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The Mascot July 1897
«‘ #2 6 e 1 o u p s e c e u met .¥ _Newest gil oe :oFLe a Pane Pcredited.or remitted atdasvestrates.S i to colleeHiopson a points,andere a ‘oereasxeSeriCatena.eee =enews Salicited and .ereetLon mostfayerable Toes ats 'os ~PSslag sai Bie;Sri,-Eieaches Borbes Si fk Devitask net: A National Bz OF STATESVILLE,N.Cc. oan GEO.ie BROWN,Cashier:be weHave just Sep ees weceived -me sce atid stay tise otac ae ” f Fak torsSeesteHie,ie Y our LEvie neds CR Bade asNicholsom ag nd neejngBusihess;”Deposits.re ceTved nity eel fo ¢Shrek ong WY.her Hig se cactihing MO eyisan of @bod conateraband personal:security? ano.AL COOPER,President.oF ae iv Vice Pro Up (cohinmss AUTTS:Lote Four ‘Tegal Ti 4 One.Tine:te5 &cus NE 4 ;ahs ities eas ast St.Sita Deoge Venton :re afin athebylifforwh,5 Veron§ Yerat C Hi eo es Mean ats W j te the.veriest’fony toy:it:td:cle, a Hesh:Har pa.bys me“coh apport “et at.the Hlosh pots j “Phere : Sw sae « ne 2 detent! ‘ Z AND me b SHOES ws eve:y details Ww ¢h:ve:v-few fine Cspes“ined Goats.whieh we oe reduced priess 10)close out, HR séntth:an One of:these:Writps fen ihe list:Drese “patterns sy lie “S;x:Sai kilt Terk,St:as quinine Es var!oF Sprint ed g oe a7a ess .Bae gthisseason:oe 4s|i gm pote”a eee Aslarger aiid more Vane“a bee ae Suits”TaintGver.sMy aautition’is to.seth,clothe:SUCch 2S,eto bes“prowl to Wert Not only the, |Lowest Priced Clothes, but thes‘verybest for tesmallest-living profit.ays“Hine:of Gents Furnishinend-Hats”1S complete “Hh At will bo.tothe advant:tzer-ol “everysboily.needing Spring:Clothes,Furntshing or Tats ta:give me 2 cal before purchasing aetrouble to slowgoods,vey Pore i:pee Soar We This ‘Is:The Pah)Sou Ce Fo Ive cane acl:Fubethine:eR ys eae Iriel OGT.G unborn tsstiee“Spears SULE Vet be sore Ler tyy Wwhat mice Chita we Te:‘Showhts}a iene a eeibistimp.Oins atof Santinds Tees goods ache:G “Cand ready for inspection.they:make Benutifal pt ese ny early,inl ite ike-your selection.a 2c : Hor Ea €ots ee venti sunch Wats enduy Stik:fox Si What voulil,anken3 hibre useful |tor,Lola Re Me fpr SELECT SOMETHING BEcules *Gl aN us,hids,Handkeychiets.Sho:soShippers,e PON ee 3 Sa ee thROTORWREtterpe But toaweie:OR th bul Namah om Teeip ae Hee ar BS.rh fear aks ae Witehave sore Bhit i s than Aw RRL 4 itt Sreceiatbats.Pus pe ndees,gibi ene,‘ike Jal Seles Won to Seu us Heyore mLoe. y at se} ALN: at It s In TheAir i ee everyllodsis suv DigeSipat?tae?ehantiere eahasgurls.on maby lines cof Saude.”Ketaki’HoyTink &TOAAS PNIEeS are Still ut thie bottomNtVe ANIESE.IPPae peo Sen F Tust ope ee thie week BH ¢ch iss MeYES:Sian ‘ane é hileJMCar. oT ahsh:ch he rhe ut “it antl <Stous “prin |test wounr 4 ves Ered:af xy S BY BO RVINYINGINS 5 oe a ea Men’S Aljsica Coats.xh.JPandapakdus Suitwork:Shirts,25 and ups Men sR2H US?aeanepre}ty stytestis:undetwe an, Wee:have Just Poe ved. vives See yu se Xap:*jist hifal ly Ae ote ‘‘erya:A biseue t ISbuLAAss wAtt ook ‘Le ,Se ini Hew sonds over Vda Btt Overy ig while:Ainedenish?¢Cour:beaded ¢take uu Taek.ee -have past Tteicewhet}eo wl spe Pre avai Due i otis aneed: otoo 6 oRHE.Rickert start pr iees. ‘tour story: LOLUING Stine inth s SecN|M Bios «a %.oy °i ft will pay,youto:’swine Ourestock* inter SE sou o8eca ¥OURS £AITREULLY, “every.tran ile.eeu a elepid to eave |voudestiehy¢tue the oa Ly,ee HOGS POT.Aan lA:16.o0k:xe‘Subscription ae ce :A be eeeweBlasit.Pant:“wets THE JEWELER AND.eee 4 find:Ropers iives“aed Waluesbefore buyin in this dines Nea lot of Lau“Miflisesina Ditess'Suit:ake‘Sah Reures ti 1Wereachpartofourstock,ona close mar Zine basi—miney exery work iin the 15)Bor &Onur eeslow of:epeetill ree -AESOeconeOTNEEVouCroupelyglireTORyoREYoonehee+Sit}ical!ur “oxGhan ghee. Te vou have’% Vou!“aa ste oie Sloan.&Sinton Se e d ea e 3 es se t ja |PprORC bine feThe Fact:“remains *thet! are ny tetine Be “Snow “tal pen iwt hen Tasstu Some:Sth cE ,fe‘How: ¥,baitre OGGbReith a a wall doy:Hoss be the Donioerst ie TomoLetheomit.ter thes Wastes ieFate:OF ‘the fervesst vat “recent yew3Hausa,Wil Rive|mOhes:ta burly bt!‘ther Gepressed condition of -Oliy:PefeLinen,Boy:idustrios Will Bee wath sa:2 os :eee |Mevered:Thee eehiiicts,fe Se OE:nections €the:Silkeaye seat yeeand,altet:"the €Fose: Raedick anehetotuid®the Scone 4 : aa uM esout ee bithie anid: :besW“canted oe a et Ne a oe Ph A ifly:2b eu out ae heets. sh cust in thts RicBuworid.,eh oa Liewwill cy ao Pin|ie:eeDanica es sera’i:TAZ by thi,F rie “AY ill¢Come:onconsiderable,Fore10 f the :ats North ¢RiDeenneatlyor‘it ie er:hipShiv‘isiohisin:x ‘—For:Be F Od under:by |: ihe hes‘Joseyyver ,Tuindfur beCi who Fefebed:we)Supper ta |will sot e ie Ci moods}“it iegtt Sion al.alongTes tin is:dafall2diferentStateofCallan rhe inant Yer mn:thie Statute ,“alee! in bay pe as Gade pe Rect=Peanidee4%2 BSE Drives: aeFour.old:iene’‘battalionsaunite:our people against the |“party ,and“Ties 0 our counties slnot LOWbeihehand a not’&aeonakeoutshatcondition ne ae Gwith*“ally Boe re- 4 Currency Pesextrava,|gant einState and:Nationat ppro-Pe oe)and tax laws:woe “lta:Seas i fast Coming:ith Ge \il]:NetieSaute’!fie it tobeet:eek: :cillecki and thesfetna wilh SOU Ones anor’WY.USO,fey|HOwoe oy hy}€Pete wat ve ie ee STATES EEALE,fs Me)ta *aerer Sey,U0)t <~~ntenigcangene me peared dh ‘age atin tas oe pale}thewille,%We NOG Jinurdier”ort)Hit: Hod!beduith fare]A oy yeats Hiss bthon Eaton <su» Ls >} 5 He the €Cabsiis:spier #Kineae Gon,from Spain s GinaheJE “ASS as eee ae as“‘Umpossibleé for the:family etary Sherman.jy melancholy!co gorthe:: ‘are <ruéltyand w rong to Mr.She an ‘ould be public.i Sheree freely edth -public mind:for:ably come.‘His 4pathetic veiad been told 't }apiexation leav es no ar ne HE %a va r five neeclbecaine a sab vase‘kindliest abd host,“zpgte lings,for.Mr? neessok cast 4 naine ‘and.me. oe oo +!_Killed Hie.Tittle Brother. Rock iit,sS,€,Herald.* “pathé tic ‘Story comes.fromiBe hissafant brother.Bilkesnot pi Ow.on thebedin Joe McCaw: eens bette “presenting:ifseIf,h trengthof both hisdischariretheweappn..as he ‘after unconscious State for five hours.* aware of the awiuiness of his-deed. andcan ee talk. took a few bottles:of Iood’s sarsiparillairelycuredme:Ihave'j hadanytroublewithimpurebioodsfati}time::1 helieve Hood’sLecsapaciia to be-the:best:biood purifier on earth.”|JOsErH02Henderson,N.c- HOOD's PILLS are:the only pills.‘to’take with’Hood:eels:pene k and - >Se it h-lrish eine.this county.)a-raule which??cHaws.terbacco”™j and Spitslikeaaa@tian.;His mulleshipwillnotallowanyonebathisownertoplowhimand‘when the plow matrersstopstotakeachewthemuleknows.Hdnd:turns his heda.And;mule =like he won't budge aa step until hehasbeeRivenachew. :heSuofthis-‘same like mule.rhe achurchmemberandiisaman’ot ¥e- ‘Only gecroiee isa sure indicatign thatthe‘blood is not pure _Mood’sSarsaparillapurifiestheblood:and'euresres her vousness. Glcet Semba Sisughtered.Wichita,Kan:June ©23.—Tire*amous steer ‘Junto.which ‘hadttainedathe:‘eBormous.weight!ofpounds.and:Was stil erveiie: ahd measured’8 fect ta 1 12 feet Jong "He hud massive 13:inches.dn.circumferente |nt G feet <across.with perfect.cur-es.Mr.Payne:the owner.decid. kilbhim and have him mournt- ee ass hide was in.Bood:con- inmingham,Ala Juné24.-—Jobn. WW.baprominent.citizenof Monte; vallo.-whohas recently Lrebrs showng-evidences:é “ansound'mind,°€n-. i terdd James Kroells”store and Ge- ‘clared:‘that certain negrpes had 26- cused him.of burning the stables of ‘DrsAcker,which wererécently de- nected with the aceusation. sthoyed:by.an incendiar}t,and that: ‘he proposed terkill every negro Gon- secured a pistol and shot ‘and:killedthefirst:negroto.enter:the:store...‘whohappened to be Will Pope,an.inoffensive man;.“West then went -9 :out and ne Sane imo other ne- thont,Mspeacefal-Jittle coninunitynine:thiles'north of Rock Hill:nearhore’ss ferry.sTgist‘Tuesday.af-‘érnoon,Jixh McCaw.three-year-old{son of Joe McCaw a tenant“on Mo.:ee Massey's pl ace.shotyund killed: ferapiians wi over my.body.I ‘rent to Mr’,aa Has.not’the time now -come attece at cone st -Conceivable. Only:the furbearsice of the meni-bers:of ‘the®diplomatic .“COrps-at -We hington as‘thus:far:prevented Shermans con}ition ‘that:wouldibe as pitiful3as-‘it lat,he has”prepar- yw hat)mus to seize Hawaii*taehastened ‘to!advocate ,. in any- ;redily not? Spat!‘the tplattersts"adyantitgeofhismentalonteksie Sa most can ful sibject,one!MICH would not;ate pavhiehix:F spoken Sherma sand “ask hive Mhat po ike r pte ve nt ;Me farther eséeration of -Mr..Slaer-- -gnite,waist Sunday.Lum<2 wage hand on:Mr.aM.*B.VS place:Jeft:his pistol under ut:dinhér time.an-’cereremoved and putitonioutofthe)réach ofUnfortunatelyjitthewhim)and.cufter the negrohadleft,¢limbed upto the joistSotthe’pistol.a 32calibre. the efficiency of the wea;200.ONttlebrother.placing themazzl egainstbishead.1"requir “d the =little.hands to rds ShowedSeveral parties,~TheWeaponwasdischarvedwith’‘fatal -effect;thé baby victim ‘living dn an The~-youthful fratricide is*‘hot He is’not quite =three*:‘Years,old ~ lites ‘in - 4 i es . Bch at 2M te ‘ s “and a -ng-:3 ndi-4 eal-»5)>ae rihan? oA S has °ae: ex-i hat a “| s"yy *->a 2. » le 3 a 3 oo & ¥.t : ayy ‘ } nu! .a ek de ae‘eas ‘cag oe aLi;+A = . 4 :# Pal‘e . 5s e ‘= e ma ee re n a ne y Bs a ea n a tL e AS S he e pi a n a 2 se k s t ‘fib te OLE bonds”tor th OXE DOLLAR a.PEAR = SEOSS Tirark,opposite 5 ba name:iean that con nust renew your:srebSeriptiory at") _oner onthe paper will besdiscentimiesd ane| youragcount,DE wed cin shana?for Nolige f5aunf’;:iS “ Berks IT VR TNF SS.,Enero eens tA:1 WATTS: STAVES EEE : Pa aeauiavimt tet aay Beer dl wer i coun seerd Re atia:Kit sssar ett ea tris fats 55 yeniinst Rat eG toe bai.the De “ty tones ais ithe hoaia.Dreritietiuc ye a eeniniapt TOW leet Mae inepat lyst ws tres Ry and th ea MUSLES gonioitt:fi ae oe2Bert bed erase ‘Tete etd | eSA RR:WE 6.)5Gr Gove rT So Re Hoa ave LHI)2 aust wats aeteak tn Sethe:s Baca.yyry Dae ATi «ite:meeCon vention iu?)me =LOBE nitrite Y Hor the basiiea lass Sogaita.blige sy t pertobenree::Roe iss Speen.cit ost li Varia,Te “alriva Lye doe icloeds Jeanne ATS Gel een Oe ea t STicoe) >Naw suet :Stdans on?‘reniitips in:ihe Be Sted ne Senakiseavhera:hee LYS:“preschts has people es Among the Politicians.- Jiokitns hia:sO IEcruetiened ay Te Senate as colbec fv Of bees ae tre ts Ba oa nes : Seale on Reekeeae Meee Tis ety mathe em CMLIAhties tv tt SD Sits fof res CHLEIS CSS els s. ihe:Sepate i is rele fed?to Hoty ini crease the.futeviiat Reverie:TN:“on iree:WELHU RIC tr re2c thHak ety: Plover Py beak Se ead ApeWad rite i4 i SWE pie e rent t hited ‘hesfore's han,in hs ace for thie aTAG eat TG mornin He eay fevrs*Gove rnor yoy imei pean , JSuliay b.“f OFtaine,Bisel CFEN a land:sean ore ee eG her of ress Furckore:a has De ith erie Lares toy The trelae Severe’¢nip,res al.prow ( re cae ‘fanid|FOr “ttiat:ip se ‘py wWith-s »tikfing xeae wuts ottliotr Starios | be Shes nf rquttic atl Leela t bre:Lhatise:qi “providing for thid aimioxution Gb Eh. wath,under at bret unditions Obs thre: :of at nghrotmrted By,the:ar viddent.a 2 thé iPceside mt appointed Sa burdey HerepeHint his tehe cillector of elntetnal Reveirae For the:Teen Saee “trick of Nobile ¢Pee re “amd = Ma McCray tO Sie postax SteLexiniston.Neen *wo i+.%¥Dury aii,impact d ‘Spee “the taritt hile:Sattchy ee Be‘ttigrew.of ‘Soutte:boas Ne “strickew dumb SOstlint’“Tyee sree with We sneelh ok ~Ling:‘all wilit asaiy EX Goreruai 2 Tow.AWwhe was; Doni rari Ds eshistveuryKasdesire ies free Coin:isedot Sen Se ©aumic vileVv 16 dee ier‘believes “i »Hisioe “hits bee n ¥e EVM tars fo ‘Cok-S “Mcdr hoxt ein |,ayeet aad:Lifterhbon:He nofer-some viggpet hs;ee ate be bétters FRe was acanton:meptenmbor 4 {RAO ‘nd was educatedx a bssahaole.’im ;“North Carpliis’aur :“He-éenttred:thee ts as Captdiniat Comapray ae a I “mbut aad LOS!focthotr danke sof Galo} “nel.comin ieithe Oth _Fesgiment 4A abit theritter‘part sof"ths aware -He:Was °wotadyd four nS HeWas4eGtedRrevident{=the:See‘North Hina te oael f _St rvedsFOU.a DyMberobvedrs onyatecbpeiclay:Dak As:hu director:er. thETO ae [He had beens atantaaber tsoftthe£cuisighure severat tine ake} tus fceg Monit tye deLocated Niet?ge: tak Democeiitice convention Ree teat‘fall of IS92 he <atas sprinted hy iGevernor:Folt:State ‘Treas “ED LesuccededesWePap,ahs Mads:was.det ;fasion:¥ ‘During CleveAinSicashewas? {i)gistakes unk:Exaioiper |i torswv $itie!2 At one-t imeshe;Wi :‘siden!‘of thy.Simonton Pam J tesvile and yi a!man,0:eeewes Arwife:and sev ued:jirieesaysmroral; ctSavamiSootonour:“fader dis casos,+ Coe Chee conn isstoner;|fhe *»selblan at sieCOMrtHt House Monday Blondai ie Adeust Syd | By FY Longisind:Joln.S “Hender- S08,x‘comniissiongrs.Millese Tanids veef tie bot: ts é Ebibesentativg einer,OE Ea pet { “ithe ert 5 thant iat bane at lie .f ¢aA qSelvestey,Jo :she ‘TeesthAMitharitios sucetedod 4in estab fore,ate reathed the:tauattes but the: “Cettting:Inyy whe ‘at;eee.a enSG Soa tonFee ol ts Aiscc Sisteracof wate clieght ~Mons Ne ofLotates se ne Sk seas ah sefpeer pn:inns at Hd ai =, me e i<%<Myleli , AE :“Cc Haye a eee Mi * tag tly adshae Pee Ey Aro gape i ita!#)iN)itl;we aa ;ai nieFda,‘Pour:S64"S se e i e r s = *)es se Avy TING.{thebeats.Piven rf tie a aid tory Se ae oan Se eet:eaeLS eeELSE,fi ie ekeArutiokh,anes Futter 2 Bie f gets Cantax“Ww Ee:Seppevel (ash iGaiby §oy tay ca te ?tee tet Ony pete ;z :font st te Pelfoc vik are Saetyas ;.aE Shee Be ;Ale 7 be 1B Winks tithe i arth |GETS Pc cnet.ie ete ee be ae ee -Sat abt E CEE esie;few!SKN)Roe Rep nuinin ics “start deupon.:Ly he “lef thtseeeasBuy ie Mayor.om “Tonalin:ifs Wik mreawey..Be ai .t oe ::‘.¢*y ned re &are b ee.;Sings %Shove “t raids Ves;éwtSCH,Eye m1 Spats tub 'tPhar “ahaha Ale, ve “AN igi:1 igtia ¢ats ‘ Site:Hod po fiom Sate ick *beet ¥shespenal Lobe °fi pitsfoes at d eoethe:mudercr bi hs Spriges: Metin fea:tick Hon SG are ng ;Hprgispe ABE Hie ‘th A Hes!bev re)iis te lege i to essa fateh a 3BRE ieanettie ‘iy st sei aCeSepaieie es hie 3 $x VeSy vert eat oktay?hogan: het pice oui Ua thes Satie Gar ¢WW cyHl ea thyest z ||So }riousabe NctnutanessSik ess why:tdi; shot ists be!Mi Leh p>ee ‘Ludlen™has oe in «We Be uti}Haweitsg |tS Hehe hlaf ‘:t “i AasaASc rhe 3phe nea ‘¢i Shes oe fis span Set aes.Ade tion's “of the Const jCgeckf gr thet ‘drolina,Ww Kjobaiads!Ke : oF ey Hee 1‘“pele thie ‘‘AD?Waits ot ieaeeatsSY.Std ot ‘ a ebipd.rare ae aaah re di Sue eesppedtG tte fair,TY eealent ae aba waited 's un usSeki aor <latk my:aX bias Erle hcd for,i §Sey2 eae Be PINE rieiee «Ld EAS ot {ovens One oth Mt Lat Fee <The,SRE Testi hierar vais bys a“Mlb ne *% :'Teh:oN 5,ont the TENS OF the qliel Beets var 7 wack Made ee 1 :t.}Pe py t}a itheele n z EBS e = b “Heie its é 0Ee f eons a By ih wiligitis out Heate ee<aeWh ae ae anithoriane OG vegrefulif |the Seca sth)at HM:fae ee tire aot tbe sana of SAM)fore wie fab es iribcey®Stivers has been Hal sod)coop ats ee Le recente ligiston 7 gt ties Weta.Dei aeWe*Fe ; SpEoka eA ib im,he Gitte ad:$F tee A who}Hvacnyt,Conca ce Wak ,el ty ey eae Slog ch witch Ws LSAG:USE we ie he? Kee weit sear we plotter)BS pent riagd Lo sor:fo Sue Meee Miles at SiMuid &yj wor KS:is eit:et iare SSNary ee pecan Gat es ie es a Pe Apge “within the Spucaisialyy eH LLah papi we Coie:urd forPOLE BODE pul ipaprt ‘s dhe ¢nnsticativ Beree ¢Hy ay KAAS vet:HONS .?tet ey ie 8.aca (othe Mix eee cule fy fe gt;Sha eS Mtbobs<; mite met flat:NeA Me eats {iowa dont poneee th uymesan ee et ton ssfaut cot ait ot Tek Sie Geis tic +vee,‘gor crow ah iW vehi a 0 jad that wes etd vieht®'; rhfor Sueur Soak COT SV Koy’rt i j see Sc lies ‘“ey 3 5 ne eee Khe ANS ie “py :'inpinyoywinDishaPecbath (ape Gloctitns:atic ‘‘Tlie’erteet tor ri {a hy eerie,SP 7 :ak;Hou CBN with y eprenae:ee Rettionk vines cig eee lseae ote [o vyeAre:akEe ;wath Oh 5 ae va a tHereart <, Leto,“mS a eae x 2 3eSWsRab@letay..Raidath: ;,Pee:AMO of ‘Haun.hae Beri ee .“weenie re Soebe Re RoEa Go ae ve Cues see x thins -plied thace Shi sat Crt anne K rt Rab a?‘ae wanes r Mle Sith Thy &ay ae ie a WANS SpRatn ptly.Tt,Soh t Anh Lb eiS a eyoes tis hie ERs ;:¢barony soes “Weldtecmen:inant Jatsee hank Syae BION sad s 32 aan ae LauiorrasPLOVENaftenipisatootaheysBespattelther1%cm nide 14> Avia.wind UhLose wl 4 ik phe:ac Lyxigt eo Raed the!BlacdAN :Betior Tage Be:eedt » ibenat ‘ied to:burn theudity,gs "re ache Pranee apd Y unckillthe.White:Nees ephey peas Peale ad:5asmerowndled:thee:tte stl ‘a we M Ldtscliurg i ”h ietanneeAxeedier=e Hi.Garr vin deaths UE 3Prin:ot aE i :with the:EXeL pion enh,hase }Maina Ties Gare had4 EOE.x whee fortent,Sceie ~ askiltod sanded tines Smother whitemeen:\isenselessbytheBEPC,9S Te ites ; tit seu pare th ity Cron hebborBhpxhyuiie|Sha:Ske |1restdant}peste ut ae ib Me-Nitgy £4,“send!Lhronps:*tO4 FINRA es Ai ie x x setious :injure: W ere Tit before Weel webs the|:Atadner tried te stip;The traink be ate order”Many negroes have fersincy eotwiddle to ‘seo his ire =)ay vated.%The NESrO.Lapse Mak eH aSy runt of.“the tre Lani ted Be jail Ayit hot)etuitall©Ate:Gon tvvodk the.£1 :eee stil sign:Tp Siubee:suits SO ee rater,rine more:Prone 3a8 cuhong the]theo ahate fies ‘;motes or:conmmon glas:Pen 5 :it 'stands wentysfour honrs alto:mie <ae om your:pat ment or settling indica tes in tnibeaith y iperfeex“els,uty,lieaaRee ve APhen urine Wo ay uvechbors:ind | 1sOne-tt rd of att the chatate‘Bie.before theyare five° in:the.knowledge.SO:that:Dro Kilmdts'Swan pe|Ot,thecreat Biiney aye fulfils every: Ww riinv’reheving pain:;by we lischuretiks \for:Deery aud overtones” nt were chatei:se The Sueces sity of being:‘compeHed temanythyesyeeotheBian Ea‘Khe mifd aud the éxtraerdipary eee otciRootissoonrealized.It st hest for its “wi mdertul-ctires of sthe:distressing?cases y1t you:need.a.medicine yous,duit have:the:Vest.SaldiheLpbydraggists,price’tifty ts‘and ou:delat: jar.2¥ow oh f le botue and).cite’“ey r contained Sd.great ctirative:‘power ni bi Se “eeby:mail.Mention.- x es,*y:so"small space:Th G4:whole wot and’cageyour,addtess,to.Dri jury stead0 for:4for;acquittal.;sn ALRD ATSTATESRevmkte!allege:from:Jute’isfactory?Preventiaar’s eee Ist).BRUEterms addressorfever,cliroall iver ls;: ae Most of them diéo ‘some q %Shh,Maire “OMT Seeek tiated thes:Ire Tei peek) ‘Lineof Gr Ocenia, —ANISS re e ina ae prottacted ."e Confection:ries. SsSeerba yn cn fine:lot’ ~~GES i 5 ee :“Garden Sects | a:ai icisd “ahd Sée us Bees} pmethey ommber,-1894,"eats ai English braneiee2a.School | ~prert &pushed ‘and:xp —teachers. forrésponi Aicite fe:2 beck t The ties Moms Ltt :, son's VvVariety Store. aay dae”Tate ~ ¢Benne sokCee: 459 fs ren Land ie hose fast biacle vi 4Sa bsabor ts,Bult Wok Henvie Gta Preuss abbot awe ce nts per ya ext asize.and Jer a shown ‘to ae bra:he W- Weare o ee.Octagon in size |e g Hie WON ied Saat ets ~ sos ae ag ie poorer to:orked up our stockunderonereof—gnd:at Jerk are here.to-please’andévive satisiactbirnageofthepublic).<=F Respectfully,||Geptiand &McDougalé. Pees _P Le LALGEA0rR,4 Mean _LoeatNews | Sit tb Miter 1S Ske : Hef POMS Hear i the:streets takes cieteoodea Prins SPE 3 meas,sit Pryctysr.hea Gots ty Fh ciniyl ot 41%Shots +Ae sLit te ste eet iv . bess?)fbnse t:2e%Vive te at. y Stet atani)bye ivekiw ho “ate aut PASTErc fC!On Meta:nee eute heave ye raatcl eis ; cet ri putes :<Vches vilemat DE pat Ful S20 frome mat ube ie te0Mond,eve ites,fam . foie i aii re aah ed aeN Cs Tet,eon Shiloh:t Spot ees ittmtn ys Pri ~ Theis:Pk be1d" 2 i:Phen =yheht 3 5,,2}ao”ns ces meihis}*The aati bees has +dy Gee ae a eins ah maiageae te ;h a ,ee |amas aby Ba .te airel-t count My.conmngiesion Por ee i Whee Toth:shh : ;;ees Reo eee{iar Whig veel =Fone een upenes Lk 51 tons.negra Brokat Ss)" BONY liste:Wa Chora’,WiisSokal ise ot Taoretuat aPItive rab hes -tat Sehtus:|ve sfetala:Lig mtGxt ma Sith re }7 ie wheSube Bor e ourt tha tO Dur : loneve >wilk.3 cain ae:Ievut ashitise ee 2 -we foub did? bore a ide itaeeame*rada wheches;ppjoost :ais hatin and Mills:willeroet’*PS.tid.se gy ae ba slore Of Wallivee o Brew. And:RRUEEEY3 Ve il MGmday::sotmkides |§Pease ;ne ert hep Hee tig ce aie the:ee< be hg he OCQeaik withthe deta angi’Berg! Heese ,Sot Timners burr townshipspon>Rave. ‘um ont Crile GHStec Da sinc’tee perbt rite teal one; Bia eee and ‘ot he sope rt}eo al seoitier shape been.Sip! ;gute sheiro.Deputivs Bais i tiedeon pvte Ht down:Monday } 4 get the records,ete.a7 604 tecttors result ‘hs work ant lie Baviviny! ey.The. Y qeGonsitsey lack af)funds ‘ Close thet Stores*;“ony Joly,thy sSO‘that then? M>APSR.Ag Sou:Will move’ h oh SoodS Gexd weeks tron his? Le :R 1 Shee grt Gat Coopen!Hote}‘|.-Peet aNfeRiPeetgeesiMyaOMeORDO SitsVaiSieeSrrheRanceetiincydyerP=Hoses ©os4“ Widskey —Skeot Motidaly 4b}yest rack:Joh Stevens Vea ap eorkyped.Ab:iehde me heRucheforee te Kikoe KS“the Hee atsclint TOR:neratal t }B <ase Cosel Tpremmlar session ext od ean -on”the see one aydubysfor the’“purpose SOF .“«peperty.eRe eh eeen joyedsealIs.this weeks lussts..Mow@e LackeysW hae MET:Shagk.J:M:‘Wooten, firol shines R:D:-Williams ,‘Sloan,all”prominent®far-: ,174 ibipkee %.wie “s io 3 . Matra Miltzkert teak Ww liam!’Joter MeDowell,Jake Miller,}fatpness,Fsane Charch,“WwefsathinundDavidsonBorros +Péniteytiary ‘at Column:%;Shist Friday.”{* JrieAC.« (ade. Or:Lhe? ‘xe: parero.Ore = 1 to the «ht.hy Mee debinca|White,Of;ConciseVSG)Rasa half,grown-chicken,has ONE Sone wings!Tt “hasdeNeloped.wing “but:thereotaOFthe!other ones)Itsndiis'“gtow ing widely.* ‘y will?bel Hretis dug “exer @isésatRevkyMount.in South:TreCoCERTithof'July.“the:2ndwinbeehIninge|at 10=O “Cldék 2p.The veneal._publigis invited" Ents f its Weiss ek trai i BESS pa Pee sty-si iexs ee AyMelotsA; :eee(i hea:1 f veut Sititc:SVil hes st fo keflees5i t call avhick trie Seven ee: gM =f oh Mt tasoulte Bibi:"oper C,Mes 3)foe €yrenee o aC te.oOh:‘S)penis, De pu:ti ae’rebar “= ATE RE ee)Vie othe: EpSpe nicksctl St Line Bask eoraeahtestiteresaanBece kee Hy *ueatst es Mp vO wik«Ley shay Pr “ts teHa hieties sine |Head Haier Mrs=AAaT:é wy ble. . “tor diVink ve nate;Thus beth ire alate “k aa comaky Steed by ont Di jreastal of county comninission:SeTrlr Leite I ‘s complaints |as.vost hie Wyalti |3 [Bere Monday might,by ‘Of Sete a.sv cats ¥“MY t} >wee iJi pet ur bist!besoin,2 a etl trates Dich fh,pits ¥ee 3 (areal hh shige ‘eePikeayMatscrbe: ii easis fin!ieoayore iaAER Mak:MottHa fh: Hy with thenl. HA Aes: ey « MEM Sinai a juciueShe<thipayantir :‘fare tfiomea.Htisithe ‘se! L brs tbikethtess Ee bites Scand MrSe ty, din hii tr FE i wwe ae.: :ii ee rote Lisle so SAPae ete at Ale: f :seater the Go ks ISEA oe eit TretTey nkOr Tey stenti3‘d pe sis tet:siaMi ations: USE|(reg thale aCe, seh!Ari ite iE ttns iG .a)5 Statin, |Mbovek Sol Ge LOL Git Company:2 de hep’BOW Se RPA.anonths Hest Henty's mB thst?Cut | +PUN;Ste fal Ye irs:Seeds 288 Gh rE oy 3 Missi Lattic “Caldweh saul Be Heke Mitx I,ilAG birewi,at Win Stolz tanec:pornakx us Pa sieitaniy a SESE Me pli p MS oa ae + AS Mel tees Sukhi sak \he Spe thie ae oe eee TS hat at iessese36t Hi =TEASode S {Sst aint:1Arie.AA re pest Me aw Sey?o hiw hee di tele’i Sebi t:ESaj. Ary ie igus ae eii IW,Hataii ads sfrornth Monrée:Abthexilth. Abesiay | aeCh cacherd he hs SLES <slurgein dt tlie Beabvand Sir iain ‘Ruileviad:involving Sn Hoe | a Heeling:SRebs Beis Collett: Duvidadii,.6 UN?A An Seiteates ieacwRoakinaiaanaiDeaeoie:easNeh ok foneBory!vere Share Sestorday,ta ro OdStabese‘we Tes hoe Settle:thie EY aeprpertele ness wr isi!Hvernthy vet ain Ane:qth alistriepee fee OTedM ‘enSJihnes!\Britlers Jesqi.ght thayarPinoywadsHotexecterdy; Abs:W: LTS:ip fotMurilocti_<*oOoe :‘1a o tow?ATR:Higptor sandyMisses| :Eicuingii sis dyBot,oe estinionttaeSSSee eoNtS Praieleet at Wh wvax sleke aente relays NE TagCe yayPeagee‘y * :&an “Meu:hak,7 Say Subic aot arnwafrometrip.te:thé!ester |Rafts), fore the Stites esterday |OLN RE,Wtle waty,the:‘Marshal?sab Tighe |; MeComicsof Texas’sie”“Visited |hehe last MASS Sb?ae 23 tie eeeces ais wa’is”ont ber “ony‘Balid:Roetb in SeeSern,;parol, Bak yee 3 {te yelasve MIS Berle.2‘Rid?chas’ bee arsieeearenedi ,oatOUYAS TW?Weeae.ee ot rat fs ne eM ithutwonis ate ig<BurOuaasGasadcoudMas2,ath:_bowaackteht,| MatesHed year:old:Solr tof Sithe. Karcher.nebo SePiatts.Fw We reported last wreck:Gets.PPE ¢ferer:Saturday aberfing abouts 22-3, ed the funetat ftoni.the xepidtnye 7 late:‘Satarday:affern>on’and:dies ay ob Mr,J.Pe Young:yeh.dig tng ‘Saturday ovening eat sid iy bY fit discovered his loss +~atter.he te tubnéd ta town after fark ey"pio | oe ith a Hantéern sand vided himtse Lv ‘took fae:back tra kK He found,the | money iter place whore:lie hind ae i€ Out of the bunegeey tofix his:tian NESS.7 ooM red ASW dod:of.‘Elwin,wwito:be ‘cently Tosti his.mind,,was’prowl f :ie ee Wallve “Ol.his Wary.to the ‘Mors unt ‘ton -Hospita Mr W all:ace said thap|; this.mar niade the ninth per oh who Oatremad ans the last 12 agaths, ‘had gone tothe:Hospital front ikiin| eee i es tla x wsseitTies“ee.avis eh Mes.“J Hi be gttngain arilLoe “itce’bi Davis SsSidp hat Springs.ioertnd fon ae rene.Lrhey |1 , ‘Mii.oS pr site ah is et.ute ‘vn deep Te ¥% anon tees ganWe theserent eej Ss sont fh; pe,inethorL ash t i Ye fre oleniare febasgee 6 ; Ale:vf about SaShu.)whe i:‘a exis perk they:wheat,eon it Oe low Ke “Rew:W.ale DB:Styl *condydt-WwKtreat,YtaeiarBess! ‘terment;was‘at-Oakwood,eee eh 4 ;ae ;tates aie)fe:a ie:;eT estanets iae; “MY sth SO ined ets}iis ye ;iii 16 hs Site: Ding tatHite Cpe sbytve oles:Dre Ghecy,Wwae Gre py geentle M aS I sip Tuono;Blot,aof "‘cole+}SA alates ain!eo Pos t ‘ m ty1evsbangeesoonGtbe Be aiaa SOARS! “ahi Sik ;idowaat =T 5b appiedae iss te pes Tajtsts 5 ane atter woot OSsel ani StiliNse #eae Mme Peale,Sete4 i"we oft tie gonitheie we ae :at ant idle Bonwale x Storie |fieaik : Hwa | tple sistent ie ©eithain,ie ik ay,jaeight aie}“iuttnatien’astis sh ”ae \Steetics.arth ie FANON Tey “otinte prediye ere {Ste:f ).Be has Se a Bh ae “aaa | “Ke tit!aal ulHea:bit cag Rens &3 ‘ish vy:c for Gis Sai Phat vould com promise thie.instt faad:if Mar. Heespe)sen es si Wes aes at dathars Mu agei" oe dtBeeeaeany Tine _Maar (‘owhes ere srouthity: ,serch Aitati we hha)ans s ret bf « Adoaiship,: “ot ‘ahOlera Heaslatrine in,srnigonned shi:whey |Uh infajor,ma alickae:7dud <VEX: ne TNS| Hei k y he “Fsiodars &Me i iUbsinid:Di. ste id atypia settlenrent With’ Mates.cab hey fod‘thet:he asdaytheCountsOnTakes“etbrnit Dost eas ee ad ; righas)aidsCOME| Ls nf,whic“he will TANOwIE 6 |saldiesaise:0 aving aus det balance ei ee [atvosmad 1e sae aa t wetheae ‘ uy::Mtnake OW OSS pansof"Caddle Cri Sustdinted:a Sevare:‘Ye betving:bi wheat?shireSheil’“it thet j tiwld ;a0 is’his Wao.loaded with|wheat;aoye up néarthe:-thr oshi:1, HE hiss“straw onthe gerbund caustht,tithe: and befere "theacabefork ‘Gould be!Saige : antic’THe hy were couisunidd,ian The.twer amale’s.Bitehed.to!the"wagol.Wer $0.badly| Nawened:that’these int aig.: i Ore —,3 aac ore Ww e ei Balad ‘ask alt!‘oor:Reese ee fo é us) rabeny remarkable “oy,notable :Fields} whicHi say“come to {ei knywilodge WOW,‘aunt,ash,‘shipsheemeneho;thresh. ittes:to report total,yum ber ‘otbus 1- els of wheat!and other:grain *which thew thresh ‘int eac:bof.‘these’x tieS.We ‘Aesiret to:publish a wele contd of?the;‘Aintéshiny seusou 3 bay hewait!oats’and"Ty eo “pr dduction«of; Our ‘counbics §in full aWe will?sthjank ‘any membj"t Sofa"threshing Grey who will aidvus'tto.obtajn-the correct figures,ae cen ‘i oo ikpinéate Your’Showiola With Beesat =| ose ‘Cauthartic cuye:constipation fore:et;toe,she Itc.a:eeee eemouey se t eS ORE A i 3 ea.‘aeea ¥ian:ety cee t a vdpetil Monday,‘aph feeae Was, Ri i eaten ae‘tee add =atia : ieany] casokAz "rndgit Setiont Mexchi-rn Hee ee hele G Ouiporitig The!Gon pt yeUiaiinice SMES&AS i Set’‘eniey Fodmmi thee gine RUst nda y:rod’tide] Eke any see <?:TOU,otctotaison.SES CAT ¥sityds coshe rit uN ahs?£ie AK leet He:PAIS 1% ‘hshiGit?On the‘\wakon’andthe +i cits SPs in‘Tredell,and Alexundet coun a coun aa he Firat Case Stottes at ike SerVice Or une iia , oo 6peasa Het crserot7 oe+ ski UStipe isk Vig ' Wat!hy tad)appt:its .! . Soty,4A liveryStaple:Tojdeltien ieSiembiers Of,he asMt; BA Show) }fownsbip!ebeit pete ‘Shilade th 18 .7 Whites oe ‘4 oF » xe cue ie eee aeahs‘aibates Swe oie a ue Gs:ae aunt Of thE te Oe thie Futot hor x31 ive pooper tM Ove v ah becs tings ben f bs ,thetyat* :Pacha siterioin Ae wm Too):camigisit te ‘mét it the sclioat:huiiling anid cle tod Haeshiet * Sok iis ae:xe‘Hop as tillers Px jatei aunt ‘ Cafdwell,tee:ie tet;ies he re Aika:Tientige a Si . ‘Waritnt Or:Gael Bullig bMact a HOW *Nr : Tan ak “Lazenby.stey Ror:PASTE:Ales Battie Mote fe i.fare “Mise‘f Weers: teatsher Git grade,”res aleetod Mir. ea of Yio,Tn tit A uider obntys te ul!hee ath SeMr.As Ww.x aroe *flue ods itha Ws,CPR ROE Soe ito:seen The ehaierg Aer alt Ka net to- 4fronnith 2 Mouresy a and:Salis Bee haath“Wilhelys.“elt ofMrsBe:M.“Wilbelm.,dae at heehome dn.‘|Eront stheet ats orclook last:night;She-hid betn stek-for}»“number <oF:Yeats.»The oe itt bey at: Gakewod eT is By twas ableae ap dnd Re eee h £:mh %.fchecta aA ziuigsient orthtetJourrofRowaneensyfactronhie!5iN My yur MON)a eeofthepablnee“ote |preeontou gtwith pctures’:|ABo anothe:inpchiaLoining the fu's ayte teen éie of:Septem adjorniing:the iy ae ud).fe ‘Jamison béeginaing ‘at,f ork st ; es RR :.ks dine oben eae 11. a,this:section of the! a4benpricess“we ad's thairery t before.|) ain orfancy:Weaves: { u ‘{¢{ }$ Prench-Organdies..|- wuanterpaine for Io :when’‘a little’cold stisthe:Peverse:2s;:ivlt downh.~We are s A “a ie f -those,Satis scoutent--Stocktn our house to Select:pre:reduc oid.: Prices:We,Sp i Sieved any: se i 8S$.Atiction ‘rooms.and "AVG have opened ents.Childrensringofsatinparaasols it Shirt waist silks.Silkolins. and:wool dress gopds” Lwin bi kedet jac konett and*swissofeverydiscpapa wate and parce ane Ww ae. ne ‘allthe news thingout..Fhe market.¥rosted topoe on $e ‘up:cesfri in Te.Jow.“cut.Just,received 7$7.00.elseavhee:“We haveneofthelabgest™’eee,ets.are you can, pesird canide ‘blacIeius.“hat pins, in "Ure Je welry containing 18/22"actes'|eee o>.aiidal with act:fe,Hargrave.”kMAte A} a reason,“too;w hywe talk:It:creates in- 00.>You vant:Beep aiamy”hout “coming and.secinz, eee eenieets,in:cé a“and ure ‘showing aa HM HERE.iMaus“wt these are seme at double , t‘ t to set “them,‘taller to : is \ xe ‘ Aire Gli deo w.MekeER Pgiaekey:Mawes a ici Apa SS GAS Hee ee ene oes :a ie aoefon Emterhe:7gMh.ARMPIPED.,:::::f Zs :‘Cea te a &,ji ly Saxe ee .se a =oh ::ae fe at ;:0 pineseewho’pienived at Tbs;1a Topic:Oe Galt latins Qn!‘Pepe Brace ke Rees HH :\1 Wi c ys ;";ee 3Saataeeeazenrae’pate pf etihaled Yoana aie aa Heo cea ee .Ee ncatiiny bea beste aa PTAE LONI eee report atin+aii Bo nor La :sf Ves Gee a =eye hiked slegram -4 TMC TG AE mth 5 :;Mess :ga:re %ny *oe ‘-a aed Am *ni .:Si »>34 :PATESYMILLE,Nu.tec:Toledo,-O.,Dipatcm :fst :bape en d 2 ‘:;:a a hy Shi 3il hiiFahne !sen ie Ava tas Tk ekppnere 3 patra ae Ua ere Egere ee ak Bn a Sp Baad |WeisMurs!!Oun lerwan ‘sent i)“aint AMIS Sa ap ne 4a e{i }:eto BG Mas ,sa ee :MK:aren a cf Beat =x if ith Miss Li ; whee?ractiv ein aliphe Cob ‘Spe efaly) ASEntion elven to.alkProbate practicGy bis “al fulure jias been at‘tophy'oeSet itePUY EDGE:Eig,Dia x <8)Worsikt ins OWI fit 4Aflany-amet this rem Stay ites Gtyhis forgeigiilness Leva)we Spit ak:thee :Pt xaitYend ae ;"3 (fC :3ind,“hitting *bieWk.he eh Rar ca ;OR 80 aie imp l thee ty Wii ;Ae ote :i UNA tok et s :pin a apanaVeyzieky‘ab ic cap IE:Cine at Seok oe.4 ;y ;ey 2 ge Nas :cts 9 nd tse Bc *hed be driveLdbroughtpyae.from:WY,:Baeae >f b>0G ere le bole ‘They Ww eA POT :5 :;ae 3 en 3 z arn:Rata a:pase uk f {*Hi "Ato¥ie c.jolde ae ya im).4 1 Bel]P.ines He fhe first St UE Al eed!i gees esr?ryt ‘A E 2 ie y :ks Qa :pre on ae story.+The flog fear-@arefal Steition Bay ni.oto ‘alt siaiters each retu a Ds a rn Bede Spores aoe Ch ae yy Spy erases felt haan ne :co a3 ;;Pa 44 dh EG i nthesame straininteusbeMito,Rie Fonte:hast pIbupsday A ObieRxee ma ey of ys had thelr hendquwirterssin;hadlesict j ther ch (pre Q é :é Tet dees :ve ;ereupon:the ae tas ay treet remot sd: qt it hiS hese jMECFfeWWTiss,ieeeae ais Seb ae Bech ONG ack mee :“it Wiens Soa et 2 :Set i 1 ae a Si cnueihe es See Benet ecoixed puid airounitl heM/ideey era:Litre.Ba ANG lal:mate got pidé Cee Os San &:t ect Fass aus fast sa ai trer AN REES Gifarl fe Tue ;e ,e al as PT inalhy “pssistaic,>*!#8 sat ‘%¢t At ee :%3 a RELERS ,MEE hae 28 ae oe Cig Solan ds mde*reriaoeseee Ada ahek *Meh4Lbieayitokie.Cas*yt cdEge’Sie a ittuit the «iti 4 Stat!ic il 2gaveoeatheoulectionsands:st.4 w Tre:nithe Py ie mt.HAE up:Bas eeeoes oN K‘buresback LohaN>*ie Cea ,rah afar Den re “‘ee ae pelket trned:hori:bscictaytt,*éseet es Sas EP%Ses pret Gees ‘i Tame a pa eeSigh 4:ee Die:pa.Sa w ie :Be aa Fl bcwes catsthidiHe)mn ts hd edge S$!athe,FSibag Hane,Ae thalmy watt i=‘i itietes :4 :ge ete tiga S = 3 ‘,é a :4 (>om i EA ees ATTORNEY AT-Lg es a “hedisathe dip eis Mos is oveneeSMeinne,Ns pageab het Ant se,dias?WOS quart in eNye Basa wang cf i 1 iG eg |he edi«..a a9 fo La ey 8 ¢Aa q .fi ‘t 3 5 ee Swe epg “ory i es A tia)last work:“oof :“Aly State Seo ee Ai gle A &she rs 7 hada ‘;:;3 ;;Srtlanee eK ele 5 4 Mee}Boat Conv:otWillappearinall”Carts Spelt Pion ian eee Nag ar Ges :“3 ©Mey :‘re!ne :rho yt ited,Ege teh oi cin ary yes eR TRS MPS Cigiha es eR iS au s¥stcmmaticalay ii)tention Rive othe Civit Peacties.ee USPS Ora Se i aN eit :ae si é a Hy ¥;;RY pA area Se aa aut ,5 ee cee padded payrollsa; Ce sah pave Cal:|:Pits eooe |)+t s :Set ceuny ’:‘:ue ane are ~:eter ahaty eee baet th Thies LOEsat at +Supey dv DIA Swk Bas Sie kis rhe Mthes,er sae te aes :;Be 3 eq dae Son:ob GINASY fPiZMeseeie(Rs Saeed Howe jh .‘.:rt sa,.‘maned,awe 4 ie if pape se 0% i peste.eo ts (ce §TY Ra)iy fa COS safe ing asp fe eeo.i iA BOWELS STRONG act SUiinER Ty CGA LDWELL. Pojtertion top sett aut?“OL estates:ometiied thy.|}:See eede ts ‘Res BON Bs Tes Teen ne KEEP YC pat beaemhhist,wr:son at aia an 2th.esaa stilt ss .\ue SS to HS WOt [Sepe ayet = SATTORN EYAL AW i #oR ,as P 4 "ie HON py i <nic i re i v <:3 ‘é i H 2SeatSriteingnin,N.ie as Be “eee pat te A Slt ai eh iio)Fae.was]Stutte:2paseCours.:keood Jaks ae i é ;ee Ant j j oe :es-ALT:ih NEY.ar.Le:Tesetek t oe 1emibers .a bys.TOW a a at ce “ta ,|Si os i :flat a4 :a ae K 5 :‘-Wahie mm Wweat(PES Tit:i weet ."i at ait tht:oid :“Shempain ae ik ci:she ch Ae i Re4).as .Lsx ;t <4 Cantey Be ode a Se ae oe :f aM t oe ae {:.:a FP”ny hie reBerry.©ae tok 2 es Maeeyi “st ;*;sath tara é r }:es a third ‘ he wspiipe Legere So hes:‘iri a ies f ue :eiVeis ein DEH Hel vaiten Qadvindepnblien oO OL Ones 25¢805.re scrdss 13-front’any gxtendeRe Or rk xpear etl taken ey ee et "s raspands ik et be X SHE PLOR.S Se Or ;nea aa eae how:d then wall pre :rr SHB ECO.Sarees SRS shen lress Hats 1:Sp Drea!ne ,i bere SSigs UnieSeyThat Most eeSe eu atone it ee AMOR ad seat hag Gdlon hotels)Seeeeawewn:eee eee ws ere tess,Rc.Up,i Ln}enet‘ar“a ;x‘.;(Fie. 5 W thes4a)EATEN!Se bee hs cu ees id. f7»..Pi aesreBe51cepeatgone “i t| ete vbri¢ee tee the aga wRetyStraz.F.Gamtle,:i iit ion::aie oe SWEE EIEN 8%s ao 3 che:Samal.be tor epeete thie:thc Rees ole At es Sa ¥rast 5 oaia .iw.Hout have native 3 f perennial th ;ie te AN hee just ia ;patio nsBiOsSEMENhhiaeenspSenate:thebny‘4nit imate righ,Geico UN oat ete cere a :ae SeGo Soe RON kepybly sh 4 P #Ne ico ra eh Mask NOW mplete.liver wise heapey thaeEasfichincorgiApaenloseen:ied Rinth Tete Srom-‘onblis tetlef.ir eee,FRc Pees REL Vy (Bekay |Lau 3 :eeot Baty 1 Vi Os :;pe te REET ates i :fs ean BSS a see a.a Se ee as Sted.OMewov who er]row ALAR TheWifeAred the!‘laneatfable®spectrye op ero)ity eee a)mt rare;He ped fe ke -aly a if AOSV eT y ie ;See ee gett ee nCSO “eae ar fe OS os :Ss feibed Wei?foe bar house:zi wy &a Tregt:s wens Mspae,athe ae iid ;:“Th CUTE Gyr REP Deity Gk.ont 1 <f i oF A ani.rn tes pee Ss pice a a ferings and $2 Te me ey <x $oy |4 g :ee ‘i ‘a "‘i ‘:°4 ee gee fans eh {Bs Bey 3 :.ety ';a “hoe a!x ieee Ae have it~«:rn cas >%:©5 4 tht 3 ;:BirScio i Sia 1A AYTOR VEL 4 pany 4 eer ieeechpTie :oh ;See Ngoc oy SoA Y Chey ap!a ee eh ae i «yy ;Chiat x _ee eo ene ae en ‘1ese,LWies "ls stig it as % Fate hag ri belies aN Thethit.chee rreatestdeinabe!ASS t Rays ¢hiiaTeintnite):Feesteer,pissy 4 tbr jONae oe ia :y irs y ae FLAS!}!:een:i t “a ee ::ee wt :Sh “Eee S waud isiveni=Ee Re eE ESP EAU eS ACa RAEN Sih :e :i .ght 4 Pisanaractis 1 PG Ried tag Orn es)Mies Uae Ht ;;;There as.;nt >is net x 4 Phe e Site Oe ot thie goodh -eh i :ooh =e x ‘5 eens Figittece ;Qs .i ; deapiie fo ys d a3 ,ne PEE Fivic 8 Lart yea e :htepuihigeun sine:vel x :d ap lide i ae atk ::Cees seca »Mets ela i Hip we KRfsiay jubinick:’a8 OZECN Lew} pad.i Seine the pete ant)Be desateeGStrapeeBsaeeeSets:eee SL Charles Hsieh N,Wari lag=hasger“of dete :fanaa Pith (oly 3 rs .ir he Saas ina .,;Sup,‘3 me fey rae):e i Twte er eg!asi :,Tk:IC tahun aN Pe 4 hen.at ak mHsey eid :Whe we Maeca xf :Re ‘sek eS anid begBee Sas.dul neha me ot ees ere nae cca tee :‘i sn Gots ate mae ;Divan)sas for en ei marie i th Berns.OUT Mae -itedersi“ned Will as ate Hite.“athe old'sSheesas!cara PeLE A ge Be SH C2)MEY TOR RON CTY De.Ae cy ‘j :Ke ;ae ART tS)phate PRO Re:Pe:ea be ‘stalk Paaiteisens hs geAEPoartSalatpublicidae+3,a‘+3 Fahy a My oscpanior y ‘l Ran ane te reo S a :at ny re Matt :.ee ee ;isinde!I eein te Fat pe ‘|‘‘'OB ane aay .‘ah et ;p ?mk ak Wices’ae! Sidn:£6 dem Hiskest bidger at..ahe rane e *mayen ga .Wy)Sethe Re No COR A ay aes ree sigh ihe pea vt <)ee ees Raia yen i eer Co Rage a pee Lig 8 Se ona tr :WW SHonse deer in tate SUiie?Gre ean ee 5 ‘49).;i %i ‘j ‘P :AVS it HIS,csSeg'MOXD.\AS BhGn 6p ae eth ISG”one i3 ;2 : feo ald und “bee at veh tetract.of lara corita:Ding 72 aeres ¢‘i tr,So anor eae,sizuatod “in,Coddle Creek yx ei eich ae 2 é Ve 1 tt ;ne ;;A op eee i :-Sats beyt-ation ip,edelLeountyy Wear Mporesville [>HE SHCebiieth EON *Milas Ste ;‘Ne Lata yt Diath ~ih ::;Lee Bs Eyes shi 5 Se eee WPS :the:beasts mortAdjinithietotFS. Lipgs Houston itpageaeve ut}ate ;s An Ts ;re it ;S Ae athe "3 =4 1s prey Ae ee te ppe 4 BRO PSS an}Phiondes 7s.7Westitar:Tats)ad Ghhers®.Terms:ofsales “alee ey :‘dee ot x ;eee a en 1 ge .:‘tit . re i eenShenin “ be ie sl Yee a ive ca i n a >: y Hesspo eld —Six wMonliis crs wea note ostharAgee:thi :Hebi ¥me Ro eamibe es Pic pene %TST.ST Ke :ae re Sede grein &:siete re RE a cin .ita cd ie .i ::ee ”a Ue anes ng 5 d :S Pj ipcapcia ke eke st gre ts neil tat stay ee is s aorityes We SIRS Si he aire Olay te THARPE &Dam IL :ee ERO See,Pomme:{1 2 5 Mansi oh em pea ot We a?.ee Pre1G Ss chers Sth cae seedVOLS Quy ,HAAS will we founds tc aearty.tito):et | %ee:NS oY &a ::rl aay ay?Sia ine f t 5 *5)ie 3 ;tig Ta 3 :.a ae oe ::i.ae ey :a is ‘‘:oR ,ia ;;:Soe ;sl ::Sale of Valuahie Real Estate IOAN Pate hG =ES ay ae etek ee loti Be oe a Slee hat ira:nent)Stn tae,OP “0 70"[itn FS 20 Thad See)BONS SiG 1 ALUAGLE|LSND|Fuz MiI agéeei"Ss ery Ne Baeie es ee ici ah ve j ‘bit c ):ris =:ee ee ::ean etRP 7 ;::Fat €SON a SINT.NLPBsYyRUCHOuvCarouse®te ys T Sy Ug Cos)DOesP rR te etsy PTE I ¢biota bape 5 $F ity Se TOM ae bie ‘:ron i : ih “Eyylorswitly N.CS on Monday.=ie ete oe:f :Lot ide roca Se Hae dawg Ua bee ees pan Sete elles UR m4 i Bae oh STEW itkees cot er e Ba g All'theMinds ‘bite Heine to dire.estate of! tows ‘F :‘;;,ay :a tbye :PRESSE rs ee is oe ;;SbOFO “om the JelIti nag $4 -". +TRE STEIES¥OFJUVIne7,oye r i,et f GEAutee MYT seaihee sh iy emerge!)Ae ance engin sc Went cas ret Tig itcles oes 2 set a Casa peat!Sti for"business =Le {he tiAonertophefodeceasedConsisting:“of.his of r hetye place-+withes SouthTot Tay?) Tors¥ilie Nai whik TicoHitains “100 “aeresOTeortess,jlshfe othertrac tadjoiminig Bakeie.ete oe Wes ay |oP » walgablertiin ber;fair butidisorchards.Terms easy.ep Be given atbonce:For te’: LA IWENSA EIN *Apyn’s carl ¢ aly:thi itsBetheabovecontainersanh“known: ratte“ds the Leakve tivefs “attend treetconfaiil=politi Wises 2 “Bis ak Los ut ne i Whee ViS GDN LE WOSSULET BEE EN %sige a Micke (PaaS Gee ees ee Sons Rete .-Or Ww 4‘On,BEN TA ks TeeeWeTSacresandneartheabovedeseTibéd‘urea Mont F a :an ane ;&A,‘:STi Peers Bate tea eres?mat x r eee te 5 hea miey Ace ceT ragtuban.YG Lis Sslends.obits land ts cold Ter.the direct oiele .eo ;Per ":h Baas OS J ,Re re yt.:Se ie mena Bess.iajonGftHEASCOWTGtNthsaid:Jolt r oN i Ry i CoE fy a S Mehr Cerin:proces hy.3 ;he :Sei:ay!#:ti Si oe :ey 4ChristopherforPartition:anions th ‘ire of Rexliawaad secu ae pues Enea,sees)5 eee in’rcti :se Sei teat acta F Abe ;!pita ted ::cp 3 Noe age.a amcatlawshisMayaist,1974 «x ig ee Ph ie Sones th “pods ig ha z he fet ::riers J Lr See :st 3 z ae Bae ear RS oso a ae iy 7:Woe HRINTOr.BE Bxec itor,3 ti ;%5 rf i f pov 8 ‘“y.aes:ead:;5 :::We -wifér for sale our entire quill tatu’A lias rGoeshoo!Ti Eh Bachicomcinte:Stes in)Sek hae ee es Eanle on eS baler ¢Esai nance =Eos)He phtities aad etriches,the spear.Weave:two nits"0 =My SinreOYToetes4SepaFeral:ey ‘f Boe Bleoe eiokis eee Toad Caged Bees ‘fink ‘t t OS |eee Loner ieetesy By CROs Said.tobe flte tiest:sly > :Notice of §choo aX,tection.|ise thi Feaceketiowar She ee Rie chutes ee esas a eee pat’Sherereee Myidgp.the--xys i Beamon proug—"k iene aiatere Esa tp aie ate (Cabhic;$CFR ae arse <i Aaa:faa le fe WG yer ;:Us a ae eI ae ,f E 1 Tearly new and adi other mi ; TA MERTING OFFTUE HOARD OF LORE Moai eT iets AN SR PODa A pad ie Ay:;sy a Wes eee baa ws Es ::i tem E CURR i i es ;fixtaies.7 ne ce .A -OnLasSioners of Trede ebunty,held}st¢4 S break i te tabs z :'Ure rd iret Stree te ay lle He Sale gen:rs ;tes :oe LS eats qu be redell Superiet O W esS De their oMiee inthe City-Of “Statesvile ond oo Gack Y ‘CET Bre)aor Pas Ki ;re Nae gst ;:|ey a ae x De ORE retin.s wewere compe ated te tear gut areTresd:ay te Sth dayo.Jute Ish7)the ok prank ‘:ek aise ye se Tat Galton bk)let soy:f :5 re CP8 cece eee:On AEX a rk @ aah.and 3)we fiaye:the ixtur a Ipwing ordix wasmade bySaid board—te-|oes :‘Mee 4 veoh WH,ane!:Sg Nhe 3 ;:eee atin}ONE Re For {hither sarticulats appl.ty ©but athe Wit:Itis ordered that an electiombeand is};“as ah +‘Ft S é 4 ci MeN :ay RES ee Sikcna :;i os ght dh pit:i creat MO ES WATTS OR al . >hereby:called tobe het in the-various town “Asliew)isUl oth :es =Cay age et ;Bi Were By perce Rae ata Bs:WAT ;;0:TAs Ut ‘1 ;:ie :adv ::#4 MF.W:1 a >a e ships of ye i]County on?Tuesday afters ee Wat set ;a ie an)ree):‘eyee OL Be :SD aye i.Maree,q :'e Dy (Ci wes Selec aN alte aa ye othe znd Migday in August 197 on othe oe &Nec t td td BO ‘ti :Sh Say eet 2i i,Piva teak ee MC EAT:::a ;sn :,‘:tr Eo Sgr le:S:310thGayéf-said mouth,tipen the equestion |:;j 14 Pee pt:via :SAARI ARR Nt e ii it :oe —aaa be 189 ‘s 4 4 _body oflevyingia.Special district or township |ret eetcevtca baer A tare mek i pinta of RGN ras :%BOR cee =fe —FING 1 tax of ten-cents -on cthe kundred doilars :*},5 ee }\a a :Avie pial Ay 1 iy ::"‘;NY é ;Beit tah Se Ye te j 4 ee _-Valustion of property and thirtycents “dn fics Nas :;hese a atreue aera eas cat ie OE cf rave,4 ‘:aa OS.an:aR :‘mee 1 ‘goods, the poll,for:the public schools of said),dist ANE AT TS Sis ::crore aes os i MERE *on 4 ;~;:'.trictor towns ipy,At said,election“those fy ¢cha eeGhiece aresx.aes "‘favoring said tx halkvote at written.cr :~prinfid bau “For Schools”and hose op Sy 1 Hine ‘¢‘tionh,.aSue *posed Against “Schools Saidy-eleetton:|s»to behéld:under the rulesand greguiations|,:preséribed for.the ele tion Uf fre nremibers’of tig:Genera!——neo North:Garo-|:dina27 A ‘True Copy::Wow MEIN ET,“Cherk cpoaeas of Couhty’*Conniaionens fy. et _NOTICE..eeNoticeiisfieretygiven:that:petition eit,BES been filed before tle Boat on)County;52.Commissioners;asking that the tawnsbip 4linebetweenShilohandConcur”town-;ships ba changed from ‘the présent-hine,’s$o '‘oe Re Rs eek ‘E j Rei :4 -; that‘Third Crecik be made the Tine!be:k.8a 5"a ON-a ay be St se Dick eS :Sui oc med:oe Wand give 1 eesaid townships:©Eherefore oti tate Wy ace MRSGalas od :.:TiS BRN AS yond Eee et :ee ee :Nar ;Se Sy :i rds <*.: given that the boardwill at .their meting >‘ys m9 4 ;4 seh Capt sae :3 $:kta Spit “On tie first Monday:in Juty,A897,"gremt ye ie seh)ae wa ‘ce ;;=;AG pi <;ee the relict Asked’for-in:‘said.:petition Sand :*bi fa)guilt ie :vente SEL a RN aa BL ;Ain:EC if rm ::ae :L the tradegivethelineasthie‘tein requestedufiles |::Potav MBcis is ton bea ide Riese This-athndard rom ‘Hed aoa he ss a :4 ese there be obfection®and:thatsaid ob ee-|agen,i Sc oT PA ters we ‘AN ne ShOO ws ode ie pe at ake aN ;fou ng,for.for!a D Re :;:‘bvery few tions,i ans,at the Geared onisiid:May E Stree ttt “a Ww!aseeesihe 4 ‘aaa ete a Ree es %care Fr See ache nA bee Wey BS SAE 'eminen ;<::ae ES :i PaO =,ty Aa eaten’:Eve ry dew:W.TURNER,oct vein!Te'Seatchof Mfrs SE aE ms :ae ead SC ite itis recommended.it meter te a ih eae ‘&Petts Cierk ot Board Co.Cok Dey Stanifos.‘the j ‘Surety aH ‘Bree :nel t6sbel :‘Rit ree i ¥rt Bs Bread f ‘a of job suittheFrail"Ay,ite oth 'S: at“$ALE OF 4+ALE <UL LAND.9): ir pursuané of adlecree of the Superior |Court of TredellC otnty made in‘the east:of J.C:Kiniball,admry-of WD),Jenkins,|:TW Jetikins and-othets;eX.parte.the‘undeTsigned:commussioner of said court)beg ie:ae Eb:ee ie the “hichest|to SixeiDe Soe,si “s Ralding opertopilerattheCourtHousedoorinStates~ordi \:a i pany etuk.ia Wy .Vile on MONDAY,JULY Sth,fez,a ak oe :Age wm hich ther*tract/of land containmgdod geresmore:or:é s da u,Uie*object Yless,sitnated ‘in Shifoh eonichy Iredell}Semikcla Phis 'stlhiincareorutdd»county,adjaining thedands‘of.Jt AL Deal,wy ‘De Me Mooke and olbers.Bhis ante fdsiaselstgr Of Exe,‘Smiled |blandly.atwellerehasoneealaige,|-conven-J the sohicers why pitt distovercd:”-ient dwetling hous®and other convenient yaa!Bee&qutbulta ings and two good’orchards.wag ee ee‘to (be free‘Ferns of sale:One half cash on day!of.b 5Sale,one helt on a eredit:Of \six’manths“with notesand ©approved security.‘Titte}‘Tetained tit all of purchase money is paid.‘his Inne 3,187 23,C:Kimexen,2)13)bs ra fei.Be Comielly,Atty,2 Adiar.“Com:Sia speci He Ww puian had bechromfierepacnlalSa ce ie er e De ce a s e =Slt ES Ah ereshidar tq!thisVin ep.:‘NOTICE.2 Pte sent with her equillibyium|)-In pursuant to\adecree of eee out!midkinjer any $Ns She-eee_Coury of Ivedel'vounty.“in the!case ‘of “Al hs ite locked Up."aeAlexasder‘adnirs)of ‘Mac.‘Thomag is ast hi vsacaiwilBradfordand-ophers the un-}.%t2 this.a ftergieby a hiotion Wwa|dersigned will selltob cash at public”ane.arued he are ree r ©tion tothe hichestpidder ‘atc the ,CJurt]a ose tude ¢Gartgr to have |e“House doorin Statesville on.ces PONE:dort:meres ed:2 ~dusk ap:|.xMONDAY,eSPARSE RS peared:for'the’dcfennee ton Solicitoratraevoflandbeloncin&Yo the.estatesoft “ChrHt:‘hole i Say Sry:Sid Mat ‘Thomas,deconsn chit Gen Me@ 2 MD ype |TRosee ution:Y bhe ea cea {,,;XPER si ;”F :Bi Hs se fi a als i :poresMoreoFless,adjoining the lands of bond srS intone:axel tonssbady“{ualtich ea ae Pia Ranch Up Refit ae “ERs ae aires _-—;.Sy EE RNB :z :adies Shirt4inyates,Bradford and vothers.;Tithe:FDiax nt "beet:give n tit:+o Melgeke ~sContey :Nese :.Z at ae oe 4 F j §x ‘=b Ly P 3 tn .me led,Also retainedtilt purchase money is paid;3 ;3 i roa RAN ead Sess er nee a.eae ae Pig ey ‘we Ta °5 é af <i :‘rics“ALE.AtEXanper.>|)Diy Starnés explains fli,hoaya nes ORen Us|din te liewC ;Sig inye }Waco Fay aay aE s Seay ;XZ -.Another J -B.Connelly,Atty”Acmr,and:Com.|Soli¢itod:by othersSita sien the "bond (cine!Loduiy.Kabiss:‘all ace id BE ete “eet |Se,eee Ae ;r Ps June:%SOT::m iT ie Bites Saw SRR Te NC ty 7 b fi ¢;7 ;;c :2 ‘’;Rey Sint *i AMA -‘uatEfeBeiaangWitlathe!undtistanding -that}he i }—_;Faboutd’thie lay be re oe Pic dichtae Mik Gy here se lite has te ee Pe oe TRADE‘mae :GasBik amNi NC Ay ’J Las 00 nae @s¢H the bisviNOTICETOCREDITORS.|oe ee ee ;s 3 ,|?ye |x——wEe ehed th }a ses rae a :oe ah ;Week cg ;‘DESK se i A 5 --Oh S ,:&te ;.toe,Sood tins“THE ©UNDERSIGNED,HAVING .The:‘Britis ‘shi 5 Cron if aa?Nes Mea aS meédicin in ase}.ii i pra Sitite aidan avcats,and:Trade-Mar at Aall Pa pa R :*‘s veSt Chains_"qualified as Execytrix:of the Jast;:Win and:sorted:tl t,tl chee t-oat etfe Pa be gcs g S08 eat v abla Bo Shunias.et sivasren Cina On:ay TKD:‘Pp.nay :ee ee one . destament of W.-P.:Coon.deceased,here.|POTUt nat,the.shapyon Nay2ePASS=,|MONET On OY mt Terr .PR eee CEOTA cpetidentia}.t of sori Sandweco |dess:time,than ‘those$):::{ayo Cig ke by givesnotic to all personsholding ¢laims ed TH:attitude:We,-Monngitude,42.204 mo eet:Shen ies :oo dae chant:a cep ten Breet bat cee shave Wasnrantoe fine ¥:f BASS AS e mir Ne On “recent int Sh ‘Ri :meniber we, mee ee ee said deceased ‘to pre:E Rone Ear I ipent:men in A ont ‘cou !enn eee urouph :moh dss ‘;:Ue.(Ci t gets:1em to herfor paymett within Gecel:i ef tar ‘built oversth A oc UAE 04 Nd,Hine a :.,Months from thee date of this notice):orit t 7 tet?By coved ;is ‘2 et ay a UF ne 7 ie x i eo)5 LEN Fi AMERICAN,.»“will be-plead™in ‘bar ‘of their:recovery.-£i ty iHluderated,\larcest;-This 17th ofdune 11897"pa eassa)Seaigtass.”‘The:en:clonicsouraeal.week ttie agone=sd ter of the rack”“arse .about5 feet:iN PATENTS wentMC:a‘3 =Att’espou Bxecutrix.J seve thé ete re 5 heapiaASet hesme Aae ap ea r re e n t r a n t ‘Marldered ;on ‘the.Indiana,Ens York,June30.—Thamas’J: Oe 'it eed tae eee?au ; 4 “ti ,Master-at-ar ms Of the bate we tae‘jus SES ie gis as age aa oes pees oe te LG hah soe ener eS pee Base ss Crate)Fh -el-}dept geet Ep Awanawas durdered .to- _Received sortsPepto Sa ee ee Sa,‘Bee aie us:oa weet ieee Seen wy Nae Saae Sr ene i “iis particuly cae nate bi ped:3 nt on”board the ship as it lay at. eae]Me <oea ‘poditical’ect”aad eh bp te ‘1:Het é 2 }‘;Hoorn at the Brooklyn navy, taidiasttakes tar!cameund =SeST} Phillip oysththitaests alked up the hill,and with-sword ps warning:plunged om‘up to its hilt in -his er oveurred and r ea e is i <is -.LusrOu withtthé uP St at EH ek aes ae ;:ESeAhandishtived.~Rieck eeu ;eee ore =:Tee liked rove Tn ne ee <x COR efi *Be Ba aaaa : eB é.ae he "o ollicckta ie cd ee ms oy BS Was preceded by an riche son.esokt Suse aeian act ele Me fas Hay Sores ;;:i f ;a Sachsen elgg 6 u .4 i ad.G107‘p:ia.”“beer a os :s DEES 7 EAU yore Misa daithLe:gal j n bah a BRS 4 ;'°a)ae Py :uy “lwere™.soutidedy:rand pthe ss .nine ©oft Tanitko cbt:;Athy :RANE S 5 ook their positions “in ae’on , crt tlhe !Y ;9 feed deck ito.receive their - sa itt Jase sa CHOYBe tbosaf ‘BY ,yanks Be eS [(i i .3 Carter Vas-umong man Rittors Seiuehie-*iteshave 2Bina tek see at sete:My B es te Ss Mest tay SA EARL a |ai f he:a NICAZO r Q e nih bers:>had “been absent ;‘:Oe i the aftemoon,had .been a i Tyfees“le‘eh “a s ot::ON ar 21 tee :ae ne ive Sipe Tae eneeevn Cline x ;a is TWN;DEOO LE ip :cig :ibgahd ae,coe Mea gars :Bose :::aaa a mn ‘ TREN,“auhey nigel eetine paneeting:tast wel.eee ieee x :ed i chin is See ‘4 a Aiea ;pte res oo fet i PEO SO crate.Gbikd ren hips aie ;ce é eth eek .SH Re Cd :;eet CLE EC ::Pas ={2 90K him “out -o the it HS:spring of us Parasals rea ices Nak ane Ga SRG Oh hosts Was nthe!a .H i BR MEPS NSE we a ranksand’:requested.that.Beer be eee *ase ie ie imy,eutas cares tren tone Ne 2 laipteees ata ai :once ae:s aot Eh ena ua Nase EO nt ‘served:to”him.Carter then * ve é y‘iE R we NA,‘e N Wor FUL Hie:Pde eReek pei es Dapies ychce re §Brae ©Fe aca 3 £trsp1 eli:‘ane hie 2)os .:3 “ized a bottle ofbeer,and:the mas: EHS Many Of these uae gleapi:at?Aubte Mgwy ae ee eevee Ss tees Bai fra sepa alae ones iver}William Wao rns took it.frou ne und ;j bye he edie tent 4 Boat .as 2 Pun,at |:|«nD une TH:ae ANT:“Waist “tits.SRD so Phi workinginga »Gr st ‘;fe :i ses a ;: Oe adress @oods ‘haveaay vakened:te ‘ut ef:t Dat?oP op Aa a “ap wits hi 7 %faye 2 *:a .iM in rim wings,“he cd:ise Sy ae ;a MN =Co!aes Pang ;y e Ns sree tik 2 Miss .5 ,>S ::OU Misa (a 5 deck.‘or this Gir ter.Was severehy: belve Uilalitigs:stp ned:a a hiss e pes aay cae Sa aan baliat be WTO Eh i adanis “min=}ande This led Se the mut- Lagan three Red and fal 1 ee ee promises,of”p ericye >MeL jar ony)eo a a ee ::i i yates oa ‘ :rt fiye8hyye"ges Ei aPerliteBEESSApysee;:Acsee Ble:fet.Un = ted Av‘hikte,wand COS OMeOVEY vedise inti,=ep ate te Aiea XU f aehnvorste cy Hea aa ;S 2 Shab ot +Care Constipation ‘Forever, re Sheeta oe zi :-x Jed in Muts,?t f i ji x é Re Take Cuscuress :Candy'Cathartig “106 or23c, Bines di 2 s a Td ef Ret age tw ya Se !“EEC.Cc.ead toCire,Cece aerefundwre ad's parcedih “ae 4 4% ve ::oo = shee flee:Wrinis git Eee)|tien tianriedyepottystopandBlentthey tk:ah J a . oe #4:eg ;He ‘:4 by Say ft ‘;P Bil i Bie peanst :ani:aes aE neues RoOR,ES 3 reat tists HOUT :ih vy By or Lea!:i ’rhs SREY SO eie ag .7 sh eset sir g i ertrasy:9 a “Sg ‘é .ah c ¢i ‘Pi ‘‘eS are- a Belt ohn a their ce ‘¥;C ane %: 2o ayer “Par:hy the Shas 1)that:;j ts BP iat +:bs :s seat eae x say a oe Gh Taituboot ace joint:-wage Peepiso fi «ips Jatp.Bley elt“PEaurge ja s nex 2 Wiecee Mi yal a ;t tS ;k 3}ye ded v:Cs ‘‘ni eh @ of the Amalgamated As: gad Dey acs SUSY:Crean ieeichcles Rese a Miheee SSP it %i ‘5 ‘!:shee , “ileleeaes oe bts Hek Ss ShsVAL eery wy.pasta are tik “het Hy,Thee.|:BC”SOIT S l ii j Da rday.ail Bi:are.ikea PEEL 4 x /;einnvratic ‘Senator eat fp >eM UEC ety Paonia ;.3 :*WE ‘i ’::at:f n "Lat oston :YSand between 79,000 und | tb d ‘thelr:“GoUrse.onseae Guth ante ine 4 teamvek ii Oats Lome:Say L esa hy age :#nai EN .aoe includes :Mills...Sa ne that thes »Miolath aoe Wie HN SVT Deke ANAC TNE ox :New:at Ocala bea.“those!nNsoeeatte’prinic iyilesSo Thine ngisean thang 3 ‘pRnttomse :Catt 4G tC enan he-f Vildman.‘Galiforn ‘Hore |). me ‘t viet.eT V pe ier ce fa :vs ,‘2 "zi ;o 4 ye 7“)TASC Cbgene after ‘the annual et is ne AWN ue spur ers.rw HarteWir baccn:Me 3 Rak ck ;rj ::i deer Ltpes ¢101 t Q 5 1 States ‘atAion ‘tthe mills have bee com- eh Hot printed ahaSuntan t in favor™‘of!tesbad Pe:t=!NecenGueeaate Ora I Hits :i :Pp ill i Richa be tpleted This’mornings émployes of :a oo uiticcandidates:‘or ae mi!lit Slew ie Marg ster in ary ti:x :citer Laughlin met‘ind Alise‘ussed ; te ; sed:28 per.cent axCdugtionhibitissaidjiscontem- Ay cute J3 oe ; 4 ,f Bin nedSber eer!VS pa 3 ;:yi Fi a a thousands:o ‘+ie “Shottiliy cert é a gue Be:;*;:‘5 F a “A.a pee aly |1 Satavior &i peneve gue pec pee -LipsSRE 2 oy ‘a)es MN ‘pea DI see oe pont aniners,sre :saipoe siiee <sni:itt ©theethe.ieiited ove :;faite ;:ie Cents.on the ton Ow oak ::Ri eit ‘i rea loos ;EP Sr i a FINA SAPS FS et te ei AP 0 ;ee P eet i ;nto coke sand,who returned,; this season.-ce Ped on Meese bata,ale ;eat ce 2 oeRie GRC es eae EAC oN =TADUCSS GN 107 “ydic ae ework Tue;tay.have agpain gone oiee ;Se ps eee OR SeOM,hha id alvin ay <aie Be x camera Cte to fe jeuatead (a 'AGiain mf a :al;:E335 .tam lie:ere risiie:Se Satins ‘x a 22 i Mee fs it A am aa *}ATO aN P my ay a ng Tain :aa cf nia tf ie :%‘ie ct ~420:qixi bt 5 atl ig forever,mae 8 tA Lover fal Mere Varied.die:att psuits than eer,:ere tia LS Seas ‘j pests,x gae ee 3 oa igor,take No-To- FUESCH E Se iMy ambition iisto seH clothes:s ith;astae Wilil hetesintthe Noa (RAN BYmahwis=Spyhe.aaa Diese Et ::we that makes wedk men haker:have:iato“He,th posses ts es :weigh bor and:noi Oo Sadig hire AV Ord::iis he aa :ok Co ee bd oud fo weny “LS Not ouly.thie .Be ro vat$y a a a %tt tes Reale i ‘b rater f ,M :ee o}4s mes een or New York. “1 oa San ies oyLowestPricedClothes,“=.8 =oe Oe :ae‘;..‘ay vey 1:“Sete we i Sadia eine ett ra ee stich::5 :bo BAM OS:Nad ae 5 f tt epee ee ,e-,ws Cie <une 30 3 Bhe dee re oes:butcthe yery besstor bog Htihene:ey aes es Hatpe acl a ie Pe tui :cae ee |i y ‘r fh fie tise of-the Southern:Railway!’ WoALIS OR line of Gents Purnis bine and:“EL lst Soneefef 1 eBay keene aa oa 4 >Bees Re germane ae.ines theo nse dare ie ts.i ist North Carolina tailroad ch:: PW tis,..©eke ;tir,OR 3 at a Sh x en ;=a ean oh A :ANE,A a WG é : dsviile;NLC.oar)@vezy detark Tt:will |ibe‘te the:id vantttite Hot fevgryt.<a aoe Car eee foie:Reif pene eep ee:oN pe oe arsed ;y ae “Yo:“day.by 1 7 A a 7 i |‘f ::%et hae :b ‘:9 i iy alee 4 i ae body needing:Spring Clotties:Puriashing or Hag ,oo SR TY ae Re <shai te Sey!oa.et ed BORE «:Loe tame bt Sa ;Sg Judge Simoitton bind.fied hen!‘bys vive mea call before purehasing os s eetepse alte ees pe Pyive tea be ie :Se é »The Hdectoe! foods :f.Vy ery Re Specially?| Vidence;atid is!‘ton ;: ag pe written.pales Hh Pst,iebs:hen the North Car olina.Rail-wld lease;:2nd;was the lease;(“conformity with tite rez! fiir Gai.DAS:\=.Sef :ta ton ee mS DSA j 3 4 ¥:;f :y é 4 k Pe eee :iremen $of the charter?!3rd wis rade?2nd,Bi yh ee ~of roy pastas y .:i )j if i ae rah SOREL yt f ::i Pio =Rede cee aaa :MMe saat ren Me LG 4 Sain 3 Matos ERATE:2 ne G brags Dees E ;eee 'heeas executed.pou fide,‘with-: Bs as:ack es ae 2°.Jude. * t Ave!WO ute UT SW es An over cee Vrach :;%oo ;::Garotinn *Rail-> j wiithetthe ROTA heathy ROHS "Sees ee eS AVR PEP Pose Sante 2 ‘a “TCA 4 :ce foe !f u ;4 Ory TG;id:thi ng lease. estasty ahi tithic are,Gcpee not hy 5 ts i i |‘i. 7 hel ef Was executed in Hine vou coil gah k,for vilir mone wsa Bidehtpl :ne -atts :ac i v 5 _bea ee a ;Vv with the “r¢equirements | B falls eT epram,ise net tor oir Guatomers ‘haven:Ne St Syne:}::‘Plana.oe a B ;a ee Oethe Batter:Ratt ¥;£te %:a ;s 3 i ::He :t pe oe ie wet tas SUPE REC Ww baw wie ethHines Ms She Y ‘‘nia 7 :Seon Rt ade :re ]etree cepa :vas Rael a EM od ‘ s a haa Site fe !at wm ‘.tae i AC:OF is;Teferred to 3 RP REPENS f *‘ait :;Y ;d :ss :me ;ss X H 4 ts (NL i ns or ,bis lige,as.Special mas- ad yy til leave Ea A mony aid re part:a: i sob.RuitS:(e ole is see usS edGite Ey en rs eas frBean Cue mt he ;:ee ‘€3 :’y =at::nase et i iG ;ey -Gengral Zi hae c rE S Ghotee4 hat pth Sah lo Maes Ca ae ROS (EW 0 MA DDO fo Poet ee 2 Isher nung “65 0 rere)Secret 3 an nas"|Wals Govensitr D.Tas Russell anda¢‘:ew boa dof directorsare gives60:days-to file testimony..The ComcanoetandPeeSeboard:of directt~ sheral Walser and.Beusselkaregiven20daysto ré‘physhe-special master shall then 1portthesourt4S-s00n as-possible.In ime ‘the restraining,ord a ae +s "y ce igs re t Korever, Has dic.or The, .:ites Cask a vodsaher heat detol Sspchacks:5 Dowd you,i Op,a a ee .re ik pete arse y 4 7 .a4 t : ete aa oe ae f ce 'peat:Mae ery ts refurid mos -y: =o See ae Bag th ‘::oR H.Rickert|:?,iniodl Condvers ata port 3usJEWELERANDpraceweeHod:is “host,4 pay Brag Of PS oS Pegg 3 utede Phe ene Be :LN Biles oars his fife iup of mpdetine aeith tba iwor weet ete ‘>r SNES i ee ..oe sacl grb ::::ter.Jong sebaration:in"Pleasure:go-witness a CSC , is t a c t c i e c e e c a d ss . { a KGOh mn Ve Have :a ley ae Coe aks eins 7 nt Goverine :is 1 sage Re TONE Feo %‘¥Y :eae At B it VeCUn !nds4+0:ieee ree AUATE md Res tee.of Deeds Pale,lmer,stax <2 >cre oe a eee ees seg’ie Re pE the North:“O aL ONS aes eee te H in tt Tae.if Rheumat ‘Stand Date Ne oe e I te edi the same ‘shanty,“boarded LINE OEpo? saclay co chen Ghatis ‘cooked.their Siltwaist sets as Sterling silver,elk plac bet sha Blacbe rand went to school,to iso quit buttons:Stick!pin ‘hain’,JeUt spins.hat pir utherford.College in. ee ear “miigs:hidies seupedss:“und eX ersthing =thesee)oT She r“Large lot of clocks justiins ie }tig bustin the:world fort he fhoney Every Clot waikan ted’‘::Rs Gato aerial ?: nH Pudi ities We havea niceHhe Of gold’‘tnd sold:see wW utches atro tsb x RE abe que sa :i :;iy eS 3 ea ey |;aE ae ee }7 .acher Hopearound 2 Ps ; :sk Bi nSandcharnis:4 f ‘i id sane O thy tt,in Ly:hes edi :ih Re 4 t dh ie eos ee \Bat hee :2 met’s office telling .him Mhat we’. “Don't neglectyour eyes.'(HEAT Ting the Tbe’Shares oftheir |HOMARDly £0:the |ie 5 son bond ani for money |eutecea the on ¢imp ca men bei we eXaming:them free and fit:you with théoe ae S Feary ey ‘the:Ste oh POSES ;ge tis ane Ne BY ae }tewart.of.;‘a@treat-to see them‘look into . D the sipdccan Be cold.-.*Aprons Courethe hese Kearse a E Sa eee entitled,But:T |sores,‘dys :each others faceagain—their coun- ;i A n aut it:tenances literally blazed with heart~ All kinds ofrrepairing.”rabiy and promptly and:guaranterdneyyear.GiveayL.MOOR] 2 ef Mc AP R E S S Se on e g ge e ce e er ee e ee ee e NOW WHEN THE)SEASON 1S ‘awe iHaeetat————{=TE st SS EH MIM oms ForSale aS HEMASCOT eee pees ee ees tae aOS ae eg i ee eth ee ee cise wees |Ae dh ae ae sine ie Nate DSN |Soy coset DR._LOWENBTEIng mS LONE.DOLLAR a ‘YEAR.a i Tepe adhesinnye re ported ::H:3 ¢3 i en’J [’ne:all 9 q iS 4 :ae,afl a oy ,*ic ee ae a8 ‘re Oe u i %A a =a %.hi||.|ilk Bvt.Orin : ‘OUR BELES.|on eon thi part Gf the plague:suiferers.Sat “hi ROS twas Ley The fon is pei .ci %ae fd :ya :;Erte ee ae es eee pproved: "AB raw Advertisementsand nose $0 be sourpephle diwd from the heat!et Eribt Set ae :Mawas ;5 a 1 Ses ‘A’SURE AND Peririer ee hn :Miss Loi~ ehaghd must hein oe deur ‘by noomt-oD:,eiHleinnattk pnd a ‘iu Chicagd:‘Sat Case fs:SESH ohe a -¢Donne =ahora os (ee ETS?BoAy eal.da rt Res races ais %Cc sa a n of 38 Loi Wedhrsday.:ae at urd -$A Pear >s e A ae es Sees Fa sitnRR sec Tae aes 5 a 1 H tHe oD Rita ns rj eee cna hee :aa 40:Te eaeae pol oven,j Loos.B< papas z:an :i Lr ae +i 4)et Se ee yi 3 ron ee A igs)A oy hea Ee <.Ce a ee tei ai pag atte .BLY cares +n os eee.feyour name,te ati.Mi engine:Gollerse “has Sal vs .w eran ;eS ©Sspecialanect ees ey es aes :ne :ei decd Bi sae x “and a}ere FOR ;Frank.Meigs 7".onée orthe paper.willbe diséontinuedand jGeret ea Hj ae pea speak bates ve edt 4 ees eta tas 4 Die Ratt yang samhy Se ag cares —mee Kota Cp whohaye complaints as to the valuation ©Rhewmatism,pown Peers yout account plated:in’hands for’.eollee |+s:MVpn Sh x a Stee esto Jase se oo :Syste ee re nuts x}4 ale a eS Sak YT operty should 1a ‘bef Byes =in Back;.tiesdarg.:a Bye ti 4 gba Ok BS ee ke .r instantly kitled:i |re as a x colin eas,if =;sa Beale s fe eumty:499):v aR Heat tsk 3 re ;1 Rn ee |Or RR:ees and Toothacte,if PCounty Deh aSAe Aer a VEpirors:fs ab nt:spec jneae ffurtsvile;i *A eatin a sae ae st aes nol Hidden as ties naek itchellh ie ei:Be oe a Cleric ‘Commissioner Bie “MaNUFACTURED Osi 5 is x his-tirst « ;:OF Ht Fe ::~ m }-tast ee ee s RE ae Senet Y sah : uly3 Tat Bp tft Beisbic selps have:been i pete ae.Bil apes heme he ShpaaeSOS A ae sdepok te ab tM ;:x ee seg ee eck ;-fubed'in price trohr $100'to’S7a:Abe [Ie ote Bs ORPhe EN me ceeray ay,Ea :.EBown a a meek ee EN aakertie’ Ax Ore TAXES OK &O TO “SAIL.epee aig Juanwtactances.HEE Cee 00k es kiMed:bis po:Me)Colaneds Ney Os dees een ej Poe aE aes gra :te -..“Phe ple as]eeee Tee.:J grease , Pe Mfase Ot:has?been,aaked!tay OR:_persons,\died.andy several |Sate Ur ace emt .Pg acs bei eh rat i aya Etat ey CRAPO Be et ta PCa tay hBokea Christe pher 2 vid a tig:situate pq ee Be oye rol HC. make two-state ments:3 pine prostrated:ftom peat gn sMemh:.rie zoe eseni neg tar i Be ak ota EX aN aa me,ee A nee ::sD::;at aT uwood und Sib \Ry4x7 Peo te eee alk RE Unit L .say 2 ort \ee ae ,is {Ree a 19h ;we :“ye es aa atee Tae 5 Ms eo ;.ic car en Oa /os :t ‘wat “Ist-rAn,explanation “us HO idtie Wie Tenp.kao!Friday,i se ghee oie eons ELBA We PE Hedrick.pecs ca ee "ie ee is place:ti fe ce ose a Bby Jude 3 “Spenalties:“peéscrihed?in ‘tie re venue:‘Eour peowlt aiga |from Sondeeame f S :f ee s epee ' {act for deling ue nt tax Pavers hit GG:ive ing Cing inwmati 'rand Sos :thawiciy in ew,Yor'l!Tuesday.ag iz 2nd —How Be tredet rmenthy:;oe Pepe eee ans eee Lyte Oe Ret raipintentict waieenta Ghee Wea.oe aS Neat Q atk :BEB weit)cout ‘the House voted (5 th bills.2 et “Bhe!‘Cuaidarl aubly ud rinsplate ibn ePhol bei di Tea NE a alt ANU haere sake aka ee bp a oa ;Se ests Sen yee os ee q ;ee We dwote rent ions a2cand 5 x er,a odonetek we,oea De ic stot hi s :ee Ue Ear Ee :s :ae 5 i.ae ee js git ack aaa Mr.Wo bathe yevenue act.‘bearing pons Pea }cy }sistepLast"I lop SCEbe Hd i 4 a "gous ;i Vion she 06 dane NOUS ie fir Ste proposition as follows:-Herel "heiins aed ‘that $1 Dd»)ea ha ae Ree oe a :ee “6 last awee ae :eh ‘ “See.32)Fhatsit,hall be “and (is pcan killed by the’orapwon'of?the é os :LSM é cern RIS:ma fannie aoece Rs eat ::4 CSpltas I 3 x Seay I PY Were:‘x .$5 ws ‘WV er.H:A,.:eit "vane r ste B ve K ‘ae he sreby mide the:aute wh the she riitt ero:Fok ay),“Thy the aP ith he:as=te =ee et ae oud beth MYA ree S25.Or ATR Lovo Mond:aie a é 3 “sg hide oe Paks Jellies and’}Et afte ee pidore is the:Stiutic tor thisake,Isprde a i ee us ;LX t +v Pupe veo i pa Penne ae MER Be ty a s ;it ao as oa a hi edikvent ingelry andoreport toe:Lhe Sofie aes pint ;ret Tae os ane ok’reg Sot ;ae f PTO,ei ter 107"cata :e5!Presérves a a? quduch.Ateath terni.oF the Crtmninal piss Tieay ot ralyeane geea c —HE f oe ;Lee bra 3 Ora :6 RNAse Wig AACE Tew y oe ;etary SeA 3 Re “court hele in the,county followin:£nittsspurte,Pays Puckday'‘yyicdrt ae : peaple et guna,and.20) [SrATESYIN)J.LE S ce g Mastroke to.KEEP:veo eo:;ancBlisle pontine. % BA -dind\boy 4a sthé tiie when ti tee tux and na we Jee a From Moulding.ey a =.Ez. tre when ¢te ANSE aX yPeden %a Loss $2 n04 ‘Sey Teloke °on :PASIOSOW.mi Le 4 ass keys lkwet..aie at £SF ie ‘ee as :0 A ge ober aia “3 a eeauieteaes (ert 2 boots t ::Bes 5 “tases provitied fo in sche dukeSpAeh ‘is ey RE aie suppbsrd:torby hee ae ae PUT aU a “aud Win.Ww.Ele Sad re bl SR ‘e os fg ois :Riss Td.Ho Bund Gof thes act:should Hat ce ThE an tite at Jac Sent 3h SS.“owes anepatang acne taal sey,:‘Sear %‘rene \;;fe cyte ma 2 :A leigh ates ON:TOY:‘eos a <A fig «Sea t sii AS eae ies Age a er Doe "ORL,:BS ee,3 eet ee vagy ;;;cae Na ene yg Frnt Ns ‘;:BEES heh =Bites Biche:Say Beppe.tesg paid ye to:whe ae OF ho i bi hs aporninty de fioyed'SS35),«inn corel of iG!horedy aieatSeeRobersoil f ih.}$PONE TE Oude:se ay eh be.Ss :k -:eyes).aces wat “ois Site Vy se ne Cnse larxesttune othe r taxes:Have pproperty:Op hjéthee there was about:in Del ish ie on the:4 th ae PE DERE A |SE Rint a et ae mike Heike sy,y esha Weta ae ;ere a Ne aay we oe xe p ;4 is NICK been paid oe all persons py eer nee ees 90M Sysurtnces ,ee oe ea :i f ec Kany wae res gts aetaee shes fond oNeml ualarial be B,per 2s.Beso ea ;N {-ss ed Wl:Fy : “tions Table “for ‘thes Same,and tots Re O Be =na PS eee ty sthbre fr -apake outa Hist ‘of alk.gclinguents.Mey yf OS ava ‘:\‘4 ee *D.|Rutt jAndiit Shallbe made the:duty:of the,faa:nh 10:towcimte >:Cabay:=RS Tonaciss ah Bo Se se et ein :ayaa de See “nines od é ieee |ak mtced 44{hs Y GT Featecnt.per’:nd eat jade to submit the list of the:de-Hits,diédrat his home “there:ete tants aerounty.2 S ayes ae Ons |nd %feerietts Woe Page (aka Be ae ee y Sees ve.PRO Re BUG SAS.ees ;Ste :“cL ras Beate Gs NN WW duseré Vic.jury ‘’Pr gc “finguents to the Solicitor toathe:end dealy.Thospaiay hight.Be 1 at ne ts"crpontsey dmee a:ae ee :tt :py SE Mle ecu !a >aS ee ‘vs rir)ee TS?Be eee woods...ee -=Bev 1. thet:such -delinqgucnts may’“be proses|ite:BAS Stones ret athe presi eo !Seuth vs ;eae °ethangpkop £2 ‘i :*ae RS See a -t OATS—S32.<Bis 3 :S oseats CAN.G t PM 4 te township kb edisuind =At ‘Slicax:£teat hs cathe fh 5 : president tf ate wCliarles sibuc a tire enteAfar sich defaleation ine thesdont of the-Chic agen te Jephone Goms):S ae Sones fot fhe ¥ind vot.‘Tu poy <u ‘Eni :é Vie ;‘RP.clare youn e“presided iim,the next settion:pany?"rts “kelled)by ui.exploding |:F Pee ea neo INE i fat &Stn:gst gn ot toc AWA i i oN ney.aie ee ae cate peciybe i SeeoBO ts pa c wot.this,det.)i ae Ysa sa Dotbat Npnduit,ass,=Mondity i aneten eRe ght;Co :ub serena Sor Frc Cwent chil Di KieeNate i Ols is Oy -Moore &Millerrc 4 pat DD otchocs, See,SS—That.sch pe rsons oe $6.hundited Peoasana men:Vase ios ae pi a and 2F bs Up oa :yer Et Catacba ew :ee s ':Fe.zire inde tte Ceor por attons who are Hable to:pay gu;fhe:Stitesia the.Jelticg |mining::pes eset tye Se ONS i eee Ke Brae per,=poy naa We aee heels Aa =ete :Rates DNs Ch i eee 4 Se socueas st.STATESVILLE,ra pd Afr.>M “the:Hcense thx <ar.taxes,.provided}i Poduiessce-and Rentuck me me eh fort aves ~Onelitteres as :bits ]TAT ;Be an an eae iperic te of 44LKDL.C ea “anc ete ‘ue Ysip ri Jame :a ef THe tis 5 a & “for an schedules-Ay Baad GC.of ‘this:s f Be is Sane Act and the machinery:act,andshalt oa TaniBies pre suttering HOEY,Greensboro,committed:cae last}: C 78 v3faikita:pay the sapielas:prov ided by!pec a Hi gue wl ‘“‘Priday by Shootin:hirusett D,thetfawes ee ae on Drie SRRSRI Rig poh ea §deg me Bi ee “|pastly ne LEiGns:aden:AS ':asf ite caw Shitli-be guilty ofa misdeniean:‘xt Me Kine®.‘the éProsident s Pbvains has iiimd had Hiuconr ‘anh!an,a +Baer Ee a ontiie tiet hapa Z ade ere cne Bie Ske >'A teen t Oe i sat .|Br Mrdee ps “oy,aud puunished by afine ‘not lex?igi ier.fell ont fig r sporch at “Cans pance@onte coat me 4 pees:EA Doug:petes;LOH IGOE tN Cobb:A jely,io e ew u +TURKEYS—pert :ra Ph ‘Ccedin &.S9UUsor imprisoned nob |eXs tot Ono,eget kateot“Severe:Say niionh uve Ge cha :A Cesk re MGnday s ot Sean day’byt ie Re ;Ge ,i a !Fe fitute.Te Nita ay aeng 52gnontNs a ene Sere 4 ey oxen ee 2 ve HO ‘ee See pe a SsOr.ShesTOin5 Tater“al:Tse ue Sinisi ye jae 6 Me Take ea ta :ths 3 ee aU-Cle ere eerie 0)Be Re «Zo plenty after : a2 oe aS aA See Le oa 2 ch re P 22 ity)Me ee ne:s paxcy:Cha RE ee Vers one “ins ye :er eens SEL nlp é ,oe Pie Bua Choi ow 4 “COUL pe ek pone Orsywanine suc or Bhight peor fe er whet a %4 a ; : ss S PETE i é yee,we €drowned: ee ee ae ae bee fake bchigary-at Chigago’.Stmday’‘ eaeY *1 ft ‘‘}Whiletiy:cbpthing:,\This:should bu &OR ae 4 ei 1 Se eee De enon ets ett wees ee:CaER SY Rate Gre :Sine Rect cy ee “te ‘ eh py anat Ter:Se fon.“0!ie AW:“s :us LP:2k ay ke -S S nye ee 5 Fe ee aera Te pris .*E ‘;Pik:he P don i ,Ey Urin (igs ;:.‘d .< “it will-pbe =se%Re,that,all taxes eee pegele Pees Cat ea:negro,ane Lake Ricyan ISO,Se se Geg tea aka 4S Bro:Ciij atteand w “Charlotta fae te itr ho asedi |Pr "ie!:All Kinds |fee rete Be ladi it.)willyybe:=secon eae!‘BS ing on Sundaye eo,4!es atten sted torrape aa white i;at pee chain 8 te Be ONita thee ek a ee ae antic ttt “indicates “al ards Bees moots::p pare dics <9) become:due on the first londay!i}.Tow fivht Jantrveck Bekwoon 00 ‘Grochsboro:Suhday,”bpt He success:[an SEAS dors tam,:i Sate reef Se ape ath {FOOT UO ea eee a ire ee of See eS ra re 35 bo Bacon and,2M Sg Pserve _Septe aiber,and zaltaper Sons W he.owe |Gidek!raiders’antl *getactinicnt Of {fugly desistedt Ain,me LS:vr vested.mi e ME i eu ety +3 :BS hey ce aaa it eas te Sainat pa aK)‘yy per lb.erecta :;Sprices.Bble refreslity “either:poller prepare.tax are Hablé Ott iTROOPS,peat:ROLLS the.unl put in:jak:Theat Toblynehing |¢=Shoithinuns for:4 ge1s=¥ie f ::Ee ©ia Oty &“oe ;p Dot st \VOOL=Was s 4 ee i Feed Stuff:aes vard.this 3 4 J x ays p>Xe >1S 4 y i »ae As ¥ ate prosec ution atiodch.‘and,exery ‘<4S ae aneEsseeWy if Re Are Freely guide.ae te aad bel carr)is [HG BOS OE Uhre hie 1k PV ERUC aanatt_i Sein :rig es :a Ame a scout Taft ér that dite.~Thee Jaw!eet se Lah te 3 ce ae oe aie a baht foeSeiya AS ipistont RC Tear pO ME SKE Tesco ee ig tne:ates pe ee ae Such ad.Dorin ."€tn i Special - ise ce iy “whips fof Asheboto.atu ee Cow |he Pee ;ye oie chanen Paty ge tea ar rege ase pull.cottoke seca tie a g makes it the duty‘af the ‘sherit ter Sapane ‘Sailors -“ructni p z a te Mi.4 H xO PUA wwexpressed,that Dri S extra :‘Ss COLLOI sCah ety aitig a ore >bead?itm _Ameripat lady ‘tar;-fitnolatu:|:zi a ae agi aa fee Mem At ery dig.eamisrens me a 5 r el a Cen per dD 2.x Hhalls low down era ceeee et Shp pad dans “oe mshi:fav.we ms.of thie sexu é $3Sabana Good F Jour ut’a 5 Wee Bhe‘gn SICK forpayfancyprayeesWhenyout,sue ed his hutsCan‘buy at thtsc tietiten?° leer tice Q xt S"oo Dh ae oe ‘i »7 4 vt i a as ts ¢\ -report vail persons who fail to,pay:Hacaiand secre in ‘para 4 sevctely:Teatorlaties:Spun 2 This:i ;gil S!Patterson:Supe Mt We pa a bes :arORS aera grees fae bade,kad cP Sores Cc eee J omawene i 3 Hofitlie nya liver -Daedlerandevery part Of ti taney 8 arload ie. “ther taxes to thetnext term:ob the Powsed by Atheridair:etits.,One®of 4 eaniee in that count, be Comins {“oe i Ore i ie :sa t.a ;;sz Cour after the first Monday in’‘Sep:therJJapanese BN ge ee agas ud eae:oe ope siegpadageenieonrs”ean aie ola eae oe BS A ee corte z RRS f ra ice White Our Oe ads tember,for presecution and the:Aes“Ay.Palle.hak sani:ae ier pol REE al ba PTE (ERCALE.Repens BT AUDURE,vous pet yan aise Si TEE oe te pene Dao MAROC EAD ent oo $4.2.Soicorn meal.—6 Gkork statintérgi ves:hime option.i the.NODE f sith the ‘ateni et ot:asyaSoot cha Ee es ‘a “4 FOR SERVICES SF hes Geee dee ete pene:;Bunya Waa ay gu Pee ae LES.SG Plead ae S douiticaast matter,‘but says hershapao it.F |:Bring lop a see ee “yet |tereROEtE oie The Be tiie h sas ies Gaited sk faos sey cee ft?A RP a ond gene Monet se arms Sha oa 2 :Jur.cS m_:<; ;‘miner wth fea"o “the eben 4X:breeerasawp nape oS CANTO.an pubs ee Bae F mae ::Bigs anperh aay yBe CE fr dand the ex rd fect:a ts ae Gs a R ae :as Bambe titeshisis -s La a oe Hate circus in}Lae,furle thy Meht Dy.the west ibudes.Etats):sh :ee eee bah ec tee aural Sate wan p-Root Apealized...1t Stan n OE:AR fe ¢se ee eee mals;GMMR Tid tle!Gr Si 20th thee mem persnof the RPA ©egungnent.cel eh Afhe sit?en ry ea ve forme hitin®Soe 1 Bt Ue ma aaa ;oh tre ;Seater wee Sete eatin O'please« Alw,ne ;ye a Trudetl sind:Mra Watts,“lexan:|:ne 2Mentos 3 eadeeeee eae t an a *ye iis font y neeee SN poten cai en Ds ad nes.on ;ee a 2 ben alae Cal fevou would nay :enon day ti ders toifet he rw ith,atl ae Dessio>et i a ey “p00.”"far cash b -aiiains tel “ital rrahi Sg ‘4 a Wee “rea iste ;Perio :;x eee Ae ERT SCO;y Money. spite,,ns by :RS,Seat g Seeoh i ce fre ig en aes 3 eran gee aT 8 erat inthe“Hoy ise.with one.“exceps|:Ys EET AN SVRsacks uy WOE I,watt es f cst 3 i at ote rae ey ae ,fetebot :ee she ;a :COOPER:&,GILt, tton.voted dsfaihst this Fit ASOEE “as bi beta::ita a.ep:fs aorhe Wea«inte et oe Cit ahi :lors oe.were es Pee File Maer:dares’to Dryyes pone |Bes re i ::sik ‘:“Yerks LO ite?toe ¢.Cy Sey $;Beach Ye dears ESR:|Teche AS irs Oe Rasa eby Pace fe E ay ved estore 5 a tinge fegStD.eliees vi ©ve an ENEMA29 ig :ts One door ath:ote.ke ine B<pas eis pan bepecieer oh reginded vee and),we My tebahe Ri CGE eee oes Wore Also billed,wha “ROR i|ESR SPR Pte Biot Stati i Vee Se tog we *a anjeiors 9ot =dper guarantee te Po aeureoouds ah ent ~ae oe plete ey)vote:int:the House jourhsad.pase :oe iar A ine ae ait ‘te abrhede hi chet’Ti vibes ta hie candiIn FOP SF4 i ‘iy Fda eee?Boone Dla ay Pea i this I OOS aS ir ;os sia Abitighi ::fO.-BUS)2101 Operant “930.TOE Lm tlic Maseot:offic i Ath:;chy:“oslo 4 Shopaweking ee Sa AUS SEVGS fete ty’wie positive sbevitt <;:"fe id o iy SB z ;iy ai .Fepaired? ;z etropol Tur frac ion Con i ye foray:ved PE TEL a Sasa Merge ne aris 2 irpp RCL,+ph at et Sats :Ban Ra sy :7 *, cannot:Ane.said ‘uate thicre Was wot Ahoy ‘Wa}:nee Sette :enh i at.Pb ateaytte ey it?‘Sanpete oe afi }eee wate.tar ee ae 6 Saat a ia S BON:insVy Be TEN ‘Beat romH Be ine :.:Ms Caso Oe baile wan 4 oe ;oRoaleich coc expondcricy Cha fone ”ie oe e a |Panera apty:Sante eg :baer «com miss AW hedtC Sep oeeenaet :BS bs :EA in Fa nel ’peri ie “through Sun de rstanding.assthe!BE St Rue watlnctes:tint cr nee apart }Silas Meee yaar i Pe raries M.2300:Boy akan s ‘:Bie rig eel Rt :=-ort spk ey.ax i aere ae 3 ’ete rc ter,“othe i epuly,PEE ORS S Wea Aes ED SOR Cae :eo Mhathbson >jOwingtas jutoss f ust.tern Wet my ro :Ree iia oe deer aS me 7 |“ part ofthe major ty wer dersOf the fcount!vi.pas 20 a Pes iV sree pen 367 A ey OF fHsy es ;SL gs Se ant A era sehoee Pee omee :rs Dares ee dee ee :.'A pro House,of the,import!‘of Sections:02 COMNTY ‘par das rue tbo i Peae ‘i “ONG.ae re ait are wari Vela A ae oe pes Cie a ee ey i Vien sna,‘Dota epae s ot te : ;Ng :s :inara pb etea,5 a ur Me: urd 38.which"nidkes:hon.Spayhie Neh Mt:least tw.elves!the:-passunteis Hither:oyenadht:aoi eee Pi fou >sg das );42 3 Aa bra 2 o£taxes indictable;for.iwhile.the ee ersteamer,°C hy 18 Parisg Rohe ta an?caaecle:ony.a “Wemaw|};The“al vin a3 a 4 So Vand:commission sue sane :FC 6 x a zs :the:Wor sige be vodn NINA,aund ‘Jonts;whic issyides yerrite.Than.drese :ee te ‘RESALES og ie he a Be BEG eee y poem cat 3 pe ae oe ir: .House:was considering the revenue :A Be Y :rane :,;i,Sar be ae Saheb rancisce.'died of yellow fever.!|his:kn#e “ands ent at,ithe.officer iN sas Nos Sa 2 tot coe tye ck =eee 3 pee ¢;Browt Gu Mmship.died Ju >act,the matter was.discussed,anid Pike aparthy Ok,‘the See Oakes.dre.bis uteian aera 9 rdcshds)Neg fa Mies Bray aoe Ene caper MeLINE wi ;Bion ive bis Sie :&ys Sawa iil.f section:52)was”stri¢‘ken out;‘but head The.disuase Be.Jones:tb Hake und.Act the:warran i :Sse ay We gs Re ea hi aS iy 2 ae STAT VILLE.‘eo si :::te!Oe Ld “Av,f En Va:Bek.ars ““i CV,WETESONT was reinstited on,another reading|:LatIbert Treap acaba s “Treatl.«Oakes then“pled on thelange.eh py Saul:a ev bowehtepy a Re oath)ChreS es !eR :*;'eo:Te aa Bing card oh by¥-the>vote of the major ity element hes ltl,was Ditte“Hy by a ae aoe a hiv bs bad eee to,ne an aey a he oa we Let ie :ene {]r ”.G a 4,x a i i .-a Lancet re ]Bein:Tas rye yt sad bw yak One,of the 3 AESSra iia a f .eee ::po cit S|don wad Globe Iysur:Mice “Cs,5,ek Eves}Y Oe the.House.‘The:bill)was ‘thont:Lershawes Co:‘sonic!WweekSavo,|.ae uci :phe DE Aha Ewa esi ::in SI .54 Trew pene ‘Lt ‘s Btaewide Bits SOI “eK Shee aes canta tr A Gora ae sya e {nsurancesCo...Phocuix lis AY Shargpest yn put’upon:its third andsfinal reading:‘Auinad stond striek “the eound|etki doarI thes ie uta,a the::Pe Pe SANSA NAC ae Me:‘af E es tpt ean Deca mn ea oa aeer ts :ft a fc =2 re a ee waby Cautdrizer,Ti he died ot “dive s Bor 2 NRT a PRE:yay I 4 i ‘i Ani #hts<4 CORO Hartford.and other Wi «Gala Shi dad «and.passed.thoukhéerery Demberat|abs Hone lasy Friday:SS ablomen:pi agith has,fist sna x Re ses te os ie OBC Qn rer OR US.b TENOSSL SR Ree ee ae x Sr ae aos |tried andfite-tested conipanis Gaile seis hepaeess -,(present:Ww ith dne “exception,voted}SE ee oem moved away,“He“Felyise’l to,halt po -ie 3 ee entre een a ay He So TL anhipa ee =BS Se.a “aoe ree Laeeett Bes aah sain it.The fnak vote was veas|“Waidaf bull fiiht.wasin progress faind wasshot,TRY offic,a Richy oC set NG Srigers bo eee ere a e &.: a|Against AG ee ee ate}cdr:Gorda,Metico,last:aweels [by the blow “ands:sulthnotfollow:Wil i 1 ‘Re Ung CRY OSU Yee Se ‘Poe in 2h Sy fs sense ¥a wastoe Mr. 64 nays 27...So that the Democrats tthe bulls?‘broke dow:ni the’bara 1k Wasseee TS ae Went!gemece mio SD aries ROM et eS as :Sto:::Pete So aes =at ee —iii -Law f poe not responsible for the hardships and‘vharged éf-the \erowd,.goring ah :wand a iy.fol}.“Het:RGpublica bb a:EAs a ne of Weis Ox pechane an ct bes ites N:felLeMand,Harm G ie er RT :=nisbipy: Swhich this law’will impose upon:the Ax:‘persond ti death °and serious is abd,Lscvanths of whoni ar?nearoes.hav «dl C8 baw WEEE Y VE.AWE:Fe .bs kek oes “Thety did ‘vreir duty.There injuringgerenal MOres ks d pM The a as e os *aa pone pa these ap eer L045 ‘;oeGh ag ant Meas rane ;MTS ICAL.me i nee ee Be 4 Boek aes * should hive2 been moreof ther.Safe sEhe Bresidendtzansiniterto €Co pa ae ik a ;é se tls rest.qiwith hie técommengation,wy}ay eae semi:endl thitmst:of:vet: ’"The election of James AS Butler,letter,fromisec retary Gage urging’sleigh New aud Observer,ard 4 fie bonded debt cunie dae.ae ead ine of thes:iinmediate appro mation:oft Si ak :"mat Led a :Call 6)oo 0 ane of Harmony,’as county uperryisorof,S60)(for reppusher?the imimis.|“Wlrat “do:youLthink Ob “Jodine ve first and found -‘the-oS us ie hea rated the.le :1of a ees es Hee fine of 14 ate pec aon aig il for peur Bes schools Monday Was <i.deser’ed;‘Leraatstation’at 5 if Island.sa inn Pon's decision in,thee,North ge i 7 complimept toa rising.young man.ee ‘gatia Ervin.oF 3 ee piel 7 i ‘ae Lon Red}Pie Ss Maine,sudkeapt ured a Ali deer ul me sovery-of theave:picay-eas ii aan ene Fae RS REROR es :Bas willbe y teach: 4 -Mts tlw,OULS ¥Govier.*aie Ly ascta ett haes Stee ibn eS 3:iV aat ad2aé treehing to.FonGh eel e senate ince aya Mer aeeg eet as pipes RANG ei Re eitet te His ie ss list fall won him oe Kis,aied52 yeats andewhose for }agictied:peadine the text!ot.the ae men are Lotending &Wet crip sakeana!Go at and posiately onikidnes ind bowe ar TT ne Pynac ie Sok 0 ill Soils, ene e an a She:es ey peuntial ar ee OOU-On hist ‘Lonny’The.News and Obserion.©control The:‘banks ‘fae:tis.5 tf rece a ba REA eee pepo ne -entive ‘sya at l cold err:.eal YOUS :pigs BY SP eee ee ‘;bethee cass «*>rer .é *£4 1 “¥<reg .ee Y ;Pt -gee os oat if st RULIOT t 4 -Bg i *‘"Ss - :and we.predict that:-he will:snake :ues aes %1 Oto,aged 2 eaE ate.“Wanorely.phincedat®it,eohe:vans:the iio ¥,unlesss :4 x odmns abel bi i Ples y.An)»apt crenscaert tenon d all wool Henriettas,‘Bro«saucdis)nig:OTe Bast:Suturdiy one of our best school officers:The Vears.$29,008 8 marry hers aid]said.Tay iar.anid “the:Peper andl ¢ee :.ern tiie ,At!C.C,today 5 10,20,0 cents.a “MM ¢pherds Plaids ‘all of which we:;joe gira te Sent him!’on histway to New .¥6rk Te rutic Ayoard frou econ:wet Be eee td by ae Pee niente Reo Gene they bad's beard made no mistake and could}hi vestia pt mS Vee NOPE picking api fan iste wdudee|oes):;COS Me mwa weigto.:sr “Oners ee Bin tise tosuit the times.«Special prices'in Linen effects.‘Di si:a Stat te on is briga trip ;mons.‘KSimonton”§greumentation —would }©2%ike Th Satay e AGN cease Na Exc the.ecg me OCH::hich:had:for Lcents per yard:and have made:ndne..ry *st Re,or 7 .aa “Prof.Millsa iS.the,Rather:aaple Tes eee >Sp be.plausible i Gt.caine:from:a’Fed:|Ww ithe tie 2 ::“he ults -Yoz,extrasize and length (uirali mae et 7 on viel ery I -pp rid shrepvifie |DibtricesCoaferpnce,ite gralist.:-but front aSouth Car olira,Rountree.ey foes he Devic Toy aS =se Breet na t MOF nto!Space ae order nothing ike #4 ey r.ngtg tthe trade.‘;esta tee ae ne cant,is one-of ‘our:best:educators <TheStatesville distnivt conferetice,jurist,whe in afl probability’“got!efatic aldeimien.a ‘paper‘Oke “rut ean :ae inten to Lal,Bige a Peagson.of:te t.6N %te 5 os Bt hic £ s “‘‘to eetericnd ia Ma Fo ees or “eS)5 i ae.a.LATE ae .of 5 py WICH pil is and woyld have made’a-<0od oiticer mit"initbendir weak.befor:last.’ue pronemek Rarie by’:j ,Tet aie es Ear WY ,ve :v ~i id »a shouting for tate/s “rights it is ONS eM Pea ton Vel era ie es :>:my “5 oe ad ‘*yo a3 aetna ties a Poke 3 ae +:euided by an had.‘he“been,chosey-The future HSrem.last steeld’s Topic ond os Taughible “tnd ‘contemptible.-Peace Chabeub cs Republic ‘an dnd taken.Rt DRELOR IER r sere,Oy COMETS!Tye Or Mea y and can -es uch as”“every Seals mist sowe have thestutf to feed her ©: has avany hogiorsin’Store for ‘him-}y eet the forldwings of;interest ¢»[course everybodyis aboutsnow Dn-around:by.Mr.epee tes client Sox diberty:*cher parece atk Wit Pee leona ke:Tees fea’‘Sh > The ood,people of his:section of the!hour people;.Presiding.Eldet:aes derstanding:that .there:ae 10 Ne Raeeeta Ss dei Sree ace re ep ee fore ry oni:;ie ses ele hi Stuff.SOAP.We are makin;a esgic |county:are probably.to Re,congrat=Diznided)teow.‘0M.Hoyle,of ne State’Ssae HOF;Sprite “ae rights},oe ::he kg :nae heey ::Renee f “}‘soapsometh 1g Pa!i,to peein ‘size apc quant pore alia »os &“i i x .aia)4 a eC in-‘Mylot aap th so a *se :st,t 7 =sy)mn ahs ae ace wat :"i go x “:Sure)+s “Tes ;ie that thes will conti opening?Sermon ‘ing Rev.J.D.colonies ofBe eer ‘power.“Phat|the 1 il Sligriconers Sar aie”acaaaes katie thers ee we Sees ote 3 Wed.i seg .toyhavé his services*as.teacher’of)‘Shiéliyr df Statesvilie Gircuit,led”in:railroad judges should tiold:in:favor:ye Sie ony xe.Bate,Re Bi cokers act ep ortiaayewiala 7,dette {See aes ani ene vemat salesm is fgieoh SO -their midst ‘excellent,School.ae Fhe:‘opening,‘prayer.Rev.Pe ©,ot railroad nabobs as =sbe etree!pete |wane tee gi Eases RY Beh Was ee)E Soar eetues |he they :Scus iRoMe Seed i ,pice.Monday Sanembroke sa e er,WilLeaat br »:tasurance scenes oy Wee ‘:Perky:Hi-ay .yer ”BelesSprial grown it “May Lae improv,&and Je saf* awlial tie: trour street :tus Warssgy { ey a ae Shelly was chaitmpn of thé commiit:,ed.He -oe ete ;s -S om emcee car :i He tera prison ree Pop ee Ogee ant rt ade.was A on a;we 1s.Nicnols “amongiS the.Politicians. -Fteedn quarterly coflference r uppose 3r.raise ce ides with,ORR Goa hea et ;Ss eed ee on:ck Ais eae ae Si eee mae epn ad Crean ecords..the'ratlroadinthis,Case,toes,that | im’most ie Bae “Richard Croker “will manage the:Only t woof the regular.preachers|ond’the fight?”COVTE D.Sc BALE oore Cotsty,Boa:Be routh thee sicians Bs 8 Ree et halo PERO We 5%: ‘"wmanicipal camipaigr in Greater New}wete pbstnt..‘Ten Jocah preachers:Ol no,he oue reports.to Sot Ne ee Ne eee aGuuen a:‘roa Meas tovivedaind ‘soon:about ie oe aAaT O-a se =ei ici at %York for Tammany #this fall:rand}:-and‘twenty-Sdvex lay delegates.were Tmouton;but everybody,knows.that |ye HGS ESes Ns ie Pa Seon Roatan eat hi sppel A PRIUS ey ;new-oflicers of saystiat the wigwam:awill win,\ofal¥o:sin attendance,TAREE ‘Far::hie and Simonton:willtceide.forthe]|PAM gale ee:i a ee ;24 Cat lence:vy ae :“T7 ae bf thy Knipclits The |‘Weneral |‘committee of|the}ringtdn,of Tredell :ir@uit,‘and:Ay (money kings...The people haye no}}die ae alled on nest” :Demiocratic party of Erie county..N:|p."ENiot M Alexander ‘¢éonfidenee in.tee <Urtited=States}Sig's aoe ess OGRE aS OR Ca ae ¢ha see ae eae ae eek frase cbc :2 1Sth.‘and al i -¥i4tbecounty in -which ‘Buffalo,is %te *So a:siteajt,‘Court?whose:judges,withnow jand pis“made dg of Hic cicctcatecttal See aka ate:3 ee ae =AYE :SRG oy ee ie ‘%cad na et ES situated,have endorsed the Chi¢ago sweredicen sed to preach.*then an exception,Stand in with elements .that go to ‘nourish cs tear eon rae i.ae he By eee Feet ae a fe een platform and ‘re--affirmed.their aesor L The followings were elected °dele}the railroad Kings.‘bank:baron's oo Wherethe appeti bees ad ape ag Se oer svat acne ae 'a ;Gt AVE 7 epee 2 ok sume eventos ‘S., .Mion:to‘free silver;Pete es ee -Lgatés to the |funn LC nifer mon¢y princes.’‘Judge Harkin.Niet :pit a?aha 3 3 :é &oe sae Sine RS a z eae ee .S rete otTthe:Supreme Court,and afew tors :vis “varying a lacking,ine!Sa oe AP MISS ak ‘Daereghs ’2 TSENG the nee ¥:oo;Chehard cash gets yg ON Be:: The President.“has “nominated:Asheville;s .*5 h mr ke {*be “hh!a a 7 :aA a “rep t ee Te i;i eA.ets S :we 1am)ae :+“st Ve O0resVikie 4 Woe Ae New¥e Sermo One of Oot.ee ag Rigen ye MI Courts on Rinses ee eed Ya Care top er oe i paTig gate ret iF Tavlos See Beran aed mae aS at eal as ett ea rong :er Br Bo tisenit e port.of NewYork:~OM O!€Sherrjl],and WoT:fare getting bid’and searce;7°|its fame more vigorous M |¢2 Ae RG ee iad ee ies E 4 1 ty oes t Ser ae,oe FG tavive 14; nee ee a Nagios:Altervates:Dr Feo:These patrician judges ‘think |p a Ee eS sd Re Gone am ern a a al od Zs Rae eo ae Use ot on June 23 2 BoC cen Sete alte:::vy are »Fife::se :’Bos for ;Za)eae Tat A .ex :;Fem By Rae 'oe errs Truly ree in Louisvi oe oe D:,P.eS Dis:Salen nage ang ee ‘makes he thy”flest sea pias:NBG eos 3 ¢,-£aCes ©:e )Baer ei Tk ws tthe first bit ri re Re }eh eo 4 i BE Cae as ae Ee ae ::Se ae The South Carolina ‘Senatqeal C:iRewe:,Ira Eree To ny that.Jefferson.jumped on.‘the:Tife[EP‘chronic’‘coughs:and colds by oth “eae Bea am gts gh »campaign opened Monday at Sumiter-id,Ro)own}judges appointed”by John-Adunis |Making It possible Icx body i “that:Wm an sesh Pee i Bete ieteceyt nro ee aa ras =B the season. ‘Sensor McLaurin and ex-Senator|ue &lg Hople;Laymen—G.W.|and Hgthem into.the diteh.“It|]toresistdisease:Ourfriend iF bS Sent to'tig,ees.AM demgeitt of 1 ee a ee tyles 27 inch round thread @ *olored Meth yae the tandidates..The meet-|ElOwers,,J.D.Miniek,A.C.Sher:|the ‘plebeians.and middle:Glasses get|‘ds “IT WorgKS..WONDERS”wit their effects.2 2"Brepared byC1 Hood &Co..Lometl,Mass oe r Sep tee ee hee Of work on ; “ing watilively.The lie was repeat-rill;yd D.Matt:_Thowipson.5 '}eontrel of this countryinn £900 they|Sect we.never ti BL “Ordered that Sally,Iverley,.p Pil to:take with Hood'sSar tat tect tee ees Hone Pe ate o0ds just opened,‘and,are aly som af “UF oS ane .edlygiven and atightwas imminent;},©).oS east of.}may take these capitatistsjnd corpo-like O over-state @ capes Be |‘poor oi ath ~3 'eT eee ek~The-.gb Pero hn st :fo We erettyy butgio damaige was done.okded Seas RAGHICE ECONOMY rh ration.judges,the whole ‘outfit fgorn.})sts ?£4 Ce SY Ry Oe non ay $3 ss :TY We 7p.L Dh vnc ack ies resent.church The fourth-of-duly”Selebrakenof (ee eivins Yuedicineee laa moat aah eo re hak”been’pected:and ;eee s .‘Wee ce ee ot ae 2 Ne wali 4 "5"Sarsaparilia ie manure se A Sting “Se-Bie ted for vertyeatySveyears wed tot ‘poll and person THEAT =ANI 'JSSE 3 handsome autservicablc of emt,that must 7sh ished!—Mr.y ey .aa the:Tammany:Socidty:iin.New York eaeSeon.Brena:ney abst atta’,oh paae : >was a notable occasion.°Letters of pee eré is mye medicinal’vaife.in,aes leant i es E ro will ask:for it,we property:&lorsvilie townshi a ;BRGY Fst Medal d,We eNetet eae te jedit:P contract: "eaeet ‘were read froin:Hon.’W.J.‘Hood's-ee in.any other.|keane fon Pity Cental >|elttens Th i OMISSION ‘i robe baer Aue MILLE}e :see ,ree ae ek and prices 24 Riche:er i.G Every,bottle 0 ’a Sarszparill <Gharantee co habit:cnre,,ssnalken:weak |)ot S ie Wei ce te oe erin Next.Mi :TORISC.n NS eit -€:ey Ce apals ‘PRY infe =-Bryan’Dic Biege oerpy eee reainis 100 doses and Willaverage,eee Sear gare ip RUNNING Ee ay Hoeat We:Br ithe AAT rake Poa See nyen tence por Bicolored mac “<mendous applause,while Cleveland's {cordingto digection’,to last a month,|Stiland Fixtures ForSale.|}~"eh Geen ba ate SERPs Gh are TIMEMED DO:nies eae ebas gel Supe a sneer chi i £6 keepup our sist thst hi eee ek hed mice by,abate:nae ©Con”prcacscrtions bet bits:fofortuight.ey AC 100 gallon stills,cap*‘and worni |Goto your druggist for Sec Emil GHOUL COMMITTEES |K AL 2 4 “Ae HES can't be.heré ‘to please And give satistuct ion.av DE.them died. ioets a :af Tennessee,|HOd :in’good condition “wall be"soldyp 308s:sizes,00 Cts,and’$1.04 ;<r 4 eae g ~a e ie are.onage if thegublic ata ‘:its bh and ang eee asrs Tan were.the D'S PILL are .theonly pills:‘tot reasonable.For vinformation:call /f.-.ap SRee 5B ee OU occ ue sara ne os eas Breiner E ae :ate Respectfully.5 rable rescinb Tammany Necembitpr nesereeie:ere =ond.A.Bradford:or:Dolph Moose,fe aeag BETTY Be CAE sreeeas cis a Sete Bo ae we to's -ptetabe te lpr eerade nd &i nd ae ali." aes ent.i aes a aeC x ,—_=‘A BS htc Pes ea ya!:a he ‘AIGUCIALU uga ; ay ‘itesxPoouer:fas bec NESSeBill inivley is .Beth earsa}rn wit Ae Ory .Harnlét=sis ae Spused Bi is)Pore Soe f Mites oie little canst Fao Est:as ‘sick: $at eae ;anyaByaesysoreVethe!LAVAAN AT!Ce ES Se AI}:MolyBIRT stripe taind Lb miele >a paar i 3s bite)ie Ey rhe ‘Bie bot Hesa)fei Efi pe Si 4 ee ua)—>SH ac Eni ha Mey pat Det Wisk Bei hes THON ey a ohh ¥¢RY it fret See Cob pe ré£3)45 beudevcne cide <td hoc Ken aS 5 astand. pere, ‘ 400°PL thi ined,lhetre ae nduy if}I}ee femeky .‘i Pepys Sere of->the :gre Pann,cee es Bigeke re thw IS-tear eta di: oh be hatheve:Ob>*>eSEater:Ss eed:“RGNV. ©, LEER N,os Ifies Ping‘eto Rockwell, .yard.Gis ©Verh hee é: \v ciigalbroke Sonics.ot of t Bi hicat istic:dis ast We k cui:x ::: Agency of aes Guy,;. .ee cL : pool and:Lon nee Gog Aetna i :3 eteMixInsuranceiInDbatpesbures Payal hip ’“other.time:*hie beige}byeny ty Site ret }F]nma peuDes.Al i :ite iAssurance flac ob Puciciy.TRONS ueWe meberied. N vesterday., ei tats ese.a bi ral Mr M:tox Dancy tewaship,SpOWweth “onex bie vite lSrateky &Little?thye Shedi %et di *a a yieeweTatlfodegtes 4NDISERSilsgroveHWfromait;iS ese eS:eee ABA,a oR Wy iSong.the?milter Set+.Es é VERS Shy Ligier.©hig of vy ont:wed : Pai We eae 3,be“hy nie Sten oar Paar lp :sy Putrerbury.PW inv.tow RSet doubt miget ‘theeVTOAaDRLBOEnearoReasKeSot+4"!“wud extra Jons Wend Grae ro wee ‘her “Gna riy |ae dat TBe is ib fourth Ha Spectit Rak Levy, tu ke.We will ah:eee?Sra ae Bet pet ge ;thas i ‘Wilson,hs’Jost frdm the S ihe count doiniuisvioners nati! “.3 aS WSL:Fae SOP CT mht PANE aed :Let aoe eee een Ma over i ‘montlis:Messrs:the in.Jume:miceting levied a sifaeCySSN,ese:s WOR fo ree®tke Sthiapson SPicelg hay er pecuthy put}His ‘te:pay ort the ,‘..cai eat tom ne Pe “;+ ay Be 5 bse =tea thenceRain sitix er ss!Oiivs in:abit,ctepehincrENg ew Porn.milk road boudiSof WceSRYisoSaitard.ey fore Mati aitrat|purifjer tsFuries ‘the meal Pied iClas?At price «hs Vey Tee at f Colred -4 HC t Arise pee!Apne Dimities and a Be :‘i ‘+:or id +af Te ENE tne:ele ‘Theyvs are “Riso.This ie if.is,Shanesealap.And 4 ©MTEL the:ve 2 ifle Calure thinking afadditreer another stand f wake ae td:pay ofand oyhOverallsmadeeesabehaatNY,eae Sh ey <bit ;nl Phetrust.have. Hier sop.*Cotton Pee mre th.kM Wienmakinga“spe ;ae eszecandsquahtys+PES LO ULE? e :Cu re PO BOY ay ny ek itvicuvé-his friends -:.pi aie to he 1 ‘elie law!this “aieputy Cabes*%at —- ROE ere te wit Not &|s «aS .es rtee herent gers of the States:i :guid abangiet,wilh?be beberead vena kK.H:Rick:abs ED ge ate :Widlace’sS iN okey+Fs oytweeescheap 2itito aH wh.-te ,.a ayFeyebteRecord:‘reports|. ’PS @ock French bk <4.‘Neil.|2 fetinite!Hae Sentit ai ‘cot:.-b {a -e a 2 ag Bote i bem “an.duh’25th.This Wats.8 THSt hb:arn plucksich in 4 ils i ’rhs ate Oe SesS0n2 Ind:thread (a den ae (aes sui done of the Aen t Lyfe te “<Sengehave é&comsSOrkona.ew brick church |AT beerectedfon thé site “Of|,sontChurch:ons Meetingittw,Ht besa:Réat buildingaed.SM Wi “Es sspetaaceS:Bs : ee t must go.Fer her is equal to the 1 prices right: Pe var:btoek.Pur-dit)priees thatwsShisfaction.and ut pre iirfore us ‘tad theosManHamed‘Click:Oln townships.recentlyNotelitterGttive©igs,|Lbdied.which hak noosbeandhesabdlhaving|‘healed ‘semblance Aa hu- wise)Sufard: emi}rfoetit ee Me Re be Kerloy Gi“S “ei Bene hey iene yt cLeaet.AN ats. tas Ms Lwin vestordas aficrnoone::wom is aS a early ane sof So . aut the tr Nee “F Ro Se“yeaa as.S13 hese his “datiesidl the Utica oft" PEE ch €“RTD jeation ‘in favo fen Toad Dene operatMetts Gaytil’it Gould Tie A Moar rmviile Reeoiad SANS.hes |bey oe sae serena Fe ’AOA}posta ter gas ¢“employ cetirhMISHeeanpinkotiiaie1=frpan MeL Ste SVulgPdnra:epee Niexan 4*CHT i “Wis names ate or:icted fonabhate tc Her’En kent stlset idee f the “Sone e Sprinkleadicd at edict ‘ait a bor seine tinie:ane:1 RS a5 .Sis cai Old:pc cae Bc Wel ofecrae “a ripe swherat Last pS ait ae WE‘stony*tact 4:.S00 ASheh pull Ss their thr“site awe:TRG au taziue eeae :tc Mar jStivets Seu:otaeae :¥Bee aay the:Bp Portedeetoe¢pats RAG som,bits:GU pUuL est:y &Co:aE clk a8 hi patti ‘build When these} ,:{the pablie:‘buildi in ese ;‘RUROSE Of "the|duties ‘o>the 3 ive. 2Ga Rvights ofPythias:willa.onic NUE Pucsday even?Mesers:Mite Wycot|and.Cowan Peee vend Wasverye ue:con-| “Dotti aednLigination’Were Avill ce) shite Ofte tiediy or Locogrow,but?=the:‘Dénwicriatic tlerks will repiain ia}Soni heat,the!eTvide.Furvtit pa.figtst of |\nrewst?5ia hud ee af theoh “probably!louger. ry CE of oe paul a saaity for the benavit? |2 MeRoris deena:amd:we of thd Bart ane Sytings Orphanase:heooaeaeraelEOWr,lie4 MionByeqt ket,Mbdpe s¥uley Phuvsday,ihae+a Iai:aythg The.Old ‘Nortit State AYSleSprviserBurler,ischoid 'ibe Beend;will inenish themnusi¢ST oy Sted esters iidination OF:teat:aryie“eg ae séuniandnt siieake Pew De mS Pedy::eS eS a eat(Bagid:ryceerniet rt A olaae3re<BS Se ean bee {iie:|+e me xaPhuctoltowinite §icists,Sag ap|On Het and:revised:thie “ohHate:ch epee inp!lecteaeaSSLeveeseeWhonildicnegS.Pi Olea |eae y whes Fins v bia fangsapn hii)feed.We La wieSaar=a eee co bE zie.th Taha Con Ord s town:peels ‘:heey Wice tad Eb tec:ay;ies.PSShAyRates2eeeReha,bend mit,otisaeach;pube Vel quree:toiy tobips,te}*1 eget ee les ional Mir:norred hl RE:ne pherd,ie ;; k ADEE,Bboy Pie’sly:«hedges Hti)st ud:ng of Bearskin Sa iva “SPC¢antt &Soa of the+)lati Rov W f &SUS FEET) ited mac nor Np Rc oe Iris it YSaid at New Stiztin |“tried .arch.Shiloh towaship.toa haveeetjauntsepproviativecongregation:“dat ee MiP,was)we}hgbsone adver <— — Pend et the schetpary be-aoe by “omne ae full ‘Hethin5 'a oSa.wy &Foxe eSae eBBevis tli:Solith:Tne:FsoniekATOR:truae showe rate hissfirst ean?bao &estongs “Sat urdiy,Hane the.fa fA to Vows n ¥&widay.,Juty HSS Ver:eves? Lune f Pvc aer ‘the iesDid > his ie>wey »tothis’senile anil,Lies has:Oe UN TAPEOU BE w* niOr 4} e$NA S RES Cosford Ove ¢the he“ad “4fareswith;#Ubrott le Mat a Htead thy:Feuille “but?‘did:noty Ber auisch - ¥:‘ORK “tr,HH.AX “J Lang.dressed}GY: iu Ngee Tayi, “WTO his ages Tcdane On ub arte pel witheeAE:Re Pe a Messe +Jae “Cent dined} x wagon while haege tiattyinbad i whi ret titis Viet be Gales 1 heir:es a i 8 ae will}bet, is2‘of Mr: riesbamBihel:us we DeoHOS:BA be,ec “ay dulze ¢ A Bi ——a t ys=wea Case Settled,#caysistthPetition.usking Jurdize ;Cabte-::spite Pt redéiver tto:fake chara ants nei proh ts of the Ica Bist Cash‘louse.‘which Messrs.Hees 5 om a nyaril c wl Poston:Sheet yt ts oe.C.Caldwef1,“Esquls itt i Nt Tikireddy.his beenH «WIth "ua Nie,AC“ules aeKees te pay}:be the:popeMRYE eh St ipcels &See tek roltesyomitlsie At roles,for he cut:Threw are doing](xoRL bork§Be lay wtlaree patr sue fe cigs Be bien oe let the|SketWOW-Badenby”tor.tek-|Tice Aig:nh ahd reDujidiny ‘the gables Assandbegcipaningutiaoiling:theteriobet.the.‘ppolic building.» tik the:eoutract to*Russeil aneNig’son for taking up.andorethardBeaizingthe|clriy:eyays”and Drala.Tre--Soatins snd soiléngs ‘the awh!Sat {auproveinents wre Tcompleted they} will’‘ td vety muck;tothe’appear ae cithégovern,ndnt ropert ¥:ese TOR order.}I‘5 ee a oe “ry ee he Differences,a Last *bemriel:edlgssrs.“Mills ©W Youtt.“paws he Gist the.interestiy:LiCowu i:th livery: ihe phe oC which hid begn baataveaie‘ithe rawh.Messrs.JM Hs.and}Wie“On,vit continue the businessat Fe ee a final iy decided i x i a Ly 8p —_— Coble:thesolves Thedhe do:“Tike Water ‘Works sayBes aa was utgued Before |Judge ‘Coble:at.ben,ijuyed:ak. ‘tiela’&Tonner and:we:G3 ‘Lewis for:Tife line,”the:‘plaintiths and by &:Bs“Longefor‘the ‘wah orand board:“oft aldermen.Ihde:‘Coble:rreserved his:decision,large:one,‘until:are sesterday:evening’wehen:he.dissolved ats splaintifts Swill}in’altA Sntability’aet al from:J udeCoblévsdycision!ied nos ‘appeal.is}taken thie 1mayor and boutd:of alder:| ;eR ARSagesMfSebiofcg: pen:willivo on with theif prelimin-ary SUEVEY.of the town.2 Bynidlay,fi One, Surgeon,heres Hiss Mrs eA:a ¢tae ;Olin asi otheropl acesin {liseithe-fiikest Pts wine tr be.¢Ses f,She As remembered:Dy.many “of ¢ns Ls Bs readers as Miss:Ane Tact.ten:=fey"thie UIC,Me.Grivtoe ‘s!y be tikes “Sriidk Wwete aiben attended the:ik oe ; Rilni iBaaiveie:Bra iS <iW inted:a ed he 2 Si Ras te a Thiet pol it ho EPPtsted}Setteraxe Ww if,WS ples.ony ae Edel alt nae ebintiheStocerybusinessaand: residence:of eS ‘hp,Esq.wha:iSpecch:on Sunday he wee Wel!haveé heard:hisplies:nie siti the wld stynd.-»yCowlin thas.’rot theday,4:After Mr.Moose’conelud:|: night husiness:he’ed.his speech,’which was:attentive:walletisase.ae Fae seat Sea ly listened to by‘thy:crow 0MSask|WaSanuounced:"The table°was.eatfeetJong.:was Toaded Wsith’6 j,things and «vy;1‘bierrhtes works.injurction Case lysfed.“Im the tufter thé youtt houge last Friday:by,Arm thy The.hymh,“Phrow : Conger and ‘allie Atwell pee ially enjoyed,4 ‘The.ckowd be NiniHay Mite bn ih:af: pe Ss.Rees here Or,&xist torae:aha nts,Mr.nodeTe):Phe pic lie.Toh the Moireeeniel fe ; is Katie sald olt hatshaefronWwoodyedrd:Br Sp JRoin”Brite:ajud Misties x Sante ateRudyBriceCadeTok.with.ict they THE re tain’ cb with!arséai, Hon.We D.cDyrner. :BEDetds W Ww.“Burner,dnd Rew ieTeycu:Willson,Steac KeniidesrsS6r-lies“Man ufacturirhe C ndpanye ha vegebro:Monbo-to-day tor:tte te eyperce3Mevting‘nt that mehtne Dry ike owAnders ‘relat th,‘neta aS:Misitin ye not oulye the’cartiest *Mr Je.Ee Pte:of Murion,QLLNS.dee aiincitlig best —turned homie:fron ~Cisibicthisia:ithet.Bess :father.Mr BD,¥P ry. fe eeatteYSOi Of Mismophersine La eane Brow Me theaures) old:and. s PY.‘a Phe ‘ane?has Snot}Childmay and eid ehildien:Of,Mii}led }>The manic +Mind Bron,’SS children akwotsExbite.7c NY !age a fee T seas «ey chien :MISH>Ete Of docs.ee }s ~>ietseitholadtetl2BFecopaleteea)EAC;fiantaire-tLOLS SOOUS fthray:eteas Fto i “fostCooelesOnthe:Kasiseccpabedit boa!i :yeas ‘: 1 ht,itetke?mix ‘}.a oe "=beth ."il !hy(AV ih lat ee yw nits:cutduise Htc ie Y e ut:%Seve Cesercanr ube.oth ae .,S)Seon ie aFam hi"€‘.hi vivtebay of ohceman St ch Yee Constr eSennettelasNisfrosivaetsaitthesCOREEi©ee , ne “Heats ati H Copper.Golared,eto wals bay fos:MOndax,irpSUGteeeeeUTSthiveTax:which i eat Pig Wiisthe,Tr)athe:M SoUSa ees Jolson ay ieeeud fcpeecot‘,ee CTOs le CEaon this week.poy tt “were i takeda th AGinstort int Person,suid:,aS $Btawler:Weis gr AwolaeeetinoPiusesswormestaus:,fs CSOT R ies:by.J Poticehian Burge:Moons valle.weredidre SestotehraneFels):bs Miah apeiegee Setiede:ieee Be .“toeand wallet air sie ih Y :4 ieDr.ORsMe Le Wutd,ot Wires|cheap.dl?0 12 Sera geecae re ae ay RS i Cnt:‘bi kas ’Avpehks 22eter BE hus:vie Was’here yesterday?4 aes;$3 =rae ATS «Sesh Bt,SQENECE PESGEt Oe ofSho torah p's sold ;Mivses skPair §Nileay:bike estateS).é i pay ae “S :one Sa oisBar ddl Dent ig IOUS,aw'ies lipudings eine €‘ope kind ever gor {taW,caverta:{>%:j .ne DOE ne,sr Drath 5 Healy briys ©Wasrons tht ed.auiiel Huiticombe:edtinby,tan few WK ees ig eyever,fails ;pared Ea tt hes oat Shikah Tow?vel igs abst a te thie ti round.re ndernge “ieee casey :he :SEG USE:dy ESacet ay otis Gay dust week andeaus-Uiicony ;cy aay Beto Wt jane ae ENTeens 1 M rould nate -co ;ee =4 H Bete Hus te)=aes thne.i:.Havearch Ostion!be f:asi ri Se os aeb:Gera Pag StS See i oY Mistes |oheb.anil:ince We.Faunnis Sata Ce Fisciaiecte aQari.a :Pires!wot oe ye to aay thh oddext.Weer’why ‘€one or “s Monday%Ww Then he SfolareeaeHieTeesnOsborne iiss th OucTie-Cutawnn‘ute ithe ang ness 3wien peg |avete! Gah Httle danetiters wwii ;ae pet wf Corporation to.be:Rhveheaas thelGToesy-compisdd®ve. ~ charge aif theseoutsstandin ¢“he ras?MHanddeave:the’couutsvteeti “dgThetotal: ane otk!aOn time ogee the :fai and in) ‘Specesh: aLeen;on:he ‘topi ‘“dinner: Out WwWis:boimitifal| rhoon,‘the?crossed |,good:old ashioned s 1% 7 the.sume Dy|Misses Basel’ was.*25- aee0 te be:at.a325 sale-daLys)at.a iy4 Gs Aedldwell s foo aesEeMeeWRTtoadSiscasCot ‘Bina AW ison Lave return“ote appar?the mess «tahdin:“ iT |ay mmsetineg eat:die ut*fA :Sy ceons uf tte:Southern RaiiliwHareetoSiuio|1. Chat bani ioe.Tenn,Hetts the’fs ‘ot Shinaiald thes iy Vetdstiocbet AOR.ehmdnutd aightiBrotey,feoluinsal.Ge ‘uth Sey “He:left Tacsdey ‘+is Bias bok Shiehb <his.#ifeindy: day:‘due?Naie)iforaish te ofire ooresville:%woud,We cine“VN ERS Sifor thors weeks Sheiis*we Sea'siad:suber hak bist ee be Mite pwere 43 etieSt S,36 of then”beat ase.oy"hy.° gener alsFsEeLONGEMe‘neCalvinBrown's.e ne |a oe cick.miiD tow tstpeeyeivYY*.d at;Oh Shieh.>township:ya bs i we esl pict:ay Con:x TaN ‘.t twill ret).thee Smice CE Sion;theseryhesiVip.ok,Barviniesby}b 4s ae j 6 ae ee x Lredéty iuues 73gt[32Av:thie above We fo Tnformety “dot,;,Ww‘“sig Aa.a alts ig .Brown,‘Son ae “cone ati wih A es tlic &esberrill:uard Jessa fsDeon’Onesani,ents!WottGrierBea;gird iY art Telos Seerotary atnoreedn!fox them tor eee eehal an amural «6.CLO nd at Zood mew}yichiCartPatti4) rheaooe1having iaeeLprosta:ution of J a}eS Waar ee tS TRE lagi’ iexe crvale Barks sigue Giieacee :Mat sabe “Hebb:on Paik f ee "eesphy conerr Movin ie thie Jute: Ru.agate ( assGrit ea “mopunt at SRG Me 4 Lach aiet SERS orth ag! is RE!J \ of hich?hex:.cTact:pari ns,’Spas.« mle Ay Hixfet ireuiit has: “On thsAlot a tekeBistatothefratatdesai. ES ee,4 Fi shfavelionshesé t Pica,esiseee olesale ana:iRetail,ee Second none “ine this?ifJthoughleatherjis.foinw up,sottiveexceptions,for’>i ‘steetheansgeeiia,it ri for only TC,2 }}Whenever.vou"want,Itpgradeswp?to the;ah at prices to a aein the.ae Store.=.i -Ey above our’4 a Boe of moying engi s the Line to eat ;oe.SRE Ti BA Ris BaascwH.ALLISON, Hes 5 Quartergd Shoes,notGetdnsthem for-any profit,ARSieButtonand,Lace.for! Neat3Gaels Button Patfe TactheiJn0reatticOry s |prices frons 2 ZOCUS,FO SOK >She ntewn.22" Sah tare Goods stock—you have iSultra-fashéongble—#-ae‘oupd at our store,An :Sythe newest volor.|:{Linings it's’y cope buy:tontofspecialsellinging.ee 7 day an interesting. «OS ONBROS.=§NEILL* gree Ww ith ther =anil-4i;aré both earngét;IES:oad cnt Seat at $3.ie for}doen Dei aleesayd hata ouutiifeied:her?teputation,|eds *hon this precept Scbasion as ta Scouer- .ie“tissree:to od outtake betuns they buy. a Bob AS:anyone.> ill dosyou ioe ifyout xntheArtilywelcomei1°Our, (ompany. Tipsi.002 worth: <x dress a pleas auth“prices that the outlay ;itd nes Wavervtiineg in <Dress Goods:The r aEsttenisabwaysWe.each.at.Qur Store,.©’ Br e y re t ws Se e t i h c e n m a e ee eo ae ee a ib «;7K ron oe Tid,” 5 ase ARSPIEL Tk Se es w Ypore en te nee To thet asyot;4 f rahe“ARMFIELD &TERNER,.7°F 3 2 ie i|Defe rede from last wre Seat tastes bese :eae he)coe 4 jn th it ups ;ode fer Weg aot.Ca n%lors sat=Fotee.s Ps Mis!Baitle eb p val has toxtas 7%ae t ys wv i pa eit ia ‘.i aif A :K '4 cat Bid Si. “.“ATESVILLE se Coe a OL ge Soca rn ast :te a ete i tse‘sera pthers buve ghills.:Tis|Bae ring in Kentuekyy Ber Wie ears Ie ‘ah ‘Om :dt bal Wel Practiceia al)the Courts;“Specialy{tarps formers as ‘the wround as fod ;rat Soke 5Sor Satuithe Suinmer )iAttPntiongivery’to all bate active,{} _the<nsent‘4 Batates Re ae -s oe citedSeo SOW pear,Someare bt!|Lopate:nt wast in ld SS wondertdl this Ex-P C r,:pees eels pb wine Vetrh soonn:ast iar oneco at esat a8 (he age ee nants $ate Eig).;yest ;sf ‘begptie wfit 1sa % :arr:dy ‘6 rie BeSih 5 ofte prisat jsfin this burns and,somes!trit an phx Say ©Pent ores:sl ath SOU Cay eae :ee ;on wet he ne Phe Avriter.foxLag % wattle cuey.Lat=tye ee: ,} iei Digdebrehing has bet:n,dont ener :ae Ueever save ©him?es the dane ee A len Pry %ees a saeetg .ted ie |fsfew daysac oO MAL,Drag8( STARESVILEB,NAGS ie f cae ee Ld ciser “atureere Pei wil spurt Rey wee ec ese poi «in Rus oS with itl)“Thtee nigtits after’his a Alin 3inithe fic _\..Thes a neve =ee Anither 3 r.Th rT Eehiss 3nae ceae:eh.iesae3 rival a s6¢datile sane Beyan.2B = —-—_——..ti "peace "toe ryn the taemery Eee Be ad lg Sees n es thea’there:Swas “Tittle:‘told WV.Cae.Tse K 1S,‘poet 5 CTE S$.Main bts SO ei othe ts 3 bre .pe ee y e eEhesRs)iat Bory ill be ‘sherk:*=aLpgle “of a Cea WesnF :esjer S$aC c“Ypied a room.In OF ‘aye 1 an d preids 3ave scuree ayhile bike K 4 :oN mines Btgiere thi?Wie feneeot hie:3 “WL pha‘ticein alt the <purts.7 ideal Per igsary aeSomei ;;ik eat aae Ww ould:uot:thake,ens igpus:the ¢“acts atichtioa giver to ail es arne,Seti c ::Mement:Of estates i eetrebatt éd Gut.huihe equine;begs oe Al e 4aeere a HTN X laud fo x Sine fiene . :ATTORNEY.AE LA Wig SNe de:Sac Libba welt)SH Stare,N:ae ee oe +Tey mt h cists “fee who:“atoats pEiw are fiat Quisopistbtoee Wil appear:in:aniiGourts.:‘Special.als jaymmkart:Upp et plans,aS :ae i tstenbipngiventethe»Civil Practice,|250.Ake M,pas*has wi re on zs Iga i aitetRafearce IM Hers cee A tai,t a Big ae eee Si mo ec aid Feats a :~aEJeiConnelly,"[ms ae ee ES Dee Ree eects cha gas abe ees =ALLQETORNEDLWaeziaeHie?t thes”prBssuks roti g i Ce wnySeeebt Sie bi >,‘of °_DRUGGISTS eae ds Pt ds +3 ::Pb “as gd ah s A ;Os =;} chetle es PC.ree at me ampst ine aea jain tia AEA cn,cai pe CN LOR Tat }:iad treigahd.Na RENEDe G esi Cancaees ker a 2skisaah 5 4 baa ‘i ;GFalniee Hee idson ur oslestalag i AS Toh “ad {hat he:raret ¥pe sy i 4 ‘;- Pe s . ee en s oe ek Fy “‘Uae rie ‘Special attertion to.-ettienir-nt aR estates oe tative ee’trade,Mar:Bob.Coast cattt oiling:alone?dnidex tthe stink :k tia Se Aa yhHara Fe He 2 eens 4 oO 55 j ::+7:aie “ and ‘at!Fvibate Dasite:“Se.i ,}Sui thraug i dest tine‘Lie ter Pit Senne sak eaten erea a te 5 Whe ccb soe =j |iat St -teigepa aS SPP MORSE)ot ee 4ae busheley a oa ut vs ath praee fe rea -Se ayes.itches«=‘Tlrey-rere eha“Olde “f ee ths fy,tes!medy ::i ale Tanai ia,::;vekedTeSpeeROREASohKeriicnysaid2A|MeySuey:pie.-hes 3 Y : ¥;er bi Ba Se at Suan enc Hal 1 ¥ha ‘bade es ea eope ad Sh ::Al Sa Cal Se steneille,s ee Cc.CALDWELL.oe Sets ee aa a Sh y perspiradon Wats Sear,on tas )i xoe ““ei a ‘Sate oe ae eas ee elt ei an wn;:,)“ele i “:fee wer Fe aE ~*~:.A eMart seteAtTORNEY-AT-LA Ve;:Aohs tiling Sune 2th.ra?Sei ht eolosnienPeete re be abl i is ::fa at te }i ‘:‘s :KI .A :;apy be ; EL en ::ee :ei setunn toe wis a}t —1 Se negate Sate)SP hie:Y ::i.ts t 1G DYSE Session Wil adifeyicarrVILLESN:&eq TM ee ie merit :;ard remed ¢uae to t Cc a aed ays thestth of eevies it‘‘te rey ayer 8 <3 1 viclans WH t '|Clos the astot ine,Ss.; :,Mascot:Fost eee fergnnatieaed |Wis?traid Nig touberh hae anee:EL ietaee uae ees ‘form iets AS panes ?‘i Re of Bord Sith teition gn atpteaeetee$ferred font tatdcee ios syeat =S abubrripestow Mt SS of cLe la om”:;‘a.Sine Whi j trey AM.ie on D.g rk x )-se pie dentin if sire arf©Hischestuiddstirements:Weete as”dua Geena :By Coa org :$19.00,5.°.“Bitere |Is agex ‘Dead?of:sclenes .esllver yas 3 }‘ro ben a ,ron :.ee day KY rain mtut M4 veloc Some,ORG F Se tncaey baer :jnpisusetects.Ttaa:not:5 :ane j 4 Nie lepartnien es s ae me 8 BUBEKE,ota “thas Seer Y z four eea Ot‘hws Mas2 ibslonaeke s as thats “Oh a his,orn Me ek oe 0 x :Cae F008,bit:G 4 .‘;soaps Shed en vl vatses AITORNEY AP Law,rake en gre .Mes.*Nop ee CHAT Ke eas}Siout i”Roth acreLextrsjordin Sone:efi give th Pakad eae tta 2 a or maden “03k is tet ‘Sees ee g ateeeT vondsnce SClidited' STATESY,BEN C.:Leecathe to the eddide of her Thother!ha wan’of iis height “He wren Xo,|ix De oh MRS ie Mads:eet ens Pe he :"@:.dringw health.tot rer.Age gene ustreceived =address,a teasa,Sits a at AThiguweek..Mr.J.WV.Exedy:Ise Sls:ee Meh ziher.Skid.ie Aenea Y ::@f duilitsg-vp tonicae te without'a rival,én recites ;‘Se Me aes ie ae a “th Elin Waoticces “flit Stam‘hi<se ulyp:Wels ‘SU:tender t Fo er hE es fa ite)got besith-giving |;PAB BU Way:£1,PresidentWalepr:fa all thesecourts|Skye ite wWopse.#Mrs.i Watels UE PERS ¥!is eS Str note:Frou.lige y mg)a e olutgly barond compari h any :;a June 240 inet.Oe Se ee W leer sb ives ure de mandi |oe Mer chid i 15 veny sick oy ith:‘pOmie::that tht lapchad toy 0a Wa ya NM rs :ge Bi seth siti He hi ey RHONEaL =nora:aatr +<:a Bro a thing’li ‘s-eCZeNfa.:Sett nga padded,+By“tye a “bt OEE te *and ;EO! ae ——a oe ‘Hea,J.M,Bajlaré filled eee 5 ce ayecbe.fouls The Ces Sete cape eti F poeta Gereua Skin wise @ |).>aidies spirt;«a rit TON <.height:has beet eeithy:as:F cone oe ere ae Bi :rape :::até ile a f A ij price ‘;Gs ay :ERT Tiekgeao lat eo at DLP I dente and ru rs,C >DY:ie :{i pice,+45 pic at thi daptist ¢epurcle,Sunday.oO fears inelies ‘and’a feet n ne ri eos rid “platy.eu Reel:te Ma PONE A eee ae a}Pepe neo iernanioweat De :i ne >Stay cle ‘E,tit~FOTCON>!=j :SE “easter being absent on uceound!‘H te DISKS id “hE oe eDisexscn,eae ope ?Fs F,Ga ble,+ti P See bx ze ae tic wnat AEE truth net Botte are Guk Peet,‘feat “tie din chen:redlclit bevy at,pit t “iets PO cat ty cats nea,:Be i we aes a SENG ATTORNEY eAPI ATW,ff flig sickness,Of.on |no 1 See ee eo nes)RSELI ;<ce aeeen the Stagoli SE ATES [UIE Xe ¢.“4 He:lsc preached.at:the;he onavadibo y e=)abeHe Sold Eveuc Le esa?;se eRe fg Siw e ree eto BOK oka Ne *Ofte Ss as ea OW ch .©eh Py Y iwitSt‘Bet hduse at 3 o¢loek:)“Helentl meat sek patie o Ties:Pyarlish €ommnor Schoo! Praetivds in State andFedora!c outls.ie:ae id ra ae LE alct isaLy “feoiia® ce p s a m a t i i n t a h i i i tn d au r e t n e t a t a h e e t i b e e a e t ik e ae : € school i perd.a ekkt Spaces ahs aH:.the eonirts:aes aoe Sere ty meastre mewtace 5 for outils COE ;Cia tee rc can hes ta frome a spree!loin 7 ‘ppek pronth>¢"Tuition will-}waMeatane 4 Biles ase e depos t le people 0 ?.vee tet a vt RVG arte ner t th oF tien!titywith nowuncer ‘ct ete §re y ose Gf each ise Hoo!1ig6t he d x ae |thi fact"his”Shee 1deep pacay ;7 ‘me Beah Geely ;ain ;jonthe “ive the’Cunumanit y.will jein Mand build.>’SG ays ae ty ate TPATGO wears:Tie pound:that Botanic Bloodareata rs :;eSoft special arrauge tien tty pi diss atscheapest;|ickest,.greatest/un an arbi mips the sehodhgasetis:rer,Soa f Prrowipt sittenticiw to adh Dusinéess.cn- “tragt ek Otte SONG Ae:fecal row.rear}: of cour t HORS:pasta 7 cOpitlic tof state menk:“Bis mies!-|}:He ot es[8 oy ¢s i ec ;;rich Blood Pu ifierand Health ine gataass ae g ga i cre,Pstck ness Onthe partaot te:ACN WwWaeh the.wor ;etl pharged from date of,i “ous.ood He Wis ans:<ys on ‘y Fe Be Meare Chiat:watme :+s oh as:‘OOd:icuilth iS an indi:pers :nna,thurs mine uni,es bi teeste rari ieinenid will,teay nv ‘ble fFactors mn Whish:sueeess Ply:See oi ot z Bon.Pi ,do ond effect e }::5 ‘Pied isteewver.:Wirst levine dlein Bays!Chet sulisbur ¥to-day.5 “Miss »Cale.noth by istea ers.at ;REESE EN z ai se gee 8 ep RE One Pi ?PELE 1):ber 6,189%;Ciris,Degetibes A Beet :is ¥isiting Mrs.Fan Kineaid:.a :i.it (rar”a an i oe etwas “Met 'atv i wigs ie Pave ;fhe >Per :ga Bern icin JABURIVG,TGS:6 ji :7 Be teas °f Q »»s 4 i :Wk f r f ai )8G;5 $MCE IN 3 APIORNERAELAWw.j {Mr:IN.“CunkphtI ‘and cousin!Miss %Ma Lit chinfence dy ES domed kgs the ‘Act en ee i eX Ge 5 :na Oth ane i ;,peter r.infor “hk r a eas ie eeVILLE i -oes [Tacie.wi Spept Severdl-days Nisit-.3eventiad v AE ih rite 1 bese ot :eh eas owed <Me oS ay it :i by act be Re eRe p R t De eee Spe 4 OE i ee Regta 2 Pst,frie suds returned to their Howes)writs i$batric “ne Surdlino.wrichin :Sey 3 y ::Ae Reed ptr :marae —hoamement .om Sid LeineushtisWednesday:ss §“Dor i malls:“ol Mosca:int IS12.84¢ “Prout.is vinithne "ela Se dimes ha© eT Se ce a ne tt e tt t ‘i e i t h e a Gig metrnedtetlie practicy!aie ear.ak Apronipeal tart ton.fOind } Bait te re fentmisted.{ko she Once,Ts eb 6 mah ieee OD eeAte)mals wierd ata a Soef.7 oe f a a 3 nl atbia re ot ih Offeusive Vireinton.4 Mraad,ty «rashi the flying ene:any. .2 RS -f ceetnss &Hynperor Seeuied tosbe-iir |av ZO he :ei Mae it teen ah Cae ek ‘Teeth Neh !;‘:IV ix ‘Natice Sehool:Tax.Election.Gok,ids in S Ghattotte Observer.:Teche Ero {likeness snd nights at Cone wn ae‘hat if va dae aoe nr ee pea hese 2 Sei ee See eee A eis 3 mang Business..."Dep ived sil Feettorre ataRoeEh;a iy :&ge 5 .4 oY Suh ASIC:;oe :i ;)OH 2OGUCoHateral ar cee TM hhest intdbc'‘sting of seethe stantscWagl ‘hyfh shies had®for the fast,Nfit iaiid #ric t "ee i eas on 2 4 ;.;i :f Bs Al and perme oy“\MEETING OSTHE BOAR Dor bis 4 +its :i tdbertin:‘alone EVEL D ot :can atnbeonta ?pt eeNited oir callie at foferwe'=t AL dow TINGir3 Ot ede county,held eidees:in Vancess lotte¥Bran 35is?the Tine er€“sthue that Ar‘on fr AWS wn ise ,s ct ooay Aid ees ie peat Bsns)te f 3 ;¥a Roe March x Man atureTSsand Individicals* “fre tieir Gi¢e In the City of StatesVille:on;tetowiine fron,chink:to-President ws plsSIC ye he in fest,‘thie!esaapire tes Tas t Meier 1M is . ae Nithe Sthi (ay €187,the!fola yy #aaeae=3 ale eard—t0:,Paris:dated.Iils thes Last Wee iy oft ihe wow hae awe as thee ine the:es wit:IVis ordered that an-electionbe and is the.Ste amer Advune e Peet‘by East"18 shy d frie:Wis seat oo EN fatab =Rherebyeasied tobe held inthe yariogs town-:: Ships ve Fea “i County GH eae ‘afterth ihi<State si4 “Europe,arrivak Iss ree “ron Rakin:eas the,Tne at-y,F thea AK Ay.itt,Anewst Wsy7T on.the Wiiihineton seit 4 cared ofsolilic“restot Conse sjudnce aay ‘the She‘ “oth day Ofsateiionth,Upon the ‘question ;. “col levy mga special iestioet {08 township clothe:vt wks nt downca)visite bait thr on ours Sots"iHactitiy ir “f“tax dof.ten cents:on:the hundred”dollars:dnd:seypt On,Denn bs Before 3a}einige PS Sack Su mies sk Ths;wee :dnrtn lee!heeSadek nie Valuation of property and thitty ‘cénts ‘on.de reatge eat ; Uie por,ter Hee pits licisChgols of said:dis-S0.g1°obtained Te perssaison uf ul:lepraneer.os Tie ext fuilais avsee Siter |of Ho e‘alte,: strict or township.Atsaid:election ‘those (evr aan OES 6 ty:3 Figition,“ind on“i ,ttle ce Aime cdet Dist imachin |; favoring said tax shdlmyetea:.written s crf ene!is eh TRS is E of Nt at a ns ;i ‘ah :», aoeballotyae ee and shone op-mnitabs iat ths Be LENE:Es ehetine ers cls few.Fors 4s,=sod ;hye navid}oteg oe ee :i oe techie *aa =‘Bak ‘:::ia a ai ee :;B Fa tiJi1EDiineimourstore.-eee eae nyt .ES Seen the elachsas of the qnembersS anty aNcith the guider nit ine ‘eailie in j “hiSie ipite,Bhi:eS i Sa bos 22 c ;s Geers 4 3 Japanese:soos re Ow opel ae Ap i)rong Hea SOR Trig Copy Fe ae tee Heo’."Oy retuniitpe tothe,isha Htériaration lst”bin atut W éelogareib eefie pang Ook eth :CRO Seno fay at fy i Ake bemutiful oe nts.‘Com So ogarb of 2 ee ns TURNER,s pbs Col?“Bkorvtrn.Whoo WA.“tt,‘cag paign.3 2 inind AY stale.Hrigdit Spall foe Bop 4 t we os eae :Coe Stn a 1 s€re ee ;‘i : |Gerk arsci oe.Couiihissioners.|ctatitand’ofthe town,“re fused tofas every,Wis pl aging Way ;never “wd carematly rinimbed:ie br “He:Gy Be ee ee ile UGE es ae peeps cet i i,hissSs a :es Prac wees ;peri it nie to iti.alleging that:the:bE‘tter:but there Was te layh pee vivor estat up thie:aes aim Shigeo REE as ';5 “Z :.:ie OS 6 ee LBS NOTICE TO ‘CREDITORS,~cakesaifations:were:iwighited.posi eotion.anhd ths pivsh e:many sphiced ite a a see ye ae ;he whe o «;areas :ee :a am S: ot THE:UNDERSIGNED,“HAVING slowing’hin ict per en mu Oe the ti had ratided MXo anaoy HC Ce panel elie ar are sak ie tReet ieatee ::MERE Oe ch t aa ‘é oe =s Senate eee atresia te tat08 Ba cohimigsipners’Bude assuiiiey him #ies.eas wat hn,to Arian os gs rathearthEpa “4 ne of the Si What wv oul oake xet nipre afl 2 A bn by.givesnoticetoall persons holding olaims:OF #jhe consent,of Gen,W bitiuit|*Bar:SO fea ,yh =es 6 Via ps e Bis ;en Mv tant Se Sint terion see ip eel nd mepenionst mati ith him ial pers ae Res “Titi Pond:Goes Toot Stes Ravina sy 1S rs :ate et ‘“i al ¥-nati j &ee thie date»Peo notice;)or it}Son:he re pligd that he did not;care ae Vi ictor Cotton Mileat a ‘ti “t ae Sand ‘xf 5 est ue TDC a Fans —i E .i will be plead in.bar their:recovery tie hasw small pondused:far,furs ;;(ee ea z 4%eS aoa et eee 4 : Taoist Trot June 197%ee rs(Gov2)Vasce Pac)Grows pads alShees for ts .nh Ee)toaehe (ae wud:Dads -Men typ cs 2 4 ‘Nae pas oi cos Giive “S,Mitte 1s,Se oO W es “s 7-=Connetiyy atv oe aa.wee .oeata shoul net come Soff ently the:peoples in:“oh neighbor,that igual ‘Aron vohere:oe pars PY =s HARPS ANIET ¢udkere iefS;Sleos,Skppers,.Pablo |Linen,Doy-i .Funai f thot.L atin 49 Ans.gud acchidings hood:of the:poud:Hate:Gompladned:hie Said met OFS iat ink ers sa oe :s BCS;A s[s3 Starmped Linen:slipper Soles,Descopated but The ae as Saeed a mitd on.the Wharf arith that Tt Ceased thak@rtay”ACh indict wy Shanes:nity -bias :‘pth :C D :Keen ae1|WY cust att 1 Shes ick Jats,zl ee Pots,Pin Trays Jewel:fine ol vitetory bolero,This:tiveesbil want Po o r t 4 fea co t t e r —n i c e t », SP R Y ot EN R ae te t tt a ee ne =. * i mt s . xo % ~GommisstoneRs SALE orders tagshoot aayone ‘attempting|anientfor eS sae tied bcbock foe :tht BO ie apse ed _-yy,TL :eve vod LOM ‘y Wy ee.Foyies’7%>0 Wr *te Ne 5 LTH ¥fe ‘By yirtue of a-judgment of the Superior+tO,seit eto Lavras yo,-detaine2 aut Ke Ate ee aeahe ee CR os shen el ees ;:eS She ees to ea *Court,of “Iredell County reuderéd’in .a Me Chastain of the board tive dast wee thes:Grinsinal yee e ;;;oe eed As acta :J POG Snes “special procecding whigtein J Cy Lentz,The ¥maik nik n of the boar com court of?Meé ekleaieKea COREY.Sanat?APs You oar eek hey y ts ,;i ie *ONC Me mat ecouiand others ts tied missioners came to my ‘raliet ‘por donstumned |the G ties)areok :Phe tt fi ‘mide me °:‘:oh : msorand otiers..are ‘de féndants,:A hi hk eturnedsi veroe fe Soutltvl :4 genes i Beye Commissione west the train fé Raleih.HaviTee xt s Oly uit y.z ¥e.>sOU).iy 3theundersigned:ommMissioner a ‘sel:at:m -atainste the mild einen -Ansty ors*-phbl.g auetiop ~a court ‘house door in thus sieliberately,wilfully and=w it:bas tbeehrtvaken:::ee ealcibes i xed iarrivdiy SATURDAY,JSULX:23aTH,json,ef ate out axcuse iniflicte doa.etoss “insult ¢i askce re ad i irom nerve at lus ft:seiving |“way.+feta!f eee : 2 ensaig,WwW isdgnr,’ “f* t| Hi tf aeM 4pE .+ |4 y i> | 3bo | 1 LOOGs. . ao p a e s a Ze or at 12 o’dlock,M..thé “féllowing.Jands”in |wpod the’people of ‘Nogth Curohias piesChambersburg)township,towit:.One:.'r :5 .f ne 4“tract beginning at asiake in thes bicnehs tlirowsh her chief nag istrate.inher:-_Waslhiigtob Pack.ote:Paes faa ‘gunningN.837 E.eet a,stake;namevl tiemsand his removal fromf thirty Demograts who:yotod mittens Woda st es ee coe toes ores ©théState,“and ‘that “he,tio more.zat Me Kin and Hobart Jast=-Now woman?The,fulk<Measure Algom nee 2 eeeet in ase Log themes N2 82°|be,laced i in,r command of her trogps.¢¥einber ae into “a:{conimittes |fo 4 good Mugsulmaa,.aud he plac: w polestothe branc recland’s line.If’it,;med *S di ni }meeting the “eonlar:+Demoera°4 t &ie ray -thence down the branch'to the.beginning;.ik ee spe le organization apd ayked ‘to be tak a eeaeaons fae:Reese:oe thie.=Cobtsiaite,+nore te or ae One:North Carolinians be commanded by back inte fall fellowship.quen=table.hhaSsei the;sequent!tract he;ng on 0a mson’s |);2 t ;~gorneraghence 5.ho We saeghtes:at Wairvinians*I should regret.tO sé]tien this fact for.the,benefit:O86OL!flush:\Aly ee stakétthenceS.sor Ha10;Bact tua ‘Hiek-the WOld Déminion ~“return all”er Av aitferson,.who ckaimy nothing:.of Father ,bof 5 S [Tr YS Pye a ooe.esot E.<A eects an ee hsgentleme‘ny for:her ownjuse and fut te kindis gging ou Tm unyp He : ‘thence with Ramsey's line to.the original nish’tis only hg blackguards,”Royse :eeeVE ee ies oeoe He de Sih ee new PE .dine,thenee W'2°W..55 poles.to:a pine :ri Brawley’corner,thenee with the divalent:ve it interesting ta adte be fact}Only the Clock:cia Discover the:Ditkereice.wencibhe,~foun kings once an:nerBEaegreatfo‘Shotburn datare ia Ae)Gris ae [Die sentient a semleeen5=tte ‘:Camprun bran:.tlience N:30°We 30"bona ‘It was said Yunée-wase the |:Nix at Hookerfon“isthe:possess>tally to.this,day,Me eee ,Poles ta fat oa2a 5 pecan 20AW.we maddest Tain ete It avas,tlie sor OF uCleveland cloek..:sit Wits vat a i asEIE,52 ;x rt rhe 1 right and worked titepolestoahickory,thenee:E.with.the di-|:Advatice”S first “ttip Commission-Or ky al nt rougvision:finetéthe-bepinning,containing in.er:Jobn :Ww nite bad beucht ho Mr.‘GQewland stirstaudministratiy all 87 acres more or less.~/Terms:of;sale:stutter i E ane xy ee:x ae The diy Harrison,was Tugurated|ae35 Cash,Zi three eee ekee mi .a=Brae es it stopped..It positively?refused.to .*hSeLadghlin,Att'y.?“Cotnntissiener.5 q pS aed “LWOrk Suntil®TBO:when:Cleveland|+“Sune Bh,90 3 the WONDERS oF stTENCE,‘was again Prosidgnt.-1t then.stakt:(108pedupitseltandWorked:fourveal =‘When MeKiniey was inaugurated f-NORTH CaROLINA,iethe.‘Superios |Lung,Troubles.aaad Consumption stopped sara Jost wane work Pee=Imp Compare,05-)(Cama She he a Cam be Cured)=oS Tiny:mappa.ace be ie Sy esi.9.Watts,adin'r.oLT-A.ee *eg eSWatts,deceased.;Te |An ‘mjuene Neww York.Cheinsee:ana Ae t? wy «ve oT he Wake Connty:mogr ves arMLE.“Watts J SF.Watts.Wo}=.Efi Seria:Makes>Free Otter <><]wamizing for the Sper ialoeMeAuley,Edna McAuley,Notice.Epes |to'Our Readers,wh epeelec‘tion im Aueust!| .Gaeiam,‘pM.Watts,aasce}ce _tssaetiogsinicd New:i¥ork ae ee ss Eber ae aWatts,id.En Boyd,Minnie.2)Sa":chad.Slocum,demonstrating his discovery |5 Cabarr us county:Bie PpomFP.Watts...5 J ‘Tot mreliable ang “absolute,cure for -Con-road pngine and!;“The above named‘defendants,.‘Harvey |Sumition (Pulmonary Tuberculosis)and f na—aepam,—Cottiigham and P?De (all,pronchesy eee aes_cher uis-ta t Feasts,.stubkorn co r ou Paice above senate ati tions,gener ‘decline and:weakness"fabl'..-he SiotecvtsnahstandisSinn|stacy willsend “PRE:Site DOT |aTU.es+township,said-county,’for-asccte tort me TLES (all different)gtthis New Dinan:iPafrerthesofaotpeaseiddefendantseeeeetpaderofTheMascotaa:We vw [S103 Vea =Senaiaeoenatthe oBlice of ahiet ier is "NewScientific Treatment’.lias und ie.aay s pla.SNOEoctheSuperiorCourtOfIredellcounty.on cured thousands"permanently by its time-|Jt iS said that:H:_Satanlay,August 7th;1897,and a and he considers it.a simple:ier It iS ssaid-that? “or demurtothe complaintinsaid action or fkssional duty to suffering:ume ts late United State of’the’piaintiff will applytothecourt for.the donateatrial qf hisinfalibleeure.7 Spain.has-been chostn dean:aft thes"relieftherein demanded.Selence daily:develops new wonders;Taw:faculty OF a0 ane anti eRsttxJune2ath,"97:“HL V.FURCHES,}204 this great chemist,patiently expéck|of \labaae“Clerk of the Superior Court.mentingtoryears,has produced fesultsas|of Mabama..ES8.MeLaughlin,a }beneficialtohumanity as can’be.claimed|Prof.G:‘Copel ina.Wh ite,saceeabSie)by arly modern genius...His assertion that’k ed pel a rae wellaeweestuntroublesandconsumptionarecurating|Poe Ue Cdueatorof Baltimore.‘died:and Was ‘yyoundwt\yi climate is proven by wheatticne’t o suddenly.of heart disease ‘Saturday?!Ti 7“Sale of Property.:5 tend of'gratitude;’’filed in his “Atiguical At ;‘te pam etyYYVIRTUEOFADECREE!of the {2"4 Buropean labokatories ‘in thousands|.torney GénéralWiser BINES it.torn fields at night.Superior Court of Iredell count the,‘frofitthose cured inall parts of the world.|=)his opinionthat,the:prevision SOF ,Such is Phe tae=a,intheeatse exthled S.A Stiarete a icaiexperts cbncede.thatbronchial,the revenne daw,which,provides ‘for:oeAY.Wooten,Fwill-selat pub pe¥S-4 chest and lupg*tronbles lead “to Consump-|theimprisonment.ef zens:wy w right:of Tor.public auction ‘tion,‘which;unjoturrupted,me ee tea 9 ae iG sho:.forcash at thecourthouse doorin“States-.atd:cettaindeath.P canst speedy.)farl gee phen:Pac:Neconstitty ratlroad andlB caIeSa>=st:G5 9%;Monday thie“2nd,day of|staply write to'T.A.Slocum,MC...93|onal.|ve =oe e poo ibe Yofel:|Pine'street,New.York,giving’postofice|Col.Son cate aolbtng’thaviieds “oc:ty:of,|andexpres address.ad the free mediciite a ms “.B.Nadrenia “assimed|!Tredell 99}oisin and bounded’as follows:will be promptly sen}.Sufferers should t aries Oka:ypresident”“of the|:fs ‘stake om “the Statesville =n oa advantage of’bis generous Senet anes for:the'next ‘two|Spea maeanes ee Bt Sine Dota at ou ss3s Soe ee ee,Hat eatenepoles‘a's!eee ae W S61 offer in,the M ¥sow his Spencer may’‘take a ¥éd-inty Jandoaethence‘WN.20.8°oe ,J.Holler,sterats hey ‘are endeavoring tosecurework-[.08 tie stom rot the widow 0.ira“polestoa,stone,thence E:'80 polestoa -Chatotte has che ‘bokdeeba Pass,MeDawell:cqunty eee aan ee ito cunts:ee a 5=stalks€,thenceN.5°,E,9 ..toHthe $50,000 in Srrasoais!on hotes en-|arrested by a i :h aorn i ;Bald Hii :RIC aS ;00 “Money Teturned Jess expressEevG.Labs,;more.or |dorséd by individ The money|On the ‘charze.ef robbing -Jetters.|the “coast iS a que:5 [ine2g.Situ Bethany townSbip-in|.Si ageif oe ecepted aeeaeplonier.[iste bay outstanding bls ee Fie 1A en.otpra aS maha eee ess:rey he 4 Uhdy is ee TIS a 1}, .|: -}.‘ edie‘e.3wTV :¥bp $5 ‘aea2jae BtuFwee aa = ~~ et STiake a tya7 “waltLeieggdbiouy takeaay§7 tae War ty ar,bed. aul 6°tHled On 4 tweehe hiveg. wiht at ep A A ye Lncun CIROULATI on INIZeteee <aware ne La teeresoy rt : Ree ee thi et Nae, ‘thet eh Poti?=ee:raveledsor! hth Ste ar Uni._6 so court Tenis,Se eb Phe aie on Weyt Tt 5 ;es*eee ‘,ahd >}Sasi c “a ele rdbee;f wePEngitShybrabehos:tage Tit Sa ig ah ; fer “entry ‘feel 2 :e ‘.Eh.aan * io Sent sroction,i Headed, nce ze eecs :: mr ae Tomy +.:;bk "3 ET:iP Fesict nt Stat €syinPhe :* Iraamt|ENCE po tysulOF}prot racted’*te ihepupwill,be ~fance if lice of x70BediSeastaet-re Ee Mysot+‘ali.a. ation Blessth a “Bank 2 t pAlehGee es Vier feet Ne oie oes % t ie b.hte ght > “Weehave SMa Pape!he ie ShiteLStonBATES na reat -pebira Saas he‘ly thi it .ere uts ohek “Receipt Say 1S CNEGeyesLS et aie UR x COrye Ay fi:C “dose.Parts. ‘fared, Oopebc giditne } Hed tins, iis Moy ri ofRegs Be te OS et ’asSigs ails }tS Do,Cia:{ neat EAC CORT Te Driit!a AOt Make tuo Yanehe Mike:“ ct nbs s ovaries“d feo Be TE ms Pohen:ahWER Sethe pe PRU Fie: oF via aap at ts Girne el avertical ees rithen ty ae ng ee Ore ents:|cat hig?meals her,Ab tee aith squats.tae f rife Spel istS bra:|Shinicth aut he iisstill; re 1 fon Hie F.Shes apts thie Nuitwi ae i pete calod.Ah alts Sra mate, Bre BRCE VE eeka;I rae aya tr,iets ptieise:at ey titer mista ThisSe ee siren uae i {one apt “tds di sbefare figs Thats Shi 1 hast ces '“Wee ©i '5 se Opa deth itebevassheAGAigWagemtdCigBetcof tebe spacotMei,;eAtecShTepeFieopipstalHienAUN iut Ton dint see ,t ee RUS ‘ak N3 [sh ted Ghanake Apidine ESS lege leatSepe =t bts :‘itlative: i ;ent iby Sea,rut<afore uetdatl:cinch RIPE Lt PNake “ntl2afBearete::Es the eGfe TA tetPS PONS:td elied-oan sight Bo eS ae ee aCe w ilhelm «sah4 path ineTnste ad OF,fine “SEW:BYLeerRegieCodidHotsurpelvcycincheditmals~fyreiand a:5 “Tak Ste wet Marten SP}:chia (ae3StPySe35:4 :Og Fraud =Songhinin ie “te.ee 3 ee ar 0 Phos:fe Ce aes n 3 Oa ee :el rege!pa inespanesHOAvs yet aset “stedsetaba:Shei Tey ik uesoed PEs 3aefee.retee teteNT “PO pnst Snavionals=Coe Bee rfene .Psa Be eed ;si vata OtiaL,the SNe sPopitises.<Ate at ‘>-es be te ast Tel Sipe g mae teeeeSnei,Re vidly a See pent ee pee...noth "ate eae fisre.ow open’hare sing 6fheny dtu:anes star the bea utited :apeel 2 pipes fateae—-Come”Saat holes puss ai oo eurnt ee Se ne arts ick ssi dadela Bundi1:Bio ge Pek PhS j i spat Stic es eared}ed.Qed ies wat)E ea this season -ae =a :“4 :AEN SSROriS 4 askin thietts hi ite “oth thant}}:.aes:pa ae aes ee Strtined eter.Lat ._.=ve Cle bale.feet heel Bhs Hache‘arg otivingJ MD showing- ioe useful %~a"::Miva Ne ie ‘pond.fe Wear Lindn,Doy-| s,ecorated” Trays,Jéwel F,make’useful RON ReNy det:I. Fat lars a wore Re seat th ine a tion Is to'sell clothes such ar Heppie wh.bey Not only the:: Mixes’)MLOWESE Priced Clothes, but the:very’best {for tlleobnntlesk Jindal Gents Farnishine a ‘hats <1 Tt wil,be : shody newdinegiSpring:|Clothe ds F urnisthige or hits:he: :te thes Suiits ’ diving *oe~My! $+apm pl¢te:,Th jor CVery< * ivan tecet than ever,AY© i ek:tiie huddle craksbs Fa]ie Brot jive Pier,‘ast thes Vobe elieA ats {Toei Sone:ee:ae RU Se‘The advan aes OLS foro! ey Rropie‘fe i.Shite Lina A OY:wont Hel,doy ptt z‘ Pa Mey ohot s ¥ ‘ENA SEESv4 wea rere Lae"ty stud etic qt ChMista im athenswks ae atts eat HO bhatt sheceSel beau:ny tS :[wee 1a SS Wiveime a extk before pure Hisele No.trouble to show > age.ats Satu:Av ery a spect why <7eet Re patswenHARRISON,(25rpaeaeiemer.#a SPtie 3iy Shichuidere Tie int ay he::“MS :———-wn ibrats Departipe pent:Stato.BNes-Sista §:a apgeag ss 'Aon Tpkeliudht PSV ath Talay,“Hast;“|5 |pee itty|e See a ee aa:a ee Ayx astly incre ased Bie:ees anilartLee!:patie a te <ae ‘ol thie ds Is8HAVEINSTOCK '.fee:eh¢trafle and i s 4 nas §bs 4 x bse al >san ‘Vy :f a 5fetesLe SBiesStan ldbee a ix4Say:a j é teonsbingd malary wor re3 fag Wenge |«j eS Paha look 3 i<u)nie,pte ie 5 cmploand Cinde:the sprue fedpahfs’ae Ce ‘a waste}fi uitist fart ici thee:Secretanyt yal ee pr ki Teck Ls a :avg VG‘enh cutee if |4neBee &orks SEGIESx ie ‘ t Prices a4 R HL.Rickert,:as bi asheGPeoweotaaAnTHEJEWELERANDOPTICIAN.ythe fGrnuer oil }iesie “Chae: EBB.E J hates ‘.ae x :My ony:ait tine lve Se.“it cebu s teasSadie i eee c ul ie *.pie:‘hig iter "at Supremes42ayBet:.Covet Wak fin rake 8 Sustaie:ot thea‘-io 3 “Dit.bayvisale brintiod tortgn:use4|5 te 'a ae ae depart hie ntsc ih |qh aces “for::ani3aNtheme,ueled Mt rane AGU Ceas:tits 4Soayteaei:ata!dings ow neb “thie:State St Hot::Rigs.ei ss ag oo fee (tite “its.esitimate:Be Spe users.beat 4 ce ih seis Sing oe ST her,Soe paces Pearywn!ligedeserves he ps (i¢Betoseilbubtomst Spa i fins.A whi mS.Gut |pins,<hat.pins, ‘ce.oer rings.Radics *ie:(i lig q f=-Large lot of clocksjustii r :“meh tbe =i 11 the Wor ae tots Ler’BRED | mee E58 fix dnd Haran: se a ry oeLae eelusine reac aey)roe wid t Vat KLE Hu-ouds Cake Be So let,‘hue oN 7 3 >tied promptly ane siuarantecd One ect :i f ;hie and :& cand}AeL:=eed :~ mnindy he.|Gigs Sa oh 5 8 Pcial Nee idee ae ‘Pe aed are.4 PT <i I ncotidle ;a "Best‘adit.is ey ‘=est Material, a 7 i jon ane |press-,oe pareScie:z f «Catilor write,as }:«e et ete ie : IN.‘tesville,-X,C.,Sept.6th;,1895,5 ‘eee pe es age a+i 2 es ree ay z E Boe A *>ee hay ,eae (y Sy paths. =ROBT.Le MYORE &.CO. MY ASUMMARE KS sey,OF tha Bane:ONUEY 1 fang HOLE |Mace 1 the, wy oat Mey eh is a.Don t neglect youreyes:| ite “Fou.tie. with,bist. All kinds of repaiting 2a year.Cri!usa’ci ell?kinds of Granite andd Marble known “to the Hde arGi « eenabiats tie ts.ie ;‘ a |First.Class work - and Lowest Prices. Cc.B.WEBB. ‘eS “at :» pbwetr Vie que"ritihedepe:sno Hinges:We iveHige ime PF gold:unisSold “tied Wakches; if lasses;: demiintion.saang “Teurhs:Ashton Gy Me Wi ch BD ok:Dest CHIZOn Th Ww bls :her Feb.“Vane Ot4 Creer’LAL KS farther!rQueroeSSiotitel2 buck tubo ae OES RLB >a public Tt A wasione or the “ :since’his Sle Je tony10s he 2 in atin {Farris that.thes absurdity” bros.the°‘oklin:OL a KOVGr|Cleveland. sand:bis:suteilites3“that the free coins.page of =ner JASewPacwadbetrine|of:the:ietic party.as.slowar,°=“Heh vey coinage’ain:-}the.Senaté sor the United Statgs 4whiteClevelandwas-ar resting@ sneak’‘ithieves in Erie county.New!York: Ava,PreachingTrees TU Senatoy Harris Was oa member ‘oft:‘that old omard>of ‘Southern States? nen whom.Cléveltid |‘could Neither/Pbribe,nor buldoze|ints:“betukeyin gs}their:people...hire long:career:he: Was truc:to;his people “and they fo)“ohrth;“nat BOW?whOn “lid:is dena’‘his:punemary:wall be Cher iphied ©bythe {S02 ‘andbe niente and.Cpmiey: ‘tal Bion “st iE ti Tisst:bind weeine} “and a 490beam’tt |i greet“ikfor Thiin! rude te ae afi ORRS2 POREj 4 He AssetEeuae t ‘ue ; His: ily!rode hors ofthe Shes9pee sic AOLeERBS.“OTe Sano aS ‘ib --Vohiiteer State us that of:Favk- She ee kal! i weoe a)SaitCry. eaoon :\ Regisai Tas Cite % TA Wortsatel ae We wie}Pes LEDAY eile Oy: mK tlre:iS elle?atts thie one Weesi, 5 Cleve Binds atisyoect shea the brea ; oa ©sof Sail Gate Tae ae intsae:oa cleat:an §Ate She Ss <I:tip att ‘in Chicane We} » ;Aabsives rrp al ve SO teh ou aS et _DRESDaS eth.O04.JO: agai 2eit «belWnts:eae Dule Mitre!aust:pecs 4 FERS nilrtiads inderape iS90V Gr: 78 : ke Youdee Aras SEES un Ge *,.> *t S;MeGeet LEY walls Beeee prise iat ia neeif Hons Pore hspot ::-teats sat tii welin| aeBete loreix he aie:“aiseile1b se ; Hote |Sei hishae: ed ipSieiny ;iy. trom:asno ( “es. aM.ape anid: wes,foulai depees vinden! bike:i itis t rab beer i departed tu thie: ‘settlements at AG abit . pee:the:oe Sur render with: Hall Cubans.wvhy noveix€ fs way it so pone of them’$irue iat appear. bea.piece Of pips,|but Which, to.‘be’ve 64 poundidyeRumitecartind five negroes were blown fo-at chimes4 al.ours py ae being.Lhirowut ; atlision:Awithe }solicit. Acad:biel tot,= is ny KORG uows shos aeuse Hien t ectrr ed.Va:3 Ae i pao auial Stee aspurdou PEStse - fast’‘Thuisday x;<efened that: ay.%,ct triage AYfeartul:!|explosion -Ae te AS arb Leyduat1tate. ;Aaveizhimesfofthemine ul ets 2 a fh} or y ‘gied,”‘though thwithhim’a it fe BRT NitrateetOLE lacied iBES aise ay4 de le4:ship of os VISIE NO MiPxicl i ae banteinseh ;coord Ow hart!Thins.” Lame of money Troirey wifl t vestime nt,and the.Poor BEscel:cmployinent. fgllow.ourS e nds of:aS met istaclhe i‘that:tine by tts sa |YW fof thefinance “€Eominrit Lior Senate >ted tax,nd a2)Sop: of ‘testimonials attest-this fact. ,mony.is unimpeachable.has‘recently “|returned from:@ visit,in es i,ees Horse Scone. Washington Pos Bee 3 4 the -notesl Eis:aliceres. at zat alk com’: oy free comnure.as eH ¢ Ot hy °Saund,biuntSotSbandBDhistalkouses.W es Hy fas ‘it “beghout:+ vediin. = Rs Innes +oe t:eked, cits produce ““1 iat the ai d 4‘4 teeHonitedStyt roid |presige SS ake a“xe Kusive. |e tiadk ine over A is burva narrow ue as :{TRAY te)lack.‘at oan INOT cbanlpotit le Lhe question %frytu yc Pon.il inlerest:#I smaines.“and ‘comtond equal treatment.of -that metal FE think at best fOr thie wel $Ma aepntoe “wetoat perm cand Ve i thestight were to tats ONT VC for: iim Pus!Ww Titel ra ope,in Bact rs Yonas a Sentiment.he a dey TOME a ratin'theesinele“wold Wl It. “at Pa briTyr rosin Pie eyibea ich ofall ok:ExileY ee aucrod ae is mm ‘ ity: fichds | *SG‘rtaln “victory. to *-,.“with abut Olle:be theforces “hey. (hoa:a jay |PP:1iOnk Heefon bine a ae EBreuys3 1S wavorthy cham monet Tie qraes ind:his strength, i roar ing all the tine.ee ee ied hinge jute zc ane:bdels.froma id daca ‘than’the al hard a npssed the and »forte Wore prospcrons&condition 2b!“nited States, bor dere Agaeny ma barrel.-~ a: ty 1 DU per a wit We that > at ome at it: Ere hicabbasn Mexiewn silk’ sr oe AONE ¥buys CVG/did. ’ve rs only coulk1 do Stitt our .farmers Fijnplaininny of the,’ &Nhe the ‘ tere:ats aut ii wblic debt prouiptly: stnd~the’ so ssi ae ico is nieetine eredin:8 Gah:national aininints!o itt:we waht i caine inthe Ui hited States iss the:of the Avon ide and the:mome ntiowe open -our trade: mints.ee nase of silver, cs using -coun- eour shintutactured and:Gorn. of anachinervy, ing 6f the vol “seek:in- “will, With this polic:ve ‘force ay CaT We will forcethé old Standard of,iAUrope +to, or Selse sutier man. COUPEE ies ckampli: miniercigh ruin, “at we avait.for thin,tatake:the idiat ivé Silver will. rentain spe rmanent]ly.demone lized,tphand‘the sbylocks ‘OP wold will drive 4Lp tne mdses in aaM:UNTTIGS.to pat aTism.”oaeeeaSaren Tose‘are ‘Constiyation BsWI over! “Tatie Coscate us Caden Catiiye!-ide oreeSARLaeureris:StS refund tier ,“al :te “wilda . ae Sateind tell Ee me will bring iin ssutiteilent “revenues pAthe present fiscal-year,f iin ae eSthis::sbiil ; at- Sh @adly Histon’forsach a statement,; ‘.yee tAllison th *The proible- bring i Senator is} Robs ryv"Tr Ost. wie,sheavi nye not der venue enough.sind thi “ie inembcns sknow..74: Mision,Ss isile “dides Saye is a cobiinit te has bese i)>)sag 1:hedduts Oe teu:sajd 4he.Decade ut toeet hi :aMsts{tus tax’: a Teniinisc ent ofWeaireacnttrrely mieht ae Fee: BitancPidetieg coming”,On ptt ’ faa bina ereat Steite and it “is Bob ee wise’a:“offend “the Jase ¢ portion.OF it =Populatipn ueies A foes.not bet in aftaxon hee. At this:shot Sen:itor Hanna iNtshil-, é a ey RUsUMATISNC URED. :After eminent pliysicians dali Bee Beknowmremedies.fail,Botatlic Biooi BarterThousiads NoO|¢ax+ }.of Rheumatism can stand before-its m wi (BBB;)y,will quiekly eure. %,healing:power.Send stamp’for book Mort typarticulars...Itcontains evidence that'wi'l ":{+convincéyouthat-B..B.B.is thebest caroendayMforiallBloodandSkin’Diseases -ever dis- KeOVETEM.|Beware of substitutes -said to):“Justas wood.”$1.00 per nee bottie.For“saleby ‘Druggists.f »Catdox Teeth at Fighty-Nine.- Dunkirk:dispatch:6the Buffalo Cour-Recor ietd.’1 A Dunkirk ‘woman: aioe:testi te 2 rAthen:. Crawford county,.Pa.,and:reporis, |baving Seen a‘Mr.Scott,‘who,at ‘the age oféighty:nine’yéars,is cuttin: jarnew set of teeth:Heks -has- ‘ninebeautiful new:teeth,and _three |more:aré nearlyin sight.«‘He read3 hismewspaper without glasses,hav- ing alsowegained his.second sight.: |Eauente Your.iowels With Gascnrets.s ‘Gandy.Cathartir.care constipation Yorever, 4 was ECG.C;ae een aes S 4%.tas Bisco Minerto America Talks nee ~h vahs has wong; ie x :eo oe ae=(thes Sth iat 10%¥ith a Post reporter,4 Mane sata Eh pe iae tei*2 ” ih: ands4j ‘b.. $F »~ a ‘ e-¢ . .. big : it ihe * f*te oe ‘ ‘ oo - +. ¢ ee nf . > .. ne on &* ’ yy .—¥¢. 3 e <4¢ oe » >*. i 3Re - ,’ 2 « . »°’ 7 -rn ¥‘ S~. na + ‘ ‘. oa vtoo aol ‘ oom —— — a ae a ? mn <*' =i at a os ile q - Leet q4~rat odhe 4 te jie ~JjReeSict ahw 3 “vf -Sr Ps ae sesneeice |oneee|.;224 3 eemr : ee eee 5 aSao.4 | isa:et|; Sea h izon rs+Sh e e Oe i e ds os ye e se r e h . aa d Se s EU S 4 fi! > gt ai"{ : aS Bk.eeioes4pe {4 ed ay L ie t :4jsyoh"4 .Beis a gs Ya:} *j aioe {~ a s “* p i . "youraccount vec in:hands for collee Sie ‘ ;oe “PUBLISHED WEEKLYWEEKLY se +Bite ae :*ONE:DOELAR &YEAR.i ‘ist |OUR RULES. All new:‘Advertisements sua thesetobe: hangedmust be in the office by.yt a -Wednesday.*; .&2ToSs mark:opposite:your name ‘meanthatcou:must renew-your subscription at once orthe paper will be.discontinued andj rtion.(pice i Bet pee ea:Hines \Eprrors.. A:D.WATTs.fae)ft wate Ba “SrareSvitin NNeC“Thuly.a1807, ol aMEY ARERIGHT.|<7, The aeticn ofthe County Cofi- missioners.in ordering the county: ,tmeasurert to “keep 4 separate:,Pe Founts.of the ‘Gitte rent,funds.:for ~which,the.people pay taxes:sid te make:eac bh fund pay:its:proportion: “ate share of ‘the éxpensts ofscollec= ‘tion and disbursement anid.bear its Share of the Josses by reason |“Of lim= »solvent taxes.was,Wise cand Sporop: jee.There ‘has been “much ‘CYEtLCISHOy of our:vounty “authorities Wk the past:for théir comming hin of.‘tht uwariogs:funds.for their appropria= “tion of:money éollec“ted for x special +purpose’to the‘pay ment of the;gene yeral and ordinary expenses,OF¢“the county and:for,‘their |charging ale “most ull expe nse>and®insolvents opagainst “one:particular’fund We “dre glad:to,See-thit an ‘ond 1 “to,be ‘;put to the oid system and-that:ton: ey he Ceattee collected “w i be sap plied to"the -particular purpose Ge _whic ‘hit was Deu Ode Fees eS (ae ee “The Graham Case at Newton.Bs “Gera *read- The caséof State vs.FE i. shani.for arson.with -w hich ou ers aré familiar.was triedat Newton.last week .Graham is ajawyer and| at’present is the'chief,Clerk to:theStateSareeeeeof:public’in;:~strpe tio.He wy charged“withsettingfinetohishouse:"The case exditéd aiereat deal:of jnterest in}.Cataw ba:‘gounty:He:wast défended: “Dy most of thefotal bar:and by Gal.=f.M.-Argo-and Capt.oW."He Day:|. ‘of,Raleigh.The soliettox wasas-“sisted bY exdudge.?McCorkle.:of|! Newfon:j6x2 Attornes:General °F.1. “Osborne of Charlotte.and extSoli “j- ‘tor Bok.Lone,of Statesvillé:“The: “ease occupied‘Several days aiid ‘Tate.Saturday évening thejury rendered "a verdict of culty of arson.andthe:>judge:sentenced chim to“pay a.fine of ‘ $300,from whieh judgment .the -de- >fendant.appealed to the:Supreme}~Court.Graham was raised”ih=tWe China Grove s&€tior of Rowan coun-) ty.und Inarried.a daughter of{the ‘Jate James Brawn!‘of:dng’‘Tstand.“Cotton Mills;whos was “muldered ‘a*couple of years dgo by Tom Coting- ton and for whose murder Covington’ “Was,hanged:at Newton, eee came i a A Bisgeiascy Knock-oxt. aS Se July 10.ing the :>United States:Circuit Court heré*to- le f Rei “have been given out-t0. 2 =inch aie.fo dav,Judge,Simonton handed down adecision:which,renders’“perpetual: :the ‘injunction-recently.granted.’oe ee State dispensary consta-; *bles from interfering with the:Grig--inal.package story.of W.Ge Moore. of New Y orks : ‘cltiistdee ided that ar satsof liquor: acade jn’such éstablishments “must: be conducted under:the ‘restri¢tionsoftime.quantity and persons made sin the¢dispe HSary.ldwof South Car-,olina.This-puts the ‘original pac a age men as neat as maybeon ‘afoot; mg sith the:se dineasari¢s;Sie ae bits an Kitca inn Sham Battle,eS _Raleigh Dispatch,mASEHNg eee:Rage LAL a‘sham battle ot the Govern- .6r's’Guards at Pullen Park,”t6- “night;George N.Banks!a member, a “the.Guards wlio was,taking ‘part!“3a,the battle;was shdt:‘and-almost, instantly killed.It cannot be: .certaimed whois responsible for.the ~Joaded.cartridge.’Ittseems that thecartridges‘were examined:very: Sate being <given.out:by: *sthe!gaptain.and first “and séco -lieutenants,and owing to the differ-|ence.in ‘weight®betweena leoadeat-and a‘blank cartridge,it is hard to “account ‘for the.accident.-To’ae aoe my stery to the»story.| s shid:that“no’.loaded:taringiceshecompany afer over,two.Lea “An.pakeon white ye shots ‘and ca ‘Abram Davis,colored,|“Charlotte.:“Saturday night, “negro;.and*“two.rwhite “pov avere"quarreling,~When’he™stooped,to pick wpia rock.wiith which to:strike.them,one of the boys shot Him:and: “he diediin-avery few minutes,*The:~snegro wasdrinking,’he Bene ott SOMBY SN.aes ‘salisbury Sun:J:H.Bringle.<a‘farmer living about'two.and a half“smiles from the city on the’next "Concord road,while.plowing ‘in a new ground last Wednesday,“plowedupanoldarmygun,which’“had probably lain theré,concealed sinee’the close of the late war,'32 “years.‘ago.The wood of the gun had “all‘~decayed.excepta small =paw k =RN 2 rats ecksiset the Sbuthoen is2,having built:10 of the®‘largest con- Solidation;engines ©in’.the’oworld.~They weigh 80-tons :each without: the tender:«The cylinders aré 21x~28 inches’and the drivers ‘are 60: ~inches'jn:dianieter.These.engines.q -wire all to be’“delivered:this month. for the-fall:business which ‘‘we @X-)pect to:get,’as.Mr.Green express- -e@it.‘Phe cost ‘of these:“engines As. +$12 000 each.en North Wilkesboro fpcticrs bratMinton,who lives néar Goshen,“has ~been in the habit ‘of leaving “his-doors open at night,‘but.we guesshe‘will see to it that they are-closedhereafter...Tuesday .:morning:he »woke eatly ‘and concluded ‘that:he:would get up..It was not’yet light: He put his foot.on the’floor,but nosoonerhadhe.done so than‘a ‘cop-4 petheadBuried its fangsin his',foot. eThe snake was killed;and’a méssen--ger was dispatched for.Dr.-White,-—who rendered the necessary.surgi-:al aid...Thepatientis getting on}|:as well'as could be.expected.Bet- eeap keep your doorsclosed.» Bac for Fi:hee s hasamnotes sacweak’._meagan We,8,AL druggists:| pe Soe ose 1H FASCOTHt ;: i monday:night,nt:was of icendiony : ;Fayetteyille:.hus ‘madi:dn’assigns No oe5ondary‘$0.peopl-meng:_Liabilities -dre abet cen}4nidre none ‘home fo*Anderson’county from ee: F siock 1$5,WOELtye $225 to $250..ote a the:orsuctin gs,-of the;Durham and4 |don eichebor:arson’at:Newton,has: ‘resigned:his office of chief -derk:tot Ss that!sche eee coi ay is cutting.‘)ofthe colored tiremen on ‘the |bersof engineers ‘who have been rans}e]|ting for ‘several,years will,Rave,“to |matter;so that the Supreme dourt:|; |Theerowd in .the “mayor’s-‘court,{room applauded the:decks “LATE SNE NEWS.a ,:Geeeedioru aldermen are:condiet3 Be a ering the ppurehase |‘of glood-“hounds.:ta ene ae loprony Greensboro”bail x $20,000.fire epvered at Je Se origin.ea #4‘ ae ose from the State‘‘Hospital at Morganton to.the new SoS“at the penitentiany.i Mike Tolb.a in’healer alotbing at pe Sat uaayMe “Tra:railwa,so $20,000 and325.000.is et 3 Pe colored ‘boy iaied ina Pblisiaee last week while being taken:‘to at willing many of them.’ house:of his:employer..‘a ee ’nh PeLy MaTrKheElvabeth,City News hus SuS=eeAe pendedand gives*as:a cause that : the good ‘tinies promised by ef Ki ley have failed.to redlize.¢Ba Phe’‘Spartandure Herald:Says5 thehet Hetiriettay C2,mills.made 30,per vent:profit ‘last ‘Vear,and that the: ;‘Editet 7.Re Webster and.“Prof.Stnnott.“both of7 téidsyilley fought)” a fist:fight insthat Jtown Saturdty. No eodsiderable‘d amuge was done: OE Julian:S.Carr,of Darhat }ett offers!3500“to.that:county which A ie pols the largest «percentave of 3S}votes for:the:caelschoo!tax ain bieadae.pioke eet August.oes ee Phancs,:‘farmers:of Al ‘Maj.¥bes ¥gote lias bern ‘elected |V3 kids supervisot,aiok {Schodls.of Wilkes foe count ys:The Hiustler:says.that het is mmeligible ;as he bas not taught:2. school in Oe ah aS.i vee he grand:jury ‘at Aagnesiillereturnedatruebill:“eathst«the three *county ||commissioners for}lit Be ‘s |Caen toilevy the road tax,us laid.eal iforniafeuished;Tan::S97!eeedowir,by:Elie jaw of 1.Yr oy eee mner “The Sanford E:Xpress edimns:tune ative Charlotte railway is being’pushed |.His: o)Malvetu Hil:during “uo sie five miles from Glendon. “Supe:vera tention of Pablic.Instrietioaehas*appointed his} brother,Wis:Nv ‘Mebane,of Alas: oteLeadon.Pp alls x ae 1,Ee ened:34}succeed J.Le.Grahan sig =|sil ‘be mecessary td» Baruch,one of)the largest;one BS TheantsofChanlotte.wes ‘lose“hi Ss an injunction in:favg r of the Gauntie:National ‘Bank pi Xe r ext”“German-expo oN States have beeb pa 2 Saxton:was’visited by iu winig.of fed bye!tires ATR: sional thiey es last week.©The:Manned Sta tna hanls they made *w ere:lighti |cone; Wave’ot Brospe * thereare*t wo mén:‘at ASheboro =i fi:her-loyer.,vt doubtful age.:Itis.said thalt’Gne:is the Other one Gs -knowh to”have}the Can an:wude fought |in the aw ar gf lpl2.-oe Paeachid “by <5 z Salisbury WBele:A Pinkérton:Ryssia wil detective from Philadelphia atrived: in Lexim eton’#hursdat mornings}. and will at Once:endeavor to-unray eh wre “Tt Ladsis:thy r.pleadsuit Vo 7|the:myater¥Surrounding “thes mars ©.and wasewe araA he of Mrs.aE:A.eprings:fin ‘het “penitentiary:=3a railroad track neat Salisbury ‘Tues:day night.Her id@ptity isa mys-3 tery:rant qs)Rigid a rats ‘she fell:|Brat frorman.extursion tHebat w hic“h,was:Saited “Mi retuymins:ey Ae ea ote:Lo Wir]Villa Ridges: Shores be ae ~SS romerhe:jail :x TA £aae aein-ths case ‘of the}os |State vs.Line ES chargzed-with ,mutder‘théjurk returnedo "iverdict’s notvemlty ~The,case (of,“Chartes Davis.:Becusel of atte mpting to:% Sassin ute John:Cryes,Was,con |tinued:{: ‘Brown: tae 3 by aambb oye:ean nalio was toca . the State Superintendent af Public}!: Instruction:eresignation Pe asked or b ‘Me ame."aie:Sea sn fo Be : exh.N orth Carolina post: Arnold.6,Bozemore,“Nhoskie:| Moére,Ayden;Walliam |Thompkins;Webster:J:Cheek.Hillsboro:Jet¥erson Dwood,Bobbinsyille;Mary:ae ¢ Tarheel.-ate ‘ Tee pak:of Gastonia nkve!suaranteed-the:bonds whicll thatjtowa‘ted for the érection of'a court’how and‘jail.should the county t|Gastoncounty benoved from:Dalasto‘that:place:The county yvote‘on the.apepenen,of Temovval 3 Pespre.;pe aoe ous”lines and -»teplacing“ther white:men.It 18 said that .a) go back.to firing.dosages WRaa ‘Phe:ommissioner's oe}Bextiecountyrefusedtogran@license"to have been in:Ub bring ‘mandamus to.¢dimpel.$beboardto-issue li¢ense.“Lwo thous-'and-people Were’present in Windsor gor Ts: when the;board:acted.i,4% cleaning out the warehouse’where} books had,been Stored he Wand ‘Sexeeralboxes.of ‘them.eee taxation ‘for -workigg -the public}:roads,x defeated t roughout the}:county.”=<Every township©voted]: largely-dgainst at with,theexcep-|i tion of.Nutbash:which ‘gave one:majority in favor of the measure.’. “Ex:udge.A.a-Avelyy and ws ¢ccoargee ee ‘say.that.the’new?school tax election law:is constfea aetational.«The State’&spoon thtongh‘te -coacli = meeting,at once consider.’the.athe:head,crushing the. may.iminediately ¢ot the ques~. cot ‘Andrew Beoout.atwhite bey atl sChester,’S.-€3-was arrested for.the}.killingof Abram‘Davis,@lored,in}Charlotte Saturday:night,“an ‘ac:}count of whichappears ¢elséwhére Th:thispaper.“He admitted the killing}but claimed that/he shot himin.self}défense."The mayor’Tuesday heardthecaseandfoundthatthekilligg}was in ‘self defense.’He dismissed|}thecasé for the killing,but held the |defendant{n'a bond of $29.forrying.conebaled |weapons.“Broba (dl|gave thebond and was discharged:|;pid «Racenariciee soe ‘Ther re on,as the }over.”25c,C1.Hood—cere eas atough characte fs oo: Greet a Sy anis ardny is report ed:that}Mis he Ga TsR E Saturday. id haw ‘thehones”sar pyar woe thatthe hands are-noww,at av ork Paoldiets ‘killed’-and*:“buried:arou ™=paves ‘been Dee:from,aac n ‘that diving to.the:drought Te New5ss:»ork bsmanceye“his”chief ‘clerk to}South Wales and Soath: Satirday®:the!toned of:Di.Siz/sandsiof tons.of California vheat over,“Compaay 5 eheny vor hs:ag Blerieee |one oftheerstO:the; aoe >Mrsi ‘Della eFontesidt®‘wing the:ste that’Mc nleyes'hota widows me Seeies ay,shay srewk thefyeitted Suicide Saturday -whine} county,”eg Sg “Peeve:a¢rd.She Wwe ron “Chi urs tne:High ‘Point’Enterprise.sars}Hestoni S:ce and paddqisire ed vith, Sh 2K:ispatch from ‘Pevlinsas wtaveronehundred’years’ald;cavhile’‘during Buperor.William's vist ene ;oma tort urther ixolate Great Britalo, one neuro oma’was bbled onsthie pent operations:fi-buads. hidive cnnounted:toSzA0,Uh Ssautalt;Sapeon Avni an oh Satundiy moming ‘and selltiquor..“Hon.Jameg E.Moore:|:prostrutioas and:300:“f who appeared for saloon men.Wall the‘h patie:The ollo wing:‘shor number of deaths iim the’citi¢ 5,84°Cincinnati,a“60%:$St.Lou SMO bean “Secretary,of State hots Mo.,8;Pittsburg,Pa.8;Bostonpen.¢an now be heard'a bloek away’Mase:ea Chattanooga,".enn.,\mi whenhe writes...Heis writing with} PWiladelphia,Pa.By New.York . an-old:fashioned ~quill.‘pen.To Wu 4:Washisigton,D.<21s “Glev the Supremecourt-reports dnd law sand,0.53:“hidiauspolis;Ind, |Macon,‘Gas;‘Taly.13a)‘special to the Taégraph from ‘Washington,’“Henderson:Gold Leat!The To LGa..‘says ‘a terrible:‘acetionlast'Tuesday on‘the question of ved on ‘the:Washingtoi a branch’.of Dave taken’a pill ti{tis alk: Proprietors,Lowell,‘Mass,eeene 3 genuin -the ate : Gazett &. ustyaliasTh Import’:thous “His e fror Kansas”‘City ol @.: ident oceur:. at Ng just.fae nt ot:“the “passenger” coach,cokagainst an’)embank:| miént.a rebounded,,“crashing! “window. enthas asked the Governor to calla}struck Mrs?Daisy?Cade.Colley;on tion.a BS stat ving:‘but:ete is,nO hopeffor 3).to.Operate ee ‘Small in |‘size,pescees)efficient,meee As:ane msn el nstitShc Apits u hand let.it stand twentx-:Sedi=Lmpnt-or,settling indi tesan“unhealthy? ‘Keondition of 4the®kidneys.<"-When curice’stains jinenifis:ee of kidney.troud:ple.lenny tatPhe aoeScot i rn ving:pajn -in “the;back,Kid=::“andevery part ‘of?thenary.teorrectsinability:*tholdurine:anes “passing <if,:/ 9 that:unpléasantJed; =.Ee eeeate es :“LOU Maysaphiottot ills |mer Dg::or bad:effec!tollowipg-use of ligdor,wine)‘ i "Willlbe5)y|take.isha Or Ee AS Now,WHENtikaeGheeeeeASCoM=se 4a Chilis and’ LS ‘Rheu matism,- to D0 ps Tor preserves 3 ey:ak Cent:per cswivet mond. EatBroad St,: ePlenty lan Kinds , Bacon.ald.Bt“prices::a|Feed a. “Hulls Tow dow: “\Carloadoy hero con)SO ‘Corn uieal. At QUE:eeallon, 8 gall if you. =Mopers Sea BoxThe eo.I ae t OV R . Chill-Ki": :“2Son AND PenveceR kes inBack,dada:jo:1 or andToothacte,tt, aoracre RED ONT y yp yteNorthStateMedicis1¢Compa By 4 sratesvn Lb NG 10.KE Vat 4 ; |JJellies and .Preserves : _From.“Moulding &ON TOP. One:Pound wilt 1).Wipe vil Orders. walk dsiure vou se /YOU CAN GHEY \T by &Miller =ESVIELEN(| ae IG beaeRiGar wt RAS Why “pay fancy prices Whit”ya, can:buyat,tliese ther tires? v eat e Such:“as.“Brin.(hep!Sigh Catton seed Wieal agi 4 3 Nice W:hite Cory. ‘. Our Molasses 5 Sealtich seed Yi i ie i pledge”Algasci yeas Ww oea STATESVILLE,NEC. A fees reOFT iver porwl and Le don and Globe Insurance ©).Nets Insurance |Co.,‘Phognix eeairad+Co..of Hartford,andtriedand*fire-tested Gonipanics.Al . aife: sE se?Por *‘Foy _ALSO HIGHLY waco 82,| ALiON.¥4 Lo “from Mogrésx John Wee eu “ae not ‘Russell, Miss Ix iza jt phoid feveee DED FOR Fs mn »Qrin Hl }ee to his r prove mucs ;Mr-Rat J Sacith typhovt f .:Broud str os :*Mr.Sy Phas returned f .covered from& Pan), Aomarriat yesterday,fer t VANE:Goforth Suad Frank Mcls ~last week INEM mated at SQui": i avife: ee ent ‘Capt.Veet ;|vo.towh Atonida weighed Ls 'p »«beduties. iiB eae The people ot grill discuss the q uestibn at Ost Saturday Ber ois bu 4 .The’poy pic ” ia a WH)have a iiicg 44dayatoneCys special deed pivot Me SSIS:i Hay have a bev pia Roller:Mills tty :dity and nivht a ‘bushels Of withaea‘ “Mr Meee township,BS hit in-law.Mr.A heim for medina Wk The Jer ter + Krome isa church.*fgricr meéctoon Says rs f “grave-yvied A expec‘ted‘to Qasi Mr.Al-Mé Wi +ed the contact two story,Pris Mrs.Mary Pav "Une burned 1st MeiMO EE tte keys St@ek ifte.ini -.oftice:"Euesdiry + salt ee a ne q :“avi beSuitah)y ion :mg the keys yo Ce store., 4 i Mk.Joos dar ry.df Asricuita chicaity yer:Tails »lr town/Tyenda i ‘flay.Hae livid # cruld mae,yf .mnothertine Davi be Wusaeturning | sitet piglet ja Poeerttand.when postonice,odie of brick?strik ry and“inflictinsmi‘ 2 The chair DA :nitssioners has arrangement" ~anoney.which-t “Ahim-todborrow ” io “‘mectipe Monda <o Réur Convict colored,wer thre roceyt tar, ,Tue sdeay PNT %4.46 ala:i ue .taken to thie whi Lredelltaedigs- Qther Assuranc i Mr.Wes Pi :Charlies wet Springs.‘Windibe: me h Mr:Phifer:rety -Mr;Avie }esdayinernui ED rOS ingy Vaaoa y it ee hep sorte atrade.! ies Sué as every.‘famil id.and:patrons.specially too - nt Hose:fast black aud extra!loueee,Belts Xe.We wig }i Bro ‘cadines,Serge all of which we are selling,ut pric :.Dimrities.atSandcand:up.Af eee and.length Ove ralls+mad Ye.é have.the stuff to feed:heron:Weare makiny-u Sif in size.and:qualJits the:water Tuesday s Says:°aes Do of the Az H; :Ree gui “for anew chure »a ig ,“at Moorés vile. ,Was here yaster _plans with Mr. fmittee< County Hupey ;Will speak”at; Be township.as ou the subject ri adyocrate the s} ‘Ever body;wh must ~havd ~(yyttal the tux.are cor tend thie Gini Furche “¢Xamine inty thOvercashune4 -JUry found thut capacitated “fre :“young:sleotich p!omarntiNic;ad:“industriak:nal expenses:‘$90:to'$130,mepibers :’Morethan 400 rectiee,36 pupil desire:tyepaaie ‘or:pain |bear din at oR ney t+medy fulfils every ae se ee supplicd-under on soft pasronoge of thepublic. ybody.‘Thedetach getsgovils chenow‘this and will prove it to all wb ch:round thread @ aoe ance.The |he ‘. ;Are interesting and ee a “Jot of em:“that must«4.Fi :se vacab,e:‘black ‘dress;nothingiis equal to th -pl e Wehave:=ae stouk and |‘prices ae :Sd ‘and endeavernto,soos up our stack.“Pu (roof--and "at»prices are :to please and give.satisfaction:" business and re, ‘Clerk appoint i The-Clerk has fuardian vet 3 _dobn Reb Drwood.ofgWilso' Drake Me dici been iV ing‘the court héus"week,Largeheartiemenc“to enjoy ‘the=are selling con =R.BoMcLauee‘“testimony in th‘Man vs.YounteyTuesday,Quit#township’witnd oe |.Was not conclytingofthérefelad*to-morroyeSreeappearfor:zong reprexd "The count ye y to Governo don of James €nced to the years’at.NovemStealingabale€Morrow'sSliehasconsnabletow :of{toon Vo.0 ;ing hin:—Tee will ne "Lacal News | :Ste se M.Rerr: ify vt Modrestille: ey. fetta h Ga:notargsRusseHe ayre vier:fur some eel Ks ty Fibeee Nee Oem:tfeniilt(Bais:Stitt He:does ssgi I ahis Pad 2 C *ietie BraePlickise:was! mene shore Sof Pallas.Te BS.kar ins Lgeit Ki amfover autee)How Aer 1 wad sire Me ree eee pike Rane Mundas -everting ratios a)ANH ery tie ‘shoes nan,Lwent oytto Olin Tiiesday’‘on a es Doeldeck feo His.home fans -Pto relatives:a ae Pe ncent!sic kness,=Miss Ellie eee Davis.of tancees“xis: “De i HL.Youu,ok Sewtote Ait BS :%sid di c-ourt.at Newcpt lust eekekkeae ine, “contin a ¥f %Pesued [avidin on ayvisit tc the fatnih it b Ae eh Fee 1 uth wife thitmarriage ,OF:Joby Prof.ViTHSON,;14 ed ;j we tibiae hyiet ad tyJigabeth vow bite?{3 Mrs.Dr:iN Sc arr,ote har rte: Oe:ax CeSoh rhage Retie:squlored.who died }wsiting ‘her daughte &..Mrs:K incre” ua Ene cffeed 4his’pFoperty.-csti|Morison und Mrs.Jy.OWE heim; =Reo je Atay ie >Hh:ster:Jere tichardSSik’s and will remyuil oe for aN ee pt reais Re hone three months.:;3{we i;ve =ate me ts 7a ies . *Age ae hte ae Ww tae HL Gite wory Brought aMy.J:Me Li ot“alk Sak ad Ge texas Me nay -12 tem:GES “which thas one tor We riigeton:and othe ;i"ae “Towra f ©:aia we shige 1s £pounds:They Sawore.southuastern’North ee '“poh‘eistt Lhey is Ss of bey Sige Ne =pe 4 ees ene op aie cuane aes a -Obr businesses ,i°i ans pike 5 ‘Fo.”4 fe iis : 3 uldin ee The BeOp!e‘of Fakistown fuieuship oid Tonilin,aiid tue sh ‘a §oe ARES the:specka Seshoot tax visitive ”relative:‘so and:,frien : pa oa fj oe tiGh?wt Ostivalt,schoo!house oni Olin:andWSbar“pesbbry townships 2 opie ae aS Pisa eee Soe TES ae AM ay WN.Robbins retarhed? he oki eee mes :$e Dvd iess re *ane >»HS}fren £3 PeoplesJat Chieee. tonantiy |@atsbure E a.Beteek,‘ P cover 1 “i [io MbN,RRS Clark aunmlchild acesofeili.“Tacha,Intet ingeat Se Otts Satur:sis . Times :fe otelocks to.dk cuss=lie Davin Sulphur Sprypesst<:bp ax"a >~ ae bec iad aeWool Tax ue eR Gn.E cafe Mr Ghat es B.Mills Hus testented ‘M red aynicr,Miller ae EC from a_pleasurt tr ii Get ba ‘aadCSE:ve wicic sae f a einige Si busy.splace dower,at the.‘City ‘ee e Sprite.Boi d s se‘om A igesoneSt*;atkekeRMatis!the Se days.The y \sti hasstone PE of iSOF wrlyee“at BCE:“a: ‘afte nNitin hyni of Mt ea S Tt‘the site h:Che Shi jer ih his tye Nat phi?BShachtrigscate ¥&iv Gveaing The! MeSo werecwrnreleskchy:1 Pn x}Laker 3 tuk Sir Aatusex “ {,4 3Ii:‘rn cheap a we ess ~}13 »kate dC 4 Fa<i:“ner; by ade r lways|give Eewengid ”save.“LoreMireSatin roeB fe ust ight Uses.WG ‘ _postuttion!“SOM ORC threw a -britke striking her in:the The hiaay matkot this epunty eirdige ments 2for.:borrowing t ~Be te borrow 'for t hte“county eReracy vrs :Tae ebing:Monday &Guy,.iH LE.N Sian re Dig righ.=Were broucht here, te vege at Boe rin |Of(4 tt but fubsthit Grening:Tsar term s ee $2.6 “and:po months,“They. Ltt‘therc ‘aay’ere in’ es reexpec 5a ut rance:"Co:Attn oenix Tn: aS ogSe eo in aLe days nel pihe r-H mt a a : 1&om panie >mi dat -=chetesi Hizh Se oe atihee a rife:Assurane cM Mr.S2P bile:OM ifes 5 Sud BOLE,burktr.“€s anW ell:“ounty,during the a rk.aot o ” “:Saiue>Avetocedas:of *dust. iniprovine.very mach,froin:FLANDISERS—ee ae t wieaeA)> a “tally ety oe cand extra |lowe i its ke.t Wee “yal BRED,Charehr |has took an.ordes tor: bbe®i :chureh which at.“wih i dleorgetitle roe “We SW <adines,“Serg ese-Lling at priee— =)Dimities =a hndlup.rt-h|Overalls Hae‘ =Superviisoras rx. ;ak at eEvaltn,‘New tobaiship.‘ow Saturday.‘Iuly TOMY,‘the tas oat ht Le >“ee fee 6 4a‘t wilemust baytifer‘on.Cot “:making #7SP ize and squall pies wecial tax for ‘se therwb =WI herfor pr:awt “4 ¥e terk Purches appointed a } ath?intol the Sanity of Mr: :bs ty last Aeeek.2 ef RT b se oneoOha¥e his fr Teng Catk«appeint uk guardian,for :Clerk,sfias Hot ayPein ofWikSOR.Te pre Gentine»Medicine Companyy: gets doddscheBe“all W?Ve dt”tb £Peele ea ke ot|be tockfs.niPhe case.Sues.I.ate ‘gat Lvs.Yeni:WBrés-atchis’iy So pees Tienda,|Quite a number ofShilob|>‘i CHC hearing:Of testi ng thread iiuseweedae only somene gfe Anyof the meferee’s court,w Ero Ww.‘Armfield &; epptiur for plaintiffs:and!x Loony re present defendants. ~ i+| }¢must.go aS risequal to|prices.right 2 Gou of Jaerees Leslie.”white, = ee Pe >fars/at November.term 1896,for |.>our,stock-ths!#pe abdle~f cotton’from Mr.iat’prices a>Merrow's’gine Here in:town, ses)*gattisfaction:,og alsouht y“commissioners-are *th ener”and.rind about, ie p.Eisbbs:ae Datidson | tty.Rake the bbaie.ok.his FSG—d ae We C7 BS Webb.“He ae *fintur nie aie:aE,‘treatm neand”De.Niet utes %mibtthy af Mies:Amat | siting:Hatensbape ‘wid ||Miss (ive,uke eeSitiniss out SI -e :ze rary |a nd,een6 H ge.=Why Al irralé “Rie nite pes hen VPs Tae i ta ASSTint an the!mo ‘ Boe tetris?<E:Ww itheepeehas aoe ihe fet arnt“a to Greensbors Monig Ag : dwt“Aime house:“for:bes if i ;i ja steavi LET ‘ewr:‘Gwen!a 4 Thee*unit.Mrs.Ss ouPinte ia! K Rainses,lett Fe banehs(ofl ton.” :at,“his!Mr Be ple Robbiais.of Conti abe Lane,uk:“the Lawes se fewis It w‘aS:‘ret Urpin home fron the:i cert suid Whe.she:was netas th eoguik dhtlicfibe “tb ‘paint n wounds wis Shan ers has aut yer eifected:ys}* IHREN ‘whie‘hi the hawrd,auth to 6Four potty ie+e one Bitoond three son,-There ate 6,0 speciinens cals §avent,=to SALLE:Heahing.next’school year:‘He’will,be = ~ME?Phife rirdtitned fides Sfonday Milter cite vill eREn his SS‘hoo!éeeMr.Alte Ch,Phifer Went wp gust Zorg)sh ear tae 8 et (5 yee :Fue dag:morning.frs..Phifer:Ish g : the water.gs Belay STR adtitied the’School combhitteem i. ‘slaves,-@harlous Observer¥gocently dhpointes “PheBoard of hame misssions board ofedueation SESE Pe discuuss.os ganize be.electing stra a out The:people.of Wester “Treated!and tbject g education:Heywill,Pout)ore atte CO Pall yg veel tto cat:die time.:. hit‘ie Ww as mentally jn mae itated:from attending sto’:cl iness“andorécommended that:‘the.hold‘an ‘examibation \‘ht the court eS ‘Siving’free concerts:y :»te court fipuseevéry night:this’the counts.and|out “youn gin |poeaveahis appointment”asfuitthemselves:‘of the’.©P-|dian ef thepublic]baildi g’here tot sex-P Mitek,Largre crowds were out.to should axi .{affords to get “ate,‘edu-|Succeedrtheahaaaandseemedportunit::ann £oe were ins attend: ‘The county coimissioners w“illap:cs to f‘overnor Russell for the,par- oeeticadlebeit Be hain sang for.two pre Das;consumption and-has not#able to:work for months."‘and|- ceding:“him.‘The doctors.aly day even:Dr.T.Ethetvillneverbeanybetter.dressed it for him. yoranth[50 Manraninteke pep Shik i at a aeJd * sicher XsbasOU rat ate 4 x:eBd well.gees in : “Betthel ri Mrs.IS Hee gud:“duke nF tht‘4Lay ycott’3.:; fs.ae Mr.te AE Kila be cane.up“fiona pcre msbbre Saturday’.igghs Fi spent:Sandas here’Sith hin!sfanvily: <Of thy :Sod: re ‘| post:|Ale aid x Ae ¥.ke anderson,‘i eal Henrietta,une he“rp On:ab Vigil to } ‘elu vn ;Devepoolesaat,2 Sees he ue :oe “=vals here Sunda.’ee re: Petts|,Mi. “i ides Boston:ee is bosses i sf ‘: mit MRS;MantVe Ue Eaves lings Xe {avi :Alor rison.who,Ae >to: reat.Mis a huonth zo tov Coll spieee, ‘bad By. dene |= oe thes)>Ate.ie Ne Hyams:has:fittishn ahs oxized making ataldzue of ‘thes?niheral, at the |ogieel specime us belonaing’HOF the ;ate oft e date J Av Dy “Stephen ‘from citizerl‘of Statesville iis negotiating eourt,tort be ‘par chase of the.‘colleatibny, it ¥*Sea ad er ie ARSsre:ae aKerr L nines 's School.i auras ne ive Ve. me yut b ‘weeks sisted:by his’brother,“Mir. using =ba uniky “Supervisor ,Butler:: Sby.the’: te thdir aptioia’ wivet eh-andlTas tes sted ne oe ‘plans ‘build aie presTncts.On ‘Love lr.‘and,afte Galvin.>oe secretane,$eibees Shee ne a sf ;at ;Four Folk Sinaine.*Ep :Hope “joey AlexanderDe wit rd _anothér Bist]|Ol:Folks”ge tat Stony On’ue ‘hools:|:SUNY on Pridkiv.27th.-ot Aug wanst ThePaaSa2b ea dy siry*teEve aa Gt,uecease af oito:=his one the vest hehe ye Countpeti ger Butle G wt him:house ®coikTuly 222nd and*.2 id for ; ade ne re#Chplarshipsiin the Pea ‘body Noy FInstitute,at Nasby ile, ayaa ‘Thebe oojnelude for‘the othe both!‘bog ‘and tuit¥on in one:of the Pars ae finest teacht rs!training “s¢hools ieme ._‘They.“cation: mina Jenkins,wife:of MiOfffe€|NW.(State)Tehkjhs,died“at her a ‘thwest Statesville townshij imony ‘Saturddy taight Oh typhoid feve ‘Rose Mis.e Was nob ¢encluded-aand ‘dnother’sit,|She was)iried at.-Chncord churdhr tha ‘noon.She was‘adaugh “late “Wilson Thompson : ‘and:was About:‘Yo.years “old.-“She éleayesaaieandfive:children,to WL:-be FS day.aft Tur;unday, Long vsents|. Haid ‘tired|Anderson eve’Soe ‘and oeare:Wesley} Ost Waster,Long He imniediately aerimentto.F asoeWiley: ,to‘the’¥ =Ss,will shave |} theee isuring ‘ler! =Wiss a ie fi ne ot it: s Cér ca! at ‘popular t — 25 Centsbutethése:are the'gSreatest:bargainshsedsorr.©4 SE eT ees of" cured Orsintes!and tasns:Che uperIUStockifOttered:Mine‘heBelowsC ost ” atines.&e.-Ver orth from:e!dfsBesoldatfrom5etoSe. on aie ‘Store.See qur Present stand.TnJia‘offer -: Ata,Reduction * WHELLE 6)ATA “ 2 then Now is ‘the:tne:to welBtRG:EN Nec SoeWH.ALLISON. 7 icin of . i i Bow.Quartered Shoes,iWe:ate not holding them for any profit. Se:Eadie:“3 poses fusion PastonEaster Tipsi.o00).worth 3 4 ‘ ndexam t Shoe's:ock,TCC,from ots.£6—Qo.pest place tobuy Good Slides Th qen. seen eeibe Kyou have : “Tt ‘sult ra-fashionable Se Te und at:our store:All : =the newest GoloreSasure40buy ¢—an jnteréstiig > All the little de “ails‘Ss your néw dress a pleasure. “G tore at Suéh easy PLACE s that!the guilay.mall pet Eve thing in’Dress Goods.«PA ne 8 are Out Store .é “Special”anes cedtheconomicalshopping,hb that mn ever intended to : with:‘then and® oy in.;carnést, ae ss Tables eve.veipething at ye eescitans. »OUg os.theyay ‘buy.nd as ¢chen:yones so F.: town neSwe aeillak youce if youot.you are a aby elcomeia.our al:Laces,aie,“Py of:Oads and.eanc:Jediisistins:vet os ivButton.and Lace.[Pee eo Senn :Bee %LCs Genera ss prose nied an acco pwhich,} ;‘Agi:Extinct jromJudac Mee ofpenta’Bospes at hadi Pietys MEC‘orga ;ee le aifuse?7 Poxa<s ‘who Gre ig allthe:Courts.Sedat 3hae Wet SLY ESbRESeLAV tite ntbekeethpbsBasteipalo:ie Pi <p Set Ment of Estates.eS Cu ce :OSscotoh kr iy:yt uotiels,HANS :beetaahsoeBsroe _Barry P,Grier,’Soa mee®Ditidiolnd:Pare tes wae SRA ;ats Bae Paesgate Pah 5 ka et See EO a Neat eee ees een:yaa ss Br ae 4 By ee peter:.4 ;or Crp TaN :‘ie ):a a Nr :VET iH ml OD React BRR ae [8 BER Speare os 2 ave ik h ee ey ake Pete,A)ieopmick:E Sterne neon,ads I 1 Bf ithe WO AVES.‘a hana t :ie SOT::ae eet Da eT ie Pe dbs VAG £6 #pe a srosl 2 SEATESV Lio'C-mean Sot tah Sp bar em eee hit ie i I :ay he ea suk on Re thomas ache Senet lank EYE :TESEA Age 0s aaa a ::f AR rh CAS Ba isin wry Be North Cree lini era|etait ‘Aes EN,:{;nb .5 %oe ie ty 6 -vm Caretal Att ee give ite all tah Carle pe Hen tieiw.seu “mn ttsel Foxas “i Re etointeo dirs’diac dntfastid tonics sha fe i Rh a Recht ast:Ta HeBef Co ite rineacreenrteeme catem er A Bee POO MEL sett COPY,Lom ie Met ace thi ttBPabaot$-~aat ‘ WV.eee Pe WV:TS":fn ResBs shat T.Peetwa ISON ail as;Ms fini Tame oye tl nies aa oe a te ts plas ous Aton Pete EOE te tebe al 4 te Biter:‘peters a;ia:ma eeie Jin)i staansvinwn ites 2 te ie RES seen vy i m — wt qe 2s if : y2— Wit pRctier a all thesd arts:7 ee 7 atacoeyeesh jad te ee Ni&attention.given:to“atheco Ue:«Lins.sick TS ae ‘=>J eaevvHemet:Ubestates rope.:x C Ve me ae ee Stfie th Ur SCRE ICES s ANNfe feuire aia q 3 ;ere ay eee Wis Meaty.y e Me SURE io unarysnot Ds Sed under Ee somata ty Kvii: RIE HARD B.MeLAUGHLIN,fa partnt MDE pr ORES e i bs ee me ,zie ba thee Ker a?iether:is APPORNEYAR EAM eee ean x.Seas Zhe Tae ae WSs SiS ATESN ELIE,S:soeae ae eas ian Gah spe Es aig of.CH cs oe Vidhia ease Sa cosaeies3 na ache Ds with’i ua “yrarnily SE ei chal)M a tlhe lay,Thon aes tie ep teak MAT entwillappearin.calt*Cowts Spe ial at y A iSite thet:lower pains,,ae *apeedt?tention givernto grecpvilract the ek PdeServices aayy ro rehia “iret ictl >le tables so lore kr ay TIN |po?; i eee:Ww thighhy Thin (POT itd Ly wuld:elderveuttisaiirghs:He Wait bi t ee RS oe eee ea i ar Ss B.Connelly,ot ods teiAvec Up A scoullandient eae,Toe:reddit heh.Hoan:nt |:qe set i ;he in es Se RRS ey Pad (ea Ih eaten if oe :ys LAPTORNE soe ene .28oth thetongist.cin Tis Cisow ged 2 its Tish sunk bata as a Be ae Breper io Sis bis|faaaiete Aes hid:3 sierra ici metal ele Ree Bacrgsers es Ries gates BK Ber oe “at 240.—5 CALL ue G }Phe PES St:ce PY kas PELL ity Fi “iT PVM aC j Tatee Go x Lasts be iP 9 j Bins Te pment oe ees aes aU eget ie see-Rasedthe “potas “aye vee ple maded Kt molt aud besith hipyrab)Ses etinf Semi ceat Gh rac ara eat A Sela es ta ene:‘50:ti 4-ve 5s ee ‘a So eae :dae-NWwin re GA ha (Bh Nina:Aaah s ‘:i;ony :i ::g .a Bhat aw Pat Ty :2 Pee“On rs Hs Setviers sane ails the epurts ;‘iieHSeINGSS 0 pesto’aeKae,et a a ‘:: ;Se ho wttentionto:settienent':of estates Lis aoat Sttiy ec ae bi srsons eeeatery net); tiek-fe 1 Probate EE fs Beis here wat es ‘cen ee i 3 ee ;ap :oe th allt :;a “iid *.Se eIaL B '€;{::a ee ——ot s =: she, URRIER LN COURE Heys ag es Bicones coat Sack iin thet aes.s =aRe Hea 06 ne ty ee eS nie a,TERS,ate beOa eee o pee ee Bs a ‘sua ER Bo:‘;et mF waa Ba pnt i vane ‘seepont et Tes }val MS e dey Par Ge Senses Mab ict te :iis aeubar Reset fe i t ea 3 NEC:rededl |os«.C.emcee:BByee Aldpus oe seed ioe Sic eee x Caaviles 2 a att Seay core Men Se ees ake 2 a ES sapere +—a Mb OARIFEAN BESuh i ipvharorner Ra ee gis“t t eyCa ‘Be : ALTON EE AS LBS:4 stalksfhotnid bo"Or t iat Joas ibetye cu A tad <ar beanies ek is rene Be ae teh ober .5 {PP VILE FematSater,te NY $e ::ie a ie Sie :outa Bish 0:1 ¢Wes ve L601 2B te phe ria $a dé te Wi s e s dp e tO be g c i en ia i e a s 4 ~sten ee ~~, Je)gi ie at wean alt i;ee ia the*pukpit eatin ON ee de *Practicesi Sthttisha Fo iat ourts;Jf RA hie?ane,Ee rnyaa Ons the:Figtrt=!|Pineka this THs TCT ey Suit:al sumsBeFava a sg >Uae Pas at fay a eele on whic by sss]HA che shit.of [pth te i Licurjes th. 5 5 weghe.croap of AVpipas|Sean chistes H Fajen ane:ot ides os gh inition I Me :: ata:Phot.ee oer =REE.FS ee there:we few vaeant 4 Saas i ore 2 =ter,att wher sa:VEO ch150 *s :se;eae et Re oe ‘3 er :‘Tua st pigee!che 1 UCMON ‘WALUS PBLiE:L AXD.AML f i U Lwhertiome of the stoves had sthgdiy!ee!a i:;ae heated Ma wechaisk (Ccutde ag Be areas it ue cot Nene ene AVESEL Lea eee ES eens “FAKMECOSTAINIS ||Ne a ATTORNEY AF-LOW eh Schaal yund amie Mone.thd.‘wall [we st:pt Ssae +5‘s bois Bade :patoee "ih ache ;a 5 eer ar Coa SRR Cave ae Se an “A ju Milks eainty)a oie Oo ae es Shy 49 ESY bh A FEEN as mer }j paieks AWE a beneReot then fensetdi upekt at t :A oa Eatow SI Ls 2 be Pi Sy vs Ap OMELET),Pa ay i =ple Ss See ad gare poo ee dem,oh,k .ath s :f ;é ce ::aba)ou z a Sus)ry ee a a siesta sa z estend RA LRES TOSS OS be oie is ;eroods }‘od dhs fone r ae LCS:maithe be siswea Belg Sean,Feta:Tie cata a<t eo wee ont Hes At i 1;t Sua Pvalualve Coubier tar bac:?14 &BR Sak,hike tthem...ty bape!Lee x:‘;ea a AE Sa d :;é Wis Wi “Ly feet ste ;;re paee ;oy.)Urehards.2 Perns easy : tit revel,ee Pres of {tts Phe Pal ig&;gee f ;;sae alae Nhe SUP aaa bee oe Actes f Gilet oe ph,se oh aoe eae Ry AS ON at ance fa EMA |“ere HEN:twh 1 ain ebainse ra ast Fy?ee Le >t)ic Hh A %‘oe Fa |ee £;n M a .tt UE rely?Lan if ’ee Se ara :Eh tad i fis ,‘,a e 4 apwy &bd ake ie =Haat oon aised 4 roby he |eit 4 eed See Ht OG rat ants Day tWeytygdes =f :MACS Ug ail ey Ney et ;ei os 2310 ENS Sa :cl he :Y wise Tit “*Bu Shey "|Nes atch ;:aN Riga cena:;e :oti f ‘went bgiamlines Oetker:My I ro the’yr ral :op TS te cheeks offitfant Cl res ae Lh Ba tik Y f mt a Bol ceed tis A ATE “the AG:|eal eee:i Pee ey Qup AN e re |wands"Se OUt.We SAE ie ee ENCE elt Pires Ekg eS eRe:Gs :aes ts 4 asdilen HA ee !rou b Linky ‘es Bode :he ie ide Rea eeu se hon dead ako j Splice :J :$met,aro:tt ;;safe :t i (3 .“040)iy t é y i g ae i ;ar e i ae fi ,7 i ¢PPR RE 4 ,Pia Ree Sseareeek ai poe |,:‘Gheiy oe" Bee PAN,fat Fides PAPA Ur WV;Qe prot thi TRA see:p e bea sh 4 :tea dent ,;pn a oy om rien Se cil]thies>t rie Se :meaecee no %iaSis iWee “Wien GE gmmatthle PEO Bt Site ei:ie mi f S mal oF aoe Ne :ja?H ’SU pa 4 yy ay.:tay A PILLTPERTURES 2 ;Peed pe ind hs t 4)‘Bran i Loe ine i is mk *_ie 3 the KoWee 8 ib iB ¥.rs ier =mg seh a }wa . ap"Bi rok .”re mhockool,Shen ctHy ft:fe aah hy re S Soy ah oy =<ahs #Y Ysa PATS AW9 A ;Ry sa vaca ;ae Striped Rhe wonlaige Lowber qa *r er tia ey,“z i :Bs e t :‘yeh ng .P.ee Be Shines a *-8 ¢ip «aie his bastnu Foci ae ‘ws tine }-TANTRA *pe 2 ‘aS Coat S :Srnncnt oe :ta edu’ eh cepa wed whe Taube’snd camigedt ||“e %bale re abe eine ak ise ceaeh CLLRS at Dr:ies ORENS :Ao]Mie!TAY thas cANIN ‘:Me olpaiiersale outed Lares.AA J): PE ETO =ps EG Coane athe Shwtin Li £73 cert burness MALICE":mil :1 eS A a ott :bce Likes n ‘Watkias +;OF :t eae:.eee tavd's bee ‘j Ss swe. Lape oth aoe “redh pravert aKou ™Pout Be ¥Br aeSitsna hin op LI Ree aR t nes se =EDEN asoit TEaee Seah ed -|ae tay j ae Row ue 1Ok:0 dic ‘eve Gee :i Bodviet 2 yet a Plate:AD Grae an Of thie RS f aR i.beth pane ta Roh by ed B these [iy fer We)vay ty >>:i aN".{=+ve =ie i abt o)rt 1 ust dag .mt SUE)wh een kY *e i ere atest v st a ter fi HI a :t 5 j at x enlige m1 tisek ine se scope:pre ae hn LS aaa ee wens ater fa Pcs eats i Aseatdini pala,:ee :oat ;5 ia PRT C8 Rett:sae XK Rays wale :hs 3 ?5 fe +p Rte $4 Sin «aN ae +;wit oe i i wit get ,Me A $e peeks if,ths leader:rend the,ne BL ee te .aes ae ee Se pa Bee Ne iy j CNS Ap owing:no Fegan of Vy a eae Mics ans.fers dake Ak GCMaunt di-eisioni i {4 “: J.4.foes een Uaetralihe tice shay!pnd:alte:mnaid igs Eagan q ran aN Proust,pokr Lea tire |So ER Gath a os be:fh ms :elt.dieigil vty $e)Gaeaied yee Bites 2 é rei eet ei ae a Seer SOD Wy ahs i :ah ‘“EG at i PEG +a ¥‘hh notte aS beatae me Ae Keen any an wes hs ee mah :PhyORMERATAgbehcandcrate,i EN SS ei »Soo cgee ace SSS he a Gat):FLO:ects se a ome eg onset:pec aS ii ahp:mebliner open dee eee ae a es ae :re eth «Ca ThE a HeLa te ete cae Je see oa |fat nee eee ee "MRSSM ‘a parCEaE é 5 +i 'wy *Nicer :oil moe i e hac ME ag .P p mb i Soest 4 Fe Hake Ba ye ANG dy i es ae ASot “ibe rio “The,en ne rf +POSE aafeaie Qt ext Swan ]oL IS=sG0)Be ::t a ;5 Pgh aD we West,si 3 2 es Pe SIN ae ;a i*:1 ost »he we x ie :a .:te ..*’:ie Pd .Pe ai ay ya°at! elias ae ;a reeks $Sata eo :;Sy yet ptiey Salleex at h os :4 :.nae ‘~>Tae ‘Ny E ty ;=a pvetninee>Tiel i ZO RG Reta a 3 BF yells AE south or Mae JR hn :oh.See t \:;aU")‘Hye :»Q «ers a ;Rae JUST clone ;plat spat |:ROPE LAE (ty es,de)edigin {sh :es RCTS }z et :a:as Se BX '7 tlie rh ct 2g igri if ne ™ ut .Setatet x ps aphlews tise at he!; ‘if .ii +chgie atic |ae aS e ies eaay “EY Feld cag tleaRakin,igterer “toss Bsih ts 4 {.“ ELE boasDOF ety Let ty Bec rife ibe Canmissivners of Treédelcounty.held 41 ond willich<she ;uyirhiceimtheCRYGLStatesFilleson|i :rae si,Avge 5:Iidey of Tutie Bs:Ti tie?foie fia th-es ix ey rest iS; ”Ipwi Pe order was wade bY said board-ste-,sth Tea,wheth:Tyst Qiks tt istonte:red that ancekection be anthas|Sas kere,Tyr Bhi gye Taper.nani livceby ea lied to be.jeid ithe Farious town-:¢ho alk Oeius.:shipsSoh Gulk Gounty one Tuesday '\agtir|octhe26dMondayinAugust1673-0n the |Wty ‘uf 2sail muti thy Upon:the question |*s 1OblevytiiivdsspeakdistrictorfewnshipsO!Jane us , Man of ton Fonts Jon:thee handred dots}yn:peeawatiod-Gi property andthitty “‘conts®ontEee rs a .‘the:polltor theeabie sthools ot Said -dis-ntskierortownstiip.-At said Selection:those a :f Tayorinwsaid tax ‘Shall Wote a=written)er |ai dgonk stat eae at Ta see bey :viii Witigcare Wh uke saan suns £1 !;,k ;07 Taian ;re ari ‘:ey Se ?bay :Prokt sa tye : .Sprint @ baler “For Schools’*and thosewsp-dot t@insis fat eit \tice Oe vaBe dl gsi es AG ae 3 Race als we.SNE faa .1 aes $“Bh Ba pa eee Het =;Ht ;cet.eee hee 1 pain de ;PR Cait BS ah a «posed Against ‘Schools?Said ‘claction|ie ey 5 Be sig at ae Nae it hs oo ae oH 3 q ee Bet ns :jenien tee ob net.Lda 3 :4 tw LO.oe :is iy ie ‘s/Tova es :ne fs House ald:- todeheld under the rutesand:reguations |?!sat ;:TM OF ek poe we tor the election of ‘the members|ee peak :—the (1 nerak:Assetibiyof North:.Carg-|1:“ecttyah hall aeote to JM.Vourcl.es a aS if abet nN f e as |:-ie *b Wk ies .a ae 2 ‘;f Likes hee rt j “i Die “ei ie ;q S ie ;;:x ae { ina .”?A [Brae peCey ate a “stake osuatshik,se ahs Bi eae&rae gaa re ete BES eySah tse aie ides Re igs Waa Teese meseer Y Repeat oe Dest wad trai “Clerks Board of County®Cominiesioners eLora The bon the ‘ninty acodeor),Bae :5 a ?mn :;;:4a Sahd We :aie StPanvers teent forward eh 3 .ty atic:Weresjne PPO pe FE Sols!Ag tis ae oy Ml Ups ari ;tha ha :4 SBS ero Yeas ‘eae :Be SRLS 9 bebe ory i i Bets praeet he tra.meld NOPE 20 CREDITORS.:4]TOME Bway:‘A me iff By TtA ‘pa 1 ely trai.‘+a1te :or es *siege Lat ct Bs Cash ie ae es of Read i Sat Neos WON:4 f :Sieh Bead ioe ee rate and isA i "THE °+UNDERSIGNED,”SHAY ING]Ttteitet ois ave:iad,heike Wece RET wat is::ye ,Lz Repeat tie ay ae i 5 An)4 th 4 ae Te ME €HS ;ah E =:tae ~#;Ba da!ie ay Ae he ::3 Sie Waytthe |SheAe+ qualticd-as Exeeudix of tie last:Will ana bot he ay,re dit rodwerd :Lo ee ,er ,:SOC ‘oe tn i %aH :m bh 2 ag Sh,i ;pie i ad the Me yf Ty ae etree neds atin es fate 3 re tos eS resfeist Pestanient of W_BP.Coo.deceased,Here.comnpaun se with phony’ie 7 ngs ey Mi :5 :5 ly gives noticé to hil persons héldingclainis Hitt Mnd We tourid Se)i rh ia#aingt the estaie of sail Ueceasdtopre >t ns,efourid Gtk.obi pen*sent them to her for paynient withintwelve |ave Had,snumiseds.,that ‘the jgldexta ):ipeteu g months from thedate jofsuiy “notice,Orit.reniper MRS a ereagara sg ty tee Gye hea Sere Wome mney eae 5 Pe i at :ee SS aa ay fake ;ATTY RS :;; will be pigad-ing bateof their CONEY:‘Eider te 4B AStosdm SBP ies oe 4 :is sth oe A eh ee fee SAR tee Tet aes ne :;seen i This}shor June E89e.©tigatRitters Stover som.3 ,a Eipe Na :¢)5 SE OVE he Ba AT A,Pele ecg Sige CN Sy Re Patek ,ae Rated,ee .eoPric rote id ehs <1 :’fealth,April 2sth:gp is j NM.G:COON,»i die Pea Stoverison.who reside ,a rie oi Meh :“:i 7 ode b.c‘ongiell§:Att ¥s ee te Exeeute x Bil a hake eh *tb,pute a witlagrente.fs os)ise ee ed WATS ds Suto Ble rag Be eel]FURNYHae SO EAB Cols ee oe 1a EO |§fa Fa agaheintheie?pasa 4 he Hr ORS a¥aShine |’Meer Ka sa ONS thaXo-patie cope ,ELEN i Win taecn SrOReR et Bos tan Parental ::i iy 4~GOMMIISSTONERS,GALE.Slee eran ee .a aE |a cca cae AR uote RS he bee fim Renata She grasaee see ee |a Tn te, aioe Ren TG ;7 Sookie eG 3 AGUS S oo itatetinle,NOCsyivirtheofraGudamentOftheSipex5aeof‘lredeh County reudered:iia Wie took My:He pteyenson,Sint Gut GeSitosray :5 ;Special proceeding wherein’4."C-,Lents;Weoley,we M With,hign.to Bast fou vies i ;i Coo ERS Ne Cee m (pene 6 Xa °F 36 dm Pigs hoe ha IME Rees :::::Pear ssf i ae oo ae aces’is ‘Se)ree:TL hs.funpily:fold them HAS fedlges Sy Lits?“<N em hie]£i eee ahd ans se Bee EW aa Pel he ‘2 mre BOLT ateSo ;3 5 j x :;~Re eiean cada 2 Phe nest Si sSiontwill cou te soHson and others,‘are Geutendauts,|pyoG i My wero at :1,puss ‘{;Naps aoa!.Pemba as Rt er cate Sony ML Nee a ei ‘4 ad EE rT =e"‘nesday the ¥the "Of Suypiten Hieundersigned “Conmissioner wil]sel 2t pe avn)rE nutted.ee wie ans hhee yee,tre (So1ar::ape ough ahd fi f SA RE MOD te 5 Mir ce Shae,SA EER:oo ET eRe :::ioe Nt ae iar i ‘close the ast of dune,eae pubbe auction pete Count House aqar in Wh@t wre were alr.to wit::al Tey f alii y Sarit:htt apat yf rc desi stem epee iL ie,.:be HRC tise sew 4 S 9 12 Bom dowith:taition in All 60 Statesville.Nous :git ring uprour “family traditions’and thie:‘bri ob tis ant ORE ri oa a high peh¢,Hoa y pbep tee se ae:ta ee 4 ;es,andLatin itdesined,fort’SATURDAY,re LY 248i 197,*togdl traditions wt.thetr cathy:hag:velop -aes,|of Ehay:be tiene)teats (eae ree aN tea sealer hes So rae,hed nig |)Year,$112.00.*: “gh 32 viclock,M...the “foliowing Japs3in Pht America We:lost,nagtoe,4 ve et 's,es SUPP Ged Det eTIG eG gon #5 3 ee ‘ERE ::2 45 A |Alidepartinents of iistas ChamberEsburg..township;:it:Paty 4 Bot ee ena VAGUE he Su Si)orcas .A Sees ae pies NE eat UL Cathe u gy ae ;PIE.{Accomplished and Fxpei tract beginning at a stake J ERT ce Wats,Het time @neue ra i 2 EON ;see ;wanes Nate ge 4 Correspondence sclicit:a runningoN.855 LB.)TU poles to?ac EES enigtetai Ob tigh el ep unl (ite Playin s Diodtern rks ChLis asacetio 4 tins,ten :¢3 LR COs ‘Het ee 1 :yo =e ‘“For?‘ikustratcd-cicuhit. Arey’s corner,thenke Nobo W oe Boles to:pace ped‘their’apessttolgLigh |16 ‘:sptio GUY &:tia b 3 =I Wo::iat CINE :ea -a rock-at the road,thenceS.:WwW:Linwt apeTiel;thistkety:dane thesny :3 :4 .1,BY R poles to a stake in tlie road,serie Nese W269 poles.to the branch oPrecla mt”slintes ‘;"os ::‘thenée dawn epee)i to tlie).beginning,’daughge“rs Sarahl>°€ys Vnat crbl-dlae qe {2 SVOgot iW ONT cbt ateey ss cco a ee EBT ae sas .:és :{4 4 x containing49-agres.more cor less:One fVisit,we tihtashen .the te adit tous ste ¢eRe che Hy (ets oe ed a eS OD::E Rye:i ak tee ay x mt ae 2 tract beginning ae blacksea ‘Jolinson’s |Rhorough|yt Ope two ii Roxen te Gass wi Fue ,ipsa sates sie pe ea $f Ss Cals aan iereany:a ek ae)atl Me |uteogbilly ‘corner,thence Suits!ti Le a to’a™HH .e ]MS STROOD |S07 a )aPa oei IN PP ;:aie a ees eh!&t a Snir ’menhestake,thelessSebo pe!es Bagace oe Woy ave Visited tiie.Speak Shean ra Calg dheietle poet 2 Be at i ak aries te Seems a :it:h a amid tet ak N,fre :|SEATESVIL LES ¢ Te fits ae det.Steve nyor tor.LOR te Site woke f a4 6 RAR othe Bi Mace as t Gi ee ote.wh ::a So has 3 nes Ubi BIS His hosto tite:Be at a ae S BS opiica jah Se BOS oo =a Se apd,oe ee ky IED.2 - yt pre nee *-75oisiness st4 Swirl ait fe “enon the"gh,St e e r e EE sh soy a eas ee 22 sigik 1r7,: sande 4 2 ee ot a le t e e TT HE en c te ) ad so n b o u r . zn Wet~oe<‘ho)i Rs 7 i 5 wy.Pest tae ote it x ThA)ean ee mem ’;.4 .,si ,canals Oe eee:¥‘3 ' whichawe did.“aecOmayga niet De:it aesi aya Wier sheave ;a %f :¥;:Pe Since:|)"bP Cha ais 29da PB ay de oe Nae ene si ph smn Dea Neezt.ae as yihencé S.26)JV.67,poles to a biagk 4oatetlieme’S.225 “E,6 poles to ey Ash,[Toor Nous had his hontes Pheokt Lek ;:“Ses ee hsite me the“erigingl ities have ail Hsappe ated.AX.te Brier ;Be :Bei]Gi)PN CE Heit Hey 2 a:Vit :Ye aaa mae Crea :Pinta Rete ma ei.{'mney thane LE WV 35'poles:to."pine:te :Ris :He pre boat ue ;17 ‘Leen RRR Seed:ai sat 3 s :‘Gey::Saute Sos Cas i ContmonSehoul Brawley’See thenée with the’eee oe ae ak HS:2 :-::bay IS.duets 2 we Rago ei 7 ,Nr Me Be :tur)<fe =c °a Loo “ilinetotheBeniginipe“AIS,One ict Oe:be qrandationss,too =rn tho roped 1 ptopos lis ng 'rs {siphoned 2k t ;»‘a »“ten (<‘‘Le oKY ‘,tare ‘Puition weil dpe po simmng.at apophar at/the sheads or te,the plow sor "by ot servic otsewlsye,[aad 2th ab Sony,Shed hie ips tn ME ome2 te eat sera ta ami i Snes :Bi Cee choot montisaaaanDranei,thence.Sy 3094 We 80 yt vomuht to"Taek the:spots tt ane ‘ae Re ge es rs 5a }:;‘i SP atone Ga aes ae hee teent :‘5 :S pease Ml special arricnize me‘poles post ati thenee S:see Ne dhe dieting 0 Vhs mse Ct ihe wae :::;i aa 8s viet 5 Bas Drie we-,.oe 2 2 me eek ahi eg ote Of the part ot poe Da.post oakythepcess..24455 ther side is Holt.ths }ven :rs.4 eh HS Nake Sa er 6 oties :4 ;{ee ‘F |cbarsed eee itywns poles?raihickory;Thence Ewith,the dt.RHE ONOthe Bit the:Frelih phates iia i Nes 3 j Pe :5 .:Nevisienlinetothebeginnitig,containins in |i the rcanof Lif house add theo tis LNs ye :een!‘in:Petra hires:eo fy %ay:aP87adres:more,or fess Perms"‘of she:the oY outhal"dee!COVEfrede.vy “atte,er:‘finx!Poe sake ita .a ae ©‘3 .aoatpt ak ;R 4 NE i 4 Uys Bi BR:S.C ee i ail 4 F }:hor,18976 ‘edb S sth thi ¢months abd ky IN"six [hoase:tev bed pingh iTit frowtisol Fe metas Re.i Vk tht eri aie Nt Paisioe ME eo.edt ah !Led pa.A:teria’DeginsJanurry gs,- quonths tine.J.C.LENTZ,|ty.cori raicyrun.andwht ve Sah!OMG ore :a 3 pment aes Sie :Manion st mae :ee vm ;Besos.For {anther infor us RB,NeLaurein’Att’._Comprissic UT Meets 1 Ss .peas —er Bet.13oF,E ;en th the growt lie tie de Orres t eo "iy ‘7eyae:erg od A tassel marked 1%Ww ene Post Had]; :er]:j been so Jone cogered o byea abiNORTHCAROLINA,1m SE hapHation “alinest Pas wellcds =theIRE:a stones of thes,fganidacion:Nross’at Mecote ef TA.ra RR le branch’only:“wi huhdueweeetepyardsiawayandPaisdclevatedsOt ite ME.Watts,iFe Watts,Ww.5 RE and;aM.rovejot majestic.trees HIS©.MeAuley;Edna Me‘Auley,rey Cottingham-Cora Com:‘tte jam,P)M-Watts,Magic:ia hehe a“Watts;Je E:Boyd,Misnic'|t ie hen Fong,the iis teedived sniject.toe]Notiée..aw A dS Sao?WERO dats atte ‘iGayaFaryounsesSom!asts;Yate UL taale &HA os yews ee rs Recast Me ae 3 Paes 4 f whe EY 4 1 ere “for RCORME dy ‘;eae ,aT Joan 1s ; Cee tet a hed Wellipg Gocfourea feniiiy”a Show’tit aL Lae goes oe ee EIS OD ORC fhe are Per gd EEN 4 SHAPE Case Macriantaly awit 4 ectusily.dev omg te AH :Be sete Pine de ee iandd:food collateral and pur tien s deat Re ay ;49 du ‘i (3 é SAO S Fa ‘f ‘om the ¢y Reo a ‘i 5 yaa i We aa Me:Bena anujeturer tise reemvithid,: Boyd.xP,Watts.tos eh Path MaQaseis stint glide and in obu IMibitaa‘Above mained defendants;Harvey}bly out dither!gett surrouided.ares Cottingham,Cora Cottingliam andP):MW.Psheejtefed by The giately trees wise i-Watts‘wilktake botice:that an action’en-|yjen-b setts pat dyin by.‘time:sore orth Whyns eu ~titled asa@bove has been commenced!&“thpSuperiér Court of Iredell county.”fof vanday.aXay the.Completes ne sek! ov.thé sale of certainlands Situated In ‘Shiloh {ting of hom ahiit exeinphifios.ae;7ee ow os ie 5 the}taste OF one:Avie jik the.layy.Ob:- Ve ymen débts;and:sa.efendant nobis seca :baitfurtliagtakebieci@iattheytare=a csJd:ee inwith cher:sae quired to appearat theoffice 6f the clerk |?fogms Osea,Stbvensan:SubdoftheSuperiorCourtof-Lredeli county:‘én|bis vo dere’sTh Ist")On:Ovto CUeeeeeeah.piesand answer |23.ie Dae Tea..Moore®PUCK uit “eal oordemur:comp insaid action,or |jt.aind-he.with he ved:gand,:Bik paysgtheplaintiffwillapplytothecourtforthechildrey‘singechis,dedth,‘have thle|iSreliefthereindemanded:'$5 tan 4 ie ‘op :;t :p if :::Aik HV.FUREUES,|i continuo}sly.‘His:Son-in-Yai.Be :NUR Rn et el aes Erie ese a |i fer roux the!ginuplent ‘cot ets ite BL Savin ‘as .i!:ais ::Pai ;;:WF he eee ,fiesé!icerti tee ts gy tae tee HAY 2H:€or Vantin J:a0 apes :June ath,’ie ae ES ty 4 Cis.«>Clerk ofthe SuperiorCourt.’on.Hein av Cowles.through&Boor at ‘oi5 jhis wifer new awns 39-aeres “oft <it, and oe ~Cowan;2 sister>af:soe 4;ae owles,;)OWny "the balaned,*The:eS‘Sale.of Property me take Bei:present:Talues ol the _Whole,tract aBEVIRTUEOFA.DECK E of ‘the twenty dollan's at acye. Superior Court.of.Iredell county,.d wa 30*Ginthe cause enfitledSv AZ ‘Shape a.“On Sunday Tuk 5.1896,andmy<A.¥-Wooten,I will'sell at pudlic auction daughter,Satz Bh.went witht Hon.forcash:at the cqurt house door in .Statés-Thomas JohDston *Allison’to:“Be-Wille,N2C.;on:Monday the.and,day“of any.Meee ‘Heuse.y alwaysAugust1897,at'12 o’clock noony "the’fol-tr ly ee pers yslowinglotofland,*sittated in,county -of |=Fictly country church.seharp?wes,Iredell adjoining’the Jands |of ‘Martha |@cta!congréeghijon of severalWoodsandothersandboundedasfollows:dred.withthewen and womex ald::ni sFeepavimeritietroadShekgeSeheavilleLboysaind-sasts tn”hug portion,Hs end tte’ue sce Dun OFF Rot ace he Pay Onria th Ber ie AE te ee a ae iy Be en eat Po ‘Sibos ~Sees iee sake paces 30 iTepresep tapirecak thetacat“commini-ptishin)ais eh aes ane ein ag :froma re Decent iat :::coe eoneW day oft:ae ;Ua ea fs ail Sache enh eat Blank:cel “Gloves,‘Dor. a anee Ne soe Ww.ty a8 Bane:Sou:y bn 4Be aN Eee eee |ea oene ore .oF pic byicrect pF te Sant ‘auton States —ana :Dees:—1S,>O08,|pe Table Einea rt o.a-Hickory,ence N 2c.E.wee courtesies &an gec bef¢re.at ie F :ie LS at :.:.ed.iy :mee eee i /9 :Bee ;~4 ;c ri ml ay Th PEE ;“ret ‘f ¥too +“ie Boke re ge tag eae les.toa {ter the sortie a wl ;tea >ty fae aPuutents,'il Alepolys ea forthe Po cee Perens Es fi Bs ocolate <se ;shaper Pint Mise _begming.Containing 22 ae eee res eparate chigses:of men:and”wom-|;3 rs mes er 2 THES.oxes;and:|rti2 Poa :s oe eeWeeemene;and Eang instt cted in d1‘the Bible ]SSonS}dud med oe : ‘ co p et oe BE we e s w e o u e 4.i$ 2 :,8 GISTS 3 Pet soc! ue hes *oe *ne :;.ies eo bave ject. + ‘Newest ie : ta ahs received -eae aa5 rhein, cra:pty s hitt have te x: £OX>ae tied:velvet,tae :I Pat Vill.and:new Me tel eo ‘ine,thine pues eo“a4 K “EW LErE}ERC VENS this <r NO 25 for)Joe,th. Lae naehh eh Te tion: Rat“omapea tony ‘ .he t tet hsSth nen resa: ueoqyencdRaat Ubcre,4cop ( Ue a We!pe gull bid tk ‘Er es TSE dsi es(bathaFrost bigoe ne se kit Fanehe ati? aa ; * “psniylaite:chee smhie take:edtamiksion is bue; ‘absolute #fathures "¢Phes eneral gunn.Hone who,“Know. iat ‘the ©reports fot Coneite.the “Anilicin pub: folthe |expe indit ure ot karge “sums NOAGY.Without Iesult The;pring ffl» Pais Moris pers rms:which.awhilé COM formin 4g ri: have nov bee n*far froin _vidi-da a x .¢a Lee‘Femps Cally:cattentiun’to-.she e fact that while Pirinve “Objects.to |(Spending mune ¥.:jet:fo “kan:Prove ber wprye tie {Uaited “States Phas mbnev creeltie Spend 3 useless-, yon “a comission:intrusted>:with inipossible Hussion’“atid:Costing tax:payers-halt wv niiddion.@ : 5 Monsieur Hanot:wx Inimsel fiis aut hority?for jhe statement:that the Ae ES si aaaaysi [is -f a rfieti Ot 4 vind ‘shirt AS: ¢eR ube S ee‘ :nye®ts =|)! inde abit d atic:lives aite.a3 Yak nesae shh) j ‘Frau sid ithe 1 me thie psy et,vs ge ts .ie t ets Beroan TK pi einePa aave 3‘ yet an it :Sipps 40C cela “ttret Laws,hey! Hid =e cis pat hare vee: patie ie t babe te:adi}tS ut;dtie Sthicet eck t Merh ig SIG waryhibltadres faaay:a iy ey ar.HO volts std pakpie ’LOUL oes HOU Lente:SH Ks. Le 3Ol ets “PAreelIne Whiner 1; &PostychsRUD ney THY: EWTrote>Paicere ur re >se a es rive von Gane ay Sof RS biaaes units ge ape shee ~izom)TCA! ~Tust Reggie Ki niche?yas.ser a enreftt phat ; ahs seh CRT “ise ripition.s et ike toil i eS PENCK 4 ya ot sibbs rite Deine ee ‘Many hy tatare“uit Le Aecdinuliteysakes! wat oF tu“ise arbi fatesst sie” ssea fond TO.stoaN out at:oie,oe :san of Spot phe AS Aah Be ;‘This season.a_e aa “thin ever, of, Pe of aeT Oe IOFCy SeeFihue-ob Epi: “My sum ition is tose Ih whe sucshowsponds willybe* ir :as NCS det oe i il bie Tee aeace oe :body nesding Spring.Clothes:Furnishing 6or Hits:to?! Sey oes mea ioall betore/purchasing, cag Dole:ee Mery Respectfully. {~ .yi ”vara ba i | aSey mite veKote every:Z a niay4 ayaetheGe%Ro trouble to shoiv Sy (Dur ne an sient“day but vers 1 ste Seats Me ek She fads ot spec tues: ;ae “}fest:our exes freee:ieeReHo] ieiots wate, ie WMS. Race while:adcaliaveequstire: a ‘Mp ee fe.¢.‘THE:YEWELER‘AnD oPrigiAn.? te he a we [ieee Jin ¥:-OUN:the bladiS pobtic ey 'suds.rt rsstsiytemat aesrfBa fa Oss Héenetignal:titnenalé Katte wlepngsiona blk 4 retsatetcaia:3 als srith ste habe BC fi Be eae ni LiteLash ls.te thast aor nied State ERScnthl,bhigshn The:iisntuchkyty. “oricapiaatinsLe Des: he nd‘such pipers}3 Tats he Tune iM»gent Bn Should?nat.ei wed Ao:ait te tic astey of they “heSatins hathte ayes.gia came AKC GEUSE-toe Wouter)AY,Ale 4 ‘Derec fats of"WY.ake Gant ¥,des ne todte Pustssvi th tire Dc rpwlist <3 We beeShy! Hatherskite:holds’the ke$2,ti Psitvation ine Ke‘publica ‘Circles ut!Rufeigls overd hespentohics wont)A white man Would ahapst be‘wile toffase with:wuything toete ts rom wader the dUitinionotts oe 3 owt ones eae pe thet oS “ine sity oul Or Be“ROC sitsx pioded ee Plans=ay 1:‘mietw prin bea at sats vit y iO00 ifsERS ect taorg:athe yy iat aha a ee tesfe; migls “Ouamite .Suomi: plalnsd , S Ga ae“gserl >thie?a oatonwiecs itisaa ivas=sand aeine ‘wound hoVey ee Thasday “Bee R ae er Molt yer bis waiters ?Fs ysis >exe :Gila eeea owft} nie te 4eet Bub wv ope a boy.During thie assault thie’wee Wole“ott”mission has absolutely fail, (ff untd could”NOt de ace ont plisticd Higelily:<of crubers efthe Commission perd cla:Spcul aT MU hebbe seriously.M,tan:OLNIX S10 les Tau Sen:wor ®Malt ts Bai. BG,States:in digr ‘efforts te ae a ae eae ape tea VictoriaBA apey of the House,* date Soca S ithe:ae:ves— it comprised thes likeness igen bers e sale rks.and:employs Moises veh:te af ee ie Sa Sects:The ous Reed:js cae ee work “Nhows -¢reat :Sirsin its it rangement, :hen‘irtanosy pativ nice-of.the’ pictTure’was displayed - Yorke pub lisherbr.who,has’ Ory ‘Of faces,jana ines eo cdurat’ton ef Rich- si ee of two wihiite hegroes ae Cheol Comupsttemen int i oF oe Toys nish ps ofthe countas. :PPhese 1Repro counittye men Will haye, ;jarisdiction «Over wltite schools and Syl hicePowe Beto.say whi shal, and who's yall tieits te ae“h ih the i SSN ii ayatn y,inst:nia Si>a will :any Jor white ladies joe a= ther aypplyyA Q thepsc mich for ‘amploy- :Went thy emiaate LOa count ¥whose politics Sry,bot.“eoutrollled by angie ly mon os the Doelterss #Longs abdSiaithe.pee as B we Eeewily %st ‘pmiientar y pg the:dégeneracy ofthe Anglo-Saxon are White met can.So!far’for- snot bir si wives;-sisteys Wks.te’‘put haeerocs rine ome reet ‘and wikely Ttinite hy EWOPSC,, fia thins has-}ON Aiae len ‘tesare=peapoigible for ft upgre the neste Ni Of tte catuty. oa .+e oe “ ;Nashville, o NiowitsFormic 9b sterday-Major Ter Special:sSaxs rel,ri ne.iF apebcallty assaulted Mrsa Martin,Ehopias.Loe bite vedes :ipa Arenastie auntry.ve niles from FA bis #She was alone,i." her’house wrt eBer $ x*imonths’|eal r ueesDn the.Hed Vestas week on irhte qgnal sedeTowestFates -. Seri¢stee ate facego ‘pod tithes SON havecw nicetine,Of.td an dneled.MMe buttuhs Stick pins?ghiains.aeuittrerehic:ming Srl rie Hoes ake < ie Large lot of.clocks justi :We ‘aH ea.in ihtbaeunld for the Thowey certPhove mt Shwos uxhiel kari.- =utin frop He:fit you.‘tt nebe:soldl rts vile Sea eb dodwe neatly aul pr tepily apd druntante ‘ed One ye ot ATCAMAK i ee }A cae“quality.SS oy aie rb Seo Sam Z a &write Site IN,SSept 6th,1805: gin!ikom Starting Goinesse wold plicesj Stree“andl all kinds’of Granite and Marble kknownaa Best Material,Laeiseay Dios hy te aul"|ete ruth |‘k ts pins,,|: “ He BSfest ‘|lasses. _ROBT.L.AIGORE.S 0 Allkinds of:repairing’gia the’ea REea oe 2 ¥e.gf ‘ Te") ‘A:Eas anda:Lowest Prices Cc B.‘WEBB.|} ' ea ail eve t wih in ‘the.jie welry:} Ewer hick ees tpl:shihleak swatches, cia pone “edhise!pits THen:f Suth 4 vights.2px: eS ‘geutiitee-sthver comiuge and®white[5 eea,North |Carolin jlist Gomme hack inte thé Beiike‘ratie economical { ge rte men. ‘dott saniellan CrGwwks ashe ’ties)Sat:2g chest “of asshow:ae ue by ‘the |Stgte? W itr fusion bet:skeen the Rtepabli:| cans nd Popilists!We simply prarch to gettajn and.-foreeedtaitied “defeat.aKook sn nul party,participaté “Tn*its primaries And “onventions and at*once end dll se onlin diflerence ed bait Wes dor not Lbeliey e that-they,will:CeAi to. ie,we Sho cukel Sacrifice short’fia surkender|: ;“partys pratciples oppose: tion’to.trustsiind corpobrite ered, ¥ or7 taxes,i protection 6._prgperty¥ crnment ®by.‘the,inte)liz |* a esi slature:efedeeuy the :Baigdtt | haired “and:Avhose members omed NogblizationsteDeeHovotersornégreyon ry"we apis have hanor 4“ey a upattoe 'State Sena “it el a Ofthe Su prémc thee Suite: xpondi UXES:equal and Se pete taxes,no nuprisonnient forsdebt | ise escapesiamese os .“Léndon,last®bat ; ae Stihe “oldest,‘and? naw niet we Man's uyhad, ip wert i paueks j torn dow by-an uit San Priday.-.2 ing J:“.Ww estniondand. Soudd again assdimble,at aca a white matr“g) ae axe listve £ammiliesOF Phi adeUphiay Pi 06,David: inteent."Fagots of yriskea: epilcad:upot,eeRe fire.The oon nsbaby rs poustéa.OTe brmelt har rested and:Wates ettyge OTe be Jiminary teal:When:ja mdb peg up Atu, Don'tTobacea Spitsnud ‘Smoke Your Fife‘Aw2Ie h;.To quit rapaeco-eabily.and forever.be m3g- ‘netic,Pallet Pile,nerve and.vigor,fake No ‘Tor p Hac,the wonger worker,tat.makes weak men |Strong.‘Alden 8,pC or BL,Curc guaran: teed ~-Bookley sctid:sample free,sAduress:Sterling Kemedy Ce.+Chiedgo or.New York *Montpelier,es July “15,—News was received,today of a.big.~‘hand ~}shide,thatsocgurrésl yesterday fore- noon,in th mountains near:Ljs- cola.A slide.halt a spile wide CELI down the side ‘of ‘the mountain.4 distance of over halfa mile,swee}- ine off-everytree and movable tock, which Were piled Jnto an imincase theap Of debris iin the valley below. |Several*farms were partially cover- ¢%ed:It was.only.‘a short.’*distani< from:the’big >slide:~‘thet*oceurred. June3,Aseariae.*wl RROMATISN CURED. Afteremipentpbaysgicians and-all ‘other |‘“knownremedies {ail;Botanic'Blood Balm1(B.B-B.),willquickly cure.Thousand:in testimonialsattest this fact.No ‘cas“Scie Hecetes ot can stan pees Sones calingpower.Send stalnp for of.Er [baling pos Atcontains evidence that wit!’ cg is Diseages ever’qls--=.Meonvince you that:B.B.B,is thebest cure}forall BloodandSkin per large bottle. eae SUCCESS~in? Fran:Ms have:beené<ircultea in or= ree referred:t0 the x cottiission in:' the,rules of ‘artiticial fgitie:coyrt=" ut’refuses to take ,the hi- Sdttiicted -Leousiaelrable?i125 ait:thus:to the ‘preparation —, wero has Clee thd two covered.Béwnre of Substitutes,said to be “3 4 { ithe court ‘took Aste qut and hang md Oa -~ ey o Hy‘chaned must |‘be'tn:ithe eee ‘by noon on|. :(‘Wednesday.. .once or'thepaper:will)be discontinued and — ‘ay ing right \up with,the times. “we Ball,-Lanitm:Fleming Handy,Me}: ee ee e ee n se e s ss oe ak a bo r Aetes cotton bagging and ties from <<egme to their way of thinking.saat f oR ge t Ss lea *“OUR2 RULES. Aiea Ajiveredementswnd those to be AB STOSS:mi sopeite your name mean |‘ that:you must renew your subscription at |; your agceone eee =a for colice tion.. aus‘Barrons eens wes * ae iGs‘Taly 222.1897. =the’Satie 4 ae)hame |vot Bry an. :Xow.WIEN ©VF“SEASON 3S COMING 4SHOULDSUPPLYyorRS olseLOWE\s:“Chil - A‘SURE:‘AND PEngecr Rees-Chilis and F*‘ALSO méHLy neon essesy ‘|Rheumatism,«Pains fn-Back:ifaan’s,ea ‘and Tenat,+ “ate AR iL NES. ir nN,ipotler aie:in:Blufield,(TuesdaySU GHIRE ‘two yrens Tobe R:Gentry’“paced.‘a.mile at“De troft,eMiclts,Monday”in 2:O53 The 1pext ‘Epworth:League cou: vention:will:ve heldi in|Indianapolis years.expert | Prot ane’pay. star tedii’sedrch of the,‘North Pole ip se balléon: &Theodore:H.Schinz :|denler of Chidaizo!ASsigDe’“dl Monday eae eee eee rong .has br Oke: :tomate i fa sates we MANUFACT CRED ON;||The NorthState Melt )STATE svi Le, real estate k.xE pist me *tiole av a3;aeaecke Es.Gg fee ee osthe:‘Mountain districts anaes eSbORG |it atsPeliaet:ae ¥Is ang “of “Nebraska.”Gaused tht 'biggest Tue Sea demonstration of that day of démon-| 2 strations i‘the House of Repressen:} ©tatives at Washington:Monday..In+ ©every “State.convention “the mentionf of his name Trew ards the orator.who? seeks:applause:“In:every assemb-}: lage ot.‘De‘inocrats his isthe:magic| “name;whithe “fires our hearts and: ‘causes Us to:forzets Acfeat in our{, ‘hopes for the future,The:‘talk n>} ~dulgeg-in by,old bigs:that he,is losing popularity js the Sheerest ks nonsense;and Shows plainly.that 4: ..the Wishis)the.fatherof the thought: “He i is osing:ground «as “Jefferson “lost it-bet ween 1796and 1800,and as: Jackson lost it betses ge amd: 1838.(:: “The:‘Charlotte Observer;alwa up-to-dateJas<a.:newspaper.,~has'}; changed to.an ‘Space,6 column to. the page.paper,The:‘change is”aif reat improvemant.“Tt has recént ly put iu a fast press.and‘is keep Sy 1 oot --a oo ar,= Ve phe.Tarif BIN! The Re publican members:yor ‘the “conference cominittee of the House) and:Sen,teragLereta to thetrreporton :the tari bill Saturday...Not:much | time Was’wiventhe Democrats:tof. examine;mich’jess diseuss “it,be-.|! 1 fore Chairman Dinglty,of the Hose, heer reported gt to-the House. ‘The House,spent Monday.in discuss~" ‘ingit.Dingley:Payneland Grosvé-4 “ner;all Re Sublicans.spoke.for the _report:hae Wheeler,»Swanson.| Dowell.Retry.«Me Millin:and Baileys »Democrats,*and Kelly,P‘opulist., Spoke deainst,‘tt..:Ine the -course of}: :Lapham $speech he meitioned Bry- “ans namesand,instantly,the Denv- .W6’clock.the voté was taken,whiclt pesulted,in’the:acceptance ‘of ‘the,t ,Conference Eeport:|bya tote of ¥éas:} 18d nays 118.°>All,the Republicans| "present voted for'thée,bill ‘and they “were:joined by tiveDemocrats,Sla¥-!‘den and Kleberg.-of ‘Texas,‘and |; ‘Broussard.“Meyer,‘and®.Davey,.of.Louisiana.The:negative votes werres >eastby 106°Demograts and 12 Popu-}>lists:The ‘Sifter:Republicans.and'f: some Of the Populists did not vote.: “Fowler,,Martin’and:Stroud,Popurlists,”of North Carolina,”voted}. “ay eainst the bill;white Skinner and|; Sbhufotdgidriot yote..The repont | the free ‘ist.Where the’Senate chad_placed them,and:réimposes aduty on.them.‘TheHonseé conferees seem},‘tohate:compelled |‘the.Senate.tof report was taken up.ih:the Senate} Tuesday and a:ee is expeccted.tor me day.,ve RT hat=.ay vi "amongihe.Politicians.4, Lae AY.‘Mullen will.be‘the’posttas-.ter of Charlotte,and W.S:Clasiton -will get the.Charlotte mint.(eres ie)Clerk Shaw,‘of the:eet ‘out “gt Wilmington,is notified by J ude }( Purnell that he“will notbe dist ured,| Jsmes:M:Johnston has been elect- ed assistant professorof Agriculture ‘at the Ak Mz Coélleze..to succeed.wa Irby.at'a salary of SIO “Phe House has ‘concurred "in:the “Sétiate amendment fixing the!limit}, of cost of armor plate for the three. (eee now “oul oa Ses ton. ‘¢Charlotte:meee *:Seigtor Potch-*ard has fully decided:hot to ‘inter-} >fere-with Postmaster Robertsdnur |tilhis comm ission es:Septem:| ber:mexts 05 Nhe Qitairman.Keith.ot the’:national.Silver-party,”im this:State.says hele expects to see!a silverclub organi2~):@damteveny:fowoalip im.,the:‘Stitebefore1900.8 F.5.Wiebe:‘of iebies,>N:x‘vias*Seen elected professor of plitsies and eléttrical engineering at the A.i M College at ‘Raleigh,to suc— L.an Barnes.‘The plade'pay $$1,200 .The Asheville Citizen says:that tl : :has the bést,of ‘authority for:theStatemebtthatH.7A,:.Gudger.ofAsheville.will be’appointed.consul |)ral to Panama.Séptember ist.|—aaa feesamountto SAe HM, 3 year..iN 3a ins Mr.Mayéield,.one ot ihe SatiarolingSenatorial‘candidates,inaspeech‘at Lexington,S..Ci"last,week charged that a*certain|state--ment,of Governer-Etlerbee’s-twasuntrie,and challengedthe Gotegnortomeethimonthé:standin Colutn- bia.on Tuesdayto provethe:eeey _OF falsity of the assertion;me gy -‘The President made;the‘folléwing|®ne “Monday;Anterior. les H.Isham,”Maryland;iconf-_nistioner in and‘forthe District of}. ka;Edward.W.Fox;regis rof {h‘the land offiee at Clayton,Ng Mish.George Christ,surveyor:general ofeaoes:Alpheus “P Hans>n;:“sur:we general.of Wyoming.©!’ President |McKinley -me ‘the_following ‘appointments last ‘Satur-day:“Terenee V:Powderly,,.Penn!,:_commissioner’of immigration.;Fred. Three ee : aly ‘Blader,Me white peteeo)afanain againstthe!‘Special.school eke ai iy neue0.“was Lyne“ek ‘cdain Codsa :county: Lniteht for:wieawhitewoman," aMi nister th;Spatin W oodford i$% ted to press the claim.of Mrs |aris for 00,000 which Is-but nal O thts sum drigistally demanded,‘ iA:anitedfe ‘of “Alas SMonday,4 inal ase of a)arafin vol TO.KEE P:ea R A Record,that 08 hoes a J ellies and - Pp ibaaeves) ae Mould Russian!students thive Peer arkésted’at the’request of; the Kussian +government en “the! ‘charge.of:complic neve m A Work trss “in ee movements. Jack.W.ijson.,the.nero she rate ‘tempted to.as ult Mis¢Gilliam. Richmond,Va..last Thursday nights. pieaded wuilt¥und be was Se é Kto,be changed:et : at twed Pallman,dedsing Aywetpees.bet'wicen ‘Atlanta 4nd ‘Rome, *The passengers yf 6 ere Eobbed et all the amon -|oye they containtd:4 Ipe.Fife,the waits who.vabeempt bed tovassault,Mis.Marks,mond,Vaz,last-Thursay Yai bis been, eonvicted and sthtented.to be hangs)Ped Se iB This sWas quik]i One Banat iN Ht e to,ab)talmndylér OF;He ser wid ~af 4 sweet OSs : “yet:AN i.iT r ~Moore.&Miller P ut Broadst ‘ Posttaasters,wereap pointed toe Ke for North “aroha?‘as,‘follows 4 y “HS Rexidor’,e remot;if“Do MeCarpenter.1a Lhe Davis.And:Ww Hey aacat car.isbar yhas dee‘hired a)faur,per:ae qividend,and eg tor:ae “am STATESVI,Ey -NewsJEWCROP |ruin ‘SEDI a oathettamdus ‘Brase Gasino,of Ctiloradb Springs,Cok:was"burn}ed carly Monday morning, $109,000and Gas onegof the andssomest’.“pleasure:ee ay,phe Suge Gibss Ee Sie ‘ofa stedin®eed?ys insa ‘otte,had her hand:badly!asp hae steamy mangler.monday. William:MeLauiblin has yeeperinténdentoffite.Banaed Su lay ? *shook:‘Camberland¢dunt ’Heis in hysiTst ye 'D Simivaionet Hh Ite State Soldiers”week and ‘brake his:hip bones witliePingwixerydangerous:wo Adumcthe three-year Pia.son fF,colored.wasarowt- Ledeie &ditcli near his fathey ‘Shouse,in,Charlotte,‘Saturday:aftersioon.:, This.W.rook:at,Morelide a City:“she K.p Nort he Carolina:Gavan meot to forin wk State dssoe iation’Bo sessionfrom fhe:Bri to thi estex race war is in prosness:at Riverton,Ala,caused by the.lynching fo£4 negro rapist.wasS seriously wounded...‘Both:sides!move oo its.) “EBarlyor Gate -¥ou ¢Car SOW Ge“1a any |We Have. for sontie,ih re One white’man: cauvassiny 1 ar med and =Gaibeta watermelon:*esoon been preseu)bed:“totf ey!-by-‘the Balti:| oe Railroad!yhichy piter:a eo pies for the:2 larzest,stielon: the prize was $231. 2S~o¢rats an cratleries.went wild.‘"At}, DStulasterat Nelson Weber,come an, *Arve*un “nowt negro:vas xitled bi a Phifer®s ice thétrain !it FortkMa"'S se} He*Wis steaping a vide,‘and A atts ‘tempting tojumyp eff,near te felk the train running ‘o¥er rand mnysbing it tow pulp: *"“Sarah,Bertharat,thor Preweh:aes tre ss,In whdsé hond hreception iad ‘bein.arranged°,by ‘the’niunicipal author itis atortsinguth,: ‘England:declined th ‘attypcs syle rshe did not Me TO e limb the ste Ons Sundays o ‘aeepr zee Basing Bre ad the markett a PhotAghesille.saatfies eives;curerdneytotherexivetrumorthat!theSeeAirLine:will bulk ee‘Rutherfordton:,‘to*Asheville: jihence 1a.Br,‘istad..Te ph,” “urs.Mary:mcOor Tast:week trone servic!es ‘patil.neat?{de Masox ir Jat and:extri,Baits:a ise stone,Jiurts a COOPER,§oee One avot South of Bank.ss “an,elabyrate: Oe rics?ne St RCconn es BY. tobedsENvotton BY cinehnt.Et er:having | svorked steadilirin.wv ete Aactars for ioe:thah av)wear BP Akiintordt Bras. aac:‘eased!theSas catiant:t ‘Gkeenshoro., ftitirttap at,oneswith loots:for: phan ufactiure obsilk ‘ribbons:> Ga b e = ot es e e e s ee e we r k ‘4 Reparts frotin minded that Say‘Africall gtate ‘hat several:Bios and 50:nay ivesWwerdemtomby vat *as the ewe of ary weeident : S a t me PV es t o te n©ps thie:“price ae aera ical:“feateni ly the:firs!‘hbtoods-)Cute botls,1fNerotuta bY,taking:Drive away.“thé “pai “ahebaches Of”4sac ee -tedubied =e_ Ooyuuptoms:oft tronge HistpepeSeenANS,t SE S s s s . SS S E E S E S E S E wi e xFe % reet in’St ates ‘Two col rend ® st E8 8 2ere:is“ittldy pe &oF rese ul building mn, hing apis othe PS.=ad:Nas.Rous agSteady?your’netiredane.by Sige Sy_Thi stelamstip Alaska ~“arrived Maik aesconan 2sWasbinston,‘One necyp..¥stiniek.Another}=SE O s “S o e be s e 3 neon Agencs A: Baan.1&Gus aeNoe Phat de of the:ssid Wate ae rock | Thuy day:nrowein)Healifaxe coun Itis ‘thought that he avillsdiec.tis Titemill and store of M Yeu!“Lwell)of‘Charlotte.were‘elsed |Mon: day by.fhe‘sheriff; Sfor Si,098,460 rf |Cr owHs;by this hands or,calleesti ; Fourth:“class 4 North Carolina otlices.wero.onpeint }ed:Saturday,‘asfallows:S|‘iae Heche ter:eit TS:Peec Swice:‘ cold eahonTeeerymanaboardthe 4c had a8. alows tales to,tell of.the new eein the Yukon aletherichness.of} ber to butch Oa applic tion mada before 5Jude “who has:jades bird cowowhrd)Smith:at “Hawkinsville.)|y Tpwin (County a tempotayy receiv ar Ww as di forte Grand Apmy5 : rat Pits raid.’the veterans wn south <Géangia. “REPRESENTING: +den:and G abe oe Eee avce Co.. 4 Co..of Hak efi. “postmasters!| er e s peasured 3o ,‘ed Society of Nee ‘ark ca &—a GENERAL MERCHANDISE The Strike,arheny"Se inipers ofttheNorthagd“Whest cdutinues ‘uria: ated:)..Man*ofthe«,crags have]; been arrested aula | ate Wammetou Wess@hper.&says. ‘\that'a:party of gentlemen-who.Jéft“|there Thursday’‘afternoor for Seuth-4}.S|port!to.ge outto sea ou a+fishing}: ~expedition.caine aOR:1 A000)‘and:[200 fishe - miss.Amnie ‘Owen!took&teaspoon{ul.of"¢alomelin-7SteadofbisniuthonedayJas.week. She.wasterribly salivated aesonfather*threatémé to ‘SueMthe 2 Bist:who.made,»the:migtake, oMrse John Bieees atts of Rutford’.county,and”tro:daughters} aave Ged within tree wedksof Ye:phoid fever,‘and her son: disease “and :will’.tails a cleat Sweep.ot:thes ee “We i,the xian suse Hundweas of ‘thousands Tot men: _of work. eeWy ES Ryger. awit h bet avec,in :Wadly’“who!eee poodmian is aly as taken from the.Sher: Tbot county.-Giy.andlynth- .Het had}beengranedatontiinyanceof‘his*:trial: on adceount of athe’a af ins: f.0 Sica:a Sateoits:asia ‘ s Scent ©Hose fast biace anar,eiuahowinglineof Laces.Hamburg 1)ibs “oto Chartitte. ve line*oF:Ladies and Misse pext Thursday hortly befur rhith will bint Many Vears: _*‘ "Major A.D Revnolds.of BeptolyTern:who,has me $525.000,(3s ayytobaccomanufacturerin20; soldhis plant to’a syndicate recbute He retires f neShes of itwool ‘Hennettas!ere =aShoshana aids,‘allof which weil:es Special prices in Linen’effects canbe had for 4’cents peryard:en i upeaeofoyr9oz.rextrasizé and lens!Oer#s5;noth as :ever sinee to.othe 1 rade.“| Ly for.$30,000,Tikely~‘dicthus tébaccd busiyess begause of g]ous,Convictions ae willprotravelasanevangelist, ne pat:Dealt Bop saree!tie bya eh ccupied by Mx Winton Skntinel x young man’‘lel thas beén ‘im the:nploy:of ‘théNorfolk.&Western Tailway -Commpa-}: years,arrivedhere in:pores of work.-He says ‘thea4men,on!one,tess Btock ecessita De will occupy “Mr.Johu W id Fancy’Grocertes ‘suchas ‘every.tal je custep4cow?If'so we,‘have the stuff:t<3y Meal and Ship Stuff.SOAP.m oneae mr:te een »Skat {ny ‘for Several Wedriesdiy"last was the:Sasset Te es ae :forthe marae off,i2pdaughtgrofDr.’Sohn’L"|Spartasand¢Prof:Rohn.:‘Py?is of Lpriheipul of W ilkesboto HighSchool, m went..over.‘to‘Sparta Tuesday and found vhis pros<| pective bride tery sick.in’bed:i ‘Wedsnesdaydawnedbrightand:tfair;but}—bride.waS not “ality.betteré “The!*“how ever,.the|beingi in.bed4wheén the cerem<-|eeperformed.‘Thursday.night?! 12:0'clock,the'immértal ‘Soul’of‘Beatrice Smith-Ader took,its.flighthomeward;leavingoepoy rom ‘a bone tu BOpes for his rq ment are entdart The.Episcon: purchased a ne tiSunday for t elighted-with Was bought in ,The:Winston:Tourn ‘pahith SeasiSstartedApril:3rd by C..Ei.Knightorl:eesDelaware;has.changed-:oo Misandeditorial°pe corneteDavis“ind:WwWatsoaay te “are +rae|Proprieté Sef Ww ‘ila C:“Knocke,.ae oflartist:ASat!Weldon:ae ane}=forthation concerning ieFmarle,’the?)Confederateavhich‘was blown’‘up :Oct.27th,1864)--He-weil?make aefeetSoare;:ie eeeea The expectant: gage took,plat 01 omical1 Buy: the;young:hus~'desolaté~and.DeokeusTheremainswere.‘interr-yday at.Spattas’“The bride}was a graduate‘of Salem ‘Femal¢:Academy,and was ®‘Very:highly,ysotinged young woman.se Femare 12 he}lecsding.piaverse.Minnie E:Cee:pe mot ac tori1esS of theliayoeWS.Cocke,‘of Ascommittedsuicide?‘bys shooting:he:J sélfin anfit of temporary:|desponden¢y.in her home’at spelt MO:day afternoof.;Shyearsold,and:wa: ata oer Ky She .how;be lon sibs than a wdmnmMarkedblacorwilaboutIt As train’“No.12:west bound,on the ‘Western Northroad-reathed,“a”pointaboutthreemilesbeyond‘Asheville “Salisbury Sun: df ies,sl Spgs mata at some.“peiiGg.F: raken,we havea fair assortuicatgetthattgMOTTOistogive ‘Carolina rail E.Coyne,Minois,®eollectorof Iy-ieternalRevenueforthefirst«district ‘riday afternoon,the-engineer afs=4e-boulder-‘lying dan=|> covered a largofIMinois;David Aa Nunn,Tennes-&see,collector of .Internal’Revenue-forthe fifth district.of Tennessee:: *eannot carry out the‘letter ‘of:‘the_,lawin regard to 65 children at ths.:sparsely ‘settled:districts:Thespiritofthe.law is:to “unite theweakschoolsintostrongoneswhere_itcambe done:“We @innot.:fdrce~children to walkmore-than two ‘and|ahalf-to three miles,There are‘three schools in*places |where*weSeetohave:one ‘good,’streeBewithoutneayahildSvenoverFee.ag osae :tl Csr “as!geroysly near ‘the track...He was{on Cesaport,JH Wimovingtoofast.to Stop;and,as:the}trainpassed,the:steps on the:right#‘side of the train,crashed into:the:aftWe -boulder and fore all of them off,exe Drscepting:the fear steeper. *One of the)Durham;iDukes,.*whol:spends.most:of his ‘time-in New}York,was afrested last week-for’:and bed swallows in New Jersey:pay $25:for ‘each!bird-|<many of them and,.conside-4 ee should have gonpbaccogrowersinpayment.for their}Teeae oo ot;;hin of me ue Pas :tae The Topic centthatPetShilohtownshi d,is the olde Eee S chang.we n save vou mone Ns :BIC |voLE raze is over,aa ie are uke a nee eritly the ‘prices.are edie dJs andem,in first clags vondit jon.B $45.00.9ne*Ladies recent eoseax orasie Raison,HC,2 aa He HOpic's'man j a intended ¢uredellbutfa;hock under.. Mr.D.H.M uP whose ho a6:model,i free as wacf roostLo “trust money,e ‘to:thé|tio- ‘ord ‘road,on, rough with ii irk Dow?v “Tacs!News a PERSONALS. ia ShEveyors om ‘thesSMfockst "<a.Mr theciche rho in ac : te a a AG rat poss eae Was 2siek ai =aS re ene.olen. ~cheikh Be beity ‘COMEDY: Las so sepa eure“ti Sanita | ( e e -We aePRAatiAcaeacats te ote ely,Said Tes vets akeud t ‘ii Da SG °tae’pship.‘es “sued. bs a Tati ky.fra ix Rane:butit:bye th “a =pidine:fare caf hu Southern havik '}:RRS tal the ‘-&‘ang 0:road ones phe .Beh ee iYthefepor:e oat ~% -Ralirgad,-aud -it wi ¢travh af:vist:rund fo hig teeoh Dens,oP“ar ferpha }a Rs)SF dttiee Chitiieie tated ne Deven RCar Oli:tow Ship wi ache diese cit:‘Saturday enet SPLULONS st:*x ge ae Niel oi Menses “Pe He NE ioe.Pay{oP Ste veingon WED,Atwell,*ah ment fatincrs at the.”county, tosseu us this’weet, ai ir itis tn Hepala:“comes ert Bea ais LS pare “papePee Tt}: ov Phe paeatest,sprmited:,PEPE }ALES tu this ofice.|Kae a ard:Stanidar a.oS thiati i;“nin:editor of oe ¢oncor?! ;a ai oh Cm»Moore:Sul ie Rerord, {number of books. ul 4 Nix aD.ge:Anderson,of CharlotteYahi4Phewisea+ate ‘thy Lewai for’that Sale | ona?=mi ET fes Oe:Votes .He Sti“an te ‘:ee i ng.Floxer 3 re toh See p ."esD:warris has:heen:appointey | he eat Stony:Point.“Atex-i *s oe '‘i ‘eyes me eal tet 3 oe a a Mase wis ee /ce bat He dingd it ‘4 “¢-te % i :+Pe cutgany ran.sv iwarg..cut-ce : is)1.Wash aac \ :is.ee:ron ee Ved conant hous¢oNyard t Sah On iOdicee ded,OOK a te:tongue ot th «|=c ~Ns ee ae t be Abe -Calvert.Sea of Ner..SS. ereBete Gerke Mer cy oe ae 1 piaghNey So aogies *See.Ure nak HACE ties Merde Sheri.s. at sehoat omit,teesSire qucut ait “the “ir t batsative saaieae to5a8PieWere?ee42 se,a tiee-tsayu.Stutesviile:i Pwitcolordd women:Tris ‘Dunn | ;Nan Ren eotta i,hid Tight’fast :Ror ‘Harrill Liew Rorisstsea Avegtrianna:=e.aah‘and Weinet DESCES ‘y Ted trite won:inst:ae Mor nison ost =a CLAN j nissht spe:bad bousht oe tutcher.a She felled wils 3 -D6h that she Bork:This is the ae wanea iat cole Bich die has?fost vetent-De EEE ht —¢:’icGosae=i+‘ht it ards Mars Be gary ot:<Ol;tow ahs"tecentix.kifed a baek awhich ietecrud53 duckesfrom tip.to tip| ules wings:FO}4 ws.iseae)~§One of ats Sel -.4 Mths iteag his”otiee®aatick:Isa tite oer age th Sakeé4taiieee,:ware e:Wi learp that Mrs:Jobo}Purner nu Sea Wie ak guile’fo:the:ene}. ‘Wk seho Riaak his’horse:dilled| Bry Couzer’s recentivin Mr. ¢t nina i>ulways we ue POUeto the, rotate, rewill bean eclipse of the Sun rate Thinsday:iotage:July Poh: 3 Sty Selbwore Sorelock!aL)eclipse. ited willbe the:rhe arent, uyve ars;“with lant, tutal ,in “angi 1b:Buy eS ner a BPS a venta c al SoantefairwaywihtheeWWESNrs theithBoo.sc soe sijupiSe2TOOLanthe’Mote building. erall Hgcl Bie by Mrs Ds Schiller's furnj- MreSebiler’s mae reused me Sta e accetsitaites hore “room.“and h FY aeue’4‘both Hodes : AIS onyWw. TC akRewir xtNtee ‘Kady.2 an oki ‘and citizen,OE 7 Fallstown ctticmuds ‘Condittien a bone t yinwr of the.fate.“NO >for his reHovenny ~or improve aren te“tained:by his foiends. Ryneayppl conarveation»haveeal“pew-oren They used a¥Sor thefirst time‘and were ted Wwwith Te Et est S608 and: saurbit in Charlotte ‘Fast week J.oH ee hth re}ete Ae wit diese "Suiteville was ami the’ae:ing eke Ke.fe contemplates Stuer:fot aathijeoin aishort i agept ‘for’'a”number ofSediePeanoand.Organ:manu rae 7 ‘ee.She eas an ~0 Bie xine to:Mr oe ra iSewbabe.strayed olf ‘aAiweek ago,Et}Was any b1ack barrow.vand-would:“cht 108 pennds.Mass Cra- rewardanviones“giving the’information for Ay re-, aud apt olf q pet of nice challernes *our ‘telterLittle,oEsqist.oip,‘who iS Sh VearsPeeylGaceminwho:hauled up Sv yeedcavheap.this year.ane ue is.ST years.Sohde WeiidatelimittheGeet.‘vs Ge fated to ality:it.>We. AOBey,LAE,apr oat a.Mode:of,Shiloh,‘town-.these:house was bu ned.last>bout-camipieted®his“new.EY *\tands om -the “Island —onthe site of)the oneLai:whenthe painter ggets = es anion have reached Mooresvilte.|be. ENG WW.“Johnson jas,ppened Robbins Br t sees thin week Sppear 194 “Uurodghimut:the; i 5 “SS Fi.oped 3Ic Sindee ting ~iaginssssschvl ait BetHan4 ia iF fekyUaegheeeeeiat.work SD.Cowles.Ce i.Armfiek “and of,the!Statesvje OE.&yarlota ter, wvMint Trovenship: ,mei ror fem of a storm:*, ¥“BeempSHCTOR:phic warning ot.Mose x) Lee apt raid Belle Shoduiaker,both|- “X work tr atk,bas ee put outhe | *t=JiGenSes Since nie |Mr.F. =thie Hecke SeYou »tax wet Watt.pete, geen Say newotiatin &fartthie:purch-’ <sil aye:te th Stock:of|: Grim Jr...the |. 1 ESY.jor affray\at-ia <picnig <at}. nig Spat |Springs ea bares oe ‘gee in the interest of the college: Sk|#¢larenice Seréggs.:“and*-sist ’‘familwolthenir grandfather,se CESe THLE \Esqy near Clio.ad * 4“ey Be ‘Klittz,Esq’. SS iwas fhe Saturday night ‘and &St 3aye‘night:Saar hitines i WD:Hurner.+AaPactiesss 8 >Long.Esqs.; Bary attended Alexander gourt, at *Paylor sy ile.this week. got Mry:Naron Clarke‘is at “home on Gist EIR te 1jiMr.eles) ‘David Watiare!Jr.ee “OL pty New Yorkto bay woods:Or th PW alli ‘Bros.Company.)geen? »Mrs.cM oy.Miller ahd Miks A LtG visit Mrs:Miller:‘s son,Mr is Pieioper,Ban eda “ Mr ASK.Klingind }agive ral weeks recreation.Sitanet nee ie~iMise Ayvusta Grrapon,fot New! berd.is Visiting a pc ariton,:Bass arene ioe (Misses Hattie a ‘Matic!Tornete ah vho,a been visitingtheir “brother. ae*Turne rr,eit Lingohituns Hate vei ned home; PATE SG‘Pdrnen:WeHt owolk anit re: qi Ir sae withtheSN tt niet N “Ea.Chambers Suith.ESqe. i a‘to Ade xander court:trae etek Dz WW id”Walia’lei Sr: L to-attend;a Sund LW SYhang tion at Atlantiy:£ity,Sy.Saks Hp MigsesnNe‘Tia and ‘Blizab §Of Moaraspies a e h Sons Sh EHy Trantnain.at Longford: xt Miss <Mud ti friends iinh Asiteville,Ein *G's ;ir “Mr Je eke “Howxten:of -the #ton,‘TYeietaetphig.‘Ra,has ‘beet :Hers:fortaiweek*som business: [oer cotton’Rar:manifiet urers.! Mr J}He MeNGoly:of ae j Wsas hebp Dugsalis.: c€hartisthe MeTand at und netirne“al the ‘saint Kenting sha ema hee ok “4 ye 'ae var.ee Wekree iis moved his NSoped hile feraugers viky te itso.a “the-awasot ae st afr a Ris we Sainers.’;of ‘Pethanw.Ro toveiish Pet WENT.LO»Ashiev il}er ‘litst wee kt@,attoud +ede “rad,court.©*fle arn aw hes=s!in it larses hatha’shit ite betar ned here Tue day te H.Bake JESG ,satte nded’'AleNigne «e hier court;tet yrayllor ville!‘his week fs Eran ped Ese.gud Mr:RB PLiohs:dre Ave LASt aweyt.to Nia:Lae oun. visit re]:Caen Bree Liens.Es.Tas tobyrtioa:|y While Mrs Louw.went:iingd dor“a +f hil Temirer:“3 xe ; President ‘Purwell Tot aati eséAltteabehiogis'travesting3Bi this ais terest!vs the Co lleae:writes,at oe Ye Fimrnstyy here that besiS met tihie with i feeratitying,sand what,thie sprospyets ot the,colleoe >Foxe"the afath woe sstoh,®une brisht.AE)Oe ag2mm TheMajor ER Cowles went:to Tay: -piprsville .seKterday and tcturned asgtnpeht©He wWasioa “witnesy’in. _insuratice scusc.mus “ea “My.SB:Miller!’th»ShotpeTitesday?nigght at veok ARO", SUCCESS. by “mith. Kunkle”died last F ritiy nights and Was,babied sin Oakwood !cenyete ty Sands se So sane yy 5 ~Drake,the!oniedicinesanan,4S sarod tuba cee.’auctioneer aid he wuctigned oma sale at the iFir mers warehlouse 'veste rday:we rience.ereThe~peo ple spice in:the: eravtyardat?Show-Creek»church are te juested to meet int the ehurc‘h on!hia August.6th,-and cleaaortt the etaire yang.iis :4 a ‘Prs “L wdlow hasabcendepee the field worktof *‘ie water “works survey agid.will. drawings,‘estimates.-"ete.“read ¥.to men at then next meeting,when,if! the e‘stimates,ave not too hich.’the bourd{will jin all probability:order an eles;tion to\be held”for ‘thes pur- pose,of issuing bonds for the OveCs tien al:Water,wor ks.é <ak li¢ense.fg the marriage of ‘Mp.Adan.Troutman,of,Statesville ae and Miss Laura |‘Josey HfdaughteroF.Mr.Mike:Josey,|,of Faligtown tow uship,-was issued Pyesterday.Wed Suppése that ‘the’ceremony occurred.yestetdax-eveii- ting or will occur .to-“day:The room was nop committal when hig:toypn.yesterday forenoon.zeit bi darnAtthe!time whien ‘the colltetor’Sy office change d.lisiids recently.and’whilg €N-Collector Rogers’deputieswerealllin=.Asheville.”Mr:had photoxtaphs taken.of all’hisoffice,stamp and field deputies.He+has’recently sent one each to:Depu-ty Collector’Bryant and’Stamp‘Deputy’Burke.They ‘are nice piecesofworkandareprizedveryhighly by:ther WETS:t= “Messrs Drake aid os Mie‘meditineinien.wéeat to .TaylorsvilleMonday’and:Tuesday,“But returng each ¢vening.--Theraims preveatedtheircon¢erts Monday”and:Tuesday:fnights.bot thef gave one-last night jminebtyoung:farmer-of the:count ‘and Will continue!them throughout‘the week.’.‘Pheir conéerts have beénmuch:enjoyed by our people.many} of whom’pronouns |theirs ‘the!best fret show ever seen here.aK ; a Last 2-Saturday |“John's1s Follett,Bureite Bi pers ~and.Ras..Gilleland‘before.Wi G.,Lewis, Cooper's-on--the--Catawbaw.sometimeago.im whiNe iedéadly Weapons’wereused,'°H.PB.Grier,Esq.<.appearefl|for:Byie the:oie Aaving nOLeounsel...Squtre Lewis tined Gille-land $2 and?bound’the’others:to} “\Sigeith at,it aeill beéone offtheeneobaeatmesiOst BL Plianigan is tut Davin”) ee Burwell has ove on tL Stblia,of Salisbury.are.visiting thie. oof Salisbury:[ously sick:A Peg & ati ;dat ®i He retiurndatoSSalisbury:Suh~)Z Heiista book:Baran?q ie it wus oh ge beee oper lave gone to Aster:sik}itewn:a . a lett cyegter-day anor.pai ge Sat abe veping for Kirksville;Moe”for:jabout Su veins, Miss “Katie Reid |anonths olde y Pe,seNai Thedrs brether.4 af Ra: ¥nerigh?Was.here ‘Mond;LY:aS Way, hi 2 re rnp ConVeN- “visit ne Mis“s A ur npr,is “NISi inet osComeThe,Sete thie aight “at“the™Cooper 4 miNstou"fanse ot Thomys Xe Hous-oust rantd/Tee fory Yadkin,x Ww ith|werd:“She igh Wood air midsMr.Ban EN:sibo-stiatl HD A ison went $4 diac OF Me EDs Stanfordfor de- vtsoon afteay ar Pa:ine there: tk Mc.Kendree Ch opel.Pedanss ate wh sh d the:ar eak‘ythig t Tare‘Ens : burg.ey a t ;‘.%$4 wasa 2 a meen spSly ta r Ss Ty a ebitd Ok Mx.«and Mest “Sam ; have.the,maps,F be sulmitted to the board|of«salder-|: He.was his fathers oldest *son”and}td Bee!‘the town and -Rogers ? berice of ae:bride’S father, f friends,is ayoung ee0eNOS,IS Wve i m r ;‘charms of ‘mind canal person.Cae JastW ednesdawevining M tj.The3Sick eee Mn k H.Fry wl teensin.spel: we RS Statesville:has’“taviek.,s His) condition has”improved somewhat}t jin the ‘Erst fow days.;ms os i ‘Mr.Pat,Byister.,whos Bay |fore is ‘Soluce i hat An:Ltr' H f MES:Mar Munday:Wigsthe:kite Col,Ben,Munday.ass 3 be ne}Mrs:L:Seniler is ease S Mas J.WG.Gaitis roogvering | MLww,:«Gaither Sick Mort:-Anderwon,:2,COmnsfh Dr.i:Te Anderson,‘t BriteSena it(vee‘at dina Miss Mary Mott:daughter ‘Drs He :E:Mart.Of Mti-“Morice, Marriedss in:Moore s¥ilke ’ee 4a nana tr:civ"mately” a3 uasday pcning,for a Bridal (an ti we tothe nor thern’(ities::hei future z [Suni 1 ;xis;‘Strivuslyh Be. a, 44iehoe will hein,Meteanton, +e :—Qenute of Mim.‘Breclaud: ars le Se “wife oe ee Freeland:“eh:yurbérs-‘5 bury“r,ae died”of;inflamation:=; “i ofthe beatin:os aehills*Mon: BO“s0 elogke:aged:le bee iina oar leawes:y,hus:ar “ut Me Saybartddnd*théce sun ‘childron|the;aud his mana fFyoungest:being abet infant:about Ay Por,several.¥ tondaut at-the Motsb ton.Ww ey2Faitiit of.the Conntys Contmis-pec g Siopiers Hil eins Succeeded’al bor.deptcdago rowing:31;TY:of!‘the.S300:whic ‘h Lowisyaile, the board:at.“their “rece nt spevii Wonthy stew atheeting alithortzed hia |to “borrow pital:andepit x for-the.county:"He cot ithe:owevfHe phew,of i‘e ee ise froin aE:op:Sarmurers.”“Esq.tof Siig.|Pas, Sharpesburg:township:and.rik?whs IspaidteCouiity:Treasite re Haga <hihins and}heli daub wartliv, Tue sdaar,He “has®been paying it’eB:estimealsle br‘ide ashonn?be, out lively ever singel.and only Ais : about Me nM te maine.c siete, So lre~mat . i The ‘Comity 'Gan Some Moheg..:S ee oe » Said Kevabiiean Paes aco aa:t2%;i:eaeApantyYokSpx.“Yadkine Republi;boustit:‘the pens.came,hére and:went upto Ashe:Pharp pe-di s“ile:tors “e Collector Elarking Mon/aR ni pede Cyr Theyrete ne ‘Priesday: mS bterest a tlie Livery?ok Daniel sot)Bs eyete yestor -‘Aimons:the:pst ts Mharpe Leith,thie:‘ ave Ke io up.Lop au 6 |Health:resorts.and satalle ein ee % |Awe Stance: day ‘nor njIhe,3 Shore.Th pl,tnd ittnists eye afte r the’Y dilcin tid that ‘the Saw the : collectar,iit thesTterest of the Rea: i ;aipatycollector.MI did*‘aot:Te wupte whatesue OSStliey:bad ay.NXshie valle,Byi Déath ofIraNaney Milter.c ;his AE:noterstNyadx“Milter,we ids’ie the?e thistseoe the Toast.ltt Josaph Miller.fot!“Meéxande“te Dayicie built,ips|counts an}wnhele of!Mrs T D.:Miller,Th Oe gene Weeecht’woilodh iheofStitesville,died atthe«Home |eit }Co ‘ her daugthte Mrs.DroR.se elas:i}Cc ongor a Hast:psé an advanced ;ace,he:asd:sone 45 bee €dneutil,tev visit her datichter ‘about tivo months.aur;and became’ssigBa syTeynai; den name’w ast ciyiand ah as the seca fiers Ofas Doug:asad Mi =Dore 5 ith Must Dau ber To Capt EFtpasneeila ae fk Stee died citizen:of Dav | toky shi py:died:sald , i Dootie last;fees Lnbont 7A three st ‘hake H.is Hoowas, shige 2 aad see “Heukeyth re hau “wodd:estutesand:apipainted:ce He Amuntiol fey: sul *Mr.aeeaee fureesmil fox stan doh aoe thath 1 ce sect aei pour ha consiste tL bt i {bors pd an!dtifest+ttleshibesb GE tlig Drethodist church, aye)Handy,‘Schost”-Pleale AY Pager Cre Chareb.oo . ;ak d es uve”ee:Phe Sunday:Se Hel vf Siow?Cac ‘ot many plegsant:hoa.S oni te upon:chirchayil ‘pit:pic’‘at thet clan.‘its banks:and wallreste see the |Saturday,Adeust eth.“Prof:SF 1-fold dative taken.out:che te aries Gut.Hill has accepted:an?invitation “t Snake al address:and W:D:Turner domed at thé mili",heEsq:ort Stat dsvith:.‘and Ptof:ct mp ubSE Tecex.=AMén:of York Institute.Albxasmlee Mae ee BaeeeCountyHave‘been:ihvited to ee speak ‘on thategeeasion,“buf.thecanix Se Gens mittee OF armangemonts bese “Hoe WL.Ci ‘Cowles aud:Mir:Tee Moxrox:. yet heard’Peonrticiyn.Erdry:ome is}of Statesville:6k Craant y ‘Preasiiver.&cordially,invited|to:be Aprdent.ubd.“We Ae Wright-of.Spithh’fyienship:" ‘al arerequested fe,brit well ‘Hlea|Mr.W.OO: basket.Aes :esa ir a Beritone Ofs Troutuat |*aes anid Me eee E Covert word “PD.de Last week we reported,the ;deatly ip?ud:the *Stanip::deputyship:bee tyPp fore ‘of thé wife |Of}Messts.War ight ‘and |Colvert.beitigs |Mr.N -Baatey:Jenkins.ty Thisli woeit isSour:sand ‘duty tik,report “Morrot ‘and Benton,for);‘the lattethedeathfryinthe.sate “disease of}Fotlice.General.”Wowles “yack ‘curred at his homie.inwest.States:Coionel Cavtles favors Messts\Ben-walle township,Oly last Friday night ton and W:right,=Mu.Messi¢k wn ret ‘acquainted | PAN |the eandi- Was a bright.sprichtly young mang.with the @ollector.” about 20 years 0old: at Conéord.“church tast Saturdays ‘tor,wel tréatedthein |IEnicely,Pi but fTwoothermembers)of.ithe ‘same hé Weal non committal.°‘He lsfamilyire’seriously ah with:thé:ly made Ones saine diseasé.:>Tite -afiicted:fainily.clerkship,~having*‘appointed éhaveoureetsyimpatityin:their Sheriff J.¢Grant,OR:BletidersotBadbereayéments,Bei eee @ torthiat office in‘place ‘of My:Connor:14 tates Pee eS Pe ‘removed:and wills:Wait;Floming—Unnter,.ti r Mr.Nathan:M:Ploniine:% i te awatets>p uly Givescare8Seeretaryof‘the Treasury i ves hitn’ tig A:H unter:a aughtert of Te Tid makes anymoreappointmient Pe Vi ‘Hunter,tEsq-)“both ot Concord towns earn that Mr.RenneyF candidatship,were inarried last,Thirsday! eveningat @:300:‘aloek “at the ia fader,County,will viRey.E:‘wet?the deputy.collector shi probability 1 p:for,the B:Andersen,officiating.There irereddiviston -composed Of)Tredell cand |y v|Alexaoder-countiésy but as.“to who. -fwill,be:Stamp clerk here:no ‘onethis. :ide eo unless it be.Senatay |’ 43 nr Colle “tor:Harkins: no ‘attendants:~The relatives:of the contraéting parties and afewfrié d were presént.“The!groom is a:“pr ‘who:.has‘many:friends’to!congratu- Tate him‘upon this happy evént.The -bride.the fayorite:o a large ‘dircle}: hidn hit whe ose will ‘be:oF int‘both offices about:August tst congratulate.them-both and©wish]AG Dd.‘Wilhelm.‘father of“Dre and} for them a long anda RAPP married,the-Messrs.Wilbelm,.while |“gptting ifes ogy 6 >Pies }on'p wagon:at ‘the resideizce «“of his General A:D.Goris haseTented the wooden law.‘office.lately"occupi- red by Robbins e ‘Long:rand |owilky, practice:‘his°profession,“while ‘hel raraits,foraerelief from ‘the:Presigh bYoke his left arm at,the |: the absence ,of hissson,|De ‘arm,‘oud heiis:bow Shine alone court:in’bonds -of te each,which,ey gee a : Hy Putin.“Ot”Onn? to,Of thé Gain:will ora mate tite.wbauy a att “4 WA rancadattes forthe formeTr ihid Messrs,é Mr W:M:Fleming,and Migs ©Mat-authority:td mike.others:“before hefax Me.Abraham’MayReAlexané son,Mr.BM.Willielm,fell aif.and.“ ie ee *haus’a wood}f fAnAmerican 4 pe oMire Will Cail :150 fseloctline ae itefotthe one f pie ne ;at:“popular “of Samo 3y at Etc RS ae Wag amectet meg RsaeiaaDeWestsforOnly,25 Cente:yhputsthesarethe:Breatest,bar sain >“oftLo: ld Stock ‘pret OreOnre Mudhee ee isa Ta ofsoads and Buds,EConsisting of)ines.&G,Well worth ‘from "4.ne at from4 to Se A “CheereHi lt: Rarity,Store a Ch vais le “ so Is the time ey?apt”*Aid ue NiNie.Tae .+By ae i ¥-as ALLISON: LER,cepte2oesSuginer Dress4 paves Ons& dsirinie cTrar'jt i east, ats De Canelos:ak:toi"this )i “path=« Ewehile Ma MRSeb SENRINS &bu:AD.’zSNA 2 kofUnio &rove Lowyship Way to GB altiipore.Na:ose ah PENG Bs hevill £0 SeoCollecton Paik TennasASeretyNitictedPaindiy,©wimeee oie Harkins uborit,thy:lepaty:‘collector;req:He Says “Ha Be his son,Mrs Ed.Jenkins.which “Os:Messe”“Morrow an EColvekt:tiwhile ane Hé was:buried’Kdates”were “presented.to;‘thes collec:count ia the ao as on-;Pachangesofar—the’chi¢t : Mu Muardoch tt ed thir:Rate a 7 of the:Hite died:Ww hile,te \ and%hal i mother.by |dent.[retyswell,aa he.otsuffers| :tainsable.th a i and’doubtte 2 tik atgok ive oa: attend fendour pres ’gone fo hake this aimnual‘ote ve f nok.ee‘that the iceat egrn See ape Stock is, the ‘best,7 ly ices? afew mié¢e®hee leit and —for:halt.DEG YOU can,ots:x it.} coe Bargain::The, 4. vareat eT ra’ mWbidehi:all Tet allotsaisow Ti eee ponethat.Inakes your S$usually.foul Soernable se proper costumes the:newest colortranmingspleastireto“buyo" ene ae ‘$e an acceptithelittledétatis . wedressa “pleasure, i ;that the’outlay ress Goods.TheBROS2NEILL fu neal and:~ 4aarin 00.tetBBO. Swick. priin Marais wi o had a feo ya fornitr marrias a u ae:sowsoud if youtcartilyweleomean.ott, *ENFIELDAesTURNER, ‘waphonin ‘Ditspateh rtagussestobe i. -ilosen his greatFoon ps a hy see ee (autiaelors-=at -Tae.eeeSy eT Be pe ft Bis one a :*\xdlume ‘oywer’heoords:"nds En | ‘;':Ay.ts winl--Practioein ait|eee Aceahts:Bpetint'UTD of girepa wtiftion fe thee War |':Attention given to-all Probate Brace Te mal tio nrt!withSettle,the *%“oil toRok.fe :3 ‘*Se;ete “palling:x ;i :the ettent eee=cHhetleee (General,Robt,Pe led ie 7 fi i :é vs tenders ‘his resignation,osPe bees ;ve ~~1 *Bitorucy Ud Liw,ot Getissbinns Ee ‘+“STATESVILLE,&.sai: Berge SS.ee Careful |attention given to alk aunts there ena Seraph aa a-+Intrasted tame.”ee a ee ‘<}Meee ese AF:ce TES,Ph ter:‘at ithe fetterrR ip:i Geuik.see Ge 7 4 ridged;gee eS Oe =w ‘Atorney nal Ses ea ig!-Patten ont thisreply Has:err ana fi.ei “%tN :‘i.ocbattl eeei>:et!ae STATESVILLE,N 1 echt!YB eo Wilk practicein allthe:courts Speciak‘Thi ap ttySnot,ciate “oF Gevetal |el |slp ap to eee ae me Been BT acco ill bee first ‘prided ‘ot tuhy ind4,<i :rsP-2 gs+.Se eigfe ys eSne supplere nay’yyvohgine ¢Of isa WwSs Peale a “RICH ARD Be‘HicLAUGHLIY,+M;tecords whith js5,now berbie!‘: pee St A PTORNERAPL AW.ve“elt TeAs siveanh tier ewith 1inl ie :re STATESVILLE,N.C.*:‘tirety:ea as Tibi Ngee nth iN ace od ee od oh is rena ne ‘saeisc will appear in all Courts.:Speciah te eatin fae ata Sy ie he ‘tentiongiven’to the Cin Practic Bia i EX ( Beh Sea4Se=:Conneliy,OW gape ae eee :i “f @.ATTORNEY.ATS DEWisso i AE :d regtas ne —‘at ers ol Leas‘|ft :ava!_STATESVIELE,Neel Se 1 1X Seth wudAuzust 2nd Peive’bert] et Botts {bedics sk Pehave waited foraLikeoefers’his:services iin’.all the’:end earBila a Tid Si :8Sf Ris=fhe ;vee attention to settlement of entates |‘Weivure howe {G-rep!bit:I Gar that’5cofakeTeaialiProbatebusibess.:2 =quwill aleber”cence.iat alte extremes ; ag aes “4 or .ert BS Sue ie pt is 4 ees pl reed:td you:for the!attention GINS pe aah tee:«.C-CALDWELL,:ae to ‘the wants of the.apmg and-ttie. :i a ATTORNEY.ATLA W.2 et forty nade.to supply tiem:Our Shik 4 Pt cr eee eS |STATELVILLE,Nae sas*“absenteds alre,1returning,‘antl I ‘hope’b a f.o “the;earnest:and”beautiful ‘appeal arias (tava 1 ie -tinea tee “opihage to the:chuntry in,Your*pipelit- eS cr.“matibin’may Stir up the «Ww nille:people: Ba ne bei i =B t =.K=Shektet oe yea3:ote:foe duty ft,4 ‘oe 2 7 --ATFORNEYAY HesaSgMEESTENELTAoe1ir“. 4 a a ‘Be Sts “ine Ww At ynracticg tn:af mciaey weahase!“expecetre:te ‘¥sf zh 5 verse rover,detéats.ri LEV"‘ay sent}+eq :bof.i :3 ”oe fosedich;|US}wisdom *dnd’prudence:fieedFGeshe,*ere eh oe a.Pr,Ss .BR Ee ONE 0;re rpey phe teebritAerArLAWe:ANAL eae ok a Ft oeVtelcheiBstyeeOBRpeophitnkesronsto'|.BY at gt Ke ee::gun map fells| :r.i iN “i:prac Hen-sail icourts |pliesSkids oF war.ahd:vault will) Pac Y Promp?utranion te.all,busine t ES ES eek ee trusted:Onice No.6.legal Ee reed Raut rik Nosy Wot proudxe prety,Cah,wie a iy “vf court.‘house.:i!5weekpis.ee hs ;suradnid:“new xeudy 40.h und,thers| eee Paae.-3 =3 Tpeth Boee)‘taesnon--futidiment of our &Npeck s Piggeas Be =A tations:iThis is-UNbEco maihir «in,ca é e g,A:Hartness,os enero’‘people,anidid =uesue‘‘UTIORNEYAT-EA W,Aeees ISX pcs on.“The!xeneral tensity,STAPESVILIE:Ne he cae os“3 é :hep EOL‘sheyiwhot of Sucggss inva militeé: me hoy See =fkaee returned othe “pr Toth ry:coutigainddr ts ‘ki femayal.’This:pete Set andwell|give:prompt tten ponte alt j -hytural:“sind:Sin anartt cihst:dices rehnc“ge!ma oe Ett haa toome 1)Olives|prdiper.ra Forno.mitier wit;Smaak eon ga ee "ee ange s be the:ability.of an Sftieer,,af Ky2 gO Tee ah aaa or erage Mie,ccill dene!pte dite tyPODS isasr eeepee-Notice of School res Eletio oe ed re _yEETING rea BOARDOF FS;bat ree Commissioners of Inedellcounty,held:sO;+5 “in their‘ottieein tlie City of!Statesvillé -on4 ,ak front eeyeork *O2 pro-a Rie ea uesday the 8th dayof Junei897,the Yol--}2|wie lowmy order was madeiby:said!board to.J “pe ae Sour ek UCN “the Prepares:.ene “witsdtis ordered that an election be-and.iS 4 fs Pots;iy Lhereby-callédto be hél.in-the Various town-],Pe ies fous St ia Sy ships of Iredell County-on«‘Tugsday™after!:te |oY,the 2nd)Monday in August 1897,“on the’a |7.™2 1othi@ay of saidmonth)upon the’question):BS Ob ge HS)Of levyingla Special district;or ‘tow ships)!3 fate vie ee .~tax of ten certs ‘onthe -hundred“@olars ap do hot lotr Rae j‘'"<<valuation of ‘operty and-thirty,cents 6 :thes ;the polly or Mie putnicschools oPaaiard i ete itis in the army.B,Pie Senny »trichog‘township=;Af said election thosé4!hitre beent foofrfavoringsaidtax‘shall yote*2..“written:or)<attA4.printed ballot *For Sdlipgis”and those.ap>.“and -5.far ale’st paige .posed “Against:Schools,7),Said:election |”too!Henerobs to]¢i tes to be-held under thieralysand régiflations |.*.‘a an:ae rescribed forthe elettion fe the:Mmetnders:|Hans hiG every3 tYsups:~of the:ee of North rs ;=st “hestye Ninty aid’SUCCESS: :a &:—7 eeTURNER,Hecennare i uy)that’“nothing ish E *i peck!8h heca¥e it's ; fs.a ee el sintérity:reuse ig r fe “NORICE 70 chEDItORS.hens to@ takeeee %to); ee THE>UNDERSIGNED,_HAVEN %eae J 2":qualifiedas "Exepuimx-of the Best Wil and:=+:-".S)Destament ofA,Poon,Bécesised,eres a ae BSH a DS ves notice t all personsbokding cl tae‘Be eckso open ‘sdid “Geceasea.‘to pre’,toys tfonthotNSsenttthentsMatsapeceeortsitbinkerlneisteetntoeaes“Of see “ree Orit:~b willDeplead “in o iz recovery na stapes oe k 7 j eesce ere i Aa te paseat {mys if destreat:Es et ;eS iGESs. i esenstbly Bes the xe Beran ”GOMMISSIENERS SALE.f i pk By virtue ofa judgment ofthe Superior teidectkthe ‘past <prite oh g eS Beli oe Court.of ,lredeil County rendered.in/|hae rite -Se=|er o aeueig Eat,bentcsding pore ‘and moh incsif able,19 E-ih ee =‘ot MetthaGensbn;is ,rintiff.and Hertion.and am,thus prevented front. ,Bra a tpacbaundoceere are .duféendants ‘pers re=Bu cats teense sella inaKingr ‘the per Sota -’examina sd f =ucts atthecurt house;door 'in anit Giving the-per sonal,Supervision’f K dipes Stateswalie;NO:on oN tothe ope:me ;niany|:‘‘SaTUHOAT,SCEX ARTEL197,"i ae cramer in the Hela which,£ goat AL >-at1M \o'clock,:sal the.teliowing |lands meh tO be nee settBinta.):Chambersbarg..’to py towit:»One!‘in sakiig:use of hs abareMeSe;tract inniggeat a stake:in the’branch:leSieeehsrunningW..se ES:We prs to;'a:stake,}°Baesh Pata pert e .Arey’S corner,thenes No W.reer nt es eeor anne:to bé carShion w:ayew Shine a oak ~Wy Go palessbthe branch.Fice jagd's.line.coulmander,gad,the shore dn SiousSeer3Sepoinvmestyurgethemiter:"pun:your e3Me ae i <i begin:=oak,douns “s tei Age from mi betel tliat 2 Rens ot ie Stake theness oar a iene foe aaae ‘and apler Bai thbh iVoelt ehhSealaps Se ee :a,a &black }iv be,outaiped:“}know thideaietwill|i Bere as ainahh eanevameots the nal phirets oil lent:and:‘bravejan:"arin ):i ft S.Vines thence N.2°We Sapoles sane as ever Bxisted BO second:his.efforts.|r:i —Brawiey’s corner,thencewith sik denon|te bthe}MeasFline“tothe:beginning.Also oné tact"be |Sot weoutl be the SPIES Gay’‘off ginning at's poplar,at;jahe head:dif the:He Fo See:;pon ene |No 302 Wlse hmviffe bsee'at Wits head “worthy | “poles toapost cal,ao,NSsg3s.WiSt Raber —gnd thaz-would adcouptish |i poles'te 2 oak,thence .S)23255.K.°52 3 :ee :aoa kor,Renee E.with the “GiBe aei could,pertor mm sad all}: a vision ljne to i gin}that I have:wish 8all87acres#tmoréor jess;‘Ferms of:mie a “F a ea a Tope:coes34cash,}s im three montis and .15 in Six exgetlency w ill sattribige may,reiftest feeeeefatoe,fio the tree neqos.the “deste 40]ED;n ~dey June 24th,2897,*beet Ra sere SoFve my counter,Scat to:sao,"all-in |: .a my‘Hower to!iinsige!!the shgees :“oth 'bate NORTH CAROLINA,;per righteous cause.wt >ce gee a 2 |=-F have€no'¢dmplaint ‘to:i ‘ee ae .D2 Watts,adm?re of aeA:}perce ‘|ansone'b plain 2.malts oF ifEietee_Waits,deceaie.ah,i |hits gaat sone utae Thave Te ited ;'“3,ol mothite “pat cindne:$:=4 !Mu.E.Watts,J.SPWatts,ae:pete see ness:from ©th se i C.MeAwey,Edna Mca:ex,}Notice bove me.‘anid?‘thie‘mast:‘égnsiderate 1]-.4)">Harvey Cottingham;Cofa Cot-||’,atten tic f rgoe,:2 tinghamsP.M:"Watts,Maggie}fo:de ention,rome ALY!comrades’andbrede:>Watts,“Boyd.Minnie |Mace Companion&in:atms.‘Torypar:ex-|fo .Boyd:ee eee jh igseas 8 vallency,Tram,Specially,indebted:for|:Be <i et _The wack =p detepdants,,et:uniform kindness smd'consider:ration. See pS ‘Watts al take bonotice’that an action’en-.Koy hive Adie.e Ker ee pee hae teeSapetioe Comtot taeda eee ie ppower:té aid me,the:work vom|.)4).thesale-of certain landssituated ‘in Shilph'|Diltted to mv.charge,without:omit:‘see ,township,szid county,‘for’assets for.the ting:any thing td.promote.thie gener-(po a of debts;and»:said defendants}‘al,welfare fl }Saeed I further takemotice'that they are fe [7°lare.fl pray that your efforts|tmeeAE;quired toa}raatthe office of the!clerk |M2¥at length be crowned’with suc:|ote -ofthe Superior Courtof-Iredell county on}ess.anid that you may ‘Wnt2 veto aeL-Saturday,August:7tly,1897,‘and answer sey the thanks ofa'grateful p Iple.|a or demur.‘to'the complaint in said action or}¢.“\With.seritiméntso!f cre mort:Ray ee .|Yhepiaintiffwillappl 4p the-court for’the|iT ery fre!if gyeat ote:Ae er vt iee relief therein demandded.tee ce efi “tally,tind eet4Juné24th,"97.=~a yi7.FURCHES:;pyoul y : ee oy eee:|-_.«)Clerk of the.Supese Cour Sep “Ri E LEE.Geter es&}:“R.Be McLaughlin,ee sae Mr.Davis wrotedeclining *aane t =mee pecey .pote ECept:the resignation,dnd:Gener:alsrbePSsee¢‘remained ain,Sinsnd until’.x ES For Sale or Rent.omaha:hs eet PANG ee! ep aa Iwill sell or rent:my farm Of 2 a .‘cauecarare:Se ee Aae“.geres on easy terms.The place‘has oe :hale ;1.ls -:.>(afirst-class dwelling and out ‘build-|*The:tyain"known”asi:‘thé:“opflackSepoyhensingsomij.Tt is ‘situated 2.miles’Didmoné Express’on’thé 5“=4°from Elmwoodand™8 miles from'}37Yaley Rashesa aba ad pee e pages ~Statesville...This place’is oneof thé}:{172 Pe,Sea"~~fineSt farms,in‘the county,well adopt-of 172miles §im 176 minutes:y inelud-} be e.edto raising corn,¢otton,wht it)ing stéps,or 163 'minutes rung: es:te 4 and Wee aaAddress sha timg..+During this run one sections!pt ee July 92-9 a Elmwood,N.os of 44 ‘miles was trayersgd ix ,33Becyiaf.minutes,at therate of 80:thiles ‘ale4[howr.°The fast spurt on’tae|Lake! :Shore:Toad,’in!the:-famous:run,OfofOctober,1895,:“was 33 trifes at ‘the: 2 Fate ‘0f°80:7 miles’aii hour.¢3Saae Shoes!=By Bios ee TDOARD-CAN &EUAD At stareyVILLEFenaleef40eaeIst ipman Sine LipparardElgapedt1iPar’Sar, rd.1 Sou OF Bost, SR L S RA E TR S Roscan,‘Chigri.ipa MeBos‘= ma x i : defendauts abovu,; eeepc Bost, Suton forbear ibion-ot,.¢até OfLeviBost,ii }:in the:Superiot &oucounty,andthe ;0 “at the ‘office Or tid cle rk ot;id CoOUNtF-on “the i i,at the ©ourt Houist is esop terthe<court fordthmmeePee Spire 0 oii E seats at standvietout aveat’Dr ‘ituiee $Si nip:ney.FEYfulfils Ta drag price:A.ou sighave a | We Wwes lids «Spa’Silty “wf©beet and:pain ies at Gat a“ahe:Geavejin? te calland *st MiSkanttheBest) ui a;aunjor res in “the!rad THARPE &aba he a “ayesiSendteeyser| Y {accor pushed sadespondente<c licite d..lustrated eiicul ar a a is.BURW ELL Gt Med proche,ond nerav.J,Pi Kester,“Mu De: STATESVILLE N,t, ¥We aePincsTbe ‘part ot the pupil,¥I E of entrance te lexeae.made?uphess 28 -oe ae a so or ther‘formation.aquest th -Syn path:a minded ‘and ts receivedsubject to check 02%On good collateraland personal+points,and credited or remitted st low fe Best Mat -C.1R N,Vice PresGEo,wt.BROWN,ashie ew “Avtivals. lar 6 have.Received .sic 7 eae saaet4tien sani I LOEpeherir 54 9tt how ‘aie bine 5 .3 .¥ae mT):Re :es >>yaar ::3 E )¥:.ae PE)Yesexes SERV |LEeELs ::;he !i ,;1 See sin Mtns fbi Dimi:as ke BbgcSige! ae p e e - p a r pr e t ile DROS tOSGnsider “Tora acabites S Lay replk FOVvern OU dap:hor ONS iC THis ikabived Ny Gar"aSeumtainite thi. wdad oot rf yt TaetaShee LAZIO t alt irk tata trot. Re pea 2 Pie :(nip *piesposed mb. ba SR N FA ME A G R E # Si Hh a other Litae*=. v4 ) che autaral * “*-wit It re:of othe nA ta ri d a “i }, en a ‘mam fictn wii fer oa ae %aes ;LOG i is i ae nos ‘i rkraedNe.ei ,Dts :,ae Bie Py 4 a i s i won Siturn:{on Jul aus Roser ba er ;Ibs Pee heute?ES ‘Wid t ANE Ree ssaran ety Gadi ‘;y : >-Tah®ono me :‘i f t so ;:y \re :;ép :é 4 us tk ta!Hiots farrri Tie ve the:sat ‘3 aa i Ge Pe an ‘)~ty i les.te sep E f ¢WL .(:ke ATS ua i y of?the lad a a :a Loi ‘Se >ree al :ek ite i ;:3 3 y :ti :¢ Ss been dm ‘A wo Se ‘ee mrad i°;y ¢A :iS Chr eT 4 rt oT Lredel ser te ie fs ;os i .4 :H mt x tot ,é Yaak 5 ;‘:t ;ea}Hig red oe i}es ~oe itsaieforthe:ears ee Uli Ps igcs 5 2a ae ie Sy he ay é i f rN .4 :{‘‘;Rao ee Ta Ehixs Bd te apy :“ry Mages r Jecre lori pe Pee CAL CEU hath ~:.VAR »t Ae ¢.3 . the Supebua :a Rees ies SS pe heh Pei |BOT BAgem Ree ta BE ita aN “hyn ;APR ide Wis,ese :aah aut odor;ore. ny oe Mh)tHsist Mp Use in Stat OR Tse Onception lemiir to Wire tad: ee tg a e e e s espoty:”wy etn:nmit- *p ¢¥j Yh at inden *fee ci we STs 4 :6 '7 ,en z 4 t ti “i :Rear eae ‘thet .uo 3 gh)tie 2 z a tg ie fa ee ae alae}x |,eh g :‘ebat 4h werreenwehit Peck mer’eae LE 3 chs ED ai RED EER satabis i fe |:x ;5 ;{;Ry ray *poset:Ono JeansoefuitaofOefreae:si <a i i ;:aye?ne Geary Leon anys h Heat tes ie :te ioe 3 i B :y ey %i ; 2 a i y ertermahere:hie hed oR AI O E yrerttts.te we hs pre- ee er e s fo n e +Ae alte rn;ke BLO fe Ruisidn HungFa Pizin Tray definite eet.< tiatepic:tronbha Fe oe territe “Ord beye to obteim, aL ah Hots et }gla Eg .:a ig .P he:t m “A “44 a :a SNe wd reese Neubert:t Ge aad See alee pee a See nine a a parks a So 6G pS Bite:Shes f a Pare ake aki <sean poe es a Bae a agian Betas teak,ee ti More,oy oe tee is s Ci a ‘ell de ey if oo. eee Et 2 e ea &a 7 +‘ri ut rd oo be Sears Fats all;;ys ;a;ey *;esl :I ‘tia 4 :ee Pi rte :t Phos era attilangior ty he ;8 A siigh br}=3 ~5 3 : onre tT:oe Magee sist ‘SpA 5 Tiesia ek sigh exe ‘tion fille =<a tea i t Presidatesviles i ‘Le.f mlacsig if SON Ae "eh .:.,::Eee 4 er ate i Lane a the TWAab pS a ;els .i ae ti tod niy hit Peony te eee Boe fet e ;fat)rock otha tet HS Rage,2 A rom ice aoe th “ol!Phi'ssuly ;ba OotToeae)eed Us be oe ssthau!,s nese of iia “Hance heoSh atmo:OF oly heh:Sins ;as ::‘:eee pal 2 yo nds repairing ‘ow Hot aes 3intaneeAu‘kindsor nes,Es }ye Ao ;:ERMC LOTM pel TEST Vuessrane::ROU og ranches,| armas Os Sed er Vi rie °pee Su Weak.Ne é “;000 Cie thi G3:©doar gines ofthe:smarty P ys son;which wil cuere “thie te re pope idphs we“the ir chs;worth Bb he: ;:aa Sees ea ‘:es phot hast eee faa andwoulet ; pins -iy +3 E wae i a .2 $>™5 oe a 53 yoeltt c fBiad the tind -ends ee ai Ey ‘ae yi addt is isa €exerci §Witlra? John Hauee Listened!on Ice wdcH sane ee: Morover +E evethie v ueed dor ie the Bodies ot Mrs.Honuce ae one:six montls,the ethe scold The :chikdren.We 1 oy:os ees ;{1 gat ae ;d from diselife.exposure tind star - Fr:éxamples:See whe gud gee Sem tae ey hide a Maved chet ;2 tne the house.“were alo, |SG eea os aN ;“Jordan,“Mrs,.Hauer’: aad thee living,childrei: were:fast.yielding to “Mrs.Hanes’ }ae ieponiesSW) Valitse “two sna failvertis sc thie elt :"-ys SON }Oy well :4 Z ';soi apn fe:Se since ~ Te CateConsttpasisly D are cD x ate ;a °Sopot.8 ‘;4 ae YuITston.ofS .to-day cent metSChliee Cc rer sgsiotsFetund or235c.;a makers cnr Candy Cathirtic:+Je or 24.{;|‘i :guaranteed ‘to,Aibartso Liat o-cure,druggists fefun money. y Canoes Ss “”ay an ‘-}:alc.CCaaa oe atseee s Beatty i Tage y oe tt Bi ae he ga p e se y SS pa c a ha h a pe r vw n a s e n a s e n t i p a d i n n i i e e , pace name |mean | that cow aitisireniaw,Your sapsc‘tipetlon atpace4OEGINDETwillUedsPontinned:vane“in hands.for telige,op Pawo!Thx x 4 ngta ’iS.Baaye santrd *>»©atyeUTme “Spies?fia aridr ounce Annist “Cases feb, hy W Y OTN Chess tie 20 ;nkRsshareLemiSale<renice*.=“beoSssotri.Michier:Veeconcin,Min.inesota.Nebraska Kethixis:-Orexom Cee ztEnte%(he:ult heawoundCiisforhla7eachi-New myftsteety: Ekg ebos abttiosy:wrath:a He te feeoty crt ue Syps euLert en eee.* :“alton Siser wien Nu i Put Sethe Moare County.Sane Wil: aS“The Tat TH &,‘x io Naets at ag vith Tow’ars oerreuvesterdiy&Surnithciye Pi Pasay aut f halts. PROSE i Minrcaed:chairmen: ro thin 4 2 mat ee ant Anete Rip Coreyt lszotttestes Dey lund-srots-theMidale:sStates 21.the taoeaathieMiddxWwestrat|SaOrth Coes SouthWatetaet'Biections <83BarthuldesafMiSOULtsReveesxnGd,;eitJaupevenic nis:of ose oMiscixci; Aver,Cason!”LOE Ke miucky..permiligures con Rabie Bunidings;>Nétth Caronria,=‘Chairnian:“Ship.“Her Diemn$e oS SEE On.com: tnittees.Ps follow,S67 ee |Ballina.and ({TUSK | spe rene oaete Milité:yenStroudLabor,Expenditures:the:Departn ent-ofa crieulture Nitéhin—Privite Land3AleotiatieLiquorTrafic.|ean Martin—Alitury <Afairs.Y«Shufprd-—Agri¢:ultupe Edueat,jon.LinneyPaar Wor 1.Bera vonoftheLap greed.Mfeit Svthee,if ates. ‘ayacnea as ‘General Finetotem:xt Louisvijie:oe Dispateh. ook Special fron Shiafs “a the.Evening Post aeofEphraimBrinki heral mile +fron thy danerine mi aia nearar this morning.’He:haa’:ed during the-early “nidynt ge Aa smebd Sieinbabout 40 ehizens!who nteter“Smingdto put in eu:tol exis)minsthawOn“pene Ralsis Tincipl ape SegHWEago:Phothas Crkrmaets.a wellto-dooitizeh:of thie’neighboritoydiWas.Ses Briikley?we‘Suspected on accotntdf Bisevil reputatiangbut!mo,evidence,Koulsd be!gestiqn‘found,ATt is suppdset that:Dee une:tonyaa‘of his eet rad bad Character.“ah tu sfoiany a No-To Bacfor>Fitey ce(Centsta::aetobacto habit.cure,makes”weak’piood:pure.$0e;SL AllCruggists. pre vgota recurrenct af:Such «,mile aejingsasthat‘of Croullasiepralyruched;a Loci shanta th er meetin iat "Some, DECIECTAM -avillsippeswCue“©Thare is; a Ge:Laxdabic)| Statesrvyst- Ascoli* Wus tbaaan3 4 ‘SHULLva TOW ‘7KOO MLS peat 2 yc COUNT M ts tom nshif Mav. tine t Phe bax seit ror ?Tiger FromMo ‘thin wet bee ee Ay AG)Var ai ty * Pr yr sun Aq wet a RNIP.'SEEY os ooSy :i Rarhv or lat: You Gani (8 pe te oe fusurance Veeney ulSeercei= aie re-Ssons cod4 eo rokie or NEW ROP ee HOW Serie ANuotst.& Masters Gs visftings Lil ver Davidsos ( SELES haves beepietitt week an Wes i Pogttail Caen Lee wilh TaSea ly Orbe 40022 forthe sons Die pegSete3tatedMili]le Pah.hheiedd oral, ix Mavjied oewe:Siriet ’’feat ese,rs FeARS =ae\hide’Liedee oWwhedt:LsTR a gderawebakcpa Pirin: iin:Sgt 1 oth :Haig:whiny 2 utoe ste Vine The fieSsebuceatd jar N aiden «< WedAVL MK Aad bey cid4 ti Soa COMETS sonia het ty {he season Side fearks Dery te Mire Meh;©sh anal L Siidie hie oople ee iigek(hyentdrovod Say Arert a1 Wt)thes Dead ith theig mal ‘|hrecates ila,Jiredh H this AWE.«fds hasdtidke [oa38 dellitnd = see gt bari 2 Bgutts thle Laat oan ‘ OF Nefay work weg}Tow SOT T hotine Che hidt ind he Mrs.Diivis, Lvindowe%:‘.Sher Jott ary gered the 4 Prot.Ni Sclioo}aval Aweust 1): stool 20re},>; “Hit of tenshierpatrons Howefast WYsse :-“SITE TO Stucky4’ M Lend: “‘arp. Ceroyve tows ets ther ware adda deni Tas oUras a. Steppe J tee AN Wall AV Sed sWicide inte patice of dre Mr Parke 0% CM.ot Me-id “Lem.oFmsAS.very ca ia} 64Ii kes p9] Er fod Lownshty Spupist Wate HCG 1 The 2 Paey:,Ws i Widei doa. orothery.re Xv MOETOSity irda Mextindér co brother in gor Chureb:1astow A part eNO Conway,Missé AE otles cs OUL ta,; ‘Mary ( * LOMOTL ahd We were. ished laste w« isi we =>end eenhaaies *Cc 265imch wheel7 Barronsof HH: Gant for a br: Prof.Gar ron hyeiis,ot ana Lightnins: WiC?Wootne“The tre itthe dining rod Wooten.who were show 4 damage Was ¢ Mx.Boe | &letter troy ‘Branswitk- drowned ‘m:“inBradWell,and =Murdoc *h ™ ~bodal|New * 46a a) Mtnsoiae— SG elonar ee Keon ati ah hits Seta Lit Pt gb Eee stedsteel bet ’i ¥ JP Cikearoechebta ea 4 lho coripitire hy; atepie “oO er y ~bistrosssand!a ce 3 “#ie abined:|ils TEE,Sineat Seah fiveAy aT SSweek: ‘Ss SeTENgSL tee TAZ Mrs se:aCowles md Sisal Sere vateee Shonddag = oo EOE Meeewe Be sihpiies at i writes:“ottic ee. “eotsildrably.Sof ai Jide aes the:wundertaker Lh veseeber: Ba ription tconfor uw favor b oak fastIS¢stioed ae it’w ye ouSesSHRMoe SeiffVYOnnyeea ;ix Aes . Haru palbeeRISRELACE “ANE CeS eRSorteBROMUSHS:uk ys MEaStolia2:ae ee Bek,e.OE Gc aa eine Curt ath!Gangord i “the ‘Or phictn:ye SC Raine.eG: Whipias:“pe Gat Hs th *>,,Tee Wee Yalta, rs cee so, OME “ieee Hithy akhis ‘fs , i Ye pe;:~en ‘eh Heiss7ft;‘ty=i Tees thas:Ea bapa rel:Hi irhis-epiat 4 iis i ”Meee ten inv ape the q Tet ie Sli:ieee t '*¥ta * athe CRS SOESS yen,a COME Bad tease onl nate Urtiads:4 Eni}iteWs ty 1 a MeanMae*ree HhFo. ~Roni *Snched ‘: onentoare=Toes .ite:bhi: Bete aes tt ffsea]mn SCC f Coliverigraes reed:here Oe NI rs.Sate ut Dats be Ce Sy es St by yer SHY ead ae Turkhee“.oy alyAaUtLyMah cbdiedy Fes ES ari seh okieste Hsarchitia archive wrt!Willnierten, ast were:bse MM:ivslial Te J:Pee hs a th 4Jor ; x re ee teghe .Lise ect.ne yi i bavi:hae Thorbiin FiJey W ee Pete 4‘ey myBinkafBeloiiesPsSeems{\He apter,Esa,autho AS Adle binefa ferday he bey pre >ae aut ROE depuis OMS aN The VSGchesBrGebathStipetior‘Gourt ots late:ae ve stamigo,eh Marg and Mi tbe: i peiPostor ETAL AM OM Ns <asay {g :‘Poasm vide West yt Ley Sprig COUTTL Sather,ene Ye .fer f rae debateSe “Athens dbjen:te “Bea “peopleSea:Site descr) 4 Schivo!tay oh this With,ot —Anien native Birdiws) Sezanines MY aNinf aid ain td others. Uraety “until ee acts is Ue i teint dave ha Von ie auth roristyt “Aor he SPs ial School ta TE vp areboityvowShouldgogisrts+Umut F hou Cun VOLO HEL Oppiased te ie”vow bould see that:vour:Hes is prope |“SPCR Oh therrarecistrasions:OOK S0 Athue you canbe Conte “d waalt. bse Date eetnuit plenit Ite lee Rt Ma,igs :wie toy tite.be“HE,he ents buTh “atorsrd EA eeeLey ii be Letteh,th Fede on Gaves\ast cheon eh gl Grove,Mockss ihe."nd Ler muh oy : ‘|gr }bag SEW piston w Ul ferTita >tlic pier Aft Sy phan ahWiebe pre st ut Bh ‘Mus AS ;wipl. bre ott ai “fulfut }force,me Fe i ng iB 1 LOE.BosiN supe at Chie:uted a [Was wettizng ‘ulonts all urright SRR. Sundays wheu,bi”‘wotpe a Tight&pos on It Loe utc hosobt:phincdshim;*fey 4 | iie}id mahuch Sanday.’wich higct cA clas fg 4 that:hae ALE to tnWDD sto :comsanlt,4 = | jt | «“$plysiecseebay Dit.F Auderson,s pit ag <E “|sep tyr ‘hin:eehee Anieanine %a ha good de’“il betterLis ‘.oo?fvets= BS Bale:of Lightnin’strbekcant ¢sak tremin front of Mrg Mar?C Da tons houseat "Howgten wees at tr day afte yhoon.The ‘shi wk Stumne el: Maja oR:Cowles!”who wWason:¢filke piizzer!cousiderably 3 He sayy that Mr)it:was “the heaviest,‘bokt “hy evey :yardstpdas even | ee stood:xery¥: Withesstd and that sa Wits oypurely}) se)too ne ur him,to be comfortable.ta s WwW ry hope thit our thre Ste mie, wall re“port to us the:syumber of bush: els of wheatand‘other grain’thresheeinIredell.wndoAlexardler,codmttess .We w ant a full separ Cee Pe “> i bet $AIC } abit!"Bon Shut jen a)fothe-at bi ee RET : Pit ath *Wi Tete pooleae Se eaey ey MMs:in A Socotra Wu 4 ;;et TUM br ‘pod a“hrouthes 4 Ads,i,;veilao;4 Ose:Behe Alshe Park eth y Soni gees Miirolin oesyetAlesat Leatieny ct ia Bis!iaptlitMe 1a tot iyi Othee a TGS aa Sut:Statuy mr.Wileon aed Biaa Mr AV lSdby erie:Veefey seogtyes ftonya 'mon te Sa Bog ngbijy ml ies“4 Seehesciate afarsi:uhh Ss ft thie ls 4 Ww ie eine th si duesahah ih vl {kay «the dig ne biiaG Swigding okt BaeHave‘Certificates,ceixye [fowiship~Wi oN.H.ie:fone:set :«’ Sad will!doubdttbss:om eh: ete ty:Pes Sets justly,penal?, a ys *‘conaidPree fee>:tof Some!tayo week saizo,end ited aiurabe ot?Cphitese ab ‘tage |bekimgingigs Mr W “A =poore wWas'| f “great nats dolks syege bbag vy“tightened a ‘zood:wy any.prove’“hate wild:ackiio}leetay ine Mr.Wh WAGSoper “this year.Kee)the ‘tity counties’" at 2~orain sépatate.;‘Tfany:of aur tead* "whe Hur ied:the,Crs know of va thie shing CHEW Fe Dern deo not take the:M:ASG theyy will)oar *ehourat wl{tiony |to"the happ: at ting they cropy young coupleBnd=hdjc use|Statistics and reporting!them tous, Catawype v hie denctls hie fat nig Hae4 a. trae brSnjek 21S Hypesea |He:altMaal' ue Auth hausshoeabt! “rte:<2Ais ea,eg! ea e ondeAhh [pystinity rs si ee Aft Fepnsba sc hit at:ey ip en wot ag ees hitg.«vesBeatCe,YStates aelgcsoYieissihe ae Mor rigethath a BES (ise gente,ate ice feed dew of ae se set x ”eee |ae stirs,sites Re atvike BeIpe:ea sr 's My.Folih Ls Mein’ Gt 40h ¢Mord.”etic t a aun aS Su MAE bist areas Hiver. Liais Seite 2K tas3, Tied!ates “py!“Pm dat bros:Lowsia:Magni meer thou ¢ala:Fe ates ELTATL ant:mien af ony ea Rc tsi livak Of dps#de at hy sae:Sth AB ah:As Le Oa)rae Ried the Gud tee:te Athen. [eas ter hinvofe-tigers Ded He Peere ASOT,28,Beit. ii preset e Ec eon Suit tal Ris ont ul:fuwgn Fn f. se Cty ie ung . Be page Son met Pikes ae Slips r enPat sas tieae1 -Wee My:We Ms Siler ite Aue i Be She sith: ”pe ni koh vf xtty.s Sas de She %4 Shay vil has:fy“Waprat pe ue pee Siar tys +)«#Rte ‘th “aairde Banephat Adhity:Ey eee Syst te eea hit ae : Ravinjig vreau Se ee <A $ Astiy ee Mleitycharrel coy RE Hem i. ach chs watweHt thay ae Xpdicste.whire ySELESa th.“fh cit ue. rhombus le wre ds Shu &verter the,proce ede,ot the.pe“eGnat ae :You wad:SAC for Vue tie it fife tlie Hit hy aic pt.entfowek it inttes be hid thinedip1 GtSint fooMetyen ‘the sgh use tke ne ‘Tema gw trigh Bias Ue lew suniiga® cht A,Cin as.ue vhs v mG $posseSiunsals Piel #bh *, SYN)Kone town pase pa t tbat tos word wend | hwals Cousidegalle fitie ‘Sn beeTeck cuttpeh,tou gi foe:Ault sipiih1 thy tyole aieaid ‘plese outils etric!itSte—ee the “chur eh Thy ‘rine230%itt faemateieewereBurneyabiin Rilfedt,law lisrkatapianer, Teit.)i Theyane atkhewouside ea eoncbeacees rene Sn Of:Mh Wi.ME Cooper. Nally ‘ind.IMis Came:CG Ma dusbic®of Reet S-LEAPcH Of.Maton Ww ergdnatticd mi Ma 0 Docsadi?vening’of Yagt?y ree Rey Beye deers aiciatime“AYevrieng married life |May.be,doug. ne REDSIEROtie,4 “Happy: roa ht WS ai AKrea deres 4)We ; Say:ard widp<ij HIVESaa’few teft ef ararebarwaineand: ie ie osaber5 seat HbR i Batts“Prive,*Reprembe"|WOU.Tom oi Ee f ates D0: ;rel:ot hers | }i|i SIN FE Ma vat eae:gi Wers ut Punt tai (él kes Ww ho have hi WeTINS!been ours new:stand,” ei Se 0 on the trardset os aa Follamade 2 gaith phech rod ards Onions. sed dy ‘aps, mx Of all hinds:¥ulllineontwalltindwhatyouswaene WLI & ‘4 Gs fee >“Stock iseLhebese | Prices onl a oeot olbey 2% ‘=Batali’§Thess promises you.” ‘Praly.CO. ve tvou,have |ee fas Aion:ibhe sad “st ally:foun aut oor Stores Al Howe st pleasure.today: a st dae iy é | coh I” Antorest ine ATG de adds re!AMcat ue.ple usure thé south a Dress Gon The i 2NEILL ever wilde * i a Ge a 0, eo:>AMI, in farpniture continiced ee beTEX. i wat Yoon pot aro :piel}\é shasy ssa tel dj Cy ISS SictifwTae ae paste wie be This,ONDNor,eeéaieoaMe ny she hog Ny sean aiyou aksif vi (artiby weleomie iiad out Ue ¢:he itaenubes ;Deople:Ob Cart altpersonscepts itate.of said deceass ¢@)undersigned ‘Orfor,etowruly,.1898,Or!this;notic awit becp ead,inbarofteir-recover :ti estate’Me Dy ‘that,theirl:enthsepateiamoweaeFsa ‘=gn Bulow (30.3 seteaayat ot e e Me a ‘e e es 60 Ad a a. ' = vt a .¢ ir e n e PE N e De nn n a e n u Or e op e n . va n nt we e n ee s east WW es art oo ander, Hen + oa heptane :ae ERADING aS a ares: ae cA Ww eithy Maus Daughter W we ‘Pine weed “For.the Ma Cuts eR ss7 Sire Ne tee,Girls «fothing-eee.iree ee x 3 j ae ‘ts ,wew York Dinit ctr,3:ye f A =4 r...with-ay) ns =ds gam *fs Aba AE a eRe.ses th Paage he en tr. ..;Will ery Saree,‘Xe One the jabs ent>Jane 4 ha 4 fier:;see a2 a ‘the’Puden 2o0R i xi zg a ARIESyh BC EEL “frum the ntteamshitp,i “ne Ned erage ic Starnes af Rages ae 2G -::howrgi wid or ‘Thurs Be ‘“Harry 2.Grier,és ee me Se wis aoboy: g f a es 2 ey pa FE eeeeer £2nf SOPs:aS ay xe a RSS,:ny r Wi ite nae ae VieBA Thea ites Now?Eadon' ae ee Ge Capefid ats erbion siven th)ANC matuers,pws apa Ghe sores fetal oe pete?teri for (mionlent,RO Bron he oe ee intrusted Powe:=1 =]ofr:alike erk.fdr)tee ystand te Ug os Rh hitve =he apBeaved pees :a meetslatse}ae a aie ii eles: ‘Ee at MN eee 4 Be try gees f oS uf ad 4 this aan trance got OHMIC“i ule st I:é Tas ne waned ‘u SELES §3 es cater ais pie iste,Cc sug ian wy HTT,%Se ee < Ba eae Na eel as leat ‘tate k 4 f oe Rests Swi ak Neck bbe nee,6 RE eat Wa as en ren site hee aga, i Ei >Wilk marticnin,©pA pecwag et gee te ee ‘:: :.atte ubyaiepieyah Ae,Hy eae etic Set pice far ss ot fae:.pte 16.piesiblyx a Ric nF ta ie Mi san “ <ei thet oc ah ea tees ,a ‘“ce Sage Gr rie La ah i F RrigisDeb «a foe tate BLO i ;a AEN GEAR,4 et ea 7 ‘Se a ecient A 75 Dy ies eens tes ‘ge i ac ogee pHkse fel re plan J=fhe onyy |thing1 si is he es RICHARD.B.‘Mast‘GHLIN,tb GY Lae tes mid ’Saaspnb dass PeeudysStit quate the:SI OULY,iapons;ait OAS peice er “RID OT SBY-TEE:pa ie Leemner laoxed set Vike cori+)dete’eats athhsseat ndged dbl eae \,Mie eae =State ge XBGs he oni NiOner,inh,wet Seorpe:“Eda oyth oF pert ind,Thirty hye Rug.Si i 7 shen :ta waids vajsing his'voices ||cabs on thf:fips sow fa umdah lake ; XKT, to 4 Wit a eer :4 iad 2 it Mbt,if the road Hetirehasalready |, ‘Newest j Se en een coding pil Luktlonie TSyou “havi;Rot appropriated wstanLhatew Phe equa)OD Beant ak Se REBT ei 4 Maid HOt AY High we wetl owe,cota Soe es a Ft ‘’x 5B.;te peleRt fo fay.Chen SES hy pat.| perent goles ‘¢nee ei rhea Sri Lh ~absijord™and,ms .thts, ~bo ‘Petit ny “Patt Hes way aay “ory ey ,g >am ‘k 4 os wey *GiikerSeha5 ace i ees PES bee nei a!py our peoples 1743)heats hs Sees PCT Paty ae ELE we Hotties dip "pemsahGet Merugs ¥fist!tain Hope by fal the re are :m and td ies a .ies ogP thud:the Ws es com ieomnast:eng fens apf our Siatecits vey swat: Fe mm.“s nen trave Iece UFFave aigw“tyae iHee go eke uc MGsoes iSiehaeahes sia ae Birk Seeks hi met Se ee ae ATOR.te .A .“.Le.CALDWELL,:aOethe ~tt:aE E PEAin;Y ih:th:Be Sens!day ‘be aeahte St els pied hI La 3 Bis aS Hi ivi}ant dai Iffcpespepi Tse eeeBt Athy:ap re ne san ees i =<LEY:Lbs+N HO:te ne tte ary wennied:TREE Sods Wy thai 4 ye ved Mage natvie hiekl}Pag i Y a os “ae -ore “>{;eh i ee .>e& ;“Prackines tik os tag ‘Ai:ire te Dis |\sak veel be R Ged.<7Alig:thts,pepedebee)ey ae akTaye:waitif ~.:-1 ie jcc!Push iSeon ai UPaL Ts |;: ;eee :e Ashok ibd:iste Seige Bf ibaa ON :“sf eins eet atl phe t XIN KE ath a Piebs t hs ety F *i Hr ss eae iS es ftulyrot,sirin Dg x,to""tht Semon S.pea ‘ye ie Tp .;*“The fermyers OmnasTae who Wats wells eR ie iV dbe>gene bree hitbile ic ppt i with nie:Ve gatec onuhdsy ut ‘thy starts:rite Hhortunt opinion i es Se uae my i St ner tae htes 51,pyou t Thee Ariede out”tht:a i)a ne met ae iQ this iiest a Se Me:Biuvgily pat B hotioa Syste UE f Base o hue Mena een be ERECCathion ken calititeumernt tatbea aa fn t ut React Wieck)Omky yuh BStB but beSnel ae Sf ih verte 1 Fiagh Oy 3 LO Nie pagent abgt!te:“SSiyseh :ai eeyor,ea Bt Sisips de tele |brit tyre ae arta te WS,$e pe ceaaih Eee : a rs :STorin eli hiok:itt it ast)ou ‘Seto2 ~pints 79 pier BH stay na \x 2 pars: eee Ses f ;a cece ‘dia He SLOG Kw that os suse ie nnd Decorated J te *AY thie:©kane saryiM“ids ipa thetis:tbound to.Reta Inence Stock A t Ps "2 tie I On,meh Ike ws tebangie wri ,cake.phen : Rea tes’ako ed poopy at a ASR UT at OA reste 4 ,th Peet bayou is *SuRtain titre=Tatlindeae Sh 4.‘ ¢te.pea,ys le Founder Eheeisy fs ‘thete oes! wi POMS Re isdneaoeee re world.Senn:ces-pis gna s Gea eae “ide ride ty Tnitias thysever’:beatin - “at vt Ladies Var tye z pitta sen marr:“dk aad bis)Leis res td:un pet Sreppoieantisigsti ‘oc Sintacini t ;aN Mike a cod th »‘reurt m+a 2 ro > ae 1 xu an iis dhild aie:ee E oyaAne 7 Hic Wee>Sov Teelid phe ae a Nae 5 enh i taicke ewer he DESTCLOS vhf , mar 5 tot,the up igus 4 ses &‘¥5 be ye tick Wwwig qe aS > :.igh tp=3 aes ia 2 linbly tnf4rmed!irs insthe Feasts ee eS if ea Ou? Sai ours"ar,ba >:Bes J.:3h 5bart —ie tie ku stu ay ai ate.Wheres fhe eal ige ye «¢eee suits tm same J ,=oe a i t obbeth SHB Ne«uc fh 0)BN hiive ThyOyen ithe “TEak ois ‘Hest 1 t ioe Diack Pose Tow f a ‘as :{ep oe i Tea Sees .—"*#5.i fire aaantes ari’te wel Dow's lele A Ooi soled inl;Co ach pgoule Sa byttt ees ace E os uebors 5 .'3 me ey “APY es Jon oat ‘1 .: steo S2eroswo noeor ange in Sih tee GS rE Gb <0!arte shativc kts ateQin kk Be (pte,Mark AGO t ae ae ms EAN ae By Pr “ f E irtex spa NS aS im io ee hy ttt Lit Pais Bethe d sent JTeele noLupubt:ie ae 1a -8 i 1 Oe ALa SUANHE RY:1 Shirts.Boor “he een and Ye Se Veh oa :ale :Hh é weet Jikt-te SPL que fal Teo SEee,PEI LOOT ant aie Fe se Ro ears t Spay you. “el i 5 f ett tek 1a Crise.ti:yep Oe:Festtine®ck e Ha “thyliek ER:4 cough Mie &S hiv Sorts hteAepol:\a1 yivhe tau yfesRye Ye ike he ;i ¥}4 ee bE RAE 3 Ras eros :Lhe t \sue 1 We Xiay Min ge shed beh yecd:“at =h easLyi ga ae ;=) oe ibe 7 :!aseh aee ce ay es ae We “of the?eee eid:tadthn S gehle “Alpyigions :4 }oid nas erie pou y Ie re ‘‘ i tireie fe tice of Schook.Tax ‘Bleetion.|ae ws fF oeit ai ui neaayteil!hie ing faethe ts innards tse e i ce caly 5 % ‘" B 1 ;Sree Ge ‘a y !Outta ave naan Sit sag : YS |.PA ERYENT.Or:TINEAbO AED OF Ry «ey TW mayo!y1Ui FASarta Yoon ager:ustiny er eG H nt t :i Beers elaae LA Commissionesof WAIN!county.held hans cash Ta"vais?eS thee =NI ‘tim Ww igh aall hit Sore Sets 4 ESD Sh ‘in theireticd!the:s of Statesville Son sears,of ster “dy itte eiai ‘ak?SI is tn iphou ©rH et Salas aed ASfe0 gel fa olamk:r :=Peta uexday the Sty Gay6s eine,—as,thé for :panel &Coke to fi oh ee Suit a hope Fi hea:Secnie |ertl eae 3 : 'y .owing oule niwak wade by svi AEM ytO-if ;*‘bias cadethis ie}ef :EE t :wit:leatTrat-anvelection,be and is}<ot wa,Svat ~he wok ithe al}gictigi j Drisi ahsoiaie’.iva pels a.:hereby ealled.tote be hil thevartons town ,Baye ese ey Gi h aJoklal “a i ee -*Hipsiehinede“WGountion “Tiesday.ss Rtaee eee:craw Feed ut ia)SUT ct PIGS 3 {tack HW it la and:said: E i the Snd (Monday in August 1st,ont io atte re She OCA feel ht Hey rahi)BLA we,ei oat ‘.,16th ky of ~aidemonth;upon the question a +SERaR aT o7 &e.bee re aint ot f aay sate iit beat oo eae 1.OS.lotdestanga Shecedl’disteict or:township gC"2 AYALE T A SEC AMA ¢PS aa ae Stax of fer eents (ar the bun dred:do lars Dee shies Wert iit |ye :3 :4 aie ons valuatiot of property and thitty:Cents:emf 4oo ara fe ;it Mee hig te :arty:iisSt gong;j at ~6:tthe pebifor the:pablit®sehools;af said:‘dis-SE pli “tise falls nesSgr wees ee cic Wa IT ae)trict ertow ulliip.gat Said,eleetion®€ligsey bor Surman beer t j Afieriifter Bowe ia J |l @ +3 2 ;favorifia adit tas,shalfate a AUT ICtO UAT GY bo ists gs ecpse Mh 1 Ge pha 1 Pat ara Oe iN! ote -pris ie Wailot:Ker SélieGis”aridghcse op=-aR,rae Hee ieeeie on <intact voi } the finest ei ae i Lh posedStMerinst-Sohadis.)Said “eleetion.ation:ee eee Hieee f ng 5 KyOE Rel ',A ie::to be WER ander tit ridovand repmlations,*say juni nin aos een skiera ap i pp 0 ae prex¢rided ter thie ¢}tection of the ie meladts fet |aah 4 cout ;;:“rar }0 uf “of ting Gebrrak Asselin ie of,North.Pare~toy yaaa “a 5 eee litin 2”nae ar a Pest ee oor hs 3 <«s Saae Pree Thiss b a ame 4 fea Beaoft He i a aye ah i See y ob et :Cielids:Michie io mhRELL OK a am ~ a Se useeTy NOR rf ©AROE INAS Fe wperier or Leek nN eb Ge ch,in |: We ae tae a ;; ?.Tpedet!County.ae ‘genre oa i ine a eed aa eee -an A=Best,Mattie best:Mary)°,7 a ea Epo teed ee bite ae dens :ck jare Jane LappardMeme Eapparek,Loe ere Sas syoc an haLEC. Pita scaeh ss M : Elizabett Lippare,>Sarah)Giy-jars é VW beatae she’“Ob aay og ra Hs ote you 4 3 pard,Jolin M;Lippard,et Ri ‘Stable “s ;proud Et.ee a mersy)Lippardy Alexander pe stejal by acltifon'we it ene fees ee : ‘a 1p”—Hip:amt wafe,Many |:ling ver hangs oa BY wehnan hee 2 singpiePicay:tie ie We:ayrite nes Be i a hey igs ”ns es , Af.hi e tarhs {o eX ches "ye oAvaginst :pete ,oe DT ‘the bees AEG O 4 Comietis saath bei!‘Be 3 ‘Me tatanieal [E wv she FS 2 nqnitesbinge caine Bes ee et ee sia i Se ken:s<H athe sseilpaahy TY eit)Seam ine : Ste 3 Wilden’ia seipan,‘Merraretpti oii Sues as hey Seto au pba “OLEui bien.“Fle Ais WG Beysou: ‘but th eee es eer Mares nee aa):a Phau{:Hees ERNE sdargaiy Ol,reps .lee ol x 2 hobertieoY inet i th ts ean Wa :Hea per 2 ror .Tine defen tants above pea:Soniye,TE th “ote See a,ty sua |x ua our cy eta gs arti :-¢ye y a .bee Emanuel post;Ww ittiam’."Rose myn.|!PONSA oye ae se eho}On:Yili Reete walie “ty iSane ports 8 7 :é :and Maruzaret Misenixa,iwilktake nati¢e tiswu wayTye wor <ut ‘tile f sl OnEf =ke ©;«bofly I ;ht:<thatan action¢€ithed as ipve,,they Simede Lge :t ‘in s vil ar :i %,‘ole ds d ie tor fortes ? Soe a oo aa te oe *being.petiton-tor partifian'of the-land 2 "rly Ne)enerl Son tiswant ae iC tur whiemie.Wi s iis tenedd:|}Se meee Borme Se ok mahal of the estate Of Leyi Bost?Ral-been.coms yeu tof spihighienty te rae Co ahi =)pipet .;Sh.:>=a ‘a goods cai Ts _menced in iheSupetior “Court:of fredefy Whis-B Mare eae i Nate.wits Be sigfome Ssratiechests nes Puts inta soma:gueaipes ; 1 et ~county,and the hakd defendentsarefirthittg 9°2 i-pres sees -for gner aoe ecdatiadicsas they:ANGBy hgpie ore ;Nee ore wit 4 +Wat netiied that;thes,are®TeGuiréd-to appear:gino ipa!penfies cOngertiine:Phe a bi 1 of sh er ites Men J .i **#lat theoflice ofthe!clerk Os the Bapenforpo Petcare :.AS igh thee pteasst hitse,gy t aAey Hess:a gibt 4 A ‘t Seen pe the ne Pea ‘day:coy rp?et “gfae ie=nae TLE nts.Wy,high ey on rh tips¢Wademn s Ryragkel4 gars i ‘2 Aug aoa ve Coust GHotiserin States)Shcesaldest eet Siir wie i :a he Li heh .:ville Ne Co and an~wer or Wemur-to thy!=T *ts be Saeet are“lass;:Haove,Reetie Bott sine Dh . a Soe setae oe pe viaumeael etHS nsavoinen be Be this,“mere!‘tok Ope:“s Teetie tS Pie sande | pi %a C “ee d q a ’iS t=*eprt ye >> r Ree mandedana aie peti:Bn Tus aot taay on it tert:nv shi Ea ie rte)h,de 1 pment And bratite BSom:fhyn'Sig :}*rel tor Ge +frat N:Sy le resie ald “4 *agete poetitesu Be es :FL V3 FU RE WES,C'S *C.One ascoinig”iuatey th fer ee : sso i aD Be Cosine 1 ate ¥i Presi nue.wer:»De ee =Ge r 'hee oe ens >eee W ats dre So d-1°aTabmae ie rt ae:<]woke 4 aero a 14d ; _:SALE OF LANDS.’.=f “a)arc ¥iat bi i e ‘ra :Pie get ety gene sr -edo Nith oth Spcal ‘eh Bey yy:irre OF A DECREE of,Irescat °«=mice oe at k Ne ’ess ae ‘Superjor te in the ease of Py Mv et cae exer and.Correction ih ie 1 Le |Beeive Pie wits “Sumaie Sand others)the undey:ened 257 mi,Ties:a 5 ear =tae thgre Ya eT ee fSaid court,|wi ot on:‘Mony m3 ::2 Lait:eh apie ato Vd} -‘ee oe CK Te MES:Hi justi ce,aaDi st Ps 4 Mes<u vheyspines fais Tyee pins | ;ae >@ND DAY OF AU Gest Be =|13]cood:people of E licin &want,te ch pelt tyr40 jf pebig*wesolvelt ¢site]: ee atat the Court His door.in Statese:ie Rtreot!through Your cola nhs if stite-is orig:-@lamen ts)aheadec!ist Gorrot “oS as 3 for cash'at public!atiggion.:o the 3a Fie <Prose whos Mere Our Deni ): ae =highest’bidder:the’1-10»one tentit addi,ingot PSee'in your Igstgigsou.eS EOE,Mi lithe Pup eae apa oe nt : os -vided intex¢st inthetract of Hand}.ndivas ied frotir die Statesville “Mascot.|)BvhouvereRe pa iD}iadiis pile:as the deweg ofthe widow ov Hiram Sam|‘a é p pad bois Ag UTI ee _|a uniérs decéascdandbeing #part!of the,ami am iynoted:as Siving ine>Sratoswitkel!dblicuns adie SoThigis:distgegs. ath:ea fee eae Some te divisjon|that Mr.{Wood was “the njirth pers on’ber news =pares ukicles $0.Dem uno »»of theJands of estate.of said irany Suny-.QSsik )mers?situgled in Bethany:township in cdirritd feorir Flkin to the:dospital stiles a cae Saat os sins,Said cove a5 cee 4st;1697.a yn the lust tehve manthis..oF #did't:Se at ings ea ‘re ie a Se LE commissio)er!s yt hee sateenfo pooh de B.Cou lly,Attorney.Bote to TS ts non sey this »While sitting wt the |.De tian.hoxgovers‘s “hee x a :ie :Sicmcass ory nerel ae ‘St aatesville tLagigingt ab some Aas is no in “articn])he se ‘id:4 uk rds of mine,oe Ww tS ask ed <tson miky have con fised,its.-a 1. Ri Sag ping NORTH C2 ROLINA,.qin the Superior pctiente aeETE ey willttisness:to.let hink bi tS onkstery Sy apcatigakes pes ;:IREDELL CowNTY,46)Gourte)ere Mr,Wood w;asfrony:Lenids nen abiagls its Sole Teadei throughithe pS i Ob Boi ~WW,2 Watts,adon’retTe A.2 7 ee RpLed,he was;fren Rikia,‘aint that’MScrt tothe promised tind within ie wee ie ON i Be ee —~\*a Sera a se she ;"* teases MbpToUscliessc anion BS a .rs ie mee Ng Re wh:The ninth:man;pent to stheqindicat fon of.apprgaching=collapse,: :i tts oe na> 4 *=E Nats,teNWatts,Wot ols phospital ftom eur county this‘year.He may have cived.)SBertaps its pF acai”EL ERE a oa ney;Edna “McAuley,+Notice Dut d Waatson,wi oO Oliti Hy Tead. wn wits ' ee -but -did not-say.‘froy .4 who ispol ig y dead,and, Shes 3 Be ms ifarvey Cottingham,Cora Cote +ak .oui Elkin,“Thirg rm it the Re SOEs “por tye Jas >BER WEL renee be ' ;tinghan,P.M.Watts,Maggie |>;were several present whe t Ke :;cates it2 wis Valle N Weerse tt al i -|Watt.Ee Boyd,Mitnie|:r migick wt if he is rigdit:tlrere ak eos DePsd RB get eee ce ee -Boyde F.P.‘Watts:wey =the reniark,and Edo not!know who.sou jer fadte a the <US0.Phe-weeks fi 205 a "ae “i nodes ;2 y te above.natned Wogentiauts.Harvey did the reporting.e The!istatemeng +)Husion ©Fou Wyrtsome 77 s Se ee >ttingham,Cora’Cottiughani and P-.a I made Ht.We tru country uftoe without’day Ly: :ee ens any C as:ereny:one;ie FATE DS4 By é 7 -Watts will take notice that:an action ‘ent Swed’ig }will p¥rhaps beless frequently:quo-i ke 5 ; Se the Spe meds a ieee ig See and’the mistake’=either In}tod to ddmonstrate ae the,ocr ut ,aig *aw Sonves a ‘ce erior Court of Iredell county,for }the reyiorter .r rof the z Bd Mi dth tad Luu.As clernts i ee *thesale ofcertain landssituated in ee pigeete eia editor tof the fvol,ff the:Ropulists+is:-breghing!wher rena es Bene.*township,said county,for:for t aavott “tinpnk <it auninténtional Gov the Democratic feeSthin}> oe :oe of psig ‘aidSaid defentiants|with ait mone.Ae Ba va they,;are now.:“And per‘haps,with i =] re ‘furth ot ey are -Te-Rae hie Gas ;baer ee we met Dann ones 3 done by eg.quiredtoappearmttheottice pt the:clerk}‘At this‘time there!are~tents pers ousse Peopl ‘the Be nthe Sonth-}¢ ne ‘neatly¥ a.ofthe Superior.Court of Iredell county’om |sbus ia the Hospital fron iu,‘cuestarttite avith,tthe ~publicans:well} LO ees Saturday,August"ith;i897,-and*‘answer ;a cot aerind,theniselvesagai,without°rep- th:High”scligol.¢ :=or demur to the complaint |in'said aetion ory *Y angtaad of ame,me aereson tanga*from’?south sol *M.asom,|}exigomth.Vwi Se .«the‘piatntim willApply:to ue¢ourt for:thé|.ek oa “J:a 3 ise)Tpixon:s Vian ks Ot month!sf i es réliefthérein demande ~~%Nat.AGee *M ty #oe ; *tharraingeinent as €‘ Bis Jyne 24th,"oR EE ay FURCHES,Rock.x Cx Say Bd SV Fe YX ae tae hig di as part ot the pape!wilt eo Be ‘i et Clerk ofthe Sie Court:We th s Segnt intbthis political gomib:wit ;ats date of entrain (0°is : ea “thank Mr.Wallace .fort :DR H OAs 6 wieof entrain:t a / *¢R.B,MeLaughiin,Atty rag the juitting Mae Hace.for ack prodigious blastagainst fusion.Bath:tis sows anal t=a ,way es aig eee ee 2 ee een!q Sus ofany intentional’wrongsit is onky the fastor in tbéhalt:of Mx}? |i Ss 4 ‘s *For:Sale‘or Rent.“>.er to the good town of Elkin.At this:Bryan—whom /he ‘now!>“beasts(Gt otter Mee Bs f >:Ae Se wo ayoWe.cannot reecall the:name:a asheai ee she.condemé:es aoe ; :os 1 m:y a eT ©adiplonrath °re 3 ee if 7 ;“till Se ‘or tent’muy:fatut of 2 »our’.informant.but “think that.Sth the he I pe sat pees sement ‘pont :: x actes on easy térms.:Theplace he w ie swith the Republican’party =sine th f ob =first bce ‘dwelling’Ait gut:<build-as some ge ntleman who.heard’A Southern St ates do”:a sedteingmalt “ingSon it.»Tis:situated .miles.Wallace's jtatement”,ut.the:hotel,miget his disapproval)witht 7 a et ‘“fron Elinwood:mig Se:miles froin}Who-doubtléss got it into}his head eee ,andle 2 Statesville’,This placeisone ‘of the|tliat the:nine were”from Elking iint _he Best-quiaig -finest farms inthe county.wellddopt- ie |:ced to raising Cope!“ection,ww eat stead of from ‘Surry county. tee ed sa eee 7 ce >rahe rae ‘B ‘ §“and tobacco.~"AXddress!:Lave.it-aS we:were informed |as aie q est.hd ma ae OW Xe Ha Eluiwood,,N ‘J matter ofnews without meaning:st : mae Sadly 8.9 *+O.‘a rh o a MaisRaving.claims aga nstsaiddecedent:ree 7 ye eee 3 “ct Sany.arm to any one;—M “oipresent the sameto.mé;,on or before-the |eral and pers vial ps9 “(goth day of Juty =Or e notice,coi é oreor remitted at towest plead in bar of?Aft Sand:Tndividual muntieet seemedtedto said és ;& 1 2 $3 .<+ DOptor thets a Sotsaparilla are genie ccaesel ti peo-Jaya,pers ie ;Ree. usesby about,them.:cd i