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Iredell Express, November 1860
CS :*. ;ieoa NOUS PA AO SORE ORDNS HSS-taken Roam:in the Simonton Hi -sire his Sérviers. “Offersthisprofescional servicers 7 _Method “i andescefogser putidie ad ase2 oY le ‘Anierivwn Pashious: j fae Bae 2 oe na *has desir pian,Peisagiery.ial.Fale a WINES AND LIQUORS,‘or | aeFINE ANGATS;TOBACCO.Re!hex| | gaanta a a 31,160.39:tf.. ‘where,lie will be ees Office,on.Coltege:Avenne,“oppositeGdistChurchStatesiteSeLeet rentPala inte!ehDRT.WITHERSPOO! £VING locatedmysmyself ip’‘the "Tae loreville.Poffer ms 3 W eae M.ib aie DAVIS.ATTORNEY-AT-EA:W,:eect 3 SP.NERSVILLE;xfore Ww it *prompély and:dilivent ¥re to :all:igfo -“Aiusinese entristed t his cat ah hee.hd pony the —,4 WM:©.’cee cattoreey,,at”Haw. a Salisbury,N.C WIEi Practice and wiake prouipt:wate!3 ited in:Rowan.Stasily,Fredelft qnd.:‘Cataw= ba ‘oivities.¥Officein thevcor:rer of Caw’.‘a's Faith opronite the Book Mtpre.. ee po(WoW.WY ARTs TROL ECALS AND RETAIL © ek.,DEALER ENDrugs,“Medicines,” “Paints,Ofts,.rye Stuffs,Brushes,Window nants Varnish,. {“Se.,&e of BE ape “Sauispery,¥bee iter 1.18 Ay ‘3 ,=x ‘ 2 ks We DRAKE. ple eae COMMISSION3MERCHANT,;as ias.Nogd3 S12,Louis Sreevr,.:a Np sath ge ons ARALTeas=poe ate : i “Receives!monthly the Bree f ‘Booms &GATTERS,_THOM sSVILL i,XE t eh for:Shoes by‘thene anaii Saas peor ms siterae TLGF€ (ote “Re as |sa a 2 WwaeS ay aC ~HENDERSON.&INNIS,Wholesale ‘ond nae eae DRUGS:\}ie CINE yes ae winmisestasebab d.inserd,Lamp,ond |Mache nil,‘ieee el wae.Busting Plaidy fe Of reuery | acon,ele ticles,ee tp “4 ARDEN SEEDS,©‘CLOVER AND.GRASS.Oeag >MedicinalPurposes, ‘SA LISBERY,Ne : on WARINGS_W.WOODWARD: oe o*foafies oo ons 5 i lag shot,tt,ee ina,and Veakn re pdse,Ol)thegrave,Bu |avhiom igrtune |haselied hersw mio has felt yotbing bat:‘the j ofsanaie)jOysy':ae believes.its vl Tike oflisahaa:ooWith sigh ov“fled,*Agr ; 4 mee 1 While the past’with?negiaeeed #hado Seedi@ur heart, Fisting bbe ‘tute ig:eyes Satneeane th aly:flamed,if ee Pfedturey Metingas “ine Cuminer*suseup ) teks Claims)ay Pus,“shite Me tmisty “with:haus nba *to ble wonsr cthetheighfa i heie et Pook,meugre guint!f you: ,whepatriot’vbacning:hogs :Bar wait,thiefe:bes fans Tour,j AV hon ¥ou;will own thefe pow'r, Po Likeprank Beneath their:sonrchi 4;E weet aures-of}“glies world,‘and.drink ‘liso ‘shanks ot!ot;the.gares-an d' “gre'to come,{poelaims it-a.i 4 anid,yehthesg }tw fr race,|Sid amt pe j fo day:webehold.acbitg ae foalsfall cof,Happiness; Leones veal the,bs br his.hatids.with.Aaa and 3 se ‘nt his ord Stand,On:Broads ree tews doors.‘Bast,off the:Publiy aligte he is prepared saey“Fo Do Alb Kinds-of,Work ;.i +formerly doue:at the Essblishmenss, ¥ee All Repatringg done or slant nee “and in:«st workimnike manner.ete:ot et) The Subset hociud deen ee apn=ofthe: a PUBLIC.ines alb.re ¢ 4 will:be:eked ton ise Ad praifor:publication,‘anewilt Hite |ot ‘Sketches,Lines for.-X a tinssits joys:‘and.fasurehopes peEOrlite lethiy ame is’Jove and joysiare falleathy looks’most +)bappipgs ‘Aad lastly:we: ings{pure and -holy.ri ~Andéagain nverbehold ‘him beside:pS one ——nid vanes S .Pies;poene:‘on every.subject ‘Goi:Sa The uemose aecrecy maintained:§ddressLWIGETEWAR trials and troubles ‘of.the.world: |BEANKS FOR sa LEE eeei sh hen ie .ha,apd iwi>Cushing.(Cong.Li ——na,re as @-bonvinved ok HemefhBose:gentlemes frouthe e sameannieanysichschemeashad by -any tsandthasSasleragaares,aningadirect-vote upon thegredt:-<interesting.questions rope ri okBymaking-aes wists si ota “fied Mr.Bell-voting,wich all tis:reutiers-but sixteen,fwithé e—mAg im,ster along diene¢MtAllen moved to'laythe nese: erence 0 abolition-petitions,are thus the:‘ene ae utter-=e "te oe Sa An exiunacans ‘athe. mee oe to insure their defeat,:so fact is apparent40 ‘ev un-|.Bs jadiced observer =)and if oy Se ‘;<.Should be eed ‘anddisasters should| Se 4#fartd-the ‘bagencsssof the.misrepresen- Sy ould Mr.Lingoln,be elected,hatSAoe pa e hatred,of Demeeracy,thank God.if': at Swe werenot able-to.defeat the Demo-7 _er.charges containedineae:will beattendedwith »similzrresult. has also Deen.guilty,in:{instan-|:“aces,of-actnak falsification,and;in oth-| ‘temptible:suppression of:the!truth, |")We have given the foregoini “only!a8 Seill:not ae the:panic.Sf -anexample of the churacter of ‘the ;=cawhole com ilation.wé-had time “aadapaceee our Siete ©takeup and:dismay.‘among all.industi the other chargesin:detail,we could,| bY conclusive.evidences from the'Te!_“*‘eords-upon which they parport to be>based,refete them all,item ‘by item, ‘>."gs we have done those iin seperenes to ““the,votes-on.ebolition pet|“are compeled,however,far ‘theprent,to eae this task to‘he comp|)“bg-our readers,.each!one.fo eeaasle~!hwndassure them that theybave onlyi[to pxamibe a!ate x ee,BO grave erred by reck-ipaige one ie‘Executive‘Commitee;4m their campaign|decament,:Aine -sgended only:for <circulation:in ‘the!South,to find the irrefutable.proof ofNi the’entire soundnéss.and’perfect and7”Hepes Bring ‘nationality of ‘Mr.Bell,. and of the unfairnessof:“thearguaents ytationsofthis Breckinridge jamnpiriet./| 2)"Thecharges against ‘Mr Everett | pare:mengre,,and+hese already’“been: ~disposed of an,the last riomber:df:‘the -er refutation or:comurent,BOW:*=~,at i ae Pied “Frome ake Balkimore Clipper.wes Saat _‘heIrrepressible Canftict.-.“Withhead-long haste and.‘reckless |desperation .the‘peaple of,‘the North’,‘and their handfal of‘coadjators ig-the,“border Souther States‘are-pressing-..>the election‘of Mr.Lincoln,:the Re-_&&publican candidate-for the Presiden-,Ne OMe:‘Hopes are‘yet-entertained.that the+,4)patriatie impulses*of ‘the:masses it30NYNewYork.may,ipreveatthe menaeed_-featastrophe,and,.by thedefeat.of the|: aSPhy seen ‘cantlidutes,crush out at."onee the fellspirit of sectiotialisin ‘that a hal been.fostered:by demagogues,”for“their own unholy purposes,.until'the-Daiow itself is.brought to:the verge of“‘ediggolation..But“the contefiplation st ofthe canutgency ofthesuccess of a:“cS ‘se@tional party sue:‘serious’con: +“piderations. * ?—Let each American.‘citizenask:|himself this’question,’and.answeritfor!‘himself seriously.qdimpartially..Some may say in the fullpess“oftheir “erats somebody else,was.But this.is:tips:blind partizarfship.,Theresis |“no fear,no danger-tobe apprehended .»now of the.election’‘of ‘4 Demdtratic hea _President...«The Demoerati¢:“party,| ;2 rentin,bw.ain“by-its.domestic dissen-_;sions,is;utterly dead.The appear-ce -arice of |ats.factions in:the>2 pegs majority..:Ifiit were pos:e for Breckinridge or Donglas:tocarrytheelectoral“votes of all:the|§_«Southern States,he could‘not:be elee-|:2»._-ted,for neither of themunder’exis-|J.tag éireumstances,canobtain :a sin,ale!ie iN -.electoral ote in the North “Phe|zinemaiatainance of Breckinridge -+m thefieldi8nowthegreatclog:to the’‘de-i+featiof Lincoln...If Mr:Breckinridgewerewithdrawnto-day;or:‘to-morrow,>ég within a week,the Gmion Demo-*etats and ‘Lnion Whigs of the yort:ea -=cunld,and would:‘take away:from.thereRepublicancandidatesenougheee fa :=.*ensue,upon.the supporters of Breck-_4.Miridgealone will rest all ‘the tespon:z tee sibility of-the grave andy haps.lieart-ek *rendering res It.-"We de Rot say.that+,the simple-election:of a ‘Repubican|?a party ‘eandidate Yor the Preside“20>would be’a signal for,thé dissolution‘of the Union:»Prhane.is;Hittle to”Re|*ee “;apprehended from:.the-action|ofthe:;‘Southern StateLegistatures ‘and Bou-'«“thern’State conventions,They’wi “wet of aggression.«Theywill blaster‘*awd threaten,butsthey will:‘take‘no.ee i,steps towards a issolution ofthe’Un-|. “e 0M as-as8ctiat communities.:~Thejx:tien_of the:‘South wouldbe mad,they4:would be_fools and dolts,.:and:Aisicete“sodden ‘asses to abandon:the constitu::4 tional recognition of the lawfulnessof.the institution’ofslavery,and the con-a:.stitutional guaranty forthe protectionmt--of slave.;Property which;they have’gn}“the Union.They wouldbeiinsane to’!=.placealong their:‘Northern:border’a:==lose ation,uprestrained by.any.).Seeof interest,frateraity,orcompact,from stirrin ‘Up-hegro insur--rections in-the Sout ra.States.and|;>.doing allin their power,sustamed*ibythewholecivilized:world,Bo eecciteMotion‘of slavery.| Fo ah ¢ A Be “Notwithstanding the blaster of he 6aYanceysandtheRhetts,,and.‘the!og Keitts,the masses of:the Southern |scp ~Peonle:see too plainl.itheir own-inter-.a to rush reckless apon such ‘res--ults.But there are’|daoes.“no Tess.1 gtave,and..more’imminently’threat:i elec.to be~apprehended fromthe|_«election of ‘the:Republican candidate pressibleconflictisalready’begun.,A|aefeeling’of insecurity iis already widely.|eptertained A.fearful:‘coimthereset“abd?fifianciql panic will pnavoidably=a 73 follow ‘the-election|of -Lincoln and*Hamlin.-“The -very ‘means takentoaoaguardagainsttheeffectsofSich,apan“1¢will precipitate it upon the country."The Southernbanks‘areevery-wherees:preparations...‘They.are sus-)pending disconnts and curtailing cir-|.culation.-Holders ofgovernmentse-a ~)<eurities are hastening to;convert them’,‘52 into'gold,to.be:sceure-from the erash’‘they apprehend:Capitaligts look ask-E_atice at.the new,Government:joan of.and.the abolitationists at the Newt oStee-aulligne,,and i4>peyeral se‘sense of. -¥ts compiler has not only’-eeted’wMae~unfairnessaa garbling.th record,but|. ‘oes ‘on equally’culpable and con-ee -@ northern.army to compel Sie Trion Guard::Theyneed no:‘furth- ‘eae reget: v|Tear?what.the National 6 ion rt 9 meet and resolveto wait:sortie”-overt| ,,for the’Presidency‘now.-The.ne \g ‘|insecurity,“of.investments per a i ‘nearly every me oeThisisbut.thebeginning aend.We:my all determine totheUnion,to:fight ini threatens to prostrate..every :‘community.and to spread desolation pterests.;©afortunately this 13net. to be:apprebehded..‘While :‘ges’of 'tlieSouthern‘people ayTnion-loving to their hearts will bein ke.wer of a few fanaticse/ef the-John ee ‘school,or a $é:|fire-eaters of the South Carolinastrip ed}to:involve:the:sections ip an ‘pt rne-,cite civilwar,of which none an tetthefinalcatastrophe.Should ‘Seuth, ‘Carolina |become:rebellions ‘and the federal government uridertak ni mission,‘thesympathies of ,SOURED men will begroused;.the mareheatmed.wide-awakes across the cal 0MarylandorVirginia,or-will bé-resisted,and ‘the fray: begun’.-In the present exciteofpublicsentiment,should|ne;surrection éccur as the naturquenceofLincoln's election,ththernfeelingiin-all these Stati be fanned ito aflame,and‘a dirflictoffthejsectionswouldbe:the i |he winded soon to’capswind?)Js the enjoymient nage”“of ithe federal gover menprize/so precious that the:uft the blétting’out forever-of theligh American :“independence ma yp.thuslightly:risked ?;aah all patrijotasmn.ahdallcommon“pense ry rtizani eaimper}theistenceof’the republic?eroakers..We would fainofthe,Union,but'there a from the ‘success’of,the “slipaaty,guided asit is bySumner,;andLovejoy:and should sappéal the atoutest teachthe ‘advocates of sectionals pause;ereit be too late,.inthcareer..The appeal-has beenvain.to iepemaeraby to..un tive:stan Republic ie i : The Bjedkinnidee:oratorsday,also flenounced Mro-Ey and unsoiindon-the nigg Suh traction off that government itgelf an banished from:the and.seriousones to be ap Siades fas Suitworthyst the support of the seo Side by side with one ‘thmaintenan&oF ‘occup ies’a"‘more stioual pi ‘the South.Agair and‘ap erence-to this ‘subject,hesedhisdefminationtoabide,faith,|by»the,compromises chstitution;,Uponrall.necessar:onshe has boldlyudvocatedthepandfaithfulexecution‘of the fugitislave.Tay,and:sternly opposed ee et ques } rator has ever i moO‘quentlyor in terms’of mare vesreprobation.,:‘Touse his own bold far too many}Northern peoplerda,:itis!‘timmoral and irreligious to|in-patting:down a sergléinattheSouth.” he bravely'and patriotically “On which?J °would:soon, kuapsack »t6.my back andpulet.onmy shoulder than that,’ classes in,othier:countriesmatelyagquaintedwithit imercountries;‘and I haveno hesinsaying4thatIbelictethe’‘this country are better elo.and less hardly.worked th-‘abtry,of some ‘of the most :prospe:‘States pf the>Pontinent.of En Se a pa sae bold! “hey.come betafairerrecordthanany:otAndwhiletheother.can‘been:traversing the:country itthe‘votes of the:‘popula :reninined :at home,awaitingcisdictbat‘the oe eople par shesEs know no Korth.ne Bact,uo:West,’_and’the etoe.%“Then,Uni mei an letius u mpod:rou;thé pollson T GESDASDAY.;‘OF “NOVEMBER,a should.etUnion,be dissolved,you.proud s:tisfaction of be done your.duty..Aid should:eecessfulyokwillhavethe jsfactionof seein our co‘ered from the.disu!ionists is more doceptable to the people:6}S manly’Janguage,he does not thin!as :be yf FE knew!thecéndition’fSvork iol “ho are ek erento gagement bind dckes ‘place.Detach Smeres were.aat Val.- an the PepelBetaaacalledonVictor E-i.to:go teNaplesand sead aed Peonan=(hieoerca ,pede bywahconvention ‘bold atMgraela,iw 1858:>‘sayit aijdeference,to mycol:|s,that no{niore inferiorissue cenld| 9 the Sourly,ar which WY the Union,thanthe See eae iti in =eet : ive;the:Jogal :number of:.a cossary:to-elect hin?accordingformoftheconstitutionandthe« say‘that.then ae et ewes,SGwill say io ce with them,but:2 will“goingin tht wakeof an:that there.was.‘8 banner” |When 1 am axkied:to |the‘Lam-asked t tan OF.':thing,according to the itation a.jt.now existe.“Lam” i senior:fa’2:‘Position,Be Governmeat shouldsuc ie donn in the’revolu-: ieee Senne i:Set or:ak Pusbe:‘hanged for,violatiny:” tion and.laws:vhs‘coun.by Saebck:phi Ha “not the passed on mie,::ala ot thenwas T éan now jn’'refgr-| pat’issges—T “could not gaytethebloodyjudeho > =the be ‘be myhandsWrongagainsttheCone :ae ‘posterity,totic~ ant,at the=tangasto-Vindieatic,4 .Onee mors aa oqital aamon;Hf isofthe.earth.Why amltoee(for ietaan =)::terkbung Express givps the fal-9.:;.loving acco of —thetssidde bra they armedthemselveswith guns,“|axes aud:bad Pe andsoon’j ;ation’Oras couttre,and I appeal a Py +’-ew Sa '—~ tee-—_.———~~ .+ < “Cua of Mr.”Bernard €arrowan,|° nee ole ¥ i }doarels rut Dect pit ~Death by LightalWeareinformed by a.fried bat’ ‘Speedo.School wasKept,was:-by‘lightning‘on'the 28th ult:Ther_miwere about 0 pupilsin ae Tyo|i “beys,:*Joseph,son.of H2aayesonof.Christ :,The een,ofthee South 4 ue IND,Ort.20;ee ernd Moore,’20f -Louisiana,3qnystoSeveralcitizens6f'tate beatin his opinion as to the:leyof the Seuthin the conene ‘Saysic,a;og:©ey, 7.But speakini for niyself,.nd my|si)self alont,1 am free to say that the“AamigC ess off Mr.Lincoln woutd as‘Southern ‘States ia withdr,a the Union.”<9isletterSees in,the—Lith.’“ orhe:Stor lok:lers:of the.Westeae‘atolina me Head:com iH ines ‘taint iix ae‘disease,Jow:diving sachs 2ir ‘*fealy Imvpare air,mae and filthy thy ntistepressingvices.aritags e real Tpfeetighe Wh:: FRB HEY.in theé.'co ‘agit nl af Tht wig S24 ve3auiqtiofChefathersnyoutbeirshildren,”teeeAYtecommenceiby,:deMiebloodOfGoria;Lor ulverats“thé hyn:ws,Tver and*insernal vfiscr te -rsuigad tubercles :t“al 6m the gurfkee;eroptions oretoulcorruption,which gendeprekeesthe’energics of lifesdonscofstituiionsnatonly “ “thloys.complaines:*Towt wouter tw Withatane:the atta cares;Comsequenudy,vast ttdisorderswhich,althoughQeir'nature:ape-still rerendered :“fring:withesveremy.Moet at ttSon.sliich secituatesthe liimé ‘i butich 5©audmanmy Aestructi ‘hiv eeHidnevs,rath,are <Orgatis:Arise,from ‘or a "geScutne:cease,’PansdyOnlequarteraf atl.o cauetheirpersonsareinvade ty arti aint Picintiealth t Seat seeeiocade!thie,bleed snethip ee.and -inviss rateit cand vexere Ise Sudly;aihicd bau 2° 4Sud *te P zo a Sodctiecd fain then Shave:been iscovet -)the gure of'por,aEecrofula.bu sacs aflection sw ‘ rey . “Evysipelas,P .sentanid Baste:wunors,Head,+Rin: “Fire Rog aDblonels popepa:EEaflComplaigtsapisin: ay ute:Bload.«pubity of she blood?i 4 iseredula iisa leveneraton of core ROcosa that Meco x sSthicir action cas rarely sien2 Thei peu frating pro .heats eanse.ated te he}hemeai-orgett cea. (satin aud restoring “xalid hoi is bowed tsicak devilifs \ 2 erenergy re‘stored beet we ‘silage angbinviting. Not onli dg thet «~plaiiets ofevery body Thut’ date and dangerous.disea: r curesana dUthowins:conspl or 2}beng Headache‘arisingy fro! *Stanach,Natsea;:Indige: Loss of ipetite,Jaunstice,and other kin EBEE taahae arj-ibg:from 3:Jow state {whetbody es obstrpetiog of its:fatictions,|»- ;“+ROR ‘THERAPID,CORE.O »Coughs,Colds;-influenza,Hoar- . ‘Beneks,.Croup,Bronchitis,In-|. _eipient Consumption;and fer)= the FelléCof Consumpttve Pa-||INE -stents:dn“vanced eéasiys hereby given that “applicat é Wie @isea Sowideiis the feldiofite neetalt e+Wemderous are thecasesof us:cures,”hat sone publicly.known,‘who have been’ing and,ever desperated 5*the-tungs by”itspase,5 When once:tried.’:superiority over;everyother inedicing of -©.kindis ‘too’®Ht toeaeTO:r heritate a €:t0:+MoytheiheGuirao ait dangtrous ba:28 ofthe pulme organs tht:dre“ineidéntto.“ourglimate.“Whileamany inferior Tenvedies |’.-phrast-apdn theeompunits.have failed and]?Y's”been’digearded,this:hag:Brine fmends-by |::=trial,conferred.benefits.onthé,aifticted:aaye¥can:never forget,and er ;Hutherons,aiid foo ematical to nt ‘Newton.At w Efxivland ‘Steven: sou &Co.;Charleston;eeewees,MAL &C.A.‘Santos.:Norfolk;Parc ;Phar Mr.J.8.ee ofsank :LL fhe tapas |tendte,with BIILDINGS and:‘PAEPRE jigadarce amefyof FIRST Bé te recollected ;}-pote en’.Jaime: Pain in.and)” a Mair int Aine tion of the Bowels Flatulencr,rae <Ayer'sGlicrry:Pectoral,| x f ayid'80ftor build:and erect Cotton and >,“meet-every ‘sectionofcountry pueesdet POrt soso faeaegommion cour ire Ge pesiered ; iseases of}i’)bes ANDREW :er t]aaeoH&7 pS,ng,ege o.,Lexington:B.Gaither,ie hi Statesville,Oct.38th,oe Re ory Trewteosh.6ee -milés eutviHezonSATURDAY,the L Two-Horse do.;s edo. “all complete 4ineoosronning repai a SANS ae femoreor2boaeatel |in MENTSan.datlr tract.|On said lau EUW:G RO timbered)atPor|farther.pariealery tallirrontimanon,the -prem“preasure,in,show!inet e PropertyOrtGrpetsons.wishing to:see the is »Berany:rer Rays.on day of ie DS:All the Tract dit public sale,‘on ae 19th ad THE MLAS.C _Stetenvile oy.eS"1860. we‘seriber on aes 13th.of Augyst last, on of ();date ee net oe sane ph Ss!date Jan.,185! of S100 each 2 R603 d not a not.recolléc ms of,$5 75,di:Abel N WF note.on March,33,.‘1860;$ #B20,date,not re Fea eh|.ollceted’2 one.note on CSooiph Jax .1sch.BR60SL,note & ‘Hes.of SOLS&TA.date not ‘ree. oni,H.Hartman of $200, Usditqef S100 Dee,235,SERAO! trecolleted.dshote on Thomas:Sha “date not recollected :-L note on Gait{of 82850.date about July 8th,one E!BMeDillon:of $20,,date né hote‘on John:T.Morgan:4 ex onent et Enote on Wim J Né Qidate not recollected";J note:on ati o6 SLAs Te wote:on samedated,Jannary Oth,1859;1 neoleeler:*date:Fane 2%<90,dine not reeoliegted WOKE soaean abla offPenotesuponJames ESAGO,subjectso'#oan SfSi datenot recollected:subject tat ‘S3Uand)S4,;datesnot recollected; notes ‘and papers df ‘different: row.reepllected;WwW hich if ever the amates of the }hoastfiekd.and the court:3 ee oa.takes pluasy,sayingthat shehas . “Michie for Hiwre,than lives ieee,aud :;E trich hag beeniin.”tay.tamity tor.months...3¢-hasIivelybaa2forduty.routs and $éagil pied poectinnal of fami aeclemaie “2 death mitisiattion witht.Lr hae:nexeriboen,outof order,and Ite fifabe’i eas ee rmend it us combine dkfiown..|)ALE persons are Be acned not‘for the Above named:notes an a Evade County,'NNEC...P i met 28 OWT”,=a id 3as Statesille,Xoret.26 off 2 ine Tisghest cashawilleeehundred’pounds of ButtaotserePi rl madeto the next Legislatt ,Carolina fora Loan of Money pe al}facturing establishments for will Wiotiered.ais its: “ite ‘HE HIGHEST CASH BE WILL be cui for.‘one Minted par of,Estes, ‘apmakded to pbtnie others,ce will’quemeieaoWoda:jot Aiguet,1960. Ladd &€o.,7:Feb-24,1866:1y. atz ~For.ear acidresethtite notesmeeeBAC veev ‘prea :fricceas of:the’Teoa =an respect to te astepiresent orefactare;and:sel!the niechine best adapt-ihe;peereer the peopleofthe Southsthouxinds-of Fg milieg anid rs fe fig the importance of‘mestingereny amt,Set Beorles:me have me esate irnGes’of the field,ke :Seoueietiat sae Eneinfell:‘Fearn:to ——i,. .TK ordinary w @ giving the“mostroThatourmachineswilld ae ¢Hava:proscits.her compliments to of thie mr hinds for }Wwo years,aud fipdsittikomtor,makeca hewntifial De and duct ate tap Se er D. tine satiefaee}0h Aeh{toall who abe race aeMrs.aoe peg sew artists’ot eetot }wouldagt takecine thes Wet ,-.pT then realizes mymust ee shyCondeyh Lee to ob?657&Biker Maching ee)cermar ex- imiportant clinyy“sale a ratheae acing aeabout 4 weer wegnahy uhmEeaeMoultrie,Gaton Springs;Ala.‘ mepiing Grover &Baker'stySegongWehayusedope2uerethan6xReonSgiciegllinteitisrepresentedtobe.Tp Ie mot,eabutwe're dt au'indispensaiiieine-Hon.JeF.Dowdell,faa Fayelte,Ma.°|”Tieontess mnykelf delighted-with your sewing machin, e ~~—dirs.aaktoww,; “Tegeietoutdbot oop money—Be.Es Hardin,Louierilie,Ky-ty :;Leohianaten eralpeoiginonteewng pion An acqyaintance with.tieirSmerite>should |pith i aitiese ee value,Iwouldpot:hesitate:Dy ta Grdver &Rev.J,B. Sigg usedorteofGrover $Bul Cn SewadEderedt tare Wachineg4h ase—not on}ifor its scechgdi—butLa eePkwotoueresipahloteareoutfore.1 would, ai ihinging:Jf miie coull motbetbuyitArs.J.G.Browne,Naskcille,Trane Barer eee Mine:ts the euty ork Daker.in pie vicintmeeeryfaubihy.”"—~J.L:Walkersdiereit Bridge, =nt "ofthe pordect = FiANTEIS BEE.4A : waa niogse she pale.f 5 ;anemy family,and E Oobadiderit Ge af theaaost‘re pete nH warein recomypendingthe Grover&Byker 5 5 ae :in geberabiteCd eile‘satemahShunhashowein use *Conustitnten a part6On:sien ikClaman psitoe repre rite heio My negro clothes were: ich st Sant Gell,i aycainn Alolanpringe amdchochaelaes ir ave tdow Deihiz rede with it."Lhe cuaneent ker." Tone Ass rotinace wer used fortheoesTt,sapuped.an pixiy.fietirticles,wach aevfsforty:wear.:“Tams.peagectly,satintiont winks adepidsotfedeprieOfitetse.tor three econpetal”,He Saiblige MOG Wi tityMOPWy Tete MS hive nseds Grower ‘&Dinker's Sowing ee plantation “yw.seas ag i eSSu allabe portly te isfter ony gen minutad imlernction,Sanden hewo'verydatedoue.visit teste ‘stragucr,aad from A due ofGravver A Sewing’hax doue the entiresewing:for sabe and neverrequired an¥as wheeBent pac:fae a.“ sgrelit plearure in saving&Sekar Bemiag Micliuuies ip odnetagyyforabout:tyro 'yenrx.-andithas given caitire |Be 2,andia mF vie partie teeoejoLAS,FER 71 girs’.igh Piha Texingibn r Seek St.Lowia;en aipreeth: Agent.for Georgiax.Mis.-C,Bra and int:most rut -and.sdaveston,Agent:For Texas.Agencies Rc ye RR R AR E Y SS el de ee a ce e Dt AT ge e ah a . ss FT ea ie e e ea “Phe extratram betyeer and ee Sg : \Coblentz,oH ”whieh the ‘Bay:sats Fire ee ;ti aus ol 4 a 20 ‘Tells:oe aE 3;(Parnes oréd hinwwithah ‘A as ve tC ~ ;‘traveling,came near havin CO]BER Rien eres tack ent Bi ag ie lobe hineing,tt :ersand.ie for Agrees|o.)Ui ee a ‘‘ERG a :;aR Ri slwith the regular’train..-oe ts of Salle,Leanes+'|"!;;eae ng see ees.:i a |searapoas0at ‘thatat3short curve,ear Broh “watchman suddenly saw -th _train fushing-inone:direetion,ton,-auiae onein the apposite;eee Stat pee~2)Soginet ean other.“His red ¢:ae SEE:ewes seen’by both engineers,wal toiled to:spake) hneaigaren :.ing.the.extra trainto.stop,‘thei othe ~..toreturnte thestation.,‘Theextra train}ce emains for.its:patrdns to te -o-agas moving at:lighting speed;and)While Journals have-started:at : edadmot at once Pesbrought to;¢ei i eeginer ‘of the other andertoo ‘to rex] ~+verse <his engine,‘and:thé m é Sad"vetased |to work.”#Wémas (our lives,”he.said to.his’¢ ~rapt,before doing so,he deterin tO pespects, noid try.once more. Fortunatel;fy,themain,we:have:fulfilled all th Fe*with’‘success,and when-the:promised by i our first |Issue,:thr _, )Seame thundering hip,the other b ees Sa oepean. 2 ae 2 Seen ee thepach ee ne org evecetmi 2 oe ie ee en a ee Wa ie uper aud ulge >:./-more,and aise ue‘would ha eh ‘y scree dilligence our efforts «re,PERE thro orky ae job at ent ng Journal—such bt Sas_fore ie (pe ee corte wen hon:shoht .poe‘lieseen ofEnaland:‘but herb i.%©Prince Albert;-her daughter,Aljee: ft be crowned with sucess. ie “Lord:Jobu:Russell abd:the --entin ‘“ #45 28 1:1819.20$621928824252657¢° oP hy press will ever.contipue an advocme: of-th eg of:ie State,ape:e Pt oS eee ‘partly bow visiting ‘Ger ‘ os Speer Tie a 50,Jobs asthe Rickis of.allththe ‘States Sr »Bxhibi on at the®*Inatitytion for:she garded.by.‘the ‘General ‘Goxerninent, ance ae eaf,‘Domb:and-the ‘Blind:aeControl of ics columns.i Sea irene E.“thet large Chapel ::%the Ne LB JiterstcRe;.Potitics,and Miscelfat 0! malate -ptitution fore?the ‘Deaf ate andthe!|reading,will agipear,exch week an ou :SOTE “Blind,-was)/filled,to ‘overflowing,oi |hie Pear re yl ck ot Dich oct dye a u By s You hel erty a tehrpn eR Lee Re arene ek |;; eres -Wednesday zevening «last,-by X18isitors.'.:-Tob Oftice fA :Fee esi uence:ED ea ata toutes ema tke ee EGU FORR Pet Meer!Beccaneueeatt teak ae it Bo mah |to the StatexFair sind thany Of ;litte edt id our establishment has NPTTNICY WE a Sey Ba be Nig :i Pa ae tie te 7 BPS.CONSTANTLY ON “HAND re a wens:to avitness tan uxhibition 3 iv the |iplenjghed;recently,’with new Matert he ‘;b EN bs:4 teen team tae hea see cueaicend aeretail,«fulles leon i cof the Institution.¢Sever lai iri:cori pleteness.ts second tonone 2 Baylis:en es =i fof turning.out any description of Pr Bet /868OFthe Deafatid Damb-ipils Meee ‘Phe:price ‘of the Paper as.heretofo: ie examined in ‘their studies,‘and:several!be,$2 avearinadvance:.i ANS Rone welle ‘recited in.stgpuss high Se Bene -,°.©@aused nach:amusement we the a NA Th 0 N h L F LE: <)oa!*guice |TheBiind Pupils were exami ed.EVAR ee F- “<>jn Grammar,Arithmétic,and:Reading.)Re eas eae ae fe .-Wath’the raised letters.f,They'afso sang:-Wm.M.Bark -\severd},prétty ‘songs an “pertommed 2|XJ OULD inform the readers of f ~spumnberof'izistrumentalpie on the:pi:|y ores.ee he i rec xtensively “+25 gho.“Pheandienc“8 testified:thei ag 29‘the manafactare pee delight bytrequesit.ap-CARRIAGES.axD BUG ;=ause.'©Lie entertainment wis &pet-fofthe very best’style:y i ‘toet.ssuccess-:The pu ilsall acquitted |-He has’lately:Visited &akon { ;*:themselres,e&ceedingly well,andas.thern’Manufactories,and)acquainted ',tonished:the:andieence with’their ‘pro-{self:awith)-al])the:late improvementait ficiency,tin’thei ,stindies.When ras |dines and:made arrangements by which mbdered..er what.a werse cir-can supp thosepreféring it,with ta :“Giimistanées these anforturlate creatures |<‘+:4 prosecute their studies,iisastonishing a 2Worthéx a Wor ky %Fideed ‘to avitnes3,their..prasci¢ne —_vat,ireke Ibsertrates than it!could beidone ~fe tie and excellent Pringipal Sara Hoar bee Heiadetermi .“work shall not be surpasse aniaepeeseaivanae:aon of the Sp;:ag 1sbu:i |.the instruction of the‘pupils’naderhisfF Ty ag il Asan:HD Ee SEEY OBTAIN.|SHE ::Qe 4 : ‘ceharge,‘aud with avhat seccgpsean onky &ous Bate decree mr eee aL ah ct ak ina ape only Ce re Hesirable-proment Nieniace.The tou rs j aeeitnis Gi Tins aa thie sate-heepit oeals hod -4g! @ kuown by attending thesexBibition jriowss Mackexan,1,Ewing$C eGR at ae ¥sae la olattaty new,built bathe pjodern |ito ai enon writer bu Se ae as 2 eel—supple of ;3 Se -Of the pupoe .We are pleased.to Year's|B.Macpexene:y’IN 1825.(Cony :a ee eo fr r e he raw,'Merchantd:id pels éountry will do well-te:givehin Sh gS|Cc - eee here :é Te Ee e s t y oi e £ oh oe rom Mr..Palnier,that “he interidsto f/.ar Bh ee “have!‘frequent exhibitions ofthekind |on wee mating tem |e eel 3 eeon’Wednesday evening,+ae 18von =- :=sas The New Motive Pow; "ithe Paris correspondent © to Star:states ahat the ‘wholeof the |Et e ie Aoentite word|is in a state of eelF<“tion.atthebare prospectof the succéss bujmap life causedby Soktial diseases,andpracticed:upyothe ainiiPtamite victims of such. Se obtained :by “M.Lenoir's new tive ae et ie aoe e Seer i.ANB:oi:he es ich eg mcr ee ; ae for which ‘we havesbéen:ree Boge gas dard niecede £giditptigun Tell sation rn TATE fl :-Fee capers anentig Pe oto raisekset eee pe cs eter red for.many,months:past..'mpi eh ci tA eae oe Magazin 4 pbace thefreatanesit:ofthis:chars ofdig- cd pcwith COME hh :MNCL IP)cash ;4 ;!-i ;a 1hbiak has becn-made atlast,‘pnd the xo!t rast ;;a7 :rk 0 Le :UR Gre ip teas hg a Po uy Raye a Fast aaa ie:erie ;oy b )al a Dat Rifacse ge st ane eee ’ ‘=snlt:has excityd the -greatest...;i dl vs Tncig jvm of their con oe |Seems Rayis..Sb phamorest,“nearCharles,Ni o a:discor eries;that made:i'.-"founded pon.the siznplest+a ‘ance,beingEan thé 2Spee ey;onATELY 2Scare Ly ee ‘on 2 large'sqale of one ‘of feb miming, fe a ‘experiments "of chemistry; "2 *:athe synthesis of water in‘the:radiom:“ter:“He.has |supply nies oS“eiple of the:sexpansion,of air,Wak wey ae ane temperature;bymeans of"éombus-|ies nese nab alma hose.ee:es through the:spark:of indReti 9 ne.Mosaic.hment,=%e hydrogen.The:economy produced the cbuptiy.sida “calculated at:not,less:thanfortyper!great inne ita?We invite wi cb canttet a wal ie ee ec pe peel :7 :, rc Hs its}|Auk whoo m5 é :j Brie a libera or seat ts $e arin f Pate,eee ;poeta:i see ee re eae:Tres fier ara tres othera vic i “a “Gent by,the.suppression of.”thi ner.)iis Balti ‘hioere mitts ‘21 hl Bel Nel ;‘Eats .: oe fa "the.ghinmey and the other rt "a Sane WE INVIGO eH saa ney f aed okt ahi sluiplaat spamedied for)einen Row Ci seh oneal:EET CAVA MET DAS PEER OL eae iosand ep nes ee ‘«hitherto “used im.the 1 At PORTH.TOG THE ee ‘oe ell i -4 |dF EL mee of Se a4 ee -idsof fr ae eatese engines.-The machin itse!eee=e nh ‘ete Molar per:Bottle "ks work i ain::‘Sta 33 BB Bien ea ee Be na EY eae %Sri Be atrratinent.DR.J,any.ae Piers wsaving of thinty per centtoeral‘engings,varying in.Hiv ot ——eonstructed by Ma ‘oearebeen:dispatched t6 nd ;Canes.Bent Felloes,Sha Lich Sg cepose ae ML Hardot in rdored|sea ceeve eee ages,Dow Le the,Danjask Prix"Heist Glins::, :Suez!;This new machin |Bu}re pe 0realize Every dream.<anid |pers tiale,Gina Gh Fed.Idi ;Henle |:BBexpostaatiy.duerasiing)A:BE cat ta ee NS:Ci emt tS ie fouses:P pol of ti SeeA Gambier:by offering.an Inns ajonseyee Stint D tere Sapa ears Chetttng PREP Aad ae ction wihie Mie;OB:we ee ae ae ade GED bah PRESS Be ee ubberiber y pleassin BS grat eS reguit-of power,in exehag ticks,Smaps mana Cu PbeBits,Tru ae at ist ny We Wei cee Hise co ot:|eeeeo anes ales Sdieeat osbradk kt Mig tb Si ic geet 4 Cee tominal py of fuel,’i :Pa’en ee Sy ca NGORT 3 re ‘eth sen.this *fong-establighed aud’ Thay tried on some Of the,French rail a orl banrinies : -:Until Athen:it.awould bé premattronouncetheassertionsma Saeedre aa Aecyaeenag fa and:his’———as tho ‘results ortli«Jeomy ‘Trees.and AgentsfesayssohaesiToaHubyand(AxteaLeonibinedss “Smites3oereateGPSAeaeaterTreas”and all ;3 :2a ge Goods net iro i?‘Winoofan ‘ki wil 4aatah‘:Sag ee mets“gustomers,br Cast whe chars. ee:ie =9 r cent)cominission.*:aa.erate ot ickceotene heats3s unl,NOY Our’Spritier nee all made;iEppti :*$o,0ne degree of Fahrenheit for Silver Amecicnn lg tesare of our own,maikoand ) 4":Se “SostySve:feet ofidesont.”.Looking to’Fa a ee creer eee _-)/>withecresdi.of such-w rate.of inetense Itmore-St_nearpeas;TERMS Heavy:Leather.nhs,4 per.~_S sss gs easy ‘tO Sevithat at seven‘thousand:yi emine cea at= eee twohundred and’ninety feet:from,belie"surface the beat:will reachaeiretandtwelvedegre oS it of water.At ivmonty: esprea amilesit will 7 2 iat pwentyou|getPatseventy--four.mile “~+.ghaminety-seven.milessoftenoeemitesfrom, “..\(eeething fadboiling rock.“Salix “molten state,doomed peser*to:,ba godled .or.erysta"peat.here will.‘exceed anyaa1suainted;it i .‘Cooking -Stoves [Sakasi ‘hee.Tececotaonsabes# =waaay fordRO meats of measur:cea or other Large: epits ee oo seat 60,00 my Dinusie Moors and Parlors 4a 4)m e.bei .4 tte meats them..shouted,°“Be.dad,and,ome}>i 2 backhere:four :years.fromnov,tea ae .2we'll sunyou forPaes |‘eoraay>s a Ss ‘taken’Resins?im the Sin |desire seitNersiges,BS‘ te age Dri E oe 8 oe oF:TY fis professional service ee ee +Office on College *Avenue,shure,Sites ile, bias“che Sees abe.aT.4.WITHE nse ATTOGENEY-AT-LAW.St ATeS\ILLE,Nags ps. +ahd dilt:eenthy attend,tos “WM.c.‘LORD, bs Attoricy |at Ay -_Salisbury, gv tf:AL Practicé avid ant ‘-ba‘Contiey ~Ofliee:in:thie’Corn~*>aS Borbding¢byposite te ees hoe ane:ng aS a " Pt a |DEALER FXae‘Drugs,Medicities, Pig Ae be GB Eay MOABEREG is Sanaspery,! of ‘Jan.1 Epa pt x,2 ke :=i:SERS.We ‘DRAKE!ee “COMMISSION MERCHANT NeeYSwo ‘St Loti:Stkter @ =H eB aks Seatexsae Reéeeives fips!Nit the f aybeac |“gooes.&i GAITER Pea ee oe oe “ape Whi,he eft25SbedersfogBioes de ne apathy,“pre Riis attonilint a ena apes ;anhPO:arassaeokoa:eaepOeinhes\EF,re py -Maaggiat’te Apotheran ne oe -CHARLOTTE:N.C |a“SPREE,CHBMILAES,HESSCeGLASS,WC.ary HOLESae ap ai attsRta ASGH,|_HENDERSIN ipoms,”: oe |DRUGSteines —- _ “=55"dow Glass¢Putty,Dy«Stuffs,oe Bhiso¥kyane,veh.Machnery A Rak Be prec nip hldl:i: Pete ne)4 “atid Pucker Tha Arti les,eee rd ea eae GARDEuN ‘SEEDS ms CLOVE RAND GR ASS.SEEDS. ATURE WINES AND LIQUORS, S.‘Medicinal Purposes. ._FIVE SEG ARS TOB Let 0,Key &Pe alas eeeBS we deseripnrn. ot Ad ae ae:on “short:Scere 4 a 3 eat workuylike yMnapierses“OH Accounts afer dee Janna, >3 “FE eb.i Be *pia .:Mes <7 3 he..Subscriber having heen’:reine ae :sof the| e i-mi INSURANCE COMPANY=:aeOf ee é ou ees >aoe ee cewo,at of the-Compenr.wt ate geeOe any 18 doing apr as Neeallddas‘ever yet been: ©stalmetit on a “will be p éased torejorpublication,ayreeksLines-foremisoh:every subj ‘”is The mtmoxineecrecy:mh =m es «ta ;ae ;Taeherd,he wil be pleased’to;Wait on:on ah }promytl :tale entenstebte hissate.5 ra 4Sesuse the plailsil.}x“oot:Ea RS. ="i 1 prom are i bGnis in Rowan.Stanly.Teedelh aiseSita: % WHOLESALE yar a }i _ae be Windory’Glass}¥arhisiz,: Se aePaints,Colors,Varnishes,‘Benshes,Win i pfull account of tas eooieea as .eae “ot theOc.Not fxtte,Xow Ariens we ge i ma Sra:tnal ?y pan alt encore.at on saey ehGige,in somie sha bi Le eyes,“asi<aeeeof gue 4ju which?hy by’the’Way,no ue Nas cre bee or chiiseover *at ek:wer,”ec pe Wiic hee ete sete aes . Ci Sie *Monn Sit oe *Wher stave dest on stay 4vi & ”Tere Spee AltsthiGae- Wibic h ape ; a areoS “Pabats;‘Oiis,igs hie wet |ee miFe brfader ‘at “tha pa7Saie. {‘Ant Kis:thy:en u luxury”in: aed aoito fy Rho thee.akthick :sae frie nidshidpsciix uly ismami ey To lideAide tlie Wwe:vad ay wary’: By.hee Bulky Mtnfl ot fo dressing:At streets,aut!‘hyisis’subject ¢ “th:tele.spony travelérs i aw cis ngs Sscuisib leyFie “ple.s Ho:ee pepese:ae VO: Ageeas ctheiae : Fas a Sinall bow: fillevd with: am ae:es cent exe LeCOME mare! étte Unere:On Fgin aea “heautital,theres als:nodented of oF: e .Peaape:Wiith on}ya small ‘ontatin their wardrobe,suidbulieg gp tate |prison See sighteenity a Upon his ‘artivak‘trembled like an: pm ‘Great:Ged ate ae.tee co atior modoubt,to t ac ;eKingdom: at separate =and ae te th a “Conse in,=a through a jrovet ending Eter:-THOS.:POSTER | RA T L N AT eit et Lo. perpares for you * ‘. even f: Aeit “hsanre imeeoistoneGack aoexdpielwithasolution‘of the Lge bE asthe patient ean,bear | ,i,and,‘bind’oo | Lt “say¢that ae r.¥apimal,before it sxold 2Fibekilled,severely *aie 5 Se e ca n t Pe d ee e ho h e wo ee os Fs Heart,ahd: pe oe veer aaa“Bife at ae eee f papier é ee.Sess:.ent Secretaryof War.’anea=Of ‘ordnance,‘by fara Seaport ahotmeatenne ‘struction of vessels of Wat tended to cripple,tertai ~lesaly,‘at asingle shat,any b or steamer,ino~matter how.strongly.‘built,that may'ven ‘fu a-mile of its énormous (Many do:not hesitate to Laeeeisdestmedtoworka-1 ation in*sketch Qf #0'important :_feature in thermproven The Floydgun 3was:4 time sipeetat the Fat;near Pittsburg,Penn.,‘uy"pervisionof Capt:Rodman,nth ae per iee I =,4,pendently:€carr |Although ourstake is ewall,our’ Ee cost bsone something R ;eeae welfare of ournative qaahiches55nesehapetofeelbetter— jeter,andd capes feetae oT Ey‘will awe rejoice if John Bellj Rate or,*ablgre if 3 Brésidestiof ihe!eee Ay Eas ee metal redomin:nat ag.4 %in ‘Dhe fieshas been,fought+: “the Srst shock of the:explosion,an —the.decisionhas been mage'in chich‘is.about four and aeter.*The gun is}‘|Mien;‘aod the time consumed:;ing and firingis just one ‘mitiute.ead(1 ethalf.Tt-will:throm ¢sho!i Cn3Fanatchy¢and:‘civil--wat,:in an‘effort: and of appalling magnitué “the soli pol the'pther.half.If =ebould & ‘Yghot weighing each 450:“B-inch shell weyghs ab and:scarryes besides15 es der?Fhe charge of:om *firing this monster canno:as Bt fir "only twentypounds,bug jag beigraduallyincreasedto!Jascertain,the ‘tion’:“will yet ‘shriiveSchat the Un ~maxium of,powder,and 1 -yemain‘awhile Tonger |‘to:bless an thatin the last dischargen Rf jthoseiat:Teast,who loveiit ‘and are: Morty-five pounds were:used ei:be live apace ita:is wnotectne:wegis. _.¢The piece is not intendedto t ;_ata longer range than abou aFingjander ite“Constitition :ag os~gand yards,but at this.dista tg [goed and wholesome,‘but‘theyReSeatsbigternific,"complete Sate adly administered—they.have’ :Re executed by those whose sworn ¢ te ‘constructed of stone;tic aia "earth oriron.‘Throughthe*kind ci aioildn he:‘country:aM Bee:ba.Resy.of Captain’Old,3d ule.the:Goa do mourn.’'Badin joyedthe.excellent op ity::spectthe size ahd wormensegun.It isincarriage,revolyvot,and.stands upon}:y a Sew yatds’from the’he“cast-iton’gun carriageiginto.general use,ar:far'gnperior,bothin’aieSea rape ae ooden ee cased iin dechicgees e hard soe jum =Presbyterian Church (or 1 >jpwould lold):gnd unitedin evenan |cation to the:Ruler.of kingdomsu ;ame Killed and.a sezity!His,mereifal interposition i Soe a’one P “our idistracted.country:“The suppli 2 patch,writing from,Nex?thrdnie of grace:thet,again at nigh :a under,date of the vat,¢ame Heinle eethéfollowing.particulars of EPurana Drug Store! orible:calamity :7 Ag err r eee Ebtntos.Se ‘shwerepassingtheroad?lea :.peiplace to PerryvileatRushingCreek,.they-wedbytheicries'of af ale‘examination,.found,negr ‘oman lying-by the fire:band,‘both :confined ‘by:: ‘them;ItAppearsthat they:-»Meling,and bid stopp tote “Ruilt theirfire nnear ad_Seaght fire,(after thgacep)aes barman oft oe angling acr“both the-woman’s legs,just’‘below.ieee ‘and killing the man*valmos ';stan tly./When interrogatin y the wo.ekmina,andf yabeao of the cameeae ment e) Bee +7:“4apan we-learned thatthe’ <hy seontribute their mite to am,itthat’her husband a pe to erishingSE e ‘to’tellher ‘what 9do.o het ;rane ead.‘could call no.Tinie for come ‘to hergrelief’after.d,{not being able tovextr She alsostated th Eiow ening! ost hormity-eabctty Pill; ‘ing,and the cries ofthe moran”:Bt,Moonie, ot then taken‘away from,r husk 7 %Hollands,ea were enough to.melt.the es mie 4S fa “! Musie.=oo Thee is somethingvery” are indebted to.the Sbdelotte Bulletin aaesbakicaaebtto-onyheasts and :. <pirits—to phe.se caus ang sie th celloselection nets, Our:pouls:.,Music soothe ne,8 =e ses noble feelings 2 way’a hick es !«|=“New Orleans,ce eee er?Yunneaeae=—ca of course Sesexploded |her boi! “ways |will be,the reost bea ful hin Senunhberof ps 38.singing.03 ntelligénce ‘that.the wildest”:ae boyPaul.Ar-: :being fully.realizédin:, France.-Good old moth;hur,weep net for your - asa father worthy of’and:all his youthful play-eto pray for hiseben :hown the.Rock|a manufactured:|‘byWriston,of Chir fe are pleased,to:learn.4 ved at the Agricultural ,: ubt sterminaged-here;-f e lium ‘awardedjin their -goods surpass inbeauty . forth anything of the. et to have.seen,and *ey may be exhibited.fie attention of purcha=—- yong the samples dis--}‘veral grades.and styles,anywouldgracethefigrege.4 tidious,‘andare,fair:ex- Southery:enterprige in -tlie* 1 State,at ‘the ‘same time. rthat'we have already,the:means of:favorably ‘ “any:manufactory in! ’Messrs:Young &Wris-# i@a sniall:way:sevéralandhavetrinjphantly H competition.from’the Ide oe tal ng a)perfection sin.the... olen,manufacture:that:has > cir goodsas.an indispen-..peade with the oayers | ‘p re-‘wool,‘free Frio’the.¥and njixtures’“often”‘found’in” rn:db CS,|amd are put uattractive.|see ud perseverance,these- Suil-np a business of: rooming hie hstacles 0°ang:EP a ee urged against.Sou.} -and.peas the |Rock” SW ith al our heart,’wens ater success”“than “they©;enjoyci—for they ‘lrave-conclusivély-that there: “our:midst:safficient |to, ré.outer ‘man’isssctheehk:|-HichneondAe -Fee"ME foe it to:ers”as ‘a,suet pares fave 1pass ‘to,ee <>0 TA RRIF:», iv SjuircdLace-vaw..: oe cuy,oh fredell toas.x St Siders county |: SESPECTEeiLY §aN noumceththett we —eena 1C AN ‘Wiehave ND siset |é mai-who has hadisev-and wa Betas ofGee Sissel Proparaticns 1 abeing meyer Sponae Beasnes,that the Tebinistaye had jaca :i ze o€Jaw ‘authoriding him:20°purchgso|: “arms |‘or the State,and had mad proproptiatian for that purp aeere was bntjittle money3yathé-treasary,and hewasthatshouldgotowards:pa: the arms,even if the officers4Sate:-had,for a:an ti ay 3a“i ticices Deed iin Trust toda_ted'by Jesse A:Dacia cokes poses therein:mention will “e posts‘to +Paldic Sale,at the CoareMage “Stater- “sill,“on Tuesday:fae She“20th “NOV: “a,certain,Lotin theTownot‘Gatesville ccone taining about3 I-4 Acres.Said:Jot iz.in the},ees rt.of town,aid:has on:ita verytdeeling,,together w ith out-bouses*!aeoewishingto.parchase the propetty«&—~4*80"Rises:mere the dar of.wale;bs ap ,pang to 1 i ip".Ky Sos tON;Trastoes,sf “States Ye:Nov 1860,ee a isa “SreGrational’dicen aeeeleeblboktapachiclthisfaid:‘Lecomes:¥‘ted,weak,and poor.->Bein tit.thie;circa}lation,it pervides.the whole|bodyyAinge: “htirst ont iniedinense’on anypart)of” organ if free free |it=sky 3 =«tie which,4 may not destroy léoirs tatnit is.varionely*caused aEmare.Tow 1itini disordixad <x ‘Soul.im@Aire air,‘flea.and dilgtiv’sha =i~)Mepure~Vigt:.and ‘above atl:by.the’vene-| Sreubinkctions —Wirstever-le tts,oreriti,Ins,>hieredisurs iw.the constinntions,décendinig:a i iin pivent¥te-childreon uptte the third,anid fort hegenersahots:Pa "tthe aeot:Finals bicaees:is : ait utes of thiefghers UPet,abut auiteen? ts ‘elects cOimincnee by deposition:Epi “thel loud of corin;t OF ulcerons:smarty } lethe fongs!‘ver,“and HitceatsHONE. ermed:tibeneles :in the waz wvgidOnthe&trface,eruptions or, a4 foud cotraption,which gendcimtn:the.Llotat: ‘Sy ores the'«enerciesoflite,<0 that:ese TgConstitutions Letosily:st; )tulemy.ScOmnyyJazuts.but thes ;oh Os ORTto Withstaad the attoc KS Or tock (ielives yeonsequcntiy,Fast nunj hers,peris idjsorders hich,aithoudsuct?iscrotilores teati Cheit nature,“are still Tenderes ivatal’ee ad Styuntinthe system,”Most off TE:conse ape weGdne Which dei-jimantes the Ramat Faiay h itiisorigin,diregty in.tis scroglots cout,As hatte3and xabahy¥destructtive:ome oftied - tue Minette rofarf our peas’he:“ATe seragn‘etm§um ir ee ieEcuccaled ‘by.Chigahrhe “th ee Ber sg aia ivies ‘ate it ‘arid:_exereise.“Such a nielie ana3“COMPOUND EXTRACTOFSARSAPARILEA, faut a radianwiewane cae tutal “dowlands#Coqubbinved Crete tike west ac tive tremedials some He been dixcévered for the’ON pur Vthis tub disorder:,.trom the ye coed, parésene 6k the ‘svetenn fronts testruetive vot:3 ~~-4 *requences.Hence it should be.eniptivgd|for! uke.ire Hue nok:net xt rotala,Gata asaieefad ‘Skit Dacancd!St.f*os Pe or;Eee ipelas,BimpléssPustules,| totes,Blank and Boils).Patieas:‘Fetter Pea <n Khetm,Neal.Head,Rimgieorin,¥Uheuniation,Sephititic and MercutialDix:©einen,Drops,Sy SS Ppepsier,Debility and,in- waleed all Co mn paciiats rising trom Vitia GP t, dmpare Blood.“The popular beliearentofthejiTeedisfyurmiled®tn.(setotila is a dteenerstion of thes *pouticcadar’purpesc anid y iptee dt HSSparillarts‘te paaity aud revetierate ate“iat é “nik wwithoutiwhiel soutid lealeh:is inip©spbluein ‘contuinated constitutions wh +a)3 “Ayer”s Cathartic 4 FORALLTHE PURPOSES OFA FANELy:pRYSIC, Tate S0-ce:uipesed |that disease within Ee ranwe. ot thei,eeu TOD,wereld withstand Srewade + Crhem,a leer:peoeteatinsx propertion:Son 4 “attoel cleause.audInvixorate every:port ot 4 othe:invediczds,organ,COrrEC tisge Ata dis *tae sbetion,Vatt 1 Festoring its Wesrlttie Wit:I beh a he °C eereneedert‘thieSe~roperiesgthe | ASeyatid’»ts Gawed down with;ptlaver:phys: nt ails we.v tetistonished,tactirnd.iis i a! orseneriz ented bvoa reared Me ::iinyple dined ini.| ot suly dacthey cure the er)Fi.plain or:every te iv but also mary:formizSleaiuddatreeronsdiseases:hes:Haagent®Below tamed jpleazerl to furwisds sratis utfixs Th fees‘A niet!TiC Ain aeriste”cant:ininigee“TTiFiGt GS OF coheir-dre=Ms alivcutstons tor bre pee complaints:+Costt.ENG “bur,“dteardache:aftsing.froar: “Stotateh.NValHSCA,Fudiceptidng Rainsi}©Morbief Funesion of theBuscdee Fla EB Nibes oft A ppetize,Janinlice,apd othreal-eGiu plathnts,arising,frog ta low ime Lawl:ad obstruction of its fune Apa’“Cherry.Pector 4 rora THE RaviD CURE,EOE; “Gouzhs:€o ids,influenza;Sloar- ieee ‘KeNESS,€xoup,Bronchitis,En- cipient Consumption,;;send tor:"*theircti¢f of Consumpiive Pa: oiénts:in.‘advanced -st2 sen ok sthejdisease.a i,Soy wide i is the fel of its:usefulnes See‘miumeggus-are thes‘ases of ite chres;,tl :Rb as tddata$e ry Section of country loiihd :dns pakblighy kaiow ny who ‘Baxifromakieniingandevendesperate ds hie:lutfes ba ats use,Wheo eneatperidrityover.every other,eteWangtoo!ay)parend ‘Yo eeapeahdMhereitysirjucsareknow.the ahilie He longe®hesitate what antic bd employ| oy tor the dwtressin:aid -datizerons afiections. emus thepul monary:organg that are.(2 gur clitnate:(While many ‘inferior:remreities ’:en the.cdmniupity have-failed ‘and|-been’discarded,this has’gained friends ‘bv: évery trial;eonterred benefitsOn theraftlicted>they cdu never forgét,and.roa bs‘cares tov.numerous and too remarkable®t 3 ten.‘ee bce aS ew fe PREMARED.BY.; “DR:5.C.AYER A fo. i .*«LOWELL,MASS.4” 3»Price,SA perBottles Six:Bottle 3 Al our Remedies are for.gaic. _Daniap &Phifer,|G Sie‘Hee &Co.,Lexington;‘DB:Gaither,—Newign.At.wholesale by.Hajvlaud,Stexen-/fon &:Co.;Charleston;H.McLinn.Witming..ston:M.A.&C.A.Santoé..Nerfolk;Purcell,a &€o.,Richmond.Feb:24;ee raat ‘UE.HIGHEST CASH SS Bis——foe one"hundred dozen’‘of E; “DUN AP.&PHI FER"S: pee tite:re Hcollersed +b noteon B MS State N,es Oct;26 Cartiing Rail’Read,CompanycA uthetownr-ofact ‘on |pFrit|Nos ry.VIRTUE OF A DEEDIN |Exechted-by Henry Troutmanfobposesthereinhamed.I will expdse itblicSale4ttheResidence!Meury Trourman.‘six-miles,south,of:walle.onSATURDAY,the ae follheing!eee “or asmach! ;as.will ety ‘said aed in trast ¢ f Speer,.20,‘Head of Hogs,.. iq:‘Large Seen 1 Buggy and aoiL“two-Horse do., J;OnetHorse do. te ih:oe -runining repair as Soi Bess eh aANTSaneach tract:‘On abd tand wheeiSinrneBeaNSty‘of FIRST BOTTLE:fous GEESYDS.All the Tiaets ¢ Low “the £premises,Whig iY showing uh e Property mswishine to ‘see the Ws eee onNata cf v'Gourty iN gvcinber lieth) Tbuuse,atl ove ack,a,csiniortatle5 Dwelling,AES and:‘3TurtheTown’ ¢ross Street:kar ‘Sale’positive.“tf ?aesale. pa Hole fei ‘Phos Sasaan‘ofS“S13 ted:Aug,LO,TR59+cone note son €wleman pie:James Norman’ofFebruars,[99's faye note on-S Seinh OfSg 0,Secret.Eee ‘on same OF S8!: ons”3 ned ge—Df S100.Sach 1g djuted BS th;1860 21 pote on ee “}rnghs of Si date not recollested:;|Aquila Wilkiams ef Sh:75,date'no ee teal’:A}noteon!Abel &Abel N.Reedio'date Jags 1860:1 noteon Thomas»wingsvest OF S100)!iditte:December,2: yoteion Jaynes G.Padgett,of SL. ka recablectett:Lnotéon-Jacob Fraley ea s (Rive:abont:Mare 33,EX6D 5.1 note a,Jirnev:of SM,date not reciTecte ae On Bint sJtirhey of Si 30).dite 1Y ollected- date,Febs dst xb)se nate on Vv.FtSleeetDekRusesnotrceollected n FL!HE Hartaian of S200,subject eidutSEDODec.23,1859,Atte $1|teoolketeds |Lajote'on.‘Thom:is igre!aneshot eines }mote on Gaarh env epbaut ss Sth,T8359: recollected |;I note:on Win,J.Ve-tatiots {ys ary ghd aoe.“not reecteict date Jane 60 do.oF F238 90,‘datenot reco of the:igus;Shans each, 2 Wa):; S00.sil bite at ae tl ¢*recollected :Lidte on Jatnes £ date hot tecotleeted:eubject“tto tw s Hhand-35,,dates not recollected.”«>|of notes ‘and,‘pepers of different:kin How reeallectad,aRBsth:it ever fond ‘ehown,Bae ~AN pefsond:are fiucte aed init to ta for the aliove Mata I notes and pa pers Yadkin’;oN.ce Pie PBELE Oct a6 ead WEE Tisheatteak price a be aep oleAgundred ponnds,of Butter at ts i DEN La P “PHIF psfehebygiven hat crakedniadeta:‘theinext Legislatyte of XS |€arolina tora Eoan of Money to built and ereet Cotton aud Woo facniting.’éstablishments for;the clor¥oY Gur corner courtry.:Ge‘will Be:offered.c .ASDREW BAGG AR “Oct 26th 1860"pd were che FIFIne Sesion of this: y will Aig Zon W ednesday thFof‘Sugust;L&G0.bk For:*particulars addrees the Ponce ag:seecircular.Bivens July 20:5 ayers S comeniedaeanesThatiwe id Sel}the machinebest: of the people ofthe. hiaeo thea tn daily mee;.ce.of Se fo thenexroes of the “fieldenereyae “We feel every’ 2the,ost com fetesate, machines will Serrinso presentsder compliments’eee ang-takce ptensure.ia.maying that she hasxACYninfurtwoyGus,andfds iteth:oa beautiful a auid aw casily,foeWashington,D.C, Neon “ta!fayigz that thesored £3Machine-haisfaliy uétaimedt my ¢xpogtations,pas mrspian aiyeur,Dan'sowellpleased: Ro a reconumcadis itto.Ean eerousbspleased.with ing machine¥Itanqgther,+1 w hdsuerake est times -timerspan7 rats ee monk:ee eet palpaters . andhay eee s 1 ?spore Grover +.Bekat'y “ aethen six‘tobe...Se |arlepennee ile,KY. ur machine byfir@ipstanttn nk Teen beeestheheay re ingtion'seviral protnigen:Sto-auracqnainitynte!with their!amerits,idiemed”‘ofany-value,]sary ty G:over ment,D,: ite trcorgeCoun ‘ recommending“Grover Baker's naider it one ofthemost xe‘ ‘penusssthenslingedthe Garoat SocareHaevingevinceailothersinuse,’Mineistheonly.roveri&Stor.foiblesxicluity bot Chope:Sing VE Wine woreBeSE eo:t thie —_oot Ae“Brolin Bake sexing ‘Machine has Gio ekin|geKeral “months,and has given entine.entis-docsnovgetoutof order,rarely broaksasellied .givestyonblé or delay management.—-ty-of scomstraction,wid the”asd:oy eyhitcanbymse!eotmtizute apartGul.Hiner Hatt,Sieben gar | Sewing Maidine,:‘Bas-lat}s ia ealaa ieBedl:with.tty and:re be de pelcehobite,agintlareetimes thesp,Sealer:Judgi MEGuire,Biomrac,Ta.": Mids ‘meet?piagtathSourfriendst%briy #1 ‘Opes,Mrs,Cadtidypell,New rt whois only thir siaperiitiy:andhas taste iemel,Pr‘clothe:tty pegs fs>wehy fiat va ; ‘oe CBcover &Baker's Sewing‘Sewing Machiqeetwo: “giving Antires Latest +Mobile;11 Campaeage‘Fourth 4 public,Lehasgiterl wutis-|- aePaine thera vpintuny:Pei repairisrt tinea mm _ Ro LY Me e hh a Pe Bi e i Ae By Se ta e SO ad New York:181Baltimore + le “Meciranics”.Institute,”|ing Street,‘Charieston’;41.a ba]eS *Southern.States,as.w u wt)teks for the press elsev here a :their,minds|oatees ued by the anti- he e >Lincoln’s eleetion fo Presidency.,Our Washington corr 4 pordent,With the ‘comprehensiy wies a howhiéh he usually takes:}bli ¢ “ysents seems “to “DAV me-train’of thoughts, ~Shend ‘extreme.action one: 2b aoure of the Southern,S “tu defeat theR epu bli teleétion..“ee ; S With all respect §yoy Re a‘friends «who are dywelii =fintl “more appropriate «employ ment, 2snow,in,active ‘and earnest endeavor: tO.defeatthe sectional candi ® ‘averting the:dfeadful c f a OF goncocting,‘plans acape ‘ “2 coligequcnces..If it shall ac l ron $foréed upon us;if all ouréxe fons fail Seto defeatiacandidate ayho <a atid assoc iationg.1‘threaten év bay "aa 6 the country;.we'shall be ~—s “common with otherfri fds OF aie North and’South,’to:lo Ke: 3 questions squarely in:the*: gee CR i what,’iy:our duty as.hop ‘eitizens.”~But.at.presert whi %Ss aq chance.to avert the!threatened c to the day-is ‘the evil thereof; prefer at present to Wor‘K fog thei Se of the severat States;Tathet wei t (ee“spend.any time over projetts 4 Me 7}tecting those rights aeuinst,“the“3 5 _+3 topics,we suggest that%‘easy ‘40; Ss} ¥.be»,ee pur peityqns with its Sonny cougten: see!ery onr way Ph Yature,.xu indulsxe t Jamity,we canhot waste!Oyrenergics .= apon bypothetical plans..Sufieignt'un-?of the dé Hen: ‘and.for the preservationof,thertizhts*-©-Tong 3 yeepro- est Sa pesalire stumping .it at.the:Nord,pparentl: for Breckintidge;but really .tofa1 incoln’s:election:by .cansing ions 31 the Niorth.—Sale “wall ete ‘upon!athe Rohrth ‘Val heehe December next:“For-three years oiled ‘to make the “SEX PRESS”an?piers Festing vehicle-of jmtellizefice.and.-rec to sts many readers,how well we’hy {ceeded remains for its \patrons vt |While many Sourpals have started Listencein’various”portionsof the ;maintain a ‘feeble existence Sok wud (weit out,:the*“EA presy’ regulari its appearance,ach weekand, |(Phat-we have tg shortiof our daties4 "respects,ssp not We truthful)10der nithewmlain;,ehave tulfilled all th b promissed iy usai ourdimt issue,th Havige grown ok ler in yea ed to bak “philosophy by experieni é igapore sueeessful in prircuing the: that;by:renewed diligence Our efHrts {opr lish an entertaining ournal—suct will ibe a widlcome hesFicpre ,;inerests of the!Stat @aiow of rhe States; i he Riolits ofall the aes ’Gener}Govern =‘calumny Feeieis eee5,on Mi Qi garded vy 2)sTRiwe:policy of 2 prospective eetsa tp ae:tration,whosé™-power,tox teepag ere be consumina edi hI 0 it nih bathached:(6,oar .<é aConimerce.-J a “Sy Se ::Syne riser tee eet .Eo.eye al a)CQuynderergss Is:cept {ono Bi Spats peat “Physical Trai ng in'Schools.sy igr tats ot apy dectripition, #3 beg We cethe superiist ndditokihe Bos!:tha priceiof the Paper ag ber biasPAP e.es oo “toil se 1001s recspot'F a _sdoption of zy myasti€sere “Aplar part~of the school, -<)Siseems tous that there:is ‘no. -jo4 Sof thesday of greater:sae éthe scholzt's individually,or Kogene mY ‘jntended:to have a greuter”auOUBt ane ado: ee upon the well.being ‘of th eee)tae :a,;LA the tanvulsie}jy gehen this'of'systemstic.physiedl |traine| Pq iecd>s Wye,of.children...Fors SRCCORS:BAL pifeyh tnergyis what‘rules:the world.mete wor.boys,equa]in everyirespect, ‘ ‘mind ‘at the expense.of ins’ vole a -and’his brain bas outgrown i “cbs while the otherboy recety -butyequal developement “ota andbody+rand whalis the:resid ei Stwbeeases?>The scholargy:suliast Pot ici’bape with the highest ‘hon6r o sheinss:Avith:nervous. Sees Soot in)the.I ~ -dthe-man sho:comes Ley3 reer in possession ofa. ft “tution,|has -the:bae Khor Rae HinesChergy>“that evinbl ee :othe}‘great-iuttle that sev ls “isedday ski are.filled with gh as “Seal wy ‘activity:hisSumbe“Se gat might 7’his ‘chéerfulnéss (t_S S-effeet ofgood digestion)eR Jetice a plesdsure to allBFiShebecomésthefather:ob IR=.epting,ues yeiees ;-ia short,sntalls:a©+o)Ses of his being,and Wada pte 2 *hapy ry,wefnl:Eavd snecessfi-d 3 ¢haikthe dotroilbes “a y training:Jato cour COUT Ory’j »being.cxite‘ulated toumake“oS:leap the-fineststace of-sthat thelw orld has eyerse ‘valne It pioge 3ds un import: ©garey ny to 2 still hizzlieJparalledSntellegtuaye \ivationones3greeSo‘ientific eee}reas OW! :alpal Farnhaniy :ae of pee er perenc osce“st to!Boston:ale ec=When'f listed .in tte:Arh-So Seay at the age of 1Sy1-did not Sieh eyBy stiould:Jive to be Wit;and et aby.The Governor aud Ake a Adistingnisbed:gentlemen “Aone Tt:seems stratge, vbo”Ww ere.at?‘Bunker? “ehidald be ‘Jivit.Ee ayieascto.though ‘$0,lonie.ast “as neaaayesterday.Tei remein]16 Ree oe “gbenlars of the marchmgchowthepeoplePe a “pear:'Andowe r,Col.Abbotey and said Well done,mys')os Sentyont cider ‘and:grogin(pails Lae oS gots to.Cainbridge the day heft ee ecpatite,:0,it.was‘a fertihke aleeie“sme,Yor‘it avas the first tineadintvhting.Foserve igoyne surrendered. ‘_deserve any speciat pri : saps “Ttéok inc the revolution:|a9 cactel only asagthers:=2 year my.-pension;:of§)>tand?sixty-six Gents th_/pay(fpar dollars to a law af gO &er me. “es “_udaysysince,received the2+Segraphie dispatch from Dayite-+4...hopeforthe sake ofthe baby thj“=f.gnay be emeht:“Mr.MarsPefron’rundsd.away mit.one{Duggli oe _dis morning,she has but n eye,“sis blgek—other eye Ssh blacfejDut,she Tost him,-She’sax‘@hogshead.I yantste:ki “the telegraph and send 'h es*herbaily,,for if she don”oe ty visite Tike ter’tyvle.”* ent the @cneral tte te SS3:ve igorons.health js sof fer greater im-1 fance “than high’intelleckuiil «eultnre.Ye has'ately Wei whe|Fale Wiuidtaéton i!pox! ei “Tonelupinsschool from morning till nrght;/line:and:oqlé-arrangement ©‘andfromyeur to year,’cultiv ting his]j can sapy) »his nervgs have outgrow bis nihil, froi the ~rude::shocks of,the tahseal:Of i: np life.‘The:wei “t is;eesbe is Mheust| ed Se 88 WN ms veBea ane a ud ‘ <elf-with all|ay improv vithose preferinzzit,with:1a Nod“’hyermyWor tat rita Towerrates Giaw it ‘could von rare 2“thetnsel tex.ae is eee iit |‘haa e Meares’collec a feeble anit com plagntng sinvalid ;dintcHectnal agit refit al,he id,ist SADDLERY.”HARDWA 3 ettoe vv Vitis bas pect wur aiaekcLaliimore.*Sava tp once TS Cl ming to purstere,fem in:beet afl OF wil Mm c,. Paes army:through three ampains :re eal:present and on gnitr »Bu ee ot eh Tow "iklet 4|which he wcil okt cakl,tention alge to.ny =){STOVES,suitable,for 10 inj Daing oom ad;Paris :Fy EtatSO0— eeeBeIAS~We sawaa drunken:fel¥Here mnistaking afly on: the man—while ‘the,spectators«ee ide pedied to hear hot for a nail;tried.to hang:bis:hat: “enit.,The fly‘yasastonished=So.was | oak?2°34 5567-8 910112135.1d 15 16.47 18:19 202 |a 2922.23242526.57 0-28203032 Picea | pt s 45 69%9%:142-13.94 15.16 17,eee are Bubs criber takes:pleastirein‘aononne-i yi Be Mixtributiony,sy wout tothes and visiting portionsof the.eee ;iafaetory vd,every Ceintortge provided in zi i ‘the Sat‘ph.the arrixal of: :ueELEDSAUCE JARS,82 bie !tel onably wR &oe 1 ‘terms,|ich wae i faeek oe z pct:thesane tan fir thecimanag Beg”‘yen. te Fated,this long-establishet ated ona blesareabundantly anpy lied,and = s the a gives:his een , at WL Low,ies doll OM os,nintey will dotwellne a secoi i ONS EteEtc.Ete.ffDoesaegEyLeet eprint ‘of feuits'aud vvege SOC fATION,Philadilphin oentInstitutionestublishedby t-forthe Relief ofthe Sick *3! ted with .V indent:anid ‘Septal’discane =and the 4 Write vietise OF wach". caet marty.of theirofthie~class to give.Ms dicul Advire o Fwitsadescriptionoftheirqen-hPa wera tpview of the peat,felatewured:that -hin inphese Of hentyalebt jeffort hutweditenwtheufflicted,capes to the youn iz hed to-aleyote themaclyrs,with,re Syre and treatyefityWengprdishedaMicted aide a Jends.andthie public generally,oe ek,and ins:adeevery porti-.ne G accommodate the uktness, manner,. PABEE, Ss ROOMS. careful |Ostler;aud toall de-* ‘the:cars.:‘|beh F ?efforts 10.gies‘share- MEE ease N.etcornet poplnton-at the Public Square ther.Y:psolicited | Be Tese‘36h “ale were.Mattei:by:the ‘fires ttbteinad and T,he leaning b ¢c ‘wide arm dhsic)and-I at his “Mow-cari L-hopeto win he’ Phe murmured,Jooking “doar Pmaimed armwith a “bitter,4 elauee,‘she-with her.clorions >tien Radnokin the ‘Boionesn Monee |..Spheres he jill be pieased to Wwtit on a tho #inate |dgsireshis SerksTUNES og os hy meh Peneediiepaecomwtosperding =cetgd SR eer a me a RELLY*Offers iis,rolessiont:uk semvices:to die publi 4 *Lal %ot §Akl uj College “A venne:opines pesBiet wes a“‘pride.sso:ae SO |SN a i Med!hntiet &<5 ates:eneSiatese te x.SS eran Oh,ry luvehas so Cant me di bonet”with:its.strong a “shelterred me mniderits “shiclee1Telike!an oateast— dre>+is a Av.ise keSaal iadhae ms ay ae ee “Lay loyexads i OsFortin z a ap fa on ss re 4 ie i payinks bi BG is ie mee fee Ui meh hart,th:'3 aiMeesoeee:ot trite “Lonked:ap at him'as-he engl oh ai i "{Baaben Hoe tiie1 Sane toons Sriaie “prace-0:aiiine Gs,5 SES :“thing th sie eat de “pili it OF:the:time ‘f :al rout accounts:an pdinital o ceil ein eas tolediced his:love ‘to Mi ;Sede ry lotta cs :nea!ait :Cae es s i %Re 3 bis ms;ee TERY NED Psume shining| on aes isATT i NER,sly be:aety fh eee Fhe!pepsi)ee "nse bi nl een aeate Spi cae wth pring Pad difteentty:att wiggrons hands:such aoblep act ose sper’1 yer ee es,he-pubare..ONSWy;Without ve cS apg ee re:tatpall his.ofengnO,oH me i f ‘Tie“Wa:¢5 ZL re. ae ttor v £y oe 5 ope,Th Wrones: ;1328 hecSalisburys3 pepiret thin?ally ts AN:TEI :tee tice dud nis tke a wo PE.Bene ae ow:an Surly,byedelh ‘aS eres ©oe in the Gian a :But ic eee 60)‘ae Se |startsane Behe “CLINE |Over’:big’stl”ver.de aany.as =Le grasped my an Ause ;-butssiiyIneBorene;? “pg une penkaind:(Es?Hallste ay dance micgt:her“threo °<Ps “Fle bowed,his face;and ligt peunts fed}jind:ule ud arpundity eu Leeutyparil::stim oles. raisedhis head ant ‘spokee cali “Fairoenow,os ae rel rat rte: DEABER IN. |Mower eeie is eekmsTei donot tiae yonder:ovateé ‘ajmaitre ald ‘be visited.wiELwentoutandJefthim his Wve dying shatter 08 FL Tk aRAKBees ioditlitsthe eee pols ash on.s et aa pawas dovesShowin:W .ae h pes tndiexnectancy Sie ali Ajcértyl atid bright. ;eersSS ees F aets.-ce BrP eg a oea RAEN a ett.“aaet ae grt Hee.aon e a a5 neaant-wo Pe ih uehs aecann offerpics&FAISERS,ae ee et eSSPOSVILLE.Ae G {Her deep,[pati “her he oTts a Shoe shy ee i Sad :ena y uty pene ae CS a ad:Hel ri ts eeAe Toastoe er ae E ‘Weedh rerbeantyan t!le mirror, Ngeotyte sunshine lying afar ats “Bed,scornful lips...d:ark phy eyess.ricWy slowing .cheekses sWtyGs of raven liaiz,braided witgen ie aitizizimn,®saul I,eaunest]yy sk ae to;tell you:a httle story;- ‘are:lune.Somethingehat, pacart ah outa fr end of wilt Cassaath 8.. ne sessity hee _as murdh orwhen he hasje Vhe,-¥.Rag abveieante mf in aryvile7 *} AugAt te i a0 tg Phe ‘thm’di nil looked!ft Heal tt i ‘oe ‘;vi ‘;ee ey:‘;.;\mili:uy ss im y :But.rT will'g ;aad -eurion’glen e;then shesinid chert c aD iy 4 af I aan,on O ikb a tit i168 fo ake an ssmplelz:the:list:of ao yan quickly i pan aie PASE R i Bil a eer ey we ahi Ecchi ©otehea paibStens for hi inisel i.conte ishis.inven-,.st“Adana ia Retail |‘Dealeae7UGSiSweeULCINES elk ed:[CINE "phi |Paints,‘Colors,Varnishes;Brash:wes dow Blass,Pitty,Dyes s t his Ds Pe ene p ae y urd Pe oryi Aer mike BieLeApe Hers,Pa west }creek -fi ae!Att ie fox :‘GARDEN SEEDS.) fran fit, “sO s Fi indersts nay!yeu ate ::itl leh fr hd atphon yout Usk te :eb :headin silent ean ashen Ii comtherieeodani ige—pay!:lee with”‘the gt Baca She was ‘going tepap tt RA U L rt re e r tt 5ts hemie debe134 oh to ai ahi 4 SH GRAS SEE :oy lpve lle:tle@,avas nry,bh Cenion.Me ° :AND Lawot on dice Dothijoined hands and:Sieh space °Y-.5.fal.Purris 4 ogee:intohate ald hesswo Dette too-for they ato ®beerful..Have.shay ees2 iq home and for.stheeeleae A\zate“4 tint that”Cluster.around =oTONE i ae tieSohle saecicna!€:“Le “How likes Lim,”murmared M LON ;10+|pride fiming-deaiu:into her eye!ASE fea-eee)_ Eee de,went “abroad?I.cnt ;r ‘AsisfoFhune¢Che ups him,“an Bs es A"ee‘ie!6 1 Leaah &"CS ARLoureESoe_MUTURE INSURANCE COMPARee-::Of Charlatte,° '“Saal receive,and ‘forward AppLigquipars 6h ,Pei aan Sbburance Reainst Loss.apa!’ :Se 3 Daniage by Fire,oa ithe RESTning tresses |enti ‘5 *of lie CompUY ? in hajs:erAspe. fain when he ;Shad ent mructed fand butt’fur Aut ; ber leastle,he lost:his:rhe “a ‘beciiine %a cripped,miserable 3 the chand:that braided thos vividly d “am:z¥ery¥eco used®intoxi-| oop Gone :«+ene “The Com LLY is deaa us 2 peu eperoas uae“Ness i h &4 a vo “Novca has ¢ver Vet.been nade’tor,an.ne expresséssion,.s neeyes grew “pk ps a Cetadment Oig préniium note,”:is sere OE Bary fi tk e ,eB =DRAKE,fe ‘Broken:hear ted: Been :oa Dees n'dld with cate;Ne retir ‘hisold?home:He cium to me dare.not meget:that ‘cold,“withering:fam € a Sie ee “aparaeSEA MARTeeESSSW.t WOODWAR’ Sk eS aa at his Old.Stands en Th:o9d strotas©Stew:doors,East of the Public juh-Mee oes cheebaie prepared 5°aa fehadgo:‘worshipped,so adored,pe BB fs 2 Fo Do AU Kinds of:‘Wor Rowe excbeding all thingsin it Bete Senals flone at’the borage te,<tanil:height,and.power.’‘ue oe %,-All Repairingg doue onshort notiee,®ee v.:,ee a yr pride,then,so:bie _.«\L workranalike’magner.‘Interestich reed!Bit *Te Hes-sat ‘hen,g lhlee(som Accounts’‘after 1 eannte 3pete ek omay.Ss Bee ae 32BaldMiriam,ina.voiee ma—ani:|are PEBLICL2 iene ee hetaen anid.tears P ad‘ofinformingaltrequiringLiteraryaid,}|She,dated she ing ‘bit,frpmehedsieoe“itd will be pleased to rpvigst MSS.anil,pre-hhad:,onee'dwelt pre-eminent “tnt sy 2 yo bes ¥y oo.ele a snares:ai ‘Sink bireyou Te a iesfar pultiication,and wiltWrite Ears,Heart &.He,héart-broken:nae EES.ROL G *oe ;$e “hey a hee adnnt i net ntab i MLS 5 ra 3 4 s $n;intemperance dot Tt.hasieTales,‘Nketelies,Lines for,sibunisé“Qtima-|‘in thé wide.pitiless avortid 3 Naa):“tk oe OWE At he :en ::eo,Seas FL ‘produce.evils’‘more and -sy ea poems “On every sulwpject.and Lediers,fe Se »ReShino secrecy"in:wee aus x “She 4 awottan,’'MT replied =sede =en eeoeae¢WILL AWAR ey ::1 }Eas oy 1S 5°.ae :ot a,rs60.aapt i "NaSheart iIs!‘true arid.loving,butsen 7 caevan:bent in the:face of: Pa p e r S % Bes 2 asa common drink.And ‘et.‘some S fe 'buttoo ready’to use t ie:Og ae ~~from-the q@iarchwith such bh ‘po Sas‘only .a pretender 7 its hands ofthis heaven-daring ES <e -Get observation speakout nt ‘clothe’ -it were,with 2aof.pees —_=if;seven °thunders.pad “eg Wwoiees,where does:he prepare 2.Ifhewishes to destroiy |er; J happiness:in bse hat is hisagent?:< to take the life’of,his: .. tio Mould be the condition.of the | ae‘of lies and mischief were ved of intoxicating drinks:as =it have often thoug Fe eea when ‘“deprited of -.Seyes,.Peo brought down to: end witht’fetters of brass,and’sé >to.grindiathe a nae wou id “his bestprototype. wine. rights ~*i many,ic would be calle ‘pen ‘and stingeth..Hke an’adder.’ oe ee ity:tog,ins.eat “Thisis a most glowing deseription ~.ghey esn to:“place.Satan i of the sin of intemperance.1X -less plight,are doin jo}the:pencil of.inspiration could:hav ~farmish,him with-of|thrdyn uponthe Canvassso many guch “WiVit f this compli:=.death dnd destraction.. |Jp Ts any man.placed in bghis “do all the evil Bist hepossibly ‘ >Ob no,every onewill says:No babblings,andwou puld jand rednéssof eyt +its amiling-d p-| tions‘n'‘the béginning,.and;serpent>wanted to see.how faithfully _servé the @dvil;and bowkmuch evil gould do té my fellow-men,1 would en- é im.mafpufacturing aud.sending | ~abroad a8 extensivelyas;1.eould,,:ar-| ‘dent spirits to.be used onall oceasions,” bite3 victiee ‘the| ~p.“"Sythe Church of Christ—obyes;some es as with a-higlily.sanctimonious air: -would ¢laim thé privile of rising’‘from and His Table and going e ‘re fgcture ‘and ‘circulate ‘fire-brands,ar- }pows‘and death:ame those wh ese‘{uaple e of destruction in their rain.)A the 5 eran The man knows that the e of God is not.in bini—h eeds| tounmask him a “e ‘that he has “stolen the .><*church:to serve the devil an’ ptae'shame.on the:church that will ‘:f him thus.to trifle witli holy:thi *is high time,,high time,tha’ branch:of Christ’3 churchshould:wash |mo ‘ qpakingand.vending and:using,: “beverage,ifotoxicating ‘dtinks. onl awit ,mony.Leet ittell:whatneglect “ness,what:‘destitution,what ‘wretch-| =eae what poverty, ‘what woe,what turmoi ~temperance has never been tekated.—|by: i A part-—how small a part—hasitindeed haf: “«been ‘written‘by the tears of thebrok-juni en ‘hearted and‘helpless and by.the |ture:is ¢“nor drunkards‘shall: -plood ofjits‘murdered victims,dpddi asthe Kingdom’"of God,’by-what: shall we:designate -his ‘madness, Be.eee alms-houses,penitentiaries and State-for.the gratification.cof |a mome «©prisons,on'the-moan of:the widowand Eblight “every earthly ‘prospee '.gnd.on the cries of the orphait!tt Putttakesoto hig own bosom:the wor 3 "*go whgt one of these things has pbser-shall sever die,and ‘kindle for him ‘+{Swation ever-been able to paint as.the |.wi a ee =‘been borne:to.us from:graveyards, +<“legitimate fruits of.abstinence ?:“Dono|‘sh >.af Temperance are all of quitedatioth-[cr '“toxicates is &good thing,conse ;”..“Bat that the simple use ofgpitits.tay|¥ Sra Stead.on to all thi unhappy and.ruinous as on Results justnot}“3.Lhe Testimony of others. *geen everywhere the happy. a es which we may learn-ho’ Boge::speuteigles op#ratein places”wehave! ae :“of-othérs.:. ..the testimony possesses certainhar -“farpished 3in support of apr \thaye already listened.- ne e ‘ters of Goniorrah ?2?”Ts esaa West,still written in tears’aa!Blood:“and is not ‘its history:stillborneto:us ret Zon the ‘yraili .)whereit is the.same “evil,only:‘evil and thagigontinually’’iwghile itso ‘*ee:‘Bite temperance is "goal always. “and that contiguall.4.and Lastly.Wetneg)oar poet“tion to ‘Scripture,or to the testimony’cee of:Him who madeinan,and who is his.<lawgiver ‘and.Judge.We:ednnot}:*dogbt the’testinasy of-Expetienasa+of Qdservation,mor that <of.honest, acA Sie terested men.,If,then;:God's<*Word,which we dare.not quéstion.«testify”differently,we will.fib.+‘eselvesplaced in sdilemma.But upon‘examination thereis here faypdto be: the most perfect coineidence—the} :@ fan's worldly interests’suffer;from- _,<>Btemperance?So say an bf ‘i tS ::sbefore.examined..hat? ae -$8ye |the.Bible? nce make’mockers:of menf}pera cs 4 .ne |doesit moek’them?.-fogs js not?intémperaace the “steppi g-|perience,‘and observation s st -stone.Ef “the prince of.e.pow ¢of fy.others=—and:°“the ‘Bible «‘con ow ee testitnony and says:“Wine -mocker.”»“Does4 menof reason and make thei np re ;r |like wild-beasts,than men?So tes and ththat whosoever i18.deecived there font:causeand redness. itpessesto-whom We. dg -so ‘affirm.:And when Revelation “ehquires=”“Who hath.swoe,who ath. sorrow,who.hath:contentions,wh hath babblings,who hath-wounds with: de-|out causé,who hath redness of eyes.” ‘ap |Its reply 3js:“They that tarry long the.wine $they:that go:to.seek ta @ |follows:+Look-notthou upon th jwhen if is red,when it giveth his color. ‘in.the,.oap,‘when it moveth itself: guil iin,80;‘shor atswoes and sorrows,‘content ‘the:danger of destguction,like’ Fone who.sleeps upon the top.of 3a ma: captive,and:the giving up of hope ant effort.‘They bave.stricken mi: ae ‘take théir.seat at the Lord's Table Twas not.‘sick,they have beate th to:‘manu-|J will,seek it “yet again >again stricken and beaten,again _ffoat ipo Did time permet,we might shaw; |by a:Jarge:induction,of:particula 1}entire concurrence of,God’s Word with the evideice we ‘aye.furnished fr Fether®sources,atl’going direoth {prove,‘the woes amd sorrows,an ws |tentions,and babblings,and:WORE he}without cause,and redness Of eYEe and poverty‘and.shame,-and wret i |edpass,and the utter blighting of hepe cand the complete destruction ‘Of }thing dear to.man ‘as a mortal, attal,an.individual or social others are.nécessarily|silenta, question’felates’to the influence« temperance on a future state.” what apguish,‘bold:‘Spirit might have the ha ils what strifes,|toencounter all the woes of drunk §‘whathatred and variance,:“what wntold|ness.in this life,including that-most/tu ‘sorrow and:crimes,what -bl dghed|awful.ofall ‘hells.endured <on earth,/an >and murder,it has produced !“Butit}which the subject is;in his deange ; -eannot-tell‘all.(No;the historyof:in:}ment,closely pursued day aftersd ‘Its tale of woe has never been.told,—Saved:‘were there a promise for! “sone.of them.’No.,Thé fruits,clus-ings and:miserfes of the poor. »sabering'on.theloyely boughs of the tree ard even in ,this”life are beyon -..)->erkind.Observation ‘then|testifies compated,with ‘sufferings and hor. ise“that total abstinence“from all that.in-|whichniust forever remain ungescribi pent to.us in this:life,abd aivich mus :%ithe ‘thing that should:betsheld ast5”iqe endured! bo motto<:%Touch ‘not,-tast ey Itiis |handle not?”*If go,1 know th en ©bat Aittle of:the effects,’of‘intemper-|will never,have cause th regret’ “@ ance -that we haveseen,Nor.have we}You will never .then ‘hage cai effects‘of |mourn over.a ruined reputation,and), temperance.©Still thereis amethod|lost.character fromintemperance 1 will yoube compelled té mourn in se ‘cret over the ruin of 'a-son or /son “peyerbeen,and thatis:the testimony |whose conscience brandishes.hisswo The receptionof faets:up-ovex your heads and:says <A “on the’evidence of testimony is\#fan-}member your handin the ruin of 4 y ~.damental law of our-nature;to heath”son—I will keep.you mindful: :»“ed upon whenever we are satisfled-that|your.influence he owes his s: :downward course.,You.wer. n>acters:oF ‘credibility.-The ee ‘oy thosé who loved you to comes re &yosition,Vand take a devided standagainst the Spy,the’‘witness now ‘before us,must evil ;but you.would not.Yon stilh “?gorroberate the testimony to which |we.parleyed:‘withthe tempter—yo stil is not drunk-|-kept the:temptation aboutyo =»ADRES.everywhere:alike?Are notits {still in@ulged—your friends s ea+feuitsalways the.same 2’'StilkwheFev-|were in danger,;bitt you said| <>pear @rjit is found,.are not its:pra es,|now say,who waé right?” “AC Re “of Sodom andi welusters,-cl us-|but one’course:6f eafety.citer ys Rot itebistory,ovftsélves or -for:others.s Ifis this Bah are ‘date in,Begboe or Aas.inAfrica|having proved total,aiestinentes ta be “OFAmerica—North or South,’East or fgood thing:“Hold:at Fast."; ae.¢hedroken-hearted and |apecch at Independenes,Kentucky, and Jamentations of |very sever¢’on the disunionists "the.destitute and forsaken!*neal said,in aposttophizing ‘them—t stitution.upon the head of she Sas pican pedple—and 5you offer yourself’! {meas‘themen tobuild up half adc fzen ‘little shanties here,and call thé \*|<j econfliet—no counter testinsony,but|great:governmel bimuade.by the "mostcomplete corroboration:Do a it-|44 ;““Be not cae ne} ‘of flesh eo f scorn With whichthat set:alll i dp ‘a man with rags."Does:intem-|" os “and:the’‘Word.of God it:that,“strong drink is raging 2?Es not:-drunkennes ] fiwoe and sorrow‘and conte -babblings and.woundsofeyes? haye appeal : r “And henee the injunction;hat at.the last’it biteth like:a ser *a:;8 mpass.”Ite¢hibits nds.without canése;~CGO, dp the end,the helplessnessof i ms,like,one.cast upon the deep 53 unayailing damentations “Ol X feltit not savhen:shall I dwake’ deep;and ‘sleep upon:the mast. i _|resulting’from theuse:of {ntoxicating ieee soul-destroying practice .of dynks.“Dut.we:forbear.We.3 yiadd the testimony.of our Jas ness on a point touching whicl th,: ‘him whom:he.has so faith future happiness.»But when fequivodal ‘announcementof ith his own hands.those flames.tha | all never bequenched!|»Thes ia bocasions be8 iption.:But what are they 1 eng > In ope word,Gon in:ea asion my.‘hearers,:srhat 3is.your course? Se t e a o “Hon.achk J:Crittenden,imhis ‘Jat goons break my"equntry inne i Constitutions:-(Applause.)°es Sithem,‘Begone!you.poor,trigkste aE aal efChavles I,the.HL Aoneetthought;the oadevoted-themselves and|‘to ‘the~es of: cesSaadanleey,and the spin-.,.an mee =Ws ourry:contai seve theeny eclaprlAnAlabania!who Temonstrates.‘South ane Bi ‘ber iin the movement;—- thereisa great differencein ieided:The rarietigs ie hé want of.cér nection be-| Al “feo ng “gre “homogenioaus|f t ventof“Lincoln’s8 elee- =Geoxernpr’Moore will ea}a con-ere will.be“h large party Tho’will,under,‘the shal-|f waiting for anevert act. most:abject:submission. tang oe Dawson,gl \d,,perhaps,thoughJohnA.Winston:.14) ‘the strength.okthe Doug- factions,and will also ¢ar-| ‘anda large propor-',ants and tradingpee1be™the!result ‘of the)< o thetonven-~ vay €an ‘tell.he advocates)8)great‘this timemdoubt-|_émgjority,but-wall:they:be’Ethie State on:‘the a ey, é retiwns -o farcas received,’indi- ezelectior of Abraham:Linéols,| Republ %can candidate,to the) the United States a This! -h jus ‘been sinti¢ipated:for#3.uot,in our utementy Saeated ‘Setoeity aul States*will ae ‘Peto x ings,excepted.”sae ’ ;Mn fed with plain substan.|; you jniserab:epeonceited:set!You-tal about palling’down the work thatthe hands of:Wastington,laid the:corner calla.Co stone of;you talk ofpulling down thé 27)nis)of revolutionary patriots—madeby the hands.of Madison,and:MonroeHamilt@,atte all:the-great names'tfigurein¢‘early.and virtuous d ou talk.about:palling it:down and giving eeabetter governmen:Ap plause ),Why gentiemen,--there isin: 7 pot.geser ve to éadisso.ution.But it. sito pursue is,to call of the People of Géorgix} Southern States t0:ida then let all the delegates - central.and ‘conven:a SER:for:coneuls ; -have consulted and de-- sonth uk:eeat no Hoss. ial not.tg.fo sphosl Su ‘ea at hee during - s Etlattimetmare than the alphabet,Fey <* ah at teoular’Deter of not: p four:ours.5"mot be ‘allowed to:cat @ Se“tio honrsof det ‘cup-of|warn©drink,-snch wv k tea of some kind,oF fediby-the fre,or uly” th tiandsantil perfectly dry;« gon the ers_bet i pdyl reakfast yng]ba f. fire:sun-down,unless:in -when they:should not:0 outside the.doors : “OFmipel,arity a3 to eee oY ortance.:= €x compel a child:to st still, with its.”enjoyinent,as, aL eesa “child,”it.is peak heassblyor.sai kindly,and swhien realy | em}y-—no.more,” all sareearrange it so that Soe ate.aorte of un vingness and affection, Hulls Journal Eegr.,spdde ter of Dr.F. the33d yearofber age-"—~ seen =io alesse ot t.Mrs.ANN’JONES,”wife.ofl:6 th.Carolina’s waitingfor Al-|i =f and,Sonth’Siabonie.pee |Bb See its,Sake will be}Ne reckinridge:party)alley e'precipitate:The only-a aa sianititeb caren b“e sent |=2. 1 d ioe not.ing,for.supper a Ses,Without caf,feet a5 oe.exept at siper.er s * njdst2and.dangerous.©Wiad sP is andbe aoe inet bettie,esSecale.the{i ofHeath | snl mold 4 bienah bers petheprofits 6f the a2 ea a Pe eeeOTICE. TAYINGtaken ‘out Roccsal Lanter of‘ministration,on the Estateof Joseph!ao I will ——‘toPublic‘Sale,| in the’Town.of— N HCESDAY,THE.:oeDECEMBER NEXT _|(Gounty'Coartweek ya.largelot of Property,°€ sac of:the “Following:ahe ‘Thorough ;Stallion.‘ +6Fine Tae (St:3ares Van Beate:ie celibate Me:Stock:Gi t eee of:“4 * *: A large Tot’oPcs “ELE,HOGS.&eValboveStocksUbefinesteverofferedat p plic-sale,in:this .State.’BUGGIES;)WAGCONS,-and various Other Aeticles tog!On ; |austo ‘meéntion,.willbe:‘sold. moore aSales oF se WILSON SONES.ze rill A ue 18:0. ieeepiante:iy ioe pricea ‘This aesho = oo =1 s t Ss e tn a ; a Ge y 4 ‘ ™ é i % Se , | Ke ‘wrolinan Rail Roud Caran:itl:meet Phe towb:of malishory.ony Rriday,the %Nopenites next)Coniwon sith mau,who ceca.Bees La hg he ‘SIMON TK NGSeok, .articles.“Because::an exminationeof.thie’Spinal N.C.ss “Seock nnd!Priices,)will convince the,“miost - seceplic,ands lusest lingers,of the tecthy #ae « stare Foo i.mi ;me Or ai OU , be es . ¥) fa wh Re : ns nr s r e r s t e y c e e A G e n t s Se , 8s 4 ‘te the'es itizews et hea nda icon Gyr ties For:past favors}‘hope’bey«‘lose :atheations CF ote ty business,to werit.ac enaitijenna:3 Oetlie ‘e e p e e e t a ! Ry Nirtaielot &Decayi Prat to mé:@ f “tel by:iFeakesPheAlendritks,for.‘certains pur {pores therein ti@ti ondd,:Twill exposé:to’ a, |&ates |ni $ »MES No troab!eae usunl dali , uliti¢Sale at tlie.Coart,House tn:.States-am aa 5 psilie,on Tuesday,*of gs 6 +.et PRANEFORD:"|sg@th |NOVEMBER,=5.19 1245. atl "Sati Ltiry,Nov:=ARO.i :.d 30 “1.30‘5 ¥Ceortytin Tat:ia tite Towneaf Statexvi '$..35°E50 -o huintutysilicaay 4d A Acres,©Said ie is in ‘g43 4290-oe Lehi pavrt of tea docdad has one ag.50 5 30eatsiiesnesesteonsoies83p30. oer ke ay ae eso PEs rely,bet we,the day’of:splens :8 cat £00.~!pia.abs k Ake co 8 f batho,cone Perea.Reet ee ae ¥EB:+eeSe{ia:SE +PRIS._SEMONTON,Trunte i:ty :Ae AMS SSAe Ug De NEE pet it :cba.Soin eke igh we et alg es ee orth ¢ee :=iMicutse WV ORK be Sjalewvile.ee ye TPSGU,os eee ax ‘we we “caps ;Ea pipe Ai pe be oe :=é hes a2 Sic Sees BAP Ss Prt Sot ee m:;North,: Saul BURY,i.eyWL fiuy &Fi ;4 of rie i s B 3 :2 )4 1 *P a U !|¢«;+i y:aa :a 4 A Sane snk ra Te :reyis ;f :3 af ——arri s SNS SUCESSSOR {tox _BUYDEN «SON, a -MANUFACTURERS OF -,Agricultar:al tinnee -CUTNWATORS,pi Bene aS ep eS Ce SIE ee)a aes ANT SHAD viltined:saeplegeei!to;tunyisy tagis my|oT 2 Guaxird now FRONT Sti brs Sd ogee =: %“HALLORIE,S i hdc’Sart urs the’Gible hh pati Cn SOU LD réspectinly invite ie:publi: ext and Oxi mine:thea Stout Before)| BYpeat:ese Wrcene aoeSMrdenssuzigited:ind rsomptly “ALDantsage ibs:‘ oes COK HRANE:&SASEPLE Sey:teniber 215.35) 04 nei erated 4 mt a Oop og Be:ToiilsWe Tools!Tool Atithies Sin §tof the Golde“ny Pad “GOOD supply:‘of Toals consi; Liar:Mili.&Pross-Gut!{per Back:arid:4oMpass:Si: 1 Moulding PRines ssLathtig, q Ardy:HataHrets):Hammers3. =FOR Gis icikeULAR AND eaeanes qo ne ee i::sgers;Gimle has oe ee *ERTIt AIXSAW MALES,je anna Plastering Tramele Screw-Pli Spoke Shaves:niles:Rasps “GORD,inaséRods;3Spirit aud:een SEL vER MINES, es . so ee ne t at en hl a 2 oritig:Ms ichibrats,Ra 0)ieconsidof An sis : 5 handieee i BE E T S Lo r e e : yp e PE R R E T ES OR EE Toreines =4 cA oa oF oe\BRY o s zat hes best caststeel Axes:Picks,3 tt oe $Gu bhine:‘Hoes;Weeding Hoes,”TraceG)Rhos!‘)Wagon Claing,Garden ‘Hoes,Rakes,Ti edie ‘Shears,stone atPacing Knives iteoo th 3 November 16,‘iso,“s er FNRb ASSOCEATION,Pieddlelph ¥Benevelent Anistitation exist tehigdk Bett Special Endowment forthe’Religf ofthe Sick,!“aid:Distressed.atilicted:with sae Hesoaee Diseases.a ADICAKAA DVICE civen = P Metis?Sdreeou,to-all Who:apply tivse:ter,wath adescrig.tou of their condition,(ze,aao¢enpation,hahite oftite.&e.Zand,i cases:.obextreme:poverty,Medicines Sirnishe free“gs -of charzé.:49‘‘VALUABLE RESORTS osort ‘SpermntoreéBeHes.and ‘other‘Wixtases of thie SeXuak Ore?x:Seo setce ths.EW EMEDLS Sere 1 iL iy pedintheDispensary,sent tot atiieted:i bd mote On Sam are:iets x x i ae “0 eve eu ~coca 4 Se eee ‘7 .x ;ie“malegeterence taeoe oeee Ewe PAD-LOCK will be-a od Jar Lae 1s99:2 OL Be f he Bea AEB Se Rca e eke STAG TE i og Regs Oe:Pegs oat getter gs ;Se.=“5 agree Sao oe gage ible ape Kt 'weletind:date 23:B59 S14 ces Mx,CHARLES REDB |RoiTf aU)Cy I Cg ene uighemrg®«Gace “sane Waters ningeeiorGURS,PISTOL ER mide gOS28 410,dace nat rycollected =E hose Miadsighia Page atigidtoa |£93)Gee at pulte mle.Ou.Tuckda of)rae BLETHL Senn of Hhip:Tostatiod|Sean Sih ee ea'Address,DR.J.“SKILLIN-HOUGHTON”PomdcrFiske Powder.Shot Lead:Bréwieh |ot BarentsSBRIS ERC)ST aie TREN DOS Brae Te ey pour EN:apd ahaaiees ePrice ieee ;a ete dant D MoCanSsActingSurgeon:Howard Associatio#is t.:‘and:American:“Window-Glass utty;2 i Fey at axe ei wheaty if Gs ett ant eee >toe ‘,8 f eer ieteig ‘th wtethet.the fendant D.nae:SS Saath Ninth St.Philadctpbia ae‘of English.snd Amesican “Wort iC Motee eceip a ator.;;:ri eRe ee Hanes set COMIOT AMS <a phrtitulars addres’the Princ fhe arid trons‘the limitsof theState, ae ees thee Directors Sibi Steak:'German-stee!.Blisterateel,Ploughsteel |:nates?“ames:Lath CHE:O)Pe kd si Pe TC ok:Soe a LS 3 me ese.iis:forere ordered by.the Court that pt4ieBZRABD.HEARTWEEL,See ame otal)¥kinds;Henip.an Asutmest £0-t Saag die oe ts cir Suber Ab Subacrag Wee]¢wat zaneiFaixcun6,;eh20sReaseebi i LARGE ssc:of tie abo fa6fSprings.Axles,Oval Iron.Hu thé}Rips!Busy:Poles,Buggy.Sliafts,SsPatentand.Enamelled Leath nainelledCloth;oil Carpet.CarriaeRolts Briss,and:Silver Bands,“Silve Mou “4 Laces,ssele Turned-Sticks;.Liging Sy ke kes!/COCHRANE . AEbie Sign of the Gi te Nh ewesKee & pipe INSieeeewill be made“to th ext:3 Sie Legislaturé‘of North Carélina venent |(We MS ee the Act uf Tncorpyratiohofthe:‘Town <if Lavya:~~Foféville.“And also,to amend the:ack i corBytog©Potating the United Buptist Institate,“an2[I ="forother purposes.nov6,1860;50-40"|eae k ‘NWOTICET:we ‘There will be applications mi: natthe:‘Sign ‘ofthe Golden. 34 COCHRANE.&SAnee E: ::gy:ne#t Lezislatute fora new eotinty ta be conA.oh ‘Of portiong of Iredell,Rowan wad (Ca~|—:il i 7)Barrus‘and a’smalll eaten of Mest enberes:"tt ree:1G3%eT ae ‘ or ob this ei 1“felaeaagirl,who hi:ne fortune ta be rich:: “IREDELL.EXPRE Wil enter upon the Fourth -Volume Ue December‘hext.,For three ‘years’awé toiled to makethe.MEXPRESLfestingvvehicléefintelligence‘aid.ers,how well we ed to attr,act -her’“attention,Hut sgho.ceeded Femaitrs ‘for its patron lever heat of apretty zich g faltivery.deeply.in love ‘poor-p‘ter?©:Despairing..he started.for en.Hornia—th at land of refuge for oke 'fortnnes and wounded:‘hear This ed our patroba!with its sunny? ne ige 2 cisto was 4 ‘village,*‘and wanted print-;.Jters morethan at present.‘Phe be_Aacey eres man'there}and),em barking ‘i the printing”business,soothe:proprietor of ah es ;ment from which ‘Sprang,in dine bit .b¥reneweddiligence our Mime,a week)y -paper,'ere long-torb“followed bya daily.”His.journal:an |phis:fortunes flourished.erean: <he returntd to.New Vork’with the avowed purpose of buyin)-Sik-¢lander.press,but,withaes uns Pag i é of locking b ovely “form.ite hisnew goldench: for hitman ‘hop eeeoe oy.wedded and:the.mother.oftss ad iiverded to Calvorsin = not atwiser-man.“Years prograndheprospered.Oné day,a.1a visited his:¢litorialyroomsto,‘day her’ i \2 a Expres ’ iregularin its appearance éuc“hr weeks ang ee :ave Tell short-of our daties:"wag inthe year:(1850,when San Fran;Thatwe hgout aie ee truthfalto er +Pin the main,«we,have.fulfilledromisedihy,ng.ih our first iisane,‘three: dio.Havinggrown.older in yedre 10 Our ophilixophy by exper i€H“moresnécesstul:in passuing'the'€eur-Way in future,audindulzest ishap entertaining Journ:alsuchfeeevisitorto-every J ey ote t vebiae nit ‘appear each.week inLS.ee Pec Attacliel tol our -establiehment has,been enished,recently,with new Materiaacompletenessissecond,to none imssterturningout-any description:of PasYeinepriceOfthePaperashéretofemodestcontribution.on his,‘tablein,‘cain eee hopes of getting some Y¥ehundtatio1forit.Her story was.told.briefly-her husband tad come.to niend Jus for >ded end:shewas left very Sone)wi{her two:children to eeThe wi alewortati cera taaa :butoras waived away.|Setan the ; Story,the lady was“hisear.he;arried her,sold;o - pe LF Epa sspthat hes13 ‘extens jelyinche,ieeeeoof: sclf “witli ll ‘the Jaté improy >Tishmel t,returned-to New York,and tines esTht —arreTapeeinents/-is now enjoying as much’fclivity.ontheseaeasitfallstolthe1:m|hanks.of the Elotoffewprinters.even to:conceive, a een erpt"Maxure—How Applied, “Thies:are.a diversity of opinion’work seal ato be ‘stirpassed;‘and Se Gat oe seespas it cou}ta ordekin zy themselves 3 Heis de Seoljaite:f:Calli at the Agu of ‘thes‘entertainedin regard to the best,aodet.Flaz.Salisbury,N.Cc.of applying atable manureTheearlywritersinthiscouamongthemJudgeBuell,the:DeadentsateneaeCultivator,laiméd that}‘the:only proper mode of applyi=e was to-spread it upon;the surfaceploughitunder’immédiately,’“that =volatile portions’inig!lostin.the:atmosphere,butbeatdne-absorbed by the soiJ.-.They-alap,coh ~tended that manure in ittlong 6ér jn~fermented state wis best;an fshéuld oe 4°beapplied and ploughed under for+eropsduring thé cultivation andgrowt *of whichit-would become decomposed oe+ _-y and reducéd to the,best ondition.”iintthesoilforthe.‘Succeeding grain crups.5«So fearful’were these farniers ‘(ofthe BA eXripe : oldschool)that the manure:would SuSap ch Moho .tain loss by:;the escape of,‘atk fnoniathat,they would hail’it out only so:-fast a8 it could be spread ami“gdander onthe same dayYookied:very:wellin theory/4+for adong:time,followed'iit in.practi Later experjegee,however, *.chemists and most observing.has clearly demonstrated tha aordinarytemperaturesvery $pees oi be:a Di rters EW,hatesule Dealers iCOACHTRIM oe>BalingeG ple Chi eeene rer ER-BRIENDS WILL FIND 1N ouTt ; ot mika thy #hing:‘Bur.stick by frequentartiv: °monia iygiven:off by manure “wl ~spread upon the.surface.—Flicse obn_servations havé also’provedthet .apa nare in a-fine,well-rotted stateis'b’that Yetomposition must have so’fa -advanced that~the ‘subgta e “.maaure will readily be ¢given::ldtion with each.returning:§ 7 the roots:of thegrow ing.ooh +See aa .ert:EonsWwW nien he!abu! Os,othe end.‘of!2:_reed=abo: -org:and’insért it in a .deepas the arm will reaé “dow:the wet Sandefirinly “1 eAppyitisth mouth |it¢the othe.reed,they,form,a viteduiin-inthe!aie 7 Aue to which tharkict,one of ouifirme pitys”ness ‘tors the:pes !? 3 3 sth chatome rg callsorders cominre to,‘our’ ;teniled to Py one Of oar:eeu’ua Pe ison,aul of practical baisinest werawanemefe ine:Trucks Touts:A) .Crabrcltiia,Castings; fee zp AxK:Clipe Secs racket Botte, os,oe:ces.Top Toads.”Sere wee he P Tysi f <4 Caniee,Sadlcns?while es lil Yair,Eki4MorSe.BEurkeiBreccia:Fs of Ch vs aft Coa Sui Sd eri tb Bits.Tru:ae :i te Pads Plates >heodr i 1ianrwkinds wianGee“eur custuition=fr Casi tanads of Ene"grass:beneath,in Ww.hich the:Wat er Ro ole sist cand E OPone'ooti Medeets,and in wshort tiue rises:to the eo-month.4 Tt wil Be poreeared that vhisi.”7 Sap,bt truly ‘p ailosephical andé,feetual:-method,might have been:eyJammanycasessinAitferent<toan-“tries,where avater tens grog to-the saving:of life.’LithSeer~fal?that “it Should beya‘rade!know.h to’theworId:‘atvidshguldhatebeenhabieuctit!wactic:aay a\friva,prob:bly for.bitestos.sftseemsworthyofVeingp:)Mieed,that.it?may“no “lo :‘cross the Rio Grande with the.largsist:‘Cnantetae aa *7 nsandyouneednot‘besurprised to Jeari ae ;lected frorykinorance dt cy important‘to travelers: “tern deserts:and|prairies:nlsofwhichwaterisneslowthesurface.. pee:a Gen,HoustosaadHs esti as!Soc under a on -Aiicalties effectings their”Tang.which ‘Hepaddes.nee Gen.Tfohston,ah Ss:"Bickley and myselfvhad™2°ae:a3 Salta morning,not only assured:=mised:the people of Sanstweek,in a pablic ‘sfBe‘shoul again take.the field §possible’,force of:Téexians;2and-ot er *Gia xoluateers,if Spain,made xhostile de-4aponstration against Vara Cruz. certainly assumiug «critica} |at any time within the next ;swarmjng ‘on:both banks of:th-Sande,straggling “f'which furnishes the only outleinstigationoftheSouth &.4 ts ms ‘é AR.~“sfairs ov thé Borders iin this.Slate,in: “Mexicoand throughout ‘theSouth,aie Ly arSe By eaehse:mectived oe viet une ‘Of COOXIG S saltab!e foe 4?OF other,Lsarae!Ormis Dioe seni Par} =eS ESC Teenfis Lanteris Weddes-ware,!‘ pistes de ae arA <n it HOUSE AND lor FOR'Spe.ea thre WWstern,edeSOFandoutsidethe:“tlietefose nob,‘sul ject:rytAN.The Tot.;half in cult vation;halt in woods,mali ‘tame!Dwelling.The:ersanit?v Mechanic or:ether ‘PordeHH.RENN fs »Editors ofthis Faved:Rigiateebties:fetid coe oN, ieMACKENZIE’SON’ Se ae ee—-he_Ausedt.53> Deeioneses Ga ‘.Self nn -, ees 62.7% Bi 4 73 3 ie 24AaTey7735101.‘12. 7438 ge*.9]82)93.2435"2839583031 Eee SRS oo Siete siVAReae4usa EsteseeeaR’VES RA’6G &910 TL ISIS 14 15;5H 1G ka:18't9 20 2822rose526.272829 $it 30R .a”ee a Risto,NELLY ON “HAND aan sdetail,afall-atid Song Ee Rech io ead ae gad JapFi | AME LED SAV=JARS,-CHLES ARO.or ee PSERVING:;JARS, p aafeckesping of.frgitsaad vegeyeoprstil]‘sd pply,of ySinperter.‘Cooking Stoves,, Ones of other kinds.which wral “he? Y rnin 1 ating terms.beet G.,sue Ly;pom. 4 Sea Pekin ns vot RD-ASS@GL APEC WN,PY,:aepin.Ne eae meat established by i LichotseesSigh : Tetut = nb ASSOCT ATION gman litechased enn.aimmanen,“maadl thie.”wpon-the nbigcfusite victims feuds +acer Seanvajo diyrcted their,Coir2navtalleserewartyoftheirnanje, for thr treatment of this class.of alin. fur =a,abidesgive,Medical Ade shel tt Mediply:by letter,with ad“criptioa oftheir eyp- tag Succupation.habits afte,£¢.)aid ie east ef. eae Pereich:eee:a wfChvege— ‘tondd thet the Association:cosumandsskilloftheayaveilAienishthemeit-oe 4moder‘treatment.- Chore of the Ansocintionssn,their:Annuhl Report ~ tretuat nt of Sexual Diseweenex prone the bighext‘th?dmccins :an uyhrenClot.Stylo fie On eice ofOamalaaeGrGhet.S FS vice of me.“AD Rixcawsof the Kiln vxandBlade ©.Kot mad [ Foutyrieung of tive stars plan tor'the «nauing Fear. ;“On ageview of the pats feelassared.whit. phere of benivoltnd offort have been Arete Sit the adiicted.:cayprccintiy to the”Junog.6 Aitened todewote PhenFen,with rchewed Nimtpostant nnd apie h dagpised ciuise,-/Tepprt ofSphiydbrtheea,or:Se:fitinal ciofOnanitan,Masturbation,of Self-A:" et ‘of theSy.aul carpages bytheCon;ig WY TTApbewert 4 raat {n'a sealed eovel- WrweCeipt ul Tien.Sig ps Sor postage,Tactspn the fitnee:divk freatment pf &c,.are:comgantly,Sein pubhahettiotwudWei)be-weht to the amtiowd.”“sand smcthetlsof Srentaayut in eeeSheInstyear,Srealgreet valee,ETeper!of treatment.DK.;ite Burgown:Heewoiet Ass St Kidladel plata Hy"E Dircelors,,*”Sal ¥RAD:Tear cli pace ss “aD,f.Oe ant oy Seerelary vs coseriber takee pleagurgin ARnoMitehfreends,and te pal 1¢xeacrally,‘tiken thisforiz-cstablisled Fre)Ot.Yotel;andies waderery ato.accommodate the busipess;:misiting portions-of :thea Mig ‘Ratisfactory mahper,rope :i@ay sttchtion js reid :lads -pecmins 1 "FA BLE: ‘Bes consfurk,is “posted in :je1 "mami ant:to:all de, ;ed et i it entforan 4a.thetline tooo ; fr.o on PUBLISHED WEEKLY,|5 oeee om 3 we EUGENE 2.EAKE 4 ann, oi Sao oA La rs %op 2a;ory >t Vie >PS eas eo vai Wine aN x =st:aie =4 Ss hy r Dean ==!oi 4 A i y =Z St 7 a ue pee de HR eice me 3 ee ;é ‘ees es ee %t ee ff :1 :i ;é ‘te ye KO fai '\0;10809 + :TERMS oF THE PEE -‘-.2 ‘>=f bate a .PR ie rate<i ;vg Po he mE Se 7 BUSINESS C ‘RD ,k ‘i Ey:EN id -®is ;as ;¢=!.a 5 ‘Ch .y \) egg ;at “Selected? me 2 :;\Eke M envoeywid Enind Louise,Infantof se pike NY .Shee Ait {fe 2 Pena”Mary Coman.tes ys Pew x pest @ualirooige beer}cache Puctas keyspat:=:--}Audidashedit‘out.'.There sras a tlyt of rose: oH 4S taken Rooms.in:the:Simoahow“Hanise*,°c eseee ten toys«a,where,hie.will*he’pleased to:wait on’all who);Meenanone9 ree srtens SeesMeeakpairs:Therespake-a.wishful“‘tonderness—a doubt “y*algsi 3 his.Services.eRe ag mri;ty 1 whither 06 ezieeiarsirep,which imiygence» #a ee “Da TE KELLY.ee me ne ae‘Wielxrathioas haste,he hound:4 :s hisopr feseioial ‘ervices to the public:|<Nene Rsarinacstttiekr cortainiig lay ;71 he :ket Shp ee::d ;;;Cte gh i By ok :.,:“fer vis pt °sph °4 Forever,There had been «marinuring sound,He :/ae Ke i oe 1a 8 :they :i ly enough Y Pits}Syl Sag ysl F “at softhecity,ca Oice von»College Avenue,-opposites “the.|1,With Wwhich the babe wouldclisiniita mother'sear,uchist ::;BREN 1 Ee Ceara ete tia gy mse yeaa Ne af cabtared sive.vie ie ;.Shee “Statesville,N EC.b-?Channingherevento tears,Bhe spoiler:Beit ete ted i Shon Se ait so MR eo ieee tee ,bai ::SOF Ra mee aie OXUPLSIV Qe VIC:: ;_=aw 7h Mihi heal of silence,:Bat ‘there.eamed asmrilé Py 5 cs :"OR E L-WITHERSPOON fir “So fixedand bol i n-that ‘marble brow,—s JAVING loedted artsueyoe jae the Te ‘eea : Paylorsville,J Oa TOR Pm fegsi .Lice to the surranndine.public. ee a a ee TW THE RSPOONNiLpJannary26,ee =ee AYNE DAVIS.znpaneATTORNEEY:17 LAW, ee es 0 3 STAPESWILLE,N.€,‘ a ~i St “AY:HH speomipely “and dine dite aitene te itp i 7 ie :3 ae :ay =:.::aoe :ae : b SGM capsitetin al oe :(fe ‘;Bilton.eevee s :agente es ian ae ra eka :quently,¢very.:yes of ey is pee a"rey ice oppeskte the Sail.hey ‘4 :3 :.at Ps,Ms i o a *s,ae iS mi thesie 7 WM.©.LORD,fe = :eed ‘attorney at - 7 Salisbury,aw ”tionsain5 Rox aN Seaviv.Tred Ne “_be Court ws.“Office inthe. *:a <Buildin Denote)the Dale Store. |dune we “AU, naa Geeorecers |AND RETAIL 2 eS Ee INS ec tled - +. 4 ¥Sow indow Cina ¥arnish . {ae 2 iy &EY&E..KO.'S ‘Saispu my,N.C en e FS aeeby, JAS.We DRAKEY _COMMISSION.MERCHANT og _4 Nu Ps Ot Is “SERENG,: ‘“ei Cee OTH ELE”4 a,As F aa tf : Beeok ABLE DR a ;WA KE RS i Bree Matesviic, 2 Receive <Aniesic ah 1 alte Meee toni es 5.SHELLY, Wess ae MANUBRACTURER YE.t aeReoeyoke Oe ea tela t et eet po::esa ee mm hts a)CES ’ee f 4 2S Saree RS ac se “ait 3 LADLESt fiLees MG ;i ;on i ‘3 i i ,ABaw ane ;{at bf =<i et:1 pom ,i gan to cngjonas fihe I; “goors&6GAITER i sy,ae!é |:a ap,ensily et exis.PDO)lost a.nid sthother ao+ani ib.pdolanr gedaoe.“Per ASVILDEN.Gs |Milbeab,wegales |ecltonp ::marie She|ecreaG eGgie (ames “morela mae pia tists |Al Sh Sane)got BaeWhitkeslidIciwholeale|Praallaitis)BY notratRin Aes :rod cobiets (Utd,Ou Tanker (Gs 9t least Bee fa cay the shiaplofoll masters foehe!tps|edbinds,and redbsoassnayOfer.for ices by the yea prompt!n!:3 is tke a ss !AAS.é :hh ;a -art!haves attos se 4 :Migehtcrot|Vege ey tae ae a ‘So Johnny,ip spite-ofall tha“Bnagst ‘Apoties .AG pred ehh)anne be cea gua gees e gurendi A ia Yernealem |eae!ay CHAT :LOETE,;aie 5 %f thot:i |BATES,CHEEiGALS,{>2°WINDOW GLASS... +a tyne WE WHOLESALE! Y=See heertsconterat i another ple nS iusst Ay 1Sf0.. *}a yi Hh a Ol 7 re aX -ss *cs {a re -:Pani fiat ah :ie)IE 4 i 2 x ¢:m ;‘ay ee e g -y :u \*i a2 Sieg HENS ZRSON &‘ENNIS,a a ass Hon eh nae COTES.geese i 5:aS en ye mt ree Sane a Ofatl eg,;ddr.sate’!Eoghool,and,ieee es eae ,_>Wholesale and Retail!esis im Wve i S(T yee be ae :anney «cl he no ves:4 dem ie Ae Sword eee jig:the astasion.to:ute.would -ha ve “been,=e + ce DRUGS oe RIA WL|MEDICINESios , “And €wenseaial “Paiuta:Colors,Varnishes,eedowGiRutty,Dye.Stufis,&¢ ang whhiker’‘iy Gi, Eick.i 6 iNOUaRey i ce f Bite oe Sf:ie s <vosgust iw Bik of best!7 cometh ee G AY DEN SE EDS:Sane awabenments OF:Bey 9 evening SE {CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS.4);s GB oP thea bratheishior He HOS |SAGs fy dermanchilee yells:thevicharce iv ee eat)itt sera sae sweeter.to.Jour” ee=b Be shat Be ia Se ets ets‘a pihaine on (tise &cad ‘:};Lthedar ‘i sat Wa f ‘oitress.::When’fini sc,ne “thoes :e ‘.God and gy PRC NAF UE POSES7 c yeti cS:igs ca :j p j :ai mi ead et a0 mee Ret , Ae FINE “hic‘SRS.TOBACCO,set eee :et aie Bis glare ara beators SALISBE nein N.C, rahe a Meypa ote fatth:ata: Je IRSA #we :Faitieh,apocts speak of Uns season pores 2p serhtes eemaclancholy strains, idi a l e c t * 3 ‘ ot a ue s om e .A ot.Pee :“f mp}.i f ‘}aa ae ‘°:i rast.Cee ARLOT jo Wordsworth,a pie it as ge =‘ae:he:(THES ONCE DLOTE 9,by :hipaa hte :Sprig il sq ccs BS sa eee ee FG)aie ete Bs bg ‘r and.Shengtone white a rita SOASOy ¢part v :;them suri Sri pens :5 eee a a fe ue ee ee sixty-size ; :i pe “MDLN URANCE dye :“a aepent ewitinam?satcheve!i j He pe i ‘;qi er by 4a nth the te ¥a y Fro s ::4 sitio:hen a 3 nine |million ssix:aae-Of Charlotte,=|...monroietmum ae TOT Signy kistes)ie:foreliéad.aud lbeyes.«The ig aCe Se a iid cece ee eee and tip Gree ho e aa a aM Ne wil.receite.Reid forward©‘Ap ficsations.rt (Wien ieersid p08 Bre aie a ‘ri oi to,‘tea BC :Sahay gg ?rial Anh ¢‘UTE mes ct. :ware ~Amsurance against ss aud:Leawrts aenamiag eee |ie i a Foe Ae pe yee.|en ee ON Gd ke Ns:ae ;:een Kae \mihana dbo.patra 0 pat .Damage by Fire,on “the pPneiples ‘Further.quotations of thegame cha icfer.oy Be Mark es eck ics ns Hh eras on Sais pr phic es <:million Oyo hit “for ‘the Company.‘ ee r he Company-is doiuz 4 peskperous:‘business,ro 82,No eall has ever Fer been.mide:for a ins| 3i-—stabhent on 2 son Ss h briyve thousand pne Or ep escat Chiaueer,Spene F ;“stay ecg cd hie tea has gat SRE ST E :king Sedlp:,ea¢ben Be mae H .ior eee spi eysixt Let rif’-*.eeSect giwetaes.re2o..J2 We WOODWARD |:<42 TJS still at his OR Staud,on Broad street.few doors:East!of.the aie Suuare,.‘wheresheiis prepared i ‘and ‘such:‘expressions as Mea)ce a Waite?and i=Cove boss AP :aed a: Rage ie ate ah 9s Ate pa i nh js ier .4 tek Nae :Ee hee srs 5 ‘Fine Bore ;ee ca aod sixty-eight ~ «Best intone =oon s¢Ww the t eS a:Tit ahs CREE 2 ix ee ant one huhdred and thirty,dollsBoDoAllKindsPgWorkaa0feaetneae“en.is i then were sixty-nine.ee *forkwerly dgneé -at’the.Establishments ~Dis‘one!would-be:justifiable ia i f Bie %Y RTs 1S as!2 ‘Bee :;ty-one.t BeAllRepstiringdone’on short adtiee,anil in that9thereyhad beena great change.pabbscutihetunarsballioer,Methioks ho t ards th atanae 2 a “3 portatht ds ast 7 #-Band Reve epirverye -six dia 3 a workmanlike manner.Luterest eee cee of,ibings since‘te a of ghapenasaflerTet:January,. umdre apa a.Fee&ooo eat a mee ss taegene awh te oe Ree es :Bo eix tye aux x six hu redand eigh- thea es Sod ;WEEPEBIAC fake nee ete i Fis exch ngings thoughtsiand my YE Se:heen struck hy arro ng oe eapobly 7?3 ek sits era se 3 1 ae eek a oe |“koe 4 of informingall requiring Literaryaid “the!first to:Pi ‘ass see at last :mh 3 ;t ;:§7 :’QP:bat Autumn w::“tha I will be Beased to revise MSS,and Pre:|melancholy.seagon,and nowthere:4 Ba it for publieation,-and.wilt write Bskays,y i ;;¥~_»-*Bales,Sketches,Lines for ‘Albums,See f Phglist poets,who-are able:to s t .a :.Fes,poems on:every subject,arg Letters preciate ‘beauties iin Jandgenpe,to'w “now z .renty!ae “The utmost eres Se .Ales frefathers!We re leans 1G!:Thera a | *;ou x ‘t be en"44,|Aug.3,PR6O>39;tf.°Brooklyn,X.¥-"coliAaieriedia,oni 12 Sia 7eSWeeeeconyerStotAas“geeins alwats ste have wortai che a z eatsSEANES 3FOR SALE HERE:~shes:rer in.one:eg his pene peaks. *Biom the Fayetteville Qhyerver”.xo 4““powerf Wig Sheard “The.Chat a j{ennese of the 8d.published the. 4.J “following communication,inviting,the : FA*embers.of the Legivlature to ‘peruse| “+ip with:-eare,as ‘a ¥ell-“coli:‘dere . articls;and adding,—ie is F|..'“The ‘counsels.and suggestions ;‘“eontains are most wholesome and tir gra ly.Were we at liberty to announce. ee ti “the name '6f the Writer théauthorst >S|would give additional fotce to’¢ re _Samely’and admirable advice‘and ¢ er 8 ~,SIQB.-But*the article stapidag pon. Be own merits.It cis sufficient to ‘hat it emanates:from.one of the cle jest and most-cultured.minds iiy Sab t a |Carola.”=Bhs a ~It is evident that the artieie iis’‘from ee eS a disunionist,and we think.it®robs es |dle from “Cal.Memaiinger,who"a8" Bis -delegated to Virginia last yearto treat | “e fors united disunion movement in con- Ee eee ‘Brown invaston.| .readérs toars ite—‘cons: et rn ee Rare:5 Bela There's agrave ta=k sepo©+":Fejeiyourduty to see ih.your coming) AS i —_——“that.theState.rece men}6 5oe feiss:Your can-tituent’have! =A bngen beets deliberate,Theyiex-| ts no pledge:‘They rely uponyour.;-i.and honesty.7 Seg oiit uk“the Iss willibgon that account to, S|einegud comeider.the suggestions:of Bist se:|these who.aré,liké yourselves,solicit oe |ons for the public safety.us assume that.the-‘Southiens fz >+ee rE which to vindicate‘aga ‘protect their Pree |1 —ty:wie shail,that planbe?:Be!Is the course thus fereed upon them*by the NorthernSixties,by words aid!sou Ee *acta,the States agerieved.may:be!oaci_eompelied toto disseive the.ties.“that‘now unite thecduntry.If they‘ceasrVato|to beonepeople.with ‘the.North,they| e {_Saay fefuse to continue akews gox-}Ae ‘abioo@enment.‘The South may iged|.“:3+to.goover theground which theirfbx) B be ar Bense ‘even from South 'Carp-shall prove t :Ena aayot!Be hat we desir. ‘what’tates or.how manyStates ghoul |judgment and:honesty:to’determine.| |to destroy wt.Hasty:an: Hbout further preface we.—(as.reser i dils,im those;above.all,which ma lied to revelation,we-canno}value too.) b ea es _Besieswikadopssane mode ofredress ’ E Tomachiy,|atstall deparures:are made ‘front|true principles’that underlie the| (By a ‘contrary.course ¥e.rathof our ‘assevet Ye ‘point only to-our own his- the:text-book ‘of American olution,as your only safe and tain guide.We say nothing As,to nite their councils;:‘that is for you ‘in:view.of out:‘Revolutionary.ex- and the duties.of those who starhe unquestionably:true: ehgult ence singly.n- oulel preceste:their action;th Aonorable \effuris to.reform ang ore the:purity of the ‘present Un, ton:om a.safe basis before they proeeeidimpatien |advisers are bad advisers.“Even the’ virtues of ardent:and irregular minds, igapracticuble yin;temperament,dog- matic in understanding,‘are coptots sourees of calamitous -counselb.Let} ve bold:celerity for’taction : whenever it gomes.But in our coun~ haulsmor prictice,too carefullythpreseptwhich.taghes us’to’make tisstetslow!Oye 5a" eh Piet ae ‘FESTINA LENTE. Gant tau have’gendered the panewhiehhis.veBsel thas drifted uncertheprudent’sseamian avails.himself.;any.oppurtunity **to 'take an obserya: less.importantis.it,in the mids nthe.lund;for:each elector to coparehis“present position|with well Jone:‘ole ; founda sion “droused,‘the:fearless and $of.Geeiotes proposin 7tose hat ongress so farmed should exhaust. tion and Fearn his real bearfngs.Not| political storm that:now sweeps:EA nown.bad nse in;order:to:sée}'; ation of pucernment,When pas-/ ee ets trod before them!to resort 10TRE anit:annunciation ofeven an;indefen“>++»Saume mode'of redress:What was thitt|sibleardmost dangerots’doctrine,of.pee *pide?2.It4vasone,we know of great|i ten:pabses.with the’multitude the ablest statesmen pf Europe.»:The?SL =of the Colonies were’resolute,’Spat ‘€alm:atiddeliberate.«They’ap:P *.preqated fully thé diffiealty and,de’ ‘>-eaey.of thejtask,imposed,upon thet.)oi -;,They‘daid’theirplans,sluwlx,énutious-| { ot ie their’‘course.eee ‘Passing over their poclierases com-ae ah Baise ‘and.remonstranees,»we apt oe the'calling together ofthe Con-ress at Philndelpbia in 1774,as‘the’ —.’\erfean’Colonies,in ‘the assertion of.2 their liberties.They-begar?i by ynit=‘°°“ng their councils.,No Colonyseced-o ‘ed alone.They formed.a Congreforjoint‘Geliberation and action.The}_Seagemse!formed assembledin‘‘Sep:W774.Fhey did not begit by dissal-‘ingthe Union;‘they adopted.2de:‘¢larution of rights ;they is§ued«sad ‘ Bi ze --wisdem.-It received'the applaassof ‘the.ae ponrgent)ip ene to” "dy,with deep sagucity.Set us ‘traceai |a::t systematic proceeding of the’Aim? jand te prompt thesuspicious to.mea i grantit approv al without the sligt est exainination.aisiSomethjng’of‘this.is.witnesse: Te oe rind1 Bscoaeeexenwiewofthedangers,now real,tha compass the nation.‘Lhe thrests'erenroachmentypontherightsofamin-oritysection vf,the ‘Enion,uttered: ith the parnesiness of a wild fanati cism;)‘arewellcatculated to’arouse’thimostslugemshrandtrustfultoanxigty sures,of defence,-‘Prosperity:beyon example,inerease ih power and wealt‘Bey oud,parallel,success in every.de tulent:oft individual and publiclifeutFentlers he most.neticealleand6 “dreSaes to’the people of the United:Re “Feaonies:to those of Canada and Great“=,“Britain;they petitioned the King’ they adopted resolutions to iport.Ngoods:from Great Britain or’Ireland,"-gnd*to export none to,those dountries;|+“they:prepared arms;they-forined'or'recomended associations;they still de-~Tayed;they.knew that.in reforming|:..}abuses the jast step is to dissolve’the».‘Government;they were ‘firm,butipa-ash eemer*Boston wrs occupied.by’the2’British army!~Thebattle of Bunket's"|.<Hill was fought...The victory of Fortririewasachiéved.~Still théres,fe +olute,moderate atriots of-Congress“aah kept 0 the.door of.‘conciliation. lea beanPes.vloom.;: Ang casting Berd foie i poitit.of fom the poe “d sto:‘peelsg aren wid:a:anger we are ‘wld “quielty to ry thdraw:fromit.To.overthrow.thpoweroftheNorthwelareadvised-to Secede peacefully from the Union’and,quietly,without.féar-of molestatiofromWithout;to set up for-ourselve ENO:‘one.dreams the.Northwill consentHosuch’an.act.:°°Eat ‘were ‘possible,what obs t “advigeof:peaceful;secession into|The-Suréender ofall thecommon’pr rperty of the States that:comprise the: }Enion;jthe-abangonment ofa joint i happy.inspiration,and ‘they aye reads ‘nieudatnee nn Shee ptopertice:theeae feverr.body put tiso-many formie er's Cherry Pectoral;«fe - Aron me BAPID cong OF.(039 2-75)Beer)ss pee ponsui And:for eptember,17,to July,1776,(terest:in thé publie treasury,the navy.te rca:made every effort that.was—hon-}the,Hational storé-houses,the arsenaltopreservethe en hesitated to abolish| Inion.Bhey and ‘nidnufactories of firms,and mu -midst of battles,sieges,‘and ‘fraquent.°L.Bloodshed.Trwas at the end onlyof}S —two years,when —.appeal}©‘the-justice,friendship,andinterest|of England had been ‘made in xain,,Pp..that Congress.severed the bonds:that’*"anited,the.a to:the’Mother:i ‘Coantry-was no boyish’=ae a haath.ne teaamaiegintothemireofrevolution:dence on-some con:::eeupiter to assist them in get- ->4 Bing outof it;The leaders of Ameri-:-_+‘e@ wete.statesmen—calm,firm,mode-|4 *yates ‘Lbey took care to securé and--establish a new Unionbefore they diss:-+2 .~golved the old.Theystrore tospre-*.-*serve the oldby every fairvand,pecper. So 5 e@fort-: Be i ,‘you ean,devise any better mod aie eS _proceeding in the emergency “thatBe.sar—our Counsels?If you cannot,=+then:adopt the one ‘prepared!to your ae >hands.-Non propose to follow:the-expmples of itheBe porckiics:.follow | «history,‘of the fathers:whom Fou Bo.much respect and whose sagacity.and7aaneyouprofesstoemulate.ListeneondTabi‘enthusiasm;ho chimerical: Ee ie rojects of feverish.iinpatience:';Ez.)ae ee ee the courage.of your'-ancestors,: |speetby deliberate proceedings.“We".~lowe ‘them:not only to.the teachers Ftolerable.of allipossible.submission.— We ask you,-gentlemen,”whetlicr'|of|) 3 them faithfally..Do not GeregardothePoeunWabhcose:of your own} ‘even in the|tions of war,and the entire pubsic di‘inain outside‘of organized States, ‘ah casentiat elemént.-of such a sece ‘troversy bétweensthe free and slay “sections of:the!Republicis,.:thén’be given.up in ‘orderta.escape the po:‘sible!evils that continuance’in the Un ign may ripen...Thisis:the-most i It isia:base surreniler,.when holding appearance of the'enemy.+ToescathepossiblecreationoffreeStatescall‘the uigecuptédterritory of. ‘United States,weare to abandon itto.the.quiet:possession -of'freedom—give ‘upall-right:eyen te vote,and'remonstrate;and>act to prevent:sath-}eonsummation..-Bat it is-said that after seceding :we‘ili-call for.a division of the joint.pro-erty.But whatpowershall arbi ‘theUnion which could fot begated.in it2 No one dreams:of 4u ck “twhose lessons we have.been learning, -+>*ghe North and West.*We shallweak:' ae ace aeenemies “but to the world’s judgment,and.tol foeseethe|mpathy of alarae-portion of!fy}:7 enok:hands of our friends:byhasty,j fron ben :we will assert our."pies our swords,gay the peaceful secessioAb,bur:‘this is no longer:peac war,revolution;an ‘appeiplomacy,of the Cabine fromthe:di sions:The.ery.object of all the con:th an almost gapregnable position,op the, |ok ied bree 43areapPyithe918 ‘all ‘gre wcrohia-ijeare-invaded by this “lurk.9HtheirNealthis‘indgrmined.[23beeat‘from the.symiem we. an alterative eaeeby\healthy:food.|. ante a wars<0 eta eee =soaittise me Skin -]Sten:St.“Anthony's ShsErvsipelas,Pimples,Pastuler,”4 ~Boils,Tamora,’Beriegh 2 O:Id:Head,“Rin =Syphilitic and-Mereurial Dis.)Deaton ee und,ae:Stet ee plist its)arisi Vitiated a a 7 ' :The;po:alae beliefin-Sa ce i dod"8:Steeda 3 in’trath,Boe 34°54 Bd i al artic,Pills,on t RPOSESOFAFAmiLy PHYSIC;ae ahat ease Withintherange >”withstand-or evade Ow wn with pain or phy ~i‘shed to find hig health ©..." a.ready:at “Once +o i nye gheevery-day.com-Sen dingerous diccares.The ageabo diodisplegsedtoturnish-RrAtil meiningcergificatesOff:tor their use in the:Costiveness,WHeartw.3!5 ng.froin ‘digordered.ighndipestion:Painin and || he Bowes,Flatulency,.dice aad otber kind its;Arixtng “from a:lary.state of 3,17,:iObstruction:ofite fanctions,>):a f s as,Infucnzd,Hoar-‘Croup,Bronchitis,in- eee ree Paes ee ire,oe obeervation,.<-\\g Ble. e irties are known,‘the public 40+Bee TE eaitate what ‘antidoteao:employ-i any bs ing and “abingerons affections.ck (es Rte ,Orane that are Sensis |ty ae f,“his.chas ‘giiaed frierda-by itFredhenefiteontheafficted© i ington:D:BB Canker:“ he by:MaivlandsSieven= Charleston,U.McLinn,Wilmivg->-,s 108 See eee:matte sot ice:KS,WOLLD.RESPECT.'fally inform the:CitizensofthesheetedCrsae 3 ry 2Hesolicits2:share of. aesfom the arts ofF diplomacy ‘oute,\,But'take care ‘topreserve:algo”tee ‘: Bret wisdom and pridence.eee-.°ty "We can fotfeit‘nothing of sclf:res-| jluntary justice of adakee,-strqng army i of.our people are looking.and upon “wh a TIUENE 3.SHAKE &SN .LEDITORS 4ND PROPRIETORS.|‘hejevé:thin,who sil!view the subject a ~s FRIDat, STav LE, ;eu Terms.«. 1E ™IREDELL EXPRESS”iaprublishad:ae nthe flowingTrxxs,from wWatich there will be no:deviatt«,hers therefore will goxern themnaeh a ae_Lona:oGe year.if psht Yaadvance,‘ae deapaidwithin3months,::Uf pak’within 6mee SIfuatpaid:till:the end of the oc os3 ‘. ;f Some the:aeths oF;the wealth’,oe negate neary hes we.Sates.sina amounts ‘£EORS to keep:aheir:faniiliew upon a pittatopay,we are ‘under,the heceskity:“of,of bread.-asking .our patrons who stand indebe-; ed ‘tothe Office,to ¢all and?sectele:bee “tween this and.Christmas.:Béurt-week: aa:be convénient time.for man.‘of;then to respond.We thay pla eddnumberofaccounts,of long’stantTn’“the.hands of our Agent,W...T.WwWATTs,(Deputy Sheriff,)he wilh:alt! .oa the parties,who ‘will oblige.Us by:theSouth..Heainaktngpaymen‘to him. ferent atm~ex:Stand by the ‘Union."Ns fee contendec,anil hell:scontend +,chat the,bare election of L incoliy,is:NOenuse: for the withdrawal ofany.State frit the:Fe i ‘eralfnion,in‘the absenceof some ov cht ene ‘@mtis part:and after heiialh take:‘ffiee.: sivabnitlentl?, ‘io @pizén,|we are:|noyr willing,+that.beTaeshalltakeofice,hoping.that he will,admin 4 eter.the ‘gevernment for the:wwelfiere,‘andl ; :‘honor Os,the creat Nationover which.i “pe called to preside.If.incoln.were.so'dix -pored,hy has not the power;to Atnjiire the;South,with the Senate and Hoteof Rerre .sentatives’aminap htm;“bat it he:shoul at~tchipt te act-otherwisey and.fail,ashe must’sche eaurecof tlie South would be Ptrengthene“thereby:and tt ‘would then be time ehoughTatebreakup.the Federal’compacg:whidlgthe’s ©“South wall have time to place herself Eig uch Letter condition ta Fesiet.’Agere:g ae fs;really fear.that 2 ode of spoils haseusethingtodointhisnvatter.wiith many: “than #hécpa 8 i ‘Gudea toSeenforen Hell each ee teddy do Now deesit not exhibit this worstot x batesempor-—ct illdish ‘dinappooi ta ; “micnt-—tor te detesAte:q eoviter stTants,16 desit 5“20 destroy.the Union:beenuse ‘they:Tost-the “elect on;aed tre opportunity of ruling iin ios e : “pountry fer another four years?Amd’‘abigis|exactly the.position w hich,the teeter place A heeiaties in.£ :who areleadere af the dis union “‘factio . ‘therefore,tet the prople—eepieci:Ally:in North: Car:lin;t—hate nothing whatewdr toSudoait ithe ‘featricidal plat ag:jinst the Usion: Tesaiatcls ae,North:Gatolina 48 ant Sra Catalcompact was eiaka do Jets,on retState to go ont of the Un id Seis“ean of Tiberty whall descend.to“reene more, On the North:Anigrican cpttinient,and het; Fabed onvot williowe ree Benenty te ty ieabeee:Mie SF kere = eh @ un.The etal ie a,ig c pe ‘ithe Seth will tereedisliclition oe njuriodsto the HightgofthesSoith,;:Lincdln,‘ulttiough we Opposed his election‘ra iehy allour ability,in our opinion,will bettereonstitutiqnallyelected;atdasa law:atbidiies é -|tues °“are.‘rank:abolitionist#—end,excl nice,‘Ke.‘are,moneycrops all over th Lthey in favor +fanwintaining Southern “articles of Northern:manufacture.r.¢then at 3.ple “arith if this.shou mee chanics of Southern manufactures?itery.Mechanic in,the:‘South |would hai ‘close-his shop.and every mill,tiong,for.it would-be.quite.imatfo"‘compete:with.the.pauper:IdEurope.Thefree’trade principle ina well.for.the Cotton’pant redt.ibutit,‘woul;Southern maunfactares:to which a large dmany depend:for their livelihood}Phe poor :da€ould|be.“made.yet.‘poorer;the weal ls Teicha bx.free trade.-‘Every man can. ot prericeand of pase Hot:ie.free,irxile!might Soper)But A[kame Bow ane not’“one Teale the isiu Lition. ieno money:ich whee t Fahl purfives.“Necemity :would:force.them to Albijn wellknoe:to mtntearnee:“ath :Saree iin sound political economy,thatafiethrescontribute.much:to the prosperity:P wealth aud®“power of‘a nation}ugmeitsCommetceandspreadingitspailsiinevery: Geany.oie jane i plaices.if ev to elycoirage and foste fieturing .mn.every ‘possible |way, ec and §give free-trade notions to tlie be:bay:our:pot,to.Beast at eheie paneer ees,and”fort feel wil hoe bes meebanic out of ployinent®ini the,South—or hemust labor a chilling day.or lee, bo Again;whiy!extend the free-trade pri td.‘Europeean.gov eriment~—whose.po iH Massachusetts,Cainecticut,ke?France,THobland;Germany.&c.;are. nt ouized altogether ;i,while New:Eng ‘oly irr part.,Celt . “That the.Southern States conatit canzilen.spot oe the world,‘all:must adi =E i aridghtuce Wiel ls a richreac taller of the'soil ;‘and cotton,sugar.’¢ cS with.all these Feeoirces,the.<0 h oakVv.cht one. Oaeoln has.Leet,“elected.and novao:the-Southern Oppositionists stand? extarand anetitutions'™Tf'eo.they”‘cert nly,fall Vavk,upDn:tlie Breckinridge platform; they are eheunigs tor the Soe ane as‘such:+ Pysontiy.”peace hey:rofaned toca:;ort:feedepoiee le 2.hie’.and thethateeThismeanerthan’:a liar, ~te A State Aiscaak - “Iti ie:eet our =that aia sR oe!pen:we akothink. the State iz the best.condition for an remer.|.gendy that may happen hereafter,aidimmé-| “diately?The best.method.of ‘Preserving| peace id10.be prepared for war.Let.‘then ain’thedfiret place,the Legislature:eat:sbligh:~hy Lea a State Arsenal,aL the Coal Fivlds,for thé thanul sctuiring ‘of ‘arms,catindn.and:3 ether’implements,which she South’willwant forcher dgfence in.case -Becegsion‘eliall Xeforcedatponcherty‘acts of aggrexejotWsafter!We urzed ‘thit euliject upotfihe at:~tehtionZof:the Legislatnre:two’Years:agowhen‘it wassmaanifest ‘that?Congress:wonld [dl“Not logate ®w Se ‘Armoryat the'sam ae"“abut our warnihg:waa:unheeded.akit: ae sheesh 1 ake the matter j =ue withont:delay.}ae~~We arenot.for distnion at csenty,‘nadie |“trast that eo great a calamity ‘thay vieverbe-fal our Country;but we are in favor,‘of bein,fully prepared fr,the evvil “day,.if it:niust;aeome..A ='ee. Southerneons,sowing to what cause,Bind chargable {‘towhat.party,deinand ‘theiexereive ‘of the|:: gound Jedgmontt of every man,-divestegpassion,und Prejudice.‘Although,the dagetextendsto”a single’instjfution |‘directl“Fetal other intevests mustbetomé in¥o ved,!for weal or woe,if the Union,be diesojved—“Aecivit’swar should.follow asalegitimate’=Poneequenceafofdissolution,the non alavehold..28?a8 well as the:slavehdlder,“will:beinvole:|and drawn into it,‘whether or ‘Wot.ny»Must fight,even-for that‘which.many willasthey‘haveno interest‘infordanger;iweylt siftround all,even aa'a-‘storntat’Beq'én-|dangers &vesset-with.allon.board.*\Everye=man,therefore,.should diveat mee otparty ‘ fyeling,andstgnd for the Tnion;108 againstityviewingtheconsequentis,tieay ‘the Lert Ss tO pass eich ie aawill puta SI Goverroment.Feould Caliese the’‘clais‘ite chizers against’a Sonjhern State 2‘Helleracy,‘andcollect iit at the canon’ in the ey esfot tice at of the workbyallmeans,let)Southern’men pas tlNortherdebts,if they can—and noor-the-cause whith:they profess to iheart,by Fepudfation.°Afterward,.‘shall chooseto have no further dealingsw. Thousands’of men cat.the Noxth:are ‘tru Geaniderand Pe (EG aesTonsThe:troubles that’environ “herw,‘States,institutions which the Shu!f ‘likely.to ‘need so’muchin a short.while. neglect to ‘dothis,exhibits the’greatest Jac pose,in'theSodeh’2: ev Bicsippi die-integrs :mericanA en.British cannon ¥‘THe a avalesfor the ¥ob|Nothing for the South Ba Of the Gaverninent for 80.many:yearnet'erectsarmories.andarsenalsin the South offoresight and:statesmanship iin those whi Rave ‘controlledy:the government po miapy ‘Years.“Whey had’ithe:‘power.ahd wh they:not|exercise:it?Why did the’, lavish alithe moneyin theNorth,and Nort |Western ‘States,amongeAbolitioniets, pend not}:‘a dollar’for’=wise,‘D Besides the iapuey in the United4Treasury,“arising from custome,the’lands,also.were javighed in millionsuponthe|“free:.(abolition)States States thatgare Lincoln fie peer jties..af ates Spelding’s Cephalic Fills,y’See tlie ‘advertisement ot Mri-Heery.&|:Spalting.New York,offering °‘to:the.publi¢:acelsbrated enPilla.;; oe to d an e oe Aresthey ‘opposéil 10 stich.a ‘course?-Itisont o> ;ae az parca a * es Sl Na ka a a ee ee r we faSects SDs,mapdniino-|~ples sit Rtas‘the:nasi Rhee ‘the bay,at the base and on the slopes) of a range of-hills,-like:anatiphithea- ..thee:Itschurches.are:eplen cals 2gad + ‘ell Roman Catholic,the chief .b ee hundfed:granite,col a Lawni i to a ‘Suoies iofApollo. of the’King,an :tribupal,.rsenal,3 laa of -e Jesuits,with fift, *fear professorships,an episec yoapcsehool,-‘veteri- 2D school,,deaf-cate Ee‘royal military‘School,schools,of:ee music,.aud"‘obse Se atbotanjegarden,and .a mipt.'.It has |‘four public libraries,andmanypablie|!/schdols,am -etenes atid tem:thea-|:_tres,among which e opera,SanCar?“10,3ig one’of the largestin’Italy.dt}:ifals for:the-sick,”aged.| and foundlings,‘sometimes containing |“two thonsand patients,but:its streets|” -at@sy potwitnstanding,dnvested «“with |’“Taalente of all ages,‘and,bath. Ore rales earthenware,hats,€arriages,&=thes Foyal-type foundries <and afe iAeftis‘the’first:port aglassWo eas:Its manufactures are gloves,ssoap,|4 ;silks,artificial.ftomereeoe 2 he pie to price’—-Putity and gs che.mainobject.:_Ai experience of upwardsof:Toe ty!finithe:ug Business in large:ciSerenine.iraskingtheconfidence 6 |Brdesried’and.the Publi _PHYSICIANSWSpat ta ; OYTRY MERCHANTS oop : Bis,Comets,ete "patent qdedicines:ai fro Proprietors'or Agents.*. af oe ‘kingdom,its:harbor ‘is’formed |aa: "ee byy ,mole,which extends.fro “ss 08 "e Of city into-t_ples:wae founded:by the Grepoalled‘5heats wisay turere i _puniatres:STOCK ‘&cH ‘+ &tees:a atecnc,=od oe isa Felost."Among the1 p :-.plesare Vesavins,Pomp >:-@aiepenm,and:the Iste tf1aFtspopulationth 183);Bandred and forty--nine eienad dhe«Emndred and fifty;excludinga gathiSon.of abbat twenty thousand.)| f =‘Dutchman AbrasdGeHellofriendcan.yowte eWay toReading*rr inquires:dos eax i4: |ter.the:ee day of %PamtisyiyaTia :i‘»Dutohinsn ©awham “he fognd:hard’fat:ue,Work BeSide the rested Mes Bore| 4 ee a &¥2%I —tel ¥0u 8o.besser’, ‘oaee on must §retiturn,the| ‘_barn ser eon,oter.asd brook’Pupstream,don dp first ‘Longe you:ome} *g.tois my broder Hans’.*big “burn>-~Gat } ye ishdebi geest barn derish 0itis,eighteen feet one way)anc_}tegn feetback again=“My-broderHaus| ‘thought ‘to thatch it.mit!Shingles,:‘but |“he sold dea,and shingled itanit Straw, reer 54 The!staan Seek of HAiR.‘oeKL;=Lee In th eSttate: py:CAMPHENE.TURPENet DEC Paste,Essence ofs Bea oie Axons ge Cane :wWestTeM K.GARDLINA.RAIL ROiCea.‘TRAIN WEST. :Siations. aa n SO Y ea e Sahwbere,A AF Rite!)Station,:e vies OnesiThingCreek,lesWaddelfsT-o.dS { Statestille,.«:t a Plot's T.On Catawba,’ “Newton:E y. c r t o “l e n si > Z Ew.hiteSalphur,ey Wie“Kory!Tavern,f Le ard gi:eetay eta 6 Moraiton,ye ; MATL Thay,ast isand elaphoarded it mit,Fails oeyor PMoszanton,ea xt4gobybroderHane’big,bar ‘not sears.fam A aug‘Denyou.dlongtiiyou comes tox oi ~tréeroads andidert you gitsTosti:=Den’ ~7-0u_must git)over de fence.into agreat..pig pen mit no.fence ardand:it,“Den-a>eae de road upo your shoulder,:»down’~as far as de-pritcl:,den’E Fight again.«Ven yon“is in®.back;eyou comes by:a‘honse-dat.|:e right |ajongside fi ittlo:yaller|:“20g.farruns out ‘and stys-pow,:arow “wow,tous;and bites.a little’pice:Sout)’+ef-your Jeg,den:hé runs,and:soumps |,-ntoan emty'pig-pen dat hasfoursheep |“4 init~Densyou look way upon:de bill}&7,down in de swamp dé-recand:sgrs'af 012.whitehouse pointednedmit tito]. ‘doors onde back side 4 i8'Vire ththy proder ‘Hang hy:S and-he :WO you vo besser as <eould:uly~~Atet know?!.{2 Welly Teswow,,by nokee:mister,Ss are apout as inteHligent-as ‘aunt, pbat I recon,2s how yon dome t-‘know.she’&,damb.Bee=“But Tsay yeou,why don't ois.digma\pesky weeds,hey :: ae E.hak:liad:cay,bad’dick,Wgrtor twodsy next:week mine| .‘pigapateh,and-ven I droyedém home|:'-broder-Hans.parking seta onsjhy: eld catch)tt““ewery “little:punkin id :the..ipeton little piece of pigandzendarrunthraugis:dew:(der.fence.sas after.‘dem,‘anda.post’ _tambled over and-Pm nimoshigalyLamihewtdewtell.”0°. eaa2 Den I;thinks as hexa-xrow,80”Ee goes =Re: ee>seYen quarts “ol sour.kee find |)aor bed,wel}‘enongh,ce in dé nid: i jumps up tead!eon ee *io aici a&three:hen: os ‘“De :&and"seventy ponds.:Ag poy take sick and tide:had;ratber giveap tree shillingos.aah fe“den have dat Happen,he ‘Wis so fixtyas |.butter-Den my.hens game mit dere Ep Pe a “ears.split,and .de hogs all:me came.s he -mit nine —a ‘be : >ie >Soma in“the woods &“few und:et from his house on’Monday mo ae last,with his throat‘cnt‘and a raz} “OF near.‘There appears:‘to.be}, po"he t,:asthe Coroner's inguest-as-4 ‘-certained,phat he had.committed.ssul-~‘cide."HetWas a single man,ofper- The body ofMea aed ee 42mTespectable’citi residing kp about 8-miles ‘from “thistown,was}°Oe : TOW,come to ish-w hay aici of Ticker?Tien:i ie Hoop 205co qnit.traw,bo youmust MW "‘Newton;”enn hite Sulphiar,si Catteba:River,”Pee Plott’s B02 |Statesville,:Naa Waddell's T:Os pee Third1 Creek,-Pit gsdieek? “Water Station;;eeeaeae :F ae"sia |Gus “Sait Train South,arriv vt VW Xp.miAb.45yam.)Express Train,South;(036 psoeNorth,12:30am,U. sieec Oe We N,O:R.R 2 aE Ubdersaxned cones an-Rounce to the public,‘that.lye:F will continue to,keep opens '=abote:honse tor the accom ;‘eation.n-ofthe travelling community,gnd* spare BS paitisrto’sigive.-satistaction tojasith@icirpatronage.wae akdommpoditions are ample for,ers and “Travelers;>with <cood Stables; «\carefub,Ostlers:for.horses;‘and.the *best:vender tofeed ‘on.Het Table will b plied:‘with the:beat:tlie country,‘pilorpanerges:mioderate :: “NO THE eLNZENS S:STATES VILE SURROUNDING-CdUNTE AVTE tal ‘eplentute in,in startine that:just?redeived a New “and Com 2ResShik eee.ofew Cry val ‘3 Faehe @ ae Mead Made |Ct‘othing,Tat; oe -Caps,PCR:i, ry":of every,Variety andStyle to‘suitytherLoFtheCornu:"4Wearedetminedtosell:aa:LOW |FES‘T,'as we paid Cash for ar‘Als 8)teral reduction to Cash!|All Kings of Country Prodic¢m exchange for se at Cash -prices.i:Lh WATTS.WHITE 0,Statesville,dee 23°59"Gin eee :“FOR .SALE.©4 ko:THESUBSCRIBERO iabisDWELLING:Sand LOT,an’athe | ‘Statesville.5 ‘They aré located:near.west ofthe Pamale ‘College;andis.’‘desirable‘property:i:*he place.-is-a es ftory,new,builtin “haps 50yents of.age,|in;comfort:ble.aisle a1 Kitchen.Smoke-housgs _+‘andeven opulent circum ncés,Of 3 —‘of mind;andba Suadey b=ate“2 fwithout;excitin any part )atten =yas!was=aseen aa2 alefa ‘Lot contains Two Acres,fro) ceestreets.andig well enclosed: |Termswill be made easy...=~“|>:Foe farther particutars inquize of the sub-|seriber'OF,the ditor of ae or Dees 6,io.“it, Sinise let swithsh: 23ops 7ge ND tin ait |ee naeADATEI21314°:7 891014187921)1415.2617.1829*252627 28 ||21.20 23 9495 96 A,BeLB $i"ae é “E2 . <8;sient 4.5.65728 971819|11121314 B16 ‘25.26 1 18 192023 22:28 dismaysi pees428 2930... aco rence {pap ala fare siete noe tee, ww “Seago 1sSys ee"Gia 89 4.2 ox 56-7241516“940 111223 1Me222311617481920217-2829Bi}33242596?BS 5 aed =coor .30:Shasta, 7,WRISTO .Tekieee 'S:CONSFANTLY ON”HAND.‘ATsandretail,&oeandVeomplete »in aplein ond JapanTiNWer 2 try will do well togivg him ~'-one buselsewhere.Oe *SCALES aVAMELEDSAUCEJARS, Ee TRONS;Ete:Etc. «withis STONE “£0.3S SCREW, ens “TOP*GLASS :SERVING -‘gars, :je bafckeaping oft eae Sod eeetaplesafullsupply¢ed lis rior,Cooking‘Stoves,oy e : C pfotherkinds,whieh:will be soldi: oeene eae ie mae ue é Janets.isioGm-: HO T ae ESulgcriber twkes oie eect ohhisandtheprblicgenerally,\this:lone-establishal-andBala.and-“has “nadgevery!pogsi- ation,toc“COMMD ntéthe business,)¥ysiting:portioris‘ohthe public,-z:i er:aan factory manncr.:aettiqnitieattentiontspaid;46 his.eM aad iespABLIn,-every:comfort “ig provided:setsBooms. areabundantlyscpplied;and.aearefit Ostler}rieEproprictorives;spetponal Onnibus.ches regularly:OR the‘arrival of the cars,3-3eseeffortsto,please,a liberal shiaregelipFetonnersis:confidleniely solicits = ae ais.5 <r =: i.‘.: Sosa 1Tlead.Stones;, ;Babs &Furniture:Marble? ‘Pe Qivality. On u MLE x rs,“0:s executpeto order at reduced-si Beped tbeir Jong“experience in:tlic .-:they,fare thiemeel vs that tlie ities!that:cai-be degiredintnxketan-oliject for al)-in“their:‘lite to givethens.* a Chidonie,x.E.cotper.of the De’ Linco!piop atrahe:Public $re:peither Yard.seein =icited po with ee,attention:eins £2659 «.3vE¥STABLE: « 4 es allie 6). Wit.Furor L ee “great umberof:designs i “HAS taleced Roe it*whereste willbe Heaeed ¢to,5 “ee dexire Be Services :Dre Ae KiAtOffershisprdfessionatgers:Ohta?oii:College:Avaur;seeeoteeweds ee aD yyAY Bee eectsmiveeliin ::Taylorsville,I offer myHeees,g0 o si#rounding-pnbl:Td:WITHERSIBonar=;"Bi d 5 aplyye p.AVISoeaytoegLUENEY.4 F-F3peSTATESVELL?.Will prompaly anid Aliseuthy’5bukires<a aL EUISE ed totris care,5 Office:PORE the Faint:3 “Al ttor Rep Mate _Salisbury;3 WH.LBeactioe aed writ kcAtosfii’Rowan se:indy,TredxbaswntBes,Paes in se e“ang Bails { Mine ca 23 "WHOLBSELE 4AND Diss es-Waings,Oi,Dre S¢beran 3 hieWindow’.Glaxs.!™‘Qin :&a ee oeAc e+.ae*% “een,fs3ie ly 2 JAS.Ww.DRAK COMMISSION 7 f .eeSLsleNr:‘le. 1|Siti Hy BLE isWEAKHE ‘Statens iste >Receives mys ap the Fy iraeertcan se “%, <4 site? .ie Wid he a3 at Wholesz‘le Orders tor Shoes hy she qu ay Hig bi rile Ete. I B SCaRRae Drnygtsaf f.Ayal e2-f fs ‘CHARLLOTTE,oN. gate,CAeMICAyGS.023 ul IN DOW CLASS AG AE WHOL SMe ¢Re alicatimetSieh:i ane] i AnsSust ity,TR vf HERE2nsae ai Riss ~Wholesale ‘and Retail DiERTLCe a|DAG 74 nad CReimigays_Paints,Colors,Vairnishes,:Brushes,WdowGlass,Putty,Vy Stuffsy:=j remieed:Ferny,wd «Lieb nrg OilascaOilayeed«Lh:5 ‘y ie a fe dex a Taha ee me RSS ae %ters AND @ SfSPUREWANESPiLTOiMesinetmaTurpoes 5 FINE SEGMS,TOBACOOLS: ee ae non OSARISaUEpenne:Teles. ¢.aemaeesBeninheensepa:Ase‘or ‘iseaeae ::iviistate CompRYiaharlotté.win receive”eeforward eprlienionsfortceAeainstLossand|j Damage:by Pes on,thy!amsicaples |ait the:‘Copipany.oTheeomipens isdoing‘a ‘proshiecoie basi“TeS8:Noveall Tits exer yet Seen thyake:Aor anip-stalment ‘ON W premiizih nate.agi £ae Teg |is “CABRIAGE eekxiieoeWWODWARD"UY an;at.his Ola ‘Stand.OW royfew.doors’East of.‘thie,~Where he is epared :figToDaANKinds:of:Work“formerly done at the:Extablishmen ;Repairing done on:short.notice,anid:ins % Bi workmanlike manner.”Interest |cuaeet i“oy onaoaatter aSanka cf PorreevePrRLic:4 ofinformingall remi iterate ai ithatFEwillbepleasedto,Bs FiseMSS:‘ar oe§;:pons1t fpr publication,and:walt:Write Essays’)2 Tales,Sketehes,Lines for:Mbanis:‘ObiTies,poems on every.subjeco,“and;Petters:nae utmost secrecy maintained.AddréssWILLIEWARE:hag.31 1360,39:f.oeBEYnsaeaeNu:BLAMES ForPOR SALSALG HERE a arose.$95aca litt<Uny,cre @ brightfestoon,: pri ik gud tscst DinemMhistutuarehats‘toupeeMadsatpablidste.ays Meh horn:danghed tomeornis's ; un fis Sop: ‘qniet Bite nies A a the Trond thee hii teeoenel Rixcet eet fupt. te ive i “withis thy:"Pag os emsWYerrthai And tie hy et saaocirPereharmsdge:“hie thy)os,eee a “ft my ddthre fieart:2)|SBite lent eebehres.nee &seth yonsiar mena1 Re apols‘ses aeeeie:buaintiini ry “Se:as “oneRSiréle,J Mgt,try anil exensc u c ask’yoyieet:”exanee my dek WMvehansehyagPkeneplacein‘neeiedh teeaeifast:xt italieed-withon:ba t[haepoetproud ‘Krrow.; ie t of Bion,aries “any ow Hidiculous: ‘te 8 hool nad pestis ae et‘then:“wee shal ee rehand ‘try ing."tp.vet seme $inrenst?head:1 lave been induce,dnyiMeast pero:sand al its:en aye nice.a cate.five dere 160. f Know ao): ik:Hey:“eal ther.See ijSheldictthitpkvau-would aecriptiotofmy,‘ave of a beawx.’. Lat Very bandsoine Germans‘with’i _[aod’onl siaieseves,Hine.oh,ms wv sir donit oeawe:wa have qttiteeH“Htithesaticdr E xamination aud.'C16thand:USth:of Decenrber, eo iterary 8Speictias ;and are::‘g0ing to x|paper,Written by each of,thé:Societie aa t eeone to*read..i 4 “aah!“We@hare 10 es but:have ‘reonlar,“Preshie fetian;Mediodist ati Baptist preach.|Mins 1H theete at the Seminary.*Brepai-|:are ing madefor bailding a‘hnre derpuoming ;‘¢stores,.and T cat.bégir Visho esis iin towif:Ef{ :|imptoves.next:year as.it;one the:rg ve a Second Ly ntne ze y ?Nowilet:me ask’“You ‘one.thingbbthink,there iis:goingto be war?at velaIamZoitig:to také ,my -pretty,litheartand20toEarsor:ee pane: bl.more fosbight,7)¥will J st stops:1‘aside OY;fen and ;“say ing Circle Oia yok Conservative MenMen“he Richmond 'Dispatchithe:vote given against Linco:‘northern States:and Kays thashouldcshattoit,and to ‘@wekrepublifi State; ‘who-eae:“oietaalee ‘With unfulte‘constancy against the balefithepartywhich.-hangs likoverthefateofthénation. _ ‘P O R E R ye e a . Se aE ca s e etssystem yrovempnts'thit has, rhpdty-aieieaen A a bé value,”withdut re~.ee he ofa fale phidosopliy. t is.claimed.for'thisp x 7M ah that it Mvolves4 iples equality:.It certainly dt he ee the argument ‘sgainst would treat “as equi “th :gs der this rule-of equal t “which,in:‘themselves,.Zot.sen ©Gach'a rule,Fmain $ and which the poblioweliar eqnires |in its application@#persons showid not be treatedwi le meee:just and proper in he ir “>py the-govermment.It would impos (ae of taxes to -diserim “0 an equal tax on a giv nves-£2)particular:classes- .ted by the merchantin or engaged in certain pursuits. ae which are among the necessaries I.Fegardittgs sltgnetiies preper;| ,of life,and the sanfe amount inyested:|Hees.a t#@'upon the)jicom ; "dy the retailersof ardegit:spirits,inan-the|sons.engaged i in‘many:of.the: merchandise ;rtainin his.yoca-‘professions’;upon.‘salaried. tion,an equa tax upon ‘books “of.uge-"the State.and counties,ar fuk oe ‘and othersgflikd val-|corpora ions,{consider it as elttivation of a dientto impose any fax at all moeoblite Umechanical and like employn ‘the reason.that,“the formerar ‘of bearing a tax,wwhile the Yeonsequence of the fa Kye St inploymentsgrey as.yet,iu the ‘some.eof the|inf ith us,and usuallysyicld bu “advocatesofthis plan,at:pe ‘little more thana he}.a je tak gi .{ctibartte eration a '“Somewhere about hen employed in,a Ray lead to persons Pimieyage AE Gceseset apt ae ciieivonk have Uber inglle af voids compro dan-|Doe MAIDA wl of CoP BU eee 5 ee eeeness,shouldbe taxe Eee ORO eee eee eee ¥cen.Oh ae.We bees Ee ee h do e vient Phe:filed,with te ce“$500,000.Thee er rate than when ‘othier wise |in -msed,.and that.this”may pe cone by |me aa ‘:ata ao ;‘persons thus ‘emplo.it,n the “collection ‘0 reven OMn.|Wit tag,for the eeeproceeds of‘individualocet pations,|es ege of sq using their property.especial;regard.should ‘be had,dst»to: ps cortainly,would:ean ingens {it lucrative character of the employ- j ass modlink escaping.“from:gome:of:raetit 20k ‘the comparative ic: iy a the-evil consequences:‘of a ‘practical freedom from risk:with whic ae plication of this:principle,and”“ear:pbdr'pertaining ;to them is’p |)pieswith “it the admission,that it,is }3rd,their relative ‘advant:1% ‘not a rinciple that will -admig of a pablic at Jarge,and consequent lirm'|caw Slavery 4s,po.in the,Sout ne a f:i!pede eee eee ee Jovernor’s:aes5 dedjing a a a ,but only:a limited and piscrat Papon.the government for }bectior lie Has atlast fallen w ‘cin \Sp@A eléarer Case of |m0 hinge os,wir ‘ever ©fn ae STSRENAOS Patogsttaty,and.the opposition Opposing it 48a. fed.‘employm:ae :and @iseriminations should o 14]His;against ,ther :rqulds bean:disposed to acknow aS:Sey.i ee :it yagance..The former prevailed| _&farther:examination‘of.:hie babs foror againstthe particular.classésas’puntry so solemnlyswarned u bd wills walks:ie ;i}ae en ewer ae and ies Were ordered.to be printed for° willdiscover still other considera-|these considerations may indi 28.Tin dn oe:Stine Avstile domingec nf Cer Sockaston a rite mete STEM ChE SAS we)Om amber,aipounting toa.Jarge umber "tions that will require -a-departure | heavy:cost.)5 ‘from:thi eee aepusemegw ig any:oak.rule of kaxati bills bare.nee offre by:Tie, Accore ng to our,“present ‘peventie.‘to.every condition of:society; , aea of the ‘bahking capital bears }dapted to the ever changi “#tax qf (5 cents on the:share.of:$100,istances.of people:Howeve im addition to an ‘amount ‘paid upon}be,it is confidently’believed th “the:profits of banking,‘equal to.tlre |on ‘afall:consideration of the ‘tax.upon the profits.of:money‘loaned it’wil]clearly appear:that,a ;‘at Interest.The business‘of:‘banking,:and:unqualified system of@ ~\as is well known,me yiélds,”with:taxation,is not.adapted to the-co -us,'a clear.profit,of from ‘eight ‘to|tion ofour people.In.‘which:Sven ‘twelve per cent.“annually;,while’per-|*there would be no necessity fo ‘sons having ea interest arepro-‘mendment of the ‘constitution ,Pudge of the: hibited,by Jaw,rom receiving.more doce:conformity to.such a system.anion us’“the P :ae ‘3 7 eee oe ata Bers peCgert for:die:Sixth District.:etd “>,than’sixiper CEng.(oes st oft will be borne in mind,:there+God for 4 ‘aks j Be ise eel of Ar te si tyRe ie Sdae eae omushehdationgs ALC.oe “Morghead ‘presentdd a bill in ‘tho.| sur ‘Now,herevis an.instance.ofa Maal:.in.the constitution,‘no’*{2 .ae,:oerofteresbytite peor - "Grinsination between property-employ-xipan,the:power of the Legislaty : edin different ways,which,itis be-|mereaseor reduce the taxes:uponi sl \lieved;will generally.|be:conceded:to|:preperty,whenever.the on be just.Ttisadistinetio founded.on er may become necessary to pr i ’-a Gat t reatiee ‘¢he fact that,thoug %quodes of |just’:elation ,between.”he;matin’ee ver.;ent:i Re ep Ree Aa p ¢teu e te!g i je ditrieh Wie dniree etl i gaelogiocnt mayebe equally aus fulto|taxes-collected from -th and y Fike Nor satel (ital oaths Jad th aye TL ones ener ew Sark cgi ere lization Of ther Meta:FSaficiipr forghe th digtriet,Set “the public,the one yields a larger pro-kinds of property.The limitatton.cont |the:form:pF A anata ceesiVe |Ip ie aay a :Soeenay yr eapbaemt ayes al ic Bere warp i URe te Tye:a pate,on aeMr.»Ewin iin- ATERy of eh aie :aa ahi ie ere ot Wee S|A nik AniorahSt lees!eh er y a on ‘;J,iA o87 4S tho ik $ee San erica Attorney the State,eter Kemp-P-Battle. :te been elected: x#t than the other,and uenibhy;|sists.in requiring a uniformity.of is capable ehewriug v hea : Hpolftax upon white’persons,an Adiserimjnation sh id be 5 hite guules only betweert tte : 4 eae Lie '45.years,‘and :all'$la -twoan,ithe eges.ef 12.ans ythe public ingsubject:tosuch.a tax.5““atlarge.For instane even’“Whether this prowision besa just oF|.Jaw,a texofone’dol t the:or not,.cam'in no,way:be mMs‘dred dollars value ose on.factority ¢determined,thantpleasure‘carriages,er|erationof its practical oper: &jewelry andlux ‘of the-like:slavés of the State,acedrd 1 Peat a ae ia ci fi whileatax of enty cents,|estimate made from the te hid).;ih i ae a cage .Ogee pte eae :sient,Sani ee arene Ars worth may.be rated at 31:be erty,Hire usb lawless,mobs i Te Renan ty ae ae pe be ii ea ‘é ae :Bee a epartgent::At will be “secn :While‘the white ident ya is m t :ae a sy AE Ue atl le EEE LR Be ES Bice eSta.d brent a2 doa her at 5Sréckinridge bascarried the State es some 800,000.-The smount of :2 i eh ae aS an on Oe ee one *Fporer bot Bell and Duuglis.pibeter.(ain er me anecessary;ee‘on collected “frou:the:formier,as’‘appears oniivance. Costitit Dea logit ans ‘:ie aod SEpe.Sea ee son Soa ea el 4 : -fishes the my wealth,the.other in-fan‘theComptroller's books soi:ae cle Rl a perce eae eee ene oe ae Be Baht z Be aici ear ®For:Breckinridge?:“48.539 | "Preases it.‘princi -and from the latter $53,382,-for (have sent emigsaties amon:mt a Bee.Ee Dawe ee Pa dg lye ta tas sigs pou:‘Fo Ms 4d,990,; d lis-|the present year.These sums:vost ato [aes Re a yi ie OMT ern ae r :Coe Ne mee te Bina,tae We ENN Ne eye.DR OU Mudie,oer 2270K: a butp an |apportioned among our,entire pop ad é 4 i :iii rced g oe seg ap ict oe letsamount of taxes pon équal val-|tion"ofeach,would ally:40 ce ‘ues-of each..And,3 tbhesaid,itne akand $j cents for Heit:Ra ak os :sop EL dend,=;Person.:PL id +):fe a a"the i i =it aia ai tu pn ds oe Bare!1)5 ae asco Mao ae Ee i er (,,fi ,‘ ‘jaar?ade =_Nowy when theadvantage de at a0o a Oster ver 165 %ingle eth i AMlean,aeare ot«cont :acsennaes <fife oeeee :erixell |doniin:of ate Be the i aT b aeRok oicdieat teed ak icaraelh :kothey riothaving boen dalyreturn-- |“@uctions of which commereda din n=)classes ofour.eitizene:be.Gea onsale AUER eter beet year ;moat ant i aventy-ve Bo :ee €the publis,expienditut 5 ee iee a ling e ae ja see : :,‘wfacturers,and ind £oceupa-it is submitted ‘that the:“-p if rae ag a ae :A e hal?Fp BO CaM is "he:PEAS ES Drea 400 ink eee «tious of men,derive ‘vitdlity and ‘sup-|our,onstitytion-referred to,389 in its:tes has ea tiaay ::ae Oe MaE eS ercuree ks eee ee i a 2 sport,shall be placed upon’footing of practical operation;as.aby eieeeasregatdytaxationwith:ited,substantially just toward::_Carriages;.g0l Iki 1S not,however,asa finan perma.if 3 De OE eat Ot Pepe isk ea poe Seon ce Dee ee ete :-Noes20.1890.unit” pl :‘and the like-arteles,a ak Ea nd practic ent ean he.York Leib te t ity,|oe rings of the:question dist.”be tee cL |position of.amendujent eNO:nd.islated dh+Vonsevéry,6 be le ConfesseOF:ng :ur se vlan SiR OW agitating the whole country." a ee ane ‘the ‘position:whic-h.the President. ments,thea Siac |.tthe onhae ceport .;eregarding it in his forthcom-" pe ab 1 ports:of th age,has:brought the cabinet. “Swestedin them?20 bh |Bree Suen preg 3 wall Teac paper is Sei 16,one who sdees’Hot —purpgees,Lio asilde Ee te noes c ae fone KE oe 2 ee et a oi,)Pea cis eae ie id tate o]pane ae Chess Seu Ue ge se set Ur ve Ofia break up,and it-may /jethatshould be kept:ae :oSIROOOO0|Vecerai ete e.aly thew Wade a kas thelexbal re-paytiént:"Phe |anle py ie Tonal phtaxed?———ase ::ETS oe t Of hal Py Bea 2 HAR a aot Bd AOR Seite PR A aE ISH ea a 1 ER EDeedh when ress 1 meee >proper:Erevenue,‘anniially,of which:$11,000,000;say.;:0 Beet fT Ph epremeras a :en ABS SOF AE Ee RR WesPeIP resident ost hat Seo “ <owholly inconsistent;,es he fe ig cthe.!¥@si 5 pf exo gigs,bd w Pabitay i'ae ;vend is 2 i te pav ae es A ;i $ng Be .;J :On °g at bint on of the:Uiited sande som B,BO discriminatig endi irectly ede immediately’from:slave!4 mci t vi ule ;conseqwences “ton She tise aE a0 a SUDSCEI DUD 1 >and)Wes Recor:beaters le we woe eel and.she,as.abe 33 2e..2 2 flabar.!?This being‘taken as,Hap (3 :ere Bt pis ;e Ek me bes |me reaped,tie tax.aon ee afi pit:er.‘thatour whole'social fabric!mation b 3 a t 2 se De Ea Pn Ree Pos Ree Tipo hae ——pi theGxeention of eae ‘om the is based upon and sustait ‘Et v rhits an:ee ee i rakiaws;that theideaof peace- ‘eae of thelr property,Sond i fs ndeis:‘i Fc den sleeteawairar pa(le bars capper’eae ainiliee and .does-net recognize,and must. famili our people,twitether the fail extentef his ee eae ‘slaw ‘that would imap ;1 manu’facturing,merken ian ota ie a ‘‘4 our Se ng it:‘4 -‘sixpporting:|=ess ares r ba erie i €very ‘articleof |proper:i now x ssional,that dies:not.aa :et Pemancc eT sagrkh.apa Dhc-eon déurter .EE OM Ma Meaney (tae nee ve te Seed tea fae i e ACER eh iy |Black,eae arsof supported By:(ase,: ak tinction,would have et tode:|on it fot a support.—W if e rpose:‘a t$;re diritienined—ghe eve Yak practicable,by nworks of inte ad ekebeeeee eds 4 TE Cabeaxies of if oe ene,PEAME,NEE ‘rail road‘could be builf,.ea of those:against the ste ma ou meee ee uve we a of eA eh Se V4 ee gears ite anbers ofthe Cabjnet—Floyd,Cobb.” :es.of life.“of the already:constructed’there *wor hae Ne,(pay ::ENED ere Ve SE PEI UY eC Oe CO te |ena s16 Payments...ibd:Thompson—holdthat.the:consti- r pele of this State:qhire,i iy.|exist the.means of.’preventing ;NEE eei.u a:ormen ‘PP beep gas")thd armed man.i ks ofan ii having t oh,38 merelyacompact whichmay :pia)that manyie poper-going to’decay.ae Upon.thisdabor rests aud viginde e mpegnannes é USUAL tos:OE:Powe oa re SELVES».OF ed ap 3 -ais DO2 DE en’‘ay any momentby a single ays ould -be entirely eXemy n:|the:‘public credit,and without jt tle!¢aa Ca RY geno;Moe OUR Ree fant robable,that the Beaksof North:té,;which ‘may wish to retirefrom ——voce)91)State could not procure a doll ‘in the!Who:Ai ate et 2 INI Gan GamRe:400 UNE 4 heen ep @:ap f 7 'BT ne,we ‘Ghiuk the di psechacae Meclaring its.wish. Thus far,the pr nciple which 'market,..though:for the mo Pi cgee ntl.cr ae *)2 .execu :nied:gut'in’his Ads public!und ding,=iNtY |slavine“Gh ous Eoin eee c :do apd s “doing ‘they - :‘at is proposed to collect,t :mele Tx :;esttl aS ‘the:Cha:Mer :x oa 8 r notbe molestedas the federal ow ee e ns nnable to.pay the ssteeskis_meference to its.applicationto.the va-{hie /d&bt already contracted.«rious objects ofproper ad the dif.(word,the social and mater ferent modes of their mployment.-of our people,and theiaanwing,greatly depend ‘u5)2S applicable td’persons int their 8 OF labor®”Its loss;ae rs a :5 vp hs Te assist 2 Ege ee ef LH »'}‘A x Hi ys _<4.seral occupations r ;mp]ver be full as Turd ee a sathern State.of thousane dolla Aue to! eh y Su lied ;ac:ont aes Ts arenow.ee Amentofthe nental hysi oductive peran!of:our:ae ee 8 ere PE ided ald;preget on em:ey der:pt post,Un Hn table:anc ‘~"bwould not:ipod cay not.diteneeds Vera pees :ion on our)Unpare.+:ny tens-of thous ve The:proposition; er ation’of revenue,it 4 ’ts,bvOr:tof a.pradent.] :againstany partie fa ex-avoid,carefully,every mea:ons,’it is submitted,will be found'e:would:tend |to the’expulsion” /,qaalliqually:as fallacious,’ich?eaen of labor from:the:forbid adiscrimination between,Teady vy.dra“the different kinds f consequence ofthe gre~The:injustice.and ine spediency of;esulting from its’emplo: :yguch:a rule,.cannot:‘more ‘Geel more Southesn Sta ay 4 illustrated,thant :a That the repeal:of.the dause'o M. Pe t Pr y «* SR S T 4 tnd.ee ‘ i md Sane sas 4 3 ie hanisinom,w ith that ra ;st.tedin the:Gaaenaare:Bent toth®‘atttieeted “in ‘oor three Stamps for pesiageeMw il be ‘atee7a_ble.; SOU Gre.Suan:oer AC:‘College ?Why didtheirardentloveforthe‘South in.theni.to spend the ¢ost of.hice cay_tion in)a Southern Medical“Colles*Thereiis a Medical College at N)Orleans,also,one in Charleston,a.One in ‘Richmond,besidesone in B*timore-.These Institutions.‘all stahigh‘in pabli¢estimation.“Why¢mot these-Fire‘Eaters encourage theinsteadofspendingtheirmoneywi“the damned Yaukees,”as the|Fit <eeegoesBris wi “)The President's Position.yeas mo "Washington,‘Nov.23.! ht conversation yesterday,°Pr¢“dent?ichanin took stronp groun apainst.secéssion:He-said:he:coule.* not believe that the great-West_woult:ey a permit:the mouth of the”‘Mississipp— _to.be held by'a fSreign power.Swath. Garolina “wishes to enter:‘ito a.‘cons:-fet aeith me,and:upon-(drawing the 2first”edrop“of“blood,to”Statesinto thétmovement.’ fiad suffered’greatavrongs at the fiandst .Of the North.”but’the:copipaet shotld ae not be broken without.reasoning.‘and he ‘reflettion.‘Fhe South shignld:ekeap,’e —~~peal’to.theNortli‘for justice.”‘If it,GROCERIES. is —them,”‘then Sard the.Pv"dent;“FTam witht them.he rf oe ashington,:Nov.223, called pow the Piesident.tor.protect, them against Montgomery;and:OF banc of free-soil outlaws,who Faye. threatened them when”sl:aighter and:ee pees destruction.~Governor “SacksSon!has|taken private mea#ures Tor the protec tionjof.the’border counties...The.re-| vorted during.of Fort Se ott:iSsun-| true.Moutesine ry captured and hinge five men.His atrocities Have,Catise“dt “the,cereatest”excitement)throughout:tia,the:wv est.If “taken he wilt be,sum-. ‘waeily alealt ees a rete s tb catty ‘on ee war inuk é fe chs eye ERY Begto in Southwes tersae:Missonti.. 43 i $e obs ;“: “4m the Za Nd Mr.LW iiM.x.wis tes MicTas NE 1 R=||RoRSST 1sDecesopber wets ne the +- > Be .col.Mee MMPBELE DRC?Q LIKELY.YOENG* “a r e . SG “NEGR — 4rak a-Girt)helo tee”tonthe: Noth (dine:deceased Un yagy mtpths,ein erest (trom ‘date Barthe agitbeaniestele dtigaen,on sale-clay;Shy rts eo NEES CREAN 2hc.Hi Ganivdion,Setho .‘parrposes.“Fs ifmtatesDeepAY1DSOx ts €or eos atsre:“iM a ee ates eae OTICH! Is he sassbinén tit applteation Hemea' Miade te the peesent Legist rites to J iamenal 14 theack ine rpaortAt ine the ‘Towns of Pai mute.pit:«orl:arene the.privilege:od duties, or thet:“onnfiasione rs.of said “Pown,het i Se en Sa MOSES,EEAGUeee Su,4h a. 4 o Rye? hens ROTTe a ING;saleen:nattt Specie Latte tH: fauiixtratian ou the Est:ther cry Fic ph.Ate ne vardee decreqsed.Twill PeY ter na shie:pai!e, Pigs the ‘Pern ofTAT QRSVty oe _tON TU ESDAY;,THE aS4THDECEMBERNENS,” oenantgs court.week.)a largebiter‘Property: Sonsistine of the followiiies ‘hie:Ailioroiteh “Bred Suillion. Seva 6 Fine Jacks:8 Jennets +; an being his celebrated OF dStogk, 3 i dhead of 3a‘GOOD MUTANS: EIGHT HE ALE O BisaEINIs1FORSISS: A.1:urge jot OrENTTE hi,HOGS nee”.The-Sallaye Stockisthe tines’ever ofiered atpbs %Hie sale.in.this Srate.-Tt UGG ES;x W.AGT? ONS,and varions other Arttelbese LOG.tame vtoustemention;willbe molds.*Kerns,wh Krier nit te:. WILSON*JONES,Ahr.%_rabhorsite,Nove 16,18i Beh cere:45 SO ; Le f= i «4 |q ow ABD ASSOUTATION:Piiligielphia.A Benevolent Tinerivutine,Erte Mished by}eo BT eseSpecial Endowment tor the ReHetorthe sick {3sandDistressed:atihcted sities vilent:aud hess Disedises.2 wy “Acting¥:Sir:crete aitaho ithenig oe Fete will:Sdee fo!tiie adyantaze to.steadth ©ter,with a description pt their condition{age,|orders for!Essence es of Pepypermint,.andon,Dye Wooils,-Spts.Turpentine,ke,w;3 Occupation.-habits-of life &e 3)tried iIps Cases;|oF extreme poverty,Metidines ter $Gano uE ,,ealVALUABLEREPORTSonsriaes“héea,aad other DiseBWR of.the—‘Or- “gans,and.ontheN REDEE DEES eniploy- vealed letter envelopes,freeof charge” *Address,DR:J-SKILLEX’HOVEATON,H"AcingSereon,Toward Assdciation,©2 South Ninth St.,Philadelphia,Pa.Be Order Ofvthe Direeores EZRA D,MEARTWELL. Pp< Becretary. atthe Set ”the.Goldene ‘Poad-Lock.Be COCHRANE £,SAMPL EChariot,WC. 2 :te ‘on the B a :Asenicy,Bank N.€:staat oh ae pape.: :The Kansas Troubles.::ixhibited in oe ‘a whic at oi bye sold’as:heretofore “nt:ub:The.medals ‘of “Warsaw,Mo.Tave |precederted]y low prices:-/Phisjis no:ADVERTISING PHRIS ae:_FRANKFORD'S : skstuk, If ats in Ende “We:will dispose’of at low figures:Ge a Stock cna a,large Nvdirietiy% re,now openinig at.the:Subscriber 3 evers |Shieh: MANY,who enumerate uy aeconvince the Dont ‘Now ly 1sti0.aee Bx WOU LD ; ‘Aiteption™Tot:“cot NEREY: a he Vs ny iee Lat W rl.no 3 I =« sith:sel my ate RESPECTED.EY. nowtice thas we.have open nie atention ve ayoure mikh Ww errience,andiis ae i wba)e refed |upon:‘as being prepared from ithe.reat 3 terials and’with ace Lace mHiniiac iurers.“Our:.ea |MARNISHES Be RFU NERY cand© S ;§ry )ANCY ARTICLES which we cordially invite attention,A:ieassortment of the most paps eae of TiedBai}edived ou for sala by, :ange “an:éxatnination of a xtk:and Paice;7 ‘2 L “reepectfall invite.the blic to .-2aaa.atheir.seh pothe act Tools,‘copsisting ofCir-‘Crose-cut,Denon,eek atpass:Saws;ie ig.Plates t Lathing,;oesom +cele ‘Fatchets ;Hammers;beve!ae ACTS |‘ate Pet eS ‘andl matthes: ih Mins Hf Meroe eons ee er ee =7 :age Setep:poke-Shaves;Files;Rasps;Pock-)atResuage-Rods;.see and ‘pocket oe:iengMachines,&>aoneRANE &SAMPLE.ee e.ee oo a le a ae a Anwils;a id Box.Vites hand andsledge >ae5StocksandDiess=} .Files,and a good{)-'4ganoadinlsSearsSra gp.wf the Gajden Pad:Lock,:oy - X LARGE supply;‘of.the:a‘hove,copsisting Thom Ny ©¢elebrated Ploughs;‘aleo,.oe a *\CORN-SHELLERS STRAW-CUT-|tos‘Shiorels;Spades;Hay sand.manurefestcact-Axes’;Picks,Mattocks,ag ui es Hoes,Trace Chajns 4 teonRakes,Heer 3Knives,&o.°.=.&SAMPLE.|ss th 5;len.Pyd-Lock. “Tt:k rae hov ;PABGEStock of oe et ! %Bugey.ae‘Buggy Shafts,“Spokes,.mee and Enamelled Leather,©ee tr abe of the:GOLDEN PADLOCK willbe found at, a timmelalarge and well selected STOCK,’ ‘S:PISTOLS,POW DER-HORNS,|. ‘tacks,Powder,Shot,Lead;French:a erica Window-Glase ;Patty;qlarge.-- ‘English .—Iron 5 jae Germa n steel,B igfers bi og.steel¢.‘Sails.sf,a kinds;‘Hemp “fs pe:‘Anchor.Brand Bolting Clothais | rea ‘Mill Picks';:Spike.Tamers be © Double and Single ee ee an a wkhson i steps a.cs =-4.And gazedat ube living tide’rae OT EIB PRR Ak See Weekes aun :BY i p f ‘:c ‘ol mi !b2 5 ew oom‘OF Sauiclet Bow the miehie eae at fs eee ;.fe Man Co oe OV ING.SCOUTS oll RU PR 8 ;:wai ;WV ies ql VS UL.Kin oaaty ie 21;6d TS:19 2G) ies Bae “*7 poke SESet Lk -ie Ssi 4 i :aa N ;_303):4 25°24 35 26iee:fo RY SC AERTS,n i Cte hace eran de pe ::oa :ee az ye SI 2 |‘Sent inh hawtof réal cash baJamedownfrom‘the eters:ore lgrriage.EAE While her:EO)a"Ot cance m0 eh »Ti Op abe robe was ‘of TREAT?echiogue, D=(Alvery.expensivé rag.ye o-% Buta skirt peeped-out bilo deni that Was ac ifeetag et keew it ‘once held cdifege uk Ss»thipogh wi "twas_another.dying ar4Onme ; Pes .i cas ae,‘blacked’©i 4 ‘the:smal eet eo De "An oxperience be Ww “And T thouglit a she gained.the sidewalk,Aba:he.rng ‘Business «in arge ch —i (Aud the indslin agam wasfurled))+):erie:in,1 asking,thevont Tiowmuch those.yut-skiits,atad 2 USD hy Were like man’s heart-in the:world: How maby.2 Phariscehuinhuy ; Plays 'alife-long:game of brn re 4 “His words.all ‘silk and velgety And hits rt but.acottees fiatiat; “Anil I tirned me inte ths ect aay 37 :me tecat a Ne Bs Tigre omni |1 ct a ay i234 it!T8121 Cai ily Bearh was bes eoiie rare:|:Eee peal |5 :oN ES |Lupit @ apd Wards Mater SCARE Spree evel Ee Nd ak :ERI ITAS 19 And a toldee tale toy mya reasinshs iE sy Kat)a a i 1 d },ate LE Ga::BR Dy DIP 945 :en a4 ae ;;ae Si Ba ie ae Jae pega rd:13, it,ints hai a ty for cockta i os Ata th cretionnstseh Tegan When Lion:Ft hiow I camet Phistt Tywas as bad as thie rest,ae geaguld a Pe ye7 we OLS jon Oily, S192021 2,Mr.Ruskin notes it.“Bo the?a 9: .most prominent uses-af.mouuttaits that}.Vitor Lard Oil, they-“causes pepe changes.inthe i ‘af? ae of-the earth.Tie physica geoy 3 +ee 5 orphers assure.ne that af lier)opel 4 Bat Train Oil, 3h _Siveet Gk Loyer:puss,thtp Aes &=be rontine|a4 hadS &ee dé“ent would be ra&kedabouttwentyfeet.): And enrocess of leveling iig still.go ‘ Bae on.By a calculatfon Inch hep 14 pla goes E eS SM eee BLES “MAC be .:Hoe z “made-in the valley.of.Chamouni.eM Se be A el Sere }b 4 HEEAR «eirlingus eafeu tip BAC ees Ta aN RISTON: 4)y Raskin believes that,one of théinsig-}.awry Seu thera Mannfiotoriege:atid,re ETT TTT ad.Tay.eh eH nea meet aaa at EPS €KSTIAZGNWaNv’! “ots nificant runlets,only four:ibehes wide::awith All te ia}ot PAE Nt sam Hi ten 2 brticn dai a eee legate grub ret:ee pie Sy Sand:four inches deep,catries-from |:ar Bet Stock “of alSTRahi i ::i aa LL ih iak t a Ay :,::ON “Mont.Blanc éighty tons of granite}.|Brushes methe Stauto. -dfist a ‘years.at which rate of theftart eo”uf ek git least eighty"‘tliousand:tons’of the sub- ee of 4]hat motintaiy?must bedis-tributed upon the prin |below.Onl Fhiteface Mountain,6f the:Bandon: “group;a slide took:place $822k. hutled down huges blocks ofSelenite,quartz,feldspa |(rocks,and cut'a dcep:’ravine’in thet: “sides of the mountain‘eral miles in_extent.’But gompensation!was:made“in part?for’italWectrnctige fury.An©exténsive meatlow at.the bas¢,which: -had-borne only wild,“eparse:rassesA SSE 2 Sy Tce Pe nays are ;a c Yet :xi iwas rendered indre-fertile by -t 4‘fine 5h if a Hs 1 4 ae Pop SG)Kee at ae :Seat her a $ See =and there’four:oe five|.j SRE i ‘:;he ;‘yeuue A sours 0 aBe TS ét in-depth,that was distributed |\.~a merle SOC Beathe |.¢ryvod :stad St ey >i as it;ae now Gresexcellent:a“;+A Pp DART MU ARE.ete cone:hi i Ha rs es t ee ce je igh ae = §Take a ecn-,Meee ety “he S d ppc micae pee 4 ‘4 ae at ;;e ry a:.2 GOL FE 3 rat 28 :Bene pie eo a fe. _tury or two into‘accoting,‘and we find}SRE 3 Gal cant Bh 12g 2 ies ; .the mountains ‘fertilizing the soil by: *the minewals they restore to it.to com- pen ore with}ee Trans,e ET F %::ay (3 'p ti NR ha CMe Dima “A f 4 ae 1 pune for. coagine'seven living beings,eens é erlasting,are;}Beate.De Goi fi ep ‘dei :na ae eee he |";;ne mas si Be t Met ete which will be vel in‘truth,as.perishing-4.theys':Vist:s ae 5 et ese,gare Hen be!Gak|seghe eis kag:HOOT Actes Die a 2 DR Aaa eet ae PERE),ates een eee ee yems of flowing -fowrtains:weary the:if :;ay 1 HUN Bea Les +x “at Taree:ieee?mountant heart,a8°the “erunson pulse ‘&Let soe ou oe>~does,ours;the’natural forces:of the}oweave determined tad rh ee ot hat ;: iron ‘crag iis -abated.in :tta®“appointed.LOW EST as we paid Cast lor (Tad pircne bes 4a au 2 OLD:oa ‘ee -Bot hal 8 Liners Veercou ips ES a time,like‘the strength of the,sinews:Mand aCon se tase Be SoG esra :its i i ‘;\x :ee ;‘ariigha Ws <r (le 3 Ee.f ienils enon wenerally,& :in a human old age;iditis but the}.a“hs ouners BOGS ea soap of the Mh i ee a :By Satin kk hel 3 ¢ti 1G a 6 £a pa iti tor Govd&at OUSo pric fs :8 ;°,‘‘.-Petes he ‘Oh lapse of the oager years ecay:age fi a a8TS,WHIT fe ich,in the sight of s Crvator,digs"ks tinguishes.the mountaii ange -from the:moth and |the’worm.i a He:1 LeLeaikenryBe ts onte ace onnaiod ate the busi Y ;“tg eeeof.the,pul -piste ny aWhy80:“Much Beanty in,Poland?-:oo cf ot ue SIs (05 :ae »*Beeause,’says BayardTaylor,ctheit pee cae age faces oe i ia ca as GG a then PE!NgpONIRGL Che eine :;ee contort is provide Fenced.jump from infancyto young)5%kp:a aS he as :PER a peas Sah ;E ooh ia 3aes —ee Minds Yadyhood..They are “not sent from)Fo cs nd Lot,G ear pao \ent Bes -Ix ;BE CH Bunks Daan iioc eres Meena)Ere ee :f i is"eras aa table to the parlour,to,dregs,to.Statesville.“hey vand;):tc s pevhs,he ae et aa oT Bae een patie pisces Bek HOR 6 bene npiagtt *,<ihe pooprietot eres his pera a.sit.still,and look spretty..-No,they}.weet af the Femate ¢‘ollege.,ant}=Spe eh:es Shiro Rt :[lesirable TOPE rty ithe place,are”treated .as-children showhd bey 9p large two story,new,Aas During childhood which.extends:eSty:te 33 with Kitchen,Sinolee-hoi 186.EE :Wea,Bina IH ::=bg st é :Swi bh! ‘through:a period ofan eaten ke,Thre Lot contains Tw 3t8)OT Beers The:it h ytd et Eb Bi mip i chat eA El ase!eehiste aNd 4 sti Shit Heo Bey it a shtks raatthe esr ix Serie aa tiie it- ‘are plainly and-Toosgly:dressed,and thee ee is vet €oe ak ae t Tg Ire AD XA ret aC 6:ae ete eT irl ea *ig cee Bt &MM ROWZEE.1 ‘allowed to-ran,romp and‘play’in the}Leas teat sie,ri feat \jenecment off V7.ro on :;:a : -opervair.They are not’loaded down!s orr the Editor of the Ire , -“giriled about,and oppressed every:py)Ae AREY |Gali ;rt Es aa ea ACS a MER MS a RU.ht Maley Wita countless frills‘al Stiperadundant|"ROD AT S55 1 oa tan re th es PRE ING?\a fshee pe,ihe litwits forthe ire RTE,GUEDE,in?ain ee a ~flonneds,$0 2S che dmired for their|Bae,ih tages fle.q Hitec pearcate eo BE.2 clothing.‘Nor at they-rendered.delist }cate or dyspepticby:continually’.stuf:| fing candies and sweet:cakes,as are}?9.)SY \Y Oy ip ASC i chat Paithie aie eek eg pads Si pooh : -the majority of theAmeérican..girls.TREN accede eae paar ae nue Rea Ast :iy ;AE:Fh Teta sy pri Reba tie Bont ie |4 oe“TEDDY,’ ©Pigin,’simple food,.free:andvarious}ee ie oe ee ieOME 1 ‘eet Bol aoacs ib.Lue aie Eke ttt peo see aera Dat= “exercise,and an’abundan »Of sun-|Coy te fo ey j ::oar ef cdg Be aS ks ae Ve /fe ee .shine during the whole:period:cof chikd- hood,are:the:secrretssof ey in.it“jtex Tif a Pattie ot th ate te lee:;PibenGae s<A a y Bienes oo *aM fF,Renita See RSA er t a ee sion weate eT ede bee ee aa mentoeis pack Eo epee eos ;QU,fo Sf che Ahiot :Slab:&Macsatave Marble Mowtaewery,.ek LE Ne WER ADE 1 ag -thean.withiniche Pe er”rs ih ana hades aay tet thin wor séohshese tovequal the fh.tae S"-JL :Pepto Eee)My Paaadigen ee UU pot avers Sixle and Quadity.+ g was ever sock he reto equa the Beaegever ha 'epee’4 AMIN ALT 5 ES Besa ds eng va aie :;yy hz Nevnlnora oo tiusiaber arieswhe - ~senthtisiasm of the,resist NGG s ngRctings hs Sete OS Se a ol ay ere ae with Ui aie econ ei cht He TELE.es 4 pete es AM Ae 3 “.sheid here last nigh te ‘The speeches Off.ae be inate at :Ns rset acai eas Pe i Ne i ies Fae Radney httc a eae oe es be ea ,M ox &MrN.S $;etn B74 »Mav.Macre,_Judge Pettn:Jude Wars leis ae j ;;Sahih i=8 ih Mea ay.;ik :epee i :TE mite *Ii UFcocheSej$:panies a ;i aes ‘We +::;FTE exec to otder at reduced 7. ton,Cols Yanecy;ang:“Messrs.Gold:|"be J nstitt ‘te i ined,SDigtaes,4 :er es :Sy ak Fa ie p n their long expérience.im the thivaitli anid Riee,weCTO:rete red with :a pe Sekt {f es |‘te "hay ..;‘:#be .*she:by 185 thes:Batter themeelves that a tre ndons cheering..:Fhe:Bethe)Poesusty LOO.::tf Q ao Shaheen atl BS +Now .At Ssneier oe Mra thr Aon!CONEHEOF :beter ads Stockyie fee via i tavilities that tan be,scent int tors;aneluding,Mr.‘Dawson,of Dallas|;st)x ep:: :eng:“date Mnanimous for Secession.te ‘fe ee a oes 4 )‘he exolutionsns adopsotasaffirm,the pri Gigs :a e ;fd :of thie FEO s :,Pub ;‘Re :;eeat Charkate.SE.copier of the De-Wd af“ciple ot Se parnte State,ietion,hats exe ait Le je or Sf ::;Wee 9 2 0)ea BY Be ae :1 ‘Ae ne Rige hae ra py As ae ‘op ote oe peas at tig lic SSquarg., _press,a Willingness tO &ntsait Wape ON pee er e a aE Cpe Re i EN at ee att ‘he:ty i \onycas i aw li the Preghy Mer j eyepiece Ui:3 o forme eer ts ¢either Yarda sokeited | other Suthern ee SATS es ye :of r :Ht Sholesald fy:ily Talyel tai Mie.ISOMER :if lemiee ere ren 6 e ee ere if é apeat and Alabam;i wii diana::‘conpe Fiof the Greatest Reinedias=with the Federal Goternmest:r teen t Obtered tothe able)Mr.Yincey it s@tns,ig makine ais “union speechesiin Alabstma:eat.the Noyh he refused to Say whether| at would:regard the:eledti ‘af Lincoln |”:Se Saal sie ;;:ane ‘cage 4 Wwe hy fone.at ;eee ::C ui f Si ee ee ee ide :f TES yor Statesville:ge daaenaety os -uy g ancemmth:th PHAR):&oe NC!ae an ;‘ah re ‘Chee r Fe atin ha og ote “Tig wig j sg ee eae ne te ae e oak .A;;Bang e,inthe extensive Stables connec-_ :TLE |i 5,Tf ii |iio!:Seen,nPTOVEMENSS:;e Simonton ~House,I take pleas-"4 *Our city ‘was-excited’on Shnday”iy boy =Re if’Ae Aah):ae ae :2 Be ar on Aaa ‘s in!informing Travelers—the Public 7" ‘warious ard coer Loryeer.otet fi eyo ek ban Koo -cy eat ied fees ENE a Ge hee 33 BAPE &E Pree aaa am prepared fo.>io :sae ae :Vas ‘4 oe ame bars a ‘re Horses and Buggies,| adAT REASONABLE RATES 52°2M (ais naan Bee Revi a ;ia aU BN Da:5 UE \;;ersons wanting evance-can beaccom-*. “stance of she fact to ee ag.follows<ne atssericea=mi ped di ere =stp eg eee tn {eee pe neseesat:ny.Saateee,Rertg: On:Satuday:evening.&party:of lads sas Pan ia ,ye :;::Se Fire wae ee , cor young men,assisted:by aneégro boy é .:Be geet esta pe Sie ;ei os AN:"16,:a ee eeeionicecaing |athe and fast ‘of Mr:T.amlin,were engagcedin bia 2 j he ::cer ir Ut at feotats :‘At.GE Ee :oe Provender ig oft aca setae ‘ane effigies of es pare 5 a Eee Re went ted ee tate ts ;ro nkogaeltiba n f VED it ey were assanited.by gohn Ere,_%::2 |Ay ape ue ;:i hee:”rss H oS rR S Bay ey ai i Sos fired.on them’er bal San a8 sie °xi ice to,Ube:puri t Sli h ee ve STEN ements eatery ar tee te RP SPA ;LIME:a _andaPe : “gan,wounding all ofthe 1mance ne ISS fs!a as a A ;swt continue:to wrk epee ee js Set?-Pertilizer is Adybirably.ailapie te ee e eh cand it iPsuppased desttorise:AEN cea aa ews cate te ;as pone TT ;rata eg "pf one of the lads:aye &Es ods Meade rele oe ee O5.Uy Boni ttisaf Ne issn it egeta FCS contr.ae t £We shall be-enabled to:ive fi %0).aya fador Mai th their:;Lo Mis Al :beans 6 suture cultivation.a(S he.Westernedgeof ov it's" “iculars perhaps in OudMext as ihe N 3 “3 '‘ty ::q N r ;e.Ai Aas es E (andoutside the corporation,eh .erefo ch.) yg to-our ink nemation;‘these th es enbject rt“According t €ts "The lot-crntains 2 acres,© lads were not trespassing,Gist tie se eee 1 Os :and:the,Heat pi Sry es ttt ot Dry bee Priceay ald fest tie ?an :‘am "The Vigitance Conmuytee:éf Moun ,Sali vw NE z te eR aC Se HLT bet et geen?ie eri the |a éeation,half in woods,with 2 *Pleaxent arrested Barre,anth have bim Hed.Price,$t per ane me for $ QW In confinement,agterapplyiIng:for-|A liberal:discount.to.merghanté ,; |Bite (Cialn wer)Salsbury,N.C.Detoher 4,160; * oO ge t s te e Ve ae we i r aeJo te e s pr i m e Dy re a e ea e ‘ eS te mo p ge c e Pk e k g e e ea t ni a e Pe : ft Pa y Pe pb r e e wr e n c i g sc o t ay Ba fo r e } aS aia PS L R A PR E EE R E ee e s hs Di g s a MA E ee a ee ee ra p t ca ea d 5 S : Se p e Sc e n h ee ar e n e ae ee e * hese Sa p a SA E CL A R E : So m e o n e s Sa ri s h s a c a r t S , ‘ es Me t s Da p An e es ee k ea e ra y we Se l e ee s ; é Le s or y # at e s se n h a ten ca t h e sa y ts EET BU aa p a r b i a s a ac ot a ea S sa a . . ;. : : : 3 : : ae a eS fs . ty aM Ne Mi v a , Wh e e 4 ea ST AS ja a Se e : sa b e is i s ez ac e aK wi d ae s ce e to t + oe si n e ps l e t e w e S : ge So e ee ap t s ee ng a k ne BE S S PR E S : pe r s Ve a et e en e Se 5 ar e a t Te a pi t e e G i n e bi r a i c i a : ie s Pa t e ee SE I T E " Te e s e Ka s ? 2 go w Bs : ee n ee ‘ eo s BN ss ce e eae 3 es : Sp i t z sie eR e Ke : i ee e SS E < ir e Sa a s i : ee e "1 et i AE E oe we s t ; 3 ; a se a t s PE E R BI S A ee = . 3 z se a & “ x . re g s e. : Se r t e s sa e gat ra = ms ata pa i n t ce t : 7. EN S , ca r = . sp e r ! xe ee s . a é. Se 5 s < Rat : s = Sa s Ts ae ae SI N ya s pt : ; : : SS as s e s s oi e a: ea t ee , 2 Ga l a n t nu e r h e ASi aae sa a b rt e te a sa De e d s be t e s ta p n i e fd SS E : ee s PO S E S Se pa r a s en e 3 2g e SA S Se a s Go k = SS e S Se v ts c e d e m e g i e y t e r i t r u e so tp n r a e iTn e e p ea e Re AL sig ee e . ; a Sa pR a es > by PS E As a n or y oe pt Ga t er e ne a l Un e h e e Ss Ap S Fa r de p e k gS 4c Se e r ep wa e Sa n g ea Fe Ae al p e r aa t i Su g a MR ey ee s Lg e ty e th e c a er e gw ie t s . E a Su e fs, Se po e ’ uP PA Y S : 2 TE S S Ca e Pe s er e =. TS R 32 . : He r t BE S a ee e Ea Se e ae aE OS LI A S ag e ee n s ro p e aw Se t t e e fo e Se a a a i c e d e n s <S e Se ce n a pa r se e d ae ee eS as e Si ee e ae Sol e oPe e t ae d 5) Se SO Se a ae ai s Sarg ia n es SM e ea e SE S S PS E EP S EO C RE T BS G ge s ¥ ae an h = RS ta e SS ay e a oe So k e mo e t or e Sk p e n t pi e c e s me e eg i e s ae oh o ge e RP P SA E NE pa s aA Se ne e , Di r e c t s . - Rt e aS a s e s : ee fe e ri a e y La n g i t a a y enaph v n m a c e t e e r a k p i a i yy : 5 So e aS at a : OW E et Be pe e Re n n MB O EE gt s AR S Ri e ne r ES XA fa t a oe es PE E a RE Sc e n e ey Sy =4é a Bi s er e rs OU R SA S ee ac a ge r Bi t e he Re s Le 3 se e s a SE aie 5 ; = = = Fe e pe r a s e e e a e r e s ee . : ; es " fs at a ca e va a i e i s e e pi e r c e Sc e n e s Se i ae Sa SS S gi na ag h a s t te a r ea s TT S ee e ee a 2 er ey ar e Og e e Sa a r Mi Ae s EN T E : E ee e p e s =:© Se n n e TR E E ss a {s p e n t as ta oo La c s wm th c h a n Ho RT E N D T IS : ar e BE T A PE R EE E 5be t h a, So e k e s ee ee: ea e CI S D Be a Fe e re y St is pe ga t ee RA E er e tt e ra e : Pe e r RP S R E U S SI R S SI I TE S Fa g Ss Li d m e h u e ip s SE A cA TE T SR A S Fe BI O OE S ie es ea fe e % ~ or s Ce p e e t e i i g a Be s a r as , as sa eR aS ma ER A Se e s si t e SN EG SO R E E Se Bk e i k d o c e MO S E S ~ pr e s RI Ba e = pe e CE RA E DS AE R RI S E N E R - et e ge eaaS oe pi t y ea e ‘a y a8 ‘ 7 iy h a r o p h e ag re g e ts a ye a ee SP E oT ee SE R ECE Se e ss s c i e l te re n e e Se i es s Se e ee e a Sa a s WE S TE E R E ORDbsSeetee : re t Ma r a n a +t me a t PE R E RE S 3 : : a t e : : en we a t a n t he r e i n m o y : d : Ro e l e Bi e es af ae s e s errae t 3 ; : g h b e i i e a s HA R G s Pe i e e os = i Sa l e , S e p e o k i e Pe o oa Pa s s e o a t s ; e e ca t e ai R R ¥ 2 fi ee s va s wi t in l e g c y a e n a be a s t s ns e BE hd Z se on FS an ma g oe ae ay e pe s e N s = = SE E R > ea e po i r o t bo y : ba ; : ? ty ee RE S SN < ah ee wy We n t es e Pi e 3 . ; | | 2 aM a s t e : ff We Se a b e e re e e ek e ke % L SA pa t e ce a s e RA ii m a tb p a l a c e rh ie e e ee e fe v c n e n ta e e e a bs oi e 38 B D L Tp b s AA , S i s k , ¢ . sa e P r o wi e h y n oo e e e P E C T E D : P A C E S F O PI S A 4 ‘ EI T a se o i a t g e e Bi Ra c e d ! fe t e s h is Se ee : WP S Ce t mn : SR E P : pe e = Fe ed i e 5 pa : : a e a Ma n t e c a t a E s e ie e e 2 aS ea t ta Te t e ia ~ ia r he ae an St e t oa a es SE R S a = = s e t Fa r i s a G Z DP au t : “S oe va n Ra t i g e n s ar n em t Fe e Z o aLe S e S O P E D Pe r ee e Fi t e 3m 28 GE T S IA L I E S o e DE E , e p e c h o n P s e r s os B E S S HE S is s Se e eS er es o (i a t e Ss Sa S e o P i y te er e d ye ae s we a n : : " * : be o a r e sr i e r e e en e r . ; ote . Sb ye e Pi c a “ Ss ‘ gr 3 ie : 4 A SI R PD A S BE D I ve ee € RR RS L TS OP AR A T : z BE E R S : ad Pa De s t S wast ae eG se t e TS sh i n e d wy si t Bs e A S So n i t n e w e o m e r p e i ee So m hi e at e s t eM n ae o n s se t ee BA en r a g e s TE R E =