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The Mascot Nov. 1897
. t-— ee “Mose,Complete.|fea_|Prettiest22 cree wit Mer ee SVisctew,ait .pa *i sh mm he my mn mimaeiHverpbroushtalutte.Statesville e wo tease phe a !firh a Veight sue.ea a yee ret a ie oT Fes i Mats snesathe}.'Dwilex the E biddey torState“vite, “ar ik:> Re c a,Shineearniry re apd Ba rca.4Seeee+‘wi.*»as “48;;oh »!:Se 4 eee 3 oes rat C 7 PoriisXs Plaster’ ges .Rentoving |Bainsiy the Side eae Chest:or ‘back:ree tyea aetat8 %14 i tia Nee és “vt~~ eSs i } +Ly SE we Gsears‘ER inpeat 1CoES DIT.x Ae 7 ce _NBw Yaris Racket:‘Cyothing Hou SHOErick,Cy AL Viton Does,ttie liter sABitS adeOegeSELSTIRECHIVED:©a Pr “500 Pairs of.Salm ple,‘Shoes: io ede f oa SHEN'S.PE)is gh‘-DhDAV DIES f aS ae a Se SS,Hiner Gr yee TED The our tacksIz fa :escd .Toye_Smozingwy &/ADELSON.StyPSHandaSgourtut.ou ete A esac % A eit a ae Sige Scientifically Fit sPifem Sgt salts iaiges avis Pi wiey the latest bs Hav with:h sc an:“REC“ups itelnV i ee:opty lie ances hads.-of Syeda,2 hae sitiesaE “ouc TROD gic its + “ae we a od oe 4 oe a:‘&. a Gace fin =p whaciesCi stehie shae 1 o a Me Rega©ye a ye mee s Flo way 4 pil:a :eg 4 we Shas Sep ”‘i;: ]:ee cat andy’i i St ¢no ORL ed the:Sts ute sy Tybee inal Re a =arate*t ea itathi:tT oh has LO“aj apae y tai:er oea aloe TeKOORE&CD: te HWANERS ANDCORT wy ANS.< se,9.aw =io fi “eri UsSa‘Mead feesce ‘‘oe oc ::aR :a A te a }oe =::z SeRaie as aL i :,.qseeelods‘GIVE.ie ee 0 Veet SER as ee Pal MAVEYON ALERINDS. ‘TORTOR SRP ast ce?MORN WORE |os HES TETRER,NOTE NBS TlpLe. ;AEE ADS:EXTENORES relge a S RET.LR,SA TERS *CeIL SEAp ta 1 oPAR PRICES a ©:IE “3 Py =Se Bee “ae i Vert: or gelait, a es —> St e e SS Na g sa a t as t ¢:t./ ik St andtc &‘ Pes avatlowqeene‘ ,"Call:Your Bitenton.teeea 2.3 Lact !Shia weer iis pVekits beer iat Ligne iis paig?tO RE a:large:hidveonhaine ‘lithe:of 4sPallClothing enttt slips NOE SOrnk *AtkaeSfana.‘oarhine:df Staples: figstNON he ST-PATPERNS "ot the kepletetes)Wi Ae ty ead torivof.job a sultsthelt WeowHsell vows,ee Bnet ee gl mae +ih Sirts Ce;ote a «ORR nate Line Sek oat bowers a au NETO LUO Tasi Len }Her:‘he a.Big:‘Bargain’,“yy Fe a eet 2)have bedti while toidor”fae es j-the -*-*>ri 6 +PICsEENeeahShowyvouacomplet¢:tnd ‘di uae Shiptge Nee igs ei,eke.if mee 2 tn theAe —-ba i NEAT SN atid le ssh Pe Wan Bite 4 ea tS Sone 5“naeee STREoeséCogs ANY)Seaek patelet “up show vob Kritieudthiyy between Gena apd Mois tt -*“WN It ‘do ior We :1 3Olinson}2 dt (Cleveline,:Ohio,iF 8 eStore &Shelton.|. Sterile NEE gant.Hive ‘CLOMMIERS AND EU BNIS TERS5 *2 ;s 5 :Sse i tt=,a ae “i r~>i ee * Pi “ANDTHER ¢CARLOAD-OF Champion Grain Drills ¢cae ay sevice Oliver Chilled;Pigws:are th best ir the-.eaheld.e ' iS ctinak 5 ay ite “None:Better:pod iyi hs ae \‘Me semel twe Hérse pagans ory Arious Brands mte hay:7 vers Handsome hind Sof.‘i aan i eine = 73 €eak Grates,Gook:Stovés ar Heaters.:aSel ;sheeisa good timed to Fepaint'‘¥bur housds We.offer”the,ce~4 inatebiak:‘Sewink machines.Cérn-Shellets,,Re “y.—&a ee Stock of;eral ardwares:rats ea i ae rae MAS Go.; sn _Statesville, (yt EDrrormaaLRoresa ae SA ea ~-Spt Ae re $e a |theorsa‘OMe Oe)Wy por qrittorp is ace Tp cust be,Caper Wears :aS Barron &‘Nicholdon,°Pia toe thsHt Th eeua taihiie Ut ot ‘fea fee’) sall's Anti|‘pain i:Se 3 ie Zos rein the Haleigh Ne we and Ob ser biarat last Satan i Sale “de Eo Supineenti’e ethates ‘thosesg oliakeas nae proot,the ntast )‘Apasinye:|;Pips i beiisd thio hoe a PeteSif thai,apie Ur gyn:di tEos ays Mine ah ya chet ne ss‘The Maséit JobSoe ph Foe Rasch:Sabfscic ae eahinas a Noles 2 tit?oh!‘thfat”geuartailh SvlTgidoees sh 1 sahaik wh tye “i i Syma t : 4 Banlt Nes ypYypat;plytiorting wee ‘come pteuls BECO wor Ret,Pees rebie: :rile Lhe suely crete ti ¥forty Sips a i 3 as ta n ap e s ~ :tg make . ;ieee: id Bo opr int is we sede wn Aptsa iette: of ‘Dre Net eae Governor.Rast, we CPU Gad ders shotild,ie Gh it siikre wit.OUD,abort thopfieg?that ghe Tearipic ‘th (histSttaighavestoo much apowerandstheSiematswetines) “pein 46 tlie fire“ththat?these are.caftcr) |Tait Tin eM ianercsyy ty i tNb ceefy “ ratetinStchyeriiteoaythes‘pwn»if “veyatipn ts “PHS hits 3 arial:the,, price Oeo}fn uscwel 5SO ITO: <8ierDraperty,se aed trig Hey von \yi ay!ae SoseeTeSamgdthat,ie Pee tyen:with gure eStart hie!The.rok EyeESA day.aDiy Mott's5 Gtk edt. pee thie Seay€fF vckan duce ley‘atten tiok Mere ise. ats seuFase!yok a pte Het oy YS 4S“AineWyefSEZva4 ee %gasps “ i spes BH arthon phone oe oe ad obo fi: 5 | Chey oh gnegeary wei fS.peng? \¢a iy aeTeX tunis Zt this tyepape Pin i The Garianguattay Was cibpodpy ” Pi Neelast ,if Diyaduinstrationy ‘omy se aSkt«ota it prays :S te Henin:wieShows Thi ae ssarteGGov japonIiagelt oe foe ,5torAver,bad bared:that}SBS ngy + Se Sous gasAES Tyfatateane bihareien rat:opt thy Py ;throweel}:bea :Lea, sp citiento sae 1s thespage cane ran! withy pride almd gtic Which thi:apres3 1 ‘.S- we“EtStyte eosetgranent “®Guld ate i 23 dagnicinte Hetos ohive:init |tuts hat vitae twilg cat {hele pete howe an Luts:‘important State institution?aeMe Gayermon |Rasse M andsithe:‘often State ORC ‘rsmadebtike te:OVE ND Led tyva itPor leaesooh their faibure.vss publishing*awilty Ya « misstutcme tts Sbout:the Deikoerats¢es 4gie}ddan stration 0%its Mr:LePu tte maaeénfoundsrokwithibyane 1may c.piu ey bite dlitheoultieniygiehtreOlethe’bi = iigbforTn ne the!HAuncaaye:2 SpE es Thess»REVOVE,wt:Jnhaers some heeds phe it lideSibed a)na plattor ytVadis | HATot thving tatedLe: the geoph 3 AWS Ilse vende SS hieee Teh +sot oe {{ahset ue ¥Gtilings salt'Be Se hare Ata:See tia te pt 5 at Gy r add uh ve i bitiFit -if the Skate SB Fh pak:Pletal 2 ;N. ‘i - eden “tye forse methine or Re fererbat «hiftrcre:at-brag sSinge Ape} ses as nud other ike rane.ere GaySegbats|ny itsul hotd 3 pheaiees tint:it.wntertained vy betn it scedhty “oBnenty vt iret of phat phat] {F Oe:Tots 4:seteee attr mat ton: deat aIEESA tO judgiventsto-eal)hnes xu:now alebya :xexpedie CA fi eeadepthsty the most i fon ‘eetlt ee rab pk wey Shee «uitfastfridayt}43Pe w ay the AMMOST:pigToxtsqudergabieAMSt-ContesforHiehyayoralty,ofthe nety Cingat Leer New York:art eadtebiet:uated creof thy sreat iG Lota StiTats ath ubeieshagofane:Yi Mhis 1 Shenartt ite HSBei s psd! rey rane «itl poliuds Rind:aberities Avire njord Extarer Sather tetafe:eis theMion!lifes te x8!bp be!WN ea cit wis}sanoerd:phot ify qnguatle: 3%gistakent a of the.pledge:‘He ing peessen@ fins ybon,bys fg ity ning: fGeorza’>teaehings we feagra:net the}.“LaceSunulation OF higst iprixdte Lt Miss Mofitivee-aiid,-rofy Shae rosted bats:‘Ti Kes to:foeinc cee bitte!if,Ay qriGer it a rir pst tnie Cok oatPhe ; 5 PsatZOU Ooesn pF nite bus:ce ex .i *+2 i entiqn wie!sth wer ueaad SatHetthe Bob.oy shes OOS rity « lysist 2cust poe ms aaVerCertieseyonae“bas:Urey?Oe:heae I >Hite “Ge St pte sande Tarhi thet cy a ea ieee aeaie oe bei expe:ob Dewi Sort Bat pst : *pessocd al Coe and:aS aiid MoulytenangeS or spuijetsr:Ain ONG ies Sur ack Ph.Phe:shew :“uk 2 ao ae Sate2 Willies Bano:Fustiew SUPE E“The wap gine ae the:‘xehaiks: Aa ected resaa He a Bare ckDi te:ow ahavon ofthe forme i :NTHe!Sef fo:this,itis ‘county!ss oya Mec Biv es Ole 3 ;mit?heleet ‘Hein iv States was as *:=! thie §St‘yh itheshonel:>bisder My 4myer“Statesville aNias SMR,A a Muilding WHE DE Thamtaet ares”The aminuts Arnth.)(hoe ds he By daprinee: i sehiieh’Gas ie Sen pest:ee:higte $2 og Soon,hatte Milne eeSuinha Ely Ses Gries Or heir aptity: ob gs ae Baie sa8 4. Moor Py My srewesine,a we So x gesiiie Records::: |Horsslash woe Ay a Lhe :aae Taw,aS a oy.: :Dei ts whore tek with thesmesay , NearyonatSs ny ee is ot tit Mobos::asete NSiaieeeieaJrhsz2PRE dhe andiged depart Aytid shih aus tilbe ¢Rsrele ; <3;us,aefader idee ae Me £ Stat Siang ; j feat th Tosi Lira ‘ees aks hie yeRILE c“‘ave AY SO meeath ‘Ero Pie Stata tek ee it at at the int hist !ee welt o HOH fj de“Er os ay me ee Oni at:estates!ie d-Colns; ‘mnigeGe:thik Be att Ob Dike phe tS colt if diet Se TA Se Ae js %SEPRS it Set.eeGitipns?tetoS ©)ie wedi SHiries Ay wh See ee apkeiiftic:x hunts be othaos Hiv stink:st:af) eiHie4seca th ‘eye xen et S i ipeae yeeShieeeotpeatt Tage* .AyTigh its ree eGyeor: q Cure is eit:the,5 wantin Hsu Er, pas aeaa port’tow alt,Han hyStjByle Thad ius it:es thieitit:‘a nik we DeonSer siti:Taek }pane: r a opirigatsaeSie Samat SV CUES bss4<egetoefltieeSonWalSfullaie 2 ane Thycylin.)y %,dvi mer.phn bri }t s Saseturial yiHt3H ae ndeoseay Hy powitentiatyif G etie'sral ‘hanya ob Phas ScrieLsHopriaHATE)i}sar and andiitoyyriation hnyaele.< finuna = ateefans j bptal,:hgh ai eEe ptont dig thie had &ttenyinicy 7 toe .ft Ward oesliase ale:thi hin!x ™5f westtl Johnson |ON thie “Othorksnek,ikamillionairesst SaksF Ave te of the collars.ey Tard |bigaded[pan of attairs,Zhe Ohjo™nran SmeeiALTEztalonscbnyeRe,ro.ah}»ahie trims of that:nan styeyal years edsafahd’his*tipie andimonéy| |Daring fms}campaighAnchorand:Biboocck Buggie S;.oe ist -“i|Lis home and-has:boca the’caret“pmnamager ‘ofthe:Gregrge un vément,’ *famnishing.the w et ee ithal té- Kuet,it ‘une pa er ib his owl: ‘mpait’sHeaok willa ways es.inieelee:Sly eoutend that : hayes”boen pa at the disposal of George ever Sue seteOE 18 as We th) stated ‘ebrtectly.Hy ‘cdycindes is stagene nt en:reauvd:to titpei Nentiary bx sayi ing:<P think managmeshing ‘een Fery go “ict tes1 Tee)eniie Th nies tine WiiK fas’elie TosiLier i SEY bout ¢ant cts EE a aBh,she,seMKSAgion;z lanikes tocontract tre ane Fonshee foieattawpids™tke Minot,?Seip ees Raa Stytts:ce Teepe eh carspathAah ¥ 4 atl)?cou!arite.Hye “formeflys a0 ee busHiLSne ee Ge ty at a stip ti he tetLoissey;; ‘> aEhe.publiTre:Aywess os jee noth qe papers,thet!the gsr et!. aaAe ; oe ae LGiminisieaigic that pit i fitutiary k bree“elvudds Nie “ick FRorn.fie Stilke or rae :.eats NBS ee=eiSo pacety me OKC Halt.it ieeefitin iniitd chat fle 40h Sees Sat tbe ts “aid OdSer vere The oe a appre He tore,Beene eo Sh:Oot Laer 1 ts 0.n00ia Fon 4 4 oes: MeSalevail SS fos se :,eee ane:Sy age ‘tol ates ig the tite Stee ¥,ee de pa va isaventar < “ti ae xtrstrelnmedstnata“issae pu:peas”be SD mSTisyeh: “jndes antewif 1 ee4 i OF Li xa 4w chet ys5t°: stash itch Ab ‘uk ai 3 equisel Pamayeries ish ta Sais eota ve teSektstRSS Sepin ida Gieronth weeeeriehanda I 5 SN,“dows nots intel ASe:mm ttheant thik ear, M:ftp!‘rhipnit Ethte:, tea laree-s d is.eee ry Te eal nvASt ulith:Olt a Himade : Is We OAK age eselaton t wy ement antl,susestinen te ¥ be cutovt-asmy .only chairce :of-recovery- dumigesti on, atic Editoriat ASSO-«a ;olnyfavor of tho:ré: sot sri.Phas”the: Pot the Nebraskan=ts:| PRI mg 2 ,ee * y nae cho me nents fF “tid:ive Gout ret ot “Gegrstia. * Coast atid :eO- 2’:~MonitShoe Cops fay Nox Pesiscrs makhal for Onesaot]% jeorgs.Candidate For New Worle.Or,Dies ‘Suddenlw Four DaysyelorettheElection|os Se “* tothe setor:a: t noc Tor,StAVor teak Beets 1s:Hiab Se “4 mokniyer:‘Ties.t ;soverad’larie the:borowshs of ‘hyn.“The work:=" Tie “id 16 Hane ‘told on: = ines od be Hetined: :Le whe the Motel Givories,awatived ch : of the hotel:Seay was i Oels whe ne Alray4Creorde gehe ~aaead>Mr, arkoe oh eat sa :ae came °° drs 4 icon or Was rd lt aetharts:tO.53 eA Iifhout sige yi Seba be :ate $45 Adnamainated n°Preacher:: On Dispatch,’26th:sey ae a 1).reek ‘Chime des.Ctulvert: id:Was assassinated last oH Tie Ohio ; aoe Die “gtspalssin . 4 Waly rar his + north (of Marietta te;aS aes *ae © dipying Ry ‘bulactive vs won who ladsecri:ited.- bush fifty:vaurds aw ays the bac:lee ak,ball hung,-oS:aehns 1SOO8,aftarswiard:bined was pas: ot|his the radtenipt ver to:fu tnsunePeefom=that he SpiieSceugety, 4 ‘ametrues ckebisn |He had ster ; watfon,and — odialed Tita aAhe.%w arsire Of, poet, an Notek ae “ine:bri icie Wisiidinie,- Tei:<dwistong.. baths.levator:de 4 rath Goch any of thee ec hh bsg pee floor.: Hj “cents per y a hotel i is: eA,oe:Stewart,and =Dicl ke ns.ie nov D.0.“MB ie owner. rvs it!will make ion"ae bacharit yy.He is build-as |son the.ke “rowded Play “©Cheaper,Tlie trosts:3 ieaptare Soe State. ;day:weesareeevi- more ageres-t. Age raise atthe * he:oewe get.BE ge fuluus sore 6n one.of linibs ».four years...I was told it must° aking»Hood’s Sarsaparilia andcine:purified my.blood;I>am‘and.well and able’to do 2.£00d |a ATHANIEL ’ygrginia.As "SPILLS cure nausea,sick hitad- ea DLs ';- a 4 ewhey.were TS ti v e ow e d MASCOT a ,PUBLISHED WEEKLY‘.: ONE DOLLAR A raei “oO GR RU LESi, “allnew Advertisementsand tiidseto.BeLo«hanged must be in theOffice|by!{hoon fon _:APeressmark opposite ye jur nate.JeanChatcou_must renew your.‘subscriptrwillbé:discontinueonceorthepadin.hands for:caeyouraqeoeeeplaces ~t A.-Rares ASD.Watts.) 2 Eprroxs.x amare i yee‘Styne NG.Nov.4.;,189 a cuties -cpmicntnn.ate *Soe of our contemporariyshe ime “in North Carobitia*ate losixig’sleey over the de nial to'S.Otho.W‘Alson,5 “the ~aspended Failroad<comufission’ er.of:the.right sof,triad.by.Jie my! the r€e ent trialogahls case»an Ral! eigh,and they aygac.with apparént oe‘that there is:danger of % “totakhoss of:this:palladiany ‘of our} liberties’“anidhe coximequent ¢fengslay Gr ment-of:‘ber ‘people. ,derstanding that,when Wilsons ame | 4 ‘Swe r-to:the;complaint ‘of Pearson ‘was filed,ittondained an edutiSsiot of alk theyueteriah facts ‘of ‘the:oak Fpluing:tO.)wit:‘That?W ilspm.,batebeenflegtedbytheLegislajuydsSi pended by"the Governor,inch phat «the enti ie bolen Appoiete thd be St atutertre “at mnt {he railtgad‘agmnission made:{hig Gg it [tf is Sourvunt ‘ernorthe Sale:jndge of the ee AK fie ation of ye Gom,pissjone®* "him the aeoe‘asin Tiga a ‘Shiithiie Hd: ;eh ie anid kot"a ayy itt = Cosette leashesiia ditet -claimed Shak |fee:act.algaeoembes yes }Lipsxingit was S onlaintiGea “3s ‘our understanding thay”‘trial:bi jury:ispoly’to determine fijsputel “questions Of fae aan _Wherg $b¢facts) -iareadmitted.”‘put the |law atiging on.) “Foggfacts:1Sdisputed,»then”‘hte at : gestion of ew“exe lusively for tht <The jary.have:nosing’to 4do with it becausethere is no.gues on “oss fac t.to Be ‘submitted,to the“mn.pilety +ChE swe uandetstand |ity this was the 4 ituation#n:thy:ase of Pear,PSO Vs? “Wilspts And‘th *criticisms on Judbe Robinson,fdr,re fgsing to,pe the ~case to,the jury are, -:tircly.itliout Yeundation:outparticular-ploy inte to:leks ia gsRepublitanjadees’ok other officials anoftheState:bat’we do:ndt.believe.)SEN_im criticising anf publi cofficen,whol.does no more than his sworn daty]}'SWebelievethat,Ae SeyourContemporuriiéSinquestion-Aiwd A onjan se‘yeadthe Taw creating’the railroadcommissiondefore,Were written,“they xhavébeenwritten.“fhé Lae at)ag.cry Of ‘denial of jury:oe‘a Senseth ittin this case.’ :under the Tas. their criticisthsy re we “tur:ELECTIONS TEESD aY,fe ok ®acaeettec Gatou.:: bse puseie oe 1 Gedat.er New York city Vv.ity’Ww yok,SanemanyDeéniech:=Lot Tndépendent:148!3paste|1OT:823:.Geosre.oe :|Democrat,about 13;OGRS“plarality overFOR InPew bse State,Paskeocrat.is elected.”Supreme’:Tudee,’4‘thereby reversing a Bejority:of 263,000 of last:New Jerse peerae alns i publica ha! ¥.showed*tremerouis ntbe LegislataremblizansStill:‘Contr{the hold ov er Hiembs-‘Maryland jis ia doubt,publicanS tartied,Batt;afore.i‘TheLegislature’c .lected wilt,sdlectta Stes¢eSsortoSénator?:“Gorman,‘Deénio-crat,and the sprobabilities:ates nay W eye O¥EFE .The indications are that «tea nleDakot¢hasvoné Republican.7 >Ohio isclose:and iw.doubt;~bothon:State.ticket ©and.Legislatare:“Both sides elaimit.-madé great:¢ains inState,“wherg his.om“was a7,O002.‘Virginia :‘eoiniat Ss _almo’t soinlly}"Demperatic, somé 60 0005" Dao:andaeeeBry: ~The DemoctratsthéPresident“£najority:last“fall Aste Peplinsier’e‘carrity,a's State:bye from hhRe)00,_an increased’‘mal icann majdrity in Mas Ree down ayer:pe:“‘whom:died:o Keates ‘plese her:sold ‘hota:vagain,Carliskiy”Wa:d the other gold bug teHit uli “notwithst nd:ang §Denes carry “Lousvieityin’ithe.State,will’006.”“It the.last,Puget“4tions:““Blues,Grassdom’’.-Republican.”~'‘TheRepablicdn sasret of §1n Jowa‘has:“been,cut,down has got'rig ey coutrary, cand their maj ceived®‘from.We ‘print 4tat A wolf wagkilled onr ong tof‘tedafresidenvestreetsof!LittjeRo¢k,Ark.plast.Saturday just*as‘itwasabouttodttackapartyofSoedrenplayinéonArch:street.animal,emboldened.by hunger,hatcome“out ofthe'swamps south of they~<A negro,named Tom J ohngbn,“sawthe animal about.to satta~children and, Pe killed HE eeoe hile makiity e)wees tadin§ih:A Ueusta,<Gas,.vida;é five:Aegrod “wert:‘btReece&bank wAupict cavotapeStaonyue ‘Anieriean; ee re aym,he asgrain store soak “hadbeen're-ing at 3'o'clotk.peatedly roBbe in:Néwberne,,.°Pu:a.Saturday night.the guards:stationed’‘there -'saw.amancomingoutofitwithjabag+whéat ‘on ‘his back.~‘chalfénged he-dropped-‘the guards,.thinking that ‘he wasgoingtoshabt,fired-and -killed-him.‘He provéd to be John:‘Teagles,uew-:appointed -péstmaster .of Now}Was 35/years’'old”andgoodcharacter.: laski county, the-itag-antd note harfdedable.young"‘berne.‘He “past office,“had borne’‘a Cards arecout for:the:.Setzer,’‘son of of the late:of ..Falstown:_township,’and Miss:Bertie|‘Lock-man;daughter of Mr.‘of Catawba county,will take place at“ne‘bridé next Thursda:veraber ae a0o'¢ “marriage of John ‘Setzer;was’no -dévi Lee Lockman;‘~The’ceremon @ home of.the feo'elonkor ZNO;ultesbite, *:Sa urday:4ete is Steet V iley ivaperttocarolsionin:a (ie urday,SN :ArtThe:ved trdjaris'sareont:the:war: Mphth 7itt.C‘olorado:msSetGh a[ther ::pote bey n killed.ye #t“Almost the entire:How.a hoe.“pintsaefetiby:tioning.”Mich...was. |Are Tuesday:ee? DG buttMH sod}.| be The lity 4;enry id.reei ‘atheqe) #5En att ro; RL pote: od,teh 4 Gayton,oC Baph iChiba’coy :Tie velo ty proviny Mere | pallins ott 7 a yh anid:tye my p dange Beacve eyeatetl d th JENNiyaa:Sprains{dissalt ber wipe Oiat gf obebig,<>Cx pai eb:hese Rute:She,Le.fl!Mp:ALAN UALS,uyof or OF VR TG« othees SEL Idac tly: LeeT ese nota:ee rh Sha thissit.-Shé-wdsy was blow n-down by: Joba H:.Nudie ee wea Pessmicidé;Motday teinyse &aVon (anyon,‘adaceaue -Bia Footbalries 4 AN wt.eanne an"a “Saturde v betwegn2) ,}tenin,and”he 08iH vexsity:oe Va uy niversity-of ¢ie esi piaiped fatal’jaries A ttam ~A . wauntysN.Pi:z|iteyport.th 6d vs <St nat ASaac’® pcity.Tugsdaly 4 norning, As:idoke edy*~E SR TP: whey were cantine lonjottat Cr with them,shee viehory over ‘S|Tad]ac,The tribesfa aleeabe MWany.‘ptt Maisieakesh.*: night pyc $B). of tHiem:dangdreQual yo. +“Suttah Site:rt thant‘}farmer.ot Arliigton,Ga:iS ssinated Sunday3DAEht whic:feeding:3Bis hogs.w\white"man,dnd to:ne-grdes.are suspected;‘tivo -ofew pony ce-*nO”*~No réliab ereturns,pCA re-.ansas.and:Renee: er estimate,we ate:under RES & Thekets diesothertwo“yi dies: “Brasicis McNally,“caghick:BE 4ExprpssCompan'y,’FinNea:Orleans."Sahuneee suit:ide i ‘Phe public deb ing eas ASS!‘during October:fF iy ood «!Monday eh o be huine.’it:Suse ts ee gt thee a coinmitte“State:Autesdays +ey #eC paietingg piace.HeAadJus ‘figaSuttan lot worgceshace “e Sots« ae Expisib heked ileal inoeof Le thtSatur: fdf-Five miners.wetted ang fi ty amine Wear Se ranton.23 ee AXhiéwee railroad ‘from pelZOrAbbeVille.Be C A vid+o:W.est wig :eor,che Weds?bur asd}$ fe se metery ee Ww aid p collision iy gier- ibaa fe Moni dy.te persons were Ins Tt duigde cS whom %May die!2) Gay themecent’”hia 2Miak!Hanter gotElbert ‘Col.feb to death unear,her hone Ee Gp aise Rbrsiny aii be fy Weiele ,(as AheieyMELO3 ‘the: nohday Apithobydacresnonies: GiveraeWMoyle hassepated front’ Genetal:Blancyas takén’ =FGOt matin ‘of the baniforce:heres tv baituationes |mis! Sow ACO ete andLiew sore or MesTay!ane We Fi i eee ‘Peank{orysPuesdaythreeSaneahwre ee: pacine.BS‘ijlroad ny iN E- at!‘OmabatyséidMond Nab the Se ay ‘Tor Tare hs~grilat st Sea enik sireBymendowpsAvithesit;4woete!’Natally Pie:pant Aout Gig othiis @rinateatnar tlie haeot 5 jing astine phleithree States Of MiIssissi-Lipp tanabagprta and Eddisians:by the has been Sal,ne U0, rard Hpmilwwia,abubkeCmpiobeeoHi RESPOT,“TMs wk Ebled7 Dis.wite:oghter,Tuesday inomiiag ang}Bn" ads!shot peSo PRAUSE Pe tagefine“d lookin pitkiptsuw youn Sistergd‘at the,Hotel Maii-Wattuh wat Né&v.York.ity monday ound:<dead™£ tty Spore:“haying “Shot.herselé * vswltiys:stom} hare ton of Ogde:nbburg tN.oY yby shootingAgiarrel:with his House.heSpersetaposedtohetheeoteae denier Jade Ww ailing Se ofthe:‘st Kyown DethoerntSoeead Suicide:at tha Seeiinieid‘sredoyskys pect aot py‘MOrrig’Maghenson: anLy GAS ineNe Yeh OneSasypeture¢uses re eeRonit aged. "2.mu ee3Soe es e won,aeBematiep‘tribe?‘at fed to!nergy“were }one and 95 heads ser spiked:on | 2 < as erégm’Sryed nutesS Mertdisteee‘Rochester,Ns Met peoprey)and Severabot faaritidal.c dition.ae : ‘Acpar tof sthdwer“iders;Sathac’hing 13,wete upset!neat©Pittsburg.Pa,Frithiy ight-and®alt “them'|Tnore orless sériougly prior.ARE, Pex id Leae bers,ate in Saw wy &:pectable Wasassas-) eee Pay‘ations for hew) Monday’by Setting bis.‘fhroat.kad yellowf in &‘dif of deliridn ,Goorgia:Cotton,Mil.§in, Kasdestroyet by fire.Souday niorn-‘The!loss:Is SstiMatéda}$1173000;$49.090..in «stockdestroyédahdeeetice“on “build |fingsa ase 8 :“On decoufat of race ‘troubles.aFortPidreé,Fla,,thecriegr s havetbeendrivenoutoftown:“apd church.burned| WA répért:ie mon ee about twenty.Pist eee eet ie WwntoavillestatesthatRev.Mr.GtihChristiad é1am, aeand.Lehed,dis.igi Me insurance: The ‘cause of‘thefroublewasayins¥lttnytind¢obsceneSyanegrotoarespécf-;rhite!lddy;whileat tie at re eeeakinfainte4 oyalii ataagen Nokes aer Mh iag “oy ss ea The Barring nhs routx, eariay- he ee Wat? ec ashtp: “hissaries <Sie =seesfcoik-oncRVR,agave |bond hs)"(doh ‘e ee - i parath S Oe z teoune ar tuitice i stiri“sunday t re n e er s c y yah it Mer Jobn se aesya ae .O0 axLamenoesriciltedwysiebiena lice %Mc Dat variewha iif 4 sole Midls 40 a onuir-busin este We avi and‘after’Se .fst Sell Shrictl:fot ¢ah ui Prices will be ent abe a de’ena rik yeFonte ona ate Mr?Reber! coast:ey STE CHAZEI Os tlic<n family, 6 tis £3:reduce «any:»1 Elicense* eehiplebax {4snue.,. ho “Record Wile!Venn Tee nit Sticking!bn “exe Bharat “Pe [redel!fa ;Stevens }, taal &SaUCET anHarriesoneday" Saye BW “braiddat yceroushy:woimded.5%foo:aglis 3a,thiss i Bae par Loeb:thie soba tee ote oflice ae prt aSove mide.and theta:af terbowapesD4 PPRECIATE.ANS lea.at pnERENTOFALLAt‘The.;appea:2 ‘ is :NST the mah 3 CANNEDLS OD aCe nl tks SUrVven:ha fe aOP pned #3AMutehcwer-tka sBae at@ Meath iine Lenoir:egunt Ypne:Ke While thyir pareags weeds fae roR tlic eee ; oy lg Sra codt we aa ae fro aver the:egy Sboke (OLSUt postopice racated:mister Matheson.pat,Worl,: fo he Risuesytoe™:et eta he tht:beagers:of hemeat: thdity cparty at Ae ee Satheson Mi.Presst¥Vea’pluie lastayetk find Miss Pais ot “ry “Lystiweek bs Geilidire?han. ae suceHdaeas neahSieh a puke “hears contitelss Prob| Si Byxfone is eyde Feparted that “< 4 Sunday ote} Simon atthe Praypeliseaytebbi vi he iewt:KythatsuiarthisSear:3aes Prey:web realized 4bowt &montchWKELGdbissoe «Bastia toe Maiby ee ba weesnowedthediice:to thee Fonest leva alltees,whieh betecooely bowsht!“pike fas frog acy,on geient Kellilon ts:the fobine Te sy Sunest ~chiblIe‘Borke died wast av coke anid:ma a ig?Betas altcaqunn”:kart Pastor:Tidball ReyepRetheaer coh : opece 3 teeh:3 0n)ee nae ot hat. etal Waadlteaes ai ©bean ates ansaults“ba svomen: teinpted Ane vlnnitted 4inthis:state,THety reealt is-one legal eXvE ation- ¢)and:“gre lygtebinge ees¢.“y“hjdcaLtResrel:it tagseetes OFSamOt tO Lun:the:fin:edithpis Lge:atéae inanteround@h,ifteolntune: ;the be oe xf those.eet: ;grOO tS700to.16:00 |”:=12 50,06,16-005AS“x60.toX2o.00T- hatawas uke f aye k ‘Of =thied)|fd ifs chaingat he has:the “tha cat Patters:1f POM “A.Gorurt inane crstically:rl histtather,Capt. aaadeit ts ow gut SOW “a rect ie “yt” Mrs.Jennie 1 atv oe hota tinond.\"Ils reside pce on Wa aGatted*by Mer!I Dr Wy.aketield, ir.inese apd thi 2 miakes iin PaiceefMaSandeutle.The t the absent Mr.SBiawer 7hePreshyteat 3 pal dow and |rl Sty aang assrs ‘are:di celden:ieeonudefion sewith:Aker Piensa":shoy 2chit ordbrethtyto:py iS stchet°aby strme:,w thaw waiting [sf,ae the eae ‘py! tay ae Seite:ee oe wil he bed?Torhis ¢carr gangs.wh Wit os (aintinid insane at the}pe ee giars.ae N ake:‘Superior,pies * Matheson:bedhak ged Tt VE:Ditilas’ a tenbuty Lenvt bt poll for Ist on ‘Rope las?ea thet :‘ChiSeiatg Riecgrr.Some Bee of,ilf se The:oid SoneRowse at Fyrpair.Ng [Selo &BS row this!uyunein.which-majoy Atidyee:the Brit toh:sypy.Was (iinpyisoned and from“Lav hictr he was’taken’¢6<ANCCUTIONS/ *Tet “Tuesdare ' ;>.ht had a it 4 Sheen patienthc}; ip changed with!esoS ae our.rlarge.Cthe;Bendre BaOFF ‘Canipbe ‘ sh aanes ot ine Shan ‘townships Je iLRiweidh to vty ny ir ainown (bo 2d Fen lere lay:‘tq ‘ool:‘bee“ame Ope fat ive.PEM)Loi tree that Never:blo.hires and.didmiers.:4.diespeecarsdiyeaursegaTaeos Per Re My to ret i.fo ne “Tauid.NiSpi hid wh townstityeedguar :iy pid pn Sune 5SeAirfioefriBa f Basen be:allow “E om;Lt Sheil thint es =When sourseleuscd.fom:cdoubke $day?Goveravowed:“t0-8:of Tu‘eae personea.x Pepoatt be ,sippoiit al.JANG Witiar ad oeinestMonday.clyeaay is acho ane teachers ait nig ust2 19 tinge sw?aove.vale s“retcasced fxom couble |.“Mitehtls:ofS ‘berallowed.to!>shesEee valuesGhtdoubletak?Ca st aw *special ear Tt lool have byeea will miake abrayoe) RC.Crute..t turned “Sunda -UeSS tr ip soath' *Phanters’during yh ©4 call:tah <young:ie ¢ S pistol and.his <ssaik-aig’Tse:Was broken* tertiby y.‘beat ; ges dnd.his”“face’|6Sindag.fhivlen Ay eee wobby ea the Saerence oe 1D.jad,overpowered’they:at3icattragedhis|wiffeahd es@a ped,WV mi Moor‘es i,meet te friends. ie Ma”Chas Statesville dele meeting:of the -tist Associatio hast Friday,Sa :“the:WOT:i AE thes‘Ccivalina |,CeapersJee GCompany'at Wilmitinetohs7 gcHclk Sunday |thordhiss,“othefswwditchingshotandkilledwe:stra gor,supposed £0}We a savor.d‘watchman would = ‘that he:acted4 watchman eS fut. ey:ALL Beat bra epublica 4 qistray.tune who:His’‘igshedta xr Opetoe“Conte:Ht agsinst:Judge Ewart.was’ Fonwicted inthe Criminal Courtattnibegzlingpublic,fuhds |’‘fand-th,s privet for.Seema fRcontinaed,uptil the.Degem oe:the’edurt:4Bgl:orher abes.«\He Homedidtely:resign od his offipes MeAr or has he oulttofd svstenitof blagkyy:rextone omandatmbexalinig of pulaSiifthetndst’appalling™charac.|,officials:jutL,al 4é)livelved© {men aray Of c fwfgedhbiders%2aS A Di-and Tocoke ap EPA ir Sate:Ss “itt,“shreds” me wiiship. The Assariiatt leridn -conpreys parsonage on 13 the dot occupies ‘@xander,[tex \-Building.Theprogress.* tits Set ee:located desoraingir5 to Ucn Far the.MME:Oe ‘es ra Foemdhisthe wusiedt led there egathering:corn;sow SOWing Jsmut™Lyek,com: oad SOR:is,Sslvg-put "lene s “Salexo Veluaz Sshovean icsmentofe <i erpata‘Mexasder,ootheym RE aSfoare ahd:ch ¥ 4 ASHeVillEe off .Davidsontown advanced aye. the mother on “Haynes by her _cbam.‘and she |b “ire Haynesfa Mr.5.-B. .tolered:tried t-Bsq:;Monday, coat and cofice to taking the ¢ -SO6}d to Ida’*Gald“to.court,and is to:jail. tLpletachada a He.submith =Mrs:Susak Lackey’:who:eat her:és broker some times ago:js ‘stillitheialong:mending slowly.ne frost Tsited-this.séttion Thishas beet gute .alates 7 |Sobre vs x “onntiggtheteataegelk :ae race pea ‘oth 1897 ie Casas ot aie éneeof—er Githe River,adjo'r¥Fortner and]s conveyed”to’Ga“grat:trom the ae {eer tepti Vesi2AY tig the lands 6rHeieTOWDegeineforntireybothers}.being the YehinJieCoesTinyGrautNoindonJune sth 878, The.WwSia Seenbt’f woroS+COrregpandcht mentions1hassurelytaken,‘up tbIS he4LcommaunityS:a Feraletinites,‘bit:‘nO.gn¢Deg shat Fruesays.it was}7)at Hishoise onenight tot Jong Sinod.a ook at it)bit:‘could not|aMr.TD.BlliotteSaysthatfromthedescriptionit<isPaWolf.TIt does not seem’:totes‘}odo any barm:to aylyone. furans at amuleor |two, g ridden’along‘t.would:run,off:SecchiLaeey,Nowece t 5 fb 7 <o Sane ee OF SCIENCE, Lin Scombles aand.Comte tionfee€ured ae vIthas:bebn, 4 Any-one-la “ins’cheek «on Bank of Ashev ooo the Mnitved-St =sufficient bond An that bank aq Tangelnents Cai 7 8 497 Yo.503ineime.ei Bookwireegseparatetractsandthen-45:4 whol‘Terms:‘One tBird:‘cash,poeneemationbytheSu ined,tilt purchase,as.valuable for,its/‘tities :|atin inh ani affords~a rate,-chancforprotitableteased‘For-fufther par:q tiquias*Write to.— yy neys,BooBa“PPh elk what"it WAS:©a $6.4see:“thesAu“Yoning eatsYork chientee and fod shoe for your.aeBed5osst“Makes a/IfeeOffer:“Ae Our:Readeray:- a itabugabel aed rok ainTAAocam,AemonsViableand‘absoluteJsuaeption(Pulmopar:jaikb:cnehial,eatsungBoog;tions,gBheral aeand-| TEES,phe os f his N Sallevent)-of his x is coverLiesto"any:“aftlicted reader’ee The[weritin ¢fdr them.:2 His aes Scientific Treatuiey -“hasusands:perinanently oetime-|-ind he}considers-it a.siLeanaiatdutysto:suffering hudonatewyablorhi>Selenge daily diandki2at,ee on.r'years,has producedrealsasascante.Claim UF ta Kiseee eid&,cae ENO rears ee »reception;to.<4 ‘Powell Tuesd: .*DBumber of the and groom att ing was thero present...Tho 7eant one. ee ie yMHErOE:OF:;reReriGeeeareca Gor anteanepeed‘Bran Ch ioner’orosCourt:a void ay the:See fo:Country.‘Bro;eesth 80% Hues,cogitinseto"™DECREE ous Ta e FORT anes .cently one ofeneete‘paper,and wh before’last,w that he arriveandhassecuré month to bevi Be:“industrious,rd we wish him t kouse:..door:in.E DECEMBER oe,wi { ratOf Sand sitoaidrootadjoinizoea:a8ers.F600 :f 4actesmor‘or‘Jess;“and enowe as theofBP:Branch s!?"Berms:Of sales:TOne-haltcaskdateotseandBe |trator enw.aesas So:Vaan 7:Arthurs,ae g teers tae{Arthurs and “others.”RPE“The ‘defendant;:"Burett Gigs‘wit:take notice thatanactione‘bas beencommenced in thi4ofIredé}l:-County:rto-sell’lands‘)xvith which to:lant}*Bar,¥|notice:rete i Feguiredtor ap}4 Clerk's office Th eer County ou897and:answer ere+mur to.te complaint i 3‘said:action «x ayDoneeaeae ’filed ih,=Awl it]opesn:daborstonies.in aa Sredisel experts:ennene tchestandlungtroublestion;*which;unia _Simply Nee Seplats aNew Neeswillbeeprontpent,Sullerer -Should |take:instantSac “of: in any cll ateds ntitled aa‘abdve’e Superige Coaryy oe santhé:neenauirthertake}; up bola oeaeness}, cashon aay.of pPachAdieoftheurch,pféached=a’ser:th,eee _thereThe'*gongregatipn |-took offense,and w unethe eae4gentlemanattempty|he was ejerted sta the ae ‘andshotswereBred, :been summeri On account ofhischargeatHehasreceiv -terian church Disboro ‘and eo pores aan_TBbis sh Novompar sa1897CASLAGE:DSXANDERS5: shasta‘Mw.sas98 etree L-edicine will be suited-...Children will’present. a .ie eeEURCHative-Bro‘ont Quinine TabiSomeB:eS.ats ‘refand ni Oiiningif:it-faite ws “Loceel ity“Mi ES }ieadts tt puhting season.” aimittee “Wilill my Isa tt com yin jing chures v rene Col “hereted to S803 +4for in.Stat He sem iatStedrs ko MAS.5-9 Chi ulme ns De ' week.*,4 “hat Pall |sir! be rw chow hits ES fownsiap ae were ~ 1 te.set up a 1ec eaeLa :appoin tar eu tor ye MW hryens “preach at Al anerity LAP SPL ake a! in cof:Trede| inmence Janu t Decewnber as apis go.dows:t ‘the Planter «Will tbe chill Soc iet:yo eng Harriétt Joho ll be.paid. Mr:and Mrs Mr.Frank i Rev.:A.W: ys for those FIT _ ht “from . um.Coin fe.“hac 2 avfvade hw ang =in” Ww toe, Pativie.~~Ladies silk. Frischts stand.s Cents: Just a : :it os ; Re ie 3 AN a ra % Z "ae TLE rem:2). %_ =& — We Re hin,< et shox ik ESShy 1A.dis Of thie| a airs {eer Lee chingl bmnget aty‘Shinpsville |. Ss .—_*reSistaheteeeotGon|pens Bae aA tT BOD Te Sie 2.aa.gt t+5 ~e 4s ..StL2%+:ate mept LD Eat tal:hkedly anSeeeeawisyeeae *t ae #festaAi th of 1 Yee thither .iis ;g aontan;er we tl ey ba yen *Of}Naw yhe Satoenay wey "Anales: oe tse Hine Vest:rday: ch e ea Ovete:sh ‘mid "Miss ae ot *Babibinge % gyre ited this week, ::Tenpiesse e",or Aresyille.Is Tere4 ta mar Yr inge ‘of Mr. ‘MES Mollie rE jssue G SV Os pute Teodor “skys 2th,othe haysant tit rain “apd:ba- tpiae post puriesthy eta ray“fie Hth,bag Say at te order 4savs inary: ut Siends G roles rasp S atat week /“ht 3 4 és ie bY fab ag thes,-@apanetton e aod beard aot alde 4qe!Pane Ww ae a Rowehr<canis lhard sevaf Bars eeea Shinn:a Fag" Sot“tlie &onir| aN MyMeteare GOR Fees Sa of:NeFOOKOS :pitt AEN iak nicerdpimer t othe:Us at Saturday.15r whictt ks OUTSwWpeEy intendsze) veo eaihat:the reSide:Gr.OFT! yt kM:"Parks!iS het? *e front,Re hey, hs eSi Peestes katOls ei qPacaihe oe opedCkxk Ste ttlHeid SAAN EUL ATS Some: Are coMsditeain: Fyss &nic Ee,Wattsh f, BeeerLENS ¢ 8p.St Shee Grek ewes:ESd ,ee egd :teksats Taeae :GagNerher Russell iis asked fs ;<A oe aeatay pvtizhtifrom:a bu ;ME ie 8)yeaa Be =He wild be at the tT: Wisstetas 8:4 ae ec: ~Sie Ritoer Pepe hte Ses,xi €RetiyTafoldas:at the Colleges: Diss Sarat eh “about om ofthe, Bee’task;Cath. Seheot ‘printed ane fhev i ETS Wareliguse..Tes diriae the s&isont where ? MeatesS"%a -.Soee aS :apie pe.the residency of the:bride:s vrand-.ti was She smethe gy.Mars!ME Tingle.Ry RTs ose Saye ve x.ey ye Thase ert pee we-pular young peoplhg in.e cy.netsh:EaeSpetjng eer eure ores Pens tit)wotdel t‘hristigamaud,inf Short?ay:ephen,.RRO.Ae wd}Womah:‘whdarill be “mnisseds ‘Whee |S 3 [Thesbirara’Gf HX}ae ety ia]Tyatyes*neisbnand eeMSA wha seSejont:fast?Brida:PoOpens ei tkes renee i Sais OR eae |we rat athe’olds for:the"iter,parks and baeohi pesems artecajirebuts]:New Nivertivementa:!,sie,Se iiecdeleggte-16 ‘the Unioy| urafthe!/South Yudkia Bup- rd vies>Shtorday and °Sanday k ete carers Cook “Spritg edit ASSoéiate Hefog med Presb: songrte gation ute building:a4 EON:Browd street adjoin, L Gatpied by Mr.J-Stands:Xt. te 1 wytrierSkelute.“died taGaon-behwe aship:Monday,atan we awe.“Sh was aiven to, ae “rf YAty TreasurereryCe% ~~OV ‘ber father,rases tra: |ard she ae to.false the on: »Raynes amily 3).taf PR ‘Green Had:Will Rivers:ae ae She -d.tried befor®We Gu Lewis. <..Moyday,forthe laneeoy “ot ca AL rs Tae:and coffee:amiti.--He®.cow sweat! tel aking.the cotiee roid.“which he: SURO ida Caldwell.”He was bound Py sse 2 if ‘Me Ang@ue:hating Chtlector Hark enn y ‘friends,in »Doping |‘for.them,eGPCK OR the fatled 5 Ngtionak lobe:life,anu prosperite..Saag at Ashevil!le-ean rest-easys as.+ stexk States govern nrents‘holdsS iy tuatbabk-and ay soon as/the.ar-|ah ee nehtscaytbe made the!checks, ead.bee pad.‘een Oat wW . iv aid Mess Ay“Burner ‘kia Siepita Reet an ‘Airs James ea &‘Tue day evening..\large at af he friends of thes brideentattendedaudthejeven- in Gepost p enjoyed-by.aliThosuppap.was:ee eles} arly y "Sh a one.of the-printers |»on this and who went:td Texas week -lasty writes to'a friend:here, arrived.ii Texas all’right. end has seyured agood job at.330,.a Motiito:beoin with.Fraakis au, i.réhable young mun and him the:bestioff zood.Luck: Bl CO Ww bite.who.has “sathmering here.is compelled ut of bis Health to:give ‘up yee at CorpusChristi.“Texas. usreceived a callto the Presby- nhurches atBey:Sqn city‘and ESDOTG and wll-leave ‘in’fewfor.these places 26.see how’hebeRSOEECE“Mrs.:‘White aud.ety weents :Me.&:Be Webb ent; i Rayiie ye de Gide at. EY See fee ri Hicdups * a oy Seinchisnise 0 Wigs sitet tes ‘4 a short,stay here with|his’quyther: a bos "Moorcswilic:fons Arvind hreve’ft :ts We:lavee Gi labsenchs Of were auhrrtod ae;aia icton Doce is Wi : pire latitHS)“he re and ae ‘th :“PHYis,recupentiting feonal qanalivia,+§z we Oy:|whol,recently Ineturet heres Ry Sic Lwas here adn,thishiy LC FO@dawh ta®S:lisburYe we antend: Sse Res ye eee eons >ok thought.a th che}phia ad ‘rannily h eros py thie BS was:Here ves rerdayi@ac®frits site.) Miss NB: =Chak!Feet ¢evel‘Hatrisyrgtur hed hom “Pete ye Ste rdw ‘}Me knigh:-Kenaerty.°Fy Se wel Shitok test ee chad .io a AIOE atWereRANSPeyeninir=ueCae ih Reedy. y +4Wishinsttheree weary hacks!ae hanged.4: 1 ore ep has “pak.fasta th aeasSutMéssrs,We F-qe Jesse bs ath,sthieeo Naseorttip the Gash Grok“Sry "Company,ane Le ;wee:fo ldld us a peciabperetany add aye mak eBoy “Ot:“Athe &ate el Superior VeoRet).1 pany «oMrs£ nharke Leth.LR ‘aun thé mahheer,| th cySpiant of Mhe Poweheteis Ing ow‘Broad gtr edtaand:WiH pepe Sis 4 Steck of fracenyesMere?Say enyT¥be a::t6-Barriin SPSS te Badvfes forthe ee SVprave’show:the te LO;Bay:ay edt the “repiak aupti oncee eee:“acd.2 Ae %, Assietition.“Syhich was held Dceheeel aud their,many -‘friends: The ety:iggmin Sy mba Davide nck 0 jee vcobtage:aein Ubtendance.»+Prot,aoe Eeswork-is,actively in ¥ Vb.Fox:‘Esq, tyttt:bands to vover.itS deposits:; Erack B.“Entaker:;anti!wre eS int tow ive e sterday4.¥ ke at o y /Tuesday,(OR bupineSszoo)femeh:sMis,‘p «.:leseayidd:is;ooierdaditeMegsASsASGClickigElkin,#4 ||wr,ey Ti Anhas Bettie teh ite:ye S)ow haei Me it nie Judin >Atm:SC eaeteWwMEaeif.M ae ons 2Lowrandl of MoorExt ie iPuesdayiecee Mrs y at Ndams?“fra "retubneay|irom his Basics aand Wasure,Se)Fd>Petinesseeye* Pe roe 2 Mes.bbe side Miss:Jokus,att‘auburn ane visiting TMI.a3 M.(Hedy¥ft fhe Cooper,‘Houke: e ‘Nie.W:By Halts he is bac ie ntPietbusiness’After his illyess tothe deHightofhisManyfrjends,4 whe Sa Mr:“Ee Mills 4s vag’‘Hehind |thecounter ut,Na Be.Mills:: returned to hig home:y‘esturday after|= He had'té,Que cong,on wh” “NES,MSC:Goons ,‘abe Rac iva! [pitin ona vistteto hij Seb Ir,Jy.D4 fox‘pete.ByteitItoSSruptagsitieat»Matar)Nits.Varnes froheateirs:Beidat |tri;2aay dad Will dive:with:Syke: Tarn?for,he resent mated : S vin and Megs uy ee rea!} nou Oot,V ‘Rev?Pabils Be.Theedlot SaiPe. te : F he t rs Harris:we bge!has,/these | to ate =.sch=a ect as:eek oe HOWE?»a ai}Et t : sot tlic tryin oeoptiane! &Tha wur ;nevehbbeor hpegt' gti gs”“frit“nets:<a> %oes y it eens .BES eNaot ios aSayts:Iie;Seeade 5Te stock oft “Syerett sugteeds Mr.Ne esShotritt AS <8be Bhe }Mesgrs Siiersitt Lavtogeee ee ack-pttht wicene sli syd aicr ane ses fitoDusityss|flies shpat i felt mereaeda aahrs Cr ie Mew iRoeat eS Een naples “and ¢RY|oabetls RviMoose G jclating,° coneratullatdythem atin:tein hay &+.pins 3 ‘Aree hasteon oe , The “Presbyteriin,Si ic Rev!Dre WY AY“Wyood:oF The States: ville ch urchtaud other Predell minia- pliattaye’at Barium Springs passes] here thig morning. of ofrepeople have our eoyt,<¢ey ree Spe =EUG kK -x-Haves,}Piaget tary eck vgrainic radies ete psale’in this county. “pene redell ‘Superior.courts cone2SMonday,with Judge :Goble presid- rims Ther’will be only got week’ofithandtheentireweekwill“ine allprobabilitybetaken<uprin the.triad?ofthe:criminal.docket.;which’as|pretty heavy.)No calendar:Awl oe madeé-out-and po civil awill ‘betried,except Es as may be ed by consent!)The.case of Wal- ter,P.Morton for Sedtttien:ou .thecriminaldocket,atid the’ie)weer equté‘or L.C.,Caldwell:ws.James W- Wilson,for thepossession of~the: office of railroad:‘cominissioner.“are.=most ——cases,for’bag BERSONAPS SEAR ees My FELye Long,NOt Gatawba :was to”ghdsoins Mese Wwerok veifTeh Wale eee.MyilsentonkMotidaytylakeMcharges ‘ ap::nis Bei we awk'Fhom pson mao.BY Wa,thy Ales?der Golnty Repaplic bisChay:beerdesignatesBStore“hoe pers itndGariSECISgud:sassitnedd.toflye tt}dist’i i feniekes eae Bie :eas ;i dept:aldexmente litte crandchildrey:=*ifthe.PAUeysvandchildrey:!arec.visiting dest ae oth lors:pplaced: BET k oft ator Tee a hee foulowing”‘bills ae pi ia iegt.profabid Uottle”ine ta whe at _iae etdgrabiey cpratshi-Mrade So gFTeBsRet-y profuse we fieaa a dean Banko:Alaauf wear’ ard:SOF :RG ePSyS.2%| MO.WW.Hyams aud eece.tompostage ON actaciOthis:mor ning for FEM eh t.goid®orks ghd [fewer:Se ie MOR MLra ‘Hyams,Ww Ho-has't positionia}<<;eeeé pe ee ;owe ee a ink pthe:.Agiricult ufialDeprirtant andar Wibive:Eales Rt oe eR eeeum)Parks.;the &&MM.Colleges:er,SSR , Ns i Phiers last peeringsob eh MeNieht*‘anil Migs y het:iteAgrees. hay raltter iE Pater epi Lakee ci }nu 7 en odd led Bf Oats tH aa for bert ress ur~ “Sesersiiet,ot 1 Thee “Aah:weniy tbs the:Res er MissiPavelBoneofVes Fe 4 ast Mowday:erening apas’ianvgtCnjove aera ashore oP he:maTTiriis $¥ ftheee said |artivedomn-ti :ttoruna™BIOEVy>B:ANatts cpu tinder Mas snare Si ie Fla Ay ous “Xpplés) £Gal avid Contin ue anethehay the coniprin y tts eae danght py of §Ma,B:Re ah Beard,pat h.siftChani bets are owt jheaeeesBY thee“plat t Ie Sahl |hits Tanne,5;J ange webethartie «‘T ptesukAX eventing”Prec: SPEL ial eat sewerake “bonds and odgof:Nowa tor putting”in the wate?wWorks3carwling1s4session.it Sufisbwry.Seweraud systems:hence “ Pot the,boatd:wee present:Hillis the delewate frourtthis church.Poumber ‘of bidders forthe:“bonds and}:SSe5 oe-tCapy;iy a .B.Burwell @fStatesv ile FATE crowd forrt perreents bonds.were “if. 2 ett om 2 theik,failare *to scanty”cA NeW Eererptine Seay’Town:ee aR tee as OFS thet we opositron.Te|wit sel ignd ot:Luvator bBranehatid at:tlieSe wre‘Messrs:JC and CM.Bukehave ‘Hoard hay not setBtcided whisk ta ‘orlers at.“the:court botise!Monday]complyted a large!“thosStOLY »Siidp Fissue’6 pér’cente,bonds at 107/50 6x4 Recember bth A Potro ip ae sie building af the tesidetce OF ys?N Saper vents bonis:at 16-19;=rage te“Ce Doke:two,miles’from "ogra.‘On the Taylorsville road,and ¥illequap for the watt:awocks’“aud the ©bull ding with the"De CesSary:contrtic ts Saturday.Th “eOuktHmachineryfoafitbePmanufuctareof}foe puting inthewsah works Ne md.lay,Ze scala)tent wassxiwarded:tosCy EA Epled: Mr.GC;i Duke basa Fepatation on}Co.OF:Boston:Mass Yat.S32-430.235. phis eradles:and thes *Haré>2 ‘Farge,audi’that:for sewerage fo ar uid,oe wilt Surnish board,kuUitidn:washing ie4ThisfewHiresWhite:‘of Ebatianodea..“Peum:swillemploy‘more,fabor.ard silt PS124.5oo.'The bonds”yfpush:theirSale iin dthbxe”terr:itor ies sreach-"4 NI TLB.é x.Holn ang auver.hast tesipned: James now: Peeses.0 eelssheMstoneShap,a Dém ie aRtOrskeep:* r WS is fy\pleton and d=F Rontiinlinsony wih:Ene:ibn’Groye-“townshtp |Republicaus eeti “pe ae $i scanand Ts?Ee rata have Bean}altsstghateschasStor:akeepers®ching of ing Hepubliegn aqdjos $2.REL yt peat Bancom)yopeofthe::SW Gs tera’Saysigied:tq is cout[et hoties bat out 4 Butea:x De Stoiy eke} Lome thy,tye.sleet a eM egg rsh Sree et fet Seo 7The¥recent beac Aycodyingaboiling,weapacd ol distHeties:rmbeenforecdatTANSy)WATS ‘Cok.leator Harkins toe va aif carerh tr Reaan rr Ntcet ng ort eB geri Auase>|iRHisismachimprovedits:healt.”et at:ae :“\men nie ;i>Mr.Horner,of dine dhiton,K Phe bowed oF al dcebleie iol im APRUlarSessionTuesday,abl pene nf “expaceSueIne,Wabig:;10 LOO Wa be busid CxSAMS trans-+“Mer.:Jake:cre Ree ive Lursied-facteds L:ie t “phat oe a!isromefromtheAneuM:weg me teseouSekaaLRaeiahtCollegeattdoch:OTT esigunits.” Meee oe ree account of his eves.pacers UuirksisnA AY fqn:vetvtfaxes nyo te Peahie:toad:detined:teoaae:Stele!Compton qireetigbat:.agreed,tre:ette ie hteay ayild;Ope}taste:VEYirs.Coohe eso sh .; ip Ssebyig Feit net re and Keep tain,nepabir.pen uNyareTeLiPlitscoalhnidtce‘eusigstedPRS.~Bag deliFaa,cae baie ad Torhate thé Mere Lecessary,The Breda irtinent™ebnrneee t:pwas,Feqntatet,@ attend {0 fhe.Gisa4)gat deoimang haye?seni repajitd ad leat their tise Pet ion’;SetAlgermiinhJgmprechtSeats“nyt Ai '70d £0:kgs uy ranceme tisor eesquartersTorthe.niGht polices nat es petises'of the City (Attyif Bj on ta aa PORTEFhe;ee eVNS he.Laty oe SaaS ae fs .Pieanic:ny &Sons 4 Enginesey:~Rec13/RUATL antiniark Fob Officeslanigatt’HarnessCo.S34 i aot y woe re uvidesy OLtoanish. home.here,)oe pss the "Rusty eaeia Say cveniees ar wie vaess|H ae Seni hisis-yothe Ouse:on Fradd,street,ag Sees :“fidencé-offeefate,ai DE!ioe AN Gy es eee as feheHarris.SeptHotModyestilles J.C»RoweEM AE Yviating. ERD DE ASPOx pateps ay “Sarre ‘popular:"He a many driv a:Bag t nnougyatulate1xfai iBy RON £he Sal <=“Phe bi ich 1Is,eae ‘ot tropth:ml a whiy Ss the:fav oft fe indi?ae aes GEWerktot iilat We Sp fied andae qfhoaintad OS fan ow Oe e peoples for thetti wich eke attowegu. Sock able.us'aveRas g pro Tay“all dheMiss¢ piamdg sticks asi ne HutaHt‘propdsal Pi "Bild Se itbut:tot.Toasty a neyrd Sernik Ralkot aswhicseptionstttRue:ind “titi hae MESO Me dios Sithither?Tait be A ME Sasi ong ie?4 iB?“>SRM RANT -s ‘oo a .Boamt ~ th Aldermah-cect=b:De Miger.:Ay work theand all the other’wren ‘ileT fox putting tm the Water works wand)Colldge ist algoin agtendanice.wooo PSety erage Sy stems.wert”also*Thet Syngdas,exdursios:fo the or hand.pin hae ebreeee Theebids ci the Bons:Alt:of than Carr’tise Stife ‘The bdird passed.upon:the:bids eeason.:Ve 0 ARR eR eR”oh)ie survexy and engineer,hind for-pondsncoSRTFERlaepeeaadstandpipe:right”of way.dapy,|Go Court ‘Next Week,ey eames ete.wilt all Come Ow hin:the)k‘ameunts voted:jind®that.-c work and willbegin.as Soonas ‘nioney4is reeeived:for peebonds. Lber 1st,and.must bes Sots or te tt ilizers. eathd @augeee anda eer on Cae a fowuship,aesShee I >Deku Ditvig.‘ Seedae avore hy eld aed: toe aEee eh Wher ee):is vs‘a eM Ye py shave fire fond ‘Shie ter:sttuted:friont,MorFailteone Si tua “lauy Wet hore yt :2 eMazpeveniigAewil+SeoOrdiedbythebosetbatthyae taror Tarr 55! va eb Whine “Son otal}ane 5 ny bats 2Ot “Sudw,“Cregk.Gav E.Nattress:of am hil nde|RS itnsicoane “towship.and=Missy}festeSILjoitehis¢wifehere cin.2)Mv¥tle Bade,GanghtertOEMs €fey,dass and Ag avill make!thei:Ei vst} "GotShobpestnta >tbest¥é ygmie nSteadv.itd Pious Work 7x ©chinped Gertfitle Wood sere 7Tew) "Safar of tht entertainment’:‘TSie:ats bar ied yt SS¢tinecadf(Rytraxhinciits Were served “the,si Aird,suaday we fENS kin Lpoth.no oFwas tagtetully ‘She Je Wie Wile: seork? and:baupr echt.Beos x CS. ‘Bros.ahi Gov.wilt< SeeTFT poted™tor |for S40.Pera:. water works amnounFed |S b They willigeall probability.maw bagi for:Sp Werngiste re OOF,ett is Sookre id bfactare:seVeral hoe Sr Salt nexXt Fthouht it hat tse bids the:cost The $3604 W.Et oF saa émpteLeksystemyofowater?avorl's ang sewer: age will besgiven’toZthe tow v fag ee amotnt of bonds¥otedk.:>“The-contrat:torsareready,to Begin This:riaipchidesvif.who owe me for ofther Bel dor ybah sie officer,On Ashi illuyy bas.been?HrRyneSit heim:Phe’es‘ats!cOats pt:pal injorety ‘Of four Ou+jotnd:Haplot:ite ia irksshirt nee Phe oe ath.oxi ; ae fhe Pk ’oe ie et E1 vent pthLesigtatarg.toone Ote-on Joint: a)bot ot,1.06:this neler.Oy.eeBeai, .need:“a Rue”or “Wis a e: id:Be abtention:to ‘our line of and syomen,Has ‘no:equal, rieed assortme nt of:Car- We “are selling * 3400;buy.iS inst the thing for Does sequal 106.cany ust} ee ac ae. a Re fab TealRetaidi mekjorit pat:igLbeishs AE: t ‘Y5ey iat) ne Afght ~pates ember,ieFraasinosl saeee iS hyd Or cas did Sap plies i thet pee oe.Sones BupweaeNnsedJ «<Po if silver &i nc:ite ets au V eeatfee .mSeisBilneeikePAIDPoe nere n wep wake *tlie Beer >erat [aappee at ompts ‘Show-erdund?Fridayafturitany:eeeonl aeie ¥Mays wasettuel Kaith:the h antsed,Jatin Scr lavith:some kind.of 3 sharp?Fit Pr JJoke:“Car+ed.Up.the:aw junds eles Ath2wediéMavSU~days.ae saneParity Qixtdintrs:mod. Shawefod that he ¥uly ;fothérguanin self aeesattornsons:tect wiscdisordoris:art preBe JimsGabes:blorcge i sliorgxt ‘weneri ew te ‘Woine ae ee ale SoSS.S: ie“i Y inh 310 ae Pin paves,sokidkafitin: Rae Ther:4:deit Taya,Ete ay wits 4 Sith Skoe ae=Radi arisircd <|past be as e Se 5 ey $ eeiv x ae Berges‘EUmeidLE *‘Betsy Mfen2 4 had Bees wr uty dkdtor &SUR eresx axed)‘one?Ag, teNec]\Hs:.ai] a "—so Pag eee ber.weed wife:and niqther,* q NO UEMills &Gar Rive.2M F Aghde sale.On.ut-thein store this: coats:and,capeso)Jackets:a roods”5s"coniplete 2nitoffdiressAJLadarcrsets..kidse hostTows*?’cath,Chickys 100.35;noesBS P gs a Rie te p PONE Cox Baltimore,210aA was:Richard:as iNew oY‘Srk.| Mr Wilds Boss oe sph ‘og ce rs Oe J:cet f Bathant AoWuship”106 -F4er2 M-“SHitiston,Ne und Miss Dora ME:"pares daughter fo5,ai oCMrs.BW.MiVCS oF Chaniveys-Cleveland Ohio.TFG:hs wdbaretotrushisiwere:matkitd ves-fbe yéciy Lamprecht.terday at,ther esidvttcwuf fhe twride:wee the eliest:bigae esx Thoyrai- rt.andin de fault of bi RE went Rev.J.@.Shelley iafigiatpac We]So Pidhoe 19GorSt pergent~bonds:+Monday?Dagembersbth-—,¢ Eres ati, PModdsay c as -Decem { iandl Alvi extend N@ngrataletians |©,‘Utese’The.‘nod accopréd “their:propoxt?Soe 8:“Hebaan:chert!”popularyoang peopje and join their }tion.wpoen:the’condition.that’“eyselielaind pid =Bs Rittle at the ‘persisforthwithdepositeaeerttied:theck House ty Slatesy{ite:Soak De-!ie atidn on ~fe.ST.G09 patable to the “City updn|sembar othr or.)a awit he they X:Liss I:ee Spe SS “Pukehe Sie aS Lsideniz ofthe coumyenc went?( atston fipk heSpeeceeqothett La Der Wadd::Fatlley.oeAystiy < wzandtights fronbeJad ua :an rit, Veryftteesat theejangeplacesO87saeanmoe ment.)De ‘ “Th out noticestask wedsale;oNand:byJ.Se 4 « 2 J {aid es peers An -the;adrtans i (Soo ely.ESd:wis.th “STE Sages for’peer aand,Rithard Hackett went.30."Ire-.lizets andgoods wil be dite:Novetnt|dellthissw eck 1.ytterd the ‘mar-|of Mr White's cbrbther.’Wet ig} ~The-boys LAV 6 Ahigss Mibeareeek‘esd}afew days.and:trykilt*conto:birds.|: dy:me eee ae flay aayMoin: alse APE ra ay woo.Mar Dic Bary On pace “Rirk-Betse-.AAETepee?‘et tik fate Bbain Zr"SheNeete ck Pat1ue2]bersbide toweanpy digdat hy hon’ a“ak Sat Ur aay sed “S00.AhG TSS Beg.snd wpe:en: Titer.AmaKt ee «|Shy éhie:ed:tb yours Aer lose 7recy eee ah Bei eNCLe Wastor Thay44)aainber oftlie Presb ctu}jah chayeds =at Beppe sdar Sa wesSti Kind bE uel | astandit:willt cob tade:trom ei RP Ra, tA Gs Thex Ae pricds:fo >ave]Adirges‘sellers.BOOS,Bie oa ow alton,©Bagthiae:aes Nrihtield,"cquituisioneas i Comes’at, .‘imotiveyoSoretorders‘Ss aevie atest Ns Gort hay bem zi >it Ne J Esty ih ig aseuz +sti h Oa Sst eae “ak Ae, OK C sy Peat aes) will}: court | ’ Pree oe on rt ReeBooaste,ake,BS Horhe ~principal;ae he ie Ee tyree times.0adFert)ge:tveen.ti pee ieee a ins WE eg uritOptytyaoibo cae: 4 tar tay ern,eee we) forchanyTegais us‘and. Phe gts wy as WW oadettey.ae gn-esuhition‘the court hOgse fur Taylors te git?atest:eu ie on th nivht tar their, mk -De ae <¢ LL thity court,hits On:Wh Giustor bye ¢ t |for:-Oetirlie BP. tua 208 Supplich ° Moen se; Sd exanibe or,-taniyissionen,ie ¥ tise gainyaney eh PRI fedus Ts7:3 ase Wihecpite roa ptyeed:‘the DipyE sba eee od T he pitt:as itor”ty Agen abe streadr Brose Voutat or Sneur the”,crossmg:sande enétortwenty:fOur-Vveurn of honest Mheeirvsis:toPbold,there UN,tran:rateson)dealing Ther #Have."“up-tordate Hoss from fuydsmes that:my ‘iDbei pine er esto the publit OmANy:fading tal aTHESbyGanon’fof the improperycous*rhcf" etx.frienwit (anid:stem of wate 1 eonmans bs GhsStopheradminitseacor DE por:Reena “thie sammie? Jos’pe ORe eet aeRee pads :i}geewilh sell dand-of J:oS,“Taflot the een se SOR pe favlorsy he mberyGkus oaines atl whe ma baaat Hii,eS Bi mae ie never bee lower:A Ets g@ cestablish: yndgl ph diame.mde -Bro- F60,(alover.(ait “Kangoo CaltChidreneeiery.dit Shoe ‘- AneDry:odds:would: Be inc wool?Plan" Where toi should:see whatndLadies:Shogs.”All :Cheyae Ceo ind C “ps:$c! topenedtip 250 pairs Men's: nt Lheeperpre ap.»300 be SOWmth Lie mianey.ve Fy “here forza:Ob eck:tesson.4 ©.é ‘se otiineselsées “Our q uma”%owritten‘ *a eailtobusoneSfourCoats:; ‘‘Satin -Tthad ain,; Be 2ibbans.Goerihah- p Saltsciinbroidervs Sapioe lacs,aK ws Weake olfering..<Look f Children:Schoo)on oy:fom of low:pridesBe an Si He have * e s handsomerst shah?iMenon ANDISH atesvilla.carries maantheaverage.coun-prices as now.We eS c (We ae owingsear twice4ual—ourSrool teas gocds start at‘Hle width fapry All Wool ‘goods--you *wiyousome ofthe prettiest dress goods.you‘Best Calicos ou-the marketSc.‘yd.WeaA2euyd:“Sed opr Outings which.we areBeifyd.<We havea dig lotof regular BIG“STOCK “OF JEANS*”or the same’goods,and on isses ee and untrimmed.hats.sug pay milliners;All.ourYou-want)to-sde‘ourbig stockoawaltoseethenewestthingFyouwill’say they:-are worth twoANorstedSuits.°We-have,a littlemade-to'sell-at $18-00,-you-can buy.“we wanttosay that our homo.from eath ned afour tannery have no equal- eyo ban,page shioce nd you wil notbe grum-ine-of oe,made Shoes we everalbouwhtbefore‘the advances in -ted out of:our stock isin a hard row |ne youyou.will regret it;twice as - atches,they keepgood time:Nice lit- io See ns “when you wan HarnesstheSosndlowest:Prices.in =for them },we -Mer's-Qak hip Tape: Lot 1 ities:€pes,‘from $. Y Up:Nise <.:: ~,Poetary:and rs cars Ktondike((ols ; over this nemoraudum ©-when >+ ion.“Justa word adress * <DA S ni e n t e — ee 2.‘ Bi n n s a? eT as 'ne su ON pe n wt ee en t s rahe ek vagy Piece Wit st i PA ie me 398 tg3“a ’i ee Ps i e-a a cee ¢cat hat ty a enn 22#eae 45,9 yy igh ”x ¥mM f i *3 isee= ‘zy ub ne 54 AS OPEN LETTER BRON Die worT.z0,*.4 ’inet nt ieee }INSEL.kana it oa Sige 1 He ARIS::4 He ea:ee ye oie aa *ARMETCAD-TERNER,«Sessile N,COctal2.ve ee *3 :&©PB Bede Maso ily Biting:ne -{3tturneys=tnd=Gi nsclorg*at Lie “ ©Se 4)Ree Sark ae ULES Ns ‘Ci SDEAI:oyeSekpR:Vy wa.att 1 ee :wil ‘Practiceincalbthe Courts.:Seeae+5.tte;ar yém sto :all Tiabate practice,.The AMnt of Estates ke,|¢%ei ik ge BURKE, hey etd TTORNEY-AT-LA W,*'. oeaa 3—ea, w it practice in all the tpurts whete as : services are demande:.eae egPreckiary fete beearls Shire Sts: cere Le.:fen Sates ON hereTEy/oti Bet Rae Va 4 r Of.SLaT-Bt if (eas gt ee “giToRs ae NC:ghiesHe tae ahix Southerins Roitivad fi aa am $7)wiggly St aegs Reno =ooo yGopipang was formed ith!EY hieag ae 3 *Practices Im State and Federal Courts.fein it ypehe pasEe aase ah Gaseh!sits a a ks Ao s Pee CAATA changediSB.Conney ioe yo erne ce x 4 1.SAPTORNEYSAI-LA W..es;es aerhy ui y pel jee of tie:tes Hure es ::a STATESVIELE,.Wace oe aes VR ae Bi COOPErat sO of tt Sputh= eV ie lap ;a tt i ees |and MW.eee uIg St:‘tees Feadorable teeny,“ ne Ogend’nis services.inall the ‘courtse!ut ~Special attetitionite seftlément ot estates |a 25nice lee ta ay wide“at,and <>+t;and alk Probate business.Bete:Lec way There tS iwilde Nyret rs) a :LL OEFIGE fy GOCRT MOUSE.|ot fede nee ae wigs pee at ie Be ye go Se ME;the Soitliern)Arai tsar a sie poelarSee=SEL Gamtic,ites stadinaindh sick i eG re Ae ATLA W,-oe preadane exe!Sithat Titer HaaddithedeBy’ qe Ries Te es Syates tn2£,Ng $5 ASI a peur conte oul ayerasta rere Line rs fr nt se :“Wipe in Ty thes eget: tat!»Prompt;;tai Stott:te api busin issatpe hs :tristeds Offic’Nov‘hole at FO GsSea *t of court hous We ig Uy tse El 7 eesy Pr:Grier, ;Ss bP sade yeeEi \4 .F =1 ee ATESY.tebe;xece ce x iae :te nn ~F ;et :ppttoiaH inatters inks}. =4 ae ?“2.:i 4 ey fy Mee Ne oe:2 :Ty Sos Asrartcess of atesjaapenePariwee. :VAEESNATLY.x te OES WS — ¥ cid de teesauSeEhae“rit are“d te-the Spraati ame Sui) Se ‘give prompt attent ion:ty,adi matte Ts én- 2 4 trusted 46 Re),LOMCE rear Ot:ueé cant Ste Las Ronse $ie “=s hee My allthe taine:in efyll,dy mpyths with’Eoyr ,rhitroat :poli . tous tliat Ya ale sGE wor pla nds,wil}have the Yeasts“five “trl i ;Rae STATESVILLE,N-Ce kl i et test people‘Lites We th e r aa patel tore a singe thé +thy-,er Ferenc PRC g ET ye 3tie }he Dacgih lat 2 oemalieeaahaa:rete eo ree es purypidses ef th e aniney payer heave te pees.eee LEE wv -ce Le WA7 1S)“bale pedis)lose“hs,es would:apt iyReeceSes©GaN .=fe Rg tae Bry -Horhe)niet -Lan.ant Ppaetfr to xt Guid tmadstory may)Poottoete=ss ~r ATESVILLE,Rees Se :LS aerate :pot rs ig?hDR":»the ed pte.Se Ee:ee Wiksjiiete in artis.Spi wiatatten-{Tebisuch Tastritnents <ii Ue Sit;Eh ear 2 ty thn qig+:3 tion given te ail colieetions and sSéttleae it |: Se of estates.abel »ESR epi Cepcoplt:tk ent o Pe ae at ‘Thetter:tht weil were te.Sates fe ¥.B.FE Sgn.4 aun ek BS INN LANG:mas,$i : ;iar NC ayot ‘Wat photic:tie rity lawtng:riteseares-LONG &LO pe We eiaient Sudjtienlt hats eeisbed “beaLAWYERS.yap emt’wl ftion!Hity CNIS 55 %Fi 3 «ry ¥i ;ie ‘SEATESILEE NOC.5 »4 haben ckaiktread whist ke was hi:ard ta Se Sars.Sar ies eee Se mein ‘“athe ematyel,‘ethan “hhrb These roy $e Pcacti?int Skate |and “Federal ‘ucts Si Serre t 4 VeSeeOsices:Kobpins”‘brie w.i z Liomll be CO im the:Golssoft,an ere neg ee :less foveiern polger’toy bieet US:wd mi re PiGatBD B:McLAUGHEAN,eonrteat +]wt fries:Figen;at nat AETORNES AELAW 5 Aviritabe soot Gag,é .man sei.es »STATES EEE,Neue,echiat think of the:mine ie tt ¥ 4 ie eal St Wiltappeat in.att Gibokts:Special atiert qi Sue fotathe bottone rep.in’Tevie!a Ser ae eg tion.given to thre Cixit Practice,5.en Fe yaa SS Hearefal[fk devised Syste eb Ss‘2 >aBNEEUNDRISNOTICE. AVING QU SLIFIED.AS:EXEC ts p es shiony |Phe Rest &:w Nvar®“ot cette Poe tied)wan ‘ter ef the.widl of Lamira ‘Dobbins,de- ey Beat ee ceaséd,L hereby ‘notify all peT4ons holting. ‘claims against ;sajdrestate to present Same ee tes rte thevundersigned om or before”the 2tst wiih 7 =“day ofOctober,Iss,-and those:indebted:“i 70.4 foto”saad!Jextatel dre eeanested to’fake: rom dyment :rome JAMES Achat.Re Lo Mebauguin.,Att¥.Eee tok”Oct.eae ;*G CLL f Commissi-onér’s Sale’:f Land: ¥y VIETUROF A-ot DG MENT “OF r feet ‘thy Superior €ourt of.Ire dey county,¢‘t i‘‘=yendeted jn a speeial epcredine peers stor Int cotton,fac toriek ec “that “te Hi.Buskew Administrator of KR.)A..Duck=Gave i Thelena©worthis plaintiff and:We L.Duckworth |"ré Tay rable ‘elimat ithe cheaper .and others3 ape defendants,Paulie Kuetond Catton inf tory i bars che]the sw bigs -ed commissioner will sel at public:auction’3 :Hee 4 oes ] 3.fs the Court House doorin pica,oe iy Sree t.aemult 2 ive eh hee racetion $uic pan advatite (rer as Would oy SSTURDAY,NOVEMBER oakiE 1897,5Tae@tractcflandinsaidcountybounded’as|<“ata?injure Estion gndinitac wiring}t f “foNows,towit:eaeneete rote Theyelse e here.ei es a /3 se Sere .Sout Ss fs <5."7 :“2 ts ores ;pole Ciecan eae West #00 poles Thyrd ws ww ‘oul fone at aye hO-+pResd =‘to 0 fink€0F eee eee eee 24.pole.thy ti mri Inéredse «arts Soytton: ‘toa pine,thence Worth s7~st-Gl :poles,i ;a fg rege tenet pie.thence.to the beginning:Wi vintiactful ing Ht Hie acetiba vide 4 ...contaniig26 acres ee or k —aa Chit Wasrte aioe at Une,Dy:Hct S00 “the "Se "es ‘n DG Be Pee?se ;+. ut ~ie saute .SEARCY “BU ae i}‘Crop.‘xlie w ay ite at ie Ate’pric oe _<ah.BoMebdngblin,aa compare 1 a fddece the awnt OF riore ¥ Wetober ene goviee Gh Bb boa inne eS}Girealatten.ehhfired ot thiwocurpar ate ;ATA AT oA:“Zit Lari ia sc‘of.the Nagin:Baluks, 4 ens *Sale of heme chLand,mG LeakeRoe 2 they Koll tebe uxfyehdicy Svar} tenes EN PURSUANUE TO ‘AN,ONDER OF [334 hy i.Bide Re aH Vide :re-sale niadé by:the Superior Lourt,af fel iy os e sd fracascs‘By Tredall cdunty int:the:Special,Sescralnn dawit ico tain EOP is OhIEE e arch wherein Ernest D5"Oat Prson |others)me ites hee Gar aaa ‘are plaintiffs “ind William Mélehor and raf This pou)a aLs fe ae >Mina Melcher are “deiendants,the jurider-)40°S ro Batudlle,Tce opereat:wel signedas commissionerof said.coutt MillTit feaePynethetownofMooresvitie,on’Saturday:“the |»»}2TH DAY OF NOVEMBER,“1897.: si 5 ae ST sell:for cash at ‘public au¢tion:‘to she bis |;est bidder (33).thirty-three,acres,“more “} te -.Jes,of land,“situated:m-Coddle “€réek het abs hat.theayle Eek ae township,Iredell county,hear Moorestaile;||5 1 xpi td _#t bemg:a.part of thelandsof the estateof |Wold ail apkodyce:hie BE at Fey (aE ae %ohn A“Brown,demsed:by ‘will to “the and Hhecessare!relations:yet ween tpe}ee €-heirs‘o:‘Josephine.Patterson,“and knownaN i ‘i te ei cag the’mill tract.Titleretained.wD pore ational Banks,{all thay Sout es Se 1°/"chase money is pad...MELCHOR,Baits IKee P te Counes aete oe ve rr ee eit This Oct.28,1897."Commissioner: f “NORTH CAROLINA,}Superior Court.ee otton sre tion canree i TREDEEE GORI id.-SERE >t Ss thescrap.|:Itis-a very Sfivarldvend]ieaFd.Ruekerty 1 :ae eedicee||versus.@ Cake .*bof the anfount.ne“COSSAYY :=.)ENlen Fripps Josephs “John::;gyi |gone3Georgie ‘Wal en acet lt 3 vs ulatorsand min ufge tireis 4 ‘Johnson-oeher :aL ee =niaming the’ prife.Ge es ee EW i Bo tek bg eS Emeret Vigna Yigal,‘Sitlit re York oe athie ”*we!res»Vigal,|JosephYigal,B.S erty banks ust scnoug mioney stoeae)|ah George svt rad others:nT 4 j «tht 4 frais;move the érep at’that price.gine}eet She 8 “The defendants abowe named ©will ‘take’ja ae ©-en aa oeee et ek notice that a pi oe eet abese So ts :+:t Vpn te ates~en commenced in the rior Court6:ie as been*he :é4‘:etCoes"to corréct etait “deen pethe PY4e G hz ‘been eld,dow ye now ee £py D.A.Miller to:M..Louisa }fowmanyyyears in this way sat just _Rutkert,wifeof the'plaintef fera cerfain-eer tliegranloton'Kelly Street ig.the.Gity Of about what iE sts to ji miake the: bs "«Statesville,NC.and.to“have*the said |CTOp and:siye phe’.laboringe 4dirtitet:defendantsand others the heirs'at’Jaw afasaid'M.Louisa Kuckert ‘declared ‘to:be.>..drustees holdingthe legal —to said:‘lotRet4.for the use.and efits.of the-’plaintiff.“AndPia défgndants ‘will,further,take4G4ges‘notice that:thiey aré required to appear ‘at:Ger 32 "the nextterm of the Superior Court of -Ire-.‘dell Countyto-be held im the City.of’Sta-»“©\tesville;onthe 9th'Monday after the first:art:ee eee September 1897,and answertothe.com:plaintyin Said ,action«+!orthe,laintift Sillarepay vane Court forn the’relief (Gencandeee ~the connate"wayoe it:27th,1897. eee “aTintelacd Turner,FP ee Ce ee :MORTGAGE:SLE ;t \_dell county?’taes{.-rowill sell:to the iy bidder for'éashtat‘|the Court Hourt mse door in“eapacdtheai.10harated3 MONDAY,NOVEMBER 22ND,'te94,| a -thefollowin,lands conveyed in.sala yy |andThos,Ervin’sccorner,.thence:North,<>.|-}82°Westst2°polies to’Catapbell’s ‘corner,{>>>.|thence with *Gampbell’s line.North 709 Bre ~9°+0:East 17:polestoastone,Campbell’s corner,;¢’thence with his line South 45°East)17=a o-.%©polesto.aistone.on the west:side”of..the‘t me —-Campbell’s.corner,‘thence+i saith 80°East4polestoa ‘stone.on.the.te feast shEtGE Siete Lee:Riche’s:corner, .0.“poles toa stone on theeast sideof the:road:eat tcp and on Ervin’s line,thence with his line7 to)he}p Fe pair any wistes sot Av:at Theating:Cot telly Tx Lnplagtucers wot the min ail“rable sur pi us whe ish.*i Sas ..Fenckes,.S.U-_ofaggen Co. Na y s Bees See SINEee2in'a mortgage deed ©ry.Lee.e245 _\..Putnamandrecorded,in yk 15,"Pageeo%“145,of the eetrof Deeds’Kaitlod Iresfyte.undersigned.mortgortgages mort-|gage,in Falistown township,and‘describ-i ¢d and’Ae as follows:,Beginning ata|stone,Theopilus’‘Alison’s,Ann -Nespit’s, —‘thence with the road North 55°East 40/- a,to the beginning,omnia ee Pttngh yf r alfey HANse Var,“CoursSen eck Rahots thet :regardless Fast arma Vi : "“th sect On bhaiinceLUT SE fonVOM ¥ x pfven tial!men fat]Apagtties.,4p is. he rokds inf miostly fer ah:heYt Lt hy:eiyi See f ot toy Hey Ondef: siete fixe‘d aia sm feet"actCards mag,She] eRe line’ SHG yy he tar tliewie as sof ah ary of ys £3;Poe *xé 1 \AS ‘“tae:gaeets %‘fiinact yar >i ree. ‘uti “oe <UTRAT Mw.Ste State Saye ueTews oY Mia Dyyi Tito pes 2 :tiaZpeeBAWtheEads"in-the Stale?Neri 4;“rin tolkea ut heme,I was ave trons bik:y4 pe the rdidebindetMe:cnalgggtost | Peat ¥-Wiiagtee.ht,Since he} of itzs Mistiny'*ibe ASG snd! cp.forme tO,resisSto theyZPEOSPO ¥i - ous Ayan semen.of the cotton see ‘ eros “afterrf the year tH,OPEV A alaree production,¥This surplus:wete used wd reiStore.Weanyahes Y ‘equiteyt “fia ee i Pinelof.Te:howe“ver,ther Gala AwOrTE:discotesad that “tut cy ta timitend hawds Of the cotttn produeet would shificient toipay his,taxis cand,his Store bills.anaking him!x deperident month,He cannot!hpi.his crop, forthe rule afthe mer.rchigiht requires a:-setthement whet thecrop is baled,: downiby the banker.“The.banker | gives.‘the™merchant credit,’; pankérsebaclk iin Longon :f tive:ahe rile to the New Youk>Baaks."and >|cia banks ahd to the fehidlesale imer- ‘chi uts,andithe-w holesalémerctiants: tot eyretail merchants.:The 7FTone ‘dons banktrs |ee own -thd’‘railroads.#The that!dre pays ¢aff écting,‘their jins} ae Jaws.Hereisg chin of interests, meéanderings and,€ully undarstoods; ‘would appathea big --consysirator.UE ‘prisons,"grayeyards ‘and:pasylums, Thenumber of thievres,suicides and the demented for-“tive years is with ~ne essbi shi 8rarisan oe ee ihre Fl he she Sx Esigaineeh i.WH easeBo iVik?oo ie ty ena Hae:ARE:ichwys Ss Meertlre!iy"ae she Bue ex aeseb oan int vAS pideil iisue “fen:eama rEW "stoniSlee itaHoes tinfied:cat at aeats 5 ¥nee. i ‘irertsi “gates,aie “tee gSeitane‘egci ey ite:ee woninel ie yee.3 ha haute ith diel riya ayshesies gaan Ph:ak itK.unt _safiibaigioruied inBG iaioae intie rated tities Ou oe Bhatt)or Se XY ae th ae ied Seahatin$Figs:JeRokenteSpttics ‘meni aboteince’hi 4 aud,pie wine at satis ah ronrep led wei uReg styanda |petted dies in ThisSpoutRVs ie ver 1x4 yt:at ATra rt ora nee)fb.wt bik iy Ouch,Sotmrem:ifue +)posed sangha ne ELON Tees EMT Teme:veligaes he te.whebeeg Gr ae é “.Mtn feupedIESE Ting ari ie Bi runt inert,thock:} Sie esting Ws «THs hyerease M1 <)pila eG.Se .”atPstBastiAtIitivek«Lbant ae:sibunbeat lamin STOKES:US Uleinfricc Videsolet boaaves 4 ©errehpies Wage ripoant ot ToWeok“the West wilhelig ne ane tifyrs Se.aSuy syns]The property holder Atlie ONDE &Seo “milus ‘ruin thie:; Sis ci forLed iis hutfea me enke:‘rey hike? ny igs.ofLoneata\: To ieregescea tas &Eat ipo ase ‘ofPeep on ood : an ENED dye.pes pth eivifi arbeinid | ited coun te bese dei“pe ind fox Attfiat aure-year aS.tour teVEC:the:ile xt root lie BANC his lars”anid Siehiyt he of |Knowss“ahidt sootiyy on haute:i ale ayant itll cyhie,his way unless the Yiner ity,caps:SEthihs aati OS,thn eee pe eee -at oy te t Pye git e Toren’nous aula AGL move:Hy, the Apes =tort Seceetor apie 3“hy ae ae rotates emu ldcedver het:cotta fGop ese dott:ou Stites!‘-tia br v with money.here iis?he Sach tee estes | orscarth tor ‘the STUypese ORY see mf Bit;te ior:G ty:ization: ‘igekt ema ga fatten vaihorg 5 iuBnge areer sarplus ae money ‘‘oxbs ibe:eat et pak ‘the-eortan,SEC teins toe 4 Pre “only olGal.Yen: ne ccs aBree tingle ae {Toe cre ants atk thie pint] vine“int by:Aik. “any,evientthi eattalicr| pram woud:alt oat ftir aN“ie was He k tit ut jhigw? ee ele.“hhait Hesa tt Ww ehy thie dite! ahi miewdhuints Avid tt,Nineweg ace SinQRALOR, ust have Ch LTS BieGO.witin® “os ee “erinds:OURS ba west MOREY what: porte te bree,‘soa ho Sikosthors uh poss:ost!SEV ehh inisadr ‘ hoy coma ait shelit Wyirests Nie’"Sabon Bina fa ty kh ms bie die ad the,par myole {sid mabe“t i ti toe ag mah,absotutely living”‘from.hand to me “This:role of the’merchant is handed : i EDWARD i-cRDY.thctotlymane “ager of She ppard.Co's:rremtstoreiat Braceville,Hl,writes;"l had never4 ge fneI8O0e oT “The bie |" been §sitku,diy faery forge Eud wich norvous prosyraition ‘that’E }PBad to sind)upand commignae‘to doctor,s B Ftried ornlocal physiciians anidone ig.Joliet,*Dut i nerave me any relies 4nd T Bs Was “Sing to dig!Py became.des pqndgat:ad's:Agrett Wwhrold:Agony.«I could noteat,’ and it tstemed.as ffErould’mot Sxist Atte,end ~ofsinmontireducid:tobufaehaddr.cofAagsoltypSbear>affected land 1,wastenlymise?tooig r 4terests,ahi to»ma ef doubly isure.bc:mise Sse asin oo et eee select’the:‘judges who,interpret,thet trOpa the seseatBleasing otRoteBicwa ‘>,Me Ge the New “York?banks ta!the ‘provin-|ay “gleez adh Pestany ds nite thelavws which-deciphered through all whet s tbe.infernal”regions biupself.The} angels ite weepjng ver,ity for ‘the distress becausefof it,has.broken a}multitude of hearts.and’filled the :Gasciréts Candyderfolmedicaldi(ant and-relreshing:and positivelyon KidnCleansingths.entire ©.|cure headache, yo oeens oath :¥ ae fe ef i be eit. ee ou fhe mareth Fike oof:Alleme aitmee es DAN,aah met Tatti ipexosat Caeota wii!ie Husgent Hut it iho Peser Sty ahsexe ie MLS sOUEE ¥ive Yast ie eit dtiny:idut gai apna rae iss ‘ofr tell LyToru adidotor:Hse aNFeasikonesf munaets phulany”jakeits a re Lata nee cahye’fidiclgnigsy of 30 Seat Pthe war hyBatok aus CPL ‘Ar hic“Laas 4 steimborat trai,Tt Cyauniges>he tot «atnd Jfiat e hiss:oi bnistiess:«big!be rin ine sO hes isnt PLAag “AL |» nf HS.phi at tae whet: thee hatyz Sa nee giectod.dcAvil eat:ts tageapne!nied,‘St :beinz Gy S182 Cut:ies:vated:toe SNe 3at ney thaw”ore] Didkawould We lrim Dwt rE iy Be gu if We pout Tice te:"elif thlixs gud the NseteoehedBapraemcpaniitsoin:-die Rie «Hovey Sana ia tyHoseRitteteeoS pie mae pseae Pp Fieway Ia,at et oe Ob af ttle Stis:4 ‘‘and gy and . ny eScet ,WaterBATT,is tue Ye ;Yan oN Hoe bon aay: 84Sats at hi : ~Mi ry Big AL qddvs eee Ati asus ola Rinms iy oyloxit ne thsely hytui Aoaieeh wheat Bie SUP Fe CODS.sours Tint tue) ac seulesf : Aleege tis Dee it ee ee eatait a4jLplass.nde,oe Ato sthe highest doer instaa EAU IS yi TO ce bef eensPeeaireeidesei& is aN ees teees Bt.oscyph 5ic Leda -iy ‘ce bashirels ait:Badd:i ) Nit %ly faust:ssilute’ae ting? “eh api ply:DES bes i t pS a +ae ‘taysauna 4 ject’Smee Sayolnrya<iteEe out with;Ronee Ghee:Sant or pas ae *:fepea att€int te:actor ernijteehtage Sey nee ne nt it 4 3 x M3 renai:oe wa Oa a tOceay.inemoored tor “dyTBs rar #eeco es ) contain ia i ahi ont +j thesev np 1°¢ene will.Selifto the ihish Me count:house de rity aeschist atig ae at shy aee:ral execs ds,F ‘ei se irate Gee neresige:et teed “SOVEMBEIC ith ow!lands conveyed in saidiuiort ee anid de fined aS tokows anch of Rocky Creekacor!gna Hartness gustof ee to “Bacb dak,he demands.; shaSolace te ai highs uisl Fae Chee 1 sc/yarnfindehegurkGute= teswe Anti;Digit Theeects the qhic ; hy:[3 Wine,Morse He ad!‘Ai pie ie uli2 Ss fieoyeoh iad!Tiare ‘part igi padsid Tye v storF wapete rf antre 4S‘fis “avol:aleaeher and Lis “papiby.ut iy Waitigas.Sov ak aa Peo 24see ws ater Ls ‘thence.fe 137,pales tis npeike1¢of the Hartness traced,thenceestoapateGorueHofssaidoF. ae a =e 5 ‘cornet ot “‘Said-te ‘tok Whiteoak;thihickorss:thence aoe 3Besa-c Se Limnee joy of Harpers z rdiui Se : Rs whevate an ae al sqaure.c LN i ;ae -eepabtiet eineote x,wv grids Pheri.Sa ight wiseston wysol iveat mitigs:Bigate::SN /Ab che ait nae Monday.f Pie,Ni ests ae Pretteien ket fe:Seri cvntoie Gs stir Su ee wilt { tt ths neALY 2 PY,tk Pen.+coparyet:thet?beySwintlel Bsa ae “poy {ane Hyielawtanl (at ARSila ie Noe OI?burteten Liiis sine Ly. ‘the Ke Bet aindsyptten:‘producfies‘sige hits aye WU ote nigel.3 es tons”t he.sft “guiploytubite ct “hsfepupiind ; i:Sthe wont’unde ‘tux,2 cotton:“SarauitadGey api:OWI vie ob: riieh se rewd7t litesot ay ‘uni op the int to sw¥th Botton.rood yeape myechrker 4dUt dowdy wipditunon.oe “4ntPakeeaerrabgemelttrWenulePptmalik:thp cotdk:fallow:7 ji,eis Hist Shad Nbeoe EN ACh DIRS ya an)rein Oey wa howe Sreyata4 Say tell int self prey ef wielding,ants?Voung anni,kK}ahr Sfateat hesHestutic:.- ‘hurts.’PeerKOt ton ist. NN Ta,tafligig®¢ork wd z ic tr >ally rin Wy Pgh ck ale xcists th.33h ost Sel ne ah,fuginn srilyeea deeUN:{the 4 ‘ul Sct wisi gus LOet |“Ke diy sf {eek "actu,cons De iatYihtare i i ae Shane’Rabbit, in the gepbic cM lee Rite.ae ania Fagudoo and ttn _ a porea cul ee ee went Galt 4a ntige:saunter ¢jute nih pessiteewae x r fom tldsSvethors: we he.(der tins edain the Doware-sate from tt fcuk dest oN bh wenepicites‘TepublicnNy.2Saisie alee S “ure SP iret tals the Pemot rg icd tlic aispsig bition’che aon cepreparing ¢ston SLE als‘Kinley is Pic“Akot fap.tig eesRee WarrREPS nyrihests15SOMOrfe araS ‘wlth a 5 sa iy eee MeKonlew: Pi t A i arin1. =Lad ack KIZLED: ‘Castarets CandgeC we Saek WHeLeEVE they”RS uli dtank eseGSysoare“hitedvallydse Pedanet ton ate a¢CAaMtyressy,kill’:Powells til SpFaven mht tL CAN FILLYaghatfic:ls.Felten}Sr rials Speeuls icky Se 5 “our line ieduste Peat Tea a rs—va ER erms ixYonex:fon...”Bi pomaine 0}umbia-i state: :pk ESeeRORaS:not.H Ww lb By OF dates a ner and Bue shox waite’Sorhast? yenibeas tofantetthat the}Liesfurdidagy, tevinge by mating first waytisd ronk:at ¢hidneys.The seaoy ove dordiacatment ofothar ai sts efulthy:unin’rah pis Hit:abliebeause,20F,bladder= doy362Relijerdiis dant (DiGi m fNchioo!ybywd oFAlton,igo AHave he Tee, ee ‘told Vient”‘enitios lier AfretSCopRpatcrs abdut Hise x r iO De p seas ataiepRoomGlausSpare Jin.isch ichmond Va.wring ene afide Gn torhe=°anit:HOLTO ,s¢Roks :we drstingin:if mae etsTallon Ki ‘being toomperik(die times.guring the night*to}18 ier ae!oe rec neces best:Pome ade bnew fitty. Seeoe tet sain iensLodot.sent fa a! Oi FRENTATESYxroundyeiveaddressBinsiaaiion,NYGrekaasva eeFoneenorceme i gioy?se Gregorandsicawitntoeoeisteredfhbook13,ne oe office tfdersignemortgagee :Welrabidderforcasti' ee ved subject to peck ouscollateralandpersonalorremittedstlos: one 442.0f the’Repister|Sip redeH countythe*in- 1 sel-to the high.ttig:edart neers‘ogr:to esa hrsaDeuiwd waieMettuallydrivingoneshadiventeemtheannhoutonytir,ctnjortoneedaches tt :TOV EMBERaoc “3591,: the:following Jahids ‘conveyeditr'said’thortageoeescribed-and detinedis follows?.ope:.township,beginning.-at‘ais;vite oukjou top of the méuntdin TUDRINGCOWS1B.~Poles 6°:fast ®poles toa,whHite Sect eeen ae a eS b »ot eratmeda Soejeaep Vie.Stool:fa.“ourtemedy:Sooke meen to the:‘penaces SorRapeirede:.Se ‘chestnuts:poithoak;north 3k Mt -polesto'a’s:thence *nérth 50°esto *yole 'to @spani ‘poakieara:brakct:_supposed to.bey,inthe?Wilkes and ee oneline,south 45|6 poles.toa 0 nt:of “life;goitkly en.Eczema.ShinDis.|Eraptione>Catar:tareh.Dre : poles,toa whitefectnut*soume 7)Ory.‘On top-of the} ;Lak:‘south;56Pople Dawest17polestolashicmouhtaipethncewest43.oe eeginingsSee ugeligur.“will try areBy"aout Ces opage Oeto.pissse Bast peopleTHE:wee mee openPal ‘ices of'a-tee to‘on footin<ne stare“best:snaterials, ‘}y807 North ‘Caroling,sellin blacksmith -rece.?Caroling,sl Six feet high;:ae.ak to.160 ‘pounds,48 or 56'¥ears.old.charpés;againstthis wan:e He.Business only with him: »=infor as . nort toa oars : Ur Lge Bea? e.un-2 ‘ig hes or in +; BOT, mort>LOWS: ona. a cor- act of 5 orth: FockHart-stake a t—~ = ULATION IN IiDyeBeectcect pst ae es fgar Sane ame “Most Complete, fet nene See netpierepeneres oa Syx”io “e EsSoe t Powigiwe i,selee SONS W iyHae not, aitioag prices.m this asmnall £dye etfs ment,“but:8 are pot wuly ALE:eetSOD ELIHOng put yet ee‘Nicholson,; t 3)=pe s os in!Poggiure:fia en ie < 4 oei iE,y EDIEORI A.Nore eed Chenaest <~Been puckivtca<c Slavax eo e ,<5 3 vex:brought.ne “mogatic tral? VeONC Republican ‘Thairiing the tim= paign?~which:hye fost Closed in.Signe bangs:‘fot Stateswale.petamied:Wine gold WOHeESe ode r.the -leddetshiptawewkes iin “the,city,ae Guest Of het ;others.“gaee Oren”Sal?pretense :COP Pa rd yeas a Pests pegSa¥iton, i ie hn States Glection.The Demo yatsy R620"tassettiemeit of the,ors atta pwith:brave soe Blac bierne sat their fon,bYS =ies 2 ornus"Plastertheadf’foread the ‘fighting.ines‘sheik Ostober;BISt, rs x“ie LOL SAIS &stan an on.Kentneks natighootany te.wl par igs. Wie eae "Joealae < “Wettisek Smith bas been.apwointeaesiefistyrdatSosmaastey¥at Seercrs m pidie,BMeL|lock pejoihig fast.grt BS.on:account-RF ¥that State,bad) *Sdihbury Wield:Ah:ro Hayue | tory ‘this Demacaaits>Ae phi’abet pay Aste ‘spending’tio AW SO:Garlishe.Byetuers)dsghiter,ns AV GEx Bk:ackiver : BreeTin bicdaw -tind:ee Me dep Sinith:;aeWt eons De mocfreee :ane:‘openly Subported |bof shea afolna Insurac Com]sdny 4? the:tepublicnp tig cet:in as ‘pybely |AaSk ‘Tharstay epaid®Mr jDis ee which-wash “The:seats Ww Aa 2 Mit guid rs, Re re hts aopene.ving Adel ieHist:“ht gcd :/oik,eeeaant apeON:a ~ San“amit inus“Qi io ae bey ¥ ees ee:=isin ‘the DeTUK ratic “aia aes wie Barts epr is a:3a8 ps thenee,to remain:oH Me a4 Swe :as i Anke fy State ville.”Ate:fear prings :3“Removing Pain if.the’Side’Ser the ee date Sree CONS IN SS ‘fceohe ape h Dai kk 4 SE,Nee at we ee es Be en a 0 speyd g SONI:thee.i esTHLE ee ‘SsSa.aha nh ne }12 Pio of :5 ah i 2 ©),m Lene or apres tithn ay atives.W Na the ‘bed " ER est:nr back ie og te oS ;poopnny iene Nati eee9ssekV2pheaaeesInthe.recWate campaieae“Marylayd comity:fhiey nee Ee eidtsol Mee:Ae MGs ei Hes ‘x we Sie fyotihal ‘par if PB ASeere "Tt has:Ha a .Be:attire 3 fay ae Se SheoiAaeyoefap!cee CasaKeralaatmacy§Bia a |xt OgoaESlagete oP hence:*~ if said,bles to nce S.lou 6.oe acres Phi n'agee. pe DTA fee De Bere ae neHGRAet«YOUR WORK See cs Ce ot)BRR OL kanesfis Pale GG WONEY.ON ee Ache a DETOR-BRINTING,ECE AS Pa pe DEEL ER.NOTE!AND cae tes ue HESS eENY LLORES.CR oh HL sAnti-pain paorested,fon seas ss bore,Hare Gorthan’S jpadersleip ‘straddled,Fork:‘phd while in Coven ore “Sn fhe-manex Gavattions the:1chiet _pliink inthpeiraetiy ${Matform.”AK “hehe "polls &tlk week May Ww tans Dem-1> 5 iad ohideS ‘Dgpoe att,‘eon: F.e neon ww Bsips Hack AY SiS reBeeteie;eM S Pie 3a il are,Cap et okey romstor like¢dallinnép.aeee rene,hice"oeVol nee fot So :Spite Sone ome a é eS sag »Maryland?a an <%rasNevertiber Is clk,eae ae is aSNSaeGeeeaeeaeeeinginiashowldhot.elim vein 1h TH.OY the punpore:pit “Toesafin >$Ne .gor gh kee SRT ies ~ re ‘Hee aify ISIER,would”ae whe.Ue |. ' Me Se Matty lang,5 my:Sfarsaha",ss a ‘oe school house:fora districts.oH {Demecratsi |ihder thtatorntioe {oh Ae Hoover ‘and:Tauhly,»pts Agave etasseHy:ee ocrdcyyond Goxinan.ow ent:down.0 a aesAS.HNdouinved a pieces seh : witichsnohesAN the:amen tie,3 Ranme fram,“Une throat me “MN Wilson?‘i Tsieht2 tay:sae smoghess ”pieot”thelr:; oie parvidson.oud thiendy and: 4+3 <school thites pret eft oper.i he Aisnitid:b.ds SPT ONIN.‘themBa e :Kewmeuperedatd.J ater as oe ar “py , i?ae eon j1erc - {oes aXe:andfinteditnyseue Sp..‘4 “i‘dalle om prefer torenrain netitr’l wewitty,et.Paversvise.oneal -ae OE terein estne Be Pswee mt ee ma ares {Had Lweek®He hadeecité‘ny ttt inecon }Ww “syPrien tal »*‘ow ¥a%.a Longton Gotan taken:i panna ay ikSavcideart.elt pee Teespli sie nat yews £Fs ty the dott rine 3ob.his ‘partys ‘the:Faye fas satin?ship pov’rhe wus “rosult!wate Tare becom Mery Aig Oy houFschefar wcheneaceh ed.shiny pins Heute traddling vist Mid nyt!;i CEESRS:UARDS Ge SENDWises 4g aS 1 Meg SRIvepathide iris ast behoues:He conteh the hiv: :nS app GES Ea cate tach the iid bolts.who weie |tect Dry cL Afhcqdis dad ony }yo rs (e2 Lan See ns *Marin ee Gis art peer on Sy the;Hy por Hie.“alt Balti:Friend fins ‘acta ai)ss 4a Foc Lea aps as “| ,‘i et ..The Mascot cb oes peace Nie Sand.WAY,hverh Damo-by.re ator adhe beof:eee |:7 a mee eel ;yeFats Ifailed tb ofc”ony aenecunt oie padi Ae.on ::‘-héStraddie.’Nc a 1 furan e Figg Harmony.oF Uber en os : ”eo oe e a .\i ‘s ane E os Bens Rett Be ‘f pera ye rou fe:HL Fre: >aes ERISBEEDSCSP a S uf Epo me *<oy E eh éceuny that,akatuve camisygine 3 ee tet Autos Soup WAT {oe ‘Pree a hie ae va|ae s 1 ait Es 2%tg favor.of the faymor this fat WY 4i a RBamiple pppebalt ent :«“Pheittis one:Shion ayhiehs*“uni ‘syttined.from -lie:dry:“wedi ae &rst ais,wpeltres eo ppoterfaikto he learned trenat tle rostlt dykes,ont aw Say cht SO FUCHS gin 5 ‘i igealte dlections Jast.Heck ands thiits)Saving |tard “tha ehCaigigh:com" :z :Cry eeu ee ce A ecko is?‘thar the.Demoeratie-par iy plain.cae Ke Bax’.Andes eget) "1 r =pir’va:sa ¥Facsal Chateny for S t wnts pen”-Magetanpt Re SNe hen!itde ancek fing”fakes aN lated toskeep:oo Th >ay ae indiinn Blue Calie Owe 1 oe Siok Shinsva a ve>[silvek ait e Ligago fast:Aes :“andi:He duod plow getty ©‘ir +}é ”‘it arid t i ae Rik Ry aN te wagpe nt epee dnd tok .iH &+3 ak §jan fature Poutests ‘Silvey is 46 Thos thie eTeold’enSO NEL 7 ?;{7 ie :fy Aen 1oAie’ie Part ‘sliityboleth:cooPhase Bnd ribet ree,atte le fro ~Hats,Shoess and Clo edety ewho opposed their.s party.platfor ma cireloone of the lovelies ht : ES 2 plac aaa tere 4 ;tnd,who Stijl heped bhattOat:Agonld,i ‘Tire paves ager iy:3\Mr wewisamanive ape ery :reiiouise Silver should nowisee the rt SRat heel.of Basie.€mois aniety Dys SEMIS trike te eS -Ns 'ervor.“Flic fnjurite:of the party |Miss\Taukt,Cainy!wy seer mageried |bis oe i ie te “rate:m1 i x Seis:prosbe hity ud:a Himessi Hast Sunday ae the Wes tre,8.ahen 3 zi ‘Del:.fa s ;_ire sitver:Walls:Sot guy tridads oe Me Milas Crib phe il:node)xieted Tr ats 3)ane hi have had eittcradite Views,new PREM,whee En.nich offic“et Rae.3 * oe tae An e rye Siiidy the quespioy-in the!light!af:foodly Ghinber of ‘vouhis pep]te EEK Sie hye Dees Hee 1 ee a5 Sa :a m oe faa!.:a :“rigs:eles:tie’Gavdinal dottrines of pre:seitsunt:they LSOA Stink :WethesLOK Han ek :Ete ie 2 mm ‘.ag iee fete (Rigi pee AE we ey:Me }}or Fest ys here ‘ ape Gn a er Cece ee Pea meee the Herat rajaie with wed«sbe GOe ere Vn.cddh Peay weed !Oe:th yy ~>e youWANTTOSSEE ae vat j es,.aBesta of a mene oii “id rat Ahesaare ayaonks eb the PYOPEr-Rapesparlicagnaeslit straw doa ye heats te hes party,“wht®si On with they “hot:Ste}Taper,won Ieee ee. 7 ee!,p.,.f ,a“et 2h -—s ae ds Rie pend:baie "jdgauie it.until Alen |Ciermont oy.Sad: ‘:aK Some Beautiful Go Ss?©part hiay beet:caver ChenRAS |ogif,ee oS=he se —~i »terests ;noe i ie ~Be eee ONE St;LNG WIS ine bf it Chtiel 3*mitene arene ss beke . ENE ea aes st PIN ANH TARE K apne”‘Te ee -se es RS isone bf HsGleiet C4 Calait Visitor 55:f Bho est ‘a ;.2 a tion me Rightor wrong,the:heir:SE Shs Waltee:Sbaretae sea Me LO pls Sera fs 8 ANTCRUG ‘An.A part.we esvn hinagy 2s fer ttic.parte elietes 1Ti Ar cs Lsilvely rivet Stok fwwit he route ats CloreSa:Rance ee.een:Siz iit;port wl Gli ws aresSet er)4 ool eehet eR Pay ifs!‘fuet age-ConmeeStS,cite bey by Xo.nek a “=pi ie eatste ry ;:ther!latlies,C3 realy tO:.aii é tn’an set Sth Se dl a ar S i pups fic 5 7 be getty :ae s iS oes ¥eat We,in our,EWS s we tert CRE:‘ge Beales smn w:#0 Spaid Tapeth.hs *Se =:"ingame ne E in 7 f :3 Oe vex ‘es ‘es ar ay “gold De moerut:“grows wore |vod’#short vis 20 Mv Bras bev be paises Afior the exeiciaon.fine)ie “wideh more ate f aC Si ered anayew Giision eatQos ESLER ort beet{ska toe ae 37x by ack:‘peeert pure ered:ba tbe dadiy's]boa ;ay ce =Gris Hee Marne.Be eyes =fonts in ast vEC«steps bit t”tH :=e §Need,=Sp KS.fe,Begs pe Se Se)See CON Sia ie)Gotan,Seagicl Tsitisbhry.Sascaereetig the bath| ae :ee ee -Pie fees f 4 ok the paadllast P eal Ne batfuprdiglivnes sli ing be eepene»2 c Yea raat?Bac 1 ST PP UO?ah ie ~oa SNe ot con va Tinga Leo tg Bhai ang the!olde Figs ime pe ne Peers eense 2e.web JD NEA — :alt wl sisses,754 tes goneAuy aa umint Li Stqevel flags fon the:fob “ibe $0.ura te @ ie SAR aE:week Show sicthayt thie ctuntrs ah Res ea : Aa _®‘a Ri ik,rt ee:boom!x {She rill Tobac:COL Gp:Ie :=e.hh uw “taxhae SOU‘a .t ,Rae ny +ic e anysim rinidy’preparitis te ud tgnisfeaits ut-beh Sat avi:Atsit Ss the Ned trai geal wun opseye a ;“_>$ag e,« &Nyt a THE JEWELERAND erga Foastomied,quitfential yebnda to die)'net “ei we Arts oe S =o}kay seuyoidhy Buses =eave ——'{yarey ia Rowe Sima gsgy (Tike it Spire Cr ne nae LA Last ine a hovloubt asain: .f =Se SAR RE ae Ve MMi aa {stint Os btatesville:?ie ¢Saying Ahy this aq ule:Aur 5 j ie :“¢ihe,ut Ww as Mec‘ted gy TST6 Dut.sarhatg la 4 iy san ctlieAst.ae hor Seavlaelt 7 Z a ‘s N ye &a ioek a: on :Aré shows and:Shows:ees Pees ay the:country has”‘hanged “partics ao Boise ach Laiecamé aiebte i ~%;7 ‘Whee were ‘er ¥aa ;&yety:fot:edts.The revetySesTo 5 Cgee ot “2yStatic cae,ares Ww:*f a,aie .Z peg at“Something,and:tic ed thegnind: »q Tobie be comitin':<p y ‘Ney 11goods =ofthet dominant:ae oe i.oe mys wheilsover theca:pf dhe boat; Sree aF oti .meed withit ry first het oe xy AL hISON SV ARES STOR E e i 2s -enBoe ee LeG es oi th LT he ysutke wenthisSean ahd:pana omy] +»2 rT U We a a <»e {ye Webbe,arya is w'sWaish:Tipedt adkGs Capes3 sad af Glens athe x¢ea1 sare £Phehisedoen toa.aalines3 tor te a ait ve Moye:toy insheiifeant Gyre.la Dry foods:woe nia 4dadiyinistrations ;huss after.i “rtspe by amphi en ‘chi 3 “a “6 s 2 }‘ani thee|sees fy Gut Tig Of Quitings ahd Rape “wool ae BS eardila’s elpetion ESN the ene|Canc ae “gh st =::Sing Sine ¢Bergre huvine.:uey there youshould see what./4 x,$a Taso.tee mwebrich they Aye sy ew <Gomsic ae 2 *.(AVS >re rats’iON the SOVeCIONS.-LOLTSB Ss hey }tpitrer in.Mees:“eid ven!Sand Lae.Shiws:lege Ry ¢iuah'<ek Sai.eataet d th ple’OAiealtEv Mey aSeepee tiray ; Suis :4 Me pe Rd hewett iG say 5:vps,ChATeNs|mil Ladies?Caderwei Resheap,ee Me aftyr Hew antsgece ‘5aaing ealighily ve rnlecty sani soe eae Tatiodine ae ;1 Mens aud €bi iney Hass and Gays des up.eres aelate,“De maceathe =anjajori tt,;ee “Gor sais|TskStites Ferrel f i =toni *ifa 4 fev Rare E ay saagyChi iidren!$Suits-ting up:Aish oper od tep 23 poles ey Cdn yoress wage Aust eptirely weg pede}l ia :sathy A a i 28 ;e a .thes,‘vi mye ee +e >cme 4 se.a4 EedS on aad hildren’s odd pants;extra eeafro Zoe,perpr!=anfout te.‘sth:1tateeon.wwas Teleate in pman’Bittyee ata ne Ane wor eT ES rls,bs Aili Chathtbertud:12th,Books if List<Or.Eicticns Roct 7M)ine y >Danvtratic Sain vis Wooseyose.trot ythexeRich:and’‘eben yin|- wit]f Beis Seats eerie Vols andeuy Ae Seb as fr aaeteis.in,ene hook SSand tile Damvtrattce:tic al Wave |asec sAfeto Jam.“Penne fet his Teas ahd Statjoners’axtTaye ext ve Respt,-:4 Pot ‘QU-foTTgy ed”as’ter‘tainty,as tate He:oo nie &ORS OM SEATEORE ‘peontimyed ‘their ap,,to.St:eG i Se i E ibis hae,:oe is itself 4 the:“phenphninal?Demdctatiic he ning wc xt a ie pot ee :‘ete screen :Re ae x ;cS Sa =ALLI on victoby of 1go2:rwhplevel:dgina |:ROE:c By)Pe A.He a 5 alt a:ae ay >»Denmcratie:‘House aay Senate 24 ss at PEIN ba —~: ze= Underwear cece ol eg hae -Klondyke Hats”and Caps...Ye, f Se chine:Riars soe us Betorg buying,ne .eeve”Eis 3SAE Bn ie e EE POU NEED aay ee:CEN THEY LLae =ae: “Overcoat ‘or’‘Mackimiost line This tAl-veu Ir ant:ta see whatiiice ones sive ane:slowing.“Noe miitter what you want:to pay.: est and Best top goat'sYour;money.vill buy!“ine SRB oth ae _PP snoan&.|SHELTON. “Wescah show you’thes>Dresbin re Se aioeNeyme Wey show,yoo the most:complete stock ¢arriied i in “this Tkseek), o 7 ¢}at prices to Suit all |ave have just eo et ae eget LSS ES PUCRIL OE an ee he (oeSay tae Ms ;Xo Sooo:ty show Buods,.vee cee eae cen aa oe UE ee gt ee.&shettan 4 miotHER CARLOAD.°F Champion’GrainsDrills,See aa etsarrived,Oliver Chilled Piows.,are egertts |Ww ord.‘ »Anchor ‘and,Babcoeck Bugg.ae ae Hy None Better,a EM?eeea two Horse wagons of various Brands We had y very. o Baa,dome inerok ee <.i Coal Grates;Cook Stoves and Heaters:ue et abiGis a good time to ‘répaintzyour trouse:-Weoffet|the"= waterial.Sewing mathines.Corn Shellers..:aca<a aeFugMAS &<a=~ ‘‘thas iad payerses:tars the?year after =cy ive Stee eo Regie a A:rsmile uUpon t the:defeated.Demognats:until Tugsday.eRc ; “remains‘truete its}.Men,James:Sante“the:sieward.ot ‘principles as ‘enuneiated ‘at.Chicago’the ‘penitentipryHi -ate Raleigh.|“canig. last-year¢the successes inthe Skip2|wome Friday.UEste BS ‘family:‘andy werecelicteds.Wax.Soon“turned toy.My EOE Boshainer jupcaorhaltoe thiebuasti ne defeats ots OS and HAS to Richinond,Var tae +s $24 E ac which;oh:far:were:totowd vi ae “Dat 5 “TMaenstuin gay:=oni,ss Republie:itiphe gtdeerd|~Eavtkent an Macea:Gan pes bpsineds, :ene nay:in:op ‘Mr Ke Joh ADEs a .visite ee mother,MUS:*Acton:Be :Aesonthas.a : “Ephe History,of.the counties on dine :Sean ‘Mies.f thaneaqigrter tila,“bouturry show fis se,itroweth it that.whena NeW gdminishsat ion find:Catawba county.s=.me its:election.dhey Shave.eeeaee;vatiaen ofFeaddte.Cheek:toe wishify unt at ‘the,bext presidential ¢alee iow,aeeSt tox’“s ‘oniedayJast w eek:vt av henna hatnga of part iey:Was,occur: Beprdplicair pyomisest and -suitering |pope aay Jast week on:bushiens from pard,-tianes “and:withcasfogle |Y Sts G Pa¥rwing Of “Morginton. exception:“Qwheat).:low.“prices;tor peisiteel mrs Po RB:C HES.here, thes;Sproducts of:thelr,fabory.Dave’ast:aweek«She hay,returned:hovtie.4 Sat:pon,Presidesit’Mekinley’oad:Metsgind Alrs/:Job’lake.SOL Chars ministkation:‘ands slig “Repavlican,Wotte:vishal:My Se BiaKe Ss Sitch,| aitby and are,beginning to Again MiSs.O.Ee “Crow Song‘froth.Setursort = i the:par |mishes Jastsweek owl tbe:‘but-the retarned Sunday!wonniigs ee }forerunnersiof final’,victory fy.thet pe DBS outapah;of harjote 4 getieral en gagerent inin-Anier>.+<Hchere fora“few diss an.ASbok oes fete .ingEmel,and SeGus,tofShave entit $ perience idod ‘Pp h Bebe Is sioneed uyedichhe, actual and unequaled merit.ee oe Laon —by.as pars of eee F prese 5 y .Dagasliogy ered: tsi eH:NER fon |4 ‘at“iprost nent ay :“State SohiworRW;Backers orl pred,nue pooplermotAatishiot with ria y,Mingo:eatin:Was:hire z ‘redowfered.-from’:hits peat|iTingss : Reg?fh icatst act ay,18:AYaa Liigatt Eeeoe peren oe eee See &‘Jew ‘hee vara fe eet yas.eJeeHedia member : York Lesislatare by >sf nag cx 4 ies Or *thie Ciak service othe:Republic an he house’“of Represeri-, Swath the view:gt ndiking:acs ~ heeae H “ln? dno.loner:Opps:Ee stlver.= uid “hereafterSUP POT ts De eispeatitcould,2 seShe1d:x copwens ign ins: week yaewises it avs AS to art oer sharnet‘ofthe nit the!Roy;publicssuit party. in a ow.th which?one fiock hurt,=Watlians Hock hart aes wat ht a: +m, irttane ts thst Wea a Ata:Seotsal Mi Di pan, Paniel Mayer,Mes Mair ait2 Argentina:Kz T.} iechars }Bud’Ng wecist-: NALS mer ot tlie geiwral At Snot neces- state Itecaascsk éxe are “gy 1YOW.“he repar ter 1 wheat Se CHpiton said _;e re Ne Chair: ee W.‘Oure,m of. Aamerica have a *type of peagty J pyreceliar to te ae hems ely es 2 ERGShi nik rte, sol habits:Aandsso- Scinlss pecuiiari: ties have com: bined:taepro; iN;duce a type of a wana nro HI = “tron Chie AGOMEH of. és.Etchasbecome al-' lay Oceurrence for-the -ee os Perope Of —an:- »ator:ie (nited : Tahnons through-’ “The eoMtnerican: sail far Jpradinct Of this hits!Toweve one Saye ony to.ier *heeats as well. Lager Musto the cli- Alot the ‘Uitte.;States. wtarrhe Al Pst every. Mynidwirsevere forms. emakes it well:nigdGhna- ft as ‘the gay:ening:the |. Not only is states the home:OL -ca- Istalso the:home othe:, 41nous caturrh-,remedy. Fhe medical:profession. :du devising a > av ellimigghe cuniversal ¢ orieinal:Acorn recent at many t he: rare wdare 38:for “Le “short Mae ThesPe-Ran Dr we, Gi}um bus;Ose. rus cist for;zu free;-Pe- - “Mr.Ch = crews,wad (brerver: ts Who:were:wetting Ye file k:-.t0 wight as wowell an-> a CRAY,Sis Sead pare whey aoe 5 hea0:the:volar ters UL“that |fie isonpithe blocde q fe fo Hopes |in’ and Obs rver:“The b Sanstee NOM that soff North fagahina eo 0 ‘realize.that ‘at they ose the Stateagain”next monand’ :the Répiblicans.carry the colntry ait:aD ee‘there oer ee ten|ne:- ke negroes;‘ot: us ¢Cast.about:three- the.‘Republigan.”ee and prbateees they: ye‘Dame,AW ast rucksain a <‘and bse reer:The’f z ptoswe th at°par ty ‘iy trom : ve st 4 ee th Ww e e h e c t y '‘ Pe >» 4 s qt ‘ ye coe Cee °¢{, es - .. »: _*-*:4; "3 aea ,:$8aeieoY osaae Ca i sf 4 4OH i hes ; BAT ote areStdSee. fe OXE Breast ek eswha es :eoninfrs-=ase :‘tek:5 :ANTED. ia :ceulem |en AE DOLLA:x i ft jas in Aphe iY ph his?yond th f i Bet aaekee cyreons :¥oh =ee reas,Gy tue ner tie: <eae =pes ———Sh Bo a any ay Ft PLM nt Shh Yai :‘=i -;is i$ m aR Ta icahv re oat yt os,igs.OUR RULES;a G8.Grihiie tie bretaSfeck Veevere dnanciat arip fs Aas thaie te Bie [sea@esycocare tims :so esse 8 PES Aygee os i ry aot aes et ce ae sey 28 "/postinastery at j “aleve ota 1?ie hs Nee laa Moe opetent §oi tek 80>ie f frky tw :LL d eit crs Mehy oe toe —°*Anew Advertisements and.thaseto"be 4 yo Rraey ond.ida ie .a cat ;i ee AON tebe e et tas ::NP En.on emine ga >ra é ,: e eye ye |ehanged must bein the office .nen on .oe ah A ine SSdr Meer ar.ts :P ae <ieiaeibae ee oe .<a::a4 ee ;,%eae :ee z Se sa aes la fe wi aioe oo mi \ i =Wednesday.*;4 e Robe rf oy Lussphace = 4 ;,es .;‘py ATES és Se oe toler <; Reb g Ne ees opposite your“Sidtineant mot ‘Concord;’ ;3 ;at fants Xi rach.ce!ENirs Chak i ie :oMhat-vot;mast renew your|“subscription at)dead he:mt diss : 3 apes ns eigen Sash at tet a :“cee Pall.Is 2.734 co ead"ES otthe paperiwill be jseontinued and:**:}y Nasieaaes tein an covets oe ag ig:PERSE AS, °ae fou pla¢ed?in me nds,for:Eat“8 ahsMS Seen!5 :oo ri mpage Is ‘;4 pmax,Spin a ‘ion.;.Met he li ’Wey :fi .Re Bete nt tah ,ait rhe:as iba h anh : oe =weer ,is eae ,a ae Confer Nae x ti ae Erm ies :data tite 7 ORE ANY apnea ers ge z =Bry “swortgdared suet ;‘taken Up tr ox “TARTNT Se hee Fy teepate ;Uitieweth oy <Se :theon fad WHE fo1 Tas "ASE Jav@ek Sask:Sy aa Ss 45 eee ds hy fo ‘:‘.*oS hig :ie ane :%:Trae ct ge ie.i2 See Warts.Jee Syn ger Bathe oh:‘ “je.doorin Sts 01 fey GN ead |Messrs: re i ie +:ELC:wt thetigheest %:acted a x ,v4 =@ :uf WNbsiee®‘sforti ee Os iit Sr vtesvit cfr Furing tirms ot the a 5 i und Se aoe ee :pees baie Nik "Not tel ST‘ze vn ire rate aad Te ve Mis 4aie het rahe via eee :SE ;Henry:bas 4 Ya taipe e ya tt x q i oe ”. s MS hee :.5 f PoySSHeee ee SifBF »oe we es mee!‘*::eae fo Copbatn ak MeDone 3 ::mbhesst Se :ee Ee 3 Meisigned Wilt ca,fe eee rat Rie a aie of tha : }.Sania tes udder f sat ths 3 0;"The ie te ee sput in rs ek CoN 7 .:ONES bol cap .t F &.~day he patthat thie pb ay &Ort i burg.a f s .' be sla country,Sassae:“y Ge bege }a8 he Mr.. s as that tbe}x deFeaced Bryant ieenttae bt Pi :aneStasiy,eea, trovesLay aig j si :elect jon!Hd aesiy Soon hatses is:i Sistine ;iat :a Te Hider:es .4 pee iets ; ‘Pe ti dhewas 4 eShnyoies sg : ~:meant a.racic ate“hange::tn the ae ie Bad raed]i ¢mae Sh aiceSs wo ‘emer ae “Onr}lore i.: si ile ie tk of ‘;i Pes rn : eh Te The pe :.F ‘Lino iey aed beer algeyt py is te tasereale Msis “It dept ayy rit ‘a 4S .peop have tye oo nie Hae rinse irs~ieie Wee i >a city es rai ifs Jotun eGnie “;eae Seca t do Wil s)ESLSh/tase ald %Be.Boe 9 ,:ties.often:in.recent.Ve St ins “Ki sn waite j ee vate Ae pi 4 gp hay ea i i es n ut ‘¢1%A 9 fe Ww Feteey a |LO3St Tine ?‘th “f fy A hildest wee “sid - a J f 3:2 =>,eres have net chankre x iLL Dyithe “1.«wilde:oma is Stare Sh ts asda y night)etcee inttou he!et ;es tine o f =*fined hi i :a ; Sr.1; ah z ‘neat Bees tat “Phis man Bryan isthe eesrabodind nt}Raker:sat the ite Bs es Gitte ‘ie fFouse oben’s “te ia Mir ee ;:‘1,:;: £“;et eee 2 Q rs.ofa palicy:which,differs entiiedy aoe sth "Wop irvicad)GL tg “washingibitis Hthigivesvi hers pa ssOd:shat qe :Lo),aly :: signeest L.fn Rinks :2 or near aah a with.‘the poliex ofrécent‘adniinistr:is clan eei Sprhun sas“12=ani,Sh feaet oa)i jis me :oe Sets a i : :"COPEUAN eeESEboe k SAEs a nier, walsh :tions.int that thie,eeoutin |ier in,iS te aca : ite ee ea e -5 285 .ANM.odd ; “ae a ie *)s 4 ve sy at >SW i eh .4 sis hin ,;~ne oR ae i,Cheat OME aeees oe eet > SpreeSe ots as beatniade:the ‘pene fic ary!ofithi TRiey,'i Mt ;‘\Tig slathypsu apd:&sere ‘,:fats c rm é :Ser ee De ‘ves aca ‘ i ee.aN as tk Oo Bend-holder “and inhackni-ee ae oecee i Ae fsLede=¥asats ass =!oe 7 a ne:Ot,4pe :% 1 2h Alintt 4 “Tt }3 <2 !eer Oy shed eu ¥a »Rt ¢A 2 a 2 a oe?oi free €. i re ij (ier isnt he Pccnaibe 2 :i ‘EUs ~ 2 ‘ Bris.a ;ufacturer His polic y moay tot Cops,Ts nat adiiiste rous tt ri apne i,;ve Stig fe SNetngter ;i ReG3 day ‘ }s Sloan &5 “aa wes duce to.thie up?building of!maititon:wih NY BIPM eave x ieee Re sok ate tet Wat en Mess ‘ath tw in ;hi ARE eas net ‘: Messi ..eet airex.,but its will,Wi:ike wore:posse |ee eette-olt eeehice ofrieter eee zs ai i *Staley.ae see ‘tack ;e:; 5 =ie OE es &Tes Wpives Ply edt ‘ciagend .BS 1s 3 Bar ¢sek :ore ;:;ret ; m4 Lorry then sande it way.Dob:prac,with tes Gre eRe Ea Foae ue Fd2 bees hia Et 30;Win tay koa ter ee a Rg tie ats CY j 6g Stach ;- =cmote the "building of brownstone:Clothes.eMepaghes.She AY ie:dig,:Sta =aae>“4 ;+at Bre tagl RSE Nera eh ae ea oid AS big b tga l ‘;eee H ne fe j a et ;1 7 front palaces.“butt wail makenoee|'T ware“ferod boxe:Peter:‘De.a a lastaveeks eth?os t Yoho is eueeutey “anon yay}ak :fhuidy.Drill al aaa Sa é ;ak Beet oe Mie :ny comfortable sect my Bouse’e The peut George Tiltan cote “re folirge-Ww a,a Go ie pa iesee aes Pee Sa 4 é ad tte a Be ;aes i aneh:Is ie 7S kts oeeae ; be!2 pte grebeginning.to See"Reberreiiss 1aene Winsthy Satardat aight,hastees : ij i am ay)els Gos oe oe ean S ww : Ba Se Oe a te “his polis:tfeonld differ Tow”‘th:tt,ot Be (Se dinehaniged,filling jareae the Sunt ieae Layee ss : j we :GA oskir =; ,ey tk imsSta Ly:i ms :4 eet st he ateety:sSitches “yeene}ini 20.elie ;~oH MC ‘Ore pn Pees ae Y Siere gi ok he Kinte“y-aingCleveltend nd.Laas ean Bee ede Sie Semis He eis z eee iMs uy pe mtarodat tte :ates ;:it ‘ .‘ce . Been .“the é“hi “}wos of xe ‘*Anitie:eyve é e aloeie rato Y ehet ery 7 +ve i dNik *‘ty 5 v 2 ia 3 i hh .Jae _ahees,of last:week:If Bryan ecuitagt taka etchal ‘Ente.eg ian Tudia ne bayJat week”2 : oh ans :;tH ‘Ae .ate Dulin’s sch Bi:as “ard HUGE,‘piss t 4 St,4 y ss :° t ‘Sar aes.t eae Seek ,ate wins sc is t ‘“live:he will ‘be the De mide ‘ratic dipm-tel ie Renwebolic ailsSG feefoc!al ee ag I "keto.MaNietinre Beats Moe ane hae dre ey ih fi “Hidtienide 4 :Ae ':1 Mist tor } ,eet iee ‘.te next.Sat urd Ee >:ear “jnee pa 1900 and *“will “be our ‘eoth|tidied was edised ae oe fs oe ee er ee da berhtors Ath:Sie:Sa oe ¢a :iinee net Gd his store Yast “5 eet oe pias meek <édte demoli e os a Prresidenti speec i:making,‘and book:PIN ut outhe part of herSuit bate ee atannics.wv renter rered.:iat eos ility 3 wig“i é Bee s dren Siri je ewes 2h :to winter thie >3 “writing to Une contrays one TGTAY ith:ALamedro:(éstnttiin Yontior ht “five niaik Roars :pe aot pots Mr.2 r ; i>-Sginding at ERNE ae ge Ronee Mcht Hamp Caden hay Ne ;x 3B ti Sg teas ow .Fi ie wf ‘oe white a5 %sha tite,Steak a l ‘a : is 2 ae a a tadsuit,nD Ari1oa iebari.haulattest4 euising:at Cri i obit:ce Henee :Su ee cae:Shp Son mont Pai ; ts E PPrial of putely legalduestions.py Rot into vas with a ahi 1 :eis isp Shh dns:Shee ee Ges As sta have tate wee .$1,000.Jed pet Si eo Le jury ceived,another:black exe “ins g ;ATLO h Os panini a thisarty.fv %Wee ae Spanene lk Saygior =cour,*yesterday-| : .ae :Wr Ee) ec te “ner ning..Peis now,im:oFdev.for the ie txt es a Bide ties <a Ee eke new giartians.rh this:“palla Fah OCT tues .sits oe ae ;;a ec anle ras ; 2 :Y {*a ¢2 : A 4 i -.ai 4 ~,F re dibesrties to get por.thieit rind Rotter chee tame a as re oeadcatia fiage aeipa:Pines As 5.<oe p He 24 ee sige :; «‘4 aes a <me atare e ,i f nS a :ake AY tee eee Je aa ‘and ho xl some mor ieee oer?KeDer Wiedtd re a os Bet ie kes os a Unieagere't Bsr Roan ord or Wick ‘ae an 4 He inti ;“f 5 oe a se Eh pace eage Sek aes “ts mthegi:wisAIT anid BCH NES._Tiesiol the ole ;oft ee WE oe CE ;mee hy:y ‘pWirapp bash ¢y Syn Resi eh Cea bl F 20>The board te as.oe oambng the’‘Politician $s.ee Suidige ache.setthdaai this fist,ee <8,we femniipae =we :ict fot fea tek e :;Me:we S-.grond,:s Tt Fe urability,tenehapa 10 :lay and dec} oa Bahis fe ai ¥abEmuyriet aa MissseiByvson tn eitice:tela re ;::Rae!ete yh :;Sic ors RNS -Th.0U ;a oe ,}:Yt tie :igo ote and it ;as os pee joke ie —‘lace Bega akpoeei Sarbe iv ‘Geaysaiee is BE SOn ieThe vedlags Yeveriin tec ake he as 5 ae :-ei eaten oO:|:"é Staar ert:Poe 4 Le Wwe —“13 5 fee ;/bevfarpad fi ere: oR 001.4 §:I ante taghie ec Peters } ga --}Peénston Aventat Knoxtille.aig ar ceelih “Democrat ee a trl:“of thigi =e ee At,ts ow thinght edi nis "gts ees Boag ei a Gea secure =Bros &“Gof a ack gene A.We bster Coltegtar:,edt Fry Sampson:chute ade ide bathe Re obits [few <a ate ORESCOR ee igen”cay 2 ae 3 es f) pees he =100.19 was : melee 2 tepralTR evenue for South aa é Wit tom Br yars”add Bets a “Fe i La see te %te i ey.6 n 5 ,:;way,;re 3 j mess ;#t *eae ae eee eT:BM ;ic 3 ey It is)‘said,that.Senator,Souman days:ity.:She ae Plies balk Sitlica .aes i has ,5.¢ie rare rein POP Wasi >t Se sg ;|2 is eee ranted 7 baw z Mes,Aust Pe ae sae ee es will be!the:Demot ratic cahdlatie peoctann a E wath »Mj eefits,She =Serer tea thie bee i Mh a sigh¥icater LOS LES!ba oe le Scie has :: i inpemwae #2.ie ari :es sae ™.Austin Ping Rede!Sokeriax OFT«land eC eine bs Tit tor F2 Ge USS and:the:‘pric a :yr OH Thier serdar That:a aeee eek ie es HiMhn tii See ee :RS Baie 2 4 .Lowwnshiip 10 ~anes ifs elecedema re ae ndidute eHtic say doyeal:She:“mah Set ;<i re ::ae ae aaa :oe a ie ;eer :AZOTE aa SS anneE,:street S a =~cient es Genes,|Pair eaten weteed ‘Hotel ta tee ee es buried ite eens cHrirel :aaa eS oe oe:nee Pyou.teting cot.eee t=“and her dau ss esAw apails south o,towe as ae i Foy Sees ;,(:r a i fr ust in >a warn weld ce f ;ry fie 2 ::‘¢C da ‘a :ReesSeen tt on “iaitick 7 i Sat ;We ravesay):ak rritut “Sie a a 5 Deputt St :&TADS.;eae see Re Aes ames ‘Shi un :Me gear ye US Ally from,Afexzr for the Presidency ini Ta00:iewaspinaed by Mh G:“Talhe |Saiske “hee eR eee:Sinn soma iS aegis fe ene ~at Liberty qlee SANGarneeeilhe!fFluesoS RAHA cay ct The Democrats shave.”pre;pared.tita iF ea: oie as a aie gue of §/1 iva ckes t uadiiy Ah x i Soae 8 curt the el tion returns Crivk,Ne es ert -ele GE ‘Hugs ea ios fore.istted bis nt hor ss :qn close Ohio Counties which:wilidate Ss i retebe cre CUT Of |<Sinithoat Bhd ct fox.Saniver,Oe c apt a a :»decidé the political complexion.a]aa .*ands om Suiyicfas eBehibye Mist f:1a)pine.pRerhinoeSitu ter.ou rack PONE eat <*broihs)je: i 3 .*the tegislatures °°:2 ee stroll “On:is:“preiis tate a Anneke:ee eonined %x abet eI a’is *tasy.oie waa coon will é se ee is Ret EG cae iby ;““Retoerns frowe:the Kentucky ee a1 pei i ret 44 ati is:ePrntc a t f é LS Fs f R.:é ::4 poe :—+a aera”ob ae ms ofA SMM).4 I .<tio show that the vote svas 110.000 Fo othe:i iyeleh bit sicabour 0)ies whrawcpallaiind 3 ;wet ot:RobsTAN).G Euehe :me PRES rs ;;:;ae Speak dee,a:wee Dp eee E ~~Re than last.year’s-*The rality ‘pani.>th dnd ee as 6!LS epitonk:depaitiment ae peste pecially id vou Vinty ;i :Bian ce Be Erg 3 gt as.Tely day's F Ran .280:the:Siver “x ‘pe ¢it¥,€fead ,i 1 vat Ny as os San ie "Cas.ne TetScho se Nese tha Ble at Wz,ee ics :re Med A ),;Bw +-/i s cits rae kes a et ee ce ae Drees is abyiit fore Nee a3 cnagers tate pyisPeni Rive oie liv:oa dy tulecrans pay Roe mee oe ‘sas it WS >yh ALY.2 ae UMMA OA <oo ae -ck spe pare tesanAlieig me Rng srt aah GS :sta oe thie S seratedrs<sa tng Pegs eee mines FG =comes »AORN ©.ves dhawe been di ae :Dict vit ise Said th t th Dp BRS Soper fing ndsae cae OOF:scatiant €the biabepice r mies.Be tyas re cn LER RL tte Py :5 :piiticiasn tare 423 4 Z 3 k ee ie oes ee om 3 rejurued he ue oeae be tha oust erioerae Pee ce ae :rp ih Laken rishee ene:aun a ee Soutlie-Cyroh yar th Qn Uy fee lat.the:8 Ba Sy higiheit PONS ie d T Pee sen ie erste =SeteMrs Gaither we ok oeLA i)vote::for Geren $B Pe oe 5 as ‘’Beef tain wht a Gé erg fe ¢ee as 1 We a:he ‘e,aie Pees en a Sis .;LOC i ‘S :‘ae a :ee eae ws hast,beén sic ; ‘“Republican.SS Beaton oak Son ‘ikeSe Aang:9 oe x »deed Bie a}web an Chi eae :a Site eee Ke LATia ant ;as =;i ea ten as ats Be Gee eee 2 Bs .not return t . aie Maat “enoash tepubliedins’will Jorn“thebi b bavtshitt m3seu}tars::ta npn ihaac sedis poresVisor eefs Soe ifiers township gis Co ae ees fees IU"wy oS :Ba gs.eet mee 4 *Vee nce ‘=e i >Aoelcet,him and:‘defeat ‘Hanus?i fue Se aeaptanatte ett ieneoh iy ie Nemoe Peat 4s ooy fe.Sor Rien Mijeoe Here:at hig’:;:at Kanes :a oe eS :<a e 2 PaaS in‘a pair’Sut Sait (ne OP oietaen cay oe SerfatorPlat*claims,that.he:heas peu weetagetstithitsiinPaty bebe CRlsf ip wath btiaied Shaidi:AMPS}ee ore ie Bic gS Hawes ee Ba tacit Me .aINESALO.LOC Pee:N “candy hata }Eng eh WA.The a :/msnajority,in:the"New:York«x ai ae hobs,eee BNET AY aay:that at IN hows ite Shes ni t vt okey ile Dia ae aethas?on Tat:4 ,5 As SH KAT she d wer t §;i"Gnas a ak he only av ay ep:ty ga:Piste re ostrec ; %.Lip <ts SIN OTg es ,‘ )PES Ree .i aan ,AD ;TO ark ae mien i “this week.ag ieee.pes Beas Chere Danforth ‘ofthe.ea a,soe“slp wea}0 ae Neper eae from thdfieg/«Wa hi ying 1 =He meee Pate he OG s ra have nic i we fe ne ae th fi ;Suc Shel SINOCTAELG dte’contr .:“Ung 2ubit Mw ;1 ::.I mae eaeagt ;DBO:F oS 5 FAV}Leumonid =f Bae ie 1 es +4 out there “are”see ‘pagats sthoolfuntess Laid.“per Yoni;otisLee :Lit aepele Shiga /Busties.S ian aie eee ee a Na rey th se eeni Soe cc 2 ‘ull res oy zs consumption than ‘a =ee,Fo 00:Of The ni ves Sea fpiémbets op poset to Punt te uns1 titidutesPrint thd ct ey aupernis ME aa a‘ied Miss CiMevos This et)oes ee a |:pos Pee heeshie Lok)t ee aka Zap 3 :ee ’ave “Of,=Wear a jeair-3 “Dearitiful hor Ato?13 his caletlations bo.upset os S aaa has’en éalted tolt f oop tay ae =os Ser Sane Rap a cee Bb glaciers Ser Pewis a favre a a »aE he ow {‘alt j Shoes 5 de oes 1 foe oe Sag tye alitok ahs bi ig pry A oe puny has i Ging LOLS re,hisses MeGor nde a Oo So aes atry Diet eos far Ww Keep:your feet dry Be ee Pee Eee th Beas cae ve ke n Jade ¥An Ay wile become we Bi phd,$0 one sen Benes)bs war.i (Aniki 8 )i,‘Bundax-:“mo fains ‘i oo OVER aa Cure LE FELD:ACTA t ca nid Ww aeabe ayne x en liad a fight ; j ty one Ag aeseieat ai ae cede hr thie “anders ii boa Mun flee GES?\Raithe a eadta His.Ww Ee areata.EY SEDELEM ;’rie Bae iS ‘aa Oy Lage week by oh i ei >from office-alh the.pr standings that the-princip x sie ;»OER AL:hitler yet'y Sats :pk Eph Cait ar ar oe 3 ane.io Te AMCRS broke rier city!‘Officials.at Ta prive paktoachers,Mosh ,yerirptie 2 Acaticer dors :::ue.S $:ie ee -me ‘bab cials idem te twee aks et ito FRC igh saysistpnts.Teecae so ays hake gia.saat eee)«wst ay a e seat :i rane Ss re ;=Se een j ©.ee ms b residant Me ‘Kinles he abponit |peat oa ahts ily eds as “tae:se}fees wy Ana 30°Rady:“rishi that |‘Deenea‘reliGkRtg bet wtf ;:te TELENE Sane x ei =;ee Se as iia OO ex--Cqngressinat ¢Wi.Godtray'<seteevred’ta weet Sphie!pe in Mio Wales Pe ah tet an LE.ae.i : ?ny she sade =0 Seek,avhen .i :~~Hunter:of Kent ‘taker bor the seo!wodend “hs 5 choc seg ae gh eee otinett Jivens TRANS fo .atetor him RO ee ee aaten oe to.Pfied fo eithetwirk,.3 AS ted Bh Zine Bidwell “ob Aa dee ute make michangerincpts buss wri ig rae 8 Bo te ames A:Wood's goat Bone Hes Volar woth!fic.aa thad aad iste Sautrdieybye:tents ragetiee Saele “betl SAL gealShy BEER CREE GOR ceeecs Surety ‘ F G ther, =Se ie iS Enterta Bev eles $r “Ob ean;stoped:thes p ma ryt ‘ee Uh peal %a rope.oS was 7 ;re e Se 3 )gf nas:BY Sry?‘outtigL:abe ee aN ::st ;:1 .Gaither,¢ i.Sete oo“0 hires erSe This5 is@hgsmoss «dinreadte 5 itdy,a oe fe ae for se:etie.eo pesjee tee imu “the?cogn py Se Or :;ng A COD:ae aac ee say operative ae Seay nies ‘ree 4 8 hector ‘ef Piterwal3 5 ib ishil@roks injast pty ‘Bities OT HIeS)RET.enon son wittwe line and stables diene:Sea ;eo GEeRt a aie ta hirt Bcreaa 1G second c ‘::aRive ue i S ice ve me :A t :dle};4 fae ‘ ;oLadi¢s By oy ‘" et,oeand Kentg <¥-district.sf :Pe i childrendt¢be.tapos!‘upon 3:ity.“spend ‘thesauPYs Hie jay,FeaBigs.owt and Ree 3 Bogie Panta ‘Leite anda Tp t bidrens sw -tines BS"parents oat BS oe Croan x aling pldcediatider’the ire of rife!per gach urgent HeUst:hareviryfh wisaight hie couditteONS gene oa ch at hone ‘sgn eaim aie Jere Vests oeSIZES.21S Wrights ee Hae &Pe Fanucy,Hitt :‘ee a)ee bE séqured”bY.the ‘Pring ther deriton ptthe Se fad genial :RECS smote U nyrmnttele 3g ot Kean kD of mrtg:JME AY 2]Caps tors and be Es SO e allstopiat Jiat>a Redes ees au o ata Hes fle al for the Jeas pSen Shs p CAE CISION OE EC SUPE at :mare So ieises vss rcounty,=AY NEW:ng ;4 r ai on ig Action, He—2 =EPS Wreagpswae.ee ie!“ays California =e oe ur we et oF ‘ie RONDE GSESSey Jj teudersjeucd Swi ee te MS CLAN:U edtren:es Fur oo fore <a vent ge.Tne Hi:P i C atniers|are.‘peataefelspringiavhetera’prints Sir ae rue Capital as:beca :se.VEN .Ha a ;s wi)es bi cove see clbeat i :ge RE STIL oh ia tees!eae :Pn f 1¢Hamy “-sowing whieat.|Cotton mpaids|Tow.al per:auth)t 4 ew S20 a prev eat iyYor tthe hsconbhes nd “$Tusny ?tthe Lo onse®eae :ae G3 ‘of Bethany 4 “kee ~rof publig¢funds.fory =|GOR Ton!gcuble fpom-Dy pe MH for casi ti gisele,N dn 3 Reon Tamak ta it Pee ES i ed ti thie farmers jn}this Sedtiont trais-|Sistaiit:feather’aug biped ai PEAS mica sb that Rola Senay “nae foie pe taned ‘eroed ukider te and cp OPPO dhulls'and ores stot an eS aes tad t ie more :Le “dean.%os :ah us n Recta °:C f :SVs ::nea ¢Seow::ct on Si “diy . ee .C Oni Bore than;they See ASE ‘yer.ig ‘for:S10hor'S3 .ceae sepe:UCT “On *eet?ae ie AyA nit ie .ewe—eeSheik:aa.pen eee eects LOAVIIND.Awd ok _;oe 'a on :Pease:Ne 4 ros is en paisct-4 | \ae nie a yee aan 6 #smail field’ea ee leHitteo oh true:sick inte”not Fecalabun e ith the Weatfadte foe .ea sete akesia Bigs OMe te,Hae itigger Sethe :oN 'rau anna daa :;“War or {rite es :=+spld :some ‘inh:the [>It ait aan ee ROK nye ae fwd amhibasters on:Raita 'a-tur Readers.pt 3o0°-weRt about]ewe pia Be Pes AO Z bt BRS ak Se oe expected. fet ee:eae ia seal seoae -Like ||‘farthers|see that“thie:little %shat sinon fo PW meeres(payee censur"ae ea yr or The’:yguished-eee baie Soe istablees fherice:“ip.al Sout Geeta eae TArA..-.;Sera eee +»€ould raise ¢otton,veithion quite so jected r bles Ure Be neg-}))SC oh ote,speech of wele nis T:‘&.Slocunk demonstrating his discovers |14"RTS She KANE Coo ROLES ROSS TIFig aoe +;‘a wT eter :DA ae,Mins much guanw #8 ,ea,,andPare nowplaced 1 hawee,rhthe S ete BhLiquor.pane:eh XG.I af dichadle ep Fab ute dure'f 3G ry ea opts (:‘Seni :;j :en r -Irs,(\? :Ly a ta)*fofanvoreaxee St,;mr)ie aptof.”Ms ie ies2+)Sani ion <CPuimo ea or.“Con=4 it x eral i “f <i 4 Se Race if fe ce *i healt h aoronc 4 a sh =public Schools’in’“thi er.?See taiart poafapecen tach:Sea eek int that:ety yy albrowehial,thtoat 1 as eee ater pat!;Bee “tion”Ww .wie ws a rans Bi i “re .4°*;had ’at S Cg :;:i OL bs fete ;Jen?wis Cae .©shipbate 20!De oa ee womahhasacer Hels eaesenna Bh“I Vohdtr 3an.“Atlanta jouiese Hions genta coat dla dle|ASoe yi feSe SE,ock :eae =]ye :Drs M x Bae been,Sooking aroha,has shbiteaches}Pia:ii coher ahaa)vas killed iwthat cit Lek fee at peeaness foss ;CES :ety fy 5 Bee?Pees Gis Re A waded ae hosel.around =pul i¢:school:Wh elas :Atcity Monday |-ef Hes,ands [conditions Re :oe Si :i pc ae ears on eae "prospect Ge focetsrape rat fandssistantis needed;let “the,eae robe ia Sees sate oe was:Will,Send“EAR sos oeprea URISTOPUER id RE a need re eae .ECW c Smee 4 -|ation.whic ieee Regu :*here.“He has beds employed,os Bee contract with astistwat,—ae ee hae as-Chberingsukmild hessay Abtce reales New Discover:|Pye oa sak et Pric |0€me oy See | ai a |a a teach the public Sehdol atthis:‘phice,ie er sane faliner.Ait Lethe’<¥.Src ie,ee peo Boe writing.bor chi pea of.‘Fhe:Mascot,fF de Bs :5 Re ::.:1 ap Nae tt ‘.AS Bow.doug , -.=There'is'some dissatisfaction about principal.ett wt will barge 0)’Jun’.Exh \Soe Se oe Go gE Mis New _Sgienting Teeatimgit”fi gem?sk -)=Sometia ok a =the changes 1in-the Schoot laws:Some realyair Ot eemene vieeath Yoon ae FPiripeica Rees ‘eens ts ser cured thousands ~permancritly My;Wits tiie:a aint r ::a i a oY eit ees /no mM ASC "07!sek (5 a,fr areoppoted toharingive commit fmolyonedatnter |Sts =P “juke Boat scence techs fepmotnaun seautene naa |Ce Eo 5 om ilaineotiee 1 ene eee ee :tS at heb in the entite tawnship.“.One |?ies ft BOOVE Te ask Sie rls "y Messages anWykS|donate.a'triaFot his faltiectenn SOE ON as Fie Ur yg ect ewe ges 0 3 aok cae Ee she:county:com ;ea ‘of the best changesis:that no tede¢ome,of the gounties a “corti.week Parker,De out Fightdast|:“Science;daily.:develops,Boer Ae :Reset eee ES ie cao vis Sea)ott inc :;;:ae ,:“Made us sis i ce eo Se er.can“vet a certificate.unless “h Ri rate doesnot rhea.anuch)‘but:b 1 eleePedl Supreme Ccsees Tite Was,at tos ge at chemist,’patiently-‘Xperie tented EA aiatear ose <Rn P €-ee 4 -SCs PAL :7 :“if Yi cosas ‘Was paid s: ‘.oS ee eens-qualified.“The --doing:‘away Sure chit!ithe ‘children“Shall:cha St Statesbe Ske £50.S tinge the’the}ee fi t years;has produced atSults asd Pes oe ae et “2 tober."= canis ‘withthe third ;i ‘awAY the.be SOE Wika ave 5.OU 3)veemgjoriiy.in|n Bie,amenity as.éajl be?claimed:a i ;ieee ;Pe Ned é ;ae ks Gene ;Ee When : Shes 4 “Ron Taw:srade Sete AT ae Wee tit does meat:eee fe.-ene 2 over.Sr Eee dis oe allisassertionare eee :ms the “highe:Sa aa —_es =Peat re a j i:aes eryih ee ‘f 5)ee n es tite CARMEN Et Seat gehen een toca +} .-i j raha so0 we :ee :say se o s So opts BR AS ~“eV.g un e of ratitide:is re “hs |Lk or x L a ;7 ::i.zl CH x *2 eer 1 ice a are ete ma roe yets:at thot *Zaleigk x i“Sop asb Mone tl gaeaiees also:con:poeiy at and a “angen Sasa Section ert ;5 .&eh bd a a ere gc POOPR stacy nsetangs ee Sera Ria ace EG AE IAT ie ee ,,2 a ’f lage EP eS eee B ee fe St OF Sento Te ieai t :oe x ar:2 : a :ary Bap : se di pte Put Gorman?y :experts conced :fo :“:A : :bes ae “it ts.reported baka ‘thee:Benes OPA Sie ;oe ap Se aay #:aTn:Ohas,“Suahnell got!ty 08 eT eae brozelil,EWES:fy:es OOLr Ry ei fees ;VV :|years ago.' ee ft ae 1-ee 4 ‘possum .hunter a to a Comntiticgntern)vil Teach,as +for.by Who was pid Hean.:on,-jvhich,uni:.turruptyd;mntauie<sp x ste .oe ¥:f es Miz,dir at on Leen 7 Loh Ch.Fae N Wf le :Bis.caste nn.‘the matter ¢3 be tee :)home-one night logs f wi sh tS)og ¢$3 :cited-be:about faud certain’death.pecdy: :‘pee Apres ‘seen hi BS I sf ae Re Ge "Be oped:tn GeesIt Se to"oy nish 66St your sattenton ee fs as e ublicans’have.Binet Mieke Ekeldeum M.C298 oF Fe o Wat 4 oa =oem Bee Send ae ae t oe :‘wet an Tr’!Wi not-n 5 yorde fr y ajyord xy oO ive m thi Stree Ww York;Lyj ‘ae eg nails ep ? :ah Goi .»pet@ _4 °'f sstrike for these:parts,i,Superihnerden A rome;te e é Legislature!giving postofiice:ou:§i ‘ with J :od !Meee ent (Mebai 3 but the Democrats cl ,xpress address,atid thefre os eS TLE |Be Se ; :+feo Mie Ee 'h Stavenai $dbo Ft nes”::“printed |=claim that they:sont e promptly:¢medicine |.Rape atee LAT ;eee oy ‘LITTLE ae _At : mt Ue oe ‘on hasbegua’t ye.wert.heated out y ‘promptly “sent.Sufferers “should Bee pees :é i a tia :jdrén-.ReeonG Bettie |G:jee aireae “tifoesischoals,in the buat:thatbee.have given.tates a eat Bia ie pots‘Of his.peurons “Pa3 opnciie :eee er :piece he:tr ane =Hate ea egy Dame a ek iss:Jenhie Macros!shit tease in |Baye assist nt$*or.prin they lave-resort y,andy Bleas:tell the Doe Tne :a maker abd carpet layer,solicits the |.ry Bee ==editor mae eMsey eeBarringers:.—fesctnde oF expectinis oeSee one the ee “The:eeoy}offerin the Masedt athat you sae his %;ee nase Fopsee2 tee 3 +filler &©).che Mr.Cs :5 r,T.ah eds of’anos:Ginlesethey ate ae tay A helSees SOEs pe:EAE::montis:ny’:cha Bi patie ‘-Bram Mond ee i o fx s NES in x4 Ian SH AST RS aaa a maek A Crt =cee eee Io ee f te .t om Bites!en eee ,ann es a at rille;gcame down Monday:evening:pied Car aeare.re ©[as‘sajel nd a Ouiiaced eaeIt ot Me sg Senne es Pee a ce Jabs De Th : ce SU eon , ;};Ora Sharpe iissspending’a fot e next tegblar exdmin é es crats®™and,anti--Han LEO Rie PRUE mare ie een Shs ter ase arate hatch,oye eee eh LOTT):rf :é ert Pune g |s : 7.‘‘days:with her Sister:-Mrs:Ho a ae hursday.the:aun te on,u}will ‘be formed tad Ra ~Republicaus!wit AD D ce .::fi ¥‘!;S *7 ay i sl “eof MI re is s Er aStatesvieae Tetofflée over the :bank,ceceen I for §re elee“tign to oeTeeny City,ee NS PRE |:as es REP eee :ee:;AREY 4 we ae yTare % i 's tsses_Lizzie!*and:Layra™Wood lon Three day's.:be fs M4 2 ER,:ERE UO!i Blue bpkce oan,KEROOET:a 4 er Bae tee nit oe we Satan ae a Nabe Genk cal tow a “ager bbe faton-majority,SD akindeatee pil 18th,Wie eee,;Bing Grids mi AND.Y 5 :eath was.c p Se Stat :Nee Bs to teach re ves We Sd oe oe %Bee Nebraska =Selg,fetiad :praeecein Sie ees sf >XVIET F ECR::NIU MAL :ers 7 fi is F *Miss,:Emma Morrison re ee Snare <f1 S03 {NORT oNRage a.Srl eer eeaee a rn by edell.See Ree sth ee setae oot ee Led I AE ier)‘sister,.srs.M an niet epee!Pe aos ae eee :the:recacnen acai::iy Pa Ree eye bo Fs Sone Do f f CreesoR ajo cehis officers ae very deake :Cw W.Whitemeee =‘oe Me age :becouse tn Sot nat Segre eae ed home,so eg)age ec 3 :Mrs.Thad?Summers and shalanta ‘former,akstnade -from ;thé:ae ws Arthurs,|Nomiceor.(Uegebur taSR eRaRey cee =MC pen ety sao te ae OULAES @ ~VAT aa:a Services wel Ea gee pware Visiting St Mr.BJi Ry “Sum:|;*;~~!“The Der ;T Arthurs,Bar bas yer aaier eS nd more elaNeL 1ePS toSow,ey CEMBER:4807 :a WV Sd ty a En our os ee J GRE mere a mocratioand B ureté.|:er vand,Gra ,pu ato!1)1807,'w b tae ci feo See ;.Se ‘Ayspepsl,headache;et lionists:car ried ¥C meee oped ones Factivues and’ot!Sadi Seer art a Seed a thre Pal Ses r bye”f Ae est bid ees ;f paliccn ;vy the po cae eee eaeMrs.Jobin Hudson,‘of Mooresville,mealon,7 Heats Ppa”Bhey Oo thelrmapily pRepublichits,aid oSiltee over sre Beay dena ~Buell dani eit ©alstays idnsutes”the rene on Bhi in inty ining RE.Dy.oe =o.‘ge Sep ier.oeof 3= Bee bes Lewis:o her father's,Mr.-&.F,;Ws.hey de their work’:es *t Repu fi rasihennns Seen\eutitietas.above :tand and:most ‘Satis fact iy ae Pears ee ‘contain (60)Fi S :,mee oat 2 :Lipa 2 s Sierras.a eh f S ps -i ae act ie et OR Ty he ether Of kredel a pecior*-ourg.;results?i the-esta g Pa we,to ;Seas A Ge -40-t0 '$a ee,Ee i ize ard.€r per oho SS_Baney Hill,Nov.9th.)re :‘f oT lh weioe lswithwich:nia aydebt,sand abigneie Sy arin Se wheat er vi 1b cn shee adi 4 1D ere Tes soe i piphard,:: ‘iste Met ::im.Aone Hohn Aaa »4 ee ee a rye ie 1G.-0:hed seated d C ‘:‘+4 Sas aye gh "2 ;afraid ‘ Bes eae eS if :ee Sack cee Baio Fegultet toPelvbates cnet NY =ae a z t sale with and ve Ji ‘eis Se?m AGES ae %ze ease $i . n-lredel?’Coun mes a ;fae LA =Seni ee ;{a d on ‘AE MMR!2 ae:feat Bae NK that i geist and}thofoosuy.se ane ccnp inoavons raat PSS re Se oe 2 ho sth Novem urchacey ee :00S 2 iGecin Bize Wes.|Ha.-88 the name Beets Cae oe af-paibtitwiwill app!eeeanes ae“crthe ike lene mneny ANDER:‘S::.A Aero:Spee Bass Sam beeen 4 oe Pagee ee Sos ‘si enewo eee maker ne "d-wheat,+ :;:Mee ey Sons Ha Ba gemanp and Bs G.B.Sica Ba:,;Seer a ANKE sp aactce :meters <)Goce SMM so ‘Squire Jo} »897.>:Teeei Rae cess ie Tit rake veBro ing ;Bod:g :Bi eget ge ts ‘He is one o a4,jve Bromo Quluing Tableis!>-/gapewgene ay eee oe ns |_right,sober: 5 e £4 nem t i 3 zens and we :Caused him tion. —*Graud ‘Chaneeifox BickereAt Masten.|;‘DEST 7,OF ees MeaeiReThePytlagshadaypecealtdsityyrsMe:vis ‘QS ad,a Spec ay:=esre pee“the Windtda:oe wesaeehaduaadhGrandChahtellorR;He}Remedceat fof?ie ;seasMareeJ,(Rate“Lita ot .Mobrés-7 Statesville,yraelin pred(anv addres&js lagaa Hayy aeaéilleavg:‘heresPEmesdaby..ta te Ce iaston Jorbbnct! conmmtent ss ee anesensfinswt20Aarigheben!naeesRSSAeiCoble.i}4 ‘es folloseS:*<The:padle SS."Drees’;ik toeTERYedsieitingneaanaleGiaChiandettorRoHanae“ete ¢ea i od et oodgitice..?2 sitet Cx States vig.On:“the ‘subject of “Ghar a ays ee PodPoeBak,‘Bote,Esq-:PeetOe har:Ry:AvLicli,iStinother*embitani fr EhR;~afoutal,Senge eaneeeneabe]tte;Sasainlay OM iat Bests 5 OR Agar.Was peu Zable one.ak ticite.eralayichSond Lie:ted $Lite PRE *r - a Nebigyaeae “abe Diemusios SePeon:ant Ke *ate this distr: Varied assortine‘At of “Cgr- '- eros “Wie are.<Slivpee é:Fae te hinBee Ahe Sape SMe CaY NEN xD}‘}se CME Dee REV:TN K ne at eae aeeeANERUEaTecheACEC)Sater cate Morjaicon.benewihige pctey,Say hail Afonctas othe eaeim gE vou.need a Rug oreewas,Bere Sone aie nai “egtinte}Rietires:ee 4 Mee hs Labe ripe sy:ge FE ORES ORS =oeP Series Ww S athe adios to:€xe :ee a.wie CHa 3k “eS rt we ote ral FACE ssnpe ba fs 8 bad oh x ES :Theos aRieen eit obsSiicbarye THAN iy etic fin adbeastot Pyth essalts)—aySee 4 ougtssofah eS an oF.{ese Y Wasihore:eutiny grading equrt.f es ite lieould ‘be lived.os ate oe pao ae 7 aT ee phe nths sree tok veeese:Sarg ieee rf jitr,On aeuy TEeS fhe’eet ae ADA EUaes Mey Pye by Sete .f :~ypsonecd,Stes ‘fears will tylts seh MMagGiihi ¥if Seung oe Sanh aFaistike'oo veunker Pinan Praag Saget,ab sae me Monee le occounlot thereemytionnsdaette:SLOPE Wi oral.ihay “Chakleston ahi Ay Wate Ot CX ase Sewn esta cP : Sitct esi ipo: + it witl be built Sane 1 eel a tnd oft De =o yO cated Capt.Pale ;Ae St Pu he eins x 3 ip reerCrh a go ahd.an ws ae ee ‘‘Bi 7‘**Be Regs!eet aS A i s ‘a ash:<4s Dre igh ti Newel.at Mee stwey ‘cai=doe eeap ae ot :aie nc ae Es i 3 AV pos bale ne te Sf camttiet Pens ipa Si!at sures “eer:ey yemy dagret Shed th aNeDspot iesMe tat nomnen be i a equal.+aN if 3ahsSebitiitochisefatnlsottieTi:pele Se )=Snroyeda kat Btithe <erh eka Ti:Pansarles Shite=\WV slicak,Wes ae equa]i 16 any -roe ::Sd -;at wénistang:1 phen Tonys her aivorgaitice i ,: ~y3)rehs wt:y ore *hasoa oSeae on ia Width),Boe Marit”oneSpa.‘Corpening olfr Baur jaMissiMagessina3ae Lua?Lo ann \“oppleg:Wasa ponies |< “ANS Joseytinnte Ce DOEd5545;‘Spi an : (Shon Visjt isd het,Dyes,*ere Sena TR sruetees »eA ES RR GD 2::Haynes.ga’?*aa ee feria:reachnd i ot eRe tiste])abreavo mati.She Wad tiHGSSS *CAGE ES jap nem SEAS ase <;eat ow At ty thi al ¥swerve es aed ae Shieh es :me ,wut -sae eas Tayticscn she ye Sia insel ofs been Tewer.”Ask2SheikeeAL}ot:2 Tigcon ‘churdl}Sy lay mdrnitier TR alse ot pivebysine “atbithety:¥o>Sore aN Hat,POs eae iSOUaEatyiWireseastir)ewwats t,t Rat;Mates Dist 2h aes sieht SOY preached:pt Chere nay Chapel ah MuahCharice teristic her2 a ;4 ‘iS or di ty, Seay ac:peed See eee.Shaye SHaFrilh Grcarsborotahds Rigi ists ni BUS Wi Ae be pitied.:orninge,ftaent OrGLeo:ke in-ths wktepnoet ts ASA trai sings~era.Zi.Johuston.a igistiek ! Ot phi he ‘gs ec etplatsseateae i :Mee oer a Hiecy mir batnok Wes3ee ae ‘te taeeat‘Das bis hosed Sia reeRe‘Eyank:Chior i Sree top pre yee)etthe PACS Soran jehaanch,SpeSe.VAR SayBatts ¢eeoakae*ie:Sur Vine,mata webhicéGotinty.ipl at AINE eae Se ay:mornNYY &“AndTaretles Practtons Te Pugs ape a ;aa ‘igus~Mullins ie uyW..Jamison,:oe Bolt”Street AOhApehak AGRE aay Tutily tiesAo thatpfSenetaittrnoodeSaga?Re.Na ok Peointeskhavi“ee fh ae:SPAS VUrac.ot se ULES =‘hairs:6Ov hand er ROSROR “4filleHeme:Mission Boartk oh:obeyed)Khepn Sorat?aypkg atc 2.ict Me Bee Hardy.ieNessrigidObservgySutayel Paes bets s nse Head: Sutchase on peas ft Wale ,.Re da oeagahShsLenseinttowdethis“te ek a8 <Prestytery.abitvered”XA ati hy:“ang it is Sats WitssthotsohSa“Mus AW im,Walle:e visited bis fathALi tonistat ire sbtextailichircy (they ottetttion ad henit iaOFouthale§Huy He ayy Mr.aM:Whittodl:‘SAS Bundy evetne gece.fe hs Aah 4 SPARC eltreget “Bishop Gheshine>cord flex En Gec wae sti! nah SECC atsAbie Eyer::Ghngchoo A.the.TOY DWI aof7‘SH ai i rates fheee Bey .t pele ii senipissBeBHUlbstarecokeesee: ‘Runa:Ava:fia ;es ‘wet SR te Ser teshamebEtSdtsMISeTrsMavCa,iiesoee eae*key abn:q Bee:ae ae ade a4.woreSass aa Phrika ek Leak cusiMykeee?hee Kea wild Lie AGRO,ePpbiasatnt se sate feargestakea igity °Marat Nes 4h oe ae His Hoge cases T.yr Mie Zewe *ae bet ae :ct Mecliod.pither hesriplity eG ?opi t enka. dogs Mass @ SEGOKE)OG» -rate e ae OG « rae <8 Sabiesings he Get at . ;eeeiu i SeesConuirnintyLoneCoWitteitligwheAerisideh:eavesgd3“PHO:clunse ayy VAS row:yore and Duk:saereiage Thy “ica fonETheeSWeyeepoealypetaTN,thet 1paket hie fore Jake ee“OKse aroma “EfeEpis:pit}“ohoR.L>eray +E awherdy:See Re f who}vic beeé SAfe Pg Wyiohh aa jdagenbe ret atned rome ;EStH was we fbathy auginented:(ts tke‘geti-a oy han nk I oe ="ler ty seas aehing.Nee coin easas Sherk Sithe PatstSVtetiay Chins AINE Oe :i +f |el «¥.Phe:te “aceSiadhe:ny Hei fee oe eee *Pc)|MoaterOe Aliec]butch iis ngk phe béitex!y tae 3 ol iefav4tISS«aS 5 Fa a -b .nt =a hy »sh peeOne MSLL wcrshts ii bs:«Snide I condititome ue fursOme “time ae:ph athe ei IS ~‘hp:ag Gait a pees tec:Bisg.tCot uiracas Dalieg,sl Dating:the?“a paESt ear “he:,livrch j A Be aati Btu:Rod eeess)tetasjedunty,wasda toy Tast.aEcoh bnthas gfowns or siderably.Quite”:isso eoOM,Sa seSeongauspiningegSaborTaeStSERAATionskTheDeport:atl aa a.ie loweBG:pee edeeSSTFac*“Si t .;2 is we Oh,TLE 4 ‘*af ’ ae Ide dene -assiet Ree oat Igo.wh coh ehe mutable |Ree for torr,My Spust ween Was)52SatSOc,ust AP)astabiuet ¥; dys Dewea toi ae Tue i <Be Peat,Jet:-Suyday Sathd<e yoked pi yettr:et neeah ahod,Skies.sehen wyora De goniarignt,tr phowed |thie Paectaie SE eve st tive tnatits be rey wit SeMeralsb uidred hi bars:t ~~oy Bi oes the“Cont Fibufions fortis pasesMTree)i:Chi finders edie |yx toby Serviivesaire Held:ESET pee :1G haxlatio.ayd?Spent,“Sunldy,here the Ts pad ira : Tails,Kanwar Calf Suessaebitdrcn’sSeve et ies Md UO “Sons,pole ys arts }£Rere nti eee Sup.eae eHSsYostet:ae OEReeethatpblroslane eati abehis Cov eraior 16 itiake midletsfie y! i clothing: yivcbirss it CASH He ;::asthe:fare ‘fone \agi ies Wethis Puget a‘OF >b,oe and’ory,Rae ee ;tt nai bs ECS |ESI op Rc :ham bors Dias 2 Toungresity the eve ::vet <3 fon THe sto oa os Sa ae if Cushion 2 1,B,Chambe,ee ee ARE poe eee the:evs :dee ake waveie.ce is wearer lik iris:ao *.tavlarec eee ‘2 Se eee ‘‘te oe HS s * rstit ution Peay phat amlieey ere fetit ae Fo ole a3 SES:Natt forprerks ior.gies wat Contacenee.”Laetitia tie defedanny:Wit Soy )conta and Sef us’Ssice4;ded kofissue Of pyrconts Philadel pit.Das:Joined -SMay.eNies :eastotete Sue satsecout is 4townto‘*ee oh Suey os i eas ater’wor ks aad SOW:fashiona-aE OV sition ofee €>Think ,take tl we s. ST5.-The :eT wils accepted.“HS:‘shuts fees 5 HEY and Fhi¢»RE oy nie jadeis Lorie :nt Pssss tress there!They willie?peasRS “The:W“ostetn orth aPuling.oh:anid fit.=Rea 2 hetthieithoarpe.:§Sate Tiare Tee of the Mes Chukeh:Suh hi Sess:wects at:ae ithe best,AW gC SREY oxhi aeie apis beCaR-G.Weal tovins.of Pa ttomtde,lyn ea af oo sandMr.we T.Nichdtson.orStates.veoui JusticeAOArtavovekthe}LB glewsRts+warn Con,ox Supetadinthistdistrict,We “Suppose,thats seer a x SeeneoS FjreteatincaDesaikerat3Erews:na] »a PhS Ser nee of Olin.spent Ssuiday angreeo}Montlay lost Wath hisdister,Mes!Ryot,isa Oe oy oe soe‘SS >iers:in “Bootie.Eke Heisestaboot oxMoreCote etude,Sey.Moe cryatieataeWePLSicclot:Of in:“tawen dhey iwihyborly:attend:and th cet EL]So A egiescook Mhfot,left.for Califormie:Mondayieves phe ‘Tevet anit”\AthydeesOS .tls eee ee ata ake is&)aloe 4 He will stojyir TeINOS,ON RIC f 124 Gow les:“ot Stites vile =Bi Heteeae,sa Stixfos ee =.ielgthc eS for ate waditys.wR Sh!ha +sen oe Ic 4 fe idant®ry COU AVGRES.fe p<Sait 1Seetes:SiNiecs auestet ee Rex:RAG,Gre,wlio:tek Tyeety:Mies Hae Mesaat in ae ant.Justice’:Atimistipils Ryoe He os line:of peepee Tae ay on a Pcanius:Visite bis’son fn ERE adc rot her ¥Bar eefae Ma Sot Chathort “KS‘Supewjer courte *—*+us And i init one ounty:{OrScan suhrseyjfqrclaaxe Sn Surry aay:adhe coun.i::§:‘Bamiuin OP OTUC na Bee oe ts WE Buows &sas JobS~4 ¥co’Ve 4;&;f .ee a).4tiGarapanceting.in the:fill titsy bas sefumniebowmt:7s +ees Je “Rew.SS.asquecdy Beemeh sit cl hee.eliasaintoutiergandy:ondhe,Wi*E,Holimeok,tthe Charbotete,1 wStikole:ather’s a es MW.fh HexatRae knee JR eOL PRiviontate Subse at e ta e z ;a ‘HOP te 4 4 ie Se pe 8B aaSeeefaetT£nat ak Rae eet a .net *Ee)‘wh x ab ‘&, *an . -Rao Been ead Free“Monat:“and?Puesdav2 We Dot Hov le ai ASG a:Dutra :PONEoe Mick ps 4cbitsett |aie dav:abettn0:A:“Galthay a fapnile Pw ho ede pletganit GilWeave fein ide Ree Mosesat Mr;neo I.Ropholds neands ber:Spoke Tigs’Speeches SPL Skt Sie aieor oe :“:)‘z “ath Bs ine th Me uj.¢havect =rt 40 BeHy.of Chatlotte:;any Pike v.ae 3 oot auby.Mis,G We i Jud ck AN,AB a ere eratily Leer hintoe as ST.Zain:STO :xeasFORETetesylesane:Top helt ate last:week owaecount ofthc:fous ‘Brow Wes HAS acy ea Ts iphere >at My *Barton weriu grey olenorts:ey Shs Mbeies SRG here a May Giutther ‘ilipgss ‘of bis brotier.-€Capt :oC ABE Miro ph \C-ley:node'sEeKe he S Don tforget >ag E ’beth Stok:all SuMRer card.Wak|:30H and rethrned:Tyesdayeveni ja Tuttte Ser ee eeAi No ids 1 needing any-=ae neg Cas pabe COvwis.Peden rsRTAking §ANE pecans andou.aviChurnMEtatantiRishealthy.See \|Seth eSs WTfsén:;ate Mrs \He Ms oeried bud avs ee :be uly wt t“ores.ia oP Sa each Rae and.ae BeeZ:Jobustoy cut sotie NV “Hloworsseeca.te Oca ines eR ta ites tg colnton;Visited ix Weis beorit KN boss S ie aye \ay Se aes ce jegant he wileeTiing foe dypes“tint?Wns.W.Fo Han?sSatar co Ait Me be he Mi :‘our box Thomas:Pear Her of on¥sand |:ue diidSunday.ang:retangel,befust ‘ius ceillel Peto :&ee ~Water streets)oe.Ofcfda rMe mdays eens eos ae pias res ai tia AMeNety-:thing ‘to oi SEL et Nea 7 Shomakiw pore:Bo a ;ihShoes:i :at -ee ms eS ca iS St re AW.Freeze and etjldren,Se ——-Seon EM:;;neumonid-ane sale thes 1gUst Cone hy perand BNge STISS Vitinire Feni})cute oly Sr stakis ue:sefe,aout hiny Sratcecsle aieHgiiLy.are Peat tifol homes tthe ChIy sis ‘."}Mooresttc:wtsited:aly Sh}Ps Tatlir Remier X apes cel Oo er Ws ty.Le lot theme.Ses i Ne“it our a “t +see h a Darras histf wed aid weineed|©.Keimarly.-werelmarrica Yost the devi sTOD Of dutte CO)eewoe beShoesandeurcopayhetTeyAve“UN ena Pp Ke <<Seiioions home Monday.NS eeeer ~{aiy ‘wepine,saute Hea claekeit {he TEE heshpprtivalsOk:(The sash of a eat pages *fect:dry 1 Teas,PELE Yt.the pouy show prods:Mr.Ksht bev Mase Swap Saks hin deuce ubate pe ie Hiyther ON Ieye Who sere Not ae at oat voods:andpeofthie7.Temewecck,betynntant,,bo tlie:ght haunesyt:tat towntor:‘J thdersoud:tebe :Be era ONG id.eam ee the Sknife deep “a 2hetand*~~ry poke One Uae yf er Lae ket ot ATéxandes eguist ¥for his EeeThehe poy SoeA Sells Nes:oak bhi Our yer eSa ier’ae ul to ‘Bae edvtthese,ieae oyloheay ate thisd bfeist ‘or DOR Shes?Surette eles ©parlor.tain:for Hnutersilit thieai ;ss3<a 5 spesa ae Drs Brae Pine Sate levieswill Soon mecugayy,the?“avwetiing.isit Mrs.se Hs SBatbgbokse aie fotet ve 3 %/oN 83 8 Yeefoievate oe po ARNE Rg ee me ae ibkel Storekvesper Jy.:Aiken SF Qf ti bride.fete 4 er See i :é 1stockyof.ew z oe Keoe “hot HiGhorye Was”in town Movday is Thee ENCE.JS owe Oe wr:“best:athe wea pe Dress :i=e mi.een infanteot Mr and.Mrs:Ros®a nightand.wont out £8 noxrthy Iredell}young mepe:EGE Sseveral wears:ihe:mee orle 4c SH ayes f Ee.;afPSSeepiesitGaither,of Harmonsgsd Wad>Tuesday on’,softicial | Buaiitess”Mr.Phas beets bong of:the.oanets”cattHe cle flayveae erdayg?.te :Sei“ins ‘aar|.ah aliey mcht Of Last west ais is]SoeSiti tiebs of“Hickory aueon-4-counte ehang oging::Hets:industri:h FF ors Ne ane Siete )»perative,toa Evemecond Ehiele hich nics ANG patiivd’bine 2,teers a Le otis,forest:yySobiMare.iS pupae erGes a 3 Henle:Leesmt,“PR 1€ES TEs“Ladies utchave lost:withing vear und :ae se daw avithhThis ae!vinthitees,SEA oe roceae olosatleig Swe:at SURPRISE WOU:ned Silk wh id h:rvey thie.“gempathye OPS thehg hss ye She Eb machert NEY aS Mie bride:tae Btly:proved ‘hepape Siearvow right.white i i :Taha RINKS Ht,:’i Tneot Overshitts-Wrights.Sad obbors “and friends in Si Inait nd Phiten:&fede Kaiiimane:‘John:Prone &SoA NEO.toweshtp “andes ante MARE OLS:wes pase ;; awe *-1nots been ms $°Fats aud ©Re Paitititjena oe E tee Sol McRories =sBristok Natharant ts iby Risy.friewdd Gace Comte :sabe t aT,te FReie:Big fon Regn.but:we oe :sik eats:et Reel LAs cee i Lat fe Sain,ssh:aoe N std."Ofe States ho,da city.tips.dG un”theit SOK seattine and Coo ee oe MS sh Aid ave Me:ety :The,‘Hampton.Boputing mocieie Fae and4 "Aine:“And hk gaa friends inSee tuts ang.est!part meHt:jsicompleCher abe Deer ifiOeSethayTowrrshipe,NTL,have 7 Weson.OL,on Vantaviher toolean)INS.ae :;yay hely NS SNS ue:Tie.Die at?Fact:r ospab bo debate’atlrinity Pe hao!house ver.Wiuston Pokaeco,Pasiatagt week.wy opt vl eg »t re oat en juent Bee eSTranesCXC Fytharerrahidh.‘at S yh Sattadav Tiedt,Nowe ta ber.,13th The.Dboys:sapor ak great time!ear cS Sivan Ses‘ee Towa;S vec is ae ‘hie Sone ingest hick tbs suerte K 16 Re : Suibieut “9laic-ets thes peate evi;|e ov :Ex Fou this vek.ee POV AISNE )am f Wait .t LDRTRO 7 X-band is Salisbitey “World,ats So WE,BA last ‘Saturday ais Seon x State /Walton’dé ate neese"rouToleetjoanpa Oe o 5tStenetof.cLadics aid.gentlemen jotark,WV hosis=pleasantly faidenibe vipsight nyStaesvilld.1 t say Shalesf wares,angsheariior Lainjint Por fhe ta ChicasBOE He towwreTan)ae ttand.fons tp ped here;spent last night iit the ctg pot cotton hawited-fron |Mooresville Mochi aveathen:weliiadibe |a dings Sime thin |od +Uaioe ~land jeftthis’nrorniefor Statesville.bhofeson WEONS,rig:ww Mp ON Bot:ine.Seegiant for:hoisery.”a aay ar Son4GSESfoorenS‘been in batt MISS:Josnie®Fowter,OL Stutes:}Mills Raeinee ‘ooResijle and ounce h ; ch tS ote Then fpeaee Peyote un ERIE!elt.for igs time and ah petal Villtavho:das:bean Nisitine:mVLiSS hes OhCOM aM.“dle wren~tint he eee eee ge ;S ed aapititslot“ASSS4,decided shpat Duds ary Cirite -Y:oun for-“thie:past ‘feck.aFes Pilroddto-wet at’shipBed’ta St ate 3 Atardainty Heepilig:yooIn:aS"Ww hat~Ors MOR GAadems)Wed.AiR ard turned homie’this:morning,~~Migs ville:Dhevat:fist,wanted 15 cai ts Ok rake”bron:Dien Bo.S93 Ie:shia:Ry Vhden son performed tht Oper:Cornebas,:wate“Statesyilte rrivediin:st ‘Landed:bait tie uty:aerond EEhaul fers heddquarters.fOr “oh uvndt wees:Saitione.Achichoawas.saescesstinky::Mrs}the“erty lyst nies and.Ss/spending.itsfor Vy conte =Mil “SHI.engaged try.asthe eaves:Heyigns cat d ap 1metourd-StSigel thie Oper:tion.weBy and tlie chewy.UALR 'CRe the CuwStor Mtsr wagons,to Hawkit here ated tS es * Ec ieet willSoon..*eR ee swineis 2 arate vs the.right prices.TS Hoy,doing nicely.Weg usb eS Se:‘Bessie Neely,‘pale and they broucht;se ae oe we “Btadfore:a9 Sie sicot Xow Stirling.tena:lgeetgine~*ve =vis x as e 5 ne s ar y &+1);:a sSonia:WNfien,Mow See it.ie“the OS es stuuching:sc bec Sin Puaeays.ah i ane ven e s re tot axe©conducting’ee -Kamiled-Preuk oF for:StyMasodhititorSaitLast.Bie cakes in Sehecity this Cot On cee i 4 the:“tet nae:prites:,The,prices whitch.they rattyttyyoushew.that they:“mean:busit{ PEERS aU “Aa ee eit cia i own OP in te:PE Bros,ff: i ae 7 BOOM Subs.cau Pehioltof ths bills piti¢ie betheee ‘morning oii wisit EG ins od Sata} 2 Coutts,seortaiSsione rs.Ques type eSmee were a sae tint Dr.H.a Laos ;eeay a toad::oDhissiISSOHC‘of the Dryita.otae—<—Sotiifor-the month <ef.Oe;:nes ayy tlthe Pallgoadedomtission’s.recent |FG Bes =he u,itStould lave bee ti Sty ALis:Vv ii 1 ose oot Hints.le,:ea pact uae ee Ne ie =S aS ae aieos ae anes :eoseo —=The aia rates from Mantesville Ble:a6 So TS So DD.Phetias Bote ane nephew okt:ag oe is t -PDre ec he Tongs of State Ne died Statesville sweas Be 4:aeonBostofStiilolstown:atebs—.Tagtie oth Micaarelie x waht:OF WISE what!oon EeWe roe nStf tag withdreie from acne Mis)week aedabout %year Deitth E5-en >oe ee OW SSE 63 Seeee,Baptists denomin 1th Pu ROM eS wae SED yI Vaginaeed;bowels.Worth titi lepore than,?or:eteoFPhauco.<difering owith theut OOPMae Loni Was animarbied vind was railroad:eS ;‘a ee <f¢after ofthe Wgal-chyrth|has!weilaknowa-in Dlatestiilesind LeeMell Soult beste RuGhway:to ane Wane 'hey “eofal ‘of SE yl “S 1 than:it:$wodkdsh;ve.foston the A rails: wsa | By all PE els :is Thisiaké!to that,respect:countys:Por the lass toa:“Hears he?eS eats auc eeety :=.“anes oe anee Hew ied Bees tie SEEDS piehontas Russell had &KOLy,rod Kavouttds xfeee“5 .Eat Raptistrethren.wy a Be arn soi VUSSe ‘LIETLE .aretit-lie pastoral.tela:Bat eee OAS SESE aes!suspension of {wor of theehildret*tot Rimself to”evangelical]Tayick te‘nes,emmat hubs:ue eas oPrd@eonnnissigners:aud.that ve ge ee Dice ie >ki oe Noraheasortal’ae mes we eo}About the busiestpiecein towrir|law allewtig theuite be»ee city il posters ie Srailrtnids ierer.a x i.a sq es ‘fe f iyeae these Ks is,Sheriti WVcotlss oftige:Phy:suspended ts u ood,ORC.2 ey ¥‘Shent 2éhous oir30.=:«aul Fomin:fyece!edn tele:Phe:sack bs sins arty and combi mu 5 ut in a sh.oeeaae.oe COUAS CAULEY ANC COM c Vie.Belf Gadergo ran Ofcration.|4?Macao ::ee 1.eee ee from Colambus,Missec}inthe Saturday oweSheil ‘Collect ~Copiay.te *}tine eae ane 2%Fee .resopeani:cS Glad a tae WeWere:ine nnetessoune éf the:oei34.4 Seeking the death:thereon,Suny ed’over §S600 andMonday:He.“took||Captain,Victor cu who Is.‘a ‘Carole SataSaligbury estan Ine:lAEES |ins One eee a ‘“etc“De tovaee ©ae a inover'S OOO!=Te.this:ndate®‘theée |conductor on:the:Sout ier Railway|jst¥ieda aepaseeeAMrs!Tomlin)and of:Mrs.”have peen collected:ower $3).(000:softwith *headquarters “in Charlotte,Poe BE Ce ‘Priday.nelat. “Dr:sae >‘came here about w,mon {lr ago sutfer-}:this:year S$taxes?beippe.inore ”thar’¢€v vison Collestwo;thirds of tha--entirevarhount|Gog with:appendicitis,Wehad:béech, gene Ph.Grecomy,of Statesville: Viirhan was’an “Old may aiid »His J...By Shearer “Presidént !Sicletted 6oe cea fost:sch te‘Thay TX t |:E:Meath Was Caused Dy.aval ysis>the tot :a oe <tsutierine,off and on)fora “year asd.‘Ftors “Rey:Dre t ra “Rajnsayy “Ofte:ase pr iensveksas seek ye:ne“the”peeai 14|.(Bet asap as Mekeeie |hes Summer a eeeb its halt:ex iperition:wae danced noe ReMe ce Sie and Sa abanolee by}Ve AqeSandoule?havg visited his welativey oO oan dof apen-antidast.Brida’Bis,J.We Revs.shdueahs aoa ante States £PheWheat.trop.ben:=DEORE,ere AAAI.AOEENG:NEW:TAR Son pyiiep and PR.Law.of:Fayeeensinet.on the breaking “out,0 Bie 2 i ioecate Has Loug,“of Salisbury.ye“BE:Anderson sta Seer ‘i tobe equal telat”year’s i a ieey4afeverfntheSouthyhereturn-.iOS 2s ra Ae Sita oe cata TEESE.‘Long,of Btatesyville:ot AECEE ermparary)LOY ::Ae quality uel quantity:It sequ 4 ;ogee ;a ,:WUC.sé as tos be useful vif:his:a a “4 eo waa sia Ee beh ‘formed:tie”operation:It was fognid |Bess Was"of a Poktine <eee and j59:cars forthe:daily:shipnien .niore pa jaborate furbiturc OX ;oe |SCANS Ay ere,required..ge as]Fess Nee,ae oat ce that he Rot_-obly y bad:Pao hereae:abs oes=S Ewbeat.-f roth ates “Heads TP Bat iia ar.i <—a ena ne .m3 S re 4 ine A)Ones "Riri Res ¢Si <fs ::oS 7 Stir repottiot the arrest»made ae me ees oe:age ae ines Lg Meharey,DD.DEINE Ww:‘Pharr,aneere,oo b v pea So ae wehbe.esnaa7,ea eemrenens Ser ae the,ship.writes Sern lane Phat ie aha:t exhausted ae Sraye~fears DoD,Wy Fe MeLelland.WC.Soea ane ‘eantitee nek Aa heie!ba £SOS EBs pauhsiof Jun.Lippard for drunken-ee fri the StatesUanicersitss:palmos Seer vaee:Wy his rennin Brownsahd;Js,E “Simimers.ae ey noe ts eee es ihe pe a *aan Pt SM FS"Tt should hate been JUIN.The huniber “of«student::n the \We Nadiad Piidiy tight”ane hiss |CeRuand Rew.Ti Pidwall Gf A lexan akA no Ss mie eae oteitearsetOuroodoldfriendJM.;University isis larger.than enya Peseane cone eke hike ce Ger,attendag:pliers he ise Hill,“ok Yous os Sanecoieie,Binpard,Esq...“of this -township.fore,the whole number bciig46,thought that he wilh.recoyer»“Phe:Statesville;“D2 WL Lowrance;of ieee:great oosiety tS aeteimgus‘afraid that ©some Of=his:of Tredell county lias five representa.Speration aS A ery danweroas and Prospect,find’d.H.Reid,bf Setter,|aes SY We Saw Si Lat abeidas ::SAS Bea eaeanee man)other,equnties:ping te tives!‘Four’ladies have’amatriculat-’deheate one aud:fewipatieyts.Fecavs were alsova:attendance.’Le indian Hela No th st Te aad fall fg 9h.gee oaasoeee;2 oe Mink thr id was intended:fox im,SA ase taki ‘3 vrexdlar ‘college’cn ae Oaiate cts ©pet 4 6 as nd :;d *We 3 ee thename:as:published was.hiss ante:a *:ae ha:*Lreicnetehope’3 neiSook:ae ane ay.‘Noy,2)sen ME :;.pa Ste.ee ancesEee aes=The ¢contract has beef tee.for al ie}pletelyrecover:“Heis at.the’resi-oe ree =Reader of,the sabes |who:‘enone cae of the:Afuninr oeaeence of Miss Lucy/Foster¢wid,x ;dey neo 1 oe =“"'Squive:John Lippard,-knew it too.”Work:wall begigan a short esSty |ca oe”e trained nurse,-{Ac pe suse Be:err due.is 3Sais®i$one of thé county’s”most up-theHirst story:willbe “complete S|cies eae os all’wo owe.we ‘for:aea right.a ate.next J une,*$0 thatthe -”“corter”= Sai oe “stone ‘may be laid during opamente-,|Searcae “MP S Sages (2 =caused him one moment!s mortifica~ment...Itis ‘the purpose:to.have.all]tLA.Mitchell;ofbredell;has,opened ¢a).“tioone,seer Gass.rooms:in.‘his Daslting..eeand 1 feat markes-at ‘this!place soeds or oo oe ||: ; ow Side i. 5 :es = be :Z. ce ps a . “TRON aaa ——: es ce gees yi AR MHIEL &eo Law saoBEER.bo i‘ga an Spamnctt‘Shiga tickot?fr:‘Tay ‘auie vate:or past Vion Z =cGoitauen 3 aeowe s a.im x fash, 7 3 aot s cf :ee .ABMPIE uD &VERNER,ate oie ae eefeat creeuily:Goes ere ah 1890:eesSos Asheville Gitizen::Arhes aa sore Pe =.staat : mee “2 ape x 4 SCHS the wor Qtbat his fermencui Ler pesn oth Ces MONE |Sanu ther,Pe INV:or @ 3 ie gee “Atioracye ent -wats done ot "Late.is Toadthtp:the mugs awn diateLive :sia-Gone t Count “Glejigns |¥x ba mkths asked:te prophesy Ou Stat .Dehiver 5 ¢ sf ae 2 STATESVALLaLLE,nN ec rtd Be aiertgdiy=nprinded.Es 20)ee eS gles vaack jae os ;eke Taste thercupon.,lowitig ues ;x as cl ee Pra¢ticeinrantthe Courts:Speer4!ee 2 ae 2eit eae ie 55a we aoa ae ‘7 San oe Boos See ies u ee A ee tion given’to all:raat aeeee sours Clank:HosWaidiee:urcl geste:Hast :OMY:York “and!©Mats Tana.atid es RO Berea i Sa the ttlement of Estates te Fe “Postindster Le ie iGansler.,Bott Buon seh “te satel i i ;:oa your.jute “Ur thes Tet Beleiat i N }:o a ben eh e a ee ‘ihe.SK ae e saeeees pao ir -poe StampClerk sly.Johustone,ASC Dec Auputle une Sue oN a :Ay x De wieralt yee eaips “nought fee ee [es BI TRE,-=Hani malig os ae ‘divers:per:or se aa Bens zi ’igh jtF comer,to:Ohio:We)“prey edyntty §Su.‘Phestlay nie.ions a eS eee Aaeea :0 usws :Sameoa :=e aindulge our selv es im Spec fou "think tt:inea an aediu THe iver “2 a a as 7 ,oy by s}‘ee is <nae SS “4 fe vm cs Cs ro eu srl ECL Nees ¥t 5 .ee“a.poker”Re Ge Se ee Auletrent ak remarkable Stateids:AG Ses ie ee ee os!State g nd wil i ee i theses.isale OCH?Sau te yan SOe aaa wt ewer Votesat rhe e feve thee Gi :‘A Z ional ae te A ae WiFp practicesin alltheeurisehen!wy :pou have thaws ye A i means viraingtian Muuly;ot Ibis?\ae ta %- services-are demanded,beg a At CHALE Rhee hee Seat vi i or:put x Wh:ities us maigh ty,iiash!gwaitas Sone,Shin “reppl ‘i ‘A WELL.Lae ote tal iter j ee Se ae We tips ti Hah OF {uke Wie5Theve.pot foreotten its:yer et ‘ Brass er <2 CLUSES ¢, eGR Be i.&Cc.CALDWELL.be ‘The ‘PostmasterLaie St;ars EXEneg ee ‘“public tbr AT Ise.e z “fovmeney TOF:Jast Ayer,“when aeY ie 3 svfiiek Aurouht ee eG jis}.ee “ATTORNEY.CATE,5 ¢S POCORE SO have dn eee ux copter)may a,imunr Gens yarns +sat amorjatic tyinmph ob ~“‘Spite 63,ae ;ety ds due“tor Syke hee The pac aQervars’in payinse’jo 3 am:8tor’pegtihe,Bustitell’s ii.fniter.<sinpleyban dap Byare 5 "Practi Ss ce t phacral Ct penets es.Serethels Peaohund ko eeee waait.SR Cea:i VotaOh ASOD “by wore:thane 00,ie qpidhaye of the’Chhicage, / is ti ;+s Im state“anid:Fed Fal Olpats oe CEE ROR iene @bissl eeea,pile stid Xy hire ihe Ke!AW fs it his,tin nSwampedrdyeceaehotspealti:all >that a 2 i j i CBGLS -*Keys “%a 1 :i Sp , ye ae Connelly,Chee eee vane sey ee che (hme of weayly Ati uot 2 ; ?att,i '« 4 "alae nae :*Sst )FV i t 3 ss , Bs SAGES oe a dk Sees ae,ATTORNEYAL;eM Se feeoa oS LISP RIC isabe =Sn nde bet:eave f AQT Sy Blue aState,= os Term Spt :| Sh x fedene SpATESVIELESN?©.cect At ta der.“Batel wee es 4 HoneseDeaipcrnt:fuebes aes Fae,“twelve!fadriths cane.Jadich:ee ite,5 tteerte nfurther re is av | be .2 Seeae te Ca 5 \ “kip ‘) l *ew af eis ¢“0B eeyieee CON thepie de it ee bat on ey pe poritt Hy a es U0)ae a Se population,ee at ay frown ndespurt faced tary ook Gris stbet oS eet c t Setate ; en y ne Erte ee SS LTAG espe *OX3 {’E ;: y <chools : ::orscoo.inent i ae ai tina DUAN wenoBASE omae hate th es9 Oe Mine peWw eS=a me)ot Alepe ype’Savill(Was ambLnGuisbart .See eg:: ae GAS eas TORRE,IN COURT JIGESES”‘Bune andl:Sfffisiiys:ler little CeoiGe.aie :Li ay pein then,ores on:eaeast ‘Tuesday Panetta Be ean : ip 5 NEN contitt :;a=|titesat 2 Vests ep iat Stee Ey hei eas aca z aot ciate aged at igi.mpoutises reate ‘Ressi ge:Peps T.;1165 ast Bee "i e pe ML =fat]hed a “Pint,te ee *,);+fouly :a 3B ¢os Cosi nd <eighBoot Bial =;hatae bik ee {Oa aoa ti iSdylyec :on fi sot pany Ae hss f.AS tase peiMformante:ooBe ias uithepr;VOT Ce Seen ppenigine:r00d boar : .=5 ee =a :Sarat Kea Oe Guin.AapeT ship roe ay J OY RO.YO pra wet nice,4 y cut ¥“Bieim §Sus So 4 :m~a ;+,+ Rise ee NEY,AE LAW Beneacy when):rue!Ke Rex iad C3seth:io at ie Besides.Shit Yeats ee)}“2 eees pubesLousy i ea &HE ccibgiient opthe iifous i Ie all otueatel:pu Ga Beans ,ee a Saige So StiresvmLe NBey ty ies:‘Deeae pene Ea eee)ava little HES aes Was ek “ull ¥vitrier somethivccour tre:Heading,teal.cy _Deie tat €Bat het (ee a from daisy ©Vdd 4 ete Spader. te ow at pruc tice cin elk pthre courts :ran is es ;cates ‘whoby:Sein Coes Votre polivical phifionle DOR,peverdoecnontis sbetia pga Li sid thi ‘misty ia ae:Mid Or aneSabie a:catering mit Male aa ee arias ‘Prompt atte‘mtionety ACesikesSyeNs ey spats el bdoty,|ature course Epis Demnecratiegranat.iver:ine a6see apes we of strate:ene : on ie Sei Bi rt ue : ~trusted:One Noo HleguAras.rey pee eee ove putt Be,Dr.J Loma bas ai uupod deal’ies sti ney as eh e008 |TheFane,ee igay the shit wihely.homtiatedy rs Dane e mor,Bre cheese. ;a sal TY Leb ae tfi TROD:€eee if move aati *fet me .im ‘“y a :’act ete 4 Teoe Wes haere eh sar re A Sedeksel =Hadise:aaa.:estas Ree 5 bao Sci :hae eps bis be putes Hkana weagett os hyae Pe tise ae sist |Ae Bt oye .ms ws Aa ‘Hesry PS,Grier,a ome Hayse.Sands ‘Slaughter:uk?“thas and ae eae pC ara fore¢canta 16k be w;jade ss der ==x El \atevrtadty He aerN rane]; Sah ees Sod htorucduteo 5 ner peuenese fate:ingens,«fea:PQC0Fes STO PALLOMS.Phe idesec hath ame ib Troyrandss,”arity:Steen zs ikeEEMENT meat ini BE SSRaf “pt athsy tL,Shee ah ent i:sub aes ie gust eats a weo pees a Sed¥at of posetie ois aasebad,testiite er leat majors oece:faainy:Gite Ph 4 fae Geaprey sear 26:ka bs.He —Rene hom ss ae alos,WeONEE Goes Toyeeck hiss ofsomewil r :Aiea Inder th ; st Careoft attention |five ‘to alimatters in}!rs ess to the:begin ths jsattry.nyu septs hiv:prescdit alSawer pe mee ts?s sh Ae ‘Thphisgyd:das ty:cca,digas Goan e}yi ie att ve =boss ooritagne 1 soil Ly eta Bae oe eee Gehtshistory:Syhestse ee aa rote.ATS andfathypr ne aie Ly ‘gicuulst=tapee:Bhs it,roar if biasbani eeAges er. nd hiecwatt uy by AV:- ;Ber,etree abe ditt net Jet ye aeeat ht rat rl 'avthger.WwW Oye:qinot a oe Ronlash,Aitae ta nh Shosikie .soe mn -<0 Aethe:hrst:fite So knoe Tan Ie ihe A Hannvliid Hot:pep ae the groutid ti whit ;: fein Bpokl5.page drsyif Ss ae —-¢ARES icOulg parte Visoh,pt:ean pat:isu!is.past “ihe Se eu1 path tthe1b Ao vail ie :oe «dl Jamp ds we The: Dees!pftice of Gti ae3 ~:* ;a es?ee id ¢>>{OI Sop x a oe SiGusevea:2)cae i 2 ess pees pr SolerahyyayaSETIOUSILy ade he oo Ole -CLeenEGss +SWAoreutrizin?“the >bli struck:fins?ie he neatahaetply Seer muratOe We SOT ~a Sey ?ast eee|*ALTORNRY-PSE AW,5 ae ee ty leat i ride:shar One his bs tet 2 ‘ae tery Nees ts"lie 74 x ei tee Tie tepthy cans ae us!wh c HebRor ee ne dp 5 Ph sae %"Teyess ioe ARES VERLR,x"ei.yy ye Pica -oe iyi TetTtiahG it Was Stikes satetee doe tor when te iscoot Sp “pict“fi about Tar rue Wiecaiya)ony roe se te ‘at ——,:too Pa Sere Beat Thpwenieve tt Sdusttt Pit xt Page test e “mM r See a :if AXE,ttt ihe bina Garay,*mie me PP RONA,sg eee i aes pie ee <i (oeaded am,since ievadiny 's hae a sanstGRE ometi ceeds.fet ffaamig as!‘an mdine Thestin geaee eS Stimstedite mee ones rear of “phe equrt ripl ures nod Sects ties ‘pices Opes wit ayithy Boles PetOe aah ;c ;: paigerar rhe <2 Ai cle}rh te,SAN Audyority,boing panes ? tawask Seat eht ;nee .x WEEhE -Dearie uting ies Bad:SHES resouray e ¢wo inate ie ; I bs be es re {de .ag,$aver ae!ee Be ade tito Suva ber, i on.branch of Kk en a ‘if ie -ee fh StkHah’<bale pie,uesO WTC 1S teReta athcae aisoeae nae :ee Tab basis of NicahYSba ‘esateas at a 3 of the Dundm i area pad :ee On HOVOTS “arth.TRE Nas Fey th |eeckte HaeLE aN aan HUD vert te ple State :r :oe My &MeCa me Petit a tsi re Ge.Lewis,Negige to:ve ctiabea eS Sbae me a enseee eS ehahices and bast pre Ce oe wie STi soften)iteagla feoq be util wis ate,Wats|e Sune a tea : ;a eae B Aarne y=Ub-cor Beets Gas aR ageie Very fae i.;a ry Bid ee iss =eeSoe ras,paige.Poalask Wy:a,Get i }orner of the sdidid)e .:.3 :ES be 2 SOCK Hhes*ond +youre riod 2 ot ‘BE tee,<a _STATESVILLE,5 et biMRudasdied:beala”CTC.“that hited Another aS teasvies ae pba.Hina ignite d tobe ai the:oe eosital:~a Soar in ae tel a :Sarit appede eeaii Gopeers&eit atten Beith no Sertiee Ow olepaki sd]shad sGGor oe BES :a *See 1 tHie*sat sae antl whe §he dountors]:ay uth 46 ‘poles:tea chateat sig tion gjremto alt coblectivris ani Stemeut ogee:ight -aha 4 1 igstinet ves a mie wat ter ts —“oe a pie ayy f ex.Hartness tract.theaci bh ::as oe ~Si Act eee ;+oes by prisind-EGS pee ilo,jihy ae jist ang Gaoake!See Be Se Of Said trate aid pn.BFL ae oe eee Foret 5So cate oh newer will note at ‘uber Hechit 7 Ae Ps ee ae acebaer!pack nen a REL SO LO i pa at wet Geet WSs ie ‘i nor er al eo aDCee Mens 2 ‘‘cee ‘LONG &tone be ve HieAte aint baleLeer a ae in ne tocsm thas Suivoanasy oes ne “Longer 2Kurpuovere Sema, Reo beginning,Cedi eh beni ‘ Bee ates >—aS :sets §alt=ae mts ths Meni “i ion Be 8 ¥x,<a esse cc de W:ao ne : ete se,SAW MERSS ©|eS ae easboar oe “Piwal'ss bee breaches)EROS:Yeaa ai ftees he ‘py TANS s i 3 -pki g *Yo she Hiss Vey ,We omep e STATESY TEAES x.C:oes 2 ae ieSh Beiiaes }ack yeas anny ait eal foe ok hieadke eLos 0c ont ‘qt ¥Soria tons ae futiie 2S 6ak!in St {:fe is,Motsse ae.Seat:SPinest ode ulatePa ne Ligas Ae Gedtsre wth ee aeyoull he Hasefostll itive Mi ne Ottne ;“os ‘Sialp aeHoceial ous Spee Sains fast beck Jioadyary Lcestic$aie its on:Smoke “AL Are Pp Seat,eolmnigsindfer xPkot isa yt pn oy €itis"brick TOW.Shhakt ea stuns.aie Weathers,Feeuts Roe f Mk Lre f ‘Nes : :a ; ~:yous ,>ne cum.Url:on *ee BEoper)t a pe ;|Biakty thet pecan ees th OR Bates Anse,[pd properly partes ay Ae “otiadlte | ..Shi8 ‘an ae Ee Le ier allthi x : Sih oe RICHARD.B.TieLAUGHEAN,&ehoberjotiaghesReER OEE TS OI Ee oe iy m a .eea ot the}vhaptisma:At copa mysan a ware “«ATTORYEY-it BAARce Ric i pethc mud 0 So crapidiy)Liste ionsShits hiepha con |feat Ba?cc eea Wis seer y cs :es STATESVULE,N,ee rd eae enpeea wikis ald sieht)-De als of meme:Monee :ho,Anke Fae A -?ao 88:WwW iilLappear.in aeCourts:Speeiatarten :isterly 7 :aa Dis aisles sith ane ie apthiiis nod His wy :eyo at —.-tion piven to the Civir Practice:(=2 meneht of nets sot“mnie PCL ONREE NR Life well ai pocket fadk of the,: joer 3 —————nee a Ss pe yhettoy aid,Wears fails.aie Mover mehA badios ue we pest racine Skee ne >OF ie Qitetres hee!ees a 3 =Likes Cleut reéth te os i ~EX s Cit tat :yon the insidt®)axcby Fett ple fares?ness EEE ger ECeTOn:=NOTICE::oeais aistbiry deatid Syim-Asda:slighSTA cents ey places a Suetude.DE aaa ante ate oops ee :SE acaLifigy aS BSECHE |i ee ae Dull dk head?Pps oT cllestings stm awit i®u au Le Ee:altered atti fas of “thi u vatice ]a re a :a Soe t yea :,>-EAS LES ye ..EBS f o ee wWIjt a a ee me -Be Aihe ‘ .ag i ST ieeasede Sie a eonsnolane [f t ieig for HOVE ‘Tis”hip:pik:Teet des’wing?ibe)porsgu.cf TORT)i $} i chi Gg ih og nts 4 $s >"Gaims against said @dtaterto.present “Same .a |Tevet turds of Sqwood|}ibe frist s nis connie sia i palLica {1.dren we oy rer? ‘2s aes to the undersigned”gu or:betore:the.21st}h Pere they Dix:aos thes thafiins ©:ib i ist ane of.Serv ont a4 Wns,-i fev ribs ee } t Spe ng &Sar ceean 1S$98)and “ghost:io mike a ee i ee te.oct Ther dA Rea,ee:ae Tex iy,tie 'et ingytis buckRoits be ayplar ve “ayer AY ‘aoe: wsdonc theneve fatwrit useek 'As %\ eo te etalk are requested PETROS I tibet ac ys brother “Totes ade ae kere Suns!tad ph:tort i.¥4 WEN eg “Ht :;2 protape payment..Pers whit:“Syd vestor!:Ri b 2e RS ;wd pitnt Ai ;KAS taxed,for scpittetsAft:Benet 5 S Bates Cem R Cet >tas EM RS Sgr ey Te 3 AMES.Hee :x Sthat Mich rhy oxkeuw Omnis’:ey whe ie putlists have followed <S a ee ie LT ::é Paetsch *R,B McLauglilin,AIDY.:=ee t a oes ae ee iuRhee!femcverhes:pieases:“pre a a =-fe,siesaat Bint ite Reavesun party.oe2bee 1 ne Pro ‘ele A ; a Tet oetstPT i aa eed vb tach?devi.rhesuli§|?bee het comlition:Giarictalet “ul pets foie Re ouite thi parks ke eT eS spUts.¢) Me es Rae ths aes got te x Che Sane se 8 a <oe a aus *Eibits tnceint aaRieck.“tei a corte banggien.OK Bucher:to.BC.3 ai fe time n Ae a ones “thead’i if: E a¥e ;. ..: Cat ae DSS YL ‘es ae dst ‘ae i ,““e 14 “ase ‘5 es : pee eine._Commissioner’sSale <PWands)ayoticed Dee Me rashlin ene Sik ae ay ee Me spaeed hit ae io ewieesy bit Be fos Seow r™‘ 3 «4 eee So »;te ae 7 i 1 eae 1 IRTUE OF A Sap pEMENE OFraeupjeld,Bil Dine rt iin PEE Cnics.ineect™nctint ‘he as sha Get é one ieChe.alatdst is thats Thad -—a an Ss * ¥ fr ?.SK . ‘oS sree ae apie eto ede refers ae anis,bs Chiko}}didewedk:Can,COVEN,Paxoundyywitht him?<<.Cebipson <histionsr od,the-2‘takihe PY eOPphe Ds nacnnts ze “>Ta Burke,Prawn?oh eae ire ae er issArey Geers.das.ES Praeetenor Ae pI:VEC,|BS:”Cogent Commifionet ECiEsan hes 9,ay aoc ut a cake meet, miata s "worth is ulanitid _—Wie puck woitli ee Sonesoe:eich Ma quiet hy PEASE oh eae <e :Ase ohpie ad:(ni POR jr esti help?frdmet he av‘hit Republicans:nig %Le ae,ers aré detendants,”tie vutdersizn=|we hats ont’sme whe td ‘<8 mie tf %oe EN ff::PPaRE bitte ‘Mt stich 4 : “Taraneh ee a tes egcominissioner Will sellat public auctions Time Ju ee Anahi Ia Hoke .sedreel:weak,*aunt:“and distor riige Wirt Pies op Sanaiti Wahu DS :is Vo ray:AaAY i! ait :5 :ts id Bon:Long and yout wil frida ¢ia Ut ae a Pears Court House dor ix::Statessille,oy ‘Is ‘yank']snes.Atha abana:‘ke AEE ie Taayill do.yon meade igo.are oath‘ay:apelprblish’ne pate fe colby,MA mene Fithout ira whi goxer.thm:ks ;a SS1ERD AX.SOY EMBER Sutil tae qibet FON:a then:EG:pbited to eae ek ey e ,ee=this Teast ¢Heibteay “of:ay Urotier:nod ;chs:of the.Bopylisisab,.he lt Ss ee a =tractcf lant im said:county GGanded me Slip Apes Yur‘ould tt.for Dick se he ieie .adh paof,“hg Sldey.Ge::wr*U Start-in.tey wind Tae gh ig cas Asonn planers ‘aba stone,the {aadsthe:Dylan iestaat hgh EUS ee —aeaece Sorhee ad,aoe&ed He he]hupared.Asfold Poutyorats.the %ae ch ee Th ib US corner,fheneée So.ith 53°poles'to|SLESTER SObSerV ea on Ww 2 Koeks Stout,Ph oe ‘Sree a mle,NOME,CHT STATA OTAWET Thi19 3 af ed nt ieee A ee pecaeygen pe rane er Ay:polesfsdccbrdinge’gees et ii ico mix:rates Sa ek =an te held ay :tO Hose nvcile abt ie ccotn ?*in azaih feisp-avith eeeats Se ©.pee North 247 pots eek wn Ls Gee noe <i Ba ps ashes t at 4 nt 13 es JES OL tog ping,thence North sco"Bast 3 fos [proved jt:by’the *hedtds we dudvey(RICH tol Vit mas o Satho,”Copesth ¢ pieeeeeaN t ¢pores .WOO OU.Le vs 4 AE Ee lowate om “4 toa stone-Or pine.thence to the beans Avmicle:ad.be ny Lunges :Besa seen ih.the:sist te)hv ;;: é i;se containing 25 “ches pL Ore -GE ahsepetWhi a -“Tae and.part.thir rela galsye a My,ims‘thes eyes “of outed ae and et ts ae : tio Rnet 2 Stsale:3c cash.4 in three months aa ie ee eunk:bat”bee hit ws Few er we i tbr ieest State wuper?reat Mi a haakc nee:Ke se i a ys fee ee se monti.oe Meany BURBS,6 puis mone theWreck omthieit|Owe By oie atedGit:ec paseies Tear auth SmesFAiTte .IF YOU WA ‘s heehig Opiates sist 1 Aten ~Commissioner.ieee,Aud OF gpurst ae.is nctie Qbstif ersmitiority‘at Se fiebeo z ‘Me repent:fo.Wy ae ae ye ae E Wane . Bria ieee eae s 3ace=Phen wim Sty 2 Wail prof Ssnerat :oa so y soyducr of,th it:Kast =th sea. is : ae ee UTENCSH CLO pied hisJees and t Rrra fig a SOOTY and ceased 3 :hes a Reet iote| 'i i < CS ANC Ci Corals :: j eee}Pears Sale of Valuable Land.ee acin ae Toke oe eect =ae Hae and:the Ch igathe me“rights of a aoplet :‘tha ttveal 4 Whe Fe, TAY eae Som al c »Soe AUT ns Sch pte fe .ee 2 7 "|mi : SUE Pe ge ee Ss PURSUANCETO.AN ORDER OFa ieee eeefot thes fr et the 2 San sconelly areaecae atf ped chaiwatch to,ae tt <adi Saha Be {| ie eens eg al I cost Of:a Viteres onettle medn-t katf{USN ee pf Me Kiriey,aur ae fny theeral ‘Gebpe ape oe oy,io bigding faor the,“central ce eth si9 Se in the Special’proceeding ad.allowed).the aeticlé AS pane avor ait general:ne airs:ins thes <~ >.wherein’Ernest L.-:isthe:VATAS A Page rrr yo!ict ot.the Fb x Sates uu oy LOS kan}fail't my , ae is are plaints*dnd sea a er MASCOTS sald “TOoot eva Reps!plicanttparty athe’ae ox Hay:Séeriek ‘ii nit midhy S Snemthe ands tacow Peo 0Soot trey) i Ak the Ns !Se,ox Mefchor are deiendants,‘the,under puedeantobsebration he was)prt dard.‘ang whi chy.dis‘sta Bs x oh “Will oputie!ian forits pl?soe eSAnh te of sue PE eens 1 ae ae &:godtas commissioner ofsaid court will ini pares to sey thet radh:s 200d,Inweyorst x i &-protective,arith |[rR S as,=Rese conservative Pe Tigs font|: ;eho os “‘ure —of Mooresville,on Saturday.the Wore bald Headed!and that-Sv fren.erogant end:bigoted.’they?Gatthas ae e SN ne S :thet:stew fy Ee eet mee E>1 ood~ .DAY OF NOVEMBER,ia87:ter ‘Sthrust was hatds'on al ene‘ed “yes Dew or:tae op pr eseily,it isbows wo Sania:5 mis Vie .;Hie )2 sella oak at public muction'to \hash t pagar “that .Fate:EXepudi8e it]YOY :hE -Oak palivs > ' ee ;ie the Highs |dys cou aFase hay:for “sale La wo if LOR’ae pHa ob Cheisth ny OY 13 mt nt Cy -estbidder Ge.thirty-three. au?yaad ming Ht res Lote e tet ;1 cat ae ty Kupolatiy:s Ley) at eo if.Segoe aad Suakea':ne eee cee Dose quit the jaw!or become”pala L Po prill 4 4 ctthe ‘etter,Qf the eat.as.aieceintdie ssid raf UE ve A sae re ha\eothein Doak f re Asso Bt He ei <p ane!apie fableBa :&: sts ito Wos0pe aera :Onere "y!pe x ~i ns : ms af og LL tomes gedell county,near Moeresville,headed:..J said,ty Sreyt aignish a]{tion'suk th es operate se thy gee Y ete |the,tablesow ene veveisell.”Mawy ot rf 38 é a =all Minds 9f.Spite nie iat S itBeing Par aed BY.itoche —a hades “Zéntiemen.-“bor:MY Gad rf oti Sean s ae peihalrw ie “xiaLow FeVERGERYS:ye Abies fen Heyes votes oe ens 1 SBYC you fnopes suis LAR FIT YOU oer Gendt th *pd the Key Cel me,IST Sok Wher oe ra wd Shas re Senin we j te br oy 4 i er sas f es .Wik ie *heirs of J hine Patte: ye rand =}weold “standat ced an the bowels:bid ih } +e "a as the aur tract.Hin reise pars es smear teFaun the’onlyone Senrkt ons tb Congres Ss ‘The:aun Sen decoys the ee ye md 908),ae aave |our Eyes.ec at eta t vA Se ‘._ea re: site! , fg chase money 1s paid.ap aaacer epee They replied:‘place Te ERG Pewidve (d systeai tye the!gerihs:shronshont the aythinyg.di.Epo Paslen Wy : ;ads 1 ave MELCHOR,*4 yere was)frost:this.inoTH Ly dl Minor Suny ‘ts and‘)Sofes pores it gupossibie.for,hext Pwnre opal ware ete —:: $e Se ;eee?v 3 .ae willtake cold vit)we “rl sat ‘ours ‘st i ee topulist y i¢*Aeidin ‘the pone te deaes eey.teli-se alcPung aRaSees SN yi ee re Pishea ie“Onl -Atso:),é :‘:‘ :ee ere 13: :aU fo :2 a ric ea |Comrtissioner.ats.*CF suspect Nai)20d”famed olds:Gf.tht Republiews pasty.3 BS.Nqhow Jacke “40 oe spc call e agIMSE |was:Totecd’epee a Phe i \e:pice Nee (;aXe Picnic Commissioner's “Sal ft i:ately all,“except rude.’Aymtienl,Fembivinie withih thérants ether Bee,eee Nate “York -Gitys be &pe :rh A “nl i :ex)ble oes8 pe:ae Sue and.so oethe:reoin.Pipartic iabeste the ald:osTHe:sSolidundes 4orp,andsEd:| i OF rd Conn ;££P C0.:ere :.;g andi,Mo “otha 4)vane.be “Brifer:“oHi pane te For :‘2 By virtueof a judgment of th Reta gem Of Syivester’s bo these de “fey,BOWL}1c $byvinjuuctipna 3andy.i fe Bide ee eee AND,LOPE As.wed a ..“Gourt of Adexatider:‘county,’rendered s times more we sbparated—thev.con yt ies sthey exertea malign’and |{ ‘ee 10 Solieg ane “bye reeoinpiendin’y a th shiistes Jutluente:“onr alyNnovements’ ae‘Sin i yard ica ee e avs mong the k .ee:+whe Furce ta Sn00 due di “-¢alli your att :nels Se.yd.9 ti ot <wéeare otfert *wrades Men the best in’N Boys and Cl ithe July term;1897,in‘the case of HiC‘Uowles,Trustes of i.PeMooreand Guar-|-Rrof.Mur ply s nor.children of.W.He}Baucoyt-{wile:i =tonsytiakaurtisu.:]‘andAte tts ‘towards >Sprgesr os and’hs art :Was Ww xk aq iy ouserted \'mae prefora:to the sucdtess ats ise pare,ene a =posit bey Pe PeAwo-satlor's drowned,the: ‘Siaore.vs.Calvin J.CowfersignedComseen ao moetrvelow fpeer:.Wd mince:Raniurilictds tt “e su } “the court,will Sells E ShouId.shave”ive Head “witha SetmyWet iyihovextemits by.thelr ae.Scions ‘Briete “fs 7 OE: re “ON MONDAY,DECEMBER:‘oth;rigt,|ragoy.Ast.walled T0Re Ts thustd}hey aapel ee bellibve.:Bala!ae:au =ae age ae Be ee Jarge bodyof valun-|:and memory -anarghialic aout jer Gays:ete SF ai o | te Fonds in!ine court By putesnnden on}roundinie?‘Forthe frst time@it seemed ome a Ree a a ;ee =: =jands Op Ww Keri leant 10:daw -on jue,thatall mymistakes |:¢:‘oa ‘Engideer i tcinien ali ®ga AN igs HELIN varie sease |exge tb:ee verpoal“4s -~Lp ae os ot rs eteaanae contared.cen sels a eee:to £60 ardch }. Testites Beretits Received From -pate SY ‘today yee mtg 53 aativee Shesesim)ec ; Ea Vu.S;so peek US é “eh ana Chiidrer *ando course,tae.little.:Dr Mier a Rae Pettit:pea Fs Ms cond way-is from Seare (ies DS I ;ee a aces ols,Cloth :feel es "Rens |;:x :Fhoeat tr tn.ee ;a .Che Rena,re >Sother Subiet |ale :%:Bn v®eoks or.sti dies.5 phealchiy:Fathetcin Suealiiy aoe i Tn’&ee ‘a OLIN ‘Y e H ss Sen sae or sta rs ¢Hy I pas ;ikedi Lis the-elvietéauve «of “adder trouble Vink mies by grant fromthe State of-‘Nosth CarolinadnJane:8th,1878,"'to-wit:jand green evyecenyy.Besseee me. "by Grant yo.ee sei =:—scree |But when l remembered that /Syl" Se i Pee 500 aeSoo aesfew ae eS BS k Se Pageant gemaemes couny.before the,Tast electi Se Tete nee ae et Bee ea eae Abc ee byknow “that:Dr eee Tot Lb Pei So ko 1,568.acres,aga didp tt fava sen'se.eboneh te i ra ay /3 y eae ery ae Foe mane aes Seat Sere Predister.J agaia,thedght hit hed NOMS =ca i Re i :sees Patter gene aaDab te 3 sober tien a$'a whole.)°ae ear meet’had EP DiS,hewds on ltos et tan:Be ca ae @ |urine add.staldipg’;or Spat bom third’cash,-balanee upon Ww sits fait in drs mveather.Hee oa oh Aicse ak "18 }|passing it,or badeftécts following us ea ma Bras ener Senetior Court.“‘Pitté anted.to:register.‘and vote omelet tie?SR le SF ot .eS Ee 4 aot ;tr eo""beer,Bud~évercor COR se ten i es :ingSE ET eesy paid.‘This [tion day,pattim vArnsnel.”“ator nay Se SS a }:pleasdnt necesityiof being competed to.pecial bares ee me eee farmingitads oe fine}ney,objected.”On:Sylvester’awk’ee Sa SS :|Gore antes naencataTh.a 4cd andy ey pORIOetOL YT pence aaa “hes hg a a TATESV x De a Me ce ret ton eae investment.She statement.te tame:here ‘witir,the =ieee So ah ;aeatugnt vaxsician :tihaaned tel ceane efiect aof DroKil Se -extrgordina Gs ae TT cr oe een et acts .re eal =3%SNS IF YOR ere eee eae ibe wlroxer %days be 3 ENS,-.{Qcerwneunvarying wuccers for al Sealed <3V stands gimp Hgot fs"s0ou.}”bin Interest:B.Bust 5 yy :;s ei States :¢er ¢ays before é :;Sees eae ited:Rta '‘Stands Aighest for :S;:Be aw)a M its.receeceived sjec :checxon se -;j peee chomp Bee a io eee 40 “am glad|c.PLANO Keer Somaeeraiyanion soosi pee,vooeer tay Sea Of the:eeceaien 4 ck Ne Special atben tic ‘toveall hey inane tei siaad personal secu)\/¥ercod et ee ;“ip {Me}pinley's frrends’.we 57 PRAIA els Sc [ih ftowm the systems Palestine nator ash ©es,dpyeu need a meditine.ta.+Northern markets an on Soames ‘Mer =‘—ce et | .eee es ay CoH.ng bald headed:sr Ses a STs not Seas Wea 7 a eS"itie pt din copie oh fee oo De:A tL tay conte |ee nd 3s ag x :nants,pares eepectoe 3 Ei a re esl 4 Bs _——pene elecbanybods.3 See aon ace ene A :a Pe ol ie {Bott re it pple}Suave :Pe de een eee teh,eco eentnett Ny =See dee ot Soy 1S eee tN, SB :ORTCAGE SILL :fom Wimington-imam +i Oe,:ae SA DP A Ashe ec Peeaoect THES nae }aay fy yeh :Sigs Ok a i aw i ;;-:€st and ' pis timed “tof?IE ee 7 ows a,ee $e an 9d ea le be ,ee 2 = a ba jtontest the.rewards,of serv i SNe anode Neti ©s at ater ms ane Ssto. €ndei G AAS +NDER THE POWERS CONT .S,0f Service “with |fae ‘FH!A :and od 70rad y ie :s :tee bof :G ;me ,S r F AINED thi who did.He!2 gt I cine tee le \-e me ty Shai 2 £ i Pysnamorand recoraceTa Book +eptered”thetists|.ate Sue !.“ar guy -mies es (rf ,a hi ‘,f ‘9)7 Coe grit ee id.recorded fn.Book by nce i 3 ong:Benton,We ene and 2 eal -,i ete acea:for.s ire:hisoff :ES oe 5 D Se 7"y ae :5 fs ewe ise is d %5 :2 case ibcee the Rexisyy0 Deeds’Page|Morrow.svhohi eeeres Rio js!homglore Fespensth}é position.(fro ai ils oa =:ae Ge art S et.at p S acl conmeps ofSects eae Seater the eae aed‘and ban thie,5 pee eS eeealfad Gee aTite:eseres Moan q ey : Mate :a ae oe as ‘2 <4 NEW.wo *Srlsellto iehighest bidder for ee]bad also worked ieee ae ‘Oh big steatly Prov clear brain,|?peowetaee one fatareh Dee Meteo epee ie *co Rana eRe aha Ki f theca cash,worke and voted the*Re+<bughic dye*hcad Dette’sels\coum Re tae temt.Miver,hidgey>;eeake ;tains ae.on y oe eal r in Statesville,ablican tirkat:“He didnt<votef Spelud:the'eaiety oF ehewla atl andwae|epee “Rem licwens-|Se R Pee we eo ees i aS MONDAY,NOYEMBER-SNU FEA Ea ae a ‘but Fam sewingto]eeescars.Dr’nie atl es Wo Ne yeezigats SS e 5.Crete: :ES eg;te he HO Sat oe ee following lands nsafiemort-|e/him aposition in the Gu grd,otlierrentecies:ard.éspectally radatea 0.Fie aang itonpeste poe rome -S@ebot D cnet creteites ptettoe:hee «ee Be er ge tS es>gee Fal en towsship,aaddese e'didn'tiyote for MfcKinicy,“Gut he!PeasSreeSees braim-clear’5 are wie =eck hes serge or eee Fe ee wee ata}is yet a .eo maey:SP tuewlites eral we teeOf Femerkn)ie eh ;mer 2382)‘Stone,Theopiiusne oes ‘Aun Nesbit's Ee gece 1g ose is erates eae raatF Re eaA a a site ne SE rtrchee aie:15 nt the fourt house:ator Te Geet oe 7,S10.West 12polles 6 Gainipbell's corner McDowellmaniin ict meee F novetee “Hut mow:topidias|t'Buepote Blood Inivy in aur bast rita og aha thence with Cami ‘6 line’North.70¢mastér:wouldn't.it be wit sev Zo Saltereafi cae Leas waites Pap do-peti pucketarente zd woes ows he oes iV Seen SE Obi theme ee a New:Hanever.man in”5$5:-peste put pias sBia tices merce perenne caus.¢trom theutrat doxe yorid febomen ia gare gns o osae ee sT8i Tee wiea z ¥line:South 45°“East..7 pestmas-Susan hilipus Weadactres and EES Mires Rone.pairs hn New.as Téllows:: gon:poies toa stone aziter®Bdth are Iredell .men—ag fully teored to!neal :Beg Tet Hope.vn,Deginn kp egrteae (ee 2s-spate road,Ca Bybee corner,ee bad lived Fs Laie ae Renes saree phe a eee ee a rpsGutswig isang ict Qe ie?seessain Goeaeel ea ze wh a Eg a oe esto.a stone”2}_ondvgtedthe Republican tic eS OSCE ence eeorteeebak .ort at bunch-of |Pe aac a er "+Teast'side'of the ee’on:the,publican ticket,|Ds.Miles 1 ee |=8 ;MY iast 8 poleske it rest Serene i ei c Riché’s corner the other didn't.z Smedies MR™oy ‘a Salve’>%atie aceasl aeae >white ib 0: oo mate Ghencp withthe road North 55°ae nt “yoté any.ticket.‘pre soll by pl drag 2:Rtas Cate S9r0i winceoftothe hupun seeee:-Hicestot a ey cars >sf polegtos onthe 55°.Kast.40°The only.test of any rina Dobe;ee s-es tine’“A er Bate.LMOAS Spe ber tee 2 nee north 0",EABpoles tox spas eh |Worksbesae to’cal Pe oo 4 St SoraoreebeatSanecue neierels eine ane poe)guara.tce,arsenotte MRemediesa |areaace Per dp fea®eensce airra,ace capone 20 t =chetprose Hoth oe , seep eau ie “1.to ‘the .beginning,containing-ten:ed,if possible,*even «preside tia]benefits.or money.‘Pes ::Botante:E.G poles toi‘po po y tine,“south:47°1°the Week beginntog with ara isis.dre shel ce Pires Ss moreor tess.‘Terms.of:sale:‘cagp.election?”‘Sickness and “death *Base co ~Boole on,-dig,eer Fhe apte Or Gragelets Se‘eeng.a @:branch:‘sou Past 15.Sojes taconite oe sae ; ’. Seema hoy es easesot the-heart ‘andIi,(vO@ He Anakwes sisob Dat sage |om ee ee ee :: .aa ee Ses on : La ss " |&mountain,ther we Ae niles pores ‘OR:PP RN'RL 4 Soop,: ;'©handsome !#>residence |mm.‘1.Coa - mute::i.‘”we e et:‘Thisiisagmaterial. '.;the onl ‘yalidexcuses.,’Pinching A actes e-test ds fdBo’good...2003 men voted|ea oer rs.ore oF]a ao ACComple Sa ae i te ies Jos b ‘ae ce mi os Re ie fi ey Tepe Doe =e =cca =3 a Sic fa i Pr “WEGUARANTEEBE TW .Saree tear hones 4 f Oy graeme rorss Siege z=AD te _oF i:Ss STATESVILLE,8%c THURSDAYS rere viet ~Ba:Pen ae Eide atenes.aeteMostComplete,jerome : ch fee tM red ~bi .5 ‘Pha ‘‘sty ee .ctaiesoaNS he is -Prettiest 2 oe oakthe’Intervie ws"on the?a “e ar eesrg She See Sid eee Ww a Yxsue4 :“apartialace.“dook eget meanNi a rs s »a 4,>otk hae Ay w 4 4 a °ee aae rene Sul:of theiate.€leetions.ewe.have!9H see -rea ra iYor.Baeeeapoio est:hursday nig ht.Aa ;SAE RR A Seen.‘nothingefron thatinobless Rel:*BY cle De pty ss,ones Ast,2 o r dames W_Gil- Ss farmer:oF “this ae , i“and the bride was.Mrs.:pan -;“Middaugh,of Westtield,'a vas ay idow er fand.ae |' and ther never * 4hmanofethemall.<Colomel ie Derate Sires ky acl is ee her "State iN PCrUIX.re Oxford “Heavaa seaih esolr Matte.Mfrs"ssives!3th Newitt:: esate svi e Méses herein North'¢faxolina,to lead ae Mise Harrie MeeSonipell “DES Gaol ait me ME GET:atsAgAON SPAdeaneays AE on “havee not.e's ¥ussSbaek imto the BDemacrarié «party.)ville:as.“the.guest ot fa sites is - v3)hyjritesEththasSmalljatpuarGear«bat oc just,as soon as:Cleveland toyld:is We De Barisoaex me pens eet * PO D te at l ER E D RS te lt “boing used thee rics wiped.4te . ti n ehe t ta t t i n n ! hed heh stats’B Shoemaker : ls *Saisadl:Abr Davidson co abu neg“haba Ww:hat its’hime,should be nigakas poly “Goodrpty:has been:tat tasrabar ffu higpOULe AO War rapt «IE ompe ea hy i <Y :es it only +i i oT com etitian,Suesnnders «ll os sig!perntity Fon wt:2 be Pee eived:rhe,Me he o“Nob.is reverent a‘aktiesi.: °t 4 Cotonel shoyla hot sbttey wekeryBvope ||Fre }yy i ¢r :mAs t ¥e}Saad »PLL)Manito Vis:brother.«ME if ae is _Barron &Wicholson,|*in darkiess.init,sbould tevor MS Jamey IHy:WwW ocd ai avail,*Pe oeCarr,a5:s “pug Nie::Gillian :;Bi -:::Dealers |in Purbit ar :and BuxroriGS;‘with,tis advice ahdwindom,ith,theses:ar Bes Gh re a g —PE EN eas Oe failed!for |0 2 witis:af ;wath ad:‘ment inthe Atanth:;‘ae :eg epheeay 3 .iy:opeso phen aleea ce a eee The e Ataw::visitor Says thd Sit Sete Says an “init past ee 42 SEE oa TOL THe :of FConstit Soni conan tart a z E:‘‘:me,,MeOL iy ee 9 5 ¥,‘et ».&i ‘c ar,Se Pealigesee’Rieasetse,:aaa moi Mees haga a Sie eee aS My we Brawley--had his”ahha tt mgt Sra ‘sirfudle!ee eae x r ©‘ maar:daar 7 Eis Sen eet ‘oo i Sethe Sf Os fei.Handyiscked “out of,jolt Dee,pndtht ats Sey fire to"thy Snaslacoe Tai eaevee.oat aay t As Tot ae iS:peesing :a hgiseHASSE Mond gs.“The orantl 4}postive Seg:o :i BESme ‘byhe:papers about -‘ClevelanitsSs ae Sct ini on very“Welk;eT AR se :per ee ’:—lotte|A She’:aepnicd con €F.and rin:gue3 niggies oe reug.tixed.;“at awould make us eeneny f :::ios Aa at.Dpgbey ‘Daridsony one bight,st Weeks,Be:We ‘about.“at he :reasgee:ay -re r $3 *1 ae “aeuuld send -‘j /Romopinigaeim the.Sid oe Hees:Pee a i Howasiny,tg pigeed AUSy McKay,alefapdold.a»eae he :;er trweling’ee,+2 it :€i €)ng :aero is Pete a em rae ged lone ‘eee PN Ia ;xneBS.=}2 1S Baby We Kee ‘durin-the Harrison’es ne RNS Ongnewro-oe ae Ree as 59s Col 2 cechivate toad.stools outst [ses'she would ome here and.uidirry 2.—“|rum to:bea Re rt Haan o mite fen hsboat me Hon oui ;R ose.197,ie pean itn fadministratidn:‘and of Baby,Ruths Ber fos ate Uglitaoiterss cones oe ighas neces The Rinse Stas ‘onta Bier ang mira ane ss besser sain iisa SN 2 ee ‘aud’his?‘Suraba,”Roun EN a f ‘Oe mS ;Ah OBE Eee Rot ator DE Lo 208 PORN:Seg ordinly pe Rent mae nk a?me aePEASTER Ae Tas}tduritie.the.campaign +«‘of:1892;ant “aheTredet)thaip «rs a in saidtiort *‘hed Wtecruitssftou‘Our tatedasfollows: »|thelensuing “Cleveland”callminisgya- ¢co ;*2 r avn :Cone ast 38 i 2 iy 2 ;ae Big ae o tga ‘the country.will forgiye.Bresi-’cae caepe =Po 5 ean rae pe 1 less.trae .nek e Bete:*unde a Tpitsis ahi @e M oKi }Rg ait z h oS.Ds Jan Y ”ery.AYay To:-Day ioe Dig ay ieee and was <os We,. the FAS of:~ae Ot better.“Fowlart «Aue Way ees fi "Me.:eng .in ey mea ny Ss ortconmiing (Sk t file%oh FY ek Ye oat:7 at 5 ME «i113 Bes ‘{‘‘x.mee “ae .ws tiie Soutins on itthie:cal cohtipne Hot to_inttig i a os leont hig tang0 iat sisfata this:phe tee “Diishct §epee Pay BURY NP Ih Be td ae See ee o sam:bD Bee :;:oe ee HAUL:JR eee ee emtiesgoresh atc 8PolestorootcoerepeatNa2‘dv Gf itr sane oe af Vacate hots |Wallate Bros.-palds ix.bride dD aRecs Chronicle apy.odgad i ,f LED were,map the :Be Pas ta ‘ea : Corner of said He.cs gibengs Ned _DRUGGIS’c ahs ‘One vf‘thie’pot fhin es “ol.Iter ae perscent,‘16 He ereiliturs ot wat ot epost Tie 2 nat a &ele §P,i +E.32.p0 wasna Ite.Bars,ig! rt his te he:“se ES ‘these-wold-bugs.Mate fitin Jag Wweeok 22TPhigmekes -bwho:belie es tinedocteine:of:‘the;Ree cendyiwhich’has:dbé&on:avatd,to Shel boshmn FAQS.Vis eo ia ;dah :a ‘:nteywuks nnd Mainbags.’oa "ae b> Pore tee Pere >‘5 Sis ong se -a Die ae =ae “Ake 4 a >.i pen .e|Deinogratic:spairts’Ww“he:wave.“thie!eeSaid 8.qARS a DANE or ot pom ent aGet:“ards:PE Teegeiveds th Saf gan Bivens pensis ome c ne el Fehten ine ose rver:= GIVE us s PeeYOURWORK.gras WEGLARANTEE TUS Rae as yam MODEX ON SALE KINDS:Ptesideat, ee Ee:<aaaoe:PRENTING,SUCH SAS:«:or,Temsa ‘DELTER,|NOEE ;AND<BIL]-"tL {the full eounsel:ie “HEADS OENPELOPES,CIR i 4:alled:Dyer : es5 CULARSS-CARDS,oe esr +Demo rativ: FOR PRICES:ae Loe Vy’“eb,expression Sante.OnYF |party:nomifieds sdast,year?uly ale =us Aveeshy aSee SG poarchsupport aad.whi.rejoiced “The:Setti*ee SAKE}eS defeatoft be party Shdminee fOr jays t‘tat “Miss Maigie"McEIt9 %Alling:loyal ‘Diauyoerars!Phas been tsidhing Scoot.iby.Sort,“ 3 aay “Avhich--keep se ilkbsboenssinee the ttst.+i amet:a f ;‘rte 66 ite niber::SShehias!tlour shiedoy‘ehe*Pa SO :Soths eeealoe:Sia |ite.‘aniithe peopleake”nore:ee Now ite “pitifal epleason with,hersg ow ehud priyiteete: week befor c oie thotber :choot was ei 1 i TEENS SG pequalled by those of the inkdne’per-7zat.“Rond:and the BE Fastin Really a é>os Phe Mascot Jab ce “sgufieho.Sdhaginés “everyone exit I ecticnle!622 Paes ee i t oh EY cis =:ath pee 6 SueGuar ak ih!Medae 9 Apl athe 3 Saat “Regie wate Sr eat of:Statesville.is iu fthe cits ie ,is7titehaSeenAeCRIREi::!<PUCK ited e.etBT)~oR ‘PheDagocrarie one ins a tonas.ob:[USBEANC:peesta .%)-he Pi (ro Gundry and M:foe she Dx atic™ares.esmia!Fi3itoldthepeoplewhattheymithtéxmewillove,Me ishurs Ses Ea gtsa are tec aeiea ee eee een oar aoe BE ge UO eae ee ae aesae lo ¢:E ana |pect ifthe edid.stamlard?was con eae2 Pee forose wht;eas faily i Ree eacyaenged.“They told them,”‘that.they)A ee <i8k foarteoh De BeyeBaik ie fees ee |Saar ae ;re P ans-2 ey 2éproductswouldCobfinuetordepreci-S#cs f the:Demoen iti party ae)a S sate Dy value?tht their dands:“would -‘==p %a ch per cae iphet improveit,price’2and that “their!A tigiced nariand Sie Hoe iE haecentA;iyon Feats erec Tipee Chex.per Lave :to 0 :me labor wor re stul bring:‘them.‘only x!to Gardeld:Hespital 0,Boyt 1s:2 2 “a STY¥LE BSS z Seyi ac Hie wee sf one Come 0 th ion OE 2 ue Ea ee 1bare subsisteped.©PP Bax old sid ad course of #0)ri a SS =eRe liar i i =oy-::i SL Len ~:PE a eesti deta ¢ha eA hah igri tees *‘nie 51 ittie :Dea x ae ;>continued:°upd»‘all “these?:epee a,“4 ‘4 :i le :pveryet 2.0 le Hats,‘Shoes and Clothing abniis have-cone:tO:passs ~The inent.ee be cer ear zShia : See so.Pen land papers:shat prophesied ten-ont ee ihe RS aheey:denise ::Sa aKa RY McG Mai ie paula wil¢i S..AS ie ia iiedowest!Sve ine detersFou:bay Pans:cortén are how bette:pak toxb;ae on Je SeSoaLsi‘/saa a ah ,SPANGOSE “pve “about halt that’price tos Sehsv otacsa'e eggs for Edo,TexSt Athi Ghats 86S rs ie Maar tta ah !r P I RR eee se money,top:The oilse Yen EW.Hevtec?ob MeL in Rawat front Sig ‘;is ;ee OD Ce ete or ea gaeijalded?poy bis mt:‘come:sear reuirt y pelos Ro Moor esti!Ae j 2 c sks 3 n part hes“thi pattyy jong ‘conser ee tie WA t Ee ie a “es pay ca ote aearteaid te‘Broad Street:Sis ee oN P.ona ratesy dacd:ays:ae:‘a Sa Ag.Nt 6 ’N she D Seileg Led SSti}lekys ES Acid for.aNfhemat liner.than ae,"ee ake Saati stupoor saline tps.‘indi hud:Yolbefoms ay ph Bodtbagie ae steal a +‘s i *"fe ae ‘i x ‘by ptHonflePonsca‘‘:Sa neeentenge Bry:any’s'Te Was BIEoh):ont dy.reur:ufoy:mas UssthigtetMr:4 Hey:AS whud ie a ee 3 :wisest:Sack bes orth:Capglings,whiAS tyte for sreaktient,has shad =new apap CS just aftiny.“the selection an ‘oper at:iby:psfornied:aiid is eet aoere ne aeoe pr Yi 18964that bef gould ,not.hold:his lee Biel =o Mirough Ppopiilarily and watt books-“at the e Mte ks Hpi :same Atte.S These Sabnpapers.“ag.Wyee echt 5 ba ae Re est ised,“bin;bas bedored .bis =p nvles at hes Bh >v«ily Mog“es¥ee Wo5mA: political Mifestor‘eo.inTo bis,bok and:“pull his hole int after”him,|They:nyroted & “qsome Autiguated saying of:ei “Rant pas Ne :ca 2 ‘tes.SEROOIS.‘Leroh'of England'seffete Court teat nedelt“Redonder,Stn,Yes :auege eS PaseEL ees Gescrea enn ea ela sf 8 as INE OISO)be Ohee 1k Pe ee <<.bean ora Dem Gi 9p ee ransomietbing ike this:7Ohy that Clint:Brows felt bere‘Tharsday bek geteh ate ee aoe a ato his.co Bas sh.sointe Ste}aBrya ite et ee Sey : JESSr Stee i AND T3KE &Hoan ‘Ais he new thinks A aan re EES in:Xp peetof:vera Nee 8 anil qmported:‘Glass Ward iw:just:ite.e worlds he!eat ae have the’ladies.seSpecially Ste.come in ‘and. IEOPEL a CTAC EES.;ays eo iE YO ARE IN.eS i . mine enemy would:write aubook?:for Wilmington,wie pees CEG aterere:so eee he's at ao our Pe oS Neorg se pon =Murwumps::C ka Bre Ste aesraifOr:ining ne 3 i aberwilt Bee pease a etre katate eat uae :ee Ch Pp ;i )uckous,<:sbafic AB eee :“§ae -Need of See aea ee ee eettin:‘the futyre®x x eo an 7 Se te ea Ban oh regs sae i :aitd their te TE Me oe aus ents Tas Leroing:sare haeeCSNriYOu.CORRECILY.Broseel »Ao eee Soe Bg:10:Shr.Otorke tyr oe shoihappentopoorBrydg,andathetpete Be Dac < s ae they shed‘ovet,his prope ett pean a on ated ey ei ents Leh ee se Loy dowiniall::ere,ike.pero.the| a hae!arated Tne te EN a THE JEWELER ‘ANU ortial.aN |eecr una:for-her:‘first ‘born. uch about ae aatinal’s .“fight having C "one,Tai ‘our opin--aie Sait as 9demonst ation of party Ege iaNts Thr.Guy:Shewas :x “daughter!ot xae London.of Mooney 2 Re TYst pobest.«quedaity ot eee wee Eyes B- Wasch-=)> Ba s i e Oa t re P Ba l t ae ue So e NY 93 5 ea ss heen ees.hel vie Ne eaisees ‘eres s But Breian Heeded®them”not,is pe:Se Seen ee se ae ies and Démpetatic’folly. BS WOEK :aa ¥a 4 sa 2 Avene Ba nocritavom JGgueds ete 4 y~book appeared:and Te:vomtinued sito ee ne:.‘ing’&ii bo f ,t Ww a 7 His News avd O5RT-EM remy ;;ra E 4 Rav :‘ROT ‘g br iant “a ut.a A ote here aac shows and Sho:Ss.feesae speak tor bis’Cause.+Anas “stianee |DA ee oe aXe ut asee Rc Rae interest=aN ede cok ra ce ca EA CR ES b jana)otis movement of:Se 4 i j CO,.;cae aor instante we are “New fallgoods”.a7 r tas Si it fs éonceded by ahnost:‘alt:aeords.,aa oe tie‘tohcoup sitet tt cea Pal x Teese caine “:ae :authors:Sind epros aoe i CIANS.*)pes eee ‘shbwing?‘contingously”people:‘that.ote:eer todyy:+“The.«nly honest”mi BOPTICIANSare‘-oa inten fanguages”eben:bis:ppper anly howes Th eae ;eh ats %ae ALLISOMSVAREERY.STORE.epee ha’5 ‘than eter Seka gy:Ae Spc ot tS.ore beg,ing“hits,50:stalk auntrally 2 who:brokeaway :“538 iad&&atest arrivals:is y stylish:dine-of badies:Cc pes:from”Sa)we ES fh a :Peas ye cK fe &ot Kaas use2 Of.the ee on eae +. we SAAB owe d¥nito,an’Insignificant,figures In-Dey goods:would sit ieSs amiatlee £Yat tier ieeaid ing:thereent:‘aman,file:sav)vegis ; Sige:f attentpon’to Gur lint,qt Out mies mid Fancy wedl*Fhuo-ce ng Ea ce in seer areae ceatt trot hur beyond his “Peclan "ations Oyj4“ad ywur atten Where vou siodidkase what.»Pthatit had:Lreceived’a Ipttex frony a 4as‘a hi de VEL to de.Betory beVIng,antiwhere you should:sce ae a acéeptar the’Yomindtion,bE HAY, PUuSsSe ||:.~wire offering:in Men's Children’s”ahd Eadies OOPS Ath oe Demogtatic {count y”phair vein Aur sult chidiwed his!tvisdiym.eBid ma: ate adies a aés Mens.‘Childrens‘and ‘Ladies*Underivear=Cheapest”toVe 5 which besidesthartreat”havin:ist x hath as ~~.eee ae . ee |best in,Méns arid Childrens ees Caps Te!“up.eyeSoo “Seing Gn:ia:countysby whe!)—OM at has.veep ue lectedohe fe] iu Bates Sind Chitdy LeSuits 69e-Up.Just opeited &tp200 pairs‘MensSe"charge that TBE Pbugsdre.trpeme issn:DR VeTVConynapicatins sitat PS,Wesel Y =.and Chuldren's iWpatits “extra values,from 20¢.Pempe:up.ies,to taptere thyIDemrotratie “aut in jng.ouly that’herpill?carne ont!the |< te +@ioth ound,12 mo.Booksin:Histure.bythe f OStry “ands ‘thatieira ienatiie 5 ‘Popalsty:who,excellent plitter“Ety ‘pew eh!s alebigs A Suipjeete(a We)voll.and_ap.:See ustoy a an schoo!A are cone aioesa Wwasphoati ni ed,dt a So ophittod- ies rere:est prices:::-Respi,bee “eos an the basis ofthe Chicagosplitfat [e4stittnneryvatlowestprices:oe Py un the basis«oaplantte Be [for Muswuntps,°Republi¢ans’Cand.en 1 ¥cel es 4 Hey ieee Re .no thetthe vers:“teat,of cola yote for’ or B?+WR eel eon ed 0.3 eeALLISON.)control keefis.the Populist!Tram)ie.pista ais re secs Ssepato =—:wees i turning tor wthee!Despocrarht “pattedety ‘yriet thp-piationn gfier't “btGieveland::“pigittion.andre Udi ate Lyenen ptt)yhseat;)What:Sear charites PEA meer ie:ai tk Re ae “ete ea a ‘=|ELTON.then if that fouris miade,t hp rebthiy 2hb oa heqnet pa tee woe ulti a eb Now the:Landmark!holds”ape its to sé a Déhiot‘ratiot the,‘old:school| z an ,‘FhandSin Toly.*horkor that “Aapyoudpdeslare that His:Onl geil artrulit:Hes aah Sek 9 IN.HE».caeae Ge Ns Ashen.exer bays ceeditedsit WNica BAS,qwo'and bis:p%riypledges Sour:NEED 4 NY THIX Gd he .2 I haesire that tba Bemocratie party iF “Sage?oy yn.Ww vcs aso!delichts 288 rath i endl at pow that,plat Yori Then Demogiati€nédrts when heAeelares maith W, wn con¥nicdedi nas'ytM 4 a 2 4 with *the Sitn;4 : lien it pred ce a aS ae a Btonvectars at leastt pace ae 23 i : ,§ee : AK POM beckon ai vee or Mackintosh 1 ine ca jonal secur ee Phe’will in?none yt Tentockaesd einea :aeatlowesieSSyriket:you wait togsee’what nice ohes |weiake showing,is Ipeebat:nalsRES its attack:ee ie aiB .as 4%{:getSie ae piabomiin-bse solicit ‘.peer what Rot Weint:to pay.We Cam Showole tthe Dy a fd ou th Aer Socetpsa ste to e .an3 ee ane :th ty ng of tluese s6 Sali:--:ny Site ;»Se a wg ge iin Tare 3 >.on e ;=ze :sestiand Bestop:cout your eee aEgay bie mane see:ie Aidm?nb dds H meant Uxats Bi]pips as a a Demeerats."They es oeyanks@ichispartyaSelsewhate.DHE:=i aae ;national ‘nuisances und ~ sPren.>:Underwear gee eae a ane ati a Sebane aE cite abate plattorn and its,day); fe ;t 3 As He whey:ches aes Tat Silt Sput4 ‘Raat :“We cay shojy Sou the nyost complete stock carkied|in eefaa |cat SieBhs etndneee=eS eenone os“Deitocwdt$*oa"aed s.Tsp 5 :idan and~ail”right-minded“ops retout prices:+0 surt all.W &;Rees ash SRN Bearing ta,ak daarittivewilling.for’;tile reaffirina :;pe oar ieeponteayte‘cane wall“rejoice,when they are-.°.2 >ae Méseeutiips-”‘and*balters:ie ne. ~NEWSU TORS 03 ae PAH spot:tion of the Chicago,“platignm ©we feat?Wathha.Se .Klondyke*Hats and ‘Caps.oi i oe e ‘minds ws-OF ae who sae]to-‘his plact.itibsoBaD cot oe aia.J.=and discredited and ‘set.a- aXe Rouble to Show gods..So comre ‘ind see us before buving -Tadveersary |a quarTess “1.dan’Ao aa:ae i ‘Yours!it vies ‘he van)Want ary oe ‘put,/what you tald {:f HY .as z aa ah oy is :~Awas.adard Te,“Ths aattigk<upon ts The erat"Yat j en eee Se *SJoan bBhelton a the Democistieplatior my aud feud:[Ras Gyerdedahstthe:feren aSToni Cow ny at ;|awe ee es CLOTHIERS.AND PURNISBERS 4.2:~hae’been Siniply.¢lover licksobsoeeee,eae.eeuo fo délews:Haina.gn :|Ape herself:a eran)ae:eg eng -——EE PW hom-it loveth 3 chastendvh.Sah faentiment bad been:he treates bu Lp thou:ng to forget-a i ye ;pee i {:es to es arrearage :De OEEAR ES MDRQLOE SE a oan Saari %:When will thenext an~tan 3.4 |Our Populist fiends whd~are dis:S é <r th:tovea sBut Ke a Ge aaah Ge S tal :ie :3 .‘VL posed:to:sredure.to,“the.\Democratig He samy$id 1 fo:é Th.this -tions ¢oudisengs ber nd |OBrial of %oe a ait Bi: abe ES Be iz Seo ae .ne port.need]hesitate Go Loder.;Te werefoutid.urdepedl nu ae potato 30785 fee a eae.tore the cet f°Goce ae OW ‘:ns pe =“=ee -&cs péoplex®args ‘opto’:‘the.“gold:‘bug,ae mee Jreount,iGa,Sati TDs Som eA Peea ‘ee es tate t é Wa “\oor |: 23 tas Aor \RLOAD oF Champion Grain Drills”3re BE,oe SS ated (Pe=le:ee SET :Laced x : is :s,jave the bestin’the Sounds rc |now deel AKG Pet mea iti :oN Es aearsived:Qliver:Chilled Pidws,(ave the pt eanght!incthe |ten}ropst,:that »Apchor and Babcock Buggiees,ty “i they “iweneia ‘"aeanin”-of_nb’harny aine a two Horse walins otvariduy Brands.We,havea bBo line of and Ai |oa BSeee ighi;onl>oy orou:ur ie=hop ie oto shard oser *{bloodeadedeecurés all diseases a hating inor:pronioted,by:impure ‘blded ‘a*-factoffF i be b e f ca an Ha Oe “Sonne ‘Adams,merch nti~of aneesey iy ence,-SMy brother.was ier Higa ePeHSY Ch ey gE thle auther::ics onick Bee viet Rares 3 7 ‘:Coal @rates,.“Goats Stoves:a ae eha Cumberland county,=as:epee wirigh bees hag Sound S|Fee ns a ae 43 catarth ‘bs eines be (rh ;o .om!.ée io:is.Kill ee ai you = :Phig is &good‘time'to’repaint’your:liouge.»We offtr.a st “signinent:Mastweele.y oye SE creSane:PieHéhas.is bakcen ‘one'T,seats Bie 3 bject wan es oat ees:ort si Ce ee am eat ire safe from.thi a——.ngAe«Sewing machines,.Corn Shellors.©.ln 7 —:Eottie ei ey e epAIsS MAN Hun ben |ti Dei 4):SG ane:RE Sena mae pee a poten oe:Aonoe ee ‘Hardware,Se t ee ee rarmaclts:who:know (precisely.-27}<7 “DAIS MARFIN ites aa that Senator Hidna Uo:y,Colambrs,OW is sae have )cared «tors:stems and make It impossible for nexOo:Reema aps Soest,|had beew oifindtedfor the.‘Ask,youd:sagist fora free P|,cont touhe hospital:wday <0.[ite aborted serene tats tat do ey. ~~ 8, Na p a n e e ae ee es e be wd Fi «4 = ;-E ss n by Sr e S SE . " eeie SI ‘SUBLismeD eee ai —AT—‘ “mE.MA aea oe Se SM e ONE DOLLAR A YEAR:zsat 5 SP OUR RULES.|.5 Allnew Advertisements and hos’to pak.shanged must Bein the office by neet on~:~Wednesday:.’Pee ; -:2ross ark.o site ourmame,.mean==2s 7 ription‘at,once orthe paper will be discantinued Peel 5“that cou;must‘renew your.subse .your account places tn,hands for tone):i. Sa r |eee cy Geomens faiRRSfeeee‘kom Sere N.C.Nov.18,ie * The eeinal «a oation SaitLotCohimblaCollegts <) iesRussian J Gav‘aea or ¥etl :3 atola,EkeSeas : tNatiund)Universite -it]Ston,DeAis aagitwt thes ” Gs e » fever at,ieie “ PENDING OUT'A FEWTHINGS. ‘TheCharlotie oe of ves; :terday,,er ee if , “There has been:use iysortietHe‘old time ‘methodyf raulinge cots “ton to.market iby WwMons.instead {fo _by raibas a result”of High .fteidht rates.”The’merchants.wt Dayjassnh: have hired tedms and.’nie hdulin.: their cotton to)Charlotte overethe } .GountEY xgad:in:preference to pay-fing,the fi’Sight rates snow thatged.tis alittiebit sloger,but they get} _the cotton“here dll*the sae"audi} |claime that.they make money-by if: +So'the©“Observer”.has.fonda jut at hist tlvat:she (Railr'qad:Conuniss sion "S reeent rates.;op Gat Hon:aeerg” *snot!the rbgastéi:Heduction§;‘,which, weke Sent gut tothe State ‘wubler the: _flamprgeS“tigadlings.=Ehe Rw est} Rats Nnothe.risthah ve thingsis thet tHe South ay :Citgubag +6, identical’: bf cor anamen.“giviine tres came along ubont onic nop ‘atch wards:Pan Fixed Pe,-Sontbey|* reek ech ‘Gov.Jarvise reply:to.the+]“e “without;‘citing a single’ohe of?“our _points mrebuttal:‘though Weequoted |X“the:Observer-on the point “that ~cd>' "Soperitition with the *Populists)Just f{sKear did not go far enoukh?ttt it fWasmoreimportant-to.dateat Ray’ +sell than M¢eKinles.224‘silver -Dénk,,oerrat.bécomes §acherd-in thé feves of“the galdbug press:when<he]>shoWws ihpie least Sign:lof wanting 20S pitch“the battle éuiany?.lines besides the: Chicage platioerm.+They-had rathersecanythineiin‘the worlddisdussed |) th aut Thejr whole bight’ls:to draw,dttention away,from:it.”~Gov..Jarvis syas called --Ramests Late last Vear when battling for 2the! "honor Ot ‘the?‘party:‘Now the Obséreverpraiséshim.“So sensiale asnan “as Gov.susie should:see.thtOueh. ‘the.game>pf"the szoldbues,‘They. thai:tlie¥had last Years [What ‘theX“iréad into.See the?party’denjou=|.strate its independence’of;Them>as “was done:SO eloniondiy in RentidinrdastWeekiee ae would:Jaeweate “ome thei as f conver tS,but not,as *Clevelandttes*Spitting;‘upon 2Our pri?ciples dard;charging as With advocating:“Prée‘riots et dishonest,money.Set 4.Pi»>wey ;a s ~..& —7 wideoptnis mo “Four ‘mene Sertelialy ABjuxedie Fayette vines} -Pigedeciit Ubaereer’Nth:>Yo ee This-Morning att:30)o “ook:hedryhouse'at:Rankia’s factors cel= -lapsed,eurfing four’.“men “beneath“the ruins:Af gas:therwork Uiarfet)“min ttes:toe thetr fellow emptoyes, Valter an hetoi¢strua:tle,tor eleax the]debris and extricate theanfortuhate:‘mens “tf was thought that’.they,atl|: mnlust-have beet killed:but /its each *es sone’Ww asreached:and was "found:torbestill:breithing,a “great ee Of -“relief went ap froth,alee “nen ¢Hnjured are:Waikiam Sehae Dars-~tel Teacley,-@has.Underw Dod.whité, ana.|Wilk “Hatwood.re ee building which,¢olla sed hadjustbeén»completed;and’had!‘rot=yet beefy properly.braced..“It!was“simply a bigished,W):feet:wide.0feetlongand13feetHigh.~‘The:four‘men.were placingthe pipes ‘iti post:tion:when the egash *‘came +without}+warningand theyswere carrie@.to»the.ground,by.the treméndotsweight,tn‘every “conceivable:-=posi-}4 tign.:Oneof them,;Mr-=Teachy,, ‘being ‘doubled.up-in suchabose!‘that,“he veula ot.breathe-and woulhaveexpiredit'help had’reachedhimamonjentmaterssic: The men fre ‘all badly hurt,PeatGhand.‘‘Mapning,‘and.the.negro]~AKoou it is feared”are:suffering | from internal jApjuries,and ‘the!for-, “mer is.in ae ‘precarious.condition.*Although nont.of them are.severely’cuty etallure bruised ‘and mashed.TtiSe impossible to*arrive’atthe[; exat epee of eymeeeemCSEieeRaS ‘ee 4 C eee o bey Ne teKtateylomYor Kentucky.pies, From the Louisville,Courier-Journal.;$ ‘Heré in:“Kentucky.theyreturns.leave--no.room fordoubt.The -vot-ers Will.not-haye Republicanism:at “any price:TheyWill notxchave.fné |:sion:atiany.price:-hey will‘Botaeathirdartyortake’a“middle+rse at any -p They eleet*to|*to wall the ee of-the Chica-. o'platform and to,‘stand=.by sr.ryan-of Nebraska and a repetition|..in 1900-of the Hi-started “campaign;of 1896:“Having brushed.feos:call-Obstructionsandsimplifiédthe sjtua-tion,they,range themselves.by i}.Iaajority upon the:side-of"thre:éxtre-a mist chr extremists.’Ser Sirois ah aye The News:OfLackey.tee BS ea mS +e “For the Mascot:|Bx Ne ieee a 4 ese ds Wheat ssowingApabout.eee sleted:ae =, ~t pendgushering <cornias*P preme Count‘bench.-x _.ithe day,the.‘order,off, :The:Mormoneich have,visita S te Vieinity the past ‘weeks’**!"=,-FMr.S.I,Lack¢y,is putting:°“apa |.“new store ‘house dad“wll flhit ‘with,new goodsina short:time?He is a-good Salesman:‘and ‘we .hoGeesuccess:°myMrs.SusanLackey:daes_not injeeevery:fast... ‘terly nieeti ‘at -Sout:Biveree i ¥.‘church.miata the-2nd.Spnday:ig next month..4-Rev.’-r.‘Shelton:‘sermon: ot “Phe velitfover.‘at‘fk.shas:|Ledaay attally atoBe:at an ar Stder “fisson bly iq). yearEi)a pehik’ Ure ‘Thos.=es ‘Pneaet tepals oo slr 7 a iE Rapues Suaidays ee “Ett eu of Stl t. ip activity:aitak grad SDetisfacl@ Ps eu TS 5 Udory Ardicks.has bean AVOL ii zee iGaithis ut aoe <i Brosinsuccessrulcattiaipts, db rediie Sunday.Witrains.pede Sk:buy,aN ‘i x:Congress :sow sEbaton ”Ever.Knows.’* i Railw av:scant gut “aspecrat. .rma nielagens Maton sperting-<dlub,ctieskim Loi [fom Bhgland.wopiday fechahefin 3 d-3 tes bout:the;|last of Ks Sis:Ter refth ane’hier Sap pbaw ward!Mison,:‘vero !burined-to:HeatheeHerBy<NotAe Nob ua,intl.ifot iatoor iedloseeHaale ieatub ¢: ‘h ‘Chabigte: OWKERver,cops peaks —sae of eeCRaihoae ‘ see Inipe:nett aoethai he Tudier ‘Taty aiconpotatepatoh,as mentheirtestifyingdintgm.” é iteschaldtpy’‘werelocke?tape inhachinuse}at,White Gak Ala,un tivight,when-the.boase aetangehit ite Lhd the ¢pildiren!autneal 4 deg ‘Kershaw.si Ctt caw UGE =Bathtdayinght:-T‘original’parsheagre ee Lournéd,ASO,;bireiety,oilter™ The ite.Of “Denver |io “Smith, the.aoted,pugiist..eteommined®'‘SUi-Peidein Brizal,:tnd; Alo stay bhine;|Shave no’‘more Sane forhim |now | ¢‘dista fight,at Hesngion’iy tween,two.Saloan Agoupe din}mite.Of then?ots te ade gud:theLotter,Mevittt martin iSSaaNs sloth ParkKe Cap}.Solin fatidgy +dice wast:‘Pbuyocd it!Shekoy Moaday:Was:eddentay:*The.housg Ps forpoke ad”athe: Dispardet:ore be 2“Bhe esti inSadist ky akan pi deae ethan Sat wrdayay Theinemanandi(ather.brkilled:wud Yr sas andl FaseiNenjgons:W erg.iajuredt:; Nev,Shayee of Sadw-Hill” “IOs:p.€ansion,y GuyWillieSmith,-Norfolk,Via‘,a Ing ¢dobaueh- pele.up degrdes.And “Tei‘is thought:“th f°his svic-oe organized and shot’hin 5 _,Hetrisoh,editer : we in!Sidi dots } bi hits i if “+,Et an sient ;Eee harleb Sa) thing | aeSa { wreck x1i ad, ude dy.M:,+Emikodh,108 Virginia:ligt iiEnte bo: Cae Saturday 5 oe hil Peru adh kplanining bgEvilthemipaingh lyrele her fernitony;+ “Voharr lenin etBa:javeYoawipe.“Holivia -vault oe bFtb ee ‘Li Ose» Fetothiés:Saves eee s ‘Damaves “eb‘ig put’or thet oa 5 nulinaineyee ALT: rt..baa und cp oth astes. Nionflay oby"ta _Mgeisesors KNOW Myf Prof,D;ee leaderaot “the ‘hand Lf ‘atthe Soldiys®Hume,ateHaniptdn, ViaéeGommtted Suicide Monty;£91:Eshooting nee 7fgMY,as ‘desport- ~ea be Sede ay pe re Re yinday:i Cheeta,jin¥“aveSs Florence VintSChaath:jadgme nt for pe$65,A00-acdinat Beraty “4 the Seo af.hee:hersuP Yor Sale f Si grand fuey at ton .City. Tai ateltFalian Guinair.| theboy!Ww ho:shot and lalled Dit Weel, Attor nee Chatlés ighes:for"the,Ss ducti¢én of pis,aie ; Sidney Wilymi.x“waite.citizen j“Committed Atli,cidé by shooting”Himself ‘Sunddy. He:WAS a wyer’‘and a “son;7df Tho’Fate.inbied States’ee £. Heyl ana ein ene‘SsWife,SwerelinedS=ae and:mee i ‘months:in 4 er f the:Sphere:Perks wereeyes7d Stuseins ute 7NorthDakory,**Sundaps. them were State”$Seoesuae BS hthe:‘other$apd:“theré ist arow “no}proof.;against:ther.eeeies.arendtl Indias*:*7% "Joseph:‘Ruff,“loved;afas.“found tT[dead in|the ‘road:ned Gi oof Gas,:esperado who-PsReact Me sinew obed:3just.below the-ribs by an seenowE:man t<it Enochvillé:*Rows5~dMonday night.+1.‘deugged.in:es4°).drunken row: ecarious.condition.,- ‘them f theed:to |.deathiSatwecayy 2at «Ashland...Miss.sigs.Sthithe ‘who works:in the}+}Odeli-ee a Concord;Was fétribly+Her clothesexught ee ceat her <b sanding.Y“She'tan:Sto ad eeerade where.her.clothes’were-torn by,J.Le MeGortald.»The*trouble’grew out of amarticle iin the paper:fis neeis highly.connected,from fhe fire:18 ces uae ethiLeCeIve Fisbe a £.ie Sipe 3 Ave 5alors,Wale Cue Sip aei : ia That CORIothe:jes femseine eal frsta ixnot Enc \ 3 er seat Genstr i,Cilie}at oS burBe iz:Cone ie eal ‘Poears-in?“ured..hed aud:botin tor fed-in RIVETIe eitter’pene a—ct pera ba H:OF atte eiréicdty oe ee wasburea Seas mora:FS with:ibt brand es and ha A OUTSET C also"‘burKeoh 9sSONY hg fete:odogethex abalgurbher isin Wot”wateg?aco aesSItn,a VEC itlv presSort vedioori in’ eSS_Sonuthisstoers—«alts ha »tho gine sind sceoptake] was invditect.vidlatiqn of Mins as a Se :a :sy Ss Liae cattemB Mar 424 tefernssre,She cord Kile Sothe%aay.miglit dtha cake iatk-in’keee2townStegge Cabarrassco:CHLincaaeeaqhe NA"hartge.ats EXC R Putl by the.Da RIB tenth 2 rset A fofsateshe phat vic i “icra the:Xs ne:ny ae ‘Neate:SE ? }Sthuday ligalsirie sett ea thie,less.ty | ebenaes nw)1 ite = *ge ii.“wor 4”seas ; mei.oF TaMberton:made ‘mei yonday miele Takacs*Sr,:000s My inal wuSsets..IONIC,|\rASpies‘ta Collect,angl 9“ee zi dag the“business : oe ae eiehytQmimitTedswiederbsmoahim.[>*CONS PIT self§iw apoolMof-water at sa.“aEOCK:near that-city Mond ¥mornjayant-oh money:and sa.darroeamilyXo’Sappott,is-~wees d=“torhave“eaased the Suicigles xBos:Fleniarty®;xslat:ee 5livedssir.. Yer’ridin atra.fast.gait or prun-TndtorfoGk Piceb nine.them Aven the -Gne rode"by |! Gores notesinuseguaty,escapéd:frog “jail“HY knocked thie.deputy,he was handiag¢isper:tesanene and mai Book +e hile. The.Maras: on ‘burned:Suaday. e $4 To Cire ACo1a In:‘Que.Days,a *Take Laxative Brom:Qvinin®Pablets}:Pe ot ime ea,if aS eecs Among‘the Poleanss *Bushiell:“Republican,bas ;2S,1614Pplpralrty:oF Maseriek of pOhie., Repubfican |Silk’‘be,an Congi-|date for’hy ited Stutes ‘Senator,taofWestee are Pavlance ocraty noe q "AssistantAftoraey Gaxoya BaasBoydwillbepsbeat0OFraeeorneyGenigralship..ee"stamorigSu" 7 “to Take ~~ fasyto:Operate’.ave features ectllaf-¥o%Hood's Pills.Snialk-tr’pe hima ah penis esesAs-onb,man 4 Taal Segenaas ease: i Pave taken a pil.tirit is-ail1ieeeeeieRepprletors):Lowel, ee A-ayens a * Pills a She maybe Aatailyburied.”<St .Iti 5 Sate that...Favesfason®dihe free pis7tn:|tsby,Hav in’thy zeit who’first.Starte dictinent-racke+ roads presented,for‘boy the:Wake=colnty-‘gran25hasbuenriding“oh passes’yackandtintthe:Wayna county”grand",“piery have <presented:the.railroadsfor:giving ‘him passes.”Biss a?‘STATION ana : EQUIPPED WITH:AisaeHODERNYMPRueMENFSRORPHE*ELINe:OF +:HOUR MEAL and aeKoseeecay: aon abd:solicit ™ . LL-KINDS.|oe spectione,f our;t a-sharedt your can.stan UhFeeleyatedbrats,of flour ee ses “Choice-cae +ogradesespay.bi eatfoaeh 5 a a ibe 7.50 ;tellthe: ein %suk MILLING:COMPANY.- “CUTTING,Prop.*prs i Mids.pvisitinys DhSERCACNte te PLastwer mavaltnes!“fast elk”fingsh- Le >fed: A Pay fond ig §:is reiit“aderent narket:Ao oe oe afBisard.-her forte Ups tansPaster:Vie worttie at,T Nasthereplast w ook hee Si .aeHn en PWeth to tar lutte lagt:Wv eek:OyAso! ge [ONSeons!ter sé ony Depuey CoN “GGt HacOf Pred Ht, Away,here eat Alst.De La iwbure townepaaiseasBae “SargeterNigWeASMertScat rede <a bet Li fury:Com pigs:Wis shee’{s the mung Ok Mis; Ayis &Watts, ;cae Victereaesee* ber “Fligal wviljage 01 ext Jae.AN atte. Ttown.‘Pack Sof Pat L Lethe ‘sresidende.: |waissburned:fast Thutsday-afterndonwithaoutalotitscanteiits.herewasSBUSiusyam.on totise.+~furnit |, ae dnd-ut:Guyldings.re ees -‘ Sar.Wiiti,Teaghe:oe Eelundale :township,Sev <a,mile kitted ast?heStinday ;He gtd ‘young George}:eChapmian jverg.riding.two mules,from Boplar 3}Siyings chute Test Chapman rin’:dvainst As limb “or, snag of a low-lying near they roads;the snag vinving into’the’:shoulder{* shrewsae baieeearnt: oink Wonnexs ry P SCIENCE:| _,Can pe.Cured~ fA Ramen Nee sonarMe a fota Feliable and ahsolute::cure’fo:sumption {Pulmonary Tubercutoscu ands:.Ms albronchial,throat,fong-and ~thest ats:}‘eases.stubborn--coughs,—eatarkhal.affere!'3;—eatarntions;gopbagiaectine eft “weakness loss,Of fles ya all itionsof swastin¥,Wilk sénd+TEREE “FREE:tes|TEES all different):of rat ti Disoover.Testo ally afflicted reader’“writing for,them,>ig”New:Scientific:* iesusé,#nd he-considers.it:oe “Sim‘fessional’dutyto suffering:ae*caemaes |CODME:trlabof-hisinfallole cre Sha-Sekénce-daily+develops<new this'great.che tpt,patienttmentingtofyears,hés produced’:Deneficial to utnanity'as canbe’cfhime.by’any modern genius.‘His assertion thsturigesgudconsumptionmeeebt “his aaricesand-European iteetl indthousands’:frenvthose curedinailparts Or'the.1,Medicaiexperts concede~4 chest:and nogtrowtbies lead.leadon»which,unigtu street;New::-York;:givi:stoPine.xpress‘address,aidsind Pome |ewill be ly ae Sit s,theorakeinitaneedge%,a erers should —_Me os ae Nae ia f agent 0. sout a 4heve 7 Pie spl SHAHAg d (Apater|=: pate.RS xt ep a a ,SF sas ho ~#5 Aiud london Acbintedk By | fed faking Stack of thesWed oe os patore-at ‘Hidde as pee AGN TY be iotelige preeerfipsons ee are Shbok“viet Ave /meek AUCENt “pt OLT'S -FmulsipYSET?SRG eh ker mtzsdyOo“who ix Sygre @ IT}.Fie hep nerl:the thaixare gaits,Ae):ae Boa wo tintnk Crstals Mix.om @hap ‘mae ae AaspiPuech Se eat Top bie ri ee Sy ye ra ee Sikes ane being’‘duexand duty regis“rpbspeed‘of’TORRES Opage aRaeMette‘olinty=OILiMONDak,ith DECEMDER, at th @ court idee in,Payx“Sell tor Cash 16 this ht eeeouRey:ed inestoeandierin | AMcD.EakinHoty:p ccunagerg ee west ahiERCaadbackolseabes;SEC nES.in,sGuth-west:ai jwitpublicrdadtoforksofsaidroad'néar t .VI Hee Of about30 polesdydebatesvasewardlySV:aa vtec,Jonid”pultie”vrowd- Sannewie and at baatWw int ES Ville,N.C4] dé theJands|morerage.toapitne aan of ‘Tay torsvitles, mhtst Wwsock Syrect’|oe thet te Brisudy:Mistil lepysor ae:“Prater!cccte Speer She Serer >er Of fhe“Fairs $e,ext:Spttor Yew:ut the ce Shutwat to ee e meédudersifsDeginning,|: ayer meres.PESE4 Pom the;“hallimi2 the pay es part OLN ie fea be A:a nRiviorstet Kime Hs od Is Guana,Attor7 oT beets de saepeae ek eseverysasCeWabs “Aeeeto Catwhethe separa |“0 ‘at the:mutekitipys it almost’instane | thy!The ‘saddénstop Of the mule} 1 “avy t:ther,>arehigees “Celery Capece|Caml York ‘River, oe Ay;ug Troubles a‘and eer:‘ xP :Pace ce“Cakes Ganieace tSe.Raisii +:che 3 ork -“enemist ahd’|*Ca aire 2 Free'ae ite teas LT.A.Slocum,demonstrating hig covery:;< ;See{ban tment”jras |ouredthousandspermanéntlyabyits’tine }>* cour‘infany climateis proven dy:heartfelt |.iGseeof:‘atitude,”fled Wy ims hoSON DAN?<<|the following.eo conmn[SGicinae ssw" PROTot hs‘jad ntsaid ortSacokERE:oe ee the 5:toasts Dans‘line§tone,Hix's8Jini Hickory:meistone:the:oon Containing: :Sim!ere ee i iA bn Sil's is cenaplylocum’MF C..“08 dé-pal :Westo,rie Se eee as ‘omarlssin}t;oa ‘Court.Alous stradtiof:patelsituated 4intessaidcounty,adjoceSandonTScontaining’.Cayoass,and known:EB.2. nd 0:halt mae six shin =Rhnote-and approved «..an ;et HL:oat:the pire tn ue aes &fe anced that we =4 ‘nh W390"i Br ;We.haveniore:experien:eeWeKnowhow:fo buy eet0 NSKY &ADELSON harles‘Hotel. ade uswedlly petigh“over one pounds a ae riginated atte fsto-wear clothing |tar 3 has 2acon eit:ition syery.sescentialsknow hte e carry en's suitsHiguarantee|quality “aeeeupoeeetwere he folloxinse just We have anelep$s,lamps‘and ueenswa ee SegnaeHere aba ‘warm,thecebe prese health and saving Fou i ae while:aking you: -:oe“ithe a Hollana, Was the ¢ ?.Berdion « ns licen,ait? s exceedingly low.price §5 cotton and we are determine ad-tos: 901 beatae eee iNet: and drawers: titt iS eotton fluce-acd:silk.Vests,all.sizes.alse Wrights apship SEX,SG jit are ad dis "Mr.Jamesy ’: Haase On ‘Sat odth ae i“aes -Ot the ‘mri The Kings .'ji-ee mt a LOWwns Was held j ; heeted Wom Son Dr:oT. 4.'Turtier,oan IG a.Mo ¥ibaINSri Or 4ery S “Thie ofticer Olland ¢Was ctraiglgeathy,bid ave <Not } Fire brd at Stéwa oh toy M:HefSawthe, uc}|he.q Shil ing every and Were the fireww -longedto in. ‘Was “On ‘ha been Serig¢10n s spees “Sir.AW.¢nal to"his | ras.beet fora.spt Aut 8 OF cid to tie cs Saturday 4¥conferen die §rte wi M20nEe)S 4 them ber &Military Wh lgh Ma}, s 4 ——ye “Mrs.ary Srondax,nNead > écdived:eMrg Nipy Dinar,wid ota ; i ‘"f ma r s : ie “S|Bes:Jacobs Bead.eters ae ates Monday"Mi,Sean réephar?te.oe telegrainfrfrpnpangsLO),nouneiirs the Pr eh ond )Miriam~ame iT eeeCCotex,-%Vuirasta.;:‘Gu,an ate col min FuMonday di fas henge ;ais .3 :etuh“phere.of Masn’at)het h Saree ee)weaterh part of:Sot She2 gied:at the he“4 so é s ne about “ona?g <loc?STeesikis:®Lokedyeeeeof.her.Semin hyo Myr,Aaron qnenitre of:Dart:eguble:eeikeorSleaepars|fornierl liv.vabgur 65,ears:Ble funeral was:R Mn::yped.withs Mtr:Walkage:here “ined re-sconducted Tror ‘the rpside Fe Bere vi)oh hervende and Frmnidy”moved,with Dix family a Soweitsta,Shas itey natakeebe rmilegesrslgecere BeSsmkttod.¥;Me io xtediiyouday;Ph Esevensal years EOC els RE fH 8Ssel the igtermes at Bethi Mensty =Chk B:ges35 +wh eo fie o 2s ie s +stat ‘tenet 4 Tien : Dining *Ss-D.STEM eee of Mitte Paice’Bt ee eG i “eas Rr SeieShiloh”towns p:an Bs Re +65 meeA :i sri i ete ,i ea ae i “a Rise whe rs ~eos op <i ..}oe aeI:oa Fifty fae)Hs Gonmover)arPhased::Bin Hat eo eae ee eS areca.SES weas sp Dya ;a Cte!ae meeenas-ne lan oe Pape :%Ids Srey Sim Color be “3 -=QD:Paes ;.>)Siler 45 ‘aS VOTH AE |Re ;>itand.eo t a abey fgles pe Lies)Ot:Aleinre.5 penne A ae EEE Nt ;eladiés tox S *3 “igre a pinot :Sy Ostet eyDD;eal‘ars Anititiglewmete : rt Sirseres \:5Mobsc:fi 3 aeANSaideowerear)“Shiloh tow ae Tie | to ‘the drut th»Line ‘4 Keb childrenCNS Mss ae Te: Pash.onda months tfDroveane bene em!ott Chan.ShOGSfrom .dikihnyaeere:has:typhhoid the hétety:The thelt IMprocpiyPe E73 gand:THE Shdes/recta a ne oe y of Le rAN:4 ri ¥tara Pret Stirty NF PS Be &“BR :ws!Finer $Ohi-ageotat of thessboy?s |x Es oun bseee pies Rae ;Se Sinn Shick suk ae a eee Be Jalan ind Sie Ja;Goinca Sob cet etper’5s PoE i :fe a O11 33,00 tap.is:hae the ching #eet Wk Fy oe ere poschugl Mt Ider jet hing Off:with the.prod fae atesville.find:NBG:eeeAvndias 3 ae Sn:iS ;aC tien aba ypas fo wes eS ASE :rice Gea eee a ‘LE battention tOvour line of eae..D>ae “yr »..=a ;Ee ath ee)Ss Seana :;Le aa 4 STN );Rt cy ice pet Nel *<eaNSE neerid:fron is ‘Whother thatshe.Wfoul W:bis!ss oa ie ail:present with heat,|t.Ea ete DES ‘a :ies hing 3‘SheSaid:fhat-Shedwould 2Att rotiersnit,the imiesor bers death,Sh Rene A y Pig MIRtOT 3~se.ohe OM Aut:1hor SOP,Whais:now ii Geir ri:m4 Oe 4 Abeta) Sappascd caveFetes itfidle herve i wis Ms.Munday:wes:aulsesoat Wife and}:s¥as ie wigysratt fHusthe ne bape:rt mn Lowey pindastoyating:thetnoutols te}YM pee Eras Bart »-s -:nesdssohas:no equal.‘EST akAPMeTSicestoany:Dior ese vt i -<)orem he %i=cS‘Seedyir beingaeiease ance snipe See no Phe De“reaved,Feoun ts,ASS.ehSAL vate:=isis aeNIGER G masaeieesmiemetmchiteren:and Sots PMelatis és “hare Ye ouny!s.ge .y RES soaps bi gests ign obte wntwnoutrarY~to!his:usual;Seustonee:aR.tahie pega peat Ly af The »On Cries ae 5 Se :2m:Zo dawste4 < 3 Fiabera Sep a5 at Wi HEINE T : »hetetneat|dO Hi. Ot)E'S(rnaer Honke Fwent along qLensOe“Savor.Hairti!Ani ce asl:never beer dower skeitcometanfeyytAssessedMinifa:S4°BAe :ae Ask: eee pies a ie, Cue!Hust 1Gatlcriyri Thiss v emen‘ete e i Me Diy 3h fen f a+";SnobsoyWA?Teakiji,aden AC thenwe Dyniel:Ma Tie Lee Broke ae nas nett .att sini:of Veadiyyhike Ul)RI Oust aN ite,weve:se~|MOA Mmigey ee oe ps I souek x i iateta.ve hisi hisay paysessed si.Ry Soph fderplan d@adniky.:Ptiesckty at ernQon,between’“T ;ti et a ecCeepedoe for thems G 3s oFetaitgassaeterahWesteSeyReesNanal“le “k.Mes.©erie ‘et ayy x levy.oni ae :establish-":aye)t ::ee TRBae es~ut The Moats vide,feeard:Noe.Soda,alos Daniel’anu fe vette Siri iy’weeds MSShere:i ae ‘anne :—aeers.La Ba bu ee Sie eS MaeASoStaedinter.liter vith:iQ An |DanielsaS “ray bar BS PO pa a RG,¥iy A Libel ‘;40 Aes tee alymehter:sah Mt igreStS RecOrth!wis hs town Hues iw Davie i iVh ies AW Linke oly Bin liggtonssmW boisgo ae ME ?sted Lf AES Chambe:rain.Xf|Based this:paperhas:notes i |Whoutropposite Mrst€.2S.Woulin’s ve ashen wealwee Tne:ea in apes‘eet 2 datyecaiawohandSichaanneatsteteayaisTeontimMaysitifethe.horsg,became fright:ened au:HON :Hee)iBTey.Toy ENS Monday.“ee-ordsunttit Ssats Sold,bv ifs ovo,|Sn to TET /Whep-opposite ewe:Arey:Shimon“Bridges:if Catavs Ba?toBonredRyayimebt:tlt 3 ofan BAN ote Ke nee “OF Salisbuae “te PALSSLOone:3.“leg:he pe Boeke:both wae ee ms tee antbe aaams Bi oAG‘iean Biahead ILL gle veut Ene tow a for the Ewe.Aboate,{Bie _breeeht chitoranildar optofthe:Mee.ws hexps?te BOS es Cottechiy:ee Sothters:id::TheTee adSpt cay4atu:Somte sto TresttTh ibscoeder;iSinke Tho sale sory €lipldittz-on ,to they.Aine:<n.Sigs:DSN Gulespig”witha x02MtsOohaLradtdrin4oesiy far mfoedaaea:fish.ctthe ouliit Mr:SStdeve tte bas beea|Me.Sinith:way Stumped:by his?faty lourne.Sa tandyy fi.3 it BEERPA ive Te elit.PayRee Kt theeelabeiaca.ty)Having thedtecore:Wriuted int the Dut was not tbeawise Burt.Ma]Mes.ee Phas j)or:oe ee {iffayBanfotEhat]Finicd office Et he mpcard:eis Daniel fell wittphis “Weight ou “hist sss‘owt tashigadh WE Tie?Set Mae Sebhetes has’“Poeit hy Phare Matt er and:.broRe both,Bones,x seSkfCED.by Chokelroy Riased am te preyannum utittaind [abr the die spat;4 RottgueaSuinnapaneSwillprintTheLal”i Mtporess Fay Ma Abang a,Shut tor vtays SONGS ;2 “elk HERE SRS wyLy He 9n:ThE OWES contthit ate y”“this impye deaAt]T :he Gsapriod.,hist ne estet,AWESted atenttbo.iM:iese irlaturitind ts ay pee D Eiri)ler:exging 1 WeekcH he Baas i Pear StK ae fnatyserDyate|tohisnothoer’s hose an hi oSata E ay wvenipsars |Viste he Gurktts Raid:WS;“i Pigaedn Friida.agrd|dog Vepny a as Ne AS “pita ye Ore Tee.Ra dBpsourrwy”hited ayaye BetTuts IN}Le artProsririsay By acedrebates“phiptied for.liom diate XZ artes “ “MRStYMey,oe WVavin fkie oeCee:PhikFaded a heby whore whexxthiyd- vet —]hie hig?.pees e. en Shite s agnor ‘is filitarse =(ae :‘oo en tonay Pe:&biteait]<2 s Mamas She a fo]tei ES Hus:Sr Nd Ars fut ap ee LEC}Sere ;a i :Rot:ee eeeeeSarananitibetetSomeeegtaeizar:ain speett tig Dietajured may homie ype aoebe “ie erotik:seh ai ouea)Sa AES ibis wha ide,cites pear i!Piles Vane eC aac hE Ny fre “sitinetimeaie K Pepitree altoetor AMflanis ‘aid Stngen'von administetedy t eaik iemia eey:haw Paes 7 |Chit Ren rtey eiannuek theb¥an dy:distil=c blondformn te himand Sefeghie bri he es tant a Secs Calf Ba wry:day:Shoe EP ae ee:sé wetsBishae has SOULE jt tSHees “oF Batty ‘Hafer sat,mt Ae {hel ah pe eto “Hes SGods thes \Operutic Dh 3 eefeFhwencaptactsbagi:Mle sinder ebnntss pdsinuid ier cus spilendily ‘and;Te is HO oeCSTE ah:“hp ens Lor:Na ieeeteta“Ciwertash LiSow:EG Jariti ae ‘pou:Bi SeSp iarapts%mone ‘all 7h :Jagr yeSart ‘aA, a4 at ts een idAGitecote Datis was med to Seize!t Mitow mnie thes1m esate SIT Piniiets Pein:eeNyaartagaleakeaThewhichhedidMast:Tidayy:Besides the:bugger.But the Shoise”ray Okey apes epee ah IS Wenda on <Lobos 5Txdelt the dist Uicty ontlit ike bufrel.s pe ‘down*David aw anes pHe“ant ped 2a esis way"ae ousct SS ghee.etn agtendrag:br.ANAT |Wet eF“aise”Sized.”Hesse Wurbed,Wire forge dt Mae bo Rat-4 ss eae, ct ah Sang bee SATS Weak peliipapedan teyny 2ae lors,Mob,met Sup Sytnd:raninto,the dot at MR eeEMIS bite?Delily vo ret gietnite ee ‘|5 ;‘mi ¥.ee ee Sy where:haviwas Atspitday ask at STH,16 } nee.A 4 oN,i Fhe ie"fund a r,;sea te Tigin vat Gays Foon Psat as ae :;5 e409),3 Orth:Fietie omn T9e.AonS ices ae eeerateeneaSorheiwMensHoodSpelak”tains r sctilehe a e One:SS bick-AWaS tel Mise JSicne”ieHuser Faccompaniod hors eee ,sSiyae tke drdnys 2 2 =: GS :wees OSvogne:aeuited Darxrats HE Whiss|ued abeotk.Was almost a epnisy?rouie”sr cutee :Y a laycanie aa Ge 7Aas.|cpa Sse ak:4 as Se:onBethany:Nes 4 }%SER:¥ar th Sc Pee cee i ::i forth Galiegis recuse of stants.‘Plete wyre ¢ho.Thelhdrse.’a very find!of NGis:bees riticaly be *wate LX MetsBassdasehbinge5he!nee tag =senderBoer.“(Ss animal,as more On,“less injured —of Passeiyitel.ee veeae Unde!wsTeh heroting Hythe:whole opehy SharBoal verwp aedsIMs?Jes tiieFascd’ts fap i iS ipiands Law meee.poe whikkes Treatises Met Seen ptrained..Ste ik fortunat &“that?the:= tt Way tte,aLNe EY:=ge 6 SpaSS Aipany”es epert >ex:enbe ;aeel—o Sway trolte GL Hi:OMe ser lous:-¢tind tyetarn Ses |AgesipBouldin’ordexed “ts”Sdizure?’eaundaySy“s 1 x Ms Baka etloordi vite New|=e=spithy:sheamatismn::swhicty Depigtw Collector.Davis m:tf UreBoeohMERoots>woereat!su tferor ftom Abs:week.ae i Subteseeobd ks goanefri ends,Bis ack Neeser Sie ‘Carysoahehneat Ninel abeMoeeaeaptélopeana.5 Show was held uy the tet and Seti: “ ‘i gh YeCuvel!ry en f :;etsare Weheacr Oysters andicecream’avec =er6::5 Puaeee:ofCUOhSprint tow Ue fe he exent part iheHth ye aici AS gant eeemesrahe Gsouse ship ated:‘Kita hagenby distepute (apodshin Wut rite Neatrakt anthak ee ¢sito Bynes“iGrenne 2 :Pan i Aides night.dere “aber:rab te Wonkity obthe:s:same ‘tgwnsAy.a:(ree pa bseaa ge”[wer oteBasarTegtkagSaaehacksoN»Rigesinvites Teit.toretherforparts angus ne list?Lex )pisineth ih the K.Of PE cast I :fel reongles Re é sgtSeeafAccdeaRGah)‘anyd Tvar ne Week:«Beaver:iisva ue hil:iW es tee thy rres eh Newion:Aad nis:td 2 Wee bar 2 :. =a ce GRCae SO Me @remaavdi are dt ‘work inat™“eptton mater BleniideprieeehBae Yeee lier eth ol SGarainbay tke te he tise Me ae t :>+ai 4g ;oe 1 ai ye cone4aeDanrehserst‘Bethone seuleabe:cra poarintts.=“had beet,score Waterers"pabiesmnder rapa “Piresoe it am LENG eter fase‘eo a tn, +Big iyawval GAG atete cet Fo ex e Phe aaa Sag er ia wee Stew teNon,Of sie’:Pee Y ant:s re eS Psi Teelph ss)vnyThavktuixing’ayeohtidtease Ser i fad Ales Rea Havsten:ery weate]Pa Bee Spi ines.sreie, entg eu bet wth.to svin-re ahr:ad 3a boyaged¥Pears ;1 they=attheprige asitver cups:“The he Wore[fi ys iy the'¢ity fast meee erate abies cece 2)Wee sie aay wdiniss ont i Ene Tes “Phe <Pye a:ot ©ba jexcualer Is mopths vide ventege Hibs theasatite F ZN :Ma oe“oN wae SR fie Abesuts.marl tbe-chareed.mi aS fe pinegr Er bt chi Sayme ra ‘ercet 3“Monguiretty.a Pimrhters of thes eeBkeour>%pee a me Ra THegitiniatd,TU COUNCY swell,have Mrs “ing Mrs,Faneeee oisie ihe nce “in:t Sedridnes|Hae OeCR Pet COt5:Bho lke for’theny ublesssuindetlS he z;farded:the ‘Prizd.rheeepalseeaeWithinPAOONGliLizerts:weetTrt het:Bet ;:f ;SPS Wash Best;He CU ie wt ong ide Be Lona terhit RN re celot 44;é aren ti)Savin tent litepoetOmMieSitingaruteeaolatecielewissett . y¥.and .4%(ne as ,é oe Br CNGare was str CONS Wg fais%‘pte Ewa Col fatal ae ¢Zen,whoMtants toi Biv RS et Bie rn ae Meret rier Sow ; on tute b Lee th nigreynt ete 4 ?5 Rte :i ‘eat reyoat ent =cae LOK ne23 ake a ar eepees i the ee ver yt voAdirabie tosthke-fabaedmenty s Mice box ie ee br KS oe ee : ony Ly -:>i ',f cs ¥viet re Ges 4 wi ::Bef oH::a *by aa ee Ee es a ae fear Eee ae ont 50 muy.Sony chetsy spreridgeothe stelle:ait.adhtsos eBemask:Come.ae ee 8)ed rs :ack.of*yi Oe “*Be !Pe “pad |ee tic crahask-etke Chain Gang!-x os fot ther Stogis -tox railroad ;J arork:WS eee a wet mt i tos ct aay asin Torsnte Re ‘Bae recent teraydobepart<sep =p pyre:‘hete:dudayork on thiss:ndeaf oriie 2a ::: tt RY ieee the eee ine!ess “Ets to Ane Shag ating ro elite the‘Ties |emit TCE:thTs:THOT AN Celi ee PagPiaassSonxEROtaneeBlorealvas“attos roel sym,Fert)seatLape denoteone hag rica Teme wes oer’feat Geto He cUlered:farcengoG Months:els a AS q JRO EORsity:“Prd bee’pntoee ALiikea:nt We: aeGee dea,ie THigd,white,Jaraiier:sinemtnbf SG,oe 2a‘apucht solil?‘his pM.i BU Eos nf oes neeeat:SSRI eNLS Ese red «fabs Goto Ned,CATTYMe COR opera onde 1S,nt The Rud Pyisitie,thé sfaniinssOe 73 3 Footed seta peys eae“hroith;Reus tap Ma wilh heave.”per the Teth tory Hd.“tied.yesWilhenin* } .yeaSHOR tis ae ae ae at a;:ae BE soy mei 9 crisgr ih Stinntn ~hury hf ae Yr.i x]Mint rake Dgtwel,Lveudoredy,arte By rT,%,xa Mes Jy ce Bowegr >thoy ity hh thi WiG ih oe ‘el ouyy dase bina va «orrok iseta ,0 wast med ‘=O 7aeifantsetrothahighmontys;Join.Nesbit shite:dabewat:eecle oe,a fi’;Far acate Ss.iy Mk :bees eo :cece Fic aD see re Reeth 18 2 Leia Esq.ctor Seymore eis SORE on Y smbucy 8):Gemma Mouidax Shé.|taionthy:Joba Wilhiaitis.Colas tiHlove “6.ct MiCounell fain:Gin.bey Ren gn sits “At a3 Dehepie.Lurcepyy:.7 mignths;Will Steele we ole,:Hit SRO -/!StategeddanhwasKnacke:Li che same lay ~ati’:coteek|girehimsoe tons odEverNosbties:wees re.Ore ce Jarcuny reyes?|cult 3.ae dareuedK Red tei Geom pDtitesti Theawohd VF Telit hes ovis gore noteSybotowtfagaloneark}Mera ccplomen:s Rayan sc gnouths>Wty!o3 Cirle hee-at*i Se:ey bs ee ; buick Store’house?ai doa ptaetet.bestoeHe Pe SA Liye ates es ses Khon “th uf WH s ee r 5.4eanOnLHe.Toth.cee aed nt if Afr SiSplien:nggninsehnative’ot Ades ed bdJobNuOX,\ebkurnd.Sain ¥“Eze Ander Son matte:ils 4 i 5 }broths AWeri Ly gnss colored:aut ;Pvt Sigh We SS ech noelra nity suinkin Diether,Mic yf goods,and Ee.aes HoeEibenehseSeteNSfree,fmanthss 2Abert,raving lls -WWTile,two FanAdligs.thote tu}hee iit:nearse feXos oh yaticl kK thesknife deep =ies :or Me;aioe arnt,Sis Pana Stat.:Sansatha,Seed ae A eS SKS Ein Pe atts “rd Aiea AS =anePcee ee ene ti ;‘Spe nd to,bring :1S.Bott Gist t ONE tae sary “Sor LESS valorede wastSefat Le,Me CeareslyAia¥y,tel Conidle Greek!ee ee met Peete reeHorie :3:torrseeiicy (es Were Wari nar tha penitent iter efor Ore)CORE:for how BEI tor ester Stats!Pihinte Navas ASEM Hei ee:aN Aone tree MEF AE aD Ly peagoeeAT,Tig proRCCUTT -3 oh TES ©Otton |“Mill,VEST |lakes*iyNs ancl Jobe Lipset!a coloméd.fart)hes a al curoy¢cintos.je Sen Hee tee:Masog TENTS rtetae twhie nS hie Ge Toteee ERE Sars ,sosream:ATmmediatyty after Was sc)at ters FOL FB,thonthecterd oF pctSieh bare th;hie aR uy.pes perfycoige ated be the Mc:Paueh ie cep -he =6 Dress 3hdaeREEYagithMes,iresckeeh eon carryiewtcaneded Teahouse toy Eas,LU eit Ome,ask Harris ntot eves Four!Laeaatit ‘Gurreg pends AtESS Hgegl he dotenchure”WHOyy ee Cobas 4 Gs bee ; ’Ri ckHUL,Sec:toNisit the hired cut ox rhy eu,Comin isstody far.ahd Messed J.Me Date seepsae ASS WeeXartealbat Se ES ate coe Lehurgedwith ssed Saige under|cee I ies Dae leanssdalae32neashieeReaeHers:Be SSN esSeats FMANotlits of.Ao watcOREEVE Set pateycyl &hiehstgridk,suit aeav Pie otott a Gist eMar Satie SsSin Bea F at Se:sox the marri ie Taco itas mee a ES Sevan 5 +S pinot typ Moaresvathes =55 ete g net ived certo Wary oe vi etThos,aayebtur off:2 Seite ;PkICES TO.¢ Ben =Se fot Stk oh ee eae Tye New Chated™Buricicsener,Comdordy ye ene :f of aeiGr”litteaswellas.Ty ieues See ec SUR2PRISE YOU:.j *ee ene Ue earn?bette awe fe a Betsey3 i oe :-{ssZonnié Rimmer..of|Faiis'-~Vue compeat ion OfCongord ty Nos Aplyectintaients:es cas Se te ewe slike eacees a BLOKE rehirts,‘is ‘ ¥ts tostmship:was issued”yestore |ateBald ao ine ane hptie sratesvite tiltsCHaTging gst EVashey eat Soe aley:datton’Cte ears Ans ss os)ep Slnuve Lot cbeen ss:gp Hane,<:ele eredh x i ns it ae .%fie Bie at.wehingSeleRotfindGs-mehea Prat hare oe eeaciyae aees ak ‘Rs histiacertscrs bis we is |Meaen the Cievchunl-Earliniaaot UCU SA LCs ah ke Paes ogy weet ‘ie eeothine-Saysttiy ovals 2.0 taleseats Fxuti ee lave ee :Van ties:tw)Id Have a well eguiplpedvmigk ah,over ¥fain tin tre Raniey-Hang!RUN Te ig chncied heey teif fa We ae ns oat Are Synesoak tyvy a is be mk 5a i ce ioe ft!)}Respect.“They set Aheir stege ands rf Espa af Aico imy:,temders soete ce a ane a aoedeandULBEtodassetwetbeDurch6faeacaeLaeeat:hat,st hey par]Phe:Ws “An SoeIT NeedailoréedignatedyoonTelgurchsanalgoherdtieibaires-QIAN “bhices {re :en Geoh ;itt Thre:Base atCun any ‘duteas ged stiiberer-We Marable Lec“Dect:et Poh’rum cu boweels:(ith tins 312 Dihest:sua ket prices for ¥sit ut oh ni ravinuGdmet in bratifrorg tiedmyjcaatweeswx‘af:Rye ze .FSS wii aides age 5 Ratha =the other rissins .=eet ahe feFLhErs 63;caneseetfon:=RO Le v Alesis trict el:whe “Wests realy Delt Sunes Bet:ti by .ne“the Finnian *carnake:ee San whioutran gic ed SG Ghee oylicattand.fit."V Fllorlistiic ?Se hr,dugg thes HOw tau Ie tee .%‘an ee ¢Ouhpereneear’~.ent ondosed thejrharsd bhrudte ts:gathdus Covn-2yNKshiona-eaFou whtere ah oF SOIL uc fogs Maoter ol.Stares7 re ig Sate ence eae py ec,sek ate .Think ©-£dink Church Rak Ro ville:Wee teostrack:‘to Sbuud the:ant Taps,ROREA Thin AONtS ate:}porh Chat they eeeso VDT ES5ThesSercceysRev:res Go MuSs eeFeoiaplete.éxclasive bs:Sint frihic 2-8 cas |Weeghope:the”time 1 eS Ee s suits.dastbrofthe cole a eth’|ing and soutss dor SHO”‘The~paires ts, Capuinide a “Se Dowyatd~gure when Litas ARs oa y and Sich heres The wenwerence tine aint Salts ii Cos S200or S300 prior:Sim-outings ahd "plaids which}dogait urdo ie niger’ nereat :OS ne Verehegn mal The nt inilding isto aree’scliprs.~-Theit stockof.Bilis &pocentuingto ot4 fe SP : ,aHpigeli I be a redlityals thie bitigtte wecessa-.Creeti:ssamnple”eshoes for’chudrer:Som titend:tafe.make?chore *a Cage a Fi ans a se yh siaiters|®Kho:compte eanbe PSs ibext at F<icritive.::ish Ag {Christin ae ek nee Staticg!ae i ie $meri eeLakh ee Sasa.ne e azood peop obthas Got IATRYOs m Slop ps.Mittor’Re Co:asheee oak fens hae pili ee:aa ata3 ‘nee 'st ‘itz -~.WM ee eae.Tbr![A208 ithestheir:frjends.+Dhe title toll quarters tor shoes.,*Phey have Justi ee Pence ek ;orgie te one We De ‘Arner HOn-x give ey :>;eye oe Rev.Fe ¥S ‘Brower,“Ure welied:gis)eo!in heist Peer dD.fitPhot]The new.lotswas given by Mr VS.received another litiot Ube velédrat’HOARY OPaIOM bade Kirst Acade ing.of eso)Es Anderson bndMéssrs:fare riS“aaul pis Sons:and’thestieedIs|a¥-‘Battle Ayw'sshoes,“Hor shed ty Sth os S cia Sage oebh onesS$and.>?ar tay Anderson ~j.fT,[HOw du,the Weetior the sikbaliiveTwear they areuneguale Esa gare RRS Atty:3}Oe Cape Ot hcsbt es se |rs Calvert.GW:Pleas bof onesor ‘them!TRE work"SULT Hein warranted.a7"AG rete has dome ~excellent ork Pa this ¢5°oeigee:eee EP eelasuih;We oqiatheneed,at an “éarl¥day.afd|eaten!~&)Gaige Noah &ae you]chargeand,ee soak sual-;xeS eatcivauseae noved pe -Momsenund WV,uty Stimpsoi..whert it‘is Completed Old Concord”chanoties apcloak Sands dress.goody ]come Bib batl 3 fopaaiiotdet yee ig Statesvilletrom:Barineersvowe:ae j "ae u Ee Wil:haverrefiewed her yduth>,Re oa‘quality;“price:ands siyle their’1 Rex ays We Poul,while Om,hist nipsTuesday:and are:|3 =:“%7 Nig haison.of ‘poiadelphias|Saee Pe ea stook canndt Seraxcelled.fey.lievetHx fe his?apr,‘at“Bethel,(Overcash &Washer utAdoreoftheGettysburgNation:&pMrw!“Robert F.Gaither,Déad.”ees “just.vecei ved a Tie’Tipe “of.dress plredeifcounty.”.Ptah “beste.the ‘Baptist chapel:©:Se ee Park:Kegelots off Baew Ric ee 4 tetrgagde.¢sree eersonng tases esr S aan fora.Sent Ba ott stopped:in)‘Mr,Re Bi Se eg p SHER May,Wo 3 Rebbins,of Sta-}“Muars."Bertha,Wwycne FATHEG,Wh ts mS Lapiz =:TSfatesvile-and boa shy ayjaar‘ob bate ‘ Roe ee “SSL as sq Nember,passed tip the Nise Robert:1Gatther,diet att Cooper SIGill ti Wer Grergthing ee slidesit NB.Pan SHacslostteee cor pene tot es Wests,al lis way to«Chicamduya|her Tome~mean.Hav Many kySha tee aia ene Erne them on they ware:SatnewtERe:Bext?:Gigeg |.ae att ‘But for:the change’in aeeer ofconsvurplien,aged bout|Their,cok,“Bigse brs er cok ik tyend Htateavitic andsBethe¢burt.;Cees Sonea:ae ed as he would have’‘stoppéd|29 .yearss The’internient|wasary obi:It=e.Re etar se]tate:Ge,hast itd Hicm.,tisAvoid:tle ae houseonfeettiGahomMolRobbins:fanii-lar csbary:Charch,Rey.SS:5Griisquic ahemselvéss,303.)ye “OS report rite:birt:0"er feiny dni.and:will’move:p feet go!oh ,teonduttitg thefuneral sersyees.(42)Sloan&Shelton,have!SICA.“Mrs.kd.Ce"Cathet Swhie”inal Sti ee Te Salisbury, prying.Bie ries “Ihe deceased ‘was a,Udughtet of ind aac)Aintosuas ;pa alle Prices peterSoBethie ae iim ptCRERE te seas 2reiwrutihwiguengtiateruslRewDrvRobertWychesofsHasitood:fTHey cath Suit you Win’cndertear,[proxng,/pe .a =CoutityViteustirer Hayus att twpasaseCwproinise-OhatiamnScuuntysand agranddatyh-iAanew lot,of ikfondyikkefatsand.caps4.\“Nr-S!BR Watkins‘of.itio rin oF}bytkets’‘Of Water on his=bere 3&\ en Pt Distelet es ores:|tenet the’hte :iestieee eetAne received:stene fs tnt ing1“ampbe)ER A¥ilinads:was:recéntfy.‘nights SThis imorningOne;time.Cpe digas Dr.Perky,Sas raised:BY:bum:and:-her:*oan wrong”with:orther,ay Aarare“oF.SEER }reayin y a Dywark sintle..And,be 2en over atid:the?eee .‘uf +Olju tow yship.Shy whether.“aABdut’6.Sears“ago she(pERES,;Rape eed “PPask éc ithe pasoutherTreat,Hesuieh,+hy:Awa.“this 7 ase 8 eeeitereSmusewhich‘Officer™.Tce nrarried Ma’.(rdither.-~.-Her husbands:M.Bos Ranisey Se have ThaskesE Phitte.a vounk Y it arn:JemninesIs ’:£.se eanfit.up Herne .ef a hee ee gs coypsettied fiithsé in the diss!and two Children survive ber.“Pyo.,givimeshows shoes that cwill’make ah an atby eeeos <from our —‘of,: eee Se TE f abd swatchedthe premises.:|votmgtliidvep hadpreceded her’-to yay thankful tliatyon tave them oa,[shai,Nov.10th.$7."aie :{ects tosoper up,a Dr ratPeiaeetsiaeslegespecsbutMrethégraveduringthis”yeah—one a |Pheysseth tlie DestaJA)pounds’te-they:SAS -Esareee therisbet re Ob see :ed to:©ae ae aif conte that_everytbing ‘them dying only.“a litthe,nore ‘than,~dota ereen,Coffea,in tien.mote ba |fans forage aae aesComtypepes eee ¢“rgd Jewses Sea ey Eloy sae steaight The government evi-'a week before the mother!a tN T3 BA alegreheattye cal Eee Actiotson ;rechtoe‘ieee hada.weak ase or it’aoe “Mrs?Gaither Was aryoad ”Woman,"at-Sinotinsky WAdelsson.ure sellibin+secured:the contracts:for)4hacuesanteseyaareedtoncompromise.’is ass open ian and her =ydpprg ‘Zoodsin aie ge is ee thes)trestles “aay }the?3 ~~.ay ‘9 vox wee »UU 4)hyleaf:>|Rae Pircyenhs ORLA thecatkad oh husband,apou;whont-bereaytmedts 5 cent ‘cotton:OY WADE.YC Moores ‘tle Rajitoad *“lant “PetdayEialTas,as Ni aeaeanto sit yn rtiave’ery wdded thickanil fast,Within’see their ceiag thelr pricks5)There wiltie.iMivat ihe.tetseles end Sieg oe em nship last:Priday:,shir.whe.eeeone eetne.a Aeon Hie erick es aes eat.will require scniethingar DUO |) og ee a eo we hiny Gpérates:the gin,pbtievchalrent says ty ee aaeagS AE ear So 5 1000 Feat oMlumber.to Sb hom.LEVOpisSer oe a SOR He YGfire before Sic Bud padeer woe beighbors an fréends *ny ‘Henry ‘Green;dlored),shot ‘and The lumfer-used-will the eae deaf otalice:fr ikastivvMereaccicd the burn:Choe urepst ie TOPS ET mle aPeal eat-0)d:son":of.Sallig|pine-and the work “ill .commence as whohas bd;silk Sp ie EMMI Se Netty Out cof the.Buildings oie sige NN!Tate a bagytbers colored.in ‘Dovhant Satur-|sdon-ay thé durhber Cantbe Secared,e past tivo REDS:wt See teers bales’of <eotton:‘cauehst suelday afternuon jn rounding’a day)R.OQ.‘Serdgyins,’white,who fReMiBe2 Russellyofthe firswent ng forSt tesvil and Die Be oa partially.burned before cornenat a.pretty,lively ““puit“the.lived nears heard the shots’:and [uir-doxn ‘to ‘Cfeveland’Tuesday to ssee.rs.Tk PL BurkefrER;=Ste Seas put out.‘The bales:be;“wheel of 'a bogey:it.sthichMessrs.‘hued the slayer’Fhe,negro 'vefased Hftert e\ontract:ete.This:sfirny%froma‘visit,to Salish eed te different customersof.the:Frank Sharpe.atid’rank,Lewis’to’halt™-and Seroggins shotand Scour ths contract:}o'the face:of.eyessns.Wik ea wb Wt was “fortunate that Chris.were driving,was“broken,«Both“fatally woundedhim?He died‘Abat rquite?<Raber of ‘competitors.<5;*Soporteaa .aa tet‘WSs on Gant asthe fire mightshave eecupants “were thrown .out,,but Pee Hours ae spot.a=pawn:ste iil 40.bun a -er,to boispanaterialup ihe oot7;Cen Sériousoes for his’)tsBe,fortuna ry.>=neers of -them-was:insgave himself &p,an aes is-owh—they BS ‘wi ‘oY usi;a‘tion ¢evene :charg oeaope ‘‘meneemew store.building = ©=r oa iM Ta es ‘ was as #8 Stan a $1 Ee ae ether eS Ae.GayrravsSorat Orig 'ate ‘-sulfervik “pran:wtrOn!,And»as areh=Soon,niin Le eee ae MPLE;ART eCHNER:,a ::eX pov ‘anil Uberti:money ®thsSatine spe te dee ir Sarnia atlce.edhe ongtaneree iiens ‘Scher take:Senek A “sotableints ‘Higeng -“,Pe “AR be ci Bao =Fro Jobb €Poatd;of Statesville ey te oF ia ee 2c ry Posy friends t we jexandexiedun rr ealienweneh oe Be i peor:’eral MA rind a ee <éfu sen acon ¢t ::SOMEsveARMTAD&TURNER,°“FouiheTB SochiGsi We Nill partonsep ate ss)good "ar «weg aoe ee diva Feda uae Re ‘urpcb cife They ‘ha Be oueEh Foe res Bape en sour He KG i 4 Rees hegre 5 ihe aD PROS pat vplitel,at,sine)ss ate:ne ad:tard enemy:te Sainte dads hi ee rou:ay Exchadsy CGT fe ::r ‘OTs .Ethie On;esc eveninuee+:Attopneys -ana -tractors -at-ee ee a Stramauerfor ad PERSO,Prey we ear €ny The \.ee ;j :ig :a ca}Say ia :Ate *e ~~4 as SiATESV .LLE,XN:©;by *3 uid in ‘:her sere ‘L fue ona “Teave dunn tia stair:joined:Ue ae.Teague ay Lio,have eae i OC said:1e:»Appeared tedie-in sux . Pap ‘ait aoa ‘kat ee €aes .®oF 5 'oe ae soni oes see :BIN as used my phassumin “perrson.“thretie Daieh ~eaeStandatta,¥y .‘He had”for =linge awit Practiceinali the GaucieeSa oar you ‘Ie Wy wis ith.you Sia “this,Peter }reas Note #ge :forawront ball te be ‘kicked=by,tie ny a '%~“the habitof drinking 2% ae:for:.‘sume days -ligiad. ly ae whiskey.‘Dre Se{rer ;ot vos oe aE es Cooperyy Greenback”“Tebt when|:Be ‘syaa sae re “thelr many prejudices.then: ‘She ementof Es ;¢p a in aatagy tei OG 2,OWES iis wn!“atic 1y~Gath.thes.nein 8 that gna d old anseish Sit or yw a eG uiuiup ication ‘Tha Q~®Se i i BR eeRireadiniware +Yyiah She oO *;GEthinetof sole Cael OVE ‘that 2 a :1 EE BE BeREE:‘waydived:cwat;flies dempionictiainy af|Aine es wucit Third wt el ee ae phghiys tlie.path way for a MOVE!S¥ale = a’f Lemonstine me asa Bese ¥¥.bY aitChaes::eens ae silver inde au theSeanaton of |.whit oaeh ou ARCESHOS a “ndieh |pat Retic sbeihe face ‘agian the)dbwPearcuiesaeeaeainESS¥:%ae wa veg »$3 sek ace see wT tat ae Maree=Daj en“eurge hercouk eid us.Peubbes st‘otood.and OS fo AEONweSey cae meee oe epee ee New;York intraSes fastey iit4,.zto;Fetishtirredietionsere.’nv ow Bige fy Jkyow:testae any wield -wishers.L writeaePoy!aotyh SS theporter Of Saw tes:gold:a :eee‘dlation,tuo;faze 2at aejing.re “afeed yaantl hat ifm abso‘with “!:Sane 7 Mis tetede focorvect nota false re:; Ww i practice in.afl‘ththie edurtswitere,bee Sse é es are,denjanded.ait eae 4 thn ass leat “betietst Bencdi >at port,buttmutterly falscimpressian +cay.whittle thtetE.G:CALDWELL.aieoh {yu th thisctuiftent Baye Mies Rails Rrevite sgurbal:tlre het vent thal &sxists a the:minis of thie:Srise dbp.is oYP30);‘i Sa Rae te probes.:Pr:MOE.ands Elie|HOT.seas Wik c wean PF oar C portign-ofALidten ite:ssep?Pah ‘y NEY JAT-EA We ;ee !4%ee Eris -eriat®State Sy at S52 roy LhetasO°CE eee aEton if N.cS me.beet spall at feitpdy:‘ert:tofore:bs oben set PREGA&andl gQ Hr:the guinds >DET eit 7‘:aes ee teeck #nak St oysattst Tit:ati mG «"ad |ing ne tine Tiaehas unownd Vashti ids.hith:As istic at}on 8 te “i s tet Bie ‘thedeh Ree anal Triemg sof tha@isamie’a]tae Nt a Sie 3 i er i~pe howe i State and Federal Cours f ms reyes ete eoutrar Wet Tee,aT PERS sans <Sorte direc OES apd J ECE LL a.{Pant.Hye Tesoy 1s gourth.Xe:a a -Praetiges |bey oe ees yi “oft SHOR.and athe et vehit hs)¥aal-se sina:*XnihFeat y com i me a hae te ioe Gon.mcureliet.:Jains:BistPsdoace,ris ite ‘f x)ws >.*vy ¥i :3 -“\o.<xastaB.Connelly;as roatt me ne heare,towget lho Sow,“and Fe 3 5binge power,tu the ee tty)ag pete ib Alexgndeaednint;ane hj Pee 6 a ‘“ATTORNAY.SATBWe)EEN Phe yes sigfaht ahes:chet aid:fem ble Heer es Afric at slayer,e Ae ta eoste.hone:ate POET!HesWis, Wis Meee STATESVIELE,N:Cos aes,wal Sategictiy Maspar othe deh)ind:sodasoe Rees a hes .vepynisvehl andy‘ranted (0%:side anene2aeses—"SLE atthe phy Woutdie aan rast nae echt ties thers|made sexily;and stagten the.firest>;Liters hi)Sapyieeas in:atl the Buns Ss bas thy PERE gould m hehemee Piel vps Vatie Lev Stitt “yt 5 tins ae (ay.Teaviare Mharloite:’cary the.054 ae oe spe Specialattiention to:Settlement of ere bytv Seen pike ¥whee:Sieh hie:tinsPit Lae the:“weed lt tcout Resi train SSedinemein Theos poy and:ae -pe Meie.“and QI Pyobage basinyss.”©-pom at Sitestinn of allude:alle “tt hayAbeT Ai.ubco whieh semana os Syn |NYorhat Hidddnneaty2 ms whens sion iee cattegfk Seonsede Loe :ie ge “OF FICE.IN COERT DOUSE.ets celbote oscer tec "pistorient4 Baca ‘Pe ed reefred:Middintte;|Wits sutton’*e *ani Pade Pe,bs Bess the2;ave this Osa gh has’Ne reet May Hiouenkatsia ah ve went:Shit:atthe 3wrcyt:ott ve ae:“inily *ant eK ht 33°RE J...Gamttlo,-x,me Spies f aS tay one,rails reece Paar ay ohet tod civ ithtraine Ucstonds TU 4a SEShduse eise byAn detokhy,;i MCG.ddtreESayee<o ATTOR®BY ALLAN.et vat 1°}have neesot bee}nh nis ae We once“ePa fe interest.3 tbat:Nin ns?Toublo--tald:iim,bone ¥was.{ PE SEE Sie 3.2 aeae ce 6 CR S .“Hie,:‘,xq AK for?Se et 3ae(STATESVILLE;X-Or eh a Sena aid it aS it Gendt te enter that aren thie Ai ie been:hes HOF.bed true.‘sutohinge andasked hha tort some taneoeiSs“at Bap i Ss ecluet xis iat spasoed a thyoe:sa ih ee e oo ott liquor,ebich bes wate:“me,”Know:HP eg at thi “Yadkin valet Institute, cd oe vill practize:if Sih “thts courts-~Scare:ands ei ve r Llhiwueriertne s Supa bund hay 0,beep a hing that thee fect:af he:spit ifscin a :}: .+oe Bopatteution®:torall:busingSS Gh k a j et}caf :sy ‘dj The*por zh are:Gashig.weUralvint consisted”Re the WEE Yabeix Cousry.NE Oi reNdebIngeThoygspoanovkechubewithshricurrentan;{.©.trusted:Ofc ade Orie ee ;4d im Sthisy tam;kept t aha:y will4ust.f Siiese)inimbedtateintoxicat ionof the nerves::ef Court thous.7,Mes —Fat tdosame tas thes tdrank’some liq dor:Paw,wud aber 3oeeraaator,=«|in antchihim et :=)by de eone ont drunk ote as;eek.ap ‘ar nil {Spring Te rmnop BS.og“4th,IN9s 2iFQ>yr ez «¥;;7Earcy 2,Gr rn Fareor the itedPStafeewei fs as per ee us =pee asa Result]Shadsaoveryy —HitBu Snpeoah Weer ee:=sidents ;¥te hy :i ;WT pre ne::ORL OR iohie 1d tednin Oe v ies 1 Dest pre.;éoeHoyuepaleat}tv ithe.AV hig sind)Derdaratic Oo we!imwnd isht Head syd:un CASV Jaw yea VON 2 fs4aceeeettEStateSdoentocatable|few.shomen{s.Pe ,esters sehopik si Die State.Competent the fon t aT ‘Mer.sven g tooir foesah sowihip.for.they parek:je:arned,Tom Sharjpe my Stow whens:alee te hers.=Vhrée excatlent ‘Literary xuciv.os ses caer oe 5AbeautifulcountrylocationAy +Deeak partis:the.W higs advoca: 5 Phe “building ielt “Hai ORtts:=by:,Hera d re peiatCarefulptingaSiuees,‘‘hott the:mast ssached:respret sa and progressive:people.“One hu.+ae hatui ne aa 0 f a bate Fi power ;¥e 3 ~fiv.tested:|Statens Goveranicnt aide dnd with-that one iB Won things ep here Jarsophisticated admiration eae i &50 “aad |eighty five’students:enrolled, 5 i .A take (aac oh aa a Good t oles ;tiie progerg:ORSONE OUT ands,}that is,Tehoy oy mics y pises SE}whois usta otewho takes’“ao |Se em es.Pe ry ae%ef ry ¥4 va ia %:i +yty he,ba eetseos |+[ice tos onda tai ui CY Op mels BE Gee eles al tes acing eemaebeeoezteZylONGRNteOntteeitimate-Sr fas «‘4aPORaALITOLNEAT:Wheyant Fucopte that Atrases Ee eats fe he savin’the,Acsurt att submit“Yopge Pos.ttl met inany faces that were.familar; “¥o>a furbish you doard,tuition,“;avashing and lights froni January 4,1898,Pptsy25;41898,(five nienths)for:s only ma,.>_Sbash SORES hehne COGS Fed tinted improstmients <<}oul:“aby,dutedigvarice Gfthat pows that}to,mig difls with whom t-had associ:+Raeoeiaaae afte*rinforina->.$Sy ieave vokanandto thetothe”“praatice ind:wall build-thein’De pr ivate sliyse riptions:Gnahe se nytiongineds by the thes ‘Sand ated 4 a_thie“brapspy “agys that E San:"tion Re >RK:B:“ELORN.ae és SD dip Hiddchive two)yes ave?Thos’ then:ahnost jmpossib ie our Legiste:elescrengrations-aleeo ;[days sth E Spent),inf*liglit-hearted payrgi:seul ie weedeat ive prompt attention:to.all matters err end,LS thio:Meter:mode algue’:was andgsapays.bx the anilfon §Mi :“PRINCIPAL rusted £0:gy.SNe caadieest as 3 :| Waxy SPENT Pek ‘om op as .ie a Sleeand whose:tt 7 fe Hl ssagscsBSiinSeannStaats‘Btive.Bodies.werbolten,Leet aupoh Seoeat Shscath sat ts,ma eSSuen.eee eee Be sey ait&oe€eexpaaadakBUNanceamanteeal2eeax<SOR IhGercontributiny neariyy 7iWwieeeTEwis,4!‘Hor‘Yelp.aM -Iban Msmad weeoagion 5022 bey LORE EROS ite eat ks eee Sipe ae acti erigetod —:Se oa Mioriencies 2Lea:WEP OR at :c Bh A TP a is Sirs weget achat giclee Seana WP sg rots §yack wha:a thought.tos bit aeSrcal .=us Moarpats oe!pe ete Gt Seca W heb Got nprwe“atoretiad "and ay,se ince ete nee Mansuer.Caunes4a tld.weties I was.dot drug ks bul af es “The 2epaviona powers coutained ina Morteslgy2seaea)ee Spiesdetombined.t tovearr yioat fe.ofp2 2 Rime:Uh Enyorreyiter 00 “+Thad abies.dvank <P?wrauld)Gnly.))cople ne ‘eds y s Ra Seer <by W...B'Shoeniaker sate eS iMRppe‘ar 3 oepelttrect Haw Ss:igeat:Of Building Ta great::Fur ills ‘Obereer®AER WA ent iach Pha &aeconpplisshed what T intestydsd 4+sh Pott 1:v arvland,Gre:Newt.aces rs tered in Book 13Sparc pein ae: milk %S s cy meee é na PS “Be 4 M3 °sanseeeaMates“=s E in oe Fy dari Ghetto §Re harbor tot ac Cord.Van?Raesell Cou:any,Porbthotsdt:How asthe ony,remedv'l ;Sey th Te an:Bede rer ee Sed ee ;::ffice of fredeli county,th un::ie ete Leese Rea M es Ae lange ti the Tents ro hing;het Whigs he!pen |fuyeds thrts@ Tigshitgo Us ‘the jfor thesereat ‘ajo:wan,Suttéring ER =‘igued mortgagee Will sciljto the hikhes Be ote gg Be SF doe re FRANK TONG.sll 3 PRE ROU He operu!souse Tast Mook “wki gmuchty hong drank this stuf.SASSI,once }*=mae atk ash.a the:court pres in es Te :©a ONG,faye in is edhe Sate “save the Satis]ittidn to faire pidiens i hate},red ATA Gute aH wasae pti -ville,ob:ay aor LONG &L 2 a Seyute,the:asker tot tO.cranillion+the Sv ra pathy of)our combi <V Yn puernewikiter at Mart “Pom Shurpg ss oa niblie:=f The sy Ee 4 ::‘;ue 35 NG i YERS era :ee ebate ane Hh 1 <.yur Be :: Be a*e)42 4 oeNee:eae Me joe dollars ttoliekp build Yae:Ceritral}the mMidttunyta‘coaditwy gy"hich |t felantyselt perfectly ay)home,avd Nila "Orsfae:Greater aNc&rks tien Week outs ighest-@atsh mn prices tor he lewis lands coaveyen in.said uiort:=PS Galt ee Gr ee pie road.the People:or pringikes cjtize WTtheyawere JO he yesterdgy-bashes)‘absapjusteturneta!miyaelt ‘loose for “a goad:4 :Ae j ,AF ANG i 7p eaRe okies aa and defined ’as follows:eas Sab ;evade Federal?courts ke dare Millidn Thigh C SC onditrg ee guanagger .Prank|tine “Asa “result:ahe news=has.rasgi up in single rank,woul foam pes of tl contiict ;Ce tr SS i rae >Newwares township,‘beginning,on aBesiehtoegeae~Offiacicomrettow,i toytake Gare Rae 3 Re oaee We.Boalt Bey ;Sof eee,out,that Davas drutk,and this 4 pie 10amides:ih,ey +herofth each of:ooky Creekacor- ee +3 .io fpRow leased:to:tht nyenteral’“and eMisy vxtinknvfassell“ely ploy.enh “Suane Was told bY one whom:Te thiguzht-to|thie lenan ©McCurdy Mace eto , Peewee:J “RICHARD B.MeLAUGHLIN,Fndve int,tigation?|The*"Hons Calé dast'sSwine asher Manaver Tyr this)de ofy Gest Hiend.“Phey teh alk}ms .x ve ee yi)Sa OW.76-poles'toablack oak,not tossoeAB8SALTURNEY-AT-LAW)i sr,in G vanes:cS eee ofthe,Senn ‘Season antthe:ee eer!Cod ats thant:“PARI Trt ‘have aby,sneuralyja in rreater:ey:OTnelle oe Etoywar'fi e-shall “continue .to (7 in Heavy::ries]Pile,eorner-of the said:Duncan and fjart. ie Rag Roses|STATESWILLE »we eh ee ate.“and :Believak s hie wom Bridge porte Com;n>3s ete Riat for ain Fexase to wet Boutoe asubsaie ee Ad byt vat the ‘old ste i nid =edt then Se ance er et ceMeteyBehaateree.BN 3 Mey NESTSSot s 2 <:rate a ae Theos,é ‘qo nok know*-ane:OuTe5 4 Dye:{4 SA oie i Ekg dtd 5 eS a ness tract,thence :s fe ease hetCas Masia ®:‘for ay:iss eh:Upiter their wppgdri neg.3 pas ond drum 2 outh 46 poles to a chestnut,.corner or id?taal pi peteWill appear inallCourts.spelt atten’POOH an.cEn bik asiin#Me ah BPO)Phurcedy oveniig the:compo Ty had}They’ua aime great ingustive schen ‘Alex:Hartness'tract:thence E.32 p<ssid.ae shi =given 10Aa Civir Practice.n)¥f bejatiog of such,‘s Yoaunitade.“Aftey anet W ithdargeaudichceséyersArtierd:,‘they taht ‘of he tn thts Way,and 1 1s saeatBe i ;ne a .Stnut;corner Of ‘said a oemteatsea?this Dillac passed.the Home,the }and here the rectipts |wery-tore;an imoped se mur fokctatoShea:oat avery sexta “utis!‘aavate ;.&whiteoak;thence west.199”ES:a~.-EXECUTOR’S NOTICE:jse:Seo fied:Hhruwthg the resort!tharsusicient to paytheirekches.Phejeers sand Seem ol these,wld might.|New:Noth iis Sinliquey inthe |t Paoles'ts Se ee tiorth:20-E;39 > Bibs AVING QU.QUALIFIED “AS cEXECE t ‘theS]alge.‘believingr |No aetna this.the.waiiager:¢would othér OE my friendsOb!charagtir Of it More-ortess.:eeee WILLA oev;we x -=°¢nw .4 A »)eeJe A the-willuf LamiraDobpins,de-=|Sibili NONE:pe elie vitier tn Prehey fittedMost -plausthle elldwe wi hat dea Ny eiem and diabyl-the Tiroost’TTy Qet.Mort:et‘hereby notifyallpersons nolting:Lscoulyl;Talbiy ats hy waySa Tempe vad}he eit eockwaral J his sets:ments fMak deteptron thy LongBes.“Of thos.dey Beto——,"ane Said,estate’to present:same:dndgtivedtin Caswellre the live ott withasie NAN Lasselh,and ae ‘CORT Pho pecgend to Hoteremls toe:your its 50.000 Trish:beiing ‘tw ¢ :mdso Tidy of October 165s,"mad "tase ipo the read.But to the AStOnISshmont:pss xaiid OW Kesterday the dvatter.face,but “bo vav ould:wladlt ‘kick agen gus:as the opulatian ‘of Danuta:*requested:to inuke #4)OOTRAMApe in whi Hight,tayving your strudedlinge souk inte he is Troy,=The Germa 1S verthiemos 3_ole Pt =f OF almost exery.one he xoted for a Mass ¥antlTassatt and thebtl,a nian +be ital,you Zare¢harind.ee Ss thoughoe ao be fceBeer©JAMES&Guat,”i Wwhigh,‘Kite bien withtis’partyeter Blo:AGEIEE company.st randy’hotel}.—Now Ftaecanid,the’truth about.ous rowan Spon’Betas,ys SORA seLavyguli:eae <=Bxeputor..alters ‘though a:‘great,Statestntut|iit supa Sod:‘wchodt c Yeni‘pocket this:matter ahd-tlose who n-do.-not them here.“Dhras,with the % cece peg saeco ca p}never held “aay.athe ‘ofacy,higher RMorioy.|=te poe tow wliexe Gur let at alone:‘bution of Bon lip,“Newt York 8: ee soe dmmissi onet’s:Sale..f'Land.than’Chairmat of the Ca okSsterda.moxhiype th ae“sippy.refiem ber thatit was anbelict that Bt Gerprany 6 ity.inrthe.woildSonryCoutt);et ce had qitenet runks packed anc awere:has filled hades with the Srowing”: ac Reg VIRTUE OF,wee SUDGMENT OF ofEOCOUNTS.5 ae dow the:pointof Toaw‘ine:fori i dgsbo-millionswhosethere to-dye Mitte moh.nes mata;f StheseriorCourt:of dredell Countss\unt Febiking.Crsen,ands bro,Winire,they:haveathreo eeghts®Paget LO:fNeaven anyHottgoite .ms Tr ‘g 5002006.Or,“Wout.two.thirds ; Ear ae Tendered ima special’proceeding:wwhierctt f :Ke HOG Phe:nd R epegerinent:this:week,oven o MY Jook.for zea v-ofany lair.faced per:se:bios 2mcWe‘inisurator of t,.-a:“uck-|.mot ner,SOG:Hare ot,er B oa :.x :: ee ftand W.SL:‘Duckworth ae erg in thé lousee “aids Kee aespW iMable Star Miss,Mun,Fassell's Soe ra hoe eas:et ‘Uf the:ctty.’s entive Dgniilation Seah was*“piformed fiat:“dre (Nope they will all forsake théin dia,“<The.ratte “and checks*‘passingxaredutendants,the undersigus/* Re ee eta publie -arrcwan:Agtive ITw passing.att“tour.that?maint frid Hot paidthe Nea!balk Wolical ways and.arrivesafely there,} ‘siispeeting.soni,shine.“Phank-God-Phave two Whose Svine through thee‘learing hotiséof Great-3 ‘ ct:tah Poss ee itthe.Court Honse dode in ‘ptatesmillss,NY body.and after tilting ‘stock Fiber!Me.Stuart Nei SATURDAY,NOVEMBER ouiin 1897,ally io their Wpectige counties with wropss Pushed yytos the’Ayky ue}Dathics-“ape-alwayss around,Iho.—|at.New.Yorkomike an-ageregate |‘of .a tactitland in said ‘gounty RoneeeePeres:Triggds.!attended ‘public meeste ki Ps Rees Sou md Spake fount Bene ee wkso sr eroueS Sib:tinge aday,.biebaiis ‘twice:as me eee sof a oe i;:e ts Sm ask ey“nna:ye)follows,tawitr Beginning’ata stohecthet.;é .7)}Rare ipa bis wife Sins the:wititing Pay 2 yery eetion.ereit,nor Tor :ta HY:SL dq:<dftawing t.é OSIM eed eV LIETL ‘eee :RES %sold Gibbs cornes thence South 53 polesito|tikeshethy otherr centigs at,sehiiah coat NaS Baramiae check cee :oe “these life would be aburden:safer eens pad clearings-of all,‘the otly :tenife,and :ae :F Se F sey)a@istgne,thence Sr ee Neuen eyhadnyof the"best?Mater.ofboth:OTton HM ~Studht foultl The fia ite riblee “¢Haye ayritieny:this:‘for thige|Ce Ssof-the ation”combined.ak so iF YO pa Sy Soe etre Norv e.East:31 poksy paktjes in thePStarehad poken.‘the fyLhe:ose Simdocked Wem .in-+Chevysbepehedy those sho.“avoult falc.fia ss pianafae{rer iaoe 'Tee eee pine,tlienvetothe beginning,project seus abouttsto *tit ond”at bot.however "Subiped ¢but OF pogliewe Unefrith "tha i Mie.>May:icity:emploxs 63;al OO workhiginen::Hing25acres Wore ok HSS.nea os PAYERE beseJust as+the.traineeor ed EGO blesstthose Stany .fas:triends and paysean.ai.peat ink aaLoetotsalesygcash,14 In.thwesmonths'and44|Hilisbor ontheslust Meeting ef fhe Peon atten ied iee=i.i whotaresd désirous of my downtal pa \~Pee EN ;Sk MARRY BURRB.-4 atte \:oe f Ben hee 8 :oo pet eh yi Pe ie igstcrabgblin,At'y:“Comusohet Ring.and alters oe hard aay ee oraePottsarty ie Se ‘that.thu7,map In God eC OSES x “BARE.4 cep act te at $‘-OctHer 21st.1897.ite {there Feinained:“FGe Best Then ove’an:Wits:about.tO>ese:tpe~SHE ios |:“+We I ONY notliingslbuit ‘this tit 7h “RDS.eit aa ansiren oe before putts tow give =Z’a <reu,thousaird GollaxSOt private Sub-frenivd-at.the ded-of BeingYoft.invters “betlate alnost ‘matey.one's sybape mikes Ahdking-t's eC ibe:’ae Sale "ot Valuable Land.24 séription.LThé:friends of tlic¢'enter--fSuch xthoumifiatiny Gindition.5jolts pe south yrakers to orega yabout.that}sizi to:Bondorceltsgreatest length :aes =3 dy.)Fed 43 Sat ‘min 3 NN PURSUANCE,TO.AN“ORDEI OF,prise:Doderr 0 dint‘ouraced that Some:ares ee ye cand ie uae ibeeAgearey ries eee mill,tye ‘almos:“Wiles—that is:from a@ "Hedi inie petat po tae ae moved,Ag nd four sitio:“die.Ther wore both.arrested:*aud salen BS eee ee Bt eee Maun St ‘Minden £0;Tofteaville:Syherein Erne Batterson -ahd others Whereupon!;Ae “Tt Jerking,ates,Besove&Myet Cosk,yfo?who hear.|.3040 ‘overrboas"Says Boris 5 2 Soh “hy :45hMeichouneaGash‘CaschretsGandy Cati ie ue See ere re ‘be “Bilal @ thanZa*are’plaintiits*and William’chor an 2 ‘i Stier |td TEipticulate.:disehiare Mn :y war liey Le Oe roan:2MinaMeichoraredefendants,:the:under-asked that the natior ie not put for Sto::iahelc oi S.theischary toMy paentat Pace:the 285 ©$Moons:for Poach:ehareh.ESP RE een oe fe :of Said court wilk in z ar ad!a aire ~~Thetatter heredpes!swore |ant ands refreshing to:the -tustess:Seeuthy es ae z 5aeAeonofMadzestle,Go"Sacarehy a ies piace ns are ee;=ao @utry Oailhandarrest Walkt bcaiast ee eae Sree OETS,Tiscr Soret ~The assessed:valk of the’real;cetta.)AS oye DAY-OF NOVEMBER;1997,others wand join hun and take (Pay gnu aud heowas requited to itive a4 cure pease teres,Tabitust constivanon tate-of New York,‘Rings‘and |Rich:er BESS)Riesery ear |thousahd dolfai's eactl to®Set ure the Oy ellar bond.("Fhishie:feted ta.ee mess,“Please.buy andtry w box:mond>“COUDTIES ©and.that part,fo i:oe ;tke to be ild.the.Edad”My broth:oanhewas-talhin te jaik Shortie [o£“to-day 10,28,50cents.“Boland?~d,.situated”m*Coddle:Creek.|STs to be 5 J 4 ry Falk DOP UY phen utep county:included-ine :a township,Iredell county,near Mobresviles))oe:who badStood'sside,Dy side 7vith afterwwaires ~however,ex!Cobzress?|Pereatac)By arcs eae ao re 1S,aoeOf ae+e it being a partofthe lands of the ik ot racyking:w ee:the.fitst S35"respond,’man Sits+Appeaured.and went.Ont The!dwelling-of fsaacC QXeOf Me.;68 e ,ins>3°“.John.A.Brown,devised by:will to the|+his’bend.’“Yesterday titericod,he Dowell county,,Sas binied nae night)debtedness:Oo fe %.>~]heirs of Josephine Patterson,ard-krown,othersfollowed and Soon the:entire|[idmped his bond by le g thse,eitMseentlartfsyitavingthc,city:"Sante mill fact ae foe amotnt wasitalt and:alt sports ont):@atterndon tvain;ia jas:week by ieaead whonr yet Case and)tow uscis+about,317,000,000. af s money ‘is.*;soi ech 25%Ki gH Galtier ee ee aU eesedchaseeypaid,MELOHOR,2 wengsio their hon Ne rejoicing.ne TS ON Siege en See ae had-reftiseth Lo.keep all night:on ac}?=ae =:=sh aie 4 oea.EB.comnelly,ae ¥.oP fon at Om:fb ret “ott ei uot -“¢,‘Naw,What Have:‘Youto Say,ColdABomnt epdnt:of the gge-of hiwiself'und,%Wife.FAL eee ages rat 8,Amdeed tos"1 ping lanceCorot atom,Cyz 1a :,~‘ommiss es ther en:TLS rother A 3 Sg herr :ew Xo:t;Aay:a This Oct.28,189 s :aS to see ee ieee hin a =Siero Chee ileThe Chranicles}£ho:nad.S00n.returned.“antl yan’“Faytttevilje Obsérve ot e hes d tsar siattererera =ot attfor,cn t Them ai S.Bee eS pe ts Soppo:ISTO?eve G Scotore Stk Nile F rn Insurance Co e 2 ICTsibode.Commissioner's ‘Sale of Valua-"Thalt2bieii jebare Subsorigtions Sade hits he-boltani ee ee TAA Ww hen’discovered!Nhoyt “thdstow.pady AtiIS marta:de>ony the Sty Paul Fire:&Marine:2oF BS mofs-ble Land>-.tS nean "oud ee aesemilteacians and fare 1 ney giving the Diemtoctrace eee a)‘hod ae SOK went to-bed and |side of Bryanj ‘even.tO.swallps ing tSe aei inanea :thé.Natest “and- ets B vixtigios afiiaipment.of ‘aie Sub PLORY et |}muchsy.Avice:if therp are dny honest:was.awa ener abet 12:foufind:the Mh:dnarechist phatfor Von:whi hioy-Pot Mi TUSUEAnCe nS $i can!accurately j:Court of Alexander county,tendertd at help!buald the road “Tio jars Ja.eee +P t orien anchester;Hing.a for.any.opticalsuranceGO.ee the Jhly:term,a7,in the ‘eage of H-C+|tdr‘the Westpry Extpusion“was helt Avi.wish’to co-opérats and /ouse omfre,“WeiCaxe’sdred “hjs|al Dpmocrats,have:been Spates5OWMobruatidumeassisl-the.Democtacy,ih *restorheg |rone abdnt-22-000,and s Bote reas es children of.W:;Ht chartered?and:we:had toothrourt |Leaod mest State ‘government,ee *:some pede]ae bate.Ma?68-9 ny NY:=f eoee.:Moore.vs.Calvin J.Cowies Sud wife.the the §‘Sameexperience,sbecoming“one bid:th 308 welcome.Bats:ux fo:resF hie ot geeiS:r years ce sod}a BhAND i TROUBLESfar.=.“undersigned:‘Commissioner.ee aby of “eight ;to,take =a"“balance.Br]aQUbE::eee eS Ayith-£1G,best Litizens.of thé:Sout.::_».the-court,will séll *‘‘et bya “Baab leantng*B hase‘beenpaerdst-aT Ne,bladiler wasicrented:for wie!par- inds:of:Oe ee nevisa £0;ot Breke iNoth‘British &eS aseeeotes‘Eig.;Notwich:nion FireIiSurante‘Society’‘ofNorwick;“¥ng':Stans i ofS eeex Rall irsONMONDAY;“DECEMBER,ett,13973speighty.thousand iin’qddition to:for.BS $e OUN GEO Ogfit od >ppose,neale]y,/'%Se forthe:urine;iehestee Bicedasucance:Co;Manchs ster,Me “a.ab2 o%clock,’aM.,&oS nos of valua~per‘and smaller samounts takepi in}.:a psi ages oemaSte aeac ey foeSan.es agent “of ly fi |+‘lands.the county *o:eX er.on'oh io SOL TWO:Ways:SCO;Cal Liverpoo So ss weisssthewanaaLittleRiver,adjoin-|hewestern exténsign..These with|rcale:Soni sur ee pos way.isis deans im ifect ‘action oft Eepe Globe:Anstiranee Co,-ws Ve London eo gis SYo)te.ingethe oe aOoanon oe =Lother.public enterprises:Raves.and tae geo :cee decal.treatirent uf oth wey iseee £Bee Sa ee pee Palasby pars from ane Stateor}some.others heart.burdéns to,eakry,BS os Ree:TH;.;‘SAMPLE SERe:FREE”a oy é -North Carolina on June-sth,1878,towit'|until thocivil,wart caine ope.which'|ay Unhealthyurine,s et kidneyi i _>Grant No,eees=a aoe Senet‘reStlted ii the “lass,otthes ‘ehtire|*+. >.$00 aeres,|stock tousin:the Western and rédue-thsFe.*(es i ve oS :; ee “Total,';acres;red.the valveof tatin the’Céntral SO Pierce as Rar gest tone|>Sara ‘inclusive.‘Said lands50,sold in:their;twenity ee ee dollaty rol “par eet echoedseentractsand.then\as‘a whole:'.*\-value,and nearly all.other ‘ptivate eee :One third:cash,“balanee upon vy 4 apa ie aclmcnetiesbytheSuperiorUonrt..Cook.proper ty w ich eft “nearly every |sper : retained “till purchase money paid.UPpts Yormerrailroad tian without:‘ahomie |Ue Betis land is valuable®for its;timbe-and five }attey ecratns ies ei farming lands and affords:pene chance’atter he:aha biosed:The:‘two She Seok Salatafor-protitable investment.:For further,par-million dollars.rst taken ae:the}. ee bee eye State maaan thor [Ceiitral:road by:thé State proved tol. thisNov.‘ond;1897.=at be *ansufficient:“to bujid ‘and equip)at Ci BeARMELELD;of {theroad and,he.Legisl ure”was isthechief:¢ause‘of bladder -trotiblesTiscomfortingoothat*Dr.‘Kilmer’s's!eurin bladel A every:wishiin ieeebsf oo :;MeL:uring bladder and:urinary ubles-s It-}°.sicorrertsfrequent~éalls,.inability ‘to-hold|*Cheapest’Place:in”Tow:‘}|urine and.scalding:or,i ier etal oe thle Aaof“thoroughly teased Remedy _t passiopaccor tbad effects follow!ne oe ny >T have,juSt Pecéived a lar eStockAyIPORGEESect'@ |itauor,wie d¢beer:‘aud:ev:oh fing Clothing of all‘kinds:1-~have’oe id annee ri Unpleasant necessityof eds pompelled by Shoei,bargains iIn}aeso4getuoMany©‘times daring “tt f;aseee‘The!’smijld:and.Pexiapelingeey oe.a Hats,OvercoatseffectofDr.Kilnier’s Swain t sete he its oa :|realizedpees “sthnds’the Peeete ioe te aSiurnighings WorderfaLeures:ofthe;TOE distress}i i My_wobds-ares treshe:from:;gee 3it you:neoona:siedicibe you should Northern.+Anarkets and were:Deen avethe Bfty ‘conts|at lowtariff“prices;»theréfore*Tand,bate:oY ue ;tc:bottierand:rae ret ieet ave acame Siatantee et.bann ablé to:Sell ag}: yy t received sub.tocheck odsight- J recite suboat personal security d credited or remitted at:lowest rat. urers:and Individual:‘solicited.= 7 *¢Und x x ais ";3a ce }Se 4 see Ea : *ee eee askedto{eke snothermillion déliars,tndsend yon dre:tareovana!Mascer Dee es OSHepiates ¥Sa :2oewvi‘and did's on condition:that tha:Binghamton,Mw the ‘proprietors of]nA EU REV Prop.|:Scere ea aye:‘:J.C.IRVIN,V:"MORTGAGE SALE.spon Yj he [Bs =; ~;*q-pNDERTHEPOWERS gp amount sis oe preteréa stock’pereees oy Avan Nees 9 a comperiegn:Witt anh maa So se penulpencss of}aa.Tee below thea Phle'Halo ul =BROWN,calor:CONTAINED},vidends:‘should.be “sutéting tor neatlyr eo ei :%:Ta eens —wis oe ED ender SURE CS OS cre aur Peed ee iets rey ® ;;.t aSspepsia,Mrs.he ;of ‘;es Be Sele, ’er OWLS.‘CON if“|pageidged-executedbane Gee }he i pls write Marth Jeasks andr“inieeriatte For younaccr.»ahs eredin boOk 15,page“42ofthe Regis ;21455 R ;RRR Nal ae saa ha =Bese Paks sae aO00 pr thettip the s .im Dis.@ On‘.+‘delicounty,“the undersigned mortgagee |State outof the ¢Wagsar,Nii4 writes:"Warde ‘L anor”"o-0.)Will sell to the highess bidder’for:cashsat n..Thus,”“three t*constant £iJerex trom “dyspePeneCourt:Hourt House door in Seater ater:et 5 Weak stonnc).‘Pho jishtese thod prigyaeed-stock,belonged’.to ASGSesycaoning serery pilin andthot iiibes ef the ;Df Decds’¢ffice cf Iredell :on MONDAY,3NOVEMBER 2ND,1897,Y when the30 ‘year,lease of acetaee.ie Noahatte®Maw ‘caretel&ny.4 nd Woe Rookies Vale 2 cerapned Wolteazce wilh sheduckre cagaetecones a ibe cowd was ‘made pow the Stock}7 was trosates gunpigs a 5 |sprtifentes afromartttie cure,@ |tt p odeSenta ee eA.5 *.eae i i *rae .4,remedies wy a imiba me 2aseSaoin:SaidHarkness:pumezons rerusdies writhégepe iD.Trace certificate ity with 230,etal St (MONDAY;ifekega"$corner,thence North}shace,|L%Jeers abo,It besga.takipe"Dr Cee ene Eppes reo Ing.Tanids-“.$7°West 72 polles to.Campbeli’s corné *Joke of nd Liver Pills and‘Nervine. ertabBlood Puritcrasd bealthaedfotlcoe pean eseribedconesthencewithCampbell's line North 700{00 "=Pre :S€OFT a wepiek Seazx onced mptoyihs,and,per:>ecareaioents te writ.afte mente“@ lip New Boge.fosed activesbeginning.East 17 poles to «stone,Campbell's corner,|the war,’Th haa value 1.See Oo Ubsawiee toeoree €.”PulcE—G1.0porDottle;,#00 for é batten.@.whitoak:ottoOp-of the mountain running {'_Hne-South 430°East 37 Pgh pesuit of ;‘p with:he ts E i sSB.Pitta are mild-and est 18:poles.toa*-bunéh: i a thé}*Ped vee eo ay ne Raed Tkeefthemctsod deniestnedupel {ig eat chests fe esdeget he. ,rasa pa aie ;8 apm .ee ee oak?"ens 20 ot polestoxcenit doopeooy:-@ }tnence north30’‘east59 poles to a'spanish’oak:rear:ene supposed:to be-in'the:ae aaeaeeaeIredellanernssats45'|the weekrbegiIEEoneOeeeiéban.ofthe be Sect aipolenta¥:8 On;See417\giving,4 oRmn e y him,2 -intellizent as is often Py:evening,: »be >in ex. for a°Jong- oLdrinking; days had Dr.“Setzer, and highly 1,WE G #4 $e o:* v aRANMEBkpeASEARGRCCIRCEEEA | Sapir me LipastB AL ig pee Pmains were ! “the £rave. Arar Ae. cE,athat:wer hot ‘|GMest Complete,_+je epape.2 Cheapest EoeaeePitbrunt ontve witJe only LON:We.have Ot oS ieetomehition‘sricgs:in”thee.sivas"adves"tistinent.|SBate ee” 2‘Chest 0 lomecom rd,-tuition.a ary.$;.1898)>for only ir inform PAL, fs a nettle + its mort’© asin cae , ‘Porus oe oh oy ty be“back:ents2 i Ners ts=.shee ot a i a Removing:Pain‘inthe Side nae ¥mtnae mec ue Nested ey Phy <i}oo wie a BR ix ayecea at ee CS heeatan tatiero,fale At,Ak SE:A SeyRcSeeSemakhaney&see een. é :‘2 ae tieve4BeVetstiePann %Riot atten rin > makeraandRegia: ht “oe ig D tle htbighés Pag use cee in bts 1907, D saidSoa ,as‘follows: -Mning onapreek@cor-SS.tract’oflenceNorthnoW@rock Saat tart-Stakeet,clasesnerofsaid Psrem TaN «*\JEEADS,SEN RELOBES x:oe WoreWEGCOAR.iN te Say CLR CEBARS,eeeSDS s Ca SEND * FOR PRICESS 32 polestothenceS.' gor E.39, pe 37 acrAMS,= Oh ok tssper 4vat t om Vigerican indigo ees3 fats.persae = ne SPCES,he r gays"ee ie ")mt tor $1:ta oe avon asaeaniddCs ae, ie3 * eb i eay 'ae i eSPeas aa 5 Mat R eeons ae sig ie \.Past Broads Peek. acdkis a tsa)“usedShays ng Gr ueatidiver thanans.4 ao5 te 3 oe fa Roce od se a heme es x 2 a ee or MOUWAINT ToSEE a=;Z ee L apne eee St ae=F:atms|GooodswonalnrahI.~~ eri hab mesaa . .“3 a end aE ay eesnew Gactuiiee te areaeoemychia.arsBe :‘‘Bee 3 sj end imported:Ghass Ware is just:in:.esould:bbepfad©ies!edteaot:is «to!has eae Spee to>eaue om ‘and Bee.These sees t é oS a SN >wn efee3“Need of:Spooks,ee ee ~e hes :es (fi5 i?Si IY Spe.BH #3 e > :ae i..*oa oe 1CS¥.1D iT you en RECTLY.rh is ba,oe.’fy od te cp ‘ ee Fae :a§My ith best.aSoe sass ier een a rae:eee CS eee ee)oR.H Rickert,.z 3 Bee Se Ah ae eesLs JEWEteR AML OFTICIAN| 4 Fic si Bre $c et :‘aa AgiaayoS=Ee=ee ios Se RE a, on,Is Low.’aes ae <a a MSoper‘a ee BE cidade cess:CLES.se “PRL ‘ES Us OER See:“aes fies ‘No Bouse 3mm town in-ou ;alo §but*eorhe and.see Sas ee ?,aur Hine thaw dnysother’ +swhak the people want %oa:-Good Goods for the jeast Money:: %ome,aid meeAIS:.you w Be he eee 2 ORBIT UB ae,Fe Leto wer ofCee Hote r liaie can touch our ‘priives.i,Don’a;take our | for yourself,”Wé have:yore experience«in. house sin.town.ae ee uel te ‘buy ot ey ift:be asfomished at the bakeains,Weare off.+ = Seonens &AD: eta mext’door to St.Charles:Hotel,© cate aa ‘New York ‘Racket oC othing’House-ELSON. S “=.feet 3 f \ine Ashexille:“Cikizen aes ‘that |EP DAT:Guthereesq.Lith State”Deraocraaé |Committec,|2 1s.‘RotPoe Sab the.Scar te |ering and hard:times gaused t bycur- We.aoe‘read’oF a.map ee £ cae SQ Ser cigieeraneeesasashae“tthe bimatallfsin-bar-Setar _|grertnent dodge.whith:tha tepuo-‘Tiga dorked in theTast.rampaign:tee itwas worthy:tas about phageedout:The quest¥on is “hepémintg’{siinpliGed:ayd-in.the next:contest at:eile,free\spVeervahd binlet alfistn’azainst’tthe...sinfgle olds Standard,| |Republicahs.-web.relied.supos‘inter>! wet oeeepalipereithus.™Scaggs oe Se Neca ‘Wht eg -wikis 3 &Ne “stl haypire,‘otr-the ‘MteRintey DRO" ;+to ;Fevies!a FCS PLASTi:i.“itenas to!San ax:pee pe}. ‘woll s iespcre ieSted for’Solus 2 Theye i thickaheadeiness aok ithe|[people y “pv hieb pycents thei’,seeing?its ‘The: {sola ‘pre’ended ‘Democrats ”‘started. out On “the Sdaine*Diste?Buty aS atheyy}Hein wher tikptt next:wok?have not entirely Ast the.old-time| 5]Deimogratit.habit’of #ollfng:the J ‘truth,tnd beingaandid’,they soon Thad to dist in sail especially ehen Po cent,cottonfot tio be.Standing): Rinker S prosperity.Consists “nF the. ON?;|Ppresont.cobditigus.._tHieny tices The|2@PJOU PRINT NG SUCIE aS,aber =.LEETER:.NOTE AND CBILT wtTIEADS“ENVELOPES.CIR.*e Ered Bord-acliivewy its}From nayTOKE eck arsbegotst—itescae rte Ne?eae Ni “a Svenbes “ot+ in&Breeting:the plano makings Latst campaign squarely \an the:_Phicgvo-plat fare andsyltite Supre. indyin North:Carolina.Date estame We ardwith;Mere:“Eutba =bis .i bight “A sur ‘neridar’of erther Woh)_ =these-prinetples “ot tires:partyyi“can.fon the Situation:iM,dais,State Hvisiets, alce REE,ianhopelessahd ‘shamefulde-agteen,ade a SRNteat”other mustope of thenr He]Wryae i anes abor€the other—they Should, pbs or‘Shimese/twins,ody?_dpubla {slogan off Victory Hh duture:cum of a patens {party EWwith rae disgeruntled:age 8 :meit of our or,party *which <chine] Nowa iahcenviith.anyotter promises inthe eget thesspitwo titaly. |prineypigs:bf:thoy Democracy?“oft |North:Caboton,‘Shauht.be snag. nereise:The:wept:Of thes commis tee,and,Sirs Salvin tite party’Ssh or to uphold 4 2 Bter aylpripciplesof £h6.party i jaudthen tatadopt sucha.Wise:partyNog Y principles®eeWwW o may hated 4 the most Beneficent spt*ok princi fee seedsae a men:but.Ames wie:Ocgasionalty| Wiin victor sort hate tase cprinct: pies.ehu Dastacorpoyatid:ints TawsS: they:bane:10%Sone.Phe:sala Sake. Of,the:membersotsthe:courinit tee | 3 who yelier®inin,alk ot the:party s “éreed:shoula’pprevail...eo eampai 7 a fun by nach “who are:“Demgcrats*“on | x State atapese ands a when,it comes “£65 Nati malGuestirons! inething >i gisey Fe aM Youly endiin:disastes.Put ony. ‘alaround:“Demgerats i eta reney contraction;wil]ended (Oat the;appproaching,séSsion.»of one gress tohave ae bile passed”‘to:still ‘Murther;‘contract.“the currency:‘by: cértificatess—athounting~to “about -|:$500,000,000:aad whith bear nos ins: =|terest,sd pass’tat par with gokdet | issue interest beating”‘botids to.takes their place®andallow’;‘thet Nationale roe bankseta {Ssue >Banlg,notes mn “the |bohds,“They awe Dotsatistert with ee |“I thepPeestnt’‘amount finigterest peat] .:jing,bonds “which,has Kooy needless he :f 4}ty,saddled:upon:the tax:payers,‘of ae BE it tage Se i eas .the county “but.ioe the;ett =ewe :es TE ¥Gu"NEED."x PRUEKG x puk.sa aa os sf Mery 46.retire:“aha of million of | Mm -Overcoat.or ‘Mackintosh Line =he ae wondL,whi¢h bears no piterest,and. mm.a RY rant to see wiratanice:ohes-“we are>chawine he ene:more bonds-so-that.”they.cen a ,rage hs Fall Yo -ae a to,pay...We-can show.ou:Ss“Desi :TEet ‘ate ny exements fox theif..wet sight.Ay::-.-est-and'Best top coat:your’umdey sed bugs:do’,Bra ae i Lox “The-hankers are not satisfied. ecurity ag os‘Underwear’fa Ue ere ieee Ae a ae ee present”“adyantage |whic bd eee a ;my Soot fs :ae he ot Ven.to ‘them to._JSsue between"Serie |;Weé can Show youBaie qmost Soules sbe ain ee man:eho AY,Gor.Sand,$300.000 008 ofpa: 4 x 4 NEWTee OF”eon ae ae payeee ee é ;=aie money,whith:dost -them’noth- ye Hats and-Caps.Lae a goods:©4E‘come an Seeing‘before’bdving |slom &Shalon 2g CLOTHIERS 4AND!D RURNISHEAs.|rorermnerit.‘Thisis”the’gold4ug] Sa Pe ede Looe ::program.“It “has.the support of}M Xe trouble:to show. eee neem Eeetw,“bandsome:line.of #7 Goal Grates, bs _Statesville,nN o. >ea paiee aaa Sa a tas |:suoTHER CARLOAD.OF Chamy !This 3isa good.time torepaint your honse.‘“material.”Sewing machines,Corn’Shellets.°0 «-i Com lete:Poke General Hardware.. =“WT.THOMAS &-. ~.Ch,Nees Cook Stoves.and Heaters _ pion Grain Drills -ae Brest +Sust arrived.-Oliver:ChilledPlows,are thebest jn:thea i ned ee,_Anchgr and Babcock Buggies,: mee Bh ia ‘None Better..."-<09 =oa F fone ded ima Horse wagons,of.various,Brands.Weee a very a) |ian and.most.of ’othe “Rephblicans,’ is ‘Opposed’to thebill’will be,me eh: |tire Democratic and*P‘|gentation in ,Congress.the “silver} {ing,-fo the:people’atthe:“highest. “ee rates of int erekt kuown'to.‘the.law,ppt theywask thatthey'be-dllowed'to| SSsue some 3760,000,0007and.shave’Af ‘maonopoly ¢ofthe paper moneyof thé €leveland ndhisfew followers ta: oesasRepublicans‘of the West anda<“few. «|pegularRepublicans whoo still:‘have eles little consvience.‘left.’‘Tye!proba:| |bilities are thatthe -Dppositichy wall | ‘be.able:toprevent the’bill's ze age iin the preséntCobgress.butthe a A greed of ‘the:‘bankérs’Se tho de-hold-whil We.offer”the:‘dest.4aN Ty his"Saveetheart 0or his:wife:dnd (.°Se Sonmi pad oethenCommittjiespicide,It Twa paieatstow wship,nok fa ra Farye pity tht the fool and ‘criminal Pdogs ,pee Richniori iNiae 23s fstO,mot begin operapions.7at athe ‘other,/ea Six oar:rola.nthe ntLoe.Statesville os petedwe.as ree [.Glark Thontpsn,id °wt ke,“¢-s S >e i Epon that.‘isstre-thousahds ofssilver Pantonal agéeement ia The1aSt cam= the fetiremgnt-of thu.outstanding i gyeenbacks dud.‘Sherman law,AOI],; fottyphoid fey ereine: =(Sanco chyreh:.' Jn ae Osfatt Ftoninhip:SOCK.Mr. Pointy pne better any beans.dud:podsting “eBars,oneday,‘ast’Wwreek:ee:Relvr stominshhyodiedy dx:Ba Bil, Lot her dayCable 25k bes tte!: Fedeval,:court:Sites Nhe part tox ot a oe 3 ham OPESG who bas buen4in thes Silliiote ai AWA, ne MrsSE GS “beat pisfH atte Sent ragys Hee ¥ re WOCRS!fe ms Mete Lomlin:nits in tite:Gite oth goed st:aud Motions:fends Wwete:ulade-to:a SeeYAMESGENiNSpadeShreee2%Se RS [Marciage of Fetelh Misa nteee* ete <eaee horothers Of the bride. Couty.‘who,were invited,'an fan.eybokHeratd joins:Feheie thei future:Si Se ‘Fison,Esq.of Berhakty fyoung -farmerPhims-4M ASCQT Moogesville Recoxd.* Carolina,.Midland Ruihway. “Mrs BY te-Sherrill and. bight 4iit Moorcevitle:.ike “At last’our:toga |isMightedu Lat The Nehts are.fauly ly goud.‘ahd swith]Ne gngwerthe.pHEDOSt ue 5 cpocttenaees| The!2onecnths.dld 2sa b ’ last:Monday?imorging,."s- covery:AS pete is”ae $100,| Mi tthe aha “She5Fras aznati.Sahe Moa Boe BARE ee“Dir SidnevakeMuaristn ofTelLt county.Subd Miss:Beant‘he se hs f chabming ALOE NE:at 4 ac x or oT FEOS sithWedeamary ied:ht thie nh SSEGOEafpitalat73:30a lock,an IWeduesdhy:rs.afterny 1i-\Regs J.MRose,De 1)pastornftie Pyesbyteriay jell oetOfahis:place,titd ‘the’“faptial kyot.-¢ee Eh /ceveniony was’witoessed”at j |Meskrs “Hy S:-“thd Ey soRtith.4-2Cajdwe}}, ran umber otfatlendants ‘The:vehind shhead ast g:z.Neit's:eengine:At his cottonsin L Op:‘Wearlesday and buried Gtsekt in} thi ground:near.“where *Mriz Voils wasstanding:|Thepe:6 he ; ;oesee Op “Peans.Mr ‘Ostwaltsun aie LEVY;aval]he the editorscy ide‘papen oblishod aft.Raleysamtii,aat ae %.. aCatawbaAitbisH>Eiehey 89Neeke ane |Newton)Mle one on SPErity..-They saythut-it ’‘has:al-rmaktiiy agai negts SS “2extent ee a:‘and,that.it is,Zonls>the that Tie froin«Chitenlontyg Geka i ind ba»Phetoneraay Kiiwehe ’“pole Bfbas NV <evabeen.gieth,to BAM MitosisSi ‘Aida axho @xpects tops AMDES 38Orvk are &Ware Sena TO,othe Ss Chidottz NeCais eh Col:ay St Cospes,of Stakesvitle,akare fawn - this torging,al:iStodaty bugss ith 5 The 4 Watawer:y Bymoy Yet;va Riv:sf withBisiwife avin te babe: TS:Ho FradelF count)ota few dag SVisit.)He will yetirleaving “MrsRiven’witht hot ae br.Oe Ae Ky {NEAR Ww.Senne mor at two =: -house $n:Dr;Mott's fanin? «Mourne.”-oceupied b¥.James Wa ae @ught:fite last Sunday’hn frowadifective flue anid w ould gave € been burned,tbut:fer.a timely dis- ree RY ieSe.mse ae Bever FoiplingosttyeofDiese.*| eee he foe EtG ral yearsy bas or mune enti ; al ¥eri - aed oe4ASeNSat‘i CharWttis Haste w eek:e we TN tiem 4 } Harrfaye:of-Miss v Osseh)wRicky Ego ef weoe ‘supplying-our rer hats wae cai:©Hissvmbhy.taitr MalyPhehappycouples!ete ot the.aN,c ming’‘vestibule $5 ip for ¢heily shomesean‘six:nmi from:Statest ile; +wheresthe-gr ont,epee:sae ARS: Fluspita’ipirtendtsinextendingbest:eee for.Coe rdAThS |enponij8 a Sqn’pohM.€.Mors township,. antiis‘one-of shat tbagnays‘S.best- WeeS_gonigiatiate|Fy Ste ‘aoe *Mooresville News,ea ‘Dr.L Re MéLeliand,Was:: elected agadirector.in?the:Ape “el jdren.of Statesville.‘spent Fhursdays) Ke:Can.dc Neth aMMe: hand,Mrs.ag.a:‘Young:.“ot:#arris- bitreawasburied}.at Codie:Ordek ff ——* ‘+Sh ile yee sebuth Tredé 1p frit,jag,Ngay,=igi amd ay Teeseath aee fo Maga f Ws 120| Vass) phox Sree eeethe ‘ak Fh Je chants Wists witborton.-fajted:last are retin oe DEX, Sern,of‘Shis chun will Fccivene.iat fat boi refutation”of theinpositigit af Mc teharlotte he:secbnid:MondatySein Dex peoth bor.v eh eathesRths..Siar:a cases!of ippert aalce wil be sept Eat:this ter mi.*ite wht ne EStatshagettentor.ot tiea8 ae a8 Jud.Mott of Statesyilhts7 one:etn oader,of pac fede Fi6 Ah part fortits Bldte,SpeytThs ye te Sigtdn sae!oant’nvotTuaitoe:inf duce a ih the,v ity.D4 SMDEL hast hive‘e het y tth whe tesate:GORY ach:3 Hfcom he:Oth:district:woth”advocate Rineerits inception.one ofthe ihoving |S A:teroeforetheCommpirtigeatitsSisprodehTepesspf:the Steeiy Repablicays. moveinert:whieh ras tbewon:by they Seithdrawa)of.Senator;‘lle aod), otter:W.ester Ressbaicgns.prom ty “HeySutton appaletiteF} ror:tussefl a few “dysx ae abaie ihe St Aak. nan etry ©Warldisthe ap nee Ye /Mr >rs 33Paiioae ors mtate Che Te.AQ Newt ane visiting My Se>Mace hann ind Bagh wee’ -Bast iniss*sifegt,a sos ;Oy |bshake [PaeeGath bie.victors for:hosel How1G Sede yee. a tS bs orePhat —8 see 2 eed na UtHeeb" HN ahaa abe. + cents~ te a 7 te. ap ”$:‘ Sige Steictelgocl sole Pat _eandty,, ir psbicded one Gay ast ay cok?Dy tatsOne22itenee cm Rios Scie eeehave:been:wil ee est treter at!‘One:ci SSStahl tthis 3Frettt sauteTe Wed tsjon edunt“Vv AOS ha Gourt Ure hae ‘ate 51 Roe!sitel ettHe eee 4 ws Mo:Hee host “he ty ‘racemaeSetira:*eema at tun”at ai)ti Siesuton: Lea Ha cs:sy Vatti man;7eeoy‘e *ri psiba ES Mittoksth daily,: aken fo.Balt ureseryea sh operd tah.”Tae Pee As mgd’So"ee pat heetic % ysec Ss a ssaid)iteit Bobet s «The.pexbgard Ait Ling oad ?a d Aisi Re Msar:tell,a ae arateiesghiti-a its track tTy‘Tapasran.Lok,Coddte: nokGAStom Sey on WO ani Med:ay edm thet.AS Rwith hoods “poOIsopeg “J:BPxoOkmatt S@ne of the Jariost aese ts ‘315>,QUO:-ones a ve)7 :iW.beg leas ee i Phas,“ie Dae updo i Jyvhe ee de Mt.Lilliosston,Haknettamans tet. e t eh Wednesday with)nessites3o8s spadeh.c Ys fee Biswo He uesinvw EeeDi ane feat eeeywe“i Me seiRey8 ah DSa Ay Coke:N wed conduc: scale Rie by Sait ny e fast seul Sage gS Le epi igias4 cathe?COURIC4 Fn:ix lif 4:umf,vy “has ‘beep’*oretat ze ab cast AYiT sa ap “) ipriin amen.: Ai DG Or,a bf ton fe Roeain Colne, SS im =Ses f MyOn Hes ti: Studd.(a ou Tn.=BALAI :ontord ‘Cut “his, ud N Gore county “vis Pe ae ugtrated:om:cate Saturday.‘fat the attempted ;salesof’the Miss’ aty Smith land.‘situated in ‘thjs owas offered inpsi)lots:(averag- biicoh Fh disedsés cured by Hood's":acapa and purasSOON -as the+Vip.is..ata rats Chroniccatatrb..“I.used:Pe-ru-naforoeoatmonths,and {I must -* ee :¢ounty. The ve are i this“ tion’of the State atid doak Be Sida, sd |impr Gvements om the ands pearle.that.stim.The z ing.So lowsnonesuite atveept there was no shle,and ;ue tk Jeadte 2pext toyysE Mids be [. 3 os ere Sy ¢~ is land wweas Ss by.its fort # ‘ate iO h hYing eo.Sale - ionsaae bys SS Se devised - s iford,Wy Slay.ise an:*, |The police chain: So toxether and ]>!apprar- an this: z they 2.a | actth lot ‘es 21 i= the Dak avian they,chad Jove tecase ris |long .ryices ae public oflicoc >>WERE,thusforegd.le *=, Ba The theat: Sas.cotaktlly.-oe dotain -l-cline the ‘parts of;tee oe wi :.7“Broad w:aes oRouss.¢“the j bho nyfar gud, intey:es mit Oh Ne chifracter and strcae tndi-, ee seksresist a ing Of:fistswae SIC al14 S55 ar tfult Sar Sur.cas aesit ke;part Ht hefy WEEDS OMY, specialli-tond of ie old-F42 ohtncotadie”and,: ir:‘draw ”Beata‘the HS Hind?iy bh Me avesis aremapy,,peckaae amost>ailments dis-_ 2 eo: eee oy pow ; owAre,Brother|Daniels: a Lewy tag ‘Therre : iss rayfat the ,- tho arc, Demo-°:a party!creed’ a doctring,. Rog will : V:and *doves ue S K HEALTHY WOMAN.cant *eres 2 A:Sperfectly. healthy weoman io aoS is.a rare sight. Sach @ ‘womanqsalwaysbequ- wk tiful.*-Health .cebrings:clearScomplection,«+ »clear eYe,stea-af Sdy-nerve,elas;.-ee tig step.and ~ ;is Braceful:moves, sey healthy woman is aw om-,8 & healthy.mucous membranes.”: The:WUCOUS.membraries::line“the (#5Wholebody;everyorganinthe body.~:The slightest catatrhof one ofthese/}membranes produces©“languor.‘sal-son ‘skin,listless eye;and-weaken-+ Rischarges..Mrs.wAlvipa Hanirat,Ribb-Falls:Wisconsin,ind".revént letter to Dr.“Hartman,says: ve “troubled for:ten ‘years:with. r’ wf 4 mperfdctly-cared of the->:-‘et +willbe two Years’next, ‘sirice Twas cured,and:'= beentroubledeekont gt.my: he moment,his -white ‘ Bo a aed ewe ee *sea But SeENaesvases . po e : @ =Veen sand =Gly ever:-t. +aff ab og ee Si t e * £3 gs a a 3cu p e e t e e th oe Keg~‘oie “THE “MASCOT| “@UBLISHED WEEKLY.a ey oe .Mt AT.si Se‘ONE DOLLARA YEAR.”oh bao RE OS OGRELEST ty 5" >Allnew pcs hosed:‘be>ehanged must be inthe one oye on.Wednesday - -A)*ross inark’opposite Set name vanthatcou-must renew your:subscription at: ‘once orthe paper.will be discogtinued and; paper published |in Fredell’count ¥1F Eos Sealsin,ae stor:Comet ‘tion.oe F ppt Tt AL Series y Boron Ace ART ee ey ae -ae Tae merayStATESVIL:ue.NcBi ENov.25,18971 ms THsNKSGIVING.DAY xD taR mar“COPS BIRTHDAY,”: e This iis thanksgiving day.andsthe P: “MascoT’s«.forth ibirthday:.Four} a years azo the:‘paper started:this fe| t “under very inauspicious;‘cit ot stances.*Tts early death Wass |predicted ang the ‘worst of it-was’k “athat it feared deatie itself but,(-‘ont 3 account.of the kindpartiality oft thes “people |sof Tredell:‘and ‘Alexdnder ‘courities,it’has growh,‘prospered |Lt <sand no l6nger fears:‘death.‘Dering}? *athese’four years.it‘has’Bpilt:ap mueh]" “the largest “subscription.list -ofBay: &anda jarger lintthan apy.other:pa-|- per ever hadin Ireuell.county zs:For. allot this:kindnessweare tralx.grate : italon “this ‘thanksgiving -qorning,| >be readin so-apany Of the:homies off f6rsthe’Populist.nomination:for. .must be taken away.from-Senator Strict tofill a vacancy caused,by th 3 anajorityJast eae wasS679 —a. '.John.J.Jones,epibtcarRepre-sentative-elect:from.Canton,MOT tae:Bis:consiltation.sith Gayern-or.Bushnell jis generally,believed to receive.Mr.‘Fones*vote.}feat re -5 Eighth North Catotina was here to-ss TK.«young Sons Sars EMornison,of Concord,tere phiwithaxesBrjday.when tong,aeacc@emtallystructhe:Otherin the!Heft Side with thelade.ofg new axe,Gubting:at ugly.rand.sero ae fatalkash.r W:oe w higieyed aeconvict ‘]was shdt tind painfully wounded*by. -Ser iene:eaby.died Sat a:erohar ei teendhek Anightapdpainted:Spee rere=dsb Reco sungonscigus®anddred:segues:are,Boy Brardings the Linney:ds ss:vigoro: ‘prepiie contemptosvilerthatillpe vent ‘the._victor :press woul dofabout it a :-wésther in the summer...430143 ‘3 Se atthe Leonard schoo}housethe224: Be .returned “hom¢.——Miss©-Martha*Saunders,of Mooresville,after ©vis- ‘Statestitie’——Mr.and Mrs<John’ \*here andrelatives in Catawba-this ‘measles.* Tal Re tag.te andsone of our'greatest reasons..for: >thankfulness-i‘is,that.this our thanks.| Tracae =}“The itch Nowe Si.Observeex!le,will put fr afast-press.;”ce North,:Caarokina-sbasHinesand4436miles.of pone,verea Giheatforest’}firés are t raging.awe : She mountains aroont aEA Eh gineer Johny Hall harespera“died Sunday in Salfsbu Ve > A chile at ‘Barham had oessethe;ae topic ALEXANDER mascor-S aS ss By ELHema,ne SRO fears138qnex:“Cana,=). =ualb:ittie,Australig.:is:09;tire §2:Sunday..Sasve peat sfiredn Baltimore?Monday:BinsfXOn:Was bur,Hed Lode Dawe fever izsapptarc:aE Rert ay: SaaS,nea.Sage}ee Fay, eae oSpee Tahoe Meee _Dr..rsJ.Hin,“OF.Statesville,4 here last:Saturdasto gee-a patsySa5:Drs K Seand::MreR.‘ey ‘King,Pi Wan‘egeliealinty,‘were‘here aeseek.gee :Miathécons:Eye.stnade”uses ATiap fo Hickox)N ABST OW ée aeie‘5 Ajken Fy sceantralrteStorckeepins1OF,eacken's:.: eos quieting niulsbt&ere (oe ATRL were “yehNedk aiis eae;Losis ye.wits. We i OW “Bis Uke aon st ores Pee ME <p ices.ait <i Farpitere tol.the =Sit ‘inyaase x:Seonis;tsntgnidds F ee webka|izen of Atlante Oa > Ha btn‘of e »ale aani yi oeNNeeSecor;atma n n e we oe ~—-Years”thiss:ahae,tblore;p iscatierent niTscounpoette28.BS.OO»snd.rodeatyeaoo ares aremee “The Rita shoe eersey.atHitliget’“enidtas eeaied ‘he,oe oer ‘operations,Dever:|i a Sa 1éid Of ‘ercee aut|Mowlay TORC hark.eta,oe eM Sas rank’¥a)Shawnen:Bryant Spar"est eeldyintEthieStatesWitkes:ues |"oe:a“Be .Glovex,walisherestitst of,the vee ih ay eal the Bisvles a be o.forhielie:fell inte,the:cellar‘Has,sinc’‘died... ‘ae¢ig mn Peter“these oedee le cas .¥s a stSoest Shtsi:anSwere a3 gin,ine sb i “aecparty pitaStBetelei,2u0.5 4.‘DavdeeG.Worth,4 prominent and’)or States te\:See ‘citizen gti taington,died}le Pa n>The Baleeh Sen and cObserverdappeared:Sunday ;4h Retsahere,” Ne Baker,<siti BortuaassignmentLiabili-, mm AeSWEacwideat30ctsayet. 5sure to a aoe 2.Congatessmun Linnext Weldell‘cdunty:Mondayito:(ie Sm(o n s we e eeae Sal ace ekg,ofinappearing FARESepa dea within =asiateeialilfou8.al,uy¢Hi RisRDy HO a ‘Bdwardé:sees skis SSwis‘badly,‘ifnot,Gata Murt:ningreunawaySiturddy.7 ies bsof ne Hogan.‘éolored.”6h:pathy1S.¢“Sheiwas the motbey,pide,222of Whowt are aying.© *Rev.Dri x“Hepes Simof:the Kigst'Presbyteri:eee‘died } oe of ao ifnA egaiisesduian Bass ‘frome Asheville:ae éSa,{leit,;Santas Sor:ore eee attend eorirt.,” i eanoie eee free Ty asi ‘thoneh?oe Bugland:bac sient 1 Albest-OngykaySif1 Woche eee tens ay“ir,Bye-ChaetWeek’toons:Oks ‘{Sysouth:of Lowa,tceh Hott”eesCRITS ith:‘pastor BONS HO.“ork. Patis>theFiké San aneraces ane af TihUapitel ss “‘al-Ke 4 a,red an 3opdayeeso fad a *onsiderable Sng Mees givitig-grvetingto OuFpatrons wilt pay :pur pple 8and that the*epee: ty is given tous to.correct the>Tas" “takes OF the past ¢and:‘become:“noref: ee useful to our,readers;er ote "te :ia se yey “Among the.Politicians.-ee :See Demperdts of enieely.wil ignore the:‘golds:Denjoerats:. Bryair-spake tito any.iminens¢codicesnt.Si Louis.‘Fri-day night.Heeeysheer:| ed:aeoe>or.sida iss 4 oe :<®ve oe disCovers,will fee 4 Suetee as fbqut a 908: as.beep wees+} “Babuities Lyd Skfiessed ja)New Yerk ie1neoFPoliceman‘Smith. >Thess Countess -ptAhvownputofatray \eae Puesday ar kill G T Phe Watspntowh:Pinas(onifans:3 plant ate W.adSontoswny ;factery-eirt ony wie aoo para?paws”coe neSaturday.,Los ap Erigax.‘hight|):otk lechbiatesee ieading “elotifier|LSP.oeop.as a nS Reay 7!Be arasiecrDeAbeEbed “trent tT asliey MePugsdiy:.“He goes 16 Calas}:well-cireujt ext Searand:Rey Jz)JVs Bownrane How ?>Wet,Taf.ox xv,Alley ©gui¢s thehere,:“s boat ie dwellitig,Sea Nc taipipiedby”Hethdingect Spewees fryscaughtTinefron)ateityTifirteavandiseco vekes Teted ape itesat:the:puse ¢ang toute het yr ha eeandSendentl res ie |Eea men1 Sadie Alfred “Litaken” his:‘house:Sun-ay hight and:gave’“high |Eee“|paniitvelipy,;‘ <SMSS Silvia ‘Sm gies i TLattin’was ‘Concord;out.of Snel “red last week dofaber,injertes ; >Aparty OFS:perme ten estband:Michtgan have’:One.to:Jour the,olony:' k pair safeBattle BS.is:shoes ¢3.n,be|made.nish,authoritigs:wepe Xclusive sale ofothe ative.reubaa:‘nsuegents “well Aurrse eos“Dariss RoR:ae id="poids)en on:Py ‘herevagaidl last "race “the:Poraydy.naeMraeOe.Deal ewet >Tris:Saas a Pibsider,PpeelealrMcKinleyhas-ap pointed.all the.okt ored meti to:office in.Georgizx®oochedesirestoikonor’iin ‘that way. Sr Ker Ambrose.Tilemak AtSeeeasy,willbe'a:candidate ft Céijizress im this district aext fear. i‘The’Demodratic and Populist fus-’kis majority 'in'the lateelections int:“Nearestis 13,829."Last.year Bry- “RIES maijority was T3,aegain:309,$s oy boy jie ie .‘Speaker:Hileman.deays ‘that’.the Fleadership.‘of the Populist:party}© Butler,"and that Congressman Shu--ford,of this district;will,certainly: be turned:down next year.a cae “4 Tn sak Special ‘election Puésday’in}the'6th,Hlinois-.Congressional ;ar _death of EdwardDz Cooke,:-Re abit.can.Henry S.Boutelle,Republijeans}waselected by S0ptarality,Coc ef --Inocratic"gain GE-5,739:SiCie Bi e puis.) President:M¢Kinley's..home}*whodwaselectedon,an.antieHannit spétch:“madé,during ‘thexdagnpaign,“was+e“closeted with -Governot Bushnell.most of:last/‘Satur ay:=My.Jones.refused.to be intéryiewed,but ‘said}itoa:Republican’State’official.that}he would aot vote for Senater Han mean tHat,the Governar.is:=tos re ‘ sa Naps ee Cersteoenean ;=.Talks ont,ctl; ¥mae c-BsrertcLieen 20th=eds ‘a v4 —Congressmait R:zi Limney.‘of the day’to:see +:Colleétoi:Harkigs,te-.turning,Hop é this aterndon.’-Mr.f fs as:ever it possibly’$0,in is dgnunciation| OF he civillservice laws;-and>heiasne&at:a loss:to'select;a sttongword’with.which ‘toexpress-the su- tebe for _aby b ead er re.oe ' The:couvi cts.who fs mizing of Tonigs, Thiles north af.foeqPkegsyfbrandy: Petits “andy Wr rs att adati bagether.with bs redo idaglar secopper%iAS‘Bumgir ners;-NofKathys):milesmor'th*of town,et afinghiscstill:and:3 pat:kagesofbran-|}Em|dx--one -barrel sas tax paid Phe!)att febtillenvebad dipished 3Ww as and wag) Pe aaat \ chavont Ht”eesipoeeSowSusyrelgh. “dota e Overron‘ESCeeud4agedslQyearsandone:irseerigd{a2 MES Mary Beng,nenson, aire ae work.inacsca strvet.uieatthefxolabearMESre jestendays<,ee ral heb silver’mine "has Beek:cgrerdd:iin Ryther fork “dormtye.power.asks $29,000 fe rs Ieore Nowe re ua 4a yearsyAeminingexpertsargtestingity ‘Fred Swiike aie a jel for.ae eemlnroagitsmselveteegard1) bE Cokb andarSTieie atran Sproprietor: “atbanGe:TucsdareObeyfarkime'the:dite Fgediit«‘hunters >pares thetrayor2puarsHelast.ear Sa‘ehirge fithe:{seveta)years had ichérye-otthe *L6capeHedisNOWtaking:charve -bf:ice©Mr drigpanhis Loin —policts."will YeoRs Zattoeci en atidwey i iv >sRetennryviSOliver“gomulittert uid ay Rt sok,Va... Sacer Th by Shvoting |,*Ofis aeentiretop"|part OPbist’head:wpSkowie Ha PNA,“haf ee PyHe Dr.Basin ied 717,Paris,Tete aOguSandhefept mast:a2dit™to]rebar table"institattons 7 Agi daylicapacinl attem steaacakjorge.the Rio =-Ehe™eeeaeMetatoDublin.a ¥ «Heo was h-Lean,iAudnigais- Sof”~boitcr “de stuck?blade-ef a°butcherIenife:ffirdegh |the-ealt of-his leg While cystihic.tak -‘Hesis'iDs ,Serious ; eonBoda |chis? ‘oh Lime’.Oi wi Hysoh \ chaset |who |.y.en * ¥Wchor Ketan tle| fortune"‘$i "|Bandacd,and’‘the.itesto: ‘pecaases he aawe it:hasantoldbenefit,shasid:oeeesgt iness,5we willwasrotbod.ft On a alien Se See “he Maactae postatiesMonday’night”of SST00"43200-srorth uf: ikary,tons:a stampsaand:3 xeeister-=detterss cae eswas,Blows op # king:the.Sol me antrip “prepa: orsu titutionSaidto.beyaeD:for.esténd:oe;“preparation,twentys|—é "five ‘Years.on the market,|-*{ENR“should notbe permittedby:|‘the:intelligent”‘Purchaser eet SCOTT:SsVEmatstons’and Ash,are’onthe:ee Ys “foe.“not Re 90,aT peace "" ¢eae ea i tle above five cents EED WINTER CLOTHING. are-in proportion to ci otton:rpricés*before you ba ¥,r.even On a-small bill: iherchandise owe a8Gaipr Seentiottire “A,fon ©.Railroad.at:Gokdsborc:isShort S600) and.has‘‘heen--dismissed:“Was,part intby ‘the:“Repub ration of thatvoad: ~RevsCoH:Roland ef John sDenuiark,2fsomethip eeaw Ny.YoSawas eee ea ae“urdayby an wnkndwn mainwhe shot}pint thr ough 2a windgwof his er eh Beart Geode:defbatlahis pnnagto:is wifes,cneww “bpok,Ot, egonvlby,wi ritten byhinm::Sdentbe:sill appear Koo, Sec ae THe asco Pes yerkinsy?Amhayy some of a:Pe aDeae ea te thie m eserves and get Ou 2 Rete Hile ole hates:or”"Bids.51°latat bin)tege-s hile out biting.ace reteat aly:distharwed’cis shotyun:'+The load’‘enitered |his100K ahdtores ¥ btu iRoutea vii?‘and>up,‘Out Sélebrat i creed~,§young farome-made shoes from-$1.25,; Saten,oils:‘fromS12‘and:calf hand “welt”“oods,Whole.stock-e {éSedan,calf crac “prop -©aalf frum Js7 atee ee SOmeoreeevahigger: {orily’one =ieoh whe:adepasseseanenaed§s ee a raiticgl *EVICe!20x -‘Sschaetoape Ss Ee $Hot supposed tie iS ,Congressinan ’wguld -fiappointment.Ofpiranephe} laa taeiismg Gain)aie et ieSt.avis Mo;NtsaResieoredrBefire:jessy$100,0-08;msbrance™#75,000:oe ie Sear Gishornrex-cletie>wt see eesreg Lyx“ye abet Esiefiiae Tre the”Brie : En “1Shatarsoii OE BienpomshadhisCotto:git,deste itheAr ©.aoe rh or - faints,of;Gaert4*cot #0i,008"er aees By wieol a aeaeSoreni ‘Book,Lot:mortgeeothePOORof.“Alecanydergiznedailon;SesGAL peti sé ,in.-existe:Neeeeashtothe‘highest!pidejiSaid’mortahgesteaeeaeGaaaesin’Re?tawny bf TaxonPe‘fsfotlowse:beginning=at a,stu |nerufithe Janics:west mbaeae |said itajnoeGin &slr ATod:ne "and.guly regis.aBes:‘onpage284]Sy Lo A aboutekeoN1oe i: yy to:Se eeés equa any advertised.in the.snagazinesst sees Qh hisor other.OEK oun a Prof.las x nea ts.pow ienen ne ie Sie a Varna aN orkprincipalaprfachigreneeofClinton:“Simpson oak“were.tburned'Tuesday.Bight.fabout $25.Q00zwithr NO:ee ke Whe Greenville Refi vice,‘nar carried to GréentiNe mar:_Floda of ‘acorns:<Whichte -so aWy xyeeWwvee700): Aes up.“Dress sl all =The loss.“ts|. -r ieeeeo“erp:Hoch;et Otfort saleetyor-bodrd.iF Sars im T5e.to ‘$f 0fancywork,éte.“all dale Dyes£at Tena double peesie In Choene21 Die Sip ri the&enki’, =pee W.Wi,“ig(63 eatsrxoolgkspndtiys, wy,H.Newroth theSieh “eaveoTfl,NaS wih skilled!en hh.ede SpAttar|)assbeen,7Prsested,at:Che esfanddaikonesColembia:© 1 TEV‘TretiaBaptist.Assorta ine SessiQn ast.weck:at avg Rs ‘stpresented:W.itagavel tr ge wanch:“rew “ONL.‘the site ea WchicDiesesoe.ass reeislant r ‘XI ignear ed Cma eureans:xe Met Faity port 230peLiepublic:‘road.ex:thence “ind seuth west’d TeHionLeith,publi'noad te forksof said roadBaptistchuarch-a gista ‘uid tree:cesrwdedls::aFh’thrma if P‘the begianda:agharet (; rOPAEN.eaetepler:.G “recedes Meyeis Poe hee" |CANtS<a ill _you.to”‘iy vestigwatetor-hos.feed.ew line of thats “tind ape just.e7us On Jamps before vou‘Xmas.goods.forsaptiiersand. ‘sa“sae queens Hieearmepreaeothers oes a8fondant,‘Bait Mothure nste-thhtan action entitledacaboxebasbeetcomnresized-in the Supec.ot« het-Lredel)Coutity.te:2S)Read$s:“for“assetsMwithcwhichtopaydentys.andtthe seidde..Stion:fondant,-Buret!Arthurs$4.DOtice.that heats.requiredto4Clerk's ofice'ih Iredeit-County.on tne oth |Oo pday"of December;3897,amd.ansiveror de.|...myn to:he’complaint-in:said <action-or'thedae+poe ar Ae ‘the fo qa byCat ex chmavininoe “ONTESawemnber:uw iF-frrther:také |“appear ay.the| ‘frof getting the spoils.-the guards Tuesday:HeiiS hot:ane},hen,asked whatthe eotas Con:gerously hurt,de.“was.séné t ich id a9; Be N chao PSecranes SeBye ee“ficeald welt Attaites,ME the--Con-]yeang Tpesday ang attemyp &d to és: greSsman ids I-don't”know >but |Cape;the samé day.adaitwill1raise.a devil of ‘a’fuss.’at pnyTate@..‘And then hé-addedx =“Nopattycanliyé.that enforces the civ-1k Servicerules =nor Jaid:down. oP tw ees ” fe iS:;oeBNCONG: from,Richmond ohNoDSwel countyfaiwrevancedage:recentlyseh haeth eee agaand-while:dying was:peeHecalledforshis Me WONDES ers [bans ‘Trowbles:aand.Conte tarbe Cured. On Sowe.have’eversand”Vested the test."8 Bheir eh aaa iv”They:aie ‘Solid fete S ‘want <‘othett“‘bo-aat Schether+ S~~panei ns Av.aati dget ba has.oeDver-nox ther,Victori"Rock Cat News,~:a ‘<}jonal.”In sép-arate towns the “Or.note:we. tone *atrdFof-the Mascor:&Te ae >Bheldtone “packae:of of M@heat seéded ‘owing~+0.the dry| ‘Miss'Jani¢Gilreathbegan school (AH schoolsin this:township:haxe}pe-'téegehers except one“white’“ad,the}; ny Suaik nestfINeSsoeeeand AutyayfepemsesaiveSeekilRedangBe -Goldsmn Qne:There*has not been’:a <great*“Gal hand,a0 a*packageof:jilver:plic Bui tings-and Be meierial entering,thei |d them ‘to.you:over our,u satisfaction.-All“Our {Oak Calf “Irshoeyou“should:: a oo :stantial’s anta Dulatiigs. n teenks New!w.Yorke‘hemi “ang 3 3 Scientist Maother,untilhe.breath to our Beadetae’©As-Saye eee hisdise“cure oe Coessaud antier “ibe aed’.Norte ier =«Ns ional |°Y $.sentenck to fiveetpenitentiary;Tias Centar:(PutitiomangeualBetubocentrreandths,:si +< F ;Of co,FO:~:“alsor KalBio ‘Bion yourself what,grett.Barg We ee<ithe-.higcoloredSebools.ae rity,ofcae cae‘Services.were’‘bideat.‘Bethel Bap. ‘tist church Saturday and’Simday.+=eee ene of Taylors-vi ollegiate titute,.preached]*his‘first..fan All ake heard|hint were well-pleaséd with bis.ser-4mon.Rev.-Ballard—»préachéd “on_.‘Sundays.There:will)be.rpreaching sises aeveraningericmetIseee¢rapbenries,nd oes.Yours very:tralg Jatt ca os erentyofhis New Dae apmegder‘of,Phe,3oe :eoW Sefenitsredpore eeSee hud to:pay ‘the Sone ‘ anyount,a Is's :nore ‘for:—"pr :aeStsauneu:xictorin,,whieh’“wa's |‘|fitted out bythe governorof “Tr.wailtoSéayekforProfessorore‘tthe.missthgachonaut;‘has:“vefrom’Spitzenbergen.Pe WS as‘to-the: “The.Park Hotelor x lege ‘building-at burned. to p ro l about’3:0;‘clock “tid 4ing.The’origin:of theSoe‘The Toss is $55006-tas,000 _sueeriemos ~~at-the réegular‘time in next:ported ‘enon:>eee tor’was.deferred[|With$2,000.“insyrgnci George1.until next:meeting.a Coilections 3are ‘ qments of.Beotessor’Andree.4h oO * “The river”cane at Adgfe[she —Orleans bé; Leach.owned ‘theDROPERLY,ae“was tae entcae .being jaken now:to repair,and.re-]msing.it as a residence.~paint the,ehurch.SIECAAS e“Mrs. ight stme 5hew.| »Salisbury.Sun:ot of the Be aea |EQUIPPED wea arngJ.B.Waugh,who:“has been]Soe~visiting her’‘mother.at--Monbo,.lias iting relatives in this section-and at|YMonbo,:returtied homeSaturday. —=Mrs:W;T.Kinesid-has ;return-&home from a@-visit.to relatives’in Setzer,of Hi¢kory,Visitedfriends emi hpa ionalIslet»:id|in,abycllmateris proventeiofaSacerieeoneisotPoGropedix.iS Taeeoewere, HSsridge’was killed:in.hood this’week,and the-criw Of the.bird when’dressed was.found ue ichinch,“bugs.eshows’,—the:“farmér's -Boot fefrond}Don't ‘kill the birds..“Preteét: IMPROVE.7his:neighbot-ApS Borener 2LamiBtisiezs aroun aor céde*that bronchial,:uct eyleste aesConsump- ld be ‘shoes that kee i=eet aad warm,;thereby:| ‘health and-saving.7 OK tors,‘bills,while comfortand style at the sam Weha¥e them iiny-atl shapesand toes and the-crops will be teealee Ate ts-protected:we tit [Paesace ie “Washington.°Gazette:eee ea d wife:Dai week 4nd retu rned tod Hickory on|tionths’agoy Mr..'R.!Wastes,catethe23rd,“-Miss'Eva Fudy,oe hie PBlounts cree.aon. _-Place,aceom nied themhome.SwillWisitthere-Andeat!iCatawha.’ tess.effeiéat,Soro ater man * gc dP—8F 5 5 ‘“a er To ok nec ‘Of:wes Fath ‘rench |calf.”“box tans‘and Kanguroo Galt re Of the exceedingly le 3 died’leaving LNwifa;and six children.Ine OctoberS Mr.Chas.’F,Rowe's wife.eee jeaving Mr.Slade Gilleland!is eey bare!Mr.Rowe aid six children “Rock Cut,Nov.Bath ‘«ere ahie®ie tone AY ae the 3 ices Officers’concern:| of cotton and we are “determine thei loss.On Noxtmber‘Warren,‘the widowof R-Ww:Va /Teh;and-CHas.F.‘Rowe.tiédand thus they Marriage life-with 12°a Has “conNcceee ‘Sate srsaneidacobtaasfol |pala:vou)n pekoay youpOavetakenseikitisa WANTEDAGENTS. ee“TbelConnada oid in yhe.”cat|eoneere 0 pages’!Gra =Pills|mae addstion to oat ek s‘Theony,pills tototake with Seerterrste k ntion to-our aneProprietors,Dowel”ithence:S.oe Poke thetto blessone ‘home:Fagbing.of Arroyo,the be“geesof President Diaz,‘of sexi|Rowea‘0,have been convicted -of-murder|ge.aieandsentencedtodeath:The a "hb A,aie Battle |eben re both about:34 of Taderwers riff on wool became OpeShirts.cand.drawers. TipseoeefonooSHLLedn EoeeeToGare) GCola Ta One.Day” ome -Qvjnine Tothoes:d'the’Se If jt fallsfails te be Take oeAll"Cure,250," or eaae Also ano}eoek bee ‘soldier™etaaMan_potlightersentences:oe ESNs:ensSoeUDrome fee8,Sie fitting cotton:fluce jiwanted.-every where."to well‘this.o.Vests all sizes,alsgasypei:—entlemen:its:oo‘$100 areat withRaeinMisting;= :anit Bn fie a 33Dole the Weenergetic!ladies Sai pin iy eemntoScAnvass:on eae ;:Wasted,ences arewaweerbepaid:to:slary oeHoot cae r ootahd:Daag of to Secs ona_2 bE teas.ptive eltenlar‘beac ne;ee pte atch ne ‘cola!ke ter] feed .tuts ete.” vA 10.Per Pou, Ae= te S at Peasea iene ys MUI,tirmed;:hore:ions Phe Supretire.Court’Pacey‘iteaeoaoSthesndementof7theSuiterior?LaeWillidms eh ie a iit bys Ny pacise"of TI.Putte,“USO :“=re wen Bests.OE.ae 2 W.,and Go Mills.=Phe?ReNtetordays:(io peoica Fe:>,=as a fi 9]late Patterson,was jVEN Aavhins8 @.BST MEE SER SB Uttand chart deg Mentouw tteand:the fovrevlosiity’ShsceneengrelafivesibChatidieese)4 tofa MOPcard ordered.TAT the!‘hal,oir.ant “Shr Spb dy ictoa ast enbe 0 RSStcLaf?thedetendants st 4 tga HAT,te aye apieFicheMarEASoo=“ KerSiti) ekeDISCKICE,BooedpaleatsteVBPEstEeste dames! %eo ml £7h seh im4sideaed we :,ny URS here nity :Far wea wi Gr othides My yday fre Hirst hae gs Hort oan isch Soe puiiati /BRAVE As5z"KE yeh eT ay ng \oe gee Oey age w met 23AS IS VELISL Greyae at Bene :A eos 8OH Me,Cor eaiee lat Stem SS Me posse.?Chakiesbe :Taped e)Ee a ,ost:EY Ths.ce aepeei‘iss NN:thyThies Ne‘Keng:otthe Gt canes iy:oye Ew 1s bo epee create fe,aoe us reg Key ro Ee i erabarOe Soeh <<7 gous 3 ae ae }-ee e SES et!esdead ge by Vath As yi 8 Cart tO Satie;wath ahd iaptiak ee—eosae Teoma os ie ree ‘f .Pas aa Hasve Ss tt Sy,AN nee i ipueedAp PaSMesky';aEGehY peat:Roane mst Hey subi Roti’egetce ‘ i me :x Le,als.Rhowyy:that the!im ,i:Cittaw bs oe Newton.Citiser Mickony:stiii:Teor shuetio i t ;«abi AESee eaters:tive tout heya:ie:pre aie Cours:holds at vegiste od: ae U ;pty teatke is’‘aod Neeru uu wnleers enue tie Aiea Saar ay mhieee ~ageabled*iSbeve E cle:welt:kpteh ek «Holderisof anea .mk :¥be .the;doedts its "pale ad-possessiGne Abeeidey!st Tia 2 24:See4APmieaXe.Fgh:her We pecsenited,the seeds é acl eth.5 };“x Gea flplaintit abl:bons &-jong dotend:1 -;a Ps terre |Pane E ant a TR eC See mike , ees Sti ee rey AY :See i pcceusce aaa an eet t :xy \os :Pet}5 : F stale whale ¢weet i aeme paved ee ee EW See oePeeeeaM—Ao ftLOH,EOpashattir Ee,mesBc einiympey a eee SO a SEG ORY ie cat Miron h Det:tie one 3 ante TOCK FOR:Be a.| coy ee es ‘gtauN Fromen;popere spent Suey,in towat ry 4 ae 4 XL “Benjamtp -ES Yours:whorl?ores stShreyiisgas im ut ge ae Mec elie Misi chi kas pte EAL Tae :,a 4 ;::7‘oat ie eal 2 ined Sin Codie::Craek4toawnshipeh ease eel :OEE a k at oy te bara bulk U pe bets.tis seth te we |;oe ;age“st ee queslitie s :ara Mt outed ¢died 6h:SPED ICTR|o Bi ee yt 2 oesateplatytitistdaforlottherag:Y he uliday,November:2st tel Navexerriiecne i 3 ‘Hate Ce We conteSPs.iE Rowlrhd ie ¥‘nb uw was bors’Beeemil ey GS PSST ibe PSSelpiairsSepinns thy ae GARETT Sn era 4tipifoeloseifroprsa,apg:grip!South:fo Was aneinbet “of “Com piny.ts Th da Losenter Sate Thre it a iki aed P Eh aoy fas pts aa i Ago Nis Spa Nietcat eet Alowat 40.Sait eGott Anpathsos Sas ie‘of.saeveDKayie Mr Wall:Aliso!Tuy a ae “wimen£at North rCtrobine “Siaite’“Gate.¢<: t ‘;4 iti chit is it rerdst(d,;Eran Si‘antes rhe fa the ‘Mons aSopsiaid,Was a'sRoodsoldie ;Paws t i MG eae Hee :Tee,Be :eet Sey ved)threavhoutthe Was Alasmeas10HeepropeFaeepawe)vo LkecelViiena wondd.;HewiSten’ip Obie:ae “yy “Me.Sly Ee Goble *at iit <idaw f rip:uber of Mogresvilic,LodeshiaIVefidersskpecialthonlrfSasfeondayNebr:Tye pind sabteckalso:ad hem bersot iSRIE eerie CORRE T .ke Mom='):ker <Sd ee :me vl pet gce ty Axe?OF dkisons:- i mes ei SAR ered i Vardsach “ xoe. fe Ba,at Surdinct: Fisfaid ‘de apn:iy I et fr anh ,3 garrit Mtr:nit oe oe oe yes ay Chamba Meal es :heen ce;fe Lars!ae Pisarargs yes»RS iri,he “OH ASST or —,a PTI AM,Pe atCPebie Piste tres iver MIT pe :eePoeENSolptsAgyetlagsign:f Viema fohmere Nice tr0oP;Statestlh PPh areca.e Crete»chadhe 4 Janis Athens ae ee aot‘he patho tat <[LLES s ehNee,BRON ET SS EE tinea tSueena Neny dave,donsSeo HesSPORE DisbkiGE |2 PR : eeatieie ta?meter ate ‘‘:Neton aie ie RN fSis =O)a ‘we 4 VEE NS RG USL CL.cee2diveleebdtawilLit,hea Se wtRee.7 ig ace fis,ass ie oa B-Oleh Out:fits:vehigles ay ahh,ie ‘ i ‘Ties Vel storxBDwunayfisnfiee $i Says iow if}heoes 4Foqulanly! bs ?2 S FS Ina Huber:OR WOrses,.“Fe.wae mee SeNelsaSeesATre“ting i une:Say LS,ber dh.Catve”Presbytetinn etetyPsarotoodahdthe,fuieralwas onducted:“byt. fa “Cariaitiys a soho:syVestMakes Stier;Ee oy “B s SE : ** Sees ete.S ata Ad Sis.p ee 1S eit Rey,DreAV W.Phares his*Pastor,4 meta P Ga :we ft Sane $3 ibe :Bie at eo gE agbensb are:ab eatAISHhe tls Y outs.Swag"a good,“ty:th.sb teeuslGrgsche “Bi,Sata ¢aReESEokieaesRtyeRaay:Withing fon),Ss tS Ree es vee taritiat.citizen:"und anvexcelleht}).Reidsville Eat yoo itr:eh Ose Bask Moogesville,died lasts oe Re ce Ne ox oh fabio.Fee Tea ‘wife vind}.WentworthcenssTAA,retiCOny 2fattodelinwerine,“iess (S AUss &Woon,Of the Serided Dine ebildted:‘tormourichis loss,«Spraenicls et.tiles,mie ein teSuves2egfever,Fifes rite:mnt iSghiool,fa biameceunteh eas evening.—stmt Eko eras pak =Kvaiber,:;Se ames,Sranith iY.By BES So yeemeat thanksciver eon ny z ne ae _Appointed fo ee jRamsciu,lt {1 we Pode rho-eee Eepa 8 Pe se 1 |PABESER OM che eorbehy se rea S mente es Pe Randleniar sla VEWipseys.<5 2.eat eee ae ‘eae ar Seo oevat astoruteeS vs fea oeaieHe wy Te -Goalbraith,-the vi ai will Cee Pee pea-HSS fra ‘EYEE)Wee ONT %,4 sen Pe knows cottoricCOMMISAIOMe:LOA OF Whabple:cir,Pr CyMaen toni,fi:ts:Huesel rode Sanday-wed is Vou PowePiperion Courts:“1 New Yiork-eity:bas"afipointed Exp:edEast VAvtnirric “ir,BG Vhisey,oFmaHortier=fhe:conmpubion ME ee WW.May bull and “childrtpd tam Wes BR H:Gregory,fof/Stitt Rap aan ee =geebeet:|&:ne =oa te:te abseeite Speed is tare sities MES:3 Marshall:Se {hig hea ville,roneral dvent?for:wtTies:styper=Po Bighe Paint stition,JR te TA elettasipeeysaeeeeee|be:Miysandor county.\eisioucutettie ~branch uttices Sols thi.)Jupesbowieir,’SSP clams oes,xe -Ram A aN weeokOn,tas WEAR beac tN Pfira-ob the:Western.North Guryqn]gee tees:eyittonnb Mudon Coiled,Ae|:eyORCCcath|BOS SEINE with the San therni JENtetie Squil ta rile Mir hie he *Stinrsdir Raflroad from CRS perea a NG Le tharshie:2%oe 1h os Inuhieste:ise ashée.-)t Siw ey ahipan tte)leary the biting SRE ce thesessone Raw ity Dyville He “Shan?estab]ished”bs we)ae a Va ©niviveity ae hid ae au ate~tate ee }~~Poy +«1 ‘di 44:+tek ease eres ibis eaeBe oualy.es =.Pecks pourg oticeSat.Newton,THe Mors}91.WeCrayyfog:sa ikbirs Nopin Caro dist=Sed “iahisville to Knoxvile f So SEO ros oleantom and Ashore.FSWilk (re SristianstdCocate,f Bren Tete ckSioaeasy:Noreai anit:Miss fa el onc.Fale rEsq.!Sees toe Reybee ire.$B:market:quetations'on |Rts peas oe 74h RANKL tN bisa *Reet2sSh:t pi oe aS eect at hed pel.Moni =Ameche:“btisiess Qu:aay,y prox son’:ands AtOeks wi ig (teWai BePon retireittn:bide om lasteFhursday.#epu pee We hissMGistoe Bailroad,eVOMY ee ‘minutes from.sthe New),Pranki Gn K Sharir.%flee “lE-Vow dre.Titeres4 |XJjexiutders E Sos oflicjatinty,|sceneae as 2 :a:pote ae Rev,lesser aude sherry See oe shite we SEP ander.cihd -i :=cher hont oa ene.and P04 ;AA bast elite ert WES:peports tend ik dilletined:for.the:Ayhinnt ee:Roe: ch ee 33 z [ay oe ‘Aes Pee ef peetny fox:iNew :Betne Teh,te;aee oe pablic:ut.Galt Oy FaMncstile sta,BYsodurs’:ugh “¢r -=eae E aed:Me AE ay:Hee ae rue biefehe Aue aes w hts:Pastor,Yeipbe ee oes<BVohnto.ee aerae i yont Sireat haeberny sol):MiscWeal Earners ae eae,who ond i Ottows,grains¢“prove CantoneS NGMallon,©¢ty Waseem Geld-Dorner att BeCy ‘atte Keates a eprenii:oeand stockst =)fh PE 00U ees WS Tarcing ooz“ah as Sa sowLiethe eseunny AakceCharkis|aent.catizyn of Nuwk Liseitute.Mex-}:Captain Greeory ity;peewiiety”fits*é y ee Diiape ws ae}eae Madyearulk:rd "hadrlotte:to,Mr!dander COmmity ayes oe Tews Monily]ted both:by"natore-‘aad PxpPeTIQhEe iunnientt’=.eee 8 3Y.GFE dca Se a ees at nisi and eS a 10 Swdrkk<He WIN,noe doabt}SE rc mt)‘sete =sP—oss ae i oe "Tei:rag i>...4 Keepubllewnt Aias,bi Rew Grilpert Ls“How he te i ba te eESY Ott:of”the’bastness:.:/Wwhittie RsBp S=Si pS.eae postivasters:wee wDa-ejtimg Listater .family cies te aa SSeS se eet fo Gal-:a Andrews ire):ofJha:aeae)ee.S ry succeed Nee Wilson,Pemiyie ecbourt fen,Avs.He noes of bFaith thar:his,fieldvot fabgy will et TiaWasece:Diss t ae .pextended.>We:congratulate:mais HOUrdey.el4Digit He Strtpstiles Gud wits [fain Gregor:Tpon tis.goods tek ie Mutphy ae¥»mes at Weis a ‘Drother®oftM a:Pe ee ae sue =i: ,he eeitss;SL feed(Cole anu:In ie ite:and Caltimaithy WPon his.The:See Pe ey _e ERAGE ale ae tee Tr Bilder: 4 Cy {he fs :3 te Ne Wwe Ee ahat ee a 5 ea cea,ae sotent'y,.vot gr Feertdehitlren:sbyye BetuEned:ANogn w,bathe:pte be 2 OrVE “MIS saace rs ::‘am ake?Erato,sted tas Bt “twa:dollars of pods.and:=4BegentefpNyepitaly.ne ri‘Sk ISTE"Ney Goopesssonv Mas=eHet EB oy oe}ect ett Be eT ae EE pte taag tas heey %stmt ee “_;Mees de};;:ecided to stick thes:k iiffr oops,qUseeoenyuShip:died TP heirsetay"Poet Ae poe:ay MUSHY.ile lena.2 ie vi LN aes P oe pce masta is ;.Set ut ittnts *“dollar YOu sped:bring ;::ae roth-a2:Ne¢ighbor'an:riend™.BeePONatte oy MON on ne 4 es 1 theadenncad ake Gi dbptt ae ¢Mh k cal,.:\es ‘ah Ese fF ba Ro iBhine Sind Re .at yatrectc nePcotton:“iP ont assz She teft some of,es prope |seh \Rot hs “Al prince:Tstack:has taulleit:in Eee auvER if:oP 4 ‘i ‘ra f Little dawg ans OEae Sheoxd,SyPeht kihe He‘Teen Of BoB.Noung.’of Cod:.New Hope’Baptist ehiec hivOe born .:es <P Ou 4 ‘Oe ‘shi.:se tnetieya =wir,a -ao aae Ue ‘Ronsnas muther:Pale Creek:tow Hist p.‘ATE die d+.last::Wee ‘Rab bin<god aha turned |Sautorday mweht att u‘clock.at tae 2,a‘get Shar jee *Droiiny:pet ‘ada ike:Witsei%s Peek.haet OF eO Years.{1 months “andy 16:iSbedarmer-Of tad key Alexander 26 nga"fabgee of Cort:Besce {days “Ee wat Orie ot Fhe ase Tettemt de.iy alcoGigESAkatteSowtee!Vesterdavs |Motor.DatsdelSou tawnships thieup [this writer evediior.De Phair Ey meetient,*ae re a+if ordght «dew sothe tobatcomind Mouday200.2 Vinitoto Mys:Cor‘uelius’eh preaching:his.funerals Monday at F 2 Matthies oteT te rita:teas Nery y Well picdse dei h heI ices eateperuunlion bY ee eA BaCormelas.i Onclock,pel tbe 96th “Psatay quidfy Saddy HydeRsdS Gro uy,we are +0, ever en 's:tap ; i:‘reed and-“ap. 29,“ap. 5...Wa ‘ 'Peale?fer?c Pit aly:tty:Wee.OV.feb tS ‘Broad sare et ine, ¥Lp worth 4x Biheh“Seb selnont jel aia Es Dyess De:Mong 200d:Shap nc eee .abTescitNMPRFoaee24BeOe:Sel eG pas) Vash SNOT Ss teeny te i.ite eg *armies c+‘ fernor;4 ob Lis aenetk tor it;Feet VG They rr supaed to 4 one yes:Soe we .-ee evloxics~ahae ie 2 Washi a a peer e ns W inee Binet ts z PSPberet.4 %ee te ‘PhOL LO ¥KS rer WADING c pi ““iar:10 wen :oh tae colts.eop.Putt ersone wt :Sadetle ||torday.sh iT aeems Gea age §atthe tae:Fone ae reas a ee ad Bea Peete nouzh ap ti how put ive :°apines“at vk toe poh Chite on *herswaGy.whe Nie Ay ‘Ta:Nichalsou.,ot.Bes ‘thre:paktorotJiedoceasdd?WE3S me EMnpGe Lf a Mea Dea Se get oe oe y swinit:Mind west :3:te tend the fanetaburthe tae es ‘eet ny tfyiniComte rence Mba:Whdowsed bythe eeiCat ero.3rd dt fr yds.i ata ts Ppp iets by Be BAD:OTE)OTe ra :ac b Peey eng:Cc adele:ereeis’i eburedy,‘night,ane SPentMhe:mmiehy “with this:pretgniv.)Nie.¥Foun &“hid?not Thawte eiue heres Tease vasa.i cn fact Any kind of -lew aeSreetianMinduywasthrowh:trea <2 AD brother.)Sis Wit Fcholsdar iatb 4iavcienvau the world.Tom Show eeabeere Teek <tern :ih ate See Les:te iti |had Her stouléer,diskoeadca:wah assigned,toe.Bawint erat ®rithe popukuyty ol,the’mans |ann soMoecenet des Me “tantal aye seeinDdsull:|aeNt een MeHet aught ist Noe I J Weported erat hat:Mie!a “state thet bh:bang gies ¢and car niasses|sf Ile atLlly et Dds:Arter.i ;:}i sts Wo Int ingetoss aE Gy Be:‘E:7 he Sandys..eS T35I Ww ‘Gut Spasw:Reg stuntod Pe Les Tone pre Le oA Pane Gey TON:inside ars SS oi ry a"aH Lo seoheSia&Store Sts Miler “Davidson eatl Od)t.3 Davitsisn Lists3WOKAy Ethie Rookie1 fullywed Isenraaits to!eth otk weCohe$,2 E RN Tee ThessWocasingoadMissLottie+Vexans Serious tlicsy of Sr.cle LESbbS ¢eerave Besides a panrbeh weiten Ope :1K Setsfier as a ieeebycaslitpsaac’Mats SP ey.‘hit Fer ccbac:and (ite a womber Goig 1.Morgen toute NEE Thi .>-,‘ders ahuaeitey ae Lom A Ale xander:SEP Ne:Jz Hobbs.t AY we brett Hoan i al pee Iwi|PMirgrnky et vm eabiendig ss ‘eye vitDakidsen topes:hoe of:REE MwVepbs wie:Lites ite “Drédel)a ie-{Nues th at.thea:bsarehes Phe}it alte teeusk?étewGgine=ee COMME:earsDamdsine Resa Masons bad tharge.~‘of the funcraly;atinSaefugedBaryleuy“Rponing,Fue weeLUMENS and.the “deceased,-Wearing Sunday or The ret wut ae pr Holebsd S Liesht et oF eectler:whip:he aSOF thie,es*rorh eating:N Ww Stir ipe |t Pest?asSons,wai,its séectionswal itu BS ik rua petiaaeoeSidinkSemtiscnetRNNy,ent nS PRET ais nee weak with sone:fhonoPs tix Brothers.ees ¥Schnee *ee “Ae =Lek Hidek casbuterenlaurl:in sn goth “dein kom,eee Vai Py Witiams:*Ot Pasidsow:,COR).Grceniivdset Carpenters 7 2p a et eateieNee.£rer wepcdch ere Prom:Cuptere“‘neey oa:eeeTfoadiec anid:2 ethers:nye Beet)TUBienes eh,veeVes pep Nae ay We Wit Bieta pa si onnoes $ie J ApeatTie”bight?with “Brother Beneeae ‘a kind and abies fae s see realists pte Spek :rece Pirotuerbicad inistakestor yer:]day ween iterSaererwTyThefinder”Wilk copter a.fAVOY R *ir Talics Wink ee re 3 :|Oe AALS,Tales:Asi stat Pct husband and “lachen,ei]meres RSG SASSeete“7byteeuPATETODENaoe§ite :Soon ;::2 Fign oh :5 ile ie in ec bogus Tugsday eter:chiltethe of which bo wasalLula.“BIR Packnk Stato=atid I NroaseTEEMt.Stephitison,‘fematins elder:can.PE ‘afford’tie”See bith:=Nortli,es ON Ch,de Ao Farhi ONL A ws ported broad le We OL 5wd Dac k ins aud y BL icatel >5 sty WV.5 rt, lictay?’ BP Mtr.p Si Ee Shitith,Papo sor etstrath he eee \Ax sakeiS eaeSuyipied He MELD OweTietoy.Polite net iCeaiee for the.marries of?Ra PF :PEL.a COR RECT.comJeti,Crager aiid:Miss Virtorta Hens)at ae te L.|Mooveseillé.Masonic ‘Lodgas:willtilsa et poe a so 22a be watt ers eT Mrs eel wie oe fh ie TOE Ute ss Gr OAS dalso Silks and braids for trim 2°Be©de hson igh Unions Grove township.f oi foe),ithe,lds.oF:“big wands bis.Wise |apy pes Moy ne:hs ef ht Org 4 koma te!aece oa 4Wusishedtat’ees é and anes fom} Biantt 7 ae:beat ty,tod:eh<[28K :YasRaregoubsel.OMeTS aga ager eS oaTd)marie of Mit No Bs Sedw artis}!ie hk Pe ge.Phat M.ow BERET.egBattMiSsGoreMoca:“of ShHOh }:Oy apneat.Sek i :: x Saljstary rte ny {Be RYae "teen 3 aes%\+seers ,heLoVthyeeeesvdTuesLa:ise ate 5 entitle‘el ache boupon,x Vy |New‘Advortinentants:s eh akaeship:at eaaed T es we:eaie Ne yeA Sherrill.KGostatiapea)ins ‘Cinigoli St ane *ee gareCaldwell’Sect here:“They a 4 De fyi tara.‘Contrasts ‘Russell &Nicholson Prox Phe eine “Ot appellant end ee ee “dress4Ebeds his:cweek.Bhey!|:avestiih wy Speier y Tate!ieE somiplcten remodeling:eb TALined:ord.wasn ipodvatelyy.‘nate tyhyp by Hiade just,revel ved a ee stocke porte piss abe rat fe in,theAR Ne WOT NA:aint ese Bhile ah isUury jet,F.E Bovoks ae Ae ‘- ’3 . “ ,ap t 4 Gu i i t a t e r t e e e a m a i e i c e s ee kk =Wend oat tt.RS ADEN =‘7 me sence GE Chantes He Armpelkt Clapk 2k uncbes,=The Fees:owasPEL Ayarg.cand blankétsy“They |}Rae ns oe ; at 4 Oncealst Broad satreet..Phe]<ént toities PUbedyWe court:Mody ay eunpther lot iofey rugs fox go EME 5 femctantg ee eet 3werabitukixbigynvedsy|MUCH:ZAPrOvs,3 ¢AtkOoroe y:geuergts wilt f -As-AIsen's.Variety Stéve as Citra),‘e Ke“roukpson!aie ty is éouvetience and appear. topangete application forthepephe 6 lace to bay your bélidaywoods"Se eae BesdoesSnotdookAketheone!court Tota day wt Foe ‘SR si e n n a wh ap i e “Set Sab ophis|aud Cave ~Ris;stork.iviarger than eunenud et .GHanee.ae :;caeicngeRCozterinAer,"thie Ber aks oie:h Sorull].ever heTones yo Sy prt Lek.Beer oe ACE Witey”+|Ipeeans 5 Gao mt agubtless be Fan fee i eee OTE von wanteto dress Wel forsd lit4|’,Saleniet Gob zeaiydo“ei :.:a PhesCavas a dsuite ‘tee Sspuss cuse|;B Nae Ten it Chitke=27 ‘:;‘i 4 Te P.Monday:et oa tle méney.see NB Mills &Cosy Norwood ét,es cee Tuy i ‘x 43 ee Tn Fore SOW bites Jd Ps Mont SI Ww ‘won pre Te a :Bs AlbeDaNE ced Muniyent&":"eed a aoe Shon.wolored.had Mes ps.ne y eee ee Nr a 'gtocks They have.reduced,the peices)ee ITct a buededd |S es be kcei}oh Iney W ver rdicted and Ver:true suevads auth,Miss fofhthen ine dressy:gdods and capex.|Lexmpton sta he it Patron one?be =eee ae iHestoesmeaeoetekthey>Wogtene dausehrt te}OEM i‘Fine,hats’Ofered“athalf:pprices too 1 ined?Ut rang thes 3 sn oe :;=.are -se :iter Se { ‘ete au Bi _hi teat eae FE.=Woate vi.Hiptliof ethuny :toWn-tase =Schibler;<the furnitures man?:titre *ldsSta gS Nelsori:se ee hs 2 azn .rk :Py PUI SEOK at th vite See ce x Wok:BMY.i =ee =iaetoesoat=ce Sat oe Ship.Aver’,married Thesday atte san Seéll:y-ou nie‘furniture “at.ver KAS aeZea:MT.*RIRY Bist:He,SE ee Seetn |oe :hiredeefy rs ene pe :ro Cera LUA ee efu a to 1Gde dc-Yer f “a3,Ais :ea ee gk Cut.aW..or residence oi theBride's duther,Tex.Yow prices.’“See Ais:Stock and ae $e Nae “Bray fe.ws rexiie-Dee f pobkatess eae «ae me 2 Sa +ae oe é Da v ti»es Pays PO tals ighiod 7 ra mie -4 ime das and He-Barke..ESqs:.appear(|dayGowaltne At OfK exude Reomuty.suited,,ce j Bary'Sta,“aH K Toyets By hs Wek ear ‘omplete in Alt Lines eng Seecapeee 3chiaHie!wen AT were dischurgea offigiaitin s.es es “Le Poston Bros:&Neill:“live:“whe h~sf ae:ct SbF Koders)vy 4 2 Ea ;Get sf See itie ; a ee Heaion:caste ho *Oo These dre Sone wt Bethany “tastier Hamiitoa x Brown stlods.which’are |“Pifot Monntain etat HSAain“G62 vices Lower.Lhd {a eM ait {fw ith:thie cost eek te ship:Saost pepalar Youtic’peaple Lealled ag good as ‘gold.<‘Their’‘oak raei pee seilté.i fora l a 1 i ~fy wee shy ‘Ra Ee i RS Seat vie :r :‘sen ‘ee ‘ay ]So ge é :ae one Seen aha we nn,thei?Spreeperk Frit nds mh valfrt iret ads and Tcrackersproo!}*Malkesiico aut‘Nottir WiikenbarieSta Ujuaecif,a 4atsigeoatASSeeeLWwAShangefo)ithe uraL honk :shoeis thet peal eeee your hile “VEE CsSprinkte,)shore Fea :ed :st aetsele isis Daptheris In Alexander,0 2)Tite.Maha oan te in pens Ste -(Walkes et,JF Erman.4 a urertes Obey:he ttaeesslsabeliaMaybeteswife"of .ae a Ao Wilkin&Mills have an Jauttense|+Spartact,to bi cupplied by”SAN fawn fens Soden doy eto “tla +we Mrs Monroe.Mayber rye OE Gant:Falice Newsy 4 ‘lathe af:Shoes front:he.Beapess.AEG |eee Ct:Sey iyour taylors Mt ANS "ho4y aay Last i:ne yoy township:Alexcunder:connty Sy obits Jay.Colored,e need 2 Hatket |the finest.hy adress.“Be ah ms thelr],see cae bee Sa ae eee toda *sks Bike DaehntieSat ineutheTredelfline.died of dipthe-at thehiouse ofa edlored woman fast btock7c amor be txeelleds’They|Watauga ct <Lbtiwaon.6.9 2 <6 ie eae iRee,:rklast_Thursday night saged.et ees Friday night.”<Ske went for thé.Bo"quote priceson 2),dargé munber-=e ?Boone SEY.oe Sa ee a ee ee Pain perti Cire Tipely :eee ME 31)SSO Sea ‘Hee and:they <uryested Ann.*“Mayor.their S00ds.5 5;“pieoe DISTIOT.£Pere rate SS z i tor Gt Se endThisisanaitlictedFamilya‘Mr.‘Barri asseised:dim?$5 i etshe |Copeland &Mebougala’sere “tHe A Wa ARE eRe ocd te POt TRADE AGS Sh Sauk RL,rotssemeMgxberry.himself;and:tio childrén’said.x5 gnewest and,atest Styles~in ‘adress >Seth ScayHats ae aid aes ABE:thikbestook thescae.Tu Wow very sertoasly |ul aeath the}ae S13,ShdxperWywhite,was.drank oods:.|Their Royal Worcester dors}singe Moagtirn tesy MCLDowns.> epocrasieae ae ng gangsy.sack :gh 5 at us dre ad disSEust.gyn ee ae anid fowsn Tuesday.He peicl SLY cots “ards “the:bests:Phen dine ott Gastonia stac WIM Bagbya-y >AOS aaa bow oe i5 USMS:ne ee te ea a gh S28 €D as :::iB eR ae Gan oetepen .Hee TandyWas,releuseds:4 blankets’will‘“pleast.Yon ‘Their ?pepcea ile sta,AF.+Steele oy nrOSt i epREee.a):4788 1énviller,New Termodine Pre wetter.‘~OLEE eV be:ReREN <Stantey Creek-cir,Aj Shorritty o:.7 Faione!strude:ext UsHi%te Bee iu apelin by Georg <"Borsbil ‘colored’.ow WPLIEES are right.oo +’Mount TLAly Cir W-‘CAWitison,eer cts Di aeorelessanedrunkJind>peoiane “om the st¥get|”sb Piinigan &Sousfure”bead«|Mecdewnd oe.pet Owns |Cea HeyMs AX,Suith,who served PMouday nights”:He,scontributtd,girartérs for,sporting:guods ot allf Uncolnter ctr,WV:FiWomble <2:2 Haswont street ‘church"last year,[37.30 ‘einds.-Their guns dnd Axings*cart-oLaweseillecir,Dat toate ne op ReeaSe7+4)SoeS-to Statesville station,whichis}Cora:Whituxer,,coloved,had Soli ‘ot be-cexcelled.Phe:New ,Clit +Cherryville CRY A ee Recs Cereseskteonsidered.one*of the:desirabl ¢-olore _ay ‘SouthParkcirTE Gibsoh,oN;ae .eusidered one of the:desirable ap-}Allison.colored:avrested for a fuss:Xhellis the-best oute°<<b Beliwoud-cir.DIL Soman;EW Dixon Ssrgids:*pointments.of thé “conference.“Mr.+with cher,‘but her Was:dischitged.ar The.Cash,Grocery:“Company.has supernumerary...¢cuaoee MossesiisaaSieand‘Very Cora:“wis ordered to leave town:|‘or the;coffee ‘and.atiprices:to-suit ypu.es -ec eet of bufide CEES Mgoress737Sealyregardedby.the:conference,t pay a BAe She:will #0.of C8 2 YPheir gregh Coffeeis ‘unequalle“d for BUTIEUR Sta >i ieee~#F ‘Ret only for hig”piety’but...for his PB y Ss oe wD rsTey th tes m pera ese xi AR.Soitats ia 8$5 bxtsin€ss ability:Heis)a “brother:ing:wil ‘i Gotti:ise agaiiy VOLES Aes Hartness,ddonascueatne SE oe :785 Se afor thef=Jaw ofre man Win:iat JonesHseeietasr:a divorce-4rém_his cavite.{Oow,Smith,givesey3 noticeto:ered:-Whadae Sete=Mees?|Natalle.in grder that he may martys tors.2 Baad ihe eats eRaceaSor:pegs.a pee oa Christic“the ditorced wits}©John BeBe.has lost.2 pointer,Bene icae sae‘Beh Frew &Window!White Anterp)>.)(of his former seendtar,4.lubd by-whont:dog ‘and-will téward.the restorer;|Genes,I B Reece‘fs Bill Watts;culured,who Paps wa)Milan had a son.Yap ectly mang Mt ’rd.Ke ‘Moose,the dentist,aby segs 3s taver bwyaFestaurantaboveColvert’s eroecery'!.ee ighes'aut dist:of:Sppowinenty,3 *ForsythuiteCs)Wisk *::oe Lea freely of tulu last’(931 AVE DISAPPEAwEOS Speke column.-"See them,sot 2}Saeee eee a aee beacaturgayanVENoto‘Sleep ‘in a ahs <i n -/i :s se with rheuinatism fn.mg back |,|“Danbuty pt,TW-Manisfield,7.Je a2 ee window:of Ais restaurant.»Ty“jssup-~|and.“At sutfered de head ached —oe DEN A ‘NOTIGE,oo bY Stokeset.WH %MeLanrin:(ya:;sed that’Bill ‘was dreaming:that very.weak..Ficuncluded ‘to fake -Hopes Dr.K.Moose,the dentist,will "Davidson.ot,ME Hoye!2)7°veeefootséehadWingsandtried”to fly.”‘Any:|Sarsapayilla.-In'a'shoft titue Lifelt better.|be™‘at:Sloay’s “Station,Tuesday.De-_Sumnierieldct,ye ‘Parker,’er ;Is:»eS Won ae away,he fell fron)the upstairs win.1!ave now takgn-seyen:bottles sand.the |camber Tth:.volts,Wednesday,De-|fDetid ct,SP Voitalas.“Parsons indbtiteds+¥::Pp i Ki mig to di li¢d'b4»“dow and came in contact with tie.tae hace ah dice opeared Bie ioe ;epmber.8th;Iredelt Station,’Tharg,|":een uae Wile on devounts,“re-wi ground’so'suddenly that he will hot Ueine Watesvit ey Va rade day,December Sth,+0 “practice hiss _{Motksvinle:et."MN ectal.02 Th itrouble by:‘Come “vty.beable for business for several Gays ES ‘.;profession.:‘De Joc age .Farniington ctok EN,stepliéuson..2°oe pavetSSgis Hood?s Pitisact easily and>scapes)e 4 November’zat”Qe te f “Watkertown’sta,M Clrtis weer 2 SE OE Eros ;:ee the =Bowels ‘are sic headache.a ufBetty ais,We Starboro,©ie *Ge ra oeCet’ARMETEL ihe BERNER. Attorneys-and=<Sunsters,alt=Lain, ‘STATESWALLE,Ny Ce ets y*» wil Pratt} ARMPICLD &1TURNER,S jee in -Allthesourts:*Special :kes oa t~s Love:‘abe Poiltles i ‘Nebr oe .2 « Baltimorepin:ae AYpices,ofne wssthat comesos allpie ae from Nebraskads.wellale wated to finish argimeutative ammuni- tién tOsthose ain progressive persons tha“yy} ni Aa“BidAYAaNIsM TINNEWYORK aAik>Pes .Sarre r iiend ‘Sun ”Says,st ins ‘epee *the:“Greater ‘Ne,é Fork 3 Nita Digpateh:eae es Gréd aces,conparatively levél.and. Tithe¢Matipticity at[Him tae Sayed iit Bjeveny years, aAN ra ::bine beenana’Staten:hee BT pave,Qt:“Red- ¥¥rom New’Yorksshir (Ripubliean.)EY:yi ph Tous!ei be “yetained by:2 Sj be Hey id ‘x thigogipmnistration.:tnd “allbecause’|vee see b Beginism ‘ia das te ES api ae)GP Aly bith”oF quddrupjets “aps‘Bale iy Nevs and OB: io :hie oe aeThat’!hore ahs Se Back is Stowsnon:Shes.yi es»Senator”J ohn as“Daniel,Y z La cht p=Ut ;ipped east ward’fae ago:pend New:Nore ‘ Lwhitt,oak on ton of:the oa 4 an tidfi given to all /Vrobate.<DEachlces ke z t é we WHS:te his family =age Sa rt e.ettlement of Estates,kee oethe’Teenaion sat wie:eae seeeataes tpato HeysRameethe:spostopiice +une heteity at Denice ete a Seeders ad Hovigt mgt Ma mS OF We iY a race $,2 ET BUREE Gani ae hc eaeSesion eet et ee es oe ne : i ake 3 S :is af.5 re ts Ta.Ne aunt ny withoth’scon-C .»h Be ie Ny ist 6 Pp Sf.time ee ciples.4 RICE ex with==6 7 a AATEURSEY CATEAN or Tae‘appears that then werd “180Hiv,2B Brean“hiner”ous tema Ke see ainthe Wh =ore but:andrills :steii$5 ast,the tits eeare: }ee ae N,C +a \didate for’the office sup fine ke z gies TILSEN wencyat SBR ie ato : $+4 -(eand)ates,for theo ed of por hig oO tre subj eet:tx Flat rn,:: 8 Roe ME Sylics Hsty uy Ap Ne,‘vunigistaption.ani eltort:“was made.tos on wtorat:the.South as loss amounts to:eS iN;vy , ei ._>Wel practi¢e in all the coutts where my}tene ent-of public nsthurtion,im the fut ysuk:Uvaicker ol distignhy Be “toplaéethe postinaster witha ¢an;wo.itsforemest fas)yal 25,000,000).Aniuxok _a»vole nk Hen ,ser¥ices are’rdemanded.he Brat county?of Bult,oy Oe,&One was a ‘Anite ,SOTHO,|dard thie Tass caraifiiote ‘Sti het Republicans,Partie ne ani “iad for cdi ‘caused a fi Lexphod ling !pk Cc.GALDWELL,me a auid:&Ebepubliead ae ee eg EvaSs aivyved AED phunfiy,thay x WS+Many?‘plications’fox dhe’places lic.sewes teria y ee re fiKE sgh =°¥pM z My Oopheasty creas ee *.Le x 3 stent ‘féot wi Ba Say |ST ATTORNEY-AT-LAW-=|Fagen?Bieotherwas gw eee out Pie Mpinit of Beyaninnn te sie oe fuk batoe avi:ec cakconditions:art reat ie ;ae ‘Sear Ney ie “Fane:a,Papas:Nis Klice'“Phom -ittima)oo Tamnaiiy,“aeduld ‘Have freee nfign=ie if a-;ae a <n,te Eh ed ttbfic“an Hind maje-cantDesAr hier’:“fhe Dehiocs atic States|just ase S Ries |ie Practices iin ‘Stateyand Federat Cuurts.e ‘date:Nias pricepel:foes*the Tek’af rb RE flew ed thesattie'ou Ses“calcuplets ka be Stes Seton akeeatKi ate:ric 2 ‘:B.:Connelly jaah +“High eC‘Hindl..i The Popa?:algahs<b iN 5S Weiler.sohfaras Cue Bee iits had bafon San oa This Cor Lint wen who!Tou or 5 a {at f ; ~*fae z ¥Hes *»s Sas i terak »7%5 :.Nae a .:;3 Ae : ‘:ATPORNEY-A1-L:AW.uc patesmal ‘Candids ite At f ay RS stants wal dey lagation:of Bryais:Settled:the:se:General Clar Ron the Periovrcai:eaears fra -;, os 4 SEaTESvILLE;en Ce ny .efi Tire:gral’aethey lente <¢Pltogh.ty i smahee “portanated tor its candi:dee ied:hottos remove’AY ta att |testi Back Det si ait :Lin -a Rt ne a >Ve =;tO .Offers:his’servi es ae call tesbpurts’‘Phe:Cdirtere hotieens.Vineet Hyoold we Some ie Boul Srateoftiesot eth.be ie =an aRees ys a te ties oesth s ieiy )| ae “Special,i Bee settlement,of estates Aundid:wes yasveulzhod on ip appar seh tifoteul alfief justice it thes“*iy eh e Saba Ritieae ie 3‘eptriteae Now onesex Fo ‘and all Probate business.”is Pana SP wrthe tt He ueppcals,"S ie Ca has DOW Comme Up?azain,,space ton wo aS Ne a IN cox RE HOSE.=ws vee fie eet ae i reePes Ae apie easabe aha nemnber ort candidates:have,ES 2agrreitlett 4say alle “Bee Ne will say.tk a.4 HORrial displ:cot smthsth hota FoN:hupperhs SsrN?avon ie,‘prompty Ay y Mee,cise havenney a ae .of SYK conaps =.g SF.Sanstio’”x Phesk *opylint*iide took Fhe ‘stamp phan he Bail,Ore’.“oe Besa “Igst Soptghts,tlre pice.Dek”PGE as a he ei jas oO.ul ; 1 on eee AL LAW.““againstShes ite fubticas venitigman}AR Se tu feo ag in protested that’,the)susuceesainl ae ee ee anae ~-eeeSsratsi =NC)a4:sind eeshed:Rian fa The Gest sixtexhe Waar.Ah Secon te result’»Tam!‘Reaising ‘of!thie oft the _quadmupis ;ag me “Ola,ik ; ‘m2 an :to-one ratory”OV tightthe,’foapale joany contvhciniagly Steoeskful awl ery:Seth glevviinsentified “him;erat stand slender:to,Shouide ia prackicé sn ail tlie.edit Sinemeof Nehraske is bree “The!a he rig vi the Bryanite vis.GRted MUO ORNS:ghusiddration:*and Sent at Mies beets Eft regan:th “Spyeabipt attention to “lt business'en*OnE Ut od chr“te vat CusLa ‘N a "et >v art us St)a {‘trusted.Office:No.a,ee TOW ‘car Republics venting ux.riser,the By en lotthe’5 nz protieranittaot the ae eeta she :i ;: $F of ‘court:Bowst Sai ;SonipyW ih “outils «taphest poss ae a hides :nfayary a ‘tte abnost dite ee “En Sita spies Bigs f J a .¢tig ¢ry aK eee.S RASS start PostingAsteS FeneraAr DYIs~|{touble-i war :2 Spepered,:Up:bat Maitre.frielt Herc hye orses adouties:hao if.CCU : 'as Barry 2,Griez,ay ==pestaint platy:with hg,Pops)uy ofoe tp,HQ ast}Nok uherytok Beeet sitiydPestmatOGor AeDCAMim Meepsdocsnth®peo High aa 3 oesPEssie ; ae :f i €2 DESL ne , :i deg i Netendeg-et-Bites :i “ist,risak:for Tne shelTaretids!Ney of |,¢tid tutte:iteelorer.ta the.Devas“uratl Ga xy Gack the £0.decided’that “ph titit:it:was:“thevont y Dar oertt be OF the best Ne é 3 POR Re eer es :SATERyE,Bigs er Lpbtic instruction,“Rutimsiashy ¢Ya goed Parhindnv Nal}byalls thetsd ‘Mowe shivutd:Be Sup.(Sango unthepw eld aid ‘Jeould.rest Ont ::Sat ae -e Caréfulattention given ‘toll mattersim:‘ttthe op hsbha partes WOR |aoug]{Bainthients sy”its,we Amumsripah|Stes:Bs pions sa A 8 ie atisag:bu dhe:cath patien “of rogrssbe peo}le,One A Re et be h aS trusted.gi neatatcntio cay 8 te ga tg 4 aaeaite itd ‘“dteJodked bike}sasernmh Git ‘by -a nidjority of,SUCdhy,“<“Dex Wiented to vie,Feeder eenssoni lang ae ents enro'led,ie:2 ; ys Gone ge ;ol Si age SA :3 -ae pee Satie alia Laem ceb ae 7 o*+f @rts-y)cond a Ve,Lor’.the,State.s rents ae Nae ’het spared NG:etal ae board:Higaie Gina"ra 9 :je ;he tiered Dn faite et mprin opt Se sit yu Dis jatchi hes ices ee ihe .S f “se efstectoess be Acs:SEC whether fiz"whet viiney 4chatne Poutjoy Ueor:anipre thine 2c).ne Nf re =re EEE Oa,‘Douftiniyar.bus ane “ya PAN futoia ae nee ee Ha.4 “)ATEORNET::sesae Dios ¢fae:ehbugs,or a deruinaite |Mr.oSehin ley and Goverttor2 wks Eee onl MeLadghlin.ied BB.and pthistr.ssi bolt bs'a}dewotfon eetinde oe na es ee . :St:VTESVIELE.»Serre de ab lefuudéro he Brvahesefatth s DatList Sy euibercand Bits Ann,SaLTN,iis wite ofa years:i Mary.aged 26;1 eelat tions’to:the Chicas ro.rablé on pnteri«ay e : ea f .uder ott 1 Ba vanesce faith Show ¥Gatal de or further.=ner ee 4 ’(2-F nae returned t6 the oe fan oe snes ov or,Secretee ,eembonya!6h),in)Tor!tite,Bewnit Ae ee aneBe aediee vo em:toe that iw ob ‘aul bematali o*B HOR ifsforma-:<:: ‘give prqmpt_attention to ait mare surtlor BY nt eet gage EST Re Pohivt fatiee SNS ee eee Soe ys Eon set hele Bowie No,AGS ETGs Ta tite si :Parser me trusted to mic,Office reair-of ‘the¢3 ys v4 a ed ate GR e eee eee }cat By.}x “But at thee Fast pofent.'Root gee ais errene epolftical asahsfori thet “south.Bosstoi af haltpas ts ly aiised the =Soa: sae ies “.ue t 5 O ‘Chock:thiSmahng.‘Both:had been’: eu H's ,for the.posigl Opulists:to homvingt¢|‘Het:ot vs getenishiity polittartfg |j eroreeRy?*State aSenator Ss *A A)ix a!cv,ok :wuothey candidate.Miss.-Thougisont amex “yeas manitestey jitphe Greats Je oo ge +tae!ne peat,and wearly AI”the :eee ame 5S withdectebe igus alfowine:dex]A Nese!York aiePEsalii,ee Re iste oh south amt ote Pate he powers contained itanor ‘if a0 anmee pire ser bag.Repablicay gppences Yohaven WANE |Th Ht She eduthi celebsee at oessate ha 35 ta x reyapPP es a executed by W.B Shoeeae 7 cs Will'appear im ‘al ‘Courts.Ss Secial atten4 caret.I nd tHe verArieNE.“day athe fhe she.anvite:et Suded Parker-*fhe oe Lats)ys Weithe a shor ‘Bin:Ww ye:te }a eA MeSSenhtgi Da ey ts a lip Bod “i Sper Tard:resi a oe Seselene Car‘ds went aut anriaumel ye:that the BILjOkies aii 4ijt tt “outs nee aaPaste:Alper ward Sot Rmeecaea b ae Rae ace :et S ofice of aesthe Re «c to.es ales Fo:;“fn Os AUTOS a.-‘%ders jf NeTran oe yi oy epines ext FAL:Ms thes ey qt >: oe ;ee ea at.:-hartt-movey,Pgotessor Ind.hiss Aree.Side:Stage WET.‘over?HL;and x BPS ee &ete!;oy ‘a is &7 vrs ILegiel tyre awitbaee:AY ERANK oN.Ver:aA ee A o isdiorthe;“aavpsced |stages's ’silva adveyssry;were tore moaned.theres ge ie petty Pemgerane agers|7 Ifinves“i ;i Micons ?es (feet im forse wer ea <“LONG &Long;sah <‘The iar riage wasdulys pertoraie Hes:7A fA counties only.“The,he ee orete WW huteter:ay : ;4 et Sameera,N.C.qiecaN aoa enhlast ‘Phu sdad night;amide the onice Toinster Hs theState front,hc >Rev ;he tate ee ‘f Sits “a arti ana iptiga!Forti fie:its pote 2 :inglands.conveyediin saiaewort 2 >a ip —‘of Sipentiténdent ‘of:pablic.,ips}ruc-Fpabligun;cotta.dy itt “potitit=“On AseeaiRt a =seas ei?i ol thea ttrat ‘foF atJevast Six YERoo nNeW petese ne -&g ayn ly a=x s “is Faye Practicete State =Federal ©Gears didjtin Burt.coutsty:Thassbecn:hys'|Servation tute,radical:Drvanisnie asae ::bet aS ee eee |teReloynent:voice ofthis teat:ced ina -branch ‘of Hocky Crack acute 2 i ’Offices.Row!ES bric Oe a sy take!is it we att “Of:thearute ol was athec tac:sendly uty"sthe greater|aa AOus 2%ee see Shr itot and states ray‘eal ie <aie :;eee ee frat of ~5 RICHARD B-“McLAUGHLIN,©«|patty polftigamd malerene basisag|New Works OS Se ee le pe ot Dread Hhewlaess,Pass'Séikwale chinah nee i6 poles 0.8 black Sai oe eee 4 foe see ;ray aS Vig -TOS IU aC.t @ speakin pr"<i é :ieee AJTORNEY-S47 Fame Pape itie estat domestic?iw cpus ex G Daft BS “the pairvclopsvesui’*cs,the ey cka sa Mair ae Oe thye &zs zo Baetienesaid Dancan.nd Harte: ’‘‘aye 2 ae Sty aie <ie:a STATESVILLE,N.wee es Naveptheless this"Cf aude;ghows Geeriaik ai}tiiefeat:Amer)“a;*cape!cies ee ai ecciiee©adhi in the-line-of ‘the Bacned natton ioe.as Wil dpperear inallCourts.”Special atten.tat ‘thy.pokticat “hat jude Bok,whe ial,irks wfemtey’ot Atheriau-mighty ate hi ake ;et ate aa Soe fae a %.y 5 ys ")“s}:f > Ue ee -—gives x0.the Civig Practice:taxed gills bin Mss5 Ih,a em,pedo ed ai shliZation-aintl the Sejan id Pei e ae :pon kG pu:ee ae tif,Corner of {said 83 Sorat e Be iteec ee EXE CUTOR'S NOTICE i“Ppplitical dealIs‘aed intredage!WSsNd Oh:the aworid "and it:is7aOn Nxonder.‘atid Paes rease one aS a :pees.Se ae onl Yiene west Tou 8 ae i E aww and subde,formes:nt apiBeRe Wee f eat anid che:bisaiites:wewes ({i eee ertee ee OE ee ;-le beginning,,containing37 be oe wet "AVING-GEALIFIED.ASBXEOE-tra the xanirayen at the datuird Wwhbsh ake the Kveddinglys Sloane stat eS She a acronie.saeith which topry:Ler a Ro 7 “qd.W WILLEMS OS Mie tor of the will.of Lamira Dobbins,de-|af zi yf RS Sithe %:téct.herselfafter.hihad gone:Aathe ficl pian theSreat ‘:salorteagee. y fir;AY Orgs os ya re nerd ra mine At Heit mines al tern Roda rs 1,aston;© 3 ane 1 gaa couse toptese See Megs,aialyst ch :1 Se 21 .Phigspitak’asSt.that.t}iledt was bpon .which;the_cantpaign :e “Claims against said estate to presents fortattiess,a7 Sty Fe EPS:Pstbstincee Ke-Wentsinto>“1tiie?eb:seat :&:3 eo thes Ais ee dhe:tin Sry sasiwaged in T8065Sand snide Teoh ee ‘a mecesoe Soetoed “toe:ee teakNe Tosi Je tlottsofth Sooutest Ay oun £toubtr ey and-took cee PRT ae Re:oe compel ci to Seis Rieont-eh)8 for oe is<i A yr cr 4 ae y : ‘—_e 1 pampeaa aS ee ~~pene)be“ipl of:Strap “and?‘Altscfuie futAras t-Sdu aiteity(aches apfidinted ate 5 ti Ve A eee x oe;tsht.figghet fo.Bem te a R ‘i parm R sree és]dehy at ¥MOORS SEG WaS ERC»Asedy ee tah)fet :ot ES ‘‘."GRAY".[rtwthors?“Bhs a isinRTA pactinearsoth ifadetve ete.aay"veh:a Ear =e :Caligo 4b: st P oS =r “oy 3 a . :RB.werSucuin ay eae‘Bxtedtor..hedinneath’disnaat,“Hat,tHe charintns)Tithe.abwisyas Busguisnt rust:cu)ike pe eee :ye :vee nige ite va Antics sare BS tepOct.2IStRIDyve..|;suey,See ad wiithgrawi re frm,“the aay Cater weer.itaby i‘capehlty,isSeven:t He ‘Seay es,a womats s saecon 8ATG et She etinge ci :“Sale "ofValuable Land.*.fo.lyr Sots Tae aha erticil assault.°ee ae Sa ee oere xTe ue Sonteeas Thies |Hats,S)& ;a :+35 aint gt,be Dr Dey pot rae:rivals.eax -site Of hake been settinth dies snd»tht)ese ~FSS BEES SUANCE,TO AN.ORDER OF She iu Vinat,does:ili this spowgend?|yf B Nara Poe avast Be ides -”re-salenine by Sie Superior Court-of:Se Bey,vith shales Wer,~bappy :abut.pbregnds ky ee “Paid eee ee that.ae kuin?ieee ol Fas Fife Cesproncde nt solr uit Uy cleo:ine one a.:ee SSalersont “gira athecs ‘saunrdidw that hheia insp pit aj}eratic patty 3 T8005swith the“Gale )e,)ae ees nae e os=i er Hu z ee te:“As low ne {y he:piaintitis;an “William:Me!chorand reg ae ee au Stee ce el Higict ‘fieowrth mt 1 a Fa athe bess:shot’fil wi und:Ha Monti = a ~mente Sie eh ir ¥,%‘3 Pe wins Ma ROL,|awl x -Mina Melcher aretdeendants,the under-“The $Aare “axe ion lomS oculel::eh 3 Sand D ‘ss PhinsebteS po:i we T)prtntiqiles,“tps eee May, :“Signed as ccomniissioner of Said_court Willin Ts v -s 5 NS Einpare State:ot Ne =Werfe Sup %orte 2 es af :Laos“ti The resultt proves.th:e the iors Wor NOVEMBER Wr,|ura Aweil!hate bessasthy Geanhedy jae “thy redtirmatio&of the UE neo a etn x spakeeke SHOEY,<:gueALCODS:LChOR IS “aheadys Avis thie a ee ei a for cash arpublic enctivn.to ure high--i the oe.oy whtsoser datfarn®Vagainst whichit ktged,sO SatiSntey World:=ES =Awhe ee ee Wisdomarg Oct.eer est bidder(83)uirty-three-acres,jureor}12 >any ON et iy teh AIRS gene sig ied fin y RG:te mnie mis?th’'*y ROS Res Fotis IP3S iad to ReSiSt thetve j P.§=I sell 3 oda CF KT x :i CU st thik:~‘yo bt ma 4 ge te ae i 4 3 **— ao -Specnaieg cee ounce.eek Moczesealle:peeaiene tstateLieto “selling +gondtivoudi ierudeSs eat.the,eu he :fetaoe vox uae ia fe i ee bens aHS : Y Byesparrot tne lands oF aaa Out yeeit hor.siaé for a,“con joetl ay,Be MOG ‘ey ‘bo BSSans wc Eek ao een a hha,~peant :eh c oe »Deminc pady:a eeaee Tees S ;JohnA.Brown,sdeviscd!by .will to.cousiderat ~EE.Aimasqnapienr |’ane EW ard tacthier Hove one ae olde 1lF YOUW iil theirs of Josepliine Patrersou,.-and known He Aina nage i ‘:ot ‘as the tail!tract.Tithe retained ti pur staguers atut Hheapussibilatys“ofa:‘Denis &te dives ae me a“uRredagain:“Rowar'rs,wl Soto Hilier |iemiei of te:it ‘;chase mone $3ig paid:Sas 4 Sie thai ‘and onlyaboNa th &ahles tr OM this horas ‘.Span o i =Je Ns MELCHOR,*/.'Oerari¢Uo rents eet aclipSen:aifter|.ty pt tine eye Dt Rs weleutist fos enthasietic :ant Tb Conneliy,Ante ya hottwontést:*}miouneing i engetly isatGeye “Phese stor ies are offey brigeiiyy|See vat pee Peopices ee :So && This Oct:2301506 oy -Cosatiestoner."“Latter:imgeirutA on that The wil a -“¢Bs shes Red Reoe r Stas:X dy{esaurorateal“but thu fisa tre“one ahs _sae Shy eoate tO:romana ;toe ii peewee C r Sale.of ¥alu ex Hic “Repabkicamlidyy who,if ee the $i aii 4 an de 2 Mey SC:Winshle-w se tale”tax Wi et ubsthing bet ge"at eer s %ommissione ‘Ss:€0 ‘a a-2h":Fe dep Gatelaay whd.if she re ST:Gut ‘a “ent 1s Wilete forAe the tote elector s ats,tog a be irman 3 ms y o eRe ¥:Tks en wt :a ble:Land,-*Eels soi xot mtbiacédy Gar ters,it Chace,’wert Hers|tesWho tok (S-thye:storyssand aftho"abices even”Paes :sine.Pee At ch ‘By NIELS oe "e 1S 5 inh ee ee ?i a ot ;Betvirtee ox a judgment a ‘eeuSuperior Pnyieht hates bead Boon:uidrvelect |foflays und:32)a <Fesuly Fa crop:oe witnessed thergee urre Hee.~FONE ‘hes es fas Low,PEER G ::and j bi Court ‘of!Alexander.connty,,eephersetfe -‘Titt-suth thing’Will Some ‘cunt:1a:trAvEling,met are?>xing’e“itsitrutheulaeds.,ae *.te >in ulen,cr ;—:to ba -2 ->*;<b :TEE W.VOUT -Poot ore (ae ot Seate cae gas ‘come t6.Pass |however:3S ei iret MM bee ‘their cacemma dertsi bes:Wymeeeuid ond ormor’.rol Shas are safe from Abe;aoe en See ee «a =xe norte yee Sy er |Pest TeiSSrey ousiphe of)Ve:Othe Pemile at eee.de Sons.eeeploughing iin ind”SOW:Seamaoe oe esbet,“the: —eore¥S.Calvin oOwies aud wife;the}-Pro at ight:ance Missy sompason.’i inte +eaW nga’one day.this:week?vonwot Sr PES S olit impossible:“for jasewy anttersigned “CommissioneT aoe by}:i Se rat,fai Late ouhg.a oman,jeasi =iting,fs ted,“onesto form.-'Cascaretsare the only Tet,ee 3 the conrt,will se#tr ay —veMee Cee ip'the stafionsRe We mungberrol4 ay er}Aaty Sots +gho:wis le magico s itdhd chewed:od-old against’° x oe.Sp ei,28,Pipaesat.ayernts:egte:‘Ceuoty bp..ing’pew were Bere.f whew"-.“ive!aeone oe gt th e ae,ae ;4 :KS :SB eee ‘<3C AN -eH v‘) at o'¢»i Oi Reta oh A yello’.jucketis,aest abdchile the P47!".pe rn ;.e le ands ‘in’the county.of “Alexander on.Arey.Train!re >“ts dee Se -Situis ere atkad intouthe :¢: Ct bsse eee of.Lower:Litile:River,sadjoih-/hSPE*T Se é ¥Se Ope ee Stloayedéaclecks akere ‘coming ‘put ‘ands Se ‘Simons oo Palitieidn‘in tie deacon De Wrkerly;Fortsengnd |re yojan lode *that eurLe ‘Swe nee offend ‘bet:BHO,th,att he}tyeani?ies ae ee 6 aj °her ‘A or x 7 ea ,others,apne se lands one to eats=nae ike Af a SeMoore’)Coul rRtart apr ait acaabnrahn with (rbed &A ee ag cin ei mL : bisk Rae i vin 3.Cowles by grant from the Stdteof)<4 Had ars cory sucky etratlast:t Wins Sd POO ODE SH Read ups:pe ings’er - :North Carolina on June eth,1878,‘to-wit Eridgv,¢anvdzis’isShs!Vv.Oite.,"eave =esivtinyd ey bersaw PROT WIS hie te“Geel “ints the hold of the ~yelliwTf Vite z >:iby Graut Nox 2,Be ag S620 “actEs,”the-young tolls 3 i .4 fel en by thie.vnayhan ES MaURG:the ,.: a NERENIS:eee the young;folks’“va hp’and “theyy yt €;es ea oetton 228 =o Bey abres;:Fauci Test.‘the teujidn.t €Noll y:; Fa Kes.|“gog wy %500:-acres topped «And?asethe.report Comes:begin’posted.)Thedstrangs ke wath: ed ¥-tie.bist ‘2 Ptowus,asthe:night rrp 4 -jackets set“upon,it und §tune St to}:1. 4 ;::j 5 eaen pry po whey 2 conver sytign®With the:cous.rwo-4 ts ae oer :® pate 3 "Yoral;:thei,‘7,308 acieg,-“rew;sd Mlarious’thes;wone fuded:the death:meAis ietsSnake “wiiguldd and a ith Seslane aistvict ‘@ t ty BUT N i a andhtcpenetl tBook ‘D;“pagesS497to Sus ees ut thd hooti hee the’‘eeae naif,’atndain a few moments?he}ayher’sqhir im ed!"i };5 :mont pea 3 vinetusive.Saidands.willbe*sold'in their ResSes geen Whe ee .hamd.*“She smiled CONT.and.oe if SS uk:equi bot:“pscape.aA Hon:Hal.5 em’With’the:proper”a PRICE 2 ©Terms a ere ae zee bad eleated Jes Thang:Pied Boe.magni:it he men;Were -urprise“b £6:“Lig had cotton intd the HONS PEW,:who put Hois on id .+Bey ae o>,SPECT ACi.Ni house im .<“Permst One third cas.nee upon 5 Sf en se py ee ee ee CEINS .oN 4 xe .:: 2 Aconfirmation by the Superior’cost.‘atle,shot,in}the’hip.several!Gtheys weregscre thy aN 5 eigh hér.SThe;.paid Meenas GrasdJary wise Prisgpée |ioninagion ;atthe.Clive “8 Eons Poot the:‘latest ant,;eae ih 3 .Breas rit ’Stiehikas pe Z iS )ine th oeoe oe.ee eae eee lure ee at Thomas 4the ne Sad acnioment tater’“HHA yoo a Ree :Be a Ug on ics appoibted aejustic ¢“of,;‘hich we-can acclfatel Me :What the Set ee ee ment Ror tort ene cet higt head .Hb seme Poel wna “ihe the seaeeee:Tuer,ene Nespost?Bs :<p:spate”Sma vite:aepeaCourt Ba that:Statesee ered a =G a GOrsiehe“for profitable investment.For further S :pensed Wb ica rca toi mt fee ds .of Spects 00 :|Geicwlars write See Atior eos ipfietéd «with “a‘/stick Wal NeRIAS se oaprigge:droxe “Chief ‘i The.grand Jury pi Cangpbellcout:BL ANDER.TROLBI EX?Se OEE:ent “2 ; aa Sa ae Pa :‘eaten aha on =asted the -oe “and,ty did an wpusgalthigg todayy<!y :ALAN:I E S.Some eo 4 :Co.ARMFIELD,{a [ticked above ce 4 e et,3 €wae was RAW 0d ];,‘The ¢ascof ke We:Shotwell.ree aaa Was.c Shack he oe ut.ye ering. no i he SE:-Commissioner.ss ;g¥ed’PE VeaTs:=aceneacol:busy e,wemelyy @ teceptatie for the.urine:or epecta,les:Watdien.Wow -..4 breaking.jeas bes is iad ‘be “hadl —on oneal tx aby.fornv ot eae eae is v.kind ®pe 1.-”12°C ~tad,diseasé exe ry ORE /Of twerways :®The|;so an I * c |Mortgage Sale:feesoe es ;beens in jail ‘dhites,ale:eee e was ahaWs fro rect action,of thet!Only first class.work:Sai coiiersot ea ek tes pou anor THE POWERS orb bee faqs Dey eon ee,:jin rae and was almost Leotonted.fanart roca) <,"@,Bryson and wie to:Lx Herrill;-‘Trustety of hei Brvught before.the?jany.Soe SAMPLE SENT BREE? =.“ofthe 1stB.&L.-*Aseociation ‘of States oa 4:fs oe‘nhealpy uring:from unhealthy kidneys | z ~“"\Ville,N-C.,and by:the said trustee.as|-ae ad San that “his patents ¢aied:isthe chiefeauseof bladder troubles,“ITsooeeveansagoonoAIKTewhewithoutBCAMRRnRCaneDeRtin’a /second (mi 2 Aerie ae E 5 ye ik Geed execated bythe a Rees oRtysed fee on frie nds,.’Dri ggt ty depres:sine bladdey’and:‘urisary ule gee <adimiiaano e Me a thet sion he jojued ‘an “eden Berson In at-pearrects frequent callsy iaabiity to.howd:res RS ;ee “undersigned ©will.a to.the highest};Nerative urineagd\sealting’or stinging.pain in : Piast ela |plier.for easti at the court:house sloor in HES PIE 0%break dut¢a hotise.His ‘singat,.or badeffects following:«se.of |:“Qverco nae ntesvities On3 ad ey a i ;acvomplice ¢estas ed:photwell con:ee nefat be evertones:that?a u DA CEMBE i 1897,<aS oe 5 i 5 Sere ing compelled to,Thin ¢ sto “the following land.conveyed:in said mort.|7¢07:cealed nothing and pastot ;>}get oe se simep uribg the wight “to 2 This nae po nddescribedand definedasfollows:|).~@.remedy has bees.vty ay convoborated:MaRS pater eto cee purisate,mud enieieactel wee ie ne lot.and building:thereon in:Sta ee oes lor torty,oA |:The jar :ti eat ee Drekituee omanRoot is soon|>est an t ec Teal rz “it:7Stan Sot e>:"{townslip.besinming astake,,in ,aplciag.whe baawedt ejay retarted BC Indic mien teed od Gs ther Wighes for “itt TD di -* <..Kuewn aScorner-of eeavenue =Kits recompendeg.-Pepe’?tains OY but made Rp we pire f6x,“Shotwell wonderful cures OF\the.*mo~t,distreestog |eveived subject tocheck 00»ght 5.nderv oo _>“and Mcnroe®streets,near Jum“Will ,i a Cae eee @ [Zev dso:eld ie rox \Sin easier Utyouhheed &medicine:you'shonld|:collateraland personal:ceany?4 ok line.thence:South a7.West "69.“tect to d :wg outa,Gxeasa>‘otsnew 9 &é me Have the.Dear!SAt,druggists ‘tif credited mittedat lowest!:We«xa A onplaass Tae ty:sCONtS |OF re!Poo 2 eee,Seis SO ot sctedtp qt with promis RR eas aoa ye een =e vei PAE Ot,;£2,on af eet toastake,”-Co ot i en e t a fe .«a - oa Chel Nimarad East rab teet thetbe eet wicigumoreand «ihotoagh katte =ie thatyhy >veal lead e ‘bets peesMeakin eSrargetat Mae)a ~Klo ayDing,cootaining one-fourth+[17 et :ee send Four ot :Se or less.._‘This Novem Oe.*y L a's :::7 Binghanton,NoXe The,Aree OL:a =¢ :oe “Assignee ofof;W.tt,wie a ‘aga *Frailiogze er Meieuy.iy Beike..Se“janieBae guararitetee Oe ees 4af,Fi :Led Be ee ;ae ;Morganton ye ae!&“e [So sed F be ees A ¥z c.~> eS oe Se is ‘oa =MeDOUGALDP|cansatese Fenians 4 “Within talsiew of Tpeeaae.ot 2 eS Be nei:|writetoexpress‘my’gratitudeocthenirac ‘Moruahon:aad.not,eight inlesamay.Under ‘the powers:confai -:oe ousbemest repgived trom Dr.Miles’.Hida ;Pp SaR6ier executedoy ‘Ames.Be oe sae =iam ie Lobcube,Taaneea tdr'gears,adseatipotacte 4 peehe xtojw iesis acountry.where past hiswifes Martha’J ay ais BS ms "p Uite,trom sciiticn yitich.‘affected myheait r SOIwe OF the farming.methods.are Pigeree Hens Pci gas ie |in'the-worstform,my Simbg syetied from}idébticak sith those in.vogne id’the:dersignedniorteagee a ;heankles up.Ipigated una Is785 unghie Timor na “4 top extxdd T forens “a the ¢ :Eto burton wy’,-clothing=:had,‘sharp Pains means pephawD..the:top 708 1)Statesville sash sf4hk>:ne obs Due of-the’:big sbest-|.=sisaee;and\otters,}about the heart,”Bering apollsyiand |pAator’s ~ehest|*\tONDA 4 ee as regres ‘of \Said"|shértn¢ss:of breathi:,for threé*yoaths.>.4 Court,wilkat the Court:House door:in|Sable to fed a ae i ’sree teats u:Boks af he South Alquittein,.is”4 the tAigihg lands cauiveyegtin saidmort:|Np 7:Sateliteon re doe SSRI ceeen ee wat id comtainfrig nearlyaIran~PAeeart described and d-auedasfollows:NS an:as ”ayer Ria tothew n New Hobe townsliip;.beginning’at4 tee a}aire:‘sold by.alk drug- Sasi :the best pctorg bat gradually grey Worse.)_AbdoutayeiracoI taking "Dr: “uities'NéwHeazt Cureiand “it.savedmyLtd, as itby amniracie.”*Dr.’Mites"\Rembdies! -_B.&."salre;ie'e mpertast &for milkind,f oseatesteetace y oPire emrable,ae “Eithisfield “Loktie Si idenext to'WMorganton ‘ista. i Sregt fat rock:which:has‘beta’“used time out 0b “mind as:ia threshing | a “Here thé axheat ®“and rye:is ae and“thrésbed °With.flails,j paowed,just asBoat winnow:z oak near ay ieWitkessntcrE6polesto.a poplar’ ats an $0 ot 18.ee enna: drape:Se eastb56ytom taid running‘a bunch'o be intdine,south +on the bank'of th 18:eee eechestnut:souaontopof ies S piaberial. 49.poles.ty the be”j ACompl