HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Mascot Dec. 1898 StsT SILEMeJe HG ONLy DEE BE Beeat 4 ee r , f Desks 24s ¥J ohareLoticers éfthe.oy psivion:Party 4WielSoe=ise VokCobein émgluments).of Office”was|:Wests j &:BR 3 foe Se au kee!<ONebdade bythe two,fusion’Legisla-|os ay Be ea ve QO “Be Cives,Thenhecussityfor qne/should4“Stas el SOE Bee ay jparent:and-*rea ‘before“-ourx7aeSiaNN-x!st ns Y Uemiverutiel wegislature®‘Greater,Be:ce Sean :aeueeeOrieme pTthese cuarts:Bay Oe a IeCiePpeeeSHeeich5eeeaeSaneeefe*‘a ==:SeSiortheen Rates ae weepts ow r re a ey ie oe :“hie aes oes Leo Suiteapoh the iad barCSShevnccwleSngessaad:I sPOsitivel;y seh]esaPutsPantsnhhoy~andeee oe ~{ 3er,foe seauiors AND CAPS.-peal os tre yy i i b Cojor wattsuih tintye igen on ‘com plaigs >4Sbetey ie GeaseatHS rl©i kt sitethey beep for the prea Laweeps Abig thes,yreanitation®ot |we “ttihy.white?%nee Seenoe ar tned,msusle ae qoadinsezubs,'SSau:;Repytilican ’party.“We don:‘wblamie fehBeSahTEOBoaeRessmee§oe bibiete for;not “Svaiting to cut”loose|Sy ST Re eo ae eeeee et°*Be Gal ane Aut ea tyant IFS Sang’Wwel Sade otircs Wee.Heavy 1k ube deg Aepablicans Senator SEHNew 2 odyl “Séa py -paatChine i Britedard'Sf political cyriter®would)»Tpis nai:bing will Ge aS:sod ‘haxeibeert limited toca fos “terms of SS Ry se iS LsOEviGe An*the:JSrte “Legislature|’=e Ses Y i COUNT.”“sPtroin MadisGn-“eotinty.*Come.‘tdne9fs»Pie ae foes °attere eg!SR ie dle ee ot tae os f)thinkyofih rat's abvut-his.piopek:&Court at :=—y “Aer creeaJ paipnyhos RPE take=*“uh Rea 8 ;sate Set TEs br a ne WeEs.see it the papers that)yaxtous>,.J,;et bath ats.are”cheing Ddocined ‘fdr.Soap:and”Senator “wo,years a ey we ree:Kon"‘t this a little early?BYatten.“peel a gn pe:“passiblé Yor 139410.repeataeUimeltyitalHDS“Then -thert was aEee“pater Aghy in:“itho Democratic parsaSpbfon’Sendtorship whieh,WasLONG een beseySethepetty(s to vite.Dhrat’the=» *<tug:xv Vesisidturg shouwkd .$o_wovern>Ra Jie Stijie voy “aftSdom4 mioderationcee:saad”ecatomy “that te other pantsoatJr }“.’ma Sr ortlel be thought okeby‘the!pedple;Nee ql wai dar’the<.time *comes for-‘them,to!oe eae et >their Legislgtire-and’state.= fate Joprats iy.“tybu sbould”now “be “thetme,SS Gch beebneee he of ahe Detiseratics=eS Pea ne ae Antess>ud peaple -After suchwiseaapiAla1oOgesteoe‘d:i es pu ganas oats S aes Stas <ten taken’it.a ieiklal-atten e a +8 Ae earings tag OOTCM enough to-tahk about who is<INS sie WR 1)x:E G ie ye ECI —is stocks =TB Si |eS Teauekive tup-doaves pnd tishes.a LEE ON Soe;:Bye Gt bilaryof cbemproushe Sac fe aioe Mia Soa Ake!“1 ait)FE Lisit tosO:oe ‘:s Pearce aise re Ni ne CES oe eae er i JMeeapeagsiiseaeeGkeemcrae+esUE PLOY:ositgon-Tet Ow giye to sthe.i pt et Bhs ‘a*a oF t eee si xDeXsa=}a ==tk PSs —HP Rati ngs a Paes |«‘hite Schodls<tjye schsql tax maneyoeines.ese eee ene ey Gaerints c ——-iets¥odds,are con iplet aere lle vted inom *brite tixx:‘payers and PsLandis:thywba sht at’roe Boccia”me oe ime ¢vlorgd Schddis ‘that taxed “outcers.of Te fap esl PECsOe Vad!fo eh sc,aanit'eYored.CiiZERS is:met with“theik4ibyGtenana’wih £0 eto pet:Pye.uy rb wert su t at *e chu Ati$cons itutior aBaikeEhtheiWoLigat=it Seat i b oe :ahsifallcaSurytshingssngBEESarhisisdouktesstrue.But”ity is,5 bogs stdodS,“Very bess on 2S.Ache,universal expectation thatsthe | Rtel_for 4 :Stee SF aaxp a "Autaves By Se ees a %ates -pole stor ratification,sand/one |pertnity.ben Fe $e RA 42 es‘thisTo:bsdvhe should.be amoud |ge Anesaeacry FEL AZZARS.ote nites ciated tayopMeSeydevtellsussthatneFedératquestion ren ck eS SRA Bes cr bit ae Fowl teats Seat ele +Eis:ivolved’“anid.‘the Paited ae.Bako +‘Mi at $\i Lees Gia aime'SEeuisian iene ehtmknl pekcGedat pe Caeona ~‘Ohstituyioniis aotaw thesway.No,E mS Se BAe te tagh diye %:=rok gf SS oe é ees ie fe a ing weatl:Rue aura |PerSpoxition .fag!“be “Wefore,the pois;;Pace es sigs a7 Cc es d ¢3 oe Sie iid &igh Fred “18iy f4 te -ee ixJoel Bae |fai to.:Hee Pr Oe:Be.big y Lease Pk ss SNE Ee a ete settle the,race pro lepy dS is’one:4.ee pe yee aoeWs Ga dents obas ys Phe dag:is Sait when,he iteili;|ft istus that:te does “not partake]renin SAE =Ore Oi to Reh aret Mor bapa:Beker ee)eeut.Cl”/Our cfice will)bex al Sot that.mistaken philanthropy w i¢h,4 eT Oe RARE ones Nokaceon leg ay TOA Me Duaeaid?§Werte.¢Puives fg dthers that:whichis needgd|+iy SS eRe ee riropectys as farm ands ilk,property sey wt:‘home,but it is just.toa white:“and4:Soa a ga od Eary .Son,‘Agts,black’alike.So tongAs:there is as |much ilRtenacy as thére)is :now.|;aM . lt ath a Carolina,;they'sshould get +he:benefit: First a taxed aoe their,race:ela ReondETA‘®ESSVILLE N.C.Bea)opr egéreedasi‘:Nee a nh:Etre aness tae:Omit Teeevee saelces te eke:~>on nigh }Our Populist triends who lnnaieeA“Nett its ote nated,ou boonde ofinteralend persenal:securityrete;frets.toe ig V penanitn:andsuresitedorremitted at towext rates:pedowith their organization througheo>°Phar tee aetirer nor tridividuals “alicttad:mits.ee and pra eeannibilation’1aeeae‘ce 3 pe ake ae aaee ad should consider well their future po-iesXo.a ‘oor “ermea:“e a ue Ere i Se jitieal course.“Et<is:evident”“that {S=poe a)¥..ce ‘Biiden.the-daySof'‘the Populist:party are*eS REY ;&.an.Be i Ww UN,£ashiBPI Ven ‘numbered.,It-was orzanized’in,1892|ee :tec cn oN fasemprotest against the spon’action)pofthe two great partieson‘the mon-:>a “i Cy question,andit promised at firstFatobecomequite:ob factor in ‘the pok-~ities ‘of the:country «.'In 1896.when the Dem@eratié ‘vaters:_themsely es! rook chargeof the sparty.rid.it of=‘|the perversions®of“Cleveland and ‘Jevelandism:ane reifistated it inixtetheold‘beaten’paths of the fathers:oa :ae rene FM i oe ae it Was seen“that the:nece§sity.if itTeeUyRoRRCBeteHorierae16803aeBantatfions.,ever‘existed.‘for.‘the separate organ-Ses ete ee sth Ket:“bigelyTeeabiaineds :leant bfthe’Popotist party.exist.q ee 3 visa eee PORE AG epee Lake Se ae He ae aseSerie at thefs;tie ee =cy ‘eR CrL ),€rrae¥oa M YP "Ch.a 4h xoniter.9saAvetisigner.a nell ge Bopaltdratat warty LyaorN<bers cs se 4 ;~~=“At *.bute.“Ad:“new adberents.rosie been|* Ws.¢Se Be OW.Th::“Propri:stors.:i Listed andUstif}exists ina foxy Statas. ar ig Aur the:rit,ads the:Democratic roadbeechiikeieStherreadty;2 Jusi”and -abandant j >tand to ¢Safecensery,vative,‘ehéap: wea NEW 35 tm Calo soa nok‘Ville,KY,ast Eri@ay-«for:myrder Senor.Rierae:a Cuban:has ‘pent::inte?“mayor of Sdntiags:progr:manufactycomeor'Rixer,$See Soe,areck.y r ee miele TWh £15A4 ANTEFENCESLARG,oie Pe aS che ‘- we Eb Rites he .SRR ESORNp By yee AAas\hie Ga igatag nes —mee et a5 BEaa Nee %‘PortoRiac NOTES.:ee SSeS Sig tesa it Ane A ea ©“Tuy business ¢freating Seraaisyoeas}5 «(Ceurts fur thé!pur pose of giving ofweggeSeespolitital’faSorites:or of rob- General:“ood.tc-Balwany :Anstiat Se af Ttinthaswilled’S30,907; rpoKe Colic,Salearly Tn siniedl riots eeecapital“twenty:three >persons,ee pp igoustieds 5 were:sshoe mér,Piesiies cathe id,‘prs last Tharsday., of:tErase sel neepNineofthe romped.Raat wer milkat La’Motes:3bWahabloxnyuppnesdayTas‘i Mingisix>are ue:Woundiitg segEataula5be ‘|wdsivag™for’President :McKinley:~dude:Conjirens vitaeIntestigute :thewvihuinetino€euprandey at 4st after y ”+h a thefee“tat bus hte is thought iin-thefoNadsaoapehanothela?¢awie SbestantdePetar cieplestbat the’#Prest- F cate “More tienbiire toothe'es:*fthe roa.Hee ‘Sheri ¢.fs SesFoteatices WasPridayts;, Ness:and:Egsehialos od.<ABiaReoe Ons Fyrafthe,hobsewr:Mz 20x|Cat axtioa sow conthy”* Se feet Faeiis and:Goiigrese wilh Mofnothiny: f a Alne xyEndersnot‘last seekatiesrd-e6rpor- aly aoe RiYed,hs oat PSavenal ° Hl*Adhucolsae?eaeinan sealQuéen,ia Danville,Vaxodeday last: week pat 4was himself,Shor aad byt while eesarcesty: ing’jof th <P |°Medeat Cohege at "Thwas,#8Seecay °De K es fs Ki eACada‘Mens ptt $250"to’S}2)00,BOs seeines R bli ‘Attexeach attempt SyBesbetenceaaterSetorstedsfarmignraslowges3340.Mas eee oe A a meddleRepLertpbc{Ose rcouts 82 ap.5 spat ares with:the oo .atfairs (of »the};oN oe His crorhineets averthy Lodpdotiat’peri,Suit Sout thaypease thas gaught ibeif|je RE ALLE“Dai)on ue Gel of taese lor.“Lothian:i :t quale}Re ae cit LT 2.IM pair.of-Shas lowerge * -pobieentan, oS Glens eea‘cough.‘aancat‘Abilene,ansas,thas failed for overS12080;ue He a to,gga netophilexsky hard,dirt)‘Senin’ teas ee ir a z a its a*igh pid tube”.yey it dt Anniston uraddtoninht:sepawsii"welt wounded.“put none,Killed Sa,4a%asis,Jno : ‘Gerd Biante?ifisonresisitsthoug}Htthat hée.dia this,PoC weTye:Unpl:asant uty rot.surrendersing-Havsnna ahd Guba «“TheeSpan-tardyat e ar eparingstocar oe The. fake Rime.denote te ly Te heRobert,}Brown iid Lop nson>Franklin...“whateeewifltaayayee ee aut thes ‘well’“pial 1K"Shaye aSandat ele ‘far ~murder |He ohuixe:edhe be aun.infidel puntilt atthe‘tast>frn"he’rélented -dnd~pet%preachers to be.page ota”the set ae, The Bilawi Hotel at sigeomenCeéosCR“seas buried last,week,Thére wenes0:guestsin“theshofel xt.the’tiie inf the.fire,anditis thought{hate f them ‘ost their-liv al An attempt was;madeTast™week:‘tONB AL bh;&Czar=of Riissia’while hewastraysHoractossGermanydronYAbridge’easbartigadedput:dhe ‘obstruction.wasrenmiedjustotimeto:prevent the|ray>tt “Ee frpotde being wreched. Silsonigbank tat Utica:*Opiesbeegfobwdiane'da y.bast eelatile|Micorst“were.-at¢FS13.000“ik ot Shaved |S$n0,elnet¢9 the bobrwtaettera4he:ae ronissraBackWwndgw.f Their:of W inwr,Teas. gather Soe ae JN.‘iifRRISON Legislature wil}submit-certais eon-Poe &Ue StlheaRwaeSthBey3Bowe4Gitrzen<o St,nis”Mp.» ]8 is Me i ad ss y Meational amendment?to ithe peor puted aus cuit “night Specermtiyvith:Mer the BN ‘of lais'S cash.ad Hotessemieaphem!netrotiable and.{dthe: PbS,hasband Says)that,He is]ati teil hat.she-did not elope;with-day aytes:gon.wag.Sneent ba an /hpr,ining eandale “Ed Aautriwetney!ty nehed {at~-oe (Gas a=laspweek.fer the:murdet™Gf wat~whitet man,WT fore he was;strung MY,hes wma pligated:three’.Other“n S\thesctowd srushed ‘to.the-jaid SOIShem\T2ypes'were tied aronadttheit}. te Hse were faken to”thet, e modegate~counsel&rest bathe Se back}; neginges‘aid famong the)white'clildren of.North a Norther:Cinyestors No Uéager atvarg Of North “Perolina. Newbert:Journal Ree I oh Mri’séWolténden,of this “city, ’cetional Bank ofevery.dollar,of>schol*money es wondertail :effect Northeru partiesmaking inquiries) ters:at.as ovhy Be about lands‘singe:theelertion. Hwame pyi ties could“hot be)ind red to lobk this”way.a few’months|“ azo,anc.not:for ‘a mainte:iowa tt have:hele ion ‘of dunds for investi enidif.ies elec tidn Bee zone against.the Democrat-} es t.The»Situation oeight.naw,and we)thay look ‘for |; business ‘and men ‘with.money swho Pavant tard.”“The;feartof,the’negre alaeBe t (ee 3 von'vo it ‘sinberthe spring of,1396.ip ‘anhGameing> ™me,Ss Uthdembe'rs-iit North.Carotina are Comes; :2 es Set Rios«attheepartingof the:ways...Fobtice ‘The:Raleigh News ieds Observer,says that,chis ratsShe2 Yehivo mane s State and’county ‘gov-rent “trygoesuptdxed,and to ‘wild,-Teck-ie léss,,extrava2ant’State‘governmentandnegro:dumidation“in,many of the’gountiés:--Ope:of these’roadsue“Suast be traveled.af yon travel’ati iTneLuceSpicited..See4 Pa par =Go Aven,Bet Babies “3 wayoeBeesTSoeSeesve,Bod aeiitMist HeveTntnent;to the eft runethe’Reo oewillhoe be:nade etl“ean pont hetgy to the,gold ee ;til abe it +Deeom : ‘Specially with?Sateen Ast This.a ‘Rugsell!‘in ane and’Saran at’ : dhid and:National 6 ink/¢ontrol oO ‘euld-Mak awhéd phe:gebidt <geuesnade|Fee:~A:Bie oe eee i paper:money.to.high,apd unjest|gets leftneeeEAMEOFwevkK"AE!taxes.;sto:ieee whee create4.SLES Ere FEN ,‘and ouster trasts aod.monopolies .Gt wavbibes taken i eee Sto taxation of the poor mau while}™S.disposal *.oP paaees Lvalers Wetited:ip i =:“the agureitdted wealth:of-the céun-Soy Sh ine ter£4 a Road"Unecctatn Disease.eee ‘Sno disezise:soa rate Su.ee:wasnt titydyspepsia.{Physicianssty that:“no.two.cases.tk:2 setae Seifficult:to make#‘correct4;etterhow seyere,:Betssak‘Populist:“friend.”Chose,and,anbaeai eee ou 8PGMorTOME:own and en =a |aes TageTnvaager aca Nl 4 thy There,aeciteten |Case:“Cope at ‘Gorley®.Rd gec WwW ce Raves Esa. Sy eG searoht bey Dawed 2pedtadéakinihWiay-nighhy”ais:pat mWES sonal “|Wats,ee Thars nited while hétheae fPhe ts Diy efoutiimil”tots.eyAa S eginta’Steamireurine3 Pe:¥By “ pes~ i Now nS aerelicidsdéaayBlast,weakpeat:Croll,i LUnivers Si :Sond,altTaN Scope,of 65 1922° pier. inubdered: F4si led: 5 ao ce re ate Wri Bruc0b ATsTr at \a:Iparen:tne ay ans phic Miitbpro-Ch torfiel eo. <Bhie earthy uake show Wwcite, tethere Atcabouts3A look J.Tast Fri.‘ fsa eeis*pens so star by Om favaters than’eve fore...This indicites a-sunaller acacer ;der of éotton.neexr year niFeSB:Hargrave Sold.hic tatet: pest in thesbew,drag store,on eee4ofshishealth:<The nies n ot |.wlio iIp siatgely Antérested :in:cence hvet ‘Arranged:Aor a vmap-GOssectionaidswho.’has sald sa s?to yNorthern says thar aeselection has»ea a in.changing -‘the sentiment of Norphern inyestorstix. Hand inthis section.”x bale Said vir,Wolferdens” Feeived-2°number”oF:ema trom|; Fehr ve of the dosinds.~ Some One antia pean &5oater,Mr :eresiderce®Saturday “IW.hile Mis.Cornéliys and)Hers sister wereaaVsupper the:‘part:med taairy?a i “00 ae ernBo Gevi Cornel,1S D ieht in each |mo Gilead.: ae Boi a‘He Was |aesOn a“Tel Y liens SoeCOM’Pepuaiivent:Ticket:ietsExchange:why :<,Jadge"Tarbelltells?thy fowing.=pe on.bimsels A hottttime’after.;Me iHt from.the bench hpcaneappened.te’‘Meet,an °old*friendihay&We:witte,2:little:“OTR ‘fast eek]’ that.Geherdl AL p! ould aides here’to rat On ‘the day:’pefbre”our.|. [publicarion!‘day Governor.“Russell ~s oney +System.10 low:and!equalpueciden a aaa the.beguhei|Meee.>,Rederal faxes,:to agti trust and an-jcaptain Ore e ‘Durham company 6:Mes ti-moncyol v laws!to an-~income ta.,.he.FitEst Reviment, ‘i tis sretite orsanization.Ipis true that.it ax-oenaentadindcrigme on.‘Hie Feots Tor“dee She ag 'de»proGitony ort.ee a pal n* bcewith:Dike eteness.and’ Aut Faluable to.arorhen i *Backache vWaulislits;aig ‘tack’.hes a D8 ‘Statens‘Ew 3° i (ine,ni etateliood 4 sthe Defiactatsepar:8 a,little the “8Syaee4omnbEsccunte. eehie rise:085-30,800.A %wes.yhd Fam pert,Bemsoli:wereydefeated if the st xt Bt ae[promines m 1 QEee % Tash,Y SevaaeaePisteeSmlah.Wer Yr.HSfo<ul ok Pilani waetained 2 seatSes“FtSoogh putt:ase PridiYoally Tax,no“grithdnia—not;Bo code n , oe nakectnIES,oS and, gh Sc ee F ay NVI sc aesHssaubiigaWat.SS efits:sprigs and,eeHecongsxedith¢crimes ‘i eesl cove Xx:se My!iVereueatthe:ae ab2thereswag:a recounty,atesraeeredwart!Ube Republicsvn pdm “Pibarlake.has cte|The.1.Weaoc Rabineset otth,ee agpes:the A ee Referanagio’ cyaren ome aOn Haatthe Fee {tiers ie iat's¢ ‘i Burne aeast:a8.Set's “ote har,Svere atsos\Luds $$2 100 nsttranee “iy eprigeSayeSeat artes -Lap pate iy)nslap wesdi wedser,“Th he:house Was’ED Sued Ore|S$a0-ip thesesARNENS M:mein r tak colored boy®fae?AW}Inston etLiretothe|“aYCss of 4 NEGO,Chranksetvige:ys”burned $0 bul):yet hat:she wilt cigs * Ake :ae oeth ::mn aetna has waiped =noheadwa-tif,any.at ub ald:‘States.“xSimheea, the vLee anes on eests idate ‘|Seomy,the Duincinles ”“and.‘practicethatexieuieneebasshown:tO:tersaiangwholesomeLeekNet “And poly‘Sbuth 3DakEatihoabyites :bes aBoeien|Few,dsparturg’yadopaany.the:AGatren’: Apt{By as.ne idctibaithevitersa 0 inertmst 1 Otheir 4 0‘Dightzdanesecon imaa ueww]Fe.é »Westbietea3!a “amin anys wget thé Legislaaie + aeseuing&léctigus ~sukefitthe;PLO pasts“idn,tothe;peowh,4 Should the majesty,Of ovdters ppove ‘tt:ahthe pa Ax ~That #8 ‘the initiatives chad a S Asetue “a by Sa.ate F “8 £7 of the ENO?lk iG ieeeto abillew hiePieprcbeenyassad‘by -tbe Legislatur:the pitt wu at“be -,submitter Aor ‘thenoopileat1liefollowingplection.&1ant Dust ay n “otal ‘acrarding ‘to thi tae DSyressed thy 0urn t a “aa a crus;-departiit ‘and.tee was gcd thowett’Thetboy vis ina,2 "4cxtfyTaekenescoloneleye5ie=-|tid sUiexl ‘within a Tor,hiss,GasNbet ith ys Also.% Piankviving jt)har rte:SupTawcrested,ah oC}Latah io “UDA %tie.HeasCharteties died SatirdUed=BITS fichier4iat ‘Kader D,wie loite News. 2H Of bis,Comte WOR Chey ¥ and -iycleteoans,et + 7 bror Deter hyrey Hekakt ia Seg ay:eed Mayat “wasythegtn:Ist,“at‘the:Oe thee hier Od1 as.ar lesming.iti} Sree “ors“he es ue oe ones5ates.Secitid’WebtlieSein:Rey |“WiES'<thutde reasyekbuwettyberson1)Asien Mariyturity.one nicht His aeLieWasin.the base étea frieRiatureor,thieHes wounds ies Kensihfyas’nurder“and¢NOTSischde 1 Ph:[ast reanS 5:nat dnt 26fhen® Ca gaeet,ee 1 /vant RalathirydasovSpying:Banks:Wake Porests;cole cepttnestipns”Besoheed:‘Phat helSneedStates:Shoyla’.ants wae sep ticesy “oy,tert itorial’eXpansiod.” rest fay‘ered expansiansPuppoged®i«yion from phe juices: EE Wwe S250-of Gol Gs Ww HoweMeotpanesWasOne-o 5 PN,&debaters;<: ams1S a peau!Leggix peri the. ziaby,yore -esW otheront ot i :Hh‘pla tins inaugorated ”"4s ssaic”Mar workpreleist whe Swiss,Cyhitons » Apa Ae hidy:be fouod, Trikity 7Aepie the «a la westvw!is:a pelé ed:#0 Dew:ocratig forse Z x , Peneficial hIne, Ihdas°besa oe aeesadpany Pen \wel to-give eettay “Tes r eee does. ostre!Sa tee we iriDibvee2SaoerolivinestortAid,ihe bar,iBxqsx hateformeda/eb: a 4 so a ames 3%<SuleJebel m evecent|[oaarecrnal ee se Fake and:Mralyellaerectthat.cthe: ‘deangidare:<pbeala ‘serafur:aLe beea ioea ere all!gverthisState:ands Viuisigia:oe No dam.LaRESwaS:dodge sf f ¢4 Php Tat forst iHle toecondedpublicationYasteeekvon:“agcouhaOFETSuthiciwent{supportPsoedlocalsPaperwad’ate®fopecbar|8aeaniaLXeralone, ae ent shineaCriminal,Court. oie~=taal aCoifo hh mhangntdchnt™,s GetieesLyesboadBelincobler-,unease K isroon:“‘thusewren tleSeneral,ana deserved coi nemdationy weterits%eledungsy.and.high:plareet,con»[personal aut:politzeal courtesy.up) was “conducted.¢Sues may ‘well’See ; ingn hasex¢:itexblet on Which ate ceedinnger ae =A oe:Sohne Neo!York Sun:©an EN WW:ay:jaurss,Benaete::5evain.WWAasstr et Bro er.statt ned Socal epere ee auld Shcee a shhere ing ty,e i inte bis wa d more’an Ns “Aeither said,“Tak bet yogronsy, a d~dtownship tnt eS in eae par se this”cdunty.th.which Republicanismis nota pope~ula friendsof ouys ivBS prpfesses ubpopalar tajth;weilt oneection¥,£0,interview...‘the.soves:iz 3SdSoxetalfdterséxiumiane: Is horse.very:Gare fully - ap ta dit cdVer their pr byecs. axhied:if the hGrse@ Was,shit.ge"De zpeplied.ely’said ‘chet 06See tivim!itied,betaycen’* et “Phe int2yy Ine tae. f Yroad ina awas.sufade.terno¢aoe Stis..4 et * St riked Feesae stag ube bobs wal * }the burdénrome en:igtinents OF:the ~‘or Past Lewsidture.Really.one ofthe in law-make“Ts will be the ®t loaner, he wrongs of their:preglec cessor.>ne Betore “days of fuision fn tis :ras noO*just.conv laint 2G“eoxerument,It! we « oi s Noecone jartheSlate did hatd cy Davie,“Rayar.“Thom:sy'Be: aS Ie clarity,of the,Renioy atic. .bas Reooitcw aes z ‘st ving |mratulatigo§binge |i 5 a in, aesensjpr iy Shei 3 ese thay 109,*and:~sbettes thin:that: Spate Sgua-» Wi ston.ieave ~oe +;Le Rco ng “ha ia Set Mork aunt We 4 ;modtat,‘attend!. :presceation.fortthes,’3 .thought thay *My:Mott:has (2 opted.this.plag.qbdpios ‘iat ity -7 ie Feventy’the Leviskttare:Se tc “Cat iginéa imWiikes!. 0 “Chromiete mae-{.La et nd:John:reset filled areal“? deat.over in*the ;Millers on:FON,‘aeeeeniseiftHea eit fas .aise cca“ ste as sty:nx pemap hat au,’te near Ape aeae :aie.a segrribiedeatt ae ee : He et d6wr'a trey,whjle-his fathy Heeit strikiate she ehitog f =ian Db,tty Dead:and erash-ae }vtausing utstamt as)ubaware of the Son until giter Sis!hh:5 ie aa “yas since mirfiea ethe soe “He is’60 years" >serious.amp)ications,and thé tan whd nevlects his”r++reer has:litre terard forticalth:“A bottle.,ABrowna’front rs-takennow.aad then™fect omer.tHethe *»Browns’Jron Bitters! Me r AY Ho s t > PR U RI seo.aba@nobet ter ume has che Bboeen «oe! ee e hg coee oe ee ts eS Rahs+0 di oie Se2 2 Pe e ee [P e ee ee ee e is . a ee ar ee “* Mint e d . co l e ee Se d e l b a a e t n t e a n n e s i a a n a d e a t a a n a l a t e e e te e oe eR ee e ee ee Se e ed ed — : ; sale-this athé HaraingsSeen‘ASE tyfgilcoiae CalfShoe for men gael But solr x Swear AD ther large line School Bor ©olivesay or this «isplay. We Wy Dry-godds,‘Hats,lices.,Cy out.oh sstamanysicalinsteunicnfsaid: res Fancy,.Glassw4tT.;“by nine ourPe 4 -waliyeoy;¥ x sae ps oo wae is Tg ‘Sa t c ¢,iRe—Pa|o an Sano:—a mSSuAnd:aesrs abil:ae ;eee Descney wha pall ie ponte—Monday.ia;Qpceee ReyanieNartinaod,In Chambers:oclenest “was?Sona caneoe~AT ty 2,“>|St Petersburg;wes .NER ot re‘deat ib’Gastomia M onday.:>”: a :at En :{sbus,Were¢drowned ‘‘‘lets 4900.alr ONE khan CEI "oe ‘é ne Boe a piece AeTy On"et 3 ;ca.‘Raleigh‘Fost,39th.*ps pit ire ek oyeDn Gapthia ick;of.one*“ot thetiaedreOo#DOLLAR ANEAR:phe ‘Hesroes were’ecto near:ss “Fads one |Sie Be GR eelt eo ke ae ee tan;Miss.Satutday eae ‘Seoator Bfttcbaca was:Seen’Fes:ee Soe iegeSpasBetasfeetSSyeee“apdpsagl wpon &ana.¢'/Aerday by's repreSeptatixe“of thers seimenteo sal apiSeSeeCEpoeeee“The whée:oemititiie“iruof eet regeal situation cid ste |<a oe ie oe 5.eh te Aes aS =_Colburn,Fullér &Co,*of no and Stakes hey respotse ‘to’which‘the &;“wentinfo Stamonfei1StateseiUeop‘Derry,Mass.."Has failed for®1,090.Se tous id:eo aks ‘istreet ‘and,aled-4c co we omenat the Powtonice n a 3 Sena ate ;ie TheDatie Time Sage:Fcbusl sawtole tna -$6):Fe!a3 -sadeond dassmail na’ttef.]:Sateoa x An Tiinoisjury has idecidedntsc ‘The statement Be a 5 tain’.wilthatdle ye ope ratemonoekt8aneeeeateeetze“es by Bnegro to cqmpel mix-]madein'certain:‘Democra enewspa-hte ede foeksci SeyquickieeSeeraesoPyOSEx8.oo.od mchogte in that:State:samaitist the’‘pers-that I fayor the:Sree in ‘Railr in ieee ation saesee duly the.Better 0 ::Pee Aa crag Go!ae aaa an *(negre.eran eh ere ae eet ape pany:iS repairing old ey Thisexplains the large,”sale = ;ee ae Re Saas ily F Piss ¥\:}ok teh:Ri y e. a me.Sraredraiun We:“Bec Ast 1898.Aheusecae low up ta "Haband.svitkout foundation.The-principles|’“Av-appeat hagbas ataken testi ;cen:ee ¢=cuba on sl Rs ere ea of Republicamseoy‘are-of such,aoe Ls,See Court from:the:a icyégatse2eeie“>pRilled an ee ce :A sto etilist.the Support,of:a1.)sis the-St tals Q Paty id ade pe oR asve ._friously earne sf “i So Rea ee eth ee Se uefing eee ise meer i pended:sonBeyerans;coef |publican’‘Rarty’Stan or.t egreat:|;‘preme Court decided’‘that the~bonds)Beer es a ee er :7S aggall ihe talk about:tbe.jmipeneb-epee x be Jl ee fue ai good to ‘the.greatest ane Were void:Ada harte set —£3 :(ment of Governor Russell:we see no}kiJled-peneescaped convict:hon ddJt has ata times,favored ‘th Deaby cy.*Saee ogee ibe.ilies:‘atthe Wisi ag*dd'y-that’Fiius Sh)¢Vplamsands Specifications ofthe laws he was attempting |toarveste.-oO Aube exepeise“of “thepea 'Goveirnor’pRusell bas appaibeed tdomjeat iniiictingaTatal-woqre.'which bé“has violated+That nis ad-|"he.bojler‘of the wniyer’stéanier T.4clise bwall-citiztns «ho aaa id Oliver Dockery.3 5.second Lieys4:>Thenéws.of es eeeBehaiin’very sbrt iia Boviee:on.AnoNate.4 Bhemeragor mht ‘fnehant of the Raleigh.Company of 7 tc!Po test aatlistration has-been’very 0 xl¢€.\Walker exploded,near.Stoekt rel bace to thecaugeof:“Rep blican-f‘the First Revioent STE mallee te:OISEdE aonegSSoesgtteeeeatCONTLYPeescal,poeeehy,ane Seetoins <—Sa‘<AmiinctheSouthern |States insthed called that young Doestry owas’the sa eh ceca EeEgekbutitmust.be “shown|that-He “has.‘killedane:mang.oie Amores .Tate Of the ferce opplsition’<b ate tite fusion candidateforee Rear :oe fuPesxviolatedthe-laws before:the “Demd-|-Se At he onedne Lot»a neh,ir college Ora gs act ws.al saeZethe Fert Districts »“ligiltaey a ae‘ee a!os ‘y\craticLegislatire:ill “be”‘justiied =e a»Wak.3 ee ibs a ‘ie adetai oesSei ‘the “Demo.WitWash,sue sol ade Bator at tse top fee iceseaeteeSs!‘in impeaching:|Hime.::Hilt cadkinenty OUsp ee ougrtieuk-thpee Bh “rats have’n “8 iasisted®that Littleton,Who vdtedt ie Demo karic |.~K _3 brmeeedinks,de!jastifuteds.vebeh Ateobthonb bas Sineedigd.“—)°>ha.ae Se eaeee,bie eens Huet oo ceeeeeoae:1 |3 td,nya a matter .o ¥fess MACK,iatSoy3eaeentirely“Molikele she Sep é Rrétian-and-inaucigioy weve whet “hand Ty Finee’by Pas:Broadiiaxta egeo |{ireateng to:Oe ai ea Ste.should givethima calm jodiciat Liihett aud the erlgineer“sefiguslyane,“ady sat this seolots Repubkean politiian,~‘0d ther,All nero.ah #yearn ena,trial.|‘and:*he-shoute,standeor |noured |in nisaccident bathe vorfolls Gtpedple thi Wwasnotoul theif ‘The vegrdes’.follomea aiid asséulted2SSS“Pall|upon the.teteony tin:“the*¢case age esterary:See:vea duty:toate Biers parts:eeaaes hae eons :ae a Saeithogt reyard td 3politicsor the oe Ae s Bo aise a :Be Pent stv.soitee FS OwUCS roe oe o ar,*LahnFgsaatotCoelenteratamigfeteseeednaeeeJot?Soe ciey not history’be dblg wostbcsray [eeneecsiorigiaeeearth SereCdldzed“citizengn,hace.Peg ,wh*Curglatphew;»aged’—103:S @great deal ihGoeleee:that the great Ding wtic arty,ot tac tires jn/Oklbomaand the the,Democratic titket in’the,iter’supp dich ees Re=Halita::Mel 8S ~North:Carolina UH ust ky;,punished |pLactian.Fexritor no ea Bony,past ent coupdies.at each eleetion~for the oat Veda on OE the fecooeaebacausrit:had the Dawes eek.ser ee ~ii a ,miewhee Sears the-pait gi “the |Dedlocrang ticket ip the reeeat elae-|A |ee te aa —tae sAhjert Was |Weeit ¥eee ‘lata reoléred people to-voiéthe Democta:|tidn,‘atid it2is stisp ected that.be was ,:foqeee “f!“A’school cansus justtakesdE Gun:<n New Eoeland fond»New ¥Oxuke tie ticket tias |been’raat ‘Pacreas:|,hmardered by ther+iegrdese The}provcost ‘goard has.Heeit SouleaoSeeom‘cord shows thabtown to Hacea pop Mats vessels,Were Aerecked along dng every ‘year.and wilf ereutuatly {White acople gave bit’adecent,falParailable palice called ou=ue diss a ott 158-3,34,whi cS anakEthe‘coastnnd mahy lines*were.Ost,hacsume stich -p t burial.As See:sree sieateeeaeper;rh sis the ss f Spiltaudtrasel Seeeee “pever-silenee2 fb ecrh of vingsrod Soburts-Parnhert:(&adail’cattiere <.eG cee colored,ees is the:lastof tetfered Within"3 caw domination”.-Of?wy“tates8B ‘Was assaulted.about“twoqniles,‘trom }*JAR LOAD OF NIC} eu -Noven ber,ys aang wefeel Sorry RN M‘B:Lanes,‘tNorth Bityle Rocks COUNTIES comprising the>State:tthere Salisbarc”Taesaiyt af er ngou ‘abyyoo n Mui-s t0f va le {cf actiihgeSgttheTossofPopughion,Aebivk Our hArks,‘shot.and killed:his wifeawhile are only?“sixteen:Seounties wherein PapsTO whodemanded¢thé tin r On time..Caltahdysee tis,ce)ge uetepber |wiht certain!lve #y junce aR a drunken!frenzypEXiday,¢Virighs}the coldrea Peaple-are;in eetoverthe mai<Hags,\Dhé Wail*edr ||:‘NI tteFaebenefeebnowtaidJune:Shoe eae son SL1béWomanahd9 Stepsuit|tyand jd}thost,‘OF-these,cou Hes-the Prior vet used dnda hand{o-handicon +7 20 +|Gutters,Esa as :tee ey sy ‘lof the murderer,seized:the gun ang leomity and gubipivipat atyirs “ywader’‘fiet®wasued _Rarshart gave’thes commen:[2 onesoeeeeaeSStktiledhisstepMather|s pe blow “‘thostusion-régime jbave been con MERKO **O-pleat and.thie Snegeat peas seeeeRegeeoroeWesSaetioceeraontprthe..beach aN Re =perolfed by ~Responsi ;white aren,|‘neunp a!rude nies =“Eur nbart wa~):ah es>Gixretee I sehen BATS andTV know-of no.tance wheTel ns teen tatty used:“Ur Satisnines x ve it ¢©8 Es ‘,2 4 :mak A Missouri tach Was:“Hoh the ipublié fonds-ha @ been Squan-:=:‘rhqefsomReuinguishesCusaAddosdéssKorte|p near Sedalfa.Mo.“Tuesdaymig Es Sored of the comity affairs inisitian:|.}ey if ereabaPeeayi*Rico,Guam And The!Eniiennre Lithree!niasked,neu,”one of woul,rue ec Rea ee rp eon eg et :Seat nt Casa Fo shen ited States.”*Jit Wests an Soe in the 4;xp ated a The.News OACHE :aNNAA"tts,\)Paris Dispatch,22th,fa Kaleigit,ews ploy=of-THe _road,«was:captared,|;It was aot thé desirerto vetnich i te :‘.Fe ee ha aad Ovsekwer.=o.mim y }white:ae.second eS runds and-the }white:‘supremact that induced.the!Gomrespouden of}‘Phe Maso.=o ~;spo SN“yd ty 5a Spain“has?“abeaptedl tie U nites ‘third escaped...Sane oh Jeaders of th.Delnoeratic party’to Cee has:eeu.quite reetiinestheat Zo-t4 *States”oifer‘of $20,000,000.and atsa|,‘dis eck?resort to‘methods of.fntividation oy Davesent you any hews from,thic erésh.Bees,ye nig .jpiat session of the peace.’commiss.h_Tae steam Portland witsWack at the last election“but it ‘was that’art-of the vinevard!sa,Fowillry|etch ; OR gh eee thas atte X a.’ted aff Cape .Mass.’sduring’-the|4 Satiable:greed for otlice sehigh:fas)i pe i :ete eSaai:aes.linguish-C ‘Becent stormy,‘and 6 “BeESohs Rene been:thé chief characteristic of,aes.eeeSe at¢li¢ksens,8 3 13 pO Tae o eae condition,torelinquish Cu SN GTOLE sae Ye ell,We,arehavin ty:wintry :ase Rae dure iD sued dum ide ; eu ,baand to cede Porto:Rico:Guam drowned.“Many other.peeCapp seat party As an evidence ofthis Leones ye ietokabek We badad)Fat.TurkeyS,.fhe_Alaa edsot 3 ira 2p :ished Or the New-Eaglan coast,<a!Ip attaytia to the fact in South.TCaBRs ps restksf43and’the Philippines Mands.The 3 ne Mie Massachusetts coast]mnhatten tion:South quiteagood-sleet!abd rain’togeth-.=a EX ea FLOUR “4s-‘*_-:«document preséptiny*th{s accept.hfeast 39/on tlie Ma Carolina ‘where the .coldred,yote|JS FonSalo.”a aright -gfot little.sso)New.Corn;|ALP AMIENS 40s Saks oe7anceContainedonly300words.»}¢]sone),ane =‘tical ly_climingted,in'so.Jar utealTet cis:‘getting’‘alongs.in;the’4 a Se Br nialAertsBi'_openetl with a reference tothe nal}:“yj?E>aons.apromivient fnneet the.elgction of State and:municipal 2séqsoai Jor:wwitter sto begin to:SnoWsoS46 TbsBo ee“S45,Sh.)*2 terms of the United States and:said Fultor codrot Ky,Was,murdered officers are’conéerned.thaf the oe Wshow its,i pase How times fies!i igge.C=the Spanish.commissioners/af OY two pelrroes.for his Moneys Tues-|oerdts.resort to murderand’riot’Bleseemstyit ashott time a.boesonates\aer having.taken *cognizance,oFithe diye:and one -6ft:the:négroes Avag order to:prevFentethe *selection.ofaisald Wok oat upon the:fordstzand23.5)2.eere s proposedby “the:Americans.hunted ‘dow u-and Filled by:‘:a¥mob,white:Republican as ‘a mymber“ofete eyverythtag as the;very:imape:t of (osxcity?4 om pert oe that,their’government -“bay;s hich is ow hot Our tie “trail votithe[Congress /Alladmit that:°uke =Aite bat awhit doss 1ittloak Hkenow?:sayWeiter:ne oiried.toregive as equitabdle'an answer orligr Hewro.2 J peheetiontncertain _sections ,RNS fa oP Sere “as Pessibie,byt‘that thea:weres ngt dae Pe t oF es Bs i *declaritig that+“the,United-States:ee :uotr-cidims thats there.were gress lereatly‘the:advantage over “Stufeneeesore‘[Sealer eeevery rl srauds 16]MitehSllcquaty,=e wy 5 eMorein the free?ee oene eluc-pk dt _adéquatet.the sacrifighs gthat the}“Senator Pritchard”wit,fen as os =Rua noe oeae,otoeeea~atter country makes ar’thi smoment,derston:introduce,a restlution inte sCPALSoe es na ‘iis Techeeoits“and she feels!therefore)Phat the fCTongress to,have’the recent.ra¢eyas SESdy ee aren x ee :;é Caen States”Pprepoesals Cahaot™te}trovblés at’Vilmington investigar:i;ue reece wah rs he eee Sh treatt decoeeo;ATV uss Of Guy Voters in Ly em:ft23Consideredjistan@iqghitable>.2 pad the Sénatoricould ‘bé at*better the fact chat”3t--Simimye js<2 NT Spain has hpRexyp.exbaustedal!LD asiness thanin tryig4g to ee Po peters iainmitotheresourcesofdijalgdnacySVikvanat *posal madé to Spain is a5 necessary:su"inginia at the.recént elettidn,trvibg to conrince the 4Deedsierat f Verte 1S“ole ?ofOurpdsst >%out)oe =Cendition-to a’¢ontinuanceof:newn.POEsrol All jof.the Congress.ne Was .apypase Cte SSpeb ag policyvieis htést your'e men.)>=Se elites tiations,abd cseeing._that othe men rviwelegted are,Demotrats.*Geuec:d Three-fourth week thee De iB cratic <Miss Lizzie We ppdsides:cow fits te ra :CF ‘sourees of Spain are not4 eb as’tot ai James'A.Walker:Rep&blican?ot|aiempers-elect -“of the.’GewematubsHa Teaite School house.Miss Liz~10 ad4c eeabidwn ee re-enter,vpon War.she the Niath District.who was defeat™pledged,the peuple tx:the TESpees aie isanzextelients’teaches=Tite)tg 5»1S prepared in-ber desire to axpid {ed for-ré-election.byJadve ‘Rheax ‘ Bas yee y prepared’to ‘oinmit their’“governs.7 mentite:theacteptance’of the>:rinepleselisbodied,it ‘the Ameticas ar?7))erone “Spain,réjected these,oe»riptes?“tire note’scontinaes.ong She’ “ap aS 7 alwaysirejeeted them.haste:herp tigsel Tratters,at aftitude ,uppa~the’justice DE Rer4*“auSe.the.note then,Saye.-She “still “he don5 Denijes “Sash hey thes‘“<Turiuoise King “ot ‘the Jarillas,' was amurdered at his celebrated’turquoisemineimNgWr3Mexice:MoadayOyMekiehtin:et parcel gt era’ +Demoers:je majorities'Congres sonal districts,as *well-as.jthelr majoritytio Hie State’cured,sbysintimidation F ine ! pState vw tS—a farce.andy phat>ay tA:ccertaihy worea8. Te-tvokoutupon’the’»JOrsstsy.Moa.” LOits‘Swittess |pinion’_w8iléa-shor ah,Coat.OF-Byvch:4;Dees?it look: reminds:usthat time3iS-passing “by:|} ‘that away now?ZH INOerpudeed “EveryRembles.was sety wnat he."+e a Me. “>x”“SAC hegpo otek:‘6om "iialea one ,y,it North Gerstina2s:to:iio Ts!‘thing:is fading ays hekeveecakeef South Ca tolinaand.Lon Phe frosts Bas-conieand ;Lisiana-and®-adopt-measures cate glat-|hadi¢Siyen death toTall de rea hha aay.’ oat alt Tgredn.sue} bh} AR A Poe S the has heretofore inviriablystortia |re “lated.“Howerer,théhote.adds:”in eet ,asfar asta prepose®Certain “eqn |-O58 Sromises,xebiic r>the +Americans’ fo)adheres to these:principleX *iyhich’ gees ir sounded:ee “her desire fo peace!she.Way:gone| of bate always rBjected:”Shé,bas:alset: LNrounded: ae,: were atrompuns.tO.agtest the hax’s r Sather-When:“the “dot got “his gun: wad ones [membersofa sherjits”piss another.ye tit anotiver at’.Butler.Sondav “aight éEhe*officers jatatiy: Serious) eeC.‘has red/and iatended.to dissranchive Levent weAwit the propesition that the: Lhaxe to<cantend.with¢¢T tins sytely”trivelixhs,Jor Itss oad td ardaother PANS bapkssiving®passed.OD iFPOLEWTHUEPqiiethyiathis:“¢Qablimmatedshallotbeetakén'“int the;stance,SUC AS.-sPueidtian.ftames,4Whiteangtolored}roters hoyare“encnete.5 Galea short “while aril}notable.toaread‘and write,Or tho.Chpsimis,do not own.Drapes ye:‘thenLin that. verstnitr.Roly <2 lew:rs oi Vattempted. sof the matefjal.—parti aoeaa Sed>>Their:’p “it ts Turther asserted,topo:+hase submittedte:arbitration=some.‘cuiars,upon |heDeeloe‘which the two,popeenaients sdiffer-]opgsals*for~arbitra’’wen-o>tion,atis "added.the:Atteritahs hid | BS cd:eens on *|Represe n tatives: bat?Considers sctoral Volleg.and the HousoyreKone:Leshall.do ‘SHinhin:power tosecar S gor Sibi.hina.herTulk’representation aplenEge! work |while:Soma Seat sameOty!*buotinTe oot es he ey:_¥es.exeehaligs! be ito be -eee tHankfut for and:that fx: Fmostiof.the:farmers:seclepeaied Vhs :tign “n=maWing‘the:yest day paling.“Gorn,:‘oF Sonn Sie2apOrticninient:for:Pe SeuAon 3oe sonetkiae ; ythak|are ROL |tobepiled by;the-négros ’i»équaliy;rejected,‘These:"alegations,a ‘xX-es oY Brosideke ial Catididate the tinge”arr ivesto tiakp”the:nextfoSpain's reply,as~te-!‘AttemptedTie“arbitration:.referito”em Praposal +efx,_sarbitrate the’:cdnstrfetion *Ofsthe!f ae =rd’‘artigle of.the-“protoeo]Gyd Also"bmit-the Spanish colonial”debt.St cee vba.pnd\the Phi gipites*to.fire: aR Ae “Asthur-Sewail,SfA-sitverwilh be £90,aod that)ye “ATO counts eleet sds the=SURREMC ‘issuesid: recguirt-of ha wots ‘in Greene} Maing;says:that it avilb-wio. rah PAINT SetoaAkeytf User the’,Derhderatie ¢fapportiont mem and ISincerely-trust©hogtethe-Demec*‘ats yin,trushTobie.will “op $0 ayedldred caterSS)and t be tiemseélves %sas‘iFatieinpt ty as an-*be lise a-large-Doxtibavofy dur asbite® rewy”go?flow.hei?“Thad | fare forpet| te beny Ke? OF:suffering a i howe yany ‘moQre,-‘ur ravar?white,Jadies,fwithdut:bding, aceloriaus WCEPeh theeiyetL.day gtx;tae idk |:By hidtenitiesfroar they $5:feeslaxthes Have hakto weiin.the |Seasier.gountiées><Lthinkwe <w5iy .bitratioa;‘Theldse-propssition,bas Bs te oe Thefabniersarz ”very,Saov¥See oe ceroarenwives:SY Tésentation.which wer would»Ophir“thering thein cra:‘cubtomete.)«|“%tps oy. i:Been:ade if aiwritten commubiea-[xives’ahother_Demceraie memher;peatase CHE CY rhs Gr SEEDS Ty2iewhaPoeaSeuoe_atdvin |Kog the:eS PG Wise#be‘entifled toas sa)“vttlr—atPi A We are Yory.inuéh -behind»wifhy S.ereys Bad ca yet xa7ee!for such .arbitration,}Spain a putSe =Republican PaptY ehfosbe falh wordsa lot dFcorh BOG:cotabs.!YOR ent.dome Fikes Bh Cai a rE ess E Spanos einoorats mel abeoatig b AYS:submitted 14,ohBis at (aBivhat Kested?But we-ought}$2 "Ie x91 ace mots:‘offered to cede the territdry:An disks EoM Sev Ze >OD ethew eye!oye4souté,--The.Américahs refined “both contest The ‘slection.of “Moses:BroySUNtH therStht esof Le cisiahd,yey be.Fers:Fhagitfal,thar!We Pe Be Pecan Me ea liepe"aitoistiens for:aeeeean me fee ee poe eee orOudNisley iantSab Vien andyitocrather,fersobncor late.Pc ame toeSiaBoeah=a the Ler Nssrict FSHIW WAS}yey raps otter Somthpry.Stasese ts <AWeare pr att welbthr‘.Spain’sreplhy“te--dasccontiirieg’befelected"2:majority,5 Q.oA “are pre Sina cee *.tempt |ta yestifyher,‘atritaddeo Seeieningthatanatce;eptance:of the prof. -.©.blodédsbed..and frees“considerations'.f-Ofhumanity.and patriotism to -sub-i,9°* jthit to.the conditions#%,"1 ing nation~however-harsh:the:mar5betSheits,therefore.ready to -nc-«1 as Cépt the préposals ‘of ‘the Ameriéap{7Beebh-Commassion asPresented atthe:last! Pa See *Mae DedoteNoe,ix " <Pain 9[NorthCaroline Boy Burciare Cetlgne]Sgostaites~.Washington).- -Wakhingtan Dispatch:‘thr,,‘“Quick,and Sleter’feces asl thecapture.of age seoo rsday.night;“Yast:night.by" work chispadterstheburglars’ee-Tophiim?‘St store,“>They"mereicangbtDetectives:Helas andian.and ali :the Stok Sta:ah peed a ah mee ARONA eas <a ia résultofthe.wat’wit#Spait’,wdtofX Mir.and Mts.My L “Baeiccs wil ot :“arr.i Sa erty).xecovered®+Besides *°YazZors,eo ‘BR fee Se a ‘i eesay>fRteure the-adoption’‘Of Such hh “aredia)mire shortly.AQ the “Misses.Clark,‘Pe-ru-na works.haimpnjouaieknives‘and fine.pocket:books“to tthe |<OA aR Me sears «Piesislation :ds’the.exigencies nf thes pepe Snow.reek:?om ;nature:to:teject,the tbercleia*num ber-of-mats dozensStolen ‘from Yousfriends may.‘simile We ee \piaMyerte myPet vires,OV i ghrs:ee.Pioainid sad Baby i Tungs:‘and works So sycocé lyNee“-;-Popbaar's furs,.Silk .handkerchiefs,“8 ay a pS The”Revnablicanis SkNbrai C eb =Statesville spentafew days visit.(it thére ds a gureApt ccurisssa“3 *daees!and-jewelrywere found thet at phat’ared fechrig”,yy abyatenug.discoyraged’But wrlLay.|eherparents,Wr,-aodsMirs “TsJ,(Pe-ra-nwisthaAremeGey:ep:‘;Durglar's trunk,indicating that they |:(Means:daager i:a7.7Hter theicampaigin’of 4960"with,Bouter eR cha th.Hopepens.ees.Hethey ireTu.ss have,perpetaated other robberies.ee wyi ruemed MRE and,with g fixedaf SAU theSick5 Toole sare ‘eettinus Tyber,ofPour Oalk.eesoe_Brobably Jn:tthis-tity,orThe,prisant pe *t+-Indicates impoverished “teriination te ITE the “eleé tora abpu $-well’A “fe eee Keefe.'2“@rs gave,tl names,of -“Charles °abd|"\©ool We “i vote:ofour“State \to,‘the:party of hes“ur:“Sas.es Hill ie dblew gol‘Visits [Pera nd Medicine Co,Colum aveancssdeny,and-say.theyare]"oS,Ane imphre blood.SDROSTESSandprosperity.Ti Re ye eles shin |DEAR SIRE Gonghter ladevery.from SalemN.Their,“ages.thes,Becomicentne Bete!“Gehence Gur.Demetratic Ariénds weit aldster Ralph:Serge warasat bis:ptom eceat paar 5 ssion?*pi)State,aS*‘Prentesn .and-*foarteen4 ide<prea bé~édljed:Hpon,to ‘follow the.starag paréentsiadt loagsincs ee fyf nenises ight sweats andl great ‘_.years,bat ‘they:look at‘least thtée Bead to.Sewbusllaess.-*ileadership<of?‘Mr:Brydavand to de|).‘ts Leon’Peesshy “presietied:at is e Fas So.low thatis*plder in euch cast.“They are bright |.;Itstiohld be pro ly ‘=©end ‘the €bicago‘piri form."When |#ity lastSabbath,~EDs E par acehhbors thoight she,paie‘\aadneatly-dressed youths;and{took Sag gets ee me Ke i2 fthatopror Sition ‘is submit ted.40 the |b oMiss Tha .Hatter:Mas Yyelcrm,Vn May Mit Cok:Adams,ofthis,ne of 3 .their arrest ‘calms adn itting>that Ru oa .pReople™-t thi(there!was aclear PecasevaeainssFthem.mest “bat refusing to inakeaany Statément*about the robbery:.;acy Ne‘::We Rs2‘The.railroads will resist ‘the pas~2¥leagace a‘separate:car:lawfor-the:Faces in the next’.should pass‘General’J h T despite their opposition,|; eanditates,Saye |the sharif.~~Fhis AIS OWA pestle.See Denrocrat.will contest:theelebtinn. ot the Conquer xkota was defeated by:4080.votes)at®pherecent election,and-one gutborizidgtheadoptionofthe,SouthGar;rolina dispensary ‘s¥stem was defeatredbtS65,eA‘fendémamenduieny’ROR:¢arried ByoeHRYotes! Anes Chainériaty:$Colic;Cholera 3Diarrhdex.Remedy can alway's +s‘deveudedsupon'andis “pleasant!and Rains for “our Karty:=ty take.i +ara atid, NieceLegislature..,i Se cakenscras Tonesthe |stomach,©ee pnd:Spainy cording to “she vote edsteslides Bad ’SRS ive Ce mnmitice.spens aesOF!“his“The oftiezal _Democratic eset \time-the week prior to.Atty Lanyineas.re that has.pi bHheGist ran@isementourcittiens,”Tr¥emains th”BErSWhetherornottheywillGelttethisolemnAedgesthes:woe y Oy eho,peaniedn order té secure thas zhTPESHAY:Lhe ‘bajlot Ox.py Thee Aowgman suffrage.amendment”Tor1.State constitution ‘of SouthDax The initiative and refer)’ .:)Presic ent Sesitin ey and Tew;ples of Repoblicanian,5itheireAWas wee toraseeMSenQnMaceyRegew a4~as =e Pah tN aeme NOR ie “a >position tHeeresolewitherespect,tuthe sorejgn;ptern oe whichwe have aq wed as Sold byDrogeists.aS‘tip ati A md gt Rote of the Imost,sub:be stantiskh.erideratsiin this State wil}refuse thfaliow.the Démoera’icban-‘raer and*will wladly avail-thoyiselves;-2 hoe the Opportunity toxote ee -Presi;me a oer FiensStrengthens,the oe ‘7 eee &Hood's:Seri -Enriches-the Yoga: aie “Creates an appetite |“‘Giscasejs quickly and’) ory ue Pia Browns!fron Bitters.-&au whee Sy age +i pies orves sit.3:rofitatd>_,Baeigizes.ad -vitalizes a 3 Sener wae,SACHINDR:Ay. diters,|Ron ands rey atewi Stands|iow-,lien it,di 8c Wptot me€toNeitre that rep,ths tive counties that:they walild:dppos:Pet for.its Bist y.OP annclass§Sort seein eehion,‘ofca Republicjin ‘Cheberess!is splendid eneorse ment ‘ofiprisei:; IW heteveranythinglike”8 fain consideration,of the?“preat’Bay ienal:patestions the election °resulted’jin;‘The.qattyiss <u,its} ed Porer‘thesseat of Jat te NuVET}ber. PererchClad The réaghnesyiy es I algo.Hi Sepee ON; a ay,iS SH ~£atgvette:=Pattervon :he Sotijn!tes vel tthe Ami Schudhthis wister : Psekibe:is oneof hedCHWeelhadaInarriage:in’ fdaughiérat CF Ms“pRex.JA 0.Shelley, fs and’Lap Dan igroom:was han some.auix-of,black?)pretty.one. Ove of Clk Servingsyotng man andthe,oride he,has?won.” the.matrimonial sea x DAIS ating ith her ‘sistSsohane:7 Parsiin is chest.rotsasec} Aspnelsdampen¢d:with’ePats,baim:and hound. ufeseiiespain’ahd?prexeeatenedatatteSatietheattaa 2 *quirter'oi*s ceatury,’Our (most vlued+bacsilaBinetisaee entwille ive svhegtin This:sectioh >Quite “a osatorscrop.lidsyboen £6 6K;this«falk oul:Ve xwould-bure/‘beta “through-‘bul,tire :rutin’fale“thre “GS.“back eeIawe.o Rai y ood:‘Beye:crowd ;rattenas|od“theLewis-Shinners:easRe eet!fnanot the;Staré DentoeraUe aaaipeionthe 2d, dpapi.‘ manity:Rhawks giting day.‘tracting parties.-were Mr,BoxteriPGur.Somvf Mr;Jax Ree2;Aad-“eiss)Netlin Ladelle %S IP:_ irest-and most:4dar.youngtadies.”-Mr--Gnyis Vine be?bright and happy:Sail (ter quy x:Stikossi:len sxhérd she oe ACore.cS pe5“indicate aAesdenny to|ward Boeumon re: onto:thee ft ppesovid oth,‘Se %&e AOLN.Tuts tras been’stch’«KUNI taniagest a Same eS! Qu ty wom. The con ‘ECe SG tate3ou20 rhe’forest.hadOwits beau>Satie a 4 ita.cash,_ 2 Wire We veSOOPER -thibySper i EADOSTERS, ess wtte est pric “het ae heOyi perde:HIGCRESS Surin ni Bt greene bushel,»-oe ee see oy Fee brighbyight:§eed :aneybright’ extra if,/é vo 4ais Sy i> en. 0t “ ece*of:flan74Z pt: Na.‘wwhovhad “tykeantthing:oula.-«f got’aiRockcandyend»becan+ing the’in oa Wacs voul “Charesber bints eee 3 oes:ayealameshuknesbyDruy- De.‘Pe-ru-“rir,told me if: NVe have.help.hes Dewan mag attleofitandsome: =‘ising 33 to. aback withontiseersF,tnpatowill)Ecru ee ed t3 ust.have ‘he ¢Xo!StineQ;siteembuey Kr aoe Tarigi New;Army Blué SuitiiegTailorsMadeSSuitinygs..G2 it §/Suk Wy rp.Herriettes $17)slack au mewn Oe xepo>and #1iNewCsittonCovestePot.stylish Outings,6,71 fandpoetsCloaXjrgs.7 tte >),peloents:36 ip:Wirte. Th a ets,69°.*OutiPiaget Lb.1)505,60 and326 io Aitine Derim,1:2‘apestry in Req « Ss va. secceiving”the Taxes.at‘round|forsthis tax.:tle,"as thete hasbe et Honey rt mee ~Decemberagoe1d arsday,-ecember.15.lyEee:Fr ; Stogday Be:amber:: lay ecember 20.-Weleatay Decem'yhori”fen® D. Decomirdpen?oetday,Degember 2 a;:Sad=®pater 2)113 oe dat WeHB:Wyeoit ‘Sh ei WCopelanid,| :Lot Cape qnd Janos tinreneaeaieWearesihowifis: ally Low Prices, n,eataranite ea boty Boao @asonComite sd BC a if Je e = re ee aes Oa eeah;SEU JAS Barbi f cueses‘arber.oO “Cigelaont |5 =;éspindence.totThe yr 1s ia‘Stal ee digelanias WAT,-comings was There-.Vorday |&on t L ¢:g a “eon x ;i te Sins sae =oXkhe for Monroee Baar peesSus ory ez Pain aoeeeMattiogs bac Toeixthe |five-dearcold: Aa ARES eet4 hae ote :;a ca nkShurpe,yok:*FaliStown’me“Probably -Statesite >nore ae ee ue Ss saveetiea:he_isnt ee ae Le oe ripe Tet oegnis +‘that:SharPhe:Nessedt sb MO MEADE Soul Arps|head!ag dsr.aice:uc e Dis Migs ee Clark,tof:Paar A vr nite emidy t naw’Ohivsty:!iSitwont1DehrCeeremolyy <Spe risked Sii«Watts,=tovnshiy:sisited ThE es Net Atafima "dieu at Cleveh tid:Satur)Wie whired MYNamesdoaig Sl,Clear biveeee winkpitySeewiththe:Wast Week:ee we,A dys nicht,ar.ich "State.stuck Vand Miss Emin Pikcicsat-the Paee 5Jhy‘istyon the Bead!‘N ,aka oy :u veh Fah bout botteriah churchab 0 lock “lass.osNctork(Ses aeBR Tang,BetNie attentive!Mplice'aaug’Sobin fly.in;jaredtae TPRyounee Thao deo aes ae aC fal:utpeyal {oySeomy uperio®@ Cour:aS:alisfury?Mis Thouvht Lhotthre igndedka:iigacsiina beeh Goad diy decovatett«et ;reat a omyameat |tt lis weekos,Shite MeN Poh eid 1s tatty Ganges ryusly hurt,Outwee bh yy <re mLcnaBiTeedef»Captain resTi.aEF nd:cronty oa ‘asa Be Goat Tr vitiee:ASIN cel oF ere mitt ;Rete a RSE USK,fs Ms YP UPN:BG i ”ers no wees ,a“gubitressed to thy"Str;KSaXe Steril1A spermt Moray Bie vhs :aosPT AL REE Gein kt nay if whit fi Rie ;Sree Se ae Duet AS toyete ti am eer Uptits ae Nn ae we SAA YS FS Sha Te eee OP ee sls 4 ne eG Mee 2 era :wee SanetightiinCharPte”r kK é $SA Suh}Vaeturted:at sv ihidastate Sdeec et apt Tis bufddinss,IMSS-:Sf ee FoR pape as i Tsay is neg septs ee ans See aes Maat Sein nae PAE LOE 1 (me $13 20 and aa ,ayy wo rie.Barbet and:Chet “EF ery hes ethTe ont dnd Te at ane tat et :Soe eae:2 See MAAKgMT On “TOO!yur/$4 00 and 36.00.solid ‘Oak diningartWikceJAptlersup-aeA ;SGaritidtt:tar Sharpe Monday oUt did ir Fane eS anid AUbsgrs th:fy yee en vacne eats :10 “ehi i ps ein:ah hers they,will stand the.test..eaieSikes,Of Charlottes,ia fined hat ui [HR bees:bt1u Coun:Fae tstales Cian ke,~mens et itt We Eye :E 2 t ere a 2 ie on eye :ae a <pe wi Ae:Sere here eras ty tek PAG ta:‘Srouce ye iis “pre-Oxy ¥orth StabsOrchestre as ee ed pudewith::h :<:;recy SS Las ithe.‘Seit whieaaboy ares BAnOwee eto weitleSue Phesushérs,sts ae ed ca oe de—rtsibiteet Se cemet Coy penine!]»Out es.ue ie oS 4 Cor Oi Parks ei:opts USO Ts pee TaN Sa csi tt Hawdebra:Hees Jas’sweckia weltraped noe Mondayt ted me denies se)-aisicaitea ag.»Bea Wate and:‘Be.Millen.oe 4jNypernds.“4 Chae ae PaesOricdrs=Stour coCom x!eae CL 3 BRE4Aaa vream Lo:Sperct”id:ut cote Bist 3ae Mettsin %2 tiie hersSei.}Vion tained,else r ae z ey ideentered withher Saal enwusoSGlideabhiECSSLieCG.Lotte anddaughtet,|<%trate whan eM S/Pparl Fow:reoti mrukeiqents|DNS Ce bi.Pavtieg.rat aype €Savaginhst res 2h.ere "HitSs.G,‘pyar:es ie Auyaoyie[AG e-em dain turknte the ota:ertiend by the north aisle:;“nid fi nyily ina uo::ies,BsShow,oa Matfener 2aeatta swoon rey ||With ds Beate Mrak red.Sldad:NCHey”toutes«im ie ee weeea fe 3G a er theoofficers,of Compartiy By.a mt At the altar.andDr.WY4 abtErencsCMTONISHEUS:Ney ant WES Noreh >GC:rotina:’‘Regiment,AKootlx they:bride's:pastor =ot x a See The Sy ee en “bs .rd Misi,ane singiaisor were!‘tbe,features eae angel!lnptessiverikprds:“ade rant sit toyTCTAG, thitt _the: Ee ery “Typagivestheymh ESS eet asc.Leite nA paps ost mee:Ste Se ©eke Rea Aves SHiinh rsf Samad te (pUthe-evet ing,Thosé brestat:ere!then ‘mghtawited,Afiee thegpa:at Lo 1 Ue:Joey wey eat torhiecmmiot he ae Seant a a COOK WHA if.Sep:RecordeWeer’Sid,Reyes Me Ae Ch lenige ;it Ve Hotels NIfee i AvGhigs ah}soy SeLt Ce taht ~~!won Thanearbet msdnd WY"estuiore-7 Sir!):the Hedenr’s pastor,fig roa:shonid Siete LeAEtokntigenSefetoeira.=RN:errs ae i Tuntd Bamorit’Harbin.Pidvete tons abhroprmite pkavep..*are |Ma Py ace wp tek tis pier xWas pee a};Se K t oA Vwthers jason Miss Biiinia-Hasfett aM agua,JS Sloan fel lant Sh oak price ‘We have a ‘big stock f ere ey Ce tice Br F "Miss Fannie.Mee ie Tett Mondas:MiSSes “Dury tson.HSS Hest Malis!1y aifer theeSfemday for,x bridal:HehRio Ere EC Rh Be amiet ow oe Rd :Gs e ‘Bayaoe Blanket are for”s -ot Rtenéassi pe Spminx of.-Wimidgron.;tov Suiting!\-why and Mere.KS Cooper,Messrs.)ree mosveNprshern ca Hes::a ayue oN if =]ee ow ERS:RS ‘it i ;S are to u¢"anminethSelesSBChgorfieWeeksithyhenssigeMire.|Waller,Urs.Jobin)Waist Ciatligd:hinge rmtanbetatx Shapdsorie 4 }“.pina sunt ti Peery tok::7boUPRaaioF~Pabsenc1:Sai ispshel =2)aed Retr Li nite;Dhiee Tony Sextin.BSCLGE tad valluaive:eae a beet Bh ae :f fk -sph Des 2 ito,we :se ax Wall,bystlieny!easien Pe!macy ts ii sgn dea ¥ye,EstOisa toawpitcb Mr Pt ans i mae ey aneerteChayvderac%rTishack Sees Teun es ies deed,Bay eae ee x Ravmpne.Newtdrrg|%teh Mro a :ey asidesGSSacne é ode Cope ‘Wat pi:aaedPIESaoe:Fueanji lives fasotedt thdsd LCST Sloati4“y0 <ABTAEBy ‘their fig tea tei si sae taslys atoeaes<SM3ng th tee Falter Sonor?Protitimins.rt hehe antbang Of:Gnu ablea’eSete i BeeotisvnPlats lust,porate Saeed ate i eg OU a.fe eat :‘:;ud as2 MaTtcndeéd LGD!Hetf 4 ache We eet iatxt aay Se AS a Sten Ss bS ess rica ia,‘tHee|Tes:only ‘Minkoeen y theyesnad ss ee Lay Ne Same ee as ear eee Se se ie 9ats.a2 ues cin ae:=oe a7poeoepaisarenieeeDeasMe*aly ie i Pays Nar lt.Sap “SsBstariyt ink“ok ons’“Oise Only instaebildthar's,dc nit.POO ee ee me ba tae fis ees Letaae :~ent i EN,ome quick’they will seon’algesieMr-AK Bok-s spi alee“Bip esdiDeativoré ‘cnniece eee |tigit-eecard,“atthe,‘Mars.Sloat ee pak Se aoe Breet ?Rae io aera Ut,phach nea :Ci es 1 ee oe ss). cai}e the?ape |Reh Het Qupprng»KR Honig:fan Oe ot Loven 4 royds warenually aSind,|Zope pein ce spade 8 spate that,wna:HESS ieed_aidsd nine 5 ee ey ese a eS =fea Sutvroont of Saviewedly:diyavisit 1.b&cle Fah ps ose oe Ca Oe]StalEMi BieSheri rishweLos oi oxbrabiy Faye mieiaig nat know th:aheep.eee Tone oat i)shes lane a rithian ;i ahuaRE:citaeyt “+b Shakes btu per eilship,kl NiLite si)ofShanpesbimes tot Pano ehh4 Ost boas es raiders.”eeatiitte re innthepone!a BAM OSS ye OF Silangitey Byers,duit tplakpburrtow!Stipes 3 %2 esLateBeHered:Se ee:PSREDeePayat listather S$WAS Y butik:ahd,ape Caner| ea A Ss ner ;ae anes Af2:‘nat .SF aghttie grave;but OF beware!yo ‘at 40ebay.\Siney”Somers hi.retant:hy me.dias Satlepedam altzekst “ORV stat yg apylS son ae tee Be ad i‘:s ea ae¢gen y.ul.wel ist.hie:sreET‘Baltjnore?ow ieTee Nye thi phiheerie 2 Y UN er)andy Tad ’Ow ahr Tspe reache:sMaBbpods HY PShutvou ly:ariiaps Dreeuming ya :ee AatMEE2omtewenthyfornedictal:Treyte Te nit “ihe ae yur Ropehocks”he gntermgnt PicassoPalaisfie fi wr 8 vein Veuksspay "see Iikeshimy throusitbandmg Asargya fa AG pilesLaheirtuHaidesfPIYyhbentTtdd4aTresit**SA as at SpatCheeks Sarataay:hac”[and Bsstg Sortie wasn gs!basen ibane Seber re ye 7 areneVetifteSuiited)Ne Dela Holland,AlansSeereh!.Misdenhispec glintly:Sad."tix:sabres,Mastery,Ye:anal ect ging te oe se fe :a pat pean’Lewis Ferry vond,“treneeNSoeviMr.Ie:So Holland of ewe,terwad ta thers bediate Mas:Binns kes TE GOR ee efatistCmeans todr.iad Se es cles Soils:Ato th asnih,Go:asih ay veut.ship te hee Si ie myay tga ee rice Kind.diad.att “hig “eth aud business Air’spigtse)HES Tie ts)ihe fe ms 14 feat ane Poe Seeet:ok’|schaot:a Mislonstitlay 7 *Sate oa Ke wasehe,CN ae a Of hig father.ond GEonrTHOSE,“pSpewouls:aie :boas Dec Eg ee.tiyths upstit bis death he!Bn®ipest nion-thie:itn SOF"MESSI,aaaSaterd:AK,¢A:¥:‘Pix ler pote:Khelna ck,ey ‘Ade!shy anrked:fos:PS BIST Shon esf tte an:COR W Hike i ‘he |,is mtiltemies,Ast Ar:Reewas in,Eigenpeste rds ‘EteSWS BOS)Fenstidin aaa avipal |§fitnt nm Ik Fie SEMINAR Pee:Pheine -Jone “et se - ehaesaoeeehyme_Tronr a visi tv i Cais Dthe piss Of a porTthae =jad yes Ms:lof Bin ge.‘iris.Sle Sis SP si senthesrgaeWs5xTodastheHathersn:Deviisya oe ust ot bestigereMaythe tlote Hiv ‘pedis:3dele uae reine cel obicen.oF thers Richa athYe“kts Week ee FF Sea eG Bom ay PohLope Of Ris]father!Me thotis htt X public Et te xSShertt ee=Mays:isenecbsWcakeWisonGfSteedCeceeaythersfMotbodhstechYcéhs“CN pallie Sei $Da,¥&:Cay,ra?Dustigsa if Ry,chien Bei 4 CT bY Be,J Paty"Phe S vantpathy OiTy hests Gt iduds ey AU ay}Oh he toavird hip:arg ee =MANE OE 1ee5we2eyay a Sstha:gts Budieya sie Come uptoZtlebd:!tira,‘shot wD ge iSOU father det “tiie aT PORTSTRD of the tows av ao Uist epi Haak pureaciktythieresent)Parks,uid,Base lagt uw ait aadwe ae lave estre it.leeegaves bis APs.Geb.“ety iehdly and)CON bat.Moe Santon:was het:f et[‘mt ee URMEL:\ee So eT eh eS ee cuicee |Riba Hi casein Pie ;thE)wun,Set.ety i a“Mrs.YE Neely Sha eee Toate &—~.ts :ity’“BLA happihess:pe a SNRMy,Ys x “Math SetBoeeisNeSatyraicrontAttromavisetoOyhig?4(Jusiices SeikePaeeexWotFatibd *vhs dEileTrare sgbiee of ©Stain ON ,Root ra ous ol Re!34a cht -Mrs.Lawre Se in peeaaue “ERB ty Sey So nto Sadhiy’"RI?Bunks)“Tas:spent TyNost?‘of ae RL dvirsA janes,Re hg ghia St al ied rihedtrBEENSaHas«been aclec Lee avingtony she was ¥libinigion |+ek eg te ,f 3)tor?Urte *‘in,'Statestille,-She has we 4 ,hounded ax followsPhemefietivetoFukfaSa|dvr i thie Rego there.oe pes skits eee eeShueyof th sro thap ahingrely nd,2ed Wud fs ‘ate.“‘Siniif.ae ads.oa Droth&SI;iromeryesEicePaySSOHNEAYeart>Nes f sfab sye day The Ani aewho favorite ithe ronmugity Beadtts Pi oe Arthye -W BEEGame ;hdmi anee ae afetidWettaatel|fr:“Toke rt pTare af Hons lay wraMety ee Beiiew hate PAalin Toruniand tpateine:modest.gon fom jhe’West HQ meake aio a mothiugheB Wit 25-50 ¥tod wate on!piOdteabiss “po:ON“Grote,TeSas,i$ine Iredell”On"Tye es Meter?Bawingets!I.1"aS A verinig aya Aas gES'Abitiginl 14 ENS PeatPawtere sie Son.“thie ve “tk hot:#oxtlcp ae “soutit reFootie[Sisitite Lis Jither.MitogJ.Albert CHK:“Chambers Sure:x D>Trout-aefriontily in Hispos tion,Matin:bath in SpoHt 1 MM Or.nba 1 a sting,dro E-Mowergthine foynSe2aeutetShrucpleshagOhimieBebalstowsBeNfsCM@ginaii:Mo rh a reatcersgifts ne ky ttvaco.,WS Trore Last ha=shes to.&SoneNE eerent<speut Vnks-pS UP:wa Popes.ee Ee f ve Tae Pee +B SoOreck2 Sohn .c Turper,mredsas-feyy cof-ouy”¢Share,Sr PaRee a het ‘toflit beet“oe ‘bd ~Mbt “Tate been.Such®Hibar Wir GeSs of hearty DyeEW +Hgdsick «i Hi xr ‘:= eek Ri Garte ofRo-¥Zfene Ne StitesUfa a:“G EtSPthexsheent.tur ney Reve ayivel Meeerd G.ae Ivey:See sesbuites Te ;teHcake TsO Nae init Moscatel Serie that ‘She fras]“from Signe heocet.hair:thohay MeN here for "Serer 40 3,eR Bloke het:“Kye PUL Lyset spotted tn ‘thefleastby hah pea digeaene Mor oy tle avas:ates “ast” ay ial Mr.ee sudsHeiseibSete thes Gera ee ae fee Rooke saphilarit yo She ‘ueve ned PM PO ostEhiieavirHopanat-R ie Asoxir.Eetion Popularity.1¢“Hever looked low ne n hyp:Fo:;mos :0:BE‘Poard aed aS”cee dal Peete -é Piers tar sl SV cbse eS .SNartl eRe:Rstep-da it YOR ox oY ety ones cee arya A Yr Vat tod as she lett +the hog SNL ans Heres mIeN..os 12 ig a:vt .»“-~fas.ott Isae a rol RNS sites fyethein’e ot tise iaVid xipers>Sate hid’it |Bu argh vuste rds cveving on:thé Meineswilled.lehavieo’to.aio }Pe bs OL ro MK C@ a ;is {*A va,i ‘9Ec2Wealx¢ss nO ’See i paper willb {‘ Nie Lae WV vomingy wast “MAS ON EE tM le g¥s Geeeet homie ‘athe:a Ly ~Huatify prien /ty ta ee sions ote eM Lue a Phe oe ab nasa Rocker,it There is at pre ePleas |SS oe OF.tind.Peale vat [Bounds £frotne facie:edudeeo Coklop Docbinber,Istz.today:=WOuTe fak,‘wee.sige th semanas fein’ke es :os ‘eC)ib rE tt ~ae is 13 i vai i fo8 iT a eeEachinMiFoeher,OS hotdines the ebntt i Qe thes:Penthi Lent their palees wad Goxer no Rust aan %ee ‘-tut,:;*rs:sro ee Des gre at:aS the Toke Ww TESTS Crate thatsiss catarcl ee ee ase —aisy ay.ce a.Thc winaKiahasxteu)aK sunrace.t so)District:andl ~Eildn SMES “pst hoagie the Spor micnk=gf SEE con syatuya fois And Vin fb:ke lothing snd Stioes,tor sett en)ire denote tot}RY aa LOGS vet effec Oe Wts market.*$e £al 1 Bane ne :4 /sts aeaATheregatheUlichWS,thf Successows.We Suppostité the]cet asSt hing ag Se Avia Paterheme ten Pee A Cae Doing a aia cal Se Orlmene Iss Cor and)aS “Judiviously*-Selected.as ,«Wie)ie :state weit fo'be Correct:and:copted |fitfears oh us He,a PEERS és we WwW ae ode eataaa:ohnePepe.reatulenk.?xpe mended buyers can.niake at.eee oe ae iGO Pwo Sis Powe (Oks Ashe-|até hag wee urehes tpstis “that,they s es +epeeRyptivett,hae ae tk pole 4 :Sotern :errraeubckecibnSAASIATLwalhadBeeiretowyfoxTAYEAe‘—5 3:notlie CASON,T8-Otr nek vik {he populir line .*<bees PrRscribes ne ¢erteth etitnd:fount ;Z 7 Ky,ti WISE TO ig ORatlidr.abi re}fal:Mt “a A);ti:!:eEkPashNaukabtanaack.“ret aruad bungcesteh tts a es ioy!mig Shonla uW ate a ‘BL INCEwOT the se 3 “Teas,a Sigipl ertyPN ~ 5 my here 5 psbakfutstieathany.andtinat this stirtcqnent}i tivps néary jam:thdatioir’Ot the ater rf ye el et a.a alire?fy ~Tht SOMTe nes Lex ieisband,wile,ES Qs thie:on :tte PApers =.‘ereombous,At thie eee oe -aoe ha a ‘gar ‘‘Sen ba 1pet“Cc a tetion 5 ET Fee}Te TidesHolfase}here,is HOS 2 ys cay rect wvritt we;sappy}TIT Vie ui pc See St ter en oh 2a ont arteoe hice Crue a aat Lenco.stitutiy“Pt is vepbangie =.eS Tort ico TUS DEKetiuch aud Sirs,=$pn win)reas ne tree y prigeapreersyx Dex etTheoden gta te?ot]¢tendecAeWho,hush e t 3 <peoemsetlKyottwitSoybisseitSeretiniigminejusticethetatMSiyantSUGwotrectlyausderGiveveges.is in tho*Put)Ti ts anrative”powers,5 :;<"isayed ‘toe't Bas Uyegs bs 1 oes Fog pate eqahity “aupiel we hopédhat thes.+Stond.=‘They hang,bevit ded:ta Deo}rit ta lw reknives ieee ,mee ={odes hand re Mars Case —-*hsTrt~5 .i *¢%Rss *ae “id aie OF DrytJ,Flake Carigan |#4 LOS ¥oe ;x ESE dorsae ae oo Pins Salt a 2 Ey OUT womltroutle:or sferialed>OK *d 3 a sbowinseour wands whether,ae £Gage Walton-dauste|Hare@ MaeCuil,Esq.eee EL f eS ee eedltness of souk NorHh es jinn gi peas OMatu ae.Bog oeaesWw,othe bribes eiaay “forex ineton,bata ris ietowatge |.ea-asalt a,~rainst the Raines:oie toa oe iviany,is ann ;Desk oo!Ones.AAvice ee eee iTerriye<4 te hee it ,©.i a ao)Tv poor Ao *‘s Aves “bhi ae2)COCEDT IML y NV tafhe.ACE e.ol-we Me #5)a Pato ;fy bee es "Re 7 :i herepadBint poe.Tues,Te Foe DReCey bs 5 ‘ye Mt Jo Barnabis ob Coieied eSNetiy iMate URbte §ey ida Wor ue Sateivcuscit tor a tues“Slice!cE ror amsey,omlin :vats ee oe TPP “yout,yan:andre predict é Sistercof fo Ti Studley.Esq...af 2 lk ,tes wdaclien (es pe 4 Ces n PRONEAAUahiTieehothe—-.ae Chfox.han &she cysstulee arcer =a.laws +GeAtt EN We Tipe’BtAiht Suik tO paris POUR ind!AS under fie:ISO ah“hae octane Cert:We mid dawene pis and é |"ates 3 2 -&Bowles..zesateLowell“Marvin,of pose Airing’the.Caurpaien |ie had:Ce uare Teen th.aRoOSvote“TredettssSue Viggen®Nira sing pain og dah thevdecisinnlin the:esse pf Bake’!by Ehaed:hace isMeeksiénkfartscourlty,has cig ise Qt thiscpaPete:sengdshe per:pperiog C lat Tartainst the SeatHenn,Aghia ee Back,we pess:or Yar Hitehel =<Sioyh “Alosahdors Tkrhe|:;Spacer a “tt¥.the Ribadt St.dist rie“tksfd rineea ys dutips’to que Sautistaction!¥iy \fix athG,,dan ee SPS “Shsme THE Usews Use igny Profesotorseait |cOna itingsighs ab ut,there,Was cy ohee cS ;Spee Boul 5Tetreet:and.agit o-they,Satisfaction Jotrontrdad-3 ti Chebinis thatshee MeasAry:as:IC set.Sith sUhie BBA mt heSSVeok!AG[ate Dbbishelitte hetfog vor case of “hopelitinafew,Gays.|The feta Wee (boy enter bin every,Lovely Spigeer:on ther Ob;arlotte,pasveaget Lent lesare-toi Dahir awith Lowlit je ME.Whi ine alt Soni de hy 4 i aes >Atter tak ingfewisi“Wade Asn cas]h uke anion the gods RODE GE —es ou Sees agen ath:yan saceugepeee oot nhs NE SCis atiob:<sedinreyt i i ce .Soe oe ate:a x a oc *=gdaL the ;ches ei eily S os me is te:we stahdiaes iy bottle Of Dit suspen Lbs Wann ke attic ish ea vi tela dil Have Déow ee :“Wik Bebe :oe theniaain,réachédShephérds Herds:|ne ania j cites heat ty ae ery:bie th.statin since::N;mer ate,Lay oe “owe it)Se:fort htt fowrdhoursy ERIss leases Paton set ie ogy toute,‘Sarsaperiil tl buy Clothing >di crack Mwah Zs).yest Ne Feuer Pepe ekevixisiclit et rai Ways Om the Br ness ro kid &Biclat [hue Rr ::ge ey :abe ritla fp be:te ,DP ESEL hab La uy Clothing more tb ‘your ik-.“Brow nt adupinistratord -<.Wael SN ate iThhati Lyte Rend they passenger Xrain ss ~x ae aun a hl or a tlvlsmroeon ‘*Caan aaa RRL oa ~JoH S $i to ect vetsaRefeBrean,chet sel Re Seer we is Puny oma Side ital:‘that Tyeet:frown..eu eo [Tr Sage Jonee lin.went,“do.eaeEeebis:*ee earth::ALES ayy thes rain:oe thee!ae Leable Theat <Svinptints are ofan,at re wot eCORN TS Tse Lon VGUys:neo NG Boon gELNecute,nauasoniaBae!Widow -Gfy [Me io >tri ruta bs:the patient Dersetf Ou)Fregn,this:conts..Inoved ceb“eavsithe Geceaspuet oer "Py vel aie oye oes Stered)intata \diteh<and dis®:;a%&#Ng eS Hie ate SUlvin Boyelosx .seated be tMevee Sand “tiat this bebefi!HN ie iay-to fenjale Wealitiess |lastSatindai.-diy ts ate MpoNSule:¥canes ot Messre.James’We tre ~.L0€weds ashi :Ca ee atl ie orpwrigh Trouble.Henge so tnx"Rope:Sata sls:Tw tise srg aD<4 toseusbips aiid Jobs ae Barhss208}pie eho:te ‘a re then eeio?‘th ©phatl tobi:vin relied -becauke,"rhe dS z nts eeHpSrateilleodigtatherodaternNELeSteppediontprtpstety;ne abe tf:rearAhi atic aACelis reortbae.ee eats a k OE:the ud our:eloat men ‘away from :“tow Hips Mendy’Nahtacisos waved MSA afd probe p:nee fon t Ey peks= -mat prices to suit:the>}asec a]|Suupoaion Sours vib:“hee Ooh es BTN a cae alway cr ca commmn ereg with A :sine “forts lasting friends.°Re-~ :eet {DAYa CHa ofthe PrMAany causes ae Sen Sy cons POUL SO hOK LS Un 4Laenootue-ofd aneet435 fears::“The ingetie)he vagy}oekenge Tee So ro stop=te stahans:whiclty NevinsWetB OMe.eke Ni ee test eR Dienst+eeHyeOme into]sk iia ca i Dire siteah ag .,i or Hats.Caps,Shirts:Neck wear,drs Ba rmthy ts til fined 1ddeer}4 *4 h:es 3 SQL,ye Bs te:“4 obit}Wooh=2 ChowCreede Ravel yesterday,*PO SNS pBarmlos tysth z an Lin ‘Me Ta ich durWED ASATE Heats Swen aned ARO net Monday J the*o,hers:with”Boi ey Sk Read :LY aes andra oe.line of Gents,furn: at .:‘ber 2 >;Cray i ‘%Re eeeAthese)elt,La NShIaeonsPo tS.Bowlessvgs bord Ww alkytanch||tt opt asef Reeth ees ue bimiadle:ates eal?Isic,exiaurek noes®oe eae pesa ages Sees:Wiws~“Buried:nat eol ax aststerante Mi WW:Ny ‘“atxer.,e rae s a “:rs ME Se yes=p bidder trotbleand botir need the:Weetere:CLE Nin :aya~sens eS uc po ci LON ~Messrs,;Tao)“toxnsh ie ‘Phe bendy)‘e ."ant %,Scene”reamed eee -Mere Tin.Ok I isieors,Sone ofaSteS1.25.oe wat soars ace.Shel was a}Lone and Oe “MeLaughlin:of Ny\Y aa ae wh Dre Wimer's’Seeth 0 Se G \y Riswers?Was Ndeal akHandlemeay‘aed OUP wavire use fk “cher DE Ties Alathddist ©"inch a Stay esyiile,te ee Pes her +0:her reat disegvery of ae te Ounce s debaters:ats Ralete ast-3¢yd abate x aa Suit.pete a 5 Oe oe newernd Bidder|Specialist.-and 42 Week’ier the.“Pranaeo Wake:Forest}ly fic:ya 2 ;bs we ae ‘A fae 2 habeas ,ior ieeee gai :bie akira x,~Se ee ee ne se Stn ot at ahs:Sdraie store for Contest:We!aewhl to.see thatckets#2 otap }toon Safe ig ‘ain.tA Sor Biren’toxe Tene:1awecof Raw Advertise mants.atime ty es?Alty Gents,or one 'dotlar.Rn ca Erinit Es on ot MRR aeetfk,€SESS SNVLEE Bats |appointed:eA »Adeean ae ighvborsSaa avail ech.od dia. 3 Eo.ie Poke bees 4 wr Bs SSSo¥\:Yeedon~Coos NS.Be Milisx Col have Elkin:‘arial pros ie wondersyi 0 arts vou yA tae—s ‘4 syaiaeee AEs ri is ehain;COUP RDY TO Fatt -BS Ree Race ?‘otthe ee silankets at the Tight price Mayhartea Sampak ORE and-book Gone And |‘Got Bimbatt:lntetviewed.ji :Is PE nt MORtEL Car 2104 Ketitent’‘Moreheaa6Riot ‘e.“pe They uistehave Elkie Yoana:aes felling?Wo tbeuit both sent:“abso”4s Mong Mir.AYES Who’Condaiets.A;:2 tid ha ehwilt soon resignOoh,North gayotiwa:pouserones Off.esSct tha:jee Phere prices’Orr btelyGe by mail iNiimity amen-ta bacKetShopdiete,isig.Washi veeHenbrak,oP the St:ate hehe Sha hurls:Sautht,will be]Melee hati auc:shoes ‘are selling PULOL.ae AScomaod Sey your adel ten:ATG.Was Tarte Rvigawed:“by theisseibetpheaemorsoytiela:rat alia het hsoQaitv;THIS wear,theirs gods.Hane im GeCss eo Dix:ae x ous 7 Binett AV:gshington PcOst of alae -Savarday|Eel,ae Sseoecd tin F-oyacpink.an fhe Sptiiinsty Ree he.1.Schiller has,vith eaevon owe AY a ie ts :pad said:“TL dotot appreke U Shae:©the market.for the money.OurLiseBtaSue”San Massey 2 thebeloved pastor:7Ork ey ites at SP2 502 S13.50and S150.b.-;e ee Bitsme fiees ovis wets will:beg‘Qos ee t can fiad none’better,if aseee and a,:see KG hit tech +h dhiste ity rw Seaver Have:.aes solid oak,dining:rem s c ;tS be)i eg 9 UPR ei Vir::tee eas F :he Battle Axe.’ae A ther gayfe a tox oneerence.Sh:Mintle mext.cit chaius wale?eytund the:test of ‘aH com}2 Gotten Has’Advanced,.ar ana Paaac Wie res mitpathueuth P :ARNE RQ Ss :ny i aa os eO:pot TN Landfoustiye ot thepeute,|1s oer Sy oe ee anhpetimion hg:sality did pritessteGoiton dias.advancedconsidervably}ahd popular y AUN bE:tom 26 ve <ie he Husceceutl wrlepy,pity that .brothe BSAC anes Suiolfnek's Ww Adelson}are chosing:“ae ;Baya sett “itsrest (majorit.ro wey BeSee eyee as Font theisrc pdsiat cost.They-wilt}vostérduy:was >00.7 Tarae quanti-oars5 is oeee a eur iaioe!“ofa4 ie os aati.panna :stone ae the area hier to~LSA VOU,anoney ‘ons Aoybimg.”~hats Ties otiit:Claixe poen marketed here]Taree,se ae +6eo Wee ik Mate keitDr:the year:4 ae o>PN :WekwhYom eS paca ait :at ve <ni”rs on een slives sei wai the.Desk a days,|this eS eek Stun buyers.as payius,We a Zs SoeCi.Shi aoa pes ee ve s :dE shall.‘ex:a at iaaguEgey.eat Supelitegs pointanent t ESUINE oe or 1 Bo Co Sheriti Wt oft:advertises!hiS day “a:Fttlesnnor i ‘than,is “being paid at Wedo are.naety:)ee $ee Teele tat -t \oe Grunt AS SSeS Rok we Prepac’ative tetdo _¥se alness a ‘tax’¢‘ound.De intmnents ‘Oe this neighbor!i Thathets.‘and this sels “orssminatec ay them Re i igally:ona:BRA we ek Sy Be SAE NC oe Pete Rate NN a3 ioe:TYekr if Tequires |obligations rae ye mg Sete ence sie ~*;pen eee Rh anes fee en byean.‘Hehe eotion.,aye:i “the K it eo 1 ,:‘;CK.tigechar r 4d aA ‘Le iatitiab»namaste iérof ‘aa ys é A radials =Meas:ARGS.Mie,peaple}oh ;d ;ee a ee ze;ads)throat:Death ofMre.F oy Cooper’erates lsioelia:i Tesutisans SEES ane oe eee otige Bork aretetermingd on’this.(prdpost:|DAA ’PAL AGvopehkeés toc v6 js and tabe pleasure in quotingthemceaeeeAeyiheflutoeteKWiis:Rufus:Ne Cosper:Fecoived a)to Cveditors.beeen an ao |ohiat‘here jisthd ring or pool here to {tion)With the.tO)rnc:esat ipeace ;=oll “prices W's Box Calf,“new coin toe ™-aksRRRAN er 4 telegram Monday ~aunouncing the)i Nes.AT?1.1 tarases *Wastianee sof"dcpress:the price.)“Weare wiad to{and:Rorkipe “Shoulder:to cae Se 1 ‘:i 5 rs deatir of her\fathers Mr.“Mills Hy RaniseeK ‘ikea Tuortagers,with Sut.thesrise rad.hope’thateottgh wall for the indimt tal and agriéa RAE Foo thera :wasnt peg 3 Sova >Wick:‘id,new.coin “toe,unequaled.for;Browsrelive ‘gectxredut tix hdme sell Larnd (of Gen ‘Stawvrt:and wifeat eo Stall Aicher,wy ibbas to gO up Con:duterests of the Statey North.Gard-Si sad wale ee Y vt and service?03 in Kid new cojn toe '$1'25.Spro@sston ak lin-Raleish:Mandar uporhiticc =He,tubicourt Row 3 oe eo sidets!Lg Ferbetore it ig wortth ery.Li’wall ever:“ouca pV an enable ok ee Rpg ak Med ce :hese a 5 agua tee andthe purchaser runsfas)Jie Th Mwasia tery-aged”wan”:pid Has isea fuey BPs ac ASX hs jude.pers i {position ambbheher sis ér Eoinmo!xm Ea pa Sy reo Stores orisk &i buying them:«Giye as@ trial'andbe con-4Pera«|in £ailinghealtt*for seteTah aus.ES SoHodpe.ngage,mill Sixt Cilicia oN eo]EATSLeTsthepie.=t So.(bat with po.*Nee Te Ap what we claim:Very Truly,«wae‘“TALp.-Brown-aaarried aSSiSteref Mesh Tezit tt A.Sus“arson,at>the eee serraat an peereturn,df -the Remocracetor pas We Cea eee ee Sl Mi UisteeeSeototleG.)Vey“Clerc.nidVrs arenia’lose,bat pouse ep Mundas?ie)Jantaty Re a eo Shee s Ge one-oltheGrst thing jtobe*‘doue ieee E OP,&1 er.Bah oR Range Rg La ‘ae wen tried 4oF Sfatesviller PMrs.FCCaper “and tong.Hea eee mM PM:Lh A WwHl bethe ptsssaige ofr ta ws that ali:<SRS ASO Ted oet (weel?ny:Bin wid-ERs,Rose weft’Mong ay MpeaPr for [ee es oe eee en Ee ae ee ow aap oe make thhais t ok Suthras /dépeing |ARR hea bt tlic benmtictae on Ralei«hito ditmd-the,tier’se he Pa pee |>Spey ra sae ot he 4 Lou ah intelligencesofthe,moter.AP::at y be.rycabieds that {'eXbeSRalejginNeks ;mul A User Sedat cabtne sno Rett |ea =e ui oe ar echtan .;By esreigagee paneCXpis:POSES Tike Ptecbixe wiioae dyke |ays at Mr.Abas Taikbeett ete See eS Ws aaa ae Creiseol the Date were,this,o7 3-93,°3 et teeUR eh sen Ie Benge Rotiert]ident:aNRalei;(lisfor’ON Gyy beXeu ey OF.Gtiartocte.x¢ey ¥pe s si ¢os Fevcujd ave begn:ne pends “ofataneRikloeboisiedacar“The Be Douk-}andthathe Wassa *£d0G *pia:Wall}eS eS ateseitla.it,ealTee a Pea ence thes eastou-‘ae oN alu}:se TEN :Pa i f %1 erifi.eee tbe peate upon.whichrexebs sented "9}life.3 nie Ae ve %,elt “ot Heiduy Dec.?ag CH 7‘for.this:way ee eb poteeet joe and have reasonsShe be- this:w coke The?highdst-qunice paid Suites MecN,C..Bt theEpbit :SPSS Rate ty Co ty:ih ah »\nh 3a;Bo Apa:Lay at t |Marsidiat:and ik or ,>Pg *s ws AS si one ‘day.»Hisspractice rm Nmited “to:aeMAE,+OG Kate ere 5 a ;.bts PM spa (|23 The,Sure Ls GrifneSdra.*71>)fe ealihinstea?of a fFNSmewsSfWilkes,«ores BYE:H.R!NOSE snietHRONT,fouistic,Sic ee ER oe se a See Sam inc litte Magnes arcupeeitce se A¥E.ON“Te Aner danuiny Jot theDoctor WHEP :i.tdreadt,a ies oa TE Mba oweill Waly RNR Coe.terrae sae gaei 8 usineis.inthis town.”We catergove .ourmoneyfe ere*eae Dembétat.ite Feu MexSeijl'seiclece:pas ‘Stitler‘s|Yemaio.goustanthy!SE Mis/hoite:of s ig ea geet i i ,Aiotin on .ae mew.Tt a es :ay i neeto any;one wis ing::tSeesWh:town Geek was’broken into last:tiday|flee be :Hear at piteauritg ck ;ake Ee ee -ottaxing Gan:,b :tt I a Gate‘ae WNOLESALE FOES,ss .:se ae :a ,essr -x.Rid iis Same Fanight)and:adét of goods stolen.ae,~ra ie Fant hc ki sy BT das :rata fh 3 me [BORE =hh 7 é ‘app:feteona ‘but:tke iHood reand&lL.Patter-4 Tho"count$commissioners tet-the Shor ketenes ane aes petite:ay ::nd iE You eo x mai leohime par) 5;¢aN5 hah the@e days put:‘him’(oa hroniie,sue. the * ¢:;:GR TITUDE.te PadLt Ba Clark,DR.Contract far re-baidding the bridge’aayj CAUSE FOR ¢a ;aa HS C.eee s.-A-Lacross -thé,Yadkin,spear *Curtis,‘Leanpot speak,tco:ne He bent rs *ie ook—and’,they,Ford;to cost $1,300.:parararicla 4 Chas cies watite?eke a ve x a ites ay Gd ke Estatea ate.place of :eCseonOudoftheiretoJoshia.‘Dowell’S:,house,neat potenee ete sh a“did |Sod tee flike of oS Foagily aumeesure aor at dicen Bi ‘all kine apes,and many other:tae une Considered:_Fajls-tMovayjan Falls;was burted Friday,fot seen.well«iy up the times she began’Seale ek ee aes 5 oF your Liver;‘Stomach’“and.idtie ‘Se eee eee Mngertas E Pareto =Se nme it xGricti¢’Susinese:<ane TYLagest.ORK in?the Fesone callof the contents were al /tak:0gHoodsapee Ee ae teaS gin ain mot melee hates pels.tone ep Thy whole Sistem”and pimesof ne Tteo pe Los see ends and customers befo¥®we leavehere -Besit)Siete noe tO a Fata £9 desifoyed,eet eat fis corn Eee areteoe ee inDe his tumougs Femety,{Make youfeel “he:a “new being foie"weet ditiveuls4 Seortect |LU ical Sunes pce RR eS Reseelsakit.numbers!and.megt.©pos Gy,¥a,ye a ae :“s ty id by.Ok cates:|They-are:‘ga antéed to Cre op 7pitce atSoathorityLeoeaeBegisterofBeadgee“Biaer |*OOD'SPILES ao ives See eee Feignd ..For.sateatv Baty - at moc 'Woe rFiftty-Cenjorityof1003Fafouryears.ane Ms ‘burnaeMyrtlece Bavaraerete eeaaoa Go oF 9-Bac fo y $ieee ratarrh JalsolytOC2as =Peet ee ge Sa .pees:,P Se at oa TAD Ee ,;teeth eee era Se ty ;;ur .“AR ie eA (reeti i.;Bn nts gh gt Femhetes d .berets ae,ponent Toes :ea her ART ae a.a eS re :‘cakere{ook oe i see!os Le %ue Me oer he ‘rig PES\:to LieReaagomnesas)te ee MERIAL Pe Meg M LY :ee te toehat >A eS abe ON t egEiethheAisramsSNearigoreeuNhsASaehonesSab34.Edt se Ri :i Las er fnverosting Expemqngeyn the cared Nie ce 5 4 +Es ms at.}CURE i 7 aides ‘A)27 Offthe Late SRC ENOS,’\PR ah RE ir weeryno:Last oeua sie .:Xe “Ee Hest pater fat3weely*bets le -‘i ‘4 ,eetwfendedple!CA ie cate rh S ;aS "eine 3 ees ;om t =:tnt “ARGORS*fate Slarss Bi ge a ere enh ed oa eine i Dnt Er ai et :::tens bp ene Sh no hn.sr ster thy pons)de Bess en 4 :sae ‘‘had Wy TEE,5iE <Asia Gy 7a:7 tes Mey Bae:aly aot ieorun dhe Rl abet be 3 ‘ake *.VESSARvA‘s 2 Spt 5 ae =hee é 2 .J ne pe,*:"1::ate ra ae 4 ves aBosca’aan ie nt B dye who f Peale me)hake .Prinebac at Pause s D oe ‘>wo Gear go ea baSee x‘Tield'=zatBratt Sop i dete :j Thy :‘:a eet S ats 4 t Bie iatRie “e tyeausiae Ww ae Pre St :ee seal =G aenS:x :.t fe ie sake:E ne )ae res.OUR had)COR:“ont j ;J at .é pda is ci il i1LaieSiuypaepoit.t“tsk bin Uatti juctg’coteraa Ges eNGILG nen BECy th os aS Ne ge ots Vann 4 rash oak s zif us fee. Bie hai fais gs.Vat,HAN ;7)Be I!ae Cle parts id :eth |Y cs t ee cs DSi r 4 ae :::“te &,-?rote qu ‘x 4 -1 9 i \t f \‘a ¥a éNaritsoyglareStig|:ae ied a ee Ni ook DS :a (t ;ci ::‘RS hay Rey :3.a:ee fa.x a Sh sy Rice RE yi :ye cpa :t i :i (Le ah fe fsShaleaeBkwehteeeeeAeeeaee2Ting#6iShad:iNtok?Brigest ar futcodersOM ‘boikeers Patt.Cc:Pee,ae ;4c Ne ac LEY:eta be .pol!BS weit pene:Sugidel iniC ii Safe UH thas AOU.atepget opp qncd &>::SeSets:atwmdihin oe.rd ey hakeet iéi=4 nat ¥i ‘The:ven Bh PR yreasaieienyainfe);:5 y ote On Be ty a8 7 .days phehs feo ute saingedty Wists ite reliednenTrappemosdeuteitnchesest“itt,Tach ate een,and fis Obese ney ”AMT ONG PS |*i ye i pitts eae sSs at ie ‘ari lav Paasote§iat;retie BUS loa yyaee:Jar CU :i if Ste ne °‘‘‘r 'mit :.Ns ie i OT ATES fis,3WRshytata»Rog ck Sell ce¥18 dass?ue y AE ak Fh SSE CTA ise Ce RCRD “Det,EBS ag if:sh:a :&™5 eho -=!¢ rebhiy Lies pelt ye sky ptete his secaSS\poelab athe ae omy t ; :Oi pal es <:he aliel ald Pp og papiASRPOCH:~You.ee oy beet se :k :t F Caen es ;eee ;::;ion Hy at pene‘a SyA tt uks.}mk :;yin ‘i Rt teOaeaifiaharNPSoeomenseetSePastisoeNPetaeqyishactetheeMe-eeearc Rae ag)Ske tpal pigs x ii per tase cae ayy &a —DeiHa2PaEhobGuhatsroeSeewei3eesa!Scie wna So:aejSeand:Sy aydada URES :are TULAR i:a MALY BeatinsuaiKal3 ben bebe ys ‘Gy ert ahast |. ;eefvi et aepaar “eue.F thnehosne44‘ inde ASE pee ckt kewSah | tne Javea cS :i . AG Tacit “lies Sie er sake ow nier ESE CbOisge s Sae%orses <i ux ae «tabi ;sRerewiupnidd:ti oe maaeve :isSAVER.Peed aesesAepiePREC,i aes aoe on,i Beh Oe BON I ae Gao :rombpy SCCut A ;eu vn One }“o pbaeboitty 1aOats Felt as ;Fe ed Meare :y ¢”ayAizhaai:yA tote:sai eh:tie Aft the ED)NEAOSIORE Se ‘fie oe A ne i i sashes:gta:aesxa é .::::me huey tha Td ds Guat 0%\otey Binnie “yt Sn hy ely.tS ay oe ;M te ons ScoltavticasvidetitipsigUnigueFreies“13 ALi K d MS ear avers 3 “pr tine?oohe r a ace!his!COM cin py,tideAddatronuth:Le "a B S95 4 Mm ’.>eayetDh)Masi :nseapet snied Nittanysue ve J :<:2 sie oe*Tihhema Cbatsdeds SiS at:eine po :chs Sy Rr 3 ty yesBaweea;izeasLPN Tat rsetsels ie deh os -of che Ment oe 4 ni le ;A cn a;ai,ai A &1 Ree ae Nt ee aes sade hake Sanh ee ore ps :rk are -sedate:é og i Ne eee Noe nk eel Ne a ;,;os i eioeSipSynitosPEFesunye“de :ENTHIS pe tes fru ih Tne ste :aanit tha Nor oh xl asat fo Beyandl,ae RO :ia,ea an ye Aritglliig iu bie eatHasdanceChetcayrie?etig whet the ie CK Ppeice:maak ebb idnseeiehad‘dale4 te Hidcitiveness:AS nic bideti5Seevy<=t5 Bei ast :hae ;5 :ie [aioe ss oe+“arponsgtiWdheein:serine fied tanta!3 ica We eet’(ars Robe ee es O FA aS my:wi hae beWe:EN ee Eth ~‘af Tey peso :r 4 .iat tye GUY ue GilSFeaainiaNALLYvie -Sees mye ;ste ‘xPhaaegtVielecitisty4i3:testth.zyQin pstpirat Ck 4 rt ef iis TAIre :~bye adit teat ng of ae “we Aoyavalccoé“Bh *at ne riset ¢so pend Me By ey oe :Sepsee g Noi iS aehisLe1aAas‘aSayis ichken is ae sere FASS.;Phan bie Tis 3‘:‘ut atty aa ;un ied on ANG Gea ee mek rn eS Vf ourSone hOUS ~~bens ir Ww Abe ee aig usd oat ou Ae M0 ee ‘eediahaout oe “tf frsereDYESoo1btsheFakealeAes?ara oN ea es .t ae ‘aldoons ee alice:Lies aiecaratSahAgatigSakuty,Veg tt gO ae?‘dn f ":i Sig re i ‘re >T :);.\"ARS seal pt oh hy See yt ate ee VPA Se Line ceTelcoe 22 WN Le"NET od F /ieaeNagataasaipi)y ty :eo 2:SoyAR SitHon LATTE The:SastpeieoatsReaeAPIAatreeWahhePagecaie)re Vinee givens (etnwe2reeek:ees We eae eS:-Pe t “y iS c Me a aap:Non TpSigel “ony K spies SN Sede hae:tyke Wi 1K vid sé wih Ak Ee:FisacieNe Ve ieKeasss,“h Pane NgOSSESpsi:fei “dis imot ae a wee -ae eR et ug’ge.f*ehed :a tie al Kerr Sued \x a 0 Se a Ai beety er yt ©ors aN Tou Lew;o eofywh‘2 cti>sheng SN eitaOwSietemabaoeSMe1G2a.a 2.eeede oshoay?yy”He dreds ryt ts:Shyya;Pr aoa Site a fee es Seu tcaensy TERR Gd Oe Povii omaneeLie.iV.spt q 2“,.eel Re a AS .Pian Za set cWesgee4bs settee wie :Sawn andy }pian ead cathot te "4 om se’eS 8“wuld?the Pron tay ‘By eas Bote tarinat aysie 4 ee :Lie :i 4 vs oe “gt OUND ay 14c;trad se ‘See :i E 'Seer yl!;+Te flac a :i ;,ar ay zee iaeGURety)sf Wwepah bes ;God)BN ore hE ¢:i ;:E ty :PIAT sv we.“,th he wi ox a aay pase rsh aa athe Mee Oa Ry.er sl Ubon hegre as :{oe fet ;;ae*s ep eds oh i alyDeni,waie parys we watts:Ee Cora bistay anit Seit?*RAMS :‘ NRO EX thy Maat?wine sti i nied UF Sy TyDSc =m ke tr “aitveri ee yPayeeHecheeesneeaes2:a Ce,ae O “aly DeTil ibe 78coea>:bench?vias rn fs Stesthe’Stor souk ayat L vee dor hesSheek SAHid ~atiCeesaeGReaeTtge.Ail PES GCOS CTE Als DS PE Da EESee :yt M fer ie Se yBCTCRoeET“Hegod aii Obns:nt is ie he oe yet “A eit ertny yea +Syted e eee ire >ne Nat ~a Ried 4 Aiea +A Ar Tehe Ate a3 OP Nope Puen og‘Alyn ote seit Cp fata Soe ae ee 2 bet,ites Cost ‘te “beady rhs|cou Rt9 ise ou tzSGsourtioyateHeSinekefortHtitis,:iy Pre i)aN oils te Ones faeTintSienaWggUeAyveftndGa;i:om."¢SidebsahTSnFtiSNspecsWSNZeeLAgsieCoesnyMer,aa S a iN Bete oe :Seti A ag ao Ys 7b Gee :eat nd io}"Feist Beat Se Cr :ea the dee Mew Sunk aw i %‘i taf]At!shi vee inn.te:ulyShei vf 4 ve ’ped phe ‘Mit pe x “.ee }hf ARK gobh aes5fitAs:d;a Es e Ae A ils fe fi:¥4x3 OY ae Tet tN pr .oe:meas *Mite ret :‘::,;(Ey Fos ph 7S “eA ad 7A,:sag wt Ae,owls’mt ;peingokoecds ak:>Hone.Mek a Te Gaede Bi ak Deamon Ee gewat omer «pags 3 aren tnSNeStuSekeyfr,Wiis bie totic in --ae Poets eae ap =fin ):Satelit 5 hee ‘oe :Si ,a as ws}a.rok,nN 6:55:,Save S =:raysepda.neces -} Pe r e S3 5 lp * 52 2 - 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Ithasemost reiweeeaeareYY:ee :5 =)sire vow ee tr toca |te rh tival wath Sg ras “Tae Ble put ishing power.:rR Jase yppesnpeeiaily fares eae Sac aiText et Us anot >oives colog tothé blood:Teetaed,“:eeres PRLS y fi ci £n ia wa sour_Sacopsnice DUCK 13 tay quttiereucesto 7 Seine Sg scuttledby S oeea ee ai:on ou 7pe te z brings strength +to |the’mus-~ali breeds pt woul ail BREW.ok ioe a arse petro :ru=nyand\NMgq-0 tigi vy oferty ‘bent!|cles.elt aie power to,the:ss ‘Cleared:$2.50 on every.EO Vite Hea BN Ses tea)|wed.Lami:epss,sold taal Ray syste!a ne ‘g et ;: ruised a’amo.last,eet "wadsSe ia ae po :::moms IRIE A¢-68,:Whya%Aa @ cor mehercto tale.’sda aS Boia cee aween ‘y ae ‘Pe ee ’8 Catalogue froebacngrthereezado.tae"saule®228 YeDerrsiarkeke aac Pack Seer ate cis your medicines we wernot ableto see.Y cateSune nn ah pi ort MoSoh ys)cares eee.hes x eS RS faatabaa ited jin:cpen:arieSte4wiheFepatyieshaoomVehGaborter:Ouriy ork,But peae Qe “Ay fend.“1.iven veal eee es :ne Neo tart oe ra te«Re,Starts (ont wih,moot ure FR id Capes gai’i te A a wine?ind,bsthe Her a m A ése ieee See cy iL MFC:.CO <.ta i hh e {ie sith A ety TLS:y nd 6 ay fi fer sees TN :i ;K ne s :: Tae jest abignalit’Bay es Ny pads tkee DE SANE Wiehe Bart 5 b dese:sand ert :Sheser fot cen z ah ai SY aching A .Percara se AEE CRORE.CRE Sy mar ils ce ORE Stas ;is %has 4 ‘!2 4 ned $<20 Fall tina Pa fe Siac Oot 3 Myst 4 : bowtie keer 10 ite eucha ins isiey aru aS renedek ee”a ae)Pr >Se iissehengare ean Bo &:BOW.yEYByCheat:New York:me Gs BR lp ese Bue cy a 4 poet :a 7 Seee pe ae is en e uud avUpiels Sind se Caebbe ce s aa aa — wu s win fe os éeenee G tAEANN’LsWAGE AR LARGARCIRE Ua rON iSiRDBLIA NDA re 7"pies air,sa fo ee te :=Ny Tateslats :ae be ae StATESVHS.E-Se ¥.:DECEUBBEE 8 Gis :2 BS se Bahan cen oreSeonn TS ah Rak ons ie eaeHeGtaeRaTpesort5isingcia{Eeitoriac NOTES.*m4‘t a ee Z ie Awe Ns 5sk {}i r i ‘‘eS *Sa erect of head sm:bh aniasr PRn,Lehn LAA Pe nar)teIacTuK,Dario.Times”“bs Incréageg|Sos ; irom’a Six:colin,tow sever cone fa Mea Soy p HEC aplion “abe iebere walas puts einige paper "Editor-Crowson,is makingpevi ae Chraitofte EI aE MOS REE athtaeJpyBai’has’Seid “dyi Tag kApets swt9.OHSBe:adod *paper >dnd*we nate:with plein Maly.Leadenee nh Isssscoutel pu —“yibit,et refatives.ine ice a Je .oie Ye ORES:ANTES mo Ss Nbpsitemyvith:site¢ " ¥US!ay aThe ae OMS:es NS <-RS :be hecte;SNL SRL TS St Rede hae ae ree hh Needy ay “Mottisun®Abas mo ted.eeeSth peg riLPanay.rie eS cen therehants:“Os oN ee bite aR his Fy ily back’TOW fe roms‘Style’re-Aalian 0a 7ci freee 4 oe ti RY Democratic”poiiugtion:‘for ster ship.ita’ne,edHerele S|Signed.ae Ce eke SnD (omwe-Spéaber‘of the:nextNatfopalHouse aStam «De Duty?Aexley-Toolk Siete Teele on‘i Oyslo aa hich caries wit kr it “the.leadership)£IF TRZ YO:(ot rdvennesstqnis.dur:~FotSinegestern ee yee E rar ihe.party,oh,the “fldop,promises oy ae NE Se eh ohatsbuaNe to ‘be,quite]liv ely,Hort?‘Joséph W.ic.TaxionCéosysdp ofGhar dtte,iSag how ah ais xBaileysoft‘Texas,’w hoswitssthe,Iga |«smectite TastThutsday-Ho ANSMeise atind etiCayy{tinser‘int the last‘Hause,is aydtin a eait-eoHe dias neti nettF tosChay ene POL se:oa StU,id ie :Hidate,.as are:Repfesentatives DeeTe &chee “Thre ti er abe Neos Sa)weetling J Arnfoud AUf.Siissowti,’"aud:Bapkli¢ad,Re is PASC Be E:tleArosa fenQrCODON Sewe~if,Sabo a ee ahspeAlabsars:.ip Js ‘hard,td,predict Sho dsstopp ine inh Hts aTs eeet Werehed LiSere oe ‘—}whe will bee wetod.“Sherelerties!t ja:ih SSS OL pe rar Jour Rie mag Sb Ja Ter Lari243‘Duong £[dime the&pach wilk-ba Voge ainse,ie Suit dnek “has.dee kur’undil Decenrier 1889,ee :hte tes erate coh epinane edeeSaatFj:ah x rk tetaRe ‘RreaQures.Hatnes has |Jast Ot aiicitoothXe:mite Chitdih ate Ten,&Sutts'$2,50 tOS12 Odd:“bay s1A3 oles begsisalu extnSexsidn.ot ins phretecdai nace ¥p wttel”bx Ski yond \Tes ' Ss >rhSeewgNicebiack:clay woryteds far’Xmen,as low ais,#5.00:ny sce em Sree oe ee henseosSe hte Liagioir “irisesieateeeneSanaatosFUPeeoRPeeEeeerrarenesit:feed inten fast Sook 4"fo SE SON OIL Sy wood she ;ee)OE YOR Ra Te Bey Sis WORE,2to (-¢ats,per Su Stu As be}BS ‘(4 4 P Caw cota Jad Ge nicht ditt week find tole::i %ir t t =Aseenetherwtil)"I sell you a bunch oF rags ‘Yor Clothing,”Asbeyite Reyier.r iRepiis we I Jeakinrhaspu rehased|«.;.SF woes tpyer ‘the,Sia .Da Gannon;the:dora:t Mid Brady Hatin,“ht Blow ingehive!fy jx Reina -Hote::OE “gedTL PiSet;eon i Lidh ot.the.probability sof the -ae en atic)candidate:“tor ‘state bie tntnay,ne athe “property?or “tusirpom egeny:Wits?ae oe Sta NG ae)2 :me S rntiok i eae :son nactme ofa,ee‘intewal i ore :m ARTS OF ante ‘eG ,a mn 1a:ae ss b ( reid wradeto din and.wear.;2 200°pair of:‘Shoeg-Towey|anlisays: pauee slish solid seytiee iblesaoes ‘and Tt:positively “sell et ‘Demoer Eikan hoiwemiide shoes for.Mey-bays 2nd &children.”Sie ten ‘Senator ig the DI arty:fourthidiserict,aetnexe Surin’bittisePY day)Fonts.coisa oo ”4s sTHAEFS(AND CAP SS HS ees Bolu con test Ae eledtiotyiin,rthé-Sen:|HeJe ‘Dyiets:18 Marshant:Maden Wate ee ::wetttt les ated colots at such Tose peicesaio one editiplainss ate.a ite Aallgues certain,irrégiart,Sofsqounty,,zh wehbeeof Byr compasifsSy.eins xWen Stsntt had i 4)2steSeadhatsae.thebest for the-pce keeps Ais wetstn,~Hendergun’Fepuyty and foes last ween the Jesxprituls ee aoe ht a a LEH e ‘0 *ore ¥{Fiet s ye,ey pry prs ele kedsalpotions3dowd)&Vand’sstile “oreeglt leading:scunsSs sade Gaitnsthat.rhe:lndintis TiieJackson |Mhorbus,Wy:et ty photd,fey,a cr ye ry ‘ :f Moir Sere Ne oa f esdehaltAMENDS.FrOGeMMES NEL?one weg Rake ry sone te ms Roti ik aie Gi |eet fits ee <:“aud Swain had mi re Mis.Rane “BY iss Kepnc x\f Nn bigssas os+Tene.are a Few,Prices:Cee inhe f SSS Ee miane.tossote chat HorsttheLike Prog)SoBron Daeg eeEpsi“a zi feeeney 3 “Sheettingatdyemperyd.Good:COdt eR 12-4bs for T40,We aot IS*tbat:Cannon:Felts solelyy ieyh stowlls%ithe,A Gide beGE:EX,enn 22e eels.OT “a aScee ae ag ii utis jershirts 18c.Sup.&WoolTaundershints Boel.Meaty Las the!fac tliat this panty,has awarldr he Foe mse ae West Point,ise tad sat:“riots in : rawets20,per hair.+LheNew -Wodel Sewing ene in the Sgnate.S~ThaRegister She leave busbanckang four,che Vee:Oe “ ee ey rons ey1wears ‘fokyilt S15.Mh:This:machine eel tb,“ay.{S00e rex,F thes!ee ioe tae ae celidentforko-rag aWaGhitte peels a DERUEYSS 57 eae "is:the organ’of-Congresspan Pea{e i se i «Pre Fain x susif:::ie ;Bese .f son,-whd iis’‘contestipg'the:elections:Me \Ctintop:a:-MeHartine,aksHilaie <ee ;~Xi"‘is aN y ae Phone ae te Bi sAieiett SOE his Subeessful oppenent,Hon:¥+.anile,Silos wey?from,Hid:Town Pees edosh ste fet oie sails oe ‘Neve :Nsae :eon be .¢aS eee ‘%a :aan cE Cc to “rit M C {Sbipty Tenis eri \awe.Hsp ret Lasvi eineeae ts:Tyino.piace i raw ‘ord anion’Se eon?|ea bere last”“Pid ay,“and:eeezat mit aay SS pos2tiP}rest.isbised solely %On the‘tact tat’)Lredell county.theiy “hdr Giasthe |eee Te ad rine oi sa.Sh4s}‘the Detigerats:‘controls the:‘Site fiture.:‘Mayle Harcue-neursest BPS tah:tidBa paces mie tat“3 Senate!4S uot Nr.‘Pearson’S/by.Gani Cot “(fr ae “Gasiccion Resea,SG yt"a Wj oe UPS “be BK seOt 43 Aree jet ss fun "parity of)reasoning,due to’the4 Re =LOhin irene TREES mae See era HN¥aoe Jue ha SiegeSEE edeeo Breian iwhut$Fi ee eas a n ¥Ei 1 fry 2 OTe:ea,>;x ’>Ge es j.mira :a is publicgn majority ip thy’next Se Capt og Meet Shes omdaytix',aoeZ Be a ee est —we Ee:ar 25 Firway:tae ime ev eefo ts.a ey a 3 ional -Holuse?_Begple,Sho bin Yan?Hom tkeesanSecuaeee thing oe oe EST a M us pices but Piha ae,will Be Te ae ;~Se pli orem seeer uae Noe “Pheter ned:kexlast Lhurstiy irons al 7a eee Sor ANGERS |oywoeiAeReuteoekyilsoeGraniteand:Marbig kageg a he 1re@e.ar'é 3Vards Shale (not “turn?Op “thairs te ext Whe RLS Ath dstrthe ase ck AS ery AIT ghXG)aN e ete er vise té bis brothtér/Ma aeveyehec len oe indie ett,“Coen ee 1 out ae E=sg he besf qualsty..abt Teg Shc ky je Sgeta ea SN he a bndses every;time.they!pass.theitt Morrison.tn Lu iton maaMiss!Mas ET us Lost foie or]rte nf z Pe a i:ch ye Se es:ae—4=NO SS ee ne ae iy 4 :te ¢+qj Spr 2 a abe x Sieh ay :?Best:MageriaL -en -war 5 2 ‘Ee i pti giv ac puily soars”t meoXs ee Merbigov “andschitldven.:ard:VES (is 7Rta.“HAS eaebth Wtay a rey a Ce oie 10gst)wade ay Ae de;hes “of i e ‘ a :ic j =i €i pret Se Se cree aoe Starie Hees."who!aeconipg “duPyents we sang bey a oe thd este =Srontssible =Beon%cathy ne ee N Cx i horrkon rena Mi fz ssipp [3 oF rec rai im igSAB te aud?;os o get ¢coletteob iid reg Dy th Pee z:ey vt ss 4 2 virion remal ite?iSsiSSTpora a8 te f .er ythis :ena cys?gatoa First Class:Wwwork ““lpeabenene MASRITy 17.938,Fatat few Wwelsloager.©wap tw )SdUsasacce Bosh IMOnzQtier,srg.oa?Aiit7 ahy Slaw ‘of oo Pas — “ag |aad oe R mt aR Re Paera iS vp eee;ee vs Re sche puateti tersemidis“OltMiardeeiifr,Aa gs sm ’ i a :oe ,and Lowest Prices:Mthe.Qmeiar Neeectes ee ce icors Elected:Car ee oe rt sy EE goriag hei Towtain:Sia piese iT;ai tes a€ten ay gnated,it will be.eee Z ~HR Bue gate eat %Solicitors wou ‘Congreysmen..=Phe“Raights”fe Pytbias lect yi BGO upr Laserak ad!a ese As Cu t:heevpheSeds A «eE Stete)the dcilestins:ofpters 3fast’FEISS fo Lheerty tegre ky Gyelrg xv EDomoce als Soi?eis wyTEINECLEIrygtwedastagewe2PCWeahsAlison:&%Feet WARD The “a £¥the purpose Of Te~es 2yesReagyassbd.‘the.vote for judges,shy Oy CSI Sth lee Sais Siar ae:ma eeyeiP ORLee ped bis faiiiliar-fake*.. 5 ‘~:ant »my)IE at helen >iy rea %xrsgo‘and Aonsressmen.BY er EN ae Sig Valiacep M.ots Mi pe sa a hecase he a ori (0)t is lxfinn.°S A ae:Nailure teadd “In.7 to the yinesot Wiese nt $5 5-6.Wa t es abou me ssaffob"*Senator s ai ates he Aivhe atAS “Yarbye AM,oat He C¢:isteof.bis!‘epinion,‘and x i:ited <*heaJudge,cGeo He~Brow nahe lostaa ex’Resin agt BXY ALY?ostont ae eh ic i ren tleman“who gus «‘iththe ,::D2:O00"yorésatid Augustus M.Mbotes |"OR Gaither O:L%oy ores S took Sou tor today ¥;pet alas 4%Aged see tt Kates ;pian a nator Today::learn ‘thatit.is.the :=ithe fdssoueanditatos has an’‘appareyt Tiasting “hyd:aAsléyr J,Petes!pugs pli Vas OU AOa4.oe ak “Ou Weg Ae og tr Ch.aside nepiden presenttp belidhtat 5 post.Mic i Mag o Ny I Ina VOTE .;ah degece ;“r "1 r yst-HERS:ks o .y >Emajorit wor over 140 bt Eventually dani ehagst AlinerqanitorssJS.Evy.ue sa ae UN Pe a Ni pte ee if disescion ot the force He st 2 woe oe cy be ndge Brotn-will get tiie-office.‘The |BRITS:Nena e ssp Pager i feats Weslo 6 tek aeDune“The Fabste:ana es Fhe xt Pants seanteaye iin)the’vote maya:iMobrewviiestows rt ae 5eesHecays esrial,a s oe thi ti Theteet.:=e orPheaigerCoeErlapidRecoilLipradehetcays;ed iy v8 ime...e yeni 1Ge“iia a Pye a ¥Sa a iF Tene Fe Ae Tat hee “Hants m5 SaskialSigeBest.Selected Bidck ae ae =ae oe AoPe cotBg Cet binfig:nalinuer “is;sfich a@ great belief yt. x tet ralts ™5 Sop)1 “a i$})TERE:vr.3.ora (OH Kg ivbeatstftvywothineforMgn,Youths.Bure‘and’‘Children é rorBrown:iC re Di A OAEyet hi ia cP oe fae RbKAL ee ee rei Elfin,eich TRIS bivets ffet eas eo a ae ay feaes fers tis nosy ittry.enor Le XN the:*See oe ;Seyen istri¢i nee ULF ta 1 on CH Fae me A:essole ray)ulyseR Shige yt vel Brn~a cite sear ANE Ch aathdyittes ‘Omixtib yn:thes initial Sew i {nipbovi ey os theory tgfthin +sigsSER saeTA SCT oN Ty 7 4s r Seem ee F r os }>ve ATI .‘ft ret:SZM8S}Tinsel ‘pnanes:A E:Hs:I :ss 7 aexX a SHS.[oe aa alatter,Meg On the©face of the segPo¢Ne.DS ane ight iw tata}ans.theae ae‘Qiethoe enate Shd't]e.appropriation or =4 nae ‘geen Leads,S stuision sty was-elee ted.iti votre ke Kisiterty,in a 00,G00.by sae:to |payfor aes See fond and G ure “e oe RL psareht nu Keo Py eaeee:a gud soft PMats%and ee Gas aishitte 00ads are Coniplet 4:but MeLeah 4AwiD finely Saet theOf Leu th Me Texywh ficeorncst §Ww‘ee «yo *Uber ens ; a ae re web &.Thesé fal woods fave been’bought at rotlr bottour;:*‘:*Ee qogie:1rer vl ADS:Mae:*Wee:bth races atid 1 will sell them ;ditetdwest prices ‘ecemotter—3 pice aM hert the vote:for judges |is,;Se etp Qf our asToe iged:auf,anor pues pine:Sl:4 :>ek yh Be “rhe stock is entirely:up to.date.and will go at.Rides.-feablinsea we will,Pune Sit e en fateatin gy thé.WAP OLOAD Ww Oeat siewar EPOoy tide The ogee ows SO ¥ip ae eT tire time s =istomers If etaad:in theESOW fh:ish Hee ep fits wewi ae ‘:GQ Riek ht Haba’<3SteeSee msat ae Ska:Ten Is.wanip es anak,the,Pe ot Data y s :ga >a a j -,vig vee ;ie é +s ai se ce ee eet ae on ParnisShing |Lo0gS “He moh The;‘sore Fog Suga Hoke ‘Deliio:Min dec ‘Southepard =wchiehyOtel UNEMark able Suesatone,*xe so,ez tc re §ee ee mine o-trouble.tosshory LOQASE Very Rod:eee went \e «Thies “aH IAnELYY ie Rat:Tibi:ay chat.was,“1G.4d0,ahd foy-Kavey eure aA pny ser Tee compos.-ilaTPLinfetaLikatg,et =i r >ASSNBL Mall pega,tftie aeboe’"Ha.eer ane OA Ue aE -N.;HARRISO.N this fustop.¢‘opporeyt.,159;DIT.panebesShoeleiis fell}hgewn *hee Sit aysets seeae whe:adie eit zNsTeEcona8 ibe *:oe ee ‘a DERSCROS See oes‘ms dertiik real!Diet‘hry nyeabs:infor “f e SrA:it reds tion”heyyPANO}tele 1EC AyePict he sep tiie I tausdngectoast 5 EU OE |ang aah pene ene ep a Mea eRe Aa pM cSeee tor HyPractice,hgepto’sah’eyoceofS ees aoe“ofees eet ‘gaesRop blot.is’“dn,st fstcsBPWHEAT-FERTTE ZERS.a ee poereee.2s.—‘oe 7 OTR *.hee th Wer aes metaledhy‘Jag @)s anienien ri .Cy BOs a to IndictTS niseerigh asxi}Ne.aA 's Sane sr 1 Roscoe fanciers tarot de :,Eie)ie +K Neh ores sir sigh 7)TS he aE Rui Wai fot ie x Tes Ulatocd fA ora >.eas ion.":refers ies foe Je Sa cnr he eae :f on ea,~Bee AlOs sf pace spy ‘oink?rod,10 NH.anes)vy ine eure Ly Hinting fe : “bi sche 4 ;pM te ee ry eae :ea SoresFd Dengerat BRR EE eA eae 4 ener?lt:Roe eit a borne.Fp Tadtyna,‘ts Sweek,cattok:Reh ae ie 7 matey eit a ees ©¥<o ‘.ye EE oh cael iiUpseepforsalestifis:fail,«thy,foiling awell radi n andar bs ecoleeDIS tice AW,alter FeDab SET a tlovue 7f 6ences:“Ores ee Spelina te yend &fe hiss shor “hos ae Sia =——t ah age :%:Tne aude peat Phosphates.;SN ‘Let Yemoerats 133.44—~a ee ie hee mA {VULNS la fice,ie ial wut,AE SOMTS *earsere Raave So Coming {Bterling Hiigh Grade*18 to 14),Zire ob Stile District she J.Yoorey Demy Sedieed States hus writena Achar.Tid eid treDesHuaGv tags.Mir at%directing nated isdtés+Distereffk GT WAS bis ts fourOwlBrand’Ite ISS:*:saePaaaPeeteAEG>Soy vk Wes of Bodeph District -Eeveard Wy Pou!bate:jigheyBerwiavd:“ok N vorth,,Caro:Sadr Wide’die NES 3 that ie me “i meandl no low grade roids.Tie ae fay,woe “errand.uillbenty»Beis rata: Cit t .antsaekew he intelli.Bernas ras at KS Gehl e TOLE i r Et=edr canattord1d Baya Hype clit.Atiting“Out tbe pou “beEth}Litth DistrictHA Otel,Maroulis pinay-aessere,ek1 Mies SDTy.<,afd trek Pris teshale):«iP 3 PMtang..Nowoceupn-d Fic A+MeDougalds “Wee hiuy.é KDemocrar,L924"<pray,whip drove Upwed:Srates’Coih ynky ODN fe Suet He cs Ainge" Warteo Ot o Oa te af ae ¥ aa“Uiroagh the heb Ltelligence,*the*:ViewSof Ad.nigal ee .yor’hates for stoae preperss 6 aru unl,“nil:property,e Sixtir,Dispriee—"Ridoipb =Dulks.patissiones,ise tine sifrdin:Makin:ies bsah weiti itd ‘sf re 3 5 oe |CorteraRe,‘ardin thes ch Navy 5;a |Democrat,’YOR SS .tops o—Bunting.i tovether:Neh o se bie tein He Thisa’pantsMOO W itis s a iy we IS e pa’anish Navy i . f oS FeSoe &On;1 ABTS,“Seyéaur|District —Colin MW.‘Mea.Chi ef CtsPolice’Méltda~2mda omy 8aight thes sou eee seasSAMOS :nthe.Late War’;Captain ‘Clover,song { «*"rN 5 15 S0NE Nas her Ae het 419 me >MiceAlem,Democrat,a0 Foes *he prance Gti,S Groin Wtiniingtoni.inet ne ue pe milder oa Ty {ihe chit “tattehti sence,officer,*ONAL eels+.eiehith-District Wiley:Eris hathintea2beu M2 *plats tia ‘this isaeze print.OL tare:Deine crvats 2,062 y now turedvactipneions The pkett cis:eta pek dé ete rime,Gf resae First National °Bank ~~winth Distr gt Morrshall Mout “AviraFf bills oFindety:att gin sbe Se.ee GAistrs “in ake-oF vt pees ‘|Repoblican’,4a::pian cared,Judie Pur Bells sbathe iss:bes Dorth yy Hieenbo rt ek ae Tenth District Mases’[Nj Bad bench:warrgntscandhave tre,“anes wy # ata &OF STATESVILLE,N..e ‘e tT shavw,Republican,20,x ‘sree Froesurer-sWaortt “eines!oltaes,oe ht ak so “LO }ate igh.rt wdiwtely «far ::eat viaNesViraigytxIiegiiarBankin“Business.“Deposits ree elven hos tortecekons oy Blew‘ent:District James’LWebb,;taleigt ae Pt \,aN Bees fae Febainterest“id y=faedeposits.~Moheysoaned ov 2eod ehaterstune persahal seceritys DEBIOCRAK 3-43¢..ae iri.atthe¢ernt iol:Oeics!EAST ated“Nor wistarJim£o collectionfon al)peintsan Teregited:or réeiwitted.at Welusateatees &we istriet-James We ®‘Dist ric tun,¢Swhich ,‘begiusmest)i Thee rs nt’;yrs ga ios Be rie .sgmaby:ey patito ne ee rete Rear faleSlicited ane}Eusoriy Pesaortrat,201.y ‘Mouday.~‘Ut j js theqieypase 16 make.a .$f ee dumber “of Istters ‘published in Lg.Ce Sot sadtiay‘pu the ayh ofthe \.<0) ent.months,‘The?letters are.= Pfrom -befores thie”war bP -to,: ~The rere!written’by CerBe SRG ee a iprprotest agaiust Spa rus h-‘a,=Sito,o-wWar in the:face,of certain : "atom ;’for }aetesTy tix ;iocaefisMoba’IV ESS AVOs r f r in it,DealBase beta)Gefeat “due To hes rival.Sires er tad of wareBee a.ae OF PRICEDRS ie 3 3 eae ae oe aa aproeeeedina see ae.as E ANe|¢Songs.‘to the gimune t ©its tis ay BietOmshca”“States And ¢‘the “unmpre-.3E 3 0;&4 oor:ar,President,aoe.reyany Vite Frrsiaden.‘lpesoieac 146272 ‘eese Se:cal Sued etherP the acite.‘Or 1s,S [paved ofthe Spitnish wiavy.ia use :;:olyMe Zi i .‘et ::Pe a oot i {225 oer e.ip ae<.ashi ae ‘"Sexond Disirigt=-Géos HW bitd,4 sua ee pe 4 Peau.wePrectenutte andersts dyed «2 Gorvera w rites?ask ymiself if,3 :Aneto neero"‘Repabliedas 2,610 ae “a sara fieras w,imnesses aah}ca aed LRT CEN e€eutscon “thie tlt La right for me tc i,ete rh.dng :¥ ata thitd District Charles Re ‘Phone aan §;s EO,fom tte :Seth ae horts:these’“bbtus:Ni8 Dion $2 =nas se ous “8 ‘f io 5 bas Democrat,ES:iat ene tas co bad wit ae Bese ese ss has 4 he Pee nian DV ma emmys elvan accom ige oo oe : we ;a .eS Plone”District,a iohin:We At~an Caught.Haein Aes byw a Be.isiete pe tanya ‘adVentares |swhich +will.surely:see cone far j ¥me fywater,DemoGrat,S38.9.Mann ebtirg:Fi.Dispateh,:Bde en ysria 1ie tage cea.See a Ree use’the total:ruin:to.Spain.And Get ee Se |5 WAR Pith.Distric¢t-<Wan,ig nites Ls ‘uppased,wild man Sais Tiaid |4s hao yor fhe:axhopr bbea that:_Parpore?-To defend an ~~ea et a -Derboctat,aa:D.BeAPA VC Foeen a terroy igr several wonthis to.oats,below;Aue?iby tie a4 eaei)‘island which Was ours,‘but belongs.3,~tr :of Ne PAL eee Uistricd Joly :.4 any,ypeonle >sresiding tn.the,A Seinity of beeHe.Hert aes ‘totus?no!‘aiore,,because even.if we 334 i |Stetesville,N.C ee aS .o ay aee Theodore -Pr.}Halla tie county,AN.as aptuted (3 should not lose it*by rightjin phe ert ge’shot hat “*we ”sa sSSEg4SCEMarteaeRaetyTelustz,De mocrat,Cr OT2.PSY ~bya Constable,Aoday:and Lightly,j fi war,We.mero it e fast,a ag :s Ao esa MeN i —SOS RC Ree is ea tN eS x c “lS Wighth?District -Romalus 7,Aan:bound:with>lieu,words until the’id aN arbit eb es :Haba t 'o-(Tnoev,Re G7 A OTR oe ::Har :Kear sa a6‘1 “nies tid tee ude tor ticeceet \Giod fe >\They,Republican,d}29 WTA Ries Fartial of.andgeuts fom «Tarris:Sake it Pr Lace wae se ;2a ae compiodg sa e e :Ae { :Ba aa a eotiorr assured,‘and ee highest Se iBae ee ee ss ee “pouw's a Lswnvatrested®‘fe hark “On,Ke set Could Eawher |ati Lier Grey os n .7 ic r ~~eo *a rer 4 UrseiAPTAStegeaeeBi.nt ae ool Gr Sere emocrat,Str were|UVe teats athfour:pairs:‘of!trouses *eas asec some Tho Ww ie atthe ®:AB E sige os co Pe HGSRall Le!seetr that Theresteere|TE Pucce Luihigip eaeoeakdr uae eee eee nee idea!’Furth Ibex.*.S :co race bothfor solicitors ie rH a *esa 5 yeast $HONE pbeteshoe thenr ;al.urt ermore!eee~J,RT:G.M\t4 OC;“of Mexandet,Co.Auctioneer,[Ase se mee Yet ee see Bo paicligeen chickens?ahd:other peat)as ae oeJack eSeye een ae “this.yoniinion”of nine.»ee‘OnerTeS Oe in Biter:~:; eet Solve t:Aece FaeNora ove of,the State-4sia ei ebm:=dye iephe Fira ¥oul,geBrother Kula BY Ayes Should be Anoqa to.the.Queen.‘and : .‘atk ire ta Pod fae .4 eh shee a ict <i EAR " 2 Le =&‘Colvert,Propri tors.4 D2 onejnst {i;O00"mote thana The faris:<,Deb tA Sha cee Nast Se a es i pe apt>4S ix Whpte council oi”ministé~s.aoe ef :3 Se NY Motat ote for@oveinor in tha Presi |”“Sexotak of:fthe.oniFekipiis:that ‘he ask §Mount find’Pe Se eed |nedit’my.dugy tojexpress.=as :;;a=oe .<5 72 ‘“ne fs eeae io of {S06 /This Seer tad stelea:were ager ah,thé:sida xtcarding tho eteUF :;ue 1 oe aiy.inions:to the proper’aiithori-:*tt 4 ‘pat 74 -GPE -EASY BS |olin >u ay Jout™the fullest ote |Obbisdidinge place:whaVedto.isfoseutCol Jim,Yous.“Third*Sorth ,a Be ee VR en pee swithoat ‘beating:cs ns phLOme roe artostsce,te hast been.takings pred:a]Cargliwra Npluptecrs f put:‘"Sra ia cata : a” te :te,anc 3t rstfedecask:jh the’Sta i tory ebite ta5“fen -voops ‘fur abedt;,pietesby>SOIT 3 neOTeeealslargeeefour)nthiv,“and “had.‘been ae Pridajayn vit Ds. Rie pe.aSseer ead rEreg.iciitlye but’ssithont-SUCCES,|bee Hthat the PSs ite?indade<S than 32,000.Oe ow the:We“rse-OT the fag:hig strange appear horeas nore Ss Tt |Heugehold"os |©Theta Modern - v ir “siee!:wes Bytes aves eRelted:(ig :P -navy,.“an aa ‘ae gas morgenats7 ee:eSice ae ieSEs a ie is Poot Mertage Rabiicor Bs;ay CUES TD pas a ahprudent,“ork=to-.con ateClapeptsSoueBMShilefe’tusioniy j “oo Bytes oftpa te yled from the!Q Arlt f-2:agen Re VC Cr 2 ll FES RS pe bioonbas!against superior pDRe e aaURereonforasof”dyer 25:00,a ecoar eerieOder ver.er .y)'poets ”eek *PABTLITY.RAN r RK vot “judges.“ois year excéeden\)#5 ee SAND ERAGE CE Wewo xe efor *ee in¥1896 \Welk‘hearit |Lea that the me brat for’eesisosmachivestakeninex.|ye Ss bie,“Sane.Dealers Wanted iin”uiveGupied territory,aeetgeea spliciied. =48 “>vifle ~tomepght mt ¢Neauneal erezeae Rec i ee piciaii:that,impure blood io,theAuse’ofythe majority of our iliseases.itespenceeeneWWrowns < 5% ae fas ‘Ponulists ae oar't aos‘enough,wh.bite.71 ; ~|jomed:us,to maké-ueup for the eee *pists hostill stuck spn ee RectaegersaOat lig HARTNESS,}Betis eeeWassoieaie <-‘secondclass esqe te .MeNSaba ee cls —eos an ets “*STATESVILLE,- brief references. “Rhe ‘TbémestirT ‘farse OTE. >| frome:tie co we e te e s 7S far’Off,cal “kev asvay from*them,’reveciae there»is.‘nothing;bat k:troable for oar people anddaneer to}we theRepublic.(oe teN ‘inated Garfield. f s onsuccesdfy ea r TEE MASCOT Seta wee:a oater ee:»=Rupeisirn planaAya =ars:Nae ae ONE DOLBAR |is vEAR te ey ie .ae 4 “iPoatered atthe:-Bostatice atStatesville a3 ° c em ratePuosbie 35.” 2 wT, “THE PRESIDENT:sS-+ ria “plesident:.McKinley's omescaize.| Jebich went to"Congress Monday:is avery long:document—mgte-thap enough to fill every.single one,of] =.sour 32columus—and we do aotprint ‘itor even:attempt to give 2 sy nop- We only have.Space fotevery 3 M u¢h of the’meés-| sage is taken.up witha history ot}: the Spanishwar dnd-+tié causes Jead-1. “dog up to it.The ‘President,says .that,pending the’.final!completion Of the.treat y;of peace,it’ts.prema, .ture te ‘consider:the “Wisposition’tf “5 the new territory.which will,come | to usas'a-result.of)thé “reeommends an early “setting up'*ot|$ ian.independent wove riment inCuba.| message *renews)a.forme :Hema ietios that,when teagan. :Ny.ngtés have been redeéined im yold| aes be not paidout.’‘again except 4 for gold.|}The _Presidént makes Do} “recommendations as to finadciableg:\islation but "éaves ~that “subject to} 7:the Wwisdam of ‘Congress,.”‘r The:President favors.inereastuz ~athe standing army to 106,000%men, _and says that he‘will ‘thew moste® but the:yolunteer-regiments.‘\Phe| *\medsage.a!so xecommends®thats 15: ‘-«wddifiowat vesséls’Be added to,>the!ne"havy at~ateoSt of iene -‘dian.$365 oe‘ *O06 O00.Te big te Phe’President ays theyeats &comm “plettort of the.Nicaragua Ganal “and ‘i 4 .its coltral,by this.coVernmeént Brie ,Ses:Be RONG Nea se \«The message iis‘as)dumb.as’an’oys J ste ring;regard”to+the:recent Aare. *leodblesinsthis ‘and other”‘States, und there,is no recommendation for|atu Federal election.laws.en “this,the:,President “is wise.and his”“partsi[§ ©ofgress il ‘do wellbto follow vhis :Save and:not"meddje 7with”“the|. ‘affairs af “the |“Seuthiern:Ses ;Sates.ote,ak eSwe ¥P,i ;“Alli wall.tbe message)issfull’ofwheéxpansionixt,spirit’;‘whieh basf)Fs:|,SaScome sptrampant,‘thropctiout the.‘aie <geitites‘Since thé *war/-with”:Spain soo gs Weclaned.alt.ts:evident. fof Reesideny McKiniéy.has"bis way“that athe traditiona).Rolicx “@r on Moore. =soverfimentof pot ‘meddlixta pied .rae affairs of then giSeserhmentsanl) Sookftunfining 6ur acquisitions ‘otter} ;citpry to the Ametican-‘Continent.Pi by be.a thing af thepast,,,Hesraiigs ee +ad a *strong’navy.4 2he people.aread¥overwhelmed, tanes,wil bdvp to"pay Gounts eesca . mbiflions mE money sto.feed4 Bi vlathe tnd pay these.“soldiers ancy® ug These-far offisland:depedt detties will:Tequire .wast “sums,Qi}; Albericap money,~.collecteg D.everyday-Amé Ti+, gain ‘people,tor govern “then,They ily dé a sjandidg seurce of trouble 5BAwithtother|nations Afthey!are4GBe:“retained.the‘PreStdent \is doubt-|“ess (Fine in;‘@tSrin “a large atinyand@strongator:“thes =SiH be _needed ta boul se:‘historyare:codyowesher thet“WATwith Spat’wilSeva My morecostly:tp “wictorionas Aineri¢a yearTe110conqueredSpain.fur the yone ||Mardage of our.people over:‘the peo:hy“ples of the.Old:World—extmption’.nhs‘supporting Yast hordés of non-|:"producing soldiers>and,Saito and]YY‘from:supporting’nor-produative.|‘lonies:-will’have”been {2-1 2 “Totsake. “Inthe,new" i hen:William Hi filobetisod‘of eatolaks NeY:;Ox:Congresman, ‘ex-collectér ot ithe pant ofNew.York‘and ex:judge of the New.WYorky Su-'preme Caurt,died Tuesday.*played’a big part in:the politiga!_history70f,this:.country, .the boltinthe Ne York delevatton :.from.ex--Presidént Grantin the Re-re<publican National convention-“ofT1830.whieh:prevented:Grant’3 nom-'-ination*far a‘third.term.‘He was]‘the leadet of the *;trigids:of James}.=Bling iw New,York/Stateand‘Seiadip he mov ement-which nnom- After theelection.‘Presidept,Gartield appointed.“Mr:Robertson collector.of the “portofonNewYorkover“the protests of Sen-|:ators?Conkling cand Platt?-Thiseadto,fhe‘‘sensational ue-of these.‘Senators.and ~-their slong,pane (Cuminings’\Cbereepiridence,*iRomulus”Z/Lines.of Nortii:]Cat ohina.better known as fhe:Moun-}ress qjan,will ey ‘$tontbe fights:breezy as bis,native:mountains,ea }as musicalgS the’-pines.‘that Adort,’‘their sunimits.*‘Therevis,ainévetyreyeandattention‘ineveryeateeche?add ~ Sara es aE 2 its mee .growing:popularity.yee Eee and-dObserver Eyie “-will Soon enlarge-to aa'seven-oni,1 Bes page,paper.‘vartising atronage~'«cries VF:+enlargement °«heeeseark Itz “|then be the largest as pest.of outNoorth Carglina’-papers, yond will contitiue.to be> the:State and,the leader:oe the best |{hought-of:thes Democratic/party. We hesbioeat this.Lauieere,oh.its, ret ei well,asthe, LATE GENERAL newe “eames metfifn ‘regular’ee|Mondays |: Fi sheAmerican‘Saviores ZoecmonSiC,Ras femked:reap ‘pipepetsons 6st‘their asein.{Sanday:Rie te ie ‘New © The “atest:Repyblicas,pe ast een elec-meee WwasS3.246. an:eeeeyfvattia at +Crayrele:re tion?5 Toba it.Rasp1906 aah Sige UAiateiin the:Socacte atat|Ne woYorkSunday.night.’ee property worth$1,OVO.,000 »The Continbia (Ss:€.Daily Register~has~~Suspended.publ qd treasurer,"At the’recent.election 3opufisttnamed*Turner ‘rap:for.) +fice wilhnot,:vetithe affice,*unless:ait:is}s "ala ERSeaoe abe Dee.sth 3898,jms MESSAGE, se Asi“Ebupties ~Seni Alexander.Eder e ‘war;_He os * hath ihe Cleveland >,es panes“cee*noe Patidsin...2.>. Patie.2peehae DrurhdtnascoBdwecumnibe.speEonaEYos ° oe pa fee”fe rs y Hair.hott St Pie ends son's oNnSee ee aie a:IDES a *‘>TOD vee ol GehsSsahStonySeni Ec es Bast Meck eei iui eta Neesaaoxeser >”ap Nrteampire ft Pagani Perquinia ns, Rockieee oa Rowdir -o rea tRasen Pasig :fiveredl ap ee LaMar ty 52 t bye =Fale \ iy hE Soars1See, i Ff the@TesSons4 Wastsn,Stn.»Rites }H:Browt,a Auigistas|Moore. Behas [Fr.. He:lead): “struggle --for:Te-elec:|’_tion,audtndorsement.-Then follow-»ed those factional agbts between::ihe faiiyace ©‘Seratot,Confling’sadherents,and the “half *breeds,’"-the friends ofJames G.Blaine,«‘theleaderofwhomwasMr:~Robertson,_which diviued the Republicaa partyofthe:Empire ‘State:“and Spally}&culminatediin the defeat of Blaizie’and theelection of:GroverClevelandtothePresidency.*To Mr.Robert-son mone thanto.any:other man is.“due the election and the unfortinate’divisions iip’“theyDemocratic,Party whieh..bis;up-"Demoeratic’policy,brought *_The old man.lost hisown partyine*Presidencyonce’‘and he in wittiagly|“fasteneda success’PROB,‘our par-"Sty morecrushing than,‘“a~dozende-|feats.ee te ae,Hale -tainder Con hy ‘ Ba oe =chest’‘when a ‘person, as a c in ward ‘pheumoni Paik Baim andbo'Svemthe:Seat:af pain will’ethe ©“pain*and:p over Cleveland i Sinatra's VOTE Far HOKE —BY COST Ea TN.gibi [The.age eee tha nal ‘"-dates ter Judges”,A Pie following she:Pots tor, HesKe,satel Egy és sor judge.?“Phis is, taten because a iythe oy a ae ani there’‘areno.erro Biter!Ci rs:aemasaN“Deind -.Hoke, 52,616"*re ~.892 4 2 a:SAS:, Ag . 174:ieHO mM:She 39,LaeA1983eaeAT 2 Tea: HII:“ap:Ae oy Bi * 3 T1S8"), vo ozDN. attae io e g 2 ADD.saan: <§207To”23407 nA “GG #3)499"%oe gog* 9)ty ~st 2.68 #2a eth 2109°on y (o2 * UNBS290]es ee f\3 ngot SP asy0s , oi x wD tans : <a 28.iea$2155 eee 3.BS44" .k.G17 “es,My Sas1.698:» 48 pas!va —i oa ee ue 1 hn soos ghaah!“/r A700.+See NX,st 5 185 : 62 sae 2.FBBA oi 2143; f 2 30 %e styDys04re: ahaa:jvtyPor "SSO no tS 3 Lord Bh ee kay ,-ees * ,79.aoeatet.~eeey=pooh Cm a 505 PETA a m:os 2 a os e a aatrn 256 2.a33- 2 306.” OIE ys 9:oar ieShh. £736 +23sce178* ro 247 “© tee OOS” 23: 2weetfmsaS a acide LS)ete=%Soe oot oa 741°a““2 a LE.OOF.Gs n %oe ieTas Spon, -Loftin, VAs McNeil,437. 153.371 TheJ tibuntaiieee Cong:-eserhant my ¥ohMe pksa.at3Om a“2“040,3AEa1>atki cecrises yf Rowan 3 Mp ed 159)311}“Phe folio is the vote Eanes forshe.“arious candidates’for judge:S-,Aggustus”Miser:Republican:19,146<GrorgeDemovrat.¥144,670%George a By Secoudbictriet:"Laat R BrantDémoe’‘Tat,P73,949;, Cook:“Repabligan 195.536°AD Sook!ITsHenty BrvanEifthDistrict—Phomas"G!SanDemcefatslefi753:Ww.P oR public any, “G haries—'/Z Thoma:is? ad Z Gecnie ay rate aoe* ct He-is. “twinkle | Sses4’Pe tains 'tendeticy h fe meox. solic,Chelers., ireis oe yah »A’piece.a flan:xiberlain’s|‘the chest’ mptlyrent.Prue |‘of:pueumonia,/his same treatment prillcuréa lame)oo ira few a eet ¥ Nb . restore “ab the.tit was the’oldest vaperiint aeEored ay The +tee treaty.besmcena:thee.cinexa Spain is:expect: ee ee eeday.¢ounty;twhsof the.\justices of tb erpeacéandtheconstableélectedinvNovember‘are nerves,butthey did.not’valifys.“Fhey.had.Been:seen Lb Medandwere.aes Cs that”they |eid trot WarantAhe Sthees,hnohow.gh lasan;erieciaisOn"at oeseae lrOspitak boat ih:New*York .harbor}.Puesday,Qnerman:wos ‘killed SHY Eee:BA A TAGSS.Andie Ti stavble,ay wk iwGE the late James.G a we Hx )Bro np"<-should-"beis“it cate at ee “Georg SeapCE a forecounted.”for “Gevrae!He Brown, Set turelect’Le Governor Arie eommis {idea agdSolicitor.Mahean.”ae MasteateeDae CAEoe minister.BIto this yoverduicnt ‘to-“tHe TaStabambassador,and:this govegihpent:FMiasadvanted“\:inistle Powe 1 Cay: |on.asate,rauket Jhy-thee slosion &aigverol lyeerEeeyeeecand.fo ur (China- hasaive ertiiic“al ax of:election®totPavh,'Republican:tn.~the Napthwligtrict,andtorBariing -Akepabjicap- -hin’the Elevéntlr district AWilliavms?|Degodcratiif Abe "b>und WhitesTndepedden},in the,Wth..“Rimed“FL be ected:but tbe eae acpttafahist.them.”a Vanmaine atthesuperintendemenwere*kitted:sents Workivien jjn ve Bouserat!tlie: 7 a=pees w.‘Aanfe te Isipaktinaet™3Lentot.Public’*W ofksigh NewaYarkoTStateshasdednSuspepdedirom,Of:By tices‘by.‘Goy erpor Black ~pending an:tion Of:Be managrmeot of,\he eau fands: Fa “Wiliam,ett afi SS of Girard“His inet.his-brotherie "Noble Keats,faa.Stredin,and,‘killed hin,S Nob} had béert disinherit da by”his.fatherLanghadattempted.“to:kil svalihin {abot six weeks.ago.,; inobaitBeaton: i ptecpmnipitieedt,nna-anddcanty>has “been:prosented5thawold-watch by*thé Democrats: Shot his count gas a testiniattal of thelx|)ALappreciation ofiis!good:work “ani |mesthre,cagpaigen:“He isthe Ven mah—vy Tos Stbeleshanded ind alone yymanipulated.Clee éling’Syzo:OPES insHESSuereiraKparegietHee aol 4J Uu bye Pb eh Sok ae Phe bisnewmeri ofENembers paenLappointeda'<commattethe;Republican and Tegrejcofticiaky:dt Cruven,and “ihxtie®!them Ttaure®Sivn.Lhe outcomeis dwajted wine spo interest Theefear fhar Rob-ort Hangoek>.Ok.fragrant,themouye‘would be appoited resister of décds': ft USTil thevvaccaneyopausert:Phys the!idilure-Of the négro elec Ledsto tritbondPreepatedhestreable,:x Pe ) 4SRSASTJA <eyaee S Lat coe av eto’nebrdese whobad haterce@baawhite.:mannan"érderly>f kasting,everal*shoirrs, And!‘Miew eee to,tlreafeesesPia iAuéther Seepcd tachi.“meh TENGerth:od Ww Cot Sunday,stor m.was:’jue nnag years and “SUtt ineiwKobebloatrdown: esOve Yr Agung”,Athi:th 2“ 'Maj,Bol aa:<¢r aomSalisbury: Gacc Ik rida’y..hapged::E¥GUES «A He caves ‘an gstate-v*valaacd aus 4),00% “x niged abe e oi.Keiiney.4hDewares}s,on triakey Wilmington. 3 that-Stape:Oy charges:Of couspiraes.|*- jfand fraud vrowing out offthit Taotihe* Pot afgiled bank?E Thisivsel <onwitrialhe:uty Sos toxagree aribe.’fins? ;brefYeABS 2S &:.Hic ks was caught.an.theFockingUtecottonnHatReratole } «|Badly hoy t thi ke esBENS ity.= \ethel Daviis,7 af wo-veon-old chila |: of Lor wy Davis Colored,Of ASfickvilewasdeoiefiiafubofeteaterlyaetHe-“porch,“O87.2a GORE:Satur: aay Y ae gn ag A “The North,Cat ling,Cc dottfig’ME eitby,Sout bsdevided to;Feeble ee sejksratechatch organ Lhe penaen Gorcot ine o£acienPa:APRS.hi ed by HobbersStsturdaw|! Te iwals:.the protheJéeadingshotelot,‘thes ey andt! ok Ennlarse Sums of honey.the “dey: -On!epteritg?the}hptel thy)”ThiesesStandand grag goed a.sery NY whaet ADG jhe broprigtor Aéarins ber’ Psereams Rin tohewas'sbot'and killed, “yeeae the sale ind Secured the, erassigtaide«) “Eherabbers|wi wy UL ‘poy léss.than $SL 5000 “Afire atKittren.Vanes cu ate<utdar,destroye d.totus!stores “andy ‘heelaboratory ob Mrs.‘Joe.“PersonAthefamouspatedtunedicinewowansphi:iS suid lat:she:Justiexer sthiny:: &Daviia Carroll,a well,Comte’tadlyauagmarriesMathof:the~€BinatI\rove neizhbor 06d Bowan comtty= fas Been arrested dor?forginic Swit How tudy/ssmame.to’order Sue he [pas bee‘on bourmd To-caprt.on Recs 2 Theeee h and.Holton\Vote.’witha *Thefoltoat ity is.they ities forSolititor.ih mike ev enem eeebane siete at Wil Thomas,white,who:‘ivea}’ 30)hota Sago pastofiiees “MeeKlay burg ounts.was killed:Monday,’tby athey: By accidental’diveharve-of-Histown:nun: Phe youdmanwas “haunting:Swwhesy big gun wig “Wisc‘bitrged,the.3%,ud posing the»tsi “ok HIS hecad om,:ies 7 RetiNinte,Preastter,Renate mesDavidson‘enty AS/SL300.”short SD nis ACVORDTS:With the.gouaty:”are:will beé mud Kreates.iy[sassjhé dges-not how ,what,weane 5‘rt fs ve“RN ‘the money?is KondsmenD) Lwilbmakéit @oode©Hewasthe BendDublicam.caudidate Tor:esherifl at’he: ae ere Uonsbus was:defeated 5wy 5a van heslines oa nedro,das Eilleas vamene 3 664 43aPatterns“ar ved he ow Hn]Ss Mp.osns)sPeount¥.Raion}tors was ofesof the RinceGieaies‘inaeeState,there bemy a.fiision sma} OFSJ0bin-the atFigt MNT BUG, ’ =e a ‘tne tutes oeCatdwertMote.» L The following is the yote‘hy cue |ates for Congres.in fe Gited te: {ei eee Biber ‘Battle vilen.colveed:?Vieiskdlingwas,done zt the!lougeaf ‘phe | petietter:Soya db Kwith ;aun,Landetelayer:chunys that he acted.Tse Pre K4hudtency..ee :Bas:been urs ang rave found that >Mit can “alway sh.Tiemteth oo Se esd bedepended pons Rhe| 7 ;AMONG THE POLITICIANS.. ri a Cae ANE a=,eee tes Ler Se:s“The ities Rep ablican,majority, al:POP leg that™, nd was eleeséd>OF‘course:te’)!i] ‘Ty Gullédge-pee Aaison. ttotiey Gerieral WalSer Tas de-that-sthe:vores.returved:>for}. Hey cae thesSumm Th SofieRan's “cakes land the “ist Fudd ‘he IKentucky State clesion ‘bogrd MT Shebb XG.“chattpehai=<=of a to.Waitou ’ae wrod ¥-.SySUATE!STATEsigs,“ Sats eats 7 el Oe Rapids ane:ty last aveek and 30? Dr CMWfselecterk edivor®-2 ria Vitlnotr one.Gay.dant Week |ay ejImprevement 'Reports a ‘Welcome ‘Change in?>S Her.Condition 2 ¥oy Pehambeérlain’s Cougheea8bYDrusvixts:}|Statement,by a “North ‘Carolina Rota:S plore ality’6 T02.:~Thos.BR.Jobtisoy:Probibitiniaist,meccited d0'votes.maling®Nutt’-absolutecmajority’6 “0232 there:was a fusion majority ee 3%marking.the Deioctatic wamv,45te “Nearlyall ase lite I bave had‘one cold \|after another and the:trouble seemed likepeatarrhinthehead.'There were dis‘‘disease that seteiic hits beah ablechargestrommyears;andgpy hearing.¢hlood>~Phis causes Sear (|became affected)took a&Dumber:ofoekindsofmedicine.bat-I grew worse ine °y Avon K DANGER NOW, .ts tron thie Verworked eondditioan otShai,Kidney sowhich ard unieble tee XY.Be cos vatita,has Leen Wonder!Tetentud in tur iss thiscsahiltheblocd patchesBrat Da.“hich othyt: digg ¢ceva tenels -cRics.the etead:of better.“One day:I procured.a bottie of!Sood’s Sarssparilia ‘and began-! taking it;andsoon found it was doing me good.“I gained strength and was’{ “gteatlybenefited in many-.ways..J con~\:,Sold tinted its-uso-andnow-the balfeeling in e,aud the:éarache with’:eS bins lee avium ¢T2166.\Wine.We P.By nul.2b,aSSitth:Discs let -O Hi:Alles,Dem 3odraty175/802, Ajsto 159,820;Thos.-ASeventh.\District’"—Thémas A’+NENG,Denier’:170,332>-H.Fr.scone eteee anion, Phos.iy aDistrict we‘Demoerat.ie RobérRepublican,1TwelfihDisthier—Bradeciuk Moore!Democrat.173.246:Soha A.Hen,¢‘dicks;Republican,155.9sabeMage808;Thom nedanes Tail votiSparsparitheisthebeatWiatermeticihebecsosilPUuGest-enrjches sine witat-tyKiveAlle Eee whe: Stinaitates thie |fiver,ing angie an ,Pops”sme tae fevers,|my bends 60 Eanfagacconeiteeahe/house-as long as'I live.”~Mrs.T.G..tonal\,REXNE,Dallas,North Capline:ina:4H di?Sarsa-er eee oo Ss.parilia.Ba Esthe best—{nfact the One’‘True Bided Purifier. (Hood's Pills “are the ‘sancti faniily |: er:manson t WhatSheil |Be‘Done | FOR THE:DELICATE ¢GIRL ak1 ¥ou have tried iran egother.tonics,But.she Feegs“pale,ard thim.com glexicd’worries y Fou,Pea‘Fraps she-hasalittle hacking.‘cough also,“Her head aches;‘arid she cannotstudy.Givebier. Phys i MeNeil. a “Hoke,t SrFaveses, 4 oe i Nee aeSaleoftardin.bad Nea BYPVIRTCE oe A PQWER OF SA CON:|}tained in-a-mortgagedeed:-executed .RSTaWebbaudwite,Rmily Webh.to.Annié wontyBeandaconintheofhice-Of the ‘Register£Deeds-0ersigned ntorfgayeesfind“assi neewill sty:oe ro House doorin Slatestlic’on)nMONDAY,FANGARY THE oTRe 1899)".sont atiction 2 the highest’bidder ‘for.cash,ic Gwing reabestate tOseit::Beginning at.N Wr COiskaker.ee Re eect:thérice Sah e}sen$27 East:sf poles toa thence:North.36WestQulesto!a,sae “Turner's line,iexpreskantsrpehbyeabetcAy,Peas-+EE ‘8COrnif on the public!road.penerCc North J.$82 West Si%%poles with the*road.to:a:stake,” Theoil will feed hoe acting 37ptheglycerinewill'sodthe’gare the hypophos-willyive new power soFitto=nerves and brain. escafes eal”until you.tried:‘Scott's.Emutsica,You willbe.obliged:to'changLaraggChildre Weoan Sites "foe.and $r.60;“aldroggists.scone &BOWNE,Cheinjets,New a -Duende South 30°ripe eat apoles tsasta :}South $s?West ies to.a stake,thetice Sovt h}42 West’s poles,with the“road {0 astake?thenc,South 4°East rs poles toa stake:the nce “East:=“poles toa stake,thencessofith 49 Bast20y poles|)“hora stake,thence South 879 Eastseis-poles toatl’.eae.Hhigrice to she“beginning,fontaining %26hes ee Staten nth Yeet:on if at Sa“and:A uning’be eae feet atioini x oe:the Sou at.Er et tafoe‘oa the North,5onan4acremore:orles:aAlsooneotherlotadjoiningtdaseaoea>Faecal lot.fronting..'s5°feet.“on id “New.reetand:ranning back tow feet:to ory Mac-ils Hine,’on this lot:isa new'ive.r 1.Gweltey ee tactof Tand aforesaid will!be saldaethenas:Rernelea *‘a Soexhibited’on: MAN 6U,DIN 3MINTcANCURESageSrulg:BE pranon’e ARDERYOK):na eaea-armel ,Woman.Es in is,disappeared:‘I eauhartle.Price 20.4.|. ‘Statesville,’One ae a Iredel county-~bodk rs.page“2s.the |) hh.499)Wiest’,17%<poles:oe eee.thence | ex : nt lot.on Kelly street in,(he: New street| es ? ‘ole;es Plot:‘of |:of wale,hi undtadpahiessbsNDEROWE(nce Darden aieraePee}= Sea!a OM beviey“ThowpconO1BToxnitusestoreas.S i:t . Hiss *“Coo.iHae é eu,ost at ee D.we oe a35 cepa %.iP .Théboard:ofeodnt:ysvers”eties Sees “5teeies ——ta aig Justices .of ithe;‘Lpédce gn ae oe agaih elected.by.Se‘ye €Mat e8002;He iS:as sting them. Freie star tedii:etite." ~Clerk Mh Watts etioetTyilleTuesdaiaightta,sell.aleattyhadeo.yesterday.monieg AR Tusk Bradt ‘Sum mersSywohwew countySalVis pastDveek.eee »Congressmans’wPasinston,WCbe.preseptut-eeapesag phe 4,0HESSeiieSPesta ; Mode,on 4shigapedme uted stern aos =el ord:sdAK, jabra hotel Bones eefelApa:wPridax,aes; +Packed u De ‘anSlonday‘ter the Southe £tGeorgta or:Alibama’.S Sherk pf “the*;Ayatts das bouplit.Mr ve Pe Bel etch sdwelliiy:house-and Winebestern pak,af takin 2 14 “/Rev.We:SEs : 35 " ;“ftom our cone 1tirewiltPECUrk RoeRerse od ‘sie bealdr eiwilhake:& Fees Pay i eee re *-SheriitS ®:inaGourty,at Deck 1twocoknior¢paces ire ;clusinwtiexe Briduy abil caobelo%,hristmas..:ovuay.aS ane“a S Some BERS, he ( So 2 teneak wi bs ys to!sta. ‘that teri the,je Pact Pam Wh °oe shind (Priore a)‘Keir sey Salisiary’ab Tniaa +agrer “éethe Salisbury-Ostivale Pe oid oyt,the re last weeks and ret uin>Eases:herve hast Situbdays,aligIN)again tp WsshoWy heveworking Sx aSoeSelling peti. Be has’Ba sites =aae GC eke nase”mela s eae Se Iainprechtwiwants eburchal,got uoW.© hy doba-re ‘Douw ds WifetaHiisproyerttyat‘phe*eypit.aedownpei On Phureday f sell &ioheot 2 Piss ‘boas’eeeent cg)ers “nigel Mond;Of HCE for.auet hey, jj Alexanier,Esq:py WAS rereG her «5SA chanlze ‘iaa Ne a 7SHWiddagiia:of.SBE wilt:seth:dandor:the Tater,aiSWebbubdawireaeCioehouse:iit ve Jahuaky Qu ~ Dr PB ee Se denise,willa " SetKour work:in “phe ®Lest: aerhetowest prides. Athat "Cough eee ‘HullscShupSuFeteesteat aeHalesarg’Stier |ARS :; iW.HL.“Altisoe “bas.‘the ea patas.+Marveey Stare’‘toryae or young:foeBiG.: ay yee pean:said Jourtswe tigut rk dy,B:Pon,whe,has eld thesiseforiwwo ferRAS.eit Spyears The bouds ae‘Clevk AS tefe~gtstey ‘Febsrunse|+TrCaper McLeods Sut vey or CroucltaiidCoruper’4REeSY awere acre phet..the Gath oF Mice was adminis cree]EOns b tof hensby Chairatgn Alex 4 ae lietbonds ol Konstalables ®ty,Descif.ofSugar Loat:J.0.2 Bel 5 ot Millersy.CG.Uy Keller,‘Of ee .Wetes filed utreeig,Shat pes town bong DY ipails Puesdays a adi Oy 3FOR FaSuant cea,189 RCE"lary,“J.iN Withamss*:eeAWSherrill,Fe TeFE Qualesanidee ts{D.£.Stile Sica.sLayinte,=R:&a BeiAy Darps,Pees V2:Xda:TeePa;ue Ghent,Co<a be TS.Myuris| Sherit:Willtams, earns peat Store. peakes:subscriptions,ora fz:ones jad reriudicals. *Barr“Ok aNihigifob call:oesautageshandsome tele Sor y fonipure . ne gout tore |— oS oe ae bd;;Constabec |ip.sent his ; Jopelant,feition:to &their: an d+completé 5whensVuane,*f5 “hy phrisinadepecent for:Frid OF-youtie |Suthecanagsito:Jockuare at the:death ‘ObesJugse-Goris sue"i 7x ellesinbis iife i ic Mie-Bos'iin4Soop?eke ‘and.worked:chis *. sa brosiakh.college”pb vised eb siete to s ae ‘president: Suan 2 IGifts!‘Gifts! =oeEeot Dew,Ww Ww.onsecorotligg’Thayilcop,TS ee“ot Bhs.Robnext.Je GeAy.Watts,W,oaMepeeoe2.bya,Eeaoa e »Bion::eeSe tnd’Fou eeeatpresent to old or,revueEeaveneafBooks,Fine Stafionery.“Si-?!)2cs”‘andy Tosthpicks,F.ountajn Se hb Love (A}aminuy,and Silver’.Photo:“eo all 'kinds,Vases,Glassware:t “inaMm})ae te Segek po all oc ©Ee apie Sita Gis Wei woe Ls AS Bape seWe t Hel tr Eek.3k:Pool?Pi Two"SeeRiudetions,.Dies pret,sflepdd |ar‘Phe ane vie yy Wat iis Wesse of tialiwerses S better-artive than‘your evinpetiter:i :re oy Cam Hot geta better price TOK it? Ans aS theSeas wo ditfer ORL i.Fthio arice.tie Gabe WHHL,bity Gf Sithebetter,so-that awhileieti ‘protitsmvbessmiélierObrasinsle:ule.thes yy abe 28K eV ~How ¢can bea fet the.apublic 1Rnbwyourmakesthe:best?.aia stHfboutarriclesarebroughtvromHuantlybefore.tte public both¢caycostalatobe‘tried and +rthee pywiltvertquickly:pars: hemi ped U6 ob y onl,&uit:afew,Arthy Blue Shatieae95r.Made Su tings.'62 #20.BOP.‘Sau Warp Wer re ttes 310"«oeebustieBlickM“hair.30-.‘Sas pBlack Ciepins,72k Naw Cotton ¢eS:& :bse Stillish Outings:? Globe ~Heavy Cloa+igys,-2 ;|Repbivants 56 motes:Br 10.45 QBeSc.Specialss 00 woo!lanketx,ee ‘2 gCaliccesana Pecesles,“hy ae pautiful Tape etre Cut:aoe ©?ab? 526.pChezuilie veeCovers,35: tie ate ei.poe ly the-betiar one, Bhis expliips:sthe?feke—ale 3chatnberjain.sr€aueh.Remedy.beWeople-have:‘peen Usiig.ttfor y ears cy indy,oceasisnallytakeupwithSomefarhiton-aoe novelty pure for tAiwrth VxaceratedClajtis,biiNate certaifito retur ealtrthe-one remedy tbat’they”enc|tebe.Teljableand’for coughs.:‘anid <roup there iis nothitgs “equ Gees F Kage.200 26 60a"F250"Be Naw derpe ;E “Tate inér Lagesiy id Egil 5)>— AAnother:Lot Cape oe Jae :tand:See he =Sallues.a shows. ott Hoy ie fe is TS 100-Kew.ard Si00.The Teadrs of this Hatodeanmtharereisak.iliousness - ‘avid that:“is.aed?aUar noth Cute isthe:Seite pKnown to the:Cavarrcbeinik:a easy!tht Ss Ae iLoQues@¢ORS at ary Oyeof Weatnyent:}Cataroy Core iSSta Ret iter:SLL.‘itctiv upon thes Ord te cous.Sa,eeacesOFtheASstemtuerehydestreRoe:ribidatign,Of thesea ce,“ag d-eypatjewtstrencthby.riddle Sp shestituthurandCateR:arte‘e.2 dein its. yay 1 :Bie i otndplaces,bet wéen ee Irs 0eccivingtheTaxiof33troundsfor*pis tax.ci,ue]and settle,as there Ras been vy:and MUSE ee,the mouel.to Meet nyva ierélieped 1 Sous fever or blood poisoning. §eeepe ve.stonineh? SS Cuiative poe Diigo Daltars’;aay “Sendtor List ‘December,10...~patay.tion aethxitfanstocute. wigtiss>J CHENEY 605 TolerOynhSitbyWrauagtttre,Sat & ay.Degeabesr =70 V5 Decem >,“dy.mers”ae Friday,Dec mbér thturday,Dtcember:'ky:ant'sSpore,Mond:vy,Detore,Tugsday,Bacelnser 20,ca Saree Dece mper = iday,Docsem 9 scemer 24.7.December 24,:Gesday,a Wedia2 sty, Phi yeeie aaeis eee by aicoldor successioih‘cyephined wit or degreidiset :ax ge Gikes fi i ‘caofSarsteparial:Rich:Blood,opti sitTe ei ate tiwhe‘dmagredable seisatio Ttsisy.ruptomeate):Omi LHe nose:ring,“Cured/by Hoodstenrichesthey)Stes:and”acd ‘ ony,Sa ad .Store ee Sepia reliespg:pains 7EspantateOrfemiile?*“RelI- to;ou:Lae thi igparenDilwaeary$190 HE MaINonsEcr anywle-tide*giving is 10 vrPL ASURE.To thistend wa> P witampbject |fo eberydayvy Rcoantion présgnts.ofte#agord ae VA sureBecause“notwisety ~~ hundreds 7 of.Sisters, .Mothers!Cond Gra:iddalcAth,* 7 yand.‘strajn€d:vis ipn Htic~e ts. ~most instantly be,resto a 'ditions by the:applicaties of een:NOT GIVE YCURS.-NEW EY ee-FORA OuRiETMAS Cquid you give then store ‘Pi pess?No wiser-course: et unlessit ‘he =co BEES:‘th . Stee:Ae iSoeneacresthe—“eg bie=; Pec Sitery ye sycus at uarantced ‘ wed *Pe.™Se a ee oe SESS re ee a#8~7 eke a rR whid ne jarce @ hiner)Sik Lotetan es and.oAg ;.Thoils aad Rad ape rea xig VSao. -: ile “i+ x Seer re SOF Fao Sey wer wethly 4ithig “~ a Pettwe ‘att hy fee ne me ty ‘Abad iapowee ~ VEN fess ral)oO eH BY vedi! rateiy, oN“He:hast ope tagaly od oes: 5“l=, -Business- “ypaper Aor ‘tonM dnd ld be pai,mut or shoe te dcuater iabi PICKS who avs.Cousin paper ore near:ee 70H arcume “oN bus wrudieel?illips ob Wisk Le isitihy herp SANE:pas 33 Muse om Bas basShes vest a)Wie i -cytthe sich nd hoe INE a gcke val yh Eb Aba.VS et Bel new Sad eres “ ie entese serkantgure fas rahiesneTike:wg nde}URe rin ‘t trainteriat:|Wespei hess Weil Ieee Fna Wad ide yan WY.Phe Ac eae :er eae epiged Yi ATO He rditn’yuli hdyses »oe See ees ruRealipnet FEci MINT.:oe ome!Tuned las M becigh ak tune ee asNvlanta: x ek:F Satie:-dna:Mayor Mor; au Monday ere A),a cs at Heity i 208viBret her;@akeved.ey Fyn Balt tate otix vite:oS ents:farpi ;Fe TOO,An tae 4felatelss:vacate!by |befote“4gEte1POORERyoEpaDye,:ae 4 though ‘noe abers Of the’Faculte ok:yhe'} ai,clerk “of.ie pete county.xs “ansregard —tes, aberwr Strne if By fey C witicaltg artmv fod:i$odcupyingphe:Sharpesburs,SOAS Vout by,sch waves apt “Steteay itte-Pp fnysisian’s Hjon’rod)EET7 Drs”HF,Tongandaeetwere.tavited ,to:“reads wep nesoneseeecohference,of tei icesSSBealthwhichmtsaa.Winston?yes.)srterday:De,‘Long,Whosépaper was;peasSoos xO tte)by wOT eS 4 Ss]tio >Watts.2 us;ties and-hegot Dé:Lahereueet wi S|aSapelior.chigh:=Dr.*Campbell,Nat.atteraGed ries .Laan SS:lon,Stna}lpy TAN ith,7 Was opeRe eY oe, s2 ~a\— TasPixotheheresfan ;Sheva “Make extensive. eens,wiih depnaic..%fae aa Feo tine budding?toi ole. eu, Nie Brigit itor diray.>intse \,eg Ke =Cg aypene Cats,te.>a ‘Shari Wcatts,Dens ae , VStateswiuie.wervasbip.” iy here.Sy LS va S KeAeaegis:Bes oud the AlppeLiss tay.Sane Mi vat}!staat,Myosin 3 “aia tearcail:tO LRAL:toeae tote Bionut wis ok ere)en be ae peresgrrcfiGte guetmgespor oueh aN ry pOwLae asfl nS BS sayaiet fi] ;c eebat eats ae :Cok Wessun tSsige ediodaven seaiee ob Ay: eee.of Such acresine “eWN hrs}SO UM Aa lente cP obs er ~GINOy Foreeeteghecthr xt eet es of hoart:troaesiteFesnfs sb regh Mus’ pnd list proiinicd’The sig tind?‘siyins?WwW alter * PHeotel Tec hs SSiest Po rel hustowns,tHe HstellApedet!building and|fs akments Omit Luelion se will hewaywith’btye ices gobs water)Works The wall ek re bes“te-cal:5“ages t:Gunined 4 a?ry T.x Li“hs in mun i ot 1G -ADEA ee Rey:Eatonton,igppomied:ac bleu : Mr,bensSe eaves avncwlese we a Te chips kasi Sos ae Abiecenin rrTeisenteld.pt,Adanta,|DpPousbtoke sau muy his |ore othe i Lost x)dared.ROUor?OLCodie 1S nie ats ¥Sulae ik et Att.Moin mee f°Gueae,ThetgerAB-Nite Pibée.t0°FReact the:Reopte: ACatnpsc nloprBeRYSe”“ok anerapt ae pre v +re WEN Cooper:hax ‘deased §th ef Poise?: mtdBaieviog:at etek vies.So?ya"tty SGOT thers,srcohistied>the.4 s followtas <Cheep UTI,mMOstat:hotttery:alts,ea ypylodinents:Wis" hs Board of ic:fork, <Nbe Aisat the,ontice, sbannd Foi OUI, RaresaitedPe ~ rioiepesBente‘toaadsAS past tiastthe issiadsetts Bel *Sei Oe DE the Qaeeh 3S o perith.’~wilh es 1 2 ua propSiS ose tires"ti ite oe ofbrWINE,Atiluhde Pee .a uere ath &- pears!Ehyiat ermeént:Gay Al | eee bs Sayerer Ai ‘churth,Ofwhick|3as<eid -wi ae be“ei Che corafeedelSaaStieDe:+t.ASKcee hety =;ib ee Skpestd Ni Ir faves:Sarre’th esidaughter,Ut Nai.wae SOO ee igen ne Ohl rae for mich TAe.-“this|s, ~- ‘hideifrit eyes |The ‘deceased’ania we Phe }Undir:sad be reayeeiiewt | aE J eee 6rs ‘trou ras newer hiss‘Tear: ELE i ast “al oR WS A TO Nor £G ie ue ee <%Antacelaent re ar SySe En my ai sess fox-tHerDUUSE Soe r ea :iréPutaseaeMrdeetdPrytell0 RETA Was assis fia ae Des bees a £;ee wie taken dronetit,‘gat. ted AO ,aeA f oie“id he.yah “acon Mr.SePrymenSsereoeSE stoped:tus a tinge oto wyenti.Bs ah but no:ud!‘bruised:Up tA 16%,;“MPOfr dpe.v eat] SN.St eae « aes 2 a Oubr,merePraens ath,otherudeelie k,pai Borers +er respectAl cat wer oh whe <ers will,tmdvowr-cohiu iy:{ire “DESIG t:7 Titty be Feared!feu ly |“hates ddvertteiny amen.to.argc Tg | ¥m pathy ote their Tisch ty mS ins pe gplewho,trade fn Statésviller We ae “Peouly try podpleof tredell and:SAHEX t foters ta Nets Hope,tov nsbips,City:s fabaarbon aes where,Zoy other pot Sales a fay toad:amiper:bas one.‘Pherais not apost?jae Pott eoock lagi “Sy Rlny “ater:nopn and NattTobe,Trerielt.#yeas pametlte tturt©.He:Way:riding iithved ine on atloadt“ohwood fwstt hitbis bxthey~bsAY *ie at ‘Shtlok Tow ngbip’ Lins Tait ie %i‘svotk Oftae:pew 2c PT}.Tor* ieur,[iandjWfisretain bin.for out:time.Ren Ree le =f aeotteis Ghee tiOttere TN Wa x~ eae hiftira dresw tig’nub lero wete fitot,AntesSGboDh Hithras¥*gidtuix ASO3 Ava Rips Serieh Sat-Pictt shot riatarktedHoe ptSues5 aeSanit weyew Asse pttut his.Lose Mie 73 togyrsitipes roveu tL bispaper pede Wheperbaslich-Suniel tne gels;DS “yhiat!Age i t psgid tis ieulicecrop “ate that?PICEA ately ee thie per,TCOE the“duliés ot tySts ashy wl cbecadse Vout ‘ :ey SHON “wid the Jarosityatt‘wien wkCanaidaite’ W LO had:oppusitiGir,me frcdelkowuntve4 Lownsbips..*Reb ‘Haitiess uas “appointed:Mig Pick «PRUs.(foveriat Ru ‘appoitited Sergean Nao.5 ee ae.pdt,and?has sublet Sa:LRteper MOO Lenister sof aeTintsNorth €iro- toatls Ure? a andthe:Sy Biparhy.uty fils.ayeisrah): >ifehiishlastortune?HeA astur“f re upatda Taye isurande-to-COV Liexabdey te;which” ents {lb-tivi-gu every week.dnd tn, |Rood,fit:Bobi sii,mosteases:F 2255 be our Hartheas Fakes ‘Charge!ee-oeMondayat12!@'dock:James:ae:aEsq.was*swat Q ee as.e SUperion Court;“an dhe. his “OtticoFesThe’oath.vEvobics ip!ie aakaay Apecu~ mh. ‘le,Rifould)have Ais Clectiont =xv bi oh lye guy” B:Nicholson,wig:siwas’Ches-deputyy “his:deputy, enant..£)\*eee eewe fi entity yb Capenih:Janes| cor:Coe Ue.Gees owas Sistaby Soke Os De:SRL Aime Pos su ehsiel “Lie cdpcan Noinig Me! efa tetsu,Ottoes Le"dso dtstion aes h fons Aetnissigh f~?RYE wos Dive birt was,fallsot:~foxage Oty,: ey;ja:ees a ee ay ot:‘Sa Jb tnds att ual?Re Coee it?Bae 4 an :Lesae YA Saeent si,Seces “sth :tae Aa are 2 bevy ofae,SENS,by.Deatifor’Me?Souger.it >»te ERE eecotn pigaras Ve =)THe)Cte SS cy:{hie detaneds,vote bie x be eins Weg Pe “edtimiatda”4 t Troan S70 satis ia andSobeitor sa ‘Roser iG Gesos :OF Cy Adley:si Hh i eethere:wasGeet,aaa ty Fealers.eae tie pC reek OW,Ftp igo,Cie viii “i ROMS nce iy,ne Een iy’sp yrug |rey Rhys haat}:it Ny sipped Mt Mow ae adds sil iy ofilast ~»yORTcael.Sotitunits =Ff Ane Rid oe La5rehire1ostREGO) tis Wigqugly-tOu Dyes ae ofean?ingendranty. Sipe aii athigr 4Gounhy,and’ y See ay ea SF Sree 7SLA:sy } 4 Tat Ss Grawieyy?of:Shi ble had atast OU",dpplitatious toa?Sapient ooWi Seer.ae Coneeinieed 4shpbesWwheatsnd.could-a Sold tineet) Se piliesas deh 7 t He Rare did't y.Slee rig Reece D PScrozes.Moners-* Statesvil “tht the ofirsie:0 et ays GOD WO:a:r prisoper’tH.MesagtBsnd“onck to Ua Je a ke Teiccyby inde?vas rt ga ‘Régineut,a-secynd”ficutemant 1)rindiste ;ne Dyson company tof the reGr(saidnt:his.ts qhite,“a,prouwwan} Gur Ho pula young’Ow hstnan..C aac paye ah cereane ee wand einttENOL Coudle*esteph:Aowsslipys tye hots t aarobrint Sid nyonth -and “ii?neil,Ded Jamies:WsBrown,SES“lager”ee»145.nionthSa-hignewsp‘Position.2.oe He hres wells wikic +-deyut es “Ve yew lastaveekthat!his pra. y Pron §was Nex pected,:put;for GBs. ae)We seat xd2 weeme Le capt:“ =EU,ratte bp ae he au):fons =ie Man ‘ A |dawn zhi:OW,\y;vii ae wod dM.ie fovestoup,Labscribersae nonig ‘stifor Etat Shoemaker,sy foe?sue | and sonty:ALO.OU ainigs Oe,pest chatibey Tandliiat (3bSithe wane ty sdbaeiors :PO Tiee,“SZ-D0,printiass forsrearab SS -SGM bEL re » a .mb 2 i The’Bie Reid enue Other Business “Trenvacted,by the iNew Board” wig ae ers.Monday...Og We ee en ‘Breed Doge dh of:gout »Sani, thos...Ms ere alls Pay That.aegtourchip:JamesC:Seat DPE IS gatdy MbrsaHP a ersbiytefmterralph bi |{‘thie 3 i caynegro! onaesx itEnt:aiime}bere poste,PouLh ::«AneTliqeribs sowie ty vialLe>.: eC S22.750.and poe Jcee i for wert & tat aa calls dG:ncn ‘ae a heey SenttPDVoters:aye Fat Noy Robinson.“atte,a als Su.43,for Th AIS PC yb voters,HEPy es ay nes.ae gets Tete BT aenee I ee a!' Va Or Seba os :A ee o <i pe »fo CaBeta " uae AYowte ap f oe bratisc ed farel res Sheveil!&Meey ioesDeoopeanes2Wiefkeo eth tig’ bes oP e for"esSS esosFee ae wath KoesSth,etaptsYeWAT}Ty hile easEVGA 17Mine SB itabet ent es<ee:ones:we ents hor ae ‘ saat.Bind:feysSi Es bane s ruso4.ere BAeAalata,Se wh.jERES 3w’:*hay snow ceWtBrion TeeDNS!yt at bine 2.4 esl iperrisy “3hTian ifai ets : ati ti Tae LEI Ich © !uty!fiecanoesBorAy ae Sopd-by ke ea Oagiaction “oticerss)So ts:iarTE.oi, eK Ty:Sere A's LivitS.Sg.i€ opeNaa Sint yer rare Cowaarp :AES E£ivériiney Dalit.*Hoxes tO:Gunton maeys &.ab are bobt 1.Stnsda Ise PSridersony eZ. Ae Siar Sa xO oo tne’Port Boston,Brg.USTSBO Xo:HAS TO,|:ne hie $i i ian ae . Saphoate.‘yaaob out CoIpmis-Tat:LAfonets hela thenlast mguns Sat:pte 7h salir:‘Couitty-Commission7 |aeaes .Set ‘aitlowivebilsewrre deh oR YS o0 2 ies ue }Cheba tat re eet ge Use“8 cuntLi me a Vis BeCotmerTae ah Rete XdEC Sth : we ots Tear &itta Ate nye ee =es The Ab i bm,Ane au '“aX Hert herce:ade 1sNR wo bcna ia)(i ocehetayBs)aide Singtlea Pay rl PUESwhi 4 Paik:re Boris tee Pdures sae A Spears veopnny"ga,&Edochipiitis Oireidice,RCD my Aton ia wa)3‘stoi TAYUne advertised A FU)avers tinsve boreCOUNTY,Deitel asi pa HOR:aymitforSalesatSrstees WYCe 7diated:‘GitBURGEpysahtyFailspeWeWerthbetReaway‘ef nord,i hOB)FO,ace:x >fet cenit,tem ox:at ie;Tapp relate ‘ eae ee a pollspyiate iSoepheetay MonctonWe,4 assis R Apossiiné ee ice Raat of a vy. eee sce ;cc oe jg sui. iG ji vent iheCe,econo x neBECMe AWet this:BIA,ae ern, Opthastoe gitie:Osea Reaus x *Mion:SONG ‘ORa)oe oor ‘Chantrds On - qd 29:b+ ,“8S “oe joke .ede i a ::nee ry :a n m,Seah:i 4 ote ers We OLY P)IRB bi ood!took clsetwherebefore”"you;:OU’otthis proverb.:! e you to ‘do. accof ei story,‘the otherside our’:» 4ope$12 30 ‘g13 50,and-as ee DanGaeak Be eoyoabe.Gaal ;):0 and $6.00 Sdlid Oak Gina«ieiartnrokegCaaSaunor:rs tie (Wil stand thebest :ies aS ee ee e Oe ee Dake eHOmimition,;Rie tand:Denk a J X t:ovalPork ; 5 " = Pe ? * iS PR 3 2 f We ee Cp a -* : o * es . > - ba d e a +s 7 ‘. “ ec p hb > er i e ; go . al t e 9 Se a t 24 o °, * on - , ee HG P 6 dp tce is Sp t os pi v e n , es we e n Sh e ee eS °s y ey ae s oe i a ~+= s Pa + ae Pee a %As ooa disput tates’ata. i rio ue esEe ae‘dri Level,7 = ne young Tar |Gx!statae,; row.thy Ko due:enterisallsSeah tit PRGLT oF heleyhveal exptmlefaryoubid res SHE et A,Her “that has evi neee ~it Siges AON,La t ees reSaf§Cis¥osecank:eaeLei Slature::4 Godoe ie iS Big stocARGasheergFor:the4 obBicibess* &+:’year Ot 1 Lie ae OD oeVrek:sR Ss ane} URE buyree hire fareonyy 2b ba cpa ty Bic heCaN RS lore ety We eS:ae Bei 2ae Vays Ash Grgect \Pod SOS Ay ws <i eGwie oat ariesei ieSie iD Fee RR .>Ta at “A ee ie ::eC sures Nptes lion aike,Lregiiy ols aC=Pes =REL Sena ceaire,Receiy =3p Répre:Les has ‘f aneZN itor a ? wy OFlapel ng ge bersoi Be *,Pictntote dé Wedn ~sdag”4 ¢front.all=tee 1h ee ae oe eae :His-4pujubiess:“thousdy vcs’country friGads how much jt.Withbe f fe Ste as ea ak:Le tweed,WAY bores,at en aSsfssS2Bigunie=Santal sare Nt“phorieeithtos tie Ssertto thwin jntetest te vadwérsise with}i “Gh the Irom botNacBieyee Jolin:x Sicchouyise plore ome heey (a =4 ,:§si *y re ee et haeto akthei!Pigg us butiti ikl.ie several’aes Utes SS ghtai’thay hake.ua vibe,aL fs i e ESL Aits OSSion ot oe :it shewinir oun es aan ps a days baveoitehkepuyXorichess Abietebe out,agai,a ont Lt wilt pay weatesrea “eat the Bien hae ih tinge,’pPublercat be|Yours,alo.co Refuese)or xe A)fi,vn ae ye «a ve mY fie te ©4 ¢va sie ees Pe f “han!7 Seeinil thei tyres.pt oA akan Bs a Wiitec wee acsie ae:ae i rioptransagted:PAE oe Cinke sa pis Aye 4 see sg Stan lo rath plans a ene Nec Coroling ‘Cofferetice.“2)Wwish®tos bun.ay big Be ne:mest ys Robert SOLON aS sy ted datpest7 posbin Usit usedainthet‘ies ac p par i z ‘ae ait proseessdye,~ofr eur nenchati ts)ud:ver,atsatte Ne pele Ww:ae Any pire’‘SOlin WDUEL TMG thetl Ru richidtat oetbo. Sittae'¢Conrt has“ranted ePeNonth ‘Cari ia ‘Goiffexdies of Yereise with -yse /Pbe pedphy at the]EEN Ug itor test asSs theSeal TT ae ~§the “cake.of ee ptt Wok“Chanche)Suath,TY REN SLO tigi yandtc jekort ye chiwld spatsonize|S s-ee Kors eeSan Sih od oue'$65 2 sie hi a 3k+ eS pugway I ay 4 ex- iy i tle tax | }ations"ia Ta PR GR I P E S Si G e a s Ni 4iy:F apt ie nae api aypedicd:}xi ink, iy ‘ELT Copy af RetN iets oe 2*eM ton,ade) Feet ret.aul -daipase~ ‘Court’ "Ot ms ae ude, Wier +Hi mut oad. hi oe iy ori Me 7 The ParanaRe Taetpr onal: er |@Bic &uniton e “i ot .Reieton:ole ;Seite Ly Lhe d Ounty ¢Orbs eo)acs:ets.6k boars,+e;celeryly of Ciaples Ee VieleStet er conde’Cas cle Hetgre -SOUDTY attorney.>Mr.PM PRehp tars B43 oF i ecdell fey Son eres idpears.of Toot}Dodn Yother Of “ee.Pteere.eaxg. ‘Varner,te |Come a ite iver of.the: ‘a coun hy:¢i inissioners.This'ww aS.a 7 =t‘ret ives t i ee,Megs :Sake Wigs PGsSU nian SUSU se.fos a anes eleeted. ;Soul “haw versau’?Kaece4SingHtitsDIVIESSION.5 ese VRX fs oe Mir-Retmistch Qi not as place.Was Hoty in town God did not know bat hisditiends were hi ning] ThE Cay of Mrs?Jaiiés vs.eg in,EleiSpne.of Ahe Pose Demer, cratic.awurkets of|his)towuship~3 fase as BOW}Sorking Democrats,“andshe wil be rake:one Ot tre’best membersSot the} dae Supreme Catire“hastgre ngs,mOtign.tor,air exe> stent.Nort Carolina®Rail-“Pic em yAhe oP raionof W (liams- Kor’Groves owripletslastFriday).Adl|2a5yt=pat apd one.of them: oat terbirth: Diedwipe uicely.|¥Siwy hiztegn+pounds oebruce]: stea‘be Jae wich coutted mln real regular.mesting.ofthe!Se:venth Aotscdugatiuse-will _bedield on Rdto “Wabas tees#:Misiiday int January,when.”3veSupervaisor,Butler ‘will ye>Pt ghee bts ‘seat in théState |tire State.h “We was.meécentty.‘at ¢alled:ufecting.ofthe4“bg sheild“before~the'frst [ ‘ads |this) .1S |Ot seed Cc,“L000:pounds —toWoric otton out ese ‘of evernatu isi tad ha vane City 7 AWS s Se i Bejgarend ‘Bug ‘ra SBS follolwi Rin Appopet meats: Har on ueeouur:ot the tre oblOeal jal ferese,she ges Ll asaaines off persSonal“pryx |:Piesicine Pilers—J wh ibbsx BHaea ‘ati pNceution:ite the WRGAeiehe Wit riety:P:‘21 Rockingham)Disstict: ae Newertt Distiners to ae “holds that,MY aUNiirtone Distriet Ry.wilhHyCHECaseO11lizibetbONSDistrick©:asOLppointmentsEditaraGor|DiS pes.shtse Paper TL ea cute noe ofthe es.Teesoy €Rav ‘en MeThor $0:ordgh af ithe.Supeist’aD ae Gein :-Sorrag ii ae putter a Ti Sahu r Stadion,pe SMES OAS ECRCAT, eS ainterdt ‘ccirdurt! ah te MoseThea ya Clty tatNid vigeedity: ‘aajoribies ee *bang :3 i : :pelt .Waynt:obi:Hail:tne 4inom,“akernberoct:five.‘Ecard ofSsLieve!fvres fe conn are rs * rh ‘edlicathin,:SUT to Houion* oOvtOn’SoR: é States:eo F *rd ighe,County‘he b’ -eae)Esq.ilecees bee we ~ie e>plain’c Phe:board of peared lonsothie.chet hi x «-dand <register -tof deeds will”elettE County Supervisor.Butler's.sueéés- Or wheil,-11e;resigos-early tm Jan-ier nr:ushtp,>gave The’‘otaer :.M‘and:together}?orrgw. 'traps)ner oh Espe ‘of States sear’1.230tityell per :Since ubbboysleft ia atDULETOR7-Gace Str ee cially is hore ae ements WO ee ’ Piyaroutl:Staton:Rte: tae 2 rissibDK Milt HO) ee meh pervor.thie COUT: “c:+ES Sak r :%whos:resig tied:to,OFF wits”tigre:‘hoard ‘ ‘Our Boys.$9.Leave,oo Cube,ot TheFist “North "Gurolitiie Bon: ‘Trent will jecave ‘Savanhab.GaycatsdatesoneoFthesedays,+Havatia,'tesa Te eae my Uprps is:Belts mgy: le FirstRegimen:aud.”its:‘pats ide.colonel ‘isthe pride ‘ef.thes:en: Sphis “byue: 5 iHe,|ake”ps a and the’home of quite a number pthe.eens 5)sother:“ofigers?2‘and.< tee _}Then.Nabe ter Feuiment DQwseenad bE Gene f G ‘the gover nt than Yours,i of Uniom Grove!the ceewhet “Cuba.Sa ara rag last Xa z.Awehavg.beh atancheh ish Sper,free ib spe ‘kuble vkeld.“it tolereky:pretAk aud Adoalerar + ye wnedrd: tis,or ‘the a ae Hl ry es Wagste:mee E SAS es Ci By ee v2 Borne tied!SS esTy ve %-bat eee oh one s eat NN ~ the} ae an re Met aryl aa by)out hue, aN \peasonae MENTION.Le ae‘=* eere., Phas its ale yrll e ey “LS fi\spelen ede eee4tesbship bas returned -home:or Tet ate extehde‘he Naperior Cakein'f came bs se tev.J phased’with.thisnew charge,aes a vy Baers 7Dt Rahs ‘9 z -eae K “RR ts W ty RiciOicbe |was:hore. Ses oudge’ a2 ie oususe eae to Wik ‘tga Monday toractey fa,positionas: ort stonowapber and,>tipewriter ‘with: thet:New -Yatk paad)New ‘Jersey:Land Tapbovemedt Rompatiys pie Ret ToNoN Segoe “OF.Bethany; ‘te Fuship has:recovated or dusaaftoxeresent.iMonday* Lies Peres .ar ima recenthy tton has beer ‘among theni and:we,ill stBl:‘irs’ row x atiallin Cae,eae that (tO4 Heep “ap Swith?bent:Wee!bop J ie |20emilds north |of neat Cuba wjkuziee with’themyany:“untae the,Brushy |haipgecinoe ton.~will 28 Pg ;amin No @bers, eeheith RE x:t. 4 Ni Niet Stakes ‘has.ret urbed Gite:Trony s Lu Visit her athens”SNA Wade ho Seales. txomonths,Hy friends.Pe.syade kiow,that the“is bitpselfagata,«' APE.Ss ‘Sifotnaks,‘ok New:Yorks memberof the firm:ot.Smohiusky} ‘Adelserr,of this hee arrive hers yesterday.on: wper angDioner seee Ae cay BAdeistps8 . ae Se)Tes je Uiltoabion ;sat’‘Tubitees Bas aunty.: nitnchattss,-They:oods Teg AER,‘ite! 7eucan “4 xe le.\MovrisSoni Spent.M on oie ee os vf Ik Aultsbe pa oe oy deryisik®tu?Sher poten it ~s yes CE 3 qt +2 xg 4 7 Ms ay Geol hi:And epsom,is:in Chit:; ¥,hi Hert her “aie see t»BUNS he.Souther,of:Parstown: MISH 10,Qk lahoua.’ antords where.she went, QO,Shelley Nog!Das idsoni.“Mouay.>Hes)isswells this week jou w-Visit 40his relatives.| Ebuviett \.csterday.Boers HATE Hols next rear Ptr ae (Wee ols Allison riven!ie! trom.“Phikilelsbig te, eSSeaUhristingstybisfathgr andi, motlietas:ae aak sii 4oe ‘Coble isStiscetbe the Christ” Mass Vacdtion.PY iwill “Botd whe,Stothe:Bleventh «district:tia+ 2 he Springs‘begtening avCharlotté |Jani 25d.eg en ‘em jess,yaad;Was an forthe.first Aten:Gibaaitf “wilppsdtte idea Dea iousTes Rao lutte; deraieasdouAndTheaprives,as tows sic webong dani Asher’.7 Ratronrge iPheridaterusthins”anil help bittlid Ep),(Mo6re,.Sieohaite’208:Pyegounty.eR }is W..aa Rang,ee . Halle} Sa Mayhew,Jot Aaglen.4eee wats Pay Lane y Totscas?Pitas a Ate ithe”Was,Moatip apetl to,SH AES IfBe;4 She.file aesieNe cil fds 3in te SF: pudy.‘aa =| PEK puns ga i Vv,tat t *y Las Was’res hed} ne raat "Pies peat @.Sah ‘.ye sais AR OR Chant Agi f Rete)j ue Ome LHe OLE OFsities EARS Tic opitsoh the wieridhys eget,is Tic Cre eone apyroved,and the oats} pwede x er That ia.Soa % ia bt Hee :Seeks:UF ihe>papel ve A earthebonid Sodus Sars. Stgese,G's!Fedrviess:N-tt aewetness t itn We Braai toy,"Fs See eue a H.‘shogingker,ae.PE:CassSDe>palsyWe ts Alogtison,Wes De.aie decheds:aud We Woe Ehonpess a Seay EWeycotl.‘sherstty bondsUo,S200)BA:Shu.bUU.Sard:hs ‘Ae Ne dloupe,2.WWE esaNHee AE Nettl;nee ‘Evoupsta,ReAWNPots j Pabclv Gy,sho 2,Templetyns Ci ioA ee Deonike raed.Mald well?be lhe AeWhite:Watt Wy.Dodie, eo!)‘FiUEKO'Wy!eee.AV lacey fa \:tee tye aa Ee i :aas ReyéesaragintertteddSbund|S Suteties74D.ideuesaul 1;Hohnint oni tt farted — one ee Savers:YL:wv ee Pw HSummers; W.«Bidek,weldege Br EP AreHos eee oe 3CowesRF% Sito.P.Moniz 3talekOF Siecle “Sole,sopitied AitIya i-putentidis a7 ‘EtsavcShe Ww ita et Fenny ae tethchyS85 7 vals “texts sit Sv,fy ts elyeS 4 pnts agid Peartyouyy setae We fF va tig ‘uote Lhe eee eh d@iPsnivv hee Alias thy elet Lane figts”a ‘Were.runt cs suse Pere TOI ES Yat Oty’,brick’Sptdsatied 4 ered}pce:py ave a probaSatfe oo ner as y Ts Vas fires ee aeVeLeys, et Pe Sol Serres,‘Lertiet,Citfap ped Hayids, atta.yahae ant a hati beup:,see =VyAis and pasitANchy.y (uy S oo A )+vac RMP ity req gine A,Ceti Pres)ginny Haatfaeige ReePoeee,er xD “staAy we Aspceid,saulSibel tr Whe CUSh afratsbytes ghweLT)om’thethear eS “Eo as thiings a 4 a as,tne.Ave bniealahie Nok BeabingdsSoGheCae° Hats”&apsapl ds veneral line of Gents;" tty Ste ieswilfe, a fo = <;;ifSatisaf ©Been ih fon Come:BARGAINSSN,* kK’os Dimestics, © Nowa spot fissplay.of‘fal Bnew So species arkets one ashy:select ok as can aes sy * gia pi sods wbother 3 ‘s er moe w otear TROETSARE temo!réniijuder. hive?ee willbeeesiiy it Teel Sor Se e CRAIG’&,COs base Si Semnahiaeer Mees‘$SeSatie iprLesiongh©afer tig best lie.Ladies 3 3 *~ ,x 7*56 ea watefy;ar d ste!ie ‘bar iit.*r ae—Tab Liaens and,Napkioy-TowelA SN ie hs a Cen. eee Sa So rah istech:And Saar er apursfrlenes,wand’a7 a tae ::: Rumlerssk igus OHS wer did snOy Moksulis aw:;NEUE:,perier iS aistebieeubereteMW.caW ooketic Beany!“|iae Does‘ast rad Ons MoireaWerk MeHote 82 pea whe TedeeDai n oe :aor AwezPare7MGematty,Chair pth ecgitmengatioy oteCot,“Arne:Versio or}nnMoers in Pree ct Ni apeal ear cand ae ret fers buts a perpegs ‘Shieh:3;Beceand is OLt-F the,niost deserved “Aodithe (res STOWNSD a,yi‘afairy +be Boil:So ve way if Xsiby r eee ke FeO OE eae arecampi Chirk.Raisiogu Ay.EHigw ard.|‘OG Pireccass kunci Sabpy pbaien ts aT tt AS sepbert,a 1.Lr rks Peary it wat 4%as pesSOLUTEMt he ui oi tht,ateaa ae :4 *she ;EGCERTME per “Barrepst!Wb ‘Pemplepany Code 1iedeteAYO Lcinater yya worthily |Serie,|VORems ym.aenumbers.‘hhe follge wie sored,uke ‘aT fules apd Horses evSresold >:-+f «;ie:2 pa iS oe PaslthJooeplt Cie Sanpsgii |cea ~his Bove honer $Ane Beha:‘thaser}LQ :g ee es rns\honLe Ww meee SeDpearaS:he4 ‘Tees Sono Ww ithout ig.will at :a f é SOE ies 0)Oe >)Pwhich have Gaine.te‘him ore By [See >)ye CEL S20 ce ben pthak Mae it peers wal,Naa —:Ee -GU:‘anyone Wa WI .‘na,TAsSol fal ci Bove NeTis cm ierstondeteat Jf or Showy:bhae Ray.mLatesy ile ie uate Sean put side +Stes avight.EAS at einyt Stapentabe tisa fasion pate os Sten o 5 fi =gn ae nS 7tate,AS ee pgm‘nall-ve Cowpinued Fe Rao Nine ovust dy the Devham scommpanys -Bz Clotticel,Shsbe conveying|ite waruenyy WS,Stick and other pros}Ee 4 aetethetnpme¥S-elect re eae a se as Te Sy f hes sy Gener ©Wles A JAW,mae!rot fe Mote<vipe ate ne The:ORs>taxa Tow fake ~=hs Ea ey wine 3 fi Ov soar money ve eee::'eSusesscatNeShand$i a ee ee ze seta S Te vncAptain:ee ON ius a aSane eats Wareate ne he Aras :ae,=f LolS fad 4 eymean Wagar?ljcatta:in 5faeXD.‘Net Saat athengy Bieeht TEiorrow!E¢eding.|ernie aire ws.second.paterian ane Rr ides Ne a H Ree be i “ns Ves eae we Hs Fearing,ot TA Ee in Sigel yd.Styud es idy *to >$i pi oh Te Raeratect.Hh Ro te 7 bh)Mopular,Citteerts OF our town,|felfversTike Spat WAC Baareine Sy eascoeguss.AS Tih.bs Sequined i das Litera Say des ee »:<on“a Em ProsSes,eau acelsets cents ze are oho 2 sthat ye 5 eam 1%ORS Sroseagenty:Pitted duet Stain a ae a More HSth;ee:SHC easles t ee aa :hice SRE =pe ook Ss sas :bie On ae ee *.-be;tae aly +#;vat POF UICE,,Bee ial eotombrro w=<a ee ie ones Sec aud.HEa ~a ak tot.ee peers gadteeta >}sri Yi |ie mont bs eae 1d Pixwnats,>oy . .".ty 4Aa4 ‘ee‘=‘ A atithe ’ *.7 eh y? r os «*o.* pest to thebenk Tasting’afr jens. t a poe »Yguts,to:please..ce ae ? n x Shelton. Tiiesé SeixaldSelt:them At jtices*to Ss)it thée ce 4:at olf,{Cow met away fsom .|. hirts.Kept ar,:tm ‘; Riper oe ge farn: md ches, Lees aa ee a ::ae. ER.Hoe and isi reasans to a FS tet 3 ret ie “the money.*Our.eo>3 Boies if as BSodvanitybey eerie : te .Box Calf ~ ke fledtiinesin quoting thom’ae mo vis Box Galk,mew coio “toe ae eaenew“coin .tods.a 2“Goin Loe,ufequaled-,terse ‘fan Kid new.coin tee Blo 8 gidtaranker aa l the purchaset-runs*; Le"asa trial and bes con-"= ery Truly,.t “f “Pat, > re One imce1 ENN Px aS iesSoe2iShayves mund.oc..BY TJs at Lee . ir)re ee ee EKA,€0AWEWeekataitin®oefara.Mee Samerp,is siete Saree t gmpans ext SSbeenDet1h,Bt ahoraaaERY+wilt Sens Fie iseXt“ph Rebeuil OM bef eta >te! fs ee There Be:pusityyok DUSIC,“CO mel V3 he}ae Le perwregy oh a ae sy Dies Cees So ie 1 Si Uti’notice ory re Mee nn ap eee :,eS e ete eearSteer:Hart att pidge iD o. ve eG oe a »Si,Miller<ae 21 20xte sa!e ot dist z3An. @:one “ek de out PEARGAINS.aay r,&:our ‘nou angst “fn oS to.Aby Oue:Wises tO « nt Ee piers a faa Shee Cae Went=to"Steak./Conueptstaalon *¥“F ay ou meee .=oP ei ‘“ip rete at an eevine po RadGok.ee He =hubrgn,eee ,FROXPOFO OP”A ;RTHE ‘NS .,-Re ="Te Sine rreaes Pg aig é ; %sl 2 oe 4 mans ie nite Ore NS ;ye iesRe8.Hime !bs a a6 g ‘atting.ge ro Sao ‘Veet peatheimane tag §.tor Le -vw :fete ay :Z ~ee Mery Spin.ae PEATE UI Oey a eaeGirlae-e a Ne a at Esret Unie te \a4 STF ne So ABBY Teonic ¢ew ‘arok,(-Mite iit Bey et P oe ay,we Satur iv atid:‘ *.4 A , Br mysx Ci “fis Sah Ste“dt Baise veaahBees a SAR Gto Shekate a *oifce Le ‘ ’,as j i tA Roeann 13 ‘He wget sino.:.Fh :Ve me :‘:=2 ti nt ane:Si -'f Sg pa ;.ay ite ‘:eh os :es sf ie v0 the’SunsFLO:eech me 1 Mabe ;4,’“<3 on Fm,Cee ,NC :TOvES.ee ke re aeeeSBAiNueBia-Dai Hanns:"40 ay sfrigBe“tA SreeNh ee se roe kg eeon “e :,aay 2 JstSeeses,:wy"cS ~‘nt pe os ;ATING §ss Sd zHobsBuble 3 Fee ne Hie e Get )atiean ee ub ratty fe er ae ut Bg rae os Bae«Se a ate.the Tove fHenswewusSi"sie iN:cy Bt PR 4 ah daa tareGrete py ages yeeeebssoY bendiner ‘aa 4ei gpa!c Sohoout Bieentwees ito)“ith thus mi avie Si.one Bes sian aeweatfeeteCxKagmertugfimunrdsstekadd“eye “ryad Liesshi:t)ort.es .ge oy Lu See o,Pa x iaeeTHePilesSFSegrecetBe.ti BYE Pyall v wat of Ve >i we :>“3 y <on t 2 a peso ea news 3S HOLSoe ;a at te ¥is “5 a:ue.hs,ey Wedmake aSpectaty ofSites ona Kinetnn Sa bree See ee |~Pi tay peatNgee eS a Rteag vee eRe:CE RELAY cue Org.e hap large lots ther ey.getting oo “eee.eyos ‘et ©:GE ee ety :+hs A RCE MO EAN Josie ‘3 >)basis.<:aN fost ie pte than WPcog Lohan!2b Fe Rae eee he Breeton Se be ge.ee:‘Sie}aaa fami.Md WAS nea peta oe ee.‘oor ee o PORT,<#Singoteds ‘et ee ante lc i :;:a}ret.+moh 4 ithe 4 CRN pigwten epee a 4 hae ee i yh eevee c i q ce ths undoubte ¥shor Ds kHeie2Ct*edi DIS)inact y ¥set t ;eee ‘ee on OXON estyTheWeimaedfoatngmache:enutine %5ne YRS ea Tl GiPsheel by Ses“sorZersayiesi=:peweltebAy.rea ae ts Fa tx]held vine Bs ee ;Ne 4 Pee ey ;NE pies ratchSect atecSh eikgeth ¢Cgrolina.eco5 hay ver dings seh 2.8 Sertit,“picee’,eHter alse 96 tie area.5 f(sVteiare,basinga bik:run‘onSuanc Aine SpdettsheReental 4 ene ya al aie .TRS nee aBe fete ws jet on ne pete asRime Pict *be cae i eis Foonnck ets scr Ae ;:2 .3 ch mie. “Lap large}he iP the spring.gettinethéa BELA i HAKONE WR 1G eS ES ius pat $4 oh her a a “s se a naa :3 Fe ee iy KLSON aR 9 ers ¢i 6 Ver “Oe h :fae x se es ~yelous 4 oodborate pula sia i he @izzitesy>adsemi tdetsot ae Tow oe oe engcyOx eeA:fasChrist prs.pees ne:ee ps4 .ee pts New HeCt.3]AS keadebut ibe ee USpS sue 60 teat {,Ee :‘Save iaresast”;hortible qpienine the Sorves cud prsiies ae Sab af7s eri Sioa Mcdteat tees See hits .imp ee:ix Gliby ee eivs fies oy.fatem eu asa |es See pen seeoyAc ‘i .3 ’;ti i bites F $3 <arg {>Gayse ER!nn 4 Lk j infor astm and Se>avec bay Saag Re te:é ec es aesite 3 tt eA i :i we hase Deen”;tS ce its : asotae Noe ‘!eric ;aKe ,‘ty ‘me 1roi § ee z ii ay i Merge aie x fayeBEAgsptSeaaee,PRO me eg aa SAH EG TS Ae Nee é Bet ;et AGCfaneeann| fomhappy) woe ¢Seert£5Chant baunedieeord BOUL as.(UIA back 7 1 Hae,5 "Ate aaaiedert wil 9 ;;=sc!oe ive?,1 pes -hss aaa oie:,a Game ee sald 2 oe . 2 };:t 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Wy Sen mere nie 4 :ae f ’W xe :eGo :yeh hae Ae Tidket mt 9 ftNs on uavel Vas SUA!‘a =W,¥-“Hou Ppy,Shah,”i ily ’Scien ioc)Gol ogee a Tue ad eae a hig PETROS e sears of weeeu fat Betis if Yiacy Nedhoen eet Fe re alti ;he best fd:oe Mares aie C4 f se et :ee Y ¢pe os z :Ses =mati 420 mh :y *Ms wn ‘Sani eae rrsaratmFeaeaay t aieyAmp AS Ce,sezs 5 iss yBye ;:: ek wit ‘plier Ll aaNg iq pn ese Ks ot es =:.:bream .Sgeee.Shasavy ps Ble zest ea thi Py Sree ee Ae oe ee fete Thanlle aliseh,a nm fand|A SACHIN :Fema it eee i NS Bes GE .*Se45I~past ey ys iFMOSLSAEEagaesPeafginligte-1S ooee:3 ,;one sete se,on :Sey eT HOE:ats Sloat =ae sf aee ae 0 2 2 ae -Best M te $ he best qualiit ya } mast sf:ee one:sce oe CTE ae von Ast Moetett inawl Shin fe 5 |43 Sats haem ¢:fe as ees Te Re ALS 5 eerahies dar toeigSold:ja.this department,Pola ai Bes a aaapore ss Ge 7 os ars As .Case anes RRCth real eeaSywary tr \e os 5 cs "an Pelt =.aa Pe ORS ul ANISG *CLALNrseo‘;:raga,j z ree,Br arenes setae yen hog ax @ poo :wgainst the estatesog dudde RF“‘>eae ,eee Fi RON Shae ei ri bo eee ;oe Ne RE NLA ee POI ee ;ee ;fs A ea pa,ir i 3 4 ith:ou Lalegot tat ah “iach in Sh wc a mc s ee ah *ORES briny bed “>Ra ee Sei egie anenae gen ¥es ;i ot:Z ae ein avkavan trate slutition‘;j be asa eS a Oe 4 .%Peto 4 ’ae BRET bah i pats ‘a og ‘A A “trat teaewstket«forog thie BEEMoresSd Ee ae He Nc Ret Niet Stra anes ars chine)ee ep a c CAN Anabel g Yate wet ex i MeAfi Nee qutorertiss 34h atay.cif Navem bers 194%0tths=e e%BR bo 5 ea :<2}MahO QP yet:2 AMIST IS a it Deana Pe ae Set RE RSS.:afl Qa isaAe r sae SE this metace eel petal vi.bar ot eewaeafSisf‘-:i 5 :4 a Arent eer,4 ag :s .N v>aya‘3 pa Set 3 ante eet ti qa :ty ;:wh Jeol me s mes yes a tpioe Lt aturdae “CGOaely Mebane’:be Be a y ma is e Re ty 2sX.wi :,Paws .;x pene Nee ve rau ;es x =ae :®.~~itNeSe Aenoyvon.op ites :Adujat trator of Ke “eA init, ts Bee {tbe ay b .er x HVaeretsse Bd pegs pa, ‘Lees:st hae t =ote aens t:eee >:Ne a)>=&=uiRevo.Sere s rey ::Le oh =ae b,Lr ee re ;Si :Th ¢‘=Ti Bea4 ~Stateovime a mg be PRY LIN A A ADEN GN CHiN a ;gay tga Syeea aus EXT peeug ynodnedog,?ON a teethe WOT Lk oak Houses >THAT ee :wie pra sg oh,fae coroebadeewelt farestPejritcy Which Tye ly INGSs:OF Westar ‘rast shee Aen a3 :fe hin ot S cue se Roe ar ae ond“DA. ese in mx xf Cash pri for ‘ed here: ERSO Nbapreo.so wg MIST a7 tO Suit ,Satkaud:array get Xorg dum hey indub they 4teezelsart:wi plea,the"ela yas in she Se Ae olf greeASOFartoferstCaileoarlyandsv6‘as fn ads Ws x.a a Spe ies4rly “g h e e , Ba i ae Sha SegigrG) aanESE ee (Shit iw ee ,i a :Sh ‘i:EDR,BAe hears be ee a ie i a ie AN ;Ma fos aS ia eae a.,$é >‘ve erate ©i :oy Res é :‘€AUINEoa a WA eed en.SA EA =;ee RNsng ecu eB Re a ie ce se 6 =ey ake vou thivkave stole then.|F eeee wie eee ByeP><ie .|>Gs .‘|e 4 nn oe Dae oN!KER bh iide ye Re cl eco x di ie eS Saye Be ee iia HPS Ess Me.i Fish Gee eeeeeSoegeaeereODnayBootandHerb“Ware“useNebo -|,We wiil keeSaindeleralesOOiSChanceat:s ig:ux R BRAW 3 ‘reliable 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a ceca ites ee Lorne Bnd woods,Migner Rouen,$8 goles 12%SeSetee~~dé es eas aa ey F te Sie Sy ‘Windof Tard fart CG ACH to alo wat [thence Westsa poles to "amtard pe,¢ NSN 4 7 f %Oe of ee wae ;bao,Loa tie ope ‘:tate EAA BIE ne ;pole:to a'stake thence yf ‘| no NAS pan F Sp ie :z 1M Ieee nt ASL pele Be ohare hepa eee 7 ey sae ARs eases:ast ersdq ie ;SR ei ‘spanistro2k shencé Sogih ‘igstripersVeeesoeSeiedatyhter.aM rs:Res TSS apy CRY eae abn ‘Seanad =F ea :yin aifention:>BI 4 ;4 ot ;ise ;ome thene-West iy ee iolrer i NS EXCEPT ~Tonnes Beh See eee {a \Bere nit i plana ee eaahee sy bon Suaiect ane aaaaae weds ee 4 .‘Upuren 22 SN ee .¥RE:lébut.ch-of Sour -wouds,cihiitain-LD,wn ;ast SM cates ait ie Boa Boece Rae ng oe eee BRN x pase Pee as ;Sa :;60-8:skes-wore or less,Also 31 reher =f 1)Seeciegse Foie ee phe ie ce ¥samen as ee)7 Py oe "Mie guateintcas s 2 ce feta ‘lor;<D ning ‘at:an otk posts:“themee—oo SSS eae Pre See i :is ..::cy toxa-stone,|thence south 33° ‘polis .0'a)stone thener ith 36: tt ;ae Sa ;Cb }bt D istowe,-.th née “North ’:59°Westbeyteie=)as Paty A sat 1 ae See.b “i 4 .:i ae ns ,3 i hinteg,coun!‘aluled w 2 det mith ;elaine CEES.ote Gries.©It bem let Nort] phageEeroWesS 4s Ath et x,%oe ae Ae HeCR.Signe s aKite,2 Seve os oo ae penn aot PaaS ep Conga ne be division.of he lands ¥f-MaresEa*}eee Wes x 2 ,etn,adj ining the‘nds.of M. SSa a 3 coe K a ,‘: < x :Deiat Se Ki =:ie My i 5 ae ‘rig .az Ni ot ,xy =bieee ..if isisy “oispeed:oe rn Deeg ois ;;en nee.;:th :x 3 |7 ;SE.FURNESHERSB GOSDSs.eC,yt },~;M om da :we ‘ee y 1 yee 3a “whtnesAe Pia ‘son oe cs "‘pSei ce "i iePoaghams at at eid ,a .oe 4 ‘Ss =aesBe VIN,,b oe Rane Ms T heSr24ISMOSTGOMPLEPE,.ANDSOLD9 26)0 a een OR 3 #Sie ie SLC ces Ve pie NS es xBie ti : .es AEfe pen wees mA ie ::a3 Coilae worth?eh...EtsAges i :»¢me s 3 ‘:2 2O08..oe’;-Sewii { =iI.s f 2s a ;Sie a.‘ata me it Ade RS |S Sipe ae *)ey oS :oY 3 es ie’WOE Aree arenes a ge -of eenseoeAidllae——*her gts *often #8 Seo Mull I sur ae heteS yeeRN i A tees ek ee “t !oy kes,:ra hd mea,*the:33=:‘he ee ‘ess.thin a weekRagas Cor ist Wai ‘twobry “%)pes ie bad se Be em WON A u YH 1g:thi fn et Or Wwrite-me-wher :Unixqug“ak ;Seehe te Dock waht Oral Testy Fy ue Hace sa heh Lay hy 7 ;(cep Wie Al os ¥se DY x x RHO ean ee ie Real hi ::Sao ‘DE RABLU :ee Rips *=”v sheds.EYSin?patron ears,wadAin By mYtes oa the sary:p by Sof Fane ys EOD IN SANE ey “Pati Bae *i Ree de te ?sgn ey a AN ree eames5hAetaicn to Pes SueMuy,fruce st aOR ast uy vec rick i Breer ner 8 omens ees ;tas Sate ;;RO Acie :Ola: pS es ees orsea in’ig rie)Disk £0"rae eaeSee dad!ieee aa qubrin mers ecial SS iH HS ~:Tons:ndly Ronghe =x.ring vi :cha:sapieetryyfeeeSit7Leg2%te “Sipe let eeaPsuinly dey ek =thee ce :te Pato}eee amrea:f rad ;Lea}texville f-atyon Sit,7 5 Age &Se terss al oe ;Goh Jt as pile +st rants ,é Ps Cha iY ‘oi »‘pigsty :“wehing”hapsen a i rs ;~uncceu¥Was sa seo wv ry ig ®reMalt Rts i 4 SS iat ee eg;.;bree as andSerna ai ‘*CorraOto,.OF c WAGE"5 :$SNe SEALY :Sop eret:&ou s »Address. -aL Pei ;a A omy Ee cand fintiar eel pie Antar F ‘sft castrand Spdllagce:thet “2 :;n)froma ovecivork art npuaeore (|Se E PSO Nae ie Penane Son far fe 1 WOH:qt z as,es ee ya-OoT:pet:; Foo.eli Saget es a oe ae ari ae et ane Steno ey {Protect:y te beh udersigned.for turther,infoy3theeye1_$y A:%,.i d ih a“i i ‘.“pomsofa acu >Goltherel et B,Chee ys,7SOcdeweaeReeepy,me |éPe WAP egse ae¢ a seeEAau “‘a ie xSiehgpeee es aD&5 ww ri m Eggs anes Cmmclna ee ar108. —\Fey48SipeReyANDSean chee fe ge\- pve ¢ oe a gyk ME“A the eatstore.f3—« ~Fot Sale’At TOR:Eronys * %ie 3cualitye a pees es +througho t :adi .A and it--was those?:Been Sesh Rees _W Zgagtern”Sottln:Caron irsy WasiSic ~and ip--swgs tho : Q .>*y x . stinks RN Romie agama aT fe ty .Desttor:them’16,retarh posties «Sir bor ie Oe Dcsatisneeioe Coy’ot.hisey satabisoe ferwice .=the.. q “Best Material.SAWN ake Be et Bak iba.If any SORES.Pena oui sentfoToe them.”Eiger kseTf AiuShiating dog ayshist week,ipaign.*He w tones “obi hie >Pecba ss ‘ments re “sobmitted to'st 1people Rabe weet eles One Raid ob SicttSertered:oh ;etait‘Auies ;oe.z tbe .?‘ See “First asswork ee thjor rativegtion SudFantiondbg whic -Trud chain?ang “oved.1yesterday:1iether ajuk ugderspat BO Shou ;i epan dp Nor thi Ee eee the;,¢ Patio heme!w8 Pha?peur Mie 2G.csulliran’Ss.anteAUG eM Lely:Neneh&auined Seatankfou.sy.Pete ee 9 Braehubs c-293 :woe Pe aie wi to.be “done;-Sheuldbelamong their rudy ede:ef.tin,“The ee”ati etesme thote SH roi toh OL }bee és a eae ‘ie te 4 4a :4 COs dah tr lets.“germioes!:4S:quié ‘a Sone Neake Ck ete ‘Tong:akiahp School)13g yepiains4 Jngadapiize the “Durue shure Fone .Phe Wiel Republicate Goand oteCau ‘qats,ga |Chsw an;hie ste chgit-,:3 PS ae ee <5 }as Gee is es thes white.axspayer-eeim the tork Lethe-creekwat Sai Coane onet He eegous!Aesbe >“Boh.a = eae oa :~ee tl gree:part f tre }Naud?Sdsstillerve place.”Thier igiieh,Started x LSnit wo:hepediate |ade aN 1g M.ma.gol ae IMS*owt Buri Ph Gat nee :hat al Re par of t reinS¢160)|hut"will Haye’haope!Like dang Couaityss Angehaha ayesse Where t hey :Pwatch,vty x"Ag wie ss rE ce ER eo:Soa tsaxes,orate Line.aeo-schbels,s*,OIE Miia”rulers wat a RAM ee Dermecr:aticboarty tanto hi das?ee1¢.;“This parry irahlng Ne “soy tit.a ‘ a ;.Se ¥Diclerncay 1 age ¢es ie «\he “ee 4 ,;oe x ee ae ee ees ears Tee,‘schooys will aliways-be".t 8 i ards “hase Speen?3eae‘for the Rae reysiti e was |Bs Aes ipa Paltind fig elecfis se alee vat ‘it is too.rise : +OF :tesues »ThesAwhite people”sell -ALOK ag Abs Bet aia <fow See Gt the Sui.ee RES ay siten tetase ast:“the partys:eee . ery.;yee Bi atak ‘‘#a :. ‘"‘re ton,it ive additionak ‘Lixes ‘ent Ketythss ee ok >MED:‘Youtn,SESsq-.eDowell:swag aided.”nel wetsthe lybors,aude sacrifice ofthe.as 3 =‘SIF Gtwtilge *Via the’tae har poen:tha Yk tsOn iiay ashi,oat er ;i fu Edeteem Seas Thu gs*,coun tyre i mig’sand gives?rosi-:é Beld ar er oe yatesuppastelts?Ovo.Sehoa)s,je eatt4 spiral EeBatty:Bags,peRLY byes (ulitiier tre:Hearascyt>oe i ae ae &aoa feces teoutdturte by et)hin:reed Soin [eee cptuugetotetywWasbipc uebet oP SU tirawood sind:ah finaly tori EROS ave yuust Up Ather pager De: a ees ae a pe i Sey ny ‘>shakes pace wt pe 2 Fi hae fing tte strack hifi dx4 tke bh sad b “whorlid nétbe:ir the heat and burs"‘ a aae‘atols us Se whet wessald aS,Leaky va"fue saa,oisk 3,Batt.ie ‘aha apsEUS din:iisnea aT eG Bene £ot 4“the day,foriet ith,’th:ic Soa tog eRe yeaseéest pad a <3 acini onattrsde fr §hoodstBt py oie dd:Riis JeLA,.Hytute,qui NCOS UES ears.old manish slags veWw if@rand i 5 tig county chaifinen’ought too has3 as B t =+St —:SyeHe ‘Seeytio &Pix Atieust ne eat ‘MISS fe te:Pear bin She af {dour whildgen,:oe |oF =‘i bs firs scognized,ang giten tthe.|Hebot. °€5.ne ec:ed og ae Ces inphead vet,aie:pander whictfear phat “Resk:site TWHeIp veta)MS.ae Avobtoaly q oa “i by ‘ai b.,Wake;:dia thes d i” :”Si at iic /{y Gael eee De tae ay:Da aT s 4 «age &‘vi aC Sea -eu “me >ac bare Sir aMan,“Yous ie Wa antlcme eySerbs y Sono rhs Chatine {Saute rebwib ae or ie ae ae ee oe ee =oe DeOTE?etme Food aset ting Mt mani Sits ‘cligir®”1 : :bh sea A ert a ay ee ayer b #Spt ee i EOP SOLIS 3 i}5 aoe oe =e Qiks.iaray:eh:HOW iytnny EOP a All Th a y vs Whe:Is We,before AQDY,-whi ito:tee LNs AXkebin put inst Of their Sedtact BiNrsctne:isl {and su ree SRS Sons,meounty,,$.°2 LA ESE.SELoES:is SS |‘tert “y Ste sms hie.the best in,the pikes wats)ube and”“repapeTN SE he LET eSeri dss |injuries:<liWasiTe Ms,work,*entifle a heme.Ss AS Ri eiect Cane Sea cae natin othe ventana Qu,of te AH eset ate SOAS as Wel SN firs+dhougit +‘that slits Sow:ula yee “e mul:bi eher,bot the news;ri f :ay hoe Pes ]Ma Bier Rh ia eS by '3}nape ‘<fi ©Sane ‘yb mine :4 ;a RE Tie fe Ach Gents.Teraishine has ar “et caged 275 PN ARRAY,Omsy ceeounreat eeUP ple rie ei aN hat ¥mee ~eeSyste coi ey General Je j @the ty ¢boardof commissibners gaye,him Ee:%: _ae em 5S elt AOis tavee beeheugusht dterGck «seems |’ia diapythy:“Lhewellss ok the 3 utCans Sent Sa Ce A PrOVec aden:Te en bauiese wile be reliev ed,from.wre y's (of avorkmans ip-the irs.-popition that theyvhydsthas?' ?Crs anid a ¥ou Sele“ft orm ok The:Taseent,atCes Mer ¥Ge al eet hen“eNyhaeNS Lakh hoited:)j a Les 4 "bacpiaich .at yah PE ee ee es bs peeLro:Halder yihihe®“ny mht “day Bt tN:army tind with)be alloyed be fen tial*re eniti of hi 4 A ‘S 4 :es a “fot.his’hut asa"mber 3 la recogmn 10M 30 ris”a -as 2 sty eIscptirens Uhr 10"dates anu *ilsBek eh LEESON “nargarisLo Novtr®*Carotinal,whit "fs the ’ee iicCalh,oof Star >Sealant hortiie,Siete’:AMGtay Chen a ae,he yoer.;ot $oe "ST.;“tite SCGiatomets avitl shapa,th thet ow ys ee Sars,¥.Pend ei 4 Bake War EE Pe artine aS TN es Abansy tle>.avidgous Genet Press He his oe ; Bus 22 portiuse they?Tallclot hing bal Pe abIsRING Bowes Uy-t 7 eeEectaQicapped inAbe ways Ot Fe has |wate in Jemtugtod’AG dy,Whe ax works widinie is th.Cargliot s Roll of Honorise ae oa :;oF DE See esity a inoue |TAgOudsy Wi etype ZS “petbey rytion ‘ofanefiicients;sid)3P07)ih yn tan:ied,oo!lew?and is new a)Gite he repe broke,eenusl ir Rebttch-:eunty.chairmen.,They ought...9” iD os ots Sacto ety :Pickens Bota.“agian five eh oi We i es town!ni Myf Mackcath iWee poloHp cA.ope yong ae obave.to.ate an yihins,but ¥t Moki tckp?0 *’r ‘es bey ¢ee +|ot my sib aay 2)ate ete Latent Be fo RS Te Saeco et "0 rilfiab“ubtain:sp Geb ohbgii jalverr out a8,gi 3 }TEES Es Be Bets ie nt Cert See a btu P BeesaS jin!five>children,ng OS 5 She ee :Rees 3 heat +andtomes:toous-.bigily,Phe!ice iS ay ah gn Sey 5 ee ai .2b ad es .oy ;a eas ines 2 ‘a pie pf OH&Fsimes hep nares of ite.gndéd.«cis office byin the:ryarfSSpt?Micenccre jist pasters”at Sa W Ul E:A as dE ERa AdiBs oe ategat aken Sir“i a Res BS -bv nefeute ror che:court holise,next:Aor to Foy es aieevyvile.“Cagweil-<Cost pa thay:‘£Knights of Honor elected the ooo "a :ew iaalS he ol McUrery,B td,wer pespealsr oven,warned t0.¥esign dnd Aeakesthert ex igllowing officers last,week:Dicta;/ SH 4 3 eat alge ENN ot fat eid ion:~.Railgoad s _have NE CASA Onary,Wohin AT c >)SH ze x »Alexander;vice,dictat:“,eae Ss}a is PN eee eee .}il Ae x er 4 SOUTFWThin:f20 dase.«a ery es * pe G fk ae ia:pees eet :Rice)SS Peete Cotsfthesd long *wagon,tunthe pateonens ofthe.POOR:ot Jopioxrous Lo:“the “fubite pegple son.” Laugenour;>assistant ee Nie oh‘Kee pton nlp this Tah tHe:Soe well hthsa CarayspecehS 40.arket “the pleaisiites of Tuyattseu-Wee bcos a Poona agvOLAL ob hIS*Sti Ley WAY Jue:BG}Cae —uid abs dictator,P.Be Chambers;secretary, ;ce rgistie prangs Neild Whosphates.<27 e eo hou f which:fou Hatttin.term gir grand}ah)wee A ee ee tH BPoos #Lfecetinzeaysaimey the whites<|\Ohe reals Carlton:financial secretary H-5 ar Stering High Grade ee 14 hee a hers with,OPED-BYsod?‘admin non a ‘eochpliment i a Forepa:lredetl Be,iA ety phrobabhy cu dirty Wi tebeiptsh,aye la es wale s ee et : 2.¥Sig a ya ak Oe Lee oy eae Mon,eeSim oy -‘he TNs kine rai :;ain,,-Hartrill;«ryide S ; Ow Brand"12 to.1d,Roe are m fe |Phong Stoves:ad milkYand=egse iatNesiken icoiits.CoeSpo Meee Tet/JoRslpeilkecGatects«a ree ACE Say she:Youn:‘inner.ghard WWes W ard;ee vA ri cnt Uiog OAY Cradle rods The day is:fat siten tht wtelty tteafion®ok:s weal bare Lop poresResse Observer aeBS Se saeeeby oiStes un nays atespiecrt :‘J pet ee.+ey Papi aod sels ;Te tte is a nose Neu.With:regan Ges.2QQ~.2 "gar vied 4 xiey’an rae sheaye uh atlord|ih ey or ah re Teergies:=\“Me Pouyaia: a — The.co ‘National. OFSTATESVILLE,N.C. ~~.*-Ere ntcts!sa Reger Rankin _Business.Eaters tbr ys Stidlattéstior rid to callectior’on all peintsya “Ua ~3 wee , Vex "OP iF ®-x DL,type t ’ »* Be PID yh);OFPrICENeb:A €oor™BR,‘President, is ~ omnes“COTOTHE.ee Sent 2 ut 4 R Ss :eis ’= ni age Statesville,NS.pir iesaeoe)OG Ge.cee Se ae ce eeiBit:seen Nici Nsot ao se hi “ah 7 ie Viet 3 _huHue s i16)renuly for business,1.Good ace?amsz:é Be Pa a Bets a Siired.aaoe aie o eet Le :;Afe,ie:ieat &MI rockjfMexonder Co.Agetissneer:bi 3CabStart ke Colvert,‘Propri-tors. nay esSS 2 t ae a “Ez oe Fehcid::x:-‘Seuing-se-Mae ‘rhe Most Midern~.;Séw ing’.Méachine:. 'smordcing“alt: :aH im prot ne . ROL CE Lou,,al,ey ls ANG FOR WASD:SIMPEICIBY FORKMACHTapstalent,meae+iDeate Xeweipyiaceorupiedtebe:tony.°utreeseeenc:-ty ‘uligiwdrssmit ted mnWaBos2a ‘byshire>Geo.Agent Ebu Batiaien, ¢ —— * “he serenek tee iie+ oFLeNader;Shy ae a ts ww a hl .+Bae. ee mae a X44 ¥} fm EE*,&€pechce ys‘Nh,ke oreS¥e:‘aaveFyesclicazalay't rye1)Selhic ia Phil 4add”“anil.property ery Bedsa eGR S tt os r .yeaeBaPerty.on,«Aue .Miter ieee ~6 =Aish daa ~ST t Bank. . Fe ~Depositsbceiv ecenabjeet towheckon nigh:ine deposits:\Money inane?on xeon!collnteraland ig at seta tervdited or cemitted at owestratestratiODS;ae Manviact yeety an Socata.‘solicited an “yoe.We “Se €CHEER.Vice T°aiden :aethy plare >hi feRittottthes Las :sikct Phe'ei nat worker a0.tht es BS Scratphi Statigs..uf thet wettTins, E abut tip “ice nFSat UN HRD Ic gistatures: Nate.ian ie Auntiesan-that Weis;sliguid'}. ave teltPitts,duty fav aiéate ex,ah cis “offhe board 208 pidermen |; ite pr bbe”Eourth;Ward rhe’Sudectas) Ce;ptaig te a“Pianligans Lesiiued! US UIT S call,Aad Feat as’“ent.| ce puctie The counthy basinal re}Sothant poutine,gutrikoni ediity in hey ne ole,Suban:‘tam,copied ao Lospenccatii¢C prieiaes and jets) PO negate sf,thee ‘)séhools that’paid by thecolored peo:| ah dy beGranitelans Marbie®%coon the 1 ree’,ine _gle seems?to, sp ewan panacea for spake:‘bites.ey 4 i Jqoart,of the:Sokthy ny TRIMS ne. 2 Ya aeown ‘gountry?Swhild”ets beliesed ina protective&taritt,. iach vis:the:ctayitycof thé present dor Anituation!ahat!our Congr"ExS.How 15 ~shouted ‘at.Ap wt wail)$0" 7 EOITORIAG NOTES:| ee sna,is ea ~Thesents ae tefl of.Faruiales|fc 4 ohetere.eT *he-fistaturow shShoutiS RiioeS znit’Hey.aseapepas of pe pE stalted Vout:POMEL THEY: Sait!‘thetwatouldd bs fewer:‘Ff:thee; Halts te aah Al antfiteré”were ph tka hopes:is£00.Seager and taxes tovha dso:7D iTi North’€Carchinn!Mor the heginias) riety pay,,O0t the,S paapfiess.:WOHC To Offiots pwlidse-duttes-ay einot:‘abe peselse to;“ther pebHe ate peirely proper that“he should aye}y Ne ara 3 \t éaene-Goe"Bia Hose aches!the Swan,fs]thine ae J.oeConk tas ipeiiod [ig pu osaeeeoneRoisAeoth:WEL ane t repertyesto a Eas US)wer and:He Areal bl peace hay ah.had-beett on,a visitWOE JOS?1 SectSs oe es =ne >Oe fm portant work“Tor:Air:Bry «Ltis vel that) Hexcromne 0)wax dttermnawe HOPS} Live“to-the£0 OEY,wor wh Nd ‘Site demand,ofor £Fay iSepdvatibe of Nahe abdeL Fuga “so tbat the white -chogls:receixe athe money paidsbyy = the white tax-payets-andthe’¢glored” bea pretty.“generaait 32 out gone’forever.Senie, Loker of prayréss.“ROW,phor Poses fozvov,tiis Oftetussle \soxer Fohn,Smiph,the doubtfil “voter at} Lieelectinn,by:the.énactment ofa] secret?ballot:Jaw,~-@.are led't0 pthese’reflections on the dspadenve:of ou times:by she antoupceménttbat Dues of.these ‘smhart‘Frengh/doctary bas pore:abd invented=a eure for ssaake bite—aserum:ewhich,has to be! ibjected inte tyoa|Wish pe svringey i Now this.would be all right if the: Worlde did,not,alréady,haye*a. “|reméay*whieh .has stopd-the y teste ,wt Cy the?”centuries.-“This ¥riome.while of world-Wide.mp, ‘fcture.brewed-iin:Sits apurest: form in thee Hil country uf*North. |Caroliva,apdis the;sorereiga .Cure, net *Reras sachsis?itssfeputation,“pharit’is /sulpped font aynong NS TO"every andi és 15 bePs ‘ined:thee dod »“ald:pong,brexd,at4. 2 motets.jo “the Abings dear to hai SiD eh Or oF.iv Fowson'''is Beg)with:deserviSd Suceess:-his! almost: oft. 4 nies Vili & malt “; y f huby} anversa)y conrried in the:“poets beinant 7 iti ¥ 4wt 4 st etiles aud “yhe Alortors:white our. aye bas ee hissho tor Shakesthat“Ww ‘ecoven ish re oe itt “our ahickly*populated: teoay rs xT we Shakis var ety Lome,ex:jae t dash Horke.‘Stolen in Charictis |¢;iti?park tren the:Uwvo%fajuckt xb a:dong 8 re ae ewe we Sts aey;fatten ok “the”Pernedye.‘Now ¢ aeihe igus end lind Little bots ¢ ye¥E dyei EM. cams at,me this Propchaiaw.and,C5 ) at oposes,(8rubstifute Vis VUE seryh,Shedubs bis vik the faut 36 ie aufh,infernal syriage toretires cheeeS.eyws bors Fe"oteStaadformingtas gone.and wie}Younyter ae ieaie ¥is: AGS: iso perp ieNorhat it willbe handy’tberi potiet ‘Ae tare Ww ae rock”av Mires SNe AST ‘ot SSake bile,Hardly.tess vt,barely,missiid chig-Healsi a ee 7 prt tha woes out,to,the fields,Wis Bee tue quan who)wil1 Meri wn Z and ssuch are’ps devowi,wai %vo te Re the fife SOF “one ofbis peak:'Ne Ww fi.a aaes svsieLéSatie Gale age pe ry aint‘to Oe. ,ie 13 “ha oa eeaughirsfaeDr .White Lact aed:None1 pit business weoe .aonce ase Ne ullowin x Aik SETHE Kpite Gn PaeSee CES ANC me rs ,Sh aeSeisSeeeeeHeEecreons eek Pee vee gets:a anette ee.“Ecos of: CAN ye ei ~—Since urchised thereiefab318senthatColne?esihe igi tise,Pus ae Salil rev <!pti Wand,Siten wit?Pesigit frowl,the BEek:“and Miss.Offic sOrhisop,-of AVY ReSNille.y-Senay ie ere os hurgry ood wot £2 ‘to.Cha.|i Wa ¢ut{inesull eaunty,seotpamariiodt ‘the Sai,We A eae NS aeassrettateswhy:SEABrvand itrdent.rydas?week ents ge ees Ditdlecorichmoad toeats, ersSD...Se “Mifjert ee bédvveleated Dahle Serveant”Ped,Cook.*Rh+. cObpaays 20a eears.sASSe.is Stittibgerestinthietits0°. ‘“Os fo Nis:Jate,va »Sherrilk,”sandsis:Ow aesa fot Mx Re ie 2sijss Mariana Awiais:<santo ory My find drsJ;GS “AGamS.and:Mr ‘bee ieee:Taslor..Sete marr red ith prenfence’ x Covington,oe f bets oo éreudtughter ot Mies,F."Rey ARE Adare,om See ey ¥ :“sles Co Ss ‘Ponglin Sant’‘ohthdy op tet urged Tust'week*fron’ ais.° the nciiyser there but ongfafibe chil|Yhey ote.“Milton.Herald,:udder?uc :z Valente 5The etect was Prettybunrst,on eestand taken:“in the attracted ‘aimclattten tion.‘Thebead Tost carp:igh“gr Demioeracy ‘and,as brought herere fro tit’os RaeSpreng,tid:mich:twata atesr the grand resu its gchiey ee ABO DTS!eopHtyy ani:wattstor ity: oun.editor’Hay:fastings Irie uds han admirers: re 4 ey iee A Moordsville Young Main ‘Shot At:re at csessiife 3Finds.Bile 7" bgst.obit as -Mr.. yp!aetunaing'troaa visit:oo aay ota 93{ci fady.in the,gpuntry.,some.person ‘aid’aud:shoy af bith, yb”twe tora |qwhea-‘the:sound ate Atl his.Sears!aud the“pail Sag Merle passing -alirough?fs body. passed ‘Ainough his 7 overcoats;uid tiroleh:‘Bis;dress ‘egat Just aboved Uk:waists:aE ‘Kistler’‘bas jan,idea Avo the Aor HhiS.s sete‘¢ ‘ aticthat iw “TBEClosed,as Th uothingg hadhap>‘avereorp oe is Rad S\olen Osis,aye ySavy >Gakuo:1, ‘eh int aphis ”eaefacil <ainyérosy:iN “!a sof:Kame’seul “b;be ‘abse-y |ve Ma rept ‘oma,Opt shore fo iy:rd yGecd! Norelsi Carolin ut’will hold se Petites 10:“experiments,Ra hae i ; .“si 5 203 “Couk:3 aes “asin ta otal a hay “fieWA alison:Teaeoed “Ta 4 \4 hard andeut yut phat “6 tne ws“would:be “pyurds:FORIS:‘wo rie Enqhirer.at a4 es the -xhootiinge is know a4 Loam oe $eeLokerseia<5 oe fot ¢ Yor bus Ths oS otFears As Daiinetotr:WS ‘ eS rabibied E or, it.OTeG satin AEE xf list tru Pe ane:“Sb:ted “deeds-ot Oran ed :Depa eNts wey sy”ond.ey SeEAE*oe Re.«:ae juss Wialde;Stcontity 66 cor:i aesehienaaeee,CAS Vinci g Oe Ne RL gel Sine ak Cee bo Sie:<AWeck asbeyyoJr:ablehthersBaD fee=Wark qasteThursday.eS ay >Fi +t,Te EASEansub=£o°.Lemyolga: nag errived.age Romes Mra vind |é dipgost dea,Republican.ag SER Hesideice of Barton.tee ~eee peak Diba,wasignterede ~yaa Neve “the”oe eee “udiiow oatas Map-but Of W‘iImington’besgcseofbie:Ssilish.Gditorials>isiNEWNanporalwilpablistfis:va petmhe ‘ecw,idae >eet WanZ ARapek.gdtured oan at th rapea.whitegithaged 11 years,+t is Ih,wots f“% ilfbas”ota GesASByShettiitattuer.MEWS aleSti ih i st “+S1‘barpes.’ ASOD Ksaaae{fle Wasi ty}Cot the Satie.:Ho the’.ee *fab, revently TheTeno, Dy:Aas pee Noted Be chemi pte in;they!att .*“sed*oP ‘dim bts, fad:nftended.to spend! Asavtiens,Phe Gurkens-was tarns};eg op Mor “the 2, staty,”=rae sfay WeSh ecw sis(preachet,Avho ised neaeeesuicjdeaneda~hby tLtow py bee Exp river.: ryay mohpaaa‘reat Ate 2 <<fates bda yaaa Pree te Neils‘Ristier var Hy ves,Ox,n°yeSee.of ‘Ofaindahalt,mikes:frou Weher hand”terribly.‘Herat Sines OLAasE ws.eer oe te Pare bof ber.father:so Cot 4 Bawhom =teTHMVnIChwas5a.8¢HE:Fes Ai i 2Somemots.:Manaing “the machines she atuemypsae UH,pay,thew:deka,Whenthé saws!the en CANE oi whi warty!nina te VOL suinepoiat a fasv avecae pi eS:atfron \ aeeerenket ;‘pe:Appkeheuded.ie ms ei cue At is tye qate.- oi es eS “ea ‘,Le inst sath te eeides Tis,~*fhe Fans Os SEN iatsae:Ceatson.tagt NePottyaebe Josie soe h [adel be nty dane bePe :“i¥oe aes y.Eh*immediately,after tin. YS t 4 *aN Re,pity shi Tue hud been,ins ii“shewdrsSee”“was/pat Anethe-door loekeds but “eae StiDpERS eRe:aniai Vie anunen,‘S“Hen and MISS ceae Walkingrout Aogether.‘ubiag-"the.oe:some tent Clevenget Slipped tthe;aes age Set!ther:placed’a’Fetolk close By tee zo Fei bP:Men se head and,:sed.His -xic a 185 h ak Beg,of MeKe n-fell deat athis’feets,7The.ast “wep shot tude killed ae Meeae weapon:Bppit:s (Me DY By.Goy.”named |Si »Calky whe “Hed:to:bintaSuicide.,ed.the boat“furjer.e ax,“Moksyth tour by Oneé daytast wank nl yy cont Maebts<amurnerty oe attacked™-tO).G ‘first <tine sSabday:axcgiaettandy" git Her ane pe e e e a r y . Pe n re s es en a? pa t k e Se pr e m gn p e r yo m r v m c e n m s e 4 Re ese r i ey e Pa p e r oe ir e a fe ' 2 Tetienwnagl oeshers {g:Gaddle -a 1ee the waytof:hag ae Ligkers., vominsences’Monday”:o Walk”“be a daily .route,lefiviga -‘athe at il: amend,returning at 6 pt mi Mr,w, M*Linker ‘will be the carri ae a Molie Davi iss’5-yepr-old d:aught prof Jr:James Davie:‘died ‘at,his home ; Lig.this.city.Sunday.The;remains,©. hiid’to rest dt Soudan cemne:.. And the funeral was preached Rey 5 awBoefot os eenlicy SE mtg*‘ e Te p e Fe aa NW acm i pre;plosipi iBt a “nite aione“Ba taste. eaabad):yainjured,ia)“Caadaz Oneday last weeks)D te owrkt bom oe ee ‘wont!a ‘stil Wefnedaw nitsame” sok"ons pbs:Sash in ond,of she “usd _weit in thes x enicicat nee©sand Sted Por oo oO.“€bevacou a Pe"Pay |Ss Ee :‘but.we have. on oe clothing at this time ¢ }rear.so.covercd with :that.it looked as if ity ad deen outin a regular snow-@ storm.5 Noneed of this snowstorm. “As the summer sun would elt,the:raesnow.so will- Fs eltfhese flaiesof:dandruff in ae $calp.>It goes further than of this;itptevents their formation. *Ty has:still other properties: ®st will restore color to gray hair dn.just:tentinles out of every, ‘fen cases.+And it ddes even more:it. feedsand nourishes the roots ‘of the hair.Thin hair becomes ‘@ thick hair;and short,hair.‘be- a comes Jong har. “We -have a book on the Hair and,Scalp.Ifis yours,for the “asking.:a jsznotobtain“all thebenefits :Btizoe,de from rage of theVigor,hae didctor oeit.,Probably,some <difficul roitywi poralayatom whichem.which may be eas osSCSees,Lowel. CaPhere i ee ‘cou >Pheof6Cr wave:ecoudty bya mall tna}he coe32 by =ofivial tes jg WANTED, Xe ~~Neat oe id Ni Se O Mite a7.|tuff.;SMALE ‘FAR xo ‘‘=eae ewsoe 9°ons BN ne VE os ‘tae egal ‘Eau peoaane Uy De:set a neta i set Soins ;¥4 In SP pee!as ve was burned,uc ok pasa po :2 bs Wg tbe ‘ty beMextestelicbe.mea‘are.sea i‘in he TiehL ot Batga's tittle o-year-old:,0:>December = :,Sirsa.Ty Noe Lb ay ehare(ge Victoriggs’arms*OI?th wo Amt “went to.t eee tér deliive mat St:‘SHED WHER ENS D8 sedge ek 5;:om sulatou ¥St NE Re es ate AOE ae c ‘the clecyiyiron the sp pope iy agtting fire’‘Lo:the hay’,“myade Tis een we Farms t rN:sitepa.Meyer ata Te vay Pena Wiese as ahs.Charles Wenig ae wubysis :3 mdAv ACL,“AlboteaeisiKioy!‘tlhe slveamiol a.Sotit jerk,a abit willing, nit 5 VAT ee i He er ai ye tek a!a :the 3"msidengs Bi:une.Ae +Ke Ch,Tews Limissiohed?-OTHEyy why.“oe wa :"4 Wie athe“5 ,}iL4 Lt . “y /bac VEEares,VTE i vare x ¥-uy mrt soe ;r rect bore,was Byrhersare aang wo.eeu tiertas ‘aici ae ie n afpies Is tyid «i Lyin okie :gst #EE Gee OEE BSE eae Foleo yangsh Lit SL00N.HME Neate punle fo.the Ubite Sates (ieee Po thinker H.Thadigesin,og <The Bp pom acesCoSaheNgaSea2apes"4 Pst pati ENS ae ue Ae “*ey five 38 Phe wikgial “drspatchgs dupeaciag ov keds aatiSoutbes See weiss poetcone ie a4ay eee PT Inirrod secre tiie a ak ea ete ectdey Tei “then terion,Blig joe ictory,*SateS5 J,Penton:Bee Tires Up est HOw |Pe eprewtad Ch seat anea!«.Her asrae tage e e cag Rt en=Civ ONIN c,ee Sy eee S|cen St “iscesar Feign AS*suor of Kanisus-ut the Rigas:<a Vnuce wats =n &een ph is so nih :on PRs ATA gs ESE oie Bra TAN areata at ad iL ted ge >i;\eos (ic(OxEG Shite his’:duty >on“el ae al Tauces f :“y jantndy stsrAd,R. ROMS »etal ~_vl ie t SiSesa Ni Valin iiit s i batty thy ©»A ha ;Gueroaly apedirty at pane ae be hhadle onei.hivesr Byost a es rkbie “>iUSOEN ee the:nypeti’sage fated.Sy gtr ind}eck!4 .'Kae ¢ps ‘42 abies A :a ae vee Ce eat St tend i ne i :siiA Es nel }i oh Hurst Donia “aay on i ';ee ay =Se ts)Se cae Pee ce ee“R oy!ride,he the dnpady ofthe svorld..‘HetsoutbernsDemeer Bie,tO or Th:ach oom : a:~Be Me GR 8Si ;Ghtes ot Rob:;oc ‘war jeafast theretquerAueNieodGausGveredthe?$0 miks between vue!isto wdge eternal warge{‘:Pi :b ‘ =“Pnost xB 35!Sahn oat peel.Wee,rived netic:se pualy of,Yexics sand Port.sLeaven=:soney:‘power asit robs THe’pepee ee.an a ‘; ;if ;e :.a +:oO »p ’ ce i bi te israysLess Horned Le Grate ky meieit ane Ey orth ia forty seven days:Hey wore Hrovyinthe.qodtr!pl Ree Cpt eke ea Sage Peeters..?5 ;—&SBA th im ty yee]ae Cie Daeer &tenmg:Lh}astute.ba,Lresh:horse’aterery Copportunry.Sor Vex -dpdesiing,aes ©ne So apn ecg 19 ep ae hae Si pipiens on ns an ti i f m8 iis Deeds Od 0 e waived cx;nels egSpee Eten A Ay "fhi :Srtate Faprist canteennile f whiely hy else a ey could.eve rehave |Pace i<eCrimnal ap sucitaptiesWosea od eas eaeree Sc es Rok Eviteirl He teer inane Sd .i ~ae Ay és 7.oo +i oe ~ce *Lene x *atAS“Sih Sil ion envi ek?ALLEL UWA.Aas hetie atdtiBee OL STXuy™cpDes 2 dar.atone Sie ae mar“S sales fortes eeCOuitt,Brose ai S :me argh,aR SHE z Asbeyii:i “Aya,Hits cdven Lares Gn Foute mverc pany:_better to be -dereuke Uae :byte ‘rent are NEXE |PASSoi,lek omtene hemor ning ih Novena etoe truddDemogtacy:than;ty)snes si ‘; .i epee eee i :eo a fasta:he rodeiti1o7Fort Leaven wobt ;ae pallies,ieee teeony aeAgo ox °is 3a,: i pares {Heap RAG,Kii hauts sy X iia andes Swi.the Eldrtoas Palins,‘and?fone,exes are oF tee is 7 :ce SOs ono es1A peatoo A :4 ay u“Pater agus ir &4 Uiere shotticy taesSeueet capried thee Rout Woe :fy ete a eakectuesd Bee een:fest fo: <hHe I RRO he ot meh .s ae t Me t on rivet:ghd “po Theater onor be!rg tlOPsultsnsahREéizeBdSojeelt,te aue4Epapers to a £6 graph ptt a whenee onic wan:~wi b ce Xe PATO.sit)ae t neve"North 3S Bere amie bs iS 4 >eUpde "OAs %3 ::%.Bs fussog.yuce wall fetta a uh ‘in SUE ivan:pee ritawe pe oy neBe eeSct Wie HEWS WUS soon tiCGs EAR erie 2 a offee works.+oe “corey.Bits weg .HS oupy i aby tench be Hage SU niet ‘ me ~;a ante atrt 3 ny Ss =ns :ees“;;phington Ma 8.FV ONL JA LeRoy it:sen GS Tuenke sf “4 is rina s ite,ney Ny Kas a 7 se a ene ronssage tik fis dearh®poiswhose sdtuwned Saturday.a Seteae:Spe *. alTh \,¥Ws 4 oe ;';7 5 oe bs hy eki s=h SinsxbE.hat i Spittal aavanded bine 2 uy BS TEU a 4 cpeeky:eRe!story’cated ‘Cet :3 oe ¥Si ih ee es ‘i ote ere ser ved ye hey relat ;[show Jr a dags dev Orion:wo his nas:;poles! oh ene cae Sine Cotesxf mes Seu ai ee a Teh.issplans While Grossing the'crée:ie Jonny oieaniNe 3 -2 hie WAR Hay CE,MATS cats Hap itm Ld:igs oCiLy:,arti:e.hisY®-4 Artuneviproke tngough ¢thesice>ane i oe aca ka bie ce ee fees Menten ae bas i arren match ia ape Aronivigw.“Saturday.beal ee ;ay.Sa eae:xin,AwinitousNI :x ree ~fatid unt Spacay abternoon:sbiss]{eC pcan eeead]cL web baat aa ae Sanpsils “i Safa tiara Tho:bad”Ot ate Mead =U plgees ‘herddoz Keepy mudd:pat Lie ole >?7 4 re om a Bevel “5 conbai OR 3c ees ata res hinake fai mae ‘ 2 Tevst,reais yee 4Sagi ae haear Andrews “Cherokee COUDRLYTWhet ;searching:Pirty reasheAsTHe Totty Dow Bee a ast oe ais Cumann Misronto set Spates BS ake agos es wh ASS kta e ee pal Si a Nz le wath stile a bets LE vas urdBek tast-1‘Fiday.wv Lyf Abd !jsgene thes founds ae soup hiya”antl irl SOE”Dre ae ih cs :anderiiiaite backfive:fete,oisPe ae rhe hea ae : nae S,ae ose yeah Ep ea oane catidideys the tenant,TSA re bi id aU :pug watthe ice almost owas.ir sttiem prom.:Bee Nea a :ve tae NN Pe aeiln!SFle antes SENG isaaeneRetRamsSRENeS37>del seanales,and FT.dates’)Cros wore fixedypomtheplae,and We oPhifer C0.Pe eS ee5antsseee2AWgdiestiBeat5uteeulue,che Sas Spent”aRhe:mth wit he)‘nent iuph LFekte:‘Seaech,for,The}s as a Fro.CK,a OLD Ivor Bi2-¥;;isk :\, :a Hag 58 Fs<i Aol Pia{Byyaligbeiretesg tEwas UG typhy:ADSt byrne anid two niulieea)vpdye be “dre ke ‘hoorAewilys TL.eas are ES,a .Bp Pi 2 Shi Biuralien”r wR Ub Sassari e ae wuley also.tast «ttc tows}200:Sith dulicuttsy,‘tilat-Bratk,Jaddoe.)Span haxative at aig ve iS . Bits alae Gd.Se a bepoeiey SLO as,CEsand?Wot wf et fre autber Bt toe:drownetb bry.Ys CUAX)we jeg eS OLB “ee ee :“ae eee eins if.SS RANT ee Ec ue Ae br Shas:suees ch ctunohi gitof dhe Tre is pakwowyr <Sec Te Bihacia meh2 1d Bice AON eS.fr caetiaey ota At te te “spre .c ee o ane eh en oe st celb ite f Nhe Soee maneree é oe ata cl +SidonD uyvid?A Covington,”Bagh:of NPEDFtoo-bush ©#W,INTE D :ee eee vt SEE raat¥Be ies S ihihe ofc aL.Viti Prn 27S A eretons ats i ee)is Nga AN TED 100-Dush nee .:SHB ine a ei ;“iat a peeMee he le fine sie <Sanneihe otha =onros Ged Sunday.aed:eee sae 3eaeopine GIl EN es 1S qpok Sap.GENERAL Wor?E>:Shee ee A by ae SoNad.with chad oe CON ete Be t x ena Leena aie inDer NCthe BaegisteBaek ead itt eae1 preseiyvat:con CO PRE ss:AD 7G ss Pee ee rent tek oh ‘i Meh:®i ah ar Liat tae re OS iat Rt Tyee rik this aptOn,rybtir ¢ak,“Welty 5 y “ae etd |aug!m:ay or ary Anieor."Eat X/ALex Were,duties,they eyacnation 5m4 es3 oe oe SN ade EaES aaa Cs tbe “"Hey eS :Bart a ne diywis ies Uw Gals et ok uePie Tom Adses ist admiinigtrariony that.reTy?LBS iees ‘Spanish 0)¢oe ee ¥)yg dyGCe Wi Me bec Bg ah a¢Se 1a ‘ei €idm ye Ui?yin yiph r=Vi $;<es eee *.f fie a oe tBs ’osu,hate beagee Wap of Sistah’)Vie:“5.“at ohimey|(suip yz dee-aihdhiy pe ZoeliteOESatter a oe Sat HI vpLIA doa Se ‘~gp:Cite or thats district;aud‘as:such:tres oesHavesSEE eanaD.oe 2 Saeko Zo Soe me atte Gets 4 VN Aratiesyes 2 p font Hrochtiysvdinted StuecSpile*Hesgayt Hid aii Re Sais ox Teapot Medd pBs por Bysliel-EiCitasVA4heeRSAfLtrhigin,ar ipnyedaseeanded:way ound,lawkers and Stee geeaa tee pa eBEET ee tkio who ‘ved,seb S ih *s aw ~:\oy ti oh PMS Dk a this i Be aD)ntl ta poset ints Sete h .“Weadack eta i eat FS | mee?i ae .iSige ee ;rE Lint oefer we iiss §gheirth pout:os wag i Pitas reves ae,Ts often:a wathitig ne the Be or is ak a koa Se te nese iiofPiri a 4 9).e > diya sR ai Bote Oe ee«Monti,Gi de ry ae.Care|4 topped (ot.Anaktive.Pee ae egoRe ia 2.vias=meaty Se a Myers ;| f ekCet erte “Oty Gina bree, fe \De putistoy.Mrektey }ae sae tere ace fees Aton akred:| eee Prue a spy ae a Prdyshi ©TazSbGel we yd os‘Ns osALESAy,ie eae g 4iy Pee on ba Pes Lise at ea oe rae y Ty hkA Mt,rc foiswesxtd:Saas pris ‘fulCe tl ineta Lsae,~Pt:$i oe oe .ae ea +‘ penne ean pestPea RO sg we TN tals Himeorere?de: eg wey? :«Saw.st ue Ua eae Reg Hache Atte DOT tts ot,iene mye 5 f PR tsis scares ancbedéae madfNett ‘ -<‘Sn os HEADS Vg ee Rergc ht ae Staves ts titmes ei i Si Steuisetg Featinesees. “i m aA Tet ut *+wry at meetzyOCheangHitsoe:aes ae “4 Lae cs dak e ie er : Fant We,FPoreé.-”pe aleSene isle udhicns t ‘ee was TheeCatpionSanlegit“taxswjade muriwe.the:lastNw hemby node,D Seat Indes’eesti "yt tos pplaAce,a neaemate bays Whe:1Ave rae”entte“over Lasyinburs :Seiatgr:?fot Miller-was? Seresuch action.7 :*Efayidoxt,ise Chicas wes Jant St. “ty -ai ae ~e%M“Re Fat‘Rory of the’Bibeiewetigh SNempadtatDaresoAsold-to the UHioy!aa Jposparie,"bt ew York -}basac PS Gurr bas ned betes the : Jaew toni pany.and wrt)Retata,seu eelBae Du ‘yan eePo Ler rain sat ish abddyos f ha timid Ki syud +AC Chany!BeartatsosoH30.me ce esae ica wit‘back>ear meee Si by Brey eS abt etiqus SUbstatice tye" :ado not weaken:by!ing-to B10 " sepheses ce pre Sour:eit ~OnS)ne ts Y terease Lye: eae oe ONS ss ae a ain Caw oe Pines 7 —+ .Notted bas \ude a en cPSEH SO tel)a fi a tye”ate heer!ive,Shove DTU >zt espe Sidr a aLaS}208), aNedi hd pee imslagie cc §pSmatin’Oasutry: ot ae ot Ke ‘OGee sss Ses,‘tary sitA if Sota =Rica ot <<6 TH:Py schhontes temgiETOASasuinteatntris“qt ethersSlay cere:theapt tate 23 ae Tala :panes ZeUNE “OR ESHe Hie oN HYSee ao Dt Tint pete by Veyig PRL vere ar bat ABG eaitey Sayei Fey ne at oe iaPesahee:oti oea Nice Crist ‘ae Hreseitg LT oe rs be)pet Oe gt hDok.Met een Beatsfet i Saat)Tea nS Fy ee .*;Shp fe og Oy hohe OOSat -Bheie de =bast:“pO pitany Cc ,Pua ibevitsatee Tho havesCOIN4RagstulegateRePeLLeeZONEoktpisunicefox,c pistanas prasetits.ieeoSunk“nit rere.—He yayes ue Sra Apey ‘That dent!tor Willhetine dhe pes-LY Sebilleg uaIs aie pee inf nich ate trai bedete =he deo aVT idfax.cpt bingint pe lee gad,witjr'thie as ~~)ishets ars “taf Sh white pristiyer vented 4 BeGeeta &ee:wot AiuSton,ore hyrest- binWash:amet oneCity ‘Mouday nvehtrelgrizineworSainOs ON troubles:mayimo,heevic jent GureXctiliver:trout: 3 Perna puompet,-Bs AB ou ogmunchiesa if ae b fo whats ‘ol tise:Undy.dard AVES fbr ck tu1Ean hye’ Ain VS wi wiotele ia heek mine;rat Vt.“it "fab ayer +h eat the =xf,,% pintices sabre was tech Ta Tent EAC 5 oidber ds thi fitherott:Deas y =F ACEO TT ad EE Setteoy :ieee“buss wheweteaurvSted “ahork f sens ors on {theIve ristore.Be ed ee*at S38)hd he Aver cMipors,ott At heeiver aQO.wods,vem -Tor aves fs,a thee Be syste.“RERENNOSApHUZ § rs “"we EL Pe im Pe *,<6 PS oe Ger Thee tee cl ft ¥sw ieisvus Mir Bessek of tid Soorts whiclehl<boys]4 Gerittedet“ik agugthotern abarans,”,Be»Aun‘a cmeat Catt ply “eaé tive narod ee meehee ere diye stole ‘alsnvea yoshi torsit™neon Pee~Hie 8 SS)dosds Tye Mysto.o-C red abn was ataNn AMierissser 316)/ 4 mh ON.‘~i =a a ..ysie%..y ae Joa,natkrvA ROI bbeiteay®®S iUT leryae Be AGE Hood 00:eeMase “;= ire AEN GES .ee enis.)belt BECne‘atutly Oo MM =pS as ee oo ‘Ure flage ‘ott ay te ic x CNtag :Ss a Ni ees,has ~wt Ha aah de Gerqushor :ce 2.*MW Pesaied Qinplnge arene’,ues dedTyeCheat i ENChere Os SS weston Aivtdet Bitepray SERS ‘mats west tome ISTIBES8a;Saheraos otis Arig wa Ntaetx illied ate,Mean ‘Calartras,contr 4 WVaat is Whe Scare mak ide SS Dg fee ae=<a*ss :netTs as,Penne rs Nondan:.iehtt:ie Shel Heer clotie Eteees itinnvel onechitin VOPR G Fe:teesthes Saat aid thay boar Canam aN “commix,1“Sabet ter peree forse?K Cris no ditkereyee ts - eects SL 5 An‘uber Vaile thie L.eyish itua®“en hinioke Ane,puviic s;gael Duy’onthe 5 a esgems Me ame leete CSped er bighe Pest,thie eater:;:y Poet w tHe &ne gr?pRoby:*aR tte i Teistht LEDS am WAS may Vesna!Her'gn”ttletale!ite |a3ee es “MILAN E.Comsl pata.psy Welw pat beec peas jie the Sapa DieFe ie:‘-c “PQpakst.Jender,,oh setsiktec:w7s Bs ys ee wae five:Ea r weeny <M ie bak ¥Reesee spe OW eae Kou apt Slee ye LFsf naey ie Sgn ons fe oe S reSoS spheaaiev'Take.ix phe:bee ig:ont Le i ; ae UaNaw Ravertidements.ee aed EE Wat fearity leCee prong POs WAFe sc bet tides ‘ation Vor “elie Linen ghy:bekore the~pablic “Vat:i,ane Poe toe shriPu euteabeae axl ol ERP.“at;FAuiaTe En in -bo,Ug tried 7ahd:Mbeepuybled ees eS Seuise)Wha:We Wwe PetsaanSok CPL Vou PECIde pas!forgmneht |ORD 1eh shesonretout hpos =buiS Werth:erterieMiu:vv sty “bard yaurcy,Sues seth.preteenare atDaphuteby Wehfs ’Slooty&Mike Alid shee men.date tien firen™Shhese sleppery|ee Joxtetsion tables v ehavies yw hdc h,*vou xrourSett ap to:iAST nd ¢ining poagnas Pants-ont!Set: StaveNs we.4 sated ‘eNGY=}4f-bb bel Oleaye DE bynerie.cull:thege-ts 208 eure gquati iamounatte st5.4RienDetain’,%ae SF nh:meanduse difly lies et TAG.— Thde ¢xphuls ntfhauiber lain’s Copel:Rouneileesorete kifhd Rone Lounylt xKaByersiatatlkinderatensWomitag)rbd dy!‘praca ee Theyes sdgbcea |’ Sign:ud vate Mp with;Sond Biebion f Dévelity:yuk bath,wer exxager | class Inletvdeo carRuut teretu?weedy tp auc $160-8Nanadh “Ti rev:de:rs Ort hay paper witty ies at S phe dare"en ns =Die.PaleF.$2 Misty esyedseneaget L Sore HORTON:Peaykid ex's Ai ROA bt ste Vidrio: Seach Reagay.LESNght Norco a Pe .ewdrd $160. “1 CVS in Pe eeice osP54: meh :.brie Yo eteenper,bush pFtkeeaeoeihe sdAO0K ne pec“upe altieredlacy a is theiri eThewivay alse”hakt AndtigesSteal Fem iS dte'i fir a steeppesSess (atettt,~CRUfal ore. Svea uctodk suceenetiues he heat iacts badly pe ase cS Awake unitiy!a Whe5 & pe xcall,asoteiraye Sd ‘hote ay Lode‘falwy briht Ss iedekiparoeoes * sy 7 fane yah; <mt}<< a ASeoseae reat se 2 Wehate’Sop stetye: "*~ors}4i.ade cane.eae "<$5iofthsswitina a I: 2 v .esaticane’-“i lit *Ceaaety xdeeaise sfCOMEPEBXI oS 4 a suressuk hyapehict ies )ple ¥Cousot Rati it agidoey 4 q- ibe iay ty ”yyee2i ee art tanning thaahars:; 41033)pe oe he@ki 44.i by rita “Atyoltile 75:at f.: X jap OWee ne heoe jata?OX* f.“¢rea &‘Many.Hares Suitatle- “ recom;rhe tents bereasSy grofn ae ,pure.will are? OetNTes An oer Eee an a.ech ic swabs make?'fe Su ri Offerings,- §Bad:articles +:that HOVes tO Sout ifs Atal:ere is Neo tea‘ Hae Ul wy OS Seetne eewud IY i herFie he Lae *~sit thee AT int?:fy:ev h *pele vie =aSees BAS eee Pooper:eS Gig eae eventing eeen ree haw ratio me te treaFr ifsonse dleSATOt offined ny hat 2); is esares es Pacha?kon ee necessatve for ADS Ghtistoyas.ta OGatk ite NEAREST aids shatcys int een “RoUMNeas wuts iva aifTost at ov es fer He:apsim Gyr ysaati os Ms Coeeee t The NS“hive?*Dae”VxheySfaut.-theCEOS Cararth«Po ie’tile PealY.Posy tb Treause,thir Atrsts sing ONS EO &y.pee:3+ep Gl ngetivestvan t icetPnsdhn F Pest,Wass ahine‘Oates ant Coffeas®“aie Knowsct min <pratbieal tatesmnty ii multsickuess.that,‘tiney e.werPao SSaSain:a aesSistLife hk HePywie:DN ape 5 ate aE as mk d fhbring&ote!tut onal gisteaey rf inkabev,peed.aPme:dick Ore ae:BU En THsure,wilh Bede &Guscagavts Jetpr eiresarronio igactoeal tieat erty JA bt!ae Fh Faiath ‘inal tas:sich:b=-ea ike ayshin's:apn Nias,opiame |§#hey.feypyesonk ¢Hie-st worst conned ‘Catagen Cary as.Cate ryterhardyc,Heyl e ae me RRO ee ; wags baasehve and apyely8 sli iM Se an Hien att a ht}in Ldirketin (potTHA by god aed smanhous.Syekended ee =eaeahs‘och ams;Deo pieyends =krangesme Pt 8 x i"ane AEs eeeFviy.teeta bast Rimeseee note we eWeoepwseyaiyo,Pounds tioncol thes iene a¢Pave .2 >NM ie ay{&tie ?CAM ua ent teh 5Fea ver jie Wy:‘_2 palietr stren:wiby oldie?Ds pe “cuhe Found a yes ete eeeoe ea .’ aSyitat vara WanYew oprins ihtan:$9 es“eh Moun ay duveby ae spt “i aid ashistinvg Nybuhe”het ing’its|sudGu.Gased.AY neys;.at fissth teHnearersiFmhoar’ete eck “path [bea fine Larrity %or sfles “1 *-ty pores be poppetors “have a aeLe paisdted eitnes Hl ROME ‘Siw arat sh iswigit renters HL betiD Ye sanity res.=e shine wy oO aS caintives peikers Al ot ple aeStoxtay and 4 ng EYA aa¥ag bYoot heatine |iy faba CTsaOR res Bur erge Oi Hundred Dovnis Flas wilyCaos7nett pe“bral tht.ee nsXigh en stat igh >y “>ips igste:isited Sige t ‘ion ay aynS Aor apiidttoce fe +ay age ha Witsthe.fire Oo eentn ¥CR, tess Siew (otereye sts We ours!x Famnuielase 3wy esSe hay 4: Fuel fam §ake Di Rig tara.Jun akfakin,<ge any fret See he ee mi lets ay it A meuee pakee Apenee ss ey We Grieg:ad Sante)R oo s: tives patie te.tragitows—Aiea 2 % “SQd‘toe!pure eehrbis:Thi Stak stenigch an “bowels sprea eyins by rg poy cee ie OE ¥oS Juha rte ea COD fee end hind 1o.alow any TAN “=gene tet hes tegulare size Lak workdeng:He 3.Shoe eae et IDK anda:Gerstands tis Dumgesy fearai Om.BebeReweres y opin thfinesfrtrworked ic~and hit at scan-cede gbiatesewhenih ¢soe Se:Hsteea me hh héntiy PyeBlaisles,Desry: eee 1 YTCE AS Od vital.apsewe help ts]Satimalates Ane#re bs Kidese lta@rcuyes"a:Sthe,\ki rey" fattte?Hee: fe,SS every,vSeoo Bisa Mar he diver’ i ‘“shenmatgsin,|Eee1tspthet7Tresthe Se apprghere setscihps tail 1G, |Xinas “|ith iain,rat CDallg 29 cute!Semdtordst,of,eS edges &.CALVES EX WO,Tor.=dy aunt tC. mags Fas 6,1 toltar,Or.sot ee AWABN,x S60"- P sourxelttouAARIOREADY,.- omaneFGA wee aCakes,yer &Lo. s:You van’vetPhe:ath “he:drugstores at Gitty.eeitsSand ong.ess “sordertin 75 emisgreat dispovet yxSyraimp;Roat 7]ee a Seniling your.sidltsses (bn Kiley“Braghaniten,,N: Re ‘ample botite anda book that tefl e vegalar Spay,pirst ¢‘prove.for.inries.of]f ree be hf .for W eaeeaddant Rae ake SUN.tod ts 2 Gold Pens‘Ssetieell sthMickte)VHan dzone hic Of Bobks, s Gifts!, NovagSBee aa ay,nr:astz m0 at fo:wneesbng wo ‘old opty sot eee Bs i : Eiye Stationery ;riiaait prikey,:Fe 2 'et Pre pesCLS:and:Togth pieks Koantaiy Pia pgcial,3 : ‘;eects ated Silrer,Photo:Bax etek :f Mis,AhaSesy.Glassw are,‘Ts:Bass Fst!tien teen tox :Ee ALLISON. HANS!| V2)»pat owall — 1 -y, :oe be reawille,’ ound.fo ames and places,ie Lite h urpi se.of receiviLig the :vod aod las}:‘gound |for?ply gnu:sétiles as.thexe has been vi :date add mist shave:the prauey:to myecet ee ednesday. Phursduy:Degeiny,rl): 2 Stowe,Euan,Degember a +Satu days emoder 10.4 gra -Shores Mader Drcenrh +p Isiesday,DecemHer 20 :siStore,Wedesday,Decem det 21.*>-ber 22 5 er ae Yi,paren ier Seer ae xs Bogen)setts see te,Myoday Were $82.=Shy a esthay gid wsstiss iy.|favre +1898 HOUT Taxes fot, his *tux,ese >fiavld ”aeESiaDececemDer13:: December 19.-°*' Weyeoft,Spent »\make:btetita’tYgasiitAdeisi:Nuttors;¢So.sfoFeloth,rand fall’Gutters.vindWorkondscomthenye”oye fine, .teats reid te Lenf,egni non see ;eo ee mates:ae i a Se yi i ste c Ses E14Eee itspa Cabs‘y Bacar a MERI eR z AND ogee ee Se gts A ;:4 2 LEE;:wal ey.hte tarks.UREA)=baeet re “5 t ee ipissit he Ve free by ROE}-;ee phatesch ;ee3 oe see:Ese =cronNE ESR AyDETUES:«eee oa “Aud other“gowrip :;gind'yy montiol chia =onite2aeGothanjensrine:ten ae ”e BR =eh Bm ehedlesFeessiiPikyfseeLOISle-Arengicn forSu séess=Be!|e2 Holidays’:ae neease Janes S hres :oe ”ae:ee eee ea:a ees whete,eis:ieeeebear “er Sion t e anit ‘to sell you “the “xmmatixia,irtBEoeA‘Orn fr 1x :Seg *oe 3 An ’ae ee f SoFeebh“Sit Sese=fone a Wie Loa};Depend“strsply,cae etrongia psu decon bom yourEe ea them Nee ees“tO gman eat eaea See ir nah::B:etsy ESE AS statis Hs “meg RR Uae Seya ae biie 3 VOTERS:Mw Ti ratssit 7 BUN ae Jt Nea .LG a,PS Rete TE poe:‘the 7b)od.uo taat ?i ae [Gurrants,«iS ois ;apeait)kore Lory belFea yeu pia Pt }chi Piper iS ka »Porhay x aX,eres need»r ALL-RINDS.Silage Doren ¢Pitan tice nourhine:St Ppsaeeties aoe eer 2 Catrene+e WF euliss ©best jer =e t ie or Parhsp:Fe ie ge Nae 3S /9)ee 7 rEPSSAGgySeitePeeseVinayrainstheatihts,f Blood feeds thenerves.”eeeG avo towne ¢|Raisins,©.7 4Bee coN-oe Rte SOS ;ergot ah tag |iv.My tet att:ARMY:Ener yor x Ck nonet,;Q ae Qte ergs a“ieshes*‘vied i witint is :ane makes them sstrong ¢co eke Sa Tae ox:HADES sxeSSaf Figs,xe Satake NURS.«Sa i SpateThe.great’herv é tortis.ee theo,ae is Hates:4e ee aeeeeRYTHING 7 siesagen) 26 Neots ¢>a irate ier PIMC Ae AE af ane rede Se oh ;eee jaeed{clot “Be OGRE KASSe ae ‘ty >eae eXre -Pprices.x “completed Parse noTOMee ayemeEHcod’>ae pala,ageSie -&Cy BK,bs ea T er],Strip,tion.’MyAes .odbh Uleoeract open!Seles uolieeted.Mx th ..~io TMIASSES =os :ne AS ica aS,eeae|Becatseiit males’Re re oeap ?aE Ee Meee wisipn.clear and eas oi mous teeth |the:first'o ki;pe ‘5 :*iCaahi hors hae hr ited:Vx at {Th We if and.eea ERS Or3a :oe ae peeSas erevelt ot Boge,eal aJosaRoncipetin’ritedte od ‘rie Chae ete neyns‘Howl ey Obyegtad A “‘UY wages:¢9 Sin texas.;eo eves hs lg Bad Dear hi reg i at She!Purengiving i“at:power,rege eS gee wthhs ED =ie dncreedHereTeessegatierhd|a “hx K *ss :f SAeoReB tt MeL TeRE IS reéCareentitneTefeedthe.nerves.ee i a bee PS ziato’i mae eae me sorteShenyaadtito.he por 103s 734):‘at te ‘Hood's’oe)ee are te beat et esais.aoe feeb abe i“¢robe ;.pies i Od OW,ROB SPNetgeBusesnervolisiess,.°:2p tires Ta thonaire $"PP Nae. “oa IS ,4 aay Sian =-ae “SCORES EMUL-\»“iallies fs Ch “ee,ma io.e igre deat Lawley hy BbiWe oS wi ene arene o —)SION is/tio dasiest.-a a ee Boeee Jieadl,dischargeIronktienose,ring.ot RS ney ts ay nis m4 oe 1c bad quictke it-<cure |fox”(Po benose UT era,AC See neds by,bourseoeetcsSyessttate,cei Etta ey :sf ©Catarrh,scrofula,!ees ;os |Sarsapafilla which puiritiés-uneb eariches.theoe.fa reek,+aay Goes taoft }Pesca ws ove a5 ak TIS fi om er iwoak,throats;for roadBisa sodthes aiid rebuilds Cee:and’yeRRRTsraeAge=fieustINES get i Setieben FD yean ib os om—allformas.of ssee teas|ae EVES AllieAisrerPeADle ee Bic aegeeeorseesBliveswiemares,[Swear SeesBie8eead):,B cies,Ta.and toss:of flesh tw -i ss ze% os Gare pee:iu nie Rae tehee :yee o¥d. ee fa ska abir iehegS i.ee a 4soesaeavoor 5 t “Kidne oe satedpoeOdespoyLdGupinsthe>cunty RST De BS:Tend £eiCe =é isp etek y ie eee.Sia 3)et é is SORTSetecteaeranree/.soocsnopevesecnesssetecaitoreqeseeose f SA:oeLod Oyster eee Sa “site 0Miser Ty Spates tt ied ~onple:ox:ob.Die inediNewaverie ESSE ie a peta eet ;ilies sREDSis bacase sure oa,Se OQ 2 cided cut a >See oh Sel eee pO Yor hie SNe Sat ure iva "Pills.3‘trial wilt Gopwince xv,of Beek.et sorts ee NOTICES RS =p ma oe relieving unin binder Sree aa ae iota uh:ae tas ;mw Pee yh ‘Yorn.yiihe.Cot:Ay MiHersrswhAC Byy ae thei merits)Si “TRhesé“pilts.-are easy,ef fo Eom $y whe Aa ee Relieyesnettyioa oy walter:te Bea:Hotix waite peel STORE eat TeSosilers.,mode ty a intagtian ahaca Wé partivularly effey:“elk JERSONS INDEBTED Td ME MUST st Aer 8 aS Sein eee eRrelicoeAuewtLewdnikatefarvbiand.cure thi Sold by oesfheBeebehksin|at boss palpeveis Dartee eenS TGRY Faking Xors¢.Sanit aie TiVe in the tpre wsor:Constipation and d ee ore a fr Ye eer Seieuiars ole assoasa Statesville SCN ‘so thee Lac >oqdan)eSTag Away}Vy for West ae:eve“ed Tex matl-z Sek beadach Sr Ror malitria “and!soe ofan’aterre Call ys hee wets Sareea haa =Ps »ASjn eG Mthend a WiltNPReton.Sotham wer Ost:-euly Liveive:rentinga,m ‘Ayer avtniblas they have beé@n proved|cost.)°-7£it oes “COPELAND.”Fie,tesf fee In tant cele Bee ay ky WALD ot Ok oe youut Serta Hie chick?Mite rade 2spartini fos Ayvaluable.They:are xuarapteed Su 161808 Tad SR ne tte qe SKS re 3‘Cars ag ne Wier the ne highest Tl ORT fy be,perictt ly treet om..exerk dele:|'1D Fi oe iTe;iSyain.eterostame‘faut {bi at wher al ssj Meascars “To thiseond oa HE Matix Oni ANT).is =ey Ulertide:,ving jy J :Ath as obje tO eweryidas WE! gestpreseptsOfte wat nt ;€because not wirely”ei wyarcd$of®Sigers 3 other andAGTA:ra “Aahd'sStradved yisiont whi i ay.be Trento!RC Aitions'by the application :WEY por oe —RS z parénis ce A\CHRISTNSAs a3 ane yotgive them mire pics Ss Yeo 2 wpe Suzy nie it be.the §Squrectit theE ake “Ah Iki Ssrateft#taranvt ed. <r 6 see %.* aie, ane: |Tv yen Tissabre.Shed "byly ©aun Soe a Ao eee ae odnais Te a oeSASSyee ues.=ay a Seat f veae a .:| ;men Snericahypon oefer ;ae “The Firse SoNo | .wie ;Dakine ada tied ms Chacon #is,Wertsailé oo :Sasdn ithe,tGanESoa Bagutifal ede rtepicarive “churn,“,Poet operated fii Aity caReeRatesSneBeesSiiueseedistingOfLtiddeaxZee Migaving’Tusesey,Evahlon.oe ae wa 9g«fe'Su*Sui eweYA ashe oie a tenes 5!Ss .aieetnrizesw‘his.5 hte OES :awba:are Tatas (DY es SEI Ret Pity Vs ty SUES #).1s.¥:ayrTpw foPeeie“loneavine Pinecsiiit y hasAitedRiesssatne,MEMblensaitineseae OSes 7 y aeGage Wiwon:Sadek teaaor?My AlaneHah |a igesien?ossenseyeiFSitin‘4 sep ik ©Salton,were nutespantie:SAY ye»:BE Bee Ehe Atos Vins Havana’aagaich to Diet are oeetePat&ay eetow,ee the’R22.re SbYteria liste,huesdady Ey,.Neash Ge kn ek.mie haLsssith Sphe,;en ~CateOI,he sade 5 hi meat eS az Obs Sere:Seat e COae Ve.ay v eae ilps estat:ai zy a ee Hon rede bas sublet’ike the story a eit tteeaBeesBattin Ok asi as:RNS MSRNa a ear entssF=Wie steutieowiys ith te tnatietingh“tron ast abe ge :sanetees Be sie hy SNe atLiatfeaeStSas”faltows:<Mespas ee Dire*FY.TEETH San Ty esetNj ox7KveceetoPWD0“eben Coe ad BS Le yt Wert Bhi artived:Wikre yes waite Se :‘s ‘has th neotvould“be ntaedF prea stiTyas:Mp.mes 5dfuel BSratear op ibe irited Htates tr em Sidiconea Hee Cee ‘ >UE tly Soe OF upied ut Mgy-<Bers Peay 2,3 disaitibarkeu~th?decorated “with 5 ioe atseters Been :Bat a is ma eR eee 1a Sa ton AN ~Ko:“&de“Seay,”Wiha ;Inge aud aharch d rhreuvt Hee eis a oa Hat Kou cbrytagsha BOS a ORES S “hs BIS a cede iat ace ny Thommen 14 22 eaebieuadbeanSerat.thei business:here fyi ity?¥tu.Hund aed Edl0rs,to cans it Be)at ion tke“sree aad AN c Dale ag hoey Gy re ’Ea oA ,a ip fs aes Pa emcee vat : Bee)3Pe,SS)He SED omni te JehoSon.ok jalan By ?me the rei of.the avcirahione?"Hated:SoMa:FON Ba Tela’5 <~3 :i 2S Macher at hebes:ROW Sngeu.Gott.ad rene j ante oo 3 Oi!=eee SHEEee Hosen*ail+etdae aiRe Pakite Mp.sc oie Ss iGetro many:pridyeds omen,”wore si rd3AaaACA,oeMeSideRyiinreilisarelyLiaticls~_Meps m“by Nix ent.“ytaplesken:tonne one following all:om nS é 3 :'Tohisteda:.et eg LA WINS CNL BSc Titie GES neeTeCNRSOoBeeeeges:Meet 3 ene Eunts)rtiyof theeh teh seu:spanked.Moka tenesPounre§Pee yh AG cae ae ia ae’oa GaltaiesBe presoN dtdne Yoteh ee ee cep etmprign:thé-pien en:aS ¢oe Si US eke Rast s :“bar iL ee evades atid:C-10rs,bathSiete See h.5 1 eee :if ‘;i ne i eS!SI ard Fae, =3 G heiriends'oF i ey Contract Dy.pati winter eeCy !SL |Re aN COE een ee Q Shea Wty '::he ESS ae ie iat tam eat geet ae Gibistece eee ae;aeIR 2 beta’BD ihe OR eh ees og SO)a.a Nak CER C Be SURO ae Bae osandtheebitirenshomingendearingmyoeand‘MI x oeBe =Meaot Pawan ae of ORIN 7 ASC respie This Se :aD CAS OMS Foros:WellingFinisaaS‘hbe Sorth,Catoliniapst 5 %x Sn SCRSS OUT AS Wiehe ae BD ede oR eo eh :nes Gams Seah ORS trudge a: chet ous a >:e dx.gee acy,1m ee ot fs ke ,at ag peed -yay bs i *‘*©oe i 5 aos Br _2 thee2eraatware.‘ensarettont‘the ERGEuioy 8 :Deve Br see here Sas Zar Sire GemmeceO eh ee eave OOn.5 Biter35pagdeslingdisplaveds.Se |S oree,idry POpakoye Dapite.Rest Pie Yeh Bl Seppic BS ee ,:Peet Gui.peeredEubatis“iglld Ree a Pri Gree ek Abra :‘tevin cee to 3 wef pt pat ARE arn er.=a d naseBoe te Se a ee tare zisratlgutigaasilaneof§ae Phe aes regetq esosvd ES»Ha’secapnyLeaveADATCRinksarder,zmac r,AWwiab.OEeet*iag sappegrunée,“reaching theca ecmeaesSite slotit eoReeetsJ)SAREE ut lo loebthisuyyrn ids aware}7 Sr mae .»«Ale ’[heirs sigh Oallestys §Pe dere’pie veess&setanconeoot PANE aater jpogn,cou forpal ae tite “La "SeneMaty Salas TS Lonie Conyliit eas ;eaes <Uatssteeaes.ae MS;ede be AE Oe:i Liew Radio,”Ear hile Mice aba faa opieoath.St RS Sete Ms ’Bete:Rete tes ~egtay sane ivith “ews:Beeb aD ber RSgos.eee APTA CUS S we eeOL eh ee |Revere:Newon Ce th?axcelle sees Loilie Yor “You,”BRS Meg ska dety -SUL EISa Weekes|+Mir,JeTA;Ry ter OLAmi Fict Mateaaasever Seresragy=e at2)Lopened:dps “aMiew rdigtilieng 7 tae?“byidatt BERR utces ds m gnG staatpeorMr.J,Payuthsot Olea Fagrch to:‘Ure Stam ae 1Gs eeEne eeNoseuddone.o wo aiktHlerigs.vee lfc chs BRSEy Ee eeTyeyevhejaasWeekvetentitestpeute;Dr..teu ete s ne ak ie.Eatorekecptrsandyanvers:hia,Leage pieej ues aoe fas:Been ny <q te dopy imthiscowmity.oe gma add emuMaloneafAkinnaysbe*bxpected us Petcuyon “by piste wisty aibaa‘>prt Sf Kaiten:A tae:Bride ei ani ben ce,Nt Abe eis aApeMEWxpaneZMidisen’ARR if woh Ube iter DAFod ames ae ae rhpegtiSataketttieeDEEsu-5 che y weal Be:BesCu vee ae‘atid FOPorsive pedHPS Daas PeptstyAegugeut CotAaaSSse%;§Sean Whicers Sh Sie}-Ch,phd thesPLT Wits bealy;etijaliostists Roost GBiceSaoes:spa aah Snandateat|mae Vasere rel thea 24ofAty<Jame!"Conds,=of TWikost ed {HEDabldin:Eee Se aa S:ates Ltt “Ailey near Lowenep Tae briides ag aitivedd“ihe:ee ite rm Sahee eS &rac eatSee sy.Grebe Chat ya es Coss Hack Sof sbusinessfSous “pyle away2pod 6):eseBil sL |ee Mey E ryt thevtelank’rooktig Re?peaseessoh AS!key Swhioh Mereydi tyDriehoa atid”:ad bog om py Dhclagakten wea xas0,a Sage ia ourt,heat;ee See themed Were wisi.Sefad64."Mit:Con DS oeoes eC tml vegin2mackieShiteddudedOyBis‘fwaedvrand’ore ft fs sonS--Of Shy ptsPEC ie wba ya vot biciae|Desara)sa Pon soe,:i Wei LAR Saha tpn wai hedeareadayAWecthyoereeDeputyDaeishag}owasag3 here :aitae aoe fod easSA *ee heTies wed nck Webierstttde fab e :Peder ily i aks va esre si Ree-dest ©2 St.is Pies ue rap gt “yn 5 soe aes sianA?S eure et\yh Hs met ok slockadG,distittery:We’ve ie Soy eefs : Soe ag Saat 4 reNeda a byte Gis,\e4)iinate ndlre-Vegheg 2.see seers NSS Chas 2S NSStmdfey4yevbw,st {sbipfaea Uerol d OR A Bi tori baie sean #nOEASE n aviis wididaestenai :Groattine.”Thepas mre,Agro,in ear pet Pee |ng eraoerayoftyrubca®visti Mrehis Sister Sian it the Gistilels when ho]Pym Sarenex n wyleaid sprees phi PLO ee SaSChatesiedour:Sy “of Cpene shasis Loveit sight ‘but sthe ¢"baat 1G too iPED y stk.the DOATE or the:Ia at eati‘ready “rtwy eRe “uct ss Sea)bis mas %Lhe distilery Purfit'saaah “Kr “iewdy sroctyisrinp tine "pte Flaca:ot Z tk e RA A T aA ta e AE R T S AN te pe e ae . Sr ee s au r ow y ou s t ce pl s +t ee 55 te n e t ee on oe Se Te ai. a Se t ety ¢4 4 *%ay “pFSty LCi ‘b Hy &“<Gowle.aud,eeihe nD i‘ a. sa k e s ie qi re +} pa l 6b si t ay SF Fi e r zs ,:an given GiepigReon teheeSP ratessen)aes Dykthe ties mWwRIeYréparing LOn WT uy POM.aibbbiiaPyUhasneeiSLas"Oiin)mass os case itS-cdpaght yas Ox Menete ERO Presents sieve Kohhem =oe 4?Peciaiti tod sipess:ambus thercadery,WOpiN’a Liree pew hetravel lwSa ERP ea4,aes 2Sicay IXSF,-pleTLRS.Fae ob hasStsperdie vat whe (theyweyreediStutbedt bjcube 3a as ofp Ts oid:bet arte mg Kottiothe eeAyexaTudsy.ein ven x|iy Holblag soy aa ere gee Pew:Fhe otecers tod Sho ete:<Sehal,attainybY ol BLA AVillY.|mot Heese “HROraa or%pte ».SPER eh NR “aig HAG s-pF Geer aid mrashwlhiGht hee Ate ie fuleated®pigsi SANE Uurty]aed Mate~pixieghisset intooaWSxBy:Aedes POR.etek attgtroved |sby =cutisne,3 the oyNPs “m:ue Shoup bed*ability.xt ROG yESDstt or thegh ipsands 2)spends Xis}Hs his athe ay ee =the:vessels~coitajningivfoovtal einight,yolished entlowrre KU Rew chuc fifty hierar:gisfli §By2 eS Agni nue oe Aisha iC+net gtsrele Nes iPr AES 2D Cooly Sritits toh.WEEC Busines “was thus radei syeemiouly OF mukinyand Wilasy»PicaryrahnodatShestine Pd:nn :Si yop.3 He ah ‘UypIStA ye iu aptreetin .]jure ed meeS Rave:ado isfre ndyfecbas “be ves Bivenyzdae wie tthe oe ctPee oe,Siluct mk:te Tf bth ee Heh ie Lauise Catreli*oN sine Khow PE n De ns delire idy ce Her Wore:iN,x Chinhd me Tae ooi‘ino fee:LEr3 8 DAB?Diekwo ‘of Mgt asemis Sa Momere <{pst &ys oa 8 43Pande day Siete aid,“Thige ase:it Z the Re oh‘Tee fi sm \eke tin;hedseth},Mrs,4Pes,oe pce |hSsbridesix.mtg ae ayada);entsdoy ‘Fete Stk hy foloade,St “Seaepeanlypeanes.)Sah!ans »MicAT,tua very:alse rich ed:Austere oP par tosyn Yaar):ancl aS rea feaTThereant>“fietules ae sais A hes t%ret t b “Satuidasnishe-~the,"police.Sater®,eksa aceon fasted seen se aesreads*a a?% pia be 1@ TES ss ON er ALP MBO is}ed herraisfe rupted a nice fale,-of,craps {h hea a Ske ,?i aswnZhecont|uiffs:Chauhoers:dasttw pak?hay CORO 7 N nek ASITOU en CH ek Mase hyeite vas a hy,ve etasioet“e iz)witch:wasin fuil blast it Auder"sOn|o4 }itee ‘cir a Vs 7 es ce hip se he os wo ;fumeaugitt ?4 Chajdtterty Visit Perrin ¢:*re.ha pIbEE i sti ‘$Let BT P54,mad wats that BOT Pas3Petiaor4pioitfPossS.fonse,”hear the”Willow:‘Hole.tbe “Gopiniumers?td TeX FS.Beaxss midayagi asta,goon 3Phos,yy as to nw rite £4]ea es and als,Bs,Stoiiu,retarned }BodrtegmSable:xamblers,awrete seh ‘ind Rope thatD +o Nou’:She died She}:1d note fro ‘DavenotpiehisdadvertisesSSuuphyhieheteomHoiridatjoyjn®themberves pheathehaane)married itewire ‘Rhddys Leniigathe aevape idPeensPeQH TY|;Ther LI er ashington:“The Gi Panoz]of thelake.appeared wpon the;seen t kysperage aethe ew TA AS to tieg t t Rete SiGeWut:beethetteesany<Tahitier’ctthidn,-4Washinton Pwelte of-thenywereartested,-hilo|=My He LO REDO 1G i obouadLchem”tose!ee ed Uyifats Retry i (Was Gite.te >iadaeystes NTOIwCommitry:[bere Hits pont:tem Avery Welisht=‘two Poe,’the host.tand John GréBUT Ba hae ee fe gOS x aE,Fata tata sheduelfs Loe inso Stilatape7)iedayy A the‘vw will Board at Dr,(Cs Sesdaped.by*knocking out)jthe rsasbels ay aat Wigner preter Ses aioe’’aie “4 4 xe a 7 -cry}wx 42 mt 5beesenusinfceSeesired.ests add:Juinpinig »throvigh <7 window.aioe Beeca Ordis te ee‘asthe Ssuink si Tinefactifieaaihese:eee -~He :Sf BtnestWallace seems to have‘Veeh ,nshods ‘Against Pies bh pEiumes i:ae ties aha.SeeeteFathBOTSSeMahile!?por \ar ::LSE!Oxbutnes ‘=:page stOiMecenthiweene! “onFL *weit‘ Yep theebaitker..“or the™pass:pitcher’oats igs ;J My ae Lele,perk odAM 1 ie ANC Hepny"US!TaRe Autsdayconroe eat iby negye:parlance,and he WassAbe},etna ofalderty yh Tasache pte VENT Uasis-o8 Trova.Soy Vitae Te frie Bu PS pean es Bere edwill recta ip CON ends,that Siffitient >exvitcnce ei Uinpottrge PMGadag.”FAdiet:es Sif Ae sarest Saivitgnie iste3%Sy nek (tie dituben oa S Waborhe-atyd tha |OU bg Secaedagainstto patiten |e dn,ApS ick ats.Ata thi 24Sedetipldpan*Aids ohh sory:eypele sgt TS cate eee €Sens won:tion,»‘Mayor Harel od *OP Lyte aepemts,an]Hgtandebidcem AefabanLAURo&eray™‘Years;hore mahe aie$10,.Whish he paid,afd.he Wasi we tecat Seiy evs ’Aola ae semm):Sale BaiiS WSs GED.te ei ca pediog cts .ree Cae MeiSBildken,Beetbee Ta denbghy,ane|Fuleased ‘~Theotheérs Weredinghurg+SED Sih as ee itSetogint clint rR NRT fy 1 a3. j :Severe Teprenape.-neha (%Ns dehy ok,‘par OL lente)Deinseiy u SLOp doitaU veRind toe :Ce rey Le Re unt :f Le OTH Y tees CO vasaee:chain uteri tis SistdsMis.J Nobsor pra At re ae eS i 8e ‘coats Dy OTe pialAeShan beuhtay neiceLees Leh aisee ber Sulal”Ws abott Ghee e Ope *y )_é Aas £78 BAY fina ee Nea ah sofa,Lo-stihtn:Sev TW Far DAT POYa ied)‘volt’=a}teresnisasrsteiPeepieshSeSraeghtysRupacir‘NichoisortVVs.‘Saunty.,4 Bisdessaitowwes SHIA,LE Cokpepong Fedusicte st Chit:—s aTayedeABRORDSHopiOSAMORES)Tie Potimminaianeseddirmed.ak COtiagt thy,ol ¥“ot Sates filliesathe Peafaea,tery:iforlich pic)Re le eee or SS AC tags F a ERAN The sipeting™Gourt-‘he lifted |tulpsrponyKiolagigy:qltis.ordindiiv.;lene1ateDES\EE tex oe danbe’esPcie’hme as cai ttuteacl andevery soreDS.’:Sh i Sy <Pease Pa yoeg.t Hino?Wind legacecipoaecnnan capt!Hee fe euonrt Mines Ses Neigh tae Se se ff es it Ee eSseatgreHiseRRSPHTnisl,Baep ese FFIBord er ene OMAN ira off,TS is uahat by hihi fap oe ann hy “eye's woes Junk reetSyaelritPeisPusperedca2-sey :he RG Ss .Olay:OT dtscl rg 3 set dice Sa.Bélog aires Peete oS fad ¥Em de,this.caper yy>The 7mokichate 7 Guteot sia?On.tgeiinig fdiacharge gr As,aoyWEEE,rot RYT i Sdtuxdiy:ite gs ft Mint :mdse”whith *MESSry.!“Ruwseh:a ody why ti oF ctikewdrkS *‘yh tHe She iiay Sp,a Dav easTeng i Ny Fics Vays in Citar +};k anh aire.colbrsst,was.*yakenwie isin 4nite Tor "he.cudnt dir]eosacetic of the-cis y«“of:Stites]Shes Caradon.ay=oo ete f ei iS tse heeo On ingek:ds “and:cd anode vga“acar own}Phe]‘J Aut epuck ePerinissiow:sot,ne)}Davidsonss fhe:mC-a “aed i bergeeies “my bin Mot evsiae mw EOrmpaiRrougea ousideres ntheany sab rdettebmeir,-aud SALW at shiv Bagh:WEE ampikiTeweed}cere |Glnint we.SwartaatTeme wate?not Oaikt’‘according te Peal ysoh Rue Mighitipa or ais ak mr tios¥TheSih Aaitarndingain?Puntry”Sees Cape contrast avd thie’2rd.Pefusedctr-|pias eRe wliagi be!Subject &‘for a cokbe i at rf ;aes AS Harris Dak ony Mond:RTaethe:fai Ganount of gic tonthon(4:1)Coty ed crime to ting OFS10U)eAto£dassts sk.soirSt rowed of La}prigs ei Tire“costyactors'would midp ss NS ett beMiabtut foweSamy iwnaistcteeldmgnyjay8PhethesvBes: zi +e ages Ai,5 We ee wp acyMicye-claiur 3and sued thik Lpagteath :throw LA Ritret ol aioe _vetoECM ORctrgerid irc nis Bee!he?tie Pane siconry:The >stiue fe re Kee ix'p!rasivics otaye krud ipsEOESOLaulgarspivejulizment.fow $100,the gai jes Bett 6 RUBSofiulic.ey p wySFOave!poe:Car:Cobpaathae Ke"Aare >Bion oe ¥P wirnddiw,oie Goon Gy say.ye Uimabode he -afoptowiosgs RATS Sie Aire26a eee a tact Brice,‘ayd.‘COStsm from”wren [et ch+?jidzingnt thecommissioners 3a owl:“4 DEEpoe of-Gougeadins aeapactTON+guother-s me Cag.&aS ge ate vo athe:Syiperibr:Court?where prea s ae Que property awrniek Pyceab<a ty Se jadsadeht!Wis acai rernderest utrai pa Gut tae pdespordtion.£oa Bite:OGcuvay Oe BCS:::ie ;tantay ii ‘COUNTY for STW,“Th torest saute PENT iis keine Wilt,boreshee fApaaefakinacnh:mig tae Saba costs)\Théconmnissionvers‘AppEaie:pO Atte Pudi sR auifeh WildOSSatieiSeelinptlectTTSmoHishy'#Son eben5.P atid,the Stpréné Court i hw ahions ect bola ihe of “1 for oach "2 HAsliiTaKtThWieSriAL:Tag tose.Gaay5-4 sho jatirient of“the court.Below)He 4 Cipher isn ‘OF this valine‘doa,Mare‘badrsotae scords:agtih’):Fic“Be Connelly)VESq':brought the:‘raieupees tobe “iy:eter:Paiogashi 2Tole Him ih Mint-was*they)Aue,foe.Messrs.Russell."&Nichol Ta toc atte:iis:date,=eSbRLeonusatecrtSeGemouldrave1sobjo-thejustice's court,;wod béas:|-Uamliouud:of “Aldnai Dy =wiagrabieaxeeveos4FaiathiHesiPSmgredheaGaated:he XG:TsrettyEsq.3!with i 3 “i espeas or 7 wit WPS act ook te RaTettaetne t ie Lire,6bectered:HON Sart its jas aticn Ths pig)Surpseiany isticehehae|jq.favr <treningtgece.oy Riga:“spyingteil eee ne Loutes:eet:mai PO GaitWye bedrdine*yi igixcape KPa x*“hg,my tae Pru iat the esaI at wut 1”Spee fed Weythemieel,Sh Naeas Thepersons wii bad.fecd LAM,.ie fe:Wn:athe Eby.=epemy,-NRIEEY:pees a Ghirch.;®WiredAe eeLyfe ‘theSCS ptais thopelt :couAk.eitAle iLi3;Wadie in:thass se commit Ede oete esebe a!SpaeaabiNetiteebaneEaidPtonaaSe:poate)chinech’in,‘Nese Lope township»andfii“alah ts :bacecang Tt ts .Ba o .Pa Miwssrs.Cok hat yasiD seETG SBSY LAY Saidot _row just?about the j sATay ee one exCeptiog eneos4;:s :%Ser ake AG dtresteoeai“peut Sete,eae pe‘were tO.commence,in.which [aL LeeGourd was resend.tariea}Nene.<Steere tak iar,ila Hoastou Mayoerry-i Strack Milton4 x AKLelland =n Drebthie|Sa nissite earneroe nae Sal ‘}Hateington.in the hedd-iwith a“rock p26e5 aes He angmbe)pa ithe!Ree nee ao SPR intlictayy:axery,dang¢rots wound},fcr‘GeilLSmay4amilekomGupteBaresand,(Deed)VoWilliaaysattended!they:nev BR -ee Bord,she:‘stasis ysPrigthestshor|SIMESaco males ae Alooreseille,woufided man and fousd ‘a ‘hoje-in|towlent-ofthe orphanage was 079 vithireste .aig pace where.t bee privouer Wats the side’of his‘head.LIt.is ‘fedredy Yeays.gid on ‘that day and hegavel gs:5ftayeneRedsSroustlioatrseae‘that ‘his ak alyi is‘fvactured.,“His‘cou_\i -bsrtiday dinnerto the-byard:tycarnMotor,4 noe &Bry)wwdids>AT»SCgengiins Maitiop Sorjotis.”though -“he.wus ers?er piogess elifdrer:and quite a ;iAt mptoy fr beet.on fahis prisoiet still baini wheit last fieard,from.24.prin Sor ot his:peighbors,JX at |Spates eS iPourpe’Way overpowered.a te ye Tie bow broke.ap-services for the!}2:i}persons:participated in the er bes ihrRhee ciel =aud.Me.Biawze:tadSe es oe aera yberrs was caerested,“and:fates nebieh Was an atu ant ons.Lovie CGrirslityeSohoaSotTeltereatls)wihifeh ‘they did?TE con ea ey x Pe sis :st!State:.f :we tad:@hearing before Teds.Hliaors..4 a aoe ogee NENGSTep'Gba-]-‘Sungay the feeble CFSsaeax che ee She ecg icone td”jailta |.:aa<sorties :Nes Agee ee ‘but_omy er be:Reva ona aa await.the«result”+Harriigton'ss tne.Royal Aroanuct #lects“Siicer;ae SA Pat ONt PONS>vest:were taund.No:trace :SEH eee ~“yyuoUiSubse1#5 neseia siegebeet:fourand:it!egy tes eee Poeee ae Hops nae And De Otnsr’Things.”:is ae fas:rom"is hor‘kawa ae ee Pi SY a pees 2"OTE tay i ah anieeie Abite,Peart boy in nerézeré two theories ys ita-the ;ee 5 AU CORON EIE :MFett eet of Olin Rae Sas“whieh was eae:of,bia.)we.Gandens®For ae mH Seexo =sinpor:“Cab?oeLe Sis as:mae Beek be:beis that,he was Ivacled iid hg gtahapete ine gen es Mee ual ete.wore.on tha,saat was ANS.fae tived Midas,bitried,bht mbt Invch ‘erveden Oe,“pace B.Osborne:Esq.at Olin-ig|id FulljusStice mas.dane P<!2eideraisgiven“4t."-Thesgthery aud.the’a camidtaie aan he:will be'pashédby ae eae:ofthe ordweseeuroregenerallyacceptred?yp Mtrodet,$members-for doorkeeyy ‘of Witor were enthusiastic:intheir pra 36iiiets-of that therctowd 72ave -the™nem Bera Representatives.esr Meysrs 3 4 H-Moffmen.See korieeSquikeOsborne;wasa gallant Cori}J 2 pxléy,Tie refreshments commit:federate soldier.is ‘eminentlyquali-,tee.for thepleasures:of,:he ok)fied We theposition-whieh-:he seeks iy;Sp pote wane eee oa ‘ei§“tthe -peighborhived.“This!theory:38 |undatdsasrfuithful work in-the last}My AsSmitlidod Jame Sony”visDeedMessrs.teu sorted.Uy fact)that therd;:rany_-Demoerat.in-the Ds aadersouctad Meséts.Re L =the Man ike FBMogiakaaronlick;ubtold,sop ¥:PUCt DY sale were”ey idenges,‘ot.‘a considerabie}s‘gounty...TA “fact o=he--alwaaS has:Ri ;FeliIx aufman,.!fae z ed®tote aOR ‘seraturdary.°Mr:struggle neywi wherethe rope,hat.'orked Porm.the:part *Be Wet AX dey and ches ony sore enie ar heiaors|3 Shear!after \was?Tht wad:vest were founds..Ef.‘the-negro nathe will:wat thenasiiaen :Aen :Follo ring)offi were Ni .ee poet was abstTeutely cured NeeattaGahY-10M bores aya bad"beeh«dynghed ~St would:"not)armen Neti OSU)pC ter)Dr.Kingz-S vewsDisoo*ery.ye Peat t DGes 1A uLred|Thafe been pecegsary |to,Bee taken:peepee Fen oe eg A Sen ae i (:pt cio ite madePete consid=|bis vest ot,“The”whippingwhich >:°xe ise rOvercas!:ee ESTE Pare se as gennerithestokeehiehwere|he recei ced it thie theory 14 borrect,Henry.Bisa,the i ae ete Pverts.O C.”B.”Wobbs”COM ys aS lous yk sega eae tei pee a :s'Gal #aud gary sober ae tbeSais doing quite a’begit d-wholesomt fearinthenezro's deliveredhis-leature-:ebtary,B.C.ton Colledtor cure;would-hared ib lp ce fags oer _Mel +Hatt,Se :|bs Capes foo Aes“£0CKin'thisiand -néieh-lind ,ind-this'fact accounts for his AlpsL Healy atte geaeechoot aed si Dr :Stes a ae adot'sti Brga-as i 3 HiRes ,Seis ::ba peanien gears ee eae arheréy ve =aa Sores.ae eee eee cttche Guten Bed tA Ma Opp holy Be insti dS Cp Hive :pe LOC ODE StG iewinter.Ws‘up Somewhere just wha Shaw”ov!CTOnS @ crate RS at 5 ay weaotieiey:MP oF 0;done’to.ey .taal but>“the lee Fe eatameeens WwW,DISESYNesehlesi=weyer‘be known,.as*south:trtredell T fe skiide Oban1thBeme10cesholdtillBpSaaceeaeeeEMSbreinaneSA-aSpaiir |whell,tie’iae:bras:ou3AUL-a+Sepals spllive’%,Uni eawh . SPs eee;. er eat SOUNG thrashingin thé hope.6 See .iorx tn tor Liao,i ‘Golifession .from.bin,ea:|fA he th secure it,ran‘him:out of| im = ay =<=pines |hn his."=dnallthygetting,getsoe=orn I qd’‘Ste es a Boers upgested tees GS ord.Speechtn Boston::;z,Pertins,of “Cait >nett-understas ding-‘and x Gar!an ovies %patsea use ie esa aay 2 ‘son :‘éssiman’Georgs a4inbabitaitsPitheyRetppines,was7 Nb Cargjina,°the’Shseea+=Copypestian.was:teildered::=is “5 a2 e vatsa eas to S22 ag.ek ‘aayet “ese seveninie&the 4 5 aSle cr a Ce ‘STOvES,Ree eee ae oR Cumee Well!said ‘the:Serfiees ares:PHONE sy:theSeo lore'l.ck iz x2t Bi *<i Rot iseg <¢valling thetdays when’he-wad ues er:sEygtind.fhe SDE WissReesaSotShan.:1 ee ‘Ogee,the ° iat WGSTO ri ES,.:SAO ry eee qo fy ST dancyemembet tie:time:ae sided-over®sbywidenD.,BareSeat)|get ey Gah +4 wow1d,have:paid:81000:a headJpoSsmaik Wrhite-/as th = Y ;A as ies pia SRE stay 3 soe ai ¥=tL dke “peoplo“ik-ssame-one ‘had setlled einer’Speakerte,aig oe :fi£.pthetin?‘Wee were Sette sts ecalged 7%AW het Utes ;eae“ah continued.‘SUM one.Lf tieristfady untry gots the opEp Ne ¢.*6f the?‘era.Wier ‘three aonb Prec to aren rx:r "tidied by Malayfpilates pulled,thfdoesnot Tae th han (our agope sen.same,."as ae Eney int HrduMtbe:shorespac,fwd er sis faround:and “pite 7 =tgestndet erone CULE sellingthen,ou thie-ee away.While we w dited the expected ‘tied Sneddon TE ahtprescn tke:ELC Te ;4c ot Mile ttheitecjattais,ae¥.yh en he dod “tithe:Out,one Seventh:Oh he's poptsad iap:5S ir.Miles pf thi“i niu ee od ti)A SE hgS*countey aint?Ree Re Renita i ryt feate his’antes nee Nes ee abies yauthorizedtoro:<4 periva sofe tie’papala tot that a BGs i sehen,dnelst fy xi one A Sates tri :Tansee v fs Sn bressly®aiixre presentedJ!atndered.,r Big CGR NE korg SCL AM thabetSeyu:oethe PrNEHA ines ;mi opadty'TEredteds Sis as.Nes Tritleedy”septicd?Thess eyebaniuie,“when,justion wis be4entPherpeis.pe GhassoF insusany tt We ane Weidedaly ef Stove ane } &Far SF ee setting-tls ih tae :Anas a4 me AW RRb eta<:‘thon th +t . brea as +:ore.by wh.meee.kids *1 <beoh ie 7}3 “=:sacan codt enAEbe ar eSalowois ra fattes tnmMas¢~nto ai.cuitns tet ti Dei Cai es,de hie ible s E0.POF.es.ar bet the:‘Bhiek apne,cates ad?thdRinsehem,ee ie ee .Lhoar ands teak siin,aud,Gey}tsi tation’“has Aot x Ok he techiestoy eee 2 set eh f wat e physicians,wi:les:OE ee ene ace Se ~SCE Nate ae we Pnioy ever ra hesre.+kwon Sil puboais|top”this.The:eduntrylas ies Pycae ee ea eae :gst advertRNaroky*ft URN ate eg et .kineinye “ALE,ner)-‘ever’‘sinde He:yy :¢Ie ree a he-their/Roods:for pinety-aihe “a clef >Noe ie},:vey a ::ie 4};las,Dee tif fre 36.The.STREP ORS,-areati-)Roei“iesrain sett iu:tania’durin it v3‘ded,‘Gondititoms swith S53 tTheme Nefiubnmouthsef“hex?ratn ys,Sea?oy Unete:‘and stady.;“6 FE knowmatlglabit.their’earthqtakes,.ming when!tue teayekaes::5=Fon tor the bute day pe:Puly sto!Ue [alrs.so,appar ent®now!in-the Cars;(24 h ob A yeust t falta be Ly mas:will’force =the,andor ‘ofS the,A mS ay a :Go‘:Ki .“lay.Pees Mevaee elt a she F eeroes for self-defence,if fOrmothe Ret:Ae :eemnig ~attracte spe EON ;ecrammaneding rater under aDesitike‘ni y es.pavers!day.ungih We “finally”st he type Fle"xWhe ‘they:BONGO “uritet pryead attention.being ae Bible:1 c oe @s<F guarantee,first Lorrie.eels razed.to ‘the=yronind £tT)they,wii]force!Athe-Wwited States to trazedy at Singular _nomane and:ask okes.paper <benefits or moncy nee 2!;:ns funded?Book of dis- yah[ESAte \“kHowpaleabout.théir heat,or’,phi’“Fecontizes then,asccinizensy i eleaiemiaabotnfCYPeReSees,aut ‘Pe:an absThe right’of,Weetivesfranchise +eAw.%>‘erie ayy x >a5,““A meieePoker=pe bes pést hat:ote,rn S averssé dem m atin ae“degrees iwwae phrust“Upon,Us.when:we:WeTed.c?SoeniafSer-*>f ~eesti é ie 3 Re x S.x ‘S !6:i‘euetlitis mu.reas,oe ee Bayne ohoth tarde Sek Chaps ad Fhe siionmym.iis OS derives 1 not “AE for.it.The day,ih -coming the R ivetsiaeeBr Bal Ty:Cal y ‘Oppatient£4"-p SB ce “On ElicharttggeengnNe‘Enow.‘aN ~aont,”theirs eholetx ‘dnd Lyhear we:Wi bared,word orsay:OMe ne ise :oie:Weamablons Ww omen,«Stseillpor,and |the2 tisedises.-Vex 1 who.wWilF be Prosidetitie“Ob thetPnited F Sy ae haa Be a)“oft”pecially,Valuable ‘for een|Cok e a patna ;Tron,Suees Backache s‘}thereanesPots otsSUES Ly Bylo States and;like Tawmany.we wilt}ey Ss ee as Ko ape Cen“Aabigat.th Philippines nha Hetheer youpiteds Ta maty.of “the Staton]*pts a :pCR me Biber:See 4 the lee Be4SannePLie‘[ihere*prelcamugh <neirass-x@ <de,:tehurned esresuley AV SSE 03,-coiges to thie pallid eetenAigeeiSeyaareo;a ;C pies ae 7 uf vothing:thatsis.“god 30 3 Lornatne therher:thy will e Pet AOE Jowed=hin *Y Oe n }hie ‘Rneckec ;eejiderthl rueiceuicnSaceraASSaieNS“i ee Rey ie —e penne a SES IMAI chet d :fare MitBut you"rouzate 3p Y reson oe “olyoe ame lead./‘He hea.artis ‘tase Se Week sf ay “hart {Shona he.PonateTREEUeaea+4 mS ‘.—ia whet a See At Pn Xap or ~Zales ate Ju hPac a asx “oe E Ak thee get ‘OQ yo!Of >Ow “te ark re sie is 3:;‘8 ee ”Lao Bi ‘i,oa .Aa os a sae,Bis ree ee a acs ytd es pee roe ;aS,oN heero'veté hadvoriebdersssRoaxe-fags ‘and ti te son.Gel ore -askers'put 2G :Brows’Lion Bir eps 18wtHarness|‘5 a.Re:DR PNR ie hace gree a ak ol raha :eq,Sede SentLOR oa Seltavonte fave sone"‘pith ate ©tySKm4iSeVSoaonattafecesgetk=Ist Wy tlre total Exports af “tlle inland le “Ele tidoto “inday-has.Tr ached »<p hres oeon bosPefeSinsheeageee=S20c ee teen cade 5 ::duougyed twos!ly a dittie:“over eRicn an his.“oligidak cence Wet it evitaEOF A}RraD“ig tekEunGh;.oe PEVEREES —est airy ah ec-dnsituteta North,Caro Hit:vhetsteett*;3 A :et y.MRC Satan RegaGnedourthand:ope:‘thivd ee iy der ND eae ee aa ee a ei ,el O14 ;oh pi tbere.ares oid y ehh gountias |“a *ew [ind bE a ‘undef:qsf St:iviekyesh where *hie niet Ottlesiof of e ‘Sars i Mproes of;mortgagee,wi sat S wo Uighesty.”eis p >‘eh:'.:S18 2u0.buftoble asreve |pdpale Bop is,insthe p mijanityr.Bbisbapseaha ‘on /pre ESS Smee pe es ee ee oe Sa?“wi telgcReueiiy &ner Ualanes&OFASSOK:Lin pit had bas whetates béewi,penwar.i a Nae om a iran 1 loi TK;Ge”aN hen’oe hromcer:leg Ary Ciearte at:amnoaee saeSShrt,ote’2489, ampYeeeks eelsGite lat we mark Shwe oe a can Nohwetfad sas byJ :;Aas f t oe rbyllovs ea e ‘4 S Beit riiwat aaitzomerySeCORI,die Tice Na aabeaaictoeis:‘Can PWee 16LEpO.Sito Swiy On,‘there quant,yabeliestWyhe:acco ha util Se Weiah thencedown !he river pales tae ysontechea:trong.75 ay arugist!ores thence West®chek LOX Whies Best MaterPecRem=-=}se Be Rr Naaen Ci t's By 5 any nly -*.ue:rihe old Bord,thence South Fe poeatt’“HOeIelacy eae ek ;.a iTh ee Oy ‘og T thi 1 PSTN”Les tee tyomxWw‘He m .Xim i eepree=:dk ae.:thee ig ce it “é i fe ftep..My’pa on ::West BQ.pole tO a stiae,«Montzone.THE o rn 0 ne CERN ketone 2 Anrieschite fie ere fon |DiL-Wonked shitp seasse by ahd COPLON GINS =>linn,henge Beee by bdining,rashiDoreOFbese:xf fe"Phin es Go 7 r aS ie eee Wg¥.HOUPR.‘~Mach wv é a ne Ei Be sea §Bhi .Y 3 GY esi :i fy 4 Te:’Pea ;:i 1898 :*Mortage pest:POPS sing RNES :we foht..:Tat .rt ,oie ee )i Lane :“Praatiaial aie wots Kec ks et irlives fe“rt fires Mar-‘frapetiise W ‘be tegpected,a Apeaaas ane soe orth aha:re sher:aut nd.rs.ay eae ghee MeTropa,thrévw:Shis +with’‘and.Tried We tiSe oie ins ai et TitedsS ,s !he 4.ea Ska'e!FAAS -i i SiS apeightssduyssold cbptcvar of thanNar ehpeete cae jeoe Vegeto.Worcs Le ied s La Gow HAVES ClaBoMeiariefitse::rR)g antatttst the estate if Judge’ow tgSoldi tot¥fron.KINA 6:Is ye mat AG “Veit:a he :erwisel 7 ah it]ascii Ne ee ealtodle :3 pfietal ae EG Astpresi.tooaeee\x -Bette ‘Son 2 siicete early?heute \aig “if ight Os ‘ane iW eras ange Wer i ‘ate ee ee a Sei be:“uidersizn os »jhictrator a?Patt iti ‘it ire rpslou s :/oe lingering.’Hetheiyjuinpedtyat crfte AMES UEC,Ao iachitp.Satie cae aa sans iii et fi ae oa |before thefeh day ét Now i ir 8yUALvetsforNieta6wat;rd eA ED.ay Wy EG,-a ::;thin miHotice willbe plead ii Barut recurbset<iy :biBend.aUshioyt:SED our Trapp:ales“thi My HG ap your:mer di arsdr “'i eeerT ‘30)..<Cit :ai}!a5,Nov kth 3Pegs,”::\LWdud v me fs ret Ace iif te.prepare”yar ite idinjerit,i :Se thy td Ca};akg:iq ARMEIFETpsWonxtie“toy Hoo}«Practee:Sr the -reeeption CITE:rie UL Th oe be ben tron:o ae AC:IR ¢‘ee:ott Pam;bi atten tien a tha cyplaw.”2Tobe psalk oFime.we?Have’eomy pitted”eto a Inwand>namipatiie or aft ote r Se“Ylex sale.this nah,Rit te whe ited iy Norkhs-afoling.INTOMSE MY inertness Repair:Winsh Or aeeeN Be o eS 3risarfis-Tean dutroom SIthe Wind &febance Ly»tide ~What tiescay er ne :‘and drop Dielisiiy bi den,AT Tava:qmient&sohie to do.agit ©he:pressahoy:ent:triptblekdesnat Riows but’Tadet<pee an reethfG oom fetitber dies Bw Abt thithk’Pt,will:“dos “fuel.fi ben|yor rfitee men reshed.fork ard,nyio theme ier VSS ay;the President somite before pase-Detweekaitip,util ar tite ~They:they,Aims thine tesend ‘troops Furpan,thet ain Yenc ror 50 aye ;ALS zoatfide:aMCC “a or Mr.Top Pp."st Se eis sifab gwen Alk partis:of eaisbods,poneSomemee f -rina nied Tr ERIN Sn “zy 4 To.tis.1eeitesTacintbisFife7Gare;eset mpst 7 bes pyMtoehod:Ke a es eo ase ae a :x ;|ACCIDI,WeeAhateanePcatthe:Fororsnett Mano tefieteiskeRGHewassendinOESGirt-bed uytik this,i ober hes ecg tic oe *soe ie f ANCE,rks,Sonnyvas She was”“helped*aay I:fo ees hat aa i Tae ay arkeeeuf Of ae*Windon $‘Sunday.oBénast BsSubierchsnaeoh| va =n "-tand,hasteings iy iis har-ds:Fri the Roe Stabbea eGo Reese nedechgtlatigNgisRenaefreee}SH Jet hi ths AL dre Le Tueow ti eS Lip ‘oe ah es a i oak “oe>1 ae Wh o met:Mr,‘Harvey Lockewh.a Spine,}Ve“aga ;ete)'—’{Peal ane 1).ae Rea tig #4 Res Teepe ::ee ae Biddet:at ch ca:né wend Su Oy ntes ler jake ke ‘him i su}j Snidtaniyy ot es a :5 i at theweLewas“ete a}t CIHR:=Phassere 4 ;beet =ti aero ite a Sth °SK fist “i be Sy f .“it 2 ‘esoeAS,~nerd 4 4 4 20:7 ee es :és,xO 23 che ;ede ub ev iyost Pelt fot life agi say Schmit.al,“Lgybscilles 5Lineal:only.hat?‘the:e.twory Wes,wagon ¢53andjharness,a .at co :.;caefreeverrecordseinthiscity,Se or.s te i F ie Sano ston Sese ratsdunia? Syedaxmoun y wh le he ‘writing ve the neeh oett ty ie SA x.:eee at “yA Fayetteyilic Young”Mon ‘Otetrsaoe eee stir exerele ok boy pit aeits BredtestYo:dor shai rh 7 ‘:{eg tec Bats Sietn a +\\ii k,wt ys erousat Church.ase packaol:swaan:tifa ht‘pam of Alles:is he.along!‘line ae 6 Bes e 1 >a Dee “yy Ja becLa Fen eesPateEsaotstrien,an Sad pakHA Ahoteeth “the|Lowestts ye ee =Ae a eee nN 'a .Sak .J Fe Sh ¢ye vit edison f he.set term nt of ithe:es ie es:o PW 05 “Birkel Alay Pt : Ae owea “mbn.of Syeellgea ane i a eae ee ee of a people,ee b tae eee ar eae f:“Ee Vl KCC:Atgniy Free)nsd fail rccntte Mur”e oe ty,evi In *qeeeth °My BY anh wi Ixbe nominated hy)”oe He }esti A.=Ese oe(See“iat:his ty:ond.iniselt®Ye QU eel qosethic eori tes 2 ri,ma fihe-Demecr9 iciC“National,Ce BY -ar :AEE ihr Pabained alae fay 5 al ;ey Ste}tu+ar,A hen Sohker Awent to.Us Saets ty rs eeMo.cui rn ae aon ai apion:asa Denwerat,LW accept.ne man Fy.oo)mid $end.Wart dousee ie Sa ‘Owl bb:cation :“meeting nit «“Tec‘Ketbpr:=es 41 rahe<aa “fhe hominatior as.a~De nocrat TRp ea nak TRthy FTRERi x naseepere oe Es “a.2 %nesHilast“night hile @runk,7.7 are);oe Sao eamesOtc :ery oe :Ee wet iae S ya?ah YG t mi ee ia)“attem pied tolas att theew hae Gore 1 aanding nate aN ARO]me Spa Berber nominate.hime ats IK}Sui se “)E “Gne.‘HT rh okt eegkegation,-pteticher.and aul,Be ES fhe esaw bis =Ehife Bnetanak |beeratiteingto glsDemetrats whafallwa :‘i aiid MortgageSale of:‘Land,r>}midsstat shige alypopurse.REpeesey 1 =Fngs Bifr e sesine Marsee the?2sues oft)enn oS W,5 rd::c VERT BOR MK Row s ott > Nex 4 -As ys .adc ub 2 os 7 »vaBrock’weyMokuk ne“seized “aire ueee ST fe Lpdirty?Nanas “a ia Beal ms RN cd ii ney ys ;‘ay <tained iy thean oft pave Jeb OX4ttSahecal+x ;}Ate$a ne ik am Fae si :nits a r :De:Wg)dod ard and b,h mes geesWidist:oY ne ye TULpe my;an:f el isi tsar Ras‘shoe we 5 s 5 Bc 4 !np y Boe FEBS?‘asta:pelirs on e ecartanbit:for prentyt:‘interiore Dees ects Tapia,pera i St sane aoc aie To ic ha es a 12 “pag oe i Ss 2.ee aeshe~c %=!*“ns =¢hee a f 0}’~weds ¢ialdeve:a a hay Les parched|‘Wea Sis *s EM ro AEre aklas “;a a :i t Ri:Rew ster ot Dey :;:a ki a Me bey x ?isn:of the Cra ck ¢é ™eee Wyn,rns pub ten neten é 4?4 t r x .1?.F eKom aathhl .Cento Araneae ;.A tiptiest gd fas te heyaf ye OuTUBEWeiindew,Spa fal seudih THEr os ae ti aSueLO Sete ‘ries LTap.coun yy:be-1s “0s arqe ee Be PEK ea ator tas ireilleos mtabdtalathem.phat tho tard had Gur he-cub Aetorusehottedas)ge ok ses SD Se ease er a A >SATURBAY.DEC oA “BOERRe ~:a him’Whiter Ly “were.bits aved *ia 5 oe ;=+cs Ree nage red at12 bei0ck,Th,“thes E tlowinig tract :sh 7 liegePaaS,restorred.»“The young”man’Was CoH Versat Hy,fe ve ~ied Lowi,eae1836 a0 cp Pe ae Pe an OD eaats 2 AACE ;:jand>1¥in-pahd beibg in “ha:pésburgWe gg poe ae rsYesaltien.7 Hé as takento aS O15,anid another.lotsoF 320)pound =|Staugoter)):ODL:5 he }sti,-aud boundedas,fo-jow~,-to-wit:&ea theltiea ie kehomexHeayhy’aud hassines bees ia:LPot/ltnt’dinvuntia rin ‘ait too 2359)farmers haveti he y ees deadping,cOcue'of Joe OF Fe IOS Yres darid fTw Shot umt i}teryie ICO 4%rrived on.‘the Scene that “Qi et taken,fo.the?guard Kouse,where be :iz &Copter“wAs kept for ja “couple of.GuySand.J egry prceations’,oe dita |Thee!pouwds ofTint.Dividings vhi A180.ck Ore.ase 3Weles land tence orthwiih bis be ewived on ms7a8oY*;:<2 44387:oles “to:a wn ite:gak oon.nis-?‘then escorted.heMe.eae os 3 eee pideae toy the wound =3.Wwe havesthet verage.of TT pounds’mie :oars thence Lact6 potstoa bi Sh a!of pe aoe aa eireraieaaae vd tal ONTO.tal UR RRP oa ca]NOtet 5 rN or 1G |-wstake fr-the field,thence.°2.“A.<oor eeRied tO the “ae Cons bos‘can be BD nc “ee Ne OF lot NG..-2 therien outaap!“Mifitary Demonstration.”Tg ae if se on oe e;Soe teh JS IN ati Athe Ma .ae to te Degignitis.cont taios ‘7 act;PAWShip:leh Cervespicrdes ce‘Chiheage,Record:eRe Ta Nt ates reked f ,;eta ric os t 4 :sas Ni Cela).=eb aCeAdemonstratiain,i ve Be 7 LS he a islets ::4 af eis:fovembir-ad.AERA?AssigpetsBeBone,es:sian ee sea :eats HESTESALYE:in "thet Lassa on eNouh ete tas teeter Remit sa .reba pe ce \gt We RED MAN.Mortess ".jal effect Has been planner by.’the Cute By GigessSOrse.Sale eae soa LMPEER 1°an ae L {hex -MeLadguien,Stas:risKe7:%Sp,:aM Bs ne es a‘War Departmest:against ‘Hay ae.Kever Sores,;Tertcr/Chapy eu Hands |XS ;:Fitzhugh Legs Seventh:Anny Gorpe t bilblains.:Corus.“and Bist an Erup fs i if)&;;‘:is to-‘besTaudéd iix «Cuba:“afmipstecen tions:<nd-besihselfs AMOS Piles.aes VERA ee Bs eee viesaak sss i=a masse.’“abe movenient:is)4 “tak FOr ie?Pay x required.Sts USUaTSE mS demo:ted te 1 “a :oY:;OCI aia meri(hac,dved ayecdl‘th %f di a.«pteedr a re saliscaction:or peries ::tei g allo;a rand:SA :Meatay:ee<“Lenute.Aaahaie es‘é form<o amexpie idion.under bose:seladesk ewer es ~box.:f FOR WORMA’gre ee:wn ;4y :d Bibogses,»the ubid.Tgyed+Pk clientsa”ile conditions.”“The appearance-of [5 ;sfeeanees ‘:sell at Lew tion 5 Tye ,rztiest vidi-FULL.AND:COMPLETE LINE EOR ‘ALLKINDS.oF :e fe‘whdle corps -of"troops.30.abe)$7 co se ty Ae :oe :PECULIAR pe i -=:-—aes :eo ae peepee ea ee»FUEE AT PRICES FROM $10.00 10.$15.00).oS)ees “she dtarpegare)NOME TOA BEDI SS Ota TEST op _|StegDepwssbioent.believes,Wwwill,havea eced “i Aa1S abJ2-o'Cloek)t pbite:gil 9esiaIRGs‘ALI EE DAAS (pw t th pen 1 one.Fe ae ed:;‘ee :s ie L-*Bees oi ;+5 eadir:rémed }tractof Wi tak “Uiing cand se 1z4ATulland-complete.line of Ny Seem Pine Bry ae )getr..ee fegt vpob.the:population.tnd”AtiF eke aye ue.ae ae utes os lass'Of troubles:«It:exert [hte wartowurhip,Sa?*hiou EL ae*~COOKERS .€Hearoee hecittands oe ee wa |bea 008 thing ii thé way OL “prac fast andt stage ge bee Be es ;apgAnde ealinig,stre:|iw-wit:-Degimainig8!a hw ch oh ME g,vot féel,madebby the:Samemechanics -ail Soe Se Rae FEO|1D embarkation,traneporfat:Sh eg si a the awhde EUCant ay Amifens ::Giger orca pans.’dt .pee AERC :#i ;eh Sous,Leg oyz =pe ieandofthesamematerialasPye)|.laud débarkation.”Itwill be Heck amewnt pate Ga «bet Be More foodingand re ap |tiers -xhannt adic NothTtpole toa stk th:ee Be rai Ets jatger than tbeforce™which:Gener:PT hie Novenyt ee 14,:Leon’Dee a Me coe a d io See paved,=Eta pales:{orm Mipetashi-oak,clictice West 28AnyotheReEsceetre:ae ooh eae Turners BS aSSTROUTM a Get age :eS)Near ’oe Went 40 polcs'to#stan,tieocr taila2Oey:A Bae 558 a Shafter took:to Santiago.The Xut Mt fi nn:\=“ni -thr WT oy ech ,poles to tosivut ch or Sour woeis,euuk réSND.aoe Ree ia plans,aspericctedby the War!‘Dex a oS :ai a oo f A tia.Pax so Pas 19 18.80 acres.wore or Ies-.Aico 8200rs>=.beef..fp +, | ip ;Oe 4 re f 7 hevtthsaahee.ay ec Sa ;Toe C hs af nAlVkinds A beginning.at an OAR (ps aae6OURSrcOFeaeeesRoteee.Ese eéntensplate rapid «em:|Mortgage:‘Saleof Real Evates-B.)c=1 B+)Plesaed prices,sour!Phone is fe val b 36 polestoastofic,ue Niostbarkatign.fromy,three:ports next42 ‘;mie ‘i dak:i,85093pol 40.8 stays.=e tlh is WethotHADmeFETagennoegealBESvineostiepiweosIABOh)Set dobolig Eeees oma:7 fat ‘Ghanleston.Savannah aiid Bow:oeoe ensie wife’B.‘Stewartwy Y eT :“ako eae eae ee ae‘:1 axwef aned iy nme }BR eater E of #hie-amid.I tiHOUSE:FURNISHI G 2,BRE fandinas Refinests'of,masieon|aous comes eae men SN ei (te arecaS|N Goons ETC,;a5)=:‘strengthrare to"be,transported tw Actin tothe tains ®-Diddar 10r/.cAsh:xt ra aa 2 'Troumau'pee eresa ‘inte%fs ¥s ‘MOST-COMDLETE:‘AND :SOLD:Poa eee A me.‘Charlesto and:“Fernandina.Regi.|oe Fone pee ‘door:ee IN.v4 oT a F 2 4 ah F ++oe ;ee “KBMcLIA Tull’‘3 Samer ioe Lee Re j Soave gett rie °ANG,igh,eisai .AT-LOWER’PRIGESTHAN EVER|f ae Sete he meniyof mdximam numbors”Witlbe]SATYRDAY;DE.EMBER.BIST.ROR|‘it ee Th,See aeciesCeecae?Held),at:-Sivaptiah,The intention [at 2.0'clvek-mm:he foligwi a ate am 0 manufacturing PS -:Sa 0 Nhe al i te in’Slyloh teow i enhto Ho ;:AS ap oe ie ew Bsaa aead,Pe :-FLANIGAN &SONS,APO Se Sle (Vis to see,how ¢guic ly atid ®Siboathiy’‘ooddesert at 'i oar .=ie :BEX etyot:WNC TS ie odfar acorps<nji beymak on board *trins-)a Adjow:duds of Wiflien:mtZils Egat re Bielenr |oe Oe whfgetsCarolina.elie eat porttand moved at tea,‘and “landed:’,ne :+eens ty a iesgeres=PER Ed.Stall officers,tto whom Ahis=“experi ice Nort’ie sty104 polenta Se ‘Winesgfcada op eS ee :5 sfFenceHiltbe’valuable,’wallgo to-the:bak corner ::aSy iseek!oe eens pane i mf th orernroacas a 08inal23ey.elite ,,:eo)-25M.S 3 i th:Ne ¥;[three parte to cobuenye(|the.’‘aetust%aS een.ae :“alres iota SS “Bi iene Haare:mae :‘eh ceercelie:Peton Milles95D:Lato,2 . os« ee ofthe |e.itta ‘Grae oe:three’:oe ES on ay 2,See ee Wen Bey..W:SMIT ae 8.rays :Se :;soa)re Sronelsid bowj ate iy1less.owhyers 38 2 Petar aes ‘eeSore _es ::= -trnlt an sa ‘aa Fe cafe ereSeeasa a asta&oe ortge —4 BS J.chran Ameteoe ae easterC1RG SAG éSTRRD ALS sx ALE AAS DER:EgOEN nest oe Py 3 ee aay eral imackAWat: SAYeet eed leon “% ee ee eh eee eee ee“Chiron noes.tea hepeay ome aie en mee.$Sys ase Aeade sour persene=paid)jther’ee mere Aa,Devaphe ‘on*‘t he:>allos’s inthe.1 Nees ar =tage rsa xcouitry ast!Fiay.SPhis :pust.Vtlivedipy sin t Raptors ond:cae beeUcn terestreNLige..wading”for “MitBea <BenySlee fiers SE eaeFasteemed =Cob temporary:yore§Spe up Tast Tyarstar:aeaewee infu SiStex!Dai:eSUGH 23LAhibgs,“Doubtless MEL id “Tk:Benin eSis a.pee ee :ateweleetion,.thats this Jyo0d;ataMe ces nell s>etoceny:ei eeeSth=bit onein,thé 0"very:sits St a z ts Sf ne ers seit ease chat ntmént?“and:©Boalt of:“al ermen pH. eGnat Ghee ta Te ee aeBes BR anne anehd :(edgeoesagineethe®vlads Christmas Sdays €.Ry een acy mere emtNauNbechyWw‘ilksp;Seom-be upen us! he r e “ASIESE.©Websteris iWilining:}Beg Hilts House.atSunty NaepetiiqNteeretFetea2riser.oe foe,ae mone ee as writs bis.cRnC inde:COUTEY LsWwas:oak aecere Pa 4 :aren 0 Poth 8 Nea Sa eC iesBe “an ‘acepdeiwtal ;fire.Sist &eek,Bei <Sa “Jacob.3)oy xDretifcriyvoineyTnadesy:Soi)Cauigesane eae Seca eal ee aes:npresston ig the South.dust,week.Statesville.is Bee Pol wilrhoy.from SR :a veld.Gfbet 1}Anchesjsprdpobition.that “thes“general “Mrs ‘Meey AX!sivestler:ot SiaMeo!400 Oundss%”j Fae fwcerimeit®edrevforthe®wraves"OF ville township,”“killed:an _Oeodast |5 -“Aitersoldjers:“touehed:{he hweek which’yrerghed sto"pounds:)*esMeesuthern’Heart and doexer edit’ta}:“The Dey dodratic“Sia coin ee vir tctelLite worke He Trundanvens 122“qthe Pattionisn:and minsdiacimity of has bbeen:~Bt t&meet’,ine ;tcRalejeh,s hh gor “Oe t aeSe“:pees<Fhe rah eho nade tt:—Lli€,two Kec:Lon the eyenine of thsSeth 2 aoe .toe ruitweal abeephrt vanett %fos)isiaextionsWoulddaralongSitce.béen:re-Me Foun:Mctionkte?‘the Moores:A fishheostAge NeySi.ce this os soBapaepQnitad:ifpthe “Federal governmebt Tota edad ane eee sini ETI se ae take Haaser aus dete REie‘esata oe!.4 Phe ‘*oymtb ad alwagS showinthe spirit of fra-peeee Gesel).de eeeOe ink itt ie ”1 Meee chitin ane se nage sch Pig tae rs iu iiMetaeHterhite’i -theslefeated<etion whichey ine hee e 5 ee hs :mata ;Seok Re Sitoeaitac fh gee.Ea LY py ential attorners6 the i 7 OME,Fe Clirérd hyVS tad’et:Apt i ‘italivestorr.fa eS ais be ye Tee Somat ae x AN é ap d .:enwh5<sa tent Pal ircah A ’Lear erie ere their gal ser=wen =f+B resident’See eeeIe ON:Le Nicholsor*ebbasal on iy ae Ssh ale a ireaeks ee Od the.’mdse.Rare Mee bso ti c i eel bee)senof,av Magri gu”aoe meee ma oe :SieGetan NH!Zo to aeaie thefe an sid tare hs 1 i ea “ga a Bees is apie eat Se pes :,(ja tesa aaa AGRI Marcel:Ist TSLee oe esc gi \:at fee ee oi : at_Canaicates tor-wayer ons :‘tyave.alreads-Sprivgiig,a pees OF 8 nae Bas Hs SCE TDG Ty hire onan at opicn Tea ;Saleh the elec :rn~neXt bee.“OrbosSve guttiel“3,feeling the |pu he.pulse.sueaineh Cher eejst aS 5s Wee eat Ouwil dust Thins ae a*eee +ie Pat ::aThe :oeahspestcandArechow.Treat our FeadersS107 tbesaior ouy)Wareil wext Meyyfioe :an xy at HHak ;Sith:iu Jax.or “W.addell: ae <;‘agise meee NS sag hy 5oeily‘aloe:‘them:to ‘fatee-it..Dhe ‘pa oh Riel Ser eee “exaru oAtion aytti4 sry 1 esi c :;baa mir ths OSes rire.Ieappre inte tliese.:Sy per wit not “confaiw“gpachs'p ut thet-be.hettihere on Wary ary fae thre s20%li sodas tif:ST cite Sbiaet Bat ae ea ES SBN ai Fi Creo hin?TT Dees 4 ies mei patna ae page 4s‘“dlToeal HWS yor Ak.shall,"contait the “pasitionsdfstorekeepepssand eae rent tet ame sist.wit ain eo)ae en Per.Cole sua Satie :t pe aon atid’Kind: eee OG:Rene Mies,3 totaa Bs:seitettOws he hipStopiie!aos Oh Te Opa ACE TICLE ts OL assistaiiee,hat itis haved ly”7 he Secretary”walloo)beast althay 5 wthemeantime.the f The:Sar 3 :Ses Daa ae Rely ae eee ;heiftige -ait,C be OFfen €yery..Gay for'thei fion‘on-applicatign._aes he:rhe fen tad).destin”ay The iach Dy ingen onee 9 Ege ny cierto aie isc eae ais“Areteaul:Inter fou:nes eeo*Mr,Cee BWebbwhas Secs Cou,while|h Ante OneGie a ieer ,:"i3receptie1ofourtrivnds,tho want £0:‘la eke?he it abe oyeontraettaralgideonieBare’Graas eoiwesk,wth HOt se :eles zee :ite:anonament”’tobe,erégteatat they:Antes *Saag,if hi Nine-ihdpeae“Spanish mat a ‘ Se a aeayeh{Ym node» Be ilming ton ‘ate This,say ztBD the,small amiguatscdue.us:Ww @ ie ‘hepe that walt whorost us “for the par [grave ofthe late Jude BR.oe airhiyS ae oes “situe |Roman la:aves dyiol “Tints TEanGu|pe?salt Qeopiin Belote’Jaouary Fstelfete “The tionuniynt ea be.lafset is “me devs last:ec AL)Si vied is rine <tr sth Madeia.,oy 3 ;“land:stttte,hee pa one high.3 et ee sternery a3)8 Niele a .eRe xinig,sist pameewhinymations pat ysmeaaSoreiyteesijReethae.ranch t “tite.h2s.Inthe eRe oes gta:1 “Wilken . Bryaut Was ie hoy ape =ai Ro zi Tein ir Th te rl ae i “tie hy receweee ‘by the Denise ra va it eet at THE#editorial wWhick axe eee niepibatsot Congress:tSzestil:thingsandLowestEaiespera:‘feom tlie Wass ington;‘Post’on wrt bit paramo in fhe next,oe Pa eee See See 2 ee :if Za hon Onis ae witmae“Te yap:>.‘Heésiduatigtr “from:ASpeta.eh 8 eee ne Done AN Rs Scotluad Loc ie Rtas =aan eee wet hs okCog oaay 3 Gattis aiiss noxienror winnie in arms ‘is ak.Just tribute to one’‘of tet Hote vw.i ionate icity A:}Sy Douphy,Sig?a SERED.i Ba)ene y oFEy Capekae it é o Tenn,7 i i Tunienee ace =T)"rt teyan rete;pan fast es qs Seger:ot cecuntey,Sonposts.paterapie>citizens.{Salighare vWmcnpease ot bis wonedfea wetihie ty:yah te fate ‘Thatiere art‘indepebdent,paper.dogs}for oxer'anthour while tie waiter Toe xS see ;a:Reaves iSslode-“glee,pak:Lye che eliegen,Mr ‘Bryan's fimancial,abelated traiy:Cah bm CRM ote ue et ae i Panna a AY Areca ra ae ae ie UR A NAL 1 i THT ba no ie eee wer rea ak Beta ysa ee a _:.Be ne Cb te se a chat with Pie awit i :beiews,.but jt-idoes-:note on that aC 4 waited:See es ‘i ie es Nee obaes sepupts:3 Pore :epi meee :pani tae :binewiaaNYcr,3 ;a Tkeotak.eausieries “and y“asperse‘His]"Th 1 a-:at 2 fsi“Balft atrisctct fire Ligh Xa eh Tirt-aiias.:ayes Bel eda ie Seat ae NC :a Seon x:if .Bye aye pen Sa:é 1 Pelcome at Nicotine -Bow “different “ats Areat:,|«eet patel sat Su ty ed Use iForte fa wore OT A lite,are ‘tand i would.re oe it is “understood:that)Congressman?pidge THbo,tac vere Pic ieee Ko sce ws Or ENA ae as Sep a j a :;ete “ike ET ‘ Bryt<n frony ‘that’of Blots wy,i]“apport-Murar ae}ns ate a OG ne .meA AAS EBAY SON dei ak ERE ey i Ls :or a fat hex!Te re. ”tunis s Ww,:~si fseané of our Norah “Carolini:wold.“Linh ofSatisbuky is!‘privat tae es ues i 10g SS DIRE> ~"Standard™Ofedus+whites,weeently4 retary)34We Join.the’Dispattir.+}W.Ntieas emai:out tahtF a ‘-=i odd*art article coreerning.ae ee ee;PSs tyent Nee Perso!eT SckacwenyeeleathiSs"ress "ba,aH Bitar Jaye Unlocked.se .A AWey5 hated apie Readme :Pac,out heed aaa ’:Mr Thomas:Sherrie “of Tro fo uhe,w ads,Scag!cS OREN fee Met ed Es Ce ONT Tae Os.Je xt.“applaabeiOW: peta :Ae eae aes rape Sy Meat a MG mane fycentiy butcheredwo bows OoCk OS Seott©Gahopens Athcpa boest io reas ork :dre asd‘Pp He tele nfis 4oyNairypeeexe-ir oa my ."i.=r «ae nk yer browgTit +6 A eure os read.335 ‘fan afetes months out which cS cichedashaihy,PETES arotug Ane a.j ¢:‘{ae BEE iz BREE OAR EsweeSyiecintoaelvrpuntingsanHON “Dartta Latent,XK is welled NEON at uF q 2“e |cohmigting-suricide:be ase”ong.ofthe Samec places one wiieut>ca Biretfame iy Maen cca Bat jo ORNL ik a };2 phat bacaeans Secinite Be tf espn “conhichatomansid®bet loxe.thing,”but the}SAC ‘fe 4whi hi weighed:Day ore nsx lust.Week “by fndtle:Oe ar!a i:a :me ;:Basi ay ne Pte ia "Ae ig byes oat “NG :eso!wh ;De. Pasi oasg:ot the.Towts tian’reported jip te way ite ee Carltot:cia pukehy sent’ve Di Peta Shah a iterne“a us :tat wit ah ‘ee ae ye kt.-Demgeratic Lf eal ‘i phe BE:TWiew >Hoel.x Btow |}ue Satori hog Gea a her :re on Wada :a Bs eeagics é Oe ag RTmdeMieatret‘Bittom ~pan other*ca fam “is.the jnidst unique.hSate aS Ae ds aE Bs fe EST UU ts EI v Cus Bey ue ates fe 8 cae ne es oy 2d Ie pee ees“tg es onl Batre histor felt invurded’s,‘ABhe -roneAt -i ins ache Hemic om Gonihy was meatsKohie eter cers :rte Na Tse:in os ,de ave ets espretier-~ohiaethre bis Fas ok eM Fectutieparchased it,“aud,SLE Pa DGS:deerogasolthor ty:eon tn on on ‘te “wi ike ot Temtospge iy ! 7 sieaste.fit hés'Suicideis said to hase itn:lirsteclass,.condition “fort next kis aarmiys stoppedtaa [2 salah SesthatsSTi Jaite Se aea =.ohne SEAS Sco eeeeeed.s tone?Of evry otheeetbeenthatall,woner “whom hesmet {season.when he will condeach it ina!;"aie ranky ;OeaTt Svtheryneueethos,+o ve : me ae ua ‘cht:Miboubha aiicla |pet cof Pret Ca isida s :pT si poy OE “hh:tates:zi "far ast rectird s-Ty Qorkale Oty wriia hie cae Be metre hos fecerhs |self,odOF t:coe with,Aika:ah S00 f SO Ga SG nes 4 ar act estieSptOOS.Pore Bas i fe te id)Jove’x ith Lier:ht ins Lo tel Ae ;'im lias hi USC es Seri ort iat sah osilhe e each:ottien ;ea i ho i Be AVA In every:St:ato”or the :wa Ley _u C €ae LS ,that thig would have.been”the Sy Bs Tir iia ale Lees Ape3 Governor Rast o etms “aeyinted)Seah amsic hye At oat od iro tei ahs ethers the tundiininishedbis’xO we .Vs ae Beale max ee .pies cls eA le fi z ¢:.cmeNBe.ERRISON |reine”when most ner would Vyive.“Re’th of.Mrs:WWéstmeroiane.+Cok Be vorly.=Rowse.a Dene.:ere ie pai GATS x >sb )oe!he ee :sets a feople.‘s sh eae lk%)¢‘“NET.Pot Ct Bast “sch TE Sets aes};ae \:Ne“Tinast wanged to Tire.Now,ify onal ORL SS Jarkia Wiustiiar @land died:at ts It OL x far,f ieint aeneral Aor ew ESL So TES:3 ¢‘ee aa eee ein ae ie }a Gina Se eae fps =.=other muta ‘had’beer ec poatitae:Yor|the-bomelof her soitinJlwlMp Gly awir Brigiias ty:agte!Aecaariben t ve MEE sore :Poona emBnunolen.Kec ete, ae ine ithnie»eotild understand aeWSPemvtPy5‘Fy qiplakniofOne eee ee Le Salish Cat haa eee 5 ; Thurgtay.ee atae ee ers Retenuons.wow.Oe Calas OneMee ea wee eanae SOLARA ee warns gave,aid.dignitied Dr.Thog,:3 ate Qut for 34mahOf Suth luck tohave Faced abont-70 years 20 THPika hdusgs belonuth-to.J,Tages:gies:Woes temmakedeasd,bara ;‘*ie aneral ftaken"his soma life.passes sal,bomary Mrs.W éstmordand:was théistay begtd Ge ub blig es werecdburhe a.ie art Abealispet oli inl tp.uate:whet ber ,habit CsC=fie ke am chaie 4 a fcomprehension,Hewas more tap [mother ‘of Me WeGoay estmdiclain):AtaoThursday.mol ye oe igh Ok.Roe tie ereccaten :aa KIS Fapiiak ul ¥Dor Ra RN ae a .lot Statesville,andlsheled Ges 8Seyoralptne fuinleare WasS8v ote Waist 2s Ag lersot :eet hapttri antl thoroagaty craay cin the words ofthe immortal ehildrenyto ‘turn’her 4oxs,she Stil tase Gee warldines.7 reda Lece ,<-:oe ‘Siti rs ’“Sut:Bowieete.~pene ‘Gor a wat a’‘wood.Woman ineWwery Velatihope AT,Toes probably:¢NEC arse,00%Sivas -Obeshh Grade”StS.tte Tae:bee eT orL @atn fyol.+?yt Pie gare Ser of*titer and “enjoved the eontiddnce f°Morganton FareSh tend:Phe:12 to Te wieSs Seg Ss ia ;*rear Yate ‘land esteem of hen.neighiors.So ie ot hiremonths-old babx ot Mrws:Sas £-ahs "i ey eeheiethasabncee oebe =Ne >BEE *Sos om Baers n,Waods.tho lives:om"Or cHeCeilfc beat The Proposi tion.to Apa:ay cone Troutman-“Hartline:‘a ey xg tonnd:deadin bed Yast Sune Succeed General’Si fe Coates:sche ;VOULMCs: She.saidih “ut pray the “saints eA son:"Douvabke We ‘have.Stitutional amendment”to:“the peo.|-wMY,“Gente Te Trgutnkin ‘sonore woyntwe.ad ts Suppored trait <thy]on etn Ly ee esting nt roi py sri iy (SWE packs res.“She “tried: Sahai vad “mill propertyei tple:{Qathorizé the _Schdel-tuae®toy ya &.le he es {Shaken aes Was Smother ed during!Bl orgiter Or Mast eh opehOn Haat es rope seus ie Sur Salk:simultancousty 5wax.ae oa ptownship,and Miss)Minnie Rob My tae ee St ee fe ert Ren “Teno at ahs ate bh pia)Sher Mey €SEY WRI Sa Nsrif Mfort IaTseYdivweehtherSothaty&5 SSL sata EVAR MEN APRS :;wih.effort.“andasth~BE ry Son,es be divided bet oe cae Te :-$Hartline daugtiter wok NET Ue sca hd HATS:iman monde Bail:vie)Ox hd ie pipe}syiien ;nied the mole,Dr,Ad@ison®=Baa ‘ise Vehien:whites will get what,they pay Aantlisie®:of Balistoiy 'townslipsbe Prorat Ale.PBaphist:lerphanddu.|oh :'xe wii gu Pee next ir,Addison: =ind:the:qnegroes:their own moder pivere.rinartied sit the home of Abe bdied hist Thursd ibe ‘os bad:‘De61 Lest yh lat tI if un a ae i eee Rete RO _penmets ith,the’almost.“angn imo?)owe eee Of:Taste week supenttndert Of.the Oxtard?or?PrcGd TS ye G.!A eae 0 a nt ere ae eee uw <bine of those traps -Approval.of,Buseke poopie.weenie!a Darr officiataie i)-*ft plianacer sind MAS Know th ats eetie E cre iaa.‘Pia hen Meee :é “4 id,kindly.:ee -a Ci TOSe”are Popularyoung peoplesifdioiuter ”of oe in age apt OF k ay Y Siar Oe one a geo d ’ea Pa .;,-XG sept :eure;paliveat parties:If there:Wis’been thexcouiity dnd we:forty,their firiondse|S!et oe Cie antes .ne Sr o we a Dae $s.|é 39 Peete ABE e ¥danié,Stich attea:* ar SS pones:tThioe ha pe Deen,atimndred—eit-|%in.congratulatipns..Wep-Wish dor ot ‘dGelimneiousouiousin to Dl meat adie cgetrréd Wut aa eis EES cat i iuSpired by batonémo- “OF StaTEsy fELey Ne’eo:pera Wee Linens 6tT¥ede heaabty;.gndandn ‘of Meeoie eea aresed |jp “Bert sani fast ek fred haps:She Si Beh Salehiehesw aca ta eee eos |tiv G ated tlaQook she turned on him, ena inistn ee:Papositerec ceived.stibject to ae ono sieet wale ein Not Deady it se HO “have ex-pene a en :BES penaibite !Cri o Sat¥.ee Rae Wy S78Siggy,thir women”and:,c aR lenge d i -ppree lation:;.as “awe as’ depanits.Moneyioaned ot i colpieces}ibe pef8nal-security |pr Ned"to:this”wSriter their BPPLOS-Ftr ing Ma:rom ‘tho,Rail-tantnei speek a Dir eex i .eeDeirwateS fded.‘One Ee,Se ‘Beas eh eaeuvdoliaetionsonaypoints,alrt credited or reniittedat lowestrates —;“road Comrhissic :::=MOST GL LETP OMS OOich OOUS.Pe Lat ie?THT Tag diet 2 elagen eana one aea rt or .;rt anow wheat offieeigeun,Mere seats Mapufactorers and individuals solicited.50 al and endorsement ‘of this.“paper's|Seeee ee hoteht iiatrats rot dioliene chet:::hens me ny svhat office: toaphy terms!m ocr See heourse cin ‘advocating.this “measure.The report ‘ofthe State aa osae Started thentire.:=2 Seo PICHRS:eat oe DHE MEN Legislature;cam.do more|Commission ‘shows:the”follo wine|§-Postit aster Ge W.Can:fon,of VSS ar OCESe 6 wy Président,J.C.F EVE ‘s Vit esr siden ‘o.unite the white’people and render statistics‘of interest Eh “num:jcliectie ape a:teviiae vere :+0 2 cea et Oa 3 RiseSeriaG£0.ne re ua Woe asteie ae Democraticsuccess 7in future cam:ber of Iiles-of railroad is.uiven~asas=item,Cee aaa ae eeus aa tesun ‘and:Kinds YOUReed ats :“TS Marry Ato” Tre —~paigns ren.by Supe this;penne :Atlantic Coast’bine,498 -aioe “of woad pe potyated,i sie opal Saree aa Se ee es el ;RDS tioty.to,the.approval ate ‘the PSouthern/T0005:5 seaboard:GND:nis eee catting the.dinar rey Ef cats =sae ey aes aeaR ie :pee sen a ah MeGee!ol:¥psilanti, r Ee eple.“thantmany other way.fre=]cellanicous,TAves.There iare 13 tole:inhittineCANUTE WNaeSe run ::ikei a ten ei :oe :3 a nh procsoredag Vi os “hK rae “Sd St net oe i c paren “:Eo ee CYS DOO ay:wo marr sdellwpudity’expects Senator Bisvier,graph:fompauies.~Fhere are (se danserously:bukty %e Paci pened :eran a a ee Arietins Par)aed "50.She Tea be rr“cho knows the needs Cf our,Sehvels,Asteambboats in uS@:ity ‘the State,The}|Wh.als ee :Tes cate i Rtg?WC co sarced:by keuad eh0heafeddetinthis:fieht “fee jjus-fassdessed <ahues areds:follows Ate aad ha Ls =ihae a 4 Hi :£AS.the Mexi iCu ne Wear,Se vke ~ty u ar nT f i vice to the white -children of:the lanti¢.Coast Line.sSITS South-}Lind.SONerat cueshies ist!we be ;-{Jaesie near iho)oe :;es and iis ras¥spright-h a be >Fo ti aaa me f ve Ceoe:state.Nea byt cei he ferucsS158,T2095.Seaboard Air ‘Line;MiG trains in bhrlabte ene:ora Bas oeaeee 1s :Ce ARE Ey ;:pet cease eas yok Wier vlasses‘andis ura Orn eon as.:1 Tiast we -fis elhnty pa ree as Hein cers ts be same pede :44 ood rifle sHot.$11jrreat.age is.ey Hi ae hl mS :;Se Bi 053:Ge ¥‘misce!Nee orads.|das ae Ke ;1 %cana =43 ae tN Ly sere peal ee we ;f ;mF Hed fox by eldest:indy ulgitants 3:S i i <>([ieune Heart yerde a t is rt ’we,.i oe haearateeaemeneCPacaeall.accounts ‘the State poni-|*an,2059 Pullindn.cats.$6.01:(iat hears touched:be ymbtetone}rpsiluati and Wariods records,)~ ia oy "oer Re catentiars~must be:ina ‘bad:way:Phe.Mercantile Prust-andDenese Koti-siscas Ane.Te Ferthe trio::oy 'ef nars-(ol tats owned)=3326 07 1:hel eS .Bitten bya.Hippopozamus.tate!Pres ister,has -Iparied it large Ft ce c -Adjutant Genera Chics ork Di ato,s eaA¥S Cs tne op ie s;Bee por Patrick.Marr aaueahsae*ee :6 t en :;Zee i Z pia aE:othe4ry,and it-is said to awe mercantile eeeSh487:total valu i aeBA eea App UTENR Gach ;Conte At Park mena sir ie,is suffer-F ~,oe &r eCreds a y e “or Sha ’y AES 5 Aap Z *LAT ‘OCK,ofof Alexander Co,Anetioneer,.iris considerable amounts.of mond)oh Taira |aon Cat)Sy oui be approphiated for thy sup A undkited the twa nen The |Ee ee ee See eee‘jotbine nd SasScanlon.|ous a EPoai trad is valned at a3 5 nage Bt 206 ‘a 3 ruts resultof tha bite of onecoffoéPP;port:Sof the ude?SEhe:report “Qin.eee Tey :G :the.hinpopotanss;Of which he ‘has. “Tor aite ISStume,mae the Bas se Goerac‘com médat leis highest epBECS “ubtained getetsLait“>lsams of money from the State treas-eg vaply companies.$803,;B10ssteam=Las bee sent fo Goverhoe Bie Ny ~> e Colvert,_Proprietors.“fhe.fusion manayement of this’in:*:uN ee Payee .ade >Ae r BG:adyatant snediy:ie lynched:ye ne z diaidl yall ithe pil eharge.:He:if chavinge his hand Se stittitivh “has.beew full of scandals oitace eee |ROUGE days spl TEN 20h Sateen roe nessa Saace ANS BUD etsy enanearay ey br ated au’the’Presbyterian Hos-, eee FCai o-|che inspector Senoraal “be HiVen ook :gntah-and there is fear among:-the ©salary?OF SH00;ooo 8 -“ti Yr,ons that poisdning may set in.:SAeeRilloway Marlow holivesin tlie:ee wi a See :&neFspo2esWassyinaaotonie:s eee ebitenrasy,soecid miab 3 :Fs ee MINSOBPECT As bt as early iin’the,session rO penitentiary:$2,010 2 eestock pens Wwiikes Brushies-wet:home ¢be;which:ae NTieoa at Ii 4 am the 3jie4N¢wdeyy es :Cah i me oe -otelestide‘giting /Gs BP RSI,of uffairs,‘and it,“should not rest fron other ered:S50.30Ur,‘total,2327p ast week uuder the:igthsene fneh :ce aac at ple :.Sa er ot sn oe and:sve “xtravagant.THe newutChristmas.’a ae Oe ee cee and very ‘+g e ey ‘Legisiat»yress should address itséll TO yi)wl,iY.x ;pTo.tihis cid we'shauld,seleced:#8!dabors mantle:the avg now ind Vem ~Phe passenger cara Les OF POTTER tox,iad dora bpfore the fire ti.ofSix sPie3eeetotveredatucetitiens.The:ieoutrol-as began Cleaned out,yt Fac ae sa:“Na.‘Ratirgad”were:jan weBAL Lom tee ae +Laster:in tt BP estilo;96 Ist}lotto)presents often‘afford tee ‘as per :"A:t W‘as “VV raed te af {iis eT oC wee ‘::7 Pa *i ‘Settee ob nS qa .ss se heesnsegack rity:chmndn ee tes om patert,chonest and:decent mevys freiglitearnin gs:Shs BioSeapee Beiee.eowet ‘eC ab OW are KG ,rs nae ¥'4 ao era lyguglredst apts Sisters Byothenmi Weathers”ave,again:been:‘put:.in'vharge.We perenne experises:to eavaineSo beechIs ie :ra ;'aes mah a ES ;ST coca:be extinguistcd bis chesteaid ;ayes “dame Samy yee ience>ee ‘herp dug sth ceCaren =rales“srieh tied |40,808,eee accept tistrada ot Paapge ths gs ene ace vaeelamen.eeste byible.burned *aoict ThOLted Pedrcon ako A NEE ee eae ans.of,rit “wtrap=aoe soneae a a oe ght Coulee ale Sut fhe:needs Of thé <Staté Se pee aR Sa sie :The oct gy sapition is!tha he se Lge,it ested,aot ee Os E me See 2 aotke =“Sbe dnder- >atygigs by he Ppt saaats:serSst {that Sat totus Se oa apt pBune-co:age SaaS et tient will:TEGO ee SRM aig Se eae Sohal ih Bed age a ;we})the hoys€at 2 o"clockbakabyelealipli¢ationbt“RrOverngtasses.”Wiettshould avain yat-in-chutpe Pita 9 i uae oe ;See rectal.he alt and"-was:niaking."Wie oe aN Pieter aGee .fh :a:toral i 2 “.;;:Diora Eee Lars fi fae.est spent pubal”‘S&veFal:week's agoE.“He norris}‘ae oe =oOener aha :_Hae 9aa railroad.cehs M0 tHe’tre oF alt ;ae :br ifs burials sda . BIS 2 oeic_institutions:Un 's,,tormer .ES clerks of the Superiox Vourt Can apel py:Thess vassevewered:MERA.|Piacedoeece tie ces 2 Beton by dixtovering“~.ladtinistratiqn~‘the“pénitettiary,a whichhg Seipeee taeFpoititjustices of the*peace to tilfvast!ass :Bt at ree kiligd.dha Tr passen:BAP:=sat ae a -Tite ine thes little ones?Tt Si 4M .whitchthad long been:a borden.tothe,strayed -OfF.-Eight,“days after-7Pcancies'caused by death,resjwitation:ae ee eps eas RioiNg coe Sin ees ton ;uit ore ae f be .Simcbinnta’and vasaSeaneee‘gi (Hew nic “j *.;;ra 3 irpattenay.og wiWaceomprSésiure orcome:[hax payerstok tre StState,was made|,he brad)‘sonre:!atid ‘Working for “other”Colses during his terarof oebere a tet:SS Deadmanahaa the ean 10:breathe regiflaply-and ‘show*-ld be.op a “ste was”wIpPhe-governor nts tod Sie Sail dongestion ‘from “the 5SHBTERSitheiterTheea“Puréued,Lto pay “its”own-.wars:.“Bre Legisla~!‘bis wel I hen the pig:owasfound’“ya posice N=ZOVEPNOT--UpPaiits to:Rit ee ;er :k other anmiistakable signs of,fife.A-Se themlane PARR ee na for,P ture”should -chungethe-law,turn iina:a en the ya¢ansies,,caused?by.“bhi:favuret”u ae Py eae nevs and preatly.ctrenctle ‘Hdoétor was sent for and theeer twrePuttefieguaranteeda1PeicteeAnsa,out!Sewugrne and elect St:Lassen:ten ee eS oe eee aeofhose“elected to.quality.Theat os Ney eakutss.tee f Beit hopes’ot ‘its Lrée eeeYwe:fs .aS Set IIS 2s Phe’election Should “be with sucty 7°rtorney:alséiholds thatthe general!”pa,SE.Sek a perce Gf was Too(2 wo dit bres<poReT..a a er rae Seiauity “thas be will,feel it bis etCo,Tawell;ME Bu pete coe:>reathed:efght.daysand.was,elrewsont:well)justiccesielected bate>ee months rea-THE JEWELEE AND ORTICIAN a oer eeethe:ese “he Jang hearty.”Nei aa Spa i je which’*osican Sete ip aha fasowes RR aein’.a Cratié at i :::2 ly ay kT ¥,sein it =eS {3 ;ei s j :be BeBLISMED “ESeaLy ee BehSROs foreed.‘upop.tiea jovdrnment by Phere:werdS-built.Gavings the Past =Clas at ats on Sspent *Coeod<Si:ee Pie agitlas Gndtich Ci2c&:Bai >he aS pele,eightiors iy:“thePOsit:uty)Ont Pear te:TF}:a rafltoad tot!Re:Sunda atsSwit tery:vif TESS aie one 8 Se ye aseuine :mL’viaae :;¢ia “%tat :D whlihy a ;f iver ey %see Rls |me ite ;5 SoeraAl APAIGS Le CX ttse.‘s 5 =e Sphige:“thestytones ae wit pesn 4%tees t iS SS ~vr Ww ee Echerd moxed His.faint catoniakcabinet:Marquis,Bsteb wrref“ONE:DC 9aAR re ¥Hihe haGaygat pe uns ‘ba +hier peo!ley P.asar Taoishiee’6 ?ae Shy.Miho.the.eeeioe eat ths “Bay ot ‘of Havan:the.ae ae,‘in Ft a Coe Se THe tee “peneNand SHANE appre ae oe see Sn eseeotneet esqBSI Wade agp a ~conpiny,oedotablesiaraepeeaeeA:sVeP spec iol.if hy ee TP.;‘ees “Mi,Jas “Pav idsont smd cister,Miss|thereto esr ldsksESUTNESS-1S fetta er itperie tem tgs iow és ne I ¥¢M;;5 Ye ttea pee ee Basico!2Phosi :.a Viens vceise Re ite rhe ends »F2 a Neal;fareetn trite,coud-Mipnic.“fr of near:town,*abe Visit.|Wt,The:stoek tasket-ia eis“shieRFeetee|ae a es ee eh emily ae ee Taregiesbes ae thrown oft ofa bay:tye peiile nevetnia.a ee He eee 7 gemaainSUf tho discoxttorafAmerae i,$Tit kee |eae Rate ne siti a Arathi sitio ju “Bay hdelnk ce day“att Week Sykefilled.in?Bins Se Wi bb:E trech viliag AeTe eXamiped “HFSenor Movtyy DyKoaltBh..sna ::thoovedeeesennien t VEL ewe 7)so Sathe “Webb.of Creed villay 4°ESOTCO OF Won for alyaebptthePimticeatttogribeasbasdagenbeeupeereeaanhareTaeHLilland.,of Bonds ‘Gountys Mego lS visiting <“at”her,Tehex.®erarts eae BC eX¢ae 4 “-<*..2 »4 ++.+~s :*ASir ge tP Entere ¥i No sae SPC Soe thsirat Tse£ares toed“Jas hibusesby fire:pula ayrht-ast Rugineer Spene UNS ene oN on ayes OTe r \:THEE secon chess niall mye eae aed acd ska shy Lithitipi RUE:ARE ;SHITE Vebet no=inswer®‘“esfound,to,be Intact:ttetaeReehey=a ig fe es Me LE MieDingt h Te Kheca em etapa sineah gah hg «Fe vt shes MSE!ie i Steck a ae Ww afiaus'sDs)Hottie,to’‘the;GithedrnmonaeeeiSaumCReBato)saan afoe Pe Pian tse et Lis With her:brother.”Peet -canongganma soln fee,.ars oePigs 35 spe i Brainsif thas “rth ee eithiel Ny i it aaii e Sestligs >eet ae <Mere i »$e =~2 ::ses ae “tt "ye ‘e WC5SetarEEeslictoraoseeeieee|iy Coen Pt:SStech “plac eeosuly Sea é =cs:eh mS g >,1 .Ts MAT LU ;:‘;eS nis4 seirope a htOSt:fs vitaeer:re->**At reports are‘true ‘Ginawba-.auldragpeh shes Rene oe ee S ;is SPR ATEN CIEL RSS aee-O-.Dex FeTmbhicerercates faeOU t Sy et eek “HotalgarJands.*a>tel:ike ‘et mid Pt eet ‘ Surrg county zrooms:way hextivee 3;:<as Pee Re nse Us sxetileaite Alexande bri dex wee :iA Sileinn pracbstton LigaenmsSeeahicralaneaeBREa.-the Machiz:aveheunt,)fletheeese.Sarhapawi £‘uPmeire Eacto:5 =EK!a eaeosaererVALLid:3 oe See 4h Srriuet:county:WS PMs:SEAL:Gaik,=¥Jo¥ars ‘will,casket |WES?talsun'sSto.a Aagnca,Hee]Yi ie he pont &oe ~rena 4 &et .LS c Ci iw iy ee Ty bet ex pai Sid:wicksaS Li eee sYitiact Puta,‘Tress Sy,“soTiey oer Se aesDagxharn.FPAtween 4 ae ens‘anty?tiv a A~.fk 08 ‘ent ein ris’>‘4 es .oe HOOPS LY Oe Fdngierinlisto =tee ;“si eeSyitian ape ane mn ae ens Fe Bis cz 5 ‘?Tegexit Te Wt Sein Tk dh =SottGune Bee t :‘tur ,h »talaeaeLob Cheon ot S per ior.Count Wiiltts:“mateo Siren,";eee ee ph PeFae SF aoe ereSeip getion HallsSatScat sii nos 1ebim pasacd:’Ahorbought 3h Won:geea5 Sard.Sy etON mths ‘of a quguler thyocete.ko Sat i PDeEEt ye "Beds fcitess Ptah ns eee wo fest IE:Tuesday Oring ‘Onae :4 re >R Sionagkhs eons tHe:eiak <adnate S eee “ay Sie ings otss wens bajar s %-t 4 neoe hingshot “érgur bial Saree WOved,xe uO Re ".“oak::welay reLene asriair ;in *et fginmaa hess subiey ei ses j jaihe FN gk}LS pate :22.Dy nae ac Duneiu i|ae:dd:Sip readsSmite stonPak gtr Pula.\:Tee ON “2 ;ANP.Ceo,Sueherakd +ost fat)ie mentae,‘‘hake cartable itis Thigtyoeyle.boaSP aEty Warts ee ae ~Fi a San At‘fyrenal fi‘chin My.Zeeks +i set ‘Bpaeice*Bio,,ECS TS TR Le ROTREE TAC TEPC ‘ones (Sgse hus,Soi sie dis tKWashin on.teeeSS¢“ihn ate Sig CImeahetous shy =i eeld tesite rane iverl al REdin:ne Hote}Baghcn;P :ay et inesy.8%bi Pewee im Spe Seley Ate ale Me Aa TE:a Dace 7:dao ee qr (nto 2 ATS :foMeses.2p eSiriano rr Ets a seb _Mie itp ane ehh:Ms narsaheaTihewtaybesae:eeeTeanita 9;y sete,wate fiesGig iesa at vet Yonovert hoa,Stove Lie “Hoi Joseph ns “Pariiie1ave28 |eee ay b f a x we vasehe see “LoeHedawt in Pe oy Witesae:ah iymwah:fu the*R=P,arta fick LGpuinittecrinn ffour Not ee eneSoESaewefeecone€aeten.SNadap liny asst a -:te ot spore rouse:<e :rae reed atgleseditor af the Statetieshee“a i:ore lgene.va ms *deat,Pics pel See sitter :pete wher Hi a heduss:a4.ne Vs iH “N ye >ee mf x ><Sh==und Fas me |Fethy d i thetfi PEW Mise cay’ing gc Raper Mic scen ote DeskCue nehreunch|es ay ei *1 yibteSand Tae the amatiorse Chel::ae >‘tie*raTiobli iia’“y Sega Com oR eh je Peri WE Deyd at at!eet 2 i re +e"Basehtisesee?~i *af wa letitt erent al “thas time |ne Sen:bortuds sett:es:p CRAs RantA aOR BAe PieAcueiscen OTS neoh ioe rai,weghee ty,fst ee be ee “toh Spend:Rhee s“ec sis Tia.8 jieebeaSeite:ie a eek em 3OT nah:38apeople,Rath pits:i*tatetemh ae wideey sts Lhe ast bir Bisies SOF SEAN ink alas ‘5 afb feta!exeurs oa éSBatweenae:<ies f is oo ws <n >oh :‘‘.Wpie3e .A Rc ae a nyt ®and if shes!sian }be ite Se Af :*Cae an,uwere buat,of Charlovte.ining:‘the SS +H3eiPsiWeahpatna’sali Eig Dat ese GON:Cy”Sper!Mp hist;“Ayin rer here:éarrey by-a:atusion betave ent tlds p pUlint:Sane ath AE iy Sart MARY ekg eee SaaS‘cM Lage «hee ik Semis Super apdas Peek ahdyare eat;cate aplye:Land TegTOeSE EU Sg oseethetSnbspeteiPecos,Ho 13 Sur ot fai ‘theedale Chit Tok Howiutic 4Connty ran y teVetisayy hesiwses Ce ay peng MeSe ec)ot thie.Reprbiicat ene TeevitePESStoeXe‘©he was q :“ie Ots::s ;ce hak agian th ay ME eranAS Leek aeaiye|:Thrown vroky a carrie OS he wet WR anti ia -et,ies AVopiass ae micetsap huniarycand;as, ~~Aiferest SNeie wisi “ermal POC ear ai 1 J bgt .Se an PANES EE AG:hadi:eo eePveotnnte va aeSihotSeeeeFtaie Mint Gs “dower woth tar i aetih ui Ho an wisdat *}ae '[is apie aiwiat9SASceOF“i Soar rite “Ata rest ine the rovethi,nile> +} LtHere Freie Yeba Ck pts core tireoth Ci t+Us signe ves set.jogHe oft ay Te.2 lay, Baws ‘Tiha.a % peweSe RATS 7 ,ma"MssghRINE “EE:2 arch ‘ih tinecah Et a2 ooHetaigeeOty SSae v SeANvit he These tint .NE ee .eas SEES kw itshakin + the aU Bible reanside A hedit hone} a expeSANE ‘ba the Uyesroy =e AniGut ae *Nucaullierian Che Bo é Wire CONsidefaeTrewss*Beerfeelersthi.skape Rees te)Tee a adnate <?rHlé ox i neecenessegs Ss L geaggaph Breck <7 Boutsiina mea 1 co Bhat Mixicctag: to besa nisiace to the Tights ot sy ‘ORE parent “boy.Oe seit +}?Lae> if hor ne pent wandcitipacts, BYE SeHeaticn.pet CENTS Kou!dha juatitied:theireepbse Disg The we pulse: tion anc 0 ne xition of the,PR 4 ‘pine ee Heal anneSATE: lief Be2}“Question. pb rigriicon,supine’3 bytant ds iq eutn’ *raimlaitr‘ ge miley | ire ne 2 us adO power wotld be Tes ustifable-t he uu 2 anNexatigny:¢Neithe mean Ags Fh att:oH . + Ss 4a nth the ase of mili aysashes:“Pune.intthe Chest,+Semen ¥.if :has a old:jadicate a teidgney |“tO-%% 3k piece of”Haasnel:dampencd with ‘Chamberlain'ss r fied:upon.the ro thie.of ie ssiti *Neith ee can :Be fastiiticd upon thet orn:ck at or needed sterritors. t "faded ees eeesittertobisin g Wye Joins +!PP ay: *pre tenxeé of Wutkinikesiahisny willh witherae ngite ATE©AUTH.;©Oo wey Wide si ies ;*HOt avath “to support the policy of we V Np Nee rier eee‘enforecdbc petite uve to the mandates}6Witla Bowdeam WHOA OrRS igre {t ht ere}orofonlaysSNGRwesthemissionaryEeHarborteMewsafiicebotcuughit cspivit of the uth asi,ULC praspellerse machines thers ony day Reai=‘aie CS Exe ook ed hy vi bis fete arm:broke:“Nh.atoné for.the’vreueti:WARY Wrouws|iy:Sata places(Hi eScabe ofr:Which must folliiw:tO the résilae oF ladeSant Pith wielindst:MIRC ULORS:thé?be by foltig by reason Be thigh or ai tg agen genewdepartarecriseSalhewdepareAMONGTHE:"POLITICIANS,‘ture tfar the reds A athat the pro-}*cies Se:‘‘*posed:proceeding?without prece :“dent >dng tho.history Of Yas aac:Fob ¥.Jordan,ot eehe ie ny ih‘eats :ey ;7;be a Gandiodate’for superinte pdeart |,try.ee ie we Shot the penitentiary ht is thouwhtebat Fer:the last:thingy vears our the Legislature.will chainve tine pe::itn Mauagemearmy,bas numbered les$than thir Ley Ree OER IRS an“thousand |Beh;anche Cosy per alt:{Wines d-aeeth te @ 0 New York|‘bY Saturday pircht:V Sa4S LUC SSSnumforthe<s Et.of be ar :ees;Hor he:supperton the arcy,pid te NeXt:Cm paloy aac Be sive:‘«at yt »Y .+and navy as beenless than S402000,+SUVer,aD 1i-expansion,-dutikimp,t,000;“Now it is propeésed to intreasetialisui of $1150.4o0,000 per annum. cried bemshoiv fh that Ef:fit our “Nation »raté with this Vast;Sutn-of moneys { the poliey.tO.some “extent.mi etit | point:but instead :of reaping tinan-| cial benefit.our labor element awitt}- im suffer,additional burdens and:Our)thspeacewiththeworldwillbeputinaE constant:jeopare Ve New ~questions’ of international law‘will‘ari sevand™ the frequent necesssity for theirs dd-| power will require that.additional. “;prerogati¢es be conferred ‘upon.thSe: “President so titat-neither delay “nor want of unity of” etawart strategic movements.of di- “-plomacy.These additional powers,’ ‘once secured by the executive,will lead.to ee ieee In a . Phe SO bau earass Past we) M4Hemi ockee,Shy omvrnkihrattenl Gr SaySatan pear Sues GyDevitt:&fron if” npgmbs hat:ev powde natenke jrethe centye of atte:iese mniatetdanype Ee heisteeeSplodiae’% pekin,wea’Nanire® Rillgeee sumed ee aof 2 hd"sagt wd fer i aedoe iz feev seareenitho x,a alts iia wiven On Lect Sinait's LYess.fSoi rom the?"ist t forks and Dytlaniy’st Eetivetvos Sars G Pe Teal See » county ‘ny ward:paeymonia: UES ba} Soe rege shir,Abasaea mig th:i iG Uhieeche at age .rr Sa ~~abe gers PismeementJeSteSsMy ttPbThe feeSeat napeaE THE Rieriast |Wirt and at Distrachs waa harbor: eum:Rig estan 5 >AS:pa Head avr York imaictfidest >Sh raSiG:eh ightGueaueeee3wssls ee at,ee Deng m cofLode.SP ag ”Wetllae Vaoteecof}Hed ae wat hare eit,i EL Vi iTalent ally Ahan AO Minit ts mle Sal We “ws i inoyaE Teait toa: ? aes Was .ae or oie bs yp Sstay hs pes + we ce District, Seastsi Batis $* aa ext thout Ethis brant of power to-ae my,¢ee t: President,ittwitl bE ditieniit wf wok “_farpo!ible.to!deat.ith the.execs:“He “Sas. woy Fis oea sae alemat a tte a aeer asin Saal he :woe eebesser ih " Crewe,SeeJ os ae =e Yo okyLe5Bist md i aes hseKeon abhi La tte £SMeu seh vig eh cae t aA lee ae Cae lying:tre His *peraosi He wasavastShed:Monday FOREN:ite ted and senyee“Hoey:onde weit Lo fie wears in,tlfe eeseehim“gh STN ey ;my ;HOG aentenible 2 %ean :Lon‘the pesit VOR Tis Wits Sia “avd wWhewvights of aber.adtheagniyto.2160,000,men ata cost theaut Poe ~ilver wall bé the.chief.;;paue.: baer ‘will not.comet Corgressina!n-: eat inwthe,ext Coug Pp Ua ‘pe justified from Fi financial’Statte-jsomeand,Wockery’‘wilh contest Cira}ee seats.from tie remites - Sooty whoa Deidre:wilktans; at in ‘the:Législature of“ReSeuphe from Henderson * t“petaun ain Galantbound on to the cheat. DUIS'sa“backin a ee(fists. ‘purpose shail:“over.Uie-sedt)oF pain will ‘prourptly._relteve,khe’pari:aid®:prevent.the*threatened:wattack “of preumonia. mye treatmentwill-curea late“Sold.by Drog:‘ 3 to Vaid oben Maneater oe hs Nae Per on Brabifstiaueital V tre"Csteeples Boy aDUGmeeSte ee if a° Giatsow Rasheed ©Fferchagt o OGky Mount,Miefinleay « r 2 ATP froig-ch KellsAN sF!FSD ry ana lea bint “tTS qm ‘broke:ue . py oe tNSidedy,a as i sortty aaar ae ~ a t purtt seh HSSat! Ayae ani tli tues Seanad:diay”etate ee lentWc ine ton%OTH:Outit oF Lbs.ee | tf haa tet yt re thas-clliv,peel t JS:ROM <\4 wouctrt eat Theesawill,be anor stan it Het ‘ate pT ibe.indietients... me *tare ria Rho oe “of Bowtls ‘att Ly Jab Sean yeh?eet tin- “iM servis p CYSOE €OUI.We re Wurne.Ud hhouday ther mide.“Phe buitdtns vee peTiguh tileres ts t ‘abies i iat aaa args sek .»Pg:mse Dh tga oo eo 5imageteimi.‘peat,ct can oe eee PW yp eepbes:Fue Peks ated Sun Sean fot Was|Site Rimsvot inte ta aheputyc’“OV AME|He maureen fis Norte:Le dSi ap 1 eirtose Stilnarb 2 oe dd:Thi fs Hiei MCkSSreoederinOeOPELOneCombicoeorsteeaPe:serine a SePMO bee cat ratrivel ~anii}co FeteWont SSS aie,om “ak 34,€;Vepe rete we es ; Hod ne ar Trohetevy witless ihavet"x yastetee hiss tA wake Psday.WetiAt:ode”Bt Ie it Mohan hy ale”mathe ay iG SEHOt regs ae yee eh =i] whe :‘atti: a Seed nyae oh Tdicspcg tes“Faseaeey” Tyres ener v Lolak pees 4nethei &ase aapyeatontddiuele*afk ookcol,“DOR,Comny}EY was ’>ante a isto:Bee ‘Aaron. r Stands) :Fryer babaa oe:Lb,aint odor RokThatscofAgevebeshesGllowbinsedbusthig, tire.sp'7:ma (2 RRITARC aujoe to.pire house’ ron bbe teuthet Her:THe 1aries“his fens se yerlucie E104Sayietsabut:faplect Shedtied »-teat Veer Ch ae ane «a®.x WV ity,to.tyes ane canbe Ritrot WeeaoewhoHVC.nese SherepwitsFourseedaFew"days:avoe When fount:he WitS:head ove mostin thepile,“OFJaoud,“ide it ts prosgbhe AAtirathisTiyandsDetnasHipyisonedieANSSeedhteWas!unableto rescue:dritrtsett=ARS!Hotere “el to deuth. View ~re .wee of «Me Loot.OF Comdovland’ duites Hy tN.om wf nCSy.iti the-,Federal:ieoat“ile frsula*Ferdy.passer.x “conten.Jfejtsi}fter dolar Saturday ight.He;Spwasectioxted snd:terclve such dol- SR yay Mabe Bare i ago pedaepachasoobrilsbiNs:anisuitine.hesays.teehout S200,and this morn-.PibeehiS Son Julinis found,(the paekaotWithSwUinifnearthe.“Major's Pp pon.”The suzy position is)"that |Somme oye-tound the money and aftertakimieoutaodpartofit;placed’trhe ollie near the’pigperay’a blind"thik tye of eourse.the Major would:;Gonelade:thepies had “dest raved the}wnount not fouria ip =packagesLsnvirSowsyPoths ?What Shall. 3 Be.Done _- FOR THE |DELICATEGIRL You ave.tried iron and:ee tonics.Bat she:keeps@-paleand:thin.Her sallow.complexionworries you,Per)haps she hasa little hackiogcoughalso.*.Her head aches;and shégannotstudy.Giveher. Scot's Emutsion ‘The oil will feed ferwasting A§bodys theglycérine awillsootheertough,and the hypophos-ites will give new;peneeeaee=oer to her.nervesand brain. exer say~you icannot »;take cod-liver 61”csoatil yteyhaye:“tried:Scott’ss Ethumed.You ‘will be obliged’to change’.:yoursSaisetere:Children |especially rhs fomd*otissand infants do,not ktow-.#henitis added bo 0- 0 6- 0 0 0 » bef * x. tt t e n n s e n e n n e n e n 4omWashi.would:receive ‘benefits commensu-|tou thet Congressman Harry Skis:| — ‘“and $cc:atl deuggists.. TS State tr oy OO ifizous inthitst NO UTE 2 MSR len broie her ead,ENS‘pile:OC ottonyp poynch” [EL -So-Millsaps,-or :peeachiex of note. “|valle?‘Hehrouedr FtyMissStone's eae ; Syn Shale csc a =Gwaltney.”we patesvilleStashSoe 5Tata » |Shepasn ign Teng YTVreta bs eat Tlrorsday | t si “py Ljws. Lez iT~SuLy 2 AC ¢ Met hoxticts ‘ohdireh: lite ¢ as.iene Ot?Rue phipped “a thr ¥ Sek spat iewlayt,pelhthem: aoe mawidt Wort ONS OTe i ede Tae Amervan), [Rechante Sf Lkiaectiters of Lieer- 1 tet ith ~The wet Sts Poidmont Hose!bx6 nor EON Vay,nigebibe {3 Ww ltve 4 4 New Stirling or pot banded ere cutied AL “towne wWatet Bon <6. ‘ant‘tes Nes,¥f¥x é SWilest 16 MEXS “vist tone tadlls® fe SeeTloy :be Pie,this: n a ~~.aaoid iat: 1 .:He’uitH suenii acy Pariser Wf perds $y: - umole tetisSk 2 Gide thew Wows,es eee)iors,DAL poh chiimisetnd ’ey probes.BNGAECEte,‘apr os eb ay heat :SOIn.¢peaurit tse:<a bout i evo reli!etHe xrs Bioeie Pint oNathe Slowdy: TowaPatetindaGinafk:a clings rgcLon: ;One MsCAHiGs OF Os Case espasuidenge ot sree.Wahae Raat ‘infant:4]hiked,“of::‘leat Wes.Somekyedjud.SesSlay und Was buried att Be thane ay day. Mr.Tay}or:Some se Massed:Bethaty:te dhistory”‘E thee, Beats «ee oPa tee Guait cyLasttpppinteecnt”Hes expected TW patra Sunday.’oe ineriGany| ee ”ie ee FE.pete oN Git ol te”‘ATLae Duuthel Liver hy there next 2G ite‘Clyde.Son of Si and.Mrs v:mathe.Morris:wn eyo Site membranous OUR THe CONSTfderable Sic“RNOSS”anions aren:oe 4 ee .nosok *o “Pay mers pave quit sowtingShere ‘though not minysof “thom.2 :sawed»aS they:pected..4,Much cottoe.remains ahs!¢cedi 1thefrelds:é \ “A few days:avo.Mr.S:Ek SO indieted Mr Sow Garrison for’‘espass,The ease was tried beforeHe:“Aderholdt..“Esq a*and the de: stake Was:feet 1@ ents and Gusts. Heamay appeal. Pie.public ;neo oe ech:township.are being taught bythe:folowingpersons:deal vat Bethany?Mr J;C:Keeg Nich at ls €r,af-the Mgore school:“house:Mr. W..Wooten:“at -the’Hampton School house:and Mrs..G.A: at the Daify.school hense--.“ OAS:Pfof.‘Butler!will:Fexien as:|County schoét supervisor to.take:hisSeats“in the -‘Legislature.we bee|.leave to Sueeest -the name.of:Prof. Sharpesburgtownship,.*for'<sdpervisor:“Heis:wellqualiified»‘a good oman:sreaSakocame Mar)Bop.Dishman.he:Kee seakTiere“came?into thi§nejzborhood|.La'few davs agoand dréveaw ay with =Miss:Estella ‘Stone.We ‘hay ent that _they.called on one of the States-clergymen,-asx they epassed |As “understood that} the-ma’chy, |ODee:dein,es. “ML.We. +BS,pre cadEe negtuxahives,:and. Te jare reliable*Gin eaeRey = a=} ~dousness,“Sour Stom: ES +Constipation,*oie -to.their food. athe“Chemists,New Yer $i} x :Pigs 25:per -box.-=Beane SL oa Taio.ay"deed! oS have.4¥lig. 16%of fr eC TING.frome rinityeniid Mite aa ey x ee |i Son at Amity,iviG m a3 cats Coe: .wa Ss m,ee “Turner.Pee oets gateto: Hee w ith sais.DiRTFeat das ~Noadi]? Pierce,inGray eOitruohete.Virginia4 Me:a H-ENS eee hashean:“selling af ie byvale:of the:war dar wait a te hug beer. Watts] heard the’particulars.but suppose}.i Rouse‘the Liver 3aie Pwowazons:goiigdail a“Cure:‘Sick Headache.Bik old:pe ‘x “Phenepsferredfram:‘the.ented ys!THs Pie:aHresit ani UNS: hire imstnsspe at play re ee ‘Pere gro mary co eitwaer* ia OSeus in Eguisiant SMT SMeasSouthuCCavolinig.ee Tak S ‘Kone dime-singndl:feces indyfer fe Cuore:yur te Seeoverniment forthe wi.ett oauhtto adel of Tye”Southtrn;Staten SOMSE wh ine 46 climindic®tlirs : core? qesacy wit ibithe recgus=waiveTneCanettiLatcerai Leninigin:and sidws tint:ties hisinenhied +seh“Hea Aron:Bitar cowie ito Eee See thi Lue.“f,enigys 10.BeDENAvert + i aii sucka thst: suroeae e199)IQUESee !ace to ktOle Poke «coment ich the, ;ney ahiaid tobezerorre dy cand ue:aM Tine oy)Pesce PaaineAUTRE:Di RL Mac adfiogs “Cons Rent HES dstee5P| -nt oleae “itd aig 7 the Hats mie:eresoe:hee Sheeler aa “eon4hieayou,aeaotne cate,tire:PMany dels aye ne Patani eet potinan ds Of Bapeluss Gases 5 At Sgobd(ablege ischy "te Miles “purson,:ye et hae ‘walled ato aaaac Dt AM.TOPOUCR Tse Le arsebessaud:alyCOUTOYSoe“a a rh 5 hua ahh Ai ‘.HESS OFT Croat.~chivmt angeeeqeEHObardAirc:‘3 rae ‘:araee!Me op ‘emetic bie Soul eit an bs ore apesae Ly Gets Be pu faalid Ssfat‘Sianeither Be Fon We:aes LATE IR eDrowoist,Tan!:RL WiadAe Thies:Wahi Thess.aki:cnt Rune Send.ThE gait the ot rire |S Sy:i {)Pb Bee rd anti ibPattilaeTpitHsteOiiyWwEreaiyLRaleighSatipass?gSra:to:ate?Athy:An knot we io BeesBietaeobenSalayyReesathe,nat 18 vary SYoktle’.aayaSTMarenewasrtheucLotoPRNe.Sh ia Figen aan k aoe WeTee h Lanedad:ishishaGeteniorARISKOHeEbyIsDOEtae:Acta Sige Rebs a ve Sere :Oth bah ntinte tone $80 tn ot |S nae inv”fit ur Ejeaen eerie Berean:ZO Clovertcicte:SSR aber ui ADuz“b,sie fond eeanse Raho:ss <b tb ibereis Soint aoe:ora:,wales yy;as.‘eefein JMinvington.5 Aone jays oUt.Phos 803vids cae Deserta Ae wat pnt agnie sao Lt rare a .ty oR ON u 1 ta eee Wi Ik tsemy BOS aes h Ms the ~kis i Penh Sokol.no:shrieks bout ue Bes ipity apa LeBreconexerte,nse Erk “|plowing,.ParineeSisxsgas EN OMSY.iouds:ea 1hvat whiLo Tias,antTie °hes e Da oe he He leo SERS?Sente:series elma “id fo,Bore Lt.helt faihin todays retires wane earSaas,ie Tn aE ree eRe 8 AGS :ralsist,oievee TySuthy?CoS Stupkeme:‘Conk =He,re,plowingewi SIs ‘i “:ecitcaeoutl wel?NA?ae an eee“yt iNeaeatteVELISESCogarty“bd nnad i a ,Has Jig SSecn Rippeated so4°“Doe:ig WidiseHE yuht asa rsby,taking «Elec:|:ie Vapi Bead eam 2 ‘:tueeine inv hiefrig eldersDoool me apothecaries ae rees a ee:ite ere =G.imnpa daattale!th df,the ese Awilkseet aD The,News toe Gonevid:#Airc.-patheny!BS)RATES WAOI€Stern.acts as a 5 m zsdianeto:lixerund.ts nae ja Spypritieraniaccey rex taniens Tha GoneApAVION:head:itshoe!Oto outSeeRS,sleeple ssineesand mc aticho teiS phrcly vecetublescay Wee and,rest resthe-sy stank £0 “ht tural igc0a Tryskieutricae Petri]be vonyiIced that they tare “Ma rac le.worker.osDyweryibote paod.7.Ormy SVG.a “bots le. PARA Ta Jat fe eeStore,ic s +a be +. ealv woee Sues Inesto:WW ushineton. saniey expevienel inspietee aid bestowing ¢hOrarereaate: the latter obliged them to.hiatlt, sus cow sane ably of.someboiiy: Fenod Dewe Hobson and Se *s name “Miss Mary Liz-}*- Pineae Choice ana:eeaBonsinaAnromsjAls }20 ‘sit:Tendscvenebrought to’this.city Date ae i ve “oes Bia“Oranges;(atoMblagaSa =Pp nace’Cocoaputs:* --gnGrideifogs ancessae_Brest1 Celery.aon SORTSBigFat “and plenty:of:sthem~’13 ca e Lunt) 7 , ‘ayy hingeise"vau taay,Wats aEdeliverYour-goodssprourptie:Pricesreasonabjevome evetys ¢stn ©mee ee ae,oyeOG were mo Opal sot the it sy bition,AmendwMens.atkinsoe Pacrecest)apytesyrC Hatjitte,List¥weelk4 psistet ious,or sufize:Such :aS ate: ee PMbore‘D he ie:Ree i igenLaeancienplishieserpotTAWA| hor oats ld lase ey SURI 5 cat Wy,s SUNG )‘“Tor the:aseyoungstersnoWadayseRbseGavontiWanttostart:them off under bale ato ¢pris Bedding...“Mince-+Meat land Mietet ots} uit wu neie rut wae ane S50 amp ,Pisitid itp:Soe rensthcnrti STEN OMS: aT HT OSU sche:aise 7 phisone ne ee “and Seon:tig eeter heéalths Bimaleel¥: ail:if a ea: wicolk £or,:“hbine adLostirayiee bidoae.Aine Eee:USKice tieSspitt: par ens :ast WebuildsAhe SAAiGtisgKseecable,se ASEM Oitpe. EP iest >uebeAALSiSes yee.“ad SE COe BOWEN,Aten Ineyiagid Bladdeywiry.By $ t KsTyAMTDiaosatok5: d ah wyatt par ite LousMalis. F Stee oF Number is S Ot misid PF Tend¢ serve! avle way C thenise) os - Wie, ERS ONAL MENTION.Ee ty ”ee a he IST a Fans eulay AC wee Soe Lestat Se ban tr Salt alee! .s Waals ‘‘ Se ide:We:Copel naeatewithpetroTheRANGESeypenn SG vest Roe,ie ~Grier. ¥beatae,hiaituse!,anid lotto Site:BSS ehvooer . Myer Li a nti ee ote,Suan GoodmansotHMGores)heaps wit:Monday ip town, “Ni aH 7Ifromatris os Pag f th;exit went!tgcs “Ch:uraiekirdaaeUbebaa “eet sweet faNnfelt aris,sete itn by ee mae oor<“attoxrgeVe°Offers sa! fe |repry ne eT evan t t=esE a ASuit Against the Southern. fe =Oar readers.wil:Pers:;secvadebaiid ChaserSob Whe‘ *iores w Poker a Me.Wissoiebp.iat ae‘Mondoy,trtearsisi:a et Lerele{fa Pht HELO KES _stele was “a-810 if:LHoRD bili tads ‘ie |re aes is4why4‘:eee Ty COS tat eryedateclsSoresRaifassibitgEinteOecLapeRbepSioahee Brad.ot "ChaviotsKSHorietyRess! Sige Pune g,Bor Es weve Sader: ay “FatCrile “Danenceeeed Cx eontH.4 a fimiby: ve Shige Stare LGwe.a5 ata gs mrOTTSNISHA Tah ee‘familycaeMlreteHeaEimster.,ee WW ventianheRamagewith Nin 5en se TN +wy tes=e ee x ete?pat de -hea “OL Stnret+anche panne Obie CaeBhEinPeebaaspieasatit,:she L 6p tat gee vemaaRT“tisha ae xYetice+f.Waite | ae TG Aut Le ‘baaside ae ies:Was sty jee whe’ x om™os te se ace Nt y 4 Sin POW the clecti@ny:tte foam.te “ronth bi:Ron. saa ah Hse wa ie ik v"ex My eth “attend 2wesWONetaadpom oie aekepoteUT Late da sasepiess5 dency teen ,bie cores for uae he sete! i “try:JSulinbiay.ast peut SASL z Steele!amt ric tces ofa urmersbutin mate ORE PRAY:Erigiys ‘Pier:Setredt Kt spb sonuhe,forthe“bgietaye.Sava oJ dnote 2 whe.SanSwiteriinedc chas PORE:a “a Si, "Me HK:SMC hel Lebercks eye turngd ise: 4scine.Se ae Men Kei aTa “: ee Heelsorn ASH |a :a ss Th,MorcentorysSE,s crit Jon KG 5.\afh Urs Oty phan gud ee byTas *agers:Fetaelton nett oe au rai “CHa rlottte <2 esdays | a Nh‘faved irari ye VET eins ee Saket,he yen atesife=Fesiaht fea Chast Siamese AY Tak €henaclt.andoFoard.:SMitegie Levoneat Maas antiia or oFLOTS anwpol™Speie Motte j Se ree LCT Christmas] at: =ee Nis SiS unison okClhabe]=Seas :;count who.had nies);«frst,te “tierSiste ry] Spe |~=fm,abe espn ens ett:‘mee djoteeesitinsfwSs!tay Gop TRASH ~%resin Gipaaded het ards seri |4Sut y *=oom iaathe re oe.;%J =Siu ove:Tz UBipnogtie:iar — “ies ae ya LE beer erected:hae stand: -for WeatslraalVeldner:the:One:;4 at ea :: completgd their work and i Les Maer ed Peete rere hamend 103,eheae Hor hes rn "Chatta- ee ss me cee ;SN none’:Leng Afonday me ht Pheye tobe}Ser be poi Rast URS SIRs ee enact Endkin yes tee OS QURANSe PEROER Bice tees oeet tis A 5 D..&Trigst C etOSes BePeso spurbday weetit Ue second Gie PEW iiss:a,monty,Ake Chip mmclt tiagrs dred tricnds cou: tetl forey;odd dutlars:towards |otherpbs bce “i Pibgah ated<6 4 “tea.cae?that <tat Shistlok TAWwuShip.mare re- Faget TE TG ME i tiursde%s:ca teeheeWhe for the purpose Lo WATCH ey staves Sehines ;eos for Tus waite Teele.a watorre Pe Gertie.ES.bas Hotel [hisottice from law ver brick’row to the OfiGe taeothe:aouk ne building year Ov FECearly ©raeated UN Jubresyt RSS .‘2 tA.Hartness.he Vas tad fle :2”on Pil Seorae hs isSLotice pupered:ean ‘and thier eee d Ee ar Mahi.3s Be a ese Very—improved.»oo Se z oe Ec ates ;:‘x Se Clittord is ih Dann, Bt ae tHarrett county.avhere.he’ont tO:ae (4 Meco divers Rectan arpett county,wheres he wen ey ene a sae ar OR ee ele paets®font ae=marine dis brother, ae Bets SCO Rea SU vb Lhe €:‘Clittord,“aid MisseA mnipg? ~ues ge fee eaeaE wera +atthe Pp,‘22 Sal -wliich ocurred vesterday $ cadet et aa d.‘Cope-Ghat ‘Mr.Ciflord was best.man at ?MEEaa oo Nhe MATTIAS His Urather isd Fase?| is SENET f nror sta feer andis a “ative “of Davie counLy.: 3 Se Aas es os =ee roe Tie et kt pera us who will give a,Christ- 3 Barth pare,2BaS~uttering:16 the orphans at the. Lahde:ausie Dariam Orphans:-Houié are request-| ,‘pee ed too take;thein donations:‘to thie ie ees ‘.ents eae purvigipatdds ectare,room."of jhe _Presbytérian ;>5 MESei Dodie (Culd Lliurch:{umorrow.“whére:the¥will “a z ”(Sachs (Cate apd’Wop Re patked-and “sent.to:the Home,ee OF Hotimany “Bois 2h008 epdsclotnar:are especane ae ‘eof eiet Namie Miher:kh:ae=Sted:§t ‘~ ‘=Ma}MOTTESONS ¥.7 ‘Tovitations.Have:nbeon.received ’Ta ft ROSS,erentanysbere to the marriage of Mr:GeorgeBasprisesSeconlperebtT-Wood and)Miss:Bess-Sherrill.fo Dove.been.eke.‘daughter of wre nA Ee Sherrill,.ane the vouiige dpe.Row4n~Postonice::“Rowan ee eueho credit:for.the wbiGk,wills be solemnized at the#59 in which they Soe oes eee ati eo,“Joma bitiRe au Berns 2%‘3 :te te OYWeis oie “Of ‘conteshied bins ;Ghrived Hi sects beFt: aha “Syl LAgeinst Ble.Heitraadt ue vee:Te ple wtlemdesit "Dawding BAS.thEF HT thePASObtheetersSaditLSpeast“ay ots Sed Hr a8 vert satisfactory tremeneecto-,TShuon.ec af Wt ot the Bethichem Ret: atthe:“‘chiirch next} Labiby: rohit’tes Mr.He Beat aa \}r oeAis2worthy andr worthy in.Jeverysebowfivld !Aare:Miss J)han 2Bets aA fairest re io fe UN BE prarirtivg “|tratotcand ehtered-suit,aT Souter “Rutlyray:stor-dames ‘lhe.at SS thy ther’:heeaigROCeUtyTherCasewascompromised‘the Lgl BRE:aN bat’“Therailroad.companypaying:thie pater myttadusinisttior>Satin MEAW hiteny'a weston wed”“the(money wasté "a Pteage eeveningat!Mre ‘MCE ta~ why rons, :-badly}rt}1 teEeReencetea:WuLcd b¢the wprdin av them ;ae WEA?Parnerasa bores-x¢l,Bi if Le youd?By,hasechttved darease has::2PerrisGraporeaiidhasaedaoSeeSNebe,orm ERC Wa EOE 820K damagess:jalOssns..3.1h.odity atid WC.TLE dssentceeplaitinethe.site” WO whee th bet <nittyKid:the Eiditecy ts wit i aibrooih:a door,andelr thtouchaINNGow,“The tick avhich=qe TI woapy lids:be wee Sree aa =|diehter ofAtp,‘THobys?7}Me6Gcy oF tollowingDakeMISHLOTsbipewlibemuarriedRobert2thisaiternoonaube!ty AS residence:Ot BSiith:se OWE:e.Hays Hd ANASThe:bride's father.+2 Tajha:Aydtewn,te Wiley:Ave Wests“Phe Soonisayoun aah.of ee Hart atics edt ere Seonest Mar.an ne eins Te aaded Sea Went,$mse aitetngon,‘Mi:JanetWe oar eread ays Be Pag Reon eg soe a egal that byFuk.3eDowellCount¥2 Mas Sie oi Suny aL avyctfoBowden.whe:Wea othe.nates‘SideCe) reattd ae the wee Sol SOT RAYane.OR othe.West:jk CRITnthVTERtjutisSiriSbrute,poo test ea w maseece i i Cash?!Riesmotey Ties&brich:hone of ‘ee4!. wird Tha Sthef?-entere Omit ne aoOuROE as :Coda)C2Savini ene:Whe:Bertha AfobbsSe feuene lees < the eke brsie when hes Ni v Hee Shice ane.RissCoeWters+ad iy aidinivete morrow!aud¥ies Haake:Bratiscathesteemcd.bia.host,“of friends:o eee ao promised”Tne -SO,tikes aay gi shast’SAN APORSON mhPERITe NE SANG Write,Me Sth ee Say ch Stoprescnted ¥su och eet, ance ¥ NeeTeeenSIneipesSatfiwee:wave:ae party”‘ather “pleas OWE St Fond:Sie fork? Quite acnuniber.ofour younsi]EMRSiare” & ©unt ‘Aboyt:-“hh 6:clogles aw pen ‘tukwieher EyetS were served.|.Miss MT CELite,sri chemin.hostess.atid her PRULLY KS atk“ut pot woloine “at.Gragite.Hill:Se Phedinan:.Zor ‘Bethaaxs 4 “tow ashi pct <Toere tyaperheegseteholitiage:“effoinid a lady s+tates:nears:Mer Bo Det iyeen thi:ne aaa 3 PY wuts shops.He mrirncereateke burninSeEySfarefit:acheptorouscht:it ty thiseofies’“Toaivightise® oh papel To.the:purse that,tt open Ceait)as $i pkoperty of Miss Mapyaree pinesSaneMcGrlvany,whois visitipe:hrer'Sis;bsLeATsoRAVHORE“Ake.tyokett|a ross thestreetsdw Mrs.we Orr anc Tes} riessbracl yDALY Paster Watt Catt adined \ iOMNES 'are “TiHN “it Adin i Me rngn 'thie a; oli:that it ENING in:pont payyavidb.+Lhe othe 2 9 ddais,wabPowhenekear be hehorse othe ‘digodiebeen’netiAGCESPERE "Ve Two! cered Fdoctar- bhiy ely” a LOPRSeLVES.o Py:4th 2 44s ‘i <ee “ Uberpureed“LIE,Lowest tTDihi:Pee fetched an:wefised the yelkaeCoy ht ah TeeseTes suck eaett:Rewinddin.”os iiehi % A..F Stal.Acéidect An;Sharpesbure:wads ih Caivinr Me Fisin,:sob oF a ehatinESQGtaURSetowaySeSutarda pe ender,counts4CUMNCOMEO TMetd.Salt oe ohareYSThelenMaletSEs22GuysSistatesvitieWeditiesdgeat1stweekbye1"MiG “Ate fhithe Rose STOR Cox hunkik they st6:rped toSCATp: unfortunate mano was-borriblybrats:ship,“whi Mr.Theophilus Russell died at his} home near the cotton.mill Monday,Soha: aud:was buried in Oakwood ceme- ter,ao BN 5 Hewas arery old frien disisfave upeastatss.<,ee mysWentifidbonatiel:taken “the te-Her posse sshon.before:ber hes ae;“ingsstd7,ita Rhos parse ;Secahs Over,“a1rectal barsser Sven = Sique papa TSi 5ASSMO a very fortumate.fern testlte :miseved 2H if Thihyc b> ~Bee pithy 62)ofSiteRS-oeOe Sane ca bina ‘i ¢ Spite Burned ke Preath:Tn Fanart?[sate ih =Towtapip.Sis .Mend 4 apd:Dr “aie ante Sin WH bot m wed sfabirist pelts;ah.A De vvitson.or Da.idsoir “2 ce SENatio..ae“plavnabinyeeWS 80 badly,Gicnad “Leta falvice:=roe Tete ae sho Qed ErdeLy Horning.Cee ATR Oe Alenecs igh ap Re Sieeresy Corre:eclitie::Sinks >Cloth ing"rawht,ear eS OAS rhe,tite ptace “uae Serennge:tonhe homse.oF he reriud=She.Seu thdwaot qi and ED if yu1d cot lne rs an mete ies zbiowush 2 Warssers in harpesbury btean wely COSY,iechite hein seine.way Te1:from:thouvht2 his:wagons his:foot ‘eanchy inthe doublerree and he yas drazved ‘to beriot dogsan towns put HOS Pe rsoy.nor-Mountauta Viet Church:a dis washitten:Soar Ass Ve Ce OAR, tante oF twy oF three niles,where Sunday tht.doe:took tothe COUNLEY aLcwedistoppedtoCalnp:Tt hoitiiicatn was:alter dark when he.fehawlthe Orit)tragelsy Sevttuk Vise Were:med in the other wagons did.nothSpitteny iscover,that “anything Was,WEON,'every dog that-it.mets Erdur Samy f be ots Ure dog:ayont:arene tow wn:wpeléa::Hey was:cartier Lola Tia ber,ofperp:eenTL cd and ioniead:died nextdayhsUEhurs-fihore ti a He was niarried®ated|“dea ves elite:osseyeralchildret,No Bese a :rhe thee a {The neigt A Man jured By thesTrein Last ABS?tae:Eltiott:a wear ‘Bradtent's Stores oawher’ite wets:killedAyhitemens:of Cifetamd:Warren killed his-cowand therehaswerereturningbomefroma.party.been a eenieral dow:killin weer last.night ant:had too much Stora Statesvil! Gn.‘voard ©Theyacere,walking:the railroad track “whea “one of then whch were: Was struc by 2 west bound ireight ‘ ftyany and hishread=vadty:cut,They.fnied by were brought-to peat bya Satie Saree Che dog.i ig otonvinecd that! frekiert that:followed-the one whieh): injured the mane:Dr.P.-E.Ander acpitre son.Was summoned about 2 -o-ctock:od.cs jast-pight jad.he went overcand’ Gposseus“Ehe.wound,which be fourid to be wery_paintal bat not dager}.\75 cas ous:"the injured “man-s name is4 Callege ich Deweese-and be spent the nitht a Tian,Test the Henry.House.~|the college hist -Fpidaye evening The othek min’s wame’is ay Shinn and.his ere injury was Te}hop ik "avery uitoresting=proc © ANighty.ets Men Whilewe from the too free!use Gf grameesbitemedicine.**“When the+%The"ho ‘of.these ceachers fea eres:Be Sees eee shown to be thoroozh und:first:cclaiss,thers -stretehed.on.the platform,in every. sovn.rallied and hatiess struck out)thi ‘for.‘Clereland.on.foet:at=a ood pea iat Sete Ne Suh : *Death of .Mr.Russell.can)Fee seven t sata :eas ~pot here ashe Was getline gil durSeSURthelast”teenie ‘the*Federal!yr at eubt Wiats he died Ube samennightieeeis,“hentie hobiite. US eangndeins parties [aleseiit role &et BEESy Mig Sas Mi Di stiyran sot ye ae Robert aorieinjn Panicle: ne PCarten pnd ter de “yes we Com:Miss Savigh:Be qeAS:mo NGS at Dhese.:prertiasSako‘:latersoO erenddlers wil Sex ase ‘Dent Tucsd;iveitheipiahssAhister,“edtoved.WisfoiPhiTriaaeNet)bok Mir hit been.Tonle:tay.eet Hae nhhisadmanits:|Widbe cnt fis subject”STagaisttheoaCOrnanrye“fy:feuds.foro ie .\ »eASack Iho AN,ben We publish’wat:We:ks Puy toi MOSS ESAS.“Cale:Sie.Lo Potiwe wll of eei Mery aes¢ .ie aud Jz.Pe Gamble,1itUdaIBFPALC:Punless weRearet the i i$(Rtastem: enforcer,>oviors«finns cheteESE TMDLeyits: *of Eye Paiday’euuard TempaLor “Ohdson gf Ite S)3S ret wale dacs MES (Cimpiletog:py et Tak “Bhutsduee aterwyon,a nee io hedsy ees todtompound:COLLeeeaeVear-akeh Pgaieirertol Mer ss pm oe noth his.t%mespre dareTémpletow to end he apd rete honies with is He ae.Hs“CasDavidson who Poss:Tone:Lye atte virand:3 we = Sin the same yurd,“Her-uncgs MisdseoraeDavidssone«met.her dad;midker.a Ont toweship, thiraivtasaquiltioy either,but *hérécloth}teaght:thei,wertaritycitadstiaingwasaluiostburagd-aiP Before¢the}rophobia.:.efi heme.FEvide + }thous could be:extinguished ShePoriings a oy Evan howrtblys bared about’the:back J Obit Mid tngered until Kriday: fen death,sreliexed@ her:§an he,a hes tetment-Was Jat,Pan’ pand-Wes the soesera.buried:aa dew church.)Mr.aud Mrs:David=“Fligite,is “PSY Is S Gamthre!SXseinpathe of?then eae dE Cystwe the:Tine 4SPLer TS sitet igehbooics,Tn thei Ssad-ati Lebians pe 2K)do Gon west ato ay ily nbn < “Satarday nigh!it bit qoiteaan un ‘at Somers:distillery & pid nil phace were bit re eek he poli¢e have}Sied eieren die quire a:number’or “ot ners are ‘their“owners Everyone 4 {twas mad and?every dow:which “The.‘Redital at the Cotloge”mena ns exceliént-mostitutiony-Dy:whe proticienc y of their pupils-inwmusicgait.Doubtiess.he would atid:elociition.“We regret.that,we} have time to “sober up.before :he hate,not reached:home.~ condition “is such as-to CS0se-oe Sse“todd.x Sites son.Beap mers ExSpi:af Ia,a ae bree os saud::Shs <7 ee Aba Matighit er “OP oko cea for sq sor Conedtd Mtoxpestp.2 o-“day:dyed 2 oLelock: BE:the:brids.Beye “olivegating:«SPRArre Sih CEI pany aef thesThrieteny: riage aod Vets.tester “asi! UA VR OTAAL y arid Popular youns:fadles 7) SdgtiGh OP TE:CUE yk Lake1S tirely:Sy Orthiy:of fie ‘uanials che Vou Metsoaie, was Thar ofa Naa orir ‘shoe,The,Wie jor tacie HUES,srisnds desg Was ate:“homie tut “were ty cong vl ati ©tone gheity Happsisrothier”part ible house:Relics thief: pnt,Bot;{inaryraya aud Hopes baat,SOudys erent awd Setend:then.tha ough Caren Booheraemarviato “FRG f shice 1g Wt das ae Thar ‘atid HSS?Arnie Ma thie Roster a May i ewake Rates Ly Mork ttc Shinn Mitopa AY ATESAY <Sidecescae:3 AWSé nwoiin Ke,WOereteAalid SNOVICES: tl.Bot:thesis:eae BSD ade ROpOLe +h BARSjeer Resa PITHY Give Ton bekore:bbe mas witl obeea TlicTewistrs te ,reyJOUR: ennnot hey “wee's::Eee ee A Negro,Suara “Burned fo:Death5 ete aEast Paitay ‘evening.MASS:ze kde eeSh Eg :{Mite Mourn.eatite 2 Bur tarition:“EOCeal “3 -epeeCOTSSouthontamytoTek.aveatcoled:daushtersat Bani Metas-Mas Nethie Blain,Of WiLikes:ALSund,aXe ‘ark.AiberNaSYSOsTayHaakpeVHar ¥orftxt Toenine:tte id 5 fatbeFE stain trea harcl fhs s 3 ties‘Tie lator wok?ay to lier sratidirgtlicee LS \ evaidinothe?¥Hoda clo:thes prin fore y OME Water,ana Wii the ti Ee coe:mak’lk RBorO:voted?Success bx bagh One Ob eRH:alone hep?clocty yee Gath PaestSj@Nik"Xddi ef!triehds:who:Was presente:zt the frrepiacee™hos core edt thes: sees tothe:Tiash Ee era,Lites “}Qbittse wut,he t Srind@mother:THOT CriatieentsayEASAeost”Pockatboak “Rout.bys mated s tories hie ‘oPenile Leeecu SO ~accirrence ands bhavisa ‘ahs:afternest way wn,both »i ud >.Bit By aMad:‘Boz,srt — sites “dtc heck zi fie Ao DeGPovL tory speaks fonts:wee Steetite or asekersbhours wheni i. ile Olkes,beinaitier:Poo BP ets osLonicos7 but se iuotur untours Phativureys>»Lael troatmente-but.MictarHes avesthe Rasisstes ca Ul aay itttsy: fact ah ‘rent.thr Ow Sirs tee Palas:Wren Exc} ngs auetYeh five:be fe Hiner demasSE)ee Stet Sos}tS:Seat ibat1:“Yad.orsrePUGH LORE ereEyeing.i inthe hued besideSm remseverat®dog this VE:; Jobe MW Eee Sai hes Watts”Teeetay Soc Ubags <chased:the:Gg ete: Ode eandeastshiloktDAyMShIES ub TE town,Nae n should be promptly Kid: _-pas —rips it7h) Hatha)wae sand Duncan’sy assestin music 2ndelocu~ yectively.Gave:recital at were rable to attend.wi was:excellently.rendered: way Tasissall the work“Gt: ‘a full:report.of!this:tecital: a easore Ronee Sou,‘of ®Packnncioter:Lone.came home eee Oak Ridge,”where be had ‘Deeusia“Paesdays‘quite sick.”His Teh i £Yr AE est eiking.Similarity:boa%tC Dpeet BOSE)ik sae or wale “Ys12¥idSon-eo a ae satan:ae;Aaa OFS which“oceumed on AECiforirset‘ehop werdistomercd Simi ntiohberkood:Bott Meh rie ic>Hitters ou ‘the seade heat:rosySootwhich:auThi the:vate)yan ny aAvasstiken “ty AES EeTtrytiekayy yh csaa Ties~- k Ke Mis arowe Jiemishi p< marn ing bend rortithed=hati.S aturctis:Wiest ;2 Santea rope St 44 8 aeLidadehe! onCeespe: a45?eb a Stina ‘ helaba sn ON bats {{:laveSt$ers: ple“4bibies a iN ciate_BSmIaay @ a weche ar si.2 4 wise at x mp 2 of Look:hidtrce oreaniy sae 4 BMS : <ts BAN Las aS Tenoaiak:s is : KE gels foansens!Mee SiHCE esdWiLitawayon'saltGrprouds“ba Uiststoped’bass Dries Aaa Thysiede al,*ws Hee Wwvais rebabnitien Sitith:s Ode He ene the ,Pee rayProut.yher ths ioe ad OUT,Stitt bit:, Hood's Pil his,=Stie a“atne oa Lats.“rst Ste}ButeLanePrat A a ; ‘ited Realeaoae :Have"Completely ‘Bis- 2appeared.Since:Taking. ae Hosd’s Sarsaparitia ~Rheumatiem.73 ‘blood.“Hood'sizesthis“acidane pera nuew the,aclies “and:“Pus (of rhea. Lead the followings 22°me. st ‘eras troubled with rheumat I Awasa'small;box,and-I-have been ferer-withrit more ‘orlessaibiny. dong:“ago todle a.bottle of eee Saas paritis,and it didime co ‘snack £008:: ‘eontinued:ite US2,and.sinice.tak bottles,l:have.feit-no symptoms:ot:‘rheti= matism.?RB,BLAaLock,Dufham,NOC’ “Tras troubled with rhenmdtiism;and| ‘could.hardly wea lik:“Teh ave ‘taken thred:,Dottles.of Hood's:Sarsaparilla and’today ath aswell.man.”HBO “Macke:St.,W {imington,North:Carolina. Hood’s:saree niaLuss; Ce ean styl pea malig ne “aie tor‘AG Sasha iat nen “ROBERT JONES, Is the-bestin-fact the inet OTwets Senet LUNE oro is tots’ ae“a =AND Cosrront syprigns Ee alg Tinie a Hive»for a Lhristibae pre:ne xnet Se ae e or “eke + ESpeatpetlcoinWe.ho 82.00.“A nid aol xe z is e Saestick 2.5%Sea.ee é ;~75itett4:ec)eS pe ik Re eyATTLEONES.*O- .EY rot AVE have:it nice line OF iinfants.an a i UNe datest?‘stytes and?colors.:aaThaeTan.»sPrives,502and De.x,Pe il Suits eth|ne the Valine le exer eG‘hy istuhas.ORS Sar = rheaky aaah:at (i:<a if aay 5 ALANsectieOttetheIrons’ Ks the “bette ft har abe Dproprysise > i08 fhissmmarket. SP alc igushy selex x ‘ oe ae"ars or fall mitsagi pbs,‘} tet: Cun make?AS « Se oe+ and *t StdytbingibsPres“ald our fricues:agkd =wcplc yeaa ‘ tO:of Le r Ot sai ticner at.price Sle did Gal Ty how pa n P da lottpier ore le yop ke)‘ hedpest tothe hast ho suit the.-eae Jasting trieaids:Re ss ca DS;Shirts:Neck wear,4 “eperai-line of GaSabrightprices:hea ee wrk Poa ats. These f rom ’- furn ‘yet‘aoe ea t Sib Si ‘public auction eee of goods,consisting:oF ti eke "the oe at ee 4 fi .2 al 2 note _whitin o&for.vou:ig <“tn meee “p* lid not Mer ite it SsdueBolts :et 2)Trae. ~b>preed my Hume.‘fetta oo an sate,“ab ireh She eees inceates ‘“Lhe Interv!iew et ded bx:TES ui ;toy “8 :ar “Eeeryen BES cers ren aaaesisiinethirpooroldman,>ex Seat TRA :ae htt irate civil:war ae Se Aves ROC aa 2 More tian 2h teenpes trilbute torn “au 'yatonl Nad: fror 1h this:Arta tel count ured |wide =Wherry ister PLS Mare rides: up withSimilar letter Ot courseshy me eitepen aieety Aboutsthe Par pre: eee 1 ie ante Lake artes hel i theansitr |?fruis weevertinent the.aditterénces. ae ectger ase see Saha ete se,i sore ety asco antllea “DY the:arbi-ASS MAUCE SORE .Segue Egrins =‘aud the time‘Was .Vy,VOLS Li,the ask ieee Couie ty the:evolution,‘of Senti- i th Sten Some:LOPe mer Sah Gore nietania:se under the.Pr aviKssTS~ had seat tried.thr eb GE wos the spirit of ear fars :,.emi téPar ty Toye fle Aras ")plééted>fo tly “gttyteinth: ue ~ Pont‘Lovac COS pil ii =under sis ran about’ke thig: *peatson Gets.Off ‘é peuy.Tate | Washington.a 4 nv LtaiangctCesst Times Zichmond.‘Peatson.:who repre- ./‘sented,the,Ninth:NBeth Carole’ district:in the House,bas decide: to make’-cantest for a right ‘to:oc:. =)eupy a seat in the.Fifty-sixth Con- TCS .He was only defeated bys a small phuralits amd cClaims-to have sufficient ¢idence of.fraud:to mere Thaieatoes!TH.bfhone-Walt ofeswhar Mr.Peéarson.alleges mitre,thetea: tes a}*bv Hard ack during thedast:cam: paign.‘“¥x wah to Padk-about Tammany:Hall,ex*f,a<7 plained:Mr.Pearson, his troubles to:his cotleagues.in ‘the, House Awhy athe:mem bersof thats noted oreunizationaré mere chitdkce Tin .comy wirisonys to!sou politicuams i They dorncr| stop at sci bee:asid“thes:kuey their traits.we rkingove rime Watch: dow a my State; ines Out,Hew Scliemess. *saatwvou‘aD iHustration:é‘_o “One ofthé ebunties intmy district] TS loetatdupa.thesmo tains and: saleby “apd Surek pubs Yin ¥aizentic MtO it cuts about ten “ays before election:qn) old é&toredtau came.into my office, and “handed:tre ‘a ty pe-written letter, ce Shik tore hry Signature ase WEY:letter heedhe ThE “Dont « x ‘anything;about ft:to-any Gb WOOT friends.but if you willpresépt:this. sy ver several took at read the letter *times ebefdre Ioreally-fe: “Fr ‘ta,hs eh this)he ECe AV hat alle HG “We iu;‘}said,“it a he’asked.ie BEGREEN ane fueds wetter tt oes:Phe. on ."rersine “his n dent Shut since ther ¥he Ey ‘Crponent a oni that nisSiS ae the be corerines Withe Thad sets utilized.asa fresh) that i Tr} for aeh ‘aptsed.ge nie man :reproact The mieshometalist Or >wans have fergiven binrthe. ansuind.end alarm:he inblieteds¢ hie :896)and.ev en DOM.a ‘Ware meption ‘of bis:nameiss enougli| 10)“thraw’“them into an- :frenzy.When he’voluntesred at.the: “All of his.country.she was beld up to ‘the odium and-é xecraitionsais.a po- litic at jobber using?a natiGnat eter: sency te farther his personal ~fixations:2 Now.that. _WHen the country him.“He ieand¥rrigh ile. bpever them as resign 0°lonker mace:athe hexss no needs {, “will,be, _docity:Bho Pe geethe Oe ene «Thetruth an Mr..Begs: “in our upinfon ate least.‘t Tat he has =e in Zogd faitipand with,per fect --unstilish matirves:from athe begins ae Mes ~ ae the,‘responded ‘to the Présizy dentis.s Simmons -in order:to Wasten, the hiriisbine ‘of’Nebraska's qiiora. He:tod the gro nd.that:piste.na-{ pede:soldiers’he.owed to~tig himsel and to-the flag to set the ex]7 wevt,aberit:iis ull ‘irssample!of a prompt and”carpest patrintism: vous,‘enthusiastic:he was.the most promincht.and imtluertial of Deno: crats:hé we ut.fax his Oven,satisfac enc ouravement | Noe serious and: tion ‘and for ‘the US of others.”"Surely honest‘man.will ee qin “that Ar: Bryanshad anything to®sain® -himself by.beeoming: xo reciment,oe cea aayniHew“AS not A professipsal’Soldier. ~He oe PhP roras fo arin®possibility that had nd military:aspirations.” could by any meaifs attract: Why should ang ont ase~ibe!to a: man whG.two years agro.ot 6.Hie) O00 yotes for the>Presidency “the “mean and shabby-motives ofan ordi= nary office:seeker?,ae ps «Now Mr.Bryan-has resigned.aud iit Seems tous ‘thatchis action is en: tirely consistent “wikh theory ‘of theiim pulse:upon Ww hich “he orit nally enlistel.”Unquestionably ‘ak: man.who.Without militars amoi-[* tions or prochvities,enters the ser: vice*through a’sense’of patriotic duty,38.justified in withdrawing -when the emergency which,prompt: sed him originally has been ‘removed. “by Circumstances:.The signi ng of: the peace protocol at Paris does}away with the last remainiée possi- bility of war.so.far.at least;as-Spain’is coneerned..:.Mr.‘Bryaw is not a soldier,does.not want ‘fo adopt themilitary profession,cares lessithan nothing for gold braid and our te _Shoulder straps—what conceivable+ impropriety can.there be in his re: signing on the consummation’Of peace dnd at.the cessation of alllegitimatedemandsuponhisansel- fish sacrifice?jeoniiaon, We do not:‘expect that reason and} -,<€ommon sense,to say nothing,of decency and justice,will seal the} mouths of.adr.ryan5 traducers. een. no doubt that heplayed imexceoding:|- "in dine Ussing: Let me’else] She T<did mot a@eitend ieee One ete Tin}tery at my offic e you wid),find-sh=dead wilk.bea poles eer oh sathh. ne eI}OneSwitChevkr lack de feride rs 2 Ci ee‘eRa:Soi; prekce =‘ation puarely asa Repiplieatt,“2 2)pCiffnc wo etyestaw tintHe cere 3 ose 7 Ont os oh os ee mn ;ceed r ..meesate;:2 ust Treatment of 4"“Porticel -|=hateEy cr}hia ious:<futur e.areeattS seat thSanitedin~,Avisely, ie 1b sets for Seetit and huteanityti) a id ft insensiet & eb for dayswith his shayoe!_watpolistied | victim ; sof,new forhhs ofmalifesand men-|) s:Gase 1‘ She elat he bistMPD y Costly rahpent is s ’ He was youne,‘Vigor. for colanel of a binars Hon Bilters:Backache vanishes,hgadache | Browns’fron sien fom ba =i.dealers. AS we bavé See the work’“of itemerry:way,without |regard to | fact.lor "Feason.fic“But,flonest:men fait:hiaded:méiy eoennd ”decent.men the ranks of:Mr=-BSryae oSE accusers |, wit:be recrnityd:chiefly:from.these wgdarters.,into:which:his candidacy. Fand hatred ‘and Consier Nat jou, aye“i ey ms Presicénk,<Mcki nléy:s.-“Patirotic <Wards.saee eg Peesiden‘Me Kinle}¥addressed:the Pepe,‘oy AVednde His." eee + regres: day er Tass eet t*nid?sia Eee 34 ne ‘ca Sy ‘ps reeshy Avan Sheet eu:Cy ‘bat 1vy: =i }Section: pat’asking io longer holtix..back.phy tote-we bear for “each orthers)Fra- re‘rnitwis ‘thematioual anthem;suns ty chorus,of 4 States “and -Terri- fortes at hyine and hevoud:the:Seas, es aa ey Re .+aeateeePDRREetg, ve SeaSSim toya tv SsBOE CS:©Phe:3ahd -flay ’ihb peowith new By eS.wiiie vont.anid thityeie auded:to dts ne hat <uuse Mpee hayee for Te: the ort Jibat ae:nan vot our-Uraves 11:cr tf fu thevfcld-or.<ieke ed’and ae altar OF ONE TAVe GHva] pv Okou re sons’Ours hive >SacuedmSLOLGSe folciag.saddened ©aly by: front:HardsShiip.mani “expastr,.and: “others ;rete ining,ibis:svounds: arid?dixease fronr:whic We fhe,ret 11] lous BUNTE ate“The:memory of the previons Fesaey “armed —i!K oda Pea, apaCarveyfeesne alw hy abtdead soldehsdas <Wee pies tT eeantec 5 “for <Aiose “~The eein pee ‘tre pee“thats ane Hee e stull eat with wait athe wrate Con- idjers, giat-Afe robin 5 bet OEM:the aThefe.hice TOW stay eppuy Northy*sts Seeeede aya“further mits found NY a aie Sunth ‘and.bracely pate Lele eeb leee EVE problems iow presse Ort ARDOML US Spat mined.to,Solve ome eeom |WeWakes COR here te tote Stimony at.the squidst axe Ira.Fitch? a facominteed:suicide vesterdayat y |Williams,wet miles fram here.the} rma was attumly driven to death by ee Acbor COT OTCY's oveanbdther.wourd ~come aloug to wearyhim with her-adulatiotis*ano -He:“had changed berwes’), Forten tasve if he Gute not tard pe Soited.meh atad.would. detteTs, age ek and face ‘unska ved.thee.he might walk the Strects-and attend.tébust- aess:at hig 6 fiee w‘itheut being:dis. turbed “hy Sawin.Bat hie MES eaeit Keeping ‘lieut Pa Vent SE inalt®,Seeing‘that he cobra| “nit~eitide:araveid themf hestowk euorphine:aud died . Fitch was not handsome. é “some. a ner at did +5uChas Lo attract:“hse wh y hdminees*pach ABs LHe Nasi platn:COM, Poin eke Py ae ‘busttiess feller:sw ed *inethodieally anct without:-omteiilant ior But:Itty siridd,Cat.ey ory.tine heemet’2 Won:i,pak ebe‘fellin’Love w‘tir Hine.allie nae Vccoredine.©fe the testimony “OFS namber tk-tes}pucta ble Yoana:Wore: eb,it Secaevasncomn Unitshe:pos SeSsGae Shed:stranepower over ther | tivat they were willing te “aid ant fali’de “yn und.w«orski ip itm!“Pheoe cyuld:not.expan wines Married,| anes his devotees,aM rie “ Physici‘haps are.puzzled ORCL fuse Sand eoelet is shoved af the: reveRitigus broeeht:Out at the”Wyeqiwest.SS aN igen onyS Age aE eget QS Sane‘The®Sonar Feil Properly ~sec Nerth ese “Carolinians,s ae id ~—nmralee.Sag Newer dag ae ik he fact that ‘the fasth Anteriea Prous:to merch into”‘Havana werefNorticCarjliniapsnmsthave”madePubosedbieSpanish:Statesmeh whewortthreatenttiglast’:spring,to-or;srunize =revoits’fn~thePprovineen”of thet ited:StatesTeellike-thirty cents "Weare gladtheNoerh:carolmians had the honor. to the Confeder acyin.proportion-to! ora dangerous _Starfd the bodies.ofNortr“Carolina men”WERE.found.among the dead,lying.nearest:the)enemySines.Therefore,itis:beav-tifelly ‘and.Ploquer tly?Senosand’appropriate that the hands—North Carolinians shouldbe pe aektocurry.the flag ofthie pion eeethesitetof:‘the Cuban capital. aa Tra ci iiaharecoaetalhooWtulbletoWomen.Sere.*Especially:valuable t9 women:isBrowns: roe strength takes.:tlie ‘place -ofLessvand‘the Glow of health=readily,enon té the pallid cheek when this won->derful remedyis taken.“For sickly children.or overworkednien ithas no equal.-No hpme’‘should ‘be without this,famous sremedy../ detriction and-abuse wilt speed*upon }"> will.think”‘of,“alP the Se!things.sand)+ uto Years tO,brought suck fertor ths “aN ing:: “The E nign is-orte BLOKE,she commen i ‘our de:F The cra paarpeain couTiFEMeS.aOr it must—aban ~othe Tatar icSee}Jes alts ro the Eninn:abd the thasSOI ;;> ;ae ee ot EE the.Mestérn Hemi“f Women.Could Notsee Loving Hien Fthe persistentCatteftions ofwomen, 1 HeCould HOEK scape their stiles.if andas~cou astie w ould.wet rid.of [F }Stead of.Settling the “question:ae ppertaligm. “Southern (declare:our willingness:to.annex eT teir:state farnistied:more Soldiers:E population than’unyotherand.when)°Lever there was &desperate:charge} (commissioners compléted their =]a- obwilt specdily ratify itvand that dip- JOmatic-relations-will’Soon again”be}:'established_bet ween the two coun-tries:~The American.”_commission: ‘Wanted—An_Idea z= pars Willian Sez ‘aceee.‘Discusses :“Yon: Sperialism:And Jts ‘Dangers: PSA iene Gas,itispatel tor eae Sekik ‘oe Observecr,,-re.Scone. Ee Wm.J.Bryan,upen.leaving: °nee epTinent,toda 2vate:=the rallowing. interview:fe =Sea Ree ee Ey reason fox.ieaxing,th e army was:set forthan,my"Jetter to “the, Adjatant Genéral :tendering.“my ré-] stgnation-Now?that,the treaty of” peace-has ‘been concluded:of believe | Prats P‘cap.be more useful-‘to-my| aecountry as a civilian than -asa “Sole ~wadiie Soot Bestks then:proceeded te: re discussion “of-public.questions | :“The people’of the Umted: Natec having.reseed ‘Cuba:trom | cate “diseussiorof the.domestic prob:.+ Pans which “confront”“ttis—nation.4, ‘edtothe considerratron.of the new | enraS ti ta “Ariss out ot thre.wats joduinent.our,cpatian is titgreater+ dap er jusStoo e.han.Cuba.z Oar: ‘eople dete ded.Cuba”ad.inst oe PLAN aaNIs!HOW they.must defend| thenmisélves‘and these country against) ae foreiin-dea =the“coloutal idex”Off has perverted the »rovern went and. faundation’prine iplesof Gur sovern ment are assaultci.ieee eR hetimmperis“ialiettc ‘ideacis directty fouetagan istie=to=the Idea and“ideals: ewhieh “fate.been”‘chexished:‘bi the: merican’peapte::Since the’“signing? ofctle.Declar ation of Independey Our uation must:“wive stp.ber.inten-: tigi OE enter ing-upon a colonial pol: iey“(Steth atISAs TOW:parsned bysEu- othe doe‘tr ine.“that SeOve:annents |fa deriy€their just “powers from the | tons DL “of the governed.~ “AVrl_mmay be Heve=“thatwover ut meites €come ps“fron the,people:or we May Peeves down to.the people from dose who possess”the’cheaxiext Gannon: rand,the]largest Ships=bursAwa Ceainot: pidencate both.dae:hts ee “TD borrew a “Bible Guna house divrided-~aerttists:itsebt:Carnot) stand:parapbras heLincaln’“S othe) daralion.tT mat ada:tat this nation. eannot eudiire Ti Alf Fepublie yeshalt} eolany’half free.ands Ratt:rissa, Ovt aa “wave Thset Our.= port OLi =eosbat:war.oppor: ents MUSt distinguish -bet Weensim-: periialism,anid:expans’Os.they must alsa.Gisthrenisty.betsAveeu-eX pansion: phere,andan quarrels Gf Europe and ‘the Orient. Then.must still forthaiedistingutsh: hetween:expansion -which See ares: contiguous territory forfuture Set: tlement ‘aud-expansion —which-Se. Cures usS“atien Faces ferfutiire subs jiwation”:co 7 ae age “Jefferson Sacre.shonunexation: ot necessary contiguous‘territory on. the North Américair continent,“but lieawas opposed to wars:of ¢onquest| and expressly condemned the-ace} quiringsof remote territory!+— When asked how thecatonial.“pol htiey could hs =PreEenttes Colonel Bryan said:ee ‘Some:thinks that the:Fight-should be made-against ratification “of the treaty,Dutt would prefer another plane [ft the-treaty:is rejected ne- gotiations:must be rehewed:andiin- on ‘cordipe to.our ideas we musts settle itibydiplomaey.withthe porsibility, of Setaicetheals_coniptications,It willbe easier.E_think,togend the: War at:once by-tratifying ‘thertreaty and then ‘deal:with:the -subject-m our Own wity.©The-issue van~be Epresented sdireetly.Dy.-a-resolution tuesnation “upon:this subject=The President--says hs.“is:message’ +that.onr:sohly—purpose ‘int possessivn|of Ciba isto”establish: of ‘Cubaz ‘Cangr ss"coult re:“affirmwomenas:we as youn rls:were“Lthispurpose in régardto the Phiilp-my ht {pine Islands dind Porto Rico.Such bis theiy resplution Would make’a clearzent} issuerbet ween the doctrine~oF*self- govethmént and.the.doetrit.e%ofiim-} We would |be’justified int asking’“the: same “concession.fronyCuba=s-=; “31 the-case-of Porto-Riéoe wherethe’peoplebave as yet expressed»no, jdesire for’an ‘independent.govern-mnént,we ‘mivht,“with:propriety. the island)ifthe citizens desire any nexativn but the Philijippine Islands4Treiteofar’aaway and their peopletooditlerent{ram ours to be annexeu. to the U.nited:States,even=masit tbe. desired rt.reap ee) 7 ee :The:Treatyof PeaceSigced. ~The ‘American.and ‘Spanish peace bors:in?Paris Saturday.and the|treaty of peace “between the ‘twe countries was:signed~.The ceremu ny was avery:interesting ‘one:avewas.watched with great interest.|The treaty now goes to the.vovern- ments,of the|_two-countries Tor rati-.fication.ItIs éxpected’that-‘both: érs will-soon arrive at home.« SS EW CO PalenWrite “Jennings:Bryan:will,resign ex com: stuission in the-volupteerarmy ofthe |Seruekof-all the”wild‘for Fears:had-spread |t the bogger’jine bet we Statesand-Mex : Tare ‘killed:forty “four.people: :aesthe victipss,of his t Ha Mee aed ieee as =“the:army:Colonel, foreign -controls may~now Fesume..louddemand for,his:return *tthe =]"fay:“ber wD eTYORS,burt:Thi,oy tany sciphine. European)nations:Heretaicregreed |ee 4 tv Now Seaufronts Petteoof ‘the bet eersah } =atnelit set “Ws cian Sr to:his:true’field:bee = expansion—that,‘involves.US sin the}: ae‘Dow er De i Dispatch.ant ee Kptce)Congress.declaring the,policy off taking}© a stable cov ernment -and then turn,; that government’over to-‘the’“people Ra should “reserve “a : harbor and coaling station ‘fr Porto-be rR ico-and the Philippines in ‘return |" for service rendered,and:t think we |‘where:the:taenubranee are clean and’f yon me-éach*year. Jsruel PB esta ee tegs ek Soe scenent“physicians ‘that ‘impure«blood is escause-of“the.majority:om out.diseases:L|‘Twenty-five years’this Bitters.Themany‘by:this famous:vaseiescrersehold remedy “arg» Fa a dai?or.two:Colonel “iia Mnited States.:Those”who:know Hike will aunderstand that:ait iS notSie ‘that.Gélonel Rikan’retires.*Tteas ;Probable rather ‘that--he“tihds Her routine:duties 6f.a soldier.when no |?yt his.active cy Warvexists t06 trivial for “spirit,aud turns:ceargerly’.to thds “opportunities for.Serving.iis coun; trysin-civil:life °‘which—the:“éxisting political’‘situation,offers”hin,i 4 For his determination:to.Teaye! Bryan: ‘applauded.>Hits:hold ALpon Mahe:mids.ahd the hearts of the.peo-+ ples was.won inthe activities of} _stadtesmanship,and.today thereiiS “As:to pe: rheartii] ted.»ene recosnized.-leader wot the{* Democratic party in,thehation.he} Tits:been estopped <Prema ive} ‘wader sbip’by his!subjection:to mi!i+ “There Cane be”no|S hiis act:in ‘cali +Just ¢riticism:upon, tecrihgulfor it Was.aone<when President,wa alling™for smen,:aud the place:fora patriat awas “ip:=the} ranks ofthe:defenders Ot the coun’:Fury era eS netet athe iwhlich-for,months away”-employetl to: dsed its*instramental interferences keep hinina militarysservice Offer- far private gains.butnow the Very ting no-hope ~‘of -dis tinction:was’7at: fhe-same time ased.“toy dreak dow:sie +he political:<eWifice.‘which*:he.bad: with inspiringenthusiasm-and 2 Pom’ Hitical skill,builded “ihe:spect tacle} was)presented.o.“of the leader ot-ene.s rereat party:fatthfully =cand silently. psorting sb country i 1 the CAIN pS while.iss comniahde eine and. shiets,politicat~aixal “Stumhped”ihe: Counter va pattisan:contest. ie‘dlorel Bryanshas dane.his 4 : nt the-Democtatie party:has-oiter edits der fice"ith his.S Rnew¢adn= him.eae tiask:in be:no.more®cainp {> hile aw Litschimne=Forces:asMena Ww bicihe there “will believe tia P eOten ments |jyer to the Welfare.of the mation ast: Lever Were the Spaniards are:Fastadl-|< dant Weashington re hetrusts andthe | “spoliate rsvarethesaddle.Upon the Hemocratic.party Pests thie uty ‘ot “repelling the-sheckotthei aSsiults, tis well that”Calenel che termined toer |pPOurpily he i IeECS atake the more SRepag to=place.’ fest“they mehose. To the”HiltTeyCan,polittears wer€‘olopcr Brain:Shee {aircunmmser bee His"aetiv:itteS and=si-Hence hisvoice:Pn-thestield of:pole Lids *he-will Choose his-own position: be-the®Nock Spraeaie tn +hp=aBeadwel@ormes.Colonel :a ea Sal ccaee S00 “ote Sweetheact®Married.= Thomastea,Cones “Bixparchr Sarat Airs:“Eli abeth Siieeee ot Pham Last one Conts,aged 74=“davebter of the kite Seth Lhomas.the clock ma: ker.ad the“Rev.<Dr:N iam -Web-‘ster Betden.caged:23,Were marriedlustweekyTheBN:“were.Sweet he“arts int carly youth:‘put old Seth-Thomas broke itoff,.‘fhen=the.young =peo-ple Jostsight of ath:other...Miss: Thomas»married and became a wid-ow,and-Dr.Belden alsomarried:and lost his wifé-and-enly “recently they ee Supposed Dead Man Comesto“Lire ‘Fromaa over,indulgence’ii applesjackFheodore..Hopkins ~_of=Dover,”wentrinto®acataleptic state-“andmanyoFhisfriiends,being positive.that he-was dead;“proceeded toraise enough money by donations™to.ahim-a de@ent™burial:~He“’‘was=laid eae an bis best Clothes for:“the cas: etl: kins-satvup.in-bed and <exclaimedEto:his Heeingfriends:* heard -every=word™you"said,~Bat}.co drt:move.jeerPhemanis<still paratrzed”rep’isships down.Phe cash collected ‘for his buriat-will probably,be“Say-ed ‘until Hopkins?mission on:earcthy~ postporied.S Se poi > ea:(: THE,NATION.. ‘Catarrh is-oisST eee SEREMY,.Lagrippe,s ‘dang troubles “and* “other diseases.of =the \micous-mem-, a -brane take.hold] ‘ot *our._people. with:FOLLow .~fre==.alarming=~ =GNencys.. “these trowbles:: &CAND Ot-.exist”, healthy.«:ects Sir Mrs.Lou Paris,F‘ayfokeewaiie:Tenn; her of.Ja grippe:‘and serious ASE com- Plication.~She says:5 monly.«xnown as,la grippe two.years: ago;the doctors said I had consump- ‘tion. the second‘night my cough “stopped. rpOw if it had not-been-for:Re-ru-na.”*nr ~~Mary MEPruitt,Palpa,Mo;says: |Pe-ru-na:Medicine CD.Clolumbits,Os SEhad Ja grippe for-three successive:years;itseemed to:get a Lighter:hoid 1 “the jawsof death.What:had helpedmebeforewould.not do me any good.: Isaw.an advertisement-ofPe-ru-“na.1|procured two bottles‘and it-cured me.| Ihave not.feltany symptom’since. You=may:use:this.in any way:ae ag strengthens the belie?ot emt. agot48,8 basis.for the:ene of Browns’tedarkablecures-effected |Sufficient ’to'prove thatthe ther:oesBitters is old b San a. eee a ntact The power.‘ot es ‘administration I bis:aresigiit ions 2 See aen Raia Sues:oeTse i Test “asainist aiperalice :nik jvm iSonie Sections.the?vNotthSatonasaeieie imo “Demc ncLatics:post tsa pane —of.-Dertrorrabies rhe did nore Hike «the engagement:andy couple:sete throvn togetheragain:7 “Ad preparations fofthetuner=f‘bal were.beintcompleted whén Hop-|: “Taint dead,thankthe Lord.oT fon! is ended,as the funeral chas:been i arecatarrh;and*\* ‘lt Seemed:I was in. :Serieseeu, Self and’reek :had and whale Unite.FStale 4 ed‘out:at:the |peport¢ane Tati oeBe the.Apache ithe ne af. een1a adroit “moun = +peetawes: Bry,wy shas|”Oh peor ist HOW: tror Nee Mx ith Ww aiters and fatal results tsund ‘heir four i AL of Sepport::rete amon the ee agyui:Tndiaus.‘andy carried off by:smallpox |in ‘the.latter: Siegal never Tiveed:=How as phe chases for”fe desert'plains aude ACrass »“fo ‘biddins| Apachet id and he , ieawd ul morte } Negrces Giv Speaking Sie :A~ransformation-ha“Hagnerpalaeé carsGrand-Central station’ ed waiters have“white menreeruited front ‘class hotelsand*restavran :city-have taken=their-places’:The:fexperiment:of:supplanting.negrewithowhitemen’on:the Waa*{Ner-ears is nest interestimy:{the-Pultthan -ears colored Waitersarestill-retained -They=a~e.select fedtomatGh-the China—that is.on] Ee the lightest Mutattoesare ‘einploy eeeredand-before-oneis hired he must oneShowthathe=-ean.'wallkleracetully:rand that-he-i fairky well-educated. haud,singularly eteuch,fs eeare}:examined to~fint=wwhether“OF;not |usARC,iv-“00d eoreaae tor.the Dioner:the:pabies ee The general tax,forthat Eyre canbe Some ecerals cent,sotthe-chtldren 4 302 “.ae 3 and.cay aleeapen t days. var ‘At"more-wai ‘elusive “outa not Sto keep safely. us;burbe seldom,peripit set DASE:08 a “Mute his Yen Sime ‘Se ing “dfraRk-te-“PS a tue “ol nmin Tres. Sco Ortti going oubol the {S..0 oie a way, Pee oa eM rali Baltiqa:org“sue! Aproposition fateuy sad.collectataxuponall-Georgia -dogs-over{=~the age.of sixmonths:Caused~-a-lot:tells in’her fetteriowDr:Hartman's *debate iin the House of -Delegat :great.catarrh:remed 35:Pe-ru-nay<uredthat State Monday Taste dud -feated for want:‘of a Con timajority.° yo STwas a icted.with “a disease _com=unged its passage one:D“yhat‘the*..slaugnterer-of Sheep:°-One.spiIgotonebottleofPe-ru-na and *saidin hiscounty there |were*thredogsto-évery colored:-eitize ‘T took several bottles;and Isvill say.shat ifthepast ratio ofiiperesthatIbelieveIwwouldbeadéad:woman kept up the dogs would:‘soonControlofal:the,offices,itheesbeee ranches oo “bat ifit. comes:to.the: yellow doy” 000 in theetee denis ailsstateTreasury.“One.of the.speaktsinopposingthe“bill “predicte:creel Ube enext.dale tbat, sngth:takes-the=pls:2°0thetSiowofhealthy¥allid cheek when:'thiderful-reniedy is taken.For'sickly.z oroverworkedmen it-hasno-equal, (be ohomewithout“this--famous -reniedy,°eee is sold by.4)dealera,: Dew“color.|" all’disappeared,ane “Or “to ce +more-Signe fo the schools As.“by ny teal es Bot be fore ed.On} LW che suffer is,caused a Ne The Chasen ea.Medicine sae My.sister sufferedtrom ‘very irregularand:painful'‘menstruation:and ‘doctorscould-not-retieve her.~entirel ep her“end-also helped-my:.moth land ly.ing.oTawarthState qpthedtth dayot November Leadi m Ries ry Wine!of.Cardul gh the ‘Chan $ot ‘ite:i itheundeenedvonOfDEOTe ‘ aie :ie to?quiit:tobacco ‘‘Mnevics full,or lite a|Bacsthe wensek ca strong:,sAll'é #teed:'t ‘Bookier Ag‘Merling Remead tr ag:vies \ aD Y.VIRTUEaE 4 ay executi d >ins >ee pedoin the ote ee etal x i!im Bowk (15.eM Pmoitgagee,wa loses aoe}far:casi at the cou MONDAY!ANTS the fafiowis ¢deseyit Showpiend as fille woe <Moritgogiery score 3 eu “AMest por po Selby =ae A therTe dawn the rie a more;Thre ree Mest “uear he ola Foid, to ast!ne,Conue iat 2s poles:ORS Gy * West50 poke se ae A Lye,they Easy tot < neg 40 sock:oe Mrores 1 :Me AYN sOth,1>4sasNove: “NOTH PhO Li;prliso.NSE Avainst the veshs es":ba init tdar moti Ads dito the “undersignil so before the 2dth Gays \y Hthisemotice Wild th Sie pies i ERS Novy.1:th,; :Adminitts >Pawot yy?:‘doo BCE,LaRR ANG SANST RANCH Fc CATAS SPROIAL ©IE,NTTON TO HAS " Ae ACCEIE =[ASU vt i gehOOr &MAA a To,000 ‘Bere!ie “2 Waited? ceWILL PAY 7hLIEE,Pricer cleaned iy atmy Root and:Ife ey Sellit eee Fook ae Qetolrect thy is NR*SOx s ARNE jt.D Rees ay soe qs"Blacoe Ale =Attention give n to t the Settlement of Esta Ea BU : ATTOL NEY -2 oy-y). Sitan ‘BSED Ww ‘it piactice in aie th Se OS aFecdemandesee Bae ores a“:STAPESYV I ee a "rae:1rs.12 Stat e prevy.oa aid ! ALLORNEE ASTATESVILLE N A Offers his Services Special-atte:tidy toate ;es :BNET ™ fom Praetices.in all the Co Pade}at ao od “$y«.fA A TORNESAG4> STATESV RULE N Wall practice::Lat a6 Prompt attention 16 v-> .rtrmsted.,Mice No.-£} l-@ourt horse es abt terns 4att phy ST.ATESY.HLL ‘Caretul'ai ite ution ;pigen toiimustad’vA n’sii'TS &Hartnos 'ALTORNES=AT-J of Elisevefnrpad to inte \five prompt ally NITION Eeftrusvedto,me,“Ofte rearcypecs:Bei ys Beyror yar ; ;Wiiferia ing «ah i Honzicen toralecoliy Of Steales. PB.By LONG. LAWYERS+ EATERY Ee NA ~— *Practicn in St ate <ahid 4 Oftices,kK obbins*,4 fic!KtOW.Pe .thiése|.whe!ATTORNEN-AT.)pee tes ST ATESIae Ntprodaceei,eat >Wilhappear-iniall Comte. ‘tiott given-tto thee C Wik Ptacti Pe,ee WANTED. SMALL FARM.XN “than Skea nd:to Te Statesville Applv'to ti¥Bt Cash purchases mikea:boy‘“Decensber 15,rox.Be t what |"a.Be eee«a iiree Farms for S 23 fricud!wit,SELL MY TtPS jRStsfollows: Bi INO Patent =whiiok 3 , Pg “her place. lands ot“Visingson ‘F ¢|dain:‘juildbetesand. Pe ie yor Bo eeend asthy g)town towns};ac%Others,containing ">“Sfand good.land. Sheibove tracts wiofthepurgeaseprom |)térmis wilt be’:Bivew torApply:to Ve}15.IRS.“ye \: “Notice to bre dite Xu Lpy:KSONS HAY ty i Lhe estate of Arey aie:“d 49 prese ut {? istratoron for be MG,Orethis not 9 Cover Tins Deo:ges ;Armflé 1h &Tuir aktion NES. ee ert.rktheestatearenoutiedto pr signed adming st at ie Der 1th;iSdy,‘erin iets{POLE CONe EV:ALT a MaKe mmimedaee pane;E putsebdeues Iho oeshiek“Air.o Pe ;e STORFILErll Ce WITH :seus iLicd CUS . ‘4 PIC BR ypss : OF.HALUSR'S.Ps. Dee.Tg ADIDa =RSONS h:.we \t Sat eee Sager VigMORTGAGES41¢OF LS besandalkProbate:basi ens.8° SORFLCE TN.COL A drew -D,Cowl hes ATTORN,ca:Stagesville NEC J.F Gam i: a Nemes Tea hsi = ra h e Attar ys inyed y ]oe StATP SAS:eee Mh re ' Wath:‘y bi letioe in agit * ee ““LoNG BLONC. oT:B.Connelly,:4 . ehSHareyPonMarry=-Gricr,’ a RICHARD B Web sails, TO 4 ‘ ”a . ‘ aer o Fs ¢ + ‘ * So r e t er e cm eee r i e , ee e § #. * *‘ Vo ‘e ur e re e py ‘ . IREDELL AN rT)tae “ALE XANDER¢Cou0 Es. "STATESVILLE,X=esiene”mghyoe and CotTON.GINS. Way nesbe:0,Fa.s-also'for thes o-~ KEYST NE THRESHER. also.‘agent.for cotton gins.Presses £7aeAORNELEYSLING“MAGHINERY |> sais ‘hfting cotten ‘from wagon togit.Repairs for.the Wiinship>and Von Winkle aS well ax other”‘i gis,”Estinietes mada:on large 4PHNom=steamrplants.wo a aS Lam agent forthe-Frick;Peston ‘and ”tiacm‘Engines-and “Saw Mills,Landis’|rspepe‘Pheesher-ard.Windo Stackers of, AIT A CORN.a G eer ate Pen ENGINES,“Fak:SUE sine : yen eee oesue!sitiivesoetaBa,a pei e nie ‘bartOLN ont busi‘The cotton markethas-been dan’oh “Dre J,ies MestPeaeoralt-snialt.crops itis;the bestsuited for:thin week pbut chusiwess ewvillbecjoss.Section Kor,darge;crops ‘ands:fast.Sunii d Jonday>Saher atteCrbeshingtheEélipshas.no-eg it ahd anyt aeaoar:George.Long,5SenPot poceeers ~tan POW.pL beelwho-was -S0°ce ~fast seek is now muc teepee oes;ze WidondsNon|1 “OREN.as.Cae Maxis S Shipley aa Balmer =HabeasayeRE cape “Chaicitets Sis +[ ,fers utmee business--this:niOraii woman who has a‘h eo: task’before her—dishes wash ota floor 40 Serb pt e . Aes oe - ee , ra st ess pa ee ie t ©I~Pinkus and 43BestaOutspi“wiadene EeSAW'S LLTO CU=F.2,008 FEET OF:ee eeEAS ye whe eo aondsWwwillfind.thea MEMBER PEK DAS-FORSinn.seer.pais noris ==Ropene ey GFLon 25°to.5t:per cent "Savedeby)62.Nat has Rakes onealAy.new Oe siesete your -ordets<-with ome, Wri eocseetent my-otice-nearReathe(epatin ae x a =ont Te oi‘=span x che vibe new store blair*megsUs aun Sabu ne ::<i ee baintige=aL sée.Us.mM:ae ;a rhe reception 4See »Fislon Pe tree=o Z oe ‘tonssin harent af=Dr.and:Mrs acs1etvies:SnemaimEstate 5 °)Garitow last:Thur sda.evenine E:aYNIRTOEOFTHEPOWERSCON(esi:lar -lveatterided:~ictalnedinaner!gage deed -x«cuited.byt ?aevenStewartancoiwile,EB.ti.Stewart,to!cee :Ramsesi a Maxed.ane by theni assign.)sehaesMeragateaoeSebeenersa*“chet to Wie Tor Value,F wihlosefl at—pubiiel i),x;Amo =e)cuction te thehnehesebidder tar €ash.at+he ni fThBigStoreacfseeeoncagesaseoust-ljouse Cour in Statesvitte;NeC-See tk ip iyissess.waiter sesecsoretin=:oS ;iy ree aeAeneatOe>ia Sarasa ake Tet ca nt COInn is Staners :i ig.oe Cee IROi VEER1Ay,DECEMBER 2 SY,1898 $jmitet.:Monday.“Phe pots:Fopncbieb~|Baveisin ieeater$2 0Sed kom.othe followinu stands:Sil tesSiete Rasiee “ob Tread “Super terae toe rTateeill axsti)neShc toh tawEship,Aredelt county,a a a :oer asst rarer SNthddescrioeanddefiaedasaoHows,to}Cw bee aM,NeLise D.wee A ieiity.Adjomiing>Mie lands=of “Winiam:sant tefecai tit ‘ialeman,THamiiton.Byers,and others he Ai racee ;a a peat ok ea Ox Tascathty Si SoTMGOnbearnearacsinallpine:Arey ure’“specttaclestHaxe}2CEDE TORT:Stn creasrat = hence Nertn 69°“Bast-104 poles-to-a white Soh “te Lew ands ~will be Siven pets rs S ot he ar ha Jtk,corer of “tie-churels ladd,thenee ft h:et dehivery thyShits OHCC.ae a Beds PALTSS wsieeFowler©Hoh ::ess ‘::“Oaths Li piles'tea Spattish eects Es “hveSo ss Jute ley i Pine Sees Ont ae Beaute tas :Ni vdes.GaelTeakast16ptestowtedovk~thence.South|Pcestly ae Salt Charke:Hike iad TG teena ties eg pe yi fod ae Bd lye Prices:4eentherscitetO,West 9pOles.towstake:thence North Spe pathic:se Othe wax.for Uke:See.RSS ee =!U yet oe :;sti 7 Se ;meee:1 Sead mi 73°Wess apIStoa ‘stake;side 6f the shay nl Ay Ni dT eae ::Re :et Ae =::Knets Ferty Toads thence Nori oso Wess veer lye burner Vsszhand =e LE}oe are 6nyieeeeeeOe =Pw:2:ina Sting ancl-eantot,usePotheDéginning:containing 52 acres more}d iae SUT “Chri ifmas Wishiinief’=on’a 3 ~<acroorl as shine1Tess.‘Tais December-Ist,FEI Mi AS ae ory ft eae reir are Pye cat a3 i eh?aoSALEMichooSESOEEORAMCEN.oeiease at as HN itt =eps :ae Seco :Poel nee:cA oes |Ei EST“Class Sark ok freuen ny amney&Maxwell;afore there.edit Dow Sbecent iow it ee Bone Rett :-‘ and |Lowest Prices .3:aaem :]:e JadiesAind- bose :“ ice $1 50, dt ee,She.£0:<2 10.x?te clvet .Wat Ears «at bier li ye:Q!} Be Mek sugitin,Atty.BS +Prosbyteriian.Chutch.this evens Far hear tt Roe Poa ::“from 7FO te,10 oer ki ATE Mme INOS TSSale“of:‘Land ir ad:‘Near =|bess of the’SS.are HAS ed,es oderesStatesville.-‘fhoaittend et pS chit =ghee.eee et :le :ae caro KY MEIER CanOPATOWER OEAKE kat Rear Ge ve Rennal aeat ear a E Mey aD pees ie ee St ae oa te Oh =i oe sumun bed:ae Tn ane rtgages deed:exccuteds Bye EY Pen ike FF BS ‘rh woaetc are he spike /at ¥sais DT.oh é :c REERY2 ;5 ::j agg 0.trieaera Pak SUNYEWEdartSade,Emily:Web bater Ararte:AL Par.o SHC TERY “a Jo dive:]mae 3 i ves :ceuretitvettstoredtinethediteehthe:‘Register’oe ane tion sak th FSC x estendRett)Fifedelbeannty.bubk as»page,2s,Ore He retarned4 gataeve HELEaLomritetedthorteigeesand[Assiguce wt Bo €oul tis Eres..Conr t House COOmi Statesyttie Ore"8 tos hia Scag essal,}Ce SA NCARN PERE OPH Bias Messrs Sit DubRC auction tithe highest bidtder tor.caste4 >pette PA OW rE EONT €ute,wesEIR;UES parige aefeceroheAQbyTuriters:corey,thence”North taraleut-ANCHOR Ht their ts Jeike“les Oot”Stake hence Noth.soe Ee c 3 Fredefl.-“burksa2x+bet ae Stake iy ‘Parsecs Trucs,4 “Eaist 27 poles.to.W stake 4 Theeeroets,brausht BDO eae ::Gear :a ea Wei :lane Tous it hin depnhdeSrowdythesieesNG:ees ion ie ar es Dis r ::y :.;kya i Li"4 -~ne si ,e {Polk woith the road=MI:Fe N.1 Sti ae C;Fart:“WyeFay :ye ;.ae >ng NE cout 41 Eps a3 Fat idg ean eal eae oe trict |]Ipox:oye lie =NOt wn mtr Says:<.tk y “ys io poles:to a Sten F ate .‘;.:;ewto A Stakethence.:beeur the”Pectifier at Lenw enstecd ek the conhtractad Un oi hes tities Ss SR eLARG CRS South;&AS as give Oo ny)oe job:Drees :p fakeesa aolot seldiers whos It act inPAGS:oe tes with the,pood to aoaiake;thence [es ,i Be y ott pare <5 Bud tebe “,f rath Rhy tse SOuUTS N 9 re pave obiveDenthgSIsgetestoaStakethenceJaseryrevurnedhome.Mra NE:Go is nays :oY A ‘es ,Tae Reepeeh ir }mt Th ae eenfamestogSurke,thence South go dast cls pores)men takes.Ins phice:at a,OWS CTS THUDVe"persois ‘Xposed=to the dis-Owstike,thes Se Oust be N77 East 5 Sept ay —~igishacys fr:era aseoniaany oe SAoaAirSEBoveriofFallsstoweinceanines:tip colatact with or TGS piston Hes weont SOE ae)arawdThosbshesWastes“hatth iY miles 4."‘Marian.Feta Pica thyeheresfromCalieuiaandDe. a {}rent! Ls Sa£2reest-and-— ot aneBt Selected Stock :ao ae ve te vee om 3aeBaxs and £Children 6ever brosdhe , }kiran:-xu Abe.%‘‘ce the:1COake they eergy,curitaining’zi "es est at we ae ees ;,mercer :i ele ad sett Tye abe COR eeFoeNSOttecETtotameliy:stceee ans Riese .xe Rael yt dincePae hes atts ee weg Tr ck rere ae :‘PRETRL ATLAt[e,0f Statescitte fronting.gé feet on slid =strect ¢?;4*-ndsFite Dack-sooteet,.udfoinlitrssa>eae stréecksaanetods-are eOni plet~wth Southendyo TT Webuor ot NorUTyOPWontaniiniy,4 wereaniore Gr less v7 ~Saat setas y t tess it:at sack.bi ttome>iii SISO OTE ORC FOL aijorniuer the ove Fitpiceseverotter-+oo Peet tier hey Froieing Soi cbeet our csaidintew.Pea ae counts Shas.panud?cs of orectandcrimrny Back Tod “feet too Mineo eal bye ={ip $4)syne ae Ww is Lo Rt }re ey ee |uetind:eee ha He we sina “ros.cjeells:Riesolk Re Ne vbulsorr =:aSS .a :D Aig ana elTihtahantherovenoherbtESpai;:aMocnt pol,thems joderert gent Tele tiers Psion (S300 0 As Pitink)shag AOL ;ts A Xaeuh son iSpy,oe +»tos ~v ”ny ””een :4 i Se ‘i :“ety ihe s my 5 At PT ee RuLnIShijye POOES:bee ‘THe tt actof Thi afore:er att “be sokL.tn”hye Soutlt -prthe prident Sty be She fa ae ne ‘Mey f :x :Pre A oa iy ,:te °i>Yue Spans itbeneSPyticielouseTherFra:weltstinShoe:@bods.e Ne“ery,Ree costs.exclusive of prtorrneys:fecseeUREN,HEN ¢ir eee “OF “ebay ,me ‘ -¥1 A RRIS N.pia toe era anount toS1s Is. O.,sap ci On SALOME,PANDAS:Rue.Arp,feta x Racien AttePHicrs em ee DS Of M (OH <—Terday “ad Los ‘xd Sh ”} Psa and by this o purport arid Ss aes ae \ Strikes 1S assSheiss >ah:ICCA te +nyca ae ¢ oereturned Baie Nes Fannie aoa AEA St Mears:nv Be P font add, :,ace peat Chichi eR AP pie By ie t Nethivattended 4 Christmas diawee (ee 1eyeeeelaai;SOE ae sb LECG NE Sp DTP Sharir oeBe iiiro.a re TEL:ean Ey tO ee ship Stond Qed Was Sete SSO Ts Ene WN On of Goods “cing eto"Pre}BAR!pis Aisin Aer eo Ei imineton eh ; Netional.Bank ee=Saw DGLT COs aes ee feebay day Me:ty Titi:Hatchatty LP:aeveh oexin:i Rropretor.ol Ye[iets ry kee AOL Sa ae RTESVILLE,fe,cc.Cheap ommi std ved:3 Me a :ye Peis ot arte UF GH SS HtiMepae5aesee»,~Rogainesealinaoriwaeatbtee!tohfchaa sich|Ay Sthreaivd New Maske ee asa se Cheate git the.Be==aye meeSanleredipedorvemittedatiowestratcs.Ys eats Louse Wie mente:strict 2 pla Sand Neel hander Hg HSER ae LU \;ee andsCee SaULC!Speeaie why Lhe Sibess:tao bloke “AN =HRY Gt itd,eke Serre}er:oaees Ts!‘Weeks:Pega oe OSes .fa or %te :aE pee esate . :MLN COTS SALTOSYYou better:than we’>Ai ee ae eaBes me £ae Monae sheridan sis Psaltis iis i RE eee ;5;a ONT ha dhe risitrerentSeeptell“500.Eoetes Rea a:ville:Tras The:Dessertte ::ee eae ee ces popalas waliner :a , high Rivest.=.fyi ie Cormiitt +trendad th eth eee tee a osiageat en peter Tas aS petals e 1A,ONoF yr Bescite,the.cau nie tite itt 2AM a isl ae :nat Hes ae.aE ;abn :By nearer rea Ne ph Orel ea ety va an ee he baog OF Harmen,ee Priest ey atght.:Pere wake :See dae aeea ae mens arnt oa =e te en,reat htpadt y War fs dis Usaion of periticad TEtkT Orso OMhy snp oN aut Her Cy Ce HF :.TER):f ee ways *We ;tine.hard:finishKi ‘Suits,>“SL JS neh he COMESnide!tous:swe Lado tats Re :;aa np.Wen'’s black:Cov:aSerew thie Lewisslate: [Sudts 82-00.and “wpe ONS fines Gr ae el lawool Suits:si:Hy and aap.“ChilA;fat AG act UiensallawoalSuits,“o0e cand.“ups Reedy:ee -a ‘dackintoslres:SEG.Dadtes®ery teks..,fae Pevanar XsoiSapesy5c,“and apy Bahk)pak ee KES ESOT Jen tss,oie.at the.wud tu fas:ame ite va ks |3,00.0°pair ‘Shoes « “at Ssniling.prices.‘EEE wiiia ee Pie ae you thin we stole then Speetylt ¢sue Feseate 4 ts,ct pair and wpe TP tontanred:ac write sone harlot aouhes S hiss Clisgité Cab’“these ai subfoupsling BN ree ay sees.pastaeReMnepeicesas.longeradet sca «“armersbave te:sel thei produce4 paper exer i sued Ba The =tate.noite ;See ne oe :2 5 tho Lornts? ee ———please,ie at ,WluSteated-and=ROOST (a)ae SR one 5 Paes Bed anton 3 Lact:“Paen probably TheuthgtigarDaweaudhisTAS:: mich:credit.ome treacs;.Legislative’mie S pert ed ae mSSatcon:its Be ‘es sthe dette ena Or BatisKegeereemnkpaynaeaREEon“iRepu Tati Hotnan ai airs“duc hiiters,”.in dayitgs WW dram Wall wom dowir®Sfendaveta es 5toliitate:Usatsoliin cat Comte »Phe i a :*mua corsE udsdity qT Gasae:anéauavhatit costs Yous...wer’“what }rv :Whites.AED DESIRE Lar zn;ci rs et -Cl,Cetiton®“and=M=WhittenitCOSTESreMA.ome “ta see ;aes hovare>ae aa.Utes oon SealdatwighnssstunCoueyBl:ras =iSSCEeE =e Bo pisent westrouid manee “Or a ‘Rei voles bei:Veg u2 cfrieud!=Te the:Seater:SAVat aatso.aseSoe)Dp Eeyy Ss bos =uteoften vo a e.least”Pleas}|:me Site a yUsesurtiwisely=Chosen.These ares.;oy as g SOT*Sisters Brothers Mithess,okantessiundinrenitswith:dimy.ed =:pintient aS one:or tine pasts cuSAG“iy ae isien seliose 5 sight cou Teds a]. RECKLENS PARLOR prewv Be tie Spate Senat¢acid he Mt SST asFEahea“mete teSeatt tly he.réstored “to:ne rial”‘Con Tue BEME ST E ,<the=worlt~“Toi fx ie oe witsi,Ceso)to:Rake oly he MY.|We Ke Xi sf cet 4h ““nae WS De Che applicationrof pre .i flere :ernfiePahSeenEOFpFmerBiases,‘Cuts,Bruiges-sSores:eet £3 Bheugn:Ween tO sce rat ter Tt We.he;aEwe..Gi epi eee ee gig aur neeNOTGWEYOURSwm}Peversores,Tetter,~Chapped.tHands-;wil ed Be Pa rjaht::“Buesto aoe hing:~NEW BYES mos =|Chitbjams.Corns;and all Sin:‘Exup,ad sey father.is “omTe.-OF aa ws “BORSAGA sion ts ERESEN Htigus;atid”‘positively:Cures Pes.eee ee cee 2“Could $onigive theny moreph:inte.or dapep Ok DODAY required.”Te is)guaran The,board ot edn atornmeets:Men 3 hai past “Pirorsiay“pitiess?ONG Wiser comrsercoyule he pursued {teed toga ve satisfaction orsmoney%ne kans Tis expected LLat:S)Suvervicar yMiss remetieret Te had t boty,tountesSAtHeWiceniasthsathe:xvas.£05 US OR erefundect.fe Price®cents:ees béx,‘Bailev Willesthen=:resign.ae @ head te yet Agedesawi t Lye rare Wace saeomeashoo'cavers ‘alt rrig Fotsale bie W oomARES pore Bip that.NS eS sHorad Sf +wi Nees chalet pp y i ek tt =ease omer |a st yard‘pes nro VESOLOPM QU ;_RICEERT,ae ‘Three tea and Land Near’‘EB.Watts,of Statesvilleandyirobu-Pins :Bema sg bho peer ae ::=bry.others are Candidates fur the.Sarg inflammation.OeJEWELaePANToO}"ucTA ge SA pence ie wn For Sale,=Saicancy,‘The clerk:of the-Superir ee Sibmanew plastic.sea ::a Ty orren:eae ee<C..Railecad:Gourt,the register of.déeds and:thetsieee =:Bes Meares as s s pba etd i:Sara 5 Lnear“tha Stateavtile Cotton Mill...t here:ee of education wilt elect.<a OS PS ar ::Da Rea nr Sea renner Hoes cn a oe na Can WER acer Be?©A zew combination:‘of new|ate.three.dwelling-houses—a-six-room,Pepe carat aie ee Scie aa AL Gr Br hens oop mee sete nian [Grive towns fyi fy Remedies.’Mude after “new) tyint town EGS SON es Rites yeh meats Le io 0 at 1fnfAI!\ a SsAy VicePesiden : iyo Back?'then ‘probably the.f2iho Chesi?Then yrobably the k é ;:Seo GC“eenodatfonSas.HENS:1 PSS ty tae Racer eeace sits te iehtsHest phtices:obtained” i Foal No matter whereit is,nor what ~ \Kind;you net haveit ng longer. It indy.be.an hour,a.dat,.or &Year ee it.must yield to os Note ahs:Joeat jens N pe he:poor”Ian:s friend 4 te in A eee ening power.«It:quiets congestion >"ee oub poms aieLook=After the Home.methods.Entirely tale any -;iim titses ;aw Aow is in ‘Mr.Lester Summers Hurt.en raat=*Gc a Nien :ean Bit TOU ype POS ;a:“vother plaster.ea pitinto=tre ae Tourer at.€ah ecunasss “One:“OF ~tte s Twi i‘oy aNnasciees ‘:ateact hina,SOA TGeLe Te Mike Hi EE The Triumph of‘Modern:MedicalmostsensitieCustoms,wekpow-of ts that oF acwite and ©Sey Sel for-cash Or part cash and ‘bajapre con;»Tuesday about To ‘clock,Les?:7 :J .oF %A 3 won jock.centdity HOR Cah dys |e Science.:niiking individual gilts,putting the two omtime.”Apply to.TIE MASCOT or tothe ter Sauimers,sdncot Wi H.Samct anot Eri Sansa ann ee ae ae oe Bg cop per St es ay Bi The Perfected Produnef of easaotsefoie“ShasieiA ‘bovine ‘Soniet hing:heres the:home,<*fy :oe inforimation:~Serr Esq.s:or eas ose "i ;’7 c Sey i ce aeeet Te a ok =Ul ieee Doth:ca ,R ;cH Oeeennr .So rupning2"aoe Face “Cay laced over the crt jt isath-can enjoy.apa:‘the.Hone looks the,better 9+ps4 “JOUNUoFRY or ARCS “jn.Corcerd powerful -gid to Ayer’s CheryPec->Octoder 20th.1408 squire:R;tone n-:it :-atow nship:with.2 eee ibo pelin the.treatment ofall throatS|SRROE :and:lung affections.~~’For.Just such People Bc Sasi .Chamberlain-s-Colie,Cholera andshedthe nule which Mr Sag :Placed ‘over i atonal it stopseassRekaye._Diarrbeea:Remedy:canalways 6 |[nas riding threw him -off;He wa.“nausea and vomiting:‘over’thereafineoeofexteusiontables;>wellmade.and:0-:~epended oon is pleasant;and 1!rrawn violent!against a treehis|els,it ntrols crainps widcolic.Lyrices from SkSt po pe an Pi 1..aye bowels,it cotices:Trim SO0iho 3S 0.2 afe to take.Sold by Druggists.—Shaeau”striking “the fue Hr ahe a Cp Bao Goce ee Placed over the sui!gt the back,:a SS rendered unconscious by 1 the shrek.(3 eS “ANG »it remowes ail.I congestion frem’theDiningRoom:Chairs :“SS Bon”pena COS HL and Singhs Lise tateawa a“ete EL Aticerson,who atresd di whoae positi ons.ah:‘the peutinSEOteSTS.Go's set as handsomea line-as everoe Fo qUit Lunar ely aunt forever:le Ba igh,tells uS that he was)still-un-jtiary,Raleigh,eame home “heAihcgbartpee:netic:fui)of tite:ner wnidevigex,”take NO-Por-:i ze C |tea thenn ns ae hunger and ones other apprvpriate =SSE Age,thie Waigs worker.thatuokes weagtimers Consgousat Oo.Oelock-Poexsdar ai tihe holiduy<:The latter.jeer Dr sents TG beautify hie boule.::nen +2 Ueprong,“Al aruggiste 0c or $1...Cure aaran:SeesHoOL,bat that he dues not.Gou-Sture:ned-to Raleigh:wile:th“UL Schiller ga +? thepatient i Feral times:ditt: ats *weakness.”ae ate y'all pease:: LC.ae meLowell,Mass. “thea.‘Bockler.3 free.Address ee fatal and:that he fwiikreturn the last or this wee;Aerie Rey¢oe Be YORE Rea er -ee fev bE next :UBNITURE CARPET:lepeer eh sath Seen einatetigiopt ge cael ee “TAY.LORSVILLE NEWS. q aesee a =Hest odand TiedFor25Years ea ould you feel.“perfoch = spats fo"puteelk-your-~money.= ath Gr Mes Sednings ©o she Christmas¢Cotebration-:::ES z eee Sais eee SHIR Oh ect Rath Mae acne oan Sateneen ee2eeeNhes:beA uted Cn nres fh i aa i me ie x “ot =Re =Ps ohes fib dieae MEG pie LN a eA ey we ae Mires Re.WiEste cof =ats veeLEN.5 OU Oss 7 a ce Pia cS aeheme&Pee poste fie ;:Cintaniies cool iiraien caedne ON er tiesgee:=ape -PROFIL We-et -a —'*%axon reroll eye iteGrovetaowrelitki¢Ml +RECEC Es ory vari os i :HES os a =Mrv Carl Deale“ot BodicvidessuenttCRDCorCLOCKtineaLascheWwewotiANSNaUuumeaeiaienwrePeny.istmashere.Maa EAS :pees paresbaaiseubntteearsiteraneUy:pee SS :oo=Dcaintat mach se Be fre a ae et ake Miss Minnie,willner,ot DanvilleLoicloc:SCD eee ane ean Otis eae SOS ane cit Genes:inte.Wats 35°isitines her par entsheres SsesNeiy:‘+Ck Bay Cv eee Scie ettine ‘7 ee ~7ducting{he fonda!Eve SUAS i eee,hese eat hol witlopen here at-aie.ColNsCirisistsciaecesCn.beebatecs COeL ree apeae ‘[iehtsedPre nest Tuesdat.January san,ti ands 1 raatod POT ODS SO teY ML BBE Rents 2a Pye rh 1 Salat SAE ee SS oe in &HOw bank ?Ouse yor. |eit HS ONE 5)Aa a a pag ay urreon ot seeshig’one :Ye WillensSsssraeysel:sh ae Ve aa See ESrtecsvsi]wip day ait aedanehtcis.,jena)my Sau Sane 5.5 Rapes t bucsdays.Ne Beefs,ee anc ot BaeStes:hos aOR —.§WRG OL 0G,MER Hera OF eck Sateen pee tae *my Met tite :bei ."cz eon ee dar tor TG"anarter''¢*-CeEove.te Polis.arent Dine”:.pote Pee 4 Post tiister :Shab leon -sente te SO:aceronFy 2:“Gre:th ae ay cyPevisowi!(ot betty:Cig heet Cate dic Te pica ate ;eT URViile Tet SuGirtay Cis Cl Recta asi eape ieee prises2S >Dans ;i reat Cha ace Sie pcan ONG os aan teh Paget afi emir 22 Onott setnever sf sed mislid-y¥Gu-in any Woy?Yowcould trust sueb ats“couldn't you?=-$COTI’S-EMULSION© OF ‘COD-LIVER {Oi ae wie:.TY POPHOSPHITES “33 just Sets 4fslikesuchabank--Ithasnever 2}:+dag .-Boeles icesWiid {Wisappointed..you,Re vorreek ‘eg { J tre bb:sa Orr:Dike tay >“&-IS hess never eceived you,SifaeSeeeeeWiea‘Np Foun Look out “that Someone x eeeKuteines®dogs not.try -O-make’you &*ee +invest your-health in a new.§~esohi¢;‘Sonie|New.midcitineee“you knOW-nothing Of)“i ik 3 a B.¢ ae n a n v am e n d e aie” a or + de p t he a a s s ce i pe o r er i k ve i my ¥ RE R U E i eae oe Tess Ss Car kshethesow and Jacoyy ation:obotates salle,”Wore:here ed a at awe nd he Os pS ¥ u aN «cathearirina — in n a en =Taekpeeordiat miesshoe ht woiplaine.=Phebest si “the €Ca parres Shie.ete x to a meCXixitedlSaaS Somens rist 7 a ne a rates m=i ‘SCOTT &BOWNE,Cheniists,New York.-Sreash tt wealth eae Paceaanannnneneciccri;Hat ;yore Es UEIETS oteOF hse pac Senaamend “ger:SFE t tt A Reactt EY Sh SIN:2 es wie Pf:cy uw ~raeCRE a re. Mert : which,boards,arte AmynetSitipedehaHee?yr of.%f x.J re be ule house sok.oe avinarenc if a}ke Bi~<oe :fierce TED tales ep arcs Buys +Silke oe witlo bux Sone tea :Ss hte pethineseledes tla ae mm:dakeSipall Syed the “chien ent eeReh ile::tee in “tin a A <<.Sins~hatter AKss.te PEON LY VOTEet “tefl HAW Laure makedbs thiesbes TE Botarites:ste heduslit®aneeGatesehrroy:Scaiohet i ugenily before tare TablesShoei?:spree Sola EHO fareet rep reese et te tied ac tke eeoatfruxssdaywight,5 eal aiSNTEDNOY ‘*“tthe KAY:pass:ayn 3 eat E Opie Boies State oe och tenia f tet sw isyse ontity whe.mesNe ES :i Shes OTsheecabsDecase.Pen ONess til besipe JaPiwelinapabNeSurersiesCotialenna:be!;STORIE are Sec Re MOPIC aisbeens<inihit Pats 3 VCS mr aga=Sa BRIN a Sey hes “sou Haves ro uarcber hi th hoe.ari Ute Pe Eee eo at WG,ike,Paweb strc or alent rt nuded pon’REY Rv coCe: oa.sieeid Parts hp.pakke Reins Sates sor"3M cet saad bakes up with:Some:“pasting Sepa t bred hechistareeh on Qe LArte bees thre LIG Leltspudtorth Wattles CAULOC Stare mde iy fathers Jri “Mathews:le mekteth ChatsKC bwin GorLaitetoret ur nh. .MISS ‘Bueae Tiarston Cart:©fone}8s tit one remedsn-that They Ano: {thai SG rcensbolee secre nyt SSeehow Gere lMtote,tal tor conghsccolds fo 0"Tack SL,PY as MLEfear cca feCeroup theres jobs cqsiul teresfeheejapetateouiiCuterSieanehyey:vet HS €ahi Renledwoob :aod ae Rt NL tage oe ae te teemeae tla Eek:‘Brn,et Ss ae 4 hls 10TH “5 ;eweete t 1 ae REO bpastupetadenGaonrat1VotewreNaty:He,sliskse hit Sossient faronteweeratuYcekstyxe>lee tr!psy.Ginn ee +):4 :TT PS MearesatinaAiaeonsUSES:~twit 7 eat a eee rey a ie fikers:Gold oe PeMy Res ha gine Bee :yor :eee iA 5 E (ia~‘;:Pays ternat rn ,eg di FPN ret :ae aSi)CHT Rakes iver fips iiss Jo :}ith =X Pee hard Tanteicre oeinBS eeHioiel oe }-:ase cam,Ges 5JatSEANcee.oa tae beets wel Cts bereSs ras Sttoe ‘a ares ae Fue ha i eee ht chad i MsticraralxedinLibsdicen:to)tae chest:Pots sera s aN ailet ¥,Sree iD BORSips Be pee ehhote Ren Sa ee oy::*OEE Hy pact SSForteNGSGalateveeHikehehaeLipeeaganOfPate”ie:‘prortrptl:hye ene a4 aoe xe sulfa Keen stSetet!Poe Ee re eE retid Kyete Ve abe |ipathike,sare ire Yaeret tbe Eebcnage EhTe Am hs tees ree:ite PND ted GES paceathena a r at °“|“os ms :sie ;t °:i at remy eyear:“it er pone ts HOt LORE te yt:is IE Tata eS ty ne 2 }a Pf ::a ye §‘;i ait (7 s fs Peseta TS toe ".a None :=}tYeh:tes (ichtRoe iteopenspase Ve tty &ST ELY lastce cas eB Ur z iS rae 38 Tigre :~He tay Drugs Ecce es .1 Sa A ::.om :er Sate You Mone,‘ogtoseies“Fhe tir FOr gle Midees oees oases Pease oofae tert Rearrelscl TV :»x ma “Manat nig c ‘2 a “aR eer:Nicholson retwmiedtyxpheBareFatatHac)KOrV,ere RA AneSai eee Vint tots eat:on cant :seeenn 3 ab“tetechy ety Gabipedd wae pee in bie HeQ UALS ashore éRebTYtlhebevSEaSasBeayeHyeRtWeespheaeure sna ener“ert 3 rsh ES aT!TSOrRel AW.Tu s Pa Orsre Htet=M9 foe peaksey GE a5 . "Lona a OUTER LOT Steet said S1eie ct oie ANcestabteinaestond:LF rents: Wer.Tins NAC OTL AO ‘heSroonics deer: oe 2 : ie {3 P*\oes Sahat)Ts ."CSPU Ct Thanks.iia See NES:or Gd ars ;::fe Nem Hoga gs tne ::i :oy :Remeoo,i os ’.=rn .x ee 7 4 Me }gh ie <EE SU ah Sek ad :meet at:enn Merge te Se cack te,ne ‘;Fe euans Pelee rine 'i Fh 1 ::bemY Wy SCICOL TiS UReot Ae ::a se .nip oe eh ie ee :sh pant os Se oes Sachets eS Pinata Pees Pat bc o Bacon:ae.CAE A Eee te poeta ax va eliab«piers-u heartielttthagks.te SthSigolkachetysboFaearteisucledied f 4 tn Fale te :wey pretas ;So :::OE ma "phos.eetped Tt Yur emer itis vue pus -}o eat waiaaa ee tanec ee Seem 7 Eshe SeesSee 7 ;eee ‘e Stas i wo ;once ;ati Ck TO wal :qeCAN:uO US rer hehe gitassispcter eo pee ‘;ae TNO EE es 4 :ee :re ees eo tes ons Ph ee oie i WesIheaeandtiesbabtehyesLeTeAy?Shes tlie tbs Highs hose Ser ices pete ieee eae *SER d pdt tins aenttee a!G3 —LateChee:WTeathe wea ariat:oi ae ig bss wt y mol |:ae :A Aahbee tient Ap lope :\A tae;>i AEC Sa Maks Ut parice |its Wet RY Tout :=;ay gon ge te a.,iswECRPheWritehestobowed2anfoA:Vibtiee,a !wtiay :u e'SagAearactitinea:al st‘the.Pads “Chapser and:Was ie wiht yeaon E Se .Be =>:op.ple forietna youl base s NorthhoeiyHEAersieayLattheCHEiEhtdr,WG::oe :;fer EY :m tk PL.hat at ieens be pb ius *4 ‘:SeptseeePES,aot:Tit bead AAS Ter Uni ss aethsSle .4 2 meetin |e itis ase aa Ae s :tfhie:HE GEE eon HOW S=Vente)aiesSiemeeLeSiSeipigTANFe,a PEATE Foy Ger SSPEchop Gl wk es.s THOM ICS ie SUN hid 5 ROA yer ie en Sete Bite :;i ane TH:A ‘Skinin.DiseaseM2Nagar Mrs.Ea2Das:=Para eecesets sore Pei o In.a Terrible -cCondition with,ig atc A Deowsbeente tage ses SetN BG ee tte Data Beene eeStelsFacherLotcrhowDeepeHiertsonseHsSARIS.Seti =Scrofula Sores TTS!Been Foe pee “AOO oe BO a ree wee ree ce CRSA ih aOR aa ole Pl &Invert1~ETP CO GOCK:Ey SaphesePRS oe .eet ee se Sawa ees ened q Lanes :ke DOTA Gk O UNAees Took:‘Hood's:Sarsapatilla and 9 ae atee sone tn Ere er ::sera tic:ae fee ITT::oe2rsBiissotertea=Better than foro-Years.Bf oe ig os ie yh ss ee Pat 8 fre a FP leecrnmmeteun 3 oe PPE MNT acc aaa eu me aWa“one ult ea hs ae “eT “had-a skin disease Which was.Secs eee Ht ig a4 ;¥;“Hiatehe:ick i “\troublesome..I took a greatdeat:of:eo Trad AL iy strong:medicine:which did not.do.“me |PATHE TOS Gere:any good andIwasatlastobliged to-ciyCATWALyyVenRupewaasinasortofstupor’sdime of-the =Letiimt Jess spusthe.s timex “Serotula~Sores.“broke out and I :Ps :‘could get Tmothing to *dome any.good. “My daughter told.me of.a oman iwho:ape eS Dane -avas-afticced as-ltyasandwho.found-re-|ms BOE MOTO.Mortit Beads:Hetin Hood's Sarsaparitia.:concluded|SiresboPebugnigis etapesy on)Vio.;hetrythis.medicine.-At (hat time|was’Se iE cgas gto a ‘in-a terrible condition “with sores-on:myreSEREDskTEDooVOStONS|head vand body:"The first:few.doses:“ots :;-:.LN MOP he eet PTS.Delon Aree Hoods Sarsap:rilla.seemed to BING MSO NSE es :ez)AS zr ,.is rt aes cepa Sree Ea ae cal peters beaig gar raieeeslantbatveethePONthetthe:le mstiete.and in a short time‘thesores:he-.[20 72>Zoe RIES a eR SO TO :Lae inaa arene Reba an tac Sovtmont.se bly sad sehen tre oat 3 OutEeoe“a to-heal.’,ty appetite improved.avd I etn inns seis ney SC Sha ‘cancer Co eat eee it:May (3 Ligh aabry:Shs Tapas fd ape Maid?ver ety ‘soit aBereaWCCNGerescebthINGESthstanlikeanewman.“Tam now in-better |...)etecises +SE a AAG ae BE ny eget NR Sg raed lt .Saree erat “ae "i Seis :the <rCFMELoemSotVagbeh berap:ce pede health’than foro years).So MoGring,:Ore Se rea Nee VL pa ey FO ;el ake Se haat eaten ::eM.as ANC:Omtigots |Braf‘reed tne y Vhs ee her Seator ar Wantisboro,”Fairfield”BO LittleRivers Fo paige ers En ecg et Seine mama ia ee se Sy oe :oe :BiteBe anaress 3 *a-chan ‘urs at AtRaacge sap Pie Pe penn ane .ise tres Pista wat thes ¢“Untercathotiet.South Carohiina.°“Remember ee ‘ets oy TS :x Nh :ca Rhea ea,"ie :i ::,Aika nie mete .neraeL Tg i ae ese eee ifitor “She :&ea ‘H y Ss ey Breen!hes ger -oy :bai eee pei ey ‘‘Sea yes ts will LeGracieg=at Catt De Pa op da wit atin anges eRe Shetihan-dtsohto:sence!MOORS arsapari lajooo :Te ok appa “eB tial RR ec ney mak WeebuneVSS,ei trast Last j Youre.,ii wy wayeyon.-wher {wo months.dinate.this rea :B.~<a fee re !mi ar oh eS a fea seeae Sy cat eit Tess eppmaaypaspatsBee:Bd 5 OTE WE ey OFk cic sort Pia thehest—tn fact the One True Blood Purifier :ate ;;ne bate Mens :YO “j ;orevyeygitdengSHERMTSoapoms=pitsene 2 eh Seis Sp SCRIRCES OE OTS contirnaus=Sen;Soldby alldruggists.”$1;sixfor $5.Or av Wik ea Bere :eo os ti 5 FurnisWasioFLOOTcagrhEthaswdcfemSRIaocae,airway Ay gra aby Momritt open the Hoase of 2.gRists..$_Prepac ee PNM Daeg cet ace Phen ihc ;meena aes fatten apy es Vas be ;ont Sree a :og.in esarehdtheTsay‘Hoc te ail Liver.Tils-and‘and st Pyrat PRT IEN oe neat —noe *go ne :=WHme Sk?Priel fers:13 MURS.be Porte et)od’s Pills — Hepdache.poo ah ‘e _¥&b mm.See A :BN i :ry HS meagre at =fe ae a:ay Pate:the A Sernavesee ROY!iA»tue 1 lt.ee it Ox ate xt ice RED IN..SS jen .at ;Cah se ${then ne 55radeGeermameineroloesathSAMATYsLonton:Ophis ve 2 Tea sacar geo See eas i es a AAS i SION Go Late aol “he oo:Rt “awvhie leis inakes hts ni fat poe YtaNien So POMC,ges .“A is ‘Ne eRe i -eels “aS:'4 x ::Mt TOMAC dai x loyke ,at Hor:Ie opt essioma beareef the Hone.SSEIT “Our!Sa tend a eae er vs ;:LOG g S ;She :bs esr eS OF RUSS Piers ‘y CountaoCrsaapbistory>Divers ee thessrar.Se datkor boa :“REELE IN)STSMOTRS ae ‘ivEee Wild the Chairman“of sheep Destressine:Kids,and Blidder ekHLSeesACT5*RCV ECLA SIN NOUTS by,AW CORE AtAsSevi1ncomMitPCCconwayandASRTORSRipSEOCREDdtsMetenseeey.ans aud-aS the author:<$t-the “PLISe-opemccORinr Of ts exceeding”pri maphitess:PreWe tk errst ich.Hemnished re heee Sepeb an Plait <5)..‘he the teats Toewearinznu.i s {alutist iminroa,ipaser Want pe tor frelievesexeteSoreELUTECRRAaoeSteepliehtCPreeardsatTNS:tame otlis Sortie:SANo.eee Ue hare Staten tie.rete—~petiamt tioth=cap Mee eh Be iSisSeger ar ei ra es are Lyeto the “theateniane ofthe?ee ,eeeers:It gives”.eee tin EL Is s Pen nese oe aes comunittee.He wasgeetce5GfBEMg,ite roer rie‘adie.spirit ie"_Reimublicc.wa Ne. oh wesc 1 aia bg aoe epee tent i::’"Ters fart ais.Cai Shir arteamsAeeasenTeesboDRIDETOUROS.STrp serie ten pao stiiceSwand a-ceneral fine ot.Ht Ge ite"Ts NS,th te "s te re Aes Jeethar 7 y idyeahMyrie.ST oh oR ee c 2 WWOTIT ty Vouemorestan .ib,xvbGsmbit:ye ;)TidWho)Solis Dedeting “tron,hoonoeoeRcbiéceyCARTIire“ayes te che,trie 7S .ehce:Ofewater:during cleeg Cres “eate anBataF“kes preg.Ee 4)RENE pe Mts i “vg yr Oe.ied19"f vid Bag Ue the Yomuesalee I.arresinihe aesse at ones :ainful;>Shortens ye re CRF tT “Fete!Dabs.«1 ie ou)WAV,E:tervdtet®Sie fontin SOW TVS STIMSON OS aOR SOx cDrugpists.amelie dsPs“ae i ,Mate C ne at .:%esebeadhasténsr ecoverya ter Bpe yorecater 8)Ras ’pore List night.“An axe-and other et Seeae sar cea ual raiidtbirth;Ithe}ps a woman.=P sales=XG ges ~Messrseedfunior |Gols were;found:at ee door:a a a poate ee et See US Deft i SPuars ts os Se SILO ra Ree gets 5:Me ie it ae a See ‘Mesting Board Pee Sah ap RE ee re “x Bers oN re none an yeast si :ig Bee LEAN ese WITTaorshealthyebildren..Band See Shite WER:BPN at aie Solem ats &.of Educetion..Fale mee Al tao yest Fel ar RX aS Phe at oe :ME ELREZS...”Ep neat bat Resorts:Lig ret:*We ete een -THe:Board at Educationiis-“hereby Sis cae:a suns 4 )-ORE in y LL €&rg mT Chas ani betes ae :A i iy ¢i oSf Strat ESA Otel Grtldigiess,oe:CREA es Pete aia ea os eee ae ;Salted to mect on Saturday:“the ists Poa ata i eae ae tis phone naranie aia gs 9 fe ti 7 ¥3 re a 4 oi‘gtESELY SFr.feb TAPE Mecrne Soa chines:bepleee a sagen:ek forge Me obDewetmber,ito appoin comunit ee |p es Rites ee oar ee 5 Ty Sigel Ome a Sema pe gta ;a KILIpicsagtgensCapsipRRCFaMGo:tes)Cie Me Gs)eu /to,Hl vacancies and Tor thee by se rede pas mig ae Re ee be coe é aE ae Laie5i peteay|nek Nton ¢LABRAMIDS L:omy FEA Sat Nee state.Fars Four head a ACL.Of any es basiness.4 the AA PRCA Re A A ME aan ;oe wb oy Bae ::tpSco pore'chaS also:Brought fanpmess to.Tae a SCCCL con mt oa Op SB Fhe ae you.feel.bilious:consti-Go fo SUT,dotaSETS HILL,PS Gat Geer SEE:ee a Sw DAL EEALCH com REET LY:oe!:ee eer ta ANS ase“ithongands of homies batréen for F Satta o dowel tree itaet acme:eee pitts iS dsaur we tune,:owith your.pie:r =BetChattihan.-=WOE aE IVS Wh wow wey i e ,“ti;Cine Seesaeyears:ae eee coe :a “eal a?"3 wate aa Se).ay 4 a acre ye ts 2satpetite.just —a ia an ‘ah :;3 ,we P i a ;ak P.v joy to sowing Hearts that lousy bP ty iy jsr i ‘saeat mete tines ::..8'Phe-opeatost 5 +8 r :;bhig ;Sieseads Ed ibaforadarlingbbaby.No aveman™(Rio vie =.:ai “Sao a Sa &ils bsene)‘$100 Rens d-S100.ale Supecoal randesta in :asaie display “oh Fall and:;;saeSatin ran‘sbould neglect totry.it for.this:ae Se fone Eira sin ta cegtet ates _Des =Ei Is Thereiders-of tins Paper willbe pleaséd [orsa &“The See BSP eos a f ;Me m :sona 2 iattrouble.Itenres nine cases.ont)Phe:Chae Heh can ot ATE:"Pagan js VME Loma wares &;to hark th thereis at’lestorce:deer dead |1€-assoriinén ts1S complet JudeTOUSEY “Selected:‘:or gen:Al drbegisis sel}Wane*Tate “he eh E,hi eRe whe arapercaiae ae ¥:ei :;:!J disease tiskt ScienGeHas becit able to.eure _thoroughby:competett init:‘Sxjerionted buyeed:‘DedST RLS he COW RET Tas.’wa "i alleits ie ,;ye ,a I‘of Cardni.”($1.00 per bottle.|:Snir ie Kaox ik :9 2 rae aaa qo its “Stopes,‘andestlat is-eatereh :Stee ee =0)os Se ;a Fo Ee =ISON “Tein thre :oe Saghe!a =a “Hall s Cavarrh Cure is “the “only thi «Seesort 1s “Si uch i ert spores j‘pt =yENrS ag an hous.sentenced:tee >liverara a gees,ler ot pe c e CnTe:knows to:‘the medica):1]]‘P ;tn.he ss pulitr Lin&.For advice in:cases ice ea i A ea rate bs a ‘Gu nessee cpenttanie E Gite eats.Soldby Suriae (Cafarth beg’a consiitunaiar’TisSeige,nt ‘iy mat.OPH.te races.tot se gat é sae);ae Renene RR:ost by gos tie et 9 otdirections,address...giving symptoms,RO SWISS :d i aed)¢va "Or quiresa “onstitutiopal‘tregtinenz Hodes ::ce ni aye AEShase tes sy Uae ore DE Tdthe““Ladies’,“Advisory Department,"%Sd?done peavdayseee :/eo _Catarrh--Oureris taken isteriay .:hoost ir while.VG thi :Pe vinta Lar Ne :The Chattanooga MedicineCony Chaitta E Gaxe sENOY ‘TaylLopes %ae ee E aes ed :ey .ve ecu &—s LOSS:Over on hing.=ot :nocga.Tenn.==“oe.|directly won the b-oud ard -nyticeus.sus |new eewe=bob to:‘Davean early:evil trompercA‘LO 84 Orreedes:Pe So Neb jaees of the S\arcade rey treyiny..; ms LOUISA HALZ,:Miia to 7 F-TION THE STREETS OF St i Ais Gtthe fistaoe EVE the “:5 \x :St Jette :a Ride..Dis =o 3 sis ”heBeowss LOS wille dtiting the holidays=;a pair ,rensth ‘by bnilding Up;then es es See ete i Si :‘S of Jemfersotr,Ca.says.oor ne st wats |}kod rimmed spectacies,tarked MA stlitable stituth ‘Band assisting niture in doing ts Pa Se ene lake-ereak:pi cas inSahaame Olt foods whether‘WhenT first-took Wine:of Cardui ee i i {2}rewetird ze be uneeceittt‘theyare returned ,10:roe <proprictors Have “So”mueb|o we sell or notes ney ats tral:Wehad been married three years:ine :a ates ih his.c .a Rae euratl a “SALESWMAN=*é weenEE“pallid en Sle::nileDoar ocee ee LE We ShanemonthstaterIhadiristakesForsicklychildrenneayOSTeeeee>Marsuacesee.ON:THE.STREETS:OF States that istaubtocure.ee Reso te CO \Bigs seria A LTS e::oy Steed (ts eink See SoeRuircADRErEoresemaneaeeere2:ee eee eee att 24)mo ctu scountsoiephagaLi«Bitten is i by alt Gace _paiadtrif:farm Heomee ee eS ByDrogglswy 70.aoe aks =Alene 8 sige antes ;3 [O J a"1 eee Ef ‘mI TAY :oie ata Faveiice Eromo.Qt }drug St refuribimvuey.i! seen hap I~B.Gj.ons Ri? =A ree Pereny—5