HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Mascot Dec. 1897 i p¥ernor” mation:voted ahich or the’ mes of the™. D istory ana —=os - aeif PUKE AS TeronineHASnace Gace cathe.“EN:TREDELT.ANOAL viday.:gutted000,000 » ploding “epann“sFe Ree <3 ie ae a > AEN peek Barron &Nicholson; =Most,‘Complete.>:Sees *Prettiest g Cheapest|*The,Winston:Sapeuiein kee i ae es Ne Es:ae Sete e oeSol tt’ae is swiss «Xie aeSS 5,SER Sesmts :ag rention priIfe ‘in-this -saiall.advertisemeat.;Ebut ce thay wi wot!‘only,M edpage SbO8-‘puts uindensell: \Dealgts|jr F urpitury!and.Hugo. HENS ts 3 Sins ey 2 Se Great one Epirori a0 ee eb ;aioe tefale_Legal.News’. >Shanping on .the “prosperous,times ao oF Letras Saat Abe ratsare having:‘emder the|hen"Mr.Dyke:Neirot2near sity:f Hes drt ‘the gelastaiidard,‘ang ‘Fhe and.ee eee Asti ee 2 oh Aidey taritt,“The “Republica FDekas vi teint x f3 F sane ane brought init.adininistratign,of WW.‘In,MeKin-“gold -ouit Sais Property:Yast’)ridays Bs «23esireforprosperity,dust bE:a ere The!Dearatic cate reee present| ©Atibns satisty it.”“We would;hateto’odd ePa s to"our Migeple?Wwhowa =F .abe pan uoamtiaie which*it?would,bes 3 “euijOy tite:playsofof ‘hig:oneBs ef (eatMaga times -undera.Republic an Aarec)igbe*ae pac Seaot tts puenchy over®had Su she ey +3ytsot sYaknisrratto;ie [peat ,\ re ae :s PS a,ee *if Slitne So ake Yr:sad SEEHS. at.<‘Cashion areeflast Thursiay nats “he hi Someot‘the’papersiare:fevings:10)Fhenine ofhis parents boarthhe“depotBabs ai tesriet from.his political ‘grave.of wpcases”ape”pnetrioaia THE. z ondDay ia B?Hil,“whe “a Demo parents,have the sympathy,ofitsiaoe Record:» RYN as ea “pracy Simurof pevd-efawled Snio4 ngightorsin!theit sad heyseaveae nestaf iw {svt Row.ac =i horehay ecbatel asW well.Wilhbenw eles me ne Mpthoaist 1 GON |fhouch:fig ch¢have :es aesratte basssy not ar forme why.‘ :‘fimpdevate one ift“the present scone sendy ‘Bob’ea next:\minth.«This ;je amgiy of:those oot at ‘his.“et |weal]snake Lepore tox atiegd’4 appointaients nearast Aur,chen “oN axt de to:‘ining &d rele back;to pur amidst Leno ¥xsoak ; eA Saloon deste em Miidoine E requ i thdr esidence:,Ofshis:ittThey?oeo STATE NEWS. Snie.attention atteted as ranning a deer:.“and sees a Janes pick oe ices ee --Hateris Strack = . <commisstoner:Ba De.Gefixm -@tanot rance poliex:Ory,the: any]North Carolina:{iat awfull 10 solicit,such SBicct surance,-Yet Cagents,iw the State thus Mighate ee et e RA S re n e e a Se n d e r te ke x my Ce en e Be e kk te e s 3 ee 3 =Se Bis hole and palled:hjs hole Zatter Teiikesbord®‘Circtiat:{yesaquive; ce RemovingPain’ih.the Side’wkS“ayia:.This tsa Useless:task as me)XfieWieBenaeiray oa¥ork on thie A,ak Py schurels ste mei eee i jauty,Atst0,aloo,=are GIRO e beer “Sty bse nd ee oder has been sti pping va Bye uil).he Rts ‘:0?sta ea “fe ‘Mi tast Chursday,is gee ae ,|{is the Countiy_at large ig:CUpeern-}the”Y eistie ML ie.Se Lithia;_proweessinfiaety and \cigatetts=to:Be es ‘Sf ae aw 2 ;20.Thi iv vi}4 at late ae as Ee mi ainter.“ated “Cole:ae r ms “hes eparka <4 Tonger.‘stad Springs to Sth asville.‘andl the pa[chorale eyth toa It mS gave Lomas hae ‘Ol O45 paintingethe EOS aul ss Anti.ain lokesf ae Erk+ate“hae thg Mictation,of New York.straddle:ties are pleased ww tir it:o.Bieater :caret GEMS,PORN SE me ORS ss Cone Be & teaito ~igts ot Th <né Aya aso The neXt.vigtors :,Der ‘Ta:<u ke :‘ee ase ray tak gh AO weed Coa ssucaicaups apaelanescara a Seat eee ett ee p beg an,teoe Et ree %ey Tks ie OTN.TMmOCTa=)need tts WET UO to be 5 apprerh seat cise es cb cand.robbed Of 200 ind Se.Ere)a ids and while at work oh —e Fe Hs ty or“a ate= We FE.TS:he wo Beet at Si, fe DREGEHS”)cead _wetecktet “ith wass Grover:‘Clove maker p Tegis- ister::the tin- highes |F :Sidoorin=.GR)Maes Ne INE re at ed eet ex:ee eA.Sob,OE eatsorg,OLE MONEY ee reprCE Et >cee Sao yp Koa me eaTE ESTING.S SC d mort.‘a bilows::g one =4 Pacey pasateRacor.:oe.Si “Piece faa paeee Me eo NG SS aA es te Fabra B Hart.EOE 4 peers ot rapier oat b OfcRHartPE)ae pers oo ee dhe Me pl A thence;-ae ;———mii —a ae -eI of,said”ie :,ets ey a i Doles to .oe DCO Fae pst 1095 is: E.392 acres” sy: xSd et ET A » a oe s ap t .ox ih ‘3 2 May Bteo ee i :=:ae f ~~ *$k ‘per.i aeats Heaveto ecoutGating |sR its.per Americhp sakinr’,Wier Galicd Ptss,perk ae pests Teayy.ee oe ity aS per yay:GagdsCaftet i Migr 3Srcelehigs ss eRe we AUR Ley a?Meth Shc a bove €te Hats,‘Shoes!and:Glothing,eg S, ASHose &ge!oy vest x “Secu|before you day.;“Ta :es te *»eS‘!“2 .se A Rast:Broad.Greets:e Awan toteve thanBs sank,eer < ist“Snep ty Axes ™tke a LOOK, and imported]Glasy War sajustiin,|L would.be?ghtss ote have the:ladies:CaP oe+iene in-andSee.theme he PEAS Fit:Sor ROHRECILY wt ;oe oe Ww ttl co “yt eee wtbbasses Gls;—:=ee ‘a34 THE SEWELER ANU OPTICIAN. onesctr _Gottsn Is Low-"eee : eaten tal y ap RE ”VOR,Sr EOw perpen HeLa:seirrt.TIRE PRIC “ESEY OUR.STORES*se i =os ane A aa ae oi Wcc Ruhit take.our : hs oust rp tot if.our dine’“eancbanelfOUY_PTUCS <>VO;titake,oink ta rd Batt come:and séacfor yours mayes have"pore.experiencg ine than ane ohershouse:Jtn Jaw "hy ae kifow Si10m:ae aid %y.4 4 “aT whatthetpeopliwant:Lovik ie “Good th ods for.{he least Money.©i: :ved will ge astonimtielathe Sees WearSoe :ee ‘ines te 478:Bees ae Now Fork Racketic ofhin g House -ea ti ;SMOEINSKY,:ADELSON: ort ee t Goi per Hare4janeext!‘door’Lost “Chafles|Horsl.Sigs ~oR ea re pe -seagate tee seme ee~4 een iL,:jedr when’formed,-bec:use money :hill be easier “pee“ited by”rivals wh¢ _Atk want to share’inthe ebotmoiis ae IP Sole VEED.AN ave Truk Overgoat:or.‘Mackihtosh.fan fide tall Fdawant,to see hat’apie pes We:Saeunetor 7 ratte r.what yau Pyant toepay.;We cam Snow:“vou the’Dress *.+e\taind dest top coat.sour:SOREN |‘walk ‘buy:~ine;te Be ae sha ae Ae >“Underwear.ae a!Be teeaa ae Se -=,We &dark show ‘youl‘the wxtoSt eo:shad.eescart eaigi mabe ke “at prices to suit:‘alle axe havejust speed er CEIP LOT OR eens ee ; mort s 4s ——a :a -<*Seoe .-;ao eae oe thi¢e vines tiv}ce <success Mite,‘inthignée of ar,administration osreuey reform.ivesady “t0 be sub!) gop.TER AE pe dae ee ag 8 Ee ce a tt Fe Paper"Shae tankers have ‘been recommend. ai\Siny chingein:the bankinyy‘laws*“af sg tlfe ‘Country:“whitch Stil’=furth&}- places,thexirr 264 of the.couftry a,Rex:and Mig:Ww te ;fuk Natroual'‘bank eirculgtion,“Or, sie Tegal tender netes of the gor eri} 3)ments which Bear.06 “interest rang)* 'refori which “Our goverbmpent reeds. ix 'the®free:commage of silver as wolt ; Light,hich‘has been ‘Joaned ips tlie" ‘bahks.by the Hovermmént of issuing|j .the Hecessary paper “money.“itself. a No tothér’“reform”stands “oyay jSeftate‘and’the pedple wits!‘see “to-itahanew.shines.-}amp Hing,TD,a B:part.Ofsmy‘China Me es oh Sh aR Sagi House mil &in the se EE st uckles ind Havenievers:yl 4‘stop U-hehieir¢“wat upon Zep -Lather and: death.enter,ees combinutign tot :foie up the ‘pricesot these t wont ti ;‘and ameoristen ¢oinbitrttion “to<de- alekvof the,Southern farmer‘iathare | ape a toe,is “the life oftry ade.”}>+wee f Wags et ice gee wiins “will inéin-sometiing.pee ciated.rcs soy ey 4 ue ?Rr,oe ees C8)feb sachatige'of office Holders.te ote *.4 ts ees"tal mpmactekes Shoutd “Wever| ae who;aiteyreceiving.the#loy- -alvand enthusiastic support.‘of “the}, all:—for (thé.‘Presilency:bolted the party the Very ‘first:tinie:it adm4" iNaxed another man.”Be“Rot ‘oul |Bolted the’tickes,but threow “thé ene,de: t Sy age Di tapebetes RERSONALS pet Ke a iS “Mat Ofine Turner ae pe,ifarvelt ity feaN 4 j .astundersone.a siineie ad “operat Spas.sae Bae eeaes-era tat Balsmoresis see pare eeSate cantAWE{0 ub Bs re Ne nes Mills’and.Son:spealending £6?ths bi Last FE viday,in.‘Char lotte:Park ot i ton days Lon afe iMiss,“Belle Gillespie.AS svisiting AW idk Nites Jennie Freeman |0 Chartotte,Cotton ABI fant4 giving,in.Chanlot te:.atone hiv left:Pata Miss:Antoinette Bureé]iE inv ist mein Charlottes:eae et eee; “as r -is Braner jor Silisbary.; eves ni town ame day:lant:weels : .Aebich was eevted-by Denigtrats to .Mrs.De.Ny Farches has:gone.Ks scene election:of the Republica:ngmi:iRaleigh,to!x isit’Let:Ta uid,Suds mee:*Dhey:shout’aka,vameniber | that.big pecnsulian-fr iends sapped: Bib,inchis?pants treachery.”bone any ¢al Ate isk“given out “that PresidentsMes Shley and ‘Se¢retary:of the:‘Tréas- J any Cageshavea plap for:-So-¢alied reieattedsto.Congress.next,_Moriday- “Fen toon’,it is ot the.wind!which | osfag whith’teformsit the wrong-way..} ¥|Mie}poker “Qf:~National:bap ‘yidl bear gre ity detriine pts Fathts’}¢ what a cbenetit’Aux.subst thtion| obinterest!“bearths bonds:asaxUasis | Gitculate3at par,willbe ~robbing .a fousSuffering people Tor.the beseit, ita.ia “moresTords.«The financial | gsscoldranrd tine"vesumptiots-Of the chaiace pot:‘passing:theTyee:@ sever ‘yr ersegea.ins Ole¥oe =i arSiN He Ses itaseers:that Sugejatid coffer an pomdvithees3in.price.The <Ar: eeof,prime:neve sity to.the farm: With «<rambinvtions toh forée.him ae:‘big)}phices for sha dis “Days rigrées the:-price of has.“colton,the kane.+AThése combinations thrive:ORY ‘adeSuleted pid:insufficientnit.rena ption Of inoney by tha ang “jt:tmpos: thé fiécessanv—r eady 4 nOneY Oeda} ~Hotkiness jn’competition’with them,| ne ease the woluitic “Of*4money by: fTRe:coinage Of sithet “pnd <tpee | Aver thepower of theeebay ta,ete: “tedtet their Cireulation dt wris,and thesk combiatie aS Gynt:be.harder PTO!be formed ‘aud will‘be’SHorter yeh ‘prostsof thé business::\‘Rasyemodn? ayn akés competition pe competiny foe Y ©.meRON7sa We %the Dendoerativ party.“af North MCapolinta aspects \40--Min.eeeLuits: ‘fromthe.Populists |or-evtnato,Hold} emoney <qaestion.7 UH Zmustnggite) g Stateto understand {en cept ‘a Sa oe £0,show goods.Sore ee€oes* a Sioa CeO AND poRtednRe. aoe Hats.and:Gaps:”ae Soar ‘ E Nor HewCARLOAD of Chamipion!Grain Drills ee *Lust arrived:“Oliver:Chilled.Rips.’are ‘thebest:in the vif ral .ye Pt ae siNone?‘Better,Spee e One eal tao Harse Aes «)iops ‘Brands.ahave,“a eeseat fp! oF “handsome”line of.MOMCe ahha Sie ‘4 beth =CoalGrates,CookStov;a This is a good time to fepaint:ourthouke:"We ofr ther best ‘fa material:Sewmgmachities Gorn:‘Shetlers:'Ay SX er |B hou let ‘St k of Ge eral Hardware,plete Stocaoe ae & antt Gley elaudism.©“The same panty’can~!: mot hold:with Bryen “and Cleveeland : =i herents®of etthey.Clete andism manner,that:he whor monsmay fead |that Tis done o with Chiveland and atthe ees sand‘held:any LOR siderable’number of ‘the sincere,ad- Judvodatees “the“eontraction ‘of <the. ‘Lear ency,,bor d-igsues/in the time otk“Phifer.awho.owns:2a fhat:they: =aeand tbe:ever i Pasingfalued present,t nem for pay rent on “sanctPs bot the-dotiar:By_reason of sych.“cur-iist 1898:fs interes wilk stop rence conttaction’“and”bond:issues; m Bryenism,1advotates,tree Ssilver;an 'é ‘to”be:broughtabout bythe xk ae“pansion «of tthe enrrency.consequent “Terat:Ob last:“tvegk: 5 the bodsiger‘of theitanother:Who ayjmalgappagle pwery.ill,at hes ca o s rae i Ait sbglemhere t Mr.MOE:"Shell Ree Thoy:Bre tote:pinist Sty River lost tianiot SeNeENty ssiuts ofMs,Shell”“dined 2 Mrs oktun pws:in,Lown,this:wankSOARS She 1s:YontetidayTufte THO!m Met iE ;Rousseau ind son Oscar peur ned:to Be ieaf:thts,te ad waynthe lis ea poi :Statesdiile Thursday;“Pope.their’“4 sigh:for,business rivals|t6,pugures ithtptesents‘niembersShip it tins } Aspeak out:myROTA értain sound ab s utehess Zz a f ye SeesSsSi <i!uate::ei a{Mesgrat-sinh es ay.Siihide atin.a aeSreenettn:ceehghentan of:Asheville.-y jsited ‘eoirt sich gOhs Re Che tty Fentenday,tellsEISBreetinnkephere:Phursdat fave Re PBN ies kite told?his cation So Miss‘mia reali,uhPSpackingSer he bidaamessage:frojn Gotle tes Gatawbaesprings.a visiting Ase ‘geopleofbypexinattones Bs Se sister?2 MS.WES SanteeSoir Seas Ged had revealed:10 hits. :ptt whihey the 3 ice tetary”*nr yA or earn and:' State.Board “Agr eth ure,5 WAS)St penied a laze:would cone upon: Rage 5 ist cae Me >aea oe the:bet at das: Elkin’Times:ieis uf of Statesville’ee pen:Santis Canesa3is bin br othe it.fatw:Ny ae ce WaRL ¥ spent:Mbanksiiy ine at Satan wy aves Patovinit Mr:SLellup’s peorheey MrSJantes less meat ena it ie eeen.i ie J.elaliand:*aS “Sears.5sOfp-“thetut:hae Beha exponent EBikin Fim presat ne edna have ad ‘Mr. esate Pcie hth sister Mr s asBer,“oF this.piace:eyweeBe “Cat:awba v isifor: peningand!Miss :Shaky Wy Bites Statesville?ame -ane!eon tore oy ‘spend Thaaksei ig Ate Mr Gongs 4 MEK ths Weta er nde ©AxhestlleGitizen.ee eSBike yo : leutherauid Ghas.<1.“Siete sual,MGa Ei rettinned:tastinight fron CUD,ed oneue a¥ del:COunLY,‘Where they tad foe 1 sits}x . +Renoir soiiie =iss’Pa Piast M =sult argo,ro)wane Lord?hexS rison,of Ganot-€ity fol.-and.Misty pits is Beaten aay Sordinany,are |Bele Guy,Or ‘Aredell Aare’wisitine ay lily Fie Ret:1G.t0,Lithat Sestandard.that.is in Nelsoue ain py shat,PRE TAS Soe BSE a Wilkesborty “Cpromich?om,Wee) Ward.ot Iredell was.tae.ce “hat ae Kowk Raines Syiner's.rot Statens Tes WPribiuytony Star,“94: ti t ni ech:aaDuseConr,He “Old Sisptihere has been’pRASINT,Brie of eres al and,whe aint shane)ayaa t fou snl Catéyreit.Ailon,x si f apnotigids!pus phe:case.of Fear entieae eee nyshad,traded: Janes We SWilson:tobe possession chr adeGt“Paine:Tatoln dehicket uear.a bot.ihe oftice.obchairman’"ah the’State}ea if “Bide:“Savaneayy Rui Ltoad”Cominissien.oo Bodn:sot Laat”bakes May,BETS iat,Toys On;December -athe:“Phe ~court “Set,Jerse:‘Dlavk ea ro The bens (atiadk) this ‘day.though,Wilson’siattorsoe, Bos seas he etekMenaecoteeRaoe hyirts:_The ae thetfgaxe-esa ( silo ivas tried iWNrake:Sabevior Mr.enue1g:eagacdtegly ae scott,tiv.Fook ‘beferespene eee bial te to;‘fey onotif pagar Ted:bere.aiid,‘thous the Su:te ie eet nyaee;,ré PEEIRE CCourt.SHS,‘tp "Baik Sethe te y A ie selsStak:; AES‘front Apedell +a5 Siig zZlptine ted ppBuatinect de iiethe:WfatShor Frond Hela Se,from:Ris!eigh?iS oth,eS This:show sithiat ou ‘Statewtille lave-t ters:are’‘hustlers ys at was Mri while:; Caldwalt's:home stoueely “Messrs:beenity,NOsG2:ae po ye ah Arufiy:OK;:Purnersaad.Geng:atk A a pproaching:Z Cie.‘ind Dy CCowles who “apprOVE Pie “ap.AicinityofMatch“isi 3 :i fousthorwith anol hers an =Lee i Cones ies theWan |jopeattilelthgts ty stealh rid a Bone g ae ery am bert :trains, spect Mériing-of The:onnty.icone threc,PRES-LA Conductor,Raw,put:Se i aure ;|pers istediin ys)efFor'ts.to|ard the‘in,whieh od.Engineer I.M ae: re * psbshenwe oF eyPt jvhe Samer eonctionessSher:2 special meeting:vr~lastPharsday::Chairman’“Eecart Coffithissioner:White were presedty)99°Fes eran Itiwas ondered that‘RP.Bae isgine in the left-side.th Re Sis be aoe es ‘andthe trip to &he Gib svads“inaide: By It was oferetdthay 83.900of Try|oe a dompany Surgeon, dell county,bondsBe:pifide,Jativary Waster ee au Veer ee ‘bet ren:1015eeeed.Dr:‘ Mrs,’i White.who”HOLA 1a mee.of acounty:wid To,R obert | Thistwill eared ert ‘but: petswill be!“paid,pexta¥ath tye sheeting.ote &avas.fiyedy upo nal Settioment of the,taxes tor bE [wit DS Biati ef Heatérs.,tS aupon free sHver coinage:--The Te t year ‘1896,pee the.county <comisisiss" jae areas:wide apart:“as i tid iytul poles..Aparty’policy'swhich Speks.cettecash;“after deductipy fare safe front the.awyfol:wipes ;aten “a iddle grgund”between them:ean-erro and.insdlvepts ;amounting ee ‘and:nakeit“ithpossibleater Faw OCIS:to he tS hale ss says wha oe ith: ,eG"ivweek a0 asump ae cor en toy etoterimattevsecot amicambernine inch ;almost a inehes a and cont pined 9%;rots. agi.Gs well noe sloped copaifts inst:He Was aoe coe Landi mae:Roa 19.Mus. y M =PY omelet:phe the Tate =diet:ae the homesot i +es ae “bor p voll March,1807. .ase:46 eats,S-months. :Mex a namewas ihe the ate Sher Zs "bad - Bipot. i Ss ve hid a now in rill”deubtless’“he?ore Seia return,fend:this al ba shakesSUpc ine:the 3 Be ee the or, ay esate gine ee ee ee ‘s °aati * vats?work. rthe ports from the:‘Cubait’war aie : ences i,1f Speeddesires the x ubjugatio: se sh av.iit encouraie Sie f amon the abic: ind.It.wilt a0 theae Mor:neiring i ity the*Supreme:Cant |®gating.foreied that thes:BOTH:Wales ph 5 ehHer ebgnineerae godnjhadthe dun i “ss“ont:dee’Of Tie aes being atl,ae * adveng ineer:3zwas pot on:the train,5 eburt.:¢:f re es ‘ag uickly asp iDlen Rr,«Wang:eee ae ra x was inclined : jy4‘F1,000 ofoutstanding:x borided ipip {to Tbesopinion Hathhe would,recover,|; in¢ome-tax and increaset-prices *tor debfedbessagatys!t‘the“‘tcoutty,and}:Lambert:sfrpoatires BEA &en,’and a Ms,ny ee ; oe _-Anchor.and‘Babcock Bygeies,oah the“productsof the farm and of lay bis combabiotiran immediately-atter, Spgs beniit WT.EL sineteigad’9 SstJ es by th siraiiiman,“bbut | EugC Ae He paid thé-balance’oe =aaa *Stroy;the ~gernrs{th _ Oaly!‘bring.disaster:and,“party”:dis-.to $2DAI §Skandland sold Or county:eee ance Ae e the only reji- honey”_—Bay’ffor.ear oBie ey ate ee oe ‘and old | =eS A om2 ae ‘-AA ES gnts EShiet) 4a “he “following - interesting jets:¢ :ters:qwere are:~ ceived “by Dr: Hartman.©Co-1»qunbuss 4 Bisiven from thankis0 VocAdamss Bearden:Teint writes sl angladlyécom-. :as tipan “s wonder ee all.any {disusewife ith th Hooks Sent iretreat: he:different ailments.271 re};ef ifAtfeel ty Btippe:a acts ike. ecoTnmeng:it-for ‘cold?hands?and s Sie hioaie oo Wiggins!Ber: 2 1LPNe ;Heights. Ohio.a Writes ¢ +‘‘Tsnffered with ¢catarrh of the years -F-could ‘king:‘Pe-ru-=a. “Tt.Has,doneaaaof.curing3att‘has yreathy.improved “health.I cannot de.:a~Any One:oe ould ‘be-very.yn:¢ take Dr...Hartman “s“ad-phere Te Pio na ies *Man-,tum A 4" with Sthis onder *nF wonictoa {Se naz for.four’:years... save.doctor:‘tiUsbyas “i nose_phead and: throat for.three,” Re getnorelief un-*. ,til.F began tar” >Winter,S2 ee d ne n ar e n e ee n er e n T T ee ee n ON E S BE oa k . iS ;4 ve hanged must be in the oficeUohhsBao’Wednesday.a7PASatesTie&2ross mark oppotite your natarethatyoumustrenewyoursv ~your accomupa arcs in.hand.tion.‘ *~;qT A-HARTNESS,srt SAID:Wares PieceAdvertisemedits and.thosete be OF Corgr c ees.NENT)Boi E that thy.Y ush: Ry ‘%;once orthepaper will bediscont hued and Kvery in dtMendanee 3,Coll ae” Pareneetar wes area E ee: meas ‘an overSe.an, ee ke ye i cut oft their:ereps,they ¥ F “morenrones ott Has oy been: !since eosWise <eD a vf So eee thefarmets wchen they p 4 ssil¥er Sojs to <mike”betty ta ate ifthe.would:nBO 2 bees.nlenty at horiethé thouweepeEA , eho:“hop ¢Ee.-bales.of Got OR Was 10)Ha only hau (4 sed othe®“ners tobeI i:Ls that they 0%:tet pee ieaig wer nee is<the cola 5 nipte TaLEQM -broduct ingat,proper 2 t 2pe p : eSee54 +@=as5 ae : Pc Si : eraee5 =Soe -Sts er the inert acei“—mmér®and they:need ridre juste their wants “ ae the’State that-the néiw apieUeBros4isabout-tO.be “started! Hae ghiaj tty they MASCOT as!to.€uba.:Br t sfotvaleebe Leis Serle YEU HK,of, 22.gaa Sub jC flte a pkath « areceitwor :es at would beifree! »ISSame Talk»eatienre:on,this qu t aber‘sbelievin dsure is toabe stita des “tnigyst'”ry u putting in:their® wthe revuar ce Sssah”which”%Gp trnfasieMe Moe 7ethiorehpwepeeebscarcely:fit;anvlalt's dozen arrtyalsaladly,oy ‘sou,now.dn however,is expeSts tier stlieh tetor4eMlorseiBgo:pat.phtouph a4mea:fotos:hy;Coabts the:proprieti “ported,REN atten apy st itgs Ris,belie No ieee Lealhipiton aie Néasion’ai EA Yathington eC OL!.Biefearepnustialkylaw'ts ia.gppeatance?igen Soh day E Wa we ors Hepiratenta.ao lendoto will Seige piesling inorsreef3oon te uk wale,pe ig niedemiens®x COR¥ tava,‘frome:0ODRCESexact¢whatsthe SEN TOU: ~ eat Ler of thes eieaies itfhdyestulsbished:.thet thindCacinfssilvekaesSpeStobboral:anythingit thy Riaties ig]Tas widstxrmountdble’: eeeVeh Repablicati 4 tovAhet ayy aie Hot muse tion,Awl1b as Toke 6 i:>¥4Hethinksthetottityofpits2:Wea fie‘ASOT IN)tense nate; nthe ~Hous Rhey mitHE: to-! +the ropeaine’dys’ On mn Sh 94 remy m Greg '.wot 2 cnet~cbaimman af the bnitoittee¢ys iOEY }inf wou ,oe Bf.cither:hdese we REG ae 9SOE¢either’hdese Ae mane 5 s alt ist:“ioe eS pecially AE Ge Oy, wrth:vt itis.Sole Y eee oh atLe tne reawhehe |Aitgetictet.bikedicaeaeoe Yon re aie i Re LG Nc Selle aittySOR ranationte;AF tosfoahittstp $Othy ary hr ase% ae was Organized for»the =pu ite ack eurecncy,some th atte oogy:pet Rk ‘ots slot iano”Pexe ny hreny ber,«ee |Opposing the Chicaso platfo eonanditee Supa tie 4 ©tf bezoe231teoffsettheiuflucneeoftheiPUCKreformAnd!~ae.&o}*(OL)and Observer as fare as:poss uémrber t beprpparhd 4 OR:ie ;Re ates thisbe trie ‘the regular.Democ he opening Of she-csessioatheash thes-of-the State Shouldsee tqitthateh foes:Teed he gen ace:Newsand Observer:gets theis supesueeS3:peedSREB hope the report:A$%;Beitrival “Bist ahs oes a referred to,is:not)tiue.bart::omihitee ah enter:Sits2%¥es lad ni (may "paper shonld not:feel..disposes tom prey ia3+:endorse the Chicage ;-platforn®dnc facet aulaele "teh “mer vai}ayos“cask others to ao So.Lf s $5 be Mepis ee:Ati have-the ntantlinee3eteneSayit)is not Aeme}ae.Men should*“not!weringe on,!40 :democratic ofvanivation:‘while Ea ies openly Oppose the,patients |x Sit ney er:“been tolerate di. :not every man ger golhis;shes £apilyeronan Tcn(ato National ;eptatiormriS;thé,ies fin thaymo Scheie OFC utrence;ae ‘-chart.ee pee Ns .Whye a discuniimates against StlverSitoe57aealltheplansfavoredbseGrangedé,::“woEDY ae HANDS pass atie SSenate:amb that ndttsuehe,Sehate Sule eadopt:usmsusEeweRepSEDTALEGES.é s is k there fore:that t there:pr :tl WeHQ.@UETE rok se i et bsBeseeeeaeordertobeableaa?get:olf on’Be thas “Canines.ot easPmeerearliest’mails.and aecommiggaty®‘its Luther strotidl:“favors a va Ax¥:ation of tiie Hawaii ‘E very lane patrenaze.-The:MM Astor |MN nited"Seaton s146)ta.a is glad to ste.the prosperity,wf ihe)a “his thessijeet ‘of ¢SanbitratmtéAWeekandObserverat|Sarde’<1 have Tound:noJsentinentAetSee“mart:hie on to firth re caceese:eat’Ein ead Teeeof ane arkBee=*ds decidedly the ablest edited |paper phe arktae|;m the State.and.above.all |it is for.ges2everDemoaratic.Others-m‘may prove |”MeL OF RLOADIRS,3.a aS y *——- %e&hee.aeto.eeeDemoedats party 4a Phe)a“oko Frovbe _O¥er”‘.e :‘20eS.¢en es QU6u ito de eat?buryhy Wiaieshitfgton,Nove.Si Dies a~wheréver the battle rages.the.fiére-:}ee est ‘there the loyal .Demoerats"‘ef sendia—yelie to “people.udiNorth‘Carding AGL:tintd Joe Daniels itey President MEK in les.PeaE<;fighting inéfront fpr the ’partY.quit teleerstn Store.the tsOt~ is;the duty10:every!true De—in.the ‘Stite.to ald -sie his hailas3Ss2andlendhim§Support.aA1miSeigen3 iThewaterpewsOutisthat‘gr:af ©2S ‘tie aretait thein'tyork oi Burke:County.We alvats>thought ittOokBaieabravemanto-pass:a Stayeward jin:PEP tes the-night,time.but ‘that Tel]lowe,whi. MLO ait 4 ye“het wbder. ban ‘and Sufferiine inndefoodtoy\Welte§ik the’*-vould tndertake itty“Theinfor‘mation st as4tGRepuConditlofts; eriphed from the!Gy ang?pooling:‘both af these ag US eaeighBeaKarlwattedtion.caer Oh!fe freketon,,awieLondohTor‘aunt HOt Gethsrey, St saeco ‘action:OWS Abe.on)PiHS;Tune ema tor THhy Cite Save He Thy ;of sconmperce4yingtherewaxdanger,OF AdSti ak tend)ge at thachatesrib i _ }soy“hak de <i tay" OB Yrhe F Ii ee akere Ra Se ‘ vrTatGalefox Capited (tisVienAartin'Thornli ake aECT ti his celbatteathie co Caldvusuppe®This’: dexfs Watehedt even whey: Genny fox welivwart won! ‘WE shvbacaptinns:Heidranewiadtt.ik Over aint?fsovernment Moe “Al am chp tectemt aeSBOr tation. ,but:Was “Onichesameline“Mate tas:beondlek th Fest palteohed)Sect A was FahywoeLpahd:ayuk:uyPEveaworveshatMrs<cMEthie’fanterad ult: AWtiyn 4 8 bak Ce Ringe,—moe i‘: sc SSE ety ae .Slate thowlit BY Rieh yew! a sSosenithe BOS Lis tage :qri hold eT:rvldhistqnet,pee bee] uf uPtie hte /ti gages oF) where the ianeincus=“olds hee *atheathernnor.densCB.sos een :hots hiwvers mova Vex3 pow : 1h Beaonte Kids Vir; june ie noite=i bu’HOusht that theypey ae mt 2.plea*ironiyher Shite Sk oerst Shiv? MAL oe re oft rue ye rhe rout hy the:SCuralict-|\isHotCinaceankkinetSvLyatheaStoftheevtdeptewbut,ake The:Ps oe =}Je oa LR3; DOO:ent of wully took<spice “whi lehit arp:Hikyt Vote SifCelantheTail)was Gutadd speGlan FOR blic-‘piepaledior him purine ate tdat ACTORAsaust:Longs:nas:bectitiiidee the vhsseat ney,3,tt £}artis,ty iS considered,thie.Sub}ot ~or:Pilice€phi Met Lye.AUF*:Pthe|Seat?Pa ptuin Me thvert had Ye.Liish: ever? oe tlTete: ys ‘stltecks Ie t's ‘dex bee i oN wine athe OuSACOG:Ue!Geathk sentmeio’.BdeterindMartieSP rid:ries a Thee WSPMEoeyehEATthetySante»¢fepacanSbe aeiePttlirohe Oye tet » NAD:tens ie exe carsHare2ftomthespeatthefeatantSe1:tyr otisthts ene WHSTO iftonsite:hit tae Mant{s Bag wane ey a oe son 4 t Ba Nest Wy TyhereiteSuea tae a.vane t mm wy augpesca Fay PiEByilace“OneARSES :ay re,heree ta ey Sethe r ~eeeFix.Fein te oe: aDaju she eo das~Pejpuke Sie mits ObRSE‘Chtena an The bestsWs f:Gi pate 2 vahyESOUTSeesEOEeeseeyettlenleyi 23 Ces ;oe Sipe Sona Latin ays Pon Wastin whey.“igrveaedalek:heres he:app?‘2.rhe Po oes in qa) fe nefoe XY t he aia Peetheste of Spek ¢Gat i pe ucrent “paeD’GeJoin¥or he :x Eeordan: heeine tee mit artis a Hiahel:oanke Hawt:hahite ~The:ch ers ices Fags seEtabeSilkea HowtonddaytareWale xe wettasLertwaleDervieOL»WeTekh,rigds”)ok pdert besredid: ate 2 tEKc ClawSHOBoyigsTRStock’o: ;a Cot ct.Weadnesssdavy:- ad Mie oe Se 5 Res=MantiosuneMCeTestebgMitDeFoytrieriepallor:in et‘hy:Shneiited:a : weAk c!-*s : nAyice“alsain“HigbeeBrey:‘SayaWek,“Phe StatesSabepiitenaene:“Ot punecoatHe,Enstinpeticns 35:Jaa Ronsidering *hiitled Shee fhesverdiihe asp 0 ae te Aw arding,tst Fetsnw,pitsyouThahbeabe,Ot ay LNaeherd bay:MooresSF Conmtotthe ues He wt Tras ;bh ROOK”pvcs the saweiter Shepors.to CoEOkatlet:sax sa the:“umber cok :ima Polley ey bs ne Zee'jai}Bere 9Nase Geaflats CiSatie:ox“stdrche ae the CAL Tiber:sae:ei Lae thisoyWdSeingdone.“Thoth falkey eetthy“KlogdikeréredtoSupplyathe:checessaryyr Sis sopaditar:Rein W atamien:hasthecreeictfoade we hee arSfaynedSNe:%ks * ees *;TOMESA SHOP E.:3 its 4 - PALESee¢vf GSE setreML Serea + aces a MheE NX uy ed cae ( :teidas|2 SS : unt ya ard. mor LE i sipilé 19 ster 1, ont y,Very fepeoieaae ;“SpercabtuettcomsideredevespartsieeemciNinithptCRMe2A[RORTed See a ie%.7‘sitya On to-evi’Savsjauid:“Wye;ene Tie toeear ivsell”ee no.puss,Peturn Gia:LOPRE..TORT:APTSSyegetaetthayofaone“aifording PeNee slots ms {hse tame |itane futtier 73ham iy ENTE.so eee evant Uh.ae oo ¢inoney no:né-ste was sleeided:titted ine Sip MetteStd.aniiegnrictydeStTs what -Lt IS asseriierReel thay “the athite ‘Beet eet ey -Bt0 =it.vee nen eaeoe eta Hoe gene until,Congress jm t,he gxpeC ted ‘ant WiatY suppase speo-por=‘SMitetitied Band “hay Ot.5G |!Bee 3 SER haereacca ee NY pa“aPPOpriatidn 407[1 ‘be askede RAs Ble aene aesorve cand’:A DRA EPS TPE a Popting oar SVattiparts clint i-i ;the news comes that’Hanna as|t ie Purpose.‘of:SmspORRR |food deis 25.fists:Meee ba Sore ree Byecy “dbm@iphte-the place,»re we %pak ;the-‘stip.“and4s4 pnthijed |to-béde Ssepplies.2p Be .ia 2sxote oa pe “of ThankSeiyhig DaveAdagesnS ae :oe ae This makes too.grips.fdrHanda}eAltboaeb hang piss Bes Beaks WP ehe Sc!vie atk.|ongrseeeb alte i@ton..“Avhich:;wastaae7eebashaderie,‘a nppeiseaeed noe hits‘bees decided’psy x Tare Suite Uphiee:oe Aclatiended:by Ssohtec:Rateighr (SPoRtS*a ets ae ne Oe et Sérate.Aer gh“Et is “probable::however BOCA ets ee ag as eh Ns pha)Fost:thei money oir?he binds |... *9">-"sometime:Thats ike Tits Steomese]Seinteeeevactionis {aken,abd dats Me,fiatSet >Niagtan Topi ind}PSt:gp by Raivio.mati:xOBrtohave:2 monopoly.‘der pre siitction,of the war dépargs iy ek"for ther tigen,Sh al bushing ta ew wrag of cobsoeFaeSerremek:Bee Tighe:{eto ane re theyVpatanloGr gt Ws.pcre Bas a aebee.acts?retary?Abeer,“walls :iPass at Ser OES Gr aatear-aes :TearspeSeAnother|party‘of,Northera Ban formulated plans.vo jateempi ary nawSede it eeeSpee ze asSeedt SrSsiandcapitalists ard’in the:South}be:madetg-up the.Yu FONTS:joe “ba COWELL EN “OxISede iy aman ‘EOS:tsBus TALE.SR a es Joking.for cotton ‘itl ‘ih tndh Gosed ptyieres inst Lak *divestiuny Gem e*!A ftus:holing shied puncte SiS [Odsal nwa’nae “lye.paid toi FaYASstRoeSeuWillBaveto.batsStat.éarding ‘thai Whe ty:sbephe G AF the!pero2 bo eea)(erbruatlot 0BaieweeWET“the SSeS)mst show’:&y [thee rng YO.thes “anti deoy 8h cee ebE:beges tO ‘ormation!for :q bee as Ce eke me REPUBLICAN:FIASCO.>2 }sbadl-beftransportedrig the.eckInet es ar:eosin}xe The,Sovanter20k,HSMprec oe Spies‘-Setretary |Gage -“Said ¥esterd:“it requifing earnest Consideratiog€in’!periite.ales oe 4)©+bye ef eRe, o>:Bhat -in’-ithe’;annual:esfimates.¢,che that will réquire thy shige.bf}.Theo leet rickChai uwnie:Hey ms ef.‘would seud,to 7 Congress “she;wou «~~.O00 a5*theamount or:the !ProgsuryyiieGefititforoalivesBake Ni=,..Sune'30,2808."tetary-'saidthatheexpectedthetreceipts‘frore-Custonis tosiucrease:steadily: S "that iin the spring monthshe an ticityaepated:guitedarge ‘imports.**eS paket the'above it Swould*5)ae ns te the prosperity-Wave prod;:HEARS.Bates *Dingley’tariff act”had:preted.Out©...Tike republicin Promies tbe’hige57“:7 y Pipe oa!i s Pipes 4 Pa ‘And has it indeed “comg.,toBSthattheréisadeficitth+*underhigh proteetion?“Aftet ‘ti aitisSReeed‘hat.they,Witt Shut":a, et © Pres Marshall’ee Mote”says ‘that.botWilEnotbeacandidate.ea“o>+edu the?8th district«Rem:S$.+=will run for solicitor’if:~anything.” Hoany pins innameabdut:820,000.O00 bind 235,|ake send’‘zt haein etm! Of theCourt mHCapt.Leonard”S|cord of the’-ptaceedings aintiheTreasuryOf.the’‘court:The Secret <adrhet.the’.*published.tepor treating’Privateaeheridan’atid deesentenced t¢ceptunianded byby the.areceet ay ‘Stexetarj ntente arecer’shasbeen f; Brot:eos aon»>“ ‘Wataiiga ‘Democrat e~ nl Theofficial’be for the-Keniucky,F~*-State lection:Was Made3a ‘:Franke a >.3 forton last Monday PREStatsis for>?*21896 were McKinley 21817}a2°“297,890:Palmer andBuckher 5*&9 Phe totals for this*year‘are::iley:-.3.)“Republican:169,678:‘Shackelford.Democrat,187;7482:Hindman,‘Nat-}:ional Democra-.9,583;Parkeret Pop:|asWallace,aetionist’ &‘jovial: pe ons prdér ese gutigey¥'feasi artsy be etols se ade e petsee=Die Phe Brosidens’apie meed=tntFe Pete fiir raespetiglmessagetd-Curappropriationforthe “te ieiefaffhe‘people.tye the.Klawuyi eapdLanditisbatietedthattion.wilt:bertTakéh.ee "Roney=pmade iminddiateby avattath ae and that’«the ond et A Ne:Our.friend:Linneyisie‘looks “Hike he has.beenMYLinneyompabionablefellow-an = “hrontp ate Ie:ie SwJtikese MeaeV cat ‘ficeVaet in or Exchg A or has Becpi ail rout’oeLeft“Cols:nter,>*fudge cadre‘OCSB,fiat jin “the™Gaser6A.Eexerint&,the egndfinding: rts ont ity at} Ayyoung:yet,and:ee tBryaa a Ssaa on ,PoRgpE,sick ‘he.in-.ae ‘iene a“torpid. ‘Pte.Tidod?8 PillsnstipetinaAbdallits thoroughly,bys.TSHood:&:eyOnlyPils'to take:th Hodu’ ras.“the?Set ico dt?Trent to.thebishesiSa1ddey opropétty Ty11g“rentiine ator on iF and:Se.Allds =} Naliapie M ub Property For“Sale,Ta B he oSNEW;ntifie::cuted:thousanuds-perinapently.‘Tt onagdevils:and ‘tae ~f cae Sau:Wowwkity 6kFserie aa Preibles al‘and genieae|<.fausbe Cured Hoe oe gudstiec New 'X{yt;Sloeunsy,denvonstrati08Atelixbdleabd:absolute fo f‘sim pitentEePsamOarY udereiiee=pat:bronchial,trom a oo & tp.0f Be Sendader:of~ ‘His:Sa %as sane Wy Suitthe Nowness in the?woi2a.ue]iyust,avd be considers.ne imThedhirest00Jong'in thes:ession:‘put:mersie Altsta:to,Suiterin-hisinfalitsseraceae |DF any.pnodenr ecm His:masercon xb lung Jroubls amt-consum tion areayaby.climate fs oeseoropenn laboratories:in.‘théusan ee wate Weaknéss.“lossd-aik-eo ions.of ae banienity ascore b ee ensDY.‘il is ken Bonne eryin.hig’Amc :$3a those cused in'all parts of ihe econmona Gre 800eredexpertseethat,pS ppooetial|ers‘Tchestand tty”Ba,bien aaleerapte,Aneaneeertain-death-"..-yi‘Simply write:oT,4Pine’street;ex;‘andexpressaddressxp:Sg aesokbemetaeae3énaShouid Combernstant:kis BBpecoun,‘dav. ow Saude! Pree:CABS a costSo which:SeemsaNpiteokalbéiieremedies prac a “utmost: sr Se atoee 4icnaye’“Spplidd“certhLigy,need:reetic.and asensible:tiegatttwenty-ft Ve yeas 8pteparati ae ®e- t, M 4 ” a : a at i d bi .; at ty ae a ae x Se a' s ; Fa d , ba t h e de Ae ta e fp s Lex ae oe ‘ da d e t- d e d o t e c e d a x =e x ag ’ At be f ba t ba y , Sots babe.\ nade,rete Ab i ‘ot ns!SiGe this Tinx‘ih Our“Caledeshogefrom’ Welt:POOdS.Wi “stock either 2 Paks tie tn vf.alf Cracks Progty:GaltSeeouralin’Of fad.in,aa SRaLAZ Le sant ‘inck ae Perea 24 hk:Pree ain Srieteh a>Thome:ASCH:wf Shee NETHIXG fa You,whethas™pasts oePanteto”show ating.ree pet givinguv r ay On ool became’ope rat ne cotton fluce-dinevd SiH rts°and <drawers.adie s izes.“also:air ights.i F ola all stock of Hats ‘and;fas ne Fur Has.foreSth scents: ? ?_uygene ic ~ik SSUS-Ce 4s phe ‘GP ' 5°She Arn “can ee Road fc Es Gn S }ee sist,what ps) *13sa “Piaken ALS onth will shi ~if usually Mr. ng < Ime 4 =,ap an to sv avs.( seals,(ic =?C hia iretig tes he:th wliy'qn PA teee PORT RS avo:dag Pst art ed SEMA) ore Was rarket ».40. T Mex people ursa :le SSV;fal STANtig j ty] .it? ie .{aa Wetodate .hyttaevdM at _ist chuti Re Ceayt 1h AS iG. today—th: swot eoy Reo tid (4 qntay Ute amour and in th that Mr. <3B230.06 eetint NOSay:Eat in have Of ‘their Listis 3 2 ber ity 0 "2 tiIngfi nOVatior Ten Harrillbling. _as _thej *they wothat +to conwil ever, MIOPUIV ane Wa Gay Sq betid parked.b..2 ta sSeq tn’7 Theti tik titled 4 epertty tian a the ne ids Va Te pi ke seq 2 }i weitae a ita ts A (Fy> ity iy vag n ir te 2 ha eS rf,giniakeS8sf7.Sh:arivabang Blin Sorel oe, aa Ses Worth:SpdSerr.oFPaso0:Woe thegtiasedi tpseaislTaeAYaethecerrastemee:a -veather®+beviqiine.tio?feeE"‘ Gi“Glog |Tike,shPinte tbat been’realty:HebdeeOeaseWitte”winte?ie!eo We!ftis 1439 OAG rerepS y *4iieaeefaimareaaFueingtticre-is pies:us a8dorisvotAbereweFEDTbs TRS 6vesteplaytron:ay WS it:to,6:re)ys y vet athet ae mteh ia l oe bd ba oe o SN ON Ba ons Ns ‘Re OWESVoit S6rdepane Thre ?Asad hae Bea“vi \“etee At Pita Thi ENxwh at baie "Ne e]gee “3 Te!tat Sot "a Serpe es ~AN feep't“ttre wed kt SE n toe a ;tht tks jig.Ei rare &se He ede Soot et plates 1c 7 ee eet Be BESnSiai"av.Cats day ¢Se rive BS Tdbees Gan hor the :baiting:i oriler :ee 3iSville:Den aS MENY Gi.Bi be siree ce ee me a ih 7 or , a ie Ne e w é OE te Se Oe ee a ItsSch aCEi Pe weRNes 5,se mais StF Pao,Bat OkSe BREE,Y's 4oSShsila,“Hp.Leer ser Ryle osttutAtonBereodpm(ofa foctacie In d e Te y we eea ay <ieaseh:Di Ragses:keh pesbure At pee :as eRe Hoe ale Sgt Viet Mout ips4ey¢ j :ay 4 ;arksn a Shiagit iea:hk ie ee eaeSe ee an rhe ee Ry r.~Ley ve CVI ee yates!, ot aan re 2 del »¢aye }wy they ace ho :*, i Re es &“p Fas ye a <aleerSee Seon nen :Mr)ies The Hanter:Tak His Pas ey : Se ut on bMS Be liedi faye,ae Sr?!thee ine af Sistarga2blk A ae beetihe Re 7 Sci nae eae .%~aLub tep wiv pee ay ae Rtnoe GRE ugh ~Crowd farninies yhac ands.ar Orie ok ca =et ae :4 z a h 4 he vant ailorg’.SSQEAT Deets ‘ete SU PC eGOl ton.A iyeth 4 S 5°nlbeg hipsre.tthe if,here:ahsahte a sR ‘A en Gate ke Spy eS We ees shia CHEReeaL :Sie SA Te Shae eh antsy "by:aie 4 eS,Mp thy thet te:Wicks bbeACSeeqireGonastintgOMexsetradkdwiarsesBayNOSHKig!ska Chectake :ere 4 cfakcbeadsith,sfMra:Lez ISphicy het bs .ee ae he Piss,ett Bigsire freeeh?puaceryy ob dink cornet PNE vetet aps¥lotoken Be ™=Bre“titeat pn 1 AX PECL “tor:AAEM a $iver,Welt gil ‘te ee Dov.ma eeane “teHSCy%His Wwi sepigOa Aiighe tt Xe BA N AA eea fa l MO bi pa wo w Se x pec neiFT)Reet Athws.<oTs s ate ani he ae hin? ye S erie.Xe Tatas aieee(NG:aeovat Hit Ma pis amp adtitiou:nestPerethatNTEHEAd)SENS+Sot i Sie is Per :’a Raat nes oat?tx oie F Bowron bag?iheny ayn jane Soke ;tepiciad’uHlylbestomae45SinesHeBiSHResisiseePéebitonithabaniatiOBRoh:Re ikand Prof N1tes Gomernoy RURAL bes.Gite Peale iswerent:ueBe*y ALOE ous:aN:Warher fe WsHet ahristFATELLSSVRAneva:digi ct igelie Sine neinedysys.Mu *Auras:Mino VE,Ny a esie2 Het.7OL fad Somberin Aelipw dy:sJAeounty LOM be tyMN ea aLeeesTS Se re isoNweanoies,oe ng toes Na oens ©tif es i nie at "the:pA Ss a atk Sgivvivihe passed!aptGakeie Ra ;r cotaiehail13,int tit sat withttouch more:shops a anid recevalTEROynEbody”aide nota beds Hes sakessuedccole the aS Cs eaeisaPy Beat Podibx ets Ooxt PREY ¥id o oie,«Liceeefyaecnak wie Statofo se Loe cay “eo :Bayi KESat éf ahiuriv.Ay te celine SS Wet toh:oiece ee esHEELOnesaehryee me ths ‘\Be We ips.ib ee lenteted:2Tate¥Be‘Ke oe a Toad Rost Ordelit Bynes eaen::she aiea Sealesgee ie ayioe vie ANT bdhoe Steptiens j*:nt hex uate St AV pineWwthakutof.wigubeead i ra moe mad iees Ak plesSigePhukettind:itl es vecesaerpimide’s alt,thet Tontdas nol).was van Rahoktoiis‘tal i,ESN}59 Up pies)far!aa “ithe OUDEEY patsAionSerited:Mies ASLL HStb the septs:W deceit YEG Wiliewas:taken:tet The!ist ots errors,wud.gShl¢|Trop the:"si vit:et ihites het:tS sents:wore Tata te he's=]3824p YM woodSandefalin SLbot ect wourires Ha atv!pte i:ir “ai The seett tet ant ehihae bak.treby,|Diiclat Wood:wi ethical.piled Coin ky AHODS rlaLirk SshRotZBieOsehwrataidTuiteandLe,was Durned >te skyiinge oFle?AO Bit giszyatRivaarerhedeath.thus:Sitkering:death tos Tay PRS CVA bsChAT SUPE LAuixchaan mS Oi MNOS Inte lusts By ot ae :a“nd tis:YOU order cna zansTrig2ane i ’it Re bee St ys en .:t eaeee.oh taeRien far Tsccrinhe:en i.pee Tes asitespatJain“Dp:[Htsdntond Gage Te tnx”Scukearin Atter thie mans éy ‘Suspicioh aoe Cetaes:sebeiieideeLOLpit:q “ok BR NS neti sf eS Skt ja eeKe sti shone:gies},f Out seiBackTbseteSS bey ae Bk Sn réstedad t GOES zBy‘Xiain,Be :not RSENS he cor ared man !fshiet Carinebi ¢Wit ihr.tt Hori Sed:fy Sie!#).nil LageensSven an néfebbor aie!AND bylfrat"by nkEe a SrFifejeletyMeiRedLorivosBrupiwesWearysqmofStephaneglueNOERtateStGihiigresGanindudseverat’weels:‘Ho hadaisy,Geen-séen Vdvivine Ane decane:‘preparitig:ayPereansHugwaytsthie’Se¢owt Barhont RET Rech phe nrardéved Sone ee ae eeees=ACRage.eat tp “Sot They trailegss ¢ds Tacied =sity Sat iStaranes Sed et ; thigit Lines”y:: -cot Gyoitt Sek Chity pees SIE eSeneAENSeMistSSecvalive:WdS254 Aort e set ation ta dolarscot soos.andta iiSlaonnu*ait:aie Rel =f ave Rs “Tite ike Avus,VERS 10!“Thee tisdoghdon Tas:person that:i a Vf:fhe Wor fatettare“ife BaP us sy ‘peas cet3 ther,,Fetarntd st SL WS Stora ec hettok?Toe his vies rdtistricseeGonx:Uuit i “ots ate }ae beetip Soijekue sph othe Fes,Pic ohiekBy cliveLe ud:fi 4 to ‘Stade this”Knife dee ~p om Kd achert /Lobstot sdliLtautted Btinmondtt ay Mas ¥Pouwas ‘Jaik,shor :352wiLER the HCoph ys yiey Niur ee Pe nls to!drainher 1 pe te Os ek.:SASSeo fee at fied she ;:paca aye f Wb Biri ¢pet atawen ty um |me =be Re Kamit aweeeWere ty So 4 aD seatsig ee es iter tidr Ss,hoe ee miGinee puting the satbovts E : ‘og “+ S oooe iu Rae TA et cher:Phgspadt:xix 4 x iy v a 3*e Beae sea,The eee iyae Ls apts ose a 5 cB:rset $<ee a .ii "efrinly to.ant oeLe ety ABPromiBry ss 4 :a sco,we Des nly ::ay Fe Rie ies gd ae s aya Ba on bo ae ‘yl ‘xmdals has rege j a Jotiis.=x Zpose.leeeareet eal ea OURS |SERS ehupletenstheae f qt ee Se |re-to-”::ae iz tinea:f ‘ty.oy &visBe (ae sid:“uswa ey.ean “postmaster at Mobresy ilies Bh See Acs ;cpRie es £0 oe iy : gyer ne ve the eth An Won"brpd mie athe :era es ieee =40 a last:Thursdas-went:to Salixbor y ib ;kk=ee Ro SERPRISE YOU,5 : fe tap 2 Sate Ute i:3She Are‘aor ételf aa se mas=pili ‘cri |Yrom!there :yecompanied”“yc 4 Ace x ice fine ash Chicas ue Sa er eesaat 3 oe,roa Ne Asus MY rot Xd ae vt Lin Se 4 siteadPat?dé itaibe ire und lady.rene 1iteck te South Card:}fone i War incre nit eke a ae ete ida BAe aS ters ewe EOP inh hore,thie tasose,Pea A ae Bor,“nl pa ben es “rit aiows But eet ie >,Pp:eo te 8 Laresfed whe:Hines Se reiceswef AT eke de a8 (come ve cite:Frctrret Wifes “he Yount lady.at}Oa.:one aay Bean 7 ts :Mind wee :ae ge.5 aes pore 5 Begs wad ety yperi teary;hiiiS neither ie.3 “=Tpt i oe ah.rFOF WiSSO KsFOr’TONY ity SUV:sete Gist oie,*te Duleg kai tee eS 7ernOH:;‘|ykEy me ee aitthe peat Masih rai ith =oe ea,+ae #LOsy eee eeDeebral Ah Mac 54 cage We ae Bee =1 from.a }oe featsweenie habs :iv»Com Btat fhe PitsseG:1 Ere ee Ewk foal oy hapy.Mo :a tj cater and:ig fac Euiny kinid 4% or Agius Pil ce USS eee.5 pr Jad-~. nes ati xi Looting ie d State tit Ehe mgt AT AS f Nt“ey ont Aetmntts teaSWittoyFelleitigGot“and Hid!ot «idea s ‘isp ‘VOR SVC be iaes haiw |abeteicee oFhee <n p tipi gtr:Yeac Heal Chat!paint raaA ota Nehh CagleUng ine Aue:Panet a4:bn elena+3one incnbe eiry Var Dott<Lvndal probabhye SuaN Pere vitlipatren ts onsth ation aw that wie;aMiLEey ossis Ry4iver:mpetTyes eu cr pias:ane ig wy rode thee.Otet=Cot tan:Amounts?Teh es :ee -at thes RRR pcr aS !2 ae Behe}a Ei a :0iK id See aera Renae:Si ei Fae is -Sityt pt aday.tebewohSuos1}sere males pes aliny 2}tr me heeweelow —BayarWien :eb ELL tag iveHOLD atate Su Tyt Ue INK a am lies pishiny weet 7TigL;~SMA.HOS 00,:shotthe q thodaetion:opNone ath clon corealasRae ErbyASeify::br Finshe soley ay Bneit “A.aes metve carbLeo,Surthse‘arolina isturemaust+7 ee is Ceminke ieShr)etna ‘iy faseae eyes State an:‘thie 2)JGhas The:-Aatgst “hes vestoner aceon Ap heeparlor reosouth&whic hove:STN Hats ote dirchasi ore’Tor,tha Tearfifinkes*are thest:ORES wi oh AWittiain ce Bxtorsne ha Wds“cOnsigteaehitstopatahonstsafateTsSt:we Face ait Collection og:the LSHOne a he aGrenge:ol TAS.TAG,sly De TOOK Havelisighter®h Ny te Sri;ue oea sprit Niechet"Si we nn él ‘Late }An Th Stephin Sna”Ate They Ute tion,OE:£PL.925 (0 pOUngs,his pier,:De.etal <ohand ‘Stipe orbees,AS eeenet lis OF WW ots Oixk <Step the“RSD Nyx br ‘orb NoF tite,Me yi Was’aur werage,DectoN ot Sap.OU Oa:ure and Seuecaie “nL ticle ‘yearg!13,;pee ewfs:bayfreak 6b Squire Kon f\eae de eRe yun tthe!writps ‘eth Here 3 Our,Eee potato Oophe Shnilierbe nse Wary.Mie .fraud:pesaaey<aeEpesUs BGsace ALY *Shue F Ower Fosayae a a neereteeeLBLeeeaie=bckSa*Joadet is:oe wrPitti hevert HaSay becky :di ae uissedt, shoés..S ‘all¢ rted~ ona mi aga ORG pounds,wel Pet at Glia nike aliy ie ni ae ue Je:Se BR ‘hepiedeos pstiesttASiarhbaa :*.Jeri Kine“o eeeranat ty aakdrot Noor ik Pete?We BA ‘nines oil a ateaH igate . just es ~it day"2 you! inne ng5X ‘Tecan Sn bY: set ESST: i b 3 Slrtrad Fvicis ithsa thi hire steof anyeSthtesin:thetfeyaeisareasEnRattareehieSeti,*te Taian,reine’hebwedny aisSea gees easfeta‘;ao alothe.¢rsp we Pe sak Ca Bs ms ot Dnebols,Senet oa ope Poy alin:Wieese!wrt Hidla!sa mie oo.one teetaon dirripen Ko:day.cafiet eile:ate)Sra wine han aes JOpacrindniihy*y ee Ki ole “tious OSA Tider TeheS Stilts tem ses Cut CeoNS peccemnne Hg oui,4(ithe et ee “Rowen is Phe thie f me Woe Se ir ‘ch:Yer Sol)ei Sj near Ryci ‘y ShUSt:nonthbo WLS ROY iGSAEbisfathdeannl’-frien dso]rate riseaindoyLhe mtute -cHt isRats entetest a the crime charieds.afd]natektaveinathidays~for;dais:Tate st 0:im ow Pitt UN ON eT “Tht hold Tiss:decouhts to theNew?iYerk.=elles c ee ee eee aiioUtGreensboro;He stay,ARLY thiey fi tt Hidde nitever PJ ongnal dis-avi tribulation:SaNiNCe Pe eats Cees oneRepte:tie MonswisiaE ay aeoces wale Mrz Stephetascel’oftany Romwith is:‘bony’rides.Ble Aras1%4 jet Pinesspctemeiiealbhorgt.as itty Pits fade rethel rtsNive from:ALexayyi been Sdideton poise (probApry bed ;ares eis COMLEY:that Streaspre:placeboot ee oes stot akyand:ther WISMutho-see ney “Soihe tis Dun 3 ‘¥abused.Br Hilape :puthie4 swan phted gr the ee‘voles:cx eAiasae<i Pa.Sanit cab hic thts now pebir doe Mt igs a fh age the |Heriet AyetexpectedtosaprivecherDPNesiaeoBesRepublicannewspaper’“korcareful tas i Vee *eh otvpet ;atsae parsonaty 1 OT be fags:Thonn.Atorrix Dent 25 0 at sat,Miishiitictop Use Ma Ci FCORLENES,,1 ut eeagateShirtssand,warinedapand plenty y=Ms Hiner aed ee os fos he.Peprea hRSk MAE MT eh j Tea:Uns ge xe sera ea 3 Thsont aN)eSait we“ylsidence ta 1 ay he AS iesiite Cit Siceaethsearewait:anpeOudedintte*the Oke hiss“30.My5 eae Borris roe |=SUA ioy Sigkiion Boos uA |b tieatavlstast‘teas’Peery wat[3oeOPMeJoelKeMuirdbciofHast:We reduestlay eeRAMA ahusiit!“ap wee be paris ae pps eesear teAre QU Of ws rekeépyrs*apdtnebetstestownship:“and Sass re “dock:=)The te fall execs walk CoBie :ips Las teu fo Tint ey eal HwBpereapporitedtdapes Hipeatin catHinadaustiferofWLWoDbe,heldat Cincord seh 1)dain"[anes soe toe mhuguper'sett he coun i OSY OhBai}ie i Bethany.townships Yowota.lind abe,utieral:ureuched Rae eee eae Pah SevensKoombess”AboutVa.o =thie Be NGS yd:utiosé Will take pla Wat “thd bx the!pasta?as tha’dba lesea *>Near;Eraphutsfast Soe appornted ‘Oiticals:teftavhis:tingeSatthie:bride S futher =ar Be bay;sole OPPISS s thee hacCres y Se min,Moproe’Waddeli ene their-A GFTORS posDEL,Pee]Ee Hsometithes“Bat.in the.muzgleVolte PU while he:had aoAG:M Flot last:Mead’yo)his,fOotoon the Wek.)He never Lite x Gaityal Danchat.han oewae TNs os ee a cts,tellTyowstom Ghotiinaloaded wih!sf RyopeSimorON 2SmsVeHOS2YeyWilechetkea+vedy th:Gis ee “epemahs thes GRE)prpe-tactoryBiron)oone ut hateeTor.indreasetNand:GHG“puut ay Spsey Aaecrincumste :SS Rar i Pete iby dands SéGuteds FAMnS,this Season.“a Mgr:guehe,faxeswp am@ntion toe busingss Messts=(Cahetiitand Re te Me:Fwhoipye ivwhanid tyitaw sl Youle?notyeeteMiSeas!gto tons 7 Dt:al cary and”movedts,the home af his’Son-[sEacti selina.SOXCCULOTS,«thet wilh of hesit rettoe tet:this?iyFe Refer ‘whics|be daae Wes Gibson:T30'tons ort 18.Mr ore Morris.Phe deceaised Angy KASS:Billings:will,sel velig-;merged 40 ered:Me ivy trom API:ai apis OH:Lastereisor &¢4Ie.former days wasn:che reetté.mitt poles:ats ots dain $OD.the:prSASS:fanUsy Sie wre:ayat beeike dito nakSoearaea”:aS aeEtats:fWad TSB tan Bios &‘Neill want dn?oy cautionsFis the OMG 208 SRY :et fand.-accumulated worthy.arid:Sher?Beard,rlex felheire Mr ones Ob the counties aniasts:Subst portunity ti show.yoo the redt bar-pene Ter iis com ysinas ae gains,thes have."Call and See:it ofbutoff]Beard!ot Aeat iy rant “sd rept Bake‘itizents “The aleCon sed avis mes 3iaened.pe rt Sa ees 24Sth }S er:_ee sere fortiE Cooper &Gilt especially recomend}Be ieeekes Dy cohaplis a.BS GOUT.«OS Se 7 Y f ,ih oy bo the:public Mornine JON Cote:ae Vt Miss>Cee.'<rocks Obpratt a eee ree this county Pa a aa ‘all cat their:store and wot ‘some S}Dice ined idiptieg:nt Tbeae)Sat warried Miss Kite Rankin an Mi.J.ESP,“yey will rent?8 oodsettied.at the Rankin home Pe mith the fir Li a ate Feri Bs «“ *~*~ peral Clay esssohty caraold redejan.’Who tinbrrieda twelve sed /ri,:Sua rN assaWith hase;Teretgd:doje iy Te oe s oe ste."Se Se er SE O Po a - oy TNS Salhi WHS:SSereBinsSCGRBoeNakreportsthuk ;veted™thie:foHD Wii wupunts: viners Jor av heat:fe xe the?fol:- ;Phereears:af 240)AGcitesfal B oa roe“the:Rinston Frew “PEossSawili |diane:ecpicsent teria ‘at yewieSupertor,CANAL adefeudant,wIXdouLOsecurcalawyer|tg Pappear!ihe}‘hin?ottered:to SVEw-oes ont:ete Yeap Better SIX hogs:ins the:Weve SiehzGo.a.it oe fee oe tnete =si.ee ingaway aera but:yor Gan ‘ards ee oe ee ane aot:;,ROI te =secu é the leer.ae R|ae“.MeDoag-:ty tetlthe differepce |-hetween!that |‘Epa ive eachLala)Wi Ie Deaugald,Ot,and their ih $e t Pag as sis Seles theyoesss q Tew.«Autos S*selling:prICe eer ak St’SACRE AVY OG aha airsthwicThe“attliet there dope:ist t S058 ee >eee by cathypagetheSympatliy..of¢their.PN Nr SC.>Lente:comumissiamey,. fts dst4ve bak pio1G seri fe a2)we enjoved a very’Ree en IOs kes {abe perhaps from thevitenipe:eee mi “nihisSahavhere he-ded.,eerie hs iN:Wiite<made-Pe Me et dente nt with!the -dountyaytoteee*,o Rabvinis loners:Fast Tharsday,-The|Pr bee ie 48 BI Ob ebrors and msolvenky.which |e ;t CH TO ~S249 85 was passedaucisthe‘settlement it owas found.é 2 Mer.White wuss’ea the:county ‘ee ae ae,ca)men By whicThA paid;Si Me aims oe ye ’ ETE aa esOV MINING him two chil dren:NEWS aE «Meryis:and Mrs ira aceoncease“week:2 white)man:-Pw4ll Sellthe JS.Lingle lands;dan.mubed hdwards“dllednp Joniesaevatthe:ee nou dogr,:,“leh shad stich sii Ta-they shinekPayeetal“Alter:The Eativorfor,Bb!me :ie HE “2 CS ene oe the conn en He:WeSts,Slodp;Millen &Cul have |“e tee yf Aungface dove nwards'andiFREDeotlesstand)ave:“Caited States Benatyr’ae Jay “RavkIGn:N Pes Dee.2255 Rnotwn,of which he died cold.Bevesshiteda Hay to;‘shine’ta shoes:Wee‘Vinvtons.af!saan Me sal ciel ekegtant te the Mascot.a2 ¥;cation or tiquer:Set2Shercustomersfrée:Of charge):~afipenred:‘before th ere EL ey “Committee 4 Ye--afirgnied the*Chica Ral iehe‘“Tails anotherecia age CHatged thas he bad heen erinmallyy =Maleignh ‘correspondence shetitle:ae te Te Pies ick enceof the pros-iMvled By the Batt mone.\Vinermag.‘ga platform and ‘issued:‘an.“address:Citized,:Sob:A.Merder..pustiias-43,ae ig:aia ns :Spare“ie givingcolgr’to the’chapyes ‘thut Nnvitigg atl ‘wha believe,in.whité|ter,-atthe”Little hitmlet>Gt fol2vérveweleBienoeeeSPNOVATIONtothelt&Ustonioryes eatscle?WAS,Using:patronage.Sametsuprémacy and Democratic doctrine esSeaeee“sivotes inj the electigns of va hitec ie note it.the,primaries.pext yearseteS“ten -gee)ators Mayor.States Sendturfo'sugceed AfthuwP,:Aer e oe ae News andObserversa:arryt last seels chargad-witham-‘Gorman.7>The ‘grand}jury:rented |.s aS =: frends iin,ithe count,xy.oy * “ Fernie’:Ses “comp ee._otfered:a:‘gold:Watch forteach list’of:apy“SL money: Ay:Lecistencds | Ssfecutved by ‘Aim @hd:many,Wwere-for warded ty:ee a :bling,The:creamety has;been Wsed Genérat,Pelix:Agaiwst the fpuplishae?pGstheir=Tontte.Curio:where.aud editor.‘oi the American,for.Ate my“THEY would:-disturh)the.People,Ost Gichhent =Later igiie day Sepatir::~o thaé conginunie+Sie prouit Wragesia!tilesASO geatpstgeneraltoea=to Gouvict themwas lickig’"hows,homies -Hersonally.oe eS S10);000"ee.:BES eeahd they.slog discharged °-dambagge’. PP P ee ~ :__tainedina mortgage deed executed-‘by A -“ .Rate Orcas, fy avetial ;®baieand one-halfpayable six months’Eewithen‘securi-}all.‘the Lins i ;sastics inall ththe coatss where!my 98 cesar demanded:‘may =L.Cc.CALDWELL... aA TLORNEY-AT-EA W.A sae Te Sp STATESVILLE,?N:C... Be Bes %:Sitos iStateSanit Bedera oe ~*thewaters of-LOweér Little:River,“adjoin: me _acre more orFess :——MEAL and FEED Sj 2 patronage:-“celebrated brandsof flour at prices|: G et.“ABMOTEL <ee:TeRNER.| “ARMESCLp &.TURNER, “Aitornege and -.‘ournslors+ut-Lae. “STATESV ALLE,NEOto wu Practice’in -allthe dee “Special! ¥ re ment of Estates,&e. es BU REE|S MATTORNEY-AT-am is STATESY ILLE,N,ue Ww “rite érs his:services °in tall “the ‘courts, onesattentionto ‘settlement of"estates’ Ee fl Probate bugivéss:>Sys lhe OFFICE IN COERE MOUSE.eenae :“AI TORNEY AT-LA ee <STATESVIELE,N.Ge : Ww ieBe es alk,chee Saunt = Prompt attention to ‘all businessens trusted Office’No.6,legalarow,year eet house:*pny ”farry Pe.‘Grier,a zi Attorne y-erty Line); STATESVH:LE, a Be.‘tea et eeeewalt.e bik nar .Careful attention giv:en ‘to ‘ait matters ine -ATIORNEF-AT-LAW,.g Sr x TESY ILy,BSS:1G cant eS mle hae eecneatothe:praatica ‘md:will “give promptattention to:alranatters .on- “<trugtedi to-me,Office:rear .of:the’court: “house.5 +n eS Sin i -WF.ee.TE WY1s, "Attorney=e Law:ait STATESVILLE,’NoC.*. we& ~ ee nn ry aie TWilfappear:ih ab Camas ; “ion given to all ©Hections an bofa gor aS ciatatieL- epencuient fy ia eh a .»f bspeeetoeesKEAN’Texas Strasse light slaving fat ithe,”win? “LONG:&LONG,Fdows,sadn ‘ip HEW apevident eapash’ ;LAWYERS:.=,~d the aniverse ‘was;alfire.:)“My.felige STATESVIELE,Ni C ee 4 [Seidoin allevnwctbanry thine?Bie agten. -Praetics 'in aie anit:“Federal Courts: oes Robbins’a.row,t a c RICHARD.B.NeLAUGHLIN, 2°ATTORNES-AI-LAW. STATEOVILLE,-N-C5 oi -~ Will’appear int alt“Courts.secre!fain tiongiven to the Civir Practice:. ene Sale af Valia= ble Land, F “BY virtue of a judgment:Of ‘the“Superior -Court of Alexander’county,--rendered 2 the July.term.1897,inthe case of H.C. “Cowles,Trustee 0 RUF}Moore'an Ss. Mian’of):the,minor:“children of-Moore.xs.Calvin J.Cawres:and:wifeau undersigned onimissiorer appointes: the,court,‘will Sélt 4+ ON MONDAY:=DECEMBEK ath:1597, at 2 o'clock,BP:Mc,a large’body of valua-(:ble.fands\in:the:‘county “ot Alexandenon as Bnee » is “ing the lands-ot Di W.-Kerly;:Fortner.apd'kotters,deing the:lar ds conveyed “to.:Cal-wine JS:*<owtes:DY grant from the Stateof|North Carolina on June “sth,1878,.to-wit: Pope teas "29 60 acres,¥we ne W960,.225)sores:Soaer etree aT ee e500"‘acres, eg :fy i.zs =—_— 3 “Totals *“2 2,36b-acres,and registered i Ok.D,ee 497 10.503.inelusive:Said-will 6 therr.+ separate tracts aud then asa whole ‘ erms:\Mne -thirdcash;.bala po’ cénficniation by the Superior’tenn."Eithe| retained.till purchase)money.paid This;land.is;valuable for:its ‘timbe and.firey,farting lands”andiaftords .ararechance|-for proutable investment,For farther par-| ti¢ulars write to Armfield &-Scar a Attor-f neys,Statesville;N.C.’vite .as te 2nd,1897,tC.He: (axa, Commissioner,es Wy+e»“Mbricace Bale BY VIRTUE OF THE POWERSCON, G.Brysonand ‘wife to 1.Harril®,*'Truste.ofthe 1st.B.&LE.Association’of-States,‘ville,N/C.,and “by”the.said “trustee‘as. signed tod.W.Copeland—and.“under:the}powers contained:iu a.second mortgagédeedexectitedbythesaid)“Ao G:,BrysonandwifetoCopeland&:McDeugald,the.dl -sell’tothe:highest-t the,.court house ‘door.in Statesville,on’i“MONDAY,DECEMBER 13th,1897, ‘ ms following.land.‘conveyed tn said‘niort-+Fgageanddescribedanddefinedas.follows?|:oanlet and buildiag”thereon in Statevilte‘townskipsbeginning at a rtake,,.in.“whatig})known as corner of:Washington ‘avenue:an@ Mcnroe ‘streets,near,Jim *Williams’line,thence S0uth:87°.West'.60°feet to:A)stake,thence South,3°West/140 teetitoa stake,thence N.\87°W.60 feet toa stake,:thence North 3°East 140 feet.to°the:be-: ‘ginning,containing one-fourth:Ec)ofan: 3 J.W:COPELAND,”yi _Assignee of Li esta ‘Trustee & COPELANASDesMeDOUUALDMortengee 4 wm < =seh ers SALE OF LAND. Xx.VIRTUE:OFA DECREE OF THE_&)Superior Court-of lredellCounty:made:in the xpecial ae entitled “Lavater--Branch against Lee ‘Branch’and ‘others;thé undersigned ‘as:Commissioner:of said:Court,will at the Court House:door’:inStatesvilleon:"MONDAY:DECEMBER 6TH,1907,"-sel at public auction to thehighest bidder:le tract of Jand situated in’Shilobnkseothers,containing ©.(50).’Fiftonmoreor—sand reas eee ‘and‘)of ‘the-estate-of E.P.Branch.Termsofsale:“One-halfcash onday’ date ofsale.ty.Title:retained©tillmoneyis:paid.°joe4th November18975ASL.ALEXANDER,+3.B.Connelly,Attyye ~Commisstoner: NE aaim TS EQUIPPED WITH-ALL-THE MODERNIMPROV:E-“MENTS FOR THE -MILLING OF, a OF ALL KINDS.”H We invite inspection of ourSole“and solicit a>share of:‘your,We can ‘furnish ‘these os that talk:‘Statesville Beauty,Peer-less,|Carolina Cheice and_other}"Also:pay:highest ‘market“prices for wheat and:grain:Leh akeponds:‘Respectfully,2 _*STATESVILLE a ch ">\;|MILLING COMPANY.x\W.L.C€TTING,Prop. <a givento ‘all Probate rei}? ‘famous. cH ask year.Sand2 mouths.val polebes "ot obst rYation’ny ‘valley inesouth bes?{7 ftern Ohio. gjnr Tous ‘clouds ‘bY day and |“fhe Stars:by “tnight,anid 6one,ofaity varliest recols ;jena,soddrat:Pawas some“Ebi Of.<u Ye vould about Jeb.eons- jand “Ovigon ©shetters thet ssevien stirs,:“the dippen =i “thes-ortls| &tenis % :oeA.acess >eae at metdet:i ble . house!sbeuiing {0% :Wuminatjon,,“Gust.U6:sek!awhotNer a could,remyniver |Has lowe:avi jv‘pds x the ioruisay isNovember:11,SOT htoues:‘aiid?sone “of «“their ‘exclam-| [>Narn > in said county,adjoining M..Dij > "gistsunder.a.pete ¥ be ere Address,‘« psTheNiantSrFattigi5stint!ty Bisse oe aim-one of(the few who an speak f bi “the.dallings stars.°Rotetniner TheeeAs.1R33).THOS sho beolay!ttle i o ‘scondersof that’tighe weredated ve awed:-splendirs,ad,A Let ‘then dss)Some.Hmujes\ex Supes| i atural “wisicih *Siazpers vive hight.were augtieved.‘and bedtd. “er “saa imeversbe sure?:tet Pienaset who were dvored®ith tie %Tews of, tae‘astounding pectucde..“dig:kt, shthecs shen ile with metedrs hig sas the night.has ih ‘Booth.+Ans actor,My:aie w ussbor in ‘Opeot tlie treessa Bt rougmiCap:fit ys} pi: Beas tenn ¥ssterious,nap: :PStélatious’over athich.my.Sateuks: ieondeHeyes:and the st¥ange,aniontilie) €ra Wdsuigon the.Stars,a ere fientres! “were naebgiven?ton ost ud ving the loetion~istthittrlicae wild,AllseHoly sfothers 3rttinitien to telestial!phend-.® fect areonger®:yavself,ariel knew when} star .and he:Aa at must sie rane .. Lal ;i 1. ‘the ees bight had wymess.of youne squirrels ” My ‘“fattien. 4 and eager 8 my defepence ty ne had noi Sh 1%the,yd a werd”‘foi ony tayorite giiet:wasSapil - axel s brakns M.oo passionz<ioror sbi dainty dish:w as indyrleed cae:‘Suppgne oho Toriing the:night i Misturbe ch the allesiat jun ir On, pains:resulting ‘ty,itd Porains:ain ay.boa experic need,iyorn iL Fach.Yi ary.mothe arauisyta.x save ror, high hin:but *thyt gid,“LE he ‘iad:nim Sec we pt he wotmote,haveCy Be ‘Hefod o it:danceit edi net thitk,the 4 ‘Vito's,be thie lobe vane nh tpg’hdd @ouetnd.*sthe jadgment Sat“hand. Tie hour,Wale vatler.pibidnight:und Be sop the Stark,ec Extent fall tngb oda wt bet ascertained,“EC was? Ven jgoed ofmy pare mts thin ie) awarthaWi laile tb have,she Tle part + axa watchman:Oh they eects “Pile have ty far,logrix.3as.iv ae atk} happetyed:afer!days feesand HOw hat?is'6£ve ats:=My-ite ie was wached, 1495eleata heekeae-from *tears.”pated ilps ands:wvrapped tiny blapket,My Wats ayried”Into>UR 4ea’=onethoy? path ide OF the howe,Lab he sy ity Kt.“the ->forth’"as “p01 ent bat’fobyh structed by Tas wild?oehert Ne ‘treob. Fastivavd Was ‘ahalge “hl coferel pith Bidkory:%maple.‘gfahuut ang ‘YasSaftas trees,and that wis:wherg" Stat:‘peeped:through |/ ar uhks’of:the tress in “thie:¥‘inten:yD “Spee fal:‘attention iwas:iver.ter pointing thines out:for the tot in| my mMeniory:and ‘the attaztng’s gne RS before ine Hows.thougit that?’Was, dong Before photégraphy:,“ih do.not, eecollgct “that q looked Winestlesrary af fall.ObServatian.oltthe-Ost,Aayeie nated a,stunt f dor vat thiink 7 tare ed iny.fae if,any?yther directions: There were’cimuiberabie Tine:‘oh Heirs drasen.asf ove visi Qe |pens} cits with paiity Of,Aires -strangely, straight hnessw cepin ge’Prot’:mean ther;zenitie to tlie"Horizon.*Ay:“cl@a inspressign is:‘there,’Avere™ne ross] fines that.there ‘Seemed Ns srbeay hipnstrops’streani -of ‘fiery Shaly’as viv id.“renting off sun ‘ain’,moon hiehit,pouring trom.fay -Stupsadois <xbyusticys zim,ssome Of thé,bright times fading “as Hiey swept far “dows!fy) fainting.bn the serene fepths:of,thed: sky,Thera vere’a Certain amajestic serenity ‘abont the:exalted conflagrash htion.¥ialy ‘parents were not?‘alan ed nor gt eat hy”agitated,“Opt:enjoy- ing:every.menient;4 tucalltheir low tions:OF,surprise and pemiration.4ATLthe*boys,and girlsof ‘the,housd]vere:ales:ane ee ‘RS.MARY.LEWIS,wife ot a preity nent farmer,and Wwell-kuiown:by.all.; old wresidents near Belmont.N.¥as : writes:“Fortwenty-seven years '1 had’Yeon | “a constant Snfferer from nerv ous prostra~§ -tors.and advertised remedits without Yone~4ft.Three‘years ago:m5 condition twas ‘t alarming:the least’nojse.atdutaa:7rtle!and ;|’ sunnefve me.I:was“unable:to'sicop,baa 2" Pmumber of:sinkingSpells andy slowiy gtew|“worse.“I bégan using be,Miles?ee storative|“Néervine and Nerve and Liven Puls.*“Ap first ‘themedicineseemedtohave’no:efect,}But:after taking 2 few bottlesIvegan.to notice | “wchange;Ltested better at might,my aptitebegantointproveandW‘ripidiy BRS s Bacco:until:now J.amas neariy’restored,“tohealth as‘one of myage may expect:;God blessDr.Biles’Nervie.”: “Dr.‘Miles’Remedies” are’‘sold:byiall drug-,4 “he ‘guarantee,first.bottle efits-or money re-+:funded.Bookon dis-. ‘eases.of theheart‘and. —Sree ae as hoate3eee ty uch vue<% the ;&“Ope %ee 4 it ae Huo Weise ntue sund’Scent hefore ‘fied as 6:Skilleda eo a3 Smatksmap slonid.-ARrough ‘Shee the.tofty ‘fringe:of,habed’boughs atid ton,andpaid large suis of.duonéy for:doc-=;f° 1@ EE wENE went oe Nae eae ‘asSpey reg th ate we as BEC:5 sf fog OF:then wals Sin tae.Ok Ler idea ti we at Away ‘whining:Anegu: “dussh beets Vbatihg in the abs. spate.ae:SHOU DOD ce &xOLPRE Sid twas:ay tint hotaré ‘bur.wetPly daper™ke “had ’srt aun”Sex:m ius?‘gnasniighet,“ila +aigahys "cabiritwt at TE a mitehis,Pe aceifient SSfosep5sSitdaptingOhi? Sorrow:yet flashed:PIO.Dac:a 2, Bie Tipdoneeivablry a ition Be dicelits.mink |¥ets whe coyware eulk neatte pies trad sep thé;¥ with ae inet)strech ins or pale Fightin,- the ohuss%“Pliesdomeof Mie=% the:.fontaine Tron.; Tone“drawn,Shaft. ots$6 Sout,sudden’ * Shea;CS Sut light,*woke ano: ‘Hhorky: Uw ae Hate.+There.awere+ one.Suiday =sind ;meSSH CoN x, (Hom)durirtohrint. unc Leto thie steddy ye Orn dings7as Of old: Sts)idk:indowsmnd Thi ooste Std 3 “p he Stor ie Sorthe oclisfamey3 Sealat he!Fn “eid “eS ‘furaitshed fier natake yereee Tiel won 2s ¢]pray hie reper ne Ot:them? mar fables iy St yas.ipalise x4 ney f.£6,‘thee wich a weark’ssi inet So.1 hutie:conte: forkit Aw hen the:tira” thin tosy Tieht:nots, “vol ethot, babhi:‘|on,iy their’“eeasker. ands!te“higkenS this,td, the Eafmeckoet darth asst Nadsk Gorn:1a,theo NEN:‘emingesbad STM.© -yeil Methe,meteors:had vanished PCN ERAnSISTP ABS at > House Bask Sueteaen Baraca’: D Wilke.Sbote,€hitonicle Cree k *OM ees:Sait ued wre S Ld.SM »v es sey axe c ting at fubrow"“aCOSS aX.. Whos ww ds*theres ty ee cited.7 The ‘ary thiaet Sngited’thes yess,yee Niave rot te?dred:)> =rue He4Ye +ae wide a oe ot a»-ene ee Intportapce’of x6 oe “.Oa Augesta/°Chdhiche:: at vehi ge of:this ¥tnihe’votes pHa iMcyud the.Demperats thes: ‘etal:assembly? have wy Gir’“Sditator:Goring n ‘addiz:©nesdelegate Pchadiycs of thirty:=e ballots trol:<s oa nla Ae on RNenn “FoR AL-and SKIN DISEAGES.| \+This’standard:‘remedy,bas~pot found wanting,‘for pelacnibentpbxstcian,:erhabas aMe cer~ARE urrvarying cOse : “fonshiedebit:isrecommended.Tt netyy hteStobegéfixSiratdose,auiskty and.yodriving.tonite “rms*“7 Sayutenn wi unsea s#abor4bweldseffects,”"it is pottherenal et tgs.e ‘ears,by an “epg Staaten ie andasctroce sf kpowl-‘wzge of edical ectenAllypurifies‘ex ‘enriches fhe vi |nieeaoner FOWoeaunseLr warhoptle;:#60fas's bores.Ts nePulsaes roild ¢r¢efcctive™rgative and Liver:1 ipeatrice,octper boxa os Cee‘@ isse su Flor’arepelerindtsatburnsoa tonal;ete. "Bor «ale by Aruggiate;stnot wend.toa’ ieaeemeecon.nore co...antar-a DE:MILES MEDICAL ., deeply sone:Hort ety t 4 ‘anid nadeo abiids,Most,Whpresse:ythe: hoe hintcteSc and yas?Alay aysSoe yen tse more,Ine onipreliensible:tht:aie Bt“ck ua “yohiy tine thystical.ain iBua) they owe che exptBer:ant ove apatents:i, aysistsibs catia,att‘the!MOK still 7ast hye:frost that,Blistene toon “Hee? iti whic‘h the work is asPak toy *pas ellie sent forthe!et "vadiga Ht,ats weet ray’spears:patting:*“muy “Pe &Stntotion Tope tier sore mn somes ‘¢ount rh +hohe" Ley ah:as if nyttnie.raid.ee nd given st hiakst re,dit OF bur MSE arlas |< tall:restavdiS yA of plone itsfencesf the peaple:as“the 3ae igougay: Tee hides morninge pe: sndit)v5Wend that thes‘Tilly “hak Skhnodd and,+ATRL the‘Ytookks 2 bart 2 ded had eke it,the exening,“berate.<sind ey aly to. ialds,*Wheat‘te: plice “aiilry:the, ha jh thepe wre ghndngs’‘and grentitude pit the maje stig?“Gyethang hs«fine qhamcit ax“st there:fretty:Faith| the zulden,tresDF thé familiarstats, re ‘hte B roported that,uD An.Teaver vist ‘a AY Lv Glored: man lis the witme ok)ORS ee vOund.1 fess-Shoe Keawhen aay aie “thet Ofhe iil Couns,in:the State Oe ,Mary? Vand ite has been:demOnst Ratt a that]$alt avould gen- Twelve:SyOtess rive). to-the Denide rae Kait Tatbse:seould, t ‘Tour owislagive,Notes:ofthat es zanty - PEE @ voted in,Pyinceé ~Geory oy ait from “thors. Thigssse ip Montgomers¥ip:theseA"house ee‘tlexeo lt Gatrolls§SS:Ade dition:tt Cirrolhdelegate::wD bss Hen would.Live cite Mr.Gorman?ping moreMetes1eReSeenut:Gadd a.con been triedand AuxpRca or superstition,but it:infon-ee .,tstlecta: <br to:sufferer.Seeehatsereneatae.in ite eiralysis ofhealtheaeesytA Brores giesyoft.”y's pace beepscomparisonSEEDYFeniedyayerofathe}pub Xt isa:S paTiaced:‘Gpatred sitalityan ‘ath itaBeeaeSieeck,he i).Cay==sa erence Rif ie Wak. ‘fend for Free _ae‘Valdable |‘ota together.&WonderfiFeeerpeataeofremarkable.Siete3eathe>2e pe aoe rule ae ease,after ‘rem Lat.-“Ehese cert:catestestifywit ed-uii Sosound,that ie Bi Belemie: t cn oa i eitentfor colty,Re fot rer cispor ee fat iaBalm...with Barsniey, aS evesTtnesse5,Qethes:har“pight ’ed:the:He,se mindeistaetor ys cate “Ral igh Mews and,Opserver’Ams ‘Shiv tiontlis aeo Fears <p *SoLessin cn disnai edit anOticee.Or Pghard aut thle spontclbgi erly. wat = Snithine.dat Tattone |i ate aye inet Badenan Odes h et:apd sy ‘a be: See of, Hous ictirsoFStor 3selihe se fat:all}: Of] an OTNSS bloat n eulw ays tt the Wcosting tn"ak prekzios +SrSignaléof,alarm yeni ht-or. ranItWisaetone “lok aymyiygs"iKe 1 soon"ay eapy?of tierGe!ma oe 4 anid:x “pireWahd.giv en slene Abe rpréherpsian oh theyErDOSESx oM aint: ".ThaVY¥3 £“V/dows ane ‘four ch the earth hs “theyWe are=steriaal % ‘i hie: Vo x i o e e t e s >! i: ¢ :~ 5 « 7 aebintfo:juseices ‘‘Seas “W heistthe Rindica <doetor’-ata ”Talika -oy the sau,canduetior.sehich *Reidy pSigith.Hud ‘to:lea+the:=e 4 wusRiven,ten."si 4 Selves 5 finitted to take:‘bribes, |{ook the’convicts. eet tp. ‘four phe Seu bat the Cloek.” i wenn Lived:With ,ber—carrieay aut, all Cie things “tore dow mie?yopse.4 pifed fi together quired if:Sev cre :(pists -shots”Wwwere fired.on e.ball farerips Tine GHilbert’sfrehe ack.cuts “es “|Wah,Texas,“Dispateti,ott ;tondclast: toptned fire-apén:-him:‘Jmediately returned-the:‘bee:4 }hand-ip thé fusilade;shooting Gerjald-from behind:<.Gerald’pursued|.:him-into.the drug:Stote shooting“ay’@ the ran:¥with the-words: {chambers’in:his yveapon{prostrate form of:his,viétin,killing} 5 the scene. Faead was’shotin the leg Editor+the:drug stdre by friends:Retina OatsipéhadbeensexerédbyAS.i a bullet:‘which?‘injured;eee“|home,but cannot live:‘Tu eerjald:waswoundediintthe —‘dnsi+}side:While”serious,’pe pecs:cannot ne said.to bes ' itite w as.xefallybinestars hat “Ens Betitentinry akaieaone &foptwmare: rears and nix,father:pedesur ;aoe 2a Proscar an Vabroked:“tec Sua:zo ae ¥a t->wi ie~seasidal;wits es “pe npiten tides uaa:Heer Heibed,one <' AGFomNGietay Iso thet aad “hist eseape. oeith’higgoOnby rhe:anda 6 aLtegpt, Phas abe ct wade to)‘bring:hiin-to,wus! tiers*2d y poi Ssee RYsfardns?WAS:fourm:Fullty akinntes Ad:ase pher C.WENOthotehtsx Gig pair wists veritbhydeserveto:Weeghr *heth. =7 {args in-char.Fe of the:_penifentvaryrai The Taxt has:ocairred since,“néve | togk chard:at the ceteidon athidnr =e,there ¢has©beth:any: chaifge’in ihe’spinit oF tie miavRKe nient,Abt ped pie have:nd.i eat 4 ly hy:fe syed;and:the general iimpr Sen |“sypat Rh thé.aundwtictment ‘oF the whinge ‘of Mhumigementts was bat-g.sblath to;ws «|cape the past,bad’‘puanagemeny.”SEE theyre:Tiers been:ahy -“eh ¢niges-there} has bedi,no nprovoment,“Phe riget 4 that only roeweekaoe a euuard J. seot on a Spree,;ith ‘tKo:<eousicts’ aud.het:them cseape’Shows that:thes sreform:hasone?bavkaward:>if: the ayuikert and:newligent’‘guard,aula ,protege ot Gov Srifon Ruskel sbroth- ote has’been dixinissed for his:con ioty the pablic’iWhot aware OF te.2 \Stongeas “oficialsare:ADM:per: Deec Suites Sorts :gard?eeu’ ‘{chamselves 5 with COBY ett ee Strous attempt"nade,to ‘bring:them! to:justicg,Sunt so loi will the penis: ventiues Fempluseos:De hol asetpar) Oh se undilouse action, e * “The Swati is that’:wvshe “‘Ropablie| rswatts:‘are Inge‘ontrol.” Cyn pe tec\sanrd-sc:ahdals~ctire conpaionsthinsBeeastthetRegrbli¢an, Pparh cDeee leadershipiss c ‘Ontposed:daineely if mrifittand.-badant and{+ hiwharee they et in“their:smotta:Is:cle Wethave got theeO00.attewe.fire, Baketo-skine hime 227%ve ~othipebetter:tevtls hye:Sepeked 4 st Favedy.ays "con: ‘mitted:atbis place SOM,tine’dust} nivfir§mate‘the.skpsidonce’of Epiiest. Coriell.Taeo-little chtlansn:Wier: yeas?wire found’«dewd.bye:on their:Ded sly MOM heir Sth HQats “edits |Le rinest CorSorell;theitather.Sy,ued by bin ost Hoek)with &gash:SACTOSS. tits thrtntt,which exténdgat froin gar) Lsfatement ifter.his:throzit was Sete -Hesaid:that-a.man qiareat “Hes1S.jo*had::boarded ‘witty:theleaMfok-some.AWeelbs’dist night}4indaivedIiim:todripk.ab Lop sdf -whisohNeesgudthat“after drinking.the guar:he *<sd0n'Tost*ARS AIRES |p Fad Ines cnothingnuore until he was¢ strikity agSHAnsworkin.=ACéoF dine bo:Gornels (Gor eel)3)wittand kew: de were-together aie oierhe Aintey Cornet Sank’‘that'*ast exe ing helaskeddasvitepottslegiveéyeeile with fewis “but Rite!Spehasta “and, pera spiteof his entreaties Rowse,thise morning She rexpressed:Great:sarprioat,»‘Cornelband Le om she,be okaddren.‘The:corbher:: an inwSigativg “bu. Rieter Sreonday.a ber heimadest weal ‘be rested?<+heeewenes at “Opinion:Ththetaa.Corpen”killed"therchidien’‘and SuICIdeL~“bbcase, troubles.3 “Gornel} t deel had:évidbatly,been oney Wine on the floor: “Be (01dTime In Ww aco See ‘ Ee.tlarnis;:editor of,ope: PW.‘ais:his teSSchevalid*aude <4 +Be Gerhiad.wepromincit,eis Seinen dy due)eon?tbe stecet thisPvenfny ict 3b “oloekAS:Harris wasshot dead,’J:Wi:Harris wounded fatal!¢,shisbodybe-Jngsparalyzed and:Gerald ‘shots Gnraheside:He may"de?”The:froable”Wis The oet conic of the:imobbing.otWC.Brany;duo pes fot fhe.i-; Gerald was exesaint pdee vithreferCNCtort!1evecent.‘mobbirie *‘oft Ateteewards:!he askedt-have his man: omply= “the Harris came,out-of a druvBoies ‘atrd’ Ger.‘ald im? Hearing the shooting:We 2A:‘Hay ;ris came upon the Scete andtook “Hatris-fell:tO ae Hoor | “You shot mein’the back:“Gerald ‘emptied the anto:-the: Fh oh the:spot..:Gerald then:‘left ‘Aittle:Sad:“boy,/Cio Stood sorebullet:eee.*Harris’.tes!par hed: «His:witidpi Tie:“otter.or guard ttledi thar Stat Cre “erefornies;ai Ke “ands no.4 peeviation,«in;4 LPies Carpal be Hathor sd,Yrein thigh: ‘Cornell:reed’6,aie:Tallies “aerod sf ERGs ears-Gamielt wan ablecto!URAkes a i . hen Mrs?+CoreNhe tered,these: ards”uitoriptod 16 ‘danny ay of Das Ceniestie Aes razors “Neath?‘wikieh s the!x WASTE Ars:Cor"helt and.“Leavis Swait be?hast Ove“OTR MOWPE,Wil DispateTe Mast ee Oe Bs Bee,Rents i Awe” "p snnes Herald eu JnQrningpaper.gid one ONES rand hrsButtofWaconvostprominent”citi:*FEMS «He bad writtenea bitter Crit:Jicisme Gn Baylor ®Gdiversity: ustYiptreturned and:became incen-|ysed,ut the'editor’sdelayain:JcJing.»Bad fetling resulted.and wher |;uy:woe:Gerald"was sCrowsing 5treetatthetorierof:Eourth-“aad”Astin:streets at 5:arttoek.:seditOn| -rawremaining > bya.ede ss into fr:fabsitn‘a |Hetsiriae: » SETI PES 4po hina.houkhi.liesanette!Ket “Eek!other,oficialssatiore:inghitined:f5 ee) \Me tii ke * tt wit Zolkee Fae neCen:* eeschY ieod Haternat “4 S boSn Less Stok ved jit gee >)epring:ha Gerrects Urine:a aMssing reaized d (swith which.}fendant,Bui shis:spinal |:“Heawas’removed’£0.his’ Siregplease ve 2 eenratsbay %ok epet rei wv hes tlie Dr:‘Kirpy Sinith’2Sea m4 thot e <pSENSE,rathe Tosixsx:|auMeked 4out.hey:“Was “phat:“ont Meee.did the Che:jovetse,eoispire to magnity:the nar ¥eJS of been:Gdfate Cartfine’showers ols mae:ee hast toeNew’,York:a p Sime:ey Ome:pharthisS thiines“vad |shapets cred.; Phe two fir st.“of.ties Seaudlals OXriitaeayas“hit poiee iThryurred,when.Supevintendeut’Sune|hap~4 egaaa Dea gays Sasi aud: shane IVts aie an cH rey ehe®a { cou iat a‘ 4 mioeautd DeSbLpe: { Havemever so nh clay’,would besser,193 ets oy,av haw otfake Takning we cdghettron:Ine ae rer a The taneyaene me OF Dankste ecee2 4 es Beaton Tae a elsyeqTilearealaysaalkingaboutshedarkhowe.S8bu fot:Sete roveada: oP+ ueatmontof amp Rodt-fulfills CVERY. T Andyptr es andone neues ;Pbottke and pam;sail.Mention:Aandsendyonrdd.pase Kilmer&Co;aBinghamtonTIWG,“Br BN ~and-had-fled it;AYith)This:editor Harris’fet syublication.«oe thurs,”ee“othePe of fredetl conto.p GNovember3rd:ear Li.iBEET rsona pices “23thday ¢ ty Onno =AGuest uel ols Peeyevee Dis Stir p:order tra,=as-Ste,Deli at eeaM pea oe orto:th Lat:wy origate pe et tales rosCage Ang Cotte Tie PNG shy Vork Disspats ; Sham {he atten“yh hed?SousSwrail ened fueqhian Shs atest arnt.that ai nde sd + th otex poco:fay: au mdoilsHaeieeeewhich<can bekeueto-lay)Lv:at SatistasHah OX Adeican eSurstica}opert ion,Avi pe tortie’Serene:tw A pet Gs bextee ite, Ie,condition.of sant hetould HENNE etAp peared,BRAY fe)1phe.set Rah Spade‘of “Swe:WWa)eee is frosrearttsecgrd ¢Tok unhealthy ante Cantsé*of -bladde Hguar,”Wine onB unpls afant-recessi 1 rovbupaany*thes during’,the nighurinate.“The:mild’and:eee of”ae‘Kilihers.Swaurp:ae Bye: ‘HE:STATES Win wt Nin the to:sel an age :notive that:phe igisn a Ie imaeds es casei Ubakisi te Ovite,is ‘ ae heca te ‘traordi ry :s sor]ts fifty ‘cents.iS nt free et ae mite ; * tables heeof a nani ple’ BeMasccr|, 4 Attle™s Cc:dot;Tu ini Wi,worth 390"aToth—pudiic.roads) ) endorsed by:‘collagi@ oDPlesidentaresmen:One of so eesaschools.in the State.‘CompeaesThreeexcellent‘Literary sASbeautifulcountryTocatio: ndpro;a people:Oneandveighty-five ‘students ‘enro iDees.Good:eae.Home com yall, furnish ‘you:beard:tuitiin2asingandlightsfroniJanuary4.10KtoMay.25,1898,(five.months)’,“Bor.ony#40,payableon entering.W poet osebeue or furthef-infornia-TORN,os. PRINCI AL ighautities of ‘Rea.Clover:‘Blossoms. re Herb, gon Seed. iar1 each on.receatsTHE=VE TEAWLBY.CO” and:ther s beginning ata stone:Tnevunine 56.polk ‘$2106:pokes: ALL HAVE.DISAPPEL Reh. suffered with rheuniatiam,inamy back.sna houlders:“My head ached and1 wasveryweak.I-concluded :to.take Hood's4jSatsaparilla..In a'short time’felt-better.*havenow taken’séven:bottles and 4h.J peace,rheumatism-andthat tired feelhavealldisappeared:””’.Mes.spatWadesyille,Vahe.e Boot Pillsactrel Ca and proit ely 6on™ee Sic =dachie :ae :, i ;: ,.\ ty ee *. line ants7 4 einttraits ny OF eo ot vantage:of everry ng goods or:hats*to.exp fore.ge RiSTOPtiEiictophee.BeereetonFe ith:ithe!Boake BeSPECTACI ; hd tw of thie latest”andithwhichwegan’accuratelymithglassesforanyoptical,:issortment-dfall kinds of “Specta-=esthatwill ‘save you money and < will Save Your Eyés thing i spectacles,“Watch-;Opal ware.cte.“Also any.kindEeOnlyfirstclasswork~aor friends;uate ATCHMAKERS AND eee FANS, ts recelyed:subject to check on sight.:j collateral and personal:securitysecrediterorremittedatlowestrates."ers and jou —and fate ay montifNiceaFaty4K ;42 eeaicerssct oe tt ers =at wilt be Seni Aree, Li,ogson county ;WX recht One “¢ero shot: filled,anethe ?and “wounded: aot ten ss A ys 1 ht ie.gh ei ij .s |i r ?%eM aie a SedeAwasghRTa*,,14h iy A BE GAL :;<a ee A Stott,>ibe"ALOSoups toNy ve *LUST “i ras ee Redepe Bk Ba ?::ae ;AA es oid ond ind IK.A I a ot rae .¥x ease ia ee “j 4 r }“s x i Wes.president e Satie:ee ie aed oS ak 2Senin:oe (he Basu:;Bay Coo he at Ty i posi é :aN a3 Bae vids th eetane acaer of “ieNh “i th ee ;;micasSeb DSnites yt isy!Zvi NGL,‘iy wyGe a Hoag Siok hte yh vs goat Ee Le ee ane eeeits Bi aeei.sits a.eseee F Pe hs fSe ayite fi ee Auf:BS eke ee el SO:R eh i eed cut IseSisantin hsis Glee To titennye |OS Stony ee we :nie Saat :esate te vf DicktySus tr Cops St a iuiteaShie!pata ‘toreES tonne 3¢heey ¢é :en me <a =oeaS;robbed:last:Thursday 4.yt SLakoutet:ei Uitpost aoe ‘TH tn PAs fiteetc.Alt Ts ke sy he ery sey B pts Rca 5 :4 t elo sacks A wou Se:quantitycateighoepangiMs*;a ‘v eh Gsaie ne a he va Ae 3 <a oN ae ;¥NY «pi i Out n and arta Soret hs:;Céot ‘é ‘Ms aun NH CLEVE ae ,;ei pt 5 rh 83.Fata tbtor ,a,Barat ae oe f st és BRUCRE Raat ory J xiailis}Ses Ney aInbar ficsk hi aor tne:WARNS ene Tepe ce 'ss Se eee tar thie7jee=5AM:Spek ee Wer BeSai Ne gphae wher Pela :Prealatt es ee ae aeKrenWealite ieat %AY hebae ;ul}wes teeey!ihe nae ;Rg ier ta cess :f i :i.~.othe ‘;eo Mas haat lyst You Ava lest thatfan w re ene es ;Se ‘x on a ak eh ve Ik wy ::i a 5:a 4 aa.3Fae passen eal ynMads| z ohn eS ::¥;f -a —i.¢5 f a—sof 2,lee ‘oe ns rt »7}i Is.oe 4 J . rn SE fake cptee Me nies SacheSas “ry hahah Sry ‘eh);3 oe As.doubl =:3,as ce oe “Vai nee yAPRA ‘:ie ;..ia.pine Sige iearat Mis Scena Eaten Noid Pao :Brite sg Pe race Sgt ha %Pradik Sitiow Pics ;it f a?t 7 ae 7 .PRN ig cin y yi .was?Roi ;*i .i are(tionPtbit Thyrdold standards wheelThais Be oe Hit:oeot :“ae Sa boa)no Gait ;aes aA ,se ::t .tssei ‘Ledsist)Setegy teow:ah ©onif-Coe eee rel inte SPT et i rein Ibe ;ye e .;Y ;Sel pennenudessearotsine!it iba.Pit.et seathiee.of “bee Seesthe ae bleSchools y we 5 ae4ENSey"that;theicounthy,“Batsvl ae ::eta me 1 {TAS POM Eo beSaeedTAaSueertwaysheee¢;k %:wey ee cine om :is are foiged(hid So uagiit,4the,Teg ng eas hee;7)SEIN WN aera or ia cuegreet noae :AR ESP E coh nO :ate !:CO aneMmAANS =—r :{<a <okie,m "is —.OF thy oaths op jaGierigns i Na nade ct sfittol:ReFCS Sieve fia GaNy pl Reger scat c tae :Toys ?i eee omy civar. wsmy“tie a aa ay easAY wclly te vignaed.Ly:tins pak MaSsnn e GY Pe Tranceari ops iY ambAte shee Sane,ae #2.;*Sten eaten Seah eh ;Mi 4 ,rte rer betiefentedeet ite ie Se ee rik ne Shans Be ies ane beavers ge ES :ea i Rare ton :orth 11)YEAS chi tel aue.was owe aieniies sdviiai tare of:aire S53 te hoor AbRo eS Renee Sea et bere :Me ae ::ee ;iy based ;*&ee BIEN ft Was sea nip tits fachial os tee bia pe Wotan ase ge eM Weae Lew wt et zou Sliven Piun Heras iin Beate OF POETS Sol CMEC TANGonhon:OU:Seana:re 6Ate inid Coe :2 oie Ties ;=.Tw Me si6t)Sa pte ieee i :rt i s Takes om dts Dat died tlie :Se y S eee ge ah tos ang aangaeseysah2Physeniilatiesesl“}7ieineptutJoly’tae ui tai deo ets wlthe Asis ie HVE ers a é Ah A be reeks eh rae os 4 i 74 :Con sey Si Sine 4 tis ‘Phat .:tae .:iS te HL.:Bowed.ter Yeates peti =aie itcemivattr ie cere by ES Peon =iin “com aEWEGIRANTEETOS25<:i SRaAHA Arcee MO Betas Rie :ROBE eon cee ee ea as biel to the 1c Ss Fae NE Je.HEE DALYen Romine areCet beae Stepa ct Adin al heat eater ieti ae aah ze:ae as ee ha ae a ;f :Phe miag oe hatte i penisWisHOBPRINTINGSSUNoaxi‘Oy:Ys a ‘ey >Bn+iPais.tstlyhMg.til ‘Oke *f -ee=aPeSpats,They resparetbyl Viat?cls ee wally,Fosse!coy aie 2 Ne aE LS 7"ares geage whe ingitg thet Neen:RRA eyteh. OR PLICES ap Sha Sroan WK;Rati Aue Nex hiergtian Y of,eins peu abhates ger.3 neat :oa :::,ae We pi VSncy:rt We 4 FARA ma Sie PEST,Nea Y ;:::.pedi Droken>wo a % £°a 3 tat t “teirma Tine MoUs feiss,+POS ae ei aie Se 5 y .Ba hee 9h .as=;TheMascot ee er.wy REO Ree Pator cee SAL Oe EC ees TEE |.eG 2 MosOr GAM that heonhyayer)politiny,wig IRShit Hay i !:,f ::Nas :ete,SRW lithe SE ie i Lhe be ert ee,;|t UMS broken tosyanLig:fotgehy ‘ou ann,yoy or’)“B\S¢RF yestr the wis sO “Pb oxic 2 Sy an a ::eee -3 sisi this piiispydp)Suite tal fer coh pote,anuchddtveiesides te weds Setseat eee ae -;ee a ee tesatiatedpenethefhethayShh}Tigpe reeh ie ares:it SLA.cree Soren i :‘‘ie te ms Sommotthe Lxr- any ‘}<deme ;2 >4 .f :5 ph ate *saa aetdepeylettFOktttcaySuivbneooC1.rhe pBual NSIS}PERE emia ache eee,‘;an ae ee :ey ;toss a ae Kk aSebure:te efi “Thy.Cheat sei ine.ators é ; ,ey Inne altiig ‘cae Be lea at ae But 4 ¥‘;‘4 f Niobe :Srigi?aah.Bal AS eDitee SAeih Kaa thee an Be ee eee Sbccount aarti :eat |7:Ben ec Shee BER RAY Gr Se 1}tht oscarce.“paneeparalite,3ate :Eats:Onis Agi GHUuity last. Was ccaucht thy Ahi .;:;:abor aDunesiver Wwan.ren: aryrtoe kori x vi ig!RPS eS ¥eee te .ar ten ap eed 5 tae ;:ict Lugsitiee Vhe yest ‘ending ” Sake pe 'seers CERIO Y WAL Doric hie Cates oH ::f *r :::Tb pt20"Maher ai Pe a faagutics: 32 oa Kiege ee isl pakOE ihe,=}st t i Fae >Me eae a Assy 24 ae *ie ea SY ee :eae ‘AM ris.<a Score ae ::yes :“hb C‘shottna:243-99)(NM Satine Major Be Se Paris |A Sone ‘Hd Ga UNS ee SEAN Yoh rie Sens CS oi nds al phi tobyiees.6.300 of asad 33509 1000) all eo :-}’rwaenns,byep “Trursday bsee iplesian,Mel aut rapiet RELY Ee Daas coreg Senay cre aeer pe vets)ss BUR ACTA rapidly {+‘ta eae Dreititsyeue artaSpin’Whawe:.Pik soee ve Neen :.eo x Ppa byes ks Stake,Cehidiont iyo Ras dee hier BeesWath ey apna &: a >©Pathe ta MLEtht Neath OhoNPSO“iy }teria NY ilies SiepeeDemoctTaeMehtenytBLES494ne3apetBe i ~‘é :Bien 13a =es }‘«try HEM Te,ay :‘3 i ‘‘y x .ah ee¥“jaha8National:idesfori wud el reer Sep ree gece Re RyRy,%:M or y hig ne dadssent >banka.Ca A ae Priel geaticcheyated :2 PeoeE oe Nr dean Res 3 os i +s t Bit on,fe a.Kewin,presLYlaktown-ko the front:Re “Xt >vbaves A *Bb Saeis ::re :;aap :A f bat :-+Ab Ak:Hast is rté2naapn1¥C é he e :-;‘2 Ad be pon 3 :;’is Us -:eh :i OLR saa plus 210.: Shot fd hie:“i ronwine wale “sol tien otehide 2 ae No is xCase yaa :Ne My :;;DG y a Shs i aly oy there: ?*<<¥xis :-Niet ae em ote ;>Pie .>Sin gt 5 ;vist :.‘5 *)bein ied:Gee 4 43<4)Fin tee ae,ag Osa premograr Vv the the eourag fad?incre ee cen DR Recent,ise ae Notaries epson)eS é ee Ray ee Si Hn pit :::Te es UTE AO ERT The ,'-’:StS“afeik 1y ASH 4XSEMIN Gey RU oeeh fen Aethe AQnr omnis Juels:eship.|Pa “iusFede a 1 Eye i is iii ae We ae :UAE at Sve Tass Str ie SiSQuen “sie orca» SE R ge s fe a t te e n a g e we TS dna P00 di SA T B ES : OHS eT e last®f fe Brotubiy:tied Seas eosaWate.qos A eae EY ah os Seet:~‘oe Ne See a Bei ed eot ,-i }2 EY 6,a :Y j ;::::YOLhes-Ci hiptfianisaiail iesthai Gs Vimo tewhonidt chee?Monte ews sone eet tee ee ag ears 4 cola oy i eee cee ae arr.a :sth ga 2 ~*~y Sek 2‘"ee x a a /=*Fin aL 7 pk (4 :,;e ,4h Tk 48 a a ;v ~ae i oY t.7 ae ‘lodfe13ler.hy eH,ansre,A eS alg OY Be bahianaust eit ce a 1 ;peat Me (ae ;r tae . Aghvesta pds tae:bis?“py ;pe "aies4 dipeeerh cpl.PheState hasan a=4 ¢*trite sohrradtonc nite “RODE “rhe pine of «1tx 4A E Mazer eran g.oi ilecael This Weuset if iTA ise iy (nee rKeneresaeeAANh te ee ee;ui i aac pestf seteealies Prteh Seports,feo.Te Oe PS gett:Sa x te Vand eeeRATT,eae mes he ‘:i ;i 4 feo feaStert amen nets ehPRG:batt .eee Tae Ne aheceS Stet h MPR .j };sion s ;1¢|Supevintend Ei tootfers ehatic!Stake G ginny foracthe “til ’Lee fk “Nae Hany ‘;’2 yt ia Hea pila -ai ;E (wae4Sorcodes of edu- tiomof*attaiis Shere:aera:MeTneaate otfe =ete =aa Ati S Ve "Gr Uy chew Lota ke’eternadilion,eyed Res SACs sGf rails Guba:4 }fx a aes sae i :Eee SE Hen SF“isee £.as Ds oie OE SS UN Ase Sets c HDs Thess =ciwtoncsif at the ARfepabtiy aasa ¥ee ieeB 4 z ura aye Lah :ihe Ra:';Berk re Es :i politics Se ae ae w 3 “i at a ake"qn.a}ak paioeuty usShaid fn Ratha:AeTe aA :oa et ee ate:<x,;4 ;ee ee 3 e 5 aAx:The:Sntre AES eesz Toravet eon ty;$n ag hich’iIs phrtsite kee ore uphy LIE TC yore eS lace s |dee pork ;j bats Sou elle Pica ¢Yi:Wid caeasaoe!Guy,tate)Shedtahoe seeNEwber,at fe ut icsoiniciah nts ditch rites ye aye:TinineeNoetintie 14 Mex.i cette ‘ites 4 i SE ay ee KS oh ut MR tt Aer R ANS.Soe by he ;<::ey fasiretl :):or ( ;yeeahas=do e BE ab pHs,hee bas:‘en :hee Sy ens é f Me Ae .:7 iinet lignrisidence..i a oa eee a ray iar ta.ass Piya Foye Seth:fe ‘aa tes heey oa :iidsie v ville.Hire Gaia ave been a ee So telat lait -POE OP.i 4 -:h :fsaiegeFaehe:cas {5 So uten ‘4 hyo ehh sheaths .OY nian ot 3 ‘‘‘;$ears oaie at is=next mi tinkay and: ;Oe oF on en -eo]ee the oy 5 ee a te ‘cage es GL ‘is Lear abate Y ;:<apsei i eaattl p Wirth:TaN;lfelgiok:Se my ve +tear .Wn <0 tan 24 :ms Pa :4 .:‘ee ‘‘1 at “safes \3 Aye AYSuiker:ie De g at ret iy S Epasses “oy %a a Y ~* -a E .%°| is (tah Some yi fs ee 4 Bie nata ni rae eo :eft ‘4 is,sitive He fost ta ste:ob :Se 7 |oe ¥ip oe ve wos Geek skh 2 Wise eects ate,Sah .eens #setae ae ;sree eh reachtay for sear JSMOLINSKY.K-ADELSON dpetnaioniy weevila Un ot,the Pian Thy INT AwallsISQe ;un Mon ate bei:ore ae A eiey 2 Spin e ;fd oy aeBe 13 the ener ashesie \is wld:aeiaetie “xt RdTost:SPURNSeS“Hla 4 ®®fe eAso yn drones ‘a 10%eae “oesSee ra Fe seobse:“ata st helAni nhthtis Ke Mis :nest)“otk :- ae ‘pig ‘He om kanfge De:‘,;:ate Reisen Fourth“PREG =>“Edy tA DNS TY BI eo ER SP,ht 2—;2S oe aee:jE GAH Kner have aR |Bete Sear aa BES ae :Lean ase PSM =street?Colum-é Sage bata stata ae Oe *or ;af UA oo e ;Ke ;Set ss se oh ead ,i :d Nba ‘SA 3 *os p i:ae t OY .ie wercoatOr-M ackintosh TR >Ss a eure tneS eee eee a4Tberp tich belt on Aatk,q te ane ;fs ::ap :$2 PP ban!io. ‘ie :‘;:;ae i ‘ry MIs...1)printsedeack 1 res>ae thatpably¥ud okey TES ,aoe IAT eee ht aay i 2 ’7 A :"%Z i 4 swe ¢j sae ven pte.Pa .:a se ::soe Haitinan.”ot:zi Mk Sey achat EA OSE Tier ite haeoo 4 ee moat ;j *.aeysegab9h2oeatcovammaeaby.A re ae qacxet,These:ee sine a ™Sa ASSh mo set 4 ;com a sColumbus,(Jeanette r wit ative .awlit nn eh ae ji eerieog thea plenty »fae ypeibe=ey othe 7Le(hhiessd:your fee pea :tt ese ’:t :oe.RE follows’:gt and Dest £Op coatsone YToy v Ler ee ae iS sae Story ;ae eecas a es ; Buin ;EMBER EG eS re es eee ::eeer }i Satiogal Be Ath aban berets Bites te Sl :Vey 5 E :Le)"nde 5 ;:a Boo OM “Ror ten or fikakejae;ft ha i RS ease ae,‘~Syn ¢“torent Ake wal Stearn ASH :Aan),,;x 2 PR cata et tar gueBacteNeosse*a2 4h ee adh"at ab £$wy Mle Sic liniil Ste:teen:gout a5 Ay Sore aes a doce epee.~a :He ‘i MW SS oo eee *yearsA:ce on?CVA a ay “Tht!.sper eee creck sate Sips a sat ee oS =,<p eS roHiSs:oy Sd Vat:ee abye S 3 ee 2 .Pure :j Bes re -*“re i at *CCD.SUD, aeane oy crhont wet F esa:;:ect 10 nervous ay spepsia.-I would, “feniis i ;;He trol MS eet ay Be ,‘4 i :;’¢“a.have spelts.of -qaaverinin my stom-ot lhe VerTar a eth,:re atl te &ord:Be NN ‘foauy Porte:>;Sere ons ree f y I f My 3 Ca aN ces 5 ans;pone a ee Re tie aust at Stes feat te _vere.SE}eee a out ::es a 5 :é jag With smothers feelings”.My "KlondykeHues nd.aps::om 1)oN -wes tye,Hh Bi apilephe’s moa End tHe?ie pliablet-Pet Rihi ese pes Pee yan Awaits teas Cae ea :Pnérves.were:dervibly ©debilitated. :No koabhh+5 a :i ‘oSo «ine,ae ee usPe re Busing a idantlt :Burkes ©ee inetd ronditionet ye ay?“ie hag-ibought fo ROE:vith ThE Os 3 tee ::a vis 1Was =sulte ringtrout Ww hat is called *‘pe 4 b SN See cit site i WY Deng “Rabie mG 08S ;ed ‘:Ls ee ;uEryous Prostrat for.My stgmach;y 2 3vas as “chattel!of anany OP Oly a:saint =ns ORCL ‘i é :,Z sa ‘:=Beet H “Ss giAnterta He (A ‘honed,‘and b avas’consvantly:“Sioa &Sheltor sas=‘frag i Seeoe>Phy aess ae Fe ieee:ng .:oe ai ag BED bavenk and tremblipe.2]Gonsulted ees OFHIER by rentedy~thef.Fant 8 aii 3 Sorta.:eae:Pts Siar tia peop oe)}several phySsiciaus:who treated®.me' mes£t Heese stite of things’)YE he Spite,supremeandezond,KON ernment,in|?Pe 2 a ‘cae a 4 Ath Fwithout:doing aby good:F bad |al--- Ae ‘Veale 2::Be tel cee art TES Sey :a most given up “in ‘despair when L‘and Cespeeialts 4b,the Cast,ahd North Carolina.oa rie Saree ty S ;t :Sine aoe ,:aed2of Pe-rtha:It sas-about 3px ee its ae for7 Ug re.ee ueLor dreaah an Able:hice Eas as Leite ts meee :ne So tvears Avo thatt first taok ‘Pe-ru-na. tn zi Fe acl,att rokith ea Ps eae ts ORM ;“it-an:iniimediate relief to allnosh“TRL greeable Suptoms At.is the ;\fhat“bhas°cveg been of « Phe tsasso ae Boi *thet shennews:'pani :“a ‘Y ;ay use to me:"2 i¢Waldie,° me “solbe ne at:th price “to Soult.ia ses i eg ieee Oe Mee L Otsego Lake,2 ich:Box &oe “Writes: re vid we oe .;ean ak 1 have’sufferedlatdyspepsia.f wroteST;a ‘cet fi rou told me to"?‘es Se Ne Bester,fr Spee fs double=eseta The white.Metal bets out a "te jhos bed One:ind teh Horseuie ee various5 Brands,ee 18 Ef aaathe.Whrite.San.2 e fees give oeeyatyons ¢&still:bet er paz]o>re noe aj 5 su,months sinceTbegantause yourmeAA:BS)Ss eR,teemhence pete “Our price reniaigs the”Se carer ebaes ieee eas Seah ae ::Dae See Neer reer nes and‘J aim (perfectly wll.€SULGn _‘kine TTON..si ayear toatl rich’otisssid patent id miata bag 38 your:medi ae ae Tis is iisiaen ae ae as se bid is eee s nee above peasFai re‘alike.OW eonk eS othecere ther eae een a et raise. “matyrial.Sewnig ie FF eras.:Pe sre for.5%eat lod sa pashel)at 4;‘ teACompl:Tes.ae of Geni ra}FiBa <i Bradford S gin bt New $ttrling.LN es SRC "ae te Sa OWSBRAWORE. 4 Statesville No“or “THE.MASCOT, i s ‘5 ee pie aN (oe CsusLisniu wetsWEEK:.=)ae 4 The “Baptist ita:Goblin x]losin itt Poetsadotls .s,wt te v aT ..sex [Ee 4at Oxford one «oeie ‘a4iy ,oesdat kitted three:aes see : NE eid R UoN:P.Bort)ye 0 dlisbury.'elec iP :aoefepaas—*ss se Ts pee rape:and.broke.Me,Tous Kaeos tee ‘Ck aSe\OUR RULES.”-ate =|Seturdary TO eee.aah Nae AY oFSees Alinaw.Advertisementsandtisetc ve sR ee“ial Ee ita.) The North Carohba ContercsSree:ort: Lee sitmal treatyotpeaces e aeoeBe.ne acs 2 Heware ih earsthe i“.ere Pais ned;al)nansareeSePaatertalpepsiolseccineay 5:f01waefor bo enfor ote,2arborea"Ueias.sh is are thtimenea! ey “are ~Bz Stilts ;Sand! Re EheaeFirs sas Decre 1th beKimball&Tharp‘andffuits :Ctopen &i Batea)euetOn os Hs;Ot LanseablCot*éTeit %;/ftt-and durab:s Over:‘oftered at thepricea. so eee baertee “ cre fo-our“lige “of any, osandof ery vari- ply vou,write ifpr'tata.|r‘kto cemcnaarr KA agtods est .a LONTONS latest:Ny FY. ndi)B in 4 hesFe hardtellyouseefeeef“thy m “ee paitot Battle.xe >made:>‘antt;Ones,iain sale “Of.|shod. = ne"the-4sii oe 10:pes es ee ae ae 3Ltresings hbasbeelcwhpMattts po Banided:ee1% past:tw dad. “APPRE}(HATEAN:eae es Beag(eySECTLbMNTOFA:ALDAG;:= aeyeS fear ‘and:toneyaeeshaveharetriedito,pleasathim"dppreciatebeygnas Ee eea riame ‘strong on-this:WD,“and.eae eee from $1:25,Bees ‘are:in proportion to cotton.oe before you™buy;wegmailbill’We an:idrchandisewe“hay.e “lne..aryan >-{tap“up:‘Our:celebrated dréied- Up. fam ces: ow “See courline’of Jad:adyettised “ine =eeeat “beat...Infant shoesep:“Dress goods ll. 36:inth:14g;Tm ported "4 tosS756:Ht inch broad :,to.$1:00:--'%2 finch Wookork,etc,‘allcolors.:ete:double’texture’:mackin-handsome ‘line:of ready * ....ay bs 2.ai aa x Stak les At re +aetei‘ehanged must be,in the Office ‘by moonson the:NM.rE ‘Chureh,Souths “wie megs Greege and.Tintkey Bus-bech “Sed.ee Sa oers er 3%Si hEoe+Wednesday.)Ne Nnext'year iin Elizabeth’City:-(Charts ae was deg:++sated ©Nos.Dos Barbe teal teen alUeaaaAcrossmarkoppositeyournams:mean |attSone Sing ks ¥2,ee if ator.)Ue Sarhen”Grotniea!tisen 3)<::that rou must renew your-sa ton at Congressman Plarson.y ey ‘thes .iy es eee ees v4 FART Wve ook ye A Miss+Webster.~"onee°orthepaperwillbediscontinued and niet):district.basdtroducet!&a)“FE pete fostiewl at Morganjon.<s|..:ec -handsfor.coli¢e fin Congress te répeal ‘the oni Setat Elie “abate he SV RECSAreyjeg ah‘eed yj hates:was ‘sid|af ateFayeeRNS24‘Lviee tam,é Lee gas ;*45 “Ay:pie wil e Sigrid.{he's :rs :Z pe 4 a tion Bere*Motiday fer 33cpAeASHARTNESS,"|Errors°2 h.aie’Supréine ‘court has.st:arb Ute eEpueinN “a oe Bes being lie purACD,Wane chess eS pL:Graliam,who was <conyi¢ted of PSoH,ils B10 ny faye Gale tathe.Seay Bos aSSeeWartsopanCatawbahere_Courts Senz Os LNG CRwedFaringoo tae4=SbeTEssik:NG:Dew 9‘189773‘pa hawtrial.ae enee=ik “Tteis :far of ©nga.neens ah rpreperts;v Pieri sas a f a Tek.House"Was bar Bete Ti ons oe:ric ~e0 C¥—-1T IS}re onrcitiyMokefiat sent Doranwrel A 5 are lps 4 2 ‘norktiect or=i |Hie penocxin .ae -:|><7)eifts ta Thee'grand jery-againstWin-inetd.sais ue :at rue :is Bett Hotels,ork \|from the»oo AS Se PogAe ‘3 ee Si ston trichatits fox *selling:cigar oe Ee 2 ve Eee &oes tore saving aimne-dowerRRaeSANTigtteSteminors...y tha)wihidse Raseen devbat Gr othe S oe :“<Thewar ess,of.the~Democratic]:e)a EE Se Sten FOL ek Pe Rt,SS ered~.:¢awBie,vchtich mas isstied’ee A Dingetbogt adry eoods mor-ae Meburanon Ciba ate =OM Wed Nelson:is:“this week ::2 me rant of*instom,mide an iassign-i ee 10VIN SARAZOP Ee) +hris ESEOR OBO! ‘!State sommalt ec,4 chant ofeW ]ne esS ap:haretees ae ix aa RE ~I ret::by the!etimmittes,:“at its”“rhéetinys ment.Satiirday.“Liahilitioss12,Yon;PON TasShe cePeery Bee)‘|erocénesia This er “store house:ton 3 Yast week,is:piinted in"atiother Cok assets seid|torbe:=H00.;7 A Aeae Carbon Coppa’5pan Just completedy,ye ee sai -gee >¥n i 2 ati Wim Nagle Rtas ct {9:i ump obtbis isSsue.=We hope.that olf}.Pic Sitavneie esta lgcidesr potas eanSarai tctory adiket Pea Meh i casdicate jut fPaakeanes*hat dealers:in fertilizers.are*liable JaapFide:nbd:pe a Ms WoT:Smith,wat Hiddenite,astogeeof.our nreaders will:readsnit.Te tothe piftchase.,fat MAS test?gase}:aux yi ia week sold-the’sstock of &0:a8:rf spéaks out’ip wo:spnepPtaiee séund on }witl be:made “ye =the “Supreme SeSe scouibamste cessaabHe Crouch ace WakeSith3#0 ye .VO ©Jity Sa >i >-diiver‘and tf endorsement’“of”thet Lourt.’ee cae Gy threegacn-Ware Rined :dnd oveyaaMr.Dae diea ec se:}ty ¥“The.body Of)G8n..nods pA.ftyzothey,yctsons:were Injured,ied‘a,hog Moy ay Wersni pe*Z “Chigago raster:4s atFong:and Clinemin:wasgakeu frosty Conboy b ‘apm ee ae a ed \Hate {pounds andiiSdieigh or Mrof2_clear.eee.Se Sb untae “Asheville andre-nterred j awa lle Seeks Jest]Peon one:weighint:‘“6go9quote from ies SWE ¥e-affirm rerside cemetery Tuenday.wit1agett AikCOREcoxecen ta rad €One &the party:ae ieee eageo#Coremonys 9 ae ret fuahes SAS Lio ‘Jat Piedthomt Hatel.is Mr.BoP.Mae.;eis 443 Wy elaeE a ‘Lm =setoe ban Jagd hanged onday2)2 dgfBfik*.qurebeliel in the _priboiples:“of the}F ‘Barly.Tone “plonulesee aetces at nping,~4 S0n.of Boston.Mass.Pr sidént ot earsaaeChicaoadState_plfitfoumes |of:“the dy.who is six fear:three ifches:;“FadgeF facet ofthiesSS vtemed ithe Mugoir aud Hamlin.Pian:and lace Phis:=ei Jarty.hseadented imr}and divessin’$wiby.s&es ‘the Auto:Cond of-yortana,cémnmnitted.iG)e Seep Mapafatturing:Conkpitti Az:oe ta,tdn stand fat!fore,an ma bishient sa blair ace day,Weath The first qudrterly moetingtDatientirety;-and we wilh Pato téet Righ.©f 6 =iiscoeaiaPs ie ‘the Al caruler:een nl aes:ae *still,Support these’principles.until|..eenetat eee he :iy the Metho Phureh:hexiFe€itten iity our lass.aes‘The 3iMijein ihe Onset he Fags}esa.=Set)te ationre:as f dereee-c nt iz who WHS,DO Sh}tous Van thy.Px bs Wes f F is also,expresses:the:“‘loyal ea Siok aera eee ee toedein vqnddy ofDiet Taty.‘Of ofe —He wilh,Be he ie<a _alleg ince,the Democrats (OF ‘North ig De aie toithe robbers.“as ‘9 2 yen on feo &ee =preachy i page ae a ;>=~Ea we pee:Earofisiabear toour ‘gheatest,,sYead|Sites teeth re "Deana:x ay Saree ore cae PCAC8ae antl C.ieAen]areis-e sis.rEéposted at GX.ta ets A i hy,2.1907 strones-attacl:th e ioe aPES werdhese:Monday.“Mtr,§er;Hon Wittam Bba Bryans"xe The Saf Salissbury.who was*convjet oy Seyi she een S At Buchante:“<C:p)arficd did F 208FACES.of:‘Brushy.ie ::g0es.On ta thank the Popi-|brs a oer A icroens na talce oe ‘yesterday;ae es in Chic win Sa.ig AS ote ee “1 Phan pe!Lowopl werées Mjares J vit sot $boug Or:cae ::~ri their®aid.‘ihelecting:eGurls oa Ship eee,ae “¥sOldin he deepeesed.the:wic om ‘Hahapee Spee acy ‘dnd=3 on =electoral t cket last,Year,as follows:E Tris SSA {hat a penitentiagy tt a CohghRian Relies «OF thie eraz re fe ?.a aa om“We ‘thank all,the’patriolic-citieens 4 Siclakhas installa iD:phodsesig ;Ras ten BeeN i.distr by Tol Shorea they PE poptus”:eam e ;iprices “44 who"»jginéd witht uslast ‘yearrin:datpsstiles hes trict she asite fear =cts sa se fouleg ;ae .Sea With the Bishoy:a =ce Gu or i tgrm ang been.Ge floorss age Lentat The f Pifol|Mace.bes <oS'eyingng.theState for otr Peésidentiah chatwicd.-The officialias ‘ctparriea Sonat:Pittae asad yitherzi ‘tot CBee:Qi eireuits,euroscandidate,cand:awe>invite to,“the ‘te.mans+ees pia ge|SerionslyCOHarE Tey eee .ee ora ant ase SO.oexaoetsjerveNewSvOWer®s <1D.yeie’a“Np “Albert Syanbatons t rice!ve"eiioener wKeith;Offi Ament >a “aeiaa%=Sure,“cones.of ue,-Deinackatie|<ok Bhi oly engineer.ant io]Tyg!;SELO longer dees Het Mapescalle citedfi,Calg :-+,Patty the partyof the._peaple—ail|Tttaleiseti;hast pote ee “ere 435fs eae.iiseoreto mens sete nas copnty,tha.av 2 Bre a+:.years.te:ran.the -first-s-epgine Fretot il $495 Soswhich-had ouch assigned.:ee PEPEes.peewie beligvejn’ae ,Principlés,“which éxe%ran ‘into dtaleizh ®He boen>pate:him."H¢siote net eae eae;$~"and"‘who;asorne its:supremicy.aiid had Deva,marsied,63 YSAES-se e enfitted ‘tTo-the:pefision.’tone ros eit,pewir benmrs?.3 aKS.Sc Gs visited fryenc He;a‘assist |in carrying‘out rits<pol:eSCN notice Nas.dbeeheposted,fork hike f ORK:Aude 52 S Gothia.of“Stgen-atis SAN oNee“It Sharply arraigns ‘the Re:barn dody of‘Toe Lyneli,féad Of ihe PliesSeeesau ex:Gomteressi 5 and ed:the:firstker 26a Sunday:n Bootioetelie.,i t ~Sancti Band:“rat Sol Hpontt atyrre:sean eenetratcou selofraent hed ,n ~Ra-Presbyteriana4Eeeieadtpaptyvforits.presen mis:Seniad:ee aaek notleaxe,in {34 Southern’Ruilsyay,oa “the.Praind fr ;nig sdehaininationstsseuleiinNoyth)Carolina ahd promisy3|days:ins hodsé will be joan“and between t fladelp hia a st seanoge thought BOeAar Ee heres havoe:s a titeSDae sgttice,heta Te pe SLES aes rete justecompl eted Pats:tor correct|ifs abiises ale =Deseo Henched.ao an +o oe Yorksea eeetoebic chur he hAcracy:is ‘again >eayene “con Ol IM .5 ia:oes “North Ciivotina i af Rees ;een Se ane,“650°S.fe nee —pues Pree wae 2 es eT,Sees RE ns acai Gk thercast side of the Zeer |)RET <.SG ih assigtdnty>‘For pais address-on Sob as’Sey calf Ohne Werttae alessxth Poet Te 1 te SeOetIN date Geese }1g Keo leire”-got heyhands >e~sq eEKS:wirchLisiving milk.of Hoet's Sargaparitia®tre:reat layed putt sb Apia ape teu},,fo eeeoaand,it migets:witht the unleaded |eae Ts gheeexpression,{Bat fier:aarortihiesAle qvhole sygt th or:Zstap heStine GinStata;endorsement’of.beth “ot Us.=Rhat:ean wer}Ae eterated:terhigt art ae beiet chen ee nevSe ’:,““the Demdératic party.*should®inake pan G ;4 a oat >-5 *ptio soe eearened:.a :”¢peniten jane \directors.Lane :ph COINA,mogdimpibise of ts Aadinsrong®351acquired “the-a Hayne fave}"ae Nie [theteplace stand SutTorteonooi“the ‘Natioit pitform,and[copecany ebich-Tas hieeetetarediee bat"ated::oe wa ae ‘ataay faeting Ors Jie atdain :vemy%e ‘S thes ateUt er legee«is i¥qPa!Yes nites ae mee revgable,po ;:=I to freesilver.that “thet next:cath:tee dertequity.>dousists20 Pwr z «|pix.:‘i naee ~Rater es 4 2 —:paiga:oe be Fought outone 2ar gen Bali Bi ah Best a E ¥santr NEWSional2aswellasfstatetissues*“ange penne =a arte Pina if ;4 VaR d 2 ‘thatay effort Should’We inadeto hive o-Br exis‘Ney:it News’“ng Je brad's ma Desh MI EUECTS toilship afaour-Populist bréthren join fas:fir‘Saat Caecinae Bhar the Bes Ae ve:fBorgthe Mascot;VR ds git e -:ee a eepa raece)Cypssel]5 >aw z Se iin 2U Snhy 4efforts’for.‘sil¥er‘and Axng}o-Saxoh Rsettion on-set undity:byithe ¢gccidgn-;_Ftgcems‘that winter dims cme “ar Puquines=,fice;Fal dischafge!ot his gun.St fast;The:farmers,arethroug’.Wit oe SR cdot oeos:"i siecess mm North Carolinahare bdpn’}‘in-the nyouhtains himtah hakes pitt [theivioutdoor pes SanneAMT DOW,‘htigs Wont aspen4thethingstor.which,Ehe MxASCOR:compas withea Aoigh Ong:oe topesaebch a+theta Weyblez With ede ers i;oe AS Ne ‘+Ze a=ce battled,ever,since:the Fast.“glee «Phe.Argoiidat-says that lag Suh-}-Mramkssiving day passe age idk:eae eh aoeenbhtiySoe:“tion.TBs:address:shows that,‘the dah bight,whitel Mis.ALCe,one,iv.£xk “Bepwesh -prexehed aa PSM oa oe ness BY 3 a2rot:Rocky BOvR.Ye‘was ‘attondingyser-]Ate last Re:at.Rowley SpripeS &yu’organizgt}dn of the”panty means.me Fichscat the Methodist aae ‘Thipksg R ee Poole ke;:eer “hold.firm to the faith’Be the:“patty Wak stricken”yeith;paris’s i)aa alk rk,;2 74 a 'is pas f ¥Wasicarried|horse house.arrose)tng ap \ptn eund-has Riven tthe py ists.an,OB street:aud pied?ot “pid ight)21M De WV?Bool:cat ae lasts.‘he :Bing 3 iL it Yahie“portinity:sdjjoin #ith ‘fleir.Silver?‘Job:ireSilks anindiew teiea 5 iy mal eeaoe *.acct to eekoietabrethrenii,the:Bemoeratio pants couse Ne aks *scnaiahied;Se ws sheeting S—Miss +:Pool Plone propesty an weleaigi}em}:z.e ride ve asf adjudged|ht feRey DWE I r a (eS ES_obega ere/TheooptShate en puthernagUntsene OF asibaa be ls toa cy taneae“the party’,‘abai dow Aitcer laud.‘te Slate tepalsMount ee i ;neip ta fetes a.tlic ‘etn Tte:%we WhO cocaped’committed-syicide:,in we +s c i ‘cat %_Cineas,Piatt oF stTeast am §‘Sank raneisce.Cal Puesdiyess r x edsTacosse “ys Brokered «he pene ye Deeds:ie \s Yoeitwithfaintpraise,hayfajled:“Bor SoA tthe Kerk Chtolina:Genterenenl 2 éts\or STxittc®Day [Po caitis aid.eetthe bbae fo Please}one"a “theaccomplishmek*-of shat ~faihite |isho HESS “of the Aalortra Met,:eae 2 ~Phey,epee fron)doublense “take “thy:Fipets*"x bo "yd%wide.”HOKIN sate teliinces to bare Soleit ‘ain :The Mascot feels thatibchag'added Paine teeter mear,ar ‘d ara a2,of Aow tT cout then fared faftiney K “yeturityboonatsinite.”.The Demoeiatic party:“Of eaisad in'snrall:contributions:«|Gol-}oe Seed fut uy ae hich:ae wil be 5 TY ta.eee* wit ey isan Ke.Crm Ot.Cour e ©NOSeesNorth:“Citnolita,a recogmizis <thenfact ad,2000 66 the coledon “thelr ereStee “thém|Her ha hee sexre’~’that unless thousands;of ‘the:dood,|":;=oe ee ut that}.The bourd *dsed Qa¥i:*Charlotte News:“Mis ‘ya fs aot from.p olltax for P07"Vshonest,forfuet Desiocraty he “lett:THBoctinizer Grier died at the iamneiot Saw;Thestenprt:Sttbea3saefor:the*Populist party2=return,te.her'sgn 2Dts Saniiel A 'Grigr ing WF pickPte public road by.“Alsphuh's$newt &;it,its Success in futtire|Biectiong.js|Hatrisburg Sunday mor pagesmae OE Lv the,prettiestgitls fa \the Stoke ang.cotton:Snill-anade:theirshortil]ness:Mrs.Grier is lage.eounty:fdrae =phe rer ¥ai igh svAS continued to-next#4 :impossitile..?at feels."that.those}otthe old Barringér family oe Hikeor 4 Ses :st 7 : Rohe rah ¢* . * ~ a - * :tf-of oar country,come ‘back arta.help|: »AgainSet up aywwhite man’s * “a new.owiership |was published’‘oon ae 2 i:ehe Cth:and is abright Snd-chipper|" .Populists’havee:common -principlés|hte ape:AS x ©ne-with:it andits invitation to them Toy come back home iiS |Sincere ‘and <cor- dial:At believ es that’mést of “thear arere honest iin their desire for.sbet™ ter:‘things »‘when.:“thie.Jefe it.’At “doesnot.say to.them’that they} should have:remained iin the party-pad foaght™‘for “the:‘repudiation “of 2 Oleveland &and‘lexelandismh within | Sits,rankS,.but‘its members dd:'sayto|Ry©heb “wehaverepudiated the false:~Moetrinasor Ciey eland:‘and‘have ree}eS atoredthe:‘party toits oletime faiths aratetnocomebackandhelpug‘give;life °to"‘that.faith upon the:Statute ‘Rooks iis restore good,“honest,-econotmical |government to ‘NorthCarolina and. Boxern--mest’in ‘all-of‘the’“counties of the State.”>!“The ‘Mascor ehidorses ‘the<aetion of the committee in:every Particular;“bat,if it did not,it.ould*be silent as:.to the points >Where.itdiffered with‘the party or-ps L -Medical-*ine_Bahization,believingthat-theparty: has "more Sense‘that ititoray other 7zigual. ONRalior*Danie ‘of the :Raleigh|=News.and Observer,’‘hag bought the |. :fie to piablishi it.as-an “after idon’daily...‘The firstnuinber Under’the} Little.paper.”Editor ‘Daniels proin-7“isesto make it thebest ‘and bright-\ fet thebtheBlood’ i Netiee te:PaxopayervelIr del myst of them lived toiZtSpeebeingSesoldnatthe:tithingot,ier{deaths Se:BS 4 by,Payot re ville obser ver! eSWi Me ge ing with.pisto)at |its.home;!ieCodaCreekwhenthes“Weajion*eedentatlyexploded;"sendinea.pulletthrougtrthe’arm.of:its Grother ‘Da-tLvid,>aged:*10\yeurs¢"PortunaleyyLthe>ball-”went,Forough the fleshy.part ¢of thearm ‘and RoSehious i in-)yuryattlicted:*Be spear eal wor.bless white at iceVar,of eensbore,shoe aria Rill:fhed‘his.ore during§.4 E witHerSaturday€eyeyi fice e neck ee re fthréatened- {theasuter.bee was,Artested,while being’Ewa eeeferoflisdeadwifetriedtokill thimbutwaspraiabeadyahder|taking the guraway:‘ftom anhat planned the myrdex,ters found’on :The dedd womun-+had*reputation.The murderer.was’ raignéd-in Guilford Superigr:rt‘Monday,pleaded-Built}to.mundérThithefirst,degtee,was foung\sailtyneseinertbehangtdnoDecs| ae Bae See pl By t at nn gin 5 aa,“1s.thJorerpanienotieheartdisease.|“Hgods Sar,cares spewamntion.By s a a se Pate iBa+County,<me naswe wdreSigi+WILL BY iw ey OFncE DUniNGthemonthofere-offieesfor thiayear,ahd al “haemustoseoriey aesmy settUsment’:January.18%,3898. ~est eSprinted”=as|Sees Beeay“OscarHaywood:sage!205,wae ie shot herj?y.25 Ahisipetsoin‘sBOwed>:ao eesPreeBorahfh many *sone ai ‘iguo:: eeeasto*Galona f mothe *Phe y goed-urder: Speer‘hifor-tk tm we verrite.= -a ¢ pet:sa eehave ‘Hismother ‘StepandarhileshevtheSrinwheré there:was.a.0 od drank-too.;‘VIS Tu weRGMY,.He Ged tbs *and Other “belativess-rc-pantey by’theiz stepmother.Ay¥n,C hristthas.5. thejooTan ediatelvicint 3°¢ol oeckiie «ao auidEho yA hes apeatihetoget.&ae LDécettioersSth oa perro easy,and; ata ier biligue fe¥erpozsoning.:Hood's stimilace theae a|]@ouse tier =r,Bret1 eencen!Ses Sa si cA Wanted,iSva:vie Wesa1202——zien ne}ans a rid bo ppv nethehands fa too BN:AND’_COUN “Ar 7 tHE eeekikhspedoutofthi sSout-he*am uch: deesKose who-hiWe eae ao o eit preveirsaiges‘niet ent and pi:e aekes Tot eo;dlz hr. me y |chest ane kung tro >“Bion,sa ie twee‘mess Sporty ‘——OF Be eens.“teregorda 16}TN:Shane mee Avil Ben Christinds:tyoeeveBaieKaas ats or onl Oe«Spe|4tohe:Able £Lo:pores mpg tio = <ah ricliniccupheda ap otk liosmoustratinghiSetretLymaAdeoltite’Seure,for.~Sum pion:¢ ATREL ey;Eno. ¥Tittle voys-of i 2B Marts,eACIaSM-ofthis place,&apePHKorvisit:‘thet:>urand-+Hetmmn Hot Pink Stanaiegs A Pay.Startes,J:broly:WrowJieseral abrowehtal eaee awarewill § ieeeGrd heady.Gicero.oan x eae eS.|o REPS Sat one ae am trRRS tm ar al Ae :mu ‘al,ones DS Of.wasting 7 Me ‘Bunigarper,ueSees# enn WexS: ‘binson,--D. Sud Cons iesiabetlodis)ang‘chést dis wrakyess. aa SS hy Burke,oaks Boherd,<oie aD .oe pace PEPE os 200ibebags. SS Pod Come ark aos or far.i Ort:log2Lanigange(We needa2)selly fed.ZZA. pestoi Soubs te ELES(alrdi “abyror iis New,Discover}.>= ;,writing. -oe thousahds dgpatenfldaly:‘and thisgreaimentingtoryears,iapenehoest |to Pohentiat: and Etropean.(Grom thoseeifedmnate“Medicai: .”Simply uewe BeTa igsito gny;‘aiicted reader 68 T them.2.0%~*~*oHis “New Scientia Toes eeke.Gesulteriggsuffering huma:=ere, years teeas canibyAny.modern gent = cede..that:breachia eeeont be zante *bass” aie e hes rst Ay’oftothnba‘rebrs,,ater ie Steen MS se 4efbereaca whereyerGobsareesreieinFoose ge fshesaovt “on |- Pipes 4 lippe ofih=: Sire é Gur mildin ine of hatsandCaps Just.:fedamps before yor buy..it Mas goods for.the’holiday By ae eRe Betore »ybus l-expect to.minesyou,aaner you. geta:chance to:Snow s,umbrellas,-_ jitable ‘to : oe Gall We ate. f theexceedingly.low peice and:we oer I sizes,alsoe Wrights.fall’stock ofHats andeFurHatfor80cents. Outings.>7 > illPay:you.to “investigate”~> “= » $e OOPS. i.Services in depot hal “at~p CLOG .panties Tive Sa é out fit . + “.whe is Very “=hotte Mond TT Whistiam < , :Vv.i Smi “He “Governo .‘not-advise wall go or ‘ ee oespairm:pr cau i ‘town ant poleadeok yr “ind is conf oa avim.An OG “the purch: .brought:t vices Sabb: at the Tesig :“dicted.Tor WwW -Mortgarre¢ was taxed “+old:son-Stroup,d >terment ¥ Rot hurt. .terday {rq 3 town. ;Monday. ‘the purch.COurse re :*Manand ce and outa "thecase 1p cn ea 2»WO: “Leas Snia “Coup us ler °has on ‘at-bis hou Charm: érs Mond: Veasies parts of t LL @e will deat’s 1." been crow Gov arn? sigaed AJanwary c rant ‘ mee hone fead our 4 savhich is -pthisiss »Nance \¥ } Alicens “Myers.of last we el Rev 3 SaMessr e an:the cory i puvers fore se ins OA dees AVilliam . Smith was &-phone Monto,v Mg 1 >bejne ta tain to be Cary:6 have “arriy Three (ato tow andMocks Mrs At car Of her Seaboard 7 :Cards an ur.1.B Catawba, der,daugh der,of Cat wuetinodjst q December RB.Ma rioner,sold erty,«(near ~Monday epén for 2§ JB.ie at cr sid belongingg at the-cou Mr.James Mp ALY “it ‘S350 anc land: Hatcherr we very fat “oiiip,W hic“willShetsthe man :m0: “Mr.Lee M J<Y¥.Temy delegates vention td Tenn...on A feveni gs Aikea wen township wagon couShey:in tt ‘team to seized the 1c Rev:-J: .Rarkicy qj *Mrs.Bark “her roommatoryrh is for her Armiste Co Mil was had y ‘Was dischd te $4.6, Mr,Edy postothce. ‘Sunday family ha neighbors ‘#Mr.j- informs u the water the Islan passable. into a.hol terday.an ier he inform Situated iI ap see fieltt is to promising mile from€ 7 elon y-sioner, *Irs-d0aship,bellateB. increase. “Rey.Mi odist’pas reacheday:‘Hi pleasedyimpers«four child mondco onferen &go.He The cagJamesW Railroadin‘theEx-J Whitake ton foryet Eu wha de oe td ee Sate eek .reba Wine nal etsaahRiant;:RR oes m :=<sae ne a Nae ra KS ee rf,Si <Paks BtEcAN Pea saoy7.:=7 :”ae re ’=+f *.4 opined Feriuer,i oes he iat ze s [2 Mr.P:*suriod Howard:§Sohaf D._———|Rie “Howard,“BgyS:of:Eales tare from &visit in Prantatte, tesoglieai tn 3 - -imtom ay “whosi¢ah ee eae toswilsHipgand Miss Fanaik‘Portne A auth ter‘OP Sa pers“ishe Faiines AMBut.bride?safe at Thm oesistingsupetvisetyoxer,pear Fea eae =fBaPPY like,oye SH i oee a-’.*‘es Ndiplen Bost.alate at aati) Be e . SapFs &Mageic.Bost,daughter of Mri Re :ade epidtarte oxisay.'bé tindivied.,this aftdrnoen™at”eee couuty.Se s o clack:it therestdchde afthe bride’we Swe priat parts of “the:Piesk,These-ave’sori:obgShilo Law - Gr reey tec oytt this weeks at Pent theiEreagiony:“frietas:in Waishlug | 4 the “ay a a Oe.cn happyfe ->*“f Alesall has ion Veee ast i Sagas oS aah Owe regenhes Dupe HIOK: -fae i sae ar ae Sy Rte article:san business.Seiwe Dicttaeor,ay -Nigholkson? i hais pt inte d UN a‘{he St gpaseos Mee Die tater,rise 6 Ab<agders Ape." «omanTacs,§°poe eae >RoR.Liugetour RY B.C Carita a Nene bas"Yoney craz=ty Harral;e:TE:er oi ng:Gr, ethtied:teeter Tatiper.aby hee VB:Sv Ward:Si Jo AS Wi ise,Deuste ee ‘Cooper and Miss Fulia’Alf are,tixexory:Distoghtes Her Bam 2 se ‘7.Thotie peartownewhen ate ow,Pony at.wae Anti haldly Her “and She started totun.in'ran:Stones *Hosit On pine osby~Rk and’ge.sheer’TD ibresday”even We Viohfar nat thé ebay;Drea Exbiserytat—[A nduencintind oF.Bong atpended- Si|a ‘Siar ta “Cox,a her and.Sef the»disloratec meitiber. Garton marKet:aaanfularly as Phe weand:was is very paififil one.: Shy Wot ShOk ldisee‘i them.“BezF tpt Mrs iyurowy Lis HOW gottimg Packedtotsje tn,a ge cor %eg mi erie bh Mr ;io Sage eee ony T,Lin sane Miss.1 Adia Guage este ‘a ‘Buidee ;4 * ,be terday.Tite <RGoiabaciars Wane Ok &nesetose,DEN near we iiumsbure,Ste rece thy builtxa)bridge we ross Satis= phone “bre frome State ssville:,to}Din branch?near;ow nm.Thev:fvok? 2,Ve Bariunr:ce DT rom trivan:js wcontract fir S100 Xs we unde ¥z) for to dkhedOfapes:is almost cc YY jptaud it’a major ity Sethe tow uship rein uit ip the nar futuré.*supe rvisprs recormended.Hat bie,:a ‘ile paid.~Otlets of-the,alge hd ross ‘ary Ariiaita;tvisurs “however.Sy that.the br FreeoeeTSEATSUMe:Et hi aks Hoe byibivar Carel us tis,eon ruck rex OT 1A wiles vie YEWO CAF pot it Rd tlie:Conus éopmminsioners This me ay Reon fics m Nboore msvilteip Weak re feydew“pedathe:PANE,‘to Cour-> och ell a hai {rods oot Bris one k White te "dee idd,whether Nertaliciwas:misved to:Chav:‘Lhave Simp loyied.”Wa Be Cimneilvys Monvats sight En athe speSal -ESq -:<andia’suite is “prbby ls,qiniess her brother Capt TEs Es thes yan.igipatd 3 <i 5 iy olny sOrE modent:ot %ThePs ake 2 eS *Mya santrhs VSaperl ate IRE:=.The ‘Chain Gane 19 De Move a TowaSexogAirihe“;wig ut*far thie marriage bepoaeetxure ;YDS:rstition siteRiat pee cor Splonprs see ict oeatkty .low!)the’.HiltsishtérofwrJ“iW?Blagkiwel-Stasesvills to srades dy ‘atawba,to take pracesa We on:Center st¥ext north of these take of .ee sis hehe ae noid the Tavs,barredmm prop.ing done,The rows wil also.mAve oseate pire»COUMLt house+dugr the adic from,its prese ni Neptars ~ LON OR.MELAS Ege Wits eae Kert 5uby‘anch on:seccente Heo atS127 ye ‘Phe sels tsJ roel,Lote without expe nsd oO:‘|re day‘Ss for idly aiced bids:heounty..ne NOVELS;will.“bp -made oeAe3.“seLatichsti itr,“Baye commys?)saa.stifp!ies watict the xy OMS aS.hyde 4 Hotman:°Bisiy “woKbeaven:Jabput thie middle:of mort eek nN SH acres el dnd.im1C OOF Springs re eres watt ape tothe tito Joh i ittle,StiReteanther ©Nig Caiman oe :Mi 5:Me ee Mr.Fe nguson Stixeleathar,MokmerpHoda“Ook,Monday:te x Whiset Sén df Ox Sher:Asheville ya son.of T.Ar Stkelgath- isif i ‘the a Mass Hattie 3oeeerSheiwere.idarrietL:yosterdayevehitgatS4Fclockaytleresidynteae Ne ;ataaw Lae sty:fiom Mrcae De Harris,Ow Javie aFenue:Boy,a. hee ST ataifh>Ff Cool Spring”fown-|HeChureh chcirtnig. ee hu ther phere.fa Morro yw,day fir Tupie rsbutg?:tO,isit -theFilsWeafaitestyOAAGOhe!“wey gen’Born’sil:ither aud wwill mittee stern or ‘setomds lontrattilations tQ fhe xirqorPasse!Ye has!dapgointsed [We extent a ¥pee.*Morrp We af Statesythle,anyl happy =-ouplet arch Dye |for:igor JoSigh|rg ye ‘Reanipleton.Esq.ifMooresvi Hes Llowg and happy tito.CA?coe rsa g FSFU 9G ILKON-crewers:-con:th beheld ins Memphis. Ov;‘Dece nities 20th We Pomc s og Whe ther ‘vite ¥oF uhe ee r ‘not? zines at Yael t wt Tuberented nS Ate der nit“Lit i rom a Palace,~—9 h Meee: DOG a ro p orted Shar pesburg towns wi).25@aid .sumig’ =Liantt whigh heo fied ja \Buske cout |r wee tut pnter C60)“Spriig})HES:S02,Dr.Fr.Oy Ng Te.wiha ,tyes) a tsCyapainiing:ob Sar reIS of awhis=Firorte Ni Los Henhesste «Co.Of Glen restizdite’pps,just -buy,it-holidaypreyou pit Shem Lo:tere Tet es 3 Ha Rirpscly will ‘hola Serd ea heakternoon at 40/67Tock the chéckct ~ Rear “State ville”towuship:.Irs -Burkler jhas*been-confined 14 eeeragor-two,years lth.inftam:,QiMx: thelmztiism~ine Resets%cen A benetit.Vinge i rn ee e steda Pers ea ee a).a eyroecintothemétterandretupned2teGras.“coloréd:“before PF aelogis Shay.fot.‘disposing ped I eae eaineiey vamtk the drial,witty ee log“ait heemoney.:5 d-yésterday:.Fhe defendant|SEM.e x scepatigmecacs oom e ce ct P Bieas withthe.cost,amounting:eee ed 8 Semarigttadpnty,Betyg EE Fustice,themaiktarbrr,|3meAf‘ville PublieSthdolse i:wPresidend, tsien!SS athat ike bride erase and Supt,Logansp;Howgtl.g of theE&feae ats at athyoldwon raleigh Budlie Schools SecpétAryHis*‘horse's foot’9 enY it as,“he.crossed,’yes “We learn”expi nienedting F “and itis a wonderthatrit av ax And-attractixs .program,his’béen The cit be Jivciy,dis-¢Toknson,Coe ChaaaSeiJesticeantsiihted:eeSie<g Hoietae‘EB.,Baier Wy.erty 37 ss.of the story anit ofthewri.fie2aJyMajcpritate1ettelreceivedyes.aad ane willbe tmnoynedd Huie,J ition Ry Ge Showed the ied.tg=e Baad i ferday trom Rev.Gilbert WT,“Rowe,later.Sane S Ree sts page :{@hhype:R.Re Combs,John.M.©paperHou..the ats eehat he iscomfortably ee mameteh i Bvt vhf ratt,.cas Bostian,J.Y.-Terple:dceSitlinGreensboroand’;ready4:Muritécie£:“Anant,%§ton.A.M.Jolinson,»:T.+ot "Aahso peut nageoidorbusinessonhignewcharges:“Bis ;Me!Foc}i:Slurdoch,Kon Oe)Mr aud WY M.MétHons:1 <atid:Toney:i sae exefore|: +:gl stotsa undeveloped and:very Tt Aa Mi ‘doehy:fr /‘Cham\ersby re p=ps a eeee by cadet tellvhat heeocSPomiving.*His work ts about:“one |towhshtp;atid Miss”eDaisy spans Vaera ne AieOhMene os a_[teods 40Bruce ee=nae timmalecfeomn fhetbublic aca of ihe eee of Mr.WOW loupe |:“Board sot Addermdd.rmet,“Pueddays}i aebance||Bethafan}erent “wt es pried “Mrs.AE:Benson’wasallowed=as poe ‘Ho-day At.11230 o clock:dt the,je |Febate of a 100s dn-‘Valuation,of 'MontceaeCaen;2k $e Ripe Esq.soipmiss of the*bride $oh:ath ae 4 ouse,awd tot.;esate the feet igs ios raold at the court!Bap se or Shelley eae he Salen ~A etitjo ‘signed Gs meeeces lorsvitle Me.mae wen aay callervingySeeepartitionamong:the aré:’Mr.W S as pa robfaens equest ng the board.‘to°Jevy plands sas./commiisstoher,.‘Sa 2“money aie oe !eo ")acres of land in Shiloh town?the Erecns,and Miss MyrtleeHS ra,tax:‘dn_persens sellingBroduge “hy.iOowlgs toattena thésale~~ae En belonging'to the.estate ‘of.the|.‘Mr:P:D.~Atwell and Miss i retailin thes city,was presen:-hbelonged.to,Cot-Calvin.ing yor Be x sg P.Branch.Mrs;Hokewas}:Wertz,Anymber af.thesréfai ves |ie eat declined‘toJe¥y such tax.Lof Wi 3netime.Big ue eburchaserat $201.The «sale.of and friends of the-costrgating”par |">ThecommitteeomWwater works ré:fy a Fidemancot (Atexandek Superi-nd toes,ve 3 8 —s remains ‘open:Se Pak for:Fties Will witness the eerémony’ded per I that-they Had>‘parch Oil):or.Court,in ve Gase of He CCowles}54Winter?Ure aged bids.;par take ofabig niece which Mrs.Wo.Inyner 26Facres 8f land for’trustee of ¢eS pesoreag dguaWeare;~::Ree MOA Smith;the new,,Meikie |Hbnibe.pe thspippated After dinndiy|$450.for the use of we water:‘works ok thes mitoch bildren:vor eerice|“obist ‘pastor of ‘Statesville’*charch,{the byidal party illo tothe:home’systems ‘pions;vii ace :ned to oat Preiched his first sermon-here’San-fof ‘the groom's fathers svhere an ele-|¢“It was,orderéd tat,the Ytraacuret PysdataHispeople’are very:mitch}gant supper will be!served”After [pay outoF the ci theeamaginrtne Mon;ed with his’preaching’andwith |which the young pegple will enjoy ee eR teakzhers of.a-fim personally:He‘has a Wife:and themselves'atcongemial:athubenfents.‘aded schdurcitidren.”Mr Smithis.a Riché *‘These pare,amgng he éounty*SS20dCountyman-and joned the]most popular young:re and we} %iSa very -apreeable gentle-Mvishing far then health,’ptasperity b Ran iat will Toone frleids”.in|andalgog and happy life...Mr.:gadMAGtcifhischurch.9 Mrs:Murdoeh will,aeons haméTeeGeofLe.colbedit |pene,Fanos eS Me Frank--Fortnté,aCoddléCreekvowuthip.Wrdstbar:-Clevtiana lay.OmbusinpiaTO.TockBs Ns se ‘rledrg Seristecine Home «of the:Mr miCeiarkorSstea fosichdes *e from a;business trép toaNevw -York.d xish a spe and |‘Re D.Ss:“Thofhas:‘hay:gone;tex, ‘airman 2 pre-e)dpleopetheconsecommissionMeWilliamH:Nowe and es i,BEBAT6 ataeonday.>Ee : su jadere thtiakd the special:hx a ii’,Oficers!Pay <eth She “Eilat s as a pets "Gx2 ole poate d,iS.Bryn PideeNeePesMey7aeeenseferthe/may?Wace Of we pea RpmRel ai ink fnortify hit:det“FL,als:cisacd |Thcsday dtror noon Mrs Wo.ed.b hr The mi pees See:in theeyard)ry, teees wr cotton,’jee falouk alt,right,bet arreyts.swill,ae : MJ;Brivis:of tLooresville.to"pay:3tigk att Tlie “eontfaG ors bof “bets ind Pri Wikrig,Bluckwel-thine thé hii tay”ta He “City wt Be cently Mr..-Sé6gh “B:Kine,off jourped te meet wextsyeau.at elizag a me which:he will pay.steroe stage ges “Be nox qamnitial qwoetings |of?‘the Ben mT pasta,S “aM ‘Stet,Aenta:J S:-Harris eS.oe ED.Matt:Thowipsons:of/thes States-Re.»:Bollar’rk mers RenegarsH-T.pe ae oewent‘of theASsociagi Lea ef we Ay Seer.aad1.S.Gippar” -(hill. i A SR ona ysorsgAC_PERAONAL ox Bee: acaneboregs gale old ’Basie Re,“week's:viSif x iiageJeOW.G:Lewis,Req ewénttto Ralfather,“Revi WHEL.Darr,etek,leigh last week.uinbusiness 3nd"hapotYetareyurned.NetoF SNESseremoxt7Week,nF has Ship ‘Sbest ORE papedple named wel !VMips RaW:“tratb ‘and celifidiehs]Doin 5d.téniyxOfWooresville,aare:>visti atk:WoW,Rankip’s.\5nf nee =Mert lative’im Ipdinhay ©ba .tfornier pupil ir “Sree! ‘é Mrs?Bes wack oC Byrakatiyes.io Otte?Ser Mrs Yaa tin,‘of Hanis ile,Yad:kAS.AanteyX pBatlers-“mear”town. men Once ehas 4 5 reap.Parks ane “ante, h Messrs,Heck:Carlton and Care Charlotte:SpPRtiSuagay“her€‘ithytheitpeople;ere ANOS “em ayxMiissAwiiesathioweatspul.atkthe‘College:was:ken sick M ndayand’she went to’ee home in wait ‘duds Aroeik the:disthict:judgreeountyTtiesdays:‘he eee nek aeCoMewane”Mrs.)anyigs:Purnet refurneashome€sfollant pnight*from?a4Visiteto:thar dayghter,Mrs.Betepoowat!High Point:ae ees& Mis Wie “Me Aulay and ebijdrenlecklenburg,county,ae visiting?rsh Meulayss 1other,.Mrs as es oe" “SMiss “Belle:Guy SofC‘obcord town-*ships who:had.bep-vistingrelatixds) PAs their aiceting bis:iweb phe L™orhas eelufaa here ahsSISijitge:Mrs.6.3B Morrisort. [gaits Etty:adie o% Simershne!who:avebee visMtsB+BYYoung,havensperoe farang anc furnish:itiwith ali.necPes torChiirlestén,SeCi wheresshe will}! visiz.}. oandod spend the swinte Shetcw friends ‘enanants WatlochorRlorencdé:S.ey Ds fhe Way.“ avert urnedHere.fropr-the Nortwheretheyspentfhe|hiigaiie?itoSpendithewitherithrs.\Water’phouxe’s paresis}:Mra id Mrs.7?FEAleXandér,*as ‘ Mrs R.G2 Greéty,ft the’St{Oingrs |Hotel dast sscek.ghey ‘vetiirned:bbe ak a ttepson poushi oE:thabride Sbrotheran,Fw,Mr WT sbome:Sunday,Mr a ae ES y ~Bigs “Lizziés Gouger,whp risently:}rehupned from a Visit,tophér xsisterfab:weiizbed*“GOOk:pounds.|Mr.dnd Mrs’Stakeleathor ive we ir ee avill leave zthe Yastt oftthisweekoruJPushington.LD Ce]‘their ys lere’slioruillprepare:herSeIFTor at ADS,he wholeeveuing AAS hy¥,3 PCT ae *F fnons.Ri ips ae ;Sevens ‘home ift Asheville:pate t tratted nlarsé (st NS OR the5 id Hedeli'a nd-Alexaiider.Counues!~.“) &MOE.Chure which?asbeen:in SesSi6h a "ate ae bas~ad: eth City |The.follovin adppgint=7 iho.ead.”Pierres yas QO !Xipine:and theyfuate:hi a antee Rookinatai Dissricts”B:AR:“Pal: het wwagon,They officers|for:the.ihoney-Or the:Peidn ort Eeasinter oa.DistrictsJ.ap Gitibs:} NAL ON “ane spirits;and:BankottM eA ton,*DES Ringscuhy Ware Fefap sfather.ands,Mf,aR,Ne®bern:Distriét wand R AMWi is EB King browght tte TOWRA,ehdor s PBligabet'h Gity District.Rey aT aN: dit tid hadit Canbed it the First‘Ivey.is Coptinue Mase itor or the}a mor Mr.ook “W's Nateout Banke here.*Before”Mex North Cirolina G¥ristign Advocate,Bs Reiger got ib.tZ Mowgante rand éashed Ths,Row Ne Ar:furw ¥48 ay orrted,t dk'th ste failed=Phd en@arsetgentt agent.ofthe”Brixto YY ‘Graver Mo: ane rite tasthie™punk heres}movial’.Hall.>-TheA folowing:are tir)RPE Ring:accom panied’noy [pastors Of {Stations-ae ivcdits:) is~attarne er Rx Bae Me seeiccnns -{Rockin ghar statio#,JéicH,Page: Se.vent:pte.Morgamtom ©ont |Mattaln stereo:Hydetos nty,Sa avmell;South Pagecotie he same HEDIDY.5 “Jetshoped that }ci ‘wi a WayWilke fopnd sd that’r Rings Cait -Newdern.District:Me ee YPlve[léry Morehead.ity”station.eS.4. ton District:W.7S.R Ht,Re HL.ifs:aGuifton:cit: Massby:;WilnitaytonyGrace Serect]ithareed:ang ‘the ‘prebeuord Meeting of the State Ansbcfation ‘af Senbor]AP.“Byer:“aie Go ien OR e ‘=SS ene mE raRor The SpeciatTero ryyCeari=Bee-sounty™comimissianars Siew.| ingthis weeks as.follows:*se <SE sar}State,Asse iution “of;Cay “School|’oe na ae testtroupeee ies Supe pute lait s “ill he;ion iw che,os farthé*:ar ‘term y<Of Seah ‘died at his;home”“neat ie |Seeenpones,Devetubex*ag and|tteBRS“poste ifice:Sitarday:night.;ERRinZ as Tiokere deea oae een ~..vn =4 .;mee > 2 Si ee Sere tera of"ue Cn ‘The superseen =Pirst:Week—I=Summeys We :"have the,syinpathy..of theirfand printipals:oFthe city gE nif iy <i ne beigi.bons in their sad affliction ux =ppublic schaolsare ‘piem be Talley.J.“Ex Covert:RAL Casas;N M.-Framing!EtMee we kl pe keIG A.~Roimster!D.Ton peteAKinesis.Dow Toonoe aes ofasyeaandréturntheanrountto.Stictencein Statesville,13 Yeats jain i with their many -fyitnds..in the city-tund ence te Ceesecatierked-ondepaia iPeThe.lights’committee<popbr ted)that it was arranging-tohays¢doz-+en ae lamps TE:TON:Spot: BeeW-Wilson;for the pogsegsion |".as eae Discsxo:| 3 irmanship-Of ns State ia pede anaes Sereuncerfsin in iteSemmiission,was argued{....han dyspepsias Spgeiciangety thes |Bat preme Court,last Saturday.2°|shaptoms:of no es = be STEN Averyand MeRagargued :we cutest:dy it to.make:3 pate Wha,fom Caldwell and Ex-Judge rBBeteroGol.‘Shaw and)'Mt BuryonforWilson:aa:has — we et veaie‘the destetsi fast Soe sgh onde no St “Alder Lampracht seportdithat‘he aEsecured Lorpaatcaeaeefor.abe‘man,andte©wasfog.tinuehi:Bills we paid &asietiooe>Allison cents “Landmaik.si dO ress Odesiar:Morison.Sareetl. ‘way!RS Ri ‘Cowles hzbeseBone yApies “hae Beyo torsq);‘Salistury,nd.Chark tte.‘this’week!an Continaeto MesSileney4Ant.Bost,"both Ot:Shiloh Tomibhip,aeitl Ob.legal.‘business.a ee "Miss ie ‘Turn¢rleas returiiedeseORGYiStantaileTslee.niet “t+home:f fom,at vidit.7to >eentameSwePapRee:if Ougr Met last Thiasgay niet trandHe Codd Spring edwenghips :Wemehuge.thatypur.TCaes wily teetug’Digs esha ehehe "iext: Mis.“EB.Ww agner has’yeariled to]seek Hofne at ‘Trontnan From-sex or,fWent tol Moxzanto.es SSMiss aah ae Masy.,is(to take Chorry ana:nen.ae welt kata FnL*#1.Scatt:ws B Hoittigans“)visithpe Mrs.2 BL Cr poitencrs jher]Hoke had sppolated Mr f ¢chilaienavexcturned:home from visit:te :Enact my ene Wi Be Adetaalt,“ESq.,of Bethany:throligh 46 E Bushet *Pisa)‘aship.4een€wp ta.“Morgatiton:es State aeeae vi ( Monday and rettrtgret the same evever} VISE toe relatives“in:SENOS“fegutity.”meena ea gpeeee a Watts,in;Shitoby owdship.-ee Mel and Mrs:“Isreal Wetorbune aS EO ASwe‘gud Ars.ows Hetcomb.' S¢f wrsburg ~towbshty a thptory:ile,”se NS Use tohastheDUEChasct:Seeds CoeHebomuel?alsev ee coin:S father aid ‘tes gna renjoyed by those?een Zu jteaseKfriendsantlpétbensoh”die oe.:Anestdtmens ‘of Shea es.Ip:opwill ook ward-withy sean £07aitaa+onother,sch ve ption.yrheasSaweesiswbPeeNorthCavoleaConference81)t a ;nents ot ministers kuown |in Irederhsped therigle ring»eSfoe ‘ese See TevetLe ORscons)”‘Patter Son *anddty for Stay ‘Themoney*was:cupid Jeeanid’exand DC untiesfar.wo,het Sums YEAR eyOsheyearwibootmterestto;Many;ef 2 iplasStSuturdayandfeudat}at--Bridgewaten’Dr.Athy paid the our péopsek rea Dae 4 Oe:oon GA aaTP PePrevidins‘Eder s Whs EL.Moore pes et.MS Of WELT:thonketirory.Ik,oFRanaSudk.Wafts-M.aap ait Sor Shulice C a Suprior ‘Court “which,meets}!Janwiry 10th.18987.at’“theit intet Je é 4 2 Cte oathsTaea :t sy 5 - aSeteete Posse 3 that thePiedmont Bunkat MotgaKotetor-ba in stage $6;ip As*fa i AKathe:bank dwes “depositor soxe000.“ThebreaWis:a Vad onc£the ass@ts'aré warthless(General 4)BAe.Stiohi.GEthe State: perany reeeixoh. op ardoIn response tora felegryi ing’Md returned were thie sane,ty: (Fastem rary:recoter ‘and majled.ioitheYorklexk-of the “Superior *eurrofWalcountySatu‘4 =|ton.fof AM ntdns:te“ceiver,radie hall oft*tic.»Dane “Wa Sa ‘Sand his‘bond on‘fhe thee (Gene a Cow:incounty,:is‘visiting.“her-dayghyer,des”bord:was:approved ant he quakTedouthe6th.‘Gyneral,"Cowles: rat depiand on Watton forpossession:of the:baykaAvh aOm,UndertEhe advicevy sf EetieectrefusedstoaintSPBank-Bxath- MisSMagyie,have returned:from‘a}intrectomds‘dey eee eesan ee TOYpion,reccounized Coiecasas phesraryréethver,“Fhe *peport|:eanit take.An,the:afedin fimé »:dudeSerken4DothMaeLoD: buthenwithdre wanica sditionalbys: Warebeareht mdtterofsthey ComthictthereceFergitDLenurt:mirth:HEspondwiiEapeaintvtpetiteao ral’Cowles,Mis Dalton oyMappedeteaSSaas Po .ae oat>ee—‘ Phe Takcuets AY Topite”<aaa'the 2 TheteScheas “atchimes|College dast Ejday.mepte waatenddd,,IN Ga ots ta ~~ en weet 1éy ran thie is {clt Pate sakbe i adr)intong,'eA fehydereFedard,SKo wed?that rife seéhadbeertif:sie as bayds.” i eC i ve Lthem Rame Hn~Daridson LXther the me eevee a nes’i .flock:Bite work wit consume t tyo.or three}Q)Vx »}aemesontEhythere-at.oof doc ‘pargeks and the town val oarssd Pathe:Mis yduliay MacCall lefts ast Ee eoPdeiveetgyCreeee“~ taved the:toxnives 4:befell?the.ony”voting,yoann itr 3 5 an irelapvenr-~The pars=the Reamerertaken”byt ed OUdwink LenteSeeAsoegentLeniey-ics Mi he Mig Pe eee<tapt 5 i“Isabella aes viseMintiisi09 +, a,Mr Roy.eth»ster ne aS:;reviveot:aud?eeusu Bach ovetanl!her.Parts so well’would BEtadistinguishthe.best,a Missy&m:‘neli.t-Maw his chargFe.gfmete So ae incboth he2 rve itales s nde ttplaymeednipeesityWaaera aig nd x see3oeaekSEROMcers,‘De At thotrenregular anual jeotine:¥as Phurs<day night.the Statesviler ows; yodeIgy Kraght:yore.this:el «Bo Brauk Long i oe Ait eee Tho was’JT.PMSATR.epee de Seett:(OG Stettents leneeSohoSa ee Bitccies ty,araitinse.Sosa 4s SareRAAcGonngllottoWpsip.Row eyumty weaitstiling,sells t att iplghBorasMr.RX “Proéxe.:ath ny atbugeu ta £aera fn. rshLstitp.this county Om Tris:wary.Vhome:I plvoun -Moprest Heh Ope’righ,TAs.Hiweek.When &Sande anoa Somp-1. Fedinto theDilgecy ‘and bit-bim:pretéveralyfathelessYTBite‘syoectded “in akilting sg *anianat:whisgh-avas abaut the eliecbe:w bo-la \shen Te canctitakeOubiwhatitis;CLts:cdlemnVis:brown Jolin Morrog:ohMt.Ua towethiy ae itebigeanda y i pve ae +Woke to ae ors Ay d ; *When.So R.<Begwoke,Yester day:MOTDaseteethowhsitthig~Ol:peetea ey wise?Being Boaaratawithaeraseeemenustiath ut ia stostories eeaS “Vanninits™Perensa eee Tr scan’,byprothersSelickeeprecaution Lto Oitirahicoen ;oea etthe.ineFed ator as aid Convince?thebyocularArBancaohthewruiit Cho.fine timbe ColonelH:G-Comeywas.meqnd-hi est -biidekat.BaFa or,:ne e January term of-Alexpodtr:Su-eriorCourt-when;i tee,his not)os the sale.3 ibeak Jeatrted by re Fea eas oy ‘closedtS doors that,MordNo S assets amount to $80 2 ;pases.218.85;notes 06,aul | eae byTadge Robinsonbm Friday be Wweut yeasoh Satu By morn nings HEmade his bond of oS Ga ARPCHneidePeaANSoar(after equaled.2hake Wed : i430)for.BOKRhypcopustHow {out shat!Canwaldy dnd’“walton«bad ‘Karche|ter/Elisoh:whohave “posjrions:in7 had.a'ppn Robe Ga abe \.“asMor¢g an apeeeYSU ee oriver.*Hie caniraphponit “thers:ae | pi i ce sebe abse vel URAC Bos fe uns fourtion,class abtet hose whp [task] andsw ute spotpeds--/S00 «PE Mer,Me 14 wite 21-cants’anacre.5,or not cmainopen’for advanced‘bids uatil| Het4 ae hae oe Betha dy ae eee Bone.:for pauper Caf®pp lion’ ‘sipiahss:tee Lp Ay GO.Pas AY Colinty.JE oun rs aeseth {oAjaifepe ¥ 2B: prisons fe oy TianiissS55sidaNatioNTE: tor’ Dae sto ‘the bottonr:in.‘order ta’ PBi)"pe r as we ‘do,an khowine:th:ut t-okCottons we know:thiit nt:two dollars OPiroods. edods at PeiSTO he)Sth now,nat rOwmlavant:©)Mind Sgttion an.ale > “We:ave’at been .pair. ‘DeeCotton:Anoth-" ies peo=, andsticktheknife:deep* ee ‘Spend to bring “1:SMe.Dress 2) eS,SURPRISE YOUBiglineofOvershgys We *“ “pee2orEygspandintactaykindof .>MONEY yOu will-see fig.ORD £801 Ss. yarbers:for*theses.”mething new every Ee de- Xmas,‘until §4Lehe“y tra ah ehdaeonPhypheTee:Neds:“as 2)vee aeSUBSE ss Soe on TH ang }relaUVe?td)“a asettleyherqeysoonae ie:bones at AOE,hinlise-o&:ngaadéieto Set pete totdelpeounty: IstPhat 2 priseDemont1sgarjaeFebubry ae=f is *,+} Stign by?tau.cree 0 eGtapes¥ile eeeephysipian,andsifs{Shall ba deliveredtregulBestif:pecerteejee hain ‘gang eee ys Dy.‘to,prisone Streee Qaud:that Qsecr ‘5 ft: peso ttom tence sto?the bsoFrectto-theeee be iat foi Ww Gardinals.: tbe Send:> the:os tneerale sill ApZ ‘dapo COATS.Outelou,we -can give you Style| ot.eet 88 nes. :WU emas «a ine CRBS fitittrie PayDepth,‘ ‘Tri:his Serion atthe:Piet:ae 4 int ch ayeh yesterdays,The PRYa. ir "Taonues nek a eprns iN .Ye wallet y eee ns wt,ety neatrosaised tt ts ue veCig tie d hats ieee nae @ Latespshihoi®hack &PO aXepreomt ait wat Histfos eR Se ae :,ea rossen:: wl pcs tina R‘fi oy,eee GN:Ne wh ete Resait yLore Ww Ras brat MET Mis wet .ee:Hiftati?Aiathe;yaa:‘iHAita suet wie eangen Adi eas “a ~~,:,xwee?nihod maTift ake ey “Hoi:¢Jilin dd:a‘reSpeediattr,Ea hetPageHa Re tt:Sete Teeseaters \aetyeerex’ihe e ;as 3 i4Sa“ *sadeeesixee,gape a “ 9pena Si =Siaduactos osSLATESSELLE,a = .tabi a 2)mattingcoti aM SPiobate Pr a é :‘the Setuicmeny OP ESt ate,gel Be Bawls es Plugs Jorn:‘ake aibh ages FTOx¢ape:[iet ’fy: *~~i :4 =©gs.CeKe.4 <gape y ria fs iki ineeset]ent hs i;Dyeoidit a al :%“1 +—:fe 2 a ssoY:ee x ;:rite vim a0 ae ety peal atigsne elit ent “%f Malfart EMae»it aye2 aS aeTeedeerst om +a= ;‘Wan practicoe “fn alltthe coulbiyvl Sry.my"etn lies WadBeem (.miso 4 >serfices are demanded.:Pek nhsih sf i .Ne he.“t a ste i aes te Cc.CALDWELL.eek TTS ARTY oh at “ee »ATTORNEY:SAT-LA BS y ae Probst,Ten CRE ene “ateEsse we ;-oe noGove:aeaeree t |aati yey,Ate €a cd :-tK eecpu sikioetnuiesos; i :aaa Biragh a SER,ant Se,NS =::*Practions in State a0¢€getah i i te Ne Eoingto eens A {) ot Bo Coansiiy,Be acevo Me Sinthsyapeg midea Syt Pune pes:soe Opens a ;RSE a,,Apne,wees oo a 8,te iie y :“fifs nor ‘sgiuriytiodl iat bratty“tA ¥Se orsed aby!ch m5}:Leaeee vice theuy Sietetha ae ie Mare.<a hebeesssfiiters os at :cate st Pein =Se poe esCEhadescatngbAier.Pisa aN NiiQigs fie eachers:Thrée excallent.dit.4:, Baeys as Otters!ji@ servicers ihe:aii ot gk sa ::PidtaPoe Bei ie Suit dike pnagHiit 1S Ms raises wih e oe 9 eB |::ae ry | oes a pps ee ots eran a sl be Wei vented ‘eeen ay:3 “N ieui sha"Deen|Cok paheit ueay ais Re eR eee OR pene nrn |naa Aaa RNS pete Se i)ee At Se lous a Le Ns bona Spe Bi Oates ive peo ca Beh aiie Ue : Peas b a One mt a a Hs redeidbos Sheyen SteBrstyh Hetae%at ji dul,alywet uit Unis asi Uygiidifiies te By Le in RAMs eran Ss MAY tly driveh i Bren te Mt mitt A eed D ida fives stud: ‘lich aed ah oeCees70 ieXue neatae hi oeaethingooe athe 2 NYE ke 890 Le Fes’ae yittick ;ie eh at Sass :al :5 ees a Riutmg tony m ye Torts i Sh lgewe:2)qaqa tie Md elit Hise *pahe";aeif int air.xcoe;Sor oneal %tealUAT can the ei ba sob 385,Mies Lgtiod See The ’:oy PANMAP 4 SKUs ;5 Henoreth $Tee dt Y four coh PoUres Si“igephangh 7 =k oe apeWY,OU digr “ety,by his png,of ae VeSONIRE «o 2)eas aS 198i «1 "4 ‘i ‘S SEI Lesipenegee2.Shae A é BiexPbS ida Hid A mi)Ww syedpti:Tole;peor ny faese ee tape 8 tay,ET a All et ey ee ei i eatte ug}weer.Re ap ak 5 diaereeie PROBS BON.eee Ni ele wallprac tier ih,etre a afar en Gi et Sr elcmig at 3 sal pre CFLpANd S300 ae ae fey eee ae “Prompt attefitiog iy bid de tae .a a i z iit tageetter’.¢estni aay Tne|Sgroiubte tljee ete byt a Ro ban bbs,toe Oretg TO x 2G pes a part nd’LD py af }dsc if“»Te trusted:Otbeu Xe ete pet pa ii?D Ape io:“iat of tes Palins 2X:itn,‘Dye rg eae; te:*of fone higuse!.~a “Fei plea feeeethat weasor:si etLe ai hy a anyAse aite ueseity TS {pao s Sa :Boars pees Ete Mons ane JO;Bogs!.Whee eine:i. 3 Be *aifith BD RTE AS 1 AasaT TiS ae Thais Pega:F k :Ooh eye ppt,bees syboSeehat.De Tete 4 she “elise file?Bas me ies i Hig dcas:Aeyhte®ie ef naa ee sae ot jo,veiarai iiihs ;i ultapey mn Rs Ale oF”‘they,¢aantoea So ielop az sak eed Eecrear tid ==;ff meee ce &abek ' Ee .ee a 'Sia nae Ise :Lee Me CS =oa the thie T clent staids et “ies “eee iwakes‘We apis:ars 5OYBingeEST elt Cpt Spriing!BAKE ia Soe “abet He rh.eo Ee Meat t for.f on ai Shes:seyretRudin ore is ate oe thtie WH:oi hy fei Scie Tuy.AUat sa RAueigow’co ic —Lobelia Sred:3 .ae ( 2 ieee seat ee Ge,hig:oeohhie Vem nate e sr inn Beith et Ms |eves timilletuntttp,be ip Lorne A ae one mesAte ot Xe is Pathe Rares 5 =AN ped area a é ¢"di :ats eet =wrbc B83sts A ~ee :We a:as aneSenet eReigs ialh aere st spsort ee oe Se Pee noe =PedicteX Oth BSSiahye Hes5 Hest tits “ek aae ie heats pay.vast On:DC te he *:t Bie ties ;wt.ase Bren Me:Eke iin Biche meh oti &an ;“ints TUBAL *ane “st <Tie Pies eeeonAE ee theyScoule Latgass Wieser Ee mp)eeSosfost aah,ee AeSeti WS bascasay toa Naae lve idsik yale ete:ANE Oe pat Jew and aysv phy s Nepal antSe oad eT a ia :Bie ry “s spares SMa VALLk N-~aS wets seth gens:dda’Wu 4tie:Thy WOE SROYat’,~1a SOI >a a ai :aes i!TOE 1 alle €‘atl stlie 2.eet wi!YS -i ‘~[i i :ae re a ee ne :shin t >A jiave returnedtote priiienlind ail Loggianeat he By “eek:aoe dé Lpks)mote ea tseoo ee Saft fie:eh a fee eA Ae oat cel Son:iS fry Erk oy ry?ED,ms a :.exe tei Penna Se st -aX es ;a :mae ie i ¢:a t f mae ae,.‘.‘ 5 ate %ae ‘UR year pt Ale:coun.;IP tun,He9:¢¥“a i ave;it hat |AE “et fottide ite ay chia Aretaigl ALOE asc it .a Be te é saa ia oh tape alae,a 38 ye iV hae]f :gis “house.i se FA a ‘ow Se aut i ele vayyon?at)sinsa ors ee giretiotyar abet Caiag es“ParisteSatay!Rs {hh a be os en)i :akAnyi a 5 A e.ve 3 oe ;nti at (,vs <an Peri :il I si ae at ys —>ae Ss SRE Be eee et b fy ei hee otk =Matty bestite othe:bobse (2)To Pee Pe CE ant)Nile So ve sachs =Peat?use.then |Sarsaparilla’Ina short.timued tele setter ::aeee5 rd ete iy pth NO “pithat “staan thS;si ae ee Oye bat ry san os A SHS |I ;7 if iste i ee Sera tee ge Pde sie Oi Tliave-jiow taken ven.bottpZ san irn 3 Ps fs Raps RN ea oe Law >7 oe ce ME a aeeee Ly caelANG:Ae ate PeeBi Ie atin a .SORE Hae ;NS ie tae :Renae begetdhappeav Se reas eek cs.see ie st :rayon ‘\ee is eypicket A tod Shed che i)exes Hagebishoaine .o ety ata ocetiny ete Stair ‘SS Ai Gary Me ca area :eae a appeared.ENS -caLD sete [ fees tae|See te ie SRS y aoid-bae,ze)BiasCaaitnigeis joar ees oS peoneyas ;ES .:a j :¥:ea W tL eh DAS AC!: ,e «a fe Peg!NUN SinSi a peaye Get S43 SMEig Giese ASI :SET adosyilles Val 5 Ee : eo a :ee ioe iesine ZOE eR oua Gud Branfraenhe-SNeonie ae Ratan bees rae E ims ert rg i »:RAOeI Sch Ral gee teen Alaa Sines oe =f Lin oe fae =oe espns)Aber?biel Pats ee toRESSEEE©that ie mentp Yoni)ooru ct orheeprn eksted fo Laqeierne Se peti S OTR)RR ri es By ee ee SOR MINA TT pest eee Pubes spat kon Wane pee ae n eato silico Heétions dnd Sey)aNEhhaatehésh at aleeae trentTyo A Laene:hi SheAGukres on“ron mney ST pay eliyoa dene sont Ria ang epee es fee bce ars hat 2 *Bate ::site ey ““a DOS SAME ESS aia.See Pee f Sirteeunte Dutensre,“ita eeuksA oleters tet foe pene 1 Be i SEEPERSeo;Geekahon public}a Keates Tuy one ra ‘PuSdne sip TEENS gy)sit lp hechsh mata Nee eta e Is :Ae ”BRS 2 ee :rt. rit a‘qnuineatsote,spobilisTectia »ay Lan jnte restitieoPhe fatiace tis Srerted ho Ora Se :att vt et ‘tyes donnfiinty xig vex feaioty,oysth katy bye Blade ea YR f ee jaAP 1sie is et A :i Te ey as eae"“Berablaghapshy:c Pay gad ‘ppbye)ane Albeit Wis Be ; me poe “practicin”Gin and “yedetat =4 z SEES 2a wien {ELOY rt Pie 7)ie ie mint “ttl,‘ny ice iY a “omer Teno Sse oe :Pe Bly WyPVMey 4d ewimtp.gi pay.ate ee aw)april ne i Bo Ts ar ©és ae eae 5 ry Tadic ¢tgs, f saea unger gr patterns:ane Dilhe Maa pecs “byt ooras i hkfra ness*ee ®:“4 Mie Haileysiedt!tC hight fox Tamnd PS aco peanrieD otieae.“i h ie fearritts :ae =“ATTORNEY.ADEA:ne ":As teh Fx he Lot pie:ire>Punhigh:a ne Be =i.T De rexMets poures ots ;yas pe “SEMESVIEER,INGA:9 S Bio essb Shiiches 23 aN Realy es yee Oh ‘tf agaseeeIte oeoeae“ytSNepda Eh eomenah i n .’Ss yal ¥a 3 3 ‘a Chey“a ay {;we *;Wil appear malt Courts:Speechiach,3 fy ~SGA Navies y :+:wi ti Ltt] et ~_tion given:LO thie ont Practiqe,pair ee oei yign dext fat BS or edited te MITESSie :We Shes ris we a z ug aEithinsal SSus wee ueae a a ee =m +oa ::i e WeVes $ne*hie :ae Panne yd ces a oe Sethe ;ha oa itchy of diy has tie ae yey : [es es ie (Sutsidey.Histht “iy ie)Vee ae if a 3)ie +xe aoa :act e .hisoS) Pkcas re ‘:Amber,ithe:te Tact epee ree hoeye aa Sr :RAs ie ST Ute on 0 por SATUS,uth Ky Warts POT: ae sues ANE“to®ae ip6sre don'Spi UngNTN PS paivtAnFouih,fuiMGrng ee +c ’fe ;R ee‘Ke aie ¢cE 2 p inthe Mist will Gf Rey‘wemosss:ide Avr:its ay x tC Tah athNi oite tax a fe ence ior thy Bitsy ls SA *ig vs ingsiey;déccased,the:ind Crsign ee,OSH?PEW hist Bt a Ces Russie pitesiel Oo aT mi Rites ee joes of saidiw il pavill otter,ate Dien ole rotadhe di t eee Bb Satte Ny :personnes :ey ae =os ‘Soames in the ota of:ORS!Mead CSyi undaw io AlecgAorg 3 Habre Se GEES 8S oie §ie UPE iA TEsr Ah oa *i rt wes we ate eS ;;. a ws oy Us -iS bea MOND AY,JANUS ay Sande att Rg reles ‘fine Sint ie “ty wdNR an,CTR,file a mdi it ky Heche g Soot:ver nt /sf cH fe ENP the-vacanitlotersand”Gt ghet‘said tay ~Yeptei aide,Prpana at ke "pro & ae {2 SBiMhesleyslying con ‘Dawe cayenne’aad’i potslad?isteaks ee resOe}al?eo ati!6 s Sf ete aN Te Pe Stockton nares And;ichease ‘the:%e Six itty winks:sit ‘ite eure rill Se,oe1b .ae ct ist NBES Oe alt os ah tot _©.Miller Grass Get.""The Saiditractewill ve he uid atethe rao tT:in.BN kt eS 2)divided.and ‘gold jing wing”:separate 1ots4 ‘Mist lee woh Boy FAhfere nkH Ay ah-—he cee ue es Ser ee ns Se *&three ofrsamedeimy Yox250sfeet"and frotrt-eglign =ath at Batateie fie ‘ove siete EECA CYAL Ct 4 et sy ay oN hae’coat “i: :a .ingb Davit avente;Tiree!HOw Se Teet E iS .RE ©he ek Ltfata Sait y ai *aeliveaiaeesepdecaieeesandrontnl®oe as ae aziyel rte Tie Tae oy e ee é > *}(|.ange @n ix gomnectinge strict<ftouk,pans rT.SSS 3.Mtlaupsa Stethe ty.Oeun}“oevi +eA ANI ay)es tke ven x LN he OEE uy ++w ‘sh,5 ‘;*; :Beckpoity Ructrongoe:apa connerts|second.at akeVEio)gg ke SA eat;eS <S ae seoe walte zyAa2 oe ans .~.*,ee ‘5 <ee eS.s a ne Y ,2 x x * oo ee ‘ing street.fronyPal be ie)5 pede OS owen tts Samee Th yedige:deswif in:ag aR eat 5.>a Ri yg ,,Said property wil be.soid jon ly,:ze Cish ctisstend Wohs ars = Saas bore “seb meee a ile:aid eee .Ay:aN Face,Ce Phere whet Wore Gi:aur,Rego ose.vee{eens:So 2Sie 5 oe:ir:okt:/erat ¢ Sesh “Hes -ike theirplans-accordinaly:.:,genet k.HicAS uit st gy.Fanch show rot huey 1a ieee oe chops welaneAss me 2S.5 nee :PRR ees ANS G te 33)|5ieatSekeedaeprotepthyatetdigtarm?psySanspiesSeige Gin EDN%xs h eke Nv a:xtMts frestor®3 :o BS Payee }Clays ee ;Boa :ass ga Woat tee ohh t “A tha fstab wepernis OC Souipaes dite am Ber iffeau Sears to Tse eh *oY ns ee thierok Bae steoe c (ee “fo =e pea teiafgsjatt sest Spurmitnegigr Cie TY TPIT pA:6 ae BITE eee ae nie fp te.eae ReBod gas4aseGeahwe inka?ts a ee ‘aisRoe,Car ys “eG Wee Neil Deha wie anion char oa:thie ds ene$."*s 4 _a 7;Bs:hae ae oe Papi: :bay ;Beers i e i “pon!wil,fee thar aPoids Sor.ates ESAT cB BerhyonhNST HYBois th.LA Ties Wengao isin thy ee ea et a ,Repablic faut:ie the aewitess Sagi natty,yi tart :ava wh ero ‘eet1¢,DeeSe,ae ae itEs<CAG dy ‘ .:a Fat Sh hf ‘AMR ate tel OR ae ROUTEcoftiteatt"by Aditerjasy ae,ates my ‘IrinXel4 Mayfrig t F op Sh ; ie ‘‘ci bam se OREM So kes } A;s :::ee ae VIRTUEOFpeat Ow,EIS GN uwone Tepes .‘ptfea igsiKe te 5 wv A tee!Tae oh any Hatsaghs DeUneasy motSON EE Nee?Sealy SH eB =.fainedin ‘aemorty are dee exec et by AST relate;Abely He as Of Suc g aeiay bale,a hfllice Setol.aha TRiRe si f oes a See Peon sant Site Pnipolt,ier Bag oe barat iain escri?aout.woh!pi {poe ta oS Tok $‘eels!f.SSoe.A fae 2 vite:Gyind br the*Said’tristee isey Sk:“OX GDomioctihict coped pe)b Cus Had’Seti ae Mo aie -ll Signed tod>W.Copeiand—and"waders they,en 9 |3 Ni Spei Sal:shy laiPEAS Bae tj bh)eeDeerecomtained:in€a}coud Aateaer cee \ved bitte ution ty y hi afte ;fs Ce Rea eed:Nae,for uhy pp lite”eee BoA Re aS Oe eee execated,by the said 5 eae OED Trak.WN)he ae EN SN ae.Pe AREA hPL ES Is 6F 2 eee te ;(enn: a he io sh pee acts we di a 2aSetsee zs oe en iSisea ie onsite waxyoH teas rt b hits PE Spe z oe ‘Ae arsigned with aselP-te the ff a ~POS He be ;f >you mor a :ya.e. :ta 2 vigdent rcash at the eon :Ce aod HOR Mot 4us ot eet san =i aks Napa bate“ag.Rina fect an nf aT 3,ye 4 a);pes ee eae a |SMONDAS,DECENDEY sat ad “Wasi photos?3g Bag fist arian ee Aah 4 pHa lan bad C8:alNew Gite hes Be INDORTAS eet ee ce ae Feat o a a ae -,t sD eto Tae %i A nae +f:a ae Nena Seis eu PioGnix y :;ees ie .=? aeitecter gh Y "the following sid convey eth sna Dion :te bees FsTER ee Rie =poet,toe f ey 8 ia %oe Ns 5 a @ fee the.Te ve Shure of me ,;eKNY f SUN aon ems Bo.Sp EST Vs aya?‘ivy Pape TP “iq ee eand described and defined:ae L0lfow;end jo ¥ainsi,trrecred oa pieeyy Bevat,Re eee i a iv Benee SE ENas ADAG Hawise ;fk Nia Say 2 hey i ;‘Ware ote:ASO sink i ec Re RS One lot ar nd qarlatbes theseon Sn Statewile a at)eS a x >;hea Bo “gael se oe :i me 2 Co sei SY St Foe) we I 4 2 .)‘4 hy ‘a 4 Hote ind rs adie ra i 2 ‘)40 .ah Sy or SNe Aa?As ‘“i a “Y i nt i oe:(ee : ys 2 g towaiship beginning aba stake,Hay)ashatae fe(ud qt Muchaniy,arhigh 1 i svete ss aly AES rt Sante jee cL odattion ofa e o ce. Pore a Ry?2.“Known"as <corher Of Washington od tas :ed spik ait chbipe =!att,SDasice Die)a:heDalesBoy ‘sit es Maks seosnpteachMhfs :SS Aree se fle.~ ge ae Tammie and Yenrow “streets,”eat ce Slane |proposed fod Vaotis hh!Aotoae vie sabeooe tock: ne n e e fo Reclipiy Liat ee|OS SLVR BRGI:oe mit deba oy te ot Wane :c ROBY L a¢E&CO.a aise mths.as ~7 odine,thence South:879 Beles Vn tgen ony cork Pilih BE io stake,theneé South 20.West 140-thet goa)sell:at Mys,VRShins fiearese spt WKY Woes sceTS Po ix x x =|'N of Lotidgn f we =r eet stake,thenceN-8TOCW..:G0 {Goh toa Stake.\r Ss PA nk Pa eek te _4s ASPE a an The atttres.;Bop tod eagtacistn :roti zz:of BE OKT a . eee aS .thente ‘Nort3 Eigattio feet Aon tie:Ber agen ssSet thie priLER tt we Boia?and’Po AER,plow fideaii te est th :Teriei ase:a4 Mig ity Be j ;*ah Dy Re hist crn ene he DAY th yu,oNN as ia Deke sere aah aa ae ting,conkaneide ‘one-fourth Bit “ofall alee P¥ice :pale ain Sper Wh!USE tuned:Ont ani Grpe (he toadsaM te z wpe stig?SeeSaints ;q AS i art ic Raa ans f ypae 5 'Se os ary hy LTP fad oO >;+a ro: ae ee “acte:ere:Oe185 WN COEERAND n spt tive Buy es Wilex Thuwings dant tgWAL Se piace,»>ri AS oo ‘se Aeoe ay an xe oxy!tre a;Deon pens ay : ::by RS.aie ,Ma Yet 2 oe wee ae rere| :Sa it :i signee otk;Harrill,‘Wraskie’AX:Sdicdy tn teisocod a“nich tind ‘aps |:atesZeK CU the pre oHitonth,Mae t ees ne SOK 3sA ap cmsie owe nn #4 %:oMortgagee ss 4”ox k pee.beste ‘u arent Seep tesoD a vad eee ee bene sy =e COPELANDIS NedOUG AD |rae.AD:olthatt:gal lon;t DON pasht ee Rteret fe Ten}th:ot Bes oo =)shere Pact hine eae ee a eh):See ya een ALOFLEAKERE:found:Lojfta ifvib yg “isp chalsand agiNS ‘lls:‘ey asitliste”i dee’eoeetoweich Hes:Op:|<3 PRS >| whose Rs .:lars:a4 told,Parola iS SEES D Geseedy oe Merge SBS it HeesAiBe “edee ora]Bese aie is eas: *y .at 2 Pr ¥Cy »Sah ie mn yee 7=* ;}-Have keen Stoned fa:ne byan,old ee Ore euchahd FaidnistsoF ieeeoF is ee ¥Bane | i abl toe thes namesof:“istich.VEThe ‘feals ee :oe vidA 3 Othe ipa?jit ase an ‘sight.ae ae ::.*;.:am ‘:;saz “i:m4 eda aalserly)OF;reecuir:{ites=oy Bryapytes Thatispacpa::iid vate Teuton i.yebicaicine ee ESSE ite whe Re Dbinio ef oe i 2 a ee a 4}Marinony:os apayia)to “th 1 indy .ae orsand’y a >eget’ale x :é 2 :sMOtiss :ee‘the.ontnie Fatrani pe aoaeia.tO a ik ain t. ‘se pew Meer THFa7taySHid34ee10D;Beast oneSete ng Sst ME a d1b,#Sit an =ri ikeca 6 Binghamton,/N <“eee “i Get:;on dn,Wie’pees aomepTosMarsUi?Lave Ne tts pats "puarapfe a “BeMn As Hod filings Nooo e Be m9) Seth 1 “the €hemiy higS823 rth ae it is She ate!INS te of Ge Cloths SEaKind :‘special:bargains iThess Gece tested Re:“ay i From ALL’.+:MS “ ASS eee ;“thie Denscuratics herise- ee Bi ae “Gents Furnishingsrye Ran ntSKIN ISE 33 tae phe Ste >NORTILCeeReeataecaeoF<4 van de ae,:mie ian y See so a Me a goods aretres!Tren Ge ;:jae i ig Seen i ce mae Rede pei x i c :5 dard famed ie Btn Sd”Go AAs Wath:Deine g.Pd oe x vy :)Z ae we x ON Ss Bees os “ort:ernmar kets avid:ree ete OLN "ts ;eb i rentlae ee Witten Pecan aoe Tx iS athe HX 1%Wixi ate 14 rete owt AY.Be x esa shy it“thw tariit pric es.‘therefore LL o>SR Brot PSR ae ivarries sures >eon HORS eee aly Soe a ister $e NOPICEOF | au ae a DP ‘guardnteg that Lit able-fa ‘sed is Bue ctel y ;Re Seta ee fe AY a ee @.°Tyits -&*;SEES:oO}co Steseng aRON Ones eea :ue “-uhnie time pe BS .=St x :5 é an 2 Binns +t :.ed ish.The NN kiey and2+|5Rhealgasany house in the Stdte!sf.1 ox ek J orl Scie ath,danecorte ane ror SYN ene caiw bialscantxo Peper ee oS no anecee:2 ot,BBG fi ts Fo ee wo Gasesot has Bieged ot)in]totes!Dethe Amais aps Caishinksyaot eee 8 ee et eR Next DieorF below ‘tie 2MarbeHalt a Santis on Se anaesee eee eee 8.Byeae!Sone &Graver.ae ote 24 ee see te nea eas et Tease ieguinea Ste on ws 4 is =Saloes::es te Pate of ant ods Mads VER 4 tA OER Gotmityte sll Hinds tot:syne eat ©a! 4 Ge ek :ea cay :S os3 CoM vies D tintin peatHows St:yi atte otion =tet ,z Aor att Thies.tah e ve rete: oe ;Fy ‘mivted fiat i ish sit B eke:Os ee aed ee fee*heSe 20.p0 tsLeeeow(s ppice by Ir bee aSoren 24 ot #:Me titans mi2 oa rast C bgetednc Hy OY Baliter!,rh ae nee picesaed 128.‘th the fad?he ee dent.Ne oeme:ims RS eat ys EotaerED:Sar_mo 84 oeMODERNIMPROW:MENTS FORTHE.* »Me discher;seul bivshopgnn,bah luft arn yasbiow yearly.oft :bi ii Ings :sjeewensy is.a iets “and : Ermine iihértontLy Sow,*att:¢Crane] vel gh ‘eri¢fand tear?she’pice shin]‘ Ln a.wefegHaandalnove to thiscity it a fa brgakpect’.bard From Hinge ts.ithe p :oe :eae a"{f nt Gi 2 2 *bhe Morn),5 1c et iesSomtiely see| equener,for,tear,ot Se =invite Bxpectio Bk:ous A owork .and’solicit '4-share of ad sea ea ha frome che crs ministering té theybat's:wants and,r geet aWe cart ‘furnish these [>2ouc*Seare gud Toth shoulden:*Thred |ae ee aie 7 ¢Pervte stately the.tioss36lod,}FiratpoeoeaT:ed brandse ‘at pr 4,jc Tiebmmencdd.Calais ‘Dradpites 14S gtesecive oe Fase t et Sex COE te id ty NBae*tbattalk:.Statesyille Beautin:1 gre use,nogmpebstandi aah!fsed so fA eeeget a ne cx se .A sphere et :Sa peears -= +eis si i ess Carolina Choice~and <ott cn paicnt,ee ent ee nt The i aaeas oe .oa mens feet mie ueuvder n or :haeieay:ic Be 1 !f for yodrs without,bein;fs Rant the hgbt.:favor amines ep aon et xa~-ogrades.“Also.pay.highest market!Reet A oo pe ak ee raat 'ce=e ©fiyni wagon,arrives,Yr -the2hth-day of “Noy asters daoF oe ae oe ee tae for-wheat‘and.,grain of alk}as hae eh ind:=Respectfull eor frontpt.the ity HOSP.‘Ermine os awitt“be‘pie in.bys tbtheir r ae tal1dgrfalmedicineanditpffords"|'@etralyagpaSaneang;Bteveps)Sieg weak’from:loss ‘or aSadi pered Ss Inde’e,xtuchpleasnire to nd this rém-" $5.ag i .:ea tut i poeesd i 2 toe 10 2 Senebpe err e hf Scaego cvereah >Se xe ~bloodphot Dr.-6 ae core trae anisetateaaaes edaeee:aa -MILEING COMPA =eae Renaud 7)ieee Beasts Be eae 7 {Oh ot.Dr.Barbour,ths.‘hospi-|ip path day ot Noyrmber st ee Sena aes :ee hj :;StabsSuper intendent stiyw,fig will dies Rik Me SMe MARTNES See >|bard to pleaseall who} OW.L.CUMMING,Prop.'.j.«fete Doth pee Ne Sa.Seas fel aughtim Athy.\:Adsipui-trator.|ktiowingthatmast peopl 4 a ‘%owe a ae Dated eit ape ‘x hy UN q ie -:Coup ou p pu e Where it is: SRS:re‘ELL “JarK PREVENTATIVE.aa he willdois véty bes x ~i EN Th:ta GOED. Gaard-adatsst ¥:llow Jac Kee "Bsty,4 ‘Oo z tsi cerr7 aa <i rs epiceenaBroseioainicste¢;:‘aetatesyinR RENT:est 7m e-)the-system “thoronp ly elean-ah4 free frém |“Tefondthewomey Sf.{¢Zeitj DE ANEES MEDICAL-OD.BuehartsIaa.|e,ppAug te MASstonc rmity.ecg seiner ‘onde.rs ee ge pba cee 9 te Sth,ee eae :contagious diseyse germs.;“er Oe,\ wide,oe,Sivas liustrated “book. It will “be sent.‘ree,a BE BEG ah tir eaeAe *ss % i Woe ‘y PAO eee os Tae $:rcEOTetUL:iWinCN ay AEX:Sit“cu kea “YN :OBIEH a et tats y =Art 2 f -¥ries ¥oyea3 a a ate S isoe *.i.;Be DEcn ns Stes shuaisnaYss %pe <Se ty .8 ind ~~na Wp teen:erg pupae van efAsiieie“tui.Soe wand?[ose ee ee %SneeU.Dave)be aide Ty:NS Es aretubes Morrisons?satid ent ago hk oe *aH ocr:QhTE Hgts 4 lag F vid 4othe:1S “Ni En ».-*a ayooeeiathafOurmayahabeiryebaaeye%fsRe =eS re a1 fyi,oneday:at “Tiiewkas euight > “was =; ;#:aemer- =disinoide The : ee gee ae us AnticFilsrowbale Bae edaiy bails. ad any?ata}Sete “Pathan 5 ee e itt ) gen tone2‘ ae “e eae A ;ee 7 Preciotis_ a e x aa i1 apyl AYean thiy,skint aby)«Me ath:2 ?eee oe rsf fe Divers Syme Lene beeis &Sand"Sides frou,hiss Font NESS yids <oeaN >Se.tsaeoeFesti 1c th6ot:Burg(Wek i * Se ofdgAlks:fanaigt:abe:tao ‘Sticte ‘2 WS nel th |Oey sitys“that the’ottpig seasithe ie ran secddent,Bet,teh.te one vit :ane wi Kaecatsolrbs?hi girelessnGie,«Sei jdntie~oe sai eset“is ‘hidfk Gtk iy Xsor th,;Caw i : ba Sy >:eed:es =A PAE ES ’yitiriteCetgaDGubae:sean staan iy €fine:wen We ie rie Lt ls:Moat2+\xt maa Teeny, To Mites.Cohtom manu:Si 0 ged Jae deesided to he the 2 beThey Ay ant #~ain. Lhe >%ae iad ik ee “i :<jisSeosHye:Meg yest (iP Stele sy;alecae osco Menke o eatotis ate $e iad ;Na ve op le i the meus.#2 4 why Hegoo ee fig?Pinar Auge Yard}Ade se co CMO neyiey Ls :a yi aes5 k ta mS shit dues’“elites 1)per ©a R x nt t wt r ui ohh pitt Hai thie.ahs pant ie BS[sti tah F 5Te ot OAV Re toevivian that etxpulbleu,D>hdd sritet scus'tisha eS ‘¥riley \O4ahaoe Sh:;‘Se |Detoe rahie?papa=dts “are!S “airs Sun .rf Ostet en ‘:eas fsS :Ks We:bea0 pees tia umtheirPom oe :Seat ae.“ite bes Tapecially\oong,seis Pee Fe Mr we Kips.ie )Pets:Os Ve een ye :eat “tt luxuries.ie!“i ih Baleistt Next ‘.0S Obsorvis ReRte the: fui:GateDees: ne Clint the weSse Ee Eeeebell cat:1ACy,aa ee Fp AIOSCET OES Webstor’s MYLohie ko Wroliingessae es Raa ee Se fed ee Mascon Weare “pr‘oud tox 'BS,Lora 4filget PEATE Ee Coy payn nL ae TG i Seu tuft te Aye Aoi qu etaryyt tTPhyels pSoil,sex scontge phones~ate httotfeds in brew: cheatsheeody Bh itiwiysss ahd SSSaddles «.% that é Aes Id.he Swag ;the, earn : a f 1 oe SF.es aevf.Hd getline Ohits& re ane ane‘sk xFaeiveSole es eionpeeEy wite:eenMase ae Ve:ELOY)%aoe ay!wor |of suelrie StateTyLeGpublfoari x]prapee aS Our Whi Stanconttrmis wey ugald:hte:SAEselyWp eine Devicae -caneee aBOns PTAs Plugs eee WantSted es Sg pridesOUateSee oy aé Sua he ae oe if Ne wBo2eaealice:fort a gitbineoh4sFe igre %;motstam ep cM ee Ss Pe oe iwalebpseoa whett het?seoanis of ert ee.xe egi ss ‘Zi Ser Se ae Ag ss 3 ai Sate tele easton:villed Yes .}a ss es pat =aeaBicgael oeaLtie ‘incr €Leta‘aol janie Bh Net rol sD ol her:s in fa ay back:wrest’Coniplete..oe Tech ise E neti ention:“dance [Satlie,ee Yast:Sar aad inthe 3fim alt: tage soundest aniethier tar 4hem::He: seenNOMS,ere the:unisHaire wontndeed Se :a 1 was Hoods better.3nd:the. Wenasobephives afess he corr stnace hi fetoase .ye ai as aNei ¥a eT €ate Sis”PeieesPrettiest?Shea doesx Le:icota o =&ee¥BSS eared 5ver competition,r athe,ipuls On i tate @ feet hy COSC Di ecoditt:ail:NM vita ‘ IDs é #ay ‘bYrouse 5 Mouth heauvte.oleaierrs Hebe,|cheApe Brenk is fi .5 i"x :i oh os Gy A a a pee ¢heeded eh!per?Naas ‘shia:MIE(te aecEjolt bee tad ehEeeony¥ps aK E taid et Bee : tif pie St teSvi iB x thera iat LE hesides the Sune do sitet bay é a!:seatpptly:on .1 le ay Nr ot 1)S.-ahd ac ube =hearer?Exp he fin ar eae 3 ‘eae ue :clothing .ie :eae:»/tr .«=re ee $i joameee Siete ct ay >.tiaeeeotphasiseveretteeeset,Mate hot,Ping Om maton raul iN eh aut:TES Gat ss To kat ii eoce ina he dedi Natyxr.vile tired ar as=‘fae See ae Re ky eee ae es ale 3“akiv aS now.tae distant ee thy!bes Sie e a -prs %Pel teoiit See sinao‘Chae aoa?2:dgt aWoe!e ‘South «vit anand utyfury Aphis:DEVE en we sine spt *isan ; aM : tyEwer Ne ME os sari pen!fonsDityah paneone it ay em. “ert BG ive oeseeSur ae t i :;ar nt)at Moe :4 ra 4 ,NPG cnt I Lewin GA hi pan Ye “ie ate ae ey)os bse ‘JwaeaeBsve7warsis.Sita ep oas ee om:ie-eptton¢oon |Oe tHeToLanttyid aead Retets ;Wi Pein :See a cow :.ait Sth Concrete A aheee Thy =4 dint {hs room,Out Was’fix:Sea Bs ee ae “Barron&Wicholson;.Pe es Geet ganl ofOiapas :|::Mig ates.2 E ;:1 a AY “eS S =}uD he 5 i we ‘5isreeorsaahtSthagwactyringjisabiet¢Igbatotiss4‘ed ane ee os bee eh eo.iajeeGeet!¥‘oom we aigen a Saitreas Sinmpsor,..et ;Rs ee.;ee le +S if Mi4 rail yee Aut BuagePendRCM ry wltelt frtslienRoute ces pica ease i ;es wie ee eerie Fs ~TP Rca ::immicaretirned home:ee %:oe ,.7 PAG TM edly ona Ss aan oT Seer”*es &ce a emetic 4 cf my o PATSit £0!ow awe pS AGA Pig ais2 bineeis yeti yn es Pharkday lit ound,;, Z ot :‘PlasteTeJacoby Heniefac sos,ane shige pigeatt 2 Chillyei:josure nthy ,::*i gt!wie «a vs ..se b 4 oh 4 "Seas et 1a)Dee:ere esatsa Fe Ale crtick fapuiat:silyl.OEE *ReyiS;=MS i Rat ana “ts,9 8Be AceSabah Soule i@Painint‘the Side:as aee oy :regived’ ant tee Reokaste awtyya,a j " oeect pays bre FER (5 .Retovin wat was f due!r XS Bocamee oy eee a »oh aESor Sy3 oat wee ne ils ee Sire \e::i 2 YSae ete aa ey eee A ts Sap ON ee ee OM EINCFSicel Nao eo i tea —Yi nest:‘OT:ceae rt “*Ps oe :2a ‘heap toa|rahhGubite,Croner oN ip gene se =.ea ©>os 7 Back Sagas ete iS Heel:ade Ww oe :sublie any Pres:besspinach ;eS +A Meta RIS vik ae a aye Baw gGieteland pde Tay a Rep again,Se ee ae>ey ne ‘Hall's nti:a ;NTR AN Pia swabeat OF Caneeters 5Sih Mie:Houte?apt 3k:infor ittd ::gin 2 $S-cy He ee a 3£1 3eee :a Fon,Sone daysinst wecuks.‘ReyMr cSorithetiyt | a a 2 ie 2%Nee 1h van"Ghsio:aDemoes aU iaseete og28a4AenGniethe“cobyt ri,Fpidithe®¢Cc aes Toph.tk hh es i be co unislortaie ‘tome the?yal Demi nas isih.)ebstintisia Le pa osjitote 8 zoS:oe u 4+>:eaEE:;yiPI Sdewt aC hay hp athe op Meu we .ap etn ices eee :patie Aci wae “ave.fendit eget ea aay PRA SMI io ee : 4.ee a bebe oid wD Soman Ava“ginal:nnn “sr tor from : Santee /hein)>Baye daily papers.sat what Gs Ss gaie Asi ve a b pescat.:the.DeSh porarS applauded yhestatebe PanaSip fete pees ints :oe =e quent;pWeacall at ations FuHS]et :seus -«aeme~~.f me tS oh Tae Moa or he Beek ets “he PITAt On Pas *Y ni unecide Rostow.that tlie De Wo .oes x ei nee sie?i seer:himself ;:se ‘hee hits Jorever:‘elyptltiggnth,eit bes oom %WL,aura MS:tefl?Demonei wie “dos Siriinks One fii Him ‘selfhy%39 x $yy:otis Phe may Ww‘liyefeatPayeinet lorth?aoeaSANGcs aori tas if not cee tt ae a x ::"i 4 Ga pateimal %:mit oe £03 “eee fee lentes ‘yeatisahd,aah,ied Wireoe cage 4 2 Oe }.be pad:of wy 1M thin fo.Bn one mS fi hs -IN >AAD.ic :aeih mM ott a it Atine neeae,ua -Sen oe -rg =aha Ss :eae ine jeeFreact a istfustae he *)woutdbes eegctiaa!Re ABest “tol yin®set vo€ue 4hTighe LY yebaee Ae e,sited sg ee ‘:‘Re .a ;GkcRot a :.mn Ni éi.tenes 3a ~~fe Hide wiesee x 8ob aye eyeon ain dinkiaget these:;he Fotis:Cus Pity,old,Detine pat ve “resp wt?Syke syrah.pare Bo tii thie “vayancy < m ee oe Cee 7 SRE ee as Drees ti.hopethat the paregzay aRRivkinsSE ARON can :PEC LUNGnd by TAaanatceaMeaS:::again,alle “Chavesting nig eseth Me aig See a4 otsfaded i “th.J.Ps eee ae *c ©2h 4 7 “*3 ;:_Need:“Of;Shocks.-ndism istThursinee thea EN,‘Ne ;3 i 2,Yarn Tnspes:.ie ce Mees ¢1%SNS Cw :;eS gs Soi PRMD Sit ee ONE Yer tapor :eB Reseeeree Gout WS Sea Mera Gilde as.ee*4 Se apatitis %beck et x it my Sets wn f ‘ee ='per.s »ae :ea oeCar &9 b:a jubtity :a ls xNid,Latitt:the VMN spent ake 2 yaa res sd Bt,oe the pate ‘ LES.”a hae e Y BS <‘Winley,pe<payity.,3 pes not Atyen x }ee .eeaitesGeen THE,oSEWEEERANL “OPT /c1an,|“Cotten m Stille sellind 7 dumrenpiusl yt | moun:‘os =eee a fear,the iveeett atesbeaks aud§me * +Sas Nga 3 <Tete Me Rees SPUN Newent ay:=pa 3 4aesOe:snonnnainnniysin ionakensnnngensdeatwbtos poowde Ey busts thus’Ges Sobre lyder13 =fweexSeeet.ea ee Sanat Pp KN aNWho ies akek7doets:yedut eidTips Wie ,wave.>aeerintcly:;; Ane .;arn oe ty rf ew :onegu.AG EA K TG€‘Are:Now ©oes inyny.Noy E halamuthpe hic Mietpry:ee perce ’es:‘‘;ee id ig gat ap ah sareeMeeratsNas tree ems fi Witt y Larelredperi A,Us avege On :es Aer youig aeold against ec ieeer 3:a beat et ss Opn Na KiCShes Tse :¢ae:4,BSSa Cy Ded ea dniyveists..>ts ¢x &ron rig"ee on Sig tees £4 eet 3 drei vaiibigers.-~Ans tek an.the)ee netasa STG otssh PatN =S35 :aa Be os 4;BN mn Pree Any"He 92H es‘ei “|JHN EEOLS oA HOD:a Rae Fat Une :caine’Wes }+hee Py apenas ease ee,;P E eR a Say -tis rhe Seahzd ar.pe ‘fur Which ‘the:“Holdeuppers’?«cepgpmived9phat!Sif Ba varh aud ifyfred te est oe ee eeSecond coi :ae ~~ By Sidafo vette (Gebodite “de:“<otifidene wis Nek bye AOL AE thi Pa Caverswow ht"bs iu = are Witt tyh te ents us pawn for Yingat is a Se it ‘ :Linas Sigs *es,ee ars MVereore-va 4 ;wee EE Te ;x :FuGRiyyy IED,05)Sete”EO Andi tia:Wales of abars,wide Mats PE Miopt het oryEh eae i?&eeaNBes+»ara “yh of ‘GUT)Way SYR Fihoas ¢Sea fie:adsancpd sl”exnt ce $Qas Heh Bisielee ee=Bip Sat gagousi: eich.Ia fits eos Ros Beta}a thet the geod,epeeliban and Hoedadt night -pit sa “Sua “station Folie):a -}‘le Pia ;SS x.::;this!ere ¥it OD aryl Mate is he mater AERIS,o,Mone oleae toe tk a“ahseyChimay Soro te wa Cy ag on,the te i Stic tet a “a.ee Cet bag’Usinocratic oratoys wee BREN Deb Seen ater errs Senet ooh EeYun ie ‘Gi:Slip anes it in doldsSEShonts“taldhaRergh?Was That 4 jokp nel e e F PRESBee aye gens oe ere ae :Se eet ee pe c nh See ane Capt s iest ‘s Fina Eee es stamsof aimpit-:Repote>cant igh caeabout ehinkgy -tie fred iF ewes a 5:8ges>Peale Pies:SNS oa : Sidcdo aa pit Sees GE. .s ree ch ed f n Lait tho:C6)mipona.ive Eonthe en-ae tg < :<#ss aishaan 00|jes Ten hd Sodsshholema ee on Somes NY ;s :al «itt ‘5 Me 3 nas-<.newil,PereaMohsfeME Puanrsitorers st HeS is ponte me we 4 {Seaig!+B:hoes 4 eske;i Ante Bs a zt ©Mie Rae th ist weuk:2 eine,bit)read Ta ihe "|trons:RG AS ee oe =fates eng YY theetya“Ker Mone -ss ‘SEE eee pe 4 hig ow fic nos lomrod.stieee:Nets!é iS aie che ee i *segs oepdaks Kee aaeaaee 3 x4 e :Mh bi ¥EON as ‘ay so eS iiy.ty Rode ee Ove :mine ttlor SanSaSane!h.Festive!Vows eons frillsoe Ph U.Ditsygit att,aryfro Shei Sad ce ehee ee obes paL =eaA a ni i fee .Nes -tOrATAD uf ‘ie oxhw z0%St they st im an miter leahBig , onesae itp ting ‘Congressmen:+t:bayeTTeNab “soho,TehtSySr seni ee et pal onlaiheGyeServet.tinue prebey ited Fase Phos omeBea:sre Pee Tack ewpsbich feat Pe 32NefaRinins2fheptebnbubiyetytbestvpishes.,TBO Fthis,Week she tarda.rt ‘ebia |,past oears patsm4 s “dill,ap he he”‘train “a ot Rake? ee\.}:"8 hewex-| ‘eS %.Betoré:we églebret ft pees ee dy:Posen,tibdrised aba manigee at “he to ,Hi N w ¥e i eg ad Jelakes yeaxpeh,Lae “but ine inp?74 Pres!ésbyterian ©a.hurd hand,a et :Pek “the eee <appy’e ar ae this foundry “OE guy.sother bbiding |ise Aeof oe ae ip ra h SG een ble wed*Callhfind Tet?tisoy ene ane:I itypeetitsssnttaeeyMX‘fat mien:,big nial Hittle sthLBu that:=)bestsin 5 keenSangl atuinst,Infe ronurey,iwFb at DakoeNotceyeAticesThe¢‘ivil.Ser cive-rhles,=t éntureved!tesals.fo Both pt up f BSania ani and Dy bendemeee De t oldsides:ot thes Olls Sy Stepre.xely re M oeSg siape t RaiekoSas eg Mach pet i:iis!fe Be tetd eA Py)yy Oak fe fiat!vs Bend SNSSods :wk <tiae,aa ageee aaeah lath clsea,WeAe {the wurds?i if the Ci acein:aa “Fusi-ea a oa eas in ey!*very ;gi eee ee ot a i Se doméctant Sparky:suas:the haeresinsfanciud 2whe Peide sx 4 TAVY ape Medruy we t oy ia wth 1 .iBia%“he.ce eae’toes eye hipvr Shite dior dock:sWabberstds Rey,WW?"Phar in Wee rests nee! hPagaptains,with“tts,Own “aerents,| “|SHOT Ked well,from “its?inception:ume}: der Fadkson antitthe+ey il days ~ot Eléyphtnd andhis tuakey é iG,Sorry j Rice.Yaornrs,.Theit the:party:ine ofFabgat iley Seta Then svc]*Begs Sanaa was 3 Nae Herd Ba evic “pre Seok Guests,from “Char!Dice,¥Dee!’eas MS 4 eo >t ag i i 4 sb ary ul BY Sea 0 x8 Ve 5 ¥thi “other Cen Ss Sed:his:s hs vaion aud.other:Plies."<ARC teste Rp,Ser Sis ee LC Hone soe Da body;ate urround ‘they:lost cour:jen swapere med ‘Ane Shi |ageyalsiee tivo :cont pace 2h scigpt tod:uo Deli vet ik thie.tine Bah CEs -af ay Meh ae ete v3 os aude.PGs Dice oe.hell :%“présehit Basslie assy Sink ie be Sittaneis*thasSaktee.migthe =e oSdea ‘t 4 ;a 3|Holiday Negk-we ames mC avgnt.torsste its“etoye:Betwsis ~scan:; te See Liss”ee Wwe aiaril 32oua yt anitih tel,ty Co ce ¥ Y 2 eee :;te ee Eige’)Wid:bye?aay als N A Le Ig i :teria te ms 2Soepowerwasjbéld.strict tdnae COUT |wished Phe bev.couplea tubs abd aft€gates wae Paviaet &eek,aber,hi 140only’wal foe ag apne ae it che fo ooh ©:oSaiatet fron Le me443fottheacts,Of its.ofticigh mefirbers,}pleaRant fife,vir 3MePhe senris One,ke ceGeead.neae23 ay : :Ifa pad.set ‘gotin,‘thetpeople ‘vated FOLLome prper costte yout.neya tortdre i ey thes Opes VE e x ie ; st to”change’them.cand “sthoy?_wede,Miss Trier.ts 2oKe:Jot A Moores Foyithe i he inst ions,=es—asof bist faivest datigitiers.-pies ,Fonsed ;A.WY NGht Te sbaljn “*Cee ae Ree iIOn as Pathsare wsbort,|ime,antpoeTotlighse 1&beseeks.Ba Dh Cate cor eit Tass 2 peeeping «sake sh hae Serteud ae ; Mee lk ‘“wi>|=or ",THYQSE:Wie ENDU ea nt ew hit.eneysdhtuesintspeoraBegCN,So tees Nev Sie aco 1 pascowe i"5 *eg .invini a re for this Séase may:be oe s #7%:ae ae a Ffeee-i r c «i ¢med.AY :fyitt “nd”wad Ks 25 :/{A NO ncetnt ner::1 ‘Tiadne &tite.#1 be-bes in age 2cte!eee ee aeBoag coceckon a tc it wd Hoa >Stee oer aD ne “oe ve Be Se ae gl an gash Ree es 4 aa oereae cre niti6:3 en aid ek as aa ce ice peg te a4 ‘aplated |4-hac taken dt many daysamy appetifo:Siegal aceen ido ecient Fert eter ap se Seoe eoehuiee:ae vise sgiromhieut sing ae ind®She};rie ed ‘that,’after!talted:.Ov “play:2 |Caprovibe andlfelt stronger,-I continuedoareeoeOTseeerand|Welviduals senlipiid anc the Rast.sae depectat”@i prev.the pgwes ofthls mentctne:esehas,a’stie “sh |seatns thess <>sskte liked il AD:aa yo er see nunet.oeete.east -|aeooeaoeAaa,tee {relict and whonow”S8¢Democrats|and ronguer’this“dieate.1eteSarsi~Pan ee bs Ne MTS ans rbasc creplied:|Sarsaparillfonts Mens,eGat,r ing .~‘eet ™“te ial ¥ OFFICHRS:;¢“ff theOne 'Frne.Blo/Cooren,Eresident,5.0,He |still Jiolding onto thé.places “w :vise e se :ants ie De NT:5 :aia oacaante saa NaeLE 5 TON atk oe rTCSP ¢SK Be ee a 7 5 "3 BILLSSarethe best family ca-~sane:shoold be;theirs.We Pe,baat Rens a i Ne et ec eet eatarrt,erofula:38 ee ithe |whickexesukt Liha.coxtlitional en-h £phoney unrien iermedicine Gentle,pete 4 wil find?a “to:ve z ind apobenbiin De aX wihHeatbe utenti usity meen aN ae cece es !r to this da =Poh ea oo ne ae “Hthem thetr own,Aste “2S "Pperman >Be Sure to geare pe ane Ne ce,ee Se tien ee ee ae Seer oe eerste See pe Cree ie? ,‘Lith TT)vi.oy ae 2 reate eh eetepee: :ica esETHite ae :tusSail eeip30;Oe 7 t,sry had aii 38,G00 —caehs 3 eh ‘ee.‘Inpirance Aoouk ope-thied.| To ARS “Platt.cof Waytnesyrlle;.,mah Ax[Pactchant:has made attaptommnent. Thess‘State Baptist&nyontion titmeetinCeeoeCe “The.Catawba ispassageofBishyo the sah;phateta Burke cdtnty.ae pte:‘has:Sa a bi ap-opt)aa—. 2Pps,ore RCineaineMond Fe Teens.WW ee. rasan.cant-waanits.a separ‘atin yn :aA:-AllnewAdvertisementsand.these to he.changed mustbe.in the’office~b _Wednesday...ny +A 2FossSH dicen ‘méan ee stthepemeroloficeorthepa!your <<: 3 Pik ts aa.bik fire?Satan, Loss:Qna$500.00):ell ff.Subscription:ataeet Re ae “in ra heen in Sapassos entice A.”HARTRESS:,a=Wares,Mr Thos.ae SeasAmicf aa Hear x “Nesbi was Spais0d.3-fast “Friday. iad,Killedthee mens Dae Broown,suic‘idedat oT Yoias- AS}es ‘St:ace Spottt “GoshotipnttHee$5,on)for the:Bae ar aREraIEY at eee eS re é arose “of “Cont gress,underthe leadership'sof that.‘Os =: rf ties Seieen!ee »eeeae Tioe eaeWw;‘ofrtie week.‘oh.a biort Visit The:“cu aty 22 ‘Cotnmissioners atktheirlastnecting.re-elected ..A.C.%,)Melntosh®sd ‘eguntycattorney. L?BeyJaaw ison?of thpiville!Chtistian Herald: ||Satthrday anaes acti!Sean be Wake es:tast:week aged G4 Gears,: .oe Baris on.Wwagob Cougins«has ‘assigned!c Twenty ma mf “ey me =EAD:ae ns._wolored,’‘ee ‘for.‘postmastta al:a ee ve # Bailey,have conbuamous ly" to vote against any ppiesion tort! etireSeofsees the he:jeore in the angtgdtt 5xEPs atacoTeeeSgeureodtealsotcans So onptesead maid4)honor Ofars:welt tess,epee or hi pyrstient ©vs F“Keotothe’train:Sibeksav Oatwed%,rota train~recent >zim;=ecf m Meet:hare been,¢captor th. ¥avec Dowdy a proming.:2om cue 4GetaniaeSpout .vand the neces oe ee be3 |ha uaa6 wi 5‘bear ick,Appropriat Dy;ont“ab inita“te banks itertend at the Thontayciile’Oppharagor stot :Pie.Dethocraite’aenabs .or cStee gGperal'jhianagay4-<i =Bs:oe pee fantxfPianrile.aieck benburecoufanaspisamentTgDeettycay:et! Dr,He cisLattesdiaseysares oee the Hoace:iby"a,junapinidts, _solve that they will,‘Raye nope of 1.4 They cannot -seg?how,‘the 5 peoples! Ser Ov erbatdenel With.taxatrar, d ae,a“Jef Hrédell apa near Séatts?“bre aMir.Guy,Hehad Mr s{Bortner.yo “down “with:‘nike SeerzpweoR?‘and’“Surveyeit out Tor Ahem?. Sinee’November)Gth«there?havelVeenoveree000°ue“from ‘Paylorsyill Ogusshels:“Of then hinge:Deen:Shave to.‘Charlestom,:Se Ca¥ ttie Webster,who:was.’carrie:to thé ®State;Hospital at}‘Morratioer“weeks °aes TgSiieesne oft starving esSatDANjonCity,in the:Kin:ady!Nf ae begun,Sy:2 a6 pry,Propasco,4:aha i ee obGinvinnattl...ade}s‘zongent exonday.Hagbsities|2 2p ‘Apebushed inodickinersoeatfehed?Revie Revenues.GadetorttBal‘Wayne.county,"ww.ormnded oro'othekdeputies,¢wots H fe Phece ormer stove “ole oe ane lenibcrmestikAsonribetWednesday pee stand,dodge of dissons7 a v atined!"busi, feerinierestep holderet the none,ete,te Sy ose dept wopkias.Soonvhayea ne as.=Soldat &race-fone sagutg:no wa sold |Ha sobisvilles Fev."|$io:G00 W: He we oZhe.a rae Bote ofMorkavastthebubdhase®,ee A Theewcithior %TS “bitterly cola:int the fySipesokkeregion,Wut.the risk Oe} |eee epi seékers*ee trails:‘vou } es6f ‘ue National}ee ihehibtesborrowed6‘Om,4Vidualpotes™:sufficient to bHgatious:and hposltorsaril}‘be paid’at conesS shot.hear:Charlotte|:ee eeu Was;stealing[imeat front”*a sinok shoust..Tt.bt“tpropable that histnent eyill chaxe aeSeeeeefeeeiTENOa Was:‘Rand iy&lott “Saterday:.pectahadcolar anehad probab:t katweek.sae sreeer tenapad set tm.Se 6 EEN Wilk 1alotheriosFrowtSte“DeinbezaticdiateforiGovernor.died a eeehome“neéag Rerhesville ht faged 663.¥oarsey “a ‘apap.hi apie HipeeBnry'oe tor of the.aeiigupeeeMessengeaWaskndekead j male idden by.Ae png:poeanastweekandseaeao=“I os be re seal ae ee te ahd,as.it reins trie to theale: Roethey ever),wercrati¢:*“member sh i ain 0aea a Macketctonee iRBj resin’“i ee erate:in 22bie D tereention:RI “euka conewokecanna:‘Madrid Say masked +met.made fein:i‘the,tdvén of|‘Augusville,N..+e),and,sectred-ey @arhync rode GovertiorRussel Sree eae Smith.hom.he‘placed.ying ee "Ofthe’penitentiary ntterly:Thepm* tad: aein:es.ition 5 forn;aeae steer:ves dsed of Southern,Perswilt:abe,’phesthted |t0 the:‘coming’cdcobtyn-“how Soy oNntion,pin atlanta,Sa Ms *e‘Aude eaiionct)Hav aiftmns putidaOiSeqetaryofStateShetminand.presenteu:the protest-ef 20,000 “na-}.jtives seu es:thnexation’of her *having-bim:‘eam he cores ay ton:trust cont.eS No-that the naa hs*pétent:Smith’wil be placed ae pet‘head ofthe agri ilture:Aepartinent 44“tthe farmers.)buyeaty “of:jhe:State The,National}Rapi :edi s Be Watson zoverament., lican party has ‘0 -on,the idea that,“any,0willdoforthefarmersforofacenturyanditestems”that:‘Géeernor:RusseiPand his:State.“Repaklicanadministrationareprocupon‘the:-Samie?Hidba::eee ofhorse g“swaps.land’‘swaps an~swaps;but it-has,remajned:for.Gernor:Russell and:his boade:eee:rent+thépice!Swap,i-ae eee si among,the.Poiian Senator’Daniel was,re-the Virginia”eeby.practically:a unanipyoas:ietseo?Marshal Q.J.es Zz Te GovenvuesDain.“viadee wale el oechansed Dt ee my peer,erat itt:ue spacheoees “of &carat ure factorynedaw.Iast:week aga.Jost:his’fibyThe:Obsciw er says thisHeemado:lose ofinkerPat.this! "Jactory.:ey ehBe foes os he 4 A’ is Gio “Hitchic,‘a “‘fariner of.Rowan,ing i Litdker-fownship?i:ithe#ls whichheenitovessate419differentplacesotibiscldvrfidip{tn thisedly:he secures the-distfibur|iionohvaluablefertilizingmater’ial.J g,Gieensbor’,“Arghs>.'‘Phav rabbit,itEridayWAXthe. |deri ewe?taefovfdenijafDAE:ae Rube,of Ohiathehasae otween5{Beoo anit $100,000 worthof horses: ieshw ithin the’ ion:Willian Soontiss:Baty anis:gestions at ey erysfop Ain}2Pe‘is regarded:as-n’“Natttenmwisaistponewitheseae: Favetisile lasts,s arses ifFi piOe pen $n Se <%Ry gat cotonetouecs ‘eonven!?“ois”is Atlanta;Ga!Tie corsehtionHasdecideduponaeTeslacedfamopavreagt‘fOr.t sper Eon in cotton.eeeichaop wGovernér Atkingoa,OR Eire:eppias( [seat Teprigve:"all jrisoners'cone oma} eat,ea in that State:Unii theypro,hd riew board oF “pardins’ered vod bx the.Legislature. sans toes were Iytiched “a “sth4Gab.ipl,(Pa.lang he firaeOfa<white ‘man.te ee Ot?Ww es SWerg.Keine taken t:Deeltovsule“keeping |Peasy cache nese&&lis Hache,Ea.MinilsdaeetntheCatholic.«ntspndns:stote.!MAX:anedanditisfearedanes1es¥ere lost “x eegCompoell,prope doris shi s uM,eel)ne Stl aiiapet sucdes$ob|bow Garnied their ee:endawereShot,until every esp tirédLAT+OES Sports."At thejreand:Re ene ee LOE?ef :MeurbaniontekeputRebeCharlotte:aSiondaynightoss:tt sci,yi %e-called|Spas inthe pian ‘wholas tsiadbent‘fist wits eeerksorthatShe:died.al 4 Capt,Ey W:Waid’ Lincothtony Med 2=uged To,ery:*Bee iwin?-a 10n “soldre eeseeofthedate”ae i toa pell vot:‘Barke countySatecandi,“for asibeen:‘one:‘and oeAnibacndoe TROee Snow livingardwillbea‘candidate®for-drom Delaware,“tO,SHeveed._Williard aghburs.~hasof‘former,“‘burye§8.also d candidate:eee mes ;The,“Republica -Gongre:someh ..Who are opposed to’the Axlaw.held a meeting:Some-60 members’mitteey :consisting :’Of -GrosyaacmeeMEtandStéele'was apprepent*‘bill oex_Subsagiie Hep iecx fetalky hits.coe Ais.Sisexs)‘Saterday Dight te .‘attended.’pene a pr anne icespain were TECoINe By Tt as given Sut:hat Ju ety_the Federal Sie will‘retire>Bex ;~March"Senator Pritchard,Asta]|-dnt “Attorney.Geberal ;Jaines iBoyd-and Associate "Juste OL:‘Supreme Gount Robert’'M:*Doig.|are talked:of for his su¢cessor.-;glas iis a son-in-law of J udge Dick. Judge McGowan,ofAbbeville,*is’out for the Democratic:nominationtorGoyénnor*of South Carolina." Lowisiana Democrats,~in’SesatBatonRouge,tion that one of the purnewconstitutionshall_Zovernment ofthe,State may ybeoertoherintelligent.White]* See iad a shooting setape|jMondax.%‘Phred ndigroevenePits‘One d,_tingh as]atiotRer slightty is ‘sevious}‘ly.-ghot: Mx franiy gbth|Tatesehowent totnacwindow eaeseeheard:eae firingreceived h®but,ison]It Hately spot cure in his oom bars2 tet lanlacont feet 2oThé following”“hee drusisshiseountjeMN %Mtis'and PAF}Stattgrd Agi orteeayaeqed,o,pee pinbaat |38 ML.Leonei€avo,was ie Fistheas?hi Fe fy clothes f ass)Miuptoeeee,eres Ist lass;dives:}son College.”*Recebtic,Ge hisAsthippedlrome.>The %nder-[*urned it over to-the“caroner|ms hé,shinks the man-wis poisoned,|”eames fertibly de rhethe4Chiming|*has TOT thesheriff to?oenburycountyto-prepare ¢het of all:persons ‘who.have not”paltheirfatesbySaturdag©ieage wll then toiosthersolicitorsto®he:scaledingto|Jax,{0ssee ma.eeeBene sts)¢Fetgasoé |“tthe Xz<nountailYtheBengir”and.Pome Te vassar eng-ho declared:aresoluc|§ asafhe Aedy Was: “poe maeSicha Tad patietheLit:%“ohatexjeo.ahd.every».coOpEEidhim:*Fre was,Madi]“the.Chamber‘ofDeirittheJosoyhousefthe.yéxwhithHe#idy HIS)rece ition‘amber was enthusiastsO.(oe aeaeFale he woidan>who.“consUtinreatWtver-'Count:‘of.mek dsJgoncatontheFoustpagewr:fiber pes sonteticed Lo?:ry Will Kean:aaee800oeSe‘Bat, “isi dange)oesrewels gua eefrombredting,ous ee o ‘all eins:Sulth:And Mewborie sap Offices”ds i aeiTwésdayin‘Raleigh James M7Mew>ome “commissioneriof ‘agriculture,|ag office’to.take effect De:*John R.Smith?)pres:|}ent euheriatende of,~the_tiary,will be‘elected to ‘fill .the~‘va!yand the penitentiary board |ne Sparenmin.Smith's place;Governor;Russell}3wap;of|‘offices :onSnotoriously was.iY ‘Found |;4 Qn. ie ae68'S Lun;roubles a“and ConsubaBs*Cambbe Cured.am ran‘ath Kew York:‘CieaneeaoeeeeBrea~~to Our Rea ir Thiet ees orse wagonane hemosatain on *will elect Mewbor‘of that institutioItissaidthat-engineered this s te In.dadaee Pe eee:JJessie“Williams%:asShe igigHome'aftér.dark tens arechokedhetvadtookberpurse.”“She||streamed-and fhenegro Tab.”puree:“was.found neat.Oy mn.the}?ItGs-nvt~'knowin:whether’}i negro Amtended.to commit athersblackererime-than:Yobbery’ar hot. esfatal Sabttteatfray:38.ix pote Soe go Ps aka:Braga “andaGinter,quarreled. ‘ter struck:‘Eranklyn on hi‘with’a revdlver.*Sani iwith"a, ‘|bimthat be: account of Smith’ competent administration’of thepenitentiary.Mewborieis consid.ered moreable:to’manage that +im--‘portant Statéinstitutionthan.Smith;~who ee extravwhosejninistration.‘scandal“afterscandalFaised:* ee Snake eas ets.ea:to usting,“Pal?‘Mcadap18fednitk’,used*ke:eesene,‘There’was en}! pis.T3ita.iFpiltastart4 firesexplosion.ane te houSe>‘and.com“A.tents,-dneluding’tbe children.“were?;Themotherresciiedanin-bbe oe i ie ae ee ¥eSiMarionMessenger:A.perpendi*‘see-saw occurred between two‘boys’at ‘the’McCal‘building a-few.days,“edboy who had been«raising aepeesSefe:‘of the buiBoofapulleyhad,Tope’around .onelesfe,=o bieWAS;..top of the building,an oo eee-‘of thetwo,not thiaki fin>.Spulty swung hisweig:.on the’other ‘side /of.the.when at‘once'the colored°to the top of the oe..Went to theground. SESE caeThe‘Asheville Gazetonae$creek,Jackéo,two younggirls.by the}:‘while at playin the,up what was supposed’pistol lying on the}case.ata elder‘said to thekillyou-”’'The pistol|hetrated thefsntcats}© ‘fant,Saat it may;die:Rersel:vais:seriouslylars;*Nairey--AMlisons'Me rsmdthetofiheangaree‘atuhey homie iin:Canton,Omonmmivgat:2:30-0'clock”ns Brest |dentsxas.with her’when<she:2S band 'had.epee at her’bei iQ was:‘puri%gaeey aftérnocseteape. |eared thousandsTrflouringmill“COPrandklyntagoy*A eos:see teneteiteeSOwountdieqwithin“an;Sahn:&|Eranklyniwas.‘arested “but:seue};.Asix-molnihs.ohl nesshétby”ite “die dddsidefor.Sev theSteeleasiekeat-old.‘brother in}flechlenbarg coantye dct1¢'oy’putrity osmouthandile aleasonREEOLhi: e"tack:‘af “thetheag,3eecinebogstillhivingte are tiro,safe robbers ree FallSand-tote y=:The safesin the »posto °S were Plomaess y mabeny genieer:;Eta igger.SA oe “|the ehild’Secameéut:at’ ht iy fe fone =say tet ae fyLS fices at both:and’.the co terits seoured.:oad :Sea tobe:pei aleGMraJohy.Bowles”of tatest le?7 oS oeaseeLiang’here:hast Saturday.“S fs‘McCMt MogsAkilieda has ee:Ae etk that’{weighed 429‘pounds,2 ae >Sr.He:Pp.Fenster sndde fc ahd cS MebuSiness-tripjoStatesville last week.”+Zig “hniingis ended i in’seclorye Terk the!Re {Mrs Jas Thowips on amd mpthey4 -;Ae ed of State ville,Spenia: Town,vectored WiashangSboro.°ee SHdsy,Pb a visiting relatives J ‘ePhillips.fabs:hae ‘:singeat »Greenville.San osliestionielast“week,Pe NS‘Me E!L.“Childers..sthe “Sugar+Loat apple,shipyltreithcir:“lotid:this.aweelis -Satardays bysone Two:fnoré “Northéen sportsmen.oatSiehHegrefrom’Philadeelphit.“arrived at"thescoerHotelTuesday.2,24}! SOR.E-Cobb.‘oftPted:as .eat to!Hickory:first Xe ~tngzsPeta sg he fort this courSS@ied“there¢ue oe 3aeBe,OeOne:ght. Bs:paatecs SiS Teoat 3Asueteédan’order by telegra“pirveklertwo.eee 6fAlcountappleeg eerie Ly:De Cx .“qutare ere than-at;Cltanotte.is ae Reus “Master Net-Méin wen {son “ot Ne rarpiceM@IntéshsEsq..“had -.the!iPlucktogihdavfive.dollar.»bill ast K“--Sunday:nto.tothe Presb?ings ing ttom -houte |.thurche”:Sofar’oor bas Bese found:for’“the penkell!“of Athis s Me=,Mr.os ce “Sloop Samer hsae\Taste:week!where.been 5 ‘temporarsly-igned.to duty ata tovdistieryGSStorekeeper(at te by>-Collector’arkins,:#150K:theyPast.two:months:He.was ”pechiewed”bye ‘a:Deimoeratic bonded$periecpe ‘from Jaekson'county,”ahd De LeesHebman,sort of Mr,|sul irs.Ly Herman;of this “place;|here'onaMist last SSpnday.}* efo¥negrly ie:ents g sats Ponda,ETtYnt‘i slufioma-Perritor Vis SHedete Herve leith-iesomof Mri-J.>Pe OM;theson4"Wnhennee wera beth ~or y!boys**}dhs Herman bejurnyow.ona shortaitohis.come andis filly grown |”FY The far}i,Sakreegrwith jit,a cA ie:rapa:appear::atk isBYE wriepiSsios aKa"(Stock or-Tite’pensian dials‘Sort ts ¢pounty |.mist die of Deedseagle.Tuesday.°ay are f9 for]>re County,amountits‘diyided:as follows: V2:widow.8,$19.a0)Wee bak blasslb.soldiersS15:50-each.4th.c3soldiers,<3 gach.Bia tee <2 soldiers.B46.30-eachs2nd~clasé,« x BH.‘pou nds. 2 each,dsticlass; re °oreo As ve Etec a Se roat,oeaudeel ditions fTHREEFREEBOT,“New:Discover-ra he.Mascoty , a ‘of hits Eee oe: Pas ‘Scienttine ‘Treatment hasmeleetSaits:time-nsiders ait'a simple.tact Monaldu:suffocxeeotisiistntal ome davelops ‘new sanderschemist,patiebtly: Acirete and Bentefrep-medieing :oukt}’bis nerouy onanpeavaitersotdis. 4 “Tbe ‘pest cott :spell ‘of;ee "Street Sure . 7 oe x (Baers Pe :ares last V« taken at 9rssloading’ togaik yest rda ona ¢ar wes w eapons.. Offered tetwarectiade.th:ali:"the:lateepee‘and:aad aty ies sandrotSMery avoteSe Smith,of Char write:for cata.’fe are both =dun fhe judgment o /Stateeoaoeeyly The otto wail af iae Soe71Est.ive mile’/south.Atte miver,IS araking ZAecine eo ‘tohyuniperlandcounty,Vay Sener and’Long Hopestandard seeesesuicideTuesday.”€ee MN«HeatSerop*agithe hited» +sSthis.year.ee thie*Deinderatic:BeusethpNainste ~?It is yery prq ville wilFsoon hl ‘ection with Caaftown, ©to that place St ee Hew:Ne rheticles.for’hone nie pennies Keeoee Tice:the:Sas(De towhe ;coming:itt and els “of ‘Bp!aS -as-we neéd.thehex“Vafthe Sparee as WweAhaaconditig building’to.a building.first-t street,next Gas Z:E.ae -Mr.Ww Saturn eciden riding en a Av X0-eoshignee fo SvPhy4are*work S *“any ehure“ha i 4 by the King eter and:il )Drs,W.J.i !os ood eeedogslastxbek.«Mra".BS orsfidoneParogfor:F1OGS ete.py Tatheson one for 3Sta.MyJetsBrows,gne tow.S85=Ez.f6r three dogs Theyaeelesgh.a ete pought | thiake:7dotoasPlankenghipbp,of Hid-|ae were,afar:ted.letFedansYDecembérlatinby.’2}Esq:¢They-wene for|ive had the3|denot”‘tidd Thursday nhight Dut:soine-#1Cz.“prevented:“and “they”“DOLH |pf>Ras monet es ny Justag oe ees Serated aesiboereataeZNdee‘eyigtobe:wused Toe otoeseeoohthe.fal!+thats estheysaeaiseteteeeeAoa = Es TTL,O more.han’a pair:f following:Sir }Segoods”before“buyity:.Op,eae se iS ‘SKarpe,,‘-Bell Neshit Of se Herre Ee esciotat they:wa i ee,atte Shs me ae early alto:-veryfond \of it.enewhet ata»ree not “very;strong,a:course of treatment wthJ5the.Emulsion fod a.counle|Ggfof months.‘in-the fall will 5:ry eet,‘them:throggh the{winter”‘hak 3first-class.ons: ~Fstown,toyaay| ~at New Bett «pathy “ofA hei -are.in-proportion’to Gotten, E prices before’yd Huy;weOn.a*small bill.erchdndise*we.lave “ewer * this .line:~Méa’y ta; =aa treed des!oesfrom 25;aud dy ce‘Shoes.saten-oils’from $1.2 <P.ae aoe welt go VWhole k either ‘eastern orecrack!sprool ealffiom:.Seeout lige’ofJad:.«in:‘the aE BUYS 3 at: Mrs 1.Mv Ov We are fo-.See WH move hi-China Grove, 3 in a-few days. 5 *“'y read.the.adget¢SCOTT'SScere.2 SteePreppeyaN*Sah N"Att“‘drliggists ¢~Socearn Gx.an Os ; Pe pEOTTXBOWNE;‘Chemists,New.York:and ,Mascor,be 1 -The-best ‘and *Statesville!ad :a3 pote that ee oA”ack ee,the Pacisri 1,00-3,T2 vingh.woh. vi =alColors:~Outings;*Jen b deities texans Sack,ra -iandsome*line *of ready I pay you to,investigat - and.gaps AElamps.before-youy hinanfoii Rains.aeoeneiae i .=leverto:#1 $0.as fe ee FESeePas:,be'a cléver Sw Gate Ba SEEOUR EINEPaces43 .and acat toad20or25:han Sheba eyeee heeedie Bue‘iMagenorsues new nes|”:ete ges—a 1 LRINOK OFC 4atDavide!"see Ss ..The Repidl ea ils ‘i hoet'eetSrmaaxesCasee,joa 2tae 3 ¢Q S a Sr Fa oe &ab.sbags for:65-contS:Bis}ies.foe oe =cae ‘ohthes markbt..:aypricetheantitissfeeheaeaoBuy. :weoe he ated ©ciesce Ke oe es :4 agney.ata‘man P.Ca ‘tomsona.:p©3 ‘shi rs.TudBR“eirtue|‘of 9Jddmuent “PPEBissSuperidrcurtoffebred/in a special:purke,-Aduinistra‘ar aE: a dete ants,aan rn2]mel Fork Ga~usttating his discoy,of avaliable and.on oeerete Cont |¢BE ECS-CR.zu :alFagonehial;:th.eases stubborn coug! te purchased %are handso 2 gte queseisa Some:JLANgat“)atract <f lardLin’eee ‘towity-SCOrNeD;“thane seSouthoaahethenceNorth:790.549.2.ape ab ine,-the PHS ‘eid county;Sedangata.ea er the ce.Ni rah 2 aoe es31‘palex _..be replaced4Bastone’aepine:tennonearea |p]pamela28-8one 3,“has:prod re:ait 3s race apo E*Hisassertion that|og pace ‘gonsurption are curable weepeeby,“heartfejt lett"filed;in ls sears.Pe eS :‘tion from M ye ~.dishedin thiEPOMssCouTaiNED|:aa on Etter pucaed’-comior®2w acd fresh and it Reeth Oemuy.”Do'not forgot tbat ei s!‘this‘paper | ".6Orn up x,pedaractotiand sootyinadeSinate oe ee coud:pee -Loa Dr.Jo RB Mr.Johy -A Rev.A.K. ‘The Supre me rendered its Gx ors i:Doy there to +bi ci “Messrs,j BotClio,Sharp Robe rt W bird } ‘Messrs.Mar spneumonia.” -The Supre me ‘in the case ofa ’Statesville.wh the-city.y will be extende 'The Ladies ; ~Methodist Chu *tion at the pats from-7 to Vo _of the.c ity,wire :Numbe rs of for the.paper Will Come in b« *Phe Telexr yesterdayGon when-his Fqot ov ey and the “was ‘mashed _~ -There.a ie he Rirs:-J" ny.A fed of MES Co recently.perty eration,paseel is able to.bx friends wiblbe yee Overy.: _Mine3 oui La been issued fo and Miss Laur Teeter and Mi Henry Ly Ax<cv An wifant ¢ Mrs. ot poeumens a .Pheseyeung | sSad-logs. °Rev.H.4 has accepted z terian ChureTy Sow on tie WI When you each the pro >ander couutie *weoll eect Mr.G.-€ DesMoines,Iat:Taylorsdays.:He wemorning.,Wbusiness.Wit! 2 ood horse "Contrac“tor int,Miss>, t Re fiyst of t age,to worls «Mocksyije“mile to gratis -sill's in:Kowé darn ’Taesda been left:siaa‘the approact erity..Mr, ilkes coun ‘fall and said -missed:“the travels on er 1 oliveLor ed.tlie. Seep atic James L 130; -passed:thr c and wére on Mr?UF Waterhouse, it work.and ca ‘storied giori ‘the,lapd of:t The chain-Powder Ho street.to-du .the hill nortlargerocks qgroundinth graded -‘theWillbeinto ‘‘We have iy toa redmnA.D. ‘Of the persod‘troversy:bet"we prefer nq ring. Mr.J.-F.os when theshim'to the ginthehoushiscondit .e t ce “Ty ape treated,2 - cC) a.KS 4i: SA P O ey KV ¥,“A OS S “g !a CA L ao ?x~uocal News.S es +ae =~t ‘cotton iis Worth:40:here,Z Kiet Te B.‘Ada:ns is quite sick? >t ilfn‘=Sais.rack SS sh 2 churdh:Sunday after oon.’2 >Sesprome:Court:has not “yet. HEICyES dicisions:in the:railroad i ssener:cases.bp bi ‘I we ie}Piowglas,who,moredto Oo.wybys tayear.hag thoved from ne ohatlotte.Enc *: oe IX.“and E.R aesae Trem township:ties owe OF cattle fa,V idginiay SNeian:‘colored.was sont. Kterday ‘from Mooresville’ fae or éarrying concealed od eaieome¢~rs hears M arshaltLonw.“and Joli}: :“okt&chamberSborg oar‘aship.+, thee dangerously Sick °amfhesdis:ce was Sypre ie Court jhas caffe wed juuient of the Superior ‘Court Mae OF Coley vS.-The’City:ofite:which,was,in \favor of}, Tenet,nn <si ea ¥ 1s06mhave telephone on!ey eit Catawba,jas “the ti se extended from Long:dslauef Ber th “at place’.a Fie te,. =Ladtes*Aid ‘Society | et “thet se; a hs bid Be a Harkili:s“went ‘to Gharigté| Tuesday.hight on ibusingss:eee.a) “Leigh,Titesday aniorhing ‘on“business.4 Xyers is oat,after al:ee oan Swr~legal’= LR ee ool preached atFrqnt,Seeders:4,elei.Maj Py B Cambs geeBighissom.MizJCink amiberss faCharlotte.se ast gorge Sayer.aA Belitol nf ora,wjsited*his Soin,Me.tae a4 ee hort this frgek!54aS ts CaptyA.T.Marsh,of 'York he_pstitutey?Alexander town,Taesdgy«sah an’Mrs.4 ayn.Bate returned frour a”NBS‘to.wrela-[tives:asheville. Wr.Re Grace left ac Bight fo.¥Clfarlotte to Feporg Be c8Se a ith kederal Court there.“ee ose Mr H “Baulgid of News ‘yoieh ‘with Cits,ee Relix eatin:CAS dnd popylartitizen-Of,yaloores wate;|Wasant wh""Puesday.-aX Sarr Mary Gage Walton,tageYGe ;dfromPuilddelphia,Pa).where eefseeprobablethat‘Statés:she:had bees for several weeks’.° “MigsJeahie'Kluttz,of Sdisbury,|)in|iswisiting Her’gr xdméther’,*M p Amanda Calthwell,aHothen:‘tives.here, |We »|furrade -y y-;cry ea 'Se |PERSONALS |ee & +SasL2G.Caldwell,ESq.,yeut to Ral- °C H:‘Arméeld,"Esqaix Went |nbO -Pac Ps ERE Was iT Sent Wallace ‘abd |oehjldred’ peelyche iS*here visiting.hi,meghiter, e kes ¥ *Mit.L ‘R.Condon a *promident h »Miss |Gi 2p wom Bon”/at*"the ‘College To-morrow.ae ae ot ae'OlaNorthState Orchestrawillrenderbright,ang new”“sejectionsonetheactsrheepfoethisfaet’alone Shouldi|attendante of oup people,:eho.sefoften:enjoy’‘the!delighttl «nlsie, that?the State’s.;besth,bandsplayinitSelfwillbewall”‘worth thoyadmission,.aS-sqme ofvour.best trioni¢combeing Feplete”with hunidr ama mirth,bsprovokingseenes:- rsérved:-seats can be had at’Sthat figsaré-at Hall's drug stove.Y‘AThe folowingisis the Gast?© PYllip,Rayson,tao ‘Robert Brown,clerk of) Ae[Reebecca'Vane?xable indy,css May: [ea arian ‘Bryant Cittierine’s|8 friend.ea ac .oe }ie a Ben —Ls ts.ietelaSPaverte Bell;died at.her‘bome:on:‘s*1|Proat,Stréet at about 11 *clock'lastLéwis,Esq.has:rafurned Friday morningof Bright's disease,|} ee 4 be Dramatic:ic club?will,toutes b;Varcomedyyix’twos“net,Siege HAT ‘to-morrow.night. lapteocéeds'Will go to‘the’‘behesteOldNorthStateBand-and|sure’a Farge, ot. ‘thet his, talent will.appear’in.jh.Tt Vv is*one of;oe Jpotfionek: Admission 50)cents forfall:Re. pene ‘pr J.P:‘Carlton )Renson,&Betis SMr.Jobe “Sloop. thenive ae het néite.4\4\-Miss$Elle ‘Burwellst Miss’Octavia Morrison.Mionn of thie regiment's’Ssurviy or ‘r toe re nes re alt a maids-a PENS tS ee ak ae,ee 5 Aes pas iss.2-Bertrady Ty 90d Aw fae eeHate he.Dougiaas.meee POR ai «ati+e CiNeN Semiieate ‘Mat tie Motte:Bell;*eiaowortfeex-Register of -DeedsT.:ba-) Sx)Genérat A.°-D.Cowles;that {th Nort +60 diers in.“the Porrth ‘Reciment?. Turner,Fisq.)of§ urer Turners He’tells»us that fe UB Carlton!iheSs tter?t;Sebking/)—_Rebeca s tat ey She:tigtae OOP--Fiionis that the,Ropits:Hag-and 4hatut cattied thesane |:ald torn and tattered flag’‘through:: outrtlie,War?+There-is no associa: ah ae last’anesthis State)Nyasged:aginia1Legis ature:ih \ment ofthe Semiparste seats :payn ent 0 the witnesses who wath nentof Judge Caen aidan possession “Of,the*Dank:to-*:b aay Goldst ron tie‘attached as for.noein:refus Pos to Surren-|:ine.Gee :ES Cowles |sonejncin;lena‘women,const itafe ita-mostett ings”Many Of ‘vhese.b eg ar lous:The:‘aye wont f ple;“havegivgn He dis:Saree Robe Hantie tyr,vof the,Fearth:Regionet.eS L.-The Adjutant Ga&eral:‘of NewHanipshjrestias‘Writter to,sane vs ‘Chase?sisterof Col.Filth New Hampshire-sas,laced if.pis:hand the State fagofthe Poyr.Carolina Réciment,sei 7wasCapturedby:Col Oross*Comemandat),Sharpesbure.,~Fhe New}‘Hampshite Se General has |;sneered.toMrs.Lderdes wlth biny aCmS @ ding“Beturnedtowtssociation:of the’surcivor’s ofthe.‘Fourth “Regiment, if there’be.ong.*vf thereis.nd 4sso-ciation to.turn it;over.to".ee State} authorities RAN ia oePhetetere’many iedahsiscounty Atpong them Cok,:Wo.ks SeeCapt.iP.M-0:Davidson and~J.v&;+ ‘fatesv}i flaa talkwith-é County.,Gras MEse-bE one ee pboutyc2Reatthebat- tle“ot Sharpesburg,“8 ‘his:ré nolloee: resolutian asking,ADEYITS|provide,for tomthis countySiS cae gonnkyere.8.testisify.tin the,dase:Of Douglass who Wwas ander dist eburch will Bive:a‘rec&p,froni his businessetp to:Raleigh,idea about56 years.<The |funeratsukttheparsonage:this avenina}While away Lie‘atsé eSTeas:!ray Conducted from the->Rr byter,andictant there toe a *§re dfor ec frianiy to ft)o-cloéck ae Methodists burg,-‘Prxinklin:gounty.a rian,church;of:which decéased:Was Dou ee ia ether:oe ESPioneCItyareinvited.oe ~Cok Hy Ce Gowlés and:ee J ob ‘afmember,at.10 0’¢lock’Satardayty >5 °; a,mibery of our Subscribere ‘ane’Caritoys ar€in Ctitiplotte this,whe.morning by Rev.Dr.W,iA odd,{grasa thee,Sea Veeieualtieegnandseftlingup~with’>us’sores Aes 7 end of a Fel eae Loe interment,WASlig witnessés swore’to,him-as“theeethepapersWe’hope;that aul ran bur =eeti Sea Mrs.Bell Sevag ponte e ah ‘}nfan whe was sechi withthé,peddlerPicinbefore.the ;New’»Year “Mr?ences TW We Ritokin’xo te Dr."Moore.of a rs 2 :e shortly.upton fu dead Sedly,was. we nééd-tBe money.§5.ye iented'the funeral,of -Mr.-Ri ws ¥es rm ee ¢Statesville,andshroudSourSomei§to.20 witnesses;-ind4neceeebHoustom,,‘Mus.Raukin's ‘brot er:at)MSker -o FSa Cow!CP ANAT this:Snty:SRG BULIEE character,eh-Tele‘raph.eflive ord:ay *“Erony ithe Coppers HMotet piding ton A Toom in.the:“Bank, plesw.first’floor,on)apt Broad het.mENt daorto'the storeOF Mit i:“FUP DY!>t sre: iful aécwlent Sn ceoncae War when his trot:avis chnght;between a |: week.1 Hewas!Fe sam)‘and Ye axle of the Ww orsapa}Deataar is’Selling: e xt Racket." Xin.Stewart,ot Ledll county fis cisiteineber-unecle.E.oepe ae‘Cougt has.affirmed’, Was)mashed sévérely. ie here tilt be 3aleaiddy stew at i MrsrouCs Duntay’s.“near :td"church?to-mdrrow.inighf:‘g¢iven4 “the King’s Daughters of,feihn. ky A fees of Sten euts wills be} ecweced and all arsipyited teattend:t M0‘he Cc Pp:hebre!whoinDrs*W,J.-Hilkand yo Xdamg,“recently performed a SUCCSesh oreiebLon:has ‘entirely repotered and ‘*y) pen reef tobe out.“Mrs.dt ogre:aS eae :;ydlenteyt by default.Armfield)&aa w“its beo shad tohear |ot-.ber;Surtzeriof tatesville;_Tepresenied PEGHNG ERO e 2 .4 pk yng and:Fiuley t&reanz.,of Bites out fast,issue“ligensesaisskedforthemarriage of.owing:Hemd Miss Laura Lb;Tats.Mr,-C. wever and)Miss Emina.Walls.“Mr. yk Akehnedy,aid Migs"Baty: Fe hy ae tect “dauglttir sOF ire Mamet)G.:Pierce. +2 the!}> r parsenantay: :a2saillossySZliteratsn;8 ea -whéy.the tire weet out.}All of this’a So at bagseer prea Regist er ok Sis Turer seyasrect Rev.HER:Overcash.°2,give of was discovercd Sunday moting and rales not.hé way a mbmber ‘of the,Sart pubsior’‘waxstants Nagao Overcash,mot Statesy}‘bthe,escape!‘frém ya disastrous fire mbrcantile-acs ofS:G.‘Rasin,s and:the~}See aie Te them »Wasaccepted aicall to’'t re Pr esby:|“was NET Y DALLAS eae ee “pCa:’Several:yoars ayo:he amiridéed ean get t gr callin,at his ottite.” ti Chained,at)Swannanda 'sta-ae ESA Tree osha Miss Hate.Kimbally of Alabama;and’1There/are pensionets ing TreatscewaSleGalen’Okey*Shatcaxiie ound “stabak Wea,[SBE we ofigeebildispevivehim "His Otay“03 ee an pags:et me ae aonly é pene aun,elected officers Monday -night iota:(two,brothers,)Messts:ne ole xe E cae eee 4 apoEChitaGrove,his pe Pegi nee x igtows:.2 James and ‘Fon Houston “both:of Class.bo tethe Zito Az tO:cath ad afew days.a f S Rezente “R y Veenaie at Moore$wille;and 4ftwosisters TMs.Teens.to The:ceare Of When,yon want to:Ibny anytt ‘ihe gent,K.Oyereash:orator,Ro.8:Sec ete the sere i one Sa Pest eencrate othe’reall.the!advertiseme Uts«in.»Phe Rickentt secretary.“Po Gs.Carttont|®Pea ie Reet nee Pthessecond-$46.502.the third:BlandMAsco}.bé suited ayd save’money:treasurer,J:We Tamprecht+cates ..1 Pié-best ahd>livest:mer¢hants;“Of ar;SW.Stinison:chaplain;Ws wt“Statestille ady;pertise in owr columns,Lazemby enidé,Sig.Watlaces gautr-is.the,-way tofdian:s.Al Harbin:sentinel,OTe iL:“ferede and:Adex~KurtSeetheaand:OS.‘BUG ee te thatthataltthe’people artis couuties: eM GO speosenting|alteriato;.C.Bawebe ;JARI,Jy).ee ora Seeey ries eee limes a Ss Gaes eaayBrae ni sienitaee wee:sthick-|Pace oe Se <ns - Dos Maines,owa,-has been here:waa RRC ekeaie es Ss ees Re she 3,04 pawidow,fatherlessAittle bag.sort ie =Miles He souse,&My at TayJéorsville.‘for ‘twondr thrée ‘Back!"prone TherBaptize Conventfon;2 rowing mother,brothers one Sis?)Met gingund Thontas Christie:ie ha aie days.Hé went to’Mooresvibe”this}J-©:Turner SES.;returned Brod ters:i:their gréat loss.’Nghe Second a a oat Gs,Yi “moruing.While ‘here we did some}ihe Baptist SrateCenyentionrat Ox-hen a pg mer ros ER,‘AS Deal 4gad Sas it $25 :'business}with Binh and found him.,tobea.clever gentleman,¢epresenting a god hinyse..~.$i Me Ctemee zm ContractorG.5a Gibson,of WestPoint,Miss.‘arrived at Mootesyille,Whe tystif the week with:at:aules:“and &Gartload of tooks.togethen'y tth20)or 25 hands,aH colored except: pn.to:sc onthe*Moofesvile‘anMockstHe*Railroad..'He gets "45iarte,to*‘evade near Mx.ElNott.Sher-TR SAiD-Rowau,county...;Sot Tike.Rebublitantiag polé ¥hast éukdown’Puesday.*>We suppose it:Shad: “the approach’of fhe’McKinley pros*| prrity:{Mr.>‘Wash -Laudsibrd,*OFWiskesCounty,watched‘the f ag pole) gaid that the:progsperity:hadfalladuissed!the State of Wi}kes”spewelyoverthecountty.:92 te)4 ES Un:ots eS utlector ‘Harkins has appojpt: “a ed: tie’“folowing 2 ds ~stoze-: keepers andy gauyers:.\James:)C? “Ljie ofAlexundey éounty:Ghaomy<P)Carters:Spatesrile:a“apdJamessh,Bost,Dakidson..They:kad] “passed the ciyiiSer ice’examingtijon Po“and were on.the eligible Ast.’am Nie toms én a pair’of darcy:fotered| .<sippers Tuesday °for Mrs:Tsvael |y Ww aterhouse:which?Mrs Waterhouse| “The:Silppery,Ottoman:_.Work and ¢arry:oné's ‘mjnd ‘to:the Storied glories Of.thes East and toy,the land.of.the unspeakable Turke : The chain.-gang will be,moved,t9:Powder Houwsé:hill on north®Center|The’gary’will:grade: “The:c TnIarounintheréckcrusherand,will:be replaced after the convicts ‘have"Phe convicts: purchased.in Egypt-“““*are handsome,_pietes ° :Strea,to-day.+the‘ill nopth ‘of the’square..‘lartvé rocks on the street are. graded ”the street.will bein town twa or:three weekis.: We have hed in this: “thts paper. hearing.pitye::<4 8 rTP.Millsaps,of.Sharpésburg‘township;Was.carrying’a basket of >COTR up aipair ef stairs.at"his:crib}_Wher-the stairs gave way.andthrew| *him to the.erdund.-’He wascarried|,_+th the house and for ‘several.day's “his:condition wasvery:serious,but. Mr.:Millsaps 118 fi/,One-armed Confederate yeteran ard heis now better.’. Moordsvijia 4yestepday Mes.” «yn Went down.Mouday morforebisdepthon“Tupsdat*\, +Rev ang MMs.Isthts“ios 4 childtep léeftslast ni At for Hatrelt'$, pte ypMokaWoHoupe’sustoinegt a gerive “St the serivgy Ulnesa:of Rev:Rreslg ¥ty broad;-Mr,WW.Toleharlotte;aS fTs.AW,MisS“Annie BellaieMe! Dre SesGaminfthe woeds ther vx.Calvin J.-CowleswhichWas: hivot et the plaintiff.jvolvedsa qiestion obspractice:~apon,\)! bee Ayilkeshor eappeared for defendant.;A Mit George R Ste veusbn,%:M Tpuesdave |He:told4ds about:!Miq Pha.Campbell'stronlJasinhis house by.fire Sitar“day Bight.)Mrs.‘Camsdouttheashesfrouttht-ofe LObgford.‘rthe sitting oom.had.then iinaistoweyLOWnship,,sdied,Satungay bout:‘key and:‘placéd the bugkketiii fthéThe:interment:was |ktchen Near the stoves In thenaeNewHethanychureh:Sundaw4 thefloorcaught anda hole wass Hurt , These young Perens havesthe:sym-}fedinte it.lated:é ough forthe buss :pathy;of their.netgitbors-“1D their <t-to:fall”throug jto”thé eroun He:latevost and most enthusiastic“peonyention*he -“ON EX,|“atsended.¢aan’that theState Of: peoliat:merybrnTeft-standiag go long-to..argiedl|1 PKG sus Ofte Iniproved |‘Order -at: hedothe «+electign of otf 8 Rady:piety su So eleiet rarchor a WW cota Npray "OSE: |}Mourison:Spas.W.rap ‘Thomas. D treasurersAR.Ta: J.a MontgomeryF pusbeeton WwW AD Orscedshfséntinel:G.,eeyOWwbite2: SU.P “Bowden put new bitch e€“‘formredical Nfrater nal ‘orders :cand | ships growing?heMoved“Fato™theit,Rie,‘Hall coveyPappsieS:clothing,Store... |Pestce’Weve!Prins 4 :h tGeorge Borryaillana ¢Tend wilh iams,both?colored,baking brédd at ‘Geor gé'S fire place.’ Mayor-Harrill ypc them ‘$2.50 Sunday.-” ‘}and they Were pors and@ they’have shook thé dust ofour) Streets from their feét,it,is hopéd,'for all time,as.‘they are tquel cus} #caseek drunk is receixed,.a communica:*tion:from Mr.J;S:Leonard ,in!re- Dry toa recent-communication ofGenA,Ds Cowles:‘which ‘was.pub: aper}but,on accoutt.-of the‘persona character:of the:con=!.Woversy between these “gentlenien, We:prefer not to”prologg it thtough We:gave”a any a} tomerS. =i Ais friends are giac~im ito:‘know that an ae nang ‘Deing calledthere:by s"intelh- Av [ow ye Mrs, Wilkesboro Chroficles MF:|Yowclothing’at the -_Bstetley Store.>Migs”: wt£rayias Fatts- a *.tage4:eae tng éjudement of thee_uperior Court te sagder “count an,the:scase,of Ges Cow es-trustee and gbardihn.i“Phe case,int Mire *Harrkon Campbell,-of ‘Vash-Alexander cobntv,fas in,toee (narrows dseape »Offiré-place, night iets:ee Ww.m4 Mills?J»Mele to Raxthoy!jee ~|tive yo urae gouncil,&_Agsley abs ford’Mondaymight.t,Hevisited:his ALapatdneys,INSURANCE,COMBANY:song?‘‘tyde Turner,aR Wake|sten is AREIRMED.-_4 Forest College,whiles away,Rev,|¥0 =des r | &H.charch returned 5 last’night) beiny es at,cle 8a.com:|» raitiberd.7°dK mair Ksq: Cag Spring,wént-from:*Oxfdres to |Roxboro to visit-his daughter,,Mrs.|Noel:cHe varzived last svill¥et in to-day.+:Mir,Turner telly ‘aS ‘hat!it was the.burch,©is ex-| 1G a ori creak «at ‘cs Ue tae oS ‘Wo.SHeptasopbe nnual-meeting’“for “thePees.ip theirhall Mon,he*followin officersLeAx*Sherill, Gi.’S heltons;‘arch Deel(Eulgenie| ade ‘Gieinen dae “States ile.5 ANY secretary, htwarderf)D.-Putrergon,“Stimpson>Speélate; WARaéxkin,trustdes;7Drs:<} “A dayns ead Wed ~Halt were ehdots-iners:".: "Bhe Bephasopes3 “geheeBarecestDantae¥oD hm ee eeeach:<7jlda:both coléred;-had a cursiig ‘Spel b Pink:Feimster;* Land disorderly:yesterday.Mayor Pro.Fem:Larmprecht agsessd2 him $190.Fons i George Dalit eoora and ae :wife:‘hadta round:Paax night. ‘woman threw 4:Pdudstruckhimin- with a gun.*laughter. Mrs.Annié Cowan.ai- ing e-|ried to Mir Boitduring ’or opt ree war. -fiveThey.aretCapt?V.jeage- in Mexaaiet ‘fat f Dents ef me.R..Y¥.‘Houston; es pdeli cleaned cr atod Wasburiedwith Py thignhorforsnthecemeter¥at Mooresville:«3 valle, arly Known.>to:his.friends Gand’he* agreegbld -¢an? of tthe judgieat of the SudF'Alexander county inhe ‘odse of Ue.Alspangh>xs-The Butish and:America 4 Insnrancé’which*was tried at'the July term EAlexanderSupéridrCourtdndside; ad‘in favor of the.Sdefendant.|party:by Judgé *Starbuek,.Lhe suitBrewJopspaughss°‘fattor in,November |18940) a Mr; ‘(ed with-thedefendant -company for}-Parker,3A.Redmap,Phos,Myres,2Wp: night fet antzcompahy ref SLEick the trial:ste SodFudgedemurrer:The grountSof/thefae: ‘closéd ‘the fact that the faetory,/had + |eee.in.“d#&:.Purner and Ws!sico provided for.aSR‘e ‘the?\St highttepame!the beat,(eght:just after ‘the’shift.”of g “its member. ‘Th ave Phe Supreme:Court seems,to,have fe policy,”ealbinding.|Mr.Ispaugh,ithereforé;*loses -‘-bis Jinsurance. Mesgrs.B.-P.Lon and LC.Cald-} rad apucis’ovet aldwel©Pana “sane.Praja} ah,{The gase.,was -edntinued |ed to leavetown' e*at her’spouseface,cutting sevéral gashes:in his face.George then'struck his -wife on the«head,>He ralso.‘struck’:his withthegun in ;thg-face, glaims*that “he:Struck “hisident;.but oy stiortl v ates ville’all,ofher:‘Jifes SheJeaves7childran= é-master a bE.oC. D.Beli;asd ae “Raid | esman off doufibed;to’hig Toon om ace ne Sat.ap iaighnond:‘to.gy"yk paresthereéent0erationv6Leh>|passed Ravine hose,wituesses their]forné&t-upon hi Fmiledve;,eeerdiem:*“"Rhé aniount |FR Pi am tet eee * Sec ama ey oh R:Vance.Houston;ofMoeres-Lvilte diedPuesday-between 12-and wh}from arrignominious dexth.: Lo'clock atsHis home of consumption,had'ndt geneto Vivwinki gan *inhos oragedaboutSEYyeas)The,funerab:«oitmaa would |“hive vite rp Ne|) was .Condudted yesterday “at 10)horrors/ef”the ‘gallaws*ys aitjleofclotkfrom:the SPresbyteriian’|Services Of Gol.A.E+Nay.“who,15.2)|Teo Be arhich ‘deceaséd was’9 Ix ev.Dy.JnM.Wharey.whe Heceased Wad aiborofthdZebFance“Lodges.RatgitsSot Pythias,of Movresville: Mr.Houstenwa$a dative o Liv‘county,iason Sof «the ate:Dr. aiso.suryive-him+Wance ‘Houston;as hé was”Tanivii ad/many Was :Wet,peat: oe “erste had nevkn bim-for:esis ae restgeinest dn-véry?righty.*‘he “coumunity‘Whick-he,lived asid-hi$friends in. x =ears DecJzie0,\.Pe The Supreme Cotirt “has “aititmed périor C gurt | ‘Company. com- ut of the “ournipg of?Als “tspauah had bis factoryfnsur- 17500.)Aefter the.a the~defend-.ed to paytheAce y.om the grougd that“~the*-cotes‘of the-policevuad been vialated.|efetidant companyeinurredtotheplaintiff'sevidence:tarbutck:Sustained:“the murrer ‘were that the evidence.distf* been pperated dayand night,,awhileepolieytprovidedthat‘“it-stonflight”ontly,.: forfeiture-of *“themsurancejcasethiscouditjonwasxiolated:The-fire Sccarredin day- hands.for day.hands had béén-made. decided ‘that:esofis of a con-tra¢t,4gem an’an.‘ihsutanee }well representedPlaintiff,Sispaugh,while Messrs”Armfield.ERAS he and has’ate Fabadbeebaioaesea Was dors: door;»camedistairs;undocked'the front:left for parts:unkoown,mow lives in Lindolgton:-aud ‘he’etbablywentthere.’He only hadlittleavera.month~,eer tor:sty, ae {in jal.ne raters ey foe arya @aughtér through ao sheclaims,that he di cat.‘on purpose’ oh im,the.LOR |aay jownstip,&‘she interfered:hig vast a not.wee Pepa tried.” She was mar-Sect 40 Nirgtnia:i Swot” She -had,lived.trl't ‘theurn,‘Her,loss,j ‘Limes;staveM.SBel ‘bag-'déys and % SN Morwan”aymént-of defendant,PSSGS,i ©Msera oa +Ee of defendant’sj witness: 0 tesvillé-=:They were allat tle}my &-Son.ccou Ek ~Doulasbeiide:Of thiMeeewhen Si é Seer aaa *~willing Agradied,éxcépt "Capt:whil make:a effort.before She *elwhois “still vinksCecislature,. Mrs."Bell -was,a,Sppod eek asked:{foe bed te‘devoted wife and:mother,amearnests Fwihl|‘sintete’Christian «apd;‘niversally esteemed by her acquaintances,*}Communitysdeeplysy¥mpathizeswighdthésorrowingchildredintheirsad,Hepedvement: The}chatriak “Virginia prifegssox wit attendedour’courts4 wider similarandsiphersLeireu SS wall voumpensate ‘these,wien?fora gud,Setiopesthat he-will Ae:sucyS55) {the <fourth 315.HE predet chs ty. white Unived States prisoner-“rota |:weeClevelandeetromJailengeresoe:re-eapturr|fo lowed the:freedgmrear the jail|poeving.Sathrday nighthe gotmm}hold of.shovel and prized open thetstainway~there‘and |wife |} ‘that. w-‘Douglass }ere dguriing:thehéh‘the murderswas comimitt:I tie They went,“to.Wirginia.two sayed‘there the fipst times!‘he seo tinre:9.slays:Atthe trialh Do bereis no ee Virginia:for’the Lore;Raq.cand’Col.AY:ri St DOA aand $snotcorerthesadtyak-expenses|Donglass‘witnessés’ini ationding id IStaves’would havabeenp aga:and tds opedthatour sisterStare partot thet‘expense,to shiek aher:wereput in.savijig an inhocSnt Man |aesIfthey+; tallaht éx:Gonsererate2 dion.2Lega oneldt the ables:~menibeysss 5I-thie :\Nrginia Dar:WAH De exertedin Daf é ahalkofjusticetatheseawipnicsses;5 fuk.ran:is cae tay jigs Om “>,acessleesae:et wamiesextePensionWarTaareRendy, pensic ners Receive ebCtalOF92.309-50 Sandthecounty,Pay In Pepsion|e taxed:ubdut BTizoy.,aking,dntle{ yeek-sopwatgree deg ved TRANS va nee OURS ob wid ie, he:follow acetpaSst ofFe tee Third Chiss—Hare WAS he Beant ihas ¥“Giiletio.es)oe iver (feLJ,Q Goodwin;J.Cy Joiner,.~C:\Perry;va I énry ML Rope!Ry &=,Rhine,-Praneista,| Wm It.‘Saney Shuford ahd.'T,/A.“Witite.¢--FotirthClass—Soldiers—-ByvB.Couk,fh.Cleaves,S.-i,Dixon,”By E.Dilton AVe I.Dillon;AS Be Ervin,JASH.Gatton,W.S Holldid,Pinkney Kys’|, Tas+O21‘asley,RRO Agonard,:Jas,Mitchell;RetberMokgan,BW,Caen ‘Summets,J.He Stamper,J.J.“K#York,A:Hoover,J.P?eeeJoNotris,G:W.HolleryS.2.Hoover;-W..Ly)‘Parks,FL.Henry,J.i.Bolen;LA:“ J:Parliér,0560 Of Johuson,Noah.“Rash,1.” PBean,EOL.pphaks,,Phillip Se ASKS. }DYshman.y <=)%ay=WidowsSylvia‘yBlablsensbin,-“Nang ‘Brawiéy,Navey,C ‘Brown,Mfc A’Bustop,| wan;Luisa -Hobys;sSarih “E“Hoover,f Ananda:SJordi~>Ss May;oF.AmandaPiyer,Mary J:‘Query;Szu.eee ee : Labethh:Shaver,Sallypote Mery A*Th1OF SA “Troutman,’Allen,Sart\Bomgarner,Maria Beaver;Sally Broth: ejtdn,Annie C.Byers,Sarale 3h:Cranfield;BoveyK7Cos;M.-a.Bids,Fo Es |Faulkner;ik,A Harris,AR:‘Ss:Litter’S.EMaden,TYAS Milfs,|M.°G:°‘Mebavghtin-> BAmith,M M.Spe:i,Jane.“Seits,:19:‘Sherrill,Ix,M.Sp inkcle,SoacTorolin, Dicey Wiluams,S.A.SWaver,S.E.Gran *fill y ME.Misepheimer,M.J.Deal,¥.Adorn; tM.G-Summers,Mury*a “Bass;M.-L. of Soar aN nd ‘Che:S|‘Trivett,S%x.Parker)A-ED Overca-h,.Smith,Esq.-ft Balelgh,pppenved aMartlia Myers.ES.¥,Wilsdn,Polly Nan:/Providence,RoEforthe.‘delendant company.ohcy,N.Mayhew,*Sarah ee “Wson a *°wate se foes eesti”ee eeeGarrisOe et GRR Eas nce 7prisonér Escapes feGum Jail.Pi peas a i S foes apeeae oN = “Soturday~night “Frank Biles,“The sixdans bicycle.a which ff oreNew York’ On:duilter;:“of -Chiea-Se eeeota ahiles.in.theTshours:ae only |‘off the|mtaceaubee:a ly slépt4hours-durfng the Six days’A\mumber.“off‘other riders.broke aliformerrecords.‘The ‘winner gets $1,500.‘Bhe.«others‘smaller poem Baa,Mh spel oone ae r $e a ine bla ae eine SoeaAssNowe)“Near least ‘Antonio,:Texas’abe any,Fred:Bevela prosperous:Be pie wife.»Ther he-attempted to'cut his|: "‘detiult ot Yonty ne or ;wig ty etes Aiwa eet ae daughter's thteat with ‘acravor.[4couseeaneoeerMaceteeaccredg, SleegestassonieSswife.an &iso.Cu 5armsfiomGusenees‘at the wrist:~He-was «bleéding ‘tdMeath5when:ae Eee maps. ste ive,ake,ons [Dean of Mrs SiSilveleaiber &is eS ;1 SMEs,”Rhoda*oopak SH)hwite of Mg;Joht at her bome‘i 8“Gross.ee .the hinge att 07 ae about 777ene “0,THE WHOLE,|,_SALE-AND.RETAIL- arlottes.wh aosesoy Frente is Sony e mand “she Sister:of Mrs:Sue Washer,ofStates ‘Her-deed husband.dnd sevenchildren,five sons:and:two -daudg fets,Surv ive chert ‘The Sons |Capty TPA:‘and:Mir:cashier oF O} as OSST.SEaebevelle: ae pRvncitee:PCw:eensandthe’(ecvilie « ne.of <Dress ‘i Goods:that *ver known."SI wilt beifThey-.comtémplate buy~‘tafford.tao-itito:te you:th:tS sinas ted di ae fe report:lis see utthink.on wil be §2 OMrs.5Stikeleatlior-<w *<anomenandatifesloi thodist:church.*Phet+ husband and sorrowing: fave thie’SY roteof: pand:“neighbors:itVtieverTosthe Ch:panes il, |Robinsgn:apqeCowfaile The’judie sed Gon ae.tedGeneralsAvDy os permanent.rgetixer OF th dmnont Bank iatMoérgantadPeniedoe ‘re Te:mt the och of your meee.on,good shoes i CauseThthr, deceaeonte ‘the appointee. ae dae RobinsogQnththearingJUdgeRobinson: pointed:General:‘Cowles “permanénI=Sing the:_the-péo raside dita récelyer,7as’abot ‘stated Mheantimers ude ‘G ree,the,judee-wk”thes istrihoadsekthe18th-for hearing'the|the geeatmyer8andaread Nor ration cbgears ——! DOrMa sone re ee be wneceniea “bySSlwasacaitteayes270.Morganton, So a a .He Bisbee Haq se Of: ‘die:Said Mri Walton byBy ‘F“ESq.;of Motganton.|a“stipes aCase wat at ced a alhtheSuprcme:Court:1ewhithis,«hc visi]Uecide thecase this wae rowled &€“ontanas:- GérveralRe that,antethelstatutesotPH:‘the Smite Treasurer,‘Hiytherigeht‘to:mmoignate.ho recivertor:Pialod State :Vat onycontends,that. fdsotfhe.distract: 4 ne.yeSaed R twhieli:The éatedfaste3rlichoFanssaniceyAyuestioane‘decision spill 5 be~awit te yeyith futerest.: ee we)he e Sa S€:Z be: [New Aaderefedoentac ‘2 ats; 3 am sey Ross ior dit OFT 7GenerSoa Aet}Ly heartBe frit ‘Heel:ae138 Eniporiea12. iy for presents’..Brey msdeae 3 fat fine Gf “hex ahcy.eerocorte :FireWorks!=a es(:andy,buy:aareee he walls S,SOe RL Suetiotot IParagceG38 efof-aeee Y:eS |slioes,sapey nd jt 3eebarenins¥AnSSerancoag ey"you ae eos 1802.5sigd AL 7 gon:bts of man barghins.they ny oS oeFShokts : Ther:SRI E ae —‘times.rpassed,Ditces sda a) *Pears,piesWalaaé:Peeins.»&nd“up-to dates myablebencene:-Werte“e%ver ‘Morehead every ¢Wedin zoe peek:ae tans:the pues ode 4 Lsleve it ale ines:3 yh “ysStoop,Millerse |Ko:facetidshoe!Wse: fer all comditions.ober :men.chifdrentaand?infantLeapted..!Thev ate just rocelsec ‘oil,grain.shoes;ral] ay lot oP heayy. yed-roomi Slippers.:y WeS/Philer ma Coys ;quarters:for f¥EEWOorks. a folk:stocks Storeis head os mits 7 att:ir sis ee iets str DEa Cr ‘ehiived it e Ap hie6GashSes,has:iseaees-}Santa Claus to-takeulphis headquar-)“ ‘ters Sa their store.-Lfresh:cntdtes,nuts See.|Fegtions hoShospSuelo heRubgowieainclothing.: he tes ind:caps,and ere neethehardtimes.7 They also.jhave:iEeLbigsotof:underwear and.“holidayneckWearandtheBeersareeti ‘They have:nee Ss i uit:hrid:ENTE. Lp fad 105Four irin:paki she.0"Joeued:a0 ae aeperresOur:large ia general toe k Hew.3a every apa tant They wi [Tag cash.Me J.Smith,(SF)Wan.Speeds,Pe atest your e -ARN -Thotnas,&,Satin Stocip the next 36 days.at,y redyced:privey.aHpvercoatsand'macki He:Pats money"to.‘thie:‘Gurehiiser os M.Jones;HA?‘Brawley,Jao,A,Feim+—Copelan stet,Abbet:Massny,,B.M/W.ilvon,,EZ.©)|g00ds and ayVitonattractivetimeofanén::sy‘Handkerchiefs:poe 3 andscust Be voice an elas ; Julia M,Cathppett,Sarah<-Friest and,“E.Ve J L:~fisbop-Sarah AJGardner,OE a:Gosd=7 St ie aeTard WR ®.Bears Dat Be ry BuiketBE CS Sittheate,Re,A:oDwotatShecouseeeBaeOnMow “Elanthysot :wilh:“sell’{APhROS.‘Turner onthe prSool eeedesin,Turnersbure-townshipo fieday:‘January’Yrtb,-1898.7 |e:og (Hampton houseFad i venue isfonrent;ASD:fe “Angeline Redmond.Sarah,Hiddick,sasan jand os ‘Phe Adlai’X*lot:on:Davie pty at this:Officesa8 2 P The Brovidenice Fur Or ad[2 ‘wants furs and also ane.tee ae ,et Cae ‘and:FonaoodarhavetheSeer tCy-tlem: tron yan fetsle.50 tltraewaehma i ‘AOTC:bathelave:Ye a ctouborbed Or?+ha:Be burned.and.‘himself:and < last’week,pedunty,¥ave.spate up our aesto.re-Ob We will:niake - Sha this.TilesWw!“He pthe"bret?‘put*-recently “his:shop:Was burned.and ‘hé teceived anothers’en:he has been a:Ming,dightly and’Moddaysni son was.fited pt twice:one:ane tSerene oehat.ae th is and “Teale Downs,Tor | ae ne ADDe ,ote,Sinee: :Gur:peat COATS:es:giye you:“Style Save.Jouee <Without ©‘warnipg “shot”BES ss a ,ete Slomny oxpE —Canale:+{“opiate Frbubast wen.pan So Her Tormen'or.,&. ie *ARMEIEI wendy We pdrennin. paee Ft ee eb Se Ss eeae Fo res "aye ARMETEUD &TURNER,rie Wavexly,lowa,Pee Aa me Sor |Phat Siar sbiGe:Dierconndy =as AF eo ee epee Abas ~Delia."Faler has tear’‘hers i Mane tane,USS Meats seg Ate *Forthe Mascot»een 2 apt y éstands Piola:Gas,ae 3 e :::_tatorney da wuniglors’ot ~di onnre athe t p Lge):ingiom Dispatet,Shy.Wee ‘hey kukt nce weekswiptit Christaas _Rovernniestay usuty ation,for anes wt :Beeeteiese‘STATESY ALLE,N.&Saki kee 13 aren he ragie.death Jekpme,wt SS uike-koh kein oe clos meee See Us ¥to ie feaubht abear aia .,: aes.ee ome 2 Kert.The gunsAas,found dead in A Autestigation dwsBeine:ade!i Reena ae wean iter W ee :et Hi ley ix atytad pat =dev 2 : :=racticgingainCourts.oe towel Woodon.the rd”of Taste yeti?athe offal oftheC6,Sand dott Goss Hat ker tatten,ee sone i ue oth Bersses}last” ue n given,a To y :is Paros "::oMlucton:neon:ke.)5 2 Audilst ahd thy:yous syorian,now.]ional ‘hssportrfiry *pad “the ‘biel Tot Poflmaps.-Chatsranis-or the”ey Mea “goveymnjemt.os :ing a i aoten ee ee re LOO esses ‘that’she fired“ther tnilegs the,Bostoftice seentt fe “ouh-ear aeilkhasteil.the.lone ldcoke tor Bais sis i :: .eke eS a BU-REK.dy:that kiltéd.tint.*Rat ae Re ~ses te nro &great deal.“ight Ktie ye‘peOsperfty ge prescy ef Se <: et at ATRORBEL-ARLAW,*els sit raictad eo dae!tt da,Betr rocent widely.¢disetee shor “A drumiper,whose aaa ee SS eae G2 SS:,E tsa Starespiian,N_€pa take Sao:cas ine rig to-day!hya it,ig ¥\Lambton ty this writer,as paras ‘ais Sete NE Tee oc at 4 as area |hae «erie:2said,that,Top ‘Mesa aceun plies tages &fdrinex®‘hibrarian Ane:south |wavedk tins place’sue hic ds T “So the ofia?Reet He an 4 practice sn'all thathecourts wliere.my ‘Poeldte'phefact?Wi Ker,A sbn af .Seopa.)SwillBecemor.jepeds Phe teany belonged to Mref Dani 0 mudi ee “ &tht on xaiation’about yi ah ee att Sy LOND *fomiasy adyt6 Sines’att §1-s6¥¥ices aredi Re as eee eae hat eal han the v ig tim’,Ny itd neticsted to-wigr ept:the pale o .i 7 fare a>Cet .Prose.'e.hen shé.was a inere=.child ascot yak £LikrsmaneSpokerdsate a broker.Anotier:due::firs Mquarter™ hee ny ATTORNEY-AT-ties of ISRHE Charyy SS thytthe viderAK ere"Wornansas:SOO shots.1g,Ai =aeFrcoured froy ToT!‘Eady.“Bsq?* a 38 :<2 ES.¢:= fbetrayed Meraed thet,reer alter be}doupteSae w “people-who etic.”“his sare Wie Kineaidewas tal:pivety.nt ra chues Wyuked ian this at theee apy 4 sick:listSututila,%tnd we are BES Shope:ee Pra i maspéth het with®hist trenttons“Practtees inState ‘andaa meesltcompe ‘hdrrass ay | Cc il:yet ake Fe thet that,faysought Dv ze Se athe |33 ec 4.Twd,colored wyinel ‘ ae oa sane ae patting ee Peedgti a Ste»Syaategs cue ‘peiliencts |aii TES Ei TBS:Ways ‘2 amily’Eran urequauty §jail’last:agents.SN Sone a rn a a ;Hess Mir.See ae present <int Aun eee ,=fBe Rebs eter fan gry Poy wit &\ye uppers -“that Ayre mvtitis shigeto bé metslegburehose”clingy "ofl aneppting oSpara”Hos!cin The cio tl of O<fo:furaish kindstea:+aesae Register “Debate Poea)ENG : muehyvet, that |ats nef tu jearm that:betlias sists lorpps 4 eke is ws 3 t -Pp ra *Da »Pos ya a a ‘¥:s ‘i ;Ste :any mentor ti os aii=STATESVILLE,‘Gi her:{DWiee”beloxe shos Ouapiné at me aa jek this,def!Sanea eS Sereitil ye Bown iptlreaireoh ee ‘eige rasultee Sore Wale ort Ae,dtiaie ;sipes ind)to Naboall antero se:“Ourts:.4 wh gel witord <probipt."eanic ef ae :4 4 ‘ay \::t at os ;aie yeakeHealyiesnswenn3tatestacLedtythe,mieTey “wary’S “Stay ei ae aActiP ie as be rivhtasmctoveri ng:port:a lies pane:ay Wh Bisese ee eePEATEs>ie geen eC oN a yt the super Gisdis ad::rT Oft baboard of 3 ;at.FOROURS Soe s ~ali-Probate business.*\2)7 ony,“eh yer POrKE "diseane:2 oN or.eetror heber:%::HOLA ve F for thecal Hare ow 4 ieouy made the 45 “2.he will cee ‘ KE97.e WS Wo,eae ind Chea Sethts .Soh ties weart ©for:Xmas pr8“Jewelr .the Was’a a Stains ‘tkeby ae es ound ;phappilyinsgurtied:Dat iis lath Rinne qcgpan sh ertoby dereat pure.aeula /-st:Look Fxale “Oke Gatawbin por:fuuined Doda Millie)ss cag:%=Ms “ye aa 7 *E anne:PiadJe rome Rh:tats1 bet fT pain mouey orders?Aghich 4the we Sente ed his,family:“fo.this community st is?Wonease Aocorsihye on ‘x4satsaiyaveak=W we “hiya.he rive welsbusedhe|ower Hanes Sguinst Here:Thilo jGora tun foreot Lovett 1 f ifSear ehpeas Ss oo Oy vomy Seagi Rens Mtshikensfee! <2 |OFFICE-IN COuRT HOUSE. fe EP:‘Gamble! “brd*7 ices.a ;AITURNEX APLA ¥-;AB TSE aetyLethepxaipic at bods f\ans “Bas tottic:eC.“Pephkttie niaeets gh:Green Savith:Tau ack ow tie *:Rough onigits Away fe epee peowceee a RT pe Ree ‘+»We hae aoS.IO art st inate STATESVILLE,WL nt aS =fpany recog”usdmoney orders Lamy NeUy,Doalice where hid!Dae bongbts‘belobdibe to-Popiy Ps verott:eae :Ry a adie |aeS y 'y Mee oe SS poe se s:new,Sty eee =ae Bei Bis bts wtred of,postin:eS wihtbe ave,TeyGs pre:kland.*ipo 2,ga in 4 b:thnn ore <a eae i ::Sa esha 24 ne st pricesthaai:SMALE practice:"in we Sadieef Sn te a‘i one as “thas ‘Tairydeta -jstake di feportiunet He wish pation ©ay tings,Ghia 2 Prgms sate apagt i fies psc dare ak the oe=ag <0 fivriaue of Mx.Norwis aud.Mi wu Satetest <oN coe :Sates :©i handke ui ‘trusted.Ofc,receivii@ .-ther rete uid i ite Binet Hest:week Pheyettorve mits whe v —ea Rtas ess ER ses eas aaa et :.ci s ;Xe tion ‘that?make :“of court hotSse rr geet=a 2:‘pheetay vashed “orders dddce,Adit6 riedfat Mit AlexNandy 'sabd.hotrats wa sxthehibrinian.Of:Congress 7)her,the.tonteyor tthe:bride:.4JOSREA SSrsa ‘tof bapecreates aban ath of thie:dhers|tock:Cm.BocQueh 3h.ASI Seat palured tial Xmas preseoeDeaths |ree,Trun By 46 eae ht:teiil aihthit ark “tet os Suk}ebinbinedaAW hileMr.‘Spay:d was se “Gave ‘Awa t‘His Bex Coarse Ws ee ‘Our line of thy ee “Htommand.i}ded peasmid |isa:es in oficeMt Metealh chick oc,-,tht ‘winston.sonnei fTiced Style,durabents aya |foKuiweness “ayA ‘atore Fz]money witcter:division of the.Posts }Rhys ::to-your advan =F:ht '2 1|‘i i %,k =thee Taw.%3 WVCone,ec oo etter ee memuemeregson!ia i :f —;:;we carry »fulvapatieafepeeutyeaesteiteDepartulehi;would ROY V tho x hie ees ee 1h ae Diuckises OF the Bladg‘a‘ana 5 Ni .;eR Ne Si :a Has pe Pete Re Soha:Seat H ~;ity:mw testhul alia Sebired.faickmie diprarian vhuk therg,WEEE pre’yrs.on xais a Ce es Meeies es ‘Oneneed sullerwithsieitalvia.”.TE a CR Sena alia yea Rees osige Ps ee <Tita nay life £fitotn’the moment 4 Khen4 a‘hy be roeae {OE ee a8 :st tha yh is aa"se ig sas Ton bierperu See,aie A ni ete =Pee ae sa :é a ee -oe oea oe °; :zt ene he was Wedd!Lnever sept}Soaks are a eeCE ie:Blsord,nerles nt me ac pase.6:Pee es ECOet 4 ap ia ms See ae ae --Attenition Tou , 3 la a ese §S.%en ESO we 1;is.Laid the “pighit™“atthe r ¢cand some we aenine pie ¢re eet :See se tg Ut a ve Bf Saat yeaa Rg a RE Cre 5;:re eae weer We are r ; bas oe eetethe.-prapacectid,“Swill,ised thosesfshots -,Be eee tae ae oS tint cc a nae ae Suir uc okae tie epeeee ree ae ee AN SIONS ea ack sre ;Fee:ei i oa v)ee ee egos poe ™uy 2 Tost:AMOonyY Vofr :ned.remedic:DOLrh ape “4 i ETI AC ens Pie :si K taside.S/“give prompt attention 16!gif matters emi (yy)05 Fatc®s‘guletsionting Latent ‘Si eee!eel “Yoins:as>bit y Se Ee ee fonvns’5 ole be al helen Se Tahoe eh es Stee pte <S ai etre ark a *aot hon Kepns Se if :paaicc:dia charge of the “Libra %,Hes ‘alternioon gna whew he hadput”it am Pins aon:Rue NEP 9 3 TOM ANAS =: :ee ;seea gg Eg gad Ange:Ti rhe eer a e ie Pated-Firstte ‘Assigfant PostniaSgent My,Afateoaccennae ttt Ft.ws %Hee eo 2 ee Vi reer jae VW i GS oe aad He ZA Yoxel Coan te owen ‘Caretisa-:hrencrgul,Heath have iwide pee!Start:betty CoQt than he amas ae a ay ean ib ae aeoe “a i.ty;fs ==oS Se Faia ‘4 *i"..Pd eee S &‘a s n mea Ci eigen k=a ces eg Sttotneg al Lar;eee Etiguhgg)Oy pty ay a og AthIt SCaNG ithe old Ligraiy:“ree himsese.W hen he rel weged |tons eeoesoon ape aS a omate:5 oi ‘is ——oe ee.Aepord:Ae es hfeC Ge a aatiatx br?<wavd’tycked.awai’ond plage [2yorterduy”meni be?Bid ace asion :oChUsciol ee ESE Sea tier::‘ :os ",ok %°‘li~o a «4 2 :x 1 oe ee Wil sppcar secu Ohadies.::sida Sack ete:1)a pbk hake Sih tifgyeliave feaubsel Inindreds of MLOF-p ths get hibs.be st sult:+Hut avhie D-bet ben fue.Pa 1 progres unt or ear a.«:{cnetSoprcns:ee,re of ras a hechyan rune Dh ‘b:weed Mpry Whisha,foriner Hhyarijai»had|yerut boratigreat was his wlismayg TS eS ia Goud Bs sh celled.es ot estates:me ope eu itSat idee ¥12 oe us put aside “and:Apparently Ag}OttOn.10 tine at te had ‘hroust mistake means OkD un,lone.th aboard Heine:wm F acs é yh :i x “2 CET ee _LW oS heat a ‘n 2 *A .= tt re ae BK LONG:ei BRANK-LENG,resix oer greaSSa te Soft 3 Faber:fore are Coming to_high’:y oOwery-Fearricd that ideytical com ctor Ola tee tw mee on Relerg that.Pitter lights ou Totes,aig‘‘Spe ‘aaa 3 pee)!aM;OR IF Keane ‘”i ‘ees :hai?eG es ier Be Sa if :LONG &LONC,eo MAR Re nic freq reek iot 103ve thiegn aaa Jtyst Wy,‘Rat the totus $<3 ill Blk HeHeRadeon lt’«“pecoutty hadi eas none ;ft a—ney ie 5 a eis Paes aes “1898,Give nronths)Loy.“th > ORE RTE:at Seema foe offuse ofofthe’Sur 2PYpet ‘his,Pe si |!Wiiourt to basnobyet.‘negn.5“siat:Re ae pails “Ct meee at Ed SON ALE ane,Wik a ek,ae Al iB : eer a oe Jast,whith i S the*Enqutper.“hasred abut ‘probably WY PORE “neaf}Smeg sangre:caer Mate ae hots 5 Wis ta m Rea iy hunt Ney rca Cret ser,Peyare Lk NR re ee :3.An ="Eo *Xow on oe ‘beer tnableYo Tiadain ybody:‘ke.“e‘Mi wiping out the disere pare ‘‘A <M:‘Tee Trawedla of PE iia re ee s ttt :eis,ies ::ee!Spacey tu a es wese Spotfoxa’s aceon Soin “yixthe}Cruel‘Post.Se Sheds pares ae,|oe bald sati_jplate exept tahodes itt “ig in me ;Ne é Paw ae mc Fey ae ne tthe Ratgite “bhidinge the ‘eon:PardeysSGpte bachke222 years anc sie of =Sout Tour,cafes trip.Danvers;iepe SirsmeQ ;Sat:e Olay ‘Tisact wotd:sk &Sonwsdimes the,the Jargeat sseas 15%,SG akeny Zt}¢ort te!Pormsvilte pie.is the Jae Jeonce fate FEC ee :ri ey ge Se :a i,ry 5 a ae ae Rhee.c Ge ee *_aeronyEr are){jurors aa thet doWary jontneat:Alida ‘theordées haxe expired -by *Unyita-Sp.formra,‘tract Gunbodyify:ovens ,yt sms a 4 :ae FOG KOT::cas i ie ae ik fermen eli SieBe=raed Srateevate.N M 2 Spherion byedinndy ASmetines tion:‘pat’they AYill:be paid bry whol Lavboaeres,‘nal untodk:toeirbbes ‘bet ore eaoe Sask Certara h ;:“regen spi |e preston a en a aia 3 :3 r :‘oe Oy one =e Cepek san ae Dh.they sive thiein te some chhtigaule Qr Ww‘atrabt on‘Ee:Tfeasurs sr tinless ‘Spriag inthe cConte:Ot ves:fee.ay :i 4 eid agains £5VEuow Jacky eee o pee a be :ant ,ee,Re aa eae Bit a ss o Riven,oe purposs and Soutelimes thes ‘Aividy mgt atbe tarnied:overs,Mr:std Fanner Dick Brucestot Bpy!Xo.o f The Whi pe eine a =nid fF Ae J ll 7 -ab ;;oes | pee:es oS Hae!“mM BP for.thee pOwit,usé&Phey Dest ig.the,saitigunt 1:ate bet:1234 “treeprding;to the jowend anded eex ‘fall ;thar:oldai'se:the 3 jie oy Rs ea eee Slee na :Sale of ValuableCity Las,.may,lcburse.dorwit Ihe.:MONEY,Wats ree receAae Soy.doren,by.gar “rtandfathers}thie Fag ia sake wai peoe =f eg oe tiie OF fall clothing::eas Rite eae |1S *Se mo eit aah URSUANT.tothe?po Were goafained ha.thax:please?font “ig.iS thesby ye DCW nie Est ‘24 che saree pel sprink Wits oncethe.Scene.“Opa ih Ht ;.FOR YP52aeinthelastwillofRev,Amos Si-Biul f e)Soreness en Bret Ss ;ty On.SU Hiren fase q 16)pe f ‘| pee ees deceased,the undersign execu }KLaw arch!oy right,*he jury just WICRY Seeders Ue ee :Su tysedy 3 hich,‘:startled the:ease Sysed :Ste pe Bie vinteidl eal “tps Miss: Soe pes =peace Seanawill,ee ote oe Sitesi,discharged yee eyed ey“thr About||oo Méuitaig Thwhiernton oe Peoing spetttesscolthie”new!‘Gountiey |feutiels:front thres™mides’See eis a te,.Ne eesme a i:u Hice fifteen Pedietst anal)Jiongy was Atoka steereeere MGs Isit The Sink bole,cas Uo as:“galied.AS Fatainps de Marssalong:we QnSeiyBeMONDAY,ee ?Bes =Givided fequalix\fnmong”thyse pe ate qT»Campaings’Mm 1 Challies ti eryerthaout tweity “tive Jeet wide by,Rivty.LOpsa$nde ‘Un Ten ctl if:St hes.Tesea):the:vacantlot of Inud-of <e st f A:Satin Si ORIG prc hurts:MeO).fe oh .5 ORLY,¢0 1¢Ce ACTS «ae.2Billingsley,lying,on.Davie a nue |‘ard,|at pn erent aeme tee fi ext ORE:fet)long aud isthe:eheathoh ws later -.1.2 J Stockton street,and’known ‘as.the "Wms |4%ah Rage at ZN het tepnblicaw side ob titer rag O ek ef Sn Pek shelton 49 plagade-des.Tny‘ntides.back to.“ahe Lap -Miller Gtass!Lot.””The saidtract will,be etic BIER:awed pis ithatJor.Romulist Zs pbitissy.s of ae ee ¥avy,aevthet Oh catty ¢SerSte for neta a seantin: -bas is 5 TEL Sia %ry AVE ee ”ae >oe :j oe oe and,spit cee ee .oeR iy Rae &we Nr h Cubpiamna’:Me jscatr-ol Lime,‘a ‘ongypl pier Shatt,oO (th:Tek:<ieee sit Diba Spee:piles fir =07012 -"Singon:Dante atenas:are Aodx159 feet,eee oT N Febtinted,vlatexer )fhdsb.hig Ake}SH)Pitty leave agente,SEA Yai gah Caen -..cadjoining the Stoestoa property and:front:|me asGitx Joustat |Bers fhpomictaing Papd he~"ear doe theiAME SpringGn we Ruteaah an oe cepecereiG ee a -4.Gig.on a connecting street’,frofik ‘Davie|,Pie Papailist pape ah sLaseoty!here ces ofthe ylolintaiys’witli He;ins.”Auietist ears thchia Ginaks "cf dnd co Rhicayay wiewlange Hijo Bye ;venue;three 100x150-feet,adjomning’the,gives Some Coombe thapros jevita Hey oO Qs SAT thee “et XV tying “Gisthe}:a rthe Aish:Spot perttion,Was gulvak Meee as peers seg tonto ene teAhichttints cote:tat bel Mi ytBd ResorDa ck Henr}co a oes-inglsaroschit it Ss allege:The |GLedbatith!Apes boseath.AreSG,"1rails rosaiM4:4:.&Billy:ial S math eet did HaceTand bondsba a ibtorty Cool the nsely .ve lditet :,Rie “;Said property’will be sold:onie By oteog se 4 fo bir fea Ga PUY eecan r St CY UIC tngStig thé ty OR Tho!<“ pate").Wand ease whole.and.pureiasers:can ie the}ayant old fellow Who for.eartigeaien ne locks.hy paysoul qvenghing titir fiubrdimates titsSth Karel ame oe of oo os Y ::tmake their plans:‘accoxtin Tye»‘The:~pale thréeostetnis’represented the”(sietiy Bes mteDigt a bility ahd:pbys+ows “ae A 1G ANY Ie Es:Sup eLINS {30 SWE .willees promptlyatad,FOr ky district ‘ineConisres Heaids ne ee ae ay‘Avotsed rn:“debes ve te Me eeaoeHie ae aq ten!tae}SCHON.ead this?detwl &“speedy'a 28S.6 4 é ‘€%w -°‘a.a ;‘dently:howatiA 0 idk;“beee 7H‘permis’of,Sale-=‘Ofe-thira.ae ‘Bne=|faeviarmhs,.~upontone ‘OE -which hilis,;midds +.ub fadge“Baldwin's +Cho*aha re as Magna Lobtteuc its the“adits inal spsulh- f third in thrée months and-one-thi din Bist tod.li Hy 23581 Bart phates nde ya lepery:pas in,dow n rapid v ‘sme ne Auscon:epee ae ee eeaS Maul attaceienensttime.|I.IRVIN...17 vee het 2H)hegdea wattle,Sand,”er}the Phish “imps?6 igo By ‘nt.*§PhiLeamsteie yelled ay telp,SEEN rhe ot in REa.es Be McLAG ea:ra sides Mkfo GTS ess occ ”a fines!Qudint:“he ingltivess ISUATSING,.ap nd:follow.slaves 3“An to biseaid but“4 <8:wish a "a a eh SeeCCULOIS.i Gmie “ia thé ioe oNG che Dilly,Ahbiqner’“ante,-ands porsk Searty {when the recrels litfo ts =~cys ae jdenfonstraycasthe-erfoe oF thé}‘lief;origina PEtears the Housesee BY losin c es ie nrg aed ; vat fee ti NEW YORK”at wt that,a Congit et td:Leo he vogts.whenever.headdecs:OSA,ihsson:“and ¢De oxert wene ust dis“Ste 5 At 14 _DARGATY HOvS!,Hledeniit toes woul oo ao 2BraidsJae te:“njoft enfwaribgbebeath a eo EN:ASthe nit aereek aie:a ane i e >¢ae en Mi tow?¥Eee |a Fery:edt wad nade tO-rese Xe the ihe Pig <a to hag re K ae it Ng a ees «ee ;=fOO::salay :Hisexpesnes in “Washige:oTSete ea thre.aepine ee thes unforty sltoks bet “Ne.rad face SE st wee le Beeueme"ton.were but little?i aky,'more}.Atatneer ongressman,ix:ASwallowed:ae ‘The Spr Sposett Sitio Estersashinthe-exc Sumaifowed i nt fs In Siedsperntion PAPIS3"Shite:Ge Aswallo ved -e .Ne ag.c Fythouss|:Sheets:ee pet (eae <aie say ate?:¢ert ae che Nini.His was8t-bangs Bie :ai deptiay :“of fia iNehons isprimge |e i ’i ayhane:Just,received.a Ears iphkace Apa gs ‘ses aed brat maids ae 4e%:’ve ae of fine Clothingof aul Kine fe ah)ig Sage ehtl omtage.sang d |not fins eosticiabionsleSwabsif face kaever vo return?'Hits:Supposed his re phous.»ae ah HS OW fe:2 24 .i epee he ered :f E2 special barat a deertor,‘tile Neiesstty.,of Contriout-)wittihis pocket;Handketehice’,adele =m ike dolls:op ares Les ui€ksands,ly Noy andtouctyfowhing a:z ae!He :.2t LCAN FYI ‘Ya 4 Paaata ;hing diberathy tortie!clin Vaigys"fund ing:emphasis’‘torts,argain:fet bY x a Pee ee i ;3}OuS And eidiess.Dixettgran teea Ce a sie With pares ef a BES dsbie.hemight.hiky saved?,the very awabbing.*‘His worsts well BOR:we a geason JA Y childret:roel,Sukound:TE thelciventt”at oth =:;seet Gents Furnisbin -earls the:ie pole,of.jis xsah ‘attphe bi lipsee eeeunBiddé:.vand4 the Avighbgrhood think.ite:Phe:overs Tis hisgh-peda‘fortiont:riteieSRes0aheSaAby.Sol areal tered with ramidity >pres ates.y.oe,cand ve ryt :oe psTPeee=My,soods are |fresh"frou $5.0 @ Seat:'He was'g poor nyad cision.<There!4ave.”thupdce ‘arms:purirucae fe :Sen Gk jscchave sspeed ofE ab bait sgsSeeaketsSand"eeteoby‘4 ‘when:heénterid,CCongress atesis aml tri:HapheS:of Hightytv:fea SiS te-&}aon teri ieeee thertfare,»fase wort;about 51700 {specetior.>butesaftt tropical sing and,:';baths:‘otereat avelieit whilg wera :.ee =i Sa ato ‘sell dsf Ge tsis Se oe 4 of LOMASH:Sunsetstolow thenr,.\iton}7,saab ce fares aR Tantewttat raee:“86 v3as-any house in the Syate.?a ai gee tr a eedthez tulospliere,is-fridesce:-“witht Hl fl Di WR BI sidesyalnea)amp el ¢thy uns eee ;age fe :oe ;“De LEVY;Prop.=a ‘Tee a white,nid Bow my,ee B;the ee ees pitt wy:é Tyhar|:io be 6 +Lis |sn thn eit lapse ot “Une ne “3 a :z Tey xt Door below jh Mart :m4 ;ties et eer ept he éiouds—cturen thay yeh’the “:it.“enabt.ae te hes at ria ela aie a a:—.oat AAsheviu liste,aeaes =X322D penci“abet:Homotke ahs“He:eeees ae Ae oe <gear :~»wae .;”@ “2 vis Z .,S:shia SeretS kor:an tayor we te ee aepers.sein aty"oe aeaiigh not dale,16:Aa oe tls ie te y OF al see art a .".4 Re PINE TE wo.WIth a2)Gin€ase excepl by ane WOLWEZE ex eye Be Vaz : t fh pybke saat airs:eee stPais ions frour enine Shais earg bit nay pe AFOR Eee ae otion of tie,2 Mee ey a “i.5 ee “RA Se ui :arse EDS EY thie 13?Aw«gat tiers up Ie ney -Fhesecond:way is rout catel 28 Tie at the vatea oie fs]Y ag SSie>ow toa pe 1 es -si coe us 3:aise ye i ne74SPOLLAEEDWITHApe.Lees {bE bulldmnie Of urge:Deefangl s vesiimes.Nys Seat,Fig b the|A Skeby eS eewr epee.“falSygtemass wiedt aee me é oe fE MODERNEUPROY.Be ¢s+the:putebyse UE munitions of,pspelk is <hrokensy Menbars flodk }:_Ganaithe inn from untied “kidneys[pt agttially:the,oatirasepait Sewae ut : eo MENTS-FORTHE 2°|teen:“TREECASE tea the:chthinber Lot Pee hiny iecuugn ‘atulation,perfScoring tk ee oil ithablefor,pus yy Dyers:adi>tite 1S};ie Dont fi&,Ke es ce :.BS ape baeetcr es fortihg to kirow!t Kilme .eats SIS ohne a Mich aMILLINGOF,3 Uae jemlistedd thet;&fiberatappropriat NOR]hy ©tesains tts coats,Sani:Root fulgits-cvery.Wikh inrguickly race eee celia SoRy articles»J I t asted.t i y me id Startithe,AeeeParsgxbipitionthe“puildaty f ue.Linnes (ahybedy lienies Canngbisdier,ae urinaty:Trobe:io Ae :‘friendsa‘n a Steak en ;Sy Ruri COlupol or mgonbraliisa he)HeintheCorrects sree,eas,]habaitss te oie Séatside e tobepron lédouthe hi nah pines «ay a ae Ing-at 2 ba eship ov two ha wot Ftacy Ck ee)iis AG-y ars:old;4CASS.Moripe-apd gor-Stingig -“pria-in:speed sorties:OCR lat forty,i <3 ede a Ey Stas x acute:KneesSS séveral treo,boats.Lue"fs princi the-Confederat Sommy |paeenaetcor teedEslernass of 06 pas =nen,ss .Seo eenta a Seay=ss Pau Rave %bade woe eal at Chatek tater,-wind o~beer-aird—eyercon¢cs.th ft fe is Gtamyted?det 30.100).“passe ‘I epimers ~We invite te ci:onl t Wee aa See oa 1Motsivo?ithat:Heowa dsc.ibged.Fuupladsdie,aeeaie of belig:compelledfo GebiyTea readily:be gasparted bar 534 2 iene ts work and-solicit a share-of your Dr “7 SUE Pee AY eS CP SetMp MBAHY tmies toring ahe utght.t6f 1 Sopp eGo .ee2.>)patrénages:*We-can:furnish.these |ir.S,Jeart,Cuge rom ve Service...Hise preva ttyry [erihate,:12 Mila “and.estan jours Phe Aength att‘the.Tutte.ias eee a ch!feb day tye Soho,JarsCongress vas three sermst effect of Dr.“Ritoer«Swamp,Hoot,nfpl:mined,at Pari“tS.wil:agmoghckatedy ;ye :E ate ‘Sal rated brandsofflour at rices |veeo"opren ofProminent a Fin,the Lagislatiare sof Noxtls:‘Cacrds||Pealized:qy"Stands:the oiRhest:f ae MeN D ay aa ee thattalk:*StatesvilleBeauty meereh Me bth eS hes Fe bate /ibty ‘Fortunately:or unfort:hate,wooderful eures“oF the hee gdistressing rte practicabMit tof ahi systein AOE 1g ae:S —; .,i _tess,Carolina -Choice «.)és play”hfe eee hy.foi@pian unis 3 ‘melaber-:33 the oon MeeeSed ipé you shouldg city streets,and the su:ee Sze t afin eae].* an ;Parsee,se ‘of 42]pas HEX oe en coin mig tee:on.elections:alee tls NOs ani orecapiee:You:eeeceeen tonte of the construction at theo ey::Oe he *>ad ee f--:pad ’aisyn eher impbportint GOmmitiees A}his |Putteandpazaphiet,both ie free:by pisstionn ay Toad td:Gegidaa ibd said road.“thence f :kinds.Bespectiallyt.,ge ys acces mail:Montiich Tae Sr syesyibs,29G3kamy>*,a E MA .}us .STATESVILLE-_ou eT Ee JC lipcleesionsonnestecThsGel figa Pana fend suisraddressto Dr,Kilmorg Oo |HORS in existing owrtljeart-frais |MONE iyaeeuy west 10ile beginningis«gee es ef.is baie :if tw ee yay Lye ‘Binghanton,Ney ¥<“Phe proprietors <of:nor tistinur systingg Map itcct,“itis Kas Or less.:+SHLLING Ree aes a “Ys J with bis Taw practices Me ialydes tt §paper:ere fenmineness ‘of Saye aS tig £2:we Bence.oan fas ae we |the"exidunce and’.Adaup RAS!ARE jib oiscy.she Not The absened ot howe"ike “and :;=Pt neNo:#33..a ue ashe ere,address &-North!2 bie Ltcieas ators seo ar dirt.together “with,7 tréedom,fr om i eg ‘:c eer ae eg ees Rata A ng Sah ee ag Ce browging.Awaiting forgrgins and all ee nen x2entrett.5 f OE 1 re=.(NAb Reem cates‘any carenPela “4Bele=—Sold.Waite)ae oe a ce Phe tatigg5°ae caectsdbpining Tasibee=-onedd hich “reser ROH rom.Ssten es eae a wena systein.”certainly.furni he DICT then 5 Tes come ‘eek &pois speechesrng =Hin.veh Ratan comer ce Me pee »Hndycements foraavfubther intveti-7 we ter a tab,thendeaeouti ee ae OURWORK,ey age edenontvee ee xt Pang befor:“the Tate:wana large gation of the’‘succeds i auhire of the iy dire ‘poles.to.astor ee'gn oe WEGUARANTEE 1 BabE®xs aes a :aN SS te ee [Staveliginter,of Dayle.eoupty*sold{gestaliation:|eee fe northerly directton'24 8 the bee Je .=ee ceaivres 1st;et Mrile ei be ae*bulb DistarbFim:a ed ay‘of hisidarvigs 4tO:Various:par-1 ee iors é settee foe ee :;oF ee ee *-ig ChitiqeoeTh Dunes ays wo ee LO fpttes.*:Some!went to.Viiginia and poe ge “Valuable $oW0 neni ee NVA Dulin:Sane“hepi=Fe a a .peasBRENTING,SUCH *See“toe ere es asRev.Miz Cocanien:pa Savi in,othersth South-Cardlina,-:s Steectalls,eet te,wrbiet i Browns*:|ete pe :Bee =p i See NEE a ee we 2 Pal wer pey i a a Se H a ae i :FIRELIFE AND.ACCIDEN:ret s Siicdurse.leaned orwardcn the}*Thisman biad a'white aesin ohis|Aeppesrs,arent eweeh [iiakesahente ¥ae te tN >w y.~~¥os ::“ENSURRANCE..Bs a i eet »jijtydndidoked.%affectionat:iy Fa+[emily Who.would Bo.with him icttespalit cede rorakty ge Temstteae %sae ae yas is hl peas 3 ce.I frequently lee gcouublesT flock.SY atish.t0/ia South witha”“drove”of:darkies”Pant remedy js.taken,\For'sickpyle:»|senn &moa oe oS aeSeong ee form mark.’hesoit “brorder “tas,reas]rOn twos “occasions”“the.white.ait i ceruorkedhnait Lassieeae Nohawe!:ieee oe ce ;|sirovencoat,,pee ‘safe (Methree-or four<fviends“wholDlaeketishimseltand allowedlisboss ,‘ee fe a:a ;pitas yale,}cpuld’notdttendte mybusi-|phave just.come:i ,thatthe;covspar-(°°:Pho;sel iiim with thigt!darkig *€hée): ee OFFICE A ase50 pea ves WokehSY secrepacs jutiveryJJatenes f their artival—the |frst time’he-brought $4,,0Q0.ana thet .ra Losec’ Shoes First Mitionat Bank “inp Ryears ‘Agocopenenes Usiuig Dr.Milese-|S°CTOB,1p.point-offact,is:nol More}cond time$8,000.He did.not re-PH]“istratorot G.Ww.Smith,doteetd 5eepePORGRoeFoeeetoatetetthan‘half’yer—does’Bot:disti's me.pai with thevfi’st puretoscradat ae unty,Northi Carolin:ba,thie!eit:LT |7 nena a Nara Be tHe:leasis.:'Their.entrgnde,fithe but-it Tequtt G2 severstdays Yor bia the a “bt said acatteekragsaMilPropertyForbsaecontrary,is mdstopport une.Tt pas),eget away-Sonnathe “Second,This}ie e :; val brethren who shad fimethe:“was sufticiently amused ‘and:ar prices Don’t-seein st oe naa BES <it ouScumaes Serer,gay of Biasles w.oseattention:Pyar refused to be sold im 264 WES We have’more experienc Eee =Pheate Pans sei 6direetto the ED“2 Phe men.that'aothe“whiteh®,te We-know how to:buy aed! -+SLoption,mys mill eeah tion af the:mon lam now 1 bouts man’caine\to Davie®epunty insearch}.HARI eee Eeowine ncaa4‘SowmsbiPy renting’‘to oot ;Der ’14.senter upon.deri ees “OF thetr.<runawtay neg rO-Aas<they Le by As join:|ropegewhereit: ©ny prelatoes =e mae “Resto i.lore!‘he-Considerationo the’te “|thought,‘hetwas;but the fellow.trad}Se ;:f psivately,Vey ?the andl Welle:aie |let ‘us’Fastorfain ifpossible,phe aiaae washed ‘his!fa¢eand hands,‘and noj FAuntae|~“Bee 4,feb Herve heethepie arene eu:darkey looking:tke.the:aBetoeieeePeer:hae ;ae ee i i codived on a or 3NO;A: Rare daar te wie ON~~-Ser ~a4 > ;te Vee ee isi‘UnpA BIER S Ty ee BOR!SRSTORES ens 5.fet,Nangyrtsents. s5 )Silk handkercchri¢ a %“Siis},Airs,presents.my 2 “i ia a Mapuls x il say,that. GENERAL JIBECHANDISE GuPORT ;rethe owy,Se“s :ewit mds stock ofshogs:forvlad"iL “ge3He ies wear fhat dre coring pL beaut “sdewelry!J ewelry i ~f We:baye a Hing:‘e-jvehiy'x .a -gee sty ksh Sand say.Tto. oO 8 Ree pesS that-are Tow,aso2h 3 /Rinigs,Chains,neers Doin $2 fs)Ofexety es tion thab,+pales jjaudegméand sabston,: .Erunks,“Shoes lates ao -Gur lehe omthe iors mentibaat petelos “aintpatig,oe Skah lation williwithdut doubting “hiswill-be:rshecdssor,as”ther Dasig-mamed?.all*Gutcodds’arene tc:affri orhoa that“at Wes durabiitytad:prices. x ey x ourPAidvantage £0 gonre-t see as,Deforg,soe Guat ae.3 jake Caery:Ht‘fuk ‘and Coitipletalineof meT e~~Vio's Heavyand.l Fancy:Grbieries s3 Ric aSeeelbas)coke Aue Fe:an tay »fihuee.Ae1:Gch tatesMerchantsee x SC easeoo oere:prépar ed po Seayfous Pitt fy Boot fox Stock veugly aa are ees gts,arebeaese ad bn EY &00 . t :es isto Diane sa 2 es eee asia *,Prettiest 2 kean st un! ——ae on Binewwe derefeed)oe pas Pte Mention,prices)Thisast<a nN “gvne oae 7 Bs"copytion,b pee Nae sel pe fore *Shia eS“4|rt ihe of rat|olson,’oe Dele s‘fn Recutaes Pare ‘eae Plaster Ver brou,Bs.State bé for 838.2 ainountserhin | We shan’s0e7 eng en.Fe,MRE Vato ‘ta eysesspntte >: <A f as 5 Ss vee: eg aa — peed bees ost st,ANT oe Dt 'aren~rl aeMais new things Siredruiaie{aaitaats i :.stad imi porfodsGtass,WWReaDOoBavetheaeeSpetiall¥,,to,GMeLLAheogs: aes »»tsteeh4 mie ple oeeos, ee de irsahIT YOU"eea1rectaWithareasee“OF ei 2 IRL SESPoetYae ae ed ets ep SB aePaneakep TO,:oes.epic erat oN SUITABLE arti¢les are gone. .TRS cand guaggiiice,sati :a oe eS Tee ORT =~-ROBT. ie i”et eet STodi ay i 2 Soofa:mY,2 Lae APT.ssc tguabeiCi%a|onorhe,in’aanashe these? ah ee BA 4 OR yorARES 7 4.cmeredit be areieFost5 =,heen ‘ofta raphe:tckop im th vs eae Ss a WER Seisxourou.TINE OF NEW —s x leBQR]BRESENTS.7INS,‘Eeeayoatee_Something New:DES :aim ‘Every: oe a eat Yao At 3ReosDon:t "tail to cal and:paké sour Selection,vifite:ae. oF ae @:AYou:-shoufar-buf your caw i cian =73S frienda‘nice pairof Spectacles,schiéh will makefhe Mospeaise: Jee ..~*sac ful prestnt-you,can get.eeesitted: =acti noseresEyesTestedFreree:4|pOOEE 091EW as Thissweme yirite in &.60.i. ?miter ot ns ,»Se en Accountsot53¢‘anaes 4 8 ah* ‘~~~.Srl Seerite| a andJetwus aSon:ae $,formen,.ig and lithe-with Be te3folkthatiisbestin.23-Glothin,Overechts: -Shirts,-ats andCaps,- 2 candGenéral’liné-‘of ‘Furniigttingn “eS .ocheary and-médian’w,ight anderWeebaseaanewlotoasreeHoliday:Ne Be ole big:1ét.rot»wear at puesae.suit all.3 plowa-When.ad versity atid”busitiess}Si y wear:-aWere2 ‘é yon?thatsbs beautiful,you.Soe to see)itbefore&.Naviesoe : oe bree pricey+thatawill:agi? a Rs tO Soe us.we Wal ¥Catawbs eeitsnasFoopit net} :satisfy os.7.TAS fag.isthe “South 4s(tae °Sacturer-tealii .::fy as !OF es N.co!’oaa sp Trankarts*kin--Basi «Deposits ceived suest to eiieet on | "Interest sepint cee rsonaySpecialattentionpaidto,Sap eee au t lowest rates,|grit consumer Papriorate tobyeSSeeiowekeSoSoFeatts a goelvedion im y.2!eee _3N0.AeCoopensPessacat.Je.pote wees.ae es % AmnIP Nol <1ar}ep¥yoiraL NOTES <ey RF a.eae ist rp =Mr.,Bryan:3 Speoch-making =aSie ey é e.|Ddk-weriting Seems pobtalive art S ii tu Mexico juke asthey’alin,woes Fs ‘ae in ‘the.sat ‘ited *States-Xo | ie pond that.out.“wisest andSmost URyowing:Noxthi acoll panewsSpapers, said rat,these’things WouldKKHya‘Beit!Epes that’they.7 Beers HesTyis 2 ee gate:“shat Fudge ‘Dick pofthe”K erahCourts wif mex 5 4 Stasin “the pring.‘EWe arenett ah ahtroubling:aboiit who!his NgucéessOrp aeLlbpiyp,Therailtodds and -cornbt. Federal davis stnice:the wor ow ith? ~-vepy fewe:“Jeanyrexee tious:AGUnder 3 moh aaeatpietratrc of!“the”recent past.tee pesretHfi tle &erceatsrailtroad: :Saecie.to2 cian Spiinatstosis|.1: tHow-the-Btdecal jude ps-das?beet; it mnhiraizea wed|Wiejudges|have syeod,gh gence weYeap ipssee esis1 week,5 2 :has?tes.eye he ey:Ay“their etgators,An’I thins<after! 4 gettind theit appointments *citi] zen.who.haga suitagainsta,railroad: :[corporationalingstatgay ssloses-ia fs the k“ederal.GourttS.Songt sromjadv.ense r xergict’:of thes}“aries |buts”becatise} iethe dr wilLaeQhore‘the xgrdacga standsVEbe late‘wersaré beginning’, ito phdeystand that/ttiter -¢GuisesStony y: Kamera aay rarest,“Patho ds %,&pmoust) Re2,060.,,50 “thet the railoads cannot| xXVeeoe thom to.thie.FedéralCourts; yas removals 16,1 base ourts~tisualsy Hae iattimnenit$>.to?the raifrdads.; Thedlite tgniireof,these judges:AS.ya Mirnacee ooar iistitutions BPG:ae [REEthe pedple,-Bis Ea i xaiseFghews . redk Webtaiys-plie:folowing Were The Ag ie ry Ydepartrmeaty,geetae e SAS of Serthizcin-+: e.oaaoel :W mM Ascoe “allipuresthosiddee'to...Sbreky itis}.inet /because |ofsbetier times:and f,+hbysheh“prices t2y~Avil some.fayme}tell Lie Maseegi:i €“wheat:ni te aomweitht ‘this:fertilize RIN ae,aeaeheae ae ea rat ‘<“yey oeestedited.LeSeasseers to. t fale 3 (eopvincity b wiaén Ag itvinind thatsthe”MesicessprpeperitybiefeiHed“the Siemiers,“Tlie TakCisthatApeobalily,WW ‘peat ri p rveit tthe ou SOR ON. [mer gabeee theineate L*{Secate the yaymentrof Ahrese*fers}pa.&bile.“Ctonsiderinix:therex ettitat ”‘the.present,’‘adifang pric,ha’Geen eS by.thetfalare lgntwaigvdF thé incre ex ilar}. sales tS,fap ®and».the:cin equ im inthe barmers:Toaebtstnes.+r .4s thatthe htigh price vol; detditioat eather.Wah a eDny it sthancsell}, es fore tobaced and| eo bbe NBR needed”“pyTheyboth+.xa erey‘he Se fe :ae sir +f we fe S:sj x ight:standViraaten% rEeee isso tauch ahead:¢Yl ondtic,times that we fan.sae fot pitigGoodSven”jt.AtEse:the Mascot-tdgoBe west,aneecethie whéat favis:and.=ngt measure,reverything:be-the price “of Cotton. aSwut thetii provénient of ener: mE Ceuilionshaces,the South,aan? “ae,thé present aduiinietration Cover] ater De must,hot be Jun’ nd‘that Sdmpinistra- :knéws:it.wae;‘bad: ie tz nimhers,ot5 ownset ioewip: thatsoverxdod times $n“Kansas and, ee are‘settling?sare. 5 and Feoncerned:cotton,iking.:ATBCH it‘and the’copay facmeraud manu: at once The *mer.=feels te eeeigs p..7.ica seraud tthe saability ofthe,Sonth=| nba WF ;“ Bets Shen esXf 6 TAUESDAY,ppgEIIBER 2223 1897. oe $+==2s es 7 i=o aie -— tA Meson Ri2s theuianaln’us NE30, iter SOIL,ot:Trotiuunares,atudgts- setting erhavethefarmersgone}, ones 1 ttl <4.ei 5 2 y Potsthe Hireign’crop:ands thar “the ais=Arie:incertain TWago-Aowin whenitbe't “3[world ‘Shary are’fall:againk 3wel-< catingtttake the’Repablican’s”juii:Mike Ciealiers Mestad.n -olds oein he RudWe.ean Baok”ea es\Cotton is mox}king nowadays:27.47 :-,Wilkesbore'Cljronicle-.TheNevwp“\WulMot”ithe ‘Repybliean Kindlyf-: farmors—\“at?“the,‘State:edt Joewi Stage halting otter thinas;cnis;‘uines jolly.“first-clats “alt round UP4 :2 wy thoy fouure Lot,thewdrid"Stto-date,”expert”“Sboss”*Swappers,fwe'll iniveEa.Hedrigk:tos ship ok .‘onel,Press:Dabjels:Gwe,don't:{gnow “bie Ore.ofthose ‘Bread stufis |thap his:relationship to JJde)downto Rast"{they Sel?*We,catingt thrasejuptour'Jeigh afanty timehe'-will ‘segd“up@OL::I'sonovernorRyss oh oesyrint-the-llow{hs-card ; tei Seth em a3 ys a =eyrov3saRoars ‘ sma Spi TN hy -i/Doeal:News: plaith dunkkaage F ridBy.- pee “Pie teratded schaols.Spade FeSuimeon,Monday.January 3rd: [scription toxFne M'sSCOR * ¥ae |fete hv sie |PERSONALS ae: ‘lative comity:visited.her Galenter: gs Parks Tavlien!this EEks peek Hartvel Sine?Tot TONG Tat,<two:/MooresxiMle ;Soak pwererin:thie’¢city,Oat Testeseee,sda. 2 Quer food asStr jends.Medr GaHDeikand©.Ei:D:.Eller,of “Sh: ed ofCataw:ba,C‘olleoO a home fie:tie hglitays..B. Sora ¥oy Pg*Pog (daeStatestitles .=ches = ¥fe tos|Ester;prise:cite st Bi SBN Binzer.¢4 this pilee.a Went ox ints Mes.-Dr,Adanis and famaity)> Siw esswat THEM 9 st ‘teS =percent gréater:WAtera Di sty id x}Rao,the:ety on pwr me pauy,é _a Wetaratty hasapy Getter eeeFont’.aeDHS paBeaty buiness 5y:Sprengs The.y 7p Ade:AO K, ae es eeeta SsCottfettitizersts.HrdnhStat vine |i idipnrted efor paces ms ‘itihs gat eeoe er.bred WwW: PAO Abe inte seehs'tat uasd:nNanet.APOE He ica thrit srbulrdesUt.AGontede WekBaeer|ateSguldiertandohegr ghis scbantseats‘and other?crops to thre OES lass Staic “iepstoners, Mes -Houltshouser:Yr wound idpthe lecshal mitch:hetsie yo aeshint t 3 dabor:ate Sona &a ferhh ret-them seriepertPytee~?Seg Ste . Ne ~Ubgniottes St =f OseafCots TTth s hamger ofStufext Heswhoisis WoesaS* durState-his “years Py Conlin eaten sha Thi Wooul,4 Et Chass:Ww EPtadstian|: hwas,on {the first:eMM uctors:On" Ey vst ee reetsthe pied Maj"Chambersdoc as many ‘necbenigha:hin atonts,“despite thesbe MIS. ‘hehe fayeLL Org.“apse of years Sine:“theySbad] Gon ductor-at'tirst,‘butt djdn’£takeIGadtforgflood«at old “‘ingmories’to} dy ‘feoe }Ve ae an}Observer.is:ciéarly -nipphip | tyhas.thore*expert jhérse ae apper’s thgn any.other.county in the!State: Joe:Danigls has’evidently:fatzotton ex's Marrh's free passes.2” Mud Colonel:Daui otbe able t0 go,‘Ed (ny wieéteriés OU “opisth sille,Newton -7nd WilkkesbepoatePeesEsq.“Discus ae =Pe es,Atle:‘m aN *|News aga Observes:e Be“a &£ heis “digger:‘abroad‘than é te gb a Se RA)Be my .iSie jin $1.90 To.the'tow.ae for:oat 26 ee ibabli “ogo States¢illen®ret Ft bvlidays TAS Enidgy:¢“Theytw We CATES ‘Ee J.Childers,OF mowan |. ~—MiteNe =|people.ae tise Acadeiny BOS his er Ee pnd *ah’Wilson”:ae whMorganton:Her lites ing opDfFES (OkeStikelesather.of the Stale?Hosp se ppitale re thsearned |Saturdayalter IEG Chae)69)SivTsit toMlatinns noe Arie IOs=. =arene f aoe roxcary: At it,a aeany)erfed andes.gbtic pr.fhe,Mascot a dct,Reid? Lvisituin’thi tr 5 She returhed,tolPests bTee“eft‘visiting tig son Mr.rJ2-s1/Cham k shhPritehird.tic."sinpett SieBerssbuile3afection>Mig.tidle X ofth Sangat,Anfinch the'Siith aid eh;to Iiske wpa Sivwiig’schiodk OL FS :May.BS aegnae not:‘expected to’reegvés.2mete‘“Maj:“Ghambers-IsZ 782 year’fpepwperity:but.‘our.feel Na)ee He any regotnizeze fie zold.Lula Peigneivas feo leads bekdné nee phe.perks, tusitan?and.the’bw.had a:partie:|B eee.meeting.4ee Pee ase] bOMeROHCantal this neighborhood.eC whien it ‘aims’that Chatham »Cour:} fag¢Christmas./ ee igoreHalas brother:aeist,nthat..vexander i ountk visvis anyi this Little,ae Wwtsto*seey aenegens tion:CSRShd Beas = thelaltégnatte «deisel:Fe om “the present‘har ‘uings*are..dup prams ob his count §taother dots JoF:PaylorEsville,“\StatespsborO;, fie Hier God whosenature is, "|Some,zold ‘organs,“relerring..to} -*|Bryan’sereception.in’Mexico,say.<n ne-".+Why shdnld‘men -,sensible|4Onthings:deliberately hat ftheireytstofacts?/“Bryan:"cannot.ag<}'98 ant where in the Dnited -states :pacaene hgnoreg.peveae oe n \ 7AgungcladeATIONSEIREDELLANDSERACOUNTIES AAS Bat=Aswonien PE POBLISHED s :3 vA tex oe sng Mey =Fate: tr mw Fi starye Pn +4ilfooteivitio:News Ta 5 a a Ww.S.iLinder.of Charot te,arris> factory.AWeMiBS,whéshuss:tad cbaPicewot this GepaPtinent-w in pr eM ARS Valley»“ats Asietite © nishere-baying®SebThuie lags:te 'Ship |. rc tiem ito.Hadibevs >>‘Germany,‘He:ae 'Ships-fromthere-to¥Noy fotk.by:pak ohser,Was.ip “town Saturday 6a |“and:trouy there by.wate.He as hjS way hom froma Visit;to”re)a-} issin Atexander.as native Goun- *Shile,iistown’-Mry “Childers |; atopoak i atic renewed ,is.|SuD- Peste nds:sae PepeRt hs owe sada tind ether ST EY Za Statcrettativlly Son”conitichee,the Stobrbwtlie He}:;Lege ica Staiéstiv anal By aS eotyned pst Rida |nthere,weerrazbec in,Aller ae “Bob. Walsagaaand}Tok i TEE wor:The |4 ei pripclpatysp artic ‘Tpahts..“anid:wher]ee{BU Brooks angtheStakehod‘Aedyed’saaneN i aS ees=2 fond AM talon,Whitehatha.Sévere’To =iN Cute:his;Fac:Saneibycoimts reuntactswith aPagy oPitt,th hands éf'Bobe Wilson:4 These folks dBeforeMugtice‘Seels,wh--put,Jobe Po nS ewer “op ta site ager em Bopd toappeae betere ‘t \Snblla {yh 1]Ee,Pinions ies rae as ee oe Re oe A aoeUser .eeresti <,;ae Bre Pig st.ot SabresSpeemeeeiaa ,Wien re ban yhres:|Guinichett oeare} sight:seerspeStic sto pred? ae ship rida:the Sunt HINOS ty oft that why |: x on;tei cop aye RCE GN=Te.“be |SpeeabaihiomeSromatiiyay.leirjotien Astrgctiongeived at:tbe “retuesteRaleighJapeOibeasrwrReAbiesidantweld?pt,Jobe: ae.Allisao!ex:Maahalt pheothe sidesen beBign.re ial di pineal Bolfire's hie se lisYiked with metic é :when’they 4Kare mi a Bigne et : Mirtle River, ve i4Theeissule™‘af tho sda as eee: slungrena pird-shooting,Our peoy at ple ::ea good dealt 4genigrally:eo “MS.Pour Reid Wie: ;“of:‘Texas.Hi ‘bee!a vom “A%Pe MissC Clava.Tam,toby,ingot joounseJsvisting]her.Sistes,“ait“4thexoitd,eyMaq-‘ChamBgreFR.AES Calder)-gaoly WETE Old:‘chums: Nesterday.5 as-bey irs Ebina DowbShas.abet”“suf: ColeBrathay Was:Bding.rhlenis tiie)feringavith.Pheumatism,,butts soibetter,oo sek: 2 a Bad es2tareABee‘sities Pox ISN ry 4 inawit] re.“Prgphithevold childs of Mrs “othe “wedditirs”are, pending Dy oePNG <"The-peoploard:pilptir,p iss Mary.Teploe The TreeSe solsanespall oper(DACz2 “Tittle Rive Deb ho Z i abico—Religionss Ryedd!J ReeiinWhiteSuprethacyadat SF iongtrous,erie,the;fraud “ee, Peaghicl Ail em |th Heo:[3*gt Beg ee ndét"behjovi aristiant ya rt tt‘maipimize bis,“popularity ee Si that |it,isan mee dail- “General News. Shen David.“Howell,ot the’Pro-, testan t—er crunch,i :‘led:heré this:sobsto take.c bat En ‘of ‘8\Erearre Simotiten,-eolo ah bawded ithe”meaving room’at the cotton,‘ali styist: cted of falsify ing es lectiba t BSSwete sentenced”to we‘peni- sry last Friday.; cay‘The Chilen cabinet bas.‘resigned’ paying:ten dallaks peper®“thor andas.PORE epi CAUSE.dansén WO. “stint repap ‘Colle,at Boek,” eC)Phas ‘saspeiided:on.“Op Bri pag justia tetéwn:,: pibligatipn of oapelwepapdy at China [+Berry.W"ard:Known ae the Tings prose,epeehice ss “tutkin’Times:Mrs.“James Reig “oso is “ho.‘Bioreé jast Thursday-one <engin-_ (Q firemen,were killed and employes sie are, New"York oe xday Ato wee meSichigo charged Ww.itty coagicey ping of y Cone Conwayat the deed.was‘eahwed by. Se ae q 42PietAeOns)ae ire=s a Terris,the’ealaagen. assqssinated ‘by being -= che was éntering the’. ot a London’theatre:last, of ogre iutetives out:the,‘approp ae . ints eh Carson Citys: We Ve a , phase oft]bes “puttentaes TaeSisfStatesvalte‘astSaturdat centhe fa Beslan LS et cal besostain, tspenda fewe hays-“tHithi fiers.nice.pedMy hey forAsses Sutimitted:or,for)sce“abet ntrge fo pebinteect disie ent} as ri ee Mpsifes:re ¥aries GsMessrs)“A,D:+lone ala W.eA.Wihert.Sate i Spee tat;vaio VeeSek ‘sight rom “SHarp bute ti spotPiet qiySombehuae ane.peqdested hisahC5CFs“yy Sy Tihs =Re Rey oth Aowh Sat ddan:ih,“The ‘Wing Repahiean—vl,last,AS oh ea e OF _Amoskeag |Mosieliring, of Mancliester>Neh. the OES of its puaves This>is;probably ee FOSt ais the “country:2 aiaBy the cut Theré wisa fre at Grand:“Forks. ‘D:last ¥riday which destroyed $6 |Dakotas was burned aud the 5 s éstaped by.the fire Scape,a. 4 der.oe Yout wide:from.the Gih'. rte thegrdund.. Tt 4S.,pelteved: While Haine’ona ee Fe aie ecently Editor JS Miller?of ka Kan,Was seeSeek by. negrotwomanSak oa Thine.‘the Geyear-pld‘son!= and Mrs.Wiliam “HB:Hunt,: Akron,”©,ied Monday. fever,‘theresult“ofinjuries.received.' av biteponeseta last.Thursday. :ane fers Ak Ta me time Se "meadid ot gappear to!Bbe*se= :ibjured’and.Said-cnothing., i cnaeaaie te was:ill.rand.See caries: rat Who ws Are. master!ileween : Inwview:of He abuse.which tas uce:the —geessection a cia frome.its party a “areeMessrs.J.a Hace and D.Watts.”The former'was one aea the ‘“flowDee” ee latteriis shesilver member ommey ting upon an ‘editorial - redin:this,“paper,jastuponDemocratic’-; eke ompieitin:as app auding the:state- Preoneatr.oe ean odforever:arereg the tare,Canada toan annex of theae par- Gold,standard men ‘who bowed 3 showed that:|they could ;but those'like ‘Cleveland -TRE"qaScOo |esaries = pei ia iu aie :SY SuByiSHED Ww ‘ae patie ¥he EERLY Shs 4,—aTS tea eh +et ~ONE BO 4 :eek Loos cord is facoitat ie aap —LEAR,A’YEAR.PeePee 4h the aie on,aecount BS :Ali :OUR RULES,=phaoat Gauble,Gf:eek Joly thai, dene aia ER <)RS eh naw Advertise eR ee SADE ea |{tr salichorw 'oe.iMaz was Rengeds ppoite Way ise mnt eee anged mus ments and.t!THreae Fog ogae).”7 ay lasu atean +iy Bok.-+ieD _2.-Wedngsd:tbe inthe qffice ince te oe havebe way ot ah ER nidhey ;form eR ne nee ae naires bee rnd nook.on}pitted ins the Bist thSeman an Rt el Peis ‘colored,ed ae ee _aee — os ‘mn ie ~re —-Za ¢as that oss matr bopo-tte your nat ae Spuaie his’Vedran,”Tee tune.:pi ea fete hanged 7 eer :ol i ye Ss2 saben Re.Bs. “once orthé hew your subsc nican:oth mibe Acoutty ad he ny lor F My.‘Pi = \Ee ‘Good;sind a.your ac paper.wil]be “di ription at’-Fold?we Lae hoe.A ABs::x 4 :“fro it CxS"*Bashiese at en ting: ee tion eee |ro bsands for cole E Sieber S67 gpou &"}’“5 Chntertss 1d,ae :Seek a ak idgour 4€olleg On.as: i ng. sthe eer ee aa nee es esjeeete fet te.uke Ji CompresSmmart.Li AGS.Te *A HEART eisot :¥dom a ih $8G8 Sy <NEOT Dee 7.Bomey mAe ’ :ee —.Ebrrons ©Alfred:Uyas feared Io wept ax Eas oe nS .fae a ps Ap “om Washivgten.eee <=Fi S Sena —epee :CS ae ce Spee ‘lehimn a>Ko Siem oT ia CeB.eMiiner and we ek oa Ss SOME Te fi che ‘i sth a xh ess eis 3 aT:res g a =SFA oN 8B LF ee Dee a =hes Stnjax.Aged?feeape hereoF ae oerjouel hon ease ae Ade hometov’ ne Oe es ; Ee Se a ieee |.Bectbow sews TS sige Pap ces eneies aS — A HALF. wrt cep rai ‘2 We BICR 2 <4 oho tet te “Letler :ig nes Ft is raree NEXTAV ERK.pie pe ty the far et ESS Atel oftFAR scarab A Chik aR ‘yor re‘Briday,-sane ait SY -jhe The Colle aed!tg s thee yeestons .eae oe etre (Aba we oy Pisses oe muacide.‘ts SPT ce 1 oe Geees ae Kernen y - an eh aos this eve :=give tikes wal expats é x.¥CORY a.L fies RESCAW:3,BIN'y taf : Bite is sits:a again Janu:; 4 See eee song ag.te Re SeasCita aaa Aa)peas:eeSt WE 1p eee : a ats Sve Lance,RAS ~sp A stokes d,s pe SYM gee oe eating tc aetna!Sas at oe rertiderients setae se[¥eotte ke ay iS =Baad se as asSuree ne “Ph:Saban ce a|{arre s ye a €aeoe } v2 ie t a :StatesviliRy. » gf tebe EG tp io ne Her os fs Saeres :a - SS paper meat:a=domptlied Swe goerat Spt oe ott iPisthicenant i ay >ziti MTL AN,Dae ;aetopa caefae -2 ry Ist. %Me will eetparey came lst.oanty oeaay |”bury Qronspasespartion:“7 harass eae ?he .ee OE eats. ptors :Bas i 2 ae a *=ose F i prgatA 7b abé othe ,th Ae mek s |)pleat te tal SORE SE 00 re M ye Se Pie Bay pe Aistabesd sail “bye Yk +Pulkh Pein ee et im 2 will att;sheet:abangt:SLM fia 0 jebik sceeured f-whe plage 4 ve Ted STF vA eee ee Eb ga.O0 ind S500 Fey ne.ofes.Pe Ae =i ef :«their ee necessarily*be'n’lo oe at Fgh ae Seed ‘hye sparc fon ore tn Stags Sie‘jsyine’Coe eeOnea orn ee ae eee KINDS:0 <a a theok Peillsca iA eeowe ee —ale}Seacitete a ae Can Kane aesSavile >bere pete eeie giant a3 soant eats 2 eee Tos =Sa : Deanars ‘Appl E PALITS.oho moe wa ers wil iande:2 that our,rods ‘aangNoms16 Rat %ay pales Duesdaye hess pt Sees204 :oar %ay mith ott ey weetie abd poorer Nb NToNSa beSpweets foe 7 oa e8,.Ban a:Ra:ogee ee re will an.1%: Ves Obes : m5 Salo. rnicd LP:“tad! OR ua ea in ste 1,090 fedorned +©|PARES leer, An ane ; {bacco Ware i ee harefeonked xe eoour’print-‘te eeae ayes WAY mad is Yc be Yeh .cosoins:ewe Avante.Raat a ty abe Se,ead era Ti,eee EARN €pesbibnet ice line,of >ed i ee pee le holiday...*Phe ete mine nged ae ie a Seas aS wae cresea Gaae1 Stauseibe figt wes«toma.9 we ers 2 eye See hea eee te FRESH NETnt ior 3 oe 1898.ee so ic et, .» 5 is S ety oan est: -ance te «ath oat ae .3,a appeat ap the ue he ens will een ceo Nanni sina oe i wee eredSie ay ioe ned se Bayete RB ecko.oS an Eaabetseep Di wee ths 5 Yous LY ee age ee ies Froat 3r nd Décémber pice Hee :Thinday,|oe fire,Monday,’,Uo wast:decerose OlySolarence S.(sof Sn eG:saith crs:add 3.i in,F)iB:aba Mass Sold by.4 ae cee bs a0 i.ae.Roce ici 2 2 Christma et Edi,|one 6f aeeededa hoping,egeh b FON:360.5 eg et oe taasteas OLE of Os tonne:State:Loy,Mr GESBort?ist.5 Le =“SHERRILL:&:ei Zp:oe Pie es are ex eeeek :night ‘i thd mas ¥jerry-Cl 1 “Spareer Sao Phy ot UGE Gipezztia:nis Dewi?i Oe Phos!S pe De Qe Te :is risht.Ber a ee i School.~ ie +a HapsySNewer Bostinae aes Kh:Roa AES iH a aeoes 8 ed Aeae ,ar Esy Pree:panes Fra tom Fats sia * soma Pi uctaae Di ae Sr *Mr.Luthe °~RmonE, pet Ot 3 sold ip Mt.eae traliae —b jaof Melbout twhere Naay”froin ‘Balt ceived »7 Peaple are}:ge :B.see ts es -Minnie,Hi:E pean eS ‘Politicians.°-:_[edison in £0 this tale cdusedy ee aei Age lle avon ees iteeoacol of al ALL &THARPE,ee ee.Statesville , et j:Hs te Sinbee “Phe:We:eenS y stingo mn d 4 ME a Senate ty r “pki i a ae afternoon. ae setae Sppsmtys Sshing6s Tbe feat Sr a id booms,|‘sh nee rl Phe Wieatioy BAe bes. een "this St cabered:Se nh neiehy top Moxserter SD ion ty Ri hiya:psmalver abs he PEAS4 Cie whes . ent :atermrn tonne 6 aeee:nh SAR wrmted,er aspys pecatat hse.athor,ea b shore Wasted et Jt C92. mete wR is en ty ALY,ss ii eau fort:.Coy,‘postnas spy:4 a3 suicided eC TL:'t]‘Etiday toile:,édeh, Mr: ee tear¢eiven out tap en ape To as xopty:Ea Sub:set th a Hy Lass ee We Senne”Marsan}fee ee‘ak,es eet phy:Tee 3 yet:‘thenu withot ee Be ‘county Pring ie)soe that-€parse neefat Greeist RE mets or Oats ac eee :Protea BE a ,oe a EN ha on Es O,Henso:‘bas.: moe came Coins 1‘Tabi _day,on hist p tor...>otisk Hii be theatfeance rowmo ues=fat OSs ||uebiteian Galonal’ss De Paes Me ttn,og ceeeeats ett oestar’PyAPorth} :goons Hae ae :i former iniins 4:S|i oe ,i oe Kept ey tae iG}suspest <Ruiz,aud arhisle yaee shee! pvc A ; ‘;Congress: We Kept nyLte aes wo aes)16 LB been exe ed of tre a J,AUG IEC rie €PIF last.airoe:“s nnerdy fae Asa ger *There Ni a uted*te verve Ae att Got ¥last week rack Date ‘tou ——oe Wi EA =be =Bada Soneesi McMiRee or ends :easSe as =ey ins —Monstocs ieticy Tingey’s2ieoeSeay badoes pag keaaye eres 7 :oe 3 a DUESSC t rater tf ;Pe LN v4 4 ihtay Le.,cs ee thy I.Sere 24 AMrJohwe Wiese a ~tw eevee,<3 ait wy Br s-Luthe term-of 6.fills:the rain biease tf nthe,Carrel %Pt Ger TCI bud fhe Sta ere Fi presehiptiv Yi dense,Stay eliae olfins-ba cer gta eager a aol “Christma~ of Saree jooBe pueernS |te cling,dena Ldn sp ton tar Cave th Eaves pes i eer peed ane PERC 8 ee is es tae Bee Se.ak Bet ee Ne Chaieein a,Re Spécial Mast Beso Wo more were nw ove kilt rene a Was Credavith ssc Shinetan.SwAl,Haws ount:St a say See a c eke 7 ao ‘- owen... Ree elas:Pee ke i,Salsb as eyixe:x Tees Wah’é.ene seid: Vvessinan De ANG ZY ae 1:AGAy oh sea ent %.se was arg eee ree wold ee gre HOS ce Se ye sone yTUitlet:9,Bobi .Pees ed wet they}eas Aish powas Netacestons TT =et Sie Tienda <5 ame a chefille:tothe ey ATS a?peritqunh Ne us Seay ees opie oc ae JKtzstinmius, the A fine nite Teen day an Bes iepeciie 2 ‘baw ins Irpsi.will tio < yeady es Jes,is?interes!} |hel 9 ere ce.amen Bee es sSUCcEe:o—Pe LtOck;WDE .Sh Sate smoking oO “prize.ery'o Sy ye tN oY art ving ae Priya uha s new::- et!northot i -hkae eas “fca ink Ae 2 fae b ae ea :a eee on “Une.ShipeAts opterts.aaa ee eine ithe Tene at shag iit.[STA aeeeee me Sia work zie Pee asningt s,ther ~usping Wet Garena ye Be rte re A i *ee ie aes ybroo tere]Saye es)esing.Cle i Leese el Pe ML be andgb escher:hs a y agi 5 Be poe eee kowill’be ap-T +Dapham 5 YE fe us Gro Chigaey a Nehnces eat hae ee a cK Ent dune Fen att thes Kenimrewie .Licenses fc +rmsbsat’Sa at Win heat |np Sit Mor aA Hy wan he pd edite WAS]54 yodm trom fis ronteda-s¢Eriday-niyat aed Ye:thon tee Solbawini S10 ¥at E Salem;”stony Ogio sth padayy Boul hewspape pat we Gertie4,RCOL Goa a eck Ri yht.Dee: a a following bas ¥at Shs and tliat ie ‘MeBrayer |ShiCpe eee Gktbs hi.“solid lyst SatriaBats a4,Chicagzo oa Hrad a atiy Mar AW.te |Cianars esbly ed that:the B1st SS ee Jy".j a.rast oor a ‘ae we , y ws oe ety reese eek re s ate.oe eee:insnre the ae “appoint:{Tobsceo*CoyRane well:pce,Ge day,3 Seok me SS shop aan hit.Shoe .5 <n}A Aas ee‘copimon’ shop:for ea Gh ‘ee yo ee Miss Cora Mu ee peo lt gressmay Tinney.ROO pipe mbpan y-podas,SCuutol!5 Got Black,(oh New ei a eat:“Miss ey is eae AN Tae ‘at vpreag a reel a they cae “ae;cand Mass sc aa,Tae sg Ss Mag p:s K -e ‘age ci aeae preach : Fenn a ht e hig gan con ne ~,tHatth giveorans!Troms ys -“At Pig \tere Reon P sugthesk eS Attomnéy.A asapa ter of M Mrude Ni gtifoes |2¥ip this mo 1 Satdaay’aand aah na toshow Poo“e :The Sunda ee pee ‘list fisonts wee ree eset der Gaston za%NaC me PY.ides ne “Vik.<A¥Se to this.plMNO Ae ithe+Gane we hfea P68 ae,2ur ee cogs GBappiste Ch " ;is "That Pie nip “this Sti ite mous opurt nee mags cominitted 4 wae fr: eE whe sh ¥ek cass vate Bos whods atna hesone offfnenhbor hood:wedding i 1G ae e .:>mas enterta: 4 >@ondith :next yea gro®almost LX!SUV An i ERG rae ii iG pital if A ese te Ing Nike Wast:~TH t 4 utters; ;;«Prese mt 0 wllbeth jon*.of’such’*f ax.|heads with Severtig,wg anie Pas.2 Gieht-pomnd Agr ASO Ret ane thay tr:Pred yy 2.Ca:utsdays f gue : ee eSents f°-,Butler-b:¢repudiation Usion jove a ak:“Et qototh ge explodec ee ignite,4foy appe nm.performed ach hay -Nesbit,<ennedy and eres co “SundaySch Vike yithe:P 7 of “Senator ria.womnd pact sOuD!Now oded "Truc Carel ents ndi¢itis:“+”Lyk Agteck Aen were,dcMigs'} y2 a ey Oo as r oputis Or te 3.)Wal York sdav " S Ra Cocks:1én RRATIVE See Fe init ME na Ae ee co == a anes ee.ee g ert §eee pu ist:and chair sary.Sotntfy Se NS “Fi at ee ons d e y one of the \xe ye Pools keroom}ah heb ae Byes 8 a:years.,died ie Pe .ine may ot (Pi Rafnville,re dtstr Re Sigs)érignated texande ty rout amonyou nideand: pa pe He wi =4 ;Sag ee EAs missioners Gf the feat tom ‘oxed tHe %offtcer rcounty Ube ee ye HOSt *5:»on the ‘ pen SNM Th tig 7 eC er &stare aunty.by S.send ple.We poprk ie ea i ie 181! ~K a.‘An spaces betN anes Sens by!Ea a Loup Note Beene i iMwry,ene ome,bet oitectot anki (Tiedt sane oot teishes ere iA eee) “oe tee “four:‘childre “n _eee Moire and,Obscrr eA ‘opihsuramee™.!pest list Meth:-nbest:as wae ee orange}Mlecodgee N ie Cee ee Sate ee -nai i: cs “E =Charly ee fess ,The ere ;i o 3 Lies $ ees “ih .aaa Shic=sited F dAtasvba4 2 ee a.,Emme =e «‘*Sta e.déefsion “panies Riie:Richard:Suit ye ik ise SOG ‘00 3 :>Prof.and 3Tes Ben}€oe)“pate:bY was give niends ‘mdjedell.bay ae re 4oW%S C.-Kalo) te Supre “d-down:.b.1e Ndirty nS b:sos work es feather Le tAN +}Resident ini her:hon ALS ota r aship,Ww Tames seen veo ae ‘ny,Shot pare a ecsaire aemea Soul ck ss way 2 ollSee Dusintssie ne eeMeteors:mor at:iket s 2 “nt the ceiplen iroad sth orn North G sont Stud:Wed hintsel?mpa-|face’Or sOrsSant many)Teh gol:30 Taytea idk Fmasie |Sauce 4 a 00d #ae AV rey:5 cas *“wnagistrate.-A ae “found he story OE NH aroliya4 anit 4 M ays He s¥as oe near Wile Me¢stirvation,a MF ea st i et retitned-t rsvilte.Pita cess to the go Pes oe eee +Mooresy Newt =et.Jess eee éolvmn,a oor ae aioeSoea ee 7 olay $i Bubaw ieBA ae aTY ae [pee eas tsee ae a : te on Ss on wt a nae ae A Bie es!now somewh 4straighten autyvi t:}Dave Wilden,;“pyletors 0%mis eas se APR opening of WoeMOUS > a ‘that.silplease aie er NR danghter Z i io citizens:fae ‘as the fe FS pbet in!Mhchod esatwe Buyet =ence eesSpaniatr *sce a rate sWwaesborn!Gh aehitohy ; a 4fortable..;‘. ppers for Be Pee “by afunt a; vats ats g .Y Ss / ;fr : :4 -a 5 ae i ori Se tics of raga eon:renie-,BeSee ae pas aeeres ‘Considerable loss Visite ifore STE ree at ‘oa! dn eS Se me .DORINE,‘OF oon Ss anda.Se be posead : i * atELbé res:thes $3 ete E i ay:i ig é re “A}se xy I eh wn x iC aftex?ne ee,W. eras eTSQn,in : _eral ea én sé.awfull €shot Bim.«mori tela]ight’“96 dell Di »~"eKadders5¢%Sea!‘Suga us Notmu oh ey pomiand oe a gs wlroi p tedete siichtl vind died eel A.18.rs mile S¢-Chapepi agar Lt.\its,cy ;he Fe is founs citizen,.to Sy quality thata Fe~fede y ¥inethe <5 and tse “in a.Rtn i year ald t e ee é On,hors 5 Tolsa: Pee tthede: -He me “4 .e y noth 1 Comman,|”Mr ae Peas i one Zon,fat Gr a ‘at the ‘Te,Cols)Se trial fin a WDOW aa a Res sey glc h ;eans bus sa me expense,hi +hing:of“time ole ?ie INT :‘ey rete night lag er eS >e-next iter Ober:aoe eC more”ot Sian 2 a Beem eae,aM Been 2 ' tadace th ys had"Jittle tine)e and well known et cDonwa:fifa:PotaisuRing €waehk>fr in jth Cea:and.sec the’th.af Wikke Gover,waky feeb ah ig us ee ae +ihe.State ; be < ‘ @:effec t ec ‘editor.<a eSeeourt ¢Tes:& A 3 aie ‘Super ::the fact eat Specially :©ination salle?Sind ike h;sdied if anal A pc Niqeors-c &Pay 16 ee °urt :: ea ot Be 5 intendey# at“a I KIC,FC i Phd:AShet |haa yh gen Sk stsville ey i Sean ne ee dl”fatt.Ti son Oee:a éderal?Jods of rat vam Cy a >./repyes os re@unie oth N’*“Sy Te:Be ai?a’d Zeitch z :e LONI ps nears}ge in},séve 5 oty:ip ithe seated |gdm ler e estPyJos Bon2")buy Tr SCS,‘y ae aiid ie os preshdegt, -‘pagt of the,s tittle _more.th t rat times and Ie ,Legislat eon whey ied!Wr eph..sO%,ugeylast Maule wos in %a necting i wi a 2S pmatt oF eke Stock Or:aia}ser “or ”“the,Gate hat bee a ee Fai fh ittied Laide m.ALOMbin,=)Was fhe *,Satyrdyy x oa and) ~\Se ting in (sy aoe 3 } Fai fthere de."int the eacfion,Drinh hes et per 28th and® eS iwhaeleck3 of these”eorper FORE)eee ss seatibuedl Ci ent 1 awonday By C conte fo;have x OT,andSk 5 “ttle Se.Fa She a)aun}and® ,4 The :*oeons Oni}*$e fede aS Ue e *ene t te ~tajsng mor edhover tegrashizp,W a ESASSy S care ea sis ‘The cx i “|tears Siow referedto vil mtu atat drt oe ad [Kai an Daneel ee tibetan ee iene.eat : Milleraa 7 |Bilbo3on :-'Tarheels¢plain c att bacco,Wa x wy bee @ doh fought [Oae ees tava:od saitie- I 7 «the 30th.Ci es are fe aneue egohe I Ota Ne A pecae tee forSS uaemn “etr+ae or yes :be Soutease Stile Sor bfed ttete’he : “é-e oi seats : North €1¥wealize that'the bea mahi oot Re Fulega be nt?son soma hoe pignship of the wo:IMeweight|7 BSC Gefen at Qaaeit this ee,have.trad inks to ee ass Besae bts fk et NOR Corte ‘Railroad:ues astébacct ea ee has iene They.5 yal onl rhe?weCoy4 Aiea cunts bas!So Jag fhe:past eae ds dur- 4 know whe ioe ; ot.iit Reivedebed corporation 5 Tak ee Sorel dnccneu es thi The'l @ ohn vic Coy.the Si ee RU EY,tee Statoertghne a récbived | a ee them,we.h seats and”a *Mrs.Ki Sree.ee ee ee i Se cauegihen :’eState fs 2 1 Insthe cor Pr Robe .Settee ‘x ya Cina Y is?hoeein’rare =nid.pak pies:4 ‘oof ciate-bey on ul ‘bringing es eS "piccdbsof I rey “This toe 3 irts-of leéeiphys rtspp.“he tial Per and wast prot ‘orlevaloch: fatia phorpapples. ©20 fhe oe Bera :ave d words theit ee gites: oe Rus ad yt ‘4 i SHtio “and «z a Ts|a 3 ay!ition a .the.pare in spite of tl the w siciay who.\oe Cols ed sonda rbably fataily-SCEDTI fe nto gs nd wie ‘more | By A : ‘-Reais nd fq sh nt-corpd ie fact th vad eat)vas’“Bitte?:y Rights>.es Puside erahem Orting oe ae OU eae $4oSh ei tore.Per. ;ern would t ae ation oftheS ayy develo peal St Weeks ‘l ee by}Tyesd Price Ihe 2 eal ‘erie, ED ABP oki awa ‘present ara Pts 2 eee ae eaway itSlocal oar See raz wuld Gage ey Saree te ;¢hehPut On ide NOG | LYSET ee re.AN,EA Sates.will a j opbobi:go.Anta ft urstoty gf i Beushy M yhe mark rh :N x »Urem, =3 :Phe deci our Of its for ee “color ment,Wwherthe fant ta:En?prob:of jeate og Ghi-.at onntain’ipket:-Ehet ;: rie : 5 sid ieghéss=>”ES ond eaitite ubly:misty.sic as rank c :My.: ae ;ns ‘wide and.Ste nace vas se an ee ve e rie or é reat:Beae: wounded:Waiene ed Pui in tne wataey ie indy Others @ I ;Ae out prices 3 %B eat B.F wie and we aydntel BCE at 9 reat |Have ene Caosx enn ep sees ee rove rei Bias sterof i cessity to’th 6;invol¥és.:the 2 gh,“to the Pr paekoale Ta if"Cat “Hew ¢el eS ards,©,pe plat %have 1%,ston abor BS:a nts:O Wea ae de Six oz other: ae —take upon e Southerm Ra e Nex!eburch JPN:rote ante:HD is x a Sachck t iN dies ay abs tree f ‘tee yt rped:SEB] ee te “chapdise W.are -OSes fi eCsv ile,wh Ce tself th tway.t bY ebe orthi-€a {YDis@ Mou Van at Chitas Dy ote Epona);nights ay.role =e ron:thi e have e met,|wr seve state corpo €burdens.of,vy-to]OF BLE:boirs.oFt roling ays.OYE:coms mile 2 obin “Ales BO Se +:1,50;an eer ge ral ye: Of the Tate-ism Ste red ed:sede ‘drasyiing ich ed.reqt est smoke fous upe ‘up Oo “Men's t::lina;Te os said lega atone before <it.ore poet The oa e-Paul ‘2G:“h edge “ofa Aha por Bane cel we .it Wie. Homes ou ur,celebrat tap jaa exus.. a eee cp eeee,ee ea rane ae = ocae E Es A ing Railwa es Erase epey yedrs.«*|TemMat ind the vei Sty |‘the |psubse wo-weeles -aed sville tin fa rom:$1.25, Liew I i a Althou Wa LN thy -yp Bei SG seat Se c oe ofthc (Br Recription.774 ay thei organ"repair :W.nd.welt goods...up.nail wel i é =vetween eb the contract.of qyee Supfeme.dv0 rs \ry .ee |Gompers h :v M reat.)Were?tdropped §i nGoeeei dome.ane ‘xe fin Red Be a “Stoek=eithe So2 “Wo-: ing last weeven r in thei ae moads.iSof puhebate Neon ae doaaty:6tFdbaides te ae “heratSion ata Of the.x beers se-clee.ae we Up,|aia:m,time ‘ago-for:not fe beeeenie. sere sant aene es gases So 98e:a:Spano cater or Be one tim &“no consum estate,there’b:bey Raih 2agsuedth “aid:ponte Whi chs ion"inuNasth Horn whict Hctn "Red Gaiext Year i rs silt ave Mx.Wal as Se es Ais Ee any a our:li from oe oe birds ;ae the Sonth mation*in ‘thé ab as been [%road may be ol/th endyhMe wasfivte Te hayeits ak ses-Ot made Tih prompt?pavi 1S ates Ke fh s ke A:$2.00, ne OF‘iad :oe hold th : 'N ern Rail Sence-0 ownty,bec repudia Iwas pllwget :@nay.;ast?PeeteVillesort youdive Hentiis 1: cee arte Mave 1 gone PEDO:5 ; x So reir a Se ne oie ee = oubtfud if AEs eachtho Teg Me Nan Sas aay Vy:MO,-f bhe pa ake 4)Cor hat]:dings: ae Pelee : ae f en : ‘uski ions 2 cision fot if we -have-H use ofthe @times |caine seh at 2g she if yout yu He)getin Yet pub.cAsoe ste 5és,\: 5 hh60rd ;sking th By the princ many years aha de-|'-Tom*¢Legis! tle,NN se wank Sil the’Cass 2 Sgt K Tawshly {Cited 3 “Raising,-C as ae nett 1e- ipl ripe .m*;Be ,REL» stud A phe ee :5 Ne Dice :eee as $5 Rs G urrants C-.uUp Hh O greg eo pies lee pe he :vauiies anae aes 7 oe i an oe.Iway Att :hypnotiz ‘|near yKingis né ‘ratlagad a ne nygx the-bow ones Pp eae Aes Cat i ‘Kinds 2 irom’ to 75e.,taported-";ail,in vent ‘ +, Z nyepi e =ee t s :ee Mion ao ; x t fF ee "Oy Bbaaed atoamcbcuake aoe fete ee Eyes ny sig é.het@ on mit > A :y ekeae ‘ Hi ace alkcoli ch wool ae k a “toe eect cas Sea collateral of|hay <het under:Operas Al'P 5:es j izén® én ors.. .T Bae eral ing,kille rroSusp M¥e s péa Cy but f eophoreret ae gth double V2 Odtings.750.-he C le ‘at Jeast ea Spica to"come '¢sue}his bod s himjand th p reiott dof be cy PAstedo £nt county,- tsa j en?or:“the.yi F 3 : ee hands texture pax hin ne ss the S atawh met “before:to confident]forward]the Qn.he track ey.placed lo#Kcom ri DoNesTi}a?‘Chath Texas,and:jot;Coryell}ath &Derg will:ome.line ckin--*,oh outhern ore:toward pract yy than ev ir chine:Ato.cot thesbe Bs bathe fireontic ee toaaes one of Mis&Mininty|th are oe 6 pay you.of ready cparing s Ee :ots ical reali er4*: ¢aN eG itp:ain "ptp os wWeoitic! arin;Gate innit}:ha - sire ie w line ‘of ‘to investi ia eros g toi aa oe eeGen hte _Stxth,weap is Tone gand ac SVIIIG'S:m105: ek Cheape hats a iaate,ae S the ct eee!a es A Se CS aT NA vielen ty:réedou,of Ashe York ieee JBlevated”Guinoy the L%)les,were ‘mar:oe lished yeu se toy:ae st-ever offere osee lanips:before nd:caps just ¢i fe ral oe i i =oe Page a tend do aa)Fa :per 4 fat o-tiake the night.and }the Mew EM PRs with.de’s é="resid génera 2 A UKYL nas box :nery and e holida a “will be w |)2 Waren =RBC ee G a age et afters ec he mine pace ee eee ls in pan Sth i y'p rH,art)reduct re } ;hi oe ates a 2 I a Dr.Dek ae eee dt the aice {he ines the rod Mt tyan says’thai Oar ee bythe4 ttyAon SE eae hea ene ~. Sor to re-open’ |BRS Moe Sha a cones eae aes alee ; oi : ses ao eee jend bi Here:if adothcr,see ‘Kussel]has ak iecwkee ae ene Some [with See Sand friend Cae ee SOS went rth Chi ae ¥ia piecegt as related ti er who'w.sentence -of cofimited'|-Engl4i pares is<Spreh Owns Thad Lexa:et,thatthe RS wilh)earnAL: ne,:‘;Sroka os 5 : +Harrill; +*awaS danioe tb bes tha a re Ps ted estan nd.wal Railing:|uF New fibeae:manent ~nds to make” *i Nagra eS ;Ota ieipdintinent 6 a aes teases ttteee ee eal wiEsetyoun 31 -E ee eee ere ae pee a ee jovernon als -<argont Brose Ameicat=isn ios ieee pe may eed eal th om Pe 3 ~+in betteri irs,which.;sent Tin Alesha Sted ha oe weele ess“it eowets ie.wish of th Sip this lif ;PA Barri ne by <<bul ny the’-co resulted enced tot gohan y count Hects a /teritph y -SCSsiony Writer.) eitytrie 1c x PANT IS ; oteete teptentiaty.<<ine cs ft =a ao Deeg ot:Sr cee Sted oF ee canes gE ae cen eh aa ee srapre Mere eee ar Pasta femme” ieee eee poe dogs Weekes Lot wesk nce ees See ans ah{:etuia wespey oF ce ee “~.|amount lef at onee-retin pwrengeJenki a —:eyéry eounty:at the>..farm nck SCIEN M : _2 Compan t:over to'th rhed thé in'th wood ims W¢ye:Mre the Sst in each St ers:“in’Hains?aro CE” i:éssrs.K aes y.Th é-agent of }ta &.‘wher ee fing diss: Mon ate,me bles acand -: sare is-offie if *asce e Com of the p28 ‘re.tre:aw Land of ayia Fi ;Meet.ony of € now'on ne Seas eect:rere eee eeeenanpion print pat Late Os ad * par =.u mpi: f =: ¥ i ‘ *«had'such@ case.sie ‘badnevert Spetoré|"ee Mrs eiiteie Rott)\Mies i ae %Senet bey moan New York ‘c ibe umbreélias, te traits,our eee Sg exper|gemeae et ne se oevtngl He eet es Tae Sie ot”ant|$e be suitable Aewnen oo &s is See -jvht.«=4 ra died Bybert:of,the er,=2 es di ers" s Ce . :_Custor are p $‘ Be . 0;~Nay, ee oa a>iQ Soke ieee ne ,om ‘geuscone ase “Seencolored:ao ae Sy opingfash eeaimin ced She dsbsalahNew a ee ee Sek ea ere peas ae Mr.oO.ee te‘Mist:ne :ne was.rom tne OFeead,a5 edoeoce |matsiptonWindow (6;Een thes.third epelea ee os ae :Z Pane Net ,AD:BBerke,Adiaisnar S aitice sd.nee Pe Sader,oiof thé re;=pSakunday.aca ‘Thor aN aed S poe Pyar Tnesiay ineWashi,ea ee ee Sone:—ses Ql es pand.ofere evo ee W:.fic ne: Sout ren saan! aor iniay,Batonaltetke oeerat™eae aes Ofer ae foes tracts las Hortae afterdoon ae S.-€oe eee ‘Hovel begosstr he ee Tord beeshorse.Sore injure ash-fot ese.and aceline a es affec: BI os Houde deorinpattie auaien |ky ex eee es a bought a?= aa e of $10,006.vestigat Q dfwasi orethi pal OS,and?Se~th red:ry jawar,will conti akness Joss :eer us wen a ase ous tir a pe _statning that U9,a ‘packag oe pee pean a in theb e'shot>|Crippl eat)/that’shes,4 S|TUES.‘K “send*THREE ” atari =;riesase ae oe a sight aes .gmmou é ‘con-|Con ngefous Teast.a pple resultedi:would:$1 ies (All different FR | ok ui oer Lo.ee te of ee a amissity hoe having conie[Cov cor ae aSook ia =Sicide:imsamit in mieigncholia’Be ay:eeereaiscee eeEe Bo ;lesh; Se Mires as nae "aki:2 & bether net: S ile =the Columbia offen,«Me etydre ‘about ie for,epS nicide."oo “sebich—vesulted=“ad i ew See TOR,The,Ver-Ee etre ae ng: |aoe .rhe we ce eee went-to ce:M sor :S eee eeu aS d “to spadct Scientific:y an oe y ipa ez Mae ry.3 al-train Columbi:«Mx.Mi Sites ete ee “oN yore ousands @\Trea’oa ert fon}20bn and 1az0n 3-$3 ¢om Eig :"See ly wd pexmane:ent. :mrt.2 (oa tone. se ;D 1 >The package,tht not yet ret Lag tic ‘es.hs ‘The Raleigh “be Se oe sont d bescuncttersnttsmig ite tines : nee i94 pes :pein:».&.aa came ithe -Obse'urned:f Vin ‘cothmi ts 4d0 ¥to,‘sufferl imple ‘pro:| se Sona.ante :Up th rver’:| Ssioner’says Othe .trial of ng”humai “pro-| use;am a:heldin:the -@br Line'road:ana caeae |Yaespeciauy-tee ot ae tle’report will:showforecoming:or astPSS _ee eee paint?has p oa re ~Sunday,Seed rlotte,.Office was}-elne,éver gontained naepins,tor alier?:“flour; ere oneal)ous chem oe new:wo:plexes 2 Zs.to:’ ho Sian “Thomen.(tot,sone “over:ue sac areal SR oea med mo mills!e is im foie &o yp denefict eepatientlyBint a fn jaye Ww.Gri “senger.H )ex y :SE we ing iéat grote:prattigall eh BEY 0 ity e a* ;Mrs; e,it press oe medicine m nin th yall ern canbe ines“claisnied: x ae it tea ,failed dae.,sae water of these’he State vA large i any oma eee assertionthat|,4 see“He signedor sacri Fe jy.i Cee nitsdre-run,is we E Sgraticader Sied"t ‘heatielt Jet re:. e ; ab A Sabo ur i te:cé ; gabe B mee!—oe hel ates :aee-AchiewilieGazette oea ©Prin carpal paredin thousses |‘Ss SOE ee $County Ban |raya emetent;awarend ae a ed 322 apeiaase 3 Nah rng air cbeseand ead gor the world en id |keaister eee k has been Islactory nt;alwa 0 ay,Joe-Ti eey ‘courtty;tion,whic!lesiead.to brenchia: tered in pase x 4 Prevent us charac »‘ipton,/a ‘abd cer ich,abi:torru 1 Eup‘aerate vs ister of.a tok ‘Torner, ee oe we es fever;core al 2 oe il ee miece winslcees nétori|".Simpyjvee‘Gnl tarrupted;meen Robbins.vsoe xara pene eeoe :ieee ‘fee F a:a Ge arate eat 7°tick headache liver:Mls,”Is instant!he:Wingheste y-Mdses!Pine ply.write tor),Sawn edy|(ASH at.the seil-at p of Lamlra Se hte ne et-coun: te :Shareaan {ners f tly killeay -Thé r.Tike Heat cnrrers waged Tole ming positessgerhRocky.4:sekon bins’,=aie!au ra Purser rer for cash 6 as ="ihe ; Nen-outover.théyoettamnent,ata pakeitsatcha SufferersDostitice |of tie orope ot corEjzeenaty wee -ie 10 i UANUA y) * ye ae {eons sors,: i " ete ana oa Soe &=astern ee os ae Ms ofs sa oe rth:at youssaw mh 9 mall compuence Sere eee and -Re sat Dea oak io 4 theSte i ee Tf ‘‘: he ee e ny et a pi n t a en te n e s a ee t = * Y iv ~~ Pe r e ees iain ae fuly. tper w oat 4 =ee- of-BOT > ‘them -hand « Harris:|a teacher aekOOF— et Ata ge at hy Pn.bePrints‘e use Biotin. a.ae Ms,-Auni itin eQted heh? : bem oe eet Local-News. «nO TSales|A ee Seatfcxillesgotton.‘aarket ‘uptil.aot a Et t za Street-chunch eltenastentertainmentChristntas otte the-beneht of she santlay|and.Tuesday’ita town. givé a Lather G:.Ketchie.~and iesHarwellboth'> -t)Gadi.; “See Madison ‘wili nies Nat=Chi Semas:treejtopriataLexérciseSat(St. .4 pals Lutherie‘Church’atl.oxcloeko|das — :eeaSi wasy HEOT:ning.ey we ee »Wotganton.‘bank’receivérship of work? i abeainst the, pees for the earrings “bt ‘the:rihave Deen issuedsince Qur, Gira Mose.Mr-J-Wilt — he Mary It Sede,School ‘of -qua.phteraginment td morrow nicht: Ppsde Marl”be.dastributed*to the %stSchoo!children:a}; ir Walson.EE:arp.“oli Shakpesbone}ge liven ae4f6u the th.aged 30 ET*Het was Duriedat’‘Prospect, <tly *He leaves ay wife and:area tocmoarh-hisdoss;inafarles Ta.Ww djley and’Miss’ ot Das;id¥on SHijw.were -miarkied Oh “the=2Ist,idee off,the ofidiaying: i MY Wpie.ES.on mints“Knox. 8 Hw.Gre vory ‘S-litek:a: ¥hevery,ne axbeing:shot.}* ntent aned aye last week.~His: qoste daud he will <proseciire Aeee ‘ho.matter”wholBey is; Ou fick bustinig ‘on. ee Seepticiitios “of Sch6ol of.Uijontitove tow‘ship,aWwas/ad-Supernannyridents,“oft ithieh*Prof.* £Thompson.of»Statesville,is aa ee their,ansuala De} presents or ao sxamine'p werk. Me E.Bi Piste Son of Mrp- 68 Coal Sprin;rother bf Mr.EL;B:Foster.off'ster,x tow nship, Styeswile who has Jivedin,’Texas‘tore ia years,yivas)married at yeSday:ta a,oe “piers.Wot:Puilsidwe | 3 aes hunting,one”7spekand,bagged ziSer-times «7;When,jt cores.tol Airebeoma |faa SF:“country .Nimrods >Ny I Miss Rozel :sc.Being fected ; o-county:commissidbers-YThie roomsoneof,Shith/foxen’ yr the sale ship's\best young:formers and.weolesaleor|have no-doubt but-what his bride:iSail.wm'Srateswllecor,in the-couh-}wiworthy:of‘bith.We:congratulate,first MeaneyAn.oJ;nua) Tape“any ‘Hcensée wi DP)ither:eb:‘the ergo uid 4 tends “ Mr’Joseph,E,Tharpe’*son of MEhe,‘Frank Tharpe,3mid Niss Geta May> Gaither,Stat Tech7)Gaithérnwalk OF,Tur rsbuirg town:|ship,Wi]he ~mayrle “today.-We-|congratulatethese:-young:-pédplebapow-their happiness dnd Join,their’riendsin.wishin’for-them 2a lang oe Gi tape Kivitor”Bags:“that!~~ere Railway.“Compan\is.En wsto:put,“ant irom bridgespeerosatheeatawba,river‘there:everryt cot joads.>Of niaterial ‘have:been ised down there!”: *Rill bevit Gn bout£:four weeks ~: 5 Sarit Mes!‘White declines’%heer thes county:commissioners.‘To-apan his-accopht with thetyHetliims*‘that.his settlesith,Chairman Hill “and “Dr,7. hr whoe were.Serving.ubder| natotthe board,wasfinal. bi Atdrey’and.Miss:‘Lois 5 wi ‘Re.married At the,yest-esbride's father.‘Mr.R.Se tas:‘Pineville, “on:the 29th,-ThebridebeieasisterofMissMattie LTD “our.graded and "happy He.Se INS ce lew g Cereepessfesee, Moore-jeegieg,ge Gig ee 2. 4 the:bride’Sfather.© -~Both the:‘bride anid.“groom are est Kinsbayl “VP uppresent,of awice-basketstmats.“rapes.and nuts for.which |,‘eur.thanks.ts.Sets The’basket pirbescrsTager.:“which'these,live gro~e putting:up “for aeherSarebéauties.Pees Poor crippled ‘paraly.tie,she!Lmgelf along -with-greatatassellingleadpencils’on=last Saturday.’He -WasinObjectofpity.>~The writ-tapencil from shim,and,L Siggtitsof him and.his:‘condi-?Das hot stopped™to*moratize]*therhe was deserving ‘or not... |>Sigs:Toka villey and Miss Henriet Turner,of|:|Miranda;Rooke opty.eraeee rs‘ried Monday afternoon at theriresidénce,’Rev:Johu~A..‘Harrisoffclating:-Soon “after.the‘cetemonty.the bridalcoups ‘repaired.to:‘the:spoons isthomein-Mooresvitet we*havé no'doubt bytwhatRis Ro-'wan brid?is>worthy,‘of chim ~.“Weljointheirdoy"fri as ju POSS,4 Gongratulations|.“s GNi.Gray,of ;Washing.i{Who iS-visitine-ber.fath-‘Hale!-Bietebs r.Se}family.at.the Cooper “WMh®Samuel Hoiesson “of Johnfas_presented”some\.fire’B!Huievof UnionGepvertowhhship,"mother-in-law,and Miss Susan Fletcher.daughterdatohersisters-ot:Mr.Pp c“=Fletchér,Ps township;“will,be married to-day ab.the residence ofthe bride's:tathe SEEN Gray,an Mrs.“Rk:H:,fo}nie Lewis.«The one given}Mrs,‘tay is”particularly”hand-|pale and Apps:Gray was offered $100 F ost popular young,peopleana,*eW:nee:Shei=aNery Join’‘their many friends Mm congtatn-|*lations ‘Upon “athein marriage ‘sand|hopelthat ttheir-married.lite will ‘be: abtist. The childre.oun je “ind a pei to.e peopdfthe:Présbyterian’who deSire to?contribute td’t BariuryiS Bp avested te Jong»Prosperees 3and See ‘ Bo Pious Gomes?ee ‘prings Orphanagé,are |”2 fake’their gifts’to’-thehe*church.‘to-inor?.fhe *éen the héurs of 10.a-meetbox>“has ,been’‘pro-gifts and some’of |thePipaekthemforshipment..ceBight,¢one ‘of{oe [Grove township,and Miss’“Mattie!)i StamsonSaag!terof Jébn B.Stim:}sep,Esg-,of Bagle.Milis-township,were married Monday tiornhing,attheMethodistparsonageipMoores-}§ville,~whére thé-bride was visiting,frais:TELS Rev:J.W,Clegg officiating.”<*> Fe One Root of =onethes }the train oe:morning,seekdinnerat:tha Cooper ‘Hause-“awentuttothe:‘Broom’8home’Mgn-| i.oa evening.~- Moore .&McLain, The «"present “cabnon}’Proportion-"nde:-heard a th iS Qf immense ein explosions.ca neon Smaps Ne PERSONAL.4 ‘for,the holidrays.Ae i=fRou fr!the holidays.7 oe ;‘Mreabd Mes.D:.€traces’ cord.is here to sven-and.“other:relatives:‘there’ iat AS pie ay.ni 'Len} Miiees eat 2Belle atc +dria’ Chfistinas-Sbopeang:pote ok Cobnty Super viisor.Sanyes tlery Mrs.Keller ‘has’“begin Gaasiek aisce“yShe eame’cdowD ands rent YeThains so, ten Bee au bre sriltrthe late:“C.Privet \e Sold“and.the roceeds.equally:idivid’ed Det ween:fn ‘other\two hildren,Jessie &.‘Privett-and Elzadta _Tem-||pletOn.*s The estate|is aa tovbeworth,S500=Ege eet hand painted--chibaon ex-f ‘Thewill WEthe!‘weang<E tad forsale at Hall:8 aru Je -chabald,of Cool Springs.:;«6 Persons Ipoking ‘for,“Ximas4 $4 Pyay is adrhitted to,probate ABSELER MAMI 5 FenmJReB.Adamssthé ex-}",> Tos Bouter alued ae the:aserine ‘ire,The Chala“Gana/To 1ee Moarenvine7toqualify.aad P.R. trilst ‘for thé:benefit of Cathortnel By Pearce.datichter yok .dosephe-’C,-{ers|Pearce.‘Theresidue of.thé estate,}moves lately and ‘we|Supposed to amount to $425,.was}thake another,“Wewilledto-the deacons:of ‘New Hope they do good,work,‘bat ‘during theBaptistBurchfforforeignmissidns:tetas incat# Puesdaysfoc if ppontheir amarriage." ,—ue ip WPmena,>vt,* FT Mr-Frank} *We are veitably informed tiat Mr.wil Nlopre..son ofMp d acobMoore;.of Catawba ¢ougty,und Miss "SadieLester,daughter.of!Mr.©:Hi Les.)terof Monba,Catawba county...will:be married.to-day at theaoe of well known in’Statesville,where:they hate frequently.visited;andtheir’Statesville ‘Triends:join ‘in ‘harps made hearty congratulations ,”upon their wh‘happyinarriage,5 ai eat a ate ah‘a & ‘Mr:Henry Barring;rsoe Maprés:ts +r. ‘Mr.Barringeris a ‘man’:“and. *Beko S iss :iS:se!\ne wora Ns i\Néw.Hope}? ~These-areSorneof vorth |sErede rep UNSNZpeAo~~LsLeMe:JamesB.Fraley,‘of:Uni pa Mr.and ‘Mrs.Fraley cafne up{on|. .: TeteeeSols “Clarke,(of Ate.iS:Miss fiSeSeyssigeDaik The Colleze wit:‘suspend | opera-j-Maj.oe Me Hop tinas ABine ae Brees “township,died |tastBeea“thivexeningand Will Senet Gettysburg:;Pa..for,the:holidays,«+Thursday of aypliotd.fever,::aged’se ae che BeFrapk ‘Long Est,jet nes pabout ts years...She was iss Claes fi pesGraham tovisit His alk I oe Chapt Braye SE ONE*Miss~Mamié ‘Transau ‘of.“Ashe:unty isrisitingA ssDal sy.Pokhumsber*chairtok ecinese [sguntsCE Beco:ae tures ioinvain aid spaying up “for*We hope that all of au de.SO;Oy thenew.year. Ho fill be novsalés at!‘the to:+.Warchouses htre after today,S ae ind,until Mhxfonday,——3rd,son»‘University.students:pares ?aN“Mr WwW TIX Colvett :Bas’Beinaea "Se.Lhowtie frouy TrinityCollege,Darhgin,\q Spee ge5BeeAecjomiptimenttotoMine:Cornelius,’heae rdeMéssrd.We!R:and DormanThomp-|“Charlotte’Observer.21st Miss|Coroner ‘.,:Mess¥s.Oscar and.:Ross ‘Sheryil),ral Catawba,Sere eer aay:maght, “Lenoir,are:visiting their’Sn,Mr.:“south®We ode Stimson,‘and family.yeeoe,densi areremmarried™¥esterday<ei le 5 have Sie.f bes Ale FProt.‘Holland. ag with his‘pavtnts:/ re Pi:C aL Oo:helio 5k Sue ee Dears:of-Mr,Koberr Holmes,4 okPieved.here yester?|Rockwood,_fend..to sped.Christ.eeSaiswaxtp”Wilkesbotox:his’thas with his:mother,: 2 zthe bones *Mr.\FaitieS KE a3 of Bethanytownship;and Hal.C>Gowles,Jr.way argued:inthe?‘Supreme ['?)NIVersity;ee.at;hoeceihea‘Fue day 7 Genergl wae 3Cow-for Christmas:i im?restediinthis «ase. chain gang ist.work on thes *e *&+PJudeeaint Mrs?A!a‘Coble Shave] erone to:‘Baltimore for the *hojidays.rth of the squareandare doing They-will also-visit New<poraadd«The rainy oeis LW ashington-while North, «Exy-MarshalT.5,Alisen “renticAshevilleTuesday(night.to:attend,the cornerstone layingyok.1the Wancé Fee erOntMirLeeSvGinhisand|ppaument ithere-vestexday..en < Mrsv-Jélin H.‘Graf and ittiossdn,. Hisses:Blariche~.Pomlinson x and berBrockMalory,,of Grayson county.Vat “visited”Mrs te Av Cofvert,last: é week:,‘They Gave eon:ie the chun &!urnerthecommissioners.:"Sqiired” Mierd;'B.Angle-‘ine aS \detttars, rgEagleMillstownship:Were here‘Sunday ane >Monday554doing’shee Mts.@.P.Keller-ofEagle ‘Miltsttéwnship,is visiting,her”rorfer,Raa acgount of the >Westerniy<.Sores Ft pander county gauging “brandy..ogeeDeputy:Collector Davis.desthovedtfner{a blockade:distillery<in-Olin:jtown-oe‘mitted ta probate ond day"last-week ship.Rear Euandtheexecutor,.Mr D7 6.Myers,|day lgst meek.About.650 “gallonsuglitied.He wills.his Jaind,two]bofbeeres also destroyed.»miORES«WA SON,bigey,“cow,tedls,':a ‘Thousehela.and -kitchent “{drniture]Gg "Tianubty supery isorg 6fbedhoots and*®provisions itor:“his]Wd 3.contention in Raleigh’ond son:mSTurner‘County Supervisor ~But- th attend but hehassiek- wnily and le does spot ther herean.attend oF noti Mrs ke ager the teacher 6£Art tthtGonegé.n has’sonte beautiful, Nee“Pihivett,iThe.aewSof My.Williany Praley;law:eeetedeyofhisproperty,is ..ton be prings \township.’together-ith.Waker .vemaini eyof his“property,is.waship.”together.93 Mrs-sBallew:“ihtough’tierscattorekeyandStills:werebroughttotown.|ays ee MoCorkileand Sop.aThe.engine aad corn mill:were lock-}OfNewton,wfodcoe-he promises?We ea elated:Mesprs.“Arnitield“&Turner |*eereeasi té'the grounds.of the,¥with thens,~brought “suit<jn.theSuperior:Court df“Catawba:county} :EsQuit *+Hetiront’Contracters.yawasappointed-and uated ‘asad.For the Mascot:{79°Sige 2ministrator¢ota.,By:phe:will STd} was left:toJ-€.Turher,Esq,"in|part Soe Hee?Y */think it yoyld be yell for the rcoune.:MYoe Joh:TateCline,son’af:Mr.Py}icts'tThEponwaththeir,Fehon RIP Ralf of Shiloktownship?and:“wile tailr‘oad -coptractor s.-if theyadEBrownwere,married :dpoard&day “each for.them.That.would:make some.nfoney-for.the Nwertime. 4"Last week Burette |Aiden”Ais) wer €rare css hestaurant Sa’turday-. eefa Ao,thetowk treasary) |days../Henry-has’‘made.Sess_peanceof the chain gang before Miss JéssiéFowler,:piandist,.furn-rished tousic ofa high order between~s pacts.;1t'is regretted.that-the,weath-‘er,was $omclement asto-eausé peopleto.reaaee at home.:We:Hopethat'when ‘the1 on theboards,which we ‘hope wilt/b€sGopy the club ‘will have’a anfaudiencé:as itstaléatand the béauty|gnd.gtace «ot its laddadty.“members:de-jc serve:”Gasman h A Ne bod oe aE =SfMay FaltaChnedior,|, X dler was a/brisht~girk podulee eae brothers.apd Siarentloss:Nie picete at [Eobalia’¥.:Cornelius;of State fhearing:‘herplay.©igs rr -—_-'-te: Mrz Robert Q:Holmes,of Baglé Rev.W.Rs;McLelland conduct ing »}daughters*Survive tim.-. *+Bagle MillStow nship,an industrious, Hneighbors\who.sympathize oak byaneT'the Sle weer aud ‘ehirenin.their gteat sorrow...“Se across:Satisburt y branch near:tow.“eT He‘commissioners:Jeft,‘the-matter,to-Conimissioner.Whiteto.arrange. not agr.The’‘trial ofthe|.case +:>hi ‘Mondiy-be ore.WEST:‘Ad?+ J.Be Connelly:‘Esq-,tepresentthe-plaintifis aand Messrs:Armfield ‘|Aderholdt,gave judgment for’Con1tractorsRussell&Nicholson’for}.£100-ana ey bilit y-appeal_to the Superio#Court.a eine e eae<i Inferiat Revenze News.”|-Seteral eSare Stapening keepers!ahd xausers.0FBrandy“anger Morris iis jn Alex} -Tudsday Deputy.Collec tor’‘Dav3 ector.seized the distillery an<<fix €-, sl {five Yarrels ‘of,Whiskey»The-swhis infor[Seana tse Hope thatit «wasonyaj ©town lecheacaljt sas.Sire eee‘is:aa Fig ca wes Sts bet Nes ~ be better:sThe-County:eommissi 1-aves made:>one <or *twd'oo:hope’they!willnotdenythat | ‘winter’it:does?ttle”“good,We ty ga to hire’the:cons the Mockswille and Moores:: cannotret"mare thah 25:cents.and [countys,instead of putting the¢coun-|°pty sin debt:Te mean ‘especially }'thtough the.winter-months,’then hat«work-the county.reads.in™thé -Sum:ser_DENKIS.aeee-Dee:20th.ae eas >———ae >i Bolice Newes 400 5 Mitchell'am9 Burt Grabam,‘alismallcolered"bore.were “up Before the and ‘sold At’about town:\Mayor +Harrill let them"off .with-'a severe.prepkimand,as the<amounts taken|Se their, ages ee ioTJobniSoroule:7 “eolorea,“shrew brocksinto’Hepry Rainkey Sy eotoreal ight and |he: rit.an c in De“hgeee!aHenry:Yous \eoloted.wwhife fist,Mayor Harri fined Kim $3,which.be was*unable té:bay ”“and her:was‘senttd:the:chain’.Oekea for & beoNaeey45ageBob?‘At The Uolicge:MSesng.Sait} as very:apprecilative The orchéstra*:of.the.bad,and next tere is put:yp- ai e :RALT M ¥Aas Reet raat Ta ie a thatis |ae important than roots Six,—_from totown.is ifyourblood is:impure;Hood’:paneSeSstNigerpromptedbyimpure Bed and ie “who takes Casoareti oS ‘and *syste-|.hese-are among.north a|statepf shesystem “Sy So >ieee most‘popular young people and kjoin:theirmany friends’in.wishing’them,3 Tong.and1 bapiy merece Me rilla4g the medicine’you.Att ee a ye "BOUD'S!PILLSare sy totans jeasy.io,ee CureInt »Neadactie.\.“ o Cordner.¥evep Kite ‘Five arkeya,.age:-.Forsome time Coroner d..P.Young /’bas known of the So of,adfoyeof-wild .t gnc|terday/morning he’went out to their}Stamping”gxound,about three’miteswn-bat ‘in owhich.direction:ahligeréfases’to.say,«found’;‘thern and}~‘them~He.killed:‘three ulia :Chandler,dade <‘oftbiteand“Mrs.D.;'S)Chandler,fof} :Cdpeland &Me ougaheisee ‘Barly ~yes-|’ g,-TOTHE WOU,SALE AND Rbrant W:Zoing %givesome S xe |Her neighborhood and thé communti-ity in Which“obe eed deeply is¥mn’pa-fLof.them atong ©shot and one:each at nethize\with’her..bereaved-father:-and4 people fson Keliet oe asnerve| eawo,|mote”shots’:brought his‘birds totow n sesterday satrand|proposes taSset!qieSts.Ip coming to'town:she:‘bag;ged ‘fvepatridges also. ‘s hunt ‘ot:the®on and.anus iSpandoofhis’‘achievemént,..we es their]lad.wit :A ie BeCat?their it a cone et 2 ine of Mer bandise.asING:THIS WEEK. call ¥.“our at PRISiis “the:oo avill-arrive cheré<to-“morrow,|aidLspend.theholidays with her Cousin,MiscR>HeRamsey,at;ALL:North|Pine street.“Miss:Corneliys”is.one,of the.mest talented.musicians”of,Se the‘State."She studied ‘four:‘years,ir.fat the New.England:~Conservatory-»fat Boston,and:‘Severalyears at’Ber=|,lia‘and ‘Leipsie.[t-is*héped:‘that’|Thompson,of Con-Charlotte may have:the pleasuré aches Befproed|ee men fccns Cxtao’bg mee y Biccunerd intthis papfoundactCera)coneRaleighNews:anid Obsexter”in -re-}gard to.the.deciSion of the.Suprenie|ourt inthe éaseof James,adinr’XtBAAS“The.Westefn'“North 3Carolina fiiWhisewas’«-caSe;whereMts.Jatues-as administr:rx-Of her|:Was:killed on:the |feyear,’sued:the} Pen ‘Han:“ever known:seb rill ind es if they comes plate’Diy:EsYou-can atford:0°unisg -this:-&:swe.ne to:‘tell’you that -We: i le eeSones ‘suitable for Christmas:pr: dining room sui ee oom suites a wour site rv &Guy,’insurance <akents,westera-road last nt:the”a aesident &companies |:Westera North’;Carolina”Railroad}tn:Company in Rowan Sui tof the-New Year|greatly reducedJyrices “To -Comrethis:Season,and wes,chi.save.°Td:On ie garments. |Mfilstownship,died Monday at™.10.Ss fh:ee ae em Copeitnd,ae fe ats o'clock “of blood “poisoning,gaged androbtaingdborefromSuffolkMilitary:Adade-ae Sr ens peescha}tary;Sutlotk,ee sto pees thie?hott:phot cee,ROY)SPINES Veburc erior ‘Court [5verdictes$15,000;:tarbuck set‘aside‘on.|thé.vround that’the:aetion ouvht;to:|have|been brought against the South?|‘the furneral services..His aged:wifes eeaeee a einem =‘9 a n Car itroacandfour:children.a“sons and 2085 Sopree Cont is:‘edided F “A,good colored etek aEee::“the Ww stern,familly,who wants to:“the:‘farm \will hear something to his'ad:applying wtwet this.Office. sm ““Cont reaptcn Ge wystulkesoatJicenseiin-this State-4Copserping Certain:PenaionApphenconts Re se ‘was?brought by.—Ree S21verinagt,oSq.,Of”Salisbury,and.Lebived.the “fellowin'e~{Bab eong.-‘Esq:,tof Statesville,ds.associated.Judgedganton,,WWae thein sathe:Pudsey ‘ofthe case.” e decisiet ofthe Sup emer ourrtaRitchess.one of far.reachingmporfance.aS itewill,prevent thremovalofdaniage'¢Stdte railrgads “from”being”trans>|"Bferred-from the State td the Feder-fr‘fal Oourts,\where -railrodd tind>-cor-7iSleumostsUpyeme: ase ‘absolution pwrrorsof,Fedérat.Courts]aed Eypderal judges by the.bur:of ibe,state.:4 rwhich J.a person preatthe:Dobbins yplace:in.Ole etownshiponTuesday,Vamuary a-CisMyers,.-eXeCut &-OF.mM :‘Priivett,give’1notice :filled §in on manyites.and - ay the conhtcy: to-our friends:s if you 4want’“the worth:OF V6 in>-all Hines.»4th:ates pretty Bivvctc 4natts,alSo ‘dainty’be Misi HOt deast,.that. He was:one of the"bést cision’ory Fehatgh Work.on.the "Of 374 page by?andprosperous farmer.+Bs wasaSopthern Seesisnot:valid"antin van!good peLhber “apd enjoyed the “eonsye os road,i ‘foreign:corpora-fidence and Atiendship ‘of \-air hig kf Register of Dee :Turner has?” letter-.fromSatie2Ayer,webigh explains at Re‘Sta:vote een Surawith-t eference to:the:applicationsfoxpensions-jehave’been ?Receiy‘sto,I Bee to-wera:mot prea ee“the StatesGardeqPenstiisyforthefoNowingai 7.ay weMeloumconsphysypieigo.not clear. pansy“feb yates eata71a‘Set,Runfoatthe Gcounty |oes labfoners:Aver:y7—*Rubsell |‘&“Richelgon’stedd#:th County ‘commissiotiers~for’thfof.WasHingtdn,D.C,and“Mrs..RA)Sc for:the5jSouthsideH.Benwettof Marion,*arewat “they contract,pictof builtling.a”bridge};Claper wil Give,a+Christ:Pooper Houerfortthe-hoiaaesoyns.3k Ewietts;ofShiitoh fawn Ship-lekt Tuesdgy ight;fer Dats oe a.;Frau ie ones eeor.Meee ¢.4nd .the:leobirietors:cg i seorteim:“pacties. dsey’against the Seontieeate.‘ottporateinviuenceItStatesa Baca 43 oldts)Esq in Bethany township:Heelys ;“Phe terms.’ee to,front,a picttan,were:régarde “indefinite:recs :Ty JW-Gauy?SGectirate”57ciandogs%not indicate‘sufficeLaedisabiligs:to perform»“mann:| ‘The ‘Cara,~ot.Mre.ahi.- Tr Marely 8SiMe Ballew.“yhalef-New ton,wholiS:93,se ary old,hs ae .the tris at:Conn fge to home.in:aiBssas ~.Lattépthe train cases Le eeaSieoyarakemanofthemaneeGainethrougirthecar hat the:train:would:vewton.In about’time fopthetrain 23to.uetto Newton thest rain.and Mrsv Balle Ssand charged.es edsts;the amount:sued for {oTheeommnmissioners:wilkntall proby Oi MrsHE. Seachaba “Application 3Trgeeited™after—apporttonment.- sear had*béda “maiden Besides, isexprdssed-concerpiny.%ad”Lonipany hsoipet Hit by oe County,Boar dro:Commis:anHae,Agnduticed of Hood's’ Sarsapatilla,‘name of Ee Ss “Macey.Pe does fad {6508Bite!fmedi‘appear:tTnany ‘stecial Act:pa*by the-Legislature Of ARIE.=ansame,does ‘appear on What”Was |"as-sthe--“Omnibus:Pension):savbiels Bill failed of effect for.|VertisinMgpature,oF athe:Lee es stopped,|HotW.setipethe passen-|ad?vE the train ppdsbinling.‘that ‘thé.train shad}kaareached:Newton;got ups ind stark ypepticSprings,ong,ed to the door of the-ear.to ‘getheitrain,~Whey the trainagainwithavidlent™latch.er dow mand.broke.her ‘thigtt|Phone:*She.was tendeyed LVI‘The train had:epee at]:Ra t up as:af to'hed started |dentot the,;:pecs EStray HOUSE PAL WecAYER?:hacting under ofders:from)the Col-threw oegee Caahfoi crofuls;salt rheirm‘ai_theumatism,’,neuralg aeane Nows Frei Lackéy. oafterWards™qssp-Forthe Mascot. HAs,Chetshares &‘gh beeuedpleare,eee4o:talk~ao what!they.expec to:do for shristmas:A RE CaeCAN,Somie will’£0:rabbits hunting,eueewallgetOua:‘Dw ‘some;will get mayried,AMateS:TtLackey will,‘open.up.Basrw.Store this:week?He has71aWesStovehousethigkieet theldstand,wherg:be:sols satyearsago,++Ars,Susan £4. for'$5,000 damaves>—[removed from ‘the Statecourt to.the:>|FederalCourt’at®Cliartatte?*~Last weekthécase came up:in.the“ederal.Courtat Charlotte::(MeCorkleand ~MessrsSe QSsne‘Turner being present ‘and’.@fappaanwethinkanother~move ba tHe:Aet6r ithea SAS ATS Byer |When.the’evidence was Hilinbrody”bpirnel.Whe Was holding the:Court {:for Judge Dick.sai that)hear‘ould|instruet the,jury that there:was:Ao:FpIHevligeceunder:the above state offactsandthatany.verdict which*sthe:jure tee “avirenderjjn‘plaintitt’S favars _intingatidns froplaintit®s tounse. “EHO case walk be.Bee:Catawba Superiorcmanneraus:courtsand t “and +=expert ss Avinfield:°&a Seasonible:rocerits.tom Morehead =NesdnesRespectfully,“S.Phifer.&.Go: Ain fang weuld .Stel}a :aeCeaSetthnSpan <wone'*Lavhere ~her.&ay ‘keith:Miesur ée ag Broken:pit she-capnot bseit auyyét.te Y:Rubus Lackey,/xilled eG hog.oe sieished 3%gs week—tight Proud:s!oat yond Uniier:fuite a.“‘aumber:,BE:“the tobaerowersgi/Ailexander count ys wen“|foiVinston Jast“Aveelks+ “i Seat well:Poe to WinstoneeSieteSeyera.more:wi.go after risavaiteniadJStatesyille©He bacco “marke4‘will,aye to"wet to!paying:better]“prices for tobaccomn:Atexander..fe goto,Winstoni2:55MERP;“McLain:the.laraest tort:|nigthis-séection,is.talking ante:"ot talelngeail-bis crop.to:Winston.“2b?<atMETEY.Suresh iiss:for.the MasMSS:Wine cor,«STS, eR indge the ar e Naggeration the two‘words >coipmeaced”‘alyeiAasrecaeourtin>saeh= €Kedetat judges:ait aiige,=ok OeRS Bk:AOKMELEERE) San »‘s A aeMarsinge ar ©tebe Fester= /Rt ported forseMascot.:-ea x ag NMy:Soht Brecbuinidee EWS,“otx}Bayxged dotinty’Sad|Blackwelder.dauehier of:Miz:“and «Mrs,J.cW.Blackwelder.ofCatewere.married,mayor for stealing coat from cars a church“at Catawb,the depot.-:Theytook smallanidunts.‘noon \at aetachiNs©Bea’20,‘89%.x inthe “Methodist }4ayesterday,after: ‘DraWe-O eloeke Rev.‘Brothers:officiating.»Catawba-witnesstd-a pyr ee cent Se sev niesa Gyove Towathip.For the¢Mast.;ea sie “wilh be iy]last:Netter Aor!:IZ9T-SoT.wal bewishthewhbleStal oktue:=Christmas-rand aSpee peeNeveDex“Another ‘year.will-soon }be:Sone AyASAe Brow older.timep>“£0.“what it didawhenyweSwedevanes.Itused f seem|age,Frontwu,bne-Kimds‘tillanother,oes{now at ico nes before:we vare:ith there gverehggonbevirumberedytv‘gWay.aadan othersoorplades->Su“?Only.ene’mo an Tkind:nerenbor and:BRe eeoman:died.at .Olin-=Mrs:-John4 atikeleather,Sr;/She had.back jn SPOsUms ‘ete:feebleWealth:-all Tall:and the::Sum}AGTmons |was notafashock-~whenever deathconfes.-She]>leaves ayn .aced:husband;~«four:sons|.Saneeredaughters“to-“mourn.her |,aves Gog“nfany-frjends{|A good:‘Chistian:sees!ke fromtamong us’‘and/site:i,LeRarni's:-Per,termwe~~miss,her,bat:‘We feel that}thts OFFILES.all see?her,our loss,AS:cher:-éine.eSPWbattsFos-Paelghtorligod:Mrse~+familywereall down?at one txcept‘one frember*\had tealies“Thete/Sete Of Wwe Ate”gia ESSbetterandip;again.|titfofm ofmeusiosand4aeHonanethem:| Rarely had|S.oiettier=meede]ding.*:The-altar af thechurch?hadbegnVbéaulifull}decorated aidthe.Spectators’filtedMissBssiePee eShoe:Don’t:fetto “see:-bargain for’“fou |‘in eave lett of them are: and elaborately f ws early, esterat:the organ.aSreeeeewas;vbeautHully’asthe.wedding:partys:apprkthealtar.2)‘Messrs ZeVasStatesville,and:Oscar -Shem‘drunk Menday,-struck’a “whité-man.Catawba.eRe the usherss|“and”“lit:ngméd Myers in the eye-with.\bis 416 Miss;Marion’Gpovge-‘Blackw‘elder wereFelioning:eeQn:their Hae aisles‘came:Dr.-¥:Long ef,Catawba,‘and’Miss’Ads|Way ot Ashes Tey vty’BidCongMissLenaok.both.ot Cacee-Bt Hampten,ofSédalia,Mo,‘¢Mamie “Blackwelder,-cot-The groom;dy’the ‘armA.G:Corpening™of -Cataw-ba,béSt-wnan,was metat-thesal‘a=se,os entered -“veithi eelsellQhosérhe”man ‘of ealVawife... ct fet chergetic,ladies“jresene oeORe W.€.BOST oS |:Easte ; ‘Raw tis:a:Dacten Suck,’X28|NAeemask-raf,otter,Tacdoon5aby:the~PROVIDENCEFURC‘x PROVIDENCE,Bakr tSitigsBayiienerade14 ood Babesian} “Thé~-Statesvilte »Diarnatios 9‘€lub-ands Miss,J rendered thé entertaining andlaugh-7 Catawba!iter producing comedy,>“Mr.Bob,=of MréatCollegeHallMondaywight"The.evening was)very’.cutifayorable ”‘and rail,by thytheaudiencewassmallon-sthat=tig-1)) count,:but it iw of thehighly creditable and ‘enjoya-Kibleperformance.All:of,the“cast‘performed their “pattsmost’’“satis-factorily,*but Miss Gertrude.Wood,jas the”stage-struck servant’girl.)Jattendants:wore white,theand)Mr.John E:Sloop,as Jenkinthe»butler,who,was sin love “avithher,,were easily the favorites.~Miss:dre $5May,of the college sleculty,‘as.the}> old-maidwithapenchant ‘for cats,|-friendsdrotacted’the part.true to life,aa -|BiaBurweil and Octavia‘Morrisé=Mand Dr:J:F.and Mr.Wa B.Gari,SFron’complet a:the cast...-)* fot &.pe houséndtot:‘on-Davie:& a= venngpy al — hianideoe hobor neaaiedéapréssiveword:made themmantaThebrideworea white sisomelly.‘madé,gna allof sisi inin™betpo e’hair,“Phe:eculestoethebrialparty,pre air ia1 Fah thenary san, bkide’s Asther.“abate:aaoa tockor;Was|served: ‘useful presen ste of thetwo.”-Thejgroom was:efficient and popatCatawbh,and i{Soutterh Rail “After thé cereniony sc ©NOTICE TOEREDITORS x8eesis’Leiebygiven “to altp:holding claimssgainstne estate of.ee deceaseoes 0°present *‘the''same |eeeOR or'before ‘the StheeernTeorKBGAITHER,' Mt.ny:ae“attested atte “e epleEastinMa)}counity,-Xa.a ‘Medoeptant OEae aiMr:Star’Graham’3 eeBaa atcs5 =niceSvbles:s t until “recebtty.ihe!E_statidn “agent:ist now.serving:the’rin-the:samei:¢a-|pacity:in’Heyes ‘cqunty..;WhilesnGatawbahe-made;many.(rigodsby.his urbavity.and Courtesy.;/Phe bride.is “one.holiiLfairest'danghters--and.$he eneéfalargercsofsengeini:several | ‘for beauty ‘of,penebteroxténdshisTheartiest [2cngoeosetouiewe youngpeoantagcE)ceeour:boyy stl > Jee eee of}Pagebebacktromwahoo; Weber,iT im |the:State:of ZontoNimasexecutor’foiwelve:saan.ATOM ake Seutition ae bees ‘Castacets Cand ae hes yellow|him.N6 one|* FANTED—A\oop:coLoRED 'MAN“with a:Jarge:ies sroa!sae:farm:or drive.nge*to-Pight ete i yen trem:‘the @ ames aa “Yellow:oer :|Saackod oases[winstons*at-i Le RICHARD.MeLAUGHLIN,. eeone yacant lot dfeland ‘of:the-said: x threeof same.being 96x: ® « -4 iSee fine ‘Clothing ofall kinds.r ha if ~_guarantee:that fam able ‘to/sell as! Wm.3 ‘ -v:‘ARMFIELD ¥ -BREE,to all’Probate “Practice,. ‘gervices aredemand 4Prompt_gtrusted.of court house, My pe e rs:=se gitenen e: >aventes three 100x150-feét,‘ad joi ms >will’Een:prowipey’aly Aoi 30.O'se .@. « ey+Shoes,”Hats,”Overcoats, <~Northern.,markgts and were bought t eeia.Dee.18t, :months’time: ¥”7 37-ae 3 ow>. "ARMFIELD&TURNER, “he“rc RSsei 5 r ie SE f )STATESV4LLE,IN Ke ifdw.ts Will.Practicein all the Courts.*Spécial va ttlementof Estates,&c./,=z,BURRESS, {ATTORNEY -APLAW,3 oe N.sei wade >eoSaesoseyyof. wiipracticeinall thae cour ee my =C.CALDWELL,-ATRORYET ATLA,i STATESNILLE,N.Gee,é‘: +/ oo in‘State and:Federal,Coutts.ot TF.B.Connelly,- ATLORNEY-AT.srs o ‘Staniovanie,N-G.* b. Ho pn Ofer’chis,aprsices fa}-atter.tion to.settiemen t mat Probate,business.".; |OFEICE IX“COURT,TOUSSB 7i on;¥alee INEs%3* > IF.Gamble,me "i we i,oeps<ALTORNEY.‘AT.LA ae -,SmpTESADLE,>CeOo mal >WILpractice:in’“gh th et somes attention to all Buciaeys en-|] Office NG.6,sleeal POCA;reur ~ Berry P.Grier,Ss Athoriey-at-“Lette Mere Se,N:Cc ~>% i we. _Garetulaitention giv en,‘to all matters in’; eee i S PE aur elfeSee JA.Hartness :Y‘ATTORNEY.AT-LAW,.~~ eeTELEN esAone » oeYowDeAENna “Phave sequnedto-thepraatice:and,will, "give prompt:attention to"all matters en- trusted to,me,“Oftice™Rear “Of.a ,house.:ef yi Wh GeLEWIS,” PALloTRep-=lL JLprarestite)N.C. "Specialotter ae, cHODs and settlement’), feSosahte ERANK Lona: will appearin alkt eee gixen toall.ea lle Of.etal...‘ 2 we 'B.Fe LONG: I ” :“LONG‘&LONG, LAWYERS.“SuATESVILLE.N.CC. »> 2 hee iictivg in.State’and Federal,Courts “Offices,Robbins’brick row.:ERRNO 7 aedLATEORYEISTLAW. (SEATESVIUL,.B.& %Lk 7 *band °“wil appear.inal Courts.Speci atteh:4 ;tow:exer to,the Civir Practice.\PARES Posrilias f _Sale,of.Valuable-City.Lois, URSHANT:to the-po wers contained: aasthe’last will of Rev.Amés‘S-Bill ingsleys deceased,the urtdersigued:execu-] tors of said will;will-offer gt.public,salé the,city ot eee “*ONDAY,JANUARY-3,1808,> Billingsley,lying on Davie ee and [, ,Stocktonsstreet;-and oes ast ‘Wan:\|, :Miller Grass are t ees atwit bemyesepara!nf Procare peat 250;fectand Het ing ob Davie‘avenue;three 300x150.feet, adjoning the Stoekton property afid-front- ‘ing‘en a connecting street from:Davie ining the, =:Bostproperty.ae‘fronting~one -contiect: street f avieuvcnue, zing said crepaty willbe ‘sola:6nly in.“Tots | ‘and not as a Whole.andpurctiasers ‘éan maké their plans.accordingly~‘The Sale Te ms of;.Sate—One third cash.*one Bese three cae tSee“tn,six Ry LAUGHLIN,ee _Diecut oxSrX *Nov.30,18.” “NEW.YORK = Va -BARGAIN HOUSE, St‘*Successor to!Cheitp"Foda,,--Sa hese ‘Place in Town.- ”have justreceived a large!Stock|Fwe =pera “§_special bargains an, and Be Gents.Furnishings.oo =My goods “are:fresh from’the 2 at-“low tariff”prices.“therefore,I: ehtap as any house!in the State. Db.LEYY,Prop.—* ooNext Door bein the Marble Hall opeerG mihi 5 8 ae ;om tt un roei 22 IS EQUIPPED.WITT ioe ae"THE MODERNIMPR QEE-.“MENTS FOR THE’?3.MILLING OF. tesla_.FLOUR,MEAL and FEEDS 2:TOF “ALL KINDS.'3 ‘We jnvite-inspection vf sus ae Vand:‘Solicita ‘sharé of ‘your:‘patronage.’-<We'«ean.furnish“piaeSe:celebrated brands of flout at—prices'|,-that talk:“Statesville Beauty,Peer-|; Tess,‘Carolina -Choice and:otherSsAlsopay.’“Bighest<marketricesforfivheat“and.grain.“of,—“Respéctfally.?- at )BTATESVILLE:.~es _MULLING COMPANY...Setie~ov ETING Prop. ee¢Phong Noy (28. “ Se Cet eee a 1fox ok ne fF Bh a _-Walaable MillProperty.For Sale,Rentor aaa+SaSatunday;:the ay.of.Bau-|5 198;I will rent to the bibig est bidder}-for.one or three.“years,at-rentérs”|option,my mil];ee in,Olin-townshir,-renting on the,por aangIwill,ais ofthe prop--|’%mh Hs ,|Seen bth ,disA 0 Lh ee “showed,jira,prospect of tdditi nsye and YigitingswhenIns:arwy was7too,Janiney-toy. PSH ant and,the petits were onty!aca clubs. =“FAdpiphos-or ton.0r Vow’pnt the lost-caise,,»opsuspected.;Ai that,wasgoodinshis‘eatisebas been wratted intopun ‘laws saad OLE Constitution...‘rightsas:sow inter]pr ete TH be thieSuyjremes Coury ts in exdiatJaccordancewithlis¢lajins;‘ou the=|boamt—.GeneraleLJ0¢loStiat2GetLys:4bares“pecause {ELF edorgh troops:phadr ecoived ¢new matdr af themend:| SP.oeeNO;ope | ie He dostuseMeadé's meu Were“fiehtine ‘omvc pion Sou—-almost Avitbin,Souk2be,prayers of,theis Wives.and chikdten tor Vic tery.‘Ehey- bei héarttstoness ‘‘Tare tigerdahén sw ites,ang:families]{are the inspiration int,svar. “wie Sr ect oa <:“Eineng ;the Pekliticians.aa Ot es wet"C: ;‘presh tpaestous wattized labor. leatiney. Phere’fisnothingryinginiaLegistatatc.,x eMey Hop pete e “tyKepppttipeniaLivyTuurpesr > Ww ‘asbington »Dee.(16:--The:Pees)ident:togday Sest thé fobicnes husk pa,‘young man ‘(miler the”intennce-ot. ations.to the’Sdvater i +!Fastic eafoseph§“Me Kenna,ZCatix! :idrnia,,associaté justice.of “the.Ae} rohit.court of tedinttedStatesTeeasury2£Chas.Ss.DaresRe ili-Thaued:(Griftin,and he dpetw #3 Padi,comptroller‘of the cuties,4: res*;Interior:“John WS>Néstyittt Renn} sylkanias Petision seen,ay Pitts: Ay.SeLa ue ally fit Threeema Aeaeynoise would startle abad,[SHohpamofcouchspelisud‘slowiy.grey’ bégan ysingDr.Mitles*‘RegtoxgixdljerveandLiverPills.Awfirsy|medicineseemedto have‘be ‘@ffects but’%;portale\fom botues1° vy Reng ieoe At “party eERRY..: =}said *the doctor.” ginidn..2 The,alt“of vije winia to aby ;of her songiis ‘the Poice™of claw,and |’ duty He “had the sfaitl : a|Cisaders‘bis Fetters would:biake~a ~The 3 as’alw ays} |soldie,rine ef fpure inkkhonsehf or 4hactenivel phofane br:‘abseener,Hel guide”to.holiniesy Ok eeorP 5 nappiis ait ‘ushalliy pwhenthe“men on ou dered:ar‘qnare sh ag S711,"phe anornipg,never made,More thian;chatt®the: ES,dethnees»the:tira,Eee bad pedesenysahageee sn}the uch,masterful wéneralsbip.”e“holding i thrat.with “:F fail-io'find tine,falf ate’s ¥Fous Streneth,ae ape OclyiyGeneral ing distancesbit sat ey Sappoout eke: Boy, burg.:mi Fos:R Reed y Murray~ te Falter “Nort Bex31,1897, eis.Miles, ot Wak ° es anitedState: da,18°e een =foe " better,unfil now ‘encalasen ota heuates yo."(guaraitce,frstepeti a >u thie ‘Senate's: “Court!of Private: x,“‘Bréeidonr.Aaurews anLee,,we The lecture:on Dr. |Andrews,‘president of Brown;ge aNewt +yersitys abchicage.s last.t:sciéein, whiclebhé.prodlaimed (ze.Toba |Bee’of“ithe.Confederaes:Ati idst'l t aliaut and Heroic-‘military:)Fenjus, A of itiodorn times,isq udtedas‘alloy in.fine ‘Chicago-Times:Head. ‘Gem Lee joined thecontcatacyt “ase irginid asked hinrtg:Bos, “I e was’a. ot" outssg y 1 stayxroo Mis toyrageé was-stb-He mae as nersy-as,CBstavus.qNapoleon,or Welling:“Moltke:+His eausé was as*is80%much The @ocd rm at Ag fcaid,‘hat ‘Spe:sker Reed vwidl :‘adding riders cc ‘gar rying mE ingieased*appropriation, iSills,and thatthe:Horse awitk Back) tity‘aysinh|his ‘cottrse:“GOe the~exdeht ‘of:allownig the bills Leas unless. {t Senate will yield * >The Rederation,of Eaibwor’ia om i teretl;jo prrotest:Ww ith\Resident Ne Binley:pagainst the pr Qposset ,rp: poritaient!of"Ks OK x Debansylvarias as’Trt Sage Com: -Pixson =is tS Y Qt a BAS of}big 2President.Nek inde AV Chats the at ipwipg’ WesWy Thomas;Mailing:mI beral ftoSweden:Xx?A Sebtt,Mx Va, Compinissioner.of.Internda“Rerehiyes Ey *Carl Dyacan:.Collck“Lor!Ob7 Laxters ‘Ena Rev‘one.fore thy E stern”Dis thick“of SoKdearvlns,pe wtTIN i P dhe Wireienge TdASalare tui ROX] :doyenrJudge Be Retina sShe-. randgag cok inty.“becdtse!wlig’Was’a Youd Buekne nr syapstalie wrong ANcith.sthe}? ments last?: rao wf Chief g peatessees Caroling; om h ‘ silat“ot t “States:for the poate aks wo pais "Hem C-“Dockery.UUiited Stays! OEitéishal for;ther ‘eastern.‘aigtrict’off}North:Carolina.«ee aa .MABYLEWIS,'witeofa profni-oe ae.fand.well knewn by alt: ,seeeranae Bbimonty:N.XLwetee:hor twenty-seretyears|had been”Ss ‘guderer/from,wervoua prostra-and‘paid Jarge suins 0:ters arid advertised reinedies without.bérie-"ako mY Conditidn,Mas +18 the chief cal ts near ney nnerva me.I wes “aniad je ‘tosieep;. Am.as pearlyy) my age: Px.Benjamin |. Sones Slim: 4 Paxson,“of Ce aur‘Gens MLSS eee aea hand:cline /justivex Phos.4HE1GSluss,’TKansasy WF.Stone,CGiorn1) do:associate justices:'ré-appoint} }meénts,:their terms:Sean Pre eT omirsOxSuffered20.Ye for 4dbc-| i.ode ‘Vane thel?. a,pot tee the cap as dik (rant;Lit'a xJ ruliabhy:‘tutor fib shat ‘Nuss ait Sheri fpf anil,w Ie 7:me Preslostd fight it was eter set Buimgarhér,aa?now “coqiceted ee n that thedeteatwas‘due téa fa- aabe assrt sndkes:tveyss eee nee muddies,’Hewes neyaldbyGrantin.alltrhRappahewhgck,toJames Rivet ndver®trapped sARaN never reauit |ag Hien infoxmed”and©“happened “what Sde Side Ct< bariC-; SAUY:thést nyt use:| ot RITE Mey «. ’ « fn ~~ Xr idayy |. ye Ne 4 distriict ae Robert Crear,5 toF OE the] Tor,tie.”"disttiet ot} ¥ ars: to notice,<a change;Irested bestedat night,my appe-_|getitesbeganto;Serrandl Beesgrew. n,wile owes e [county owas, tmg out a fireniy.her “honse-sone:Convention:ant days a oF ‘Khe;aroma,Who owas pressionOf:has) alone,SueGevded:imn sting?hér Hom,Twajn shanest.tran 7‘ip.politigssSCO but“was sOrnibly.burned. liveryY stablein Charlotte.was!Show™ at-byvanSainkITO.T customer last] Thursday.- Got into i:Taj Spute™4 whet the stfanget avhipped pistol.andshot iat’Mr,Rhea.-“There was,NO;damagredont>,The aan.publ, Whip-to Anis horse end,sett,ton Res 4e Lapsloeitt Abe 2 bests.rn tlie nortthy aS euutity’‘ynd.“with‘diligentsearyhi ma ye »|be Eaptpireds LHS txfe ads are kee pe:‘ Siaxt Schoo!recently re ished *at armies:Waldese,Barke,toubty,Chit 30:Ff ¥ Wionat’s§Pome?‘Mission:Beard ue the Elkin Journal tells x Lory?of waysteasing wie -pies wheacyyase*hersie ther betove..Her brains were oozing}, 4 physicians peesecareras re; * eeewas’inprogresso <The’screams ™e ie4riaofAroma“ayer“oused rthe -town,Mion’Of’a vigflance:cormmntttde }wet hecitbiytahly Shot,tf Me * _ Bi- jis fite,cent %Cotton and Hard:timds:’ ne “3~E:NEWS.cueONPinte ri,Nee et ¢7ep n2Etiterprise), aby Burned fhTp put’ Tom Ritears manager “ot “Black:4 We:and the.¢‘customer noout®tiie,“billy? sout ah Si= &“Phe Henidersont ule Hustler say wsdsdin-‘job “Engineer4.0) ug him-+- sliimin ‘thee‘deuse:sw amis,ase vow|e téerh part oT phe 4 VIPS). fod ‘are Seftor 2oe ”Pie res <Mor‘ginton “Her:rant+Phe:aalden-|iee “rately ® Thesiiabenten Mow]ig:sueress. one OF aYsOUt“DIRE:aldensians pe S:uM ayandd2native“children . Knor,Theésenchr supplied ;es «by thtsPdotneagoodwork.* twor urehins-axhio were?playdate ing tr ont or Hehe,SOnent.this boys} ‘ct bouldn’¥sayerase.he*usih eset for-the ae Takingited e ith. tera numbek ef eliorts to prononuce ihcorrectly:jhe Littleellow!slew exasperated|and teletod outs Ww if enc ‘dy eases .F dese Seeoape say dray’Ye DY?dram.ety Aaa x OK;‘ay nes:tHe Vout:ike Dts:MenddepdardaeTrentFSScott.5Sereak.|) AOROES:ae ae kson?coubty ne,Wed:ae porattend |ttle Estee:BarySawa:ee acejdentally.VsWot,i the head Shnd:tvarnberltt by her sister Fwhetaplay!filly-syappinga revo iver at hars~Shé+was “Drs”Adler'spatientaidhehad>been.“alfendin® a out aidTtrs.ndticthought >By.thes ait)acover,jaMeSerieyS Le‘Tire Asherilie ¢icedSan {italt at Brysow|LO}th =‘Swain:cows.lasttPridayoight?>dohy Everett aprPOUT. ipent merchant.andstcatpanter’bypenamedhSummers.volved th,fight in:the:store.of -Ev-perett Ine wwhich Summers:yeceived Lnifielidterphtentswithknife”iftthe‘bands Not Beeratt.“One cultyiSBeifthouehttobefataleis”in.thd right vide.’Phe.other soundsare,op the:face and/diférent tpavofthebody!Sumniers*Chances:fonFecby.ary:afe-verr slim.s Tea BerettaRaha2s he hap“waefats:ia pe sh ¥ Ww Hot améMarde?neva froove-Pisy, ate Mpeg ‘Nalco,Go Dispatch 3Tai Be eeSpecs!£7the._Selemraih.Ten Tefla’son fille sarygo ¢Themchtizens,OLN this.plage Were ‘startled last,“bight by’}Tegsilndtoof shen s)rat’thes oferty denge'or R.Treaty,where HOUSE raid”“the whychle,popylution’gath-4. gredmabout ?the"scene of;“thes th ab hieee men,sere bing’deal on, the p"patlor fleor ‘md AnWwwoman,and a ”eee ee *Dimig:the Paarty ‘when’DINUSe, figuory|becaine,toe -otfensive *ing.his nrager .tondird |the,lads,*Ma Calif Tenignstrated™withyf:asme Adyisédohiny’to “eh hothé..”heex an)begs B to rave‘and tit Griffin,to bea pared himself, ge to:lege.” hicepreehpitateda,"eetmes shots were exeharfeed.“ARG prin) C.|xipals droppedsdead,“and,iifrence Jonésa-a ROMs Mian,feast atso:in> [stantly:kilkeds As Soon.as Pe |first shot wasfired:the:tng |bidiegbe- Ayratn “terflee,bntrbefore the re da avais dear cALW 9 fof sthotn -WOT Jetally t |wounded..Califtsired’thped:shots “Fall theetakhig.effect—soud striking| Gr fib in thesight temple andtwo in-fhe.breast ¢6rifliin “fe ed four times)|?One shor’,entered.Galitt’s Tbréast,killing Rim:instan tie -atoth= ber:StFuek 7sCharance Joins jin “the head.TescCuhtt was ‘Skiasih ithe ‘dangerousii nt pre: apd orlleret,rie ances¥<Yee 4~KS o ~ |SeeinhHeBethe ~-Wheh AMO SehtingOEEtheyscattered‘nan’ry<0f|.‘Gem-gettire dbo buRgissud ark DAWA BS SO be a en 4,oy ‘Ralesgit NOW aaFoneve .Sra. F SecretaryyGage :continbes t7)Aalk Pabout:Jscurrencey Sréfonnts Bis kind “of eurtenc}\reform.chus’:s-given | ya ithe legswehavee of sechi yoo Sy eres for t e‘gountry.”aed? posenemely,a meat ‘for theurine,*Rand asdas sushisnot ble,to“any,form of ‘Tireeorp one of two:BA Ss:wi bsYStewayisfromimperfectacticn::=second‘way iS froui,Seekidneys#|}cal tReatment of other dixeases “4‘SAMPLESENT:BoSTenedimeenadfromubhealthiskidié >Bre“of eSDe eine iknowthailtinér’s4fulfillseveryeenimeoeurivary/tropeuringblagaquritcalsMinebility_to*Sisk:cae Deer tiiects meeeprin-ibpassinpaterbaneecwihgSuse"Rqnat peinesorBe aa aud?Geiss conn eSeeconteIetto, luring the ni gtt<iy ata “extra ieeemanytimes elfect of,Dr.Kilmer’3s Swamp FV painaty his,comfort: .*The .-mild.tis’goonL-breglized:it repaid the whee iefor ats“its 4 Pe ae estehout B tty:ce | eae “se“PCarr occapied a ipositions’” were"gold pars:OF themnarresNee puild |, “pre sprided by the National BankersS. Arssogiatin’-:“‘Exsty,banker?who | spoke,fdlipwing the-gold standard ing onttl Col arr swag?4cated.”On: tos;seal!Sn that adiliering h¢é did} any qnafe 3Qn.‘elabouaté:‘Speech bat Lin a fewghansy ‘and’.eigo gent: SatesGeclaredhimseli 2t bimetallista @gamst the DORON “Rolds Madara “pwhieh *destroys:-busingssgactivity, awhileit tar‘ichés*°the Sale horders: ee ore yeartily’ iy,PhO gather!agesteY +S evidences ot “admiration.° i stayice sasin “alkothers.¢since: .|uioney question became’uppermost.4: Col.“Acute:has:_wtverforth.no under:= taint sound,‘and:shasy not”permitted 1 the!possession ofa large fortune.‘tot blind:baum fo:Hie~ye ‘interests.of} the ‘whole peogntt vis white AZO.when dlieve Se:as.asugges |, ‘tion Incbertzan:4Jgnupters tite,the} Pi : ae{The soit:Mantas’males’atePT fie newweensorphices au tutCornsarkets ieaynlsfacturers: fvinkave,jf:“all psahiex:baked or. pang at destroys,prpiitabhe-sertenl!12 biuret iyoe<Ppiigebasing powey Oy Hedolic P thiad unduly”Daysickes, indy,lehdcr:aod Ht iis:‘thee arency wat,Spakesthe indity‘finer over ttiony spy There:wis *pohange Hbuationglissues until ee :gt‘thes ‘yan gattorersow ho‘fue!2 became sid +Carrdoes,‘and theSdisestyouyfeb ioe Pjspaten,ee besAiris spilttages.den Hise pent et Te HEMildes fou:meet s Ting as;ech Appr ONeeEby ied sufici+|: pate pareic -beemsh ot:ct Rhuur rou SHootingywhen “ipwwas,discovered ANS one men-har.&been shot:SDS:“oor4 ‘merit:dias3atits Height,Shiv:¢Gerittin,burglaries:are wopestfod evermmonny|; i.‘held up,pumaeer ‘and tien assdult:, AeAEietott F ui threats Rrainst his Rost:“Ganity.Ahowinsel Wi ;Basclowski,alias Girvine a notori: {ubddbrenababey xenyear:co saneh-4 f to‘this.s.city,”i Chicago covers ain dm-}»BLADDER.TROUBLES.ee The-bladder was3 created”‘for one “pur-|%- ;property-assessed |at Sas pres Pause!of,Catawba)rte;Firs Nations!’Baulcor Denham,,-ipsoars was‘callec apow-Fats ‘thd.Bankers’“Atlanta fox.ab “eX a ¥iews.2 ike:Mark |j ‘mighty!;Jonesoime:|:Most.OF the:ideiegatest i Aad ever jdn the free and gon Huriteds dintge?ot ‘silver,vand.“protested Is are ~»feline:se@althe ae phe:Associated Press’dispte“hiselasthat’“#Col.!Carr's”remarks!> “appla aded.‘Theire aebicks”when <aLymanSpeaks'aut:*gkearly”sind} ve 3ndbravelysthere’:are.Snot |. In"thi$t. oy {» tyongly.a I Not,a great | weAey.“yulstign endssthe®“Chitayo, Nh Seay eure to.beamade segpnds) toyother ayssitdle Carr,“spoke: pdinly>ase inkhis.Aulinta Xt?So .Ay:x;ag ae We sy saltTox yoingcatia,40:sSnecedd in: hs “ittcwisesa ; ett he.|= ssils'“Ofortts Berd*y thempdifey ines.“Pia WwW ar 1 |atts voy are tfeeby’ana’ mings?“Phereafebopdreds<Of;hes véssinhatidy rich.Husiuess.ag <2] On"doKinlesisiy pene Conksetting). oflr es ery aby?oy‘ pnee ete :pdpleauoaintantra my tobbers ene nt ye Trae,:26awgst,Side:wisiteee sthior (of.this hits:Se -Orgauiited iedinst Higiesy tay<-. robbers.who have ;bieyy Ainge a UX basins “An tad Cr5| of late’inin,that?IgealitsWi ek wupebey of in fluen th det inchs t6 vhsure HSSTCESS.i Citizens of.ant 3 “rob:|bediand terrorizéd-farithrie pronths} and-it ja8.beligved that the.¢Orianizas “fill Conti want° Davide:the last thirty days igre went pe pads.«‘s Threearb.Wad lis thegame time fiftisty enimmewhaye|Beepsrobs/ bad at;the-SmZ2e-oF revohy eSAit Lout otter nig‘Creshtahen,*Svores of fag.Pxrimanypt dhoses nds:ibe ie dapa ts,ofPhases aid stores’4are/ te bak ya meen sk gearee sfye Kem ;vs ;iy Sarit rie pofnt:al seath t6-bishf aSthe Asis Gia des defute‘fight ¥yest didayy ,SPEsietive iniath Coaghlins ‘WS one’of “the,¥Age [ums tte:‘has 2“ballcan inch :Aaboxe:Itheheart?? pons three and.righ way:robber.Hel, ts abcthe’Jatt.hospit:ef with :a ballet] neai his ‘heart alg expected ’to dies} ‘MyM ges said to-night:=n“Atthe préseht time-it is.notsafefor aman to to bal?a,blodk on an.evelling call {and-in the middle.ofy “pight:helnay.Bp awakened by the pressure:ofxstée}’‘barrel ppow hisfeniptes rand ‘keeps his-ValuablesSs;Burglertes*rt rbecomihg”more eqimmon:ever:ye ‘day,randif the Mictig:shows fight (the crimegener:talky Decomes.OLE:OFnmur} deren:well as.robbery- &ocrodk JOoRS apon the»Hiking “of&human life ds,on.par pewth’‘taking: a glass.of bi rei eae 4s -*TheroatemoreAhen *3D 100°men}hinsChiesgo %who:ivesblen-robbed | Lor‘Datplaries A doubt;if thereAS.a Bae TED Sa sypleaderda.*ho Mayor’,Harrisha!'deélarés «thatbwhat3is’,medica:asi mores?police,Phen”winter,‘Rpproachés.revery,pyear..":“he.Asad.-‘to-night,’oH)“the:tiaainps.and:thus 4in the West!fleck =|aidose|territory.and ourpolice”‘foree is insbiftivient.”RES asta Fad:¢€mF Kei Conitabia,§.ey“Dispatch: ©The,Tast -onehas.been +tution.~The:registration,-books for [suich-personsas.could néithersread: or“write,but;‘could:‘understand’ fead-té thém,’havebeen!‘closed.e,About 13t,000coloFed-“nen of.eli gible.aage “have 1not.Been.regist eréd,| aoe tand.they,mustRow feniain distran-chised untibthey-learn to-48ad“and.awrite or“acquire”And pay taxés-on' sSq this:avowedLpurpose ‘off Senatar t |Tillman,4in having constitution |couvention.to eliminate-the:4 wegro | ==from,South:ee ae =) neeie For the aesest “fist willins ie “hear ire nitruc Wswe!front fo Say ithatare.abeaat nothing Se re Pee rferredto’!Mtr,a ‘Wall Ling \Vand jx rthe:Mormon,E ders, |p y wrote.it'‘as we leards its <knot~!AAS eral:belieting is since.Feaniedghat itswhich=~e PEG have Linneysor‘erie Bops.iat ey stops Intean aréan:Beeate,of peace gud fr ien@- Have diso yearrngd:that Rex:Se Circart fon)pantie}xear thescepoe which aeasured over’;four Lcifeumn ference. “ep the:record. tivre VsSethe.dow saw it,“and,W.ent toyEe thie:resauefof the:rhicken and.‘killed | the haw he < 4 CleveSrA,ard x hard worker ade|” the}emu:ther‘other day phat’hAires h >“wotig the +t her Cate he proposedto.Soar 0$0} Djs -Conctjene;zwould ley Maya Stuid,oo esmci Ww dshingstbyr.Post:Moo Pres porsibilir 7bftonning the Housecotsndplunge)TMtO-society:with:more: ‘i Speaker,Reed was very miich ir:eiis} FOus suiceess./“He eosiplimented”thePbzilltaptiva “Phe other tan is Frank ts the*‘hash coinmand:to tell,where hed. ~The:Chiea- {knockedhin:down,and:young,Har oa at |ie=2Manoa a ‘Lotte OY twice by/footpads :ahd’ak ALhowseiin this +4sity,that.has ae Beent. giten ‘the illitergte South”Carolina:i+citizen Fo.Fegisterunder.the Sunder: stinding:‘clause of the new.“constic}.: Elsee RSectidn‘of the Constitution’ewhen NANEES,NEWS.oeWresekiaa PoeWi¢‘have beep sic ee PilAM ‘akrit 16 thintésome.of vena eeprencn e whicee *oe a hyemetage "geet ne ete EE ASoeRe“ANE,fast Dg.that Nr ‘Linney:Lenjoxe eck:270KEy itt:be tuae “Wethave! Asae mista e, ohtore Ad ;eeothiged.We truly adetheySt)3thematterssaxwel. “We : ia Aloxatider; ship:vO De;our:pei ghbors: sroweny’ipacharce oftKet te Ssh g ESpesWe yyoSheean fds “ ieee es 5 eke A esbiro eons whe aoe tse dim,Fotnds<dog,Up* ersCreek,“neighborheod.Aas-brMes hawk ipped:down itito 1th 5 tickle.ts Chis ‘keny ~The “feht"was | ANaif Yong’egies and.a tOferes he wad been Straietst:P pragical,“tevet:“but ithat} nf —S | goodSlmstrarshe fet,Sib he. ne de:ie:pay kawrce tom‘es inlay tried *,peasant|experiiment}.Fast weeks Ther “thiamberatine around %ast.preagyouke Ot od:“Epic undePtdok to‘Ntoqy-its Soa Céfnption:by!‘itching bold:of?its| Ppiudace,Pa fuft “of iuckkleburt Hout Pout gidnetsSkupw.ifs“tnd!Le qsinceSeen usmSone‘ated mh Ci “Began the Tole‘ot the,€ %eo +Speakers Reedcgn ¢“fay”Paste he Zest tian eee TaN inkpublig,ie.as et ve anera |at!Ioaday fishes k dopee.,He!ypr apeNed:his;thassir etforthfromboxtteUdy.ad werehe‘seftied:himSetf the--air-e¢hoed|'TlAvith Snare laughter:AS acat=|.tier Reed seemedtoDe:a‘tremendx|* dressed.and,agtractixe |looking,wonien,‘andsaid\the:avitti-;Ost:sane inimitable y wR,an tt they infeet ouBness:yor¢h S.goodduture.perme:dtedtheawholes atmos-plitré-He Schuckleds so.”“heartily, hatt-his,ugh rose abonier ithe hab-.;Dubosconveepsdtivn ,ant “Withal én?jared “hipeel so?hugely “that?he Seemed,velarbad ‘pexputeol school.firegeNipRe-dshas,”‘in “fact,<tiyat point”ims THE:“Wheres EEageoinpisshrectwut}angSteppéd sip} én the.highest piri le.pof-eee:hePLOVOMS.toenjoy,jeN Ais,fecentSpeeeaeasitefero“for.raes |videsgseaytnsopcoids-pre eryfags” him'with efarbéyGre eter]|lisealate es dct Petbwable”tn“freedom ;cial’Shortconfings..~‘Hel; that-he n thefature,‘on:fhe.‘sunny: 2aethereontta Sosiet\.peat trwillhetisideOfiie’s’pathway.claim.himyas.its,OND2 )‘wee AS =usOwe ie oe! kin times}ye oe POEbelee 2 ets aphes:us,¢ Sy ¥e front .Fariet in,he b the.nariie.of Teewion ent t Mr nits MeCraw S =o and: tote ‘down Soon,went,away. a Wher.MeCraw”ey Haston.s house;‘Mrs Harstom hits“) {Craw in:the head with.‘a-hoe:anit Aston;who,waused “the °trouble? MeCram's,and—or La’‘iiemne Pinger a EancorgaPmes:-(y,s%L Mr.Martin:Walter:“of ‘Connon:1§ idle,recently”pitrchastd’|#a “of vorn!and*wher:he,"0 i ‘bey found therein,apart."of =See finger 4‘about an Anch:long.‘Mr.Wal. ee‘Itvis supposed:that} :ch 3 Everyd seit ‘pent phy.testhat Ipspurethé.4bese er iBitesTheweyerwinkenets.Theniapyire cures:Athis:sfatsoase‘old “housqhokd:verges .iextt.t0 rove.that the thearyts correcaeTromBittéraiattokdby.alt oa a “NotlesttoLreditors.:;~Avi LIFIED’AS obs|AL YINGQUAL oo Seesuoenid;(is.to.ate at eirot role8.havi—he estate of:eeetoo oyember,169R,yor:thin:thé 25th aresnotice:wi plead in:bar ot:their recoy-) ie =sy eee‘e im:merayee1697: a albs ey enginSASH y S01 pbiscaicsaSsthet3H SUR basi and rie cone ae oe Or singinigesual ye BeSolved,“Pht.We-fay it .Secote #s xae to She” ffCake’ spinalaijpendases.That.same:ape]ee =Taw er.We W:=bOFafiyrasbingtonlast;week te look after} a saeaevie)eases He Says:the oe ToesorSuiohe YS jagaips [ts aore, tocairry:adie e Bore |ona \Bes Cr Fai tie ;:Sere eu thersy Stein ae (Gite CSfsskcer ob the:Houses,1h position:fe the undersigned coimmiPuartitoue<aor ; =ee‘the Gl sOMILORSS WEEE.Epaniniou: ae oe sumer’:walk aA ehies oeSlane thane we SOL;nations babky,”os Oppose ‘the:pala ne iat . wethe:one AuoustakeSmpossit said:wae:E am 7a “ae FL atam wath aie’te -ie ope! ne owas.at,«obstrepenons\y calf ton”an ihe—ae ‘Re afar’ompremlaes eg tat jBarber,oe ren ttheir, his:sectio “i Phage vhe:em BetoRua:ae All eitoPts be if Siate sons oaa Sly ddlopt: m i) stead aitnes Iie,Ae hug reseame as mg :ae Seahraneeae ey eeof ms rsAIS:4] _muniber.mo cea the time ‘yhey:Say ings Hac jiiis,hold:-somethi ig:itappen si. at he stands:todae X/sonaud Jackson stood:after?3) Se fléfeat tor the;presidency =the iY ‘questioned:Jeader of public thin,Phe, Fthe«road:Jefferson blazsned Jacksoneee nodAfWe.were,permitted to sageutreduleSayrepealthe’ipheyiay C\SetriceTront:~Cape Gud epate abd Ae Rome.ot fon News ha ee ye EverynowBed.tke fre esate ae ; ts:be nish i to whe‘Te Jet Angpors‘shown itn! uldnot,have-been’fakes yc iti ehad.been thosen’‘prestdent,E.Warcbingt6 the White Prertise in’My oe av eet Re exe Sv)avi Se 18 the,Gold orame Demborut Wheo Eger“amiepg-hank:|S bers.x confess that?afie ‘ybutd?have plenty:of company when, no”oe‘for ei other:words.‘the|*fwhispéy Fin:ing”here,dagdedthar interests for-Gisstiller S|. Guard:eaValtow ¥ack: ongh iyclvansSa‘Biatter Cascaretsojclearsesthe eH.onan inaOf‘wherein S.J.Lingle,etal arrsandJos.Ferabee2 hest ville1st8\: OOVeR's :corper.thenc Nr‘tgga stoneBov. onetreefrom:ts’Candy.Sysail-con agions disetise ge ms.sien ee “s 1bho Toad thenive beginning iith:Xe with:aig ats a20.5westerly.direction,thence:rection.erly direction20 po'e ter says ‘he’can:never %wet the.con a 4 sent.of Kis.niind.to ;“buy.any.more]a a24polesto:ryvatoneyt Ss sane Qacrescacy nist f the beta ng | proceed.| tition:|.aape\détendants,ispioner will gel at}oc‘bidderattthe F.- ues “Call orePa ye:Bey,BREW as Somnite.AaesixCorse ~C.we ex FOR’ROTH SEXES.Spi ite TeTH:opens Jan di,1998. “Highly:endorsed-by*college presidentsand,business:para ry schoo)sinthe State:~Competent,sty red:and*“Rights-five ‘stut ents Tehrolled, ae building."Good:board?*Hom4 com.’ Ee and hghtsfrom January.3, BA0spay“Waite for caaiger Orfarther vitiforma:'*R BS HOR K t pen.“One of -the sést pre “Three exégilent Literary S0cie-._-Deautiful country, and‘progres<ive people. Ieation.:A One din ee ih ee furnish you ‘hoard, We “will,tuition.e 1RYs,a to May 25,<895<-(hive smronths )-for.only* able on “entering eran fe tN; JParsciess. a ee aeGoons.fe¢ae sr ao ae stock ot stoBingand to:aint Seton We offer’“the Bestswingoeporns yr<Sidam 5: ¢ >» wo w bs da d e Pa d a l o Shell OTSE A wdely et ~ SP N we e 10 te t te ia t th te at he t © SE S PA C E S wa Se wh oA .Se se n s Se n e © 2 MO M S Mo M te d te t se d oa d fa ah i st “R E R A R E R S WaGtahaNresy saveYOUMONEYONALLKINDSOFJOBPRINTING,SUCH ASLETTER,NOTH AND “Bilt |. \HEADS,ENVELOPES,“tlle. SELARS ARDS,de SEND” ZOR PRICES.- seintow 4 iste elf.We have more experience iD — uch aeprices.“Don't Niep our oe to bur,= ees ae ,iL.aes[ADELSON organs:‘ “abhek° Or Sten, ay!ar aejesswear that:are things ofe ponteforXmaspresénts>Jewelry!.Jewelry!. We have:e"aTine aob ey airy’that diggs“now¢Stylish sind "pape ‘to dare eeJeeeet‘are low was pire’lowest.“Rings Chaing‘Bracelets,«pie and,a Silk handkeremies,OLAV ER SEGa - pias thatsmgké&-badsore'agd’sutht 5 ais Xmaspresentsy}Ne ote Rite we.NG Se iAS ‘anes oYave ;Lstrle.durability and-priRee,OiysGOoASnare“4+to Your fadwantase to.Come toy enki thets Seae carry ueTul dntcontp hte litesaf.:-©&=~Heavy and.Paney-Groe Pea ae ave ‘DAY Suey prodtioe!|;Atenton Coates:Merchants A Weare prepared fo,sell,tea Pe atts Food:‘et si:Sas ‘pow “the ManufictirPers delivered friesSSeSteJust re 7,ali paces ViteSie GC yeTis Ss! ~Lineof Fi po tDYY.De.Dee fotgeta ceries Jere Minesetaenéspp Lae Dil “ Rie » es «£at &EYawa+s <>Ny ade Dees Sete ae .Series 2 ” lp. ta =7 MEOSE:‘Complete,© ie, i mimi aaatAp ahi iture Veaahurn votpallnee?beh _Barron‘ihNic]ra PB he we aNolson, ma.Dealers ity Fagni€ure”and ‘Buggies: Port ° Lat Pon ~t A)\4 RN Gantt istCatoror the estate-Trunks:Shoés.and:Unaerwiéars-~eRV.“Honston rane he“Sit Gasvot ihe Waves ne“ibipied atticTess“ar é.Supsnrpasced |Jor-¢Gnifbe tfoeadfreShauditoenilabe +: Nenef RRA MSEY &CO:Birack ies mi Me aoe patties 2 Gheapést Ae£7 "as astra acne y 4}~Everbrought: iO-Statesville; Ao mo} us:Plaster,3 “My.Jim Gldger,son of._Mr.aaneof:Davidson”township,{|dangerrously-sick.Z The Presbyterian eae sociMiebeen.postponed from “toniGitil16:morrow night, “Me “Gx Bs teases-of measles “at his‘Pwille ands thrpe children,:, xn So +4 theimprisonment,for.taxoFtheStateTONehueaWCtO Rex,J Be Ldchrang:5City.will preach at “the.‘brjaé church toeeaieht?Nees wi HE MXC HallBana Aaistty.: hat! Ari Se a s ys, ‘s*ye atey- stots pho3 inter at-Miss:“Adams”fea:Suaai ‘44 wd be ak (om:the Site’é itsNouse yebic on E “ARPS,DePearson,Yantonvhas taken Mr.~wert 's*place atithe”depot.“Mit“Ric position offered hint. heiIs gettingup agoud list; -©MAS.aura Honeycutt.‘of ‘DaviSoutownShip,ied:veny.‘sudden.‘Ylast.FFriday bight.She was:buric‘dipMe‘Ixendree:\thareshy Sunday.Rev.he PrAder ‘preae héd the funeral. PaaGoverhor:Rubséll his:Seclem “a fs=Rediovine:Baka Chest.or/back .¥ =the:Sidé © ae ‘~ *. at iee:‘ POR U Ph.ASTER.Tt has,car 2 yesST:ay ton w%aeEVHon. -Xtthe new Shh uingghtainge ba ‘and invpotted.fas)Vale Is just es would&be ekg= | 30 -Lavira’(kL:5)Sate buive the ladies,Spe ral y~to cone sn’and’eve thesps hae Pawel:&Sauder of Ashevifte,wy mi ‘Sid Sawiy’rercocolaneds an.account tof);a :;mah)REN Roped Va os <a Lae |~:Liave asign “pat?up.with “that ‘name|Whidhiwe printed last Week.There |"“Mi:anal Af Pol=Hewes eh]E.-Ay Matheson vu LaviraJyLong.\pie preee taat f aR yea Ane Eee fee pote pit.aN (oes pwas hnotvidertce agaiitst,“Menedith |ast Saturday for Sdut 1Bostons At ary J ‘Sunimers Ws,Epa as Sr ks":=“Ni 35 a:vi jure pend he was discharged.”Setaor-want/|*wifere:Mi.Mépoessy has a”‘aie a7;tee one se ;b>Nine men.an 1s.eae injured >:ce it rholesal h ; Re ue ‘Need of pec!S,ee t Thy eo to jailjn-default “Ot:“pe WG,|to-travel Le wholes Ste BOLE: Ses gee eee a ;>]byfiretorksin Charlotte-on Chirist.|:00.3%eyiurt<Ot Pood :Set th ie a pe agE Da NICSE ee Bylo eae LN lpsdays Y Among thent “was.Mr.Tewis:Bsc:represented the prose®|Cb ity Stpecrisck BINGE deftthis:Boyea :inpaCANRIPyorCORREOTEytSeAe,seedy ee ae5 pited William S.Spanolia.2 brother of pur}cuitign.-Sayy ver awds“petty.cbadly|morningfor Raleigh tos attend.the:ae Haw yertsqu vs/(M.aEBBAohanaai}Be st Bushee pt glasse;Sipe ”ow nshian-Mr,‘Charles*Spandlias|Sed ep andiwas unde the care of a ‘conXentionsof the county su DEYNISOLS|Millers .fac YS B shy siete Tack a xe :Uy.aehsceHE4,cause -R-H-Rickert,2 ho:had two.finger’blown -otk:anid}|issiciay:Phe trial camy:‘ait as of schools.whicli meetsthereto:day.)4%,MUA.Bre<7 ges von)nie ae ee 3The Rye 4 bis hand,Wadly lacerated:\Bons SOO 3as He &as able:to attendit.ay R-:ee ae <Adyor...¢Agt FS eee Re Sat fs ION a ;wats ae ae oy a ee DEWELE LOPT{CIAN.So mh gh I H:Borke,fe went-down.to:ple ERGigPaoiSveaseeoonSAregeaeesaea~Nr,Wan.‘H+Henley|and ‘Miss Cutting Scrape.In Seuth tredeif,||Waillurce;.Pender cone jast Thurs-'l50..y,world.|pe i la aTe te ne =me oo 5 fey De fa-B.\Green,daachterof Mr,|On-thotenikeebor ch;Sd. Aday ‘to:visit his sister,MrssJ-7h7)54.Anna ‘CaihegemerLlaneWilliam’Green,”of ;Purnersbarg|-weV ching:before -Christmag Coopers"Me veturned home Tudsday- Telegrap.s Co,get “3 -Lach eid Sct Se doesn ip),|township,were:married yesterday |BiulkRickert andWil Rymsey.both Netghit.=Eh ee es :SSredETSages=anmncnanentnna TELA .affernoan af the residence*of the.FScolored,anit-both.employed ort the}2%"‘‘Wife.VeRee a eee RSE jy =e s DE loides father.”We"‘extend cougrat-Hew railroad,met“Brown's®@is-Sees ty a “nd:se Lec by >Russellft.can co prt We:e Are Now,res oe Wee ulations.and best wishes.a tillerx.iy ltitringers tawrship.hurd jand TE.Fry,:“who.haye “Been lin]Gee hate ot eae ae i *)::et Aon dhe att 200m jefore ‘Chrict after loading up on “old corn’pro*|Burhant.building a:-house—for “Con-]Mee Ot!Teor 2 ee 2 Binet"Pink“hes st a sCecded to have&row?Rickert:who tractorsW.ay:Lazenby;ie fetuyn-bas%ia4 repRTO SHOW Y at“OER TINEOK eaei bons (te Pihkus-had his hand badly:lacerat:Fis,said to live here,whipped Dut:Inis Cd:home?"Pras oe N 4=eR IDABL Eb BOR!PRESENTS.SLR aN:ae ed.by a pre oes ei went,Off ane ceeae “Dr.ind:Ais saa 1dsae]Hematiirely.Dr.H.-F.Longdréss-|Sad Devs Ellis.“or Hitkory;-spe,Something New.inEvery ©nw ed the-wound |and He as doing*‘all a che “We.ave “ao Ba of night’;at oe siete euek-;:a “Pee right.A huey Ereets 2 a!Oa Rieke &.mea pee way homé rcaVieeae_Departatent..”eee LENTCol Robert:Ni Ontes ors‘char’|8 oaks Setest etee “7 "ss"Rin’coanty,RES Tis ree<.Bont Eiaik to call ahd“make"your sdlection wefory t e Ehoice”eepiptite,oe re ee cto re ‘Christmas In Btateryitle,;aoe 2 bs AR Sboro:Cheon,a we W :>elo articles are-gone.:Yeu:should’buy:“your,wit «fas Oryx |Years.‘He was one:of therwealthi ‘Christ mas day was 2 ticularl<}Eoushee,has moved,his family,baekaetiermidepait«of'spectacles,which will make the mat:ase-ie paren!in Charlotte,beings.Te theee RON Panes The pee fe to'Stapesville.,Sorry.they have,left ;ae forpresent:‘you etn vet,-if.ac curstely =this:we will)sg and ae ot ee:“National:neeor K/hrcrackets-and other:fireworks:“Wwent |Us-{And We are glad aethem +40weKasrdnteeSatisiaction:etic they ane ate fa leaves:a,wife and five!aay dnd night:’.Lhere “were no]move.pakALASCOR)“hah.MeawePeSeWas.woll-ONE an accidghtsiof che»“consequence:and}:\Messhs:Wilk Hayes,C,Dowd:ys Ela i0-Byes Tested Biss:=o Gryas dae g Coe tte Urankenness the“police|and JE:Houstea,-/ol Charlotte’(by PeesSTAtAshevilleonGidanasday:~a Lonty'made one arrest...The ‘noise of}were Rau Saturday”‘nigtht and:“Sup.F52.EM.ConROBT:aLL:JMOORE heCO.one great crowd Ot mefi,ant boys,’were the crackérs wis.heard “at:Snow}Fday-on-partici,‘business,2 dont}$3 Ostwalt:%hs Hiring eee ‘Tt texptode Sp Citeek™Agent,miles ‘away.There cher know’?58 :2.CalaTate vsSiaKGPierasStJANECKRS|Bo ~spa|injuring twenty-tav men'and ‘boys.pinust/have’beén-several hundredFant“gies ¥wt of ~3 oe.5 osopeee BS|SOME Of thethiare’Say serious’-con-dollars sworth-offireworkssald here.Miss.Enitic’Cardwep.“of Agnes]Lema aceon ditioh.Pwo may “die-and others Alvin all,though:this ‘cpunty ~has Scott Institute,Decatur,Ga;“and+CAR cr)See ee ee oeNil Sees,4 So te gvill leseeyes and.carry-sta.the:Zot off light:for,its Christibas::‘fun herOe J.Pe Caldwell;SY.+Of"fi aU he pet toa Re cS |rest.of their:days hee :ay and festivities:’lp eae s 1 @ak Ridge School;Guilford .county,Pacers wlll nos,nr Ta ree eenge 8 Seatiarcae se areat:home for the holidays.ats the‘day:setfer“, oe ney See Late.Thesday afternodn OW.aN ie miaspwaus Almost Cuased «Panic,ea “Mr.Geilaou "Ballew anid his §ter,ae a f ee Fess A oe Vives g -i aan |Hug,Sr;“and J>DL:OKCutty,“two!(Governor “Russell:sgent’a telegram [;=a atany.ame unexBSENRONGNBkreehh2}guards.of the:Rowan *county’chai MissWattie May,of Lenoir,‘came penbe ob the:catesSalahanpasSOsigteGERSONRATESeechain)to"Adjufant General”Av.‘D.:Cowles }al Rips ateke es ‘:Ree ee SMe ee Stars oe ~wing,Zotinto a*shooting sie vat test:week:to zo tO Raleighon’first tae Se Ne Balle ae oo x i 4 Near Salish H Ss Siy°2 ¢reSloans&&Shelton »aiken ieooiomey ant Bluhae the eeeom sero hESIS oy Soe es:xe sbablyvdie:~Klettz eleva:The heigh’and the ovenin papersaeStill heve Se;eK Ne iN a {pro ve Cs out jo,articles;s ing tha xitheSoe&,Bee Are we 5 >pee esis/ieee eej Ronee had ‘ordered ‘the|:Mr,J,*R.areas us.ébrate or ie iit urtee e oS =e),DwreER is.dea a ufté |[Stat©Trogps tu Raleixwho,protect passe through Statesville last weels f+‘Before we-cel Be hone 7 Saget Bats VCR ‘has eee ee and.“ts'intthe;new Railroad:Commig&ionérs .int)off ee to Cedar Run;Alexander |re aearcetaHappy.New:Year.e pose Pein ys %{iat Ger RY ee ae (their Offices.”-Phe publication.cans-|county,his:formér ~home;‘to.visit-}Call_and let ps‘show:you"the nice Seaspnatne Bodefa-tbings S \Dhere er Sérviecs ach 7 ighteat 7‘fed a-small-sized sensation fn>our relatives.*e.will remaina:month:;gaor nen,bigs and little:with peeott the soceabion,of Jotclecka .he Baptist ;church,ae“heapital vefty..e.Governor «only or two.before Fetarning ‘to Tindis fsCeeeseolSpongesmetingoyGe[einenSoke mtheaPa Hal oC Gosingtog tea‘Clothin:ve ats,eSCeci|fr dea will hold “there.0 Be4s 405 ote wilLarrive here:to-day <form a two ers and-Jos,et Rey a -Apetted pretty storyof the “Raleigh:PAPERS |“r Sera 3 :|Weeks “stay with the fantilies:of.his|the undersigned commission4sceareShavesoniyebiayWelamiraontmelorie.Mecha ayPeMDTCE 5/3 <9 lpcatveg rd Atomsona |mane coeandGéneral\linejof “Farr bhi,}»We ave ay biz Tot.43°®;“|Mx.WF:Hall.”About’the middle}Cour8-heavy and“medium,siti under.wearat,prices to*stitsal:“fare ensahi te attend |thez ie —sea ofJanuary.he‘will £9.to-Concord to aeAéseribed |ae coneheeWe)haves new ofolNhat we?piles a “ipsIBETRICES.-Sp tT A NO)PS Rbe80 0 chor snes morping faecept 2 ‘position’in:the:ons ig‘Holi aay Neck-wear’contre Se Cone yen:ota Coenen ‘Mr.the house gocupied.by Mat~assey,,Cotton Mitls;=-./oF ooyer’s corv-erthence1aayH,:“q)jatid Mrs!Henry.f,°Stdtes-{coto a ‘du Garfield-street,Ayas‘dis-|%,th at Somaeriuly$00 tant to Seelit before,‘ouyinkt “Come!4ville-township,di MeRdee ~aftér-covered to be=on fire.)The ‘alarm'|.Mrsas:D.Sate ‘and “two.“oil:td Seeus.e/wi Ke goutpricas Mate ai tell,SO noomofAE:saPlets:teféver“ad aweae buried|was given and a-large “numbee:of |dren ate visiting at Mr.J.S./Leon-vo oR AL nae.ty Te tat old:HK Paioks cemetery Tuesday.|people’went tothe fire:.Theengine|ards,Mrs...Swaim's-father.;Mr.Feontaining10 acres more Or.AN SS Ate ey eng ‘These.Seaonee haye the sympathy-of/startéd,but seeing that’thes,honse,}Swaim,whois aBaptist minister,|yfLe‘|their.neighbor’jatheir’sdd bereato~was deomed?the:ebripany did:not}Was recently,stationed ‘in Wilming-1 Oe ral |“Nationa a See ee “OFeelsheeuie ‘N=c. eines reusacta #a an PARegeiarBankin,Business.~Deposits received sinpindhc vight:|Entérest:idba tiune deposits.”“Mongyipgned.on collateralandpouwnatasecurity, .ene take our=_ jence -in). Fp esRos PAO “~~Spécialattention |aidto callectioneson20)Snta,ani<r remittedst-lowestra)>Accountset2 Seosranons Merchants,,fanutactarers,‘ape Individus}s:soled tnd;is te ee :oak ;.A Ba 4dies a tO i7o eo .2 €7 sakes&,cores,eREIOE C.HRVIN;Viera Binal sartorany Chinas osps ; Re ~|gers’of his’left.band ec off’earlyMf|yesterday morning by.getting them. ‘|}machinery.©.Dr. rendered him'the et jand Miss Mollie Bolin;’-Mr.‘David weiched :“ONL pounds.how isthe largcrest “reporte:county ind‘will;no ‘floubt beteestfonthi§yea f-f%meemae ‘“Hetel Brede}i.";Mec DAs Miller:thedgent 5CSE tit owners,Megsps. nent.Site “Willie eens eho:fives with‘uncle,«Jordan,Bass,dad “whoy worksin the cotton mill,had /-3'-fai-; SN oe ~e x caughtin the cogs of so “olthe.“‘T.“E:Anderson: aktenfion.BROS ‘Since-our last report icenses™“forthemarriage'ofthe folowing:ee‘been issued>Mx Wesley.Homdstag ‘A *Wooten-and Miss Rache]J.‘Yokin-[sor it.S,P“Skai andMissLaura|I.Ball,rM.M.-Early and:Miss t3Wiatie GEO.a BROWN;Cash ;~peace os¢eS Us pir as sia a,aa: ord and Miss Ageing SERS Cox Johnson,Mr’D.\M,:ae ogi otal Oyses UiS ;£.KirAV.AVSRankin aubbiiddasad Pyobtheslately “The‘Supreme’Curt’RasAces »d: ~feate es the:ari Of BryPresb tesatthe.ust Wiitesiiza unty,Snéu‘spending dfe‘Augws KS bras, v igereyting 25‘eataye | Was.arecentiy boenedZ=Contiattor WeFsHLazenby,thas the gontrdct:Ni geen as dr:of Storeilk:Lah rere’‘will go elsewhere.’as he.bac int Mr;ES.Sacwse rd.is vanvassing.the?tobvastor,subscribers’to “a,new:t+i 2)|Republican paper w °°Ne Oita:eet at.viens &Nie HOLL,postsoete aye not:se oesepara ae ae Serespacertowhentionpricesein.his,small 4Cady ertisement,:OME OS ase ‘ee :will say,that wee nyt nah ME eA aestition.“but wundersell +) ulse/Cobla to ‘hald thespecjal ferns,‘ofour“Suptriior Court.}w hich’sme¢ts Cour Aen sentenced:tothe.ebain’On Jatuary HHA:fon ne two,weeks >from the State.board of;mesik wPhis {about a:Youk laps, in,the}ot BancdmbeSeontit ¢ Te;Hees)xs (i>Oi:January Ast the.Bame=ol tire!er‘Cooper-House.wil “bejchabyed te Cowles Bios.&Hennessa and.pave |mo¥edsthe office’to S100H::Miller :CO's.store.*Me.“and ‘Mrs.G.OM.eee of Wyo:won “who had ‘beén visiting Mr:and Mrs.MW:White.of .Mt;(|Mourne)Mrs:Kipka’s parents;haveeftfor:Rants.via Washington,“New.‘York anc iagara Falls.“Rhey:willysed.trbor a three:weeks:at “Tifa,hid,Mri.Kipka’s native.“place,Pysestiog is,realativ es,; Ww ¥ae *, ab ae Virginia.Ree se :4 mitt x ;’4 e =We,understand that 6.1C!thyme"!esa.yer,Olm township,has challen:*teetiour,own.atiterrified ”James SM;Riggs toiméet"himin “joint-discus-|”Sighvlt ie-tssues ofthe dayespea>5 pohly ‘the Silver Guestign..at Athens}oOy school honse iin Olin.township Sat= Rowane county.. Mr:SB.Miller 7is:NisTolls4‘in,Rowan:county. turn’te:morrew:Zins Dn tink fe fil ason of DrojAR.BBAdams;*‘AS hgisitinghispeople.«=ee Se:yee urdly afternoon,January 18t,1898;Mr.and‘Mrs.J:Wood:ae TRO:with1 the:tal hore:Pate Q cloth pom:-,Our money is “up.childrens-of Asheville Spent’earn W:Soe StdsoRiggs:Senet }mas here with:rélativ es.Sif:hand riding hisLyMes.De FPSrGitisan."ofConeord,moftherin-law.of ouir-forhmer:toWns-.Lnane Mt PAL,Robbiiis.diedat herhome‘Suirdays event,aged 56|reays.7 She was adaachtor of thelateDr.\Kirkpatrick,“who.was:ithOnetimepresident-of Davidson Col|lece.Won,Woe;Robbi ne:ed tlie bee in Concord fbi, ‘Citawba-:Christmas:wit h¥elativ eS. iMrs.-C.S Morrison ° at ne Elen:Morrison®Ss: rotehs oy {day”here withs his family. thesame time.When,Mrs,Josey:awent to luk:sthedtrap:the hawk shady|killed:all thebisds butone.shut had?not eaten theme <How!tthey:all’gotunder-the trap ahthe-same time-<is]:thie,qogstion,f t6wn this:ee on busiiess. Mr.Henry °W.Marsh —issJupio’SBieaneer:of-Catawbiwhy-hasbeen:Msi bieeaterhas:“yétur“ped honte.: f Se ad}"The Supte Ine;Court thay adet:icedhythefastofSattertfield,‘the leek!ofsdfthe-Lesislature.>for:fraudulently: oot bill enrolied as‘an’acto tthe:Leejs-TinsattlatureoffaeHrSatfertield;sfavor.He tras cdénvic teawn -Fake Suipesiors fen J fganz. 1 “itz Ale :ner thissdedisigh he soe ae Deits®Alexandersicone oo p or ltaskac (Texas “to.tnake> y She phe te er,Bs Mis sry Wwe Aapaisoal:and.Mr. éstetday ior vingant ook Tin to [last:ier “ube lb Oo ‘hotkey i oN res =”Be tran Satsi “ands Tam Meéreaditiy,both colored:were thidd-bye Weals.Esq>*hi y pightto spénd se day,Migs Catrie:Teor: al ‘Mr:aie Mrs.’Bo children te tS De iam esda¢tor“assaulting ‘Christmas,So take it any’farther‘than.t ‘branch’tonebut.will be:stationed at-“Mocks-:‘he ‘hou e*was consumed*afd‘also [villehereatt’r-a felw aae “Agsociate Justice ot oeSupmanelCourtp..M.Furches has;returneddhometo:$pend...the vacation.”TheSupteme,Court will meet:“again.‘in.‘February.~.-While:so mpchis:being:written“about|which tawye firstsprungthepointthat’.the:salé-of‘the Western.North Caroling Railroad ‘almost.all of the furniture and:other.con ',Only..a few articles:Of}trifliny’:value sWere -sayed..’=The|,wouse belonged tothe &state“of.the’late James Lanier,ofSalisbury,and} yrettyfait’frame house,:Wepeereethat.there:was-no!insur-/ance‘on:the,building."The»-Masséy:‘woman,wehear,tiad~:some~-ingur:.pance,said to be $600;on "heryfurni-{ture We do not knaw the:origin:of the fire,buthave heard:that a) Tamp-exploded and caused.ihe Lopinion ofthe Supreme Court which“paige “,|decided that question._Lavyyerstell+Me.T.M.Mills,of “New,York >usthat;“théJudge’AS opinion”.was a a ys a ae iesa “Mri DH:Anderson,of Charlotte,Spent Chriistmas daywith his people. Miss ConnieWhite;Sot Charlotte,is.visttihgat Mrsrs.Se Ay Pur:rentine’s ices.«Ella and:Abtoinetts.Ror~weIt angspending ithe bolidays,:in :~A ane Miss Tasit Kowlpr:spent the holi-days with her pepeaesia iver. Mr.R&N.“Adams:of ae Bix, ores eeOBGt“‘SeSo-Sherrill is:back ‘from.-ounty™wliere hes ot atid cuilareaofTaylor:sville?spent,.the~holidays Sones’af.Savan cate6.epeut Saturday night.aed Sum {Carter Garson:ee eNIE iG esAlexandertountytastSaturdayandpepentSunday‘with.his Beople,Vee the MISSCS, Mr.‘SxSmolinsk ysof,”New<Yor aeThavingthe.hedau:a assignmént]city.-amesiiberof the fini“of:Smo-:ce Adelson;awa‘as here Vast weck: %MSs Hentietta’Shergill,‘ofGtamte|FHitL cameaup Monday waht to.“at>age.Aa “their Patterson,ot Chor twat:ay from’, Gunie |down |AyYnie Cowan went to MooresvilleiyWwith. Young”anae:“returned-Tuesdne =from 3}‘here ,»Berney)Cr avidson eaunt yy where they spent posi CrCEsDsae waar3h mg vs.1E)A>Math |Hesete.here:Ave =wens 4 MS eontribat 6d Bee ury for.‘eisfuny ie Calvin’Sako: Monday.= Sy Nannie. My.Me Josey.oF jefaces ;a$s.Yesterday“leone dian:recently:set dtrap.‘and,Wilkesboro.Chronicle:Mr “win,:aeseauchtSixpartnideesdndwhaivk‘at Lowenstein,pf Statesville:oevwas.in ac le. <Begtnii aeie 8:Jah.AY:sarah:\K J - Vy BVpete Poe Aadiire.: torm?Meee eet ew See ‘iss!'eMinpie sHanipton,t 13:lea eS —ee—‘i a ‘Dy t ae “y “Soimas OF:‘Shflong Souoraserodes Lager AS;aoe =af:Me eraee -the OESSe €»Boe Spnrine cole toy cad ees ata ke ge BEE 2dees<-}the Jaw,requiziie”hysiviany <t0;:°=ahs Th:Sate On;‘Ss OES J.De‘stand ane’ewe and;naa ‘Thetis will leave tna short time)::ts C MECH. sy eh By.virtue of a decree:of.‘the ‘Superior.-Colret of Iredell’connty’made:in:a:proceeds,‘tng wherein'S!J.Lingle,etalare Ferabee et.al:are.detendants, D teaee:@ stone Heover's corner,thence2.35 poles to a:pite stake,thence:2-20 W.‘BL polesto antone*on said‘road thence;‘with the road nearly-west tothebeginning ‘Bost oe oe ce to Wesley x-/Heary also‘got thtoa oan ‘at * -terson’s beet market:Er Hebry hits:fathe:5 rthe-face wad bruised=WesleWesley“was discandHenryrenee:the chaiSOT20avsehseasSoe. oe Wate<Hinon,‘colored,was:Eh1therow:‘atthe beet market.”“and:bi250.to =town:areas arply.« Be ‘Kerne ‘VS:be EC8.ie Ge “Mitehubt,Vs:1G,Sitchin ~TUESDAY,SanpaRyath,oe DyoLehatiiesPeSais!ee eteFox;AO “3 4RailiwafCore:ee 2AMO:Fageact,et a)V8, Pati son.WS:i vs: serve.Sti qrested on’“Christmas day =awepledrunk.andas his“Tarrestscot'tite day hhe”Wi Mayor|ae 42D We ch.he.ee ew imeéat market}mV Sale House back”ofthe:house.ot W ithelm,&Mins,- Neal,Colo Ng Januacy 10:“AG TeLobe,Juiige Presiding.- oe MOSTAY:STANUARY”Toth.Soe22!ERamsey VS.)eR Byerseoayagy {aFTs% Tan Relr=&NEE ‘Clark whOh A BenteESDAYTANGAYIU ("hare.vs"Ola AS ie OF nelius Vs. eeexpes aoroe.i Orrison ries.¥s>2nd 32 G,‘Shells‘mi,assignee,vsUoMOSDAY;TABUABYTTE:efcasir &Sons-vs.S..F!Wentz,et a1AhASWalkeretal:vs: eeAss AlbertGatheysrtamanys.Mf AS Blizabeth ‘Chapperys.woe Eiligceahq “WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 19th55MaryJJepladleyetal.vs Healy Cloassh “Lase &Coe sbion * es cs'&Nic frase vs;~The.eas rd of:i es eeof:Iredell:County,:2 A NON JURY:casks, peret“aae eee day:ed‘to attend ntiTe:case.ine,ari eeae rnary,vases: oe Tey 3,forfeitir:osand -penalteem.”2 niing at ap onéon:the ‘Salisbury.fond. son’; afternoon, “Owens e=sien®painter“Ofhereand’wants wvpork \*—canes < ne OGRE::CAIMENDAR.-i—*Rpecial me ap nf Tredetl, :JANUARY.20thSA.Milisvs,“J.Wy Brown:. iday.”igh exerat.thity ee oe :a —i :ee ——_——- senN ZSME us Ba ek twiex AS Lance aa iNS IREDELL er ALEXANDRE cOUNAIRS.ASsri orAN YOTHERe RAPER BU ih.x Ve os .Gee ncee tee 3 +2 by es Ae eee M %agence Medes=isa Seiteen Spe eee Ae he Af Set1aedeeeSaoprey“STATESILLER,Y.c=THURSDAY,DBOE BER 330:<8.Be ce 0.5aeRoe«i 4 RE TORE .Se aid aie a %a iboe es eh ssReyeee y Soesagsite ON ee aie Ceaeas SNe :easy Sek SSEchinesSand.:tie ©%Prag eh te a ha oe ane,Teg Police News x Ga renee | eee ag ]surance AgentR R.Cowleshas}/°.0 0°=Shia ein ‘eae é :hag ee a Se GENERALMERCHANDISE EMPORIUM »“Local.News [bse this office“with S)thand-Bars:™M:v.“Reid }is”‘visiting rela Qn last’Friday night John’oy,i Yadkin Valley Institute,_oe 3 Ue Bi aot cay Toma:ratte Nese :Ysome-38982 calendar,”tore mene he tives,at’‘Gataiba.ae -and Turner Stevenson,‘both colo peer Booxviteg,“YapkisCoury,N.C.yd t ClaUS 7 :bp Be =:=has’our thanks.|:4 ft had rap at HenryRamsey's:RacemeefaleSanaifieaN.SL aR Oe ea2.3 €Mr.ne Ww.Bell,ot Mts }Mourne,‘Miss MayWest).‘of Sa isbur,¢aes Stanitanty “Fhey’both:were sent’SOAS Bef “FOR.ROT SEXES.; i a he a SASS Pati |is critioatiycaile Mote tee"es :/<Messrs.Cowles Bros.have es the:faest of Miss Julia.Webb.~[theychain ;ang in.dé See a Term ¢Jan.4th,nea oSSete cng fs ao AD a out:the interestof Mr-P.L.”Hen:1)Me:Bevwika ots Jay.$25Ser ee oa Sher AN |Spring ‘erm Cpehs Ja sac ERS ie ate Ne %1S.ARE ADYURETSOTeyers ‘S Kee OM.CARittintof:Mri W.A Hiner cute ness in-theinshrance business of|.oi Scott.rown,*"of-alisbury.a day $2.5 if “Highlyendorsed.by ‘collegeUteveWoop’“FORQURSTORE-thete he}Knows s.‘Ve:ghAN coe of Dav idson township;died Sunday.twas here:Monday and:Tuesday.‘¢a eh !he will:finda:stock oF shops tar ad-em,4 ee y and business nen:”One Ot te 2story:scheols in the State.ele 4eapcoetal‘Fhree excallent.Literties.A beautiful’country.lecation.AliberalandprogressivelesOnehun-1 dred ‘and:eighty-five students enrolled,Good building.:pongoend.-Home com.forts...‘ieall>farnish’you board,“tuition,*.}was ing and lights from January -“4,1898,i}to May 25,1898,°-(fivemonths)for only.‘8 $40,payable on entering.Jat “Write for catalogue or further.informa- :fontto.Sar R.RN» Peas A as at PRINCIPAL.: EF $ wasthe200 ed,’a Sistei at Nauc¢?c(San BLfewerx CouOliTSOS\flo 0 6 100K150:fee .Said,ndnot.assmake.thi bree of,aniake 96; ost property:pul eonen:onneefroniDavieeepropertywillbe:‘sold: D:‘LEVY,Prop.eG00)below the.peed nerate lots,’x250%fee andigon:Davieavenue;three“300x150:feet,-pad joining the:“property:and front-ecting,ae ei Davie ;Souminy,the. ‘only in 4ots és ‘Agents ‘wanted everywWhere to sell this ae ay sthe lady and gentlemen agents w =To merchants. ek.q =am nianufacturing x?“the BEST“Show ‘Cases Tuar CAN aWAD.3 :“Every thing about them’the vary -EO rs‘orkmanship,material,and °all first:class.cee}<Gall or-write mé when younyeed a‘-new.shoe case.5 . ~ ~“A « .Respectfully.s ed J E.Cochrane,ae e"|SraresnLe =-N:C.ee “Notice to Crediters,: AVING QUALIFIED AS ADMIN->es istrator of C.”.W~Smith,deceased,t lateof Iredellcounty,North Carolina,this»isto:notify all:persons having ‘claims-sagainst the estate Of said deceased ‘to ex:~{-hibit:them to.theundersigned on‘or before»{the 25th day of-November}:1898,or this’|notice will be plead‘in bar‘of.their ‘recov-J ery.All persons indebted to said’estateWillpleasemakeimmediatepayment.“This 25th day of November.1897,«*d..At poo S,¢-aMeLatighlin,Att'y.minivtrator. ~4 WANTED AGENTS. “ine——Contederate Soldier in’the civilr,’?just published,contains’500.pages10g16inches,ang over 1,100 large Battle*‘Seanes:Portraits ‘Maps}ete.The great--és¢and largest W’:ar Book ever published,‘and the only-one;that,does justice to theConfederatesoldiér-and the causé “he"fought fora Complete iin one yolume. Arent? on our new and easy plan.Many of OEE PsR.ipa HARRISON’:S: CLOTHING.HOUSE.- ho are at (wa =k are inaking froni $100 to.$200 per 3 a %‘Bingham:School:Asheaple fet the (967 Julia Ne wasn vs W G30"aClock ae I's:Anti-pain been tesped for Wears.“There!€al SRARATCESS:to:eee aCe:Pees eyutes Mes ba boidayss xe a a tte Meoe FIWSB Tetn ale-—One-ti :Tees Cet ae a paar of. Ve &rand:valid.hres AG y.Ndauis e cind <MrscF Thomas|Ch en AU eect Nob OW aLareteyvy.Mary”sackoy.B oF inird ‘cash.one ested'itoSendfora beautiful illustrated .”.° ss we Bees ENS ee r _aie BS i oe fareHelin,The WiseReSt!esteptn’by te Mr;bs 1s ANdetson;ofCharlotte,6L:“Mucdoek 5vs.LoA‘xThomas,.ual Sores abs<third iaoa si |escriptive;eireutar {free}and cers.to” a site pers le at ae eae +5 Mrs J.c.ise!<a¢cduipanieddab their AeFebbors.J sho}vtgret,wghat,spent.Cliristnias here:with bis fat eee A Pn (DS,SANUAM 18th.oa us —ee.cet azenis..Address,CovntEn-JOURNAL JOB a 4esaeReeae¥&Sec Ser ie pacciatele theyare th WeaverHyg.opeen Yank mother,Mr,cand:sss os 33‘Chias.JAS“prumys’ters Stewaiic ,PRINTING CO.,‘Lolisville,-Ky.‘aefengSq.7 Wenttd Mock svi hs vesteRday-}Fayette,Stovesorr “egloreds Sor]AMWerson<,:ig sie war ane Be os J,.M,Pottsvs Rak.MeDowwell;“etal/|©AW,Ew ALI.s mR.:“|totaake ftal settlementoft hidestate’Lot.wseu =Dwayar rested ay rConsti®Be Me aonnaes Bot t.fie fe ATR =ene jJx-Re Seay Admr |e:“ye be GIST,teh i of the date Tol Cobord,My./irvin,ble,Wot varcler,herk MSidas]sual a brother of Mei co Bost,of al eeSea pe hoe he ing Ahi ook .f Or ert A SITEURD xy;ANUARY me KA J Were ::‘being the’exeputpr i night?SopSiegal insHie LOW Statesville,4s visiting,relatives here |59°nO co Ts uckaien sasSade seins : Te Be a Bae a Suen eee Mr.“t He ‘Hal PoE -Clio,-hitiea SapatFAQheyithy on}!vbRich.>cObe /Stqeen?iid incthie county.ans S30.iorsdiuekértivs,"Sos eee,Cor, AE Lou wnnee 9SEE O 2 ee ae <n Me iy eae Chipa hogoneday fast geek}Sonedy atte’sbrotheny,Aras Ukited:x on os beesvSREYceeeeeeteana“A <S a ch S 4d Wa BowYes ‘Ee“Overcashea ne Ee Moin: and Babcock Buggies, ony a ee 3 Bei y epine stoek for He ampion Grain Drills lilted Plows,are:thé best’in the world." ofeeeBrags, me mae a very’. aint your:Shonise.¥weoffer -the best BES,Corn Shellers:Son he NSSteneralouts 29 oF 38 1: :First Class porkixe~,aa “wy and Lowest.Pric c zB.‘WEBB. ao to sassifras|receelands,thence K.-to wo eeining:414°acres:moreat(adjoining Publis &beeata-.stone-ontheucewiththeroad20:po:westerly direction,rection Sapte torarly:directio eb ad had not been legally~consummuted,|theJitis'well to recall.the |fact «that-it pO1wasJudgeFurcheswho‘wrote the|** oo a cea eswithsi fami-vigorous piece‘of Engish ‘aud of}pro-ly.ah ond légal-leayning.: ;northerly direction 34 pe ere‘the.“peingContaining3acres:more:or!less‘One't:oeBarkley,:5joiniEs.‘beg sthepce ‘in:Southerly:cosine therice;‘ant east=: lic’:voad;}\*:4 stonein|dic ‘thencea} BsSaeerisen :| Don’ttake our.We reemore experience in_ ‘We oe wom ‘to buy ee ‘a SEE aie os : Reem be -aT : A f checription at +Stin ans Se renee coe eat anid }ex:ae qin.hands”for eollte on.sHé aragalsasecm“04 the strict:PAM:orare y Jorg:Pes bis crute! :eee Re nar ey “bueket.Wessrs:Ditnier and Gglen ee same “elk e last! +Lackey“noth Lhe pies as ieAS:weeks ; could:Rnd.me nt ter,eee “Heprd 45:ua?’ aneeor the.paper: your account place tion-—_—_——- PA.HARTNESs |‘Eovfons,.Teae ES {ONE DOLEAR YEA.ae See are oye aon2 ifa°2'.OUR RULES.acope>~mts Dae Fhe ram utesevnathig Sires? ‘.SPcew Advertisements and thoseto ve] “shanged must be in the office by“hoon on> ross mark oppo-ite sour,name niean cet SeeEmpg ETE ‘Mr.3.Ds *Cochrane:SORE rintens |:Re dent of the cireie abt Mation{...4 ariamenageat doingOh -jane MS mae eke bf thepritiess pote fombast Rrogd'streetz wade:“| ‘eee =Be A Turrensine’s aw,assign nett Tyr the benefivdef “hi ee ce street Paesday/aftersfereditors,yet etait!{meth ‘hs «anoon,ReveJoB.Cochrane,wk Brye}"be ia ecNis.a brother,Of;the Sorgom,|pan (He Burk ¢ Lofficiatin g.”Mroapa Mrs:scheme :oe x I éwill live w ith Ma's.‘Farrentind.-;Exenlavivst-olf Hithand pret +We cae eer sy ios :Am ‘Card From Mr,Linves,.>Pr */To the Editer:of Mascot.Saag Dear Sit ~Ih four,issue of Tee: *Oth#your V asht?corres pondsnit dices _me gxedt ‘injustice.“The\Morimois -did not-spend the ae wiit aeandy yemarkS abgut the ‘wir S.fare ie oePues othore are no mores earp StynMouds ‘ virtuous arid keAfigt nt.er <r} +North ¢carci Th:en,these of Ake Xe ander county.3Cfore Nashti -Scribewas vet Woon 1 jomied,an:ars “ganization for the priote ction ofS the white w omenat the S:Seuth,meth J ain as “life ifhecessary:fortheir preoleetion: - .»State Senatorshakpe.to Get ie enone me -StatéSenator Ac ,C2 Sharpesw ent hit:ibis,Jnistottune.ee to R sleigh Sunday might;Teiszud-}-- «derstood that heis toe’appoin tesd clerk.toi ‘the sState-Equahzation-; Board and:assistant Railroad’:Commission,¥LORSUCCE aa, one Fagan’‘removedS He-was pee - ee yesterday.The salary -D:bably +of the office‘ts asters |)tees will have to-spenc most:‘of his.tune aRaleigh.it is ubderstook that}Bight:fle thude Nis dont,as Chairman.‘Caldwell,tided’by the,in- fluence*of “Governor?Zusselk saver] General A.D.Cowles,‘secured.the!{ioing “4 r Insattodney,ylace fort hin.7 went”. cr »<»T naus-tribes eeBee strupls ake postentsomestates 2 Ce ee bride is “one.it ‘the towat's {osthe yideralls fairest:daughteTs wha.AsimuCh “ad ‘mired aud-very “popular,With her, -Cassociités,-We éxtend hear ty cols 3 gratulations and best 4v isheS:°- t Gwattney--Sharpe,é ed Ete Reported for the.Mascot.» -aings that:has.occurred -here’in -sometime,took:phact©at SMP:es Sharpes >on’the 22ndy hes Con? >tracting:“parties seerey Mar Robert ‘Gwaltney and ©Miss:-detté:Shar pes, rhe house’was beautifully décorrated with evergreens and ‘flowers,~The. “attendants wete Stiss Mageiy’Ins .gram,“of Taylorsville.and™Shy ~E Lackey,‘of York Thstitute..The. ‘ceremony Was performed.by’Revs ee Mie Brower and 3 ance o ae “and impressive..Thes bride looked’: pe and the‘@rdom:is-Qne Ofpera:Boge and dn tetarttt ofband Te, -Vashti's most*‘ehergutic ang ineyHi- -gent young mica.484 -tulations the “best!partrof the.Whol afiair “tok,plage.Linger.was spread -beforls in the most;lavish /muuyity “and the courses:Were all gf thetbest. .--their home new:V,Tashti,taking:with | -them.the best’wishes ‘of =their’ many friends here.7 27 EOEHiddenite,Des the 4 SSP > ‘Mr.Loxig Had:AbleSAssiatinte,x a Tothe Editor of the “Mascot?:oS oe bene; ae “eFegentt issuet the’Landmark,that Ns“3 +ment Of the citys side bEthe.recent |’“<=Woley.case,agaurst the City.of *Sta-“<tesville for damages,and attribatds|®“all of thé management,of that,case. to BF.Long,«Esq*While’‘the 'writer hasno desire of intextion't rob Mr.-Long Or AUy,of-hiS’Jegat“re-nown Or.‘triumphs,©simple Justice-requirestthat’it™should:be known that Is.Cv Cala eli Esq:,Way asso: ‘‘giated with the/tirm of “Long,and ~Long“in*the conduct of -that;case;’Vand thathis spéech.to the jury was.i}atso’able dad.convincing and-his ar- te 7s elear:gud iineisives If lawyers=are.,2 to fective,e)thanky-as:well’asfees \fot - > “otharany|other arents,in town: « LSWacy Th Green,of.Blkin;ES Osh-Green,ofBootMount;and Ls<Buf “seven is aes<a Be Bey ana & < “man and ‘a-populan citizen of Tredylt county who will make a good officer. We join his’matty:fr icads 1ine congra* -tulating him uporr hiss appoirimemf brine eere 'Ark:Jolin Al Green;oh Hastings, A.D.Watrs.Sin!if -4 tar. ey Sets A:4 ane sc.Bi,ay cy —:. ie a2 3Ae x ~2 Cochrane=Tarrentine.7 ‘Trips Ribtacnehegh.ate.eerhaet, reatly:pow 2522 thy to give’wyin Sateane cantne sad des enjoy©tHeN.Quite| peet at tfiek cfiman arty: 4 WOK:TE MELE bind spent’aayor tw x sping Mis Wes B.eeir 2,a‘Caan pbc’S.aoe Cle.:Ms,2 ~~pth Me :as “Your fritud,-+Me nora Ce ule OWN DISNEY,=e ened sacki fs York Institety.Dee.Asth,Ne,: ose ae 7 ‘Senator Sharpeis x.Hoog businest oe Se ne Mr?and Mts ‘Dette th fiver,ie The room.vis brie of “ou best lat oe i“a =eRe .“ 4 ‘ One of,the”most isaar LWra: “Tne?‘the ceFemony o and conetacd Mr.amd Mts.‘Gaxulthey;left ns-fort p < et tioticed:ina sot eal ol Bens “Citizen”!writésof the able pajage- guments .to the judge:were:also}> doing their duty?by.their:chents_then&,.0.Caldwell”ESqz.is equally|*,entitled ‘to =inthiscageas aOneivadUSTICE.~StatetillgN-Gs ae =eeomBoiaie ony ao ® ‘TheBoys,‘ancame,Home for Chetbtiman “Rev.and’Mreg.R:G..Green’‘prob-!ore ‘enjoyed their,Christmas”more ‘Their seven Sons-all came.home:in,fase sto.eat the:Clristmas:turkeyunday..The;sons’are;“MesSrs- James A Green,‘of’Fort Smith: ‘Neb +R,G.Green,Irv.ef Richmond; laysn,.of Statesville.~“Mrs..T L reen ~aecompanied herhusband.**This.was the _first‘time‘that all’of the boys “were ever.to-ieee as Messrs.James.and.John -leftfor theWestbefexe»Harvey.wasepee>-=Whils-here,Protieraphen:‘Stim.son.photographed the family ~vhich aaaa exceedingly.good looking one:Mr.and Mrs Green are justly |pred,Of their seven’stalwirt ,sober.3‘and*__well-doing.sons.“Mr..Gfeen iis.par. *tieular.to.say;that each oné of the}: erat.’: A BatverTake te, “Messrs:so7 Ed.Tynyer SK er,SEI AE 3 .PCBLISHED,WEEKLY |*‘ackescate infty,daw Sere fe sore WirvGu ¢yesterday}A Ties!lest, ‘stoma.oo Fob SeepStem ob me a emerntin, We))ator in,hot Pires -b araward siore Bt also ; Sch |be La beck Dreamytzeg wiguasor fn ravidence sare.Chris:: aes Jacob Matheson uene.day y Ps huiapesaid.whe they”TRG‘the|wast me tine wf edacsday-‘bucket Aptibufte“IY a ah aa “Hern,a tis:huehet ‘Dp fora fee tached |b ¥. ‘fp Fret.SAS athasou.ot Suvhanen~~ oper ieee 4+Soagle dy Bel pele caties Ope poePe Roethe!Was AW: aPmt ay ‘Cok Wwakts-Nee Nis ts on .r JPetsetutallHeokel,8!Dealsvitle,were Saint Cia Head toate Vas esti and,*Le mite Fees?SS Sandayeeaeritce SiMe a 44.Reshguin!\oeBe :mE -PYseait font BOON lang tertIe yanoe: SP Pure.E ic NS aayret Tasitton?Bsyes dS.isRoease tes eich : PE be hescr veshis,petsonal,y Ri A a eeSua eat Xessmaha). 4 pate “ter“tage hertihizer,1c :<atnemting im thie’Tus eremate!eet er os ThADey Ae cot sSharé alias :.‘eeePePry QwhsNTC festatec did thio”property ASSieetied f sousistswor theStock wf eco st meSs aun othe t poiee ere G ore |tly argo.Sas freed tn Medel Se Qui ys,PRE: eprakt”week OU ay,Sst)fre £3 Seto vonttir~talahlighilios are:a Lait,#4000, pandthat..Uta S wi t Peaksve {Quer Sm ; ssa nedby te J arate gan.oyster sapiens Moncey aight,hrf!Coueresstvan ASNCY Dok Leer Sryrehous |nigat }he glesee Hi ine Mix 7B SEANleit atid:Sigte re “Miss [vila ¢SMarsbsc of”Forks,es tohim ay exegutgn,Lor “Aft ee zen’/of tli vounty.NjSited relatives and twelve nio ths-tkou-nate pa ah te.i his"I veh.<it will be,plewdairdar:of- ree:a Ry [ft ents’a ple :res A oF *AY pevsoDs Indebted to said,erate:are!pe eS at ‘ ed Ce MY Els, tlatendSagi i yt he ant he he {Tistaass ernment!wus.) i and copie Sais wr SUETTISC)fussTHO!our DeOpes who.sy ee=at Cowlex ~Ges haa Rican hetSecotarenegin:on Bark obekedrnhips)<nS elerk tor the The-Super entie “CourdetetheMorganton anit.Receit- et shiqyeasein hievoot aieHx tales Gowles.of Statesville EP.00)aud le |Russell téegtaphed:Geijeed lastandsherweHtdewn.to Ralgifh i dar ISé“Julia,eeeedStdzge and Mrs. RRO.metoe taeRe 60"“Wow éd 4 plitee “tobbareite:t1aayPREPbed3 owas The ingen“ary ve DA la’“thet anesOepnacten'y Aw reFS wigs eE\eii soe ena Ape Prices.“will he.cut,= innhehtreeeiwer,AHich whatSay ix nnd devitdvikto acee Pio ite.at 0Saturdaynisht:4CrtXemelds ~Mor cra ben!Nowtsy: night?Mp Walton,whe.was ingpos4 gesstoncel thetbanks.Aurplace t bey Gendnwits wes Monday. win,Kage is ‘the’ fon aftoxney‘ site rs,Unt sae Mg ne Beas: a oyesonandsti Hare Seerolcohds,west!Keul<Te gee:Ss Mtds, ;ands MRAGE©. “Deilz—-Algxustior ty gn Brisfols of Mor auton father oRMYif” Mr:RuOs De“itz,EL,Mr.MA‘5A CBB 5 Deitz.and Miss”Nois Alesande.eral:Cowles,de “put y “r=! daughter of:Niri-Js ‘Se“Mexauder,Morganton: ivere inirried ft Soclock last even- ing at the residence of the,bride:SLaté peshille,: ;father Onyeast *Broad street;Ret. pr.W;“Al Wood officiating.. ;a istel.oF Statesviltes Sar feST paat ridges my Atesh alti eawry:eyeD = ip th wy ear ured alivings:of pydatve.4 *ete.whee:‘gdimr:cee Cn fe. Wi tyars,“was He tids“ahso,sfinglast ft Armée eh ik Thtutes~ us count in)the‘Tuis aishard utter to te a how pie __Bank saaECe Wiltufnont.- ‘The’Cépemony <was,\pefarmedt*its ipositors ail lore 7 webs Tenepee, the presence of a few dr rends and an| evtelegant SmDE was S¢reed AO;ftbe} it company.x Megsrs. entize ol,their tnghe ye is it wiGly kaiLone.. A :a“BADSEGHO ATAMGOKESY ee RELL new.house:on,Welly.street chieb}io ate Mr,Deitzisvhayiime erected. ci ental Soca peaks,Wy ces Issues.: me em Deatod Shot. :“Geta pat ean Jor Ect seoks F ofDavidson,Corti swiss ja oeees3 ‘Sou remonstrsReLro“SFeplvay ds.a/pIgrol) ENC I PGrsuri todkoot @ Wi ase ehased:tyra’oat otter needbeensshebatRebar,Se ME -/WDeatow fohdwydBe When he Les gu Sat bin aaa and wrder ‘ed Rinne} beeton:SLOP viedae mm “Re:PSSCarlet Se rot Aue atsAver.|": SeeNENG mids FOF kbee cr hect hnatiner,b: i pe City e tT oheew nui eeek genes,Thichtie.auditor » SOSeAyuS7 eel Sind.”age ardte.>We]oedutta:tT repee sere ORhK three ApSISECES inet ha Staton wibixt 5 eye:Ine unde PapsntLane2iveMtDattani:Aes he;oe arbfatpshig.xe]: 4a]I"Anita pints Mr saae mel 1s cbt higThawa”ssong asddeser ere,fa Yo Doatontar tis dese. aw aly tho 1 ae F abt tweeyewilapxartdondak:TasfabdemenySereralCHPZEDsitracedfiinhe Res fuaeasisan/“arrTAYTosynbrMooreSVatProarchot,‘S1a(tot his.atest:ors had -his:hodrifavbe lore”:Aa Ae:Walls Auajrt.fFcivil hisiness Galy 4Ne in Statesvilk-ecain i’enGiDk Merl.vaSeepacteidbes: Vuary TadicTRananed Wiltortinie’far tw =i {aces Viste A MAb ee ple7 4 PGR.Mile -Cow Gorn :in.the.Bh eos de ng alkidedesa,i Brodite ; me R &ZW ea . SRS WSISRKNORE oe happy:Nev we riArdianatesBiptsakVStgaiPreilsuidCaseat ate Pt es os a.eeee x COOPER.8 ’tren ‘SQUuUu 400Mpst.32 polestots Lack ory,”Onetloar South Me Gadi.hatte:ayesMthenceSouth:SSO WES 38:phlesto"¥Stone,4 ’3 Ce era,Slaven’Gornen’“thibnde Sonth $9 Bash |aera NS suty.Sheri’We -4D.?‘emp!ofprnAtajaiMondasy“nisols, ayAA"1s Sson hype ths \éf-the boxrd ot>‘Ge Lili Sehers, sc uly ten = ‘The t‘yetal cB) Mircea pi ee Mert Deaton’s ? stiht.ofie and fig sufen poly.MoLnVtaicncg.PANotrSteghee his DE,eesCER.ust under the :ach PEASput, but dodere eat w‘aS e xtyraetedl befor HeHB:Song.sph ic Gian,hips examined Wim sisidy“edre put Ty dik and*hetells us that wound is”pot ‘atolls serious. Haeracheels Oe ‘ngod?-Igig as ~=seed s“roads.ved “iy shite “Forywinke Ueseridelt real Zeal:f Ve "cOmMISsPON pic <CASE DECIDED LY FAVOR,OR”*CR pws AND PRA SON,ate eeswhy,rake’TheSmcni tc ia Last’"Thursday,"aftey:fast”wok sspaper.Was"p minted,she SupreneeCourtdecidedtherailroad“earns?|~favor”osSassenéCaldwellrdPearson,Ath malesPimtees;-Timed ter thesdeciaign Chick tucloth,who dissented,fronttonolthe”€aurttogwyitoferrort Dtof,the United1iritas“thé.State Suptasprendesred“another:ects ge vedMessrs.{a ldee an Signer ‘Cases, ope es offices yng ordeted the |5!ManghyiW:ake.comty to put.thei yamission-3.shevi:ff dilly dafiied,and,‘niidet ;<tc]Garena Governor Busséll,|Caldwell ahd ‘Pearson tps‘ured.‘aie[Services Of'a’‘locksmit!rbiy tadk’possession’.J the ofiite.Friday‘nighlens4gholdj:the-nn fecaasthemn-“TSState!Audi-«the Sl el“fi f fit ieStare.nocAeTheirtermsdated‘from7ntyRenty.an:Seépteniber 2 teMrCildstell.caghe homeSatu dy niet,bnte'etnr ned!16.Ra it B,pee PA LOR 2vesdayNeal Phe cade will upstethe Ux7S_but:Messrs.Cald=y ;well dnd’P%carson with perform:‘thedutiesghd‘altave~-the,‘Salauy-whilethe’case ig ‘pending,whieh <AY.ete for Suet a’*year and" Legislature ig elected,Lsons,gathé was”‘to’\ay ped‘Federal Gupréme.cate nad Selpossession,and™“draw7y tie ‘salarieseaUaeisipsbutSeethe-Siapremeourttook’a”on:fate andithey-do +Supreine Court, OR “RENT,© Mr.and:*Mrs T T\Giseweada'tMr.R.'G:‘Green,Jr,left this morh-”ing“for their homes.and the other’site Dr.oHeeones.will leave -‘ccaottheweeks TEERonSCar fos, ®By Bel.Henkin,es LEE aglorsxiitesNY CO MN-it ————i he fire-arac fe mt,tes xe Wo ut caets last week.<2) ms re Es“mi at etn a Le ve -* re j turkyy.lasy.Sat Cay : * ise &Go:”os :“TO aoeWHOLE.eepera * :ip Plek,pioour:zeerat Bileof Merchandise,”See Ce MMENCINGSTHIS.WEEK,acontimnie:ati Jan.1,“98.aS os:would calls yout:rat hae? {tention OUR Ee 3 et ese je ee “PeesGoods pepeeen oe “here yon wailAdan up-to-date Jie:of"Dress<<U weare going toyell cicaper.thaneverkiiown-:: :Sto every lady”Siinterest:ROBE GuS/it bey.gomtergplaté buy=thng-andther winter dresss)You ean’ttCatton to ;miiss;this”asGressoodssale.SAwd 2ia>We:eet!to.talk you ae weat -*.have Bagthen:lot okstylisht x ES see >» x™WARN,‘Yor WANT ‘entigh yt:fas’ catesessa.eet dew:c Capi Wiits.Riisihs>Lig olEhistow hpatriots;OMAHA Ret Bn Cee isite, MryxCupy.Ler{.ae:Ninrrivoucay.THEve Hebsldcen went‘toh Statésrinis aoe i Lk.te,Soya Cheistatins,Tffe pe Dr}“Br £.,Nats ‘Ot widest J. 28‘alt und.see er .Se=! st GROCERY,00.)iS By,BuW:APTS.MANAGERS oh an ae:SB&aoe:]toe and Jacke. WS week,Ree LesASN heey,Rrmay.SAT Wwit TAGe oea sit,feat Pe wSdity retin +holdtwz ae to,1 houie:in ShITAL Petri;neersdeecased. pe ts POS it We lagliescl tlie Methedat chiech {= Ne ea one ¢Pe ba Miesat an Haryie®,tof 1sical eee ee ‘i «fe REP thc sy SH ntakpri, +Txt PeaNhat Sout Wis) aPGOSIR Ss PRON Re ‘sho.A wipit pier bis BrattHers ,.rs =e “f _ WE,Ch:¥dietA aca A eeek WSaSettach for ‘ SMa,C0.Sack,aie‘hiAan Lt feny bow 3 36Gar V ep eh hit der &es xrererixaGald>Swtat tyeke wasfaitjrothngVou“odie se Se‘dangPattlte,Scoumte, btthe triakok civ HAGilusesc*¢ Tig oon iGable in wil,pre sides The), c ext ~aiaoeok*hncwe » ef YREbe:$-0:Shese ‘has POL apitond Teniiesser'é Wiehe,Cae Ne one oye BeysaortPacem5r pe ketet ar Nee ds Riirner,”enePee . @ edt aips lags Abstracts cor rata Pep os pegia Ly is host rat of Sfenoe vf SATMop”Wasd: -Wise /SPECIALCGERE S0RCKYF arties Tnterested ‘are t Deets:Wi ‘thiedeterspeeiad,tymmAb Tredest Eis “eeeia Dées 2xth;DSS aN.Re:HAVA.Y be LEE aA aes Sele AF RELEstin :itaNey aay ; ee Be his osk DMCA Re eG.it Lense,A ect Safow'tn S W"on, MONDAY,J ANT a 31 + —tstaTract:\Bewisiwtig’at Hi Sor y of ee Davia Wolivers tigee thels Syutteao >KasthsAASpolestd-a Sweet gun!SPT ies corbersh be’ ot Naeceesreati cat Ves tee DEOCammissioner’s Sale«f Land,:ewht.Salneihsbranch,At herner,bythenve:with “his,ling North)7% enemract:“Bexiphing It,alii “Robt.”grtssediney”Syeats with i £‘lineNpatis44poles’tia jrathoak,am)Calli y tiesShoes ne e wither”Ling SsVest go fepcere¥past Om,|the&cp Sot 120 poles.Follows,towiencryBigt.83%OleS*bor egy’ sy them with,(he s¢me a UPS.m rad Vraets epinning:cat astake.,and ertsflyieraoe8niesSenth70.East’08,poles ‘then Nocti #30-Kust 56 poles to.a Spanish|:oaks sapling,then North Fo Wort.ue polesto,@*take_on David |Woliver’s lite,nenio8fes(to the firstst tions rei" 4 éale,one-third in:six yuorithsSarid oney sothird“in nifle-months.with a aSecn- poney is Paid.fy,“Wi W.WHITE;pDec,\2zy 1897.@2 ps)4AdmninistratseeCiCalaiwelt’acai’oe ae eee a STANSSTLEMLL a ISBOUIPPED.WITH ALA©THE MODERN IMPROVE.-\MENTSFOR-THE«a a MILLING OR KY c=FLOUR!eSFEEDS) Pre ‘OFALL KINDS.©Fea:. ean ‘and solicit.a share ofyour.patronage;We can(furnish thesecelebrated:brandsOf flouk at;prices? rices for wheat “and grain fen \ee»Respectfullya a Goods ‘ka ; “ht will bet|: eet Vat “NOTE TEREDTTORS .Hs YRoti Be is hereby given:te all Sparties |ee the-«statedOFSaas {ES—me JA ene eae rices.>is Adse ‘outbelow the-firstof the News:Ned ‘Phiese RE ae ;a have:just purchased atin’greaithy reduded ‘perce...To <com=[i Gos Se{plete-our great cloak sfle.Torpis S@aSOn,“and «aye.can saveyoudniost.,TE hot:ationcthers:on youewant/one:”Bide Se AA Tsve bamko eee a:Soenints SHOES sTICK..)aie trenerisnawcOmplete-avaa,havingfi ed inyon:wapy lies,2sipewOnes:added *Ww ows x see us.omishocy if you want thie Avanth £yourmoney.Wweareheimidqquartérsotttrood-shoes”Good ail awool:Bink ets;Kot“nice:diss.for:Xmas pre ae>corehie!$‘by:tie wholesaje.NewCorsets “eal mii: Jiesandutrdgned_ona or betas.~h ¢“ESB.Co TITER, é isuctifitcator of-Conper Binder:Eis : TIRE TURNER,BUGS?EPS Ee {}:ea.NO ALOK Deegiuber,.1ED8:.‘ Misst Noksie.Tisines,“gateaitBae,at es Lin c ongresssntn ’LC¥>Poets fuel},$ HOTie AxwrLake eee aésaxbeutor ore thies}:' Fdast wyil cand testanient “OF “We Co), ivett deceased,-thetidersigned:Herebxe notifies alr persons bat ine:clalisYagain: the estataof SH dpegaaed to noreETOL AX iNG annalifie? Neyee.nw“thes “ied ahs rd SINpagera2g Ry Z a a wi ‘g ¥~<>xSherrill’: se ue ee =pane se aS fate Mrs.=NM:(.‘Ze 4 sapbelll Hquested to ‘nea e ecttd Byede!IP Station Tk st Surly}This?Dee. A di,BA‘omnelly,Ally.;“Fire.Works!Fire Works!|23)a1 Sota jdt,révelyed atotof Xings:fingwoPks ¢of evety”eric =foeh fb oman:“Candles,Sky Rockets,Canon Crackers...a al Z of fire works that.add,to the wayety of:vas.‘times uel Zz Line of 2Afeexchaum and,byihh“yoot pipts,are|‘apsurpassed,prices from c Ee.PranatoaeSustpnenshWantsANESpeeairs:Bee eae12f~-APRUITS OH CONFECTIONS.oes ee “Cie ee west fphcand”‘fine:Balas”Oranges,+Pears,‘Buisints.“Alta!Se pate aie raVates,Rrésht Creatine Nuits,-Almonts;.‘Baglishe Walnuts,Pecans..:Our |nes*=pstogk:olshearyy ahd fanc yogrocgriiesis,complete.”and Up tO ‘date:*,Gream Mee ae\Chtegse,,Vientia’sal Suge rspices.apd all seasonaste grocéries..\We feceive|iver Ovsteysand Fish-grom Morvheid &v.eny’“Wednes-ee areGarda a tital‘Order.“Respéctiulty, S aid?als kinds a0 Mba i he My “p t . aA!A aePitt'sSof bai au ‘puginess ‘Oresh ‘grade Yorks tana afte x |SSR s rict iy.a0 ,ase oh marysgaments”Séerus f We Rise terecete:eda dine of Royster*&Blocksee naee , Nice BasketsGepeck p iheof:LLKINDS OF ae Oranges,Apples;Bananas,’ ate.‘A ntce line of© f -FRESSH.)oC TS LOf3 =finds.‘We have’ CHRISTMA Ss FIRE.WeOR Ks. Our Prices ate right; :-Respecttully.; KIMB {LL =.ware, Statesville.X ‘To Cure A‘Cold In‘One Diy. “TakeLaxative Bromo:Quinine -Tauier,-toCates 280,refund the money f°iz fail.cay at Say to:ur friendsiin’the country te iQ 4 Lines.4th--New:pretty.Sees sand}. hbs<ee dam ty.hand:| {OR soe ‘that y,See:tos.Meepers 7 ee stock is in: :“headquarters for thee : ore Gepiay something new every Novelties And Joyfor:bom:“desi aat TISUISVARTEEY SIORE ‘Ze : 44.wageWS:‘Phifer &Mor. aeRencesBeS2 Be ee‘oe:t ?vase te.REeducEgat stoeKe, 4ACUI HEEILSi. a)heat tralte ShonAS iene Je ow TroAnz ae trdded WwW uh ted aie" im tHe paste tyr he'ssg wyas* Poon whet sem.sees hye,obEN SVShowsesen’Mondgiv.Maen uaey’3a 8.4,<Fae ae Ls an ‘pie Special titimiof dred LSupers ~ co anc : will:CoBvene On Mondays-aePaRy,|Os ;: 1 wth CTS.nad?lyst aw un iweeks,ak WOUseep oREELL re Le EARLesetTLEMERT-OF-ath AO. =GOEX’TALEUS)“~ tpere oS darttriendy ANT wounds‘that weceilJustnowToneican a Sita,Vandi make itpied Nechen than rec iWraps“*Novis york tine to gehen Gana.datewoit ae eA *1n.all thelaTaye:ay fow*left:andintend.ao cngOut re-|i sean eySEELIN We“prardless of gost.é Bop Useful‘MrhasPresents” ~~Wee Sos may.things ie atic,Carpets.mGrtSquare “pie aytiers.Lace;Curtaims ~Curtdin Dfaping Bains,DawtCom 2 >-féetsueTablekanen;‘Napkins,RoMics,Shy RCL:“Atateriais for Fancy Work?=s 4° rand Si:KODE.Wuol;Zepbais,Jee Wool,TaboNwaok,a ShippersSalts:Buichers‘Lingne pasbtastaey'Lines,Stanpéa Ein, [Say _Embtotdery SUks,“Croghet Silks.Karting,ae pik{SHOES!SHOES!:“ladies,Alisges.and"Childs eh 3 “us““dour jinebeforeaoe ~ Liieglar pee if nee Peake “itteds:ns By hatwie Dare)tt 2b iltenr:ane.$e! ee besoud:ston Sn ichan sok :‘tren W “MahRese etna Iasi oe 5 aRHECFSburBeheogteeel £ ee“Walton&Ga ooh Fees,Ssae anne.Ciiekens id pindsSis,Wieahaa AY IPA 5 2 ; SEMINReoabar eS ee foe he i MASS x #isp vie,ere Sear Opi a pee i pea paces,Sener =‘fe +p!Jor,dates “Gade ole atay ta =63.4&,‘Pasipa Se Alstgee*of aot dgment,of:‘re-Sala:‘ef:;redeil county,|"=|?feadercd tn;“a-Spt cialproceeding:whergin’ftpolestéaspapish>as thence Yopjeeg205 Fe Bur ep Adininistratonof hy AG te car ‘erior Co est Bispdfs19biteckguns,‘Sauuipers!eraton;aR An sine,thengs\Nort oes pRAb!BG |ayyie fe.-anivengucli sanoduled:ice at a and.Wwithott exageoration,the:tak@ sot that.rer ae FOU,1+2.Wk have ; Slippersfor Ladies -and.-Gentlemen:looking’foreee warmand com last of =week.aK pairsof Bed :a erWehavens.ne ssDo2oesind wi&SaepisPotingingtoss,% ~} day showin goaShttothieadSOEbrdganSYauores,andcreolesat IOuF-credleshave hubBox:caaf 1.50,>Pmen’s allleather ‘PoliSoeee3 PENG’ Lhwool Pa 2ddressgoods,one:‘cloths t623c¢tofac -\pfromde up;skicetosh/$2.25,to'£5 fase ” istline:._Mens:suits pa otLeasEe ; tier :oe Meal:pay you.We wallhami‘trade. EED WINTER CLOTHING.ines,the pri¢es-are ip proportion £0.cotton.i “get our prices before you PUY. Ss labor evén on small bill.best ‘inesSof -merchandise “we dus ever 3;weare-strong ¢on this “line:00;2and-up.Ourcelebrated erstHome-madeshoes from $1.2fineshoessaten-oils from €1.25.up. and.calf.Pend.welt.Hoods. o the beststcordians, D.Boxcalfsoecalf ae ‘proof.’‘calf from’es ae alls:98¢:See our lineoskesaH,-advertised in oe magati Sfrem ic up.Dress ik:alrillianteens-only 18e.:736 inch idc::olor a $24C..to"f ary:from TSC.to $1.00."felts foxupholstering,dambrequins.fanéywork,eté..allcolors:°Ovtings.-fullJength ae texture muck!.=aye.a handsome line of readyeeclothing’for men boys:‘and children,it will pay-you::to:investigate ‘snéw-line of hats~and “capBS:ast“See us on‘lamps before you.ve anice lineofXmas°(goods for'the Sholi dayhappyseeouna:and coe before you -School torsjeans Dt:nich:}road %2 Gnch:wool Sold eve: nesfrom.63c.Up. Se :rom Fe.4—-tin:)Afso agaté.tin and glassware : ‘Wert 69 poles tnastiakon Davitt Woisver's|Bt reene,thenceKast ta the:begituin.-contSrlohepeniede and WD.-Duckwoitheanares:BrOFe’OC tess “anil SEDI,ed.comoitimedowerofNisAmandaPifer.©=thealpurt(House doorin:eeae. /POMDAY,.JaSuan j fragt fang in.saia:~eoutity inning:ats,atetbeiscCoEDET.UenceSouth 4 3pote“faecescreShut 7feetSto Adlack«:ik,tyen;fastone,theneeNorth TyrAWest °309 asti-Tpolesh a stone,Wrignd ty x avhite:|to,axcstone:OF-festeHeanty PlsterisScormer,8:92.Th his|tova pine,thenee North 87°!lilies ceRproeNomheeWest15spoles:a *week;Lt)iminetly A tak e=on~Robt ‘ow tyler’y}¢38 hice ito}of sale:hs a G,Containing L236 1%sapere am six Teun sa Or'ters;subject e tig dos er or SS Fann’BAMelaag tin At¥oe 16a,1897,: are detendants,«the:undersign.-per willselLat ‘public.auetion|: aioe ace¥Se,pee * +your unique apd.rich”eeeareinvnaeNoriOkaoROOM.HSUTIES:0a stone or pine,thence:tothe.begtonopfaining@ralres;Bare:oF 1033Vorrash?4:in‘th é months and.Mae *BeautifulRockérs eke:Maka parinane:oy :eae:er happy witha.Christas.pres « “Sent from ‘OurSasa ios ese “commissioner, to ablack guh “eh OW YAreh)“tine o Se ~MORTGAGI rsa SoBe ‘THE POWERS LONTATNED|in a mortgare deed executed byAmos ftherandhiswife,Rebecca*Turner,andage2258cftheReg”4 Terms of'sale,one-third cashow a:‘ot i é ede:courts the }istered’m Hoek 16, ter of Deeds’office ufRaeTeReIONGaGrEEEE will,st}izto )spurchases or not aleyou,eawice you,—alwenes oe great p oo a=chance to.eee ;“ear,kid ose umbrellas:oe a——to pity,Title:oe athe pirtenase rhigh#st bidder Sere orethe PreDles in isvik|Turnersbnrg townshi MsiMONDAY,FANthefollowingtan‘pgage and describe:AML of the said Amos-‘Curnér and*K‘fyrnerts interest,the sixth;in an,aSeSaacaKtiownstein aie Penyan17th 1898,3conveyed iin|said-mort-;: andidefinedas:oelows: wee eee eontais This Dec ein S ae “Sale af Personal Bropeity: HE undersigned,ExecDobbins,will sell-at pu aintSH'at the Dobbins*Dower place on|x;-;ae“Greek,near Olin,N..C.,om’et; ie suction for};~‘Weinvite:©inspection of-our:Hoe all te he abuse of corn der,’Kc.,Selonging tohottalk:Statesville’Beauty,1Peer-{Sald‘Lamira-Dobbing.‘SaleAlene commence} Ness,|‘“Caroling Choice--)@nd.,other |ommi€-pgrades.~‘ISO.pay”highest “market"iothe aiwing.of Saligries. -wheat andjSee:the estate of the at it 2"clock;3ma‘JAMESA.GRAY,B,Melalighlnsn ;.a :a my se DLAI A.HAMPTON tik K ee STATESVILEE >WEAN TEDs nd-lot on David Ayenu SDPO Ss. ee Je terms eR attblsSeef Raw’furs and a“Wholesale and Retail ee .»MILLING oe Yo]skunk,Inink,thusk-rat,otter,-raccogn,,. DBE:guEriNe,,Prop.me opossum,.6f.,by the .PROVIDENC Ee E Phone-No.28.Ne aoe NN oeRel. :::eee ere . oe a oe our :Ss ni ,at whichtime 0d,Bootsand Shoe ie