerysdogiitcame-upon.’itThobias>‘Rehewar,or Eliis7Rowell,twee forefi;Satavoi for’:ly,Cope oon Poe nicerAngle’:“and one oe,‘Mis."Hines:ae Was Haallya’Ne.“Alex.B te?everyyrheres.*4 EsBe“o°:craggy Dw Mh,pactSORESce Dit eeoF et wereit“pot fdr Chamberlain's -writes:Mr.WaHsaeHermiiiie,Pa.ssi have Saat fafiireted withkrheumatisin for seve ink gesould -PLOPREYS>here; “Plo:Ww.‘the?torn Tou a i Est ears and ‘bate ttied \remedies a withqut pumbery’but “Bsain;Balin “AS the’BestPmiedicine I.have!wat bla)“One7applivation|rélieves*théaio:ae sale Byaut arPaBHipts,ey bit two.Qogs-for Fthus sonstrying tO"dogs -f‘Henry “Row setae Fee tsi de the Gorpor:a Chita ogls ia Doe iiSed-paws F he‘creek,Khowblas iy Guba,bi iD am *the:dogs be’came, ; wilenot beditanbee |be Lady asticlaamdfs..a 3 FF ANe Bog’‘ARO toassure eeeS|) dna’RepressutativeSs thar wes Rate “the-“substitute”witl>sand | desire’ahy-‘mareviaaTothie“GUL tre,Pe | firisnalas. oNast:Sees of atth.from)leon ‘north ‘side,‘af<aeeester,by. Tt “theit ie Spir-a +e“displaying the|/ ts ey ak oregulars ‘under:ite.|.“Dewey's.fleet,as-was.td be expec:ep ‘Tenderedeffective aldby Shelling:the} pao. ine Oeisamusing+6seouealizens‘of b.Alnwho Rave a siwearry!it. the uy,carry laryrest icks.somé ared-:* eae £5,oe GUARANTE sD thatis :bein ;peal-of Tax They « B piace Mr-- xBiticr.7% dX,und 5. expect-teo b Rock Cut in e Cutting waFOneo:Lhe p road Roller oS ’“The famils shave been-Ii move to one -is.now »-effects w aed Sedles a1.ud Since?|Oat urner ba-is or ‘tire follow lard =a.Mrs X= eightsatid ten feet lone.”I’caeL-ad Soacuad for,swe Arif bes pleased to:aiiclos Ince oey Sait ei ee‘do ¢a ¢vag “Smee “the!first the dog will:tare badly?:Fost,sopleubet that’‘git soa :must como frop :ymplete,satisfaction..or moneyfteonferWiC‘the Tair;Bhindédcitizens peeseae the ©-Américans havd-beet saeto eject.the tubéreles: gtheir.lines.aud|*rther,peel A ey: ieee rere brush.>"~ w thaw any pidw made" or 3thetown ond the:community an withthem to tthe end.a eet:Pe “of alk eos <Did (You —aes aoe}mors.atronet5of“parhgps votBetSeawontoandeerape RIE Nysaestepal miro,area st tad:Antete 3Ws:vie \ ashington Way:“anid<éelored,‘wih—be |,in Statesvillé on Tuesday:toswap.off atheiryounghorsesfordldones.*.The|saeBoyscmust é i “The.Sta 48.a etre,er Senorthe Filipin 5 condition,Spon ig wvpeer“Airam Smit :ek sede re ‘ig later cones fe AS)ov your:nerves;7, stomach”is" migest.what, ovbigh is ojhingbut anthe.mucous surtacesWewillgite*Gue}‘Huiadred,ase of errscares catarr: ¥ iat be enemies,andl calles,_eereatr st t tothe bitter Bexaeae aly €12 hdaxighter;“Mrs.aa MaBRiL é :=“|Pexiend B16 acine-C ee DEAR Sthsiao My|symptom of,squeepngt ome of menses,night sweatsand grShetwas50)oxy that aangont Pour neighbors thought.she:gould lixe.,In May.Mr,C.B.Adams,of:this place, pwho:-bad taken ‘Pe-ru-na,told me if. |anything:~would:Help her’Peri-ba:would.¢gotabottle ‘of Stand.some+|'c,“rock candy abd-began giving itto her,|:¥ays‘she was,89° keva alt:tea) Americans,*on his’fallowers:to!‘end,<:'Ne uneasiness is'feltas pore,“ability of General Otis to’take car>of-himself:“His’troops, western“volunteer.eke |2 Government will.gave and makéAaloreit-stops.ain uighter hide%cxery RE War:LACE,- “Dp.&“MILLER, jas ok Wire, ay D.Mute.io ‘H}Atusen,~a Ue:TLAMPRECHT,”Ae.<>:ae vit poor.erceeries.‘shien ern:buy.veegrate.goods fromSamepricesSataweofferour y C t +~‘ee tepe nr’er"Editor'sLife Saved by”Chiores‘Spica Cough eeamay:ri phi RRS ‘eikis wha most ry:esinch “of.ali £99.33into’ Wepe to ths)hy asphes-|.s are tizs best} 23 fRoistio}sep thes SON is:tho Tene‘andquickect.euro for| >RT OO!throcts,for’ €‘coughs ef ey:eee: Lathes:Clark;3 bon “the|"Sou"Seat =killed byayabe:easarleMonday.‘He wasthrown } -“gt+Off theaetts traio's thé-breaki<"prake chain ‘and the wheel “paste -over,‘his.body,‘cutting i tio:f “He leaves ‘a family.*.\.,ees ae “Capt.3.M Qaellzot Concded,lias’chased efor $20,000 the»Robert}ton.the Catawy\Hicko iting the first fe“weak.sko ould only spooninl:‘at.a time,but 1 gave’“it to}then offtn-as.she:eouldebear it,+In Row of.heglth repeals lessthan-~a-svetk:she-‘could:walk:two!abnndredyards:and back’without rest-|_ings shekept gettingag stronger,andin)ty.roemonths she:seethedto be 2swell’ everwwasig:her life:I ‘feel;and so |-cee every one that knew ‘about her S“sickness,that Pe-ru-na saved her.Alife.i ceea.dre.&Keexn.”” Bn My “Waluabte Lo Womert,©5 etly valuable’to wonide is Browns’LSfe erergt _Rackuche-yenishes,hetndziche F stisa LeepeOR ee takes’the -piluce “of! oxpelnenetinwavingDecamealarmedands: mateofChambeI4pone‘eae <a the result “Waelimmediate|Paugtacina¢andatter-zreeminy..longs:ad (wererestored to theirh ns :teePiva sne;rae of:aie8 aiaradente 7 ‘OU Cat piwavs:depend on the if lity .being ae No adulterated ! ats tepallid =erful remedy taken!sick aio on’:éeirerked eo it Bas noequid.N6 in|ahowlt Ke avittiont:thie *fantoys'remecBrowseTron‘Bitters is spd by.all .deaters?| ee‘water pi a oe egory. art and ohn W.Tink Our people A.Reeves, €ars gone by U 10 Philade D living)fo ing a nam o ure-hat ericaosanity. amily,but bo>Parr oea. About 11.0beMr.P.' Q scovered to Drtunately bal 2V...30 wereuch:damage ards‘it wasrebadbeen & pnt places byDnisatalog Soneit.| ACR* a Tt does fot "require ary ‘expert:ta Se[Fe CEGISLATORE: 5 :me NPyORae Rsdats2=anes atest ‘ or i.AL Sranrsess, *eee DS“WATTS,”: Seoo :oo ~we mi Sracesviipe,x.C Feb.53 1899.4 fice , ——.)“Dla,wet aiRialeede Bake cies cs Cominittee:on “pavng W Gailding sand grounds.has favorably | *pilKke-tor Birzuticr Catiey Gelatin:eae.”to.cost | |TINUESTa aks =BFOSS)frauds w *Republicans.in Mitchell cae +. So sbah 3in.the town ‘ahd Courty...'He st ;.3 is’|prominent ‘apd ~Sucedsshullelaw}“me -wag.u til recently,the:aairngoof 4th}:=Billswerg?passed:“Ro.allotv feexpect!to bear |ood reports.of Bie ‘planufacture and.sale“of "during the-réniainde®,of the session Jackson «“county.Cee of the>Legislature.FT iteamesoascy Bane Billsiswére,tabledy to Seas Bue;THLE SRST Shaye cin’A sie.pride.Heeson Wat tobacco fram:Ad]Garg)Bruises!So}s, ‘dentein *a‘fire’ima“boarding house |“Bills;skere “ntreduced:By Rte “ning; hak :ce diedchief of.>Republic;died,x ae day morning-<y 9” “inggactoss thee track... TAL Meyer,a merchant,.ofCleyeland,. eeSas ane;jvas killed Saturday.r BUS awere tabled: “Ww.Vat shot,and:~Gnstaatly “walled, =~ed Commissary!GeneralRagan from loinsale: ,e .; —o atest Sage 5,Wennings)Age SOR ewan:fo-amend the cohshts fii ¥ee Sion y Aldermid “HenderhebnOe3SawealthynL Opes pony oenaiele ie a very:‘three céerms,to %Eptor‘oil gprogucer\and a.vetevan.of;the eee Daettention olteron (hg,{lt else tates croun anda:aStTenseiMiousands,oblast’yf 4aur %atMingle‘tailte"S-far as &ceive enadtetnletra.1:oy$HIE,“cures Erosip,dati]ben glyensayeroup)-Gourb Gppears:.iH!preven ,the'gatticks>ty gases vtyAqhoapiny,J cough seliguitios hive TItanh’mucus,| pmakyp Ht waster“thes pegtor atesrand, lessens;thotsererity-srypo Ofthe pares yelasOE cough}Pdépriving-that.aLousConsdqneyee ‘..coltt,ang resides imRoxburg: Mr 3 ©. Ye “ronted:at al]poyits.and driven-bapkbcitentegt-about maddogs iu thisates, "with gtéat slaughter...The!Ameri:Keon.a -doepassed by,“Hgnston-} Is a fee“ays ni 02 ve ie ;shyts.Gereral Oti wid iS.incMiehybibewo dogsfou -Thomias*Rentiar, ithe Buainess»vor Gsnerat-Pipte and "Mattersof,Locetjntersst'to: 5 sh l pment Kini PSB AD Erbe C4 et secend class jailmattee.a L Other:Dills;were"paspassed:“To!es:|; .a tony county,to abolishithe Saute) od 4 ete “PuosE}Ne.Bet ;tf ib-AShérille Sugday =‘Baar’of cars Eatioi Zoned me yea te was electedJast- sobastt_ Ay Flaw as 10°voitielsl bones:a eOUnty: oy iyA + :a tie Ge.waves:Th.~Lashbert:AS “,ie fib ng fe Wass +hTakeee(sie igenonou. BIS:Were.passe i “Por gepeat |thy 3) veyances;té.amend‘the Taw as’to ‘tie,‘gbstructions.”“jn-theCatawba: .Lri¢et:te,prohibit:he bunting.oe ‘birrds “insBuncom “Tredélt:and:fi ihsecimportaht/omls wer 2 an ¥‘‘:seh Ms ai ans oe ,tL ara ry he os ead +well”knbwit to a great many people rect ere u “¥e‘:ohbisadapted cou egy2 =or Faris eda 3 gtte execative committer.clerks.to :payout Sais/o $20,gird, fo natirom cour tate.yalidate.baths taken|iourfriendcomeinto’his Mw,3 rh.“aplitted:eae de eae the = iquor ir SsMebee,ENE peddlet’s tax?torabolish:the’Bure, Ebree.persons’were fee 16 ‘of -EaliorStatistics.y’ Was.seh'enced:t‘to-thespentae Davis.OF:Hees “tary for if:ae =Braticisco "Sat:ee ssrorls ¥ ee GN "bl,‘James 1Stton conimabdce thas!Grand Arthy of the|: ‘Nees %Xs’ei Day ferbeunee rea} Bills were passed ATO:amend|the + «‘Sank ENSin)nate —_ “elerk of the:Superior,Court of Pec ee pF+Combe>eauaty=to,paccer ge are Peopleofireden and”»déceaseds SN Coit“Henry y PRowcroint!r Paak,|4Lover x Srey Yadkin"“Valley,train:“near Pein eee aa Sy *,4 vile,Friday.night.”A PS TWENTY:Ercnry.-Day*Bebrutryl Meteo:story “brickNes 5 ~}4th).Bhe;Senatetoniplered “and!ooyaysed in Wadesboro:Sthdas. or passed:tbe:bill,codifving ee insont Fottymapely'there.AS wo one Jp ©igatafed sta Hostitceat Staiewilless tyriaws &of crepes sae cs oe building:av bee.thie!cras hacame- 1 lé,iC.Statarnes.|leg of the Sperplish'a faded sebool at %bémar caBoekot so sit eae. x Jofati ps aed:Novey al Bese ns Ee teas“Daniels,of.WN eat‘repprted :Ate Tagetease :the permapert echt;ay inSton,ands tha SepiaptersZuLve)pyrelias s thie:¥adhin? Bladen Gomty Bispensarys'.‘tom Na li 1c“Hairaton:Rof certain svonsplovy the ropertydatetherevistrationoanDseteahicnerstion.ms Lowes, Tndsay, Atteaty | yd YewPave ents.tel.eeritstI to:exem st @x-Con-)rheversores.)POT (Cr: eae eaoS J [federate soldiers,“from ‘payatent of (Chalblains,Crass HoarQlshintrap: “and.positively eurts:APiiGs i Daly rye)Wort ee study,Hetends save sutistac dt or Heat Sap Joke Datlard andl Sess Me: ston.Suns[tat of probate.of wills:Yaspat “ew,Ristler:AYERS matricd OmLEects:x :weraphs ank teléyhoues om,they same 46 theZt gt Keev!raatEY St th .footing?as to-constt uctinglines alone pdcnce |4 tr,Ge ie Westter ; Teaks.7ssioreal.if ‘was Shin Killed oy"-a Rape.Feat,&‘Fayettes My Das hts Tae -“;3 .! Thee‘ghace thats Frosted “keotn Coun ties without theperminsion ye ‘The ‘Sauate,ritiGeds ;the,“peaeae ofthe-osrtersof ying:Berns eae Xjtreaty-Mooday |bya xete of 5?‘tg? Ant rade}ar thret_mort 4tban’. ZA XAT WO-thigds “of=“‘thase.sotitg, F Ge hnBt te LRepublitans,:with.they exéenting PE i “~~.«Hoar.of Massaghusetts;aia Habeh ec “Tyrese,Dak eraty”ithe)%‘of Manié;voted.fer ib.5.Th “DEilis avede passed:“Lot HOR.Wedine Dems Lerisla tire.te.Glecte the keeper of Clay cot Gear azksdatlenen:tei a the Capitol:2 {erase\Jit-Young’s Vingidias2.Gap -Senator.W.L.Lawabert,of Miteb-Bare frem the eorneaysstone:6 the Hutriss ob Kas anKinet a Pete! i unte.who.was ‘seated »“aS,white.Do D.&Bi Tastitntion,Nae ates:& at county.di ae »“Sepgtor:lens withdrew his.ic ‘pnery,of |Senator:f¥om.the 31st Strict abt toption election.bill ae *tesouth Cz lida:Xogrean,ol Afutgyn “wcontestin“which itiwasishdwen’that “$f Bryaw-of Siaaiket epad a3patties: ere practiged by hc:Newland of Cafg nelly mete e ect,“iissigsippi.<Mhe-Populists engi anty;Sis.rediditctors aSofties pemensiary”toy poked.forth Areat,saeeR:MeNs fll xacaneies-7 -~4 kt Nebraska Butler ot tn |Paco 2 native of New Hope towaship,:this}#aes introduced:he“Be ches Toned oF Sout Dakota:/Mantle ‘ol ,dounty.He stadied lave ‘here:with tof Farsytb.,to"require’Sherif:iS 42:Mit de :Stewart,Damani ;‘the “ate Major H!Binsham ‘and is”Kee!record of »-prisoners,tom “yr “ble a Sep hiceoeashe voted aN Tlei eo eek Nye et hi fés,fa RekaAYRaatySSHés,"0 DA ay South Carolina and: SLonisiaga,ehanged jy Rivarwet the without orders owhen they “beard of xis i his,county-,wears ela Meee:pander oo.minors et gti at,Manilty,+ee wv “We orad..~The}Populi Sy heaiwsts tho 4reaty sare: SOL Tdadio;Petty:rrewan OF Best Purigr se Washing: Pes7MgyeeeEinarneodX “HECKLENS Agxich wAsvhs a4 ;atSpringfield;Bie,‘Saturday,oe)stou,“of Bertie,to,fegulate.fridls>area iPeige25-coats or,wk ae a Mrs:otkih,“ehokilledSirs.Dan-.}civil Actioiis,Ketone’magistrates:bv WOKS Bea RE:HiATL Int,ao reahO,,estavjish'}-OS or a oe os ashacasset 3Tt u WeMt MNS +Mrs.Poviz Snyde raijroadSiin “refatior-te:bankrupts:PMry deycat i,Oma. Wade ,were,‘killed by’:theytrata?“at byMorelieve Solititors,from altending|Z .Bergen,NuJs,Saturday,ptenieddri:|igourts at which only< *Wahie:he;was.receptly.wa bafancéd;rempyal.of.cases frain-one»eoimty,tt hig,jamped ¢out.of a,tnt story,dexibg of 4eiPS"\5 “Bowen,“of.Si farville,}Duyets.ang spHors-oly teat Jfobaecd.ossElia’Bo m,of Sis i mmalkitiye \Soliton.<of eb tithack-Oy _Hawry;Déffinbaugh,‘who-had™Tusalt3 starekousemen Otfarigtrs so ‘6 anndanors 'tosalowproof ot 514 Sitar cae ae ey ba a cous.Wherelaud.1Syants!oSW alpine onlgjag ateiscise qeat esiient_Mchin SS SUSE Paathorjze'a.mor,gave to har’=fs 7 Soe ae es ae vt Me “Ends:Havewel aha Bes Yate “the ariiy'for Six years in accordance}sBillstiverer|Daroteat: with.thefindings of the:ourt-tage yt vent public,atypkebnes ‘ tia}aa the éas¢.bee Baw aie ci 5[ei af Chetokee.:xtoprotect:Hotels pejassed ia +resolution direetivg that’BX W thston,Ok Gertie,fox,separate t I>flay’,be*"hoisted oxer”ae for.ARevrnees;by>_Gounetissor the Na iofa hoi =XS faiga,Acegaiend 4thetan.:Tid Uhre naeis ==Hweststdé of the river,Mi alker: bis:atcemployeZ¢ oar which “eihs: evéry school house yin 26 State and} kept:there forever:‘s Ue tothe.parttition“otlands;for pk for there Rnzand®tax:tidy of‘linge Welland!ag Sei gh PS cb te ‘ROX,brokeoutiint‘the Flotel Mendome;’z, Omata,’Neb.¢hist Fridayand the,xa Sad otal is.guarrded*sothgt none-of the::Erp BD axnt espraan=a4 “ guests ners‘leave:The:hotel fat]~~sBillS.weére passed?’JD be pay SPO | *ot people.4 a te,a Cigh “Veniremen se Bimend “nad E 92 reqirede Peowatied:6S": vs dokoDs Chews.axed 102 year oe mere.int oane day 2 ce we we a ‘a PL vi a z alin.Pas100,were-“Ota rried ‘iin:F fant at —psotbat ne lective State,corey” _civlvand Mexican:ars;WhileS ‘sbride isa,Cousin “9 Abrahanr =Letsnot aurereadars:Supposetha, aosbils are,‘bein Fapassed,Coyt:dst, tof thase™passed,art Teal ur _vitett :harabecepad-o oc)Interest,tay.Ine 3 ona ®“ign genetManito Pelee 4 ; “7solesabrdismebt.a:‘general en “gagment between the;Filipinos pode "the:American my Was ‘participate *4py the’Filipitios:Brtempring:to’fergse -«the Ametican like ,2The fring‘xspn ay“eilieg se.foun :Samet pepevotecealsarin theef veel paglo:Mills",Be oe aiybts -¢thorning they”Fhe Talten Bria aes: ‘American.Sabb ‘mavanced ><A The,at eee a ekne: eneiny,Whd were.‘eneampedbehusd}=Phere.bas beci!Jot ei |raab-gna, _astroug entréenéhments,.,epnstructed 7 the-rogds aré Bnjost-jmpaSsables art ~,bietly-ofbamboo;thé.ulipinosswere}aThere,has theca.coasiderabioseS ean troops captuty d&seteralvittages,|‘vite easeahddestroyedaRreatmanynatitepiting.ere doe,itzcame Upon!aha ;.comndand of the Americda Army re-,bing:\deds'for Etias Pd tell,fen for’ +,ports the casualties tohis tREOps,ws {HenrysPowell...two.for De )“itty: Rea iss onet for’Moses Reneyars aitlepantnsseeaeBY.aysdf,araigaby vp] foyDr:J:ByAngle;avd one for Sirs..}" *Jos$to the Fiiipinos:wasxeryhéary ab -QaHolmes,dnd.wasfin att isined .25,killed “apd wounded;“only tp ¢gbout 40,of these werex killed,>The: 'beingsestimated at ‘over “4000.*“Thet;ab Mr.“alex Baity's).* .American army.gro aanile Dug “THe samé ‘dary one fre okon”theoe -bers 19,000;while tht gee nOS7*had)iad ii Fost satabout30,000 isons ye;American|porth |side of the ¢ereek,kytow fas cefought‘with eee es z ‘it;‘the volunteers.displaying:the)~-Ri coolness -of regulars -under.aféoy atsamsing toxes the cittaeh:of ~enemy’s position.;Since”the frst}=%if _conflict the Americans:‘have -been4grid abadly tHE |ars 4 ually-extending their lines:asd NThE-Flext,best test is thek > fe<7 Saar the Filipinos !furtiter:back,:Res.2 SG eet v”.“defeating ee exe “brush.”")Min-Hiram-Smith,”colered,will’Bets: 3 Aguinaldo “has pro¢lainied Gel In Statesvilleton Tucsdaytoswap off4-‘theiryoutg*horsés forold-gnes:“The}*on hid followers*to Gght-to the bitter}\y,%Le :Retnotee Dexa rete ae bass hae FE Kya”ead oro eeeSeeeeShoe SeorrsS. fa‘Amerivans |to be enemies,and.called ° _end,“Mo ‘uneasiness.is Teltas tothe:ie :~Shifty eetceners!Qtisto’Stake,cate HOG ast Meeex “of himself,’His “troops are priaci-|\~;bos a ORE: aM e.Gpveramen will push |the ‘war'}toe clai's Gough,Remedy:Bee Lfavigorouslyand.make'a:complete job}ere ik aesit before it stops:i oe #el Darog the earthy part“ot October; a no |settled on uly lings and Awas +8»SLather Glarh,a‘flagman Or.tthe soe tt fears ea Sega*\_Sou*hern,was killedeby the-train‘at ae had appeared:in(an:igcipiéntstate.\>‘I awas-.congtantl ehing|off the train by;the breaking.of the landtrying to expelsomethingwhich|,btake*chain andthe -wheels ‘passed |]couldnot.*I became alarméd ‘and!Doge hie body,asit in pee]after giving:the local doéter’ar‘tera '“He leavesa family."}>/bought a;bottle!of ‘Chambetiain’s} ey Capt.‘I.M.Qdell,of eee Cough Reniedy':and the ‘result was| «purchased ‘for.+$20,"000.the ‘Robert;{immediate Smeets andafter 1} eee‘o-Cataw<|had used”three |bottles “my.aes : ‘Thomasvilté Monday,He was'thrown 4 Winkler water power«Dee two mil from ie ioeand|were restored to theirbealthystate 1,000 sores ry }=8.Si Epwarps,,BoE sasefoe anuther:soprawde Oe:tng tcroSs,ing:Pa Renee?Trey <Lfapni ‘ *The Alabama House™Sundnimobals ‘poatding hk juses,aid ligery=“stabled.hate he Si bin kul:5 €uba;biting-all the Aggy “he -vagher “Upom re)“Aea why sean eS LS <ibys”AN who.bavé agen cancy atte BY ‘Dewey's fleet}.as was to,be expected’ttre,rest-carty dargoSticks/some areh sy‘rendered effective aidbyshelling,theaivhtahd ten,fect lovk,-L teilyoull i thy PO. <pPomeps worn nerc gprondt ty “Ot QUP uerVpGNOesporneysy.yoruin}etdmach is.Nupoke fenid)ea hgnst “digdst’what’ \+a.se Sh 4 By western Vv:lunteer xezinients..An Editsr'é Lite:Saved:oy “‘Chamber-: <‘i Sar,£%-19896,4 tontracted &bad.cold.which: olde a Bove panty:galéby"| On last Pridis Mx.vee Dwig. ivil-cases.are exinstou.fry sola jay”pablie we Wes Te Ne itivetried:16.amebd:the Jaw *as To]tion-at,MeRethy s HversSsalerin ttriety"31a “Mootesvile,iowa dar eur eg au 9ri yaceeys Drougih;te>fair aagiod |fley XS KOFICES,Jiactivies front the pix:alyDP a ieepoee:CHAN seventy daltars ‘soa clad coyditiab. Ty lie “iat, John’a:“Hinson Tos neds art Harty ih oF “Saksubit»Zo pete .Matd-Awft here ¢on “soit UN 3 Tee iy Behh eee ie fa AW aieNt aS a wy!Orle rains Gant Pane eh byotter,+Jdhn Wp Walkerocats.Vacaitheove ie, ‘iar &is.aTae scinetes:ae babies than?’Chambtnlile sv-Coasly Reniedy.ES (leant t /brouipt:ancy ateding cures:igtt44faxgrtteswitbArpethoesanySows)easShs ‘ehidren.at ©quileRl feares eguehs:and CO ds aprgventing <SApeD$y Av “monia or Hitrise rious cout:64pepcess tigre ret ¢# “5 my: niles att» aty es”EECAES seePes are VNSCOLE'S - a Pe Tam “5 appunce Stavoes, aighasty idence Zo5 {guthich fails ~sAS/tly ae <A git nasi ahign:We pempred:vex deg [oF Lig?Lowncow,-peyds*be!fare the “ut yhCegkiature,-why ass yb ¥Peverse the stateafent:he:“tras.rade qos ‘com-~Tspend mpaticgt Fonwenmbey “Yatts 16 telpral thes: ;facts:Ot scon sveues ‘the Sactdps ‘3 ey,payee:anedeks Adiopaeghy oea and Senigutrosiad wes aieeitt - Sonerthayé Abi cltarte Qevtakd,Pnetoxe,The Circus,Bitobis -|caught d Oi Y5 {hat theyVAIDUy eat:i} teil Steehat,tee’isc ig ik sper + fis Be Thy Tihaithis cdma 3 TOR yuderPea hest atu!Be Turi eS sibnse hyeh/are,Aiptoy 2 Rane.chkey“ited teriyecs mafosenres Dot dolor ried<ktha Hele G0 ae |fray Sees soe ues COU Dgts a wk pit oe &.bie Sept ate sbog!SPaiseeereCoury’,dnrily;paying,$$ “eae will €Gr ayes = he aiceds;attx+eee dey fpr ting 5:tld?wit ni aldicrine Afase sour 48,tras oGrds &SOG, Deguoerats:also;“weted,= “Oh Wed iehesSATs ‘ofoRentickys SMe “Aoulsiaya:x MeL AURins3 of Nlotantig SulLivery,” any pak Maik: 1 Se ot Me pep.drasamen uae G LLifs busines eiuy!he orld foe Sree Salt Prunrel,. :Cfiapped,Hitds>| olay cptats paris:of -Meordavite News. ves Reeie ete ,+Fuge;“uct!otusie st rai ae ae atrei utLotto-Tae:Egnet the {yh tts Ahir aes Ae Peis 32) Jaecoue ace wets Neniide hss Pool were ee .roe Ther Hy Sth ‘attsPhiuarv.gtalic cine ts Ly Va We UI eects Owe telathy oA ett ohe.of tbe:rep hss“rests LO¥e i Liver <p “heen”in qa ! or pols theyftticl uy X,te wir ©That Tee PNYjoweS toSg cRuIEY its Ceuched er bx “Ane Lowi:Ee is wha ane “dauecthgin,esi = Riort feHi teby St OL “ereE beget.AREA SS BG yt rte he pebRe pow He iriad »Sheypatttr =ejudge Ww heather:‘or Leet’we sent me tuted uy ay hao’ BENOT awhophcr pr nots we. at Stedidhaxe10/4 ing OPS Esphal i eitiset attics hot v ase’“oF Joessale }a“al Oeain SE,ote with iy werd:ineUnot ‘favs Ctram beniiin 3§ain Bala writes Mtr.WV.ER SipPletonyHeric:2p;ed ae have geen}!radilieted=with Pheuihet iy mr fak,“sever 4 alyyears-rand dave teas,remedieswithoutsfumber.bot”Rain,Bak the best Inedicined»have op ata res Of 4-One apnhcatian -rele Yes,the + nc ore ere Frat fiiss z.,Strue TANS.Leones freteekyDig.yourever moe of Se eae na Ty eet gat CROeesane Bie &absPay toast Doutes for tema Nerves. Peete Ss tho’.eetTanVGnicsss Meek thra eta,for;i Aeiete cheve:yking,,“slarid Yor gil.casesofda~.s Dility;.weal:SELVES,"amdloss:ofalesh.. pipe oi ad Oia en te 3“Seort @:Sows Canty how Tore eae ithe,Mayor |‘god.‘Béard SBE, .Ader iP hoteles=A:= ipa ur oneal “Ys h SEY “TiteLe OER i.eS7 Wieser”ot ‘Rebruat eed there®Xppeats:Sk COUT t igh hist Einication ,casted QuenAOeeifFtiveik"ery beg “Bijehgments,at r 4 tah ose-ep ‘sition in,vist COgiT ee OWLS SST , ES Uralsd,soemis“dassom wesStates: filles andilarigs pf:Peprdieg.:aod TS 4 hiditos Te,1S,at STCnent qnade He! int sf Ws will be;oft ee Wpergs ikware:Ite.pass:aul.Ws-prescut {: Pe CaNBON “fhe *aglitar StL eS ae Meco istons.ot his Hare eS mpot _ 4his “SUBSstipe weUh wets tro! |alfa:ays:waxes ity whe AesWNL <p bots speyial WatergetSie y oh “0 rire bab wphieter "hes Js.5Sapte yi x Ness Reads)hives ‘outside ul Meu Lommstinl |§é .‘Some bosti lies to thettown Ave-haye not Seon,then provisdnscob:ues ibs Substil utearden abt hac Is Lopportursty ¢tI LOW:sre chet sitfpe as “Gaclosed igh ghee We “otea without xkt A edkctas\vothixmual Lory Bitde Taig:Ott Mi oe epee this pecaniat tong da Bae ak tarin iy gs.20 aie Ye OPCS yh WY)5 4 : ry yt 2th thcesity’S<Paar,yin abs.wees with Iga,Oe >TodasWowafitis“Kettis.te 4 AWE:inky WeAuktbe ae fier borgaeSout msmw Ho ae PHESh |pagan:EPCOT ee bose:Sua tious:4 indy Gs dope ea ebayer BRAY.Set)i we soul akeee ie ey botie Issgy Tat Gy the fe Sais AAItou’Oddeulety hide Gri NGS yaad Sit,west’H pes 100 Meobsider atten:aPWebusswwrayZt ‘anic o8 he afayinen “ak this:pain pick.dij.Be tort eh ) thes €%Gag hus!D iy abs pat BH:rot heUnite:intywe:P. ne Shirky Beccoenelt wa thal fro cthyt F Lid,2 te tk ait nie OER se pROUCRS an your n bpey-Atel xo misSo nie Ot io hs Bes pal ye PUNCS: BUY CASING:Py “Teak WEENSwed a 5 DG aSHu ta ihe ee “The atupePoet. =k «a aayVN. narOpeb ¢gu> ayes widiseaye € aes Asis“hoped ‘that the pubee apuy TOUT,aa Foran rppreneitules att ; Pitale Tih wilt Tato pi thenite les verv J 4.SGX,ee ther thre futhow of thgssab:| Sit utebit45 OneSwe her Got they at, Ltgr neyaalferd,,Choise fadihargay woh,or beet coTuected®Wath euiebhe RtigatON -aMaiiwt >thor tesyn fart: About’thatec:oe ay ears past?atushy uhus;conser ying!the:WterestHof elTasento”itS)ustSetoral funded’, dali eS,Te is “aby:Loped tMiat.the]= Spitity of OO neighpery feels ? ootLye bichs thie’tHigton tedals tow Nils the Ee [jriniadtate.neigbbors.wonave,Ute Pyide the Corparate,imi ts oul hose:i Lintiérests’aie comnts:“with!Qh Aw iff wot,be cist ux‘bed ox dc ;eugaSi dlamoks |oo Wee“pei alfyttiassupécuy“Syn rors] ape Representat Wes at we xepade ; Bitee tbe,‘Substrteté bith,and thavat iny Tey este.Aiy na fevis ‘Chae SH ";ade ineSuebd we ide ctimails: T xagehed Lory we wilt burplugrgdlto|< confer ¥ithJe‘iiertown “ant “tint commiauityahd} with shentto}thestid thatthe best. ‘Tin forests ‘ol atl sous.cues an be ,eshate rs bieST s80e SISt (aaaGnaeReectiul,|ees rs uhsSe red UE or ae~ae7ent shone, v ne he We reek,aepiesyoR wergeh,Mf eer eu et saniashy,ant 4} state”awe:it @ qsetheiier tie.Ts a ies the stow Dy Oy gotare s¥illIgnmat ;StU fitter Gide an cr igdaspn Stay oe yanrai me ak tone aeselaaIsc:Ted SA “ik COEhesifost wird yous , oh The towndaie ot abe SINEVe Hidirroerh paces 0:5 acd ifie,Shiv sgt ehatier,vobish tye.youelt fore Bee dnx: PALryan:Alt tiseie Tre 2 CS Rompers tatty?PEt Shvorty:elesfae eet his OEM SeatereSSaria ;Rapepie”TR‘situse a Be byt”in?rt ‘owes 4 ae aesPaekk fee.be*PAie we feith==iia 40.58 it ARS oursOF peteco td =e st ; yee i yi rand sarin ral gs ra ae Ma MOS Cee eM abor, antesW Ait eas 5 ‘¥ =he,oo eh Migtee, DOW 1S irr isitters de eile 9ibero wanes se riHy res SENS:work but, gel i PeSSnorteatieg ie Rader:¢:“eit inthe it fel se 7 chr.mk — Hons fpr CHI arier <guid?heaped?"Cétis*’ y UR Pi PADAs *TY aoa Spas tpatotee} mew ~Av fs f yadisotoxe iis Epi tag ae teat SoeiH :=2 Sos A : Waae 3 aphis,chartT,yAst uve *patyell“sibuld ys yon ’ Le ty vhs Nel,* i SB;eo bunts: qe ee oe wey tingty hat tag?istigt :se Ao.‘abate yt tO “reict hy pads e eos ae >vit t6i obkain<ad,oe CONE on wk etF<(CareSick, givtd:ve AD ae.Hy .atshoy ther fair:minded cithatne] yi Liakrinrs*nae 3 ae EY NS MivLEne*oe Se Wank E ee,Was 28 Fe Les Soni Biot Taw lastsw eck ee ¥Mr’ 1arer jot: Mee Bates gn :ea Vea beat “{ te:This aety whetfe ah hee > Lary Cae ak of Ps et LoreePet ee es ° ieee bse tsps Sod aE Kc vexal |3 ‘bade “ ve Mr he jst aNd:eAss Sinniiie®Trupea are “cal +cal ie pee At,hears at \WgtaweatlastsSatin!pty teleerant,&Ber moqbor yee ~ nx Os SPs Wes Tikpasi alD Lay4Bue4fsablvetanidIeThsKesak]?tele wy or,1a Pr Giotte:Tiere On “agbusi sir]ACLS ees Sie a ar sie pe:x AR “ vOpe.Alesaudin Seleniteweyfupeatae hy at Pothey >“Ale.Baye)K evs or Se Pabput)tories Nip hhn 4 .= Pugs od io elias,5 :ve =yale,bine 1.isan oesae hasde ; rit CpastBe eam.eae It SateMeane Pte ONS oo ag =weAye 2 me ay oes Bey Dotodeneta,s a deh *ad Sea fo etect.the “suligren:{\troublé’\The —bollaw‘‘Cheeks, unkea eyes,the dark,~piitly¢ underthe eyes,‘the,sallow:pa¢éomplexion geeit.:¥sician would askrheumatisni,a dull.pair: t e-back,6r .over the*desires to’urinate : b rpiag:ox’scalding7Pelee fter ye ng'thereis-yyin;gasifit:‘must be--at Sorif the outinte,bas, ast deposit or stron?odur.“:vik : Ahenthese~'symptons are} ent,notime«s hould.bes fs ing’‘the.cause ,xlay’may:idad to erasthebisdder,Anfampia “ing.toppage,atid sometinthedrawing.ofthéur ir erc ag esae ene? heel afaten sure sige ce Nuife:ortos!phasing NeLitosh;-. ‘aes avit ASE,the:‘most darigc tous stip :Wilmer’s Swamp oats th- yt discovery:of.eee went &= god‘bladder:specialisa remedy for.Such (dis: ation is world w.vide ate]it issyeasytoget.at!any 3 : States Wee Neday iveone Kars wea rp its Upc e, &;Fe Sid ATeAVve ateAnished-musta direct’,AIS cache=<“Weeee 2 protite..of Gom=.me a Laat and: oFWank:of,it, oN ‘et Cart Dealsot‘BedtssiieBeSySeipratdays,bone,tse |(ust ,DeNS;%Mae pesos “ors waySho ieayapplicant forsake ie3eriotANEuprroray'tRaleigh sh:Iceni COM,Aven ago anny 4 joys tiEt Gus i, prtice,sy SHuphmaks“Sth peau pyleSs Ube“Fined,S mt a Oarsare a Janos TsUr ieatten ¥ Subs ieslee Te Sy apes tet Rok éhuste db MN ©giahor gi)for OEE east ye pebitcn®har ME ip,ving i:and,wilh go Thereigoa atte 10, AANEG Oe rots ae:eae LO: °iae st Saatrye a ;5 ed Ap.iebemapsin hag:abdecd SHOp Oke :ther;Store OL cures |pthes “aom”LOWrors!ith aprmgstares,;aT Ay:eas wae Luca. BUG Ty ‘the -q hidertul miHaar tePa nama x Ytbea<ample bottle and book telling x}it 3 both ret abso t ded Ww Scot Tavioy room *for.an <Ovrcupl °F 5 2 3 Dyscnpes oi:ieBlood ‘aud Nebvea> Ne }me‘disease:is |Guickly”and’pee Be os Bitters. town ertlizen :eo iain if ‘: eu oea.pe:Atta ce.Ugtientatamint:“3 pt anotled er inst -“Rothe States tows sah havak “and § wiut ‘ lotto +pric es f be 'putof mist ohek 5Sor. Ug CWO.Weeks bes ugy2aeaeofRebvuats Head.voymei vgn pintaswe i Beer ty ki Sport.otk re ror tlateacatner cawatiiy 9MrRar!b Coden he hanie: PiieSary fer Rutits Rice skaliis is 4 ae 5 2% Ms. serviICES) sppaxion and ‘hie SHOES ‘de “Mr cy gip bis’: +spring,a is.prepal ,rot the r Bch rep Sedat Moody.( _.Gaither, accident! >Of Shot foot mak dts weut ‘Mr.?No “Yown~nip), Caraw a “Sund:fy.2 pouin,,P< in Shiish Mr.: forse aid ig red {justit atan curb .of ashinds nerot ro ‘The mol present:14 LAO Oi 1Sifths:ao“IDOE ae eX 5 =x ALL PENDS PeOe 1 Dirty iia esaud 3 eS pe le ch talsSnesSYHes,eras oe): ieFi yy Mie ELE UDR ¥sfonas Sou : rsIke sySMpx De 3 dee Mg abe eenee dur,“ine “g (sini ss ohers Ade,Mx A ae Le Pe ER gy Pee nites OF {ust rest woeet fr. awots =costespte QtSryue r ae the” ‘ons ¢phe my 4 meet ;Ite.SAUDAvs Abe Mae : WaOLESALE AND -oe|RRTATLGRACRRS” ee we hyde¥1 wee pr 5 oa geet 83 4. we PetsAde Lites TAX.Peet:iy, sath?pest yea al a ve Ws,at wosderrd G amgdor2 oe ait “he ps SUAS fapis~~ne sal paee wyint *Sibi ih b vente Se,hens aSwe, “city charie +tet on the Harruts u ye D.fon ou Le13.00.to teeta % “a0 tos:9)At:BAO ae 12 ony ebruary “recone:bred FalkAS ‘coc terday,.from OP TGhs :deceit s.CVE have deen d take Jay"tyfa Neel TOssf bs ~~creth Fine ody neey “ges;AY,{hos beiesere ig >be.MY i igh baytein *he he Wil COME VEL Al it churct,hi “the Hate eu Sidération ol“ds €artestiy _be Mbe prese LEN HH;j eee Lis fi two sds res 'Swaubanoa ;‘cqunty.lie Sidas oe ‘Ke seqofiiee.the Casi tk oy!WEED)epgHeel andyeon *NopePeasy Som it?for Ox Ceut cu hu will Supplyv way Ghureb “Mexs rs. .Steele-weut 4 i pri Sag vk euathat’wills ook welt on NUsoes On.Soa “Ehis eemy ey States xa!ie that js teins Gee,peal of tlic me Sax,They cz re‘itEOH)TF ON ae the bell anda‘are Taeadquaet =Shirtg,-dnl ae mY ABs =sca at sit to and.Jol xiwel to bui matere 4tore)jecttheta ne lungs.:ate Works.50°sacceSsMILE Adak igrif eurerion 108) ty.rie ounMPErGsoredreawpGiual.Ne hemewithoutthisfemeus’,temerdy. weak 5Re cot ing;she kept getting twilve months she scemed tole us sOLe Ly:adl-Geaters:*:as she cver Wat ix sblife:I feed,spans $See does every.one that_sickness,that Pe-ru-nasaved -her iit :Rock Cut-n 4 Cutting:wis _Ghe 0.the pre “road.Roll er ¥ The Adimily. have been nw 3 ANOVEAG Suu! “Gs now -jvear -J croytICES ‘Prepared:so CECE :Towefi sare MeL,ate Mpeg il er ua —ae o +i Rede tae iayWs Sing wus Tons-ae pas iss Pye Ns pang i, rt Vege asoS Our people. Reeves.wad fears wone by. @d-10°Phijade iy been living (Gr ding a nameles poor’eroeceries.‘Cootsur ™mpete ee 4 &3 hyshhfresh,pure,aoe ShetsBaneaTereateman. 1 Ese his coun~>No:1m:ater how?sunity Ws a“ame prices-seats awer her one fine. who shad ‘ta Aung of~to1a Tr if*anything *“would »help her:Pe-ru-va~ Srould kgot ab ide tsi ‘rocle ¢nay’and,gan giving it to be About 11 of ng ™M we P:i:Giscovered to'bortunatelyh; band.some: aCan laiboes:dep=4 aetI ¢Sens nee ards it was re had beentplacesbyDnisatalokavedoneit| ao yardspet's Ni iv iSiout rest- Dr Laze May Mack Mrs-4 hich Props } He tidea W afters bG Were aH Ste tas piv Avi JSraiece i!: Scales:igus gllowi t i Mr: pati:Hl AX:Thnk }t is saii “but Ba SO wer .damage THE:MASCOT ae ae tes Ssh ae Ray yt :fisbid?Pentaeth)Ueaeee };rs :’ese cath of theise on,was.he:‘dar:|SiFSevee“To Thése Why Owe gst ‘DIEsh ig e buy bere”Se ee pcan osdotherT wit yer)me ste ee ‘forsriants.phere metas ridge Thesd:ay aS ‘noon ae 6'ckou re &MrJosépif B.“Gredh,soh.ot ARev.eSSatee.Pherg unt:a!sad aby sf DaRSE at a,As Sin.dria es Ree SE RE LE eset Gas Petee Sernnae SmBles:<nxe ek of,cs Miss‘Ella &:3Arhristead-d-Bure +.G:Green,of thé.St Charles”Besef|<x Soret”Vraime see..wit)Sad Seok Lepd boy :elegance t At 3,or *feat So c sértigis w Le owe ysfor tg:PARESdient inn Gite Leelee OGG NEO Se eR aSenee se Bee Sar.eM Roane va woo uaa ladyprincipak.Of the“Fe ale ol ea has leased the HotelNe¥see.*in‘!’Eat ip):arly Oui ine SiN Re Nerne es MONE i aati Me ;Id iy tenis doe his bate »lege,to Mr Colyis:C.MeAlist tNewbern,/and took.charge?of it,aSobbheaenyuntwhicheach:¢,63 :lis esaeeoeyeeSoaths.ia Rhbiv/ng MM Mi ¢‘ber the ns “1 Woke ~oe Hoon BLD:Tine tock to:MrAkpe \prorbrnent young.bu ines *‘ria t the‘lst.sHG:left:home:‘SO,wietly:-e sthajy Out thie BeEr eRALE aINOuyL “is pMbiday Ans Chaurltiixea.“te NE rektys ia xvis tb ,Pesidchiee jf,Dr,-¥Asheboro.Reon oe“ba P At that:wée did not.know that.vhs as aaesLiseraties2XeoFuldViepieatea$3aelia ig ae Nae aseyaes fit’Oe oR ar Broad grrert tbat)gt |Ww as coheumma fedih:cae ae eytes|‘Bobe-untit:we Treceived:a,letter trom 3 eac oats Ei ‘fn »hea said <FV oO >sa|S lereti igs hota Ge viagogo RSEGi rap |A NT gt Go an crAch ba ey utGPUs Da ith he BereteabNaeSayalbyciniresitiieMiLigh*AAG i Pete Tas ven,cinf ae a woe Sb hel“fully deciyte,Wit Leverereens:ditewith:ae,1s San ‘“ptto-date.seatie.%a .er reba TORUS ext.;a aes plants.4st Bete :thodérn:sat grovementOEasscoatapptbachisaFebery,forayot bmnmead me oe etayassa ee oon Pie ee be-spacions nadituaies arene511}Sirs~Green is)with:hinyand atcugingsSigs=“ie pe perionjourt “wtral’Seu sh)Uae Operep a te OS ial esisaCeé He es ss filled wi frichds‘6f tire “Coit aStNe.inthe’hotel mapagemient.“S‘ROS ‘eh PG r S J fe xe aeaesatiphedrwelcome,weill“he te Watwot.y NaeTeta!pea Poa iSars a agsaa =pastios lang before the organ.un»My.»y Grben is”still:DateceseaiebresaimeBOearPARROIromdet-*Nex “<Mary Cawles..Bristol's |*P¢=laundry.which will bind-.m T en r IIT e vA rth!rites nga ‘eae.wees 4 ot -si)oe oe ee ee eeg.«s Beg Te ‘ee #‘bos tae ot ote folapeys:btide’He :7 an.;raat :,i puget my Ee ae Young-businessman of :arr *aa,haere aa Sw va .tf 5:S1 ::ae ‘7 Aes "contort gait rset >.we he WaOSE arag(tebtheashers vantneeasiontGdown:habits dnd a:ental,‘eleters young)sir.Bee oa Seren tite fe ul pips Sant etl ee :Soe tyaraee Oh ol +a eate De AY aA Aeeed ori ve ais}es,<M issrsioR cee mMandn-every Ways.We are.Soree4 ateiaeenhbe3Sales:Sibheg sade SoG Si >fle Ba<KR.re .ejan is Cc Swles,Je.Sektlie lett!P Joe hits (rom pur tome,onstof ;y a PBS init bested So)usKt 'Fligtem ri Cukehtere OFFSM pc laaeneke’s tiniestG ro Prank Pob Wis:Aisle’x He Drs hak xh bis Business:Nsrht's ::\::ah htend:Atvhiat old.ak :bab.Ar‘Rurner’ang|iventure-ihy New}2.S #Hor S UGhICe ia adotlieg”;,begatt ig:Poth Sof Bhi payne Miss lAphabel-Armiic d-.B35 MrePxseoMen}ister’cain dow ‘bern will bg Sheceestul.anditde ausPage:5 PS papers vs ae ;Zar CES eo enkaSWAG Pe eign eC aSSo pune.al ae Tye]rightatele.3 Vben=‘thes here!a!Jess wit be:7 te eat aetheOePeresomeadeaeantelSplisieiDtahsoeShiaulesogeeaLAttStiareidrtepnteoebiaasonnetauidoof}Sree their.positionsin:front of.‘thet:~Se el t-kid-yo Syate ne bein:put ir thine =Kad rahe |fn eee aoe aS “brigades oi ‘aio:hae hie of:Sort punt oes“<Woddfollowed byYa the New Kibversntqpatias ney : posi-oe aete “Ville.ae a?bie ay,#i:‘pesPenad ;dey brew a th,:“rad {carried bau veey.:and «ee bests:man,MU:SS eroatSy:‘Niéyolson#“Keep : -Its Hr Te 3 ¢€has Re ills wh.ieas ton.4}tnpct ,vata LMC wt iP:iLiad yiolets,The:weds.th maclore2 .Sis ts oe oe evoeveries aiid pay,‘beste:priceis's be percenthee wT ees thee mi laveda.by Mi $studyon the leltiof The.chickens andeegs.eo so 8 Fite &ne “a toes:aoa fora bePty,Ray tle cs mF at eh"y wee }Wits ine 1 AWIS!,<P a¥c by @ HSS Toul Pitss’Atothis:m tli ar eas ay SVN tinoe~+‘oe.AS tthe ae be =i8 vay Mite -.«:Lee ks abi z ,a aeeae of LenHOM ;*Cie “sS ;Milleywith e Done OF Voautien eel “SEhe:Radi recsry Co.have seyafi»i.>BS,Oe ¥fi i.:ee ries gssat pireG.we Hetihel’,wer tos KY ue fo aNza eciead oe heecath es nyBorpoemssone Sees:Jolowed by:Migs “Antoinette,morghers te me garden seeds.» A)tirst:.a ASE venegBy ht litenday:Hit tor wht whieper bs gd vag ~ee aSs ates"ay MeeSonsaal pagage Averell aos 0 ‘id *ee me rip at et aes "Gk ary: Syitiondi %oh wel Ave Be"wilt tet hy.yu suk ve thdneem OTS [fected hestebergisla:“Just jn Front ot pympi Sta Lop.‘se Bs oaksTh oto ia US,SE rap ORSAPS SEC ete dearabeicathal|.oe,8 Katee gy unkcilaymoneekiuteeoepoly>ure The.bri Ol Hist absence.from his office:Pron og RY y K.AGaRe the oe “_Lagthae aunty 2 {ey iB in dy Ke kf i“aba:ind de‘presertWass.orca haeas lh 3 yy.Se :hae ny all §.i“E7S 2 ie besat Pane ‘;cEythi st 'Sama Myabeet tt Weiaweou,Cabra bhegRecreate By OPI ray}ves cam >sa;Ethie Sahay so teaeae bycitizens,perth :e EGE,DY ;Ceort's Joths:Stony,”sPot ee esais 22A OIE G PE kudel sheTifees ABigivest bless-of.apavone “whitelrosés*,Teese Oe Tee SeeHiath.and Istone a ‘Bross figxe'3Ten red : *meV Res Sheirtht Ss Store i >ete Som ab “Dr.Watheln fotpie rt This :sock unisied theordeta asMs ‘edt Rens Ty, Cured:47)the Riospeaseof:a ee oe Tavlorsti Pad eae bas pekin“Sac +Rd = Maver Hay Y,hi infor tes,‘us phat AlWel:ais Tin Lug wa ee Avo wa Yas ,ichhronie feet:t4 ayn ist “aay to.sepplyant OF Sh S53.3”“hi eitizu is.with,Ww atey.Ray.ORC sun,NOG iS et OSEAT ALY aeS;iLb. Lay fui wetter Bait eae Madi Riundr;cag xey aes lineey “4 P anether arriade beg.os inthy |wo *Foeeo othesSrigoinsOh Wun<F"Wor,SO PSY eAidae4‘‘jee COUMLY 10)3Hod aiijs enete Ane aes is fe Nie BC Aaa ep eh Kiet oo ae ay «ie her's ke We iM rok STAs stalin! ‘3 2 —-Yin <= 0 e MrsJesac.Hg bbs.LORS fs pon erieyatere,Sepik, Satepannakiipha¥este £ghee ae thee 4 Baw it ven ants eh dear Nice +abigs be ah koEAs, et eeA al a sale s frdanthy»ca Atijpot oa ea Sec Tar i 4 .ETON Voter és J % s “fener tn oe gb,hgh:One“a or ayy rss. ¥1,«eh R gl ms, ise ‘, bn Ram AY SAGE,Sod Sots6me> oe wteePeoria, Pe titotroakinNey.»SDA +e «pat BS her "i Dae ult srrades na TINE?he hn Hy o) gt Gs histia as ia:Thn dep Sto aor eta by nae ir wie)Metab Ds ta it,2%aAClINe a.oy typrec Ponerie!35 LONE aR.wy1 paras 3 +<_:; ,Ss 3 if _.id ;a,ae vt 3 3 :;‘é be :at he &t Be fel Sea esectureoe Thy:Canie’Ta ea KE ©)borne.¢ois inte:thetke AbsarettS ‘ ¥Ts wrt Pa NaLinteted . T secalet ince.seo Pd it bell NL Leh Wat Mi gis ta , Twi 5 iyENE!iyi nareliee rhaal 54 eo ey serwisen atin:A Cehatwrte.30 excelle Hts work!Teller a ang Re |ix BOW preypared Formune.lay, :Resia atstiort:HOt?|Pr “NIT!Chas ik.3A}tp.Oe ante Yo pene dew resides ie eam,oti tspribs Mar)Scliw end,©bas hese fats ;4 Us mswty ny“Ay pre pairiise hui Se LM 4 .ee!k the obd hobsetnysd HXit “Hat wet *¥.>As .we :ie his Pe id *foe Pee a4S iE gube weeuk why ey,Nook hitind, aiccidéapiv.shot,danse:.a,Cure OPshot tore,a hole:Tay:tye fide Qi be ¥;Wo limes Pte oben gel teeseer4 rityietheUEoppodatTet7emtrey fous wou ni Sete Rea Saar y te Fa ENuah “Brown.pot k whaave township.andMiss Carmailat Paik:k Of Catat va,eomuuty2 were marr ten! ‘e phk “fo Sunday wt the yesGenVee Bh Ss:3ptt i O: erenrrysTEs(e ue oh ie laUnys ot ge HE pa neShichi wow yebip,rae oie pret a a (ome Te SSS NN Becher has”Sor dwhist Bah tout Hid nis it eases tart BY tgenet; t,eMrs :So pbtise’au.Lota F pealites rgyh as seis,Fibs a8 tg AP ped Poatkber.2 Aw »Beshame Fw we oT ean ;;Egueariy:Gute Deen "tite.eneet 4 <oe~:Let eet ea thaydaome eden oesun th “%, a rnd :‘merpt Brpach avd pM!bee ry iedet se +3}se :7 —Tir e.wot,Interest ir “2kait ae ty f Ath>Te at preseat “th:mans ef OOK Ite rey ee te:the qyrpeseth.ere nditseti fs titin Une ac h . oem . +settyclfar ter Elec?pter gliedchat id «kee i et *at rey LM ace pr.ge Tee mC tony \e tb.‘Gt On the sue ern Ute LY)BION is setity i:Oe Br ey BERLIN CRN.a ms P 5 ey bb ry “bis i Nal rte relesTHDspad6aegtoelditeaGeekGhe f me 2 and A PEE bo ey)Be tyard tase t >“hyo eene A i “foxeor ds breakerEp atheAriat us ak pi tah isecone:ped.Phe 4 cigars perdae Sronac Pee al Heh)¥eoTI i me 2 idpc eet Sear Pndweo ME4Wap tat fects Geitis RL $delichteven,by these,eer wells ah:CE:see, -2 hare teen?i +Sato titan!ey st NE :4 ,Mir girCeuny eraef4Sa;a OPTI eNN _:Th.Fe Ith:beta cmveting of Des:CSN a2:tts ~utAh owes_—otter ratios Ot Shira?i ube Katt Weck thin Ucnliteuea Mee Shas AR pet eee he tigre“ty Sha Oh tow Aspip.mabtinr cin’wahF canalSy es eis ane aera the 13h Meo CGE:hor tale Cel)Parieu gobi ae rs va r.ShaoSMABBBStsideratiowotspaspOptautUmeiwess!be fy oz eaeature sie he oe et‘ae ps tara estly dene th:ATE VETS minh ber be présent.eee cae +;ereaie:iSeaiveNieS -_¢ee ae Pa r.,baisiPREMEEEioe:bvercuci.cavite hi ie ‘ See zi i Been at bis farhe:r Stor thes Wat os oOB. at ae ;tivo.has Reyened the.passtorated ~ey ~4 Sthaesa:5 Swat sti ined chyrely,yu ‘buncopmc i +¢Pe oun tye chbee wilt bean int tu Tee:Eee sie coa S =for NendersOns county,w heaaSEaaProwillSupply:the’Mitis iis oraape “Miee peu Are Bes way churches.*dash coer y Mbyte ie Vn vee weshirt+7 Hote!Mae Toa ks AE eesye'cg)ell“and©“Messrs;W-asi atid Nfs eo :bt as vata EE s 7 ans vet Idwify you thefags!‘SteeleSwent:Hoes tot ka!ehh=heole “day.aiteragon®te-rprde mt thee. »UStatesviiie “merchants,iy the eitori,, ‘that is Seis made ‘to.seaare ths reds ".‘)Ee >Sts.nest Pathe Sort Kinds.=Rape has LEE dx oei atGc ia Fee ‘ud new -yWax diey carry WitH tian ih sti‘Beehtie bectiee EY4i1i.ue EDN oh eae ir beSHOUTuarkersPehetromtheSus:Ges:UREN:Oley aitbingy{pine whee,&ae Ue tae MOR MtasPeont wis:at ~av ee aCty Hattie Foc as U Heh:in sth ,1 :Uiting anes pe enced|| sol,Stateswiie:fat Sloysta.|: Ae Neand Johar kas Lk SpPogrsento wg messi afyteholdBeanstaestidyPsa oo is ub th:tie!oe iti 4 Pace i A w St eee %poe mistrial.fate sat Y a 3 Clerie ipepior Court.«|:PNpeck to build a roller tec jRe.one oo Eas LORS Sat,SsSe pegaal aes oe ite.k sStatevs.QuinceSummers,a:ar “-oe eeARockatinpteindqyutbure.:“it.at rice Di tGA biwes What .a fe =ieh aa >aeaelGr ofthe Sp ee muityy a mahths:on the ‘Chajn.sal ite 3 Cuttiba:Was.Or &nu w due of (years Goths tags pe Lt 9s 3 C4Dl Semel r i 4 “Ei ifsatierceieanosagesWiseOoMiahSESSyTesiaigaeullrongae,smal comene Gurl AdalalatorsNoles te Gre‘Todd Roller Male bere.Is nendan.ane Cabos ty Ser awe le (eked ats Yaalisind TELwas-oryFecnltiee”:oe oe shan ae BORE s ae Ls ,ane jesi~“y M i eS teh fos Paes st Oe Ii cd 1s fn tf.esis y g leh SP ees epee demhCAgeiimite’Stadt afb.Atay tt Hy uu ip this NN i ve dey eCOTEC .:‘“Ebe.fatniiy-of Mr’ir ceStalisivthe]i :inss .aa =i ASttiee sk ud geet:Shep ow 2 State’Vscn Chay.‘Davidson,false!Hl YING Gt AMETED AR RostinistRA TOR,st;;a::cons ras tines :ugcan Ws Arey P a rétence’t2 >cases)>pleads guitt ys |nzo!&A,Tomlin deceased:notice,is-heneby.[4Raye;been Livinse inL ptatesvilie WHE}Ler Deaths:of ir,F gccum-and Mires”Apr “h +gaits)givens all persotfs raving claims ngainet'<aid:mov to San iord.wherxe Str:Sc ao Pe rhe psa ik oe:aaa ;Cami oii °yudss went«soqugs cdl ie ayancht,ey “estate to-présent'the’sa lotre eae‘signedfordris;eo}hd er ear ae te ROR ee )ey s “Posen oat Fd eat :aS oe “if payment:on-or betore::)=1600;fOr:is nah ocated:-tery LOU SE rid Hi Lhe vedcaney Avi we wee DI .(REID nay Nhe sty Tha shah t ven tire Mit Nel-~:j ee notice wi beg bar a “theirme Deeks.phefiects were shipped yesterday any awe,bie!(aa ind aes a Seite gon ae Aten)RRR my Woda phot dig atube Lene of his“stateins.BartsPosten,fetdiling:au indebted ania spe ate pe 5SthefauiilyWilfolijesd2fewGalPiaCysaeeeeesorWiasstntheeaegdptaiceMypahVoureatSSSyeahnyaccaedeagthMOREyeseE|Statesssle whitch to:see MeePor Pia ,SENOS Sat Slpirclats ERE ay mth nForce Sr etate cvs.Weayét-qlareeny7}-7 Senha Fe GrouaR.y fe SPPesune est ”PTL Cakattbe:,tie PCa w 1e sian i sceat at on,*Selon baat he ms daughters rasa:p Pesuye ir "wy thie Gaunt rps “J se Sink tl Ws ithe!ie WEED Pstig,a YU Saree MS oe of defendantPipeSue,“Sangntisony en nee)a AeA manistratoe 7| :qk ’Ke oe pt Ww ere Gekt Satur Ltr aibel owt wet Mogle ts bre:“fic ay aid (st a)fe qnust!promyfent |me éhain gars.ph een =Ps ‘Sines vat ast rep>ret oR tristee [aE dyary:amet poset be Hy is Torn rbasissued marriguze eae ss ky:ae crits Quay eater ~for the fsHowie>Man debn Lets eae th ark tor Bribe ry.Pheabe yet 043.ec Nae Jara Mrs:Maeerie We ips)rk. wpe4 AaHassdeenaear sh —Moude GiithelsJ AsO the VE.Sef Mees aaCie “A seer CS:Satan ;ROR si:‘ingen Tat <S16:24 eiotdt Ee sported:-ae ~Gyitier,ghe,fives}fog:Parrots Loeee ii ie gdh vais;cad:at Sea 4 IEE,ee $oe ©ug UR te “20h jasereports sat“Stat ss ON afBer.SS fi bateyepd Bua ~y Tee a?ve ols,EEN SiSer Lirgts a:Kelby.Lexingtonrand Ch SeoN Sgaapeeokpets)Tae“Sih sys Sy.provisions sk He witoeee be:cenmporaily”A=}Spx RecASeatedSoThyhebeeAueeins.Sees rand:fsent ftom-his “duties:in “convection f.Coes ».nos FeooeSSmiAGSeTaaee!iF “kW GACH CO Sh LOM Eh,the reculer“employmen which:S Ebbert Wardv Dae arz eh =jore meal:Het RIM Siw gate ik Riescs soy pic HussimMr Lopes office,”ands}©,BastCorpetiaes«HyComet,foestaipantiligsssetet?Arid ant [>|/Polls rises vecisttars:averie|FODY nigfatubited upon:a tai araft a,8 ates oe fF speek ytie bepeatPade:ae Lanse yt arebate Dare)“che Ke bE Oa:HY Gents<I the?apipeints hed tespuftely.Sens.his phe Bilas seth Chaphe ss.M4Mleoriea tis,asta:Bo A AL MS eM elle Nuk Sepnerits,(AN Ne PPE BBG PE RELI K Mobrisb &<4ohsiti:eee syAYLites.»side Mulicdand:oex re tre Oy,Bt Jan See ie *O°en ee hg Mr “Es Qed:Uimson hd Ntiss Nowikty Mrs.Ghatiss,Atwell,Deas: SR ap hie NER Charles Rogsiand Sus Me;aah oe ‘thw ds +Mack iaarkles Sir Johan es |LieMaokestihe bert ahd sViss (Otta ‘Hedrc Fain WAS Link anid)Mise cH Uttes ths ny or money. yw.made.=> Ver etick Gre inESS fy.=Ngeedieth his.weesgorsaeeigena ‘eet,=SES: Fa ycopts male revsober Were“Reeves:whoused wbant-”here si eirs gote bys (He hasbeen arre :::=ee go heh,et Tyixe sesee gySediPniledéiphia.’where he had Sid beet*been living fora year,for commit?ae Phe Pp oCETony RTO eC Sting a naneless:crime asarast na-Tu AL Brady wit mare HetareIrisSaidthattedisCrazyjnaifsecknhtothe.Drake hous’whith he. “that hits counsel will enter=)pled Of:WOW ONS Mr.Brady PAL ie they 8S Sa ace iereesae heLeek i, ints 4 ea EW} aoe htsPassi Seos BA “. ao tt money“;now .Ney matter sod *dngenit 7 Reeves came.@f-a goon Saitsa buasber of mosess:FB or in:our fine:Ste eae ;batshas.lone been a)bad|Srance,Ait ABE Saubelens wilpthon |ae 3 ewer Ti OF Loh ae move-to die Brady's present heiie::~;:+s *Ls via See aes stele Mt dk ue st Vale,ass Dukerothehause HOWE:>~sre About.O-C1O€onday morn!€upied iby )Mex oStonders ss ah ge ine Vee Pl Al oPoston’s ‘discovered tobe on:fire:- fortimatél¢bad madebit little head- Why.cso.were extinguished,‘before ‘Uy:Mr.Sol, ‘terech<damage was”done>After-* wards It.wus “dis¢overed.that”the! barn was,1 »b SOONeisSimowtotheCorn¢!Tos Hous eau: ot éti a Ga Ow Myre 6 So Dukes seeNe S a epe0d on r standard | “3 juiterat ere.— sand i 8)3 anted..-ye . “Simon.ahaa She east’bound trains Outheres-! eut places by some oné.>Mr,>Pos-hind nearly.every:day ‘this’ ton is at ‘a-“16s:to know who;‘could Yesterday*evening -bave'done TS es here at:Grieswas axe hones nec WwW eek,« ‘Kawiiban tothe house now occupied Smbnity whi ake pm hate ee adel es TheLow @3 to,Bic:ba Te:“pbe se!Hhacivg * Mag Seg ep Be Lanta,“pet teak,ee »,MeT EN, f geltiiie |tw suid (or wi:a3.Ni stk Ets |pula “atine ‘arte ksboe 2X:Lane. ae STG)k AU:~FeFohoORLCATIZED S= onststibe + it To:LE ChB. Stee dheney weal is tod sidteti tps te Ope i tc Sate ee:wy SNOW, fhe-Bu fis Cai gern ghey Wed¥vee .,ut Ne:MSC eree we EEA Ns:*orheeACCpivigyteeetad havingft “L'sMtfet,Suh Le ity, C i SageWasim~eogi pacity i1 {aL Le by Masses 4 enn tt bytyme the Py Thi punt?Mpo ube Fhmery avshint aNyh &theft MILEPH!FR!With She “tos waglace Aste uh ee ENT.reditbe!Pie ayrs elielpg Ce$:Gay”arMs jas itie,tp thes Riis‘ihe chp Vite 4 s $at : *¢parINGULSEos'4He-Agrde pee i, Raed,eu ;RS SAY Gy:OR erifity?Pah Wentigyw38PDs a a ee ye“otoLot. 4Bae a$Oe ih sig:ihe‘e We)st tree ey tla!Sas:teha!Fels 3 s he reteaeweek hie3eemets = he Rite ° Lue:parertts Noe as a lis Grpelie chest ttte hel te!Sit wus eNeniuinged Aaet Lh Bia >ikRe i Cun, va SAS thie at), pep bone,Cina ia:aya temwific Wy ayue rershe Bree sk Boinia pistes DS thy MEDI eyeSe Ney ureeh +Te!Ss AY ST be WSO Lt eee:Prati A tel a &“ariel * peter WES ane ct Be abs WI ery thé “tee shad lee kere roe atk Wels tre ;She pe a oe oti.5 SPOS Wea State sebites ren ghe dik periorns eit tiny sige 2 Sete SReECe aud.Boeeshochdie proud¢fthiy« ‘“NOTIC aN Sry;or tie Cilia a $ire bomdce s BSLiCns An Pees AD “beryiven w hearing by thre ~bo age aden eas’antwdpe z Ate oy, ‘f “ps ajes as ufTeas Ot yiow traysre POET Mints:ee we ty pit =techie hy UL ec fo Pia Cees, the at oti Mae*hp ee fle:sy Rea yttavosdbp:es bie|wie A wie Shit >; a ‘9 ¥argep cf eek Bowers i WeTaste Lees“ ia "eee LU # ty?Miata at a!cchudren,ee? ‘BE nS>ebeit-tisizideawsMeouua¢Vey etal tidywinless eseteporfokuey:%ch . e eosi sy - ofa anL Ti 33 t ape alte PAs.4Ax!Le: ine svueins.es18:Mbes Eid:<tomivn; yo &—Ss rm : hoy 3M Katits;ye ‘e oe Madlis’"S242« q eGo ictus: es "RAEHe ‘Leowas,ay een tst es Nee‘4 Toth i 1}fs “pets Tpis,brithege.hee ates‘¥ sg ai"e by vi See:mats LESrencersmtite was Bla Liabeatintsvaria elite i id, ;reas ‘st Gry 5‘ts Las€ LOS 11h WipesBe Muck AAT K SWEN Rascor extends {0°itiestxOuhepelpre-tuhm this ‘happy haur, Sfor hejr future’jor} Se ah "Vhe*“bridyh.datr bel SFtae Rusty borate:Ataia Ox: rwrecRestapanica ‘by Mead: ae a Jenioa as duvas Rabimgey, a ‘>epeeweaCOUNTeommissioneRS,SaOhs mseth FSi.> me cannes Lat pies PAI ang Jour By ‘sinosed t ¥ofdis bride:fie brrdal “couplej,iae re iet cf al 4s etre A Se ng idefeon’t cunt e raid,for™a “trip:aero eer Awan?3 BihCusents:art gounty Complissignz,to-New,Orleags:rand ther’points |8EtidtayeadeSSSau,Mopdzye and Laess.Seth.uje.Ba DSU Hy:Bre Sirttony iss OUI were yepatdi pie tary2 @rTadea ti Sy-Maiker estaze,”S2RY 3.rhligy,Son,‘S *ceuesMieco,BCs;AR pe oA eee.sf 0:y nieFE rinseNe} 'S ‘*Ag eyFRDL.Kysis,Sivete.aye Lr Beka,e240."PAB SNe to:SB.PreebsFGS40,Jo WY Brawley, 4!“ole! fash Pagid tia”J: Te,Be AS IMs Fi6 Paterson:}CParhhy suez SHotton, ‘sgaept «Ae tour,7ST.p24nepayfo}iow ing *:bills Were:“paid ons Wiss. aetaby Ax 53 loners yin Be “AS@nspOTPHPSS> *ind!SEyat ote clsen Kastepy IgCS iy homdin RS eh)~sAGxok Swine Ais hs +ctr Deecoed of:Cpa AR hy Darke,Pa Pe partn A matty NOnds brid;ne ates,ities ea Kalkores :Sie ser beg ee Salouih Sekirei PaSyNS prclec4 fii?tohleeGyesehLenSh,|:Jevepairinys fee:Mpvtliee.SJun Sprime =pf 4afepeBEEN.Rout bide:Ey.Deve f orci <a:pepwirinicy Pee nAtumooe‘fone public:roudsfiiOTAFroutuan,Pee ,eeie:toe Byoeoniditier.SER Cian bonds; SE008 vecord SHE Gz.ae‘or Statesspib,KOTOR mye Ca erati welling”{apaPUReCHRodgk CP Ae ayes.her foarte, xATE SnatS eh Cremer?. AS LUDO:EEE eessatile Gy tsawe. per qtaars 3vetWauabtyagena.AyeMAQY Sua Nas svat hdnited to, sf“Praia biews bridge,Stuns Say:ix COLL,amar.tof waitbyWycse.as msligteGat christiak ad!beenan,tS ituenee”LOR op din. nicNowayaw ys dom,yeaks He,shag: Sbeerl a yecmiyer pF Claykebur'y ‘Mi erie ers!pes teeterSu iu yearn “Buruess Forcum sof CET OM US yeas apd aeclass: Phi:Tiatve an Nors.aw:Ls Gainer,Mes. Lyne. Dod HONS wht fie stuihe Suit ‘the sit ie tet isfireHatbeenkindledinthreediffer-tern raijroad’bave -been:badly be=ewes TO tine Chaylee Lye che ywoA sard ot the “trait.gue Aldermen dt-the:Shay grey ottive:reas mk f nl ei 4S Exh Wuud Mise eescares 2 tediiy Reve.Sre Dour 1 Aah LEY BONS ;}eds SREY:jan ive So reou {fee Ig ee“VSOR.puldss,ict, hee etait,meee Savorkty. ee boas uss crt the Vices yor . os uid.Missw Joe Alize;of, The-fuperal Service, Sith ney,Charch/last -Atithe™same:time(Mr) ‘Tanepal Ssery Rebebea®Cimpbdell;“Mins *Campbell’whd4 ithi athiw,cae:OR sey Campbell SS <CAvoman,:welhigy ovet be lerves a husband Lers to maouty’her’ met M ¥a wyvocidiod ae pousdss tivve ddugh communicatiionSahontsting ap.j ee Saysiwaat aac oleee>ho:ape %Te Marrisge-OF.Ries AnnabetsAr:fthe.Burwell--Moalate fis}to,Me.Frank Lewis.+*sh tn Us howe ot the ‘room,1 Stataseills,who cartitsywith bér toi eu tenis gage Ins lappdinyed t0 this Yes po.Nsible StorkpLsStats3Ssapciateydeat;Sal TeWaidyevtA oh:AN atte:parade,pS.ee cach=sFERe Flee Phe Burke,32.645)thorowmal:°Stetmgra phic’Roart sae-nantAe Ko tipi Tebs>,tie 9,ssinitht porter at utberouis.¢es:whichhel - py DeethSof Megs Horry Clcaninger : Qognty=Wome}and k esti Pyas,spocte both Te Sl “BU pO 1 ¢=t S.5St ms ~ te iy§A erares.peer;ips<4 udseeThomes J.“Shaix-of Beek a Poeok Spring:tgwpsttip,isffoneman a the the follow,ELcases Ae ae a mh Sate.Ya. eh:leat gs:Jour}? esa,uns 33 t <:a NeULLYhspetaceaS<Re ES)the-stepslendieg.yub,te the pol aeitplatformbythethe“groom:Pre: solenky$|The:bride is cas:ofa Biost”beat:Mitel an@ “popular.Young adies,3in: Pict Hem honie-Fae re i:aes eybost.(of friénds..Mr McAlister,Lsvbile a Ratine/ot!“Askisboro,isl ace semiee,who S in‘every “way”wor: teat clerk otets¢of Hon B.B.A Long:>hag|:recen ppginféd,by tie At=+i torney:Sererof Abe:United States}ratithe instance otEFon;AL E.Hols ftenDistinctAtorndytorthéWes¢)tera Distrivt ok es pus ras|.the oficial eourt.stenog t to ret’Pere:the teialof:the isok raatingTd?ctmepisatAshevillewainst|iithebankActauitets.there:He was: Lin Gompstitignawith,the|DEENaiftgitattyaridaecurcodesseineMertSolely,UpOB | Tie.has“made ascon mack arated garde. Mire!“Kadi nda’?2 Cloaiiinger,’wife: aoeure s.TheSitertheat wvas.at'SMjcaaelsgeméteryWeaiesdty,"oeBASOBrolynconductingKerwices.©She bivesty huSband aandfF:BEY childtoir—four Sous aid thy Ships!ik 2)ABauig,pauses.ge the |t a colonsek ee *Hide,[SouSArE?4 Clptininger.“Esq %.ef Reig mre apreca ated SesaharenLpGnade“Ciro:_tosen stip:Messrs pet Ate Oingn Ai Sretat YY:>Oloatiiter,s ak eM{dresville,’and; ZEUS:pMwnships’4 : Se NETS:Bonnier.fae,ion been ma”mpinber 201;‘Abe SLatasrgy sChaych |”an owas’a:dowatdd Christians Axedw(and mother,and’ Truliaveod-womdn has beep taken} fe mn ANALege ch =auwaiy o>beds!Need OMNI iewitsnousDhiscereaisAy.ws :Sey .NerdOG NMiiAmae’s.3.IL Shoemake ah 2 net JARO he ge #3 *bkawk heecle i rite eee et 2 e :fine a 43>3.Relfivan,€s.wt ty Ar Sullivan,=oe3hex)c Crane}ins Soy eee “Logg.Phos.Ts,sNeCrary TasESS.“MeChary.io aeaNattheoePisorecordbooks”Muad eae!x 3a ee re jan,etal vs.TOE.Serighs,erat eoPieAapare=attorney:’S “ther ?4 soremonicogar|me sie seutgr atiuinesss 7 ete,Roininnend ae “ik Landy wat FAL Cpeistuiee;P=De Cz eA Ee NE oe eis ee ae oe sae seedhamper,e jawOT,Ri!(iee eM ed ee whe =i"d oe Se pone f a7 RusSe sono REIGN Dol Shc5ih,Mwarpous.ad Vertiatog ge>,is se eneBissSd Sater Eanoes:pees‘fons jee a)iseeQUsS5WikAstaPurnog.regtsrorcof.teenth,:SeekTheRebraary.itefm of‘Tredelt U5)peror.s Court~epnivened ©«Morday.|. SAFO.peeteiue Allon:WileyRush,| eee metetBasePORand:Deputy Clerkt:Nichglson.esare:tuguagtag’the*clerk's.end.pie Pheide Tif rsaodi ashe Said Wilewors:‘oraue sisted=by,Deputies.-“Ehompsan,:ab ane ers vs.Ho Artiebs1“best 2 ::tit County.;es Semoee eos emeleton ay “Roek<So aa ard pot isan arseteitect:iW Be NEE fo CTS eee re F f:}58 Joa BradwaessG,6ASammie Tie,”Dee Lye iePEs }ei oe iC]ISM;Adeeb ioe KR,Bo Melange liniaand us ‘ thegrand)jury: aye makmge people:tee alfing,impression.‘on Our: posed of: ages:Latabert:. 1 Wessing:Pica 5 ‘7 Aaile.the chur¢gian:ariaize:Has its ‘One of the:most interesting.social| ake vow's were:»/pronotne byt,Ts kpr.SW od:ih®aots owt Jer aneee.roe.On14-Shitn-admr-of Sar}deceased,ge ae 8 3 ped*beaxZeusSaenen cl sterling (emtian’to their:‘Sto duced:‘prices on’‘winter goods. ta“Dr Jsie:Moose solves notice =|ae eewishing:dlestah fork As »Aethin B 5a pace,he isthe!Sap:ee ners503oy:||:stenographer:i.age progus Be Cape eo ri aes Km:Sry €olérado ar dying:“Ofie 2 pandlaned by esas:& pend=|ee Se ; talentshivea on “GESScJANDME,“HeneetClopoingér,d dattie eSagearkingers,‘tdwaship|5.State Tw oReopTuesday‘Of Ese week "aged Overfy.The aae Se;abefuneral2. Pa:aaudsyEL!Channon Pac.aya jena tes S: in BeeryObhiér £39.StaiertPeation‘otjife;poresauty |ae ai LeKiaa ei so y ¥ee 6=ay so k 4 dcket:aphile Sherif’Wycotkis ase Res 3 AedandAkepoct Ofcom t"Jadse+Shaw and Splgior ‘Rusoe railed tho wetdyet the doa:apne lcasha setitor|:that:day:Paritil the ea:‘subpoctiaed.+Sh Nonnycateswillbé heard atan tithes,“fang 1h ¢:am bi ane,bonvenicnce:of re rx foo woke: 3Mt;Jonson “B,Macon eteieBaerJHotelinSeneret Codd tis. borate,-Ceptve schoo)me hous ax; ADEtonaged,shoes on.short notice.ae os ‘Ost:aed ee x;Store Ae Of;shoes. “Henkely:Craig.<,Ca.svhave.,Tohhorsésfo)Saleu ee VR ae ome eee $sshiip tows Kas’reached: ytd aebeya eo 3SoinEat scSt oe br: ’.heir han aeas .Se.ConscieesCesatineShoBiee Siines 3 at Sl.50 me 5¥éBeages.- a theyx 5 ‘Above:,a Devas Cok pin =fated -that.50;000:ee tangerMany”Ageks ”haves’‘peony Gesak®fees age ) x ee eeYDRAEDRECHRONSAI a De Ron aesMaveworthfotvou:mote.than 0 if‘child -whoSoils Be 8nceOf:water:a JAX DERSON, ayae DEEXS.&on one Cures eld Giaie easWas’emabled~to.i Sex:Hyoung alike:atanne tS phe trouble at once:agg aeSala):bie sonei Droge aviisMerits:for the >bighe Teputution,at 5 eee¢:Saigeuswathbap iaa,Tehe ae 6 “eae Sankot ap e G3 SH = tome es you Gan:.+ we rr 307 Lotete'vs; SatanoF ts White,gt al?tyreTEX.Rel © fe 28;:» Rel;iets‘uce ‘Sosre?wai.atterson,jo ehalro PanesMoWLWhiterAaniriatsys).R:Seni,om x AFUE IAN ERs.a8ph:1899." Tt R Y <t Re AL Benton et ak“Mocris Rickest esCoir.J.Russtilivy,Second Presbyterian SeiFt(Yountvs.Elisha Sherr.£4)050 4USSuenPieStakeofeaeeuCounta¢WE ve fe tcararare!admin Nowajy or ? «Cte nN;$<esAUTSmttivaddwite,:firey‘ox :Muvthe callofirhe:Calendat any seat eeanned alytedjiftbes” Wadniésses.wall be-requifedto“attendst.ter the case in wanes they, aatte contHARPNESS,.- espoe ae ‘Stat S>ene Wetter asta suilty Ra Donate ieState)WS Ad.Tooke’c Soar ‘ gudlty>D:omonths|on’Chain”gang:ef ptute’y¥s:Jone ~Bpid;>bugseny 4 gaikty sy et ees, sCoptealed “weaponsTUPLESnhseeibe sone alfled weapons;pleads guilty.7Sate-Vs-Brice.kewis ani -*Spate;xs;Loyd 8Bradshaw,Tareeny,1g@milty:4 ‘moaths’on-chain-2wane,eat w Bittesve Fay ~Knox;“larceny? Pledids vot ys,AS months op pS time be te VS.’Thomas Moore,”assault;}, NTA, aa 4‘State:Ave:“Anna.Webb,—miirder;| ee‘to aeih the :second,dev, :Was:“attor “Siete:‘S.John.Grentord:“carry-he e~State®crates Maloce carry‘wet Bunest|iePEewistaysandb.;‘plead-guilty.,"~3 chain:ies ~ih ~Statews,Vulius.Malone,assault,isiltyjAmoothsowebaingang.”Sears ney,orEE _ >Sanit “ LZ-Pres Oe eng “Wed. ed nésday and Friday.en &CS.in:me ns dogds |’ (}5 3,502Bescon)gE fansect “Aeitzeeitiitoyour UF ae veriy ‘tru! lg =aBoviles."4 *Ladies sti og ,ao ~ainperest.& Face tee‘ 2 Soa:‘chi } igs. comp iti-~etia |T)styles ‘aid. \yndapeofToes.tng rag ip “price romewe)us pian el ee 2+ .the ras e Wank int “feardcd, -eliantoo fa és a { reties from "tte es Shas LYfala eyTint:cor aan zr: Be}ie gt ueres chery: ;hSabra reopen ol gtEAC eIRgs ;sthak Spi eof| SS ‘d rites] bttat LuhetaS,ota asisbeecon neaes {les Male tivo NA AS ashen ihige*tacprbtder byisotier i a Tee=ah seraBe , 4.mtakes*menstruatio Cannel’be Cured -) Oe ‘suffer,¢ eens.pams sedtapioone!>f“Gea be cosOctangemcrits thik”#.corrected.T°heiation-shel gentio B chould operatese,Ae ox. oa Paipainless,f-and regnlar..It pute the delic+‘fleute dota wapzone this pains.<sufferWineetCarduiwill-relieve hel?’Teebecosts:+00.at:the”dr ce. !“eeChat th:chek oPth Cus Aerie ‘orlsness = .Dyspe Willig sheumatism, wy pat *Sein 1G:aoSAPpiiwesWirC.Sk ashes Ainhtsaisand,J. te‘the dees,of sai 1 Ie Tetirainsl ‘a eteatante & WHOLESALE ayp*.CBR FATEG ROBB fee Nt1ateeaeaetShdUgts)fe’s‘all wogh Stity 59"We2eons.1.00. at ‘bbilipe °prices’. “make “vgn think wees —10 ctss per pe=Don’t-miss:this thane:Sjaurhtering ‘prices is Sh armers have‘to’selié tbh :cheap’us Loxple& Sey we Dp.LE Note thie!bsFong ES ahosteHal’Saléon:.'~BPO S.=-Don’t pay ah“Pakir$:“and.**Blutfer to.mitate?OS-at:'selting:peat swhat.itcosts ¥:Foie ;_GOsts™fligin'*Comet 1)gHoldReiubleeeissyotoDsLLEVY. eee‘Of,Stiayh Aa im BW snortpagen.d rine randoe 4 2theregister ofseen,CAE CAST.of patSellatpublicaauction!tht}ctish atghe house eee:‘DAN,PRBRUAR) a al eoBeSribedgiddefi:eh joining the lands of.AyAndyJames;ans Alex,CarsonacresmioreordeThisJannat: z é Joc,TRNEN R:BaMciataeofA.Ss.Soto fEsme) as ,a IKE;LigePage sree -INSCRANNCE AGENT.~ .sae?A a ‘ee CALLS SPECIAL #¢'‘;TITENTION TO Is oy¢|ACCIBENmLIONE e MILLEReste:»‘oT sos be Us*in Apameeeourchoths..We’ chance to.,AnatBendigy4 ndisPPGVagot ho pORSrendervisionclear,Andicimesdattention.Or your cry estehts a em f >wa em aed oot = ES > ner.Gr:i ;re pe Ja eetTthenee:North:22‘|Dolestoa stone ‘StaTEsvitiz,.N.& cés aredemanded} ATTORNEY:ALLA.:STATESVILLE,N Bs ae +altractieesinin2SheangFetes opty We warra BUR ae .on"ATI ORNEXY-APL A),,ire fll’practice inail the’court tronese tae L.C.CALDWELL.- ‘to this Ing Sap istyl rmisiot cash 4hhy ed herog tay STU vey pug fore see IT WAY “We wor We alle cM that we wi oe mo 25 Cases x rensDhind Fotor ies Vt fir és ato Moy verythi f c whic aang!: -it acd ito ibe t wat ic (Lo bust Patothe laresc At awl]thia mi itordred:yards and path Sad:git rést-"|!agile ey Waitin trials by:seindinbode!Swaip to Ament the chariterEssthePatme205AvaluUkFineEnt) ieee pedis bah nindnot RSSic Seg i Shi ;’:ey 2 Soa ;°7 Spéaeites=“that knee aunt her |lie f ‘%Mi 3}Z F gar Z .F x ‘,,A ::Pi .au a :;.on,ont nataillthe ‘Courts.te pr cticts ALEXA eaeLEXAND! CIRCE patiosaN hi 5 pha’ Maysh~Batley‘has’i ;;a the recount EsRoneepostmaster:a ‘Cana ok reco oligosfor’Cad:‘4P he“Moores ile Pifvesetpage prep-4ftons Seat;pyrantfondgdined’s.votes 3 a Me z ESSILL,3 :Si nena Tine a | :ecote Sine ya raf axe ie Sy ea 4)ae z i es poe ee ce ett:Eh cape EOIN eee|oo Sere aie a meee “ann Sox iMdicdtesi that’nti behing ise)xpected Ahere.: Ena cobl:Ww:ex inj edthe:peach Senn Ree x -<a Sagi Peck pee pelae 3 eit oe Aid Uicoranke COB.aratiodsarebeleg’made:to erpct#Qrdrchall Mott sti Rate sht6 oot”a na S y Y as eee *“he ea A ita tae se bs2MrsWw?Come has:mee Joie i 4 aaa ag ‘Barium’Spripgs..”2 AS 5}the endor ent Gt ‘the’Belpublica.eepetalsheCoatbleatMouroe:!;5 fats By:a ‘ypte oO ito SenWiest Aiira?Newborn.Sthidywihtet fa inwitiee aaa Ors Se wk NBA gaa ,,at hana beats Suaté Fejected a biilto-s he?‘kk keofNeeaxtBink,fame i1Seon pitas:prigdslighiting dn thatsState"seitc he 20thingt.”~The:hibits nocke Y New Warris«das Thueisc Besta Bh ty Ri Se eet it :at thtefair.“are’always” ereditable Th tsHickassegaaaha:af aels iat “Spolftuivferer,””oY céraiyro:Spins:rand,t interesting,epoca ogee Jthat’sei Ca Poni Ocrat,‘Aon og sail yall pil on)BH meoypAtis isyShid tobe raging,counthy people’:7c ‘es =shownnd.hésital len,is kK{Dad URE ERTS RTT i ae ee ne ¥.eeBebbs“oe (AIST ine et eePL ide eSa Maxganton |“Mr.ARG*S?Dison*Statigatassentaeetl asShed.ttllay Eye ciate Chine eat Dug AY 1 sptieisrs Ri nert,Wass |‘éxonerated ’ofon}\ Bu repies)in?Sratesvs He.)Np *Gas:aera “ae eigen report.7the «ee Of-thé ‘hegre’‘at!RefitoMEStdtMing=Het rye Din cled dost,lon the JOrh'that,thie fast Spaaishypaert last?serene Oy Re eettiie:syvnits midisSoh fst.seek.:“<bROUps Had left Guba.Gea:esse ancessinggert sie inteiHedsott <A PhitigofesSa:Siero then Pugs }>Liektcnant Thea”as a eine Ee bic:fineRist:sister,Mrs.He halen.4 <The,Senasg mashitsces nian ork Mitte boy,was éngavedin ‘thie-battle 7h The “Attorney Génetal;Re j1uittée propose10 increase thenym)With theihsurgent’af.Manila.He}Mo IOP.Stainboucte benbesofcadets”até the oWest Faint weit to.Mauilay with,theite :pes Di idm Fifi tay pendantLotR)og?Spee General Otis “Harshaw!eee .~GSsweifit“aut Ae Th;rontent®Bf 1,G58onsfase ae beet ba aad eae”(tenth diktrict §Sol >thean’Striee ye 6 ~bluth Wa } ttér thin Me¥ With ) Down:eal Sb Suits!31 2 ane Sadie:ary Ee Spend,cnet PBT eg res on ::Shi yikes pichte Paki mekesai iahas of &ranite ee igs“ndeny Lon the trace:and a }t dt .&eee IK i ce ,rane ‘Cort vt :Ni SRT yee al jes StegTe Eee Ne PUP CORSEIat Phe RM rte ‘eist-Satyy sou tad ftpe ENa ‘Torthé “use fe the ?Ww.ai aby SS ‘of seeen ounty.be sKkSerege!bq tet ey.ea ee Sa olycm aecimicay tates anit avis ta Haas canton *Ore th ™CORNTY.5 9 Ee Bom ittee:on siariés inYouths:Lites.t M te i ee atk a Re *«t og ::ne one ee ant +i eeHe Sates a 7 eg nhac ratles”were Pound to Soe:were destroyed by.fires Ss uirday tdees-cuts fhefeo bilictow ‘about 304 es and Up.2:Chi a ae a.er a :a =e altAseria Seb WAoh ts Sent SHOR saath:or ae and-we econgemned:*Aig a LW.eth all ae bas:"mule pen cei 6 clerks:andftfegisters,|e ;pOc.cand|¢:2 Eee OS iia >us bundleeelost&Son Me javere art Rat all-bis.Rouy Hess...ae bu fot as-to.sheniffs.¢Solicitor ging 7:p.cy Cle S =work.Pah getoRecoyan by :rr Mise Re Sy.Haris,OfPeharlestou.-SE SP is x yesadi<Bar’pie ae isos :*First-a S te 4 SaksdS a bal it to hi io)i ventag:Pikesee irtaint.’deals a tthe:depot Upia Jsbs Cabin township,Wifkes feeas asz ital,Sases,is ont:to:S10.”,ae eas pateas ad,Saljehury “Mondays Conn near the-top of ‘the:moun-}“Mr -Canaon:..chairman’|ePinight:¢She wastfou lite’aSaysfoAshe-stain,Retus-Eewis’<two:Titi é Chil |idusecommitte:snaprapopitios fa> aud np.)2 IePe ieee oo and.Lowest:Prices Sh wo i ie aLanVe “tor ;:By AS op“vile >oe a5 faked,diedLthe sdmé night,|rf croup.|hassoundedéda warning.Bemustiethes 2g Sm,age ae Lea loetNe hid.)ya hetey tor.Sorat.ee“Pie Supetines Me Goat.at Deeir leaths mere about:Bh if hour extravayanteMart 2mpntey se ees.:fe “&sa fit Spal dic th decided teymasceute “Ads SPS =:Bins ees Heesunaics,thei whe Soa aooe:‘oe meseul Bond. We Stoic),chk z ACME Boat Hesgee iy tratol 2 ihivaiCeveradon;Lomownt wor dhe:ls¢.Dis.Claude-Davie!tikesottRepré-400aQQ;eee of ‘CON Bo,d Kat bein’7.rand up.::ex}Moteaceinde ere bot AR eho Goe Ede Spa ish:nayQn.at Sah:~{Setayive Davis of Hyde’countys |tobe,paid Q:'Spain|intendent of he”a Soe t rhance az théds cack i vane Comp,Sy att”howiG fran,a elyenny:eat Oa tees z yied.last weekin.Raleisty where She |=Th foMsec De.7 ——vsspi:Rt ie=ae a ,Sees feet :we Lenny ces 4 ders.w Hitaontcbawoht ons oa)roy ee«4 long,othe,renee asp *Sai.the oo OS oe Poa rheieee bude a nies ‘bud BOR fo spend 4 few,weeks’with|Sairghaszpractieally “adopted:Seerd-|)Ba {fp as,ce oc eaees her pe PeestheirBrod:oe i ih dar busbaints Dbe.as oe kén tary:Langs:tecethmendations.‘fer--~"na ;NPS POC es aeplease©o—1 ASbalt ofBaim marta,u feria leony X>eee acing,thi}yhomertors saTQ LS SV oe tinkeresse of thé navy Ae Gans |a rospaga’i she States ies Bey™Sell histTOR Cone lee Hy rr s DT SRO te eye rit Wo dompi ih Sy wae :ass ‘EPsanyspe eee eae earachetyEPROMOUETanherethas,bobh:ve 2 fo inte E :ft ‘Leewill.reCommend pn additton:‘of|od,Dike gas.LEVY,sere Teioee eae As aoe we ‘Exe ie oes shoeate ae:wd Tage iteoka at “aa ade three?battleships,thiee armored.Methodists,2 I cree ae ext do yy fo.;5 ane ey a co.e >sabe a ee Fa Sa "ee >s ye oe at enna %rusae id:fxn:rotecté orul::f >3 . On.oa aN The argés se and fiat rTieOy oie TROI ‘singnsion.at Brant BaSor i Tietuee oft rmvb es as es.mbes;=5a Cee <r aaeDYattentiontg-SarttyI j forts h ey we Jdcsi royved.by fing Onan a Rates ;es ae ty igens,inte a ta “Best félected:Siobis||be CS.at a anes:Bt SPs Se Ip OnSasolasSeonoo slam 3ae hoifse:ESS}i Ly aPresident fas seesna Sevenge tis : You:at Soe-~Ty s 3~osdinp iu ‘for ale Be=Xouth,sy ‘Boys amg djfiarch atok-On ;ace re ti St hieeehtocan Gey eeeley FosteeHa 20 ce ship3 Be peice ea vk eek ba not what cit this :as n a:phe.¢a Reeth awed wh an :oer :ait dH bosit as ae r ALS poss y 4 1 acm ae Re kee .—a :EST.Remy Na 5 byesXYchad f ols Mite ed A a a Aeatine ad ~Gudm ‘Told:|‘If 16 paren peat e ,is yours igual AAD:Py em ih x et ie x Nie Wes whil ets S,alf-doz¢atk der S ise stireh ‘o me ae P .ST sry ceche:eH ee 2a ee ve St »‘aay sowiealone tue tine ar Nleta®.Atmdersiaaac Sev sie he coe,tot coinmunicdtion,hesSays;»aoa ee ,i ae %Sr : EVY_Le Ss es.Drab etmet sd ee Foripraijroamnw 2 2 4h Sone +Davis:“2.Col.©Gillespig JRospitak oSl established:20-98 tobe:x.10Gas ie ands sutt BatesSaad Gur’¥far Gime ro els preetyfet.Malar :a :“and *aent(aj Mavits Sires “gy pita on thestrain,s grrivat therext °Sth Trak,fash,: eee "an Rie stucke Tie sa fall cued faa"been:bide at Pols‘Lief wots “Saks ve HisShnshad res brine eben (op c He NO Laugeis:entwht forbes actor.Weel tr e\eont <Ol URE 0)u i mman's frien +Pe dash,priices ance¥waihb sbiethens ae th 1 ioert pric E WENA Be rccoby michal "tronnsy any childlike:ee vane si Soe ah ‘Tigg peurdefinitel:decided-ttat pebetharay dthesof peactior:war.ee Ate 3 oe pat3<“he .»dex!wi ~Soh 4 5 .a heare The stock is dyttrely tp to date,AUGAMpestpid a 7 se swiright thinMGR Morsviqn,|joes enonyes ®sheet es thé“\icthodists of.tho State weilh eS ee:es‘‘tuckagele Dergerat>‘Says :e“Stray!8 E ie eer suit the times:“Custarbkers 1 Hhsta cd aye tk:rsoOVCH §ie tet a SL Sets rs ess comnts,15 he ae ar,3 i Trabishrane orphanage Ak mite’Thit»fo Swain cosnty..the’recauntroly ae ae ,saws 3 es Trig pure hase their faki cfotkit whats or Hons >cores Dor ;Miify~Cinadey.be tak aR i 4 %.es pare recht,‘fhovmatter jac"hand:‘an vii:ystas:secured,OY ee aatesville,NEC.touk past fuse peeiboming.+Nero ub!C to shea-xHoods “Veredus Ses weowh Mh cs vday oa]Hawt tx Ga Dhye ONTO:x Vat Oley Ga eethis jnstitetion Awhevet the bolstexas.bis Claims for’‘hisvondest;-pens :<ms fFraiatreeYrs1heae“ei“dea ae ,VETER Rader he Suldieits behing,aya"mst ipduieements tle.ered.dope ‘shows thaiCrawford:gave:him:eight i;ie :BISON.Ena }aothe ateos ae:=oe Soyo.ied Peaceand Secan ene ~SANE ‘|votés The cortassPts gave him.only |‘4 <;oe K my ewe oS CE RUSSEL ES Hered N ue Prk resitncnt:Privates L1po-=heydista levy ear:wvarohouse:of.48nd}arty.when thesetrue>¢: ese SeTbRigs jen ete “i a PHENAS "3 mek Seut2tre?‘other’Gases ‘Pan ville =“AL Ergon,Tocated.iio Cala.)Sinead b Satorlty te be 36s.)fat,$abate eee ee 3 reatabo:&i My halo to phe CnetCRNERgh2ajeeBoSeeraeeaseBetesara)¥pharhp aship;7 Davreeourity,owas[the s@ay:oe sping to he *Seat Sits 28 BS ee ae eee =SetSe Sh Risksee ae last F es might ed!:ie.23.Bice ts.143 “hae ss :erFithicy ml ek ryest ie iSsaeit ed fy rey “Sodn ;ee eaMounit <funstangped|Ba eae Greg cain Pak wae is russ s a te-;.4 ::*ee i :3 Raed Civ Yd fy Wie Js=‘,OF LAND.|Sone a DsmE=tera ho Hay«Greson hi Hive ‘on ashy TESy ae,oeBeanies ae ceebee Sets Sn tlhe,;2.:"is OFSTATESVILLE,R.C.DS Peete SNe cg Cytlee ru Uatiog,with his son,wwLO}.Aime,;ore ‘pmiveee.on Nappropriatidns,,Pega!pkalyer ”hsGeneral,peut kT he R.J Reymola obacebs e613 2A0 WOR:eee theinertinte‘dkstiie pis tations *‘Bekoge PEOpoge tee ‘Open,jhasegioming room|s“or EDs aa trehty SbéTeepeAsULCSake:petay Lexehisiwely ot:htt wcpeaple?«One:WhitedSt basi WE RS cbNF,AtENED *ansacts a ReglarBiEe Bastness oo Deposs tse Wed xUkeaesieTy:eleteh:Say aig):ne Interests |ids vad ate deponits ©Money Sever encteay:Bonds woliarierahetied pr:Tsiibe aunty.at-alal AtentO Vd toeolLeckton>qty ail pests ht ufedind orgenitivd athoneest rales Lmertean 2 ms phan Bartelsrapugi The Re Soie Ot ake ee Actountsat 25¢aTAtOUS,Ntérehants,Mac wiacturers:atut cra:“my eed tie NG?Ta ytiey St:Hew re neate AGB hits we SFoeet j oarnded:andy thirtyawwhtte women;sof tts the-bihappro,aisS¥2927 AtfrOm a:‘HES.mt iS sgomed..thes Ligier vAcin'St aie eivedOp ms;Corablé terms “7 >Lue)Far aban fae .ek ag oe and:Boiswail Ye t ee 0 per}301:Ong other:lone ogi Nie AerHA,taleSees ain wees a theMo apxisleBe ekglaudieOFFICHRS:.ess 4 A dock pistsasiugss,aie aver ubedDounthvof aSte out,$55020004oe United,:State POM bic wearems:NE MateS ze;are,Sat for seathfs ae ‘No.At oor:RR,President,Be «,LnvaN.Vics es cident”1 :ig iE aptOOH thar bo Stedtesel.abs:Z fre.ns Net Yorkt ARCO nts We)mtg ?ipyrwhee ASROTL bung."y"the |Coes GE °.ad noe )aCe CRC Sharan,Meieeos parburdlak aiht.oS"Phe.“hy akan |*1GrautilAas.beepifn cena -Niter'y en siahed “lig?alate,eee‘¥3 te SiNwetes aweage re emiee aan be puk patie Neary e eey 8 meshowqh"rita thie’Meegving MNEs icksept)be van ad:+bersaf:em tagiticanfonyettemerneteNyipaaeTs“Ame?s nS ddd echtice,“PRE|,ytion to”‘tha 3“present,‘plant.oft @]jgceepeaanteAUSQe ha VOLE.McLAUCHLLIS. ingsley:Martizegce,:+Mi a a:a PSs a tee mus)weve“burned Youts “TRE lass;Oden 2 Si Co.,.in Concord.”TheLblacgced.ou-the.fiavorsbecotatar the se :Bigs,prow oo a we aeeIneomentpt*awloteeties caiigt ucahis’LdPover Balt”ammil Rar dks weW,Duc age-wridl have’acapacity of.bylwhic has passedthéSenate,aad},Sige a ekee=Rie eet bas Osi est sn i Ne Fase:die where 4Shedpete eee TY ete heBis <i 2 SO).oom (Of which,S0004 !beywhic beproposes:the sou ReneS go Sg Foe Se “WLES ie “Le WayUX TE‘Re Feeie Scie Ane tek Wnchand,wie,Seine pisaplebeo 10.Bee ANY ON pincedait fistsAen,aa shiskey trafieis state,;Se‘ectnew aha pele gs Stas ee :nce >Wie will teh you ‘the story ia as.stew i Lary eethei Etice iron]tome3 Drimwout “somethitic..over]Acorn erieeonidinine tsSA:buBhr.tebpebmey eo!2 system sof aispe tthe Sts 1 Oats.Vesterd:Ly belhitein tee peCCIDiaoensswordsaspo:sible.:there Capes}8 fattiact-itsation.<A fow,days vs Ah.corn andzapcoutho eadwhich aos eee Me eu Aro!eete rN g :Bree eek Ge eeeENT,3 ase :is e e ey Se ES ete Faken tise UC:Wis 7 te hphorte:weddins Wes swored digbvbalessOf cottdn,thé}Be\wam -<Bhebil wil rely!“pass.thé1 duet i con:;ra ;retcand tiade:the belt ringse 8 ee ae t ;;:oi a fs a cate ae me «Mod WeihitspdrtsPa.?the bride ang ‘prdpertg-of Samuel,Poston,a Ctevex:‘Hous to indzrqwand becqinesTaw hte Ashe He bauk as an jalor Gallinjeer hat jst ;ue=Et “Wwe etert vowan eySodugon ae 1dy lciniberi *suites.”Bante,Soses SPiee xtbe “ise"of ONeet?toes 10s =:Lins seves 3 rand i S Tee ny ;de ag y :f :e ::e espe 4 Bea doh ee dt tit +100,tindiner seventy ql es apie,fan county armen >were,banned,by¥|.Peyoiat finance.committee ofthe ge of a bittrepe *ho “that:wel will 4Guarantee cannot be dupdicated ela where fats Hanie’:Tobresw ihe With copnceidatle Men $7)fd din wie the:_cbroiton grforns AHA ydiary a fely lay r ote hea “Adal ;;iy ~dollars more‘than NRCS:LOR RE Ge Sat Ne aan a A Sa tat eens al Pa HAVE pesnd Wp).aa pili ti Paes a least:nee =Te Ba eae Reena or i peesCie ‘The FLegistat e-pavea caning.toa:deb 4 &=eypoms “ NT oe aS Sa Re gee a gO Re ee Shi frat ST felisgk ak aye the teleuinche,Se oe cL bes éstimaitediar SSUU.467 =began’representing ecmer chants ‘to-the es et . A suite Comprises -Ni onesy else eee &Bon Ey cea ge sathal er otshorihtiaath araaitee Bein:I Ly etc ataludt trees i Cass oanty,:dude‘Thomas,B.S Wwaaraei]forthe States wee =ioe et ie a spi ienla like es ‘bby :ae xANCE.lange Ipadatena Is favily.carved;ow astwe eval bi ie ‘a agi oR Feu alentvisieed,|WAN GON alot Sides SSR Were Sraceatir:sSOld.for 310 ho,abou twvo.*years—$0.Avent Kot pestif ae cane‘purchase ne ing.¥i Tn Be a ie siea =Soha sy ita cet ia eae i S ."iS Y eesse pe ithe bare +"pialic hGrasity 2Rr “4 PGo casts.)Dhgse:“Vets shave;“FON ve,York to:Accept an.“important ae tax ‘will{probably»erepe le a 2 3 a eee 3.SHED.STORE”tare beveled ilass,and wash sttindd prices?¥aera ones ok s=AO ke fees ae aietl:3For.three ee $i4 Se AS Poca scieyeeaetr“4twewarerithissuite,first glass.veomsbrnctio’Anat finish : Fiiekove A dims wer » kp rade ters ‘dattelite.:Vue”Rdahise Kirke ,my ait:itstplaceia graduated:lice’ctDoesfobledieahdwill“be ‘Shy red.th;spositionsinithe legakdepartment:Zor yandtny Its oO}dy P ariel ware ‘Thee eee tte.American;Tabac Company,oe pve lexi,oe aras’Seven,fool!fe‘Qiumeter ft HLT BES:‘resigned;This:position.and “will orsevery man dong-<Sasandowceurdfto-Raleigh topracticelaws «Honspiece a year,~andrisins wit babe x army *35."years.agsO “ald ree (Od ple, enstens’for disabilit y were “able to aie serve-in |inthe war with Spoia “ nf :=eah opens E ‘vield:sheer Ret aefeGoneaednyeRNSSeeRESi«©.|yohumneOfbsitiess.dotie..ee nes #Peek hE jiyoadapworkaBoSeeeeteaeSchiller,eh ~Private sf Seca yom,S70to S100”$n Seb eh “‘teportethat,Mr:Ruther‘Clark,eeet eee pibeSenate tart.Mes ae.:\Basa :Na roan ie ianeNEE:or ATP RTS,rales nie50 HemISt Air:“Reb yin [Robbe P;Portercaho has Sonig tsa Haynitin GaAheSouthera’Railway,Bh :oa Se oreente Dye ae !:YO,i $a:se,ms ao is :Vast oneal the:leadink Citizenyte*ares retained from Gaba,ater,at+)dyd Riot-atrasic-<Céath at’Phomas-4 “5-a ; hie ars reek Corp ha ay iti Mech=fsRi*Batiybrtck:2r COM *»vysishise on debeate2Atpissiein.|+i he,Lorisiout for be antrue.”Mp te 20,“W,jh.Weill yesalt,Ary,’the?Gisvanding §Plakias alixe and”‘standin:201 bre L polices:justtines be C oBan”TYE under Gomer.|:tept >He says:he reatl with a Gréay wile: ao t -’Woues X«f %tePFFistMe A Short Chaptér on Shoes a = aK,BE HE 4JE 1CSTOPENE eae Biase eoev <Reeoty ¢of Surfin He Liki ieee ee bisationite pestix sor of-iniereat “te,acédunt “bf-“his hea hee Xu its -aeNgo els i paseily.“js =oME.©ik Aw Peet aria be thes boy tsQt odTatsecret:this we See in ‘Sévgrak f riction At Worelread’Gity ;‘Thursday:ee Be Sewretchante£%-5 fn Sy a te :tees y 2.GeSaneA‘th ‘test,at;&aoe:2 iy the wu erbmeént?‘ALi 2 DEPAS:se ah <jana <tas sbought-for.gs“by.ans eepaichew2hThingy‘FN Diripethe Cour,fsa Seas Lynch|§POPbe trialof:the eohtusted “election:Messe Ee B.Barbee Armt go ae Address”.>#25Ctikes or:bout!eee \aereene Badin?ar e anit ceSante Abcao Tayi fh ‘tyrotons CoN)q ae :ie ahs ree Seae Ppatomat it nae eee <5SieaeedMass,rete 8 stody ftore pribe wear.|The Moods ‘copyrise west ides atic fe >cig f Hols [ta ve kslteae pane a Ta hes :ard fen ‘1 fh a :Pe ~colartizsobleathyr ahd width avd <Bipe Oktces she yan ws rigte Tron iSi ae B,eee ee af oes URE aanasttS,dl;aa =Sajisburg$s on.he eagOof ter a ehae)Son sco a te gah,BEN ee 5.GunsA AG SS.20 ait Bobd stu PRY Kipipare Ceucehuls CH Take FANEZOE hates sede Fie jory-Tendectoithgh:Sordnedgo phe forues Be Lesingior:fon artes 4»ee Veit eget a z Tm .if ‘+Bu x hs ‘ag ov 2 fy ;:ae 4%cil .34.<e os EL Fe OSH STa ty nig Th i>SF5:she,ae wilh NOt,Ot.ETeniiner.aBy:this.decisiGa|one Foray akie ee ie it “ae toply ‘Beikcok h5xserineinWinterStccleGrioeFectoiseaLislviewHoathbycour‘s a,SQUIRE showy|Fieming™pean Ne,Of:re oasisin Fults}veuuy ‘agit shee 2a emitter inde Cai hs : 5 “Put!‘ot”vies ea cs Nea -‘4 aly Pe Waves el y 8.‘v LS we,ian «ey:USus:ber gebiae “att wins iy his,bes!bad pmol:Betas aS s.¥Oa Firkegs Wore es =f Hiecounty,ghRe ar oe F Si ey bear ¢Sg VAM jx ape DN it no“Ssodncr?passes 08 ae *Res ts,2 yy'9,{Bye “i >,ae *sis tex ownhsy Spots ees dur,%~‘~-a q Spyies 3a ;BOERS cll With.gen neater ats 20 eat Rieter ag ch S anotacr=comics,+Bervit’s 5a3By!the:Saponeianee:‘ofSf.hth SF ‘a Pts “Heldve:4ALOUNo,‘clock?ie::?a@he town 7 coinmixsioners;-oF s Shaetae,the,Wile one woliaeand |:Kerd ass president.of the,Blacks fantonhavedecidedNngnimously'totolmEwell’See,‘Tobageo““.Compaity. simi,ql a 0 ee H.. Sameok pect,=EBSAndit's:the ohh Seatn Of RIE.Alfio Pinks. OM Stace Nee Be bsa ypssur ass Ee i ae oT Jask he-.Levisiature to.esta ie-oi see;eek gay wees ee =ie sae Rink jet of shots Libeets Ge tite Can he Ee iecie ae ig oisdiy Shake Dry Toy fas:an) +)ase 2 soem mareceemmenicnme npn ml *::tis 4 eT bey Dra by lS)+}0 ©$vinpan 4}Cate 1 00,1;‘On:Sage SE ie ~RP eh cia ieag Fey ag Byer dal at he {chant wuphs cuslepeenon 7 Ibis deat oe COOTER ang:-Ohiorin=the Masking:sneeros with Speyeh ben ie(citevlate Asienice Sathy Bist SetON TEN Tédhais be.diad bgee |St ai ‘Tiger!=A.hole?tas:cut.in thes ‘panyt Her silver he willl devote bis|”;ves Billstorwarded t4-“Ralensh:<as eis i FoR.“Ww Itty consign pt fon,fforBeem hh OY euernye Bsend ipa =veanlidatcs watents,‘time:‘and attention to ofbex fi Theres was ah.ligeand Fepresenta-}3 etn Abn.UP pk,ewaS Pais]sea MR Sieg Memes a,ee pubsait ib miichhe.ds ihtetestad,eee mee ree,Re thee fhie*‘fepeal dWheyéaod,vived here Tun tit.abs!“BemtOon calpatalists,‘arte |“proniting|Pee ts -|Lotuiationipf &Bar:ssociat:On:int.,rfCSharsReonwhenshe>aveu,1 fdscheme,WHichS alors Le Coptrp!|Rear ‘and -Raléigh.©P -D.~‘Watker,zof “Char-i past.2 4 GENGLR seicah of®the-:“Cap : ea.a Roses ur to RGEC im ea St ceitiire North"Carglipa ptae:in?Yauicia,Valley,Railroad to:the:“tte;was cele ted ‘president:a é a ssbuged Gus besSwith his byothen.PO Aare Teas.eetmatedthat afore manvit oust Loin wats”cohsummpat Ofawiord Bigs,of Chapel HAN:+s Res ai i s vir.P ts Us rie has 2 i eh:y opSeer4 S20U000 Gore Be required to ats“Baltinwre Tist weék>The money,‘C1 etary,abast “om s ~ya :LY,U0USwas paid!evel<cand:|they {"* my iA)‘ETA Pm Str ess:qua!vl Cub:B~yectsre othe prgect;it ate:tS “carried > hy:general e1ekins,«.the “obj$s =oe Be Se RN ae Hh col pecoehom el:b Bis tea Pe i »igauster’made.”The toad js now kRet.“ay eaten sie thiy,veal oan att tic tans si and,¢yee *ns es aay beso We:ag *4 pee Meat a oi The AUlactic and Yadkin andy?will tbe:eee celia.a6 ex tssed 15wo:etm st set wt Hr esr 7 ;a Re ,;Pays 5 *iW ei ak ce gS 1 :aese\or we ee ak wok,otkrit Pace tanereal ihe edithmepced.Bee:ia bas:a ties to!‘the:Chast promote:justice,estab ish?fotace Hin Lotter ,ag 2%:3)Ss ~ie eqs sew ve ons Steet.Dy.af,Die yo <ae ab SNe Boca a r and is!;£<1 10 t ye HOrHOT Me {Miss ‘timateSocial-.-rel hioneise:bet ween her AC pe pie atid ‘ins Pt fue Syaltee ay Fee SSNEY woe .Goose rHor cL auitia,0b MIS,=‘‘iabetiy Seitye gubite,baildin ita w:vers’aod"to:plovate the~standardy vu aripidalgs Hh of_phenayiae ai the et ;%5.LPG st optfive Built has,passed the,bopse.v[tappro-fokthep aw ss are.tsaysahcgs<a ea oo ae :BS et TSC To Pike Cease .Ppro-to:rofossion.ing ar. uti=not =-:ont ee both fu"Sos nut ce en v ‘show nm ‘iP Sits nS :fi SB 3she ee ae ©1 ak ete Holic soseseait priates-390,000,byt thie,public build-roe held‘apaually.«‘ ee a ~of wle Piereaage ~LABS od ears mabe)ee ;Erk than *=Areewtsd in Gco.emsbare pth ae ole,andition.the tags yt Wiiston,ante Dutham,tre“:Mar,dc“Hh,*Cart tU i—-fromard 3 eater a eugene hs NY “yasarec,1 Staresvine.ast Hn PE RES =aie pucieds frdm :committes,»Were nut 1 4 arter.o nioi Ipwa ‘bi osEE33:::5u sielas'She aitre ndanee “ereatly wre io thie THduse,ne 7s Sublic ~whovhas:been visiting:rGintives 3a Xe ‘idisendteieerasp Gf yborsoud.+‘.AL-LAW,:aed ene Prices wil:18UxRlerents;ot <ix Drii thes “om:mths ‘of Seuriaby +ray}Lbs:tty Grinds‘stand?“Aprelon’.pe mee .£thissection for.the past:ite ‘weeks,ts “Phe.‘eongestion ‘of thé.ee “N.C.aa.mile ne ane -2 By ys ~beoe Pout’ae tecy eld:a,wuns .i’stytactbe anad Aare of the?panes eer being stanly dior letter’hig’:home,last “Monday.SH ahd A‘and’“Jungs pra ine =a ¥Rrra ia ais to vehat ou usa 5 aTae :mi “y :rahehander Jo 3 Dilyisc;abut}Serie vor s funnily,itive heén ©sou.koa ess aee Ls ably aoe +was,accompanied back’by.bis father,er fainmstion~3 Seed 2 ¥e courts where-P D .¥3 t ;i oe [phgetty OF 0d:=eile:tendered snoped tLorthe.bedside pag ac ane 1 Mire Wilson’Carter,‘Messrs:Ar=:ute Baa we Gaus coeaeayds ‘:OU diel cans neon On ad 0.‘atte ne =APpore ee)payandnt archtels one Pst hs 4 rivajes Tom:Bernese.SSE of Thets ts aul usually:highOstet:in|thor “Walliard’and-spas:“has,hor:disease”iss)‘ WELL.A yn:wens ca Ne Sacred Baek i GER TITE GOR,ol Teountyacteroert Boony at JAShe>}the Cape Peay Kiyers Hears.are ef’g ™ae Which.a paser ay :ie 47-LAW.,‘7p Se ey oT ley and SbettveNevakef,All:mye.’cehiarnedtor the Satervy-ef the..coun?|t 4 “s ::eR.eG an Mil ,saat a oh Feefai water Sate ners,Ob,the se irs North Carolina.Heybridge,-a huge.wodden:strudtpre,oe“The:‘schooltiES‘>=4 Gude at.rown,cashier,ofthe}jeighionbat,gor Bate a serap in she -jepeiosed,dndrpofeds :Should it <bed:ss tt Speake edie een =Federal Courts ‘sh “eee about the eh rk Dy Hic Ay hej ;eis t ay cb pr LD etty ee Ae Bir :yi X os %Vana,onthe foe plaway.iswould p lobabir catty he,“Au .;*De ee ax toa 4 fui iey owe:Berl,ier i Pee carn|Dew Flag $08 e fs ested:care:uy mmericatyRspatmentStore.A p |‘phd fred Bact‘<hots’at each eat it th tron:beidgecof ‘the-€ny.the University Bublieting!:nelly:ort 2b eRe Riera seborr.he eee Neither way,hit,“butsa‘ballsear aud’Nadkin=Valley ‘Reaitecadt Coin pany,aie andsBed,si &-C6./1 Exot. The We s a es ;wie ae ae hee Seah tee eee from”Burleson’3).gun ‘penetrated just:below!it:Measures”were.ta SeRehmende”Some of be,bright foadDit wh: me we x 4 og ae :ire nigutty,when ©shenaates:a ae pie les otf Piivate Walter ‘Brice,cae eoos the eerie rb eer a the:State”represent,etable-attenpallthecom:“Ea inked the check tolthe bankas :aictinga7‘serious wound.}ree ton onl ee ¥rtab ae —behem,and,the’arguments’ware vere torbesinerae:of es;cS and ‘fe Greedtore:Ae!Liyas.pels.On=Stoatu Major.Gereral-M‘les has “appros::youtig lady.“of Giese.shee!Pook fight [é y ; 3 :nee "Re eT SRM AS |Sb we ed-thie sentence’of,dishonorabje -Gisy $4,vem ‘Fan.away:Dae 3 ea;E.cS ADA:»~Ffai om ae.Mere 4 i ,“wows a}“te stilts béethat comrpatativtly few Booatacasey:Watchinn acaba aepectsabs eee scans SSctiie that aty‘omg man hat!Seah cliarge:from the army and imprison:farmerci the country.Ske‘is:only Pde on atses Ale a SobyeBeatsaitobusinessesowtiteSANTHatcost.‘CGowle FES(os |Reg mdeloi ease warchee™saute As We Woultauib your ate,|rrestedin Grédns oro for:passing went,jor lite ighposed on Private}17yearsof age,and.the groom se-|2 Alt Gre Bn oe:ATE.‘TEAW,=Hight eet thinaodels,Don't tailty sce var wutlces bsjore ee“foorned checks there,and.in -Bigh’)iames déllts.(cel.Company T,Ehird }eured the license by forginga letter bottle of Ct |Laci,Se.sae o =BE Rd VOR SEh aera =ee “rot,Mr.Shenoy,eewee NO Eo Santtht Cxrovlifa~volunteer“infantry,|from:tthe.young lady’Ss)"parents,~Say-ay,ed will refu a fiea -i3‘pt ee:“CLOCKS TO SUIT You.sn Huth Prlsnet Be Nonmariler Sone =ae ing they:eo no es to.see eons not ce ates a. :cs te -Now if'yeil are chinkinig of bitying a clock,”enters.ndi found dis:gan he AG “Geo:“Miles esigna tie.mui)marriage:@ was istéd:<in’‘the cont ieCourte--Si#‘Povcela ee Come andseboar ei an Fane ive audson S Hejlaameyis:Link,and “beis ee prison-atr Fort,Rennes peesby,two off ae ae The fa is the een Ss-in the |‘uly,ak peta tae i *1 *4 ee ae TP Acta ypu edsou Gouaty.Wile”Messrs |Kapsas,as ee ae ee datherof thepir!has employed.coua-,&BTIppe,2 area ing‘TERNER,a Robt-;:Moore &Co,ee es oS oan oS Shelton caonot recover po!A seland,hedwarrants sang eeaemeeeoer ae“le adie an 2 ienator-af =:Bue 2 ne hee it money ‘they Canibave:the:“sab jj “patrest,prrong:ah ensseats 300oF :Piatt Sine oem EN.C."ae eee #4 ~Be,action ef Seeing va ——Feueatl OF;g.Pie OF asotr;ee duel Wide semen oot et Wy hie a toneCourts.“Speci!aa eee ‘py tare:ant o r oe ,ver ees metas Probateprecy:ps 5 ; pilai bs :TE Vane I aE oats ag act ATE ENERAL NEWs.ug oS “TEEMASCOT!Tropa ceonstagone =<<EE SEE eo an +a4 rks th et:Te fe f “oe 2 ‘Ve Se *Bo::ie .a0:ve 5 i hates +sty t ts A ok terest Rotirteen speaple.were.-Pea tol!iy,Letsr From:she:“Boys a :eeMRE AY ELL 1S eh EpiiEfy a Ts Bidets cotter oa ei am rer Ns The,Business’of Gonerel in (5 |deathiinTesmrtipring theoa oe map tngiks ees Spon BAN (GIVE Ve RAC ESraME RS OS ena i &PUBLISHED Ww PEKIN.alte Quien 2nd,Matters,of ‘Local Interest Ped oe .Herero eat MEE rai re ae Bek eae Sp i Sate -"Te Beopie of Iredell:and Alexan:|o Onéy an Wwasikilied a ay fixe Seri:2 Rey,ta DT thie es ,<7 Bane re i oar ot eS eos eo codnti soe ouslie wounded=rn,3 powedér explo:6 I ee aR aeSoLe US Ne Sioa,sea =Sawa iol m1 SOt CS O95 xy Sa tts pt teat +Ja.,Fucsd Sh Se ay See=i SahONEDOLLAR.»YEAR,pe bites Menge ‘wyree Sign i Moss Grove.Ba.ECS OEY Oe a Petroar°S03sl ae =*ee Wa eee hee tera Se as ot ee a fis can SESS r ke a J 3 wet bout S x mab:of masked amen,‘Lo0k threepoe ie a ty is we ra x Years~Aepte eh fu i ca AS TARTNESS ae ria ok urty *Poerrn -“Day (Febraaty dezrdes.from the.count ffail et Leds:|Capit Saeed:icartAN : ae :WATTS,Errors.ik bith).Bills introduced:To tnables Feria Gals Shturdas pight ‘aud bane bork=o)wih Revie i ry A.i TE FOU i just Teceivas me ae :toe:e Boe aries get eduuties to.Jevyian Spe tal’kak;ee them,ger ae Re ny iS tine =a me =e bs :—_—;aa pa)é *a br od ol +ie “ ?:a oe re i i ie aa ae TET ereare counties Coors ge unghie tS |A ee ineh,weFS pega uthsenseelie:Fe oe “Hose iN chee2.C2 4 eae ae .dhappoint«additional ”commissioned me TAY EC sda dnote pais Sin Paine a “but fia elk Mae Bey aiid 5 Me Entered at the Postoftice at:=Mow Forsyth,-a4 eer wounded tha st i eyver 2 ics -Me are:saa neal :as LS ‘a ee aa ‘second classmail matter.J+;,7"fy BUTS:sock:Ts Sake choyter Par kalbyd3 mites OR 2 pe RC Se ss the:stoke ak di!ui ee yg ate oe ps Wilkes org.for teliek oF.Wind ConMgpdaxe Ee Sate ce eee eee reeds!2unde. gmeRs aba W.oS Gi 3 Peres eg =PAR pena el ieee es “PHONE No.33.spleaae solders:Toy‘chanee bata The Palak ate ~uQde “ther.oe kok SORT ME es ontra Pohig Soon ie |=7 ee 1Ad:Pails‘.in “big.:fe ed ee es ui Nd fa nyse*hiybe reee ard AHeehany north:See are 4rozen-users Coty:>Soemii ay foridt oeSs bath:boss Ora ae yatmh ae =A onesin.ser BaresBaas E oe :t v ee i .na .-:pert:aS t ar y ep ay . ‘pie et oe ye oS aot :4 as posta ‘ton.mitts fare “itotitied “to bibsBoOdsw Le Tet harallionet iis Pius.vad heneal a CRORES sh : Seng STATESvaLLe,N.;€.Feds!bey 53 7h NN 1p acct be ve ‘ohbe ttm its.pa oe TEES:t %SE ok ae |p pte D aSi by VOLE Sago he th ’Yo Vander cogmmankOf MajorSaiive ia f ne: Ch eee :tial i eo —Sieh 8 eeeSeren AY,OF‘ebhnar’PEL AL cA ‘baths oma Leer peny i ah sat aoe mand YAKSyey :Sonia aes perenne Tar ae BISdttrodticgtl:s To validates the Ane.ot th opatildings’‘at the §Sia By ee batesl bop"3 OE Me ;ism »bia eon!fatate:Mee ae Seek rise ab pre :4 on.aed se et asond Jatin:in NTadison:COVntyy <r Shak<Qtix Inpune ayy Luin.vat Aa nighe eas Oe grease mie Ms Bat 12 Soe es TaNes Apts,sends ¥—a seek “Hie 5 Seve l ae ei “fear 3 —s ie hee nese feesohation:to elect«Liv ctor of Beat ees he :ShetendShed ee “Ht ai i ae Bspee a 7 y yaleKeMUtT it~ysoe!pelehe x4oh pA 43 ce -‘gt a TandsBunrh'schook at Morganton:on]titecnag)the!jinhaves.:rN nigh az vB:Coe tieBS.dat anuler SiSStipes TCEwe i eS 3 743 Ye.Bethy inet.\This.wis at-once passed.phe Meets:aac id '¥ae{ios ALiIe »Stevet eRe :ihe See eeadh Haye-x ee ~:Ways “wry f ay ‘= ie a.a :As seteS Bilis pasreds To protect tax |Pay=f.Phen tou WwFp *.Suroredant.dal ;(owt)Lite AoTeles } .Taub ce Feriot Bai kes.eprtnky:io pr omote the}‘Norieth “i Nias WES urp wetek SSA its ga X ieeex.‘dare?utyALL a ae -S08 popmby tng passeng ers pp mene Fase hyeprcaking Thott,sessice:Zarhas.,ais é4:PT NDOTdeal chapter 2OhE Lawl Soe His’to Dronhers Were Tunst useful art Beyi~a a I S8F rds:“}“Hie:2H UreMe BA i Bnet pee ape chapter shy,Lag See FEF their estorts 6)pa hint ot ot oeiSiiwh SeWeshitued the:“bo ah ete tedyORessDEpeardteSworkitiz’“publié<rgads te,eee i ae Re i ae ©EONS i orca ¥see a a ee ehibity itfe Taaunino}ure ane sate »xdtyiral ewey ad writin 4G a =los i pete oe 9 Aipoers:privinl:ghiee ter cha “dandze Brawiey,ft SouthCary ;5 tot pMasti and see.gs.:ach ee.3 &Fe ian:ehsrcligt De}iid:ast alihs edgset tinder a tte wreuMs Stas,tive “ay vsheh rae 5 ea 5 Wa,eee i Bsn,ML iere esSy mt % Riek :Rhea 3 Lstapces:eeoukd be be“Svangtidarte Lor net aeditS2tiye hy eeilted.Orie:ie aan aeha 5 A Saye ecas j J oe poo mtte ieCpeabteaisced hae pee nomnMattoupey THO:a pines se hrehyyLots }:.es re RAs ear «me tis Ske Ses It f ware adrne Ns "te st WeWid a peheeFORT Gen joni Rs :oeaRue er RESoy wit pe Beeff a k aR eo ie th i retary aie ont q Reysresatin:tip:r My aee lie Di mandstlie:Fest Virginia ‘Leteisfars yt pro}ayeone.pealee Ee ee ar et “and Re!durant ‘4 t as < oe see Poathed,Tsp the:¢Sat Ace ward |:Vita htt latex aintisns ot,They Hein cits edeJ Steeos :for rh “:ors pth Schare-s wie miniy ORE,wrt:hier Sew iie Y,fy bce fecha ‘i restaurant }the ‘old ~“4 roe Wades her EL Sateitees mmathat St we sadl boat,Ki See 3 ay : ‘.ony teuant eerie Reynetds osaid;State spe wien metasec ets be Myst hed on “ataeBttheStateopemittinLiarseHeeaEAnteaeWen-y sci coe Nils:petgoBs>vane ~aoninininded.atoll >Lo pened Tati}“Tet oReyGc te be csi Take =.ae eS epsikeirt gpdce:speezith ‘n%a Missi mpage cn reR SS ¢me ;DEN hy I 3 a a aSSES oye foe fle ; mo 5 3 .xv <i:Cg +Pie ye rE 733 ér or ee aS oo a AS we #Sst the ‘ ety ee Bie Lex;slature 1S not pushing abentes“while.«tho.Mouse a Bewire +Theaters Gporuyatict!spic ot iti x Se he St eit Ss ss LS YS ee ay Be ~:thi a i.E sia jonas nek sontendtives “pre SCS.Mitilest of fete rest of Tae.w Ati tig Her.e nieBren tates rte oes yet nals hn Sy oe 3 d bigs Dat is cing prodently ar ‘mpegebimons “tzatwst.Jiundd WN.Ae pier jh New Xerk|Mondake”“Phe aia entee:Ny.fet \QE serdarinkaoh tet Beans ee am ails Oe gel “conse reatevely’Theimportaist bile Nee tbot forhistt<ist res aid,titis-""oy “ci ee Isso}posed,eye Jiaat.s been.peers pict ee eeeay ion hora 3 ;map aig ea ase COnSsiderite carefully:Oy:the.comm demeanor)ja offre:Regpresent’used bx thre fiesiN contigs:of ace pets bist Te th AM whey beh fv ids arid?erate me {mittees.and when intredyced -are|tive Cedi tlien:Spahe.Ou feetee gortogtl ne Het ese ts oe Male Meet Bea.oa eeat:eS Me ee Expirehotesa est iy Pee Ode Bond ;~~wg oS x Ure pa!he ‘*i”3 “Poet ak ut cay than”rsTie eT PRA Ree “gS PVPS m %pierce) ee pa a8 Sahispatd without apreat waste ok pehator:Osborhe.the &ated Lipared.”sce PUM hag ere a abeBaesche pat ae nas:astape!tom te Sachs3eS eerste ae e Se aeayas faved digcission or:action sir the}Hiei FayORaie tt aaah Mee eee aes eine ct ay f >of time.2D,sprech Quaking:“ATIVE an cS fi)tea we ne Se eo NRE Ghat ice ae ie a pales if ean tae :SRS Teac menas SRO aaa Bees costart y%wydyit the notedeee digs Ws :a ,ghar!of;Treastites shebasthe suiTiaive b Pre “eat Brees Be ete eS.rlipd aOu 1g Ott,irst =“ih ain ur iaeah A eos etneonid:::Pees meee bg ‘“ihe.Sache ;dah +sya, Fe -amendencet.she:“Yam Craw eae |oe es “Weal Of has yea,Se .Fe a8 Eh Snes.es ae Acie PratstebeasetFRURYSmPebsfegaryCan%aS at why i13 Pavey Sait fa fee eet:fn :vente pe.the ¢lectizen jase and ‘hliers OFF <Xu bi 5 ‘ie eengr icterest,Set as iw Wa brotbor;,Hecke oe eesit,ae er:Cee edad &e ‘—.t-enere ,oro we ee x ety Tim 5 at ggg ote et 2]ieportance are vet fotmachcs acted 2p ‘yy:Bere Mee ee a lacs¢ixes Ty:Were -paghere Pry Sa caestot wai,:4 Bee re ae ob buf thes.$3 :ch ear :a Bt ne at proce hs ee weehon Sar the Reis PR eich va Ken ae:ayy :Boks wath aT De hp tte.oe :we Son C cet MH sig MURRL hes BT OF ay eee mie the Ledisianure®¢wan be Seq py eier eta)CHOrse ei tkt i S ‘ye a te ms Ea ea bs a eatsne oy this aadi ower moe see a Bets, iret eee gmemen |SPCR RRR AS SR a ah a =EN Pre deems E 1 iho”ce Suiaipinant isd AChip pees i ee ae ees a in due caapet a ae ‘Eocan Day tebresry’hHomanstir’the reat of aye shoo “few ONEtins Taner ef eS at SPL ith)—Helniap ttroduced peptyoud Mi areas NRL wx tierra It"re t-Se TG ig c ‘ie Martbor YS,SOV Mtoe:ter Rs eu “Capt.Bu <Dad:Syolpntary.“tttr te <from itiieeS Of Srarasy ie.aShiO AS tea:ose odsot ffl and "SnigIg ies - '3 ¢‘retire:frony bis positidn as saperin’gs for-the Soeents giaaidispta valid |itr:atToneOst rine jieLggas ihm EDR,et‘teal tote nnekt gS iqsp'tee “oe4Pout,PeLSQIS dipsPE ees“ey ett LESS:cae hehe~<tendent<‘of’the.penitentiary when:ete i ore —ae exer the Senate “judicilary coninst-;zEee ire loge =nee eect ba oe Bes Te :i a ry:Benator n “vote ‘:a t sbeiieer 2 k oh 2oeteeseesDtforhigytodose.tplicves —ion-bitls untilak “Tid pescee tae *Peasit aotFooltACaney foe 'j :ae the Deaior ratic part from taking }the HousesThis “tySolution WAS at hy:She ase is ¢ypiet}sifathahigy:tgs i t:is _any Uppleasant steps to,secure ;fen:Londd bagged at =suteyded,as oes aie Sh aie att easBe KeFentirecontro}of The State’s-prisuw“or SCAR a APPTOPTIALMbs.(Atay teed Tey chsh,TUEGR ESAS iagicnstor 1re Nisbet Soy ce “the néw board of directors.The goals eens:dutroduded:BE.ya Fed Mee Uistinetis droite eee Sees a0 2 Nia an:”‘liam,tO ifieogporate the Bank Br Rees S S we Sp re er “Democrats:will now Shave ayfree Mooresville:!‘to abolish othe,dfidecol Fe Spots gy Sat cee,Rony.SUKOU oe sey :ies Pi in pepitentiany mit ters,‘and|Farmers’lastatute.now-helds~yy DD.ayes Siete casesa AG poe OTIS ere GINed ;e ey ede their.course .will ben.watched:Reith }oe aver:+t0O%*Ticorporsue thy Ba Sto ates he td a weoe ahsathewa>hsBee rhs I Bo ieee “with Tauch)‘interests.The peniten-oe gd Ceptaiiee tpamee,aeTA aM opei‘iets beret:ds ee eae|SESE tary timances are sv badly,intoly ed,Sg ae hee seaoa!TSS ares Sane thes Eh welaliies “We rote.xFt bat!ed eit Yund the correctioud of exixtib ys abncee Belts ale aS Resolition:Ay im "a:galsay eat Busu ep eet SaRa ae ae bina v :yO?‘x ‘fraught with sO many dificufties:|‘perch Judge Sor oy oby eh ~yote.of ar HOMEY ad ha ae eh ye ee Gs eS en Len:Hs .“ :‘rs ;“thatrit will demand the bést:Mo:ight.p=torsly av iact reguidying the Pa ts aiken ea ;ot LAE za 4 om ee the:‘board:tof directors.ines:arent Of salaries foppenitebtiicy vl py Be Hysti dispatch Betis ope She ;hate} i :teesand em)oyes,and forbiddisset =>insta xe OTE,WIRES!iy Wea ihr 1 aire1 ,Sore ee Sa avhard.task.‘before then.buf sal&of crops:©its actcuts off aly)“Sn tents ieAR2Fastse athe A “ered t: se ee ae ther are menof,affairs,Wise:busi-salar jes froin |=Siperttewde at ‘Day}1 gj tine ral BYZaiph SG we 1S peeve Soe othe a :BA uss men,who!will bring ‘ovder™out and bis.employ a cere see ms blowar down:“gansb ax 118cnualitate’t ia oP onkedin®$xb.as :Mes ‘Se +oa eh :of the:existing dheads :if aes ean She *Micha Sessibis”MERE orHoxed,he bee DEY Teutenn:ut ce Olovas Mint +bet SUy 1 Rake ?PEELOO :bet,RS inte, ae he Sige ein Worday.;:shen ola asemen the ATRIOS Se ie AR ;See ee done.This,however,will take.{ime®!Riemer ened oi fhe COMACGCNE As,that,OD ie Se ea :Eh Re FOR the.reforms:“demanded -cof “then:ee TuteryeS,LE Tat D:ay Pebrdary SphiftRiedywere te Mppranits\deprive ROS Resent4 TECOS 2 hE he 2 ee ea note be os uted:inadgy-7 CiaPSA Witliaaie Aritrodyc ay revokution’patties bl Brea cte sD Rn Wf : oe te a ©"2 thathoimemberbe’atom es¥toyspetak|9Surtoris 3 tbh birzlys Ue Tyo.Da cone ase Sm na bce over five met excep Ww,USNS,Btote threses gta.”yr Oat:Ge es Ug ee fee ‘The House-of Represeatat ves.has}ston.)=,aS Qosto Abe Pepes us thie Aionk Fs “idigas- r ae PS adopted:s enc.andine,the{*-BillSewere.iftiod peed:fpieces Pag aeraaise3 ments al dae:whet panieséy il ;“impeachment of Jude We.L:-Nor prac TADSFattotnesssfybni She vonijns MaseHt,Rc WE Xe sf il +Rass nent; Po wood on’the eecedeat ada “ankenness LSutetieson Dopds:to,prevent sik |id Sept iteirour beri,Yin ay, eae :bya vote of 62 tot:“Tyo years LObt timber ®Aron this DUALTNmating J a ieGren esPeres ide cn ‘i 7 ey ‘ago the:question.of:bisim gach ent Lianfac ture i;{toxappomt \“addipidital be~So/The,Separete Sarton “zsis bon res aes Seyi was consideted,.but etek Reeaeree-'directors Jor the institatign fow'deat |hey Be om mittee Gre Tigi imhich’S os 3 ing to.resign,if he:‘Should “again bet IatdSand:blinid HuAgleigh mute wiace Hasderegd werent gie’Fol’ha race ae ees “founddrank.”no*action’Was,taken[it?under Dentvuratictontroléto"es:f°‘dam Cras:=Jay tothe hes Baaseit aes sweet mE he Since then he-has beeu undertheiins}‘a DUishea:Mispevnagy,Ite harloty fy A TMT OG,“a SS TT eee ¥Tatlnce tehiedimanatnsh ty LOY =cea \*prcted nie:fluence of Hiquor atnumetogs tithes+|Bills passed,To pot “deat!mee Plats “a8 rirfeat COMPAACS ene i ieders apt STALE DGUS SECSERE Ln on HE:Pe ge THe Mr J *~~While his friends:pegret that’the:as,Fachbol at Raleteh uwew Demacratic:age as.coupon arvlgtsib ‘tadaast Orre:1H Pe ihe eC gee 1 deca at 5 ue <>Alien of the Legislature iissnecessary.beantvok:”to paws Puke:We Ls-Nor,.wortalions within’ibe Heats Spt nie:Ab ey}a 4 Bh bogs itil itis ‘eminent{y properthat they}WPed S585!salir for’Jane,fly=cxnic StatgutNar the:iol Ot ed les,5 bs ~a “Should.take the ‘step:they+have.August:to.inieorporate he!poe ue SoG bine ot]her phat “Strvorra ay,diemecuat Ae)Havty ‘i ‘ae oo svill'be thé setdnd ‘timesi “thes Hdboresy ie.Se hh sR fstall prow ide Se parame,net aupintl Te)SAB Seer Ye go ;ae * de.nae ka _historyof‘the:State that oneofhery!Stev ens’:antic trast batt.cae ays ¢Sutmodytions..a at hely Masherpokeny cates te ne as ‘eeu ee Spy Pe padhees has:been.impeached.Jude fas,a "special ..bbder,and-afte Ain Trays fox white add Solara rade pene ay:Se COV? seria ne ae .;Jones:Was,mpeached 4in!1873 evi a nigddmncat -exee pling.‘present.is-aye li”railnduct opm pasoy gS +Mtl FR'e-.ft ne WO vs:Ss,al “ to has:beet inthe véstaents belongings tos Edacay Lott fdaBb OU CORoh for divst Gee panxcn mA tient Uete eaewt iisyooooSimilaroffense,«:aS!SO:the!white Mie and-obt«ouch ayay eesa2osmatedthatJudgeorwood.may yet ‘and:charitable justitntions:::Site Wil iat Jotsn:Scat. 'e F ee cee ae eh “resign.3:step:which)would ‘de better passed byva-vote of GS.to BS yor tirat-elise passenory oftheaot)pS meets sALL m. ey *“a oi wn every way for him,and relieve the «ee reSphijtion appomtiie:a4 oie Peck!races aud OTS St ogeh?wit fy stat:\athittty iS *Craiy,Sy ae:Legislature’a an eee duty.’re mittee:of fines to prepare articles Vk ye:it icy:partition,ah dktperpart AVE,oF ittes ;Soe e 225 CIS TE Wats ty }¢Bess peste Hn impeachnrebt changeg Norwood ass tsst ‘ned:tO sceaiidee|ass THSSOM CC 1 “epee,ae}Be hath car :us aan maa :sree tree a)Fae :=>ee ae as assed x a as ee Sea cans ¥}ae Reet a eyinu ne SP chi Meee “Sapee As Ie Meers Ran 4 ::‘f Bic i Eds i a:a!?a “1S S¢h Rete a y -*:+:;ow eS pat ey %x ae q ae “x |parks ae nas Be tae gta mes rc 2 a Kee Seng Amonc THE POLITICIANS...AS Ses)7""yl ae eee Soul:matSc a okeoyn itt fn ins ea COUPE GE r 4 GRE Ss te oe ae Y ee Tl Re Hee Bee ae r >>es SCHOO HE x f s to 5 eit gt aca Py Rae ays Ce e ~-4 :}‘i shoe Nias Ol.COR :;Pet fr .of the colored Betas kl Se hk ed see eh 69 Tie ;:A s Tue SAEED ey VE ae Pebaniokoet 3 iv Allend: es rs aa epic S.Oserman,Ww Ho:hast Xt'thé amt Di Pe a7 nt ate Et shall He The’ap Teo Suet udinhe His 19)rai in dawish.tt a es Pe deen quite illat Raleigh:is impror-House:‘passed;the:Gil!ae atu a panes Lodiiaeesthigsgithscc et alg Relvtirgh dors.HCE oe i a Se x oe‘although still:contined to his:applicants Sr.Hicebso:’Sh A pratt es Pca betaweeks t beetaWp),dirst.erat,CARS.thw aveotalte:Ae Sd eaneA eet¥2 Xe ate m.i >Re Recent :4‘00 Neth tie sceondelfuss:compar‘Whe nt bith froserbe Ve nN eas At)is tis tf eu fede’e piiede:Ge Boat Amy“walt ee 2Sbuttedst.ihe ery aye: Wwiboted,4 Bee‘Le;: oe espMbtsTG:tee Wedd:Dike anbros et te xTY)Meng“it He atecen ¥ i ee ie a pie ar ‘medicine iin thig State to presdéur a]es eS Senator’Vest.one,of Yhe ablest}diploma fron igSt me aoa).colic!tof thewhite race tent to.‘vhoArrst-/.=Meb in the.Senate!ts -back-'in his}at which “they hag takena,three |Chass Conch SOE|rhe:shite:cache eee:aud shit~seat after an attack of illness witiieb sears courst.Paocomy os eee ery high i,Mrat’the eomductor ¢ahtrane fio family: One xpars ne Capueihy. ety Liens qlee Wee 10:aYawn Ba aah mates: SP:Eee aver:a arch cn %sy)ewds not as dlarmingas.reported...Jills'v erecititroddeed:*.)cli ivy sh Apu seni Case theres.woidies att fhan Sipe a vassieipaheYogaywr)ner ‘ap pe <vo afales W.rere theiuome:aye Mo ’‘To,¢maint ape pear ¥<s ah éxgeks Mot parson gets’ot?ei ter dows NEN Wath AESerendaythesnow?was|so dsp)a er resulate7 the sin rae.bat we'd,Fat be‘Toteseen to)ase all kinds’Obtiorahpararie +“Washingténi and the cold80 intense}wgtlich ©relief Srom #corporatifon iy ee Leena::alessb aoe ties Ber oak2Stthat:the ‘Congress’was ¢slignly.,Ay?gory be:‘obtathed bysinjyietiags ie atuf aa OeHALY however:tht ateEten?oF 1 SOT <s A Feo -tended:‘There was:nota qu of Cert ain.aes aa reate the =Depart ree iecheryHt cohraineds a7 sepPLysy#:either odes present.ae naa Shs fhent ‘onsNorbit Tueeach msi gyn tokreie ws Trans with passe rer Catsy ES a Nr odds’|tion,(lakes.place”‘ef Departujentd attached,to relist waiieccpesated ine}ee eS =Congresemaw’FE Zi Lipneys {of Agriculttre)and toeleet:Cons nnd §casv,ohactidenty to.Paylinan cars:ig‘Gia te"i of thé.guests‘at thé Limeoln An-,sioWers Of Agriculture:by “the:pe ne pearoush exeréssIyatus that donot}es Br ~niversary ctlebration in”Bal more4pleitoaathorize ecklenbutzeounry a Op.at;wh stations,36 Beare lyindow:and w7eF NH ps ARRRL “on!the ith.=-Mr.Linney resi nded:2S see het foxierthros eg [YenreSth red‘oeaa a fotissue SHOU 000 worth of bonds Tor she xi oH ata-;othe toa te re pene oeeae oad improve rit:5 andwheel So onile}od up eke ewe) Bnodks:oy Rie ates y °doors thes “sy Fu htal 4 NS y:Bifs.passed:To Picaand:dans iit +i os ina de!mnt *‘Senator Quay.is stfl.‘ob thé 3anx>:sofia the insanity waivs:of Vhe pFiSoners’Dees to dtalusnits als Piles ne =yee CaP.hes HOE bas:Nield >)fous Seat and basi ‘teven 2“‘epmfort~PStgte:tO authorize.the fewdirectors gilmad-dommy ssiot |shill]entil wewoul passmthen,te ee lig hetietd><aUW.we]tes able hope for “another tenn’ae the OE"State!“ss ptison is brlas Aust ot.i scFetiag,stoexemptingLedin |Pea ppe at Fist is 3 Re irvist ae Tadd He Bhat:ior!thot Seles i bike 5 “1 Senate.,‘Thete.ae nd’deé-|HpOsseSsion.”wi Sey al age [the provisions this act matlrgads book ALTE ORS:«mf.Say Autopia’)she NENG Tf MiseseSsawrc~,Vata Ms s a »,Vey Sk aittes athsitHons.tn ‘Deleware or:oforado,Bee Ux sensation:ieieneesee bestia tsTut shosp ory OSSKTearistngs-db,theat _(aged Hagen SALA,sr thet:ght a LCRAVR te shoud:r Teypau.aie:aEs::ow nin “thet bitey Sentlemea tSSOurd ECHR Oke steaMroduttion“by.G nite,Podantat teen,Deka ie.eee yy ::pate Sh tig ater!fromm=Detie:ef ja"poalatioat The “fuildire ola,eid ape re bdoes SURLYBeitLande Watch thésecee be aven'tnEx eke13)tom bie her aSloe tee Sones a chalice eharging rhodeGed.|HA“Broly p PEE Out.thé provisions.of vine Acts}2 wa apap.oaatteB aethy fBie Aisirese tye cag Cun cp “That by the’‘Ratification “of tke with bersg!pobiteby Gung;teithe shall ea ~nisdeateaivoy.apundishinbie,ee eee iMspee’Ba,fa Ries seule tier ah Warsz SCVs t Teceition,~biveri bx»the;Ree pa.the distretinn,oli store:stataan se canbatie nig at pia Feng f chy TORrCitya.lud.iny Raleigh.von,Ianudry-PPh railroad:COMPAEY'Mitilince!to tap At Gidiaott spew ty era rrass Phew carers OE)took wiicpe AOEee {wear beadkey bat:hirts,Boo eversenints oe an =e a nt, eet be fe uss \:See Stes1eyiallsSURGDeoC 2 2 >Pruvelipe ti prtenudan “|pony thencingoy:ers,hor=ONii’ers,orpedardtrabspODEIE,prisgises-wor to,witaloses fe SOWES uid)nj Ofthen isu oh )from:thes A SHOW Mis.eK had ry e yee “aestatESE. Eh Sep “treaty.of peace with Spaintit:is,net: =pote intended to coerce th 5 a ie Sten=~.8.of the Philippines teecitvanthice?Ligth.~The -résolagion..Bhi¢sagty Gutthe provisionsMisaghstiatly —tare #Pi ee une forts SSbeth theyfasfniteUnitedveeHoriisitintendedrefertodigto.the judiciary bertimitsi¢,|0 Gab!&sar.&,vefalty Pore Sree S¥me a fy aabe uaeroart:®ity any we.fed eeeisMrSe4Ts!enh fla ee:tit Xf SAO AraCaionts?“dow!Minow h mdexuch Ke See acreatedintenseindignation:+,It Wats.gts)=5 oe Pee tee a5<Ors;“we!: Aesburit isoseit beddye urhpinte or,Bae >aie we ne equyarepcers::2a to permanently anhex Said islands.qs asifound,LO’Be *utterly false:af te 1aStsPattoftheternitory|spofosized“ta”the:ya Bae Miho.Cundouirleis post.:es;but”itis the [statedethaf hewould Rkaes Fok fg [emt Antonis,Tex's.DistiaE 3 aS :c .heinabe%pity thes]1D es Xnaltnestudherbstop,tut be hear,{usta acert(fasrithe Hinestayre SAGA J weptpr tay &integtion of the i Y|Y tabligh on ‘said slender to expunge,the repoldifon Trom!its’{Phe'last suri iar,the Te speaah,He ste mae a pea Gp Witkopy Tmotitedsytt Wrer's howsSE suitable to prepare ‘them for local’records,"seaitie ts 2a she the Atamo.inies 5s S,A Vogxilfauteeate |Hate img Caledon)wiste ithe doesn:Pots ae :self-government,-and‘in dug time igh eefolding Gammittee-“Was.ap-J Nandelanoy,Giedexe be Si then:ee ,Lieintes Wold.pszin pe .42s)makesuch‘disposition Of Said islands pointed ‘be -the>Speaked”of?Hie Ud Fedns-of ave teeWAS born ¢eae ston abe "ellis seee ech al,they 31 piel wt: sg ad will,best promote.the interests;House to impeachJinige.Nokwood=t Presidio’Rie-Grrauide EMexisithAy aR eee Ey mr eysenthayt pat pn §Ft sep e feel?ne?RRECTED-BY oN ae Spe Onthe Citizens “of the,United.Sates Pol VR.hATien ¥Cowen /Repinsom,th $695,/and Went:26:San’labial;Hem 46 wee.atied we Were net a git doit maddy |j fe.Ping re Mees aneLe LOLVERE:oe 0 ahd thein abitantsof said ilands:oushee and Nicholson.Chal.qwaheitl Daring.they“SIRs ofthe wad at theft.peers quite fond):wadtto|#ae ate i iEae}whe ioe :tre“ay ee<ee ~ Be -~25.~.bAlamo she:nursed “Bowie t bit dnusics but;{y sit)PHOS AN eS:5abnReberRNsneaeaeJowieQndothetSitPiaBdsDANE4Plenvething “iy ae A ;é nih a Sree -ks out Se a eROeS were >Orbe plague ofa,sounds”Hetitenant iesAtt eeeom a a Reonbe Ssprin,eeessaeaS“&Neetby Romance.whi i re woundedat the ent plagzue’¢ie rarvetac Sian,ad Seb “ot1 a cS aae iinds geatkBiaThe!New Bird Law for:yeas ‘hatolte Neves.Spe on wat tewavementy—‘Shessaw Travis.ailpad|sas (haleee har:trot been iad mah:Gs cine wars:as ei eon |The General Assembly of Naeth-Carb-|The:vost romantic case:abies sata:a =oe toe Bes:Sah mle cs eeco Seettn Monbiktiprasstae ak Daequit?se ase ieag!Killed:riddle :SoeLoeschlinado,cnact:|hoe Ions "T0 i the ~teat th sit ure :tein ee asothy Havana hy Kn cand aL TL i curred ‘here-is ‘that of WwW.illian pwith.tullets..°Santa’Anta reéfuseti}"thon |ted ORs tht.the =had“Got sponzrole : pre lees cop tne ets.pureyzyao ‘grade:goods.from:© "same prices.No matte tt >: ‘Section 1.That.it all be!ah wa Cross‘and his wife,U :ross Jef re Soe hs :Sa ye t |ful for any .person ‘to So for Texasfifteen years.faceh co ee uct ee reto have the dead herpes}Se Tee fey Toon lke.lie wifitdnlGacare 5 Chete,Meat,Comiwon.1 sy —-oe oes saves se _5 *wpon<the Jands ‘of gnothe?in the his fortune.-‘Later he:took.sels é es for aaneae ee,deierta a eanine a iret ts Eka imstes isd:oleate rr ther to.the ;featsdawd,2 eae rg a = =8 *|e@ountres of Buncombe,:Lincoln aud fon a ‘ship,sailed the Pac eee me.Cande-ee tus a cereato x.tnstead"ot ahesytends“Cline Of sh ighors nv Beleress Wrappers.compen,ctie.(was ario Was granted f Ay bast v a ix ed.trery Srebky a ths WyLapxT ods,NagyBenafapension,by,the vel Ray tule Qutb ter M4 recht oe oi eres a aie Rea Re ;te:_Iredell,”with:or without!guns”or shipwreeeckedin the China ’Sea,res-|State’twelwe'vears ‘avo.For ee to ude the.Sixth \Misoourt Band BERNE,uyESee her as rae Sey ee“Ske EN: eeby théwritten ‘consent }ued aid carried to Siberia.<After-afew;yearssbe:has \béen totally[3plakon\the:plazan Wednesday nicchy.1st LOK next’.ies ‘s ;“Serony‘oy Socaae dal hues cabelas Liverpool,}blind.vany-thousands sf Lounists ert ©mans sstarted.bome ditty they “rough hoade?”es ee sareasAEimpchalFiaiieenesist89°ome lace and Nt fore eae thar|have visited vime.Candelarioiiib the}fits -selion.bat?retotued wl sehen ob abertern ame,Tleguiltyofa-mis.f an ew York.He thought past few ‘Jearse NS eqn ther bund 2that athyte was to bel Buttle ohGeoynd Hog:Das.re a Slee Seok a,tat es ¥:Mbeing -istandard 3wortNoafulteratdd.to <<)...>degieanor-and upon convictionshall is wife dead ana she*though Pe :peta ae .ug him}:a ieysticyerto ie Pere :Thhorewirit:~They>tlen promenaded'|=Sieve bees :,<2=rn less |than %nor:more,8 ek Pisa been‘livingin New i er ehceiveka S00,Bp ee a Waroumkion thet Sascret pe ition eeeae ee esa Die ground How ‘Are:tolerated here:+‘cast ths i Seation (3.t this nee ng ‘Shean oh lets ‘years.At.last,“DR.e DETCHEONSSANTI DICRETIC”“which)-had beetwell Hghted ow ithe!Sane appeared aad bel >ae <bah ‘subsequebtly«‘ee and -fo geTha’~sha ers.to'a mutual friend:|{Maybeworthtoyou inore ‘than $100:ifyoa}electric liphts-at‘One ‘time.yout the);‘ed HOt =So this wih ¢é ;feet from unl after ts ratih.IRbey discovered:the ste hcl who libel Anywhere near the tent a,Crack So OiSiN end anted.::‘"ho.be re-united here tomar mlb ence ‘of water urigscce Heal setaken foeor.Ba:v2 Jobnsing’*Pape Gareand ConceroR2uess in:hye future, A ea j :Sey i cua ‘orro Sig ansaANDERBOS,onte:p92 FOL DAC A "io the:puespha |“batt ee ee os ,Fecal Se aeonsSo —— a “it ~a er cier eAca'e ee .tet a AN &.g THE:MASCOT.“Apa ;5 Wedene RES os :TAYLORSVILLE NEWS; i acre a a aid nut 6 Sas ee ogee Te ee “lyse ZAR 2 PEN Sieiea;Nese baht eat erent ence ,BRIER agit neee is Rishi VEY Robucttis él Proce netnt So 2Percme5ae27Srdse:o Cases Tried arid O8 er Busine:2 Te Robesue:bs Gyrsing toe :=:4 rw ete bes ecrriods Wris Owe ud a 6 sie Gree fh ea wee.area ne Ste eae Pranvaptea es Syed ste Shas,3 ee oe Fee child <iwas.Hrosencig)ce Peer ,:A ik *Pest pate ,mh.14 She ce.ri ¢f:es é There:ant iau shod.Many of sauenth ai )ursashi tageNuftink/Rsio thudtn Mie The cad:Axpather:Monday,peReeeS acni ek rm,a ibpaiztons PS ey Ser ibers eho owe ut far Ue:“pants!“towihi Phen ita"th Pidkte SQotini int ig Sexer\p In ag the horse ialve nynites.ne i,ef fae .ht aeneg ‘aS melee Me es fONess m4 ":tf ee eebe amount will cel each ore Dwes a ebatitS at yi Thaishie MAGX..KONE et ee we i #;Pick Cietl The:Seaescn sf ISa:Jor Soh.3 *;«Sica Muie Lane ¥sHrysits Pa 4 Ostn®favsinsish a Bere pape biertas ie :aekeieh es.art jal ti.small ‘bit the aseterate INS iS mormaine byt ut +e a if si aa “wepit to States ville Jlonday:oe “freon:Andee:“h eS ro.1 a f TM :2a AR >ne wgohGoisacesbifWieewouldbisspleCaseg¢.*ies ey i;Foe Gocaltn v returbba 3 sh Pas ots tae ‘‘2 .“e ;Lana eRe ¥Gitte Oh ee pees ;oytohaveourtrieryWhesureingr.Me a Ws HEeed for |Atopidtieieat fast Satur Bee,aeeae wil a rd ater ae abe asse,turing.EW Seon th heck q poke eee Be SRE “¢€he €:bang “di .eee »i peters =$:Fine aC a:He SS gee #3 ta ft:aNd MI Lb the.tat afey,Saests a“Die dnsoe pStheytigressim the:CHT Yee Ane es 3 f si¢k,too:eb sour approaching:keir usEy.terng ots eet :Siena Lega re ate gece)PPE TASES:aod:North vesterd:iv a yes @ s is BN ie All had: vhe Superior »Court And sé te.up}oe Tice *a "Set cat re :-s sh.OE:eis sone:0 a5rireane Soward and,wife Saat te if aes ae ae 4M:ten RV eashee ee he sa ecOn MEOH,has’OUtatne da etiod:pOition.tH}.The ~school:ShSeThean,weleunte wi be a Rah“One.etc i 'eat fete ere eS nee athe ae Washinton thrpugh the influence:Arthurs issyoForiforiveat.f t rs SChogl-hduse<3 ¥ay wage eae oartec'ah ee Oe 3 ta ‘Shee.©i Ps ves >pendtor Pritchard.o a ek ji apMt Howard:ges a n a s,‘i #h ee :ih oe &a Meg (:wal ee ‘oa Ns 4 é tet dfs p i .ak t £3 docats'.:Sook RAED i a “Ta phe ee eg aoneaiWikisie =Me ibe €:ih spit URGE:OL ke *)Petitions’‘ate Spain:Gireplatedin day.nigh:the Seite!9. poy Bi ere tts GRC Ee ee ork vis :oe A list rat ¥.élson,cine Deere s sth Gagaigue to’-secureé.ap act;of.the;a at +a wea Rie ete.:acne BAe Ses he ys :For AG Pitta bs Hates:aves:‘r :Legisirture:allowing the cout 45 i Teesday,was St AigheeHane ‘od:Liwce Se atriened ok att :We)aot ight iiaheel ngsdecree e~.shore ea Z i 4 ;re Sue.“bonds to*vadamizs ‘fhey )Baas e era ‘‘3 j Hue ieocas em béctius:pe:te Wrank<hyy jwent ©to.tonds,=ee as2 ols ©1 cota Pity TE Le JONote“fsahd siele‘Ube lise,ass ey Foviged ie the:ushiae tout.ws cigkt wpel*bas Ne eee iee re >.5 *a Rie e *>",Nf t é f oyogSabderkeared:bis:wedk,tei auitp:Picsiets)CH aL Ts Routh p teeIPED ria 4 ak sea aaebit ae fdas oh ae he LAT WwW wief workits Syste ta’Wwast Lt ES Hitter ola:ahsu ah:as Nd Tae:ot +f,orc “Mork oer poeay before:at qwas. 3 :—o hlit OA :Peinest ps ‘34s +Site al ¥ie . ~se mitt daiwa ze oy:tice ath z bis Cat roT Ue ee bere i ee shed pies comin CN avs ry drust.t ~ateith.2Lwis Pert:ly ati by t E polive.Rex.“Geo:x.:soa Bs,Se en 3 7 ;br Cyihe ae es me ;sie Spat :‘i ihe t Fyre a:Witdy ts:CantSips,a.*stele iy XtHeeTOCEAT OCUS pmuper::¥Rage.whol obce]ivod iMod PosSrille?alia “eréat as t ws ;eee A x .Es = So)pees (I mesruund bas Been coseSed ad fee ay ee a3 beets Hobs.Be ey aye q Sag aS Be niepihers t+-pyaSnfach Appreciated”eS *hk see :ah Sr tie tates evel Bere4 PMs eg a :Se Siz.ee Siaice Suitardgy~tis:hay SOMN cree tebe TWstte)pes thtspete MERE “Stitt:retat hed:Eee ti iS eave B ecigted”bys all.:He tary ceere Avith atic:ine satisfaction so.¢fytome,("2%asheneehe:Page b-Naes Pigbint Cate Wrap eriplay aud are|>ae FayoS “Seay:“Of.Concord:ti :a ‘yrapbophone®potey ai :LS.aos wll take fo offers,a Wis cits“sp z ;ies :whe Braxton WeHh Be hastbine Clb “hei iF ;by ait teeta pat tye:SROs enspn holyge alerain ;|whe aS now Sur coon $0 “the oe inst,ment iW Th awe senjo ed by sathren i :=<ae 3 HIS Eaie Meena ced ort Teas ities Sshare en Sort:Carolina:eri meatat cC ube 1 onsiderinig thy de B.>es one Mis ‘:ae ri]ne Hates 3 :Senate Sno :eu ePR we dy.sp!Rawyettt pws wont to js expert,Dome w several’MCSE foe usQnji re J el .foie ooo ert i Co.:a 5 ,Pict has Se AON i weuthe we Riss .BiHOSt 3 en pe dwenpery SsEwOER emai *lecideto +:bavipe™sent inhi tesignation.se :be teacteeg.#‘We OFSSuk 4 Lat aS Ane ,:gaara :C dead the pobaccd,yaar:bess gbies a 14theres ft hie eat rdighos ¢ob “his |Keon kel oes school tind 2S Towed px alle We i “it soo :os :3 :‘.-5 ¥eSe y ee >eee hy be ifaa :Sy am ee;ease OE.Inch dob:4N apt otte.,¥3 bee:he Willcome,back pxoeAgain.3::7 4 ‘ ,wise sana ee ANS Ni i oe “ive i y é 5 ‘:,oe Boa tee C Regan gg Pate,Re RT ee era Weertat se cael,—ronal dre fel2smoutsSoneVeryORSPia;t *pibiconttien held.quarter Mpa aon ‘One :alTe amy):ua ce hoc ty 4 qos Sa tagdiys geFlite aa kn “that:beard,agertsrat |Mond:vices cotton aig,Sen an a thtA we ce ess Scat ‘ n wel Phe “Cle Alrite:Fickit gtatiten’:DS Ri +4°~IY ith LerETREtee synae‘Met Jer ons Pe Ne us at.GO:at ;ald:option sprite PF je Satuoneyarenhitsescep.“per acre,aeeat 4 aes at MM ‘‘8 ere vel haac TeV =i -¢rule tite cords:UP awood uy saan ny ee ;os ee jiuy sell,oii Vals Tithe (to te :ie 3 Soaps a a recat eee ae ;en aca ny oT ttt a %i Sete uty"outs ofthe.ty to)ee y aliiningetils coldisns BS eS niet Ngapt de so3 day Sa a AG voumeumwen whd witte,;pSanjined at;aoe snoDrtits balleMMYbo8MNiitesatSestghetter.oy bein fed iene Pour which shy ds this term éf the Supreme Ceurt-for |ting Zaulong afltieht.’iessa:;mai 1&3 PONCE OW ="CaP prom lent CNR es te pee oe4bypasvhinkroyaonyPuWitsTDRORYBecMgtihesdfeideCapaaieensetgpritetit:ea:secuxed thicig ¥«b..es “es fey se hy SuesaJeeyndhatBuckboa:=we ‘i “tie dls=“a sp)ak 3°cays a Eee sg ts #licdn sess’:One.oh was /iPheddore:FE Pavbscidtrtresi%ile ae Fee: Sa eee *VE eke Nr ho .Kit ate ban a Be Yale a Arti,Antes atid'Mbps.slates St:oi Salispiry.5Ces ‘Pickipes.«Blagk has 14 tes‘f So aOrty afew,bales of oth at BAe 1b tere thes =hicy aioe Nae MEARS pak of Oes*“;x pa ee sh soe:fos Re tshe araprket iis week:LOR ree tka be a ca Lp Py aly Ups poh Nees ork:Lo:panye&pee fe Line ‘10 ‘sayvipe Beemerts ends Be ag ee j=50 Spades.bros nt a ;esea ne errant wortiokttbs:fore a thie}<4 S60,000 head-co me i6dinge counties Lome BR sire FP coe eef;aarti ;bye iema SIF.\Kin ABET TES CE,oy eatuypned Co Oreee ES:Steniberver:or Cio!Sey.nd |;GX Quipite:limes,wen Wh ine {ea35GONopies7hrastbefiriitvepoeShedWheWasaniheeraneahAWesLGOTLAY.)Se Rg ete ee ént ass".pout Coa ae LAS Sibu stated,Shgt ft,hatter et CS 9ieeeeeiGeHspUibh.anitttal Wa OGupier|a ‘eee brag vi=ees eh promingn Ro”therm.Gcapitalists:will 4 ;:Thi :Koos:Beek Ee 2h See gee%:f:aes Maree Lavi ane’.Lt oe SS ele Sp yeas Bs Spam Ahichlngaidsep bund a ‘Pretorya Gree Sb,G fox.:;Ss Pat pti gage gan,>UL SERRE,a ees easeoNBeongtiTarmigated,Hin Play ivet PRE Mntsieise HE Roy :;igo s oe oN epSbor:andy CO crac toe dey &::3 ;tuporters:*iN c E Say <é Zo ‘Ss Sees L Ce aN Pais mas Se atthe ee calha gy eit tial basBeen,cattinedkto his youre EAmanufvetires 6f*CaNntore Agrinel.’S:turday.‘alt ‘the’4 moe ;\ce a aire ak ea ts .Bus ar <&Se op REI ES sot het g ae his wratted xhookSU SUSPER GC |SATUoyte *“PAW eres sgpeiclesh onl Eiger tying ©Ways OF iavoé weeks.but 4E his\unltbe aize tivst:;factPy “oF ts)Mato the Sania :1g ee toe 8 Mogday,omaut igi wo the abt ty:|‘Lae é vets itt rong eae tie)*5 fe MR ad to Tote at”he,iS “the kKind ThE Sooth:‘Kh ie,ceil ae¢Doh os rs ¢if;:=.weg ms 5 F ct ;eafa.¢“anda,aevi tte amon =Sh flys ashi,~My w be pp >1 ies Oecat ha About Tis Hote TagaFh 174 Hide:giah,aicpate amr?dpe Ste sae toe:“8,pias EGE Fk intent dof A Bk x HCE f?Ea tite had eal Piveatt Oust ca twnkonte\ha:hess !a /;>Bee,‘ie a aaratS Sen:vars wad et le mveat rer’yin aii ee uGus SIRE M.-AY‘Sherritt.ones iat :::¢pre 2S Sa Wot is alayapre ny eng)reAO,She bee Si fk f eden ieww eh pest.we “Bley §athe?Oran np Ae lon?Was tlectodeStaito-STAD hr.ings)7 1!iS poets Ores :*Stee =Ri kaeeee‘>Ow.ands he _Saysscor:aoe awie meededBete ce:Ye eer et asSabine walt:Hodbe ipake then an,heGe intssietotesy whee ¥,6:sx0 and did’econsumier.-teChtap ofte aa oe : SAS :x short:a Wei Lopes urine ar Pope tyctlL Psu:;iePieter ae sa Kiron i Slogdtae Beog-W hite :Se ae Wing.tpt &neon vi ‘amd :quitable Pow evoning wear ©tt -y Fg et Tl "+H,*A f "i‘wt 25 y "i,d Bens’iste~:om ?rere iber as ee)@ sits rAd ake cae ide:ries dbithe th)it aeche Hpi ty Ssny Sdlondax ye ee"Wood,LGf Kialoigh wore on™2 eeoe ee ce‘.Ti hue free :me i ri rie,2 fhe ne Ww Ser Fes,:Of:Brisa a an poathetis gages,HedSS pet bk Us Sa veo ae Heaned Wis ea ae dak etl EY tes=pectivoly:ate i ’:@eraes‘eas3s ae:go Leet :~~SX |boa aici Ok Continues te’REN.SAA eee (Hate pe pA Shoutyedp:BeOY aly dese aieKare whotit tt,Len WYnid;Mae blowing:<ga 4 ‘:vena 4 heatstiheoted’Wes ived!ae Bias Biha een foe hy 3,‘anty:inwdrifts thirty’at pécamaxSue~hat ep haygnyy been OAce ibe th,ON Nw OeSha,a Fe,Re rene :4s :;2Yetichutues rrngant Peoria cit 1e thermorPasisols:rt sec cge nx Bebener Lansednet Akt)“3Nears is:Haruemls2 es Wait mBLavi fa “Lele dis Leora Ber 03amd the:rabie .“Onee year”“aos esterdiny sheta tile.wc iS epk ti He \t ve cerns yt MW dl AVIS aie wh veSperc yt hiLOM,Saturday?nd ¥e tavdax\}wv eeeonib pighicr than:¢=}ae aaltig.xvie Lyecup ay Lik Feneet ad Were SAE nv ph Sor 1 int?mri,Was passing 8 Sb aesstay,ot Sars *PUT seh Gbateer Cy.yi :5 we F A¢:ret harbor.PUlOMR ALL Lhe SpicmreD iEenoe it ae etson Jme...piotind sHu,Stindipy Byshis “en or fhoonmere : A AynkAaxesy*ie 1&ua 4D,FAD SOW |pet AGATE <3 His-tyous¢ prt EEE tie ea nonin:“Tapco wiltbur:wats quit with Por 4)daiin tt {ope S,Soon seh tHigd iy}.j <tiBebePS;*at iy Ny ore¥%eek trie >‘e%Saas "e Ht isshe \unericgiF STS =Pi ist J:j/beite.Ota ty.isttow Shit “iotties!Bare!‘ “e re Wauule de Puts: 3 Otte hgitk Uy.ee Se ‘Ako fo4 deloie ~#\\,pds st Ties ig Agar!el:4 ttheConv ousition af pei oereeeineupg:lest Thursday}it aeaSen aokingondey he:footureibyteWingBake,Beerrupee oneal hen arepotash Ae v suit tage tlic.rite indieativWeriaaeschrispoyTemperPehecostabtisWeprete.sabeBiot<ayill beShere next tectig Moreauron..me cee Hor:ni?;path sees LG OM the‘after Oe “of Mopt 3painted ava c ~SS <3 Sect iuHodaregaet A Mparignsery Se redoaTthy,rhgs c#t:ce et i ‘es nin,fi cuir:3Ey clithato!thes cliligren }tint Ress,spas:ees0)Or “Was Conn eekseater wy tu Teh:Poe A Sc 1 the dt ait Che ty Phe public:arnt Gn Wanimite ati ae Or:Roy steg:EY.th “sehile ’thase m this i coy uecUion.ew Wael sy ci oh ~“an one ONY ya"Buditht iu tee PTS si Sonsrs oe Pitheic <2 ee ekoe Nhat lek ae ke ihe eas y op.7;souk tbe find any: c f ;SE ta hy gene Gt 2 ret iy tet the Ss 3 ie ‘3 Pa Ty TeePhe{prisptiers:ances oti s x z i nf ji an ct thy ee Ste aes lms cot rida):ait hes ia :raota 3 tymms Saci ao the vatsYrrsg8tsSaOkGiteres kat Sardis,inchonorHunterand’bride!Ey:we Bn:Telabiospadyand:hapdsdme”affair Th Re(Rut weres “Dr,And Mites Val iters, are Tot st hietty.*Thee sai Lt be aay e €3 akehs ,‘ered tO SoapsPattersvit aS Seapeiels ys ye % es ane ence”me“Ls tae a hauARESGh:ANE PES .Fo ae a Ab®te .Ce “s Bars.:P :Ke ir err aRy we y ey Chai 5SAT or Le Stil oy pale Pid cee Sy eatin 1 ag e w eather:nabs gneve.OR ae Bead| ¥i Pee whens Mie ea tateCate Rat SN ig DE Set aS ee ts abel Zs ‘ot “Michaud athe WSS PhageMssEmi‘Cainpga Lege oldtaka a nS alopecia AR Rey NET be dP :aes einesae fy an }JS)Phates:Ate Ree?eewet3:-"Meson ess si oe i :i inn Se ;5 Tiere vfeet N abt it éxander COREE Tg Death ot estas me ;eeu De AWOL 7Hit eB on a a Mas mand >Mes’aS i ey ts ‘‘BGs os =23 Hf ‘*oh 2.tuedelt [ast ‘Thorsdae and frRatt we ae ;;4 arn Y\S Cae Pe eal yh cee yee Hcitke f Then e za <pReneOnuminrrheaaresMeTaeeeeefF[stows bebple and twabve.iasldeen 4ani Damp.‘i iy y *«fd taky a ey 5 ; bi oa -PEEOLETV Tp Tata)v fope dl!tory a PN SOE ay ee kanpenhges ee PpteSebi ct Altts-adtor”el)be.,Se :aisPeete pao an ee 3 FOE G aby [Membreseee ds Mis.kei Tae Been .See3“aah :2 wey 1 my ey t ran as a ;at Ath me ee ,“,:ne .5 aoe bit:the:dishehsarg Sectitas eePRO LCHEOM yrs.1 oe nk ay “bie te and 3.a“ofFlori .2 eer “apps Se!“qhtog3oe ce:techie a at f rg 4 ::;7»Hawe been)Torwatded to”iba Webs Fa Lotion Cwpints Seale ab ;s Ses ::.ofGold web feet honesYost gay rpegaeuaes"ag cays ;igh ig ce orSone:has eeeMh TNE wetness Tia ae !Bere me ;diiw ae and ene is Rey.to.yy sas pret UI ROA cee}; ei ifles<the rege some:vb w -develojy i Suriva the ry ziSrBases‘Ree aN ae “4 Eades tes cna <;he daha eC .Re Sate itv ash Hasty}ee ren coy 4.Pest ASS ui oea speerasta.BR SO.Const racks au ie auth frshescwepou ioe Meta Reclaieee a ¥oe iesd:“IS Eizenbs Wyheive eo CoM rack weed RON aoe Sy @iepht a wt De)Peele!koe sie ") 00 Ss ef ;Po fer ore Hiodellinit tite Bake:r hipasis ei,wt Gk a oe 6 Tee Xe ~:;Act 4 eu fy y hus.¥eM rs MeFe sCainpoell bas.re ;| wigeh=M ty Miare Ree!as iergndt ae :-Gayeramet ‘a ha Yo eet"wills SEE T Su cent Ly inestas a Spentts dere &Feast,gt riwnee jos:fia.”aut Tithe.SStendathit.>,he me LG Ma R?teehee:=e Gri:yey ,mate :gases coh ile Seng ¥por Employee Strickeo With::; ;i Letedl.*e°rl wed malve epi Lat Chomeeayttar tenets a seen gre 2 haGetppe:Capa.ARS Klas“oud:eaeEy:ae aimety bai tN +Eve ee MTT ap ne he-aii he "\,Mx:My i Hat!(si)Sch oe yx =f f “$e):oeaN a5 othe Psidaton aat Meoite:ths Se eS ee ee oh 7 Eres bik Gace thes A ne pe7:iy :“te fas Camit Fe ‘seu Ea etLAU'iedpe 5 :es:Saree 5a oe se re sfinodktay abpind..(aay ata cheste Tsaeset THE MAS a add‘aidatic:ORR OF Grietioky PECs ee ‘ements hit etae Tetsbyah baer vewenat Sharyit-“BPBOECI Ns:pnd:dss M :es eed i afysy a 3 pheane tsp atte:ace Ae eben,ee De eeeee the Saneti-;ered a :a S:onayn ayike tip stpitns Ov oY he niiig Teng the ce “diseasebeAmiMostartueNipeeaneatsWaidlontheadaehessféverandycils. ck proieelo Pe aot %Utd so Was on esas:oie~é s Ry Re A eal sets Sa is seth o*,: td Sie ‘aeestiysempediis tis wi 4 1 Sei igelourclast.Msue aera eet %‘eal:(Madaieate.sat tomy six miles Lstieczinar sud raping’at*thie YOPTICI XN ;ocr ~have’been jhured?toy eto |:“op UNAL Stee DPN Ps oEhe.+“POsitzop Ze hore:together.with ¢pile:bone 4 ~ee Sak ton Gileland to:Bitlia~Btownes faiie #thh sonitor|racking:aches:anu painsand’a ener Specssvi lle:opPaBMWalLatiyeticPostoniteMartie~fai Hea aril Mayoatter oe the XmeviafMexhauotion,ate (the?rather hawevethad'aicttayz,4 ES olh inthe NG Hert Ship Sear LO Seeabae is 0 MOONS:Bhat patbask ts)the hace,jot eee exception.is The:Be tay htrenye:aii =}“ieOioraay ej ee Nesey :Crtic Stimson;)s°eee care Le tort Wp Dias Hs “Opssusherry,dryve:thevene-:Hshtsthie oA ue ate sates ethic Keb.Abt Aasbereferred 26 a:: ns Brey »BE»\nenjayable eve tise “Make tery caden Eli Sea fcatvdmethhe Oe see Sn tikes Cntyenebntenss,6b =eee “bs i}eae dele eo M sada pling.Tues é Thee Spee 7must Bolle.Bat he;eg.I }SSetich ah 2 WS Gite:1 aa Pods "three UE Fillipiros OWLS SOAS to throw oththadead ky iporning ww.er:wotil”BOUT.8 si ,ee ean,aes Veere i Tie GUY eve?Vig at tiered,ss pecs }chs aes ae Mee S nis}s Ae tie fahone d.dise Ise,»HeEMS.hand noth a iyak do.Sapte £3 b ore Spring:1h:OS:ary oo So a a ence ue Sr siti alts.Logan :St Bs mS go Seen a SEEN bish aS Oanaietihed thisiso“quliclely tande.surely as Pr eyes,WO bi Verspacial-driy p Resi:som.comple ntarsy ate the ote Rn a.SPaciall Tax levy fer e x Wan >wo Same d.De Koos shit es Nex MINL:=pte has>Ve (“a 7%rote *a4 :‘2 es ot =a ‘ fe 4 atte nai pir the marrTaligg:Ole:We Mt "od NEtiritsate Mol untee UTErec,health tar thidisands oiGripsutiore ES :-eae 3Miss:Metavion W.vdpestay, (epeapailosser 'Oer thee Litt aliprevers’other Pepi gdh:failed.’ rors |Rebvin eath =Wherthe GripJaftamé:(facay'a}5 “S Dae r 5 .GXUP Lee. coa Ss :miter coe ’ee ietes ;Piast tS Lined:CP il .J wires Zs —.Rae ae *There with be at neeRe Ofek ;Myce:he AEE OS sit lasses ti suit orpeen®ar’Dye reck,Bothy.mérital oefier oe See =i aint coancil at Statesvill °paste ata FE pa poee Oy wiih:tnd?31,wind:and,sph paltad..My herves:Were com:re oe 6 beeteryatSt.Joba's buthtran’bearchi int tpi Tee lissy ot the oe Is tot}pletalf bustruny,nly appetitefailed || vou the > HW uote:put 27:ere bur:CoNd tot eee ‘audks Sibert “SiteStatesvilic,on Saturdav.”the:Iseh 3 Es -A Be<3 a MMC CIM Pee 3 Joan.4 Sas teeKibo pase “Xmeriied KS?aponde Bt whats ‘despajred:of?‘pret aes ..5 y }:‘Ure-=In;;tort wrwioustar a ohhh ween da niec;ip me Raiihs a4 Chisae:ans,Plc eerie welle,2h beYeni to:approne ;fe of the acim bers..hs eh gat oth 1iy form eerommpleter}with,the bist bottle.aff Dr,}putes”, PNervine.agd syhens Fhad taken SEVEN ,‘Ae ai)x yea cs »t=bic naw:Chir t Eke tay asp See Lini se 8 LE tale a}ya ee Es ha ibotttes Te Was comp)ely.’levied i jartexs 3}:‘Luas:sy CSBrd ‘Lf Be aban +re Saag Pia:Sa codfi stsss e ce hh Bis Dap“ee THaveveen st rong and:welleverssincepinkie:Ser Rhow go as Seite Prabes:be BST Gr PRINS weight ‘‘Sai ts;Melos:the Raph weigttomore thant even Sdid -bsone3tornthesCoamtyebhoiiesswiiereFOLpESV!binge:zi COLO Nw Se IT !wore.ce i 3 Seb 5 gove runient =:AR edd “ehovtosta,|a IEE?e Opi S03,sr tS Were ordered “Fecetved:DRE THE Tads in ord ren,rao eaa eat * * wy (sgaimigSioners.acts aE Qa sroKyenioats f Leal DISS HORS thirst hal alt “dtieists:ave author ea fo:Ris 5 Gostitution:eth Het et APSR porized tie tL ir 2 taht OR ie Rcor RAS ofThe et itis Ks fused sgit Dr.Niles Nervine-opa Yearan”:i Ne IndeSor <KateersiGUH Ch Oe Wop NEE Ne Reetry Leeysar jy UN “Hy Pige iva eet ithe ‘te :mies Sek me Cenc dt Estitier’s tte that:first sottlebénefits or amor chick The awater in “Davi SY pond:ei:DEES IME Sait:welt :Siintte Melee Done eCSe oes ks et eal peca Mowat tesisfance.,essrefinded.Besure!wot Ret ‘Dr.buésday:(One sof aur Ca iteae Jadhes ero he this special PERN AN OS ii PEGS Feiode:ct vied iy Pou thet He Hfock!fhe’Set Miles Netrine..‘Booklet.ot “heartKasamonsstheunfortanatesSXouk:toes couply ds now rac ich KOUEEKepts t Eases Nett and neFvessent free.Address or+iKeachiifursbedl ‘yfte RUE ny the See: yh SE Lert!Oeeupsed by “‘foreien) avis ty,pone opel damage WAST Ure Males,Medical.Co.elasdnd.fthem sutte red an yt me¢ouven!Lelie Soke ot ana Ae ok est Fe We tee Petes if “)‘-¥ime ‘AsaromtheirfondressforcvaterFisOSOIR:BCR THC eR,ok ES tb pr* 7. as wow lad spoiled the ie.si nas j di on la <a ER #4 Be teh ge ke . oy Ser B MeCox;me brother al Ocath oF farses Caraiyne WK tox :ws a €3 *Wy -$08 a f.:oP =re Jno.Be cow trance:af kites (|ltrs,(Cae die:Rips Witt hate ei 4 Me siatt Fe a taken ei Poa ey z.‘ ;ile was fat iwingired ina rai crouy er tiae nN ON ct ted:Sepa ;*é 4 SA te ee —fg,Bre _he Az)Eekasiaaie son tat a”‘et oe)aXe Licata l “~PAO Cort ene om an SESE %y ldeteet:&Sutierer.-from?Seles:ne beri anes :mg oa es ‘penen!cnach Wid]|tae,a0 sy . BE st.be MeGoy Sway Cie tte Pitt Partersgn.“Soe.Ha bAbesi,3 Be ees 8 trouble.“Ty hollow ¢heeks~(hey.SRE MG et eee ee remee GEL -,SNL %ks cet -uk~ny he ‘PATEL eT S 6 wey Re %i ;x ee "i oe ¢er ee oe Vite iced tse aes prety 1G ‘ame une ieee ‘Ai onfs e ee Dae tah 8 Garcia!&3 Prnal wpuries.Bo EMBL De tet es County head a Foe yecunnek gid tpchoy ay ites,the pres-we They ‘do nok complain ofnaineevSayeaa‘che Pace .Ee ee nie yey exe eat ny ante paitoried:“Comrade,her sane y int partion!ar.*They .ih dete Se jtesviie hasshad alles nysdai cot =NEM AN Giro canmieate Ldmienee®tlirpnes!of bie pis See tkéep thintand::hy 4 Cuylermuhis moutlr;:and 14)ur Tess Say ban Ok:OR “1 seta its paid onortto tin MPM [eee re DE p nina tL .*.SoRe oe Re BED oe yessWuety adistincy of earthe ash Rtg bes vi peat wash 2 ane Riri Wie asthe chug pros ¥pic:ah oo“apncartainy Well,%pars ptr.ee. vor mones~a BOG s Was ‘elt Oy 3 these weyOe NTS -)i AY Geter rat iba htc mm wee Alive Ssiou oe gic cy whee otisaby:tue STH gets,pa bye th Se Sou’.bai passing ft:nea gear gs ae ie 3 eae ee 4 iat (eR ne eS Loe andBve §cae Pak peelOda)’lodBerit abcay the GuibasSetdias:3 caittietbasay “they,are’really,ather pce:hereis'a‘vnsati 3:ick morass.«Prony te es Fa)os5 ate ae ettote -pegplesclearneds 5 SACK avd SO Pir call’Them:|Feeling.asif.it must,be:at once x5.pgisit Seems to bare been +See RS)pee Sit Inikprat tit the Cebit dyticatty+Teas the?urine has.Bri re vughout thig state.Mi NER IRL containDBE Nucad a Uinpittebev Gove]Bea Witt ca‘uedoneforthem?.$fadust-¢Bot orattaieaor sae.ae ms Fr.ene €oy Anatyey tare’ti RR}gts yi eosptape x vr,OvyeLisiedSxts the safte tliat::; 2 <d Re:Campbell Mis called“rH zen ee7eeCe se ching Aan ea upsiciaits have beer ' i a wa wba professionallyV Mondayst te 4sane ss 3 3 xe »Bicitrs apes 201}rivates ,out a cifqe for a quieter:of Been |}moving the ause ae Vaca t ~Dre P.¥-Lone (nat Dr,Wahter |ante Da ies ASTORIA,hg Ste ident:ine petit Sno eke age ae a »Delay may léad:40.gravel,catarrh i TheGe is suffertes fram appen:Pier!ee for Oorial:Seam?yah arene "Vigo inet owe =A mt eee ae 5 oe of thé bladder.inflammation,caus:| ~,wheal”ae 4 itix,After a catetui exam’patkomt wos?Ryjox bs LG Dew ai LI ET Si Said Eh AeA Pat Le oomph ~x ilig stoppage?and_-sometitnes requi ire.and tah ;,;i¢ians decidedt n ot *Lo operatefe het TOSBVTE tkan.ehurcs“t fa ’yep pe Dre st ‘Se Saved ‘Dy:Chambes-cs ingthe.‘Grawing ‘of the urine with iine x an us at en i Ae at:present,Dr Byy._Eeonly fae eee:a .aoe Reaa)aS Keith tecimesbeigiiahrsl as es OkTaine Coven’‘Remedy:pent 3 eetmee Cul withHypo:st : "ere,tod +e BON rother GE Mle.VW,[SE ee eae te SeenES Daring theiarly:partof Otrober,.phospiries.Utvhas mostTe €|g k—oug Bes:Rae pe :—ray ee :contracied a Bay cold.‘which |:b markable:nourishing power.bp Re Ae‘gives.color tathe blood.It aSreat eee tee eminentkid- ‘brings strength to.the -mus ney and bladder’specialist,is:posteles.”-Ttiadds “power.to the’use oe for such=di “Merves.1 Its meer oes ‘world wide ‘health.and vigor,’Even deli 5 ;S3Sy to get Sto cate infants rapidly gaih in i :eed suffer”any.-lét -Pottle Of Chamberlain’$s esit f given-a smal ee =time:for,wanto ate:f dy.and the result was ireé or fourtines eachday.mprovenent,and after Ty:4 oc:and $cb0's stk deuesists:Abree:bottles my .lungs}SCOTT&BOWNE,Chemists,NewYou. ;eet Ba shige plete Brent iy Smalisiex In the East,”A SPAN=a Se cn 4 ‘cs ¢:: Ss s ae.%Fr Manning,of the Univursity,Dead!There Qos umber of Isex!Fol ei abe?1 io John Manning,professer’o:wma poX in Eastern North Garo adsnaeTestyeyAttorneyGenebal[Wy EET Navin egnd9‘“i nh the Universityof North Caro a eeiemhHeenaskedybBH:LrWise Gitbet|E chied a Chapel",Hill ‘Sunday:the State‘Board ef Heath,has cine,t‘Dru:Manning was,6)‘years ,shis opitionthattunder somes:ha:;on +t:ua:y\: eds tad Cheoe cere a atfreimstances /vacelmarion maiy Tuee 3>»peFisanssalkareee‘made‘coiipulsory.-There dre’‘tive Vs brie’who teas widely eaorcatie!ht fisre €aa’s an Exeecpant cpuity.. on my)lunes.‘and was “megs‘reeted:awtit Tf redit bat;cohsump-Adak bed AppearedIn an iveiprent) Ek Way “constantly,eouchingtdagtiexpelsolacthing-whichppt,[became alarmed and.Ning the loedl dogtor &otriak :t~depend pe ‘ py standdard i s adulterated 2008 here.ce oe Vas S:enae a iis an e m e ee wort Buce wor Haas Pas the fhe type!Nitsz a mod one.+;c ;eg Ae State @ had”held 4 nu y 1 aoe ee pe anted.i ooh oa “offices,bei :ore “Good Heanh't Sete as Dace dihemntt2 tesend eee ted Cae ogg‘U6 their healthy state,pate Bete BS .%ny >is wer nen onese poe:3 ee BRbds,publisher of Th"Es a See Compress fr—Seteeteon wean vt pats i Bee avadau Fi e es ie x a ets { =end Matters ot Local interest tt ie +pthe3 Peopie of ‘Iredeit\‘ehd |SH *Alexander Countion,beh **SENATE fr a as Bangry Finst Dar (February GayBeheat :4s 4ae were:passed:To ee elbétion;by ateofadulteratedand’m >to.phy es of ce wedhad ‘ood ti contest;to withd:raw ‘from s the Board df ae the poser t ey v “Casede.,+ Trattigh Newsand obserer oe The.“Demooratic equcus,‘pas!a a termined,,on=the”“Constitution j[atpendment hick willbe,subrhitted | fo ‘the,Wotersvae Cg ext Seer, The!simendment 19 me shibprted|. Tas-folloses:/Ba ‘Seetion iThat _Acticie ¥:Trot the ;.to ereet Baileres ce ith was.de;c&nstiestisigot XBrth Earolind.bed -signed 'to:ot nt {tht Jettigeof:ah “scontract bx thé foSion OF ag- ig ers Senator,Hairston;S$bill tof incdrjorate:The’.‘Gpolenie.ees >mills:was,tefe *to‘proper ee $mittee?a Harstin was 23G *,ed tothe ‘ecm,sGe.oh movestieate|atsabe Seen ea mk IN: Stata]Ridedt)ike Pobre by rate ean ne bt Rp AOR ANprFEMA ink AX rEEEK Sel Fak: gud phe"Same tS;herebs>repealed,” and ig Ty oreo!Ball se Sabra a Suse the:fohlonticyy TUGex Cohen)tue :ai Ss rae ‘METICKE:Gis sane ssATE MATION:Ss an PSFRCTOR:se Upon,by:oe Agcordin oy Oa.“ppblicatiow:re ]pedby.the Treasur Bimeaat of fy =Fmee[SaabsoBurgenee tine Phididelphia,Record!|at TLSUAtistics..wO-fHttb Sof the eet fos tol we?pee iyf.ai | Stay Fake’ap die Waite!Mauth -eBigkicn? eethe Ligaptefee Faerek.‘ ik isisy,mobru eda hraaee.t Taps a P sectign |4.5 corsgnate pantkibo DHE,ana the:wark,of tisietent 4 Sa 1g #rere |introdticedt Taha,tye,Laited-States and avern~protect’the:Owners,of rreal Atate:, Totestablish Hiadedsefiools-at,Nears) <Bern:foregulate the trinlgof eri, géal cases:=tones that-no,nian PRA persowe “whotay :been./ratural- ion,tipend<-one ‘yearsor vee!and |: BossPsping Theequaajifichtions set:“out Dis ‘Article,&ener.be’patted,to risks uniWorthy ol,full “ON,mi ")“ts lee aan:see.tbat Ae,Fiber tA ~~resto nk on Ae ao adtare daeepee one Jdardess)fhm.dptildlig of néarlychalt a tiSiundsed:Sitges’ae a Boas ams of PearseJoh"$O)Meeps} Me Kiphing:Iaisd “mtépsel¥3BritisTt {Pa ‘ey eases*VS ARSaeraatin eeSes te eSubeaif.ip>Dye SfPatix d % fidayadasbceand.obe-thirdaf the:entire ‘pope Site iG wes jer gy Fulationiof the’cartheare:included,if thedeals ‘the,‘Cotohies,.protectorate:edepet-|coop $i Tete:igdetang\Moryaitun ‘eacies)and‘spheres of)ipfiuetiee:SOBRE ih aregre Shien pte,Europten.pawers..ansslatesp) Contribution to the’poctry «ofCimber wong:Ge “Cargniitee }ialisin Rudyard.Kiso:ealks upon’pr Ihienssind 7Ae £5 AVG thatez gia ‘aitep:rie att| ae war.|balst navy LBsSpy $ f-oeecbchtntoe.,“Howmeh'ss “Squad tetasForse’“OttenaePSRePET.oe oI os Eros Tens,-que ; bagel.Insts eS,wo et with.NaSa Jolin .Be “pues:iwae egies_Be he meraePipe’ fhe »cick: Th nap ay Poidsrome dl the fe shee sei re Fé abt Ge ALCLISrelayPi Miis sac"A Thiwgins ul y iff rake aNaetion.yy ee ‘thetthet with:ands:a steel!Cpeeeiay tae!Srewuotigi bY a tote inet oe Ott ee ;agprebrllations “Sheth re sl ila AoEbi)NEce \-Ralemhit gine Tot ae Sate &esltp Gs A Hooke:gt.Tecdars it fare ARE oe.S "Ghitdinh “sdiey Sis iudee ae Dues the”wat fitch sie DisttYates se mi akg APSch en ee Jingo’,fhthk‘that |Upitavions hen.phe tnsta Dit yf on Hi - ich¢subduin sof 2:eatin Stal ew:A Sica,Dsiaer wail Bian Sein Trove to panSi>suit pic:ie Owware.stpprd pH:iin: Normbtrs!ated:le hota hott atk:ry ‘weprosPist ibysTtotings.are y eae the Wad eae Kat met lic nye ut cet htchetrests, $saute,“tah |Squaantititily avdtft aeA Woes ata CG, Drake Cp !ltHick:HerthPaysilat fous’as wad’sey.cae te SSDPNY.&hao)} wy;eeSinta9 tra pomiien prtysrBho (a is iniay 1A sigehie Be(ili ot.~=Ti hseaphethetewheehcs Worth,of»Séohs.mitts «po “and below gost,at Dek.eo Proprietor:Of,*4.ze cheep:oe John's 2°Bite and”a Yupaimeisuse.Wiens.Pately.Qusiness No ae can.Show:$ou bep ner *} 4 cans tell =you.Dow::“high Pricest ~ pHeS ¢ Men'sfine!’“hard-finis Te*yand up.:.‘MesD ‘S ‘black fe 4 Suits,$290 andy uy...%all wool Suite:31.40 ay sren'sall wool Suits, ‘Mackintoshps.$1:on aCapes,d0c,and uh Sagas ‘pants,going at.Oe:St)Gets 8,000 pair Sing’| at ‘smiling’pric atamake'you think we'yi5. —1F ets.per.,pate afte!ie Dor &miss:this.ach:tite Slapghterinig priceSasfarmersMavetosell7).qiewho.baf «formed:or “expressed tat tin Aline sa han fy as .- |Spiaion sins y criehinial eset te Patt etedijout‘By the,peaplehin Ticecaieie to that.‘atiepraplishel 5sees ae:.er a fr la eneyall:Re is‘tik :eC ee sade 3 O ReaD “Yours ce ee ;shone aecre gna sesenty.tes Sree eacepe.,as Regt york Bia,wernt oh sei oerm ;Dee aatn aae Sietete bee-1d:to LARC CAPES:By tae ies [ake =se a _f.La vy, Sf ae 7Butl tt to"anfind’chapter¥4]}|Egebtion®He Sat Raver ide sina ‘eres iv gregdnesto Pe sure Eee ciperf’RecherieeeSetiif SP gost ane,Due Ee aye lee ee Re oC Renee ine |=blé Hal]Salogi (BawsOf TSB.5 aS idathe’‘Siate of“Noirth Carina?Nor’thar That pf,all otftrpo eis me ipeeee,:Sin el ite Sa ete Sire ei =Nutihias weg -oites ‘an Sin 4 i ale bo!“alk oe pavZinys : .ee,were Tisseds,Fue Jar aE)tie,yeatsin:canes gntgnt bs |bined!‘anc.shebits berticcoiepare Gt ae coe Ja .yee -em ia is xp abe copy +less than*a see Ke 2 ata oe :Biatiyrs§ ea teen *Sie aor ae precifet,wart io LAtlabweaucehy &inde r ay Ty dS nisgiitions ae eae Lue S°Sree ::ean what!ip costs Yue tee ‘corbmissioners:.“bE:‘Watuuga:w)!électign Arstsict:aTByachietehe (‘‘a te Beitpac thetfeTorel:“ihe,PRUE le ite hye ae +te :ee ABO ned fe sateeo ‘Cont .Tety a.specigl‘tax af 33$3.D0U:.mB PEGtO ate four:finnths text precediag Aor nna ralhs)woulld beret Sagas:he si ifa ai *:e re a tes ebhcbyer wei gle ite.Lt Jan he oe oa Reliable:f Seem eee ae oi thee!Tee‘tions Brovided:That remon |Mb-America ae ‘bend TigLiga tive yam eres eet UE AI oe see : |Serye.on the:board -‘wi Gar isL frfig ope previdct;~eer,op otter [Siollder and:help é thy,ithe inpizht i gocaint Ns son a Sadao:a,cetsaeState”s*prison::Senator Brows fom:pejectiten:Gstrict.‘ta Uunot Nee in-the,sustatodd boner x ears,titdn Sivster.ixate asa 1!Caodshiesth Start ete iiIs Mahe,"i ae 'joated W-Be ‘Batiard @f,the Third|beter count cshat ror.Sperate to}¢,No wey ace bs cat jatlond.-eROVGe |did.LIAR?fie 4 aoe Nolederha:eae or ‘ree ge '‘-Fat bydistrict:toviserye!eames(bi sien “He:Reprive anyperson ok the,riit’s a Wee seen Mj lionéire a we)ie e pi Hat sae,Ye ;, yee ir we dtelih tte pRecEnck=ean ot bitter:|{LEY Automan.a Net|SOUR teaeh Suet AY Snes eee :CP Assy sie oe ay ieee i By.leave,‘Sedatdr Danis ‘intro-t :ceab .2 mies “Ko i.Py,fois myBo ofa Os)YiHa eee Ri RRA abe Ot st SOME [icc 3 ena :oeygaeea2petitionfrom@rdinmbry.felectionUistrict.frony which/b fast.pie ee ee Bree ot ig a AES ee sina pag 4 A gi aes ‘a ar ‘asking for‘thepassage of ieee.14 moved un fil fourmaniths,Aftemsdchy Fay iarbain tate Sitefed PasaCrow:Gar!awit :vefusalr:No “petsom:Who!hasebeen |adnan:fas Caparo te i ai hee ae sg canvigted,cor*whischaws confessed)‘bis fritid:and:oeof oe sates iE aes Re ons ‘h brew aa fice ae-Wryuanrs Dax »-pre prailtyAly ‘open counhupo i iii tniewt.,ee 4 Lae ayoi cane th SNe every ig Be bay 40th).enoe yee“eStab-toe?an erie,’suhe-punishment.if evils.Se a a ss Be SOUgOrEne Lan ae oe sha dispensaryat:Clinton:to,pro”biz Pei 'Fdra wal from a OF ris.buy Ge That Yhe kbptupe ‘ ox cn ds,ior may a ter bem <3)aoe “tect peee-ie ae eat bet pce the.ee on‘tetlprisess r“Theyectint Re nlite cias eG:a ticesaes as ae:s, 5 *oh ‘6 ais >>,4,»$e x Hi as “,A »‘ ee ae ot tientto:Bros salle iermalted “Yor ‘woke ‘untess:|"‘te:Wee}ea es pis ;‘parPecg <:ee Pe nett ee ek seeds ea :“ebibit!Han ting oeman sland,Wath:tthe)“Said?person:shai bortrst ‘restart time“tophe pees ey of eo 2 apie Fie ;Saat a : ;out,permission+ite rs té:sera,in oomingner,ea taxahcories,%mad,Solid:2D palates a aAP AG be we :i eS‘Billspassed;‘To,aushorize:CUBS Fs ears beeirone»“Of Shen stunt uc oid wil tinesSos Wem:CUED 1¢tx inate ee ease Swot $Sure ve of MeDawell eounty toys ;fixers in Fpulig Bin SAR ou etl pri peers ee ia pe iSS curd bre :;.:San eae EY :a silat snbpeayete tye 2 “levy?tax sto ‘apt Borize:commission=|*anton phe aysPK dow arate the pees ee fo Sie Poet Foe Suid «fia i Ter fF “ep pal ‘hit eae EN ‘i ra A Hh fe iS =‘PS 3%i MONDS FEBRGwee Phersof Watauga tolecy tix;thincon:ia LEpl bc dhiech sige Sein ¢Brie ae eters oe TRVLEES Te,,fe stim Js tle bes face ee ‘~*fanate’"Golden:Rule’Benevolent-As-f See auf ialihiGliontata teu:;» mye at oy,KE,KinRMANStpastra“borseernsos5. fet na=ms tbaycoon #eifet ? wonpeat suc ‘OF ia = ¥VIRTE HOF TRE OW Tester Me aceaabye‘:maga ':Be 9 “hr ay nae gS in’a~mortgage geod Xe :st ats ok ‘5 S °P $3 5 miners swiie,Emwa-j.S Ee isu pie 5aint &hetns er M Billitgsley,asiappedrs oi récueiatherewistepofideedsoff{retick AetorgyeryifcameiteeaearuntRaeeelit eewnahep degeribed’ad de :r Aleit:oingag<He Binds uypetPorcto.incorporate Nha SesSoasek ‘woter=d heel.cael:Preeti ined <,rvins ete why ack thy “GuiflydFt =33 Adjoining See ee Os road?to=:enone dispssa-4 ed andin the matnaér lereafterCt Lyin):4 ,Hoyallst t fur.Lb.asin APE ar,ie ete .:we .ae ats te25oe 3 Ba ia i sa 1 okt,;ie ae as ou re:[eS S$vend’€s eeJess at al Sagieon!and Claytop.ay;and.esake |Tt Phectak ‘ae s Bc iP a.Sede rw ‘ss ees :as ;mi ites Tie oe :Spe ENorth‘Carolina chit eh)sae ci ation ah saa Beas me eds me agit oe a aes Vea aise Ses a Pee 4 ae Nek t ih «a i ts ee sem x ¥l -::Desa eas He shitda i ¢a : op ee We rac al ‘Fexistoation “Tags 46:he ee eeiefeet 6Saal eng peak gest rut,bio ‘32 ETDS es Cas ae eh os a facegan3Yvashii~o hes bwSete ae Se Fh eet Gt wots writ:hige,Blres ty ai he Dax Ber acest carey ae eject apreyrsypeeof Gussie Zs ieee:aya Pio "—Bills were,passed:-Fy earnthis Artight."pee ve enti ste benieksEe pit ath ales ae ae oi aa f te ee 5 pe Tecaae Textil hoOoL attheA »Seeti ra Fs:Seat person “piesent:Tomudtion SharnetS Sadler Aap |a TEAS ary.gt thenud ich.?eee ee ee 5 7 Ce rede ea:ae gos <a oo pA MOUalleseab S Noperdt 9%to 3 on ;res on,Sal!be «|oy teealy ri pT:th ::ee x :aves seats ee INSU HANG E.agit’“this bill *pagseditSseeantd.reading,bh ea ea nee ea irae oMteaDi gg ae deny Oi)jie aad eg ties ae =simply,istcoe x ede That |AS:ER PER.a te only—Representatives-Holmar and }*cre oe .¢Mbehiat ce Beata eds.Grothe:aes gh 4 Vee eeae ee eoe the:a od pee cage are ie&> ~ <Big :,af aeoN5)roe &ae’ :*Willianis,both mac pPeeches against os the=CConstitute:Jide“thk ¥Engtishtoe iow bout;$e iCsichpany ee SERA?3 *ce 4 “*appropreating $10.Vapor sthis:pure Hlangdages?”‘gud,in ‘addtiqn:Theveto?whew.“2 by ee ;PE ee eeeag£3 peses“totake from,the Fusion Board shafl-have paid:Qnect are “the ee oeWE.EBhony éoaHues i z a =eesestiery = Us a aE rae Sigh i:3 ae ‘<,By,zi —i ¢over’from ..the :oe(gears naaeine ore facked:to |ie pepropeses'th,yote his’“pal “tax!ast il »pestabli$h-graded ston Kinston:preschibtd:‘by Taw,forthe prévidas);5 ertnek ¢temic is. ate)me eis Sods SseSteeSOEeeet¥it .Yo Rote:Por i PT ead dittiesar tr ans Os ep ve “:Bills were introduced:Fo provivit4,hdrefor “lon be See oO ae ae arctica eeii:Sotiecs *Pans Spo ski Me th ©smb esetJ“Peuen makceS>test ee eee‘zsoe of qupr iin,Sheldy;40.agiénd PA*es:Caenonly,On aseced ‘Ree cal =is eeiiiee i"cael 2 ey pase ae ‘thy 08 ee aSBist Mt a {AN EARN.LOTSGFjj i fy ‘.Tessa: establish gr:eds “hoolsi at:xine)Ace Sof Turi feace!tel Me 4 rest ston;seiBromese]-eduplers:Asan ade:a.dares.ou tonte On out clot _Aecounts5J.Pie i gi ed OS:esi ot‘of,ASHE:ew his:billto re+/C A:$5)Ro iiake:peFson:i ;Aisa rl amemmeeaten Hie ck hak fs neti pA hOe L oe Ie Sets sree ;Susp RE aod _Canes te;nak*quire ;jeges Sry same teth eas “om Tinian Tt ASOT,Cron eh puplic hararies,bias peigahy sends151 Fateh nS Ee 8 eee Sate ae aang 3 Ny ee:Hous 2 3 Hspéndin«,“money eqs re £.th 4"beAprin ted gu Ses PEO neFeime.prio thereto,éntited:AY aisle ope diyrotiins for mFSamid bE joint resolution fe Cglueder.theflawyof.any State,sie“doef ae ns Serr A i ag pos ‘A OD:Y)ance:Ee perite.3 notifyingdirextors of the penitey-.United States aeberen;Ke.sien4 weOD en ;ae ie 3 neyEe i es A é ie =weet Swab y :e ::2 ud:otof 45 ‘tirst eebé Gur ¥ape eC px ch ‘chalk ‘dex ied ihe eas eeebengtityvsoeae ‘: i Br ~xf it Saidsaié:Caterssuite 22 oeseat}e ea Spon Ba dea Subs fis faiknrete-possexs s thie ¢edsicationg)4 Sv)PON 5 Bills:Crieechane te To ‘amend Lanaiication:preseribed |a seetiot >ES ye carter:of Linieg“ob totallow Gat of.“this eticle.”Prov ide y ; Tiver,to<provide fora short form haveyesisternd in-aveordanige Swit cityof Atlant}£190)piettor apulse ete tem nied thes 5 us ct ae ie5ee eeiashelagricuHyralTiehs:*‘ang,to pre:|.the terstof «oeaespeorseeThat»Mike ay beet in i opal webvaat?apstae oo Y ee "setibe the rates wfor ;sprobating tHe seeders fe o 8 Pais +f ee SRE*for ee re foib=% ‘ties,(by Brown,of Johnston);tosin=f.eens et cba eetesandSouth-:5‘ern .R.R-and -to.prey meietenc|Ghe tdpctal ASénitTY Sse oe psai :spalees thapt, :»“Adresolation was.adepted Xos-pay:41Judge.Nofwood 858313"for:Pa rhis:ginendnent,provide he "naFeesaeand.Aaieust:SEE ner,an Which.the:Cassesof persous * <Drivin the cyl past ‘of1kfol Gin;yobty eae the‘Agricd]ture:poet tovereet build:“do%‘a ahs Lh byEaCh.*of the’‘year iawhich |Ay.‘3 or «:ie esmakheh &snrong ie igtp allow,towhships iin:Linegiy cout,[vear:aud he‘shiall exosbaicsshsbet WASale See Vien bhCrs :é d fs rh :prenne ma OP anyother fadies cee,ED 4 x t pus 1 yoga,aR pe Se i “:;;4 kaa 3 2 AOS WHO i?ye actfrelating’‘to:thé Grstoas>ct}D sastiyweal HERERO on ns i as ps ed ;i %bs "working fob sas.in,Bhae cata _Special ate: geefer gta ae ROSY]3 =ia Pri ase Gti!+13 pigturd.e En mee ae;2 rr ve M 4 i ~"%)c ¥‘SEQUIN:ava,Te w mieccRat:fre AGE OK EI um PHF net =i eas pa ‘Dee:y gurs.Sefd T2¢-for.EAST ce oe -gNe. medicine.“%+wip Pts ss «::ss :VC aie 3 diy Ben ee:of‘their!election var that the!sided;cand!no9 kal seroff the tia n-th ae ie by =deorolealBIfbeSoesfge:he seents te “be tiny epg Wis ines >%"hs E fs CY rs fil“tawba ta earl’Picadver ates Fei aloy “ys ifie'f Se Heb si eeCo Fiee!ERED,Nexto “alta yo Pie ame in;Johristog "and:Lredeliccouat Salisbury ahd Coast Line,RR.o 3.ite tirst session differtheddpption.of HED wd er*akeee Saas eekeeteays S eogee peed.S wht \ eT 0:‘cei A TorD IN.fone Dax ned Bills passed:Toapproprijaté $40,000:provided «se in fas,Eepatioy thal ie Nae firoxt Tee.tat KG aiid Fo am oburebes,&=USPspansferthedéatmuteschool"eg ory t :Pag Resinine:has Te he:&srk |one (le haar .i : ‘at Morgantén,and a special”appro*="a is He NS ee Pa eh Ms Se as_priation of $7,000 for an aaditioutots Section g:Alt eetings by ‘hepeor 5 ‘is FerHe ae =wae 5 cites“industriabdepartment and for.othe}PIE “shall:be by,ballotY and alkeley |"a aa :Me csvore.EVIE LOREX =AGP |ene Nghe een ee hr ;3 EVERY Eisimprovements:to give/boara.Of isin-tidns:by the 6Pena teeny)shad}HayannDippatch.”ie ee pie aa a Sos AFB 2 duit i if $pee be ;a et 1 .mr nin .:-md ‘4 a Ci FeSSE Spdindet _ternal improvements:power torelect,be xfrasyoces i Pek o'pethe Soldichs of the’,Pinst,“Nori ber gevini itt A yar [ehrepabalt whiciy a}©Ani 1 OES ner :<ao2sek ye ¢ie agent for-the'swamp lands |.‘ce ton 7 as SAG amask s at{Caroling have ‘Had enough ‘of atuyy E Pouterfyt tab Qethke,ae :ma CTO!EN me Pe Peron -2 tr tat ie i 5 Rises mee fenthis‘bill will knock:out:‘John Aufes oS £.LUNOry ¥o erin,Le Ty ey,Ayond.AG conisy Dene giant weer whl:Fie “your ;':Se =.(Ramsey,Feeone otSalistury,f arolina. ekcept?aS)fin <this:Ag epy Phe folowing iIw gopy:OL)2x:“peur Lope -dnaec iyo MONSnlFsVAsubstitutebil”Gmboweninigs idisqialiticd,sshayl be eligible too paper wate bythe”BO -GUr.rep:ae used”thyce »bottle ;pen Catt REPRE em cee 5ort fiees ‘but:Avetotere tering Iponi»tb’ena ;2fu 2 “Cotsress.5"hire ert iertbesr-h NeoPa <Lepweox atesao“take ‘control Of this ‘stil tiog f s duties:es oftthe oMoohe shalaa a eth osneinedts “ou.the,ee erare ae s Re ‘oe Phat“qnStifutiog ‘rom;oc Ae Mer Review:2b yatitsmuteCESey“Was eeeby Mrs apeSiec apes Kaa Cobimibia,Sh ecSABLE ANT5SVssineMeaine&oe eeial NS eo z ,eAeeeeaeRe |pee ee eae)Gems 7 :pe thebutornesRtaatic?aN tains <the!Const tutioni and Faye tle he meee ethat st a aa »pete 4s ;‘4:ati Soaeh asic mes ee .é L.c.Sa pwWeit! ORR ke RoAG ra the Cited Statesand he ‘Gonstiqur}.pone 2,Ra .;;a Sieh Ba epee iets eke fy RS sae (ar leak Te tr fan hash ibe :he ;;ATTORNEY,APT AM.|The.Scotland 'gounty!spullpassed top‘and laws af North Garobina wus pe Ant abi ;\)TM EE Vang es eee ;RE Sofo ag eeeots inepnsistent::peep hatE pecially interesting.©3‘Stevens’ianti-trust-~“Bil “~sehool book questiog’on dis ;+for Greensboroahd other Baie &fyida ai ha j~Wilson:‘hearin;bbe iompegchment ‘of |er ae ee eh saan,Ros oe te >caypons th “Offers:his,Servicessin tes“tt-Judge Nor be oR WANT Dig.GSO (Week nether HSeFoty a8 «the.‘:oH es :id Gam 2 tees 2 ;;Sprig Latte’tion to pettlement of +i i,Upon by ¢@iaty committed:ARES:Qit ;d :o alarmmbcaa SBE We eet sity ie ties SEPSIS as ia :qt aldall Probate basinesse 0-0 hehiwereallmaeteOttoupottance.:sIOr Sout ie ne sts;”ae FVD =ay th :-;aad tee OF KIER IN OPeERT Nose ME):vid } boing.arik S rie:¢Bay Reka i eae eae a ka wes st ee i drew D.‘Conmles|Paety.-ee Dix“Webry a Ee Sad Y 5 eS through you mAkety apes Her RO 2 Ree =“ae ye aesoe|eesie a jatyedueedeT nico i bene Bg dy ck f eaesiiiet,A0\.6or:hative|fyari es :Ns Fy.ee -ey iG 4 :a :‘esleyNzgos,‘:3 ust’Co-entenced :ue ,Sir Ey amgerow Lo euie Pe er aig aN’)‘alm ae Lintigd 2 =&ee BEEU Daaoy Ce im ‘at ;porate:‘the ’ddtineté Ci es a Tas wth aa axe :e )Se ee ce owel Bra een be alge:ah es ’fees e A ot Sua ge 4 y ;can ih 7 a oo corrin eaeie! =seeoa i aeriath aa vod ae D.the aN oe he EB stmial:chion ax Sons ::“hig hay :Reig Sei oa :!— e:e Avanti WAC BOR oa A ay ee cps tic seas::iinte [EP pa oe 2 ss ;<p (<9 i ee]Lee “ob teat ‘Anvaehiee a ose erie,ade}pCa) ~~e ~sore Thy s al c :>;]F :|Zr ::2 i x:*eeeaDevapartcinks“a.et fetter th pes a see redeeeesontigiuesctana Ae |PSS A NE See te nee ia ‘thore'a in ite ie vic ra ug NCL?:ana Mecha eaeKey tpt wee 4 iptidntnd malpfactice'tn,ainands that ke shoula’Paks a fe %UEP BS pd fo Ly)SPY re!F 3 war %as 4 4 hes isa ra ein "ah the ©ourts -a3:i ;gti:Dial ot oe :::;i ;rhate practice:/a oa ;*[inless?siebrperson shall?>be §Ee.etn.ee you a,ae fs Set cae “the S MeaeaiosEas eewei[stored ‘fo:the.rights of “eit ea hovarcbcneegeeentives a < Cgtemenstraasatyy.t Sarit fat mma sa tp é every possible éffort”to:secure,.fla.to:sdocouuae:between$36 Sew aes Rar ean muistering outs It as “Uy“and $85,000:na ak for.the oa.;ade ‘YouDumbandpes ConmisteD!0 ie a i ORNEY-Aree *|Stagesvitts N *-Will practice:in all the eesraiTyices:arr deoe ae oJ.3zB ‘Scanchiy,” |ALTOUNEY,STROSSwiaTeevicty,Not.= og keh ee ce e ae ee e aa a ve 4 oe rg!“gpaigell dae ateBiel:aes.isbns...for ma ia Terait naresJ#questeOat thesy Se Rote ance ee©.“Ewe:aficient to!Mr.wehe Odell 'is:chaltieac of “Pi f‘the building.committee *for’.Salee 51‘Memorial Halk <now Jin’a AU A A U U A N Be c o ye h V ed abeads ee The coni-|advanctin wages:of-+;“mittee visited t e baldtiglast weat|‘oma Aich=i:ee -AWaiting"andare-well pleased withthe bee re oN %oes -"therem pandaana king.©gress:made.‘Ihe building”Fe dia-ander way and when completed ‘wilt}~be mn 5gla Sgaditors|ivmsinthe State.‘Tt eee Bek iMa y Vy.taiyer'troubles:quickly rest soinplications:and the min wiho,1d-has”ee foy health!“Bitters taken:now awd th edie?ha:Saeki{its aendinCea x 7elie~Yuurs obedieneeGigNaTORE:ore!SLILEDOCSSeesiCtNODsaaayuea