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The Mascot Aug. 1898
‘4gh os ae pie Ls S ‘ 2WON:SV TRDELE Tae Rs ee abe +KU Sat ee, “AND.nea {Sve DOESNw LES HADAY eyAUGUST J i ae maeeags aes eS 5 REIT “toe oe |[vOUWANT XCTOSI ‘Some.“Bewutifel Goods. re ST STEP IN AND WYBAKE A‘LOOK*oi new things*la mvettings:in.x pare hig hdad oeaasddCassWardisjust-anw ;the ladies.eS peuhays to.sometppane,ste.these:Ge i dea OR anegNe on :~Need of Specks.” CORRECTLY birt qualityvi Of sae boo n $5 Ee aeURNISHING Vser=.Sr les and:eats ee ;new est av..ee ae 3hiss tat-wee ene a Pe :we ean Rivesyin #Rood.Pa tee ets “On “Misi ites -amdunt vr,cash NE xe WEAR pp GEAE ya “have ‘Some:Cee “special G _Bargains you only WwwillHeath:§*Tailor nade surts... wv.sedate heads for.vouat,prices’ton "a f Yours to please,-= Sloan:&Shelton.“ Sug stoedof Clot enots tS,Os ny IN she neve:*ying Suits’... “Have,beenought,ses *for the cash Fase H thenyat the low est prices.ever|‘before.offered » Ss Toemh isentirely Up-te-date-and will go at:‘prices. -Customers will Standin their.own light,; ‘Tovhing before Seeing mine:RISON — ne @ RNER MELE Re iete Sieits,“and ‘Gente \.mS iketaise“theit spring fp eom thissioners, POSTON BROS. Drv goods:ducing: beste for -avhere vou-ea“bay:“xoods the, CHHAPBST = iow th Feet ip this city:“and,Surround:eyuntry that:we: HOUSE ver We)apg sumcr ttttke IN NORTE CAROLINA. onl to call and-see«avhat:values:we are:daily giving. Po Buy DRYsacar We dréyours to ‘please.*.-Poston Bros... fon Fae cdanaynint of:township,|in sehichy :‘He withatawes } Se Bross:;16 Thisis the:pice oe are ;a ei ar c making the prices jose SeEN {ras Hiathes bh demand.@n Us. Le RA wool re vou Sue cUSS SHOES.= ALL KINDS:OFFEEY ee : “onl GUL aptouate dine:Sot Shots:Ww chhave:US¥}visite Handsome Shoes for auy ‘kind,wes pAtaSeaut tastes,which were itering on Pr ie ex 0 silt *oN ans bat au honest} Bi:sat and CLFav:.eeO OLRe.LT:yeve SHOES,Deg fGoods ,Notions,iwe. “We carry,goad.Hine:eeiy.dud Fancy Grocéries and FeeeJustReceivedCar-Load© in ard mixed.Cotton Seed Salis Wine:cotton aceof a8asANOTHERBEAUTIFUL ladies Shirt W aists susF iN.og Ramsey.Tomlin g Bowles.7 bECR _Buggies,‘Surreys. _Phaeton:‘and Hacks, r shown tionsjowese priced!toCais F “CAR LONE3 LOTS:ave make] and oenoe “reat,arin: a en at.iene entire PuiuNEDANOTH. ee ete see we:lave’astrAmerica:By buy:img in We ae mn:poke to buysiC ae: 2 ’:¥e &s zi8)rats re"Save You Froni $3.00fo'810 0 ss tte ae apt tte We bive.receuthy Spend ip|uated HD @oes not buy.‘this wa} “the Store:‘lately.eccupicd by_J ‘Ear uirture stares:Hates,to *shdg _Barron.&Nighoison| Par ‘Pérr yctbet weenSuytd ww _Zoods+tome ‘and ‘.OF WAR wewageMIDST_OF*OF PEACE.ARE BUYING IMP. ive Tust-Seceived our.aniuial car load “of SicConmiek’Wowers“onto“these ‘machines.| mo ap pepe belore buy!Seth }Sopperters of ‘Mr.Turner,Mr. hing:‘Machines’. sially.re RUMORSLEMENTS: tis needless to'savi abything |here jn’‘praise oftits.arecwell known,we.0“atents forthe:; Gieser Thres eet eSss Rugines,pisos Our “prders|pailiy “We asp W.,No:4:Gieser:Separator.’ne have a eee _Aine of! Frew,Beycles ec ies 2 é a “EDITORIALBS =F ae ae rere .-%“ahs:presetnt cote F tor?4ch:wwaieGuOse we‘inhtthiy aoe Las:Shake weye lowest’:AWE |Saute’st bichaneney Chop:andes.ech: Writing«ofthe “réturn :SON 2bl.spresonpes.| aeewe tSeto see:“Be i f Be mie as ce oa ‘Soi taiee we la ig:amt Pingley!y! ANortli"Cargits.ferphers Eek “hiby- ae pay ‘SI.wea bushel? at luc Same“wold“Suliitins-Contig 0 =beetke ifnie a pea ee “4.2 One By.ong’.“the _Popilists sire Fvoted jit“tae:“fastLegisiatiers,Fane ve tlectionyaf Senator ‘Prigehardsaie Loeitig:appointedto Fedepal :“oflices:|- “Ebey:Ww igrexdpublltss,Prormused Lite || placesdeforethey agted -Fors hire. a Seaton,Geom,of,‘user,sis theswept recent.arrigall atthe°pic “eOunter? BO hese|lenders wet “office;While,The Fcanim di’‘Popiutist,voters:get aSeri- ator fot six:eygars.S$whe Yotes.Wig 43s the, votd-standard,*azainsy “aD income ‘taxend for bondsinstead L6fgGreen| ‘Pbackse-.hts.voting for guldbaxs:‘by EPoyiulistshelps:dut the “prrosperiLy — ‘Loft the”feflows- Lwhene does the voter whois.sutler| Ping.fromthe.évilssof an:toadequntel Fwoney Suppty,andawho Spee Soe pedo eee hooffice “come in?oA ne.tA 5,Nien ha “cmon - Q pe:hes Ute st=Hiss .Ne ee ri. Tus many.“ho us"“all::0¥"er Eastern ot ny North:Carolinaare negro.poli¢emeir {who make”,themselves -aparticu- Tarlys-offensive.“sto the ‘country Ww hite people:who go.te “the<towns: to transact business:These wegroes are.appointed to office by.Republi: |cau:“boards“of:‘aldermen and-town} ;‘The:white people 2 fin.those towns are ‘powerless.to. phelp:théinselves,Will not.our Wes Took ‘ternawhite people,and:particulatly | we all former:‘Democrats,° me:differences.and unite for the election: forget:past: BOLD Leaislature:which,iwill white man’s: towns and blofieut the’spectacle in’ "North:Carolina of MeEro policemen ‘arresting,and.hy ‘some--inStances vive!% Yoeves wW,oak mL eprtices:tor eorton FOUDLY.-ates3 bale does Bao n tt pac i-tory.“oe the *‘Revs.Je heReet ilk:‘hina ur>Sectes-o0'meeLies s+Haunie *;A.ni:rae hele.Sauthene.wnen betel a beuiatine ty)next.Sundayee2 Sdutherh raempa pers TMi eee Uiida: ‘of:prosper ins bythe jWithcotterr.selfing fgr®anh i ‘shy.cet‘ivy Baie ‘Aiyiat*fad ‘ali orhe net ae Tarni pyar f fa eeMee:aria ; LAD.psforce,Why,isate that,“wehetranr be ieheeybearlastSpring!they had tre |3 gic ie“aNd!Priory,whee oh ,aD,oF themrg,it toss thes’ eita-eéLeonly sand t3ccemey:for at | etii ee "lh ofA. Seounty,has a thanaeSeernieeAryLettres1,ange iwho get jobs.eck ;Tors img Creek.au Juin? CONnEY: government to Those: artiaa acetone Pa pig Saige ametaaaeylaryAND.COUNTYpe hia}anid:ee ats Thy.Aleeer r are.Visiting,webRo MS.e Anyi *blesFund : Daa" Aire.J.B =i Jy house |‘Boor “Patenah.AN:mht he fll hisaye tHeaty sade’a hereex Eran A Bur:eeat,ics epllogen-:ae Eeksles,Anson.“county "YTatr BES oritberpt Shi .chi CoTpadetuct OLNewpork Npivtheywit:umbark. Re Satan?eC) iu dressmaking.~Hérsister=Tess toseeand Jophiin Fhubbard.én,rine the busines ek Poston BeO5 store'dtirm yche absence 7 745 s citizer-oF Tredelt anaa”Halt-brother df -Mrs:“Helen.ae Carlton:08 Statesville.<-ana )Bava,Caapll ere murried:)i; ‘barras:County™"OR -Wedhesdasakedastheoaa= Misg Nora’Mor Rwy Sho.ge°iv bered ty many:“of ourbécueletedtonfillthe rthe faeetty.of the Shite,2Normal and, Fidustriak’‘Lplleve.¢Greensbore, caused’by the:reslupation.“Ob aMiss Jennie se teesDens eps oWeeD: Bente err: vacaney “th W aisha:chronicSatReSomers:and:family Of.Statesville, are ¥isting Eslatriss owe on Hunt-|- As Guy “ok Tredell,“was in tow Bos week “He Sa¥s the Democrats:wil]Scarry thecount¥in-good shape.Our fri ‘Harthess..Ot ‘the StatesMascot,is pee nominee es ete rc ttheCourt+ Mr: tan wnekaI hiuself a candies Demoeraticnomination.‘for prcky of the:|Superior~Court Cof “Catawba ‘Heis ‘anative Iredell’maw.waslonicrpopular’resident-of States |ville apd is a.brother-of:Rev.W.RB’ \icLelland.-‘of Statesville,and*of.| P Dr Io Re McLeland:of.Mooresyithe: Hevhas Jone:been assistant lerk daring courts,1S ‘capable sim:-every: way of filling the ottice ud were ape.he will wet it: He bast Thanstay,auton OFAtexandtialV:ass:a Ay ds auch impromed —Pies 2 Davie a oFRaleduhe | lehis ee ‘at’Mise.“Antatie rad aye“Walradlitfle.“é 3ga Mollie:ee‘froue:i=; Baltimore,to further,peTTCGb:herselt:i: f“Mase“George:W ‘Stinson.ok Che rk ilotte;i former and:Heatey ie lived here Andiis:*pleasanthy.Cae Ton eases 2,i a Mrs.Menabu. eden tae McE wens ppr eter red éreditors ngoastig: oo tee ;“Puhiihing 3 =n eaeyew:enc,try)ipet “iSseetryTrt:Sap nics c siya bate |at A)weis atTer iete ? Soa t Dan;el)Sina Ki Gd apis ee:quarrei |teal ung'dayrtast-s6 eek HeoF *inad jepsanance‘contitied iadxéduttion¢of:per aah.ight:rates on mola id Lo. tEee oatoSe ONS “Fate sts Paees? week,Aged HRYW5years.que 2 CouragedA?fears . |saae Lamb,’‘Wwhife:recently.aed in W ison:county,en Uk:Se geae aled Jast week, ‘the State’::=ae en Joh Sheets,a niticecof Randotpi Fcounty,“was murdered=at-Choetaw. Cornek.”Alas,\one<day "lasts,week.He was shot:from amb@she“JBSellers:amercbant,at Wil mington,Las made.an:asstznment,Assets and abilevies as Oe G ie mae at aeclubbing,ophite men’for those petty]Ba eae eee are *Emima:wigtary.te‘offenses against <town’ordinances |Deoth of Mrs Hudspeth.67 oe ce:eee “oe ::‘i eharged with kiln ge her two weeks-ee hich cansutsic no.-crime\in the |‘Mrs,Fannie Fhadspe tb widow of.old chitd::‘Ttscéms:‘that--thereisa | cougtry?The Demoe rati¢party the late John:Hudspeth,.‘died at her.m}pidin,case*agaitst her.hase Sie re ee wieder FO:to Sive,them’such hone near,Bock Cut,ine-Fallstown.,.The Salisbury Praded school builds| Ree ea aes pee gt township,at:d.0 clock “last <hur Scjing was ‘damaged by,fire -last*aveck<4 Te nes he ger eto ti “day mbrning,aged about “70 Mears Si uoeed er aw aeas pers é sce od fie She eaves:six:schiltiren:tor anourn piearly coxered byt pas 000!DSU ee ty=We print:in thisissue ‘acand ton han os ee vs Ree rt ance:7 *Theye isreason”to acetal he©pote.p.W.Bra wey.eo}“Statestitle pee pees BG :thee rthat the De mice Og tary One t.See *tTrom Mie:Populist.party)arnt?gives, his resASONS;+ k Hardworkingg farmet “tho lett the:Demockatig par ee hoping to bettey his condition. “pHe let.the party:because ols Glewa fands,olde -Staudard poli¢y®amd “pow |that-the "party:Phas.ovepudiated ee polieyssnd ne-asserted.its:old| AP TUNE PY:ingiples:tre ‘Fetuyns:0,it,be 2 Rew Ty ggaeat it.“promises;‘the.only4 Litopetor tie reliabilitation of Silver HEQheN,dod the:restotation of,Rood,? a economical,white *man-s* areing ibs North Carelisa:- u Sueose tiReeor4‘fasint wnd ‘cg-oper+ ‘Pating,.wit h.the “Re publicin sparty ivhose priaic iples;taterand Nutiom|” Ke Untagonisticn to,his, owp.+We@ Believe thay heris:only! stone:of ‘audarweSGlass of honest.isily & jana 004,gov er hinent.Popuii few i}!jomoxtScolamns:this fall 3‘tor the:¢“Lyet 10 “Of:sbhwer rongessen) nf aiid the:ov er‘hap otoe the “Shitipetfu) hie Pand.-Séandat-prodding ypu bbe ‘o [Spates Jadmrraistrstient.ae heiaaSiaeh (Fe an,[ronie-wil he-ayeaynij,orre)” ae Phe Salisbury ;Wate hei.Poy ist.in “waiting of fhereveirt ‘Bemoe is district,sayss “Much feelingtrrjends:ol different ‘ean didages “ani 5 oSSrisivomnond.@he ~ao Ary Ww.Tex,AWatcl marl:must “be!“bard pressed ‘font’IDs Ue ‘Tnaterial:to} ay‘Stan;YG vot;pls:‘the vabpy Cn Tk e defeated’. ohlok:the ‘vonvention*“Absalutely,ne feeling gxistedvand only:one sénti- stmear:“pérraded:,the:¥etine!conven< tien |iad:“and?tbat “was ‘of aa Toy- Falty>to.tie.nomipee 2 ‘electida.-./This’seatiment* prongonéed.among the’fr jendsand {8S at t Fins,Major-Grakain and:Me. Me.Brawley<is av’poory His home.qear Newtor -- Fousthits test monaOtont‘erapit ude.aot bet:whdye tise your™mes Asay.er,|ty T7AWiss }xbokuk ‘Town. s NoiImsalerbyPragyists:here:and Por a : cratie®“Congressidnal heuittuatinn,The ya.poUuse ‘candiidatbs -=’andtheir) friend&cheerfully_accépt the®“regult}+ Wwhen.*the.‘nominadion -was, the.deter F -Litination®for.earnest Work =o his:masBS) it~ Rush he hac its:Jamu theor iginaltKluttz,ng meb,Ts outSalisbury gontempora-4 ry asis depending “who trauble’in,the ~|\Deniocratic,Bg for:xine’elections, it}what the: |Moorasvitie-News.fae “acne be hete in tine to*pen 1upThiske hoold durite Septgmber: ‘The Baptist,people:ire,going,to) mike some.neéded repairs:Aipon teichyreh’building.soone «They with al so endeator ta,er ret painted.:*z ‘ProfsCo th.’Grey’,will 30th of August.Héis*how’point: ing.the:inside bf,thebuilding:ce keh om Officers from:Davidson,canie-hereithefirstofthe*Weel,and’“arrested Rife:Pattersou.cokared:aw hp+.is “ ‘‘govern:de cuaned with:&mbling:uring theLplerof:{}fayana aAare siffertby ter RID “Hes has men net thecolléive.AbO Iv negkbes,we e Arrested;‘for=t same'c‘charge,ja f ¢ Ode baby:“bas.eenop Me‘on ‘nen: trodbfedl withMantaSince his birth,ahd.all thiat’we goulldo*or:hint:did nat:secin20. ety.imtikwee thtried (hamberlaivts:Colic,|, SahooGivihg that rentiedy ho hasdigt been troubled.“We veant,”107 oive’as“an*‘evidence sthat™you ted itorrois newi= Theait)eeloeyale Divs Po.2 es @ age ‘2eepegedgeaHeyae rs BY Gasitey.et cK while.attending’tobisPeReg.Dudes,Gra.,=hpastordl duties:at.~Ellemw:ody,that ‘state,“was:ittacked by?choletaxnsr 4 Hesavs34.By‘chance,t hap |pened:#0 get “=hotd a4 “bottlesof. .Chamber inti Oolie,Chater.“andrrlierd:Remedy:talid”J.thiakitif Fitsrelievedsney St.ronke or Faleby:Drogxygists “hépe -and Phe Tay:| a hr%“,of‘ors ille®Drug.Coz aie Ye ey °Mayar ce mae “the itt ‘mote San;thas ©accepted ;An.anvitasLion:extended by:agrenéral|Jeseph| ear@ofrats es @ fonds..by <jsubseript ies esent ago.”-The,s:“EF think we ought‘to secute, .Wi houts.ouch:‘trouble, $30,000 from.the whole State:©t‘powaadvised ¢as.®.Commodore} would favortto!hi imonial will iconsidered ater on,’ breed |Recorit..%“8 it Bees ae Woftdarn tlie Brot.Hetty,Will LS Hee.as DOW.it adTpeacenbas beech.expelied rom Spang hate ihe ASaleroomreadyfor!pupils by “the id Folaclemdes >7 Choleta:~and:DPidrrhoey,-Remedy}Soeif Boy‘dy ee fitadlycdné.bon:Thehe ‘fwhorlived'in Yz i ~reel overa fpule and’.cow trade ee fronyreHeroN eae we meansof.*savy,my ife-+ Anegvemen to.Ge:“Sehipy.s 8tay Spriggs @fOakland.4G eee.ane fei duyiny and.Seer Netaart pt pin recognition.of his work at -Santi-}mletterofGeneralSprigg|: -$25,000to! ‘Laihts ‘Schley ‘stfinancial condition,butifa} thandso me homestead °im which:‘to:eneais old.age would-be:Se Fas —Sr!"ee Net he ies:*SHORT WAR ITEMS,“ Miss"Schley,the-crding esy oat }.Madgid to.Oy cto.-arrdine)Fe 4 Captain.Catonimd”Od:ptCon UreSSMMAY Catehingss of“Misstssippi,. OU:idaty:wth Geheral Ties.catsJ:Sek Sonville,ateT tast)week.PEM os to hisovernmeptanPelabdnate:1s pada’tot the disaster Ww,highsere bificer off‘Syntidgo.,tas ios “HGbakers,wwete:Rilke’‘deanlustweakainbread,dts:Phezper- sf fixe foods sitte.the;cextenston”oth thetAe Henry’Dentis,!a seineTardder.aftLEMoore:Coanty:,was:killed shy light-|nine “Whiley‘plowing,ong,day sHISt.oli¢and?chgléya™FilKeok, ad:and rendered imeonsvieus.by Hed the ‘Same Bolts So Ree coemorc“than *‘temporary:vbélief.4.: “fworsisters,"‘were Shac ri lh e t er“fibbaiing <ee he sresnienc eof.‘Lénior,.one:day.last reeled severely:stunned.Seyeralmembersofthefamily.<A -col-'ored boy was.Knocked 3sae OP eaeConsiderably:= Rome Casey,OF Wilkes:aekilied.‘his hepbew,-NiehiohigBryayt~:dkin’eonity.in w eas Rona lastThursday might. Bryant Rave Casey the lie and -;wassedered¢Out,Gf the house*when -lie: erabbed 7:Casey."bY,*“phe +t Casey then orhis “pistol and othinthrreePiney:He:ted bretes4casey‘is SoaenatUW kes. gob the jury thiS.eaeeee _fipst:court ae ote\says that,all}lowjurors,who sat/:with*niina ¢fouranjles “west SEMonroce, a the:first%ore awasa‘have’ ihe‘] service.elas’“velatiyes iaeandis,”oe --here |: saeeontas Ca n d B o M r a e e m t a d e ey me ig 7 ¥, SP O O L r ts b or Tyler "Protests.Se : om aoe ‘s i hc aedg o e r a g e l : “Tet ‘hat One!ri pe e at ee ar e pcunbelgie - by errit hy’frgni an oh %% Leiy itchet aaNeteyVideo “ely tt 13)gonilek thorsThe Ska pb,“ute as ‘ ss pusher MY ie *News Yorkke = Sten,bein ieswed aTGs thn Pyar:se.is"Pes mune <2: ‘Dally Gris:Saloced “died ia Sie oe »thampton.uNye hast 1 et : od 4 SAE,an!iy -°is ‘fogt!¢©oerin ™ ucoeaati 3 ys af ameSe 2Sratite atjon.at the selection of Souphern:Sovs On eSne fter 200 “£05‘gg thy station’.iene:x ;=atid Tayo $b St.seo!¥ a foniar Mos ee Yor. uo pesaatalles : aT and tie bignd;0.is wiric h fe nesiveptal, ty as upon a & Adm@biraleoey vel has.emcee:ley.YO:tyWeerACA ler *septal Gen, ane to-, nea hav Uheworn-- ~here by Ont$ °~~.%a as Ne ee Feoupsed thisough,tlie ves : of.the heroes:ofoS.yee ee ee a ea r n on e l e n t i v n ne r s ou t ‘3 :died,Sie CVC~Bas: MeRwen’s¢ was choker to death with ani ;e 08%ope eta Bara eeeox HH things,nae Say.ae iiaebhiscds&and they are:ard)ie fe a i5-Agee- aimberlatn s*“Colic, “Lhat:was 56s),i prise rand delight its!mediate.:Where er. in.house “abrthe;Ty pdal hy ju Unitsa StatesSSonaor Kou “court-| fred,“igugyid,ee a"s Sarsapariliar‘needs.It’purifies and-onJ and.dmparts to *it.the enn e* oubdied with ‘pim:ee find Hoo ator,‘Roney 3 bot S-ene sib hendace, ~* mr ye e y ac e , ~ ca l l ~/ | wn}e*3 € * { a — ~—, -~ — ae, * A SES:Mp Envtol “ey “7%Pi mead is ob STATESVILLE .N-.on me ng eit rat DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR acDOES sv PERL,“60U BT 2 Kirst District.George Hh SPOwD,” Jr.0f ‘Beaufort.aS : Second Distric t-Henry ze Bryan ae Craven. pinot gn ny of :Guilford:-ata Sixth District Giver i Ate: oF Lenoir.=“oe ig “Seventh District Sas oe a} Neill.of Robeson...-;te :Kiexenth Thietriet “We asin a kc Hoke.of Lincoln.aoers »=“POR SOLICHLORS sf,ae at Saran.tee i Le Seeders acca Ninth District—oie ae ; cone:EUR CONGRESS:_ “Serv ent ho“District—Pheod re ‘Kiuttz,Of Rawaki:aaa: BetSN,ATORRS:neh Detficte .ma} An Ae Ms .4¥ heetlancatceeeeor——S mart CEOUSTY ake KET: “For:;‘teppesentatives-sonar S fe. Holman-and Tliomas J.”WalBums* ~For-Clerk.Superior Courts Jas Es Hartness.~ahs -Ror Sherif Johis.Hi Ww Aeutt,oe hbioe Chak. ploretights 5 A give be oM Hes. iaco-riies was quite’vas musical treat: 2M &oncord:of Swe esounds»*Quitean large etd: AmerGan>tags. ands ry Reroesivir 2 Pho pat:pirate w av hap|pi apd “Waits Ahestrac $‘dower en; “Democratic!rathies”were.big «.Deme@eratic’¢outioak,fines? ws AsieOe SE VER ;ee cae ht TheSoldiers”Sabai SE OSTAG: Ve S yds}“three ie reengers“The cohoert +ast Phursday,Tiel “Soldiers passiny Bayes toe aeare“a twelr hinsthe college,ce under the’wah boro,Eriday raided a Saldon aiid caret Faveniont of? =‘Owe who =could not erjor:such an.enjoyOE}. {bormony|Surchycis:BOs ROved Be4s washoeSank ::more than,the-rall}Gand hold.7 The|}a eS District:“Thos ae hs vet Stage’Was ‘Deeutptaliy 5laird,artists)hee epee,barsKiessaes Ont =setaith|=Distr es Pea Ne eal ee dgcorated Wath “Cuban atid |e : aansag the?fags auld ‘bdseeoo the’spictutes Of Hobogt tata Sen shed betwee ttork Al,Sate]geek Ishouse ‘Dewey ahd:‘othe rs’Of:our.So *arday atcG astonfat.atid ea ck i iy ¢Le ndanig:harpioiieusly pat Hotie gid Ghissre splections.:0) TherercecStan Geeceatat Be of paetithy:Distric WV ley“Pusha ;af Chas.Tirger ad Messts.Joba ae Stevenson,“als Jwensteil avesthrewSe- SOlOSWEre sung by Misses,so Mary,“Gaze.Waltone 1 ‘uda Murrison®Tay:Whitlock.and GettrudesRob-}Bhs,<->,an-instrumental solg wasOWhitloek.atd:an-id 4: For Rewister “of;-Deeds W iiamyaespitie “the:fadPrbats they’bas Nhe weesW-T arnet.- Fox Upunty,, Hasnes X ,oh Far,‘Corgnér:=Georue atsWE ‘oddFand talented musighats.on meen:v thagttha shooting ywas RLsoviet (ee Sa «For CORRS Surstkor—le,We.sickness:Meat.ai aces betsbeans ae Gace Sublioere ‘Somers?>geet oP le Walen 5 healt "known pt Rees ere oO TowOnAL EONaoe ee ani eho POLS,For.‘Coust eS anit ssionets;PStitesy ie auditneck:reine’otre re youre:mares,Porese ile.yetiSafeles Sect |:‘:=a fdr dans tor Thomas’Xf.GnDavide Janse’our favorite’FOC ajists:“She cid nat |ed by?‘a HorseSaturday nisht.ve Soa Ls : G Se Marshall K.Stuelee TT Rlieapietnt-“ussdlQochoses whe abate falrgest,“Ingantly,kitted.”~He ieas ai .: ——[evar beTSingewe carSayeee poxce lentZvoutig fran.es nice a eon Ne SIGHT.ising OP eA RN MOP ot the audienct iss Erle,Since :be yf ue RODS vertingetery msde.|.itskemma hin cont ‘anies if “thes:a jLastssodeelo:ea that pos Ee noose Rone TesteS North Coeslina ie gf me G Wag pu French “AMab Gae.-Cambou “had been‘apipamted ‘plenipotentiary beh the Spanish fovernmy nt tor arrange. for peace with thistinmtr oe Kesthé confereneé bet ween:President,Mez Kintey and “Ambassidor.|Cambor “.last weae ck:the’President submitted} the following:as the terms pede oy hin Astee Ne“wer York4 chodls;Of -sfntisi, annieA sad,instvitor UyyTaste AD the sity Summer schools AH.Dad4. nraby “Hat tering noriges ot oe diaine ranvre-: ~“The Presi teht ‘dyes HOt Lievpdt _forward ‘any &din ter,‘pecuajary Tes dei)nity Sput-resjui res thewélinguish-|i -»ment of areclaim:of SOWETOBY. «over‘or,titleto thie island of Cuba as —the immediate ev actation by:Spain: of the Tsland:; __United States:‘and evacuation of Porto Rico immediately and ‘other isfands.under Spanish,Sov ereiznty _in the West Indies =x and the’cession. of an island.tn the:‘Ladrones.|The iG hited States“will 6ccupy.and”hold ‘the city;bay!and-harbor of-Manila," a pending-the conclusion ofa treaty »Of“peate which~sttal)determine the ?control,dispositionand ‘Zovernment <n the entge t_oft he Philippines.’#ce This ultimatum’was forwarded:Uy Ambassador’€ambori to ths Spanish -goveroment,It is believed’that.the’ «Spanish government”has-accepted these terms,but.no oficial notice has been reveived:Unofficially,:the’ President.has been,informed:that’. the.Spanish ministry has ace éded’to}! the.terms of shis5 country for-acessg. tion of ‘the war,-The:unofficial ad. Tre asueer Sa A slighttchayeMor:pay tide’Were!ErOuShY‘gripped by the:cfu SL seaice cok Sunde Of their-most “skiit ‘rapaane oncert, Saat ho)Miss.Morrison,Ane res)ands e pea cue that *We gre: Piniarelt ‘alized: Chari of der.vocal:salos:: tavrely qn herart. twice,the last,time’ heard:*epi ict batt't im thé schools oF} training.Her wSclect fenceinal: fHiquid purity.”that-he encored.and*2% charinin rg Selection:¢ >Msi:Vim. Sole hopes Weremoretefireclahedisptayed inthexecution-of her nistrumental selec: tions,wad only surpassed bys the}!thessession to ‘the never?forgotten /Qut:ever“mone,memory.3.treasures:: Robbins:Was “THOS See See Te responded:;~geet’me Tate ;md sifktea ve:at Ce.|:-Fo ro ee .|‘county:“WAS probably fatally :Hor ed *cderéd opaide:”“ShG= é Hudies“Aid “Society |fied ota dure Doxds of cigars) eeae ‘Gabairus pao ~podiebs 2:acy by,a Bull:Monday!se :wy cou BEA as.Kitied arsSata“.Heatstatingregulgr’agmy.a tte Ne ie Bat kedSie:extfae?f tght Lis erie) }yorancd las Wee w if be.vy:sauded.-} te Perici Bia!wk at‘dolore’,fiat i;Warecea Bar5 ‘Shove hyYeastsl 5 CARS ie Sp ree At Boe Tis e NOX.ae eae fH uh bands} ot oO Hosen.*hearS date Yee,‘Ke J be °aa Se ie ie R i¢Aud,seks:oNpee dando “prompnents attouney >eVa, Low LAs: Struiental gust itr ¥hitioek worth:arotinay iis ity ed Mrs,Wiliam Wal}ane es [aistriss 3in RKewct or ‘Brety muniber wast atiy:Sajourat Mano‘tie.Jarze andtence.arhese appEa®| Fertaoe expresSo Dr Underrts be TAO E..The merabers |Of:the ots egpeeial apraide;<4:inet ip their.plpry,Way!“oeyoudcripreists Ps Lore ess saiglett celevesbytevand ied aktr music:lov.rH Oat‘Pefolk, Pitas atinrostralMeAreotiees Butsliesany | itsoeSpasrbbe:Sitebt hess sad ete.sg aint >M4155) r Walton.were frcored Makdid.aot “Mins.Rx.W atone Kebath ieee We are SOR not Surprised that site has cwon'sech- “Herssinging was ‘reperatedly encored :she responded:: aiving the most. Fetching,“oon”song we.have ever: For the:past.vear Miss:“Robbins bas been *perteg:et herself in her New York.;Hersinging:Frotlected sere:it credit 6n her Ctj0n-embraced |+fSur parts.eicls AeiculKErats.Kind.py ‘and exhibiting.atl.the-varied‘emdy ons that canbe expresssedin Song Miss:Robbins showed.aya ked excel 5 Her waice One:CissChip esses t ‘rare "Sweet bess?ats.tones “of suchen sire -:. Hiner MiLL, Wallace sn Bre Bi t Burwelt played.the dccompanitgdnt +with:especial’erace tnd skill vices.have “reached:the President’anh The weceipts.which “amounted to, the form not-only.‘of press:Aispateh< es,but of prixate “dispatches”from “confidential agents of)=hited States goxernment.,“Tt “how: thought that active “hostititiss have céased and that atreqt ¥of jpeace ¥ill .Soon be concluded between the-two gountries.By.the:terms of‘thie:peace Spain will:Jose’much.if not:dikcof} her éolonial émpire aindour country: ~willin all,“probability.acquire =do- ‘minion over ‘many ‘foreign’islands, and ports.-‘Tet us:hope:that,she, yuk,not suffer camoré (in:“acquiring opine nays Spain wilki in Losing hieta.F oe ani)eet Ee ¥ E D.‘San ford,“Ea ots Vag, one of the anti-“Linney iinsurgents}RYE the Eighth=‘district,has’be raphy pointed.a land agent bythe govern:|’ ment.“His:Work:will beig théfar |West.“We,vail)Hapuble’on jt‘that}heis now a;‘pacified,’“anc that the’ junebug statesmgn,‘hgd -something se k tthe séldier,boys?of the* Fcom pany at Jac ksonwiile.»Whenever:the Ladies atin ill be’well,patronizéd.— etaLy tHe ee* nominated Clyde SS HHouse:Sie bed bythe:Spesubaie Maite district.’Mt Se tion policy,7 ville:yesterday >ob =om resi deat “Ny ifyjit.Se et “James Bul lows to.do with”Soptee:ens “aaton-fwhotholdéar,E,DOsi SOR"z Awe.omy.” :Bismarck Dead.=2 é "<P tinesBismarck,the ?Sreat Geckt _..Man ex:Chancellor,tied.athishomeatFriedrichsrube.,Prussia.Saturday.night at:117-0’clock,,Hehatbeenunwell,but his death was:=the nature of a:Surprise:cHe*yabornApril1,1813,and'diéd July.Poe 1898—being overt $3 years -old.~He bécamepromitentiin politicat wanddiplomaticcirclesin1846:he became”First“‘Minister~of.the}Prussian Crown ‘Within:“thé:next,ten years he®hunibled’the ~Austriai| empire,destrosed*the-.Freneb “eni-; "pireand created’the *new.-Germanempire.He:-xemodelled-.the/map ~f Europe,dismembering’DeamarkandFrance...He enlarged the frou-.tiers of Prossis by.the annexation of yarious.provinces.jncluding the}dominionsiof three “dethronéd.Ger-}”man Princes,and:Succeeded in “plac:[ ing:‘Germany;which had“previousl'y:been the weakest and iéast.fespéct- ed of all the Breat’powers,’ats the.heagl of all the;States'of Eurp.§¢The North German Confederation”“with Prussia at itsghead,was estab- *lishedinplace ofthe old Bund,while}yr;with.the South German States,‘an |. offensive and.ae fensive ‘alliance was‘concluded,:gividg the King of Pras- .$ia supreme command Of -a}l®their!troopsin timeof war.Ofthe North]* German Band,“Count Bismareny ‘wasY@reatedChancéllorandPresidentof4theFederalCouncil.>... .*He resigned officein 1890;‘on 2ac-| count’of disagreements:with she“present.young Emperor.“He 'w:the greatest man of modern.Gina.$ny and was the.creator of‘the pres:ent come —ee wks Im 186274, togive the’“fn ofmation. bi Pek Hons Tide Leayar“aiso”saves,heard:from “the; SWC f rom:Atleritiny ‘AW Butte» Lorgan‘of the State;whow Gultare resigned thaty positiah:his,rbasons,and”the. he ‘pe itentiary, Affairs.”Mewbo:coarse:letter’inthe:Demoerafic ition" ‘Simmons ‘then‘ther pans“guons|THePOucTicians MG lex land count:¥Peinoerate | oe)?Yor2 theySete th Fah a0SeSeesbeen “Speikey“Reed b ,enombiae| alse “Ob CARS r Ne Peete k oe Sea Serratoe Fence:“eisSineSata haces tchairman of the National Deihoer att ie;‘committee,oo SAIS “an;bie CA SanyroFerincAy “nay yA ett Conigtessma “Richmond Peaeot’ry ‘was.‘TeéHoniihated ab yet heatSRepabhi-téans.Of:‘the ninth distrior %ats isin i ¥erfehinley’asai]‘exite sessionof;athe Senate aS sogit}: as the treaty ‘of peacepth Spain basbeen’granted for the)parpose’‘of el: aoaneoeRiesoialie saeesistwh‘fat| asking:igpmation ip agora to,pent os and.Ay {doorkéeperof the-UrS.-énatey bisbeen:A ihinated®forConkress:by:thie1iePopulistsofthe:Sécond aistefe;fer52.dpened:hiscan}er,Beaoe at eeeto rail ea“véestor:“S/Overman'aa 'Gave}‘anal!“‘fagother Monday:’ cers | C.Fields;ES OraX hana‘has ‘been.aeoret’‘by:eepe|crats“of Alleghany»Ashe’‘and Wasbtaugafor:the State Senate.HF.LSones,“the;so-catlee”Andepegaes.eDemocrat,/in “thé last! xislating“is we ReyPodlien aediterot:chs!Bi 5calReedider,:eta the,eegappoint-nedarmemberoF‘the Boata-or-Agr‘Dx “Governer Russel:"ka gives}if “iingtén.wall ee Se % * ew Miurhter aredl TGA END times West,: eb Miegt:atBantuishtast Weeks’ to “practice Faw,ae ome id Powell wad‘died:at Sacer4OeSuadayyw:hile sleep -O9,‘the!lrgad-thack.”“He-was undefh?eaeiatyente:“OL Hauer a <oMes?MCR!“widows ak.the Duncan’MaeRae.the.Whigte MrseeoF Yord Bosemart:Of Rin is oh: that She died ine ae fone honits,,APfamaexplagled=“ant:ee her quan.Moore hone pnd hwsve #<>wounded «Dick.“Spatnell~ Kehr Sunea’y }aftemodn.,‘Spotl hy. men”dre “nallroad:ain,tt,isons a ESoufhern canst istoerelsewhhere |iy ee +tSalisbury,aeasTound ead it hed ‘Sat ardaemoraihic pHe a boon iiefeitos,health toiexorna times nate CieRtence:GEL Bs Shaefhe-SortotTk,(Gud greef sail ese nents ta) “Pawama,has?“hogy sapnointsit vice 39 } . Ne ceyTork:Lure:ft Rail;forty LP Aynama. ‘tovbsbipe Buke counte:was fatally icnt-hy his son “fom Saturday neh ind son,when;fhe sour did’the “enty. ing ~Pherson was:badly wounded. »Tiee3 Ww.‘Saunders “a Baltiniore|§ drummer,Lwas thrown,fron aa,bug vylin:which eswas ‘driving. youne lady bya runaway:harse.in:‘CharlottePpesday.afternoon:His “headsStruck the “stone:carbing and: ‘he sustained tujuries from _w hich he: diedat.30Beige k Wednesday:‘THO oe eet i;ork Ww“tlie yy:gle ‘vested abst oy GekeralWade oieanoath int.Genera}Mikex,Be Sete ah aa hue. ain,*eS‘raliroad®seaidead'Or.abay. Nid:Soaiety4 dist week”3 a Spaish Lsoldicys?mereypiveanentertainmentAWee‘are “sure,Ailed:und,29 injured.ee <= &Captain:Dodge. UH prety ue“suk ‘frdian, “Sri 4 et4“There i1S,dixe oh!te Ieictaph 2 Cath Kriieat on betaecnt Eanes:yt{Barta R iéo and Maisbington as Sheen ‘salon ReMtbe:Tegeter,ariny. AeHatt,or figs Phe Stanie shee fontfeta aS 0 etl“werfionAEE,on bf ‘disieeat Mis 5 Real”bi:“Generals §pee aeaoe HOU “puien,He dadoes upled*J5 adie Diag‘eight imile:Sporth UEPandes 20S tee Therewas wares r-Owatien:ey Gen} veral.Miles sir!ees The keys tof é town were we ed Over Tes hinPwithout;SSbeuRe x e Stench ©hrevritt pass eableod fol‘moretraops for:thes Philizy,pnw ex=pediticn-and thoy.ayill Deon: Fuitatdoiis ‘wetting.nga.pare Pes *Prithtewillt Law gon “5 ~“TsS ae ; a xhpany UtSnd- oy i ESA eo =The pegto:st fae:at Port UC Pher=,S00 Came.near:Nnchingone:of‘their’comrgdes,,vhoibid dangerciisly “eat | he eee Pre:| aah Evdnted:icy t -Ths peopie ¢FObbo:weSealoonrine“Gevieral”Miles:ermynasayeethehativesdésite.fh enter |.the ee apm,SAS feet .tewspaper jas vom over >:Athericans-cc See neniet es with comartlicgat Santiago,WMcCdmus.ofthe:fegdiararmy;[committed suidideMist week at Fort! After death it was:ound ©that’the;charge of @wardice:was =without|:fonhdation and,ybae he Was:fesperzpately.nded,,:; re ee aerefundmone: ae mijek Ww:aire:;a ee ell account ‘of small pbx:: 5 risen $e for upest.housexk SOA?for.supplies 5for pest:heuse.7) Pder:"$1-Ue for ‘milk--furnisheds Torsuppli¢sforspest hotse nifon, Pu TS se ‘tax’errone .|faards,eagh-$3 :+Hows “|ay eh “all for:ices ab the.pnb,bese Boby FagSaydle$1 forzarres oe. rnforse:¥ TE a DHoUr FOEchain&Fang wits Ke Badly barnee:Priday tet,AV.ei:4 ogks:fore t Tse:Ta:leigh:Sunday,far.¢oneriseiy Hh Sefegt Tarr.Ldnt wat...thevgzions paste”an thet aathe IotalF’a eet eecnme40 20-38saecoint ut Staal posTerson_$ Cems)cenoray aglaw Tarte |(for fo ene sisi nee 5G pper “Grcakel Pha father attemnted toll his wife [' ty of Shiloh township-7"f=A,‘Sher Tor:sapplies for pest house” 18 Hoover ee SU;for diliversny:i “p *.}312-for listing =property ‘Hope:towwnship ;fe so,for:overalls ou:account ofSmallpox;ty 2)Mills &W¥cotlS250,for:horsehire 372 Dt.HH.Fe Lone 32f/f physigiat for’July Sasloore xt With:| |EYSpOON SSD fdr building two.Deere Not lesebays sur Cxtbais eit her’Tooth,SWS,kibod!ses jettors$ eaten,pHs was.; ‘children-birvbinine :USStrong,Steady-nerves.fe Vatisé hig con ated binta(fie ireded for ‘suiccessFath[>Pee e is Ss aece EMotroe,Vale by.drowninseo himself,f= son.“Phe.7 following’,bills:wore:OE"Western Union:Tele¢graph.ompan yee fot tefegranis ‘On iiWAM-VeasouS4,$0 fof stationery-7-"Bill Mor: ous 3a!Coloted:‘pagper,;C-Mu Johusop “jaul +}Pt TC Alfison~$18:for sap'*peids,~fot **Smallpox<.;patients y}. rank Smith $4.20 for:supplies ToreeAsSherrill€“Co. ‘will &Wycol’$2.75 horsehire.owaccounttfsniablpoxDoSs Barres &~Nichok op.Ss &Anderson 25 ccots*for een “Ternet Achim eae.pros $1.20 fc 0.5ze BP:for ssuppligs’at:pest}: ‘anydtarness Cay 207 por -ehe Be.Sane:hax? Dee.7 Mant.itCorhai:cane: Ont supor‘Mhtendent,..$Mt Neely.T.-M me 2 * iJ.Je Robe ISOL er WaHaliaed|35.00-for™supplits:for,Bie eae: I“Suinuiery oy TO:‘Tor:supe,pliesfor chain*yga¢JeGaithersli(tfor lamber Di Be ES tuttysmallbox+.We FF2x.011 acedunt,.o H A Misot 33%Sb,forJeiGBees er S121 eefir id Eun |zount y Monte :lretse oP,re #13 solisting:Peepernty.an FDest stele -osten| atBee a ee tor.oa eer a<ae:2D.Thompson $0-$2Poy-con veving py"SeJéners:to-chain™gang,We Thome)as Co.$1.38 Jursupplies:for jak,NX?B Mis.&Co.$F for supplies’tor:Altred Bailey es for smithorchain:Sanese739:for:SpE oeisAlexander$13.for listing:praper: yal &Cor $2190 “for.supplies Ak‘pest hotse ¥°Dy C.honipson:74;W-forgatk fees for July’:Coopierk “Moore’&;Mehouses:or ean:cele) oper at.athe Ne Harrison.$1. 20 salary.yas County ‘houses in-place!of two bur =ned.on’ace: count of sinaihpox.Rh Seas tos.(Hétad:smallpox,and.bi is hodsePPwWas+sbarned)7:eeTtwaserdenedThat.tlie ‘Goulnty¥‘Lreasupet borrow $1000.“from |the} school tundto pay off beneral county}claims;antl thathe replace-the sdme/ eenecal county tind.. ‘Sinervill Res.Ay bak it -homeinarad h Shue ap,Suitperuit dag und 4aso:TW,plec ws “Grew n rout dtdrex ~Phe”Gash!‘Gtpocrty C6:hi bits:pure ‘patash”‘atye.”benoceries”either’big retail or plsaleasaja he St.Chanies a Hotel will Teed fyou Ww ands Wiltgives you:peas +pelean “hd'when yourepime to-conrt:,? *We ATE White,en Bi sder,Bite s notlee to. con eas >4SpRoeeeisyDet the:concttig railroad travk,Stonday,very ptominent citizens¥ Price:Shot ‘ind kine Hall “Thoin ae Sere ‘Thomas,Binge’oeFOclasreee:give.two0b” -quibine?nds ey"eine Tbegreat }agony-inafewyboansfs oye, a eas ae Set aN Bi 2 a oe ce oarding and,a NETranebauds,.0 eaeieho retime<a! emt Loe bet:=at utd -£pr.,“pubtic wedads 2 ‘2 int Hickory ayhere thhy:wall lowate Tor|,Tiny ‘sOquite,lots | Yorgg*Sk20 “fork:¥F tor;copetd &:CO-$3.901 1 oA:Brady) PAE rit 60°cents:Yor’Sosfox “pests %yesterday boring:be tIe0:‘choc fe ‘Runce?Dean Was:“pxempted Seonogi fifty dollars,have been forwarded tix Sieg:will-be Schtto Paty.ohicotoytott wud property taxes ter the year| States ay 4 Mvhen that amount:fs Laid in enti iC Get oy a ‘Cbpiland,i ‘ssiling’Suninier:¢ shoes,icaps.and SAilor havsat almost tlepOown),price =rshih vat the} /adipinisirator ,oe 3;cae Nido cot“sey tanidolphs of G les:ae :mek isst A aesat.Chic aueeote Pty,Ww.Va.owas kitted *“whilecwalke = odd tke wis tilted”Saturdity swhilepoker~Wg.have:"aol Vinegtar get.prac titrecat ,the Btaeetiny,:but tad:range’oo : feel.assured shaft:was DIF oxoyed:,>fePb -Alabama dent.Demoeratie==Mtonks‘day by-about55,0UEmajorizy:Jahéson‘was;revelee!ed and;most sod Democratic:‘Legislature.The ‘Populists:only carried:arleneozén‘Countiesoir?eotnty °and:‘only,six foxtheir State tekep.hn Herter th.Prince Edsard’county,[ort Vasigs Rosy th a-dispute ‘overt i -avaivesdue~Garter.oemuunderee atheufo 3at; 0ar 4 jPhdBopilis' Ta fits take:si E :a eaeshaderZ2 Astev ult hast Y ee eK oe Hark:nS Te Lis : zeDeputy.Copetni De So0 Eitan pvas:bers.last pred we eee ie -iSENRee2C}Thompson>;Seppe to :lopreille tae oo.3 ee ih 4 eae SetCESGiSLetler7zeae ;picwhathlayeritd: ast i h ee ved.ae qst Oe in p= ther.err ee atin(ne ing:itn Jett 4Gnday {for ‘he ed spri vom aeaertARES‘oatLotnp ped on Some old fea hers ei 25Sond free P cyantry ane requestedeGANGE:saeci etU‘Gt Contes CSupressuiale bsecretary,caneOver eseccorres|the-cdmpaxign joes ae trey oni-By!He aehad t hen ure sto.bise-a’Hnemikk.“CoRv ‘ets ck bydrownth ar the-branch and got ieee it dur=oo hard Rain:one -atterioo 3ooth,edt r,bas:aiven:AU: &Wweekson.g vi: faniycame-back:wilt spend:the week rable,and tr lewds:<4 a = MeJ Abernethy:rok €atay Pita Miss”AL.H,Pope were -matrie estderive.of“the bride‘s eather : ar bowar:: mediately for the honwof the,gvootnAD:Ge gount es “pitt coat oie at‘Ge‘Populi txoefor>Senator’Pritchy “Revenye:dood!ceatalsckhere,the-past «week.work:fingamong the Adexander.bt ayy{distitlers.<taking:some Kinds of a last Joor:ng See A136to pu Gol: (Gnu a ec lake:foedenranefarpayCaer a notweeaptaibae£0aug ebovt Suit uEhtenof.EB: dat the resi EpFesent esenjas.theHaPR eeNC.“Sk eo oa theCourasfeste <Wie 250"bushels gt a f Sk KD re thetES v Kear,Bu t ee thenextTh of ORIG.sweate apt Benoit d} cr =5 oe Tee,hee ax 3 et ‘‘ {9er,Rogiment t5 Go to-Pocto.oe ¢me ;LATEos re News.et THECOUNTY commiasiontns)'oe:es:er THE MASCOT {Special “Telegram,10@the:Santor:*eS eae Durban:bas,tay’t ‘eakes 5k‘Swall-:oThe:‘Bitte Paid:‘and Other Buisiheae ie<a -a s ee ;;PUBLISHED RRL iit A Ralewth.&uynst:ne LG:oes bps eeene aeCryo aie io encase eSoo es ue —é Pe aBeepgeeeePublici1athie:dans asito‘progreys’‘ot House:3 ear it Fee gins pee:of cohutty,Comuniscion-ie oi a - ;‘|Reacy nexgtiationa,but “peace Beer:|Week ssbebil “boothslice:wrth He ers mitet .ton,ae Commissiowers — ONE.DOE LABS x ERR cockAa’no fu the meantion the First Li ‘Herrenas’me aster,Dee been ae oe esWete:“present,|stem tae: a ee Wanrsess:saps im st Son Ps iar dling RR.gimentis ordered |‘established.ike aio ee pens si aoaor he:oe qi erat 2Zz é ;i Bet ace < i dhe.:*‘Bljas.Stancli.awigieh Habs,a iE nion :ee ee g trary.betwe wl Spiin.':; ingen.ANS Tire nt priate vibe?|if sti 4 Wii”ged te RareTey:day e ;7 AVING Qi?ATELE )“a tor ol-ti laste5matharineGh;tudes gas, eb:hereby ~Uch iy . the:toprestot the <1 49 3.Se Wath iar twe learner anya re)¥“ <j}moticecr iwi hi i Ba TECOVETS.B ARS: Counsates NOT bet: AV ING QUALL AED ;‘Sato oF Tore sieor anid,fItis’is waifpthecalusAeAStNa:ban {the Satve tothe tadlerkso:,, the 21st.daycot ais xi tsWilepleadjindiacWaly8thths.o.:oo At Titra.PAD:i;a eet ytCogheATIfi2 =“NOTICE T0.Cibiog: The?|claimstbainst the co ec To:isult ‘4 &£Ure un se a AN Bye:Ex;;, ASS |ote: 4 mee Be re ee =twe sty drops : Einyl ston in obebotile dliree reportot the.5 ie ‘on,Hand:from:ge ene Borthe pire:His ssNew»Asad Drea‘Peured,d thonsandspernanently ee“yttit:its hotnanisy m aD:Dy.any osh wenseeaScons iy wri Sf i oe.York, Dige,By “he neNt SUSKiv:ogParentsWwhode-ire firs)»360d epractical Magic Toe60:spare them fora,Line Wi60.corngspond With us“Penmaship,a wd be chasaieid,UMA, ot iDeis |r J;JEBROWS,pny yt p ©Baur i: eer 3th ForSale A *feo0d (ig,ile aipacuriStateie,LISS Mawtarts 440963;ard RCS TONSApaniwater.Comtors iteaa0god,wellOf waters mESore<able:farm‘forts UeRing pusz=a ADP..0 a x x a8 tt e =05 . 2 0 SA R S Ps er ab ty 53 s cere TesLal Tos?”JAH s a"Mortgagee's Sale Sigs St Seti Soo witee MteBALS.Billingsley and:duly;‘Book 6 page 403,‘the andetorsofALSBilliggstyWCourtHousedoor40State :At noon,the lands conveyspage,to-wit:<A tact ofVoowisletownship,beginningpBebrake’s ine,Je S: oe cape “Thence North a‘Tine80,poles to-a sta Ke, 80-poles 10astakey Miller'sSouthwithsaid-y,S Mille Orless.| Caer gil “Extis.OF&.SSguneSoth11895.“aS: v SCOOPS TRTHEPu tessd eid ne Setad :ee Best =Tei 18“20 “study?Portas ticer iyi beesBiteJ.COBROM Ny . ey far Las We this &$4 cor zhive XY VIRTUE OF POWE>ad in asmorteAersxieeel eXHeUted br MoS MONDAY,AUGUST IST,1x |mer.oe hence West aa sails) (erm ash Rie xisAUGHL lh HAKCHt 43 i.X 4 a AValuable"Karm'NearJTm oot wt Ul dy knowyI a ty ‘Celtalniy ©bluldiny. Sas wyposesWell yn TY Staby ARTIS,«Ld mninistrai = ‘ofLani. A.Walker. Tegistered.yy Fsigned Eresi-SeH “at ty “svINE,N.C4 din sai land-.j wha stake ot on let's core,Phence Kast with Drake's jive»pall{Ba eCEG 0 Wer fans of ME th said 2 Se Mil COTpyT ‘I Sy “rs “fine wsth“sf beginningcorter,Cont?vingbaths si CAR ing Shey:aeetl ‘ i oe —_— ‘kl snipes ‘FORSALE*eeoeWw.oe HALT Se Brey 5 he * Nie its Conta ‘ PR eee Shan « kinds:of-awork>ty has? {}stnithings wood-i shoeing «KEL:at wilh 5 havin had it.yeti ye4thietradeSandthi¥s “and pow er drilts-ter:prepared.tlaraainy.«nity’to"dothe work pre ‘first-class:style.”Albw Caray.‘good.wood workin ame:smith empjoyeds —ab;my old stand? parse Respec tfuly5aJ-P? *cape ‘assware:hap} 2|ted to give satistaction,|, aud4]“thst YOU MG,Phe Sac tiesShia:ity, Tinw:wna!Agate snc HinemM :See 3 Tha: gon LEVOf tine,aea dure:2, nb defee such.as tie bende-or rine Mab LOcde nee mip ih5 alias ork:paral ow PODS es ask ee to:carr olyUmbrelleSal Sun-for Cito. :dering *theseers Reg tossicure one. !for a)“and.price’iingthie City,zoe'4S fp awoule ee kaon ght “the, teed to turn all!ds:of.5 a than aayothe poet HFnot regret yore oll.‘Piow®we Blacksave the pes To] Sd Ma 9 ee the bs “pond oe fore z bdpe. aps po hew ot sige =he is _iivin SONVI Sherr ReiMajo LOGy Le -duty Snr: Saeed He “Feeei narit but Woa.. that THE mASCOT De Le rer aeraee qo teeoe2)DSPERSONAL MENTION:ON.ae ¥.2 *ee.Fake puricee splice ternRINTEWSOFSearLLEMe=e f :“uto “Neue ds east toraSe¥mt Hho ,i “OM ra os ee ¢:ovata x >¥x eh umn Tieting ae oe g tence tetoy ;wrt :;A e et uhdie,JaSt Pati thasAsD¥1CaNITY ‘ <es 7 :a :? :aft mrt OR a ae Camp Be“ttre:“phi:SE iss "ey i S :n Gi Ailes onts ry. §fie AES Air 4th it ates ie ds oar,A Mr.Ceor cee ‘¥en a -|:3 5 -3 See a :aa _eaetayrind:“child;f 3 :ways :Ee.I:B eae.‘Bp mth 3 cemeteryat-C;a 5 ce,ied we nd BEY‘siting x tee”:Bt en Ws NC RRR IGEES EAL Stra aig‘Brorers ahi dena RE oly Fi sage TpBeenSePeeeneaeee‘a eee "byter jan COmegeeation |ab infant‘only.two-Weelcs o]Theretsintch *reatedtuus tania Ao yero elders ‘on the.fixgt |Poern:hér loss. PMeseeember to fill ‘vacan-pathy for the dees geCoN: ;nt :oN “€o t6thate ont airs 3 ret 2 ghee RL th ays Saye SeJe!eas :Kart Netra.Veeco matin aia ae eR A ahi Rect Na ut ;Statesville,Ms oe pe eeuricompanyhasito>.:Sela :ef Pca ef MPL und Pr tek =reese ek Parlor es,tects?.Shee Sse :<mes ;willy pri Ss ey ee a Use.Sattornex for(9 ':'Merry senated Sai”‘for.KEN: 2 he uesarent munle: ileost i Suminers has.pu aS ;wAGGHLES stor ehosise pro MIS,poyndep oh;‘ae jo the near “foture Sinkitic-‘fund.=)egiits,s4dwelingsthereon,eek Coty!un 90.cents oy thetionpprPUriv.s od }pee ed.SeLvols ae me ;oe tested 4 cents;thaktagstotar of 4 ek Crror:Yast ‘aaccke a>te it the fa-sol-la:'s'inginy EYiftowilkbe‘or Frieay.|“THsstéad of the 20Unt 2 a ae2.9 Gti wach oon <LI3tho:Sanit es-theWhyare.interested ‘tap fs aaed at Snow Creek areOsSodtomeatWherenextSatur- Setar Stare felis ariel clean ibom.. ve eee‘another ent we.er :4Tk:ae SHoos:: ahs for the :af Sold evs ee UTLEY:45 sath pig}btEgvarius1 ” eaterwei)Abe”&G naltsfoe*Swish:BE ae uefolfows ‘Hare.eleinSOLASes‘or he 1;ith:Sara is quite:sick; avtion®1Was sick at David~\, Virpen-bome:Sae.is.mel;ie 5 hagnowe:BhtertsinrienEe,notentitely wi pla.yer ‘intera Basleurge pier OF Setioseotour subsemibers{atences tic”eu ren’Seeu SieHseteigtheyaperwitTerpctBL:Ms Fe A pune 5):hast::re oye:Hast weeks aed -Friday iNOS wich.»Webs ceived \ee ore 4 “A ee ‘apr Hig:‘court:uc!Ive thebe tt ot the Barivin spr inys Ne Ok ics op 2)aye .2 tacks Abi AG o4 Oropt:wide.Ait ofthorebtebiicit~“1 IFLR ae,ae Fin gals zremsix OU ayy es e;_thi, hes of J.ALE =, HOOT, oe oe :‘Sad oitanth chbacis eres igARIGYsthPeebiepaid“for “the?Qemasion,Wwe IMputpasts Ase ng-Eips”te ‘Ube Laan”eesQE aud te et Ey losBea nt Akane Sariduly vara ras es the:orphans:‘he’Selit-nee aobntert te2 $8.rel wha,tO08:part in tie Vet teas MeyeeTties2vidGaligusdidOxceedibety|Be an Mawel AaLilsap padidedr bys ‘|thesis uctioutse.“asSumSon,“paid:*Ist:MivsrcDogvald:Mlotinist and wr,Brudvou Wewhe;banjoist 2COn orpbet.qi RLS. ug. their Cation oO Well to : -¢4 .bees mite 0 woes hethissaaPealiee *Bi vealk:on iCules, baseit Sunde ado k PUA)Vearse.3 “‘Ehiet 2 *‘Grass eee ait ;stiow ce Pimat 7ay vf arPaaySUN ty lo.he Pig SeaUG OF:THe Gie Gis;C$.3 sportustHstrndents hi es qaettcrapti Zito bord-a*Teeth ty “4 y Bee,re PeiontheWesteumroadSaturdayalt2seefbiisidonands;Vain:and:had both‘of tees!tigt th eeeMiss Mctar oh coool Srriny'§Roisail:triyhed sby.the-car:whioels 4H ver gone ZO.Bree Bore:oya hts thee cougt S| attitigent:CrUps”Lite yeHs ©between4 | waelds ‘of:‘coon sagt2HyeWega:gio eb ::.oS eit ts ayaeteyTRriageofthSteeoetamndoune Mipgee,te eR,isSued Saturday evant te ay :k a anak iter]©ils '“et ae WEE EGS escch se ase!and Miss’Mollie ‘company ran yites ss ate oe rar Ifa Shee ;ety Vater 5 L Se rook 3 aabuildingsaygiPSa.erette oe ToneyBaek dee:es ee!aiisa’Very’valy.re Sie aera Bakoauyles.Sa ‘Th Poses, §rf ey ;ne Bspttegson has “heady we AL scot emLMGhi=Dares Pyete+‘SandayeSARStethaakebehasten-‘Sed?Cheb fesidt fs eederas Zz Sati snney ites tho Bate.x dairy:wnld:ales ‘:4s apuetl ah :Siw iit.ress eos St dn.$105 boy’‘vaktation.Nate ote ee oh oe=“pay ~this,”as Pitt Shiteq.Aieiors)apen Spenis.Cd ec ae AB::NS ai Sao 2‘Pored:was puke i i"id:os sp taa:He Sst tt uy Prey iz int Syriine we(ieee‘ist,F ridas:Mine the,commissior Pies?the beard th 1C,Dean's Se vernal Nrundlrety ¢fies te.w itkesbor's,ae Lege thie:hac tiie ‘A Mone f Cbeoas Co: S CONTAIN. .cia Hira tea cathpany,at the latter,Moe aie ‘dsahove)Ghee depicttt:THe Was BoxmegSheiDeen Sith qichiariri shiteXecutedextthe,iccfoned:He.we ase PERN Meta tsb neous thetrain aid:athodstef:Ss..Walker,t aesae ve jaid..rid we CUuseuisel aa::shetad éeven Gift)passed oxer “his jlégs.-!pit.MeCyBeaslowng ehattaniine pectoral 7 ‘c oh meta river ae apartt i ;was.‘ved ee oe re xva Ese G ‘tat ties Tenoh oi eeee Sovtirs}Teeat Salve she csi SAN Siete}1 sel ae J e ‘is cat we Loot.ee uct DAs ie O56 hs “gad”Mirat Waser so fact \Mie his debe tas.”Ma a < 7:ee Vb itictal 2 frie,N.Con a ie Se aie ba tikGat cOntniccion.ate:ht WAS a:Sbppe ian Of sipady:;pnihdus-.Meyumil'y.gure)[ett;Rede os osSeth r iS Sect the:iiéster Linvors‘Tek &.fi Olt:habits.rho:enjoyed:#he Vy Sant wenger <IST;1598.2S)whi Cees Phe enon x 4 Brett ae ;insaid me “Seow ii lets Oy)ore:by ait eserite ts bytsees Sonipany it Sand ysiGe Poe PuCh mutl vsteem of the tonumalvity.éndeeat:ae eee SECS ee eet Sahl it red ioad”'the :sagsSeso ndeitet spoulle wasa momber of:thePresby'tastakeoni”ea Wee ie,he pavers:ofOut wi APH:which the WesternsTywien Leancharehs “Thereisabut sy uypas iAiller’s corner.7 Eseosert oer ut?Poolseto Rarth,fun:pact ne SheTindkasséssed the A Tlanypes.for,“bts beret ea vumther andsES2PolestesthvewistsreqbestédytuatiltheBticSrNorth:Carding “Railroad.typotter:x gutives:pasthsaiddower:stl tog,which.B ndwelostd:aevi AHI But LO da fe rodeced.thisto"“ae uneral was"conduetel ‘front,about’Miller's ear:FeO weeou ut Of amaltpor,3S%aif PSOAUWOU.we hiGh:Was list years:S Mass Onevesslite,residence,Sundin 2SeeelineetforousiessheaaeaeeBIGitosday.reduced:thre’ici oe 4 ey WsFaerThenceostalEdloeraplCouryany'S dswes:Br owtassisted by Tet.Det ANTicuntetsfeneralCowles,who is kG apIny [x disses aePaikacresfalers4Conenek.of the <Second sent to FOO000)Tt Overruled the]Wood,and the,ute:sae ssnae=that hewil!jet Tian hoescephions:and decided touiaintain }ase eeeLAUGHLIN,ea GST:Sinrou’s fstand ov,the 2)cod?cents per mile pasreager|*.",anileceased./#ee te tapes TO ti ab,Je to |mites it recent ly ordergd-on the Wit Be isi¥,decea 2 hd S broken ‘tes bythartime*:oe pamugton 3&Weldon‘Railroad:keba~|.Sy ::not.yet decidedtis to whetherait wilt |tie ‘ae ¢enka:aetie ave Jéblered:was?ys:fur will not’reduce.Passenger rites js)Court wl begia:Monday,cayir|ands her we Ge,Seaeste i id,:TN a:vd S250 SEBida bY Mayor fou the Raleigh &Gaston RulroudTs ace Of;iver B.Allen cof,Tustonst Atay,Qu:sie toAarrive afDERss3$ feat is ine drunk:gnd“dis ordiorders:the.wnaintenancve of anup presiding.4 Phie=criminal,acksy pene to-Ga "tO:Vist higFsBsAlvers,:white.contr ib=|town Gcket,oltiee ate Alt,Ain une or Prater lighter:than usin i.Reon,C IA rug Store! ‘y :bes Matrsh ixitiger Hix Sut “apd Sp Nea ides eee “att Mah ks Jpctitatey we Seite Slo ;he.Adore ofthelielt Bit flow,cain Weeseneanhe ee abel eta the.tow:‘treasuty on.BD.Up:townt ay‘cysatlice’sat Losing?‘Case.Sof importance on Ste hat:Be caer:SBrgok!PhonicHEYforthe:saline cofGiises LOD oie eee:Treesistin an're setiite oe atomic Ss at ats A ee State vs “Dr.RTLowaanee:AWSTS. :)|Tre Distuict®Conteraqce.ay tts Bs pa charged ee thetape:This:rs CaS iM2Oiaetiuattt!ofShe mnencaned “En Shes State ille |Disttict “Goat probably he takenup.hex Wed tes Petosgien the falowing additionia}ence,Sor the wi EK “Church,<6 ae day Or “APhirsdity..Mesa,|siete “begintb appourted bit a SE Ass.SOUUDE Tak Furner,“LongeaesLing ¢!wel ihe the®cliureh cit Catawba’Taste}sotSlathipeatforolircompuns:Phiarsday and.vadjbarned tacmect at BoC.Caldwell>havescear:played | Rene aayhadapostionjin,reabee We CapesRESTORcals:sigs anid briksrete fe to HiShoeov:or CFJUNE sating :C0 ins jn pres ateepted’“2.pgsitinn sinigak ost iine Seek oe Clet elaind to -beeinasGorkKeore Sater 2‘ber:ast and:Mei hair BA % pas ute ange pi (Mas.oe j a hae eaten we:ot LW Gaines T.:st ge SEF to assist theesolicit OsBeto ptoser|eo»Has,Watt:SeabovhsO Be ant Aefe i;“Heutiun-of this,Case.Te:ce ppteonct|,‘Tz)a 5 dy 2p Sok ae eam neMITH,TESzee JM:ee,and TNS Brown,bsmcag os tas Bees poet iy has cinployede Messrs.»x Be:‘Be Me-"h.Satter ae OT.pobre Pee Pp Ii1se AignerSes=Se ea .a of baci Zi.iS,Bests:b Bo Alison Set i eshte’Bee :ea a {Pode esMewatesadfeepeop!©gathered:"Thes‘Sale Of ‘the prese di er a ere bs Ae RB ee Spat :u ht.ements of 1%ey.oe Sein~)::‘vesent listriet ‘FireeVy Pe Dake.op Grey,EOC 1 bicim:oud sBsism.©halybers todo loner to:Lieu.parsonage here eaS*wathorized.nd.Silo,andl ex dude W.MODTHOW|2 Paschal Boyde OF “Bibi:UT segs uy F a .tenant Mabsob,Saturday”eseninge:antther”parsonive.will be erected:ee x Rees fa comic ais th,to Murehézd:PEN =hie yest atte Moses ;ee SPOLAK Sut:were doomed to:H-appoiitment.rhere nedirer the Methudiot®Chrureh:vetted banne Sr anbiy ne Miss Ci eine AtfiSon,sNehige uae ne.>black- mau horse’) Chee "Ther:e!a3 iW doubtless: titerdst in this trial and Mone ‘:evening,es ae peats ‘“is gis toAsheville,instead:.of Mrs:Marvit;-Of “‘Pineviily,.STeeklen =eroied,ore to hear it:‘went’down AorMoeheude ionhes“season.she re at ot‘been:re sorted bars&hanesabought.the.prop,Onttlie civil dotket them 5 ago ‘andFront:fhete-te SAvay'SoritieeetatSieeGReoeSpayertycuOneal“aetieh it iF thougna,,tant dasevare™“Staheexrel.wa ee aie thatthe.sale:will De Coysummateds|keRegseRecsMessiesiIETairf:ok wtLobster,vs.Ehe Southern::SS ale aay oe olwert $;aSteeyiTurner’awa :sw op ‘ssNieho boilLoe eeeeeeTelea,eaph Conipsiete4kasSaturday.af eae ected ;nt Goo?|:AiSua:“Muyor sHarrill:tined.ee Dae Atustees uiskhe, SUrIC.,LSI apkut eden ‘county,eS.S bestisLeas.¥€wee IMSrsNee ot no pelection for.1 caloged.2 34 asd y Mine,ay ai” Nad nae aie, Pe tanitee ats pparsondge”et ‘eT ;finn S2I0y *Aroritf M.Ay TAVhIte -and rhea peny arevontpSvesaorOata,etieele “eho regula ivy wus:Cie cou ihrerCase te appeal bi Nh.“*:faa gg ofVxicohaveSeahsanWikus)alse a e mend:ays?Rrestaings ‘Hela:Be Wes :v ft hatnorder >ue ;;wth ae i a Sentcet Une TahParks o MPhis-isihisShahin sh"Veiir-eu tid “crak Coraanier om reaei ne:nd a ee”Has Te de oe DE pay Brent O ;:nesee Ee S25 :-a pa:Be a:Sbrick™eu x gs W ie ereere hen .Se come 'efAVInL be appointed;at:Sher ¢next,Se SRSSeeoatsfSThe‘hatin:eae “wild bet proced:~to}Anoaal Confer te easfacksinith.Tuyngrsbir a:read.pears?Mrs.|<Lue>following oe aOResROB:Nie place,about the teyndtes”€0 the “Anaad,Con Toe ACEdheOfthe:mohth.hey:wilh |Messus.W>DE Lurner,:eats AS Noer-4 ¢a hive ‘‘then:completed:the *ej ar eth ys WARS Nelson wud:Jobe ey|Sona Otsive Madfront the:fivemile branéh fuellus,dese Zaless‘Messrs Jott:ebedactedibtyHue,pieay St Alike Tiil ain MW,MN]:i Withes"county.”on “hie?i fe hyne’campany.ee“feed:ones bas waeTlaifthe.second)xéekwandawt afessDetried’“The case agdingy So ye Oe ue .raped with phin Mips4 fost eyane.indieative of d iorx: \Sswere:>Rev.oUry Rowe: Se,eos *)-{([aciexuces Seca ae ‘OsodBroopscs ThetThe newis jaw “ise Square.>ee Milde Fo Woon a RevsHes GelBatrett,J Shelley pee WhiteaneIns bole SES wre trie With,Be:eee SantgeSeeligePeeWootersfurmer-1 4+)Santhy JamiesWiilSqn ane ae —Se eee LOO Tt retitshe.Fevcalhd {hat JanterviReityteinespiscopal“charch ae “Hes Wy.Purniew,Pade AG ce|Manos tomne ee Mia has RG ecity voted bonds:CONUys UNEa :aesmodeseeSoetyphoid”feverYat'-Fort,frets,ko hs oy tiers afte Tidy )aber ~F fos,-Feiday:ft Abe Seton £432,H0'Tor wal érwark Sand ‘spye “:$;a Sete ee ae .Agate.4 Pring >a sagast)he,Fk wher NE ie sak BPe ok.Sn eile ee a as Age ts ;sn SN Seton ES bod a oes oe Frat for Uoetoniicper cent.Se :ey Faas se ;¢au~cwhere|son ae Ve “Mcholsow,:Amos Oe vt ee ;NEOy3and:vhatethe®bonds,ArteSiti,“8 Hee eae The!eedStes Ht |Sree Romesgnds~=)Lol:thie:Second North typos:fase.“ie.“cudates nse teltesterm.3 |eens AF el Scsey ser:‘7 ‘apd can sf Le on ze Tag on .=etic is stationed?HefFaigSors:Me it.sAdertok :it ZB :re peer>gay “4 the-syst :yey tae StemiPee¢3 ea tye bad on f ;ein Tie t ::;;ein ti Bat.-may —£3oo =ip Reo:Aye Wattand a We “Mia Tie ie iaite aI Sas bercn!Siayseiernd pera=the side oF,‘bonds,.Set eae eeaaneeSesoeShickircypic6Vatasepa.wong |Teall peoplesa ent 10-Asheville:ou SOBBTY Boodswere ee.Lad.cehickese "Phe"Hee and the PMABY OF mace indebted:for the:bj |“).nbreliad-chs Back and Colgrek OR os undieete SwsaveHs;Gas E reewée,"white;fay.ageus or ish in thety AGspituliry ind the meek:Fea SCsexcursions:esterday.a tthe®parties wher fad,ware Rear nus and:SoM see PLR art a Lo Mmeet:“B,hey.tae pedsome tine.Of Red and.tiaek,fan:ze ete trek:of the.Western:Tailrodd::pugs Se ees piece)tees ay Z ea ahs “roar.ate ene Si beac fats phe a eee te]j al aneteciate:Mes Ree ee i re ee eee a Es a i .Saturday,while’a ence)a ==Concedes soeqhareis TATE Sex ro)Vets x ';oe ‘é d :.‘$':EEee>8 anor,Sena a neuen ae 7 Mr:Bi -vi it,ee seteTHtek “Stiesrille townships:wsule}Ste see ee ent to,slee e G anry |ee Sles ad on ‘Bids Satin:gisseanrt:Loe,Sheidak oe :why ‘3 :fs ee (as discovere@and drageed aff jpst-burl,arrived here Shast:nyghe oh“Afsttcacon,at oul pees Gare :eentoi -“desitees=Sa Thevatrival:ofa train.~A fewi VISU ta:his fhe oe ties eee eas i ‘thensmeeeoOaty<more’:of slinibery-and”he 3 ri nasi Seas se..a oe 4 :Jeske:Have “kiiown’Thesleep:that)fate x fe veer ee HAaron 2.DAE,ne Sic s 1 Ersig Fn ayae Sail oe~igs RE GES flo winking’eo en ae te have gohe Wik es county.td spend Reid-was:issued,Yestirdur,Ganee,ea Sans ane se:a avon |s nuinber 02 :BG BS eye thonth:during’he Hot Weatlier,ME Tamas Dhow pod.wake (31 ‘M:SUREhe None bufvini fittn Aiea ater ::: ea olouel Srmgex-has.auporated ae A:“Re*Sherman.-‘ofy North era ae Seclore detothes a of BOM.Suttord .&of:Catia shad-ulet thé partNoth-=He ee We Kae Smith=press ceusor-Of|Lilkesborosspent Snnday”tm JOM.—ee ThsSas Fa eae snet Dera Ten.met with:the beard,ee efor?)a:SpecelvidbeectheRistoN:‘C Regiment at Jacks Pang cane Bee 208 os a :-Aftevinttt,zatfou.betas’eanmthofa=twice’dud all néwspaper corres:f “yeu.%Liidlow,ofWitaor “odo Uy5 War “Squire 7 ails fot Vi Dandents wilt bersgrived to submit!‘madethe survey-olthe tora to:is plot 0 days ue athe“er eapy Lo:him in.the’future:be-=wa ‘(orks dud:sewerage SY steabs.,BR ‘iin ter piesa Burner passei ilfte0 9 ond Bog UPewtheke v mat lig Su ppe::Sale.ps dealing it sto “theirs papers.}was here,Tuesday andlyestetday=.“14 noth ied ‘by.the.Werk of theese lit yand eu aebyt rit telBist nt :‘purse 7-52 ajor Sinith wilkeullote sué¢h parts "Captain PCC.Carlton ‘got awe et+Board:Oe rt igualiZation -Sthgt=:“HOLS Couns!st,tod 1h s-ofer jas.a 4 ee a al Geel Tp RNR,'ITO ==E dopk ay ;st Le ROEr vspendenceas’areene Tuesday night fromawe weeks’febioue was madeib the Besessinent acceptpds bywthé “board.<1 a med downat _;>NOTIE Re Shy eens Se Me oR oy aS ZSeaeNAeaaae>jarip fo Wrightsville:tide.u‘apoliva.of-either.real oy personal Dhoperty|‘presses “‘himseltas_entirely:sdtis Ls Whe:Sak ea a pu Ne a eeu sgh “Oe Teno at is:ONO meed of wzpicthretosymrlolize “it.i2%ne Wienke ee and’‘Depaty Clerk pBeach.-"a3 feet aete oan ee in-this@pnut this years \aeeefas to oe‘boads;;“And ae idiots rthey;Seuimed:to desire 1 ut,<b Schick.of Tine :a ae life,Bone bapclooted aeTaeNichitsouhave:both-been sick for ay -MisHesty:Hal.why:las.wv ay SMe Soaof May oS.Gitoser uf]red thentseites~as ‘to tharhot yet huiidéd ty Kis:oificia Repeins pet sell al Smet Spring.No Os,ee the er ore ieee Nek cee “Witte:“3 ia :Mr.Nicholsonis able ‘to."be"tiie in the euspital:CORPS UEThe Concord *tomnSnD:,Shot ane bang oud woodfaith ofbis oa hang golatians forb Ce ——>eUut hut no ;::Shimashetl (uras cidexquill.Fast check A yi that ther’bie a t abletg work3eee Seventh army corps,af3:esourcille::‘The ‘enor,one finger iywes ‘amadborb hays ltSbe 5 iy i ic ahi -|:we can Mi be,all riglit=by “Monday.Flal.is at home on afudough bei :stage-$5ane MEWS £.‘Of..(Dre Ee Love.~al tered ‘anal He ace«Be MESS from Mr.Furches is -that called:bere by:the Serious nines Om aves:Seth the-wepumds:;Ren parks me,<a -ay a oproNiag and ywilbbe able.‘for|Hts father.He Will prubably retura |:~a ta w $sis ee otsa nsFTaetS.Monday:During.their 7ab-|to-Jacksonyillevhe firstothe Week “Saturday-‘afternoon.Mb “Sanies.Ae ieee soe-Se “Senet from the oflice J.B.Conueily;|sa :Thom:pspu %Wasopenipg the Sdogr BE y‘er cg Esa:las preformed sich of :the NP.T.E.Fry hassotd his;bo .and &Cellat-the jaittoput Henty Stay en”,t Leet \Cities aif the Cbhceas-were‘pres sing..lotin “south,ee Mr Ey SS Sony colored,wpe ton pe .well wWihert:ea Tn =Bros =Hecheshire ;Pear “|Henry x20,down"tHe!s tai.Sant fola i ayes AOR ee Ms as aParbet’has.recently |f “Be protraciéd:agen ting’st meee the front ate of thé jar gard,Mee i i ied iecom A;vd letter froma his ttucle yey mest :homy son.also’did _sotte nadkitoes Oe pice.sean *UM ae JES rings;*Alexander,eee ce s PaefriagBe.Bt cba:Ruckert.who br aaSw i fa tes «hay pxertouk H ery at they ates,3 “to FN‘ay .oo lives ih WE iesbaden .Germany:Seer a EO ae THeury”Was“taken nee vpestaisnone |’aa vente.Whigsforinerly hived ii Savanah)A “Ngcleod3up,Soho §ie -beaokTObelbeRucKent.wales oor Court at oeaeiyeuk }Es :Higds “set aioared thats: 3 2e the Ameri¢aus,13 in byttber,yand peturned Rome,quuneiay.:eee:ing Tu This’¢ity celebrated;the}.sigs sto -.fi ,=7capIM1SOYcoeeeeWHITtake |the ct ~Alner Kean’victories Over the,Spaa* Aer ~pjeelling,“ay fire.eXtinguisher.4‘ Usbén Jule dts p tion ‘of bhiis "S:Eee eee De goods boxesfilledwit ih at?!Niukess kept!up ao =pees Harmovy,Bri StS O EM combustible.ate ist Ode the’,we rib gis ies gonaat ae oske ::ee riteeteotclocktnthe’morning,aud-itis mn-j U6.+ee Rg ee Sede te Ss cathe Movaey aioe ce tear}!‘pub-in,_-duritigy the:coming fall’rimac ayata oeex ut Abe DET (LAT COR ORO.BU ave have Titi onds ‘Youts:to,leaseHoodGentosaythatthe-aniount,of Messre:.Royden.Stimson~aD i file)jaad succes z ritnes at reat Josa gt id the-entire:Cost will :rape eta igen Sc et <2 S1LOOT ‘Miller-“Thatatocca man beer which HONGRs on}Clarke and.Parks Gibbs,who baipeeten Pee ‘}eome wit 000 xated:pe ded!to.hel;pe ADH AND aie :aeeaSaplenty.’eeSener are Jmprouag,slowly:sen Ba ‘i . eee ¥ Nett ns <ant ’-iS ROME hayhe ee— ~fe+Ipo *s ina , ..pulged and driy en back 2 mile ,tox » >me <4 ¢te te ~West Indies,July 28)The port.dt: “pouee surrenders ml tir Comukalter...¥ C:Hy Davis.of the,‘auxiliary wun Pe t=-PONCE SURRENDERS.i Sg wee Heorent’by “thes aoe Tthere was'gréat enthusiasm:Reape: Petr‘ed “oa lighters;Hy sailipgy vessels, ——"." M!les Having An Easy Tame of it}| Porto,Rico “f .ait Portpf.Ponce.Porte’ _thg Island of “St:“Pham.Danish“ boat Dixie ‘yesterday.Thete yeas. ng resistance,sand:the Americans|: wert welcomed with Major General |Miles “arrived here: theese at dayWiht with Ger | “Erpst's:“Brigade.sand:General ie iison's Division on’board,trans- ‘Ponce,3 miles jintaud,whic sh:‘capite| ulated this afternodh.’‘The Ameri+A can troops are pushin toward the: mountains,and‘will ‘join Geteral y with tis britade at “Yauco,|gu a ing "Gene tal Wisop-Ww ith.Brrastiss apidlly,disembathe presistance and:a <s <uppligs had already wera plac“ed on A Sriaiaich:troops :are ‘Petpeatines the.’bevel arhen :4 Sigor~us.vite tire: L [wasOpenedam:the wie miberss yor sthey Ponce:and”Pere have a popy-Fox pealitiottrons’=‘epnded Servet Hhubhe the bgaolinnid a Toree‘of Span. 1 ceived the-troops”pnd.saluted the isk tapers burst into:Sows |‘ flag cwith}wildy,enthusiasm:“Phet *fheee wopez about,=two-Soe Ee nity last several prized;also atNsharpshsaters with Abe sexpeditiohy| Jha.the y atte-mpred to:Gover the age pO’Hat pnd:yetutninythe which has bee n,éapoured by our troops.: i fight Gefore thes jatter Bice on, Tuesday Jast was won by,the Ameén- ican solunteersy,Phe “Spanish ahd Beg ‘Hushed eight companies ofthe Sixth Massachusetts:and ©‘Sixth -Tindis lee nents,Jrat the’enemy was ates ridge,where:the Spageah ‘gayalty, charged and were’routed by,our’tn: fantry:General Gatretson led the fight with tthee men from Hiinois and). Massachusetts,and-the.enemy re treated to.‘Yauco,leaving four’ddeat on the field “and several wounded,4 None of our.“macu “were killed.aud only three were shigiatly swounderk The wounded are:Captain Gihong Barrett,Private ‘James Drijmmond and Private,H.Co Gary:oa er The Porto Ricans are glad the be American troops have landed,‘and | say they are all Americ an§‘and.w il goin our,army.~The roads are.good for military’purposes.Our troops are healthy,.and General’Miles Says’ theeam pain will be.short and ¥ie orous.He has issued the,popes proclamation:ge ae “Tn the prosecution”of,‘Wie yian against the.Kingdom,‘of Spain:by the:people ofthe Enifed States i the cause of fibert’y,-justite:and id manity,’its military ‘totcess have come to occupy”the island “of “Porto: »Rico:They come bearing ;ther,~ban- ners of:freedom,:inspirered by 2 noble purpose,to seek tlie enemies tof our government and Of youts<4and >‘to destroy or eaptare aldin.armed re sistance:,ey:bring‘you.the.fos tering arms of-a free-people,Whose greatest powtr isin justice ,and.bu: manityto.all iving within.their feld..Hence fhey release you,from. your former relations,,and itis bep- ed that this‘will be‘followred by your: cheerful aeceptance:Of the|gover: ment of the United States,-ee ties 120 of«:oal,’:2ic OF y ia|and tong'o =aHpBCIGSON 3a Jarge expedition |men:a “hoy the steamerANset rer.WICsh lest enthusiasm.-i Su Thomas,’July:29 SSetret pry AW ary Washiteton*On Garretson’s,Brigadediad,ay spirited, ehzagttuent Ou :skirmish Sine.°[Our @ astaltt s were\t woundgd ‘all atowg pet ps Ernst’s?Brigade well.Fhe:Spanish#loss-‘was3 ‘killed Te ce Géneral?:a43 cH didtel started.for,the town.bf am wound a ae ai pied 'sonfenday.,“Henrys division: ina der,(Davis.of the Dixie,-moved ;§‘ into pords followed by Captain :Big-.sruat the Shor @ dnd hee rinson With his.tieeLearly this pen bieher Cares Gi LANs fhoatse:aAt first theré wa tirigades3is.no r gionsCee ‘the ung.a »‘ Rt aitful,and”the#irdops ih Aes Best Vater, :(Signed)I mAs: Gao G EN EEC.Mh “wipes“We Per raahjugetom Tubs ity arunt ntihais)Kesee 0 ns dispute!‘hes:hog.“Général:ies “Port Of Ropers Rortg mk S tigre to-day.: Lastesvening.Com. from “the gouthern:part,df:‘Porto of *50.000,NOW Sunder “the The popblace.re; ration American,tlae’ Jiohiters.(+Phe*railway.shop:oxas, partially’‘destroyed,’s butds wow ne seek Telegraph commynigation Ft sett wilaimiica for others.*This ss’ ay pésperous-and bdauitifel:country,y, The army!wil}*be soon Veit moun: 5S of health:‘and ‘spirits;I anticipate, TOL Answer youy bible aiustacle itr the, future,2.Ghe wresults.thus «for have }L ‘oft a simile life:(Signdde*ee As ooh “2 Major Gengrak Se me nes Crete or ss Tha Balence'Shest ower. Lagudgh ‘Linites,rie .Ren Frnenth.of the-Spiinish,Adigmean war Ss br Oeuehit to a-Glose. cant he tewurd ofthe best equipped ek!“Both,Anferivqns “ind Spaniards, have show n that’they Can tieht with conspic uous toliraze.“‘Meie animal), HMessly-beaben:whieh it.Bad to-contend pvith,courage reinforced by,a thot | whith-moter ne sCCCe his placeed in the’:hands ¢“of!governments.The} “wifling neds of thé Spanish fsoRtlier +0 die im the.last:ditch,‘and of:they Spanish sailoe foto.£0 |dowt,with-his Dedten~at esery:pointy «“Nor hasit ehatjed her to!inflict’my:totisideras ble Gantage upon,her Phew \,This 4 Gan-bet proved by.placing side“by aac the losses suffer ed:by.the com:| batants in the’aon three mouths,of| ‘‘A “*riawereaae eeiKeyWest.July Jip 300%ig & Sees feached-‘her souptedaapidinee.7ourGaban,sori,*“ofyvin ang‘city.inthe:world asWas weit ne atruns,nesSed in Fagetteville --ear ~Mopg | »day.morping just siftew:the:Pores]t had opeaed.2 Crash;jingle.se“Vand-Dig “<We io Ke“y st 2xasI“Re he Le We abouts vi a >a :i t ed the:folios")w est of.Havuins s Saleaye d.tord Fico V it Ving‘there.there of!fecntee bya2body.nears ality Pau: ~July dbth Riering iim (Rousazd ¢wet tore.:“und.4 Sharp :wo gasemsnt e! Wanderc was tolhave eee Het yar Pept Gubpris: be iy Fdispersed .LF “thie An!sh he Noth $street ffar.the past 9 ‘|abparetitiy.harmless and joaiten-0%ee.Yavbeg was“oeeu fects:pefore,ae ‘or whiter Uaesteaniey., “The NVandereleapbte ye Wadiol vite New congoy.!‘drew aiphabouthdap vatds cowened what he Was-supject.to ‘Apalis.> sein:‘disehar es)sat yasanity atwhic tim he:became’ patsSsuvall hdadvergust During”‘On rfeat,5 DY ‘also -béing restored.\Theveable|Spawiards fire: Staion te were destedyed.-Eebsive,vomber of tht vdvalry men hil:as The oppasing.Sree “backedsto ahet bacpods.The W atidener semen edt-ther eon.“The*weather is delight-phorrts offbuttiot“be‘fore Wan:Davix, ‘Ross,“sedan: Saba fe;“Gabrrieag uN Lepeeeaia Rojole (aire)ia.shai been se m ats cat Deen,accompliphéd without:therloss Siahitly,wandded.+ ~After,the:Banderas)nigh,had4 $3.50,-RosentharBuildiiy.oye:phate’ Fails to Land., riya < f *h CU Og SPutes ormsued “Thes hy pTucker,4:Worthy:‘industribus:: who‘pad es Aaffuipzial golgred wan:‘and “a‘2 we I ar ne ate y a i Sine la wed “Felx “¢.‘«a tis ee Ns ine LSASONA,MIERS,>wfotten away the.Spaniards:Bushed: f dow:nl to.the beachy aud:tesumed their tire.peppeng the Hullof”tie Wan={ [d@erer,with’MauserSguilets,but in: With thetfalbof: Saptibyen tne-ied|[ihetitig!po farther,Cumages i049 |They gan-boat’Mik ksburg retyrnpick tolass,east S40 Racket,‘store,=tary Wictory-has’here thisnborping witer haying:been} ;be ipott gaind:~‘VéSs:»than.Hie,mainutes’ chatkaon “buttarte ehaneto,-fidows wand:has,doe: Dory the past sumpic®hetgs |beent %Ree ; farming for bis father ou the Atkiny Bewareof‘Bintmente for’(aioe Benizg}500:“WY.arrén*Pyi hateglass windows’Lore tivo.“glass Pbnying Halk Catarrh Core desire you:wer the ee ung:ataken InternalKeinToleto!Or ,Texthapaitia vatatiions.+f not ‘qlavay$the hdavi-ports that”ou.Tye:<day.Hast!white bravery;however,has”been hope-|jeach.att her. aah,‘Knowsedges of the weerpous: 2, b—The bédy of “Jarltard ‘shitp,y has.not ‘prevented,Spain hein Sle mt uisersaxainst Pa eas AOS days'on thes bloc fle?pShe ré baw o-uitles.¢oli sliore.Westlos:Phivana st: te.Ve ado,bat tere ‘and a batter¥ *Theysttells fell close “tut the:sonaad:Shg quickly wot Saett oe Pane...‘4 oe isin +Res et saewrtadeAtmo6<a =a - .“Anyotiean Segnten Kilfed.f Caiba,¢“idly 23. s Anderson, seamen,ofthe Urtited States Chaps Brooklyp,.was buried |ashore Theres this morning?vy Ande“SOn:Wis.kitled the eccide nti)7Bischialbce of 3 Spar ish Ong -pontid Shel,sntuge}hed from:one ‘ol the:dentrbyed+2santistiy Capt. ‘G uabtananio..Gays Cook.nyea‘Thin shel expe on.“Tuesday while nderson was.‘hammering it pevently”ceteet eds.fireHtirece shots S: nected:ifsidé:ands one house Avals 4) -burpgd.*Sixteen:-eight-iuth ‘shellsy have gone into the bay: “Clrs-hate stiited that}30 or AU went Stre |Beste: >~in capture “The chief‘object’of the:‘Aviesiegn tive war fs 3 military forées wilFbe,to overthrow |- the armed authority -of-Spaio,:and give the people of.your beautiful island the lafgest measure-of liber- ty consistent with’this:military OC cupption:|They’have not come-to |: inake war.on the:people of thé toun-} try,.who for;celreries hate goen Hwhmen.}S <CR OSSe NN Ee oppressed.bat on thé cdbtrary,they, bring protection,“pot ogly 6 sour:| selves,but 10 ‘yout:ipreperts;- promote yout prosperity andbestow=| the immunities and Dlessings of OP lied:Porn Ue ras enlightenment and liber Sastita:|: atapasandgovernmesar “a “htis not their£jarpost to janter: fere with the existing laws ina cus-;toms.which arg wholesome and ben-.ruincof Spanish mim Stexs that far-K eficidl te the people.+30 long”as:they conform to the rules of the:ihilitary, administrations‘order and”justice. This.is not a war of devastation and| ~desolation.but One to:give ‘all with- in the cohtro!ef the“military ~and “naval;forces.‘the advantages °and blessings of entightened’civiliza-tion,’oe Been Lnintiber of lettersfrom everyquartt] Eat the State asking Wwthat eis the besthyeSeteAnteFLED.a as Port Ponce,PortoRice -July 29, —Séeretary Ww ur,Washington:In] the aftai cofthe 26th.Captain .Ed- wardJ.Gibson was «Gunded in left’ hip;Captajn J.H.Prior.Company, Lj slightly wouried itjhand,Private|* James Prommond.Company BASAwe! -woundsin neck,and Priv ate Benja.eerste. min.Fosbick,Company E.Shenr wound iin tight“arm:AU:are of the Sixth Massac husetts,.and are qaing well..The:Spanish retreat.fom, ‘this place.was’‘precipitous,athieyy feaving rifles “And?anmane ida”in ‘barracks and 40.oF:d siek.it thé hospital.The-pedple are:enjPying: _a holidayin honet of our-arrival (Signed.)-‘WILES.” The Sixth.*sackets and ‘Sixth Hiinois.weit,to’Porta.Rico OntheDixie.ey ents.aes _THE ARTICLES OfSE REENDER.;a Washington,July’?29 bee Pine=Nay ‘Department has pested the*folfow- ing bulletin:..-“‘St.Thoihas.July;2 —United States Steariship-/Massa-~ chasers Pone¢e,Porto Rico,July, 28.—Commander Davis,swith“the, Dixie,Annapolis,.Wasp and”Glou- cester,”left ‘Guatida,.July bre to blovkade Ponceand capture lighters. for the United States army.,The City of Ponce and Playa surreadet- ed to Commander Davis upon:“de- mand at 12:30 a.m.,,July 28.Thet: y was hoisted at.Ga in.;,America onthe <-The Spanish garrison evacuated.‘The.provisional 2rticles- of surfender untilgeeuipationby-the| army-are: ‘-The gartison:‘to be ‘al: iowed,to retire.:Second:The civil government to remain~itt force.| Third:The police qnd fire -‘brigade to be”maintained without>arms. Fourth:“The captain of the .port not to be made.prisoner.°peas ie SArrived-at_Bnce from;'Guantcat with Massachitisette-end Cincinnati, ta s 28th,andcommenced landing army sugar.lighters,“There \i °ther:fightiug °will ony reult iy. pie:s party (st rchis Theonlt party wide Windsor:‘edriespendgnee*Raat] News and Observe é ‘ghell>Besttie’s haetwas haduntit AaguGeneralMiles‘and’‘General ‘Wilson | and transport,at 6:40 a.mi,on.the |placed'on the’e"jury and.figurés..out! roe SRANISH LOSS:Soe DT war ships.>~ (21 merrebant vesséls.|Seek gir.pees “Dut.st]“eSeaped-the flying z 200)sailors:‘Killed.Ss Noes 27300"sailors:prisoners...eee hs “Santiago amd neihborhiodk ~ Fourth ArmyCorps F2.00 Fat‘i VRE: -Ladrond Talsnds.uN Cae Wen aes iAMERIC AX LASS.Eitan =}inerthat repel : pdibdcr He saiHers.hited whee woand:fp Li eee Ne Ny ™y -MTTPRshadQrskitfedodAin - ee 500,s@idier®:woupied.amine ok\“Suh -Compapisuns zs’These yiust- fresh disasters for Spain:withoutiin- ‘Ri¢ting “serious.Aojury seed oer UnitedStates,::: 7 Sc EY ans o “Butler sopinion.‘The Gancasian.eT ee ‘The:‘Caucasian as received adaree Nh: * | Jrourdes,fot ‘the :People”s parte.te pursxe in.this:‘Gaipdien.sine Ce fhe fzol@bugs anid wailroad attorneys, captured ‘the Demicrafie State Gon: <eetioly ‘and-reffused,qu fair ‘priipo-4 ition,Sore cobpemition =acaliust ‘Te ‘SiLot these qputst bbs the’“Cae “aSnB 2 phesitdtingly “in- iwers thesbestiepur rye or the PeAY fgrthe$‘State2 That is “hoestly:for sil- ver!and agaist “thonepolt)iS:to make x straight”fight?aztainst hott pof thie‘ahd’ionapoly*ridden parties, which:hae!‘prover that they’pare) ROW TO “bettek tee they ™ eee ! —- Abovitcenerodeaertia Nett.Potirt a ate nee yey *~ 4 Rhoden.“wit E- >cotored poliiticians ‘Hast?year [Public schools of theswround thai it feachérs ~:to,Bes amined neers:comisittcems@..and,negro: teachers bv"yehite cominjtteemen, Welt,heis,agatr ig thee!public:Seg He,vhas-published:afaper.which’ Fells the: account of the meeting:‘ofthe "Roz politicians at Burded’smitl to-agréeupon;&pign-ef fusion,.2 lich,‘the tito parties met together’| cans that the ‘must-have the repre=| efs:«As the negrosalone Mave Fb0 | mere”votes than.‘the ‘Populists,an pilists only:have s>inéthing!like250}, F votes;the Républicars declinad “the| proposition,“and:on <adjowrninent, 224.Ruoden. then‘demands:‘that ‘x igre:negroes;we: that.the white _pedple Jare.getting|= ‘fridge.anid shells .dabtoment.SR eve Sree i tSpearjwere devotion”itKelf,and}pert oa derssonesuc‘euiibed Ne sterday:ty His kKvounds.& <peadily continee even thé most san:ae NULan Neo + ‘rest,vharzed Withebbeatibe hits wife, batt is eldamy,that thre COug itions “dere reversed and the,Wiley ts tried par ih.“Leohard: Pal “und?tionapely as oadteed \‘Dx ai: ~advoestote ‘taxation tar : Pwoule bea”ood.frase for whites a “Toestix~andy Reformer,”my apd iin the July number he ‘givés.an % ‘pulist’Sifice holders and Repwbheat,| ‘and thePgpolists’told!the Republi,4 sentatives.sheriff,clerk of the Sup-7 or ior cSurt,and cetnty éommissionst Demoerats--eorhibined,‘audasthe Po-+ in au effort to separate the “eat: Several:of the’ Brooklyn smen were arouud -at-the fragments:except Anderson?”A’ Duntber.of,vthe “pices eitercd.his; Das _Fitzsimons.rank.3 farmed a deTictte |operation,but-An-|- ‘eae a} Pas marines paid thedast Remihess The rhigfortune hadaEspeciah:aécent FO oF spathos;because,yesterday,the}; day-of,Andetsor'S.exth,i saat his! twenty fourth:birthday,irae ies FS asPaasarTcwsana abe Whipped HortHusband.oat sel~,Davidson Dispate’EARS Coke wR esoe;- ene hie ofa myth Being:wieer ar- for shippils her “husbands!S:eh'} Was the case?hOWwerver,Ménda weith: tue uraThs cugrier. fr:2Lexinktan {®Areaiine’queon- aedsw ite had astistyd“him:of her, premises by he aids of a piece,of Paya,freely mused,aud Re'swore ont’ aewarrunt “charging ber witly as- ~ch and pattiery.Tae”Inagistrate,” /MeCrary,coleteh who:heard ateastb deciiled |twas asmiafclions “pfosedution,the parties:‘not.Fving |fea xet her,fe atid distrivsea™the wi anit, iiakine the phar il fay the...ont OF4! tire ¢Case hieh!anfotintéd,taVEO. le-+xy am —e++3 ‘ oth,ses ass sdsion 165 th rég “a eae 6$.th cae teeheeescHtcuresall**‘female troubles.=4bee<igequally”effective for the-girl in’ her teens,the yourty wife:witb de,vi nec Smaternal“cares~vand.<»thé woman.app;proaching.tt €perisds 3aeaneChange.of LifeBTheyailnéedsit..They -arc’cy:eabenefitteayaEoS cooreR,“Fupeo,Mises isays:ly'sistersufferedfronfrom verylrregutay '2doctirsrélitvener..Wine atseher.of Cardut””cured.hi rid heerthroughthSasy= S- ms“TrotCare“Poastipation ‘Worevtry 4 Gandy Cathirrle!.1xSr 2k. wasno Fé istanice,;The troops were’-more than their:shareof the puidaes paid’out fo jurors.ol ee ¥sa fa inatter fdr evttgr atulation:that’it}: ae oores state *oh tae et »Ttishar ot very._infreque:ty ‘sua:= wete-Goldsby,prothe vot Nehetak(e, ;Washibgton Dost:ge et Stichyalalyran..“desires whe t Land thas far neh eastHLestape-“for Spagine |Th Bilta Sor6 ip the,Way7of add H stints f awaby ,ok A.Greek oF Cimey.“Kagett wile!Opservfer madman named Tucker wit 2,‘Small,4iy reayx-Tucker fthe.gn “ot?Fames Syown '»“bricha: SIVET Abdont 25yea avo TLwus:ais--7 it,these pesiods Re was:artested::“phat vodk ink Sajh andafttpwards.sent!w the:any C Sphuin st é Oldsbore,from:herve,Pas)1% Suid |he!“fade ‘his,escape:He“was, ‘acim.Tawested :aod placed an ¢on-} hactet.TRS 2‘a by “and”man ‘Beaver ts Cae) :Nears,os side’s.. eat.SO WEEK: PSSire dokneae3 ne to day:of whe “at|“probably.Was.sucha’scene.etrachel stock dedtetdf-Pal:fy eile“After Sutlerang?for OETA TLpeeswees with fluixeandes,bYsigs“faifed:toarPliexeye.Teas ‘advisedOtry.Ghagie Si :“Phere:jer vont on tony.Wal EF “oeeet.ast’aitté gh CESS ote te CAC hs:rer)“has:pee “gos otheror wast ermeuinces ONT ce artes goinety yt al.Sing Sachs. i dF Wee citpe OOyh a Dek an NvutieChvolina.” at ¢é nik TactweUp.war Se eee fiirement,“but wasdischarged by the;athed ithHeeassas comnty..“authdrities |2aS Harmless:-p Ree Hood's.5. sonland,th Be:gor thedntermsuburbs KS fot FaLyehteville.Dye.Following ish |Sanes ang {woz glass'débrs;cost “$237 tuereplaegthei,”Brank Thornton. BiG ¢Boods*Store,“ve plate:“plass: anindow:se T4x5 feet)rent F100 apiece, ae Sou:{wor doors,Valyed at.$3002:“ae :“iH.“Ray. wlass window,vplued'at $5.4 -'T."BE |Moore,viwo window panics $3.’“Miss. PMaryyo.Syyeth ‘two bsinidow-panes” Te.Mrs.Jno:‘Shaw:Street ushow ease 4 SH,Re.Horne?pone:plate5 plate,glass.av idoats +Yalued.Sut iil ie Neofinin:inst four siThdow-panes $b.ee imeapiece,3.Sp. Pena etre aneFaeeeeWrecked:By Shetten deGuchishataoaiery‘Cuba,Dispatch.xe wird to Lhe effect ‘of;thes nik vis PSneliesau the-Doinbatdment oe Santir‘J ave says Resi serve oe ¢Rwelve howses*wee Complntehy. struck ‘thin “thre,blocks:of the the wround t&:x“dept of about Tour |: fects and to,length |of abouts tet} fect.“Thy Bt rBet,was,mmicagamized., that,nomber sof ‘the:‘shells:“must into,‘the Spanish Hinés! aA dozen’or more ofthe hans had m6 exploded.Th tour-of:them the base had’been simply blownout?Inq’ ore’casea four-inchshell.firediy.thé Course.of ‘demonstration:at Agua:F doresaIiy F.had:one:‘through ay tree ard exploded!in:the ground,bg: >When the soxereSete of the Ff ¢ight-inch’shells:‘considered,list was not:necessary:vty‘continus.ee teen!inch shells:a“pe Squadron,fea ‘ “prepared todd,“The effet of these. ofa nose disastrous char wcterto mS re ‘eo 3 Sort ed fostwesJaBahareeasAiee,‘*1 i tay “A.Geng’Of Cattte.Thieves Kilied-‘le iNansas City,ukeTAA especial | ‘fo"Phe!‘Star front ufalja,Setssays: |lm twodistinet vattles*with?deputy sheriffs,a “gang of seattle tlienes} and outlaws,acho have beenvdisturthe2h Ped.The fight “occurred Lathts ‘east. outlaw.Ae alf-breed Cherokeu ha David:Greathouse,”and.exmenbee of: “the ¥ench wean)‘Slightly swountided” and.Csupturned:sand one;Mion“éap- gang were.jntércepted,nodBr.ae |Cherokee Nation,by,Deputy.%Mine. ‘the:’gutlaws Killed these?latter} >Ne Pall uae:haeHeSE -eseeabaes “Spainy.i uingue peace.=Shets-tived.ot-war.as.welll ‘she may be?Urid’vW twshow thutishe io SektsaeSewppet:fora settlement.: é at i$3a Sie- So Coes ‘two,windox |‘lasts;“worth poe ob. fae Metso th- sie >wet Army.ofti-“YO cine.the Chtrokee and Erevk NtNafiors1 tor,2 long time,Wire heen:destroy.syse el er thal resulted iv.ney. ed Petit,“heii mortally:Sagenstded,hd i ture:i Later the ‘keri ger”Of ths,px shals/Leobeter’‘and Pianpad™all wt} =eH pedvives from.Ma-4-™ et -aad 1 AS fas;stent folieto:from. an =Sol by wo Treset ters ¢A,Heet,bulletin’just issded ih te:sik PRICKE RI ECUNGE[BR BY DS REN Gee ce 2f6)LOis: Me biotthe laborine:.AULD RO,Fou pA arrrie Re Brees MGa stTat Ti Cut :*yD TRLSdtetera the 4 xpe Bitton wag,bors,were Ww recked“on "Hay —Stre et ‘by aalsbene eS on a % ,:t:es pw:es):Phe ee RNYSewORK( rsaparWaand it made end sshd “and +i my, ot as prescriptions:fount sep| “hema Mall's ConroemaFaresbynikCrearesNera nthrnallex acting dire u eratfieTpucoysSarin6 Weakness.panifeats%sitselfin‘the:loss.of”ambition’aindhaclting hones: witery>‘the tissli arewwas ing—the doar is au ‘being opened:for dis ase ; fet:s Note “gourh ii o Ke or ich:rand.Thm:{Do,yaa hore “ood fthananexpensivéspecinheaurse-gfinedicine &Browne’Jyou BiBie.rs,e-sold.byiall esl ers Lana wes):Pale 4 ne hee ieee db Liyine: wrtinsAo}eh Chokersaml’,Tae ee é ALesialt= 1 eae:> apy eee>és ee i ties:are cong eo :hi ys GTN;EXEe - ‘f roan aa Y os >hey tans “pitts toapseBesurest GaN aye Bs att’ misSuse Be as:Seswiee ‘the?dards“Wrote:*cae Fates ae Rho ma rhe thie Fhe ve packied”“ol <a ie cranky.dispensary,SSX.iSuchastfeBesshould aie as/the damage they willthegoudyou:cal possi (eases.OD ct:2 Chen mervesstee:>Mires es0f the ene “In,me The blood.is: :restore spout.make.yout’. Aounde sfthe?m af with505erea“with said lifteJ60 pole:£03‘at Statesville.‘SO.“st 5sAE 40 wht |Vai k of:4 mil qond salt “Reetepeanotorbpsistyourfnde;thtce Ww ith the Weeeebene OLSsa “workingcv torthe mind @ i be 5Shallbees elothed:if yous COME”tO taheesN vineWw ate “Men:Asafine®Digldren.fizie’Shoes“Men StineShoes,Gc.“iidup,Late Lf tc a jadgedtrom.the.facie Bat,F FineSuit? Many“struck itrAbe water's”medae|prgttitatsRueof ae Bee Hien nts ing:abet iaete:Also ob2,{goods ifstowi.Bos vieht place.for:we will save vow big)atNotethelocation,-z Sand beyond the hortherm edge vf the:bay ‘WallSaloon.spasthpatronage 3aa Roping:be MoatingationofSame.: SD.LEVY,Prop. _Statiss ile, uy “|alNyObnehicaerialOYx;Nas LAs Jatter Would whdoubtedly bawe ‘Been, tl extrertie nervousness ands yer?weak'| eart...‘Phe Sane S€ptimen !&ke.drne 3 wriahs:aeZhasbedn-* KOUghTy * ce)SEE peacesprimptiy:presunpappate ntl:pits sate t Lng psphrit ig:t sateWevierand card 5 Stateswillyet bicooe AEecmplications~“3nd dj fitulties Pith” rofte’of..the ¢reat:“European:Fokre Com mDdore :MS atson’So the Philipines “ares probably +elied Sapon te furnish these-comiplication+Kut “whatever®phe ae tgrnational frouble..Spai 28 Fe 3 bytin:n the manger:indjented. r doont iis.s*sealed;justak js€n everisince,“war was Phere:is<ne”eseape forbers tf“‘withdragal,fromthé wéstérn demise :here.ce ees Cu eo =In_bab onerespect has Spam.tee 1tother®condition,“and:Lets ty hex:Pee||determination,swhén <s ues for-to-appedl to the itedStates” wee Fos?i iocoure,echrrccreds ee money,“ ue. asia oetheinter:Sntion-o th oe *aaioeie,ye Sk .>Gsietapigc at 4 ie Oo Tonge sees dremote:©sotthe oo shave no tro eo)Totrgated me;‘but,Pdid‘Hot gek.relief.My condition was growing:serioiis and“L.Comtdscarce ‘least.exertion pulacé:eases‘S4dng’or goitig:v p stairs,.-pletely-exhatstuire-great ay aM,-the sSummeér “Fant,plac e £61 essiy moBey, 1 Oy W he¥edn the states:cath ge trina.Tine exalt JEP LISTENAT PRICR: ,Mort’te breathe...1 aigo“fhrobeh |fegr othe:Saar bt ay ¥Zhad SmSmoph erjnig ‘spells And ‘feeling:“ef |es ,sion afterRetizing,and it wou nigh.I couldnotiendure the sents dt wasimppssibléto mala ‘bie.in bed;Suchwas my,mest rableavenue,of Condition:when;ih.Sune of tthesampe5Seraeeing.Dr.’Milés’.’Re-e ets stora ver Nervine-+:-The firstbe“Mediterranea.andthe ‘Sift atiouan ,greatly:imaproved;me;‘my:nérve =e‘J“Pame guilet,”the twitching,“fering.‘Bensations“were |‘nd in:2ond received-such:vethet benefit.oT wok that I-began,alternati‘withDr.Miles’New .has”‘obtained the’desired :seliet “I had 801.tong been keeking throtgh:hysician“J eolttinusd ie oe tigued|far discloscd'a tioroueh appreciation Of ‘Breath 7 earnestly believe’Dr.Miles’Rémédies'are'highly meritori-|i ous.preparations,-andwillingly recomn- “Inend:them to others in the hope |that,R to.health ve thant,the W &Danleof the cn “f na aa ‘Creek toa stake-at the nioi4DbrapglisNicholsonandi D Og oe aheSvarier +)Bast hank 320:pales ee=E AS:aud”ce |m ibe bank atthe p Re.»ay he : ‘suits 3 f rs :in,§ARC.anid:Ups und the ara oeseek kvOwNSethe rf £0.tided:4 Ire |keane witas. De pat:gersnext.doar “to-Marbhe is Se 2 Jeeds,page”146-7.in theThankingvou-awk fbr es delF-count ee is.‘situate 2=valuabieamprovements,De: PO OOPS.tes NC. Tsufferéd :sexerety from Best,pbysjtians-in Buffa> reely-getmy;breath.;The in.SYCh ae-walking,sweep,bedy “would *com:|? ;atid”ft-would.re-1) aja ‘Bed covering EEK mb.arms would’t Tonger:apparent, seesNervine ; aad the:sTemedies thro Bhout.ehese foPeactiegs ig’ iption f thedast the @-Lots: C.CaLoweLt.~ALTTORNEF AT hei i: penm ae uae i ‘Statesznd:Paden Hs oe ae panei 9ALLORNE ¥ -O 5 > Special atter ipn-tto settle ukedaeProbatebasis:CBS, A daow ‘D:Gomieg - ELT ORME ie:iti } Statssville,N: all the,Cogris:eeStake ewe a Fede!iah iG amiss ATi,ee Saas.st «saith avail’serach ice i Mx tiPromptattention’bp:al tetrusted.Pica No,Ay Jas vot Cour Leliouse,”i pr:€. nt ves 45.ON22 ,Crick,“ :Attorney:seLie »STATESUIDLE,,Wag « :Seas Carefuattentig iv eBaco ail}usted: .eturattersje ty Ely APTORYEY:ag:AW? :pe a ABTATESY Fst,Xe¢oe tee ‘wt eksfaxe|returned to tlie pray the sind,yENESian,“Omer te ap ig Psitrustedtome,Office’wear city?thesveust.~ w:y wis <~~,aos tite ;eeeN-Cy = ——at Will appear ial ©amity.’Dprccialath i FtiengiventualSullectipasarid-setuene:4eeos=;Set eyFLONG.:ee:FILA NK LAG RoteLONG,‘&-LONG,:=es LAWYERS:.. STATESVILLE:N.GC aaseteie%Sue :Practicé:in,State.ard FE egal “CxOfcRobbinswprickoaaea ‘ + ik Readeete[RIOHTARD®B..McLACGALY,Ae ATTOBNEY-AT-bAW.26 a STATERMILLE,x.usoS_ A WilLappeat'inpil Courts:Spa ate a ‘Deposits received ubject ¥nedon Rood collate 1 Strests,Chicago.-rs=Londonand Hambure..nsMonarchPlayingCorde“attra ‘end.ee:vr S ke Hartaéss ee a > tion.givento:th Sere eee2bis eee :oer 6pAWAD:Pei EwesASIA KG «Boye Sit hssti‘M ey! i WaT Cr aes Shee v "tae aFyour eeSAI “gome B SENDA?ES AND TAR AELOOK -Ae ; ¢Thites Lim eiets 4 inkApart of iny.China »#vide 1 Pkip>Widire e Sti Zwolle:‘be glad ik,Boy SRS LES G s Ett qty tle =st these,ie \m ".ba os 9 ‘wo AF Vomeske 1S")‘aati Boe -Need ofESPECKS,ee i rind i er Le %a aa ees a ae oo ene ‘s 4 ®:Rickery't.”yi: ny ;a =te WwEtew any Price: HyTO a rE ie o he na ey bef tlste eeexerei ai 4s fa, hat ee’Ti ae Neeak asTouOught 4|fs Aer INC.eO)SOME:HERES - ie ‘sis nah2bestclothing »*we,tye a tam Spa:ee “sun ““Bens nes alsa siteteig!elit fox”“ies os - SATE Visit Lye paidtsat‘the:West , “H eySe sty BUNS ne 24>é* i Se * bye ssi if |“>),i dn)pad BATICY a f ‘sige:“iy .:sone ‘5PACAotBtnekon,a Sigh he Bete ¥-[fats hort Satarday-Ore asta i re Po ee Ph poe T%karen“Lous Lista cer,pmsvisil:Av lie aj.!ey OMe ay,Raadjokphe Tehanty he: Bhbee Hisbe”a Fa-SobbaaSatEiluwood*Sspedatnag oe;ie wh-y Bids =thwaged fo!eging,SBe if:>Reeser:Mauvi¢e eid Gevrss axaaletsonvattended:‘Cohduetor:)Ve fusepick inf Salis’svury Sand athe ‘ania “district comborope shHeLeeprexcherSolthe:Meth:jst ats‘cht iags this eVoniny aeToy Methodist.chor eh,stion®eS es ye aa B ThE thie:Sapir:Fhe MES te ig hese will ‘be debs! “ext saturday aoe Satddy-t %“Bry I:ee TtowesoT pesigivg:Ridgr. “Sry Ae Bs.Colveut Teft on “pines rt :1 ia.last:Or:(wmagitea.Leecheb.She ear Fost cits abl WORNy Eee 7 ““:7 7 &a ::Fe 1 toe‘be sonegt\o;<nyomths Ba» 2@ PD Ashe ville Citizea Sk)last Ph5 Aas Cowles,A5Oevegunk.7clerks at Ssstatea illo”anak harioties retin today”to a Ee S SebHiormerTeton *a hy AE tof SPINEL,“Berry,Yer pndFess 3sECKWEAR.HOSIERY -ae rors iy.iytcant?Heee is Furnishing Hh. Se assor Biomhseed!roth price ste oul aut ©ra Zits wen BUS «Oe,“!(8:Skelton. =e, Sloe 0 ‘4 cata Batters ig! ss.“Have |heen beagle ia eatge cp ig +rT the Thes pring:Suits 8aeoes= é .a4 -rs ost eee GL,.amd wit ’ atte rs eh. the court’‘ Wee oeekSsetitement:oka nanome a *4 ~NK LONG"? —eas“we“talinaaSi hetZWfe =Wee Sti es Mia of:thee'Fusion™‘paper tlnyts 4 ‘phyid Yeyer paticnts')Miss EliasLexpects,to sprhda couple:of weeks: issue]one?ssi ¥us mae alah News .and “Obsetreer:: Wey Ligagsuand:‘Calénel “Cowles:4.has |.t oedated SlethotFEO Colonel Burg- Pour apd Soe,id danghter;Missy:pa teste,*“rethraed on laste‘Riursaeyf “te Ven De:tem wepeytTre ”“Spriaes.‘ds:vaunty:where thei?had eon}Kerew,tos ut musiber,dstthesr fives,machs “ol Jawless:eesti on)wulitted Laer Sa Sinise Jung 1d oma SihhmerrR Tae <“ |be:Mx*s i Ht.Croyson,istot to be+he editor “Ofd Populist paper here,4jDuthasunerelyputt.bid ‘forthe: there iS+some,bath “of ptanting®ayy pets place.genie Te Ar igh se aMiss Bertha Fliason.went.tow,iE cuntitsfon Hast:week}towurse ote it Wrightsville wattershett duties’as ;nfitse %QE OV ets <3 Abe.gee Thi:bretvest,water ,telon.‘of the ‘bseason,.was ‘brought jn deigt®Livirs:ttbat.there.axe G19"gusesin the Arispie roan yg Waa?De earaient fey}ay,by”MreR,Re Deanard,of Prott:"jorchs..Mr.Johit.WGratewas’theJrchasbrasgMrsTacpuiard?Ww askstf. be 450M]itehfePurner:€Yrs ,Seema.Resinient,—sav-iit tte abe SACSint ‘Asian.wens Psonaeeeetext:rectovel=LOuites FiCasMeMouekey,faethatplack>he tb Te Sea?"Pi aves *Says HSS e :<ancnow to,Bekinstrains’ o Sn.sehedste,‘{hyielba ‘the Mogksvidhe:le.road —Aucust20Ui, be three spots bata \Mocksvilie a the ations bein ‘Condyeted Mowery Killed. ;Tant Phussday:Anorning Conic:>Mowery,0the ocak’freiebt.anbettetTayPowdswas:knocked. oe and“are fppte Bplay SueFan iPethy)Fred about l=5 miles”:eo ACD ea ie be Sore Nite hte TT eterceae Creae are‘ake:ree fis Wan e =a ae Mh Neuter Ss i 5 The eC MYLKyat oe:yon bars - cial aren :Dably as sayeeteea :ye Apa veo . ¥’.ee=Poston:Bros.Rete ~ °= “EF ar sigh b security:unt seaqcitedard ;Se ;Le Co oT OOP:Ri aa NEY REWSOF 3e =N.R SAss gr wehiclr Ww il fin youths theSai ave anh s Sorfaliss The PCa, {Gleaned From.the ‘News:‘and.piers)§ EkeKoot. a ee ae oe ey +drank : She Tis body Mas.Srodabt to>Share eae :Ce aeer SetSeen er HORS sellsconethe:Treisht sinh:Wass earioak tes Satisbare;hiss“haine Om thefiotetnsreestibal2@.>SUT =MO Niveaate Witt.anato ,eS. Us olde ‘SeesSaige SACKSONTICES:-= ~ *iN sens Jacksonville “Letter-5c) ophigfoirey jous-:to the.He}artitte. Se gets Seah ee Shidihw Tek anil”Mrs Me HKardedtor aivir..iorqless Zin hats fei ne adehighhifpy Ww ‘atevibelon,pax <4 ae Wesoyobese:Heavya EengyGiseorics¢sik =St =oedustReceivedCxLend.a See €ae ott Sesock The ry a eesSAUTE BEC a |aijes Shirt Waists-ee ;>,herewhyTyeomerneghiaaceeStal:tot x OBDaas th ©caeuiLAD-LOTS.we make! yi i he HOT aay Ched nd harespeal oo peertyeo Se es.eee gee a?cS -.s=.a .Te. ISS ON facia?-FoTars eontly opebedsujst, fete pat ely,cocempited By d eee ¥S Between Our}. Pee Storey *Nog iduble;~shayvd Sone twid, st aN ar Barron &‘Nicholsson. Nats ad oman oak ‘e “py Serue . “rm Tibetki:et oe ei pits >>is e YowFrom $3.00 to $10.00:- x teva it.théir “honor by ‘the ee iwi"Wwhoiit ‘heh cerestoppin it E Amouiy the guests Toke Gly and Dirss Bart;+Calo-| Fyre ane Mrs;~Gotleg;fand Colac fiekd <eA?steam laupch |Was Pap jyter wa and.“ete usbments Wate Pervod a “board.roc met -:Fdieneine xoginmntaltats nade] Pat splits sib,’“has en-rpceived Sby 2)eee ;Ae:fitst véxinttot,“ht has onvat “S Fst, “PRG!“bnautes,ig $a p pe Cb;silat Proven:3 guspek tent 1st=aeals.Meeie : zing~ed,“s ire held iniongoF .MES:A Aone ni the scconk’panes of illness Si tingnge “the:RatsUcels hay ey ‘peamula-}4 Sti gis eae ooh Net Rp free Noseats merce reSiment, “ae:stow ne ae pape Site le See acne me ‘eljuipmeays necess hy for thesN,Cytteriment’ Lot x 3 months:canivaten Wavear hay:see ‘Tn*gne)D and wilt“he issdeda ee rer cee Se a ~~a”;ae Ope 22 mer i,A ae .the:North 5 Surlipa”apeintio’s “of =be boapit:it doxps:FCC ixed:thee wthuogable.dijchareys”!Iewiday..“ahygu] py,aThere eware far ©(hem;and} ait «av Gre”“Plad -to:throw’aes theix joe he sects:Aey,SyeheeC ADRONS Tee!“ly enlisted 3kdivst?they WELe.‘gh- “Hy sivorb ‘in fbr;two seatsimstedd OF =eet nnfses ©ic gtounils,thes See waved,“hele,ose “heharges.2 aes x es >x ~ -pee eou Buy Tlie Syractes Youboytth ee Va x ay.hte 4.itass e <raft’theivesTipeatMictateteit2]‘iine ot eee atAsrChilledFlowmade ChiaSypaceREEtharCeFaeBewuctttal=se aw rd tidt xpret th.~ Aran;spopnl Zhe x —wereimisted 3asi te theid POSTON thE “enlisfad;as P giamnigeists.fra |“Ons ~argival .cw ereh! “places:SO:“teSe} ight.Nt CoBiBaal ice Sedo.ae et Hise apyst the‘fulltionsber,oo 6 tasMest Rei’ands ulia’s ‘ i Colotiel “Cowdas.‘hag.2 recoverca | pon diis redeat ‘altiess:oe eae FOF.rustees GrabsRee-on AuGust 9.2ercdtBiglowry,ands,ate ery electing ‘oftifNew.Y ork,"4s-b %-The:salar tj vtuins by rhe Thired.S en Ed &.Hen eae Sanditeo:PHACO jnlst.Of“iat: =Ww oinscdleg Sonds= Hs wu,~lon?no‘it:Soe >There whys Siero Barber!Ssametion are pent CalW Myeut of ANeNt ramed relations:eeprol Benesnut the,theetn :ehises brabted:Russia. otf,Tis trabe:bg anlarTarhe:ud bidet fit oftrunkeu;sageshot aoeition |e ~Thetrainwr aes mirvears,4‘eat Ge si {ters J the definy ‘shepitt togive.thetThs he - “oyee yew.eerafisvarried yosr *IWinidsdias®acon *posrponed wlishe Haat in anitthe DukeaodI JsrtSi aemths; nae te try “Whe1aitMain?1Burs a 5:hene iat ;bike wie eee 2rot.5 ESDiise,val Pao Natt rigops Tit aiPiOe|etme Se re Bae ,SteRania ‘Jessie foci,oa aA pot:fo M63nu¥t i wnSACsSe rie adeftbs,'s baligtec’,or leekAyited Statiss; Saspk Beles;sere,‘arr disks fou ta oP Aw s PORE fehiint dssrkaJitCrorie:f ag npzon.<“Par Has oe payed)v nts:pokridle Saito reptie ye See retunyof=tig?zoa ores)Toh.priserignss feos tlse pr avnvOleieMosland:Tras ‘bech:,soit =Saptiace arer mebller PORES ye TeeEee ‘of incja'tto suc apsie ae uth reer ‘Sy .we m 7aeCOATathepeGe“Newel iy ists.tay seas.ti EEhemadd et pss °cs AX “eer shoe :oYBava)pea the Twi cntipitsoe ANeset shehiro)uit nese Sage be &:om fistweg so whabins/ jakesuestla fast:ei {a ss ie lgd stands:ky ST Ke Sea tine:ae anes:conteyiiie,ets aoe aque,- he.Phaiwagaad pte dak >itor sO haeneNye5aXUlanasLues Becaucenels ‘dys for.Hlopolair:Fi dieSe ee CGeeenaepsaikedlystTt x Dry Ould rolh Féwell S6t RtenizewettSwasabound”dead oe Shed ond z ifuissdaig,morgioy Tat “Ave Hy xeaigthan<n se tne 2 “ahetit Wiens<h ipa:reous WeTigh,:hayCayHey,Mepre-resrinyant)_coinpehed PwithFlorida.sberityon:Neondas'*"A aueeNeVorelease.its:_firigoner,ial heeuO,act wide AC WIE.Baoing |quer swith | hesiht is Heunsd,at Phe Moimts obthoircane opting!Yolvers:‘This 3iSOnby:one ofnary || b “Enipyrs Sol Stpativeport1gAncoaget,AeRoberi“parte:sien \Hith”pire Poeeny bparnod.nd’tithe thet g -PheALAL ranecninest aehrey eesS Troop.They:ahpuld dyes,Se Louttd.for >thet al,hited States “hast*#ureky.pubishec ion er Sug aoeasSoa sonnel aul:Xteition®ot S qondbs =OK eoographival mili tty MapAtelfor<the RS Cink“Ole he Cet Clin rch y:toBe:fnown ws jthe-Depart: uinwbiad her -Ppawof CpSax ang sie is bdjaecnmet oI» "2par sere .spance Swan panads yaatedor may?Heereertcr , $:ACESS int Brussets.4 anier:coh rok:of:LHiallPRILEGE St F Betitip be:one anarchist wes,fatally OSS bogeresated,JN the (Warotherarrested.pantingptS Micadquatters ahi lS pes mimbine.Nias:ue Ay.tone tg sad:peu ane on mado whe de hear Late ti ates.ae Rag)hy orderssjie“Det Tee wey AOE “the:TANSERE SSO”g ryt } Pe reportok ;Autti"Ger.Feomss}For tie Phepsoy tian ib ay Stated xf.Phesk:SHE ertyet Mp ital dae he Uansportation:GE14 QO0?POOTS 14 (Xt TaSipe ty re acts Osanilad -ThepeicénEEi)enaa?rationts.2.1 =<auth Gy elect uie dsparymeny otheGaysLHsoapstone“the Pgoxernmeanest:hasth veip Cnt Vi declaved RE pitkhthoyof Holton atortuleatteSNG.5 t ktiofiwzon.ating andthe:Heer A :ye bapsion ott Bebe Pqirtsat £1 Bot thes:iisgreents.is? iH St tas.bevnseny tor a Dd MES padi ntEXC st the seidng oyAxveeaesschedhle-has saretdy Mate trooys.::~éehTveeeeeUREDE0.see eSeiteaivikihestaid;an - :aS ya oth Taay ben eat pasFine:Chas Dakeld 4 Wels:Sapi]e bee ReKec15\':“Awnob;of Satnmashk?-dt eth bee el oS ore Thorsdgy a=Walker dxixemeypbers 7 T piOeearfeStineind3inipticatedarftomdiva two Otherv Bere Dinotie ts yuca thece Tis to:ake orravesdanerns She a seal: et Woon Great Britain.“ahd TRtssta }*oo Tiyr foe Map=accouintsot ChiHine setters frety~ LigneShh |$ReeceLs burg:35.sever ety erat iedzod |fora Oe ws £6 Genco aoe osps *Racoy i {iss a ch “linge ay.rh the,siuest igh 1 #4:ait ae Mifor neat f MOLEyl Recents wlitle iin pass:gained,“by thiscimeans:bait at:eerie toss eflitortyy thetzhops,:fOr (isreOheesixtie,alison:tnrmiediatyly.pe“ecedes[LecbhhOOPS ast Lpar AACS:up and:down z huge af at esis Fite:er,Repin wie balloons. Caattheposition 2Of {hess 3 elaa nen.eo the 4a}ne 2%eel Ratesbite could:ssc ett oes>Belson riche ea ane ‘OMe:wxRas,beese otnmuisetaned-be the:gor s he : nantes tog ha Vr sone:raged e Spasshins si,SyPoth *,*a Kellow 1 Stes -Roe Mitrendep:Sel {occ cpreventiCus”Be Pier 43 aes ta a ENC aeaH tie iat ee {SOHET AiaAt:;i 2 SARC 4Iveiscoveredaplant.Gmateping St Seaiapohs i itymloutly:Wik his aifeanid’ta avds”shot:himself -tlomish the ts Aeeh sui én infectionan the.viciui gat Ye,Litasee vie IS that,Aine:oxernmnent:erin atu eng,SOIR Tee RM for oninaent t x theaeedpiance -:Stee x tine parales ‘OL Admirat Ce “Ona.Erie rolibersheld wtp,thie:Omibr }tue Ora oie oe<t “gg AROS:x Ager Papilay>from Sf.Joseph:ue Apitis Tes Ngai Gas Suniel f ‘On “Thukse:evnieht last;Tyees got,darbySar pours Garpriyee “OTC:CXS. ee seStat pt the:“ONcy uy wud’:ER ces tek res Consrhik Oi he ingen’: rib bein 0H to PELEtint sates olee jaob nnerYelore whey Tip”STa coatautofaeCar.Sar Vala she abet,Jparkors_oyCShys strug Heasoh:ip: wert,firddbSAnos offies wax ibjured.probables pati:Siiahil ity.tolprovblys it Railhe:ad officials State baw Sis.280 torir phe Lranspart:ition,rbuke 7 Gout wus fakon from:the ale:taza:rObe,eesantag i <afers.wyoc is oe er he eg “4 Woh bE2h,OES Bore |fee x itzo de Wire;One-otd the.best resto marddrers,forth:Sane:“th Polean aeore ee Syrk 6 Woda,<dtClardndens “Ark,(on?itd at ters taemyo tie DE a i Wieqhesiay fast?Phe mob:“for ods RS“Diiursday ror pura Ysis;©© ‘inewien pf thie Sided any . Rone,teeth:sumer ci 1“axplel.“This * is ake issqni¢kly and 2‘cured’,f *on Ts akeystitjail,Phiw suiimaey LCE Foyer gednie WAS;taked:est the:aay ‘a Sassinfation ofdeoeOrr.Mere Aha:Tee ron é eel wite Of the mur:rdered'n maith COMME|ORE Rien fa ‘Een ed Suicide by.takibeny a Pie,Pas Raise :!amChagos: chéatingthe Tnehersy +RE Ne i Bei ties fut debe 2 Meh sf “athe ON:so abiiabs eakdiate Qe fheDba eeret Figi Soe tng)Ameya,is waxing.oe ThE eeRRere SENATORIAL CON,ous Sanebuah camtiedsas Thungy ais BOM <ayen ach Te aps?ser Or}.eo feeheiipeccetas oies |ciabatta 24Thowes #git Otythe kovorh teal Dissict eittolde aa coe ian | ie wowidtknow The».reasons,why.fat Haprtioni xefasipeaell gouty,ov aes MsOF BW,Mesicas,WERE among,NaeyFidn ve tha2boIrday.af Sugrst;1308,Epes «| fuioatirernment orcs!NON ae=Poa OP dea ob he!Bxecutite.SGomimit:.$nde,igieea ashayeesCerescaeceeThiytleeaeofAue,ag paagendsod eet ONS ee Ex rH ‘+!wsNOR Tea SS.Si duty ee Pet “area zai s qrainaa wach:rman.Den.Ee ae shd z,5 Senet rast At Re ee ten Laat fohantilalscosts ThAUrs “W ae NS:ms he Wuitkd States flaroter thie Tairaiian iwidhzes Au iplomrendihg:Ap.bBayiliesatsElenwood,that sgt d<wets,atricktl-by ¢figlera nigroSf f Rw payee eet f Tee Awe. ae Wied BOR“rf 2.[eld gfe»Dotife Aok+ Ail As cbaeR“ad ra Miea airfutis Halle.©olera~aps DMavhova-Remed ‘capa?I):thinkear @rriyid atthe eos MIS AOeT "Ont “the: kydnstayt ~~Minfsrera fateh sheas.re |: A Sued duit A SEEKS sheeee tread”cakensAOC heat tractin.’Phe va tah s Ob)A ‘tbe ha pla es tha best J agthi:es Aone wae cae at :‘The Sart’:ee For silsugaryplan!tipnon the Island digs Pe Denarists Hebe aad The iiereasddttscapi Pal Stgeck fonikSs oe eeBae Ae 000000:to S3,0B0-0Q0,""Pie-wovenneh .oe went has 2“paiduprl thes Japanese.eas faut nit of:£7DA000 tye does.otradant as the:josticg of the clic ‘ris Hite sre |Seteralor the Big dailies are eats;Ce of di erlioca:Sennen by|i Hears Sich remedies:cringe“About thir sudded wisitéot.ae eony ei aiseven:ee such.aoe ; Pifticices Of Wales to.Se hut neTothingiaavre ate ;om pe ee Sener feels raBeeaae seer‘~At ers 144 :ik sfler:t68"isether.Soe ie?Ne ee act nto aboteats y £¥k by.=ence “Cart getMgsnotheee 3 Rea ratfie ae Deen.z saweee “tw tevehours,ana we:were towai7“ty ~ s rewiuntly.ebay ee od that Unless3“cha vast Capt:Boyer tsar"So oe i ¢.ee wa}peme:SeTION\penitle-Mine OFcussaiseee oietefurtherfact-lbat:the King-vlas te Zw oulds } temedydeciddis ay.‘berigud.eatha eebeeaoe me ie pea et serid:nseseaUe Gilmer Gog We ot egule.4 Drugs Shean areas DESY.ville} ecaesoe p ne sa)indistr oat th |mosto thie’ yan Sp dadhonk.as ‘be Re gui1¢gus “af Aleit hes bers :Comtess from-: es oes“nen i", YeDeeecaisoft eee dass 14°=ta:Stirter Vee era::Souhe yt a tee of athe CracuittCyimiait: DER Asheville distritt: }oF “the ox iyve™ apniany Rist:rl on last 3 i was,aleuduted “to.net Ege IOC{jot lawsz : S“uf>‘Flor 1d t hive. semtorsing | Ne “the the 4 intemail t ami paign z JE ROC tive Lorn nvet 71 bakes ae ifusion With {fren aeshone}rt Sue “2a“ter ins of thee Sie y pe “last >Sh face ik ty leigh’oped Trulicans.et-fourih Si I colored yo dargelyscot"Nir: PAaile?to:bis osu ise. AOUpen ihe *ioved to Wh jastan'.ting)tos take hisecoudtryutaneBersiinmont t2 HOCSE-ON ’=De “street Tie:thea §isasiing—=the dooriishorleokBrowns’pestore -your'“ghake -yout --+Do yaa.more 008.pecial course of mcdingse ne accaqatpare,Beemeror“blood yo re weak toe secede ;3 a appetite ispoor:‘and.your.eee is weak.You:can-ot ‘sleepwell al d the mogrn-pared for‘day.Your.pout com- Samwaltdoit“Take its few.days|and’then;put your.feet.on: ey tint B ntmebrs Nake aite PERTISHIRI. ge Apa“te|ONE DOLEAR AP¥E: ee oe ee J.A;Hart NESMS y A.D.Wenxtts.a =t ot, 4 {Entered at the Pd stafticscelal Diwte sy lilo as second «Sass tual matter,J “ie"ah eoi a Bi ioc *PaisrXo li + oo ape pamouwatié Tle nar rae FOR SEDGES Se PERO a De pe ; Pirst Disbriet cianiale Bowe .Beanfart.peas Jay Distr Hehe,ee rot &:aven:ets + sh +Beth Disttict fieat,Gutfords:84 eee b Si xth Dist aes “of es hol r “Nelo!Robeson’:ee E.eventh -Distriate“Hoke‘of“Lincoln >:Rha: pe Heit,2OLTEs7¢Re Eighth Disttict Cs Kate “Atth Randolph.‘A ts Ninth District+-ip—tee 1b)eee FORJCONGRESS 2! ae “Distt ACluttsfot Kowa nz oe was Fog SEN \woite path. ‘Pusae Caprese kssatis: :Helnen and Midmat ts :or Clerk >Superior James A,Hattness: For She rith-JScirn,FH Ae Veo :Ear Resister:Ob Detale W ir WES:Parive rose %BaeBorCountsprowres ; Hayits.zs Kor €Oran oF George -aMy Fda 2 os For Comnty :SuryeYor—la we(Ps SROENE rs:i :* toe For:Couste segsi SSe}iers ye <4ThomsEEC.‘Piavidton.Wages Co ‘Gray and Marshal TA Steel 45 3 ‘i seait Fi Rear eee sate ome gt tthe!TBickts=Onat ( ‘*peacd nocotla tions,Meith ‘as‘pain’heck fore attaleitige®Manik ahs p dispatches Say, Jasthe cave tine : Cer i wo hetars ip der’:The: about-9:204 “tpiirs,the Arne insurfenty—storm seecchin sO:ergthi droxe the Apaniar “Cdn1a}ine oF Gefeay the 4inner :5 General mee ed the -elite hoth sidesae Fe Phe,Oly mpi: rigeehit.tthy dither veuta : before 3thersrey :eth Ms the, -Tie:obs 3 eae a Awere Pe er A Rats,hyn NE rs 4"beaksti,.IS lect i 4 tt rey “{oe sata Sheet: Sag Phsx| CTS:}? *.sisvuiars..Ti HAN4dxt teal The Act Te a)‘ss tHe»Vie TITIES Sate % (eTTEat “,heote isorpen ce lea ¥BHoun ;arp:i Mani, 4 eg ae~|Bianco Bectines to.Se.‘Present, ee hs ¥the Barrendec.: ‘Madridie eee 1a.i wove rr Gai Sess.teat « tain’“Ge 2 “Blane Ce a)ei tenderin gas Festus aesongiveriGeneralanes *or re-Signing is th at h Pdoes.wot Swaiesuperigténdthé‘ers OtnoFGubd.| The cove rite nt +Ralso ‘anfor med. that Gengral:Auedsti,vovernor|/general’6f<-the:Tilepics,WilkleaxeManilaforSpathe:;firsty+ ma{l steamer:.Sa tis "command “Is there a probability tSpanishinterestssufetine}throucheit®‘they of2sislandatthe;hands.of fhe GubalisTheSpanish,”ordperty-,holders stmerekeathatherSjvaittiards,4!im Clarksopan Ri MeRanshaceeenatirally:“would Uunite-wit alk'the “hax geachstecervedrest_of the canserxative:inhabitants vw és!cast’ipofforthepresérvationoftheingerestsy**oresleelared iominaterl AS dtsoYathécitizens:ghd“Pink:they {pEimarias’Tailed:ta avonimate $tAti‘ay:thiswas’PallotedSopAnd J.om hontinated qa he t will help*the natives and fhe.Amer-{‘icans to maintgin a Sthona safef ag al,because 2%class "gf-peopie's Welah. >to solvéis:the ‘Arst organization.at‘prelintinary.form “of.governwent4 Agras‘ster‘the island,will be cerieaapsidlyAmericanizReaudsal! yn©te e4° o:L +" atheGubaits.atta;agastableGOV.ernment,[pr ie possible a)te)a tion’:will be wl;Sued setting 8’:ofa eeneral electi bn fora-chief,we.f ‘- e _‘ecutive of the islandfand foratesis”=Itasiglativebedw.:‘to which all matters af- eotat ce‘the proper laws 1to'put in-eration:thepolitical.form“of-gov-!2Praent=“AS ‘to the’‘army.of oct {;;«pation which will be cnétessary.’to]maintain vur,position with respect "Pie Po}atist?ot Mobesoii-¢a a Ps..ae cae‘the Hien eet peels cae pota ate:returns:to theeetthisnace‘possibly“25.000.ould}ofthe Deaingeraticsparty x.Bute Ave |aysmaking Stroug Democratictnbéstatioged:in,and abdut-Havana,’aes “phoshivent “Pay ficesolehes.”:Matanzas 13ithe next én:ortan ees‘pointfor 3 garrison.“Ober porte =See phe ee iteshouldbereguulated’by.-thé~“probay oe et ea eee ae“bilities of disorder’that:Might =stake heen~place there andthe numberoftroops“})at the various °‘ports wilt-natirsily4 ave’a gr@at*commeréiak’.fiituré:“es unibounded-and gréat.resources]_will be -very-‘rapidly:dexéloped |byAmericapush,vigor and=capital.-Geaeral Lee says he hasné-plans“beyond going back'to-Jacksqutiie | Corps:He’will.leave~for $s eo ,areas tee ok og Mire Bos ara veeeatebakeerageEe™~ eo TT =$is ae gyzsh ce eeEWS~S i ae iD is Apeie eee ¥t and eaAste:we a il 38 oe ae echate Jtpeth eCXpbeLsto,ce Offa 7 sig nySeon to P blo heleth an Tyistiner this”°: ground,has bepivbry ri Sit,pur army al pe ere he tatesSr"Hag.: oe thud of anv HeineEe 3)eee A be Seen plantrer tlic CAN?Supra : VEL SS a cog “for ee Oew Phree!shu tre ‘Fults that : ee swentl withs s <AVAshinston and = phic:fatpest, ::. SEATS VILA N.eAnke be co att Soe Saat ReeSo,a bier octanefest)Cpeing rk“patty igo Ral ye few .eaeago ayide “trivththieae asBis to:ie=a i Bai Covekee ach Simeraen bert eo}cor bout tain of ALouth-is situat-- Ledoisaonly.AboTtaT wiileslstp the Me Sofi ni,oo “Aparttx OtHays froin _PeathePaar mt en ceddt6hetheyuefst:a ie Rettes,areraat eeete et boat ten;:ise!ee gate x PSs Sons.Rive elES Deak resapienheunesof=woe ee \ih the de nse Tran j sigrignsy meeboehe by xP ite:seeaeoesbiLagtreesSEnPabuaiaint . he ak:tp ty erie Bs¥ tei WSSyn wali to tomy mL ¢ iotsitnh Atineparte>There-5 tre te ‘i Bh the,xitieys of ee Stu Fs si Sut ae compart. fi us eaeFs e ae ks Loriyt We>a Nis aah hie si 2005hcitybe::; 4 romssaeratOFahsnPRafor coean10%Hy Pia ty cashs*oN hs apit is ‘dekeraun oesag ee it as aap See A mL mie ne Baik sy cS ttheicant i this counErsr=Wonka ces aes sil honeDEMSs wint “puss LONe tes Si!theste nhsEN FOG &vet ,awe Suit caint Hist putras Newari GEry wv bit test<E vets Sets TaePkt:Bae oMekut West dvacos+h thes} woundsoo os sae ae esAae st adhPuen: *Pearcy.ane ¥. ae wc nycoe it<uga s4rS MLeich.‘a es (eningOfnierepatina’<a eh is dthor>North eeaides ae Wats Hrouigaty uonteerEi ie sit eS iLee 8 =.Peni tiaiabst5veneuesoktRY TN PPUSSESThee ArnBy aotA ° F ur nant y metaonySaturday:eds S tas meade “permanent:oo Seesvetthes at tk REx iasiesandF3fleeBuringkev Shinbaethe "yetusteen son.aes#6 the -seenn:tit Paki::-|Fhursday the Veenyenticn-ballOt My‘on Me two’names ep sitvestea: ud fytlcway. eranee fourthoe bee fr a 14 ena bey $0.UO.“PTBityPr OY Mec:wail “bY ianselt,pkey:Sou:sata Lodiisedld Greed, 8 thos 71»Nani ts,Joba io “Saaind.bt peed:cies Bp Me‘Grmigh,pevat ‘wis:“matSat™the,oun key Repabliadiwai woraey SUIdwt op Sher Re UE “put Before)TE tise;Tr Osborne and Wee Ge“DowelsLaioFsLOsbortiRts.oesod“Oat thee:Seaopdsbbathe :“tonredcuth ean at asalt th ve ieth aescaine,LITO HAS HOBO 5is WS eat bud atCsi “Syew a major y.ofS ore.aoe prandries,rar sth “axe ‘y ash petty aay i oe eons!aA;ws Rielle:Ase ae wie Ay Jatt teaa PEToasley «government.:This’sould”es Sater i $ at ese histnaw,ine agcori,swith the]‘The soieention,thse”eebemoreinterésted*thanthey ate inppeminatica.bYoMaintainingpropertyandalt~pthes”BIEN Srtights.”The most:“dimiculé:“problexm:a dss Fede Ukpeunanie’OfLest“ork S AEpayeae ti ‘pnt x yeronson gsoats4:se. zt ithe pitai nh,ae hati ae olete Yer ah Sa Fetios yROM:Gorenehdihesfronast ve Waker,for:Bex“Spratt «fox.Surve ¥ae,sae sherits:AONS wise SowaieJoie fad Os Kuykendat:fy=iquestighi witktake ‘cate.ot)them-,coullye animnis toners:oa :Stes litie “LGatieee OF LARPSthprobabilitiesofdisirict,Toe Moe ste ther eins No Peoplesita tt Bare ‘iat wsthatas’soén:ae:Pec EepaeSaaeae&was ey,Abeta yar fie“Gherks"of the.2fours) acesot theti Atett:a fints)nye se A 1 righ t,Pee ESsuckESadtee daeohnee i Wats:Tasty merdaa Sita aeayae]JSerica,by “Her trasby Seba Nes 7 Nae tices 3s agake"siteth -“gt =i Ait times and’‘vhis.Catexpr We iDE apart:Sei we-Rnew:hes appreeeef"a“SHORT WAR ems ‘by.“tkeit Mubseribers..Spoke taeae:i bP se OTC:Of the Ms eenByaoeerprited=ef het.Ds,“the »PTEarithdnguebingss‘ObedeFs ”an]spi?“Spain:withgap solddigs iiS-redueel fsboa,‘third rate powers Seni 2 Pitalycwas thasByst’three(on -ektend.reoperatulationse vhat ages"not,Sare-or the Sicte of i *|Seiparieselor:the holding bees balktoted: sate ‘onMher,friencleticketis!de,strom.fécting the future of the:“ela@wih ae ain bos qredte to.sthe Dem.4 be referred:This legistative.’bed stats of.a_Pkobably willadopt at”constitution!assuied for its Republigar,consressignatidnatWtkesrevoall,thewselyes’eae ht Wsuiad tae nee‘Jwill Makesta>Strong fit:again an4GongresstiadFatnuey,They.Hala =‘}their CONVENTION en.‘The:ih:¢Paey Do4WVUEesbotoandtissatawithyor"ate ether:Dre J.<0).Wiledx,-of,Ashe,or’De Te Mo:Kit!AugE SOEDavie,20op Poe eMr:‘Linney: :‘Umitéa Shiites:“ab like ali*Cath oles Catholly Spain,as ‘Let =GoodfunGa.One /é;*Loatbert105SGRobeseutin.| es-foRWard i853enysht|lotEmbricaneatinybn“Portas otaloesStepp,ceased‘apern footie Boadince ths ar-‘wt Orphe pes ex fileteo) ange eRYsts ed Réevistet eP DeClerk:of the CCourt We GL Bod.» Harvelisyiite,tok:diy add mak[06k speeches,SsWalson:hasnot vor:befoverninéat by <ciroumsttances-|ed:ePemnte ratig ticket-in teu years ‘Nate7h-)2“4:‘“Propé ly directed.Cubals Hil)pantl Mussélwhitehas:veen.oneof tk ow ae oes Kitts Paes>Stator ot the.Tettayvine,SmuatteoelextrethePopulistsiy:aon ioo i“Phe Pepulists at:‘Robeson;.g ifiteytabnotStandfusion”withergroeSany;longer:5 actic,falkot lite ‘=>Fesume,command of-the?Seventh PSeewt biker fpaciveena viv,take~the Ala crite earpesnyokes oe a =o SUbrh.SFaltar:Ltese:es£esettak bres ae HE “Obs thi postaleseeaenet, Sri S ears oe arn eek ;aa Rhladeybatttia in deatene*_ACOPTek mine THe Gi‘fore ~large Sune. woutessaeae Pain tps PhiDethcernverninyofHeheairsyeetste‘ arc ~*ut z Le baian Didoaiet ‘MG MH ¥itt ~waS ORE lie,Es 4atearoetheOE geeste eaten dost“Aaueson vik batewitl eee ce hiens 2theyeXiesPcsThswt:evs mustgs vy. ey Masa Hino:wiiErk agenaeeeteAatHQ:4,xls Sa ash Oto t iy hinds an3yh:wnerist si Fatwhieh x Pe :viteers age on ey:v v 4 monthaeSarde Ville-to Madre> “popr Feet;Tom?re i Detsrtasrit¢ OP ANhpiighotte.<nidtae bbetion 3 satid oe ee“4 Avzthecaer ss bese ees Sebi Sulty OTe one cae =i “Saris igt Nivel ih Haywoodator“ofe plone fae herneSegyCreePhvsjer Genii the x ite BHTY ee Ot thee“AU,AN Se the:at ues aSits 3 neHe€beaeVieeontinuetheajonct mts thes fival.Plege ce Ccet,«= oese]isto J OF Hands 5,se fing GIT.ant Gare Ki eesaweilupe ge Pus;truce:obi oO:he ope os fom si us wae Bz 30PowoltheEGutthow reopmbee:creedPikTTthovsiti variate fet wid Os hehHage“Nkpk Alenerwith aevorlbrs> yok Camnstioncr “Anbot tr ABN ,DieMetualpfavento§Fehrhie Realy+Pp00)bhedt arty.FeOF ‘there AsvoOtterthetDoctorl Par hitear®SeyState xT Fane “6s ;.plshhputists| Paul,Ie erswok;ty takea:hintts< Wukcacg:*nee or Beth tted”woUrhpiedes.Buy fOous feecseh vepublican St ate:Sonn rit tee:md eewiironydeteatthe:STianiecrstse YGOESidea,be COBaemon ys:‘Seems f eeJePOSahigtteoutaling.with Atebstexr it 2S ast WhasanAbagressihig 93Hon:Theo.Poth, sae SoBaci‘idson Divpateh Fkarte“Sut<ol ou “hen ae [ispatgh gsal favs?wb,with the hh 12°ne ARopin Faby iing theCOtiSa:biseret Ste ds >The Repaiicaus:sho.Belted?thie hs Cant ene ‘Salisbury.“Sur:Neh -i teak Wals guanitisted ie tlre.heen.<primartes Saturday,~fie ayote:stl-4NGatesthay,vena Ee eaefHN=AW Gat sox unty TreashrérJ.Ss MeCupdingtJe.3 and CoronerDr.Ein Doksebt;.ev Ebbe.nearinatedLs-thkrcdu ventions;HE Saturday OnTieSpmeunay.be Said of!the vote |=for Mey “Py he:Air spe uusltot.e udian ppd:aesreefornixJegistatore’:: at oe ae ne ge e te r e _ee t ne ne em “ ~~ ms Hct work qos t ersie'4 li:nd North}: >.“be { jal Aste’t :‘the Ist Of September;2% ‘teachers inal dé pasture.tion usual in:fiyst cle aes2:Ete ro gre peesty.Ly Bivtioxt fF Sof Ate “aayAtwrit vtationoat thet ity totsulting 2tataettinyete phair AGE £6 .ceowanAsteoeTERSOF oh S.J ubw Be ey este 4 Ge canines +“A :oe ANGEFuseSn Senate 4%)a Tay Rare a Cana haat es Ree ‘RS ‘ao fy‘hh LOS 2 us es ei ie “aaytine bie .ee!Cres uke Torry i <5 .tent at eat fi .:xt.6 a ee A <ie fc :S ;KC ot a<sth pris ve i Reportot they OFat ;‘Lejoog!aap tba oh:eye Vey f rasaPa ‘4 i a CN iaeaeASTthe“his:Brother rant 2 ;r 2 Cases Disposed Se in te .Sun PP a?Bats <p a i 2 rat .od SOCK:‘:Be ce oe:.tien ous Siaida wes They jower:ce pee ae on eee SNE a Saal Abbie tine eae eee GO seh eee Bak Sele oe ;pea a ae EseaeSoeaseeahOBeeeeoehoneGoesmeeRe%:emacs ee easfteesitBetteesaeAesLEANER)oq;ans 7 ne fein ee Sos mit Awe !sie oe Seat ang sete -~esse a ‘Seep A):7hatwelltyaSidigjeeASHiGogsrsSat:gor Mcrae ik bea Fa Wes i ay RACs aese.Argan :heboto ssi - sae .WiSow>TENS:=Teli ‘Setarttay-;q j “Magy Bynuin aFie CAswawtsNote a:ce iat ai ae tr TES ans i See thi eR “ee ;:4 Sas ee BE genera aoe 7 ,:See SE Le oe ie eeaCpnaruecegriesREtahOEPBOEIeif4POELoeesi‘4 a Aide Ava Saitprt ~<b a +e t Z 4 i WR ea Sg fe Raters Radiat xk bag ieeye i Se ie a ae Site ee)a Se Woe See pee oe us:Li ot Tea tg?ote a :a en ody Pgh :A itcegy VEN Ro RTS NS a ie ai Cs is ae he.Astle Stives =“Belcan.‘the Cinder!Chief"r phiatatc cemnaa serie tae Bue RR roe ee CRC eal Sineition os eHiiNG NEES rae ee at season:INE etek =F osCitarWubtookchatgeg’Jotun yee Pig oe ies MERA G KRU REN Che ee TET Uk TON COR Roly CRS Near WN EON oh ee does r Soest:es 4SSucivewtlie-Mille pu”Joti:deaety {fa oan Va ee ERN,be 3 ‘; sO KE Sa Hite Fuse 3tHea Ce wefesrgeetxApe.titeka nitecyeeToateieeaMeat fet ‘‘ é . we J Le p e r e, aMR Oe ce Ges «erax€Colt al Mwy 3 - oeDLBiatriecin,Gatews a rom i .j f =A 3 ;ne indo ¢sath ee 5 ;Sie Rg eee : apAveny ciate a ©white!Boy,eea)APthut ud Tiga es Eee to Aewtild 7 Bays 7th Nias,eee eae.ae Peet Ts e 3 re ail-aeseenShot.Conges Tiivine lagreort he See Sutin toa ny i oA é =.‘ni Fit Le NT TG cunaie 1s.e ities anna ee 2 :.pane “nS l pani at eAttey 3 Sc isitiery:‘hex apt:ie Babies”a EY:Nt hy)wos EY ee,s Su }‘cae *,is a1 a HEE NARS TE .Sipe Sa at s -“f oe ¥ie2)Rati arid Lbes ‘Bielkaan Hance ubliegsaclina The Ghotes |AicyndAla ETE AYR le ;Fe :d piasShiey Reass oat’took *Cltect in’)the hci”netsNS sat heen,Grithe ios Ge nt!Nata tnt eae tt e ih “heCaN es Featsud,Reinke %iHod ¢anihy Teds:pods Aer oF Diy ia ar ee eel a RS er Ot t .Beavis ahd iad FouadseeHipiisitor aniotany og guld a Tigi Morel fact eee Positano Ceo eisSekt WO Sak Legis"Savini he “uted ant PateYS:ceeipespoewenAegisBeeEepeeaPaescehintsbut:Tra“vis akan tenthAida ndsareoeine.orion sees merrten wielor dingint oF: Coréseuravtion oie cas Was.oie.Stake im SUR.aiemSNiEy.rWiloys the ahora oY “ORS aners Sea ectsoF Gisalioey fut»hr the came wut ry 4 ot pledart.‘siarot tho,Stilk’houses.the “Yat iteped™gle”salt}Hy“tose eStatey utIiNaeajileewith:tte >Lin presdmg-Ft spa S33Funiti Tung“Site thinkiag chat any Bitenbtwsak Ayoeeemade-to “eaptuys him:Ili ried eG.:ny Stayed?about his home fora afoul Pie;oeSPUN ity the evnity athheres afttie’tthe nittrda buts ‘ohne aeWFee gutszdeeShee(OCSOS Gavel **{ae before ‘in otlieey eould:ms Saeed |ogart!faa:rsSa est Ane:ee STOATINT, Ast shot?anid Shell y Prayretraeotethtgots;re Soh |ae ‘JAR Tpsptwa da Wks ae Thies .SR:.a ae i»sald’chine bet traustiyt¢ieaerepadeutca therba y:Chet.AircSARSaetnaaoy:ae?y Pf vas aukeeau abodayg “Lina Se ss Pierhari Holds aSFU PHand:,ae,fe “t hachey ws a giesSECANSEthe-Crowdy be HOD SUL Fis i ;::se ;As Adwards Blac?ME Nera e akc,Pac tec eed ia eee erg bhirt SORT AIS STORY Cease Oar Ol hh PO a SNe 4 i pat cdi aarigns wnBSErvo®Hakpitl shad ie Fail:hatise Melber,wendiet“and jelonen rs font cee ee eee vt :rte ds or.Wenera Bh eed Ro aie pea Peo pay ‘de i:ij af av CEG seh fe pees a Ss ;!:(cb if ;p »at |we:sethayanemStadeSapteThephi{Tyne Ais Nc tn RY A Rn 2a a RRS es .Re Le cata é ee Gitte A seh at :::ro Are ectsWOhS phot.Roa:aids eee Why a eye BOO See neh Ayan ey Perea oe noe sae ;fats °m oesoe£tee‘har:hein sda Yih over Sutvpdiy'kt’ee RNAS OOns hal Vise Paecateter stort eat Neuen hear ia ;2 eae Ra ea pene ee a ee aS ;a oe See Sete itch tle “The;ste was Cas.toltoes :ne isi ihe ae ony Dadi ateee Sifeaa by enecuter |eR ek ep By ory Te EE at TRE ye Lee gs NE MEER SER a ade nneesD]ORG S Stata tons hawis,SOOKE?Paved CAS po:a vheeAy Bek,‘: Oe eS Jae as 2 ‘ We e a RENE of ati eae ao eet Ee Weetng :;;ys :e :ence ‘:4 Ui have ea ane kes ears pe She MRS %set une tele iis se aeey Holl cot Broil eae jsorder hy]tioitetox atin =evotce Beate a Reercan Mastin on hed heey SOE Pete Soe ee Hw een Sas watt)-=anitrer:ithaeBeadecsarud-POS IR i oPeker ue Madge|Ee MARRZGliberaaS ESmenthips SkMe Morgey apes,Se aerimentaieSipaeersesisSCathyuraditseAieJaneAveta:cis aid gentry,partion sign digorgs:(Ms ORC ate aan mee)ry?hg ng -y rel fi Sd toy R .ea me ne *,af”the .";=a z ay eT whi *+,:*=ut 4 ss rie .x os ‘:ies eae heuer eR Ea ose IW ee z et4 che,ake cepa,Joan ML.Sears.Seas aus ee ae ee Mgetiis bY wh ea ;:y rake ks noe ie We.me 1B eC neve tone yen |Atel STS poe See aise Pictionfey "dt Re et AR EO ert Se OR UO ODE Ma hes ee ;ee es opoHeeaerabieyee)ops ie ws ENS a eryhg eta ::Ae oes Vege res ‘UWS AH Wovens BON ma EIN ita etre ‘eeBrPhlsSaturdayGreteandlswdienykiHitterg;ees Shu gt ;a as Ms es#‘ever:oe Halt biti Poles re1Peobeourgyetek.vent Tr"aeeosts Sb 2b:Se 24 oe “ie‘the?i oeha bsiPebleed‘OP teSt toss ey ant Lire Cororrel bayenna:E eee ahatherspy’Ek dg <higally-be®Wontte bye.3LEEK’paige nay ety thieNaerore Ae rhsienthe:-OHTE ak teeothers:Spiteel ive Benet yn Oe.“bots eh ooSoneeke“Whee sey nae allveiz ieeapste-otbeinis aL uisins tecere FSHIE aaShakycdAasDy.‘the picentin st Toth, -ie ert StNanvhea-theytreadoN“the.Galaboos: ea Far ite:and:rkcake Sprit |BETGs “thole ero $AS}Se ype weaE “deen EPUHCEEerainy Me t att gor SONS :dots PORDE NT eeaoesateesBaysighresUeeeefartSthvebaerdephpewctecknaelstAS his:tttornevsas foeie itqueti.ee ete rehearBeae&Yobnson:oa:pubes as a telea ;sap ic TeTerie vt:"part Fa 4hesshe “ae tere:“gia 5 late ee es Red genes a5 »sa iHartsnextoigening\that’PES wah i sta ee ast a therth etpteree,.Sxssieikepesshad‘of hisa-:pesca cen-a 2 \Pimasha,wth IDs be ee neo :eescSbi*iis =,x S i a Yah)ae Si ats Supt punt Mad ecb ERG eos bata :A CheeSereaBerpies:;Et ithe paves abouttay ineay? pine 4 ete oNt f ae PER~ ‘Ltr §*eee duke ane .Fniee:ey TAY,eT dg Bathe et one ‘nt >DetaeCussinspeltsonthGaettitsSAteat‘Tire :m0 es 8 ealxnite:the Ue Pok-Her ad BoooATENEY.howeou,there’nd!jae Erte WY edmmiises *ebukesby*eae Dok ko thet :wader ce The:aosae 6 f bir Chie mbes day stones) cece Seats,Mays Ayr, “Crmiré==SudsSmorg Th yaa tO,poke.hix<“yose-PROF thes .Wier aaeUEES-Chick onre riepie es Good ‘i Lotilere utes eect yup aN ANat POVCT <eTottans aea aver a atttte:incident.ofthe,Sees po hid ASPs teet i be AH SOR chis “word::obey Sas>ainel bei oainan soffa Seriokst op Ripalaeeicia turn he-referred:the:4eittok{usta tO thie Mavor,Meh:pulled:Sint SeeS10.Jim “thinks~it bavd-t6 ;pay feth res ok at:Theawe‘of!para:a glape ; ‘bd,Heo ae 8 aereey Ales:oe tor thar <ne Ta S ww i lvainstepiliany.SReeoiutions of Rbspect.Mo tr neCS 4DLE:iad S 4 nepasSexaTortrteestevday|RaW feireat On suly.BASS,Gad iwhateFiver euiilt¢Ae aypenes aooe nbbcee One:fhe?sites tor Oak HistHGHLe.wisdom y wmMov ea AP trry ee pe ‘cheseeetas:md Us our beloved Vrothen.James Gampa4 Messts Cab BR <naeter~:2.bell attheMa <onieHee,<iternity.be-And Tons wereabieseXLuStive <i : dh),mborof “Gra Ss¥Knob ILode}added ito “thee eiMeUEY egies SAtaeoeseenaniesas)ve Kids Bate I=“5%NOP uf veel IN ex He.repubitions oftiei enn Kies,Loredaiysett thie es el SF waStyy MCcUupation 2 private farnrer.Montgomery.3 re sMrecey Virse ae oii nte:the A Aad eHurchseven:speck’ma Semin , ae.Gterony.hewr Rsoad NTS:*aoe ve Gago,‘ata hey ewinios ea-aad Jaid ‘the foundattone.for anes 2 aeis thoanoe Ltn Se beet the Heed Sand’sdiieas an aipright,ony Of his ‘side.Thedepor Hos Ree ae maka “ietwtunys age :onder ly walking;emitis MSS Ger andMetsEtna :See PrisPewes “has bee ne YGHurch ahember an Mason:ie Rees.a ee PTCA He it a ee ee i tex vader”Con apieyt Sgid <ctw:<euth-§rk Writs Rint ees ee:eye Riecees Kn Net .‘:;Ma Mies wets ano Tyekds entabinis Epon ‘acbéd:with’ferer,sbe~|case,WERE SUC hvass to *delseh purer ts ou :Lo ais pig sd pH >.:ee he Re ansAeseacabacultsand:sniallér childreus Supe frients,“5 theinspceelies.;Shee ie SReCesSS TAG z ee PRS hinge cme ene Nera :So een fas :are eee ape ei,:NAN bent 2 Mie tsth thes Aeveascd gousticc tof thexCASO its prekay mp eet ta eA ona Te icsNage gh ae ay Leama Sef ie ve,y f vs oie br is ai rae ee Ss WnterredbE the order and aiid tyedhattsthey worimaeh rept i,So Soi oe ee ¥Ae VASA a coe eR eROS Sat ee ‘Bs ah Oh es eo s MiST{TES aseny lage,OF .Cope,Rev.is art Vote onTyrlimen red by tL i “9 os x ;;$=He ~pike F x poo ge ¢;i a i 4 at ny im “te ‘th oe :ah,"Se sore x ar ctTage ieGaray.y:pacReb ING.othe:a dgeretsthey ELE ANEA 5Grcs en aetin ie he She ats de :me:i ,ks Seca <i i :oe baa é Sees)‘Se he re cn ae .fa : qin Mees Gass thereforeke ite ve "wpe.Not Gace the,srofink |:wees Uesk acer be we ; cht te Pes3 =tesolved F.“Phat the poeribets-porenyet J ude“erated Front.iv AMS FE geREGtoxeEeleetsTiteoemornSteehisLadleestendtheir.sincore’sym.|bat:basJbieclosing aspecch Sot Soe TS Teg subarea:¥anig:ieisOF“here.\:vshe *?wit Msit pewhy fo dis\tannly turtheif.Jess ‘and[CoB Wi SOR bevnogy hailed in,a aah,erat te hTay eer j;mak ete Fea ulitiction,:wid farther,.that>the,gel’“court hogse HSE at ienuC hes.pe 2 x ,3 eet a on :Rie ‘ehae users”watstht!“usyal:Arde ‘ofLupdn tho,facts arene?qHadswetaG auroes2)aia wi UNL ES ot Bs Meiers cp ecorhs x3 -Piyourhiny torthjrty dayPSEsesh ein=pbis,delmeation’of bmehs niibwre F May pic een aha oS RE ME “3 ec tet Ey j LUE COUPE,see.Bhs S “e Resoleetl IT.vePhat 2 cOpaP aesthese4 ke pects Grud.tas life.”uspiivhe"MM ote Ree ee a ]nh CN a el roSaldbkiouss Yer Nenté ‘te the berene frontthe briishr-}Se . striie=we 3:;TERA het Bes :‘5s Banay Doneee oss tha ‘Chink feAti RUE DG eae upgn:the 4mip +mastersSohis!Ady eG |exOun gs:Sn ee ‘ hows is Hapwitl oes i :r Pee eRe:Soba vat ethics.Ghthe “60 Ge2\that:;sony ‘bet guid:Woden upon The bossons ‘tea Myth Hee het:Ve Batiey SaneLov aT Gees LO;“the:Mascon,;vigny.learned ‘from the yotermin de: Rs) Begaa :Ligases .Ee ay Sian?a itl sae eee Gute vat:Me po t seae&Iear¥dinital Wiae ae BrigadierHCHAE Fe earioeseeaaurWeGprdonasVyte,odr friends:Saint sound it ischtere Tresiy ici)4 ARypangiietiu<ind ,Willeesboro-Chron 4s Sound,his utes Aiior v4 Evils :wie (Fd,ude ae oat,t SEC gest ‘3 My areal wr oe.ioTephatpectaesjuedsyaanSateticlefor.Putieation.€Pps,‘Gis§Beas the croivthedeo itrwee oemd Le ekimiiSnnosias for"Pi &pias PROSBRESS ep ON Aaa er oS Bae :ine ; ie bya via Kghy To Sith!seesetak“Tet wduesyss AL Mitsint’nd na,word,lites Speegh °farbicd,Tact the wila Grothe}Alpoins?PodraS*x pee ore te (streeARES tele&wis Coummittees «.Cee z eistton:wath yeSeaton \B lie nts ie EPs:Chaban eeins chic oneebeadi.thes a ke joe cor Stig.“pee ho yes Pie y Yio ef xh ‘Fhe ae sen:inthe Ba.4athad<welge:kn oor Isak Th PEM) stfean as ts‘foto Ube @L {he ‘board.Ave Tose!Who:Are Stele.gh Nae ee thabated ae i a oe of Sav dumainisa Fe.iS thet,Prredditimy@hy aylowaned made“tor .Se dedSOmpson ig Row m-|;hie oot conse lsehian chlael ot the Cesrem.,Stabe 4.38 1S 29 VT TM ao sa aacen Si ctig aGON ea wees EosDourdsofie-the th dejvrnenen.Ta DeISr provogfe was very’Fow,Satir-peed A 1Pes oes ni i ion pittingcand.servgd aD,they “aS:Off.Vo a8s0e :ee AY SOUS :a glow.Our fall ‘andattheaaConiceelAonePossiaby.uber ibod fees :aod pay hight ayy Stndsy.Torna a re 5 me ie a he ive rein a bus €“Deere army ie As GIG ps ‘al a Bree ir i ics ares Leaps Saas ind.prices are right:age aAP ==PRA ihaty BasilNee “Sri sidey Pyvas <uinon wiven Ups ~DHubnory tlietets 2fe aint The.eos aor OWN.beldngs?Wi Ones:yf the}*Se a Poe ett OE Ny iy See T SS ned miler Suite and See us,beforeReimssso‘ha Aas te this.bs ane:ndey are fins bapos ot,his rpcovery.-B i Oy fon walthiestfaites:ot-the$stare,ynd:ae thi a a :ASU WM ae GR ith service.a ¥:vo ran Ny ~:f oni -d :y a :.asi :Pee:sel Sl oie een ce ainea et Mi.se oti aeNS B skrank Longstw hho iyad tbead nae pare ;Splotons,ao oe RSvenassia:J ,ae,Pecaigoeaie taneseGisebariestSige“an well fox aeguple:of weeks.fff Becta:SRE. *‘Beaty St:Lowe a Ayvnite.xs youtidtday fok his:fathers hope ,ae CUES ate a ee ne ee : z ot Mhoidtever Seeof Bahay Peso s ving =ee Sn EN ae cieaveTdwWhitce:ef Shinép flan Collesse.He his atypih idtever y seat cs ete “aoe a Se eye Bo Be ae aa = n}bore “died Monday ee Wear yd tyiy yeportted tobe quiteTies.nt 1 meeoon pe ttt .2 ih <é Seatistee ye a ae ae pi e :f try:¥2 ‘as Deyed i tess bss x ;-rods eFsona prop Mord =cece cited iris Ge,Ber Rng pte ;~;rig wad aes at Tor Same.Come’apdjuble,,He datd sot appeared Rey ValeDua ll1 StME crificaly Gps Ee Boe SE SA encst te Melt srowme.Gomes €kes aad br ssaine.Chme apd.Eo we t all:otek And:pis Teaty.Spas aiite:ee t phew plete at his lige.0.a Sirs we Py Wantsme ainihteFESSswiden.<Sinaia Se ea ESS j urietowDSti >.ee “Shh Neeeahe §cae iS “Oe:sei 42d to fore.White:wi “ih yeaHRC tigers ogeePenHOES,teh 1 LOWeez witis~De bye was Pale.Gnd strong.“fh:ea <=MS.?Ja Wie?Nicholson:“whoswbnty;oat sb POChillsy sieeR Someehauthoafittinger:rep roseiitytive Hi,te,amet i SAUDER ETe Spryues,.sAlOxaafdey oe Te.nb.furmivurd.vA vt ;tei logd and preaney,odbout dermohthy Bago LO+PM GO RAGiPis 153i County ¥csmap ae as he Y “Ba:is—S US|Copel avefind will-naont,‘worthiest,avd sabst seus toupideUp.is”now”~at-/Bayis peures Apels :Las pte eG ude’citizens:flea,“Hiddenit aand?&Stith unig EON!oS ROR A petit thie ans a >CRICK but a8"atipr witige “Mats Ntchel-4 2XCON BrONE Storey act 8;aa ies “Wa Seah ie©as ce a Paes Reycea sae es$ece “vent:‘upto sée her*yestérday |-Air.Ww,fH.\ilisoa Av Ge Sw aesae. bie Erit church byikew.Jo O:Shitioy.See:tdndtsaj she hopes10 Se abléte bring follt ae ofesseats ‘at ond.peMOS LCE ius ce ofikers)5~-Mr,Whete PACU YES:figs Sans,3Cats mics Niche!sup ORS in.=hee weeks ne :5 Taper Quencss.:four,donthtigs.two af biScROIS _Utes.en oe rues waite acs (Reunionot,Eontodazatb:Noveeane: aNae ckpeste:sand.wv oh:White aie oS UE.Clyde therendi iis Saabsthe’:rahe “Cotfeder ats,Veter’iS .In ech;Leb ias ent Sane che Pxtias Ween,Phomrys“is:maw abont Ail ‘Coumtsrare JkeGwest Gl to!aneet:Soefais ; W bite aS.bor"bsictwett andChas beet Sittin up*Sates,tieCayt henge:i Statesvilleat pis yew oa 3 Tunde btadlty.Ry,Ean No:¢they “abe:mia tod ese ote GoonDagintt Ta pb Ha Hosa dhatySiode Sag SA Fidto Tlock;a.ih:Syturdey;wae USt 11g te {oe ht ————neta ame 10:0 ee putticnler,thtosen,at ie other two yess GIT.age2 Baile Catt;“continues to"20the Asaift ACH}bee.inyparibtica bie,:“sit :ig ence say io WhiteSve ips Stark send.Sicha Lidr’the “ettizetisdt Statesyile torfay Srste..ie AS bare ;Hiss dateghyens.are“é Zyis:.«Deputy:Clerk fe eaolon:4s rr .nisif dfnuer,te ait cor the Old ¥ois an ae ee fosuda Sip Isaps wk this eyounty,’jan Thus:been attending:cuurt LS Pts hog ed.that eich “old:iG tditen wi.Fines,“ok”“Winstoy:and|\rod ae os brings be shots walls “ Des“Notiie®White Whos ores,°C Rata Swrnifield-Bas bow Lvisipits.ae ase i ting,ui theit hhymicviny Sharpes.Si :mon huwule bePatterd Z eeetptel:SS,pekserssave.ENPeCtech.L etepes,ime ne Ne yen ee 4)Bo +this week.ru :ae *<el adh we IopGtd DUE a os 42.*e —Fanaee PeashoeM gs cise3;(Cook!ae“of Séreutnt!iS haped font ay Sor he Lace ee ones higne!CaAkonieHor Sass,Covk,oF theSHates xitle es yy Is ry etviingaunt ooher,Wher,Canad,<0PesacauaeetWTR8GowleswasbitSchbutnogSuonsty.Se <a eH lug el roll Phdagrapeseolatins,of tntby a Sappased rabid “dog.nonday,ee Mer“floniry March,salegntAaaton Sere:Bet: Gare 1300boi ca dtiehiy “Pots.finds:beltrer Lesals ace 2 5 NsShergill &Co;Hyhoshais been,aewioratted*PSN te qe AOL tEN:SNShe:A}“for,sehsteditys :BOX pO i SAtestille el fefinr'c@ wate SyWOES ¢era totied Pont (Teestase?sent ey R ot see cs,“howd Sewer:ges aT %Ube <apeSutuk ahoneanbipa!brother:ob Ook irk5G Sy we ai Sean iSmuch’Bette.I the:.Abords is almost-<adjusted:(E58oe tetce passien’ger ORCS Oof Stbatesvfle,.‘atid.peal ¢ad fever has ndw ftrhin.Mec iahe “sadn“‘astit iS artanteéd;and:Seat eeDPatti‘econ gs *aid is|cated his’distmee ig Sones:noe pt Parks:Gibbs’‘eonflitien.iS not fe doubkjtwill’Be/the'coptiayaStteet:;ight:years <a zhane iS "<quity ee :‘c .ar aatow once Begin wort «3 SOM UA ree crc or 2 Yeo SE aeoebethacaite<fow slits Gaining Pur teeds At ei THE:TERMS13 OF PEACE.EN ee Le Spain Gives Up ‘Cube,*cedbet to the’ :united States:‘Porte Rico,Spean-*ce “ish West indies anna tho eo oa Ladronesé oes x Y A otic izae]4 x Waslinvton,Any statement for ean Bi 1 ne out tke prowistons “ie:the i sek :ie }i deg" SetperOESrah[Was read 4atng approxe dat PO Gets.Bytes eabinetise sslitt? ared iv SDarretaT Day. jose Del ne tamiak eit:poblic itp: °iy eres ths e se Sion:s} - aeee °eae 5 2 a COPED.dutorettect,RepocateUyaway:artessei “pelnuis i aly oft the pervqlandationt Thee Nang,+.Die =tithe +:Dis ae to Gone poxBeigmty erea3tite>|DypartinentsBers’Consy ,Peediitat ieee Fagus Oe y Gaba 55.2 +4s —cE eeat Pasty,Paver vane orl ‘Sp:‘hia islands:igusWest Tdlicn 4 gi bn pines.¥Pain Nee ashe 1 Rivit fabs;Tort:7p ico and:' ot hee Span iteita i ny;Tne West Tndies shaltbe}jharbe :itchdye eaeFrat*| ed an athat ahi,contiHote tse Lo-bed ten :fas Shalt. appointed wy sBbi: she protodis since Pat “Havana |anid2osovSanJoan,espe Ati ced:to)grand] ~ PACE CAEL (Di.ie thr e bispaettn >Matbor oF Mania,pending:‘the:‘¢On-RS = +oinuphine we.-4 Jsvith ire 20"days frgrn.the’signing’Of : Pdior eMeeAY Sev Ne gabled to oUF army:andatri:S/ panipatders..SpatsTsstable iv xOnna se eee ye St oe ren:ofWar Sore North:Moni;i tors Ristedin Safe|Harbors./ Wasting tein. yn Rae the progiamatian.“BsueaL }2-.He: phe 4 ttesident.esunhending tes : rain Sure vatsuedme S!epodatsundl ya the. poalmpeanes -‘direetipny Joieagapron,‘Surtyiaaa:Ue Sucye ard et bebtilities”P sloth €x ptBe:dhyplon of x treaty of:peice ae ade bt Cita Sud Porto Pleo ie +Assy! t ta sbalf,determine.tHe Gointrol.dispost SS :eases esassoshtie :eae thOn,aud governuient,of ue Puttin:< tls ad 2is sears wes pomitors. Bone.“1 5;we utisfams:HS.fair tothe Newark,abd wile remain.at “Gin tanain.: Hol intble aif oriiscrs iy sake.harbors 4OFdersniirieborttiintesohUey aneeStened)r aa eel ue we. ae he Ane Téxeer teothede tails “ob ghee;exae ::::weiss é-Te React <Agting:Sega hsé<o uation..oe,.3 ye ;>>‘ pte ce,:3.-Titit the Tite a States:“aia ae baaminaehs Westie,ffA*i =“gicgEe)SpAsEAeefk Gac ‘he ‘appotut “tigt °icce:SAR Pepe ag My Neale RAE tay¢ «than tive ¢OtamhisSione rs to.newotiate: ¥“and coneltutle a tréatx/of “pdagee Thes commissigne rs are to met peeF 1S:;aemee‘od dmimiediately:all shostiligizs.” iecoMnntR egy avithatawaab five 2h doh2be—not late :“thr the’‘tot ef Oe in *noatititiee+wtlt:Sbet Supe:ided: netice tothat @tiee t wiuitFhe sisGind: (oF *soontas possible }bar ceeTime RY ings *tO their cotaman ders : tt cr and naval fore 5 ,is :As Seonds the peaceoe pr“Ott abe ate sisrmedd=the Président‘sent fer,See- retary:“Alve D5:See‘retany “Pbngrand aL:‘Got bins“and by histlirection .orders:to.Ceabe hostilities forth with were sent?‘to:Gener als.Milys.Men. ae -ritt and.Shafter.to Adiuirals De ‘, Se 4“sand!Sanbpson:and omit gales cota: as -mandets ;creeralh.,fee Soee ogy 4 wer Ses Fae ordcé saat topGene ral Sfret o =*to a Ispen,hostilitig Ww asTMosw =a GeTer: ringhtaty®jutdat Gemeral:xOnce,a a ea Wasbigeton,Diet<dug.a2.Ipos 4 .Merr itt,Manikis,Bae ae a “ee <Thea resident,directs.“that “elt es eer -maui pees<ope‘rations against “the en: lemy sue $tispe:nde. <Mea).tions.are ne aring completion."2,pRO- ¢just ‘been ‘sighed by re pr esc ftative ©afphiet Wo countries. Beles "You wild”inform the commanders;Sak a.of;the Spinish:forcys in thes ‘Prilip: pines oF «these*jnstinc}tions “FiWe. ‘the r drders weit Lobos.+ae‘Ans=edge see.Stee _a* wT a Nataee amt.*the ol hatimg foractod'tto eaige Trost ities aind rise my %he bhogkatie “t Manista “colin!st Peace negotie 12h “Rents:.Koy Avest Sa oe ek ati ‘accasddnieec with!thee Pre a-dex tis*ppsclamatiowteldgraptieda yori,Ya from ulogkades-.geger |tblocRadeie|, esserin€bib,watens entbo @ shot Key W est.wate as.Bo er.Sicaiédy ™v - ky. i ot i siaig oer ‘3*Aeting,Seartiar’. 1x.a ni Latitie:ath ma “foe‘Adtiuxal De.“Si [es ateaR plad@ public,”bub.AeSin} Bun Seciretarye:Ue:cs atgarthat he Lied es bide ive.Ain?possesion.Of ae BAMenideat”wasproclaniation?,“he We = asKiZuigewith:tla anders,seis:Selita’ ‘Sampsan Jatd~Comuigavy “Deine:2 vill each.send:ayevessel. cdast0of euba,Qo Hority.the.wht:Haas} tage saddens thatthe-lodisadestias f Gech Eaeeds.{Xaptirgl3chley keiths iit Hie.BrooktSLY.‘aind ineltided j ja Hie Fhopders?to that’:Vessel el:coe Nant avith her.+oe Rae« 4: 7,6 + Sainaoe SimrgigREAaesyo 3 =Lemp ee Lee,Origa Hla Mint to ‘Cossa Firing.at 4deekSonville:Aug,\ert enceLeereceiseg:oo‘telgersin.fxoin,the Adjutant Geaeral ai Washinwion,‘tes Lat annonngis a peace |hay pen Ldgelated.ined ine TER.ne oy hank you,y wil ee BCE.“order | S the Sores th Eorpsto Geasd iting.$e“H.é.COR IN,wit,Gep SB ae orer of Secretary of W ar.ie +The:cordeprs sent to General ;ies To ae anil Gen eral Shafter were!identical. “with the wheve:saxt;asto faanes:oe "Assthe order States,‘furth oC struc tions wihbe sent,to each (cen .eral ‘General,Merritt:will be directh ov éd to confer weith the Spanish “com: *e<manidanit at Manila Lorearry out phe: terms oft his~prototol md Lo octupy “©OMe inila immediz vfedy,Geferal Miles, eo”“will pat®himself iy commimynic ation with figs chipt Uthoritye ine Porte ‘Rico for thy par pose of Ravine the Spanish foreGes tur,eve?_San Jaan| and other pate to:lim prepanittory ‘to ®vacuation. a wing.to conditi1Ohs: dilférent thi those:‘tocotler enor = oie als.The-N avy:Departinght’hs alsay*3 *[even if NOL-sarcastic,dy this tity is Paibout:the:nearest ‘hat any Hf.shes Fea:Cuba, inCuba the phvler sto GeneFal ‘Shia,P- teg fo kesent hereatter®willBe final thy past:fe w mols.Thetis Tw witfs “The generat Was’at least!taecridtis, regiments of:his command has eat 'The Seventh will;probab: eet ap opportunity to,RO:there te eeduty,however.ut:this: Saket 5 particularly:pleasant igcoonta5.A se0E ‘Trt v.wha kori rote fer to ret GEIS Seving.thay they.diilitot Gplist’fox spulice “daty: tant:rather:Deht fone their counts and?UppOTEDN ities!fey! over;“they 16 ouset:have any desir: as to Sey"ee,vnieae teenonSd -Fhe eeRotors: Brome Piitaderphia Press.ok >Events date!moved,Segre ¢ th:wi tg ¢Simesin,ine rian ist eye ~Arihat sjpatty,”eter trefdst prepari ingorders to-alhe gintiandérs faenty to:nde to:Gonsept,‘tedertns¢Gh i Fons }ee at+*ment grec Sy wade 2% Tho Presideat hay issueaa le toh, ie lowing proclamation:oa 7 eo ,By,tie Prosiflenty ot “ehex U ited Se ‘State=Of Nuvérica:a Préiclamation: ed and;signed’Augihr 12.«1893,thy oe Wiliam Ti:‘Day:Secret ary.of State} —.of the United Suites,aud,“Hts Bx | celleney,J ales ‘Cambor am bdssador _extraorditary ang ininistet plonipo-i —214s x tentiary of the republic tof"xsalice,5 at W.‘ashipyton,respecAively pe RTE sentipg {6r7this“purposethe ¢goyern- meut of ‘the UnitedStates and,thie |: _government of,Spain:sthe.“United »States cand:S airy +hayé fortigils | a©agreed upon the terms Onawkich:ne~’ _gotiationsfor thie éstablisliment’oof} -.peace*‘betiween sthe ‘tao?countries “shalt.bd undeltaken:jend..paneer: oe eee Whereas,Itista saigprothed!Marted _that.upgnits -conchision and"sigda-4 :a stare:“Hostilitigg *‘between thétwo, “©,countries:shalt”be:suspended <aind eas :__thynotive to |that,eect”“shall be} ay ",given as soon aS possibies by’gach|. sees ad :"government tothe Commanders ofRes2?LS its military and:naval fareds:‘Now.therefore.JE,William 3Mckinley, ee inaccordance.awith the*“Stipulation | +Gey"of the protocol,dedlate‘and:pro-)ts .Claim on-‘the:partes,‘of the \United | States.a suspension of “hostilities,|+).and déhereby:commapa ‘that_ordets |’ms betimmediately given through*“the|.+.proper‘channets to.the commanders’See .of the military-and:naval forces.of}=.the Paited :States 4yor ustain fora}ree with=his.perc al ae a et:all acts easeed ‘t climation.©sy get 4h ony tds Tn witness whereof,Thave™tiereuieo|‘set my ‘hand and caused the,seal of ee the United Statesto:‘be!aNd. m2 ~“+Doneaf thé:Cityof agton sa “this-12fh:day of August,"Th‘the-ycar~&“cot our Lord,1998,and ofthe”AsdaTa Whereas:-By-a wrotecyl ¢‘condlad=f ‘on fines similge tothe:¥w ar ae parte:Le:ett tte mution @ip took back?upsintedit“tuperalldhe bie <td.PRTC Lory. Phare,fotiowed”wiChOre 50:Side tieat :ataaS mogestiyr shel eee uli iBs igsdisLor CML PUY Sa teaie‘ful x What Tats.pb GAZi Hotes 20] beterre Capit witiea i=*:o ee <Xprilé;2 aris wesron thst a feeskekde of the ports of Eins:ant tagked and ‘sun theSpin is Heetjibypbs"harbor of 3ManBlg.”>Bae To CeMay.Lt Comaiodor els“Stitey 's Easof bleckaded Admitiarene é edotrs uly Jw‘ard,Fax“The;« trays:atfacKea the:Spatish.arevey” them nig¢’SSuntiag’,;andy eayitur ed: JEKC ape anu:Son “Juan ik &“ai eaedaly,352 Aémiral Semera:Shiade4 lates out OkSantiago avout,“gt sifily,re Gime eloral ‘Sure endered Suit ‘Ado:thddasteun-end Of:thes">land of Guba,see Spanish| prisoners.ie SA yJoly263=F‘iret;andthgoor United:States troops.madeiinn Porte Guanica:Bare ”“ty t pcomnes-toad end:3 ; his iS a“wénder fuicsecneds tod make fib:Wiedays.—Coysidired in}"connect loni'w it!lphe:unipre Piredness: of the count?i dor;witits’aLa.Fécord, 20yintelli rentantun,could!‘Hav Santic: 1 eT 4 in this Wdrias tb the,need'of kee ping a Jatgerand better equipped.army aad a pay adequate.to thes néeds obthe cotintry,and:the derioastra tion.-given.Ct.the.warlike spirit ot ity:thatany.foteiyn power will haxe | |the-temerity to attack ust “Soimuc for”indking °oe war short,shake. pand:ecisive.es eee Sut whe:uns ap eon ds “¢eae the Sarac aman.Taoh cA tid slavingsles 2 :Pitta ob stSeat‘Bhac thio,Phe aident’Suhpelumation ig bay toe the’Seve‘ral commandereitsckivt+ Uirbetions assto"the dig po SAMOSuna: Santiign,-aed seucioncd ti Dentin Spanish ateund the} hat:beings eat >May:¥Com noddre—Dewey,“atsP NeaN ‘atponrieOD ery one of hisships wp resua noah RIO aat £ >tees :a Atay 6-=Spaia reyorted to ae YaBitPresident!of the:United States,‘do,4 Avcaptedtepins ofpea and dhewar bipated.3“3 W ith;Ahe:lessuiS.alpariied BY. the:nation,“there.1s?Tithle eee:: SRighting,fot “ay nt Somet % :Sia Asrehiet cared tuim-to:day:Whe:rin Nz inehats :Aittle,Sin pareui ged Lyte eeae of the zBre<or Whecle ewes . »SpringiGde RG"© Déemocyativ:: lapatiied “fastebyai sy the Indies eR cant a Ringette irr poe i Peach npr tHe: Set fata ASHP mere LtHt Puna dix YORE:Sty.ee ght oe wt untae’Sip web intgeadrepdy,tan aS EW ho mathedma fert abhis:wii Brie:< Freely tae COM Gr, ye Wiest tes M Ce:vf Spa. Racsevalt ;eyeietAttinei:a Tis a:Poweaoe : sige Meow SWXa ts“er=Mtb abe:Ate : cloak that Mae see bod te:the¥{That ae pobtietRor“far!eine isi PRE>Ate wet:NaheyraitADEKwOs. ET traps Bie art”oh ie . Pinas ‘ 1 Ghess ;ooPeaSignfoneeteh oy tein ae eres 8auniveSRSGAO, ik Weirst YkeaCaapieleRewas:‘ i [ho Ruted Wil:KSAC ria:fits,Ee Se. ap e —abet oo *son ‘hoeady ¢Shes -Deddlovod,S;ioe wey Ahad”atid 2et 4°ee +,a Odin!s EE i PSarit 38 ea ure ee 2 pnt te Paani thie a’ahh:ne eRbe Salminen we Teale yas ho)Prog hwede a Te phonete:x “yd ve 12s a many ».bee ‘Oh Paté Shattnen; At ‘font tes dav dptudie ..Democrat,and hie janesof 428)0c.TeChi,nie v ry i i ts A eR =ieshh]N ~Sounk 2MFcemaryee Ferrityalatte BI:Gel yeky hyeSofthaGjonaSta axtiontpr tie. ty ierNEa he. 7». me.ronspestasBi éryrorker,tst DEN Alera *ooh eeshadchily with :Gui Wvhoel chal latte tet hrundirddls:of.irra’to!useta: ary frjertls?‘Prpes.‘Pattyes; aCribignhanae(aeshe ©Seulhin ae cateZ ¥y adxsaS oN hong ae —Bese ay inteRatingNewsinad0IbeeRVeET “pies epet ibeutits h one:Ht ack ieHebe tba, he toe eee Ala.Deneneto®the bE cont seeks! ee ‘‘ <s e=emetase Cvs)iitten ras4;Mis sSe3y sion at:DeesataCem)Guild a deneral. prdotinv Slee yn owt,the “aS trieay fo Septem ber Aa OLOMROT,sqabet xi)a 2 Beandidgtee sae“WV biseke rpYpOsrehb is Eos Nuts,12:hi ackor)cprehateat,Gaal “Ganecihearsa ye 4 thie spruuery pain wou ba Os reels: el:voter;seer:leis tush CacALM Fileyseth ai}“}eei] Gefor oy %SO or x t ibs a ~ThemeOupsept mentsfe vie!®hi Seige ‘Convert out es aistied ats:Avatk:neko BG Sut aanelthn¢ppdjean ic,=)Phe LS!dnt ions, s Hidnpted ven diteSh tga Wieser,wea adimrgh laden,they ped end ule uf-silvertand-celd ot ly,LG,“hy ight .MhwalitinieTousthe |Corsent 0b wi ofber wae hi aKbor,Aah Porto:dca Wwitsoatneswor expiess.“cobtidenet iin “Wan deJoyalasthe,Jeading ex pop ant o&ne she.principlesSan sér that hedSifKarsayTastLeyakanisesowHighsWe boxrthy:(ena;ons thatk ror tied?TOS ANritary:jreth.&We va oad Yrs seae ett:States;rere le Hedkie ws st Doc os Nia hiindi alitetf Teper te?Ysoeerelety:of thi earnint®*hagay,eNpress~.Gpporit ter te the“cig!Paigetito icSot:she °P Ri ppLANs.Tor otter Aerviteat¥intthe &Poip tyr:Her“This is here}Oh oF thinsBRC GRAN ¥ Apor's Sul petssit ge ‘yogis “Rdsaevelt spoweryop as Odiminisa]h Noril ik ~ wot haw egpectethe ‘Soldier's Theg Rtesker idewee nat:‘inatenai OF aeoverSachLees: urd Metre Awine wT~esta SP ee and an island i in the ersition’of flueir vesselsi Fhe -orders;XL:Surter &leat drgra he eee i!2 ost ro a =atk st iene’sult:explaaalory:ene aaeee Aves eniie i f “fh “evans¢Meépartment MW agbingtou,-maleic yet eae:That:Affe.Cited”States |wit Bios Bice tS weber:Ae,seg Vugel2.1 sie Ss aap 3ioeayandholdthe|‘ait:bay:“antl t,co Par tae oye ae oe Sat ie BR 5 NLAND iestar: — .Bete ES ea Genes *5~RSae9Soe~vis eg)aN:Qews anid Observer Re esNyoOwehieoktepee ae2Theregs:al pittinspalicn,daiy VETER,| Nuts Siok bye tin:Mahe Bpasevalt,Ax he),Jakler .ah inkies ughtiesreconechavginl.thicote <Users Bisa it Bek sliginc ul te macite pr)Ba fanous @ishoue SEY aay,Serydagparghet,avethat: proper fee rhaen furiidied the tulcirag thet ront:. ellie BB. Lye LHers Bi odds Lf Caresfitiameoldn:Tyas AcopUEEP tied,Soastrc»aay Aouathibey thas?thesHO WagSheRebiterslideEatSt:Wsweit re Bia:A waeBpsheces Spy #en- he te Ree sli]Mis abihe “head.yt “that respap sible, boreau.*Te Citas?Mkt Aw:be SISSRE infigted by ethic xf bisa’Nes,yer K avhen he Mteried<ptraitor slnie ns dirs 4hie RNA for”tn OFFICE bet:athe.ae Re rable,[ft wiyackknewadHelios:af Beasts ot Was.dt;the head oP Atfairs,we OUle: tH be tt = ale Fecls=of Ax ot tie cared Sats wei heather ent e elas:Bie:doit mans ¢ings.ree ‘Tho'Reainient Ota etod to!Bs:Lhd oe raat So LF “Yods “Thy aSeaesMhheety snk.abd ut Suqarirer ‘keSentyalCige::to-day’:‘Ttsdeee™JooRe t ant jMon Ted:Oi 4» vee 7, Sutin”NoscOvatbord.ty le e Dp Sig use2ipandfchgtrscbegAndgonpactify.“|bi etc a Ret OUREY-she Houxe:be:| sgiu H POT fee iNto:phe osan trad dnity yar “s fe sien wh Fads, Ciddi nual aie: “Fi Sk hag:is ae“ay aS thas aseaethotiedKeetriedts2ERSuidCaddinsaa‘easa Esltot en Pets oO Sie eS pring Retry #a id oe %Let the ttt Cate Ae ie] can ah ae aTHe.Pressident”ABpointe!es s M3 Bethér:‘a@\Rostmester.,Coe Ww ashineton.ute:abke —The Spits? aed Luding?TM aeHobson,Sather of tranialincent sHobaL ReSonofHerrin:faiac mostmasterdoPitCypounehoro.Ala,* etti- De dis ie.ts Ss ay one pci swroney/ OF > “anne 4 ‘ee sor Sg Renomina:(Plepstor theGougrames,t ‘ bus vonsigder ation,by.oe PAY Rit,PhishingepCol Any ‘systeurly cok:eoyetic: Cent collet.falthough”itisSale ¢omethey “peauTile “that-in his’anessue| tee BS,Sitistae tory =aie 4 dr meg jottt yo! .its’pepyredn:te themot hie 2} DinisrsVatemisNow aver,hissAPH ONEey \ t Fea Je pat hyto.oer Lytinn-Gyepee ey E&Aope:THs OM oes Tote £Q vat ResayNytyfeudwyay"hone TwaANS 7 eee y nah:Thobshin AK y om LHI bf OR}eas mmridey tythe.barnuse?meguestadf 5 rARS Républtctesty:Fe}law foxpSanerSes) _piano Hare ieoxas an sctiat 2 Cquistti 0&thie’ter ritery“Bithe Gomeds tates ReOMy Op poverument “adore Bites. BecHen.of tile Peesilent,Suntip.8ou: itess Shall’deteDtzine poh atperehiy |3 WiadYuand Hixticke ow papi Tori}te Poyer nmonta for Tie : TeX.Piales AyataeoesegismiANujtaicy Last iad denondencsv ‘or tte oe Newsand:‘Olwerver.uy a +Mead aes}Washie Sor.oP:GK:NURS rhe fempetuniscsra pebeat OFLubaandthe te : 4.38 ibe ac uitedtroneS Sut -q sult of thé war are,0 abil,The’anembers,Ot" be piatedin:charge DER.Ate ON ERDOT;‘tho pill ek supomkersv outed!oRaah.’‘atic £ inaneLuc Presidentseyheeeere: Goustitation™‘anata ba s HO:ab! Loriity:Ay:ay:peysitic Vii s:s peels cy “Of tes potaky Stage:hes the estas] + ffor€roness Qn “thie Subject £bore wit! oeie Su ty:donsijtuttong!.apehvalcgth :Qh taal Tee‘UpMMendationssoe porn Gongs’Se athe:de]e the respon: sibtity:anus dutt ofdeter miting®the: fchatnagtae eSthe porticw:Yekitiens fwhich Porty Richt,pesunght- tty Ge“a to the G ite TSiatey,aCie ave ve:as O0S.for iP belig®4 that|“phe 12:pesidentriansetfavorsia scolonsal | orney toretvnitart,Sands,than aoth A VIEW Bs shared.‘be neaeaers | Cabiuyts:FCannda is ited ai “a ntaey,Calqniél Ber eohmgng.Wy, rhe apse,oth “onside ratile TTI or fhe,tind,afters thee suaple bi Wis!kam.é oe doops trated ©atistactosity:2their: abi.W'sorery,thejSclws 5shitea aw,Alvan)ak’Adc:rimattin dt?ES pan Pre me aruation “of Gubsttt Ais Kets red. iy be-thgahbeotioh ‘Os igs Peete‘bt - HW rosestsfoligh.tyr.THe Rhy ke IS abd @:: ¥faahibar,‘i etoor cr meatyvehporary snTift to tint oa eineSs operasion ini Santiago.Bf vrctne "4 Rig SO eStWhearordervagbécon,fully,restores ed gid Phy people:Havesett led doe ho therepoatefatoccusations if istbe-L Lin i he tigaHiek Vv ‘vether rosids nit shith dguvendicn“of,represer ti AAS eh ‘of thes paople-should,ae ze ed.tre OLEwhgr whe:quest(34 SNe pgp?; date eomment ‘fox “the alana.hi uur antee eat Hitt otul bindiag henigeyy TO® Mpatt setintever foesmot goxermaniett cboute be:aur cea “upon.syould”“hiave Sapo sPibe une“stoned ight 4a"wate io) oe:bakit:hove rh S pleasedito,re}prosesnt: Fadd attherconventione:Theact Et ‘thisshody.however: “swould,.eh ee 40 PePayaited,Pe : C itsedt Fe eessra.She*to Sti tbs,OF might:decor rou yorm “of woterfimebt,“poss i <0 HG tock):states, these “comfipgericies,fat is=DeliGvsd hat.their!wishes=3wirdds nest ae b ipprovat of the President sel 7 AUNISO TS vite she B “se:Spencers Lise BradeiisAn,wits ls aayear and:“has ce YET: :“i Side of sGui i VeW a ise realy.Supe hua ce ThithepobeyYoiathie paper Tn LOS WG wi iecvery Say ASKae koe bark <s rt Caen iE 4 ®indiaokieoeeepens‘aa pein pie os ERE?WIR ay oie gai facet end:Tas ¥rorSite Kyrapvc.sistent,iro RD.just ve (aed. Stat tyRtdestr regal tesMerak (bs;inasplr ndtutlyy anys Gia ty wake SANSuh“khan wage #ppe Bt soe a cathe were)it ‘thes WONT,Atve bi :beeON |a since ix MG VUE 5.we fas Trae we mfaihed at “He mie.”TakeurYdNbr.uid,Kavd yvotked jutedevemy day-But.tdave heenevi “that:sare,bead te!Der LH cged Sar er a,aad it tas| yAau see ial,4 4 ae raga (haps boxtaweekaef:1 x -e ty ie “Sgroubled’ats aiemonthlyinter~?~Vals with *‘Paina:~ vin:thes Head;CriBigek,“brensts,.4“sheulderssides ’_bipSand limbs.: But the:need!“lot guii aime oe p2Pese:eee of ¥dangerous suaase symptomsth:aeSartected.The.men-5 al function ‘shou diopera::&painlessly.ET.aeeh=MEINE,esg ~ iin*ppécial aces2 aCe ae: we lg PONS=Comatipattos ¥ofewer,”'mypets”Candy.€aphariec,aie on:as :;=)AOMUTE,CragcistsBefec:ways ys Re todas tor Pitty Cen - ~Guasantega £01 oe.re makes 9SBOEBLAresa Tipe: =.“ofthe:aripy of the Ae i‘Se PState ¥Rould be:wt:einer Euan ete wehogwh ald:subisevl ee ;bh a es omy ouitycmilight ask ‘be ‘anne xl : “ai?mare of :an poaibuv)ne aid She eete ony ake,iC. DemotLe reef mato the Po s a eabiihce in’CUots will hot!Fede 2 :the btsuit EES vB hinhkehe uy ersEiitepfsne t'spriteof °96.pfteréd tethat Ifie Miles erp Nervirare ,caper havs ae(apie 2 Car ‘olga NeHt uteea Patek vi 12 Op abaerss oiebhie5lei: rhst 5 aD.MGCid Ie Chaviclok +ersce oes TH aiseHe ety it fommpek ; pane BEES S \ SARekas earegon HireAndhinBilayer " Retbseryeri weet his.hand:tasks Lt.Peeten SOD of eG B aeeor Charette thie tit uliesSopot guteenthid ernmoth a;Cis:SEAL NOW eh ticks hier Ran ae es Astgt Aree {tena t AO" ribay:“at,Someriche.ATA, OF er.Nets Lana OtL4 oO)Soules acho,phd shay me sePye aiqrd feiaitley eomeeietupedtp—nt ",Arb Tag's it ors oN ey ye rong a get surely:pele ‘ae Oy C SEE“Oe z}ae at ones whatsINR:oe Stowsed 16.4p Ritegt onyTSUoaThis,So walt,beBd dn‘pat!oy Seb BLL Letoveny=id, Ran bee PE LOGsyessJed AG ees ScRRRRD SNS RAC TEAC hs :inf,£7 1.F895seDeegiNeteeBysetensfurSHIAigthticWWaesectaeWEAITENESOAiEsaiachl‘Chi for Sa aes ae inate torSet.; Sdytenseuly iy in»!ee abepeTSOuS ee £;. fra quate* 1 3,sOneOY ; SUT tee 8 re tochsfur for,payoLcbeforeda'ly.“ath:dagot:Are: ai ti se AVGone Ray ey RhSyI.“)4=~ . SYeUS Aut Ot apn akac cag yd ites ahaaiesubiHall's ¥FIO th lepeen i opin:rea se ute Le;wel?¥was!Tundl4 to sergd ae oefroeMe:he aides iieapeo ea: mt ‘bsfesnid:Snesrw Stak Ga.20 aay.ftoriners toad,health mca ce ate f Dr.MAS,ennédies : a a ps ~ + pager aepositive 5 fanteny prt bots § “talided:Bi Tee.wn dis- aces of the.heart and c area Address, cote eeSMEDICALC Ms ay “aries:aterSeyof:Réb..i.189 ere reextraghé.n oes“heart.The best.physi#10 treated BettZ didnotMy-cOnditionwasgrowingseripus aTcouldscarcely.g the‘Teast-exertion.such.a$wwulking,’Ssyeebs gz.‘or going up>Stairs,;Fonyld¢o ‘pletely exhaust:Tite d quire gréap effortist byeat oe “LE ats:had smothering-pells and erthg”or. a)t 4me, ond.Tptenae Sthle {i igns’eno:Tonger*apparent,and I Teceixed:‘such markedbe beat eottorayhitsahcon x Papeieaa ervousness)dng.a very.weak}in’Bitte:| “oppressiditaftceT eziring,undA pov|.Seem-as"ee T:eould pti W, Pasty armen e|Car and by:this‘means effect a muthpresSpeco. io mone Beware atiid for-taiaThat€es xpiriet Wilt eeMisigr the naa ber opre a yoone tins dinect ly pon:the bidont 4“sie Fe nad ae .Are <wor andecn plotely*derange the wholesenngitThrendlyUne:TAM: dag 3 eprtseriptd: wiley tated?lav ea de ee“otata tase no pheTOW: 2ottsS aces soft eeSsy stem. ugk cnies“pe pureBhas.taken, inaWedo:AIAG DY:Mextrwonials:feces:Prugeists,Beco fous wilt Mette déorto.Marble (Diankine vou wil for¢rpinze.tidy hoping A COR:§i: 5 pe e ee , te LA = Lf , le r eH , xSG , 7 eSas iewoe—y=Whenoneor it thie N. yesttafod freethee ay Spee per esis Strom tepi|Poy ‘all§ADjeplyst Talis’‘asthe dimaie ‘theys mae tO;x ben!{fold-t6 tuscmroods‘VOM Can hosshbly esfériverEPOD)Ehdnis7ANPeer t a 3 Tideaa yee ww Ierse co Att 1tTOty Pinen!to thie eee Gf E CATEORN EY.ie.aes é Sfatesvinti,Ne : * =¢.cALbweALLORNFY-=ck osSEABvii ie \ee it vw:3B.OPaeNs, tay LORN!oe -AP=2 Thy. eae es Offers”his.“serv tees”int i ecial attéation to oseitioniect os tid 2 Pr obaie Dusitiess eo.; eens ay ext i +NP <drew D,CowlesFsPTORNBATI Statesvith ONec pactices:i ail the Go pnts oe -Sie os o z ADLULN BY:ai? STATESVILLE,XC co WaltSpraetice ih :iescig hires eee attention;4bey afe)"l Methe=Ofice:Novi Garef ul attention ¢£ti trusted...2 “Si s.re HartnessSATIONNEY-.LE LAW, “SEATES VALLE,N ae. — iL have,réturned to the qn Rive prompt attention to trusted’et Onti¢e rear att}house...Be =» oe 5 Gam ble WW ven LE Wwis ;“Attorie pnvtl=Si. ie STATESVILLE,Ne Wii appear in alltConsts,JStiiD’given to all coleetions vivaorestates.”Say ayaha Be Ox...vita“LONG;&LONG, ai agers LAWYERS: eee Gee NC ne “tit ‘‘State ‘and’“Federal-tOfiices,Robb:ns’brick row. RICHARD BB.MeLATGHLI. ALFORNES..17--tHe STATESVILLE,se will appear imal)Courts oe on given.10 theae ih Pract Cposits Fecesvec:Speed th dsticck sh anied on gececena bate Bes sand Streets;Chicago..*and/Hambure-Playing Cards &a Wet pore “usta At the Sand ut todas *»40a MMA z ‘ii Savaiishit ifthe yeSk Xe,5 ,Sait th APs T1¢ is the eS can” ti 1p a) rd yy Og)‘Pon t sd for ‘slim HAVV shoes to €vathneDre TMmIsbL wg OdS In: Say.man. EW room j Otter y ; Whi “you nyThing “Oarts I- Yd and. cas i repens Borde me ei Seas Mags Sete iene rs agewe’GoAReae i acnewwibe AS in ROECRECTL LATION ts Time AND,ALEX ANRER'C ONEIES SE Apotena:é 7%ve Tee Re ca a fs :i Sema ae Ms Pe was)Th cate Beene NS Rae chee ay aS ee :vate =*po Sooner Sie en ay tog TE SSTTESTI —TIURSDAX ayotsy,Be “Bye es ’ “thay Sr SERIES AND MANE A TOOK<3 *nes batiy rept isin an!ok G1Lats.bis ane is Just:a:ais would:{be lad: er ale.i setiel seen these: :Stati,>Set+t. 7S!cored!Senator 28 ating Covi? Oe Hemisavbe ie ae int he,OWAthitie =A part,ot PV ea * R2Ha&|a2EWELER yea OPT Gis pani: wid iOAM5“%¢ ~;y »Vas—i Cpe pitt mi etyea ~ ie A 3cm srs gee The pest:Clothr.ddbe etme axes: oO 4 JTeel or abt e -:~%£ att r j ae eeeissortuj aint dd at ipeives to.sitsey Cone?= -gee ae BORE :el pe hee "Me iia.4 °~cis eas=sloai &‘Shelton:f 2 Spr,Suir Re keading for ee j An e axis Detnotrati¢:cardi ilates”Wab ave.Republicans ”for “Opponents, cae UhrWins:MountainpReformey,Pop., Sa utfSt,Says?aieheeOgKOKWEAR.“HOSIERK.8 S23 ik COE ae ant btpthe See easWe Ora .Repabticda.end:of the county ticket!eat put Uthisevear we will be!apOre frairk and...repudigté the pay |Fopen)YE ‘heinat So!Roweao st as .er ets emlirély ap;Post pid will ir Spr Wee idthingoN.¥ARRI D-.Soca :os on,Bis Betta at ~“:.Bt Ve aor er Ae,point haan errr ane SS eg a The Same ola one Pe: in}ea verre nd a Be:wig cra |tA EE HAN NEVER TEL DEEN,TOLD. Pee =Oa Giout thy oe aaa ae 5 2 osWonderful Bargains:-os ropa Bs 5 :i aa Seue.¥feevuests motsDacaihen’f sail Mis 5 ¥eat “acmnodiaite!your geAEN6 ae by +<3 ait entpeti -@ate Tings “eK shod”Z Shives:tor verry Kan anti jis Ste Od RLINE 4‘Dry&3oods,Notions,ie =.iy adi i tr.sap bywls.isCortan sea a af :=4 NOPHER BEAUTIFULLINE._-sy i railsShirt Waisis |‘Ramsey:Tomlis SHOWS . r =‘~——ee int :IST RECEIEED: Saree qamries.By buyiis in C ARG feSacer “eg ;Ae e Mas any Pinson ‘does not Driv:"this way.“We iWhorecnGeelYouretatelseeupied"ey Je xd piture Stores. ov oe Rat:sie same time\Ushewingly .stand’with,on foot ons i ‘aie:and.a sue Utra-pléthorims.*:Py aA kathyfattening the gold Stand thie wa ‘on the people,thoug 6y-that means +ssoime.men “who ‘call themsely és Pop- ee ae dnd silver—eyet ofticés ‘bs q “m~,atk or Beelary onthe af9atsprices ©Tistobiers war stanton thei,owh ight pefore seeing,mines:ISON... oe ¢€ORN ER MILT.ER.ae‘sh eouiatet with'a ‘more ipvable man; es paeuas “On:scientious:jadge:than, sJudge:OliversH--Allen,whovhas just “cv completed our August:‘tern “of!“the Superior,“Court. iantSaytomuchaboutour“mena t I i eR pany:ot ‘thein.“Bis uniforit.coartesy| :Ate.the"officers:o£the Court ‘and his) anda kya are:ccna wi CRLF TE:a eS“room;fat:“inter. ae we“pay ~aes ;t *paling! Aas “rou case che:yes:beset iQ Nee sath id to So ‘ainend Ate pleadings ATiY. é the:*diseretion:Of the’jude apd =r ua ge Aven Stoodfor “the iutegrity Ebel lie’State Qaurts and refased :1"thie ree a oeSie"pa Sates *Bi se@te,Light:aS highy&Weages Ot eisd ats‘prices ty? ~" Repth ieee Pe Ge:Jhasscoiite: |_Breeies Surreys aes Sue OGELT,+Shove1 es ‘pets peeoe the, OLD LOTS swe wake itareeadbiedtovbecheapetattSatesstoptal Save You From $3:00 “42810.00." axe ‘recently:bpened up: T.Perrysbetween:our kee oh stand :“No get reuble3 tO:“SHON gonds—Comemha ;oe Barron:i.Nicholson’ iurpasted anefensHiga aessskers er a “They rocus@ isisgiasintc dra tere,‘all kines ee Sat De RESTS The sSyracuse In repair thah Sopoaberebibc,rive The©Seeaense etekand |you.=pot:pegret.Brisracrk ok ot‘he ‘SyracuseChilledPlow, mn y Scie en atieay cyan -ebiromtetn 3 ec eR Pe es}Yt p}ve NS:'y ;ire >on yes tsos i urePNGNThhisae wee iys wd!* siubbormyer's:Smhe*"bcioperat 1 Me Be eg ime Weyl neoa aS Thee» me %e =x reninSpey “het:€lection we “slid ¢Sut of thie! Weicinnot:endorse,‘the .|Kepubligamand ee platforms }¢ he?other on the othex uf ©Whatey et else may.be.‘said wf thes eisrindr ‘it.inno:“hypocrite+St ‘be! ballot.far gold.bugs”3 Lor LSpebly,‘endorse tHe:NicKinlesaad mn.y stration.iehich Stands tor Perpeta.. eee votes:Ristori, Serer has Tredéa).iecome Be }mpre perfect.gentleman or.&@ more Without”fuss”or “osten ation he.dispatehed ‘as much: busin and “dispatchedit as wellas “Piatt eondider ategtedtuient,of sche verent craewdy of people’wiio!atteads hae “Waile he ‘Was’tous:Kind::and ae ‘torraIse “A £ederal =question ,aiid wot als “ase:into.,PRE Federal Gourts as matter”‘entirely within. niotions OO aye:spopsaaded tHat, urn ¥neyh.dp Tretclltt ifuney,awh are, Knot Bomoeratswill “See toAit.,“that” A Jeng of autSet Souitherr farnier.:-‘Those of dur:far- Hee wheat,orer which fessstiand Pyeuk 4 5 Foughel, Porat age ee tne eT.ae gh poe 3 t ene My eT mieds ch :at piargDiy“Danieceits,falta id.‘ene i sharfea tains HF Seydior Dailjet i (afield i ont yeto the Chi ica »qlattokame ETHOSSvencralAvisae‘braver ©“onfedertid a R Ai,ESeeewouldRO;Moule:have| .fous be brilliant Ly-cengh wel in ‘Ayers rs abies’“aeiy: “Lexington court Ot nepeembct wun is iaf iekory® $¥>4 ig:eather Olykre Ses pulng herewurst ies,s a:MispeaM dry hitzxie “palae Srintes atuviah ter.aud Miss Bertha Hunks or”4 Statesville,are 1A Ciwthent,Ss. iably eatin ye lee fidn of the frominated:J W. onattSi pulist.part’2 Exthe:“SRepiuwlicican ©Populist”faston,‘voboty ticket =n | 4 Pet >rFClevel;and,“county “ind:the élection:S Slajo Robbing will.beeStnable toaayessrtheOldRats” Stony Point,tb:we row,aS"“Bis cu ties at Getty sburgg,iPxs went:Lisat endance,+et ts eat ; wad:claldren..of Roxboro." rin her drother,Ps Moravian:Fas. daughterof ‘Nbr,mya Of4CoolsSpring.mM.ARC “Or.1 “We |.cannat :inbney.Ieyii b SHS es in!‘ilverand’casmot-:See}how r :tseause is-alvanedd by notingSone yall of,its a rag}Ww aterthouse®yO?Boston whos|spedt Sprips:, PHousit-<Mr,Ges “Younes voite.oi| travels the road’.was *Nehtroulrtging.Re :ae :tow.one the Taylorsville,Youd?‘|Dyefarmcontdins’33 iérds “and; Jud theif rst:week of the term |‘hay e ;edn:frrequently “Fonarked Upow ey: cousidevate,he:was “fearless:in,his b> 2During:the?‘Wiad OF 3°rail" allow :‘thes e ved if the law;theare’r,BreatrePade hee bylldss Epes ‘thys-fal ae :JWerswere.«tala faery:who!have:been trying,td"“soll, ‘Leotfon,within the 4dast-fein’“wesks wasidentifiet,by"Cotporat Barty:ae enore,in Whatch opks it has ‘hitthem." ago.out;esteemmed:-contempora~ Spry.thee iWw inston ‘Republican,was:done Aia Sebt-dgiunse He dias been fi exveedingl¥:tdlad par tee which ¥ #44 pointed ast Stands “hike silver”Aheory::inet i Ci ie a *refutation;of|esaw ait«FheqeXtsterin- drake,upon ‘the:Sopevicr Court.; aket here at less ‘than 74,oes : “Wath *fuWwerdudries*“the warilig-eofnupon tybighland aud,bow Itnd promising burstiigeribsi is:the ;baad:Nutorip:daysSohdy|heauilse redited ‘cotton tow sndarly ‘ready,for Phuc.iinnibletingered,Titthe:folks,‘the}ébeatitcl tales Gi ee Stier aeary eaeickChia re ae 5 a ee tt >ys eRe bdilust ceee aati. ipod sin:S T:Janie¢ SESS SBR Ty,Bigg seh ube a Ou ieity aeaReEN rey AS Le Sitter ‘returned tohea ¥ wolsthers.see fs> Seni aie?sis €Se “eguut yi feed <ye , iquinks re ue itl.wl Bee ow my peesoe be isitins aeoot We by = as oa Sampson ‘consyty¥"Demos ‘att5 Sor eG: 26hirson-for: Singing: mill Pie “WikdSooro Chenuior ate ‘Hotniany et Noel is a EAS. Sit he:Ivedeil:“Recgrd}hays,thi it,ate.ie S57 Of.‘Rowan county». -,There ares abo aty a ei sx Te Leipr.Topies a and * severak;Weeksg here?ig ie. are:agains at the Clarke | the miost:«sdhesmen’that: liere’week returning front *Peeoretthe - ~popular’ ~ >Mhry,TRB!ers Bass sold Ws;ta rm;Joeuted tayo -, ROK EL aS Snijth,HwSouth1CoreSion pr ide paid was,ST2006 Mav “Ac GMS will mMbve,to-tlle hud.woMY:Joynerwillveryprobably”“uyove -back TOW hid:RK : 'W aikesbaros (roi fee WWVillie!toussvan,of Statesville;fas:been): to!Beeboiae ‘at Statesville Saturday} friends andsrelatives here aCapt.5 be Aatew days (with|“théeité300, oe ge. week,” 4 SE Boys sdredell ‘Record. of:the ‘Lowrance:cuse<Zives’real eredit to-Hous,..Wiutsen:caput Moye:eomery,and while these fro ‘leurn~, ed ‘een tieareti ure.worthi 4 ‘of:thhighestregardand’adniiration,sel Messts~-Griet ang:MeéLavghtin,WhO weye also associated 1p’tht ease “are J-worthy of:notice.These tivo youn, ‘lax'yers:are sel€.‘euads men,aided few have given.them credit,fy Refablespecches-,‘They are “inelivers: L J te.ledsoftssion:Ss =ne wate Kate Stores ney ery.E.hake officer,’“Lidutenagt >Eryil,” at:Jieksonsilte and was.wesivil edt the “Hornets Nests7 Rithemien!.:te | the:Statésv ible copspynr-|dawitcompletely 2dud -athiiowtedzed the.ki langes buticlaizned uid”itwas’ taken“back to Newetn:‘ahd is,wm “Jail yReaty TRLL eo ee ee Sa £ o + $51iliving Ry W.riysten|to:eduedt cnildeeds wilfsudn:piblisir A r0 “Eat of thie.farmer S SYai.Ts!re witen-ail é a en de atteiidowrnaward. min has been,acceler ited syouldgbe A lidppy. eae af the’predictions of thie»‘Me J, -Hyibleyites onld!be:guts half?kevilt-, bd Wotthey,ber:Webelies Enot! Tlie ‘past experieute”“omprieés under) Nhe teaches:US yorbe- +eiyesthatbor”permanen tad’tance In- Pas denign=Pm B ;~Sap ti dhe”presevy time,theys:Pyekibiey’s “Osten Bete seid Ney ne peices 5 Has,been tan (Chichgo Dispute ; At every eht-| “ening ot “the grjp-ot gate,“bpoir the eguntiy that”-dompatard |teudetiey.Lor der to :‘The present; :-Repablican Coigress|has.:tightened” -bhe grip}1B everys¥ay.“possible,andi ws aid Winston:ras ~ bs_Bpsiness owftradefor a time to-day,’i board:9 iets otf thefirst vate eotton from Ihe.Soith,TS be et was ae ~eBse Beers oe fot gotten:‘has:‘the pree,been: aie willbe,this.fall...be! av oe rud of*!Gun!‘aud_ ett,cleat. fictign.:Marinet ean ve©prediet that never (hate history. oor ‘Wateh:this’ and think!Abe bord.for’ai “Bee bal,tHe donated it 10 Sthe |bought by.Zina Carté doave itto:‘the. ton atl the.balé bebecaiiie theiratcount,.R-.Bss 3Wastes My ty "ate Ct aeee ag fyeyob me ieh put “speute"ar lave ‘womidial oe Satire ds ved Supe Garsche ‘Hotses:nae &a ‘Richtiond.chuntsa4 Pergoct c tye :s nin Sys he at el BESS NY an ond bhe tor“swan:with Spain ‘had abe!Sopporfays ib ancl|county:te sos Det i 5 :eo:a heer‘artyem ‘Lit,“put Wity,the |S Or Dene exats-of Virgitia should:bi v O Abirer to subsrdimae chet:Wews tre “4 HES!oun‘the eredt.“testo,AOS ts f Tey\rigtinnss the pilitical:parties jn leis ie ve ce COOLEY iistRe Shiteead clay The:5roleral « Surid Ins oSFaria 1 doginnls atttend.Yor ne abietle’iter:in,‘due ‘segon, 4they,Tay abartcndel.to it before.+ RiePie:edpuviigang withe.rie x at ope Sa tse eae AeSol.ies : a epdersed Ret Ceuik ae yhithy Re a 4d.Caosanel £3,Dongle pe ‘Hotse:. Enotinated:James ©Tenpissei Repubicune ave ROM: Simatece JQuues: ae -ernor ud-er orsed”Mt“Kinkey®s _ad-Bel thinist#ations ne i Rone pu Be at y . Ny pe oo - :Oe)We.4 anid “Dindgrsed a Cc Blae are visit|Er tie:Seswate: Zand:Mew J:B Mol-‘recOmihended Be: :_|Senate~and SORTA tea ante). SMe Tesan:forthé House:ee EN “Otho Walsonaran |the Ww ake Pought.-to that -office a cucumber2 Poputist:&duventidn 7feet.andy H-incheS-long.”“the Republic;&ns and qaite=ah, .Tmatiy,aches Yo varices tain ar teow |bE Ot the coguiry delegates”bolibe ¥tite Baek apatom yyep :Re aoeercT éCENjsi!:[Brarseleaiss FuekSon ‘TaN:itSenaporinkastryetshave,npminated Len o Of Aiguaerson..forthe,Hands”Fok gis seifate:t Pe Leper a oe * *“Ther,“Spiionrns oe ter Bay reisthict,a ae Hovey:Pred’bloc L MGOte,oftAshovit Yast eV Ay Csyonon,: |J wag Dis adj Gut Bedswithout Malia| tuiles?&pest ‘ots“iy nemindtions»The.members of20,thes partTy GkVoteas they please or xALEsot,tote af all:ats¢thes = 4 |punithy brgther:ot she ‘purchaser,|sPdpulist!State:Consmittee ~heve rexpsigned“arta ‘announced:their inten“toeliobeof Suppor ting:Aon,Benton.ao um Milnes %oa Govprnor.”a Fisitiny relatives here"for ‘several fununced that be’;weil bea\days’>He wall return’:home’this or|week:—Miss’Cora:Brown srefurned Virginia before.the!next«Rises tureto be elected hext: after spending’several:aweths,with ceed Senator’ae B.-Holmap and wite;ot Iretlelk spent?fears Kloyd Sorandety,somindted ‘s.‘coutity.abd ih OTR fails last)‘Legislative ndclegates £0.the”anti*neeCor.ae tatrressional Content Tete j While the,PSPEiwRe ae ‘of AGistin,Be che S¥ehth Conetessioun aSetedistrictssyvhich* ‘pear Catawba Git the.1th |aacSN ee Rertit watbo::“Presta:af “Satksonville,Fly.wast week,by Sergeant =Peempet’,.cyte ae turned.over toPolis“poticeschnrgedi:: a titersApurst!as Soar.asthe:war was:haLelyaiter the:_kihing:Kale went'to!, peice id sanie ‘of ithe Jong overdde:Me: 5 iginley “prosperity,would”strike,the: Lene }Marion:me énlisttd oAalk ut ee TOItaS || Sarrived J‘uliah for:the.Hogs: 5 LORE Jpcounry 2 LIC As=Arernt, iSot for pa He browes tat:HO:Officer:Héld:MORE,eethpiesa!the.futures Ko a obsCatawlit | “made 3.memberx vof!the oeLoIn=} ‘,ys MerseyOsborne’s:Book.Sah 2 Phe Winston‘Sentivel gelisias,thar oeys.Bolia,E.Osborne witeof Jon rp s Osborne,Eq:cot Glin,‘Hut,wal. be Thel Now,Wasrade<Re “plok:« ‘Osborne,‘ elas:for Sexexal pears a resident aie Statesville:‘and‘she hay friends ‘ahd.+ ‘admites berearid -in,“tie!“Gouhtys &‘Horhope Usatsher bodk”“weit be.all he Sheces prick,she:bop Sat.£0|:peicés iePequiewatiest 533 ta fovea,42!}lhe:|ware ae 7 a5 fe Lospeinded’ineie eaeright,_-Mresented)to nokNey :.pe.never strock, “AMONG treROLIpIOMNS.*Y¥{a r4 fay “Pra)CeRohe /Dhtotie aN IN aby,Z fayagentauee«Me v7 et eS Uiet =chavé <Keompirlytese nud!mee LP.ies=re 3 ~Abson unt Apmactane hav athe Senate,ind Alten Doughery add b ans ee*ee me phe £408 balhaheSlaybisfortheHousemeaeneraAeee. A sPowler Or‘Goy- 4 Moore CdR,-sDamoerstgy ia Ths Currie fort =ea nelt?county ;Devo Ftafised a ir Depiocratiot hie ‘Lheénderso e;for judgéand v. ne PEN ne Ss«fe 4 yOBouublvlasStateGonvention 4 2 Ff “e rah mus Shembers “Gt:Ste.cece 2 etthes Bemoer;ate ae General Riwhuah :Ee ntWnited—“States”‘Senator’frong j The’—Ainhey? th.county hed:‘a oavention:Gs stickét:and:-appointed: day,bee Se aay \FoodsOn-forskeyPerk»S MoSabbing for aréy.“Ohi.rene reesplunion :was Fe)Sderetiry:6b SeaterDae pill ee Sify,ant “Ambassador.to England !folie,fay bes?‘beefy Oiigred »and has accepted thes‘acant®premiership1inhMeLinley's.cabinets .Pay will be} eae salteekerards jade OER hase opic,.coptested ,witheSaiettctsoufortheDemocraticSiom?ft; natyon-f6x pe ee ae the d wigs,ye +e Su rrhaay yas:nFtsRoaSfountart|‘nt ta hee noisdnfantry,“aud it.wast pasumeer er or preteat ofSes!Tine 3 .4a kgafter:the-tomes of ae Ae rebels 1 aor:ok $2.was~sol@ onmice>see Na |finois:i)unteors:Sn ie ts Priday.eveping.“at “el. aN ay camp.which‘is Jocated pears’.Barny:Caltiour shots.VGeorse Otiver.:Dr,‘ee é <Leak More‘thedin scott 7 ~ s ald iieven, :Ben ‘Smith,om pone:Shite.mun, )waa,drowimed ; a pend mes es fou ne te Sait:of Calaseelicounty. id.by eaeiae r r day. g 2 Geaing aNtéStreetcarcouduetor!because sr him to:Pay his SIGS ae ‘¢yaductor asks The re secs ‘ot yp:‘Ae Mace, ‘GF the Superior,Court of Gra-LuNty,Was burned at Robbins- Tere BSG,ofday,woul,for we u jie eeae iochbr iesoabtboth-cot:e*.t spon toe‘pig Ww Goce Days ne returning hourstna S0-——niieht,an corner:Of:ith,‘on Queen no vetieeas he oRed aehe:bad”mo.eevale oseprothenthrewhintdownand«' through itis pockets.fat por “bis:“promise.to gO to His ;howe and:some money,the man allow:>"Mer->Kir hag Wee $the streetspresum- oa Pris home ues Be.laa:ed 4 ni to:Br “up: ¥sib name.ay ear:we#Od Fort)and*é' © ti esated,Xe Bt mee warteh “he ‘Fioveht-Offs: ae:towne, a“(countyseverely ee ee e ee be e Se e ae ee eT) sind Bancbiobe ‘rexe pe n n e ee ee one tine Secondtine and weit to.S 7BEMVi pert x vere axXD Se Ste nseshal tie payee a”bape nt ”.ht nk dy ke anther Rearty cane 3 Baitseles Ley a ugrdWoitiE jenr-Sundi+byes bart >LY red et Pingliard,tathie ’Senate ;barese pe en SR ep ge hemmed’controlofthe party>macSpied eee AL AL bee ar whe “eadexias:xa s¥nie had sottre:oe nominated cr lexk*EERE Ue fi sake.pert saliGi&Ene tH ~of frivaide t6 ir: GS seconded Go Des at SaeSau:mapiain’Seston:Agoked for report orday bui5Cowontfassuperintendent,“uf:Whey.se SRAayJ.ms +scam |penitentiaryduring J1807.wns Given)!<5)_ suteiteur ix“allege “py “8 tetheresa:1%WOW teke.o>PRI;a cargebat:* ate Arwiiél =AT Se One DOLLAR.A i EM Me oy a Ned Of <a gol bee HS.Ae“PH anrxess :Z SEhived Stars:aahyor,”is Dewar lS eee a ek:nu =Aiens ee lawS6t7to.understand.St:|itaten vi ve } bw,fR Siore om +3. 4 ‘ASD Sarts.Sat ral inader Of ihe OG:The Re a eran és UAE <Trot Claude Dp ahd -apoloyetix:“etter;yk anaeeE: t ;eS publica”desinandedl ~tpat,“Shiferd |*ae iain“But 3s ean'sautne er roleure 3 "pelisig~attoInpiinytbe:fringyBakerseiite:yoie oef < sp pypith LENT ine :.u 6%bid 4hisg district a nds oy berlterd er HEY “died ia ee por ioeré are-excolicnt:Meas 2 Aci cansSOEomtatter. Sihee.TY. Te Sane & ;--{Rotergdet theSpyatate at Sane se Bioeih eis the Ss ta :ha ReMtting ins chat.ite Tadeec os Loe sate that.the ‘redhrb)is:Deputy dragshal eswes “Cooter ia se Das.Opened with: bats see \ S:©eeeudit claws malt mmatbersd eT teSe ana byt ;Ye pee:it;Bustons lat dice dh eErxerepair Bien teaa a ta Pe harris:Sony Waabey <Tast Salirdiny “dicteetpiospects,thamd qial ex souki ind EE:ee =Se Pupse >Soe Bee Tyee ws phat Strowd anil Fowler ate:“Sam,seas,Sees chiiat a ks stay here oe eee ve ad 10?me S Coumissianer’See oy Nepdsbhicre buliSieSher candidates for. yre Beck ee ee ::et se iisideed for:‘the:‘slaughter.bek Sed 4 nyymWoOo,Tune t hey heevor iurt GatFee not/|i ad dibgetied |biSeetfain hachsSifsticasclise saturday:feark who are true:and ied.men,EX ae ea init “4 sens apa es Oe Se oe <)i “}he Res teri star:-sutordigt ni ghs-eer ee HEF NTesse}Meet ey andare Men warts ra:ett ee ‘aii ”2 pata tesa N.es ‘Swe 5 1586:ae oe a eae oc g warrie Be ‘d wp it sane Be ae prepare lt:_Souve-weeks fago-‘Republi;©Airs,‘apy.Morrisour dn hae iF and oe eee i A nood,fan,Meait no a Febere *es eS eara ae be2,eee ax wedson of PAS BCELY™4 ae ne a ali nae Nene oh aes nethi John.Sinith Pe estas10h ‘ShatesVille 1hix week.sroity dir the “Conve tion,pull sauare Stateoviveos ot ae sy third que .es THE DEMOCRATIC:TICKET ‘ity for the plegtion -of e ‘Silverman,if ae Mi a HTS Ghai abylancevol.about®#2A00 Risad Soden Rah coat Tedell'sald Of.barmdd yim The?<Merde,torsale.farm,atut “conigien thes phe th ‘.3 ae $Che the Semiite :ingplace®f€Prigcbard.She.“Adelaide BaViele “of BB Yeigdh?iu siaDpekery,says at is-abut ‘gourty Vex bdtdy:0 Be he ;a Slfact?itany duty ic sell z Senn waternd “Thiyfarm ih 4 Pipa Ingirg:-the Frates CS 4 :i OR JUDGES SU PkRIOR €0URI :wilt ni et ni nor pat wide ii th e|*Ifeex Superivnténdet ae ae rn a wR Pa skist:LETC |d te Comforgiie by:4 Monee =ot the.Me :{The reporss trots ‘hie counties shor I $1S dpayrdhes 1k 7 a nia hea ‘350 Week?eee D gutke torivit“ada gy Ayn Pood wellit water:age Mes ata.aK tay ane ee a ¥First Districts George A "Brown that~c aly ii »Popwlists”t cinsw Ghaipek at pave!ety Avageny atck eaeriot take.the “‘tepors vane)Be Sneha oh ier :Eta yedple.to choose foi ablé farm for truckthg ti 5¥ati -patneday ae?Ie Je,of Beaufort;Pe nee Sy ~only Lose “Populi gceep a!gt Antapolis:Jit.Vd imor eo!Hheroes ‘Joh ‘Steich.and>turk Sup |“ye.fond Mos:.Ac SVoewy:‘pt teadlliaues amen for"“clerks:x a0 PBS oS.Apply oe eS cen,3 seek iE v atk -Second:District eur:REby are pe LO,“tbe:-Republioans |rare beth’wow,Rn Sigeil ww forbs 2)alee:wie stay Aone.ip-day,then vOut COEEES POR jloiuale ¢ay rip.hav x0 foe stelle fsauth“yeady “to Sabb 5 bis Jan a x AWW cif's Eee »fopecent ns a Of Cravens Gettin t+piitup tor office:“a Ting facky:iby“lobks).“Boore:cae Pas SRE Ie irrasy A reataersUukeys,%Andced;finda on <aS MS LP ES Cox a cheeerfully “hay.Aside all's '::ea aa ee ae day in.TOW SS ete os :32 Tho Ras jas“iP the boast Of:Republican Chair’|1p eut yonstye a stesso 2 Tal hig ae oo ee ean enn jis hoe Skies ein done aetna Suurescile,lt thie:matey sald:ShaltSone ford :sth oh na :che Ban eee SS Be te ‘ov eee is :i hats “fleltow,tiyat he ye ould:soon"|ensidih,ONieede Purine:bineie he ut fox”eae ify if orth’Ss juning:Be eethe,week”‘he te?¥isting,SICCRSS:ObthE qicketac’2iN Ow AO”yl &:e Sol Mit ‘ago 1 Bstribte “Olive “<cts SA Ea (aes Republic BS “uniforms onvtlige!as!he nyrtou:Cit xv27T yescay”Be Aybalz sh een st phere "Ys,pit!in ‘Bits,AW.ee Hed ne ks A oes Cte Sends:ne bevsyvoin te stand towetber: The 4 ae Cos at yee OR Ee neat!)3 ¥hae fan Bi bee *a :ug.2 He;3 slesspond i *Tnly CMe:rere TS FH =pehigas }Lowther t <Binet es¥.toto eh yc ‘in:sees ss :»OE ite ty :tee in “thi are N Nx.Eb,oy “py,“1 ,<ta ecoUNnosn ialit Touts Dembetacs os cig here pis :Seventh ‘District.“THOS.s Me;|Spulists had ‘peari-abpat Verifiedso |:Li cuphank,“eke la Preake ‘.1S:Stateuseut,fof “at cheatt-th-hots -AT cee,tiphonesokout.beta rand’‘glorious seed chur (oa ‘1 7 2 >Neill.ofHobe Wid mnJ ik epdyrson,(Ate publicds te ay hil ied Takendaiyy id:vor: pee ee ill,beEsoh.|oA FOr.58S ttic offictal “hem dErs at.‘thes.cnt ate Sige “ot-him He |7 »‘has sbee oe od “-aed Kieventh |District Willian?ast af the deer “at meieesol ex Con fdas like ul peppher tg the”Popi-Hor J.De.Rilig,é as beopg assailed,her 8 ‘ _.*Bokelot Linco,arty,are”<condernned Seeare Yer q Kessel Jobu\S.”Hericki $n.38 on.PES RA Uae Se wis aoe Walwis :ake :ists Tas Bees sented 2 Mess ies ‘me tra ON par edt Disteket—F fed Sainte!ot*)suadeds how edi;that’athere are by Mist tethib wensRaveaesSatishuryWests Boon as epee rattyete e sea Fy coe sci au ce“ater Vel “schol the~fair.rane Or if Garolivahas \enpital 21 : so..i r wae )i ve 4 ~ant yO pao one suncombe.Bako eee SE “Fthowwsa nds oY the hones silver Pep ee idn.The.Spahigy aeay ae A..Neeto’e.VileEgitonint.ae «Hoot on anes ee PeSy rae aan msnoe eee aH B mi om re Penn "ts a Bee en on the Dueagt.sp soe ee he q $:5 ee dat 3 =LCR A WE ‘yey we Bes RORBOKACITORS:Saad ufists jo-North:‘Carolina:aito do Hot ca aaa ae ‘here.if areSro paper ‘pablished bs *&wha:“ =a vevad ass ‘u >fy abt Ze titi We yealt :PPY~-opley wher,we had:the? vere es od “Eighth DiotHiet Wes,Tob,of endtse.tie unbidly -Jftange’of thet fe sf ome ey fe Minungiodeeaat -the>Daily Speak aan eresDoe amoral ances atetlie,belay tol”=wee 2 Saisie a me c Lo >)et 2 <*Sas|. eae 5 «oe |Re abs twoulds be teadebs,with*vold:“pag Re-!coftonmiiisiat.Qameord wit hecarey.uv“af Naw:]mhoyer~ee ae candidate’for eh bogittose <S eeore =ee ae ae ieges es > pai nthe Dis ct Nay ~"iS f Se a ast10o Pie worker tk es IKSS aie +;publichns but ‘ewho:Ywilljain:.théiresatfereis.Thos loss.tac Odel’s..mi)ats Gerke of .Thursdsy,<1Rt ake ».i O-WOREETS,:~ jorwent LO af 4 3 >t FOR CONGRESS:ea t :“Aes thi}WW:Lag.Payne,Beg.et.C;hewe]Zeb“¥alice |Dentocfats,to redeem [2 ”ent ‘Seventh Distrid =Theodore:ogee ler brethret iis hie ‘Delnogratic:arene The ita White:was pr inated 1the ‘foalowth Senile Keodnty;spenttthe day “here*ester tthe:Stiite®Heciiabetbraldém aS ‘GEESE nate,+:=a: *=ye .’i aC OS “KM s Rat We t i oh 4 xgoe a ,: eau oie teeter ane :.‘Klutz,ot Rowda.G =|pattyefor the,ee ctiouef nine®silver eabete one oes :oS ie mS:;ee ie et meee ah w th his Pl Mes aQe Pay fixtti4 id,viee Ita.owbich®wetia ve fallen S aa foua Yo..,.:pest ;43 eh eda ui a «Bsa a C 5 he .,x 1 . ie FOI SES ATORS aot Distyie ety rigu fo Coparess-and a Laogislat ute,away Aci tains vtlpss Ob Mong.thao)the matteygh-prorecting Aliiae er,AlrredJ Dilae “of “Kenai |The grestUeart or'the Democratic *Ebettor preparedas se eta Pee hues Pe ae ta i ee picdeetl tay,give “the people uf “every €2,504)te the vodntya”Sis SANK men?(-jbspetialfie:ow ithe hers |bas Berea Wted-refereein.“hikes panty 3Socand!we stand “prith}"kinds ofwork<in “his.gor,nae 4 wesbout-on det:ae PiOk core ete ee ee auty.ay thes State a “vehatio:“man's.Pps|ee *Shinpocke or We a'Phey pre areléss:ot!their-condnet |fraptey for’Alexander,ae eee tsb ee pacue Seda ee et Smithing,wood:werk and bre :Concord suurds ee ie :Seat STY igen.i aes is]ZONE ITN,oN*Cbd aeyeed the.day J Sharty,ONrttbe dnt silef pasee!Oy :PhO we oeOsis and Pur experPieneeeu fone Pen atthe:“the Soet ae Site é “shoeitiy Be.Ayati will pinks :(Se a ibe eisiaill : ~ar ‘2 3 yet at ra tas i oN sda : For:S ipdeeico var Be “his othe.Pepunited.followers:eh:Manuesped’Sidhiey Meadee On Suc Eran y oa abe ti opts ace ag Krank Supiapson “oh Righ-and our Synpanyren ere out aes eee ee So kK GUriDe lhe sei,trams BY. SF ea eg ofl mondo Va ise-Visiting Dis father,[the one whochas gone:asiray,"we :25.he tad “d seu:EX perience gp”piarmers Arce i i 5 yee £rade ‘and-the very “Hos Manta tease ES ind firm;Gyited we 2VSuch as tive benders,«tine :inaes oitowadahAD hand:powerldrMS od Chega:inom ik:Oper ati. 4 ter:prepared thun ay Ore ae aagtdre bs ‘«Holfigat-and Thomas J.Williams.aEaie "ain ©dixel the d esfinienohLat be goed |iit de qeeugyad fihit1s1he‘NOC rvit lef pits ico ee:PE Galee Trace are:Not Wore See int Mr Li Thontpson.Heayticed here |Dee vou :ne batter tof.claplestinnet niedtin 7S)Tuesday.ae She oe iStand,aiaer we stale Abs Ly “oticwl]ea ”Port e@erk Superior “Court.ft orth €ar Gs jane aces we eee ae eae ee oe OER funday.“ava Th.woloted,MeL.{bane tre Re RS Op Shera 4 t Shoe .Preri S np HOU aman ;Aamo nets Baas : ee.Pensa eas ae abs OENRRAL,NEWS:”.H Oe NM ‘ates ene ga thite inca:Wil,ealoned::aeth Mr Ur 1 epsort!ae a:gusiz}Save Uke Bate.2:Hy ae AA 2 eee eds :Se he hi Hoch Mle t JONG Wiselings dhtbis Arner won peat -piessttip fox his:cotedn-factory to7 _Hoping tp Servestbe-Democrse.aR 24 icity to do the.works “ib the Bind eed sao erate te Fees oe aes ie Thiis ‘suid.that $Chivest “re ‘pels Gre tg vaaaanente:ag ote arya tne aptilt“thie wtethans Tnfatéation +|Wilkesboro’and-other.poitts in.‘at party mand thy:people:ol Alexgitdert pear BY Grst-alas Style.3 pra iphy andig in doracux before Aaria ut.apur mS ohn ma]be thy expecute Ay ddizens pe 9 Gs aap te bx.then:ails “baldnésse Weal tena|State-ot®AV il keslast wdeke:Get eee countyin in:theta’,we ane!most ;3.1 ted to give Sati ae as ,uaragt abate:ee . a ee hota Z “eh me peace :OG .Sia ODS ts :'a 9X 2% For Coronet George ve ‘Roa pa.”\ASeyen meu:were:kithee wetrisiaents eae SHorr Wes Sire ROOT tothedy-and tdé mais.lynch:EC SMiss-auve Gro ees ot:Th orySeesae ae wag fie zo0d wood Morkaian®:id cae ne a Ge For Conners |Sor eyor Te 5 Wecrane Westin as Mbeday Peaeave fhe Americus?tun:$end QUin Med forrape,Ze Rayery.2 He gro:lipehiedudsSis ee iss Ok a reboro P Vashi:AN B au at=soeeiet:tele 6 se eee pe Psomares ae ;(Cigpatetisht preasurvat:Mini awhed |tis eglled at ‘vie turesa)hick ‘brute.ile spent shee eee ee leet ugust!18sO35:fat;my old standimeuns re me sce BMS Sood Beat isi Ce |e =ose Respectiuly,“a:Se jdt,Rules:ae aeBO UNG:Vie Macks o chee Tn icweSACKsmiith,tection tyne ‘ee :7 ———e |Her bayaess ot G olewtNowGéazEESComaissiongrs—"«Tats freigh 3 }Be nea reight:wre ik areal Ruixel)te, “Thonias.M.ce PDs yidson,Jani cay S :a There haxe %wye sé oats i i ames C7}Tenn...Qa eliUy,ayrot tingien 9Weae CUT,CTI iigts’ats ne .: 4 Gray:“and Marstiall K.Steele.pie feevactiy ‘igjuretl *.AG ee ~«f Nowsrart News ai whith Marty jewfor thesis,fitherssad not,Only “Messrs.Dan A-‘Iydile.Shenae 3 a ae1 sy ‘RS py hand Splinteersre unduivisewi |not,“black and!pariey bat were)Bryautiand Zinhey=:JES went r “ ———————LS ahSiaerican,Recieefrised:dyer thea waeW arch Curt.-Phe battle oe:swiligienthys ‘attractive ter:eps gir®|to Wilkesboro:thisatedkto.gcok arts Rheumatism Vof senlture’‘aud:refigement tor tell in|thas injurgent gonvention:yesterday.cs =Have"iotele-Compl ely::7 Dis, leant I |— freitar acystale 2 ei Mass a ae Ri Ss Fs ‘2,i as‘T they took charac af,tittags Miepee~~}Wherin sfact,many,ofthose who them aocle HF.-Cobb:-TT {‘chhawe Uwe bes.dexit wwrth-had,Sil pet -33 MetBE ROP ye NSaSva 0 ;+=4at i B:BURWELL,Presida.ae Nk me HE THE LATE FRANK CONG,|1 3 Probably few youn ae a =ie,aimall onéApryst a2 2th sett!Spyro:ie urvedo fb,Merde Kk omtie Jail,by i uo oe Hrigte CECT Tal:Vv Fata ee aae:soldiers,ater thespotyrese.“ut Tbe:Bs ok ceU Riem spite.y-seuktoyen Lawyer Wrma M:‘Su th.tL: }sta”on pra ene oe Sor lotte:as bbe oe Ne ot ox ae—“appeared Sings Taking *en he BI ie hen oStateaviile,N.C jas been pointed:TEteryd.inj,Woed‘'s Sareaparilia.y->.7 ie :.nee »SCAT bs os e next session commences “0 3 is Hetle age,See i day tite Ist of September,andsan ;ip ibe t Scion ever so wou the’esteem ands fei éu ¥sex Kate’Masi m1 -0E Nei a2 tists -seethe n en ee enfbi‘ce ete.O-+,oe %~i ¥iu ae otk!‘Yankeapt b udge rar PGyyeCe.Ewa ts Tis:.‘Bheuniata fa dua ‘to’Reid th:the:;THits THOS:ixperienced and acson {plish<Vests Soak ee ee : wie a Beer f a iona sy :i seas.¢@ rigndet at,oa eum to a tice »:Me sailed |ei Cortespoindenes OF tho Masfot'=>od oe lee is:Meghlenbarg and *Gapar:blood.=Hood's:Sarea artlia-’‘neutr to: :oy Uris ‘article f fad dived satiuong,|Pee ea 3Were Kifed-at ei ‘ele ida oe ‘the.Ara:gas Jor,Tues “hildver 5i day”CXONGSES al TAS DES ohatan relatos Te oa age this adid &a:ae tly.cur:=pedteachers ‘inall depart Pe OS LOE less.tidy three “years,yep!ins Sic badly ouureded:oya CaVe in aT nea rhein.ee Tseifictnens ain Siith's Chapel,oa Sontiay=A ugust |.CMe Ay:Pag ones clerk Yat “44 fFthe Jaghes *fad ea of.beuiatintise Ee ast clase “Female nc sneiuee Stee that short tine he:had Sbecortive val:{se owsPax Pues ac Ofte Spanish ate get has ready toy5 )cish.“were aman iG begtots‘he Oras Crore awill Dtwe:vatpandtidate i Read:the following;ian,ae t sade on oe ips =ter oe ;uy +WES oo peteare ugerte sb?Ot Pefein ok apoe Ce north Tredelt!hotter the Democrutie<primgriies and ainwas ee ees een iwie os ponefron Se Berens eG brectied Oea3 1 crowd “was largreandrythe:snort:Pepntehition:foree e ot tre Supe Twase small:‘Poy,and I Ravebeen a sah)$110.00.First class catanaisnyon“1sthy.ees)Counties ‘toves wisk {hrnore or less ik By ite Hot.“ir pocak sy Instruments Ausicanl ds,ineait 2 a oats AC orithustrat-a bushieis &ef Cirereulalrsrs and Catalogue,‘dddrass =f >oer FBreaident,yeay ie “niost.an ahivers “favorte-“with “atl Sy : “eBhetiy geetiend thetels sbi.her -Adthiral ;Belle Gawd \Capatart @ :at fons,w ere’prance ang UPRerSiver::“Courts.DeenHi gpa Tc eaceg oh covet classes:“Of ‘our,ee)ile s+<rspeeakThe;‘Ale oeihdt aero 7 Tybee:flav near:Sa;ipyates ettabelowes dae-bye %Sh,sick,“f Ret:rie Re:Ahlaton tox oy Re Nes sy é °F ‘YyBxwn ToePer ae af Riepropertic ‘Sig :iekn hes:ae Bowoxtooka:‘bottle '‘of tops Sarag=t eat New -Starl“and:it@id ine $0 ‘nab geod.1: “old:and+young.ahike,Lemiled:hits A AE acta .5 EX ietinsue?GPs were.briti day”Lo dae aienint:PRcrane st $y.1G ; S Hae peter fauitianty was,Bree aU WOOL eee Tee ave AV iuifect (aon th ‘eee eesae See ‘Mave por made.then tax”sreturiy’. ot or ‘Tor edi mtn §paravecanhaae 3 ot tk cae Ses md ay cloeky7A A Ras greturn:.to,vi ?20K a alleetion aut,TELA ds Gent,Pinvence Oita”PS Jbfante ‘ee Baeh ie ratene al ligutoih th.=ss ‘and Rev?AC 3s AS,oe rts Nelson:stould attends pita Sofie ate ‘and aatrbe talking three, o~>al ane wiring “itr”malsers,kind [drow edin.a Vath tabs ats @hest Cr:3 ie iterrant tfHots ctyts “Salle it:49%)siding:eldeeof wok rg States Ponce.or,theyet be changed:foaiies ioe Ther:~etelt m0:symptoms:"ot hea,oso -pate ;“aadit,walbce and_frien iy,i dispositignatic’had >Ty,Sotiday!her“child fell “ittot antfave.to.tty $0,raise setae Ob he Frio’district,“addressed sthas Sake pate %Vn ee eemete bs Bats ee eee a SeBo +NV 3 =NN Ane apsiste eee fac nulty of ugkiie friends as.feys oe ty al gyi wether,was.out of cad Sysiisiine su S\herawd in,thes dernody_-Pier:Moizresswaan’Tauehiok tak:“Suto could eeaoe “¥ees ee TAS amen have.In.the!pre jaratious.of AAS yoom.a fo eb pa Ene:a Sate ane tspeeches iwere,clot Geiitr “and Sout.j Uurdaa,for Bakersvilld.s wher eS a bottlesoo fa:Be Gu ee Kev.d es preparations.¢:8 7 blog %2,Re A:storing.-Te >>on 5 were Setiy ee ratparile:and 08s ates vil ‘his cases he Was ubtiviny im.his’‘ins a He phan BOF:the.High “Falls.Si.Washington Puadtte ps oe eae =Oe tae oa a boys:ate Sr as SOR a Spat “and.:-Conztessaiap.[ep uae 01.RopERe’Jonna = Ssigtisae o MS ‘les y Tene a Bf CXCTCISE.Yr B »wp x og. Messts.4 : :.dust uy and iff ‘their conduct=fi the phage Delp tod aeCompait,oat Tranoo Poputist “said “tn “our:sfperiiifes it are.deesse HolSeeees ah pSBSIOU:ncke Bt tagton,orth:Carolina _A bi < :*Courté fis “was-résourdeful ahd ted Sean Tees“ex i:Sears nea ee it ihe oparty:coup ted Ons thebrsucceBeis AE “ALE ae 7 wok Sen ‘Hood’s:Spee ete aN acy Scat! ‘“adroit.beyond hig -Kears -and expe.ance,25H 0002 ah Se XS perce NCE with,MOnOPE?,:e cae hid K Spiectat ers ati »Andy:“McCall:“OF:“c ee (iesacbest intac hs ne Trae Baad TerOe ane ::,ss of the ag ‘he ee re B 3 «Bias eae lesy,eompbiwes and:trusts ad ‘the fer ise oe se mais -4 Cattuwba.<COURLY x.aes come:bebe Au-drugeista.i df;Pn iW i‘Sgnmunity (tom Se ncecaa’;.on aggre ‘nce at tie Oar.“Sftong and?yige A©aesExplosion:i ‘in’‘the‘free coinage ‘ofSilver iittot,“Leap f out wf Located the radecenss i :inext WdEK-EO I ie?seharee™af hee Fe réserve:your bes uty (i ou Lave say)a Pee =i ;a orous-in mind And person;.having a}Ghattanooga powder uml,.just out.sieegl duciena xgtor ‘tis.tihancial.or!ra abster’ssWeekly says Sur Me z pias Clint’s blacksthith shop.eMf Sree pei ‘drnggi 4 ope teeth ©pies wean ge eS icttabe fapak ;00d.elementary education’ariel bet Lsidléof Ghattandogsre,Tena:“Monday,(ee int bretiphi about by hiches ‘action.ir ee Mr Shin |Te anyid contitiue bis Wood shop.sis :an :a3 :Sy ona ene ee a ee lsu .AC}s Pr m y ao %ys af *:Md ow eee i ie c i e A i u *,2. ee ‘Ing Wwell:groundedin:th锓prince iples.ipeneesss —ip eae fe aye Ks Fam ples Wee er ae eowhere bem Took/try find ott 3fahd ¥Gauger-arrir Sof Che 1 :Ly ah piubor ee abeautiful set "yyjenever-”Mies eens aes with’steady,industrious eae :Sof se ine aw phe ait forme of-2t Wins about.what,the ccotten .cpopl,Was|iratrived here,Tuesday and is ay ot B:i dies “4 habitse tlicemoliskente:and TF ouoee es2.Phe nat ist farty:Siem be te Jape <b Tor,Dutcrefusiqg®ti wives tha ja;Lue othe Alexhuder atiseets rear of exerci meecain ‘ree ?mpotars :iedicise.~niagifactory “tand*Re publi :Higures,recalls¥story,told atnyt Thisacedk F Could so.Alexander Re edé-in.all branches of.nt ae of his professionowere yr store for {j publicans tithe same:-elec-j the Hem ye Van:ay lit ;a eG -CIES ee ee sae >tukén =to 6 @ ep but fo ae,iy aumar &Sons)of Maden,:Qa..Was |‘ony Fusion wreia thie fuparblicuns|the Ty COUNTY,vas.:ees we x Krad be ronnd'BO:lowbis gaumiup?“Adi =:ne ha ay ori me todothe bist work at theleat.=:wounds cate or his.>UReAe y taking oft 4 destroyed:oa ‘Gre sPagsday:«ATGose tpas.Ware hrs veel Bisuke isd the’.‘“pOSsuni,“husters:«~;Pe ena “Sohn Loe emt see Gs ita ervera’as,4 énst.?J willi-examine your teeth and give 4 arg :F451 30)000;>igtivan S88,Oe ae mah}ibouk sniscile andy +Phe:Qoks Fae pissy Vanto th ;rwaltoey,,:Eads,Ot.Cali.bed ta.visit “Gar ‘you adivee about them freeofcharge.nd_is St atled he ance “in S|put weeroesiir ftices”Austen with old-datkey’sy ‘d,sha minty the didaté hiv the Deinocratie ©Rowinay,yn's-home whenthe se:r F LAUGHENOUR,Dents.pt he vidi,soun te pas w ho Was Ske “tite Ga gamete ~(PENS roar Sta eaYer 2a.Seba thes Repwhlicius will-.never?~nidlee a ad?put i 2 Sane ai +e.cue rt ttTOWs fdr sGHcitor,lost wothing fact::a a n _ \of which he,CGritted,d part.thatwe Was?‘Killed sy the train near’York |Popubst:party.“Leet vuth >s~~G0%4 Phe dogs:hein Sree pn Week by postponing the @uusention Goa 5 Seed Wheat F.r.Sale,3ashy A taae co hey Tike best to remember itt —with}iFies:Sey Simday.ie was:play:refowns:tDays:feet:achwt tare ienc we trot.jeave;oR ty Kad Acouis tard.we mast think:his<chanees.“are ss ae ee ee sans eye Ling besidethe track,andjuiMped ow are EN,OSE UPR Ee She sunre 4nouns)ters Saint :pre ;eee ay hua:{now tter forsthe nomination when} HAVE’THE BEARDLESS#ULCAS re ee bu;with ¢ Bi “ened theos dullestasi seins =its Phe,tradk jst an f ont of fhe train.ae eyae ane Thee ree ONS Eaytion sossumy ‘Phe ald:eee deois ieee asimige ts,oe tac 20th et: eDee Saiemoicicnaanty =it ade17ste fo ee om Th gee aaSe feand pro*|petivid.amd thicengiy eo:cit fr kadwing any:;pda 4apie oe of:axe this year atid :ee :voked 4 latygh ‘from the:Braxest.ae Seireatobae meee a pee ee TE SRG =yipone aoecepaae Med Gan 9 tae es Eons 1a)a:$1.00 or bushel c sce as _;4 the ee Bh es Hissini -=tS Cae SE 2 ees a STR vor hy te Vuh ys}:th Gas 5 ,,yy ‘SDA 33},:yangtlr depe We Wu :ania : wae ‘a th%Geae Sdperby “aed wy oad tone,iced and twepty:EX.injur ed isthow the leatl e ae ee =ee were Wolke fo #eabeh-the:bans eo He vis aeaunGet himself aesenate “ab einely is giver S:BRA EY,.lar“as well ‘ y a ortunateobject of iis,rait-One:tr waaath into:the:other?wehiide |over tsar:1a"Sushton’ro ty one “openect the dhor,2 id/tole them ce ee the:ee pom fufoticers in “ery=AN of,this wus.netural:with:ies ‘Sra ne aticstat don 3 Axelt aches etait showin the Hncy were (ree,toilook under the hed:or Clack:ofthe Superior Codrt,hi: Gon: :oe .¥k pene CN Kate ofthc pecrple cats<peart and::“i :2 acdtewith a oe HOC) =a him and sych?astthe ~kinddess otf;Russie ne ‘Paw:ek shave ee »|Wate;the Ponioeralte tie Bet Stats inthe meal bar2:omanys ere elses oa Geeverithdrdw.his ‘name:aid SN re hi oc hisheart’tthat big gave |no.coitense te promised :STARS ‘AstherenGre at:as Ee oe eae tg alee pe Wut:Sambe to up:his akbas he ie ere oe puimuries Sat t.and will ‘ag ; RGNoste Bal é CE AVe 12:cerning)the offre pat aw,’eprember ra.He isteach:: .* cee oncession.«A Wr eee shot Totanie Grom 4 who.turned up,that pat "woul ¢Hing arschool that,tokes'ey Bis titne conse ar are:evinpt cttigient,=Be ee SES ;S 'trouse He? S|gets athens Memo encior teat Apiston Stax,othe ee tee heeidly-get-hurt,,Megborne’s“pinst,Fak tume®tS Tn cherate..ie oe ie LY 10:00")rene oe se rps a ‘x te ser5A avsure sizn.th Mi z :‘i samebaes @Poing-a‘away,Sith:*(rack::pu ;[pisourse.:re i ee Suesaeae ne i tthe sain ro Sue ee ee Sie Bt ne gotlg big line ‘at aad 3 ea UAE does 4 _‘<Seen <SHSM AGUS fe 6 San a Ni aces ieee se :ppwuship an the:tcounty :eur »willdoe:cprg ei 5waite a yesiment:eas crOsSitet Tye welianigenycanct sone :weeA oe a -]cenfion®A aE =ee ae eee call and pee us be tS =idibe Spe |ride oer the Mapets>fear.Hdd}tapes 4b.Whitetids Alrso doses Redes Looub one Wont ago 1K4 ‘e Hd.Bet Sach {ownshi Fes eae te. a ee fies: ot Hey cary “Sunday,the cbridge~ea!res ie g figee?‘etUpuet?oknhc betcha:fifteen MiojiLbe-alsl.ade an.fSee That:‘they “bay ee +undebstand oat a=kdgpsed and‘threé-rundreds,me were)‘Bousille;better Iie A tees attack ol diarrhea,accompanied:bz |potitedo ;CeALOS UY Satig:joes. Btiow ip the 1 a LONE ’4 wld Tol Saat aye cbs Ne eS.an oC ‘e Hp “Tt:dy Prakenart oe “pai strday, Septemnloy Brde was < pe Imm roe ie‘ist believed”“thatS0 Tbe warrant wi Ka ssuvthiruicSSy aeetee egirinre,ae‘gayé-isesuch ne iin fa cast.this voter.Milicrs,+iy Sharpes:“wock andwa eles Spe * ats th the tit genlile a :e re ‘Le drowned Wats a SNe -bevawher’:Ze as usta yaery Cuban)i ascot 14:Cie ea Mie es apie Niort f &:: MS houseund ettn Obr readers.W,ilk.very Sarach’;re}?“Prositeat sidlevatey fas appealsu the eA arene ae 2 ne of See rk re‘fel ek Mahe as ile aey =Sete das a ce ee isellin this “re x 4 AIS ES nh ¥hy ndeichis es ae bi bes ‘hs ret to sce hig ard of *“Chatle Ht,{Captain Albert:NeneSu;uperintelr:=fLo cea rite ty pies :bebe ache:Ge‘tet init oeens=ue og.ee ;mbiCe eo ae ‘has es be es ERED Re iced abort acts Gaye oo 8 RAO a ae |ve ae : O ab owt ne del delegates ta‘the em co Hem |.aie ions and avas.ha sinter.‘abdut.“two Seb + ce tendint”solonel’:Remit,sa:tbe elourive Pauley in tlre x ar er ; mr -Deimoeriatic~‘Senatorial:Coat tie tel <.~“Wounde d of]et «Sait ist dpieration’s~*wt"“the showels:ey ¥{ i fs :fin 4 ster *fo present Dist HaieSfor-eeeoe ee meee bat ve saa ae ae he fiely aga twdlce-prs,Bndire werec ans the Re pu yy aoS ::i :;e )“tion ‘for Senat I Pa Thi edeath,patois:-bear.Blues Loft:GSO ac BE ea od,tliateunlessttSooudbtained.,Ke-.Phay nolige.ins $s25 ji foe ie Senator,It was setymuelr}ville,Ky<Mondas,“Phaae “Fusion:BiGHtaf My oRSor wis tix slate:Hiehit yeoulds not live.”Shaamber:[os Aowpehip protearies,oe.to.bes en made for Men and Woinen.van Lawyer, Lee one that Mr!Armficld.!would.aes F Bratchers\s Hliaiis,aae Mepaty vas See Pang furs pe}laines Oulic. Cholara ciike-Diarrhots Lbncfel cin September 9thand Gayot y |opas d-tp-prese ri said,ee shots’before +you |buy:Ww a AFL Sena Pe ‘cept this nomination.“His canvass Fwere led gud Marshall“Muloer'|rhe Seaton er a:Runedy was”recomended,sand.convention‘on Sutuiday,Say 00.08,bese ath ohn age |So eer hae ak eer aee ee them,for Fine wear.‘Sec our.giclee wae =*Avould have bech a memorableone in See eek eee ‘The:‘trontiled pasgedip-by.Ale:ae Searseed cada ietscy ah I soon tuoticed a Loph:we ure:linformed:,SE es SL ete Bc Ea riridve Shoe:foods for $2.25 pr.:They ate Bical de towur is .‘;ne o v ?a 5 .ty ¥!ee it we the'counties of the”“district:and we Pe o %<ot anos,ore MeeeSay Roderick eStoppe'aad,assed Mrs eae aea oO ae :nae aSao ee or ee: esction es nibeeaces, eres 3 ~ sb Pht Styers ee ony ‘| ; ae persuaded’Ahat he:would:have ee of Garvoltes.|Sane Nee Bae Hugts ss‘wed Fabont_and Seianba perfect hea aul’tig San ce ee Jt is.tho eT orl -:12)n .»-xo e .Sw =~;A ; anit been,elected,3ats.the -election:“of a Bugene.Pada tae Gaderwonar Lea thet wae ea a8 Coen pegDass (fhys Utz Bos Bodées HKrumptens.De pucsweo ‘later.toWaship pri: :man,anot' “Se Demociat.“~i8“possible:—But.Mrfson!Fofthe anirdar “=ho badtsfoads:Sits =Ther “ype .“p ob Hier Deneeaty oe “HOFesaiel ON Sonnets vr Rus a eee :ORE ge ng ee ae $$4 .Pigpists bere aw x .pS 2 Conyers oe ee eee ess Pia)ne-and par Wr bow “0°“A ¢hag the int opt way Wit eel sgee ne ~x 1 BS fOr the Demet eric i Gis s rest <of arold-time feud.tnessod sbye.Fe Sf Os ‘ALEX ND -o =‘erat % port whick <eat, me eud.._CYC HL hhots a Ee OUNT.oeMo.ft tO “dosent!at!Lhe,. " ;oot Waa eS:will,soum}oN:‘JeoB:Fletcher a x beh ON ow :mos ey 2 canoen SounTy.aee:Lith)SepteniterASrde 7 ae Pe tag partie .soie a ee upon him,and:that the Congeozatioual Nigatstee "RG -=Sr tast CY‘The Déemockatsosy ‘Atexatiasie Coys L BTxeX;Sheri J.MM “Watts4for thé:Pu Em Be:oeMrck E :Ait at cause 0:oe ese money -system -cand.white-in‘the pulnit at.Siiiey,"6anh eaiGnsaes Vii Geridin:‘apd,State\Fexeb:.Ay“ar'p-oglled .to:“meets:sky,primary.Tingistatae Wehave Sinéedearne epee Seieutiot’Makes3\Free:Ofer: *es mee as ae white man’s government!kn,‘North’[Sunday night....-He-was shot.PaaSts-*AuGitay Met |hay wivswr1o:5State ee omeees at sliel respective -pol!é Uy ib ass not eld vaurdi-|4 =.SoonReaderss 5 {o cat age ee :vie .Cardlina will havé th -hi avindow inthe!church:Tt isexpect..SH hereahie ¥arth ley tite eipt-of ®ee each?township:on=2 7 ne cute Shae ikstate ;é Vane 5 ‘wad New"XG ry s Anat Mr k Fees st “abe advorady,soba campaign,a cue of his Sethe sieure of osai troaa”™itemaerlty ee Surrembaedeb hs:BE Se Biv grs Beteaea ets i ar Sieur,demonstrating bis disc expats issinered-~is now seade esiees BS brave us assak cnt;a hecr Ye ;ate tor yh year Suse oy or the uv)OSE RG ie re IR SN ty Me a reliable and:absolut :-te:7 toe ‘ke a not asone)af,the |‘party's ‘standard ed Aer tee be eS I ae ae ae Pies”giiouu “OSE ieee Sue fi ne datdés f epois‘oO”mena cand nat ‘aL xod.C Thas oS mlption.(Pulmonary “Puberent er.Con Fee"quantitff.‘of wool We Ephe x:Sena ee es Bee bearers,thenas a see privates as Leona!;peach woah.i Rls toluene oh na which pes ie,esgt oftiges Gi.panientioned.for-thie te H.-exchan ze:Pang$fail,te.“RaING Gq zi tare oe:;om Miller,aise sa)ag Nivea Atlanta Coastline;val a :Ldelevi ¥apd te elect |other whony Wwoltmiakeiva Se ines ae sae ee bey i CO,Va dal ny #9,-delegates to he Anty-.Conve t :tions,general aeci *: eee n--oy ae er a Ee ee e out TLR,Se tan sg,£55 6224 “lev ticls is culadyo:ficet.ie thesccc eer Anar represen Si hotflesh zap aoe 2 CT cat :"Hughey. ‘EAs S,DODDS lay ni:anc rid:Southern}!thas inti tan”¥si Oe,ies b ¥secur \s 2 :Wi wasting ot a um é es Mite gata as By eee a Ge er =‘x ¥205 auseid Lay lorsrifetan ©¢A ii oe.Coe AWAY,Soe Zi .ae Holt Meee Theditorial whieh sxe-cop ,ro.aeEetalttegeee rwbitehe)taxes AMS ae!Ot Mee oon oa “TRag-OL iiaishi pe seer tee a izes'and'ail kinds of prees.Kk -quality and.-qusiaite iron ies and >Sata:the Wilmington:negro:paper ‘cone.a white soln——to outrage}bisSebaaxd /Air ‘Ling,tala ion “BO Ni}.persons.int ‘stm.C =Gouna SBS The ce Peale bt rite Rey taime anaes iodly remember us,whefyon bur xout ‘aC ot the i ./©.of the vilest thihgs “which-Sweshiive aig “tid tod =seae en linetaS aoe *farmer party-piliation’Sf Ahoies ios dotpurae -hairthatl,with Edis}:"New Scien |=os Respeetfally’-;ra SRrng :y(.;seellaneaus,railro v OTe?aes ‘eet ithe bY Bef hese Ba SW OR se read.-it is.ay Wonder’that the Ret ‘Sie ==85.5 00.6 vec tay Sseem -¥wluation willing’to jgin in ‘a,<comingii-.Figgert A “USC2ands Bed cere‘a ries:ee tbe :its.t a c Se nt a +-fo ot ee .ee od: white’oeOf Wilmtiingtoa’‘have Scott.Ganeey atid’,hiss.fi S ea “Sleaibaats,if Rete Pee ‘“{for tho/free.coinige oe sitér,niet Hs _ne Go exces of M “DM iS]gine ¢eh iris a umentt i RdMet ol .go a “kr sche 'not tarredant thiered’the’interns eo ahaa ai wits tax S738 8 ca oe 337,the Fee ms demanded by.tthe"Deni Veh .Reo aa nes |dunate x ti)ue isinfaliviecur :=‘2 o ree iiss Ks ed.sunday:é e 2 oPelev e y ae ocrati«platform gdapted at ¢Cor :ere ap : ;Siena cand Hass 2 yal:‘black.®evil 0 wrote it:and de-agsasgin._-mased>i.3 “rap 13,Ve wattoion $503,5510.vax tears spedch.© f :‘apy was gun,oaded<cwith.buckshot:tT$2,008.05.Suerte 74 Cees in.Te-aed:the State slatfor toreanttn,& 5 ae "stroyed the:ae is “said.that.harnds traced-‘Tom Gatedpanel:b ‘Mercantile Breast and Ds abiesadopted at Rateiohin:R85 bre bie o SpeGos oh nan and n =e want meat :aoe A ers ~>this paperis the icigh organ’‘of the:bor;abd:beis fn jail.-{Coppavy<Veh ng dialiy invited toattend the -prinia|decided 1 See aete moder Renins,that,mM Shirts,from ide.to i8e.!ae az Ke <jaib-5 A:dynchiny:pay}with $25;“OF,=hid the cohnt ‘prima’fd ta a ungtrouble:Seay sacha ote ‘are -tains” =-Rephlicat county government.Of is feared:‘Bad:blood”has-existed 3515-18”Coe priest!Fee OEY,couvention dnd]Siqluan pe et aye \imate‘ia'proven.by+eee :‘-Lawn ‘ies-andScarfs,1¢,.0 48-ain S$p “&-New Hanover™cousty¢*Sucti=edito-between:~the:vCatisey apa Garner ¢Pulhotan Car’Coe revit aid iuthit selé¢tion of ssid candt-+=ime *Ladi Rare |ters’of ‘pratitude,”filed’in his “Aaerican (Sit y ana Tan ATBasross:“7 Big Lot Céliuloid Collars,10~-ae.ae ,-Wfials sho¥“hat our white.“orethr families-for sSome time.ats pels tae SW4 wt r Com eee a Se of Bxee.utive elurat the same place-on:adjoe Hedenem odwail parts in,omaha :See BOC.|Me 2 Hose Bi'k and Grey &,gwd 06 Se buried F,rén =fan y,vs he tatal valk 5 omit tee ust 13th,US9S:--a a -:red in all-parts-ortbe:do arat.Ries ,Cod 5 and ¥-a 3 ;a Ne Rachie Station of the!Nb .‘oA ainent’of Lh Goneres i ‘worl ;:Boy’s Pants.20,25,30,35 shy |a +cin stern.©tes,‘which -bayé}ee Amons THE.ROL!een sn peanes et property ae rns uo is Ly G WALaNRY:Ghairman®Fon.ae ae i ee cata oe conefa oe coe Embre 7 Seria:Mens Straw Hats.worth $1.50 for.a Consider |‘.négroofficisls,tave.to.Said:a0 f.a ees 5nil”;se |S 2SENATORIAL CONVENTIO pS onanty ig 3 ‘spe Lining Great Bargain Clothing,Suits frow 2-50 UP.8 before hia bce how oryinig is ‘the needigr shitein~f “Tie Hemocrats:of Catawba’edun-|‘Carnstine ok oe Ree N..fase wis Miltinerv,J(adies Hats,100.‘gnduD.in Kney pa x ‘Ley have hopinated-A~<Ot tres ¢aT ee Jemocratif:eoavaiific “tor ine t ce.yd;and v ; bao tei \Jon forewhité contre}Sear Yo altir of the B E:HP Ok,|the OH“Senatorial ase ya ; P-. Pat .thecounties:‘of the State.:.atesuse},=Phillips’for cherky ‘Carises su Sait the:aoe:in the ae oor pr %ora rstct,~eour-tes a Y ]: :6 Serviceable Shoes,$1 28 to$2.nO ee eae ae Biaekweldé?for’sheriff,“Dils|tains the Tigested togd too Jong-sa-tht howels.singthe counties of:Alexander,j=.SEs init ;ville,prowye Perens”uty Cis ack “Childrens Shoes,154-2500 FEO8e os eS :a Hinger for register;Of e Ss;ALD:art prowriges WiliotsmnesS/$gF vid Ever,ne Gaaavebix,Eineoin,:‘ud Wilkes:A:“De aoa 5 5 invand Na 3 x ial Glass Water Set,Sc,Ss .:sakes ford for trersurer,.2Alex.~5 With=SOE EN,Hereby:calted $6 moct “At”rhe See ‘iota 1S ae ;mh ie its ;‘Coffee BEil 30 and 5c.* erspdontor,Surveyor.¢Roo.5 Coul--Saeees SeICReNas ek3.Ravine ties 4N.C Sona i d,a Ete YOU a errr seo :Bona A 1)ip. a ter I6rseoroner,DS MBoyd:F=By y f ptember dt “18!ise:at 2o-aldck ,>o :Siri SL i c ts peneeae Coffer P : is yi >ss °‘ats.25e.to.65¢= ;=Wi Ifoag a h va,T (fp,“PRG arpose of ‘thi in V4 See! adtaken.@ es Hood's S:vy AdJo re Gabriel:“for ‘Com:“‘Parpose Oo is yepnyen:Sane“oF &arty, =e a pe |ina “could cot,an nee ns oo Line,Pe Shes 1 a*catididates*fo :theStaate a ”tyestrousbere ae cege:an.30e.n -ae?’eouldsleep well qauch stronger.’*+..eee Sesidache Abe State:Senate feom said-distri hatin : es ce MasJo 3.Manin,‘Weirington;}“U aeons 3 "ete,Sema sod to transact avy -otber.bbus ah Ome ye Opear stipaflow and all ocd Kt.Pe taining to:its:-organizat Zh 1d.3 WOOD'S ocean eu Easy et ‘campaigd headquarters:cape coin all its.von:of lite,ee Rote er totake,easyto opergsa;relinbe;ste.25 a sdghegs man some Rng ae eeaeeee Sap ace order es oom flee!at tat 19g theron seta as: se 8 Se eeae ek dee <The quid Ris tale ion easine fh .,‘SHvvoRd,Chairman:et ee sists WO or t.-Cure guatans] <i oa ates Seece ea ee pee.1p.este ct nd:-swniple ae Address }' a3 *eke ee “Rosia,ide Recs crore ee chare ae err Fe aaa aire soe :ree 3wva‘tlehtring:3 ree By”ree RARE “SovareRs >RE:=“ir eaNk LONG,ESQ-01 HERCONSE MENSTION.Ee Wet&Ny ee gt a:{Ne COMICON”eg >aes \e et ,:oF Fidy.atteriipon during”thier —sendaL>mot y av ig®Mips DoD,Key's clogt oe Acai ore,Prog:zea Nat“Shirpe.|Streét’was:“Stack by:SES ,Orgentaation.seen tere 'Aue 2h ign cae Habtniby,“&go (Sized,holt.*bis<-eos Mensroentat Asiocistion:.2 ~.,Sndck8ain ‘the roof,but:not"ugh.Repegteh 4:Fth MW:ator ree os Bsiere:Se amage +was:‘done“ti -the “building.x “Din. 3 .t|Randokph Fr ri ;wes poe é oes \'xe reach...TS eas}rep Celaya:Lard extts hye rit +eT eet Panes igi::i Pg Roper heh rag ise :rae agian.grits in crepne: Adagesfer “ap Se erent:y shocked,rosBob,Sta,Siti:Sib,isch ee Ra aero OR LONG fe ae se ate han re.;:trian a apace ;petite are Sets{We ke ls Leen beck tents Fe a7 Pies pet og Rina ed ke %7 BVT ALT AY BQ yt “Guy.Lisqa sexicke were:Wjureds upantsof ti,House,axetnent'¢Of Col ~RéubesDe Campbell 2 ;sedReece Sree ie mes 2 ‘Ta mena es Elie:ye tiskelrd *chesghweatsyoreeReettsstieyrreeyeeserial.Cathe.Witherspooa:‘oF znillon“thé samelot,was:Struck:-at ee oe!eg ae eece et Becofty te,aL Of eeeCeGefeany.|th f psuek ose!und Motu:fidhly ha a seey Yekeev pa?Moana Re iS Hosvex“Of Our “comp:y.oistime:bat (no;-daitnagre-“Was.events ofthe kind th 4 4meseman.the hospi-déne i Be ne in abAwe?bast)had tan yssid at ie thet Tne He “beSiix Ady:ass Mi:ratetig May u;:.SYPae Eosrt sear as +e}Mere te a pees several}yeas:Jt./esMigs to,Lp:to Dis:bots te ally Colac:ts wed:attvey.io EeSASheei*ina eke es UES 0 mee Tne~angt)th Re “didh}ane)at Wert:on btOye WOra ns s :;seeaernaforeacenstStorSenosRews.wi.s.PMNOST:OF The tallkineyand ‘Syemone 2 hierbis:Tetsu.G.Satn 'Brinist 3H sMaguid:Wood:oe Sanday:“Bestest ©stationwas an.Ses.}”There-are nuw Jind Operation <i‘igenGOKee:thesrigg,thety reMyjniséen:pas 5 Sacco paying bine:te Clive land:Ma Slate mils.fee“atte thocsty chuveh,heree eputy:‘Collector Davis!Otvision**[Ces Br erstare,=Soon afterar,rivthg at bo Mr Wilfiam’Wallace4eesaindy...ee ie redeli dnd:Alexander ‘Counties.aT ik Die oii Had peeh SoeAo.bome he developed.au fenuirie:GaSe,of hae ih Liane tbu <buarghaout*<rFM hivkey.Mistilteries,Z =oin.Avedetl secu teat Or <8or froin els@wlere tnd ay phoigfever ud quis condition “bes beeee SohatkeoG ae.Monday:oebist?‘andl:Jn,Alexander,~=posineto.the:fact:that?court”"was fer |canis periogss ‘onda y™mornge bis k?Jab.SObbE,5 bop i5;eos ee ar FE brandyAsli’in Progreso none Of Outi local’or:atoms,uncles B.by Long,Msqy reeeivpdaPeople Atita as;‘S¥“4g leerahiog this,vear in -Lredell and-8!|of wham Weare justky rretd,telegrah ea Hi ted bi Ott Mi Nellie Mek Osts1recovering‘ns .J APY id,.were wera Ww ie auaoun CO TAS.CO is ie ¢nté dyesiowon2LvaiSeenidAlexander.-Mr:;RD “ey:Hediien,:able tolvive vsundddPessortthe oveu,sista os Ma alls ze Yisiticy Mis »el Ministers”Septetente OL Jackson.County,is’-thébrandy Siow Bustiouyh WE Had nowspead [his bedside‘that taux nie:‘ahd =Mest?ee wand Mars es fs Milk ol :Howd:sie (O0 at tlie»Methadist watiger ip charge of the:distilleries,ral.address”we «were “yratitied Sby4}Lass went owt Phesday “morning.sae *s st 4 fyageslastweek,but,on acs}ius“Hii unty,.‘and’Mr Pes Lone.ieapy (ahort*Alinproffituy Speeahey “Lhe sews Thdty “him sihce*Moadat pea eee.Gxt by aeBSceeie:ct ohtheattonidince |Was,FORBuheothibe |‘county Sis the waager’thosé aman}‘thesWety “hs pres has been suchas téakirm bits friethds.Se BirOe.Gioia asset ssSy24charge:far Alexahater gounty,Fes.tout:afd the’interest,of all énnée ane,the ywere not Surpr ed,AbSnych |Lutsves line!abe Awayx CLOWbadiaSeoth2niSick.ey.he’fruit-crop,is very ligt this year,”nade ‘up by their:spon tantiby ‘and pine tp hedn 7xesterday.“noting |lake:Siting SES ant onoeaseahereSaturday.und this aecomits:for the‘smal bum)feryur;0 »delivery.Awhat the¥niay }Of hisdeath?Theflinerdl wit ake pe Neger N,eeAsc 248“ere oReb aa a a DEL troops and Lber.of fruit distilleries operation:have Jackédn Ga¥efal prepare“atlone Bice tocday até Wie cloek.”:;WW.f 2 6Pent=k nef Chig ea =Near |r Captee.SG Garlton:-Commander pe Benjaniin"Wrsetrk lia “Dong:Wasssees te wy dA Fens:ee ee hs aA Buds es Ae oie Co)Reaben2 Campbellwatn)s uf;sob of Neg audestr OW ‘haps S.em dase re eee:s ae i ee Gold se’“Bia Yoscco.my Ao Conk-daruteshigeterans,+J"eatled ~Ane Longo”ie £hein Colkeze.<titidS GR eearaen :~=yy Rtn ses &5Seh te ARs Zooper Sun Cale FY rinpetihe-to-orderat™Vi Kand’acliv-4 abouts Vewrs old is fithieris Ane Bd OR es aes b4sition tu;apet 1a neuitumiyn’in”Balji--Pata eeeS Sprache eter ered a shor‘address ote wetcoune”iniiste®or plore!Seat a:eae theSHikhern BO aCOe Ngee GH.ae;ing several ;weebs|‘Vallstawn.township,>was biting.at Aftei the singing:Ofxary sant em yah wWis,unfit tecen ay.President}Tgtte.oe Sint rs ea gape x ‘ekipiie ”i :SES tur iy Chew Gf tobaced“hist sth isteach 4.the choir’"OE the’Statesbillé.>pEstry mand iB MOW the cei "ral aeent:otf “Salty hisar lwtte>,os ae Li states .4 s o "reeeNg‘Tk::iS vn a hdd aio COMIN.ares :i sig LetUhaplainORLheMpuythNor“nDCaron SelOok bf hic éhurchiayNortir tae yNariguad:beta ani.als Heres 7 Bem S COMMUELE tSomethin:Hard:eeeaputled?if eat!tian *phureh,cher OW 3iO Woods hion?eGheee,“hes deudisitactional’: ~aRFetela»facie Tied itr to Gee INGoat rece t v ni Ft has abuses LS ter é tie sauieds f°sige vot ;the niain Find near |with achdlein-its Wherfie:wentes Taia Regimen taid ¢:haplains of the,Jitajdud Vitwinja,Prankzraduatef te Re oa >ae Ah sth mo aesCakenightnecessitat-prailve:another Stra,for 3a ¢Ghew,his’Confederatearmy,|la id he meetidg.|edat Khon Collee sdveral:kearssago:-Miss=Man Oe.Caldwell.Mecca Setmd"Nyy Ae bt owthy cue ‘.to Braver.Ne Uae ame ia }echd Was afbetiwar ts.)a Rw:seudemtt!turned irony a sisig ti Sciatic Hr,Stsfeetthe:ain line b agate caimes1h*¢on tact?with Sa trae f nf 4%;‘eae al SUESVIBE tedes Suitescour of the:teal.»Wise this,ee vn Bence oF any peu ur “au fatethe Univer:eydad was amit dd pow hea beens SS Ra NNeEe aahSeehaprnssorislry:aad,peveSas fishtdout“at proved:LOrked ‘a ressa ae P.Lou:read «the!&the tbap.Fora shout”“tyhe“atter,7 Mats?b).kes a Hot,retignak inks ‘ageoteeaLas|ave gla gold.“pido:as p A.PSpeeeh ot 6 oats ‘Robbins,fe}eScci ving Heginse:‘hecatas®Tovated:ity Puesday-fiom’a esand |:;i ee a:See:;See 5 Ostivagit.Kor,;Fallstown..ownshipey epiitly,delicered ‘at--at cainpstine’at Macs vile,“Gasprelly Pile.Jef toW enol”:ce rake Sine d j :‘x «et Set igh phices vqBeer.of.Hunters Lwheinfursmayag?or ‘this.Geohy:fined +Gettysbarzh “Lhis'speeéb Rresents’the ah OTA 89D,Scamed y States.*dy Bs oiWer Wy,oe Ane CLES oT bet ag::A yigley atin.Age We dad 4 é a ageatiug ete Winity:did’not,Rnd Ube-brand ‘OF POLALGED PReST irony Ay thy~cause “ofther vilé indfouined ¢the lise Nhprncasiaae Mr,Mckee Sider omyot Olintotre:‘eats Die teeta ,;:LAO eras. eel ashi p we are,“thereloré.}Pubable-tc South”iD ‘thes e¥ort,Stpuegle dsit |with bis-oicle;Bev Cig.sags Spent +=Sihndats and»MondssWs deter ek Serteian (bee =:cs Be aneytSunday:ITGansta rid)“Opon *the:factory pM.néarly Yent ji‘In “pWain *our,oapublics Wigiele cousin uva-Order 4)phe.arm hwithhisene :bu *ei ‘8G)isDewees Sere Jiientionineyi.Young,Mh Bester [AtLong read’with:‘Spirit.and feek hare af Long:Late fou ty -“big y Sie.Becea Sue Sister “ATs Sey sty;;ie +i eS id:HG) TBgs‘thie.&hionep te5 Shant for tsclt i {ing showing,himSeH ‘thorgivbly:jn deat he <eran:“fe SUE Mtnperi have AeLiried oukestrow s,:ett eaten Suet i *=Etre Sraphtb with ;the/speaker wharliad |AS a him yer ioeWas,14)hes ine:stayin tha our talhas:pe esis¢Shee”EndoF ‘dour.os hae ak teenséfended the?Sous,iCivase HGundition fobpuck succcess.Asso te ee eefrie §me :oeneyReareaS:%roi.the ‘aspJeTSIONS”O}“thost.wha|ted With,Ins Sancke “ays Pits Taree Kons)OE OA,"and Gaushtey,bo;ier ae ee ec ssreme saene guestion*the wotiwes that,-prdmpted.|Becta wastaqniliurizine |With tier Louise,5leaye to!aay;tota Bis.eo #3tout the Jaekean-}The.following -businiess>Kas*tran Lhe South to:selissign,|Wed)Mr)Sebi wilh,ath branchésned hiss protesSy tet Halk ow.atausi iesatesF~eted Sines last Thur:day:Tipknings:-j Long.fa endedthe reudiiybe made ih,sidwas eine ”resie OWere.;4 KADMills wscathe we Beewaic:ace Pan eloquent:appeal’“for.the!erection aud tone Gy:lis Senior parpner inthenrisdnrectigodahbitdndjudimenttor:plant,fer,‘ata.mhon ue:tto thes“Contederarte yeparation:and cOndugtof bis cases.”tives Ale xsiovaly UT BreveIKE"toni she ye panty $11:“interest and Ost”+“Dead otTx“ade ney Amen,the.many4 ti isshi DMs wereseoa,“anid \pothiny |A ciOkato~:“Féckson Ovlesby:a trate able ‘cid’brilliant”-elforts tliat wee Ou:Bis:bntimgly ‘death:prevented |atliri'yeP.Ceriar:ssa Gud?Chet Se}::=verdict rand.iedignent Toe hav@heard .hina te aero QE 3“Surg aapao D and}:pate ea cub gt aes,xe Se yi.eee c e3i;sane :Het PaiTwtitts for Sle Vette TG vassed this;Fy Z mars *he Sar see Sei oe 2 ee He)Mae SHAS eT NS GORE ce a He uN,Aisa ie W hite,‘adja.ner ah :~Cap tani’Caviten >eee pe fort’,"Rhee seep was tam,i:tivean®:oSLisoae thie,Tonest ot -okie,cslish.|.°eee Be red f eae eae’Ce skins ett tars Sac fox Seeches fronr.thé-veterans preséats}usc fibember)ofthe Spt ak-OS het tye 5d —:.feet Ang”Ropuiar Youn at eae ees Atay? ry 4 FoeTe2aosinthe et opt aes ae.rank “Yoga Bi CS,Bere:erred aLihg Toseg:!hethyiol:oethe.Caifedee sche Spades Fae:AikREXThswe.s 7 aS é Aiof « ee a aoe wi Vp.-8 a id A Sea ie ;Chat:SandMis,Sgt 3aTraepehermedtronrasys: » has teturned.nee tera VISESLO:trie:;ia.ot oh Rowan ud Mipla Ret fut “$3;03;sale of:nad:or.Messrs.“WM,“Dali “James ~-PLiottge.Khiglits of Rythias and way.TLintices Rese and"n-Rhetehiuty,bools.‘sae a ee Hhendd es tee Se 3 ‘Mitgheil,Lapt WG,Shin and :pasfcharicetiow cotmander of VEG mes beatae [Special RedanogeiatteFs:ober ‘r eR oe ya fe ;‘SS ‘t:elelasticthreabeedthyieytsaanvid_Rew 3 and oe Sih Was e a8 tees ie ae eeaoeaeeras aeod Uypa.ABs incre!stopping ayesbs¥sth,:ret ra tt aap~buske Bele Ltevet.rdic +dee mate .fc SNe ae viv,*ks 20epi=.ue es oa aeSet een naeeus asce evans Weré interesting to every one.4)comumittge represeitingthe)tod~)eSyououe.JettTiesday.foeSarenytskingserairsBeatueottBEBocantiseeeoad“8 “i.jp present and were JKiened.ty with:Seon COnsiSting=of ;Messrs.REA“Fe Wok sefstars Wbiteand ltieCon D=.Sti,:“ed.i a Readlay Sdn igs Hppeta lose PEPE Many 2-reminiscen-Rickert,’JsArBraudas WwW.PY Phifir,“fonts.leer’to:piginerytte staal:terBa.i.Loved it been aonedt-SHES X Co.;appeal:dismissed,*Jaheey.worthy of hote”were related’?Dr.land Sigt®Wallace «‘left,’Mast?ey ung LStinkiehire.Satur-TS wilHebythinne indetinitely:.é He wurbe assistgd Hh,the)mve tine}S by Ret MEHR ers of “Rech “Hit, S05 dad Kev.Jos A ~Presstyr of Stitestitleso)oe sie Gag lin x j Messrs.Fred Andersdi:and:‘TossVeElwee,laujdr¢.<~cadgents,:“havefoymedacombination,“eid the’busi-}.ess OF the agere ition wilh be cdn-dusted from the:store of Mr We Beasate©hen”a wvisshae fox:the |I teARS friar.ig Sslisburyvy Bry,attempted’aedn ‘suicidepeRdantpaying:plaintift erate -and{ Wrest ‘Ratterson,VS.sJeSsé,and ASereTandon;werdict Sand jideme“yt {ova PlaBhititi for S205".LR Eck Mileh-Waa Thougton3 “Pggan |Hillaae1Sidaey<Waugh:verciet “wand ‘judg: ene tor:defendafits:torr the caitin:=ued~‘POSseSeion!“Qf eer lands”in ae troversy: and wife?Awritiofpossession’ordered:>-J:Be Armfield ext.ws:GL:AnyEsSale,of land tonfirmed:,.-VA.Cathey vsy “J:"AL -Gathey, ponehalt of“the cost.Sian Sine svidierie camp ae Chie amtivga.tmasTabertoresyeSunday.oungs<are -bealing,but hist e Wile soon be dimsele+-agait.a eeFianigtin’+)“company at.He,chipped in,aud)pre-inn wvithics ‘bandSome:Sword.hea made the ‘presen-apd:Capt.Manigan+DONS We.hear.thatNaniveani>“obe of the nidsteysell:dsihe OL the;ersticersistheRegiment.3 Bar Ge H.Gaui a “gospel wag:vwillb bye SatureMt,nd Will bytheihuted 533)=5 ee tat:ae tee afters Sengitee:tel’72isWputiaie:eaeenrceTbe:[EON idedtn the grove We mdersta}iPtht there #is :pationin:theniiods of ssome.eeeasWthetitheSter:Lowen:aS house and.fet.which are adenthe}Bile.toweyeed”in:the)ee auto TSupneike Courthas}ealed tr we Baderstahd ityy ytgee:thie young:=iB laewer Gy:Salisoury,iat3ryheeiiLegeRStakesupts|:sc Eatais for vthe counties |died Stoutey hagDpvibtinegtoulof r .entsae t ihr,i Fy bot Siig coeSverefedtinx% irFc Setator wi we iths'inte :&.8are he folkssds;hau due t Joba Ww,“Gore,PaesYs “ens Sullivan.ext:g:P.Grier,Bq.|appointed referde!ue fake:aud state PS Poston:Seghediae vs,ip -F-, {Sones:and:wife}sale@of lan ordered:ot Abner Byers ¥s.C.He.“Armfietd)|extrs;:John We:White;“ESq.,-‘ap?poimted referee to.take:and state an ACOOMME S95 fy *ey‘Hostand won.the.oli soldiers gath=|paign he made sever “he hiimepaign-de rnade severikSpeeches fpr::aaeces so ©ce “braid i"the Democratic part.sinthe county,}ing didstents’Seestrac“ix:Deanties Struc byoMre1%Commissioners!f Tredell County.¥sctM.AWhite et!al?RA2MeéeLaush:hn;Esqn appointed:réferge to®tkeandState.,an account;defendants. appealed to;the Supreme.Couttfront}the order.apyomntlog.the.referee»,The:Southérn Rau way appealed!A‘the Supreme.Court,fram,t Judg~ment -wllowing“$1,250,amazes Se $Kte-pominate.two eangilateState:Senate Alig Irédel}dele,wereSnstructed,fot:CharlesHi SeafisldzEsq.eine Baiteda€ mation Xofey>’Fhavesuet hej ~Pt GOUTIeS, ‘eonventigsuitoste geialgres oe groh“ne ‘“the nesae yeCBButler:of “3 i /o Vavite the*‘Boys in Gray.”<Emma}gt‘icc H.aL “Harwell 2 Sfterthe \speeches Bec vot familywhieh he did: organ.aWussocfationtorthe’ereZai ‘ndw him dod well relies the story ‘asofthesufferingsand’Joys he shared i adjourned tothe rand.jury room.bs pene “bythe ladies of the®Soldiers” 4 +Aid t be“Old Vets how-Fused for t IT)Lee.aPipeoecasecompromisedbyDieioacreSeusedfortheState.House ‘of““Repre-last:week. their:forks’and ‘knivés as they’had-béen at’handlingthen niuskets,™|Hose ‘days thattried meén-s'souls:"!“Phe:day.from,‘start td.finish -was)’send are ini ihe 2 nee 2ada thot anesjeajoyed by:all present:.In spite off [threatening ‘wéather-—‘and.héavyLroads:there:Wasa Jarge attendance,’\ithe an umber.of ‘veteranss being’He:©After,they bad:finished their foray"on,the sapply.of good things anduad-told Over-again Dow fields were [. ered mmfront’‘of the.court ‘hous and. Sti .:the ys Qtosrapher ~0 .'T ‘oled in the’-count.-rodm in,order ito, tion ofa auitable*moaument.té theConfederateDeadOfLredelkCounty,a et Warrenton:‘add Mi Dulih2 president:«Capt Py ehheLsarltan:dhoretry:and Prof,Dod:aeivety’DAY.AT Hot SPRINGS.avnt-Mrs.JulieJH.MacCall.”left: yesterday’horniietor amen:otai stoathetealtreasure??AndWas,stvit:Courity >Mon faiental”Messrs oP.Grier were?amore ow.as ap- ker:toysecurefor.the-cFectt ae (HA Gr,aes ee amine’of.the dav thar:feeae pete ler théoccaston/ an {for ‘their:‘jndly"phdaghtfanesssajporidios:stich asbountiful tableC*eae ee‘themadjouriedTir med Pej s Sept DatanMLoch=the.Sncopss of;therddy-is2‘duetta.thé:éarnest and,roe«|fort$of Capr.PL &-Carlton.|the)Nottaest:jookiny —yivec'yet Sinethe :State Spd eehis ‘atd ‘Comrades :‘and theirfriends*who, Wood's-address:Was,.of,special iarter-fer Hlontoattoud:‘Hie?rfanceal¢Ust from’thefact that he /was°ut}vices?bis Cousin,BEE,Lon Jvingthéwat’the beloved chaplain ort aleo wentdown ‘vtsterd:LeSeverin‘the Fourth Regimenti in which,werd Yesterday.ant receip“aati otthé men frothy’Tredell->He tof his:death the!bate ath Statesville |isr loved ghd “honered’,by atl “wha hieldva moeting,sithudce Furches § #4 Sho:beard them.<“At 2°PoM:the:veterans.reassent-c ashe Entire ‘towrrand all of:thés¢ouns) ;saéd :the meeting <urgint.Flepers,sisters dnd other:Welstaves aterection0fsuch,Snronumedt.*“The,Lheite“eee.Joss:#3~#}asNociatiOnwas organized with:Wee uittee to-seeure -painesTOR tinsfaresre"im othe ,agsociation,|A‘:tee Ofsi 20 T Sin SWas-shet'thre sh;‘the je |taepies,eas ee ae pga dows ~Lhey Were:poled:biy Mie Aw: Ses Y ofthleti venta S$”chairman The chairman,'AvUS|Astrhetet tor send.a Aelogrant of date for the!place,his?name was, sehtatj¢6S-,He reéeived 2.Votes ipsthe:county,convention when Sloand;ha ‘frat ‘ion:were necessary toe nomi-,¥Le hewas best-known—Starés?ibe Kota}ing 2VOf her22 ¥dtes «for “him:Ab)« {itdicial district béreshe “was:ected]1dreddit’ihenber =Of ethe”_judigial |’‘exécutiv ‘conrmit te&,for?"thre.next [ andthey pere complimentedDOs::alle ~ay.the social’cit cle:he*way aI shalereouldbessdgsiriead.THe nombered: friends ere is:much“s¥m pathy Ft Sgckndw:Winn as-is berTE.forthe bereaved parents.broth.§ Wot’Springs Spapiel,23eu ;-be Wille'Cniten.:5 bait LT Fs sate fously woundedto-dayby be)shobja-thesboulderaid virobate}s paket Bn Hie rs daugeroys ‘woandls } bed.Mee reodin:Couwa:at young inant of:‘Hotb Copwayisnot Jim Saevise'‘game boy,was also au‘shot:bx The lees‘pFobably.a ciadeutalet 2 2SiL:Rettor}atpplicemanotHoeFSpdings*While 7arrestipy a boy,Pik:Pisond:Lynch,‘wasatrackiim the:hag iawith’something.he says.by.aannapikdBrown.»He tunica and shot {: 1 paidof Brown im thebrerst,*badky: y LsromAsheville ;;“troub ©wit.‘Rector van Teva.taneeat:herd:Priday One}condolene:ferthe barto the:bordays LNisitto tex,schigol a ieiig,Miss Fan: ~In-gure recont Deméderatie “pri-|’wherea bounteaus-fdast-“had/been}maries;though'not an-active éandi-}Grand Dictator’Of “the Auights of Tuate.THe:received hits ~Fote Se sce ka se shies -pally fromthe:townships:igewhieh |"Season thearsectit ¢onreritiomot the 6 iehth Seay neswas;Teturning boine.2 stout years.“During the Rst-eam Lecosncte eae“sual ts:wthere | |daighter:ip Oboe “are wii * Jim,¥et.sot Spatiae Cee Wits.beg tae Ch Neron,Oe i DoreneibyoSpeout, tthe «“be we}ls.*"No dng.op ows.Who Fis * EAR on:“hieysor.ate porgantons:See No‘one knows”-whoshot seRhér pang:hasbeep sat ‘bome“ivowt Juck +why onthe,boy?‘Day S43 ae eee ttle for:eb 1Pougtisbutetees[ours 2 Leary,yuny Taste every Twitod one ball,biting,a man by fhe }oE aMvisit to “his:pedpie “here,Secitauosey “eomueytetMak ee,tSf}wounding.hin Rector.saystre ghot Mecklgubueg Ke185.pee wanna Nv WL no Seetns to “hate originated ut.Davies MeLel :Serisigeraces.when Bee eae “the|hy hase Deen visiting Bee hghAEGON with,&Pigards att rataiyba:4 on So ee “ReAMelanghins Rec wd.Kew tik Superitor Cour Oly asiness:sand et ned het é:thattpdnty gi“+7 ¢‘Ria a “MineVFernie .ues JE New po: aie Negty =,Se ~¢ Capt.ke ‘Smug sof:iv‘arvent Lonor,visited ‘Gate oP Gy 2:Carton apts SeteRee.Season. to.has resumed”bis)run ahesx ale ¢ “Miss Minnie Templeton;of Mog res:oeiNevstoppedoffbere’betweentratis Fe returnedflee &purebised:his fall’stock “of Cloth Asee rt)'S father ‘and.mother: “3 ,oe Hy We“ps Nias Davidaok of 13 omenwitended,ios Sec oF ae Tab I ti Mise ‘Addie:aS eeee plotences fe:(who;hati been ~visiNinrg =“her| OV ISit:renee ae Senet eee S Morrison ;=‘ant:SealSee CV CrEral Qavs this.week herewi the,; ‘Snow Mortispresand “retarnel.iidistetyestemdays—espace T hits.ae Re Anderson *and ease’er:Nellie.ywent to AshewijeSatir <q uryed:homes.Monday.|5 “Sergeant J ;Cook;avesSho oe ~2 arly,a,Week <i S“Spartahbury toad,-las been’ parcichpate in Sd ac‘oof Cin Ti : ae tions aitdnetieinl Se SkeaFaeWatay=itay ehh “tite. oe hog.aps a ‘oa iceezssands aee eit.to sBera 4 jtrutisi ij Teeth rytStyhe iln oth i;beers ta = Phcata}:‘sih0 WHA.Wei igh aidost sty loss:ot sad iy!ihe >Metis.aud BaseS »GentsfurBishiug af a foot juts Lei as N.w“Clothing Hotse i in,Yorner“1 will be Almost faypny.(tis songe for.a lite: iaKeresat" et z 3%eetySasa Saldier|piolited’Saturday byhis abitity as’4)fifing Ot the sturtin®pistek.‘Some podaunt:"Revang “My rR MesicB. 1 a E " pend ae a soot 3 Mia.2 2 Sttiee:was [Madager-areduehing their best bow.oFsenhaobpestad une Lynchandhella ‘efurned ‘to thTORR:Boia Ligeia eN ENS)FTO the aboutrio yours old,¥=;:APhe decensedwas‘a’gosd womanwing=Ce psi Yew i: tin ever!relation”of lifeangd the Som: Wo,som“Ot ~Mrgandes:WarerueMetei.i PED.7 oeTuendasioFJasweek.ae ‘penai yours”eae atid#pn Tite. >El munity in which she.ived:syinnpastSe‘thizés with“the;bereaved:“juin5,|bg children ifsaan grea " ae 4Ae son fs “panty:fim News..eats?£3 ioc Of the.Maseat.~.=e oir ‘Oursection,has*not Seti sydateinterest:-/,".4 = ooo bagi“Rares Seeoeeeeed |‘died ae vine.Saturda: Plwday a Sit a "Phere iebuty ery’little =Seis1},n0 phoi ever at‘alband;bur’“YELP TD Mrs.J.-F Weodside-has1réturaed | oes two:amenth”Ss ¥fsite Lo,Seehis ilfess+ial pone MrviR:SR.?Woodstu,af :NENtOUS —the |SSdadtthb” ’ieneyed-stveratthisState?-snnongToonhéretoTaylors-ated at:MooresvilleOurteei;years dye.|~Ueveving -and’s veork us ~Otigradsaaengineer,ae |>)brofessick’.Tputy.‘sutyey-cand.was re- SUrvey Sega eae 1894)=.Wit tile restof the =ZS u Nen4Kindly,”genial ed pe HOUSE,aeae friénds.::Heli OURRSME,aoe Se re/S Cr *pe ee Beta “Burke,«of,“Want!Crop,Eee@oSsC.is spending”eeat-her‘grand:father’5 ae Wwe Ss.Slevenson |=—yeeNGiss,Tobysie-“Sloop,'0oF does”ley Ville.tis visiting ber aunt,/‘Mrs.BetsMeteliendemieADeshealopened:Sti.dee:TeatherAerityprospects:“It<is.conduct="id by eReausJS.Bréwh"Apy onewi oO well.“tg trauide:‘Tredell Wigh School!)ee~"Baevess £0 the Mascon,he 0ook YL prices are Pi.rixt,se ve“Deeh marine piety:“ort! little chillsandmalaria.2°)=*4 sel abs of W..P.: able a thanawer.Met Shekel -CR Sayin «;aB.Mle eGo:ns lie Sobeatsupks-and:anaes foray es sapere, ARN Sherbill &Cox oe sellnig. M4iprites.25 ‘: Postia’Hivos :have.”ie Wkio goods! wide waut to -‘buy cee on Ss thersfor shoes:Ae a, fall stock”preleehses oer“andy cansuittyoui,prices.r <:Gedpér’&Gill-waneresueabs:atidbayten,fat chickensand,good Ajains,/ for whici they.will pay ash.Bt ie Fexcelled for1cheapness.ait mh S: \The’Cash:Grocery,Cos wan a your’-|chickens and ees and =“pay:100)of themarkét Jor then)“7 WS.Brawley has.the Beuraless beBuledsterwhetforsulocter$seed:3 if F 2he ©Houstonyiile ““Acddemy isJosatediin/a-good)méral community,e Sud the prices of oa agd bgition f°.ee :ate Se aE Hotlar,peteas Seal2‘Sharpe ara?Wile|stort Bouse,”sou e Sep:patteier76pooh.e Sec.San é osy o.Pat op hsads Reed spoile <by the ‘sad.affair.j A domestics}Yarry SAE a Y ares - +Swolinsky-$“Aulelson diave”ther [! _D.Levy has’his fall stock ofclontie|\hing,Olc.,and,nis¥prices:gaaniot be : Fesuited in’the Shooting.’Reetor is} rhe’wan!‘wiio:‘shot,Wallet!*Con-J daderarrest,4 ote”excitement:and a:bvauLifal aay »LaterDiy FLD.Crim’waited oualethefoussSvoitudesmen.pndyipep ite Willer and ‘Conway.wereshotsnear Pdger Oe es eee Leta ia tSoultnd ofa 5 tEe ah Bie?Wheat!Srone,ae -ThereYs ave bevy:sone foode beat, Ta,ingails Th fall:hedel}predbably a1atSed,the LiryeswCwheat:eeju her peSt'crops raisedig-“the eounty.‘are:Solan?Ohin,“township,—Sushila:Megsre-W'/gnd-Oi eA.{SeGelland,Shiloh,1,308 shéls+3and 983inalncaleBtBy.Reid,Olin. Hed =a sansye artesweakand: -£%oe*,: a * dy m Asheville-adtsturngd to thehwoaWasnotepggitt.LyhehoP:fos eastera partot the“State this mory- WHY affairhas.Siaeka a ood:eal!Janta,“afd.Mra.5, aon ek NF ake i nt)‘none SerriouseXcépt:Wilt PhD will days oonprobably:dié 10 &fewshours.7"Lypeh fy iss}was feleaséd-as no peharge Gould:bel!is vjsitingsMrs,Sg Wagner,MsBiogtguinsthint¢except beingin‘a}Stéele ‘is one of tledadculty.ofcJ'small SCEAP >.No,amore?prone Were,Werse C Mege .”Tr WOmen partmade“40 375";burg,S C.-ahe asjustbackfr ~||ple depot;eg others:Pri er:Fiver H “ons raised!a :orCropsraisedtiyAredaliu.this =peatupsfais B nd bou Wik Bol‘fol eeet,P:Summers;Est Slarpesbuce.aay i.alid-rupaiingSavgh3JePoasngranes wei Aarewes:sppeatiyesters ing-~Miss ,Carrig’Goodman.‘of Xt],sews and on,of.“Stat Villon W.ae ve Héen,istun/M <.Chas.W.Stiikeleather; ave=one to,Way ilie:—few omenaabe Cora’‘Steeler NV yore :Te @ Washington and New,onter,*Miss ‘Lula,Stopped:pres h'Mrs.eer yomHickory:zien :Mortgage Saleaft Land.=~ Y VIRTUR:GF=POWERS tonNo:tained in-a-imortgage deed exvented |iy Wo PaSharpe aud patent history this-vear."-Some:ofthelarg-ui Bepinni fra: 9002 bus ae SENGVANG sine etic South’800°‘East “20.“the:be-ginning peasants 18%acres.more.Ese:see ThisMo rselfef such:agolden oD N:Yoursto please essky=¢Adeleor .re jhe sapie tos i ny or bot ore}ata:revery ine:fe:rail ,2 *,ae*[andtaanks:May we ever.have;ah landtier™Boy.gow‘inte,‘a Fess which,fendayy morning.Seah Stent mre ist a Ve US :ee or :~Teveery.”‘sack bvecasion:as*venial’jad Sx éHae‘tO answer the.chyre7¢OT-shoot- re eee : Gee Wwe BESerethr ds::Leo UN ThejpGtwdie Siusld ;,Caradon:ae +LeeMartot:.:Fe RS ee he e Bhpoie ae ‘’ wrk;me :pyrat!a;a >riihis e ;;Be se AON et ters Weekly.*ait st ‘13 3Ski deel eit aate ehoug =ms ee nee ;aa ee ”lg‘omytit ‘an.ay Gist,tachy:chips.Aden,ys New ¥Bak ee :H/o ow tn x 4 mrt eh e i j 9 Theaime Pas one forks ti ‘of RE SP ae thry i Ite veanee:ss‘to auhae .i4 Beni Nie ie i La thes Sto burs pmgrcesni:ve Ww - ;ie CLT fi >So Mewsat te t Faguss rik ead rs REE Raa mats 2M et San eng he Nowthe Cakeliva AOE.=:ehsdeea we oy wells a 5 vie maa eee ;vis dntudstt.-declaring:ietspaland;ec ttts yk aed Re =a ©&a Xt fil 'ri coe ny REE tie sa aap 5 ;ments aUtiG cee vecthet 38 %Spjr it patriot ty yoieck Satshe iy otmae sls at mH}=SoAs se Syne 4.‘profectorate ;¢uN ;PeeWee :so SN 5 A al x Pe I ;ay cone sah an aHfaeth mdi ere ne "feya H baies.lyseh we attaagtens intsts lee:es &es’+tKhe hokecgh>South Arabia fi duets tis ang ©mswtbe pete!miteep rnepen ‘aes :b PASk,oy *a SisyenS Ray te ee «.§that have divided theig 7?“the PAb the ee ve tor ap ae >oe ene ek t The nth a He Wags"tedodge aie LA)jh}*¢deat *rat 4 ’nn spars sh ep hey(owSe itty,Pathe aasenyes.to°their *ng =‘.*Paster peli!PEC aid od:Cowles.bat bol Low!iesS Ss Be -he State,Sete be EGY.pate a oa so cent And ehit drén.aad Wt:AE's mSSe lee panei Wackshase aai,“i eas a dyerark)iis ae hes sc iportance.CRSfie uci anes Soetwicg “indy apt rept:mee cog a $é hace %s 4 i c Let es,S 2a +4 a *, +3 “they owes to.ethicdae cH .v4Pa Seerasbe iy pectin.eet,ef Sun ,text ecw sete VGsae toe”nies eget 2ins sestent,ten;biwhs a thiee,Gn ‘the Nips a ange te +s ay .tt ae:.ss iy j Pon sDe.<n fi Myatt +Ry yay at ‘-eee :ner ‘; mh ae brathers and forgive and OEE":fagt that 3Lie Bop:sty panyil et ey,ae ePlty may apical shes seercast eae hole ot range.anil Ong)iI5es pattle:Gagebtet E esi was snp Bee 1a intweneh ta oS aroS .=ek &AL i 3 f ;.oe ,s her jive &Te reg.bon resth xLife ‘an a svaipesestniliremy Ue Dit oe aut ics ae,his itera paketHj aiepate:Gevat akiyro VANSif at dine:of iaryitiyations eee pity tes,ar Bitten ony ee gee.‘Dire!=bite —tr Sa i 4 =1 fe .=yey ss re ott :x kk Ai ¥v5 a “: ‘ther §;TA fal tex have doe any thee ad sudan the ““pasnedek Pay ‘le se Ae eS ie i aki wes Win the 4 te iormiiate:-ttpew pads ue Wap’gale tn hkct adi%ath as ‘GohaeSGBete.ha &Rew cae j : ae *:ree £eet s tiem ie See ae i s Seay ,s 3 rots Py rah her bees Se -Pxisrt sruteeie teshon pat i Cah dasa :na Lyedit J “horn?rnaet ig the wate §‘3 bre thi Aur to ay ry cine tae tees ‘ant Ee HS=‘Randy tisshana %“att cede:wid ete cu (SOF K bt abe ate wece xb e Sak tye 5;ARNE D &11 iy st vi 4 will be sulomitied yo necaie a na R Blix dee AY.Rea.Has segnetithy£he a uM Mba stun :uyue antrae Byrsi afr:ude Say s we for:aa —t re <Seigt”re va ag a Cae 9 ve ‘aks °,rege nee ‘‘ :.:Xow yet ’s)comprare t5 DGRESy Breck ahs aot atTundhnd giaewe Sek Py iets iaa Seay ‘:vy 2 «Rtpo Nani Me,fea me.a Helles ~aysies slogrorWWco yen13)!vierMy.eee: Pe i ww ind Ea ait sus ee “fe!ares rit f 7 ¢.Bitte CSREN Vacliat has:‘been,gained The:disision harp et)")“dbs to dpare Lit cris “fa tite Pian SENG at fpas hthss wwe Tt Howsyet WEL?Pre ae ed’es 5 ge Cyc Co ORE tant Le aS le “that <aur }rea sees Sey SS 7p ie ne Tut:A Shagectt :wsizSisoe tins u “4 ie,Cher ce ossSRee ‘Vie blerfils asec ds.Pagarce Popltias.ye gy Es Bhave tod1834 whyfortcins eto zk ts yr Ree |PE tae RS Se ligtisi fa *eRe LS cab Gs k et ponies +a Ny ws :fmends wlio wen’;uve ¥aK ia:esgists a oe Kuthe ukFarteane ek erults we “he yi thelaadbe See Paos Nina ialle:ptt:Uh yi : Seay is Qe aad TSAk w,wee aiotmat;einer Ops Swaps ath css or ey \Th :i s : >oe ;ae a4 id :1S >,whicae 2 tthey “uy apeel fLaie“fh “lng:esoe :ed)x a aye a Tui .ion imAe wat:Anesip"ay.Se be ao A a me ea by ‘honest rastiee ““Theyeta ee vere,ing dy!at quit‘candot.eon 4 rey igre a this ‘ued ties we:ehhh fic rs et biet away :be he:REU S3ere Wayees ey ERAS ett Brie :ae x:is Hither St ie eae Lb eM ;3 +Set (gic WE did See ae pa ee at'sRee ie Desa aes Apo ey dba AKA ‘Later awe leurs AAAaren ot Ad Sitdlend at ieeeen ©ne Sefee cone “yay eaemee i i Giire lard amt,ae Wwir four The ‘wd oh,the ts cate.part his as if La vest Or ae brHaye faans Oates che pdsFBS we A wl aeahwhan::okay, ‘;tt .\‘a c srt"7¢x! li «ved he®:‘could bir i the”gicofne ‘Ew,ine ark t]Ane for hu:iMpel tesy thstie ie “s et i rit Ki Bo atug ta eis rewotjations ones :ae We:a ret ar LOY yee r oY a5 .si tra Ree pore ;Hehe;mes:>we SoNS MOTE me :py : :Pee iste the hands Uf the,moneys pase r eee ne Yoga aiyintian,withes “3 t ,oe Sart *dee tat AeSeer ;eScmbire)xcdibe esas it Ley.lags:shen se 8 jit”pie +.cei .bers Nea:: ,hi «‘tiose wap wtnt uyeth WwW sre tbas 1Sbli¢ahs SN agtt ANEaeka eg tS oY.BAM EI 5 ES ra Pp Benpina Ce eiaetoh ‘spirit }ea Aa te hee Ue 2 4 :Fe ;ey Pe ivuk WEE etic ane a 2 Rares :bias ins id bees use the Deinwcratig pat t3 Sane ata t te:bishuture Shows:they ata “de tasietstimgta:Wwe ADB meh a=re.~RY <2a deel:cf 1 “th +she 3 ah De ie Boge : ‘,a failed to<arry hut:its"pheare GNyi vs aets 2 otsChe aris th]eVUES.&Laue che ye i ktepilsek ajuiee.,:eit :oe Sa Gerares af as Bid ntad:dou]Taste Bs ix Lk.e.CALD WES 1a Td i Sul Bas inesfotegest &esp Bal CET Sy Nt 4%)pt oie fi Bajar eel ae fies 3 A ;es 7 See AC hild dis seuit ing fiom:their,jodie}=4tee eeEy 3 ore *Cofidarul Le wiisAt dinins k ee TayN.“zene,ae matx.De tu By is xwset oN r ifBf ae ee t A aga AT WINES eee *~;at Nest ¥t Ne :Wot ‘ak Tey fats Say} A oS ES TATLSY pe NY ;nee ee lent as to the reme ae we HOW BeTe Tlie.ryeoent shamitid sos ESFORE ewig:er tt ae eRe 5 S iy See = seu bik :eenyy POUREIN WOOT Fir gnselgeeepe Se foundit ia oof be:%to =ae of bist hagSCC ‘tos ase In Spates essb)mts we vpcera ‘Gaspar:itiretSai taata =t ce rf t ;{MONTE Ve st eon ee ed ace ae xa H peo <m3 if ot spe ak unkind!sioteshgneto he’it ts aedthye eohiod Bychiiow.at ete ¥a vik “rc Cf Dy fi meerk wit as,benor tat tint {pth ae“i“Hot ae bee ma 4 ee ae ot ie een)pie et fone aCe Oo ainse Jick atten PALREE : A naive the Detar atje*party ¢onsace’unt ov satie the omidlists,Seho.Jet Ys ar TS.=ou “ai Pas ,.aniet tne rttaki ty intel?nor Peet ‘eee.:J =:Conneny, EeCleve x They “meni!to anhalt Hfout:ih ‘thenifrd Ves:Sohal:$0 ent ty ee te2 es wae%atals that k raucesahall awe cS zs VY 122533Wakes.- &};4 Ne Sts Apert PRU ails aah % SoS aera ¥ =‘him aedthirse pa be u phelddivin iDbthee ‘epagsouns2eset tlt ores sti wi WE ot s sen See)hee,inter:nail 33 praTe SusiTHN Ce Soy 2 ma “Mis te ete *7 _Sees *his treacha¥i but they Tage:sth =iatarotar &intorthand,Ugpl:Ost aa Mis Service's”in 4 of ot)eae GUS mistake iin aha footage ;ES AN als eae ae Sig RN ‘Speeial athe:onto:tombe gg 2 _arive th ay taecine Wrote of BYaok ‘Devils Clothe Sey eae =|aud oe Ree px DAS.‘ seh xe - co ech ther oe Salt orsley By»,Little Bridt Authority .6y ery <Ca eaey Oa He fathers::"Sones Cake oe::Aen A Tiga areiyed:CeWES cr S ,;nas sre poirot *=fa ahaahe Poetas ¥. >3 “QC te!yes eh ra mit hee im hil a pats ,Chords Yad Ved Bay She aie Now theaAeTOK Ps a a j pee ateaats ae wieLEP ‘ioe City Prot::ebQue aE J ak hie ii cane ‘D,Cowles Se ‘them in Tey yaa tia &}exyland ve :Ra SN uh ,By <,ee asprin’Or thie.1:We atyphoon sh ga ATTORYE ‘ae 2 t ‘Seon Meret ie se et rf Cahn fhe : os 2 a mk pie dai SoFip path.and fouiinated Beit is>=Petal:Bape Atte ::Bie%Tele ee idoe:oa ar te Os K if eeint Aud,SP iS unite es Slategyilieg ce od vim x -Sel eae ts 1 iy e oe ru ‘re f 5 z :fe oe om x i Se date for,Presidente”mrcetie wn esAn RE eek “Soe honk w Ne es ae My te .*rte ui Os thts eewT:op ys ve Me "OURSsaltyPes wilt fir tce se %oe eS ai - ;aoe eS {atl oes it ieeeerre Vek rete ;ee yeas {\~waeticrs,in %reat ge ae ‘‘satisfied sae ceeAt ena Ge t Wee ReHoaeb yre-ued ae Si Sea nesarp ACESS aS Pate Ne Ue pee.oats iinbar aticie at M:unas At es anea enero oH aD.Seon Citak:4408e:Soars Oremat Ua ye andsaan ityveilattWikunrkiniy nid:Bass:Apet Bite or)fren aint AimeaoeSy ae a oe ORE ait eee hg hae =4c i .ATT NS ay CON ela eu Soin ‘:=>a seemsoaee “ai distes eo in “pbanisa Sia Pte a efa6 ‘yitol®to,:pHoe oe Gen,“that slink Admsr ak Bowes Uhh pants was pide ppitaed Sloop.‘aps is Se sd ,Giada 5 oy **Hy ie ‘Wee a ales ato :7 Democratic party.a.Popa:as Sob aoA epieerne hsitisepS oett Baage Wi.Sdemantods the eres es A fivtd aout sishntlesSipe Ss Ps Cari ile, a i)ee :uy a al %I s 3 ipllaying ther proigat:Som.wei mae ~WWeATIN APE gently mg =art Ni:Adide neat ii cab Aus.pee aea S ue ae Couaty,SaouALTOUNEY ALLS itt meets os . le ‘.‘e Ah:ak S*Up ce pth };;Sb EamEsvins,tees ‘sei VED,sac rifidings ites prdeoropi Ya ecinesc PeetBeet Hy!po!£2 Lidl cue jabren 3 tekih)wp!an)c guvtaanderyvu pivd ahah the bye ie.veheui:ces we be -aa E : ‘er fyts 5 Cot Niel RAGE’bscl hcl tire may -;:; ee for hig rep Wiation a ereing |Was>See uesit dipseae:CeSaNee a Be:;peur beng Deinwaontside the wy co ‘odds ookoe 8 be oead aackice.‘pl EEA COWS *oe pe 3 vee ses ~‘.i es ©>wh “ee -AY oat v fs ¥ been endorsed)OS His.fernier ane ou TAT:te Se ‘kes oa a te Ba ;:AEB Bete sete RY [hie had aidessateplade ink,he warns TA Ga,Tyree asthed u eA tie nite BOgh i Es %.‘see le Et icy esaps {SA caar Cer Sei Ste tvadypei'ny “Hee -Rlaors a ist Be Fix s es ashing abithust:4)teusted Oihce Re Gliese METALeS ABUTS ea A Gomer rh oe suniset gereiinitin :Sy bom |a Pi ae pa TTT a:Ae 25 chile whe aren dasinthe.SRE trot a yon a ‘ok court hose ee N :. :4 5 :Ny Uf PRPOaa CLUH ee CO ai Und rot eat |.rx ae ok Thes Popalists eu :ISATxen Bods “edie:eeea axiyrs =cae ’om nud tke ToTOR:2hholes sehhav,this Ea UG Se Bans inSain ©.tbe te Mae ‘one ee De Orpr py wt 3 ;;~Sit Se WY net ek TO the:Penideratit nae Pate:Vey x i SSS eh Pe 2:US settle‘ahs“Dewey se aptet,ce MStheoe * CI8Ss,,5 a =rs .i Be aS aa 4 ;:; es Oe reasons.We dict ony,ye Fauigiersed LS :eet ida vot “hd “amelie Him eL GubstSt Levi anit €me :en 5;“a-Harry PS Ciior,: se theme.esis {it wr*Wntist a]E “ey a he:ae Oe yahAdinirg a Pew’Creand.,Reesshe.Ise i ie ‘Vy seek oo aao Gib etees iy fe Rh:3 a ‘é pe het po fags — NW *au :t Be t “tort’A ::we :;“Re :~ :a:3 Bec ~ause Sami Aarne Cae eS soe SCChl ~nett ee byripe sye ouict (hale slegicheek ArWe s 7 ar .eee Sqn th:ae SoS se GGancevat anand,deve!th Rate sea s ©**¥ ,ie or ‘a ew e. Hiri fene:ie *<4 Rit Ringe al Bienthitis ee mee aCarefulatiehtiotgin9 “Wy st ment nS}Sihte asdN atioTon ida sekral z x aenck OnscM At vi S age es 2 1:=Sai he frustéd.Be >‘a ? ‘Bere 3 %x CLEC pow Qe ab .ae uy fa ser Eee ie ‘ ~Kee ts »y we ‘Q Ps yee .vor Silas *eo ~Bibs “EB Sooaibce it is Sticroto Stay}beats z hide Pa athe 2raistrids Rerahne =),a4vey Meany:ai.Soe:“the Ass Son Sgt y ae ”+ '*,e ‘“ey shiet ive Nan (6 -i cee ~z pie 7 x wv F we pedbased 0%She.Bedrock pF ma\iaa SeIPL OR,Bes Oey Ay otirt €heh Du hinted >a Teastgas He eee fhe aeee.iW a 4ae et 1:the §nexf Shot”*“J.“£.‘Bartness-ion He iy .abet Sp ;a ’x x 3 :‘,*ie Pret ~4 le sitio.‘S rake Bets jrosaite nv Aas :e boa a .ttl vt Pie a >4 pits .:aes Me obs c unsttt ae tart Gi iit“ie sieon tyan ‘a ‘if Pre ma hePure meticeSoe ‘net aS baatnigaasie§ty “oN GieteheHous)ye ratet *,SHlie:ve a BORNE:Al;£alt d OS ee oe xaedSpe sit ‘y othe,only:par |<is —ae Bib VetSy is bee tm hates =ee ‘eee pidide ta udewpoter dh eo aS oe Shatt-sa niksonre Coe STATEbey IL ¢&Net :A ae otis en +©}Cryt,ei poll :2 "=-Sf Sort aed Ce :Seat tee nh 7 Fe guy thet iig;ativngy 5 ehey hyothrttl ee4A -PehyioTOE f 2 oe rete ern A jntae cabin digi 2 EE ee SE:aK eet}Tez aye indiieee ie ret re ani tio thie pe.4 * Se Spe BEE oe ecinty web acres nd aaa <p Se,::;‘:eo Heo aa “feneypower,3oR ae es <4dite!fat oe eeaie!o -“fasscent Anisbara Wy “tui atte Boe na oe Seuinttyti ata ae Ve lags ees Ce ee ie fe dentro ve Cr;Leu ne p gutta Ht one \pit Lod ge one a E :mn . ;.Se ole Lhexedet a EG ous et i$12 pe eyLOG :»i e Ne ah pint sport,oP baie vssche ee au epane 3 me COGN AL Hiv;avbe iy eG is ne a Adin ee PEN :peat :=:ate 7.Ee ot tater:the:fot Sui Seay =>; Reash ifeence.and Srtaes ‘nds dees wr es vied pou thesnero:vote.7 aePiitoc rece he Seta eRe Brcatise &rroeak :Peputisae i cad ;Y ee Are fie’skme:~and there| £ Tatasatin net Se «i Ersny CANP,Guba L 1viata : eat iyyeysimi!Cea Cie T14 tivis 5 sa \«ne Senet a es iSre:as vie vi sre cs Nols ;he e oe; 3 fsa pect atk eeu iesian} }lowe SAE!Shore on Alte des +Sign Rel Abe,=hts “PROit“one iubdred a Tr peer LOy paceex ile:LO,he Chet SV AY t of COMYSE: “+“hs x .sepse im the lesser,body:Tald DO ini mt pO ine wk e :<> ~~15s BO epse in he less ‘odes A:¢@ om ‘.Wer oxes Waitt:Go ORES.TAN hile ther thre e ingtaloof.front the:greater’ae:je yercal;pee ido ee HeisHee oe ee j ?‘her .;Res Sih ts =Washington.Disb!itch,Tsth.ne cdeSudden!Me ‘to Ci ;:“bie people may ‘differ:pul gaat be hye peiilicaly ¢BON bce ee Z es Wi as fe oboe aie tha pews ied Se ae Seer HA reyarc Lott e probat Seti ean Bagh tirs ‘of “epinton:anid of policy,“but :Manel Catawahio eyhils “wit hotupti:é :te,op ;ie ne “Bh "eer Liew hakt Bankesuhvt vats i Wien’the War reven oe “tak would-be Aipehalssy igh etlietin “This, parties are,“natin 2c b audbiv:~The ate rwh bySpiesttreo VHiGh:Fpen ours “OAS 1:The Tes!Hned for toe “arid:turned x Agi ‘ e :SOs it worked iinside the.Derig. :combina:weit ne &2i“i a ‘ *‘. ee US ad aee‘ *ee bt .ondc.wad ~“‘7 ~Tw?Pa msre:ea oseSeSO>“... <a pat pm a vs ©‘ss - , i“S— .He rotate ~S ae 7 1 .~at i hai 4 a42 Sebi Sm ~ sae:De mocr“atic partyis hwerk “betause:1,syhasa!cmixsion.“ft perfeeh then.butit:‘Ts,Dy Jony-oadsthe j byt party aesu H shies on.2 Fete aS tats of tide business hialitic“a Comp arsALIVOLE =Mor,_sie ti:Be “t ‘ate ip.mcn:Ta:We:no.Boubt:”there tions amli:polities a Demourat.~ The:colntics »6f Rowas!Stim f rorbe I:are roshepes ag IredelhGopstituty amather:tits: He 7 LEE ce besUrettin!bankriy y a cass it:iy)Ae i there:isa Retr Po OF Sabichin ;x ‘PriceSs-a.s0p of Capt:‘Chas?Pye Cohoniy weuidda dae a bave pias‘apolons £0 oiler:Apr.then friends ho went OE on this,accouh i gO isethat?thers were not “prac tieal: ef theé.Tweakeuge the:“hands.Of.the A we ‘faithful;sand,Mi ‘repudiating :one cet Tae sof bosses ‘took refage Owith “anoter.. bi.The Hose thriveeS inevery argabiza:|F Alo a tion.in the:proportion Lie “members pittiPbaakrTupter::with aaxlired will shbmit to His Aomifation:Par:Prality”of bebo,as’Yeferee.Sstns;fact,ie that.Couprvely pty ~ Sélanes to,Jiuman.matutes s5O prgne eThe aise “pre owe to.eee other=peoplee with.Lamign det aswel khcapstitute wnothy r our failures,~The Farmers.“A tit istyigein2Sgnktupter,WwW ati Erik pinse did:bot!h ifsel and the.Denie-} Democratic,‘patty,=:Butloe Tags 3 apt =a -portects; me rg trighers ‘abd.wire “pull:rs:“Wet: -xistence?">Oar aga veel oi bee our LDrig tate pronaert utsindss mezie anda prontine yi “youn tit tdrnex ok Sagas yo a che is Re}putiiic whic ~Phet Nash!of,HillSOOEH NS PG“fore.Mr fore e raat ”party;3bipeas’it is composedOf inim?Hee by the Lb of Morwenton: :iSome oo “Morganton;eas day Said tawag har Lat th ee Fas un MONS) eee:PRUSeS Gir aceont ite:SCOACC HCA eRe SNieh. peice “though aay t sors fe be mainte Fi C.okyy and bs isstt aes vélorew.2 ae AV and.Tat een 7 »pavat.CRE blishrnc A nore dresuse. POSER eivsat PY sar ‘eeu tie!SySoe!Calhse Put Stn p gkesmoney Lo Wetay yh ue pFeat “<VSWRERA LT)€ts Fen Sin ORES Saath tort is WAY woming: ine ik:take the Aa De heir of tr fidert Gastizar’anprhier disScfak strong ma Wiese Mwillaiot xieldantic ae Bpagonain pre cratic party’?a service ‘ot 1Spo-whe 1 Nas iis ‘a prontitvent {avemoth bac rtreh Soe Gnitels it tdrned:its dttention to the.regen:|town and jo politics a Demo eat. ar of,“thee party:‘Every ates}i EbS-cgunties 0of Baiedindedt?Did HAAN,Tht:Pe “vtmand ite.fhadg,was acccode t6 ‘and}NytAUSOGSGastotl1 inceiny (C igvglais ee «pigs iy. (thier lsAinge Bi ext Sons hat eSPATtta.We Se 4 é_the Jargest,Dehageeatie.jinaiokite Reushertfagay PAR Plendvisoe<atal]Sy asyisids regia ae the”war,Was roaled up:+=SO Prassy heaijia.ett further¢ordlendA ne es Chon : Lomstitstts hisasic Lit batt prow Sette t Ssrstoy:my ‘eratik party,it -had ‘évervthioy itsfrith’HS Ss.Angefsome antinddrsen [4 ry ot.thie Titel ‘own “way ‘in,State”affaits.bus whew!“i Pes ibwent outat found it,necessary to Hgayet git brat x93 ey “anid Snel tate aif:get Lparty ‘that apposed ed:His*“distvidy’mitshes atic itePate-Lechere. everythiayi asarted ant entef.into T Jeaniat ube of JS Detis Any ines aeold blebdki trade for lotic’.1 oe A3k of Uecidhe aidBesRs :oA *The Populist’‘parts lis Taly'ax}: -¥ears.olg:ett fg factions Acease) “exch other of as many sins’‘gs here] ever been:Jaid vat the“‘dgor ‘of the ‘Skinn grand his,;‘etowd Solas oubta) -Hannaz.ind Pseleeted-Pritchyc4-494 _Skipaerand his faction,thazge’Buti jler with béing a.‘boss-andwith:hat: ing broken faith,with->tne ‘Republi -eaps.If this be Populismn its in- fancy;what avill-at De id its:satur? ty?opiate 4 se “ee Ee what.nae ure Ropulist friewds{s ‘gained by putting:life.inte the Re publican party,In.North Carolina?| They have a.United-States.‘Senator. buthis vate on party:measures*ts killed by>Pritcha¥d:hey-hate *Sbuford,Stowd,:Fowler,‘Martin and Skinverin’Congress,bus:three’of, *these are offset by “Republicans: to convert them;but.thy Populists.oe Mitees Nog ES a:ierem leat Feo:beisige ‘tha iiship.whe.Lid‘Deea gap Pte,r Weaba WRzs gomhingy front:%Se ats ter. jhe did wxaeabiyintment,:ia fer.vi rotate fora lay districs,Composed UNMET|“ae Beutse pie.CONDI ofe Weperwatl:“y aye esa ©astpinsstd Ses SY ihee(itQHES:1 eK ber he Motxoe:‘Tourn,x Hide driving Star gE “he was?oven,defeat ght Z taken by tivowvery feet HEMYGse it a Dugey.Ouexot thers=spoke ut ardiasked:thee tahite,mayjshe Siew fest PUTER 3) abere was’“tober Republican meet faonue |Be Ahi:gites.Oe The aigere.”has Raise Sonie Abhay aeweds vy ‘Shows hal:Awe sh is = tAfotot hs Bell SMadisou zed Hayeaaoa PMTORD Suite shiek RE at came ye pied mipplytog thot phat Araamainey the Desi”to fesiesta jbo bees? eres ‘a Sars Unio.Riesa Telok ac5<On,“tied A ae “.Ra eas ‘nent,witieh.2 Rei} ee aks Feit “place?“tg Moarde Satueday Low at revenietatt a ee agiesli Strobe:wl i}doubtedh in Monroe=that daso)eHexaid “ur tigmarl.tak anbee nvdot;nent ite ,Fhay"sais:ves.ane WA and the Soe “He‘says,we ee tera ee ie Vaets they Maydine PRM wouldAbasent ret AGU yrwandehe MES PEEL: appargnt that:stare anes proaltaah ayekot He Mt »ta ’}Pye’*ap?Ain garsi lek she:igs:negeA far? Stat dake ied Mag PESSduaterpwtl®withatticy OS Shy?oF <i the:cot fy “eepas oe ey ‘bostiarsg,testiwat la C engress.¢Une f wotheses whi chy ot scot re venud aud iat nigh Ueros a 34 es UE VE thy peoric 2 ednera Bee Wiouaaskedhitawhat’Be Aligngtt sebyiit ty ats whe a e fixing:up ifyston,i i the courssé of |Gouldbe,Said of Peon versdt bon che abket who the Fee~Pehecks;thigh was Hh easily:dol | publica ch:tirmavsLwalbs rs“one.Po {far it:Tiel Going to.Stay,dreneg Sect About a “Sean ef Cottors tiie Southe?n>Mibling:land 4d.at beR| a AO‘SttY.zs payee:teagan heres Wherétpon ;Gee “Son far ass fe extricordingry Oxo PSHEped:ie imsstt Sisaltioy:Paes ots the:sware.are f..-thay would 66 Hreeteck.:a egrer: ee are POR Wit hs “gary esin oe th ob.aocry tt theemene’:ene thn 4. puting: ee Ss ra Thee be! MHoxrass wakre ven deeeTue4s >« isles Letatesa~ MOORon st >5 Nash ae) "Shy ee eetess |Ww 0att BLCRCS ~t he ESget\)from, se bor: ete De chess Vion he ‘stig:‘ate REG J :eS og Ste CaeBar. **}¥ thee figinlsekoopspoet Yo rad:Berean BY hate wetitie be } sate retained,pe would] Sthe yotne wie!.aed Cay «hal i: vs Meh.eicreat turved:>»The ‘same‘the tay opl-bank,t ehaticess were:ood E is ~!™i Stfi‘~R —_aah ae ssagel,Exon ao tet* ber déaler whort’hemet-was My.Ev}:srecn tiles,C.Mr}, planter -ds wordiS ay tfumbernidan,and showed:Mrs fiakiiterd mets to,shate ss sploomss ital *forms.” ie Linney;Pearson and’‘White,*Sbtu-\he meerbes oe:¢+“»ot,Thi em i i =ford was-defeated fof’‘ré-pomination,SettleeS “tae snee hie entHad ne sugland: becaysehe stood.by Butler;aod’PO¥®|nen*"wees‘Tom Craig,ante ihe,one das ioe pa= ar ler,and|Strowd have “been marked’sho -infroduced:tm “Wa “Squire :ue for slaughter for somerepSotBeko Masse}seolafed,Of)Jackson town a‘Samiagton starsoo ; eas :tin Jas oa oo é had ship,andtHey were coming to.Mon ype Pe “Meisialiestt:aSset ,wheels iu ae iRepublicai rde’to,‘eke |atrangements:“tor Just ie was aominated to §ucceed.him,~auid Sjon 4a oder’Ko eat.the:attire “fournas;.has ve ~*~»Butler wants Skinner‘defeated Bg.se oan as Shr oasis sySomtb.C Zook natn’ve Miter:53 ‘Union county:“mn “thelr,Yands.*The}‘:;:3=“dase‘hesald out to:‘Hanna:;ast ofbis papers:“Apron ote Eee ;$y 4 white trien was“nat oraily disgustec: ea ar'Populist friends say’t thd Deni-‘He voted’thte fusion ticket onde,but }G-Mallabd,of¢ ss oerdtic ‘party.is“not united:=Did.hadsiready:resolved never "ee a6 set eeiare a8 8 <not the Populist party divide iin:the }sigain,an athis.Sethe:Sais ete a last.Legislature ~“and:the-factions pe ine MERE 4pead a”‘Stale of cotton which “Suro} ‘-dequness ad other fei ai honest?mination tohierepttet yote thé ‘Dem-passes.)anything sof the Stee , ~The b 4 e dctatic ticket:“And not ‘only that,’|the,Ait ter reine +e:¥sayawe have goldQugs in’out\batto tryto induce his friewds.tz ehas 13)Saparty.Mes,ia spite‘of all’“efforts.do x Ot.Laura haying oldiers asKk Sat Se sing tid nd,“Yes;dears’Trplied Nort: ;“ey sptendidly,me ftyainma ‘says sk shaw Taw sharing’‘apprtite oe LEAT thes workt have’:sian be The * reyatts,’{gone as ie i Licoumtt xPOXET os ob &indy Ean.se‘peaniine eye ands}te eS avied:eit es wher sedi.Fie vi Tt pee’Laanygus f seated t is=.oe eee ned Me aoestore," </prepara (on “Weakiness.“mon tests rengt ly +‘soothe<your-ood ric nogoRr:At owtanee- Les reFor advice Am bases:i deat Sfae ae eisted DepaSeoeto thei ACEO)thasise “considered gut when y te wee relbegsaE: fityess ak st eport her Tae Mndss aS Yop Lboe“TesPocs ied:in:anochsr mr i4 tau:“Before ay me!ee 1“oui ms had:die:NeETOES:yg made Aaa atic:escape:~£4 wheeateae Sebi Hiei,Rog ite tee oak rhe affairs:of Leelee, when eR Cxekiived Inabvel pwiio,had just,returbesty: pate pthert)prom che beach’anit=was,SEALE.Nox ylamy A lege ok~~filemt about t ieaie"sutiering.oe {x emcee:of: thSere*“riotSoman ‘physiclatr’sJattentio; omJat ail:“The siripe,pure - OFti *12Vave Crnare in ds ane.r j Nata “gnd have wyork¥d pemreney.ehss Bit oe tiave “heen *aEvince that’wondertot unedicine”Hoods>Sarsaypeta,‘avd.itchas ee ‘oh,so nimeh Zoe... t ike fo.feel ey lbewherr yd)go away,. as ¥ley e“fon thetiountabis mext,meee A Yousee Lar saefaies:“exam ns acim: :taken ne frivacy of 4weme sPyOwsThome:insuresquick réliefiand:speedy iicure.!%:Wotecn need!tot:yt hesitaten yy.Wineo&Gardui’re» quires m9 humifliatin ogxaming:*“e of ‘“‘fetnale so —disordered |of:the ‘womb,tmakes“making:thes=Pewee WL.ea ek tary,wins“use Wineof-Cardurextersiveloameseeoeoefaraaleamostexce 1885"26° aT:ae AC itself Lon nine eeLachings~bon waters;thé tissues areSen-beingsition for disease.AboteBittetsiaWerimtinewill;restore:yout);an Pinake {yout|and,rede.Do yod meres tend:is Oo ‘i a oe assist ate vin ast,”” areSpabiar ds ud.: tion:yeas doneaie the: ee LORDS The fort Fads eal £0Pret“sh fixed:on)the’At wv oe SEpenniNEweeSpe ¥ Ted ye SSS if yresiStahee,tt qaered <rT SOON aftograr aN <i he Belvian “Cons,toes S bibsan AineYe »Zag.iene Sugersal scanned Rhos no:Ne ent Use forthe!Spanisle,apilita buat NOM,wiPrag reds bi. 4 mene’in fines Spants: j OR a Pit:walicsdialPdelond:tae “iw Tiuithes |ah ; very.ees aa ‘gets ‘the b lastice “that Ault;sor ‘Repubh cs 1 cat wyliset ing:Jensecravanbersiece >thiit Lanxcodt anny Suites Wy ey Nah Fad pape ie =ea aR Sarres de retit armby re:Ordvze.Working Soirt'Se yoar le veg dete Nene}ce oewee PGES:wee KET DEL:sitted {ox art ty AX the»~chives Ss ae pa Nyaa d Spas “TUE WISE!VALS eee EMOUEN ¢ae eS Are LN lage ab eve igo eel >Sblayw fresh Anderosy Seb oe:SOFA 2”esp hes acsic fil Joss is bos 2 Or erecbt:Witla au Phy Punish:loss?nS fee!an ‘by:+l “tae Leet nhs oes a Oe o ERE ‘ *Paplie a Horets jens:4A:OVECY aeéaietd enter uEvarmed.Bupre tye [aye ‘6 aJiatine imparts ayy Ee Sieusine pis allyee ae oe Spanish Out NpsbesPorto:Ry pos ReSeti reGDes i ame ana\ GgartersaGone io pesjest <¥te head ” Evia?CHR los,ae Canty ‘ts Wine —a one nessBry82 ®en *“Bue,inky in.tr OAPs.xoReenees Pe a ine Mochetied mite ty: 3 »fon po eof‘Browns?~ isent t..2 ‘hate fire...eee a sn racpsy oneae 5 ees Sek.Besee Bs ye mints al or,“tlie &str bar ive of AbiesSeeonal ined liek they awe re ive“sd sO retkeatAt 17. .age US Nuisted:oXvr.Su daresaeii Ages.RAE boarded:the OVNI Wes ial suProty he” mbit oral Ratt ich “procecded:16 the:va ane at oe HEasShou Jaya there e353 cand he Peace:myyngber:AS ttafar order,prevailed’iB ‘Manila “ODE the evening Ge AT e Meessvoiputl ie umes!Of. peloton,Ths.Fast FEE +Hig Sake Giiley stiles.aAthey:avere ks‘oid ae aaee Bh tesuscus erst,hear the “we o OaNet aly Ee esl x ee hi bhnobie May | oN aes ony Beas CalsehAssia (i ag atte eephs Brae ye eeSuet caw?‘ ‘Mani!ee Me Cham Sr aver1G‘ain liecee Becher oe DEY fs wheres) eat fx(ex<a ioe fad}LevaeASwend ecaN,tasiite a ee were Sas splineTy ~ ay Mepessve ft nr raie:Cae surrender‘toe y of ies ear ni shag’SHalive:< Sok the: t 5 Amuebe s ee ei AMAL rpenad 4 ae ) 4hy Pred , at Cs eee son‘: Tone 4S/mi shisbly'| ena %Widgiy ke OREN WT 1"nerfoyssSystem werer Kedytiny,wife “was de eR ds mivites mewp.A coum ¥tse of ‘opis res’,My len: st ESN,ors S x hind my ce:ang he _STATESY)tearN:a be pees DpH +a tion giv Hn to-allHelingia sett ot estate _ ‘tone &LONG, “LAWYERS.ite StaTEsyn Be)N74 j “Practice in State.“and Federal 1 Uftices,Robbins”‘brie now.o a “ATTORNEY.AibaWs SPATERYSLLL,3.AL Sik appear inl hurts,=e te Sitiongiven totheCivil “YesAVIS tw pany s :Deposits eceived :Bt Jet Bye i ey loaned on goodcolfaterst:st ON as:tS,ant credited Orban itis 1 erchanits it pudactus r.ad Andivide aa}eo -RIGHARD B.Mel AUGHILL,-:AS i that “Bank 2a Ly Mi ‘ Mid-sat culty s ° sud:it foal oe >SET Our pri att ti “ie Wein :ie A Can.Dh ore 1:aw Ye thre trage.Slee a KeEira tes Ni tice 4a:et Shatter oe eeeS OY te ba ate vat Ae sake stortieabid bit ants..SOFARC 7 dow ts of Sheyee}:: Sikpletely deranig ef)cr tty aah emsotaci ingenuity. 0.00,OeLSet