HomeMy WebLinkAboutIredell Express, May 1860 >Bane Ot:“copy-plates,”aml sad te note,+ “ier go et Mth exiles andictity shai caiiice: pe a r g I ey Your,alvin ve welcome}¢ ied if atany fatnre tite.the:writer.slionld me i:+Fi will grow for her} ea ’ Ph as Arose'batl igi his taitton hole, poesia Lote eeraed iejth a tend “f°||No jorous.smile woul ever.stiSpit‘Omir hubes Tada.we ptten«waidyygNeDsNEarewereUnitaSabioiahPhAilead,witha,thie,oly mag¥tand 14 eeaiejay ter*As ewsrr ip:Semeltender themeofwohfsa-<cheer thy 7 £ied Sink Axasoft rel ca eS > 'stinets OF jae‘trie wound satire knows’ ‘Two sijuareh <2LTE 4 ‘Three squares,.10.00 .v's 25.0¢ ‘Starwinx car quills behind’bis ear,:Ant streight forgetting ‘they eaeithorre._ Bae te think it Wass strani pane;,Thatthé should twistench hair to ES*2%"Snel that his wrinkled cheek shee ih vi Its chor likesbash Tiggel ss yo:eS Gurthtiennittydefied git rie | 4 ga he A Set Aukmua cident eo eS |OM celfeeshepeeThewifenin=that!he wore to school -tt And very sagely welagreedThatsnch's-dutice wase nbveFifty!and tryinecet code One day;we cated,in Knotty 3 * orc.ip TW wend eel eae shapeE Rint we heath Ee,SME Sart nat :Ee ;i s tet U 1 ?i m4 \ Be ag nae Drewk atlfet,hatin afl.;.id ,;iO ;ee :as i .n :body be Upon hit cid pinedesk-we drew.4 Z )bigsee ar iy!Aes cal .‘::ie 4 sm Pie oe His pretare—pitifulte seg,OFS oS*Wrinkted anttak t—~half file,half tenesAnal.watite teinrath:Ament yetheet ae 1 Next lay,cami izhtt o'chckAnd!pur,SNe aie! eft But he came got:our pulses quick”iaWithplay,we Ruel itweakbefie +If thé old Sthoolnaster wer nick. 4 Areoet tt fire bene he geres lea?the:scar ;ag 5.Ofetainds which wr thatimorning|pindogee,Cutting heirailvery backs te stars | i$°)Wherean'td.ebunt;ihe:spmex we pleyst; Se At last,attired as |we ciadld hey)oosatUponadlavbak.strand : We dato adit4 re WH to pe.ie igre a4:+Ti«WOrP-Omt,hat comeup the watt:pee tet tiene ee “Tyee hari ne «on,Speequite spas X eye Notehied so wt.aumbatickin'g in,the ban>Sage Anleancd agains:higarpichpr sill:wy ant Mix ntact waswaitthysfor:rlris'ern Acrigs hisfeet his threatsaire crmt:Ye sftiak oe SeWadymg.stuffed:swith ‘Thay.a rth =a Pept igte ae *A deed rose gnpthe fragtony hte zim ;fe kee Se we :a fe ns more niPht tikie bis:place.7 fx.Ye,aE Tesmons ‘and's s0i-livewtotpdans!0°44 :Co‘ide‘aeeee ark hi reesd iweipkicd:fears oe >Ofphates centle Qemiy.a u a «Ah mecwhat bitter tears ngule!4 i Our rougs,een,fr oad His+We ter cenit teal,We WATKeeb-hierd. ©.The lopk.whi ke:Mire bee were it of Andali,wast weomiein:now,andtiven: Me wihemixht weara:rome bmdy Ems Ami Feu lene teryBG neer eat i faite the btken nweeeRSLeteverysorrewhie,|%ife—gtief or care,eben etsyEMax,ba tore a ere th jy dalloping:AW ben he ~feo i *ead Ayres made re k ey Wine SHigeant aire me Tee,One:ApbEiS ene is per,camedaty to Race Editors ;¥gud the he Tae avceky «Mess? ine):surprized wae d ta kote some of ts-cons +tents.ximese “eauidess thins Gok:ar rapid | S piebtak.survey Joe max persona l-self,cand |‘fey, ghat 1 did pat,deserve.thiatopratty,Very:prete uty poetitl trilyte,-And‘Ltelta fear,‘that, oo Marv Ls”heanight feeb quntpppdimtad, <haps.e-pavrined:that Ie had Masted his ii Sparation:lout“persis dite “7p draw it forthe.Paitt then.f cond write thase-linc®,teasy ut:‘appreciation forall chataé lovely in _sonign te tnind “and heart5 an untmitrve sxanpathre saith -“the.jjn- States...Dw sa growp ‘batnely or ond;or hggome:a pattern ¢of * dome-tie hritt,+6titent abghe yroperxe Aoning ofatavoriteeaish,so)perplexed=with thecures ofa Targt country:‘tarnity as te ‘haves laid.Hterary.:pussutis con thie:shelf.Sidaw:S “kinee,whena dreams.school:wirlypouring Or we)swer every,solrinie that came:ait.niy.Waly,I. “5.enid wander At andadnire ¢heliterary¢cone _ Yersations and leaterse:which fiwouldrea -and.ae onder that.E-coukd see.Fittheor.in a _round mes Bat ts intellectual:sympathy shim exist:irrespeetigeof age OFSEN3 Sand ity may*exist without:depth of‘thought‘or high. ome“hol istic:abtalaniae pts,Wy see tt a ‘“The budding Ms or.the weiner nie aia:angi 4 3 fet gpntle tosThesilectyture t“SF i a lance";wtih?’te ‘Teicloud crossedsnbleuntil Le:roaced stulling Rotts.gently dows? ih thet’Owatyheise mane &payed Thixs yupthyiaearttelepleasut feadineas net.onl Y toy ‘purer,noblerguture ©otoy weeais to; p dicealt ‘thatevyn berfound eteofthe’ori inal’ +“brightness:from:whic he we tell ‘Bhere:is(| touch of pa jox.in Hose lines.esYes all knowor sltalt kuiow, “W hat’‘tis “tes weep‘a ver aes d reas uae Sow i =’ fied heft:eyes.upon hisin,‘onelong.‘and steady:gaze.Those.who had}afyrview of her counten ent "Legnnot forbéar °.3 is a ‘tree thathever oo earen—there Ww "::ere aIant."plen ‘that “Soeial € my CORNET;anit eoursed of wiser techapte?of:homely" :will reqire nethought ,i Dy A .&0)!nae ao 2 Bat we must sasist that St Ledger,OE ROE,BUMS ETE 'i Sa fOK eit te ee oe om tion:fay a}alchral tone, “take.the kad.;:,:fe ;3 ee : ‘indulgein revérics; “lot weght?and,tine { ~\“the mérnigg,Ge anypeople’gUreakfast will be ner.°ey can. pled to his ques-Of 5 suilt.” bservi ing that : “manner,and. Be red these ‘sim- AV ‘ .folding their handy ened:wonde <<sae 4 ¥ Miss 3Marv lows in¢to dot =wit the.Story.21 he Oh,let yous.be“ihe hand thetehall oe the flowergardentivor ew!court room.The| *The crafty.man who wFouz aoet leadathem in the green ‘paguares,,and 4 shirts,or boil:overthem p near to.the:rail:|: ners Allie ec Deapirees or “y “20 eutand Ge.her dress antfri,her Bermet,git to.ge!"=.Johnny,‘and fone.borax’tthebaby’s*mont |er oaptifate:thidensich ‘old man's throw~.ds apy ‘possibill “met'sfrock don iw~Betsy,too.lias of canrse ad "ig style of dress,#ind.right felt ee *lo.<a Sundax-with Ver ae eres 88,B “you:ee I eas ees .r Spat em -the eee eT Ae b: and het:honnes.ttrtnmed:over.©orrow:,and sin "e°weight of woe they bear,Bedale |Set oe oe what they:He this style saeco inroads ppon m}“con-|*—with }icoks ofepterpe s ‘anda graceful,¢wan-like motion ¢novto thereare -)(28 eg 48 the aval.The fi tution since my father died.Lam,Syealegentis totic sabthedliond cota { -plod along-as tho”at were (ada theiradornings.J<:-TheseNiantepochs-inY thé:life of my [pro rhe’lev nye peersend 9-818 fore;ehurning do andj the 2 st se ay fi é ;i re P é at tin ne dignified’me 1 fe o as “and:|»oe i ;si + 'yei ane Retay timefor any.extra calls thebs *«Dmpay make upon her patienc d.the 3ad-,¢2.VantageS-are not ali on-her :a1)ai,¥y h é eae :?pee yee :Bl Sa Seta gets oe ee eH i vany one issick ye always wayit:li re,th :chen eee r GO OT <A:Is,deséré Ne arisists entir 3 Sie,ped uoprepasncaing a figae was, foes ae foot “80: f said. bently enamored of such a}liad caused an attack of apoplexy,ito Nay,ke i$to \this day daughter were taken’parks ofiby:a o:—ergentle-Jbrother of thedecegsedja atte ahe ide.**You:shall ‘chew allin peti time,a brother,”;sly returned ‘she.“My father was-a The child was-so ‘wellici,elec, wealthy:jrusbandman in’she Middle that-she:not only,lived,bat hecame’a bagswashisonly”child,and his healthy.and interestirigchild.-‘Letno -° that theFe may suk hie herael ae Nbonen a yar +Seal c pee.aerraay es he'c ales ;or seen ten (heart was bannd:up in me¢.“When aj @n¢.despair of reforming hisabandoned - Lappeare:!cheerful agdin.’ o*46 fsethe old:man-alive now?gr aaeea orderly woman,and-died hymning the’.i ;thejudge:-“«Pruly,he mustbe soe praises of Ce ice of eich daughter.”erat ie ae teces SNOT Pi eee oe “Helis,notSake”cried she No,.$“The Motherloss.Rays05hisgrayhairs:have gone:-down in}The sorrow “to.the grave,The seducer’ye;Ehbeliev ed the.tales:he ‘told “THe:swore’cternal constancy. Jani introduée-me to his friends,‘who.joa 4yere Some of:the first in the land.)If,that surrow should ever “male sehia's 1 a og thought.theresvasno:guileinhis mouth.4 Sg Pas |A by inpocente-——ot{i Thisis a tale which:you havepieked :froin:some novel,”said.the judge: -1*I'N be bound:that you have told’it before:to:half.the courts ih the coun-} ‘try.Itis very.imptobable.that you|bare’ot words of,sorafort - bwere seduced.|,You hove wanny ta-Yhand ent up‘this course of life...For shame!fr 'Take her away,constable.”{!lissing the low sweet.cadence of. No,no—not yet,”cried the priso-| s soring:such:evidence that the seducer | reed her’features;:her’eyes’of my:‘immocence and the murderer of "Draw dhe litt teady to burst,rom herhead.)aly father shail hunself.own His crimes,}Fn .i ee fe=qu -n-silencé and stand.before you inalt the horror’ee I illow rae aching heal upon Voourt |was.impressed by her earnest’ince—er preciosforgivcwess.xs.;Then,. dihanner-ainterested in the fate-of thiswretthed |eahh honored lieale esd oul tnplone being,th judge motioned for herpe resp es that strickendigtie flock in,belonged to- ‘mental lities were.calgulated tO have done it to,theleast of bbe. g ago was that "iinquir ed|of our Fatherin Heaven.a it is oe “may be,that a.child’sband shail lead . W cnt bot 53 “His bad man.’|youto that heavenly home.ichi ut thirty-one yearsof age-It:was}=adios tence their even bedi |- vr ago jast Octobet Since —‘Renier !ericd the jud e.:“This |2 batcdoa sti eRe ‘true.You.pe:have!=="4 wo el ene observed that the judge,pro-ee: an1,at Allie int Ay hor a ‘es ,qt 'uebeaeRaccrortenoncjustbayCoatuiedaerosa).pees si 2howe BGP OTE aE,AACR RS (Bens ES a St swereéd bythe’ed therewords mh arent dal lies,which:spewed:abel with ued.a Te “AShadfound,iin nhie posed:to.be’in n°gréat passio ‘ore‘him,’a more in-theprisoner,,on aceount of heianhe-had aintich:;tig todereive himwith respe S>.unsatisfactory ages.ee ee-ansWere:.that the Judge.asked«fixed her, other wit eo 3imthis: *short.those seh understandi aecebel bett ithan,I:Tihave-been’a ‘cheerfessashe,homeless.wanderers”with thle:“poteyou!child,-ovér the.world.“Ihave: ath ie poet:ing little one. he}y eprivel:me?Sou:d:>I-beeame wholly a graded gon me ;ears YOR ito,their’:The:‘eyes of the judge now.glan he’dige,Bu FQ frequents:at the spate,non,eisai eae pes‘you glance:he became!mgre-ee Me 4idéntthheshouted’: “Take her aw:y,conmtaple a aoriavithher;L'ssay r7 =aie ah:Bold ‘said she te “the?officer.“ee«Firstietme tell your judge eae“dj A moment ago he was.pomoattohes atthe&:Now let him.meee 8 My true |iyu:nome’ig:Clarrissa Huntingdon’ies.Whe judge sprang:wepom |isl Gout ms;a4 4f.he had been:shot by a nwusket ball.- re 7:|Inia voice almost.choked:.witherageolesSoakandagitation,he stamped ee i eee shave mf before.”1 Do.your.duty,officers:tA’ee"i away.aS—ye,with.that.woman {”ja a ay,‘then,’cried she,flinging off 4iy(het taticred <cloak,and “holding the 7°4 |wastcll “form.of her.child on “high..4 ‘#Look?|Jook |:Charles,apon your .child:'See,her:little fléthless’arms areptretclied out to;Sherefor-protection.pe ;in|She/ishungry,ve =iiis|Autehiay,Tak aehe lee ,,;how,.well dressed he:is!-See tow.ws plainp |*his cheeks:are:!..He'does'tiot ©live on:offals..He ean:‘get bread’toeat,Ile did notlic ovstrawlast night.|Har!hi!ba!Heownshisdld!’Helibooksattus.Speak:to hing,Ten‘is go esyourfuther!>:“3 ye")%Bor a moment the ieaie ceJ‘o{glared,wildly upon:his child;end:the:.-°.-}woman ‘whom‘he ‘had ‘ruined.His ek“|countenance became still moreflashed,the:jidae:‘|He made'a.-frightfal gesture withthis .er’:auld aid jarm...“Dhat member fell lifeless at'his -régent contlition:to|side.His eyes rolled up’tn his ‘head.@ reducedis‘the’eon-|His Jhead.stink upon his‘shoulders,and ate hery:in,one whem T+hefell back upon his seat.In another:jnoment’a loud noise announced ‘that Aemonplea,’”Gatercap:the heavy form-of the,judge hadfal-~~;«+Your’lover must|len to the floor.~His guilty agitation <I dilmsre his|which he was subject,and ‘his spirit .AS 4zhadflowntothebarofthatGodwhomkoa|he-hadso much offended.*7 +eedPéeand:T ceasohe hea ,The »wretched:Clarrissa.‘and:hia si 2s 3 arr benevolent man,who"Gnquited quently-exerted himself,arithoptvmuch thse |effect,for the reforny,of:_7 oe my brow he was miseta-fellow,when I state that even thede-=- based Clarissa became a decent.atd ~~:. gentlys keep back those bitter wovértthatcold,cruel stare.’See you *:‘not thé quivering oft grieved i fato‘take me to the:city,}Hark you not theaeeyes!Se es fecal 4 iare motiterless!“Oh,gent] heart its home!sTheyaremotherless!,_Stratiger jjhandstninisteringtotheirdailywants;© Strancer hearts Nearying,of the oe,isomeduty!a ma,ae >No pat sweet kiss.no warm ‘em- zet Nosoft folding.of little -a s in prayer.Vo mother fsbe *her x0:ce;missing that teuder,,“good -p=night;”seeking,secking,seeking,.allin’vain,that ark for the weary doye| —a mother’s.arGio k baa, prove what Tsay.;Ecan! Oris near:to yout *your’bosem!©Think of ‘your |7 j childhood ;;your iadilwr’s carnestlove!—that every ‘éhe in ‘the!|Her gintle care—her patient Jonbear-; ‘being himself,strangely,only Sn,kindness:Jet your hand-rest on He’wasa law-'by the still waters yf tel,precioussaidto‘be rising in bs Sayiour’s.Jove!’Let-xoure’.ube..thied&whose personal and blessed benediction,“Liasipagh as ye heart,of..a young,simple!have done it.uisto nic,Remember ..aIwasthen”,‘the angels doalways:bebnld the,fage ; "3 was,cleven:years ago."band place the crowncps soutien isl 4 nher who has bidthem “¢ome”mgd 43 om Jead them unto Him!>|ae : ‘yours shall that >‘ich blessing bets foie “3 80.short a,‘time.ion!_«How.are.yougeting.oh ?a edd pect ssofa steamboatto ‘theoe 4-4 grged.town.=:“Ob wernt Ep ‘a :* is ydould 1not command the "answer:to yours,{ons me to attend a,mage meeting in -the pa of seetiona“hatred.ean be.stoppec-behurried’cwith precip pomalet -do.Heeae+Jeston.saa heaete she“Wm.H.. oy)Charles FE.peste for V.‘with the’ee ~jority.of the ftee:St‘smile atthis statemen :-.trates the truth)a fearful truth,and ‘es,sone to hich|the eyes of the great |, masses of:the.people ©‘im all sections:in:annottbe.too,soon oe fag *inquiries,will:soon become’satisfi-,that they have’‘permitted.themseltobecome;excited about it‘Imaginary.than ‘real; than practical."No sensiblethanever,expects sla :remain in,any territ¢.80."Phe ‘influences6 and.production fix thi.’of.slavery:is’already fixeeswhichnowemh mt ‘keep3 i<grention!ith chewIndia er faveaare:‘disputeabout™-that ‘Territory:+“This disthe:pee we noawe dwn erent-comphatix:fee Theinapractical|point of.view yarn :“for ‘this sectionalfeveri aexcitement?i“We are permitting the ¢ouutry ¢ come most:dangerously qaaddenedag*withont/ciase or.justifications.i tak ~jt for-gfanted that sho 1co,when:her populatio b n of |her - _veient,ee and voltimtarily dop @t.|th ta enehas|fain vietozy,andwith John Pool,forthe!jpur captain,we will place our bap;sito th the,battlements,dealout.panics©the péople,a n mocracymingleir:its nativeelement —in veto .ef dark dispair.i :ae tiade,af Selb mach:Td Mr.Miller.f”"gs gota it theytet icing, th feocecr?|Union,_whensheis Te awe among the dead...Len f rz. i Forthe “Iredell Expres.”'Whig Meeting in Wilkesoe‘meeting of the ‘Opposition ‘of7|Wilfces County was held at the Courteepeace,4in Wilkeotort,on Fyiday,the0%]20th of April,}st:0%"On motiéa of A'S Calloway,H Saintclair was called‘to:the~andJas O Martin Foquented to somee Se‘The object of the meeting was brief:ey esphained by D W Parks,Eeq.,who the:following:resolutions4whichekeanaaentenly‘seopted *\Resolved,That we concur.Abe expatsaency’of holdinga Convention,for’the.pur.:i}spose:ofselectingacandidate fp ‘be offered 10aDrleanscorrespéBeoaeilof''the citizens of Somecwebien Wilkes,ne harleston Mercuury ‘says:Gen.|B8'a suitableperson to represent the district” Ke who was‘ran off trom||composedofsaid counties,in the Senate of <-:j.To.figwell;and.who’}the.next\General Assembly;and that we re.-Cc ‘f th j.commend Taylorsville asthe place,and the-a gnrention “fF the |‘fret Monday &Juneas the time,forholdingeGoldenCircle,at:Ral-|gaid Convention.—r 18 said.to have,bwindled|"2 Resolved,That theChairman ofthis tmeet.”; throu ghout the Soath:fs appoint twentydelegates to represent thismountingto:about $40,£Countyin said Convention:|.t y of initiation Fees |,Pecaolved.That we cordially.approve of,btibut that hesaag.im oo8.endorse the resolations sop -by the:State Convention of the Opwould"never ‘have-lett |which assembledat Raligh6on the 22Pihesadl Ee :nder.the®:cross “insalt.,rua last. ent of his.¢baracterTel £4 Feexel vial,That we ok:«ith Godboasiansseorexplanation”ai oo Woinination,ae as the Gu-:<.gn f sernatorial Candidate:of Wiig <party;°» CO creer tee at whom,we retognizée.‘an.able,inttelligent,:rd ‘Greenhow R.G.De.)|and energetic man,a trac whig,apublic spirit: J-Rooms "|Divide.tre ‘Union:‘led citizen and‘devoted friend of the Union:-i ‘Of Mexico:Seuthern Confed~"sind that ==use’all honorable micas ty }a mute ais election.” en beneaeZe Raleigshy ote ee er te second résolution,the |; ae thairman appointed the follpwiing per:* |80ns"as delegates to the:District «©vp Gist pn vention :oe “He's:as:mam =an}:LB Garmichack F A Harris,vty:Raster,Wm,Parks,A AW ischWHMcNei!,A §Calloway,Johnson. Spier,R LKicks.Pickens Carlton,Jas {Ee Keynolds,.LJ Becknal,Jas Hol.>{the disorders that afflict(mankifd—broox,John Brown,Esq;DW Parks,* h it deservesas the best antidote weg Horton,SJ Gennings,Lhos Bry an; complaints,‘But to be ought into J:Ak F urgersor,Harrold.Hayesconcentrated.and combined witht}::"1 notion:It ow.3 ;imcresac'itsiparde."Soles,petinble +>Ox it was ordered.that theSerio!muuch eke sie hes ee ofthe Chairman ‘and pectytary a ertisement of (Dm.Krea's Sarsapa.s caded to thelist.i id we,mee if Reeds no oe =iRusolved,That ay member of 3sour party,;\fromthis Country present at/the Conventionoyieee:to take their seats as delegates30UResoleed,That”the ‘progeedings.“of this si {apeeting.be‘sent-to the Raleigh Register aand .:.-4)*‘|Tedel)Express‘for publication.~:in mation,the.meeting adjourned,anilbt the!ipreioal time’;4.Veetiin H.SaINtCLAMe Ch’n.| LS ARTIN,See’y..4on,.good |party,ands Ma For the “Iredol ie - eing-used Mp.:The:can |Lx Pram.hi,“Kppril 20,1860... mei oui cra43 MiBaars “Editors:&friend “has furnished.f ha‘copy of the New York Tribuntstatesiian,»Jol,pool,fue wit e reatwhielsappearsaletter,purporting.to havethabef:written from Asheloro’.NC.,-just af-rhe tt 4 ter thetrialofRev:Danie!Worth.Who thePestthat:ine:‘East~will weiter iis;fo one moneilie k presume he is1whoentléaenr.|air Pxotic from.some of the hot-bedsof North- sain he sted in ae cen dchbonsen ee eee to Sok ti aT ;:<evergd brain,oF more dikeiv,he ls Coliductorwentd,pawer aud feed upon on eouie underground‘railroad,|looking «outunentdood,and will,consequebt=tor stélen or ewey negroes to tranepor onavotefurtheman’“vho|4iijs line.: ie iss lected |he ©will ‘be }©He'speaks ot havo visthell High’Point,| s th ¢‘avolfna®:enone aca ifs North,Carolina ai secluded.hermit.,West,:batcthe:State%at zie on an.extensive scale,andadbeing iigno- Poll,das driv en.hiss‘Op:unt ol the outer.world and its vit:acities,un- a wall proving ‘by the |)Pipe ee Periods:to-Strofig’exviteinent, e Legis ati 0f.North, j EE R O Si o k | ey ee Se ry ha t a ed s t t y ae :suppose that this itinerant!abciitionistJthiuks,that becanse ‘the fitizens of North«ay S Ellis Saykk,|arolina donot meddle:witli,other “people's: ‘“quencesof rejecting’a §5 th«4]y,fairly’andvoluntarily .or; ~would be,too mome:ul “votes to”any.extent.:.°*de claimed,but f have ')fidence‘it:the-‘good,“people of the-free'Slievethatthey‘will €' “ander “euch Erenuspsieate €exer it The:‘magses'of this cou rust bi'£aroused to‘the dangers hich thre: —$and the’-Union:must.be_The ‘lawsofCongres ¢,the authorityof the: ..{agitators!in and outof ongres to ing nire after the in¢=4.see the country is o"ataot work oa and‘bangover us.‘The Constitution;bu be patidown,.*“There:is now no the | stall dothe workIéthat-it Bould beaes‘The dangerous ¢-the country’inyit“massesof allexistingp.*their:exertions for theggene ‘ees of the:pearls canastheycanbe‘properly ” ve onlyt i Brey ‘citizen,‘ical->1@-Copy of bis’farewell».veaditeveryday...It worremeshawcountry;andgist..No:sane man can:beli can look forward °wit ompostr er ee ‘ fields -latd/waete—to!Seed r shipping-destraryandtradest ‘ z i ‘omy ¢,dog defiance of de-i ler of‘his:coun ecth es seb ing:t adeoca acer £“Jess gad-absteack sectional ‘prejudice.I envy not thelieart of that man who) .Seed strife anid blood aettas at Bester oneddre:‘shrewd calen-|4 hateas:.tradingpeople ;heknéits,oe Y well;sinc wattsthe Eastetn:peo" western-feliows2?|He the w ester peopte it rst them.mo Cadyattyran,ay‘thironshiy hon-| inkan,“who spetks,» eaaske of bear S08?5 He SANS, es ‘pay onder...‘ith:dp.not pay 2 aire weealths, Mark dl €upon the:ueattenrake’‘position wv"high ¥Mido him honor}:He Nas set outtO.Seheaes the causetof justice ahd& ualig :and i tell you,tee Sa it} 3 é bat ¢of thicir:situation’;“to|tthe:‘stuns: ‘our country.Amid the idin of aba pondeis nist ry.ee,Cla leet;they“tall into:the| fairs,and undertake-to uproot theinstitu-dons of other States,that,consequently;theyaresecludedfromtheTest.of ithe’world.«‘his’hyp Of abolitionism.goes on to bshecraethat“while he was writinga few private in-_ ‘eeudiqry lines at the table in.the Hotel Or-‘fice,an arkumrntative party gathered around’watching ‘with,curiosty -the>process:ét,the:Norpllern,gentleman’8 wielding his pen.”'>He certainly makes’a ‘eandid eopfeesion-Ifere,for,no doubt,hie deserved to be-taken >”aipgit-least on suspicion.and placed:‘in the 4eehyVateeatonewithbis:friend Wogth.1 “fcwould be iwell for the South.to keep ati:sharp look-out;for these “wolves in sheep's° clothing”are sneaking round,as very,likely $his:fellow.was,(without any ‘ostensible bawae)trying to ingratiate Aimself into the -graces of:Soeuthern je;and steal:.cbriething :to defraud‘them.out of théirsub-°c tyStancewhichisonlyadiffcrenttaress.—:‘Twould fhink it the duty of ‘every:town >‘and atilage in the South,to bave their Vieneatowatchcloselyardscat ’y awwell"the conduct.offallisuch leawses” -|.as this fellow..He dates Shingo ah xApril;it will'not.be difficulé to locate the | §‘many He may be one ‘of Helper's distribu=4 }ingagents.He speaks of High‘Pointiin rather astrainfofridicule,in regard tothe burnipg-of Help-~er's books;the “Female college.‘and,I cup4fasethesaleofRev.Mr.‘Langdon’s proper ||tysthe auctioneer,thes ,the specvula-.:: ;tors,‘the young ladies af the $Selidoly:aud allresent.He,then makes.a ral:case 0!Obes em all together,-withont diatinetion,as all:teins.‘present:attendingthe sale,of négroct, such:ata wheel os a long time,a ‘Ree the “Expres5s-atid doing:such te :aifis a perfect’scamp and ougl to ‘be brand-;“My:opinion is,wlcever thie’How may be-| ed wherever he goes...*Thave taken thepains to tend you the pxpercontainingbisletter,to expose dit.|wwunt itdistinctly understood,that I don't ~reakthe “Tribune,”but,being informed of A |}voor columnsof1 e Tribune,printed isfsmall._"@-|type;and headéd from “oer own Beeporter.” the letterin question,owriosity ited we |a séeit-Youcan make suchepaperasyouthink:proper..a i The:correspondence to:which ‘allosion ietaadeiinthecingletter,occupies nearly ‘Thus,it would seem,that Greely sent #«pe: tial repotterto Aalieboro’,whereWorth was.Y-|tried;to‘repert the:proceedings of the court, :|which he has done very.|minutely.Weir fer;also,from what the writerhas unwitting:ft ze“|Jy communicated to the Tribune,that it was not ilesigned to reach:‘Southern are;that any@ser-:gentaare secretly opetating in the field:from.|which Worthwastaken “by eT: ;}of the Law.jos Tia .Focthe “Iredell Expr”. A few ol theehicehas of Iredell Couninet.at ‘Olin,on Saturday,the 28:5ril,1860;for the purpose of |holding. ilroad meeting»,_i:'The necting was ‘organized-byby eal iMrcaASharpe:to:the Clair,and ap»: yr ot|F he}pointing W'S Houpe,Secretary.1.'Dhe meeting was Siem |" ='giderable:length,bys:Col,A:Mitebell,i showingthe gad caine |of ‘building:- andthe |werethe At.’ Tantic,Tennessee aed Ohio Rail RoadextendedthroughthispastoftheCour *‘ty;/but especially the greatimportance"sof extendingitto Statesville.«Books .swere opened,and somestock taken..Shs montena thea adjourned‘sine} ectSAAREE Gain. er}¥‘8.Hoore,ay . i sar S Cholera.poe We are’informed ‘that about 300..shopshave diedin this ‘town within,the _ _last two-months,..‘Phe diseasehiaspre-|pre:jvailed-moreorless ee “thie section of ne State.{ Bs Ts:ane Young Aged.‘years,Ty oer ores.‘us,shalll be of agood ityanda :1a dave.Shanes &.dacalder of Tey a :eg a j i RY AME:CS):,;as,Sart Regex ie ~dernte S :Gilbrath Falls:i te ae anesbetele eke Che:eae OF On ep :=e -:ip :Bc.Trap,st miSy:=.PEC.aN ot ae usrsis,in evoluti®;eee (oye a i Ln !ae si ER Dr 5 =4, _Of:Rapizou 8:ee i |“S0UNG.;ays :i.Sehr f aaah 4 ae a A E Ao2 i ;Gialor:sLoungvx,Desturte,‘Drsrxr Pe 3.SHE LLY,&: DIGESTION,EnYsIPRLas,RoseofS <e x ie,abd indeed the’whicaupo.a ;i t Me i P 3 be de if %$Ma rs hele ne bi 7 :2 x ,:+“de 4 ,ae 2 ot when taker to}.a cAteaaie—pie aes)ites Se ce ae Tia Wen OM ee ee ee i Ea:7 a]Re as She reer)THOMASVILLE,N.C. 5 Fi 5.‘-;ots :of a r ¥ie!J Fa ‘be 3 oS tat eo ,‘: :Facade ;:‘“th ranklinaie Which be sella at Wholesale?Butler ey ois.Spec 'Ee Tr.mh paa Mptae a d Boy's et Bast mppedin:the bud;iy aekhag ptaibe Orders-for Shoes by aeCoffe»O14 @01 sGteen!ct 00 .‘Behe hea oh A:EGR Vl.AY rr sept o1 ;:ft ef re yeepare:theniselxds from the Sittended to.ew int,q u a 1 Ma ¢ry ;op pe AF *A oe:a si.Tallow *-a ee A es 7 Use R far duane:and -C iG FY rLasew :on.ar net Htc soc WL E A N.HOU Sz,,>tine 030 @OR55 Nails +te a:ee:.‘ee Agore)(5th:1 86!23:rt ARG Sewer :through hématural ocClean‘body byCorn’070 S075 [Peasoa teGhickensG10"G01 Rass.es [Ree 906 ede patos.eR epee Persian euses MOTO er eae eres eee nda]=‘Statesville,‘N.o. ai ane!cL Inedici it the v i et “es Se — -sluggishin theve ins:cleanse|eecitasfoal,and var’clipswill r THE SUBSCRIBER.TAKES .ean.he een,wherenoparticulardis-|.+.UREin announci his triends 9ndleenjoy:better thealth:and}he public,thathe’has‘received a Aberalcleansingthetiload:Keepthey sh ssantpetecanee for the last two yeam,.end:|ea eektetas ees Gonal ROOMS foredisgrderedcan.beso.P :|Soaker orl dance a,BOARDERS,aiid “TRAVELERS,and has ae fy igge 0.i Be ee es :1F ee Fra cin tee ee ra ie ong,and the great machinery o renlarged his Barn.Lot,-made Stables, Hams 013 @000+.Peis /67Bee eee yO,J cially Infornithe |COMamission M 4 pee oe stroma "Cif Keep good Ostlersnod-pleaty ofsuchas.a Sides”O12SR OO.7)ns oe aa ah ianceon i miter;:ee AR.Zens dtesvilleiatid-thied oOo Ei ‘ee :ig ;;3 =ach,the,country affords,to feed.on’;and no pain . Hog O11OS ‘S whi :ore “tl “Fol those of ot nt i ::Ria le.Seen woe :hese <n PRS Bab ed Sicaanc ee eA NS *na {8pared to furnish a GOOD TAE Ey and *Beeswax 9:25 Gaver =*eae Pe ale Soca f RE coca Shae am a os ekeente all :0 cin t-venments Of RAOUT,|3 z:Ve aby:feito cs comioasel:who =oo |iistinesfs©51,Spérm,040- |}; t “Coffee,ore ia @ moi On:k SER ¢.F .:-:Ngee:.cee vr é om:7 ng Pe “Gi igs Rie “0 15.bagh.05)pre ::APbeS Biesea tdbrs froin a distance jrenetially at]:=4=a Hb labeyearsthe fie hareeae@.te ye >Ga 4s ‘ray T;:ae .“i ‘:"i ;—_v ae rr bere =ne Y Java:|yO2D 5%;aa re ee tea tN oe ‘nna wis %=~;GE Arous )1 by"eee :eae r Sa ilafer one do eee Cotton,<.:zh i he 4 ae the tcp ees Tk oeot |f£dere,0:t ullege.3 G ee ese have :a ;Soles’2 :TRESURSCRIBEROFFERSFairto©4 168 Tey Mo,GO Ls Rashronub ress:Muk AeayOR ee at March Sa Go rr ;‘the:‘they;ot only.contain'little,if tied’his _D : Oobaa ;Na oe OD Cae eS Baa tale rig i ef AO.£8 x JAY PDI.So Ie esSto toxve Hence,bi 3]appoint-|Statesvitie.‘They are Jochted near to afd mid,eS are Sark aOR i aie:eh ;;My gaa ;navies Bearer ment wed-the use of;arious ex~)westofthe Female>College,allied ee |t Flour,=::*beeen og ohac SRM Reais amie te aps Baad :;‘LES:NNAGAN,atthe Sion of]@ut Lo EC ey ae et Couating Sti saparilla,which flood thé cet;|desitable propelty in sai ae “The Ex.stp.:thee SBN“in bbis G00 Gab-25 a NGC.G52:(au 58.SsInbags3:1245¢a375 ;;312 (0 (a7 <ISupertis300@Biy§UTE @l ,es Fine>/000 te00p ;5 Se ESR ap as }TT Yow re eet 3 oe i toa ey thse Take tf %Y Sas Wt sa aah e =3 :Y -Grain,.“Ya:Ld,QE O10!7.0123 |e ied pontsitidon twos ee Bae ii i,=are i ee ;Lou md Lo q :ad we 1)_For articulars inquireae Wheat1 95 (i 30 Doak":Orko:(000 F ae adi hig TY 'aN jae eee aia a "|to.Sell-or Re Tot co 3 5Acre have grou fing ithbade }RC)ne «Corn “082 (0%BC Mente Pree ha Cie EES E vert arta to or rere ee ny iO Se yh ELD ae 3 ing ninte ‘and:in,¢irre ifs g |1 W.SSt TE.“SalishurpMarket—2ay 1 1860.relese Seer pples,«*:Molaksés;(0°0%=Deed”050:ae Seat oe 3:s :_EeBacon”Sao Nee Sy.Or xs as ae tentiausto bua nd siisadhe rintek:Taeonet MEY Hes PRE sade yey cat bei No agate ee és Le ee i WS TON}>:[TILL stand the.‘eneuin;“eeasonat ‘hisoema);15 |bysbery fa ghare neMICS F lebbak Reark !NS will be fi from:the Ist ol =Pe ees B 5.|leife |.“Town of Statesville,N.c::tine’ASS Gow Msgshe Re eae ESR ig.ea a oe on Sia lueonry &e i :|ner Sey earn sk af|Seo,po ;eS M.-YOUNG:.,Coffees aeed 2G 0 ca aah SULT A Ao VAR .iS |*aden fi :pi agenda See Co geo pa aes di «Matt Rio,”01281036 mh D2)voce.ee Ghee I aie a ;sf Java.OX (ai203 S a 70%.is ¥i ee i ;.:oe 1 8 i te :7 aa +‘Com.|Cotton 01.G0 UE ‘Sugnr 4707 are karate i Eos Hey ui 3 oy)Oe CRI FAA |plaints,that itis entirely:~ulihecessary for.us} “Corn «OFS (ay R0-Brown:007 eee se t i Fes :PRN cep ay :he evidence of its virtues,sw 3 revs: Sy **Meal 075.CENBO :Crash?by TEU i “Tor F “hE ee i i Sas ins heeiiem loyed.-Asit has long heen as +Featherg0.30 gee ;lar.1 ce ES Sh,TIO A.ee one §ES ves JAIN 2 Ne ,+propsined:to,Y mitogen beef ihie nt.ose ixcaghaal this:pection,We.The Old and well Knonova aad ail aeShBa Tallow O10 Ge us ys tee WILE spnABOUR Rock x :ne ae qeony ty r'be wanted,at short nee MOE oemore than assure the peopleits}-DRUCKER &.HEBBUN,ee selbee&0 “Whi t23 @tzo [2°ise has ada 9 ;Sines eee Ree UY!nable tehins,tozetlier w ree Jobof |dnd th Fier eel Ser et ™‘in1 Charlotte,eeethieday «Branch’Tron,bar 0:05,Red.sie (a [20 i “B ous,”Y ‘ey Ty:ayy be ;ing.paper,Inks,sand |reli hagever beenfoundto do.”of their:Business in”.: Has =O18 QOtE)Noa 92sG80 |G ihctwne!as we ace laced a ee EAE AS taion |Roonstiy the,Simanton:ap pened erp gee Pill,eee ee F Bo hete be rae the Firm and Styleof Jg@urdiice,Diyspepisia,;Indigestion,}"ADs RIN TELS &co.FoilStomach,Erysipelas,HerilacheNVE would respectfully informthe Citizens..Becca |:Eruptions aul Skin Diseases.getia ‘Citalbeae Of their|Live.plape,Deooey Telter,Tumoréand‘“of Stateeyilie,and of theCounty petsbe|URKEE STEWART.“|S10 Rieu Wop,Cort Nasigartoe BoePeo Sarees by MENGES pss ay 4 a §rata ¢x Feb 2460 Teef 7.Lifer hand Jo Barfying the’mae |REESE&STIREWALT,on College,Aven- =.ao Ae :::sitll ae suites ar es :ney ate Tke-then :Piccsantti-the atl,Re,andRave’‘opened'an entire New._—er.oO Fis erme ah ea ‘oe.}as 3 Ne BB ae age chase gpe ante on begs >$e ON ALES |yt :Tent in the worldey‘Sonk ALT-PERSONSEROM FFISH.oN x i aie te frie d andthe |LeU LTE:AEA Litt purposes ofa emily atcr.ee ER EONPS Labora!my,1s ae pid :s vis gat ::fe ae ‘att Bais of Gieriyos:‘Phiyaicione,:Ben,‘and eminent personages,thaye:lent Sheir-names to,certify:the unparalleled bee:ia aetna ne (Sete ae atta &Maen gen en ares ftheseremedies;but.our:Spaces:3!=without’myelect)to‘cate sears ;ee3 Tee Ni i a mi RET Pie ae ae aan one is ¢th ioetheinsertion of then.33a;vea,at =nee Bers.wen gen Ww’ngmicds “furn-will give.FIV E DOLL ARS for asert FE RR ms 2 Soria .&rs wl i VID EN ID oe ay 5 42 ra a0:..sca :oy Vd :MANAC in which they are given ay eufficiént-toconviet anycpu:of:solating:this SAP a :Sere Vaan.Ne:AAIT t :‘alec I desc iongof the above Comi-|°;;notice.=Bi x cae 1e€é..;yy ek)MA :pre 5 Es at he whe Z 20:‘01)ta Sent ae ete4 }Boreas ea sMOEEDR FOR SALE ontiga &sale SSR Stripe!Seis DEST 8 Nr wi Sotige itnone|Donat -GROCERIES:a Sd ithe test P BMEXE vat)thosds Oo gee Eby eet ie Heater cask eo Sree fae aves ve sthes P|ad ny igs nd y and:soba:AMBRDTYPIST--STOCRTON-HALL.[ject tp OE POMONE deosst tere “ot ki [fet pee cre.ain_nguavtectarers |.Afachine?willbe delivemedin Rayetene-|Six tide cae sec |oundinucham’Eataiament.of SiR,J.B:Osnrer,akee this">methad to tet it TE 3 We Sede Teg Mb ket Piiocs 5 S.5 VINBET at heboro’,trari on ee ORR VEROVand :Remediesseis toh ite se=|giana ge ¢“toform the:citizens of Statesville:cand:of the]ee PE ELE Id:LILES:10 file 5)i Pia ;Eger p Tsone ic ite”-Threshino Ms.Sarai ‘1 figiire,than the Citizens.of this vicinity are adjatent country,that be.bits ered bie ph AeayRED iE ONE 4}n!loguugute t¢hove yiif be Eisen Hig teas cline:for ti Galt::bald s {ase im the habit of buying...Wethtrefore invite |AMBROEYES (GALERET.finer pom ae A FEMS sein Aa ost FIVER GAA I@QRATOR,(toc es oe ss 5 caine errSareeasspeeehbeeeee1360iaeRtabeitatsPeatMekcdtariy,er atTroy's Store .R Pp CO C.4 vont "ME A&C.A.Sabtos,»CHARLOTTE:CASH PRICES,.willtake:Likenesse be test atyle.of |aera::eae “Wath nine di ei J ras and Ba ‘;Mite a M3 and’‘accordinglyhope,toreceive alange share theAtt,sin clouihyns well x6 it lear weather.WATa tind:x Bee .,nave hier 0)Hs Decats)ay i ney :ine :gat Fobhs Patronace <L=sen as any Stax:etbe short.‘:og Bi :3 YELP EE rE {.AtOpy qui nl ¢it ;f ,a ee a Oe 7:Ta 4 eq re a :a Biatesville,.Feb 8 ingi daze ae as s Ps es aT :Bf :Nyig SPRING iaiterela,1860::rsL“the:‘above:popular blishment,:in-}*$200|forme the public,thathis bestexertions,sha ate sane:{be used to:furnish ‘the Travellin;Pei-‘deft’community with the ‘Bestan |MILLINERY &STRAW GOODS..tacloeieforam modations,alee ae the}——— -See Oe peee ES moose,CATOR &CO.-7m 4 B BS Impordycund Jobhers of-at gee ca alltimes,be spread with the:best.th:BONNET SILKSSILKS &SATING -Leo Horde,antevery.‘attention devoted |Tene.aches.Flowers,Feathers,:sireoe ‘STRAW.BONNETS,FLATS,&e.Me,237 aad Lofis of 239 Daltimore St,’ MEME SAL D.MOORE,ates e,Feb.17-00; é ‘Tense,6months,«ix:a se —of:ek.Us-esa:w will.‘20:ito Pl Fe ames Fei,3m ‘MADEfor SERVICE U2$15 thie seasan’s 50 ee ANTS,a4Ee 1)latest Styles Dress Re Sh:The wae eds oP ENGLISH REPT.|ctye senwtty |Ged)oa Crpetec ieee |will.SOR OW RTOCE TON.©.fi Seetbewer than’one ee HS ;eee pledge icing harne ine of ‘Em Segit 28.tt bien Feces ee een er]meek:aes BUSHEL HEAT VEahdiwill keep:fh colon:SHOES.+Seance,i exgears ld stern:no Shaw:cy OA tid aca el os say c .i}pas oe Lio wis ae hhodall:kinds‘|:etc-hgads high,aod jet-black;baving“all the!2 cs :3 :rth:dag rafernce |this.wellwatcha!tang 3]'2:||ON :Sai orth Carolina.Also,Selenabettie 6Foau”(ounORR)URSA,COIR Neca Wie cana ee)Seca Sc surest sowanmias,TIN QP)MEN'S SHOKS, pctby C..gaa N.apatite 1g60°*112f Fepset me WHEAT,CORN,PEAS,oe ARSENY;Hides,Furs -‘eathers,Beeswax,Rags,Lard&Butter,and bral other kinds of ee sar aemeeeae)fe ethes RSHLAG &MENDELS fo Deas Ue ree aaa SS ts haeaia rhoaBe ae Br tsch sfthé Gace Hiaee ©x ray oe Anos pes SwakLaces kuras.co Eowill beam §rates’pig Salisbury,Mar :30,7 A RC DB GRAS SEED)for)at om He)|eos to be ne and dharses reason:reala ito aefee=a ’;'Web.259."ieT.HMcRORIE.,SEERITE:sgoaEEDS f "Bekpon,a“a on=public ido eee Toh haye:there origin eee elect Lie ATERE,caled a aleimprove thi ind;and Heart,weil]ree.ae “.warly;‘@ppearcin per:coluntns,in ‘prose.#'.pe pens of tWehtel,Anthors.-atso-stigrt miscetlaneotiss ticles desiané‘the minds of Children:jor beget intt fondness:tor re adn’; s being Row j“Coxane bs becate Ne taghapire:invA ee or eajeateiet 1y it'may appear tohgént'public! differ:chpen 1 fibers:be 9 UST received the ane D-DLES ever otleredim Statesville.i GCalkand examine:‘for eae ls at /TACE &re y “North Caroli leche SNOW.Gar H. ta’Te or stationary ‘ H be manufactured --te),We’are alsqmannitéaring,upon:‘the heat |:model a@Ruperior article of:Stegarr Cane fweld,whieli sugicient :cod horte,te extract 5:Pee “aspace pf aborfeet,<6 that themull very portables ,Nearaexperience)they!do not hesitate to 6a:that noveffort 3 mI be spa:1Yo-yive generalsal : <x Send its hie season: :ev Olns aif)Our ling will ns ftfire »fhe’x ce Eadfond at Griliam’s, Sires ted 3 ine i “Terms:gosaonehie =itsthe:times. on del Sere forSBigpeeDot‘Tetterson busig &CampoBapscais lrouspt attention oe :Seat ree ios Sordatox SetOEBeeaah2S.ARR TRON. PERRY DAV IPSON,|Pe BENBOW; sae:BroprictodsiaDRAKESON, i Agent,Sta ebville,af, nan’‘alsae Fn Shon nuinutes'be handsomely.fied out to.Sianday ait,or @ Business,as fine'os tan: mops measure,and sare poP pantieng.pas oe {ae which,market;8 frequent vite)Stcomefor tife:louse (Im-Go:pawith:teatreisaPlgabebgehhvatdayturns|”eee Tiras Ngan S lens Visit-rar Mode!"A neguilar weekly lineing!Syoceh pres a ‘Panikcet ‘Tea.Tames:FIR Sls Ornaments’Sad- toecitas..‘Castings:Spritics,A xlex,es,er PGs exe Trunke locks,if 8.Pinsh,!"Turse SntOil.Carpet on obs.Smith’G oeHips,C IS ue tarpaste*Par North’s'Jenny Lilet ‘Seagoaft A Hinbs and A xls senna“Mack ic’sPatent Treps;” By Our SpringseriameévicanHayopingtobeanfdom mi“THOM.eneranepoetalgmanenearcba 2,Md.=Teh :LAathcr;Dunifedpercent cash.hrah.Sedeoene by ised aysSexial dipensen,jatid the [~.: pleat unfart nite victims, hes eeeetnoeoe)ofiff,dag?)90ee,Pre rectory of the Aatreatmentofeae bee 2tion’with the sucters-which has. ;Sofwipades teesUtenerplent™“effortWd.expechelly ‘to the’sissyRetheres:Trew ne.io-menerally,he has taken“this,leneaees:and‘known Hotel,sind kgs madeevery possi-|-reparation £6 hottie ey ee,aavelihgandvistingjrtions'of the ptlilic,the moet eatisiactory 2 “LAvat,prompaly.and dili pea et89WH3.6 78° i inedapptiae15.16.TsBaba eB 1 19.206.L728 1.28 2293 2495965729:30.8293032'22--..: 6 78 910ITR 5G 8131415161718191q213ep202}:9993 242 264" SUUB BLE1718193512%1617-18 19 20 324252627,28294reese 4 ravds. Ba re aay ia fosOffers hisa eerthe aie,|>Ottiee com College Aventie).pee theqStcthotentChareh,.|Statesville, _DRS.DEAN &BELL,. Practice (of MiBhektservicestothepublic.Wratte sprets”Office,Oct28.ith AVING:associited-theu in-she |theeervices.ofBoTh will be:Fenderpa With. 'Joutextma charges) ;,Ofoez tee‘doors west fiche ““Tredell Ex- DRG.J."WITHERSPOGE, :Tpene lodatedimveelf ‘atthe late resi- dencewf.Jone OvarK,‘near’Sherrell’s’|Ford,and abouttenmilesSouthwestofStates-7 ville,«I offer’mv.rofessional foe the.]on public,=e RG eATHERSTOOS,3 D.Jan x oo £Jah ,Sly. HAYNE DAVIS;Fr "ATTORNEY.YA:LAW)SRATESVILLE,.N.‘C..© de attend to all. business entrusted to His,care.->Office Spposite'the Jail;Oct.(22,"38."58. Busing(55 ‘Cards. |"WHOLESALE AND RETAIL__DEALER |TesaerDrags,2 Woo:eeie<. SEW.CLoTmING stone,an eigen = &: ext ayeC.ee Sune94859 me few dans fot or akofthe:ola aehereBewesppare , we phyeditor'selle est RO peaioeeoes For,trodibideand carts ‘ar inxal “While cine sania te Be: Nevet-at dibner,Dever at xen,\-~-.x _Jeteran ete at home’‘senaihe;©GS my +isk bua halen vey lmiaieshe ©y “ |Eatottier init,Goin 26 dianRatberiaait bow,j ae ae ‘Wotake-her to:ehurchand the opera.: eae en “adn,what was sti wo eeiWiscountenancefell.,'Notamindls batan’en, Mga “'Withe he‘vowed he hadtmoching:settee ada, he te ‘Mospenilupon eriicline,fisunces of collars .* :pois ~That ia.nyt-to-dayi)tp it be soul sey pi Soertece ys 'Wheitthe Pakteg bogante-pay,Chae ap ri :To’bindasting’p dunatddle would neves aay az?y _LThep,as tothe fame he seemed tocrdme,se:is Thtookto fheelf euch alarming ‘ghapeaY a : One journalbaddpen)y called him ~tele:Pee aes ae -”Wiiile xiiotherhad dobliet him.“a.juckaonper*” Anit abepée pil from herroom atthe hed:oftheestaic> She sawa ant whoshoTsewhip wd | ne oF 5 oe A man’sevbr feet:hikh,he was Feady:to ear are ~r Who ingalensd,with we etcaugsely fergpipng air,Rt et Fo)9 Was the euigar there?055%Bt Se on et kbd IT he wasnt at home.where?)02 3 eae Asi be had @ Lite}abe“ant:ty equates"|$0 £3 \Giving her wach'a fright “whe,aft.atnight, esa er"bosonsvendin A conyne:a fatter &gost“i rm her hasbing appear as ‘het notancly’fase RET,i a Spabep 7.8 deem os ae,Ngtine,fy paxewace—.3ae —<a Bat only thyshost of the!maw whoa sie martied—ae boone SO"9 UNpal haggard ereattre,i oat Bo at ag With care on cach feature, woeal artis ih fa Ns aa pa +Six Months ws we vald,Rha |if Have ke ‘pista -balls sped;ra presatily worse!ae ‘ ’Bott dete edema:‘wien thedell he «gong bad rung.a:ie |Chosgnet»Sisaitelaons ‘Wheo one dty hecam homieand tay gown on thebed.ti “Andgroabed.mx “The,papersny e-émothberrd im pillows Li:head, rlipz,the:paper isd “aad . |bat bweet litte seit wasn tvorry abie |Ie oe ‘amy éwndoxe;”she murnit(ret,“Tn wileta ‘of t ‘*‘Sod taken,thereon,withswhysteric,fit 3. ee Shelauglied and 5wept ulferiiates.(>3 aa ee eeaeti*“|For'the <Thttelt Express.”ne RG SfSaag esto a ABORD THE Dicwer Oe Synge 4 april 2eps ro'clock:2M a e eS M.,Twente’aboata:the Dagnek at Ca73iXs:te &:tardcaahy Alo,and ni the cogtee at a Re fog to thre Uerncane deck,» |.2 et Hela moiirntdly:W atehed th -guar foe hills?among whic ie mg in peace dad yitier;wheeze.1) oe hat.weredear to.mjelicart 5 aad”withe i X Girma tat “FE -had spent many ‘Lappy day! ;is :ioe visions of Happy.gr eeting: _North Statedwnced fresh and’)Ud ee ~~may _begin,,itpelling”qne homowyrd : ooartyrol *ase =tand is the,reluc-<j “ _quite pees “We:ace mnel wit , a chad vze:il.as ever;this F remark forthe ti ta (ore Lose.wlio fray eledon.thesiter»nie 1880, bos Trike ut.”“Last evening at fobt od:some} aaa “pents-ttook:theif seater th :,‘without ipsing more’e an juat enéueh time! tie Steettheir suppets.tossed the “cards:aut, ingfrom:thie-pile'«‘of tills and,Specie ore the: ~ibe si table.‘This is Sundsiy:jatill Shere i is HO«di-es ‘majnutiga in the:-arniteementyof"|the,ipasseng his EE |Bere;OF the:Ixbors Ge me:maeandrew “abe Satibathe? ied to arich scene,£r3 i ;ot Sgeaeea “ithe y mmadatione,and bese of. 7 »fableofficers.““Ls : “Company2“Manners,- Dear Eegress:24 ependay:“at shale paststivo,|‘nen:‘h , i ie |©Ergo : ie -zi ‘dents;and 3avothiing}taiond the 1st Be ee Oe incidents,hasoccdrred._Trae v tn bled overboard }las~t might at Caine at wine <“not a matter:of Bs ;Meier iw was @ : ex rescnedin tier fislsinis arounil some ume:-' 2 rd f .Euchre:playing as.carried,on with aN a <ypare EO,about whi‘ch time ae femoinik:was’,bene *ix o'clock:this-morting+even”the:ery “Ofqt ;Mananoverboard”aid not digtarb:them int: ithe least’;intent,or their game,ther ayeres|Nf ratamb to every--thing else,and»by!this.morn- ang soniebody was:arizht heavy:lasers judg,“ cA wwell-bred man has:false‘the |re Paeae aguante home’aad in:society, es j “Stage;and.at:<>Bhould-never,be:permitte -Society.of |men:and’<are attitu +% %‘noxiotts,tharexpectoration.a ‘|Evenin spedking of.;.|babizs:of rps btinae: Bi"|partnosstunder the,chin, _ener ‘dansaffors ceoealrs (Uhre nee>| u¢tions to gentlene:$s abd courteonp taeaBitAotao,emma i .raged immodesty.et ask.Butwefear Hs far'too Tittle claydaly.nthe pre+|day.”JF young menenoos 4 ton’apailty®¢of.pre sw oj en rye end OU,OA.the other.he10ig aachild,aiden toto fit!oti State'w Se tees nena arcs is.the}r4primeobjectofthosewhofavoradva-|“!lorem:;but whén thepolitical4copeleghestlckvane#01,pleit-ia hard to cofvinee the~error oftheirway,and influencethem J oe .te.advocate|this.méasiire,:“although ;OF;every honestmar is ‘bound:sto ‘admit f ;“its.suice:aespresentle eas‘of ; W.Bepsien taxatign mets oblig mae WhiCarelinewe.catinot tax:omeacknowledged to be.th“table species '0:“\except a8 persons.; ta the Jandholder and;then,for the support of.the:soreness~the protection.of bi+Ellis’platform hei Lowy,e vib;roeapeayeeaE ye eee theam2%_My competitor."|represent-oursélies as .the negro i one:Bectiqn.Veee pert yin ani :this,2s it deserves,-a prompt.denial. -T amin-favor |striking,he 4 javehoeasprohibitionin,r:‘slayesin the Constitution|*feat property"‘according.leaving-it to thelegislature.to:sua.sich:dispositionsasaehetere thentioned.a “We..are nothonting do egT0-;:|7 _We are protditingthe sla wie ti*the possession;of his.property | making ‘and:cementing.i between the slaveholder:and on-“:glayeholder.But Gove Elli *different text for each+Whag moresecurity for,the:pofhispropertydoesthestageFseaebisnegro.ed peal in’ tlemen;will énable you.to:parc!ihe’.*to be’an-intentionalperversion_Oppositionplatfora.Suchisyeplatform—npt:my position:”‘ieGav.Ellis made a speéchin Riile‘back;‘when I.had 10 ‘po 3 ia pores th: "pret ae teen preeetoe -.bhow beyond all.cavil,”‘that.equaliza- origina ;‘democra .pet hoe:in taxation‘is not an ‘ithposeibiei-“stor "ity competion,i “his fake Feat ES ‘speech,’predicted ‘that ine.@summer's sun.‘stood erect atheheavenswewould:‘leave:Our::formas rats fleea ing barn.”oroeeneewillfollow;the Governor from a ‘Seaboard to|_the mountainsonit.-I would like 10 |i_know if he stands:oron his a Are tin:epsperty?te fom how,can hie al ays.rely.6n his platform ane erple they=can throwdus ‘theeyes |they.bring thet:ae some ‘9 Se eer ourpeopis,tare alrbady leavin ~‘but when this great’princi pls a ad.)9 walopem.ig ‘fally-explai<0 tbey'can discriminate be-andinjustice,and.will. site Erbemden; )proven;Dy:5 th t skilfal and hoo.fe oe | sn poemaaale30axPoOL, ee _GF PASQUOTANK.§ “Called Term ofthe Saperior Courtivi‘capes:‘only -will ‘be tried.dt thecalled -|Term to be held for this.ountycommencing ° eee une,andwitnesses|are required to:at- tend’without;Fe-summon.,Seejadvertisement._ ‘wer The Baltimore Sun 525%,quite.2 num- bertof counterfeit gold-dollarsare in circula--- ‘|‘tien.They cay readily hedetected by ‘the~Lword Liberty,”whichis on the genuinein- saat Pecation as:far a the4 seine:in.Davies.atefthe.Whigs’of:Disc,syille,on Tuesday,March:on motion,’;Samucl-A,Esq...)was called tothe Chair,‘Ha in appointedSecretary.ollowing resolutiéns’"were.ofanimous!:optett ‘to €of the iaulouts and /princi~in by the ‘Guposstion Conxen-eed boce amall detters.on the Indian’'s head-dreas:- o.fatal distemper’in prevaitingamong the- ‘cattle in a portion.of:Massachusetts,‘near- Boston.‘The mailadyis \as infectious asthe * \sinall-pox,.among:“the ¢attle,and a large ‘nimber’had ‘died...To.jarrest,its”progress© ‘tinned spreading:_Ten-thousanddollars bad‘bein paid from the Stateltreaguryalready,torcompensateownersforthestocltwhichsas destroyed iinjthe effort madeto.stay the Ee greesof the distemper.- |We léatn that Mr,ALS.“Fraley,a citizen_ of;‘Rowan:county,‘has been appointed.mar- :shal to/take the Ceneus in:I el for 1860.—fr.Frley,has.the-pierit of being'an effici- iP}ent:Democrat,which,‘no doubt,gog him the”appointment.‘Why svas not the office,which- maoerat.who is &citizen:bf Iredell?a it’a- -)none om business, Sieg atk ”Mournful Calamity. ‘‘shockingaccident:occurred at‘Boykin’8 ‘nllpond,near Camden,8.T.,on the 5th” ‘instant,:A party of young gentlemen and | ‘or,ladies were ina Hat-boat,fishing,when by ais @men for the PE cney and eetheUnitedStates.Laake somipliance with the raljore es0-Chairman sBppo te oe YsDulin.Eos 1G. ;someaccident’the t upeet,and twenty-sev-° en:‘persona,manyof themTae 5 eds ie i 4 Stopping the Mails:~ ‘We have rarely,ifever eipaaesmorenates raunical and high-“handedoutrage.commit-° 'téd_upon the ‘publicwelfare,by the officials ‘at Washington,grostas many of their’acta chave’been for many vears,than the late| stoppage of ‘the ‘Mails‘upon the.importahtM|linés by railroads,in this State,which,HitseDaoe,e Douthit,materially dainaged the!public‘by’‘deranging ¥F ‘heiness-intercourse.And we.wonld say).in “few.wonis,without the use ofmerited@nath-! d ‘emas,the blame lies at the.door of Mr,‘Boch! tthe:‘Whig iin?ld a!miéeting:© Catawba hate.hominated.Jasper.Stowefor... ‘the Senate.Mr.Stowe:was recently ‘aKnow }Nothing candidateSor Congres.The Dem:* ‘pcrats of Lincols-havenominated:Capt:Ino,« F.:Hoke for.the.Commons:Cart,Hoke eas also a Know Nothing.;*sos that has ‘become of the,oathe.ofta ce tieding¢for,life,boristo.Sie Stand-: gard?‘Perkzaps.Democracy,”like the Poyle,-. ee mnost persone anticipated,would Le the. éase,theDemocraticConvention which ase- etibled 4m Charleston on.the 23d ‘April last,© ‘after a stormy session often days—divided—~ split;and aepurned finally,without making “ts {anomination !South arolina,.Florida;Ale =: aibama,‘Mississippi,Louisiana,Texas,Ark- |ensas,‘and Delaware,wouldnot swallow the Little-Giant,;whom the Black Republican por-3!tion were eager to cram down their throdu—“180 withdrew and organieed-a Couvention of: eh ||yheir own in another-hall,and adopteda plat- ‘They wergin favor forin.After several daysofparleying,-both divisions adjourned,with.anything than f ftiendiy feelings for‘eac other:the Déuglas ‘wing which yet contai »Georgia,North Car-a ‘colina,Virginia,Maryland and:Tepnessee,to:’ ;Fe--assemblein Baltimore on the 18th ‘June i gdthe Seceders,aoe in cee Ith June.s cae ” i “Alluding to the cockeons had pg i Tate.Democratic arethe nor 4 ‘Obecrver enye: iv.We hope.oar feces.havi"earefally.ob-|served.the proceedings iin.this body.of the:*National Democratic‘party,’90 called.We .|have by no means copied allthe hard things{they fave said of each other,but only ae“>.(mere prominent items,‘Foranstance;hows rpeDelegatespokewithsolekhuniityofthe‘humili-‘lating spectacleof the-most -respectatile men’of the party in New.Yorkprovingconclusive-.ro’{dy:on oath,the truthor ‘théwstruthof every‘material allegation on whichthe two:sets of!‘Delegates contested the sightsofeachothertoseats.“Again:how the most solemn ase-everation was «madethatthefreesoilDemo-’eratewould never give up Squatter Sovereign-{ty.-Still farther:‘how the Northern Demo-Prager aoe were.proclaimed ‘to ‘be.worse then” Biack Republicans.Yet again:bow the-l'Cincnnati’Platform was denounced ‘a6 a0,aeseeewindle,’Finally:how @major-dar-{ity of SouthernStates:seceded whenthe infa-‘maousswindle was againadoptedbythe Con-|vention.(We say.oothing of the fights,theity,andthe rowdyismgenerally whichavemarked:the conductof, "7 |the iotbers be 2).heyoN‘these.Soathern ? lon intamons swindle:uppe'm apigeat*Leoaéernto the South.‘Batfor:four years':[they ewore that it was:allin good fath.—‘Whoean place.confidence insuch menor :‘soch a;party ?ibitneithernation~..@litynorhonesty.-”a et maybethered|galt of Pe en ae one . ~<itched up or t tbe-spoilthed Ur eae GE antsara:o0tipclear,that the boasted nationality of. has no each section:hating and cot-temningtae other.In thw’condition of pings:konservative-"alee es wilkJookto- mainy cattle-were killed,-but the disease cone “|is:worth sone $700,conferred’on ‘someDe-.$e commercialcorrespondence,andarresting bu-+:* <2 haan and.his inefficient!Post-Master Gener-2h ra at.Holt;eer m 2 eThe™Decsauetae of Tiscali:‘Gasion.‘and| ean irant,absolution’dnd.weconfiss,esti 7 %phys.it would be worth‘as'much,eg hi Rg!‘Charleston Democratie Convention:- ofthe’party.Ifthese be chebeg whet must be infact,Ikisa: AD Lo:pantynext week ag the only 1 if S.c:p Y the-country.from cr 2 +S ency.“Shopld the:Baltimore. ree aeser a4 at:|Deethe eee, :a ie United:Paplist Institute,SomatSbONC)willbe:egos by comss.Cans.©i Me of:Columbus.‘a 4 :‘Phe Charlotte Wiig:saveva thal iron is iiparty;as.a.contribation,msthe:Soe ‘ a "Monument,Mr.White,the’satler‘at’Fort thie N. said that When Gor.‘Floyd:waa:‘appointed: o-} Seertary:ofWaihe waspecuniarily worth—. er +nothings,‘and that though he lived at a,tate,‘-*0 whieh ‘his salarywould no‘mote than ineet;: Bote ew:Papers “ RoR iy:nee We anc eee oes dePae s Pi pe EN Fe Lawrence.. “advance.ae Me “ae *Daily.Rotgh Naasis:ithe gic:of aDe-!Fe ;“mocratic Campaigner,which hasBetn start-| i =ed at Goldsboro’;by]Wm:Robingon:&Son. “ae‘Daily’$5 &year ;‘weekly,$2:ahg iM “4 Pecuriiaritxwe wish them success. —ak e bes Mig ig!tz,Esq,Mr.Johit J.Macy to Miss Ra 13 ete odCranfill;beth mm favor eee Lo REO hy Stateeville;onTuesday roebe:“ey:“Tsts ele year ofiis age.NW!G!Presbyteric “manplease.copy cies “statesviiieile.tarket ey 1360,-Sees he |Bes Racon eat @2012.5 athers0,25°£0.40 : :im fe S Beef:*0)8k) Blonr -5.50°(45 75yoes Becewax025(a030 |Plaxseed 1 00 es,3 Butter|0-15,Go0.18+Hides,’idry°2.3 615.4 Pa 5 Coffee 0.14 GONG,Greeny)36-5 O064.3b ;a ‘Candles,+|Lard “O411 Go.BE teBeGeTellawtoo026.Linsey el)30-(@035 4° ,Bie pit ©Adaman-:i ?SMolasses0-40 (a0)65*1.oy ee itoe 030 @035 ENails "006°(a)-07- pines torn -070 (w075.poe SO G5:(@073PaarDredApples12°2 003-f moo Drieda Rice!)0.06.453.\me tath peeled ry i i wT ee “te503teedPeaches,Eas 010oreSMESacbepeeledO16§‘Loaf 016,io 18<Be 4g Lunpecled-0034 fTallow 010 012SxRegedon810aAiea110@A15| i)gle of 8 Bacon,“iRyeahatSambete"Thee bO.1CEC00:+Peas“a:»*eSides:/0-111(a,0,00~|Beans;i aa .glog OTT e014 “white 600”|iad dewax 09S (20 28 4°Oats 009 ate.a Ruteex OS oie:Meal’085 980” .+Candies,3 Sea ahersf»Adaiman:ee |.Dry OF2:G@ovy 2g fee -tin€025.goon is Green 006.GoDO04 p: gel “Sperm 040 Fron,7%Be Cpitee:fos a Comin:008:@n05:ieeeRgEOEou16Rolled.0 05 Sane y es DS sLapuirad 1 (a 20 O12.@ew “Sava 000 nnDy se iy e ee : t +VE |:“paneto |lp:a wens mid’0.05 goin ;lk}4)hlour.3 “Keewno7iaceeoexonjsRyewh0 75: eae BS snbbleson Gitex 4 Ge Oat.et Ir bage312476,0.00 oe‘Br.cou ae att,Superti.3 0"@DOT |Reteh|079fFine:«00 Cry Cor “Hist oun atefaogCrain:i OX:Onl:BA:ain a:oa :Wheat}25 @1.50 »Loaf OS ae Bes Corn.“O82.ta085 : *——e eT ee -Salisbury.Market—May 8, Apples,°°Molasses,=riebbeMeterDried50(gion?€uba,G04eeacne“Bacon O11 a0 INE N.ORE 080:G6>| Ra AT ee Beeswax020 (a025 Fe sgn fendi:.XNFatlecnt 00>|0:06“T. POR hea hea aah Oats O40,ae xBeaetetO25,GN3Q|,Oils,|pe,4PpaCoftee,:re zPannere®50:“@tioo-|crao!ge Rio 01216015 Rass,Oe ls i Javea”.027 (a2 Salt,ab.70%¢Lee:iat:Cotton,"009 Gai &:Sagar tpBeoeinit007@on ‘Bye 5 LE Meal 010'@975 ©Crush;072:G05BPawFenchiern03033Clay.OH (@u-T2. wy Cornsy OF0 CATS: ack 270 G28!)White 195 @in0“500 G@5TS*Wheat, n,barfis.“Red 100 renBards042°@o}12h,:Wools \025 (9.30 i F—eee srmetigoemen ‘Latin and Greek|SOIT Bonts nominate’propéer thonset‘will Rock. ",Buchanan,having eit ee |to.de-: i.York aber At length.¢groumd:begins F ‘ “BS 1%“to be broken in-Congress agaitist ‘the.alleged}“5 9.°°gmalpractice of the Secretary‘of,War,Tt ig} €“h eIshe.is.now ed eee:,Wikete did teHe a Democratic sheet thepublication df ahickt ‘gtas been commenced iin *Wilkop,“N;C5 by!Meee eon =sa‘Sear rent *Mr.Thomas Cowiin,ofRow:ian.county %ee *Museo!045:(4,050 I Tallow 010 @012 |. stand the;present seasonPaaeehgeSry) <In Davie county von the lat:instant,ty Bo Rav any otter:og anthe vlace.,TIME and}ig,the PLACE,tee afl’awishtoany<al, i dends of wewill cantinuetippl ataa Sallez yeand:ens:‘ resis F'rds ‘toattentionofthetiddies.“She i tebean 3rerular monthly :this opportul Faceag nee niks to the:Ladi Ayn‘and:country;for the veugehéretenedto:her,andstrictatgantion,siness And;an ot receipt |‘of thi ious RSsoon as ther are ©, 1000 th’DriedFiT.Hy ne t ous withiinyposition ithiscompourd«Sarsapa-piesplysucharethedy believingit hasvirtubytheordinary’ra amasbe:relied on ‘todo’!t been ie Pills, a did .Seeeecountryafforits,to feed tpared10,furnish aGOOD”TABLES sab = :308.WE AN, bentak epeewho.may ripentees aeMarch18.1600-48 e j this day_a Brak‘Jof their Businessin,TATE a}iz underthe Firm and Style'of Caucbout «-Cic +Aathon’s Horace*Gee Py +»|iad,with:Eniclishi.‘Notes:Juvenal}:Bull--ion’s Greek Reader:Davies”Legendre;‘Dar-|'i ae oy .ies?Déseriptive Geometry ;Davies!Calouttis:|.Be!ye ia ~Bullion’sGreek Grammar;‘Hichcosk’s Geo-*3 mi iets =.ete.¢one P ati Les The hooks ‘are.serond-hana,but good as}rt tao)new@and the owner,beingabout sams)See _Willstil them very low,one 8 e 5 Apply atthe THE EXPRESS OFFICE,| _Two-Horse_Wagon i . re ae ‘$FOR SALE,~~ |Fess.a TWO-HORSE WaAcGos, SD mera ee ‘S.MILLER: a“ S 2 a ||=e é :¥2 oe ae eas ALL PERSONS FROM FISH.4 ~[gpa gigaees ae FeeoeaeYARD.Ihave been atconsiderable.ex~);Mae tes he‘pense (9 sf0ek iny Pondwily CHOICE FISH ChoeossodshallconsiderKSTEALING.forany one| “Ewill-gite FIVE DOLLARS ‘for a ete on’sSallust:inealey’8.Tacitus}Home?’af! tae ee eS ee [3 J.RENTELS &CO. ‘TE would resp fully.informtheCitizens.Viof Statesville,and cftheCosnty wateneighbosring¢Soatees Oe a REESE “LSE&STINEWALT onon.:ae and have:ee ae New § eve etstbitbsy ine We thuscone titer:“the peblic’are ie Ss ens ae oe eae are “ ;ee Fb.8 aee ‘SERING inrenTATion, .AHMSTRONG,kanRONG,GATOR 8Ct eee percepts }Rein x ery short ’hole:ions of LaaecteesbafoEmproveaieDima.and Heart,will’regPour.var ee in sprose-and [Potsmany ofthe]. at will be he:most“eating Kebsian 6 hhierunder"the ‘Gor benscrie oe 'y:Mu \<of the proceedings-of that-body;Barre Ih cas ee Peele.a t transpir ‘ok our,Goi exeitine or caléulated to,2:mind,will be,transferredTeens>Spaterest the J ite.ne con the.Dk vpess?”Swit 4 Tn.fine ‘weshall:endeavor to ©exte stedlianicsof fineliigences io §pe ‘Qarown opinions will be offired,for what: they tight seent worth,:upon:the:qurrgpt e “Fy _Fentsof.the thnes,when it may appear to usPRESGoncediiie/to car itelazeng pub ihe,2:to idifFereupon pomes.when ‘our Own: “tion:ee the Pgh Fay vdsoutoe. 4%a t e s i n | > 2 {x abothe“DLESever afferetin Statesville...+\..Gill and-examiiviefor:ourselves:pt WAL} APs¢Office.bf ba . :North:Carolina Hechanies”eg Ss “SNOW CAMP’2e°- AND ect ky 2 mpoRe Tt wa.T0-SIX HORSE.POWER |Plo ©Wheat’Threshing:Machines, }i _Wroachyor-Cast Tron Cylinders:.eA le Ge SoC ies Mires,einer portaile or #etatonary~jae?*Phess MfMarbiaes:willbe manufactared with i473 Sevontormer’rices\.oak NE CRUSHERS:;GsCANE CRUSHERS. ee.2 se tg 50:gallons Ofjuice per “feet,ao thet the rail 1s very portable.|eee (Bre thie best that.chane’eter heed mi |CBRE.shiosid possess ove.'2 Wesulparang “wate pede 5:8&good dapply of material on!Hand,nd“the work dope bycreascored workinen,and aie are eae tes be hac many.ne “nvcaa &¥sy do aot hecucite to-say,f t..that-tio’effort:ibe spared 08:eit partNoGregeneralsatiothctionPutSezidan‘your,ede for.howe.celebrated ore bap Serco fH oe y oebcs s ameesteeisptedahtls tabs tines to S.:Dixén,Davidian &Co:Snow eseaees Oe,‘ a PoE EDRARE 4 SOx,Nie ee -Agents,Stateséile,te :*Brakeh 3Mee a See ©EXTENSIVE ARRANGEMENTS.= u.a@ reliable and ariberesting A S3 5 “views shall fait-to be in-ainison ww‘ith,theirs,and without qidideinit persouad ‘hatret or}.‘.\eonnftendly feeling.WV‘e-will be ever ready toyendatitechugGstoboulsitesofanyques {UST heatved ie Beat a Chenvest SA D.' LAGE &ELIAS”ew aay hextio thé Ex-|is _MACHINE Supe @: vila pocee %the imprycennAt of Cast Steel Joarhaly‘and |.Gz2aesbexesfor‘the.Cylinders which|of wi rediutee thefriction |13'f ercent,”ith,3ery: _We aireaangape Cane Orish-\.ae»ora,Which se sen Sede!grith one!de® nd elyoncopies @ paceoraboe3 : “do not!beginetétoBavethat.ourGaneCrush ers e , imtroduced{andothetase:and every,:eT apetine:aS. ee tee Shahiag:ied oa Pudleya,.oe and Saw.Ail trong.Cutting Ma.| ao ‘wnderthe supérsition of thei ennai.awhot ines,that,eu may He coeehin?aie _Aul orders for work,orletters on:Scie:te eae Con Alamance Lounty,iN.Ci walt receive i 9Tan-Yard™aeerieaeone “Alspau:awof B:‘Al:Beseabmbn Alepeni meamdlteappearatthe.next,ie Court tobe helil for the C-upty of Aldandetheourt-Hause jjinfo id cheapdat xtooks ofGartiage|»Trimmings,re)ad Sadler ‘Hardware;ouxg In the Ui 8.6States, st denne iahyon¢of bur firm’‘ineracticalbusjnoes)men.:2 zs.Satronaat ete Springs VAxiag.das.me LitherTete acheadrescpsenictayath,Spring Boxes, Se Silk 23 Th reads */Curled YLair)Engtish:and Brebch Tends4.' Ore Blankets.’Keraeys,-SandPaper:Balter —g.augannd Trwe.Chashs)Shaft;Conplings,Bug naltfes 3 Wing hud Curh Lite,Trunk Rivew,CloPoughtandMalicabl>-Pud Plates,Lvovy Mead Nails}}).7°!s,Smith's Case Hardéhed Axles,Wiigon aud Bar}i‘Carriage:Partyiand Sea’'Mackenzies’J “eh.thy Whi —a Yan,2,ies rat a{timore,- ry ‘Leather,4 moriths,pergent of cath.gacntae 0per:<celt-of cash::Settlement "by‘fAugiwt 5,1859.ly. ’thetreat itswaltmieion‘and togriwe Moline AdviceoutaMikoHpity:he ‘descriptionoftheircan-tfe,AC.)wd.in case of: Soe aoceoe no,MO WYATT,| *a.: ~Z ae gtr tees ee :ifts.: Kiet,Lo:Tas:Ornanerite,’ Lash 2 ae5.6°7.8.91031}. peiliere anetteeM aap eeecee g so ose 10.11 12131415 16)919.112.331415171851920:21 22-234)8607.38 19.20heae2324252527 ~_ ‘Drskessional,‘Oris tapeDae Offers:‘his professionalsaecy the}public.=‘Office on College:Avebne,.oprosite ‘the :Methodist Church,Sustesville;N.C. —DRS.DEAN &BELL,-aa |AVING:associated theinselves’‘in:the, the eervic§s of zorn.will|be.‘rendered Wickoutextracharge...i,Office—-two‘Goors west or dee““Iredell Ex.|+press‘!Office:.Oct 2 47g | ‘DR.Tad.WIth ape locatedbined:abthe:FaeresidenceofJousCrank,‘n@ar Sherrell’s Ford;and about ten miles SoutI#west of States-ville,J offer my ‘Professional |Seroces tothe Seater publie.©:|;5 ss J WITHERSPOON,Me:“‘D.ie amo sist a Sly HAYNEJDAVIS,-hater ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,‘STATESVILLE,N.€.j i Wat.promptly:and diligently atiend,to all a Dusiness entrusted-to his caré.~i"Office opposite tythe Jail:Bak ae a29,ere “Business.nis. "WHOLESALE AND'RETAT.:DEALER IN by ae Drugs,-:Médicines, Eon Bye Stuffs,aa"Waedow:Glass,Yarn“&C.,&C.,K&C., ._Sauaseory,a Jan.1,1s Ssty >SPRAGUE BRO’S. |hole ‘and.BetaGROCERS————N.Cy =1859.a ey Jas.W.DRAKE, Seaatae |i“No.13 Sr.Lovrs Sraezr,fr nonin,«ALA.;ee eS osa NEW eeSTORE,‘In.Sahabury.TF you wiok tobuy.3°coe paelechiiine. -(Elead Quarters,— eee Tie Sh le h Practice of Medtcine,’ofe:'.their Services to the ‘public:Wher desired... wo 2 foeze lle snes aepoesible 4}2 ae SS ES ob 2 3/457 8S wr t :Nest doonto Brows,Con §oak,Se *}4 ieee .:a2 : PT E T Ec c e «, sa g e <2 ie e e es —Flowers.feo “ree *aLernroF tantoei ©inden thie pathle:>Dwelling jin,déep “aitie.*rn-of eaith and blessed éfheay.Proofs’oftore)agGad hal given;+ledgeshoa i usimccoke Hands,“Segerfarah ahd-sibTidy baindig When3your"eh ilo migille Bs ve oeBeardthehajipyrobin‘sing,. “Then wesaw.ber,exlinia ‘low,ite theieoverlet of anow 2S}From yout tin forms,aAnd.)pressYourelaWithtenderness "And we knew:the Fingered there,”“|Whispering’worls ptdove.‘aitiek prayer.°2P or at,lasteach ‘sleeping:eaieookingred:;weet em{With the Leaure q ie_Marrored.iin its-dese ‘i how winds winpeting through the frees:: *Dreayty:ABaniaurivbrs:of beCOS Lm‘Notes of.birdsand:flan’of rills‘Mysiotha:the raitleielils:©« |Xour eweet.chadle:seien,ate shese,s._wknd eee eae esa4 Yau are!eosfury es me,| ‘Rhatythe:tinrelj ser thie ten ‘For ye“bring foMenrtaahildhoodlsroseme :*an Dries’Yaw:¥ae" Retyoh and let xOR-no thend the:es wh Convenshiin fl iilgRAtid Party <oleh.Welk an ‘Con¥eisonytimes,ot ;tht aud A =there's bin, *haten sant printin decd+>thts ih reddiness for SennseieeaBeaud ni a:fedinsito mepalarn,: “tian,9%a~party,aut:deaayaidWeWaAsic sie age nes iwjve.S sae. tho es sere ia .ie aegrate his’ :Tunin in ffobn “kn &uct it ow: .Wt onlyied agserided thet“owas 2 shoutan,‘etoud as strat: thé March)raterwe:got 7 enum of the““eic speeches: tie very man ¥“gnly party,to ayFistkeeptheoffHefeonaiee ts Dimocrat who"wa exi9wecouldentgitsich'a: .oi ould-git the aljiy:_@Southern |‘HatiornRimcwith!a’perfect eondiskivered‘that we.cor id git ‘nobealepronespot,: :"sotesof:the:ditteren *_gabolitionist>ny L“*.ta.the politicking sax,for the Convensh:U1,DOY t igh plac eeTasteddynervesiand.dimicrati~.te push:aside the dark:cloud_-aboveoo heds;‘ancnebepelted:withthe hail:AtohereI-proposed to the Convenshanithat}¢o } eeaha better.persewila different plan:t Onposubans andrthat Was,cheinsti “ont hit ax the-Opposishnn do,hist Mrpakend then ba:ij_Tight xp under him and ther.we could.”"eefa‘!form ¢:ae2g Well thei orresetinwentforit,and theyall:‘went:;t away,bekase eal]thought:we.could ger.andinthey Nokthitit :And besides Ma Backannerbad ato—_bin ne eePi aeaeaflatiormmade.of ‘gar and theshedbothbitreiectedsandsteould-also¢ “Payne had,trot |allthe’:aHomatti,up:under Mr Driglas and gH duings;was‘workin jhet site in 3 ret:ipghe Sin-gin: s ‘some of thi tmeetin-into.a Sepits whobDesaySroemSinme:jist snorted,‘and spe andvaiallyMyPain,w -Bwore he wou mene,:atall the.way bac ,.and:ty en 2Pitend-ta.deserts :deat\ ived.crime which Tt:eene power andfacility?| ti ren Not,are moreef 's-mian and esiete: ale eS Bene,tion of)sarin 4the:sition of ayareorate a cilpee ©prsvinte,Ky:Dee:P47p768..Phig city has,Jong*held “a “distinieeepace Xcally ir a ‘Comm3 2position om-t4southoreofrhecObineithas,fogeateesa of the twos! the:saiperiduiy“of holding:the-a Lakes and-a‘countrysto:Ve:of unparalleled:-agriéultdral+)while-Germavy tool'sfan-it het Ameri Brialfortraeneharthe.great “Ten wave of heremigration): ‘a|ity;snd-thou;ade byher:nomeieeer ‘ 5 sponayene cs ‘miercan- iand safely”she tuep pchieved -tness,—ees oo ee Seana ¥ingitiabeing No-~resentéd.inher “best ne: natRichos ay;isresem-> of |pect and tnanners.°Dentare:Southerain feeling,calbéit’the;free sou ~¢Ty:the horthern horigon-‘of tite.shore.“Butas extremes usu- old-more firmly ‘their:jnisuch™a:pre ,Pittsbarg on‘the other.*resents a scene of.‘constantly’aryinterestt6theeye.of ‘theeerwi gers.crowded.‘the iss Scigeuesr Sakeentuckoumust,rg a tingeCallbextclement?|of:the.ginis.charact er arere- irginin of the “West,” Kentackinnis “¥.onng Virgin.ee a,with all the modern ‘improve:a ».shows thisin his appear- ‘his'mantrpride:“his fine’set irdent loxe of:ON ‘Domizion aek Lig oOesosngorigins - ech Relghborthe Termes.once perreived.»Tennes- pg and Ken:¢nigkiaissare often:Class-in common patlatice,+ont eo et iré more diverse.Ten-.posse isthe —daughter of.je arolina{°sall.travelersthatno:aterithe CaeleneyaBielbiosetso-wilelyinthe Character,habite,.gn eyesand asi the peoplearolina,“The -ordinaryome : North.Carhlinian:edirniveat | =eeean the rth Stace.UF ex-. -that of!ie fall:looded Ken-sir the “Olt Dominion.”The Higimas have a large Gaelic::‘the ‘Stare partakes ‘ofplain,practical intelli-. Scarch®settlers,| ons Seem their -scenery,butfrom ssmmilari-©, et:the,oe ee qs pHa city:‘of no sbehn dignity,”: oe of the:camp “meanest e?:foul Terencs.deen,it ia war |Skis Demodern wal cylien,witht a good'deéal of John Bult hp a the sturdy wianliness of his charac 5 tastes,mantiers and’custom thepeople,-The K é :ae ~Bleod iine w onthe fiel : eS caseo 1g 0 :riculturadistricts;|andthe women:of Kentacky‘are ame‘the most besutifitin the ‘world=for theirpaneioreke _Hiecusionmabe aomee:from sep extract ;* “s-peaiast Ec 1 Taxation’upon: :ree ae sen ‘Eri Ezst bas contri ueSSeas“Railroads,.«athe West is already™large;ee hy 2 them.Suck-is not the fact.-Th 2 One bast:is .rather indebt ato the x st. if <$ae Etion hate Of this subjectwhich: ae he ieve to bé accurate,and 1d é =ze ’sieve that ny:petitor® ee de will,ts-accuracy.—*meg So 84 miles‘of railroads complétedHs")Btate}489 miles :are East of Raleigh, ee—moreethan twice as— thg,the fac ty.-of slave daber “ly to the pr ~The railroads of ‘alaae properteStaterunoaea arcest slave holdingreefifthsofthie:whole, -slave.population:the State ism eee ( -_eountiesthroagh:i seat “run,tosay”ngebing of the ‘adj i «counties which.are eo1 Sted by the<Tee ta meat Rake GiiodRWilkWelionRR. ie:es RR*.WesttN.C=RE alie aaWilyCharbosceBEaa} me :os 4 ish ‘lhces‘fifths of tha:black(ipolls in’te ‘State in:thd ‘epyntiesthrough”which.these Railroad:rum.} adjoining,these,this portionwould béYncreaséd."Is there any,rea-|som-then;why.slavé property should ”thebuilding of thesb roads.?Bateven:ee+g |Railreads‘in-theWest,whilefurnish}| oe)ee facilities for gergugton arket,are|Pos>Lvef equalbenefit to the:t.by fuin-| iio)ashing:fieights'te our roads aadpour-|©«wing:ints the lap of our Eastern’‘ports |+“fg athe rick-produsts of the West.»:8p" ¥: sf |*plause.)i-saidjn Carrituck andelse-are *where,.and1 say thereto.dav¥thatI earliest:practicable,time.»[Gov:Ellis pa ee‘says that dieiis‘akoim favor of ‘thie aN ia "intend to”confinue.to-do all.‘ean’to: a “|ofit,or whetherelected Governor‘or: cova ates-involving the ‘interest,the prosperityieneoeandthe:=glory:!-of my.native State. ee Rees:appplause.].South Caro-. a :North:Carolina.:,This should be per- -mitted no’long er.North.‘Carolina “ing as itis.in the glory arising from "here do-day.We areone people—we.yg *have @ common:en in.the deeds op ele common for their mem- ae ery common prideintthe battle'fields Sh e glories ‘of thepast,:cand.by theah3Softhefuture,let usalsobe link:_*.‘ed bythe interest of the present.~I-am an Eastern manand am speaking e i te Bastern.men,“and L'tell then:that Pe |£1 ataelected Governor,shall beno. eee :=of North Carolina:-[Applause.]Bi ‘Jwas borw in the East and.sant e=ae =_in the East,and J cherish:<the asgocia-|1 es “tions of:Ty:seetoherplains:apnd:“he —te |citetae*the sluggish streanithet winds by she |r ae *place;ehmy humble birth,’‘and Sashes |¥-the plag ground of my’childlicod—to marie eatlaee Butewes v<:""Hence,:no two:States ;aré more unlike |i:than Kentucky.and “Tennessee,inpap:ti :een *Messrs:1Pool ‘and Ellis'at)a Wewbera,Baits Bin Théeditor ofthe Kinston.Adyocate,.an ae v4 “eho was:ae at the.Sonin et dtelecte ond only 204 miles West of Raleigh:|; ile @of saa ‘Countias me efSarweshould.count also’the ¢unties| ‘Btate-Senatoterm.he retired frompo. olddid:atthis.place.ou Saturday last.:ft:” tion:unsparing intensely bitter termsas he ' havehoe belay:gD reereal ing |se An? ego thee seater Gov.En d:as left the:ioc Ashappy.riddance:°When they. t.clearof ‘the ‘disunionists_-_ ent off to the seceders to -work ‘the.os paces twirea for ‘pereonal friends einéverto seethese.‘seceders in’ ‘Now aDemo” the:ae ee=Tale bee ‘se .who ap,ubenoticing wedistheywefenotthemoetinte,‘of his friends at all. _net contributeits equal.proportion;to |+’. pine =am im,feror'of‘unuing ‘Pe Western f ge ~ly 4 Extensionte the ‘Tennessee Tine-at ‘the |: _he)3A woted forit itithe last Legislature,iaoeworkedfoxit:‘and talked for:it,andj, “-accomphishit,°“whether i in the:East or |,FWest whetherinthe legislature;ur out:|té "||,not'elected'Governor.It isng ques-|take:Sy slet 'tidn of East and West;it isa.question tifoggs ma-and.Vircinia have had the.‘credit Feandthe’benefits :of the products of'|mi "2 ©should be united “ia imterest and.feel-|.C the memory ofthe past.T.deprecate Le‘such sectionalappeals as I have heard|-. ~-andfame ofnares ary:fathers)|M ae ¥.We‘are linked together|will ‘©Governor of the East,but-a Governor|; _the broad river whoseswelling tides|m . ::pass:by thescenes ofthe Ger want of entire accuracy,1s in inSeebrcgarea~Bat we are sus’ becpouaaoe yahofthe ia Dis. Id a Convention’in Salisbury .__Five countieswererepre onng and M.L.:MeCorkle 28° indig.. ~ol.Win.M.Griet isH.W: low.from.Delaware:by “the |-siame'ofBayard—heis a Democrat—ih m . 4 r got wordsfor tho.Saieles eres,:Orleans,|Whatever our report of his remarks ~ OA M ve ee fo l i a r at o ga d te eg Ne e PR E S : & Ret Par56,24.04 439.Fulton Avenue:Brouklyn,-No¥.ies,Se SS |i Walker!es a nickries wes‘MOOR tote—Fiean—I on Pignta{*<1 Epes aia erie ony Sen Bot “VERMIN,"10 Xo eae inBoe area os|ns “Astor.”“St.2 ‘elltheme” tears eral Toman aBees«oe iinet eee‘e $1.00SampleBotes:Bey“saan:YB ‘AR,PursereceDevor,te sia ai a hn ca ane ESBdlady¥§mets «|aid the Lebilitymare terooms.2s jatar:©disorders. ‘Desirous of benefitting’others.Twill “nepd:this”cieswhichavebroughtWettneswithme,to'all”who:need:if)aeeeens BBYaweofebay.wa.WM,COSGROVE:.F Ny yParkes.4 ~S eiedeahesfori aoe?Se 3|Statesvine Miaricet ay ¥H,1860,‘ Fiacon |“19 a0 12)Feathersi035.iro.Beefs 0 41@0 Sh ¢Flour’-550 (575:5 Beeswax 025 @,030-|Flaxséed100°°#fsBatter[O15 G0 18)Hides,dry >6152,:“|Cotte “614 (@0164 |Green”.3 paeoraelaiCandles,*tard -OT @012%p Tallot:;09°-Finseyef030°(a035 4%t Adaman-ot (Molasses)(065°'t__tine ,030.(@035":Nails |.006:oURE-Corn.|O76 O75:|Peas *065 adChickens0102012.Rage“003, »rok re m ‘ jySalt. i F oe 0 16 a og unppe 7 003%‘Fallow.010 2--Eggs;doz)810°.»|Wheat 110 ga.We a eet ee asCharlotte:sch 5 ot T 1360."Nn Hb nt ab tray astive©000(a00e 4G00.|Bean |060 wi70)) ‘Sides:oits 000|Beans,2.5 aHogO11(w0 lk)Awhite 000.2"+!-Beeawax 025 Goon Data ~0-00;io |Batter 015 ols,«Meal:085 999 | Candles,§|Hides,°Adaman-.«.”a Dry ;012 0 123).ee.tine .O25 ree,|Green.0.06:(a0064 |Sperm,040:ay ao Coffee,o%Comm,004 “005.Rio .O14 Goa 16 |Rolled :2 (0054|Lagnirad.17 (@020:||Tied anwlava000.0220 Melee, Shi amagl Ne oan OTDfairtoaEeHeoon00):good *9.09-Gi010.|1 Wl E000 (@0.40‘|ae ondin tons eg |Nails.°005-@O06‘mid,005°Gee rateack.150 0-00 Flour,==ee Spirits,a Ex su vewh O75 G00nb600'G\@625°)NC O5¥(0058 :*Tn dags Z1DeL0 00:Rp.Bei 060.(eid75~=Superfi.3.00(000>“Pyeach:O75 lob.)Fine 000(a1 00°Sngars,”;ri >,Grain,4 cl)NE Ork'010 @ao1ay~Wheat 1:25°@130 -|Loaf 015 on==@82 a0 85".erat nae ‘ “<>Salisbury Market—May 8,Ia ilbs,».Molasses,2 = Dried-@50):(al 00.»Cuba.»-034 ao 5—“O11:(a Hy IN.UrE 0.60:(aG5See(@025 Museo.045 (a0:. naees“Adamai ,.Mats<.040 08;tine 23.¢200.-Oids,4 ‘ é Coftes:Haris Tanners650 G09.Rio -°6 P@o1s Rags,th 023 > ov:Sage gen (0)223 et170.80: ‘otton 022.010;‘Sugar,sue3Corn.O70 C075:~Brown 007 (@oio, eee:“airtiolds bonglithet”hoake!in.tre:nlace. ct *tisia’si they PLACE, ofinestanents.,aesar.Comers’who hi tinneto pply:-at aSmallSteinsne.: Nailwcut 0.05:(0.06;|pel ‘SPashionable’Be leageito inform the,atvilleeatthe.country’ger rally tha‘just:received tiletutest..*; _+¥Pre *Meal 070.@075 Crush 0.12 (20'S.Spting’Di‘eas Fashione;fo whi Feathera030,40.35 Alar.“OAV (e@0.12::thein ditebe fhhia ai ito»Flour,Bee Sh Fallow’o baA ae Zp bbl.560:5 7a"Wheat,»P sack270°(e2 80 <<White 125ae 1 30° .Tron,bar 005.ot “Red oe a,1 205daaGAZ@@oteeWoal©25 8.30 mi 7 -rake or Nonre Canounice,ey ‘s Alexander Connty.‘Mer.erm:‘60. »Of MOTION it was:drilered dy the Court,tthat’"5.4s “Rmith,Sherif have-qrdér of maleSealing toe oe:ful.<kiwing TRACTS OFLAND.ter wit :Sar aaSe¥ieee ESTE Renee.retart De:papas ‘ea the—waters of.LittleRitir:Joluc {with J.WiKerker.Tax,| TWO-HUNDRED |NDRIETY,Acres.wearnelt byChgareSeewhensveMownthin.Tax.stink .Little-River,Tastes "7 omWitness.NoP>,Poot,Cenk.at esin.“Taylariville,“First Monday in:“Magch,AD.Shoo.ae aia Ka.POOL,pie Sees :CuERK. se are eteFc sake ie=BALTIMORE,|«Montgomery.-Wheat Fans!' Wwehavereceived:a few ‘of Miewe |SUPERIOR WHEAT *PANS Fi ‘which will be ald the FACTORY PRICES | Freight ifinineediaté application is made..; _May 18,MBA ge(EB DRAKE &SON. 6 te ee :“Eatin and Greek .SCHOOL,BOOKS. fiflon ‘s.ae -Anthon’8 Horace’;‘Anth~oatwie Sallnats ‘Kingsley’s.Tacitus;Homer's ee:ae —English’Notes;Juvenal;.Ball-|'Reader:+Dav-jest Deactipticesiescian ingine ceTetons3GreekGramniar;Hichcock's:sal -t logy,ef.Thebook are sccpail ana,bat good as||new and the owner,being about to emigrate,fwillsellthem:very:low.)~Alpply at the:THE:“EXPRESS ¢OFFICE. “Two-Horse_Wagon °“FOR SALE.-male,a TWO-HORSE WAGGOS,new:§ “a POuRID’‘ALT,PERSONS FROM:FISH-|INGIN MY POND,abéve my.TAN~YARD.Lhave Been |‘atconsiderable gx-|Pense to stock my Pond with CHOICE FISH.|-andshall inp SEALING to angone :(without my consent}to catch them.‘I will.give FIVEDOLLARS for spe ofSpateayille'anid’serroupdngRods,a they haveopened:aNEKeer,next door to.Cy,where they tapadecandchassortni NSM ote hod “sufficient.to’pont sty:‘ne of violating chis es “#%.notice: mer 00,Ba _.F.SEONTaR. Ipare uni cers:“ea than.Hic;pot ot eee 5D ; aa a their well-meaning:bar i i sail“ay eee ae -scale:mumanasbesigence,wou “bly ingréase:anwong the peop:e ing ye asociety “Pecleansed of mai of .groae ininoralities which:fave:their origin in benighsed mit é Choice selactions Eek TURE; ed to improvecht:Mind.and Be: ularly appear/ih om colamag,in proseand) poetry,from te ofitaleited,Atithors— _ylao short miggelianeous:urticles depigued tor |, »the minds offChildren to.-béget’inerher fondnessfopreddings .and.Txcerpts:ot Nari! ;ousrkinids:from Mice nimberTofexchanges.« 1233van see spire in.atlewlated:to|Of.tahisierred of 4 a 40,4S We pal (AOL.OU Oyo)piadions:sho Bo eee a ‘ae !:;5 BA Abe hah 4 ae 22.; “ender our joursak,ee ralreduction tt p ges eRe che,sh:act ar S,BUC ar ‘'i:ABE Fe rte Phen gn Me ere iar Boa ss 277 25.29 he “mediuhn:fretle,;be tA Ee E DUE itr -2 at ;ken,C0)by =a j :fi bie}te waaay ait]z Sie,!¢rs :ats eenSe noes 3 nswill be ofr for:what|usniee,fOr 1 price:7 2Retarn.Pain v bai.f é -ac wees Set ; c, ren:jt:may appear-todots!bigs ase wan intelligent,‘public,a IT polnits,.Ww jen our own :aes hevin unison with theirs,3 ~~and:jwithout:mdaiging:personal |hatred.of f ee feeling.We Wilbe everready'to acheedir ear to.ee ni ot:any ont :me BEiae “piemeelves in’the fodicine..‘offer?2 ee deine’, Saspanets bckevattand Chenfet Se ef DEES.cter ofttacdin Statesville...My -Calland exnwind toewwonrselves,-2t WV ALs VY LACE ue PEASY:Ne Se;next ro'the Ex; Xv paria Of Say z ak,oft “North Carolina “Mechanics SE Ge at cat aihesher ME |£60,SEW FOUR,cdatinus form tights Co :ies 4 |Oy MESerat a note nc fs citar sree hy _ae SSNOW.CAMB COs |.Land wdlenet with jionipe attentio per er “a Le es aaa reas “TREATS, sschigtauor ene ge Fe.ge peeRTDSNERLA 8 1 hs Brot Vie 8 gi aera er av 2 foc aket > ohProysiclor “Uf.thisec tfinfoSFseespub! .de ee .thatifey gre sulmannnnuctr-ae rt inp’ca Ase te ‘ EROM-FWO 10%itis Pow EME*.Wheat SegueMuritnes cveh Wrought aEY Cy Enders,‘ofall ;RemaES:; chghen cele (urtlaapt jeje!»HENDERSON ©BNNINS <Fey Big (2 cikahe sonnet ag GC.WAULOORM,Eoekomeuetaeee — PDAPED “Fee Q at :i cane .‘ey ing 2 }=%i e a i Pon .%fh :oe }ah ay a tho:i opr -‘|\f *ARB €UT a 48 ai a eariceurjan “7 a ee ade AF 2 »Ponor-hgitaie tong :i PEO Hexic)es ainy Ailondoemcapant,{ae rise taet kot as cee ee TTardenad ARIES a Pe a are the”‘best thukcbave eter bien Sheroduaten %ee lee See eae Sri tssi att to:ees 04 i?Dag ares :pares eae Meee Eg sue SA BURT, Ses Sand.exery farmer!er ats Spe hee S paca Una verte i ropri¢‘:Afori BS Adi whe : ;or “3 a he:Bases | 0 Mi2 won experienced:syorkmen,ede ie‘gupentigion of the proprietors;haticay Beavinig-had ee @ y-do not hesitate t6.say give general eat atse“oor:or,sthos celebratedes,that.son thay befurbish@tin gdod ne£2,‘ohr tine wilt be dehivered.on |Noe.Raibpoad at Graham’&netlied.*|ae merms-revailri Gentlemen,’ aS{ “Welea nei EE bsae 4 sf “Where all scom’d calm,and fatr,*| _*Wheremusic Tull the'nigtt Reape <And)perfalues steeped the air;Hae ow while:gyeeet dyearia-andfot M ait my-heart wauld rise—-.) :ana some oft—,: Down in.thy.dark ue eyes, ::“Wee ‘blackthe midnight frowued,-eo Flerrely the trees!were.tomsed,Bibb asset a eee around -we oD ;Tow e +a ee ‘The-wiads,Tike aptrits foat ae eos st more off tuisos ae ae“i shuddered’xt.the chauge ries Sis Tah ri i ‘i ite 1)Ukgidjwtrove tosmile—tavain,gis tt ::f i 4 te enn n asonARG2Opprestmy.Roget ant brik et eit 4 Lotxddinte thegoon «ai onk oe ~Riotity tine And thought GkPb fre eases % |y :odnd-the eteanval ooreeFLLOnowhibeeaaaether a bot 5 SoD)Bihow,:sehen they State light”' Peas.%hopes ae (Tes maxic gndits Rowers,‘&K |:;rg ny —Dedth'=»long aight»}perce ee They takfomity dick hoor ,fe aoe sees ie vere de too teHaS |: .Wee oar a Wad,bork the thing’t feared Spagetti,“Kon,Big Me tori kre,ps tina eet "2S Shy aple~adtd.hte but mecred, Snes ey eran :“Woultst aonthen 4Heaate enth boeath PO 2 ae ere gucheHinwion,glans”:e a Marca)Mee 4 Ax—for tho dight-of Deuth ‘ Pr rf o ban gc Sch ee without ditwn opdreamy!"to:omg: meat at’Davenport”+6,be on-hand, ¥. yy tut wheremight not i Durpneay ae :-Berane that x sou!no-high ree os tet i fat tCaety »Cansdeem,ite 4ate fo Jow !,ee .Ks For in thy.mysticeyos "1 u /Bhin firex of koninw:glow:: SE Bamatoesmageae? x «eee ae *AS The tearsae quick:cart riled fo mai:bs Site cain-drups feum:the,vine'4" i MEET ae gr Of April-site wi geh:9 front.Lenoir,wWi aeAS.es Was ou ee._Dby Rurnttione:and-teight,©; pases 2 oe Though Wo may meet nd more x Sk so,45 ThbeRide the Borytights.ee ~~Otheeter xijore— ad:‘thoygh-tthou +since baat &en poms ‘Co.Qneiray of Hope’to mos }fe eae>Webbetherein Goll in Heavey Pa.at Bee a yt ee ele Aad Scanian OS rts ;ieeei er cee? PRs.a.oe qe Love’5Philosophy. * So ' s ¥. he i aime ‘>As ote % Bays SEAN 5 rab Gibathins minglé ‘witty ther -os %at And the-rivers:with the oceans.ee Me,omc une Grease te ‘Thewinds oFIhe mix for Px.“ iy pele aes With a Sweet's savOtitie 3 BEE ee Nothingim thik writintingle fo be ‘AD thinys by haw divine”ets east Md:masts Ip one atiother’s eitiganingle—*;2°+ :}<Why pot with ghine? ae Hs i “Seethie aE High’heavy, tie ze And.the waver clap one anctlier,;”Sasa LE eee No ‘sistor How,would:he forgive n SPS as ee Afi disdaliw’He brother:2 “hud the ually be «ip thi barley And he mou bears Kise the sex Whatiare,ath thyst Kigings worth, ~ :vRor the pel Bex press g i ss Be NicHokas,NE ‘a by t Ys :>Masses”Ebirow—he ei ,ike to.hear,&Hitlecnews frome th pat tee fropolig 2:;Really wedo net dno oo make¢beginning:for theretts . ‘neared:Jkeres & the right.-batek ‘ad “and them’‘reedgni 1 “advance ofimpros ment,has “and sy’extensiveas to ‘render 'strange:She.new:apd spe .Jersex.City,spreading “its o)tracks,18‘the lupgestwre “hav S/R Here:passengerstorNew.York..City jnbst re Gh hearinigiias We. j he f Og ee ones Paes“puctiently (2)Jisten:t Oa a At!Uuight the gradn Ve a notonons’harrangue from hack-men and:ase ‘ mite hc tere,both on.leaviteg |this side:of:the Se aud also onfiinding:at the:foutof Cow “ap Street.=Se nes tye eiresinte:acnalied by: Giseace!f 2 tooka walkup Broudway,‘more for obgere pe oe i :oS)tion than for reereation,;’andreally sytew:wa may be.s Ree>York City Bia world ina niinature,jure “reading his tay ring:peaks | io -essuppose thats the’imn se je-less fortunate neigh >,passing up and.dow ‘thes the several others «(2.would ‘soon ‘past and there w sug beatBNI : apace in the stréct orgide-w:wkkaherx ould rest for a Taoment.Bu thing this business théroughtare is pic fire “from early.mor midnigh¢hour:eth . 2.7)-S*spersons;.coaches,ti ilgees vattiag he eve,Ae aoe porses,dogs dendh thie:rest sof mankind+ih ances +You may take a position where $<toWelk objects’ LoL @ viewghthe length caidh bread “+Having satipfi y way from Trmityelvurch,or evel ro {we returned to:$0 a ici plea to Unign,Park,(i:distance obnot less:‘si mountat ursion.”Buc’our-i <mingling.wwisting eee _ing,noisy,conglone be Stk Amalgamationofni Be‘ee 2 ig something over ight miles long,arhd ase oes:hare the eréstest amount - ee s;andthe opinion:‘of thatbody ate aa The Wesw tiion whit iny ‘competitor is casting .wide aathe wate Eaat and taidson -willpersis,aid ‘by rad!1378" Ate “evenings ® .Cooper;Fatitute,|tohear the:¥ 2}S The “s¥oman’s’nights’convention a3 x session.»Entering the.door and purchiassi 2,a Ucket “onehundred mills,’and desreda-}tlre oe gng two Sights of gtairs-we landed athel ese ‘eat hall-ever seen-by us.The ee e e e ; Mi &oh “commented:and 4a i i ein body of the hall wag.iain:‘By ne wasfilled up with whites and blacke-oo oh ee men aind.1omen-men,till it wadeSeensa8thanthenty-fve red:ng in the’meeting.”Mrs.Rose,.—similar gilt of|Phillips,.sed.i xis©qsickieht |,patching a garment,sew : :.buttons;ia,paching 2 {for thosere ida,1S ft0..“Jookedto.ue as if sucli mightbetheir calli th-of |May two.yepri when not,di public speaking '’r “with brass momeiiads apand,down the stage?’*ete ‘pat ow tter expressions and make'ges-f _"> H4ures,that we wottld most ‘cordially believea. ‘poe.truly:refined lady ‘would not witness horiear,WORief ticeDeeki Ee it te door couldbe found.‘Yesterday after:_conrethouse soft Teavis vie x:ee down by the'park,att Taw at cs engine.forthe first,time.companywere rolling it along “atid bal beth=we Teachedthe place.|Wesoon Baw fe,in a few-sminutesheard,the,.wforewehadyetreachedthema.streamwh"of water,thesizeof &man's arm —-_-ingthte-topsof the trees ‘in,the=—done in lene:Gretime aan! oat sia ‘ibe Beplgn in.the’‘institution-of taxation on slaves’‘weuld i ares.,This would strengthen -ad autionof‘elavery,‘fhich now *s‘streng:!Lening.»The other SDR Stetes lave or Noe Geifia nd it is time eeas -rgons—they as,Let.remunite.ie = no’difference’between slavea ©|_property,that the south .geanundivisdfrontagainst.: yolition.“doctfine,|that.i =e ~e‘treater xs persons.Pe ge cecompetitorisendeavoringtomake:3s eetonal,eethe-a 7 ft ireac mag |East!against’tz STis dota queytion uf East pit of interest a in-* Thtretare no more'slave own-sisprcc est,althoughthereare C es.‘deprecate.raisingjan| sie betweenthe sections.:.E/do not ich.settion has,‘the:greatest - ¥;thht section ought,in jus- ied the ‘greatest:amount‘of:at my.“competitor:is-endea-©frighten Eastern:‘menaaginary:horrors of a convention -Yederal basis.He -snys T-am__dnvention .on the:federal.basis..form does.not:say:whetherit -Ah open:or restricted .conven-<4 eE mare no Badsae toon teeb eno aeheer ‘in it,to:any:sec;ueesaystheW.estr would grasp’i@werandwouldchangetheba-=miresentation in the Senate,ber Stegheycouldput’their:handsin.:= men’s.pockets.andbuild their ieee:-The convention wosld beme.basis:de the House of . be Subject of changing the Senate =~.i:show what will-be the F e proposed convention.ne petionto:change theSenate.basis taseseveraltimesbeforetie-Howse>. ns,’‘but.never received-a res-H. It-eanie:cup ‘distinctly. 7 session of130°and “Sle 1SballotitreceivedonlyWvotes, ‘onthe other.only 19,out of the ©.ke:numberof-120°meimbers.:The Hoes"Fipt propese”or:desire atle!Senate pasis..“Their =~~rs tare saying so,and theiraresayingsofrom'thestump. @ scarec-crow-of my coim=Bast teantfacture.to frighten’p ie:qual.taxation.He ‘says :ternman and.knows |‘Wonens A Ae“J say Western men know °°|t aswell.Heteisanextrect .Asheville Advocate,publishedxtreincWest.sitms 3 BCT”-prediction-~of?m:_competitor’ainthéEast.~Hear it:©“)... ald éalltheie sihaton of:our ay before |emmy Convention.He said'nd doubt...yused against \Mrs<Poolim.-that if.the West.got »os detab rbe:aphid ‘us oe beinteHe)content ~ehmendment.‘And:thisiwe neeviewr of eI eee nt relletersmen3 pilich kins |,complaining of the imputa-_ ,purposes...They ask mete:a .Easternpeople thet they.~2no sath purposeor\desire,*and.oa ake{putation of'snebsinister >it-is.Ee ny Pp t3.do.it =rery Eastern:sedionee.My.-mS tor says votedagainst two.tonbills ‘inthe.seg Legesia--.it is Sneonsistent With = nt po: Papen,the table,wei:| sed to submit the’es ae py vh_of:the,peeple,;ics tionable features in ©er ‘,thé nrode for taking theand,propobed'a Convention |$purposes:-objettionnble “tootedajainstGorrell'sbill bes|* id not ispecify that,the Cen-.~as be calle.on’the federal;would vote against both these<; ropositions aon.But inycompetitor -_¥didinat.like these roposic rsneandthoseofMr.Bledsoe endCFS,bout!Ad ‘valorem oer |'y.did;I not introduce my.present_|: go-change the Constitution.tate’:Lwill answer him.1to.the Legislature to:pass-andi Bot to chamgeCeemader.iL : Jawof.Of.the land,upon points.ihe 3meverbeenbroughttatheatA:w Legion rh Anyftheiwhoee titution 0) at el nee soul betray the“C0 aasa be UnWOF-. - * tamong the vate.cpown tob cEogeroll,af P. yhiky ‘eajled his forcta *exenipt-nothition,but wouldgive!ee a gislature:o bearupion eevery"Species08property’ejually opting.ou ee id <reports | *eussibn betwee Messrs ‘9atNenlieryy.n°“the 3d; epting the follow ey5ionbY“him 6 *trloti¢sei itiments,| Bs not.yetin ‘the field.~competitor:continued -_question only until the -to save’S ier cee theao>and the Union of the:Fe rs =Cophpetitor’‘claimed the:‘partyandithat.the Nortctasty.“It issmow time for’ _have a?re et cand stripes, et on,.its fold es iCefor”stitation,Union,and the_of the,Lais.4° ee tile “D A ‘had oh: Of the:ink fad Kinston,heAdvocate.gives}the|foltowing:.point;“which-(w the Adrécatein:ae r“must grate ‘harshly.npém the cats:fofallQemoerats,.who not .dnly:enter-/ caked and’)~tain,|but’:‘express,very.“unequivocal sympathy with’fhe-seced- feesome delegates atsthe ‘CharJeston Con--<vention.Gory,‘Ellis said :sn ~~Some ‘delegates ye tito th Ch .p esten Lomnvention't _nation,and.to dissol at age ‘Dallis,our:Minister:te fees_Tend,”‘inaetches'to ahome: Bice‘the general weeaethat:ere why Secretary:it aie States Tepresented Our=eile ensuitemost gratifyingtténnouncementsofithefavorwitlwhichthe.I~Baltimore Union Convention-nominationsmeetamongthemaseesofthepeopleevery- elected,over.equatter ty”5°|and black republicaw Lincoln..Bell and Ev-~erett were chosen from smote:‘a:numbere-|qually ‘as worthy to earaloft the flag of theUnion,ConstituGion and En Laws,and to them the eyes ofthe nationare"|turned imploringty :tosaye the Republicfrom -Pai utter ruin—and if thepeople ‘will electthem ..|—Wwhich weconfidentlybelieve they will da, —the:Union will Be.saved,‘discord |will be ushed intd:peace,dndthe North and the* uth will dwellin hd¢mony,as the best ofeffriendsShouldlive.We-uinot for amo--"|iment doubt that this will Be the|‘happy.Te-“~fsult,whehever Bell and Everett ehall bein-:j ducted into office.”The Douglas-equatter.|sovereignty-party,and the’Lincoln-black-re-|publicans,are‘factions:that would overrun |the cup of the nation ‘fith bitterness unutter- |able,‘should either of get jnto’power. ‘.prevent a calamity.dire than ahy e |.vil we have yet tasted;‘old parties,that havejordeditrongh*shod,‘over the welfare of the’aE people solong,must.bedisrupted and brokenJap,and 3pune _combination’.formed,of thevopuré<minded,-patrioticand honest menof the.‘country—having such men ‘as Bell and Ev- a -erett at its*head—to govern the affairs of- State at the national govermmest.The peo’ we ple’have it in their-power,now,to ae ‘|.their owngovernment in the pristine purity- which the great Statesmen ofa former age 4debween NewPyockandyWlimingtonN.C *Merchants and“farmers in thei esseof“the;State,grill be pleased to learn the fact {that the Wilmington:abd Weldoh Railroad;Company,have purchased twosteamshipsto|ply:regularly.detween *Wilmington,N.C., and New York,fgr thetransportation ofpag- )“Steam communication between ‘Walming- ton.and New Yi ork,afforgiggrapid and cere=[tain transportation for aferthandise and pro-|diets,is indispensible,iin.order'to compete ‘|with the “Charleston and *Portsmonth’lines, ‘whichhitherto have doné such‘a large por- |tion of thecarrying trade of.No:rh,Chrolina, “J and-we-rejoice that theii.portant avey t .is.20 "|soon,to be inaugurated.4] “lizens,theréfore,togivealttheencouragement -to this Tine that may liein their powerednd’ ‘they cat doimuch—beeauee,.their”‘freight will -be-conteved cheaper:andmore expediv ‘tiously,_and:-especigliy”because the:‘Wilming- ton|Line iisa North.Cprolina,Company.We refer.to theadv.ertiement,in ‘another,éokanin. pee West 2Minister Review. “Phis®‘publication-fo r:#the”present 4 quarter,was duly -received.--The:Bri- }tish,Reviews ebjoy a arrl-Fide repu-.“‘tation.~af New.¥panelof thie tke Meviewa e and aon ‘commence January,|180.:AY a ina4 Seinen teal ascot oe ts pe ann.we For any oone of the’four Reviews,$3 00iForany,two of the four:Revjews,5 00;|For:any-three ofthe-four Reviews,7 00,etall four of theReviews,He 00.For ‘Black wood’5 Magazine,1.3:00|For Blackwood agd one Review,5 00ForBlackawoodandtwoReviews8,7.00_|For Blackwood and 3 ‘Reviews,-900:-|Four Blarkwood and4:Reviews,10-00‘Money Currenti in the State w here B 14 isstied will be!Féceived -‘ag par.2 ScCRBBINe.>|B discount ‘of twentyfive per cent.§.:|from the above.iprice will beallowed toClubs:ordering four or’more copies of.fany.One:or more of the above works: 2 ‘Thus :Four Copies of:Blackwood,or of2|One.Review,Will’be sentto one address. |for $9;four copjes of the four Revi iews ~tandBlackwood for $30;and so on.—.§.Remittancés*‘should ee a ‘ad-:dressed to the Pablish@s.:LEONARD:SCOTT on: 14 Jo.54 Gold St:N.¥- os “-Eredell Blues—Medal Won.:‘The Blues 3Were-out fof target:prac- ‘tice,on Satarday last,and to contend» |for a Medal,which is &pitt from the --|Hornets NestRiflesoftCharlotte::The :-«|distarice-was,160°yards,with the:Min-_“[nie-muskets,“and a)nun-ber of close{shots were made.*The fnedal was won‘tby:Private A.A.Davidson.»|4 8.‘Frankford:‘Salisbury. which he witliseli Frankford is a {jony féllow,.and who dgal with—“him once,will hope {tocallagain.— ‘Bar Wehave beenplacedunder ob-_liggtionsto:Capt,A.K..Simonton,foratsupplying.us liberally.with Baltimore — n luring the meeting”ote the;fate Bio.a 4 ee Aa:"4 va Rain—Crops. during ‘the ‘past.two weeks,and ‘the- |@rops are’most ‘promising thosfar.Wheat‘in Iredell,with here and there.“||8 exceptional spot,never was finer,we :|Perhaps.But the plant is so.liable to;|disastertothe.very,day‘for,hartest-”.|ing,thatallsp sopoamning,the crop would in,vain.eee is i :"TheConstitutional Unign Party ofIredell;held a&public meeting at the Court House in Statesville,on the 224: \instant,to.‘ratify the nomination "of Bel!and Everett,and to appointdele-gatestothe Taylorsville district/Con-. weregrethaving topatour1beforethe for publication.They eswill appear1next,week. -Tinfused into the great fabric’whenit teceived:| ;the final finish bythe hartdsofGeorge Wash- wy |ington,aud loomed’up,theadmirationof the |es4°.F world:-Sear :s 2 Stéam_Comin t.behoves our cit-4. where:affordingthemostuhmistakable in-23dieationthattheticketwillbetrinmphantly : ‘ * _3 -;é* P.sengers,merchandise,and products of tli¢.--5.|State:Thefirst steamer-will:leave,New York -“}for’Wilmington,on the 2d day of Jane,and _|depart Wilmington about the:7th.June rex~|turning.|Handbills,’giving rates,‘&e.,will|,be issuedin a short while:so Ea % ‘ ‘ ,’ > J 2 Requesta’us to say that he has re-|‘|ceived.his large'and-well assorted stockJofSpring&Sammer’Dry Goods,Cloth-: ling,Hardware,—,&e.All of “Rain has fallen feclyidGis section:4 S , :a an invitation te eSNic‘and Be was!hale Ronthden-aein our power tationd!©wea Romi dante het .this‘is anew Cothpany,we havea Tens te ects TERM TEA i ae : eration for all the ‘military of the peed py:patnoh Ri wee Wax clay teenNe Taae ed Re eed i ‘Where'they:ng daily the tntest.ae RoW eer ob ig Borsohimnetos >)Lold town of Fayetteville;it was there fo"eCity Priséie andS n ;d }.LS.vee.aes os Me meen of our afflicted fellow +)Twe fitst “playedat soldiers,”and drew |,a ( ~~s-‘gur;“maiden:Seord,”iif in:‘defence rea $B a ;the:large:nnd Eo rg ;f \t Ih <3 AE:9 i rt 5 4 i r He ‘5 rn .ae 3 peo t Poe Crete.oe aS,i *fi =.3 BS ayant a oa oy 2 ES *..."of the country“it:was’beeauses péaceoie By ee aces NN i cE ORGANWDIES,<0):‘i Scr 3 cROFC ouPLamres,|mia “at:Gaabocsable)ae theSpeen ath proigned)over the.a a oe i aee ENRY HC COSTAR.te De sane:ise?ie ee ;Heaton ad SRCPTIY SES,$s,|with-a.calfat rensonable tim ;;.-OP)q +3 %,é t i BES ¢:t |:fie :%es aS)iDiie i oe #eel ey eS.A:ML FevriteMarchas1860-16, eeuctg ayia",UIERuy.AWgutiay Cosakove,wh)ae ‘ASERES!ho nan NENS BONG HS anid SELES,eye:This c Bt he ssand dicen aie :i |2 h nt |“TD tigart in topes ret are rhea na cee:Sete tk sae SL RG ;ise.HE.Aoi aes cae Pen te ery a Righent pre f a Est‘ESCRIBEROFRERS |a:ee=re was “looking “4's ia Ce ae eS Ra es a ee cw Sutend ikopligent Nati low figures,>|yh 8 Bo expel the mew saken ;he i,BY or ee Sane remar Sas:I we 3 ed a?;fe Throats©Se eE HRT et aed an Fase -CDPIRA A ei .23 7 oo z pote s vt }ssid ee Lie os "aige Cie eran eee Bah te as ss Lowi nen at ‘a ‘ania SLO We SHI BLING:;A Oe id OY Sy AS:CPS ah 4 pga aa nee ak d ire Bi t EM altitn vitae rest the emi ile Coflege:andistthe boostareeeechtJSightbhonentiesia:B.MO eyae aR thet eeeoa Pe ES )-aid of this’Mspate themadivis frit Hie table property ii,*he place.Thefouse-|7 :ae ‘a tid wlcerousieceeotne &tas 4forv,new;builtin the modern |ae Kitchen.Smoke-house,|Stables,contains Two -Ac =feomteBeteastsswellvenciceada4 ommiswillbomazeedsy.-rye%rparticulars +Jnquireof thnleab-;eee Aitor ofthe Iredel!Exprese;sechtees‘ Se te a A.4.Douglas 1c)rare «ei pe Phe.A INE eee ae ayy 1 a ea |es Rc org ave:aeecee dares Sa)0 whens.Exen eh pardcilar dis TF “Blowing Adder”will,fulsés*with they”|pe :yeah tem ge ee ue GROG ete Raa aaa Am erm pe ice D9 er.t,people.‘en etter:tiealth,ad:PyA WeS|:fee aE Heelonger lp Rep ,a:Sup of its fheast ly?taitapholdthe abel ms :is pate ateals mr.i |.se rf a te >t Tee ee eeieinge =oe Bee S ek DLOO.rae a ‘;‘:f phi yes ee 2 oe +, “nity:of the press.and pertprin Other}Woe:aS 0.Ss TAL ‘FE de ee onder:aK sae cee Ie ERR Known Fatablighimentof| /wondrous things,sxpeenfiar:toa impo te =pu gles ee rs v edanidial of the ‘double-headed,snake|epeeAa :sie 3 be ue |dae:bie Aect OE Tae)liferts dered or overthrown;32 2 Uy ft Shergou :a‘thisday a\Branch 2“species:The “Banter?of this singh)Beesea:_.|Hlaxseét i Sone ele Be ALA Siipation Cort of Law opshay andl fe 1a,Se ghbraetihe!7 Auk hy brid:of the:moccas tribes.wall 6 eer rea Ae ie (SL AD MEV OLB Sb AF Bi ;TeTeeer fotesaid.:atthe Cou ie war :wil asly ‘detsited bv.Ms Firs eee >thear’‘this inscription,na fae te sate Be Aha ret B'ost.|.Pee tay rat ee f oy 1,arin oe uM ne .Preparations of.ites:pi)scahge!}rigede *ee 1 aE qual Taxation?”zi Lene icy ¥Tallow 4)ge aaNet :tygeat:dad A Seon!ee en Darel moet endl el BES ind:presiding,Ho :“Oa Aah pore ee ee ee ;te a ace ;TaD ae See saya :ek :"Samay ie i:star ett:z ba *Ue eae me >ae §Esha rok fi i!ie Linseed Oil Factoryin Catawbas ‘ere stale awaeta &uy cons ee der preten i ara:rae lyeo om We call.sitions tol advertisenient,ot ane Su es Bact peek thesis the,ee eae ¥Be omy:‘held Yor tht €'o debe:C any thingelse.Rew i ing:counties,that we have taken ,E :1 in ::Ci eye -forinerly/ocett by0hasestablished:an Pie eek,ey Pa a Der id 1 aay ek SS sore Sc eae:Ae yt a eae rede egmar :during lat Ba ;pied *,binseed Oi)‘man yfaetoty j a Catitsychalcone,|Besta ty Leos gt a8 i 2 a ,Sy Ae i Cie ai tee tag ate eee he 18::-by large bottles;pretensing to:rire a qu:Mase Sis ALT.i=Colle a “#ix mie north of Neteton and will uy7 i ¥not.only. ual upon Hen a,but-often pene Nort Sees wer.ail aso iui 4 : :Pie .this babeioer.North €sets rnaniifae aes.‘se Ak oli ht ee “' ‘Declamaticn and:“Compositions,“ +By the Stridents ‘of the Male Keaton 3at *Stockton fall,Muy tl (clock,morn-, “dng.Also at the stnue-place,113 Mock:SA eth MS the Annual Address,|joy Rev Wane A.)an eo :RSI :;ar Wood,oF Rowan,Priendcof ebication are)o's.pay Seirape gi Bee bivecaceel (60 pea ae eee Saga OF ele inthe sown |heircomplete emdieation stow aks respecte Se as oS ALES Us Gis |Ro otras abou laden arctan «de 1 Swepestors,scare gaonac |REzesedy thonldbe juliciuay:eken art)"°S ous eee :1 he iota alee cae “Eats do a *:Kies An ‘gurohasing Goote.will4n- i 0 5 j hes i yes 7 é Sgll.Gaods at a ‘considerable’leas. xa saxter4in New YorcisSie ich ye pear ie 5:aD atig Suen pd ablarg iirc Ps.pe besa,Berane Se ee to ae ON Seat Deeg eae See e fo ee meghsg Wetke ee §acl:Fai ee ;is .pas ppbine toghelestkonhed tet oe eer gy Meal cso pik OF bigying.’We therefore ims j ‘government ontof the,sim:‘of:S175 5 ot oy ee cba “pphyine aeunecibe i |:)sn sinneltagnid ar ‘Thick smal mag ne ;I angel eee 4 ‘a Roos have,i beam SI pe es.Sit B fers 1S Pane es 3 ea "WANS,eiprecious:iar a Exe bean ar vk a pe ra esi faa .:fe a ord,ite ver ue negesears ontty te mary Rarely of Bree ccomkaea y Coms:i ones. oeratc “poligicnangecs-|];aeth ama “pi Mend ile a:mite t ‘ie:&are ;;y A a ;‘Boo:%he oti!Ito reeountt ai gaataiee Seem ee eae J.RINTEIS,&3 .De nl 8,2if clerteg.xseb ie 1.8 Pea Pr ore cm Sats.€C..Re ae oA Biomech ey.a.desinat fet r3t ‘has been emploveds:As;i rie_Stateote Fel ae OO"“} Soeof.bi &.ah ang aidercsone aud ::: ,he Maysjestie yethe < ve Esity Magazine iaveckt a =contains’a oiery agtractive portrait at Rey aisha Mitehz:ie ~.ell,Dz ‘Diawdotlterwiise)f8 yolk:filled:with ingerestingliterary”‘ertic avie hope:this SBkcanne,Tras Vabe ication “Among 4 C sb G:i ieeeoeenes}FCG 2 :|eats Spraeky Fa: gree Firm New Goods..eetS REA,aa teed 5 Bits te fo)(00.oi nats MeN Te ty iE a Wititings pe ‘epunposes ofa family ph oo Bi a ad eeu HgEe‘Rintele ee having,leased the aoe Bia 0 :i ser,te eh ‘otters Ghildken Shoes,leon mts Fe RR ae DOTA RC A ;VC BRS aT ie oe riee 25 cents per Boss:‘3 R =Z es Eoin 4 y on C wel?:.Wim at Crus!Hy “ye aay aos Si Wt ;ie Wed j ns ‘:al nib oe (alge eke:‘t ,weY-4g 11 Sie aah ..Ss 4 )‘a EAT,2 ee ome ees larg “ais ,Dee 7 eine 300.|Gi fage )iP Ordéré:Tn fact-any ‘Great n :Sie:DEE:hg :Fro +Jeanes,‘Linsey,.Hides,oS:7 ru ret eeswax,Rags,Lard &Butter,Noni kinds of-:Country Produc’market.Price willbe’.paid 2 WALLACE &Ee :sal lie *-attention:* for particulars:;:Ss ES 4 by.TakMenon,’*epotibeput‘oe By nealoert ea Fog aver with:oth er prepardtigna they mak Te"a Mier re et neat Me :Sima iaeDeat a:CUED LN UAE oo cay eps Ei a ater ee eeewin, See yy "ELSVEOPENED ih tie STORE for}|ice Eng.&np't eres ci 5.aS VA Petey 7 Be ORT EBR LEADED,8 a est aid Lit ee ae merly-ocenpicd by Messrs.iJ7 F:ALEX:|.eG CUE at.hi ¢9 3 a.oe Btah MACHT :|©)AW poe Re.::te :.easesSenay nee ~Bece UANDER:&CO?a plendid,EERE tof.é ey ea z :Rem : ;aa 2 Ct TATE CT HEA a and‘::if \E :Rie Oe Sh pstieafor ti be Tes ey ~ke oA bee “GEASS aR,MEDIG INES | ae 4 1s “€JEWELRY?)* FASILY | ::5 ae and aaa oe ee in bs 3 I !4 5 ch :7 at 3 ;:)ere i is f Ae ae a :|‘4 2S rd.:t i :1 ‘ee er -3 e mae ;.i”e me :ea ieee Bi rere Ol spce cca cae tein MBLC AN aan ee ak epee oe airePULLS, the patron ofthe Pabliciin general.© “Sand see:eee ‘gre.gart,soil be =e PMPED IY mone »ON > 4 :e.gied bothin’Price.and!i *othat-we:eainhot beinderotei byan¥itingA_Al Kiads 0of Country Producecee atiene . 4 .)LBSof‘the:Ke Best oie BACON es:A.Sale 4 ,.y the:gb laxseed.- !° -,tian Fox.onyBarfet!py ot Tax.SEVENActes,returned +fs ute fiver tan 888 as Millard 1 >|:ms Witness,N-P.ee —_~ 1 a.Sy My F ;Ba je ss eee sa h c e e d e s s o e e n a ee e oe +Wthose whe 2 eeneret SHE,ve IREDELL EXPRESS been published two.years,4# aponaThird Wolamesistoy ps “thepublic pithe Publizhere,'wh hope for increased pa wage otergf year..e:rechat execution: will hea < urnad hiegued.eB grell filled with ligence,oof whites ‘country ald other; There never waa pe try,shen newspapers.sh more universally é vated aain {rinz. ea than’the presents cra:apts 36:Tec ais.ware a Set je ih not af the?passing _,object of pity for ts “be ~ehasecit amen useful,matieens<i and wi)ptr fey 7m tle more than,the pers,now Theit:“calng.# would permuade th rant,neighbors, ecalelof “puma:iatellageoge’wow! bis.inefeane m2 theve Peay:iem.2, inaediof toa ores }i hicha8 e:(heir ; ularly*ap Aear in OOF:tons, ¢pene ofitalente also ahort m efisnconsarticles des wHped.ut Ste the minds of ©se fontriess for redding: ous,kinds fm 2:larze:misrabe ‘CONGRESS Heing wow tine Sesh ha it weil be.the:mosh. geting,sexaion.whiehfas or f lke j“tndet the Government.-—tpry fall ‘ _osnedianyy of-intellizemees *+ -of the.poeeed fof that eae wil ished.each eek In.ahorp whatever:iat Gann f part of onr Country;“Creiting ovcalewiated tor of eve interest ‘the.pthhe taind,"will be transtrrtd..of th ;to'the.covunins of thes EXPRESS “eis the.'a shortest delav.Fnvtite we shale maton se render:our journsal 2 reliable atsmtepest ~~.Our OWN PADS willbe’oftered>s “they.muight seem:worth Su pon,the Gu "vents of the trues,whet it sna ape “to. proper:conceding ter ati inteligen rigbt to ‘differ vipos POINTS whe views shall fail i hein unison” ‘and witliont athulginny.personal ‘b unfriendlyfeeling.Aes“eayith heeyerrea! my Jenda -peedingear to:Both sidesof any:g —SADDL if tion:aridrecrecerte the,Trath:agor9,a Eow ty i meen ‘UST voce the Pex PLES ever offered:6 Sete: ali i 5 tey yesFee Te mepevalh poktkt ME a =FROM:Tia’"4 Ww ith W rougwht or,4 ‘it Ec i :7 it -bles r +the improcets &Pom positignt}+Nex Leth,yee will aenace aesfraittion,fx s per Ve oe and §‘onliv apen ie <p Geofabout!sa4 feet,so that the mili:iswert portable.We dormor hesitate te-cay.fet:enna eGrish “arethe best thats haxe ever introduey “ynfo the.State.and.every Sarmer SOR on "Sane should:SPoRReks:One.05 ~~We atill:manyfaethe.j ed 4S hee tory,Gear,Sifecttinut Hangers, PRalleys:‘Grint and Sane Milt iros of every descrip iam,Cutting Ma: Eee ‘Corn.ore Sintct, aa to “cae of Shoukiingier.; A good'eupyde.of“materria}Gen!Shak the work done by oxperient sworknt .ender:the’supe Ptiaicn gf the)wees rietors,who jarepracticat nas bs eanmany:oe -wedre experientr,they a f imal;fat no effost ill Be»apare: 4 giveze neral Ratintact on. Sed in:keare’‘org Aged ce chit EAE ‘met x this.Se ANT UN: :the N. UN ected.aSe gabconed:to SS Dae : ‘Camp.Alamance Ce Erm ye utter any :ie i bets SOLONAPAXVani }5 RY aEBE a ‘se B DRAEE ER nent.swith the gata &yaa.akall: ‘Crue:HarriagePartsanes.Mackesvics PatsadeSp#h;Self Adjusting ¥: totia:Hora.eae etd igGonorrbora,GAAtuse,corthhe peees ta p p e d (a e s i> he 465 67.13 1415 162 her wicoler mycoliere oon Wie3456.7 8¢Hg 10.114213 1415,1617 18 19:202122242526272829. |Services to the-as aenue,oppositeeee SE ‘DAVIS. I AT-LAW,.DLE,N-Co,niligently:;sa to}‘all forsashile money as}oe| oeteasaAQUORS4foe i oo rnenP Peay © itp ‘:;2 . - “tom 2 ->jes is “ roe ¢4 0 | ~ae o& «+end Proee ge 4 Te gg apie:foris~ “=e Syyithoutthe .+one eal. Tay +be And through c fy ag |4o%5 ,"By the ¢-"Riénding £7 Childrenof 24 ae '"Slowly she aes}.“Butawhen ¥ ||2.SDRpOp Fey fc Methic Set id foe. meet ee dsaeatty ee ae parfrom “Sent” +|Bh poorUSTSosenets je that Tt Only mr Lo eevee stem ca ibe “ST WWhny wile Ae “"p~Rightly. ait Kietime: Ong iu »Oh.Mr=ig nda :3 =ch out! :Fist:S ;‘ad you=bere :note 1 =pensignateseenndtdthe Si)«Phat t ‘icy setest eae |abou:ha ¢.|thingg *int oF half? "2.“yeould Te ey Fe hasn't d 4 ceo,ae like “speck u “you this diving”ti for a.m ‘eventh The!hex i.but 1pm beat ham: Be a - oe om a ay }»ay }- s&:é«1iée| ~¥a