HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Mascot March 1898::prose 5 WallPapel Walk? eaeiS iaBon 3 ANGfate DEB GOESSt iE bo TeSheea x »¥WCC,THURSDAY,ane AARC i.2 1898 : *Way at oat rackived ‘adot ee xe Breeworksoeane ‘Roman‘‘Can es,Sky Rockets,Canon'@r CFs |pma‘nds.of fire works that.francthe 2Bagety’“pt xe‘times.»Bea "Migersa and"Uriet;root pipes arg®UnSUER:assed,price s irgit Bes37tal:Anything §you*want in Srey :Ppp :FRUITS 0 eC ONPECTI a NS) .ce'it fre ad fine...Bananas,”Orahgex*Pears,+kg sh Creanr Nut&,.Almon dsc Envtish©Ww leit.ai Rigs]xy and faney,,Srogerjesis commplete ahd up ta.ute,Creansakeatiysaiisage.‘spices:and alk,'seagondole grocerie¢‘s,|We:‘receiye!York River Oysters ahd Bish,from Morehead ¢very Ww ednesspn?Saturday:Give us a tiadPrey .“Respectfully!eo nD oh eA ets2 WES>.Phifer,&Ce anr*,oy “a a“wehave:bought vi&And are ‘daily.receiving the:sieakbotand*cheapest °Ee San oeLineof.Furniture:ois toStatesy we:“Our ain pregedtented reiabe thé’hou}pT oe store.cGuscquertly,meal:ly everythitg im.stoek|yt upio-date lp tinisoS te and price:Whicki¥cheaper,the.)We havealso placed orders-Wwith4 or >ofthedeading nay:vtBugviess”Our,experiiedeein.tthe,vehicle-tine’for thes pc eSrshawDatedofhughbenefittous.{Wil prove of “nfaeh*bontie‘athetrade.for the redsea that.from our’experjéneein;pundlivg 30jiferentmanufachires:we haye selected4‘ordof t ose kinddst)at-cetobetheverysbestforthenioffey.and:es hot eenSegbsolutviricraunteewillgivesatisfaetitn.At the saghte tindomrsprigs};£08 lower;sthan ever oer:ps will,it Be»Aadennolahrtin4rtbiresies,2 +a.pat ;oy ge om ee Png’t aS .oi .Dealer s if FPurtifarecande dailMiyaRTEAyesCenid, armas:ee Se 4 —yf_FYOUWANTTO SEE eS Ce eure |Some ‘Beautiful:‘Goods:: aUST STEP IN AND DARE A Look pee Apthe:ne Ww.things lar-usdamported:Glass.Wareis Justi.Invrould abe »glad.|.ty =..td have the ladies,especially r;‘to oeja since these ect teoods.”Abs ¢Bie »4i)iF:You ARE IN!so sah Piatt er .Need.‘of.Specks,”vt dey *eax Hit:YOU CORRSECTENS.ae eee i Is \alhoe ax 4HSste With best =ity of Blasses.>3.kas eeS/o W Rickert,% «JEWELER ANU:oPTicras, Tl e-Place.to.‘Buy.Seeet is!ab etaN,ARRISON’S7 .CLOTHING ‘HOU SE.. ns oy e A * eta Bees amofferingamy ehtite,acesfor the i Next 30 Daysvat..pen)etGreatly,Reduced Prices”fe ES T have as Sse atubrolks.stpbk "at aissutaPiand oh Ir:offering wr bi fk,i>CREAT BARGAINS”~aTEINTHISLINE:Sy ;;A h TPE :_Overcoats and.‘Mackintésties: *THERE IS NGREATCUTTS PRICES -a ys =vfCENTSFURNISHING:-COODS.;he SeesTamofferingoelineata:ar erie X,Besure,5 iam zits “towallatie?3i a Son ifgistesNHarrisonISTRIER%yer ere wewa 8 aA 4 ay “a-Fi rst door Cartnek eee Block.‘ &etd .4 NN NoletSeeaByawomONS?at ier gh -i-y eee 4eos* e ale WE ai oH TREE KD ANEWetOSieee|The “HG.Godmitn’.“Shoe:i i1 SS wa hiegheeaoSSShek>\e)1G 7 EOR.TRE LADIES.RA :eas meet MEG BY wf **.eas oe <yo 2 ‘which’we.think as dng‘ot‘the best “niedium we See)feK bho hat Let,Price $1.50,’J throughout and to"ive eu ire SAtivtaction.?ty Our Stack of cdurse Stipes ¥sfamplete.-Yen's brdrans from.$hOILD $250.(D.an ae,dhe ‘>aeFamous.“Battle ‘Axe -te ee 5 wo: e 7"\“:ee 7“Shoe for Men,Ww omén and’Ckildren,eg Spat Aus=Remember.we will wakepieadyeer anears$in showing Fou throigh oir btock of shods Ana,se"fal A LXterest:youthen itiis ‘oarfault nat,Yours,».ki Hey SY9Peer:tale toes a,¢Se ek |EStoop:Miles,COL Patrons call’and:jet i free.”ee ;ase Noee No Stattsville:Nv..€.,Bev,3th,”oe a wie gy “8 Mf ott Ps " eeee woe f|meee>S,.fre|ndox EERE Bistenat Facts:Ue oe :Wee have<on hand:yet'a fetv heavy;_winter.articles:consisting <of,2 en's and boy's:Suits and pants meneOrelPRS tadies Bapendmen’s and”boy's caps:eS ee SS ce ay¥ReasonableOffer not’Refised:aieanPikindsofheavyshoes’for ladies,,men,boys;and Aion at:Your |town.price if reasonable:.Remember’the goods.mastizd.asl we.treed oe.rodm for our ‘Spr inzdtock. Clothing.House,corner.of Coopér,Hotel”and.neXt,aoor>49'SSt.Charice Hatel-'SMOLINSKY &ADELSON;Props,Vie1B.Ss Look fox big ee in pean of storet :An. =Mans +)At A‘ison's ase onSygue;*eet >ee YF aes,SheAWehavejustReceived <‘A Tine.of ‘the new s'styles ip Sedona.for,r this Jeasoh Sand. *..You'intend Papeéring an Abis Spring-you ‘can gave,money*diy looktiecaboustockbeforebuyin”Also thi 2 yok,large’shigmeeDire 3 Stationery and Blank.Books.ae Ns ‘eee { You can dlways.-at shat See nckat iw Mt iscline font”“id ‘nds the!Idwest:possible!prices.—Gardam’’-is_a“povelty:8 le5Bt3c.|=eeeWas:iat,Wrote aR *Ne mua}So:Gat Stagis &reVier ‘ofthetsults:«Lag thé Nate session ‘of!the”SoathieyfCar;vtiniy,Petsisatures”int whieh that‘4 Baper,.tYsafolina..Says,”oe 4049)oS tant neehaha abe‘teat Soptics ©Barron ke&Miskslson,”a4 ws .4%poludinig they f Crd.»*Pployes-Sata Vieip he Pg hradry sdequtniten:geting fiin,éxpar t of ai;China”‘oefear anit { fee tO charde”‘the bod ;dat of fust™Pweek ee le“Phe:Foto’a“es :adress Nata oun MAL tee?rea the fieople,| Alitgyour-National chajrmas oT ges Stlasiixermen io Patt “for ‘hilvery eos Fol,’2 er:ther next ‘Gongreds ¥Was:tis butsdays potaly rizht,pat,a pout the onffys toleraa:Wee dined”Soothe -divi bite thing Stat ould Jlrayex“been dre:Was suspected ofbeing:thon Nor - owrainbyhe 2adipiatedat..=Ge Said “that |festi train’of :the ex gitphostpayer:SOFtheState thee‘bitd’wis borrr dead.DrsyTing |Wiadosbonc Sus ‘es ae Dest mincttign ek Toe!tgHamlet Afohdy! Congressional:tommiltce!anfiaiatibo 3and eee was S Jak :‘That’Sthe,\“con ‘Ptljeradtjon bog}the Matioggl authori- as Ww ‘arranted Solid} SA “1”{[pivigions®wilh be f:breieallesof faxhis’aociettes “prop: Remembef the~place New York Racks hgidty iy fanied prosperity;yrould <Te3theaetreakpapnty.sof«the “an you;that:':'the pte ¥oe Ca ee éLosaresthyFesig Ex Goi:tfi aie |ePpsgst Uist Minneanil Buf;PayPeipledix fob”yphleh the Host’bus”ee Si Phe ahitnaeisa laryé| tangor mhtio,»Bo}the ta ine this:fall it?is invatya-|bho Th fact\every.Dusiness,tanwillAipditvery“handy and,‘asefialto:haye.Sait ut reat ho f tail)a ige is 5 Cetuty atid.it ist well“|worth the plone :ns sek HiyeSeiteNPScetoe8esUe as 4 Ow reeent issueeo theColmibip. leatlizy fourhatof ‘South. jontth neré:baneWeDeed.anysSpon Ie houses’Rach.Wearibe c has.sone:ORE +“aga:Lat:ted~in WSOW wayo Mastrs yooomhvi{xad B infained they rep:}. aynrakers “.5%wag ‘ +The Mr.‘everson,~“teferred 15iKStatsyiie-aig’ Pak P\stevvelsonrn'Bisa?aabout whom’week.a ith ; ye wrote!Jast ureeks)‘Wsare wlddf: irmed by,age saHeh ‘4 thy xBs.tie State.-:Rad!; i t “S ze We wS he at By Ortthy ¢LReginedawn.Sins: natesrial “seg:int erates epi éy are,fallow * lé should ‘atisovfberreduéedtoshit5:eat Cotton analthelothbtentsopeneaeaanbaet a Grdat how axpenses and.,fair dividends: Calg@el-ayd Peatson aid oP Fe Mon] ‘ané the great] omnmon ‘pebple’Ret:Carolina. igtespectixeOf“Sif “yo sustaihstbern: &safe os oy st -,R-a “st.aaa 0 a ptuteto, Schaar ir,,TONS. pittee§mould |Sitch,aeChairnias ones] and "the ' whs ot tobe’toughtoFfor,aLbioy Fp mént.>~~‘Stenddomthe.Subject:“oud have 'reen 3 ‘tagit’*A@quteseeiicecin|Theniee ¢tie aie Bnd Figicule:which wele Ren eink,beaped upon,theny’bxAbosalys |papers.which /openly.Taljcule fire} Delragritigplatforthahd <deery thes mM thadership ovitthe party.The cdme|¢ thithes.met,Issug!5 Squavely and éndorged }jin ‘plginly:bold nvuace tids off tlempanty.oat Awould be -the Areejést folly.fOr the sjlcer ic,tons Tesselly .inthe!majority:‘in,North Gt S 14Carolifia as theF are,to--ontangee eewreZ{Silvér sucess iin the next Congress, “Cay sions,by “Gi bs silver,against the old. sgtaddartlaitd7le Levany ‘St PE,man] fast’his |“ybte,fox,Congn ssman that it will’kunt ma fos"ate damgetous ‘and -* it:be’fie Yee tee%ce >tala ©.?hag te fat ee se es eG Ane a Ped wight ido ich thatnebo cesWyls te pee"te.ayaing ASueay“the?-nex En ae oe ‘Noe hiiS Fear,st ply berunmover: cre asing and .intenkifthegoldstandird— of Ssyack ds wilt, “THe:Ne tas shrinkagé i ofaos vand4. ingreas> Abe ‘hap: tivedhe falling pr{theFrans’of labetDoha?theTinepowerofweattbrover, ,thensetead.n -fbhe:ttentior JotAeAmericanpedplhe,and they.:wilt ir,attenté a@ntal?2°Roe Omens a‘xemedy,bh ‘beén* ion +Mc)nley;carrying?with ae ppecesvtraece thatthe gold:a'spe Leytd would Be maintafndd,°gudstorascbnfiddecs.aid that the eka! narican peeple”élét a MeKifley.an aol Congeesss ‘An¥eTin,North”eonerchs Si trut!andid;Phe is.truthtatavd ;na Bey s ee eeEadtoliegasastowF!ireiskefpt=respon Mor)peep,ir pro iggs_'Pees boue:oes rs C teeyaa iter |tT ren iTbe ple have.Aried*“whe, aei aresatid,theiv disOFS\Ttewit syd vefe As es and 7s at visiting fa”Hickors,ahas:SeeLodridoe? Tharsday uy sealbais:vr?oath esi: Sunday “with his Ainfolgsd! Welé sand fini eend,B..Thomys:"eth “af Pavlovpusuepreviously.made,erewithASBINY 2 and abihtcorer 2 i Y pited Joho Keane,“the Rockingham!this:MLSE Ader 5 oesrapeH i Bie atMri George Er “Shift,and.abisghista.y eeeYom,were mywea Teak 7theyhattheresidftheP-The,‘¥edinenronS.in,Paslroag |passen~ones}Jather.ace 1a4 er eeOK ratestinadd bythe Stite Rent:#Pank’Sridévs SEs’Al Cominigsio™ase reek:Are just,peeredys ped.railtond”‘en Fe fund joeration!RorLak Nee ‘The:bs Kimguecdate uSDEy Noms tar.against.these”reduct boutwek ;Sar ‘‘tiotis Neescafatog shatcthey annine Dai (fel lay f ipayinresteupontheir,stock.4)dione divrlast-|the”officens*ind aSesgait spending: Tso:Andth.of the money |beloning tof their companies for the?purpose of Re “dontr élling elections:Tandy,the”ace 6£“pounds..Nhe.SystidhsofLexislatures,andtherewill heal its Lusks 4wD tow.cptast Thor sdgy:.be?‘ea ough:left to pass all+]egitiinate {andstheywewere ii6mosive.:meusne}teThat,‘atleast72 inches/frem+tips'tofo tipyiWas.a good ayy s work whieh Messrs.{Ww henatcomes to hogs thesvestise Ley postepice.killed ES ae aw.oS i,The.Scuer:s eres ON OredFem tthe batts HEX a Charles Dataliantt:sSv ae: Welds setsmcede wis fudge Syet 2She,%ADskoTeJenkins,; thyByexBFS anteatetteDemixDeyatieColwert,WAPMAGS.Hp mtees ipresic Orsingnthe well and J.ne Gren wes ss 2 $e holdbnia uest_avePthie.gid infant!fopnddn's Ss,MatDavig apd last | edbesanyMergen bedMr Bias dnd’Carapbelt x amdp gy _theinselves,at’‘Pairview! phat’the issue bet ‘made.boldly;Jet 2 seesae UR “My.Bry eeeregent “ppegch,#dtess puredacgibn-aBters one shgela Fake,&Bopd Speech.f ek [clelpuieg thal belteight.oe}stat.br ae ae ing -evilsof,dstofii¢e ;at 3ofclgck last Tliursday:|morning Afteryaalonk.Yitbess ”from L pagal ysis and*heayt trradbTe.>Agee jtigod!of the “country;—have ,for seq | pedple“were,toldthatthe:ole </ships urn,ta) “aes;couitty,‘Repableay Phe deEeeFaictittwife and,prother,andwil a mor egbupdant’<ticu rrgnetin ~y pap SecuresDakeie Pca ae lt Cy St Taareaae ae 's i wis gJoho,aha Crater?of Photies. vai!tes Was ta tow apne gay‘last-eek.Migs WillieWycott,shehas‘botrai a eaehomer:are teh 2, Mae Re 3,Galignay.of “the Pei "West,nA RAY Presbuvetian,was any town |‘Jast:AGseer m aeiytenest pelhis!#iene ae PROPS a eo "hot Was be ss batLin aut!work oh the:China “Grore |sf |Retord,is ow oniith e’Mascot Pes Office forges oT fam wt ee fo!Mr Ogden ‘Crowt son.” ‘Deputy Cobo ‘Dati +Sond il and.Sestills,The whiskey,(or“aii,Ne IS per galoy aad gic ig kalog myexBdZoss46a-sire eee aetageN Newkon<“Snoreungtige ato,Binghani,OfStatessi lefxpeert AT (>,DIOW 3 ee okie stig oeseoFhe!Bride ‘Known Herd,=f.SYhoweoesOse2aga¢be vabjli-(Jubilee Cones pamidence *D)gvidson,Dig |:“1)ySPeches fC 5 Ringel * ve jae pebriacisa,SIster a att,Rr]Xonig,~aisyee ? =ehere:oN Repay ay eA » bold.Chatthional)‘years ald,schith ighibe’MrsXi"hE).igi goby weoA aMcLilidnid |: M¢Lelland”will notybeextelle :ym”Be ape *'s ?me Negidet.era =BY Se en eSes sCoraucesSine’,sautimonig Messrsct 1S paAllison,A¢i. “afd,<a Lavink *Takes,pighbest}Wasi Su finde rs. oN7HSonosierieye?Arngcied1 Te dhallengéarom,Ma,ChGrewa Drum Lin ‘pghalf of his st“hookyYat.-Hethichery, churcly §SiNioti OmAsBip.be jngiany<otheree ducthat’toy . shiptoxa,Contest tr’Alycone?gf tet ‘branches |i taugshit viin.a he-publié bw.i kite thas¥4c cepte ine challenge You |bis dhol 5 ‘The contesiwillken English ae es iturday. preséht after’opie,oClockwhep ithey dgeision ‘will Be>qumdunced and:Sa- pervigdy Butler «wil deliveran ade, etna as Mr:eosrH ne doubt; te Be [Poa th¢fare:“thgote:rer.ou Oph ~ ated %at’her’home *ae Aberhetbyy!s about 62y;ec <The intérment was ‘at Bethel Baptist eberch Friday.oF sMoare’wa®adaughterof thé Hate —Dayids Setders 4 of.oi‘atts wn tornShips’a/‘sister.9"‘Messrs.] .H:‘gud-J C.Setzer,of that tpn. 3°a Pétfereon, for Testa and “When ot Statestie.eaves a ‘hashnaaie SegceceShepsofa4wayd ke kmournh*her,loss,, Messrse wot’Moore.“or Manido;7 ‘De!Vindees sof “Ashe.count< ]ae ‘t fr. BiterUeBiseh Capes,Ne ‘sfealtt 5 Aiet age PrideLest,8: th ae oP Bp Pw:epenapuiu jas aaped:to deaths iea8 periorined he ; Tomes,hed:‘5) ,wrreptrtaaSt avetk and:the.te ona,S8-pamds:Aerebyyout,Hvervil si Ag? 1 4W--Bhie apprdptiatl§in 0LO it aly informets «oly Violations.-otstlie:Phob, LDcinocrut :coftahis:Sa and Solic“idor Fito {ah yY adkihvale,Fast.risWed,1 The i for:hige,aed?“imiproper*deli:tokfounllthatSetngsthPar Wee HGdestb *ee tips. °Sdinve tin pack feg **pubtighe dS“an> pilots ‘ seekfe mileake ie amjuation4souks aka ae hgnesr Phe public’dis:Anvited to.ber! pee ete Te Fs!Mr&Biggie Dodge.awte:of Mr:eeeiosThthe,fal};Loliaieee.Mur lFameyA?Mdare,¢fShilel,townthar. 4 [Swraineooyty. 5 ledLand another $Seridust y:ce father:shad oe :24toTar and ew:factory 3 sestatlished ih North »WikEs San’IOse Fealeshas doen iS id at GiTbsonsih ‘ba"aN BS Manges,£ Wrhe Io ¥,.PR has t *|dutrist:ban ‘been cot ' taw bay dourt®Pied “The.Stpyeme’€ thut.the Cramnal: =r 0 >daFakemiextoBssyNES:opti |oxee <acfie ‘killed byaes ma Sh en Csiact Be ‘";ye 3G: Govtinve Reker "has:a oS BK “3 ;s ole fobtey One.fab prec eoneteu With au ‘axe ‘byLata agut Ip “Meck fs Jenibune Conny one:‘day,dase’twibe Me Auehe few.aays agotat: ooeeofA ;PhesWokcor aah niyo Was.crantiSwediy reey i ndiesko S7&U00,30 i I ntewnalye Sahar wes ie Ah outottte,pundry Seis |approprins| teonsbillaupgn \mot ion votdsitelte Nee He #=;Stans featse?ctctcaio!| ‘mmued Node aoeaSgbbaiesonia! oe 4 the:Plep pug fot 688 toatygh ¢Ton derive yar ne aya aphitting:oa liane)weeMENe eee saeand 4d day:tensle WF item a S fe~Wilgams 2tS nial Lif :ere Pat See moe irtltNousDargaon ‘pisga : tends tober ‘rims:x rse fsong tit es bringidwtb)ox more 0 the] ae negro mnaist Ate wee-kowns hip.crore cout,ss Se comate CsWolfe,isi.aA!HeeSuperior’ |Jewas Tigiey |a hath ep3“2,ae i Ser t ying Bujpinérgas eathe Reon Sex tbe;wat jan well ate:Monyoes!bas: €eeased.St Saturdgy ngage §podut, f hidnigtic ostream ok”seater xvas Struck:andit,isithowghp tha ap dbutidant,Stredny ofmater whl:bed oe eee eA a Soon beanie.°ee ys arpa am “+Li8neet< Retlitiatsnoni funhte aoS ot I6%irchok:froni.the tip cat 3 saeAga astaat hig ise dtahe samy ton |Sue Arrives ::yo :wagfee SGa., -furbished bysthe ywells.“Pkm ps fateh: eto “In-va “agit horsd aye teniani Sas. Grduaded..&‘Deputy “Sherif Catisine Hada”Saks Sooke.who.tptaireguafa,Started for"heré.-withsS seual entre «Phouse-:str.»bute 4 YR Ned th ig ibey“petevat]‘tir shened to.§ plea omiestiad,‘the,dangheefarectMMts.JTRSSiorkansotMan ‘ang Mrs.sie CochFas SAAD Cu “tesa it ed masa good 1 eae member of the Biptisist.church.veaved husband 2 sane ave thezu Brindle,with}JghnB i Pepe Saccusetltof Torchétble ares awot Dane ~s. go ting’eaeoe foundedih:t:he abaqm oenil,ee 16 i iCal,ifEdin a Heihi 4p aS bloat Titer neg]cys Broegh?tay syd om stop "b“Byaae warpedmil biaay burniig Asastle tRridaye aftaoor} Thp-suddea.shock-taused ‘ihre‘of Ars.ae he Yonkers:tN: sige‘and aere ‘oneNuit |arhtle’ekaslep.“One “das i Styeek:<TPay athe cane hoy famty out [sa Pp AWcan tnt t tAinate 5 vides thattheth LCORY in}the deatin|Bre aN SSSSSSSV o See they}Gi the “ic maki ten bottles,and mate ia AW:aveg ist uuu.US "> a)ix the five |‘et vis fine ecently atehiored ie maber of:hoes es in “the at ee boys valkAth.un oa :avinidy:xMuonday”eve. ;He ighbors ade:Some” dightinis |to.do to “pat its ©i PANO:treat”5 Lage 5 cere ¢:ie FRUCE~bidant?alt?3 Me:“was- eefield.>He ig aed“giveni “miedi-”: Dw bat bis:recovery:is oS is Be fouxthi or Aighe Hpac 21S lered:Ag we lice ameee6SCpe:fuer ifdtion,a ,a fc gee5“Scae ath Amity: ai after:sah,ree BoeTuefewcser: irMand Saige:1 Grous ;he adtor tthe!aunthn},other con fi Sund.cotGent, his wood Tortane tajre- aie nat “ation, aine:ihregre“as5 aa a AR.Ss chp -h.i » iby:therpadene Ry ¥2=2:os dorsOy,y aasittca ae da:So ee:Le SMG a SkeeyPop- ®e, SKpeo}ple.‘a 0 Watt eit 2. f oun couniny Fjié“as *would rather Cte Of to suffer vaccinat han.physician Dr:Pitng,” day ite ste Br Da: tas ina’Whofringof-late:“Aron.an ::“Dr.Dong.orsa Bone ¢Canter,ie tleeyBee 3u ned |in Gabarcus,enti‘Susp tomsSeve aeeces:: A people sf Paya: Gibbs"tp omxove*“Inks roplantation"rKS NOnes ounty..andTad:madé “I ECry.arrangements: But®while Spx Mo)a heard ofofit apd =medigmairt:‘and:insisted” oming.inthy irmmidst.was SUftied Saturday”vKeyer,as the pwetNiny*on-ace:was!ees eeroves he-origin ‘ “since fuse —t LA GRibp eat —") 4mie |Gongutgeion nisiven ee a ©eaple dite sucittion’of 4s“fort sinne-”They-ople wh bive naréy>hed rg sie One Bd ho hiséc EGa lad even t touch’eas ba ah oe rats Paonigh -after’patient Ycsp Sirs ptAtavain. Bit nok eo night.ad by a friendto try“Pe--Zot.one hottie,and:the’.h ‘cou top T&%she Be ny et ,dead roman.notbeet for PiimendPe-ru-natq all these 7 a ce s Or e rr e r e et e ee ea TAC ee eae Te<=Ee eae :MANZO THE TUT f:ome’ae Hema tefarinty we Sh Ny ls.at:ei .id bet nih BY Test ite ; ae .‘a i RR ahs >“A -2HOe eet vA iy 4saete aoe Me ax ~bat =v r bre i ,-Therg we re crise}ptt Ants qn)Re’oeole ee vee me ‘owt Poe te ads!ip wie thei the sirha ted”ah are Meo), dist Ge bo,x,sate We.cn" ’ee Wiss orn fe Ror ces ySERS he aya atk Joysiat.*te «est cul He tied “Lorde:=a TO vk!ike aoevant this|BoltTRG;Ves 4 “)aol ashe sregentaVeo djapehitase:Be Abs etheel St nm Saturday |eee Bere ity ap R its fA eee qe.iy Wt ore ey,ho 3 >f A€ile ASS ;ia Stathjs File aii ale‘aR.Pe eee edt ds alWways-dit ie “20-See ;TIHGR,cat De clockanes35OW:eteSse ersaie.Oe pr a The ecth Dakine Aa bobr fede"barntonious sco-oyerat it ni Des PALE eadte dekh tg ‘ce lock°Now ilies on lentays SMieit fi a RTE otis a aa?Assets SI eae 0)he RUE hawaneti aistinct:aud separate |warestical :ib,Lippe:etreSty iwhe =se. *e f r I ‘v a :SI Set Sanilas ‘San |Panes.Ja,?se ities Sle M000.Biiiny Gucror gs organ ations,Romeure tints:ivieni peng ite heir existe,nes & COMM"whe f !¥“fee pee a ie ale Ha,at ATISS EY .ae a Ee ::‘S vi geewalee—~+-oe :a cebe.ara ee re etd ..The wor ifttef ee:age ot wreEentoR,|i'this!€o-pe ration’>Hop hs,—_cra.rae eaclingh etThEeSareeeeeApeoeArat‘:f ‘yer Gi hat PA pldded pa SO receith,'ance Sixpheces suns (Ti Lge Sa sa AS]LIENnHoh©xe So oN eat 5 wh fchinte dpostei-Ar Hesssod}spetigtiody We ja Qe here:2.hel the Democrats.PopalistsFad SiNV Gra)CR a Ces gixtec—_—T —e +,cr .& f ;“DEwoct:atts 2 ptate _tgsvesrie 5 reoe ANtepublicgts.,waiiyea Hicdsyiyidieg ebcloped,pews fee a a =+the!Tatmited |ALeteStura Gon ant dkde Turetens:thie’*veLesa)chic:doh whe Peels ay aa « oe ata! Ps COED athey‘it HORA,"‘4g a ~aty —*4 t "ne if ¥i Ne%.oS ane a:at 3 ee ENS ied IG cele “Hi yist Vina Loh $OS ROG :ponideuts pmetal tesa’sib thie:<Pb Yag ars Hy REPL,td Mebost ‘6 Qo s Oe Rou,a “sf.a eea ’A Ly r >‘%-a ;Aer _fies 5¢eee 2 LENS yYN toe ats 5 8 ties ifReestigi PvE Ea am duit neag ee pas hi:Jo Cee ad ‘thieh PG shit:“py Te “icy shiaaecteSaye‘chartneti the.BoONy) obpat RUBE Hinngyt F* Semety On Gur: =tery,Lr ve»slychaanes:reven 't6as:~ :By k tag Lrikeetnt hyebeemertig Ae wae Wald oFeins ;:<A YEsLLo J URNAL ee:¢se A cut u :.we Pt oad vel aehy gt itsa WISSprt!4aDY rEg ff fe gpa:Em ui ot vte aeats aeeeAe ne Co¢e ee yoineps ardispyrg y fates:fe Nis Phe f es ‘s %mete oe *sn hs nee :Pas eteynyeessi;Jesut ‘eit,ag iverVAL}*arb ges ve fee L275 er he :yhhs Hue =e Om aea iy.ee,findat alyin 1 Bh.7 ie Soe ;c s oe oon Re:oe va A sy ay ned ix yy ¢«Key.eee Hh:ai4ic2f ad TAL “i iy:ag Aline ™oy Phe thats Bay ne ar isos,soe ¢Hever «yeni “esliven ifi se E.oe ent —PreeNEDTEAGouure“ved Wom av dna.Be “adjety Ga WO.ORG)a he aePuy pe omy “ita Say plese ‘tir t 2h ‘: Sin aePet oT pimir oe the:niing oepal Y tho?biosel€iphe’!taki avon 't Teauee7a Oar)"FCoE ugaitN 4 eee.the paper suis,exp bdca*the 4 ALTAFt aaa Lescowes PridayVrianid Art euee AN ate,«Ef nate aaai hie slong Setuin,:¥ Avie Lh f me wi SahferdtirBoelpeVt.' id:Png ,<e Pap esis i>ISG z :£Tah Cdenay yf Ue,Jest oS}the :.of ef ‘:anfiais:ed 4 .2 ats Sa eee wigtiraitaBkoeiedun}oe aCafe be VERN:ree et S Bae Met BsPe >Cinswer Without ty 2 eat beOe ei He ae City.eoE)wipkatwhie dentspee oe adi Pee e negro abcidvsitad Shien ans,ibe neeqe riese:Wana Inve:No 1st tas-}to Pe :‘the fina ‘Skeet Ee)Sigp Ott Mee eens ie ewe ,potter:in:-OChartot te Saree’.itl YM usd oy dep fe Le Abb?Mie burden ot prov iis et Conta mee.“Preo.EF“Age thet iib SErteet ye¥we i OX thks:oluklest 9Negi hte Tie x sen,Seca fi shat:ACO PETATOR >Was Onwise 107 SS Apene hed at‘)ot)gana bsue at woes ee Ace ae ihe!Fost!eth vl ip aNn “¢\Atts ;Bt ;ee intent Caety:“at tps 6.Ovstgned.that candit:(OShae ia merpipy &3 <P Wurbe.=*oye ae 35 “e Pkg hy)ake re ote sts “Yaa A i eee yak deny eras a raesBESt“hase f iipped Tyo x Chi cry Rarky:“fy.Capege et WEE fy pease litesSint cod uty «Hier,vefe}4 octstatfeds to tna’ect i se e the ateieAiTieatSEs>vey i P}thre i cena ata Atte nD Osco ks J “NY fhEN wis HokGS!wise Phen,>:“in!*,de hat reFa“theaLin giet fies eat yt Hrouxh::the SY Sicidd ManLoh.inh ptt a Guta ya £Gfear i)iat “Ute thie aihed fore es “dls tech Fes oe et Gate ane eS to,what pe Spi Phy"“et tsk iotte phiIsta thy Seui aie MW ae gine PS seesansweaoseN PONE on ees ipn ‘at,tated ea-egee ofey:spe ee f seer tite Pisone i “ot dima Foe afidss:ea oe i oy Legh peteerie Tei ave eh Hi ISe.utijess:it.va rte,rk acGreeperce.©owe k Aiecy hieg teat,tn femme "i att Sarai r +7 at Aves k aad Es nme byBe ieee ee ship wry)thet Sum By OLS TE as WM intaee AiEsBreratliegatmeVOUSaLNDSte"le Ciditor.Mu hs iho solarty se gh Sans BS -ae pact pee ress eisient hate “a bias beeTrp Tre Sur Casasalk in Limatertlys Rt Caivonel Mew-A cn {t 4 —rd 2 Heli a we ».Bist:E :ota ;i CARESS faorGaelWangskmoetoxHtyeeWeenobfone\ee tins faking J:Fucawel,and |WE ut te.re ”fae ie A ;SKSSte tay alle tliree’combined.Roa?teh tie‘that'en ac $oa .F i =Fy”=Py a LAwe FCCU AESSoyoes5‘thasrecat auhy hh)payers:BEYrn if ‘ieasaS a oe ag be me Reape ee teleisve re i}?Hiyies ‘in eh:~Co--ppekationalaes poi Gosticnipistfe elt commencert the ip f a rs tor a“vies!f ‘j ’i ‘Keely Instq“coutty sent ty “hate Sikesuf poms ope ee oe 2 te :ee NY,“eit \+Bid Eat She shevabaodous:font bteyurtytorgSateen)AS there bas {puen:‘Hawi Ae 401tbs!Were 7 ehurch Sundayoe€*,shi g 4 id eysted ee,ihe ext.”ts QOS ,;Vion or hy sumtyder of any “politi |ventior sings is A:ha ek rlepiwve «?Peel}8 i2vied?witht o her,ine seyitty LWA “4 A Sos :He e have b “tte:a ce oesthi rye:James B“3 s :tier ei 3 Represe mtabive Ky:che h ms nem sec sti seeeite caloprHe ps —alens ts Co-8p wayay |anyou:canting:areas}a ong lavfatAeomldisendoutdyerbeerostatls9PlotsstrikihiotyydBackHUGS4JVoRidefetiedattheectdefendedOfatheeecrddiid-Vint?they ho y nd:See,omar as fipt Mon ee“i.ni a4 At Pan’ons ny me perk fat vmtate2 Ie ay inion,Ae ste §A be:wo fi URE aod tsieth.puday?10 bar wih:ot Gea,plattofuns of fies thred 4Sparties Ire SUT ithe)(ate :oe ;j big"Sched ap)oneeilevcGitiadsTECKditegaatay|p iekd GudeAaoggterfy Mribeangg Ryeticuntne.zg EES Ny pakotiouds Caititretsaduralp tar de ae Des attiesonr.-ei SeleneSF2ba:inGuirc a ty tbity Rares Shar Wi aA:yerietarpsst,a gat ateapo pik ae feen Fae Negi Say aot:oS.Si <P EOL IDK oh Ypon :ne ,cae paeet Or TEU ie ,‘See ¢i Le rpasy~!Sone ea tc Patera eb ee bik caeour %REIDY Pe may May ie “a ‘eit risen RS dagttirsigh "diag:Se.SA tieA bseLoaciy ;e :inte A AL<¢e rare sf tue ai Seek:wap byry *>-#oy fiel)i GE ks gt y ,-a MMms!Bae ays FS tcl aidr end Ma pry aes 7 st herPit Stinnett apeau ie fa i«eedost,oe ines :Rica Sa ayh <b eee hydit thik:Sakata fine Lect.sha fFazn rae=rr Sats Re °.ay+e vee a Sewos De et es Ady‘opin *Baa ee rOred fg pa roy age Rela iahicrst i “6 Seton :ae yt Cigeel>oFRies he Pin *Mahi CBE K hast eo astfale (g act ?BN Wye tides gt Herr.;i 4 ape the Maine.eeDane alhes meoeasSiteWs dg “Fisied2 ee Pfrei3 pit z eneEaeiA me 3 AN,De ¢Tats Pe}WEang eesi Ay i:~3 yer ,Ys Ke Ss onoer LUte At gate Cs Aitsustickvon oh a3 cisnred fo2reecee1entaiasonieBeate2HferetURjyShei,TS Pabacaays we ee te 5 PAS OTa facut F “Art ri hes Ke EOS NM MALY SC :Rey ie 26papersOSSpisiipgeliNRdtakpy\ee et CO stg |s A Aj ae HitPS ae ote ;>SBM ma i :E Bs OTIC salsa +it iw netsan-6h oor:+d.ee f :vec .;whic i at coh nj ae SKK Coxe Lion Sit,Be i i ina:Boe El ::Spike y ;a ge ,Ee o ,KEislicretys LEG &ocuea .shia 7 CThbus SYM hohe!ou AAV BETA Claes WK ra ite spony,bilone Queetipn.ths aries @ hich din SGwho fdatere rae ,IAS ig Clainis againat te -.¢.8‘y the’ui Bet ne uke are i w.8 ae Lie Oe Uh eae yi 5 Wyint?N\A ey iti pit mere he’s i i ;aa ie ‘;i.f DR eles again IES tes Vrs.C..50jaheeoe;,al td Ne OLNE AS§AY“e a lik othe Oh nid rtbe ‘al}poration gS wh any Snort He ceased te!prekent et Mri d=.“2 ony.ae 4 SSsietbic Partonae eS ie ae ae xpene a #pees ‘outdand ty ao y 4 Ey ythe pate "CsMige igyon atts%je wit 7 andy.a ms “id {oi taenaic wit cat Wlation>.JSOTBapgps“4 re 1:tg?sa 2 2 ss f ahs oS aehem InOFlieotthiiCoxautreewwntCOR,a eatrybiasg:hip St pive:isHy.‘ati Tye 'Styiiord:ye*5)W Phonan subjects:at those.why Tet ay dtathe)~mere tt ‘hapa —Biasoy}Now ?“ae -fr ois Ee BOY.Coot with’ay tliate rare aut wre yong oes afttony shy Peg oP Ptegate aets r.LE ba rodeos)4 4 WiondPaks Wares fpr eS 4 al 5 ck eas Apeanidlefreateint:er at wags ants of XP “i i }:Pipikans =“nda -amnorp.baeio8 thoOS"tut:10,athe critsOn ey ie Aidt é );]=ope W i ine SHEEeEYCopiaLotseaaFE;“e A Wek OL ELONE¢“at.t ‘of 3 yom &*RT ees i BoA boar suds3iteHe:Ms SgsoindtWiecS GORE esbona OTreas |bisa Lori ae,cory ary”ae Cree 5 {bagel A:=Dy es :Tables Die TR el ee ;Ng ar ges ey :ae Fe nape ——~see as wie.age ds:Er:;is 2s peheek fae.walli gamer of.setzhane qibe GeeMincenifabe ats TRee .Whew seallue Panes,Loradiant ae S EPO Or Bexe ae oss ‘te %z Yee ‘ee Se es Rao ee int a7aa=te uh.ts ball5 tli Satgag]wht,Seb\dqint Ah Weck,veTp ove beter ys W.bee shes pa re s pik silvoe Favtiegi =¢}apyaney “ated ThoseSv hoSbyegt rote ty ce 77 a ee ed :SELL:NER EP BUSON-:ses eae|ae:Sate [|ree Saturae:he ror eee need willy ur Leet‘OTS Waeetine:SB:bp bane 4!Sptm die é mao estjetin re ay 1 tee gant Siete Gy ay anal ss ab js :fe :;‘Ba s SS:‘a ‘Sr an,Baeeae ea Htc ER pilbe’yy wae ;SS asklp;aka (eg hasTemot:4 eet As oe<'iro “is og ati a ’tg zs tf it wii x :+a pa Seeoe NGiseae;A A oh eo a ei Haine es regngCs “atts me We .io"es }ree Sak oRTS th :dexes:No.,i ae r pn fit ‘u we rabye .Sc uel ‘She 9, Cree Roed Get =iniHis ro Werk.>2 ny143:Wass SAS e or Ts ee tit eaeCat antasiee |.Lawes)ai téres d sofCee mrae :5 Of nore Zawes*Sap mete,Pe yi ->i ‘yi =Ser -v ‘3 <‘}ooo gyheCbardssite‘Otiservier?‘of pester:Ws ee {Saustnt murderwie }iS:Rnoy HAS woom TN whe presen io BYaah pases AR SHR Bs er ORS ROG yes Fay.CY AD ey oe le Te ee SER am «hia ee URC3beSieohuesaNs?.Nir?Rite herr.PDexpe rN oy t way 4 Bl toeailig!FR CINEae kg ett Ny oueFlom of:us country :noe *-or Ie ‘1 fs gastdaveht ee hee thos CHI eae 0 clock!“Tern Reh :a “BRedister TurneDeeaefoeOFNogthCarigint:cue Re i rp Ay Thine,Tisey OPPOse xk v 'nde re =ts;cig»Cay *‘:ibe rik is SRM WT Ly ¢ot a %a I 4 wwapdsak Drowge is *pla: ip gt L Meta tes"rife’sound ai Inpho ence pebingen Spegt highs Tt Ps ih Mraentot the'y:greéiibacks 2x pee 1 ny megic’to haveofwusrae!Day ot afale a hie Suttle Wa Bh kyaed ae Beppide Ton sdvery ae as cst ieotSos a xh~J obith-oefeat:S55 PS ep EOS S >Tou lpfie |pve ee ve ts|ghey ahinisgaclify thet beweadtenchePS oh he tics Sidites ta?yi ah sk ole itads,£6Eioag ts}pais dnokey by wctieuebanky A 7)weana Vinh %fteome,therishess 3Sey|pry osed Ay hola tpemntiees SaasNAAS tyeens Bete Re cy,LEDS:bi ‘Motu yoog te sli oe cen “‘ai Setehey Uppgse 5i Mp e eee:mince 5 s oe we]ae tm the sebject ‘iiss.PACOASIET HUA!Saath Cater teat oe :xe 2!Shopng pendsin e fa.)ue ee Redo Ruel:bie te 7 7ieguytheHouse.clpiss ruby.Taye Sade $e Je ARE Lye aut ipset oe tea}A }eo 5 in ony oa ts Gates.vg He Paes ar os,Hts Ateletweald’4be AyitiorsMedi Sot IB,5 ath SEE esi yrveh mile -aysext Che 4a <isthn “B mh ‘a ee .AL Sn,oe .ig doves teehJagaistRothDIGes.Tt Ae Fee vee ad a Citegies 13x }pes eh Siteakeat Ai ia aiowatt aiken ch:To ee tees Mire We“MY if Be eer,“Ob=Pcu-J na RTH Pes hock ie“Miter any.is painiton er ti clit culos ifoeagossee.Saga Rebbat Mr seagate PLA.Dros Repo ur aenk.y ’{rey.Naa?ascot A iet:oa ii=menthofthis:rule,wt eh he Cen Hin 7we,Me Tak Re.Dito Si Sof a Bintper ae ey fawrsrevestyy petadgiandgsie }ie 9onfaeeee“eka deparbartEpQiirt ahdddtigren!OFSpot olaypate PewyPaokee:«Uae Mush anich teed to the,tenia VE ae‘ets ETL ARE 3 hailed gapegeeOhpleryehtOt,Sppecty Ms fis yee Reacts ee OMEN peoe nh aeashzesericomabyttes5Were’pr my ‘oa leausisin Beyeat qi RR t eelPes<Re:sauNa‘Hint bergieg ,stay ¢‘wy toby utcEner,rape SSytSawereAbUEoetA*‘ahe <0 Agrvem ae itety t iidacnvie bivhén thin cipal,pense.NeW aty:aaN bi igiies:ps ~eae eee onee iit Gasesis SOF.Some cs iol ad,pHa:Aure ee arinnds obelidian Ler town Sy CS.Sage ; 5 eel LF ci}*:©se aN ¢1%.my powerk iy!eeaid poy sist.Ke puSin Tt ys .eanaty a gals aa he ee ahSe ;Riel nasaBeans 2 Ssedt huss,Ldea a9 an easSeeSolgahamifacettaneMinmgittheahy+Oi RecinsdigticsPant wbNeat:at My sh at “haetpherwieg Sesten eeSRfclimetofeporyhinBeNnpusseatedinkursat)pik hea ee “Qe wy Senkdly =iHere ee.“Se pinePed Sabe)"eareeont >oan 2 1 2 'He Val a ee,Sig tha iteteat pidnie itefest.Tat OPV Aa:Mahe ERR BIA Ss seeae suly vp eee ae *)it:B it ;2!‘hes 5 ety PAs tN ;ee te eee Te ee :a A hea ck “omniamieteesePiSortwareyTsbakestube*GhestAt Re 4 .Fo cer }Pele Saycai ©viehe af “erat act “oes re ‘bet bess]tee lies :y 5 yee Oe hr Mrcir st ae Rc Mey whe Spe eo N Sesto Lis rietyae¢wodtd Daeg ve aay)the!ATi ist e Rea igbiken Walii Engh amie)od seal fot _fhe bier :%,ih 2 ms $ee their 1 .i p :fs 4 ta ob thatesé;4 caSpeakets Sahl rthag'%agyine hi iBRT Re ahe,Dg Eee aingtlton tim oF Thy t Dubey aad Pron afpier PUP se 3 “bh.“st Gast tried |BS.Sue tasdicae ct=f Veurs:sig Te ity t}t/t Kec hess ‘hiwyPa ay aPings €4g 38 deseaNN Le theHyute‘a fe 3 >;Bie evbretsupm antes bite ysi?sae |Pi tr Stet si5GeaAny?aah Sete:Reb acrap ey de Lie:~cilbatr ‘bir mia ¢Peay:wes a eneaene |of WOT hocty |sONGAYr:ti "vo Tn’nefitg a eee 4 os re ane Talks,Wi PEERICdA Bt \A:Tels Giiisoine repeifeOhney)z ry UE eryak ‘PCat tea.bgt ina dat CO staph i «&x ye Atak,Nl pore ths ene ty :pao.“thé widest datitnde “was.al )Agt 4 er PRET fuaci yok an ray radeate Rae by Wis Tetax Miners%oe is ite 2 I »3 .at ai a ot laityaem S Ny uly grate ye asifast ie be Sty ettBeh.¥se dice+Me At.*fm .Se nits.i “Ne ¢A ‘f +a ns eee and Was rete.hei be oe ean os5 s aX!yhingheaty ate oeube :eee Pedy UY Vaom%-a ee ca “ube ot ,earsate9.pe on cts woe whe sai SHVeeoy ie “up TasTap Oietiecs?Satin.a 4%iret ee t's y2 9 }tte?ce am Go Saneaa the Site:esiesa Poe ea eae wigRata BixOnMLSEI~aoybigh'repoek «cot the)itsai}RY ap EINE ravi Dies wit wat Mihi Ne j ,GTe th,stort tJ ;6 Gees v3eaeEiJVWeLs eReSeve Sst Re hicgar Cee “Paes i Soke ex a T an lies FrgtSake)2 re *wm Ln Ste *NY alti ti Sh digs egy ast Sh Mies 2 iiietericeticeesheeenHEIRefMy.hati To yeRes inh iar Ph fs>ote=oedy ie aS :~)eee Buecihave 4 !Pee Tay ae )Atbintie eS CLs hy #3 a eat diceAaTODMeth it UieA batty Sta 1 cas thot 24pxea ee ac a fal ee uiien eee :a‘feeGontty,reTIVE Ysnr eu pn SECTS with AReoiMerCoastaimeyeLOSStunfONslesrbnl“a:"19 AvP ALY ie ‘eat.Vim oo 1onor,ad ay rete ei +1 x Pai residvit.Mrs ;¥:“a ‘tege ae Sop dee Soe aaaa %;PRS ebb aeeeeai ibe iffat easyAsee%askineet ar eetee ade ‘de Pp.“OF “part.ee Spee ,oeoexe s -ident,Mrs.JfeeeayPieveroca~dome ESE!TING dere!gethyeaurentRoShyghehetn,Oldest pakinc Sache pee ce |eee z 3 :So sa 2 |vpretark.Me2Fpgytramopexataits.SOE aids:pangs|HG Were Ree OT ae tate b>ASBEP Sector,diy Dhetdounity F SECO OE ,ResWisertes.«Sey os AdminBiraion.s Notice.|="me =2 mes pkgs eee to an ite tats=,ba from biker sburcest SST outle pat yokes sinafhivt dn Santasaint ot KantoSR seal -cee Gs alee!.ments RE“ie teas N Olser ce iS er GES eC ere ee eer eee :fee "re ioe Saaee ah hoot in.tiveAss;ic r ee rulAtay.errors:Oyarn WEN frye ist Titkhe:Soy My a baafhRett they’ha Poe butite De isSaas Ay eeegist rh LRM.‘rt 5 tO ties %;2 a wi I iy Dg St aga a ais:\A 30s:Se oe+t,sliteBedsoresationSS:BZA “Ope aphnice va a4 eb Ata LL:—eae Vi eT Gite He deaghartes Folistttoa j Yo vat owemig 5Sth A owner ties of ak pt Sey .ee mM ee oe ae “Ellen,‘=oe petises.a?oe LT},Ecome 2 mm ondKS Ae:xX iseee No +ae We gy “a oN ee eeCarses eePSR ID o oe Lye a @trsChe uy:5 aa “ght a Lt Inti S>aken,deceased,Cheret :;.Shpirs 3 es Bae ere ~ae &oe Rye.»hear hei‘pi ekdric ;i .Sew jobd Ay f,tide wbuzk,aigierspa NgSt ye a emacs th act,2 ad?nk ae That,thr wget f i Thay ¢ext hs‘SnemtOuS DAN hs.Clahp®af ipl:BU BE lat ay RAT RI =_Athimeeoy bytoYyo2Lineenecetryinetypi:Gppmay *eR Bye,pAb duget-Hehuagp eM EOR AG dele BUEN xt Senet.Ralttt dad Lopor welts god!p Fiboy peezahe HAS ETL)p is]BeeNeNOthesane30.te,m before tee |=ne ee Mochi 2 apelit fireciatow,wee My1 52 Opdtcan ii oxpsepsShe \-beviBe ee.(eheetX AG +wresahasnt ANigry aha ie Agr swt dee ret a er:Arte he ‘1 eS os f reed joe Feveitary,,ei 3 .é ay rs aca a a va P :NS 2 :fi .ih:the:rod.bu’wee S1Ga 956.*Ineo’doin OPeRESiad.PUSSaN A Mg A,oad aStaeeae AOLCT ROT -e>&wh pe Mss.oe wens tay id:Gude wold w4Hct“eri RG hewygard:TAttiegs|aig pulee ee Cotten quinteds 6 thicket ——s—tte ——————«seten aud:MC.oe.aS “s0220.592,pas peetcgs fab ze!We SPOS irewhey a ode G Naas |Ne iy “Sey LMrerh ies ot ifs6the doltat!ethan]“ane ghereroleth C re itG-u¢peromytpalpate iRebraary,.the:Aa gt vs Ree :ay ,>pafore ae ismelances(SSE TWEE.Mice Titoow us.Togs -c EgosSS 3 sd Neat “hart (ethtnd.seed aK {Siege yust!SN.THC pater’:Ayr vot these NaGQers:“woul |3Bivto for se :5 aS258 Bae *V BROWN aps ‘C 2s:iG ad wei.ti “pe yiving fhe,ee earnings trom ‘Qpepapion.SSS LAE heyah Setohuae Rael #es fee et Poh algibdnhL a duin of jskohol/ingsabet roe ©D tc Lighitaxtla,caepat oe a cnet mem mare =MG AS fica et iti eae“EL,-qpbratee"espemps,sLyming:Wo fsb Naante Pal RCT 8 Re oUt deal ches Me lin Feather Phen i've the displensyee ov]cesoreh2 ie pat ;::oT teow a.ake1ComeTroun’,he ha #3 She he Pee z Sean «oeWe ewneties OP Say eS Nate idie the yolks Scans!yh who-Dow aoe poewh.Altiegi::oa oe cos Ee :#te tUgihe yo ne oe See}Pad ae T ee psontyol the,eal ee ‘of.t Le i gcomotiveBs.,¥ct —bah 7 AY ee a Kis fs %=ngs ork oa6>%giz :—Sifurdacy RS aed Cee :a ¥*Oneaefe:hei,Sone HE MAINE.a abies AoASarkaeas edsith bay keot aenepast mes 1 Hefe f ae GON,brich¢e‘oohetieno‘he»»Qe :or “* * :4 The ‘Board SP inQuicy Has:BeginOk.}PsstJitap she):pyttidxterdayabe Yi ‘aaheeeaa Gin he breletat sea mo On is ae de Befilin.Tete i ;r Rute Son Hof.us:Verationsiin Key,\eMiest---NoiS Soko Sa a5 S TAL cy ay me Ants be ispce a y neo ‘Bake =ee:c hes accepted:ieee nwt Raa Pr ¥r Oh.-FLA tl a Fy Ma oor Othsay”pe et we PRU epee ne «)qe,ee ae pbiiee .SP v.~eae ¢x i:"e be shed obably~For ue}|Titles :we on yee 5)ee aes Pty ff,are SBald win Loco }2 ;Séyerait Meeks,”of Ses iTe i oeeit aeach}apeFee ————tl en ee olds |ee iy S¥q =HA,in.Philad '::fs YJ t r ,(Ses Ph <oe %A ai.G ; See aE ee “tine pene i!er Of thesAR NER rel Ye tena ae ae |oe hae mauyeet oe gid an rote/UpOw Sete anit on ietgot govern,:enyens:apd eyiguroe Trivite’satsMizers.|Ww ‘ft fort} féws day's,au et ail dere seg Be AS ‘a b hag breed thee HE abSir bite Glestion hjF te r A>3 Ie ies h14eatfor,thé pax moferopksé Sdisetoatt?At =qed,sie ‘&Neha <4]’ ha s,a Bigieenee of :=i ;:;f “bere:§ta 5 warts pteDRestepn ;heseSe gdets Ww sthar“e hea tie a -IN teeegt aah Ye [WP Se):pyar :Oro the prese:is ag ade.Bis Ived :xua from thewit>a mysteryy Di verware Stilbetiaty %és an hen 4 4 Ki ae iro pe ca hestule st DR recat te vt 3 pte °‘;mt gatas 1 arrived seeaé>WorSoepak tra as)pene!aoteevecee uke pets,spersta benis Sea j SeeOfcanpaye‘oan oresSth ifr ae uit 3 oe uiwee 2 fs 2 -.LSE )is A it i ie he €ii fy ye ee.aHaake tte,The :¢:pe y~}t on ag8boe“Ss i 4 SUM\SC “6 i y nai oe arty $i $2.Ps oo Sri :aeeoeaaeototheeee“iteahat Seiatgr ae Rays Dis yee ‘cig ;bist ork fee ne achy:poijmetal y ee”Beene {eg RAN NBO “ae Ne 21 00:ae eee ECOTLOR Ds ORCS eR,WP:Ove,=Bas like works°Bei Sralea Afsudvered nothing that wtcoulat wohekaa recent big |ig )eo Sees rie tid pshowurge pe’Festor Cds,q ie .ae cement :eee ne =:Dy ge ee tend ae Se ta —tl ee ptice.Fag aie ¥shopAeendlthtechilis=s WL SSE Prick SPader J}a PR ue cranes Tt the Republicans f ain edtvos:wpa ;pycetyttth?;"i J ng?é =“3 ~;ee ee?3 zer Di =e ;Se hese 8 :Td and matpssoieNEeeaes:Bae ane 3 gayi:cot ed ia tal \©ey 4 Senateand j eS<etn ‘lle eeiers cin osner MEK TS BOeth, -Ny :ee OF WOT ae BE SUBE EO:VU AEs Ss yf Wiese.20K d Tasteatied thaw he Ieed tile tf Sieve i®lohht:thay peene .OS PP eek eke a hel 00 TO:Ce eh.cee aes TF:DTT RIITS:cot:ned ‘en aSataotaeeeers).rel Linichat mdyi‘ie i n Pheiener]fe bit Lee a sis ea,a eS Sr co ES ie ee :ee BS ie now here hiSTheCourt.of Iequtry is a feaaya.gsuttirmoa dha ne a fr {uicy ously ant thdron hy.0 ract gbs-iyhich.“Ue.Government hue Sin ye a se:-¢;ie.CN ye 3 es OGL ae ce 2 JAN:SITS TO ABOU eee :mechanics “andiatKeyWest.Plas and 0 evitiattel’Deane Ree bebe ae ids Soe Tieeq hes ty“Fri |Ow ‘has,topay Coit BORER OOS AL]pe ze pee Nee a 74°]Leah Cee ts Pew oars IDO kee sy ae ae ‘Yours Res Spek ay cube ee comers ;Ria os sdaStee!wilebeoyerlgaktd Ga tena Ly 43 wads at DS ilar’ee VorOpis.OAPret b ate StS ;bass.Tsilter (ot.witeh:we “are lax ee re :heed.Nurth|erappe £Ms :ps ae ‘eee,xeon -SREP Sareea Hie c=ict fortima%:Eee aieal thine :eo)pefaye ee sm :Sth *sacks ‘pare as3 ‘Hada?8-9:Méten,y dveersy ang Oiihd-tha io es ,ethe aini gxcon:Dp;fre Pee:?‘2 3 ‘,masterr Mecha2S.aia S ugéarthiti¢the|“caus oe .aires tyeBic Wi+)Tho oilyPitttotake with Hootifs Satsmoprilia pean <-ee tinge by.atian 79 12hoes more.oF FM eMpers,Bikey oy AN 18 Op £AY ADy =tlhene ike meexplosion.»mepeonaets |Ww}ike “or:we “FeXan “wha Fetes‘wBiting =Rte AS 1 jp gold fap Apprecating metal,ihe Messy THisOs noe 2 Akbi Lare.Tek W ;eS 9 FB 09 LONz Fa tg:‘i CRS.Sok CMe Tae ae aM RNS :ie raheagae:ders fromthe EigitedStates:<plorf st-Hhivuic Rad a,ne Westy}ateunsiged nStulitreempre aN thade.prediction ot which 3aS largely.a porte tee i Bo McLiaAUGITL iy,3 Oeceregtie Nai adie.esc 5 :::;eeyi245.Of ground*has.secupBi felt SDyuis-Has with Gewie kmives %phys}Sat or Garjtd SsasSi pereiie:George trolled |by epg tantls)©tas.fF Aes aerate wet BN eeCope fel {Boog ara:Liss aa cemeterysatRep Weest in ¥hich-wili4 QUble®arose):ven hsirksxitt “kom bf Greed as lidaprge Sreig egy Aol»an RefajbNedn pitt w Ae.HS it Apnbelgone ee oe =Poe“be interred thé’remains“%pe sieer Bick abd!Hay were Jbothy if tote]SDthens from Wales ty.”Bare ware 0eaeongressab fs9 ue ee oir.Robert-the “the>|viction:>bodies:as ares=alae messed?the iteh ey,a aay Toa!Trot thre \y inka ye PES YS ut alitd Taban n ae syste which’giv wit :4.‘NP sabe hic>~brought frou Havanh:«The,”;"ihter-5on ei BNothE fight,whitth ‘ayaa!IBD Efiied fh,shits Atore*ni Oa biol Fthejoptiolon,‘land “subs ee aes o1 Cat :aca 62)OQP :Be eat T OB ot 4 f :ei PAB ohne -‘loByaementswill:‘probabl wi only’tenxpo-4 f aeSperdtes ORE They.Weve aR Str ack the Ring:thbugtsd Feit mci systemy,AW Hiéhe Sbast piratak df joker10NY RN ee ne :ee helt ae ee 3 ;;3 3 2 2 :aus xhibition$5 teuse Re “The Gépartmetit eitttry Saud mee _rete apd yea all,as “wgandeas ,pe ms ri:Finis ses-4 pore eee tor chediect he rae Steg ee,iF dedsdt Botte:|ah.bates bee ee x14 :ae ::ae eerit ate :‘‘Lendeq)+Re==!2ettleas we Y io.:Cap.*y Bae ¥%“pity:ed “al aa hs Sarky ae 4 f ;4 SNL aes a ers Pee ae |ck gt sete fey Pic ouaseebgmany’elainhs:sf the relatives of i aN;de n say fic 2 an =.‘s ci fox yy ak Be raises Stenopoy :,igen tes We gcd 1 «PE:ric A or,a Wieck As:a :y “s a We Wa .:tT :ot Ae oes ;3 Be aaot“dead.Thistwill be very,difficult as:<a 4_‘THES WONDa:Ai 1.the dolla mich theridemgn Fonnasreone’Ul -efi sithoeoutl Zi AM Ly “Bae Le ey BEE tg tt ;ht ee:eee |entertained £thie: &great nag of the dead.mi¢n’shad |.Ee:gt ees esimpoeverishmetit,if,the-wealth:ae ee aN CHD+<4.Personal Bflerts ‘on board.‘all off PS wap te gee Lams!Tellingit aeer in pee oktheWorld|xeye metsAPRIL tide ©2 eS)which were]hee aes oe RPE SS ah ee ee:¢a be -bares)Sifould whose aRo oppx ya following’>derivedbanista.<"4 a)be.decounted for!If the:Fepott of -pe Wane sir “ips “idl h avs thig,on oriB Dh)a Bb nts IN hi:;oe,the ourt &'Taquiry decid ;rAnaero AYMee “tes at‘and:hod f Ng 3 4:his SDE njageipa tds 4 ef POYASEthe!aeamne wae dlown apo She PR,fleas:‘Stier ee recite N Pate aolCe;Tight-eac nea dian.South 67:ae aN ees ish subjects:Spain would-be hey “‘LE Set a BerIN es Jit Ape sapecilt 2anebe ES.ie ewe,a‘*.~.2 7 -aA at '4s <=*,ed 06 payarin tyato f:4S oh <.ai ey ‘Nag ai %~ae .aeSod)the dete ced csilars andthe ea SA shag otepa ‘to 7:So .densihstratiny bis “ah oe éabe SaaS oei cleat 98 EN the ESWAK.SH,|2 5 ot *Bh:i eae ;STesseSuf|Meee;fuse todd this‘a sar?between,elecpee remedies ath Ma »ads be aisSade pend iRe exe(Shaul Sie os lee tn PEN St pe fs pee ooet ha a :‘; Tance.=won a ole ‘compsa=oe nd Spain irk ye c apes tani.‘needs Pulmonary Tuberculogiay gn AS os 2 Sigiacre rahe ean ape bende ‘“hylan ees Se ao.aon g aie pons .B ire were aii)etek =a :E Bittepicesafely needs ai shake ties t;Ltorgtand Reglt diss cfree >Ofe imei taTelia the*-adra p.10'S 10asian eS Dy thé sche}ss esac ./treadfnge ct.teases.ytudbora “<>pt abi oy Shtinee FAYE pbsjom I 5:<)°Reais An:‘Officer’Of |the Vaing*sia’to:reries s ado}ti bial a ea (|oe2 Bxvet ee ae roier a wateTeses "Wes SL IRKE YS}er Ibe |ris nas Pease’:8 gr teoe yt day andbSochéKEWaetherfreasury‘fiiss rs does isd hemiilonetcod-liveg oifi >1 4,a RDN,ot ite |Blan pings Deft wey Ses New!eh,Bo.aye ; ,.teporter“that®she«ybelieveed,tt 2 ~~Maipe was",blown-ups by,gesitp.¥iaoos thouphit would be.probably’aie _Siblé to find one exactly how:*.t “prevalent beljef’at:thenav dear~y,Sa mentis that up to ‘this’minisiae:court pas not.un ertakdn”tpare=eo €aetore chan]nt,::‘Spanis wae Willae:ce toexplorethe.rrec deex<~dertq ‘help.Gear:up.thescartier ofoeéBossible,“that*the]: ee lhe band{ vi Mr.'G: sy ule,>Bttendeg hg sebixement “.0f -$Sh4uld thos¢who:‘Op-4‘<i OTF:at fi bike'J,LS Sbyt4)ALOU of,ete Sb lO :scar -a am ut heserie tl eae by iting wechath ae? [m=i &¢i:;ue:-a ¥’eB cs mar sien @ hens,2)y-s;&!pase:a sak a ;fe ;ed pet ‘i Vike &vey jaye T ont taht ‘=5 oy fe ee “a :“ise iY ‘3 23 z :f oops ,a?:Oe 4 i:):Emuesion (ie oe ee came Ahem:&MS.fothasGeovedesReefoie‘fess *s fei oh anys culate aioe:geen es é ee ¥cone {ee >Fs ee age ih aS smeie le ss ;et a Avy ‘Ste :er)oe riage Econ ae :Sani Ay Ne.ae Sgucrabtapeet )‘:mi Weeay Sy 3 AEDES aby,Berdbiee.<A 2)eo oo a ace Nlungs;vi ea Fear Sed teed -light pack,oth fii Nee ony Sao se |pueats pene Ee a ee “ws 'Ty i mere ‘iidtrines oTwhipheanaesalyeA:Re sSeerctary of theeSree :ge cere 3 Noe {Ny| vy Brenoeanef A,feefe:PDon¢)~ t Bailey!“Wee ‘and:discover,is :ma pi hort Ee tesheis Grestheat.er hee BY ges CP As ag ei:eB :ens fe agra ens™a is week atiMainewasblown-u ace t.3 ins,-agc aS)he oe :ey e ‘i gar De 5 gS i ride’s mottg.Tie work:Of pleariniiae eei .ole +Star oP Sip Shoserwh)“Op Ti 2,8 st ses;=Din AT trent ;de yogis fs eal Ga Sas Gee Sea a aie F 980n,Theeyeeibhitzt|Ene ‘pode a Me ae DD hae :Tan ws 2 Me eo ee EY ee ae 3 ne.brioyst‘is bejus pushed but it i and Some]~gigs the:By popirosp et tibeariast aé en ae RS a pean ee TE aoe::Y taut eae ry movines:Sees aces ae a6 “ge ex-Sheriffatimebefore-all,the dead aire temosy 5 act".‘fy dirtier?»es lap pe is 2 yh Sek]PRACEE.,Tie ieee :hdd ELE CIES WLC!es S larpesburg’.-éd,and the debris ard Phat.partof |AP 2 a tyes J th g Wiaxed ace tat at Oetd peo SRS Rime gia tee yeh Roe eres Se eee eee ‘1 8nd excellentftheshipas.Wiil..be’Of any ‘account |i t ottretnk.&Yt Dg,trol jes ;pie..ae,hs =Xt ax BL hoes ees y i é eet eee ee Mr.Ty y“oe.wall ‘be,taken Up;ie 'Yoel A ar Sy ee Casting Ty 9omasBaileCitizens,‘and Upright you=Theracter and ~:Jive *for no offitial report,from thé.\-.ofinguir;for two.or three.“we(abe natob yn i’thé”firsSts.willbe 7 pe ek oy :ae cs oS AS Be 2 r brid4.1 :+¢,:.".ry -2 4 he a ~Nk mS ‘=Ms Fiat 4 ‘3 :“‘such:ae opto “SOG.6 os “"post ‘‘Qo po Re '}ri ie €a 2 id!:Sy aa t -Fo 3 ;:he i }>Ni bt Stel eee *VALVE -ie “-->‘GG m=.Aascop exteSee=}7%.BOWNE,WexH Le ALE EOS we tm saw fit [Je raat eg Ee hgse |we SR tees AT AND CORN AT THek <:EN wit éatulations x ry ne i A :;;=e == ieei aSVe she.Granger.”Me i)PasteCae Nowe.e é ue!‘ie“8oa:ieoh pan e AShew ieee =fe exepet ondené-e isaf:Ne ae>:ae is @ : Beaith -yi <=r>,SsBe Ss ceeTAN tyFer seems!ith.C.EESaia ft seof Hothanyend Goneqecoce2evebeCe)ot eesCOM SHYT rsd we ve Sa mas ed wo RE SleeTF.Ww inh ee i)eeaes cared ingBSFont Fe tee FiSoeeedate ei aan micht lene Slihe <MeaaoaceaePestoyaxit!towitthiy,Seeks¢Va *Saherae Be fustiaeyaneeeeastteaksesteatProf.‘SMand Thompson.;nie uty eh.=P.Riusseaashagele ids wad it'd vf SeegboaveeTRompSOboCCHI-Cied We pe ot bom “dinqbedyoe“viele,FagsKsShcord:ent,Sunda,“H 4 BEWSS,dies okoh raged t fyi:std!Thyoug ‘ties itt:SOEs tins e ace loeople {ris oy3 eae Pee bites Tydepute 3 Horton,Hapnvat”>Penver and?bit?wine i‘:wa <i Tare a tae eB Z é Heshe matacywyXSé.sg raeP&S She =jumris reun The“re fC aL”a zeeeMraitsisYeateschAdee’OF Asheville,has bec |EBS (6 Howard :shige Bit bis anules“pis tassitesi poor Re Be ‘andiaac}NE ansucceed *Roussea “and|Lhe Inde Wus-tidd,out broke AOUSE iy ao &otey bars motte:tho ae ate gf i ANS mie ofTt os Holbrbpk.OfyWilkes,Go:ait vo aed headto ratins Ose house he “Brothert a t ;sist yt abe Zath bart of fh car:oF brain:cheapér “thanbeeieahOENEWweobhinefisBJBasrantied:nyested Lewis T°,ehoue or dose Sun “i betbsy pieLO Oth Cat a Giese Mire 3.£Wisin Rea atl thy wih here ie ing ;Ks to eeneat prices that de-»’oo&ieSBiets mitch,-bet:due team iota wdriminthg fori ee eeplate.ead,Tent t 3,that andDit-<.¢Cows.apa:toe |aTTask:™%a !eu j pe Glee at ’AS -ae ne ad »4 Be my Fi et R es Let in Aye eros pi fh rit A ny?Signi an ween sassinse osckie=r Jobe!AT urhey -okra,re Sue JAS:Robinsouiy ansten athe dogs ighttoye WaitHS‘eitShas eeeyapisBasbale}Epr aentie ay:aemE ay as dépaiy!‘of.the.SMleshs Te 3h aud iti ol ofthe“POLY A iea ;Ce fg cic ond oe one.tIps Cent Asticiyad Watauga:division,ddd ps “MipsJSabeliee Proust sie‘is ThAwaeiilPedyandSatnrBi«Mi BS Hi MlaniSigip On,hte Pous :BSaiScher Saf {he Opi ce.by ay a ok:at ther’Dotnet!oh Pol JNWansh aeadeliil0*|Betsicker OF Rawdsone®edunt¢iS also ‘fj PE SECE }-: rh?-T.ness/t 3 a ¥eefbiltoartaesTeleaeaNYPibntéray!old,“oe,Seeberie,steed 5 aonsech Mizat eae cate of foxes eA pooséegtion is.rept ae oa ae SCope Justine modiben we gad”a siete Wwils>BE An’Ds it c Oy Re bebdds'Clerk Gear ayMianothe:Teottingns:‘spent:Satarday®and a Joy -anll:Happiness 2 Motte “f t 3 SSeS BLD ihe nd seedingatrank or { a ¥it neh a Mr.2 Wy Ballxta’s -of Besstimer!résigned aifen:being “Suyperded:“Aud Sunday sjin thjs.ysection.Pea RO an hese.ware’,ae‘*z faye wey ee ;:ay diag:Sara Rous,for itt!.;~2 ‘ity.has boead HiePe,en.a wisit +o rel)tie,office,ee Svliongt or gn aa SL ee Kineiid:came:home’from male ‘ider-hopes,t ae AO Bg es yawas packed by acts %co :foods 10.fand thé pris wha sell:ig Parish of,Sa bey [ateesand tulehds.i eeea gL s >\ghvisit“teen:(lestland,/“~~Connelly Tier i Co se TS cerita HAE EAE ‘i nae Rs“al ist he \Babtintsch'ur Sun-4/7 ay :rey G ingen OeSPih‘“ae ‘t:ie Bi 4 a Th Victot w 3 Ri 4,eV hig Z %™‘eer Pe in,.Ko .fi -‘i :a a ¢P eee iblse of the ‘rth.of N.:a ee igs We ‘Springs Tother;points.last wight dy <7,od est rat 7 ,alae:ae vty,br er And’the.Bawyet “Pap .an if OVE)5 alte sil Peal A c ‘wy : p titer wee :be % ‘ps : sa Se +sa ee Fisqs remao re€+e vydr ined tor Brae.att 2 ret “Aiden Sithas -im firge!a5 J re x $— “h e r 4 2: ah é ‘ 5 ee iy BO E re r e ct r me Li n e r s ete At a l a ge r e y wt at e r 06:Isthony ‘North buying We havé:‘it from ‘reliable a Qe piss:baledapt accompanied NOT ec,pyet tent Git Behind:tic,”prosvautir aon ee s ie2penceinfen%">,Oe campany,~4 who heard ve oint discussiotbeeer eae a aSStates:a ;a en linsed Sat frje 6 dd Rchitives “alle J.a Ne ,guste pMertison sof ScOtass |.i »‘Dat gh ates tiveen -the loforable-kames’PN:P¥ille,spent Satur avanigeh owithsbis:‘‘melKe ch sick:hére-gibt the.Stotteae Hai he be ad Riges and ‘Squire David “Rhyne:‘ata sister vMrs:AY7 B.Wath,vot MissCuiaedS~poretheb-iin-jaw,Sr.’LK “tested:My Fi Agite.Pay ee Athens schoo}house,thatMr.“Rages|Nora outmat |ihag’returiied ole:iy Se ster“hach better xe 4 )1S3 ak brett Ban tplay éd with Squire Rhyne,‘hts!fold}fatter,boy Aveek’eVisit in this:sectiod.Jig.59 id So©Rien 5 ENF inkMUS omloy Schitidy.and ‘ehitd ike standard Opponent,as "al cat:plays |Mr,AVill TEoutasn,‘of Catawba:|‘>Chas eeeSheinethy.wgetDr.&hd earauveer Ke]ur niedF ron}‘axmapieth:Savini,to Pyith atnduge,afd qhat:Ithiyae shineyspent Sanday with’Bis smother,Mrs le::f ae etd“aeThe the Antérest”af}My S SobH!iérss pedeei i»Bittiinore."Sel abot jac ‘nbwyledgec ‘the <ipert-y.TsaSélia Troutthan:Si :Preston:wv days*age,7 Fhe Sityne at the”Baptist.ee PEs ee ‘Samper:Craw Sob.)ana Ar ty?“oprG2 anvunidat amd OF a:macs‘Spent,Sondasin Catawba.‘His see tBu$07pe“ee nighé,fated to.come.|Robert Binsbanr/spen ache ye ll rsp tory”“Rises asin’his*best:vein|PCE Seems tQ.be tpriedin®that din}M8?teve:Fog hlosg a fine’horse at Chir ghtand n<Davidson esunty,fate epsgelsvit &he 1Growed peat eras cee ba,ropes:batranch «.:Pitas WEEK";achesfmsXA,“7 pOugh et ESC}shia,from hjs best gir :ie a“gave “Fagaiimial had béen Sy,my £4 ;i Si Bs tothe Mascot =o hf War or Nowa ink Spain,Wi.Ukaewweek,and\Wassuites |xis ‘Vannié “Mopristin!{ji Eharyart;a ee see eatt ow’ey merce Sees Ha Een Wks discussedTin’(a,“debate “its the,uittdjiywhatifwas;skilted.tio”een Here,wat hyber Sick Sis MISSAM4 Niet =alk,is!id ak Cy &‘+%:ot ‘Hampt da’schol house:next)wag Seale ldeics ie eu:oe ae ipRepared s)ee a Shitip wigs 4)"ERS ©xo flennie lias retcarnedtoAber “Schéoh|Est Ohe4a Rigesi partisans¢.ech Ute b,oS.7 2S Vii 804 Ce ns tS ee eesataeASaatV'tr Zion “Rocky bores ntys ue ;&terSr ee ruby.Bill |oe Vion eis oeAes (a aa neg We Updest ne Eh vt Mi ‘¥we :*:ps é as SeaseaNeaSpitekiled“a Tdwk!ob Oven an on Lig oo Ke |ty,on Fe 2 Qe aot ne ro ut aC}SMa fe I Oxpt:Jobst ML AKin “haa3)a5 thes awh ©:|Howard |will’tite oh ter pipes A indtic.a Spi auc oe d ieSeerSeonenes]oa se Os PELSeu hime ebay wi Ras :Oye rs Pi ylactirige FEyereoaichio.which]oeen-at.“Winke Bor (OR Lsevery]ces agSila RY Bibles mei emiasteon Hf eM chu,Yoh thewidsd 66Me?Se He sama Pi to censole |S)vv ATS 3 nd t ear.a speciality.ie kiion ore tip;Pocbrig wiih)&RAMONE eens tds Mokae ate ccrthpnget gt Dette Seb,ioe:wit t Lito"recipe cu mith the Fg se toy vin ize andprice..Seheed*F Fae ue ms MAR pike Ford Abert Kad TeterDed ine,;ieidevimn eae eoa ppodd Nec.orn ween.fi See eee (eo thinetBs fr ‘in with:ta 3 Re DESL RA :mrsreswaftSod,ta.Sin eh,iSNUE.Andgrsoi~bas 4gave,tahioh Mandcostal ss Sat et got poyRudh Welsh like a Reete idsvouspendettRegfi -Sclyaay Oak HRN :TES Mauaw ZBUes whe’as vou|SSaykling:Catawhas EES fp:tes FraweiteeraeRoenae eae,>itaibs Sof taht)Saat st ¥ACOUNL ob!Phe aeeee alte aiFraeekaisetSHAfSendtenthebtigtle«on,Fura al théShi poxeiiee Bot=com pletely 4 ebiatey.anstCa “yt era we Mf engrylat rrp coutrdel eee)Sue 2 aoeTeBNeate[a severe cescrof nN bul é/¥>,eee el Vea Seine Gf fhe:imho Nt ee a Se />.Tem ee ane rec fe ee -y aRie:qs Aprowinr§fA 2 y eee 8 ipadts Oe ‘on Monae!times:es as tbe ARs ;ay es 1 eRe Rca e elma 3 levisa rdforgusie by ¢mul?Sect Hes ae Bat Hentegs snow,“Our mt =i a —=‘pot Dae mark ee f JoFaNIondaRenesencBIpovResesoGerAEc»Abia |bh W ay widen ne +fen ad ween sighs at Wretth.kell ¢AfeityQue }Ke aca Pee ioe 3 4g ine Sn he Be 5:|X 6 |ies e¥by hisY pant,ree =>5 iS Eel Spee “ facie Bhvae to ib banStetdaly’Ibwtng iy ret Sense MOTEASTK ;Heland Tor Corban]é hie yasysonsaefen®aDood BFSCATO rere) fect ch rte:hy had.seecreasncnk.sin 5fnthdeDates4feecGupt.A ae AF TS:SweSaturd:ou birch atheSoty pocmar pect hide ee,4 ‘Ss q hoe.ghey hey Pr.Rigs dn mea senk ey eneheatsisisonbepy*ae :x aes »‘Saute aes neo Sock Fa rm teckel se ligrein:LS paper ada ohaci3onaondewaef:=oe cetnee ethey-¢proneane ak seston,hese ey LsOraeeeSaahaeeeReSewon4«.OAL OC?Phe:Wiye LOS PMT it we Aa yh ote tor used othe airy oly.«::eae nee ve es of phe tegiste oftiee’“ONYK KTH Mie S Sy ent.RS aft eee Sx 3 ae i :0d:Stich Fe hear a ie e :ce Sonat tak Sulu oe <Bi)as te Sigh Chafeos acdiest Re be tea ses mse ae es Cee oobsed weet a ae rhdifpand Su oS AGENTS<«(ruk ate watshute rior aePuritysertrge%na.BE]palarsin Fae<cee ALi 2TheiRiafs)LEP Bt me ieAeneanweCaespostote er]pySead at I ted}activ ee ;Cismacatacjrorbther tis:~Phe Sucest,|,Bn te oe areK OM :cist;oeSasa LRpitier.Ag 4Ms we e,<i %pees bers Figs orr ;RTs Lye see ees debris i FANCY;thie ee toa bIdiaaE to,DEN NS i IsPIsoakGrSF“ee Wie TRNiassviSuidPRET ELPOUR OR aoe ;Fe the et}iis Wet Snoring 9 heaigar aay zs three igus:ae Gi Y %5 Set 1a you of ake Bat-*opedAY}wg fsebiyiye CATattended te Vacs aoe Rayw T,ae aaBees Shelbipvvega hadatPde slogan ~thedchwl,wit nile ea i |undehoadne or yapdlecnds/[Ys §s vA yezayoula,bean,Him possi-: nn jai es “Kitt Jae Nir Pe Spier oesoa <}Seve PhaLvs en ith’‘tied &\‘Walls,:Sen Ate of beat Yatid*atebngth to Ps See Ae ee :3°Our’doors wre open:tor in.- sth Tj arGila Gow where f Sof aaa a g AD“ee Jang sie:ak ies be :!*:,+f enLteker:tnwpakest4 years here’hsrdausante}Pstparat se Diet aie Pirate silaumPhyws prea jin Pact-o8Y hg pareSOF we stnachs tc i everySat eae.dad eve.ESTs i are rh:::REC aga We avould.:be wlad_to:oy‘trece Vokesat‘hitte BY Ph Tenge,te re wi |Tie BD rea C joat at Gee pidenewt Htlfege vena The.Spparatot PoP RA 3 et .d-abperite,etree freslatn’:BieeR y dyes:"pe pr,More ;to examine Our:qoees and“8 Cliemete wat:her ix dTreeeT¥e a vv i NRO '’Y ‘ae et ft p :PO Lab :~favecte!ape “pont Aliaze *¥ise IpAER Bieas:thee.Yast AO pli he ile este :puen a -PG ;cH en we rd i ce a”We nate. ao +o er Dee NT Bey :—=iy Ye SEP ROMS I ore a :f Peetescat oe ce hd ts a hel Sep rine.ot aust:&.sca TOE bs Bomeeeo|fOnethet=Prgms ne Ctied he 'ahh Host freotten Atkea rfl tit YO faba en eeayty>mH Smatpe And g haw 72»AER “t ae ybactm:areatf hea aac geo Siaiend |1 ata ae ay thie om pertains be Dade :::by.:~MOS):*oo a the 4date.)1-43 A S Dene re ee k onoa iahei~eshaved is mieiins orgaly S6.hhe eS =z %gta ieeores nT ye :aT hates.Sizes:36X38 only’whit“hh :ae anne Wasrbukielfat*Hueterg ville Sigck-fis chinsigtTehts Woyprocu a oF Loess and srheiht eineat oa hat ia 2 cGy SER or a Rey :—S ee)~neoffer ithe dtabour halt price. me a4 On Et ea “Heounty,“he SatherPhe tde&ew i Geen:|.Ged .hos es if ear fe Ate |4 sey ee PN ay oka rore paits.0$.Zeizler”Bros. Shoe ides be!re nenwhe tha fem her gress,ofoy aN sowe.ae Gredick Oe Lt oh .i : le rere *was"borb apdF ord neal as wan ae Tor! Sat SSS know:iN {geasé arbor Ree th)eS Tha ashy aa Mer ae meted ria”Fe ey Bas alt or ere :sine rtt Acad ae Step Coe Ete hichowo ad Laut cost:AweoeZoe‘The “Standard,—sa yo es sod Sone a eesae Sew asy Olg nis:“eye ts oes pe Pikes ean anit Bs sim cgake fee hereGolBohGvtestea Pex:ea Ae eOhe Fry Bloog bucifier.|od TAL :i %i eg ot .ee Fwiders ith es Ags x vaint for aid yy ovet thee Named And cetiting &Gud’Custom’:atrede,eeeBOR D ;heneine[Bi ag Steok8S2.e..wat”counts,4 He materi «Miss Ae aoe WheeBiks Ana}Gem mere nth ares basing A"£6ey1sAenitysec&Brizabeth Beard fo OB ober,“ARCS:ax torthless ae ic mk oo [erade if Aimes~at:en,ee AoE ryeaseeSASaneuhaaesie:oye fA:sapere ere Shay Fanapier ast oe aVgeetion¢ofthe eta phyx BS feeer os a {cis Henped Tto rch oedSou)raacaniinsasseeAfta“ME “Befie*as ShasGS of magae dist alpxtito Shbe inti Fas ‘Itsows Grectaoe sig 2efaitpiRathipae:4 over and asy amdimyer O “fhe “Govermor|ro %sy FT og is ie of Bid “Aut 7h ‘enh)tg hue ve 3 Youn LCS Rit £Iu fy Pr ‘Presi Siz mR cBeccaobsZeSOURFeetfamedsarteniaChetanBuletueseteredA “ih avi?creet ‘frat orga’pay--“rathaige et,1ox~rida?He ebytche The fierahexRgrcisest were!und:tell?the Wo te aN,komt put god OX,We Sia iiayideeWYieEeahe=<Ro {fe Ray ¥W uss Phares acy Stat th se *eesaOehenetUhaerzbetonits piv)owesozhareig®!on a h ;Ratan ;oh rhing Ye On Méoresuille.ges ry 74 Fs hia :re tC,x &thi atceiaus the Zeit.at thé -igOt Ache ahs aba sey ra Caos pc aN Z ieeneeHatinEeteategNESBeeincieeMeaReseURSeenpeeSotathenUoOpencSFRONxOODSiar veHCoMiCHpaPngSaltrehehad.vectoryou apnd pip EASSete)-pon sare |this noraing.4 ‘Rha,sclpHa ayeatodtinet aie ov bes Rew 3 aE te hs it;te 4 eieod 3afew heavy weight;ti te ae eSfoounty.>fe Sa a@ €1hi enn OF wears,|a oe we-ade cre va,5.4 ACT a MN +,ae “ite 2 a ;aA -mis a es LI aemitsssp SES sg eke iMpastor §gs:Pnea poate wie “ye P ‘\Ante G CHL Vs t youay own pri BonnyLugs,pfaiherBeonbstovtanfanhisabya Ecompaunttt pand esisBN ee jean ee asWeare es=PO ee meer Se:aeutepranizedanladits’,aaLO®canisecgy:hisye udady aif y esae uPHaIe~e v >aSele _osra randPogthi daiog werel™bathy seta|*ral ation yHsiis 2ae yz-FelibiceiE"By“Om a SuTVIVe oe aeanA twee “eR vile,ee ee aS ory ‘cM as:-94 LCorre poriden OF The"Via OTF 2 PT yi sbrleo >stefap Ness by <2 aS,sc h ia Folio’winicnodtice*TSs Ieeepike,ak der,See 5.eee ry eA eyene neh oe at thea 27th Bsia\Harrilty’ete wes 5;wy 7X mck <ipe+et Naeé AES yee epi isasionig®se eegst Rigas«Writ WaSe Lh Paksete3Saatey Lone Distante:Tone togtate qvilie:+[ait eS)BLE)TR MOAR a -"4 Ma Wty Seah deHistkytsceébedvungscherom:saeTee."Y 4MrtaLA.Malleey‘The:Yextprdak"sp Charette SesTeae uese Meaaintaie ies OR sas metannit ae,Hieiacbieke willtae he Kt Wiulav ctntiined vied Nei,Die dicta ens setelayeooriwtheEitindePangeraBenTelepacResareeonDutiouyalseheyeitye:MiStpa aesn ga ve}ees uy eSboatnts“ahto:bundsSNS Jonge ys Sat Medianss4 Sheng Cise bySonne ely tens,Who,;:sit at ;4 Ellen pay JSODR ts!Ss E 2.'Steltas Sea the ee ae Jah in.BNE we ad Se anni boys)rr Specrtl BC was,it 4 >:it,:Ltes,:eee na enervo est sons heackie win Yesint at om:ne a of ie x 4 Obzeet:ee goat Tolar :}gt -ue adBe -23reentsizeoFMotiscowrhwoonsaReMN,ta 1 wails:Ou Pza by De,cxbtiire Two poles?ere bss BeG,avg one awa a sea ae&Goeth gai ps OyseuutShere=cOptin de:By.Nenctorss oe Toit wae¢the-roof,but Messrs.Rm O-T-Leiy-Rey aan,Po eoovis nettLP INodyaebelie :oN as taay nea lone for ¥u onfSo-siAd ha ds Doug apt.aSsant)MC.Wood extiz ishedmity ted Ley nen3 yen!pel anty =auP Liape tox boys-apas infg a“ths Git Googinser S164 Pie ged loreon,P.*ee 1 ie (alsedomexeprs¥pe St WS ean a easte niles as Roe und abywh eile =tod ey)Feusner!of ont,and Panteouthe fe=%siting ee;alarm:yee ees poe ne a es i Thesday heatty 6ur ‘String Istrect:—x30,Doughecby2oL.lam s-ee ed MikaSabSa shows ;Sac ‘Ts’fo the|aahpartandyfhit fast wv sac atteeaeaeTasetARoopanosS:ze egvontd (hat Re Peer Macehreese ‘tothe rT;&»ee“for £0000Phe 4 loMr:Wi E.Leewi soe Shien teeth:Sudipesthey 'fee aes hetel®teslapee nee jaseFg rs aN ganong 1este Jb:ae.mame a fd Se em soraue Up off irdntivies’Gr TS ‘_Locormotive Worle.”7,:os Webé.aedfy hex?as beet,S 5 23uPEeBoysIRayMarriedwithtChe|boueg pipe pT ladsfowl A 3 ee §Bec eSuntestille:f precticue ea ai is ee o:;Seve he gee’ny He eaeCknths,a eee be a “he ne bree2 a xale .Ressbricét:-soungmen.2M!WL.All epee!vai nae Beck Etre Suc pee oe FS At gots re ene hae >SsRettAkceeemcseaeaNgoFos:a .ee ate dei coesory 4h Ee i4ehayi é BRE PEN:ee a im Caste Rote ney eae)Ve ov ing zocdes jo é knows shod t hing:«Fielden:“iiey:bas actepted:u “place:Dy,thé pegt,ees es i pcre LOO SS ehh :oy =3 uidde aE PIA be aN ‘3 Bs TaN acon aa :Rae ¥see i RE]i So come and:‘sée “for:yourself.»1" F~Baldwin Gocomotive works and,astof Gp sty *sth:sbeen Th th aNOy Ethel AG ATs EEE Ay 5 :ay Pe Bay tage }=eee »¥:now Philadel pia.rat thes sbeps.Neverst7¢ya e ts WISDEN Y Xt iach £3 4 oe ats5 fle fig ae aa at 2 <<Heseeftefor that placet,ig jithe’red peaSonthe 3 %av MEAS"|es ta mie et f mage beemesaeChunber!"fews dhtes.atid a ketene,Relatiseo pave eS Eee OF pO ES Sie PB yee af te 5 a lp ae ae ct rte Ona Roreeaepeck:—mn:Re ae eu Ad ive.¥ig Vor hold gud itlathe aflec Pandated——SNE Se bis Gey Ponce aeA By hen ON Wy.i hasce thearka it a.tsa be reattierTheBaldwincomet.Jim Degaxcoloreef ais my :a seni ast Shall Poy aescg ons act nt caer te eee ib the :orks.operate the:‘largest,laSt ThursgdaygatdAyaae ae oie Sir teden ty ent Peed ee peie en P a atinaliosexta tHOSheShopsoftheRindois‘the the police.SMasartia a paren jl Pie MYA?soll thing “Dis $$-notian {+ae =and manufactpre:“ehieiy,they stp the batff edt g I eee,ee ry af sspeanueh’hats mn me!|“£6 thost-who-haye ni eSpoided Sot us"She Oye ie did’fancyBaldwir:“Steam »Engine.»“Hast ae acksole Meee,loved,Fx"a8 :SR“Hiitiohe |paa aeas Rei Deranit as.Ae aes1)al EGOS.¢g00dS |firm,of Poston:Br i cite mustang Seis a fair:warnitig,es.Wise Higson ‘as he.famifigee|Scieapbrercodunnt bia ep Sek oe eae=phanau Sea es elise pce ire a Eeekhowirhiere’LdAsa decided paleit”for"wazxon th1,tis tos oe me Metin ‘Pas ¥se Ss ,se VxCW hege rorsme¢ghanies.And with:is Bucks aisaoR 15 &Go's ;;,abe enevertA?and sober’:habits:rea es ..ad ae :v=¢<a ery ee co ;me ae Ebon bee Jek.es forty high place wand|the rag igand-of ig.ie teow wigs at fastite this’oe tree et te xy BT NF ik nah at<ngeter Méchani¢s:of ote teed bistfortressfi ssitud sere leu 5 Henkl "Sees mptad ord-the Plant]Pasion:a we an sent ore-Fikes we C [edieeee Le eae iG ray er.at adesReane .Tae ss Pete ee Udit cont ee eee sie45peturday;mprpi Hs ae aN:St hareaeschebape oye ator ae Seales ornate :Eo in Barridggra:==psRor he alseetbyteraa oi ome soap Bes 8 abe 4 ae+Réebert Kyles”sthool “at ne res the 4 ea t ache sei ne 4Meg ;eee :Dee atte een aeen'scho»l naesss Batr mgers]eure Slate be ‘et,ve aiga t\M PRP QT +5in 1Bztatte C60oeopatten aa!ree ekpee :en oh BSaeeet ate ba wathwit tid Tal hsEos “Coat "Was FW Peels aeayabs a Ea AN:and):‘Bott ETO SO ESN GORE =teD a ee i.:Chery:ff.fott butane eS way fron,Bt oF.MY!eee :oePhense,=se phy.eet vd .Cgs >:;‘?%E:4 7 ~a é +»~~SS &+ft CN Seen ty 3 if ,a ’oyTrodte:ieaneteetayoe at ad=a alee Se wal BER OME iptisop te Neatoer ase eapposat oe aeie SOR SFR ens sriese di OR pties will chip sty 85 ey af tis face idress.)Phe ils ‘of fhe 10")Mayer,.v Se Ee pe rs.Sng ;ve =CP ad Lo ‘#)48).Gomme and ‘seelmy.foods an wees Radnecenteptninedtheee2withdecla-,S530~yk sere?ane Pry..a shiny ¥teoidia originy Se¥erak sore ae aig i DEA‘ mae oees:pee Sereured mosey ’Hee ab ee ear een :moe ’;¢. ati te.)They }Cheattaia on dSta tt“OUpay Lo ae Ao ee meea Je during thepast.to did ud Rites Ok Drittinig af 'shoy 3 oor a ee 3 H A -}otis:Layaaa eee efteet Rone£be went to tig ergecanetold ‘pod Bowmanoogoiing:“itne Pepecr st =ip:.Ben tlh +9 ao a dy Ww ton &Urst’Ol)discovere .eee pate dink ssérve Bigehe Yo saeohaabad heres!we Seen ee,Aiton Z Ee:ow much }een xCaeaestanbiters Of ieateeee.After dinngri Bex 2 em espa}weasrabrdstédcby uth :ysae at aa ed [Perea athe:tee oe 3 4 citaostisae-SS esday!“and ewhen/askec :“ee fa red yes TGS,oe ee eS BilvnecaeGrostiaie’.ied gobe hadapeesedenate rs le ratios shag Bor Foudd HHacaing~ Ppive.tlhe,oo :ensn :=eeeoroeessts,Cherry dod-Brown |sweanswSr,iffe¢gras pat becleat thyae‘peti ab,fadMore Jeeyes trols,§Some ;eB 3G)res Shymackeinfimented.Ate might|bjsstatemensS dbgut where,Yar derday s Charioute yousxeae Re ekaoSattherswheeaeltaRodBoiaahdwit:waStho iglit bests misich ploeneitt meat was DY,he sebatik“Alou |facorien’wasee zood,Him vadcinated.<He at Bree tatesed isSrePut oF report carci |acirityee Bee + dapand‘ni ehto Fhe Wittord bat saveUD fot figally.%?Dri ‘Be hh ces Sty oud tone Beene,shemale EROS ‘&big lot of New-Goi ow SeedBone Sia seatAt*;er a*;PStUH iN hep Be RoR iat tines,als keds i 4 Dim 2 care,Showin - rise on =bie aye Relves sree by feeeae a a a He 2 as ie y <a ob les ORCAS kee “i a3 :et endi >ofFy,ere /ASU aa Le os:Se eed Aton daysThisrenesacs‘iitgees"Lae eee aeeeeak andere)soe Y;7 taue Saat reent £ra f6-Cu thee if =|Aipanviage.tieetseJhdobeezy rena area28Fe Toe andl esrouTeug Zhe =:Base Pe ee Eres ScaleseeaeraestieWacoaltgs.teomosiaceae eePe eee een ee ocemeannen cardtaebtliaSharLashatbenne)ee hie 1S Ituvd be et BsSthingebandfurnistied'sexcellent in?Long;vvaggunatell bina.zeebeRTONET am Farts hiadurs beea 1 gisdasassane Soe Gu dt Perry:of>States :Soar ete vsattended this entertainment,|4 sehanitg 3 Tae ais header i:of -mBinsSe¥Shale beeenBéiley--Waisson.é PON as ast @ cen 1%doesent B the Mi aASaTe 2B Oe at Phe tvrwtidico :.Bie .f fis in eee pers I *sso tches,.fosd-w S,:a ab cro BOSE oe {Gablin very A rstOn:aner banish baatudrriassceremonywill;take place)counts eetesioie ue ee me “toni Stel Fenner Amos as itetiMeekatthesaeotiegrafaecalaSaasSeeeeaabeacen,ueoSSoran aaa garanteegyride's*tnothtr.-Mr 1Z@'4 as nS ;A !Ext <TStOD ‘aceon .:=se “The bride is adaughter pesvante eak‘oinptty sf gem +the Ty was driven:Goti waS ahh b Wasruntpiler,‘Brank PSSaneSohentt,Wasson aca ed,ofcetcpsi bawciredse OEOE seit bir act safe ver:picesie os ane yshure’CO t 2 OL-CR 4 m ae FN leet ic nat ’t i“ta 3S:i farpe burg’s oo the Mietottheebil,wets ee pranticalty 9 noweny OBS!pestis att se ays he ;Pe Ivy ig a son of.4ve tige oLit<Tor bop af PhProy AS ehaa TEAS wots ce bai ae a5 ite wasdtuken;aiidRerertcame:.Tiies ae ofteedeli’=;Dest show that,if zQb dise soeau -RE ;a eae mi te,GH j out dying in his lifes:Boairitethis:yrerqus conseqdence:\ie ad the \hodteS:ab ufivial-teur “bpt.itori Dee acestHe RSoeeeSSeconrenySeesanesOESld-than’abd “the,Child ih >ea vei up a Rents ate=nepeel.eeses eeCetiaband:of [%rug Co,a ett E eg f he vd near-thejr cabin;iyet aN ee :“tatacter and dese hie Sie £.Yess Kee hee bern th ~B“ye-Tair bride he “has .won,”*wid ib Gute %reLiMasconettendsiits:fnost‘cordialCone!’fe physeatretssilat 1g died rem ue<tatwations”upon.these,?-wortbysue tety.ret qotieseifdtolls?gulation,.young ae pera endfor.them -af Ganeh Bens.»te,cd ee é Rey‘ature oo znd happisess.,.Se,SO)7 wh :*Je NA sy ? 7tre$ iy oe ,o te r st re *4 “ne (x reneeet Sue,Rae zsh Piss a 3 = Seo .:at ;uh nee <~——a ia ae ;PS ay ss See taaehoirrWestoa:-T ieee wo.ese Now|:~Blayed Cardi His Ows|f°Se ty 4 !The Eumbértgn b ae aaregh =Me Evitenc aero |Llkin,Tin qo Soe My fy L—.w i a i OE ee ARM!aS as nett axeR.y apis Bok ve <|x3.ie RUT «pig pesos ¢-“ill :thyt Troyimaan,os Bed |i a =ok doh aR So ti Fadia,oowreirpgadencnee’Crarldtie Oy.f Lous Baw,9 higJived in ‘Xtar 1#Pa Be:SA c Cr et aed at Pow atid,Rubes fic te ;SS AREPIEGDae LERNER mt -Sekvet 2th.ee Kee,Fores yh ae 1D,oe Yast Satbhday Nand eae fs thie ee soning%‘erin itidns:Gasked*by tke |;Scrurdiay ©He:Wasrbaulingcaperx)-Alorneys seatut Sunselor «=at ~feat"Metis yod orreSpahdt nt,‘toary”ype Mas ouried ‘ae ing:“the fan aNwere fon Ware:this ER yebpettrana 4 ae sehitd met 3 emocratic,pat cont |i fot shucks;a:-pair ot¥ouny thBy:¥a DSTATESS AL BE,X Lig ao a‘ceived Sint titecrest ilife etter tomy shaved,ey re aarti ese aeet RE pra ‘Sent Wat{fom feted «Spier eee ing.:histcheg to.the WaopsieWild.vrieticns a ali the Courts.»Special*Re=i adr:*James Ay Weston afos.|dictedlataep ‘ah farsi be attRooFhe jaeTat Pe Z Ufarsbore.«cous ay :mules:Sti red to ran Bra aes Ay Ean Be aS Pottor of ‘the Episcopal?obit,Mty|boticgh oi Mire plothes.\Saeligat =ste ee sibs Den Bostmaspers 1 oe :viel mt ee vi 4 s oi Ww aus sbOTO.Tht dr Astep say ya:iyee aoigh di:are ieto,te ion nse a:1 vig St Nefta af eae ol Bed‘trying $0 stop them.Tam saith AyPonf=,ca T y RKE:“The librarium of Dasidyyhh Con so.The mage Lisefi 2 “gotlin wdoouk tf of,Raris “by :purii:t eq trom the moet ve tel+et ho ATIORNEY®AT-LAWS.5%bras recently found db bogkGn.the Tp xeaes asosad Calleditis"Rrottty ps"Wutore a artich sized ‘bye M ;G ;es 2aei_Seman,NEC |College Tibrary.entipled -Liféof Na-|2OXy Gand oe hen Fe mei:AR DOS Emile,toa.containing the follow?‘I nae aesdeaigheerseiebzats‘idesre my {pole on Lor rapa rte”“¥forcvet the culled ee he wouldbe US Raita oes Herefollosseshe TRE Spas dnaigied:por.ue:i Ve ai will practien,fritthe cou "name.of the author,“in whieh ix a,and they:would}play:srs”Oats iy sages Ripon,jor the:jad ictment,f‘gervices are deinahded:i i onde <ag }wh i%pally a portrait Of Marshal):Ney Rseter Se his request’Esq.Burrus)eg keke Faas based)?Ne eSoe >cases extooHewoeLe©-CALDWELE.~[Nevreadthis book In Jan)a is,|tle fuberalkerces.,eui:Patel \Seciudt aSMMZot,ghilty.of}niaie is Ne ek ne“SUES eet Sn PPORNEY,AFL AW.7)months before his ay fin fil:nate iheece pram do wat i aeNS hoving provided IM:LoPerret“ox ands the set vclrspe paiadttiacks yor. cri g +ryen vane tsa 2 i if 2 Sarees} ar 5 a ‘Sait |p :|Série.N.C.ithe portradt:of Ne ye he Wrote!ini1 ae syle:wide Hvears ol re s-other editors“with®othe’means.“of,je ses afthe:poise oe rene ee ess of:i y BA S Practicesine)Bic =f Federal c ourts,j#rench,‘h:‘Thisisnot a COrY oct:likes -A Serious Chacge;Ris eet conmittiodthis slander?*=ee fi +trom Bitters is,sold,by'all d oars Marstrul,Neg.”Hee theng Se aaa ay oe ae oe 3 he jness tot Saiis beds Sun.he jury answertd Doth Gt:i RAS uf >The iam th-plantor Pee.weB.‘Counelty,igi a pe oe ochaEES the ees 33 Teste“rday tHieerandg ryy Uno in’the ‘affirmative;SZplai7 was *iL eer bh eros &.Bae ~ATTORNEY...AT:LAW,|page A ye teh of Marseae Ney:wit b inia true bale rae Jareriy:against fenced to one year’¢Leth ican 0 ey Com piny.cetSeé|STATESVILLE,N.C.»"7 >[these words undethea he:‘Nek.phy entatals Zora,an y ut Jane to pay a fine~df BSN 4 yile eS es ees zee4Offers:his:Swaiebs:in:all*ge courts.;Himself.“TL fut chalire.(dite Was Fh eiPerrenx:eas condemned Ye eNO froin te bn “it ‘|ee ae =aja :ex ‘stat Viewd ):(te +wet so or r ww é Si ve Here re ee a ae Soa I tebe bomen ee one pan=-esss ae y Ba?inti ih Ort months.iin prisortment:“ade £6.var nowh that >oe oe =wae a.:“ae =“a rag fy Ss i ek dvix ~’ye S ow |mast r 4 ~!%::* Baca ere eae Sane ORPIGE IS COCRT WOLSEE Ae Ri cts ae ae ate ee oF a 3.000 francs.fine,”ThE jury yas ab sh dene caer -di PSS ee ‘ee head:of hair,w:litle it isenet:true,as ,aa as pare:Out off dunplosyutaarts t - Me :_ae|}Mar:hi al NeiY Sanémair “st:ste tit:t ee pace!ae am LO:ane 2 eee Pt ee , ss %S rn :a r E>4 ».>»”:>d ae -drew.DD,Cowles.he was bald-heated.or hearly bale.f portiie a -aeeee e :ere i “4 Wwrat Was~alle to ipacnatae,circus’aces.coe €x ¢ae pectta ane AT-LiAW,eG Thy oke teh of Marsshal,NEy 2 Ww Hic i ih i mo alsd est:‘;a *;a oS ated aes S Nevdrea sr earn Tye ke n.fasqhe is aSME “Lola on?thearingé the >verdict’“That Tosa:oe ce~,a 8,“4 ni in -s ays 'a a SOE ES TS Ald t &4 ASeMsSheekiheall‘the ‘Coutte.Statg a HeesSof Marshaf:Nev.eiaoigveeya Buh?‘jerhiapls i f ::|eried:oPhoy aR ‘cabsitials,"aD ast =rs a nee ee Sy sii:Bae _Bratiers Bor ice {i008one of Peter s!Ayes Lots Cia lotte.‘Zorn Was ‘tried thasaly Bolas,sentened isthes.maximttm£De fépt conten ed behi thie telah?a me ————find’rE thivk Isrof orist Mypart:1ycd.‘ternoony 5A}a ‘the j JURY y:a:“ter!remain?punishment?“Frantic.bravo pret,Se -=n aeSieg.~Me >‘ink out i minut >orto,ehurvedhs ah Red the anzbyncemént of SL Zola’|?meted the-buikdingciesabeaewerGaxmtle,:[giiv$d tainly Feny stronggadditiqh-1Rerdictl of nb aane se es feore raid =ene X eae a andrige bullets.aes ‘ALTORNEY ATLAWe _paul proof:oftheleruth!Qt omy ghebay|ni te rei em 54 a neioeoes|Stankymiz,3.we.at Rite P.S,Neg Mes s Marshal!Ney!aa Vecet na citement folOpved,”SNE Tavorie,M..ion ae:a Wi <os x +Rs 10Seeea:Willae mat “hetey Courts.%Se ems {dn torclinely the aru |f ;pPer ree and ®Eo of the:others pees:a8:ee Prompt attention to.albkusifessén-rept AN,1SkMch of Ma pohal New Bry an ase 1600Denivcrats.at||present embraced 2ah Zohn.su the sRa!trusted.Officé No!&,legalTOM Fear assifadca hy:hp geet ee tae “hte a banduet heldsin’hiss¢tetomnitphe approdche?to the palace:ab:justi¢4 Pt oubresngt '“1.Gate ve ‘<r 3c |ve sUsey were elbaed tie panies Coiinissane >:the,pene»Rat ae a ‘of:‘equrt:Hous tae aps!fyit sormce vuliebbleenates written ‘by Mr:Brsaitteser Coennikon”[aberge tht thes oe oegia :Oke Raker ped;bebe te Beet sae ¥i a eet Be ist RMR a Ney ‘eae eee oS athe latter.i.“ila LPepeat Nina >fey Powers Wasstor tl Ja rambo un is-x SP x a thor eda neta =a |Barry:Ps Grier,4 etgas gebenleper igdl--Mises oY shea fine:Seifanc aPree Shit?-Gebied andi?‘<y he aoe ;:Sy Mulest Mules:Lt ac ee Cas Pease.Borie J Dak tdspnt Cotexomaind.|a raview (Gf the taettthat:Seu oundhitt tees!5 Seos Kate Sunil totale Weiseh fon =MUAVE gsr RES RIVEcooieSEATESNELTESN.ya :s,“TY bqokyst ;"covettion with ths x IRD:WS,and -AyafThiguo EAS ;eee oe mules Le bréught eeeet Ren 2 .‘tones ms f ;ee &ping’grywhtéacd,Ate.felt ~~atGy ie an 5 Bisel a “Raseon’ayemarither oe y whe!b oe a 4 <j Ss ay ae é Expoo Latypul.ty %}sei}the cane aca liwator cesh or “d ‘Carefiaitention Ripynt altmatters ing4-oe apr Sim arbi wat ys veda ke Sot}:Setign trom Wi i eCalland’see thow®at Sullivan.«-))§ “is treet mats SydZY pre Poms Wetho.ceCease wi en 5}ae es ede thaws :nalparlicy Ne Pa eS tm :re Sptia »Mery Rpspeetfuil ‘:et,pn SeangRusyyieee publ iSite aeaS peal:estfokisit ASSwe.id:oesSS size UN XPM,we Ste EE TX pelyoath,‘6,Witte «Dy :,aBatescou.31 we lie.feetge eS Aheared Cbohestton orthsTyLe dul sidorthy uslaiati thete wasArey:aS Sonica ihe pst ,exesrefoManatee94SCpealos,Ulla tune eedEstee Epi Soyslsree ee [WANEED.©=.ine :z vi 4 .Gas f )2 A :a ?s Ly ~O..‘J s Ss)Such 3 :op ae |-sarentinlyae ss fe Serta serve i Bigs *te ay tay &“io aintote se She a a ee Lpstsot die eanapisfoljanaSbredgigs 3 ‘tel iS y [SREB mili Suck-7at,otter,shag .toe »Se ig a “y axeniantathe praaticg ond will)LGR detigiticnCwo ESM3 Ai 64 qo,dRicas;3ag bbe At the ng fe thi ;te :roposstim:ete.by,the’PROVID 3 ee ies prompt @tentionnip,all matters Snap )S cm~ae ee Syain,.tropiniply ys[tine Dipsfitesanpited.-th ve ee A;FUR CO.,PROVIDENCE,x.oS Pe ee.phoe ee eeeeee .Daeei“ok et penobe fo Wisgass tha eeeSays te Mini.eosin omfanasters *:Bys ing agemty-wanted er Ae Eceeeureme3faaFPACCRTEMAY.ht gst Ne Nes +ais wifesfour da ee:eeaBaepareee:<Y the OF petal ipkestioation amuiateaysartiiesdays”HY lig’a!hear Ee)Sail:Fe *:“(an.intast'at thy4iW2aCeahdnipeahaarstoreeeSteesee.“fad Ihde SitsTe Bs‘turabet Bsc,nth ue 7)ees ihtaear‘De Seamer,a Tea a Hicwife hayes ayn ecautettinalt "Sd NFS Ke Be x zat45 ang ee was:Aslighthy,haha oqSvaller’Shbles ~go th:s :a 4 :ae 4 Rs athe Sane NOTTT a "ie ®La 3 ‘age Ww Va ‘jnalte ‘outts.Sus eae and:she.w an ted:av ‘Ssaphtedl.for Ket Monarstte Avera woman ene Aon eeSeen ie or aio sm tig:“thpee bdarvling,i (ant (ta _Wparpeat'i gollkctions and Setlemes)dinngé,*‘Hyer:ysspark Ow atoikeein aS Peele ze LaeAes af *ng gtheets 2set many:foypd’lodeginent,Ar ine PgceHRafofestates,oe fe ks ess his gangw hicli Wwastk “pt i pisdroreg rucnysleSpedihlPicola)Sate :oe Ny bit:“Baker,wasShoeESbeBiaeSoafprawkSoneducStarkeaoteEXpaclingigkotethe)-Ai aabieiee Sook pee,this f.pot See So iedpao sche 8 chath doer:“dud he:£6 deadss ne Neig tia Bh rE.LONG.Tag:sy “wijods of Xs nuissponsof J6G ier th Si part émniby ap Queat :etntngen S Po and his |5 &threxhold,being Ab fj BIR eo i hits (aes LONG &LONG,ey wife.“3 WP,ERSSom dsaasa cyptatyHee)pstg Sibvat forptae tS places!Thé mothey 6a ELPs AND ACL ‘1 :PS aRRMRS c.5 Antdcsaulny ate GerSate atc thibhaderdenatianeaal es rit,coe Tee TSBUBANee,|:ee eee <=ec a)fratehiB Store“yetni Fhsae ty aifyels doy;5CRtana yk ane and sida pE*Dies vit t Apia!”>¢bands i oe a 7E F :ae,eae “omeeabb ae:Conc ee1ketlirs viahes iyOfetiNain brigF tet ipenicate best ‘0oSTher -abla istule “aeBE}Pe Pm ;:Be SE 38 Robbins’Seen aN fh aia hare he eet Q Saf r‘*ae eee tae Pee ee 4 tT mbes above Be Soe Bear fa "2SteeReae~see ere ae AS Vlgs abare ait:Tell SNeTb aieSpaaeysietalweerdtaut‘troty,Charest ANG pal OFfeyfea“RIC 1AND.8.MeLseCHLiS,.r me POET POZE!c i :CH Ose.att:v3 ae itd iFaseie](ie EWitness,eiFaoee A se hath,scones ee5 : —*APTORNE Le yackeh i ae b See eet :i be Nistion et Ba i. sa US oo ‘STATESUILLE,N.vs a Shh A ne bie werises,‘%m Betare hat 3itWat nat rt ie is Xe ees epur,pases Da Sp Pea (e7);Pa gts :oeve mma Dili iti a dit ees :ia En Ashes mentee art os GL ae Se Phone.6.9 °oak :ae Pes W a‘appear inall BonesispedigLatten “4 40 Sr dihebu he im mn the eeees F a fc one es =nete Ae agitstiorkgivenwotheCivirRracficy..2 oeeeceaee ;GSore RpeLENg ;ihn,oe“of BASS rae U,at ::ny.“ais =4S eh a ee on be ae “=str:phewiccidelt Ba:Kieumae RSI nek=tb"Pend Rog ots.Seay ee 66.Bo]oh MORTGAGE Siig OFuy ; ‘aS *abe.atiter rach cg Wek a yng shia?:a g ee ~yy —“AP ye i+3:Sale’of Kaluabie~“Land?~7 exidutedty maliondesnigarg aay uf a eater?a 8 tL if be PfuWeretrop ee PREVIRTVE OFA MORTGAGE DAE”"d i <r J “!ive VIRTUE OF Ao SUDGMEN,TOY TekRowen atwitwan Eales mh om eon 4eans eel Tone 2 :ni Ni foathbhe east “teretie BoshPaesiiePYtheSaperiorCou4®of’“Alexanderg ec ome i :G intae Ny ib Glens seo par aay dds tied .A boronerss Fay”Nt “4 of deeds’“office of Iredel]60 itt,a : *:BN Cauhe or yerm,eaeip]Gren,tp Lavine bat rs in a tgayspedch Sepohaing thesDeni,sepamnblj og ahi pO A {Mood apa Shadersigned ”mortgageeswil!”SBTeee pu ‘ vi SOR ee d MY Cawtes,.'Stee feiss.AY f weeks E ee =ots t i said $“i.Moore jah GauiLndian;e sabe male v“ide Biediats f he a se Si de.oh 5 a eee Dik Labora’ands cde peeve ri Hee irs,aad efenineare or Stal ete counts 5 = +*TchildrevotW.Hi Moore ys Gatvin,J.)a eae Hiadiwifhah apa tie”jor yaar tilt,S {un ees i jwheuritatiem:~:MON :mae :Cobia ite y thes utbaer sicned Cohi-)s Mi 400"Bice ut at InkaET Ta beancr uit fl to Lor:oS hes st Noe ges ,SICK Meadachés and.‘could,;Eeoe Ear,i :missioner apesynted uy the comrt,will sel Mise xanhy Fit Seu :ae Sy pao dt Ht ,w taaremoxs fe herantilshs Care Stat ‘Ollowing decribed -lot ut land ‘%*on MONDSY|sta healee partessi thley hea as,Aesrecht xRaayestieat “bet tec,fedint rage,bretly .'ae ‘KEN {Satesville:Beginningat a state,Dei eee =—¢t-}louse'in,Faylorsyilie,N.es ahs ied OGEL dA etl ‘f :y.mie }‘oe:SEEGERS Gottiiecomagcfuranr ition’Aiea ee ee |fomtieehragtogin se aa“land in the county-at:Ajexander0 ¢¢“eo “South $40 -= :ube ee weitere:of Lakcas islesRiverr,jadjdiithEM ftlicTRaneph wy iS Swear,i ape :aponees weit ae ee Soame thedands df “Ds W:Kerley.ortnefaand:foes Sys Bhs a5 ye {feet to.a'stake,thence No as wi eat ao nsthe land=eouveyyd,to.sal van,PUES acy ae ,magnate-leydyke if on: :‘withditch 321 Sect woaninee Fett 3 Se yaad,Cowles ret eee eae Rho faw Is Wapad itt”tbe.rr feperrien]sie Ber,thente jwith said Delta's Yee:¥‘odcamene~~tH ts renee,eh coe =,tO Revs;3h het Wushingt On’;PP est 3BREF y es uM ~Peete Mee :7miiashesREcore-‘woo acre ttLE c%cppessed tte Oinion’‘what fate t aa.ht LISON, =“,aS pies ase Eittureithe Dands AS wodes a‘bdNor-if.ve atte nes Fe f i ora aRedng.mt “Tota,=men a di5‘acres Gal voming to.this weCo Chaat cobs .ia,m :‘5 aguelot”1c bebrpthial :£-Queer :c AC sth a tegistered i Book D:’a ATS.would,seek homes inf’the ss ,2enedCenoeBree\'S01di,‘in,tbat hep-th th xt oe ge Sabet eedvache aitmn p Witheinifra to Pritice.Tiowis:Naps Soe "he or Bore .SALE. “their separageftractsand ey ~ashowhole?hag |whe North cS i chalsiceeyees ;(se how.ce nél-Sof thé“Czarin:“spe feat :SIRTUEOF THE POWEKS COs>)SPERMS."One-third cash.palarice upor4 here:gise!six ~Poneby Wintecfait,Mig Wasa lo ON eee Zar‘A jae UFye :i et tha",mottgape deed var-confirmigion by the SupeFor ken a Te=f titre ~thonths J:all.:nL he Eansord“ayy thé.R Kabmyy.oe vl Vaned tempees and wife,°F 9A:Fr i, |©Nereetined uit Sadassdrooney ra _KS:oneUintthe F%3 (plotde g sae yy Nalkebuifaas a en bee Moss ¥a ther the oe ows:jee zoe ‘and Anciber,holgaget,his laud'isvafuable'fonits timberan ‘fae Said that’Tora lngstime vbhere jdt witha ke :aa y te Baek :va atcier tie oe =evcatig aude ee Caen a*rare“ctfanceoxi y,,REM imMe here ae dy ithe oeohibs eS t “Stated $1,188),and.figeegdea tesis One:sete Se Hh ee ersisned dnortiagees willl offer Tor sale~for «profitable:investment...For’further,existed.pref Feeine hey ymiide,ur ia pil:tp el es The pen he,abeve 6 Ho.de h?0Coft i mo,pk ee 3p biden for cash,to-sati~iya ey 8 particulars writeto Atmiie}d ‘&Turner:[Scandidayinispedpie‘Reaibst Digia-abate ied ound 4 ‘Rex ee eat nek Aathery tanh .8,at nerong Hite dooronesaee‘aRMETELD,Ptiny to the:®Southern”Sth SOL}puch”anch eeSate cara ah ah Nyprewtet eSsea ‘ eSBT.¢a 3tt deel.eae *Commissioner.pthat.bapyily.athat Pea as aoe Voubptagssic)Fi aaee :EL ae 2ipet ery henyerent,gine tet?5 aia IR Wise a ERoshy slow iogtan yi ideatiedSeeaLaeseaeAyiniowtHadapagewseAtheStiteawSas‘the ae albiome Seon etter ie feo Phanfandied”Busts)xd sear Bais 03 3iHh,‘Saleof Valuable ity Lots!ie 5oeSetentiub Glir brea.|sichwas"pred tad tor dh by“the ae srg Srotlice's:‘Asteat.Oeoybe TUman py dpe auacour wotSeason set tu“ver Ww give ..Soh co s ihe tO URSUANT 4D THEPOWERS Cox:Naviesoth Ton ieseee|State WW,shen)vt wag mush red?into si >nouns Gece esessaorzig theeae oieMpc mf esa2SeCirabsAaSegetoro4]“erife x OUME LE tn fite|§servige.a The Botrth,Votiuteers,attmajority Heke Atouse Gd’then ‘prvt {135°Petr a Stake;“Wall’s®dune:the "BadanEa erate a aie oe fe :bet isk aati’sunny|thexro numbers of the.yudiments,HRS tgtdipn,.Sad ottekéjbeen ré-“{s Vesta Poe jas -ee «~pifér at public sale.at gp eburt “house,in|26>OF tne South,HT favedony beerut |became.the!Fourteenth.”:SRLat’An-]'sortedas ergata az A 1 Mav,24999 H ifae Sek Siuth <<):‘theety:of Statesville;N.€SOD!Beg)oh ith pressed wittr th |leséritb lite tl tio ported as efgaved?“in Hine eealMONDAY;MAKGH 14;1888,°F Tras or ie Wa Sane Suits «OF tiefarh’(Shar pesbiyg)the:sueand-aay whén,twelvevears id ighe-was,|i q Mgat he!folloy R ¢fide of febrifty ‘ange m-|great Adan ys.members ohpkey fegic ken:to,B rin awheré,Las epo gnite the people.ot YeeSi !“vat deginniig.at 11 a:the:following “det gustrious Northryen 4ip aden hwifd|f weet oe 5 LN a ee Sere x: Sisk Rt iL. 1%)apribed reat estate cfite said A:S.a dirdetign.The?’ment were baptur ath by <t hie’Filth:fed,abe was detrothed*to Py eT correct Certain ey i%Hpi ERRILI &C ;ae Eee ——Baw 2 siee eF sdape |OFS‘eoustry,New Hampsbire,Miglin,A dy,Col Predericfic ‘saldetteson *a?Brecht,eeld tesult wn.shone Shbert ‘A hed “is ke One pee 5 reet,ae feyt,Aravetsed by*th€Southeen Railw ay KEdtard E.Cai ay i tee a:a eee \¢dereS more or less.wad ze 3 are Woss'commars?:Sig.2 He pRegenn ar”Brumswick..his’-@ee2OreotontParkstreet)109x520-feet,its cotn&etions #6 HOt Surpassed isot-ead,t hath br a advo fistecontaining1),acres“mareorless +’fon the Blaby.ESVhereveter.DP:<oa aTS Svs)bane fyement as broken ‘off ndaf theg &o2 istall ee tesBeoaenhseemHfeeb|Swedésy “andaNor'y a ee nee rene By Chat.win freaes the}dye,ol fitteen jit 7i 5 grumdred “that oe the oHsept, ‘¥ec is ’‘i .->+,a i e jis.>$2 Onelot on Park:istreet,824x408 Pret tled jothe South ther pes ie flag.oeThe Ifite me will)pes pficged fa eo Ways rdetro t thie”syoungyeseg Rcd peessoartSoeaeteed%at)ePegg7 o.*esubar -tthe ae Library,Tyyearelas soe ae 0 Sepals ene+.y 6./One n Par x et hae Cease Ba ws |Gok a SS FS eee >4)th tchralseo£sled.tomiditeridliz Ath texesat Téa:~8 “containing near acre,moce dr det.;Sa per are pe 5 $aN AR ceain J % !These lots front on Park:‘street:idex-f t 25 T A a earcet 9 ae -aHse she yas"sphounced to t 20}Q00-=9 tecores subject‘yo-chieck on sigh2~..tend back tothe cemetery line. ¢"Sarthe ‘SD A Mervy Cymperse 8c Fy Kee oF les PS oe eyivaned ongoodcollateral and'perséna!securiereAlseatthesametiméandplace:we will ered.ars ;AP Pie pete Bed:tot ee:sertiad,SSE Sits,a:“Felted.: Be Ge 7 ‘selfone’tot fronting on:Davie beaten .#8 Nes Su“f Asheville Citta et Pye eh Weimar,Se yOu ¢Qhee Ta ee sitfavidea mcs apee Mjoimog property ofSlr-A'S.Bula:ae t Wednesdatnhoisting a ipiawilt pt bet Syn,ete irs bspiedee;ae |Jeyand J.AK "IMhedg tek Srey the Garit AD ny await this’dwt.4 ey :;tes one:rouse ead lot.oh"Mera ‘Me vetssttyhoaeeesBecaalsand.ttswri veut toe fi i a Spe kgbarey +6.eo”Pgh isxhAnderson,‘containing*One-hia acre.bloél:Si Abrus h dnc yes ¥.ig,Sand ils we*More orless..ee Pe es -AR he ps aay cA t :isaatryares Alsoat:the Same time’and:‘Pace,77aera a ¥TSA #Sr0 9 :hupeda AeoraNS Way slen Be “OL:time in:1 selectingmy shus-i gianaase 2 ORMNG Eohsasialesone abdJinteak othe epee"others.Dwellingonthe land :kK pa S Pchinggeeae thm 5 tally ipmay.Prisers,butthey.1Taust:|>>.f ipnarehsatanic etoyae set Soe Spa Ai SMe eek ra eetiateee#)G6OX150 eet,fot,adjoining ils of D.Ry Jef 7 A [iste penpeaak,gan ot esafeet.eh tbe cpicstloti roe at my par ieeeSnah25ghShiapropertywieadpyplotsand|~ee ea ea Se se aa aHeo ba age ego r at.ad uschaseshasarsca “make ad pass ri Fe orauneann Piscehanie wapyteotn”who,“Shs :MPf=i Lot te Main ne!up —<Rheriealcoaeeeter:os (atsate Ketond |J ATG seeBothirdinthree,eeethird in’ie E twy with a ‘smallrope “h cima and favorite So”:Sof the I ate .Piinee|*A ob ‘eathe pai 5 aby sullerér profit:aa8:ae,time:«me oe YY Uf pees‘ote sent.him"to,Teron:Capdtebiiy the presen head |}Gaede ‘Batata ttial it will-2 ean caFeb.a4,3898.;es con 7 9 YM kiYY ;hore Me oe ves fecitutal ofthed srinistiparty!Ae>M Hr aayy veuneSasrl ota P z ee Eats!3 4 ork ate 60k 0 :5 “8 Vale rhealth $odn efoup :iehoiube LEWIs,seeae iitmsel ve ‘i zu peteeea.+Sty,Betoreenttring the caarmy be seh aBepinesuiteuite Welk cut sa aees Meeks |weesSale’oFLand.we neu fafmet,andxwellhaowgn’sc|mself.n is St¥ain,of 10°BaID-,hPtince Louis setyea §tim 1,everle jeidigs ae :a:sae <SIRT seeiacnts eit)Be:Belmony,:NY 4utes,Rdjding.pate of.the:time”with x ee Ne cat f yOu oe See:*S sie in Sy, a i >RY.age UE 0.AUTHORITS CON-!cineccgeeteneweuty-werditpbs teat hele |Kd |the haba rave FS,at:“nesTigne &satelants by"4Poe:aside ©Sout Suds1+2,gpalepedinemorigate deed Executed eefomnersonnston eo::Hla on EEEnis position whet tats barge"g|ont Sern oo ai and Lowest‘PriceseesdsosBillingsley.th€nndersighed..Witt]tone id lérze,suis of money tom dde-pt?Ya s ‘the,Koo oooym‘membetof the Tri fe:AYiianedia hos oa OR eae '2 2 dfadvertised fam.oy i;NPS o hapa hO pe i ee.i Mas z oes:i,ok Seibton Sa te eae!the court)g:-Ehisetyenrs,=dlestwrispoitt ee.+6Ti:Ldgtwn thie,a:angingTide SOME)«OF MedromSt:tue,’Brice 7 Lert:le os ye ceSreeeehousedoorinStatesville,Iredell”csunty,Fi mee By candifentAray|9 my era tel ON:C..0 |Alarming;ths 1éase xo reise 4distance,anes Lbswas holde-n..2 OF.eebe degerd ‘as’ee aes ee ofeae:MONDA‘-Marelr2ist:pane A;Theat Was Bnadlexo sitep,p:Pre “Ceti OOLoot -bel®w:Wait:F],Beats Ri ilsrse he—.*BiUReram matteaats 2dfn]geetoth ntupleoe ipomcer eeeema=ome venfess::‘as"fotlows:began using Dr ileS;Tstdi 2 €Dow,fear ae Begnbiog a apa Warp tinaah Nérving and NegreandLives cigscebi Cats PAR Pic Nemes)ters Te .Ea el.‘.*f 19%poles:to,2 stone On Ihgram’s Jing |oe cs ere apa ets &coed a Ei ate are in Go--thence$.'90 poles to-aara:‘Te Stewart's)eysean ee eee$5]Hea pith ty for|nas lane to or |nae)folyla cron pine]1 2 ~Bhemce'S1zputestyattskethey CRerf tetBotan!co tapforendedb mapaseeeene oo bl he ses TY TR feared 18 ats aease ,ete -|Naopolescomatamtoneny aastcdide or:Detter,until now fam as oeariy de -reatee ri dren’a”lobe:Be BB tbe Seo EantinCrepeom|BuffaloShoals c#leek,thence S.69°W.95 aes ont of'tinydgetmay expeee f t When,the,tery poneuing 53 liaders:OE Sa poles bs ch s wea is ome.5 PDE Males nae :Soe hast Beeie ‘Aceeriting ta dcheart ‘Oty sua ‘at.~~?‘'wood,.at ry ®PaigieePlhed,ee hee,ies me Sees alpalate t 8 inifeatssl itecles:at oe De arhsek Sts actafaae;‘a”_pos S t id z peaeithenteN=33-poles to Thebeniaclngs eon:pate:wrAirstpres |>oe Kon a Tcaaiately‘relieved aod iin “akhort]sa>Salning 220 acresmoreor-iess.|.~febenesitSjor money ‘te-*mi sue Mtb ae time curéd’#am happy fo say thatcoaeAides.=Me S ARVIN _]tatided.Bookon"dis.eaeiatime will festore your jit haswot Sincg returned.—JosH|Tae.me ity :Bees otcassBil ||Gases ofSeb a ur erves)‘ma‘e ‘your.|'E,“Germantown.Cal.;<RSSfasaneershme5te :i.a a rae .*~:i re:WE Goan Asien pMGe:aS akon tu A Sho Me bee 1 AND 3UERay SeekseeeGeeoehes$ears 3 Be pone eon:Ae No ee eee \*i .aR ;ae fa ae Rk.zi T==_seesi eta:hoe :Ree ete Le GR ae Bay=ane ye ae nS,Ee 4 MoenhereeeBAGRSTSOiesx,i a ee bay,{ORS,oss \wy pie <aiswsmdTesaeeeaaees-«feosAY Sy LERCH 1~~eetas aut Ao ee 4 ve ;og ais it ‘fag ny beetxpmhopesiedali$2 eX.oHSyettlnesiaeaSyanewe ;pe oy mt+“dG Se bg 1.ye aa eke _Se PS ey =°— Bs i‘alka!A.a aes vows 25SA -s pee ;a Se aie SSNews:fe ae i ne :twteslegislatute:of Virg nia.cA ,‘ teWe ee.Batt weigh alot of Se es:Reseriptioa .ih 1S ‘udjour ned Sine die!Taying ee On (serves tt=esae x(ede teeniesMe ae-Roman Candles,-Sky Rockets Canon.BCKETS a:(pleted eee a tee tae lerthe Catane ©7BogweWataugaequpes |id ulkkeimds Offfiré works that add to 1hb gayetytot Sishe 4 ke;ak 1 7ples forsthe’sullering,Cabans.z fhe #s SUDAN=))Meere haum-and brier root pipes.are unsurpassed,Pyees from Our s A wishietiedlyase ated thivGgle,The.‘Bishop of ‘Hayand bas:Bo hie see_Anytlting you waht:in =Agen)[4 Pitty Blessaaidowear’Matisciirayoethe segey.PRU TS OR GONE EC TIONS.fein NewaeeS<ipstayiae ake oba4 &gravos OF Whe Main7aneeaud‘fine.’Bananas,Oranges,’‘Pearts.oN Figs,rs a),,bh;op ees :i {mosclay"raber,oeisttndfiaeSedecutegenkSeas,Reces,Str]Thevewondteehaeyin Wel eee onesaen Ve oak,eeloans sausage,spices?eae all eee oe i We ‘Cream Stalag?“The,Tapaaee eonfo abandons Bspadition 0%En %Re y groceries >We receive ment is trvine to'sccure Indes ;fthis $Stata ores5mreineemuity,|kel Klondike foxYeliefot the:nitions f ar ee afoneat Bicvoted made:York River Ov ‘sters and Fish-from Mofchea ever Ww is13nd.Sxit urday:.Give us@ tpial onder ‘ ReSpeutfully,2 ny ce |for thetr death.:Bon poy If 3 AS:ishate ihe’:een asgit isfeed not;neces ;ie W::;:+Dar ami will.1oeoyxSsPhifer&,Lo".a large steam:dry kiln ine .;Sof “2 ak ear3:rita late orton factory in’“uate Ark,tumbted ian last apTriday.aifainshiave areal te cmaiia atlineton oeeee*=pet eds emaS ieSeewe :bury thetten menibenenth thad yi,Cong ‘ess th $y Vee PaatetAanwere'hkilled.ee ’ames t @ frarchase:of $1 dolor es i“a#Satfsbury ote ay4D!é eee “Hor:arming and.cuuitpin =“the 2 r >se dad ete HbviCbs:ae vs aK sh tN Tia gone vt Ste awehay€bought —$xa?cee ite atet 8 Alisander a oeSes eea oft stoUl;eal buy bo caeeG ;ae ef alla Wal Wash?ocqurréd ae te i We m.Gilt Be .,me 2 aos s be iSmeeta3Taney§.promiteht<itizen,Oe aety,wepeap!ne we |ae ;iw NE o :: Veoaey ee thebegets i_|weeky Deceased wasta brythier ¢pt Lancaster.County.“Via.‘Was:“Shoe!te etl chara Pe te feast Ween ee ACCC:MY eee oe sory puts fs wah “Bo y etkaihaaHtosnacheapest..pee ie Sis “4 Drs H.Q Alexander.of.this,State ‘twice fromn arpbitsh\inky 2Wedtits-ae The "cose action taken b cavines >t th Feely ent S Sek siee ere hae $s iessTine’ofF vite 4 ae oh Ah attempt was.nfade’to!wreek Tday.morning aud-Swas :topgbrous ¥fe ,f oes oe ED "e we tor!theo ©Cause.ae th YonNegro:Whipped byte:Woman, ie ae eS 3 aoe i f ‘urniture .+%-he:south bound "passenger tain sof eesae e a Cz mae pth:ie Mrs Y betes “af ‘jection ol:z *oe 6 ee we ae soe a)i"AC Vie esotyrougshhte=qtesyille.”“Our unprecedented trade hétore ‘the hdli-}the “Atlasta,“Knoxville vand :North:4!a pai hatettm.D:«PRI ‘Gied (|pat:aot 2 enGy Gide cues Sees we Coltaipiy:S.1 ee Mar.“Cartie::ewoststripped our stores coreequently near]y-everything fh stock 4 OSs Cobvert whed Ta wife shies,'ot Be Sita Yaees nade ;Hamthona,*abathitess woman,alter Gu ae ees bei sich and price,wWiticl-is.cheaperoF sista oe oreera sist ‘agree was bana?tfor bis grin =e)coinsYas :oe hy Suh Ca FSppea das:thi purehasinic a hoes ewhip ind:baHens 5 »FOLE e have a ¢pre aad:apderstwi thd ¢Or 5 tthe leadin wane!)Pa EK ay pe ee Sy tA ‘reaS Ait eas WesttiPhint,My 1:%F <i 7 CTS OF LN ¥3 Tpate ts Mf etal TOR:5 ]Da te ths eee “by?:.;}ihe «=Yadiy “ifactirersforButvits::4 rex hic ce,“th 2 a ‘es ot ISS),or :{Tt ubsde eal x 392 :;Beek fei eae:sn bes Berek gt!eggunsmith |Sea that*her pisto}was3BheemovedofakoeeeviaHevehitle.line:OE the”‘past-3:SP Vcicksbuaie-“eutttinje,€sonfessed.MS emilt<and”sSaid.ess"ee Lia ft DAR A aNpronitay ere ‘Mith,Wedinch:Muses Soule 2 4 Pyoperl yy loaded walked 1@ the dover ne sity has y ny ett 3.7 Wilt-prove ee velit~alia rd Epa,hes en peceP ey Se Oo,a a LA py pers agled’‘alked tQ thedeDterthereasonthat;br Reesnexferience or tea (yet 40 PP>ree aya ant x,ae@lution,&sewed anihment.~,oorAy ale Sa i Te ie k Ce er a ,fst the xWestern |e mestaarank vAS Ta ie ety:4PiabeudeonPOotkaaanathoeSuirbigatespssiton®{hehe topgesontatives,mM BS“Texritic reathertis reper deh from L t ;‘ar:thebbmasingss ¥efitre of the Lowsr. Woy be Lig Very OOSt forthe-monew,poe bose,ti t we cam,give Comgrass oF af ocaté ‘a Paesseb ,vortherrne Persia.The avons Akporgn|pnda asket“fdr JParmees?W ilhams,Ag if te gddrantee Wilhsire Satisfact®wr &t tie erstimiezo ¥pricity SaatXsFondtgvertan«1eebaton.We wallsaeHe juncede a4$eerrantine:Gr stasy ‘hin goquarter:PLY,Scenturs;“rate bi fou ro,éaltie toptpad ilogr,)elsiming iture oFeee oid eg Ay 6 Pa BySet Agee!tales has “Gaeltban-attuidred peopl Wacopariishoaya of Sg iy wre ikcine Ghee ae option sek thet shatsn:Leg “The he wotary liter:a 4-é ,““Tokaea ”at sheadquarters”eee Now padlsmatiy thers:are,Inissips,aoan,we eaca‘Ret sak ea Spiga aime biereee 1 erat WT 1 eae ;ibs *war «Gulrtlic *hip On him’.“anid”Si eee Lhetotbtnation reprsanth h «Senator Mashing:‘has:Vinteotuted a Arbeteayts Laceauhh “oily i o i j di;Phecmawee thy,!Sy Zi!thé hande ja its fred phe.s.f29:000,000-tapital ith huine,is ‘the ephitidiilorthe raliel Seite,fm HES coun fy Ww Pe Kined 10‘Ecdoenisroverhmepit will eve |2 aod Ii Lp ey iad meanSyhiléBorgholdina vevol:™f Aumpiidin Steel and Wire Comipan'y:‘WyottheMoecasedspastitaster.5 Ty widays:Fidbrse lettey:,;|far in hegveft higind.:-ThisShe wows ApeeiaSorarenaTFseeAetHOry,the\Chiicagos mirdemes!ms yecenthy inobbed:tte Takescpes fas Begve ron sb,Mhinyoy ea LAC 8 Paki aa WR hook Ged age 20 Malas ichied by bya elit)tated forging tle negrosto!fall). =YOQUWANTT 2a.:ta 7 iy:i ty)das been te‘tola the task _Stlected ee SC:Roalief isforstie*am:rant“ormeegseds adyy,SHNTD Tat’xt He vane i §si ::4 ey PSO UE }te ons 5 ah SEES,Lundsapoldsging |for ‘bis.T:|<<trio -{ee aarar:his lite!iinprisOnment!St.yO;*it eRe eat ie ee ipo:eeoly i at:Reais *O}“nd [ee s “*ity ydiet-ite at“4 (Rubdrey peopleSomeHonfulGoods.”Misetagegata Healy 3.Lap hey tagcatad vate.A SLA)fate gS octae pk on!yeealayaAeimlat_fitbntiats 4 cialismten cag nufactort:Pnibes box whoventered,sutt”ecdinst |Mon hey “ey Midet hes Sata’;if Gee Z =mas SCOT.sAamimond,Wheis An inde:ius3‘SIUST STEP aX AND.PARE,ye GOK Pkavee k FSaupage forgedhee.the 3oisweespon”tHE:Ww ashington:vida “Gem rgotpwir Harned Niveoeoe Kbfiayke ant a:dl ‘f ony e (at ¢&“i ety rte f "dj tit Piarattey.5 =f the négro x4 3 Wigibek animes Famgiettips eeoa rae eoLmyeS:os ee and Lubt gert,willbe Sve“adrge’Ratleay «pm patiy teat $15.0 1)Segme|peti o a wwced{MO Fatifas ne Kopi he owt tr St sent ye i 2:mS wee;+te icethe night -be-M :and”iMpéried Ghaiss Ware fs Just‘in/ijwouyld:be glad fv"foffife,Work:(Theintorhfationpleated ayes Jor,Inguiiesa cleaned has Been :2 (eto have:the JBidjes.especially to came iinewhdSee nee ‘y *Piagetierty |\LMT ee Be awarded 85,000.5 fae :cts -afeoe.=<4LIP YOU-ARE 1x insfee ‘ij +=Mie Sealant lodMproqeeeee?|es special.from:seed feeisa”at,sary flac eeadieeeSelegefrigJightsforrailroakendine”‘ue Say?The’schooner Sheedstelr,sings Hlischg sodghe oad+¢toring the hp .Cte RN gL aah saps 4 a Mast mera fe eps nal®Sete gc oR “D ,Sa ;:yg,Nt x O™ Need of Specks,’ts Eek y ae brights:sie Srcteie headin struck By3aauglt Uday:awh ‘pry mad Seg fustyabiiee,the azitle.Hear ade are Ties thie followin sthapiny ko a be.POG “Cc ceceen2c et aéiVeBRECUAEaesoGRnrfie&pate os ProutsgByyreatsuccesg”an.fr Kris Farjuga and Caprizad;”Byte.Tee visyLoot:enei Me er Bees he 63 :Ne Heyer hi OG ‘aly i €t bites =ftried 16.Eta s va ie:thro ag re ru y<L Cs BLY ais gd ar seh Pit eh,fr Bre nye SON Rard sérpassy song woe dvowned.aindng,1 (aa eene Fohake :F ble eps yy Di :ay Para vehi gh ot egaw ith best Gpulity e efarsed!iF f mt dent ders $s ity cad the Shey ent gist beagle’wa tt ee wi ohi Son eo Seeds 4 toate nih BB ie etee Widow.Ee inally she 3voi het pistol :ed Rs x,f LB H Rickert?ia)4,pe<0 aResa oe tech wort upe eS f ;easNene OSE RCH a aS oe yst sch toa oe ea Pa sd BS GH Triat=}Sls ne firing at Tun,he:ile”Heliads “Bag «Ao Seeizexctowedth On theit:rrepuky froth|%-ie,Revicn OPA m facut oe EN tae <s cage :re ‘toe Ata given.his.ng¥mecto wher*wat first as:Ro SiS=seenecAnySer crak|Kiagli Koda dt we eT they 4Raa S00"Spemssto’be Virtle aheathy tints:Cowie ;FH wars Pee uu.Tae Pau ALTA ROL ne (Pp ;Bhi;:S Janes.Williams-aN!illlams*terties »<=I wsares *~wt —ee =——t o06%morti oh lil chipsDsseRSiau-vanged.ase peSake UO {5Ft °i es b us SNpoll Wea %weg a7 Mio f a m 3 a piace nay.naviesoFtheaattgtie.”oe -Rie “oe ane as este Roi put Faison Pee ilaa tgtQ)fatmagunees'that Seecae nes osARTY oth gree Wapsith 4F if Tia oe ;wa seth Ta at Rig ee eeeaeSSeaa>AR AN ak *¥‘ee cie <ee 1 5 et t a 5 *Sig Seeeofeepnee3waieo.aN Et bes,United tates *and Heyl to the Bibuse Inks :sory Se Say Fikes ¢ACE if fers fe ReratIAeePITTeene“pSpaéin,the Sobtherh,Shapes:wou ‘df fpet ard:the om Gan ee we a Sen SeeLe he ;bys Sie :thers States MarSleims.:rh =ep AREA rane 18 oy?s Sa a eg Li,os :~b £0.‘Bu yclteap-As:cat ..Be postohite ae has 16)aor ohabii tit ortet be hatter.S Bint illo’pestecake |sede oe ay £“AM.ay ¥\.2 yas <f :es 7 :sie:WN:Oo nbre japprbpr eee vbills,$irNRISae,geitly decidédthat dite’lt Biares Rue |Postosice deareneA iti WeaS heads,SiGi NS .::De Fg a Sa!tomisas 5 ES weressenit be the “President last!Frti-+appdintéd Dostntlasteas —oCons statingiifs hispret rs Be “spare)Ho [ete FS _pe me a eat Bik ai pease ed Aiba ee Fad dag the pension bill and tlie consu-Dae:Fertig dyct t Heit payttrs,Sy fog:ws.tthere inshortmency;inGistoverine.TNR creo Sos On aie Me eet Be eee PaLOe.ki Siena Pee a ST La eae 4 eS and da plomasic,bot!hy “of w hich onRLOINING Hoeghis iS IAT.:“bogie big Pea ;5,kati 2 or Sogn’dig}dintamtinn owchodtlat Be |4praiseEiioeComersLhis‘Gee be mo}ie.oy tlle mundeiprsict the yegro Apostmastivt se te ret eat Pi te yf *,went through:their Jinat*stage in thea:i Aaeeeedhe;teSa pe iQ foniciabectibe Bas 8 Wee [SRPagBit SLE Tingathee ghToonine Wfecrnom &qeosered At fe yon re nS ns ae pees oll Hlodse4 Te most ihiportant action'sINGkg 36 Day ;Ssq *<oe x te cs ASE Mie-Xcifemaiteprener“the:Bieri |tal.geda_waned ak repemators|Ose Cue wis eresaa ete ;:MN ae ao er gee a Sade*qaieSeghce in an agree-,a ;A,of the ‘Maine “has saee teAide ney Sh,ol,bee:Semi yt al rks yg ee eh ie ei gee oo Va ai et bora ‘the billappg¢priating, lee ee i sah :BFS ‘sae.%‘j Bran aGreatly,Reduced Prices =sat af eee “eo eveattly apie the?yanif.per ied [dept Bible Te btsa Tove “Kost of orexe dh‘ae oe,:Matte tbe 1 disor ‘i ae Be BH,0 for avariclalgns ap-is iaeehavea&yet av smibrok.thages lating ord an,33S . {qubntity of Lobtribetiogy”to thee hesh PALI lhe,Cariesae.bri Le PsYi ¥.ee:a a ae ga2 af 2 ite &Be ee Neco gan oe ae oy,‘the ht ef ¢‘laims.-inder mel Nae *VEN as ane 4 yee Fi a”‘olerine rey a 5 eaene |Tre fund fot thé sshiierink,Fubgng|Peroaly cain George >‘CREAT BARGAINee:“ee ‘‘‘Snippties boy?that:aM“loads et j RBS st Nery]Ere ka he Tink ick 52 tale :oe :BA ek Gal te Mets :.E <sNtLN,THIN LINE.AY %pnae Side ea ely drids wftong 7te befinie ‘Shiapke 4 eb ates:Weebait This-Re;sid “£0:EAS Sey eee SO ee Pas Sank nee cok ::ROC 1G,}-Theyi asby igual 330:‘Sie Pa ie vis Havatia Santiagh aa:oe <Aapp8l p witha eek OL;wiboasktioes’rth he fete.it tha few F ag Pe ee 5 an Z ee :MCN Pag ION,areJor Store s wid sup-|3Overcoats:and:‘Mack atoshes.She Dae Rae “P seuetS thier osam 00 TGs ‘thanght “robliery:ae:Shei tpur Locople teeta i pee:ae oT a Se :seized during theIftheseshij4"::War’‘in -the:=Pe f )wel ;‘ag pages)Ray ae Reba ae a ns ene ee:Cee :GOEL "Sowthern Statd:re eat=Srumeettg.a.SATELT“EPRICES.Ft cet Rains,ot qu pide”Bad Wena tga ae Ray pgnbne yetored Shd Re fatniedrout uy as ;ase ‘..pordy a FEN!*best aha maSchy uses ili:OL 4 +a 46 Bo :paar ae bY :,‘Only,wo ‘other bills:were‘passed,GENTS FURNISHING GOODS:-.2 Sy hd “at Heiindafbont ¥Pa.idast,bk!ei ay aeDP is eee LEdine da!:terete s DERE NOURI D Shh Thess Tite tor Engcite ai ue to pay The beirs‘of‘Sterae e“Lam,Otering age ae Besire $9 UR 4away crossay red)ap ciaheavens t'sS Shep Wood &a arconpdent ihe aikers Rpetted totrurcy on (4 Spt kp i fe Ae UGE vt Saga sv i )alt |2 ty,about $50"00 for:cotton -+no eae os A .eRe Prins.saittgbesteds color with aA aoe living?er ceypale Ae “hd “byt.Tee *a Eh ed ef PACD ESt oF the fam Uy 1%paus;thee pitd:Y ai sd duriIng th wax'and the.other +<a 2 i.ONS,farrison’S°er teers be kyrourd of Die aigeds:Hen:Fone-dirvalest stockhe Bote Rahiy “Riles.eimai oat f a ‘des 19 Ms it apy aes Se ee ake MC eee age ie if Passaghreraty pf $3.360 inee*Pans te J Neng dveigds Gepeople siaived 2the strange”his sbrotber,Lipg AVEbod edDH parted airinee Ae cht [auber strsicin OESe 9 HW PQdes §LW rel deni s all claitng Sco Ping out of backoe“er,OTRING te fe ‘4jm:2 :vtby :mpbgnomeon.inythesky ond),tHesu-)th dit eet.cod.iecso ays .ere naar nat)Sa ‘Oun steyd,*vi ‘se 20 ‘2 j Dax €te!S tarpeg duricing the war.“Fist doorrere:witherBlock.fees eS Se 4 ie stieidul greaseditit,as.a dvead,revolyeton:hi malt and Sit <byle|thes mariage aid parienewing Lbusbatde 4 rte he auntie Deets ¢ort ‘During Oe debate6OM a-taipar|re-°=<nk 3:wast cA tower.At ognatignal AU m with:Hiefthrouzuthuy prep:heads:ki seBa abi iTOapateal hes ep is vere pa ie BRE ;tetbilk:Me Tiga De hovrat,of -Spain.i }AN a fe esore Scarce ‘tinct:A thatabtly.THe:oxotiys fe oe 0 :ee un LaGts &s 3 is snbniinrent 'w ch Delaware,who.wes”_ate mpting fo |Nbag Metin Mhevilig:ican était >bad quart lad over:Jsihassmiptict Ate het A a Rae ECR ,i ;bein dist”tiie:“promises diate by .Ar “Bpetancek Fai,Auilter white.Jnie ok ;eSMcKinJe;sri.lis firauge-x WillianeJ,Brvaer hieSNH Gute 5 Oi.ti :;:Settee shee”soot te SEARwasshot,anetled ovptr,ribtotini]|thhe-persSon Off 2 Tekas!comyne forme Sorrpus ost Spe pe ee Pha ;aktke :ik Mr ugo.to-day.sige ig!rp ful-bs .f ee a "4 a J is .scaoaafrest.Durie.the dai me Pass aly cler,Who’nae a a¢iit :SMF ss eal eo dag lie »Pt nththregore‘abuntevfeit.Stipe:‘Bollars *Beha“hjsseoyaeceie Sere PAPO oe :are fhacoag he =tien’beffore”“shel”ane i +,xSaar ae vas Supsed 16 phahipigy,of free silver!rb CO ik,ws ipsdns SSor sere ne =‘se aoe Oar EEO Se ae &ag et o Payne sustainedRE.4.feeSTEr"E(et ity We Lin“A oe,FS,‘Pinilesay eeeora asduLeero hat.~bas t gosdvojdba:Akg Te hieanie’trou ar2with 55Nea ce :nae :se a eg Bele;t ibs i ie ud “an:pjppeal --=ie :id a fdema vded,sutrendar:(He*setz,a playsiple mapper.“A's h@has EK.PEAriigst,MeGh;yhiy.Saude Phileke oe eon sane Rae caine wares cer ameaen We yee.taken.+dhe,epocrais protest-The:“E-O.Gbiman’Shoe Ave een $eadrifle anal HotSE Fan code ot:-pringiples“and aAtheiries piesinne oe algety iden oth ppt Ae -BS :Be eae éd thatthe.practice ed alsrgys been SN eee bat ley Meck taeer ot ih ey =pheady,so Ria8woe ies os“Ls For.the tip-oB-bistobgie,“he haste"|eq 4Hig a eee A RC SES og ce Sos Weg Ah alloyetlie Aes pate ee“F ‘or HEERDIES =<Bi be ey He |if Beit ie :ia hte ee cerssrom™Ms Bis Biot of Feeeded in:‘deceivihg-arge geinbers ie at ne Pian Sain shee ea f 4 ah Oy Hei ae t oi nee :ioe :es :Psy ANAS pis £‘se ‘.Me-whieh we think %one@ ob the best meditiepicashen’plpn the wikef.AsMetai’bays:\The“Sertate ‘Com:|pof-payinggustomneys’hs ane,eG :yi aP ONE ne a hey She ES Sa a pe y Bf ep lt his:and “ip-Price $1.50:|EVERY Tg Wad rantedsolid miption yea,MNNMaEW.Afatrs hos](sof tragedy gure ia “Sheth |nether newhllrzadgoopption fnTe Motte sad &ev /ugteetie Ratt aici Se ctnuntee,daciase nit ieee1.RAR,Bs panded xipdtr jalLDille,directigig,fhe:tanberg,SC onfast -Tuesday.?B Leadereassie last!ie kn:Mey x tae is ani .eet Say:ay me ca Gat eeQi eae speech ©trom,rtgit and to vite gtire=Salita 16 pase ea ete ‘gid of reinddrsand<8Suppl épyr-|which,T.Es Trimmtdy,aa Spreih ioed as thes Case fear"fe Mors ORG ee mas ee oeae ae ee,=iS e cee =:Chigitig Meas prom >from $f:oy Re pe Cpe eer LE sed by pheWar Dey art ment:Jor metchaxtt was hot aiid eye tr ‘road.wig ‘thiefol iterasodircetsy (cw.Oe Pe COUN Scie tee en ny Agate mete ae hee f 16 FOR 25-91 to-fe.the Pept A .Toad afCRS th e a a a sous Saeco Tere 2 r 1 =t ::es Losttaer.fas i <whi sw;i the _Fashdus “Battle Axe’,oly te Miah ss yt ar the rdligh,“ee theemai rs To thé,Klong]py:Sat Bivibs,a »prominent®phi GAB OPEC AR,MB epee t :a :“ay.ni the.‘Chi ldrett...7 Sie raeRM lets r *Adige,Theale isto ‘was Wweach¢d @f-|ickm.The tr dle gronOy of ye Pa oO Be Bolts3 D2 P ha eee at ay Pease NN et oe ee he,resulti “<The -:=Shee for.‘Men,—an uidre pi ye hs 42 i ls oanui ry ¢s ation andes Sin:lipe|Parks MréTrin migr:eeSiegrod 36 a ichols:ues‘Saar t is Be Ret ek oe ek a Aas Ne 5 St oeGpee x Ax Fey:a .ti oy and.banePiwe>wilk tai €%pleasure:SateWw fhiatTie idions pf“thea Secrétary|Kare madeaboftLDt.s Bprinee Gilt hin wack &elect ,ae there F ene eee a fe 8 pad pre byt ahs =_the"afiwniative,so Rememt 2 LOTR SSP vty 3 we e ‘eo Résa tt oua af tligehair standsSrecieshowing:you!puipuck “Our:gteck®of shoes ral eto sing fx*“oe at,ond:Gpiiel al Sy:‘Merritite‘and PAL!Bere Ted were promt:fie s Be Tio 3 Bre:uctured,i ci ae ed eee Mie ae a etei gesaSterestyou‘tren ‘a Ove fault pot wours.vn :‘PR Achj<ati ot persons,_Wha-have |ee etsad en=te dent:lt 2 BURRS 78 fs ~hee ;:as ‘:,oe iG2‘«ae ~Ile re 7?pepepormed ‘tigmiche-Riondi ae the’bbe deploréd ;‘*\©*bE 2ala trea:.(<bs a Sy “a Wet oak oN Ne ‘4 ;ss :a .HK :”ge eee —.ree iy pate agi |°Sloop,Mil &Go!»[ete that ne:Cathaea Pea ee Bintaggdh naenpes Tenn”"4 The,stihl ick Sh i i POREJtSH MY “LE $RePattonscall-and cea shi »Free:pest cide og.mS =e i 4 |tion?Howee?xISISS.CL gt5 se EE Jsags “Fted Raores:‘Whe:nuitderey Of iltein oi $30.acess ‘gin :eathe a Sree rears si eee a ae Wes to,*StatesvillleeN:C:,Feb.13th.ey ates aoe =a oe Ses ee ie hae“Kid”MeCoy,chpaniod‘middie.PTofa §etsy,was faken from.the:auPuy front Raleigh pe :eae:ne a Un as eolbire RR aaa ree ot Muay at’ioe ee now”Pee da .?re a orNe eRe “te >4 fo ;=“14 {eS :Hed -<S E ey re aii,ieeeioe eee ‘eae Pies =pis SvSight buggiligg atthe Avorld mep}capity jai"atvStnatobia,|Miss=at\0 ke nent,srr “abdome snctiies]Pinies which”peared cg DARE Iios.ears =—oe cea Sie ee and.déieatea Nick Burley,of Calici 22:ZnB clocicthis3inornips£andxshot|m.fr Sometimes maire {208 heron oe Saki sh fc hich Tine.bat ieee -Sach is the Peytcest of,Mee.LM. a| *lpm oe ey ae ac re ‘ W ere ah=Bey -V5)ersons3)xt pee.-:ae,:Besos SsSSpringfiela:x1):aie 1 or “ee ES laokniay aeiethedrbnd:at Whittington to Peath bya bof vot)>|the set ens 0 9-ae re NAS A is ‘era LOOK HERE |"Zisten’at;feats se d ars »eat eeot/Springs,reas a :dersan’ord.Beoreuad fuarreTed {:ei ett peEIS oeoeno saisjie ot ni 8 <pope Pree oeae HS eg HaynesSeek“have ne had:yet 3.fewhe:vy intenagticlés cousist gr 20!$a Par bi Be res ::ae ‘; ; Piette!reads Os tole +L wrote“a 3 he Califorhiign,bs ut some trivial“matter a:e ae.Aer |—si ae re : Sate:“oats,*ladies.capes,a Rcida.toht.*cys vs:wade about | j jeu 5abd boy So:and pabS.ee ot ae "1.sirsik bed hetorked out‘in,tbe,’second ‘rpund>followed hiswiah:-and:‘shot:hime fifive .siea;Refused:|hoao Bad”FF Pam fightcwas the.most éxciting and times;attepwards:placibs.thr *body.ieral's!ine,aléi.atlast WeekABEReasBsusafornot.Emen,bogs:and ¢planeaspen Fintekestipgverdr 9aavitnessed,in.tbs onnthe raflroad,‘track’&ee aoitevedstnas forhis“cmen soththat:Ee Owlr.price if reasonable:Remember;the;(Sood tals.New ¥o Radk-vify,"TheeC Jack tthat it was paliedo eri es -Ditre MpBereshy Eo aoe Pthey'cjoopld bE‘fead-to”march itthéSoomterourSpringCe‘<Rethet bert eeo hex soo St.sit Abaca vd of tligs Governor's,Gn-NES,howexet,“aR vewas soona«et Clacsting House,corner‘of’Cooper:“Hotel leesone ol?Ne str1¢tion increased the.generaling,behind the.bets.“Phe lynching,ay +Charles towed =‘SMOLENSK &Suet?NiBro Sm er -5 {terest writhe epiitest.:a The large ate ‘Caused Site,jexeltementy t .4 t 43 tones,at ee 5.hy:afcS.oe fat big Hgn;in age gi st Ny Ay tS A Sat englanges2;WD<petsons>bein Apres.Pp Att about Zorelock Tast..“SE GaiiciagsCoy€Ge yf.7 lentustuprisndxenbodysci sion S|moraing-«Harpy wasdeenevherging|*,Hi ‘factsthat peasseoeeey wieee eeea,teneindnt igen iethe iity of a i her.thursday before.<=ls pce Se alarm.‘was oo pais aa troupless’fear on ae first wen afew>>;arks:swere :ery ‘wigan Reece bene Si apa Rs POLS MIE VR CES oe 0:,be |bn:oo cred aofirs.aknN Saitof Sanadian ‘otliciats tnying’tof,ny out:FOG third Spory:St ee 4 Stes ale a ~“wen seare ti afernie Ne St Know it swill-cube dth=”atAiliscn's5 Waxiety Storer;“Sy”[ectcetaufy6lesane bt Neos Gps nies,Lot Ts a wary obbre|mtsEne sSplodes,Sir Asked opeeaton gid Mee Deearinnt ok PNT MS UN SN WA HE)Coes tt Yao Paine BeanpeesFioyosd~/-RWhife "Pass apd.Chileoot Pass;-from benifits the whole tdp 0 the gilding |:ps og o Gre oo ee stig can dt thet o?m1 :Ge ak Bei ST thag.fenchel weaWelhayavejustReceived-:a rgee Ssa ea ‘Ant sricans3 hich they refuse to ppy was @n:fire 2 Theol cers fried-thel aeny ct poet Beas PAE av.ne Si pepnad :‘pelvic ey <paidth weesPoetSuenvalid“3 Mn dpebubtiok thist terpitofy»being,ataibst tonsa ithe lives ‘of ShoesON I let “Implemientat fSareagt’°Bottu’of the Dayan "Pexeeph,tor Miss “Mg heroie'}ceyliarly Hiable.”aia irom’ot aa:tales Osta aie inPaper Hangings ed ook American’soil and as stichthe Cang-)fhe-thirc “oor Butiall iwasom yain ee Sees“mpljake See fa hee ©ethortst,93 ‘are.ealitaly coeniptada,B¥ou.e¥8 Papering anv,this.Spa ae week >la Shipman of:didn governtzent:bas ‘no,right.to4Sereams:tony phedying women fewarfare:opes to ee mex “dare MEER Gale contin pe bob.aakioe:t na cures “Catarrhwa SAeg'at our stock before buying,.Also bis weeks P¥ees cdllect duty from Atmericah citize x Sheard,andaf orice one ofthe dthicers Zovernmedt a i ot Healt.xeng2Beaupeesamther,,compl'cation —will result|t odtycpulled thi if Sigoeabonc it swill max be ‘out’to thé erif;pee 5 ar oes a a Re onan book devoted:to the p ase-of Catach~Stati diBlank,BooOks ~a thewartoud tramways which:rushed'in,‘bub a:Fopulled opt three ye vthingto fight the Spania eave armen sedup toher by:[peculiar to.womer’.gee seat'freetioneryanittom:ve structed 18 Carry febaered bodiés.,Séveg.lites (w 2 anne thing "to Aeht the Spaniands L Tobaed ake Your ve em)e-faimily,who [toany Woman by ThePe-re-vidDroget‘this 2.SeGhaatas”‘and.at pose ght over thea sek.PlieAmer ost.3 Phoge burne to settee wi,ithete,be war-over-the Oe)58 °am aae Re DRC Tad sponte ao BEE aasstgiee e ay,Colmintteersse"Saois 3Baste fnkstentcaoauthori==ae Mics. Ritiekameyer,the,wife of car-Pl :3 i fer,that meses week nent :oeees,ea 8“ever,these maways,rand)four ‘vhitdceu,,also“at50c.~Respectfuliy,°<ee te ’authority wil violeotly réSisted |Penter;and be :‘ie Tempra on ;cai =}r ‘“s es [ oe St ee Se b a l d te a t an e t t e pe t a to n 2h oc h ah at e d dd a rk e m e n e a n at e RI A ‘e ee in a aah gad SN ae atepra oeAaefasTs::oe —¢s s:ry . :<9 Se thad,that"bet Réent tic Panic ath:a cee :;Wt mn=Tk€eee «a S yah z Rete .ir ae ae) niet a“tee MAS :x Phoxe je aay ke mer,s dh “oe eal WS %(of Be a }——=res wh a ~bia oe eG Miaee ?¥iHeCTT“pars” tal Lefecr Fe ces i P<.x Mee Oh ek eyed eh i oa ISHED a3ch ean ek =a f 3 pe {hit :TealBradt 5 sechiraticn dick ear Salew Bo i PRS eR on ina?Ai aes poe ear HEN Eien eee edhe Cte tho tae y s_.that sIShanvou BOER EAT 9,rabbet |Peart 3)Nigsces Cee Oe iain:aM ”“e ve)yoo Sais as €'s 4 ATE =a Rao a be fog Be atke +et eat mrt Wane ae Fi =ice . ei a EAR’ba q than he uiaprivgd |‘of,hes!tnarke Syth ty LG 3 peony ero Nd a Sy “porte re eS No ee ep -ONE DOLLAR,£Resoma aie os nies:‘|Qoe "the:F ar Mase dr Sue eas be ihrem a een 3 sq.a a8.eatag.ae:‘Clitriotte.Git Tatereal = os tee MS hae re UEeER es Bae +K ee LUperiieatoh fingwil!young,ee iy pipent®SCR ae dy OH)cE Gorton.Se .Cor Lukcied,suigide eth | i Ex 1 cheese.Se Borrors Hem |th Sate oe &ont ‘Woites ”>tothe test»oe th ;at hace,Fucsday.so the inlier glace ast Sutwiday mae .SE hat non teh i Sees ''ri ; >DB;v ATTS,Bac Gecere a feat ‘Stoves and Spain Drawing a Bussia.aad EF rabce Seaivasent <D Purecii.“Of ReSa ane by.takes:>faudaguia oe!a) oe Ney Sh eee ee Seas ae os >‘-to-a Crisis.4 eiekwingd to-Gisregard the “peceyt Studer t in Catawba Coli 3 Cis DR AW:atSaeatSSwetie>Das .we q Sa,Wis BeyaSNriestbaeeaeheweHONE:Ro oo.i 4 :ee jake!omlee British agce rtisos Of a dimils,bev ond at!Beret.dat week Ui DMCS LI Ga.Fe<oner ai AYE Loseteven days escane N.Cc UM Ate,1,TEE |oa eee“t,‘so a jar,Woidi she,whale ae bot aS of Ralviclisiiy zed 0 ai Audience of 6000-ee :t<in HcorHeel sled |whe LO TreS abs.t eee haeina ‘rune ‘Oty:hiv’trot i Steps pspeech Was it hou goroe Aue 5 tind teat cineca ree DAVENTION +>thet tecis .s :These liumits hsare Mh ue beor™Over-‘:a rhe |t +.f d il * |PEMOOMATIC:NTA TE explosion of the*Vaine ie 4 pro-}fepet ty i@th ite“ineand,easst)On fast!‘Monday’por aie an role ssa bet v =si y .#3 he oe 2 .x ¢ry ”A °.;: ee er Cg ‘foundyhystery!WWetevide ee ‘Africa.and Europ qi ian‘atin,lostNis,sun..a ey BS *aie?yon Ls 0 |t inPlaetee|Mavgorn Be auek *«idence,whith is.very.con ar)KdOw aha Great ly vitae:"Svat ‘f The?‘Rutherford an ‘CottonTimid)A ae ee eee uf =ie ine WEE yertordton:wa sold)cecanet Oe CL jastMorday to»recently"gave $25 ease re Jai 5 iter }tion’ands new he a pens Si se ¥sho Ws “the4isjfoundevertdaywhichshe till be:‘|batt!me ate * Two years ago,1983 teae eOUS’Patopub)ie duTheqnditian’‘of,afeairs;:ngewe Ex:she Maine was blown up frdtn with, Ras tine:between:the -Enited States,pate Le =beet:discovered reettee:SiS.it’was the suésee M.Eee:forst=tf ie a <must‘lah Spanis overninent had pw a a4 Sees S :“and Spain’such.that there.—Seat eee mine frou ang?!ber thyingSaroe,tts ae nes‘cho;ane the:Rao w ho,shot!that ‘gist to 30;00. a ‘the yates ‘::;bee lettings up!by ‘one "gation es:hh clactvieal gineer (a nde wit months«quire aay tineng BONE pions ¥,4 wi atthe Si ata pane in Rowan,When ictbr ining pepeaN ~°Other oF there with inevetably.~be eat sarah ithe engineer.Gere.to ES a ee jet VeCeee Z fant cunt t,has been:-entenced,AG othe:ef os pa my ee etx.zrei ; ‘i "5 *orn ¥ry $e eS _ Se Miflict ‘Phe public:mindy.of bast Sine to.this country anil swear ta:f Sp nt gealydn Britain's Yoreiga LPenjténtiary tor dive years e :on anSaye.sae por Th a a a, a a }NG the grsobalty :%4 t NECESS:‘:ae “|Deal went to st pe fons iis.Beebe inflamed aii eG the Néw York Jouy nal’‘gf th veiatiods:vl lassie wir!is.priwetically ayoung 36:eit:eile fick Ek om leay import:duti eR « =v ~* i fg tatement Shai . ) Vembitt gedub¥the”(ODS ant anita?|,Ith "vinblishe cai 2 Pere se bi i sikant!Rie #ees evkey ‘PR cht mH)east Lin tO he?ee:nite ts spain,we She duty a.aa.LIGAD rs ike ey he hidna st dyler bobsbt a!ann y diy the fa,to “serve:Jout ayb ye lowered.,We4Ibs,fi ‘a PG Se a “She Has dort s so foe Tye post por! ruipenber visti ao R iviera “ander the}VveaTS:Sentence for house:burninghi g Yor?@ tion ot Litt:ar and wrongs bf thy of powderr Taurmonths agacot a-tirm Te,“American pow \A k:CC mt of the.4 ‘ie un w Yor and on acco a ae ay )t 2 ve are|:erful ¢pe slrvepientities On of aro |Th:Ye adiiinistrator ~‘for -W iitiarh On necount af.som agtOeSipleschikaasateConeFeats“er ghantity oF pe :Hg be Englasd fs prepariagtor,itr.|asr stan.thamacere apes |Billed|onderstd tins pahek’Gee a re +sives and"eu woilseparchaged.i :*)Hairston.thomenro wh vas Bille oan rw Peay tee nna |athe?“deCinkve oteiN ani te A=f es nde Ww ey ty ar(on even oi more:exte nse eR Reruold’S tabacco “factory:Ex wai)"quis.both wt.iGhetexs :is infer a x‘aie!than the Eniter®States:.a:atca tus ;inniton hel 2 at Winston,has enter ea sa .fot 2000 dabiazes..ey.we 3 :totistepandpdraatrs.Svar.so Si fo=wished to Wse theartieb’s in:the t dresaed wad Gs tithe T qiedsa pos neenstructic ofa dy nemjtestnine.;Not wey iis therehé wreae oe : ,sis kde ’ .cad profitabts wor cdnducive:to heals!1s Ww hiie it ieall”a-mutter:of,con:ivity %p es ae mati ‘“The r ish,and Onsster Maixe Whe a o “and:long Ele at wodld:rot:be:sur bjecSture.as to whethyr /ithe Spat oS De Ibe bietivie uae i)5.Ces t New Bern AS vie $ neh :ar 4 *o ay for!tating thas Ga at Tyaptly iS apt “jus a r TH tha th .€siti FD)erg tie pt blew up thi Mal:LIC,or \fe Me i .seg I 2 b a ti ‘es :*“.a Tus “it &tath ly,:Ae bacne “us bh hers Hy weston:atin fer hala a ele to ibe;beer ve ryae ware i a a *+her th the be “he ot T :‘;ie -at ane TUT Rt hess une ve busca A : shot eeeeat ak tiayaunsewsYPeatHissuland.Dee s 3)mit\of atteidatrcetas well ais hit athe| Seeetead Sacar’p Us ty ~bipnwas’bho Th,Bp.oS ved Beeke os:basis}Ee ©'“a seanGuspais oP enbi bits.ee Ne RN ix My rte byt tside“explosion,“Bat itt astat jis:SCN,gw ft ie :atta ty oh eds Batt alt dc emis to.betit set ondaby cole wht useid agso hiaS OG f AG An ate:tapt.w Adee urade.“tustince 4 sep etre |dag ton aA,ocr ant Spain phedtlen,for hres,‘bips bo se te tik jonds-ofthes Yuckin’kurracs we pan thie Lito State;~walfts’to ee Conost Ace Tor,“€Hida,S Vipin Ree ee ‘Wisk be brove hts#40 e ebay.the i rsad ie t eyes ayyRINS Ssa ASC i .eb Pears ts rey ¢of Rowan COUBEN :*tr 13) 1 ter opiisib youl!Spreve 7.Hl protmbhy ge “ave thes a hpre35.GIS Pate abs Tee ala Soo thi u the pitatio:\intnat uke and es engral yprinedpyes!and BS caSie rE fi,the esrei toe ureatd A fessetch iron Wastiy:ee ue pay ine)the interest:gn ALE Drela Nye,is Se fos i SP etcal ayo vayy ludasuta fake eie Migr ust eypretsSard:fenadeyr ables 2 }Ly:ese fifiEeeieRhnepec‘ute itty feet[My aeearnSecs,peer aesae yesetae Se.eeere =Feira At eee BS:a pak ata i‘fare ‘f ieeefebid,se Oe ee ae Td tnoi 2 cu Oo eye Pes ists ow::weed Witla upMo-daser stpely Hip Se S ag Cie T ‘eV Litt Per :Toa Aan fea ee >rm tenet Lg:a Chat w ee ss ON:ee tii re 5 3 :_38S 2isles —o een ee te ae Seaicla wnifsriawe pakicly gis Sas Modituen~{PAeNg ars co Phaose ‘Rao :i i the x sci :t]as sunt UEION.-Ke SS.aA rah fare pe feiieMeanSate oi eee Cthreydlay pox Fir Jobaeoxs ay < ce +18 start twee abt.te:ee Wi ::gay LD Sete :aie iarA invoke ad Se Hi YOR Ri Mas 2 AWWine ht ey 2a PissasHA age eas Phirwyiate ane ri4?aea Sy ‘inf af omer ie ; a By ot -Aiba aly)VeNeyy praeit!ak Ae}ike Pe ar wey)PERN itil he Or ty m*ase “I >&%;; Lek Wired nad.piatgl ch eeeatss ORR OL et ae i a atl ee 4 pgike ‘yet hee PeweChetr reepeg lie gan et he es ie ee +ie 4 rue ws Soa be tas ‘nti ray te!oper ao Pentair tear ohoe LegEix3 nthe ARR Te punit:wi tey &et ee xMey ?LEG oN aes Ee oa ve AQ aes 4-8&%faat ah Ana iu ¥F i eg he py oat vee <ey;radi =.At “7 %.as ay t “a,9 Gnost natriatic nis enthusiashie the,4 sgl Tgpit Porth mtsbis of eis ta cei as s eachcfpakdonBesi:bs RouoR seigtacy Sikes ae I onGad oo Bc ee werbaveSeen!The wentlemasi iis *ntipeli He meanerwe rats mckSen Pegs ae bes Giof ie fat 1 ee bhoxee heyy y Maly ustap ie’cdatymn ted tim des tN 5 Me >Rs <SN ot ‘0 qicde Be egteeet Krens of Phétnasys!iesy find A Ifei198.‘aia |eo ieee ‘a,aeie <fe iemae "are ib arSS are beEst tias aLAG is >UT LayRopunis tel dus ak Setter rtads as fabows cy.ee nme iti ¢Mies :oe abe Rus LANs eTepA ork oy Hetest Gown:fice,BNA OS yeas a8 RIGS& °28%ies:ini tine Strg eee AGE the Suere vty Adst SeatundedNe Rlsre the z fyGael:Is af aisae (me mC fbsti to be ‘the bravest iinpHast or Noy ~Jyat fish tril epetey,Te niated Lethe ‘41s bye Foye Fina? i cent .ten Sh tus pain)infers thal ¥P4~Fadd Bas Ubeh®SAL bass ae ees ane:Hpmefdad ih the Pact,that “fy:'PRC ye 9 weer Chau K 1 ; y eoverkiee“it ‘dei red the read SaltsSe nD t Keke px (A : Cg ’¥ares eat oa +ea:‘en H ‘mek hate ati tlegt.;|é:Caiman t 8 cat i Susu)GeneralLee from a feirte APE aydt soi roe ib ws rexalved fo hi Re oS ok i eae ARCO THE a cyepze oF yotton aMery Ps‘5 ufminegsyadilecada PA SHOR ai Hpligawine Beas eM.‘sbas, v4 ean ot ae Z ;y 4 aL o.Rdteby te mad AS PORN 10.Micere s .tty a .;r :hon aktdeckth:cat Figs AgWycth Sh .Shesrphe eu xe ps Noe ay I.cian,4aTeGN oust ae eT,c eae es::: sith omaineCaS are ye 8 ‘Ler teiica:re wees i honeyeines rah’AttTyee 2x ba a in ich,Lave ge sichhwd tence epgitanihlie |iwithe ist»PL Se!ign sah -ras rect is no.fay ick ee aeeeShas tee a Mh ise “Ou £9 Vz ment >serail;see <| Bese ee ee Sali a 4.ont theres:teat,Le feesjsupylss Oy,‘we rato suitrgQRSSP drsOn Sariseat side a Poet els|1 arch rink ~Gharlotc™:Wisth $3Sndirs5 s ° AD D lng3hy!se spa)3 gr hayesygit “aie maw bs 8nbetijee.TAL Taselyne ¢‘ence Bete hdCnt“pligredl to (Ctilsa fre hou vy % }wie hoy 3 cath Riba LieHf,psig |“1K e‘tris ste!Pee =i°ee eis pepetep yin’FaGpt ot the init.Geais ett vhieucn yx ;Canton tig veriens pyirtat bide ar i |eatea:a Wea RiPriah “ip Gifldeak Los tht “ tk ASU AIS“a Ae fe eres aesnyt Us)APPS ayhbes,d!tea Ts 3)de.acGptinls 1yb tn gie Seriya ae otsock,Hay PmtLetling bheBiats chatae By agit,yah at: .ASerus poate Spuglinee means aiseer gM dis i aye the Back us 7if ss ametthieA mtn an Ray oan Ext? ‘<“pit ean €caaibat Bp eeire that the-recall Of Lees #9 raelasor ht Sees An|“ull te farcie clahesLO fhosho tot:od Ses ion ey -Y tr ."”x wth am ish sch isKt fey,{Butt is Well.KT ot Wwothe:Tefoeakc Roti Ae Mp elit:UC ihtystrdn.erga depo Ta=f.a ny *Ne}veendsmaa ols us ian shiinky 4 By aN.oe a, :weBe te on©so aNHedy“se che bluse eens a pewiir zi ;,od tht, pate ack=.oe 18 sae am Teh yeguste riitrle il}Ay me eat Fj sbRothovu.a,por th eke Tack Kor agreeteSpee bs asf for 1M;pais:4s ¢3s 4st e Ray ain:hist rencrad af.‘On “at:7:Tet AB ee ae f A A ae Tagsy sfeard;ne «Ramil vi fensos For Fearlopsne ed t es ‘i POSES £4 Pe ng 2 It morning Ps Cans hte poh DUTNi oe bye he“tyr Hffete Kinckeis.cane vif a ue’blag skshig beavintaze borl-2 vii 2 st ae Si .es tite eee sentettontly“mp bisGeerAtict "Pe THL iy 0SHAduns bug mpethe Mh.“shoe ang Sniokers,gonshy *PN a?w“ith its Hisgthition ate:tlie’,Liggardon*y me vd =F <a x \oH a)Rie oy a pyle kore5 ce eee serch Mth Lolo!pea re iH)Cutters,+,cs :A ndhese ex,eine weta eatit Lid Pha Ue 4 aber,padyw:ge sent Xt ‘Me x Tee PordDabiyvé absaoe ar.tin ute I>we pate *oe eas > An oP)Ka OL seAaya,aatid derision £ *Sale ‘ C3 a AN Adib Deon:iat yuauced éin-“CSie SresS bin ii Cannone‘ApprapriatiosriSheparseokaS =Thies Puanthings!aN sited miycliy mace LY“warshiprs Ith Cane of “Kron. *diet guidfhe arin Shares,these negd> Sessa.that!ab fair,prope tion of the S50 4.One)uw)“tould juve ‘eDepartiuent.bhesei: ure oeetion : der:The armyis us)‘per“a5 “phe ~has.beg:found,¢A atly te the,grat >)ificdtign of the.army thete will De nearly ‘as gnarled tient “Larmy leven ona.war fOotivin as Wes }Lantigipigted.‘Bpis is bapause-acer:+.>thio euhiSnakersshave just)Broughs out 2 spe phe irépeating °xpd very “Sinrthut iinfeneral:features:to,«thre,|'>XA SM id,Sane <Bags Se 1 ina fer .:Hy 25 feats eioun.are withistire.at VilitePa J nthe guiehite:kk Aes!see , army ig Tecate,oe same guctrid’x cua yt althaalyypy ypgred hats yh aia feeALiwa:whitw ad idl?Aol otuse Tani RRR fe Oeene oa,Qapish 1 ae pont ds iaigCEOME ADVE PAPEsgras tial Shh feud aetlatn’s PLi Balm =ibe Gevso oe fave Botnagagle «ceys ¢nk*of ihe ee San ge: a he*plansef She HTerefaine vespeise ite Scargedic Sappféations Vt thy sonete Phe,Softhara itaaedie ti“ease Bee >is !&aes the SNS ebKyat wie Wars ipi tid "=ae Ny eS*SeisTa seytied ae re ei Moats tf.aoeee he B sues roWo lipde of)"t ae 5 Tho sor thate “hed e Soe x Adsig f pheSyRE yo.ypiu Wetye Jiotvedt Pee an ee Svea depot(iy ORsrdoste Eee saoh sys aetna.ASivary ee heb?sitisoe bar Siedas.Se Ona ee Tne pt ee Papperad ob ep:Preval yl Jatin |ed the Paik.Shou}dany sutierenprs tr wats faq ate Set juketad fe ate:tensCass Ot A BEAy Nes,va Wo c 6 RE ES me Coulee Be replaced in Short ‘order.»+rep Aan l—Gore ft fiw ¢Aire’:uae a wiv agfigaes LikBe can tees wee .Roht EeS1obe >Seeri te FonntaWiteequ rs,e pees:wes aie ian =BP steven SeAS vytheayy wp:oben te mea.2 fSsou suit My i"oUt €Ra {tie}oa o%,Meee a »PBS men SeiQper tlh st tlie:se og ante a oe Th connection;With the Sabiect,wt ¢%qe ;4 thi RE:wand bet:fits <i ta MianFen:7 ey ity F kt i Hi Site walle,NOs Gm ‘{oN ptid appear If iSa!So “Fotwris Piaethh Nav Nats Tae BY oe ere wie celebrate!Nae”,anfly nai MONG AS:APRIL ATH,gk)were taking¢:pureligsing paval ‘arpunithon,it 5hPe 4)said thay noe Pontracts”‘Have idahs pi ;Bane ee ‘4 "uskre SW ack eh ne Se rs i.‘Toe V bce oh be de ap PED ie <Ome *¢¥ S25 -losea.!but-the Depart wend Trap,sme ae pas nh‘"ea _oe eRe oeaefas HAL di (Re:dnpATOkE AinT fi‘apa =ee Cae a %ve.m £9,oy eeta Asa oohis,ay rhs ike al ea HIN,OU ‘elk y ‘4 a dic my high are ue, tehtly takde hes tel At uot utsishe.NG:AWUke BOF EE EScheek Oy mee 3 Salisiney.Ge y &We:ote full ly:"2 to ‘Hows apeendUyHtGoldteu@everheRifde! 4 ss _amiiunetian and?syppliessin,tasevo}”o »,ae “ELP yi vir a feb FeePee ve emeérgene vi Thisiinquiry,bas eae ae tained es aS gabe a Bele :yi i ‘ecsoi 3 or bes ved bu hiss er.Ww faAsATe ‘thes aptns:TOD nit ykk Seenk tue pune?Yheneé4)a. {eat r a.“spear ia 3By,shu bey tbls:ite fore ico)pat wt:bed SEIDEN ac th PGTRELY 284!*Relea 450 E :(teal waa -4 Vuars-airageneralwaythattheGaciiie” Of this comntry,are amplate menanydemandfor:pewder,pFoject its. carttilges«eases,phinrers,..fuses Woe supplies aretiat ‘kept.i a stort!preying |&Vi¢im Sok pepe mo aot Bw yp vi the oMiine.ouply indat,AS es 5 ene yeale sept SE bout sbreimiicuds ON 2OhigaltWiopln‘thelr powepty avery ee EAMngt i$.raging’amo? ‘a gO tothe War Nig:whe hj oh w itlsurely enkiipa *rt Sta boda veohexpuc ,bet iveep gover Ns %ay Bela 5ohace=has ‘beg .Supy ies Lot shot and shellands pow:LSet EN arisiS abe W dshipepor st -fas Lagi 9 epty,Sa dav!this eek ca iety place.A}Sergicg theFav~<lent saree ster ni sof ae Ww Tater I"Laquisttiit pipet.’ele Be ne “yasjon “sto want Drteceninge :Seba Sood hs pOssibh;*apc!th i eu &navy ofthese essential stores.yt ese Lot.tratishs thane gers:fs 4Sy thle]Gad?AIS %Pub LK,were]WOfficersWhat|x Lyistmeot ste diners totform.3 “py Pty,in yee‘uring,noderh:‘atms-for te aadpon fo “prey,én,Sparkes iy nish greashers.thou &h spe “Laps ae “th by tite:Spanish,eove A \ becoming.ergatly £OxC tred."aXe “pifenuts ARE typ Ywoolk:aoe Hes syten ie teeapparent-fhar,a ee DEO!me “oP Dophgscolfurrigs,;which way upt 1ite ti tise an oul break.of trate3° Jee A tecidell ee Ste suits wt “Pauly SRE Horkdnd Pak “othe Aiheri§ vr poeers in case |ot.war.awith Suni wo utryePhe ger Ty sto”Be iidey rebe ‘cemmand™OF Commadaxe.Sey Re of eae vossels ¢Guth encai fo~FeeTyaspdr>t:LiFe WV wrsiais? rl flagind 5 O}ha for fe.Mimi ie aud bd hugFe extavkiphiyaeti pan “¢ind ipaterial done itrkee Ayitts sete‘thye pighcins We yt iesm5 a:;ig :a “™JEUFRYS MIUTAIDS Dor:gS?~ owe bye Hyekethetoflieials:of Doth ppterae AS.Bopyt row VOU ,teat Tor}.w oh Ki x ot gs sugges fist fhsible 3ca ae i te 0 t ‘ful eo ashy me:ae,4 The RO!ic that’howe acqhejphisted nvdre fur dantane seein srer}i Gah hose ei UST SEL ns toeFon.”ay. #Shon adkret tye Ciseix ory an » corfinia the very celeements of godd)thmaltrdteithermen,ww Lin)hid:Spee |Browny Fry}PRiory isbso:by ay ealers.© “bEpsavot mePre nexetingvg,White,Spo Za"ws as ook i s ye peta5Wahiaeeins.q "os Lp Weer pros fir ded hes of Tipht-f pie ave eS EES.Pasa,D “Esl DSpeat:a fy 4 ie oe Os ir?i.ecw sdwatdg Seay Oethe! >Bughboll RETA Carels-os-Miners- ote:aan = he,viyn Dlbode ft withuut dertvens tig igretsest benepe.J malegaat eeeBidiSemewsaBie hs “pat-thy*Sorithes ax Mb bret ter wual bret”jhopes4 SixAymtYuowiatbccCan’Solfo Pte “ha. S Ofte tel set “EP Orin sarfani ttmnen ar om aro tls Tne night /tisk tay rifaAce ures fheee;“bgt ae Cn ny of Ae oo y{adie ms ih Fo!ee fe XY ofp Dita baie Hu judecyaArmiaaessteptintsinsLve“pti ot Mee Ay aha on 3 Char n atreckeaswifey a terrific ex plosiony Oc“Ayered:avhich | WWaS PESO ee Ha pe:ah ag PWaKeE 2 alien:i»Gurk sibsroMSiehtenShesie,“1A 4false: aN pa betsSytueked.ravas eAiepts ty | DN owiehe da or the”bia Se Wot iti,eC N TE!ee hte Z gtr!na wy 4 MA shesitty “Bane ¥all Nn Ehog?ede ~hfion By tw gent eman‘on::the Froada}Geared be Aprstly ai ~Persagi-‘nut Na js State that Treacas:Ye boekby!Jako} oreyth ana ster,oe yrs Wind sane ay gi in Ww home 4S Cegyrsickavinh.-43 pee in Ksas Whusdd.(byhe.seyplo SKhE Ohh ese Of wowders,es Due Nestea”Brus ee Rar NFSpore was“alse dIStrosed.salgeh| abo:Dreusbt!btiekto-ee ies aryPusaBNiz otom“youas fadsssby.i thekaite of Se itiy ws aoa Da dying uae,z pallust Setardayy He x,wick He * wets alder‘him.s _Angsonik Agrvtig vcr Fis heawd anita eitcliair wires.‘neds esSsWe wi geR xea ote WeSastorter,easing SSE hesmeiyoea?"iartMOath os BEMEeNCe 1Si sa Si Whee 9s whutters Cine. eerf $C Onatae ly {3 ah,PHO,zs,egicwWaappers,commen,”BV WR pers”rood, xcrappe ps,-fing,Sera,”:og JatralonQtUre eStake OFA.al’,Shoe:oFsignees pahekeby potty yes De 4 AME.ant adele’Saldivestat< SEN deyyalPediwayy 1899):and phdése gti ouly ware 1 PBra@VI8es. fas ie ‘e ‘i He a M ES:weB Oty NeRkac‘Caiwe It mt'Yy.stuninststor.,OEew “aeantheTetowike,dySerttbye th nds nea i ee SOUUKOS BLOhast ¢ait thence.Neneh TSS Bast fbytep EAST 0 Pores Ff ysen ‘sline,ae a co ne teRemap stunyp dear Hhee'ts sebSoutoP3Wags©Wath Bang aos i Rpoles.to Cysedbens itty pees, yee ou ‘MEED AS “MINE, tpeeriesayite0weghtorReforeStes rbtedbe=sitesta soe she fimtu Ofe:Ao CraseafipakerreGyOKnested,to ree om,diaw ean,Kenuyds SVtornieriprac nS b Nd Eplst;aaS“Rt ay aSle ie Se etMr.He oe eS her jets ¢*Geen end trier stock,hdivever,andfin_case ot einér®4a 1 TeAloe”pas sc ea bi ye appro:6 te oom’ae R 5 et eas Xt SSli-+nef Tae tant sidan ef rds ceptiuge5BOGAMEYapdhaeeae|eit (ep hates blared tac By VN PUBS He (fesspatenerd copa Pea 14 on ordérs.*)tis Said:thaf ‘the*‘Sar tina}‘defense bya abainimpus ALCL 8S To tanh‘By Cured apposed naad dqes a Joune and 4c ES of ule:‘asl f.Cs yy Was in town ) i a ‘ny!Latras the Masco.tl ‘e.pacit ;";‘,pacity of oue firm:for tording aut Lthdtire.1 side:mt _has 3 abd wf OTL 5S oe 7Lose thitana mob bortie:Sh,wasting2 ',=2 the brown prismaticpowder Yequir-hin’‘Tditid Yori +e i or b Jiaee ha«lias |yuiy providin Cort vA,ade Lyd bakit i Borgen A,7 ss ao HE oe nS os ed py the pavy i5,3,000,pounds’|apats ota titers Xr mifin,Ge Cost mee €iedgiat Safe fi 8 @Oiter Lomeroe tisveni ry etaat ake = rom %5~month.waieb would more thammect|defeuséseah d thelanct®hese by wart Nyeert spew pice Ae hoes Starediiway abds font LNs,yesiold ae 5.ee ty the de a soos Ax 4 yt 7 “t the demand of Gonfiet.es vexscis aaré Kept tgantanthy iy ¥rea “Thea ~tingiisin’d!New,Wy &Re fi ish oy’,hows Standin&-yin’By door Si a,og W hile’no éxact ‘estimate:bas Bpen dition fog insta.v Re.serelt ,ur hetRLoe.‘ES b MEO mi hE.nA.Sloea dehibtrstiatine +toSediscOvers Vor at |ow see made-of the share re t ‘\Cans neste.ride Tce be,a at NaAGeGt TAC Sh fihe SGDOAT yoy carries Of Joagerl oes TT ue feofaeeral an RNKL nsortiten Chote gor Cons pst thought,io De:fat:AL lye SDOR bit ce aa 2)+.v hihew verdad hk VW,F Baw a 1 yy2:appropr jation to beallotted,te “am tales,tan A with-Ase pateprenition.at ees eae tae gee nee met it;is now thokight,that)fe will re “5 =)munition,if is roughly estimated }dand..Awoxdernte eleay “$i sa tot eed {7 4 st “vases ahs stab el Jaffe 1 .OF YO le, +Bie _thathatileast $10.000,00 would be xO}bactidn could.be exeRied Gatien’nema <net Sarlige ama Say een pea “ovek oth ‘The!ate an as af ;“assigned,owing=to™.the.endfinos Farrel etfeetity Leaisrstk,the Sppayishg.Ae Hegh!andlsas]¢congdtion’s An wasting “A W Ristori speeial Save:Teo">- cost af ‘refilljng the niunit?Shypotgre ox pecyes to Cea a.Tae awa JeiL,send SURSf Ke BOTs nawite ean idges ete.Fgunzkon the py ee “chests!We:the ee eo RS pacar.s il oh one +BLES Ciagaites ty ope xiSPaseo cot stloat:Ss?the.Yadtir rive?OF.Be T Alfogethey ‘hike=ted by Tonks Uteseyee ites as x =ity act Yehe-3AlockS“ine,railroad bya,©bTtehe 4 |flike &war is “emipent:batt iy “1s at Wis New scien tfc!TreRS Tak }man®bale &Ul ‘eur LasOrE the.faprival | ing Seiued shat naw ons‘board.AF beccbcred ‘thattris wildx bey Avert i Foitgedf howe Js yurmiark1 Ft 9%“YStinle-if the’passenger pring Thee:f2rath] Se heic ae iford and 2° ae sivgle retillips.costs”133,000.000,"that peageswill a 2 Py Dee and ye guts ders a.5 ple prorg wy,sdhadthelcar tite sive:a M a 2 gain’elya Ss Ss ahs Shopped tnejcarh sees iven : ‘h Rach first-class battleship carvi¢s prewe-«wae Tees eleRion fisA eeeeestg td she.cdniyetors *hes rahe.“ere :~eehy dained and i 40”)tons of ammunition.“With thet:Rie’Lphdortaik.if an “edi tetind b.Science Watily oyelops Hewi wond amd Passengers were ba Mrighten’Brose 2.will Pp ie amoupts-‘on ‘hand “and the‘retitl$of “thé Sit saysttbat it deliees tht‘which are being éaledldted on.the’navy would Hayean ample Supply of}“.ammunition,even ifthe ships‘called‘into frefuequent action: iS were}“Oneabing 8 ntedful,so var ya Naval Spain iMnear.it ‘adds:1%Re. ral‘the bi) ee between tthé.United States:aiid tS this vountéy iis concerned.pad taat’ officers expxiin that’&refi FE will last)ist bad Parties”who,hyve,ey VOTEthrougseveral’‘enesarements.ow arghstraneved.gar relations with rhe fatitaturopean,lwbarato aad anid tris great chengst,one yo"eX}mi robe tor Stasi ake hohe!fiche bo jrinia ity:a wn,be selai £lung ‘tfpwvles:ek lonsuney thin,:Teeuy mpc tiaronin aiialoo?on te SWOE ried ca py henwidr ised dfwhat!had,beetSrSOITSaeidand,sit.ix thoaght/that 4:ce fared BEES :a+|Dyan madepn cep iws.*.Tea dh th tPecoul ave knockédthe train onthe hinconwe Vematais pryPrive!hy<trp:ef hh i ftyrsaT ergetienUerenicd M4 oad reTiear, Sf the #cX plosion Gt Ate canpridee aptrestle yy eet Se ofS 3)CAE ah>SSsSpuine's‘slag a beded 7 ing tothe lithit of endurance of nien PU ited Siatessball’not re nt Sdica ke gper's conced pet ore =Re : kat tiniais Sap:oer ee:guns"could,historic plistakes om this pécdsixn rats ein iolbie ia PS ;RCRA”| z GB:be.an oe resi’“Would|~?-Newis the,tite to-sho¥the Siti cael ieoioetra toes (ae a eS:BITS Fong RY.Neem Het TF eeospeas Rogate:Téerite otolr many”recent)profese.Peessian >6Pa seeand 2ntannieSt er perdh!ci oo ee a ~vue »,Pe.raat ;guas,4s sas ,tig jontot sympathy with our’Hoag Pivesin ave proms Root Pe'Sarsapariila.“I s aoe nas Ee mut KSrecePRO men,have their limit of.endurance.aeross thé Seasn ;ae :nd ep se au a Gey -dicin€amae|‘These considerations haveall..deen}“Ttamav¥be taken for5gtranted rod]S Sthbe yi ereT epee ay oie:maticscuror yom uber tic fit hake!+4 ees ee ae iy rea {taken ii ‘aceountin:therough gon,Lthey “waft.Cigtbiny fromGs...this}apieke init at advantage OF,thts:ee es ‘wondertfortat crerapbereeibesaimt SEA IE drs,“Get Ib,¥Lebe)7 ‘ye hye se me ia ‘pa wobser caer :Sean eae eee sympathy,‘ang thatwithout if thay,ene~~wh “i ep“aie he ey aoe oh ahi aete aie oy riod gedAP!EL eet a ag at a5 Rs ae To yi ales dissed bse ee @sui hes!py a Pyne aS gE aa oes ies :‘ise.RSS ,4 a opt :Wp S|:eye teeoe—=|A spa EESa ers te 3 loa crea eee ree Be ee,Se eet.‘+cay rs z Se!oa)+p :+cs &Wax eo 3 rue ae <Rt:pe 5 Bene tary ‘failuxe on our,part to “eos we :be ies Man§oY ms brik Pade a ae offer Ws iy rege gt Eee appropriation 01,000,0005 ==e mS.ne ~SS Sms NC ane .cna *“S|for'the cational defence.=f fr:pegmticrtge Salaces ‘ace Worherchaats..we";ar ee eee ‘Ss Tp Thee oSpaethhet :1 ae fy vin. |eer emer ea 1 in,ackinsopportanityity:me alt is ;s pone iat ae ‘That is the trath>abong Hooa’s dak PACH FS:ae place ¢ .‘4.trottueed3 By DY|may.eri }4!BS,"(1 am‘Hranufactuvine ~,>+¢|‘seperilia.s \We Know,it possesses:merit,Be S ob dice .*./Mr.Cannon.will not:‘involve|th aie pects ss ‘stire<to-Pee}See ~‘dhe,BEST)’a ae it fC ear Souts of ximits‘own badytime”by |-AN ;4 bees cures,not «once:oF tiuiee“or a |‘padey!1a Rilke hand }bundred ‘times,bet “in thoukaprbactied‘some sc lowmie »bat ge:niust “Bhow Cases aa-of cases.*We know nan,~>™\issue of bonds.|This:announcemen eto Ww ho lif .2 “was'made by the:‘Treasury .officials take care to tn clear*phat.tev 4 Others. ee a ||abwota ely,permane th _aae all:tow 3 who stated rat ee Treasury -was do‘notspeak of thiSnationa ),°°\1 tall to dot£aay @ od whatevery wn tee coun _.»,“amply.prepared’to,‘meet any,de-‘Ta hot Chistcouhiry.1 oy THAT TAN’BE JAB,”fae a 3 i an éxt 3 mands that will likely be:made r!The people of thistcouhtry,as “the {3-d0din mn er idl in“ced a On February,Ist,the «a intcadurysamounted ‘ ‘of ieee ee peokD1é;will certainly 'never hesitate andee oe “e * ae.Baars ky ee e eit.sympatiny bi weén America, =af classa ibeAywyitemewhenBaerceeSyegetvHif EsAe thing:avout them’the;very 4t.orkmanship,masta jat ane sk tr uF thi“riributeha:Iredtie wk Bey:b.*| wesir “(Metriod and Housekeeping:PERSONAL thMENTION ,ye ar :———qe ee were epee :=ethi7aiaon,:toh ae hoe a Si Rees¥a Mr;hours.Gag:Why “een,cf.Nice:44 wh we Roe ne ies pt BRtO ‘SShuor ConthatOF.<Rraseedingy ed:the.Pec ene :h =i &rane eee yesterday ;Hitt =rrie :=-oy pis ee re 2 a oe :yapemarried:Miss,aie Bighourg,ve St!:SeePEs nei Nas ee Lu Of,Grove’tox nship.jennings~*Ect a ¢gsri rot a op eer ie 2 ::eae ‘seo i ‘sre rhstanya attf:owab saip ae ect :in pe .4EG ita Atiiuta.(a Nes :aS "ae {¢:a pom See Ay RLee ee er :5 A -:tie ..Pas re burnen ips Tice “Pixs te tI.6 ty ft ha Bh wre\Gomi Ks spon,wpe 2 Le RCT eA teri Fcigners GaSue Poston A number of|parties’;%:VA Ue LOUSEKCE PIL on “Wa:tar §‘b:ry f ae -:“ape ids APU Ce he rt i.Hike is ge Wieevhe=nie br 1.“Cae.Gwen Tyosday;“with:teas and we t ao ‘is i s pes eS -.jonah hase ceee Hehad.secured"thé }eeu ure fury Sinve Ma ais HER ee LEM err Doig:ee eS)Brteny “eerRhracsVOTE stiastiehey:uw >dover lens fixttizes.and tthe sragigee=ge spas “cf gaOuse for.the,purpose ot bousékées FRCS AD WE Mey os tet Hee sabe ts RG ero phe ta les eeSsand“.i ‘:an .at PLM SOTA GH::4 Ye a o The,inany.fends.of.Mr.EL arphaingandhgsbeenlaying.iin a,siupae?ti Sepa Bee et sn :;een!Wh apee’2CRE:Sag Le eas Ee io ¢b : ot ffutmiturelcTMr.Clerk |)$y dn coe me :HS oth re Goneiret 5 be.33°2 sbooditwn.‘Ol the:vicinity ‘ot.Maores;Sekar avid of ei b )hi §ure PS,veen ay ».=]Bee Ase ve pi he wink-Ia EeTe pariebidas ae aI |“vitfe,call.be ead,To'know “that.his Ds Teme toswn for 3 ae atl eelwpds5“Oot the Ls NeNeg re Fes ~<+,ee iia ie mt sates oS,?ge ob oe s NM oF Weert E $ars BA 23 eCO8 OF “mister ne has,‘been:partial ‘tes i tate PS at cians:Lhe |Shesaber A Sh -£dD mt ee Aree a oetO Gate tie eeET eee ee COE ie iggy aeStN er”Sparbeds 4d@ hewill-‘soon be regdy to.cat nie ty sites Mr.Clark and,his tegas cmt Guouday oie :“POSE ies CEL.ita!ind hea *HYre:.h €“ale xt botina 8 Pe :oy!On test Or o£usorl}Pea Poy OAS Y “CheTN.cow)Or jmoy beei10 a new dwelling.21 :aye oe aoebdye tor thetp Ih Baa te a aor Tei Dvis112)shies ee sesae MURINE Ons ‘court -and:Canvey)aes 4oR it:eourse Rprieoe ae i‘ee)LY ¢ee y >Miri t C SP,=-treat Soores-a long ar prosperous 1B,hee 13.F?aoe {"t ie HEU Shia 8)rented i Be eee (hots ihemT TPH @haint Gates aysisteesies“Pe Sets none |Treexhigton party 4 we a a *Od whieh 2:sa =ari ihe 0s Cignj ios aS ra Os aetatatesville.:fOr.Harri’=i 1 Court this,Wee Bote Lomal tte yee te aes Mitte.tise S.1 phon S27 Lo Be ttx.ee One |ae sanrent,hoast rs‘s ock:House Not:%o Let..|basine.Ce ‘ak te ac a ne Bite:a CRROL Sey iShy @ barged for!1S:oe ea San a i fayins larCiheqatl for:he past’)‘Year, ;Daring:the ast few.days -white per Tubiar,a tena tae chillbabi anhaRel,ae WES Gos Be 3 Ree moved Soe thie”count Vie ‘pear, ;5 |things Are looking so war "A ike Dye b fay}ovat .r Hota we SEYi attWw nuke <Jit “Sea i ro,Ks te RNe ayes wount bison:totove : “re alin ey he ha pe ahs Ne ives st ANECE We Der ‘ pats st or made thepublic,announce:|ile:sl Dasiie om EN CEs Maes CARS eleeve?al pry ie Desi bad Rk,my wditson’Lat *rout ai t that on’his ;eee os eae Pawee om eS Ma ae EEE este “dcul Mis.Ha RGe :a-<Rye ee a his “farm in,IVitIkes ;Bes Aj |a xe a a SION TOS ent Ped:i a Tavhie!By M.a “Rie kywell a i was Uy:tiosée Pie Mascoryesterday.|i est Dy AT :vw -Butte:ng Patterns,-whee are.ig ae coete eiptisty lie owned an under’ground bse?aveHung Gf Chidriettes ts owas:cardtan up ACO rage 1 thie ‘orl ae e oa :psa gage wee tHe sayS thateL,:Hs Vaughn,&Coz}|ody::Ost.i ;ecewment LO BOCK house-whie ;Visiting friegeax and :Ca ;ge S ROS NE)EM i Z ite a eedOReeec®Uyuse-which his fbiends Wivht|ha wot,and Pelatives.Meer tcl OF The Sint atch Cees Mande Gia Salied.ia havea baabicompleted their,contract’:neko Re ave Soruse in caseof war.He,SUNS aband thd cit ys pe ae ee ae,PR “provided and de:Fe @isniinl by te en ©pee belief:Re ni of gracuig.::PCED FOC RUan eS SI Thee,wht “ON “ePIC M ee iie. } Te te ‘.» ifuk was ost PaM>first,applicants ae Me yd:Ci <P chr Mid:“hse ee ia,Bergin ane:Whit sas!;besfigbat€aya (pe astjs.ises my:tins ~AS ie Mas jure’esam._eland §SYD)ford: :und”repairing vids on enh:US at Y re }it Bethlehem on.in and Gapt -\a H.>Grogor yh.;i “ord thé Bae ict:ye thie hd:tt Bn Eeened}by tin ir shia ‘‘at rile she .yg ATT Ves PE t erecta es Rat 7 i Be ggpsnetegen!Mae pO Leeks feel indie:ve ss Aea ;eo tes pay a aOR~Peek.Rae.‘Guthvic a hites4us<that te feel 40s BAA 2 ats ‘a Oe 3 :;af S0czaid$1:00:aHBOHUMeidhopebegunexpensesineurtedWYbrineivg|the Masco,‘and awishe h aa rttn Pate wee a Cth Th <;desirable|publi- si >AeDram arcapt.GréSore Gp he”hid[1‘ee }the ciscomfortivve 16 pe formédby |oxy."y‘ater eamne oft '©informéd by Xin og fie}of the Dr:Harril that hé w etd |need ‘the |oe B Srmficla ‘pes eS eee I :)| :“King and Ceplo Meu tutesprisoners bin on“our:dist aan...Phe Ren ata rn me“Tee me ae tie: From Ashe jail to dredel:jaa Wes=}.Wi.1.| eteores Shérite 7D.Fempleton|;|it the aedh@ad puie ovary lady strould «nsult ber inter~ na e ge e 4 uriret ir i EstahtLr®fi wi iy thi He:oe Dc Aste OPTS Ws S feo ep miwe Himself and.af}:eiherTS “hon1a ane ‘Meganie voumby.Monday 4s tors stlane ously!chitineGONEsatetEESeto‘houk for othiORE Om rere}busiMMBSS224 'ii oA Both oe Bs (ed Cer A :eat CaS te eh arse Pane vs:{“nae hg MONONTEGE ui y te ot thd visas.”;Kok py entieldSS?2:“porary fee: é ae Must Work elena ae es Mi!Walker Bekaley:7 OL Hilo tte.Gut.Ulttstratastqustets prep apations:let;Mrs 5.YH a x erat =ae co Roads.ble here OY QNISTE Bod ureritie.4 SV4G%Bele inde’‘she.OCKS us envoyvisityisPartugSVe:a fou’the sexaminy-4*pary relief:John’Es Wester. ra e *be .ereoe gil Semi >of the c %1M ead 'if ?=re PUD LY Supervisor:$of patted BES i Packphadlex yi itor Me py Fac Sys ie aeintlne§te roads Of Trédell County have j Oey feesa Se yeaa goes Rea es tee ieLackey,Jo Woalyres.“Mary.Sain-1}sel County hare ReqMgstet-“Peokn ii ues ar nts ButKa hk pri tedy Ve Jit:ist ‘Gnd SE as “ant rou doi ‘“Si x M Seis Mao¥:ped the Mascot Ytoseayto oad ‘over ISup Ee i ;ii X Dat EPA WES Henialked:toetinh he Stare:i we5°Ds:eeeHe Lome aud Re FSi:é5isBeeayceeeaes4isoryhay,nD (|UNS SY an berets :f ¥‘ne ane LY.sacther riegto:Daneang others tbat the ‘pubic |ming the past:woes,cittra .sm oms tod-threw it Ge the’Tor:eee UGE 30 cones ach.ais seitnenses-*Son.:er‘charge:)i $its oe ea ge ya e a 2 yh a <s5S¢e :2 - nae box Car Be in ses as >Keptin orde rater the!tcdiarm,,:‘=So it #Sa phoeecd sayy.fariyek and,ingestio¥er dead babyyay Ke Mery)hus .ieee epartment:wedubunned a gcheln gangwork.“We -ard further|:SRR St ey ae 7?CEA TUG CUM TESEE at 3)ison &Sons $13,505tor goods”tor’oo MS ee:=e isi re quested te say that the:'supewvi:Bolies !~tes els hit!ATSani~eee Brytess esd fait,One PCoun ty Ele:wie;}.MC Shertil €Fa Olav Ser:now gives:notice,iat it dh «|tom alvisit,tobi father insStone:sip aan Arar its Miia *eiHes Lijestoyd :S340 for sap Mikes dor:iehasn ‘rang:4at,wae ib I¢to %r Pxteeee {ene “iJ Scat Mert i «ek i geteein public roads are notey reperly.wos SEO Weektoc Bits Si Sistine hye 33);Aaenky art “spk i PROSE Wy CHAM Sen Svar stutionersfor]id th ralprk oleEGS rans “Ruston:c7Brys.“36 A?“Ne ed.thatat M dy 4tomm of!tee e HASy “AM WeUr he dis ity ire {iraeeaaived si be LIS “Moytison.Wateia’PaxEperioets;w days.|puis PRRs deetc"anak Lopahe NSN iy Dyes ohnrtperior“Coutts ‘and.iat’succecding |FO *Ns bles ohare me aia gee a DAE a eps istibiph-Hay pts.fart-punty Hone:JOH,|fErIUS.thereaftersal!parties onty ab ae AR On?Samp aA a Ven toe ie BO iit wssfordiys &fasst::Wey ots yeoirs LENO:tor"SeRN ets:at Pebri=1/oi beelect.Wilt,*in .;are Pee ;I goatee Na TRE Cr Soh RES a EAR TRS CYNE nye eas ee :4 be indicted There |shi!ROSS ean ;ech:t aheg 5 Pe ae t SRA wie v rh Lay:tin of:“egunt>>Rd apd,8.I =an.eer PERN eavant ayvith ‘SORE mS boostsndine.ben fe ,rey ty 4 fh ‘4 Se seatiiig tn ae Ss e munidy |Brough?©"S21.oc eae ake Shire!wos atte eee ose tic eee scr Ae tie i ae eS,aN “nr ae“Enlsae vindins indexes for “county Jaceer:miicee:al Sit:HES i>eal hace ®ead eeeRl Res Rae eetSie ly.Tunstall,Sy for aditics for):‘..i LeYsi pale :;ha >io »)she ~~eM Me 8 ‘Be Stane .iT :uP °as Re PNGB OS SEL Le ys ates el bo RELYpee es eniger Cael Sitaek a Slireatt Ppp Postond te Hiticting jjal.Wet }PePe .nblic una ,aaiie ae "gre Sa rie 4 te:ae “*oes:Spor (eke eek Pn .MxASC yet 3 Hpi oe ne =a ton tcarete sthe f 4 |ae}4 r€cau Ic roads,Qs ¢ara “Tag r mt SiR oe bom sa :‘ts Wiamaa'C Sra aN or :>leathe Aittkine Out.Qkders,“guy,;ae -3 ;Si ee .,Suspender eetSee ems A Panes Sie /Pro ttathe aubeee foie ae”See ee phaeees by ;ee pee :shove We Gis“Awarehdr De =Sei}the ;Gaobe .Wod:have abSpeaks.‘Re ee FARIS We :tis)Buse {ets Tee +SS OTe:“Re.have Gilser =ig weal |The Birgasare Gosilyin bait es dee yy butt ots din j Seay PRN A Reet BE iit aed baat Lith as ee neh posing eee“a .:;i far pos =Ci ar eee i f tech QROSLTIE|: ;aeathe OFAir Thieves.Kites mt)INR Gr twee meee tases Ie 1g te ers seh!fic Bod Re 6 ae eee,=Ps‘Rareiet Jdlingon.'s |;1x trial NX;ve,inant,of Xshom 53}aoe re Ae ps :Vx re US sae .tk sent ee Eta tea ane he Le be‘Ss Tf Pee Bee :REVEL ed:a a a6bonTitPeaeiSBOEWarkSocom{Tel Ost]DERE jtaT Sore sr,hat ree pat ities Ocelot¢PALMERHSSUt TOAULE agenteefredeth-Ashe Chaat %Yap ds orieush ye,Seth Sista!Spent te,asih,NOE ne econ Aen Ry Sons:par au fonaoIeedptlthis;week,anal “ihe?:ees Rees:_*PN ce 2 W.“AMY Si28peredavithih,the |Ag Ws 0f 7%. [ia %AS:Sogn Be theaN wtry ep agent |elie te ae paca pa Wa iti Fel en ny %ete re p Baia AianeAshre©“neh tae Mr.S ihe =bs re shat x t awe 3 Tf Site eae?RB ay:f Ac ‘a +the a 5 ot thisapdunty,teh oshab "e fs,ice ee 5 ;Sst wai “bg ;ay forty catt ln ot 24 esetude Se hyfe Urs Rog te : find stofenc obfiitie eeCRESS apy eT i OT cd aa ase al bie cee Egle)gosae bere ROG Su Gas ne Ogensity MStIVillesrereay“ent.autyy ¢Pic ael :he gOS =Nes itu “pao sXeDavesae ies Ahi ae pt h Bt . 4 ee Be n s es ee dxi +! et h ah a ‘y \©Pee pecan A”f é x re eR eae ang “S ~elev Heid been But |Yoho UNtY ee es mt Ng Treiber ee 2 Nee oe thchs:yiat BO JigheeExxopieo ee Pai it for,salen Mt Ar.Gut hrig tira ty es Oe oP i,fag:SRP Sans Mr gee Dae eth edeny oe sy ik a ith bis BN in‘f VU:i ree oad :‘fo?:rs he j ote *gi,2 “En ie JB's .4 Ne ‘i p ‘Aye se Be Poe RO Let ay Gi Rhett gu ests S Saat ze at Ges ‘2 nthe st market fo"dQ :3 piles Akt1SSis-coup §athe &Bhrdies ard heat =Sa iy titywt See A Yoie ehes F peertibersDatesSo"eeu,or pao ver ear ehh adnan ~CL eT BEY :dpanceake eSaoeeiQAdvt=ens :,,ng ‘‘els ay ,=ee iv Wye)‘a *‘*vot ae to Stas eS Tye:fe Chae ghey ee .Petiga kd:Bid :3 K aes eee path eae PS ae &2h lens Eieas Be a BS F wee Plea:FA es::a.yo 1 the:Bak-- st a t 2k , ee t ee k . Pe r n t ne e ‘4fates,ae The Viorkes be él thn AD ONA geno.Ostet atsss:eae Meee en bobsRG.Aptc te,Seine lets S38,Pat oe ey eeher EAL:7 pk eos Sor ap +:Andel fore3 :2 :a ei |Wola *e Roamer)Gi hr tle -gath syithist :ae ewe’Mueadels“and M.|Sor 27h Gas?og 3g YX OG J fe OR We quia ber glad:De Tut,ME?eee “oe i a od ~¥Is.Waeleseey dade mere Ot ese Hier,be ay iy Fie seatbh,ee ra oe Se |i ce Hw 7 0,xamine,our .Goods aud’” Sp e : fs : - ih t o e Co m o e TN a ieicouMea ae:a seDP:a Galpecaroy «cote bh Mus HePit ODS COE KS I,au ig ry 1és =set PGs YN ia eh DEI oo oevtiinte¥<<tae pat iB:‘ix BSow Oe eos Sate foHgwillwey.|Ona}i Friday a eT Rn sor toes ME Mk ee ee Peoedite.,Ayal MY 2 maiktary 3i,at ny»Bue wht SOT)i"SR eee Bs eyte R WO cen tees ;rat NichimiSon se*arisre ae ¥ae HG “and,aot it.vant:Waid Me a et ihe ‘a v.att LU =tat ar ye ey ese +iss oe,wo very Wantiybe eS enH tect peg tax fekby STortue Ve ‘>nes th pare Se ‘MAL TCay W)germaneetiycunet”a aS fF :4 Et nant <ce ieca oe Gide poy Fess qriGt che Tapeh a SR Bg Sa Vivendi gown Me La apbchuy)sigh2pO toy Gourde?py ele hee nth,£.ee >TA gay Gon eg eessaheae which |i “Es y Qh evge Surn Re saving:Mills.it apr ‘HU RFR .bhLom ee eye aea ‘2:Shee ;ty :‘e rrenepys|‘one ie Orendtt:5 De ASRoheeon|;:=::2 a 5 -ot é.5 ngat tbeut:halts;prioe.- Se Th pcr.waite h bPeuch pod the trgajse amber Be 5 poral,temp ESTES sh 4.eh Agi osive Lamibe tor Sbridg ro ecoie R,e-¢PAs oe ae po few mn Oke s5rt's of Zeéizlér Bros... ae gas :were |:a4 ne ef Os <hale:BY none -PhFait Sie tie orang ;ee i vevidle;Jona:Adtad ae "ae a i 4 pe NL AE Sey a gta Lb:Agent .for:STS Soo9UNOed‘:See c.aie se we re On cp teak ii\p-4;‘att“Ls Gow oc(der it Lee Sladhdce ne?’Arore’westms1)Ree é.daind®ia Davis Sf.su for <i :::]Seen ee f Sine The art of “the “‘s oulte:“ad |as the pyrespat-7 Bis or,‘COM.Rakepret mecaveat $8,wi ome he had aan Sass;ie Biirteeh, w bea "th pares cCinze St,£:toven an d pelt tyReet Ty wo ots ee ceniicta Ls Pm *was LOR ee a as taled Biack Burst te “acesume f i>Re oh:Sherr bers,|Ate pid tht fie faa lp Hoo op ee EQ. oak aaud:remawedythe wn fy “ar.bob garden hye shatSol Tike 4iS Li.Fides Se Deere AT eg Te Ne Giernt i -KV.FI rfergl turd ke yt og any Hama had of sh dehescin bal Shes e wens |:y Sa Mor ee pye4‘Te,WHELs 48“a yur,ier,AS Lobe ae fF:a :ay a id waht:cel BiaatReéekhyPyetr\»nook place “ir.frong ‘fc :me ca ye ‘<M3 “bp.PS ‘eeha16.4 even Fete as ee aed a‘ore itty :date :Se“hy (te he the Se+a rjeg adistel.le and sn 3 3 2.TOP aa iv:Oe,aeicon Upeah yeeothe may 3 12 <printersiy ¥by Willeccafiat“ety Fils coutiedRunge.Squire M ie i *els barningatesaaey aid |fi yecer ole ee +"ae ee ae,: Pi e +.8 ofapt:saith e ye us tf aaa het ae aarkets is vA,}1 thee)eeAsemtes:The)ped attack at Te vaert fe ifvaw thaat fee degec ~ba yt Se Le Pee nt Ree om +aug suck3Pareles:aecarettvidas’of tis.Veg"al Hla UCORS6IO et OX:Fa.Stina ld a he eg dave aon me i aN +poy Ret .“Hine ort sone SCL “T:b :sont 3 ..M PeSiie Shar Poh oN a SR f ?iss Jas er Hint“Rabe ts ony \Math AY:se itWho:baa Bh i +Se :64:;ii 2 :sbior Chain grat aS “Rrik Young & abe 2c acne for aegang; Pasa tance Sons:=ys hn,Bok2et ts:mn,3 eG teas ifls ae I tpl &Bt Sa as ,Ayaf eyinbots ee fierratSuk ON 15.psPsbiaexsanit ly:MOT:for chain NesyiWiieRemedy:RE en Pan seaipe Naya!one|CET EET SSE pa ee Ray Shwe GH hhgyi ess,pe ER Sain LOO Odie Sor blaiks fort fea D a ast =*Sr a Ne .aos Te Fe]}Het in stay eachs a Zi Mesias (es Fist }i SPAR Res,ge.Mgrs:Tay.3aie ee tip glL-diSt gor fail:bo de “Whit.:eas eee ou ASe 2 Ri naw ‘,4 Hy sky PK’?Leg a hk 1 roe ay Ne ee :i ;siSy‘rigu wt Bx i .ag eet bs if 7%S peo oes rey)x &ep aN i ss ie .‘EGE :,‘eae .RRS 3Mundayi8a:»Lee eee,aay aye aes,ae if Gee Quarta iS il BZN TOY:i ss ee ;p28 as ee aan::oeiFast,:tae ay,nity Trdatvied3s ee ..he mes st sce Ng eh Be as >5 REUBE!LR.CovPLES «:cae J We-have a bigjot:-of white‘and’|:*E2nce-3 LS Wh tre ys %,“4 .5)feewbiny vo fw ae “°re Th ps a or Ties ssee.“abd biorse ee as Se aeme alk a m5 oe a eae okt wax hinvor iat:7 it chang.Seuryl’Y.KOU te SPS ¥Lie Ava?>mt >se ys I “<;:oo oe .at aa ty haneee Petr Araip A (7lusasls AN:dite Shi for.sory icesoat inoard ae Eeee) Ain deyson $S har ness},‘ei hoswas -G rivin’;150 ren eapians -aas.G55 staat pia ins Si jok |schiviz’hes ow oP art:oN a.Nie)Y OSrys ’*A‘.brses.whirls trighteied the ites fie ‘3 tide adi at ynirstia affate Cre“O,ee puisGyt-ss 1b ¢:npiaattc JOR deh::a :far Bite nditice titcy 7.S983LeaLLs ra far fail’re Ret key Suk ky;vigen toancDr AAP.Done 320for |”om 5 x )‘hi BASnffi ter:stay ie:iff mel bee SOP OEErh Sy shit,2c Ran aa Tt OTOE AD OF|ixaylor Wile town:Prout mah akas inadtelo ‘Simeaie ee Reese)*“s a bie eT i3<aes 5sats i habeas DK.ceuenie thee i eat pall sys hess's.As AIR dbbtps:av.bas bry ig |at Ri n-dh oh:iyit:a Sate tRiy the ary yor“ye my nisl;*Ole -Pebraary, e os bet ene atA oT"y =‘fhe Re res fh?2%.os 1 Sera hyJ childreiraadd ggreat stands:mMathgectl Pe Mer Tyo utfat 'S oa ele aaa Cr de Fat iehig Satt’s orsiil th Comeya nls ee eee a fori =es i chiidrem:Gar -iefor:{left lez,wis cataltt by the rypndne7 So Copelitaged .by ©Te CREE |Ok its isBe eg Tre -MU Ne Sep Ne 8 ERE OCS CED CPCS OL ange uf fhetavext Tceshou gens|trees)afta terri diy,dace rdted.nc rede’-Ree Sea Pas +ony Se, From the a €.teeore it tory,&h,theypack of it:‘The Sorat 20 te rihees,*TA nen eh!OTH ay ines tite Seapets ey i A i ¥°Teawht BShoo!Spy We,oerr ausothérs,ofrbow3x; tn ak ;CS ca ce raae ies fe Etietiisn —iek SEC Mreaiy chp si if reads kn‘Own ds ite wid tne:orchard,jit hear:Re ai bofthemnselye.a Was cut td tle bones Spr!Skt:“iseEtthaatis.Poop)atte rg Ue rm i :me At Ele pig rset Pas Siew ¢cern h.oe Apply,to pee ‘mo De>.rt >Lien Cty ia iie atiae polmsin.sgid Falls Toad,|*.".‘Pte vary ‘Ae set a aeQa\ies,Ein esiel 2:is Saat co,iste nf at 1 ee ecw wistt,fod ound itt up.4GGangEre it I Ee a a re h:Oe ye FeNheook ee bo iP eaie pba ieee.5d Shai with:satdssypatl Tag Pony ope| 3 oye?be Ds xt if ar a Oar EC dg 6)Mab ase :‘:reais.Be bad:ma Se:rote has ben go?oy:ade Mais Heape debtand =ehie 2 rar ete Lae,[io thé Fidistoadath:AR?Plyleris.|aoa ye OPENED.&BiAgKSM titifsbyvtjicrs+and.sisier tO ah é Shah peyotins aaa 26 Stishy of uhtyy artd !eee io J f Beigel oees Pes Lee ae yea,ita tdAidit ie SP RRO Boe Rnd oe a aeES in 2ood COME Sei out”aniys eX Loditgide ait kins of sunt eukarrae |=e‘Tt.We.DINE our te king.peeetert see.for.yourself,ledsuire +O RIS!trip.’“tf Cy BJ i Se eee :th re Carters.Sotodte faith it able sig :Pty y :~STROMA HILL.“se,a=:j ‘j BSE ole lusttrig ACrazy ae»Loosee +.Dai mots PND]wih ast itt tr et Pai a Qui si Fd the,(Poater yatapeouted:agenf|eS Siouy.Voint,N.© ;Ae N t Sur xt It ai daw tie i F lee hy ty]rp nt Rootes.os.ma,aes pecker Se EY :oo More tes Sg :aisteke top itd oe MEAN Witte&3%,e re rgDamMedhip Ph ianig EIR el DS og be hes ;Giwoert the presen asgh os |cost.Mir.pee f a*7 reat et b iLPhi pve tees .:mete ;j .Re aR Sige SE ie 7COSt .ist:i Sona egwhile)in Mig Moria ott rat WIth,Wis—:se is mltechyspitton’oe De m.|Si SSS eg gta as sel :;e +1 >a Winter:.i ro doen ae nies *:ane tet “end fined pee 'Pt mis Sh aos 7 Soc ite eeteat pues Ye spin UR WC Durta-ww.WYadndersou's aU! LN ae cues tlya ‘fave ssn i a ba :ys 26 aete a piary.ep POI lain puvanced to!=eh ae rords,”“The spice 1oP Sereteesoir board’for.the MT Ee“Owed:aC,pics Ly 2 vq es Pe as ;:m aN:er dishirts,{iNeck Hosiery ete:it I at ma &Shdectsc n sed ries 4 soe y inate’the fruimiié Sean bt the &:agohts wth2WgSeanstCod"neath ritog 1 op Aw TE fet.;uracil cuits MareltC<,SIS!ILC: et ut “Sy Bichag|<fipped ‘toFward statiie REO*,,the in Tit ig %satorda yy ak!kaa or:+The?Sister Horley caret “ait Pee Grayé Seem By ee hig i iis i a S760 3 AATYENT aa HIS.cuter?‘adi’says ais.Tradica usedthem’te rus<“alKeae.fsheute xeom Elgg hy "fh hy we he sof thas tyra TLS ye ee SRA AV bite ST-H0 fora:Supp)iés “ow i rk :; ~W cab.r Sant 12h)bysgtign es Bist EG ‘elodYe St are aSe Couns physte hag.aisSUCoerimd:Children,}yutitsheew.rah “Het wcen two.tees Cayt.We Aarey OhWie eeaN 7 Dit =* oe he Ne ;‘)ni i.sa “the Presein arts ycaee,’seh 4 e|Past Wit:Peeisy PS RAin:ities han KBIg Ifioboals y MIS Peek gs ‘Qiethe t ye a*Beece:the sear i T ape waesn.2a nd 67g Bt:the SH Laiimatot FIN vend?B.ceilhitKe heats “pov ‘er =]TepertitPon or BNCYPTS ict:J4M. ‘a,Ot ES uStaRt i cn .Ny We vesth Maat mabepr ait yn atic Ad pre ii eekeC ODS shigeSo ae ug fi a i é Dr.“diwe peiiihaeetheTeelate‘s ot &abouesky ehes a1 Jem "ates B optrase Re were;iis Gi PYpacnen t ay ar EIbya PUR PL PU Sa:gown Sk oe \GA dD,mr“A RMWITH,6aC f ve oe ge ‘:saa NT chic siate:Se Gee ‘{tt}Foud:Wass‘gran tad:Be-Barge3ie:aye ay DS bis JE te *Sheiter.of Geo St nee fs:PE OR eS be a {tte er ‘S gra 1 Marth 3,1804.¢¥:H.&ek orththis:place,re>Kinitz dresscPthe waneeR ae 3 nh.Bae cae PERRY. Pou AES fed |code ti}:eB ‘ent :gs 2:Gitensshore,Jamest Gaia a oh ngs ve matedth eeSITS Esa:oan tes <i:a Soe ae:tae anf eR ee cee:Pb otite Ly ale ae instROR residen€e:&ieMAL Be 16k METH orherpollSonSitto”Pelaapon eS Le Dea a cain ope Oke Lhe iis ®Gk WENGE.Dee Poe ete >2]tiehcs tifrangi=Said Pisherysfatmy|>|ud ir jaa NIT é Sey ie “Piedad oes ee ohy DRS th i z .;:ne ":‘ron 8 :eae a ;*:See Miné Trowtaiah.gosa rfl}|x saels tai tyes wiates pb heat Gs YS Said road Tbe niadé laywfil-atd par ~shopatSloang,N..C.,dadam”prepar:p>°nave:beehi ‘know a:y000-thine awe ‘has tina Bevepeetin:bated ~ peice fo,the County,Sah rable ie vermst strictly Cashy a <tgiee:aieers ’mac e >sch ti eS A,SO 5 Sy m oe ae ted peered t Heel |ost wiki ‘instexd:fs oe ‘;ser eit maccouut Joss the tt st PF eda DNS:ytRy ae or +top AL gilie Reatkyn,in eile h Be Agreatmany-things atawpy.“be-:Tish haepoe:i?Ns *:iycieky:Se “New,Stirling.4 <radiint @%UFand ;at ae sficere tee Pte i %sGiada:Oi gettCP padatnut Mb each me aM TG ete Mba Ps ACOA |eobecisontisetréayPAeoleePEPonsApaGAesea1BeGilsas.pe :hat sak port es from:aa by theuvame OFC ae cant es ci eeea xae ThSepAy *)ar EOS k rae erbium teree Pe:te th ptaneras coantaes|passed to nfs pkice.anda\!Keds,a:Is Dit pes,es “ze3 iwiek ee ni Ti PVTpracthiDyxcope bat:AB ig eee j ae i ee ei rtd 0 .oe So then esq att:WWhitesegh o!boeeved “Aig!|hue a he etm the Dacdane Ss ai x onde Bhd Lt fee COL apsgae MAgCERT SC aS S.--To thdke who have’not yet respon £0.us i whox we the:“old Stbe South.where ppp man,“was serazy o ands why oprpeceens yes tA Bewis:[Sher See ee ut eReRe abide PURE Hil.fugl tS.£0,Dept.a ES)ry NY }>|firm:obPoston bro:Neil,we.TAns,!peisa fair,eens as”th ales ner Phey Lsome feed.gui-yiet re}Tox,’ables -hE Peis.|,i gtr)bet rimens,it:tihetseae :expetise 6the rex A eke:Ye iat Lat ‘pack“with Phént,ersptye ne xt,day.x ortho:te)..ie ek *.ng -:fe8 S ot *Ws 1 cae Joophest SGuieth er!Red Cott ee m3 e ‘order éd tolee “,: «i GPeattle aud sitty headef)ghar heliyea ats EpcDVS,Rowan poe a ee ond o Algor Nicaea aaeAca BY or 2Peg:Shas naire edgy CO,witl bb fsin“uly soft7Treysaid.the reamind af.*"ety.Leouintve And On themex t mornit ‘ae ‘th .Re igiic Be 4 4 ,i oi .’t tp Bout voygle Tee Fe e fr ee re eeefirst “Ménday.in’Be pa ‘woult ede:on sae started him,iw tes;ent<a "CCHIOR AE me eae Dak nidui a RES Aa yan (fate RPT Sige:owl a nto,2.0.pea RN wt =P ACL mthee oeae ne are &attie.gt gent "e —or Wi the dat saber Ci ppbpprloe UA.NA us at vis pete.ohMPSN sputaaeta AUahs she Se S fame-irpim Bhocavilior,SN peep ;ee .reas {few.©ee et::‘Cs tia WS nich} commu wion Gaul bey dD.pe at iohvon the 3rd.Siadast Spy4 Bit -ie 2 : ze ees:toe Baer én|“hite eave thedhaytbe direcrich.,‘ee Nea ri ns Hout dh gate Mo oR foes vu shat usei to Sat htis *ey Te ¢clock,Sake,which riher wen and th pups ut wicks ose naei age ply?Ses eae base Leer 1 ry CaeaS Dastem MDs : Wines “ets eléet,:Messrs.Ww.#Re Mania.Te ina had ber’be ‘Thes axis ees eaeBap sen?Ue Oe.\Nae ae EL me 3 i i lgmnjaid had im Seen Tisd was de a Pe its LEN section Gey AiR bi OK SEK a Of SYBeadoFdabd:Ty Be Gay will’bee:or,as“sy oy sar of Li mp iin gpe pf Supremy x >4 5 ra ¥ate é N pated andiinst lied.“Bev!W.-C gut home.He deft homey without Perot Sart gots eeBY,Aa np |Sana ste as Rs pao:t.‘on d it sed dune 7 nae te $mae MEN 2 tsSnevet rth rain er “tives ve ne ? eae randnet.be patie to Aa fide Seta}Mth Scieye wtventian,:a2ireach.and ¢©;bfe excit “me:rt-in the bach bit te aaret be é z tel wel matof ak Vhe*Pidite eo,‘ordiniat)on aud instalation ss Oxynigy Sie ra Fes es wih wh!Vier tthe sod solnlind Jor Movige rgfes 0:tie pamapedeg Se ee nee None a 3 ee af turd Ve Revi Re Ww Boyd wii)Pa wa}uty knag ery ‘camapany *I mr men Micence.“anal:Soh Sens a i one wok a |Saran,i :oat Lt ¢dele a5 : es :x Bevecton .me ;.;pean a Ree TAN,COR REND:=:<hee sAdeesteona re pa :3 a. he ital eee Baga a4 tsa7 :oe aie uy eenfo ml Spine1ok,bite oly So.Mittpeesgniles,eS ee LDN oe :Scrofelogs ee are |Ae txrely :SM cap UB s :vince ¥.Ou ‘of.eesfact: Meas oe ig Lord Sauer:one San pow Ave OTANOTS vat t Saniegemcntan tman,“atess fayStina14 are “Koei aie be),See te:.a :Beastial c=ees :ges oe fietnesuts Hepa sa tgurpany speft thenizshswith NewzAdvertisoments ;childiren,,but tas ES 4 dagi ry fort T1 et Shiite.abc tes Sate coe nee Respect i.ae lark ofFalkfon 2 term Seas:Ne seots.“at F STS Hogs.4 ites ones ad ree Saori ce Ba ee ves Sa ous |8SEIS.&y vsti Sse the ‘stitariest:tigen is “tho >M SCO thew!S.aa 2 ae Tanase a oS h 05 2 'i ‘ Gog,‘ges ‘ne He Bee Thedeg ixPelle ;eineas)Medeeek whse h ex-invysubline thay Mort Catro i:ng.des begs blicueyLine?whieh,pyery lady| ecie i VO ae B tCre “8 malt akipdier nar wandTyanere seine fk ARK: ah Sh ‘er Mr.laik AT in é Heli ea “They striy,pis of 5%Fey f ¥:shu «EL Ce ays ‘¢ Poeeae ae SethMf:Df “Kia ees at ort nyspiscy,Ht ee Book ee mei mst ee ayoe wihAB Shills*g.Ce.eee Offering ; Latge Tote }GN :wn oh ow?th poeeeay sae ‘Dyas:*the au raat .ee ate *ie phase:“Yoon: ee sO of mutes;passing aval.)As bcobsh re Shice.aly sitTet ee ehe.ra rhist 4fixe,fee Seng tid sig:an cx Vea S18 ee oi.oe eee ee eee nefot Bain sei ‘undot be OV UE Gels av if]minh OCG siOUSy rv Whe Re Kee tO spritess“woods!gion Ris «t * as Heat in the.Foady,Povesboe calfing dnune!=.Shy Moore}vale Ls €2 Raat tee p Oe Shiotiied’ya Ndelsoingre having|f se ispened ane,200 Iida tbe]r ea Sor vdimpball s paivexdsfee ve :ae oes 2 Sakav'sdaten pt:os anid te aeto taspeet, 1}ae ap.This‘go pleased tol the)Masegg for a wiray Piz,\Yop a ee.AB Bgeth ad Other Nowe.cs sp LhgipestOck.+55me oe Ba fiers hes aa Laue ied“will take..;.5 Epennit pas Ee ite ye.fed oe ue 3 See RAS é yr afas the:bead o2 oY hé -odter ed -Mr.Ch.AMET Sensa Ie,uM YRCOT,Aemes id”tt UL ue Ate “"CENg feud,Ree ol:the AU:Kecty %;eg J.Ye ign uyyet Soins.r-the,5 “phospbites of Li 6 and one he ‘i aac €“ een eeplqve}=byputting.6 amend bsatheohnthelutivor’‘Biss lox:wb:uke Lantietorbhe,Pacitic.Nave S@ «itl|t t Pads CR Te2:hs =EN roa nity ‘died 6out last pst tea aS ‘tt a Fshctamed dow es «a it Ht yOG wgnt,oe feeoo fins ek Spa pean “Hes bad es‘the pedple.Fag a a ee SO:sh beneath it:ike utedteAL A’.eoptpe c 31Darr.syriping from Ded,ee eee Sach tr RESO!atth for some slime.ae te G.Pormtsh:is at sraey.offers :See pl en Faas idants:eiecat ey rsas oe ine Ta “tothe sathérag VisitorTSReWARDASe:j Deatli was dge/to-olthage 3 22 2)|siltze rs’forsabeekt 5.#<Porey 51k g ARE ch by mak Tatra so cout .Sky ‘wormation as to”the-:where”)ER.,a OTF ayy eSSRT ot _Alexander stands =wh ah Sosa:o=*Pay x ee deglared“hati «ofanold Gerinan,Bible,once}has strayed ‘from:any placeda wit ane:bas:tracted quesot ex Bey saeté priaedts.ascot?foe 8b+bel "for food aa gives ¢ee ata MearetgESRe cata ho Se ccaalaesO RS,ge heree REBan.whol lived wes Organ -churcB,|her.;Hes legs,bres vitles eye Daberson ino up:te*Rowinn cog dons euin-|of Heaei petted tog hors baths eS :ee XE.Spbea offered yoward for.inauCounty=Phe old dsibh&@ya-lof’Head is-Spe "Gaerne hone.londaye 4 pay i.any cubisiverfamily naar “al liver colored,A ames hy “Near,|Brecypody-has bad 1mea-“lopmation,noowt g-strayed doz.;(stone!56>:;©Snore n€Goody antéetas ia:|xa erie §there and they Ante Db ee oe ae ,oa Pp eee net eeeMerialin3oeaA-histofical re “tas ¢SEkaterallen SoBe abo8 us F ie hae 5 ‘gpng a,Expre snion Bebe%sal -w Yor g aes peStEGsodasfamily,"£0 |,OF Banrdebsogsat Ae inail aneeee ‘p Sieaoee SGECEECEEE.geet choy Sagi howe 1aGtributadgxthepee:ie -s ring fox aieavy n the e =SEE é Sid,ith eee xe omy Cithn ead mensa cle atshan comatey pretota it a |Sarkindness‘extondwd do oe follow-4 me ateaville, eRe @ evouTy A ri |beauty without £3 TN *foi per ite Hss®aie FathWh mywiffity tion of havi ngor myTidus et +=Ln :4|es ete t oeBee ?cae ant here ik ao ‘purrtd-andzaeaesphal ,effects.‘ame Seer ene <t te NEC rs *uly 2~pees,At drug ‘thistankes wea!aaTis28aereweaDayHseeepiaplen,Ei tees,blacnea tag 2 ee ees unPenCoe ee os seen |beSienatteASE)cae Sear’w ISIE cs 4g Te O's Beat NC 3 in a any .‘ ne: a,te we"& '~ ’+— p ,; :*aieVs~a .ere ,.-‘ ‘ms ag dl =¥r hy—et :ee-4. é ~a he 6 ~ag ;Fu ey <a4 a SP Age r we _‘ se € fe ’ 4 -5m iS. red an, ~ ..jw mt aS “os jo te services arcdema :: tee <Special attertionto settlement.af eStates} seks ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,. ss ee 8Statesville,N.C? ~Practices in ail the Courts.—State and er Federal:-yo i iy Vis _STATESNILED.S:ge =;pomiers.oo brick row.">, ae :fos greRow offerme the,poh ea es StatestMle.NX.a Sichg Alpe at the same time and:pface We,will; a ae bya T Sith ant, i ~*~‘ ce Ray ‘te VARMEIEL.%,Ps twida remtpm 2 “-£Gompiaige |About tthe Disburse-oo ment of the-Shrodi Fund.Seo ENS Poni cds)—_—230 res a3E RMD ;URNER,*{otrespande nee Of tag,Masert “atterhgye?and =SVAELE MGS.>LS rears ae Practidé .u,alhth*Couns.‘special: win pgiven ta’ali “Iddake’Bisehers| Mis Sutzlement,ofHotates.fe:4 eeeBORER: |AYIORNEY,AT-LAW,~ sSTATESVILLE,N,at a z volt Wittpractice:in allthecourts where n.5 ke Cc.SAL DWELoe. g AMIORNEY ATLA ; ~STATESVILLE,N.Cc. Wty, Practiers ig Siate2andFederal]Cow's“<2 ote B.Connelly, ATTORNEY-A1-LAW.:oN ee STATESVILLESN.Ce : *omters his services3 Jo ail:as courts. and all Probate business. aie OERICE.IN COURT HOUSE:=a a A She [a drew D,Cowles += . TF.Gam le. ;ATTORNEY AT-LAW.Soa i STATESVILLE,Net <" Willpractice 'in’anal ‘the courts. ‘Prompt attention-to all business en- ‘trusted.Office No.6,legal raw,rear: of court house eet wink aoe cepa sae 2 iaa . |Barry P,Grier,- ;Alforur.goat Lats .Se paeaieseaSTATESVILLE,N.G!EX 2 Varetul,oesgiveato alfviatienio- RS.ie f nee Bet ee ~="fare a ¥ ep Ame ines.”ae 2saeox : at 4%SORE ATIORNEYSA AS I Rave turbedteithe Feeeine,ind wil Ha penare net artepten Re:x ratersentrusted.to;me,vie:var Of Geedurt: _house.*-i ES ede AIS +cml pesWT,‘eG.DEwis.| Sag Meeeyer!Ldw.:oF) rs ‘SIS a ac oF wi appearAn:ahcourts.S|ecial atten-*tiongiven ee an pigletst tee.a HR oe 4 nets ig vtyheal Bh A ae oie at Ia ie ate me -:>x eB ¥Lona.ae aN oy *FRANK ONGLONG:&LONG,”me el ce LAWYER S.Ban _STATESVILLE,XN.en: “1”“Practice irty:Shiteite antl.‘xederal “Geurks "ees._+<at RICHARD:Bw:MeLAUGHLIN,,so ATTORNEY-47-LAWS “A ey Ste LEN,©.”t :itLap inaiedhe pein athwt2Civig:PracPesctie i rol ond anyakLEVY,Prop. hae TineOi108 raeHouse:2% ¥ *SCkens Joba Storesis\losing:getAfdrei hansthe tordpe!sand gomsic ét-2 ing Cat Schyplsko dgot.equals grade.Want er-‘Clothing band the‘Sunnie“desrce -his-entire stock of AT:YOUR:‘OWN PRICE” be make:room forsour’imiméhse.’;stock of spring”clothinign 4 Wet, -Biggest +.Bargaiti im Shoes,Ladies Capesy;cee)‘<,that was~ever.‘known-“betore,as“..Keep.the locationit you mind,’“next door’eres alsa a loon...”oi ?‘-:>.Levy;Prop. % in y“Sale of ¥aiiable.ity Bote,’a Urs ae TO wie POWERS-CON-|-RB tsinedAnthe last will and t-stamept<4Vv.Amosjs:Bungie decea-Sgthey“nadersi exetutars’seid jwzitwilt t) Offerat public sale at)the suet house at]= aa a ef Statesville,>G.,0 %\-MONDAY,MARCH Tf 9082 inningatal mn.the followin;“ae:real a Uf thie said.eeRe 14Aung-ieg 20-9 thOnelotonPark,‘street:basins qa_-eonasaing yeacres‘more.or legs:By?Onelot on Park street.100x520 frvt,apontaining 174&acres.tose or Jess..4Park‘strect,100x456:a-Ygontaining acre more:or less.4.Onelot rk street 82608.fecontaitiingnearoneacre.“-®.Oneloton Parkstreet,8234x363"eeescontainingnear3acre,more‘or less.~*These lots front on-Park.street adex-|_“tend back to the’cemetery line.‘ /¥ell-one lot,frouting-'on ‘Dayie avenue,;adjoin fee contaizis rie Sere ‘acre,.0 prope r3.A,Billings-ley aandsA.King cee:\&ls0.0nehouse laktoet,adjoining Ju¥.Harbin -and:Dr.T:OK Reng ee —half ‘gere|moreor_y*-Also at the same.time andplace;7 actesjotland,more or less,just beyoadthe crn--PettPs ee lands of R..Regnoh Rand}.wellingon tle land,.Sea bevat tHe same time and placeyouelot,“Sin north Statesville,known =Jot No.3,~s60x150 reetsadjoining lands of 'D,Jen-{5kins.~Said raeaesoa.eein lotsand |- sadist/Sale~eee“frothincenonod.Colr'sethirdim.axpeLAuGima“Feb.es£1898.ATS a ed o eeiae<. os ‘bale‘of LandoRVIRTUEOFokBIAORITECON.”leéd -exectited:ith,his wife}sinned mi -tredell ee iniacton 8 Saft ‘Lait,t .Phe.“existing managemeat:aid |a 1 or ¥fo?Rae |Monday,jn.January; }Union Grove nampered-450 white “|.the 7 schools of ihe “School woulll shave-rebeivel :£95 10x 4 house:district No.¢5»-gets”only [doc alitiesof thé tows“nship,.“‘FtTis le irate eReapita.our FetidersotisSchool ‘.Bstr ict has’fell short of its:ducweof "entire cistacy:wrould vive the 1Legro pare now tiked of sticlkia,&¢anid hot} ~poliei,froin’“yhich”zaft Such,laws) 5paoess:thélaw contgmplate tthiet“tnetl extent may at-coint,jfor:a shortytrofim attheyHenderson.Ustrict,avd that } :trictaiesakl—tryo,of thet’tying sentative /”N 4 jot:.on |Alexander ve etboone I Festedbetter at tight.oe if ta heaithadasoticedt my ase aayeae God| |pervisigh’"ef Gar township commi aa bea weapect ny,our public:‘sebools |factory,to-sémé.of us...We _PTOposk “tL tanghaw-consiidérable jeregulacity’¢, |discrimination,iLyouwould:cdl i x23 iswebivin®the;Gisbaysement _“oft.Tye. :schge)fund as applied to oury row i] ship.'The abstract of Gepsus-re.) pert for Iredell county,“pessed ,tai thé board of education Om -the firs44 and 27 colored children,and that w hare.six white Schodls and one cone ered,making’a fotal of7,and that. the apportion ment;was Sd REN) ‘apila.Whereas we hate wtota!at 477 children of schedt-age.;and 7:84 entitled’to a school,fund for ott townShipof?G67 $0."And to has é disbursed ‘the.‘amount equally amoung lownshipcay bi -And Whereas!‘the He Ader:gon:$¢hool $92.66,"whildgat the last ,re:distriic tx ing.of thee+hildren of;school ave there were So:children askiened t our distr‘ict.ad four other”“children have attended *our.school all)-th¥ ‘while thatwere assigned to-an dy joining districte:which gives US ie total.of So with “the && children in!our.schgal :-aistr ive ut 31 40eper s¢helar Ww auld entitle DU ‘Schogl to:S)ATONE -SO,it is very Clear.thatascpitiminapion.dias vbeon brpade agdprist ou rischoo!l |fist ic?jn! the interest of-séme—amore,faydret So:we Ste So obvious:Ahat,uecordipg fy thedj _pide thargsar,And jvhat ppligaa ition has been made of this |amdunt Ke tate not bes nt ant ¥j ped"SNe wll bave shown:£3 Thakesan’aqual-di.4 ibutsemeeng ¢dif the toxtnshtp.sche old. tpn ahowgralt:fie.schools’SE “tle {¥chool of277 Ase holary moka”nigne yd in |.tttan fthe’Hengerson.’school “housed: izets with 4its Ro sefiglars..“So;vwey must confess thatiwe dre fat loss:10 {sce “how NKese’differ ences’can he! PocOneiled.Sa Mire _Jumes “Wooten thoholedS Dw?good:rade “teacher's certificate,has,taught:ourr sthoo} ahd,done first lags.wotk!,“Therey seems ‘tébegggreat deal of Taiserer| «|Sisgretion “allows the pooard te:falter y the:‘inoquey from loner school “hogsem: and apply.the samé\tp another,Jkwe: omy that “bit are,tired of tne;bodd émipate|ST he point we.are.‘after }Sy hn eat i SE «f |country:‘Wwithipritiignv-dng.aa ring vfs pashan]; Hoaan'y power:Nested by iw.in,they|toiénabip committee:«And if‘Sught} ™«-Everybody Spine.;, Philadelphia,Record,¢ths -The maddening spring rast to the thebeloved and fairhty so residing ”Atinte:Jourual.©/Kl indike bias begun if Wits turbu-Elder of the:Winston.dis:rict,,has,1 lent force.Afobt and:aborseback,|Dcem”for some’‘days:vis ‘ing ig MOrnili<ane”was igtetesitter tsa “Ysien Groveisihy.a0:~incans oatitt lon snow;Shaes amdron sledyeg.;-with -brother and‘aged mother,att She ‘ slice boats and~ice cl:icon ative:‘Sk OL acifie’caastLingerie ste:amersend) Sailing’vessels,dr wedi aont Hts aunt’ supplies on tobossia’or *x oveF the ro¢ks with “huce-Satks |ony their shou!Gers,thousands:“of gold: seekers.nen,W oinen and.boys.” hurrying into.the -¥ukon ‘regions: City as much:as threg weeks:ALO says he met.10,O00®pérsons:eamped ip the passes and on,the-trails,Wait. ingr for tbe change to push en)pier: the frinrid inter ior.2 .From the logging r eatins of ai ne: ta Tg:palm tr ee estates:in’Plorida| the rrilroads’a)are ‘beset with con} trac 1SHt0 tran st@~p:wiies “andLoat- Shaws-=A man who came out from.“Dasgor} Pacifié” been forming |im:honselrolds,country, stones,“farm barns.city.officesel ubs| and business”horses to join.“ins the| rush,and a Pysh,it is.vFYom:tive hundred to!one.thousand *persons are leaving,San Brancisco,‘Seat:ie, Tacoma and Vancouver ev erVE:day: Al]the Steamers that ane ay.ailable ‘for transportation dare beput press-: ed into service.und Overy.inch.of space-is to be utilized:DD.Mann, the contractor,.whois to.build the |Stic keen “Railroad,‘ine Alagkay.isfS ‘stalledat Vancouver,“baing”unsiitelS to-get.bis sTorve©of 400.anchs J50} horsts aud supplies transport ft Fort.Wrangle..All “spaces Out:the} §‘SteamerS has been booked’for ays in adv ree,“and Mati’will’‘be!obby-* 6d tO getwy bis.inien,sby,“tw0g -and) threes,ao Sas 1 ees yy The “44°Angportiitibn >rospitics| 1 several’,Mouths shax¥Jude e tips prospegtuses.=St fcomyjanies uddotRitts ido ietieshaytpecistornlelsaaAdieas ingFoy |fox!theyhe“goaltif gels see at pat Suite3 4;me “during;thefy wetk NERS?"Henry Riedel”Toft her Tushar nko haken:¢All ‘off? whorh ae underniin ero zgeek ,ber family‘S fortung hi the Yukon”“fer lrusband gave ber at bis “ash.and: phe ZOE:Prepared (ty *‘spend:tivo! Gears.:Her ‘husbandwes jastoo_pwor, héalth to Agcoutphing her Ga ep. Severat steam yachts,aveseen, fakeh,FOU,2Allaiitic ‘Coast>hae bdrs Pamd put of flat-carsand hurried:tofthe*Pacitie,“Other boats’hate*been &S eciallyy iavented,©nvosthy of thie, Tder 2and‘shipped.West.in:settians. ~All winter sailing~tessels.from ‘the townnetiiy ¢commit ee-eainytak eSFfort -Lapprppriata,the same:\o.aig ct; PNo:ho with a less ‘dumpex*gels chil4 anyarest Bani-4(fasted touchhot,ob bis,»be Sei } }}vests a.erent deatof Debit ray:peys >)or ywhh the,fownthip7a‘boakd.*|,Pak:4ingthat“viewOleit renders.*suc ing couts¢very’yunpopulat.,NetHei:iu; ~faéedtan it evér bes Sytistacté rv.So! be frust Urat,awlien the next*Lbs4iss ltatey rershabl.meet ithe‘ul “Bepigiark (|the w hol’‘thing indeenact a »laws “hits ‘stead’thatNs more “explicit.bet-} ter “efigda,aud?withesotne deg reeof} =fine State.<Itseems sthat ‘there,Ast one ‘other considerition that to some, +Stis:+None of,the’schook¢ommit- “tee tive.ayithin +,miles;of dife.ts- “4 id leerextneme-soutlheOf gle t9fn>el ap tito igetine’cetrsme-nonth’andl “fend otller in the castera:aire Whi HeaXesvahieatestern’portion”nt {uetownship'sWiphout:shy ee ePepres :/AreJenuiagsex.Os Pebeadry,soa f$—+Les 4%Suffered:20:Yes rs.) sR _ent farmer,'and well ikon by:alloldresidentsnéar.Béimoat,N-ax.writes:For Yrent¥-séreu yeurs Thay};eenaconstunt;sufferen jatrtous’prostra-,‘|tion,and paid larze Sttins,of money for doc=},tors andadvertised.remedies withaiy:betie-p Ait.|Thteo Fears-tizd <my Condition-Kos’eee,3 the-Teasynoisewould stastiéapd“agn me.‘I “was urmble to tp Lad &number of sinking Spells ad siowiy grew J“morse.I begat using Dr.’ost RostErazive®+Nervine and Nertéund Liver Pilis,mA tarsy'tthemedicineseeniedto!have:no-eSect,SkeAaftertaking&fow bottles I beran,tdsnotice'f tite began’26.impfove:dad'Tire diy pees |peseomnet now_I ‘ain’as nearly restaréd. lés’Ners-flex.Buiagiies)jaseaate dy all drut lid“cheea2S, Riseree «No hane-*}oe dist fet No!i the Mongy,doe sit aid ; “tsatistdctiorto all the|‘taxpayers of . So”Re eae Males‘ ssmalltwo masted schooner.of fsum- er vesprt Nariety,up’to’the ‘big, three:masters thatAugiat |their-an- chors hy othe!harbors. started!for Alaska=around Gaped ‘Hori,ioaded dowtt with passenger Ss! (roups:ODA idows.‘seamsiresses.and ‘cooks.Have trusted thie ‘selves to soihe oFthese groups ‘have hésitat- xploghy admitt d that they’hoped;to: find Tour iagedble med.oh the aig: Bites:em : avest have"joflaméd the.wouldebéiprospectory‘Geld:“has:nosy,“beeniSoundTom400milesIrvmathemouth thé original.Kidnaiké,wiistante oF‘some 1,WOaniles:“Bor the gold oresin1catlimited.Tv thie:Yukoniver,“bige str ikox bave been: feageintact the 2utire?tefri-tory.=ae i oa.ah ot:nf *Ascanyass uf ‘Pabisy=p lvania,New. Jersey aiid?Délas are,shows,that| bythese:aiscoverifofsromeverycity,pXersioie’ery/erosg roads,Nuere;vid aerush (oFqeeachLheNoriliwest!Bhs Memarey:“Ges‘sérting ther.families sand leavingfoeRosMious,.and/studénts saketejigSeboon:there Soll-be thou. “and ™t hat a enpsandsgoing fromeee ilfvee"States Paldites >a itcan:ee lle Beere!hy *;the5 phan Saat escps ~Mintaohy Thi vio,Big i,Beacon Tack twas 2 Nery‘pioous;‘but:voigedctarmimes!“oe citizen |of“Owl ‘Creek:Xjatleys =Helidda youngfauléwiiclthishOyswere“unable taRidenadd‘then.farlureto |jbreale “the“faviials$0:EXasperated ‘thie.old;many{that nseere to Fide.Tt"hins- self He.(aS,bets 3DOSpaceIGcated‘onsts Estas She,wastoe‘iptotat pbisint Ipt where’; octdr.A Mees Waal,sab ‘said ie aie’ ‘*T never does:ander tke to.do: aah’‘widout fast andi owde, beaydan!Seein’What,‘he dup thunk}Herbout Kit,TaxedBim,et 1/ofter| pide dat”‘wte-ehat/my trifle’9 ercount.Boys:‘gowldn |ee ‘ride-Zair,devd.He seq,vessah,jes,“ex ees Fam talkin’A0-yau,”MeN ate se Wellabat’hes‘seems me hateieen, youball selves:be ra pane “4 ha night,gon his?judgment Was }right,.fer deLand tenay'sdis 6eldbiggerHeyerSeed@.ady atehen |beenafeered2to:‘Straddly-anything womaseincular s:Sawv'tocin edlephant;Bat is time FE think,de —«Was: jes nitstookerria”de.asus.=4 Atlan |i pay ves 2tiePoe i a oi ie eS RoneoTae‘eal = gaxh-x credit.ae l “Femnedyis eSe Sgoewe SPRING:RUSH TO SN x a ,;Chr istian’Race." fits tuithe eee fine points?on “thet. All winter Jovg plans have.E iat,hayvé beén:matuyifee .“pl aps re flat kottom,stern paddle wheel or-]¢ Have been}:a eTitesiek Lceduetitathin“the Norihy gawmients ‘ofAhemight and:_Scekeths f the.Yukon upthe’river tote ‘Oud FOX,|andL drgwetbrie charion:-of his) ugrusaal enthasiagn,’hgs eens wroussd x Hage.2 bd hg f was picked Jap with:both Tegst.¥4 Brokendnd‘his.Weck bacty’‘Spi ined};Mery What!pn Giepbidia-stoly “an old|Lie ;pan as youmeat by trying to ‘rideaeawildngesthitesRestfithe:Bsciiahy,LEWIS,wite 2Ot 32 Tpromi-fe 7 3 ‘|tisnt for fourteen -years.and nothingsecinedtogive‘any:relief.|-I-was| “|memeeeoeand The*Taylors | ISTH REGRIVED eeEeRECPINEDAi:‘Heellthe SeoSfatesylleand.w: -A Rev,Or.F H.Wood.*S *correspondent’of.ae Onistian “savagate!fays:¢“Dror a,““Weod, ‘Soro.*<Last Sunday.it,he splicttaticn 0:the padter..,elie ‘qhe'pilpivof the,MOR.‘chtertehh ed.minister's.‘digcour:se one:The: “Tt.-is useless to! |say ‘he!nobly.sustained nis reputa-| power,and oné:that will’nOt=soon tere So for funate.as-to.hear,it Tr ‘Nothing would.please the Metlw-4 “|dists ola his part of Greensboro -dis- ‘trict,better than’‘to have.,jitim:she +ceed Rev,mee ade Carrhway, now-servings hc last Year eee +(The Dr.Wowd-abave referved~toe ‘was.afew years ugoy pastor‘of the Methodist chyrch at Maoéresy.Me and is remembered by:mato of ourread- revs,Mi:ASCOT.x Aight eerie ign:x ee u ho ins sae Sold ‘itor.Minaty-thres and.‘e.Halt :Cents.:; abet Post.ty ies Sette cee Gape Lobkoul-“the fanous oi uf thatis recorded pbvall,the maps:of the world?was ‘sold:recently.for 93%. cents.wundera land”grant,by.the) eles eel Ne P asmy.campos aesth pur boff *this finous,prinertigie|Spb Ste ‘Savolaus Wassgivtn adstant.fae ty atr&bir the_secheting 5 Stiteandtejinithepefor-the octane sah]. =|-cants pee.agre:sy tdiet county.os rae ce aie =>Another rant wasissugd ee tite saiie tine By theSecretapy’of State) Tor99 acressy:MountsMitchel the] fiighest ,mpouiitain-peake east of.thie! ockjes. Wow Stepp.3 pee SreeSMaeASSPRSR be ok Mook.Penging.ip ‘Georgio...S7 apex Vienna,-Ga-March PASt ca Crowd agsehibled tier€to-dato!wits {ness the,hanging ote Agbargts“Mix 3ca* ae a “iy om~~st fe Ss at spite,‘but the Foy daotncttiges.and! whites |WW exe 50 eager, ing thr iit yeas,announced?Tat 5it] phad,been decidled.:‘bye thez Gbveinor] tor binge:Mis aft eral).“Ageording-[ thepurpose;a black cap'drawn:ovgr, his-higad -ayd apcoflin put iin?a:wags hom ant thelay-ouL@rivien put:fo the} |plicSappotites foethe réa).hanging. «Upon Grtiving ‘there the~Beet jumpPeddows and fled...Lhe“people,-Piatt bat Spfesetipy pad:really! Ldecorreéd.“expressed.“‘nracty.diss pdintmertthat the oman’had -arobl qudyand they 4hereby,Cheated -“out: Sloe’a Haniges to:Wiae SS.hiss Veatha$rstudales,Pe es ee ee ‘Chapter,On’Man.pee x iy.the:Mornittg he gQuyvetinds,Sakte the longdouble ocean,voyages,gud,anys andiitt thie.owenig.behold?it,See fora Gis tate hat Fs<told,’Nit seems to bea vanishes,esas onedtaows white *:or i ~tthe:tca-Men Haves ONC. tebe.2 ies ore ee o:He!rigetlt ip,elothiedsin tiie Sete the somuanibulept ‘pirezorie.WsTee? ie He‘cometh forth:as-the *hotSe Or jofispring.“ide Spendetia Ujsishekels: Pin the purchase Offinginen to Gaver the?bosom atte teamily yet,hint;OE is“Seen,tit,thegate ofof the:CHD",with ope.Suepenilet.>“uate ENE Re os eee TélWHO:in,the Gx‘somete: Tt RAgichmond,ong:ay’,fand ;iavas ‘Seuted, eeithey5 seats:ww crested’‘with él fearsgdg-Seldiers:awlnokd:wWoniah, poor BALiOrsspod:Braelnge:BO noneBavingbe@ ;p piachod:sheen wh was,séated.-"He “it land gaveher his,heath Instantly. there was aeneral’risinw,ea oneoffertuehissseat‘tothe:General.But he calsaly:said-~Nd,-gentlemen ;if there was no géat-for'the Wwomait,there canbe.vionefort med eThe effect Seas,Tenarkgble,.One}. rattey aitother “Bot“cat,ofrthe car.The 'séatsseemed to be tdo.‘hot!iorfthery,and.the G-éneral and the:old ady"soon had,the car-to themsel eS.Texas Baptist Standard.eee seat: c@ihe-Genéval £5Hayes:Old Homie"Levied Upén.ies eS)sheriflcof $i induskky county aby rove, ayes::puadialyh indigentpatainst tthe:estate for '28;600 “Gambges ;:rehy deredin fav onof M iss,Addie Smith, by.asavage ‘dog kept ob the estate cumbered |cPadttion,fbough “at ure time of bis Geath ity ae:)thourht phat the.heirs”Could,asi!¥save the tbomestéad,ae as ™x Sere tas ws:‘4 Se eke ae ‘q awa bech-afflieted with rrbot able to bé aroundall“the:time.but|constantly:suffering.I’had:trieerythingIcouldheat,of:and.at|de fast was told to tty Cliamberlain’s} iD.Balm,which I'did,;ond “was |fis hae ot”since!turned.—JosHmantown.'Cal..For sale: eo An},mt fk grzipe =chot ae ;Ragelawes |unusualty,free audience Qals:pres.|ina Aesaliace,vbr he;‘lea = ©Vent and listened¢to this.«See tion ip preaching*a ssermon of:‘reat |‘ fadéin‘the?memeor ivs.of those-OWT an was on the-Péter Daub’Style:Sai ai!bet an ey ‘the grou nd iy.Fas the 2 bailiin:wy“militia “disttict._ jobba =.much-enticément Jor.med, oo aig play.one Aime@.; j ‘the.Comeau:peleof Gfeonycia ne e re"capejs in Se -+o The ee ee igas ‘nade «04 Sitige.| pon,zd Tam‘dean.sure)vsbave:! Jeho-chopiied his«wile te?pay:cstoe eee Fhe Gov ertlorTidssangedyes rer AU npeedlieyhitne-rf ly?Hioulck io.Was Selected”tor /brevehige,"havi Niagi Hats:parteietos wit ih of many days ang,Sule:of;triSal.heh With to.soothebig infant:posterity” Yea,eyistallaye tiers vete per TpsaidSNS=ae :5 e :——Lc.a fe *oe “Eine 1 Ce cTeueiCourtpay.\Che vant confence of|the fh Ee Ba tartiost tuora “Lhe “a Or74 ressedea wre avoneoithe} ie er-he abandons the idea: inegiately’4rast inh 2h Sures this result?"dnd.which.has‘the aE Ja.mat ion MissSmith was,‘attacked ang bitten’a ore timeagoand suedfox asma,ese] re Hayes teft His,estate in an eu 5 |Miayide the cause if-your.ic!op,sat Beeasy‘Pnfine for twente-four hours’ pamediately Telieved:and in*a short|a;Eekkid =sandal formetime-cured:~"Tanti happy.to Say.‘thattend feet an a Shasee Saw JONES TALKS.aeee;pk ee en ape pe ‘‘——* ‘Declares:He Hes No.Seaiea To,Be 2;Governor igen @ ep Reve Sam Jone:= We how ashked.ga Tet ér und:Lapuglincément.. “Tam:wot running for:Gove t‘ame jotta éandidate..gk ote t:ie|| iue can eison a stunip”‘and! :1 an: BOL,Cod“vse:a oie Pals sitn ply : bays used {ar Muy Boom times.rats rend:rai enity and?.Surhanity fo:StayER6ut,PAC Ose oOr rather ‘L«-aimesibd 10 Lite Ganity:ind chingic ter 2foe:the Vsitugtion.S Get theotherteltows i:mee ngahs the:een andtow nigh {he character.Kine ie 2 ST Baeoto moredesire:tobegGON:: er norOf:Georgia than’A.hideter?ve Pas!the other.butt do want:‘to sane : their w the:stamp?’‘= i wasAM A QENTLEM nee e1 ‘i|stayd on ms annoithcer elit «eee how,the ¢‘land.ies scorn tisubmit my fandidacy ’“tO 2 Te Sy Geiee clig ul petimathies.add Soyer ath a orse in the.field, ‘bridle en loose,without any,saddle or’: Tas‘videg Or“Ddard.So *h tor beneasFlowr}o edo vsou8 iSia J aR. With rotigh t ae ed“Ien cofise-by Will Hill?9 pid negro,‘an Ox:Sone out Tromthe StockagetBye skye bss,2 oho!ro;“boy.,: ahd Miss mee dari pointof haa Sah(ah Royals sS f , acedyi Ree Soo ae if Thefollowing.Seathas ie te:out -oker Whe”soubiry ea oer!news parper’s:.hae %:,reséntativesof tie:Stapeo}or-|?gutdzation of ‘thé ersontan,“or!Kvold:Deimocrati¢.party,met“ind're-4‘So}veGt0:put into,the:field:ticket: at their wy:for.State-Officers,f romthe“Gofeynorsh'esmand.for,qhembersSof_C obyresé in,Cyery ais.trict:Aletter:from _&s-PresidentrevelaudewtassonSeewhich~‘Ne ¥ totees,extept gr theaheyt:areted to.believe ‘that “hierweny:little aggressive-‘Gflort,tmude.pytheir oppenents/»I any-]Qe Deliesree;‘silver can *be«prevented.‘from contr oling Phe two houses“of the: pnexy ¢congyess without”affectize of +[ganization and Ward you the quick:soonerrhewillbea:sound ‘money man?ae “Tyan So earnest in,amy:eksée_our.eountty blessed |-with st poney andaa sartytsb financial.Sys-)-fem?thatIvaIvam of.the pinion -we: oaght to.give patrioti¢aand “consts-: font support‘towamy:|plat’.whichin- glemehts which pr ae us success ful aay;otacy.”: ig Shay rd ‘the saying.46 es to!skin,”“Phat ig Mr.”7 Gldven ‘land gepadition,,ut’he Aas.Anottier’ ‘i wor g@ppearances..”It's hase for thesexs eriftite’be whistding orF egirage,heis.certainly.“bey.estheOb;wel}!it.2s;00]fase tat ke'théAim |Eet “the Tree|! silver proce ionmove et Ae a), anfFyolk oeato.five frau yOu:Swem :Teniedy you-ne TDinpioos oegetanxiousaboutthedrhealthIr}owarer not Quileww-W orshaveyoueverthoucht:that2 v to telly,s-tting tasid Setfling indicates:an*unofthekidneysyWitis:Eee:of kiduey.+ queiit:desi 6 to”Asiaes ‘Rcanty.painor,Sant ache itt the:back“is.ad¥.ee eaeckidney aa iepneteissatletnctoniin atogreatremedy,Dr >-Kitmer's-$:ry.Kish:jn.relievir ‘Swamp-Rootgive:hew-lite,Beer troubeesSHaruactaSAnan“ent t”‘a8, Rrnycottn one Face be:madtyath Jie “proke'ra ‘leg.[te and has pottRota:ables to.typ ny ae Rajatetye.: and the latter'sStsister?Soe ‘Annie aMekendeifot“Meridtab Misia=Rey Ree er : g-With as:suppgsés.that | fepop vit!eternal:‘polia wal ren{demiseof béing like “turtle.with [nev 1@ is:trying to.‘Keew-S 5 niaddee : for:malipedl Boston Herd 3 5 in ahighly perv ous.condition Sopthed and ee aeimmer eonev ery ¢0. The remedy Wa. sure 10 Starlet: |the pittiagswereCipewag,as:follows ieee aL,wists rin |For-a chtae‘ wi :for =spox:has the merit of:cheons Ss andpliciy,“Itis ats&hatmtess:*<1willngtorisk‘my.reputation Liverpool“Mercur‘worst’caseof-smal CB:ledine threé-days $i ‘of cream of ae’mi sregm cof tartar dissolved:naepintofhotwaterdrank’att ogee when.cold.fs a.ce _ .Cons if cA cae which.per on in spite of allthe. energetic <2“and:sensi‘For.twenty-five Yeaaed.Pe ttcc-'scor aEMU:a fas proveditits effe- ¢-t ih‘rant cies 3 reason ride vy ae ae digested,Str And 4pesté witalizes t “eyx.prough® stem;fhe h BXa nost stri ‘act>as &ee:-yight Uy >anind and ;cecer pefore- we lyceric.:fpoture?s for zrealstheif;years has pre t©“you think o the trade,Orvsmation'socf diffe spent et th :Re pve Sh ee Sees 5s 3 roves $5 ees man and fish ore Or the Whar 3939ylute 6suite ; ip a o SgO6.and,S100:aif :will be asSlowre 2S =BE BOWNES or buFurniture*+‘ . :eS 7 Att -.-and 2 10 h neon apeitHanatack vrAZO} eposits rreceived subje titomgoodVdilateralajidpe ceredtited or relnitied:Tere:tndei First dq re Cee a me. a , :The 5 FAis ©~which Price :throughou 2 ¢unplete. Fama ie “Shoe ff ~Reme in s tere :-Patro-Stateswill eet:oa},‘¢otimios Seasend epee:i wtTF2Ms:Becd:ist roxe of Lightning strikfsg,aejitibsWoilid471Grairup,and my left4tthechordsinmy’*néck would:ounted ita light:gtroké of per tia:Seemedumendurdble Fal ecks Ldid noteclose my efesigjédforSleep,and felt that “Or ifsane..My-physicians:Os éd,and onefrom)Sigourney),all agreefocurBFanuary1892:Catching 4! ‘ine,and it helped me fromhout’s,aud from that,time|improved;slowly at first,but st hottles;but.that first bottle was express.my sufferings,and I*can’texp4wardsDr.*.Miles for:wonderful Restotakenthemedipine*fo ins.Adv! ervine’is so}oy alldruggistsiste od te postelireguarantemoney:will = S ra -—x 7 Ge u:OMANTW ibeaSAS:a gH RELLAAT 8 TREDELE AND. tasz aerate hoe ce Wwe e“have bought oe And‘are daily.receiving fhebi‘Ggest, best acheapest, Line ef Furniture - iete to Statesyville. Dost stripped our store,-conspryiety.near ly every.thing io:“stock. Pte upto date in-finish,Style and price,‘which iss ¢heaper than 3 tote We,have also placed’orders with 4 or 5 of the Yeading many- fortsgtersigT Buggies Our experiencein the Vehicle line-for the past 3 veut<A,a=peared of much bebeilt to us!-Will prove of tmuch benefit «té' shgteeite,fOr ‘the reason that,from:‘our e xperjence ‘inl handling30*or-10 ‘eire “ea:yu factures,. ryt“towbe thewery best for the money;and thosethat*we)Gan!vive aubeastswaaranteewillgiveSatisfaction.At the.,Sgmo,.time our -prices. ELE BS los oc lower than ever nee We.will bow"be nndersgld::‘FD; :a:ee aSBereaaaax Bihedstel cena easenlathemail “Ou mprecedénted ‘tr ade before the.nol: we have%clected-4 sor dof those kinds thixt:have}: ta ae wie Jas =Merae :mr FE ee eeSlEat ———S Pe:}ie aeee Sons 2TnieAieaacentof 4 Pe eemeCITYANDCOUNTY.-t St ltis:‘safe tos:Ly th:it those pastcons who Ane thé mest clansorous.for war ‘with ‘Spain will not “be tre ones who-wil¢de the Gixhtingii war's); corie::-They talk ety:much av oframa:Nexten et:visits tee relati¢es: in viiret Facgg tre RS:ee Re ees «eM.yeBy Sloana went to Taltimore Souk:last week to”buy 7 Springs ‘stack.for’: the duty ot Americans to Beferid the..th>popularclothing hase ot Messrs.Nation’s honor.-itnd *the®NationS (Sloan Shelton.,feos‘we ~en fag,but atte very willing to alles af2 Wilkexboro-Chronic lee Mr.5 Wimaathérs“sto do the defending Wherthe’)z t ts time of actbal:hastilities zrrivas,s SER aesiS oteSoee,is 3faeeta‘a 4 wath-Dr:J.WE se Mya Ls ne e eee Se oe pa :obs home itin “Tred county.ks 3 tne anks of the:country eaitaee Mrs A Hale of’Concord tow: Sey beh: - ere See:ce USO ‘are.due Hen.Chanzp Clark;of Mi}ship:left last:Thitsday:“night ped te ?.fa 2SA Ea a:ZA 5 F <6 canons oe “:1G eyMe Mand Lofland,‘has,returaed.hadesatGok Lare«‘s sldievs 3 ;“Ex-Connenesymain ‘Jason B‘Brow gt ‘Thaifang,isAbad gate.2yea Pr ae or Belaiuay|is on“a sist t6 this.sae try.or Ba tah so xeotaAt"=Ce :Pine’‘at ‘Omitha.Nebs assy aoeoyed $150,00 i ertyVe ao pidene Soak ners aeSS COUNTIES AS THATOF ANY OTHE ey , a Sa e e souyi,itorthat”sturdy,defense.and!1 Lookout.Wroming:where.he eH a happyeukiex whic he recentiy deo)make his toture home.ote:Mo-,ee Barron &Nicholson;Merete the Bees 2 See gea ‘ur -Pred Bo Hudins.”fernerly0%) “Dealers in-Furniture ree ds ves‘an which weprint j D.‘aother this.place,but who'now ‘trevels for 3 ae i:uessy A column,\Thag ”brilliant”many was:a Baltimore house,ard”Mrs.Esther!s Anais ieee at Pa Ge pa a eh tobeee ota be his»remarks:Roessler.of Raltimore.were,mar: os ey Bue 3 aks f eee ae SENS |Dv the:fight for silver and justice t0:ried iin:Charluttelast,“Thursday eye ae F,You WANT To SEE.ak ning.They will Tre iiD:Charlotte.Rt ee Nsheeommgn people:‘whichis pow on, Wee eo ees tes ie Ee Mrewe ‘Lola ‘Corpeljus,gon’‘ofSomeBeautifulir:Py lanes e as ae ie y: eee ‘or .Uses. to.meet:on1 ee od“Roy Gehrig Shotoe ad al- Das at:Millersville,Pa.one te Jast week,dnd thenSuicided Burequited dove-“induced Stharidt.’a Pittsburg oigar “heypith smake his fu eet:-Aliss * ture home.Ww oie sorry,tofssp Ratz:shee ie fe |ae ,utJb BRE P : such:Youns-mem:aMr7GBr Geli”-Ah ‘Mipal Dates:a,facloiee was i AER North:Witkesboros Hastlet:Bs ‘Pofused,(aiduyission to*a Oe:nay ymat PVs f Le SAN ype,Seehase chased:theTats Peorfalk,x a;andeGunciitted shicide Bae ale eve Lchinery at tatertitle Spr their batr4 oh day apts week,St EN gee aA et ere cee ahdker.fac tory...iind—Leonaydy “whe tHouse -riters:Sand:harbors} sptfnl ¥.ye went oer”Yoere.Medncsdy:eqrimhittec:bas:défided net toreportevblizhtinegoinyepee,of Grove‘to haveritsbippe ite ahi tr x 2 Tixerand birbor ill aur nes ,+Clev slesidhapon:eerc bur:epubligh nae ~eo atiok Ce ee session.of Connie:SS"ee Beasc nti.Hewvas.Hanored bythe “pee:i *-Mrs.“Saab Ve MENIngh ant +“i Via Gens Edwag q ie sn ey St:ae Peentig thetkthe Houseqt"Rep:|?Mes A/MeNingh,!LerGharlgties Se)8‘Ofte’oMexicali’ k |restntatitees ffora years “ands ‘they.diedTass.”Kridtly »age woe years.Rake AS ‘dead:Fe:3 Bey afelevted.to"the&Se ate.Hersic Mrs._SieSinch|was,taker ol Sir.|Conpeattra 2 Spier5oo : dwejth:his pedple forsilver ha ippobert ,Bahlsox.~6ity-Davidson’Ba ae ate unt itn Jgtatvéartongdwars Penin and 53was dow,An this +seh.We Specs tjoj bas Séifttiern,pUblie ;neo:1888,Leon tye,ae ia See ear es ee 28eee i 3 of d re he ears rajfone oe ty mei ;Saat ne 09 Gtevelanih20“ene yA.FM?Comite...Pho!ate one eeeos etneeieteoieefrit!or”a le |Linge Gondnettwife Pe iow pape”nS ;P f bis!pedple,“ie +vote tard,Bas mipiet yachts N 3 Nee SS ag '[paisee ged ‘sind Peas 0mip watts]eae Missoats_and ‘with’-con a Ae pe eae ak oe CLOTHING“abUSi!pee me bansdpptiety i mato egopsignsbiti’:fon};asvisa Watlsartd wet,iw tres and:the-engineer aif 5 =ee Soe ;hoe =Hite,Mish °G £Mi ean Hy eee oe ‘kitted andéthefivgmnas,iinjured. ahTam ame pufing stock forthe;es AN oS ol ‘was tong ~wy Atishe.p-horp GaDAy =ie uP?e eae := SRE “4 ;ae ont-pt Sah ph re:SSoatetcommittee onammigra >Text 30.Days-dpi oN is Tn Ko? Pgetoe Soe aaaa ding Fite”Arde lise welt Hse XYileATEOGSiGGris,Sein tie Gantt3 Ee Wie tip eeiscd"Prices,2EF SRR aR een alt beMSithePOE ener =Ss Speke 5 i psatastion « [havesis yet an tanibrok ps toekof elo g nee Ws rel mfr thé cphitestaps hines}2 Air:eet sen’af Hane eons si ofiering:ae Sie Renee ash J ree Cause Golfers?Fromngh rete |os ON ‘weeks ged |’seek ;yp ieee NSS «.,:lai?D4 piattortn gnd ticket will,net.Abe fal,bath:wos “dite ‘Ye Tu 1 pe BARGAINS eay adt .Towed to,Yete sim.the.“Pentecr:prign:yoy eR was):cthimjed ~8%was,i le@_one nnight lastseat :*z at ;eodrvebtions.*Dixjes emochac -bury church.Rer-Soe Peek pouetinthe had pattregl:hist pout halt ae preme Sui:hasioeen |convicted i;Overcoa ts:and aeacasintssy |freeingherselh of op.recusant pub-]Ffondyeting:theT trineraliedtyonesel’ener aay ieaed Se Oe aeon ta Ee or PA ALONE|ae Mesa is ait yar ee ‘in Sianly,to Which this “case :;“nyP bos*¢lieseryants.“Wittithe exjt ol Mills,Ricresrese Wado und Gur children se*X @Rpateh trove’Bekin'aie!ne sana viele SCH Rea Aa ;Sore THEREWS A GREAT CUE R ee a he the depatturestof —thregsous ;and.one eae est Russia ies déternifnell to:make | LincCENTSFURNISHING4coobs*2:Tea,of Rentucky:and€atlery.x t “the:terminus ,-of the]a mr i’[moura HisJoss.”a SAL,Zs Pore’srthp Tam offering oe ne atta.Ereat rebletion?,“Bes ee bs Ue Se Letitia:when-gshe -tan ring Mrs‘Gaitbar-w asa ood igighDoe Sibériax raittoad”“whether Ching: to,callat =;Se Pa tS he ey pddwnr the”curtain’onsthe §190£ai a ‘good mariy ety“yelation'‘of,ores of pot.:Soot ae a =‘aHarrison S {Dartioc dycohthé Clevelatid~brand?Pig”fe rthesrespegt ‘of Allpaeerehesseeped2ut at Rey David Moctde,D;,dD.aoe ut rand.hoist titot bir Senators and .Rep a aie es OL Waste mi}he : eos eas /rd ‘BaseSor np §ihe “hears¥Of‘fhe:‘chureh extension “poard provera ees wrt the proud assut-ee “MeBréavite Noms ee fof the-Southern=Methodist.charch: heeHeat Feel eeisToyat ahd bru ieee ae le 2 ee died -in Louisy ifey:Ky fone aay.last york”Rebrnary,, The,aa c #S week,“ikea yeas!eae:Novem ber;180%44 eed Ps ,+*a Tres tee -Phe eouigang:-itch isi?“building %iat mame 'in tis Jelephane VijetromChattotte Jto ze pepe of Wan.‘Geo 4 aee art eyseeighing sseyopal pounds . ught a few days ago ‘in anc ty ico a aHis aatefis ee aay S|pthe caiintpy /weékHies.ate:downy:the}, >Mrs.Me E:Corndligs,ofStatesvi‘lle,| Via Ae be GR eae ;Go ds.«.heavy fighting—-most'of them with-Goods...es rdyor ‘hope:‘of,Trewded.‘7 Aleft last 2Reidy.for:Fart”Worth, atiestee iv.AND AK:x BOOK Cahn ee ape entahek oanry dHitors/but)Texas short TE Pp et eA es :Sel Kiger Ahi Lay etthie ie panebt wey Chtnar [takesidesovith tbett “pattons,,and: Aetik new?mes un Hott ite *rt hay inary ain tke to‘thend ae Ard Toy pater Glass Ware is-fust:ab:eee ould,be eetrae eee pemieaeeee Sg te Spchare er?Pe teoe ee TNE:Bc ees :vast ete:Sieoe Ny ee “bees!oe em tae ae oth Ota sy 2 $YK ty es erAt “Neef it aaa 1 EAN eeSOL“deeWasB edo aR ES.oH os emai > :y a ; so‘Janeoeat so 3 frightencd “it that it propped g ao ; fy seared.to*dgath.id v AnjaBass.‘Xdronken negro,wo-- an ‘of tlie ‘town oFCharlotte,was in wer’:be ae can gitached’tosthe «, ape engine”in ae ore of aoe cand probably. ;Be’“has Sipe-e died Bapringer’a.son ‘ofSindtod ; set,“of Cabarrus KO.uty.was a running saw lastThursday “to.clear ow ay the dusteand thought.' essly-raised his heads whet a gash cut ine his head abet four inich- BiiS:‘thought!that he.will +s :ev ee e “ Sq i s p r e r e r tn e et n se l s te n c e Sa i n et Ma to m e = ah . * a ge ee Se By Bg a5 2. we <- B e ee rt e - « les’.Ataylort the:Salisbury who for sed.farmer's names to am Gnion equnty,”was:COnvic ed apd “got”a;new.trial from theprotofBrovidence,RRee sey afor 2.years:He nia. of.)enh,and:bas as taken:stoTepaniccounty"=a mine “Sf gray}. :a ey his.report:|Hs site date is 26 ae “and:Sie‘all sihneee Phe ales of liquor during that,period covered by the repor t oe to early $4,00 fe ly Ghoude Clsv eligi “advuewthe bol Statesyitle;will ‘badikdaldn-“the rail-}St Louis.MI tefs from the”Demoeraticsparty.to}road.THOSE ‘of thé'sway aad they willy one day.Tag as make ;cprhimon Sara with”the’JRedpat ina “plone ait,erie j alinie’in-the wonSe Duplicans“upon ;Democratic,‘princi-"|A.member Of the ettech“firm iP aes Cd kat Hie xy t |Bornsitll &Co.ob igkoryyabyiv- J ples,;eThis +mman thas Seen’:‘ihri¢e{Foi here shis.weekfonto ees Binichanedwy,athe ‘Demooratie“party drawing the pkins!at Gey GLEGRO9-T I: wi ee e se e tL e BE aa ee SS Bh aw oe s pm o ge ep ee e 5n d ta i er r we .Observer:nt K-“Bruner,has,begun a pew.industry.Aese—the:manufac: ture‘of rustic Surniture opt of.laurel ‘and rhododendron,-and pipesblocks out.of.‘the roopssof the ‘Sauhe:The- is ‘brought-heres with the 0 ‘Sitached:The -pipe-blocks make:-what areknown't thettade ‘as briar-root *‘pipes...Th material (rom:Caltlwell€0)ty, Charlotte 4News:“Wo F,Catrigat: ;stip Na.3.Cabarrus county, ars of age ,and this.week. ughed horsesin a ‘vornfield.,;He he has always been fond of the- vsand is able todo:aduyll.day's 6 Sir ‘Carrigan,re- aes‘On tee plantation:ghee tHe tas amily.have.lived continuoysl y*:sinee © SAAT Ios .His ‘grandfatt:er,William ° neCarrigan,‘bought.the place:and died (there.at the age*ol $3.years.His, ,father:suéceeded to.if;and died ‘there’at.theagerof 83:years,and Mr. Carrigan.as:stillJiving “at ‘the “old_ 4 homesteadattthe age of.82.2 * sith ‘i@rorpinations aand.twaceelect:mian’snew brick hous Exchbh will-be Shed:by ied Abe Bighést,<offvces im:the ferected anthe or ners va ae ~and igaplind.WhenbeWas JestLagiiinattiog see eet =sie ee “i ode Tahki out;freaks ure.te “erage toEditge Mawell-of,the At-|p TUM eeSerre lan scones (ORT:who.Wwas7one:<8 |.”:if torr,din tevin trees thals week,“They wre |g fhe'si rer teadets:otEke South’‘that:Tjomed togethe it:Sw hnte*which|: atwhwas:‘the.detsoreilrer ‘Democrats:Boe bonizennel hyaot Sone to.the ee ah os Fe rather andas.so-tourplete “tha owtO!sswophit.to tire)“axbit‘anent ofstbe eahnofteliwehich wes,sefoubiive passed Limb:great.;hae pela.«hile P i.orttdpith sith rendered bie elec}Breck &,ae EDA: ax ride ONG Mees Psapp *ed plays fora fine.‘brick ~sfore.Or e Famous,“Battle.AKE:-Aa he eee a tion poss:ible:-tenacofeest longttje at ier new Zotcupy.Mic G pted peb't ¢: of f a3 ahdC}Wea,220"ee 1 eta Ehgnd by ey:the sever gen “secur-41 «McNeely whd oWhs..the -adjoine MeDonoaghs Te La;* sitt Shie’for Men;.rome ah ~Chil dreme,O21 aes |pe tha selection -“of a Wajority inlet.wil‘ppdbabl x.erect’a brick Ayitieh |.Remember we awill,takee tee Dpuiidthg?,Paase'atones Will peed|acthesdetegates:to!‘the:Nations bhY.bestwo stdties highs and.walbe[ howing you throyssh outStock.af shee‘s-andit we tai ta in~,eb ich'“assembled in “st You thentt 1gfour,faatuenot:yours.:a fag wt “contention §“Of,the:ee.ee asglig’elas vi chicagd iin:1996.2 That*convention MrOOtSEs oak SeaSo BeeKp te Bullisény2syea Si ; ay Sloop,Mullet &co.‘was réguldrly chlted®and ‘the.dele]Pie ‘Postmastak Tey ue Techived %a4 sfoman,was choked;tox deasht .8 *a %,» ee Spatrass an Sad get’a Shite,free:ee z tpte gates &itiwerg elatedivthé time|2ew alo,Mondeay:,,f6 has:double fight lantresbyLouPali sistimeseille..*N.©Feb 13th,98,.*ctae gs oe ee MR EY se ae n FOR “THE pAb os Rake:"ech aga Th oes 3 thich jen,thinik iTs:ore cottife beatpuediuni spasae ‘SBS ansae marke ‘SER ERY.4 ‘so 1.Price§$1.50.iag‘=BAIR,.p Warranted §hi agt Nationa ores,sdnd_support ©Paroaghont ‘and,to,gitJoentire ttaction.”“OurStock:cobpoarse:chink 1 4 The sibser Democrats| esapletes “Wea “sbrégia&fr en S1300.taseay.ee t forget the;txts the Admitiée.*¥ e Wy ) yp lA *hddéors ant is'mueh bettaster than”thé bondred ee Me eas copdugted ©it Ae ce ut‘Stall,beeen ot;“pro:foe r os 5 acgordance with the ‘precedents.and pare to keep much sash item2NB)i Yorkte e e fe agers ee araoe “Leustoms-of the fEthers,of theparts.plarze,arhourtshe willuse:b anély $AlOUS.of : =a ;rane ge|Tedeclared,fort|siwer by ‘a,3 yreat:cket,seo tS :Durplart “ist futting|, 4,sos |majort y “an nomine ed ‘Br fa by ash if H_no “walpaper WwW all sated Rage Aead Ze e re it+o ena =te Ce~‘=> imagerae The?parties.i eacccrea.jn.ae ty rij Ss fay ema |Goma ote oie Bah die Hy bavi Gritten:oe ee HAPPY Womsy on Ey se Enjoying the nov:rand:ema)y-cementsoy which.d eodmen.n|Tishiod &bsk for,9ae ,+ -adalison’s.varie store,Seeme opie ees it offices of"Preside at $200"iot-mock demand,3 said to”be:ace Writes té De tartar and Tells ats the hotel”” ) ‘large b-:*‘Him,What:Makes Her So. aes ,setired|adhd Re Ws Lowrancegets the 5 ¢Jatt ‘by.giving Ihog bee Neue agers ae ‘“:id ee.fe neorth e {United “States:‘proct Lotat$700.-Bis Jot:“willsprobably |(eslerattng its circulation by:g ea Wisconsin:Brangers’.0f:Bm Priory We have just Received «‘S 4 re:ees “Frat bisOy the"mocratic partye ca hipurchasedoy the-First’.Presby-pa'kiss with,each+COPY,Sglth |ae ae obgre Gtchen,ofthe:fi Etodegisk ae eeo Spee sos ° Sik Ps ‘=apefora sbason eei hide"mit a he,§‘arbigmament,igeimycigtehand thsSieeh bute|booksiaré now going like hot Cases district :ot oe sof that,St A lense the blessing-of health was.no Alinevof the new sth1g 2 P es Sevreseat.sayé.moneviiby..dooks ofthe Natiginal «copysention»as)witl ereeta fine Drie she 4 itiis.toxbe:presunied,that Miss-“Cun-| fet Sar stoi ‘betors Baines Also this:weekva large,’Shipment bhe peked |Silver’;eS stad,sia:S8oy :3 pare ya‘2 ee Ss ]hers;and chen sh e i oe a a ;binghaip Se onger hers,and'so whens e regain °“thie _benetictaly%|ee i%: Stationery.and:Blank Books. éd st,her happiness was almost too | &oe.»Lyhen’‘ae awas.! You:‘ean always get wilt Swaine uithigciine & BRIS S Rhirooaretee,Cb Ne ranean Veto jihqgofows the Vodiral dort:his [Tice Meatens Ae -Soe NotHe did”evdeythitig “ins eesthe “rao ete Fea)ated weeks tte.of:tho:Withesbore eS ate wae|ovis ee . ‘Fowest es prices.“ae G aoe AS,ne noyelt Jat Se.ee =wR Day,fixes to”Blox | niove thah.a ‘tweethinds swote!,Heow onenst IS:Sapenl e245 ao-vé fing Cleveland wid eas even propetty:: VS x r iSntio-defeat;ryadap phe eles“passed.b sthe A “ye.at pend heaped:honors"uy:Legisiature-in 18932afe|vst Urged,Pehinfs Sdutherséman,Hiboe Hk]MANTAS patroads,vata a fet eae)onrof freight by. eee swith:was forged.td;leave his cabi~)theStates Justice (Harlin ©rendered fequ ‘2 Loptfor @naouncing bts.intention ‘to.‘an Opinion holding’the.)law a bet Bp :Psbpport,the®“notitiness <of:Wis -party contrary to,the’tomer mend}Sy ~the thet smmembers\of"“his:eabipet nent,"1B that jhtuthorizes the tak-|present, =,jsphie't Lingofpro erty.eee.dueprovess ftutlwaysi :|0 cpeadcotlfex’high omicer por tbe Revert Fortaysaand a State cannot sbiieatiow 0 ‘the?Statute-te the lou “Lent *ere:gent.all av ‘the country|justify:eeeae oe rates for jrailwayeampapies withott_ats Bea pepeabaiealist 1the ‘candidates.‘ond domestictran em:of just;tompensa tion.th ee oowo sportation alone,upon iMgAh id that the raitroadis mak>}then the:‘starbutte-can:be enforce platiorsrof Demogracy 20goverurment ee groan Pe itr a &porefStatsfegislationI Tina erates),.depends?u § gh a r ai e ga s pe ee s Rp Se e oy an s Ba e oe ? ‘ ee oe te f A ; Wh y ne & Na k Dest medicine LY : ve ever tried for thiat Onn aoe:‘it ht lieved me-from all:pain.I ;advis-” s-ed my neighborto use Pe-ru-naoigl Lie P Man;a-lin for:catarrh and4 “ftrouble.Itisthe bestin theworld.. 71 can do all my housework and snot F can’t praise Pe-ru-na as 1 would liketo;it is the greatest med- acine there is in.the world.*’° oe Sane many such Bo n 4 infter State business:|.So-t fter gil the decision roficiglt ser,tartied:out of ofits,fort "Mich:interest has’beri nfanttested,great victoryfor-thé,railways : fabri,bo ‘support.tsheparty.of(thei in Ae ae oethe~oP Me Be ee =theScone nie ame “curd vela,NorthCaro-|able influence#t will ba aon efieyislatire;poe }rathbis.yet’we have!eee ee Hefastasion fa ofher’See ax sale:eee vat they:¢Crhust,« we e Yor|f re e e "Entire stock |ik Bt.COs >Ves Fey tina,eothe Charlotte’“‘Ob-1 eSoeBe eyrae a ee se which |claim s:=the,Seal :i TwelSuigides.-:zeeh e vot peerate awbigdnés Seguin Tae {Darel?1a Bal ; to,the(Dewoerath +patty ;beads ‘her.room at.the Qiamber’ot date papi alist,Gabriel D.Clary,-pockat On UE.Ter Se ne te cae .i a carsam.book form.The - eeeoffice-of tens:ind }Commerée building |‘this,aes S 5 4s called “Facts:and:Faces,” Wadges tiny tn.Deoentcl ates wart Yo fp co |man Pail Hone re Yonse s SS ECA i delat Deg aeErmatiilanescene2torreaegheecenedrugesbr,cco ee r 'ae *ES a wy orn un)her.¢<The disco ery was J by a Oe ?n¢.Bloo oon = a ¢‘of,yourlifetime.ioe in ee ;‘eamigrtto |the enemy ‘endhelped.Jey ph iam Whorecelho-recelved a ‘note,from 5 SS aac B “deste akin No Den tmake a,mistake RGR,Sitterrt PS ee pene Gita gt ea *Leonstitate party.n> Deatten | i"en Sa ‘oe ":Neveland isthe ;,2 ANDILET i PASS.ete Berea a iti -consreTirt GOF).oe al “Cicthike.Dry Gobae,Notions?Hafs,-Caps;eo cra & -,Crockery,Somes:qaggoaie smallware an rd i he oe Chance -<a : \ + ‘ J + fs sa d e Ha 0 ih ap My ea s e an p n l o n ai am a n ph e n ae 2 = ¥ < ¥ wa s pa a e fe ea a a do e * clean 25 at dges?:fie, <\ligotd abtke Democra 1 Si -||acopised bx ovalwe>PBiSt epiepionss blood andkeep.pe fete _“ai eh Ht see“a ee tsTapa|* te ENR Mdicop ia Bees 2B a ee :=Sars ea:t toseeFr5INEDOLLARandseatray:iesbeeé b eee Hee 8 os =3 €4 +:sfets }ef ;4:Se ee ‘tt The Dante :¥rot Tino ¢.eee ee a aRENr is,Bi ye:Se A Ee WAT:Set A ‘fore‘en ae £“ee te Aas SORES R rtP<.sree pete es ne cod ee.osSaleee<secorid Ast ee Tbe seckdeS vebnice,Ligh Will Prob-ee sie tt Be TeSa ay as poles hoaty Bd’to the Effect thathei”Ss hae nyae ne Oe yar:sa ae c was ‘Blows «!ane 3 a fe"ae Beit €,Rig zi 7 Sek rom YWithe :va 8m i ——=—ie rai 5S ia out."a 1k SAP RIEL Sy witli:|ated ad Gare ieee eeeteRrptwerSATSNE:FONTENTIO J ee ee Fas::BADE TEE,FEEL BPAY).Ngee ah:and ; cto Ge z "Peay v3 268H.:tee t Lt he Of.fe 1oxbnxtis“et opens Hay ar Hs‘kes ee ig Lookstte PEACE.ere :msésiaRWit:patie aprgtbing |Res tices.of aiiiethere!da fee) sgteiede ;ranents ve On:“erie St cenit.however,ape at zt ;od States Wiikreis RE Laas éndceneeofCabs* eee i bathe?t this ‘will Pe el estig?;$)rece!Ft tire:Caan eeeSA ‘.Phas borne +tives tace.bee th esi ee Spe %Sc}wisdot anal Pree ae ty “orn PEis cod SGiinty 2 Re eeefernBag!eel SUP OTE 2 gover jmSaoteftheiessarilsa4s) 3 ;,.ae)OU REE TLSery:rhourcet 5 cor ‘thet GSSReBapeane.es hi:aisrepre tlie meaiin:be U:na St:; g e .“at a 4 hasae Yiatethe LPOL:ible.bk fre Wotthe,B re Te a ct VE} ee we bs x3 peacefor eitied:Kei ue ioe 26 da géloy of circumstances’Sota ei 405 a eee PCiat gidi aval SUN bite es aor ¥*BRYANAT DUE west,AUS OFMx«'%$..naa —.age na non i 7 wpera + my ae He Deinvored:a Great SeRce Vientholcas-i eae St PECs ~ +;.VetsOus,es ia 1hiag.‘hin ofvear a0 F i ** ;:ea 7°E ;adel aeyi ate apt gee hat1s :Fama heir thitePeaoeetSirigsye2"Nebraska pew ere pe ee eos eS onecane :he hy Bete sy Me areli P43 -??- .‘~~t “ oy Sia ‘ =i!at ‘Wes *fiom “Brevard ‘at a of ies ae Powe =eh ‘oe a e Wet .é ‘ :ae *oo 4eeon“'Faewieeeeaneerso2ze:ti Beetrans‘Page rs is ae eee F eso Srif ;tte eds“it anes Shisot} ..w + gain i ®Bory i :”rs .eee erty cae 4 faces a ms ,t 1a:=3 Z .“AE £ igr=<aij E isheeee sre arsretinoc.mast eis Miehivetirahae°eof >“taoeony Ae iheoe “4 =a :are wus ee Crrae ihY+¢c me ,a SES apt ate :‘1a Satie tN woe “ule 10,+har”‘ane tie. :t Lich dndSlowedf how —°atin'@ i SNSTC TEche pt ¥a rca e A.:4 : x Paap eet ee : eee bie eae .‘Sah >““Hast i”Rater ‘Bee Bs 5.Ba ;SP cle se th;ey aE .%)could Fett ets hod ult ‘igi oa ey pl Cass}4ueanteEAN)Bas weuched wvhe nitE::z otOeaunfoowhabuenbal!rand *}TUS,Sylide®Ba}‘beae“ta above histtie ad.His b Ky bean Sais Gse-..+%nm Ms wi:exwea,betes!at ne +Lae i <eeeprbpriagyaetare:Spe Xi i es~s x De a Pec a8 ee tbkn 2a:“Ome |Bipssdes Tet:eee 3 my irieads.fam”opposed!gai)etd Shes eoeSoiibshandbof“fipare >Se Se Se ey late ted meer!bei nae Cua CR 9)oe a Mee:Siateans >lane piigd “7 thew ee ey Os 3 ins “a ‘he iersbeethysecretysShaye’the’t Sune ene TPs Fa gitac +boven eat RN ois4NL)00000OF trae Beudple.#A “i tl .ty s eae Means aoe memRbice¢thespaty thes ¢Grention 6 aie epee ieeezig2ThebeckYeaselectrical.”‘He dition uetinier tec -iaf rahe ;7s vies.4 it ‘nts ry’*PAIS cp Reekatts2sseen1eventhento,shoud the fiban gous areas heer es oe a 2 Bs ees io<-fee ciers #his sched hindsid phout f,i fears ip Ba a aan erg:Niindi i TS abhescrnme: “3,to/hod theni‘from ‘the peoittes Phétice tbe i Re ee a%ae rs—<:repratediuse}a S Watt pe stacp Sty zind=r:ei ¥apeEdsUse E thé wer de ‘2gheursrs ~(Hearrapey:myny:OFT Start eliteeC:note WCU inorg frequentts itn fs ;he ae ceS:ce aE >Dp:bij shed,speech ¢\-puepeIP Liaob th 8)Thee email ican”nhsa eee he publj-hed spec h.of seine nro bet}Nuions ie ait itar eavpatt y of!aWendeori:“congressman forrcirgulation ry nok)tse “Dey Soe alrihy.a cath ‘Pad fy Cee:Wainer vst %att 6a a CMD *Y r Ne ib ie —on:‘his cah-tituents than ub does iY tWS.t Axe ;r mi 2Y;va:X "is alert apd]:Bestia r bilan.o ie wah FsAdBain ie"tifashoae.:“réperd.“Pur:the:etsess aiFe uite {Pa Pei ©‘stS -Ne eo xe<a]*ie yeeLnyDe pe she.:= sage eek ;‘dittereny.’Inthe fortyien,jrseaitce i Sa pt ace SUT pe sd sea sae Marsotaeigyong?-he congresstaps,pits “owns a se Hired!face of e tS a eT a i ;quae.sit marks in’cheers aes he,tinngs it Sas st rhe pie a oe Coke At lt pease yt}y yey }‘}ols ,‘;“Should appear:herett 1e perOplest ere hips 1itch:Sr a Saucts ES ee pase20.@arried away byethee ajuexterys tae ha Seas se vA CSO,MAX LC ¥ye See : ios.orator and.put Ehe:Ghders iingt fre-f.“a Se3 Cau HOt’nF yale:ee Gait”bE cab¢ae intervals.2 ite -403rests Ses pe the Bev tot as dic he veg,re a Seat og i ft .Shed His speech abounded jin epiers t 4a ink h ee .WH hos bgiss eu cae ~~2 eas :eo fe oA dstlar whichrises ia parc bine Fe eee pipe tmrediatety since hese Bytees*;DONy .un ~See Kepre}its aves pi nEwapahe pa ys were :::vad:er.is just Us.dishonest aS AOEx)fed:ted Yor "ay Fhash .::Baa o ‘Jarsthat‘fallsiia:petdhasing oWer.ey Keven iets poe,Ss fpst0 AntoniTéa:+IpHRAR i ¢é Loe £§he:declared.¢;x wold ‘doliag iN al axee nchi Mie |aN eeewills be ET Irod ee eo ltHkoeve>Be“balloon @ollak’xa ashe.Shecaase:e tSoe Psvate aedaitieds he laments:Bree 2 Sheawt,.‘afises bevond,the reagh,of ‘the*peop!le -AY+iu”eff hea ne erernety.womsn or GhBp cen rakebSina,H:andia hakSai P 1 Lor peace fa The}epinignsees:wipes eecaa ig the)greabest.bene. x eine aN nN wet 4.oe.Tasty ura steel.She ath iteers.i shld Tis“.Veben tr.-‘Bos eo tone’udey?Sena “ap a.Caleea Weee4eeMeLaurinjasdalledaHe!Pere wits sink sere oe MS is as x sJuade a -vety Brey spabeh sie |_a 2 SP ee pers ain|ens itetbe ay:Bet i..ea +s Fae Ib Ban tis nto {:se 100 anStuatorMcLaurip,ast hat:ntl fut an eee eOnE ay esztsingethédays:ph are feess0ttaN a oegor can Gootigtrssee ei eee .have thepeople:ear amane ee >7 oe:os x So h “Chiets aCe:aie Tre.4baPe-t:)te Bryans Y ar a x Abe Grn his worked $er VEG::ok reReY for Jnsny YCars.‘Parta5paeea8|tale Succeeded ip at eat,.‘AMONG THE*Pouricians”+a pbhe Sma lyr Punboatscyt Obeid ghwn\ort Me *x ::fay ‘The Missoui “Pemocratic State |{Hjppipei ple.ae Sey tee pel*|nated meét in Speisisiield.be ee Ab NOTES se eein es Dax +PEt isnorreported that oe RA een!ae =a ait’ty:,<“FI;*The Rhéde:TTiana ence ue have é of the naval:astair =comnieee me G ie eae th Tpood2)mominated Hon”Danie Church.fpposed to Swbsti tute six’baithe aeghig5)ay emateys)proven by,:i.eesE2-a iTiverton.gecspraunae and.a “tal L.tor tite thré vi pre Je Sortisia simp eedtittide:ified i ceeStateticket..‘}Pending -APProy riation,,bjih's:4 7)The Popukets.heid 2SS eosiocnne ie x CaAdinet wie inber,is :He | “Raleiga yeste}dat.We ave not.;have said that the eeper“al peep chereteacaeetatwasdone.-,ate of the ghembers.OF thre ea hot ote y ‘,The Geo State 4“Populist;cone bis.ae a Feport.of thé bidards “OE Ps Se,eee ¥Avernmaw yorFventionmetiffAtlantyyestéebday,}:seus ;Witil nArke}a Teport this Wecse:Haan Biya PeUturipiseTtisexpectedthatThomas,£.,Wat,Pe then "r aiso stuted “Siaty alia)4 Kdtease wd Tie ty a Sra hte+)sinnelbenomjnated.‘for Govt rhor.|te otbiug as ver tp"indieat®;Phi es!ne itHeHoise’committee ‘on *Blec Fuh low the hatdreof the Rudi Soe ag BaksheetasnecOurt,4 of y Aigos has detidedto.ur i Spee :;oe xs pee eines aL Sti sets‘sectional eeport Srcsiy|alteaiNetsorktomtbie’s‘effevt-that.the’aristridt,seat?h vRepubliean thin tratipn.had ibs Khon‘Opponent:r.R.A.Wise.a eAthAETH¢e Maineiyas-hlaxsié"Tn a municipal eléction jn:Charsdss tee UitNide,and .DERE «meget ee tor.W.Va.4ondaytheDemotrats¥e.plaind 4 .&{Va*when suftents“Gas oes %madea’clean.Ecie Send tte ati OutaiidJ matisca!Was UGS oeaescityby351majority.“Thecit Kwa ‘hat Beek.x Vee Pain.BahSae|formerly.Strongly Rebublicha ”:steak.Kas:bees erppbpsizéd,*Sov Nee “Applications,ofmaItisvér¥doubtful about odes are ident ds etry aesBeae“Ewart’s t eas asc Jud ay!-ig Shouldgn:.*oak.suceessor ‘Séhatér *Bat);~Gtle wih Balina taskabitterfight;t bitlikeheeaasetGeneanditook "asedl aSseisecaatIPitydigestWsbor the datMea ‘thanylear.°Mare] fis uy #Lis“ =A TeSSTSr The Gann,ae at :ent 4 3 to.eecent Bee gers se aoe D WEE “COOPER| a have ss+tacHhee.ASEcuixedsPee SSaeet.mM sat:ree1:Hetil 2 ae ok ryMy hgse Tisgpk7. ‘oe =foeaes Fai :FxYctrainédaeRsNy come pe aN. :MEBEFORESPERirion: aeaSeeohn 5 ee ee ec ee 2 ie ke Dr:Ls UptesenSGbe,ae is te Wi BRS ayyen t?ee taw a ~‘hesmirLeo, We vt oye ashake vas) i g ee to ae oy ork ot w.& i ¢t eeeou ‘i E 3 PETES Dalisyi if nares ra Pe lses :bat ee patients! ANY edly is * Para aeSchiniee?HelBoas oe ot ae ccrh Siig Monti ey ett largeGrdGyekeSe\ wheres Fe ows re of oo BiersAAG4btiea!tsi 55h theput ip poet h OF Fle FG Sit ups thy Fy vrs!>:te ye AK “he AC SESS oh GR QUE et ereomept bewrin on SRtatiat .8 we COuORE a oo WVvied :i ¢Senate;pesaremeine J-‘a eto tel’ain ;“5k gee eae oaolfSear wile"Bein:ari RE front ree seo 1SWitke;Baber Wear ested ast DyrohyDepat She referee A troupre sau Seales ~HaomgntdfGiggsNGReatyaatalontateStiteHospitsitwiheo>:COE YS.COnSIK:Sasi On ¥$heedota‘7p says *SAE OF.bart |Phors saaton S 2 é JoinMt:Stong.at proiniabye AW:aS rT:a ae CHALOE Stach,Cr sekoMetighe ny “tb Ei hi ke *¢cold pe*omeaiit ‘die Ig Frid paghts ye tar e Eon:presun babiga ei Leh eeO vi Ch -He™wee Zar}stage check,aE YsGiatwavevai ne fh aaPrk R oes eHerty ‘aud &iy the awe ¢ain’ifive®ain eal!};SP PGek:xy :soe ey as htuinent-aad useful wan ye as “pane ideptrtyvineat a: eed law.‘gt Aes;ae ‘By Ope bathedhe oped $e ;oe shilolot:1Sship,r Z e Pepusic frée‘at.‘e,dedic:eerf a et netiaing -Ri he ong:*Po ke:aeIce:fionyient ik =*Aslue they alt ba ee -::6 u t arr pe wis,Som,Of Mas)Vag ;‘Davise ico PeeaM pe Ay ps Bhat Th ose).has takep Yeharee!‘of [SOR EN form Veeerul ine Stice Wich has ;i">Mal‘Waslyathyutan “p nee in’Chui:foto.‘He Wil ull ee HOS foretue Lea tic disnt un Wily kek PAK “qualifying as :wey we ere ce Me oeyevcars.tHewilh hate:aS 3es potttydsaiyl ati in et “air!prod its $by ee enjisted-aitbrtTRS ake at oe Hsboing salesed...:rd 7+ra,tL a auaghn &CowhavesGa n=)yo eygeeveTadiSheeel.Satuhese ot Egos SO:aTarVaiheGonmity,Chalehaps ee =+Yee dW AMarcial \.ue oy prod uw t kegk ‘naa an -Wihort leone.fyb er via!oe wedges;Tere irginis «wheres aeLeas3yerVied.ve Bei ;OAK x. ~1}mw rk ‘ona ratitMani 2 Sy carintobrs. aw as from’M Sure.Nile.:W¥e Tesave south Iredel pox ites the ccitizens©cae “whom Zhad business.©ap MAS AS Se whién.-of StluteSyille He was up %t vat emt oul Sanday nrqrn-fC mal Hot,pi”“EE,i allowed to: a chicken for difper swhon |Zit besweuwld:tenve «te rcand ter alt nembcr of them,«sca Jett. SAS. Diet in ekfein fait tsts his "gute.Teepayee Rae:inane fs 5RGtsar:a pee ene es Ne ‘SENT E SY }**taybtty,Bree kegon *ae e;:et SEU >veae ad As:eek iG eS 4g ‘4 iSea Ww te “it wtSisgn oo :;©On Smet BELO Bc?1 4 atfatsTats Sh mee) aaoeBe<< >I ;Ae aia Bepiste a Mefab scr,Se egoSateSy vetes 3 WNL la Veith6.pall ety eye K *é2bELLrytownship.ts:sutie i"teenrsy wid.Sodas:Sr hy feeAES a uh tock HSht Su kes Ve alm Sin Wow nakis”dacs ean:a Ae tree she!‘hae Semone oes Strain.pNP ea akSba‘Nass Betis DUSTONS GY peeJ Si w bomts he wt}eels 2Be oe gat ein”ee 4 We Doted tha:Tome Coke SNacn’s thet Tom fw gece de * ereJe *Wertha wy TheYe,Sg ng bane yeas api abt Tieit erieHy Tee ©+rttAthi os Nasi =tend VThetfir:mL sp ALhehre LRDany.we “Stif Keg 2 1Bsini:2 Rishi arel OARS Wag‘ Sheer otTits the orith 6 Tw Dypees ee {M pemolar alin ttHa next issue of THdi eo 3 Se Qi =es seline.&y Lae We:Ni “Ritter Vad SScnator Vo BaawetOF 4 “twinin,:Rae ft one ot them .«tid CON eNoahB:to.Glare wesdt rida ps winvitedto déFiyéamehe 8 ddxe8xos»FeiEyideutiytheChickenssksee ped ang ME,Casbioli rati row scapes.Hess:ys th¥tvone ~belhbors Tad)threatened Wh eo odie outéat Paphr Sprint :oa 5forcuttingsounobherndetorineta ;dws 1}“S ehickens and ‘ue ras otHS teres The nest #as notseri ouedst heme 2 .Pieree!who killed his father.|so¥ad up the wo head.sw 2 Ringler a het eputting Verte?at<)shevifie.on:May-“Poths aa ously he rt.‘thod,is Ir.:Laas,hi S4pSher beorpli fiat -“ Bryan vent =e * Lbs:sy Tre ous Cin THO 04 cnsto py of THYGy set!ink ef the nafbsument tc:the dape Sehaiow es;1 1 Le ee altgugstips tha Tadeo Armfield,has ery,forced ty sa SOPTSs -Niptt “he Aodse)|\ [.:t ,ReiseJame~Moore,in Cool Spring |pte j Vilin default,of $30 bonds,,)ws“Weald ry Oe:Shs ace res$}would yin July.1933,juird who.was ‘Theré have Beet:large Urpaks®aeé&tol13.Year's tHe oe :€:2 sgars s ,2 1d uy this week nei berr Jobiceo wae sekew heBt yé Ld lewSA yes toki BES|pring term,°ESS f}bouses’meopen hear Wes Savebe :ae*ct CFE Fa ay He fu ane an 7L ad Weot yt. SENAbuue Bae rsaPegi 2 EiOmton 's% |ADsaye fis 5 =<Seatla ‘SCO ria. rinsed retort AZ Ja oP NS,Ghavmess Foere.Rens th repinton anid Mrs:nye andfvigur,?wdnde rworker,that moatkes weak Be Tiniee apyrabablie,WEANOMy §no! heeDe Tierra as yl|ah boeh AMborHeldyedPeonthCouldfiesHead ~sSoA sted game,the ted}to":ehyer ya Taresy be.would i os ry dis-|}: ting shpd ins man.”ey Styte: fiaueSet treacurt:offle nyau and, htately Dy reason ~ot ides ri- mele ‘Singabstiey:wy de!ivory the ~ad- ists,Secor &f#Cuke guaran:aeCex“ke5Vata,rae SAS 9 tts ee ait We ia—ear “sample free.we yore OEYoerYork,'Sathbe ‘<PBs eee &Titi r o ~ae G b,7.%‘dyaaa :,4 Se -s ‘‘agit Ye ns 5 ta deckt,oe.me tt:On on ageount 2.\Vy “tiie BeLoe ‘“agi tt oss .gua), ave bei area hones He Iknb®w fo :: Rae cn ie 5 Tad Tyo nt feck}eS are aor?Sapartta. the athe yw.tive Sided “OperatiCn._pecause spore not >peran - Bas ceforge Leads,ree , ae ee;na aUaoe”Aimfidid Was Force.anton Ge>-|re ei a “ant:mybs ookhs Pees ye a1meng 4aeoa.ea~~RE piping oe2iWieHF~de }4SSahinvetlskshitRtieaats Lites Hj ene: las band cS Sar mYeyCHE:ieundthgt: te LeSat aa,Se pipeunessee %Egdetecne oesee “atr Are,ouderftulcures ae ae 1 Lore weyFan Fo Was hm Omet to hee t iu KesteaeDES.huis:AGA fate bundred tyneaot:on‘Btsdlutelyy penm— ¥AN EEDee LDS TAX)=NS ‘ame Kat ut:%} MEV WE eal AJs0 by the tiatoey,detiv ast.ountan yaradsatter thy hark is “ta ia Hott,Ur Wik:wes wethettimbex for yor,SS 58 2 GRRADEORD €SONS Mar ig-h,=~Now Sthbing,N.C.——. “Po”Ciro Cc Onstipadlon o.+Sheu Candy Cperariics:; Vom ety reyissad o *.2istire‘best=—6 faet the One Truebiooa Puriter.peidCoCFtto.chyre,druggists rotund menae pS is Sea urendusea,‘indigestion 46.per Pair 2 >SorcSige¥bia:ever beTork a Cush in hs 1nd reaping Due Bay of Silks)Dress:'Goods:sco-oup desplay.| Sa l i ae ai e ao t es ) Si e ab l e ap ie = aeOe ee k Sa i PE E R PI E , iy a ae ie e e Je e n a we n Se d a a+SERA &,PRAER,© TETeas tire “ote Hive’s ne pa -wud ¢ we —~s2wae Sieae tier auetiil the ‘ubioy given to,all).ao Ee tater Keg ee ws SEATISS saeON.eee: Gente” she Shs ule:“the.Spaskee ieaubyii beckcans I»dat jeraetice,4 str AS:GRween Sais and?it bai owes oP.hi ent liek t0-an &2Se ru;pared the Pe [few OF ALE Dare| Pe oa Nh ro Ges : ae uy it:bit ers2 i ie xara editok Gye pioas hiime r Tis the”posth persistenty ot al,’like thari!®asr“geste Bak by:f:s *Paul ect eed:Rh cay!LOE, aéachers Tes do.oldfashiomed itesTas Bustie‘mpton~Ll. fi:wtkad enough?toteaf iu Iovks vs vhs” 7 Le ae eneSLEeTbeeeeee:a dy ce .*:re .ye Me‘-¢Ve we ae YtseeeNEiy“ a ~~‘iy aOR oR +a>Oaeettiets’wie Fh ete ih “3milsxNG.eis recoeSn.*‘de 7 .ra “-7 UP LS neaeerxrCybesuséSE?[nef ~f >¥-f ee Ye Dee :a sh Se 5 yi ws ietiganes —-Sale ic a:ta een eee wv ele kat PeonRaeeea:\Scorn :—>:pet --er Fatty EGUSA,:7,\NOld;Fashioned Elopabaeat That wibote,wane oa =Sere ed INTad TENS 3 rR RI «{THe Countty EES 3 ese sBehione Eke peinent F at teakeTananghrSeeekPs<0 ike ABIG FEMING 5SQA ete ne os ire 0s pea “aOrgat Succéds,3 ue saat yeas ve yp -re aspeceh,by tL ‘amp c at by 0 Ieper te oJ Og air ABSENT?0 SO Raei)wo Ehiiwatont!birnatelwhat ahs Reg be ‘sout}.erat :From’imeNeKe YorkPress's f “jie¢f > ;ofBeAyouuMogsons.IS ing?ther a we,Ui}ie.eRe: sae!pike alls s Vis eprixfthikus.Je sia HAD “0h Nini saanaNaati”a Ie apd ‘abemurky tod*wee syBit a Spitan Aut Hyg JPReotniine eyes Fe peasaat rier ER An por a we cpied ao anwed-“Sineje Hy For Wistaise.|Titprial {aethe Chicazar’x ties es,=s os “be ‘McksSateyys.X-loge ey {Pee ;;.as Iverntie2ytfantilalieEbYueWhipsitl,‘Hatgua.TUR be.&nv hee tay ROU “banisel"\Ys"at ORES Liu ES ~,~<2 se?Res £>so thee ae oe tbat -Dens *“3ee2[UREB,tor yt Me Guibas Waters?but a,divis-aot qeited)ab dai impt Le have Bnd}hs On aneye theore “wat.on ok}gh Binley:Tid othe Democrats proud along tian a aahThe mmA‘:+avy 4 e westes2apsitorREYiaed-LAW,eaeENAps SsWill be pusite’so what»;de isa yhsech:hy {seyhe Mi “dk hi sroNS iin io cao puneytrt there thal becxtie®taeny the glectidi Duise satt <attsein pt?rat’“apphasse «‘Bur Te watLemangSAATESVILLS,x.Gy eee AeAte,efi.Lily tataiekde A Ga be oe ae wot CasiiySpeawwkt:d,:rbidker}e PO hvedevallys Kyaw “ofl.festerelay.|i ‘a daywap s .2D ats,fist},sanity Sep :et i ;3 ho s “‘ok ;xaFarcetLnitetwtbulyWORadesteamedSemyacréss.the Atlan fe yt Tejgidshanot/ite hiquiNE pu Thepparties coficerned were *pretty,’Haves bebiitontotten:in providing for Mijren a eR2ere;ey yrAeaesetaentgansurtswheyepytaycke,in thesoxtiments jotusthsa wr‘uth:ecceth i ing oe |DeSsit Pabsotis,aid LicRoy:Edw:ards «tha bationial-defense tis discofdatit:Wes took:on ck at andse.+:ttl re *>wy ’ue < mee)See a it Spy s g yar,abstjn thane us fences th‘ay tbh }fon Soy er ectsehinds:a fast pacer:“hile the.ft ate,Boye Gi ka al“polity oars|BOL gh ‘Loe Doe ee Tt,ae aS a:C.CALDWELL ™regeauto ductéhet acnystatd ghost es Ne We}packhg (yeni aeatSwereTepresciited|by 4 tot,‘diseest alli Lanogtiiemen ©Ne“Tews the jury:ra ee ho.8 eos ok ‘:oS ;;r Se oo :“"erhieeit ne }e 1eyaeTATTORNE),“ATL Ee os wus eyifthe peinis Yori:arg a —rau diveuaiea Sr ak steyte Lelivid aaCayKe trot!p valiatl ats,fn wOHRY,aunidiis,{for aebesSCE Bi Rincon »Ye i 2 WSN,>prakouta.Hay:abayys i a Feas,"PUG wats $ane Hoy atetree YYbe.Row eye =Benet |2 Rout =ait ae BS;has!apprey“ah aeSHS ta!‘i foie oh die pe “ar ;-=vw very ii ae :; f os Sih State and FeMter:Sos r af ce by syquddporiani le 4 meeine é aN iidey aitre if %ap bs Enyik oe Be1deh Eat,aipes4h “the tae:SOHESS oF Fat Tithecee Hea ld Ee oe oe ‘ie tle *Mpeg eit:Rn tee Cast Wie eayital,aft Kiwes land:Bridgéinspton,aoeeee fettecaial ®apbich ah as hee rowich fy fehejiarfang,S.B.‘Connelly,f ty ghargs#Siais ivrains ¢CMe idtey ‘Persie s pPArenits igorodsty,“erty +euecticed Oy:tot bers!Phe ¢riti-1s aisedrat,Sei by Ju;“ne 2 s!e.ss a ->a aoe P :iseo :.Sn as y aL r aoe See age2(cab,fats eM:Seecs sis thaijsdny Pa ther tise Wise reeae |Ane j €Le a:to Hawsucts,ese ye,ute tig’|4 rans”WeA severe shat,th CLhes,=sthICE A Ptant“se PAs Stes o +-3 7 4 ser ’»i“oe ;d STATESVIELE,N?Ye of tittedtesA ae nded Ey Has tenis us 2sa Pens bos Lenya Ve Hieiir aaurlit grec Rhea hans:ee -;eee seaterRisigetienesimtiewiiaurSe4RayOrdepetapadLhpueswhse&leadYiu tig fiessetae itheexcayt Ze clk.Bes:)it und pu blished ane aolowie sede | ae et +>toa 8 ae 2 ye »¥be 4 ae eshe eeeSt wemant of e>}<‘act al €BAG vy ih:typer moOt ules.He a ie Was ro yog be.Cmin"-bes wu Leeial a i oeoerandPseld1relatbas:os eei i t ns nik esi a v5pein yi ‘tree fis ic“nd of puna:1A.>Bessie:“kifTOS eeerre’ut -“le:al Detter,be “Phe Tings’Herald hay Bi en Coy ‘.rf .a AN ,pee gts &2 Bel st -¥yO ¥%.ak Se .3 bt :a Di 2 UTfs thine,par agrapa npor Tor.~least,she tata.Batwands fy.be-demn ediaS sume quarters:and:ed:«‘-*--ae‘eerie aE featSait tad:an Spb Wier by cay,hie Ie ceine beatae mkah:a Wil pre"patted fora feplauded Alt ‘others fore the CGT Oriy?; .e .m7 ~i .arew D,Cowles|Ler Puchimir Pyiti evpe the Tec (froth |G{uvhipy du Sprday utte Biden:Her Friday last;‘entitle Phe War’ Ee oe eee FORNEY.ATSLAW,eteet i [Sher the ite red eS Tacitisy Six:aot heon ib ule comreentod Yoohvrtak-fia Cuba Mast End?—For.the ap)eS Raa ne tee ptate svilie,Xd.c es.a One woudvor Macdules OF thetucsere wili ut a drive,{she must «be Gaek Mplause’its grateful:'‘for Alte ene PeinisGeageChistieand}iit th ok truss “thSe ese lke PEE‘hued histor viol our times.Hedy neon eas now.:deulnation a is:jndiileveait They mittee,“eee :*raetices in vik Se moe Nai nn cok B eRe CRy Wey Peay.genet aa the ;}%*=a a Federal,See cee é pila tance e dumdkeds Bt|AsLi snuck?reid actomiches our-advent into the Be ae pre sutisetl Ad Airs Par sons}‘Times:Hexyale,said “fie.“WarSra pissin prEe=<<gle a ard oy.oie CTR SE ri,Jor IM Hotes JULY upeisines|oo we ap ore’“Coan.bahintt,the.blinds CEUs fon the réasda,thatali.‘hues aby |atesZaelage,<s ee Ae -mate ao:§r CamYle:Sa:erican waters.Soy’A~=«,WRCLiye uy”dow:reiting,ad)sorrow|tan Solicitous mothers care to see.jherrent §Sees o£diséonfeyt Jeeptdi- byes s 3 AITORNEY AT LAW.|*‘|af as rosnived ayPRaLES nuvi)PeatNally sregords OurccRiks Anyway,She took.sudde‘nC oaluryt.,Latign;awd dishobor in our countrys|:sate +Soe STATESVILLE,N,C aoe Reda che it THO ertnips 3would”iaak¢:ay ke =o Gigato bh OL bDeuuky dhe ‘doubly and sent for Frank -C:“Corewrigtt,the sHigr.Penioerars:aid Ropaltsts<} .“Wiit:practice in ‘dl ihe conrts>Bone Showiny im revulae]eo:‘bara gerbe eet Ayres,arho pes her.son-in-law.”Frahk aS iMaige the sqcialitts,‘and.aiirgitisis.-*were:;Prisiipt a ition toll business on?es MeahtsSuu a th:thais «thei zhi fq’=s.tu Aye dee feminine puie pri constable:and tame’saili around ready to Gumbine wponthe ine’parr,.}ru dé:Me ie ity Hay,>CON.“j ree 5¢o otrusted.s Ofte Ne.(Tegal row,"rear fe:wet agin Aygi for ped baton catt ee yal im particular instance Seite |r,uv Warkant and shaping hit ty_shibbb}e tbr ceSErGe CubsPree Me sit:Tat W ue? ~ ths < .*ethe-followy i described lands situated,intavnshig“and bounded as.fotlows: “of court house.”é Hes Pak 1)warry®.Eten o oo . eatery iateeries= oO s Careful atte nt:onnpiver te all atte cs in- ft $sc ede s ¢ “<:ATIORWE ¥-AT-EAW,.2 :ieee es a I tae ‘returned to the,‘pra:tice Thnd Will give prompt atten “truste os neSees:“LE,aS:{i -* *,ritorne e at.Larus.- STATRAVILLE,2NICS ‘s * pow‘gf ‘ “s.a eFestness* “ad to lw,Ofice Hor HORM ALGOW. 8~..>TSTATESVILLE,Nal ‘ *Wiilappear in all Courts;»tiongiven to allcelectians and setUemect ,So aril eng# ote state 3:;=<» Be Fe Pra OnHees,Robbins*vrick row. atA= RI . @ y¢° %: »Wiel appear inall ourts. LONG LONG &LONG,- ;‘LAWYERS:‘ ¢STATESVILLE.Nz C.“@ eeetieein State)and HARD B.Mel,AUGRLIN, 7 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.* ‘.STATESVILLE,N_.t). Speeisl atten ten giverntto the Civir Practiée. *ee“NR 2 % ap John Store Soy out entife stock of Che ais ‘2tot “sty wk it are Big 8 RAR>. “D,LEVY.Prop.vite eee ge GER BIBGATS- Soo.3 Wint er’Clothing You RAOAWN ro Imfor our imine nse* SEEtae Chothitts: how otferine the >PRICT wake ion to all matters en- Tiar of,the court Spec ialatten: FRANK LONG Eyderat C“eurts . * gest.-Bargain *18 SaSieh!adfe sisupe ~Lee me “that was eve*iow be Pore.x Nee =)the location.in your.magne" ~hte at door to the.3 5.lay aan Rhee by A te A. Natrole ‘tal)sad.i ne ‘r . -.2 LE Vis Prop~ iersville i xX:ce “Morigaze’Salevof Land.“ ¥VIRTUE OF*AUTUORITY'CON-. tainedjna Mortgage deed ‘executed Sunith,his wifeTSithant’db iy. Ss.B-lijngsley,then designed:it!“sell for cash at public auction atthe évurt] "Gonfederatefoughtfor. *honse No¢; re Shiloh door int Shate Sv ite, on. MOND:‘A Y.Mareh-wist.1898s cs oe cowiity. .Beginning:at &postoak.'Warren’§lin,ang! runtir194°pe the nce Ss ‘coritr,“the!nee W. thenee W.45 ButfaloShoals'creek,t hence S.- pules to astone, TIME,thence thence:N. thenceN ig with kis and Mock’s line\N-ssCk.on Ingram:..90’poles toa stone)T.*avs"ty a stone line 1S poles to w ston>.S17 pols tia stay <2)thencé Ng? poles toa st neon Yry 'S eorner,37.poles to a sourwood,jrey’scorer, Na 8)QW,29 poles to whit-Gade,.30°W.437 poles tovm “post oak ig98.-JSC ERVIN,” ‘RB.MecLAUGULIN,_ ~ENT’rs,of A.SaBi ingsicy,= -4 <rn aeecre, be 2 F) ate AGENTS.| “The Contederate Soldier in the ewwil}wir i2 x16 ine hes,and. Seenes *just published,contains 500 rtaaits,Maps,ete.The stewart’> ‘the east side ot] BY.25 thence yy 38 poles to ethe begining.‘cun- taining 120 atres more or’less.*aThisFeb.7,~ » —>, fer 1,100 large*Baitle |great-.est and largest“war Book ever;publisticd:and the oly one that does justice to the Complete“in ‘one “volume.soldier and the ‘Cause he +»>Agents:wanted:everywhere to.sell thisbookon‘our new and easy plan.- .thedady and:Many ofentlemenageiitswholareatworkaremakingtrom.$100,to $200 -per!>mouth.*Véterans,Sons,and Daughters o!_Vefterans,:and Others ivtereé are re:quested to send for a-beautifdl illustratedGexeristiseCiréular[free]and jerms,agenis.:Add -REREING Co.,Louisville,Ky.-‘ & FIR —. ® cc OFFICE .(ae ; _kGrst.Vatiquat Bank.ga dee Phont 6.chysi a at ehh a— Guy.6 Agents.es ELIF AN D aéei DENT. STATESVILLE,eo —‘., 31 “Jowest "FERTILIDERS. toTess,COURIER-JOURNZAL JOB ° Hs -S fe~ E ©2 p7Ose oft 2 m twi n fly&rs of thé-AmeticansLine dud WILL KEEP ae Six 1THIS , springall graces Ts for-co:Le ae el orn are |€rit: fy psced $3 }each.avid St. ht *uijadei phan.oo ‘Se fbbenINSURANCE,5 Ra oe *Pstvenktheting if yheliwpanis Xe . ¢rordé that con wUsSton frdig the guns) haieseethic cee gr ‘ee EC *Pel keric:qitetcrut Rs foa ene Hae eerie yen Aspe ally We Awd ukokuk.Ava squynate suc“be tsHa exemy we sens eh KA Sore fda o 4isa”Survey vent Sutp- hike Toa Ww ead. “Laps to‘a Spanish.feet =this aside /mere hant audtp holya HheRcany but:heayil Sh PT iveas Lileks ” peg dteo Marble thWy toe Seay eit per =<p spct ‘a sbiLibsAW ith Which they cor ld: a >LN 2ivebat the. Spohn.ah oy the eonfere nuei nyeWhite |House “the. eotin *.Teesidde aha the -in Con *,be {ween ie ade ts cha TEM:an at thé ime he iouse Caypt “Crbe 5h ches et,ihe Nalwigration -Sue Comiante v Brad:ord:ef te: and ‘two oulee fateA the purl Roe?orkinamd er Se ile yes p bonnes Sineciedl, eo. ready Mayuipment ier ear4fheers:“so e arar fe pmphesiadeenndselect ingsthe Sti yk é 4toLoinpodoeit.CS nae .$.©ym Attér aachour dis eussionu it,was, cidsited that if the Departmpnt er ihe rs the formation of su ch a+sqead ron.tine ites hyTH kowprise the armor- édcr uise r Brdvkiyy,the twin triple SLOW Hyer Mitineseep Colum. ~®one :ie ‘smal, Sionteeeaeny tli LS. and’the-twe 2Xmerican,ances,‘St: Royis,‘hie.agoutd be a oa:ipigseitbY ¥ cruisers of the %th ee itapresbe vl,oe rt hertle ret Wil.be ie,Citar eof Com- Wintiek?Scout Schier.wv he dias past attain yed fag rank ~in,the Hod i oast Ter gs eA Si ROE Schley. Aas Been sydky if of as the possible SEccesne Qt <\Gel:iival Picard 1inevent Notth: }ae the present tH health ob the aad zoiterth commander vullee ©kim}irom retaining Squadrus.*;3 7 My ‘ =umaiys Lore Se hide x wil ‘;should.peur. tite bearanored ¢rul> 2 his \ Hate tre Ls tixeshi ry Po =<7jaketheSUD. eT Byaowlya "reee tly agg Ke shes “xf Tue dis besba ee eh Tie Say yir having “protec fuss.With?i 5 seed Ol over ZL kbogs.wl0 Drogeis N cat Bet “uaay sf bm inythingiin the, bhSpaisistehayy it Uiced be,AbUR asiti): renvaly protecied.3sides’es. Pio,is tetir’,makes der;timo”: fernidabie.as Jpoye secontsciatSim ae sips,Continddures Sehley Says| ‘lieve.wouhl ba no hevessitylivr ee gubniiye from ‘ww ytbints,ear The Minuapolis ind Patdunbi:ile: ro wal Philadelphin,'‘Ure,‘well krfoyett torn:Bec at the:‘world vas +{lay dita ust.three-soreix,ship ever »a apd _perhayst the fleetest wvesse s offf be Reece |tgsaxainst heavy ¢ iuréedt draught.amd:excessive ‘steaan préssur e.720.their’‘trial trips,gadShay tae up ards ‘uf 2 knots for:fotin} ‘fours <and:jat rae parts ;ob the}. sperd and «“seneral /etfecfiveness | Against)Cc mmerce it would be With out:equal for Vessels of.its class.The. the ships,the officiats said’this."ate ‘ ternoon;would be to take?the +two atonice proceed to ‘install the,five and Six--inchguns aboard nov stor dattheNewYorknavyyarane:that |purpose.:a ES been completed several’‘weeks,‘andshipmentsweremadersoon.after“thetPMainédisaster,’Constractor meh: -has :Completed«plans: Lopld:not,weaken them:gd Yor:vain mzchinery fot “protection.-we skip.would meuptBS buns::sixon ainnWmGashrs!Sk -tach ““\a Err mea art ‘7 ““ iN a >Just So,'Rit te Raicigh.News and Observ=r.ty ‘‘Wehave been waiting for.some fyour.gold exchanges *to\denounce Derhoerats té fuse with anybody ;preserve the gold-‘standard.They :baiTiiaiis, eretarys:Lohy Sunathoncgey witidrine iior ukditign 61 he whee“displacement aiflgat Ww ‘hou iihreteas|P 3sreddee |course _the®Stintied polis Poached ap first.step to be takenYn assembling tion of gas.”Nomatter how’care‘yl of'my>|# Cleveland «‘for advising.the gold}a thie!cottmtry eth tor,plen- uu HS Ppower,Deubtitics hmparvatly all wenten,Ay LG; XO be isiuy boar gia his ins,magi- part.ex ito “digsufonds shisteuins,upon faeutiy”s “y)uyFALAUILS 2p BY X tduch Gf t ee wand:he chpye Ms fee eRe Siro“ith je skier wl teh un: cient and atypbittoy tice ee only oes LiteBORS. PW hic+h Chester ned mist pint en-) Un:ated,i while Ww ith’: inteavidurti-jewe Re where wapn-by ng nivers ofa asirbsc Moers “tingly. fie ae “Dheag Pitee asl yigst=iiigen-. idtts,ot.mith:vider args,Ww hile dekers!packiee Ube eiishale:sits, ;and, re "Sy cuguse«e 1k franwfaetat its2 “intr. ‘nhortata tate‘SH ouvel baw 2 somy: “bties Very Lae HATE‘riafsse ane yo:F pdAy \iets ger,lis bein Star if Fo:pul PEC &ty besns Le “fo.0 ur ir bash Wy Aavind cy .“as Aud bE our Juuits myptiten tin KS ie Aenal prore"or lewey “in, ‘urge.higlantywerkcand tht reat ms ~ her*e }v c i<Dedry dihust austitaabor3 gtkUewout desis e ‘bepmligig annde5jheny |hey ae at asp ubustaus afl greficiety priv:patg life.sani,ruta;stuuleBy BLOF pitiows Yd searciinhieditation yd vi- jents pray es Ww orkitys init: uy durinige thé caltnpai day|athpebe election 4s o%er dnd:the times Romney, guns the din’etbotion”Shiubloucesand dishes how yulluwl Cealigg tie th by some spadnge,Jaipseeb menopy te jority Gk,Beniverinib utyopdigas Dapyys.basel ydMestOrred,their,Colyrs4 pod wentU bagsSu “bagsaed)¥“horsey. thesaiemy -UST countrys weeklies] XYARSE “of Big tt >wad Deenipate 2gGeek”ehsuaenies ‘“Suitlee:StyiShuckcw nefidable!vse“ti muncagtiinAAvquidbys deainetron Sai;Pyitueld wing 4 2ueteeAxisnai)mires Pi Up cho sigeSohaN>Br Gh Me _shaienig:wafoi ects ¢tna’‘sho DEES oN Pp SE =p werng t Sh eiae OF: we,yan its‘saite cgi)Se a Loree’he,ee=3 Arasty:Gopend lakRely =for Lou,ise ina Priganers For”iN. “THe Buy Naw A Law,We — Lue Senate dauts week panek the Rise VILA:}r}TORK ito es iessoitvbv.of h ub auhd prenee)hi waethei.ssofeal,of |y and teGSige ni NUKElense.,Tug:vote eee or ate a peda}HU Was Shes.“fda he a4 “a:mide vd, Scales plein hic ill:ahd,ite as JON Bij ag at sufid iis Asoaiblg at¥-eRotiont:Se fhoitee stor na Qt TC alld fh 5 _*&3 bine Tt ppChon.:‘ype ‘Guredl: ein.x sf speed at oyer 24 Knotsiett 8 45 45 af fre neat or cat ‘ ~The mevicad liner$St.Paul anid BeBe “i\Se Louis haved speed’OF Jess:th:wf oe Sab “ef ay|knots,‘but their large“copl-carry:Be at feein&‘capacit would eigtbte>them-tos pia Ae 2a cruise,three months sat eesnomica}Ra alert s§a :ete Nspeedsifneeedsary<ce BA ei aeThis,fleet would be thé first,ofits eis barat MMkjnd’eyer fitted ott dy us,and,for,sti ee SS tcl ml Bins ; E.Dugdate,She’‘ofdrop.Mw 4.A=t Tokiokee mah,offWarsaw,NyY.,writes:<‘or2s"yéars,,T was (sufferer,trom,}rand a 4 -Theguns,with theif mounts,bave peak atorich,The ishtest food produced+distrees,causingsevere)andthe diet sufferedagonizing’‘Pain yifterreating—4Twastreatedbyimanyphysiciah¥and-tsied’.sien renetion ghost cnthelp,’Two yeats ago"E began MF,Biles’>}“NerveandLiveFPills dn rangi cou}bunkers’Sein the Like have eae denounced ‘the COjd| ei v igidehe transnm tt Se 5 Pass wr“inthe Rey pate lpi Pot Dewigcrate Puli ty as)“th:rt thedstead:‘patter hednt aw SW ithost bist ‘edt roms phe ere thea pedi Shades:ot the, is buh.parce sep tivuscstooinKissy.die cheat,yi Super ‘edu:rete,Dut edahy = 5 ‘wale applicattin tu-Tt ¥accompl isit.aispurpos 2 Gate sore.Ane UDdst gsent ihe ecb 3 feFr seat teak. thirt part of the jsk and ~on!of W hen told that dhg lovers re Wo. himl the swi wards“father the _cgnstable Ae PSparile ae The horses had:set fe | est tft thisspinre.ti Keode _ asto BridgetsSayutDy lp aideer Ko plotdige PMs:i PatSows!ay” ~awwiids 4e OT.Shy:jor NY Sprls xk pha aged.UU Pedy bs “Ore.‘ fhe read be ‘Popaliy OL lie“oldrBtemaer Sheyheotine: “fread leLlonnedt):cue fiiiSShute}belie.«West out sniriutat heat the Speediest poet Horse fest bat ~oned th -that’ ed at stheastan’l 5 alters them”5 ww yy<thyybies spur,but:Bessie siteek'chitrpp, aybiel fy ial.#éotdpac;ptionse eee Bie,“field g¥ery” Gimmes 9.grein a Is:wenskatllS-Sigeotten:eee 4 i eL Phe nfnister-avhohad |been witlt Noi afte tag's~yousbat +wait wattipear the House‘of BasWwwatds?xrand: hare ts,weBeaxeanpiok Hoked HUNpunptiogd when thé & Rdaor:inn SorFO0.hisPd ae!io foam,xrtakepearies.Toak‘hence aver the brHe} lx bien &ortriRit ar bit er : AN mOReE ederal jprisomexs:fr purgsrcOus,pairbud die =ISCEVIC ONEfideiesatnn3RfyseeS;e Fvieeivl %Wa flabedin prisopedsatipS2.esta bears ay |jum Dis;+ta:eae Ob the®re :Sell oeSUgtt oe 8i py eh gs ee POC OE thie ‘Jeparymentol Iumicg 64‘e fb lots pe Pine eee ee,OAStRIgL.©Atlokuey Whites to-dar »,-a mer ueiestyliedesignationof“the Coluw-12 USS Ohibd,euitentiarwas a place b of gontinement for 20 Hitedk.#Gtates tsasigytiers”froaigy the!Eastey3 DistriatoatVeeesentencudta..impyrison-Enent 1 tbe pe niteaviary:Bie Fe hn ati heen CarolinaSi are vison 5att TR eth Phe order Waly issued." bd ‘isd VR5gpamaeeeeiSites tiLOeic andaPboor,with,ThLooe"3.Sai sapariia.v - wen wy oie‘Ashet:0r0:ConeTrer.* £<c-Pirgsident:Qevdani.i Us Writ ten a letter tathes Ag DemocrAte Lot-Pen,osydyenig in’Which {che’SSS hie,is $o"in carnestite iiss?destper tot :ste the javathy bigeseds wigh:my fie ae éalls sitfempage,ete:o that hte is of:the:opinjon ‘tifa We dughtto sive. pury‘jotie and Gonsistént ish Hort”to any /plaw which pistes yhis-Fests | eles:vfland would eae!wb Taeg ty" Fuseye ith amy payty. mpeprea“At %s 2 Ree atric {for Mar.atvantoy ad whet together “Oniet Be Sadie tplatforna ae fo.vote?‘fer ‘thésane,gcondidase. “WePOR-ECHRTTING, idney,;¥Ainwbr'ot Maddes ‘Swamp:Root Jost not-apt>ta.Absit Sharan.Nou witews Ii’or,Abalf'sick?™haves Ou +weet]tt oar wileySeecauseofyour'sickness?..Jtigeasy te telhoy%s-tting “aside:yousurjnefortwebtt-ffour heats;&sedin-entOr.-Peettting’indicates:an Bats ireean‘remydpeste arer"*hot is'evudenee«fkidney,trouble’€toyintetctsmy supply.me hack is «lsu j;eon-ie kidneys aneNine: There =satiation in’deine tine theorKiWaMi.i Fook,Sten thasng weak or’eySs-and-all DladdurdoeagNotoaest ;prcetiig the-kidneys it actk astheentire:con=titution—5inedicineyouhorehavewk whip oversthe spcedies trotter.inf pace’owped,bys N= arte weithtc pad £0 aati,themgotk,my The’old epagy icastjogeleat del othe pat:Besicgnh 3Be abe‘eal thinexs topioik ag’td Heel <y outa fut tieda Jb Dike roivigpithy =. i dewily-iaep dave : eatsth?Sst?Atehe Joythits ‘igaie thy:ToXe“ES“Kad'maw ‘ket Pedi tau the ote *trajes Says yew]c by :a pend ej jon Su ae“pitt pe hpof Rd ards’gate.the big’pacer’: Ae,~rein:-thé ot ‘fellas WineWW there}2 the seeded xno whip pr ai:thuk@er ed avnHe pike like 2 fy &o lovers and a caine they ADW.are. cor yoan patinedyyt,Lig.StwepJat:a;‘pruce™hte ‘oorCambdradvonsinte dite,&Hep i dey gk Selzbaivte anid.tite st,ap af iS c Bx From’this:wes conchutte.ting.Dag+ pEciaRepUtencepiaifotagedwith’arceBy[for seyeral days ppast fae‘|ue countyjait aiky toc i,OTSbersveethearcgoolhelddne‘whorisih.six ;Turtles ~fod anheatt Condition ;ak of thekidneys;Wbeitntipease thea:Teoen? fore:ahd wert Abgati ge enly:“arateTe in ‘Facet Ne ay a double load,y ThelavRoping takenTor derEEG ey even,ready?8. a Hddbi Aan”wv ty ms they?pilee ued!Prat detabsTeudghd join:Toget ings isthe] 5 ; * a,ackh his F s 4 4 ;“Gese me ieee2 me ex hee ce of 4 <n it,‘APeipabte Hie, ne Swain -Root give pewtife .a vity tole <y..the kiddeys—theeduse of 5tr subile ec ak SS he i hone,sharks,at’“the Rorth |“du paid:2)‘am,gig thyyGpried eutpt costs:*Yee |[Departy. 1 tor besand %Sligo®shes peed tof"5 leave jail “ppd aca the:‘maw mttoid*her that he Adeased she:34neppamtrpiisowpytidBeyetasAisposesl‘ole [She Was Amasto edpenaae.¥igor Ss]“heppesied her ‘ ‘with.Stealing sloshing, oud,peesométaaié} rer.( the fate atfigtelgexinngey? trigtism Swlvep-the coumtry-a pd cars)‘wvry-ties sSniattasignd)dette vty Oreutohiiiiy,miigritigs,*Eker mere‘he Tinie;dierada stdratoe tha|;m™ ihe Ahiduters®ot‘treoSiffy «Hemies oftonsereiagisn, rf,Aged Be te ~] oF.1INEeu ba Fare,Srciae athe ee tar oue isue thoy expectaosar]? <The Counthy’yslike‘aebyelongsSs AtaishTohey,notte’¥Imes:Hereald sv h y put} andparity,BOLIC helene the €a tis:z a‘tre "readysawh willio.foxReet Ne onyploniges,the:Tigtiny nto cy vase hte Rigen :Nene Spee eg saTLpay>MePENG it knows<9 rere GF:at=Spas ied!S-wpuldsifbuselt it 4 ne WsGuse ot teedaligers im hat“imipend:. wearyANE Ogha:hase’Ceeakeyas pr Ukr is BOdsity ed interventions.a!:; .“Bet weenaeak andsfree omClgfhe: Times,iferaldds for-war=sre whe lew TR ¥vowbibles dinars wieh es War opens,ip dpeheines”Ot spegih ‘tion such as ‘entiched *the”:sta. Fe fee:‘Siege would? pyt x StOpito thie Tobbery ‘Of.themassesfor,tle.“apichinept =‘ot:thé‘oid builders:sand tnoney SpReultOre,xWho-PRnesHMerahd |Y nidaassto:Say,tts!{petyres.ow fecofein Honest.aSborchede{s dud rhe hidhulders,dh. iolatrerPeoecia fs oe anf x ie.spite és Se¥ venidatichy‘lawor :ind tas : ction bt Covetaang)bye ant a SpasitlytayphesnaciSealdeteriveeertat Int*fact pigs ‘hav ly and undniinous! fright.Neots~cS ?ead i Lo3 ri “rep foot ee ‘ the lockup’Sndefaiul A.wént jo* nef!Onchex aSheriffSenierswi innocencés yi = “<The“warrant changethe, Bt .verofuiouspeti ogub.d oes Sily et,é“and.upon the prevenseof piaf|jass4 £lecharSEL=Joa ers.OL Ginchutenty Shad Seoctal): sas of ly Tint Mppald,“Sth ed ahe} scrvalize ehimentS cette1y.to nctut ifTe:wobhth by ue.phy i +Po then:uf ~thes KobBage”at | ebrance fox Duty i up newsbangds>at,Oy‘less ian par:“ahd making hg,pprofiteSehing,avar sUppliesrit cebers the é ours,dp!: 6 Macon,, ADTs ceededtn 1e"4 ae mo- Soqaisti AtaD! va todudye zBs othui cradle ted AS Ast Oy Bolese j eat T8-polesto’asassafras,‘thence Nort +RMDciS:Ti PQ.TIClans i MN a iFanOeNG wail,Lies ib.e tae!Repu!She;“an.tit ne ¥Ts hhsy,]Iw:abyfa *ae Vin -:eee n rian, ny heeeas ts ae te LY? Gove thor 5ese of ee Bay “fe35sine”Lory i oo Coseress rg Ev days 1 ue hat:Hedy Wat Tu “3 3h by >Chicaye:fo ‘hagior tua. “ut Sic Iya:feysmade aa lta best)Wee k aver >Tact year ‘the q iprov lbsoiwill § Jifurna Pi aster “Habe Mt ae Vere £‘Aiciton’to be.Hobe Eat Iie Vardprea!+ ited that he atte mpts bo: b idx er:Me MHC rive eeceneeLue t@ t week.and a)big VOTE:39 ;“Thee returns reeetdeic general ¢driin ep Role pithio rate fiip inesit wears j ‘Uncle Gat SeSektink Readyngfield,Repedlican, ‘ourUnele Sanitel has.nowme .and:for Supper, nyatails. Binehincd ‘‘ OO-toOn gains.and 104 aR%:a.*-She:sits”on.subniarig Bie rs n On es .as“Ott bd tol - inka Ereticase Heed dx ‘utd2148S,by IN:a andYe;and:Et Lackey, tO ALS Sane ley,i tots of said,Ballitigsi Durk house”door’ine‘Ta aes - 2 Bennett's:4iLr58.pole On eens(20 poles /:t0.four Chie ce.corner,theiice Sou iL:z Stone;7McLéltnd’s?:corneBastwath,Saididine Tao:poles to!*Miller's:corner,thenefineNoni14spals“to 2 binecornerMhengesoutly20%Westgesforablack‘dkys tueuce:No th 74 Wertic'poles to thy:beginning,con by estinjatjon 79 1-2 acres ‘more: oT.ms,of ‘his:Marbh tt ji ue MoLAUGHL IN;- -IRVAN,Extrs.0 ngsley,BMortgapeeTrorneys. ah.Songs oe eWwitly” ‘atnoon the following described “landsiKagle caeyi"DGMENheSipeitoCourtofred;a uary,‘Term, Haynes vs.IV.( d uthers,the under elt at the Cont:ious ore APRIL,ins. fills wownship,:fredell gourity,->ning at arock;Larnard’s linefulisSouth671-20.Eastd1 1-2 polestee.*‘Kenhedy*‘Sy formers: teoak ‘wear athe sprinty;leStox white!pak -th pce to #r0ck,Nicholebn’“Slipe:in;thence>orth 31S Weg 2 biark ak;‘Dhdicr:Wests.poleiéfeestuntp‘hearth branch;tuened Barrard s Titan ‘aeeCoptaisniy$2 acr- .&ee Be acres >:a te w eat ahybieio,=Pr.entoa pylcpers:cE -throns “comp) SF i ee >Bien a ay ee SE as ene.hoe 3 a Re ae rough =*Veryiow fir-cash-or,credit:th waeSallivag &.‘Davie’Mi ree ae Suir ace.of-ope wil Su or to'the StCharjes Hotel. ~31.00,‘MEDS *“suits for aL you s ork.Clothing House ‘inerteens Restor:13 ave.00 4osuit nic fal ie“remed:local applica ‘nderfuny.suc eb s received subject tojcheck ofi sightondcoliateralandpone!LaeritedHitetolow$ ae idorbalvidnal lacited and: a ee Oo RN 3 br ,Ox.el fax 2 a a ar WE eo ARANTE ke TceAS LARGE CLREG Earl Ona:N MAD ea ONTRg =Pek tan Ae aS Se Gere MoS eg Ramee Sone tia eS t EEpeeeeeeaAAEpak=_STATESVIELE,%.ce TUVKSPAR aia ae"pegeet Ss me op Pi trewt ‘nora He pe SN as ta —%baat 7 :—7sant kooks aN nicotine Ai eS9 ip <,,ra =trSet te va ‘‘>na ~~j o>=Re aggFoneeeS~are “GENERAL NEWSS 7SWw.s have bought ,a «Set best:ae cheapest. oe as =~two WilSois**from the Staite Rail)2;#nad are daily receiving:thebiggest,+t |rditd Commission,because’theywould*hat’redtice railroad pesenern a} “$eGovernor‘Russe“i suspended the, oe.fh Sime of Furniture.eo Dates“Bs see,yomaitoners: cor i}Pouch “Ad Statesville:Our unpresecdented trade ‘before the holi-lost NUrrinped our store,consequently nearly }everything.in,stock? Vere Sure a ‘hebenetit:to us.W ill-pro £.bh:veaes YS proved,sof muc pre ve of much benefit ton this change.Of:fron bHR.far theireason:that,from our experience m handling 30°‘or“40 t sP fis zon opr set ert tC aiemeleSpace factures,.we have selected 4 ‘or 5 of thosekinds that hare Be See ‘is Seg Eocene been |the xery best forthe money,and.those that:wercdn cvive “an gived Sa cating house,ee.set oh nhowen tobechemi?audeoe ‘will give Satisfaction:“At the,same,*time out prices ; I 4s low or fower than exer before._We ut “not:be.indersold sin |* Wi 2)Finn oreobt“bu;sets <=a Wekree44‘Barron &Nicholson,|s #5059 3 :Dealers um Pree Bujgtes. Le you WANT FOSEE er ee -Some Beautiful:Goods | 8 |4 Best Sree IN-AND TAKE A LOQK,:nee Crane~E ime ie ‘ay :Atcthesnew ‘things Tam getting in,hs part‘ot nape msAoh : oe oe aig inepor ted G tass:Ware is just in.a sould.‘be “lad.” >.dochdve the ludies,speey cane 2ina end aee these”a se 4 woods.‘i ae :ahs ‘i.ae 2rE You ARE 1w fae >‘*pra? we, e-eax Ee Tee Sinan ee “Beats With best quae ot gelasses. ae -a3 ae _R A sit,a :F bch pw vetyaeeeehae esso BWELER ANG «oprictAny ~s.ce HG i Vey cat Aa 4~a ,A a =<i=ae erat a eae r «‘at Rae *:2;’4 eat ue s : ~A i r q riataihee i|i Ra ’Ce Poe %’*€9 1 ’sma at tet are, Ves Place to Buy.chéap isas.at’. Ni HARRISON’Ss e3 a‘‘-‘::c LOTHIXG HOUSE.?ie ae ){ith:Br yan in the:White Howseand?°“soek,aged aout,B35 &years?(Slee SOR epee ee moe See ee eee +Baileys}ip.the ‘gpeater's chair,a newt w;sasithe widow of fhe ater,e“Ms gee i Ym oferinciny‘enttire stocks for e A Sy at oles.of thingswill be establistied |Conii!Tiers wasTilleed’bya,feainap. geet do Days:BE Mn-nce %ia Cyt 7 ith te IS country.*We “wall:then:Haye (Charlotte TAS.Ovtaber:paid Leaves).#3 :ae yan Ce!KOE Newishitionin ayor ‘of th¢sroducMle durs |Keats (a ai Z Orpth sulci Cr,foe.st; ;|Grcauy Reduced:Pric S.TESeS a oe :’Tote weaith §As’ae asinSecon Of the =ane me ete gids :a Hin ae 2 : oa (sy,bhave as yet omunbeok oe StockREa “arid"yon i \ha der efit.We ¥will”then baveia }be *Lunsortevitia News?CANS.i poche he rotenone:Ate :of jfistmdney:system ;afan ubpadasity:reef 2‘ecord,A aeeee gt eS 5 GREAT BARGAINS |sitpply-or,engitendy:Wealtit willy:“RY.a:Keagau.oaks we oe LENSE AES INES SIN 5g Hage tto bent,its shate’ofthedirdéns}Bown.Gs thinkgug “¥‘ioefish | ,Overco ats and:euros od pOtsRoverouieny as ee aS te aceCINE,4 baark~in,boysxitle>Pewee .Ry abr ss Cy its*tAsthetits,“The’nation is-‘looking |\Lem piétoh’W iMiaims ts Rp:Avi <MEVEREIS A'GRE AT OUT IX:PRICK.pe ome ties ‘pt )cents FURNISHING GOODS8x-*:: um.otfeving tis yine at;a;a can reduation)—Be ptte Ye oF-a E ies eights oy ueiz oN aoe :ess (oy BE Gndrignd Sea reels en &sist por(Eeeoeser Bie 2 Vey le *.RW ee®OF NS es 29awEeHAVEek‘Sr RECPLLED INE Wi nIRED ‘The HC.‘Goaman”gee ie ee Ww ich we thai is “one riba.” -thrarghout |and sdeietioatin’satist action.‘pOur ‘Stbek:dticqurse’sSiok iss eos complete:Me:1gbpegans:ir:ast.UA to;3“$2 ath ‘x * ae ae -Aine)ade eS“Shee for Men?>Woomen,‘taChidrelhey ~=e cian \"Remember:we willtake:pleasure,ve: OES in showing tou through ‘our Stoctk OfShoes und“TnWesfail®Lo _terespFou tho |ad As.garitaust not’yours:Re aS kre za ee as tw Sloop,Mille &Coe:me Lt a «ae:ee a9 $3 < gh ao :patrbas galt ‘and get a shine!free!:Ae Ne ie es "Stalesuille,8ae C3be sate fO5.«ake oes is en YON fey °meee!:came “fewer!——E Po ipanic’*for’a chanke.~Aialionawsinge20g A oe as ree Z eTees|wae ee “peor 8 high {soimeaatte aesad -+3 +E Sto re ne ieA Secourt of North Car-most ixared/oat6of,HAG eit abouty aThe:Depart men Q roseolaeeee 2 itl im 6ted Rote“barAIFS MON oe ime utting prices in hate and elfering this seks ;Weare sti ci ome ae This we a claiin 6) *.>¢Pandest opportunities.fora pure!chasing public ev aiyette ed.in wes ern North Caropna.-@urstock is clean,bright,and fresh.He ~ends.and eylls,were disposed “ot ignirsinee.*“Ast soap as Wwe igfret “Qu 4 stock tothe spojnt wwe -waut eethe change“in que?business eres iro ae: “+will Stop’thiS sale.*er ab will pay vow to.see these. ‘wim's;ladies’and,children's Shoes’ever brought to this market,.pom eh tte worth 31 : Be a or 3 So losin MMSE$2.20 gene Game ee ad grt “Si.ba to’$200,atS8e-apa ste on ve Gali See.Us OnAnything you.watt,= sagen ae ss "And:Save frqm 38 te:5O per cen Se a pF.of a phere 4 oe me age bye es 4 ~we Tinre.and,space”will not“ad sis Boe ug and save your dol arg-=eg .Very’tru ys >i ts es +Wathelm:&e.Mills.” f RG the:rates? cehth“upto.dateIn “finish,Stvle and ‘price,whieh iae cheaper than |O°ing’Heaven “and sxinthe to lave. isWetiave also placed orders with 4 ord ofthe leading man-them ae-‘chpsider their aetione and ggiurcrs 16 ‘Buggies.“Our experience in the vehicle Jinie for the past"3.re--¢stablish.the old ©rates.’“Wriy:‘Statesvillélast eeeen Gnipertant | [xccotint,takeh fromthe Wilthington ot Aa Gero Rytaking ‘£08 Tiwch tigdor: ;Te.Law:the.“negro;Officer used._deutat L ,‘|pushied |tie ‘si |oun iisentirely:religdhea Sheb ahd: |worse occurs ncesayre fr Sushti ct Ps Boke eS.afergie Ts tbwok‘wal EATS 3 ae wate.aexi tle si i tress andinbilver sae cessin© “|Eni‘Richmond.eu‘2;Li tavo’or Wreel3 w dekS azoy -M n Bailey’“eqowszed PSEHe,-Gar risen’“was |W liam Je,_Bryan and =predictedy:with a.Sick"sister:Mrs.‘Mollie.Lofty that ‘he would beour tnext Président.’Mrs.Goffin died last Thursday fat124 ¥meFonBikesthem.‘i eS f 4 aioRhereis.the,Spr osperity.Sahil Pas!to ener,the cqunt ry’ike lax" bet.‘when ;r With fentton selowe sixe gents:ana eensseling as Jowas we fave f The"Sepp Osperity.”shquter’s “ICTs< wee oe,«%57S fhyow ‘thatstockS;dud.2 bonds,have ee Fe fxs x “he sf[taney for “uceapangy,aboutduly..*he!ee aheene“ménle ee te ce ERE Bese hediwa,price stg’on the ines :~Brice $1.50.PIER ae atranted-soud. Bon"t,iar ARE oe feaes tie.he:farmer’“a -othte=com: Pano (Battle:Axe 2S}ye oe at Searee ~ xBsecgoywe ¢ phificentstuck Prbespestserat North:Carolia Rail, Sone pf|the,pron iaeol eeeTatil!in’@ist- “All ofds;evee.anes s‘sug Fr Tation™pnd &ybjact SES*the Sit tte Mos We Have a Nobby.‘Line of:‘Men’Ss).“Boys ‘and,cnt the collection’of judgménte against rn State itcfPrequenktys,vides Ser“thes =heecary of,x awaarews, niger!Byeideat of aneot thy:rajirbad|Pi c3Maty Lizzie Hall's:seboo!at conipauiedghtlre State,‘and aehe ‘i ee Jes3.Ccasera,Amst 4he if,eae _Pemeee:Store.ORE 1 cece aa aa is aoe =os ot aeeiges itn’ight favor:*Oneof“the: 4 best.plaoks int‘the’coe platfogth ee 3 w sthe one rdgainst.“government:be us? jty-to ‘@or-iajunotion "gid the jromunj!yt pdrations,aE.it iges-when ;wiels - We seous regders:to ebaa:the{* Vig sscngerg Of:aa,iming ton negro oltceman ‘sirogyh"treatin nt.of~ white‘prison oT,aifose:only:Zcrime, /Resad. |Tagua ge:‘to;the:“ypispuer’sSs:<poQor.’ |sorrow ing mother:andSister when) they:triddsto get the peor yualorta-} Jf nateema to govbome,:And.’hoi ‘Ne er:away frog er’) bother.The paper ‘prpsitiiing:this es Eastern wpssand counties.awhere Succeed:‘Thomas BR “Reed.Mr Bar: Rest tk the tir 0 BS,Bryyan,andlBailey Be \Py it McKinity,was 5 elected,2, reesHtly ech,Shent seat Eden" sc ay t-house:dor’‘thd fa¥eser eau netage that Theil ds'iyzx very “peafordy.| gene,“apr—seme:ténysomerfitteeh "apd pigdattt Si Brose rer pw‘Sula rgb beacikthe trysts)‘and?ui Pores‘hit?OW the btoeksSane vonds.’ nites at:the prosperity”=pie} ney arid his!poi ce tebe s bss wiite®©So’ Sslast-bwithy the.-tfasts imd_stoek pganrbleps.>Phey.g“Sto ric‘her.wpe wes)“and Southern,farniers are}, V isamtate:corpo. Pdutts.°Recently,xchev Sy udte Whackywas about topper gaa:a for rit.for*idling:its employes:Featval hy]‘they.pass.that Jour 3 ceatky :within,‘their,arisayction.| . 4 fnterested patties At iS | yee“by. sand the ef FoR Removing’pain int‘the's oS :Hall's::xAnti-pain! dso gt a id vdie-better.Por-salesat” seem eye:‘The Baa" I r {4;t =|eee apon t“the:Kederal beyeb.. ha fnequently-recurT is betestha eorpors Sabor |Northern Yebrkeingmen gre:out,‘oni.a strike”tg *prevent ‘a rediiction.,in’ ;foyued:SoS theirichictmbpey.eroyrt 1 ffor Tesstthan |the,cost.of ‘prodnetom tr this,be?eprospenity,|“let tudtry mt)Stata courtsawhere,‘othe opens), ich of all our lawyers,iti.belohigs:tog Yhiejy <Rahen therijlroag gorpofatios..are] jenatudges should bé&either,¢“Weeted Ye would “give*us'be Ae fue Jae ‘and-there justice Mins a “te :ory‘END COUNTY eerTahTe rancon BanksMrs.Julia acai who ee ‘has failed.1S |.winter imthe South Carslina.:wf wast, [returned home.catia een Rg NO ots I atone Ae Miss A “Now the.Govertior is |county,ig ut home pagan,is W itkes Parlier: USIRESS.” Mr3. ;Tharsday.and Briday.’ *Tey.has,a dizm Taith jTASRthesbjlizy ot:Thimduyagight with,Wie u,=AdtEAs jhis party:fo control thessnext:Gon*,fields Esq’;ort Bethuny-township | Os {um oldericisehDix:ie nett Meng ntiotiedAastYe ri TOY. +>ft eS",Ss. ae aS,WesX Whsekt he At MH ler \where 2We oe a Pomea ;Cre +pos Read y-Lo-W.ear Suits oe ioe eal ‘a ot!Indgi ‘Simonton steppedin.woth ‘aii rata *dngcre ra Ss,b at less,than fagtony prices Me ai raat gS ‘of the strongest 5Jinks off injunction ahd ,‘taok:‘the ~casé fron) A qowerless ‘to deal’gith’,questions.)%My de Maiwellpee kitoven,<|*fact ¢‘bab 10 ice Simonton}eet anones im his:nephew, atmake DrschJudges.aS>,Simontor Feokn: Veh‘exrailroad,stromag Staite 1-farmbet-] Amen gud oe aud,—_weenae =Phe’town Jast Tharsis?“granted permission:to the “Belt.“Totephone| aOe BooFansreite.hae bean’‘at hore ffou tive oblastisitinge on pissiek mother,>‘His.motheryris bet: i=tetlund heagturnea.ie SeeeMop i a oi oy oe:ook Oo 5 ~ sph!W:fe gsis Captsce:he bepcandidate tory Speaker.bf the Black welde SESq, ies,House OL -Repiesdntatives,*to:Ktizens:of Catawba,were igre*last LT edtugyist.thannes nop tis) hey spent!itive Aloesk»in thesater i : Oe manwas:“kplted”>apd.ede: A pr wbably stonlly.-injuted >OREN dayhe:Pee Mast-week Tus umpihg fre hoe higr irh ook Arata tn buildingin,Jatsi hore.wae soon,soohimeride tbe serection®ot: warmhgpse7tear“the City,Bal er Silly.”*ee:Net eS 8 >‘The aigst ns hoe Wrst Gi ou yae east SeGilaye OE-rranite fini,1 BO.<siasAB par ay nec Tbdvf4v7o 9w Gldaalern is4ba?aoe ythatsshe Ts stitin@a sertogy,obeceal) Lion,and ‘nett!ibeppovedt yc sgt A a ‘=e rr > —FStand,<a tif tte!/nlore “ot it Bronte Esto to ie the brie EMCR, {ales ith -peycham ang}otlity.Tus te viresstinehalt ftomiskei be:Rue doe poet ofTatates ee Ee:BoMiy BO septOne SATO.baad: ae lieu.we are compéetett to Yece,Cote che<plwpose”toren k)~The:Ww yl:bé turn,pandaMr.Mills tragkea ure thie|Actosssbis6 Hiclde ieee “tel 2 ie be‘vonWi 1Ced WhO:mate eePAT}ey,pr osperity:™“Togateth,'ior ia 3 “hss aSSe)!a pean miby is Ta |fall -blasy aud ntlane x ty allsthe tyemery Deave Th :ant duimg are ready:40 ple ORs. Wheat loosing:andy iSi eX ble “doknGre srropiisty tha “usyitl x ae “Measleg:bas .abéut Dlagey “ou ttp06 SOUTER ER Uear aby OPE smal oa y Ae oea Erie me orieappaitie’cet’Mascot large crops’Again thisyyear.« ee he Hyres:‘yith his sister, pleasant:Fisits.Heiip 0years “ald: Bethan!se AStly.Be day-avill be.celiprated:by. ‘She1S a good tencher.°M arch 18.-1898-%eae salisburyWind,” -strahge.: E=pHoplgns,#1poor is etb ee ae asleasant,bass Dpdinted,“for.»term of years Bh©BORUS.ppstionseeoh ek of for’life.ahife tenure..of office tpreeds arrogance gad tyranny.Apeariedeethere ae zold on his &respopsto! onieés“Mor ran.sii has bee>! boro Chrovficls Mr.oe ea anore smnade*a hurried ‘tripe {07 killed.“ the at Beslias”alroddy kobe toy 4 AL ~ He.Moore.ot Shiilet own]satCThietek Shit made.this ‘Feab |Six‘balesot¢ot:+. toi woighingturthe,Augperate 3 (We, ‘pénands offint.¢otton frondrnihe eresbgttahdorafiavbraxeReepessiveeaaggod“faeth WE nv (Chneiot tc} eh PAK AS ne 2senNesHrookbushootine:shorsett tb ugh pet oetas jake revoggring x a alle roti willComancheeTRip afits} AcbushctPia ne netake:abot:Sst Be tow.“one,Way:4 Tayt”*week:os ayth.ttHekp ill be pbout 135 ry [ts tourer Sank Ath ee,imate 5:hoe Thssterfore,rooms UP aiHonebaaba-~eee.oe eae :kre ‘<Gc aie AdesswAndersonta“Yoon.:) exkE eine :ae +timpted ‘fo “chitpgriallse hyayl wvShien Siewnebuihlinix,fpr bdeel ity,Grdena Mies::ee ts 4 a Foe te.C cs ies ,2 ee Sees:Sai ey ot Same trent yy per centi:"or.our caaN Soir Sate aesnigeedtabd svas hang ee aK,3 ae FOR THE 1 Siies ee ater ere Nye oy ch wechprestaysbadaaslysnds}S ns 7Sart vine es cae ce it Bh divectors Oh the”prdpeses, z K Bectesyate e-af the Me:ots."st,ae¢pichxiondsBotersburg:&)Carrofjua Ws Pe hybaue?“Somephinssnewohher’ Ser iSPécds Te aynPt aie.para.wabd;“ate *erent $n rmIW‘ais«fifertibzed,AEN oat Pe ;‘at S SraevertaCap ORCUTT a SeseGorene ,“DE.a ae Ane:poached RORY hnOopsANty:a)TaeGe4kee?Shook! rae en!‘dunies saws on 2soeaM and on cetting realy té Laur n¢ se hand Snade:goods Sn-ugw SpuUE.ite Sowing oatsis:thors}Ga©heapest.all soldgoods up.to Bre i z S plant.@orh.Sowing ¢S,a a pound.Frengh dress patterns,.‘ts:It ‘has come to ;z :eg ingens -Leaksvillé,Wed!Yarns;all dblors.oe re 50d.|Ckbakanol rece rds,the Faderral courts:‘grate eins hee’derofthe:,daY.s “Sonic are.Sapte 2 lak aon)B..Cuambers;oft:Halls:4 ett?thp AYath::for:his 308 vA Chambers}7 He has 1 tee!0.‘rélatives.qn:se Chambers 7“Wehopeshe::will |4j Sonth SCgroling:many more O81 HOS:Goses_on,eile lime race anda.ball'_¢rey ; BE "Shim h.he cated sth Gold.‘Aull,ooh©us~,of thee eans sty which.“Char es nga:man.of wealth fopkins cen @iat about Twowecks ago”he j- t frock yaaeéfolsensepatcheearty.se dosor eidist OV boy *OT Yellows aa epidenite ane:Tuo emis -Draval.*Fras Soe Frost last eae neltcolabie 5 Cakilwellcand Pearson,have reduiced:|teue hing ot Banner's Eli W atti 7 datbagt to.thie California.frait,EOP _fecesee a)huett mink explosion.FR ‘Spat ric Roasters ae ;RitNETO boy was ] i “ie,Ark; ,laystast Friday, Company to'enter the town witha"c‘he Pepple:$s inesSia long istance.ae Tine fromChar: Jorte: “Taniesiia ind.te weed <i ae 2%onscieiesSheshor“ostr-Ressake.sf “Heo Sproniinci,6f liggde nAhiy.ae at jWheatoitl 4 i ‘lu accoidanct with Uke frist,Ons a1agmer “Applebss.ofaiempstch nee a Y,.his ,wadorv <argmated 2fis body sia staged2“tii”Eee tar yee ee Sys ‘Z -Missee Shriesbucy.pf sbaldor nd , Core See 4dae he aea[PayALY AntFEoeseePasion: ASHot insti ue 8bon: CRS viGBiotin‘Afightstitp.a8 ¢ frgad.SRS,tor ith betwee so Sau Pym z..nd.aR idfex somevendsegneto ML ce.44 bate decdy3 to.Fag Banc Sesh) $9 “Senge Bt Bok.*ister! Sadhoed *airesat ly Cee hkenjeht rte pitta «of aieeee ‘the arrcig BSSenoy Rotiy? habs ‘thd het,Spans Ligipisis OS)fig best endvirBe Siplaceaaught by Mt Oye Agel : of Taylorsyilles aye wait accent Fo.:Sea eae sieeve the.ae « that ‘trent miners werg : i5 ‘for Aveating!twenty aja Monnt Pleasint.Mich.Seas rol: zesed of S008 onewie JTayt’Weea a:a .ag a at <M John-Be “Ay pas of this county.=|Thre Xiset o Sih ait Cohoes.oN.¥ hid”enlisted as:a ‘solatérin “the | +standifig.army-‘ate ig DecheneEE ‘oftice ““aT Charlotte,John Js.a ‘SOD ‘of.Hana ¥ Boxtres heyTintheed= oolén mr ealreta ie =} #aioe SNe]i a ee eereis bsoS sane get poe 3 ;Fa Ke SRP: 1 a nig |awit the-BeiBish rpadore,th ie!ditt paebt.Bhree hours.inher Rig Shs . wa es aN 2 hted »:DRemens:Se ie OF Brodk ¥. ligt Retaeee = ‘wh ie Auling eydS mun”ofy that~ASHE : Soe dhrgnréned.wad|te e tc Mis Gods|2 keepsots.exe:“2 WisstdynSoe Bi a an ee ing}Ths pathy Elmo”8 3.Airpie --aes, ;Guas : itRs he =ht a gat Spe raap te Ordo. fy eanteag or Cob, ree ey we 6 Scidure te 2 Hs VES fo i Ha Iver:e sgissues e Restrain:: BXwis for ikeuen 2aes ee ay e-ee : pts <“OF record:in.23 andee Sy stead a ey a oniin S akenoni My y De:someghing,.‘Orig?= conduct “dl cxelupively%;¢ Zi for ‘on“hom |as platforais,”7Fes iecdiy6s os sau ©‘diedice bsfsstie’&ty signal cain¥ass3will sfvidt Hierce’s C14 dyer y Has greats Coxigeoush aa Hie.Taylors 5 Wei theneo‘address *e.“ Keshe AGPeas es ae # essing eeeeee isinak- enptabionss a ef 5 a a :CHiStytgo!Tex 3etaYConeepusine:; Aywithout,eeet could;not Hesepred.,. :the § ase Tex,|ag 12 e cee ab 4 ie a fr -meiB “fathert ©ori « ring,jcon- fw fyaty.Jor tyne IL; ~~ 3 3a : “a 4 zs e ery:BEDE 'sn :a sac ap ee os seeniasa —=;i A at Sade os j :SNA i qa .——a etna =aoe i Sete eo :‘Ss enh gh beget.gree Mamas os enti he ——+Sa a ie RE Set,nee Soba Se §sees WB cot cae‘hada $* “a —~-E tile SR pee "*\2 ben :cs Pur,Bao CAN ets?a ES pee ws ‘LATE FATE NEWS.|eteee WATS GENERAL oes ce3 =e ee Yee For wird]ox Ae aSMoudayTHEMASCOT"CSE ESET seen : 2 eeeteee mg Myr eeeons “eck.diced ee cept.)Tat presenttt Lidedse dis,“shduemetin ected am Be =pebligh=d.os om ;*7 ecBErsiigh WEPELY ”z plyin Pe ey aniatocnet :Bee US ese hile rt 1¢,ansas fruit crops”oS gens}Monday goiter =Pgs~i 'bo Ah Ley e sisme x ntinve tive ep BtiCRS ar e Saar aby eon veCars.Pd i f Se fk A nailaska’4 ScarierRES!A gual aMgeinagn.*i aoa PeeS.ey aoONEDOLLARYEAR.»go?7;weBoghulist State ¢uagittedba da.ypsd4)p&oples ane:BITESEM10 elasnh Ng Peak yf Been cal leg to greetie Aasigh,on ase Leen’{ost,5 Rie NE RECT “get have yen’et fas new).de eA.artes?=}Borne eee April EMRE Pig Pee ‘Tata pal minéexplosion at:‘Peatt/velspthenty inthe eee Alu.,SAtard&y;six neuto ton Tia Vor sthcejour tash isste-ee:«|J WATTS.:5 fi.ppc ap ate ‘eee Secardw ¥Ee we Lower’“lift.9 +drdveN |Cit :I>7 aa Xs uudrtn off naval:uss oink.eT by a!(: he Po-toftice at Statennile 2araepithes poy usr iter,whil¢“sein-jaetele v x *(Bae ped att ‘Ate:eeStaticwedsat™Egoroprtsin Reads" Be :secon dclassmmele a Fes tig lest Heer.8 Sa ee =Eee A hidtnis considhrep the be Se ates TIL CHS ¢Phe :Ni2eeRs=oh ‘ek :%“4,ps_iffor:eo!Te re ack ‘*riemt ppant uy,the.eAtigy.ie S Goose oN ro ‘Re debe $45 aoe :‘>a apn SS : as rai Bet hse Bot ame]Bill ©hinstlt fe she:er Wits st react i:CORRSLY Of “Avy bets “ay f ga ee Slates cide:¢ee.eae ia Jann the the ‘ah shipata the Avotheyia ke Syne yurned *‘any yand >“Has preparationwo Fret. continu tig sseHtHOU,¢inttértuption,-Tickerys:yas: “opi ee ry SisfieralSiaeviLa,SAME Pr tae Soy 7 raed hame(yy.Jorsex,Citys:~veNTION SAV itecapyy oe Wit lo est RTE “ids +t Wilder:a Jf yLEStOM eount y rat h Met Myi:ix.I Oss pi SOG; :heyaSs MES @mo SN Ero} ;’{2 re ere Ties fur-i-5=©RAL EMH Tug tS vY¥$seh tuts widsbe /hoy <1 !hind:bids have been chased for:Lawxer iteSeeee|a ay veri’plnfer nacty Se ny ih it:ye AN eld Avi ti ;Ste Ue7 ke West.cnishing,the?depar trent.with dif::Ww Bkesborv court ast-SKeEKY .=‘Hetnes“Shelton,aavitize n OPW.ey itt iSatielow.Zero!ate maby ands ferent anunitigns of war with whic BeatDorrocratic‘euney f f "Peoprict SE Cobb hasbad.the trNoticeSee°e County.70 Reurs vid.“divdl Sudeedaly i eont’Of-tlic Miseissippl Tver 8 to ory tect the sea tousts.hy ‘great!4 oP Eat the -1 wt}ite washed :~ae ec..“-‘nty be me Wigas i ns “t bey ]4 Dele x pe :WiskRU.oO £BO:So t a ay Pat set :ne re i?ae Bs tee Comet be eeafing S.BE oy:©r “Ky heetoc k taN CHEE Sorn .CURy “aD94 ded of Sepiety be ee Aa :Ke x fo ae re Be augwhan. ‘Phe Dero :nae \Senatan Pyriteshard,dee ide UF ube x nie Statecombercecont “isn iouer.ed:eer eCur aoe aae Q or se paras Mr.Tie hoe =Bath let Pia ae Sg?see eteir i itty *of ‘Treai i (‘ounty ae“he re‘bs Cn frien for,postrhastet ta 3 “ny Finke d iu:\"ashirton ct ¥Tuesday.eS.“Ue ie pan re €aa ea :went to Stateswif Teme :5 court bie oe Meet tt fow Beudgrsony |'Nat sherk ya Ke ;ho aa ~fc eteameenatdeat2myfriesagiSutur-yand Mr-rarKe tie %ek brace hanrey fade:adaaeale de:bprogress sh Ge did veesbert nl wna :os =extae os ae os Hisaud ; .A i}2d 8.‘at ato lode,Gaveeae RBuse has were TCs Iatnd ce upont Ghia)“apd tr 85gteT |rhe cine uyan tat cey-Spain %tras JOBHSOP=Se 7 pt i"Ore ee ale eee.os pS St bs tud Soh n Evarsemthe Ros kinswhaln that coudtb S 8iat dais.too subetes pee’wOnk <1n fer.wan shies They ate ye met at A,SLR ete g <f Syneoe stean.ss rithe aarepote ae Heth,aptsty “yotil,EOE Asi ap 3 Weer di A SURE the testo heaty!eeeys bbicrargest :and best abit ute -The Sta,aft:Etats of eroqurn’)“Uae fat ebird at ets tg aD fi .6ciyh We map 40.elact:ae ieesate rE .643min aati “s as PT wc GREET fied aw akFnocked?out tis |ship.s)practically read $Or “peu RNa“ne stat tareup inaheeedukty:House eg Ese ater GOR Bos i Stith ¥eistion:tO:be Niel.‘Thomas Baile weil be apy BR eine dete es at Sub raneis ty Noe Gal Aad Ax seconds lary >“slip:oe vi ardaysbith.se ph Gast Astee pe “MS :op Whisk “GilliEthLigtesconcHt14yeee:<'‘-=4 ¥>ny i PR :nek ae Mii syatne as tar}vete al wasicr at R igelas mauHare ay “Say nucht.;sack =,one.pearics &7 AoSe aaget=eis gausk Capt.ui.Litteiseettime op:‘Th i pea eager = d q ‘¥t “>>a i t f 3 a 14 iaheah:Rate e-4 ils 26th ae pil chi hd I BSGC idea upmnmit Bee Captain 4 Jickelsouscei Ndr [aigey we:ppeithan re Se eae a coinpasx South eof,wes Yon:ae,i bard c uh 1 ite iook (On.FfSstkONEaoES(isie}atigeis 4-5:tees git ne 'tied:anici¢Oh EE Oe 4 ew :::<“carta sSuchOtBer!pssoe a aye free tie *F eo Chas :Uxte ey cupsquits Pes wit srdialss.by-|most active.preparations —for’Way ;Cuben yh isa :‘f 3fow me Gay repre *ered properts,farts,at Vthey re“punt #4 ty Nove Hoje fg sarah %aoa aveaee dt teem a “pears trenches.v apne Bi Pe Se ‘E x-Seen coh Win:“ty en:nes Lek s Insuras ae?Co iae$atalts ts of he:conntralopigee rsai fre two are i oo PA pind ee a ec een ‘otetne U nitwd State >falledte pat beei ‘anpointed epeeap iA villa:|Com,St a aeqWunbattednistitieseeinhr—oneid en Pe Tin Fiuous puimser horecat Perk Tehase tyro exceptiondily:ting forcigs1this,county.ence arse toe per.con Ni a de ae ‘he ‘ps 7 wih Sh t ms 7 <+;ee wai ia »iat Cy acattaay we an the “hausReel 1 oa thie Ott Ae Pie i $e ars’Ole Eee .i:Hey operHiss.NyAyes,Seesa3 Va,<a |ware chaiips.,thé dyno ad iehugte r SULT)B Mi:sehsont Ay.‘Big an a fan |Companies:“St 3 +3M ars Mt:ae an ~f ae .”oy!Re yb VCar>ES eating prat inet aSs3 Hacecats Sudsie:‘Phill:peseu x os Si ivmnact Peres a a==a Martfinoz belorlyeigngs:toc rhe Argeyrad yerwie CoMe Tntostswe nat BluoRyS:agent Jsiran Rete ayn OME Vat 4 a ae a he 1tt Fi mibe,cOoUubLY:Ww rake boxulysta«"vl pe tengrane)yey ¥»:x Aine.Re ve Dhice Soe Ales,batt ierhty vit he Th ues a ave oe a =.Phe a8 ¢t f ‘ance 4 e 4 a i Gertie wipe a ox eet paresis ak i =i deeetnogamdiarytitlast,ewapis 120>>|y Pe)Mo rreettat NR hess bk pGeagral O Lige ins loneio u |Obie:Ps eeeas$8 te =an a Baas :ae fe :-*nee Ney sst eae oe Hilt.“Ehespin MuPGo0 wis Mai |the ventieOhicer Jonah iheKote ae,me a Pr ee \anstigq tacke stints sic _h i Ky by <‘$5 pene.Cig oe ::BA :t.2 ura ge Ry.MEARE IS et)Noes 1ésShitnie ht tender ©or the Hoon tie!radtand rally Suilt\or~thay Trhiztin eaewy Wats here Mon day ds avitnes asedins uy eas ering eee—:é .~~(hes tate“eden ot }:c “,Shi aN oe Mrs EL:So Teague..cua ye.Hy te fd P i 4 NetYOe ee eS Oe th pe an Treg!IG bg t jnti Tike 20>uit sptouly injule“d iy Sature:WN sn {ment,ae1S at OPS ay Spe x ti asin Zan :i rea :i>fOr oy Mav da Figen teresSVG:Pret Dest :i :ne fg vm I:;M Page on thata '~tae ee aa te :or SO eee any d me She Nig thsveyhtical ey it f*}es NT eh nt >,tap SS ¥Ma.ky.Clar k Lhoip pow Pou,"401 Vi 2,a eef a‘this ah ..ss t a .Ae PHGSDOR ER $:&3 lyon 43)Gee’ie —ae oe rH e \pete Gl ry Biba,a Yusiksst.Pas THe ace pes K REDORY aR te eMLoimestille Modduy to wink N's hi ‘<fancy:on oe sr eis tial ses ee a a:ae :ee ees A:ae wfa teee es a Tie echo*hAE:yod}ed a.ein v AVaiiles the fot ts “tehinth ie ‘thet tik iddrh:ur ESS making?Free Sis tt e ;is Ly Mason.4petKeesogwstiheRove}venter ri at :co eit ie igri1he:ee:“or #ane Is:thie Grficlin®RM qe Ss it 1m ,*&<i fo LG‘h with Jac+k Smit bat As ente Preside nt ang’C Bes }we ee as thy *Seth EL tig i ENIEW Ela Jo.Munday NncS amb L iS “Ts Rs 4 {ni fr.*.S Fegsue,:whet wi ‘ealsgner:i VI >O%|.)feneralho pinion!Nira tThaeoirte >Foxe C's Commbssoher,MEathosog]aa“CNS Viapenk theatiardeof;Lng:x :?Z port of leskiar RGUIry |.aeeminton‘2 i Geis hit)peiieee“eh od ald Hom pons te Pre:aie (eae tat|peree Moudaty,Watsdispg ged, kee’,ee *le hows iN Se to thy eck Biat “7 Ratt Th.Poot,Rho.‘sir thie: wanxcetig Bay UGS2b bexé:we:re ,4 .os TuesideestohFuriyi:oysters vieta ,eountrt.,Phere |Has Betty voressae, ate as ev érhehy yeou lt a0 fife hast we <“K: Mor War,candVisepeppearett #:4 :G iftrheres,Was dam’Pelity paport .v ':2 ©a ,i “nes ‘"Fret ts I nity Jhon K ~‘teh i Y ::ee age:BEG (re at nae Phe,b aural tote tN aeshy,Wooteh,AoaryKine pre pists A Mar:haseMh itibivy Act!ee Was,lostne ye Thetis with:Awe Mmove his eoerbere fromm ee oiainent,.‘well equipped:andrecen-f .irs :aleot es ro is aeyer me,;“ywareRpASEeebiocide3ahihiefate:inttee.aAo gone,fave lant‘woe iw Eh Sey Cac“eeNATE 62M Ass eats aX aeuae to:Repoasicy Pears oS hetc ARrigas x ae i wily*re urruteted.1:.:;wee ‘BtnLanes ee 5 &:s NP }rt ,ts SSUap Cl:Rig -t bs;Hot Beet ses rd it styAxliat a)wear uN Boe che ET NEal”f ap their 2/Sin ioe ay!aesWw In’"ENCE,pay feff“appeuny-nde :L5ineteRepateoeStsCeeN et HY Ror yet.awMate}Arb see §SAT eT oN.(apis ae ee “es a posimiastez:att“Alla thiicaunty the daily papers,wat the nf port,avill |~y ba aearrol ratty als Ke4 Sh yt aye ve sere assur Kolbe:Lc SeaDnp aeWiette,resig 1Ceb.» 2)wenth AW ssbinggen w tee‘dats,and whey wee ag2 *etyserou presi 3 Ve oie=f(anrae of Asam Gian awh Fae pra iter js Routh of tow yhave! “a Piven 6 S)O Ryphnéa!meat Thess 1a me}vs Sirs me a ~s ee 6 >t HelsPeesiveiby“the "Pre Stike:hy,to C apeof 23 s —aae watich.-he:pigigneatsys Rs s ALT Ny ot oh"2 bir eat emeetine mh MAyeaa;“elegnk Mtr pr eet py B reat the couniths the M an gis,We hety Suiteoeapity.ms {es an ain au Rr oieee Nythe Sida rgctiner0%re}hetoyLiVath Sime ipd 4agitmay}iss ™os x why F rein ets s »sy LR aT EU 5 xf 1 there part mS reveived suydsthe Rees elt NewhoisJour,Ld eae NS AE Aaah sry,DED sid,atjd4 wiWasdeded TGraeeur ay:EF \oeris.‘ergnay watea":ae Ye I needas 7:‘ylifalepert(Sat [ian whiten:tater Pe”Zeke H :(4D Mercna tus.eile ee “bea avian hisppsc ye theta kouigsSy acta were2d “ODOM A #5 Nop drt youn?“pets stoiourtle |awa Rt;jhe =Oaf sgilgtts nation oT,trates!Céandyy \was *‘here®,last #aise aR i * er ereFa).SGpe :i MLW:Lite:“a,+Tt is Ly peevel,oat “ha be <a mest,$1 yesDyethymeee:Or -Sbe :(fadielean-be Me ~*~.<i >,‘we bas DenesSha tt "witty A Citeines sie gt ee ener ee €Ci aie: Den — ae waned pntil the5,V ifs Cent sdk.Dhis we Ides?3 +hurked WokPow rorcreeBade caretShige.Pelt eit ee ise oT,Hu €Yoel mk yy Ae 2s wt ais {]rs.-ps ‘§ oe PLB knotof We fa iy we hve we fttietn dhyvonp nd.ote the Lu Koet ort,theadyides gape en te ps ta on Wires akfalecHegSA’‘bref Keorep vee z iO oa:ae nthe BEST? &:aeihthereperthfeeeAa=i t.etree fo fav ede*safbte ‘Thun net bg :pd ion ahs he osHEL ib w .fs as re said an Re:oe emStittLhhttiteeopimRionoeae.a ae “:“shrubiigtines-“ats2salt nob oy.Sh ale?“yeikihynik Per eye oulmit we itTayTeg ttt CORNth SaSe :we 6 .i ewe utes at Taha |diye agee LO By Rega Cte OSU,Mareeote wom loin Steen tieeta ests bor =Seta Sep a bal Wana eth tetls Whit ar Malet Matersj iues Bebegant Syl!*:asdedthovd|Hee eersou eae Suraazn)nopshs Let cad Pate air leatk_o!of eee \s 5 oe 'E=F hs 8 ot aie:=sat ff agar.tiie pant yeesé Spree&nt Ry “ee thBe Fly soil a nea frts of ot ala’the possibyyayof igen FL wee Ra oe “4S oy GLO nS ‘brie ine “4 Bh ie Picsele:ie Sales,Bans pt Stuy SEs:2 eid se Ree <Leda to iqgertdurion igkgase Spatah:riext,ibaa slaty cash,he One.presi WAuborot mek Tess,ae be fe pring gelled i 7 ;‘aepar +f 9!tine.trouble ‘hid Nei,ke Hewl be aes lode tedAp in;ike beetsnb!sos Vest,;i ‘e.5 Th mn;lea FERBOBA ey-chi “wivensgur or Hievs ‘he:Chi i Batis Marshal hit Aire partes o f an taki ti :if]¥opett MabehaceOss the Zaks RideamireivenLCESCAGCDS,ALW 3 five Ms Kay:it KYJa wrorabiaictnig tat?a,si Caghiio te Tan ent%9 it re »Yee ngat LOTS y oy we eh ie 2 We A +«§eoty sh hy -Pot .i i]“,ier :t (Lr .vat wtaweekewerecGudeiwedaoyn“tik cI vibe sahoFutacck we nburgre GUT,ed ers ee na pari eeeAa Sinfest é a rec ory i Btlte Faihey ate:Pare ne exer g aete ne Va e aed,aat;th was ><bs ashe MSwvpapersbrMi:#£Ogden ec Crowsor:weal o[State Los}patagl me?ore ya Peel onpxot §ShikSpiot-re ,HePast Wa fe ii¥Giscussed,*J b hevenue @iicekn wy ~~ rytg-rt tryats +h es cilWtaved ta De “the intention of the we“at aPSCh RNASFpawkLas’buen welldor bay te Lie hes beet thee tok Ras pote ik tO therth,gt tock ile A ean SG ed SaiReesTeandmy4ee:maa Soyyes GR 08 ihe Agu ty aeHise yet see ig ss ee a Z a jheesicant,howevver.(to*brnty aout.F aviteress,betdre vine Rokrat Fe &,ee a.it ey pia 77 pve hay Reve ey ed Me ba material,satisfavtorg sous:bytuthesof=sea VEgitoregernie ae ?*4 ¢.yl |r ‘¢GQ .>!s Te a>ot ‘:The +:wered::whtoftelighof pare!IcNE Tite ata totSSiaitortt Hoo Be coe Bitdy nes ne }iL aa €dba by What Stal’eem :eas |Teather,7,oea RE ay Ke ie ec 4 +ces enVer ie daw,Spite woman.was Ady Deo the”best ands Jost Practticableat ";‘. ;Ja crate ue stiong by jury.as re¢KC1xa Res A diet ‘Nok,séMth wt nie a dora sie i piesécky Oitoma.ae otha ok Sbtai rift.this-e nat.oo it is re Py aye:Medegn!if pay sates)ae Decivcinnar: PSBnethor blow.and ,thst Finesseen Uap:Widamep:ON aia Nal ot sbsatura ieelit:Chalmaxs succeeded hes shofie of Che ddintuisteption {that liter thé anbiukwddress:wanttd “Teak Pape ree Nia,pa Ree tem Re ‘-—the Supreme:Court job tteA nitereunl “Hits Se eSoy;ora ae ¥RatePtut Stn rz ong tof LIs4aspgilantSbweloke,Sydin’befself wiiWee fartealize Cet Dr.A "Cemabeopept Ckarlpate ie Crater so 78 |ComRECT pyot oS ey leat siIMoun State.news:=ita YiaaK r ON ;Me i:le Mujoeld kMed.‘ng *,ASSESyation-as fa sed the fcessiter por |pewath:the etfeesost @fs ROBVERT COL.(EaA|t exebove oly oSpS ae ;~’:}).fan ean bay Pe ee ate ra dapatpapercardians'‘of that &Sacre“byree AOE eS peta in ElisrepRarce 1 snleeSed sii:a Sich radical wet neOrr,hr,epatt wath {Prof:iW Hite SSC ah e SR et as a 1 a atiney’juseic us yecbur tins Tallaegontertt ysHyp tgspect to Cubs,as,Shiaid?comaman | ar chebeet tadividua!ys anday:Anat Hesatteamped toi the,appr)vation of Nhis COUNEEE po (satepot Nor th Ciro itty sequpitiés.eascinates He Ar Habdy “ybst Heto7!“us‘at.pue berpe end:tpal}diiter: ThomasE,Wy atson has:“decipact Ae xshenaa acesyerttyee Soe pens Wabi ate tneSEN a eines ‘nee ‘uM s vee So :hat ioputint hopninat fon *fe Me :Ae 8 OYaso@y Le 3 oRugd =beach!Ko ton jrbl sit Selim:A:nbd Too bars Stondesax bes a worse’SainibiMAVENtlantit:TSPortle€proline rat way «|bia arid Waghe a him.*ene ae NG pondeyt yestepdi Hs He Se, Tope.ra!TS Mies feck oftDe ie =d os |ae to tao WOWfy 2 urday ake:od,”age :er eb '&*:.=betes ee sist ante F all Aighday fpinite gatly by Saker pio :rein 4 abt Mind ot S1te Meritt Austin 4 ed ity years.;;2,i:Poe tied SERS a El Salaun ety ae +adviseiin $hé prein hes?Lp ords -—=ane “y 4 “FAMONG qHE:POLITICIANS:®2 rnotot e rele:nai,Ne tay fa.Bea Rey ‘.e 3 iF Cee :2x .ug st +B a ds.vol me eS */,vs 6 oy Be gteee,»Bite:Tr.*Gegrge™Dace ye of pk Sher ge is anipst-ve me es aps _*Sea7geek in“5 AN r c wiruian ake aw ho was Sport.3 Uden artis Wats CF “seu >them recalie C werde Lt SSlebets-wee¢te aths\ac ris find whtipett who,VED C ee bares Ww abs wants ‘ho a Léee pt the grits SST “¥cu Ne Z ico.af stoi th Gove rhnor culibarsone Tok h A epic ate NV.reas GP.Bre witkr Co,.ae)Ee seh ds El ardonet reasfra ed ib the thisrdrtzo the kor les*"iam»Texas Se witorshipd whaStiwith;ta gicterseDeeg abde ces.Was én ot.itty eeof es high 2 arta Garde nHe lite Sp Pray *From the tohe%of;his 4 reetp staXs 4as2kfeaMaSpatsrecentiksepttd2batar.a-if :‘hinting of Joa:ee be treniy theratgeg.8,sy Lpeciftgts woduded iy ie waefyot iv,pee OP THE sR “Swispn’sfsthi t He’nisght be iifex }”at“id “court,ute yar Sbtthens ak<‘whit bees catey TES :(indtngs;-do 6 As initépy goldasthe uakilean out Pg zaS fizht.;OVS :aieryiian’Chas thyaue:a a es 3 oS Bec ssid haga niys pistols,en betie ednlbsigite me is!na mille pegple isyne <2 oC7 More tees hay we Been made ueagely:gplored erin dep .te is hoekibgspeteney sf =hs Boles t :“erainst ‘him “ands mor reithesses|Sea ery ‘The:“ueagh jypig 4%*ase aetee phe a Dope Rt 1be.the ae qi Oy oecehoudbas pa vthe «IRela a‘summoned:The”ifdiuation |Sage woe isreetenget cSubnt:aide €CHored.Fay!apd dpemens Thar gcot anther bere yorky Noy ante:Obser tent Lrow this)heh at he nit be«Esti.ea eypcg aes Conigin eee ne man Eh Neduuoertitulimega SieghelIai {is Seat to Wahab De pach Saas int dante Suyurday:.S.sper +co og Bie ts :é he sake pasafive Bee Dios cet RISE DA qidghit.he Jes hae suet ay Ee ogee cfubther oo pituds.forwa rd the:gume,of:“hiTOK LL:oh BsennSoapsasHmDruteiststretTuethe:Money ety atin 'ibe bees ;"Sa saena‘The’North.Caroting Leasoyfrghh.Said?Cok.35%.ceenotee eeepas)ee a po ea ar Mat:exit 1a i tO iY Sa Be hes giOme 4hoes Pe ZX eX,:GerBlvzcy,Sq ok.this plates.for i ;pat : ee =e Be Ended,’a ;:eat Nast Shhsant ses ms ans F apdMine os2 Pie eC“yes oF ty,“My Tie Dehovratic’?Pnkoation.tor ‘Bayh aN BROT za Raleigh,Gorrespsouted 4 EF 4 Sarinyy keabory RuaticyShbe oi i Ore ae fae es ce tere ae “a Se “perpecs i ifriend of ereitoMtu.succesa;Solicitor Siotte He Sate tori eet r oe.spines coh heat x tk,wus Gitte sexi!lene reNctie mel.tee SORE aie-ow?¥rik KiateyVersa?“Te ai-Pein 3aeredj;:a aoe rsa wi Ne eG it a aap:og Bs (nine £Ss by Seto S584 av PSth Ba pain aria let ey Ay:He Babth and |fauiihy hae:3 Sct,See cobres foyde tL was.this’rat Hetort vtsegtain |lefts esebyywsivene PRAY,Wepr:s FAC NOE [Phedaatters bENS.“gone,Seay hatt [penton stg‘haveSuede DE oo ace _termeon in formed that the i gedsé Lwwbige Kcr :alyist Sy Lee?“ashe ity P<4 Oe—4 ahptiats gaprot Avert thedsonLoat:pte eek oth es Searmty,ear 1 :esas Ras Groveener *Russells Poon lined vase piver Aud Said!oN aaunei Ppa and:*re spay|nos tree tempi,Brybe:ITY.be Dee ee aoe te.re po: ..r ‘:on ow ae 2 ’%)age *<x ¥»~ fightayainst the leaspofsthe>Noftly Mgousera:i Hye.MYBO Leng,wit.[C=hey dae urd be I Vo Cawal,>witk “hemfre thePEF Dan code lue ge ecae¥we é ‘‘no wh be tH‘Carolina Railroad:Was terminated,Pdtendid’aa any WE id;}:Re;te:a gee ee ‘ae tec Stites:will,t my fecemkterc.etka oe oe AD ne.sane a ~-«happily termiketed Aud satisfactos,nichsodged Nhat thSea Se as bh,HAmingeweeF Nw DCEVE hewn ce wb fe dai eefadsthaatima Sad he!per ae eB Cm ane ne japenst:.rey adjusted:ahd thats to -use giodk was AY abe FOR |Setintt)MisKesa Bree sien Ys ;4 ;Meee Boe *)B <apes cou “t phir wees i ,ee y “ST he aitomndu>emay,Tempar?HO:wheld-4 brane . “weigh $ns : ty Gur Readeras!?*%~,=pratt tersitéraesOTtHedockes-hagad threaabed ag Sika NG ete}ety soy oie K aderee BoC}; eh Re 4 >= Gaal gery gSutties Aged Porpcret al dats ipatters fookthr to}ett VeleS>suclian arronsement and Sotttemant aides nil UehankbeenipprogressahaiaippGties \‘ef THis attsnelahyd NEw 2 SlecuTie Ari isthe ine ae aseyaehe daiat elite i or.gst wha “want ts ip endeeat tel st 7:ands ay ht “thatthe. =o leumption ‘¢salifonary Papeten thatt/O-thaw they eventuated,|Nowa ONLY TN -7 sis A wee,ihe Fa i rg iets eee Os Farbhromviiah-uroat dang Riek Mena.ce des Tate.‘he ft,‘then,then yt matter svill?,be!the [Shawnieyous.piotto eye neo aa,ne aa Se.pital chtaegist rgtkege}iy te jot p mee ae eeHees Ee Jena ae fo GEESE."\A _passe deer ates alt appears.etor ber Ted icitiy.-Dp net beady ot anyie a *ae ems “ee+fine anid,vat talons those Ven tt heot spc Walliber fhe CEs aps mS’atk Carenaprettywellundersipod,that?the sib Utute wheth yoh cally aS Ss At oe ‘andhil yesnd pions ptt eDONGS:Sptppro’d lation WES rom 2 MitaW itedSu oFtess and aees ae “-ebaismaa sof the >thilroud ;omntesion parle Experviicd lat pegtid ate Bre ely send a i!ae The atehe "House Tugsdiy for ;See5 drcssey be ries Boaters Sidbsyangy ONEK~is Rot satistiedyw ith bis’ruling ‘er’the Beste ee OREN ae is ey5 ase&Galt dite.wy ot ae we ast ver.sins for the.thorease al ia"neve pind:Wiuker Mr:Jorddm a."quem be Aovatherbisvote.in fie face’Ot the weedohpetlie isaesbese!i acted |SS NEE SEFC Oe Oe)dohls Serre a oie Ra}oftheE arn oyShearingtherailroadhaxmade.att.peevie.”rd \ee fa Bis:SNew,Seientific Tre’SR *itl One uypYy sed shats wil if Ap to-Ig So ‘was asserted vestetday’sthat ‘tenet E ge eM ?evred-thousands perniang Tie Jy Ty.times ve the grepatation:far DAs aS tight be 3 hiceting Of the,Caminis)nodh:s P i eae avey pe Tait Ny sen tt cheepeeeres Ra oF phe prox|v lother thete iW begrapeih K iA ‘aoySi,SI0n in:a few days tb aint?Alt eeesieveeesSee:Loup reine hs Pye sons eer see *Ban Pefrvat papop thhesreport Bt trod BOSort,of theaan 9 Phat.ee*f %p :7 >i}~mater t a o pe ae Metu i .ie fe “the Year [Sot Phy Cominis+tmatter.|In fact.dav after ‘to-nror,’f ted Fe.Seieney daly d PNiRe ti ve Bowtd of Tuduiry Which weport.i<poles Ne Sasa ws:BOW was hinted abs:iime.That's of es Pada RSsaut aste Lexpect aot ade public “fa Best aisueed,¥.Hognriely;Tras beet Ti:;nesAS :looked tor.speedily,trp hr nting torxeeras.bags Renancyaure “9 Punta.pibrbetenpthmg.¢deti-weivedy ”Fe notice thay-A Dis ee ’Sry «i *WH hénedgeial to butwarmity as can <[y?oc bed %;:heaoaagIrTAAhy,Caldwek -ae fore Bee ba a Seeranoieen ieee epee rathiat piitezabe :noes.Sean $c ree ton:gi ie dienes ‘oushe in:ris morning ag 4°35 ochy MD ALAS hig troubles ind PonsumpTpoy>veal se swalFbecrate Sell Tati #4 ve ;pike bee ae alt bee S fo eae =~)he.s ‘US “6 Bees aanbe:‘ro OV er.a?srk,<4 iio “1 Ba 3 oa immay.E1orFas‘to low if thinips :ce Sees Gimatedy,prdwen pa s ey B ite e Was 4 the insetsSeagoingtheGovernor§war.andy “tors ef gratitad {rhea An attig Pe Ne ne enod wie pakeenrny spreten eee ost,ault bis.is,Dy 2 Seni é FOC ISadealJorthelease’ok.the.Ata ‘i neg Eyropeansiy bopatoriés:yi Pleat More tp tbe Spanish Meodetonie ri EDdt Ae feb ees 9 be PBAEON Hide 10 ’,pte as oe :ne-for =mE and NprthCarolina,Railroad.dace bah Spe f ee =ghee “HO PRiciattbao Fede re nt rier we rember -nN aN eae «Wie:a verso ae st Sr oe -His new: sh ~Sah 2hrhs be fo SD 4 girPS ee Jos "May %¥e Y vt as aitans VsstaMsoeapyaged:Xo!haves brokeh ,te pyre Tb:chestiand Lamaze}5 leddSe Ws KMUSSV4eSp;oa wea ‘bastiv,preba Ba ie ples SbIDpe Dy eS ,St peak eh ata ia ;oe )oe ;ety ees a 22 SDesOnd Repair’ie “Siata Uaipe in cam s1h PsatUy Sane ieee pomewbieh,whi tyrpiyse \auraearcpecmn ectegenitton ars PSPs Betas Sy:2 ae:bene ma FEN“goabebt te,tseposepoeAS pa,i pee i ritetate A.Sloot.oes ist egal beretresaesee OT yanweieGuekovelopmentsr+thera.“Phe wontTpSeuyts CM Pine Streeth New"onk,elite Sy e <5 a aAPdpulistQirecters,aes came”oeoh Bon a ora :‘=.fay Cady Onl andl Sse -ed.frou,booksTFere),;Hie mpraddressc atthe ye:is)2oul y Wi ;re A:~“With the’Séast’th the toadis if ak’:oe sine i ;ean ye Sat]rENy sectsSud mS ae iteSntichoetlencat a a epavhere we and tee to ing money,madéhate ty “Tittle Sone i ;aninst any TaN uy t {*is .;qo Printpees 18,OO Ae shets;we Noy,-pression.on.Govern par ae ee :“ptéuded aikl-Ship;pid drort 4 “KepretemekSietek aeRussells,A ele the’*ds Whispered that thé:Gevergy,Has}:/)"yparted:compan?with dog afvhis Ju-|:edicialadylsers;who hast:ayground |ihe:against bin onuall theses Sor that,#bat -3 ¥t€rs|9 .ov fs :ep +xifPat eke pe “A at 9 9 “Sheinteam ie,depot,-“Phen,“pearyimouLtmdre,went to ees9.ote ich eae wake»avoe{1 Nhe .3 he .Tae ‘5,2 a SRiny .ee ance i $J 33 :iNat.:;GAC),;‘:7 pe 5 ’‘7 i Soe ::5%:Re elo d es Y ;.CB gar oe ~) @ -ey 4 o i fo anrintgiesoS Sn.SO a sléssts Se seein ee Tsu :.‘::Ms ti tabawie MM tersChseems tf oS”:sa ad}shipments She /Brugis”4 oe On tsolid Sey bes moe SF Pear eae 7 ak s=Ofmeee miei st mt aRed RaxSli Bip odrts ard;oo NONBet they Wate 5%oars ‘Waneiple”apple:shibped!>Sen Haleigh Niwa Observer.mes fe patie wher jean ek.oh ‘The le mr Z a Misi oa Pix 7 wigs 4 y ..fost ‘aA s a ~7 “foethastt::cy ::iN an win ar ws.Here’Ab ve|eeeeS Sea at GO Lt eer seesBeseeiets Ei ia pure pode paints bel 2.5,:|te>and denoysace the Goveernor fae ‘ap.Rete hy:ESS ae “bit p s awe 2 ;mallet oa mills i meee RAVER DEANERY Ld 9m Sot ‘Sp ste The Shapsack © oieog ing over’@the rail Toads."(FS E.Vildin?Serhan “PKK ERGY:a :a ,:Ane salt,an ns z all other pidalic ofcers Who “ahah to the’ :will hear if,Cubunder.|bok, a Eo Gr onat’SSai ayalg.advised’eeCE 5 rings ©eaten ash et pave sePairk tateHe ar At oa en t ‘x XS cat )nde Ging {eaty :es“uton Suni:ei :poe aha =is ti fe appleeariony e thik’ali:im <i ae ‘;2 :-7 ;AVEC BE.--vs ro te fet iS z th re ths ce :£ae |ai =:aScaeea wa osnn aeSEG,%ro Fe ie mt Cre apn Eee:sent ee ere Ae <sees sf ?:se ai =:|.6 ee SB 2:ndnw [subdded thei fd ionfen a™:ee Crs aaa i yexstren wth fed?Then thé pin rete 5 5 “3 ‘!owas the ee Su:3 4 ets ‘a‘tail Hor the reliettthe say ed,the}pam.1 Sheu gas Re Z ie .tes .B lo gaan f ed 5 Ltgmtber-fy a are ,teEe os -pete:p :F f Se ;oe Poe =wreckagvisorsand:‘victims of the waitie -Bis-Kby.giving&Phin ‘Balma trie’At =ee ee a ese tS Sy tS ang hinglesjaiT =pedi mx heres)widselt at”mobic +o te theah ioe eee es Bae ode aa ae the as trig a Siping Pe bill.Feimburse€thesir-please’mes”‘EbrNale by."Oped PE ee N.RSS Emaision 2 eae ee Seie Gonct Ong,rior dota eh ee tye ts::a Meae officersabdphempz for tise rerand TheTaylorsy Ere?5 |EE ea ee ere?Ss ae .NDAY PK 268,Ems ge ses they:sustained to an amoqut-.ue -ae a ees ee DAY.APRULis,%=i ‘ceweeee year’s sed‘pay,jand f oe 4 Meee :AB pet Epes ;eh 548 os Be 4 %nd jowin u re ag x toa Year's’pa¥to itheSe Conetpanon tartan | Posted see mo jae :;:iy ak ;doe eri 7tivatic aly [retains ‘the digastew tp <:topes m4 "pus =1th:iF 2 ee ::ps :M ti ~.‘:;ee ‘*@ as “ee keke.3 a 2direct)re asiny¥ery WERE Offer:OTe é res th colored. Fi t Md SHO0s :x w ue ae “Dikzous ae ‘Pthink.is beld and he ote ar north en |ae beajany oe :zto ,fi t ;if +poles.‘the-bean:OGSF AAC weet ustomer:“of ya -BaticBi;i ‘;4 an AS Blais a Say :a t .Nee,aS 3 fs hah b =etree Din Saipicg Saéres.‘Og “ess.3 ne 1 cj é ere ¥ae theetsAaweer:el :Bee y ;2864 nS SB ere”isin ‘remedy,sx it aieittethae F key:asad >halts Iorg RS 1D &:a.or:over,bask 3 by a ‘Ti eeterge eee ‘2 OD &:a aaa eh Ss fn 1}p ,=ot Om ot opt ip s “fram.shang ae rite,: toa Weak¥.°_*fed owtil.all..of ‘the™.SSrinderas on’MeN SPE.heSionaorwititsawthetimberfor* geet Liab OE Sl~The:blddd“is.|REX i is he ee Se e yon:Mang ‘RRADPORD,&som.i":“tar:been Padi New Stirling;NC.=» Sam Ay tk ~=.Sang a “fiaNesvonsSidwelled‘by aaichind2 f eds Sion ofsetheir-blood ::"ss cS 36which,reniits.randthorcaghly?oh $501alldroggists :4 latin 19 cen Pr is the oue trae i =‘Rerre Preparedby C.ponteeayHoodCa.ee ’RewYork receip airy ided ee ee ee 4 Psi es S-a s : be ;wie >i.Ba ube teik meet to the’late:Ey sinios “Mondays: meat Bat ee hick eg oo ANS fe :=~oes Ea ora oo aioe -~es x wy ;7 ;:Sys >“PER OnEAL..;ro apeUk*7.:=S6 aes "rhe,Passer =Rates,°vitae "MacLantt.Has2.Gidse ‘cans EE ‘:ake 2 rs.De M.’Purgseis f Bk .the es aerates:eee ‘yast Nat(b BesaE :ose “3 hevirnidish eiait:*¢3 n w ith hér husband Joa hur aha Fee ‘dare’ipta eect”‘GatePEARY henrZ RakeSepious“iy:ir gey ee 2!A tailed Statemeondt.,Be ee oF eoN4 1 “!e Se eu >=y ay Pr Ratha ise Ree Mt tGkOMenasha:Eg bet.oes ,dy:ee =URcoonoh étias way.(fae aes Tksated he hurd:“Fhe Was ate AhioeSmith &2 teins 13itgylense:ki dig €eects erate se TA ites aast and \this”#iper pape Madre ‘ima tollsys¥Tak HPi : re tora,”eh are 2 |days.te ee communica 5 A tent dpowde<L-outep‘ar ent week, “5VS);wu Seles Sebi Lie Set xebe Mills oe ALS aS Roc BES aE vee tymR uehane rea aseRtleman Tin He nas been deatOle"35 CHS ye pyres 3 ieAan.eal tink &hitasel it Tecrured.onsitemper-, i Ls Omer Lae Piharn ‘YD.R: Patines died;Monday: dredte spstigs ‘Poexday< Ay hi Me Yell ene:etgakemSsyrurdpy‘and fiared phoiderdbly from.:cae irae10 wouter a ps nies slesPhbouood,and s ape Rar “Fe.Ae :octal tises Sony3 apo meaif Mr o pabevepex sabe he BP:Low skip.was| j Tote way MT r : 5 ee K HOSS ir his4 POM TS:ae ue i sy i a csPtrohieatssofar!*ecote|& z 4 :eeeeenhséINy ‘nel eliie.ts in epro® +Street Presbyterian: :pease saiet hale ae OVS PacedAisaapisting, Cine OF sigue rat Tristenabip.atiiFenr, ind «torinotrow ‘er ar ac direoss. Aare MOD.WW ho Ses =fron the:comet soil fatedty:done kFieeCharlottevt. Cnr ited in 60,daySv | NX .Nukatte moved athe:Pe ne eheok coods:whicoh. Low hss OREAe Se Po “dae that F arth “Wider:Stinmmers Hikes S “Tredell,and Woodg re xanderchare joined the, a she:“recruigitic of 1 Came te is a ny ~;EM SE late Ol topractice: pattnerstil ford.Je, make a:Federag » remain.in Waie rei sahablers,aumderiney mh),ne hae:oe tar thie t:in ord,wthe,-colgret,“physiciaats)nS When!the er ae oe eeSie affront BS fltgtis (hat REGIE He a ohcledoe :qui ret hesVarary,22 Ete:ther 7}aNXo a a t hind int trom Vic natio!Rieti ni :Lat;hte : ithe way ‘he gathg ci-anOUnPs pies ee eae niss ke neoe "Eck ere %member of the collore tates Robert Cesiepees & nat asdarge,,(wll alsos made Be ae st “kbantt-aud the band attended the oe Eh oan xP ue &Lisee<,Dr.ben se i Sie oN oma’otipatin ini yoays ;ae pet x ohh eI! o—_ £)r) 4nd ste:lt Tapeel & Grov et: ner » “<a) 2 Hurry ehAUpr’y Capt Sa. fee%+put-in Sppr ®en pu the Tet ~“,7 “CaptainJ.M Parks has:‘a combi;j.-By i Chabgé wu iplages'at fe oy =ScUsT: oe State Bess re--aptutred:itas sent u ote yedirtor stealtig Fcainede wirSatdetayandspentSun.) a Wets:stil ats fase at.last ho was the,general mani !thes eatlle,Dey élopment Com:| ;Tsay"“Mied ;"The LGreensbsro Shelley,ce.A ae =>ae Pee i a soratae bt paralysis He ; >Tnsurandes bits:“MESS and, are already hp?! Rat ‘on waid sive of Stat:Sr] Winston aaid C.Robbins;{Bex abie anedefor::the.plarititt, rote Sid were immedi+ ba FoclTa Menrde:x a ij ~Patks)Showed:Usk iv.pleco:of scrape.rye pons ithe iy uy:tbat jeu TErY,=:eas eos * ee Ore en tic“ened. ‘Rita“hay.farnn:dke+ii nee hale:EH:Vander: “<The?will Mi ease ot {Salisbury “cial of“itEROayilt PLY Salintis e Squire {Billy “Mls “wasuelthe@woods:South Of}*Sdndaysbeiran on’a party nea vex x ances *"eS oy enh:MEE Bane.both coloredz rom the chain gang in Univay “hte sship,a five végrs®term for bréak-J Piston Bros.’:store,thas -but:;MgDaniet, Ti ~s 4 ENGavel,t H.ae Hoover,@ Eeantdie: for several week stast Semi- “His remains were ‘take ns “to.vir,Wa,fot burial.te,NR Phe 3aeete the,Bieshyeying lephon®caymection:is complete,shurgh:His beng.Put In grass-.*5.~ th Moab and,Catawba.*It “agile aeRee eS 1 ae De ith Newton and*Hiekor'y |ine # us aSyfitchboard will tie atawba:«“The‘liue to- ringswill, wire.arrives,« nersburg lune.. nolder,<a nda pe pper o—in »‘colonel’s -llorsville;May:3rd.,;52. u Sunday. rege tine’Comar't. rreck “-ag WWarrisburg ,lawl tif $26 0 damagesagainst, Ney RB:Wat: SOR LAPlanivaa and say rtIY cycago was cba Tag writs were $12.50,.whic Bateiiwidedbetweenthestarsof,afore;j €R}o “Paes moe oeres ecaint,3 aisperformance.pie e abe ~SVeninsrs “Old Times)in Statesyille’ p once nig a oW e'sdadrs. won Satin ee a eet tron it J _Chetrlurrc.’;Re ie nee p Bathesdze chferch;*4 a tox mh (yesterday.:irs visage cau hie¥¢rippled * Naso hes has petarnec to his.homes! eae EteBe:rpven Gesey,Bhsboy.YWorth,:off hartette vare oar eh:ia ees Sap oee‘at Airy 8Ls Poston’:st:a iDartOythedaySchRi4 Bho tke With SoOpY~2 HG pa frson,Esifse obs Terk[ $cOuny,y farmer,was wetowh'hkutsdays S brow <y Che Se Hewat ¥SUPCE:vTSO 2 ssaickt;that : prt Kase (rev aeas apes POE ME he WE Ospelendaad ao re SiN wagon falsetto:=Mera See Anyeta ‘He dand Shem i:‘two KS =a 3 ,8k practice it:the|,; =*ig’ithelt Ste Gk.~% avghist wegKe.John:eeAllison: “Allison,«w ha was:a dzer RW he “hdd.- ,completed 725 Fasthe}hold the.next;ulirsésdmipatiqn A ‘phote bas |of teachérgor ope‘in at -Duiilap-postofiice,5k April,BX:th and®15] cup and eating fond war s3@,nour Gait,oe re-Be aiker fork,antl |porclaat aewe.hadrauibeat,*sell- and*salt "BOX Nig ys ie,SLeb0 heraes oe Tt Pale AB Knap,shave‘been 3S141."typeapeatépiekéedup.on the field |° bssack-contuined.thrée eggs we salt and*pepper,Game # “f peeagna,aN elose a¢tedtion to’‘thie speakers *iy “us Esq.,Freturned from Hive tes where he hag|, Thé-Suit;of,co‘Kidney..who wag injured tM ad.“Boyd,“of:“Sipleh yaks ntdgtnship.advketted fora ttgstl: Fi pointer.week heforedagt Yind.“ipstro is tried und the jury’gayeor three Aaysreceived aIgtter trom Messrs.B.“FP.,hong i sotanf Sam aks at teachers frHoweayppearedbeloresthe4sulySth: 25 the emurt house kast,7 rie ,had?1“unders the sue rdfora ‘week.Nacharger |for Han iis delivered o en from County,Supervisey pes the fiddle,dabeed_At~adinis-rgedvasti the,livin witli inwashebTaresday?i x weOWNatop!“wetdllatd,”ar,‘GliayPayin“town Sears Sve vilhes Eesighe —gr,Ex fochrang., yesterdays =Mist dessit Fowler’anaes:Migs:poChanwertain~seat Ss turday:cin Mr. BS ee er : Fan,omy yh:my'Mr.Ee a Sekai POF Vashjpreiment.tG taceo farmer,town Tuesday.Sie Sits “ERE Gs Hedley.one Of Tenors |burs township’$:best RIOR Wal Ta op Wi ‘Bagley Ksq:ene Q “Sharp ésbury!Sunterrifi¢d:DemocratcS,rasjntosee_us Tuesday.wih ONE Revi.Ge Milteleapurycounty;AoW with,yelauixes,A RD ee os Mis AY.ry:“Vitison.St Bucsen,‘Visited hor sister,Mrs.We ok.fs ital,Je:,mesterday.3 Mirss ‘Rdith,RatnSe ot Charistntes:nf fativ ess Bas ive proed home.°,Ny Cae:ALONERichardson:‘ehaeTifs..¢Who spent?the 5 x Bishop Cheshire,ot the Ppiscoal Siech:was the:uest*meeps LMrotSqnHGeitithsPeusMesttrCieOTR ans Xaaies »Div sie anda [ Listitute,.«‘promsdent :eMlgxdinder, Gaye 22)we a eFz <Sie Heat na Prine Kaho has BoosXtteactih:besMashex/s-)BysinesS coyri letee:atskackson ville,Fla.for *SIX iatt yoni."sige zARS eisitaireg kor’ssévyra ar cate Mine “Be Comely 3prey ned Rane: ba Tr aS:hs ae . eee Xtaerede Wy sa votaeinwas|Wasane cepted,ok posifiou~in Ahesate chargé of thea bY.Bee as ‘ones ‘ThesssQ er frou rGoasloue totes vs Stay anegsber »Sis veta avs last:,wv Oey Se)Nis xork Saturtlay ‘evenin®eee E Messts,WeS!Gouging.ge Any ahvel,Ae Q-Smith and Sones \Awpell|Be tri Epeomiineuneobiiedo growers of,Barto,rap ptormyills.Yadkin county,swe.yestergayewitigh tobacco.:~ il"Mri aye.MrsetkcriesCort}Fiat Philadelphia,PAL who:have’“beenywinteritghereforiaROUEsonpoutlls,lect Sesto ninowo ERG | xsO Has.~ae oT)hye mee eee Di fans ila Hh.YORY,Hone:Ste clially ny he“es “ins | atsa ialeigh Sindiy pKfpucsday’He:ee Mrs.Adgins-Avent”medicabtreat=) met:.os 2 pri,fate-noti from Alie!Doctotsbe sagsthat thee trip’,hiss iseehomethissweely*..yp tedPhir.AR?a3‘Vyate.Seeds ose Bday with his*brathérni.hiw.Rev,J. TQ.‘Shelley «,Harel tngdrhobje Moh=| day Staking with AdiSgentspelhiding:Sere‘monthswith her daughters “NNir. a *:ry <f,We ”mst yt »Six HAR.=Bartdkcon,sce 4 townshipss setously sickensjeKay ‘“y x RM nsedorsthe tiwarrikge of".fea ieeie omeee”‘and Mis |Roxid] ERepee waasyspund last d |aggASN :County.“Super aa “ hohe Bader will k pe.feel" iS Sle ae ioe aS x Tha any <s. the Exanechist “Senda:Set “from here tor-Moores ville and IeexJ »ftured:Onstewpéraic’there’:Moms .7|night to'a fair AugianE’5 om iefaysttoadywertise jn.THE:vest aster FoustengMayhew of Davidsen t psaying sae nae the: Sane)aotbas rectove1sane 1dasumfaer gessidin’fer Pho aSwalfholdafaioaTaberid-etbt Puition is fred and: i *Chahy Pel Shiss?Ratic.MeBKox.;‘ofringsSee AeMistkT?SY |being take:the whg.had bee hereor w*visit AS.rely re Pmaoths:patlhihishedsthe,fou Sindd ¥iseeeDoioftnSat" rally.Garid Wellcouple?eet lec LPheyrease!OM tthe’pers aj ateforabo r a Be oe Mi ae tlTaigtt nth Se eecsrpen ing;theta Died?But trom’ae ang Noe}:2 Cla.Gre;es‘ind,AREY:pOOagnrist From:Vaecineticn.”, :{oAbaMonddymorHanyFayoeSP Oe orn, iS *da wis aih.,he be OwtyteODddpotbiaeTiras):aes Vs.at |rninoemogetcoloridinae awba a :ETL aappetesCalinearBaetOfourge _to eXamineynN fast’iefor Bal moneeeMdu wh eeaf:BreeS9 Ea Wd meat3 s Hy. ease.camiecp:Court be submitonsiters *=Ihiday.>.wel lg skisq’, urgdiy-atid;Br®xs :istzte’‘To “ata“Aerdehsy oe ma otNorma S¢hookat;Winsston oe Fred’CharnBors Fo WinneeMriGethan.Sith keininte!Lat usta:ropped 4 badSgetus?y enherday,eseete*bidihautse:feats bebixtdit(ritgirhiat Vie DSHSLEX: es stil unbalundedzana-was ‘Caused i-bynihealth.“He aei<2)ryland eare Se+tended.reply.fo,the”first ‘statement,Gres.“|thade of What-actually:took/placatt SpeakingandreSofSardis:seek.‘Bethleheny.1 -considerthhifspént“Monday.int pothing an.it:worthy Cot netice.1 :thold to the reporterris stafenient asRsohitelyec(et thie jury,tabe:eee tial heari ;e =gh prbesed es,aNprss‘O.Aazéaby,aque r i Slama,ah fie ajtpeaks aarea ceilos j Bem sono -ae Ens?coltirende the preseut jw?togaoe“OF he.hoildine shad WOM aAfra sea tnbites |“ut ouschig ythcr pate43)ftrieucluriy:tie sker lireateeas,raedutly be tdHhotnibledvoaig,SER hskwhitemerandbine”GolhaaewetRe|matin competed with~Pied.:Mate,dt his Tage wath hisi“Squire Weise ond“ee idines we7sPort ‘p.PBNEL IRE was the"bi ile|3>}Harpis,’“ot Mootesvillys swert:were):Po SR ten Aw Abs!(Men ae,TS shok pee GaNMING Altbcr|S. Mr.iG:fe Tull,a:mechahicdown“'town™last'/‘Tborsday:aneet Sees roo that “hist mind was‘af-!ce,foete Poke es LeneMilasifampbell,.aNeti Subs!Kina ‘band he aegiven,roe:,“ayssytiterat:aa mony,Seg ‘Se€1 jail by®‘saihe’friends.“Mis!amtnd is) wand ‘has:and,rela ane NCE Wut We'hopethis will:ond:this:one.Wehave given ail “parties,ah’ aeTineifAbemule S tee ue at ge ee tah vote 1; Avesberi aee atnitat pon,Por:MheApe: eid”hue,4ts for the|re Bent?y de Ggaw is ek aeBasehendehANEintepyas!That?oS 2,well. cane,Ye livestnear’ ay roan.nr,‘the. citmeher Broth.ola;Me.Weeopten'sahenceiei ‘_winesSpeerFriday? Oe Se Seboak-eseni‘=m Sy 'whe.ai=paa:Sao pres esting entertainment:‘The the:afternoon Nediisisted i in thereis!we prepayedSTaspite:cf't Set Litre ©Was weAl.traine i werd nati SitinctheThe:ard: shoadts and.laue ours tr uly, eee Oy ny \S Reaesio7e +papils:Amaacy“bi de: Baltipror ‘and W Shingt lpg wee eee is matealtimoreand\ashijpetor eek totear lot ris dea :%oniissonde noal gh Phe a ae a s: syth:County has’ticceptéd “Ethie NOETSReel hit TRE did!:te tsionies’PéhorHEEdid!red fac lorfat on T Stones CayeosSistaBo=Aw thie’Seer oePtah gang ~gEFe“aaid,:Myo AhAhiid ore Pe SOW eTistein®OS Sy <oCee his,a< Mies ae gare Serf Gfanite eefis Pes Saas WF 3 nr bine: matehas,somveext "Botha,pepe SONS [tue se:their:stuy,heres hey A he :“Atbe-bata %‘¥1a “bafu,aad“aenttnts,for,barial apy Eriguds:e fp.=eer reere:abut segegates CRETE tea ee 2 Nitae!"Betisy Mesers.:we 2gos (view = il ‘yea °S “hd, Dees sSelt parde$oa.o ar,Sisatedbitif eee at Whenaveinin"the®Spy sete ee oftwhich fie doned," Han--R od.<i AS Uite-bdues pr2omegehe ‘beety:'+,au ere 5ossrecseuscabiabe:onan"he,isa eid dave peerkrapes wai yeas »Stataps®oa feywhapredtedpoet“pet ow aeaeReeada ‘i 0)“A ‘akon eth ee iW tyag pe. the weeWweek forms?for the.term or 82 —rS Tait “Announcements cap.bes faaegive-tull_partisalats,'Zs *Mts.©O Tye Holter?en uad bebe ‘h col Unb BingeutenoreMoved “baé ee from:presen :4 *Sy dg Hh ;Prinere Cn es,icabbieam,Catagy ba}vez (Newnfan ¥, ;ee v Cepaiadine ‘telegram lconyepitreg:intel Nee 2 ce cence of thedeath ate-Clinton ‘Sz€ ;Kis ¢rolsat 4iso ‘glace +Hrsbh, oe SS phldce:MHp asatheh oc road.cout sesraet e lSwasesiadderales %, eee{ton the Lave to.aytt nt~;Mr.Shuetetiat 3Sgt Ties.che tebe Apia anc isAntkhy 4 nel es ae apt,IV.“Hs Gresory “aseuthtenl dratbe pheasin pen a i Lise shes tote x0 eg separ treme the:Se:of guengty‘yr ahgatpaide ceeSotawock ;ae JS LAW hite,ee te miles Sout ot+Koordbwithhisfatersfamthypadretoneesbarnandusae fhe Nits,in the Bie ce ee by).Sis ho,arses:Were?‘vor were.“In ten.putapd nothing:esetit x0barn: Dares “yas:sagas ¢ rgthe hicht before, ix several:Scar ETOeS:2 Tetaresipposed:toghayé&been:it Start ddVac reported Ziwaty Ke <red awd!retubied,Tromet)es effect$.af gaceriadion,bbs] 1 Hie.Lodi,Aybo:Saw hineagith 1 Soh ~passqt swag aon ——sf=rs ee‘i Pardons.=5wensatisicctpheandethat,he:Ne wer PSrdope sbi,Bui jean te:JaeHous.“ab $Ns oopeeht"his:etch gleShaurois Bist,Eaple™“and *atforneys dee hate,Bee pacing towhave h in Rarde od?fuk soreeoLaosRyue ~3 To BS eo=wa eortas Coch hall 4 haar sWe 4 seeed:th »Adams, ‘Ne Mr Cope:“tet,at Cli ntoty Oe.onttay.»Thy?aaateof Cafdwaliyn -Painrees pit 1e zs Ne ihe +% pink ty yi he finer i Aasited eat it hadhne: oe eSSor:ae nse eh a the Watsons wil tiscm aKentato them,‘terms,x?ail er tenth expt id any oes ae rises wieder 2. nts. hay.whichig Raunt biatitsae ile ay he ede polipdzgphiesoe.By,Fa!thi,‘knewiytpeibierANfrig‘Cxplest, S ree si whb “sleptandyYadkin:cae Coke petenioce!eee SR Ree es!S Loser:Wee 3.bor"tne’ sour:oF WELTO *ntlese ~plasigas,the,fu NG,Bo‘pred.Peete Toae=2)Ry “De4Oh +ue x SO 2 tlle,"gyi t ~awd y ae ‘ frie angehe}epee is aiitedtp&Hrepdieh Ob De iy x . Sand:Wat Sete rtod's meéHOcyears;”“naltles “servedawhop pare ex arey anlee peak me =o esBign’sird,OF Comaty ae Ses : :aemetal nES peeiat “<tandar ¢es ——AL)3:and gut present 8 reenso\was.fukeeees Rant pot ‘Vat:Jeotpinissionea if win és]eres county”earfGhoS B“fe Shy or ti 3peeferesce} cpiation fOr: crear these diction’:s He bas “also. eae ee }lhe way.joter-4 Fm.Seonne »travekor,thesmeres theaoARostonseareeeaetalWHYie. ao Por State ary Tina toketpat from Scaviny’tehud nes reniogines the Mbfacine.farsterel tour ov fine:pices:tHLOL ek kK eto au =oestewscronmbintséWIScertipoaklle’Say.-sctBat-he willge nd.“Ht S08 6a Jaca”Rentz,.DOESoint.is Alexander countyattended|Ueionsy hope:that he Le.Sheol:SS at s eTbeu,S.‘Supreme.Court Pin Favor OF Caldweit and.Pearson. Phe SnpkeemeCoartrt ok the FenibdTStatesandedaq :-the tywoAy:isons oF herweStic wi aaebt:te Acted without en4 the:Leutose sustains thre a)ayerstig Tnited or,hisaupperatees y a She rt pioas,Fakory iS Ses ait fe-foute S}X,te=ej fone.—oe ad <soiy-/~ slo.ae ta.Lhedistri—Dhexam ining:ou iia oat A assed:tte’pe Nestor bees }rodejikice to” sope see FE he.me.typ <i Tee nee forthe’ywHe : fer..ack to’Pthe:'s ane ete Sun tnt:Arou'Coty ie ae sterd: SNOY rogtniain's i eI ee «Listerfhenews/Jast ageas PosataeLentecosDotVives: nto Gwen bn"Ent |terta nment.Srisatdaae Wc:fis hep is ApGatle ue.xmae eee of Hie.Mascot”oe seeStes mt,The free’school”‘taught by:OW.5 tbures33Wooten,“Esq:cat? i Schook House;,Bethiay eOCRIP ‘the:“Ham nto 1Sth~"*a ; Pavers,avery:inter-md Phe:exReve a ats Anightt:mainly thls dialosanes Pipe eri 3 tlesdabicabableneaatis alargecattebdances tisk ‘been excpedin ly nd alien eMCs oe“Rrépy CEs:Ke reactive?amdCassar“ade, ahasa asae ment, Boe,Eas"ay oi eek sear Ts -Ze ink ornAtedocisesd Th Scot octdesiste Joteg ik Pex Son.A be rc HOP,Sadat 4 ee ebiee th pike drion aea propery wes =Hechisig hat! iffBe “ARS Oe sus Tutyll kt Riots -my so:that:stheiracsips 19 se (< wetiteryhat“wept ap attt.tak of 9]Ss {shortintervals,Ale ou Rat Aen Mate aD Noire ] thag ayoa t oa Ee bSiat ae we uthoeaes Tre ‘Or eS Sci {te a3 |Smerd 1: ner ae y‘Scribets whe get th inaeinkx count, Y esungHist ‘ae tardys C peepee Ny jan disittie es i &,Dont%delay 220.Psddor Ede ea a 1S eee re ares tatesvil :oro et reacke Pitty cd ee i beets Ae a.Pe:she gar See Coe ee ee inthe publi-eS e;eAaaeaeer ¢herein) 1H.ybasut eee statemen ob theculgtiomofthatpaper:ma st ‘af Jig oo aes MESSiehynePatnaela~eS mide,seer aa ereners PullsTe etal? Gods wk.i ad arf Dr ro WY:Abhite:*Shieh) Hits altertiodl rad =<t:i7~“4¢. cot weet ry elCrew(Jurars.ee ot aw lege”baye pnw ttle |sprihe etetnix SOLS ee whieh ‘nietts AesOn: Kom Guiccent pet.‘Aiskakpesny by Me K Manic :Path“Le CJ.Seka Shoei AsBR y Dept Daivts'andVG Aesire’£2.be} Sa rors,ee tiNSEUS,ee en ncaacoy Ewe “PasB 2asyPetiag tine, ntSepalpetiniveaka mit!Ssition*ot reponsPacesct: oteguid § theaoe edirovmesatae selaireg xt pene frou L a ca re aS as eime xe ist Holly.10) Se og Sea - doy 2He h u Eee in thé case: ee aon con’, hwgeyTNO}true, She ‘incbat, ,parijls,ae ee it xeons 166 parity ‘youre b]‘ofthe many ‘blood.ist t theGtoTroe doSeaeonlyby.121604 &@b well,¥ ’sexvice|= isdmitied ~eyght |, iY N E :PSEC.2rps ASURER,ie saganeachmonthsure,ee Hime; wa-good thing |ie“nAhew is eo)NeeHeiwy:ees ee ‘ cin.Pret:en G si Pie,aard a ie Che hs see for:yoursclie’eo }eae away -be=E 2 \a=wall do: “B:ague x Cx 10 PLOTS we make, d tofae avea eee eesih iy a aR ge c e So ash in ‘habd-reaping—eeETScope,Dress;Goods:2 ot.ac “Gall ad See our ¢display..4 3 rom 5 ‘perpair'en,i gemoney.thaprever before.”-~-” &Co.ae a | ~ abr ke Fe Wil ue atta >Rb agene -INSURES _ re aw ; Learns oe a, bei a Sic aN “5 ee RNS?WeSRNFINIoe AREPIEAD &TLRNER,” sia vienete:Fates aS apat“orne 5.Rll ef 5 ».Cs"pagetgeStatesAald a eatte:"i 4":cecabe ith ht Vie ~Jey Rene ny adh terobate oy a:ule ment of E-talyms P KC.. eBoReE:poe oo ATTORNEY ALLae “ty vbased Res —STATHSYEG BN C. -_-poet: a tine in ant tho couWalbpbaoscde”ahanded,Cie j sersices are 5 e CaALDWeL 1 ;E AT {URNE ‘Bwel WW. f SpeTES ys LES.eee forme os Veh:-D te ihe i“te ti Gs,IYState:cand Ferd ‘al Courts, pay ne “Se B.Gonnelly, AT TORNELALLA Ws ase “STATESVIEEE,Ni. 5 dervices:ine elbs the:Rane ee ee aan tor settlement of a +and all rebate usitiesyen,|i ig OFFICE LY OU er Hols 4 :SBS et ‘ae pas:a ry deri ek ae drew x AL TORN oo Eo>Statesville,N.C: VEY AL-EAW,lg Oe"4 ;vila a ee Practice LAR vderal..’ed tee |oot:Gamble,pees fe nie=ALTCRNEY AT TAG:ae <%ma a ATESYH 18;ae Ce = a active,WW;att:ae Scourts.bis, tor sy pusinessSen-ie #Prompt ation he tee PO,raat - trusted.Office Bo)NG: ot:Hui ee:‘ sh ~mY oe ii x ne Ae ea tarry e,Grier, Ss S Getae De vd er Reg at Es RAs ENTESS TLE,X« Se s es e . bit as Ce ao SRY ait *, &es ct whake “heustest )Didnt a pike!pire at ae Az Bartsiose nik ATTORNEY:Ad:PAWa aSTATESEELGsee< —_——'i Hoon:gives1 te all nations ime eit the ta €Share“at te thie}pra “to aly m2 tters ene. dear mm the epuat 7 Psi se Me - sive proyeptatte Neor. Ttrusted to thc,“Oftice +horse.a e eo en Ww.Ge Law is:a <>oh a0 Ss earve)uh =thes anteh :oi ae STATENY UTE,SACL Gone ny mispyeialatten? aSie wt aprge sped pitts ee)Ww al oppe arinatheyao: om “tien civen to allcullvenG nisi tee Rene Stes :boASaoe8 *me he “BEER Loses RS TyRASK Lone tod So LONG &LONG,.4LAWYERS?Pvc oad Ses @ aSo Pract Cetin “State Hass elt Gate cpiers UiLobbins:cae :+. nie Soe a bethi Lo uf ©ui mareSRDB.MeLAUGHLY,~ AFTORNEY-APL AW.aS STATESS ILE Nv Meof,w~S ae vm ‘a Wists ar it;‘altecourte “S}elmila ete ia Lyon “Lf appe th ‘Lh ae -tion piv rn to the Vivir,Brabticb.sy f .i :Wi te Dp LEYYProp.”:- on TIE ave ShaVORK”BERULYEOUSEs<i €aap,Jiane Storesits SSPE shiz untire stock 9“Oe < BBieStefitBS A pre2x« PRICE our ‘Ranignae” oe NP:YOU Rg (WN ne0ujake:ro:var for “of Sprvig 4ehottHP Sa cone nee the re a sstoct n ‘ary ros Ve .Bigg est.-‘Bargain :<j Shives.Endits Capes:“Xt.me =that was ever nowynm be fores'.. Ke ep the location h 1 your swine’: “neXt i ror to the Mar bliy TE tsa *i hoon, SaShe “8.‘LEVY,PFov". ‘phatesei ay Le **agesiea;Be,Cites 4£ UL i. ae *ny> thos st f oe} en ab Scab “Shur Isr Ay Red-\suary welt "SEEVIC RPY BGBLIC nx PION + on ehi 3{ROE ao : TREE ul OUNTY. weJ.BRS A.‘A.ll aeaptene v *neSans "he Sad er B:Nareplony.: wat)Davida.Haiptgn.¢ sh (Sea ie:puke ydants Bow:janet “will take \¢Hotive that an action entitled I,raboye fas 3 heen Voninenced inte:Supestor Court oly Tree county to have a evttain der eae-s :cuted RycA A-Hampton to”Said defen *dants on the 10th day ot Oxtadet 1BN6.for “a tract of land iv Iredell epunity;,-contatsi- wi}Jpg 248 acres more:OFS less,“decjared Vol :‘asto the Uueditors ot A.A,Lansptt “and the’plaintitf,his adnrnistrator,and also. :asking the se of said ttact ‘of ‘way hake assets with aviaich,td pay the edt ot | “*s\*said dntestate and te eosts:and charges.ot} kde -admiiuistration.sand ‘o)So _will turtlicr take notivathat they apern “qui vd toappear ak Ute next,term,“OFhe. Supersor court of Lredelbcotiptt,commenc” ing,ouikeptthMonday attérthe ist Mov" gn in’Mareh,TS9S my the “court Apusein, me REC:,apd adpwet.or:sentty Betx +4.the Complaint in,Said action Sete sinh tt 4 awillappyte theCoury:for thereae de: andedt in the eoeigeot!fot Se his 28 hi aey o February,1888 Hy WOEU RCHES,-@mitvieCounty. ~a s ~ t f a -span -oe ns a é¢os ** oN he ne ae dosedNOEL ae TICE isThedeby.given at pee eo “holding claimsagainst Ute jestate of eS ox Bass,stb Ssa :=undessigned o o resent’.t Bt 19th of February,3895.,aaa nitW.R?NESRITSSOo JeB.Co-atelty.Att See:"Astor &.ie AND“SeCIEENT.*FIRE:APE AS LO Pag ,z , 8 oa "STATESVILLE,8 at ay }eee oRFICE i “Pirst NietionndBank WILL KEER FOR.SALEseesspringallgradesofFertilizersforcernandcottonandwillsellthemaslow.as‘the|‘Jowest.Don’t fail to come::and”see”me:"“and get m¥prices:before you Bas.a swith)“have esreatJ.:T.nd,Ss Ress ee oer tlnies furni— garestore.,z Gyoo optiate Gating5 andes3 Guns aro the %teat‘ema eteogs sie ip +Dk Richard,Joraga:“Gath Tnvettaror’the farponse |mig »death which sears ;‘his: Pon),Saw Bagh’forty a part vf hn “spectal®st roying.gyuipment ot, PrAgtiCe and.axe ‘Okthe’world Jentaged,insClleveliun¢ 4 “spructionral T nromsty(ce YeunaGh:DEW :"ehanicas Dye fd mat hprnaticnls W ts,ste ee agctontpr Lo ee sorte if act, =Ace Lor,Nowesy;bem a> fans bv training ayid:prot Hc ae Hot CORNIGEr.DO Vee via alk the’cures tynd}near 3 j crlpory.of hiscareers =; When asked haw:Heer:aie ane” devote his ipa to:ihventing,inp eee inénts of warmer,Gat brs:R unease: |fhinkines Welle sedek is olathe history s0f wy BNE Hy Mots A Iie s fiat have,jrethted thor Were Nia f chia:datily:I:SAE -Wire of Erowtis vhk: PhiTeones fing wthant’z Sind’“wit,jomiivedby.Those losin vtlone the deyatTiaassa the Bg “bbeAnt yea a hyoe Sodiele Ayo Ge vt Tet TK hy 1 Eyeny“of Hise orn tio WiePOMee.eSiSfenkal Entry tidy qm!y aeaae pale Stes Usuatot seta ae wae he _W mt er.Clothing |to:“werk a satti se ae 2 aes was nid”errs SOUtHNO >WashiMicdertanus ¥ bbeFaliore AVE‘asanozet rob! Chiclwot,Guanes; “Poul rd fits Rote ULiny.ae.ifinar ony actat starved ick W,est?but) Lee:pic ve tre fie eee Bie eytothe d ‘tweety vereuns .ota yt roguelssot au snition,fo: ea’‘hefor,S100"z s *‘af destrsctpur. Gasys the’{a be ter rhe denulets e etn to athe? expe ren cesunethe ‘Phatay eaiet tMhseite rye chibe Gea ee Gt - nds*to bghict threw:ap Reechads‘the sgid‘defendants:rey atdd thatthe white 7 ava rdexi Bis Sr ary ahd walk¢eto ee ‘fethitonHoty ae \aq Cen,eb Br ye‘2 ‘|Broatiway,Council’Blugs,bu 4 aLoiil Rumbokisst.Venver, :jag sickiner' 7p was fotly,restored to’health byheartily’a .LbI "FERTILIZERS.= “{snerves: Reacp Presecvers.=re*ae:Yo ifé mice vanie*‘ avery ee in ict Ker cateyated pi: 4 upson,sie Atgic pr Ths:fe ie % yost ja fas ty SVoAh, peeSta s¢elise”a TeSine if thot:the ta Neure:ia ou Oe eeoneussWeapons xh7 Hth mij aest wanereds:indest ais: HporitioneTdimen’ons.car th. 7s Carolinianw by:“brethe but abte Cleve‘jaud his’howe eTOr <n &.<He cenies:by the’ SSoO: boy hetooks yaturaiky:“to. Glranic.aha sh YCATS MO “CONCE vec: Nhe idea whtch-resulted tyy The WE ce sie nar tt +oe}ante high Herr tc : as.beached.the height ,baughtipkeme‘nts.althoneii HR sixs bis DiCowles,weapon.ts lard toc impuc “UY Syfic is So wwebe mae.const®ue ted:for be 7 whet ii bey Giehe-4Wich Ayia,Loptalt est GOser 24,nett, aN yelieves*Swill:ae whe oe ‘replied:oP.snp pose 6 thal do Hot ledge:Pt terous OF GeSth UE Ye:nica viel:xlr¢ Uioskaets is Lain 1p.es WiTEACGte ae “thas the! Treat That.an Un¢wlsigterney Phos aeAe. ue!ie,invent aaunas well rs SG ~ aie ue WETC.ee ri ees durahes Lived os Tatiana por 7ral’AGeL, ice }bev {Se“iy >Phe maths tochipy wit nteseaf Tee:Ww Ee aha!jUbre <3 ty jy ¥vit fox DY A itifoe fy hi ~ ,Rometisies fn oe Khia VOR.rae lybo SOF x ccéltrtki ned atdcatl t seg Thy parth am Heel Mave SLdestoneieTR“uke fi ies yi te Rist aataike Sulrissst se yf ernig Ins x Rg all Remit, Maspeth a Ser oh “a Canre SOR YES Tieng he Olen in thé oS ABik Soni:LeeyeBUGHEWhyibgewUCSs “pats 4deDayMilage easily “reyhaeturfsatfoere weauipiettock ek)aewb:= Det )hit skHebe onSusghorfee “er At ee: ft Ler she aS uhes 5 and C thew:batt:ht.ho Lt feubusiastie,4 angst “ur aud Cay.ages a Dr Gatling fhin!ts tlrat He.Tete vseti where yt a!ienageWikhardct ."bre &Sif Tor. arbati¢ic MEN Lhtyr Ort Ton-tie arp,urele orn oie us Mase Ger. “campau ae hes thé battery,Ot Catt Were ww\SChatregadhdturned:dia distantetree:oe axhprit Me)Shots had’eenx tired athe8 Lasire WasCrow‘ahd.soft A rideripa” Mife too Pickin Wwhose-a md st Bistht §waySktgedUy“Thea eaewun:PL :ri 8eid $ Neri ate sa oo pos to.fi; yment:“avithin f, twelve montis from ne dire of this gotice }°)". or if:will be pléeadin baroftheir ee os aha sae no’moresspemoomkeposiee‘eoadrth thandthst ofa MHréadenste eerwOn his steady:nctyesicicaeas : sqtieopmmand,en aud.thegers»Dre Sales"Rerging ape merece are >especialy xdepred:wy ‘valaine eye andpertsc: pend the ‘safet xot the.Tig pot!dts’ p other: Pkgeptng themerves steady,’theTandthemiénighfoetaliesuninip Engineer FB?W.<McCoy, wrt“sdaffered tox pears trov:Constipa!‘ous.aS Hea Nerve’&Liver Pills.atDr.Miles"ee“Dre Stiles"Remediesfake.sotd “by alldrag-“gists under‘a positive“guarantee,first.bottle 1"Denefits ormoney.re-|funded.Book’on fae!pam ah ‘Sateen;Xe asceepteemeo are eat page ey a =oon ds ane are soe W%rigs A pteGo eo of re “i augt tote:Seas aN “hiss oN Tike aes,digested ie the Gor “(nas ektli-gen! oslis BEve ey ie eS ol ar title sned i alt Shin IyieNani prete“eh;ced Saati €exper t- xipkude itsel{*ane alt “Other: theories Of:cordilance Jeoustroctiin. Veer? er thie!finst Mea that Sven*pRomn):stn Mefi oseSaya:x bret was eatayn tr aS +)bdekan brribetag bAG buses Ss genic tite:st dena ‘ifivdBins ea mediss aeSteet aeAutstie re FOr aks welyse As By {erin eee:thre °py tyk:ott iis unaaeds Fav li cotlhye;tr ogher Mk might stavtat UBQnic’The notkere would :etek “grep bau ite,propor teckTimtySay inti ber forayidsseoQUETHTinstwyatttid1 base ~Lastitle ABU.}Tput oy Nipind “at roe apie tae Popid gts APs asap, ti Tig.yyWitt hor SURE)Ws,T Lshe ads te for ‘As gaps‘Shen Thesis ig Wyetrea64 peo ial’eh.“ut gun tof GYanypar SS Seve i sie Se "des ae oy ,apid-fire gun,hirs dgne it Keecmamnatythiniy:hits dang.intthewa “the Myére FPRESENCE oy Hine ciniurt delberriabled |e )es 3 talogs Dosear Sai panesret te aN oyWy ee ee fin toe Sieqds ti mire y fe ¢bideReaver stopp’‘peraie “s£act perEagineer:; ifies.to.Betgiek Received From”© pas Bonk5 now res am ae . ons:Brute Fen:tote:ane ay Melua Messier::ex ‘otis Pole th:uth wv an 2 foursee 3 alughPts BeKNsl oat Ta Ywit e}4 ei “nwe fey aeynayyeutate~ae Lbs.ytvo eas puny¥gine peaah an tehiftacrecetif2ieMsSeeaay ind tas ite rast hec erp eget peop eae after th uae rig: Cetpier wie 2a Ned NN al Polaosian he faite:‘th arts ev TutrsSaniett ed? ities pepeRipe Prete» =i a ee Ae Ind.Guarce.Silvey. fPO this,fracas:bose rere Mt )Phe sie nothingwothSass tet Spe, +fos Ge “yn hieie is oo As au Sactat uty ge artived Cig WIteWwas uc Tale aod:otliea | 245 tt wv ithe hres Pant es te i wk et )«seins au i% ads RGERRL oh bo tay,ta tn By oN hen Bolicea AN .p oomer |tudes K RI SHORE tissation, hire tok %a th homme. yt CPA +~'s — by CORK i anet er suai’ he yOu ma |aires ted:antered.+ Tey beth:ve ith a tale oF by‘otal “OL police“ena,iu a as tt}shia Ph Saas Sys “ecomiduer’an ‘the part: Toi Ager und,”(ia jee r Indy }somewhat Exc ited,dud durtise?her.5 recveel!4 4th tears.me c Poth,1a ies stated that when Pact hE es niin Toone 1 hed ul.Alt son dard Hyoriner we re iu ‘thet,rkscf cand ie ith”them. h IS «!mt tet to wits ‘coe dione?alu |Policeniant Pouner sat agely stab! eid Hold of xune Guawir and:‘told: hem togeeks’:rvhimself unter sur Mis. Meinory.tiie)said: “are Pre oaks lai:be ste ‘“Poumen: rp vay hits.the officer anide.un:din per te} reply atGMe ant ar Aas ny Us pars! Shee brother and:threw oebegul 1g ay reve ays the Sidoveas ce Nca a my ge “Me heaR: kes scl i aeattaswe 7 ie un at en sans Qhsire&Tr gas Li se re Batam Jas ©verb AvHear?z hs yt be.epee ab sent enee YhHs Hicks ‘~Je pittjafic ionyétfay the eect:ria ieZe vas esit.ioe RI Cie x abysiege wat ee Femme ht BasANE fas:itfy 3aehee ie) Lerom agleq:p?tine’spate Fitints] tehog tt catgle trypeeiWhinRe “AR4 a Reseed yectichalyitel ane ANCOR, oN mitered bo sear :fextend Ltt| ;coptti tye SE may,Sto dex ae lense of Me oypee.Dyt werd: gue’GLbePSindnd.ngy ka Hen pate c Win we eh pa nezelhy att mst,PRor eos sone WaleARNOT at eg =p Motecain itye?a powenyful an— 7svi.TER,piste Income wix sey be int t seAn ccSURO Phicgbotios that,thn?| tae caanl COTE:Ser tan income sou tout elev ig.aydeul Leh “by, at eonseen Tie sity.pion ee ats adreadh:‘appr oprtaied:Cattres|. potat the.packets,of thespedplitah the:basis-OF $heiéndede andl Rowin a somdbielkers ate Aleit aMlny US jAy Digg icon Mas 4<5 thet ogy ntact?* of iwaed ovapytaedisvit prov: podth Teatngafitin’fo pansSapa ee Hts:cpriyed:hit stpeti iaes poemonwpy fETANGcod T-wero Atund)e:ph Ledrdited BeatWiencay eae its spire)the:buy)ng i be nee and,“Nt wie se a Po Se 2 z A 9 ee —_-* «hey Stood Eire 1 pow: Ins sf)o e cuuys ASO ZOU:. “tae raeIclita5 itavor ee 4 Rats mick “arent |5.>.:Sy 6 Aus m7 ule we* Re dgoh oa eet Mr!Juhu Ife Peston dhe heme te agit Juembetmartin Biulvetuy Con Is Gy ety inch=¢:san ~Ip threats ae Picea |g uLosvertuk: Stand, ther 2M Le)»bet ae “ artis |.Bais iva: sxiby phe Jac OF from’SfErcgs”tht.»“ave.are! Pig bad oot inty.the,(gant yetts “by his couvict fos i but toe ¢ s}aasons fer a rath ister ine RAS ine“mn rer of Whe:TAM feiilee a gnauly ihadefor;cia jnieadd WC sili al vogatctt dhe,.ig pit ‘igna wun as,Baar au:forranie ray C he eS ates «"shintasttin.Ve ERS ts Sees and Racks he,soultte eee 16g vise {* [sft act LG pe .eesmathe) Sica eSCOTES By ukus Fouel Iby Rhea pedpie”BST mieaveds, Tee idekongs Pek ey sAug he Dleadingsrrigi'fist Vopurt ehh gas be a a Cratlvoayeal phesea rtOnceahSalagelstayoFopualest|cian pi Of pho Boot.gisy!oot aa sith Me Deirsot re tpin eto Pe Sriven|, eae Position Ne pfssuuacae wheby te”natesaveretSedueosh:iy pie Gc dof Mr.Guldweit to be dictates xo by ae Gowernér shows yat wher a ales ag Siged £1:HyDa iy A heltTest eave HIRSCH NepalBogs1 hssthes yt:tors Doe mF :*a I *at oThis.Satan,aApavieteSK airist skier,whateegrmneh ‘ae Ley Rall 4}ot Cotyae:skews “ondta betes dsb stBet;gnddickers,tiley:have (Roser tet ot Yparh >Aithowsi,irene:Shas been:anehs tale Of Atawcins*by|thepemplg.the:last Legivigture ge "|myistrated thetCee por q HuGns dons:wedy tlc‘utones poe eeeastRaecome 40,better of asegvant ot thé peoplelixit..* Lo igs.pootecstuns ison that,HEnOR ED oe justey passed oeon.Reapers pahdpprovawhyKa ;os ak 2 4: ees ve & dhasé a ated: Y*mehy t ie 7seex erty,nF UtaLss TRC Aitiy. Das:“He1had’ heand slay ke As peer a x““e) Waryoe y Sh a g a eyoy t a:ay Bre Ceotbeitn OF igco oeser Red.MM gn Constitutions:the a a4 ‘The seople ‘Hare Gifted’WHliaint}Jémmings Bryan opt ay,the,‘apostle, .of a‘ereat rev ofurion,an.“eceronii¢Hupristug which for..iscmygpitadeEliowitscompletenessfandforits“ce: Q Ncisive eharatter will thake the’;paign of 1200 Pally as,memorablé'a.Wwas that of 1800,whet the fy eeFJefterson.'tiréd of“Fegexall Sm.fa- wzethetwithall thatat tmphett hklel, lives?is 1é Amencan hasts against tht coty<]binediiprces of Officiialdont and es- in eléanyTyi2eOple ais against Khose who”ould cerigad wasybemsserts ¢andabens.;°../ £peers eto be ten ty wsraeachAtHuntington!W,i Vac ‘test sana ‘Thursdg y Mark Sterehs;aee,War Veteran:ewvitted,FeGoss.ayyouny«Mtes"mend*mibtioma:abot this trnisism .into Stevens ‘alos Bing:tus Don’t Tobacco tad: 1sMo quit todaiccoPuetidtglloflire.nerve:ced wean“FacctueSeniesa ceooe = f pele:All “droggiats,sc eed Bookiét aga” ap.{ ang’fhe:latterfined8trey ‘vetets poi fg peed reap solenywie YesSte bate AffePrt deben aseae at ORSpapish se))towed:x Geer YeRedhwiwoundedang Matos:Angepge jtated.foe:nyt Qari:the rit ity proven it watia Cubar <ey pact!gw Deen:rocpitiastit Uy & goths {idm reviable soi Iris Ni sar:te)Coaict arly,Mate iiie ‘ acy RSeh.aeAssibwed dj dbtat y Wen Behee The:evils Teas: !ae.-rite IN estimated:Higgt 1 hive for omni litars:perposes. NUintribureed“thra:ighout the:epee as Surcy some time?age. reekProlloes : beados r abe in the ay ers lea ae eee del Ore Eunosat in the province oF Hav tlareelyo in Uicmaturedt home ereaards C orrespondiny tc-our.State witht There are AD.qua mew ave effectivetyr military:duty nlous:cases:Spa tie!:4 The st rene hi of:esa Amine at home andYincladind ler ae posssionsiix LORGOO nigh Whithe (nies.uf glean:toa®pddition at oe ay AiGhps etear FyehiaesBoonie,a ‘Vigrs nay De MCKE:ised?As“fobow sit iy Vir st reserves OY,YON; ‘aud pePked |eoe 1605000.ure inal at whew.wrebe Me Ory Aa frome the:seve);instruct;de ity Twnhtary tactics bond:a Second reSeev eiwhi¢hts hot:inst me ease:O07 ue “pe:mtk (nen alht pent fofultos Gt ar se iurds rene:rece iyvdabe:nee Peary ralesoftoY,OUT etSe Men slic aky:i sain ROR of, ifone x Wal.|“the.Sry Ih:SposstSsions 4 Xi Sorry cepet Sat the"Patnyy Ke: lands.: oot lie Pavite Iskinds 6etag ip <trains ‘0)thewbaal |La :=: NES,ghd Ava r Rewer ali rerhtoaty cishaggedt ddimibs tEtimeyoe:war,TeBeadbeathoe are nobdit the |"we tothe Spapieh 3Pov yet Ta 7 Porto Richy 3 *Sacintsnntenmpdastel inthe event ps iyHaostaliziessoull eswuplynesitied Rie |this:mbr iis.pe ek anda wo pS ThisShrocwing gay ree Wwat qasomeSwe,in,‘the aeEneS21itsWentbutin,UNE Sie anee wight a talk? beefnitigthe work?batt”fete ix we pected wy dis She awvalted as hear iy wer Sroung?ac ;Ashiund Vda,wuchr :tate Wrass nfqnanding,4 “intien thi tv ¥isy ead ‘Sie stercaiped ea The%cies!yr reb Tiyan an they nid,tert bdshed atelier aast} sped.Wy;bet Myst Nesbies.ore rer:se Patt fiat,Tepper casspe awent] nee tn thesHopse andor ater Whentshe:beturgedts to tie “seaetienégre,Fragigials,whit pe a had. Pmatiy’Miss br dst hrpe glidtyat:ft:2c iice oy Bie EM arid!ilies sat ished.spa gre ae tieCt.é ,iifofxaehghOe).sae ment ahaa at ete NS a Parry:her:‘Ouie rote Abe Sbub ea Remihee 4 tablished thi:reign “ob.the coumon)4 4 ae i Ggreieierah Open piseaie’s Actry. m4 hatech.iat * aes,at cK Rope!pes to.tie recards*‘kept. gt nei petal he?Aes a apish Ove fpmient.oF CAGOE Brogt atesand’Same source tonsider able other ieioonakfor-taastore beeing On ‘the’mrntary aRh hyedtakuit pide eye}Keech Sireie ee os Spaid aedae “Sebite:aganC ies Eh yet at Ot <=ait it:Cimtais ys:os SO:eek es “obtained.”The pa rant Priingipe ad x tay Lares Then:are eae wok ee a Cuba heae Spatnts:ee Lesethiyselay thyt isSatee.” 2 of theOw ‘bytvd|voletmtecus or at aNRedepeee< Me rivet,‘Woranaks oe a, yen.“oie Nowe MBSith!eee Sethe Bonick«Map.t.0.7oR: forees<p Ww it iak sy} drt Howan 1 Chia dy sod The x:Yarv’ot itcet iS15 ui os nde tO hn t PR cir.weent! xfoxptained:,Ther,ne abe ip hope 15,1100 Po rsian aa Swiis Prom thése the’“Anibassadby,- tHe help.ne achalf ‘dozen ‘able-beaied eae extorts the oath vamed, Fenawore,Xcgordingto:current| ee“He Surfers frown ate.hardRetii He:ts iD,awe Cr: ue NiV4qeirny ign sentorcdk: oxcgwen* <3 The .be h spinctitts sand guySad ax reBute:r“ein z Sati sts oe tranibte3 ou willfimd Awaremedyyounieed, Ayvou are’“pet quit®wll’ may d+i is easy ta tell'bShinechdrtwenty-four hodrs,upbealthy:condifansettlingindicates‘an: Of the kidneys-;.WhitisevidencesfkidquentdesirepatrdrsdulleeBasaroofthyt er nee toring.« Thereis[airyfulfillseve deere ryt Te wish Jn udnary strow! Seethekidnevs—the-ce thetentire com-titutrpatyouShon néay * three’Seceentpore.on sthe Teamerece:£4 cBroprietorsof+thi »Paps =eepalin tingeae¥oa ak Seof,peeoffe:bs Mies aeois ‘ ioe Cay Boe Sehgsiart gorgeae ;segond Font”mans Sivee ee there Are D:000 Stsa Necro. “RIN <t of ae tiedis pra Ge nietint =U: ®sCrawbicustorPRlic.Life: ieaoe York“: Jasleniaind 1x bah Fe presents a.organo:|ys hisslugkycde ‘in es, “The myie ere oe “yoo 2 eat Ag Bis,er §:diy,whhes Mid:cannytoort enient ly] sik.that,Mabuigund ‘Ighannfyst sein at der int aamen int}, whenese he}. nerSuara “ashe,se Tes| seas to the &enordplontatiloe af= ites | aehene ettiek x cay it a tiehie Ams, Catcondi k ‘panit’‘you nate eianey.Iver or ntaadilr f getabxious-aboutabrir halt na aes‘Todtte-: fy,urinafe,n pthe’Pack is Yio eneheskidneys:arth.biad- empa ks Orspdkiporate=eformsoe si Root'giye new:lite“¢aiseof trouble.butbytreatingtheynepsitactsa5,=,wietienetye‘Urumel-sprice tts erie and onehave:#.satpplesbypatmphienbot<e'iit free by mailwi send your addressHamton,-Ns¥-waramtee aa nN Fe oetis"2 UBD ; tig oS iNT eeSh>o ne is: ire ;thie DAVOC Ty og nige ‘depetat“eS optese “Theyaetethe close,ES Speer: pees es re,wivsSty :apd’gre ee a ares “not!S ‘trons ot tell deo! Tee ~ CS<only 35.242.> alar°-finty ‘ Balttie ig:2 f act vr eve)iS):5Soyaed Wl NtLOR weere iA a ee te eat ayOLN:Reveot “piv 6 ma ee:ite Nognx.eines t. x 4 G8!hye:‘Tse resple are Soa sw tS scaeorderus poe=bests ap nee:eo sinar,“desirie athe:aMegtions: your ALES 8souldDeure:autre “hs at OtFate w eee“putaies.ey. Fattaciea : i ‘bean.ioe gees come:int Cen ery day toy“:eo«ee suber AYii be mer |The .Bige R +e pee 5 ! They ree ut pera iPS o c run¢l< w ort A e @,Pome oS »BretPe.hws Crow:eae EbRiesssionsSavsee {ot 200E,thotise Ao ok &a ot“iniadsis pSoocsbioli 91teexBaitin :duniber oh:Bieeee Tt ww as a ft for ye Souiigstons who:} Sone: the.ceoe at:then ailsBow.oe employes once, %‘mands.mareSoa “Sm ogeea)ay aie ekee ‘alle¥Qung, \sins 3uve pn to:attend Mi b.asAt asche,Of:the.Beat : rations Sc hogls4 iy the Sante:: 0 vbr Mase Ie to Aes ed With spur Fins fer” te.ap vi "ehieie ®isl:“be ‘bel dea:=rom ie Pettec seed « Find,Ap Pee. ait faye thi anishtpinipye,YH 3 ;r M tleANE, “ar d@agl cei aver drgu zit tis ie name “Bs lowe t aN ats i | tee "OF :“tained in aBdcgilher‘St,Yess:hy [oN- Zamith,ails Bite,aud Ey LT Sele af the Piurd aioe ville;3 ¢ id4runs SouthSstheticewest(20 > ‘Stamps,Bennett's corer;ates @ ay stone,‘i ‘MicTes Lea his line North te pore!hin cOrper theticpoles FAD fAV es WyAuge faa othe oF taining Dy.esthiagiss.Permeiot dy }‘or lek MeLSSeeCEAe ‘0 Ss Billi Lyysleg,’ 2 rinfield &DeineAte See [utara eee ee! PBLISC area isthac ~oeaoS Fd gu tas pisjol. ARGTN z aae os “ ae age sho com rer led,to Contributer. TeRoot,Jost the”Peapleare wmngt ‘aptta eaeato.t tas ee SOnuleager:Y Have you eventhough**that.yotr bidites9 OTRhecavse.of your sicktting-Sia. Bsoon enotigh.7halfsick*yt ‘your k:Psei MeNt-Ols) ine stains,lute. ctiet tion intenowine tthat cnetfKilmer's"’Swat iieving od astizitye ro aL: the. stamps:ta:dover:bottle?Mention try heehang ep: Sct myrl pec’toeaS amy {aiTpack ang hands >Sue took ber afatbey handapothen!t6 ,the wstene,aad Lol howStores Fhe-father’:‘asked *herey adcusgd sdatzhtor labalit ierim xd iedosedthat!heswas!‘gupta: “feat <8 hans * mand aut sdrgte 4 Poea7cS what a prcei nent=the Gr+ intrates ‘I disper tes:» schoo. lor -diseharde: aesrg a 6nstablRaicheea hie,heTenwhiosSpee woeol thei gro:coustit nts-prey J aceneJed:to: be ie for vot va) eeis Seat BiG e iti Mm hip ty ay oe mabe atnig’op!‘that she higghustsdter,isbdShetrhevedber’sis ¥rere ‘she:faynd aa roy d Aibloterededya the noua ‘except4t a shedettiod,.bat nah}She-xon- Nd PDUd Ghamg PeSk was held:aeAas) OeHaga?what”the.-child-was ‘pare: Hive 3 vd.1 Gain iOty,death He:thist wilte2 was"varnistedti 2 “card wayshe iast aa ‘ A>i .Whee we ur ae hiyteville.‘ 3 ith pchoges: TG qoade-aspedtagh: tise heswds,ot 5 oi {: “the fable avithy.will :ef adser:istedsy,peor th, tas sist 18 crily {State oF cou ii the.“iy Zed |world Yiat:has} iitermyiorit vy.w—the neEpeS| fan Cyntre Mi ree &‘+fa tt be in judg ReAabesAweeneemetro.semen who.employ Cemmittthi okBt ith} robin :‘ fiot ificult>to. traction. a change”to. ferences amenyP youd aad eive meted andes x fe “sorrg:fellows:who't negro Se THe: idG ' inpanahDiggatat. Sereiie touiverkal ietJb fF th Soshad-athistdetey. utoeegrameee as:Diet Hedt “Tiis:racer m Ldn Rony sYork,and itwas”noe Be thet. dane ofa "well--kgown”ot |Fnance.4,Who ~he.is bescobra oe notSeeeei ae‘stat,i called ag.Be ae e dy teachers:5va be abl a ae iseBeas.ioe further” Mima ¥1 Yt pi ncip t iy to:aesthe iintegrit [ore edconics §:Flagt.os 0 try ChAn aeceesme ISe zaneeore. ait Balda>which? alest digtest ee ene STE i gn she Alexatides county.ty eS «undersigned EXECUTOTS Of sa %,mar TT a“MONDAY,AVIAN,447i tia Abe follo wi g deScribe‘id thas t-at ASOUL E XY. NH Staves vide.- we shave just dee Rome & iY akinds of iire vcerchavapn ‘Apythi n -a fresh aq Uz ‘yesh Cres renf heavy‘and RON ie nba wu i‘pr your pat s:)in the a patrons.1G Ww sso R LOE |Fan 4 * ¢“}14ivs vers ~€ F ve you.zlvodvan irire i eet N es 1 you we 'Som ;At the 4 ;cand tu Ps tte to hav -:'FOQUS.me Saeed a Van M.his. oa ie —_—— DrREt TLON,OF5oftheSaperiorGoust emeraeat’Febiuaty :ates lees .wO8 DAY;“PEN,Vatmeon the followeer Nore 30 tas ‘a lack Baltee uh ©Commissioners sale t iepnies to,agock,Nach6)soni ‘ap-oldtace®thepee”Nésite 1s x be 3: e West ate.cons} :for “$1:OF.“nen 's :ae.t‘men isitisie \ ofat pur-placé«of)apt f tospleases« yet tes Saké.«Remember we diate goodst Sit . a *)i: 1 your way. York Clothing:H ac <bovis.wMixe ness uits 23% oees Pry Wm «2 n? saaa subj vanett:onae collateral a oO:EE IC RS. iG a persone) halt pwints,and vredited or rem tied yi ;Saenie en Hagia=aihe JL.in vi;Vice Pr is tochtk TC AX FIT YO With t .Cailal forap .vall-th “Cloth:‘Shirts, and G héavy+. re Ne\ee oe I has ~.offerm CREAeT Over THEE GENS J am aANY BARG* _7%your shop you in the -*fort to-th +Under»*Overeoats>$1:‘Linen Stampe~Men‘s and Bd‘teria in Me ‘Extca valae- taeeat 3 Taps qenBeShellUh watt Edge t tet.”C *-piete Glass Sp cial offer Glass CakeHandsomefi arerin—¥i tsoniaeaeid White :Biglot ot Ti a ‘ +7 = e IN TheDERL jAND3 sbi cocktasAs} oe *s t.2 Ne Fo mm .‘=<SUSE iz.~ INS aneaie y.Re ees ae 3 =i.32 (a)wee ae r >ees oS ae £ ie Gua Ra ree TWnes ASTARGEEARCUGATIONfom anes é a~“J £>49 3=,-satesvay,EON:eoatKSDay.,Pssaeegst,3kfioas : ie oe res pel tt SE Lak gk Oks |7 a ex ee er Fat Sean Saees os Sorguenpts aa ote akED COUNTY.«2 =.tee:7 uey,§2 Kot aa:ue,5 Re Sie aeEat iy Aen ae Sheet:ree retires ae Mr Geo.Ss sans |iy’OP “baie,wy fas a :Porebea x ae eee vaya a meg Ne aig Pediat’te ae Negy tant Pater ist,)m site Gk foie Me sry we ie :a is MONEY MALE.rs Vivir ga!ae “apt 1 isSuvecanted uh “i xe De‘Ep oe ‘eee =2Lae as he te i ae]are ne bier fe a wor aetae Cen x.3 2 m4 es Zs Sheer at ‘‘ce tO,save it is ut.tpe big,‘closing out vale,aL Boston i Bros.“decior F.Nes:MYTiliatins ~tLe OWHer N a Be ae peden ie =CAC Bn At tee We rsAsie .ro.tul:sich ups :;4 :aud t yeter Letras the 1s i eee XT wie Sr i Otters Lozi returned rr ef A :a ee :ae sesita ¥ue ml at wast ;n vt si oy iV -O ar Cost Sale multe:Gelcctinne |Summerioe liasicdite‘da,Analypei er,(day nigh:Tmt LisSb asiness.STEPS Y,ter :|Gini Hatin}Te WES ;ae Nees see tae Sain Tone Eup aod:sre W Hivanrs:bur’Cute:ligt 6 hiss a Roe et atti Ri Sa ae:2 Ms114a"ing rvogls;‘the tate jenswagood.thi Qe UREoy they ;thetrec 4 >me ;.*, Sed.the res do.our-talkaiy.,:#So come atic:Seo.beat yoursel?element airain:wheaa]he “Pe pris the é nae ee Gd to 50 er-cent.saved ->.alt,ees GeTR Cling,“of cateba.J were)aa i sherlpiifAeeeacsmi-Rips Singular oe acslust Thttat:“say aed tikiby.Hodis:; :+~Se Weckey ¢’*Hie a ¢ on a >enedh,Drvv Guods ar aes orpat manyai anss:tut ay ay lige:f bt see ic:ti:at ihe:Tote oefy Gh aie f J PeGamble,Ena.“yretar ned ts:iO pyopertey i €*:it.*ren ees”renwaveadHALEstvcaebrttistderedeed,it Uber stil ‘fay the idolatry Go Lot wont wore Phis frais ee au ia visit:‘to -Fie fenton bo 3 nn afr.ad Sirs.|aeAy Sticaeund Gay las aS One,tim x dit thix WEES!=Boe)Ae5ff5aeenY Ai f.y POS TON:BROS.thas“a public bene fabigr.-War a a bas fee ;3 erraine co e=ry “7:xe ee f 5 f oPe CR dott st ‘a=SUCCESSORS tol POSLON BROS.eNsua.2ppevianyye of GaLadsuid be alle see)MW.Sea tiecabibanerelt in ¢no have not yet tes}pounded:16.ee who ©GAYte ther Phatast resurt sf ahs Hatior le dis sul t.Ale Salsele b rf Oui ees!oe $i »7 ~!rs <me, et S)INGall;We mast el th at th 3)Ss i fay J een Bg es leringsand ilard ships,“While:ety bateriat sa rs aie Gah ;:SOlitclile gbt civti re Jpap.or,‘fall -Re Re a Wee eye t :Th ‘a Py YW CMOS avily Ame Ms foto d {sede ey Tear =saeco!hh;heaytly’s2bon.the:poor ‘and Mss it 1h.McGfraps Ale SEES helpless:“Ler U3:Shcope that:tAihyiit.er a Ste Ps M a;Lone daly: winged peade fs will ae stbide:with, 4 BeareSiJHisbuny “ “vas here ::“fiers 4Copeligteds-C fartLown,Ss.C:.“parte er.sloees Fao.men were baie hand friend,who ‘djed last week,shadd: cine:Bean ea a oe -peeS|al 4850 000 Insorguce att His dif.es :pies Sees ty piss dpe bay Mes Sekt A:Adame:ré-baque -(}:Wex Ltn i 7 aUSE STE ae e copy ai editgriah on Hon:tutued last Feiday trom Baltimore,| ::Win.ib Bryan.from the W ashingfon tives Adamns was totic P aehtcd peony Leela strayKadi:ca Sohtf be ke ee aun’Caras in.an:art‘ot my Chee a =.”Dostsy Unhie Mere -a enclited.by ;hic aa Tonsil si rAt Rag a p na cory $nhke most?ot 12 aeteHhtbe treatment eich Gas rs sega:at azine wt Hi svat:£Oy:oP .eee ae nagted Glass Ware ts jest ine TP would:be vlad Pero Pdailtas,hat¢greant anit fair pape i Hop tt \ae |we S30 :for choo | -the:ge especially s“to comeyin and.Ste)‘these ‘:3 Johns Topkins olin Pass Meet Hs a hts wile.Sepia }EN ER a :‘ Es just to that sreat mifn,though tt |.Q Ee stat ae oe ;oak ne Yi at dCoewe api ck ey a Med pe eee :se :roi 20.Ot ahink that ¥th CZTatin D>me tease ATM ELNK*Seog a Te Wp at panes:got ‘endorse djis.views.In 76 1 At-a meting of the ree ats’Mets awe’+eS ro ALA OG ce sree :ah if 1 weet ii sa TE,YOU:ALye aN oe £is Rm er Byritwhj Springs /Orphapase”ist Cyt HasBie a CSO Bn Tee eae Tei Rn Teg:ode :Pe ae nab ity.Scan, Pre eahs ines Siew ee ettjou gayent ‘this:Post is the.ory,tegit ¥a ana heaianeat hegu oe aaie nk ye oy |pe to,5 we Ae:MbRC be Wee GeoRSS aS eh itAvag Aecitvd ‘to et Ct,thee i aS EEN mee Cea)0 e hd Aa Ke kom :;is ‘rey ~Need:of"‘Specks,ee Wins Y :Ussperia,egonates We barat,wee bulidipen aLt anee:St ceMd ~bo quads ujon her wd 2 Wopne pote:ms Ronee Nahas §fait biyt :“det ;*&ape 7 %<<i ai ghd ee .be PaPu tkaeh ~5 ‘F :i &aN yey 3 ‘E?ig ¢YP RECTLY.re ie Meg fae!Mee iP wf sh SERGE IS 00d,and?eliable and 4S edi L es aie on nd 2 t pee,lwreed £0"yield.3 4 es ae see 7 ;aig \4,4 Ay 4,:af won ge & or th Lest qualitylof glasses:ee Phat big ;Aorvjals.re,oud High plineé an,oy aes ee and {ae a : i Rac Ge a ee x ;“Conotcr corres wgndetice ;lke ler:Sites Ga ey :: Laitons the:moSt re adabje published:3 Oe €—gna ee Laced prbpesition:“age beiid aS yt on ;sunt Aine Was blow pk The piesAsus 3}Our.poitides,who avant,a Raney pubs greury:.My ustin ine yan (hited Starck to parecepest ee es mst !Autti caeh A ns he?Herslat %“fick }dishet,Latthe NCait ional ‘capital,Gan ifetlekelastaweph fox “the Sate of:Be:hip 2 chs *.a gees ae ag taf eet ae mca ;Zk PRE :. ae Hf yitier 1than'to ‘subs@nibe “for SiC where ther Ex pect 05 Sree Ae S ee oe the Host Qaily.#6,Weel yd cents |ways thvirfutuve hom.aM lisse Bt it Goltar,ae “inward,whHor had & a yar..‘3 mem TE Lis or of Mr (a FE:@ing “at?Sta =ae rppeecd a White ‘orl ia Mabi,.LHe ve “Aa fae “Guba 7 Ca :Ce Kimo Ok eS if eek ne Seesjob soxtushipy Hemant ied at Cpt Was Jfound riddled wilt LlWay ha une chewhlaw ae Pg 6 PROF <a a se of pEpose ohOtr sottoyfar mers.are Show:x2|9Xeterelitd had begn livips bale teefor naa)laste week.riephe &i Behe qo at A BT ee Se ge PF Bet Wh POH ss Asal Aes ae ne sraid,ee Apap fo Stic :oat «‘a ¢Ao ep ae pe RCE Bie i BN ee a but matey dhe postive annéuncpnelt noyrad the:begmnitig:ppetiencib¥theevibeffects ofthe god aefine;Mascon:Le et Const:tt Raivelie get ¢Ona fo Lad a Rt Oe pee ub MvyoulI aap “nat to, ae ota sone as 1Oae ws Weare fn bugnress Pthath>“+7 Buindgrd.“Thaprice of cotton,bsSpas 50.i.Hole.at Wg Suirling?tady aut grand‘entstr:oh WES jar Rah hie fit st pos Loe burt.sibs ual oe a :4 out 9 orn Pi ates aac ‘ie é c f <<Tes :.:i : obetters‘Values ‘Shall be’soldat.any’Store ey ia hada steydily ~fowtnArd MantageefweseLinje fiom ‘Bape?$1th sDysctireslast Wegh to shel extent ae ahs7 RR oy feo ee en tes )ditt Fos|ye Such Laidekiers.©See wees showing,nese ec pntieteai vey Matt eS Vebe Since De,cease sil OASwth;where,“he,“had been att “eden“wniigtnee,<1.Qe ed S Kk Sears!ie::ie:att oy Shape .A jini:as Ay Nckisi x" :arractay Ges«Hite of.ae Roky wrong eran?TSak OnE pate ee etme epee)lenrarus at the:Carey site,a 3 : &»DEY Goods “Notions;‘Shaes Hais BiG,re x There.hai Jo-bpehashvancee Bas (fel:ot)¥larshaiie,Dr.fhe!ag WH pple ae Rady:Bee SHtvioht fi Sudt casheand:wTk he ‘sod AP pti dr:“k “1 ttre:State m slfecel yeoatd ak tis E :bare 4 SEE ‘bole “.*Sut a:a ers..y a5 -Ppti cy ps ‘ogpeticback.ty ae BasseRy *pa 7 Haathing BL bes.2 ORO,nie nh bee yn +.":::“ne :‘:. right t Doth our Dry Goods:“ales Path Sax!TEVOE RaKe yack a Hota a:oney-attertacht adie,sig4itecing iChita git eirae May Se 5 See De rt ea :::Ss os » 25 and;Veaes ‘RperierHewastravchps Sitflesmon ssgiling’tq the i :ie y Meteo mgr sg:feb twit oh:ufcSey soitsane ofionge ved ines u 8 bin wad They paces 'nstle.+t Tapipen to ‘‘r¢hants othe Southey it jergtare the@ “alsSuranée.as Ned a until how Cottomineellisns ab Town!FiGtIS€:toad tice.e,$f C Pana oS Reis ce ,ive Soe ee oy ah og LS ee Sa bs :5 ir h ihembeys of Mr:Mee"Ses ,“ B t a os t ee AL oA ill we f *,‘’ t shaving been bourke:riggt iorti as eto.Rlection efi:feesPthan |wer,beTOre.Knownj—Kt opelTangenoiir aint bine JQs oer hic oe wae iis pe a Beers 7 Ss NEM f ack ‘;aby.that the weights of.+ Zand priv,J+Wie aoey béligverin tblast ea ae RA the end vi the mouth’of Match,Tre,paveswerp 1,we Ak fo Thecac heb Bakery MiesBoytie Liensglipa hee P ps vs k Soy tee 2 mE 0 ae phesant sete pate m3 <* of iSR or price of an eS eeegoASa Las Sléction-of N Kinley Wwas toy cornet weednsahe:pan vb Meds ateAls Fopsbagstony asie to Di deathay ;se :suis aS oS NUR :: i at iia Be payer eotinene)thay:Tr willy led atte noes aut‘this.andjhe price,dfc otton ifas}dey or."hes,Baia aonPonce oebee rae ue sn OWnypet :x ne ee ayy +€+>i Aiea ¢:*Ge 2 : um ued Busine ss,rofitions And Soluce:aeon-wikl =nee F ‘to £6,UY re Of the “Yestora-1:arBethe big Suan.to TRA Lai =gern Aye goe”te Spote.LOCC tite wee =is tive .ot aoe oe eadKets 1 ash!GaN <Momyh ee a *tign afcouhidence®:<Grothe.about fevoursknge dsBigot:Thae Ne Monr?SSiitere :mat Rey"BY catmoyenbe ce SE ae x eer es ne rat -Et ari!:be ‘Ror:rDiefend-. ss ee 4 re bycehibes’SgEs ae :fh ae c 4 ‘<a eZ : .Ramsey.)Teas Bowles.3 ae ca meee Rei aa eons Gebel adeeb oy Lavoey ins,side 5 tha oe ERae ops Bos Bhs sate 3 1 d,“cons eshinctos a |ie 4 =;<A et:~uh ey ag Phos ROK ONE SQ.6 eer s Rat Wigs ‘NOAM OTace.Meo sper in “ouesdaV4 it Syegh®gna ;Snr<ee AEto Lene a :f LS,Cc: aes e+6 tr OYSmt ea (a Aiea rig ee mY =:gasesS.paine wisforce,Bison x aes Set ae Nee moma ccE :me es See y :;:i ,Panis,A coil ‘pending ae “Cold :ne gee A Sik:stony’Suilding:,WatsSsyurned ;eS me oe mR Pa aS es evens 3 Bete 4 Peco aue ome +Tete Bevin Bowopmiet LASS,wee.Hee te 2.a 2ae CV tr Sin atone Ose Ce aliscower wihat *th é wes “Bogen ‘eer ‘the World aud the ficsAeY site’2 ton its dozésntste tact apie 2 Ney,ve mroeK:of rhe-Ate gale Tat ‘ ;‘ithorphfs M@URS *2aotPlaitgaenthinePas.aids @ltoSedy TOT «coe :5 ae x egal eters a ae tr ress $0.meyive reread ot beef)ae“tte Gpie oh i ek ‘in thieay&ove tay:lastsSethe.‘FinCat .eh ;AR haere eon §*:hin ngs "darned ogra ‘ er af!edmins Bi a jy auesvé Diermating youn for ae sok andr lavthe Aymyso That they er Nk pone é anesaER SS GH Ie Linjucett and”Spank?ws ;ae sels mew iate:nts:ee xt selling the old:ones cheap?one You ane.CIEa a present commander’ini biel>Sad}heeBanner iY Afra vi bch’satPee .Peopelt sais eeLousPde pear ft agttinkts.:SOO ste ate Bile age A re ee oeStig.ivatpike nak and see ier buiving:5 Ge Rie his wae ip i ‘Gener Now M 5 ,eget wn!ake Lala:Gory fins :Sg Ren:Sa te Roe:Ren eo eee SENLENG “piurder “er.*e Oi. es ‘3 nts Fengrs]Nébsen iy Miles,ae be 8 Ts ot 66s fas Jit an ENON 2 ha to £ eg Meas!ie ‘Ee +i tea a oS Ro ed ee OL Nie Ne.fe.“Conneliags Git ita iach EN.WALCO pe Bee ray -Apes it i ,t cise :se eat onhing, HAVE YOUR|SUOTHES |eer ib cake peeune eee Hie wii ce Sfustille:whe rece ti,Viehe elie Axed Eavorg Restha,Jar athe gata ae =-‘Bt :aM ===“oe ePbeen!heeled thylt-tt vas’as op oT aun if fet Sects ait hile dish Scarineteancat‘Soiviap.wreser one ;ys for Ye 2 i re Be aed ws who hacked ‘Jeqjer snr aye ae a "fe nj ees a seeks aig (tr “iusbamd:Bufats ie.IQs oe %‘.‘aa ch trae avis while'l‘he was th ‘pris nm tiftes Whiz tea icy be tha ke tras tape Sag Lege Sei:MOR)ees :a :;*Se eae TE YS.ages ae :the war,that.iis oeders*ey“4 “Say,strriously OF aor dour a”4ilasos 3Wwe Ly bls.oldved rok aes aeeshe fot S is sp LNAI 5 inescP.s "resiideait 5 %fc »‘a Cae f :Lt +6 Pa ce paws -:e. bgcklewhe.fallen chicitaingamy:+45 PORES3S:betttroanid os wot tingPa at ae SEG gs the fo:Vg boaae ais >[san nowy ataicacee (for t Pater ‘tent hisesdapefindt-that.stherég)ibatiteyooe-r wags My 5 a a ABYCRSHPty the gto":4 Ra ae He ine 1 Se c i due FLwee,nodaueet of bes wcdfecting:and ere ‘Mr.Joon Ww,Longe a eeIpc iS wy)AHF th oebya,: s iescpe “Miles”soem@to-bare!goat,ye*Jolfyew,‘Tones died at ale he “by Eahw We algeys.who has just |bee eth hisindignity 46"Ane VCoutede Fate ese OMhis sont dh.ia Wt Lonsdi.ty sptoieted psumpster *au Madison Se tees a 2 ¥:se 4)4 f se z rs -“4 Losinse PRICES,es i Ne Poe:(per eaighend fe his own”mali giketi \wo")1G ranthe Eon Act xP bursdyy,JYiS.sorted ig fet Samie sipacity rset MSMig ee LwsSor’IMENT.|tom The:Sottherd'Sendtarssy apd faiehCat phebmditia pet (whois Saisie kanturis Jobpser 4 MPa t ‘anAd jadge &undeeeatay wid Nf Po 9 >: !See:3 (LATESTSTEEDS [Bert etatven patie)to ixbtel -gettgs,td AVES hurigdnt teendree Ts Cot She &PR :ation.witch was matie ef :os bg f 4 Tatas Ree oFLe any pre ee Shine.Thee vaiik pelssipelaid?Pavidsan Anti iD.‘Jou,oD aGjobuie:suum 0Wet (egaonl 14°:Suoh Site Peak si i f :Hi .oi 4 a,KR ;‘TNS af a ie ze f .est >Pee 3 ae aires PERFECT FIT’‘Aneb HIGHEST GRADE.oer ~F pak megan ovetal is ft p-Emg tedlor i |TI agg’!oeene jo opie,Bical th raeeub SN aR ee 5 Z “gen ad 4 -WQAKMANSH LR GURRANTEED |Peel sy Tiny “Who 2 weauleh\~aligkiptiy,and)4 er.‘Lote,sya Son To,wheJute Lips,¢ast ee "Assluyp aw ete!ld I ingens AS >You ardindeed Peck a¢their seen ,Rita 2 F mee.atessslcingult @a Mwlpless’Bet Son-+nw odes OUGut a ph comnts fnsPhaesyaTeee egudaitredigneesere Suenks=ese rely y : 5 Dace bi ee ues Re veces a Pe pe UTE Of,Fossin:a by ets ye woublen A ROWAG Fae mk hail ty So it.fvotd fat ‘ler:+:,Fa frie e.one “te!RdYsperPy‘-ae ie iy eae Stat vetide a HG WAKE:oer ee Ons:SSK}Sec ee ol a oan.r©Shelton.¢Ty:fo abel GS VAN Gs cs te EADIE C LS dit SS eatin y 4 mea = eX aig ,¢*AVG po pidett Ae hes : hie waite|eehob pres -: ever espane tae. Demnecratie®dowmty Eommit-[wessore.-Wikiaw::Falck anddorepb:st bepouches)Bd ae ik ree incets<,here Saturday,Sif the Leng oedanger:Muse Ppt ee 28 tact 3de ortipi-areSe mst }ptans ot Chatggan,3McLaughlin ware]Caktwel pli tol Dui Intag A ~waa‘4 reREEL ES 8s pequrign outnit willsi ply”call”writ toening ds,lass.Y The Tdectasee LG weit Ret A Muses %amid a aounty CORY,entions,for Htoug %been @a festten cyte ae Spsa ne es Jere ohedt pon of Gelpgates thetic State,t.sensi pe.aha if ig ais 8the:ath ie ene canfedtioneand Hae thaeleettion of]Rsa vitizens oF Sait haSo i tre Pest.Foe psa fos ps ast,¢cgitpet'.OpLatbeasy te ie ee :A “Yi ; ahd GEiaakes.ope ae rire Medics:weeded."~2Peart.~ afty Dedicidl”copveati f age y‘the Bio Weyer,OLiThe,B rosehier je Or iG eatoes sche pie!ae RNAI Iron the,cheat ave caboukdveidbant WET Bho a fade 2 ie OM Ry a Be.ounay Sotievisto!pe Deescifve uebundings;vfohsch win}f the SHOE:STOR See Ag L .Bitar::uPES)Sand;ad,~pluity ort Poe DRitkSidedragtvaboutssib,O00,Boks‘ Tt SEO.QaL LBe!&c3 ree a +e >picaty)Jaoee Bocigia sSemsigime is.city’Pcls‘perangouncttndnt Ge nee A:foe a oe fe wee oak RGA LB “C 4 ied ope-orthe eNOS BE Sa ee porPa ifosk-ASfen..“Litt BoE atfend ty Prchirecist dpi a cy Cho [oP tei ee eae pees =Raion:7 Jaret we clectio.a he kek “63 ie : bah:to ae eo raeok Se s 4 =)fanceret thy Remperatic’rotgn Comm Brae.Ward Malle of Bie sleribuicg:Sie Bee Ae edie Loree Aa Exp Samdrk Ged th ann,145,Neveu Mee SeenSate 4 4a ee i bn BSsane :wae er pur Ft tate ee abe =i stor me “ay iat—Pe eE DAS RD ede ee RS ean|a ea er aad we tiiee bats amchdnc ut Poa ih :courge $0 pursne.Cthelparty nagsc oad AScthng Bhat ne Pee aes %Se :mane peaks at Soe ,3 Pos eee Ceise ai ‘a : :‘to,take th Roters magits ¢route chs wn edness,Spanighee ite tag NSshiefe rg es f pO Ebay’Pees he LY,it ie 2 ?A .is YAN,antl The eounth pr ipiarASNSa val om Rhee ET SIS “Gane OR ees *io AY fini aonTveontégg‘stould be het atcalthe fest oe pig.kee nse:SGtrot|-ui ay ey.5 Arebeanies,BG:=tas s Seesger wcisshork teil!allow.rhe)Dy finished ain ip,«im Zotyauent-tp]V4“Reaieceinl:aes250atesfeu : |tyne lahem~,*#=H Si Fe Berg:sh ae,g “has. A thepads Snel)thee iss)FEJtO Catce KOe At ee aSy aa ae yes,Be ae.ean CO ere Peat EERO Teel:Atoypennies pe pSOt.style and durhbibtnyoay ¢ptaialy:’~buyiD :FSi y Sein this The abit2 ve me top NE ;ws :Pe ROB GikefAbe Russell dare Bee he tasesSeuRarEas was Bat Set ae a S004 a|faite fotthe State's “tbflity®to} Sea io eg aS me ~ee us iee!a,THeAS}WekSeat eee shtoysay:u Ru ighNewsFangiOnsaver ae SSdy »rth ee aerai ewge! :‘it he Gittetor .De Reporter ;“Tt :et es a -ao a :OTS ody g :.<i ee ose 00s the Hh , he mT che ass eon By 0,MEse SS ee ie pe tng se ey we,tonuhnebt 7 ee Gat Ibis Beteds “pidasbicue’s e ";eee een C oe Phe:x::;sag they wid rbte aid+ eetEt es FeSe PhSeeaesPe Silt gp ens Inherit wus 9):‘year Tease of,the Beis ox overtor iol PheXas.yh:P “laos i |bbe.AAS tN oy ea es %oY A.at Ot panidn=eo ms proposed sue d at ¢ete FNorth Carolia”ees~Tre died neat that plack fast UM eck.lett wader ghtsed Sut ursry.Stil woreadhSO Se MM OA yee afew erat 4 AEE ae Sipe.Boia St ae Sotthe:eeay excid gntl ¥got A eis:ae naar =Lee tc’ra tae fhe gtasslele:Sty"aes :ATTA enlig BAT :ar eg vans ee ae pad aye ba5 teSta te that pierce sore er VUY,ase!Re cha vist off acne Chhoy .Nee We ere en ©tae SkUC e $0 eotitidertt,fot ik is ‘wyllines O.Payy SaintesSe tae bridle abit aise’sans:jd of olqwine pene.she"sales %ate .! ‘ra Te uat BLOFoeash anid lease’a road.)ee ak thy,Log ber senty ,“ns were ECON:tor yes Stare plat iy ee se iM tETONS rho;%enable ib 38 tee hi rei!“Operated at.&Joss,for 20)ia hel ‘nehih2h oft Tes gesngenteass:Se ACH Bi Qe es re at &oewo aniety 5 ait od 0,008 w yearn,sory onses i“i cea wi,Gep.Paes patite kas ;re ere aepeewine ‘sonleigenuiue’bafettins:inHades “elhit Ef get)ithe-aes_witbdrh wn,An.ae]s sts:ane oe oe ae iea 4 :a ese PEEREPuedbetemieheWoaseresoPminiegsiontyoatfirst~Molontlt |g et eae pnce Pacey ees=:5 -Good |PrintsAt 4 yas:“v Presists thepaynent dea.Guest!idhable |ne Belge efi 'Peivpte iT oot e,Ra eee2 eosSs oo .fre :3)te y d~Péblea*Duck 0G 2Sah “Coicondl Pleated Meaay yeti:cagulost ms Totestute”5 pstute rin Nortteak ee 26)Chimatas ofpy aie is ya eoc mi a Newslleghk Sand:NoveltiogStamisutty reer eeSe ri a Pret,land”Kho suadenly:yields after wuity texas bela imped us.to this,wifes woes ach Two gmies*e ~ hyHae ofo Easter Caras on Sale,coms dud’Seana *hebe te)tas.pee’brobyht,willebea®~watch:Re ba oietoeBote Bass:satKana,Arka Tt NaS;rene fed tas tee Bae oi elas “Respecttehy,:are une -aug”iumineXimes out often heJ su quiebly:thrat:‘fewoeeon ie SE oe Eee es i i Sone:Felgtivehas,acquired;som ehStgtet qutside al fiom 080 a Strps ty‘ope BE.Mes eb rene eeephe interestE ny Che’claim.“Phea ple|Soe ‘itcontaing %ee Cyr,the oe fe es wigs tat ie s tc efitigd 1 HT ee ee ga sb 't ::18 fo E Ve 5 *Sa tnjupetion Ye 4 filo:ngiyandbrstaba)}why Ggvbrnpr Zen.”AE lovgd¥iis eralme at ‘a LG histaieee ee coe a et ee ae tb Neatly Jeea.trad ajhat bee poe ©Rabert ;ftupselttsapblonty eofic %the,Secon,«Suck 2 61036 e pablic~tig iS)saeke veher.childs.EC Eon eei]pf eel pens were a Si iuigk aan a or bam,Seperi Sshdon’“of”ae =Yonahoeethe Suit of.he State gs Fare sosBod,sate..see Nez i *Geortned.ae a,acing oy }eae Se cre iver dint : ff 7 ~feat sonnet of.the.jeaseuis|«>>:os Sw allen?cole -altaipytie tq S .Pali atie Peiahias rma aio ;les,*Bspecially,“when t the}athe Case ioe Murekel 4s [assault the wiffeof Prot:RC Tye]Beversawrs who~west « *Removing ath aves 5g,wamiag.to pay uel |Kaleigh Sees Observer?sy 3rl ae 3 gale.ae“Moitric,“eas while thet :De steatness “Hat aEP aa oy 4foam sulps for.itss abandok efit,opeee Se“protessor:axas ah thie,Det AHRGe,phe » ron HG ‘Phéres.apee cres Sile”‘A of tite Terpecrate arty.Dh S thine pageTis seth The,0eafo “Rast res ports:rh Pare wheres?Te ee eye When-a man que takeD.and put fy,Tails “The Sigh Cs ci aoetested ee sSees Me <emoatie BMAN pstinig ee eandidates acdided:to fake,bin tppe“ath Coepau 2a aad <1]Dame Fobageo ea aKBomag |Od co aeiates eee~prat-|gir nei partes?.To |forins eads &out.Th ree es :men {oorssare i‘kept wide oper,Boeseei, a aturn te mak will abi e|: Gast majority.” «5. rath “y tu.a WkOy gr Sm ae >. Pr ch Aer TATE)EGENCRAL-EWS. cat cs ne j aM Dit!ek‘Devd dee gS de Re me "+ee i 5 : A ek Ss <“o ~im kn!She oa rh Ap este woe ae:Ae rok tie :<> eh a ee ele iy)td Bey cae ae fra the 7 fe ss age j Rigi apes ee 4 cee ae eS re:Peed Tyee i :Leecxpuete wiessige tein bat SNe gis ;:ia 4 ae At a et saan ,val a aoae a a Noe 6 Petatdene™dar?TuSs diy.eek fart:23:atats Pay mt thes 3 yl i jes Senne 2 BY ae Cae ~She.<cvsckes:TRD WEEK WY iy ;-Mr ;7 |,iy UsUAMS ¢Bese at *Ee RE ae eae Ba |COORE!Bias ick :eer aS eu ae ra epi nes ~Gity itil4code ’F'S0003 OV tb%be used for Dance aviief offu:wclist.a ‘déad.re ;oe So en pn(ova ANT 4c}t.Sice--S ;Ge corse Rh:ase Se +-hae &Cubans,Wax.rot,rey :thee ae.fe se ie “Mr.-G WB ices a)ie Sia ae Be *:Vai Se eae ee.ee EIDEDLY i!pete oe oe yt En #8ee ies i iphivAive additiens,sins*sath Ser Bee.Toute wei:{4 %waleeM pid daha B 7 iteto eis Sas ;;ee ae aye Ve cif mot REP om ota eeyet Vu ngte ase ae geous will ‘be appointed.3 3 mk.ene a $Y Hatie-»burs aa ete:i meeebeetledees ie al Jenin r eee irae Riots ikefecal at?Bavaua fram |Paes gh }Mounties oe Meteors CaBLAGE Fascie.Utes:ia : ettciuee |oe oe Bm i Fovy:A ee and eee over be Weylerelement..-SConimatnder Heald,af tae:aa :VEX =A t V1 1Heack,|Anin ‘'}Se eheeee ieee DITORS)-rede ment Working!lore Peacstul fine Ti}the mieantame®th:«hagtary died “at hte Nice,Suriday,LSE PEALS brilkeus,-1:sacks 4 ince —ee ae ;v :Fe ~%a ¢s me Ty ¥;A:D Mw Snes 37 Biers ae i ek ee ou -ae Semidmnente~a =eS npea?fepilie isdi Owl:hay Witch ayy 7 Onis :Sauer brakefuayr.>wae a 7 ue as unbalted:,45is,:Chér ie a:-(eamrel atathe R ystaffice at Statyus¥eee o the ratiosfoeee Cees,jon American aaha eS it Sy sAint wi Lies pbcet Hines W.Veal S ligt ‘by as an ie Up gee :critical hte act :ates ey letxent ¢le com Peal ions de Our vex éryss tri hits deopt se ot :ie ,,‘aoa ae Peet ; 6 -proond e's See aenists:s yee aae this ccuuittFy Sop $Spain grinwins fag ittiie 2300.Hoy iGo.apie 3Sprint Motes neue?Ay ee‘recent.Gros hedj a z rae }“Puesos a3u eee oo ps Thex~ ~mi OL thee?Cote taster ret ttong a rast BedSort theeet Yases ng Jsiia ss,ONS brung:Tluruig of Ahuskgat seculaek.a tay os es white:ere ie :ES Heh,pete 2 church “ :Eee TMCadeelr ation TOE ard a Battles}ip)und:vue bbipm.:-Speit,+sy bor:Me tier “actigheéutal Shot u/s!eresud ah Milles :Lox a et,ateBhat ae Pie SeEN 1c.55 Ss ae ie :Maines <ohe fepdet ofthe aapr 's‘pis reed ature suth PE urd aeith valid ued fin,eeites ¢Cat Winchesterat Misses :‘yaisie aif _aite Sun rats |ae Be ar gh BEEN:aie Mele ike!metas S ilies priate 2 “F cote wer aeee Ser ee ihquiry te Chea te Presidepit bist stor 3ish See oops rpgee Wars.wie eo an Re Kye Pi ent dostatysvle Kist een:sa lah as al .O Se A he :“lear :Laat Ee me woe’‘Kava.5 ire,CPD |IMur:day and wis Gny.0y |hah’wih)HYP FAN pkey Gad bare thet ¥RRC Bee Fe BEESWAX.pees:oe Sage eee «AM amano [ae et oy ae 7 in Bs hocg)bea eae Sete Ji 41 Bi ¥Fi 1 deatiEi Air L rovehi tty2 ples a how Wastes HEKS=iS ‘..qerday- fhe SG Ua BIG,_TyERyDNe,a inessae to COsierers,otre Bie ay.rs;por bagt C ONgeresS |thle tS ‘jer eee wepes sas op bd tpdeatin Sut aay we ita.408 powsult ey KOOSTER Sb ett SHS neat. ae EEoS)wapert Fe We.printthesmessaye andreport syst yetae ike The g sles:5 sa ae pan SetoSe a ee CHICKEENS.Spring stail urs at wor te eG)tive 2 Com-one supplement,today,STMic.mete wath prey dit,ake con Reale asesh PNY sy ouBerl ®tks gee ent PI Pheroterent hug:taken |ye ew 4 a,inure:sty Tires Bea Arets at Poseaes (bP Tite ehyouratie ro._;por ing uiry reported thag:the:Maths bormest Hedshomoratiy.0 Mie on ed Ttie Street!tar gtr a id Hous unt,se Stay bane tnelr yet ve buist here on ne ie pees ts bia Saree : a ait ;r pities of Tred B County isshereby.was blow up froin the Otis ees oe:weit a4 the Sumac TE pcuGe pie Paws Ss tore ti ee Vie CU»oS4 vious 3 .;fe ::<2, SB ls became te :3 %Stetbun.Lue Be ha ic:BEOUNA eV SP Siocmakdr/sq ae taeh +oR Ee a ty ¥bled toa eet |in BY OME ON uti:side Test.fix rhe:responsibijity Cup aath ieaasiya ect TBAT Stole ty Hos Tae Hebeae ts HOG.3 ioe t ‘iow ee bet as)selast i GEESE.-eh age ‘i this. A Alp Fong HOSS.at?Tha.toe obes Thig President cabled the sank Spree sete Ce ani ae Ty ye eke es oar ae #BUT BRU boice-yeHow,oe wc.WG &poeta fae 1 ings of ‘our coprt of inquiry Ty's dies)Yaceamé.“at “Wes :SEPM 3 ee E :hen a ee |age ie fot the,“purpose of “eal Tite Be yh “LATESTATE NEWS Age ae-divi Moneaay LONE Yateaihied,iver ta rae a=<am:5 1 votiny’ ‘Woodierd a Madrid:a te ‘ia fad i oy ;; Mee:at,iy es *Geran ¥:con kebition,tor elect det inte’hes gre ‘i eed :“tice of ;I a to “the Sta®4 conve niion.tor.be held et onl rs wel:oe 5 2 ,pe CG Cats pow Raahe :4 @ :e se Tse rect eB Sy BalesSikMay Zane AS8zand for He 2 ey dhareys ware wruilea as P expio-8 i sid,staged’iran:TST ieee ee ee ee aa ake per lt.a ie,fe ae ie 3 ‘4 <x ,.‘be '*Fi Wiaeen Se test et Z ¥ae Spe F <ace a tee sucks ether Terpoxes:ae:May:"Cat EP en a.oe Se Ped aeatte:NO:tlawesat 7oft :"4 :ie gee te Oe es ae r Piattot Teh 2g ahem A proj ets rt ye *baetots Spt airyTeene ,county::J eeragt ie 1(dived:Ee :ea i be COM} ae .‘"Gosia fer omsints®of the!eaitis tiauidhy Wane rim ey oowe bee.etGal otre ck tists:Be ;i Saree 3 Tas SGoUnTAItt ‘aud:the:Chaired ¢f,Ane ath Spath has oa ;ya 2a led wae puly.Colle Ke f-;ee ts “ht m Gates BU vd:tsi 4 a ,2.has fas at 5.teceppedtive,¢r ppeeeinet “coaninitlees.ae eo aes ees Hieisa or.St huttorscbabie ol,‘nigeat Se bat ate vil :iin *oe Cao ees ui i <aor ye Si Peat be Sahy of Quvenite Meketsdids beeie:i adele chit Lae ye fullatte:iduince is.oeoPhi [favorably soanuel so aL .,sass byihe Obip:sheicebatun a a ey f 3 Gon We ,~fare hit hscI ai ¢yeetin.iL Wits Sta ted ee Pua 3s és 4 eye Ok Wiijaser.*.mieten ¢y :a :i a ES f fee pa oext thy Ae Mel oie Ng e aee ringtone Bome rage ig xi ftllat tie outtook ayes far eae Ae SUUL aid wide sauteed!“weld Ley Ss tor!nado.Abe,Andian:enrd :he ae :bela»&see a ipey wadithat Spain adele wie such ae Daturdea¥2 pS Mas a ae bCaNY Duturday wight.dled:Ret Laud ABs.a F=aeside ae pea *ee se “ve han 2 Ween.EX::Com?fred Cos Xu wel atory tonfethut its che bs Shs .‘Skeeaud,os eee ee“proper-eee fartaewhere the:Bes beet 4 esa “ieee fre teeter Aliewed:te would Teka:COUCH :wey Dene ate:Byte Prine bein Ghareesot)a i 2 rae ee:wt)em :our ‘SUPPEEMENT:Sia st Suhatiehe’tO Goce ihe Liebe ad Ore ul et bs.At ait jar elas rectors:Gian:eee ;ee ;»day eed 3 We issue 3 SEN mee Cylch:aemcrit ‘of the.ent straiber ry pte Welk aus 3 Cig,Ind:,was burnéd:Sunday:ea Ss Cai 9 Mr. i >ca bas a uid.bower how a Pembeito -Lays 36.10;noceeae .:to bert phe ED 55 kduieyenigo Se by 1 the!ptterideh,that athe.dar,)\INC 2a sd ak ‘aS E Janebh cj ee eee te ean Rana eas fer pointdisor)vets passed.adds,si a orof she |last Wil ana yc eae =e :the Hiessasre of Ptvosident.|Me ites ae war Way GUO:fougzer!ad of ed ee +JEONEMI We the repent.sto"Congress.bon:sworeys et wak yet 2i Jpossibiate ;ae&a L .;<b:ot ayre “per ie pn,ice)Tue .oe < te ee ba Wie ae ccinys nue teaders theatLe Tit Spaunisly goterninent niade ‘i?vane i a Hide sy Aes thy pee taeeoipe oust hist to aaSanday:Rear:ae ;as pi Bache ty aa oy thes eae “i ste nein Chat wd Sbprchion..WOUldR bey:wig nein Greenville,5.Ret ave.de akanes ye Ne :Was vane are:aS Ey verpd=sacs under Htithe O00.most de>[FOr bay went a.2d Sone ;et news,obtainayy ¢ay to the Spau-re t $;Bye AY oe Don ;PEG Sane aie ,tHe date of thik Aw .MS reast-uas Fe eae ae i sare ae “Th iy ne esi pened taythat tmuhitariatt Gujeats.ot “ad wikte rhiwiy uu,eitat aoa ne Lhe’Chinese:iratvisous hive Secu :tour :J bar of.their recov ne :ae ohed g aes “is ety dog Ne hah eel che To fited Sites ovcen meus.in Feds ascll Bad iss culureds Wita so withdrawn frony Port yArthur:dud tank arch,3894.:Batt : ae che tetay east cueTasidtes oe a “ding rehertoue fel esiu WilSOu oun y Sutucduy:,‘a Lied Wan and the Russias have :Bee ae COMBS oa ie xe ad 3 eh»w pant there wk WE OU wy (lieseetek|scahe hunny 5 Cube rac is Seat i fn tr ot 4.W 5 po Depu #Bis 7%sg ne ma fh jevto.hykd Gyalaeeesein plat a.Julmes-epicyy of ‘payusn<coun:HDL ENG CHES <3 ria ieee 1,8 “cue :Be eects ——+)beng aed RCS Sie la +aa i thee fe ry pais’bas manic by,SHIEMUME dwDuluingiy!toy wuts Ja;ee Wee Planes a gual Os neat :sare Caco Be he Ee),i eee ee eee PRE UELUR Yee ey wl tes aah g reehaoiut tb qeswr OME:Die segror ce minitteanras yar 42?DROSS el eg ee AP eESr eTaio sin that meecdeenrs a Sif ulitane.Wis Ads EURO With arazoi,OS RS ae!ew Ol wg.lao,Se ber,eSteteit gf wontt2 Gein na f Ther bs Br eP ‘al:Tels fans luithe Nasgoto:Sie PekpGsBy.bdr hatin its:eye?§.|/Ctiov “Bp iy Ox,be “Bessey,ee aohicye xno id yee yt <<sta ete eemes nel:ta»Beat powugh iia.*Pp LEEIS H Ns ves “Man.2001 Us {eR Mink it does bes keft {50 Piast |these AG oe Sec Care Beagenreeh Toanlotrow®oyLGorya.Pay Sub ciy.ne ft 5 %:.*Vaan MrT, cou .~-ae rite ae eae is Ok Wall be GNedatcatnr:sichay haut,yu:“fie tltdie Rad vc UO.«i Kay ard AiSnan:es ay ie.)hind Lot i ‘ot 28 he ae :é 2M ary Senators AD conference +iit a Se ear all a;ptrtynitylnits é z 4 oe ie ehfldveix fe 1°Dat-ieeh 3 Sch “api pe sare ie EWN the Stay -.>Be MeKi ex to-e -ihe :acs .12 nit young bi)ie a Sher ten Was %etyEst:Thored et ee ;i :nf Arcapu "‘Pre idestit ittle x.yho-Lin)oy ietto WD ie tpt e SpecCtyt tig <ih rely Suriraays ‘wit hip ets re s is es ave stig ,thie a j yal “+leek dineg Peetawe ay hari ete io peta RUE ESE E jay Le eOapiing curs FN et arg bet they.vor hon 2 ©“ag!a oY .35.000 a de s eased by sditing va a a ee ey ote hs a rn WR sauteSSH).aes e3ary <icd Seuss pen Ce Siu ageAs Ma Reonica higr tygineand Ahex:jack,operat mychi dnemipsyboe"pe ‘of the] ee oie“Om:Madrid which would form ‘a <r Shei :prtet eee eet pi tatiay,ne ane 3 ieSpanjsk Pec fons nage 3%Ite Havel heftes.D Sony.Midcedite..:=edho leax:at ¢5 ayn laterMr :7 ve ee \ie pet Leow Prejee a >ps “)te he ae ¢mh ay “ :2 pructical.conrliton {of the /€eae de haynes,Das AR iy scentin wht TGs ceael Ae asewuty:Te ee ogped iat owelty:SCO present pti uy GmMBES:i SPhe Batten FS ts :Se leit Wars EMME |best cade oisnde to devise}.Span cle ats thy Kata thee PB Lee |Facing Jue Jeu,wa phe i be a :rnypent.4%Dye govern oth mia:[MS‘Lex Ox!Tittle Shas”niko thes)vr.3 sGompar |(Ss meshedto hold Congress from “radi-}Ae He STSvero Pees:ak days.7|UD OUnAGL +yOen Ay,Tye egepultee,are Soe mS pony a tee faeni:east ‘ont town to She ‘erally ome used td an¥;ar RA GR array te NS Be Pi gern >aS:resist pheyt a6 3 ‘ig©dalinde pendentiaé tion,ox Secretaréie fkttoe aoe PAL wae eatin for ‘Hie!pe HaROU:og Cat ee Ae eet wes cR oeahoe Oe t Cee.é at ;Laer,ne ace Fiche a S mse “Rees Rieix Be heir cl Se See bs -Porter sil}set haut 0 piessage:fren |ci pte ai RiSRuRRAEaes BteGad caguurissiow|lise it a{seh tera a St tNiwa ne ;rs}ek:“da i =.|a ae ee a eae e the Presilent Wilk be Sut “ts.Con-};iced the bea spvOkdaFits peek |PRR,bo FU Gans a Sey eA oghe re ia set well hav Si ee which’reached:these averpicn t-der-Torermng sates oi Wout aaxt“chk,Fo je:assp si Smid:niger’M1 oe ‘ob eo .3 gress untifa better fee tink:Mists in}tig tlie ay.was Ibe abot rdepitr mich gaa a oypies ce pk RIN.Wepntaicter,=is yeas A Frid *E Gongtess i “Phe Ci on ference bet weet Fey ait “on thes tues doxfirriik-|+,Sa eS a ope ee gested.~age as af eae SU a pee N nf &re 3 a si ‘—a as an Sei . ;ea “Senators and.,Présilémt wag to de Rul.sxehicta inisek?heh hb he:Herr “ie avert eg ial deine “7 ANpueith wy Aghia Dey rol eeonee4 ee aes ‘ HH “ra ERO teins ne Maine,ee sop Hoe ‘Lompardub:soaginnes,omRGd soleusweeager da%iBeneon Aliddety inf ::4,dy thorangh :;“Dig hh. ceed aE1 eid wheter peace,or war “shgule Heinthis:duly.say wer Spat pnd AOL)Rin toggn Fypeea nd werk Da ates|eqn?Fyhieh Shes "dicts.‘the ast.vh conesaye bees Sai es rete ipa s.ree the dtl eo ‘bethe Tin nediate poles Phe Sea this fayctire digg"te UB aster wlPoti siete ct Stron ADNuc:;ran My yPigrredep i ihe xTargetsee pe in Vihegetgstoc of-dieds DRG Pins gan Se geod AN She?ec:i sa)gta an spevial Fist ane Rate as.now he ec a ate forei;aFutiony “eommittee |‘vovertment ih sutpigtine ¢B Seitey St “fttg Pe DE ise INiue ten iia yoladsheet te ew Re SICH Fides for Ne ers S Gutt FOr (Oo WECOMC Tae he seeks Ora AERCE F a Dw %ca Te failed aa am agegenpent,aud:7 uinouzh i Minister Werondo fhe L ~sue ik Big Tye i aN Pe AO NC oroe SACS eS shat Fédie isa wits ve ;"Ss Sn be air a >.Sgring ois dea 4.Ge Jeck Wace Of the Ande citedeodrt,ENGria we tuietut Gr Upgyeboruure.hSKeer Sey:was|ast ani mr gee eae 7 Dalaw 1 i refe“red the:matter to sub-com:den:tess hatte Geer avadeTeh een,ey ene XS,ace pi ie pabaied Bua petda)pth highe wear PArgeRey «|eahlat get what you Wa Bit Bo:Soe ob $Re an oinitter,‘Spain’S.press coher bas peice ia Lhe 4)pireSana Vhereiore vgnice lagyitist Byreid.SataAee +t dvaurs fad the petite mi :fo :ove ain =r ¥»#7 3 eve in 2)iS ent oil alte “presSs pelegrams,{Noy Frere’“ne responce,ber.“On the*Baek dy.ofsat“peo yvbr”alee Doe se e3 Nye,"thie ie ton UP ‘fest Te,od if ee ;::ae wy,ear i J AJ Oe Ya -S wies itz a “‘ts Corben ita pyr“tant:devy lopmetifs 50 se of the Sype ‘igh report ~lKii teas:Wes,fount ie te MY og pwhotacaped.7 S's :e |=zSuesan 5 Bot ae Pe Resets ee |eo \SiS tN ~5 ai *2Pd Beet oT ae oRAC seater Hees ue es v gione e cite of;ttieS panisky SH UGH.“yeappee nye we-papces nai EE ee Pareviathig os doe So Re ee ieiaek hice TPES Ee Se OS 1S tatoes,gE Ms ce he oe eres anatoie 98 fe Fibs >thesSt te ee HaePypeu Sturdy rn ah ihety paypihe hetrs:qi the “wietow Hot hoy coees Phi is i ;,ak set pai Vee os.ee noes ei ey Ree ici sage pen ooh ml cae e6nf.staeeweer Sad at ~~Shoe he ite.ok:chi oiteteoag itGevreral Robert He aLee $297;YOO Nor Pr,*Pool.Dr:bad “W:Mooses i iG ea :“te.2 Caldwell Tenters His*Resignation Thi re ESoe t r nemae Ri Ak teats up ae —sito pertwATele Strosed Cavimg&tlsa By a Pe HotesAe "sR LG ae ae 8 2 oY ae hice te ine 7 ,ie Lie ¥«k '‘.»a -3 wine i -‘tout ie Sane ES SeSigs CeERetES.inc@iatian.whiell Fsaming *Wha hravon SSObea Yes ay >gameoy “be vette,wets aoIP 75>-CPen ure:Gani Mera By »His red Ss ee pects clepreurty the Mascot Sait ep apie eduFin :BleOe Tp6aod |28Aacate rey ee periga fatal OUR $s aaPhe Jte for)‘ConsietIng ae 4 A dudson?Ana,wy AK.Correll ;-The prs mS pee TR vERIaT,“x aires SOR.age Jelgi-ESP nae koi tye decdSage |ola ao W eg LoRaRPary,oweaS3 |eBey nore ahd twp ‘liflakns Jet eadtonisl ana Family Reynion.ieee a:-Pochu pe:%Caldwell to day teddered.‘Gov emery iss fort WS tadve RikUta Shope en ;[Steed Peds yy “iro.Mas?Heee ianirderdy,ee mae:oth|aeo SHAG&UE the Re pen 88 di As 3 day.’ Re,>Russelh let stati oh s Sk DC‘osrajityy ih in ity La RRReE HN UDF bewits &TSO Ln or she Pidieds:wntiél?hho.Tuesday morcng.7,Ther,EOS .peek =.ts “3 aac oll ee Lussell st.etter tating hy izeds out talé,Ca eats ahs!Baty eat ie t eines paurddradWighian:ae :}3 A roodanupsCeftennial ¢‘and }‘winiheg eine.“Tes y merch ant the ce Ee ct 7 4 for:restoringold“passenger Pates:4 !oo TAS Xs.t Bey cat ;¥Zipan oF ae ;Tatahiieaitis be held abe Su:Marti VS:convincing |IRAE,OF Ss Ca aeeS .We ha se ase ea ~‘the futon in tot settTpsindoether RARE ee Ne er GSM gx <7 tis:Y ities tosibrthys 22,1 ey Gays TK fi ely F édel sive6 oN pik /women s 5 ,>2 Bah te 2a he mt *from ti 3 ;P beit hetenders bis’resiguation ast resunt ai tie Spyablish ce jut rt ih Wie aah:gene.“hl tiger tH 6 x uy Lochut e COW pelts as ag ses stip aimee:near ch he ee VT amB dused ret bs ts Ses ie ee eee Re vk Aas AYsey shits panloyed Hips ex iter Of the vSupeiing dchtsot aeass bo sag at 10:ae MM;‘yertisin eae cae :yee e count) CoN Ae 4 comimissiougr:Governor Russel |,“Wpon the!alot Gisus!TOS Mk:WHS }ee *J Htchatiy poauty it Hawaree Tadson goah,dich $4 1witt ie fe ake Shwe mr ce the ness -Me ce Ae tee Tsiys te regrets Caldwel”Ss eoige atsreport cof yiiny deegiir ioe)sch Tacsaeve nen.Live veaige~tole [ate deh ~og So monae ericepee skRet BTA.eee &.Show,GS ses q sce3 ST ee |tee dual Orn 1s first degisigu:“and>bas oats veo teges sae ee Mis the «pak citGabrey 144 yr a8:S aly 16 migideer SRO ScHAti Seripaanis Reali aUBERY Poor,pe"ag :G coy2 an 2 nobacted ant Cal divell’>restsshation:eeSEV edShit ad poses RENCEea)PPE YR Pe!3H Fe mer aay Sa oSSet -Es Ee is S:Browhs-ste ee te *yfiar :rae iis WM ae)aoe 3 ais:Be SES Ses :BOND Ne ES RESTORED.is eats |sences”ot al THOse”SE Oonit ee pisa.gad I i eit eeyn]1Lease SenLeRies AiMecl of Guana Wistety?s“4 =:ay >»Mrs... :<,Caldwell and Abvott,“voted ‘ta ré-[¢:Ski ges witch:Me iar eat asHie.Gagsctyoo!cog is requ:1 ee wrt.”hes ea.Arpble tk 3:_Hood pian ES ,‘Everythinn,about thea tLe Woe Toentes 'sane vie old Shelters ted Pearson present,on Tit decasion “of he ‘ie Tufo.Mel egar atta”Lathiunr:the Neuder.\aeaN a Peeae heypesanity,cree“ord,Se ar ey :scot >Workup slit rfhrte ry cee eae ;tas 3 sh sath ;€:hate Se =ober alt eG Mik Wee tv)5.drei fipote iteCv he AB oo Trelahat toh"{by at irst-c aay t 2 i »oT quroted to Stprtd by~the geducer <ratee|:e Be iStr ceeif oe tne Opel int belo hati hspea r *‘xunit,ihwht.ae,aie NE torial sath,“ortines.oH “on end snerves,cures’of dyspepsia,hive Calor axrite We Piafapvou i ‘s -Mag ;oN gee |asinade by ‘the:Commissien.qrears4ePparattively Close to the Suna:tui ales be rie Pepeai aspele whi van Py pirtheyx re a bees Semingsterijaksvonitpa gh Ry sete aterth Seen which prOVO 78 aw showoe Ceuta .a ela is aa i “39 :r we ‘.‘*Si Ke Gtk ¢a .ve ¢*:we Chay mop i ;bac Sate ‘x yaal Priest eyes ot >ODfiles.a protest.ae a ee tap tbe OLIN eo Alyce leet hat uily Wis Aeus 4din thet pais tyes sven yiyshary’x white wis!i i UST oy coh Et ieee GK:ce A “Ge ee ital Ss,.a Poke e :oa 7 :eo i 7 New <AND Onsen’BR.|de Xplosion Vie Cur reng:that:rite Ware“plang n EstHL nowy rlAghas ale ast Bites sus grea retPe me re Aty Bhine aE °“t ritaet Je E,‘Cochran ¥tLrnoct se 1 aegis”Pea Fk rr af obwaler was Linky Wied 1:ihe Hrs |peered Tile saa pux est Salis,jphunta srore.€emdy “Seti.Soins Ry ye oe Nita <tthe sh .sf Caldwell at Home.Eo oe fehet nershoetREDS the Side:of Wie rear,Fone OA stviet qutira fia te:wor Use wid stor Ned.7 ie bod ies BYNES sae A a ee ares es *og es ::be RsSy eaeLogie feb ang “|tees f me,.:Gto .yl yer aie wy ;Jn jy 2 .‘Railond ommissioney Ee usGe sh shrek Ye noxons gihotie te re dihiehas &»been eC Litcu prs *seek Sots oanpe one eit boraied HUY ex ‘Say in bis.infer,=;esSal t .™*“ok .: ‘vo Sx “Het 38 :Caldse eli abrived |here Tast:night deat ees -Aund Shar,ey a b Stes Apisil>gt;wi ra “tng were Horribiy paige 2 2 foeibliessiris au St cr sel eed te *:ta oe <<«>Ar OVO /.:4 ‘i .Pe ee ae fee BSS ~bron Ralcizrh,ivber ehettad been to “the Oideice of hf Satpe ork:‘hia,-wenn arsenic!tS oA Hogar 2 May;or Piel trot £Sui Rranc:wusig ‘Wr egiingceee <Or ithrite naa is se ssetiag ete a r a.:‘attend’the Suprejne Court and -the P)iaht Warbgratietos that Shete 0%AT is seme peingrtea eae ppt.baszppold tod a teon Mullica nsextendsa)=haar anvit ete F *my eM SSS a ana“4 meetings of ‘thecommission:The abundanceol dish soy thet karbar aa,ora ac $y oe:oe te:enc separ f=i ee fergie ere im.ae soe Gpsenrrnits might hee of Et bersor our,telegram from the Neivs |THE -cOrroboraged bys ot penship SOR SY aR A oe ee Se eee sae ebro sthe (5 22,3,(BOOB, =eta <8 atasts.The assistant hetieer 0;Parner as lua as ae diets ae UN EVGT Ss “ya gh.th g~asigisSigns om,:ee :i Fisk ohssige :2S 3sum« sa ‘pad:Observer are:{bout straight.‘OrkS states Hipt>abt eSplos:deeaw 1:8foreehig:.woe ‘Houlia intehthe:Show Whidhog :op:Bn:ee Se Ee es as aa se fortad 5 Sane ie ee except about ‘the.vosionation:“Mr.|aade,duriy sR Lhe exefees of pr eS aiae a Gi ae aS rey belies"m Poa.eo as koe .he q eset eo be oe 5 Wa wae ;:Ht,ih 3 <f ot Ht Ekg af Cx ot)Be 2 Caldwell did not ‘actually resign,|ia.ie Baxbow hehe "bas aways found,Prikident Agi the tae?ie ng‘4 ete <r oe a ay Bx Ane and ify:+Gear.“Bons”a e eens Sek erieng CY eh Be ge 4s Reape te +4 Dut,stated’hisletter-té thes,Got:cfSo ik ee oe ae »‘Shae hp‘ofes of theSunthersy Bar Roti toy sok Ende Es Stow lac!1 he :Wi om.4“:ervor that bis,resignation wisoat)tine}He yt tie oe i e ee ms ere ne nae ae ere bse i eps eu ee z CRD anatafroath44i]as “Ns ~T4e el Cif 7 |;Ve his.disposal:ke seéjnsithat.‘the Gov-}ae enjeth inthe oa bet afr ebretu bs Looe Sta Ish,ty Jty ee rtather geist Sse and 3 aa ;i g SSCs 6 PEI Col ake Reel +j .Caan :aoe Oy ernor had chamged.ragain,3and son Hexen jation Gi the sides of the ves MRish.”prdssed%win Wide,epee tint paversoti :}24 tin at:qs =yesterday,‘desired thesnew:trates?to Bg kgsents Oe je ate in “whit»Cine ‘cae Meroe ~ee asoN pit one aes.ie Sar yeste es eS Qa “a ,2 <a <aay .stand,but the commission.“restored.‘4 ae ti —Roce ies rthOhi Apt ane “Labsent©“—Lask wand?od age ayaoe and ty ¥:St @ labit can was ee Be At.Maviuay!=igknet aa is Cub cu Foi _-3 pibeold antes 5 a fieiaiee.‘Lee’Beyspm (Ging “Uupiist schuegh (wonment Drestded<>>otaku om oa:F 9 aera cee Sah minute cxainipation.,of:‘the gle Soethe Southern.baptist,Wascimtr 6d by Jatia raps eF *|Th ;wt bay Inehite,i in’jai?await Foottonr of the bekbar Ar {5 Sh ackda 4 J cléring”that théSouthern itary ::freieh ~a +<oundick Pas ech asked Fresign,bese RtStor i ANA “hs: oN af ingtia beore W=Cy wills,”Esq.vessel Shews Sho@elnen Sign:iN Rte"pending the anve ties wceentn a agreeGrgpaJAX alk CXpex ‘i -os was G oon es to-day for wite beating.9 +>-.the-actionof a torpedogud the .tit=|Chae ses oP itu thistermal,teabduct,Sean SoestGledsex to the|:day x 1s ae fhe oMr.aS Buehanan,of Bakprsville._peat (judgeadvocate)af 1}1a “contigs wv itiele.ifave.beetr,preser rel aL inst:36 oP Jia jhe slut Xe:Stothe,.“ped j Toh)ta i ee “Mitchell county,iS here 6n a yisit{5#0u finds no precedent dov the:UNS HE cae*eee Lee aa eee ewer :aS mS binit-45i Mt. <et =i.gtgms friend,My,.C.E.Se a SinaiaSe a ee ESE es i aR as oe aut en asdie akeSosnhone 07 2 see)Ae ‘d-VESSO a torpedgnie.9°‘ie rakCour Cae atert eS VSN tis mig 235 eee BR.Log,Esq.,:is.“io “Raleigh -.oThe repert:makes dear,thatoe ey fare “AS5 tad ar eat coedaa Phist was)+‘5 aS ae=mea ie aa o Fas ntti A ee Et pei,Taceid me mee af t htending theSupreme.Court.aS ihe Xo thespeeial’ne urewot the eas ty .Stata aitos i ae olor zdepted,:1 ecbif:—the-+-4a"Emi ent,x w York ha Meswaliet <IRAIRARAN PA ;og ~i ~1 ae i z Pr u fe (¢GC.HoArmfeid‘and,ml Haxtuess::ceedings followéds and the -alsolutg-and Dr.Jarhe chee.Haske€7 optmie age rashe sino <Sejentist,o as Otter:iS faq se Maat)oe oe ae holy its ood wearedope’-+ee SS a ey -S Esgs.,Teturned last night front Ra-[respect ‘shown ‘for?Piel eden ee tm.Ati riba rayon:YeseS Denkieee Teta =is se ue ge Rent geescrie Peaeae ie ee ss bike ke Pt that “+.=.Jéigh,where they had-been-t6 argue vialit of ‘ihe Maine,the comniissic wy}Smih ieared the Wourdy0%E eee MMe rat “Them einguished New ook :dren dst,;Be NE:pt 3 TO!y te ee)Very oe Re Iredell’cases in the®‘Supreme has.-béer prevented from:Takin,ee would Spine ye ig :secreveesaits ratine {,See sag erator :%‘‘yehile”cs that as i *Court,ae d repr x satedany eeeth inside,of bE ES se nd jhe.gaterins a>nes =)&/bota,peg eamesmecore Jor GQure pore earn :1 Rein teach Met cia omit tn <2 agatit boudg z -vc ,e ¥éssel gswould’t Fmt).fe Bys Hosatary,¥ee ;ae eee Se :Set ion (Pulmonary:Tubercalo-is}and oy rg ATER Noe Ee ae aS dene 4 3 1S ae is f fe 3 fr eas Mos E.A:Barbe?of Cleveland.istthe hy eee &b rar HESCLED|yg aid,(pom SieT HK fe te a my Eu ronchial,throag,fig and:hee ati Rea oni 24 al ;!Te eae i Pale ee :. petedtaay:§S dithe Seat eeee f The coueth Bend as TOK ina,Co a wr,Bt pea born ee Catatrhal “affec.|,te eee soa mith sae @et MS 1S*ain :LNG |AN to es eens wie “gtrans,generar ded “Nes 3 eae.* BS ee |aditessts.ee ‘leva and “BeAis tributed Lo the revtetable refusgl 4Ro ee ee me pg SE:a 6 jt.ook aedaSteet <«Sah adva eae P ret it a]af Sy e 1 ¥aie ': v *“|“Baughlingwill leave for Ohio and ‘permit ‘of theuiee.sary cratic teed rar:.Wars Will seid TAREE F Aes Tht MVE DANG SUL Se 200d and you"can bay thee by,Petals “At ;gap)We eh Ms **¥Co-operation,|Ob Lorie f0 Le aes bozraiess}’4 .D rghit#sa Ww pee ae ee.,Nebrask.Monday or Tuedday.we ‘of,the ‘Spiurist:Yuominissién.:bork 185 tireMitte Seu anat er rt LEM gh Mace OE tgs Me ge a oe Bp(alt dite NE,of Qi News Dikcoy oy Seas ATTEN BS tk FLT OT a stock shoes to.sebect ire :ef as We:Tt) gia ae :A is 2 eer _.PAWIth tbe comnahder?}Pe ye Oe ee :wtROre te |e tt yr ate veka any afflicted reader.of The,ae es eh lees Teste ag Sho¢:150 shoe at-$1:20,anda"33,28 Bt Pig LE ie P apc cre Gf}€xKwell.eThea ten:toy i ovithem.or ei ‘:2 ee “5 Tae AMONG THE POLITICIANS._2)the Matné;‘and the Giffer ae ae i lee COS WN:Co Tinea ye Se}zy re em,-f x.eas ;i es :fe aoe!eetine:‘oft ‘Men's,Sh wd .Reis me +hog 3 eusae ent wemevi:Maiviohat fyrtifientions ass tet uk $e ;:is New Scientific (Tr tment?wet Prac "*E oy...*.4 “he OregonDerhoerats,Popylists|ca olficitls.ecertiee:HOUSE fodscen,abd te workman.js i Coase Fa cvied shou-gudsDermanciit!y_by.tts:times ;=t Staple Enehe =.build aq wane .=¢LeSilverReptiblicans,have united.cart the:chuses of 1 hy accident:auchply.paaGnieees tf Teak p aie rae art °2 a centbry..Piece ‘aete Seatanee ban cae &race er sine fy i RN i!r ;SUC.cen ;tee sis side pres):i-2° a os :‘;iu ring/-buiianit eS $2,722;ies :‘eee ha 3 as i on State and Congressional |tickets se ae eS iay iiss !pit kenott bedearned when the work readily,admit thatstrthe Obtain’7 oe m tialiot Risin adil cha,md Ws er oa oe ae é OS E BROS,a mths Se «!JamesT.ee Grand;Esq.fot Beth.Rk will by conipleréd,bptthe?gréatést)!sults from.it th %19 ees arene ns yb mn =y :a ES ¥A some >2.“mend county,will be a*-candidate}“Phe report «ee wuntiate ditioh marks allsnkalpsesend,‘from:any.other.food.3 ts mr years thas produced.xe Re eaten ea S ear uma gat etes Cor ee reales ore ae ‘world Sra ee gee tt Jor the Dgnoe¢ratic,nomination.“fgPeat:dn eXamination.gf the”histo"5~Wilmington.Star,:sf ae here.are ina a Pee -paeficty tthumanity eeeaal Soden STATESVILLES N-<C.5g.sah e ES Oe ee ea E : Alec 3 +Congress,1in the”6th:district:.fandoutside oftheyM eas som!as 7 oeTXOLHAVE MSsTPE,z on:the math ot rece py enyarenbern eepiis:Bia agvertion that z Saarea it ten -“te A —;€a Cé ay ie &4 -St such:eSatinatign fynay:be.“possible enn Ak b:te todo ey aN:ae ete a yngtroubl Sand ¢onsnmption gre curable Sve ee ne :"Sagat peewee ete *,gin Me ease RLS eek ;,New oe ;“The Iowa.Republican tate.“ous dial:tht ICS sented with:hepmatisn in uty baek nee %Tice ;in vy climateis’preven by ‘heartfelt,STA ni :ere i SeGetSSatinwalbehel@atDubaquefoneeoat1‘bottomewhierethe veel and ae Myncad aches a“dahdek|eeSCOTT ‘Se ,tery of,wratrtude:’*tiled:aa his:ee es pens Seg ae feat :tL0 CO area W 3 ce oc ingts ‘:;=Septémber eg ts state Se prove tat.Suppositig Nai «Wsoatsay weak.I -coneludeds 1 take |,2.}*and European laboratories ins tibueand ve an.eRe wks ear ast)Yin 9 G3 _ytises ae 4 a ee ;iE os remalys,(of the wred¢k ynet te be’tej.a argiki.Sat a “short time if fe it |fe natto-e curéd inall partsor uke “worl oar conteee ber,tg :.sf ce oes actaty's wii fled :than cai eee (hc)The:Democratiy Convention tal-tally Or.partiaty alteréd‘in the prow a et AVENW ith en an cit bot o Meditarexpertconcede that bronchig ht,ee ‘;price,Ree ies Se eer yak fe ie "freq Ss ah Sh ME vw LS nominate acandidate for jude¢and|cess -of extraction}thévex:lositan tes aod Pada ote seit re ant “{alvar and lungtronbles:lead ‘to!Consunjp-|erties .te funk mee,(ras oS ‘solicitor,in the 2nd.judicial;dieerict was weretutenddae’to some int2ain.Iba Re‘Cia,Nee wets fe len sr aaee rupte Sng Ded =*.i”>Sate ¥r -4 ag x cs 7 re en r :ie eeter ee ee ow ror cause.gj Hee Sst VE NI ‘okthey¥ba .rae it pai ply white to A ‘slocuni”|SOK,con ES Soqto.&oof Bis:1 a”Ship ee ‘ount,May"eury.R.Bryan;She aa 4 A YOO P'S Luskact ike dial sates egianCodeCodcliver-Oi Pine’street,,New Yon.eating,ofiee TS.BOG,or 8 ‘te 3906 [o>=eo ek Chad tea Bint OF NewBern,!a:Democrat,Lis.the|ag —S sbi pe ers=>Se RaresS eat aeFats a-detigpoy okcece skill-ee ce address.a7,the eeny epeuttersy i A Seo 00 to e100 WEA :aes --Leglg ef “>q*©present judge:fe ates ;.~Seedinys a oa he a x ;odes te ,prooptiy:seit.Suffrrers tomer.Me Se 1008 tok 8S::“of : eg Se 4 oi :po ea ithe Congress is.biigh;*Several,-resolu.|Ake iwntant sAdvanisve we his.cee :and 0 r ton of 19 Bags,a gifferchee “3 Ee Mw A ee octy Lo eeseeeee “|thous declaring*war,’"the Sade PROV,LON POpos it jesr a hG de..Dissolxé#4 L a aes TN a mm?Be &indepen=,iS ind Supp vandsHigh Grade us lg Ge te ear is 5.C.S Tinberlake bis lapsed the dence Of Cubal.the.Pecogpitioa oei POR Pasi Pe ms will sel].only'’the bighest sf ;dave eet eee -,Hickory”DO tee eae |Cudjao boeligereney,add forsarmed:oy Pees ae <7 ry customer@™!payjeeig MMF cent tet eS Si iderg Bhs eet et Tint:2rvention:<were.pneroruees!;Seatedpeesah;%orkingemenb by “per:pound,.or.ever.mee pace 7 7 8)"Eo Nervouspedble find,Felck Sorichings ‘bath houses,and,were,‘referred aks I witlself corn,fi wea cok the barket pocery!oe a A # sta 13 gear Mhelz,bloed wath paralia,the proper?comniittees:‘A’Gaucns:x eeeand.groceries!Or age,Sts Saree ‘é rex::|;;a a >>.fowr’ =:;+wihieb.is the cng teblo p rier:ae ef Republican menbe ttheHons <betore-You.buyJygur:“<ypplies |“lycomn sto:ma |YAM AGENT ‘FOR?Pe ete a ook ;foie,Die Ns aes Cur res Ee phew Ce SE MORMON SS A 28 ms y<4)who-désirepromptiaction,was,bed Pélsobanthe the same’aruectes for’>oli Elsah lien Se ek Nags oh tC piper,Moped SESE GRA ‘pan ane eae Ne aes ia thed yb a Rte nights ances attended y:C24 and —as“wheyp <as|ARS and gain a strength |<5 riesthe testsplesand’st The,36 Bo eg Relauee a B :#‘|aaaeteeeatBtaesWanted.’SA ce Rohe pos “30 “members:;After bith 5 any;ae k Oe RR 5 enkins-Od ae:Seer them..ri Son ee ate ee Thy aoe eo Pek Me (beater(a ae coamentaee ey attacker speéches ‘had?-been delivered oe Sear fa fish ‘rd |:SPs ee Gee akes Vm pay eee oe ER.<->bey ‘E'‘cayeus adjourned.to’meet zyain ,NO Sek “y,re :;ties Aires 4 ‘ah night:Se ane siarth:;31,gee me toe ee sre 90 Se Cpe épetanesaeaoeiT”,:a CMs =Se ee pia Roshsre.x ~a ie Seer et et | any wncourU Bed speeeeritaee :*=.PERSONAL MENTION.a ;——"$ate EDEL ‘VOTEIN “THE CON.—— naScaeetR|3Shvbef Stade morhing Mi.Dack ieee .Mera f Mathds ;d ts =_venTions.ae aaMagrebwilie-iar.ee BS ,Bot “be sf cotton is wor bere?és en =e Marti ote in “Hiceaty sou spent,Sau ay re BY:=*¥5 +“i +Ces AareDies.°>YN=Gort spouilepeet:th a *¢ace in Fallstoim town ;x :.*Ries oe ae st :=ae aeis 2a ae e8 fake a sa &Ee Mills.=eSines sistors me en‘3 Coe Bepaipator he Maveot aos ae one eesome ty pica Sprinresoaeeeum.He took’a largeqitaptity aud y aS bere Tutsdays<-:“.TES :oe se “a -ae == Givdate Rum:we,ot@hanbess:wot ved fors i vey Bocal’olities ré bein fi 7 *ast,'Bhursday yur fp Sock C3 Mest ig imowing.very ast !ae os riously Stek.r liefwork.Boe ere Mes 7.Burkeas:a.aes fri geeeeeleine So enee toe {pam Iwerh’d-quite gesoue ke shorn:|mets.are in arushy::fooks<judd-“a-business tri :‘Sonie’Sne said a-ydutievclohe,~’dts &froin the,umeuntt [of>fetrilizerAbinfantobard:Mrs.HS te oe of Statesville.and ie~proba-—re W,FES Tus es Scall for Pmeeting ofthe Demo:hwsfirst’ebsericd abou téa Wile teeSt (that oehauled %out,that thereOEeoekCut,adied EFFriday)bly19 or 20 Years olde.Wek1.<ndit Suey R.Mewetlare:isSiting ratte county committée.“on:Satur:\or the.tow sepeya)coarse waS will?©as wit Cokton viauted tiowtheCaoye>ha Bee aoe io,SES k S eke cay Was,7a.uf yale com nitAce,is)CLorumy Coe hrhies,who bas been |ae!eeegESE Aa *ME.*ae st a i Om PIrsd Of the Cendcal ectsmittces’ee Sag h reat”oe ee ee abe area mae;v We is:asauch tmp ove |Béatn of Kak s Bettio Smith.«\\<s érom Be 4 “Bawles has"sreturned4 and the chairmen:‘oRthE °various1a bean:chee ue sth =Mir iedf a ME GTe‘ss ‘s A ; é Se hopbine $“Front Street),iASS Bettie’‘Sihitb,‘Badushter <0f |2°ne ee 3 ‘Baltimore cmet,committees,aS.follor 343 y=Leeapiet $3e ee be ajyiteeorkt@aAe3e~ghére are.twos;hgMe:*Wittiam Smith,@ied “at ber{4 eputySherilf.We.D_Teiapipton traPconunitiee:RB,ScTausflin,nee barn hagsheds >chars aSuy é Rats re soeee Eagle:Mills:owssbip ‘Pris cee Spent,Te ieee-Savi Stevenson.LP fiw“tg eS re ay atote.o'tlo¢gk.afte asdayaTpeitow.+i epe Wane’ait. ae :aS :,_The posts which ON port a to patahy as ie i cheaper,‘and realiic lesicaiieaA.Peatord,aad B.}tee Ys Say Acar Nota a cataw Sa om oS i ae fe tSiLentzwhoowasortSSroofbifeShedaca:“blown!deoWary d:»fas 3 as (COMIAT Ay)FR lashidnal ods a the each rof all.”‘Our.stock will,Ye i.ST}Ce oe Ae res ir ness”Death jwas*due,-to,heart:BS Miss Bkinche.Morrrow.OE:Ahity?!Des.‘buf the roéfjwas leit surtact.nies :feds but:i :eth st Chats ;aS an@ the Foe beautMoorest‘le,twas *“3 trauble,‘She was’buried:At:Holly,is visitihy her sist oa 4X w R reciaet chairmen’OW:AyMe er “Wea's.blown:from:under i RSS ed:i A A :ev We.have succeeded!in:tele estsapisfyared:See:Springs:cRurehon Su day.4 ERiider~*%=;airs ee ean.Barringers:W-Ly Duulap,aayl the‘Low gue tvas:Boke fe;Lv sy hee ee raise i 5 esis §pn Oe ae ass Smith,seag snc ‘eSteemed CST on Ths ::Bethany ay.W:Purner.Chambers:}Bees Duildar i isan was aeelfarsesjusthaltakeKe:Ly her jaeqhsintances=who”syMpa ge Th Rice ot-thes Saltsy burg?ACMMN;ene <Coddle Creek |RGin ovine lng:Rules iy eg ech“pe alge to :be argued:at,‘this |thine’with,~ian ea we.Tn ea “bar.wusTiere |Munday oD jaca Xo.£3 DES.+Stevenson.”Coddis The roof and.a*portioir “ot “athe.mo the Supreme’Court‘fram.‘thein;sad losses ec,“<Oe nless,if 7 Ea eS ee Bee eesA.eee,ee Kiva ‘this’house’:was:‘car ried:SoS,S 1D tae Bi I ae e i SUGLauchiin OK .ithinsdisistriet.‘the Sth.Death’ofaa.Femiptevous eae ae ue muletee iamaeal SsEo“Bray AES Davideou foe aoe ea 6 ben a oe ae anage TetMliAn ee a Sp Ba My.ee eerieoe aJar De aeWGSWISSpoyee|esiioud ANilliam ‘Go Templeton,-£sq,,died Doran ue Ree BS f-AWS-McKuy,«Davidson:No:the Douce at tete Ga pe abr apie ae Tea Seo es ‘eer Sbusdrek:of aadies esaRaOFtheeetheepehishomeinUnion:Grove:Agwn-aM ASp g va as.P.BeKennedy.Eage Mills:ALPS Me AVE OC Srsobs tany beth oe dined.Hada|;:estifs ?,()at-SSSR disven bine:ato;the ee:OpeSunday jaged about ._S0Syears.i is Wat on,afd dakeClark,Fallston:JaP.,S¥alliams.eanddbuc ::4 nants =riggof the Tawpo oo ‘waS bubicd at)Union “Grove ata day.ite Nipper join Nuw ‘Hope:J.AY Tatum,Olin#Dri ally’blowin.Ws awas bese on.‘the!neuen ee dhuleh Mouday-Hé harey ‘SseRtral |5 Mrs Vat1 son.i Ageae:‘Campbelt,-Sharpésbudy-JA SE:itevs car’Bier100 saaoetelephone:line from here.to,children nd Aber REDON te “Mes,EMM.eaters ot Wasting reese SONo.TA,D.Watts dcudeyny long toe ‘the ‘chloraeratte.Htis thought that it will Pmourn his loss-sf somCihy as Hisiting:Ber sent Mra’I aah <<vor 2s.Purnets Spartées-pCouenear:thet dive une oibiewimpletedbythemiddleofMay.‘Squire’Temyptetor “twas “ay wel):Joe}Rites:4 Eo Pe NN 9.7 J As Cooper:Statésrille-Broad str,=e blown.dow. “3°Ps Leds,08,New;“York.known’‘aid prominent mart”tin,Has}Aqecss epigee.£3 SHANG?25 i Hothinam,Statesrille'we:i as1Es“th ‘Ba commiunity..For Ways Xears5 he &Sadly “aud Wl VAS3:B.Webbs ‘Statesvinie:Wa:67S500 tnere to,the Barium:Wiis’ai justide Of the pe Be e1 Sunth:‘of Shiloh.Hsesae:.sere i ;\Me 4 Steele?Purnersburt:NNOT:cet:Sere of SL 600 eco Se &atown Tuesday,So Suit mers»Unio Groves)}Vase Ce “pe‘(este has.2 that:‘instite-:eae ¥i ae :i om (nearly a,.she has Saneto oe respected by his néighbots..|“Mrs!ow CDidck ner,‘of Salisbuty..+Phe:fate iA!1G:PFomtin and “J.”Reiteaes passing.oy eateni4exasyent’Sunda eile her motherPAD}4 Crawford \rere ehairinen in Olin te Re “ehure idirDavidwihaeofSbarhé.bong Wheat Thieves in Alggandian,<oe Mary Davis.&Seite tsspectively?“and~Chaik-|Across MaC:}oe ~<4 weGitip),avho hus aw bene’ean¢éer on}ts “A eatres sondentiat Litek J NEIGH «vébhin bras:|designatedisInavery“critical!condi-Ottis:Sabo.pind Sree Sa ee MSanid.Mrs.W:D-wr,ris “have,EMensrs.5A.Patuyn und WSL.DansoyfakakoakGatesereturnedfromavistArelativ:Aeleis‘growing weaker every ther name,writés that thieves”res.Rowan county Misi paitiveies divHalp,the secondinc inbetsof ife com’14 around a“dew,iuches.pis.The.ei ene Se 7 speently stole’)or.10.bushels of wheat’=e aeieb Pe tee aa.See evi:School honse:”was.the next).me:3-Hatile tt,or Sanseacg,whdis froar sheIc Aas PS Miler.“6-ors <Sniit ‘of With ersiane.Cec Tee anrp-ouilding‘daimbeed.Tte-avas\lifted gine ee,Ein ;AN ‘;patPictSeeCthon*master von.the-poushels.é€ach from.Messrs’James Oak,S208 SRA Pélatiyeshare beil dndMeSsrS:;WoW.Taner and from ids Youhdation and:moved Six)S$Las -ict ig at es see cemiteoyashereTuesdaylook=:Head:and Jan:res Rutty?and:some:20 and in'the:County;oy sa ne <re cia eld'enten.wi Sharpes-por seven.Teg.bat Was,"hot -blowsi:hare.renald bean jinposst-4housetohioyehi‘family FOr:30 bushels from Mri J2+O2:Lack}Mrs Ro Austiny:eae beens fathbersbirre-and:Daviidson jdown.Profs.Hertsan ‘and!Hoyle|e iitty.;Our dours are open ‘for.ix:sya “Our.correspondent.Moes,not:Speatdsnis the weekintlie.ety re os:Phe oneeex pean aads out 4 oe.wexe hy cit at,We would:be “glad ie;coe x *so {Hen pr Sara Re tes :s os we 4 8)S naa a:Su¥s:that iRews GS State whether the,thefts”were all)turned to,Mooresville Jast evening;is ‘il pepe she:Gt s the tithe.s00d.:the:chil:naar are cn Re Oss “i have you to\examine our Goods arilheStandarcommittedQn‘the Same.nightor not.wn still considers then metybe Sfdrenaver’biact hy fr eS #a RI :ices before’buying,ve hateSiar'ch YF Statesville.will“hs-This was wholesae.Stealing “and it Sr“Chas:H:Turner,of Charlotte!ve the:committee.SAH vacancity”Jn |bone Ofthem were burt:de iSwe a le ;Fa ee ae Ath :x teyameetingateithe.‘Coucord is hopedthat ‘the thieves will be ishere On‘a visit to His:father,and@).the:Cominittees.will ‘prebablt:be hinghas @een ee“ti fraiehte ‘26S ERG a 7mbischurchtobeginMERE.Mons :San mother,Mreand Mrs.”Work.Turner.filled atthe:méctinug here Saturday.EGnae aoe feces i ;coeds ed ui ¢tom 3Gghity:2 Leow pais ie See ““Eredell gains twe ae :Soe thects es Up to-date °"Ocats + :Neva or ih Ks 7 votes!in the Ss usaal..:3 re ::;te LT ,}‘ar\9‘NS ihaSher “iff 5 A \ane wy ana br sects win Sue The Ralirosetoe detpedcee shane State aye oe:having now em 2k ave Bye eg te we s ee 2 sm ASH:ie whic ‘:a atin re Nie i a oy 3 ad 1 .:m Se a peace oe ON S:PALaaaPeSieremaeoceretegunaloneeaeaeesothedared:wie 3 Ss man?-ons the nig.5 :en,ah :5 u ‘SHG ES Wit ay lott en COPED pi here ;©pai is idt Zeivler’.Bes!:an atori conyBn tions,nAtt,-iG}BBE sh i ses FAI Zp ae Phe he >“OSneealiow¥pute Seog.Dimerse Me HOLS “a sey:i.Ths y bat Lie ight yin:‘Turaersbtrg,Charotte frekrht train.who Fevey t-K ot,oe The st na ‘4 :8 ti swnskiip last Christmas.Sate ly Jostan arm while editpltig eatCars Lieit chant 3 Pp,Danis lof;se her was 0°.Por cobtenitnve his fay iy:a2 e a oe;:atthe depot bere,decided:ta’suethe Charlopte?ariny recruiting offic Wegive belay:the vote for Waldong tableware w,%ai a asonorcen aes Southern Railway.Heh:encepee sondage withhaysPoe urs!for Gpternor.upd te ote whici maneSand oa Ree peal to we Alves NeiWeboa AW.G.Lew isan Ho;Pt:Grier;ac Davis,near fown ae Hae eee oa wee the.ied highin ioe:wrareMyVoy»~a cs3ZitSitutdaybeingthe“arjount 4 ERAS,eS More Hye.stark ane D:att Mining?iattend-Haliow Ae ety eaeSfiauaoa tae aoe aeJotthepotieyinthatorderonthe)Fy a Kodan1S SREmeetingof the executive coui-|tone of 13 gitmorneistfor the }ys4redellSupertsrCourtfor?$2,000 ..:eeiotyon the list éshuts:Minti Neall's:Tite Shey uigless,heen adiiCitinany shave oakof tht:Teachers’“assemblyrips Dentoeratic candidake for.Governer:root ott Mat wai:?pany /-bays srdensboro rrday evenings Pe Ess Wea ol 45:appeal ofthe:Bel meephans,his Clann Ww ith it Sutt -2 er ong *.ge ie AE Aen«Company fYom the recent “6Fderof}Hejis@edcov ring:pineGrAtoun holsLMes.+nM.Broen,POOW;lmington,WertipGc,Wek aoe eet -;a-thezRatlread:Commission-reducing antputation 0 his:arm gad SPE Y Cee her:sister.Bethany.Replace.Ban ANG at |See ne ONE:“6 thei Charges,will be tried:im [redet |fe be out.”Wit si,Seeo ee.feeo a {Wert,“has-SeODES it Clisuebersblr,rg,Ye S307.;*Ronit,Mg a 4 abe:ML ;=thi nha:oe}.Superior’;ourt.Chairman Cald~3 ;atte ae StsHer moth a fete:Credkn i Ae,St et cot ee eeO!te gl th ease earl Bere,7.al xa Musso Aan SuetASby ~Ditidsdn;of Ghaiefortes Wont)7 Sesame |3 Be fete Ne asour ArstexpeFienve rat witha aoe Bs Pa eepy :amg oe “Hf AE tobe 2 :1 Q ly éyén:if vou hayertt’Friday ftiwin éhildreny arbey ih Corre ’iia,wemh:(Swidety nid Monday.mel weith [¢pring=ae ee acto esl|Cant eeoe .up Mhox oewefe its ‘suf pak ice:ecb introduced:We di a aa persovally,‘but:one vir}-were bornito Mr,cand Mrs.WwW,MER Te rothet-if-“law,Mr:“Bee ~Pos-!Lda uot ne ae eee 1d essé ans éaime S S I x i D:ulmer,“The bey did,the same eneaWalonee Aasecdettors candrephenddto Charlotte Mone.gs SF Des 33 POie : vAAit bt awis.at firstthought:‘that fyie utaiono live iat prasth|day”toning,‘alae Mrs._avcsub an the otherswould:alse dies but itis myton,oy 6 “COnmnnics foned a.Lwirh:tiin.Cea Neel Cel Pe LP New DOW,hoped that she will Hve,aay captain ai2Sormpal rvotan-Me A.Saibuel Buta radon a 3 i ta:ter ce ~His ee aWas [to ihesvillg,exis,some tymeaso f,:SSoi ee —a ce mrtg Waibed.at.He,=ridichles to Stsit’‘Ris*fathery Mr,Benj?Tur:Uliware man died ‘on the tfain’“be-4 hésState*Guard:talliag:‘them.*tinfuer,rétprigd dhonje Manday.’ysweenCatawbaandRock.Cut.last,Soldjers:and.-cowards,’saying.the |son’Mir:Cark Furner. :vem neof ‘consumption.see body Spaniatds wr not have shy time to;Mia),exas.sipceslast,Suminer:rds:Wus taken:On Porth.c¢Sores 4 tejoice “at this!‘for like eagles,Wik,ed With -hit ips a nue NL ee Wasiatn-Lopes ihe ry hi nble: Pe.ys alayere almost:wholly leper\the tuSband “ahd:father:for.ad Sup eonsagele is ide"Mone or Ne eae oe s af (c u e te ad ~ m y , ta h:sonand hisbravedefenders 6f Aime ch Rev JOB:*As ret arice tPpton Grows,7 SPREE sin.i Ville:?MreG.Ww.Tall is)im at ee pica will swpop down bpgn-them:a Cae er arene:Mrs?eo ra |Let Souk peer as -Lon,f ions eS MeeSj~;n k 2 ;ence Sets yi a SO Fee2°condition at his:roo .int the jail “(Phis”must’be Charley:~Wilson ee with ler father:‘Rers?4Dr..|Bg hatal VoteSp thie“}ast county wares ni at.ee “closheGWEWattsiswaitingob:him.(cliointhe days gone’by.nsed about [Lowery,whose.contit joa ”“Ye:Ficcougn tion was Ie “The following [2 the25th.”Prot.”CK|mianys:very,Critiéal.Itiis"pRor Ltda:oF Peat tS have gained;sBtthaws 1.aT wvlopsxalfett 7 fo d er \. this Intnd has Se ae or PQlin.:‘=From“tife’tide.of his letter«bute his physicia.condition is a tate Govepnur he:sft “hay.alFor Ble thath 1 t oy :/:His recov ery ix pot expected.iris cay ou ted check ‘aud afor imewts)eat ee e yi I.“Feeoxer.”::»ECP Cfeek:Nox ie Ooddle Creek ae ™tew3st est me =Ne S ltits very ‘doubifill about HSbrh “Mrs.teClick,abd cole:‘at Prod Pak,€gol,Spring®0 Davidsvo OUSe WAS:<Fontilt:*She pmpits}|:The Firsst'Prgsbytery.ofthe Aan?a Sisson eee “heres is ry PEAKSKine ape’Vsiting:at Birtnp,So!Psd.2k,Fatiseounct Olilin.=Shia]Sue Sp provers Awere se torst oeDitiedsaeeeeneeaeaepewe:“of 7 ie de Ss alex;RSShsy Nrs.Puek's Sither.ploh-Xo.?eey Statesville™No.yo o=fs pits:rs.~dav.~Capt-T:Mo .C.)Dayidgon..aS he tere nae on »Theit be oese Elta,$28 “ba red |Stat sville NoeSa Union.Groye thygfclegate front the church here.>Seesiete we Giebeibee re."plast week wand,they Willremainhhere thé follow tebe Lost:Baye MillsWehave.not dedrued |the dglegates 4 yeee PEO oe—MASCor.or HifrMhe CHR mates the neces are +Lew Hope}.: from the country Hepa oe os ‘this*{kirt esSereay ee Rayence,ag ae ert ancl Ape.:#3 3 Beh Sh veal <=|Sertesencat pre sf :Ae ;ak :|3 fCOMMUN.GF 1 ee:ea 4 Ble in Charlotte $n &ssbillte eS doth’ght man iQ)iia,Sapa as pes eee eee ae!4ha::;aa ‘S +Stor.:i Shee I's »Soha Hi Martin dnd:dave The news of Southesster’‘Alonda:,xs 2f ios Jotitv:S tperyisor nr ANE a oes oe Mak :Kiet in)fiew epring goods—‘and a ee aed Puen ths:iarlogte-News,2 zi et fs tebs:M BsdSBessS13 and,Emma.‘and +t a “ae f Nthenut:‘Désitasion®fa,‘}2B ey .sate )4.poe Sih -ae ee “2 si =A va te On;+W%Sexpert tabay e.pie ;a rae:ounty.ied Suncay.”«Debut?Gélizokon.:‘Medeusll tae |MisSLinie 1 BLington,all--of *Paw Coeiechoudengs of.iss Mair”ets ‘url me he ES SES f SL BAD;i aI NER Y.;4iTaeveoe“or tee:Depuyy-Marsha”Hampton,tnagle ee ther Greek,Yadkitregunty.ana piss Wiis x ‘Be Daivechi sean iSdist-of Sa 1 hlS oy Ua"ae bave a.first Class ni ;aah Seheoa's diuprienve,?whilvits,parcots:Wwere.on’*a visit to 1 1}¥See TS RO of:Fatenotton.Datie e ayeti lanes:Ch LO =5 wa a ;ees ‘ae L 1:Mes)“Overessh’S:father,Jacos |Seedbae this uioimings.*p Poole JORG ;if yak the Dagethart “school;bduse.:wenitintndd-propls |sda aOR x ie ues Shy moming ¢hope to.be able give youLeakBic.sofStoay.Point’Mex-de MesSrs*L,Fu;Brady ind SUNScounty,Visited Mis James A.”Tat,tarts:eaeat Dain’S%stud poe bad Bame 0 magne <Alkemmouy Ls Be a SS Sa a ee es eet one If you buy a ;de ae ;Cae a rAllison,who.ite Shoot +four~milled terneatitoirnlastweek,and ‘tien:y-Eres DrainsS ay Bethlebem.J7 Whichiwas vio)ad §Sei fi arta e gion cae ect _Spring rey 2 oli ,apt oeaeduitcounty,=)274 |frofa Mt Holly,left“homeVestetday edie Thesday..Mys.Martin~Is)hres an \fetided¥meee §:ee t OCG.ANG Pay;¥One Oe TS eine es et Eee A ae a HE:hes aS Ri a L ear 1 Aes me ahha os a fs Laven digs NA LE:>!i -%ie *ag a =5 aebtallytunt:alanced for along time.}of sow paw:~They"haa three barre|=rgna wires.IsSc iaat®Wakerhduee:choolat Devit ttle}oe be et slants 1S Pea a An art “eno ple ot ae Seah ce Lae gb:<penday she |became violent and }well woder cover‘and hag wateda,are Meas.cqdhio Bae uae eee ite ae See ig ward Obsos matbos es.trom,hac Sate ont Cicer Aca eg a oe e :aaeate be a=are;.4 boutrl2 tiles fron)Charlotte’.re aoe BRAS Span eae NN igs 1 Anes below Pv y be any idoons*Bae tae ikdaws mR poe Ou 2 ra 4 here far Sevéral months with Dltse’trends,‘has’fone ”ot “Piatlic Io oe ere ie Rae pea sary x ;bu goods:at®me pr igess wee are.Lynchtown.=The néighbors.netified when Officers.McQorald‘ue “Hah p-bysPWatesbouse’s father’and mother.engage ih husthess:Ht tS ar Nee Sofeitteb tf teboksly at itt Casik 01 §oh ou aetilésheriffwho.artested and put hex }tou.okertook the waggnAeokcharee MrVand Mrs.‘T.-C,«Aletander.|Mrs.“Hiram Shextdfl hagAenean oe dota dure viasMa re ee einjulwhéresheravesalmostin-]ofthe /team={Brady ang:Allison,Jéuve-totlay for Lenoir,They:will fitied tO her befor ordr,,a/maonetet vel figileday >.> - ~NMag:Ludwig:oan has been |4o go over.ue Gtistgnto get’a load Sirs.Butler's mother,£24)5 att +oNFVAoGs Tolth sch,hig thi ==Hicers Wack in -Conrpany with De.:as&Asbe ville:Citizen’says.tt at al ou a ‘litapeits until the season-opens {+6 the,aelisht <ota “fr AerTheAsbeville:Citizen Xs Xi |paty eran!‘Hanipton.eoDepary Lat Blawiag”Rock:shore they>will Mie W,AV;SMrritt's tithe!mictsep eS Eas oy _5.Looper,was:berned “Saturday Coliectot MeDin itd;oe Bae ‘spend thie summer.maSe,recruiting.iis Let ey Bee |Cort pondepee OF EG re ae <a ait,THe house.sas”ipsured -‘for the.teant qudxirove’oa to Ch Be tee tes AtDE GONE “it?yes ir,T:frSher NS Ove.to a We bad a good Congregatiqn ‘ate.$0),ana the tenant earried a like}¢On the way erg Silison.who is|THE “HUSBAND.\CONE;MORE:the Joka:MeLain:farin,-Suh on his:fornittire;«3s:-Gogper Brady?s Anicery fer out of the:Hack,FHoUGHT TO2 RETURN No formerly lived here.a cokenf 30 Se fom oan ies Oaks eadofCapt.J A.and”Mts He eR onky ba oo ups x evaraeik:ieSslen ce oP thud:/*One:“Fralick,“claimingto.hailftom}eréectinga-ting,arge,house.aie sgwve us.the gospel|a its guurity).,“both of-the reg ied ¢taken neat is 5 :i og Will Mayo.“colored raleed $fd pg Azaited |States cd ek Elbergon;Ga...“together”with bis |C.L>A.-Drum is having ‘his,saw ~MrGeorge MeLaiti+is ansuey |: 'Fonpanee on (Red‘Row *Sentay 4 PMaatveth this “afterneru ai owereandMayorHarrill-sent him,to the}PouNimicor te the next bert vg*e)ie) ;cottage ip Asheville,‘ownéd by:Mr.’ ‘heat Treaty:New...tiglite .church ‘i:‘yesterday.,inans:——ws Me We SheFillhead-|Ress ‘Mr.T ord:pe eached trom'‘oneRoeadtecatte|Seorgia Weman fet [ed Tor-Miteltell dovuaty a iene of the:best texts im the New Testa.}bey oF a &ahs2€'4s inthe Lurch Here:+>),fag.Yr.avid ANbright i ;ment—Revélations:.22-17--and-hs witeand.her daughtér by a former eal ev erhgaled ~My!GD Moose “ceble hea’th.“He bas.con simn tion:“n Warraee aeed Hore.last’a ae has ‘yeti ie aDic been andiiscvery weal)Hei if one.“of the} *4 AQO VD AYKEY ne yut~up”abo MVS.f Messrs,an 4 eLellan rans the date war Wash=ain eane for 30 a aeactaal es Ext es ah.Ectert:Neelysgames Na etic.Be hieware:ee.bifid large \pastnre-“fence See aeone oF the .npn Sf Sot akene old ‘<der:Pig's TS-one Sir De PS Bro it oi bp,jt-out that he had come 16,States,fon théinsheep ~gnd cattle in Southy.vere.battles near Richmondy./7 |“sesterday.’.He mk ha °S oie be"Was:whe.times brandy !wancer in:tilteHo work ony the’water sworks westgin”Alexahder——Mr.SFot:“Mrs.°W.Tp Wait i ae eS been oe ain)£08 this -Gusty dads Chica,yALi¥eof.plint.*tHe'said ‘thatthe avork:-was}Hedrickis petitioning fora:Mails|irotha sdvete€pe:Re ae ||Tredeil diss’Triendsy hive,“ee iret!|t,begin right “aways and-that ‘his,maihat.Hedrick we W e wSh.hin suv Vour Bins!‘The’!dracks ‘of ‘an’.t tack:Souda thit he>haseeotton into trou!ean compan x woul:“past it,to._tompte,cess.*oot Sadho as well frentra.freight trgin«broke just:as the 'traig b<pe that he;Fup eee en OS Ebon tion 4.Mr:*Faso Maske:Mexander's AK ted hy Awe plow |“4 eo odd Ree ieorice gy Be oe cae inWasCrossing‘Bostian’s bridge Mon-|y Spineee ROMS ieee SS Po ta KBE Seems ‘that ie inaréted t-willow }ehampion Wheat crower *Tast year,‘lowimen-ean..tell th “om pla WELD ~OWN:om Rajvest priced to;Phe sh:day morning.‘The:train was stop.Pat fA peea eae eae ig iret es ‘named Rem pey,in Elberton,Gas on fiids fgizto bear:fastay .this.,oe these,wolreds:Bree ae :a+bem }mer,‘By buying in CARLOAD LOTS we-make :Et pod justthis sidé“of the bridge,-and Khe University f North,Carolina!last:Thursday morting and «asta:ed He‘has Over 100%meres”Seeded,©f “Bradtord Sons:havé thei a “:3 {a ‘pul \ay,-ae :I f ;rand sayé a great.deal jin es¢“teas delayedsfor s¢vetal hours.while Werrei0.receipt,‘of the 1897-95 here immediately arrivipg as be’ore Nhieh’80,ot more;ac&To?Miller's:guillready,Crework’gta Vescawe Se a -se “es:-eee:the damage,was.repaired:osTherebeataloyueof the.University pf Norih:[stated,oni Briday.mdpniny..‘Satur-‘township.“Messrs.J.Witkcand #.‘Souig wartall Gut oud:“keen”tod Sats 5;a S Sybal amighthavebeenSoefrightfal)oy.-olina.Our Upiversity.ts..cles*|day.wording Frakck bougigta titk-]B Aléxadder,JaniesSeMudare,FCN S09 NE oh Ny es AS gia ti a VE LORE a:=LQ +8 aha * accident:there.Cae a>ine the:most prosperous yéar,ineats,Br.to.Asbeytdé,givingeit out that)‘lodge.MeLellapd Bros!and+wfany ‘Mareh 28,1998,”Sees Be ‘“r s Cee..-Ptof.E:'S.Millsaps,f-Clio.«was|history “Paring ‘this.ser there +He.way offfora short business frip.|nio¥e too.tedious,to ee fos Seah ee ee ee eee =madg 8 joes not:bay {hid yay.*:Selicentiy.doen 4 PztownMogday/aad beinforms..us!have been a total curoliment intheLHe badfopsssaiaignetsat,-The}lows ¢closé bebin Moser.aoe Rofices MPS rot aes fd :Ss how room-in thesstore:+Pe betreintahatthefarmersof_Sharpesburg.are Collegiate department oryLay.each aud *step-danghter,{though tit ee“ment,to pilot;Millers:ae ms ithe.Eee +ky x oy ot i rou!fe °show oe,ae ands oieverybusyWiththeirfarm-vork -aad Wents >in{thelaw-school Se ‘rhe keeping“up &brave,frontz”gare de-bread ship,we think we'are On “safe.-Ay aie POTEET [se 5 2 that.there;ha&been.more ,fertilizer|ne,at school 39.in the sthoolSaf]jieved ty halve ‘came to.thie -a a i bites ‘Rotlier Rr sgoality |‘serter,Fithian er Pa ee [-yy %cdught for cotton and-‘corn than Lpharmacy 17 aud;i}the summet {Sion that.te “had'sgope fok\eoud.paboutthem—thry.dre all 0.7K:bn uakyyette:Devinand =tae Goel <pe 3 =.eversbefore:He says that wheatsc aol for teachers.199 cmaking a |shey.left’outhe Charlotte train yer]titance and Srancially.:hee oh ill:whee has ‘geen.Wisiting his{s -2,.~~“looks fimesand that with no bad Inds total entglifment less natues Counted’!tcrdayevening,prestmablystor”EIZ|-Out people.aremsking“a,desper-|protkchataibe Vance CottonMMA ,7agaryharvest-wull result.”"Shed SeraCe OF-OFO..a AOS 4 bertony Ga oN “Late,Strugete ~o>keep”their heads’rmet sv ithe avery’|apfub.accident geet Ww ti edilast week that ee <The suminier schivol ‘for teachers}.its Fratick iia Retna ot”‘prob-above water:uring»ther:tenpinter Yast ight,while.ereturnjig to:bis}:aeshyBahuaa“of,Davidson,*ae this year begiys'#i June.7st.andably 33 years of age;tuid herdaugh-jaf tht Melinley “prospenty eSac-|rother’s from Salisbury,fe“wa—4 heres ee ‘up to see’Cor ends July 19th.There wilh be sper térsQme 20 aiid=excedding]hand:cess toithe:.Agconengats cause,oi walking‘down.the.failroad.ra : tors Wy Fy and A.-R.Lazenby sone [bal ates.on the,tHe,rgilyoadsy "and,Lsoute ~Fralick isth Northern’man si Se ry ms 2 Fito.«ae when wear,Hiendegson’ ee a ee oe ee jE i ed i h e n m i i e n ot e ie e a i e e n ea e ee re .et oe nisetal ig r ~Ef .a a Wie Niget SE Pray:“ek.f dimes ‘a+bujldingav yesidénce at “Davidson.fredsenuble board rates:‘The Nui:|oy biyth tend “4s>an cexcecitingly See a ws we she ~stgpped|from.-the Mtuew.|‘poi tay Sp hays gan-toarrive.“The peo-n fee is:$6f.e tern Anfing)th citize Oféoursethere Mist Sa >¢Sr Pubtnkite he“was on thes Grossites|Se ee eg ein ‘2 ple say.SOX 3 ronderfully,Epesare dn eeeaaa“va 7 2:en pent eeote ae pb are -¢x-veteat hestory ‘about“work,2,|nour Boys’tn ‘peislgh.vst tand/ell 13 feet or Inerg to.thé.bot-ae etehry iS a Re pie wilies®:o ee eee :bheke ween ding will be-yband pertsin teathjug have beet”steur 5 oing to commenc “on,We,“water Baleigh News hud.Oesert id tetets |toin--ofalitch:which the pele! ‘a.ne Fe ;Out /teachers-.would eive =rks iplant i eS eR Oe at *6)Wear TNE shape in:By “crosses at that}ee “This Teft:.1soinemodern:9-room house,.:and:t Ht fro att eud-ae ;an aN aon <ra Bed-above thne ankhmec“ke gins hig ne a both pleastre at a on)et OR Se oe os 4s Paalive gard vy AcHatipessrof States:]was Snapped,abe»Work will begin Soon.%fing&the:umter;school...‘Write ig|Fomlinson---Fox..Ch TE:Pcilles weoASFattending*theSaprere ‘bowes being’broken.:Mr.Md :Congressthan Jobn-‘Sinrpkingy of EM.'SisNobdte.ae Mra Li Boyer ‘PomljnSorn,Soir Of ourt:¢“Phere js ug;doubt “abopt eus lay/beneath the traclyin “digonNewBedford,Mass.,died.irr.Wast:ty :WicGore;“dean,Chapel Hil for]Sirs W R Fomlinson,ofPHaraiony sau carving it te Navembébr ban’unt}aso ‘Glock this.morning;when}s-invton CitySaturday night-of heaht ratheriiformation.adi 4and Miss:Mary OK,daughter’offsifereaged iajorit'y and I ¢inks:the |heaheswas ‘found and remover OEMisease,aved 36years.He.was a 2 Titee following students fiom.dte-f"Mt.John ATox,formerly ot “Cool;dition’areamprosigs in altparts?brother's home néar:ae man of independent fortune-and had‘*delk county aré Wow attending‘ee Spring togenshjp but:who nowsds yeae pate.”Mr,«Horthess.was hroken gin:*=frequently,hubtedin’‘Tredeli county:University ,-Messrs.Matter &et armeny,were marriéd-Sun ane af le Jeadersvof theDemécratio, “dQring the -wioters2 stopping”with aeee atesville,pe ior arn e residence ofgree Stat iu.thé tast:Houses tf cher timé afterwarda teg j rp Henrietta,Spree,ientinesandallwo;tone and:fancy ”wears,in Dr.S$.Angle,of Te:i ls.towas lay:wes,Jr.felon ope 8s yep’Lbeen to”Ralei,rh.befary Jed and“PeMircus gave him ‘@*!ship.“He leavesra great friend and#eohndiaiere.James Kind 1Hall,Dre (98 a is-We share congratulations to the’abth r eays,??said Chas.tO,z0"bo his brother's:and SendLappycoupleaa¢wish.ve.ee De:ted sees,Sie Statesrdleley The-pegro«departed with thcolowieMeee@Paeeeaaa|tran S.Thomp.son tes:mts ng pa hfe.ae att &ihe and:othjngundrewas heard of hir 4 ;.4 tered.é ‘qnans,Dortran ny Stand omfg a 4 happy lf mS see Rrepetbicea al|Tate ftpeapernicht DeMarces paid oe ::,Line of Ladiés Ha mi 10.06.sOue pate fa sh“title,freshman “Jaghes:¥.Co E "feourt ,!ie mili department was,=eGi one ithe.boned Ir.ir,StatSoeoptional,”ue “ane pese Case ar me eeafone Sa as private pene Se gre)eee oe:c|es 2°PAY :be inery-Senet ee a save h f Re-CGE ooresviite,schdp »ts sweand Observer.ne 4.no Scales dad-nr many’)vi:z rk Mat mate -e ke tae mameaees NT CORceattyFeakearthUREpeimacy...we ieee coe ele =ee e Avery Was her e yesterday.‘ttiengs who are alwaysplad tagreet]eee eS‘cashéae oets eta See ¥,@3 ee berhood and met a littie sonfof.Mr.{s =‘He danied that the-Noeth -Gafolina him!”He wasvan ideal prixate Sec-a y %v4eet :ee “Co oe“Rew:tawestera "Storeyoseseo ailrgad ase |ad beentaken,off the retar Wises discreet,‘able populay>oe eaeorloe hse WNC ;ing,dres:re oeSW Bessy nie geeee Tesaceee er je cee ee T Sicttonen Ree eS Se ‘or ila ag for st r i Steck of Shoes for’Met Woe";ee re ag [OALIN ARN SO ee neh ahd Childten;:BigStockofS en,Women -and ‘Children? reliof seenis.to.EY:@ughit is notactuallyoff aA ae Evbroola titiesteeSiatal man’spe:t4 My ieee 2.sates ig eae es vatif i of Hats:id'se =sip gen arth ‘admireriintaf Statestille-Diek”Wood.-sp,Lemoek Bo Patterson,Trdut a AEB sent i $3:fourth:ois sock eS ey4 wags tinue to arrive for-duty.A *heard barn.;When.the,beoy saw)Four-eaitie Tast'wegk,rhe’s xt fsrosdauto tysige that thew on.pretty ap‘higsection.iz ‘ee ae es Pad Dainort“2ttheVgse.is atanthedoghethrewdowntheflouxand,+#9 this horasSpeed res ox Fdtterbe Weccret,ogee9 dog peee?::wait Republicans.“pinata-Jeaiged oif he sack ot flugrraad the Depe none:foma a wate eS (aes eb rt,mains wellbel as ent rinter “iStewart of |Winston,|verti?*boy was saved.*,mr.Zprher sienke |oe aboCaineSipe ais tart.lder ‘‘agreementBie tee ok “aty?aly,fbb’ae organs aSonn apc orc J.aecanttoe nothing”Nantel Se|pparry ronisnery cameli ae BateSee,eee ee ES ae 7 abe tfaing!ru = La personwould thrdw~down pis”f2onoboenedistilleryfcforiichatdogoobarrei,a Olid.2 on dee en {;Bt t / } ,&‘oo She is:a-sister:of Jim,al weredrouvht on-to'Char lotte.jn the:visit:sever aL esterh.Nogth “Care:At piresentt Bhan nega an NG Ae oe Sle 2wksWf ph tales—=Megs—*abe ies |iy % >t $Ne —— ae +ee 1 aie Sette ih > rv tee acéiden:anded, —_ Prae 7);os +Offers hs ‘=ry \suit a >Special attey fion to:sc tthe and alk Probate Dyasiz.css. —ot :OFEICE 1s COCKS:wots. ~¥ * Federak ~ é fe r Be cers Wart jes E Pretayt ceith 3.“UT:heel CF :of cobtt Sam ¢.* “STATESVILLE.N -_—_ ="“trusted Re ‘*))ae <0 item oS PRTATES'ILUE.WLC.wy Eon (eames Pliave and te the i tice Ang Wi wy give,prowypt Otc to all.‘Matters en| 2 ae sted ‘to Rye ice mH ar.of athe court)! .*house:i 7< ~~,}:= x .Se vac ES SSATESVILLE,MOS te i ain:it toed mi fem tu >Wiibappear inbats ¢‘ongs.:Spesebufs satten-"| sea a tor ath eo ections and Sage ‘4 LW isa of estates-Peak ¢mks =2 Oe mn ingses.-3 B .Lox@. “ =a <OF THE ey hive“ntine stock OF eA ae he 4Kant meee iu Shoes3* ob ee,Chate AWS ee OFreeBeeneriaorKine(a emt BOO 4 ie ’ts z 6ots5apeLBYY ae eee Stu fivoitle Ne, reapie ie cima eer ar ie :yt the“Wsshibetiin Pests~Bair ‘}cern aes a6 Ww eela;ya potsesee“yas.cau bs i eae ented extyaonti ey ‘eitbusi-¢ubit4.Sh Li.a te 3 a a a3 peed 4 :Tty>uae *«« vseer 40.alta cobs reyer Wat Tayeens eis tt of io ies,eere x ATTORNED AGLA im ve :a SatVILL,No? ay.“Sita pohiiaal Ofatiy:~turped:‘Jute rg d we - :ee Wie xy Oh roa vo te .ae mt Hunts see horn ree}asi h;x as eesal a =p vueie Sethe ench:Legh a te,bank ers The!peeifevstovatus ig the S perses; fthe touurs whPTR,ay ts pe ie Wee Satesdrs: oe vali *5 ee: rs WELL. ae:©CAL WE oe ee STADAYILLE.N-c. ;PrggeatesEAE Sreeos"ie is om Tas~pee5 4 sere,PRTC toe saith DY j tices,insState pric ‘Federal courts. =e ame:ZB.Connelly,~ ‘“AT FOR:NEY¥eAPLAW- a;SIATEAYELLE,x C. ‘atécat ‘of:estates eit fe:Sirona Te at priat rich “Ain ing it.pass aThehodyiLidue:f eal rev.D.Gowles pe Tk ALTON BY-Ad-Lea Wye :Hey anChrnyer ray oe.apt oe suicide last EL:futse r hig:targa seit UNEagus =3 ws ‘S is to el :' reyes ———————————se |cs i te ee “Phe visas gi u ONUseroe He xoFi My statesprie Na’: |:; we E padctices ag |allthesCjose State aad, eM A way COEDS he fee Jc.eae ete :ALTURNEY ATEAW.., ss ATEN LEE »:©i Link jul af Teskvilts ‘eo TDusio su.ee +Ta TGOe EAS the chit nehetforaceep tle: fon nisiPsvty wetter ah poretiak Ly thei 3 Apt pty hs aS the Ot her.ieOt ae rie beymealsi=: Yeu a At IN eS |Berry B.‘Grier, 5 eA fires yakspee:wie ToceBs bs BOTW:aS ipsa to arrest :ts Yi 8 BAS Tee TP Cari fulwaesctertiti heE1VESY.tow ypalte rs in:‘: Hess et a?; eeeabie Wap the NN mire,abatt:fosar RAGS:didegtio [>gtawieKeAS:tise Felegainsl ye| eee J.&Hartness 7 _¥TTORNEY :AE 1W, aX Ae ah mec]ohere psrahan tht WiSeSept }J)kB TayHiyit enka ma SailEalharkeatLisegasiterg ar oy Sic loos wy 5 ieDSihayvibSahnhueetsAwa=Prt Re ay “auras yy1d?runs ey +syotep aliMtye ssroay send:Joys ot %Sahie ttn atee—Chrphith 3teed nd F2tofSeeLfarieee:esisvo:be theAnelyt.1ag drody,tbrquel!sone py tiechasnfifly AE WeySDE a Git,eyandiunktery,Pees he,eau Obst yy A:wh ess Plea nia A ;4etwoul orn eg ot ee oo Leas Lieer AN Pal Gaik:wever ‘Booby *heay 4 seh hee'e o piascphedpas wate gey, es WR Bryatczfs saree iy pee wil] ¢SR ERASK?Aedes ae “Lone @ ee~bawy ERS._uey x iSeabctetraaYipctstRisine"nersdees Te Biss,of :Se itt oe Pe phe:"Fook Stneas‘ta wetTacticeeaeState:ang’Pe feral €it a yi “_%Rebbins’ba iv.be w.Tee ieee =_RICHARD,B-‘welsteHitt.=e *ATTORNERAT Law a a ee ee .. er ot hes ia rotonswwésehagt Lig ‘show. Myhty aNna igh?ywi at Ow:Fiderot floes ahost etLehes]:warsit oot:weasbe,pie dak Coote Bras oneal dh Piney ine Maches g Jaures Lith dred oN Isa hie:she rideUS Tare wsereLameds eae]* Mienit dare Spee Jpiakeaay eT AHI appear.in alt‘Courts.Spec atten:hd .tion Riv bt‘the:Civic Brattice.*. ;41“oni iy atlies iNae :“His 4ie~~‘kommen Atnyr Kut oe ae:_D,LEVY.‘Prop.:°ol Co “ys Ah atriseal Nz 4jalthe ape at ePaper,4of,“Phil:edel-r Sruncahe Ps Feet te GGas.J a Wis ae 2te dagnt i:ewaiciosekataye; _NE ih.BHRSUSE.\as t ‘<Shoe tt tingdr fect,X.“Pidiedo ee Ze kigap se Stores ts"eae Why jhe Gdits, Rowes Gy,4 ete ss “faite “anvphet!thine These’+buh ’ .Wanter-eae EST YOUR LOWEN?PRICE,h to:mame Post fer Oat ee Stach =or SUE eee reoe%ateETN tertvat % as obelea stolesexs isves a apShsLa Shee’wor er Eitowe *ehe Easecl ah be -tite Lites omitfDyeiApeatfoe£we ae Bt mit f wut gust at yout “orek ‘alt there.as al ee Ai:satilt’sSt piercing,weve Sear Hytar=Wank bihgotesehef tPuths:t Appkune.ApiriKya cap ben tions.Jy ere tase Neh wit,istscet Osuv ate gt iin Tig Phe:xh i wihtam rereapts)cS &cf ik Ore nh anFore:iene eenBe‘fone st door te tite ited =F oo:‘stheoky SPOERE < omPokeheAcifer:Foie gid?or 2s “ of HistoreStray<aatyeePU “e - *toe pe on tey thay.9 x fit a poeteetd,Leores iesattired anktn Noah tnt ~ ~~> “Nor TR:He AOL INPREELLCOUN et :“Ww.d Haul,‘Sdn:oet”¥ Sig 4 (-A.Hampton ares 8\3:Ose;> vat fe |David,AyHampton, Theideféndants agey enedaesShoticethetanactionentitled:Las sueeedeencomnencedMitheSupenorAsomrk oFiopeasoAredellcountytohaveA+certangdecd:cies FO oe cuted by Ac AS Hampton tooaosUaeJdantsonthe210thdatof2,“getract.of Jardin Leen apes 5 ite,248 a éréS more eae Fas tb theereditorsOt AL toe ;*the plaiutit®,his.din tie ‘ ‘:vim ingthie sale Of said pate‘er.~.make sesets with which te\pay nga afisadintestateandthecostsand7c!hares ¢:Sgamabaralen.-Andghesant:“Will turther take potice that they.are.text term nos *eounty,paede 4fogonthe[tho Moudszy after-the Ayo)TSS in The coum heuse iFC.,and’answer or demmuthe fasaidactionortigphi ~Savill app:y fo the court for:the reuier “manitediin thercompaint Sas -This BB h day,of February,toe i ae SeadVN;BL ReHE Ste =GS, a Fie Ss pe ys dredetl.County pas “eo Lo quired’toappearat the +,=o gSupersr court ot Irecell oe he jay in Mare ea Stat.svile@thhvecowmpla es S13xese >.\Borit wilt ve pleadin bar :and get my prices:°‘have my office at J. WEIS i aA ay=Rat $0)Ayteting PA Z iD ‘aLaeAte:aa E Ske OE WerbatSee xfget,ieeeeeestes~ ie eesKews? eee eihicer \séevice'ty 8 ae y yale |és Lindon:Be Hanspt of,|3Re ae.Atte:ig.bs ee a3JLaiatured|“aktr miptheyig./*caeas ee Rete vet;(.eee Seleeayalee ch it cSipa ; PrueTABU.froufe<me apa tteSe wep hi pie.ast iitsceherthat,a tas ht tricta ersheiy teets‘Slat Mop Tie ewan:beste m2at BO Sergi :<SL aayto;elyanpater:thes CEE »trom. St iPCa ysis rai aMy etsarRcehe {Of f see iekagartteSesteaaS SHStaite FaretardHerosSis. VFENALEY:HEART.TROUSLE, "Redken es Heal ¥‘Ds,eK,et Se ae ADMINUSPRATORSNOTICE “et WTOTICE is hereby.giver to ah sean -eat te helding clajms against-the’.estate of fveh.Sarat Bass,deceasid.to,Presént |thenrto -“Se undessigned|forpaymentrietwelvemonthsfromthe,dace of thistnatieeoftheirSee- ti SreeSecSafidund.tt260M Te Vigaons |. a )“alt (beeciven,TOT AS sorbet7SESBIT,x %ian aetink:dye ri copes 4 This3 Itaot Rebeuscs a “i ‘J:Councliy,ate. 2 PERTILITERS.2 see I ELL BEER,FOR SALE susradeofKertilizersforcorn|" ;2nd cotton and will Sel!them as low aa the«'lowest.Don't fail y come:era ee = ,asa base Ridnrys }ver or “Wadder ei n ~next door to’Barren &Webeee tum :_s turestore:9)i)“Waurs truty- on z Toe PRRRES.Statesville;N2 2c.March:70,1s98_ st e ‘beach HANDY.teetotiewks ms‘agerof Shep ard.Co's.great ‘sore suBiacérite,sahyentes:oe:had nee: mG ess gem Paige v dba proceedingw!os are petitionessand!+...4°defendants7the ui ie ville’or =e eeuntila mreBB.MeLAUGBLIS, gotso bad With'neorvok qhad_to Bineup’aaa cs“Aplod gur local pifygibisusbutnenegiveheae =rs ofich‘Iwas going totdie.(ftsandssugercdmutoldardsleepnonxest,and tt secre Richescome.” prostratjon:that ?Seaonce todoctok -2andoncta.Joliet. t COMMISSIONERS RESALE or: Bipcise ¥VIR TUZOFA DECREE -zaSSuperiorCourtbfIredeltcounofan até al are4oecommmissiohndr-,Will sel}at publiejoutery 16 ‘the highest]rie bidder at the Caurt house:door in States f “pebestaacesat 2 “MONDSY.APRIL 183b,1998,see ‘the followin»F acceuibed 5rd to-wit ‘Oeoe“tract adjoihing Haithstck &:Bost,eeinRingatastene’op.public”:With thé-road 25eaeiy aonertydirection,—Mes do a dose,thbuce20.polés-to~a°jDorthertydizetio,2t pais5 More:.dp Tess.4 ; “gas!‘and <0aSparteieendcore— tralymnisetatie.atek eeor peels,‘ofDr.Milest Nervine.7“ae >gare.we:relia:4-trom the etart,,and et last s‘ctre,the ne,theute a de dipatonte|eeepagiawee fmm ing iy Me.Bryan in,New OPicars:’mee 4J he “adage ik »:Tete melt atifug tac Weel 3)ae wade AETESCENS Hm‘ee a son nRVoehe.iS ibitny ete Wy& Whee ae during ayis eee RR CKE « wrt ctENB Sek Hoots & lit oh ae Sagat!ty aha +ats:ot alt reoepae it y Setashdt veh 24 a jue UR Way Ayan -ahic utes (eetilng ae e Sot” tis ke sane:eG,tetDip- f sing uepbe ont Bs 0tvehgitthatPpa A »aS {rh “x os i reIaith,the ri PA J .“—ie fet Rot foie aoe eh, yrie Siete XeSaskenei’s Bare 2S Te RA *EAA Rs pay ts Shiv,{bark Phe TG aft Arends,,sans:Ma “erttery “th Ses erhenydho wat Catena ue pias Lievere ShoesStr rig axl -* ee thely sotreheewag)ty u"ees. ay thess Beohior so YY thee uutats See Pend ty)te treathaktheta!ieeeDae) rarest) a i;1)"er SyaeMare ge she a bd ah bySoa “Bf Wa tei Pim “en FF. a)-se>“fat dn tthe AS NGee ‘at Cidelgink tor gt an’©hs pieaesss J 2s:teasep ce QU ANT Pech.%ey ’Pf %cy meee <‘The Cie SCRteage ree, ny _'e ae *,Xe eaeand Bingei,Sait.~1B ae ei ey vure.{NEDeS Serie Ppitiowe Vy coated ween!Y ~ ¢Sua puke ejor se Yeuks dati at nh t Pte ‘>eer “OG ROR POS A, st before tspitobs iin.aay:Lat iggy?a rhe ee aa vs fae uelah.“4 ¢ ee Faeroe hytied wid ti RabapOGGe Pe)y auisa:pap pi ese oy oat sheoh axe Spey ;aed,to anaw ye fhe,PUTASeae axe)Ww,A the satertimen:t aasde™ sped:to bette?yw las his cavh i tat yeaptes F sy ‘possibie.2a welfas those.Wes ye WEFO ut weeps“ib: [ste Sxeithstid Pons aad izDaASORS.: Phedatee¢clatiseswWasadvESSE by Renators,Me Barye and?Cut tery,Whosaie °they.bade consnlind’thre. rplest ‘ebrrst i:vifiozual vais vers:+in we fi tSconetitutgnality:These oiions turk to its bding ph:rai onedy es: Wwrdee;Re wel wiht f Subst imate fomMabie’pas finally ¢-cided feelingty - seme as aWiAOUTERITTHING- -troubte:you well fipd SwampRoot’just-the eetanxidus about-theirhealthSoon-entingh.thon wre Sngt quite ws:or.“half sick?"PHITe.Yor ever thouglit,that your Kidneysay,De thyRanse of yOur sickness?+9)97,‘At eepsyi tetei hy s tiny esis your 5 z fee TOL ee nurs iy ain ‘or 7 2 jndicadtes anne Le adeineKini ene “On,‘Padstay night ome ubfiiown {1yotahekidpeys.-¢Wbesy.eae‘aomenetad kidawye te ore aSMTary,if vijeitig ae avthe .gedanilad= plynerae wee ~y ae alfitis ever}‘wish vin=relieving “wedklicensedsedkidneysundxitonnemm,“iden =ap Bout 9 Youbles=")]Not >t iy does the:entire|cpon-titu ion at Fous eeMedicineyoushoulenihe*he:Sojdbydetiggjss,pr f tay?oo saat veo“Pdgliar.,“You may <b _pest of pos’Aedatissee<a oe a ee ;is a ta h>C we thei *Aides es win Pye itsCe bere thes nes ts eon % {esi etion fowptieir Sac ile. :tik,nal:ase 2oes 4 epi: 5 kiss 1.9.3 RARE GeGk id ovcun ile dds Gue :ied on ” ary ‘that yomnned |Uke :“0 “Rumen |TEED}uses can raec dP py pats :Pit Fa Se Sas Be ‘!bs a Se ib nea b Oe at t '‘Dem Huma atthenGwited States haval eeadvan ¥xe *bere thesal : rt cyl sthe™Roh iver,et:“tail,at.. "5 my):sti oy Se"dgohdaat sires“ad gL a Lie Sal)* er Vader it tidatit fagt aide Bie at!its,tidesPPO SIas 4 up Sighest.isduaest Te:Ae4}st4 saith,eanty:nessSe Brshitebans eeeP bisa pokesof the?yar’ya) Bae tks ch actin as:it,aaa see}S oe i“Baynesoea.yLae Reser ffawn uae!iss ind fA ia Ses oe ehexSofey pynirund:.eager:ba ess fs ai eist phea.rhe death scene nos]ined:‘ah she?meeting.of the'cam4 gniatue her ASTIN”"above -the }Rattte®held tix ‘Deceuiter,TNS « kare tots.of thet i i lous hit sukUeto digsrevolution shall rultinupees tt _‘jios noogetitidein foy the colored, :“gl amped,a Maoh hr Goes Pond?gg tong cri)Oe.&Son),Bnet Of ‘Hosts,be-ny ith Aus eat >Sines IP Thdaweghureatapig ae SC ote mantle:We porns Rnd fore:edubutictha |aa << F aaa ieeatswh hgsisagen aap a hed Bt pot exempts het Alize tet Crs.AS)ie emiedy you nerd.OM pple ane:not.spt toj.distutb at “Stoce FRobbed,at Wiiedeesros Norte Wilkie Ate She)LS gee nivpped ou the fa atmited 5:{DemorraTAC»metas Bn rae yt Mest urifiage’Sp ayty 4 “%ee TulRee tthatackin“is,4aan Somers’“6G0"ae‘WatkeSpor .;pttony |! >} ete ts SeiteRractuentintlenesteen.cattatEuan heed pouries BEnot-exis.At tes eytsi ++~troduced watadPeeSa of atroméfdy)Dr.>Kiinrer’:bg late por riobacce af aflafinTo dase ate de ive bewdife ‘and:*itheifolkcauseof,ese:Loy windaw-duringAherdsy ‘Seagthe in-|* f;eenenaeee kidneys tacxas a Keyipie-fox,side,86.they.hever ened phe;sein-H o tdow at all”‘Theyéisi$a9 Flew as ‘te ES nee ee =oGsins’#Spdach OnreMajno;s Dead)PY pe. .Fae Nea ~Se yr a o hayesw-3dale,az ec:Re Syedker:Wherein:>ares: Akeeur dig tantie Ne ‘niURNS ‘ure shall prevail.iaeit ber in ibe fort,Hoes asreeeePia oe pon,WJ,Bre:bar ust Gaxeeif’w blebst Baxcore-frdin the <com:Seber capri tce or toy thes fofm “ag-p%reid SCR?peuduhiisc 4 Satie 04i othe ode wailed tf his Visit ie hin’the boiendtient,itisboth GeO,bans Ww Cis the CG,Poet ‘@¥ty)last ee.aes.iife and Just,but barBy 1$,death ae vite =ened ‘Pecans VRat tie oPat,ayia)Xo aie Seofentionably iutcOntemplaNvians Sehe :até #Supa’ca Sunt ye to awhlesbi ake Pasty er Spacey gf s Lispine It ¥il}be dy Tngtdeftal eetPNK: |[iStatteg feomivte tora Page.af hi ey,eeout 4 Swe:tuk i Jor that ‘silk:be opensto,tie ke ges seybbe: hot.(vs gepwblic aud vt the world fon f te & Bel:tineeA CKCOMIe.e 5 wea GaP ai stb inv,to the sient eek wees ge.a¢Ce aes Me wunener poe eae So,hp Hay’seth thes att tide oe a,ses tie|fo i SEL &fects Geycin ;:+]O1 guaduisice:ee et eae Chnty cunntive cad:fro jlek (Sad CVGeV dat veal sted.Bs &Brent!i:Lie:“eC (St arte 4,st rds OP SSiapa thy for"hie ‘pailfant: vest aye “tise abe VE a: Cem espeeks PE Ges tors,Pte isa bet aro ‘und sPRNGidsre.:he SS then N lows.Same were only:recently: tether ‘shea’cantie irom,naval {:h Sehuer or bivil YteiE fronts:mnie State ahi on ha pore FUhOy called exe fh at er wey delay ating:Haefooudition 6 .ewciade aoe ue een ol iautrgan lau the sutlenie €hub ane page|whie imenetifnes Theahs but 2 se on}rte ess than,love and 7a»little u a a u :.Si Lo bi tip Bicuccg usrable,“party ee ore tan”My ihgship™that:ts greritie see ok vhebualanbeatt whieh hers ipl ‘the Janguages of vine:Le ERT Chale neat theap.mehe tlio sTimberin;yrokes bul ak anger Matne ;x10stbjtheni..jub ache ae a ing 2a)lifesS kajdecape |iar ant inst :Be be ;:pre’gweidings,pees tok:hortéonsjasi foutente:.MSs ANCE pt in SOR afx ah gue Bich all the,ayyppths aFerulaking disleing:andcia jeri. auin.Vaitrs 5 “wreaths,heToue the > i we vt Bi sity <ie 2hagke waeee Sti -yaalt aresweat gl sire!epelatee Pearl 4) > Wihatber thie “agiprepaiation irre’i ~~.vtS.s pare geet OL aterro soni JOG FS ~tay tient} fee patriotic Eeoble.3erilighd ged.‘br 13 ay essuns bE our “hist aryament 1cONteSpeehesroesofyarbonixyBeekthet a te (bished-ayrPridtors iousrareered ” xSeemvoreSheFeeeer>“s a ghFtfe aint lisniil¢the:seittye ates+, Tho Captains:‘ahd phe!inky au0-“yey part.ee Se ws Bee Tea rill Ainabine aane Went sat rites a ai y ioe,pe 3 forgetyye st Ww i tlt azetk™Se eo.*meex4gaePEN» SteeSr ate a Kir,Theepe Been Burning For 75 i Wai ;ears, ait ingooe “xb eA Tarte ppand asa ane?otat*thetn *woul df ee inet thy tresdinic lle 3Asay dma ADOnde SOF and inns.6ow nvdia: .dae)AOS a wl:Its tile pot.Ae Sule3 re ay ee They Gnigs. :13 wee iiy othe oboasemitt shite:2te:‘mas Me aah Besstir (>iti tker osfiesOrt Wave®dvek beet,tused it this’Roast AMa1 et is abel:Suaw ‘hearty:an;fe a thet faringr.He | |bas always th leed is’“Supplies dud never aid ons’ay X,bat an.cornL-gwheat: or yanaeall =e ¢Lag nicgec’worn byt tines ‘dan toedtradehits in hes tee wt }he dar:t Bux.ane seidoni sells-aay: Jthitpg-=eis independent otPig suk {roundings dnd weit her tle oil tr ustéy stock.gatioiers on even theFailroads “pegwoestui iees Spal fone i ais ~Fe eat:¥4 T. “a Ls |féris=elite te “Ot,Some Rebarege ispas aaaig é Sum} Mmoney drater:Ghee sy rictotS rth}nyLee oa rthe -who,the guilty:purby is.x s ae ee “ane paw eeDaeinesnt Lee upen'l 7 (Mr Somersis Redgsin of”Atessrsi :‘TeeelpLof thre Recah Esetag ard Ww,V.Homers,”‘out States::villé,dndsharied fréaughterarihe= 7 late’Maj eer Bienen:las | aeTG Toese aes :gesenders und fo.Stoke: Shae st See % yy Che a paler et “the,Lie OO EE Brace of tepresaiit th poneand ome ee at ote duet.Biv,tin 2 rol wy native Stuted Ged ii +hat.body,Secured the.pas Net SOoften.heard“they.oe specen iin the Histone. aiid evening -sultitation tel State mene prohiunely.finpe vine flagk that fae avbich”had,“beet those wlio heard it and its certain| him f srt wed f EASTER ty SNalte!Ms eet:intebwoven:with,thedearest:Bicma-iE hthat,nome Yesulted iin:<r eater ‘Hood. 1bots Halienapetis tied:i at sonic oer hi rics of their ivess—that had coldred to alithgir fricudships with:theS.last:view4 eat4ingbios(Of <trtie:ficRcTjt ys *-FNGR paitiDds pe pare oe get ue Ala atra!aS ee Rithertatsof Ralcaishart212 arave iy,Rrtel “Ghox3BecOy“Ruastbape ne:ahavea fate diay Pali Pre stot pinto “Tse ayhgir4a elsduty:Sleert hareg ttheirMins NCE:Hexetative?eommnittiees! in pew ‘thoatby:is holt dgath,OyeSsratteme Shetegulkition~eover nine: fh ey hseLets soehicreeu “chest OrBE ay Se ae Dt foquartbept SEX PIESdissfatpet Bigioper PSrute,eONrentidn-,in’fhe’folowing| Leet:Kirst,ser onasSGA Sei xthy 2 ~ERCol ved.»»Phat:allewhite Jee ors whi tatend ho-vote agith ws 0]: Ria Peay Ana.kaues{:goverment; ard "¢‘of ahraeat i Ssey kindaesses.pubs public servantsis their,wespigpsible P- it avhén:thexState is fast sovkinedis a “tush:fe a ee whichre- SeigipsiclPt proycrtys.vor the-cadd sue Hie eid eanenttic old 2g“zon tesian I it]Gonoy qQhihe:SReahe’call,tor Guly P ex add meSS as tan tiie seliite:Amen:ee 2 tye {ory hirer t Lift been”“purbiag ,fo)Tisiin the few-byoypea violations, sevens?fv vybark.NSmast ches or.ho thei:aby /and the:¢whastecen toi if meat!4 a nds"4 = se dele: oR Bei Aiiss.Disievivitix ea Ru!iding ofatr ayhum,aot tly Jintyrested a ERS 1 * natyeaat i via a Saye he ial am ee aos 5Matyi its ew cied eSob x the, ty44% mir):as oe nits,: SUD tng chai ;é ™ Parad 18 CHL 3th griet iit fee |a vtyby bi >i Kanepe aehose desire.he De Sniost ehoqiie nt Secex ne OH tbat fad:previ ewes:§:: the urfGrt atta Bei, ¥ESeed and melted |‘Giee Ose W lo beard Thaw th vo oh Caritint)a er -Prvsuant -toh a resoletion af the: hetboy TY ori pie that te-Denio- o'clo Sige iitHowie OF,FAnizat ion arecor!feghautAhehapdsst e “eeurine lysh coats coifvuntions 9 a) .ae"peeg ol gopsider:the Cyrtigty TheFjdges forthe: RE wi Aamounce4abe te aT s S-ghoula?Ah‘Jad wall Sencar ia::ee G.fok.phe:el@ispriet 07theFahate’di veVentandecley Atha yim Ss ge <followiies,nesolutidn sanpentt- che nest Sfectioneytae 2who,‘dessirp.f he re gstablishent of MD AGLI n’Noyay,‘Cdrolinw.arg,Gorda y n-4 Sito,Potsacttetaate”allour pet asthe Ado.rion!Gf Suely 2“tetolte st ke;Dee ‘TALIS }vant y express| ‘oyna.“The Teck! peoHl:hot Novees ic’pti Kate?Ofthe Secbite”peples # af shig St até.«to:the coloréd'race, AY.chilet the Devisaratic party ov as th 14 Tan ~~an poier,’yessais “suithreasucees- $d s Mout,Bayt “Abie ea votes,“with !on +h)&tytght 7 aefady**$i thigh x mar y vxveption.ican Hote:©-onsideredy < he,-whoni ~the*oressteprinciples:lof rover ninent,the Seisdem sf)‘economn- UQheys or phe “qfalifications “of } fh ES >eitide.or <cofitrok an bis|’cTSice:.or aoallot “His?allegiance: cuba),‘and2 Con trite he:frit.\toa sie’‘Republican.“patty or Sailies,.<cannut.be,disturbed-by the corrupt) ab a disgrace’!«qpidagEe of those:for this ety ‘ibe na TCEOtes ys, Soponane Shame”Ponder the hstikeseot rtvds neither (height suf persory (<dribeCarolina:<ie eg a Ty tal igualriattorss Di BORG skrow n yw he Guest OF ae te:rg ney ae Kj ower arith Pra ATM antBayhomcontyal at ute cei rick Duhe purchasing «powerot)money>Lwith theeveydecrdasing-Ratue ol |.dropetty“istar wthe:ex heen wi Ate howre feOfthe% ay e RE cor the, pateiotism of her Sons:*tA Syorksatonce:Preseroie”co “test | fendingA Warn @0 weleinte:pads |fay hi usdURecuribg just”faws4Openest“SANeu yeGane iow$xfixed Awaherd -GMerences,if Sauyyexistwatihe:adjaa they plan”of esped“MfoNy~sferoct that”the}® Cober tidmof delegates.‘Thé ‘nomivatign ‘ho-fsenceralAssem eonyentin e y.think ativisable,ae LEMENTB SAY.SL“"CMainipal sae.Baarsrs,CeinstoreDy.“CG Marck: Le y - Ti Anse. pO aC <y Meee Laeetat a He a.ane iwi.cree eae from tha ieare aof es aeAbONt |si a St C Ye.ah ’g,*: few butltiy Se tint :K bits Beuipsen® poresv israe wesones sect FGA inet been’S0. goed here:bee 5 os thins M11 Hays eras x 20}Face WedewY oS 3 5 . fits Soy Ms wr teta Aves xa ayeig Me ile ae a:2 ‘ore i.S 5 SAE.47, eo Str bea Bate, yo ADONIS 7 1 LOW.Creek,as Vv ty’.hy 0:be Raid.UATSoay 58°Pole;m0 aL be LG 20 poles:tots‘ay ae “Sead Sey1 Ay.Milter.Capt Ave Norte V4 floles oa + Mer.ther.1 SOM Ho a yt Dek OAK="thence: ies ta SBssuftan,Abn RDB EKA UG omy Urfed,AtketneysBy Nera:ei [in ALY waeslor electric Arddgiss:° Tage ‘Akron,Ohio. EOINF Ke «¢es te oe Bt Yaa age at ¢Sale of ae OS TY Elo LOIN |ees tai BYTES a MLA-Lrzae Wayo8SstusstecashThis4‘ i, <put mre P'stdOC,TRV XS:xt¢-Billingsley,Mouts Sgiegsto NOP DEAN QEDE Cia. +and:os your,tv eh will,ive:four pins,Wve : rt)‘Cost?Apple ably aeSaks ‘and BESSlopes;fagtofies otelse Tesiz y boles>paleere HAD or. e Vain ps,Nuptse? sider:write stot.jes.We wealit gale lting foe Whitown.Write falokes a a ET YLENE Gas MsCHing¢)6. ==Successor 10 ;ple “G1 deretic AG entice iL tli:blood s thi Woed’s arsapariiia which >2 ate te ane ard crve “Anot norvese Seesae ‘bitefiglas”Regs ey aageess al et itspuycting held)February.22n Lie cm soption will doy J‘he iy 5h sanange ¢eseewe Can zany bo.Pree 50350ae the pllas ot,organtaitiqn,as i,aMe lion ICs joss 10 noapsbrinee,<( oe EF Head ren ea ree $1505] vague<aLOG:j es a aefoler.rite snibstocks,toss 2iy yeeon iurniture,. }“Rounsaville; ALL" NS ee lenGone z HERE ayealtay.D345 2a Ais Sto He Soe J the SHC shes hgve j Hanidsouiest li broasht to Six Ask men S:Sif suits “with Silk cand thicstat $CVUlelt tls X Cltarls Hoetgl.: Lor.aH »seeitge th ingle:vest fur: =And we arc ery,White G 2)Percals i4 ko ovd.,New ty dine of Ka Deposits Teceived stbject toy Hee i on sivhi ts aitied peescollateralend perscus)Sec na At ee fe S150,to:“Wnsurange,es Z “Weir&oe psased,Stoel; Meh les caw atfect:the:people aisd ; Ale,wWeHfAare,than:those:owhichathan rk’ the prasént lines of coy ich —sy {Pel pkiit “peor e abthe comptey aves34Hica PgR Se 5;sag aide of is fii rs Kyier belgy ai ae j aio"wordy’SMotila’benestied-to oryeal yeditieal campdign-is just#head.,of}wctie-spun:-“Hate bus’ta which the wagetsofthercontést'ix the woodname and “prosperity ofNprtbAarotina.>Wx,‘Should Degio Lost hte Sur febow citizetis,but (ex Sees wth HII shipto“aly who.:gentao a8 | er SemperoS pessiul operation,nas Peet din has cotit oe ive iF Pp n has¢i ed for:SE : psud ambeushs it a MoBLAS: acyténow than.a:few"week: the strength |hae ee nts"epifventions should berheld,assogn asjeouyenient forthe “elec: some what”Tes itality ef the:paitwonderful.constitution Sttery:ee Mirained/ of county’aniders =sanembers:orthymaybeipost{%poried untiLilatere 2as .€exch:sannsy |) ay {Thes bioodeis |° W6 the result of our r JONexperience; ai t a ie es oe “3 s Do nota 2 $eeae kehae *that at a trac tit “DryTheybay right. many Ve jeading 4 ‘to Our sl ‘or an eu but will one ands eontinues fj “ “st SLO eo 1i Suen Wwe willTAR.LA and 4v1 fresh 0 +-better spring “Our fi But sellig tyehsy Sacr |Read wea =IG Capea If UST The ing est foods G double ; ‘fr‘tight.a Sa Over any. a Show,rq Grocery