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The Mascot Dec. 1899
‘y h ea ) WL da n c e s \ ==.=“Wise1S.=%ys eran = Rt n Tn % =- me r ES aS THATORAS ::=xo ere ae ee~ ‘é i ”)WweReSWG:a ie=)ee $3 istJnie z *BeAwPe,f23d.e8 > a Bipinst.National | aa*os * res oF“STATESVILLE.N.ic eee aeeSone>xs atts acbeess nae"Bea iter “Batiees “bapoaltouereiveo st seco Tow KECK SaisohSOSya®1)ne-deposits.Money ipaned of 00d.collateral ant personal sechs*Ste eeteai Phat}wa ti edleckionsby ai seintsand credited er repitted at lowestre ©8eee¥2:sofatiwns ¢Merchants.%5one nrers art Individyals [embicitag.agd tf: :.bop:BR &favo-ule ferms=©“ee geek Nici Rene mere bo.%!:Peek yet eae Rs 5==ee 7 ce REL aiehic,=z “OB ET SEt oya.€OOPER,President,.3.€eaeWY.Vice Fresideyewe<>SOOM Bows,Cashier:eset er in “:si «> me, Y ee> eee TA wahas:si chuséol *ideoree been negligentt:‘aid that the eu anywhere ‘Sach ‘measures have inlibat all covendd” ..” sin 7:“ufBinshich * oy guarantee’‘of‘Settled |peace nds “pte,opty security “fre!thie,itsteat, 4? a A, Re or e-_ f l —ag e er i k ‘ aw ra r y y y y ; i e s S S ee g pf : 4 4 ' i PY we t we r rT Ne r a wi r C3 Vv So fa j e o r a “Bari oar iy Sy!ere ate eee saeStitesore wyMickelsonseofehe -me percents Besa te Tastelessand Guarantead to Cure Chills:and re --Rever and ail Malariat Troubles.:BER se ckoesSStainainine,Nor Other Poison:*fs ate _Cen =Doe$Not.Injarethe ‘stomgaie Kor Effect:oe pee uy &Sdn,DimeBox!Tex.;say:“Ramor's Pepsin Chill Tonicisthe ei rd Metar “ver kandled.--My-son prescrjbes ‘it tn his “practice,and says it 3. ich @ child:can takeBet injury'te the stomach.’)2 ME'G.CO...Prop’ireeneville,Tenn 2 0% vect Tonic WOs,BROW? ?pond * a io ='.Bursar aoe(Sant re oe oss .Cao},SWOOd Annd Cobs go eae: ;ie we ei oe Et Et iy ¥,pr rfecttF soft ePo Shoge ver mans!Fae tared.Een Renn p netsstaf allithe races’ot.Soup “Afris HypEasides:parpose in thetSouth te :‘i HiedyWor “Eeag"eee “Browse.oa this, a ‘the Bencaeds ot,wars5 m ‘tlinesths ie |COSane ne’yoint:the:Britis got Abobieet ee parte‘hisslyiiga fia ae 2 onthe tenegy.‘the:Ww ’“war f HBinfehiy Eylones—ae eredsere CEO CONDE YS or the,wield,We]5ratty i fa.wld 2 itit beeSSOP. :bake dud Lojputall envepueack jamith then,s-overtan and lon} %gritnped up ‘claims ofa tragine com-4+ ‘ir 2=Essfts rok Sta présslad xd astive anili{ntt siclsters Oboe:®; egk eee ‘atk ‘Sthra Norn: 3.oh irr vom bé fepidem changin:tee: Sttadd pan foe Sd seth!:coutamiingsing if savek s tied fon defabios,ve ite he States ito shave ‘begin“Fr te ne terrrble 2:Pater3a abagiven a vanady sistontl ‘dgtealoped sunitl i eRobias.oad ss BS jhoid’>venus i“justly se brdkgs eee EOF; ,a ladulty,”‘whoin this trial tbaye;probs iy ‘en themselv eS worthy ol tlic EYRSt S*hnd contidelicg of:al}:He day thy, a they.paverot in evens“the Sightest” misfortune could:ack.‘ye:foresexr } bits wasSuct asmight have happen-y : Quen takea that.there.‘is “no danxer SO ak recurrence OE ‘the rfeGery “Dr. ibewis Suasests thatiall~'tow us°and “eities have asabitar ~itspector-and [- #* fumbing:.be:care:Rite?inspected espacmilly.-“tBat of} mstituéions.:=Dhe ‘State; pe bie: ;moyrng with those,Who pare,peenisd a.Brawley.spent Tkaoksyivingy in_«A deaply afflicted’,wy this Sad “oveur:) ‘Veen cee |tNordpubt “the:‘président®and!rp Wise <{phitgardmer =spent.»‘the’.a 38 ‘reports gt moON 65 10.test.athe:"mMicri¢an Inipri Venien Coin jut We ee \giticars of thé.Normal twillWavey’as Thankseittiy«é “pelidaysti With!her fog es He LOHsuit ones Oh the law:tp Sine.jalsmojposi.s Jim wu Poli-r -auPing 3.3 1 ee jeey jaecer se the s¥mbathy ane sib:4 awl eee Dr;ae ie eee aie =)yh te _pligisshes.ofState datks*“Tue.Apts)b>pre “PClipesyo moral svnipa'by iPno!ODNso Ae ve cs The!artesia well ut Wixitios on reStas Fie)imovement.}:Rugintiog i a ak sebpods ofthe2opular @demands,: ae “Mrs,gi¥es dat Salt uesand |ue |Pepbticll itrthe:dispatehes plats shar poets were Fee eeete ~#Sessjae"i GPF by :¥;veoh ¢44 eet rp pata RSOb STcoe eat a :W:D:Scenesof*Lethe sville,is”logist,Holmes,wpe!|dard ul exom-:Hea a acre Meth ceSceitS:30°,bae tosspS -‘oe s RS ote earan “Mr.Joseph,Ghagnberiat cneta ‘Uksiting cher shotner ore Hizdbeth:natien..Peports.SOs st Dispat Braet cae eiieiiacb nee ut 2 aS ateripe“daw <“7 me z LES ny ;‘Y Qari r es me a ;retin ableofitheGoonies“forBovlaad.Said:avidefeord.:rf ee us.’et attsaeae we mE.tained |lovareuethe éaSe*“Dgforest Pee thot fipst fet 3 ane sar £publit address last:week:“Ty doy Miss ‘Ola Gattrand,sof)“Nobtos ee pon iusani bi :i Beets ES AgpremeCounts:ad}disbe haga ENT ie ju tobent,is shot dike soldivide thevshins“patok:Tt Van wha”‘has.been,:visiting:Migs potters.SHC Bete TJS fresh hee Thea ol ar pstox aie withsk Lisi fron,paces OF2:aes Tare.se ; NaugieMiller,rergrned TOE Pee passed OR;zy salt:bed!‘petweeyeFak Hone"fe,rs sth red ngs ot peaiting “teasCotes of tht Experi.+jsavecabgttthebeat;“but:Be TOYS Ae i revi!Viltaipeton?”’sshel oe ae SF Se ORS es RearYio,cueing se : ey ;we aay evenpae.Eo *3 (is Mae h 4G;ADK Witmit #0 My Eresh,ide $Crjm ine:ugait Sty State S ni D shod Mento “Unaarbes Hy thie:(yon ; NBS Ss ‘shut.sthesBoers.ne ‘theet Low Best |2 gta cinay.belt reach ed entigwever 5]f.Sls p ludve!od have!inanafageSue Cob pan co Cone i ois :Callie Foard;sot?Cles vee ‘De ter Ha}sithi by’deck bagk>,.and as:Re@etien nat jatend.|-tx }be Abert ea -dtifou?ave:reneated av:“teat “Shee“ts,¢ihe home Rrid ay Shien a3 €,rof Sor.ny mest at xs A ME ils x ‘edstont t©erbettated:se “ts get ay oe St.PCy eee #2 wiley stat tt ss?ryt wiker-“>ent 4 a nee (SUS.<Mathie Supreme:Cote sed anomie!by hes.|Bie i ae2hSe.“dnd [feel cdnvinced that,our ovalteitiw shbjects igi Cape Cotons’| essatayaeld:ed be,solution+ $dir:able’“which,dias-note prov ide “bet ~{goad hie.Sinaate Of,‘doubt,for:tie. ‘SuprediscySot,the:‘British’“flagessthe| cs Tayithese,fords’the festin®| Foeswho Hgs ‘atten ;“tated”<Qu OL, eetthaprmnakes:a Bead diveaway a At"firsy | Pa thes. sieitawas?asplesb'46 met further] concessions:with?apy:bope,of,seteffalt:ewithouttite,:“Bor evideit payins.a. ofag fast astheBoers nee g FAW orpuieat madea:“fier thet demand:the ging to,holesi ant (2 Brit y+ feientitp Aussie Boers Sassy Pears.olf,Sou:Paull of course thy “uy poe ee ival John.unt sdddles ley canse~olth »1d Glaltgato ce.Aehtbig,‘fo Bagimd*ig:tH $ 2 eres is “spat,*repeatiok| 3. at:nuoted he §Finipieté dudHijri.)ed of Areas ohh.AWasE nhebestat S65 ror ed ahem ty the 2 alt ner peop js: eteess wan tes fy Feiushoiredunes inks Shedic 1HaS for wigshteg se “hie Gonrent top ¥ily Taj{ES eee Stabe {Abed Boer mbugel high oy$k e -hand “of their {Basiitnd for hum:nity “Si tSasikate om.ant Pequal footing in Iedia,t invadédban fos; ‘tadependenr.eodutry fands,ane at id.). “pressed the peopie and madeit's de- pendengy of England.dia‘thisé with.| pdutea Shadow:of a right “put ‘the ‘pany;dd so We might continue Aj\co multiply such:weonys,for her:chish peer js}One:Heng:seties of:thenr, sof ‘Health,has"hiacth VoSh:anDest ReBlow Ae x ‘~thtegt t Lge report.shpap:the?Pegedt its “#4ist an?exyer tire &agiged tite ie Jauity.”ror eek -“blame the4able t presilient,.aed sla wirive”that,we (kis in:Salisbunyz: R “Mn.Toun:Kristie Sancha giving.day-at?the hear ofthe Brige-s:Eve her:|inc:Maprespifeé Rewsw.-:B:afReaDaeues yas*the oieiapie rn RAR”vehad:been ¢Oriasvisitto neltig GS MESSRS:Ie Try}jo ne sae Predsurer‘fhe.State eh bu thewwnite,on theaeBets 3 bt,yer waat.bad esa ie: hany.‘ind:‘doesnot;ree‘with p ?Res =3.0.‘Ste og USN 48,“RET Gece ont ae if 1)aed:orth ae y tas Ps=ing'évery:gi err foarte ke ae epi ee:Says:the’Sali pry Deut pe ie “A ny i ©“pnb,directors oF beStata Nor AT hate ti ca a cP a “ents.aiested!e have décided 0b.th aphicad ron: :Hcvyanyes|atement S:‘to,the:ey ditign.jot Sty me tals=Eee sont ¥ ty os it Olgexeraabweek’sto her,eousiti - citeJessieFEowler:; with Mr cand alse 'A da Chester were magried 6on Thane pastor aS oe aeNeztid‘Yes.Weduesday might0.Pastweblh it. ha Stieloe?tty “ode had bePttrpte:She ‘interest 2oF:his:foot: TE aesSheri:Hilidgron’,jab Joh ‘as ibeen.iheditst 165 Sette =*xes {Or Lyear <paytagi in'$9,32 das Neely.~TS A i photd fewer wacpabecrso:dead 5hy:Ynjthe:Annalst oF ‘he.State 2pays:open thisg fal)Re:See CHGS HOEYA sake!Fh Fain dnd ANT spe Foes, iA shortaybiSeanhy:fore Ieou tinehibers Moh.one Ft ly “wer carried.ofp ye rhe art ne: discsease tio}ithe:shirt’“space ‘of “four they were w young son of)Mr hee White on,Saturday.“Mrs? following Mond ay.an White “mrt repiitip:a Record ee v ;aus Aewels ft fe rcs:ts living th Gudford coun: polis jad who iwould ot begood,bad pr’indifferent ‘wateriif|che}lived |ip:“Greegensborto,“for.the}rpdso9.‘that sbejdoes <uot:‘drink 7t,Shame:iso Mth Maney Foden. acd?‘shevis ‘87 years.old.Water ‘she has dot tasted it in twelve =S,avhile’shé bas vot eaten’aby ea per in.237Years C4=?Tt."is also:said that she ids never dy. éaten a tomato.at least”“since early ht enin-life,and bus fever ‘had.‘a‘lamp*in’ aansitationas’SETAVC ORE ‘thisis s Wooresville with:theirhome people.|Ae ee tb eb uve kn,{Sumter Cowfiship.one good |t‘bothered fs fhigrai u‘erection.Satiebiles.fo Setiny ‘of:the beard. Tg Therentegrise Shs,this”develo pmept?-| Tadepby bractarsbb amade:torStand,athe ‘Bis:hands.yy eetABTS‘Head -dnd:thy t packax Nat,gaat:dt was:on aceau Ath alt he” ‘yheCar,nt |whieb-escaped:the’robbers”notic poont ihed SB UN.!3 Dorcbe st es en Che trOiaand=Augpsta;for Sharkecton.LAI|Special ftom:Branchyiile Says thaty ta 0 ym!n’ bethongFy)méntionePresiden:tention ryan,asithe man toaesBryaathe| hundred’hit he robber; sae Stn gers not ta pit a Fo:;“7 Athe cat until tte:yale dad:gets aie]fae -Nooe sear ued:dér,head wz y fax in.pollleds‘the Bett}“leeard ang ang ‘slowed uuifobber:“esdapiutMinxMis ita tramp,sighaleayZi}“the:Qu ipest ahead:eJot“vender : dame:capyand teld,the,Story.ere-.Phe‘car,was:<zvageanidexpressCan:and the door’years,is:sthe :first®for ~thé notes been Sots ‘permit oe oes ‘tétor‘to “reach |the*baggage section|.which wag inthe ees of the’ hoynds,‘have been:Birdted to the of thes obvery: Pout.fiemes encerts:who ie in 1h CHatleston say,Affe rsWas Swe 5: ]we Taber,a f While |inthe Demoerati orien x Ho:Eure promibently asf feade bot wie SS ehpibe wu.pone::alymbarises 5bap3 er aNecetnht}l {theris 274i 4 Asitheseae eed Keg West :prob spake’)acs Piene Hien. the. Pee cas (iggtot ciye sith ceye ye : D J:Wok or WL on;1.BY,cs B30,<hospital'a'Safis rye ees an aa Me adsSy meigr 2os todan eS thy:-Sehator ett \if i e6AG =i Fe ogi,a “tenaent!athe’§tidthnsiS of the:2 Lajoes soured thibvey |tor ee :BybeeMe > a Ged.Re aeAxjdersou:“spell 4c :=e tyCdllene”at:Greews and|eye Req URST RS been,rahi tedes Te athe ¢6 a R.LEic)Riaeaitads jenant fe -th hi sfolksit Fes ae bis a sprenedjuscabNs MeGoxérn.‘th clin digi :Nace ee |be}/ne eS Lyerly +of thesites the a Dtewoline thetimd:/Santemyreidht fighter Sthy ores oe ; Fo 3 reeceia ‘fowl Bae ine|shop*last,‘mee Is?'§ee Ik wciked.,‘k defi Ch: ay AS ;ete tg Sobathe michivery ana nite eA magn ed edge b rasie att sround:f ->ad ht =Ni thie”Nutmeg edn,tio: Paghiciin’Cho, ee,24 t Ba ;bears Bhveel bs Te i 4 . 4.)heages dbs Gotace (oS;nome,es:pulled in,Bele re “rooms joe.fom 4 pete os BP hens _Hebeitign)froril,Charts eee Sisrprils Thank:‘:“Salisbury:Tas.Tacksbases ors dat Foun,opeHanksgistbe days!x Ye oS Sttaaelie sea :oe in *3 rbaece oe pox;three ‘a Gi abe.0Jored,.if the:Re iy te Rew \bys nahi 6 i Alege } Fanie hig :We 166 ae Ree:“beingoe t0 a white !eyei Virginia:Hordyras:SE ys:>ay:an Its.¢¢y tetany :te :tioh Co:Was erinied.2:char ra eat gree.th yniedteae+Leas last}The negroes ave;steangert a 21 ee Seascapita oe:a,‘report:Sis,ec Perea a(Fria Pip sed ea orig ‘to ‘the titifierant type tWa )as oom Th dhe sedis pt Ah St ae“al ineiyaenst®pepulats da=ertONESETAteatesars;a agout from Lown!to:town acne Pato sey hia to aee n Shy 5 eo Tiga!stoning futher Ayrficd dis-.~<.:NT IES sfanie eoidurn,of Suissa aby ‘serve to:psead and.%the He ieeeoa .jgrautet <snes ote fury i Apr Lote 4h)eAcis of eeeSpentpunthesatxngsWktMiseLin-}‘all’Jails:sot i Tet ras.aoe 7 Prevideertial Mite.dimings ata stration.particu:ad ;“wood:Bost.’Ste Seite Soret pee rg Gadus a Wr 1 few:exgepition He tanghHariyrety tie inncial laters eee ;“:she hy we )4 eleati type platesx¢peels Nvet Steud:of w inghnsi thescol et ee FfeaKatie‘Moor oe graded lenroe,”-conmmitted:sujcide done Gay}Com were nat:dapaged-bx.th pésulation.wasia.a tokiy Seater tae school,spent Thanksgitiag with:ligrjplast week lu@Campen:S.2C.,wheve binastn¢’PhiHadelptigs Titeon aval Loni,ptarie:ee a etherpoets Be Seer oe ome!folky at\Granite:‘Hills *nyc fo [hewas entploved ap a book:keeper.athe caiten itS-of the cam!anyis i yar]vepubs:pnb Deel ge -Ss ini ee %itty ,oh “eeaieDhLCireveieZAractefhLOCesseee “ Mis.CoE.Rarticrada tite ¢id.ro hate bel lectinsanepounaset a ainpout Thecoat 0 esbas“the “dyecst ive;conimittece]victory over tre SaOwees O&Feu cee *|of:Ww kes,are visiting ates.Pa érhth wie holwasof oh 2 Pest pievalued ariglsa %Srucwed 10,fonfer,.Wath.The<|re UIN.are exXening papulir sa picioh’NP cage tiersStatber’S.Dr.Jea Moths.*>|fare”“ethevettish Ss canSoak 5 Pry :Eom mitteos hb.{Pemocrs ie ana an ch GIStt astrand.wrnatteds:opposit ion”*Ss ay ns oF 7 ©ERR a E ,‘Popyl ih a ti syietanil Adenarteb~for the+pels Tapidiby deve!lopli for.the isit Spar fdees“Waller MEN ithe ‘add A:|justasluscions:every way.as those)»:holdd ys |‘eae;-|thathissed:dpa”‘spatter at re:“the!oe ee:A hole Sng205 th1 pe ne.SePNe at.Sn of Sh forcing popils ide‘Sire:5 on cise;ra Lom.Sulr eG :‘hinting ifs :ye eee faepeeipisc; “Bronk hinted Geae We shawe hac Lh The fayieesturthor ak:ee itt pe.ae td the pboaoil suntaiiasahislica eption the ‘CG rit ZS ppull Le “dato boise Sperdtions==ae thie gonthy and the Bos!Sa Sctuurnal AYYortersRG wh Ox Es Rowsea edi tee Foe t Sapposéthigsalt’bed betocated,,ant?i taten®noe i nie aes“Y en,tot OC cenip "TCatexpatsses a.GOTT thyxt.%: ae eesandy Mr.*Jatab!ae te awell:Sana caluablesalt,plant?TORY.Alte senate wayaeae ee and OG taw Wek THE Fy perimer:+NBRGEOR=|: ‘Part.of2“MoeWsvillex spgeny Sie be!edtablished-Tt “es aot has\be Cusaid:and Pa whieh th:‘Peo,rGiepree SL :there Wilt'be a radien’changin =erSine,‘Statesville:flogsing 1 >egiesser Tp ple:Ke whole equntry.espied,aead ufrshedy4 0 the:present werkins co:ditions .of mt *Mrs-0.Ri Adstin sand?RttléSou}=‘:isially 2 tbe SetheatidMeStt eee tee ee Se ee went-tor Concord last seek to Spend |;ppich Haterestyy ss See sta IER TM ner e P1)Ehank iving’‘aid the «Ch Sears j-Daringt ‘eh towel.“ail ig eMpericn Tne CrPatys Bal AtHE rs jouer iol iilags with’‘rélatives.:N oar ‘es oo.rt ;atte.ae =bank aie re _08}ice ‘of.a oe Sens ut raet Se ae Pigs tite a :=;:fokvotn whi ‘hee“main ‘ai icult iPSTot ;ay tpn portions,soa SiGe +be it arin ren -PEPE que a oe Wi eee of Sigestt®|ees )a Southey:a oe tas neeeer 4 pone -See ens aeal te ay bree -eeted With the:eStatéOf his ude,|ppany.rear.-wear BranchyMes 3ie teh See eee :Te ae the’.pee : .{HEGe ASD?COW]rig ae See Soattiens ’Bail way.t 5 —Koes eerie OethédaOyaés.a ¢2s)Phe train had Jostteft:thes Seations psd eG age ee eee eee ae Wiss Sallie Taznby |5a “paide:when Medseugers “Ramsey's and eebatt as ;me ae pe HD SHES Rais eenandjMigs Ade Ribas yore acotet ee “withtwo:re:|U wer the p ‘ay ¥a aN ee ‘Rod Boe a -L Hes ‘Rickert =ee ink seiving-volyers hy Rain,the:Hands.of ‘he:Ste banks it:cas Hauntcenters "aia oateae eet ™uty:ay os {athe boars Sh AYERS S ,help the se se One®Thessengén Atay vireite tel nc 2 Be clone hy as fact eh ie ig rere ntl ¥y Fe]eve ,A Geer, -&“tein a ened Of Na i cathy ton rolithe voltae:'¢of.theeop:De and they seatt:apbersa x? |Buse Sti-novaupent which owdento,Break their:¢ ‘ohber WAS soorti.>hand over~the monet [*i ath sak -“geventeen SigFyMare“pereisecdred:dnd alter}ied ping tO Thess.<P isfo:sideearl Fy gaitsSonsSe,: Tas Y‘several ri He,*Theis .iy NT tre Gsiaeeancewa.: Qiarieston Railway Coase ow rdad!which thie:Sex proposeis Lo”byt): ston-and ete Taga: .:otSeHewes were 3ie ‘bax._shorer The stots i “have?‘wathhPon:=f ame ment by 7ae &eaesi0%!eye S sees at?ee :_ thet th:€aw ea nicummand:yates Seen’MEA OS TRCKCAS DEC -ON ts*Coupes ize das weel:w.if : ceenaneettotas Teesvilley=hat|et we Qthow as,patel i being odyye OF it Teh,iver SoneaEayy nue dooc ex “were «pSsern Oy <t]‘;: 4 were tolitocgo Kone ©Abn |tel }voters.that the Seourts,’“State cadLRederal;‘woulddeclare'the’:Bmetic (ment.uncénstitutiongh : th ‘posses know.av batet ty court woul din:RE ae LoL facts(Heis ee anaesdaessuétse that it{s ue oree taeFtheRepublicansandthelr-pie;Lafties 1d.dest rox,“fi hes /CO ee at,with sik/Filet and:fe!thiespeopledbitin Genepal As andvalk.its “dejic.is.) -hthey:hate brdepeut suits,‘ ‘:possibles<2 famous:frou:| Raptisane 3 ;/“counts:bape’“goueRepubli aur withcaa tp:ati: hat i:is Cause Seeee tthe GPueers 3patorea Xe Speke =Ma3“Sk Pies Regubltesn bor orth:RCanogina ang doperiained Us doteatbe The:~as,AYpe Bird!“£ond uel O}Sawyit!Lehingaloigsidethétracky. pet rectiarlt: deci)iPi8aiS,- abd SF ie: Trhead wis ~combingtidn ba i sar leston:tre.Ape x =1o1 ©harlestoh ‘Pe.ad t-takes buat a Mieoe SiN Rome ©5 ue led nserin ‘the thor Tpke!ti stops aces rag bytites L a CielichCureTisBante den atl torn Se tae “treub!eS Aids “La fake:Wt yom bk at 2OUs Sayin oT eifects S, A be,WeHeolticenhias rte5 eth ‘followseresaypatentfr sfa eA PeNEeE SE whit 2 ate, nte::,.::Cealy.eee lyere. robber was -able-to :énter |. {One of the safesdn the ei re &Spiiei agG%ger al Meth re pe abrtis:“ed=y, ol r Kiiy.‘Eye sdavx ™sou sate by OO —Réabendivered i ou the peqem,os (posi Pari on sf Modder Ny t nt ties cotcench:Ss “abt pi sine Be wUnptionl ;: ean Tits tn r b in:robbed Ww aaa fon gguewith:the committed -the’robbeiy.| 2pe del -dx= ‘and”Pahp-“al =thie”fine eeDyefoundatchiti :Vy Boer fore re su two},large rum Teeee eres The ty ‘naval’btigadé réndered great:fassis-F inkftatee-from thé railroad.*;After des-4."‘fperate!hard fighting.~'whieh fastedwithea“waver otkTe! party:who”may. nea.Dy *Hating their.names’ connection’with the |. “a nomination,pub ic.oeis{eentered’fon Wm.* ‘and-yin isnot:ionmasses”“of| also.“of beer en ere:a ¥se bath emaua'a “from‘onr Suptiemettand=hlBdeathOw.Soe senstlessdoS¢fthachinescout Sao Thiséforethelpe sie silane ore:‘eit good Beit)aes 4‘day andtheir bad day.OURETE SS ee are about balf sick all the time..+ -\They bave headsché,backache,=~ -and:are restless.and nervous: ‘Food does not tasté rood,and the:digestion “is poor;the skin si |is.dry and sallow and©Sisfigured tae pr e s it will b e;4 ite oerac Vy; rt}=eS <n eon euice ¥o GE Be eee ick Al shiek shehas inf}étédon a suffering:oe pe e frown time i <dip,ipatties.:}At number™of = i Dae =Mt use-everywbere from time immer |!R dlicats have.-aS sein’or éruptions:.~-es Rasy set i ¥leeorld:with ;purel Siti hy :romivent Repu s BS _with ‘-pimpies’<o ptions;be oS ees oeCole's$:Sheet:Top Lined.he :tie fF a .we ee morial.:[pressedthe jopinion’‘that:thd:-¢“sleep:brings no restand work y : :a ;ebu elaimni a.as"done.for hu;/Boor health fs aid mtd be tirst-rate will bé between ‘Bran ail -Me red reserve »is a burden.>|.,: .é eae iPox Ifuad inde isghe.ee ma LS fuaity and freedom.|10h,Liberty’faud the prospect isf that she¥Will Mew,as fn.°1896:{‘and'a-pamber’bea it:shal}ple What is the thuseofall this?sbeaa : :Re eh os ©Bestion Birth peda Savas iJ Aven tS!awhiat Countless.wrongs are gash ajceptury very closely -%peern leading D Socrats,hare)<exprested Budes tolet them Ved ao par LYOS .Impurebiood.<$25 SPE Pci Pte em :CEES oR abe Pat ga J done fin;“thy name!An bowl this sea Reoples wet ERR:aoe ,Fquite-as’Ve.on ;The poole will npt-stand.goverp-|sad Be hve vats >And the remedy?”ee i oh ea a ::price }ig fuebiinnd eourfoyts seach spar rene :>;i mw e same complaint,that}nomination of W m3 obs 5."Ther willpot:tol tA Special .d hy frog’Sort tt curio aan -f ee Be yn ee _Pecksvidian goternment,whenear-|ike épld lady bgs;thatis.\can‘t|Seys.that ‘GéneralMethein,si<dis-|>Rp:.See ¥ri NR:"greatest ‘gatedze.’ard Finks water:—MMaAscor es is ae to the Qa gett 2 Or he.batted: —oy ‘human-rights“and libécties itriey ‘tof J sere ‘Be)RS hee ae psx THe battle fF: tet bee ;ee KR ‘ e%gS Eos fe.“it,Qu w tizhly ‘moral rroand:ata /OutMouths CroscaX.nee .2 hk oft thére‘sal mays soint simpletondty ae wet ne hia ty plehe Cire Re”§Sie.faudilyswho -telis:the’truth,as)SSRbARY Ope Fg he wee es is Ys mht!Sgt NED aoe SN fe *:"4A ’=A n \awBegascrisaeceanthaletSaeesiae WORSE1S: =iechas ao agin » to hong pitert” Ang ya will Rave‘Peo hompson’S Glove:Fi:ete havégvers pS:“Nek! Himtpats and Capes.:’Dress Goods!.'.#*[°° 15,Venetians,Camels hair Se tges.~“= gc>.ahd other:matrrial for.Coat SERS.5Rirts<We “atso “carry an‘Elijgant? Kanye ise :SHES,Stiinsand Velvets"for Shirt ah +Dress Skirts.“» :“Saar,and gate D*Som Sor Fashion:> ages ony.for tne ea —“WALTON!&cace, eei‘sattle Joé has,dove: s :Seat is iy gh =Seite | ‘The Best.on theMerket:For ths Price: :Yacy.“Of the Britishflag.‘Like’Cadi "a aPbodes,bE thirks..the Britou the: a “anore jastiog: “Yes,ethesé are: ="ber pukposés,,to “divide.the.Skin,ot the”bears:=‘to piwrite -what.they. blesses cren the sheet’:‘of South"‘Atri-) gsand |‘that owill:be!as “Chamber. fain Say s “to.‘provide’beyoud:the. shadow of.a *@oubt:for the suptem = ‘paighest sty pe (of,évolution-and:~uO. doubt thinks’he:s°carrying “out;'Géd'swillsia:“paioting as much o} thes-wogld’s map aS.is ‘possible ‘a British,red:<Aye,-dyerit:‘if heces=sary:with.the Blood ‘of ‘its owners: Sand th us make the redé deere and’Weeare:tired of heart ips England’Ss“cause-:defended.by /sthe’best interests of ail,"and “the~rights of the qmagy!“ang “the hucimauity’s,Saket?poppycock.‘Sueh“bare-faced..bypocrisy,“such:‘simple“lyieg is ugworth.y of a great ation.Just say plainly:that might makes!“right and that;England,is warrjag:ou the Boersbecause she.‘wantstheir;gold:fields and:will Have:then.« oe “Attempts”paves“béent made:-by] ficers:idn’‘behalf ‘of thé Boers:“Ottedurséitfailed*because-we dre):‘the businéssyof-criminalaggressionwoo'deep.to:rebuke “dthers.-SAt><abigmeetingofGermans_andéIrish-mén heldin Chicago to-celebrate thetheManchestermartyrs;thefollow, ‘ingutterance by Judge.fees #Dunne was joudly applauded:> inherent “falsityy ofthe doctrine ofbes) ‘the Taansyaal wosomeexpressionOfopposition 645 ment,but we are-forced-to:Silene,for‘one thief eatnot’chide “another:|Thewnly‘way*.that we:tan ‘obtain,}récogmition of:the.Boers.ia~their)fight for.iberty is to ‘unites against’imperialist::“Unite at the < pray to God to give the Boers cour [ee priea ¢of:oa ser Moers Re age end,toerat!er aia.+S many:papers aud’‘predchers to induce!Boar“Government to.Tasé-tt".odd:oF ty aeisy mevolent-assimilation.“The:“present,e|policy Envland ‘is:eeurying:out»ga|.uld have Awakened | the’part of,the’;|American’Goyern-y oy polls to}. destroy the British,‘influence.at}Washington.‘and.in the?fee the 400 Yeats'ruleof Bugland|yous © a Tredel}Spores:sreonalusitely ‘the |s if ns campaieer=aeritwas:see:rome AS)aod completes goeccare.:a Wel west]f there is cofstipation;tke? “They awaken'*the: of theliver uy ean :e~publicarion compiz Ee eee ————mee RRC ON owe,Bias, Spot a,“the onset nr Roe :To-pr Pitty:Bey Ske es a prin coe : of tlteDENOTE a ee "ae Si b i 5s La b i a l be t bi e l nc i n i n e n l i i h e m n ne t en al ie ee e ae ee 2 aa n a ns ae re e e — ees eaewerSSramavtinry N2 “i.ineats.. =2enth United States *atRaleigh.”5.oath age Foath*to‘theSpeale a=Sy was a ni¢et Of Hop.‘Josiab’ —™ roc_ana cansTEsSo9THEMASCOT : .eo PvBLISHED,WwWEEKLY™oF eeeaeekeepincad»>i“3‘os<*3 “ars :ees ONEig DOLLAR A YEA’Bi ie =.~et nt ee-=eo o e.ea - rE he Hinrxess,,eae “a. ORS D:Warts;Epirons.xe <owt ace »ae “aN 2 Be sig ee ee oAieRee 2 & Searls ioeToS Epiered atthe Péste ice at ‘Statesville’as :second-class.mailmatter.)$285 yo ASCyDec?Be yee ae <Raleieh :isto Havea pew!ice taetory”and:ae larRe,reirigeratof.for: “Winston ‘sold.*658:p21 pounds’of=“Wea‘at,Jobaceg “during.the.month:10;JP votes and Praneis:€:Newlands?) Noveniber;,*es zz oe wCaptuin.Zepidlon BWaduce,“ple: Infantry:Y,has| beeh designated ds Agcrditjog ebiebr :The Ccntsnentat “the”fakeast gunclubintheUnitedSfates,-will nlajtsfieldtrialsatNewtén,beginning“<<tomorrow,cthe Sth.onde = “The receipts at the macgnte?Fair in Wilmington.awhich:ended ‘Satur? ayy:were nearly.SF O00.:the’attend- ances beiing.ONrer 5000.mine sie ‘ Ag e ke Smblige toxshdadle ten tons “of sare daily bas beef completed.for the“05 Cranberry iron’mine.Phe’.mine'sAGRAgutpyt,is now,150 tags: 2. a.box!“Of.‘nineteen had’‘a axl uf}ss nirteen were married ity oe rus—*the;other daj.“Fools:’=,vhereangels feat tg tread: “Atthe 24anniversary of.a8pos)“=torateof Br:a.Brown.in’Win-* ‘th‘Ston;onSur ay e free.will offér- “interfor the new:elurgh was 3710; conland >NekK=o new:Shick factory <2 peanut chulter ard<cleaner “estabr,Tshed’in time to hand}e ihe nee oChPDp.+Tim et te oon.ae 3‘OMigs!Turners sabe,‘nobie |Rabaestronatthe’State,Nermal-whosicrificedhetlife-ia caring’for the S Purner:6.ee whe.‘ —are firsates-Ing-to combineand ‘pig up the priceg:Of 2 Shine to 10 cents,another éxam- 3 of how>the body:‘politic:ha,“been. vSus.= =“Sis ‘coalsears “attatched toa fcicht. On,the Mocksvie“Mloarésv ile-roaa’~:jumped the?track near.Corvatzer y a wath “trust! Saturday night ‘and ‘gare the:train-° “men .sevéra hours.work clearing’} ay wreckage.et RS (Dr.Lewis:secretaty-othe State|-to.the new:Senators...Both,houses":<Board of “Health,reports smallpoxin.Zonly:two,counties;Halifax:andGuilford.Itis ‘said that:there are2BOcasesimthe\Scotland —section’of Halifax. <<\Lewis Goitein:a negro ‘Boy,while | i =hubting with three ‘companionsarFayetteville’on ‘Thanksgiving’aay accidentally shothimSelf through.the shouldersand neck,deathresnit-ing almost instantaneously’:oe oF Davia W ison,of ‘Sutherland;.Wa- -tauga county,has’,been “granted:a total disability pension of $75.perMonthfor-injuries received ‘at Sa-X2npah,Ga.,.whilein theserviceof |, the United States dufting™=war with Spain.2s.:te aru oa. -Dr.T.F:Nixon the‘physician at. the Castle.Hayne.State ‘farm;was “found tead:along the railrosd“track~~last Saturday,‘the top of his head«~~knccked off and his brains scattered esaS =“FOt -alorg the track It is.presumedthathehewaskilled:by the train,+ alee ae eeLloeCardofThanks.© en I desire to’thank-the ladies of‘Statesville andthe public generally‘for their‘kind'and libéral“eontribp-|“tions sent.the Coulity. ects day.-They -caurest~aSSured thatit was highly’appreci-“ated and vet by “all of.the’:in-h.ates.Very-truly,.ay.D.EASTEP,Anes ‘Superintendent, Pi ACRCan cae Omer naeee Coddle Creek High School. ae of Tur MAscor. ~Tinoti¢ed a fem,meeks ago an “arti:“acleyiving a history of the high‘schools ofIfedell county,and noticeedthat_Coddle Creek,.Schgot was-méntioned.George _EmersQn}“taught-at Codie”Creek.Adéademy,. if -.<fttm-_about 1848 to-1840;Re As Ross! 4 :==\eroRumple “taught about 1849,one.term;-Géth-ib-1850,"dne term:We HE ~SteralyTy,About.own,—Years,~fronr 185¥0.4853>Reds Ross and £6-cLaughitin®--pupilsof..George Son,became:able-preachtrs:in”the A.)“Re Py mersonyG.G.‘Smith and ‘homas,~Beupalsaccabadta de_J.-E.A.Melon-becamea ‘lawyer-“of ote a peer aaS |Mesw.zB,Gaitheris.guite “Sie_Mr’.J-ET Mills,conduotoronthes'Western,a few “day Sago.w nile‘On:_Bis runbetweenAsheville and Knox,“"yille fell from bis<cay \and’crished-hisYfoot badiy:»day and willsemain-here until:ports,~able'to resuiie hisduties.2 3 ae “>Theré stedboit 5.vacandies théASEM.Gollege eigh>CountySuperintendentoeraewilh-.<@8_examination.on Saturday,Deee:-ber 16th,and apy of.wee eewgtoenter:thelezetobe home inRiesniett, ad day ay te Sey oe a %38 .|threé#night's ace B00 balls can:| po tare i ge HONE of —~ Vending with:the.score‘600|ATI:>ASparse~of $300 ‘pod thes ue“|eeceipts'went,ta the;winner is partment’‘a 274.page’:Eeport,,With |+,}an appendix of the same_size,of.thé;;Operations:in the’Philippines’‘The B.|fortunatethat:therébeltion was ‘not. aes "ot.‘comparing otskit to the former.hee sag pes CONGRESS :Lucan bepebies allows,was} *|-plead guilty ‘to.olawful>‘eohabita>| “WAL person.The sown:“will bavettoyes!igated.. -|forcement:of the ‘anfi-trust: Suggests that’exbibdits from Home.on and hopes they maybe enlarged a .|Class of cases: ,aod M Emerson,“James, “some:note,and John A ams “became:a He:¢ame,home Tues-|»:. Heeonanety 2 ea}ee en ~~ oE8 mae Ke =~ae“North Dakota Bad its ors blige lant,.dé=Philagel>AGus \Ruhlin,the “Akron | Ffeated Jack:McCormick,Oo |OCharles potter,scoetwoesTE tHe, Potter.‘printing.Se died}at bis:Tseae ‘Satur-) ~AlfredodeOro,Paria”“S‘costopoolplayer,defeatedPred Payton);of Omaha,thé festern,expert,1p 2; tinnous pool at Daly,'s-theatre:New York,the final.play:Saturday.night’ Gens Otis has ssent.the Wart De reportis.a complete.Fevapitylation.=idetail of ail’évents ‘since.-he-took. mand,,’Ehe -C inese:.were.&x-cates BecauSe of thé strang:‘preju-;bate:against taeta.it:the islands,“on\“Faccount-offtheirunscru|dealings.and,on accbunt lows:trade.“Of the*fac-:tional.‘differences among therChinesé#themselves:-Gen.Otis says it was -Crushed:once,,%as ube campaigns|haveviven:thenatHives:ab opportun;(American,<iFilipiao:tule:and;‘they.now gladly} Oy a: “OPES ProteusAgainst?pssrand:Ro vate] coeee ‘President's,Message.Sp ee Cases met Mopdays,Dav ia et elected Spéakerbyax xote.of-Te|PheDémocrats voted,‘for “JamesDy! ceived 53 votes?The PopilistéandidateJohn*€ ‘Silver,Republicans 2.aMr-’Hater,ofPénvs ylvanija;the Clam cacetenofithe’hduse jn-point of'service<Bavingy~ iséryed 24 iyears,adyninfstered’the} ‘tain F million names;;collected by aNewYork+“Daily was.presented: allowing Congressman,Robérts,theUtah:Mormon”.totake?his seat=4[The petition consisted of 428-rolls |Leased iin-theAmerican flag.‘They tilled ‘the %area ih tcont Ofthe-eler kss ‘desk:pb ccnp &z «X M WhereMr.:Roberts ‘name -“was reachedin the ro#call,.Mr..TaytortofOhioabjected-to his:being:Sworksiabecausesu¢cific,serious and. paelieibyity Were prefe rred againsteesHe‘stated that:Roberts:had ‘tiOnin $889.and:ever sincepersistip.the'same crime:and was.now apolygani“and fneligibley-to“memseyshiigsNLhe’ihobse wader the<Eds}Imunds.z _\Lhe Speaker stood:“Mr.RobverKaiside“until ebarges*could “A -yesqlution,wast;de feredby Mr.‘Coteof;2 to 30."referring’the-mats\téF tb as pintacommittee.Y<AGcordited the.“PoROrotio®iM!Rober;rSisnotonly Yexuludéd sfrom,al!barticipatiod'in thé -Proceeditigsof,the Hbusé.-“until thes committee |ipreparts,‘Buethe:Heune “passes”.upon “phis'casé om oe a seat,in theshalk.meThe.Republicatsedoptd the Reel rulesswas-7 ae “IntheSenate:thie:pendantals aythenew"members were presented)+and'"filéd.:“Sehator..Burrows,-“of‘Miehigan,Republiciny the Senator Jones,of Arkansas.Democrat,pre;sented:>memorials”against.Seha-tor Quays bf Penns rlvania ‘Frye,of44 Maine,’‘president.ro veme*ef.the: Senateythén-administeréd the .oath, -passed Suitdble resolutions:on.:thé. |adjourned *till ‘Tuesday out.oe feespecttohismemory.° <PRESIDENT'S"MESS.Gk. ~‘In hs‘¢nnual message to Congress" eT rthat*in:order®‘to.»SUy tary] UlS.Bonds.and use'such other effec:tive means as.are necessary...“He. ‘falls imwith Hanna’s scheme.’and rails:muth*at the’trusts ‘but sug-heests:no-remedy otber.than.the “en- tof+1890,which his own‘attorney gerier- ‘al has alread}y declared adeadietter:.Heurges.the ‘mportanée of the ca/nal across the isthmis.and of acable.to Manila and,for the second time,advises that a,special ‘commissionbesent-to China to:‘examine:and ‘re-}.‘port -on.trade.opportunities...He}.Cuba;Porto Rica and Hawaii be’addedto!:the nation’s exbibit:af~the:;Paris’Exposition .“Herefers to the:pres;|;ent friendly relations with Germany. continued.In speaking Of the kill?ing of foreign citizens fiin this:coun-try,he suggests.thatthe Federalcourtsbegivenegeenes‘in’this, ba is to.be givenselfgovernment,‘but must!first:be:prepared for her.freedom,>'_He.discusses:.-the:tréatment ofAméricansin‘the~Turkish Empire,|the army ‘and.’the:postal.§erv iee}srecommendingthatthelatter‘be’exytendedtoournew‘possessions?He}believes more pensions to-be.an’im-perative-hecessity.™After:“review:logthe wer jn the:Philippines...We With:Congreéss;butin’ati caseate-to keep:thein?Haanaleekes’=suetBestionsforthegovernmentLat:HeBand,artd Ri¢o.a hoa‘-avlame extyse-fdr over e-ciy:il servieé-law,..he-seen ththat‘December Hethvw irbe tie 1100th’an=piversgepor she eath:of Washing!‘thé -convictithaghexpresseS“thé -convi ;CHOCOLATE.7 a NeLi:ATE,‘GENER:At NEWS.ew as we hee he zayd of-the seasorlast “wpeln F Veron phi,in a 16-round!‘mpild,-in-Chicago.+Dek.Ww.“Moose. }on Saturday:Ba ue «|Sloaos ‘and Seotts thisweeeek. against®‘ yty.to teach a publicpechpoly iekiat!He {eolector:this,yean’‘and ‘willbe 190k-}: Richardson,6fTennessee,who”reer “Messrs.Smoot StSeleoffi‘basa “AE the baby |asc nurs)|S “Beif,ofColorada had |rspenta A aeSete will: tion steain Paging to shart"up?tacskw|Ope be Che ‘names,each about2 feetinn diameter,:¢Ondered1thaten -estate <l be released froom ‘polstax Tor 1899! parentlt:Well grounded’charges=:ot" “Tayleraud passed-by-af death ef Vice Bresideat’Hotart did|" Paka 1 Se Ne.“=>Test ofValue.©.the*President urged that.“nations.+»:~jNd fest.0:a fk:6.oebanksbeallowedtoarganizée-with at ‘te|.eapital,of:$25 7000and ecamments thy =8=OSE ore or.ext Se a‘listidg Zold standard ihe bit’‘ten adilags.vould ore _lof-the Treasury-be allowed’fo sell|* suggestsa shjp subsidy bill.He |. Landyt you are tit near'us take yous ‘hides.bee TLA“wille.“and,he_se Paysyou beet gash{Says'their futars-goverament resfit 35 We N="ah asd BE Sere cantot-err: oh ; —oyweae_50->Elona Horces aan wile’ongS : eetDa,-Rriday:December 15tn,189) aeZ Ta wilwilbe enisestlat ‘Ot Btock that re bie ode Sane(iepea “tna =f notsox mortgage.—Now'is thetimet Pee Nee x FaeiSeoyrhey sews *SseSigh St +oay + *-—_—tm ae —_Mifloec®ete statesville.Saturdaly..%-Ca aie Mr:RUF:‘Canter,bagel cont | ty.was‘here ‘Mouday : is*Be M ee TE.‘Stevenson’and Miss!Lucy Besheson,aed at,;Miekethisjweek,<.*Aes Rev.J/A.White iis ahteiding the};7 .. Baptist State.‘contention’atr.“Ashe:He‘trouble with sits food:Weil‘Ville‘this weekox UST ye ie he ke aeRYPeeee"Sic are:in:eyou sure~Misi M Gregor s SotsStas4vite:ema Meee Renloy 2 the food ik all:right?<Chik>the past-week,)>ke “dren.can't!help:but grow5.” MriFrank ‘An “Linogg.,is as -;they must Zrow.if't it food:s ity Calldweal county:seins Sat /Pobrrishes them.rhaps.2 :{atLenoithis:webs A ts =2mistake,was|Ctnade cin “thes Mr:Lai waceWhite,of Ellendale s |past.‘and:as-“a result.‘the-di;| swe erifise.*eo n x Lo s e , 3 ee of oe <P i u s h r e Ss rc ex t Ta c t pt ca oe 6 rere mist |bensome ~t¢ aa q sie Ch Lowishtp,has:goie-tp.Irédell.\covn= “Dir.FF¢Hayden.Barke.iis:‘town tax,Ps.is £Rat“a lot‘or:iene:just -us ef Ses neHOw is “your:severye“day.COMMateee Dr.Ttos A.Kady.of Soran boat sense “and.Help::natu rt.0s.‘¥..0 agar Loat): tomenshipsz went to-,Charlatte):Mom:7E little,and:hae way.” SauceRent pe bat.Shinoed.a ae Be 4 it is-to ae fines en.apples.Cue,= oe th<2 Mrcand Mré.A.C.Payne:‘te srs eteone,to:Caldwell.county,w ere Met].Beaynewilltéachjm:pEyebicsSENN keehear,his former;home ‘ a BB;“Filton,Esq.Sof”Giarioné{game uphere:Tuesdla to “See:‘tneproneeesome‘Charlotte:bs Ye =UE i b.estate “for .some’epee Pe to:ike‘baby's fosd three!og ‘property.*ae Sa A on *ag ines airs a times:a day...~‘The:gain-2 } ini,after;:yau if»promptly ‘paige |ce “a “Deputy:Collector.“Lilliz gionsSeo e:neSadiecpyatyy.washere 1¢fist,of:spewil ~beginin the very ffirst-day Pdistieri is,this:eountys.ngw,Se in:his divisions %BI <correct/fhe:digestion -a i=gets’the.‘baby.‘started-right © the North Wilkesboro-Tannmy:Co...=}faAigor tue are theiret of4 FIRS,‘but ‘does:not thrive,then,|' |thewweek cqnttatting:for:tan-bark.‘the-moth -should:stake;the2 rMr.J.-M."Matheson,‘of ‘this “place}|Mfctmalon it will have:‘aewillbuy*for them.here:.™age ~y “MEAT.T.O:Reggie wert tor High:2.5600"effect -Boll en a < Point last Satire"where\he”‘hady x Mother:and child::‘wenty-ipped aoko andporiayTom:}Hives years:‘proves ‘this;fact.‘vera ‘thtoayh_Ca-3+f nD: 2: ‘ae |ROE:ante.mefall:druggists.Jk etn ai an a g r a m tawba countyand bring-over_a:‘tracts3i>cCOTre SOW:NE, Chemiats,Ne WKS : piles eet 4 ENS mie pra erring |BOARD ”ae asre Sex MAMONERS ,1 >andFoFor’"Sale acena ‘ok +)lg A MONDAY,DECS AH.~a yesEUea ewe Statesville’s Ete of ¥ovens.6:Pot ~S arcres—tnd *a0 3h land,25 dees:of bottom,Hatringtoa Jof Sugardsoaf-township,:dweHing howe and out buildings:Pr‘yiceSan,Acre—waorth,615.“apply at this ofite.Yo en t vStes horttr . Pe ACL,Watts!CS 0.2repert’o‘of.inoneys:“Feceiveds and:-dis-‘bursed by him ‘for’the’year RUN t.eae se 189M «5 OX:zs ce JY,Walliams;sheriff;files his:re-.=austin te pevineececal Nee Couststing:port of public taxesforithe yea,Y)of grat farmin Seplemeiss.Tre Sstde*The 3 examined’a!Asséd_on,;PRs ptesdiat-ineSepahs.the bond$of all ‘county;-oficers and fapproved-the:same,°ag files¢his +%“.rESigmancane ipOR NE‘Sale.of Petsonal 2Properly. ~ nS oene tenia ;ROWSSON.&ILEINSTHE,PRODR S.ree Now:1S.YOUR:ae efwaters=pf”itr creek.aig f°";pee \you up-the ebldwinter morbjngs that s+coming.”. Ay ee AUK fg,ot Behe SOWE peEsiay,sible sr act: Kk Chee pe K ‘looking!after“Aléxainderp=you’cae Ait lt séems-df ee ye zi“Catl ce ugere S5MoneR reg 4oe Ae ieERere Le Bae Good.Ridewathene =ne Py te +‘AMew tine just in,KO Willneed anéwith eee bat havea:gopdiine:obtalkingpiachings aud:srecords.™ seeoxtr Kodaks before’yoy bagscone,wehave: ost “made atid.the Supplies, y promptlyand ¥ijst-glass,work.Syvand Will SeH Fou-a good?wath 5G‘hep,and.guaebefirst:‘dlass._z aandsechAy eS s eS ss Ry -Woadwara Byor QD:inore panary‘vie ht *peneatas“‘puyers zas’. jour Denes aS,Seliess,4 Te (as $00 as.ih ASE Cocper Shldek if ready, ite wevwe quarters:ao =00e0; ad |4 land emer there is a mieve we Intend te Starts rsneSod,W éll-seasoned feat ¢Pe a eoh :je “belote:reery kar cs : ec o yp e wo m ai p t e r r > ET EL ET E . ar y ce r t a. er a g e * re > ‘ y ye e re o Di w a A {f o a m ce ae . ac e t a t e AE S sh e OS a be tia Be y :“8 TpoutsS teaittowne. thebest that!is 54%25or.bheit.;Watch’tepairing.“done! =Successorstg Re L,a or oe Bete Sookie ): TA?te a“>Acpetition was.filed fire for las Sale.‘of Fertonal Peper-chauye.in-the publiévoad.from:“POR.z bexck >es She Level taLittle’s-mit .near:Denis Aaary.REI ss zees Seti?Pile,Ellendale -township,thesame |.”sare RDAHDECEMPEERS tO ye Hes ireFst daygof Jan ary.“Mae commencingat’to gees Leseill set iygieAaSSRMie"as personal pro Pecnaeitte of.si<head- 7 Sirs.Ex She Cod.of,New:“Vork,es ee ee tae te Rte.aunt ot Mis.‘Corbelitis:N‘abder sae buskels af corn.eae Soe worth of.hay?bot,tS was throat:er,a buggy:.foragevete.“"Ternsiof sale cash.AT property igdctagiest g eangeMeTIN oe BF=as ES=Te he 4aeotter|Stored:‘andInsured - ea ge Saba FORISo PorBale emdoth,aby faa é ie i So CCL impje- = 4 Eepee {Benaed 19 ‘american.Bonding and Tre a Company f6r'$100,oom 00, r See 2 eS\e x..=re;ae lowest rates of interest’.$a =ne eis Pate EB.Spnngs,fe me hs ce/|PRESIDENT:/°yea Ne"TREASURER.:eeeYg &si 1 s st <y eer ee ‘sine?fs 1 >7 %cPal-wes i 2a *%t.agig Piet:te,SuALITE.IS.THE ONLY Tent | Sheer ee domae >aANoyAtosstoodsmeeeybedee.priced anuduck ched sen:polars woald:be cheaylar hgoknatbecheap.for 4 brass watch,and fhe ‘ame*holils ‘vood inal:‘merchan-!‘dise’-All:merehants-¢laim t6 Sell:goods Speers“bat?Re.will’‘be a little Batplainer’aud more;definite and Say 2°<"het ad iEMe« .No one Lapeiie our:systein of buying:our:volume:of pusineas and|} arness.2 wagons} ¥sete Pot sald priv!ately Before:saleiday will eens or j,De Se - ae .Ghaniotts Bonded-Warehouse Company._,ats fg ie Liberal Advances:Obtained:See +- Oy tae ORY OUrS rss eeey =a Seek: on,2M ‘Constable,2 e : SP oe EsSeah vaincotF Shoesiaingysohoog,ae guessI wont,‘{moyths.4 Weding.bigger.nd’bigger,as ‘the:pesple co be WW €.Sell Go Goods Cheap.Poa ee : i* By :J: “te 2 e haye'amast elegant dine pFShoes,tad re to.theaithey |‘Bot they.make’ustots “otte:have then:toraiene wn mén,mae saboot~Xal¥and see aus.pc ve ¢onty 2 hesWw.aites risksmovingell vem.50 ts is best Pies ores es ey ““is . year ag0,.9 ai i!e ie buy-anotber pair ioratpete three}-trade kee >Gtges S ven Hi 23¢!;ESS sale;te =aoe496.0 poecat’30aaa mae fa on -« small expense will question our abilityto ‘sell.cheap.We -buy :only:for} cash,from manufacturets and jobbersof:reputation for-a good.class”of}:"goods and lowest-known prices,this coupled with our-very.small expénse: places us in shape-to’not oni meet competition,but to-even lower-the } -price-made by the’Sharpest.competition.“Good-sto¢k:ofDry..Gdods,-andwewillnamesomeprices.‘Good ‘Prints,in:short.Jengths,q cents 3.yard.. Best.fancyprints 5 céptS a ~yard..‘Nice ‘line.wool:dress «goods.4}to 30,cents.;a ‘yard.Outings chedp enought Nice “line Corsets and Hois- ery’.Ladies.Vests,&e.|Nice line-ladies made up skirts:cheaper:than:you‘cam.makethem?‘Capes at any prices you’want ta pay:Towels5 to’25¢.ig Stock Jeans.‘School Boy Jeans Alc.and.pee to:nee Jeans made.ppaakgts 98c.pairand up.(5.he 2 CLOTHING==)heEsThereiisnoatherplaceletereyou.can:buy:Clothing as cheapas.we SelPit:Men's Suits $2:50 and up as high as you want :to pay.:Boys suits:}*equally as:cheip.Good fine-men’s:Pants 50¢,'and™up.Men's Hats 10c'} and up to.any price you want Heayy.stock ofShoes*to suit all-‘classes| ‘Sizes,‘and conditions of people.-Don:t.forget our home made ‘shoes,they].Catttbe"equaled,Ladies dress’shoes‘98c.and up.Men's,dress shoes fromt, $1.00 up.See uson shoes.’willido a good'and ‘save you maney._us on Shirts,Under shivts202 and up:Over shirts 35¢.and”up.”~See| onr Coffee'at,13tbs.’for onedollar.®.Soda 2c.per..1b*:“Always bargains |:id Tobaceo..:Come ‘to see us,will beglad to:show you what awe have:and |.~name pri¢es which will please you.°Many thanks for:past favors “ard|hoping by closé attention to business”ard always *giving “you hundred |rcentsworthof'goods for evérp/dollar.spéntwith'us,to increase our busi-ness with you...We-want to buy seed cStton,bale ‘cotton,cotton:Seedschiekens;eggs,butter,corn,wheat,dried fruit,beeswax and all kinds of 4:ptoduce.We-also want GED gees hg aex4“©Bradford&Sons_ _~Danners,Curriergiand,General:merohants. parsmh “aha B.Upbaees from|aodh ore,‘and Sues ates Kekeasspueae“‘arnéss‘and 4“shoe Teather:z ay— tenoY*Vee<BUe Se = ht.horses;mpairs‘of;TSeS;.‘single »~goodveohonen LargeSave Btedtuwwules:0pesdie riversand. *wai sittertheAires eat crossities and yreen and dried hides -especially }~ 2 ‘McDougald,ofStates:|: F purehise “dey‘sleags>a sepeats full:value. Sebut ompl te Preat “Ky edo Fétake fo.buy.a pWymeaele‘wear bssemberuaaeightisAlsakeuppeT-Shi EVERY.Aftextioy vWILT,BE oe The {farmers:interest is my.interest and I will:“mi ire:it as seg:tbat eyery:pouea of ae tobaceo: TONIC PE ETS you donotbuy a meds | Bilious- veral:¥perretiCs:. r ‘thie holidazs;wellseasoned Shenew Sig.-a i Pa kul ya s o n 6 ¥ Re ee ee. ar he: Siu nig rae —. sp u r b a g . xc ay ce e t r e l h y i r Fa e Po d SU C R E OR Mi t a ee 3. . . : fo s fa e . - A ae ie pe e : ee ey e ee re sw e a t s 4 si e e r r e c i i r h r ut} \ i a6 Ge a ro a 4 PA A , lh e : aa a h ’ 4 aR ia r is Jo s i e Or Re Re TI PR I O N I 06 Ne t at e - ea e a ne Ne n a oa n op he d , t ye t e i c r i n e t f g es ’ é i A ti e i ee arte a =e Seed aemeCSEOk“Mee C.Wood “of BGs 'xpectedte sBEtIE spank Sunday.ery...pak x “Songs(ahs them Owe ©“Mere We a meg: ‘sbud Wohmire aes/S Mitekat re pert Ee areeweekfeoun:the Sheloy io ultey:ster we:shed 8Srney is powtw orking “SRES- Ardpsier of stick Ye the—er eottan:“meHe :Cannon.of Goncbrd /-s presi? ‘angF-Oe ;rar ax.¥ipit:of,eei“Fram psbs i Tredeil::ae ee be Masherwa isrettened12TewealayAESethe=briTeareSerHeep-sin See daughter,:cor ics Ae Satie Mtsef: SB"BrowihBraaturd ‘se ee»TaZtsasve ‘eSeprctiuaater ne.-Colentinte Pas titutes:peWas tet,Rw Pasay Res 2 af sats:ate a *Marshals of Tay(Be fyounie's villes es MIST her ‘daussutenesteTSeeWeMawshalh: “ducks,Miss, he ees af NRStake etal seni to:his Jrome, BEC Sgn)“Poteine.&OSunty.jvesterd we ateoebingerSjown+FerSE‘marrage OF Bis:sist oes ayynopenatlltOURS—mee Ma’jerk.R:‘Sowtas’ran.“ayer totagV}Saliwbe ry.Meaday torsee.eisoTLigChimesofNoxand BrPlakeeStiee returiied to’ An Tree pt ,ibauseetving‘holidays ataang a)“&che .2rillthere!Wie Rare Reid.Cation:asiré Ae tel:ides)as“ie Hae “fran Mereaston_where st u=if iss«Gertru +4 sags>Shion Bip is ARSE pat AMlisqnssf ¢pter8 forthe:‘tioldey se} **n ' ifAt thsie ‘Sau Snot hee qi ried Edlere Sunday,StorcipesianetaetiedateGyS.ae eee aa ‘ Fase, mi t Be n z o * eo k e St Sad Schiddeen.*Ph a v ba Rx rk 4 tas ee nt ae ferclcnytafeshoMather,Mayoryas ‘Hrabvins. a ie P : esEun ie Ne or ideht fox h he ubthere wdtisSige ad ree ss>Bay whe josh Tbs >“aN aA oej {pe ta fiat Rye se!te hee:&ral. yy aesieie,xis¥Tipatad: Eis a eee AN Sekt paabel: MY.Hew /@allhery sigs ‘pisFepyieiory :SLACU SABA * scrum y |235 -bis austionce had"good:one és a :rt = =BRan ieee eeLy Sut:ee »,Loinsth,“pes* Cottier nde) +: <MeSap- es as| Whi.Hapoken a U¥un ie Ne ate UM es sean.aS piebes BX ‘Son.RUS tons We Sec Es gerkeneaany eats 150 tons:J ah ]Ste on Gal art Wilson Ot?SCHAE ~Pjoute;diet:Atthe-home on Ais 'moth-he oe ‘inchedFoedun- s wihiie|rig Ly.Mgndayrevening at 6:ochyck ‘of i en hkt phord'fexer,aged’Sa gents th‘Fhe’ ‘Owes §tice title {ui ceas was,4 brother of Mrs:J.:of dh en es Seebt Shiloh”townShip..Héa,denci eat vas oneof tte Owners of “the Pied- gout pankssfattory,‘Charlotte;and! ee aswNdbog!map Of businessability}the mnajarity sat dud:géniat ee Be.Was,uD m |mapried >?f was completed ‘Safur-1.)|Peorsranized cogpant |Sr.Geokee.tCraige,ignatlivesneear,Antity,had quite:a.narrow és~Robbins.formerly}cape from'“death on Tugsday,Nov. “setretaky;treasurerg25tb »Be bad:‘just:“returned home! MraRobbins;ome Sica,Amity;ow terehe had-gdne/for:ja toadSf cotton,and.was driving un! dir the wazdn Shed when.the mules; *;ptebs bizvat,the town,feed:“thesa:2 Seep i.SON.lacks ps Ironidhs are “gtercstreutsean ee |spp Tet Lberbreweh:Be£0,t0 wn.» fihivghterot MesD.ty..Drautord~of i ‘Wor arte:‘knowtin. ele prville,teactive you=may Sv ICousratulations“and...bapesst ety LB Orr?$22téam Wasuo'ouday alterr ypending.the pele eeebisFiddnee,La,Tange.”Hawk Ale purchasedowy*ane “Vick Sieetd opnet hades : ee sHpedadtek priest ts, bryfaletast>=e ox EN i a hie “Late etigefit+oftthey i rary,’Tad,| ogg wilt be cved from 6 tO;710. ppt:tthy.‘eKEDITLL: i He ‘Speriaa *“1 bows,‘hath canting’;pidaring:that.pee bee :sha dime years,a0.by piving thts aa tin ?heise.Th but,-“did ao far “PesSaid ‘any hago.‘Otheer Kaneber gohip&.‘policeman a6 stot ~Spdinie upstanding i ener eyrece MN ice:fer peeran basiness Paes-t SeBouk 7 <p “About his” {)Stoan ‘doa Shelton are selling toeit’ -sie:Om. Len,at:Gald wel P'Ssy“Mecklenburg.coun. pie.uyt high.Fn fagytnrug xithe.hardware dine: HS7(TheeMoa ye "Atdereien.4Steelek“appeared:bef@rev Ba atid sek. OF Wetss.dpring the’time the Wwork=catindes,Fre”comm stoners.gees! aLe aerored bytheboatsoS> cat theirEira:aes’ a nfietha:hull:theres.°7”Nextweek the chaingans will:tficsGeetetry,thes Davis “mil!”te do SOtthe.shor”Bear“theré“after:whith jr}; ~Phewwororl iz <inonth zor:qnore. —owt a¥ The TERstake aNegeneee:WakespyBrowns”af StateutswitlessdudsMisesMoflie,-.Bradtords|. weSteTingg.¢pwerk:married at 6.1 sty esteraay,fernogn“at “the ’is Boga ofivrating:Theavart 3,was’ities:hone wedi:#1: :Be era With. lidy wibe.has:maay'tBHO:Srieconveo iwchearty. Aaa gine ‘Mas.“Brown4k:Zt We.tops.PLEpeDeTOUS$y tad. ADDY faa oe »* Py Rey!*Oi:ease is‘a,MG Seeinthe,heldyebelow eaten lit the;(Fogo ar d syeuld?put ~aittacked:the tem; Mane.sified ©eh =hawwithastick:‘and found that tt imeas-.| Wiadt was thelpiitigr<with”therpirdSyaRESHOD:‘possibly. Phanksy A ete adel ir meee ES _Bénetht,ky. sitwlweell give RST “at,the Chile ertoinprrow evening>apy! Abrary inet Xt,popajatt.priees.’ Bb Sitti’Gopven enceOf,the®busingss:with’be*brepared tO yserve’ar ‘Supper,ats6:,0 toek’s' «il befarnished:daring “vhe:.RUEEiebytheAg:Mokth*‘State’Bapds ne @ the.young’wladies”willsret|® ree2 eae ous.es 40073 bac.,Laing “acted:le oa ge ik MK ebted|xith:hydiophovia:egninald.pot isle oe>the,ftmite highty:peizeulat,Oe Suuse:hey believedyt:saxed.their | Fr their home é Moids ye akwuretogs “the "ddse cobeGane!cs yoneer:at Mr.-Long,waesaesand.¢Mx.{vith>Hits Stich Nexe“ik-yusheyLsvaseode,Caveht-ber dress,und “runotig-ouk it attacked-Ma1Sbut.was,driven,off bette £su toute ay Mr,Gony’s ‘the ae pit at:Dot.iit AUR aay e>Sater tbi-ow aeadushat Miss oa ay ‘Patwers “who”WOR “rd o}eF rout streéy,‘Stragk agal 2]88 rk:bloe3?but ‘did’eeNear,here.ther“dog.bit"Luo:ophers,and,later;bir a ‘sumber Pa Fe,fo eee A , ‘he ‘dow:ea ireSombie: og “aQeth |‘of.towo by"wits bloody] tet burat.last Bgcounts:ad”Rot! Bae Rallec.¢.Ce a Sew,daxgrrt inerpentss “jhe ealb “especial:witeution’or:EA dhider:swo-tolunorjad.we “teu? handsome”.stoek Ot ‘ihicmibiire:;aud"See the,rit £:‘hind, BEC.;ge i ee he ““Snesnews Pa,armer:s-‘Warehouse: veday;tor customers:Proprietor Gather andAuctigneer™Mattick will, pha!tobacco’bring its:tui’worth: viegank lock,o:\othiby aly cost 1m) yfaer to “Gissolve he:/partoersbip.” oN.Mulls &Coz have:a;clearing ‘at their store,‘#bey,Cail ¥yur attention to “pumetous.articies’ und will save you tioney dn”then., fa dy Allison's Nariety Store,As.tie!placeto!‘buy odds for presehts.., Hie tnoumerates;alot of,articles.’- ‘Poston Bros <bave shoes jot al}. Kinds:awkbey call Special “attention Wy bewis:wear resisters the prices. »Walheim ~aailis"?“Big,Store:is’ eadyuir ters for Santa’‘Giaus,.They: tay&SOUS “suitabie toré alt tty 3,01 bonday:shoppers.;Paired pepe Wot fbomas fs puking.goods; 5 CO:baye:gons, table cutlery:‘Or! pest Gael,ads é Rickert,the:ieaielec and opeleian ean:suit you'in swatches -for-ladiesotgentlemen.,ae has:an pi for ts Bp.Piknigan?s ‘Sous!Galt yous ate sth WweudSai architect:s“sacaos theproposirian y.provided the sverrangree the:AO VTetsis whis’was: at 4enedSonthebrides:ete ites tat Liecheineene, ghar “OCT 0,{printing;Dene Troutmal E SoSaararHed pragdls:DESS,:80:>Dy reo.40)tecorditig jurors.G.O:BeiSerne-:“EESIES,TOS,‘conveying.aprisouers.:to} ‘aekedthe [eespercottian <i EikUecw Hair.VW.76, "y axainh at approached."Bh *driver’andlduinber for toads; ured six}eet)ifeom tip'toup ors‘eticpeoasevTy De Tascog Jobv“Otice 2;planas2Soophia 7 3S14,20 M aasic St «a MBrid .epee{pllowine onist-bpsieees W .Shera nsacted<,Litem at te : “kUhes “yea puted hipwnanthe middte'et the AV iIkespo-| ong.reiee:it ibety ther.sdaiagres,that aa SIpte nes.Hi Clarke ioa OeSK ‘Overtagh's} |won:the toss-and”€ {edal*with’the Sunvat their”back,‘(Davidson kickéd off!‘and Morgantoa |: tkick and:Malone brought the ‘ball| “Goudi-|" &Weretakeb up forthe:Grphauase oneSeas os:east afoiila the-ar ase Temp reset Tae“following i wee:ayrsit 3si‘Haydes,.Wheeler: Snow cofrts Byupes:Nichalas.‘Etner,| “olitradtor;$} spt bousd:"e is Oy King $e jharpe,ame Sous} Pha 2):pail “fax W i SionBest Ponta ar0872 ase 4 $8.20,SUppligs,auGuiaBone Fabor ate Cousty.: ides83%repairing Sneace alliscn Sistas Stdtigpery=BieriorSTUSrlumbertor-puuli¢cous +Rne-Sherrjit Soe!’‘SKIS‘piabkets|! RGlychain Bans:se Pe.Rlampan’a's }sOuss !Supvlies-for chain 'yaag;‘terson,eum ee 330Murdoch,REY MeNeely ee Kepr.suapdst:$22:me each;floudioecook S107‘abe for”miesAF.“Ma Pet:SES py extra’sensi eat”the<¢ainy |ang Camp WN.Jgeeton“contitn rand Pobe!ik penees¢.erHY fy abe Gel. TS Goudty.“claims;“City.S&3L ateTight atjalnopS158oD;4 Bia ardware *“fork.County,He aper =coftindJy,Roz Blani-) gan?Sons SL GahClerk'ssroRices!me:“prisoners:to’jails<3!Tar tar &pauper?Ic“A*Lopes;'S:$9,és5ishing:menrdiat:J-¢C.thomp:“fatsot$F “cgnve vip prisoners.to.jSaliiéDouathanssbAemporatThompson:$78: s Posten Bese B£03,sttp- eae‘&L6RwSon +:‘charged;]cpliesfor’"jay 45a cpts3ta;Liviusor uly Wich isou:.482,ten{porary:IB M:Ci Dayidson S16)ade ©.Gra Ces aS"county;coinmissiovers;,yfAp"Breas.alcentss Sa srorkoeebaincaeAareeSep Aolise’See25,% fix Swe.Ey Dt Sate|for-pubtic”“odds:xtSint’“part,cpaytfedtdy”hag dee.Se aah 995 ,ot fee ‘éha‘betweenWin dnd Turnersburyty en picgignin|hlis.aras ubented..as asks tosa:toxin}rn i ee iv 5 Asaebyt$i perpilo:sane |Ewras:jmcredSot eee calla ri eeTe,Gity-ef‘Stafessille was?weant|dd perTULISSiQhto,put séwetitge:}sprpesf Yo oad on the-coudition:,eatsathe}in RS Brae ad Saeaaka “Gling berhrenoat,the:County”flee:anid:WwW.Ellerspe-paid3livering-him ‘there.4 irbinipopt tax‘Tor the year I899~»-Wiquordiceases weré:ssaeanted=as|igtlows:3 Ney Cass olesaéle ‘and: Xe ons;Ishipspers;TF J:Wiiiams>tetail;”aDistiliing:Co,ee deesSpapersete.pais ob Somers,, Saturday's6 Eogtbalt Game. oe The™football game betweeh,the} Davidson:Gallete,Setond"team ‘and:{an‘the team‘from the.‘Beat aad:DunibInstitute:at,Morganton was called at'245-p.m3,Satatday...'Morgzanton caught the Gall and carried itback oly end plays but,doses ball.”Qudowns.on-Davidson’s 735‘yard:lite. ‘andmass?“plays:carries.the :ballover and),Burgin makes,her‘ifirst touchdown“after five minutes “play but! farls:to-kick Zoal.“Score,9.t0.Uz Notfarther-seoring:‘in.first bait,ithe|: “Ball:being most-of theetime jin.Mor- ganton’sterritory,though Morgan-: ton:bya series-of:pretty.end:plays.yot the’ball).on Davidson's 20-yard:line,tried for a yoal~and failed}“In theysecoud:.Half Matone;:‘Of Morgan?|ton,;kicked“offto,Davidson's)50.“yardline,tbe ball rolling behind thehgoal’line.’Davidsen—returned ;the rback 10?yards,then after.a gain of15,yards Morganton loses the balk}Davidsbn>with’.a ‘couple:of:end| plays aud @ Series of rushes ‘againéarries:the ball'over Morganton’s ‘goal dine,Scoring aa,touch-down andKickinga'goal.Score 1l.to0n, --Morganton came very.néar-“Seor-ihn after this but’lostthe ball’on’<a.|foul,and’Davidson carries the ball.across the #ield'and ‘in ‘the last fewminutesofplayrushes,Wyman over }ior her third touch:down,to 0.iThemates did some igbod plageing,especially ‘around thé énds,but lack- ed*‘practice:-“and.“were -‘not heaey: enough:for,Davidson.»:“The umpire was Dr.+:Pe “Monroe. onid.sevetal monthsy-“4 Bi00U,thitd payment)OBS he.Baptist:chOt{able sermons.m,oTyI6, ifutleds.Aessetae S Bae Peprehian ata tic:jastriétionsor®THiSGountys..ee ernoon’Serv ices,, :Eeathetan ch aon’ ;,Leste danejailsWwePurner19-50;makiag-yp|xis stized:de“Sr States ville:-PedcotkyofHagte:)Is"jebe:suills.aid fixcurdsénages:of:‘whiskey=we2;Boxe,and stored.> hardw ave fpr fergceesinesLOL.SClodninver,$1;teada aPealGoo) bselfto me hiz Opt wit 85;OD:SupPics nd Lottapaneer ss :4 shown ith:jge0."eePumsthefenowlhevanhlechinasd7pteelodemp:tethes age eatspeter L,ite ostFein.Shiloh anddomideds,ands ne“reliet;hus folle ws enepleTigran”North70 Pree eer 8a PQs toa be fords ;y:sonst by aared ind Tyo Ada Iicko,the satd-stuuford's ‘cofner:2K,Sfeele $14:“Alle.all:for:Fauna tienendees ‘thes Pe tec tc sae POST 4 The OSACTERABR }thesaid Pet‘|2ojole¥to the!Pansok he TINT Lae nePeatteoneeeSoset pbagk OF Ue pi¥er ech,,2 ’rangeiy “the>tow #bip.line}es Eapid Peteters rhe EStek ediki LIMOLe OF.Seis ft bark tour techabove abirch “tree,aig Yasae S plinewe st “Sppoles feSpointers witter6s:zSehenceNetth12poles!16m mgpie Gn did 4 prsnctt to.tve.Fixerpthente down the piverto.the ams:Gplessas. Barrow,Alexande sagsseein ate eFolodeing tpt Pras Notpn,takerin Babs coreg,’“ldiseb Le ¥en Tohws L2hia Doles toma-Stake"\ 4 rtheold ing) qirisher's corner, ae lipe.‘Buy:Br e&“the~west:te 10)yards.....Morganton:niakes'gains:i Datadson;:bY Steady.“jiné:bucking,‘ecu ,Seore:sore: rtaok fright.and ‘tried toa:tun.‘away.plon this:‘week to their corn shell? :fastt ofa bondof 3100.=*2S are thas,for thé.marriages!rein’Char! re tied ‘a :brgcr.in Sat eeay eHir od bien.#6.Fal...Carpet oie cruelty.to ati ra Calle aden to iaibae ae Lets as mre «|uae Chatiest anes Jobustope Brawies sate Sinime Site ®here cat 105539_a “mM.did nog, puilosl~ps.me tsdelay. fused.“bya:‘rear end collision:be]::i S wéré knocked from.the; the roof fell on Mr:Craige,ie3erhuealsinhi$s nose.and giving.him:=:ae <vera!severalsevere.bruises.on “the|me on Sas-butied at.Gailet*‘ ea Ross brand.“They:will seli.theut.ity“nou ithstandiny:tte recent fAmity, at con jun residents of”Rafran action:int Iredel -s-gnd feed cutters*uf the”“celebrat-n ee i :persomal property °on Deceiver das died:Satut- ot:Sn referee,Mr.Cro>siCeaws,Junius’Ramsey and &BN yt Teas Pe“Sh een a te BlewauG‘farZZe ey ectigns>ee Ofecrattpctlorchesns4Dr.Wood > Bede.Ward’S.’Reaves,thenew Hae “Of“cht‘preached strong 1 Ying:“-edliectiGn© iRee My A.Smithwas?pastor’:=The-thé:vestibule |for aston :‘prideis-acroung._womraty ne‘Nace:-and;igracettl:WUT eS and: eeeteWalaStreet brida Ly.frlends..vherd:‘Sverige Wis Apat.etthesvesirgs:revon or.Sobst Or pecs wrhonmgs:5, i Qa Ap ys ae”‘SiH vile.joian ee See * cate Standa ; vied:any Soyt : _pheaghe LiWO*Gara is thes:peventWesthed:ohare:Mr")“wassformerly superintendenttrol: t phe, ae Sorbie;and 5worerheli'at Prinity bythe’Pastor,a Royal Shaanpabouses Si SVS a r preached.in itheSundsyAfternoot:|Vi EF Grifiith aeilbpre indaymorning zatth S:clock:‘Therewillbe communitiesmwoodia$38.9.serciedys Kerr"ei Grane Tiespeciaier 3 oo =>teat for grand.jue gre setvieds fssaintcenttombeofoKPictatatacaarmenapornstorwilbefeagtledbgaemipers “Yowieab reasoning shy acholson-‘préachéed-$1).2%>-hardwate-\to eactg ac ‘yetwigSusan‘The AVallage “Bros,aethorninge +.‘thre:ing’ab pte acholsbit|ps r@ach atte)Am ty?Associate “Refohnrad:stohurcb tt:oebrideiSE:~blacksaiith -work;JaBes Ais af : “The Saas as ipanper coftin:ard,robe eSW.Turney,terk board Boantyo*2 Ah at:sais ne ase PB ys 5 af oe SURSUANT Mtoe Aehieceeof Tian *Gourt edetersity,gaaeSuegncial.“Littleaxd yothers are)Sen and®EAE Beeeh“thes Undersigied Cauuntissigncrwill eit Peter,i 1cma tow.eof THURSDAY,SassLoldteck, b imi e aya’ol5OnstheDranpitnand st "Oa Wea 0,Dati eaeDoughty’line ms‘OF sald.sys ‘Ah ees ener ae:nh CenXoRiseogiopthetVittlebratisestrathettateHitkasiixSfordiyInPare‘thehge,EastMeophe”pinccorner:pheceayy cheeof“blac.Tivento thonouty eebelinebranck,ube misreu perserredi eae ritesHis.linteup thé monaidérsdfithe Sach:“branchrothebegimtviang,.”ec.Dy estostinra tion thie.-hubgred ane Beekregta Ate S¢ss :Re eee“oitetract pepitenen,aa Seeing ae Pier | ridgethente'S Bedegcces Westirss-t0 whicky the renee:brine:thteaice Ne sya , sey Stthie Pether.ae Se~geudin-a Pp act avaioneaefeewrnteeoidsyvall tack ot OD: nen iit:spunea tian es netthéace wily:countsOnE!acre,,pethetartte estidder:‘gue:premiséstat thie “oi “ine.dmbxeX at mes Wits Phe >tHEHCEwit bis like totthe.Big torabranchi"ero thy celea poplar.ort tecet 6fener’pATisraction .ere R "Onetracthemtuine:eatia®Caney ‘Kram'Scornerpand mus With hisdine’Porth,shast ‘ag poles1an “applesoe pheste:&MGT ay2StsPoles.tava’Sihialy aeeeTe ontoaStde-Otahoard:a Stice:Sour "wratich § Sétzers :EASU45D ory:Te ene :fesamassYSerer’spe,thence i POA stood;an:“al CorireT7thence “With: 4 stead:4}branch baitkethence,down.themer anders dé:athed: beginnitl onan nity:Sik acStes beeers ete Theinude rsignedw <<Vatore pe Seeguahdonsardday“thSeesnby,athpremises,the follow intrad ot taiid retse Cheersba «1GLAttle,Toryit:2A.Srdecinebegitiasngath:Stake,Billy)HRIOKs ab Reta acon Wi ier einer,adepoaestoa} $y ge <a Me‘Ggrees eat mekKe toerc Sox.Ot rock3 Si2,etodcaoues es thente alongnts Tine Hira Xe igdegreesEastsSi2'yome2hende?No ga Tock gn Mi¢;Lorie gk steakEis poles tog yoncpceAlongetheoldline)pair hteAtgrceyEat125palesto>.a-{rork wraowethene Sti 47 pdlesitor a Sstond—on,.hers.ksicdrner;thence Along hiss tine.|poke ES.Mest de;TEES CrOsHng-abrangir.16$i All 20"lew 10,2 biatk-onle Be a,peace,nee’Soathtgsis I aeers.tothehepin.|r ioe conta: “Arb ot sateen nds.afesoldsubject ‘0.the GowenLtigntsof-the widow.ot Pettr Little deecasec*Terms of saic;eeah one tat oeare ee 1 legrees wath-optio:ee eee spas ian,his.De yeah tebbz thy soge pet:etho:at KAYMER aotAR,Bo MeLaiighlinyaw’Ye:xe See HocnccerohapaISpasitune Be~AIgLAt HEIN AND°JC.ateayaSS.Billingdicy)decease irs:ley aud Réewows onMelisif‘AGAINST: he Board’“of-}Hastons for aieretaet ‘Byespyterian:‘church of.Pittsbu“board or horeigiy Missions-of"tChureontheUnietsiatesror a ee utt,acHiG,(Of,035wate,——_Burt,Isaac R Mark): eyriolds,: wie,Martha,Be.SiMaran and.wire Robert Hawkinsand»wile,Emma;andewireySarepta,Gtorge Havens 3XS)Margarers JamesywWatson“aud <wate)rai‘us!Seagpsrand Wite,Alicéla,CocbillingsieyJonmGoouihgandwate,Parmela,Ji tLBithngsdey,che tour.children of Marillus What,.aé) ceased:names U1 now,bup-tor the’)purposes orchsdoh}ayejamen Johyy Martha an Hlizs awbeth Whann,Jel Lanning and “wile,Apetizic |(Lanning,POS.R,Hays dndavife,“Medine4 ys,NathanB.Billingsteyo FOC “Bilgngsley CEeesoe Biulllngsicy,J.rank Billingst¢es:,i/Bald ingsley.,WL)Hawkins ahd pwite?)"Huza-,beth ala,iilingsley,DK;“fasnop.aud,aM 7 Rachael,Jos.D.billingsieys WW.»bEanOp ane|wite,Gomser SK.hugh,aan Wie, Ratgnt,HattieJ.Water,’Myrele;Larios,Kobe)vert pilligsies did.the Gnrldren or.Antuo.'s fom: as,adcessscd,nMuges tnknown,Putyde roeotthisactionPeatied,Aas,SRObEL,band Lanta ‘Lhontas;andJenriing’ihuinas: SUM:MONS BY PUBLICATION.-: ‘menced ia thesuperior.COR riot drededl comitytosecure&proper comptruction @nd Lestamout.ol Key.A.sd:Billigsiey:deteas-}eQ-and lor the purpose of takulg”tn¢anal’av-souBbONR,bs,uclLuugoinvandy.C.Jtvin,iexce:: Hilal setliement i the«estule ol saa (Kev.A;> ‘farther take motice that they are)required.to‘ap-f°bpear atthe next‘term of whe Superior LourtlosyJaredellcotinty,Conmmnenting on the,gL Monday‘Detore the 1st Monday sim “march,*to0,/.ut the: court house:oP said countyinthe city ¥U4 peaks |VIELN CS and answer,ut)edenndgy)(oo >tne)coin: S$:pdte énsHineNorthy32“polds tog -staky where!i DUST AE Asn bank ubaa sina ee along.Wer aie Ssdiith!ea ng ninety-tirveagyacer tb er less)ys ana write:Natty?‘Reytoldsy George Grituid a" “perver [Peo ” “Phe defendants above named will ‘take niotice Fy “ chat wa action culiti¢dasabove »“haseDeen coni-fy)ai tire Last wet | utors,of sara!Yast wail and testament:aidyor the 1)i Milangsiey,“deceased;ana said)defendants.wally” PoeStety Sh sg ihe bow SA 2th,oe sth:¥ eesASO HALLParties Ww Ho:peaictiestly:area Stehitsthebnchanged,So that tan ipelice ste sottletheSere ©inet paid:thie! SHigphupehacs3 iobtixesI.amt,ra os feereE TREXowruberSth1899? tenct wh:éh-4s-but:‘a Spent~Stone-bet ween NOinSuranee and|F -Inoue instance youm die to:wine tn.“my.policy Yous.get,the seni of both:liviing and’death. Se ah huudted:~sixntyeEight dol: paid out:to Cac<5 Sof Statesville:and a ‘comm unit aay eas sien than:12 months’time7Teyau“will,take ‘the “time and.$e emeT can, to meet wesind.Settlea :-Aghlowrors J plamhtati said.acuon)or:ohne sretier:aheren sde~tianded:wilbe-granted.”<.LDA AAR TIN ess,phe '$.‘Ce“phis ath day-ofF Decenroer::Lop 4 % 7BekAny ‘and;Aymincia oa dr fais Toms$AtOEney s ‘to-put:oa a~séwerxou eet.wand|bave.instructed © ;ko.th:Su erlor.Thseeee Sia APSisg ave.yori?does jpien?ae oo:eee~ Hse.pure eae Phase:’ie “An -'agud:belitae PeanSuit du §ti “quality:‘ot pee deans,Sankt: —~“ ae neat affank.froin Boa ‘ap:SSFten you aire Hie :ads.remtmber!that.eCarry.se see¢sb ie 2BATH!“take ite =P oecatoe twsborshtt*sell.eeallioSS sck be) poeave19 Gatah drade’but a neniting “ott Plsewhere wher;You,¢%an-elethe.— AUN UAGhupek's pricks Never before have:Such Sariopeteusity to uy goods.ab:your own if tdayoid thetash:stock mast,“and”THhvkinse yout for:eaiiaee we are teTroky.2%r : Dyavelitig $Set ng Stati ing&Sets at ine.Staion:mieTSteriingSilverAwieTesJMedallions : 4MicrarsyLC:Muto:Apticles 4we Pe om =LE Work Boxes and Baskets. eSLeather.Gotds?py }Musival Tnsfrtumetits..i4caeEratesafd!ALIbums.x i ai =wear, ak.ariesof the;Best:Sesa6 orrect prices. iia ee ¢bOZyourCi ueerest Logisae=call. SmeeWs .a ey)Pine.(ail we >Ra iesp Eapaeetctht 52 “yn,a ‘atteaters PREY,Jéans ork Shirts.) wore will be commenced,zt “Clos,Prick 1s.for a‘on:TheSrotiow the sre Repelants.eStockings,RidentowsbsCigtiiHticunaClothe.Outings GetrguarKeayieoeas“Red Tick,Cheviots:-2”Red and White ‘Plannels::Canton:irt/Flannels:Alamance;Domestic.“Oline*Grcton.Corsets,Hone and 5.adGloves,Cashmer,‘GlovesSilkMittons~Knit Gloves,Leather GleiBegoneSandLadiesCollars,Meniy Drek s ii|Men's:;é;a caters 6oat and afore.‘Dect2,thse day ‘ourannual ‘inven:, make x :oe 92 “Men siNeckties and Hand,enS.. \Ladies Handkerchieis,2 Nadie suit -Vaderwearsan.hg Ladies Muslin:Girterw an,Saspeders: €omb>and Brushes:Ladies Jetand-Lcather Belts:Ladies ariM faci imoretas:* Ladies and Men's “PrinksLadiesFineButtoaorLt ier dyadies Coarse Batton orns,Cnildren’s:-=EsaSayAntfantsFineShoesWes Oveng titers: 2 Fins ant Heavy spies,B21 we ar. MassSECAES Sash ceSisto}3 3,7aComforts Blank“Lacs:Curtaras,Che_Damssk:Ceatee,Ro: Suvar,+,Cotfse,Site Latherand Salt.If-oo SAS.‘We hive the:goodsand.willsave.you, ices re ;eper:+0>please;est may,assist you.ini édijeyingSanta’s :>We have erected .his head=Spore.'s Come andsee A HOUSE INeewe.Jhage,ever:made. Goads aeasthedoiwer acefol fiappiness.~. ere saed Hovsbtagsbibgs ioIlarge Sa s28 ‘ou~many.happy returns:Fi ae ee ic)Department Store before:ee ag a errs ree 7gess“RE “UR _~ee. E eae er ee cio a r Aug asist.Flovie CK,‘get controt‘of the Presidency.“House /3+K kor CB -Ceifeea-shrppishng’ 2 a z>GRIDLEY SONGry ENNACHs thout this the gold"°‘a ce oN AS ‘eoexandSenate,for without this:Eh tie oe i ~ea).hee Coins: :a tert,ee -standard will Stok:a ey ed te Philadelphia at:the:Samenee ;.;uae Ce“ig Hopton’:iat.seat?‘t highe!Seer ins :ee F t :president McKinley«and ‘Ramirel"“That's'why theyare so-anxions to;°°?bose$2,000,‘000.oe Me 3 ‘.if shont x Failure”Wn:‘al Rarts,of the.wor aS oer T Went Ta Nour+Eyes:They.si ; i :;His “expenses’=:x ‘ff f ap s ahs Th ‘first indi fr ten:years,'T Have oniet,peepee ie best judgesof the 8Recmendes bargains,“ton iy Statcgei“Dewey to Pay His =|get:oe through.this:Congress}:or ‘Phindaclphia Dispatch,Sow:ag He Sarige a Mis a e-firs iin jeation 2d =croup ©is he Vesna :ese eC Sit ean’evatd.7 {le ‘He Prepares for;k “what may.happen:I sérab e-'|hoarseness;sand ina child subject to.Pat tng ured Greet:=noferne ec a BENiiWhileCo*as don't know Phies ree Fe-Nearly’2.00,000.cesta “of prop-|"a ae nee Mhat Mii ¢be:tak Sri th gn any.othe®Yyemied,ores prey Saits far:aSai ‘oN ae |the Marine)rR :atthe next.election.CF ithe erty was:destroyed sby:two’fires in'|:::ie Seay Who"Sosa news-|5 Se3 56 ee “may,a ey maa Sia derapged liver an CLOTHING pe oS ea any “ather:hodaees; ie *WashingtonDispatch.Nov;Sage :bt gh |fore propose.to:takeadvaotage o tie the heart of-the business section-Ot:werentis Sure *“tO:‘know ‘of the”epics sure eee oft €approac Wican ont ‘fareconstipation:ey‘ting forroure :i i ee aa =Ville:Tain =i ‘opportunity while “they “have it.this city,early today-’.The:greater,ey cures ‘made.by Dr,!|tack.“Following this.Tespse pe Sets ‘Sore A guarantee tty make farniceefcnmhingtobejust.as T tellyouy and if itc proves’> JP.Gridley.a sou of the late”|“Cham ards OVE covet,”“¢léctnert ;omfotE RerTsous |eee ng ‘practically the..view thatTB,Reed"ofthe two-fires started inthe big} P office positions:where.hes aches-anc :rhrenwise yOu ShawiVhave your:money.back.”I's aren Ot.wonky at KGlmer's'Swachp-Reot,ad “peculiar:t has::V.‘Gridley,sho com--t “hy :“Hi “the great kidney,liven jber Sin S’CouehiRe i s forthe a . te :=rimiral Dewey's Bagsbi bok ee ee toa devariment store.of cae§.ee eeNee oSNip.aee ee elgGners\badfebligussfrom Hrewulary sosuret cores thepeneemo ts eee SS ae 3 ‘F U utheas::re e >rae rst |Ee $:place:‘aways|:Ne °ae “at the sant of ae ert ea ‘should:notpenta in ceoanne foe eas Wsa Filbert ‘streets,the |Efcsinersresncie.or'e eaethe.sEOEDY pera Totsten &:sna Gress feerose hcpeseioedsSSS?5 tee poem “Likter a *'designat or i the gold.standar though ano ery re kesh 1g.age -a ae “|Pears,aitiwi prevent the:tha t fent G SHOES:OFALL KINDS...*sp aaa sarah a abt.in ‘the Marine Gorps.Piy}at it:did:-pery centre’of “the shopp Hikes perce erat ee ed in many thouss fz ee not Fr jury “by,freq SP eo ahead hoes,-1d:Sheslsicarrived suas on.ne-Tieuten Congress might undo wha trict,-at:8:30 Sa:They ‘and pote the iH)covered after:yeas of,‘sed’in’nany tho usanns of essour Sporn:N tin Shoes.GreI eosme SLs aa s atHi See Sys -fale need dita |Bsetand}3S xcelhent *President McKiuley:=~ ‘The men ‘who ate moving inthis{ames lad been put.under ton‘rol. 3 seepee resey Be ae+ae as cinpiete liste of good shoes..,Fats arid.Caps:“ot ‘iter.|is :atch }3 TT,g “in =‘or<\.\Young.Gridley is:too old'to ex matter are not considering the equi-)000:SW.bit Kilmery the emi -DOMts!os Tt aus yuh eae.Wey ache and td eae :1 She datest styles at bottom,prives.Tzy.aCentuty./clotliing.shoes |:inne Annapolis and the only opening op-|it y-of.the Scheme'they -propasé;they}oe rs iserpagesiee ee eeé Te nenttkidney and blad4 bareAP ey leorp ofa singe ira es tres.at:WE OL)Sz Monarch’oe They}=e sce ena ower Gaats tind etacede en for him.in the navy 33 ID:Bat aresiinplhy.considering their-own:in-ae x Se another tine}a oct der Specialist,andyts fir Wwhieit®shar nor.préved eieetual:Tec a =ete Fianeels is complet rand:the .lowest!)firnishiice sess pd 2 ointment to the«Marine Ser p,[terestsy.aithough they professto “be.ing i saute r blocks away Gye the.wonderfully.oe,suring {No‘ot ber preyaration Catt ShowSuCh 4 As {vouever sav,“a LOWES eo aes hea:sara wae sucic aay cece *te?he lacked the_ue¢essary .edacatio ‘actuated by disiiterested’,natises |2LOKe out ou oe Jalne:-back;kidney,bladder ~uric’acid,ae acordatie Ot:iy five-yents”@onsthat aot dest on Soa ptbdve aae me =;:ae \at :SN ae j [2S gn,Warse thar oii.the monéy for and.caly i ‘the daterest™‘ofesounde:fourth:oe arg “esti tien:pines rents Disees mae istheseis feseawithout.ce“failure:Me For nie by :OX z ;bbave just ‘Soughr the fourth BERS oe ear ee at suet Senge ane ~:he boy was too -modest to :a sate loss at,this fire-is’éstimate form ney trouble...5 Soe COMIN,|apt i Ee hive ina few days'afineof the fines ER a ~F sk ene (ee Sees sue pes‘the sifuation;gut Ad-:‘finaneial rote Bberesers Eee S110 000":The “tosses:the -twol:as a hein is not =aroggsts:Sic ee pone Es A oa nina see Sdiageste poeSOI,3Tosatt save|Bows ee 2oo-pf,Pprolessions ius 7 Shite inep-orgmenied foreverythingbit if you have kids|Se he liver,invig:|*ane /Men aemiralDewex:he loved,Soar te hothiiyg miore-dor less tha 2 Seliernes ites are nore itChow rei Be pe,“Jivetor-bladder trouble ttWill be found ~The aA hitome Redcar:“ofl pedie the,Sie uae ae tie you big:eee ee eMiadies “he Bee iat \'S guspected it.and decided to ac to enbance-the:-waluc-of-gald.byte strane =ve st the remedy.youneed.”dthas beentested Wake ForesmColleck:ee A eee Bala be Sur raaitoe 1 etinpetit AS arise a dete rnined 10°pax the “boy's ex;L.0%a me of:teeal fender}©Poe Eighth:‘street line wae cs very isd fineryeys wees Suge is .AS lies Pee “pills for”.coast ange.*nd:os P (GUNS one TASES a seal inatepeYoloseendeiSte:eledsand.considerably,Pnlarg next $oy Wy J 4 me ee AR or “Dew von bis,Te~.oy BF,lying.‘for,‘the tieu ,dagt nS usthy.one ‘forthe.firemen Lo hind es dice:arfion thehelpless too poor-te urs:=€¥trqubles WEE Fa :|en aaa 3Fe“.penses while’stu MONEY,and asebéme to:red ‘debtors eat setae “very |pra g P summer as thére*is:“needs for:monne "riniedoatile-barrel:breech ipddinic “aia BBES ye ee ona ares spaney::::oj ith ‘and Filbert streets7are «Chast relief andhas proved-so'‘satcessful.fn}Po tsiogo.,Singlesbartel Beech ALES 757,Ttie 4 a Ise oe STi a mornins he met.“vorngG‘rid:Tbe ree Stet (eas Harrow ‘thoraighfaress Phere,was)oBvery,case:that is aterst smraneernen thes,San ms.ieee tS The Wadesboro ee a aioe SaasTruly 5 Se AR:SOCK Theis es Se ley at the ‘White?House and.pre?More aa ae onder tbe laewhon a’strong wind blowing atthe tity,|been made-bywhichallsseader spaper |*One fe Conia “Gyre as [opeetscone .eccrine |patronige an spted-him®to.thé-President....Ad:yetuey COU PS =,P ‘and the -fre-fivntets had wiea}citi who have not alreddyrtfied:it,”BS ahavevayin Or wrist e Cou Cure *3:per cent %aie a fea s .fr:x.M A pce Uf Sti 1 Seoleds -thesedebts were eootracted Dhe :Hame Eamplebottle sentifresby ‘mail,gls¢'a book bes”remedy’y ‘rer:used?fob Sede i re Vena G8 heviz EMO oe oa ; mos .ral Dewey started to explain:‘the oh tee 'ig heulty:ie pteventiog the-Hameés,front :f :Sew Shinligg,iy November et Baha BER Gee voie shen the President!inter e e eee eavaexnrey States,ue sttinir a good holdoa the-buildinyS.-telling-moré about Swamp-Rootiandhow to }and2*col¥s}Tt.vs unequalled!Yor Mrs Ro ¢hurebill :‘|4p S.vouoan getaltiostenything’n iyTine |et A ae coresssituationwhenSeyudI,5 Gefradded “out Of tore’“than,ee if niycot,Thestrpetures find otifyouhavekidney orbladdertrouble.Ewhaoping cough.-Cbildpenall bes ee Baby was cover:wit b poi ‘Yount&White at Sloan'sStatiomatthegure tie xt dank oti Aeayapesareeeeca“pre.$509,000,000:by the alae 1873;de-ee eae ieaa duinazed.aces tiopepetend open rite:TwritesH.XN.AML i ASR Sapte.Spresy:DeWiths Wikeb+lowepricedLsett at Tha oe Se o,re eehe a z Mala,Wed aS i jo stere he -Gontemst ~sofferxin-thisypaperan =SEU Wo:Tra;wer if it ietAd az t lve:cured hersy*A f a soit wr.NEA ee:ifs he fails*monetizk 5 Ne TOTS ¢Sa +BS ee :.fneee Sassbywater:-[t took fou hours:toyOt gene:“voll adare the flames under:control.~‘Avot Brekilmer£2 ings Plie-tire Started “inthe:basement|‘hamton,aN aes ; rok.Partridge”«&Ric‘hurdson‘s Store|regular fi ty tent and: ‘from’an.electric spark?and sbon"tthe dollar,sizesare.soldaby altigood.drugetsts:4 lbrovehitis:#;sitions te :.¢as roubles)Sealy “ase prevents }-AS Admiral Dewey andthe’youn sued “under.-the-lastCleveland “ad;ete ae ot ee ae Te merobant‘Shonld‘ddvertise his puta ae WB,HallJn ‘tration:payable in Pold,for ast dsit be wants to selktheni4-T teed:3 ee beed-Sine in gold forse Partridge &Richardson's weresoory pase:isthe aepe te ‘ads}Wilt Edw side paeTeiniCart,.t%Std fany years it will probably ‘contin=qutitd,and.theo the Hames’attack-Lxwertise tthem.’sey,4\cPae toes,,REresco Victed ofmurder} nena So;but tt.does mean a great ed the big building-of theta:Lipe Rye eS }ig,the rst.dewree “ut wan\court deal -to.the:priyate debtors,who,as|Pincott.Publishing.Company,»on Saturday.“for.Alin Politemaw’ the law*now..stands,can‘!pay.in,Filbert street,east ‘of the.nes Her ilealth Restored:qdkernsat:Coreprd.ptSeptember 2h,department store...This pablishioggold,”silver -or greenbacks:‘What :fi means..is briefly but“forcibly|MouscuiscOne,af the:best kaowirjn}“Mysand Bas.beens 4r00bled dorttyy.iQ »paring:for examination.Nate »sow greDeheBratsexausimatiouwillgivevitorpilescatdskinaieaseet:BowsYimmediateresults,”Cures eee Of.sworthless.,counterfeitsEW:x ; “feolds,hoarsensal Scroup,“poeupiord :Hall Jr.“ena eebthth5fallhroat|and.Lake oes Gamma,‘opieSs.Ag.jo_holds.a.EONa at |plated action does:spokesmeanaily,“ad~Bae |onis-hav inless we i si |ditional robbing of the:‘vovernment,f , “ss -bim.another™pay eee ‘the ee althousb.a Republicay Congress abe | he will “be PEAS¥.‘}sohitely refused to declare:the’in: eS Pea ae térest and principal of the bonds‘is-4- ens man*were ‘descending : gees ~House steps,the:admiral was say- z ing to the:son of ‘his old comrade: Sere ‘“Now you keep.an.account,of your. “expenses.and,let meknow what-they are.”“At the foot of*be steps ‘the’id: Seo nical ram into azroup-of newspaper. Awas Stale plead with.BySid®tried’doctors,"aeAprinys,‘and grew worse:ae ies‘Kedo}Dyspepsia’‘Cures!Bhat eared4.“It digests:what’wou,eat® Noe — s ‘men.ok will be glad to give,-you an the:chuptry,,many:high:“Class refers}5.9 ee e i-ae ete a ith:y Cures:Andigestinn,sour“Stomachgf os.=Hom chi "morning,said the aa-[shon.if jhe/oneeioxSOG [ence books,pertalicals ao auc]|<Illa eer erencehint to,caseBeate berg au albforms2 Se te :~.smiral....“The President “has.just i for gold.but doesn't take.kindly”rous.other,publicgtions.being <pre-,eS some of C “hambertai p-'sOdhie,Chrole®we.Hall se)ES Wo {:dito z Tagreed 1to'desivnate this.yoting:man,|1S ea t se ¥|duced-by-the:firm:“The building was]*pra anc:Diarrhoca “Rem a ay ff fT pce atienato.re ors—.ue ‘tot the 9¢enje-to-+e ine ne.»,sreans P an ieee cea 2 .Ey “A ter Winstomsbipped-ov tr ‘be:anillion |pyaexc qquakinegastadauniscais with the:-*22-9 Son.of Capt.‘Gridley,Oreaoe!backs::S |completely:ruined:ee a this’.aN —Y tionfora lieutenancy im the arine,ez 4 aa Sur :ring:stored awayinm “say ts:is near .aes x ae th ‘To the Bd oeaE:The ano Sm::Phe sel Sere Ry SS a ee eee In your editorial,‘The Doubt:cajout ball oe ated Teaterialp J a eee FO eee nued.~“However the:Gold Standard’ofNox..23,com-ree ais,pia Pea ei 03 :Si eho :ae pation,So ew eee eee t t.|menting‘on Hon.Thomas ‘B.Reeass|frreferance”eSscdnd it cis TOhy3thé-President and Tare going to 2 yet known,whether:they,rere aes ty ee sing two'bott]es of:the?Poreent:-size't +ounds~BPman usta red ‘tobacco ~Will annexedofPeter sinith;.déceased ‘the’Phe:was:cured.°.Fgive this:testimo~C a ae :pnial,hopit g.som ilarky “ate!‘haring.the ‘month -ofNovember:‘fiusttersigned Hereby roti jeall:personsé-having | Ses ing Someone:Similarly “a es Claims apaitrt‘the:ate:ofSatd.dece sed to}tésent the &Same to.bint,for”Proc within | mod tu icted may“read it:‘andbe-benefitted ee CS Bignarck’s Irgp,Nerve : ma Tuomas Cz Bowrr,Giencoe,-O.For “Was the result.of hs?splendid ny welv€midnths fromthe date:of this Rgtice erie,will bevy leddirr nag of their CO : Lo your tres OU tee ‘+ROCK HILL BYpee:Riek feos aa era .kipeat speech.on the gold:Started,you ‘sales by:druggists:$s eayet “healtie Jndomitable:ewilland:tree This Noweniber SM,A899.'¢ze Gagne 5 No #e nore ea ee aegee ous SEYEte :Ber fe gree,th a wedi eee ‘4°3 Def EeoleSha fe thendgusénergy arenot found wheres 2 Soneet Aateae Ipc:F: =afi>.Son.OF is @ Wheat present the 500,000-000:sile hit Bro ers “dar lepa nie 4 One farmer so ‘o toads-or,to:|Siomach,Liver,Kidneysand.Bowels .& t picious moistureinhis eyes.*‘Now:HEA:fae od theadmiral;,as f coca a [storeswthich adjoids the Taippineott as .*,Sard the admin as.De ay, \.2 bacco tn RockyMount:Jas Wéeek™for:|Patidime,doa Whiew is:calued,witht te are-out oforder.Ifyou wantthese:tl in “existéirce™are.fottsJe ay oa,Sonate..one ¥F996 29 cleat-of warehouse:expenses,|rqualities:aud tbe success.theybrings!tender -They.aré included in thé.FOR SALE Ley ACCOUNTS -ae ‘Teetilizer ‘aid goods 4. cso -.s 4 SJet.the “people.of-*the “country ‘its.cohtents,at-over $1,00Q,000,was]TS nf His tobacco brought -fror S300 40.eat t 3 £‘term :‘coin*ia which the oblivations’:,of OY LF <or a a nse Dr.”King's New.Life Pils.-Buea alineen he ste i2“3...iknow whatssortal a Eeresidget they of,thé “overnment are expressly.savedy but only after the.cbatents %Sip Bisceynt sluateitones carn.Gnlysbe:as per.hundreds.”cane ee Recs Pheysdevelo every,power of:brair Wak tovcston AOnaa se a imie Be ey chave.*a her the widowot}Payablé,and there is a-more.or"TeSs eS ‘corher.of the building.Hae |Steatized by;-those,who have experi aes oi as body.Only 2acents at’Wr.”Be =“Tinsiston allsTees ee:faye ‘«i t lsKa (cs Ps *Mr.Gridley ‘smotl er;a or ‘widelyidi fused feat 4hat some:tutire’tLb sdumaved.-«-Strawbridge S|;enced it:Nervousness,sleeplesstiess,+,ASS,cure tor Sredmaticn “Chad:Hall,-In's,drug store.SH Mg US the gallant,commander ‘ofthe Olym-adminis tration may.pay-theat ut.in Clo ier.avrother larre department Weddacliesy-smeuralzia ‘n@-‘that miserable|berlaias:Pain Bajm"js°gaising *a}5 aS —g +pla,is living.pe Erie,Pa,Sheis Stead:af ‘gold ,coin’to ‘thetations Store,Gi,the<west ‘side of Bighthy secling of unsests gn syrely,be cured by Dr’‘wide repttation..DAB:-Johasot.:“of "Bs C.‘Cowling2a.‘Chicag 0.capita, ++3.“deasfing:g'pensio#of .$30a month.creditors;This-eanbe preventeds|Street,also bada narrow esdapeand)Miles"Ee ene anathy =toe Richmand,.ludi;has.been troubled isty-has“purchased *J “OU:acres Ol Bc SNe whee:beri ‘friends:in or oyte gil however.A wots by.re-enacting Thefthe building-and:céntebts.were dal ieinoriad wacteayopplee paid for the.tret [4°10 that”‘aitnient.:since:I862..4n |Jatdnear,Morehead,‘GdReord Couns ve :SeeSse toe eS Tawof 18s,But only ‘by-repealiny’erate Grater bi anew Sn000 dotrle -tpieay bywiding it.doesnot senate ee:ees oe Says:a never|ystor a-stock farm.ae:;Sra cae Sat the’laws “under.“Which |ther‘doll mye StHESS SOS [oo MisoHénry Bruns}ife ofthe well known |foundanything thet;swould rel ;x a asat.5 Ss ee oe Seat Se ee Ste ae circulate.”ot ita at's.attic inme.-Lippiticatt's-aud Part="‘Biackstwithat Grand TEiction,Towa,§SASS 75Lames yntil be sed Chere ea,Ss Say volcanic ‘Fruptions re .oe ae ea a se :=yer 5 +ae 5 =:ae )Site*26,+;|Soeein Hintinemicn =,1 [SDE thige whip aioesto sucha auntsicparinrscosieote|casait seared,[BalaiNactelfe miepk e.|Areaid.Di Ski,Rrplog a=oe :is é f A eSSy *rs pal “K.INe <1 x aa meta htcolt v one Jonésteto Progits$!we he iG so polity asthis realize wharf the:effect ‘The.estimated.losses .ake Part:ee Suances 2nd,pantera <good:chance to made 5a %¥beSufferigg-tmtold miseéytor”years.;"I used-veryoniuch,;but one “good”‘applica:|S|Salve.cures‘them;also.Old,Runaing:updo business“prosperity would be}..i riledtemedies’ie tenialecom-*ted We.noticea ‘disposition of the>So-y eo iadige "&Richardson,$cur,O00:J.-B2 pepe ousaiy ortise on tng eblOD.OF Pais Balm.1 heved m ©Por |4nd Fever’Sores;Ulcers,Baiis‘.J to:sdemoralize wand.thus:idestroy ,“Plants besides Delngunder,the Carejof local’e oe bonis,Coras:s eee Guts:ise eeeenee*called Démocratic papers:in ‘this]$500,000;000 of lawtat Tthas alee Lipp eott Pubrishme ».“Company,|:°Suleb¢La ver ?5 ,peoegic Aiclans;w!chout help,1 “noticed in -D adldrupeists.c *2° Soy,State te-antazonizg Goshel simply eave thesNebtors the country wjthg S020 es Avtimeal "ae sPretehier,easSigercosanr The yeatinionat ota.i Borns,Sealds Chappéed.Hands o f oS on the strength ~of what’‘his’enemies that much:less:legal’money.with:wholesale.house furhishings;$100,*dady |curedfofapilmpnts similar tb thine,‘and,oF emneethyEof ‘the:8 Agiders bla ns Best’Pile,ears Pon :==&say about him-‘Wiiich *‘jsva mani-’which to pay‘tein debtss=It*could 900;‘Lit Brothers,$89,000,Straw;pshakxnever cease tothank thatdady.Bee ‘of the Raleigh2.&Gaston:raibroad:Drives out-Pains ‘and.“Aches oe onter athe ew tint cae.be had-¥Yor-the.4 re NA oe ee ae *festly unjust”procedure.AQy (M90|ot seer “otherwise,than:=Taee---the midge ®o-Cfothier,"0,O00;‘Bailey’S.*yestimonial>maucedsmne ‘tov use “DE ‘|last week to.considér the?terms “Of +25 sntswebox..Cure:_cuaramteed.)5 exe aetoe Renee oe ee wisoonicer<a,ee B yaton,Mow -=¥«oeeo‘4 ra -f 7.‘roy mae 5 ,‘,a ‘could.be Convictedin'that way.We Ldebtors.of'the country at the:merey |fine and...ten gent “Stor es $5060"‘Nensine and..Nerte andLiverPPills;mech Sonsolidaticy Off the various divit Sol bY SW:Bu Halt,dts draggis |Gren respectipdost see aig im ke Ty PSpendiage “mone,”STWewillgivesouErsieiasbpeuSend12eafomworkandSave‘You,Money:”b rate:pe.directions for work.|ayd--cayeonsfob.qots at sob Print tha y at ‘pune -agePleasesouWeeineendito,ee Fat oS be}at eas Cortr om inbaet a 4 * Eee ",dé not profess to know.the exact OE the CHleteree sand:palise sehidla?Rasenpurssrs ymillinery~store,BOY afestored Tete hewlth.“ACannotsayenough ions ofthe Seaboard”Air-Line.ad~+=“ery Respt,Sa ge a ae :TV pet eee +:statas-of tie Kentucéky Situation.It on Gankivptes ant:Buses der yo raeidve:&Sons -réstauran ee eee peed Without taking action.aS gis The State Fair‘this:year=paid:.off ale Prin We ce ete ee‘pe =is hard fer anybody to‘know:it,ow-pression:throughout-‘the nation 33)‘Ww esteett &Thomsen elec-degold!by all dtu?=Pas ie,rus Bont?att g 2 2.500 obold:debts.G per cent,dnter-:oe se reskon ‘its"bonds abd has,$1,500.leftS<S5"ox tb the ‘untrustworthiness ofthe )But the advocates SE:the exclusive |erotypers,$105000.Additionitiess:Beisunder,a-posit}ve, “No ikne t0:,Veliness om:Rk “press Uispatches.”‘But we doknow4 eald-policy-donot:th hi esapgregating about §$25 00 are:di-}3 ratitee,rst.hottlé.- x)Se that he was:opposed by the railroads Semana feateatt feaaronc excen vided amongvy 2 “number‘offirnds,.al!encatpeOr:Sandee Be $ tara “Railiway- ~xTHOS :Coppinger’Dayton.Ten Says!*khaveyysed Raimnen’s |: <>®t because he’Setured the passage of a gold shali-be destroved>=the Ipsses of which arencow ered by}funded»Book«oneal a {Bixyer Pills vaiid (Tonic ‘Pellets .fer ;The:womanwho islovelysin,.face;Yaeual p -M23 «law establishinga railroad:commis-}'“According.:to,the:latest’offic.3}|bsurance,“=~-easestot)thebeartand Lyears,300°canst,say‘enough “fot |form-and temper will’always.‘Haye ‘HAVEKORSARE a-vatuabletan co al smai.f 3X.-ston;that the:National Administri-stdtement “of the Treasury:Depart <The second fire was;Wisese ered.att~nobves freo.>Adress,as —htthem for the Wrd0d they haxeGoné in Friends,Dat,no,oneWho:would.be,ing.abdut'és5 acres,situated:fe An contain.=)gee Pea aTv*"“S-tion exerted itself against,himy andy ment,there-was-On the.tirst ofNow 7:30,o;¢locky.inothe-four-story:built as MEDICAL eel ieee ae ;im y;famiy:)E-wish-to tell ‘vou:“Spe:attractive must keepher health:Seabed ram eet _Cotteeh,el ant,Saas cially what.they ‘did for.‘my=y ung:|heis“week,sickly:avd |‘gli run dow ‘SA >~~!t 2 4 eres A spies eeUs0Ssthat-troaps:were,‘calfed.out:on-the:vember inthe.etieral*stock’df}inyrat-No.419 Market:street,ocoth}J.dBscrinlion’otthe landiswood tand.-the pendedseared —“STAANPARD RATE i ae ano; eOnly.50%cents at ——ass ..or one;fear”éstsonit seo Ce thouzht-he*atid in-cultivation,«-Peehoa.et aw OF election,bY.‘the “Republican:Lone¥:of dega}é der thie.aatlowe:Died by several;thanwfactiriog fas ;was:)t60,‘sh@awill be nervous.ands irritable:aya arties desiring to putchasei|St "Governor,;who.has ‘since.deelared Sige af i ten ollow=:|wholesale dealers...Bhe ‘yurtgiag fae or ay pen Soe perletosane pills,bet whén he*Saw.j4f she Has.coustipatiod:or kidney.Sstlh ab aly,ames ee Be >Phe-SOUTH | :oo,“that he ‘will ase foree,if nation United Statesnotes.25 gaeesrois Renee ‘ds was also.the adjoth lishedqe aanOty eos <p Mera as taking eur usual Tonic |{trouble.her impure-Wloodwillcause ~"ES"Ba ae Se asorney:.The)Direct.Liine2o ah RoetopreyéntGoebel’$s SnASeUT ANGE ¥.Treas Se paptes Met ars tiie building,No.’“SYR “Gheestimaty-ach vw negpPelet-at night;he'wonldery,for one:Lpim ples,-blotéhes,,skitr,/eruptien Gee rg eee ::ee,Coe eea e Be “ge a:eneraeaek gc METERS ROUen ka POY Se %:Saget loses 810;O00.eke Ne teamiss=gc [absys.“So Wel “commented:givtme Sand a.wretched:complexion.Elec =.0,.CORE A Cotpix Ove Dix,fe EeeXas,Se ie gStheeea=...Bryanis oa 8 ences $e Standard:silver‘dot The lossi an the buildings ssbstiz 9 en :them.omeSrewularly,ind ‘from;sartrie Bitter is:the.best;medic¢ine.iitr aber Axaziee Bato Qe Me Tay Saati eeteeeSteebiSided“305 153 Seated at 10,000,exer?200 per|1D:Rt edna ee [the wordd‘tp:regulate<stomach;ESE Wiioeseenmes ‘i “Cal forniaasesttyPAGaterteetesteeeeeveetyBSOyhaeSONSare:throw p.out £384 ment}>.“junadiutelss abdfately:Heissas robust ber ind::sapiens Rena osonRichara’Croker whoig 0,sail we 2 sree See rac peeetsco ay “the.Gres,but to ear ott.aa tadSe Rreatheamonatara’se ae:iitoey enqe pity the.;ee : uy ‘mete +E-urope the Del vertie Clubs He ‘Gold,co.wus “os=$30 veorkother:Gepartment;stgres ‘over tem-:ipSy-chaecked:ind ke Boks.“as?cheals.br ia ti eves,smooth.‘velvety ine i Digtiesaing.‘Kidhey aiid maged aN vida,.ee ‘today at the Dethocr zy ‘1,98 ‘porary-employ thent'to”all thee Part:‘[thiy“asagp tt ie aeishmau |vee Fichi>Gompléxivas.Tt.will m 4,levedsin six “hours:by:seiner diseasere~ae :cos said:ho Of.EyATOR AAS |Set Sa:Fe =/AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE die oe a = %“Pring:On account of:‘its:gc aint o Rieat SETH ;uba aneftldye’&Richardson’s 000-ernylo es] 28h,082,768 wr the Sal aries?they ‘received,eee Z;:4 The“whocare eu%the binned ontiiem>’“Although the:“Digestspail ure the"featieSilisbury.hos eee ERENT Ri-TuiistinAt.treo!lacking,‘charming KomLermenipacaopee.to.‘say baton’my!‘debar|Boral Teal 3‘inoney Stes “O00 SeataAbeidye aéra3Fsture“Tor:BRurope that WwW iNiami Jibs “The policy.of”tho4: at a2 R ran QOwy invalid : 5 sm teliexiANE,pain.ir bladder,kid ‘ke:-smhaleor femate,|Relieves res a tan Poi.sdtiost iminediately:TE-your ss aie seases |orto Ri3 (oO See ryan willibe the standardbearer of singer:this expulsite gold schemé gstire:“awed |.fo :aged for over four he rs}Thar SenerroenE and.cure this tsoeeeieDemoeraticparty:in:thé next “to demonetizé alt’the=lapotak eee une osict &Gecond xtos eeale ersegctenio aad foe DUNT byl Maes Pied mony «Bridde ne anBim City “Mibiny:Co.ere SANDERSON.Deets alee eee, ota AS ns;tional ‘gampaigna.The.fight ‘wilh de:ofthe~eountre exceptgold}Hose miieprtaidciesedtoneen by abajt}sta gz the exhasted ages re otor.Fe Sony abe:‘conyuleted.‘chartered:last Week:‘capital,383,000 =Seg Nae ee eee A “sejeily Mdarst-C aes ot “2s tne J Sate mgdeapainst ‘trygsts:‘and imperial:coin?”noamies:‘Gab down:anct dew}dozen Tretied:(tye wsyo as OS gans,Me Telaiishtectaherten be:balding Aaly “this:bridge._wilh:mace CIE.Lal¢GRIPBE“IN:TWO DAYSat ment Or EURaSisinandMr.Bryan iS the}only man Stroystheal nt of monet available’:Seth ee RepKWT?|ant and-tonic NG ter pparation Dring uch:vrade torSa iSbury.ahs “tike 1“Asative mibwo'obisice "TA iee Loéal”‘Eraitis;hae, ike ese ,»Igad such a fight.xe st for debtors with;which Lor “pay their)"Aon.Victory Oren the#toss,:carmaipproach~~it fe ffici ney.It in-|©ee Sines satel ew castes the money:.if it ere a ‘Palace SleODLCut .a =:Tamniany Hall awill,SreeHien its debts,$965,631,“B72.which is)SHE,bins,inbE Suet eS sue .s ida ce ligves ands ,perbanentlyones}-5 fei:ee bas ately "ee a GROVE §signatize onevery Dox.ase.“Yet *Night-Trainssdha~iaet+X es d aw spate [OW:Be eogiowea %g ve|?as t AY rs tara Sc »Reese pee,-arty support,youmay rest —{180.683 “niope than’“half”thé legal:op a S ras PELDe:ucineepion,H eee H Taig ‘Hamat:AW Ve owanderful:deliverance.fromafrigh.|:ge mca “Schedules.”Seas ie 7 gad =that.<Nicaea She ek oi mee country.Would it ee fabs in mbidh Clee aee-|Sick Headache sGasttalgia Grane Saxe Re wer,years aan I’was:laiidefee fel:death;-“En telling”Ofy qt he.Say .Bob sca vi es chiilkPs oney peck:‘Travel by the Si putt teiestel ‘age =.~2.fot.Bryau has Deen-selected§.Stx-:be'/possiBle.for“auy=Roverumerth to:Fe vtite ebb -Ori-t-4n otherresultsof,imperte with my licer ous AL.as tae we Me upansMliller &Co.,Moorlviles tebe Rik 1s assure WA sale:Campo esS“eral See aodeedeen iin ache adopt 2 ROTTS policy are “ten eases otGenerel Sieisotishid pabdtbeProperedby £c baht aes eoeau8 He voit LaFce esae a is ace eee oe os ALB.Harris:ae EH Gen trel Expewi oe aoeee ee a A o4c.8:eration,but no ecision’has en ar:.|structive to the businéss.prosperity.neMig OQk place -on the sam.rok Se)nS *Ws$eran ¥vi eS aa pee ne neriuh4‘ous Liver Pills andused one be xe becamehardened:-T'was-so/weak 1:RE a .APPLY.76 ThK Sena MapesEivedato"4 of the cobntrs:thar the'ome theSHY PS qjnitof‘the mnouptains,8 est vot “Man?=:Shoderibe’tor-Tar 3 XE:’fe CRE Aaa SoF es TEE RSS.Y -ci f,Shetor “One Eam atl right.OW Y beep |Conldn t even’es up in bed...N wei Set iS :abet“Phereis:not any:truth at allio ty:sixth Congress ts proposing ta.galarée,,Forminythe divid™ntweber}facta:per yeas .-3 oo Hipeting tikea sothen oo base ae act‘hel ped mez’ested:to!fe ey Pec ON HUMANCURE I cMistres |’.ee See eeegetse“the statement that Safiator:Gorman adopt ‘at:its.coming”se@Ssious .*.“the.Pag uyians valiey andl this,ocean:oo .\ey time:“For?=ale bY NNR Tan stall,of Gonsiimptisn,,Iwhen Beee ordac Sanitary'-7 x NUTES SC TES +arn:-*Sy aN Sd $s €:Sep ee A 2B =an -bave-been ‘talking together}°*“The country.is _ndw ineethe high:+Colonet “Jt Braoklia.411 5°regi-eeRR i OeClio.News,Gach saa)Se iatewtaics No +about duother:eandidaté.Senator ‘ast:condition.or prosperity.ever ment;the Thirty -sixth Intai trys andSoran}and I had some*talk,but it}known,and it has secured thigtn—Fowler's company Qf the Thircy-| DEnvon,Deus.|B,L,Verney asyo>+o "a q we en ms Sx c ae ee reels Ne aeURESACOLDINONEbay,:ae er Dr.“King’s.New:Distovery.=Ouapis”“authoritaticely-‘stated thaat:bottle:vave,préat relief,*I continu: Correspondence ‘oF THE MASCOT. :E :the Penns ‘Ivania~Railroad ‘has ob-fed 10°use it.dapd-no w reall in ee NuC iia=".“had no connection with.,politics.T}der ‘our-'present.mo third left Mangaliren Moncay taorn=}.*There is.a great.deal of-selenesel si es >08.se it.aud now -am well,;|eo i ad ,‘have notchanged my:Opinions |about).Why Dot tee well.Seer ing,‘and.warched.24 nears.with |in the:community,mainly among Oui 2 stole has Bealteendte,“x Fstrong:>Egan Lewy.tom-much io!ateeeeene3iocure a Mertroubic ease he eee oe +Bryan since F-eame back,‘twomonths|Why subject.the™buSiness Of this |{our hours rest,over batewtd water.children.The malady comes ‘from FRU er a Leite tees Ee Ae BE “This.”marvelous.medicine ‘Phe genuinehas 1,BGvon each tablet:re ae Frank $.-G:a0,“|,de é erp erg 5 ete yA>bélieve tonight.stronger country to the:risk of electing’We J.léssvidges,-ulong narrow trails.and:sold,doubtless,asthe symptoms}:pemeee ne aeae ae a quickest cure-*in aE ee ne ee 4d-V.BaeGea,wane vicars ie eee :See 3 “than ever:before ;that-he.is just:the Bryan ona money and:tariff plat-‘through earrons:At daylivht,No-|are “hoarseness,sore throat:and Pig ae ee al Throat:and *“fup g-DR.ee DETGHEON'S ANTLDICKETIC Te AMUNSantee : :a}pean we want for next-yeare:.#4 form’a hundred fold worse than those ‘vember,28th;‘the troops eamerged Lérdups~Jt has béen jn nearly ‘every zt e egular sizes50 Cents and pata be worth to'you ‘more than’$roo if you |\~.-a ee 28 %.Se gt ae ee Ss we'now have?We have.thoroughly.from actimbered.canon upen the-di-lfamily..‘Alittle child”of’Mr:and}.[ial dis Trial bottles free ea.‘1.{tiie af water daring eee fgom inconiep-FREERonsGoh A a hee ‘Soh Ste =FORGING THE FE TERS...tried -and*suécessfull-y:proved.“our vide,runnily:into.‘the.rebels’yad-Mrs.J.J.Levan died.of it Jast Friz}?-a is Jr:aayDrug_storenenery,bottle:OMe he ee arreststhe trouble ne Sac.ee Seaver Sm cae <ateh}cate =So cae obs ys pp present économie pokes and fouud vance guard,who"retreated to.the |day night-and ‘was buried at Damas-’guaranteed i oe Neon SstatesvilieCe.rsSone SDrtggists,= :fe it.good.‘Getitalone...“|maeebod y before Shooting.Golonel eus ‘Sunday:Rev.A.Hs “Goodin a “Claremont SCollé @,of-aHlick ay ee eae Sar ea!oo beer aig oO:SPs i te Falsencss:=pm “Fhe aeepublican:Coligresd:Scheming |3 neh id2 he aa MozEx.”:’|Bell,who was in advancewith the conducted the funeral services:Thel é et soon add:a:a aete ic ory,ie EE rg tee ~y ne PSR.-4 5°<iite Fasten the Single Gold-The ie aces given presents scouts and°one company,had the ‘child‘a*bright little boy,-was about |5 4 building.°Pee &Sat “Commission er’;“ds sometiines urce-=Soe ee oe +.Standard-on the=).="(:4uheScheme 6 robbery.in.very.bold |Fébels.in.full rout.before tH®"main|two years old:The family have the|&eye se :ne Si e otLand OF Tbe teeth bu :SaasPTSweStCountry.os,|religf and shows the amount of mén|body”“Ot bis troops arrivéd,fleeing sympathy of theComunity in:‘their “S ase SBS ‘Clack.“pecan“Tk vs Y MURTE OF a jidgment.of the’Supecice.eet excuse Uievrth tis ae iWwimingtonStar:$e seen oes ey which iti is proposed to‘declare:5 ‘down.the “moutrain to the ‘swamps bereavement:.es cf $8:-Sanpeans wanted to!‘operates 7%She.Bic eal ata inthe Spe-Cla ity So.paintollslye 4 risty,;adminis.|XPTession So hicbse 7 ain*}for piles butt cured:them {Stator ofJ.Hy |Mel,with De-1 5,or and others,as Ry BR.|::Wi ithTt clean,Nannie eeeOthers ‘the undcee 1s often-séenin’peo}Witt’s WitchsHazel *Salye?*ssig|Signed,cominissioner,|w 1 finfallible,for piles‘and “skia diseases...aein.Statesyille.N+n oe an cas oe aos A Bewera*ot.seounterfetts a ope e Public auction,ton sion at are*the tasat“MONDAY,DECEMBER isi,es aoe:-[tions OF:_the Lealir- E F “Cottomis about™air finned add|.idently t ithe|money’at all.Having destroyed}between wangalaren and -Agtinas ginmed a6eeee2eeeyaspurseteover-one-half the volume of mares leaving ten dead-and’‘many.wound-marketedin thiscommanity, Soute.Vo 2 4 Stents factor in..Republican,legisla-|C¥:when ‘we ~havé’nothing.like |e,‘and:abandoning:two Norden-farmers are still-holding:“for bettersineae-°tion to secure:the’enactmentof 3)enough now,of course what remains |feldts,one two inch...Krupp,“one pueee eeeses ae ‘cotton:Micsct fromithe planterand sells. pati myuslin®direct tothe |retail 2 SOs. Peace Fae %:-Miss Iva Milisa S cof ‘Alexande Fs ‘Hall;a :SNS ee gle,gold ‘staddard’law’by Con-will havea proportionately:‘enbanc.}Maxim:and.one Hotchki:‘3.-Phey.PS:xander Tt43 handled nly Sthose Giniee?ie Bei ;:: om §tet wc ot sinele aaat 3$5 a cotawe sekinet all ed-value or.even a greater value:for|Were..chased.through‘the-"'swamps county,is spenditig the ‘winter.with|9 so Vibvescapes the/#“profits”oe SPF [aiaccloct.fa.the fottlowing Gescribed Peal elves that itis tin ~<¥".|debts,public’and,private,payable [every dollar’in.gold .wilF-be.worth:and thoroughly @ispersed-’Coldnel ner brother,the’writer.--}MA\{\-cOmmigsion..met,.jobbers:Ke Elizabeth Gity Matting Cont:Ecabacr anaesob T degBradley,W.1 andthe fine-*: I he ‘schools have opened-with the:Se patty.for biving-and milling ‘nice4 First Tract—beginning at.a:gut,a 45 lollows ee ait S07=Satie eat 8 }th twice.as much cr more’than.twice|BellTeaptured ‘all:their~artillercae~pe Bo sheth o ehe.Peal ras much as it:was before.Whereis |Supplies andclothing,many Measate usnal~attendance,;the ‘old ruard; ve Thatps onde tee be.*G Srrns Bley éapital 38,000,was:S incor:“Lge thence South 67°-Rastgzpoles‘to aAmaple.j#ble that:©their DIS hence-South'147: *site West 57,poles:tiBiie‘the equity.in “compellinge-a debtor and.“Remingtons,;.‘some .Ameétican while the-chroni ¢/delinguents ree Sold'so cheaply /¢porated dast week...re yee Mrs.N,.C.Christy's comer:thene =“Oak,‘mouth iis forgotten.»{ea See See tS tryis nopNts sold ee e a a who eonttacts its:wane hes.Winchester:Got 1,000 “rounds of matn away:Atis-Bards‘to -under-“Ithas double sweating is oraapecuness ee ae 73 poles fo black oakithenne5Boat a grade “of materials:ees 2 a “<matter 0 act and oO e..dou-b}was}“Th Tear ‘f &-value,double‘comfort..#..|°~MIX “JShieer See ‘Mo;,“saved:Sa me erSee on South side ene office twa weeks eae,oe =‘'2ble standard prevails,for according|P2vable in “two ‘or’three.kinds of |@mmrunition.The tifles ere,were hy pa "ents refuse”to “send -Washes better and||bischtid’s life by One srinutes:Southoo?Ba oy Ss,RaiMey's corner,srhence,eee eeeeeemoneytopayitin~one and the {abandoned in the-rebels retreat,|their children'to.sckooli;-whenvit.is bate Sete Minute.Couga’Bil a Eh da poleatoa's ceteencs:|einning with first Siesta“4 :77369 W tone,therice ‘SoutrePGure.”Doctors:had=given.her up te tote0 hait.33 Polestoa stompinthe'road.thence to”ile =ae oe ae aoe e ontaining 73_aetes\meaesthy:Ds Tt’s:an-Ipfallible MPS Radeon t Sold.suBJECt =o ‘the:dower ofAlor.couris:coldsGrippe.-pneu--Sane da joiningthelands.fy_Boat Joe: La]Re pieened whiter.tharffnyothergoodsmade.| f-:Apure.cotton,thor:”aa ‘Cleaned.and % toi li debts,public-and_private;eee oie "Tas the scarcer kind,which he willhave to itd:were scattered|along their trai!|free to all..God has:g¢ven’us .our reason why,they are moving for the ‘pay a ptemium to:secure?-The farm-fof two—uiles,the “enenem¥estaping children that-they may be.blessiagsaSSaemonitironEilver,:So that er-or merehgot=who.wives $1,000 semply,handed,With the.exception|tus and the “world.”“He “has:eu=}: ::s|monia,tronvtiitis .Sr throdt,a.‘well and oth :ae t sayewill’2,000 ormore‘to c¥n-;fofa few .riffes:“The women.and)owed’them:with immrort4]mninds.“carded,shard twisted,sand |3%ers Se ata std “artes Be aie~+Geieimay bao optione ©that |per Eeeo ckt tier ia angceae caeA (inti cadoan ey 00d fos |Wl ff SenNO SSE By.ane RUT,oe |e ere 7}bholder’a ;hnO Peat np vets mi 5 mooth;:i «:sth Roemer North s °Fast ;dst etice.ie :‘If 9 Detnoertie Pre er ee ee a eeecet anaotahaance-ineDainty hich Ji State woe ie |EA fol:ey gnaheee :ee eeae=|then So :Poles:ton “'st i x Seer ee toad,theage Seger te atone ies 0.8 stone.|ANING QUALI IZ D ace iptiaN apes ginning,containing >22 pole lo “the bert’dec a esta en : trattadjoins &7:acresmore6 eased,the undersigntyhieatsJrsttract!“This iAig,valuable eeS aeallpersons having <1a the:tows:PeomenchaabtIr yeBud §Y Oot |PB .MF this Save tion,”rey ae *ie pay.ment within twat. -sueceed Mr.-McKinley,the Secre-thus'it,is“with every:one whorowes |*_tary of_the Treasury,upvointed 6p*py]dollar“Helgges"a dollenand they al,awd:a-féw.other prisonérs,were Pinyly,provides “for _theirdevelopereod*bid i ht,if he deemed.it-expedi:fzolar speculator-makes ar daliar,:taken:*The~rebels-/had\:artillery |Meat.”“Itisa-ctimefor_parents’tol, :ee ee Besgovernment gd exo Fraud frombeginning toend ubder:trained to!‘command the~recular feethisy “This mdyhurt somé one’s]§Reine.er :silver,if he found it more convenient ‘the.pretence”ofa:a_better monetary |tfap-from Mangalarén;but Colonél nee feekibgs;butJet them:hunt.|’ Beem kit -to pay that’.than ‘geld,-and it ‘is te system;fraud~by -which the‘peop:&|-Bell-approached from =the:Opposite dm tryiieto redchthe.quickThe- ees a P prevent the—possibility:‘of,this that pf-this country “willbe robbed “of direction,toe tees ee ie deeper I Bec them,‘the:Detter”Xu SS on ‘the movement:is being-made -to es-.countless:Millions;of dollars:féy-the}‘The’rebels:are.estimatea ,,lik ry ies SNe f He:ag a ClannaDotated at w Rel NCEE wat LOfthis.notice or it®hela my Pit wecprecovery.vieeghege Solaa'lThisNovember.ye pee nanteeaal is“J;B.Connelly,AM eee ie RTS Antie~E.Cinwas rapes»Says,“Tsufferdd’a.Tongs time | wy2eeeee&pean a oy antes fa tablish the singlegold standard by“Toenefit of the:money Tenders =numberéd 2,000 men,withSofne}2.State*Superintendedt’says t |from dyspepsia’:slost.:flesh.and®ees ’machinerylegislation,making it im-gold:schemers,.-"a |Engtish;:“Japanese and four’Spanish’{that last year $520'415 werdexpend-}°.|Cathesvery aveaky.Kodo.Dyspepsie}3 ae ee res\>.perativeto pay in-geldy “*——--'*}~"Phe ‘aor is Wee Philip‘Philippines,is5|OmmeeRS:og eyes 2 edtor white ‘scheols,-and»out,offf o af [Cure completely cured he.”Tr a,———bissoivE Co-pactnetitin Seed Wheat.=any s=1°.|After that a DemocraticSecretary.about over.The main bodiesaf the |-.++>Serle po Bets 'ftotal of408,787-whiterchildren ONY I 9 oar dase Bowen’she oti _jgestswhatyou‘eat and®~Curesna)7]Ss Mt Dablie:aeeat General Metohan:||Bave Seed,Wheat and Kgs Sho ae ..of the-Treasury would~have|n0’op-|insurgeiit.troo are ptur di,eh Ww ke Fo a peter ¢|263,217 were-enrolled,andthe:aver-;Bf ship rect foe coe el a any yee ‘jfotmsof stomach trouble~*It.OBse naoeane Stony,Slaewornyha forte,Ss aeaetion,and before”silver coald.mn ti ne SaRCUTe,OK:Seca en pleet A itt fale attendance wass only,140,162,|Hfrnedooabbousabegiee Bine ‘}fails togive’sinimediat ee D iiseed wheat or rye br hayee’R again |Scattered.The-leaders --are:Tn“full the.jaint-debate anksgiving Whata showin®!:Wh We oe ast hed Sen:i:ediatenrelief i _,|Deplember ahs,eee eee “|become:arlegaltender it:-wouldbe /fight."Theinsurgents”no don:{Hizht.“This intboSecond time thatiits blame:to thig?1 ghiaoe pe be ersticases,(WX falls St ee =SoM_cosy ae ayeseho ger havean ariny,4 eapitaloracab.|WakePorest bas woulthe cup -offer>|temptito-atiswer ‘he cues et {oA Virgioia,3 :Soe Houses or Compress,to-sepeal oe ewe aie irseretgare =,be Teeschchess=ber eee this timd;Bit will The readers Off:ci |porchased-the Eiley™mine,“and”oeShSoa:~Dhetquestion discus St thiskindly &t the ott 2 ——:{mineralinterest'on To0-acres'ci:-:gold enactments.Knowing:this the.Hhope that the*Amiericans can.,soon+Thursday..ede ee e-questida,rote ==.‘On ‘acres’Of]0:;:“¢bY.¢,-Was,”*‘Resolved,Thats ee a eae .RB oe :ZReojepold:men would.feel:safe forisome}.put at end’‘to.all resistancé;but this,Unived ‘States Sehators’oebel.Che,aonie Nov 28,29--E-S.:M.AhStabe en yo ie a prke nanny 35-5005 “s sscf -aa!4.00)Tkis wo saving sgiving.day “the:Tok &rrhoeg‘R Ree and,|.7 : —.a eee oe OCHOk-|Trinityoh the affirmative.othe ce}Nersity.of North..Ca¥olinaGetéited |i i refued en fe ee ees see ae Dyn”‘.2 cy Spat.and"Spoke Yourtive army the.Univérsity’“of Georgia ia:“agam iF Panact ecsaahene tua sweeney Specie cae.uit’tqbacto-oasily and forever,be mag’.of football layed“in ."Atlanta by’ad ery.ittedto ebesthe:‘most,O present the sameto+gee estate are a ine docket ett ba giating zitsDe manorWoche yeeee o'0;-and'Dayidson defeats.oe tar remedy to:use for-biwel fi ieee tagged ene SFbceae-hey.desire,-it ‘wii!bold3good-entil,p Carolina Col ége.by”the ‘@pmplaints:aud the”“only “ovesthat,diatepayment of;ri ho Pare!sro,san sre.k’Ridge;a Ta.is:ple aethe.as-ot the bis :|:oa Tot.dge;sie gefaslorpeeeeopeane wean i ‘years-to-comé,and in:addition to}is doubtful,-as'the Filipinos,like the selected “6 ty eeAbiaitwoud.be-ruch “easiet -f0r)aac =o=r pelected “by.*popular-syote,“eth On Thank! S <><them to count-on,‘holdingoné®-or|in ; “both Houses .of Congiess “than”toljSafeignPeétect:‘@ President.If.theys eae atts 1899, ate vx et mee NT Me ai oi — ‘,~7 a;*= =.a aceor ey Niter iadRaves eg Cough Cure:“Thisremedy “quickly Bare ras ae poe ina ‘forcible hour<-dbout "48 miles.“Sheds”cies naejumping into the:ae.or ..ay s wou ljaciisue yan«Opesaattind#iy,toh Uk zOodS*mt yous OF git 3 email.foe ms-of |throat add:lupe)Te tie =Sh aie:S eee aten BY:thé ‘Parsons.torbine.tele te Stily 21 thSane!ae Ceéiag*y tick toa acrd-the Push.stack.anost ariel *a anmless.and,pleasant “re cnen See A Be BONN the-inventors she.Noe ‘ould one Tats ss .‘one ily :soe -ik be cCloseout.Thinkin vouSeah favors we are »irevents,consumption.|.Mr.B:‘Jones,SrAwiaston:meni maké54:Hessen.hours PAE Br es “eh as act ene ~The‘Variety Store.eee ieFarNewatic:Metalio theneah Ba ger ee :Bit ete 0 ie =“seers nad Famed Tt -caased-berrible.icers Rp lwaty-Beard Shi ped:sa Fone er aan atl Mr as sc dane ho area ager.f ABS the oatsof Hood!fetpreneyitsjit(anger3h a :treatment:=helped:ta od ,Cou ‘}st:week!.“the:pedir Sint et %2 th Hah (f 2 Scowsisring or nae ee otneat alee:“pany bas besnfined-$1000-for giving.4i5¢PS pees at Pipa oe Caneae‘ted WerhS +7 Yer >}r-Silh “Lea 3h Re iP ary ee caer 3 be ME Se 3g :+S:i BesglPees sEiicinssikerweg 17 1 BSR beeCahacorsat sos altyote iat :Ulin.Nowelt ies;Marrorse tee ee Tea ne 8 ;Te Die Dator Genesio ie ¥eC}<Soil loid 8 Pa.win:ye eer age eS aumow’Carriers:fyom s r.ce 3 WorkBases and Basete fs yes =&Nigh i oto ;Sse to aydae eet.Leather.Goods:eh 2.24)The baskest.abd.migthiest:,Pe 'oa ,pwiiving Sets:2.-.:1 Fhuviqal FostremiestRST gaa se ate we i hc le boro.tobacconist,Sar ms +@tarejustthe thin for aman,whet-hétpadiiceteSet=nes iePanes AlemS.2s Iggng's New Tite!Pilist,Every ¢pill|Amevican Tobacco:Ca,ig al (un...dowSPUSaeeeekCEVERYTHINGINVASES"TOYS ise;|ah Ts,fe does Tescokied abba of health;Ras igtcrsdaw nen rE |Whetherbe liv 3 P creo “eek Pre “WE aU Ais See Glee a8 TARG fuk Eins.a TREDERE,eeWRpute ;Be the grea +ttso“pare”atid rR reek AS.BO: Racedeee:y oh 2000 ‘eottgn smill.-nsTIEpateeva:atspensary Saets . IS)Phe,Rankin’tainted gat Faetigvitteywerejburnedlat:eee extmtmister,Prestyterian ehiirch!; Si peeodeer®peccnied Sunda 2 ee # Eee 3 <ana.pices ao then oko. ‘Thre cara ie SProf:;.aoe :ratedOn for-appeneaeeeeictgsSs ‘ ;aR Batfeteand:wena he Th shay for:Cobcord,.cNtAh natde-BleckHa ore on «Tues: Ler’OFS;Dew.Chae ica’mae SeAiea Th ras +Pi g w ;X ,a :£2 :i ‘b 2 as dt aa ’f sae :ar,:sniplas Boyd,of;“Shilbh 25 ames &3 3 ;Anat Me PBs :anis :s 5 “both |are sashbrook. bask week:2W“wisley’Stater of Ee“LStokes woubty;bad hiya re;‘tornoff “esSa Te “urringér,he atigattby planing ichine?”Se £:Tesen,¢isitige-herdaughters Miss hy PO Ex-Cougesssitian ‘Pom.Setrley=of.JS BEES,‘returned:16 Grarppite eet ‘Gréensboro;andCollector-;DuyeantPPSG,.eS Se vr fhag,ascrays”‘n Raleigh:fast week: Ree SenSS aicipenk:“of “ahestet issuidbrakewaib Ec foleyigh ase |!Sa ~$4jpartine nt at Lustick,iwashin elope.Week=felt of tie!shifting engine and* bes Saker Tre position ofdepu- Ley inehe!Clerk of the:court’s.‘Offiee. ce hit :&First Nationa1Bai STATESVIELE:,NOeric - i es erp ri::~Erp dere ciaveasuigecete -cohen.slg ta<pnas ‘Spent:Several”Gayss Boxe.last!fo Cit off eaitsitig his death.ia :Tosity.Moneyioanesorr Gold calle teralaee persortelseGuri py ssihyuige!Ta,cee ee hi §i Shite’STEN SonTipeeinertionOnatkmethts,2,Vervaltedof reniittedat Towestrate:|1 neues u witoes-ioceratf 1x “dl Ei=aod rations “Merchasts;Mathitactarpr“and Tndwidnals:sHieite d aid,+s Wi.and Mrst Geor:SFE OWar diyteounty-diedlas BY:OF 2 SAS Hi peetet On ux ptfawronretri tepmS «at onsSES PereSc “it ASheville.Care’“Stopping:art rectal typhoid fever contractedat:theory Ge=here}mali:‘oe “Ey aORRTCRRE= ne Fig:wis KSprie tiirrdee = er Ereaidest,:..CUESMice Frosidens ee MSs ‘Amanda Belinaer,“auastiettonptas ia:aks J i }stpst,MissTittle;lett”Prtdayreves poner for.thieear amounts tb}4 alinge fotMoorestifio-From-Moores:4 §“gistal Tw Rates aotisteeSeaeathey‘went:ie Ave ee Serera).Of-the Sidk‘at dais NoranatablesReees|havetrecovited suflicieatly*to leaveLEuvASCOTisindebtedto-Wesses.|pfor theit hoes,only tyo-dre |now b= _[Btiansod &Atiderson.{GF one of shekierg"fk.!2 :Sane : ene}{prettiest arid mostartisti¢calendar tbat hasever hung:in tke.deta “atheSuara Haxdwark oO;‘gastos£peor porated hast’ipweek,*capital]<a san¢tumy’ms rte se =the Datie Times at.the-ausae wane eSa mending}opMry Henry:‘Marshaed ‘Prof.Aliens}-“pot Statesville,Speat ‘Thank schvin ge:©“steel ater )m“HT at the,home_df Rene Yadkin fiver -petween:Hoven 0 ~deief Esa,pear tow DS ee +Po SSee a)DavidsonSmtr Was.speedy bbe?K Leas “tis ‘preparing:to 'iacpereetbresidenceSti-his-lot:ous Cen Pr]tops reatether.of Freeland flyces ce Sete:rear ; is.WRU LBSTS coi plered pores Doctor'FSt 19-000"‘They. ies ateile:wil stop:cat.gta.are pmontoN,“be ithe note ~ eelee They waxpeedtox ¢] Dy,has ‘oleed ethe ose4 oggeeriNgr hes ;B capa ei Soete din Awe:a ween for the}Font :ALES“COM te:aehiavers Tk‘na bearoully aie AES en eed rder ‘ot “ATi oko uy ii foe Toe jes Bo aa oR aeungeidasctIeee5.See whe :as oe Pe ab)3 4%£sf barhis *thamb|kes oe in Davie}: “Hines ilie:4as §to have S anothee“| -,We.Esp;Wat pe te swuiskegyh oeeerevenuePeeedesegithiof46 21 and Untyersipies:30?‘thi £3250:0007000,.anda"Seven ty worth.S U0,p00: r earlygall-;jof -the’New <kig +narhts have followed.the lead ul t sai“|Lowell antisoeeae heed rages,Leo rhaudedby re -Mino,¢ing}<fon eee of:thetoivn:‘to Six =. Br 00'-‘Were s Coty rSeeexdnd:dy has’S30.a ;tHe woppsedsSTH oft’on.fil hse OR Sl ihitise tit St atta reper;at/t o'clock: Lis fed,until- feproneer “33 “Py esiditie E er d: rRas perinittedan exctnnstc3betsteeri hte pastecs “Oh sectorAooresvilleCircuitsWwRevaWartic‘hom;ieoaterches Sentato.Moat hehehe:we o>Het TL ohapon.hestieti fis"Sto.Settle as He tigille,|urésthar Be I Hagerto :spay See ffamot€guite sie last.werk |}iea,tere «She~Had: 0:Of:ber daughters’,. ently died Der M. Fire*a bon ale Stiuiyeounty: ast week dostro yed-the Central Ho-|" tek postoficge3.‘Stores and'a”dwell-:&ink flos¥abaut PR20.OOS Ainsurance, F000 Hite . “Wiss.‘Evat is,nae said a m=fs 2"2 uudduy's tsae tore cant.‘s Pleas iF“lag a bideto vara outgorzalipos:a pete ' rowedfrom ert &-Karch-)awarded$225 by &jury last week for ore,howe é iAny,t soveartized’Sat bd-thag ain anethreSStgble-by.parties “unkitewn and.‘ijuries sustained by:falling ote or nipierie epigey oA,Sy mi nl ahha URN net pacaly a ZA ORE ER 2 See ee bel: “omeen Onna LETp*into:the :sepantry:s prizuarded diteshesONS:Sipeesy.Staeet,‘Foes ‘-t tog 4 ae Be gan ioe BarrentogES ae 4 bat }at “borrowers”“brought shercOut=:Linabine;TRIMSPe nite ,= iti sf the wae Apis.seiderstood:that’‘the:sGxeolin ee he&:Northivestern’raitro ad:changes: cae 5]‘Wands:‘after ‘the fiftstiofy the.year:atrdi]})rthat thie Seaboard RieLine:will Have ies sionrt 4 :tO:::AK j “!=;;:“Abe plattore Of*Fcointraliofyit =re ep ee =f destavit a =gi’hetar§a mod.Lheiri zhtent¥Sectors Dearest bach peariset :i}te Tar :=:OROte E areicans ina pee +Pore tysea Sxl _eed tespace Tee fountthe Tons ehsereottthe..¢lek OP Megk tows.at thi Jeginfature -pone res Nty Fast T ursday Byithe alyPer.CHagk.fot prials. hewith MED.1H:©Ander:resting:uoeument,:oeLoti,éf Charlotté,isekeontor.$2200 Porites jirsirance-cdes to his.mother 4)and S1,000'to his fatier>his-real-es- (|Tfitetand personal propertsis ta be:,divided among his brothas,and..sis- thet Se: Judsze tday:theeAish 2(y4 under.a ea when it)was anther Tsepolice of Greensboro aere-4 :ceived -inquities.front”Charleston |:“General Hughes ‘has.“peetpied: about the Rev.-E.E>Wilkifords:“|towns in the district forthot Lloia. trap book_agent-ae“posed as,“al Luzoe asahes PisBepines ae pat ‘Baptist preacher an:Was driven ‘out+Surgents:ar retreating tos tn ov en ia ‘Winston Some time’ago,©6s we mountains in neces bands,a‘Sai la Beva aun He.Go a1 1,© or “15t is impossible to get them to.fight Fcaistonia’®Bes ;~fe ::—-Lancetinglast Thurs day:vight?lected UMrs.:Avery:Matnéws™Gull was "PRT do ae cape ~wating,oy Re =e Ey SC Cas neon Re i Rhee following:ofticers=CL.AV ebb ‘fractured by.‘a--falling iter near}Almost.atl the New England.anills:}faemorningt ger tM ang Sg!SRR ES os Be ee aviiace,WG©W.Ec Naihd Matibn-slast’’Pbursday:‘afternoom.|have sereed.to the10per cent./ad-|of Mt.Heary ohnson wa ——.—arena —-es$:,P=¥Sol L:Clarke,of R&Herstusoand eut the tree down.and)vance in ‘wages,and the mills in.A SWB Phifer,“ML.of We;Tz Fan:“some way it fellon‘her.Thereis.gusta,Ga.,and Bath -and Langley,oe a3 Schiller,Mrof Av?R.--Poston.-M.little hopes ‘of her.recoxery.©4S.C.,willvalso‘make a substantial ana 2 Bos eS ofBs JS Erv cM:ofS;NS Ash.1.Hr increase in wages after the.asof ending ‘a man sana3Jobn-H.:Wiliamgon,:“awell,known th ae “beent,interestiand bAESJ.-B.Foster.O°G.:‘and.Messrs-“pegrojpelitician’of-Louisburg.has esa oa etree mec ile wal,allowe=.10G.Powell;WFD.-Turner,and-J.}atten 4book-The.Ex:Siabsan Boets are accused:by"‘the nied.atl.A.Brady.trustees:These»are”tio “which be argues“against”granting British of periéct-indifferénce to the S vine one ld:hi m hee“yj.[Sewve'for-the next six “months.”AT cuipage to.ex-slave..Even’the,“ne-lags‘of war.1b is ‘Said ‘that they |7 Si ebee ;;3,Tasteiess:and “Giiaranteed™to.Sas Chis and-Fever and all Malaria!Troubles.”te ee =t in Other Poison.”=~.-eReDoesNot)Cou iis as SerNot Injuge,the-Stomach Sox Eitectthe Hearitig. Sie N +2 A MeLar¥&Son,DimeBox,TFSOkn,BAY 3°‘Ramon’s'‘Pepsin Chill Tonic is.the;;B best“we ‘have:ever Ean@ied.My son prestrihes itin:his’Pete atotechy itis: B ithe only Chill a which"'a child.caRake without thjury"to the stomrach:eitih. Prieée 50-RW N.MEG.CO..Prop'rs,Greeneville Tenn.i aa AeibseYo “Phe Kntehts SF Pythias St ‘their —— ~<.Pp :Sele sont Ls eee |Comninittee,was"appointed to report |,3 |hayenuséd-the white-flagasa means |:: eeeSutehtine stock of Ou,theadvisability of the ‘lodge~tit-ftlona smendmest.of me pone:‘of.decoy and that:theirmen aye Several oi.|ee awardia the hospital:spre Wtae me worn Red-Cross badges"when serving.S ..Se :eSeeeee“0 Alt<A eolored Baptist preacher:in|out ammunition.”EV era!PECK Ae %:=unsuccessful:but aminute to overcome Charl6tte tried=:to..sun*away with|":phenew Englishrtdrpado boat.thie a fe bi outstn‘the thr at-and ta sfép ia another’pegra’s wife last week:‘The Viper,is the fastest:on“tecord.On‘fchecties pence“)eointh-bsL the.“use.of Ove sinute|}Jady”was:willing.But.Jher bus-)her trial:trip-she madé 33"knots:an Mondaymornimgcte finis ee:eeefof grippe'and its }ber-oftthe well known law.firm Of}—In-adetperaatelduel ‘between seve:&y seieteli ,:.ee)OE aoe Ww F.u aot ome “\Jones‘and Patterson will,be married]pue®0:cers:a bloékaders.last|has see 7 “Sb ve a .ina!pr Re Te F Sime)‘ton thé 21st i8t.-to.Miss Susie%‘Bar-weekithe,“Dark Conner;“the DO=|-hi is r i “¢ipodiae of tigboun,’of Falmouth,Ky.“Mr.Joes}:;z+:BS the-Democratic:Candidate for villecounty,‘Sout||Solicito‘ofhisdistrict MD the last }Cornwally’’a -réevenu Se ee tome&fat ety!Pkulyy,fied :in haekes Sloan x‘Shelton-- aoe 60 Sed éns of.’ ae ‘d dlogkader,ee ee©jaailwatabout s 33 Sper.,ow comes,from Ore Bik,Xe 7orkofishaftingandtuiae i.:eee Ce aa rh Eee ae yee ons oo Hili-mines ts>proceding|roc sacrien,MEM ol ga Sie Fa gk Oe eole Re a ie ra that itcis.ex pected es eet ;Sil -lgite ehae PR GA foe ene ee One:ibe all there foath a-cis Ze hee.iD:e cha re tae a Ben a ee ad _—=Se oe wr,‘%eke 33 Se :VAs a OE em eet Sy seagate :"Let rotht.to,Winst eee oe ace ‘.tt x . Atha “that'thab ges %Geakness iintostrengthy)ans 1)-Mistiessness:fifo energy,~brain:fag}“>.#pte mental power,“TheyrewiwonteS“dérfelin:butting),up tke “health.| It is-tpot:toe airiy +his ae rid sf ThinSeino,¢core bina &S Be CaeSeems.+t csretfuli.ta a sees ea “y Net 0.grout havea-new leaseon ae ef ;“present.bi:iondt been reng!jx vot |hunters took away Lewth and“boues. ‘lig Messi:fodsiy:sy Abrat eeor,by ads 10,ane.O00,)worth sh pr mee as avd Glink SSheaGseae 15°80 adunitled:: cs iy bie has beaten het s the tes a>watherinis:oT dhaypaneseStatesmeoat.Pe Rattof ands thes oat TO said to.hay’a ue ‘on thes LOSERR= ment,te aa en ‘States Government *aMereibar} eaerayter o :we ere BardedLoreal Gis Body Hai:adiLXfarwardawetheswnfae:pit ts Them3wackAeseldsaust)One}push:tFs body bac ia into NaHLhatsa0tVert:aache iw Let Pain eth oyah:ne’=.whi Lehiis Sou!te]be he“and;Heche:cast iorswallik.Of weat pi Rope Coa:tf At the end etfthree Bonr <a re ‘xdly Avi vhaf gine Siemiberscot th,aoa Fa trilyTashbrookHadtei:rhned tio sep up thre Hire,een ay :Ltheettobs there 3 “etfort tocconec: WOT a nrask 4: SnOtea.sin- devtity.So og w Te ta -"Count v }IDVExt i@atjion abdnet urniadiclments 1 agains tthe Jenders'Ofte "noel sdel The corbner Bef”waP ing yest overaecharredréeniatnsofRichardCole-min:and rendered the Simple er- AeA:“Death ait the linnds of amy). Fhe body was lett iving there “and ats Reise andtlésh:and every.{FatimentZor We Sody-th ex.cour Jay:their ctiands on Ashe a{ternoon-childreny:;es e or! thentnotmoredian?6 years ont kept ap the tires ovetlis “Digteker ed body.‘by throwibyorassikjndling wood; br ash.bits ofboards eae ny Con ust talethat-they-e ould sather. ‘Lheaction of.the “aiob seenrs to “be erally approved even by women,who 4think hay hereegiter they will wsafer.: for the apprehgnsion ofthe menrbers ofthe:mob whieh Anayir ed.¢vole man abe a as ‘ae het z¥__=5 Se abe SOASsanitary shattsti Gaia“tigate S ont” soldier <kifled:in.aw.ar, Lee,die fr ou re ISG. sien Mifton Onpeaticn ef.oa We year “old New Yor1‘boy «heii ae SD 00a. R00,has been’uissinpe.over Esrlaweekeandisssppaped,is 7 iver been:» bes{egiai ayrageed See sid without,pe giv“he LOUIEnom beroamingatlbherlyn0oseae It;is GstimiWed by.spurt iagintatise Heel ‘kidara pps d:Hag ie iths that#25u,A),HOO are:Annies. ostaon,the.fort.vAUstradia-leads-- ‘i TALOrse ¥Bing eyuntrice. aw priunity of Bnedands bal‘aa FLthe bulve HC liasasd: abragur Seems “ahat Japan? they tanks.for the.demajn fytit, hts est in:ited 3 thenext fisbal beat.3 sey SLs;ee wabaot {for pEESIONS aigd.1a *Pensions vilMaesfor yes.ni,O00: q :pandTh ae il take Be0fayexpensesadpenser ;PSroigs.at.Biewennt Yate Wilk inga:” fesayBers ac a darter,ob 27D1l- Medes risers Fines N ” tne’cihthites tt Normal. Are:youonasteey hoarse?”“Do.you"-haye that annoying.ticklingin your throat?Woujd“you feel relieved if you could}.raise-somethingP.Beene cough annoy you:at night,and” do you.Fase.more mucus in ane ‘morning nehenyoucut‘altways Keep on hand a.bottle oF:; rs ‘y =Tf"“you have.a “weak ” a:Sires you’cannot.be too t ucareful.“You cannot begin .. “treatment too.early.Each “coid makes’yourmoreliable .: “to”another,and:the fast- :‘one:i always.harder.to a Scure as aeone't‘before i it. ep.aHand:s ouchave any complaint~ a testis the ‘best medical,advice.you can Pos -gibly ‘obtain,writethe:doctor |freely.>.You:“yall,sere a7 AC ;DR._COAYER,-"address Ceviin Vir=|ce ts at:W F.;;Hal Se,’$a5zeLe3StoFreybottisgustintee “t Onl y:2b:——er.bax.|: iW:aeee :Jr:amee 4 2W.‘E.ALLISON. est‘possibl’es xme nO?tors:vag ture.Adatay shot,worta talnie Bitetta “promptteply=—sees M29 3 voIee";ne AS?PrachiGayy ~Urbinated Daririers Bo thet thodsasgels Wiio consti-: i the leiders.z Waar there * im thes © =‘ti arate “J gatere’=ee boson,!Ma em panel 2 aapegiak.UEV at once-49 takes speedy * Goxerner ‘bt agi Ny anboan ca this »*afternoon.that he will offer tre wird? oe th S100:GU,OF,i irlanid totais:=ivetWIR.SOD00 0600°Tet her’$1009. WQo,YDNsbein®2 dast i barter!esDH aka Russia wpe’Sxpiechenl |“15 Sine the Kee :thet, Hehp thoralirend-seal Cet Stiatsrule . ies af.Pagnties XB ' ce BRE,ROT etl =ati ORE eeee -:Wee be ;pe Edi x “i Soe ee ey res ET a iene vi Mg da na-Senatel ?Mr.rn ae a a ek Pia Pe.3 Eaaioaer Ss Se tS BP BARR Bes ee rd ipBe Som Gaatsehisdewslifeh hE 20 * emma dt.oS.““Prete LE fy *sepembeds cD?arn ow ae x in Stent ry ‘a Ww %fee F dies date fort,sth “DéSind! |Shier Baptist esa HE!k Nanpao [icretcisemiounce aa ilies | LhSanexfveut’old dtd wat eed%30)ibe less %Fash 1hG rg Verein a a % mend et aeae .a 7elyShowycen:Bie uasaeaAoeGePeder‘ut!copete ot e :ahi:TO:matifes gt femdTafechiwvaty a ‘d Siti rrp si SN e ee at ==ae Pedi EimherC . Bey as PAhogr tex ascorzantied ot of FO:pnbogrnkss 3 aS go tans }. RLseebintpiurhy ««i x as :“yb SEA BEL NWI Ue *iatepadk ;4 ‘arin pt Whaat sca pgcity of 3aH08feet J >eitte ei ti (ENET-cgislatupe.to:xbdtish mlb the Cay.Frits dba af CEMA eesc teetien esa tw}b Bee:et Phe.7 Wes<tEOGast.r Nigral ctenioabeourtyin the;Sthicomn ai:ied dogs * :a Bee ut Charl a Leas Say.<Forstermesg“Gazry of }wh sala,a f GEE oh tite*Hunibery ‘oF —i S : q ‘sai.v };>fused “Giet ot frp faleeersliviuy Lids)S15%.¢Be,~‘aii set s aCweesDe Pes Saeed seth ae ; -"4 seat 3 gat te sear ine NTC).eat his Atte}Shane dinaninsar arage ft sae?eye"next peryocrayé “Sh,We_Ch hs ne Pa 2 “hi :Qk Udine sds .ee .=hie ata ay atti last,PuSdar,,Hie ti sabtheen:away:that rppidys:wend).ALagilt meats at dials,Ajpeat ut EL ere i: :ee i 14 iho otae ecean te =e tt i Lovent Day Soa)Woyed yee ee _Greyisborg pub’pa Pryiy Sm ER ne aS +;4 patna ee om.3 .fHrwand he Ww SC eee Picea yy itan the+State donmnit,ee :=HAlio wprit At Nae 8 a ne a =o fo Ler a Nae for hot Shijog.hime ting a Seep :[rete -tifie’sete pging afito IZ,j ’ae Jredettvo unty;. eerie f il ne a ie “thes Eakins Sere pe Dn:pe SES i ay"t ‘tatte’oh;re atti Sy =:: °;:-WILELAy,JENNINGS TRANS Le Patifoen‘nlp?Jas eResiindiocd |cocitenodesaba “{theWedteb y Tite:aa’movement,Rise Startcc ;Lone ;dssidned®Spoahirebaet ie ms re 5 f ae }bt mee Rahs ta direc riva n Belegrii a4 |Phexzell purhtorse at jrouganyean She Narigiiat Lease -af,‘Republican +py eo Me fo ‘ ae ; a “CPRXEC v TIN EE ¢“OMIT TEEMELT-[and vlephiting’“CompanyoF “rate Vive:hime-up-co wih,SORE Paul As Ahir for rhenutninationorSgnatér ~Pardons wre reteived here Tes es : eae 4 as «oo INC as —~report The:Delete eo nae aivhras he:Shes!Atk es a ECROL fleshLate as.vive acs.Bay,Sm ter okerret:for Ie:; =,Ty ‘Recoil ns |ihe baro tier disttivee ante e eo oueous >aft ‘hy ney ana Leo! ~“Tike Democratic exdttite “Gorgiint phone sd goers erre pense EheSSouthorass treetYann ieee ORE ees OL RepeRiedy ucker:or.ouitbe R egcaer ss wlzo :Z “ted of tre deck cokn ty is hewreby ‘caked hhetlor als em 4 Hvannalit aspecial olsieears,prdderet i omeenutor Qlagizt3 Geet “has:Toe Kaen “s}= “hel “he mect at thie «ofat -@ ofF the>chtaipmifn ete.|:niles-an HOME OVeB sth ore whi CESLOE KO sided abil fit he Senate iba cs ae ¢Cherr vy ne eo Pees Sig ::ft “abs“eho ine fing otsGeO ‘Peidaye:‘Sreakti the wedtid pee tgor ae cOustitutioual:amend}o int “Te Tis ts ma ee oy.ie tigce Rae PE ns is sn We 2Se =‘Uso eet es ead 7Saree ‘mie pacbre ffora “aoe xondbe rd:SR eee ee.“Bat >e Pres TES >eSinion Wednestays xg Janyg vitled,7 WYER.BheiTs S apy Avere “taken tp.|.%a ;jg elas ax.lgs$7 meorme “tay. :a1s0e,to,consider “unfethaoa pvardserhe Kouiple ih teihitiition pl “Phe Wyech.fag dak gn gatidi oTthe KAY js yraperal ive.ebecgunt :Lo} ;et ae Dk the roads tae”Seateard =ptbies Ameosedg tedera yor ot hatoy:our Geek iuticogstt ae ou :uh ~b.Rin CSE x full alte ngaGe:vas enrs Pai Tey Sestik he:Se nit wail wf ;“het Manday:in»Derpit “gyit hy ZU:2 "alts hut Loa 3 4-38 -:‘pyre >>gees oe “;be ete ne :nests dedired.nes :Bata,rmdss ww ye =F.——eget:ie thenren bers p Diefowet Tijise of ie Peoria ennanesh ! “ns :>Ay CES Lib h!‘ie?1 we 0)cred Sp 3 fy)far ies Samators!on =2 Sp.a,_eebiige ies i a DW VERS aie Mctareuti Pen row if Hichor§Re cake 2 ies ate 3Waris Sepadiar eee Sea tare oTRV gute lager 4 SGP AROS a Ef CE CERRYec we Bhadén furl.a pete ys dtorday.atteridon>.Derdex®ii “kostralif,|ae yh victcaion ind Supperea iJ!athg einige onifi tbe Ce Es Cook Sf Nidb 3 Als :=ha ee et.TRH ulé.and Arthur,Beard,Reve:bah leasi statutes have--deefthrawn “heir eetdn chact logis!Breast e LEODY 1 tel ook,of Ndoraskik “tie ar :‘Tit ST ATE CONE EN FHON *y ‘tre:Stod:-tebrn the ae eminpt toe Onerae:trddps toaturtat ¢against “thes eft retedearly *‘twenty:years B20; Ea pers }s ed teinthe:murder:Raytiond sn portation and-sate'pf cigat tt ss)fareved bere:y ¥&: Suh 5 ~—z he De mye vi id Sra Ee itl Hk tie:‘vada pfp whe thio;has’ratte Corelimate des:ms iw =ee hi ai eke toads on 3 “visit Be mad cS A::Spee been!ptted»ae past ees ae tWe de Aebou?a petsoiial ‘frie oil =duehter,MPS.AV.S.aCarrigan,j ae Chk well Loreal thespiaenge ne Oe ie gos So bae ye ses re ber ries SJ 2-Brvan;fas’‘Beet setetted4 Rearhoe ‘hesDoctor™formeply:4 es ee te meet ‘early The!Spare:has:Xf Thr Soaheccn eitway asssoejoTeentrtwo sae wi OT tedake:ae ot=the prass>burtaglelivec where MY 5,bumsdemtixessana| Ate ge dt’work.before at “oly irry tbe eeHiotembt?Realefromthe Ric mond featsé en ieee,Spi:teeDemocratic Nationstcommit-eee udtuet’ciuzen of this.aod é <oh,weIMOTIVE OLkS “mira has”dtso7.*yt t<te Ce,He &ar old:Ta LLKe@s cOMmnTy erty orn ; :nes ib a é Sa é LAAN QTY,vt wre ears" 2 ee ee 1esdmmnt,abet Xpril,le ‘TOUe LOO iver sorders:toLear compat jester Porthind.Me}—tust tunday~Out nd has held.‘responsibtey raed4ago,vide wasSit one’“time,The ?Res.”vk CHeni-deicsial STE: :‘NO tetplivgte ithe sonfest’rheoe “passencer 2 arse ue baephee ete may tO “Soath!Attica 1to aid Fositions on ie i “Aaili sea forial,pablican<“Oandidate ~aesmechan w het wal ales ae :<.within the party shelving ‘jess than cars,”430,botcars ands fey soars Brers.4to ef See largest Cities tte Nees oe acaidstMaj.o Wo 1 chobvins “opis stig Wonseant comune ee ae gusts,See Siftaces one-withan.saint i four montBs for-as Gisduksian,of the hue andcavat thevears.¥=<=:"Phemeipbersof “the.“Natioaiahor:|General rosy Sage as i pe Parte tassel z Vase ESAtous ;3 “you Bp.‘fhe<old winter mornings that’s coming.3 af SaadeseFoie Dies be aie “the af ee Voter aie ioeas tn Se iesaiskeatipn SOREROE Of ‘tap Benplp t See sroxsovion of Obi ia =:ee s ead moss HAVE e@od dine-of talkin-machines ‘and |records be 4 iMoeatesedt th &proposed améndme“nt!So Tat Eridgyssin which Mr’peat.tet ta Memphis tat Renay Lob the toorot,Consetss,BA peers oe 5 S ea made nthe batons acpeaeee ee ine e fi have éyetytida sto gain.“by bavinds Daa Teepe way ‘Onegt tbepeed urgedithe exegyrive’.commitice|Fonor in’régarded as the.re cite iocs =~ale of Personal Property:pronipeees eo eee ae ;* ‘F s F s 1 Aiea kerrca “cominittee,w tavted tie dall thé:Nallonda<omyentvap..Inftive Get or OS LDS TE PLCSOU tale WEDNESDAY,HS .“nd fitst-chassavork.:We.stak:Mandlit ;2 i &tS progis Lovie “andettects,chorogzhiv hor Paine,x Sulser?prions;wax waft Bebr WAKE 100.Ssh OS Sad Sempehyaf eee =Sent,ibs.judged deve pt teint item ut bichher ams os Bigresidestce irsete Ss seus ae AU all yo 2 eae aatch hea+P and ‘eat tC ;i ere eG NS a understood-by the voters Sits 2 “!.thense eat ta mill."Phe it BDL 2 RULOUS ewilk CXS be estayenireSS hciergtntec ees ageidst said fotiction amy Se ete ae cansisting:|ste“belfirst-clas 3 fe.:Mi wie | :,Tee Pos e AC Airst;‘sub,f “BhESe hedule ob+ee "Florida tyer PEW pen the admin Staatioe ane “the sieryindeSaban —ace Peete Sean:torr rauhi farming smblemealsS,TRC stock,tc.”Pane,hee i ces peadnts ill enteayor “to:misrepre:A Seciptor.eSaaee ee {*ojn Xew ¥ork jo.Jacks@ivTHe vers maqoEority inthe:loweetéuse nd that Decetnberraanoeade ai peaean:uyMeert ato ‘age eaeiat eres e %( eS mae sept its protisidns and -uristfqag.thes :roe Fisaia pe wats Se So Apare the Southern and PlatSeesestsS is}n-antjadmi visTEation neuber owill SS ccae Seen eHof same;“|:|P09,-CR EREOODAIAS.ES era , SM Sele 5 pestle,Apa {ithis the,date for Of eek]ie ne ents wSets hours forivhe Ho milesssa faster |set Hotavors.,va Fes eect JEM ARGARET 8aC,CLaan ry :x a era 4 SSS =the StState?convention,and party Soe from:Ne COT PRAY;statigried Tetuet Gree Benger.ew|The newSonestron eine soph os tek vk: ‘:_ S iP es Ork samc pearon..=cc phe Meda R , :“eo mitests tr the Lé Seickat hie,apathel Feo |hineto 6D Mass urrested :‘fast fc ;<Tthat,the-Présidetit..will again ap COCHRANES..So A WEE RESIDENCE,foitesport of state \y { :edt a oe week in.Chatlotie..te had Hirth Rech aerti Lowtt Baptist yim point Hok-H.G Ewart as-judge of #4 xiteon bap eee i at y offices Should be setited rior Yeurs aod 7 Umydnths +to serve pow Tster and 4eats of.AV here iS shy }bebe brviteks Sfates»Court for,=12|ART.SEORE.=ost ss RS SSAFURDAS eH : y :: 7:te ~S : E }y t .4 ™oe ‘a oR,; :I a ok en,whereverii practicable,.in eas have:ive yeats.ajd:wdishorar:Waniiering Boy Tontzir.;ahd:sex-|;Wttterp@igtfict of North ‘Cardlina|ee fi th My.Line.apt eee gleeroftenciongarHb btock eae sat 3 i ¥ rier 3 or der.tffat Soporte may ‘bE oe1e «ne hi ree.aes rao Fait pesfat:other.popular.relitiows™SOniSs t aye tthat he*wilt Ge.*conftamed’this “H d.P.%Jaf hotsésandmmutles:sc gone ot eet hs et : ue “hedle a ands the pi pr exont ap 2 Ee =F a ¥5 tebtians ip this fecenthy:died ae,bis-home.ins P ee (tine:dt is “Said thafapetition sSiw:ani sunted sens Sieae absingtsnub me j ye is uae Stone to theenemy i :te fifth.district «forthe “Hienth eensN..Featithe auret?a+“AS ags Migs af vient bats iti,ther:Chin:mele,Dae es sndof yet near wach OEwae tt ts :ot PNG sy ;3 ey ris aDupties-of tl ‘s TMs ne gicat ‘wa Of,satleCaS 3A Rees ee he s ron —Pie en Th amsunge wr pee De DOs:DOK:BE itixh gunboat last :pe is tbe Chiatinywed:in Tua ptiet gaa WW OLY,|adi 1a,;Se Sm etn eas oe See Danas ctpecenan a bi ae ie Biate board;©:@lectio of de cfatioes!=the woftiets «icalSwtase |tilpecd-a-Brifist:Stenier-loaded.-w ith:of jude.Spe yp Walgencindiah Epa z ape betel So ate ee :AS at Een fe ni aN Fs Kestut}Tey has dei;-}ded the Conver:Sfahasetiles3.obscegr a a)eeeSoy ee;firvtinr foy the “Reavis veal.Bhi =Brite j.5,renee is oyu rete Gasis zatidscac ai Ware Tsdih/ps:Pictures,Pics’5 Si oad)aethe3 “salSat:pereisas is ere a a 2 porsiy|nylavOr aiTar ore “thes Roel soF $2673st Mt.eteaS rewalle,2 eulw:Ls Awere ~<eoods.”Sléck ade Se inet te y thes vheor ies Ob Mite |eae fore:+fa thes 7 and:Onamen tS«the-old t Sapinges Wsarouses.os Bate)i te ::pabdican’ead mig.‘Mr bioebelband Rei 7 ani aon ers aenaga tert oe ithe taioe he i?a Bite ane.C0)21 Psat ale tbe nygst fastidious ents seelena sobpatco:nit Ww fee : 3 :oak aoe Py ekan 4)jer se pool bE <m rye d]“tS '}97a fo:.hs foe os S < a ea)ifE aS .“thé Othe cy dydates ond£the %y Dewie-veoleswer ma ee ee sep"ae ae nes a—Roun [theistsseem to be:eetineeeale ot ts oe oe =shee—‘wehep thtares . I afae &rB x .a By ’crati 5s +.coe -ne nthe bref te ouiede patel?efopane,Te fairlywel =ONE ar "oo gee bse aoe de 2 <i BLOM tw) it “fie <ire busiiden:a coe 1 wabiFe und hx wohimted,death S:.$2]alone ext ove ar wilt “Dg:chic:Er}to redh eee moethey are going “CHRISTMAS GeQps.’ Pea es Ci test beforeuitEase lature,“Sav!brick[eonett ‘Dinths a1 hie Lomrievile,ity .from Maye3)to June}tte dye aes vd federal -taxés¢dowarythat tive,Joly already yeas <4 i aay Me { ad =.rire +‘‘Cae ees Hettour.g z tse i a :pe moevati we te pac contest‘she bitte,aysane ee sis EY RewSrnovial str vies “toe Jerk érSon peTOUS:gold Seatte ones i La ae oe aaurgund dod soi ere Seg gs -ie Gite entared,fit twrit ‘bedlegidt lini es ‘vite.of mortality ds <2 x Me E060:BsPPaeis.ill bertiphd on dune.SHH)|Darden of fers]Aaxey,“errow ee afoot center weigrethoy axcall:sin .=Elina eee oe ne 4 5 sg ee ee shy,theamie tinge ‘Taylor onit}the galoved LT geet a eee Eb 1udth eabw uTSAT Se ofHiis ure Hiveave ne PCR age SA ay Lasiiegt tule cali are Og :G:‘Gaither Sk Ph oe eg reed os SYS:Sieg OE thdusryrated “Ef she Teéistatang The State omed-6t ine aoe:a South /eamelingsale andint’|:MMaeranr.the ‘et Ze *red,is eS aEE Cochtane=:at BeSn.ci eineowe aS =PRORRIETR at Re oe “decides.for.cba:he"er Je wP An >iSCopar:PETE NCe Was:ine se SSton’btSet Gs ys ><bec wa i Piet ae ee Cot ‘2 a r(2 will Se Ladecide Hist Wweule.tochave the :a cOnsul,at Pretoria;4€orn ~;ie A Ses :Ce .Taylor from the fie:“th Bom {dhcinist ana oe is ne es Center “wsaeatt deserted”“iS post:pee St OFercodts cand Suits 2h witn geree:buy,Tresh C:ie weigh Oa lye Sue €. DOATE 3 a -“hl.ec INE,20 ort yresids ss ie et :;7:::Rie ee r :%( Soda 3 States |wihvs Wa FOREST lefuk t.ann ip E 2 j See ta ote:my “ ‘2 ate ofélee“LiODS AS,comp:seedy%NOt.three:ca fi alot:one sicily.and chemi-hare Babscriptions ravere sre por ted!Fee ie aetime |SP <i aio wise ih Ris bor ays St pak ene cae eSigitd=<i :2 :;we Dginocrats and *it is “weneratl y :ae a SEAT Its San toThee:ite genery education Cand areasSareesat.eave Basin yt this!3S.8 Bese SCH.GVEREOATS ‘and weeet erg adi sie a oP Soe TeeSS aa ae 2 wi seen e thogiht that their deciSiouris:final—.4 eti OTe othe=‘Shar he lates annontutigs:ao B20 0-09 amen 2 Pe iccekded Bea,woth son of Wi eek Dux.ee mAVRR inde oie Ot NS LT Tes.;“Bed oO <=e sen ne 4 See chs the ‘)a atE Rs pms Sites a dt Wa .tary wh Sate tea y Gr dete Boe er tS ER:R [SONS :a }lip eae “3 5eh! -<@eiSlature:will.rats.und 4 hese Te C mire Duis ky fe Peg :rane oder ofM;slepsin’Ale Stats ‘‘ayy just:auto dol:|STATESVIELENCOTTON eae :‘Ae fresh dineok N a —_Oe 4 rec eect th Su pee e their work.Thestight,whieh.Me}.:The li;um hley sae Stone:epee [Dicer rt iS Teeert meeting 1s)sara te :looks a,Tittles Tishy MP in-|o Sra lestetentn¢optventber 1g rh:KET.-cota kinds:apples otbettoeshat ion peer sore ee Ae ‘Coe t made.aon:nth eee chal ieee |egranite:proporties “ides 6Sanbene aésoly Or:reiterating its Pew|ae ns5 Lad:AO the extent of pugs‘Fartict cond “Stidetifn eh ee a oes Tapes;fiers:da re oh oL-the:trast bel Gias well AG e os 3 Se t aS ee tess dds Was.one of-the’Sih dest.and have beemunited under one gwwe r-Spe siae a gran tbe ee todide tiekish positions es intysnclivis}nian ve Pes me before’nituy fail toségin :a she ,:pit i C shipean Larre t :Pt eo usbingtou<t'T 3 was mo as Tipe:SNe NL ee »Fey sib?.-lye .m cea eden gt gees m rst brilliat!in the history,of:eee ={"be"seorked:omatarge bdone Secause the:W ashtobtiai:Lodge f*The ae :stains!4.fe Mens ay Senter :;Can,givsis Bh:ne ~pe Lecale.Thi eon pan thattwifl ‘election tommittee on ~Star KELtila.=<i Fe ji hi xt mee itigs.nity:lane and*inflyent on}fie theta wilh hate as eat im ‘ersKee ogaizes thes negro:as a ‘Mandy,“|tueky Sighed thee‘lectior eee Eso :Re a Me es :dve.vey noplete |is 1 ore,oe ..aie ‘¢}Stoceat e|-=omen —_—ea i ee ;, eae tion:of the Democratic’‘part.Bined.a0Sey:ane):with be fences as the ~The Danish}poverpiicn apesoceving:of Wyn.Sto Tay lor;the »Republiean:Le Rn ;.y pha Pe erern ae 8 =ae area thet sepubicans tolgeteat Dine:epee Geaantic“etl Rousttuction tor wet oa oftheir POSSESSIONSo y-the aoe ees lastSaturday “apd héSpied A . :: Se favo panna ee ae ext Tad to “the Ta she Pate eRe SY “te Cosenigriclect ‘of 2.often Stored and Insured ss eae Avas “fought bx-the Eos a ee +N eva rate pay eae Hee pe UG:~ASx lonewe ies \nele Paylord93:fees vote"gives :meee Aa ae 3 ra me el TON:ee kena Ridleaud Company is aie po ageese wold?mine.-oftmicht:aa ae Pea pe tors:plurality.peasCs The Tay:fy ene et hy a i oo 4: :Fae the ew “‘,*PRN LAE R59 :‘You ar 7 t “-=Was Hever fought “before:With:ail pheehea Senate ae ee sight thatson themerkes,Bans aera Here Spent ‘weeks in eS aN =arlottsBonded Warehousé,Comp:ny Ypyou:seo gre sea Sapling ‘J.Po -i ?“that he h <>me sUOCO UY Ree a i ¢over evidence and:khy om Preise (an,if ;w 10m VV On Ot.Sua Di 5 ' :ss sd Seesgainst;‘Goe chk Se a Cabarrus.county _scthe Saget easter Solan noe charges offraud and ni nycir SAS ded in Ametiogn Bonding ena Tey,st Compeny for’$100;000.oo a :Witte.ee oo a or epee.Wack:on .= :a .ACteavec by ~weome ye dst yomor‘ping.as “he nufactiriiemesitates pre South sides.Theirde aaa tN wd,i re :’uey mk and Gree xe :t *aa é ;Ce Cis}o :>:meat ae Ne ct */5 «reen wh:DI a rs : ss BOO votes:His?el Setion Pans:Lets —eon _way.to-the mice,Cirekina,avit bh “Ta.mulls.1,2897828 fa fast at et eichway DeabaY Tarde “Liber al Advances Obtained ceamed a&Mitre tocall and’‘see.our display of Bed Roum 5 4:4 “iieant thuch.for the people.’‘of.Ken!negro”Gis ee‘oft soe Thane 7Sh ee ee ales:jerati¢candidate;takes bis Safe:-:x on our Heceipts:”e PR me réade ot:nsad:amerry.chr—cy Le ; >:;2 tueky |*+pred eert sa we arolinaa*with Tos~-mills7Pthe best-of.1:;y “fe,owest vat of.interessek Very.tr err ::vanes :a A ee Tae reese poee ‘man and.oe oiied seee-Soe nee aan ea Spindlex..consutaini<380.4 Be a}es es Pree abe a.B Ss)igs.~+ase i Se Me uly::a *i She er ae =oneOf whe,2Btes Wevelopaddy:Ame New ducortamonts.oS aaea des.and:Getyaia..with*61 on a ee financepilli prin.ange hynag eS SLOO:a *a ste >2 =.:rliseme ent Es SeBras x é Is now aoc:en bey agar politics”since™the:war,ca ;MarZaret ata :mitls,.GOG;,304 ~Spindlesy consiming ane:‘a ebated:in,Congress..--Over}”y;ee saa eae P &MILLER.ef oe Potent &SS hope thathe wil yet!be =Staphet Mail oseluss"executri¢‘an BH Tae Sales a 4 the protestof the Démocratie.mip pot eS get:ae eat <a y ; é by ;:‘given office Tey Le Sy deceased,gives ond:eee tei t ority the:old’‘Reed “ogo rules for.de ;Bie.Uieapeug rhage we <>i Pie ¥the-people of ‘Kentucky ‘and-that tige Lo"creditors;C :pi,Me a lik ~~~|bate’“Were adoptedand ‘the bil eh e =,le Democraey-ot.the .Nation “will é “Mooré rk vicaain-ofteoa bak©as oes conehoot Herthind =>«|been introduced:basrieaWvhadiste |< z = :i we the.benetit of “hk ue sale ge:os shaxstrerive Aver athe rnd Inet Pushed.through.Ti : cd ee 3 +tabitity 5 bad |‘a he bill:pro- = Sg §sNS*gt devotion ‘tosthe plainpeople...cI L.Sehiilier scan calls attention=to }-rath advertisementfora wiie whieh|vides tor—ao flexibility Tene ee) 1 AY be eset ee epee ie ne :+Bis Removal Sale,thepiive of “fr sees spate Tn,tris paper,pees-but:“amore 'firmly:than,ever »Dr arcs Aswill be seen‘Wlsewhere!aeaS oe carpets Pans 9 ce.per A eurounbeon a a.“Ee ss Beets.ee Bole“standard “dn “the wth =sete is|tarde Lidice imberlaad dnd froma y &Republi = Re a hit .Dek ’;\Cans may :: SY “FSS ck a‘Chairmad |“MeLaughliny-bas }°NZ Hatvison ye Sos ‘|Sorts ol'females-and.many~6t the re-buaveap.opportunity of Sereete 5 “Whea a3 ae.ee gc Wo jet oa SOL Bits he ci,Sealed.the:Democratic~“county.com,and:‘overcoats -at =ae sttits pelies-are uniqtie.AY nuniber of the-|eisure’for thus legislating Saainet |SARE te:Teter studied both a soon!puteSw a ne eet s Ca AR a 8 “mittee:to méet On Wednesday Jan’“be aeuerat sreduc.ci cans have presented ttiém-.‘the feet atof the masses ob alte:be ae seat class:stylish Jackets and Sapee at Tbate ia : PO pune sd:1900.a PRR Sy ET SCIVeS Ip PURSON Lae:RODE:-Nek “pawe-|Peoples en 26 ::RP eh Rae ae Sea May me oe ee e NG =‘s viei This action ix taken.=a a a Hixness.siadyabtiges Sate oft‘been to ‘his liking:“Here ise 2.7 Sam Se ;-p K “:en.‘tia Saasae ‘sea Fogo 4 oe ;Ww ee “Dit:f a :R FOR.THE HQLIDAY TRADE.eee ney :{vy S SE ew.of the fact;that:‘the-el yal;be lands.tndey mortgawe.|ple taken at random;from-abateb.nator Sivhate ie ‘nero aa |:cas be ‘heap.for a_brass wateb,and thé ’en 4 aitae=woth):Ve.have:ast.‘received:anoth i be a ‘CCa per e Fave.@.ate ofl a resohitic uce Rid @.Samie-holds goodi 1 ae ad CIS Plot of Black €fier cask toome.‘ *eee soceurs.'tliree months”earlier |'s“Fine hand painted chin and othoe ores Eee nial ee tion ‘inthe.Senate.deckiris disc.”Al mnerchants¢laimi to'sell goods chiga %e nea Eamérchansik?2 Cloths,\ns for Coat-S Epon eS ed ar pooce vee *ear’‘tian sheretofore-and if eewoods arelto be found at Nibiesdels QUAL Ee 2 lee rons oe Bropossys Sa ee piemer Bnd shade definite and Say...-/Ds DOU ASE:wal’Car littledshirt.ists.|saan wits,Silks,Satis eke rst oe Rh nk coe te :5 SiCechrane's Dei Site n wed et <titution of Nortli?Carolina postu Soper wien ae %ducts eaemenas a Stinger a takas ‘beén-call-“PW.W.Ggiibectan ee date of-the eOpserset Syoe saver:lags Meetasges Phee Radicals we eX ;ak oe Fi nr oe Go Geces Cheap,HOUSE FURNISHINGS.Boe a he Sa ‘oril 11th,andin,ul youtfin ~lalso o“devising »yakO one Dowvine,ro)ét ;:me o Velvet,“Pa::x eee oat <4 ME AES AR order,Candies,‘or-fr x ne ‘tise:for awife.“1 w6uld State I means*“to “test TpySteny of bayingy ‘iour=vol 6 pestry and:Smyrbakues ect . .“bag ~t0 give full noticeof“th i Mee yr Sh:te 1 am|throdghibe court st»it bsmallexpensé will quest ete at b &,Curtaibs and Holster oi Sar ;Sa ey Baers he niveting of |)SBeills &C in,search for/a’usband>Te-am .19''%=ne ieerSy calling question our ability.toesell ol)eap.Linea Ts ble:¥,TableCovers,Fasten Lua oY oe ee eeecommitteeteto:the y B00 “otler Special Se}Vears-old anid °SUAS EEOC.30election ihmn.f the cash,from.mabnfdctuters and jobbers-of.ii =Damask,Doyties and Napkins::: Ss avioys ‘catidi:prices from nowuntil3 avid “hav been:sisrried scan tori e State goods an ‘:ro reputation”i :apkins.ooo) 72%tates tor ae Suitscome 2 pmfact nest dey goodyabaer errdmtetation “culdreg_and amor apo idee rmtint Sone]sion enopeante ncaa ek Thompson'sGlove Fittiag Cors:! ae Bo meetingis for consult:«avdise,.a Sot résting children.and ans ctedmi n:1896 Theb n aS ee ation :Made ,E Ob:‘pyriisestia F "price made by the'shar eSt-On thé mar.Shi gio ae % =Hintts of holdingthe|a es J.£P2Blagivan:Sons sail hing to eae ii dnyeniill>|iy the election ot Comes dedlar-|we will nanie Come pac See Fashion =now.acea a of ee Reg ee esconteation:¥nl ‘Wrotabiy be:eetheir Nem ‘Home,ee leserjptign,P pratiaed:his:tse Ee Sift:‘distriet ~Yoid.ae ae PEIBiS#== Seater we Se efermined,tWerefor Ing Mm ¢mes.pie is tasured:3h hap :LEED anothor election,B a6 eA Sisarvard.... Leger?Se Se ea fulla N be Week A e youradvertis ment t utes‘the ber aan rees pees:8 Ser ange pf,the members “of nome rsce alleshdve as nice Alot oy eR:one F willssoon vet|8 fa-bet cee Piao’‘of “ine and ery;Ladies N est ‘ oct teciswer mideh Gésit pace at mi sloppers:suitablé for:pre:|ooo ee atoping to hearfrom |tBey=ar gang agley,\and’ i ed.cae:sents,ARC ft:Pre-1 yoG at ey:are:likely to ~Les:;ee eB A TSO sol t-soled-Shoes.fo,ER.early date.-dares.X|ne ose the”amend,|- Sis Ci art I i2 =faats.-*:i ins]Pci ay fprentsbandall st oaks i See. aay?etteville &SHOCKSme thei :oe ae “Atinane ‘Ne.GA f +—%“4 aes y ¥Sr LORCES 2.2 ixy Se hier satty .ast.“iopias ”Walto ie aoe Spe .Pied qo j eo tia ago iaey:Catbon and her'child:frigiNT Sestich oo Sage adcerice?their at=peter’,¢pee age <‘yarms.were'killed!by?Jim-Mavileig,|Soseturnishing.”ess sBOods and |’;Attorney ‘General;Griggs}! ae Ca ane dng Prabk>Bird'Sees,_Moore &:a os a8 Casita ond ce:A Horse for,Sate,rea Paes Mi a OHO a Xrate aan «h3 ee i "p ae e oman.“S:hotse and Zot’titea 5)=bushel Bee aan Tipples:at}The widow of.Ex,Governar:““Pholt WV Eaganpias Annestor pd up to-any:p tw pe ae.~hwhep about «sine smal thatter heat.;i¢e lot of bea rcied.Suddenly Saturday night“Deg:ae or ontime,:-.<'sale :we eo epMasel |killed mother”“aaa Pade Aear iee shy Dhe State has chartered the Ra:lis =goons wousded Bivd,,“and Sheu |mal SD alley:Blo:Tai fi ed ‘the’:ees :»made-good:his escape bu|is.tie thins:for Christinasca ae sigh.Rlectric’pee?andy lee,Ce ine ae cakes...capital ssl Oc::Mf ;3,000.%a origage!Sale f rie Xe oa rita ¢Cleyvelt,-RA <Tharpe’ageteagaiartces e .a Se eats 6 Land. et je ee 3 |eestor:;ee 3:arcs a hs nee eas?o*Was trav Hog <with‘a next.sho Kinase Taped fatigalh si we Oe renin a Of Sackae oN.ce B FING cE eS Giespowets wm angelRises fat athe Ce -ykillediin,atxson'yalle,Be:%ast =.The!“guests =fires:Sapday?.‘Nicht.[Mooteg aaa seedfepiespecs by:Thomas!i >pry Peek.pyatelophaet ie here Lywelt's HS ie Sctpee Roni Cal:pu fOnth aa partot—the Joss$was.Fed clesk 24 Lae eeSere et orig|oe ried los attepti eae am “ed sbefo ew “f,y rty Tet t last:*aigh +CON Ere:y.rosuran ng oss ughest bi det ent to tHe!3 ; 2S as ak AN re;Badwgiven the eleph Or Morganton jwh “‘Cen Rag So offing Stakesettte,Nic bh athe.usd Moar,f woods Bhs pet Sa 2a ere’t ‘NC wom oF etre “ti I}s for every:dollar Beka -pe eas=Sobaeco~A pict mae the ‘thes guests’at-ities ieeeliar @ lastchildiof.foe WHite:of Bisha -MONDAY.J Stage ist,ae 8 ness’weit you We,i to a tas “rncreas is Rae very.angry.”Thee?bouse party.5 hi ‘Pp pee of:typhoid fever this’we ne Sahow aeces ok of land,+hickeps,ees,butter,cdr ies :tony : 4 ¢SO watched.‘hig bb:ant,’]s *whole't Ww ek.&nveaee stake,k 4 wit:2 Be.”rotuc We Fy ‘&bath Stone ::s Res ee Se negro with hi ces and:‘Gaupht Rev “Dr.SakeRamsay ne ies amily-was ‘carried away.eg anditine pf ae Mooresoa Cones on,a idsof ee We also wan:oH pace aheaiids ::-et : Ss TRASSEM Sal as eonpnemon oreo the Westie Prahran eee oe Seer Be vie Seater ea ee i oR Be UMabig at es Letina Asa a i y mister “t ‘said..line “North 42°i.= :“ ‘Pech srs groi with’such f an ‘yw to mest,with:“Rey.wo oe regb¥terian:|Moore's e 4°Easter8 poles Sea reeset ele.meLeliiod fe ae ‘of Ditworth,°C SormersthenteNorth 362:ke oe Siew Seedthe life out,..nd on special busing harlowte;was|*stakeon said West i>Dates| Seria =ve ano he “Home Mi siméss in--dedicated S day.D on st and inlineof:Sajd.Land |: eeof stoc th:mara Sata if “ae =ission field of ‘the’“unday r:Moére~preach-pany:peace with the road<and jlitte-South:|"!)””Set 5 Sa —at we have yerer,>| sy terial Rtn ‘Pres 1 oh the ==tenieaeon sermon.“The paienesoreBeeee conisaing Ae ome Tanners,Iti ERORSs,pairs of horses,sinyle “Urey. Soa tong cost $ipate Saas ete cee os ear ont ea!oe ers:Step merchaits Solicite .ae.Mediusi mules:Perms oat ars Sept aka pat ae eea Soe -oe eand mule collars,.ty ie the.aebe piretese as thoy 4 a;«ux fae 2.fe . * .tre tas Z Ne apie Peeel SROgettionasSioe;.2)a Bence TEM EREE i :ence eae e aguE ER,eee Ee ee Dae See :eyes ae ARKETosaeiONALSSeredaharidentatueLaundry.tom ye tieBR LEY “jisheiie ANS Be re see nN aot a ee Dronpeesanie’’artemis aoe TS ee,Nye PRS ak lols eae ee eb eae ,ane Agta er oe :so easly “ShateE ta Gu}ther,&colured ent’ng a ii.aihisn Mumies wdiehtervt Me ws tee FO RECTEBrey Guan Se,ae Epes.fete eee aapéaim Sicertageiot obutae,xvans regple Lr Harbing ot.Statesville sande Mry fo 2)‘s COOPERS Chas“Mts,J ¥Carl Mu AsSie Laundry.?suiléréd'a very paitifubad.=*!=ee Thi MTorning,6 4 John,Houston,of"Mooresvilles wend ::|mensefinfate syttieie at ek idCharrette CERNE 2 “)gidmnt=Resdg marniag.\Shewwhad}ist ‘Tagnes Brawley soa Of vires Boece yesterday,afternoon »a®E)6 cxesaeeagave¢$au Pest iach Ceanips up se Tolar’b “4 bea:wiles’bh Sihlobe townshi oclockat thé’bane §Of:a bridé’s Foc aesese goatt pee wa tuéy SA of he on uri Miss Tevthan.5 ‘urmerman.‘wr broth in-law Mr,vbhfsoni|i eins WeoS%y aud’giitguachyne and .wus“eanjx wy er BUSING PRICES SARite,was te Lown Paes?sive?“G 4 «he ae SP Me .Sea once aii ,ve (issu t Fn:Borne watP het band:ay ried ®ete]OR‘o-toeks this,morning inedMooresyile.".a Ire Barey-|abba pez Bes :ge i 4 ANTSPeck 463 pttcign:ofce *wis Cayoht betwreém the roflers,.and =!bhe aHstpodsst‘ehurch?Rev=Me Ag!soleninjed “the union,of.test youngz|Rare wssae WE wouLncatySPECIAL ATTENTION T {So ee esSpe)rn Pasa Dr:Ne PS ,Lay ah a Ss re j oticiating:4 5g ee ;ot Meat lied we tb Bost at 2 WEEKT POUe etNE,O me i ea ee i.-ey wsherelast i al eas cata Fas vie wachife yas"runsing ft aresrat ti 1¢ri ‘adeatiowil hea ae Eeea Ska ee ms ani |af uk ed 8 msigi ==SAIS ST Shah etna eh Sc ae : isEN v Bree ‘i ri weredrawn ah!these having capds:aes aednyber ‘of thy sri S:+ney Rasy se ConraN,wee~FOOSE ae Wiss,Ronn “Reile oi sharluttes we aeeeSue ieeefe peor <rn itt ved:to the churehon’account oka Prelatives:nok (fhe ‘bride and ‘groom.‘|garn-gitnanhs)per-dushel.": .6 “Is Fissite”“sarss BhsVOStony ‘-Pe eese ibereawepvemt ine the,bride’s-twere present:+Amon ‘tife egests4 patsjis SF ae. 3 *Screah tk 5 Se rughdéd,:sLeeMdAls!Wep.cChematle?oti ce pike “atgue vitren “oft Yop elt,Tails¢Merk,Brgwley <broth;hiromStatestite-were dessrs.WL)peal tas 9ms,Con ht cre re “here Tact xe Rete ti ~1,the 6 ee SIDE ZLOOn,wiJl be “best man,}andJames Harbins fairer*and,Poi ireh 5SoesWalt‘Bristd e manag au nd Mrs ks Bhaw ler otaaft Dieter ofthebride~andthp riders)"OF"eSweet N. ae gesSeo :Meee Trent:ddl gu EY heditrevetsedthe’leyer,othe nae AE BE E R S te eS Ae <=Sts pgr isthe ‘.settee:the bridg see of bonor?,“Messrs.4 swo.sistersy MisveseB i che he OREH ISL has ba hes ve app pes =232 Me NTATSaDams won t tooBaltimerast mist §aseit sent a aSnates,ae A:dy)-Brawley 7OzinTutuer.3 fa ~rene “Atteethe marnace PiattowoS gs fo=my a ae.ha e fe ==,as 7 3 ee oe eregigi AP SMEsTs Lai Marsh ‘petwriied bother eager the aie aeSeabee bateuel Com l6s.apd A..DE Watts are*ty be pang the:mritualreymerdtulitions tetra wee Z gp 2 ee a :THE yh hacve :gee wat a eas ,ee en eSaeae wig ¥yOuDirge ye sauder Coomaty:Mopdiy.Sheet the tgadadnd em beeigt dzrad')}thse Ushers Mr:abd.Mrs¢BrawleyKbexyests yeere invited:te,%elegant sebiokeaseien wire “>.pi Nagi ee at < f Gepesinc an.Seetye oN ey aeie Bac SNiy \ds ae Ke}iMPave,on the morutng ‘train:for hweddingssuppen.Many gudsontes Ree aes Bee ‘=os ~Ser Pe ngestan ret een én Sade Wel,retartedN gnday.Lori “Sti Was Cate ied.to De:Hi 5 wii =e Sh °a . - E - ML Ta \ St :Beth sé,TE,weak te oni ra ee Apidal trip ta~‘Astevifie-andKnex:|wwedding pre-tuts‘wer receiy >Sey ores.ae wee Bi,Mgt ‘White.7piper vi HLT Ppieutvile “Streetyates sentrere bbens mnd>3z e ‘9 villé,*Tenn,’%retu¥Bing -~to-.the Ye OTIdRSe A A es Bota passeache | Seer:ye Ay eS oes ene 6 as it.CharlesCowhs jjs iteCharlott ey ie eek tay a wee ger Sogo ‘sthome,in.Shiloh’\towsship:»"The sreom |Isa,youn Ss business+Tee MNESeee.°|pothe time alext week.cher walk}ange oh Moores?lef Sign lini worth”rae Bet enact nee coe mide Kk <Msib rPixog:peal asix +e:Wis syateh Me WwW?De!3 pink Fon wrdcaGjernynn.s”gt te ce aiess:eat ea Na Di a ‘ys +5 wie ie Sana restde ‘Shilohtdwabship.--a fan eappest tndustty.«:,ae Biome scminimepoeFoRtyOiseUggtticnCaldavadkinvitedhersteopeoatsoatedietsiherosNice:Ja:CPitafon Pris 0:bee F137:Tpiestds toe“ani Pink,-Texe>Syite,tee sien 1gpte a rai“machis:eur mellets Mxp.betas ait oh,od emt arsHen given?dieehinon os See,ok Gann.Teacts FyaayASS afyeoo :+Play,rieatt Re arty M iss j i poor is ene.ct.é Wo shby”3 bridei‘tsa |Statesville.git ot|Most Splat Soave:<itizensy and ‘mati swéctiandpleasing:‘Gharhs gf|Ome ee ‘tAwitshipes best aodimdst |character.ahd-manperand has!maby poe ai 2yy.ps a ae =."|pres perous farmers,OF.po0dshab*|friends bere whe wishthe bridal Pais Featifers—is ea)Thoubfcbuns CSLe quite Angle ‘oe ia ee ane sabe oe =manure Miteshake Ceepat acai oe:“cBaracter,esglen tiroughout ae ase:Hide a3 te a ?R r Somat;A vo mpent.the ek Pe etka:gett éTe is?EREeT;Spartie War art “Gan Mhiewtsalso«genial,“and pleaSaot,”in ‘if e.ss nga vee a .Wigglewashed 5Sooke xe se ee yo me,™x 2 a es Kee harrot Cy aes a manner,”Thewritéy las Isnownhink ca ok canst ey PSS BS =iced Sats SHStens ab(eeteebee“hypaatae 2 ro s¥ime rhe es “ofSP Geutird and’Ada.fader.bie anf Geno Ln Sizes L,Fatt ee ipe ogee Dede)ofwie Atte The’paridts\dad Since;his4 dneyand kin po.one:Liss:Gridge*SteWensor.‘pL Bane?5 Be th Lae mew.tormhorh he “naw,wishes “mone.tof Hit;5 Basra qsikion Ao,Withelar «|nena=sua,=wsseh8Airecca Reaybifulrp-@eCarat>eeHs blessings =ae ox molest :aS Ve ae ‘=ic Nes.oS AghaiTom#he“ove,X sed aX 3BELoroveasien,~MiSs.Adneostay gidThe bride?fe wkthyvimevery yay “ist anes :Chirk,teBaitsn rieangrbright,Se arte baa ey,penne =soft bel a ee oe oe sk ».= pdt.x faye ti aS$i Ra fs:the Sa baer to aeeeSuWh¥ize t lies “rhs |ait axed =O =Rue a 2Bh fice 2 Ao2vibed-th Hoests”{dro the”‘haudsoni¢>‘sha iware “woubeh, “HUET ioe “hasan Pe “heee ‘Et tes J tigt at ApS 4Caldwel?gud BerPe 5 owwnlstrip,Saint ssa hagas Bae ste ,aE hai Healing*a3nomesraeeeweeSeeeekeAyvfereinthepartySuseueSeaeasaPareeulertaibedihefredgry?ae oe pot Sea pe hakwe a.3OR ofLl ae So ae ane 2 Dh ik fee hat eae NN r 5 ERGAh ny aed :#fae oe eda “ey Mare ¥ee resanes Mine Faurey7 wtths,ally classes|+Zhe watdry oRommittee‘aré|.~Se,Pie tole‘ee :‘Ce ots abs OK PBK ef thine Ir ores eS bessink oR~ouk ‘pesGple..*dttracti¢;in arranging 40 y trehasese pone saad Ne Dg PsaesheaVVhainweReaeGouetin,avy.ior}roe 4ootn!“iiGyented Tech FS ;ie nee2=Sak ey Me efmaniners %An person,‘kfud and friend,Hiowalllant near thereservotesites Somelhidg a pS Je =: A aoe aeSaad SNEN}*sfendiey:ca ae a orn |Was?sASOrpEaL,angi enchant asaheNy:ix tier ‘st ed erve Fai Hes Soe tres 3~-:Progpdt.x “¢Gispet ay She este si ‘Ps ~~Fim:Sette weesthe-mnayver |)yeyRants vai pts:aierieae SeeZapbaa!at ly are oyvals a ae D>Steele went”ty Adie?Hans AncX ae can 2)¢ te?niga irae Wines Phatmninite Prevod Se myeinemer that Farry tenTS NS arte tie.ft a,a mayo eaethere Re fia the:ours HED ie “We-join theanagy Injenag of ohest Laney far:beidiuodie audidicor-f” .(CT Bg they Eestay4on Teustags stforece wx epee he “ye p ye.Fee z +apse 4=~ied wh,Phe.trl tee avn -es Ks .oe y aes te hyd?t ara fe bets >xg ©dad X ek ees <.Fi iat ce tcams oy se Sl C8 MEPS BGegy eink forest Pues oceans nae prist Bin |eseae ee=F meAreetA Re Aah Coste opd.ae HaGudnose PT ce iASic (Wage pitted “by.fake 4tdns and-Hope at eat sto-‘$ka poe es oe os -midy ow ;Cr p F +7 :“te e fae oNLy FtOeKof ayer phe Sikrbibe is 3ant malisetn cleyemightses ae ms ‘ CO ete tia Sainrdag tO Soo Mist tat het»Clin qeString:Rand?tnOE ae ‘ethermay tien that_vthey sere x 4 cc n Soh Pe akg a et A Sag Ye mt Sait aS iieiteherdngd”alte ape sayTon gekir-belWEE WeiseMae,a ree:thea grtnat ne‘Moped entar apr we ?So es Ficsfit:weson est the:mest:ent Por.“}opeay.yo F =ae SX oaie we «GarrieosisWalker Oe:=oh oteithont -er nsoeETCRMte,ofa ee ns Se wm er pakneepeS “is a Hage itm benrsigter Mrs ay-ne AS MeDertSGALD. x :to"This?iy pith)“pls akon eh 2 ik be Saw —.ere Soh i"~-.Sirs Hayne D.(sisineporp eS :~Shither:ane.Modksat hig 2FaentRe¢seep Sean*,ae ee theLNAriona rlyaeRESORT,py ox mah Lanaht gr wat =re ee _Rne 6F -ae ee cS ,*->ag ictal \Bites:ays resirnedt he SPAS a a Bheoa Seeped itoDeath:pee RE aces Lid erghaeins rele sWalkerza}isot Olin-townshiy Reet Ba.3faseptcasesnewe.waeoktraeJ eeAver SNe sects ghd.Teceenciecs<Eeubpita =SeeSe marie monday:evening Gt the resis,WW :Sp =yt as SOR RhiSfi Vowme Tee hens tid en th see Aieaseaccistat thab“ow atred Nag cod sea ses 5 |defice-of.‘thet.oiciutid g-inagistrate.|ie yea etea“ee Spa shipetg Mus.|etysates shawnThomiite:oy hh Sergiae"Sri,tis Dba2At “elie.tneetinig.of Statesiiine Pihese,are Repaiar youus.people:ia [st -2S*E in Frait:+:“Phd hyri congath ort -ek 4 ohm borsburg:tomaship,inext Ami,Chambesof Commerc TudSddy Aug thergconin Laitygianed wegoin their baskets,can?dret:yb ©=r EepeutEeBe:Te Tit ly vantfe.jeu eid settee‘to Moe ee?“Adeusta =>WN,Vesteroretand,,«4 Digg,suas gece tien.was aye fepnds:inSei eS oi apa sthiny.>,i :ge é : Sie a ah ci 7.(maior hieFtay oatfenea:amie yep ip Man:lett;her.Emde:troddced -by a Aneel Falaee,and |————sae epoca JRéspeuitati 7 it as se =3 see eh 22 é:E pitapy %:iat “he Be ro greyaN =ofAbe sot hn ‘ark that morning Lunantmoustyadoptedsas en ge LoS Sc esHe Nagel oR ye ee oe rae A.aSmiteHospital3pastdweetofftbWtorky“Abous abit|Waregeas,Tf .bas-been"issu fees cote:eee SSI “agi IMPORTE Da Bo AN Le ie2SpitMie“AndAeon ae wwitehy’the ¢childrér.were;playing to'the attention of.the Chamber.BEF pt s “QRLESS-GOCDS..mee Ree ae meg gecacksotMiss;AU,gildaes Hated abpur.fifty ssid ‘ireém the shogse’Commerce ofthecity af.Statesville,|f soe pe ES SL ee =o uietert odirpedtorlfor,ous:Mgie |surund aufire >theys hadm@ide,:they.NaiG.3.thdseu orga ization Yas.ré-)“Design to.ease theinost Chittca..Spier ne ay)i nie eeVORIA.5 Sete”iwipe chathes’of théyounger bay “wor was Gently bécnt formedrat”ashevifie,Ni |seen reach of=esgtenks :Be {- st ot:eve:*Te agesier:tor RaekeCLabhetat Lied ang’“one phat years:“olay Ss compe ‘ofgth nee :a ae hae att ~<¥ 3 a ne et ink “E+Appa.Rye sattirday on peta ght ph,fre.>Rhe ‘elders avrbey ‘of |:the StatesSof:North Capohna CU Rial:ayrtint i [Sis.Urity Bover =t6.they houseoot Mr.tSouth.Carolina,Goria eneBsSgheppietorTightonedEihaninwandavothéplatm,--Mr—Wyyand|Virginis,anda pepo yepthet|et ee Be eee Thee Pivler di-Asheville;:ho“was Southern.Stites.chisaid organiTies"COpESpTiny dowMsbip:0 S fiot adopted:th d*title’oe -<<Hthekertona visit,and others hurried |2atiod adopted:the:name,and”tiMAeeniMehieocatsbetlesLehrtheSvene-of thé accident?bat of the“XppialachiairNational _Bark |:AC Bivskar spt detent ly oftbeu toys arrived todtod “laté The “etna ‘Agsdciatiods’the.said organization lb Mir de bast‘RabinVimar.sidesad,he clothes wee bh rgedé having for.its ‘object,Be seatPNvcekrag:hanAbeteassotlt OTs JeSiteclyi.fie’Tite;Uotly and the mentet.a National-Park3 Cdeons Zeere,£ wy Thier he Best ttakes aSuomi.PST Sere cons ie Sigh Reta ae 2 .. <-~= a, me Bowles }i Soe\ fy .a et 3 By . +R atoeates bhek--». ttheat Stfour.Seesow.cab os= 5 a 7 Ne Hite Wet!Stiprforst fipedshere,eaeid i1e=b.tas’Selaging aS,tte sapirated |aud igamee prserre Rikers5 er54)Spree Psat,Toe ripen ys AS “Baingilton We Wilsons ds)wether:Rene Pee ia Avpaleciigns,nomeeaereey==Re #forlagogetT Oe Sea?lathes,Patria aig eAnngateah eS ee rete 5ace =Shee Rexolt oteBy ea mb erat| i royee ge ace Statein)Butrer te Feolec baglot tet Meath tae LF kjorget!and FPate"oper ite merce.4Sete RUDe=Ob LS 3theeKe Pearentbe os 3 .My ei a ghyyee THe His lo thps atardan edt droratey :ald ven Steeles |tg a *ot Soreng Aetbiof!Deconoers:BE cet 4caeSPANGpetitlStnel OMaeearfne"aa ioe fees.Mea vig oe Rion bYashes.fart:apont?sath zsthe.SODSpelt.cwtithc it moyement.“ad:ee Eo zy fala Nats Aue Alowalteepmhing.7 3oe aoa!tS SeF el:SnyvSaig orduiay midetieaitors4cordially Tavots.the establishment of!istotspnCxatinee:AES oad “bibdto xSti-jeecadokasLind:pokeycute andadw Bus _ttieg |Ang ‘sata ghanaaal,©ark,ian!the e ara Hee3 ae etter atSek BE ceteris ye Ls “rebliak-Fis hand at:forgery, deradesréquits [245 pices ab See of the ponehsePREDe“et eh,tr PES tee oer ParolaeinPeeLih Layitem stlleht,“His.amugther ore ‘woverhiment,and it!res ectfulls),:St ae RES Lespie wy,LL ore,ut settaepays5phpre.uests whe"“Senators aud-Repre-.ssedi the80th:6,milestone;“saysr|te ie Test hime te rite (TS “ise}Rede GATE of auton “stored:.#n-phe}a Dn §les’Restoratise Nerv og :a sf sentativesin’Sone from ‘North:FatweNervinehas doceNiveSaaeFattreeTisit:fi thi advefat RO seolMr Le A=“Wises.ast}Sal S!re d adont a3 gréatdeal ot good)Tsbftcré for xsistrom}.Sade.Fee So)Sebep i ethlarpReQk Welt carrindens ovat,to.Mrs i 1gato.r abd adopt,sick sleeplessness:at ferrousbesne9eaeogfe nD aus ey =pigads,.=Sygee.Zone fr.aaS maewang ySol amb OEEXE Keneat dt Ge“tax collectér,:so Massa =oe ' :Pewe(het De:Opie otaea,a SortFir ioeoo2 % or=. eed oe 3 ee :Stas cooyoudn os“i -art vtronblé.:Sy Eee Sapo eee Shoe howe ay.\ise ki rabo:$13 oneds wifh:“His <wy tal.measones as’may be necessary Wolds ek w.dinged ta tHe .Spe ee 2 ms +pases,°*herswiBeogAe,ee se »grabout Sk sign’ith,tis eek weary-ayd-ysed up anorn=J +3’ce Tate tected is head ca3fogEee=ld fe ee <f eo Petty aay eo faecher'’Ssens teting®Mr.a,ise to:sedtre the cestablishm pt _oftsattl |angehadaera shnay woeesccutaa zit x =SOB:and seeSinan LPs ce shesSeaees,eee j at eSSaoBe rein inkYugthg4tatWistsshe wished théyeassheto paw,fOr"Natiooals Park.1 ig.speettalty |sbardgh.Ae reba recommended re testy.s We middle,Recs altsoepaeat)Sart Bycea isrib ede beta y?Tieerande that:he:veduldced the |Submitted that.out Gpr eramént.Cant}Nerhing,and Kpurchased:Ja bottle aden [Ss aL Sasi Soe 7 hee BOK Cot:i pelea a ma thike this de bt int Of “eh =net:Sehict%asite’fabywhere npoa the:“provestias T:had sried $0 tuany ke diese |fis.word sith:ut wee ae aoc: ae ae45 ce.Pad iesPalio as)USAC Aor aN eeAS he magte weontingnt:¢mgre’favored,“by nature}Seceesstully,T.tBotebt Tt n ty uN one a a gee ae ee ;HR Pot aeaga teraly sO EOEpss edeanettesouigy MuWise ferseaete,and-erérs:happy .étiyiromment:suit;axemeresttalslvep).a Good wer Bay"Youngsters.Se os pisces RieneéReeopens‘“restored:m6,to energetic health.1 {“is Sppr cian,HEE ae %Pt PS‘the *inopeys,New?Stevle’stsubtes for*the-Project:intended,eSpej |-erdnd goodthedicine,and.waltclncy ice WO a Rae SO eucy as Esphenotheoe “claims the:pote,te be aye tO8-aiinde,the:Tocation*to-bé‘Select-anyone inquiring.fulparticalatsonmaeeer!TV:Se\SEs:Ye ea,Tae 'S.SRI feels higd-eft ieeetore.ed einbraces’‘the,highest’‘pround]4stacpory.experience.* 4 s (‘hag i dieneSab’Sepecllip thetoyseragratTankeere ess “forethe hae me LC ELOY Laity:JZ yh.Waa aks town,2 we)‘yolites bres.within oar doagingey,ofthe Rocky Dr.Miles":Beniedies -8033cae Bows ae tine sR ioe BraByleyex"25 ek seedon thedoskout:‘fort sthene srot Phnowatdin Ss)spk bs ot cd see told Brieall,drug :ni %ote sffaeSTiateatkoteFeteaeokOaksalarsiaeecTatlcatodouaehin].3d,.Phat=tHE.‘city press aid”“the |[saistsunder &positive:Aes :Reo .ae{|ARAL,nor weak gSHT heyyy sh A iy Drysso the.State“arefespeetrull y Sguarabtec,firstbottle a anything @ Ise pen Cad eh Anedium fect Coeicters x IS Bax Fas .;af 3 te Eegsartnipg *3sihir.SBypeyrd,Seal st Bey Gaddee bson.anitgro Boy.”Mae gotsied fo7lehdsassistance “and PDengiitsof taqnéy:re-inthe %rig tiene fee i$inti cia Sieotes :opel Z.4 iGa¥niente any gotacyitty ru arr uste Mnthyy and.cary ied:de petoreé %!i¥ee AEE sit Bode»eSgoad iuire *White,chia;oiena SS‘the:SEeae srgat éntel sR a ia are Tbe itee795 Sswduyrot 8.50:in atloneye fe“from=the}ms.Hines ;}>;;a8.e D.T°in dfadeesRidSatietetkeauiheeTeei:Maeris,2 olorédservant |;~Wesae g lad:p sed,i that gur Desi;|BE.=LES MEDICAL CO;later La «|\easesof théhearyandekfunded.Book 1;dis- /nerves tree.?at ve Hats:‘and ‘Caps-for Mavaoa}Boys.Se ee eS ag piiners:are a Ty .j /“AS aipiet 7 is ess,’ High Ubéitre-2sha fer GidSon ras 30]’ ethal{pest andabo ‘the’dedi.Next]eles the fa igd thers:cee,Withelm a Mills =| 5 es Fin n!Ee Thus early walkiogthis |ego Rep re Ee ae:RE ays!Soe eae :Tm haw Coast PUTS ST:ar thesal,Afotel.Teel Seemsiit aH eras ers Peat :.Pas es eee Tin :: Hy eb Uethser s Hv veivese ©arajytar sisi ished huuns bisSoap “the.sie inspration ehEs eeet ma d B “sae <:ete bs a:riaToe et foe BE,wots A SEE4sats vorth deviceital See ae ee Wrse retur nS in 2 a ae Mr ARGa poguy:sorict Hepp we ahr et pathoniegs far §BoggRey amthe:bed e:seas Yudustobe NGtigial"Park'}eee ladder Spesiali ie paler.Sse EE mitt and.estes ee faresiS foment:DGae reacEr plore ~hesore mpend-ganae<at .Ma Pn donsteask-may,Yous mney terrou ts ary ee <_XoursAruly..ek pat-shine pee 8 inopittt cect eewat:th faub Vol this«reatcountr wang}.¢Syes"found:dty the:aug tah ae re YowciaaehedaeninoatAthiotthe:bed’“wheres Cabee bs watSe tis n ig bet!igiadopted Bs mes re | x e eee Padputt the cash:WiarageNISS ig On?fails‘for;such apark’acer Appalachtio wk teeme eee eae‘sfis ype-foative&S25 bout Gtison:ives f TESIOD Sand fous.‘part!ot.that,hasReusshoePeeeenoeaeaPere’(dy ‘&Fe si re fhe té +aos an Us:a::;*i ree rm @ the perior ante ea Bdge thee thidimeasters we sageEni€ties proe cance oF ORaeayey ins fromthe Chir hes.2 ei|the Suiceess iegesert-ebsk SI peak7smon a ae es t Ra e sets rey gore "1;a A tera otaieeeesagentMarshaRionBesBeast.Soneneoes ieeettt oa eas as ae fee->|inal ESCIDIRBTY,was the,modetitor:afeath,oriire MLS Ohdest:G en F ott cbt gtaxes lt ‘*gk Deeiamtmcsune conearaohsu bay tagesWepsusbetpponine.5 eee eee =.We will OfferSpecial Lowayaan28,~*a Fe Ss br ay.coeaPy.pane:staWGCK<Raleigh’wilh Thergsoobat tee Hike wa OF Soe ¥ie eee HE:saute >store,‘Wesinesi es from Now Until ;StaDins We res Pha f fneet ing Dis oF i j.Pokn Vs Caviny-lamavian as SR ORos ee ae “CHRISTMAS.: sf ee Feths~aoe &a Tat ageeKatt (Por ont poatlers;,ienoie Las <,ince:£He.wh SES &.Peorenaces pe ebane ei Friday,BIS 15 De ef ates os Sens piss 28penedzeash-f ite a,‘20th cen~di bt.“the.“olaést ieitizgns of:2 mat)tt titeA Kooks ae eae Lonpe's,pairs dy ¢pe “\hag hedrames.2 fete “etes ‘2 nebo aa |dbubt.one o *isch :aechadIiceranesBESEyfund.abST00,000'shoy a be Fais-|Tpedell,died.at bis hamé"near heres tHe b 2 piven‘snaphme at ies Oe nsi DE eee es a 1 aut érsb ar oOnsg Chas eC,horsemaf thetsiigracy eu neXt year-for edycatior to berdi-Sanday night.and:was..buried foday 4 rieaitertaibanentoctth=::‘Thete Jg—aydiseas¢:dprevailing invathis:ri ite wh oO they videdamouy ‘the yarious Baptist}at?New.Perth.cemetery...T ur?country mpst-dangerous becadse so"aces Ww.osagent gleMills,Drs:Angle’ i:te f aboniy iistitatians “ofth StsAte,‘This mo-|eral:services wérew,conducted:by tive.;Mani sudden’deathgr'a¥é:Causedsby|"sist.1 weesFeFySorte,tine birly in the tineWas,tabled for‘“One:“year.A Rev.Wr eke Leve.*Mr Cavin iad,hit hieact®‘diseate,prexrnania,”heart failure FNee Rope:Tee ivitiasas sore ‘Solelaat bee =ie many“other.we es.roe Pac “el AGHAOf shiekcus resolution”was:‘adopted:vainst-the ‘attained the tipe-old agesof 9%,thus)Nor apoplexy:are often’the:desu I of kacney pay Brydntgeil is 2 ¥ie : ;pti >araelinert:nt.oy ce ecustiguyced later.“PSeiATID ef-Congressrm n-electy:“Rob-Jacking only three years:of reachins}7 mor fire "tf in ntion®pow.” iy,ras,Sivisewatled ves:crts,Sof Utah:Phe;receipts for:five score.For more.thar:twenty|vancethe.Kidney-poisoned bloodwill attackGeenilego?attend Meee ate:missiows:laseyeat were:$20,-1 years he “had been blind’and for'sev-Vitatorpans,or the Kidneysthemselves: 2 073.03;foreign nti =siobs $9 ZOP4212 |ig t;hezhad.“peen other break down and wasteaway:“ceil by-eell.|25th;i899.who istertously Bains era _yeats:past;“he~-Pheirthe-richness ofthe bload-—zhaalbume EMonte,missiots—$5,608;72:education Wise afflicted:s$o'that déath-Game-to}:S ‘é Sere coudle’Sse diséas¢.;If*kidney’trouble,isallowed-to.ad-( Ldevers Miss -Evalni.:=07]-7h.“otal casks ‘—leaits'oat.and:1bé‘sufferer «has -Brizht's Syth.4899,titi nee cHttde Of Mere ant:aeSia ‘Total castricontribytions him after.long-¥ears of patient-wait-}Disease,the worst formof kidney trouble.|Bethany:Es a st ts:ie stiller Hicallyi ss=i Saga “Lay T0 minutes:subscrip=|ine asa‘biessed release from.all “his pe:Kilmer's Swamp-R0otthe ‘new dis-Vere anyaN Pespak eit taxesaxe a5 a 7 et eons Normnth 327]eee =e.are oe ‘tor ‘sutfevinis.|:Death:to:‘him’had long|‘coverysis the trée specificfor kidney,bladder.Soeet Nenee ange mE:ang SER :chen jue eee jah Mate taA ce ne ovid the:Ss emoria all’at}since’lost tS.sting;He dhas only |-and urinarystroubles.:It has curedthousands:sc ancoeeaateacpineanae ayes5 oar are tbs he:ig a:e eptiy a ;Ff =BR LsAb dan ieie ster}of Mid,THomasville,to--eontain workshops sect aver to again-receive:his of apparently hopeless:Cases,afer ‘all’other|sia Of Decesn Cy ie thyscngot Fund byt 2oME TO.Us.Pa eer aes 7aieé:;to teach the‘boys matualarts.”Lhe}Giht and await the:“Feoton.“of the ee ee obi ame umayJeed Bhs,and eyes “§Avia See:eeare on steCaN eS aes see:wee 5 Br oF +r laristees “Of ‘the’Femate.‘University,‘loved enesdeft behind.#Bu SE gba Si teity =pee meen Se nba in 1 eeitye respectiuily..=ms Sa Senries S ?es cotmieeEBoDS,.“ores ‘Yeebeieee “at Raleigh bave.purchased the7Ad--Miss-Lela’Williamson,fhe daagh-Rost Bee Sean Cee Aas »oo.JHE WYCOEF.ieeeeasnh{thy ai pot |ier:i ;ims?‘residence ;and can}now;aceom<|terolMr Aaud Nirs Smith.William::“Dr.Rilmier.&Co.,‘Binghamten,,N Y.‘and,:“Socenber th IREDELLQEEs.|P ae Se deoesid=cuter:a any 2 .0.GHe jmodate Yad;boarders,”having.only|son;“died in:Conegrd early Sun ay}mention this]paper.Ree Fs fo secavee:tyaleSees Rey ats Tithit Stetnbeistonsne +5 vacanciesnow:and half.;theseen-hnoraing and was brdupht here roe ae Saas ee a ee op ey stan |AFatffetd.td.ty ‘awed after Christmas.”jane Tagul..‘|day.afternoon.‘She~was:buried!at ere "You will want ow ag ede an one M eee \a t ye Spdcot.i Gy,puinbers 24:2 %St:“Michaet:'s yesterday:Rev:Helms 3 bores 1 ;Tie ele a ay one -S.mith o Rev EB.Ss.Reayesand Messrs,33x conducting the funeral:services.‘Miss:Gelebrated $e Pele Rate “tes Sapper Braiy nies ré.Turfer aud Chas:-Leonard,who.illiamson-wasa,pouscera eter,:mouaseMeoceitaeeSeeaeresented:‘Statesvil'e ‘chutchi at Lik girl and ‘the sper thies-of:~=yf =Saulip tick ‘the palate seen in:Asheville,al Tes J entire conimunity gooutttong rér ;Cee er GetoPea “e ae Pee SS é stricken “parents,:Seatabet“alinost |!we eBatheortticLaks:ir ete ey 0 ‘Rocky Regen:és of thei ver See Fa:a Fa Qer eee went’bot ‘and::pear Bhool |Lee an~able““sermon ee cao “Whe.jo a3 :ce :Bs >aak.:to addy mor ng toa good.congre=|.r-old aaapies eae Mees en ousinal e your >are a Nea tag ee uppers Tse Bande:“as-tis iy.ans :Be vember es of *tiot inthe -Baptist chur he.1 ites Rad i ob mae Peace eeENcs33charme“dd aod.defighred:Ate it s re 123 <<.Sri “a:2 =pater Seo wyCAKES.Bor oe eh,"Goal,,wood andC S.=.Se re tiers.|Thetreca pt i ea pape 'spt,coal.stove.exermanutfact,ured=‘To: milesrie te A per.Cor soe Fowwiiahig re TARR St Une oe eae Oey nt feesvate omeen”lL”Agel haardest lookap die Af een of oleelsSheet Top Lined, pce a oe nde 3 Pee Sh ce Staking iiterature.:ithe Wve eS <XSoHSeaCOURTS‘5 +The hearts of“the péop:le“around ie :=i foreSASes:ashe reported the -coudt-4 iM +me |tract “which:is,“buf anste oYca i cy ns Breit eases eepos=Ort 4 ‘Pheré-arefraught with”‘uch!“sorrow f ctolie between XOtnetrat oat 62 >eyHowWa “pil is the Pie Sy eeasonBaarth.Ki 2a ee a As a ¢veny’“day.: sidan the morping-by Rev.Sere thecunsgus]pecan of Fing:eto »PIse,“alwaysSF lifes Ty ‘qneinspan¢é,olga ‘tothe: oe Sh déaths!ersthis]gives‘perfectia,dsts,you 2”nase;co -5moe:be ain,whopreached 6n-fhe’duty}week...ns .ak is HL.win,In my"poLicy-us getit we ;Meh Sea a ,ir year.«Ti te Sei {P See Yenecteans is Fost?iy W spsvigreiee,S org eon ahee 2),|Poedemtor both Uribe-aed death;[Po aigSeca rites :—=ns ae osaoiat.i "dpe art efferSailotaer Hi Presshy.-preaeh .d .,ofGolambia}, ::Va,-jn.Sind set 10}phat Appeajed to ::Y feachcheri ct herded:“Sie!“be ;relativ er. 3 beriea |in’SIahs Geenbeer comet |Puy bi °A ee Soin thes heoaBe. —S Sundas..+?“FR nS te Ss LY 4 en Oi eachédy i =“nee cots emit af Moareiyiite stro Ashebillé arvives H|ur0t aygagd vening ‘AS West Bid.fe: assuretk iF naPesebpige at}‘Be train.Taytots i]“Bishops,aesteel precbesat BES.a.ubseribea.2yxoutheto-“alow arek“LROS At -G:aug Jegves-for)‘riniqy.SEscopal»eo naa me ee “tho,lige~the business jnceharigs ts€at Wyp.rine The-east Tndtmineat 119 clock.“Th or fr.LA Soilless typ tho Tee aan SES oy Pant Cas igs Viinforma->2°SA Sey e AN:rs Ph 32.=a to ‘kestensat,énce toward*bohadst elble arntesat0:33.am noon from3to5 djeldek:he vadioeoi|e Onv our fourth:.OPP pest are ke mae pT RIE OPNe ee ee pest ade5 Ble Be oe .EN ‘Runows Liver Piss.;2AesVereGiion“of thie!nifil:“ah.wh rethe stpoeund,at FIZ"“mh.Seppe |thisthurehgivea Teception _int’the:hee fates Hetstare”mi ek we oan BoE eR oot ci RO PE d eo se cg EN Yous uy ;arbu ained-0:7 jntFutseriberr‘for Duts io"‘Clizdotte Treisht,aaseek:5240.p.12 bop’s Bonbr ,at’the “1residence eedown:tre 9 ne Rees FATS h “rake Ge pe RE RECELY GQ:ee Mi _4 Ni Ee By)":aN fontc Petiets youdo nat Ae itionise:=.x aefairthoayaid dollars¥HORE ye.aoe $40a.ie os,a eRe Y ee oneWest!‘Bro +tee ;ee abe Di R MerhNe REQUIR nes ka eee ,:Bua Complete Freatment,ene a e iH ee Bas taeae ‘3..ogee iyoe te =CAND BSS Ae fe pies oe !Ne go)";mea tg ES 1FA:ae WP ee eee 4 Mysnes Const ation,pieleee co 2 a eee pwiated rt siere:ie <Paper.=ae Pe iaa Rai e xx Ripesh :,,Trees St oe ran :ety 5 ee ry OAS ONS rt:Bancmetba,sold for.one pis Pe fete.i:‘:-‘e ‘“i GOK *])i eSSerta eae>Oy rE tee en fereasoe Bet |‘:Sei oe aE SAN EESO Ee en Pes ys .,4 ye Ff,SN,.Bagi .‘Vd :wseBung3 igte,Teliefy “the.ele ¢ ae rc:—4 Sr AV MS “Lentk,Siar ange havethe =ee ave wwe Jarges”Geep Ue neti system.ar invigorates * {WAS ere Nontay~tering:sult:=oticceeaesemen eae —Lark,..“—,‘ i a yet S LS .xe Saya "si ae “4i“at . eeem8‘ ot Nbr ‘Cacoiine.aTeedeleounnty.:ined,ACL wats ESaeASEaitviveFORcxor]cca io SRR nepetteosprisiWe,art skal is oes Clery.Ad pritne ction z ey -tiwe.ears Constant’;Kee gees=ey otrawels4 -<¢a x By asrae Age contig5 you “cai:“eet aoLe JM.ral aeSFWithbarPibaser:Ae eg acne a Rbdlasty mel)Ae a beefas “ney Highersprices for “your oly tyfaa DP t‘indication-?rof Seog 3sStee pes Phave'mey =‘mie *people sine ean,!gs ol sp toor ks agente“360 in Statésvillesamd “yew [21 ne i aR Saatieeeaeth eet Jie:.“hearse Eo Songcba subject Ao aang used.Grech’SAuzast tower ah 9300 cae oe Te:ot 4 ey 2%oo Hef at D.Levycannot:td TR QSAlexander ~aeSepenooremade-a+tnistake tdiseased t,na ¥be,taken as dy Chap anyother remedy.“fat dySpep-4:.”‘SLC THTNGS s sa oe sshitsfor,lower prices>than-*:Hagsae SeatonHeonangeargagcagpenaBeaetaneatedWehaaadceeeaeOkigaccompantngEAESwnourlSePy¢.:“yale,J 2 esesi‘tthe DeioeSe vianed sou Eajfomns es hoa okSadPaeood setae or for persons/fillin a Porstem Bors:sia a€h ae ee paces aruiers-teel Like they ¥.|"‘a oak i ooih ms jy norits‘thatas,the:~Republi-,;realate eo moka viseive aes potiedpositi Share beads 30d]Saha abe “am ‘bagi::‘are ‘not.working.Sempothe|=>dee 4 t ansvhad ©ides atmene it;would be es the bit Oaconies.eee weROr.ratzba aaeieseSpee inte:BositivetsBrindleag3eer "che‘peohle ks ealing.©REO ee Ke=e 4 Ger.a pate > [well oO:ies,thepy legiSlate-with,out!gnevett afterthe “Groupy «‘cough.So Babies cxist®ithate Gre was -eAbe 1 Shest Foodssy eeig place.aaai :eS ara Alexaucer: ecoraihich oes every measure”‘that péars.will-preventithe stick.>1¢PBlowsr isa"graudirethed yk dt “Goes|e.eee‘Langs:ea Re |fendants aboterap wis Et os Renter eS Eevee pomp*ousauds Oe beines ck Anjusp theseye oe fecahent,Se -Shoss,>+afd men’s shoes.’3 of i-tiave ee prone the,North tite that an action <)3 form.ee Sthe,ee inesfeei nthisroad land.far never disisan:snistake was seen poigts the--ansiots®mothers,”re.Orous3 debates,marked:‘the-iclosiag pee yet’to féarn Sy astaaieinsta rn cia es jeans,Plannelsete.i abla an¢day.“okthe Session.;ee hichit bas.not-protedéffe j eis:“We aiegladtojsee:voised-thav ikeDemo-pk ies pparatiouede Shove 4 you ever sawa..‘1 am-selling thearcheap,’|pay.debts dub or the -,Qt p a t ie 450"y easeb-oa;the nfted:Testy Peay WS PES,Be ree Tie bres Sou afew axticies und Alexander decent 3 ;Wil PFrte a ‘:drats inthe:present,Congress .seem|.4 Jrecord-twents.sfixe years.@onstant a:ae docket at :Ral BQO}:ekgh,13404 oe Me tT time and:wat sPuntted®‘for anagkressive poli:}and o wit abta dally 5 aE Sah,=TEhanEjetbourhe)fourt ;pee,es 2 Eas fie aiid.;s defendant mac HE!furti. “beySieve it ‘forciny-the “fightiny :SA eee aN x :Se ‘he ppl eeeoe FOS EEHe ee Sas re weeis any Steet that he ‘is ies te ts eo mtot’fight for’aty|neo "3 ;and larg ésilk plus seg SetOs oeEESSE oe)iy |Qftice of the Clerk “ot [ine uecaranga oe *The eteot eaeis:ae bt ri Pata eee Re Be eae onsane ya ae jens §es hy agit Ga?jcourt of aed fooPeSpidleayot‘desetve to:“Become.the’‘a Bot,‘time'tn Spire“al:the Seagun’|.{en i esrE tieieanty.Riseys sit |Pi Ree JoneScare shoe d &ae SNC ae SS C2 Gh Satunse :arity.ne inority:hast fight:=e,«Piagres,bas:‘provsht!‘a\\libel Leify the blood:clea ttelier,”trai Leeee ‘SAGER CATS Oe ed eee Pun Lun.oe Tausaves Ns |ea lth cust Lo be be fighting [Sujt axaidstiit for 8250.00 ‘Other orate athe;‘sybtett;*Raimeus<lithe|.=.SO Or ee ee ce)Dont,yor DEY:“anything in one.ee sG eters ie eeeand”epatriati ic ally salts agspesate’ys.[000 Saasned Ppilis“for ~Constipation pad niiver}sesh R a,eee ys sine teow atybadyt‘until Ee create Eene Yettiae “i aeaBshokKieMomtratytole¥as r -oitbles?Ww.AX Balle.es ate EEE .ee es ee;A,mnstock.”YE thankyou alk fot yrar 2 =Ca a4‘every measire iat.Ste ey *Opg vitnate Sougzh ‘Cure iSte ORTee ote BOR se pe s :Ty atronage antl fépe tor:a seontinu-Loe Senslerifan wt :cnsetiogs any See eee:seseny z roses sualled 18 t ‘Monday Stherteta trekthee)!re JAS Yount,ee of ee sours.truly sens PISnt.Soa Asis-nov'for Ahe |elfare ofthe t¥<\and:“elds Tt ig.sunequalNeil-..fde 'Robésottille Tabacc zWar hylose ESE relnarpbeahest ts ee ae,ae eat 3 G le re aks a vt om“Texander dec eaed 4 2.8 Ley e pet.expeller fot mite ;Jaates!4 shenePinewdress.simep oy fast F",arn:markets ®witha.“bigs“stoek:Off has been?‘Comper.COL Son 1 |ae i2%443 Hats ahdCaps.6f,5 cf teat tae aBoe ser fea tuleeke othe paced.Mhevacentury Hothing,‘shoes:hats.’ladies capes.)Court of resell «Nee .M “>wo pry ionarch:hae “ERS y.arewnive,yood andichenp,.Wei art nd:all”<inds wot ‘Gent's oka®eertain tractto Syita lacin:zediGO)unit Sora Fae od CORRS ating.Sverco Sa)kK ale eeelh citi :0 tesf Ms titieoy co iat Uplate Hynevowes |Tu wishing:goods.1.bought them suid county for Assay + he isWe-willlose gothiog!Samondant;Lwhddping co sehrnail,ke *Sey 1 eo ae See sea OVE a ho ee = ing®“our;position ge »Chamtp nti»writes!pes Ss Miams2 ae ponPrEOLSFH 90°OE ap aus ssa eeie fa ales tee eran es =Borne -“wPhis Derembay.éi ae os POlaiicis quoted“asusaayia?“for al sre’andy Never fails.;“TE4g:thet sen an a TlePaes Sell Bo eS PLAS loa Se Wi 0 ciesal Bib:oe ApS AE ae ts gt I perty ‘which contents itselfwithbey aa hatmless.‘retbedy that “eivest’alts.R ‘hohe tea beet ve hy AR AS LOU'S s re wresanticoy ae ee ol.ee Bling Simply *aeoparty:of negation.insinediate vresults...Cures:Caughs;Saysic\Odx baby was to 4 shen you eat’we upg Pour ‘Rockers’.>a ee dies nating bubcriticise-what thekiRapids,bOarsctiess,chong,pneamonia,[ranning’‘sores.*,DeWi COE:3 Weer Ce ee ae DR dant =wore younfirst tpewsbhs.-AES a."V:s pyottiepparty dees,eos ope Note Lersbamts and a ‘tbyoat-andlangd Hazel Salye.cured her.’ERPS se OAL INCCG 8s.shop Ee ee ND cooeaRud,.fact"aut.‘we.“want hag 33 siiccessfyl }nthis:countr J troubles *Tes ‘early “use:sprevpats Tor.filet belgie eee epee _ree eae me See eee eee teaor cm PEO agt Fro}i ibetter a Be “ends,PRS “Ey ¢Chere afe three)things.“eat Sebo iconsum oto”x.ByAall,Ist ROE;worthless’.Louiitergeits i",W:.KET tee.bites SGOT ce xi weg TP nen,CO OS ke pm aoe pee ena +abou Jacuar ieee Shaft move:‘ito,3 o *(ctf)Demgerats ‘ought-to:“wakesa;fightinAn Aa oe all,dr.et ee Lad ei Ty Nepean Mer ee Fs date rest LOCK.ee ..ae CER 3 aboukin.stoke wea opaiene MURREGS.,“has:raised $35;600'ofRe“Thetfrui tees ¢Tarboro Faisons Pan O41 AT}oe 4 ee D Reo Pet THURSDAY,JANEgateseetnere)<M theigposition in,amanner that.\a “the stock fara $100,800 créton mit S baba Sot i4G ie,aad 5 ake 4 ye Besoe ae RE IF Polity Stelowk.93.1m.wae fee es MULE CP EN ge i 2+SB thecountry.Willunderstand ¢,pte ae Se ey ‘faad >onerenaie aa Ta are 3ad)-ip-pee ag oe ee "HER ma fat a Seta ct he fie 1YRepublicans-have framed Zey sone}Kas been,’ens tequiled.“tb RANE!Sse Aas.eee:Y i yee “Sei :e s ris ‘os :{oe >:a <:ie ::se Sties Lowes isi eas a To ED,ior oer ee ea EST was easly able Gkept |Abeer OeCa eed te eg [eons |e ed a ete erisbodlioe to fee seperstaded,him:6!tale}is “tryed oetors Neds a cernid CPLO WD:Coy,=oe SAEs G4 Decetae mee Diencew Bankers Trusty Ch eimbodies:ro soméef Ghamberlain 's Colic,Chol:priae a aRas spneret ta her Reg Sa ee dake oa AG:Pode ATES ek prigch cross aahfeNigiohs-of valife”any:&CESS'OR oad”Diarrhoea Remedy...After ise TP ‘ise Pb “Gina:that cared SURASGE HARE AS Pg Sie)2 ag tank Sad ane een BatioBe bar cone aici sing stro Upttles of the vo:“gent‘size’.nodal P hat sk Pony ms ca ‘;3 ‘*Bese *hto'a beech;tlrenve ast rai:rthe mallpose ful:ought to be.bs ye late sredidcnice Qt Por jule?Sigrid:$coricy; ee)!At Sn lagestsy~what be EEE :oT how ae ae tS oy aa 4 ee 7 ae 5,Andke Spuford!Sines ews tur hePan [L give.“this:,stéestimo-|i <ape 3 Arr 9 NE pes sy TOR Ys ee (a a a or Meal S isl fo'the pine nea Soper OBE alte oe discuss and defeated®it.Dos;nial;hopines mé one,similatly.af-Geevee meee dys 2a See Ce YL Cr pone i é oP POPE ae hy eee.a2 :“aie shal[cattalene Sing ‘Fira Le aes BPOae povicdus esis dts ftigtee miay red Tt and be benefitted.sia:een..j :tO EONEeD eanioeGecayNOXasltteddminisirit,ith:ane SE NO ON:set vm RB aowiithe seaatdutac Ac fignicds ell”se Beoed tuts:for wae ke a eT oe ov;dirté:ferce it,{thrduplth:Tires ResBower?Giasonr,g.Fos o iaes fxscaioe as EES Tf:et geeks eta Ad Srnith,denedted:ing}4 ,:meet ae ah :dowil-theme y -g .co it ew a .eee<::a ¥apd +hast Ree hon SS =ae Ip the 47ak<ash?“lémill payvuy:6 Jet yourebave *<2 Se Spi Reed rules;Jtwillsbe-the ait V4sale |by.ahageiets.”Eas ae “the™M.B.ehoPech at Watkertown,}clytae 3aa ieGeeta 19 i Ooty Aesnen teeter arghet Ce Vase Beene eae.“gosdsrai'a rhuch-lebs-pride thie oF <M 2 speret emia ae es oe *Porsyehe-goanty-was destrovedby”Reeaeteeaeserenaspond SNE UR AL Shes,a Jamadredands4pee3“!Gain a ,¥we c “Fires at a suncnvab iy a wr Simei ee fs*.dwathly,iBreree adstay Hove SE te Be ty es Pepe oo.i Gérinaiy’s-ew’hay ak bins.if At fine Sunday,*!Loss?EEL 000 6yA yw be yy fate)Sande:faite apne eae ne cen a a a dapamsctenden :”“aa sone trates xiniyis eon <wh fe x in),OE i ce.its f ‘.uf MY -Sao ole repk.fe:ss s Eas pt=:<Fi R EE a Daath |becomes diwy hich iscvery proba-eutangy 3d Sar Pik 6d So Slitvig Nowchrber thy ros “Andie©ae “BOC ee is Rock,oe Pee cneiioeS sac\keseeatheeeert F HU:aket.the Kaiser's realm +:.JaBeconelly Auonies.“y Brae eee PE og |eee Sheers eee heRepubticats:will dt héraig:|aesecond ‘at ape,eyy shes TeesSakonixbrweS we f ke Rae ae 3 2 ape ne a -=cen Ley Gr COUTSES 7pas SN rete the rngre-the:rae gute -sfiesop LW “aghit i vi ie Ps on :oyews the result of.“his “splendid ‘sae a 4 éy gutNotive eo Ad :iyi Nae a om eR oeforseek™to»deceive.1 pegy!Ph Pre =health:AIhdomitabie Wweill-gund-tre-!yar Lnip rtgl Q Aint 3 rth .“FOR SALE wha ees eeetae See on seme!burcombe:resolution he Yo assyme-no},isk-whet you buy sendists.cher eyareipt.foudawhete|-Iv“Accor StS"fer frit tand g6ode|at :St Ee papi cocin‘Democrats ought towgreé upon:the |:eran:3”Coliie Cholera and:Stomach,LivercKiidneysand Bowals Alegudur.*basil toseh!ernst Bearte te Se se a Sc Phank of the ike to a {best plan:to show.howeS wnresee ;Diarrhoex.Remedy.“SA Hod Be itists,‘are!gut “of-order,’Ihyou'want these oo ea tigaBae ee ro NN i };*spite Roe Gate ppnaint 3 ca 5 eee an Ma “S|under-this’administration i 4 hi a:ook thi b 7 Redpecttatlie ew sa pS SW eT ER UD AN UY,:peor “ -season 4 wit refupd=your’-md eyif yout aes quatities-au tlie suctess t 1eyy Oring |<:peieRee Issa on,JER aS OS res tigre orate:: 1 ve 2 od ffitateiepdiiness.torthem,”andinebest Tr otheatietgd a aetna ats Osea usé,Do."Ktag*s pNewWife-BillSs/wow &ox vacoonee:qf,Que teactbepinieiiysat t oe ont sees how’i ¢€ff 1D Le.tact pica oa eh Th C-;?‘Hig.7IG}Fhe 5 Y S a .oy “ebay kk four feet above :as fsa SP or Be at TR Methafer ee et hesHe-|ery wheve “agiatéed {0-be"tie"tnostt Phey devel Svens oiee oOt ee se ee ARM ERS:WEVES ocreneeRAS,ay ee ees 5 SY yx eg Date5 a edhe ins cuektioN“Estccesstulrethedy-to “userfer ~botel,‘and boi Bt2 nly 2a-cenes:és ae WaBal Cap Lae Wael ee Fl ey Ash Sawlenta je SoD le ek toe ee ne cect prover assppb oC thersgroéches'ecounplaiits~“and ‘the “only ue that]Hall 3S AS arug-storel:~=“aay.3 i he a a aN ak dn Fonan ther JadiosaxhoWisk £0,‘work gl side oF roadistheaSoeUe:pace ee %th aS.“Ve fever,fails:Teris'plegsent,»Safeandy a oesga a area Fee Se ge een eh en a =‘Bhar Patrecrtieneae‘Lowthto threw:a food-of ‘tig bon reliable:7 g 2 »“ColanekGallwsllader otek ait “ft oo visiD <a CAN EAR:1 SOF:pee yp thence wil the outlaws of:commer.”°oh eet gn anny ;Setetnoe a“a,cootederaty Qiticer,andOnce.a PEON“Ry Ne Gs RO ce Re ee Se ek olesto @ Stake ig)Si LS Phe“Republican rest pot}-_-Richs reSigith.“edtored 3sabes a foefthpplitician,died ate hiS,Same Se ‘SP ne ER Ee srorking:igtsus.“th spare iii:“atap pbigiine Nem)iets ‘thie,Ppilippide-quéstion,with bent bamp:Red;was “hatiged ‘at Perty?}.Shlain ja,SCC,pitDgcember Asbal)Tx ay AO 2.Pjhomeéon otr.clofhs,.WW olferyouAy jinc West poles tiiaeevade,a.direct Voteor 3 tproposm Ga noe eRetisber=lsty fe‘for the:mury[agedS0:s His,Wile Wasa.‘auupiter Sf ee SS ee OR ee PP ES .=a Splaaty of ee Memes;eee “Bi tion to-gite 2nrindependent vovera-:detof Bea Payne;angthije pe TOtze o!Gov ior:Tréde aseee :he Ears *£%spebding money.cits,leisure-fbrangh.tothe uaepregsuites“Of.the Wetter”.‘8 6 “a Bment tothe¥ilipimds *itethe?war eterBOR SSEES BIER Ae ~He aracuated at’ee aro as Veni Bie.yo ea “~t Lheurs®.Koad ide forcloth Sand Mull befinhing.koa maine byaace.Suitess Thevare £09 v3 ws ee iis ‘shortlyfedmioated theDemoorat,Pot ee Fe ¥sreerte be fa,University:imTS32”.os aseNDEs ad oe Sworkand 'Save YourMoney.”(>:directions forswonk,:and commence othe asidersiymodatilt<Snely fingshed|to.risk miovitythem and.-?By i¢epportunit;yw 1,Havesarriyed.-&be.THOS:Soppuaier “Dayton;FaasiS:were colonels’$°in?tthe raeorth’fe HR AS pu once cha ee bat.once,‘protie “Sent any where.ay gi wnsaid layin Cewasn _Somébody pets pisndp.aaaSolid,odbed.*“oa ys len kas,waviistn/progress;“théfey cing,says Te esosed"Ratirdn ee,“Wolieodnés;South Carolina |karche suaceabe had fae.Che?ESS Sek eg.SSCBeeeSs °°=Fae earsrere£soap sue,reigulat’S12F nog “$10.90.|*Bil Renubiicang willbe able wo “wire tp ELicocpulscauaetobie -Palldis*fprfatd Jotinstong Jobe California:Dole 2.moms.fetrertaraine t Lidsobsicen co.pra kergecen.eesags |Sre eeeSaeSeiehslgrzeexcesmirror,ae Se Bland swiredus etter than Whed they Svan,an@egenae say enguele=far fouel Jonés"sedabe Paul}manaid¥pincanbeatand it Rotwatis actor moh Sy Ne Ment."8 “|rms Northag alezrerseat¥Ardised starving.neilfarts #14 eet question”of arfuture pevernment ISLes.forthegood theyey baye.d ile in'f'toG en?Lafayette.Jolin at oan Z (renee:et,i otroth.Fhe £aloo ty ee,oe eo eink in Baul «:“eck * oe rice-g1 3s iy ac Sis =‘=seyup:for consideration Whe Nero:nty AsinivyiSishite ieiayons Spe rte terobutioniary.here;€:re ry Hae onde ede Rh z =ae =x aL eos:ais nike:resset’TRe4 a ce foo,=on erin ee eratSought ska ike a on re ally:what they did orx eRPung fname to;Jones becauser ofy bis 3 st peng em a YS Nee eresoeiiarneerSeeieMnpropositionto,ghve,,the)Ritipiios 2)B+son:Weithouichtt he mas’.i60,|received fram thisfamily,pare ee Ba &thern [Barockson the eastfeoisnow.OS RNS aera Repablic-of their Ot DOs,mattert Hitle so%fakepillsebul whee te:saw|Base ee J 7 :sats “a :‘Bi bow.Tonngit,takes.”“Ity_is hecessar ‘V4 tht rept:af us taking Ou fspattT ron ie’te Me “Kaicanic Eruptions My{torihake the fodgers come,ah tute |Pellet at might hewouldeey:rote}"+Ave Yprabt But’SKin Reartions Z snopgearid--declare ‘for’freb.Sévern=,alsy:-"So kwen Commenced:giving’Frob Merof joy.7Butllents.Arnie’Liss wontSas use aay Ne fener ages Mfic BHI Isroake cuts Tat a meee Biiere=4s gy‘them to-him regularly’,and frony aa}Salve Cuyxyes ther Pa lsonONd.,eae ingkabout’eS x Seahee ai ;iE eoe te come 1 eSieets eter acsNesWyrqund.ye paleafeficate child he improv ed.“im?pand-fevmrSeres.Uleers;-Botts:EFel)Satestle,with a-towe-room cottige,&ellande THED Ae eer Pio sonkhaute dees enarematters Of:‘shad Swing |‘medi atety;and latél Hie ts:as-robust.“ONS Coxnis,INV arts “bt “Bru ae ‘atbrisidings oft Me Prethises./A bout ag ning.containing pPincty* fRipoccance .&Othettollateral:-qués-.a Jad as ever breathed!‘mountaip ‘airs Burak,‘Scatds'Ch ped Hands.aes eeend Sueieanie Peeerenine mnieteepan TATA YiLae eeae eee nies co @ koe ich;iy tidus;wall aRord abu dant.oppor-7 rrosyechesked:and:he looks as!shéal-bhains.S Rest Pi 2 ure’on”:as [Resa ate reine Fook iether,barter SAIS os eel os ofOf patie rope Couch pr unity for dttferentigtivs thepos.bby ds aine-bigtant,Livia ‘au Drives Sut Paipeamnd:thches'e Daly!Tis ential My Bee Sones pee eeetEcS:=tion’tof ‘the two rtjes.and ma ony eeae parepibesy “Retes 25 dents”aitbox Cure}:suargntedde |”nel iomod 4 =NOT 2 ke fe eaten OCU MIRE Loar:Bo isits So)with option to the pitches <oon Pew the iissues ofsiNO 8 ot.‘that thea ini :ne f “1 /Sotd.p}ar,Bt amt dre:‘dragristé7 i i PC PIB eae ed NSytite of SS Decénvber the pie dart teniite Ler wh run.may re <e gh i keRy iia oth's SPE &apitak fae apot et Listy xe ea lg S &oso Been mM Veh 2 es mn 3 Fy:pete See eter “he Mele ngttline:At Se Seopa ahaThe “Tyemoer.s hor beav Hedi"290/000,ks mate On.poer Leattat phe Ups.2“AdwAliisbFuiverPeak ib ee Soe “3 adpate Pi oo ON Petes a ie Korace “=Sent to Cougress-at “this tides ate.Phstist y ithe prop,eee F Saile Hithis,wecle 4 younther als aioe:"aajeuatureon brepaaah,E5t 2p |pe sr AE for CAE North Gacolima,©\Suberpts,‘pilitthbre'to expose.the ‘evils of ‘triste F abe meéfican Sugar C Pn.waNe Bee,vate theifitstaship aLee.ca j PR RS Ti ie et,ema rae me pireden Gounty 5 Oa 7: ;are :ei commaigen,|b i naney aT:SS ee a ai Pace fe {pk the-UnitedStates.joNsepneny dx Bx Fee 2 agent et Leek gel bs yy Bo,2 SRP E peed!ot Tepe oe Ee AUGHIAIN anes c le n resent,a.betsh NI IS *Rath OSSe 4,Pat sop a scent Pr cikcn oon pe eee a savin ct ee TE a3 Scitori‘ol Rev A.Sd &ne Sa:sof “shen j ‘nated Lae 3 23 Her polics#Saeeies de this pola &‘Henne rene zi }.hibit.for ip be Paris.eerPesitghe as pened tah Ue x re oreSe Me i ak a og tam Sh gees aK:miltinesteley agit J pee oa avisos,they atsg0.es oS be 4 :mi iE gressixelyoi‘and persons |S Sa:“Be ‘Cfarka¢Forti :Af “Say apctesinetenn se guceeting De back.Se ital ape NECN cos eat Be ace eeof Gao2Ty&_=Sr BS ay Ses by ill forge.the*weapg ‘which thes:Tetpeathoei is:Geraint!a iSurgeons 4 Te 46 gperdie On:mes itaaidble ar female:PRelievesxetesttiow;bfwate”aeS a a ex es,Presbyterian jchurcliSe200with.:bred thers with “ee Lae ee acon wan Route ated?ee AU:Qe '3 5)Board of orien Mix>+pndye.|“There bas:begn gomp ice.-'"~For,pilessb Sie thibeete a 2 fy i eR ::i ;10 Pe Sersices werebeldpore last Thurs.“Witts Witch Hazer ‘Sdlye-”Tes is!ExRpseson br cee eee eA Sse ore Bere a :i days)Thanksgiving ¥Rens aeLUG.‘Penfatlible:.piles:an@ skin dischises.PeeiS Sa eesNera 8 irjotlyiFindk.icine Blas aiid wife/Nancy.Reyevict.Nobpkg to:Tenstn.eo rig al eJochee i Miae,2s ei aa EEBtOWH.ABOR;me sé ithe ABeward «countostelts sav JB pradeeCRE LA GRIpee ENT 2 av tent om all Through ahd=.ieeeBiosi¢|Hally,pred 5 ea is #mea ;iyoga!Trains;=¢Ppliman <=<heir wife,Sarepli,i ae wienStal Py.<oi aan orphabsahlaritim Sp ins©ik c septal,AMER :aN as [tz ayinedaynov:tha}aceertt Pyrun ee wien went.pes SoeFox ¥Se brueeSretindSane:Shiaps “Palage Sleeping Curs:On"“pal?eer Rape sage antaports’“the 4 prajectiriy of aay and gathered api anything:be,ae Sean fePepsice ia.Ae Hee ;eon exeryibos 28¢"45 APast and pate ~Johny Gooding asd gv:Se ON pes VENA.“wife.0 “chief:engineer.of f<a a Soe ace ee AS chedules?casxirigasiqsoe»BL oF r trusts,sa largé péople wanted to vive.an Se 4 ae ake =i?<a:edased™naines,vigided:“Wee shall be pace ee:Se oo.gy.me Bebsomeotthen thay:the’[pgures,ate see a eesctEreanimlt cleat on fees OF eee ;“|Pratel bythe Southors.aod $60.8 oe:pele:SOR an oe i Oy ©2 ftheyTail,WF,Ae Se States mal vaSsuited,3 “t 4 5 ;etauteaee ovesterday,we had re Mr.D.ash kg}an §-las oi ;Tee be eae Stabesy :safe;Comfortable a$200,000.600sSugar trost—nighé..ey eee apie,v8 poor by aes pont eeinthe irae Aue nee eee,:es sashes= “ytpol at ty »“oP heFe4ant:tionjof Zitthe other sugar tho se a ; ant.cary jets yore eeocae a Atbteshing machine.S "About all the.publi&schools.‘pane:Oe pS ae Bae aa4 isehgewbaROheebegup:Phere,sa yey,Sai atten-4 furs Je.Shae ‘eeilatigy:eae mean :seers S ,Control.the®manyfacture:y ie Snttancrkevay oko 3 ~}ehh bs ofthresbintk ihechtes,:‘and Panes:Bok }his child ‘Silifg by.agle naite‘Wough i ‘Woottueds's.-SandLatyeasotion.:khisSa ghee r :in ae tee caat Fearon,Hattie 14::Sy Pilnowiwe mae look for at adtaneéiin’hee ¥Sharpe jeaine sai:Te Cure.’~Doctors:had “her ap to:cae by $s MPS &(ANDERSON.StH Path RS 6s Dare 4 ecdlineeles ateeutlly’ is erash Tew;the four childs: 2 >:i moma hone ef 3 men pase deceased names, ate f-these.iin addition “to thi rom:Tennessee,.and Mr.|with”“croup,5yt}an ole ible ie Sanne ’Ay here e ot ADD See o Ti PoAss,Tyyceoy ocak oT ses ofthis actin’eulle Is Aouey,Be Seber fe Allwool 302 cand Ade.”now 30.ae qe PUR seaesuentin.theprrice of all“|Rock well Woodside from:Derma.rk,|cure:for Coughs:ColLe ‘gtippe,prei-|>see fie es cHaRDOTEE:NCL a oh ae &See a sare Thomas,ardJebeataewooingrain,ee Are Bey {ithe machinery used on-the:frm.|Nv -C.—Miss Carrie:Woodside=has:monia,bronchitis ava:throat j.aad |,‘DAY foo oy fb No trouble k od agg Ak ed :;‘s :en to ans’*:SUMMONS-BY PUBLICAT ene tkSomanyarethe.trusts “that ait gone.to.engage ©in:feacbing Sear lag:“troubles Relitwes’satssonte.}-ba suas 2 imodoiniae jeer fei SPCR Meanie abies Hspeed:2 "iT druggists refund an RR Ck:A carpets are:ap 350.thisi iS:Ag goad 'He *would be ‘difficult to:name anysam ~|Ostavalt:‘SezMes Carrie Pope Fia Hull,Tw as nae hy eeieae 1orF pe Paks:‘Gann,Me Ga.-<M,z Fark demas a“time toSey them:ses oo ORR Tu tan 3 Eee ON Yfactured)&4article int ¢ETRE e|e&ber eynts Se ceeeeFeitpi oF yy “k City Sa :ets cet spade Ve:P.&Geh:Man.)i Trag..Maes C eticed in Ahesiipe ei, fume ce Bree z Rs Aas peace:which is"bot!con olde ts last week.””:ae Kai Lith ae aes ee ee osgataAy.eee eta ment<i Ree XLMEakagceae,Sit eS eke “hi be ‘eb seat NC Dee.!5 4899.5 A hott,.the Kansas.City ‘creat wing}phe xt ee Rader 2 fedand forthepavimse cs N-Sees a SE TN TS omy ha the pr cee‘of x iGh:-bas no eed J i Shot,“defeated |Doty,sof:Patterson.psisediti tovyou more than $100 if sou |!Z :Ls heBuaitofKs Mel:Saw oat weg Bis oe RR eR ap yo Be =-inde achild-who-sors beddiirg -.fror ea gst :Sr hators'of said Taste w iaterjatlycadronicedspreeasReaisaeeWein,a 100,bird.match+for the}ee‘duking:Bleete Cures 01d 3 By,=a SOE hfitsalseptiemest srektsisrSrcieaaoveeeeeneHave.b in x Pe ay 1 I a ease me ads Besadh eee wre pac ee §*2 te fee ncreased:cdst...of]*—_te ee ree fc ee Pfs foe championship of America.and $100 a:Sold Sep ene teen ritggists,foo RS :aa aa z tie Doar’is,/Ee:ah PER:y A %®"ae mous tpl :ri id Db:Ore Or:?SL‘ee AS ieee wah eM sanSagi ee ‘2 pear at the nexiternt ol xPayiSaalaematerials:andtherairei wages}.NT A eos nc Naf Upto sae ea be te eon ea A ba ot SRS ei se pegoeh ASdoinétinnes’necessary fin Iredell cpuntyeComaticsehnot:do,for the raise ip priceS rigger Fe Ried tee se Fe |-No.‘the teeth,but”tof all.proportion to:the ink}i pH >és Mi BYS:i sntencdas ong.time |«|noteexcuse the making of the:aptif.|SleXC.and ansed-cost..of the raw,materials ae eo Ma fs E from.‘dyspepsia;i fe ha “be.sire {eiality:so paintully-appareat oe es rar greene ©<: wet Pepe ten E Sadddvanee™ine wages.This:fraud}.Rt ac yy cevery et Et bse p5 veeee iepce expression so.hi leously4 ghastly -fe Cee OSA.HARTNESS C.5S0eo‘Sh ;<p ieees Nk ger aah Ae Uy Hy :a)“hie |OURLy Ter i ef 8 :=_ee i5An:seeses Bae oteeaes ee |:has ‘been repeatedly exposed.“gf SS:Uy Gee \iS etc ¥cae eae Ticdi-|Garproceedimg’entitled TG."Chasy,adams 1S often-seon int oy Wearing arti:|.eeees esSo catedrieh,‘Present;for yourself »for ~Christ-yf .*2 «Bl Phe fact is that the:manipulators he CO ee PTA Lec re gab:BOG ©Cures:all ister orjH.“MeLéan,and others,vs Kk,picial teeth.I make ‘artificial ms ss anklePaceyIefhett.tent =.with}:*‘::f {'stomactt trouble,_“er NE cLean'aud others,the ander.:vial .teeth |::mas.*Onl¥ode of.a kind,’so,takeyour.|)+)c2gyo the ieee BOL COOLER nT:s:ww PE Ly SY i Cee tae >|)Signed*commissioner PL 1 “the;most nD {a‘dhoiee @ ckly,$13 $0323...”Oak:Dyess:3 Ree Seastek .reasonable profit,but want ti make f="ef VP aafails:tagty immediaté relief.:|house door in:Statewilie X:¢eeos seels stirel -feproduc:.|—i ers,ES,rivesthat it isaan2’:3 st,Vions’"of theteet eee feria 4 eetHow$3.50.Oak‘Dress,fost |enermons pratt god.hence force NE ies ge -A ;worst case AV:Bx:Hall,Ir.eee Posse esfor aot pec -eSee which ‘nature a <Notice ig.ered irs.: er i ISe20 or;‘But.Rope sp prices.as high as.they'think the pu —_ge.na Pa Cie oe SPS aanact By a tenor CEL:aa:ee Spoken rer Ost BS ft oy-+2 fie willstand."They feel their way @.“Ox devout of the mové-of M.D:at ia olack.ms,The Biowiay SeSet ean sent tp bedies iphtatdsontee:FE esc-atann ect et of mountain:beach}white etiameled:-oo By)and if one:advance does not ‘materi,ce Bou t mAi)=yy y|Bowen Exe York Presinedt.“of ®.chestte ote Li:syed }Persons hayirig~claiwgy, --and goldfinish?with:Seal mirror.$16k-}-ao Sees ialty:ia consumption.they'ggo"up:a en ee Ea ‘the Iron-Works.Co.jot “all River,sis Gabriel scor Notified to-present the pr “D0:‘put.‘sate )\price-$14:00.“«Bvery i resi jagain;a eepon going up.:als.Is} Ghee:Eon be toa Sisdaee itle, :to SseGiine ‘alproper,Com ise beforepthe st Mtanday ie. hecessity.Hoes Poourt-House ofsaga Cota py Po *¢ :p na P th SO Nace zs ; Oniy +!Sgr oor before the oyutt dysetaitdeaQeieeeTeaeaSeesaseCcier.i SD St caren sim most 0 em a-game OR or gaat Sata Ret gt ie ey i ce Cit sty thence Sout.sae |,:eed ati ee Ci4Stockpetsef=phe"-Y i robbery in which:‘the “consumers }*~Ne 1 “wash A ‘|facturers Association:of:Falk River,les toa black oakthenée North es eies-two:week in each|Anonth.be-}:;;j;ve 56 polesto h SO t “i Tani This:Roxve-25.ee Ade tare‘mercilessly plundered.“The}makes’‘ordinaly josh ip WETEs-driven:to:a.Tike:ao hp,ieee‘ord road,ALS.Rainsey:“3Riga fees hela Og.veePEIMonday:4 «Armfetd &Thrneryiaesn:het eek :oes worsethal see :;ee eee POE ee peo.Sra eet:a plunder iso}t much “at ‘a’,time,at s w Sree Tiresz Wages..ih.3 ;“wae [pesowestspotencae fn Stone,ntheace South ~Sora e '“&ne .,asia }".‘4 ;poles toa sfonein the ‘road.thence {)--come:in’sinall tastallment;but in}#SBOUN Ni Ik ne Long Sethe beginnme,comtainin aches:PE lets on =aaron aoe hens)eee the ie it:jis*ponkce atid}.i then:new.“7 os e =eS é osAne Had,Come.&Spe Re a est tor ite depres of Serereracc ~ea Sees peeEvery.pacer.of €eur:potent tock,will °z eae theresis no one’however.humtle His is Tt dawashes the Leases ine i oF ‘A!Zie foose;“Hemlock.WwW.eS “Second tract-adjoining the iaaas oi:3.mest ;Sie dene al Aelia nia a ih eg YO ae ken AW hen tyou.Ww an {esx ‘be-sold at®reducedprices}beea se hew |Z “Ml lot who does not.“egntribute 44 some-clay and:ncilage_out of:ordi-}says!‘Two fears ago Iwas laid.op weit woeJother,qbeginning ata ‘stonesouth of|VUCe.tO Ure:ae Sed SoeiS wort!it".Stoek goes;see =new stone...ei Batribs es con cecil thin ‘to the booty piles Than is‘an}@ nary’muslin,~leaape.it:thin,j /with-my livet Public Foadthence Nurth $3739 West 34%poles to|a ieeegieee Be +pe thought my time|stone.on tire north side or the +}a Sat UALIFIED?.>al}‘S foréas ¢hdd ms -ofg-and,loosely wove :‘North's Rast 13 Peles to’=ao thence as excciitrix of the last’:;af re ar issue wh ¢h'cannot be™‘ignored,for “The onfy-changeditenakes ia -had come.”T barppened,On,tO:Ra;S stone.in Bradte : ~ line thence North772 East 34 poles to:eat abe undevigaeof Magnolia-M:eS 2 77™1 cS.Oo,stone Signi ret ‘«itis.Ty a-question whetBert,the}.f LILEDOUN Ys"to wail out the Wa ek Ss:Liver|Pills and used one box.ftfad South 3144 polestoaistoné in.center qt*wing-claims ceoatge eaeEsMyie,‘Chemce Sopth!55 “Wwest-2 ‘i ‘cts saluss:shall dwnand TUB:tale scouty,smewinceSantas mped Hot ae het“oT have,beentAching,containing ©acres Hieeee payment within reine cs}thosMurtonrasce |:try =:hot.”:Spe ae ana att |Aeevery “help.fag [Ree nee:tke another man.‘stdces’thae|Argct HOydiggBrstteact-.4 his is Heavit panees AfUnis monicd ont -wilkt nths:fromdate.A sear ae!ate *Sam sun Eps saeae?NeRt Tunstal]-".Pose eae.prssips:paces ae oa abyesik ee:ce stien Efs=Athebshie Imachine try aor ee ~nee ;fa.eee wt)Bae EB Cone i pe oe4eet.=oly age pontit al e ::.¥,“if Tbe:Nati bia EN,poreExpocitical Ont Grier SeemeeS:"4 :Cae Zs as oy rene:te :2 ‘oeree ol §he -§Gta WJ .WIiN :elosedi ans Pedal -Saturday oe apni AR rma ae a dan terse Si a a awery ee2}d's ’aft a A y night”.During ce a Séne.:x Dairy }‘ar 5 ok -Se a sure to get its aieoae oh ER ik,oy ie!MUSLIN:©©PP eattioues chatSf vaeo *about)Age we }=Seed ‘Wheatand Rye.-|.~Pictelineot LaticsaWNiWe e n jton,SoC.)was chartered sldstweek |jee 4 5 Pp pe So dime |1,290,000 people~hwithaeapiastockof$2200,800.9.of the factory,be!ia”Therewere:present.oaeremaen dele:|. =%aan :pene |gates,from:40,nations and delegates|,‘ee .:=fee of'rve or hay oy ee 4 mnen.ig thevery tikes The football:eh of the Uuivet|-eat thoroughiy cleaned and!Wm |from.jover 200 chantbers®*af»com:3 PAM SS AP PEs EDL SCOWAN,|3)1 1Q0-larive 961,ENOL aren‘Sity:of the South ObSémanee.Tenn,};es walenderedterecarey Me)merce:inthe:United ites:a e ae Sage Soe SE Got;‘Evety otie,iss Sisitaet)Aue : moo):Hgdefea the North CarolinajtSgiver-)fi:smoc Specsfinish.As pea ;7 [ae eS Ge 7:TAnRANAM i ae :ee ae a “amjne my).Sityteam ir &hotly conte vi oa |;eee nati Bs i OO ae ;:pei{aMania Sragsajby a poore of 5]eeeegiedied Mh |beriaia'S-Pain Balm 1s a oWANTED oo ofd eweletl:De.pto 0.In.the “firsthalf Sewanee|boltsof50 Or more,"A Ltled fa |wide:Repeat Dy Be Johason,offs MJ ES 2 =Mall habs ta 236 cents it.Best.Watdhmexc®meerInd.,has.beet)tr te icially-ai;2g Po RS gk ‘Nt Bisa fy uRespectén :“for the MOPUS.See aren :’:;a “fede rit:,na gti UE have Seed:Wheatland Racieoe ai eke B filled or solr=i oa ‘Ss ifie:wariety.Also Virginie fe rbe 12 sizéswate)<” “me when:Nake(ua Fa g a n Oh o Led ore kick-from North Care-.tton.bag free on ubst..3 Richnion.4gdounHin’’s'20-dine-apd‘scored +‘voal."0 ‘Moone ai}with-tha ailment $18 atearty the food.and 4 em beromd,1899.ORRAM “NA“from:th paca“rhe ueupiees:ramped is ae ae Speakivtsiol since 62 In|Natu pemengthening and:aN ies ;ands “$6.00 Elgin oo :%ooo ng:€ay ma 4 ete :—=Batre gene We,be +5s a so *: |were always:seein:nae Cato,eee ‘found atything that:Wd:ans.Ibis Std genset qe et ses Te PERT.“nedina.”eos :an ages ‘me untilused:Chan erlain’s Pain’ts Oothtr*preparatia:TY AAA one NS RE RL :9 mea1TeinditeYebane:satanic tinct =“it-in efficiency.Tt tec cars =Pe rea raisNorman.Li:Horwiedsa biacattle nee Quit tobacco easily.‘Bal uN Serene ar As . » bb s e n n s e e l dn d de y Pe e 7Ba d ies w Bb.:5;:To Myfool ‘swollen.and pgining:*‘vesand ntly cures”:=e :.22dealerofMacon,bas Vorey,electedia’Se eeee eesraga aceasta PEN eS 1a c Ons “He.eS et a The.Jeweler,ind Opt = ecu soebe eine eae ee ee pidran:af >Pain Bale ri P rod tne e Sour:Ston ‘Na .e e °Phe os ea pier 4 eaoaoe ae its:weeSie ca:Eakate Wyi ove.sale.by:i druggist:OS Se Ob sultsof impertecttitosetsee=TAO Th cmann.,;‘The penitentiary eo ma-STEN Eee rae TE ant aleceeen ee eh ;ned by :,|“BAUG NORE:ver 25,0100 of payit?Cpa¥ei©).!years.e ee 2)ickest osaath oR ef e 2a O.“Sines : ee Peering werebere Tistiweek”: aaa bi C Caddelloot the otk een igi weontos.“was <bere has t :BeasPate Ssf:ee AESE :cae.mtBAS. Eee senators etl Rec‘aotane ce : abi shcprot the:Séuth@rh:aipemece Be Sete‘ise°saan oe Goxeks ot ar ‘propri.+[poxte NottolkBhd.Bortoipiutly VeGa ees The s$e5 uh for Per Raleioh-eae :Tee:Seay,oeillee Fa VOT ‘ang.toil)bas Been:subseripdd.whjte:doy named Maxevs tn Danre.Cx vont ISM a tae Se ag Se kantat confertneg +s the nC?3 Sey an“op st General Oke:ee Sees wehesea ssAI:ghucch:met in:bel.wet on the ehiefcomtpand4Cuba:beingg4eesay-CepektWoods Ss aleDRA ey eT,OU <Th new Seuboaed ‘AG sins oye Clete *3s oRSOT returned Fast"Wek eqluihts,Ree wf <eprseill reo.thropht :sscbetweep’yell ine.Dem iit Business,eeeee 3 ye oe ‘Ne Forkpid Fiesde.by Yantigty”jer tet of ths ‘State.’Ye Seng 8 Choa chsHew yaTlroad,eatipe oni to!"Fin Good ae ‘andi.Atysh,Powell? ! ‘REBU Me aTISM te 9 STAY CURED”Se 5sBhs a Sigsbe Pe ieClasp4 ,ig eeLewiscagire ile teem yee ©leat:week!fat) Dityver,drgpyed rd SothemenWereinglei isp hus times C Taerom)Heleraty 3 ;‘aye ‘flott caste Phe.Hast rats Durick aa <USSHORAY.ith pew y One!od ies ve WEEK.eet ns “Tfenrietjae s ae ete ‘pineswan,a ad Liowest ‘Prices pion sh :ain pale4 paged LPG.publiie bays ‘Of me‘athespaySebft:Oday ae aE Vs a:Democrat a2: 1 es he Tha :| Lg ORyank,hx Bidené Be “ont “ef Php ots agaoat ot"Mesh were hanged jniValdosta,“Ga.aee a eae Jhgrlebajsaiaw ahh jade =.eee :oy Durban's teading pierxea as bere ie Sp ge G nen geek for the murderpepe CASS NTE ee OES Biin.with aplitted Lauda”=*SO ee ao.; Bo taennod,busiifass oe “fioORT ee ee i.i¢“Ww FaCRErS..See oh :*Ghiir lebbis said:lie stu ht e a«on aN ‘Ene iy.ee A = isGrcp'st aioe “he E lective Litt &&fice,Go.3b ‘oe a }‘iad Cae,cous Ube ty,ot tect Riteip.Bs Nena St esBR:esas =SiS git .3oeigoreeExte:prige say's]hes porthwest a a ony sgn ||My Oe coy ins : as th tts Ben!APO Purse ee States:}tates.ttl Gotain its eleetric.DOW:oletornf tast be ee z ince ‘dé ah =bith inl betoresDave “Ou Take,Petty tetSG rt cael wif Me:cia SE et Se *2.‘er.fro m 4he:BEY se°,river?Six mm al’tt:3 -walt 9ped:‘dei:cs =jeuie ee.Wc Gy pet tr bint tay ties cai ‘z‘Fitiey;a siting wt_De,Melidliand Ss.“tin Min sortreo!gettBie 32 me HIPCr & nasi 7 ef ay avy tithenee St he Ae z Seite:eet dee,>aoe :~n Sak pee aay,Dweer Wis 3 years.wat eet faisShen!ot.LaeiStS,feat,forcelin”hs ss Miss ese Thonn Otel:Davidson,FE NEO petiroanens“Shot,anderSaas :SG nities es ie Feeived tue applass fees ihquese:This “EN:Ce TGi rac sate toCan grossy sCoaounce raeaechum howe!baae nil VIS *wountledd seeeu,achimiagnait Greens-|s‘Ewe “pogo miners fore shot.aaa itheBeWicans,”ith:de Sac.yeloy ae feeee —-pli-Aphent Past 3 wish WPL,thes apybli-srh,PRot.ae Ae _Thonin.4 Berritusts Lieriagtl +Beir Killed,”in a Birmingham ,~Ak ;a Uni tobe:inet:ants BON wt ':peCat smite ate the a lit Oma efpteurlsweesanrae&oul,é cB :Sd ~So Seek oe.=eX pe pein apes +t week bY Wowsknosh-whites Hardandti ie ahi trast eat oye 20”MeKidiey'S r=H }eee %Tre Ailhag wus the,ougeee zefatlavgoiste!WAG otisaan a ose Sphe-e e thas ne ‘*Sree nines:tSanr dnd“Starke ieee CéinueNR <qnnéd”by ene “~.oe yor fe 2 y eeaate4S<et y (esnbs etaryted *eSeuithy ok,Moree OE SRE ay ue Sorte AwCHIPD HITE L.tty de,Seegin Rano ;io o%“ar teabe sBusyos :pete etevee ie tS oeA if ee Ae a3 ‘pthey points witha.se atkaesh ee ae2 ee ants hentai ‘2Ascoli oa Gen Gag wet5and owly,fs)Hee.syid,“$2 Gawiz ths 1 Hatoe sties 100yoars fre “|; reo Pepan its.POney bes Pan peedeortte 107 1 GA a tey Seeerh e eeontiientakclib sean Aperstakes):Saver no ahestyeaiy the”.oe ?q XSt6 S iG M +68 Nis >z 4 es E¥eS VC GHENT IN the“trusts r “s:“ide wegen teat tc fo:1 ae reditedte LE ieeeat Mowe Strate St Cs las eweels x:oeMeSew pa Tastasedck Sis aoa \defeatatt ModderRiver.Canny ER,i ipeseiltait!ve >WebiBe A SHhervers>,sat RT Ss eh Suid-thxe besa the,ogee sae foyh et 3 a =p 5 wea ~“Hrumbored *PSs enifieteen:“olibars.Heer Consmade)va raid:-ig,eer uied:ee undedantl Aor tretdBitvedeh.Surber”ana Saati “SP CWA rbot tes ver ‘htre:dast<T BES Me OFE TARO.LAS.; eke,aud:Breen theaters SROs.Al Seale : sa se ot the uneent Othe laws tip vearsugoo Phe sss)*okt duiue:cottice itu!3% oS bs bse a ee sae a heny®t Gray viliceaubty jaye week and cap-ME snag fy ee P :rth rolinas ¢t epubsent sais ntiatioy,ts for publica” =;pba.Set s ASaneijoaes Seek Me Nee es gor msgs sale:Be ait 2rye ny see .nesia ‘yee dt ctenl QoPe oS iecee these:ign only ahd shot,its gudtapiey of :ee aa4(eer K;.Presiden,”Bk He va Be eeen 2 SES ov a eeaae is giebin’s.amileof each other =Hor:Fax ue Sone topensegue hoetth the>tepodtican &Sip bs:the domd;ee Sait are ss be ae eis coins c : %.ty Tab Re S ein ay rane!2 .;ci te =SRN TCLE YG THe ay Vrests|on)4S e:ae.ane aeaXoie BREN br 1 eho td tas weeks fren be edi “THs.‘Ashecilie drug storespave:ens pinJastiweck..Thé firemen was:Ryeae nN eye Jople!phic gloiwiaw..<tateniont:;ses AEST Silo,Backbryeto spend ‘the bolt te ed info-4.Gombyie tol put.ups the ffled-pnd SOREN ET See int logharisatterbi feet ese‘Show.that?rt De acteCiauhay any =yesrAdesate BAM Ey Be Sarees eoeeeaet:a he Stu y isjuresl:Z sy we falltose ‘:Sahih Hit tS)“ide tet be hott:ea ce camek : mae SES.WSS:Ww yds and.Famae }Sake cee ae nyt vy ca nce MES ED cee Kt eae x fee ,mil iS Us.govern e oh sant atin Jea :‘yin “A WeMsi 1 voostht [lackstiine?os FS >ae 3 ete aay teCool‘Spriviy townsbep.aat tre tort sa,cin”Saawd ae ns sof periitendent’at the “State pentane ;spheres Spoons dot Sera for ei e a Mard.-Sa econ wes ett icine with)MESS i Holton 0:Ww rs “Lverly.4 hear:~Rockivell:tiarytar Cour bia"S.Rca Was,caticht spac a Seplembder paid ,Ge<3 for Ahe_ Ss :Me AGard's father:i e pe Ys f Rows.Gountys ,ata -bined Jast:in:theshattingcne.aay’fast:SW ee as:erei:thitet:i ;foods ;“Lonsdale gambric. ;ewe ‘:“tS oP WoekMYiss$2,000n6,:‘igsurancer”a ie whitied:ta deaths ex consideredAY thede-oe ine August,fon’ose.|anid.tpLankhisg:artis.ty b patron meeehs :aj :ss ma jbl toa a September Rise Fic Woolens’CoereenesaeeeYdrittest.“thursday CNT ys Ttis Sod:thatwithinibe.past tend”,dySafab Wilson.dant 60u4 *ae sadvancedl-tul Vy 10per:cent.upd Jace Facet Seg Curtainst2o"per Cents while.tabbe- tae actotrs and dhgolyome are?advanced | LF:percents Purhiture-is onsaapnutofRelat,“and:thisapplies " le 14 tron beds.A A Rds!2224 ceetarpets:excepl DFUxsctls,have»y%. ones apn.yyrice >12 lis “ate foolish=phn Soe’Mp,Ry witcLaurhiin da ,‘LVvedrs,singe:Andre:Catnegies has:DoeOf artbérough::whol was:Gi 5S at heshite sale baa a gun a0 contribytémoney to nub-it arédLox ie ‘Boers!Muile,“acting aX er fw eis TRE she y brarjes:hehe ivew word thath,er “eorrespendent }of,{tits<Tiondow: Ke ir I Ro‘Leister anid.Bride:iS The:2\§ST So;0 bois that:SpaNQOSP.iStasSie Daas"“Mai,hasbeen %CXC)UY rece,He Ie 2:eae gs see,%The “Bock well -“Roller 'Mil},Bt the!Saythe te Asseeiatl -d tolls ta &debegstts ttbute to*thies nda ns.but. sah 1%.ae ~Aaylreset!@ Fyida sity Roékweil ARoawatt tonht ycwas bbrn-2 gierk:Manufaeanaes Spas?arse yn apertors Sh Miss Tare ry The berbie industry Suit S Bites a’few¥asSwith celatiy <Mere.fed Haven daat wate -Loss 85:(H0=10.ee &Micae asth.‘Phirtsday avith Snaredit onphoped Nor ie eres oD here is: dr f a: wat Sn “shThe&@if ednSpare “Récora’pe a soee'the. ie s ce oe o ,‘eae go eeeaitSeineKindsseycameUyTidpbsuratos::>Phe ctink Ase thought 8}.;Balkrrdtof irhaw,asprevidept.Co MAS,Vite asta danelifey aa |the.fate:Pavan:re ae ro sinete Oe that:this-ingrease -;io ees :°"day weith Kifteb:Hof:thé-Batiunt,“Or--foe abjetentiiary origins we,ae the combine xe neces the lamest pieiiNaut Bury er TL ae BHCC‘ofTE fori.fae thatis at at das Wo dngig arease.<le-las Vee :Realesbo Met,ahem se -eatbe Chrturds h isterests a eha Arit*es there dtl:aSostik ;“aaery:Of Orange en ity.regards Cotton e "Ehe scambigations anton ¢oe Ne pisp ays in the’Sos sevihdows-ad »THe:Rieger et ee SBoro hen ee Methuen ihe Hi igpaten.Fopurse Sppsed.pias:misthe Sci!ae ute Bish:a ie rtefilefae *Sale i ent.aesstores.s ‘Sew eA a geveptad »tae “phigs-,of Hayden.|,4 gargigs “at Chayattorthathaveveydee ome RT RES een “|ae ; we x Eee Ss ot ey Wiieeltr-&Repeena.‘of Ckarlptte..tbe Eicon varomg mica reel the,amity Seago ex ryethtatsecuheat Sdn sont tines,-thate ¢has Soe a =hae aoe ¢ =\ea ens EMheSetgie contitwiedkthe Aine (Sr:the-Syilgingot Be wen sitytet aay thesloss of PED Oe bis 3a tS thet theiftez-She wasa youtis Bons dit nepode abe hecithitate:vital >Tries in,prigg,bat es : FTurner.ee .:G.PTE ‘of-Salfsbbet and barker phages"4,%eae the,wtack “on athe 7Hees>lan of s2rong*meptals ability?for in xjtaliceous,ihvestto os pete nendous wise,im.The prige ka yes Sh soakeAcerlsGenspsSupbrwigor.for the Ttuk4~oder Riverséamp wasivery heayy x ‘ne ;ee :ee fii ae |: cP,Bres.}be fot na.Beet A Jors t Sashsao Sabai ties fi Re he teeddite eesof Aye Boer gona oe energey ‘and’PEISe VERRY CE ponies Would sup ples igh Ss fy ae a 5 aor ‘Cs ees.he:hy Aejateander,bowd.”went érazy-last Keacethetr Sudden attackwas a <oF-,fio ordre nino 2aclesaud thtousi “thisStake.-and-the:whgl fare we to tm trust?Jes soof-all ether = paid’:obtained:‘ansLubeciar,ah*8004 prot Ss seontro l “OV ay-trust,Et:eft , 4 eee,ir Tt }ae‘Normak Colle tea “Ftp oeetarers:Yetsiya ror,rats)Hsai:tind toscite ripute Lhosbigrtserin,; We ge te S32 tes ge ee1Ct &‘sotely to Re “an,aneredssed de-.«3-3 aS PA simon the 8th,weed cs 4 in sae 1 nite Sot?"ke HS WE a weeb:ant Yitex {ele téninesatot «prise.jy Se SE he es thao Nat,eA,Ps teas a.‘Mowat,neepipsBitest aye-o their sae Kas ‘ 8) |hersaway>Scfion Sbednt:rationy Aust ~VeqnoneS pryyse,‘Ciattigm cou Hv,pte ally i xed’TH Nid.as Tun}.Se ~ThoarderoFthe afticials :‘o8 the winnine Ther ot and coun [Mery Ka'etseenss te,I oer,tMatotadbeenShactheeprow.a +i &=u,‘Séuth Caroling division uf the-South?ofthe Vac Rity.es aPekin ay att ait ection.ste :Phat!has”In!Si mnies Lines: on Dt ty tesTho ipsan~'resornedk ‘bere }ss 35 tunarttip *neureres ae oe fonts Raitway Le employ *ne.ODe:awhid amecit ec enitier j sini thik as‘theasslaw G ae ee oe oe Sas a f ahs *y t roa StS 2x3 12 o -:Snmkes.cleanyref tes:and.dio.discha tye’titutigt:fs Ay aed SEN Sree.So t phase ‘on ee swith tmberzzie, Ai a h o s oe :Se met!eenee 5 puiept gad 1tHe Sales for?stam BS,|7H .i y heaviest %7 eet oot :oe ee adverepsiki o>eectabotybattGigdtetteSiokérsisthe:-heavies See ¥Ba pays wae af ME aera :‘3 ii ss Si et ;Paes lL 4 a “i aNr&Jamies Hduston,Sate,--Sapres-4 qiead ¢eurty on ohe=charge™and was)‘blew,“the deadly seigarette:thas Seti]foraysdtu!Lie ae tee See iats aie Farsnee cae BSBt “4he Democrats aate ow <<the 7 Seer z sy gfeavad:Was.tales”AG sSalisgorys spntvkicel to a year’s ib pFisqumedvt,reveived.“Its,«in.paint ;of fast.Tmenv;Sed Wats,‘ioeannia amma ra SS thtapital Ie aut ra ae ae press:theeanttrust’igsue.to the ease ai i eG nie sadio to"hi;ye whi-opersl iin be Apes “=Tasuratice”cotwimnissioner 4 probipitive ldgisfation:that wht p Pedsdearesti at raudtairaiple®artd 3 “4 fariwoertThetis 'spi ronteve rohgrs,AY SSeT CUES a BS »Liat fornrbd re Spied BiGStam feast is"ned tn bo the<Siate 1eTredsary,bibit,=Nee Moria a :femasic Sante ment,domes en “abs Taha schatoe mie i tes zcSree a ey enone see hte roar rs A AYonp:b isan}toy TPE Gp TiAHOOD:Shotun A Role a.hen't Boom ra ye eo,bean 8 .x :BE AWN DSL AD ACID PIONS a tas ~et fyysiclans Sse esaul ‘operateSh Yeates:This’aopsad prove thar ey ey.ap.ny he Carter trapds:at Say:antianaed.ignehG“ote:ta ie ga der Wby,heer:eh sts fake me Lig W bo Ie:avert ae the Pox:aCLiONS <<a se 4 ae a woulh oe atesCs.as ae ders Ma Si :Ean Geetenr:wasdirorced uy ‘pist wiledast Thurs)wal,BUY JPeoe wen ie ina ntke teacey.acts;3 LV!of the triyst aN AG 1S36.-exon ane 2 : 3 +»xr er A~wi y ~spore Ma FS ACHOAEN:‘is ee »0 “y g ins ad ee ae i”ier We xaesSTgigoceserstas fotter [7sGd x >Oe ng ers F :pee Save eS gee peanseid facts wet.“sThis Ane 5.a “es mae Faye SN ons ;eas ony ae<P Dmewhore”“BBtwven"Bis Qhou®e Pek:PeSides,AMeKimey,has.ap}Dint=The Af ‘The:iene as “phat Ja thaleyvf.ater:character entefed wtoyye LS Dit isifent:“dern ra is,bean Fins wha .{Ge oO Spring TIShipradgstown ask ed Gocernor!ARusse hat member Of the +Phe Pause f oF Ney P|ot crabs oF ae.eX yu ge taocas me ;a 5 :Chie -4 .>sf k if A Ww .Pp Bye!fe wid Ars aae Pp pesidunt Harper,of ht.z a.+e rday.Cae.ttgr was diretted to rconntitred difthe watibnal yeckebra-.oe ere see reeones lol AREY:«t hai Seuiimurt ans bat jot.ynFac 4 :YieRersityi do lecture ioithe: ,:>.shes Aryrdocha"Q22b Porest:Hevis 3 Pion,‘Of tite gStablishment-of theseat Sac nen eepron “%M Wx 30;eeeprignt i “Oks r schnala Ut i Ok Vhs it university,if oY :, ,Bh «“ity pl OUST FEC “aeer thy letter,$08 osexamen ware iD eerie Aaty BN ere oy ::Sn oe ty sae!red:ws 2“4Bes Se obi Usd “be:nth ka Vited,TO makes-ete:r al=Aye”thos idee wid oni afax or ‘by ColsUTTROIa ee meee nee Nee eh “Kiforts “are “Now”pein.made tre dsat fant wi rt ito RE:ewenimeiaddre SEX before:5 : ;ng “art ett UE at ter!Ping.Ge ie oe ray <TH ‘adjontet stierrovt of thé State ‘forum 2;combine ofEatiehe'la PERO Ho Oe:Jue::zx ‘a mp Pethic Rees Educ arto}Associae :.‘ >EB os ety ae Jhassamabyoced the followingsaddi facturing”"plants in “the,Priwedpal ys eats‘f:fidigr wee ee qusttndn Sion,“which .imeets.in Cary Tas oe j ‘Ye Xrrn Carl,tC;Mathesoh:whe ‘=tional appouiitivedts.3in the:Segond [Souther Seities..lve MTOge Shatex aera iy paytity frees Toke bee brit Bains,a aha:—Thesitter eveniyepeai:re os popearid®tLGUharlgtts,Opscgree EO WC -Revimenfs J@hh.Carn,captain {trustsid.abmostall?dies”of trade.oe.Pett raPThhayes Homa?abilLate get what the i beo Prosideht Hi:idley,.of!a 4eeofiiteforthe,past fw©Obes.ae tnd “BUA Mekac herd,’“2ad>Vigutém (this atest:developthient_goes.0 Ree iota ee aACalis fom GakboNic:5 wutin :ley apdses Maltethy Page.of?ay ‘j eatvarased last woek,Dridas’aair Reith ait Company Lt Lumoer’ERidie.’+5,sho.thatnothingAs safe*Sr.Sacred Beet ime Caltapata,awy Mhiocedpity,of Ny,x ork.“formehy.tof “North.3.>Pate 3.A,Bray MEatacheroa 5°)we Whatat cBeabehcktcs |SSMUNS thyidigas silos a trea Tykse Raabhosane MH ois cidplayinw North ar Se seria5Tigasertiber:bi eLy posyaphical Wi,Tig’Fou ko he WacheeEte pegs We Hext “thing will’be;eJournalsWatkare:ase Ee BokSeg sede Meath Oar,ee eS SENS Bi Scr ea ee ep aoa Kent gutsSith the Uti jon’meaty wets.=500°a.week for:agent Speeral teust ‘Oo‘cqnirol water “gud *ir's®“(rule <The he Rm lbppities .THClef She:%=:a ao .ot re - teat es The Ch tte.oa pee obting forth ‘New York oie e et sald We us Rh:Eee ae Gone 4ae re jG )pvin,tersof Chario asc Sai :at arthe recept Str)ip pea >bike gets tae eine fora eutsit ONG.Be Carter,”-@x-postmaster:atl Sper |eS Re Se Bice =SH teu ™a F strike last,week,de manding:|:os ::+“The Kgrmeks <Murist,Frew 380-4yaeek?puts.Hiss Bame”tp°tt;andi}fel with,Gat esldst..week.pleaded’rods wituart ft.{ue ¢insenicol wert Faso ragi hie *tox that nipe hostrs should.constitutea Rippers: S wiation at thdir-anAyal thee“8 ms.last,thks S490.”rk mire <Se BON ty tothe elatye<of -embézzfing pineabel Me ig3 fae!Aaa Perhain guise =;day ‘swork id of ee The Tak oe ee oo)i ?“hy et >i ‘~EA Spas is ar i _—=hee ‘Kp Sea oe eS aae The:Moravian Synod.was,in’,Ses ees Gresieat funtsanl eat r nos:ist wom seit ot Be Srajncdt minal Ap.ore wich ar ki rease >Pues byte aes a oe eee yaw Sa ey Oheve eras ae yatesph [gdmab Winston-Salem.last.‘web.ti Shon.Seltten,took.suie®eigiod he fssic Tar ustte Puhe-valte"ol cornhomt&=ho Soper ererte ¢See “PaintingCos arg aes Morvis asent SPhesrend aes reformation of-w fund:“for:church:money’whe chai ciugin aif:‘the Ceor-utknges CL pata bpepatio Se,y Psoan Beret bys qed -Sate nee font.“as theccompauy “oranted 9 28508 coe i fe re "e Faxiensiow 3hi the?South:was Started,ald <Popubistexcouttve!@emAittce:Eepasmuicl as eat siden E Me weor“Paint!2 Kine Wat!Jas 109 by “hours oomphe omy loviny:printe.0%5 :Ca era TOSS Se i ce —rang?efforts avrecd:upon for-the pot sie ;rua che falta os :Tr omibands.in Tk miessaire,tbat,the -Gernsfaless:‘haseFlaN eon”oatfor atea cod P-Caldwelly aS . m4 me Aes et ES hoaDs 4faverire tiegtionoe ree ‘chitrch Hthushobs ee =e {3 ras Petaws ot the Sultan of Sulu:be’ery,Honsiderd agout iigadest xe shies’president:H,=;court issiceprest :~‘Ue 4 ae tre thé J.Ae Davi 7 oe the South.“Fa ice fsSug.aW :diet "OESadhee Pintethi Seis pure Sp 43;Zit,Preece:in thin YSsotb the farm”}The impale3‘dens atid’W.Da wel,’‘; #7 Tie Rebpwe Diemoctay “@f rk A Ecaieh oes Sheek ‘Stood!1Gar,gstS1K600Last ive rea)cet at benHtfritet rice?”Awe:Se piecert alee iC if ay;Roy genie :cone 2088.cars:ALAedtyis\of end be ae“that hie tas te nnephiews 1in the wasin“bank:cert tiaapes ‘the alatice thin roiner ole”nee ‘ipie ts 10 De:Ea 4 .18 s,as é tas “ten pe Sis:alt 1s Slay - oy 12 Tasteless.‘shd Guatanteed to care,Chilis and f NE mw Cngineers“:cinder:-Enghicet Sine}fightiug the Boers,Old ‘Oox in paper,ea pee hae.hey {apelied ee Lee Ph Faver ant all Malaria!Troubles.”ee lnm pson,of Statesville..were’“bere ‘Paul bas aiboat a dozen sons and:ae eee :Mae:a <=Sauces 2 cheated Sa Sah‘tots: Es ~panics Quinine Nor Other Poison:We‘dnesday abd made asurvey atons V come titty:‘grandsons in othe -“Boer|.xe We tay f he is thay tre e $5;oa Does Not Injure the.Stomach Nor Effect the.Hearing.<4 h TCU PRIMING heneas h Ms vine Stree iS 5 and:tre isnt doin.any.bra:field @ very:much fear a :c Cota 5PaaS Of! r W.A,McLarty&Son,DimeBox,Tex.,say:“Ramon’s PepsinChill Tonicisthes f Caer grarnose:ots the Ob Jaen!aay b eset eae Gardter will:Fi a fod bis:TMHOtEN:id Sata sia A aos dare $diate Jd BD dost we have ever bandied.M son prescribes it in his practice,and says it is }i f HAT ew wing:about av eit ge)".“ig wigs ears ai it'sSMOS ar Wet Pe ports.“igen es the?mit Se ouly Chill Ténic which.a child-can take without injury,Se ie gine .Er te ah Ketan:ube owt at {T ig.endiois ae S ar:“Shi tow.shes hae pee shee he es ie sh Be Sas -then.Krewe |nthe é“oil ol =3 PriveSOC)ROWN ME'G-CO..:Prop'rs.Gacenevilit,Zone eats S hase ican:ted des dy eet Wespauay Mr ‘Sutt et th “eonstruction of oe ge ee ts ee ae e ’ue eat 2 3:=2 Sate ’.oie Oe :St tie nl ‘waged io the oi >et iPubessiakscken:ae HO SRS nea See ae 2 rerah,Utlice.:Br ina aR Fi Ea SoeresYen”South Can oninas:4 Indietments“were:prover vin the}that.js Hist:u Calc 5 Poe oe :=e nF DS ae eS Cae ea RGfollowing guna G cers”e0-|met a horrible fate lastweek,being Federal;court.»wat,Sava nab,aeswudica emight bay upoat thes ithecomet :a : ee ee ae:;eI nite LR ae ta ee tered’sitce™last:“meeting ef the’burned to death in a box dar.”ae dast week forD.SAL:Tyson.ae T.‘slaves at Wholesale rates,“and then yer of it’p ie 2 aa Se FeeBeieee.:s 2 -a Sti eee te 3 {cbunty’commissioners have been &Pslis supposedto.have fallen pseep 3 Hammond and :sevetal’thers.for:‘boost the“market price.|plates makes A Ole Gg Tae te ale oi kt Se cee =réteds Dre HF.daqng,“county the car:while smoking:‘|conspiracy:to defraud.‘through:‘this would be-done if:syndicated id to sink thevess¢noe 3 ;rae Sree -pbysician,salary,far November;‘Be Nee Yor Col-use.of the mails.-Their scheme:not:-knovw-thatit is nrore profitable |ie deed throes ietal and eee E oye sale Sear ine nea ea Nicholas’ittners-work.on court ‘President Hobbs,o Gui ord te teats that”of.the Miller--Franklin to own.ths land aman must live othe latter.owing.to aber Raker ose a Disso ution |a,e.Saito opt Be MO eS See ace Os Hetrick Bros’,Toledo,legé,has issued a caré stating ane syndicate of Brooklyn.They have ‘than own theman himself,2 0S ee elasticity,cléses’up Db soliee sand|fs e } :ms ie é Lig ote LOS sents for chain ‘vane and-freight there Is no vane soe,pox Seca been ordering.goods from:firms..all Haviny endorsed polygamy.and!brecents thé:admission °Oh water.am 2 ee ’ os ef:FE OEE ne Lenee.on Sis e =we ayre “‘eite ring O%aren rite stock,‘ot ee soles :ye cinSteg ae eS me he allege Sane cree See cos Se ee ere aAne er ee re ac ane BS oe States SanS sae ar 3S ah as .se :$é S el ors ey te Re OO,upp les ‘lor.¢ain “gang .grav::mivistration is ‘00 g ‘early:made:exbaustivevexper S74 ies “gee have Pree ariNS t Cos +i sect Si.54 Si ::of the students had’become frighten-thegoods from,ove party to:‘anvth-campaign 61900."‘An “administva-/Sees Hhutdssé.Apdo ina it es‘excel ;|ae aera Bets,ed “es cgoR“Clothing =Ss iste sere ae _é ed and returtied to their homes.°er ape never paying.for.them.:This.tion that endorses.priv ate.owner:sent for.the’pary “Sor:hie oor SO covered Awith re a0 rag te a The Royal.Arcasum at their meet-|SAt the prelimiaary hearing last swindle has:been:going on for years:ship!lof *“migeers:inour newpor.froreé was”discfated qca adru®f that it looked 2s if it B Mage Bor Cashes hiis is bo fiake fo6 atei trade Bee 4 eee ::inglast week elected.ee foliasesbe week®-Dorcey.‘Hunt and “Arthur.and”‘their:“Operations:have.;been sessions’ix pot very far froin de-packing warships;sant t tied been out ina regular snow: =Fei ee od Valet Why pas “pratit clsewhPERO:CELE SS Can:-CiOLBE -bee JG.Colvert.regent,S.‘Beard were freed.from:the charge:quite extensive:SN ee CAST SO OKs manding private ow ership:of.nag:duet is TOW used exglugivels storm’,ae .eto B ::eaukoliihe re ate tae ach?ire}S pr ie es Never before have W:‘allaéey vice--regent;.oy Cu Cald-,Bt inurdering Ellis Cline ae Hickory;L ere :Sea ced gees a gers wheeia America.ae eas Hands.‘Biussiadabd.Erance “No nesdof this snowstorm.©:: ae aber had guch an-oppet tunity to-day goods f your owmy 2 |well ovator;?Rev.James-Willson;the-évidence showing’that Raymond f ;-oe Se ;she he s Sey ‘s ae oi using oe Sevan aor “Ws.the.summer’sun would § i aewei ea.Some quick to ‘awoid the rush..stock «must ands [hare P..C..Carlton?secretary:|4Hant,who had:Jabsconded,was ehpices ox Scarcity of ves en Ase Sees :.ye aA B melt ihe falling show so will : 7"me <a]be de sed ont.oF hankioe,.XO ufor B;ast favor ~Wwe are ::ES ‘Lamprecht,treasurer:S:WW.tpruilty party...ae oe z Knoxville ‘THibaeJougal :Bde i “Capitalistsfrou 2North;Carolina ée reCOmes|3 poten ‘ es will be ¢Very.Pevike.jStiincoo.collectors Wed.‘Harris,<:ie ef :ee ss sasuase oe Mae Virgivia are arraneing toverett that it wit: <ee Rote ¢:suide;J.A Harbin:warden;J.i P Paxplaat POF fhe ‘Spriageale Coteof.)Bite is<not 2.ae y cere from:coke ovens at Wayerosse,Gi ri oe ves- esa lhe S308 ica Slear &.‘Shelton,Kertees,‘sentry;D.G.’Rufty.J.Aston Mill,of Sprinevale<-dfe:will be Eta anes eee 6 of a{making cole ‘feo pine bY et ; ~—Soa ee SE ace oie Brayand Ww a Se trustees:|moved-to:Shuford’s:Shoals.‘two theseit ems:in ge aScED SSUC tg procéss :F Si eae hk fie ais 4 a :i ce 1M r,>R-Ta-Poston was elected rép-|tiles ‘from’Hickory<”“The“mill.bas’frural.dNor$h Caro Smash a le Ga a es ;ee ;a o a Ses Oks whee.anti anewce cee .aha SRE geal i reseutanite tothe Grand’Council!7,500-spindles and 200 looms;eapital “Major Sones eee i Pay ‘Joh.“Rallist.sho.was:oe igiceas ne ee “Applicatio osecelle oe es ie ae E Bee gs Binaries tc steal ney inn hn ee toes oe -eerste ‘wita we UK.Oyereash alternate.sto,«379;000"*"‘mostly:owned |Dy.cut ot in a‘saw mill,i ginted .at the State’-¢avention ¢Olyee te“ofis talitmporta Tet 4 :u |Sica . ar Maes Be reg Ae ee pikes ickoty?.people.“The“ereétion .f|..“Colonél--Scott.happened -to.‘the ‘point ae 4ove oetor OSE ce=.th TaD Geeta nde ea!Sah te aaNet ft anateaS tet FSdifigs at thé ho a b at!accident,of.‘hayidy.his®head.plows ‘Gottsa growers:in BRtalgigh en &oe wayasi“the devélopmnent.abe Soe settee aia onKegtrocmal Staft Officers:ones:TERS 2B ue eit fomby.oileiéxplosiog’y 7.7 =i oe Bedonmoranter rele y care yy bee oe ee oe eet x Rides a ie ee : ‘a)(R rEHOLWAYS -2 ze gee ee Peehag a Go Be rE nfratield,-semeisnding|PheRoaneCount ec papitnaddod Gersdtecnies eed os oes :ee alee ,a D eee1wattelyTheere65abeermRegimentof”the OPH of heats omplaing that éxagerated),“Fike 3 monehders were!Sak i bee feee a es rune Caralisi SteteGuard,hds*mgde’the Yeports,haya -ephe“oug abdut,,the ee reASoreaeos¥Bros whe,ae 4 oesppointments<-of siaff snatepox.in.Salipogey.re alethat,!.De:eeae Bate:i 5 ; =:Sune iin .ihe Oe e aN Su there re only -147.cases»there : eee nee “The :‘ariety §*xse SP gh EoniSjor 4nd Surgeon,Chas,S.‘Tov:i Pthose.sare.-“Risbeotos :Now aeete eegoaer a ob ACK EF coyn feces,A 3 rat?ies flakes of gandrgat in eee 5 ipces has Ne ‘dae,Asheville;captata.dnd'surgeon.”tk 4 aay:of theState bufkd :Page eae j@bily,un:|@the‘scalp.-It goes fur:ioral ‘*}1%a tS Sativentt S ig &y<lqn!t now what that,ati saal j=leatting eitizens’yo Satur a Uses olw}a é ¢:formation. Hac the Line of,w ode .t Jef,©4 4Re ~i tee >coc 2 os x day ev er8 Te RAD Sah Nts le >3 ee ;:4,is at sevéenis their,Has the largest so as a 3 Feiss pis.iR.Hupter:-King sMk ake ox'is,but wo judge iit:wouldp’t’ee Cit Se ay,2 te eoltoa top mat an?ddvance fy t ie Bi still other.properties: ',Le y He i Fb y Ten A i.4 a a :eae)mo.ee :“ieonseinisiones Res SONS :j (aest ‘Yi utenant and.‘surgeorm,s elanereet to mix with 3t.t00'freely’::tes eae 0 lefe money wnat eet ngrestore.cor to gray.hair ~pe ge ys FE toca{aa MNESeae c‘Lge:ittdnr quartermaster,“Stag(©ay MES peng ‘on the gottorstor:fa,juistach times me‘Of tery -Sate.seme eee kinds aie et OC te eSrerlihe Sire:Apsctes 7 oA 1G.Boned,2Raleigh.Gmmissarh.,‘Safe.crackers.in Marstiville”ee ff i ispettiby 2 moveof it Tie Loui fren castssrewesioeed1easand,Peux None =a Oe Seta Medal lous,Fine ia et BY ace cpiged.,Ix “Lyon,:“Durkam?:Se ce tly tried the’same.yame|oh’the |}rake -aldermet,ee pouch ws did “And “it does even OSES -Eowgtagt Pensso*.)fo ee SS s EE cla ae eb ee‘agjitants;-Atthir +W:“Freeman},/safé-of.Ji W.Marsh &Bro,thay wast?anish $Siptd ‘*feesaid-noutishes the roots5eee..*Mierots,-*P ras Mpait a "pee an togth ipast:“008 2 ires Thia hair becomes:ua Noveltic eek oD glluloid AArvielescs Lew AR NNaeOw:“ay besvill;Jamies 13,Watton,“*!tried in Thomasvilléand Lexington-+worker {ty issafter wo a oi EAS g of thebair.nd short -hair be-v ;mes ~Ctda Tozjet:ee SiN tere Co i ene eiBoxesand:‘Das kets.\x cakes“ass fand.Harry Page?%raplottel|"Phey:‘drilled-3hole in’the:safe,‘door,:pe ist’N00 have i 1s,BOWIE.gs oe et ee a ¢€oe ion bait?ae ie eof Bamps ie Lcatien,Goods."Ree ee +4 ANon-Fe eeeSergeanp.and blew Off the ,oute?,sheet.”with:eees ee Reérsyth.~Mott atbonds icity,sewerage ‘antares 1h.the two mon -or de ew.book-on™the-Hair :1s DeTS=Shae ¥:Musial nsty Sena Se 4 “majer,Lewis,,Goldsbords quar-some explosive,but”a “Mr,|.Harrill}vs?Griffithin avhich M2 Ju,Stott,i aa see ;:plat ‘we haveac is yours,for the ‘vings Sets.De ee eames [Phare Frames and”‘Aloums.“<NornastersSergeant,Edgar.Ex Gid-+who'sleeps.in the ‘stere.‘heard*the*|fotmerly of this ofr,as plaintiff:peonsic crn “th “pa.On:p.08aA BO eS ae eH.oS pez eae ~viseesieareSets.;1 ‘ages 2s a ny “Uens,Darkany commissarysergeant,‘racket and cdme’insjustif fime to (SadeStlaw,st week decided in’{his come thé pews that Ya tis velost ob °F aha Qt BN cata ail thie Benefits wee So eee “Eve gVTHING ‘IN ya:ESTO es ‘aren,tien!4.sR,'Boyd.Reidsville}.-batta}ion “scarethe bufgharsiatay beforemehon Oeof the deferidant’and-Mr.Mott =1900,itywéill ‘bate free neil syeunded anc aS Fe he ee eoneen oe Ce propanly‘Ee 1S iottOoeatiy to Buy:fogds-Ol This,kind,as Chretns iS.ne cane Sengeant majors,”Eubert -Lyerly,”sha&reached thehepale!sr y)appealed.to<the,Suprénie.Court.PR 16S.ane nf ARE eres some ng be sacl nie go’See ate:é ‘-espe ps ¥,Sok Biekpry;J.e.‘*Richardsgn,Reeidses.a7-:,eee The’e ances fe tm favor.‘ot *the|ery.J ‘4 Tae Rent ape SYCR ym ae tbe ait Beige ioe ee ase ag eat Bee tn ae ON.ie“ville,andsBy F.-Dixon,Jr,,S elby §‘GetWechops,|coating Lplaintitt as my <Cabe-is similar”.20)7 Coming q e ::=e DES,&Gy AYER,Lomeli Be CA te ety “W.Hi ALLIS 47 hespitay stewards,Parks.M.King,the Highland drijgadé&“wi Gebers si casesju which Solicits McCall ‘aed ;ofEY phuid.fes es :SOR ug in eae a ar eeConecrd;William Hughes,Durham,Methuen’s.‘column;was-slain.i in the}laioti and farhicawee deciges |was in:‘com “0 >the:euabout ‘sii ey 39 :aa 8 a OMS GIN EM wo ices Stee tox .=5 me isapene:Bese ee Somearie one een on eee ee camp.[inhis falvers «°2)pet 5 ybatt :noi >.a a on Pat oe ‘shee?Fat t geet ‘‘;rt x oe °epee iy :jaw *%;¥~Eat.°Me SES me -ik eS we of at .o>te Car &ch ~a Re ~ g z eon ,oe a att ‘} -.‘:a %sid x .Rt Hye saad eRe $ 2.ania’‘.2 soverentitebesne intSkee:Le sistec1 mre ee Tite.Ten pas ee3 Hae”Seven fF her ap to PS—eS .i i ~4 iki Andiag Miitiny.;We neo fg caprare with aim “hl ;bye df iy WEDS cY Bs =ah ofl ube went to Hi HE se .kettle Eat eh aren pent bye the?ES pins.o Car fat Chui ort EVI BPRS IIeL 4 S Bowtie ¥ aes sa :%:|nok dobDi fate Dee.sti mo :ter iy Lehi Oe an RE on Pr ae Br OChitiss ©the titr ae ‘Sher ;- vat Bet pe ooo ae peter -ats Yawn Ay :Men Sore A A UT ca a , Orc oS Meee es rents Ggnerat’Butler ‘was atteint anesto sths Mn “of ee:mee eighe goajes Be a!trpubless Reicves at ‘<;|ested oanbrag eh nots OE:“901 CAR £:X BAR ‘"¥‘ergss the”Tagela*rixer but ‘sinding =;ms :ee tatsfromttbece wes ay Ea BPiee par TN es tk a Nea “ Bi ges itithpossibeto bffect his ‘ebject.-be:os Nin DB esane tas dersrstim ee ar.i$San 2 ing=F ¢“lanterns for,gle ap rap Ww aye wyt.a ke rorx ata :KON wateRF Qeorcep‘6 oe ho .*s .4inee>aA 1 Efe Pietfier Spea sy Tl éutered retirement ip order "fast re ‘CUMETRAE fore a Ox alti}panituw: Pia epee r AS ae ayoid srearer Asses:He’left/qles‘en ‘a * ots Sh a x B.Ww srT3i :pie:bghind:|“Phe:tole wih iswne!Yis selauc Seoul aida Gahaita Y dc:Tred “cwitiearkwe GY ey: po Ss mas a yas .Ext,se tiara Buliers.dis parch:6a¥A fis thousind hk ste Spahisii yy £cp FleBiel aye 4 Ch Ae“day-oxernoes Nae cp Pate See views :2a ea ae coat ees cle ‘hes lately Teleaedbs the:ion 0veoh skin inden &nk es y ihoenene i ou “gauneteRe Tocca’fesaisuile3s,Camp,Dee.=*20,fe ah =ee ¥peeps.sailed:for Spaih,bhis wed,=conn’ries 7oe Ska. :te :==ree secondTelass mailae pregit st teret”to-tepder a serigus.Feu Je hw P.Squires &Cox peat yaic 2.ayuh {0% :aes me ahs ee Bred.16 faye.“fel osuresrth ce ‘he.eBston -assteyiel,ifs cst tae b v;ome Pei es ais oc grips sé Gt aap.Ne Chieve Tptd is sor:ce”ayy Ai)Sealer:> eee i fear attack TtThis *.HOT DIS “There sare Beer x oe #aon -hcg?eee aS i eel aalSe Sa g )Ben a Teen Seta Pycathet,“Starrs MESS.c.ae a TQ -iginabies.places 4is +he-Tugdela¥>Ty x shir ‘sratites got,0!Pe |wl o er ™>ae hsa Tati i Sidhe ait ae ©te : ae soaFoie oeSakaeSeve. ere Havers oe jt.aya my.irre tiohs te,net ukner feuds ats Lanislbp.- bas we oaes t pape throug et Oe E'S Thomas Whytremmire d ; .:<Yares.aabba ‘te Oxne Serra a neat walled :oo s“the ihe well Spay a sepia * FB A Soo ::bP an Isp:atte a Teety Su Pexite z grit (13 :/ch -, BAe whet SY J tpant MES,ehtibi.was.‘weforcd =«Fk.AMae pane ieee Lg inte Me se :ow aoat 2 af poe:aT Be s soe Se es eae os ar.the other ay igh:‘one bizat |me a }wee a ie Boe a Li moe CH)Hist t;ak:ea Bieeyod Pe Yui :<Sptts can gs :Beh ws Srsat supported Wea,xceotral dofpeaee:.|Ho Rasec et Tal poe ou He.Ee £ty f er Pie”See at Se Lz oe = ms Say Bd eg]VERE ral-Harywas.tdattack,the-left,oetater,RCN BES:Le Nies os :~a ey ia é oS j drift,General Mildvard «the:Naierlit 3 Eeean y = 8 1 rol “andGeperal ‘Littleton -3wis ta!int ice eves PyeT a f 5 rakesthe centre ‘aid ta support lth:eats:+5,Ren ned xMiWee 2 eee per i,Harly in thé day:1 Say.that fross Sat Fecar.ae JGenergl Hey t.wowd ‘nbt’be:able tor Lyd in} _—;force a pedsage.‘and L direc téde hihi |") a 4 to withdrew.‘He Had,however,atts!:eens ewe .: mh by tacked wits at gallantry trl his a eee f oN sev anil:“Mtg pret:aruday inte Sor a 3 leadiitie bartation.ike Couinasigb ts!oe :Seis ay,aso Niseei |; ride etRaneers,“1 flar,‘softéeed.ere"ae = 1 =‘eal.‘Gol:de (x Brooké was seriaus./*, mee mts Se ao are Ce F 'bly'awoupded«ie!“en,BallsP's |62 TOR Sue Seek 5 :|e =“E-Tysnorderg’.‘Gelteral Hk ty afd’“ashi alties }et his :Ss x if rai NxNoisy.Sasakk oo *pale}he A oe ‘ALES Begs Soo *ths 11@)attrance,:which,“he did.and hig the total”dt v0 9 Anes iS SLi nis adr tien S)A uidtatthe aes Sone ee ES a aie ee om :headlines reguneént,-the”Kast surre Vics Witesta :Wat eh eterla seta aes a shre ARS Reve pw eso OCC eds.Cbfeusd.station ard the.eve >defext,Bae WS oth BES.ENPESx of Shes ee ee ees Sah 4 titageS3 nedirithes bride.7 At that)o:sos te wus any SS eee Paelse y=.yh —erent Thebrd thatthe whole aie em sf‘ten:att the e 5 BEGIN ried wi a Aa aeA tighten P20 ey om EEN LOSPx =“The He ee}oekak “the fina!ri tallepy,Mbadatent,tosuppirt.thavate |o Lkrota?ray Dut SONGS Reh Shepence aosOu ae Ter)swoeki Mh,RNS >a *A gd mS hie IS Oe OF + -@ Hogseé has par ‘re finan sick the Pourterhshe sie ‘Sits Hywengntdn ues y ais CR OYE DIX3 ahaNbr ; ;:octal “bil |agreed on by the;Repablican hSiiSth-tielyl 5 ttekies f dnd cic wae Lt,AaSBine to rege iexnp bab O30iene wwi: Ne zit cane fics.“This bill-fikest the wo)1?2pounder)“haiLich fires—oaderscon Spaloidh VET cae See _ia ‘n fh.=we ‘standard’fumiy yon the people aand,unas ea ree toy Ai ;eather x Bd.be a s Pegitenih tives bargely pic reas¢d powers cand rath,Saasstone's ee eydndia,bas “eae‘Be =neite <.Shi :fy Pe ha irstt 2 2 ae Ht :proved to fo rein}toree.“tite i ne Ro Sa Oe ee Sa hered Rae Se 2 privibess toy The,National banks.Kg ful Ofthe tneing .,.whd sstddehiy eA dand ©wiltae <aip ice pyal ante wig tss esti Sud =a pelase SHS:meh ind cat ;;[n-fact the bina JagsFeV ‘framed Sen athall ee"‘fire at lose TabSeh.ine:four veter,meet m8 =PS Pexye xaia [olags-ce08 ee Roots =by ‘De bin kets?Contvey tionndpl em:iiiing ali their‘horses,and the?gari-Se has are a PETREerg 3:: s .4 +ard y <:4 é >4 bedi es tess aated,TE rete,:upon ss ae eee to standy to |Apt yeni "eat ae i ue feet US we ict >. ’¥GS x pee :vomits re jokettt ak we as 198 ty Bi bts fae ee ee Aegen :oaks cD MG Thy ae, C tedins “wot™shelter for:trQops’.yeu %Fe Th Kel tot Ti RUE ver nae wee ai age “soniet few|wouea and desperate efforts “gare at =RN ages.jue ras Rt ter.yh »tle" °.; eo snore Gaic‘fran De wrOcr=ufiported a to“pring-Obe.the,fielth runs.+e oc Fees mae eone Aral ES ed ost 5 “AM ©t theswNcrth Gar ina Dee at one howevery.wes:Lap sevete Be §se Ppa les=tab i rey oe<hr ees ; :ae tie wiiejube oo toh ginetinet:eo1 <“Sch stato:eRe sayed iy Gecap:Pwd tenths:ufSalpa PetsARPier Matar:Parhinge ay Whe ain roligid and “some ‘art ets Handerrdtel ybeonde :“shy:ttt,PHS,halAt ee White.’tr:Linney’2h de the MESLOS wise names }*ywil-fur nish.:ait a jrtettatle Sot }Tile MM ia a Baas pr oe =to WWhite voted f orit.,Onkentee.Mr}t‘Another,Iiost oll and,_ytiempt Wbeait.brpthers Sf dag Sym chu inesi oe oe 2ye Bt ENS utts,spoke “against iff dndshow:=e three,teas,vas nade.by an|vis tims:'s fr sds CTTEN ROSS ay:eo Ge Salve ih Cd that.thé’ixtiguities ‘ob the.bil}pee whose name Le wit otthin,|*yp oe frou relyjeve lat Torys Sx Sea Se a :Subl 5 Of the 1s horses]}sword ti)Tack Sad|!Pie ree :‘Ps int he es™be orks a ¢ :widuld.¥bt UnaRe.tube tept es ver .al a Yor V tt "i Rae :=3 a4 4 ~>Bane Rea,Began apa Ye“aS Sever ral.frites,were wounded,ead OF Ne .“ried wien Uy Poin Cad:yey sl SAS.F Sond Gat oe ae jak eed given pow erp.Qiale not:iitos “andiher jattegn pt.ou ae Ment ey PERS ZO LCT shears Mea Pee \Tai ds?“I ee ae =co ‘4 ie iimesta Hig “plattform.“We Ras Itta ceaured |Hutt,they WOU,td beTat set ae g »weds}\ae.Ta wh‘>at vs “ ._Sfesret that axtespace wil?not permit’apie oHse Sacrificibutliteqo.a ea seer Yn aGolswha.tse oR Hant xt t. >Us.to.pti Mr.-Rlattz $speech’this'L<,Saee malsees ore ee whe BPS.is >sie se «~2 wea mnie le 23 oe ee ae are ee bot ee wyil pigit:tt ine ‘the.directed étroops tow itdraw,whii}tk _aes veh Te eile ~pear dutyle”Me are’g!lad “that-the or didn.godd:order:~none%Soe ae eeut .4 i id LX art thd 6 Wil ets i maidé nu epece hot cour"Contnessman “Phroughout the -dgv¥areonciderTa S ree Leen tao,HF : E :ee €force of the:énemy was ;as doshKosice legedlar x "tet!eetAhead ly,Met awas in Op 4diaOB to “the Republican)”on fy right!flank:utee HSE!be nic reclh:oe yetjae oe 2 ~Sche Rep tip a Spt jd ian etota < et chest of fsiste niner the stisiniton back By ‘mounted.mea =uniter fait es ie es oa é a be Belkeesstaidarsa EpoN:‘th people..sarc and spart of Gentrat Be wisee die Ne ; =te Pe :F ‘tTnthe xe ‘ierd us:apptjase?which ‘}ten,isprigades The day Was intepse-.r ideeAlege SAuhe GS eRejgWLS : e Dermae atic “cote:ag Bae save him,Die enerinving Combe traps.Neesoff Ths:APH rath ‘Sy:oseeB,a oe a Niger sé oi ire whgse ,conduet “sriis>exeellayt.AY ©[Tse sist ae 9 mee eh was 2 Up 10",the have’“ghar okhed,tea guns,ant t a &rich Stan ata whieh kis coustitiie nts)oy shell tire gne.ThelossesteGens [buy ;eee acyccied of‘Dim,A brilliant *Can-berat dlunt’So Ajricade are.ls fart.pat) :ressi .zi ns heavat:ag >‘ {ec ressidnal cart és :ts"op nite.wp for sévete iseer eee Ge gtr PR regan Tile r ctips£0,eoltse the,te :thio,leva!iD oe.20 a clexer weatylarse.,<we i OPI,et“Wet tertexds 2 i Dey i.not)‘Succeed * s FE!RSE 8 ete een gliet :) ;f “Fheyl Supteontli :th jxe.:soticry ,ie i Rs 2 fel a Wattex 10%dis,sutlefedee Soebr af :ais ‘ry ect from ©Wg .2 ‘‘dessts..esl.Ls dary.reir’ede aha ORT Te iN0.0€a:saint Se 4°.The:sth s CGE ,:;Y &fe abQut.Us.3s .cits The Dene atic aeexe utive *commit;the:e lake pee |S rea oo ii;rene.rey se Ser clas eisema tee Eee ae Be eadehi az se 3 events AY Cat)ott FRED ne pok Yas Tey z he “tet of Tpredé)Th Gow why is Qeteby called ritani’s nvilities,history Seeane idee ;ae ee ons 3 pte a ato Saye ioe othechairman,‘indidn mutiny?eas ie He ad :Ses oats pada “Statesyus >c.¢atsli 0;clock >Tbe.Stanéard sitvs <6meng palmes |Me St Puy i ace pattie Se Bere eee we ¢™ha wy :a re “:“Ss ?3 =he tee ae ag on Wedn .ler'S dispateh 4.deplarablePreadinie |S,“eigease hy pe Because’-<(fiy,"a. .:2 a ¢On,e pesdAx,“Satuiary Fede 1 ps Le reading:ase corms’‘can Nea Sea aN &PS A900.tant big the now familiar storyeol co not gina fodt-3 2 evehy asl:3 at 3 <h ito.,COnS Gey imypartant-rafts i egns|.tn,oie i “a.ots cSt Ripe “tol pafts;|cculedc Boers guitof..British LOI|fete’paves ‘strong:throat.‘and.apart oat Poe Soe vudy attegd anee sss‘ede mare Hing up vlindly dlniat te theoe ire ERE eee Sts when‘!these *arc.Pie wste Bip faealy decreed 5 oY fe fatizaten of fhe enemy's Filce:t Cigow weak that the ‘gérms master.)0 th>> Bat:hs 5.‘Detcinkeee 13th:t cannyt;"be doubted thatthe morat]daym Lorn!aThe‘bowty must Be:well supple a as ea ae »Ww Avis =Bal S tect,witL-be-th degravate Qu dM)Mite a.UY pvrfy fet.The’danger ess hie ye a ;eee ;X extties oy2r thesWhole’tield of opesar|3:3St %=a th ¢Blood iis.poar’aad re j aie HARTY re we ott tions.-_Theeountyy Sas!di:sctoteked ahi i he*.Nt Ue = -:<,.ai ‘with an TOx:abge’“and Surprise thcit?iy fyour cough’does:ok¢vata tie ~;Ae AMONG “FH POLITIC LXNS=\subduing?soer farers 4:ieapont,the Y re ‘mse y and ‘your:prea =send,:\ SE aeey oe a ——Po pat iad:4“}atardest.orks we haxe ~eyitered’uport SRA bemtassteni :Cah eee rey ye +eens ie :voy 2°’aT smeeghe Indiat;mGiote THE obese best eee sould not!sen anottier.day. o.<homited iene “the “newly,aps’majdants“hav’*shown.ahd .ta Sia re SH ee ee ee ‘i ‘Sehator+framc Nebraska>|iblefe"gites oarzepperal:pe meen "5 veSet i Bs nici Bc *ae is seat in Abe SGuate:‘Tuesdays.buberpegsite,Jesse ws oe ac api a SSait Streetbad si ae?=t ogted States Senator.Mastin:of}:ties ::%LO estac Ren Caren dinkypti a =*Yiusinnia hag beié ree!seted “tors the}-E He Pra ot Liven alien,co ‘ i Be eye >Says?Stick tha avs $i -bat t o ae aoe _—Vite trea ogeicni og Marsh!oe“KenL :BE ie-Tudtan:nvutit y thepittiRn hast—hYss spriti Wertth:ease Sve at ashek ' es ee *Repre rentitive DsArwends“ror Leeen Coptranted With So painful es+al.teewatt be “p ine Nw heeee A ere cr WRG Sear.introdiced.ae ‘kesalutionfattxjowes“y cot uation.ie ‘Plai '', Pe ——oe dat agzinst the ‘rétenzionot thi haat BY iersad Cock cae ne ie *vances,veDey f ees eat Reyitppynes:{a Sek tle zi shesmoment astdisSangietelease ane caf ai xs eh cae Loe.Sil with Higpo eae mm eval Sintec H*¢Ewvant =Sa Methuen Sednd?Geueral ¢AYrps.3 ie tikes 4 ae.e uvtiieftammed meeine i so heal Sere =f 2 “has.acai,aae ont Free er pe‘Efe Sepieeripn 6Ober tk pedeouy S ‘ai ee nae =“geNee a Stienethen th canes ap Ronee 38 ‘A.SSS.thouch?‘thag he SNe}Great:Fitain 5 trasted a Si raft 3 aS pa ee ap pres?e fF, Rad ‘tO:sthnee os ne =o Hhyotigh|Pgonimander.i “alk.«the cette mi foe aa pt S25 wigs pe %igestion:bec nes”Stonbery t fe aed ie ae ‘dN?oe reo See ertSwhane Ther Lat abs nay Mane a See ay‘getife better:and®the -wei ees ats ~+ VTheSouthekn membercof the een “reports R :he py ae Cag eek Une oneal.j .9 tighal League of "Republican ae Smith.ie x Ge eeejeans Pete ee RSS aia ae Sol anaes oy.es 3 aoe erndorsod Senator Pritchsedfoy|No’indepetident.reports a a hieee.:[bse nut t0-dia:neat cems of:consum,ti 3 mer Z a2 Sees tine wrendencyi cele va eacene es haveyet'beep-alioweed:vo |SUSCh ohss nett £in a foothold,ee roe ‘.Tie Republican Cony 4 ~."fedine-throutbi Qut General I tat:‘st a ot a Shs :~~\4 a <5 ae tons beld-at epeeee a own ajspatch:ae:MS the™.sad ees tip ef*i cep this te ishing,sustains ~ a seg /S ‘ssbticient”Guth show rf Hg cand ‘strengthening’:pow moe Chie de ‘OL Stst.pouls.,addr-New .imés ze)220M “that the mit»eor ".RO er’ Bee "York were tlie mostprominent.a pocienBate been ebtrapped;apa |ASSope He SCOTT'S EMULSION that’hs eS os testants ot.eae for this|yicipat espe Boers.“Tuwas not ane peed Wir ee yid ansae ee value.18 =“honor.are es i s gipated ftixit!Generat!:‘Butler.oulea oebe tea:al aeh ee ah ae “al”Swasiing~and>exhausting” ~z Gh:=z.x Bake ao.frontal.“attack.Hy Nod Criti SFE “a ‘is one oft:ie mest r ee 2 .Fen diseases.wd Se ae x ;.the v2 set D:Li .Snodgrass.of acre ot his;niovements.are.’madé.far:nate ever’Wseiorle OH Swe andy a gacnatid$2.02,at nck eet. bocy a pesSuptente”Court,fast sipee apparently he.<uf:j tthe fage-baving *fons.re“Scots caswae Cpemiess:Kew York".ae :ae rmeriv announced:bis,.candidaey.Jertd a Yepulse“rather tha a-defeati x2 “the heads of MW ai La Le aR cee ae aes the United:States -Senaté>“He Sat)did nots push,the attack home,+itigettes the teee |5asi See ae Pik —oS oS.an expansionist’‘bat is avainst ut broke dt~offtp.the:midd!BrC6 ae fet thie reproduc?!ix Re ade teed aS triists:\/7 Re eee to’saye #useless sdcritice df difes “Ir statue of fates Coca pas eh eas oe a ‘Foe NS nf ‘PhS x ®.*Net rs,fat e Congressman:“Salzer.of”New isan bar ‘hé.sill renew the tek.‘Ih Goan amaratsrn DyT-STOR ete Bh ic “York,bas introducedaresolution to coiniumthe ai Tmmediately.on-re-(Sua Ereete oy-Sehoo!Yo B.S me oes a es Siders =oe the>Boers belligerent Zrights evded tb!abbas —a Gee ge He eo Paae eink ie er eo 2 tex et _ i Sige epators Tilman,E Hise:tilt’“anotke ilaxette.Paris,Totnko z | pre RIS sar Re toa anit Bact 4 ‘of South €aro-visionand to sreplace.the r dis)>\s France.[ys ‘and Pp nt sd Reape cade saan inetd 2 re E ‘on;of Georgia,have artill elosses of acne a :ai é a TR a pa ee “ ::éach Introd rtillery.“The necessary:re .The ee os Eas |ee Seat uced resolvtions |against ai rit ©ary re:sinforce---tre App iteot.aGoar somes SS Site ae Z ers Reis Sean ad oe Le i oe ile retention of the Philippines ‘by |]grits will bes burried oft as speedi-|,Wg enyied,t .hina,Sai a tee as Sco on eo ae F e “The United States.“¥oes w3.)os Ga ss Re Sota ee atespoor ALS et 5 apie SE oe ze ONE es -“|..Fifteen transports ar chaadetiver:ari cut omian Soe ee currency:bill “passed ‘the’‘Tite at Capeowa:sare:daeto ar:,Dak Alk-such Should:Saves Panipe:»a ok :gee op oeSie Monday b»F-a vote of 190 to ber 17th and JanuarySth,with SURGE:;eC er ‘Ss New Life Pi Gentsad Or ss HN cS Rie ee SERS sPhes “bill practically makes 15.000*troops of alarms,‘but’ninesre full stomadh,aud -is v as thems fast ote 'Sa’Single gold standard~country Gbneral‘Bulle SSj cts esa Spley di dappetit “LuPone ,hASTIdVOUS pet Bee try er-is able to-renew the?te :be aged.>oe wun tipeyy :Enos it nequires the secretary Of the |attack,which is exceedingly'd 1etR sfiomand -i regula sa for 3 ene Ee :--*Brpasury to pay all silve d fuly the B nei doubt tiat ihsures perlet heath a:- :bd Sepreticktesin:Sold.Th r a coin-need”;ritish generals:willbe com-f ener 2%,Onlpertyct hesqt23 ain ae STMAS Go ops: es og 1 e:silver Re-or adother f sil ty Pee Tat MEP ‘dineBae cade eds .:Soe leane dove escued:r ortwight\.omSr.sd ;oi ge::hs eaeiweadyes‘durt ee : E ;Z Sao a more:to-r :ry Stare).Lert A ee t é i yep ¢re ‘ Be -Republican:bimetallists ema defensive.Sar Practically:oF the |,‘ee:5O5Gpte toyargon Mn we =i Saaieouhthis action,and asking their ~Thelatest’-dispaich indicate =1 A ALTON . ee oe Sates anoebesincs tosuch legis.continued bombardment “of sstha) =:.Sepa ee ee Se oe {orate whose ‘position:iiS now perils’2a.the oe=Rhine Doe ear wie me :é _gatuates stig Botton bankers}be ——<2 re _Ege *ooca SeRes eve ry eae a .and brokers,assigned Tuesday.2 Plorevse,ASC.4ha ass ss er age Puendtwnew,ie ir :a 4 ay Re a 4°~The Feder ation of Labor;with |eda.OL ee aoe ae sa “3 fe a 508.00%members:has taken qfir,:‘Sexes See eo Rhee ae og %~and-undhimous Stand.against al sft te “were sJost ina New|; ave “wars oFconquest”eo ae Th x ment‘house fire Tuesdgy,|WA a ;BS *Tie,funeral:of Flag aes‘SS:Y.Saatat ‘Point‘Tarvis.ig oN bee ::av PASS C \oo :3 20° j ¢LX —“,P :iy :Ae,ig ¥Cea typ aide os a - 7}——plage ios Atlante ex:day.-Roe:Tuas:ies re ats Bose ios ANT,fae ‘.ae Genes Le sy :apr ab pews 3 Son ee ,:;; eet rday e-estort_trom ac 4a ys ye rE a;OiAE EN Se TE PEGS.i eT rere 2%eg OE 4 a”i,Petts ited ge ; Pact ton consisted of:a=from:Washing ThE,Golumbia noo Works Gut 8 2 PSk “AP EAE.oye fai Le a Ser veghig >Ml toad ah Te hee 2 Sa Tee Ngee ears Bots eh Ae et mae oe a oe eed See dey marines.-headed’by:the full:Marine andes oterector imote.i8.i ahs}Dic St:Ro ee hes toy YRS US GR a ‘>eS 3 ob ARIA ES EN i Rp os TO Bl,RN WOR Frets See ame oy 2st io ates Sere tiene Sas Sank sesailors si the aa ae 3 ‘a feck!‘er:abit,$Jiges s what-you eat.;FBredhdt 8:HS oe 4 a 5.Es z 3 Ei a —Z dat nee 3 teem BAe a eet ‘yop a Ore)ee Aa a :;a ;e is yAaS 3;:Pia :ne bearers.The ‘body lay.in State i beens :Pee Jtattificialls Uigeststhe food atRy Poona at outs ops?ee Rae Pat gem Sula NE Co alot are toe Se Spe “;;Sok Seieee 4 4 “the:Georgia”Si in The En,A ‘,qatar:in ste henin n ea SO ute ade’oaass 3 n Pee Ee Fn ;e Sr ; SS z tate Capitol,=The:g oh teenie Separthent:st‘Structing th t ig and:;hice’cake xe veFeyvstht =e aa eRe as «2 =honorary’escort from Georgia and Se s Sugpestion.¢ill.meena)wans.Tei Letet lacovered dig hy makdit,4 <fh ; ne ie ."Auiantaeonsisted-of Gove fan force.,¢ene oie :ea |raor of 10:00,ant and ton igeat~~-:dior U ©SenatoesBacon snd Em Shy eScuiteMoes.me3o inatoni:|Nooot aL Apples:50e-‘abucha,,ae Sa oe ‘Dieutendbt Cald:|On Tuesday bandit -Segutly reltexesand fine.Experibibe tteairand’fatistaee’7 SS “8 eli.U.S.N.,the SupremeCourt :sen S relievéd “pas.id,“Indigesti "|Aiog wudtantedd.\-4 Sa ies mitre gets on“3a-Omaha ‘and:N b st;6 -bara wkts x ebraskasg,eeace Sanir Ss)ve,&S Drop inaait se ws .tee Qhen £Fivetsotoon:Sere —eae mpsal ies ed QU,irignds:eM :2 -rhe Peasy * “ig =tiig—earns‘State aod s ametsi0b esstrainof ee ‘watehes.and ~he fixe AG eX RYiste.”dri Ws pete wee Prdso Av;my Soen pe ON A AE pa Taw ts,‘pat itt The,“thicues dyn pe mai Nae yest Vs Sth Hh.of Phe iy) cho,celyhes Last.esa mmation,.Tyr Cong!ric ates: of Siders in April:4865,at (Laurel:5 ‘+6 ~ee Seteasamram aEi MASEOT, Ba “Soret.*SSE SS ASO SS re itnatu fe Tabu ret The MES e bhai he Rta wuite wi Pie me sy +e fide“ole,ba ve 7r miae ie ee het Oe ay)Dat WS Sue.the 4 ?-men OF irint perstactjoestiny dase pon “mh!Bagy sede i enue i,o8 Kz Exs5 wo =~She $}leaves.ay bimbaba “and x eeeeees <<¥ sunt ‘On yeWit,we ie xtytey x. va ‘ee yeid recto,it. erestoh‘a i €roelydty UAE o F i We Op :Ee 4 _< Ee Area cn Wood’+Vong ton,”‘ ‘*et od 3 a rcs a gio eeAIRYEaaaway-fd 2 ie SETSCigwokeorg,Whos Twasy”fr,4 i =es .4 ak brea k iv seat p hige Hee Ti -pylit ~ee get “thé «comm rt Vs insCor eee a age ean vi LUT, Iurneate Bre~fehoias:2 =A ts Seeder eae apd Ctrla6‘rt".Le att,2 ii PIS AS eS ie notte ANM,MEOEELE,Cota sea Gia eh:Ty wey a futotto,Q6G =a tol)Py fori sindcd.a yur 2 ,neo Were M:pide iq),| AL the ¢4 “oatt ao be site Soe are t \4Me ral ‘chaseif Nyt =Then a ines Ope a.hoe Dey hi vusbforea Lum fs’Mees Ng ie ogeretey Hg “Balt”ueat ‘ine MAS ‘rE -es N. arsDUTY Laake as ye b5 ee va kes!Wie’or gn”7%- or Myr:2 Wai eM sly yu)‘GAlis =uerhyaor rad _ Snanaus gy:ues ae “4 ¥Son?hes ForshyBEE ats Wavesx ih wt ‘ .<ali **m fe Moye CVOae as Aes POETS a,ECs} =aa me Ge ng AE GE enrty ins (pettad Selfonr,thes =Mss "wee ay ries her “they FL ny 7recyee Ie.Mrvit sag ucdily greeks aot LE “d frp 1h ugietut 2)Tid fom) Ai Te fy anor:ay oY,Seis : HEU ;.watt poser 7 hak Susie Satse fsa ayare pe“Chean “..Sesvalie hiaétprizsf As <te,kecep tly, v Of bis:popes Tu oy Fo rhb eeueiten‘Ae ‘4 “i PTL,MARTE in W phar my csget as Cee OLS &‘Ae ~“¥,'..~~Mt ‘LSJ).warts,ti phn og ity eA bas Bees heated er eee Wee erbyresett nat ‘bo AEE gee ne wersTi Gis 4 rh oy Yrecmints De Sah fee Th Lis alae tit ¢ oli Steele =regelag te:Borne x ib NU beef Ati fhe ro xahreres ” wor weeksyee)acts peareyhy wv ede eee ye Sor and carried it Seeks CV poe ayy Ce Styise ke thinking $ hikle iu the Napisy Brees &Wades CANOES TOL Par Hennessde di iced th this eet at ireeta ‘they dreat wrescent tay ine wcath,Mr.He HESSCE scl Roy _Mr RIJ Henvgaset.ir,VES ewsa ft ult ze “OE rhie Wate Meee Mayes ‘«'*Cad '—ah CenmityS:Sper inte Genes ler =) .eae oyYNvENnaSsWes tear Fridax and Suturdry f A 2Zdand35x1°+Tedcher=whose hay e ‘expipeds vor sare bout to expire,Use ate 3this smpnativn.The examinatioma thi ‘@in-Professer ATlen ss room =ch100 byt}ging..54 anche eraded fot abe ¥:“i ite Kas,iwitro pill?in ‘Ghogress,akkingscheseek thet Me.John.W Gay be tndemni tid-by the Government.for GEO bi les,Thane Mouraerani “ki utcottonpurrellby”Stoneuans alis,on Huntings creek,:Irede“f schurty:Wehope Congress Wiill pass the bill ‘and that.Mr.Gray wil be.te “said for his cotton. The mad dog scare bas)Caused.ber ye:1h oF a numberrot Canimesin “this Vain it “NeW,M.Nicholson kill eGne!that wwas acting sinangel / Monday-morning rear?“Mr.SIchn:Jk ‘Hole sin Nortt:Statesville.“Fhe ‘ade?wis A,pointer.r.the property ofa “dr een merfand was ithe ¢sdneof Me. rBad Lefastes Shhy “Eeins?er e2¥s the vdow w us,SGeconed:These days “dows have to.walksthe chalk line. \Roberg Sc tt the man who Was) Lean deed -byy My BP.D."Atwell anit” Ot)eo réevetue officers,fn,the eae om a Libé rty.Alexahder couse .WSo!yee Tne ao,wus “couvicted,Jast,>- x Wei skin wheBons ral Court ‘at,Chars Me higigkcharch ui lptte indtied’s200.and,sentenced,pai months ‘she bad beeny 4 te’ate re Mi mihs in.jail.He:was Shel brodvbtrun.Saturday7,night2 and ; Jodgedin jail he Kees ¥,‘Céanellz x fro’* resisted arrest avd twedat Revenue“Olficars BD Atwell aha F,Cy Me-Coy sometine in Jy.about,1 ‘miles *belcw.town,was:‘sentenced to IS os yaonths’he prisoumen t in’the Fed- os eeswt ee . ¢ ee ~® : a oe ly of ox.{yf}~a“=ee eter ete: Re athios Mew Ua Satichday went “AS:faelekyithe ash in,be i.“ =ae Sateoe EG we3 ¥‘tentte Pus 1 oh pas nes} where.in be cine qntine,ie?ies atprot Mim9Mi mz;3revery7xySor rwe is >pes ‘to sese mats V4Nee Oe “*Mt Sal "Ete i Fan Hiv i,it Osi:ort +igrtt Oe GEO: exter TINE _QUSER a ae x ‘ait y Bauiste rTre:"6 SNaeweek.4 it if hnid.W pti.Hearvias 8 aE a eRe bs oy fy is4A)at a He:Oy hy eeuae is Petals at CHaAt Reed,canes eeWw .Te aay.¥45 BS Si 4 i booas “Of oesIreh alHeaetT tO ©ere vt oe <Ee otis fathete tine.“ised,10 “ot "he ‘thind-apddl PE asf thet fgueth -“and 52 Phe.totale to DR:‘paid-in} “Eley hace Eek r irivadSA ee pm ar (a k : ‘ie plac:sgt akg Se oe,tei ed a wa ee ES > LONE.wn yw ‘tery,eo {enehcor th aril Seton)aN Sag 2 aySiste dd whiterY%\;2 i ‘ie t LQ Wonday eertesviasmoePutsseINnapect at ‘SESt Clase auld HoltShousenand SE Medea NE ag EW Patnam.864d each, si bebeny ™ Hee,Aperigelic Fi ‘ Tegiss Dist PAGnit Ask * at5 aepacatsmw Jyih Rarrite a Sandy.arbhts fromm | ee,ay lathS rts oe Mo t a ot vs ? Si Ai en e .Ne pewos ae ‘es ii descay RTL fos tthe:bolt: SN ee fond:a apratl ye Taw i agitate BM o ee ee.Se Carter BaeWeise Syriess naw ot Washing-()£3 asee1COltfee Otis Var git 3 ax .AP,a!8 Sarahith.eitsia,a Aas Ay cao Bo gd Sulig:a Campbell,slimgach. x eyes aa ca a Peace % *%~ sy an . auntie «“*.~o eae i arts’TOUR IDEORNScline saan “BSG: at cant tithe gf ort Shdme,.i), Sa we J‘+Re. “|ta Nast.sold Eis }13 ory :Souk mans 1 OMS GOSS ‘Wh Gyrees great srandchildrén,.to} neGish owe404 Rs ra HIKE S up:oneeof its”spot val crite Ww eines |{as # aen ls 5 pew home.he :kOe ys aa Miss Kate ‘King,dadehter,| sf:\ “hs cath of Mrs.bine Eoote.om Mr PIPL,will “oe married this “afternoon, P eiat ms ‘thoresidenceof tHe bride's moth-}° yshar pestsSS thew ning of Gor ie wiiagenvin,be dqniet,hoite’cere core Towns“htp”ae “hd heen pvanout EO cs Hes atic;h ate «@ itty t xnie titywe reat” Siturdes.Reve ict ne the soe Testeswas “a Desay“35004 “w oman: »PSR ECS peee éxtend to -Mr.and.Mrs.,Bug, rearrigd:ate heartiest.toa gtatulatians.an ae bore 4 ype-tharty their married ]] seer ‘Chirist yar,+Peo .oi ne and brag:Pycaee”:kn daisease UhtpeaseWe.‘dress rtbroughital)st bior syneriy Shy she jivéd rs to ihe ee bustand,ine. ervless:ebild.ete “er mother,probe «[jgreat lope, wr fath-toes raid sister i |Tueix ee tts am i” Se n n : e-XCafNig:bee’tr Tax Title!SN rineaot.slice: wer s SC.rt “Henkel,eo 65 5 Ee REC yar en aed “2,te | 4 Pr a ,~ NK *¥ey 2 WN ‘it «Ay,’Ae eter me oid /~ldier is 4p.Ae H cy Kinadal pt "WM eee oo trod Leh yay hor nee ta Sotyny Ds a Nat's sexgorre ‘taiusg“oe ‘ ee hepte yi:werk=f) mh xis ES: niteseeeaI TR:the:Such.Chee ils tb: S“TrWe chads.W aleaie peltge to LttraywDSOR3IRSnice f ih vont ky SsSpel iff tagiv.Daly om 2mxttAngme.ee ais i a AleX sake a he:-Je "eeu,“ot a oie beet |Si Henle ioe:ve ad fer heher fant “ptn-}ove pee AQ> Pie QUT.iasae ¥Pl=2 oohSack.awry ite =Waxweilye si3 a ss bray se tel,d aly.B.aeies,shy Ceoury pK Rh Ss ‘ef he 1 oe anid Raos Naa Sy a te 2:DUAN.aa be Whickows* ines “Lok wired aud E het Hui:ey-Prawies NgneyC.,Brown, Sm}Ante Pats Pp Unto sks -Es.ab isher,SRpapi ate the Cgedacry ve)Pals (vet,Wonkey:yos7 OH 0 Few, Lor tye tot Pa Theta. ~ ay Wiphis ‘ot che re PATCot,©cpihe Myirye ~Cotleoes.and Auitiey | gus.Th rit hte,Scare| of PS eo Anpios Bat auth,who iA tg orssah Te Sehigh ns NOE Vi erpingdshobic,siguthas as Rae ay of Nope Wwilhekbaro:wecont:Pal:as: ‘om a eaeaSeat12 bs e, Four Fhe Sof Wythe uiyady?cope Mr Pek tehetO ete ee york:Gow) tia2Nashsise -Peak =~Or SRN g eee NE fe Sos a isthe tpipategt Si ‘Margaket Cacneito. aleeCTSyeign >“of “Haridomieltss “Ark, eticy spy hastbee1.Visiting:Bi ies ~ ww.savak ees *SDSm?wig Sat Xe AA, 2 os «AD 1 *.a r ia oti.ol es 4%.it2 Sinn.Te bg aR fotvher $49 por:a Korein member,ne eS wi ey7 Siig.wie Aad &ALi eh Fy cia BSYsiP Game rer stow nship',tnwiniefrided,oa “Wetpfil,meizhivon,|~ :oy cher Pomevesteray mer Deo he >»2 vi neuMRNOUTAL Ste was abydt WY!Fanny. 1hde eRrdqught ss.of:vind @hildren® Oe Noover Esq ot Bareinger’Si‘Parner and:Misa.iy’“Brawley,ot he eu yes a hus rarely iAtooresvilles ears. z married day;ehitertsta.mgurn |ee Imiwood,amy Sy piérdoss Phesise ‘pal services wilh,hoof ery ghuetad,”a ‘chit:Home aty 1).St qeevies ers thes:ahonns nds he SS the décgased > AC RSetNetidnds Ree vis ;<r a.nylinbot Oh years sup aint)pod BORE wtreevear tyLpncti S f=Sansouryy Giiut “Nbiamss:ay pesTO, Mont yesterday.morning ed fHiartorSafe Keepiag:| StepeS wiefe Thompson SCARE.‘Willtams kaw iteeht Shure.to prevent his be- “uehied ig Salispunys us excite rar,higNeavainst,hit,op ae) ican atyive’Syrstion,sboipea > Se sor BerhesdacPr e‘by teria |ee Syed iaeTeatid nbd faithful Ww ies |prs mtfeetigmate,inethes wadsd éarmt fic re ae wll who Rhea &“her orso9 waht 4 *Oe Ne Nea agar-és,c ~ Sees *.aaS ett thehome OF“Y Th imais:Tine pes ve,1id=} «&Raid lender:ntyiy nian |my? “ime ihe souNS Rrictal aweSEN TS!enatuex whipped “out”2 Winsari wi bw Wa?verde Uae uppe T iin ie atl enter aiest-fell Seriously.wi vin pursuit Tt On "asho.‘Ted*towardss Brook: tof the:‘eitypear):the”sité Id PIAS sstookade!3 W.THiaams ran»Sheritf,Mon ae Thtevennie:The epi edevitWetesteAir,ang Ne dinner . seu)ite,rawr ehor iors"sy.s'the “~s Ietot he Yr ‘Mipe HY:tie Moores .+.reg ON tak ster aay i otyrige Dus av trienes here.ue pretty.ans uv bride is opeot.the most wiblsab her old Rome im Alsre senda»tla every toad tor: os “ =dee ;*.g.7 ¥x yas me ;Postay 4 tyett ieChern oCitisrandson,(teh against KYoRaKeCY fiartliue:%in’south.kvow n-“that é Wom Mes near the Laptist chapel.Jous,and feating ‘lynching, :std a tears,GamontbSand 22 days.Fim out by:back streets to Shs rail- “funeral services vere conducted road, wm theshouse,eyesterday morping tions and flagged the outgoing train, a Ih-o'cloek by Rey.W.-L._Darr,|thus ecmpletely eluding the crowd. ‘hotaterment ‘oceutring at St.Mar~Williams will be kept here for a few es eRurch.-She was a faithfuland)days.untibit is judged ‘safe:to ‘carry cubsistent ui anber of the soRawEe he Vhyin to Satigoury., Toutierar church.Sho leavés ne SankeNt:OM Ys:Mure ack.“of .four vrandchildren aba row ‘for the losstat their lowing ‘ -cc Paitin e)s ee mes gtod ~Watt'sos ? Lee#y--King-\4 Mir:2ufus.He Gays ’spr-fo Ny.7M. Mrs.Jow,King and "Sistet:ef:Mt. Recs Kiss,allot‘Shatpesburg-town]: “Rev.Mr.Kihott ollicidtiag.“be PiODyNS ‘Immiediatety giters the mar-, Price »Mr.and M's.Guy?wilkdrivete|: Ptyie riside sce ok Mal,A “Gpyshere:F Sing worthy *Honest:intellignnf, ets.aeae viends north tredeil>sh Tha bride is a “Bayel iter of ihe of ‘thwe wHOBt,srominent Families”in tthe: ioepi pao is a yousictady,of‘of many ohetas:Of,manper and.person.,* ie,may he|* raat of fox cg)ar SeceDADA=Shae fe Sap moni:Cie V.TET ra :oy ‘sometmeonsE visit.ta,te fath>|> “are DA.Whit,‘Tetr,yas for ©prewaree SI:BE et te te Fann mmm Fa ee = eernee EWS ony aEe Coat “Fin te.‘Satement?”; i Oeccee seeoNsik,‘December <p 2 te the eee Board of‘commissioner pig. Cone pinanice sonri| flowing”statement.of , Aas chet the year ana fut<a HON ieROW2ene Se aebe ia.ae:“getines eae“ok} oeSi ee a is‘spayerceelie |weld:“Ons‘a,news i ot a ove §Ob Deeds eotton factory:sh or the Uicaucateww ae 2 %;t ee lesweoatatesxt sh cebehuasoenenceine iIts. om sit Kare Pensknery- *x €ec nabitis ‘ert ADR be Sain sLL:ee tat:AtreN Onis “ a,Re spurns cig eetvicky SM AG US Lar rules:+Contede aS diers-BO MICO wa Ott Iredell’ SAV Cg?hy:Vek asda y,nee DR ene.the wartant ss “F-of oe wiL Ode ga kit for whee »Howety?which the’Statay ae aioe wragts Thon?cigundsas a Christmas {, +walt frqtn:its.people,who’enact witye,otTalis ude t 12;BELVICE ioe betty lie roes™darts weit ineeSyrirdes.mcaits:“souls,S eeeAhk perish:ete tarefaeClasausandtheJiSt,isgiven be) We wou toteWEEK193QUarises op Glothing”“3 re 3 : fate norkue’ibe dt Glothige 0of ‘thee Sea Che apest:Market a eSeattacTistopersthe.Bedi:tt sy ten has ou whenweentine mo vihingit’Cid th}peg Wear and y Htsave gaubrttone ss oy eae esi Trults :. i .«. Hendry was|:A jswelF}-store |ete Of about.$300 aasribbedTuesday er mesFC:so Yo ‘receifits of cakes:during —ear‘By.aga e ee Suite * Seaeon oa teamCarel ERO ft by Tere, jzed-near.Sa By.bs!eeeber rer ao Lint:mao‘convicts Guay Beet er“the penientia-: TY.ste year patesn eer SERS ae ea inte ¥ ae omreceits during 3Year 31%193,oo neeDD Ce Te 226 Re“Sone hetn Bobbin os,00D and,‘the West;End ee¥ capital $10,000,Were-organizedFast w Friday in Greensboro.sia pee be ~The Asheville.sMusic*“Bestivala isis |:3900 has béen”spb:SB Se seribed=the *‘committee ~esto:eapraise:the aos to.$5,000: WholesalessroeetyHem}shit eco ‘2Or 3 |Nerth We EO:Burged:Sere Setarday’DIO loss:#12006 a ,Joba Ma’Scotpd-Co-‘have applied Ox charter:for.4businessih-Cha Lose Ww ite rhe umounts. “ft are }cont Cariw0a,wert pubdsbet As ieee:seut.-ont bey the|$ Say A cgi tS Muaitoteaauc yaycontain-jnaccard- OUTER has 1d pension sisae ; couyty RO ADS. pts ‘upingyyeaty:$13,041.32Z ownasgareds pr ee,Det,|at SS:1H . Byoy ane as toriag Vaughan:&.oFeae¢ieee=¥a TO receipts Wuring:yyean'$aes PA peeonyhiend Dér,10% 0 isote drugs:Tg me agtescapital;‘shook [BS Sod 0G,with.prigtleye'BegcneaeiNs,Pine to "10,0004""‘ The big-‘Delgad Samines ah leapt‘aout $ {ediin ‘the:city.e.ADete we k’‘Capedin Arthus ras 2OK are M3 ee mG -Sewas, aut,door?Keeper: eainge 401 {Os .Second “Chiass.'b Bath,G.0.! Hast?feels tO Bost.Re os-Deal.Jas.<R:Moore thai Fophare CiAss 5.i eam,‘Ino.S: Posten cd.Goodein?J;*€.Joiner,| Pete direst-PopeRN es R.Rhine,-FranBeDitton“NT\.cbeinsteg,Seis Chase.“38Be Bose é Aesop Ee Dixone WS,Diltdn, évifn.h.We Gatton,.Wi i Figo.Jase CO LaNey,Pas.Mitel] Morgat>:Ba Wt OverCE,weak Sun? 3 per,K Ae Thomash)<oaks oNis 4P.She wpReSve:ag ath aSAS eed sanie we iokGe.yopaer,qtatity ShingBAL 3 MeeeeeSs iki Jeans:ier:- ioeSee dyritig.year,52)ee Weye.eae Tt is?{3°ShanGrdy d te 1,eee x ro RS:é Xi ieatie esti Gages!bointy Snifiqhy aihick Sho. ay ake mad eats,: Ye Ana Ke ets mk ee Biase :6 ee Oree aeaaveSS 3 +Bsedouton1TdTetdFe 1 dete $5,008.\)tras Sonpeortts Paya8 ByCo i E19, meee RS Ss TyDailicyays"“iy ith his abd Fs hers satentteZNLEAZ.Re AN 3 Cte,secn are Secup owSexe we are ie ‘puyin,MES)reherber:|thats aceN.|i’ SY pleteSatan oy taee gerbe ereg PR an ae Rg syour.t Y NF Reetelie skho,,for 18 13 <hin ‘thei United ;,died}in Washington, saturday pftheart diseasSere ype “at Bk!Condlt,Of"Durham;4aministratorof Linwedd Cotich; acts sfttie Sotthert trushecn_carsy,Septa $2 /has|een at. neatihwvintero fen ai dectealioe ariel Fed es1 *Tihviteoug and altLe te.gang Bye:pee beffoRes ery ee~etfully,§fe aA Bsnt -EVs|Bae eRooU iy tepretraftiteetsaes ae &Ad >:ut 4 we rout Rash 1M:Jeues>EE.tAok——eMa ea td,death betPegougghta-damage “su railroadtor:$29,OS Fx %*“Phe called meet ‘g ak.thee D Caroli pa Lutheran;onthe removal”of: =Fatesoeae SQN:eee S Haubs nine ‘S16:ekok. Sule.Biatriedshiy3Sie eee Mt JNgEth eraPleasantHag.beehs'®gun te Istby ante.$6 wie et etal:Be oF Texas.Aporn |< ja,Bu ‘county:on:March.Isty"‘]Aa88 and now inBis:Thy 3 Said,‘to be the oldest:mar ins:caeca.He’has seen 22 presidents ee hi neesanahe TESTEand.POR’PED. £ORESS GOCDS..2 a. San ce“tsi phease the:most criticna, eee m7 airless!Ayiaoieox?of novelties (Ladichacts,=“Belts,Hosiesy,Mettveat, Ssad:‘Hatsof.tthe:Bert lakes|,aga torrect*prices Rot“WRU pate itto Your’interest,to sity 2 esapearlyyecally Hantos Tomlin& man.ee iEpeers8;are fe h Jacks:es y May és ki} em)ae ‘Stee Ph iH pe,"bates eeeeMaxi)Beaver>3: noir.Namie:~Boaver; senseell Dovey Re:er M,.a “Faalkners:Diya ittGtou;ot henPoreauebitn,Angeline:Betis t ittPalin bree ck.Susi i SherVS.SpeckekaperC:Seits,Me Se Sher- M.Spr inkle;Dicey"W hams,j Oyen hth Ms Misenkeimer,Mi.]s Ga _Sununerks’Mapy Ay‘Bass.Ma- Ai BarkKer,Mee BSOvel 2 Mesers,Lz S.BS:Wile |Qner x 4 Shave ir be latest:are a; eeacltsot als a At the preliminaty expming ‘go f fat Gold Hull;Rowan ¢o“Johu“Propst:.Wa4.the:charke:oh oe /Mauhey,and;?W suetne Tr. _seuation| ee eolored, was porominted is Cabaritus:‘Court |a i the:offedsé.yp ~n 0 }.-ee e:‘Democratic donats:con,mittee :ediof-the'dhirmien-of the| ;precinct:committees:end.the:éentral.committeé.’‘Each meofthecommitteewillbe;notified’Netter:ofvie meeting of thecommi teeon daunar,rSra.Ast freakee*a B:Smithy *M: ee “Ramsey, Hides—dryeener th SrWetass hssee sheSiarths “Phe:Siprea @ Caurtiok.¢ Gas:decided ia:t EVSS Commisionexs:‘of Bankes 5 Serena to thé appellant as Ce SA 1899;resuttedsina:the:oe the &tait=a ae a a witerequired ‘gf Smajoritys i,favor|7S -Pz offigenseBareeiae could be grant. :Se ee Fisk St Ms oMaris ret .CoFnelips.‘widow oheediicise“ee eeRele Jesse-Cotntltus,+di a Maas oS, vee elgg Midas They+were the hang of berdaushter,Mrs.*ow Phereon aoe gtwutiot tBe Sérions::mine fst pitt ete Sas==f ESV ‘Tave“erectedshis*freind>* ;Site ~Cotie wha pees WOUSE ry, osay we Taye ever “mate.; g World without:iz 4 a oe .~Nodreswilles-at -3 ~smed Hope exec Rete.wo coe ee aay.mororig)ju her 93d | SRE WAS,one Sow ise good f ae haStopilcle paces ivy a “George Taylor wasrob. testisin,his ‘housé nearleyinEdgecs urday.:night.-er’pare fiends tired ao acd Picea the body in it. Nor zand.Mack:Taylor; tia eerpeen:arrested:for the ae Sy ¥-“Slaughter”“Yarmery ot} oint;is wanted in’Greensbo-| rQ ge having altered $9,000:aforg= s3He.was working, 2 creeae &Lo.3,20f “Greerisboro ‘“|bas petit “raising”the”,amoui puch endorsed ~b¥,his’Beet:ae Hicer.went to Danville paeaS , ely a Pyivgswither a,eee loneassoa oe ifsaeTuiger ae ies eget e: fe ‘Men ue pe eill*be ‘sorely.“missed «bys her “_frignds,-AL er -sure se took SE =B:Kk Arey,bf} FBCordekus v.sa.8,Webbe Hera,AERA atk Alse free line ne pbgtsae thewesib 7fe oy Tuadiesnen-‘aan chi aBa athlebyypeercance y coerce,¢ drewcbbath wy Agel medidin” *chidecaquiandif t2aene: tS and ae ouch:3 SawangaydrLatins.” oilren seins Inbyexybridty. Happs:rethst ns“in an orrtsSk tre =A DeOre speut SWOreerb oleeSiorobeaSs idaa aodweSo‘The Tepislatiz the State ‘Abdigstweekexami Ptor ‘sand.Treasurér’s the |‘resources:‘of the Treagury -“for |.$1,736,9975.disburse-|° ate‘tyainayd tedved atooeT)Dey itheyear were,meats $1,600,033;“tthe opinion,is:given ‘that the. paid thes.Assistant:Saisie. Gsahieral-quce the extta“fees of- ach to criminal court:Solic#térs |of each court held were unauthorized ylaw.and that.the fee’paid ,.attor- Reese:the State.were . [tseems that “Harrisin:the.spalmy cf days.of his-office holding as Assistant Adjutan“|¥he rate-of $4 per.d Pa:nt“MM rei t BeetSk his tusproyoked Grime.eit.me Wiiiams,-xbo,AS a pro-. ::“Erde ake crdpshogter and“gambler, the bry “was.eesihes»be>hipiselt*yesterday}© ornit yee “front pk:the:Salisbury!Pe bye Craps.£05 ie mere ns beACR SSS 2 SCCHES thas- ech:igh tart BS “3 —‘Goya eggoud ce ! <SeWHOLESALE AND-RETAIL — WeVe will Off“milly:throw!“whenMr-Wilt:ares::cotton oes e iBT aie ae‘lat wie fsatte bamucement2 oP Byeviii “it”ex yk ve ~bwhitesMANACAL @ valpieand-eppee to Lit adds phy MCRL D a trhniediately stol andvated.O8 xSecial 4OW, Prices framaNow Until” 4s SOHRISIMAS:.oe v tPesaeeal atnotisciudiny|104 per menth,and:‘vor ips to ,Washington,alto?).' untihg-to #$1,Q82.:d-rétaiheys “antountest to)Be6fthisLogegot,$500.-: i"Miss Mary.y McKayy died “at ‘her.9 home:in Shiloh township this:morn-=, ing of typhoid fever,.aged 50-year. She had been sick-for:somé-weeks.‘ “Phe enllege:teachers Jeavé.. and vomorrow for the holidays.°Miss Si teen Morrison’leaves ‘this-morning:for}... -|Nasbville.Teno.;Miss Duncan leaves |. reaRe for her:home in;Kéer- isses Burwell and Hatha- ior Sheieee ut 4ra ne ,‘Sundays,on#1 wet eee ee = «Soy tgthat isshite)ia he nese lan we pay it Ane!el .aod.we STE?OF tafesville es)hasy z es aie thang his pistol aw ay: dd uadeputy were taki:some to:the Jail when he heard ‘Leayiig his¢pris- pert’anG * im e “aT nin!EYED ceye sien Gmey tron:now: :IFF YOU ane rom an urana 5 sh ye ‘wags ekg a 0 rheshooting. re ace es ov See Eats oe :Oners ro ABO thedeputy. “poheenien*pursued Williams: pegro-Uear hissheriff”tired. x ‘fwoOLY,bev eis greion:a ,x ;¥i “Pes came urs:0.“Ube,Y .mothers: sitol Mes APovye G0 2 ts twice dt him but.failed’to, ‘Dorothy an ober whew Of The negro tat around the Phdvers tag.of was captured by 0ae:ot ro Seth aie i Tuesday at’‘Phe sheritt finding that-feciing yan. CoopEn&GILL way eave:tomorrow Tea es Tae i a suesAsheboro,respectively. ao Life.and béath Fight. Mr.We A.Himes;‘Of.Manchester;| {his almost miraculous death,‘says:“Ex pos- ure:etter measles _indiced Serious|which’ended ~in,con-' Tf had.frequent:hémor-]a> ghed:night and day>ht- {All.my doctors ‘said -I':must:soon Theén,I began.touse Dre King’s |}= New Discovery -or Consumption, uredame.“E-would|}» even “if itOe ba Sast’S wound:was ser- Ss }i ta- ome distance 100s ee fe ene : ie a nive:pair eoour.cousSoc?a Se ars ee :oN.B.Mills &Co., lung trouble,” rhages.and:= New Advertisements.which completely not ‘be without it a bottle.HundrédsfessSe _|may enn "pnever.fails,torcuré:fheeaT*>RegiS21aan es Si drugstore,ae ¥es Pe SS ke ‘was’felte_in:ue ieneVaaesSea LpODE oO ; a.Schiller”Ss remoyal -apis is still rita audcounsellor’*.t=“He has’many articles apr ze eS erate wt opaiate for the home at-Rees ta" Tit the otasien.”‘ Ae v.Fhanigan’s,s Sous stely we‘use lan;‘Gul:artis igs for Xrhas.present’,such fa: as)sGwingzi machines,soap!YStOvES |E €apy ins Sets,ete,.oe if Ri VeSPhatpe.shag de-aies.he ue Xmas,goods;tan dies;Jett,“ &dD:Ay Stimson,afininistraton,Setson-F toum,dceased,§ Hee to @efandants‘6 oi ae best took,at acon cut 2 steppibg insurance‘and‘die “teachphigh,ee:‘between iGis the:only.ps in seeitwill convince,yon. :ae ‘S. ‘Sheet Top.Linea, AK or Wood eeeye as the. 7.Best on gee + Bd g e yes “Goxious 3‘Néws ges Ai ae 2 By eetsotelects Bitters.“has casa.é f sorofala,-which bad. Fewest Sufferingfor’years.[ ld.break-outonandthe:beat <doe? Espey iste Coener&6a Rave gF‘sarts od:shinse for,Xwas:feugts eonkes aaty Finance.Cominjteed Jdrtak,‘the county's,fins,ce beeengohae-“Butlerthelasttéachers’)*this=ae Aberoom:Es.a yoons phan’of Stexr-}"“apo Fake ceArep &‘sores.”wouPelher,ei ‘andface,a ters pulaeresno:ete but ts.ee eea “po hives:aisles:20r-,exgmination ;to-bebeld: TheStatestile Tee®and.’lo.have.Prgegn Aoun ae roti ;wy RMON”S ee PiLLs & ou de hot buy 2 a 2 Treatment sp i for one price—2 fe 2 i the a pat thousandsifottHid|Bitters!Bh Tey, i sat ateMa whet ES¥ :suait Set font,ats < Soa Her will be‘lynched:” “-company. mt ~ _i lyneh law,but wher a brutal rapist *.)trial;they are inno Spirit to brook am ead her ‘«‘aught og Steals c ing. RA Teast ge Pal taael » eesolREte om the -ar Joubertian:-Ex-Contederare,i rite Dare Ne amet:=)eourtlat SavannairJast week found.©fond ‘PN St-Louis-Dispateb,EC 15,10 A .;‘agpictaieh’s eoa and 5.”FE:Twenty-five ONEae“Constant ‘Use’Ea wefOR S %En Wilmington Stak.5 |«taay nett,aud B.D:Green,;of-New?02:¢Witho a Failure...)=<j SiatewiNe, "The Post.Dispateb says.Captai ‘All sorts of resolutions are:intro;we at P Satya :*Gutbuildi.Fntert rise.J aeiec@ltinis ‘man’we HW known Lincoluton,Wed= ce vail,bre:wasSein.agaipst’be fen choke te death:’ ~A a a >- N “Newspapers coe the Trusts. News anc Obsserver...” Hom Jolin ‘Dy Bellanly:has intro: to put on thefree list “aif articles that go -jnto the manu: facture of-printing ‘and:writidg, paper:‘The passage af”that’bill would strike.“thé!paper trista ce yere ‘blow between,‘the eyes and—for that reason ‘the °Republican -€on ywress.wil!not -perinit,its :passape- McKinley bas recently-condemned trusts,-“fhat is a cheap ,and'.easy thing,to.do If he was really in’ earnest he would secure the passage: of-Mr.Bellamy’s.bill and other.like bills thdt give no protection to trusts. |The»withdrawal of tarxiff .duties 7 would.snake room for compeson'| uce pricges tO-m “ea % daced.a>bill and:red able basis, ‘Thetribute the’paper ‘trust levies: on the News and:Observer is $6.60a day,or-over #2,000-4 year,a burden yreater tian al!taxation or the sal. ary of an‘officer oreinploye of:the’ The burdén is levied in properties{to circulation on’all hews- papers i Americar ‘It,is a tax on jatetigence andone that could large- ive be ‘reduced by “the,passage ‘of Mr Bellainy’ss bill.Fhe new spapers -are’Botas potent 22s the trusts:ih 3 national campaign,new that money buys elections,and-it is idle to hope this Congress willve allowed.to res UGE theaamount of this extortion “upon brains and Yntelligence.°The “trusts lave bought the right to tax to their.sweet‘content and Hanna Hl}hold the Republican,Congress: men,up to i bargain. ——on——= navy hs to ‘be doabled, “the ‘Inter-State?Telephone ::Oo... *has.comipléted.a line.from-Winston | 40 High Point?.a Fire in the -warehopse om ‘Ostes” eotton mills?“Charlotte,Sunday’des: reptremed 201 bales Oo:‘cotton. ~ 6 érmaiiyws xt freicht train was wrecked Mion: a sy_between Ashevillé and Spartan- burg.*-The'’conductor,was”badly obfart,3kek The government statistician,has awajp revisedhis réportiof the cotton re rop.°His report,ef the \11th.‘puts it at:3.900,O00 bales.: s Ge stockholders of,the:Carplio’ ant+North western:met at Gastonia Friday and turned.over a majority of “the stock to Général -Barber:cine sale was for $509,060;~zEg ‘pia “ Tuskegee Institute!‘the’negro insGpstrialschoolinAlabama,:bas.had’S26.000 added toitsendowment ‘fand _asta:resuftofthe recent big ‘MyflisheSquareGardenmeeting.-~ ‘Wan?Turner was convictedin “the:(sfeenstoro Federal Court of sending abseene li terature through.the’‘mailscandsentencedto,t¥o years.in ae penitentiaty..:4 ef PO ton|(2£ Gen.‘Gatacre’s'SSerie of 4,600.was defeated by the Boers*:‘and:dri<an Thick Sunday morning losing @ Jarge|>=noamber of killed and wounded -and} :wiz ‘prisoners.>ns + oa:WS.B ryau hss.beer’offered one 6f thetfinest:houses ‘Tn.Adistin,Texas;ifbe will except it-as-ay gift ‘and =move "by:the State:7Théel” ? wiecVemnentwas.started.by Sudge |Walker,a>proarinent Jawyer. Texas Knows ——thing when she}sees tt=>-Wa Se Mae%s “Phe Jucior “Hospital Association,of Winston-Salem,will:publish awevklyjournal,called the -Elite/-in® the interest’of ‘the Twin City Hosopital.Miss Mamie Gray will be editor-in-chief;Misses’Birdie Pailen.-and Etta Shafiner;assistants,”and Wire oOMoUUN:Williamson,business qognager:’~ee. __ajbert Peeae x enoung white man,killed.C..W.-Ballard*in Selma Sun-a3s day night.”Brown stepped into the‘bar and asked,Ballard.to:pay a bill, cursing him several tines.—Ballard ordered:him’.ont_and adyanced to-|,ward him with a'dottle ‘in bis hand:Brown backed'through a door intoa ‘dark room‘and’as Ballard passed:ineetheroomss‘him.to.the neart..ns ‘“ > Kav ‘~Inviting Lynch,Lawy, *News ancObserver, yo *+ ....» A:short time ago we recommend:éd tbe people,of Robeson’county for *pérmitting'the law to take its course.whena brutal negro had outraged a -white lady ‘of that’county,~It was acrimethat:inade men’s “blood boil,’ but a.speedy’trial was.held,.the. brutewas convicted,"and ‘Sentencedtobehung.-Thepeoplecongratula- -ted themselves ,upon their.‘self-re--pression:-and‘we congratulated them:e upon the fact:that the’law wouldamete‘out swift and _just punishmenttothe,prute.*«'Our Lumberton”correspondent:acarefulman’of conservatism *saysthat.Governor Russell has commut-_ed'the sentence of thé negro,and.~adds,‘“It-is generally talked if!Ross_|is not hanged at.the:appointed time,Itis’such.acts |’‘that encourage lawlessness.The peo-pleof North Carolina.donot belieye| \ + has been found.guilty:after a fair ~the commutation of “bis -seatence.‘Ta the rural districts many women-livein isolated:homes..“ty restsin the knowledge.entertain-_ed by brutes that certainand‘death follows thes epsnameless:crime.If a Governoris tocommute“the sentence:of:bruteswhereistheprotection.cs ;‘Lynch lawis hell on earth but:itis_better than the ‘horror of fheexisfar—it-is invoked.~It:is-a matter of regret that'the:Goyern--or has-commuted the ‘sentence -of abymssietedeservestudie%ere-made it more oe tdprevent=tneton ee Sa hy.Andersop,geoeral freight.agent. of the Géorgia tive ‘|tial :|representation) -|World admits\+good thing. Their=sate-| “eommission of‘the Railway,received. In defense of®ake mipbestion Test the moral sense:of the:country:de: mandéd ‘that the Utah Represepta- Roberts,“he @xeluded:from: Congress,‘the Greensboro Telegram: adds:; 5 fo ne it,is.‘not’ ft has been:too-often-disregarded. ft isnot:now.being given due:con- sideration in all places aud underall circumstances.°bet-the moralsense ofa community or a country prevail and have sway and the.people wil, have ‘tittle to complain of. With this statement of our.con- temporary we are in entire.accord. But.the moral-sense of the.country: has established.a code of,laws by” which its supremacy shall:be.main- tained,-and its.edicts “for the :pro- tection of:society 'and ‘the punish- ment of theguilty shall be enforced. If these‘laws are ‘not to govern, then society -must yo unprotected agd the ruleof thé mob must come into action::The moral sense ofthe country.condemns ‘the crime,,.the} ‘penalty for whicb that same—mora! sense has ..said shall be death;yet ‘that same moral senses revolts:at the summary vengeance.ofthe mob in disregard of.and contempt for.law. Law,or its*execution,is 00 doubt oftet _perverted,iby *which“guilty. pérsons eseape the-penalty_of.their’ crimes;but the--moral sense ‘of’the, country rather.condemns this:than. Fuses it tojustify the other horribie and degenerating,effect of the:,¥i0- lation’of law “by|the mob.;laa country,;professedly governed:,by-] law it$cnoval sense rather.demands | ‘lfbat the*law “be faithfully,impar*“ iS honestly obeyed’and.execute ed.:Por the-‘gqodof the body po- fitie asc well as.ogee generally” thismiust be so.: ‘The action of:the house-‘in reéfus-. ing to ‘permit the member-elect:tof |berswort id was a clear yiolation-of tthe Jawa.very*dabgerous ~prece-; dent.one that-a majority,maddened, ‘ftom any cause or bent’upor:bad purpose:can’use.to.’the-serious in* yury of the couutry.If the member; elect be guiltys as:he may.bes ofthe vhargés preferred,the-manhood-of |* the House;let-aldne its:self-réspect and itS.respect:for the.law,would have"been equal tothe:Scoatonatid expelled bim..,Ifit should turn;out} that,,as "a fact,’‘andas ‘a mi.tter of} law-in this case made aud pr avized, he is:not:guilty,then t de oriva- tion to which he -has been -subjected. iS ae crime ragainst~his’individual; rights,a¢rime:agdiost bis.consti> twents in.being thus:wrongly.denied ' am inexcusable yio- lation bf taw.in'.all“respects,in ad-fF dition to iis elgtpsaees as.snger Ts hous precedent. ,TE:Roberts *is “proved Soils hist expulsion::could,and.)rwould,..no doubt;have followe with:more ‘ognaninfity”thau that’by -which,be was ‘denied ‘his:rights “under:the}: law:* The Sore sease of the country,” Jas fot the:observance and.execution faf-the law,Ttis the-disregard.of or ‘misapplication’cof law “by thosé of whom.better ‘is:expected»that has Shocked,we fear very much blunted, the moral sense of the country,”A more frequent “‘recarrence to’first principles”’in.a more strict and“’or- derly obediénce to‘law would arent very beneficially to the country. eS u a c a q t t kKe c U x >»?2 ~ ‘“. “A BMros Handheliders’ ‘Néwsand Observers ry rg oxy *Phé.tinadcial ‘wat pending.tn she Hsusewas”grawn topives bixbonust ‘to theholders‘ofNational bonds,and: to.turn the.iheney “poli¢y-of “the Government over.to a trust at Nas} tional banks.*In ay speech in:the ‘House against the»bill:Hop.Gen, -B..McClellan,lof:New “York,said: ¢*The‘first direct consequencewilh Sea great rise in the’market.‘priée lof Gevernment:bonds.:The subst’; |tution of the word ‘gold’for the é‘word:‘coin would resulf *in ‘an’an- earned bonus of over $60,000,000 totheholders.-of the loan “of.1895)alone.’-The New?York World:quotes ‘theabiove‘and says:“Prue,.but.what offit?’>Thatsjs*the frank way te meet theiigsue..Most.xadyocates ‘of thebilldenythatit,will give an°“un-earned bonus of $60,000,000:"“Theandsaysit‘isaItisalsdstated-that”Secretary.Gage.will,rélieve the flur- ry insthe New,York money marketby:anticipating theinterest on Gov- ernment bonds as he.issued $25,000.- 000:bonds some:weeks ago at.thebehestoftheWallstreetspectla- tors.*-reItisallrighttogivethe“bond-holders an “‘unearned bonus of $60, 000,000;"’all right.to~issue bondsto.hélp ‘Wall =street.:specu- lators.and to anticipate iqterestinordertohelpthem,all right to‘ture over-to thé national banks the.issue“of mohey—all right todo’any.and everything to ‘make the:rich richer.but this Administration canfind-ng time to prosecute.the ‘trusts that‘rob farmers and”consuniers;or to rédueé-the tariff ‘on ‘necessities controlledby trusts.~Are.the tax- payers.never.to be considered? ah - b “ry:J.Sheer,Sedalia,“MO;saved-his child's life by One minute Cough'Cure..Doctors *had givenher.uptodie.with.croup:“It’s an ‘infallible:cure for coughs,colds,grippé,pnau- ne aoe throat and" ung -.troubdles...sees “ae ‘once,Wo.Hall,’Ee ding sig han Soke oe ‘wd:B.‘Clark,paris Ti.,":says:urgeons wan 0 operate.on mefor’piles,but I curedthem with De-Witt’s Witch Hazel Salye.”’It tsinfallibleforpilesandskin:diseases.Beware -of counterfeits.“W!F.Hall,Jr.*.*peters The South "Carolina MethodistConference,Bishop.J:S.Key presii-|ing,was insessionlast weekin Co-lambia..On Sunday,Dec.,24th.,allthe Methodist reachers.in theStatewillexpoundthetext,“Peace | Seereeegenieestontent >jon i Good walete Meu.”ix ‘a 'aticed in.Congress, -are about as much ° ed-amendment will-nuclify;were ‘be- the question of their-constitut jonali-£, ty-might be discussed,but—for:the, Senate to undertake to:discuss aud. simply an absurdity.- to decide the coustitutionality orthe: fed to interpret and pass upoo ‘laws|’ ference ofcopinion...‘Congress is not been set aside by the courts’because matter he has brought beforeie,but his object doubtless is to.get “if he use iv the campaign in;this;Stite> stavGnTE OF BRITISH TROOPS| Associated PressQispatch,wth. guards of-the Highiand Brigade mov- ed from~the Modder.tiver ‘camp, ‘easterly direction.poyut:of the Highlanders }éastern spur-of the Boer the’guards following the the rer,while the Yorkshire Light P infantry moved along the:‘Fiver side- Just before daybreak the "Highland- ers arrived within;:200.yards~of the Boer™enttencbments,at |the foot.of abil.. were in:‘the vicinity,the”British Pwere Still “marching quartér column; ible fire-from the,flanks:and.were’ forced toxretire,with PThe: ae ter he Gordon arrived and phe’troops| +eradually worked~“their way ubtii Lwithiy 300 yards of the’Boet..posi- Ltion,displaying the vreatest-gallan- try:at thé:Mistder rivery.‘the*Howitzer r raneues.a térritie fire;.infilading'tthe: reaches aud searching.évery.por: ‘but no damage ‘was done.ish slept‘on their-position=Ft.isex- both sides were very.Heavy. the Marquis of Winehester,:iiajgr «ofthe.Setohd Battalion:Coldstream|+.°:: Guards,wiro.was killed?and ‘Galonel)- Gordon Highlanders,‘who was “wiors ‘tally.wounded.?. ;waurderous point ‘blank fire -of”the’‘Boers,about 200,were:mown:domo.,The Black Watch “Regimens.‘on ré-|-forming,was”‘able to.muster .dnly)«’1160"men.=The Boers lost heavily in the trenches.aid-also 4n/the.wire en- attack-on the“British.->The:terrible} sponse except:f Puatitlnearly 40 cloek*-jn:thea:aftér- farmed to renew whestick.“an.the‘eotrenched kage,ThOy Ad vaneedt with the.utmest sgaltantet to.at-t comrades of the Hightand Brigade. bo barbed wire entanvlements,-which, ler. ;}with my liver. some.of.which ut of place there The!rape SeGury’cof:the -Federal: rk co-partrers..in’the Atlintic-~ “Contracting Co..abd other sfor:con-“hoarsebessaud in,a child:subject:0° Sold by W,Fy Hall,Jr.:druggist:» etiator Pritchard says this propos- ore-the.Senate for ‘diseussion,then, ‘m The tribunals neonstutionality of such measurés,Hrethe-courts which were eStablish-|. bicalth. Stomach,Liver, oe SS~~‘e Bigmarck’s fron Nerve!> Was the.result’of his “Splendid, endous energy are not found whereKidneysandBowels:“The time is comibg pass upon theconstjtutionality.Of89|ore:out of order._If-you want these yet,when.‘the ‘moral —oe Ls act:which,is;not-"yet"in:exist qualitiesaud the:‘Success.they bring, couttry,must rule an noe ence,aad ina ‘soveréiza,State,is.use ,Dr.King’s*New.2Life:Pills. [They ‘develop:every power.of:brain and body.Only.2o"¢ents at W.-F: rt *all,Jr.cs,‘drug storé oncerning which there,may be dif- competent judge of.constitutional € uestions,for-acts of-Congress have hey were uncorstitntional.’.Sena- or “Pritchard:knows this~and:he nows that the Senate of the .“Unit-‘ d States has:no-jurisdiction,in the ab.an:affirmative vote,which heCat =:—£ — riven Back Under a.Storm ofEee, :+ets.‘Ay HKariy yesterday.evening »the} .narchinyin the night im a “nofth-,‘The &bjective was the position,. bank of ° & “Unsuspecting that,the Boers in closeorder,when theymeta.ter~ Heavy 1038.7 rerps”reformed under theshel’ of Some..rising eréund “and.gal- tantly held”their“position.:Later Tn>ttre meanwhile,a‘haval gun bitteries.“and.the ‘horse ‘artillery “Thé:Boers yeeommenced -Shelling,. TKeBrit- -pected that there “wilkbe-a-renew ah of fighting tomorrow.Losses OD, ae »The:‘British:casnalties:included ; Dowabam:of the:First:Battalion Re. “When the’Highlanders:net.‘the.1 tanglements:when’“they came into~}the open)inan attempt.tomaky a flaak}: British pesillona freprovcked.ao”re-the,B-wr-rifles, noon;when the Gordén Hiyghtinders tack the ‘Boers Close °“to!du place" where lav.theit dead:wnd~.wounded}: The enemy apened.with -"a-héavy.]:[shrapnel fireas the British advanced,and itwas:found physicaily.impos-sible -to”:take “the Boer-trenches. The British yot within 2uA-yards,but could fot,zet.nearer.[twasherethatColonelDownhamfell. ‘Phe Boers had “had free.récourse offered great ebstacies,exea’after- thé damage inflicted-by’the ‘British artillery fire ‘This morning (Tues- The greatest bravery‘was:displayed 3by“both:officers apd ten ©»ThewoundedincludeLieutenavtColonel| A,E.Coddington‘and Captain ‘Ster-.ling,of the First;Battalion of:the Coldstream Guards.“a uetachmentofBoers,posted among.som2 thick bushes..to the*east,-maintained amostdestructivefireonourright. With the remarkable tdlent:for-tak-ing cover-which the Boer always dis- plays,they©were,genérally speak-ipg,.virtually invisible;and althoughtheenemy’s artillery was practicallysilenced;his rifle.fire was so per-|" usually well aimed,that it was ab|solutely impossible for the British}infantry to.take the position,by as-4sault.”"At toe first advance of ©theHighlanders,the oer shootitig wassomewhathigh,probably .owing tothedarkness::Otherwise the:Brit-’ish losseswould:eaebeen as heav- ie ¢0 ‘OAS - Thought Wis Mnietiad Come.5 | -B.‘AyZicktoose,Hemlock.W.Va. says.Two years ago I was:laid up} I thought “my.time,hadcome.-T happened on:to Ra-mon’sLiver ‘Pillyand,used’one box.|’Tamall”right-now..:I“have ,been|’feeling like-another man:since:thattime,‘.Ror:sale by NUR.Punstall. r Lat Miss.‘Annie E..Gunning.7Mich.;‘says,‘suffered 4 Tong.time]from.dyspepsia;lost’:flesh.*and be-|cate yeryweak,”~Kodol Dyspepsia|Cure-completely cured’me.:’“It di-| ‘gests what:you:eat.and.cures “ally:forms of stothach trouble.It never ae s *{fails ‘togives immediate:sees fa.the}:°worst casee.W.F.Hall,Jt.a ae gS. pedja to be brought cut by‘them, of theturinarytohold-water and scalding:paia:in:passingit,-or bad effects:SoHlowing use “of “liquor,- swinedr beer,ahd overcomes thKatunpleasant’necessity:of being:compelled to-go”often4“during thé day,ancd-to,get--up:many.times:during.the-nigh,The mille anesthe “extra-. ordinary”effect~of.-Swamp-tis “soonrealized»It stands’the higher far its St6y complaints “and,the-‘only ne that derfukcures of the most.distressitg-oases.‘fyou teeda medicine you shold ave the sbest.Sald by.druggists in SOc.and$J<Sizes.4->Yousnay have a’sample,bottle of si wonderf:!anda book.that-tellsmoreaboutit!bothsent ier absolutely free.by:mail,‘address’Dr..Kilmer &>.Home of Swamp Root..Co.;Binghamton.N.Y,‘When writing men-tion eethispesnerous oie in a paper. |“Saved Her Lif “are sold.by all drug-. gists under a positive guarantee,first dottbenefitsormoney.re-' -funded,Book,on dis-: day)both sides -.oceupied.:the posi-ao padvess:|tions they hela before the battle.LES MEDICALO 05+,ene COCHRAN ESARTSTORE: sistent and concentrated,as well as |‘ The services of Mr.“Walter i. Page,whoijs-a native Of this.Stafé, ‘has.been secured”.by +.the McClure: ompany to edit.the _new.encyclo-' Mhotisands Have:Kidney,Trouble =>-and Don'tKnowit. <How To’FinaOuts -ae 3 Fill.a bottle or:common glass,‘with your. water.sid iet it stand twenty-four hours?" sediment or _sét-“tling inditatés an>unhealthy’coridi< tion.oft.the kid-,neys;if it stains|“your linéh itis‘evidence of kid-"ney trouble;200,*frequent desire to” -pass.it or pain in,the back is also” convincing ‘proof thatthekidneys.and:blad-der aré out of order.“etets >Se mage ¢What S:Po.--vie :~There,is comfort.in “the knowledge’SO* ftentexpressed,that Dye ‘Kiimer’s:Swamp Root,the great‘kidney remedy.fulfills every:Wishinicuring rheumatism pain?in:theack,‘kidneys,liver.bladder’and every,parti,agey=:it dorrects:{ability iscovery.’ :¥“é Mrs."D:ALSiler and hersisteesMrs...dL.Fithian,of-Hadddatiela,|NoJ;.,oe:che has.been*visiting: oat WS.JOBN.WALEET:.“of Jefferson.Me than|whom none 13morehighly {- esteemed or ‘widely ‘known;writes.“In 1390 Thada severe attack”ofLaGribpe'|-apd at the end of four months,in spiteofl: |spbysiciaps,friends and B00,nursing.could” -do,my-lungabeart.and nervous system were) }30 “completely “wrecked,my:life’“was de- spaired of,myfriends giving’meup-Tcouid only'sleepby,the useof opiates,“My lungs. and heart.wadsmost aggravating.iI couldnot lie io bone position Dut a short.time andnot61on my pained meterribly”and?my cough." eft sideat all;My husband)bronght me. “Dr.Mites’Nervine and Heart Cure nd:The-| =an taking them.”_When I had takena half ottle of each Iwas:muchbetter:andcontin- ‘uing -persistently I took about’dozen’bot- ‘tles and.wascompletely restoredtohealth tobe. ‘the surprise of-all.” »Dr,-Miles’.Remedies: soe ve, xpd « ~ s >ws ad, Se in My Line,Hand:PaintedChing>= Wedgewood aad?aBeletdien:‘.«<Ware.Lamps,Pictures,Pi¢-~.tare frames and.Orpa >ofallkinds the most fastidious|z aeBe,pleased,‘when booties,or ‘CH RISTMAS @d6os.~ 2 Pm If..you"‘have not already.«‘doke aedon’t fail to “come ‘around and seethese'yoods before:‘they dreall.‘Rote,1 ee,ageee Ss AB,’;Caciteane © phere ses ¢ z —_> We have aPaice ne 6“Fi i ~Candies aod’.-s\;. Sweetmeate.»oe >Fresh lot ef-mouhtain buck-*“wheat flour.You-want a:Z“nice Cake ze"ve the stuff to:“mike ft. Apples 50c,abushel,- me ¥ ,Everything fresh andsatisfac:a“Hon.guaranteed, 2 PEOP.in.and eeus.<Your (eds,t s *. Iadomitable wil]and tre¢|: x the “<M.“E>Chureli;:South}heldsits —|pale,delicate child he improved.im-mediately,and lately he’is as-robust ie /.JAthe cotton crop for the yearendjn |August 31,1899.at-1].179,205"és::averaging.‘About 515-pounds,othe: i bate. +m ere eants,for up!pes cotton: ee Harmless‘and‘pleasant) -Ptortake..-fathous specificfor grippe and Hts} ents’a Z :3 Rotsold abefore:iaay witl =ra“aay| Se“Miviorte &-MecLatiny' :“A Susathe ceRE rok CROUPA ;Br +gos<The ty -indiéation-‘ef.érsnp is:©oftive adagodincwtivation:Patties da Cancathcatny,Pibee for:ftp FOR SALE >ares,situated rparticy lars. €aluable Se OS milesnorth of 4) See folir-roott :itottage,,eH and | S-On.the-/premises.abou! is woodland,the"remaindeCro ac ré<*er cleared BSiTpNYe to purchase =|Tarboro-for the,erection of..a Con?)- Rederategmanntnent re 3 : “SOnelwipaté ‘Gough “Cure,‘is ue * bes 2temedy-Levér “used:fot coughs|’wad cgld8:Tt “is.aufequalled far|:‘whooping:éough.Children ae like} it,Wr H.N;Williams,oo: \yillé,Ind:Nevers fails.Tt’is 'the|.€only harmiese-remedy that":gives} ‘been elected amember of the board}. of directors ‘of the Asheville’abd aSpartanburgrailroad.oe ‘My Soniz*has ~been: troubled: ‘some of Chamberlain’s:Coliz,Cholera‘apd.Di rhoea,Remedy-:using “two bottles of the-25:cent:size he was*cured.»1 give this “testimo- “nial,hopthg’.some one ‘similarly2af-4rfictedmay.‘read it dd be bénéfitted Tudmas C,Bower,Gieneoe,OE.Por sale!‘by Grugyists.~be: he-Federal:District-Court,at Greensboro hias-'so niodified its.weit ef supersedeas against’the:Postal:;Telegraph Go-(in‘the *‘case of SouthernRailwayvs...Postal Telegrapli}7 Co.)as to allow the Postal,Co.10° continue ts:consthaction of its Jigeyin?thisStates : ee 4 ithe bamberlain’s:Colic;Cholera and! Jiarrhoea Remedy.All druggists)will-refundyour =“money if.you are: not-satisfied-after using it.ery where:admitted to +be the most. seecesstul remedy.to _use for bowel never sajls:‘Tis ‘pleasant.Safe #8 tehiables.,;Te ae aSpe ~The ‘North Sevtuiia conferende~“of | anneal:‘Session HiSt!week;at.Wasb-|7ington.”“Bishop.Beet a Alas bama,presided:ap Ts 2 et Saas Aer His Son, ine “Thos.‘Coppinger,‘Dayton,Tenn.,sdys:.Lave ised:-Ramon’sLiver;Pills”"and;-Tenle..Pellets:for yedrs;:and cannot.“say enough*for‘them for the good they,wave-donetn - |them:to him-regulary ;and from a a lad as everbreathed mountain air,. TOS -gBeeEe a and be looks:as ‘Heal thy as anyerbig fat?Irishman ous: ever saw.F,‘ons sale.byNSRe Tunstali.- 7 phe:fiaal report ‘of the BS of Agr icultute at.Washington giv5 racreape being 24 675295a acres,*The’averagecrop:per.acre was448“of 24 The yaluie-ofs<the:‘crop:esti-4atedfrom.price the tirst:6 months:f the cotton year,-$305:567.JOAT,soeaverage:price per*pound being 52 Stent: mae Sore: a ‘Rea Hot Froni:The Gun re Was.the balk that“hit -Ge B.Stere- iman ot.Newarks:afieh.“2 iy “the.SeayWar,It?gauged:“hortible Ulcersthat*no-Areatinent:“helped for:20- Years.‘They Baeklen®s.Avaica Salve: retired him.-Curds cuts<rpises.”Barns.Boils.Felons.<Cords-,Skit}Braptions~,Best Pilecuteon earth| 25centsasbox.«“Cures guaranteed:Soldby W.a Holl.Fe eDrseeiel.Seed The.Ricbiaond Phoned tiree Wik received orders [47-9]Jozom Aves during the past week.Do yh Wrorking Night and Day - LT he:busiest:and sientJittte thine that ever,was *‘made-DrKing's New Lite:Pills.eee:pill+i8 a sugar coated:globule:of*healt: that c ban geswv eak aess into strenpth: listlessness into‘energy...’brain-fag'} into mental power.«They ’re won-dertntyin Suilding:up the:health, ticktinginthé:throat and to stop:a:}cough by.the’use of .One Minute:|,Cough Cure.“‘Phis.remedy.quickly. -cures all forms of throat;and lung, Ht prevents ~consumption,\+ atter-eflectss,W.;“Bs ‘HallyJee = *y —s C Ages cpre sotSeas ‘Cham::4 berlain's,Pain:Balm»is ‘gaining.awidereputation,’DB:Jobnson,of f. di o n with:that “ailnienté since.1862; speaking:oft.be esays: ‘|found apything.that would -retieve|me until I used Chamberlain’s.Pain‘‘Bale.Té.acts-like magit|with -ine.MY foot,’was swollen and paining me’very “‘mueb,but’one.good:applica-}{tionof Pain Balm.relieved me.”’Fortsalebyall.druggists.b An) \A Horse for Sate.- we HAVEa-good.bay mare for~sie cheap |for’cash.or.an time:/DE,1899.4 ctfully; Sale of Personal Preperiy:, T MY RESIBENGE miles.northof:‘States 2,Sillk,on-4:rena “SATURDAY,DECEMBER23.1899,* Res:eae Nene <* jeepee perty,consisting ‘of ‘sixheadthdjaules,Lwo Cows,fix:house=(|'fold furniture,'-farming-imple~menta,1 mower,‘1 buggyand harness.2°waonabout:$ico,worth “of”hay,etc.Ferms.of sale:.cash;:All: _Dec.7H,B59.MT GUN,r ee 5 Yoo:assume nO risk when you buy 5 fo ta Richmdnds.and!,has.beew “troubled |. ~*bnever:ae "MoOkE-&”McLAIN,om J eat conpmenci LiaYO",clock:I:will‘sellackhy ; GROXE’s ‘signdture on everybox.2c. «=— jo came vp from tter-from Captain-Lamar Fontain,spiring with:Capt.“O2°M:Carter,+“that:disease-it may:be.t ken728°oS RGRIER.-S «=: ~esday,teils—us “that«fate ons s ex Confederate officer,of Lyons,-as they would_bein Sortie as late captain of-engiveersin t army |Suresign.of the,pte or ames :Tilia NowPast,19 a eee:8 afternoona farmer about.two Inve Miss?,,in wh'ch be says.that.General |ence.Congerse tte oR eC fer ito defraud «the:government in athe (dacke-~Following this:Avfatseness’ve 5 ae from Line-olnton “killed’a..250 pocne Toubert.the Boer commander,-i§a!with them’asa .cbure.-.con rence improvements iin Savahtah river an Ja peculiar’rough.cough.ifCkams “2756 eves’‘Co pix ,PAM ne # hoe:Heleft it-hanging.dver pigat..native of Louisiana,belonging.to|would ave.‘Itis'a cheap’Sancdharbor:out of:sutgs‘of -tudpey’8S:/perlain’s Cough Remedyis piven as Take Laxkpive BROMO QUININETABLETS.Ale” gud Wedrresdady morning:on:goins one of the best?families-:there.Col.|some membershave of getting them:Vajmated to dsondite to.sfrouy ‘8h:-000;-cope HE tlie “ebildl wecoreed Fc deggie rela Ue mone ‘a a faite =cur outrostake it down,found aoe ‘Féntain'saysthat Joubert’command-}{selves before Ge pee nen 000 to:#2 000;000.fea ‘or even after the croapy.“cough ape ‘oe seu:oaSh ‘one..Hesaw some-tracks,leading 4°reviment'ro the civil|lution lntrodui ip the na es):Wels Weve Ne i ke : out.iatosthe “woods and decided <ee:Le eat aoe Stonewall }Senator’Pritchard;;declaring«the 2 Volcanic’Eraptionk 4:ee ih arspsatic of howe!A apsaieaiag KidnewandSateJookalittlefurthertoseeifbe.coul J ~f whom:he Jearned the,proposed:canstitutional ‘agpendmentj te rand,“BateSlin Eru stions]in thigsbroad1s Puna ‘dixaip-|lievediin six hours by)“New (GREAT¢‘Sour: “find the direction,thethief had gone.ge avATt rt Appomattox Col.{in this State.unconstitutional,.is‘of!"as a f joy,”Bueatens Neoies soon oe ae ye Fe ee cect 2 srompttet? He soon “tame to avrait fence;and part ef war.“th eeSol.Joubert|this’class,and mightwith ‘a¢“much rob life 0 J0ys 5 Ola R points:“the “itnxious®“mothets.EE eee a ie age uianeeeand Seek: he.hog hanging oD Snes oboe rd to viet have-been introduced at.apalve.at ae pons 4 have yer"to learn of a'single instance aenale;of female.Reheves retention of wate:nd there he fouaad xD euro.preacher on|went:to Egypt,and-afterward to}P rane oo the city.council in’the;aaa Fever Sores.Ulcers,Boiis,Fel-in’which it-bas not‘proved.effectual:|-inrost immediately.“Tf you want ‘qinfcle reltel one.sidé °a a ‘ms that in at-|South Afriea,<“where he organized tare eA ctisiale N.C:or of Duluth,ons;“Corns,:Warts;.Cuts,’Bruises.)No other preparation.can.show "such |awopacen:Bross SatieWren eat the or t ye 5°the -fé nee ‘with the Boer frontier pence:A,doe the “unsalted.$éa 2 The Senate |}Buros,Sealds Chapped |Hands,Chil-”Ae -record-~twentyfive years.constant,ee : te no to ss -~:7 *— ao .on bis Shoblde ehélet it slip.Iti ht Thin,tof the Cuited,States has pothing to|dlains...Best:Pilé’;eurefen.earth.|use ‘without 3a failure.ce sae>OF}To,cuRE.LA GRIPPE.in'TWwo DAYS: .thehox.‘lit him across w roug Wice to Dos igh &,4 Daves out Pains ind:“Aches::Only jdroggists:-2m “S me The gambre![stick caug it bim ee do with it.25 “eents-a bdx Cure guaranteed.————ie Take OPAXATICE,BRosto QUININE:‘ails 0 AL ‘the throat.and the,back of the neck|Rateig ;Post,‘Tf the original ea ente which me 2 i.moyentent hes ‘besa ta ted e His retandthemoney if i fails to cure they:dailUMiler&Co.;M “AD Bs Harris,Scotts;Je,Mi:cectts per bottle. pm) ma “pobut's Chill Pills eure “Gite W:.F.Hall.jarsStatesville.ER: ooresville:W,:B.Gibson}Lre Miller,Sloan es —_! x Ht dine from any“body u 3,my “stock. TECH ON HUMAN CUR EDIN 30 MINUTES by Wwoolford’s,pi Jsold'by.att Sanitary Lotion.Stimson &“ANDERSON.>+Deus.| tesville.N,Co ~oe CURES A COLD,IN:ONE DAY. This‘“never., “an ee ‘Tor,ioe:yearswithichrosic diarrhoea.-Some 4timeago.persuaded:«him:‘to take | After Ee Id.by.SSEHON Pyspepwhat you eat. 1 results:.Cures coughs’/Take Laxative:Bromo uinine Tablets. ;see ee ~ire ake senate money oe it fails to cure.*25c~ =pee eesrcTOUp,Bo Pihegenuitie thas L.‘B.Qs on eachtablet - .bronchttis ;and-all.‘throat and luny ae troubles;,“Its.eatly “use prevents “DR AETCHEON'S.Srrpicreric_ consumption.W.aesHall,Jr.“May worth td:you’more “than 7-$100 ifs,your as &opave!achild who-soils bedding trom:infconien: Mr.ESP...McKissiek,of the Bat-"nance‘of water.during+sleep...Curesold and -|tery ark?Hetel,-of “Ashev ile;has PyosEmalike.”Harrests the trouble at“once,”$5 AN DERSON eDmneeNyvi _Itartificiallydigeststhefood and aids ;|Nature.in strengthening and recon:‘structingthe exhausted:digestive ‘or-*‘gans:|Telis the latest.discovered.digest=.°ant:andtonic..No other:preparationin.approach .it 4nv-efsiciency:It:oe SS anely relieves and-permanentlycures *Rasa fay AnGieeS ON Ea ee veal ence,ick Headache,Gastralgeae ndallfresultsofimPanered6byEC.Dewitaces cage Sour August Figwer: Tt iss a:‘sur. aThisevsProf.‘Houton.: tén®years,‘rhaving:used:‘Green*Ss “August Plows‘than any other:reme dyspe: sia,deranged liver’and ‘stomach,aus forconstipation: ‘and salesmen,:otfice positions;“where headaches.ancgeneralbad,feelings from-iprégruler: ‘habits exist.that Green's -‘Augu = Flower.is:a grand remedy...Tt?‘docs= Stomach;N rfectd prising:fact,’ ‘that ia My- “F find for tourist ‘notinjure:the’System)by:frequen” Lusés andis’erections for ‘sour..ston?:pescstion:Be Sample bot’Sold for piles and skin diseases.of.worthless¢ Biarp _¢}aebs-and iniLtlesfréeat.PW Bs ‘Hall,Jr’sz ‘lby dealers.ib‘all,civilized countries,be cts “‘DeWitt’s Little EarlyRisers |pu-tify the blood,clean the liv germs orate:the systent?Famous’little)... invis Bewar counterfeits. ‘deed:s executed-by Thomas aera of forzpersous.filline DORIS tion.of the Boer pesition.he.Boer (arrrived’<last “Friday.They?wer’:: cups:were entirely ’silent.“In the’ialledshere on accauntofthe serious:pay OT st are tell $0 SBE.pills ‘for -constipation=~and=live eanwhiléthe Boers,on:the“opén|flness See ees Revs Waste auilhey-Cid:for:my YOUNES.troubles.,W.EicHail,: rround,.directly.to ‘frant,“moyéd}Wood,D =“Jestson.“Wethought che was "too:Mee Ro :ith the abiect Ot ihaking maakt 7 Abie::ee CIN id ese take pills,|but when he.saw)-M eaeb oe ne attack,This was frustrated ‘by the ===ig Pest OF us-taking our usual Tonic|Says:“Our.aby.was =yered.swith}.-euards and artileryos {Pellet atnight,hewould cry for one rubping sores.”DeWitt's:Witch| EN ate Oke te:“false “So.we commenced ~giving:Hazel*‘Salve,cured.her;A “specific CadetAeee shortthe Bowfers Sted ineme ander gare‘Moore and wite,Sallie Moore,I the-undersign:. aes ‘ Sdlotof land,ok Jim”Moore*s corner,on red clerk of”theSiperior Court.will sell)to”the::panies bidder:fz cash at the,court:poEse dovtyinStatesville,NNGyonSeMONDAY,JANUARY ISTH,1800.aethe‘fonlowing descriti reRintingatastake,z roagandline of Statesville Land Company's “MNorth’4°.East.Pere Aine;then:blige.running:Sotith $6°Rast.12 poles toa sstak¢on tine-ofsard-Land |.Comwath’said ‘line ae8poles.Wil JMoore’:stornemtthence North's6°w.st.512,polesastakeonsatdzoadandtinline’of said “Lampamy:theaté withthe road ands4°West 8 poles:to:.the beginning,‘seongtinine:4 1 lin¢Sou: g-16.of an acre,more.ar ‘less: a i -,Notice.to:Creditors:. shies‘ov ALIBIED as:exenuS Re ¢_Jastwill andtéstamen:of°Stephen efi |deceasedall persons having-claims|agaestatelarehereby:notified'to presentthesame 0,r _ThisDet.14th,1899 “J,ASHAR NESS! Clerk pabenor:Court. > st sc the“undersignedon‘or before’they rath dayDe:pembe Dy LQO049s and”alt.SETSONS Owing:saiestateWillnaketminediaiepayment‘ofsame! reDecember 14th?-1 - s :=a MARGAKETA,MULLIS,bExecutrix.icast1Tax‘Round For.1899.- PwiLtt ATTEND Aw ne you fowinat‘places tu IredeN countyy\froin’11-o'cloc!Bemis,to po!clock,«p.m:for:|Aeteing’taxes due tors1899:ne Purpose oe ee rConcbra,Scotts:Monday,SG tith..1890 osShiloh,Sas Tuesday,“Dec.‘rath;1S99%©|Barringers.P::‘oe Dee.13th,ae =Fallstown,Troutman’s,Thursday,“Deé:tates,“)Chambersburg,:Elin:wood,Friday?Dec,Tgth"ogl-»{|Sook Spring,Be R,»16th >-1899°*” Olur,Olin,:Monday.Dec:18th,1899.";Purnersburg;Harnjyony,.Tus /Houpe’s,caterer;a sDe~ esdity.,Da ith *EagleMills;-Dr,.Si.Au 1ox Wedne aarts 1399."Be saa ene:Grove,Jeuniigs store,-Bhureday.beme-.20steweesLee Williams’store,-E;friday,Den440 AG tT ra DF 1, “Shinn:s)“store,Wednesd Sa i: Sharpesbug.Beyantevitte,Saturday;Deckind'r Davidson,As -S.MrKay‘s_Store”Tucsddy gre compelied toaeofDecember,’oping that obtige.lam,= hea Ww.A, wom ft Bux. Coddle aaa Mooresville,Wednesday. 'COddle-.Creek,Mooresril ‘Only20-cénts’per >box:-sid:“by:December26thy 1899./ We#,Hall,we Si ae oe |ar agai a oe a“SSthy 1899; f It tated ut:3 raanute ‘toot ercome}="pee’ee1899.“Alt parties who bavenot ‘paid:their:aoe reearnestlyrequestedto.meet me and eetheawhas-been changed‘so thatstax’colfectors spurte the Scnook:Firad DY,the ou may heed ‘this and greatly Verk.respectfally, ate!eemsTS99 ISporting Go[fable Outer ;ss or”auyis“may need rer‘Tf oe ap,4%me Rotepleased:with Quy after =xainining 4 Wee don'$yaskml Sonstraly)aeu le;“phursday ec}grade of ‘Materials oH.‘Sunimmers’store,Fimlay, NT ing:else Youinthe| oods*.sthein, Jou to”. Thomas &G5! Gore.J.H-eee IREDPLA,pes _\+make farmers:feel.like they ‘i jaye jast‘a <ra,markéts=with ¢Cae >ose spo |ladies Capes°c “Money_back.Don’t you.ee Svibwe-in,our’ util you examine! you all for’:your| ‘ay once, AL :|ficial teeth:,{ 4 it You re i mes Are Sorting you:~ean eet * “highet.prices fo yur cots ton-in:‘Statesville,-“and Vou). .can get:‘at wD.Lery”$WOOIC DO. ,suits.for lower:TICES “than any -other house in,States-+on +‘-yille.This combination will- ;a 3 are not wot eine:for “noite ats “ing.*leas oe ia ¢etListen ‘abriged from"{He NNorthoe big.Stock.sof | Clothing,shoes.“hats,Jadies capes.- coats,and ‘all kinds.of Gent's aes goods,I bought’uni ae Nenishing Cheap and.©am,selling thenr.ceheap: ‘will price you:a oarticles. as4Men's Fine Suits,we ae $boand’up. ye ouths Hen tat aAt ~=35 “oy’s.oe :RSET eb nee “"tensShoes,oe ase la hee lR a||Ladies ints ehASe ay|Children’s Shoes,:ee tutte ae Spe re’ i,thank: “patronage'and.hope:forta.’“eoutin:ae ‘eneerOF sames.Yours ‘tea soe mek ae # ‘ine Front!oo pa ” ox er you aemake«plenty ‘of spending ‘mob epsily>.°in:Jeisure: Send-I2e:Yorctoth ‘and:‘fall directions for Work,‘and ccommence: “Cloth “sent.anywhere. .»Address: omeen Bee lathe ood:Chance: M (a,'Derk: pex:ander.degeasenl x ifAPravk ‘Alexatdey: 47a ‘Cathey,Eire ee iden.”ae a | -ottthe branciPtothe tn WINOOSKET CO.aa Bonrgn,.W esky. North Carciite::eC ee :‘ bs LG.¥.Clete AGa4a.bin.ofJ.243 SNS x ras.Alta weoe cee Br adford: Ce Cartey,Lola.Bs,Alexaine: *at!°A Wrank-Alexenéir 5 'fendants’abowe WatK “rice that an aeEin:a “has been:COMITET:HC Court of Trede}io 0“Mit Vot:a.certain:trade,fat ysaidscounty fio ot i pay debts oe eeoe ‘Alexan der.decdx.ed defendant “will”furs' that be ts ne i : office of the Clerk courtofs Rid County ONNeoG on,Sat Wied)yy 1900,and :TNHSWeP ue y €fomplaint ia ¥plainnti wall ej oeihe:relief denis Aa: cS iy} .oh: ei t Gt ark ol ti OR:B.MeBauy iiirn éowsDeceinhernin os >,Salesof Taiabe SURSUANT vo ky mane tage sCourt.of Inedell oor .the aud j cen to the highest!late residen¢e wf a ship.on - |THURSDAY,Banuary Tes, {ater ‘@clock,DHL,ie i velougige to the’estate sn \ an Shilohstowsshiz.Avam‘asfollows,to-wit,One ty.{ple Ingram’scorner,» A North:“0pric st theRe} Mratiglas’tinesthe}ranch,crossing wie Yaghy of said branei toa beech:thence: Andtew Shutord’s» }-tord’s line to theyp 4 lord's line sguthwestor-|toAWhickory,to the Said x dow themeanderso1't}the line branct\,Anierany ‘-is-lirte up.the Memitderse.| the beginning,comainisuindredaudnity:acres:hs less.-exOnetractDegNaaRE jhank’and runs East |ridge;thence 5 3 Stump onthe riverdai)CCOUTRES of the river 1 Une ig wzacres be the sie : ~ee legs 31371 |the:said Peter I AKUESS had20polestothehankeootaderivers |pleor poplar corner Ue me end{bank of.the river 16°28.bexter:thence with’said!Peter Tyiactiy, qf Deetinning,contains it aac hamore Ore less.’ss : One tract Beginnin;Sank four feectabove seh cram!'$corneruind ri Kast)29 polesto.ati 2S east 55 polesto esSide“of-a road:the nexbranch30polesaoa's »hetzer’sCorer;-ties East.45 poles to.a hiek.nes 34.“poles:to awtake ont Ss:ins line NorthlY 32 poles 7oakstood,an-ol:ics:1.PUNEWESt 87 polesta.portstoodthence:North the. Npratich bank:thence dsmspranch:to the riverstieiias din, beginni 1g,Comanine >>inioreorless% ‘The.uudersignekwil alm...on saithday,in’Car premises,the followingYL Kcounty,Delonginggiota Little)toswit:.“ATs beginning aata stake!Ty fperryr.sChel The SOUTH The Direct:Line to allPoints s~Texas:: ‘Calter - S»Fiorida, _Cuba and : “Porto Rico. set mires“Class Pdfsmenton‘all ‘Through and."Local *.‘rains;|‘Pullman.“Palace.Sleeping’Cars on all>Night Trains;Fast pnd SafesSchedules.~ps Travel by:thé Southenn sine you are.assured.a safe,Comfortable:and”-Exbeditioas «Journey.able: PAPPLY TO TICKET,AGENTS FOR TIME.‘TABLES J 1 EN S Rae (RATES ANDGENPRAL ECMO,idORADDRESS.~’: -No.trouble’to answér questions.jonasGam,=J.C0,WA,Ton] Trae.MAN;.5G:P, a V.besa ‘Gen.Man.,ia AVESHINGTON,,»D’.¢. oeFalseness _Se “Is Sometimes becessary,jin®yegard‘tothe.teeth,but nec ei is often’séen in:‘peopl>‘wearing arti=|‘make “artificial tee1bthat-are:‘the most natural.reproduc:|}‘ten§*_of-the teeth“which.natureSalaaes._possible for.expert|SiH and the finest mechanicaleLmént’to-inake—sodlig a<jable:that “their ,pre‘outh'isforgotten;‘Only oe Desused:office.wo:‘weeks-in:éach’,eaebe-:——hoe first:Monday. %=Pe F..ee "Fire,Life;die oF hee Eas :See “S pa‘Browen &Guy, hi INSURANCE mae”oes eee e Sor Bank Building. na Accident:sis Sah -w SeedWheatand Rye. and Rothe:in ——+p timothy hayfor saje,'§so VirginiaiaeaesSeeee2h,ona of “haye Seed WheathClean:seeds.Pr les“Nice, POTS ADS ofcotton,#ill pay 2\te 2arkisworthBiss aEeSovemc:2nd,ee ‘ré0t’bane forSaarCotton ?ae Ve nee WEEN “ ” FOR SALERTakmae Tin AXDARD RAILWAYOF 1] a rights oft We. ee es cs icodelt:County * We Fad ek tt Billingsley,AS asRLVernon;Ei ws eae beth,AF,wtlingsle; ;gxachacl,Jos.D:sidlin(TAP.A.,;ct &PT.2A.;|wile,Louise:5.=CHARLOTTE,3NE ‘bse ASHEVILLE oN ane Knight,Hattie J; “Tad testantedt of Kev-a ~ essity.does.not ‘excuse.the making:obthe artia:|eiality*so:paiviful)y apparent and theJexpressionsghideouslyghastly.‘a’ ht:and.comfort-.eseuce:jn\the, a Stock.of Jeweer | runs North”at “degrees”wsstake@inBall's creel,Jane :Lhiénice ston his Huc Nuttth M4 LOK "poles 'to,al stike inthe wreckSsh6Qegrees.Fast 35 potest tom Jayd;thence North t tora rock on the :eaat Deal North rts dexrecs aea qtheold line:thence degrees East use poie ek,Fisher’s-corner;thenes:side canst hutfas1-7 degtees Bast polsdena Tire,Billy:Brooks Gore Lethe North TS AVest degict’s serss ae “af HOLES,in alien pol Kto a DUAR 4Pbhéuce-South 4913 ECS Aves puing.containing:tid "AIT Ofesaid Tandy ere Sv heawadgawws of?Pete “|Lermsot shies “10 per Ueniloasyremainderinsixesmanth~_1A: ‘tiwelveauonths.<with iutere with option teahe pur _This:Dee miber thie, At cis oNNarthCarolina\ 2 ,Supe1rior Court;x Dec (FYZIBES RR.McLAUCGALIN AS jecutorsof KeviidA.pulzFeH.Billingsley aint gex Srbie Board of Mithi fis ctor HerG | résbytcrian).chazch’oturd.of Forcign Missitsis Peturciiot the nites seBurtadmr-ofhis,wil and wife,Nancy.“Kea puke‘Martha,Jos.MartinRobertHawkins’tid4wi“Lard wife,Sarepla,Gu “Margaret,James Wat Enos Seacrist aud wit! 4 John-Gooding and vise, ‘iey,the four chitdren of oeasedynames:unknoythisactidncailédjiMics,abeth Whang,J.1.Lain rd Reels a PLS.R!lays LAY“Nathaw B.Uillingsicy ne ASST SsCéleste3Allingsicy,Je ert Billingsicy and tn:fas,decedsed.“aries‘posegot this activ» rand,.Tanra.;rhom Som sons 7}iTbeideted8asts bs|chet am acti nyeu ydtheticedi.the super C4:ZL|to'stcure aproper vos: ed and for the-paijo-~e oscountofROB.Mel,egy Lad‘utorsof Said ‘las:ae im isfinalsettlementotseH: Billingsley,dece ifurthertake-npiic pear at the"ugxt te: fredel}county,comaBeforethe15t:Mouday' court house of said cox privalle,N.C,andastwe! plaintin Said:achioti"rSiandedwillbeerates .ee toe cageSATHARTNES This wth day of Decetiper s,Lo.$20. =F:oe and Arimh “Plaintifi'sSAX ae bee ee Aine ee ik wy aS the estate of Willian persons haying.clajms*+|notified to“present theonorbeforethe2gthday of42.persons owing said Ost:sale‘|diate=Payment ohsams,|~ =Thie Nov.29,"69 Saar rT yas&‘Armfield &TwPacroatlosses s When you watt, Sars,8?worth -iy AV ja fon a,-At RICKERTS Sones Store,Ret cou Bre ‘sure*to get it.“T tave a.com a pleteline:ob Ladienand gene | *Bed:Or Solid so.d eane.1Z Size:watels for sept: “men is-the very jira Nob. ytoo largeor Boe te sail: .Every:‘one is vit ad nie ca|»dminesmy*-5 s <;es "Best?W ach ever sols for the cmoney ‘nly <7 $600,Elgin: -RICKERT, ee aesSe agi The Jeweler ‘and.Optician lk 10k:~halae ] ee i i =The.penitentiaryjovers$5,000:of pepe,€ eer ra Ne age ES a aee gee een Tae Sac mes :i eeMefy2aieertioeAREGUARANTEETWICEAS1EGEACIRETLATIONx“TREDELL sp ADEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT.oF:ANY OTHER ‘PABER PUBLISHED.ae See eee a eae eR ea ate ee ee ‘STATESVILLE,N.ee‘THURSDAY,DECEMBER os 809."oe NO - “s 5 qi e of *«a —— Coe tr rg ee a gee hy ore ee et aay -Vpexth of MMi.Wwagnen.|4 rr yt zs -eee we Be mas= TES 33 ea eee eeeOX Smandas W agner,widow ot i.c =2d. aaa COPRECTED2 ene the Rete Dasiel W ager and,sister ais :p ThSee be seryVicesa Beta |-REEUMACIDE ©‘LLGMt Dipca fees are &cit L Bh 4 oe tAR SeNOe pee te oe i 4 vepersed ow EERLY”za ee apeaie 6 Ls :2 meeees an a Pi 2%oo Secunia -UStie Gied atybe :ee onis.we a fps .er ee eo re a sa wig tt =ee ey ;Esthet Wee ;ie daa?pane 'SS years an os a Hssigy I eea =i tT ers wag]t |“ ae Ba Fa 2 eee area oo ve eter ie a ae Diets setat ONE POLTAR:ZGYEAR <|Suadaic air!oe NARSSoily Aanehedae 30 Soe 1.-RHEU st I Randi ail kinds ef oe:atid Miarbic endwn.oo the arade and pea Nae cae a oermes 2 30 olelock Monday,Rev.“MreHelms':eg ae aa ee Daily ee the:sate af“Tattersoon at Hers hone.one ront'|g.MaTiSM hebest qualit x.is a :oar eieuat ae pos he ae Sh beaut oe me ee ge ihenanes ie the Services..i mK Ter be PSPEt ye SUSpe!ded |x‘podiica:|eethat she eds Jast’night ats!ny ito STAY CURED ee pong ast.Materi 1 ‘ieee a 3 Ft Reig ene i ce s Dh Niys Wagner,was”a"ammember of 5.cc “Hanrbss!eae eer aay Mee we BB G = 4 é id ese)the tbutheran:-chureh and»2 good,pA.DsWarts:Be ‘Epitons:aS SAS Knights.ot Honor:RAGE f ;ying ‘Gn’all =Ge “Ris feos ates gh ea ave’pardl 1c of the:tire with her}rice |1 1 -¢¥Fi bt On Sh weman-:SQ@icr mais et ees Romie Caine tee ge,Berges the $2 000°policies on-the:lived of,the:;Shel ae is ‘eKia 2 <4 ‘| :<ple cist ee ue fa ee se Ghee eh erageae ee aa Aate.Ww.SsAge ad,‘Charles bers OE te Hes oe AO QoS SON Slated He MYON:Halt =e4iasfBowdenKerr:Fe ccy ;ioe :Dp iad then:tet asleep hersett:,Rigas oe ee "EH : | spark”itnited hdr reléthins:ad “she ee : cians ‘Entered Kt tlie Postofficeat.State svitle as z ropest by Reif,Miller®Coste“Mx,Plumber A:a Bowden,of Char: :es Satwe smelt Let alas Da HE “FF:Pore ha oive ean as “awakened:She.ran duto the i i >me z :wene lo eecond class ma Sgriven:hecon>!<i ey :4 =:a ‘Lotte,ae eS.ao Sed ae &X ‘|tract’tor,his:“residence én N.ball when thes bjnze entdoped Sher.ot PA ; aon s Z Ct eaneat resents es fth e bride’Sis ee tS PHONE ie {Centre street to-Mt."L.tS Ery ayd:Ler sou.and daughter ‘were in the ix “i eee ee oe =-:é a oO See ab the ec es ee oN.Gr Dec ahEworks will so6n commence “On:iki,dinine reo;eating dinner and:they w=&Mts:Stoge Rovne“el coe ise tesvijles N.C.)2 *srted Pa yeke Taye Se.Petia ss S¥ATRSvULLE Ni -€.7 Dee.2871898 discovered their me ther:e Departinent,Signe of:MesaeaeSpeeiseity,Revs “By Pressly offici-:oh aaa ‘My:dohn Fleming,Of*“Chambers.way The opictin ihe =Be AES=v tan t 2 ce Withelins&Mills:“awass.broke:oy}ourk township,killed a*bhies crane jerked.is Bie Heeabd Her non ae nae eu enen aR The ‘instNaational ).OF STATES¥iL Le,i : oy at rose iminediateiy atfér.the cere |" mont Mr.and Mrs:Bowden.left FOX |Paee8 ‘Carle rte,axtiere they"wall make |:aE So Saecth ein hone.: :2s IG OO former ly:dit ed here! ~kHe and ‘his bride are popular with: “\}their dequaintanees,and we:join iy ry)congratulations:vpon,-their”happy sv Mmarnage: iy a LOW “overcoat!ql “and Eridays-night land Saeos weeable*oi Monda wihreh*“measured 6feet6,tried to “extingdish.lis nroth:ee of xo0dS stolen,‘eat yeeinches:from tingto tip ofits wing 2°Let's Ylamine warments,~atg co to the buildin:wassnpctad Syiipriz-“Tlie:Ladies “Aid Society.of|the:hands “were badly ‘burded.,dfer ingot theHeany sues,ks hteb helds;-:Presbetetinn -Church--sent;quite’a/daughter threw {wo buckets”oiswat|8 trom bar securing the Backs Coors:~-nice:Christmasbox of clothing”and!ter on her mother?and the dames [tis mMoOssibiefor the!owtiers -to 6: provisions “to athe.Okpbans ~at}.were.extinguished only:aftgr mst of estimate theiv las Within <tegrée 2 7 2 as Barium.°ret ga eae kor ee aca:clothing w5:burned oy verteai o>buts severals -hukdeed: :»Of and)she.cwas:horribly nrned POOHatS wort Lokwroods”JS eno war Lo’“Rew Je +ieee who.recently .from-herwaist to.her:a Drs.|Demissing.“Quitea fot CofsponilreWHMIS*Vsoid -his*Bethany~township”farm,|MPR:Adamsand“H.F Longwere SUCHAS-Ofetibatse shoes.cre p det|rhas bought a.stock of goodsat Tables sent-for and.they.gid»what *they4 neatthe doot,indicates:that “dieabAN|Rock,.-Burke counte,ands ‘mer-|could for berbut she"&uffered’hor-a robbers becdnre Trighteaed:away De 4 Bnsacts a Regu!ar &LE ing Busine Ss.éDe pas itts re“ee a Sy eget DE Ce ; verest.ardé oa Jirae deposit s-Money Gan edn EC od ov jlaterel:oe:acne!Secu = ciai attentia:rp aa to coliectionsoi ait pais:ered ted Of 1é Inthe Pat tow str a Accounts ‘tT pom »rations Merchants.sian Sit:Cys and {ieix.dy tet NCAP To CO ote PBEM v>°m oesiF-esPivedonmostfavo@itetermsea: 2 {:SN Naren ete8 %Foe.c Regrare ee ‘Heng o Cure Coostyediin forever. ’=-ANT reteech Grets-Cundv Wiertic:Wee 250.“ me oes OPRiCeaets)Soe Boge Fes faittoGury.frangai@refund moa~sy ie eee ee We regretto lose’ribly util:death:came:{fore completins theirs,Alot of War.=Bi.’Presiden*,“8.€:Sat wES,VEice +=ae ;"2.sTaTesvitle eeMARKET:;Pui “asiacitizen of Tredell”“0”1 @MrsSomers.was 2 daughter.ot Mr:tools,Including trowtars,avreieh-: ‘“Ee BO:tf wEnAS2pBaeee.<wsinie2 ‘mS (ae)ESTATESVILELAND Go December 2,199,9a,my WEE Bost;4%e;-white boy.She was’Hicks “Combs,of.Wilkes ¢county,and res,OUCH,were loft vAyit i Hear the sor ‘_Re t:)Strict#god Middling:oe Soe be Sega.i shot-by the negro Se Wirttams;\had beén-niarried :some’18.or 194 dvor through witch “the thitves en=+ee:;Sree =ane Shenae 3 Gena diag ee aS B30 in ‘Salisbury,lastweek died Satur:|:years:She leaves a ‘husband and tered avd there.were“some Aphear-y *'‘ “2 Pee oS RN Te Tpenwes boss SR ak ae rye oy 0 :day:Williants,:who was brought Six Charen;.:tive sons...dnd .one anees,that a wagon tiady been vised)esta aie Sti Mor at seGat SOO TSLOG here’‘Dy Sheriff Monroe,of Rowan:daughter.'“The interment will be at to carry off the stolen woods.|*ee ie ~‘=|eager grr.os ae to.prevent:a Jynching,»Péniains in!tae Wis.“cburch,”“Wilkes county;to-Every effort will bemade:by the:,4 s ;Hredelt Jaul™ae -ymorrow,|The’funeral.’party.left}Police and ‘owners:Of the’“Stoleni.P<!* fe wiht LIAM ‘SESSINGS.BRY ANSEL:2Prof.Be “D.Lentz,OFSSontora:oe This -morniny at ¢:30°0'cleck.>J ey.todind he Suilty Jeartics.ane -:eal ‘of Mr.-R.-C.Gentz,of Moorscville peelec te Was 4 ood se ene S Se fees es Sake Reiter:PXECUTINE ‘COMMITTEE “MEET-and Miss Mary/Montgomery,dita pote a kind neighbor and--friend.:Oo thet eee ofan ie whichpoint my SINGS ,-4\|terof Judgé WJ.Montgomery,of hy.thete is universal sympathPJor Hs Lyof the thieves.”dt is” OnsBS Diet Cotton 6 vt ~2 t the.bereaved.husband and.ebildr ped thatthe rascais with ve.de-Hie Demderaticenctative ‘eommnit-|Coneord:cawere married*yesterday.in the terrible:‘Calamity.which Has sted,;This is.the:second:time ae Merry Christinas in Advance,tee of Iredell”couaty-is héreby called ‘The <room isan.Iredell ‘man and befallen “thein‘in the tragic!loss *‘of Messrs.Wilhelm &Mills:next Store 6has.been teaching:Be Goneord for z S032"SA Fr gieaN ghee AagVe Zs }to meetat the office of the chaifman+two orthree years.:aie and mother.3.ee a ted by thieves:8 i pressexalgy Cation hes bee nore following ions nayssslet ou in-enoving Sania ae eae Statescille,N.-C.,ate1.0"clock,:Chairman Mebaughtidhas;wotiaea|Mt.J.Sidney.Morrison,“6f “Shiloh |Sudden beanof MeL.D.Moore Engines,Saw iil-Fes :,fats,*anna Si cae ak,OW “Wednesday,January Brd.KY *‘townshi was paralyzed yesterday:-Mr JAS D.-Moore,: dT:oe quarters in The Bie Store:Conié-ard See a qiOUSE IN nae ax member.ofthe.-Demoeratic4 Ps 2 4 rey.ef Shiloh 4owa-Bais ame R ae tie Ee ce <n :=2X HOUSKocend He srrandes:distStays we dive ever:made:Bane Pn 1900,:to consider important ”party couies committee:of the.’“meeting:mornin at ee es stroke.ao ae SBesens pbie On,eon Sp CCH ate Haw,“+;ex Tis,:wes %SA,business®“Arfall:attendance.is ear-:‘here aJanuary 3rd ane:-:ectiby =te ee Par ae Tight:ee atati cominty.:last FB tiday”: ere ee L 3/6 LE ePOvS and Dolls world without -<(néstly desired 8 4S:>.tab bere-will be axall.attendance:12 eet sat ot ere ee geet eS.Ww E.PyTLE Se ¥ti x et a ~|The détes of the primariésand coun-{°d ~today.Mr.Morrison.is ‘the tseems that he andhis neighbor:- Bathe gh es ak ab eid 2 rr ner.end for Be oungs ers:ar he payeea 4 EBs Decemberatseh F1S9e a OPER:COBYGOSIOD:pwill Re Petcchimnen father of Messrs.€.B.and Herbert |.Mr:James;Pierce,had gmc to Wa-Sa, «Stussvalie:NOG See Oser:Peston p ;x iearect o}aioe wales es thie ce RNR D.W:ATTS,3 RR B Becca then.ead i a _|Morrison,of Statesville.2 tduga fora load sot:Mountain <pros Ss * wo Staes bess.Be eae seri ee Me e fey ares :bes jeg Rte Dress Goods.ase!asith owed rg’es Fort =ae Se >Secretary,Se \Chaitman qr om Cotton i es ‘worth 7-40 there:today.‘duce—apples’.eand:.*cabbawe--and?‘s pa cuca t catenins ,,Ladies’happiness.;=nn pa dae Earl,a0 ‘thesSpringDr “yh E.Me.‘¢were returaing1 by : ee -os cr :Seapets /fn a a alee res Etenee am ae Se A ‘Laughlin;“of CoolSpring-will mpietThe:price’gets 2.little:bétter.awe piker 0h zs aoe bom ine the;turn=prt ce yikes nin cecy’s ;Ph h ie mA ame Cae Se :s .éy came to atoll dutésome” eget St Pleasant He aR }CiothinixcoF the Peek)make for:the Mon and Boys,S;Also"a Ta Tine 1d TO,“ou k READE.poh ee [eee a to:oe His.professior,ve 2 A.sae ep from|30 miles beyond-Wilkesb,nee ol a ‘ngs {LU ccheapest’Suits on the market...::sotiehe ee sit TeSys ie :e wil oecupy:is Tesidence:on‘Daz)aleig ast bight fs yng Mr.Moo id th See =a--a ie kee shot br bone t aper-w es ::re paid the toll,vot itr his 4 fh fA ;Bete *y [Noss Shdes for Yyadies;men -andchF ees bath Hn Fine fadia a castai alk ie hep oe wie avenue.“D+,McLaughlinis one.i *«|Wagon,saying hedid not noe ere ee 4 .;B ;§bo ace ead 4 Fosgate des i 3 =e et ee Ve ‘hore fotshe tcinty sablert physiciangand |}Bitten By.a Supposed Rabid bos,~“land “soon,afterwatds:,.diéd;“The.” he z 5 y oe tS Midow!$s mel revest-gentiomen *iC 5 &3 RSS |i Hats and ‘Caps for Men and Boys.5 he t .aS ev and we are elad }-“Migs Mathie Stevensdn;.ot aredelt:|case’‘of bis death Sunot-knowu:bat” a:>Se +82 \tite they.haye all baa a ‘heppys -mserry that he is to come to-town;where!‘Station,was “bitte:te b in all probabilityit Was.apopléxly,- x i:a See sone aeszt Stee “at—See a Christmas’And “that “the bew:year.ts oe proceed as De bes}dog.There ”So eee Mr.-Pierce.browcht the Fe mains -cs >3 -:vice y ato.amlhces.na riassWware anc 4a Sei ~a Yr v"c ‘8 pryt i ae ta ¥<ey :view Soe es De Z EE ce |a ==e ef ane ee —s ee ik ne in aatibste ors teas whith “will 30.soon be-with:as will be |"a Cee SE qe counts ase eto.=beligve*thar*=the —dog ponies)the oe interred at DS en eee terai be:Or the next aes Ratna a ~Tinware and Housefurbishings ida y Se.fe en te prosperous ‘one:to éacth one of}~Since our}esse Resistes ‘of had:hydroplobie,aud-in order to.be Mr =Moore’ies inistimasdiy:3 teie VOar Summers.were 1.deus.§mi od}CAL SW amie |Its -werth infestization.<anc)will equse yous many happy returns.jn he re Deeds:Turner |»orssued license:for)Ow the.side of safety,Dre We We ile e Was&son’of the date’ whale en wine the,fry:ts.of your taht ee ss Kd “tee Sond af pocket:book forint meee.wy Dewaetnent Store belOre.ee thenr.,°a ct themarriawe vf abe following?’Mr:was:summoned yesterday attLernoon.:Lécik “Moore,of Shiloh:towaship,:< >bor.what:cotud:be?nicer har vty.4 tH.oy ae oe veUT iWonev.;In closing:Ker year “we desire to.Johir WwW;Barnett.and:Miss.Diffey:ieee ,Sey and “was ey ay “ytar s -old::‘ hat-one of our }ares r ie <=:ae ee {thank our patrons fort the Wberal-Shoemaker,’‘Mr.Morris He Jor on =pean ee eez x easae As s comes oe eleit yearsfats he wiare*. :meg wt fi ENG a eer:Til 1€:m Til 1s.support.they “hive,given ars.~The:and..Miks’Ethél’Sprinkle,Mr.An-|=oa hae tegen Bale,aod be aa te ;Ni ne 2 b:rer cireulat drew Wiiliams and’Miss Delia Ten-|“Mr.Zeno M1.“Heath,of Easle Milix ar three small-children:Survive,—-*. stiee Buggies’we beatae paper:now as a darger circulation pleton.-Mr Jobni k-Barron,;aud tiesdied at:bis home?varhar:“The deceased "was sa -firifty Man,.~s 2 ,LOTHING!and ‘advertising patronage‘than ever Miss?Hattie:‘Howell:Bet Sere mony-at >‘o'clock.Saturdss-<after-Eee be:his.ftustry sind -Gusmmess 00 © -Sis aos poets in its MastOre,.During’the }My and Mrs.Wi 5:“PI noow.of constmption,saged $7.years.ility“had.de aunmidated:.ri coimfortay Bie “Sayan tice eich:cour Bien oN ‘#lifer.‘have 3 ‘bleve s me abitestaecen:see wets coming we willow all alt Ghldion wilh them,le Hetae tL ater [2284 pomaarah io-tiscumam = eee mre aed a BN &“<WO.VEaTS:io in er &scomumnuni-+aise :Petar Ce gag deav or tegive our sone:2 better ite ee Ae bie See Dent aratat Tolle.‘Sprikeschureti|*He was our friend,and we join + d of vice Suz”ae al HeBS HERRIEL,-SSE TE,5 ey PEPOES than Wefore~and hope confi,tee heed:Phifer.of ae.Un oe Monday,at 10:0'clocke.*82 a‘the sympathy:which is -oxiiversal se aoa gies.~Conie earkys,nd gee picking <2 :4 &COMPANY’S:oe %Bt sae denthy for:ain ‘increased:‘busiriess |sity of Maryland “Medical:GaSe |PREdeceased’ipadee:‘fe Wife:and amony-his’acquaintances,for thebe=|es Bimice ig ap UE Eenms seein cites We will.try to.merit ft.and “afe:Allie Phifer;‘a:Davidson’|¢enchildten,one of whoin ix Mr.Ar-4 reaved:widow.and datherless.little. Pa Rar ah ee a Sees he Se bao :i oy WE WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION THIS.7 fe a a bai ies %4 er;a.Davidson |thikFs Heath,‘of“Statesville.He ‘Onesin)the sudden~lossof igsbiynd Bas pegs Be See ape NEES fs ~sh VS WEEKTOOURLINE OF-oa os —--=“|student,areall home.‘for,‘the bolic}arid father.<4,ss, See.He PS .-Barron’&ik |;se ,ap ae ee aise eB dete aay.BAe “Wasa @00d man and had pthy covS-Atber ae kN Se oe pi seta oe os nantes pee x -Clothing.EROS catty ge ALife,and Dé:=Fight.peak oo =peek oa denice and respectof:his eihhbors.Coffee atMesaonter’a tae.hh Sa Sea ee ar Ae rete 5 é Sees hey Mr.WAL Himés,of.Manchester=fenced aes!Tusher shutora.7oss eee,Thé Com oe ek chant: Ree *—seSo POR SS Oe o ‘Baise --Shuto ms Ah offee to be ssi ;; :2 :eae.|Sree etre Wwe chaay.“Bo:await a line,ot Clothing OGi the wins wns .[ia.,writing ofbis almost.rae rk }Foster at be eae iver 2 Mes. ms "9 :Beas Vr escape “from:death,-saysi:Expos].terete}5"»Mites oMr.a Tonne &Bat Bee ster at her.TOS ence tonkght wil. “ay iON Sf Esky =5 |Pee Fh (+.™4ure ‘dfter “.nreasjes.induced’serious):Taine Rest ines Richmond yunty,-Son:ot it goes without styingy be a suecess: af 3 oe Okheapest.WV AY cet “~~}lang*trouble,which ‘cuded>in con--Mr.SaksMB ‘epanb ithe:bok |Register of Deeds.W/W:Purner.|&2¢it-willkno dont be hated:with: ot Pe sim a .eA ~2.tsumption.“had frequent.hemor,daye here ithhis:family.tao et ana Miss Mai *Shutord,“dauhter-of Joy,es}necially by the?young “and eg ;e Pte aad propose’to BVO nr waist Let's the bis nett 6 tlie:Haspriges.3 rhages and coughed night and day.ME aSwoke Set ts ‘of Mr.‘oogan!Shafordy Of:Catawba.fan-loving Sees a )look :for st is seatstegs and Guaranteed to:Cure Chis end pl.are will pay you whin weatiog anything iia Clothing:tor see Us-a “i my doctors.Said.t aoeS000 |Gass kvere with:Sons hehe,Y _|gounty,were-marris“dat.12--ojelock ey "geen:“itil Sie ao : 32 ee a Fever andall:Melaric!Troubles:#sire f a a ea bupiag.-Wee ead Ratt cate you tboney.Soe ;|die.“Then:T began to/use Dr cing’“S|,Sy eS Tuesday.at the residence Ot the.ee viet Se y Rot xeexchie | ;=Quinine Nor Other Poison.:A SE haa S 2 “Bey us pleases.Truly,&ee See ens|New,Discovery:for’Consumption,“Miss:‘Kate ‘Keever,of Hickory Dride’s father,Rev.Mr Gites:oft Aa gy.By ung pcopie’s’aflair.One.)5 >Dees SNot utain ‘Does Not Injare the Stomacle Nor Effectte Hearing?a ;which completely cured me.I would)iss uisitingae lisses:Gilly Gating,-Only.a;few.relatiyascand u Ssee.ty,Rai nytiedyfe ORO ORS Hai e ?Ww?Aectaxty &Son,Dime Dox,Tex.)say:ea Chil Ber s oe EF A:SI errill &Go.not.be Leta at even af.it os F315::_friends of”the:contracting:‘partjes Gronie ek .9 there.A-ice i i 5 best wee hive.ever kandted."My soy -prescri Sitin his practice;-2n4 abottle tudreds lave:‘use +t on.}4 i ser preSent.“The groom ee ister..udp meusit,LC wl Sat ‘ay i hi}tm ithe p xt Behe :~earl vod Ve Ss:ss ‘a “Pcie en BROWNE,Go PROS Geetaente Tee Dee bs }my recohimendation and allvsay it+:2 visiting Mrs.od.i ‘Sioun.if $5.Magyie Turnér;cousins.Misses:ve rendered‘by home:falefit,Sand. 2:ee ,aa -sar ea br ir he eee eats as 9 never fails to’cure:‘throat,chest and:“Mr:Beas ES Gall:sie “to Hens essie:‘Turnerand Magic Uuyhey;ight seiiesiinet s wil!be se ve “dl: ap =rie se :Py{lung,troubles,Regular.size.30¢.4lrietta Saturday and retired:Ades:Porothers,Messrs.Elmer and Mar-742 although:there wil be no-en-* ae eee ’s -jayd 81.°-Trial “bottles:free-.at W.Ee wi in.Turner,-ad:Cousins,.Messrs.,trance.feeand'no charge for refresh- :,*o Y day.ps ye F ¥ag fs t SC ees een :|Hath,te s aesStore:Sin iN ete ‘|}Robert:Bert and Joe Hughey,all of |Ments-it 1s expec ed that everyone © F >al Kx }Seas Spanos Nie:“B.He a ie “holt Will during thee Dissol uw ion ‘Sa e arc ese we ee ae ne Che ct semen Wine ae ice mee ne te “Adams,spent e:Jolt Statesville ‘and Jredell;attended the eevening drbp.a’coin |2s. pe ak aad Piet arm Ee te mEae Be ¥Pes 5 nnn —_——$—$—$—$————eles an.Mss Tennes-marriage.:Mrs:Shuford gave ‘an |(notléss thaw 0 cepts)vn a recéiver a Ge ore :p Ret Soe ea!“s =:a eee Ae A a fae es elegant dinner.to the bridal partys]placet:somewhere nedr the door for : =de order rogllan +e oming SStreo e om ee ve cot we si 5 Bee Clothing’¢ut Gest are ee _PantsCloth.S ha P was bilueht to,Sell,aud sotich fhe:Sachase¥:=Saee:b ‘itete an eearilassortmentOftheseootlsandbelieveLeausuityounquality. ilylatter.which Mr.and-Mrs,Turner fee ogee oe prec ceeds will be Cea ;an We the Iredellguests drove ‘to the O 1}LO.aye repair:pur--+,”eee oeRYOrAL I home of.tlie groom's fatherin States=poses of-the F‘piscopal chirch:;The |wi Bic ees os ‘lille.where:an.elegant supper|20UTS for the coffe:are 7t0 10>this -Mres.~B.Miller went to his.ota.Fawaited them.«Mr.‘and’Mrs)>for evening,the “place.Mrs.Foster’shome’at:Miranda,ovat eoeey 4aner will spend some.days hete,after residence,be peopleinvited.every- MES\Felix.ka fan’ ~7 §*j se EoeCssh.This iigtesy faite zh es hy ‘hee “te Poh yt Se) pe ‘sale #Virv:pay Be oes -eh Aehy a Wek as ‘5 P : 2 yoursS a Shike at renpuk Pots DMC Neer beiore f 2 per rice.‘Nat bing better.»hy ues i big;STO oerenee Salem ae Monday.Ks Gas oean iesoe to;the ie 's4 ody.i :%" 2 oe you h:wi <ue h-atfone ry hit yt buy.woods “at you -Y an Teans};q z eet 7 Mr ‘and ‘Mes:Ae B ef home.in’Roc ing’ain.;;:Due >=i »:Se oe fizures.“ho mre quick,toavorid tile Pash Btogky mus 8G ie tg i z:oe Mae Salisbury,Mrs 8tke:‘daca Thegroom is one of”re bright|Se Last Christinasin Litedoun.i sme Sig one ‘will be le al outs Thank he ¥ouTor.p-Sst fazor-Witt ;wie D RUN KS!TRUNKS.ar ost re $2 say rath,relatives.’aS ;iIredell boys.who:are winning:success:“Lhe villave off“‘Giledoun shas been s maa Spe Or geen Be pet Tyo s.ge -.Rat BSE g OR he eee,pa Ba a in life.as cote “mill ae ieee a see‘mail and post>»: d Qos lane Bo 4 4 he :2 isy Page;(0 orrisville,praduated:at Davidéon,and.then|office es*ablishe ne A eo Pp ee se can suit uk a ae pork ‘om 24 ae 13Velie!you are~getWake caniaty,is visiting her cousin,|took\a"course under-thatable textile|A’telephone line from Eeré to t fe ‘oh _eyying your fal dnd winter cove emember that l-carry ‘a:com-<<)Miss.Mattiebec Cooper.’=<instrueter,Mr.’Rome Saunders,su-|Taylorsvilleissbeing:erected,‘th;pei =fe hes ey eTta Fp ote Tineand Ww ant you.tp see,me ibelore you buy Soe ae make?in ins 4 first in Ale a ee Se wig eo Te ep Ts Oe geek icy eee EO ts yourabteeste yb ey aig ges a oe a “Messrs.Elihu.Barnett and-John|Perintendent of the Manbo Cotton oa -de xander county...r eet EPs eePuy sti Dek ot Go neva ing rchanidtsé is “aa Dew;atid was bouglit +e sk tig’PP «eK printer,of |pee.are visiting:rela-dateMr:sees 2 ee feet igh Bam seekslong and-20 :Vi yi‘S co SSF Scutinc tale Cuiedongand altoexgme bysatene bale |SF oe ots 7 Poin :ie on as aad rt nS :~f eae z qe f oe ‘The ariet tore:pote epee bayingeg he Vv eespee rasa “Me‘never.aid ont we.have ct -Misses Cate and v.Copélandcame deserves the Jair’bride whom he has pomnt:<3 ees Sei SCPE ie SP eee ete Lo ;eRe _MepOUGALD.4}@ seen the clothing atthis time:gp |home from Converse College.‘Spar-WO woe ck _The papas of the oore Cotton =< Bock :5 Exignds Best.&istigsfyok reads).Saat Cus Weert x —wh \:oe bese Said ilogeredc with J fanburg,S.C.;for the holidays,°°The bride,while.“unknown to us,Mills has doubled during the year.; ::s .re :.i c Py wits ,ae r ee R ie riehi ot it rs —eys Ay 75 ae a)AA Ni .had:been ou a aregulars sowedoy oe Judge F urches,is at home from comes.of:.good:z old:Catawbastock:fin:co-operation with Hood citizens - eos ee :Be spe oe ae =<a ==es Se See Sas Sods aA Mm storm.Ae .|Raleigh.‘Thehext term of the Sn and.is doubtless worthy in every the Internal.Revenue Department +: %rf -New Year.Eo pee pe Ee ‘has broken*up.a+number~of ‘illicit. ME No:‘needof this snowstorm..|preme Court begins in Februa way.of ner.bright,clever young hus- Grand Fall Opening.§-@ aS th summer sun-ae ,mere band,,distilleries in this community,and :;Pay hin 3 Brae Yee -So=gt ©«Egcieinebven bettermirehared to Serve voudar isp ae ag |Gp |qonekeeeallng:‘snow so vill Loe ea We ae aane ce oe domseen or eerPeoteiity are‘sel:|< hem pS 3 is e Be Cie ing 4900.than-ever befeire Cail and see us for a es Lv E ~=es ne :¢Sa “é ~~ing five or six weeks’here.fo tions.5 =Ech Six 6:root,cottages.a laPpe’Sr S ;Piece :Bek ek pes See 3 Bi ais a as 1 ee ton warehouse of 600-balesca acit aedg:5 A as Select Line of ‘Mr.andMrs.Frank P.Léwis,of ae ,pacity, oS es —After Xmas argain sae ee Be ct DOMESTIC a IMPORTED-<<:Brookivcs N.Ze are spending ‘the |AtMrs:“McEIwee's.en and,a handsome:.1zew church’have i nohdos hete)with relatives.<""-,Some of the young”peuple ‘of the}been “built.since last Christmas. Mr.D.?S:\-Thotnas,of‘Raleigh,town enjoyed an:oyster supper at Services are held every Stiday.‘by”aa eee».?:McElwee’s Tuesday.eve-either'Presbyterian,-Baptist,Luth-- spent,Christmas here.with:relatives aeJ:“Cards a other;Hehieiee:were ‘eran or -Methodist ministers,”and:andfriends.He returned to.Ral-i wehave a fi hebec}*e-a é a flouris!ingSunday,schooleighyesterday.the amusements.“Misses Matti with.£0 to:904 FMcElweewerethe:«0 to:30 in attendance.Cooperand Addie McElwee we ‘Rey.W.L.Dawson,now pastorof i < Ao Aesa=ies ®inane linesoF roereks udisim Re Spte Eee tact te eee ag Seat eURESS.GOCDS..02..areata :bayy ero s ‘Designs to please.the most critical,| ye Re ge Ww.aS ALLISO N.ee fos “prides within reach of)alk ~‘Latest~.\noveltiesin Gadiés —Belts,bsiery,Neckwear, t as ‘ i ‘ 3 ¥ é ‘ a e2 7 5 . 3 Co v e .<!{-Mr.DEB.‘Bacabards ad aan.residing.geniuses.Of the evening,: ak et ra oa ‘|ter,of Statesville township;‘spent ana of course everUEning.went off the-Statesville circuit,held aseries —' i :vg |peree Shoes and:Hats oF the -Bes t Makes the Holdays:in Concord wip rela]well.SH ‘Vof eee during Sepiemies as a eS SER we ~S/4»and-corréct prices-eS ="The following!were present:"we.to theensions uct asd peera;:Sosy :oe ah 5B Misses:iEltte Conneliy,Mattie May |20and Mrs.Geo.S.Powell;Mr.am good to the moralsof the,Communi- Bags Bes take Wilt make it to yourinterest to give _Pires 1 Fs Ballew aud Annie’Cloyd;of:‘Leaoir;Mrs.C..V.°Henkel,Misses Dee by...‘Brother Dawson’‘has ‘the-love {=~~ +,se as an eardy calke 7 >ae SR ‘melt eseflakes oftdandruf?ii a ere visiting’at Mr.J.B.Connelly’s.44Page,Lottie-Caldwell,pGertaude and good wishes of many good.peo-& ‘Wood,-Fan Allen ‘Copeland,.Mayes.>—4 ;the scalp.I¢goes further than’BOY ee :oe =for’the zood.‘he”has-done <9 *)“A g this:itpreventstheirformation.J.~County:‘Superintendent Butler is:{liason,Fannie and Eloise Neely,plehere ws ea ."Ramsey.T orl &Bowles..SQ It has¢still other properties:7 ~|Visitinghis wife’s.family at-Panther tregory,Katie Reid Carlton,and for his patient forbearance up,ys Marie G:Ory,i .i —git swill restore color-to gray hair ™®*Creek,“Yadkin:county:Mrs:.But-|'Mattiebec Cooper;Addie ‘anc |Elva der,what:we:Scoleks ie “per- ee SE a RPP “§in just ten times out of,See AS er.bas been over there for-some,McElwee,and Messrs.F.I.Suet Oe secution.aeSie“Wishes for oe =Sr eeet soe a Ww Ve ead,G ten casés.=Pp.F sition -ea Pe ae oe Yee ek |Soe gesbal te tenate,S|pic ceadeg10 tie :i .FB feed h Bsr.:See ee aS Uy fi ad fc ee es Cotton Stored.and Insured E teneaed aes sr om BS:Neal McFarland,of Boone HT.Shepherd,©:C-Phillivs,D.|@i.Oo meor eerie beter :SR Se ere cae 0ur.-1en Ss or ae is =FOR Io.‘per Baio aMonth ‘by sc woh g thick aaSand sebort hart)oe yt Mr.J.E..McFarland,and other rela-Soe6B Anderson:Ss a roads and a higher |‘staté™of:Chris-.* ats =Me Ragas GM ;bo ingens si meee ir ae sod ey”ea |\tives‘in Shiloh township.It has Mott,B Yi Qe ieer,eeTy ee tian civilization.‘Respecpfully,-. Se ie Ye Seen ‘Charlotte Bonded Warehouse,Company ae ee ee ioe and ADS een so JeBH MOORE is ‘eee oo mes Banded in American:Bonding and Trost Company for $100,000.00 mee BER vasking.x tase fos Ste eS ape ;ee belie?of emt "Liledou;DecemberPens ein ca ;b a ?oT)SE gongae det a Meat |Mrs.C.Irvto,Miss Jeasie Fow.Pep torcranes Mae as Bee ee Rela ian ae -Liberal Advanies Obtained _“Nsgy Ponenpected tromthe a3e of eee ay B |ler aod Mr.J.C.‘Fowler’went to ae the saaieiee ok cok:cee Mesérs.~Jacob?“M.Wallate ‘and ieee Fc Se inetd on our Receipts:-eee tA -See zopeent ‘|South River,Rowancounty,Satur-|Twentysive:pare ee ee Wm.Pinkus,two.Statesville.boys© =ae I Re ache ANE -Si =:beat aN SEs ETE.owl ane :day tospend Christmas.with tela~‘toonpete,for Se eSformalsof Brow’“who now re in New:York,-‘are’at- a 32 ‘gs Atlowest rates of interesSta Dee E.A :Si to :a tas“Mr.apts Foe ¢C esHesfr,fede oe es BN 5%oe eee y ee wwe oe ot Mrs."ee and'Miss Bin 2 eae “;ones BENT.-See es 4 “PRERSURER.-Sig tine Sn atime ak rea apace ote3 ee ae:=PP bo eis caste at a at og ss es i ;ie ieee *sea com x a e ats Se :“sa >i:eh poe Shin se ae sen Dena Ree ok ke Hye nS =r =ae Nanas Loe s See ee dg gat ;vite ae aig ae sos a wih Miche :%.qo a 5 =‘g ao -‘ate a %a *Bs :2 ‘Bs ;sy :‘;a 4 “:ai 3 ;*aa Ba i Nae atin oD ati ae,3 ce ee wear _.—*.:un is eee a‘*BS ‘~me =.-%4 a eee JEokerasewatgrSerdais4 a5s4~jas *pp tai Cras oa ‘ ’Fo cyarbce sy ee ee -:~.=<a ;$%~- ——ay a 7 a °e Tears :‘=5 ;.te Pete :=Seats atone necro SNE Ipeoe ae Gaeete :Te SeSalledforRowin:MEGUEL 9 ale.be ogee “Bismare k's Iron Ner¥ee-os.60.)4 T9.C c(REA COLD EN:OSE DAY.”etter imes Meas Soba *os cy ae a oun,Z .‘<<<::Cat 1 :Z bre County ys:SRS:srison and:te:We Luther,“Was the result of.<nis’splendid Peescaro peceedignmesser agers ae :Tae Clare yee 4. y y +a *:ewes vee,~AF two.young men ‘trot Mooresville.kealth,Indomitable will “and tre=*je WcnoehesPesan esery Goxx ase 7]Bee.‘corning’you.nn Cen 2Sore=~.were lodged in‘jail here vesterday,‘méndous energy aré not foltnd,where |“Seis ~a Naga .me 4 “hig te tor Your,cot :a zs8:=Sey Sand laud Caldwell:colored,_Was}Stomach,Liver,Kidneys.and Bowels ie Smelter=e aE i “ton:PH Slatesvys aei $48 Apsfbrought'uy today.ig tt!lare out of order.‘If you-want:thes<a Peas ass =tadder“distace reaps -cage a Di Eevvis VOLE wax..r hour.y OT Tohaeylle~All the negroeswere“tried before |qualities-aud the sticcess they brin 2,AMERICAanger ¥“teesit Obigea.arear ae fo)=Sais for lave:pri esi th rf -themayorvt Mooresville yesterday jase Di King’s “New.Lifes PIRprise ob Account oft itsuexceeding ypromptme |S"dew Bharhow in Piss es)it x “n reieving paimain,bl:2 a ,1 ¢. L.Nadder,kidmeys asid:hack.+a aT ieit Th;mame eT iis eee ia=for Violation ofthé town:ordinances,They develop.every_.pawetof.Uraip “i male ees oe Mica Moho ee Fb SG unin:!atFeee-and -each ‘was...settencee:‘TO and body:,Onl¢25.Certs Ql W.BarcinSe baeaeiatehss,Ifyou,want quick relict}“mae|aoc rs jee?oy_:g L Sue St ne 4 wd eure{hiss the remedy:Sold by Stisteoss|#“are Work pic’ae Rest e hez.:———ang ned “i eo “H Js s,drug store.-=:oh.“ANDER SOS,DroggissS Statesville,La |a ad £not yt ‘ef ar noth :‘-Es ~*am us 3 ei iehs LEVEL :7 Sry_eo the a Seah Cin tia name Tee SS SN ties Dene,re eee ra ::eee ‘arbi st -z cont:-',.)awould-suegest.The Sotbers;’who.-LA SURE CUREFOR CRO bic)20 CURE CA GRipee Iy TWO Dars“4 ac Listen Saas<~ +~ti vs poate:~>menage -Wt PS Take Laxative.BRdMOLOCINISE Time rs ‘..nga At ;wins:-.-are brothers;<resisted.the officer :TS eee ee pees2a7Twinty-fixe 7.¥e rs ‘Constant«Use Seusstsreiuidthe money ayy it fai “$2 DAVE Just-arri vey IS See pe roe:dj :who’arrested:then.and one of them Hee th *¥F on st =Bese YtoW.GRove’s sizsRaturcou.cvery yox.f osc,ny Tn ark $m o nent vin PRIATE higy.ronsSeESosgothisbeadpret~badly beaten in ;Bis :out -naire i Spt =:a He,lot hy ne.or >hy ut =Ss E :=.:=e 4 CONS SQUERCOS st aa “Tie first indication of croup vist oo:“e Per ie SER crc itins 2 ineaee<a eng se OS rseness.ah 4ina child::Beakby Pit 3 om =—Ue.Y oes :e«.win .7s iy *ve ve '.4‘2 =e -—Glorions News:>|that ai sease it)may¥be tek ny aso Se ve Majore SNOW.BEG Rect ined*~Comes fréur Dry BD.“B-Eargiiss of)Sure Sign of ‘the’aypproacl of.an :MeSher oo oR p-~..*Washi SRR SEE geo ;aie taeks “Followingthis hegweseaessIs }ae :Sashita.J ‘T.:--He Fone f ‘f>bottles of Efegtric Bitters ee feds PAAniartouch cousds.Chen rae oe yeas]eeObVAG ‘ble Pract-of LangEassessjYayterBSMrs.Brewer of serefuta.%hich had |Ser lain :s:couch Remedy Peiven:on |ear :elle erates-.4 AT-caused hes greutisui arinms for:years.soon,astthe child |oerciies hoarse.if ee-"ve Ea:Say x ‘It 3TerribleSoreswould‘break’out-on |Of evcn-afwr the erdupy oust yet c OL.mate es bax,hherhead.and faces ard the ‘best-doc:pears.it will present Ubecatt Reet faenectt:es.t aon:-"-ters could sive no helps)ut her.cure |is.usediiremany thousati ds ef Home CURR o reat ‘ ~|is complete and lier,health if.excc!inthis broad land antd-necer “diseay?|lent.”-Tbis-shows:what thousands por nts the’wexious mophers.Waltaveproved—gliat biectri¢‘Bitters|base yet 16 learnof:aoinweinstan a5~isthe best bloctt puritier kyown,Tr’s {in whieh it has Bot proved.sefectual;: the supreme remedy for.eczema,No-other preparation can ShoWes uch| ak ay n :_tecter.salt oom cleers:béils and}2 record Ewenty five oe CONS,staat)ESS te ES yhrunbingsores.It stintulates 2liver.[UcG Wit hout afailvrey’ee by |524:a kidneys aud bowels,expels poisons?Par aeertsts.se on Jape 5 ouz—327 helps digestion builds ~)up:sthe}“oer Proad His =pate.SE eed Sire eal ee Stir pin Viestrength.Only -50c.-Sold.by W.ur Phos:s Coppinz er,»Patton:Trot.Poutup.“eat in | .Tk is ed.|avsFB.Hall.Jr..druggist.Gnaranréed-|Tear,says:Uhaye cused:Ramone fin alisparts OF thee§wordLiverPills:and..Tonice.Pellets for |ten Fears,Lha -mcf aie) =years,and.caunot Save.nough foraEsty Lire taped Les rie aw::then for the “ood the yo have doneiri Era ts any peng Pere dy,my family.iwish!to:teH EyOU,SPe-pian denausedLrvetegt a cially what they didetor.wy young aor Constipat ii Warnes "esta on.Ae thouzht be SAW GL>fee.)Sack Sale sete otetart ne 5 Hite te take}pitts"buteywh sai peer i wlio ase whe rc by:-$the rést of eS takin’-our-ysual Leonie?teenies fy Ont“Pellet-at Nicht:he would ery torGue :thet:¢eee ::-also:Soe we commenced PiViIne Let aired KEMCB=Cin to;hing reularly,ad frome yf rot Tips the S¥STeHENPale.deticate child he dmpgovell Ae beaks se bOXCET Ca Df}n ediate!Lywend Jateky he iseas rytSTCwpa ringeeaadus-evernbreathed woe atainir:hes hoon W,:ros¥icheeked,and Lelookséas “heal-a Vedlorsaanstehi-et€een ae a aaa z ReDe W RE 5 Paul.Hanky |Nghe EC CS Sy distal pri:Bete WhOEe Ae OYaN eck 2]#‘bho bla:ith:eM ahitice 1%,Ovi “i 4 Gea ,PStancenameBSRns:Grate:theMsy stein &moas ri he sk =ROAY TRADE pe:Volcanic Eruptions igen I ESNfoe SCORRCIPATT thd :“2 ee6$=Pathoha tgeubles:We als.oe z Are grand,:oatSkin ae ruptions :3 ottrobliféOFjoy:“Bie hlen’s tenes:4 ties ecOhurc!=2 =;Salve curés them?-alsoOid-Run nineWee.“ORE oe De Oe TINA NhsandBevery‘Sores:Cicers:Banke Felst?seins “ae Se SNe eatfCorns.Warts:Gutsy Bruner peaeaerSalve:kes Bret.os tae eelsRea!Scalds Chappe thatids:Chit:or piles ieShores:Ge eeae eo reeePea_polains..Best Pile cure lon earth.oe =AN:AanesaeahaeyeporeerieEE:Drises out:Pains and ches Only.‘“sh3oesaoaerran:i 2)iby as Ba aide tietanteed:“Hortzage Saleof Land.hoee=Every.thrend’in«LIGEDOE N's Sole,Ne Ww.Re fail,Jr.droguist.a3SeMUSLINispureCottonwsmienieeceIBSaanSe |g,buyin the seedifrom thie-pingter..3 *Ba ie;Wetiny eard,spin and:weeve-it Hi:Thought Wis Time:tiiad eC‘Ore 22 =ech :;and seibUse-finished musiin direct g :ip daet =.to the retail merchant.“Wesave.-B ads AS ZicktooOse:Heniwoers Wevias,EXYOF RI MEE G2"218_@ fou halta-dozen profits of com.Bed a ye os icras Moni gir Cure hanes.=3 mission men,5 eculators and f jsays.c Two tearssavo]aS laid up ;-gm Jobbers.|&“with myliver.,s thoasht mr tine wie }evel eae B [bad come.”|ha}ppened Hea oto Ras a EDOUN B.|-mons Liver Pills and wredsonechiiss*a E.P|baer alls -Tietit “noe oT hives<bevn feeling.like another man 5 Ce j MUSLIN Se a |time,”thOr saleby xXR. Ne ti peat amitSars Ls Sagoe:ea,LRGNG Boston;pris t re c e s s ! :=:igi e wen a on fie i Lea ,{NE ie tance US wD peiee ~aESeosehasthenameonevery'rard.5 Miss A nuie STS wnditiiees kyre.x ESRess,4 oe aatngane op gintage Ps 8 RR ioe ae HN ae:*B .a ,at '‘che Me ER Stuerior WEE 4 re 2 aes /-Ifxoi at cealer hasn't LILEDOUN and.-UM ihe:Sava;SuiLerca ashore:VERIO Poe RSLS Se Ty i Oo gy ECEsS Eg?“won't get It,send to the mifl.“Will send.&Pelee Heshet Reefs to 3;4 Girect.curriaze prepaid,in $0 yd.bolts or P|FOINGyspepaiastost.Hesh fand-ty ae vy,~—Tore.Ny LILEDOUN’butionbag frees Came ve Cy ea ke Rods sf Ts SpeLs ue nice kegioess 1irateWrite:foz'ore,Ce ioe re hoe SEE .De Citi33MOORECOTIONMILLSTaylorsville.N.C.ireeéom plete]wenred 1m a5a:eests Ww hat:Nou cat andes euhes ack;x S =~~SOrMs Ofstomach trouble.be VvET a :At Sane Score A faals t6 ive init eS reler Te”TheE£©rc mecimnscesSea-worst cases..<i TE,Jr: Sr,Miles’Nervine-Restores .Health.}°--—- Asa eure for rheumation,Cham. Seriain’s Pain Balm“is eainine a tT wide reputation.=D.B/dolinson_oF sh Pe Eee Tym Pah aratt Se oA i Shey’bets readin DY a yi arene AndRichitond,Tnd-yhas “been troubled a Tite dd eager tay i Tsay arts ete its -:ce WwW ith that alitient sTiete?ESO kn =‘nde gs Sa SA Say eRe {es bon se oP fag ra ‘i Wea5 i2speaking.ofit he ostiys:cy never ,i a ee Ne ee :Wauseeteearl yoo :Y.>undanvihipe that-<would Jaewave y >i |en<Line untill used Chamberlain's."Pain ee +’Boe PRS \~«j 3 a PES ty:5 |Bal mm.Tt aets:ikem:agye ‘with me é -leat ceo ag 'Hoes ath aly foot was swollen and -painiie mie *.tes a PR aac hts ne bere 3verymuch.but.one ood “applicaa-Tee |se ca &as A ls +o-‘Aion 6f Pain Baln-rebe ved.ane.For!ee A roa Ries =ee rat a Srigiee a cant*‘~~s =1 Tide Dr wae ge fe bth North!Caron ge)~;site by all drugcists,*:ti ea a OF LQ SS t GG br Se eee ae5iePcseabater$mee po %a as amin tg Poe DONPooapeJSheers:wSbAgtas ons Save “a Spor ne oods 2 S!RiGtay Sorta «Smns PPG R es.on.bis Card's life by One-sinnte ‘Courh.|:Teble Culter y vs men tun:eh)ure.Doctors had vive:+her up to re Dgcxk 8:1 ake With -croupe >dtiss.an-ainfalib Cho =Paine og oy “1 ‘> ::<}+ty Y d x 5 :;::“wre-forscouchs.GOES ci pie:4pee *Meavu vw oppers.“:£i ,isae*rs *|monias bronchitise2 wd threat and Ormeanyttiinece.aces oo :E34 Ww DesT OF :ACCOVG-ek SP ose lung-"treablos.Reltevts*-at “oncei ps ea ¥nee ay Hos z a Dab VER BODO Rod ce an menen DATIONS FOR"fio E PNOLE EZERIEL OBEAR,assessor aud WF -;Hall,Street NEN ep [ei op e rat 7 MANSAND-BEAST).Gxcollector,Beverly,Mass:,who has |---—-See it es Tf et aeeat ene ae=~:pasced'the 60th life mile stone,says:ang ass ‘CariKeo =PpertBo These Sa ar Wai &e fe ae enh“Sy.Mies’Restorative Nervine has done a “Surgeons wv anted to-operate-an me}“s iret Saracen x i :zrcat deal of good.Seem far pes,bat-Fcured hove mith De":oa vais ANT yp itis fe Chest tolaeco.oe*,Aha Siceplessness and nervous cart trouble.by ittis-Witch.Hazel.Salo 2k tet =ine:fe VOU are t SS f ie apes Warehouse,2rakisce maplere;Would feel weary and used upin the morn-ingailibie for.piles and°skin:dikes sé ec phepsedswimM Gut eri ie LT eG anonorm :;i Nie .;:<n ine had uo emaitionard my work seemed a |-Besa eens ‘Soper =attexeSscamrnt rer Pet pei a lomacco agen wl bey charge wud:burden.Afriend recommended Dr.Miles’.|Be ware of counterfeits:ss We Sr ied poset!ee Swear:|heey...Sica aay eis Ht aa aR nodervine,20d.I purchased a bottle-under.Ball,dP:aes epee fa E,Mawehe VO ROB Lith ee ee POUT Raging:S beech Sota hed diss Cok va TEES.gedaeprToiestaslh2d'tried somany remedies un-|-->-=-ee Se 2 f 2d ta.)nS Cet ade wee akiodk:ine bes iat ee;successfully,I thought~it'no use,But it =One saute Cimush Cure ete Hs “ees ,:fare teak WOLTASKE 19S DuUsinese fs)|eo cicvo merestful sleep,a:good appetite and heciiienele Tones ca s .Os ¢a Hiivives eu 7 Woe Si Rea ae,Cell at thes:oa restored “me to:energetic health:It is.a EsSc ae amrerused.Ors.coughs 3 wined gH IRS Gs :is :Preece TM t eres Pied :.oiesolcrandgoodmedicine;and Iwillgladly write.|20d.colds.Tt is oc eered fcr Yas ascii figs ne bey ie Qa Sr Cees pega Reet tj cin:SS neeaentScancSSwhoopiniecough:“Childrep UW dike "sine saa ::thi euie s 2 =,cheese aig ere etme Race s Peimiaa EH CG:Gaither SeobeeeeeBe~_isfactory experience:”iteewrites EH.NeWTitans?Genty ae De aR mat a i reat eens s weet ga weet Sh eying MANS BYE BLAS ATION Re ce sean na ee AR FN vi i etaeae,se at 7 ;aoe ?a =es?:-pr.Miles Remedies wile.Ind:Never Ta Mee Te she cea ae aN Le rS io Sts yea ss ‘2,gee coe aie ea Ran 3 ES ex inted :2 e M SPLOGK,Auctioneer.PROPRiSTO 2srRiccaaresoldbyalldruz-only ‘Warinless remedt thas”vive :Vertih moni SFR ie 0 a id sok nee rd ig b =:as Le i pte tnie or .-:=Se gistsundera.positive immediateresults.SCurcs coughs:Sats fee axbtarr OSI Ls RAT che "eet RB ey 3:~ae vhete dan ‘et Wine AR ROME Lats CShahN 1 sFerare ys ::unrantee,first bottle hete Jdn vinte CO ioe ‘Bis.:eoeeecolds,hoarse néss croup.pneumonia.|.=wi BONA teens x ;Ei “See,;be-hefits or money’re-ACCESSTEUP Teed WH Se Te as eel NS <G Ast-nded.--Book on dis. brohetitic and-all-throateoand honest Iplat and?the edat SagefecngETM Ee seme.:~Sark ;eR basen scekgs ORR tS ond CT a op Pp :Lo““eases of the heart and roubles ;LtSsWee eee DEChe nts}ue oe fa,PES oh sngtersale aie:Git 2 ee.nerves free.“Address,Ponsumpt ioc Si Pree ,RRR oe es OS TESS TON Soo bissaCanpoeo)oo ;ee:DR.MILESMEDICAL cos Elkhart,Ind.=‘-Ping *is wits >y ry!uy :ohat=|Myson?bis*Gen troubled <fér .=“dist es fH anae m :pecs -iiaWeakens‘[xears with chrogic diarrkbed...Some Workin Sait ana Sis rata ee ena aes HOW LS-Y OUR TIME.-Gee ~ee |time:ago-Tpersuaded.-bim..to,talee|°The basiet and MPO eS ET TS Bree cot Ff ig eae -beprOdue:‘_ToBuy-a Goods ck Che ap es nae>mi Phy:lo ahs on ght fe ¥oa 4 ond]they Na }ony ea Stee terre:4 .eee a -i ::|e EC haber $oe ‘Choltz (Thao tat ever vas”mage Ie |5 1S at am 2 \oness tine just ine vat 4 OE NG]nalirm=to.cake :a 22 rarrnoea..hemedys—Aftay a s Ney”Ete PiRee Eye spill :ST ot BR ae eer:ice gseateech PRN Ra gt Ay ae eS om a Doe tae at a ce tee=Unhealthy KidneysMake Scpake Blood Sec twoeae oethe.2 Cent SHepis i Sua Coued slobule 4}health ids ond-uhe iff*Rte ee ar WA.HARTINESS CUGTS ce I PS oe Sen e axe aBl.wate O¢oTve oft Het Sey ay rd ivra Othe,cee Sent PEA MECOTRIO T=Fes asetea a fe >Qa martes eh Ss AeMBN t in or--All the bloodin yoursbode dias is through:See’Ive.this:tes tore rhev-ehanjeas ¥wakes,tht.fibis Lines OCC EE Ghee BM Mb comasT ae,before:\é ThE Dest i yatsas:=.nial,“hoping sdme one’sim in hy yietiieesene aye :ay :prescnce so.th te gare tit<=-yourkidneys once every,three:mimutes>>pros s }milarly “pieahliMt-esSness dito DERI,Taos Shes eae eee pall ;ee=““=-’Thekidnéy$are your.flieted may"read if and be bevetited:AnLONNCH tal pUWer Phe:Rone aae oF 2 wate ee Ja Phe beet wnat ey <.Agere;‘blood purifiers.they fil-|LHomas-CoBowes:.G!fencoe,Ou.Por dentubttesbyiding “np thes pealuir to pade..6 Beal se MSOU.te TAP MRL Racks Ray oS i eS Se page eesFx>‘Lp.oo btate she gal ube:aa wien weekein cach month het Br acca ‘~}COO Wate iV siedpy ang rantecthem 16 :ter-out -the ‘waste.or |sale vedrug sists,aie t Onl¥25..centssper"box:Sate by barry Wren Cath month:Beste:<-7 os,pe cies a 5 Se aos :hem 16.|‘,=Rnpurities in'the bloga.|=;,Sr hathy SHall,Te.agence outage PpOLD UT Ces woth first’Méuday 2°rei:or cent ae Deca :Cath andseeusseste*-;“df theyaresick cr out|oy Siete morte we 2 argeeie gine?ORS oe ERT RE Rag heel :a ::mahi Lee Sauer *-}“The.Ap:petite of aGoat,:se i tages <La g.mee x Ci rae te ;“a?.s 8 of order,they.fail to:WO}=Sr a ATE:takes.but.a*minite we cercolbet:Hon Ee :tr nus enour.Bia eae rae kes tY rs k ott ar .:A oodward B ros.3 their workin,>oa)tcks®shied:by."all poor dvepepties |fickiow inethe throat apa ethics,:ey memo gaa Bag REET eis:pas x ::pe *:=Pains,'achesandrheo-|whose stomach-and liver areout “Of Cough by..the™us Gk:Ore atnared:Successes to RD.Wo pe as seapaeaeItordér,*‘Alleeach stout ‘how?that,Cough Cure’,Tatsremeds.quic Wise |Re :ric acid in the é &3 >4 2 ‘:oet=blood,quetd negiected:Lee he;e s ae the on -‘ures -allfornis “ef throat a4.lane Fire.Life;Accident ==qidaey trouble ks oe :Are iver“reme x troubles.,Ha rinless “ane.pcbsantl3 Macon Heoltn ?mee ‘Kidney trouble causes quick cr unstead?giyes-asplendi appetite,sound:dial #6 take "It4prevents”consutiption:$F Hedtcesel icitmLenery=~heart beats,and:makes on®fee]as though 4 se stion and:mat rerular-bodily.habix-ieX farbous ‘specifie for ripe eich:ite “In SUran ce ,ir n :they had heart trouble,because the heart is that:iidistires ‘perfect health’and oteas.|nfter.effects.We a6 ‘Hall,PP Ny.ms “ye ©bis _>over-working in ‘pumping thick;kidhey-|eneergy,“Only ee at,i F,Han:ie —sat ;.ne RE MORIN tt fet -r==.poisoned blood through veins and dtteriies.iss drug store.”ag Sa hess :He Fooled theSurgeon,<t fee RES RS ETA be a aR a-:It used to be considered that only UrtBinary.%‘433pant ae i)tg ae rs ‘a =i 5|troubles were to Be traced fo the hans f as :1,AMT dottors told -Renick Hasiton,‘Brown:&sGuy,-ee cn cass ae :S “%.: butnow modern science provés.that nearly.oe:aace ss meno vite asia [ey est.Jefferson,-O.<after:sutter-is f:e Bis ee vi ps .oi‘all constitutional ‘diseases have‘their»bégin-.an?CRNaEEE Oe a:Fonene Be sias:ring IS monthisfrom reétal fistula,hel”“INSURANCE iRAD@TARPES Boca ¥eoortod Heats,Note itesAoeoct:re ‘aid VivOr,Fakes ;pe ;:=e =eee ooable.putes coats phage.tae onder-Works,that snakes weak mete rrould die unless!a costly gperation ;Olice—SecSond loos,Bayt:Buildiyg.S »>3;ee aoeryous|e sick yorae.take:no-mis!takes strong.Ail druggists:seor:#1.Curé¢unran |VaS-performed bit be cured himself um rea ri Re ‘Car .8byfirstdoctoringyourkidneys..The mild teed”Rooklet "and,sathple “frees.Addres®mith tive boxes-af “Bucklen’s ‘At lie |The fsa:re:ae‘of the *Pe =Any Kind of Car as,ne per :and the extraordinary effect of Dr.Kilmer's-|Sorting,Rematm.Gn'.Ghieage a3 Now.Yat Cae ea %2 icetatiptichin ef :aeSwamp-Root,the great kidkey remedy"is :se ne alvey the Surest pile.cure On,Garth!Aor Teult ure:ar Washington:aves .(mre when Sov want aus ie Sia?Soon resized:1}Stands thshighe st for its |"ryJand the Dest,salveiinthe world,250s:othe cotton:crop:for the year ending pe siOuery ;;:wonderful cures of them tdi he ae8,bbs sald ay a Be:(Hale de.|gigs.31,A800 sat ae a,205 bitles:as BAR ts |aka AR RECS ch Me cna Be specttully :~~andissold onits merits =drive us ore Rita ae racine”abapt poundsse thet \;s :;cu ety a ne :::3 SMa Na 5;Sere.VGA BUSY Gina ty Ua hope veres ne Behe toe ThICk :-byall druggistsinfifty-he SF ee Ghat Sg ee SES re age-beer LEIT299 acres,sate acre ee ayeigen:Vroore fee ei ARMARS a in S88 ea He MASCOT PRIN‘TING CO.~beat andone-dollar siz-Bisteratts =a :|rth iGardlina.\instve Suserior|average cropy peracke.was.He ae od ood Otis a Spinner ocr gia or Uae Arete a aaaes:You “may have a Seat CP ‘es rie ee *agora SSO es p D fe z Vesa d OT a yy :Dae Macc gecdse et CR RS Bek TERRY AS.may:“.eet “ee:eae Watts.o.24 bale,he'v ahue:“ot.the®ereOn)tea i Bry Pe anintala Coa.:-‘sample bottle by mail=“trome'ot.Swamp Root.hmmated fo}‘ieaithe fe ;3iihfind't.LSUgac,MAX.FERRY.WksLor penn ed fromrpricéthe fi:sth monthsd:;:free.also'pamphiet tellingyou“how to:fin :F ie MAYBE RASED NLthel cots Hee Th,;i::out if you:have kidney or:bladder’trouble”Dyspepsia —:Cure.Sneak rey beets R=,nt ;OLLOn year,S505 DUTTA 6 i ReEEE as elaMentionthispaper-when:writing Dr:;Kilmer,=Ts a:&Co.,Biigbamton-N.Y..paverage price’perpouad DCmMWhMayberry ;RS40 May berry =Ie:igh ~Mayberry,JB ener re ents for up landcocotton, =|Digests whatyou eat.: |Set Medicine,buta‘Treatment: He is ie ‘<sae7we,care serry und EF.1Mayt ELT;:a Red Hockerom:The ¢Gua.ne.os peek -Itartificially digeststhe food anda:a 4 x VE ReS iB :‘f “232 3 Ban es s .ids ‘Chedefe dats:=YAMayber SSF Wheat :;GE - -D 4 as ey ay ee a Nature in®Strengthening and.Tecon:”M:ay bert.tarp of ‘the deters Vedkahose.*W as’oeball that hit C t.Sieade Ae ;€BE?N ¥Cy4Lbuy RAMON’S ivesPILLS &om 'geon€:sa tf ~|Structing the exhausted:digestive or-eseitl take notice tirat attaction-entitted above:iN wahot Newark,Mich.Pe theeGaivit cd r EGR 42 PELLETS oudo not puy.am ed=a Ro ete ae—Cc ough,SENT Se *)gans.It isthelatest discovered digest+Eelecander cuowey:to scl MaiGs teloel eyethe f Arete oltrace Gaused:‘horrible “Gicerss id ae a De bates eeatens +for!Bilious=$a:a SE one =a oe oon mene Pe tar ai ae eS deve ei to that,no.theatment helped for.ne \aoe .ie ton and Hed”It is two ze LS “A :e “|aR approacknit-in,efficieneye Ft:in makeasssts:and thc “aid defendants will tar!rears,"Phen Bueklen’s Arica,Salve “ness;Constipati.V rou canbuy take notice'thati they arer Ltd |xears,a.palve'}me %,=oe Whee)‘y eg sta ¥.selieves ant}rmanepaycures aEEKe oice abetineoak atic coer oe eer onred him,Cures Cuts,“Bruises,>2540 Tksin.:distinct medicines,but sold for one pricte+25c.>fe 72osa20c.Bottleof 0 tuesomnis On,FEAL,maar ayy in epee:NC)00 Barns.“Boils,“Felons;*Corns.Skin’R i A The Pills ‘bring immediate relief;,the;Pellets ¢=::_Nbomday?the 29th day of Janwary.:10 tid aris ?x ;como --:Parnes i tg Cc bh!;SickHeadachoGastalginGCent siver.or demur to the copipisiat sites:action Erurptions::Best Pile care-onear th.IC i tone up the iervous Sy am and i invitgorate.f -aN ai S:loug Otherresults C oa oe Peeadetineeeegiisiat a an (25iGents a.box.Cure guaradteed:)“Sch d wall5:=<.isa Meee 2 .Sp waste 5 :ECEA :Pee ane “:;C.,.eiathigts=Syraps ee2 |r ,ety Coe Ghiiage:©Fhissstl May of.Ae Wart:es:ojseed by ¥.fe Hall,She Droggist |eeas AC BRAWN OP ca crete SEC oS we fee ee aa %»