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Iredell Express, March 1860
a, a "Ts g wileanda eilta rye fl ee af<nd of.lowe:5,Thesong of orca = "The top’sr aharent pion~Yet in the sunset ling +a Do In wondrdus beatity:the >And,precicus jewels:spa :“In her,Jdsttouts,golte hair. i w ith.a golde“Th tom ’she hey’rt »And sinas ter witch ai oh So aerlderinie veer,“so third)The miclody.Hom:tog of The-adilor3ix nig Trail Ia seizes with a wldagheahg ie heeds not:theoda nzorkas ISutAvatclhesschatsisiion:£0,bret U cruel,that.be:witifal maiden,x AS ~helniurygags Her ret ‘to the:l he <preads her’whiteaaris “toeAnd‘adhiles aut the-dlanger xshe sé £s!heallese he rasws'?er.ithe waters,, Anvk hase:ta the Lo-reLey.Songs 8 yD The tre:whiroris ixgtves wverwheile’sinks the colsfSwaters‘amon Phe dgrle:hil Gillowsenzulf bir,«Yet stili-docs bie ove beatin,ee.a: Se ek tte erie‘t ‘th fics mentite]Surethy,# ~own Yésources, =Roncts and 5itshag Sr oie g ie sbure tors,ot.Jub ereaa a to flyist :*Shelter-iin’Exeter’! ere "Cieorge’Thoixpsen’s-"hag,compelled thie* i State 10°make geesPacainst,mrtate 1 ae St:eh.Saver into:existence, Batigot:scP lil E “tine ‘anid |s es cae ac al aspirants 2 the:shelf,-1 :al8o,—anil,Pp aoe of:all—set to Studying:t country,t ¢ Ri hts:of th pliparty,are:bat.the} veel‘ork A catches the =“lyall the old iilosaphé S dend: stn beatae ee "Were ‘none of them:wer7oissmooth iv ‘face,’“Areall banat oe natutal”queen:crwhereall:hearts “upsto thelighting were Lishered into.' ::ds agan:<:ndy,‘with’her re ‘ane,they gredany.ereevat,,ad‘fine,eS s0op spe ands,ghorypus!44s é hore ‘Sal jokinie tin’her foot,like a tace mee‘the dram:tap.Asfur me, skeered.ih se my heat;ermity thumpin agin my:‘ribe,-bal goals:‘Thinks - r it pow,an”bust:rilerefgojthru;shure.Well,|the onl.’ bedoecoean’4¢;while “her0 foe ra aonoeound |Tike aarypala ta(ir y ‘mood ‘what iit.alll wut ‘far ;5 ati shy elinched jaeagin’and shuffled le an‘one.side:and_t tlie ather, “3 ‘i :I.> ‘hisdevil to-pay,,a sean’withthat J tri erga)huopsier reser9 tedace:Well;ittux mee got”.ig up with Sal bat {'a:I wore»that aif ever I puis 4 fn,One atid x |suai th twoq ms iron eae poemywecnr?im whith two,aa : close on,~rf be aye ¢-abundant,Spyfilies from 4involving’.a sere in OF! ands:at.Feast.”“An infant, ;Pe ;“onnces ~ Saray or Ge ne aoser.7). ‘the first‘Fear,therefore.he-+.14 from’one‘thousand©to thrir-ed:Soinds.«In one”thou-Of mi thereate¥wenty-of salts achich pine oan-"og :Rime not. relve:ounecs gre.ph.thus appears that,TeeYear,“the:vebild:Tee >|°8 ee are mei Aa °oe ay pe -_ e ors ~co Algae ne dificuly >Mr Forebee:.on/faking the”“Chair,:made a brief snecch gongratulating} « Sa Christian,Moitgomery,* “sense;good‘hdpe,and,good hits.in we” “the offices,showed.-very’plainly ‘that |J'dx“#Col:Puryear:iy stillalive,aeae Jamindend.body,and full of fun,fgets“s-hieh MSY surprise thegood}people of .Hea NN:Boyden,Rowan,«aeae >egives™from vel acts “and te~be.hundred ahdvorty-threeps:dry,solids...Ha meets t ‘from one hand“hundred and fort}:pouaedintheproductiset@activityofanenAchildtthmsnourished oppoat =aa :xsédition34SprcoHaneion‘Feb;2181860...The :‘délegates/to.‘the.0 ition§*j Convention.-assémbled*ap oppsCom-mous’Hall-at 11 o'clock to-day.“Gor.Manly moved “the,temporary:organi |.;-@ation of the.bodyby theaappointment.of DD Forchee,”Esq,ofCamden,‘a=Chairman;and MessrsL €.Edwards FEanaeGranvilleandJ-D.Platiner 6f-CraxenasSecrétaries:The Goremor ae-{ifcompanied-his thotzon with.some cheer-“ang remarks.in hishappy way,and ~the Statée-and the:‘party-ion;the.langeassemblage:of igray-headed.!“Veterans tatidyouthful:solicSac~Feause,a8,-anguring we ‘for ‘the State’l:;and theparty in thecombstampaign.*Onthotion,‘a:<comniittee of;oe i:“each Districet A:Ae Brown,cmimgton and Maj Hector J ‘MelcssofRobeson.from-ours)tivas:then ap- ‘pointed to‘repert ices for’theper-sé“Manent orvanizaztion af the Cone.&tions which was done flrowgh €ol NayWWiams,‘Chairnian,-“as.follows? athe.the:noble i” ‘L San t inh uf?“uspuayt,KBFi Oedagley,meting ee +Hon. OParyenr,of:Yadkin Drest-f adeAgs:.3 hahahNicePhisings3oRaSinith:Halifax,~LE Guion Cr : R'sryRB:°bs Yeu,EV Hale Cumberland,:HonRB Gilliam,‘Granville,+ oe Henry Walser;pee 2 ‘Ted R Gallivel)Burke, ore Giracniniiae!tO Le Edwards Granville,MeL RNJtoDFlanner’Craven,ahaiee bes eh:The report Was:ratified unanimous.’Sly:and €q].:‘Puryear ‘escorted;to.the |:Chair.’A,short’address,fulliof «good ‘taste at’onr ‘Opporients and’t)‘new.recruits who:shaye-swelled:‘ther Srankstoarch:onli:against :and into |R fl he jo olaeerag;Raleigh on the224 alt,bat.lh report the remainder’‘next week.aproceedingsarevery.fons |a The penccn aereference AL ‘pur ‘section,who-last:vheagd of ‘him‘from a Democratic paper m‘his.Dis- oP ane triet,“as,sUten Rorrible amangling, “mittee (two.from “each:Co¥igressionaDistrict)to prepare “business”for:the|:action of the.Convention,wasdirected Pashseiiepelipointedbythe:sex5trictDelegation&:.After” ‘>den}Righard IE Smith of:‘Talifax:‘|7)2aPre@kGist of Bours,Wal-tne“ter Dunn “of:Lenoir:«<> A Dockery of’Richingnd. eat.of Granville. 4 4S DW Starbwek of Forsyth: *|8 HB Watkup of Union: :|Foster:of Henderson,| 10 o'clock to-mortow.«Reset" gates so far'in attends ith©LIST OFDELEGATES PRESENT: Anson:County.CaPKCaraway,Mi 6:Long,.«i yolk R:Peal:iVaan, “nailed,2 the’‘counter’?for:val:‘time.On notion of Gen,Dockery,a.com 4 shortre-)=%‘cess for“that purpose the CymniitteeWasafiouricedasfollows3oHas oCAveaterr ie Ist Tisietap:D Ferelie Porc 3d—PMHaleof Countering,Hen. 4th—H K"Nash of Orange,BE €) 5th—Jas.&tong:oe:Gaalford W. Taylar of:Chatham.); 6th-¢‘Haliners ®Glenn ar Rocking 4 7th—RufusBarringer:of Gabairus, Sth—T R Caldwell. The Conv‘ention:‘thee afifoumed |to; The folltiving3Ita!list of lie Hele ance:snties ifes> Las Hardie.-SBeaufort.Frederrick:Giri<>Siraw:JY mfMarshBeres.John.Wilson:“bery;De PT:Meary:Burke.Tod RCaldwell Ls hom ol“Baydor,Robt:M Gree“dk éetty Thos*B cSaCodundaus:Ww BE (Paver.Ji D. Lsy eval.=R HeeSPerson,-2 FKia,‘Sunts,Ww.I.Sire 8.Wheeler... iy:ites.Je 34OUSheaphter. ae Gas“ite 9F“aT ne J It Caswell.Sion H Reiger GoorgRS~Littles!S Was Fen ‘nat einalWePepa:a¢ait it ¥of soy.:y theSeen thatevery°f propertymay be taxedac _to its’value,With“powerto /.‘iminateonly iit,favor ofthe-na-|eecof:our ‘Stateand the in.’ need,Thatthis Carentanwillpoinktwodelegatesatlargetorep-|;i is State:in the’Geen *Con-|of‘theNational Union Party,ld for:the purpose of nomina-,recog for the“fices of Pres-)®President forthe ensu-,=do recommend ‘to the!each CongressiqnalDistrict)a ABlegate,Pe said.Conven-. ie,‘That we will eordially r'Conservative National -comnts,whom)the said Conution“may)nominste!but in.the —.‘andisla to thedecisionMh 4 pach abyto -the.t office’in the nation:;Thesonvolutionaryofficer,‘he has .in-athe patrioticdevotion of histhaclear:head,’an honest °informed’on p irs,anflexiblyj 3toisfriends,wi VS 5. to e s i es i ee Sa l ea t s t i a c a g e . c m e e e i a l se e oe o i e e ts ee r e ae ar e slong!cea angti\tram.+Heisa:bape the agent for the Mon he:F~Sane ;The.cars go on.ecthehouse.He’meets:the :they havemet before.His’“tetas tek al Strange,"that the demandf wheat-shouldCnnee :y atthe’cotagt:Srl ples neeSecurityty witbeeequired“JULIUS RySisto! >glaange,This solyenthe mystery.<+ The gre StateRoad—the ironhorse ;doliar.andhalfper bushel,cash_tells thetale.Thisislite y _agany one'can:‘ascertain,‘ +Sag ofthe monk tiny Nacien= "Sufierees Grom Serofale.‘and FSerofalous affégtions,clean tip!Why,wear your Pit plea,eg leer,eeWhy.are 8 ¢hte2gutofyou:pein,?enia-ists—eee ti a tempers.rough '=¥S‘Sees tae eek Li eat,bresking Hectiae Frouglitpr Cast Tron FOVbentsition boxes fox the!Gyewscefriction:15, At steLeans2 Hotel iintcas: 15th ult.Dr,VE aie Wil I-CORNELICS to ISS.PRANCES “TAN,allof’Tredell ‘+ slsjokanceRstiaiur BYdFcee f saege Se 2*Bebe"012 (4012OY15k Fh we ec,Oe {a0 162 Greeieaetrt.ey “GLard SOLE..Tidlow:.‘*5 (3)Hiner 020:5:*Adamane:.2):ci cae (a)65.-“Athe "oad @O35-UN Corn OBS (ad:rie Bsi.Chickens 010°is}Zti Dried A pples,;: «peeled "15 ~<003k a ss .weae )Sugar 3 ae 3 0 +Testedae20510:Ag Laat?a (Be :ibd the'supert:sion ofsortheppron .unpeeled|(FTallow Old,gif)¥23)are practical:mechanies. fsle doz i3-ess 090-4 LOO |Boh perience.they ffortwill en the _t «Ham BOAD4C@000seePeas’0.805>«Sides.SOIL:GOTH Beane,*3 Heg OLAS |Fe WeOSLBecswand2(a 028 .Batter 2900 aa 2 Gaiden,7255 ¢‘“daman-"*°$ tme>.625 Se 30: ‘Sperm AO - 3 Coffee,Pah :on Rite.O14 ma th 3,,Laigniead AZ (a0 12 chawar’.‘00 Gethin Cotton,”:ate F air to-t >4,8 >good 0.10 @OOI "Ordin to, Sa:*mid.0.09.Goh 003 *%Ftour,-Sage ;F ;#ih “|::‘Drep *i ny P.si :!Gey.E ‘Hoes ?4 ‘Ex su 5 a ENC Wal ;e tt ih {ae a i a c i f ys F be ;Ad Ragas >i i EA As rs Lusiness-imme~. aeees N.C:np 62:Set 4 M be Penect the.Best gnd actin dud the)it tO;2 fea eS 7 ontins oman iréand cee In bage3G “(ae 3.135 D O:.*}uds i ;:vtek hah Sana eke pee Pei a ;ewan gt 4 i eee HsBe stand ready ~~ oe _Superti.300 (a 00:x are:eh :,aWOKE caNge cerliony |“4 i i oS ns ee Nay we eS ;sa a Ves oF MP »Farag i We Heday teak r no * FOR Pine pop ny 2)SGrain,:Ww heat 5 eekse ei :sitar :Poa ‘Pride:per Box:Five!:TSES i Frere Goi ellers Kk nf.=oe bees “Dried.“O50 (a FOOLCuba!O80 (a0 $5 oy Sey.;mt crea :5 tore;f Pe Ne)|ee Ve me ie MEEN ¥f EME TakACOMe OLIGO 1:ty NN"0 i 5 7 ae e ot ;f RSRR eae ee ::‘st st ¥aes ars ‘2 reanberet m4 ait 7 ee *":ARRANG MENT. |Becawaia O20:@ ie 0:0 |cestiteg hi Sa a a Tits a ;Peet %:See y H dg 4 :;ene Saw TERY FRIDAY,:UEC ts s4 }40-250)busheds j ain which:t]:pr ne Sona es t en im 8 a G Oper ar ver ai 4 Trainofcare will a eather*Candles,’-)\‘ae .:;:4 ‘8Adaman-mee oy vered ili Pa vettiéeville id dint Aha poeseesign aly eee Oi Paes aie oe eee sraE ots lta ae SON etnee ws TsPann:coc atranmenuons caoda.aneeeproserbine,printonthe er Towwed Torsthigin cures 40)poe se )i ees eee SNecick tee pea 32 |Gatgwbs river;when itwillbe met io:|)01240014 Ries,02 Be scng des havd Theetidedin To eee aa :Gn Woute axe 1 Dike the patrouuge Me}opp favorderiiand warranted im ave|-'orable and comrmodions.four-horse‘Fava 017 (gO for:the ap r ching Harvest,“Cotton 90 10 (2.0 f1 ae eeu:iz theYorn075fay80':-Brk 08QO TL itiree’ony a suYeMeaO75-a0 8 UE eee eS.|semiber at Troy's S Randelay od Feathers030.(a0 35. :“1 Flour,ga PPalove:010.“bbl:S75 aso alePaack:Z2 (a2) “Tron,bar0.05-Lard 201!@o 12 4700 (ai:ey (e:Pork,sen oS 50 “hard* i Tectia ide #..Wofkte.i 3“Rio is He re a voia;O16 018 4reafn,mids;oan .Fair dg:Kad oeeea Crys fe “rod al «Plaster,iinblbbla.P ee‘Sow 18 3 TIME TO Bes Ticker or +HEIsWRITING.FORI “pages:(forty atae:Mestts‘4 devgted.tothe.instruction:and aimnsemeile‘na ae sie,prow semi-ennu-{EX,‘or Teblé:of Contents.‘wand Tere was PER ANNUM Bid Saieee ee RDN: ~we“ ~/~a an <ye re to the’gi eepene to.has Na 8 ti WK ae 1 Camenta’“sergdadé ea to Ms ee ried =Dit pertag price!Homme,oat} ;is Hut Iiy ook AION ‘peat :oy “€sSriliaet ‘sleep!te-gteep «coined,may Tov ‘inst ‘ he first’that was, |a “He left stock of Baus store” iy,elegant fartiituge:of his!room,© °Treat!Sythe dari oft‘apid Like &“pdssum.Soria ecens Se #Son ontspectiutajoter,(02/2!fie dimTeh ofth’moon?* ;Falias:ee 8Lightsclimbed,die garden .w _,Yesed wy ar.“peathy her.‘tH —_—a And a ainmbine:anve behiin!me, ‘Warnid me @ age WAS ners 13punkbeataequigk-rexrgat frony'th ,Aud Sound,ai doslginent bier Aste iptabed!‘tha ‘amboth alanghus, i felt'a sonpeig.tear ©; ain rent hebind: YondedWhigsShe:apie eaetain? Ln the pact ows sonycht shiver indousdioms Giron ford ro jate 4 f donla hott wih “"That she-s ont eke wiehe t Danghg4in the ate a)Bese :With ie:“whites ORE pralbitd it atoipt be pe yoiy GF thatdsuily Bam east ants Spe : en ee AtFy,‘tied sacir, ep &danze Shark!hat ie,chat % f Aroundthc!:forehe:18aneon2 Pwr ‘For bs ¥ve aifellosy:tine. ;for MONE >aubac rt Lassya 1s: Nie Prager hearg:bin Vaisee.ihe'vi‘thitne.e: 4 Beek?exteb Irvine ite:him,Browser *ae m ¢Beees the ti,ws tnetened it ar :te!simine?athed,dua cats In madeand deaperatechase Tie Yorkssprapignainycs4 think, For greto leave thig phage.’ Olt deo.uit wakesiist vet, E Medes jour canine pote Aiud ifon “Dover wake:uritih.° My salt enitar you heat 2.) tecul shunalicrebe uh ar8: vertixed ¥pat : f+a a¢hole,‘column, peak:ashas xarely ify “nw stock af goo “ever heen hekh “=thiss place i"et=wamed,—t Hut-'ae Sper-|! eeSI .Sperling te pot:&Be dt ait:pas :ople here and.i WiFlos ton,asa ee York,andperhaps eef places;-to-alarge amount,nd taggone |. 4the.are ‘~acrgss:the waters,580%he:syWith cipee ta Wuse a4 é ‘ahs sipbeaerseet ‘al engajrements mptly,é Sesplideaiesoye =eres Hie ne ofetterofctedituponWilmington,for “$8000;foundednpon xs¢ecurit ewhrich (2 angy“or may.not prev caf any value,a | it is contested.With:ocument, “on a pretence:of *ted:fo:‘din +58000;tg‘swindle “Ott“$1109,guother-Ss >that;-was a tes New Fes :onebankberg (6:ete 1 —andtthat would have _from.another,:but iits too smartfor him.” :worth perhaps”Qo000ta.$8000 “the | pateto ‘haye Gust.nearly,$1000,a!) ~horge And:bagey,,and ‘his!oper.ac-; “counts!‘Epon.alt these qxcets pume-) renee forthwith levied.|. “ewag 2.)gala:day’For’“the:law-|: ‘aces $erifts;ge ‘SchowUl makesome, handsome:pickings.out,cof the:affatr-a3 ».Apart.from:—‘fe : |to,we penne Be ‘bosses-are not met :L to be:attse alls 4's isle! ¥i gne’house mtg The need ge “oy %‘foi‘i goaos 13h <.Fcllen of he ’ re*senate i-aoe the ofher,| '90-dags at’Bank fats&-and| “the,$500;Thee-siti 3 de-h oa and #chee gin finve:some:“Gut:sincé| gis “4)ue arhothadbeen ca ee save:eonare ttl:‘that SjSper: Eng keptia be “aks whiskey.On: whichrhe solg alk:prices.c i cents &31 2Sagtgellon,according as“he:‘sapporet.vaich ©‘ctr would $« ‘stand.¥i : “ed entteny ste ‘an houseBare whithvery.decided}‘a could Rave:carriedat ints |ee On" *the Fstof Pantry;1Hycoming:“t0.a set.) “tlemenf:Ww ith hat.‘hous ase sayy ;i DOUSE - ‘questionhad “at =Bo00.‘against him. Most people:wottld expect,undersuch?ofiswiaheone aceonpfar‘AsJt woold’ .go,and let the Rained only:‘OF B50.c “be paid.»Not’so “Mr.‘Sperling He} _mggened that they sliould-give-notes ) ¥ dic 3 Spy’packous the Grint;spelen WH.Torys: 78[2.13.14 152°yw B21222. 97 2829 Ax TOV.LE: for coer a value to’‘thet Kineedinthéhands of] sal three Tey the.preedFREEoFaifypart df:i : lac ean x wetaWalk Exshonot GH MAIL . ¥pee:oe M.mea : Bueeda ys a te seae j tears cinethessrl a5:ue Bes et.28.$0 6 ttf: a Fi =oa reJWI& »‘——(hcteeated 2a Mint the:late.Fesi-» ofJonxy Olarg,jmear Sherrells,© boat ges +Sonth mesbortStatee-- ops ate aywees topoe2) His;CTOR MEY-APLLAW, f SEAT ESVILLE,;Xe Gay,; rps and:oe to:a igted.to:bis care,Cap ee B om % |THE IREDELLEXPRESS, cs,Tones WEE'Sinne ‘Holds tris °ithe: 3 Thatgrows within,thie!derbed oe ahahJost to view.haa.stilliepow wa thehalen.Affection brings. "Toitscatter:glidnesa'ronnd|erh pa 3 Boeinglost;Be ave of dew Orimoisten ‘theae parehindBoost tie efiision of} wae‘votes, Or minglein,the’mountain pray,ie thaas a Or’‘eparklevin thehow of:Gad. There's‘nothing,fos)The send that’ects |-By careless.hand pon the-grouned,’> Will vet takeroot cd Hay atdast _.Acgreenabd’‘Glorionetreebe.found ; -Begeathits shadeaime:‘pilgrim,“ee £ Seg shelter’‘fromthe Best Ofnoon: "Whilein.its hough.‘the:breazes play}: And songz birds:sing their,sweetest to: _There”-nothinglost?“Pie slightest ton -Op whisper frram/a loved one’svoice, May melt 2heart of!peatetahe,a hand thay agains ghia:careless word «©Our.thoughtless lipstod:often:Seal “Mis touch a’eurealready stitredsne So 5 *<And cause the troubleit heart tasbreak a4 ‘There's nothing lost:The.faintest.strain’ of bgeathines ‘fer:ti fomedearone’s date. i:In memory s:dreain miayecotne 3‘again;Boe Though every.moarutal string’be mate.Mi¥abe dnusic of some happier hour,ake Ba The harpthatewe!ie with Jove’own’monde.| i thrill the souk with sleepest,power, When stillispiehand achonis. :Written for thie Tordleli Exprent, "Constitution —Insolvent Taxables:a isd never ‘been ‘pollutedEverv-Party has its platforn and alaiost | every platform.has cetai rotten plankein:, tended to humbug the iterate avd undiseern- :Le>ingsqtern in the respective parties.'To-the|- greatnational Democratic Party:may:‘be yeild.».edthe palm for perfection’,ib ‘this:species oF }Olitical,demagoguets—they “deviee,'‘thee’, EPR ee ee matform ‘ed they.anade‘a ;“pledge that’eine}survived:avould”semble -thiene':=at*which niay be.interpreted a thohsand diff %entwava,and whichis:niaceptible.Ofn0s ne -.,tolitary interpretation.cAnd wl le platforms: :“ie ‘and,not principjes.arg)’the’ord and especially if the:Conetivation iis tobe x ,Mended “for.every°‘imavinable:‘theory tat! Ke ee dances bef re the dikeorted visions of ‘anh. one ak x~ oy oa ’ =° “fiousand designing:-]oliticarts’such sbeing! phe casezif the Constitution iate be”again amended,#0 asito bring ‘ahout an ad-yaloreni, ~*nyatem of Taxation,then?in juaticg.to:thone i who do pay the:taxes:det this iden oftaxation a whore just extent >,; *Fhat every man,ele ‘a liberal Tax: Tan-what,property he“posscexe ‘not dni’ :|Fational and snst..bateisane cute amoh=the ~Republican fori,ote Gov ernment." “mentitselfis av ev ik,vetitien necessaiy eeif; Canevil hich mnuist he borne,iitty order to.snp} ‘presa,andpanigh |greater evils:‘chich :wont the controlling:jntineneés Ofa weH-remuilared: lof.meee She earried cutte:‘a stk firther cas 4a ‘as to :=.The iene faciei:contained:in,the’speeches.oft “1 Mr.Boteller,‘delivered'iin the:|during the;ieasiceeee|}tionof Speal ere\yated'ete ee them, |vated ceNd,>thie,vedo “Thesdistrivt iyhiclt Delpiseie re ete=the county from ashich E come:}county”sande famous by thetxaid.of|Brown—‘as.the:first,the very firstyalltheSguth;to!send |‘Bucdor t }ae) a sche ibsong.:ofthe m eeeqicic aclosspring:Tends out;into.pamiigtaSeafeneroofofa tt onder sydtoshesid)hey-met;theyandtheir:rallyingcofy oss a ecshi That:bemutifuledb ‘steps of a foe;for’even‘the sions‘ofthe’ehemy—it (as}“the hitate |:ing range and;feutral’groital,of.the:aboriginces.,This band assembled |there,and-a “sbectting,for Boston?tvmadefrom:thenee.Before they n har years aftér that:day: fifty:years:ro leg §around,Three aged,feeble,toftering'hen-thesnrvi ro that.‘glotious‘band of Fone.hh tkeey:theif «ry Sty3 the pledgé made;fifty.3yeuits,before:o then-companioks,!the:‘hones of“manywhomwerebleabhing.ss the Nihills::ie‘gir,IPhage,ehren bac arom:|“tMastissurvsvor:of thatband of pate( ‘the incidents of:their first meetin:and}their;marehshowthey madesame’s hundred’miles in:twenty days—thirty}miles #&diysand how,was they:neared), ‘their point of destination,W ashipgtor 4who.happened to Ves ‘imking a Teens|: +noissanée:in:the.hneiatilidrtlodily Say. ‘+exiét tovan unbotinded extent,were it not for them approashing,and,recognizingtlinsey.woolse}‘Tianting:shirts of.olg .Government:“Phe refore “eine.cetablieh Es Virginia,!rodeufc to.meet:an :gverntient innet tre sapporteds:‘Hew |'them to:the camps”how,iehen a a Tt to be ‘enpported /Sas by wiiom 3:Ww hr: PeasacmatterafShiretn the ‘alepnce:of.other| hy the payment Of taxes:aby the.”citizens = *therefore,these.who’pat,‘the,taxes,ghionld- is have the poser’to Gortrol |thet,affairs.and} at 'anake the Laws brw hich Gov ernment is ad- °ministéred.«nd thisbrings |ug:to:the Tezitiz, _.Buteobject,of ouredmmanication,‘aid that -wae that all/ing.itent bs roles Sehould.not be al- lowed any vale.in th publie >“elections:fy. which the Government is regulated:and:‘STP, ported,Asthe €onmtitntion.of,our State rnow |gtanda,everyman ‘whois:twenty-one‘years || ‘of age,‘andhaxpaid,public taxe at any time during his’reaidence.in thi “Residedincae Eemanthe iirane- diately preceding rly day of anyelection,has| a right to vote:inthe Bee‘fian’of members.of |why i hn ¢Senat epton “swell:2 Why didche:@ ;ate, 'tor Governor,members oCiongress,Xe.‘tSee:7 Age Code.page H,Section Sthae‘Con. ae for the:ace of aoc oe "HOt,alto fair,that thas who do imiok pity at}irgi least their Poll.tax,‘ahontd Beallowed:no.voice: whatever in:theregulation of:the.State Gor. ‘ernment,sdyfar as exercising x Afanchiseis:concerned.Weare.by no:‘means,“it favor of.divfranchitins:any,map,‘who beara hisproportiogate ‘part ot.the,burdens: »>Of Government,-osreler back to.the _Sing.principle of ee id Justice,on:which fe unded—what right| “e 4electionsof}public’officers,uniees ‘h .butes.som hingto;thes ‘support.of Govern- sald any man,who:pays”‘nO ‘tax :‘voteeither directly y Or through”those, a’t those wha da Pay hav@any voice-in»oS.nd! tering the,Government.Therefore,af.‘the ~>€onstititionis to be”a as:to.bax‘every specics,ofProp : _the polla ontheday ra oe a DOeaah ate the tax o-& -their captain-—hi old:‘companion jn.arms,,Stephensopi who stood hy:his}: siidfieient senizres of Roventie!itmuet be dope,iside at’the:Great e eadows,on,Brat :“|duck’s.fatal:field!andin many:dian.campaign,and whorreporte self tohis immandera8from t rikbankofthePotomad’—he)sprang hishorseand'clasped.his"‘old,frienandcomipanion‘arms .‘ith:|4 hands.Hespoké noword:of weloor but,the.eloquence ‘of silence ‘told his tongae ‘could:not articulate.vii moved “along the ranks,«shaking+l of exch;from man:to man;2alltheeSmymyilbigettohl hn eseth = ve,‘sir,”"Washington wept i ‘heglorious‘sul:of weep?:_Beedupe hehe'ssaw that!the caaofMassachusay=ercticall ously:Saar sharin 0onrdsof-her‘Henry,they:aping Likedlive thunder ‘through:thland,teHing thé:ae i that;%ie Massac!bye eenthat ¥e Senate, wasthe and his|Hogh |he ti a tax pits.it i :g008 just aBfar,28,the Esbathea‘rot content,‘he ig kept:itfre from the ineut-|°)cy and sles to.i."pres ent:‘when’te:: A089 =15:00.Peon ea are sit paven how,often edeerikemaatt‘it =Key dn’s:Pansier._- ae wee rley,,‘slippe e ] Lg &a :baa dim *he 9 at éloquence,Jour.‘wit Four.oon+your.Be. twit this orangetree, vob One.-esteen Yonsir,that:at ithreesit5‘They are:haeae :$reunion here to-day,and §©emblémize thie’:ch:Ohip;Kentuckyand:Teng,fo their mother tree,this’ ‘Rake:it?with,Fou.te 470)home,aud'as yonexhi- ~. “to-your.warm hearted.constitu-*sj tell-them’that.indywesteponlytathe nui the sete muc (that:andere: andtoggme sur- :He:‘Best =y or rah and ae:reemios:walrahe : .90 as.quickly.as possible. es,wi tin:oe the honorable |gentle- thdulged freely:in ime arkling,cuncha ed to overt: did mbt).know=:‘out of this condnet,but.i iy the wae be was’traveler.by enolsie,Was Stoppi nt Hie asandTancoxeekithe.Cates" ‘rbom.:.etree tothewrong arht:Mr.Paine Yard t a‘Before he left.the city,an:joke bugely..The ;ne ‘Taft.‘the mae "3 fewhothépresent,aking >Ehifim;‘and.is -still,we pre-.édat’pele 80 man:a y 4 ‘and .at ”io ny po go,or oe ts,whaaeh period Biberwere.at.logerhéids with 4)iid aid warlike eetthe:vhighest’notbysome.mesns De—oat thePrinceof ‘WalesWilliam:i Houta.itis;Inshe n ect of |“thought he-ei step.2-ee paraandassacle oF | Pafeleclons-knows ced.faa:Phe princes8‘shop——the 1buil{Hanover street,alti Pat"syorth twenty,“guineas‘bya lags,atd guch.ay ey;“goof.”aad:throwing:his.| neck of the,cing eeeessvouchsafedaPaescomely.kise.kedseeeeeandwrathy.‘mind that,,mypretty:| the:£0 customer,tand--returns tell-biza_.pee‘Ay the Prince.mie Jeeebis-exit.eatmneichyumselSSid?raised:his formidable kick;e S‘an,sada al ai ‘please aoedecentlybickedbyHeeke ‘‘nee Sain cian’nL caeNash.Joshua|W esOrange.JM Wolf.. .Rowan.FH €Jones.<Sraee-,Daakieg inal:Ee Digata|is_RRSoLcTioN#“Avoiten,ee OnThursdayNashofthe4th District pi Bepert Of the as Cos“whieh,after-aneloMr.Nash,was vend? :“Esq.;as folloxer?a W WHEREAS,“Theparty,havingbeen qerely years;a _)s0un\ “pate affsite..The party a |for the'present de +the :countr .the termge Millard “with an.gverfiowfalandprosperoSparided’with Fespect . raed,Ss is:now witb: {To theprac >edad &'tervening’Pp 5 :for thesource q ee=penses‘ofagovovereightymitsupporting,the"|.peace,byitepe issueof treasury E government:to? Speplonng:the Exeeutive» “sive ers me instit we dine+They hate practi 47~blushing.corr uption,in the and exciting pu ti 8;toturn nib=+Tic attention:from on >>.every Rectione political,fait +demands ‘o bar contrary.is “to stifle thes ¢ x itement;-whenever! a forsee fronti1eaoetoredr $ s Governors snk es,and the.i the,capturSlaves;‘with aclareoft have Southern Sts an these feontisheepurposes.might require it,‘Aipon.iiancesfalseanddesignedissues,then practiced”upon the feeto“thei ae:5aaSeto a whic“not:-serupled,to Seet‘some of,ee best‘and nd ave ||this’s ‘itil continue to edenge.|jrtiob,‘and for the very sufficient rea:that the East iewastly ‘mnOreWealthy,‘thas,more-ble vepayand ofright ie oeWaserres Feb.28 re |A mbit emcee.ME agh:presented ®petition from1scof,land:under the Houmas.i rs ne.aifurnish -the States withanysnextTHTheSen- edin the discussion ofa propo-reduce the mileage of mem-from 40 to 20-cents:per mile,by“yas woe that $200,000:saved,.The propemntrascedto-by-84 majority.se oe —¥it:as id over. The lobbiesand galleriese:seded.to-day.to hear Senator -,speech:°He,commenced at 5 —i's ateehe Ig'clock.Mr.Seward spoke_Do .defined ansas..‘Mr.Seward as com:nis ‘centralism déc-.:“and.Douglas tik:oothe:subject was.post-Mfr.Mason introduced a.res-°tig:calling for ifformation relative|2thie roubles on.the’Rio Grande.—nate passed.the pension bill.|Eax—The Kansas- ong,relativeto.ithe oté'for.printer for Mr,’Glos:r,the Journal wasamendedandeotiohofMr.Ford annulled.—. reir Dee acme res-iS a nsfrowi Democratic Caucusonritotiat’Mrights.ls.iniisionseeeettapassed.Mr,Wigfall mov-[ed an'dmendmentof cleven hundseddollarst sh.offencesonSlave:‘property.|peel until este + ue ’"oa > ee 200.and SO Thalfda.fre ee pew:war: aa dential “sariscn of the + ae*always were on hand, i Oo 4Cauntes:wt!Ladef eG i §agdftray T(r 1K tt ‘Superti.aime aidles, ~y,Fie.ee a Com , “4 amend ©O58 tb 4sCeakaViconO13OS ‘Beeewat eo Fe 45; Ng Ale (Boy a eae Adantun-;se ¢{Stige 23>asinat y Medea (60 Rigs Tanned(Be.eIL,Miee TL “OF sack 260,KeQSE:White F25 e130. “~— w+: so Boxes Verybest:brande Sperm aauld Ada~ be _THE CELEBRATED.JACK,, |Stationary| Plage to send.the4 Ww;es shiny ‘arereceith iaBeautifulgeeciined aya tels;bt!Beanee «larce:qnantty of TIN ENS.Tc 5 “-BROIDERIAASahinAseortmeitofSPRINGAlnp sum ‘ge Gent’8,Youth's and:eee sw “e i i)a very lang aksontmen oHartaoreaCuiliCrockeryan (exer DrHeMedicines,Sqdleryry,ind Jeisbiry § oe“Farge circle:“of relafi ver,and fiends te Mout~.theit loas.5 2 es‘xlexande®:Shaner:O-hee Sth Febrna:!eae Ww HLTA TINE,tn the 90th.wear.of <3 :—his’age..One of thre oldetand post,taxi‘ble citizens of Alexander county:leaving:a ‘Tn Yobkrille:¢Gibson pate,ennsanthe ae6thdaviofJanuary’hist,-after,at eropactsd 5 “illness Mr.Wi..Bvkeits CotleeSo /Fallow:, :SAduinan-- “tine"@:3666.08ro aSory OG ¢a Oath “Chickens01)“c0t2oe“Dajed,A Pyles.SFT »peeled (oar! “Dried,Peac iro“pepe led” L<“ammpeplel,; ees 12,: ee ens met am cee coe 53 Sides=-@ 10"(@OTI Preans 1 “a‘Hos OLORCGO-TT +Oh ite:“O75 oh -\Meewwsax0 25:07 028 Eats:A060:Gass “) a ~peat OTIC Ay )€andlea, “ada ran- tind "Q25-(an Sperm O40. «‘offee. eRe £5014 (alt Tren’ “Ceuta.Dod:03Rolled0.05,ans!jbanl vo:ee baa O00:RE ;Molasses,a eo a he he '.;:=iy.O20 a ne (Fair to";<2 ginal O10 aot ‘Hedin to neon:Fated,bine ney.Salt {Plour.; 2 Exaup,*Meee sn isla 2:Xiret haces 5 18 4 =+h oy caus thoy aang.|i “Gira,; iy Wheat ae ‘gece : dara +JF (ans ‘Slt.ack,L oH G20.i €wittont.“”iy ca Od SNe 6 305 arn|UF (OSH ©Brown“(ing:ma lo: y Peathers Oat:far BSS"ee.0 q ‘GeO BigiarAon“TaMve .O10 heFel,5a a sos Wheat?ee fron,bar dag 6200"A eas:“foo.ab 2thdard011(@e}2'‘Moot 62a xa.0;ay |: “aru —3 - Fir WHOLESALE: /\FFERFOR SALE. COFFEE. 200,Uhds and 100:Bamcle.strictly ght7enewsors‘ardenas MOLASSES,in new and/packages direct:tram oo ee00.Pesos Crashed and AMarified So leet “HalifaxCat,ERRING. 40 Hhds chowes oe ape sf Ni »fams$0421 Ge 00 ;‘Beas’“<OS0 (a0 Bt 5 Meal:10.00"@%on4Hides,es“iF Spare’MIX @o 195 jilic ©Sa *Green..008,eng?t aos ;pee.Propxictors aes§Sy—femal Svante on 2 West a75 {ape SE,:@rush “072>aWis |tie woreda ‘800 Bags Rig,Lagnayra.Cate and.Java4 Gen ar SaagOeywillbe§ re roalebted to "me" “ponek‘fw youldiin fortgonial} Contposiiok:Lows wil!redticethe fric A The fly E‘and,“bas : gratis sizes.°2.)-Buc ob LOONIE sey‘300 Barrels:chica we Nese leans:Suave.&:MOLASS SS;to.arrive.: canoes eCANDLES.We also kéep:ciinstaitetly-on hana,for salevatt'Wholeaale.Saar?iinp ‘Hiids,Syrup,‘Bard:tSeda.Starch,Soap,Pen:Spice:Gihger,Cream:1 S:Lot ‘Tartar,Be:‘Afavana Segars,=Moles ous 7 Salt,Rice;Keowel 4.iWFidmington:NC.Marchi o,"“186i .:“CROGKET,”“FLL stand the ens ing +ak diesanStable,in the~‘Pies pee .= in wile i =hes and reach Salishiurg)with aa t<C: kinds ofPA?we d ena TO"iin CITIZENENSOF Dey$5 "1" TEACHERS wi cg whe “©fne the litt ‘SeNSICLNE,things;‘when ‘re- .* "wher the lnks of :emliethere,r‘say in his‘ro ae isnd'God2 Tet him-walk through the grove at mid- =‘whenthe kingof the-day has ae ended hit throne:the bords.are pour “the lamp.of fesven,,.wonderfully tho:ttle fai Bein ;ay sebit Hi farb eraesthe silver Sloads be sh ‘Se a bright,beautiful hon prepared:1 for us—a*home whose’pleasure all) =nevérfade,and here sweet Pe ewill Jor¥.for . ©neste seal med eae on.thankNeei.plose of each day;for a report of the =good they‘had done.”One night.the coldest hesitate “tn hier’reply sto wher’,“mother's “question.“What:E lead ness).“have yowshown?’‘apd timidly answer- ed,4]don’‘eknow mother.”Tlie moth-er,tosiched:witlt-“the;tane of:the-an-' "ewer,resolved to;unravel,thémystery; -“assured,went.to!say,On.gding to} *echoel thismiorning,t found little An-| {nie G.,whehad hee absent some.days,ae hard: Lasked her,moth-| ;“er,w ei cried ,£0)"aya.‘that.made|her ery.more,so that:Teould hot:help:y'+Jeaning™thy head ‘omher neck,andery-|4.4 Be too...Then her,sobs|grew lessand!i.SCC Mess;tilf she told me ofher déar little |#-.»“baby .brother,whom she 20 ed ‘so} +dong and loved so.much how he:had’‘-*‘wickened,grownpale :and thiti,whirling)?"with pain amtil he died,and:then-they ging put:him from.her’fardver.Mother,ae *she told me this;anil thenshe hid.Riee | facein her book,“ind cried as if:her} heart would break:“Mother,T eould |, icals aly ao eon.period: ie nothelp.ving “my face’on:the’other.etter ‘path nla pa of th and:erying ‘too,just pe ##th moe profound writerscracaud eyes and:then aeos¥don't know how T did her Soe € «te tah k stg tiles “$. pene cae 4 =~Hdogs,‘the tax in,:th ae an . Sa ap sex,and yield besides,ieyels 2dollarsworth/:of’We heep.xj tisbers have Roolvietoted ae|pperlectly.just.‘indemnit would i induce =ele mt.in.that-Torritory.-They |:cbs ‘applied to the Legis ald obtained |.“7.@ divorce.and,immeiliately the man?% “ia 4 one hap :is “vour mouth is:‘Jucky ;Dut twice lucky.g as as:he did:“After we had cried untivaher te:Setogethera.oe ittime,she’wiped |‘her °i’ce.hugged anid kissed.me,telling nie I had donether good—|+ eS for I onty eried with,her=jn-\ eed.I did:nothing:but cry,asith her.That i is:all L caritell’nother,for jE Jean’"t tell’how Lidia:‘Her good.*Rae ars "Profitable Sheep:Husbandry.|Yor any (ato oftho fone I 8 corresppondent tof the Ohio Far:2 eases"merjsays.that.Messrs.J.|&Ej AW.poebia tansousKewBingham,from their:farm of:240ca¢-.poe ae ee *FOS,|(35 of whichis.woodland,and40 Forne = "ander the plow,)have sold ool and}Moneithe‘pastyear to the’amount “of>$1,200,andsfill xetain’their former|emma 350;and these muckimproy-|edin quality.They havé.also’four|:-horses and:-ten head of -cattlé.ott the!£‘farm.Thesheep-were originally from}- re:e Dickinson:apa’Wells stock...butprovédoflateyearsbyacrosswith||a;purebred:Spanish:biick./=‘Sheep (6Jrasbandrygascarfiedoutionthisfarmfor,thelaggy twenty-five years,las.ak)™“ways preted profitable,and adds year-|: >dy to the:Fertility:and omy sc, 0its soil There’is ‘no:odd reason why:afare:oe Bead 6 FR:“of 240“acres.ar ‘the South’-may not}aeof ‘keep tenhead ofneat stoek;four hor-|het womepoi.kp :\Phis‘iaeconstdsuedly:tk dietlmandtred|publichpdsand in driterstogi _year,ap.is done oe ois adiat:the}~z E .we both the , Aeoset ‘diffi-ands“of:wool-grow- “ing |thas ‘to anda T in his zi S|tio‘the depredations ef §Sheep-killnig dogs:|toaeSouthernLegislatureswouldi‘impose |.a tax on ‘the ‘eattine species in-each“county.or district,barely:sufficient’to“meet the actual:losses That”should be“sustained from,any .vicious dogs,this _thonsands to.ee once::owwith:|‘dapital ‘andener h sheép-husban-|"*dry,in the Sats States:>The ef).“fect of amoderate dog tax’would algo!soon he’‘to-rid’the ¢ountry of all use-|=:*Jess-curs.'ounds;mongrels,:“and:dogs om‘oflow breeding,and ‘thus happilyim-|_prove,fhe-tace:by paying:moré.abten-|-«tion to:its propagation :a eharacter.‘Sosoonagnosheepwer:illed by ee untry.|“might, _cease,‘Keeping |‘2 small”‘find:in-the}The Comtreasurytomeet.eontingencies..“This|Noe|plan haxworked wellwhere iithas been =AS Ng‘ting a divorceinthe:Nebeas‘Jatare,‘one ofthe members jelat “eeinstancesofasharp-practice“of aveoups| nd his wife pre-empted’onethundredAWarctgscreelaidapices,and hav-|-ing proved their title thereto,were mars!”5,‘ried again:the next day,after:eoecusing|ousdred‘atidsixty3aeres Off ; spoonin he who-can-oper +chisathespoon©Eee; ageik “moat eet givenaea a teens hs~~thoughts.a for:aan tet eeii j asee Par Aine re Wook .:Bra in Sharse,3:Office tro:doors westofthe “stra Es- oe XG,Aocated mvialt,atthe:lets.tesi~ ‘ef Joux Ciark,near ‘Sherrell’s:na,abeutten milesSouthwestofSeater. oer Eedeonon:Scrtsces:to fe :=)s WITHERSPOON,XC neBly i£4 2 ne ;Re brave andl stout of heart,m' Re I would _n@t have thee:ses 5 .Tho’atormaare shriéking fierce nd:x“And a?axorndiis dréar.sat The jurid ehiaies‘a:‘threatening ¢: _The thunder’s:dismal crash,~Aretethe;groahsofof-sundered air, ’Whe electric firels thish;0° aNd’these,althongh.the2.2 ‘The wondrans might of:it me|Serve him as-faithfaliLae the slave|Thatbews at bi com oianid. She ayir caien that:=Tirose by far}sé pleasp.Fo ’chatited:groves,where->>Istharred by passid“And where the.doliagConcealthe:pang: None.but the feeble~=By guilty Pleisur se braver heart 103 “May bart ieie ee :ir ‘Disappoingment’s: =.May wncok‘thy big!_.Thy joys be:Suis .Where endles _.But still be’brsTheseevils “Me shan the >Be fake and stont’ol heart,my childy- 2.”Shrink not,though’death be neTd‘have.no thopeht af thine Sy wretchéd cravein,Pen |4 ‘d rather see.thiy lite!s .’{*Frorb out thy man«Phan be compelied t_=Yon played a cowarc=For what18 hife 2 m ‘ein I u st one ebps It was thewky HeofateIn=the alterion e yithly dressed,Faeky : ~Broadwaycavit Ye oe Ebeow fh papers pa ets. “people:weye Peery ops areach.dther At theay oe AN efowded 4 fe tbkicht;happy. 8 Squlant dw the [efethe semteHadtter is =the faatterme”sEsslomadsoe oad tokedsan r“taredbéfor¥Ueey |e swere.poor pre ;ry and het tace lgpked I “scott =: Nee r i ara em walk;hy ;oSmeen he,4 hitle Rep : _Agughéd.as.-he cont cd ide-up;an8eeathat’sit,Why,Kate.ypot os :aamontheoeee.are theacges==pores io ‘th:ree thank empty:Seat or 43 : r ene 3Sf weakin.ont Stites 4 foceitrs ‘that thi ave ;papery $4asifthe4 heed in:‘yale,eesisple “its.tax:aintjl the debtis -thd’necessity:for incréssed-alichave passed attay;Ney bseSowalgrem‘taxation is):incorrect”#4t be not:the traespoleCarolinatotaxcher’citi>portion to thie opaltie-of* tty,this should be shown’.‘theidirect ‘question:andustice;.unfairness Or’.cr unfavorableHeating it; a n ourcitizens.ee he and tliecortect piiwetpledtaythenaveconghttoadoptiit=‘ stiguid have jtenow epin the ‘peforin Now,Care?as the nature.of: itwe pres ao a asthey are Hkely tobe iP fer ig 6 ee oceasion:Pins et ne,by ‘those wlio patron,:soatter mhethor. pier his oeye cedix ‘polite.It soune 1p,however,|that ‘someiiSpecinen.of humanity a@n-- ae call “allaboard’bbytek- acl in.a,car,ith whom he|take someliberties.We. Sores21 beat:vitae,or‘applied-to him fur hig henever he passedthrough a bichy.as we.sale ay ee th train Was ee eip's,Ce gur horse pm We_|ak Jadkasscs ‘vbsat twenty Wola replisil thezi 0}: shyrsts about 2x milts above = +the Blick Replies cond_:¢laim who:voted for himas.yead consist:of hiv.e Free Stat he to any aspirant for the. mS“tion Rimself,“in.ca pe Be -ge Puppott Douglas as*the nomipeeof |==ee Rs:the Charleston Convention.*Since |the majority of.the “Convention will adhe $th ates,our ee'-readers willperceive he fatalit would |.1fnor palaieidshoent hep dency of the United Sic(2)States,im diat Convention,ito-wote |”4 :agamsthis candidatefor the Speqker-|“~2 Sshipto If potable to’win.thénomina-}equence ‘of the: we ",|“two-thitds Fule,*tmand whe sta 5:Throwing his ‘wei ’feat his nomination.;whilst,with’»--,Bevery small division:from ope’or-1|=Sofithe Southern States;hewill be en-,Tabledt6 dictate who shall be the.nomi-|. e _,ton.zgainst any one;‘Will cértainly.de-os |.~nees,|Commanding thus the nomina-{* certainly can‘¢om-|l be.the ‘nominee.|7)glein the.Conven-|:~) :OF mare |, aid eens eet 2 sas ee-certain,that before‘he‘lifts ‘his.tools pst-ato’the:Pres ¥ »the Charleston Convention,who ep e e tS .<).\).Feceive-any office,in:case they:re:“i>the PresidencyorVice Presidency_|S"“the Enited-‘States .of aU hopes of offices mn the gift the“|iFedgral Government,by thé useofPn:4.the Ghatleston’Convention..:Tf,this"|2,power was the’resultof.principlescom:“.\plaon’to the North and the South;(al-};__,though.it will largely be derived with-||¥out exen:a ‘show of justicefrom States| s -}so whieh ean”not.give-ay-single Demo-|’eratio xv6te;)it anightbetolerable;but oT OS gaey.of,principles’directly hostile toF-|=the South i [eeAWS,comes Lor tata,oe eee ner trom our}. “=party does—but by the.first settlers._fa Territory,instead of hy:Congress; t |.5?Berritories;as the Black Republican |sand @has,in another.way,carry.out©,“the policy of “no more.Slave States"|ysria=to be admit «Un~+,oppogition tothe Lecompton Consti-|tationuby witch Kansas:was rejected |:from:the Uuion,-shaws:that,ont-one |other,Mr,Douglas‘is not |: pretext or anoe ‘the Black Republicans,inbis hostilitytoSouthernexpansion:©Why should |s .theSeutherh’people go into a.-Conven-|L |dengan:which,such.at man;.with.his}:|)+Borthern adherents,tan dictate:to}f .-.theni the cahdidatefor the Presidency|.°Sheyeare to vote for;Sand thus ‘inake|-them”ipstiumentalJn:overthrowing|_|ape.ova rights?Bygoinginthey|’»--détmore:.“Fhey enable him todictate ||-Sthroughoutthewhole’South who.shall»|+-reéeive Federal offices:and honors.}}| t .sy dent and unscrupulous demagocue.who: sxaunt'of his ‘comminding:‘allof them be5“a <a the =iazleston|Convention,«and |an}‘treats Southdrn,Senat.te ie jiaster ofthe‘South.7|As -surprismg tll aspirants for power orplace:shionld?“vote forchis candidate?:-But|for ‘thes‘‘harleston Convention,’his:candidate ;+°3 -at“avonld npt have received #single vote bt<*“from the South.’Froin one:end of it [5 APP'<to the ‘other,the pedple of ‘the ‘South |Surth, ofthe Speakershipwill be repeated in we "©.&Squatter “Sovereignty Democrat’,0 ae be'nominated -by the @hiarleston!|~Convention,-for:the Presidency;“aad -->‘the Presidency!of the:United States.! | |tee|g theily to prevent opposition,“it will be|RSTS:f “+.bal,those—who-oppose him willbe;£¥|peak :ailing the election.of the:Black Re-’|4 publican candidate::This iSthe gameBeesSoheeSouthistosurrenderlier /a||coy:Tightseand to:aid in ‘lifting’to powers;<-->overRer*these who repuditn ‘them|Washington whallit be:||| * ..*.Suecessfal2& to.understand such base trickery and:treachery to$windle her of her rights?iw Is ‘there not manliness and ‘patriotisin-o>qhough to defett te :||2 awillit,and the Nessns-shirt:of ‘partywillfallfromherJimbs,_and_-the:mis-+>erable party toals wha have~placed it ae pice of polftical destruction: :on her willbe-hutled‘down thepreci-é i ,rySMRsib or Ue is the habit of.the“Southern:|s)~|Democratic papers to tell their read-,“<<erg:that™the:abolition party ‘at the: +2 ericans.”Hot untrue this is,may be hy|sy -Sgentin the fact:mentioned -in-the N.|_1s.Xx Expressof lastWednesday;that|(1 St.Lawrence coutity,in:that’State.|aS has elected Supervisors as’follows+1;Mbolitionists“29,. on,bither for ‘himself or ‘those;he|ne.of‘chooses to select;it inay Le considered |the p :ency ot:Vice Presidetiey,Lehangihewilltake~¢ate.0-1 prove -them his|he.tpols.:No.mam in’Washington or'jn by i against.himself or Dis candidates,ill ited “States.«Thus,in Wash-|‘!“4 |*fgton,and throughout the'Sonth,he /?>.“Stands the grand ‘Democratic imoner Ri |)Us poweristheresult!of:the advo-}f s andlinconsistentSwith,her|a.rights,interests,and -security,?’.Tt is |ge oe eeepc tae 2 Pete roeepanantrSoytherp,anti-Slave Py power.|%Itis-%Northern power,for:Northern}.ayeperaiixement,At:the’expense.of|5the South,--It proposes to.keep:out [2 "- ipto the :Unidh:-His:‘ran ged etery: ‘a Whit bebind’Mr.Seward ov’amy of |© *.By.the’instrumentality:of this.Gon-tana|2»~Nention,they ‘thréw ‘the whole ambi-|wtouand:venality of the South under|ing~~Wis influences:against.their rights.and|p:99>i<!anterests.”Tg it at all surprising;un-FS:«.det sushiciremmstances;that’this ‘inso-. _?\cannot!carry a:half-dozen ‘States’in’my chy*«the North for the Presidency;should!5 orsas if he:was!Church’ *|go that at'the late tleetion ofSpeaker,|yorj ~>espise"and loathe him.Ifthey en-ggunti¢|>.)ter the Charléston Convention aud do |1:wot comniandtheirdelegates,the game!4 unsuccessful in the:South |Is:there |.“|,Rot intelligence.envugh in the Seuth| it?.\She-his only.to/th +Where didthé AbolitionistscllmeFrom?|n< (North is;male up of Whigs:and Am-|«4 add un “si Wasnexcton,March 6...inte.‘The’House pansedtthicSen-or the protection -of female _ui~passengers on the high reducing ‘the.mileage rk. fifty per cent.was pasced by committee of five was or peer conduct.:--—The"Vice President laid”‘body.a certified copy ofthe >|te (Kansas)Constitution,andmamunicationfromtheMount:|‘Association,inviting theSen- jn {would move f |ther ‘considered to-niorrow.. one =agape:first’.Ms GES a Tl eitnotion.of Mr.Mason,‘Thaddeusatt,-of Boston,being in custody ofént-at-Arms,‘wag ‘arranged’.fore the lier ofthe Senate to answer |; ro s s - Cp e et e , ta l minittee,and’required to. scuse underoath foro nou-|.“hee,And a pledge-to be pres--.-_a2o’chock on Friday next and.“«& tei|state whether heis thenready,to.tes-7 Mr.Brown's‘Terrjtorial reso}ations-eap,debated,‘and laidvover:‘Brown gaye.notice that he. before the epmmittee.1 |- an amendment to the De-. ?i 3-4 ‘the ‘amendment,ofMr:Wig -Military Atodemy bill-wasageuas:received from the_endorsing “Governor Houser,showing the'necéssity ofdiateprotéctionoftheTexan Fang:amendment-will be fur- W4AshINeTox,March 7.eSMr.Sumner offeredareso:*structing‘thesCommitteeonarytoinquiréintotheex-of revismgtheNational stat-- ilitary “Academy bill,were =”leperHouse:—Mostof the members were ition.a “visit to Mount Vernon.|e few that remainedthereageneral-debate..3‘Chas:H.:Van Wyck,of New |»made &most.offensive anti-sla-(|5 ing thatthe slaves.- ; |} |.Lawrence,opposite.toy (the “étrongesttheState.”It’is’’no~~.aebolition:county ‘per.aoe :i, ee a3 #fThose'persons 3¥ = ~?Democrats 0.Bt: Democratic ‘county‘in |has.receitea eovssthe+s re eat :Bett,f ;bes San aheadFayettwilleOber.(22? ‘eet-”ee a ge epeeho: +‘enlogy for themscives,hart’ge»«4 nothing but.censtire and confeniptf“call the rest of the world.Kee wv Pa havenothing but!&eae +Pattee i| ‘ip equi/ yeHewett cue Chowan,Yeclaring,there’is-no.‘error‘jn the reeord.,hr Jenkins’Trout:3 meh,froti Rowan,affirming the} ee Re cree forplaintiff:‘In “Little3. ‘=ins,:inequity,from Pitt,”sustaining:“s-.*the exéeption;ofdefendant.”‘In Feim-“ster v«Tucker,inequity,froga,peakslavesDelongto.next,of kin.» ait ery Verble,|from Rowan,afirnting the judgement.‘I’Kiutts.¢others,| b>|2 widow entitled to/dower,——decteesfor |iB 4 2 sale.«In:Gajther;.Albea,-in equi:|pt Se ota,Stony?Tredell,’“dismissing ;the bill,|:2 In Glenn:x Rimbroiigh,an.-équity,| €from-Yadkin direeting an acequyte A _*Manufactures:-Shoe Fa story_-Remarks.“Ty the little villageof ‘Thomasville, _-b itwe "er more:“shoe.factories,-one Anots,;adie shoes :gaiters:ana ser:|) reatly and ;as:cheaply a&at ‘the North.= r quality:they are eonsidered: or.tox Nor thern’“manufactayeg!believe,mhch:of the:materia whieh they are made,,S“tured there:r in’“this”neigliboriogd., Lous<cheaply‘in North.Carolitia;asat‘the:f ‘North?Labor iszas:cheap—h ving| fe .‘cheaper—and:thed-there-i“AS.‘thesaving| 415.of freight,‘insur:LUCE,‘Gorhinissions,ex-:}= ee lange,ke."Nsg:Zo anaterial:for the.P ©manufactureof shoes,Kes3 car be:mad~~ing this:Stare:as’“anywhere.|“Indeed;jit may.>he.far-betters.‘And‘yet:our'|” hides are sent off2Northantl four-fifths;ei af the shoes*worn among us are,made:j ert I ashin eeaa aes ees se MARRIED.a { On the 2hd:February,py!HE Ay)cchieee: «Esq.Mr Wea <ts ‘gctE.to,M.ets Shape.©ee oa | Sin Wilkedkoro®:eiSale Gt] eitwen and ayhonest Hay | cn thie Gunton oe irrst.Pneumonia,MES ETH “nents andes days where.“Te willbe’“pleats 4 i}=~desire his Servicers,ant Ménufac furers-and Dealers¢Re.“HEAVY DOURLE-SOLED BROGANSSSENGIESOEDTR(OGANS,G eR KIg, to,Dinisle-Sote ||Paniciilar we }le ity surrayt¢“‘Bfogisns,“Yor negro:cate: atte |=fo desoo,servnee : “ty ioe YP:m"The patronage ft the:‘Sather“rn peopilrespectiuilysolicitedtothisHomeEstablish, |Sepamgnt,with the.caseariiwee:that:every article,es BFLovie 5 I *,MANERACTORES ¢or, NS soorsa GAITERS,’* it ee THOMASVILLE;N.(C_.:wt [a Ww hich he:sells ‘at:“Wholesale kgs ee 2 LS!Orders.for:Shoes caelthe quantity promptly “attended toto.ay AY nee 60315:eos -Tae sU BSCRIBERREiin‘anwountingto hig friends.and: be{ed| || \| \ | \4 x 4 iE:{Sates Hek I feos£i} Mtatesyille.They.are:‘“West of the Female College.‘si desirable property wm‘thie Pseisalangetwa:StOfy,‘new.built)style=:with Kitchen&e.“Fhe Lot contai‘three’Streets,awdis sw elk»“Teems will be”apany 2 earths:or the I “March 16,,hes tf —_oto ireeting,ie ccount:|! ey Calne d ‘aibruings ‘the|: Reet panes:InState vw.Willis;from:ts Le jude+tcmerdt.:"In McCullen.»:“WE itfords mekequity;from:€raxen,Sirecting:a de-|.Perk-|"; 7 1_2 By Maxiy,,J—In:Barringer ye fie.opens.from.Rowan®affirmingithe ¢sbwaxe»judgment.In’Whitew.Cline,from .re:~Cabarrus,judgement.‘‘reversed and}|ic {+cjudgment here for-“plaintiff:i*In Kes-} 1%Lom petition-to’scll Jarid,from:Rowan,| 3 2:‘Davidson Cointy,:oN Qa there are B “¥)vant’s brogans,are thanufactured |as}. $algo eal € -<Now,’why cane Rot}nyinnfactare:as‘),i “i peeletermanpeded?¥ ¢Bidswsax 25)(goa JOSIATE LASSITERS “Tigwns F wont aes |Crain:a eae zi CaGudles,*; a Flour, the ae thathe chas;received.a liberal|-:aa of:=af thelast two cars and : |Where * 4 sa e ‘aia'seanay iamarlatlicitthe!ees oft i ‘siuug Bez’,doz D:Bo ing die ewe "all and WukerStockof , n anil atthe OldStand oe”=i ire indchtad'cy:soeXeaher 2 7rhsieeeuptotheIst.of:January,: .is (3 “Sides.Out Owe“Hor s.0 103 Ga)OO)“i Putrer:ee OY:ae «4 ‘ aguirad I GON,PE 00,‘Afolass uThi bass 3-12) Sued QO. .Pine V hat’E504 43OROmere 'Beesw an:20 Adaian R SOE Ae 30 ttee,Rio.“O12!AOL Re Java On KG 22sCotton0:10 GaiA Cor ce Ta tay 4tMeal:04b 20 SF “CrashFeathers0.30.rue30,a lar.5 L bbessack 2 iron,bar.0 “new.crop Cardenas ‘bricht packages—10.“Barre Crushe ad Clari 200°|:jando Halt a )i mantine Wealso:tiWholesa’gariinptSods.Stasch,Soa,‘Tea,Spice,: “Lot Tartar,Pepper,’BYareasalt,Rice;&osy ec.‘OW Hmington,NC:Sara 9,1860 *the “ral Fansty Pigs a asHains,invac ;tight \fae:pay aa IS :‘Per:farther |bad| |Xyil Courts o:athe SimautenRonenseae:, *would suppose._pout had * we eeepit & -upon:a peoples:‘the:aye cola oe ay:x aoe arp Northern BD, “4+oe erasScenashaeatte ee - slavery in sentiments,seit 13.110)onfin~ “ed to one CS Meee ;’+3 ‘but pers _Those.Wy:Ra z “ynatter,-itd arss,rag HOY therefe:‘ ay thei aeYh*ae tO interfere wi H tnight its Te “establishmne ;pad even re cslave <aitbe 1x reek: .Conuceticn We Posky News ae “thet3 Slaxe hats tron entir bore State . _Were.Whe: tion.ae we reDersibe: SHGnes On ingoo the:Hast 7 § will ReneeoO. oD petiot cutive, “oFFi1s4 gs A‘sible fomsbie luck iat a cate * yter posed tis prevent lis.7PfaMea eer qben,iS® ae the 3So sey“wine'sof “apn boldnes Chad)its Reshie heen’“ytive dot :that - agitatio See her aoeletherder:a raieRs af es RNid aPow‘eles Bir‘a epee Aisne at+a Nepodaee She gibiuedars at a s a:rie andThane,ay7 AY; Migs ;‘eae Sige,at 7 Eana Fea att 4.ad seadige ays72.te r te~davs,we ae:aRa isfaaP.as." 3 siampickated ‘alccedives ace Lae‘actice of.————biter.desired, H AYNcE DAVIS,|ATTOR?NEY-A 7-LA W:R'STATESVILLEIN.C..>s,‘prom phigy and.Seay ragagattend to all” entrusted to“his care,\: site the Jail 7 a Ido'ta Tie to-.,ae eeofAldbaina.hare the: i #then,“Fite,ladies of— that.State,-arecircala-: -rgealations,which. “And nveeetbe the®om crs bEhieHritueties lacingitself’in:‘antago- 'institutions,‘righ ts and~ of the Southin,his:Confed->-politicians,teachersohiedthefreoffanati- .{‘OS ee i a ‘2 RAT ire ajstail,:will:lag.- was Wee)One sake emu ts[we fe an ‘BeOS at he eet t 7 uty?Gita lv merc sith welanee:eid desolate our!‘fire: _Ease ace é :5 (si dmb cobs)ese rer acenitn vet aae f he gt tag S ay :sspay,Nesteces ieatyy Ae sth kes excw shor,sth ap 01 =u peOik eho Moa I 4 tis becmning in Us thought eh Fovel isk PATE ACH CLE TUEG Ai TATE ES AG ANE ee eT ENG |as Sh oti amis eae k ys Dd ihe:U2;;1S .ated apis and.sapport fromAlvlonely’snl ules i pce it p,Ho task is all Fangs hext mary ras natilene before!the serge MW.nefajes;will,eudeaver,as,he :ee mach o Se ee ES ea.ily te encourage the-de-— cof.th e indtastrtal TESOUrSCs ”anid,the South;Peeqotore:: * we bars nulate tho, So neie Toreill-al oar,‘Sons,in honeaingPestwineinto:spegy:and ap epem: id Theat far tbs “purpose, td:eceptribuse our sone mite to We ied aby piles tb?purchase.no “article “of.” wnanufacture2 no-books-fromeineninghoukes,.and.m0 ter ihe ta:day of March .i860,even should we hake:to resort".nitive:homespun,”or thefiourownhandiwork.eeeResphied,‘That we:will not hereaf-‘a Notthern preacher,em-‘thern teacher,or travelin”hime §in parauttof healthier k Turther,That the forego-By tsBwesolazionsshall’be binding upon.*th questions.now affecting.*cal’existence’and our lives -ned fairly:atd justly toour ©‘enti the:‘South sbatl takeamongthenationsofthe |‘and thepeople of the.Northas-ber dpkisshe oe of smankind,2 He: regant aneos fries"Pi inbedgr ‘that ‘eke “ancestors.eenttheuseoffité;and the:nfoss the’sameiof.their pro-.Pompanius,Mela,Plutarch,; ancient authors,speak of 5 ,at the time.ithey wrote,a earned itl.Facts of the same . 3 attostéd by modern‘ha--*the inhabitants of the Marian:<: ich;Were ‘discovered in 4 "Neverwas,.. Sehnert.2erenter ee theirs aie onn The.descent of “Magel- "Att rst inlisbitstantsoe the PeCanary‘Idundswere former- ety.ignorant.-tees |is ope :or wrday,some nations:m.ith 3 migof che.Wee Mpa baits :ORAS rs es |teen iB ADEN yee oc eet ory ‘pt ehSoe a -gnai oe wae pd Culp “ek.with ~s .me RE ry.+i 4 F A 4 7s i CO Met Hee RESP a1 Tae pony he 5 ;ay wy aeneers =aS. ost |pposing Serene”iT eee =d.sce my.arrival here was.” pening of Paired States Coart at:y Hs:Honor,Chief JustiJust:"imagine yougsee ma.Jadicial.vobtram,wth) amount of dignity,A8itha|At's rewolver:|lang tehis side,- his seat.Then the.ar- -Diteon,a Jong,dark «com-He Vicginian.arose,with -two.ie to his side;“and alls, she distal.form,#Heat,x et “Then Jolin BE,Rieteaedpokingoung:‘man,formerlyaltty;ort ae!" ih th Caeattornveyéseated,_&ane answers to. sid in Tia:ae a -thede:esairt:is a pets:their:‘trials bat:ee the.:“the.court,oa. re sithful ‘end fearlessiin:the 0 si sie Colenkcreeks.whefell‘at the Alamo,died- :=spatenie ae eea ied man ie Chiistenl ni:becont*after,ES roure; ‘i would te: 3 Dost.Sut omen they _,Homges rence. .FyRday.‘th ~shall:ett ?Sta: Bega home,and i oy a 4 “a:ay Wasse .FE afd 0 ofcrossings betofyears' posing. eigh ‘Teet Iobg; Syou:can that Retain its.cof ot ena make -themaclihon =pane’dr oaks.oct equal r ‘Srepre|moreltpan halt ha —esolition etnias ad cde>ean .io ;om.principle and policy,roposed‘to Sar.oeils|would:idefend and:‘endorsethe platform,per,butcoakd ngtvotes, kes a cortest to aoo“i the:pectin passed:See ouses,he Virginia Legislature,iotarieeto:send Commissioners. States,The vote :upon thtionsintheSenate«“was’:jon:One,nays forty-two.lved by-the General Assembly,we havereceived with deep sen.¥.theicommunications.Which:.th Carolina ‘and:Missi: wealth.thro their comion.C.@Neasieie Starke,and-wecation.‘the’phtiiere ee bahatfraterhalUfcaebitertornoes ¢Be orm a oegapdcommunira.the.‘authorities «iSeuth Caro..Tina and Mississippj.our high appreci-.tion;of the ability,dignity,and cour-—‘ith which*their’_eomumissioners”urged’the:‘importan?Auties'ir imssion..:©.vebleed,Thatthe Général Aséem-of Virginia,_Tecognizing:in!Our.;At “relation with the:non-slave-.c¢States an impetative ‘necessi-!muécisive “heasures,does not yetdistrictthe“apacyty of the Southern.Soo by.2:wise and firm exercisé of|Served:powers,ito”“protect the”nd liberties of.the people,andservetheFederalNea‘Forurposewe‘earnestly.desire the.rent.action “ofthe”Southem.es.;But the.Generel:Assentblypectfully:submit for theconsidera-tronof South Carolina,and Mississip-AD)all --our:sister,States -of the-:ntit,that efficient ‘Co-operation will:safely had by'sueh direct egeactionoftheseveralStatesas.’e necessary”and:proper,‘than. h the ageneyof.any'assemblage _ can exercise no legislative pow-*' tent to debate andadvise:’' oired,therefore,"That,in theunoftheGeneral‘Assembly,itis ‘}inexpedient to dppoint deputies-to the, rence:popes by.‘South Caroli-. Mislyéed,That -the.eae ofSCommonwealthberequestedtoomitnunicntetheforegoingresolutions,onto.-the Gorernors ‘of the States of.South Carolina and Mississippi,and|0.thé “Governors of-cach:of.thersther :cholding States.Resolved>TRat”the Dresdent of Houie ¢Of:Delegates t transmit to-ae |:iC.G,Memmager,and.Hon.P.B.turk atopy oftlie’foresoingFetolu-=i0ng.—_Waliongeon Constitution. «Biton Rouge,i correspon:Lofthe.Picayune,;saiys|:: ‘Phats Gn the House,Mr.:Austin, W “Orleans,”-presented:3.‘bill to ompany,;Its eapi--ck.vis fixed at “five millions of:‘The voad-is,intended.to runhesuburbsofNewOrleans,near. ovtof Canal ‘street,.on Metairie ones crossing:the bay Zou jstabove,teFort Pike,ateer point the ect so that navigation ‘will bekeptnatalltimes."From thence tover,whichstream will ‘be cros-".draw bridgesto)Bay St.Louis,.e Og,BitoPass Si cease itiGitBiloxi,and.5tencetoMobile.mee a.scon-et Mobile with New Orleans by “a;}run offive beh ‘and its re ‘omeofthis we acokwaforaaeaynereae eneral conference of the slave.- ae « Palleill “cross the Rigolettes ‘by 3. , cotemporar -price paid,for ain 'sown in ldieevalogit: |eet however,don't bel : .tyo or three dole 2 year; .:paper;is So:tauch f lator 2 | shorn thet truth 3s,2t3s ajendgantof. peo es Pgpete on ithe |:nipssy light of this “full-arbed”thought hes slice apert ,16:6t* ‘pnchandaatthe OlSiind,acl.””NoreFall-arid Winter Stock of ae |pear Tn Stateeeat LEO ele ~PROSENE.ME »At Superior ar-sColtee.£Boi)ie aaa ii abl slight len gi #cet PONTE ae tk-Seba he.6 a i Ra te e.wih nidebtad t i ¢.either by ficle foesale pani fo ate aut $4Cs Baird 38207 pe :A a ae 2 FOtLenain g f pee nN ig Se ot H-confer a ce a :Trnear 23 AG I SON SIMON TON £C.Lowes oats GAD ed Eat Soar Mes ee cae ices hcg a eee i nS PSA HATE a1 |E i :ing up to thebe nf Benen. ~MILLINER AND MA TOA %ORAS Eb.EDGE. a ‘d and pronipt Y we 10.he able 16 Phe pee 2 }:FP ata Bee ta $,¥2 4 Lysine MEALAm Or aety :;hip)ira piek”Sesatnt ERM:t oath bix f *ONG ph their gy Gig.aus GUE,RNS OOH Big des bis Oo al ier eh oe ety Chee ia +Rieke oe redtie 1 fy |a eae ig NS OF yack t \“3ittawe Rae Me ef eon yk:;¢a ot bp ween as"Ge) Biltter “AVYath ast’rece}DS of every.variety ‘Jeueh as. JAME et ‘EL,ANNA ‘Fle ays :My ?RIG ‘COFFE E-Por,.| e a Zot >arty tcok BIN:gee a ;Bas A i a ,Heer =oe a Steaew b hes LegitSHONG M se,St ;‘:H e aces NTRNT Daf Hise Find fi inks,Car "BogsiteandRetail‘Daer es the if eS a Cotton,Mb etn ay.O i foe :;Oy eet:‘hig eel:f SELLA.KD JEAN ik HD 9 eS _:an sh Vocrpa -Goods,Ready-‘ Ieeeoper thee th»Ch rapes:ed u be i ‘s,er a rit <te:Ki in oF;i:te i.;¢‘4 oe ;a y ::A i s re et i “an e Q o aN a 7 =‘OTS :t Say 7 a Ciothing,.fate:~*ROOFING &cura .ay He GRIGE WT.ON OAM nie Mppehiore ide Oi med went oie Ge BERR TAGD9 Behoke Puabe tore cont taoen catalyse eG Machinery |b See: eS ¥aeail JOBS §iti a3 Line wall!he’d eine the TERO As:9d :ef Coen oR Eten es re 4 nd Pees Wigley bh mi Ke #%We SPOGEKMON ’H ac.Dive e:: sie Ws approved THATT,ie fi i ;i aoe JAMES Pi En: MAT ¥ile,Marches ‘‘a q welling mien Repth —the|oe Af:‘2 a ;i es A Dwelhy}eect Heine and:Lot bel mii fo po eae l ;AW;;ist cylinders;ofsagl iy;Be ;é Re Ti art SR eats Bay eer as 'cats ;ree pe 5 at Goa “Me Ry YS 4 whl "at‘presen eetapied |be:Ay mr oral!is ae 8 a8 ie ive ;i :rg Syd et t y 4 eal f ‘CIE Hato ake Ce fa i ee perce TF de FC ’a ::Bd ce he er Ko WAT—s Wilts 00.tA «Mr.Walt ue.will te:fort titdean the Boor &pee ay Satin peed!eng n ay SOS ta,Chbese Machines itll bebvanutagtirdd with |ye ee UE i agen 2 a y er Re Abe Ol RNC Matter fees 2 ; fi oree nent?|1 i asia CE,;is ‘roger eel at :;i Mai . "For terms:appl atshe Stare ott e :aes omrce i 3 ce a i St ha ad ccs ee Ni 3Southern ai ;oe 4 Adaanttns H AS nakeusTosut 1 ho AN‘bere.he wil ipieacie SraESt! aa e if z bees ty Saturday.,at.Augusta,— a aie Be ;es :d ee edt be “uke cee Papetin 4 :NAC +n eb eat :Stat nt ne eee be ar ene a Ol iag ta OL EeECS wayne y ae E for.tf Yok ee ae aye optains,in each’idsve,eget wales ee “Un cath ers 90.(EV38 oars see ee SoS hy Se veCtOney.hight?QOTSi8 rains Rr nit Fas £Ory:-Hous rae m6}‘Hits ord pages,‘goltgnns)of Ps ake etme,ut 5 ee allnye,Tertat Adi Sine EIT arand Vics Waa Mk daracl turk eee tae A249 Mie HTS 02040 a:Teo cies ich Mts wi.ieente go‘entepar RelleRtl |7 Ohi:eeading|Matters, “SINGLESOL peo ROGAN Fi H)Le?AV ite,Pape cath:eT YY ae BA fr pS .reais dig fire-pla¢in|Ara chin.Buatstnn tothe ee | tga Atte Searie seesalle, Partie ular attdrst im stokns:for’negro wea ch ta to ws goede gice nat Tie ass ey.pe“Souther hee ia Hs f :THome-Batal,tts yreent.-witly the Jassiniijee that:evert aruel “Solas usyveka be Ota’,tay yas RATE t Ages 5 5 i Red A tat ee eek f at peer rs ,ryt Pd!:te 1 teat CroeCanlengs MOLASSES,Humes!end p arhaas abacrpy bt Pedy BHA nie)Told il |Ree ASG.||20s seas Woreh Gaeealme ii meas States and Onoste Grote,00]Statesville,IN-‘Ce ;aModerate Price.Sic Shypa ie qe *i ;from(ee te £3 i Seay a Sarge at Sel ~54 mY ’—Th :vrs %ey a “a <4 ns ing:on DED i She ‘Pig asthe:a r x GC 2.bt the int rest:of uM.A. ‘march L6G EF (1 1d07Rairels "Crashe ta ified SU GARE UE Mahe Gitete Sea i Paes is Peat nee ae Bee ye Te ike 8 Céok 1 n oS page 0 eet .‘th,(iy .}‘ig "lt *rst Tora 2 pees oe 7 4 :Bt .:Wy.iv i N oe!Abate fa 5 2.8 re “yi ni.#85 t t 8 wi th €Simonton.House,the Pally J SHEL >ahs ali x EY Gayot nae ae AS as POR Hs PROPRIETOR:i Sener others,g iataarsd x 6 ores se-ont ot ét iy:Snform uae Doavetos bdsaid the hl ;He ry ad Be sie 5 aon;wanti achotack selbeaapens 303 areseee and Renttoany.poret!y EY Tridelon k ne coemeeeandfast 4 ligrees Dahccomerte ¢|anit itdncigy left to,the appetite:ae or a bd rs management-of the Pro“fig -piider the a no.gear:a f * he Pe y}if ,:i og mg %3 aa "e q :S * ~She pubica Eh:Ne Liberal:A ppt et fa EL ae 2 bis is ncourage Us a Wel will do |mur ins Se Pan ea ake y =,‘8 CE:PS in the old a r share ffpatronaze or the last two ae nd:j aoe .ah {which havelsth ch ‘Sauastact ani cx est Rr enn Mt Aunty,AU thedonrt-14 Cus ’the:— a att {y re ;‘*whete *e. cae.we. f TOsCOnLesSo,en iee:esis 2 ee ere fe geal tad as wal rare Mnd plenty 0 ch.as|:;mi We sp ‘shorse,3k i)bales)t—-bower th Sioned eae fy ir SEX WEORE eee ane ed:r caret Carp.4a ;‘of the peng the countryiafiond ‘0fee ){-abd:ne paihs |1:“e OUT Aes!|thoy ht Wi ein bined|iw:T1 8 :sto.q }esnoro..Be ECG MIS Ws es .¢. epared ta furnish famakeallconifogtable wha aahom acall,at,teasin ig dine on asa?DUSIAP ROREEE | Wall:Paper,tae pt :1!Gawe»oy ate 7.4 yan at ts rf ,ay “'‘-:wit ‘ae :fae :ee ste *te Re ‘i ;o}“Sy Ge fe <fr,the!Approaching Harvése 2 7 eh :swipl Bushels of goad fe =isn.5 crete ee +7 1 ee hc ee ee ee oieee 8 a NV (erga,or wtih wow oe ()very a Lavetpol Sal .PRAvisGe .it ffs Rotdurther informs is 1 28 :Te ee ee es Ter:ret me ?ee “agyle:eekkeTheLote: te streets,ane 4 :D AKE &SON,. soees=‘Seatashile,WoC. «eis aoe‘A female xriter in epmalng "crusade |oa si hair “men.‘Hear’lie B a Tra What i exprepeidit oft Rindness -iratld Limanity,can.be observer | «fave és ae :down ¢-Ne pe &s =poor,ret door t:2B:Scotch terrier z adie eyepmpath, ‘:‘2 hirsate prac stuile.°“It li 7 swith adorning:‘sweet mlicat ;aheart,aud.radia es giadsie : :Fages: x. 1S “eal,bes He“out a the faceo a5 “oF ae The,nile © Pe cannot.bedistingel sh from the so ace-of%Kido_ahey.capoes kindy“mor,syeethdss Ofidis '“ie of 4:}each geek aes cus Ve elgg uct ~resistipte:: “eovered witht hz fia arial giais,ohpeRee:passidas’ft:2 their polisin th~upper:Tip,2.ers of then“the edges ve psSeloppisealil oe suet ‘sy more .Antgnnsez “tll A;Bott thitiling and enra *Behold thatdésesshapedbysthe :ar Tet ure Gres Ea -iiae%“Giveape an onnee *Paige my imag}aogtion.”a a UW hom do moust an,gate Brigandé,;*ters,‘and e ——-, *saw,the an ‘LL magie >the.‘soon Oba.aa briskly at firs alte Be town:Has.“y aits»scowls tiliness reign:VF oy a towns"ae ~Peched in the hei.|»ts,and soon’they alee gl promising:spot; faa fora ~ples‘and:yum itop:'y.a!CouroeOS Stores and a) of any-rillag Mec.hanic 3 $3 Ee:we hoe a a Heweae‘.seek “Loo imple;article, rete ea92.23:242526ST 0.82ND 25 3859 ctPOVSIocsygets ~ VEL AND DEPARTURE OF.ee eg *toemor aee gfe ees?ae aes iL ete Auer’ILLE WAIL.vsti ziAriduvs,at'S:P.MgDeparts,esat,7=xoe ue “etocked atctbeee 3‘cotton abd rod fiat nirdware,&c.,cat bebette iY and Cheapatbame,and yeye re Go.to ithe ““for thent,¢~_ ge ‘gezaoftrade.© at a “branches 4es eeeon =in ind typ:weerdss,id there er 3 SERBON.«IMAIL,viaa Mocksile— jays;at:12 cts om lats,atlP.aL: Re EF.SIMOSma TONS iP fgiofessichial services tothe pahlie.aWheeJon.Coilege Avenue,eres:~the TeBurch,Saleh:N.C } oe a?‘offer esothepubic.{When desired:f BoTu abe eae Wy:ith: NG catedTimgelt lat he late resi:denedof Jons LARK,[near Sherrell’s LofSuites Sly.BS “le at W.A NE D:AVIS, ‘STATESVILLE,menhareeintklyanddiligentlyeeto ait = sted!tq his <Care.- ;; sa cxormane,sone,: Heh Co buya nice uit Cain,ineya8‘possible,call at sa id Be aX AE A “pS treely-¢ Xt Nesepietare * US Boe ee aE.BLDRAKE. _y (Ye meesenters ait"“Shall Helpless pron (lave bo retreesial The ange)Bind.e“S To.is ‘Ictiowleave gi Delinquestson.er .Caurnéver ent cali Sea oeMevsasEnrrope: “Jtems would:ky,rep&rde by a portion of the reader>)Time and @istynce have not ofaact>lwotionsof mn sbonie,my put ve State,4“ia with onfeigned,pléasre:that:‘tirathoughtsthnReryArds?We mt fir a have had a >SinsI‘tearn_you hateha=conta Atgostockraiserecbay Se Pt neagi Stature ty Yet:ehantics,;hi eiven.all thet, *wctehtion to:their Stack,gins hedlected:other} inprevenierites whittle the mast valualile huis!oe Pe Na RA A eee ts UE8gcoaheOIEehhMienpoetestkTEL‘ie -Neruneultrmttady °Thessen while djetthrée wecls aa ‘later this Sprin®.than)tsuneo.The}int ‘ei cawenther Nite Heentiamb stillaie cold:and:wet rainingal deastevervidther.addy,which has “)vauséd the roadeto hecomeainrostimpassa ble: ~AGRICULTERALS 3SEebgnatsaSetaRsAaPNRaerroP+~The mindsofthe furmermare ndw enzross}61 with their.tyrms,and’the:preparations fori}YS Planting Servlitflescora planted:thoysby|,prome farmers Idive)glready finighed.”The: »freezes Awe.hai thie witifer Meetrovett &Ere See oe portion,of thg.wihert whicla.wits.plante ”Cottonda the pribeipy article raised ii)hie: =tinmediate!neigh borhbed aid which?linesiSognforcackpricesthbeRenter,the tered.)¢.0,Mifficulty it cohvessttemarket.:,We have} “a narket,’pwenth-threemitesdiatiinsbutwe:sy see 9 have to'pay twos dolitte per bale*2d Taye wy: at ‘42 ae there.*Watlsregard uy.the.a iene ; om at :er EINANCIA .Re"|conditionofthis:-comatny,tapes “are ERtlies mith Feringent.Mami Wan great demand,‘a\readily Commands ten’and tweOeaehighwithvow,4-am®xtortion.*\Seo inieativey of the <9 ate.commen: .mien,‘and te counties ofthi ypropes.s profirable:i ey * they call it traveling iasthey-hare ta “carry theif.:“Ont Odeasionally..Tt.a8 or the ‘tisherc<mudin witten,and dusBythe.was,do the-pesj far-farhed ie ‘greater humbug,and a rea!cling,neterwwas ata tt :*yall qi history:ofrompromiees—ite.fuil+4 do ndt-kenow how Ton were gireh,hut only a ot hing order, done:by ox *oy Thes-have,lately,raised (eam 3theHiredJourvalsorthe'day 4mighSat rincipal 2d 1 to fortahiphy,into some,form when a. .quak geration would io-Thine ofthe.Constit =the ig sernment,to.protect;and secure’those ‘rights ofSe "sire that lstweisee haeproperty:vertconsistsisaadshallpayformisie "tection ip his ee tO:property Wes thiecgppotbelieveit.Who willbe willing amo ais neighbor ‘shalt justly.:tpunt |jus -Batth setdine Bis share of thepub-'of th ‘Us:burdens,eythrowipg:seme godn oe declared : -one who ig-more able.than himself sto |‘bear them,andyet ‘is called’on to’cays'Bis own.and mote.than ‘balfof:his),neighbor's share?“On thetocherand.: what:freeman will‘tamely.submit.thus |”to pay:his‘own:and‘his “equally:rich|_“neighbor'staxes’?Ht Sapkt.not to!S|.be desired:and &will BO be-sub- -egé,Who-are’“referenceto the’Rowenta Se o ‘gréesin Senos cake 2 an=aver50.)Ob $15,000:orth.of ro- J0"3 x eeSatifromes lc SO.Mou,235 tot ave a great anpny-other.srticies |‘on Bumerbus.to mncntion:Weintend“on ofr Business on'the CASH Syshainviteeveryone,who wishestobayBeetate*.aa betiey Gecbasins . try ast:WAG &“MENDELS.’ wi AZ3m ‘by.eeetstp#2 50.-!Wo ac SKIRTS.¥:Zeveings, iG eSCMMEER, ‘1860...os« 0.:S.pe ercei mine PROERIETUR VETHE. :=or vie =ah...on &more.desirable!Wirz aeANTSandVESTSareequaltomug”The:-stwle.va —the newe-t.A §‘Patt ERNS—Ihing entirely,unlike ,:16p”trash usuallyofferad ready-nvude,no garment thad we cannot warrant as.to workmanship,outcanid style |ilemran.tiay drop mtoopr house,and#-minntes be Aandeomely sitedout to aSemtSuit,or a:Business,as as.can be-measure,and save‘TWEN aneENT,by doing.1)whoprefer garments made to mear”re informed that we hire the~BEST,© emen,ny will +sou ‘to!DWTS onSeedswal il do ‘iene one ater ‘al -ee ieireaeiy Sthpretnh, li TI O wo r e ee ie“per,with the:above “the N.C.Institution’:; “Dumb and the Bit Thiis;filled: “get:the paper:ou“will contain:from time to timeuseandinteres’= ‘We thoughtae South was egaved!" pe “when Buchanan waselected,t |Wesare.eo),certain the’Democrats fold ‘ugit would.“be,but:if scoms itneeds:“saving”a- *gain.>Atall ‘events,:the*Democrats’have again Feces aheies ‘that ae a 4 ‘Constitution a‘theines ee".s.ayill alwaysbe,80long “as the.eople :eee‘Pp‘ar¢humbugged:into:‘the 80]part’. Enis thatparty.:Every“ti—is elected,pdtw aay ty it.We.me or patting aEedifferentclassaobete=.uf} ~ea W.aeAatNehasSee ceavitie,Jan.::,18602-°iti Sehopriter fl inform ie Coratenidsgenesally,the Beeswks 025°Mae |*Butter)0152(40185)Hides;‘dy: *“Cétiee*0-14:ae 104 Green ai*Catidles,.5 fied ©Fallow:« _Adaman-: .tine:030°Corn OOS 48 34Chickéns0:10 ae2©pritd Apples,”feeled | +Dried:Peacehes. “peeled=4)uiypeeledd* Ay TIE;Bes,doz.0:12 sSenapes pore ig cvaniette ® tacon,,o i ”Haina 012 1400"Peas:*080, paded?:O FL (ad)IL}.Beank,© vos 0 LOR a:uh)OO pet 0m) reetwItxO 225 *(aO28 i Oats ®: oe Poatter 07Eek(co)19 |Meal :¢Candless j =pansiesSein tine:2 ua ,Sperm.0407 ~Coffee sy.>4 § .Rie,*onai@ors.,Laguiral Liga.00, tava 000).oat Catton,ree si : Ba Bate ito.+2>good 0 40°(a8 UH *)Ordin.tos :“nid.009:a0)A ‘Flour,|; Ex sa ina,25:“eb On in bags 3:120)OU . “Superti.300 FasPOss Ae *Fine ~Gee (anh 00 “arain,’,3 ‘Wheat I 30 erae*: “Corn:a0.(QO83.‘ Pee te3 me2 ApplesDried 095“Racon OTEGEM 124rsore0 ;tine: Coffee, Rio : ‘Java,’ iC 2 ‘ottom*. C‘orn *=L©Meal 075:(er080 Feathers 0:30 a,0 “Flours < 1 ge560 G50.Wh ie ¥@ satk 26b (@2 80-25 Whi 2s Gi30 yee fardds 7°Se Re 100 Cede :Lard,;On:Oe oN |nO (03 OFFER for sale'3 on:BattleRann,“kno AVING.Saccen a 70 rf B a ; es Styve to:suit theenetom ba —BEST eeroF we Sieh every Saturday,atleeebetthebest a aes atin bois shit the irS3nwheSaataSimon-Honee, reritScalered<ad o Gc ieanee.ity Jet,to the appetite,ofthe +ky » he managemert of ‘Gre Pro-7 four.need be enweriaiaRo2 “purpose oF|eae Sheep.sicaide ig.here:'} *by given:thatt will pros fk ail-personsre-and.-for re benesSoe *pear'in Statesy,iite on:'30th inet.,at 11 O'clock,ou‘niform.“By:order.: >ERCSEN E LAMP oh ticle for-sale. SAR Jenkina-I.ntlARSconductthebusiness"_,.in-theoldStand,«:. the-“SimontonHons,"there I disrmichworkixthe’neatestandprovedstyle.1 respectiullyedlicit . gundin ountry. fe Janae:onl Jet Jaly."2ingdéne.on the sh-wrtegt notices,hepee°ae aee :a eet+st ee me paige ee wt oePRINTING | extensivetoprint apanddoJob;work very well.. Gere A1elite ofatiepatronage at Steeeseilie an S charzed Ga’‘at ‘necoant 4 Away One'sLi art te roma ie pe leah F ie No,'af ys itaaeitabemee has betty:to fall’fhe mnire like 4b"toarray.hinsselt iin —Tibertyto g “eyes.batters te e n os et e PP MB B o l uf vt om yi -to ruzh down the nilaemmad,:“infatuated,toJanetre‘has liberty tobe:~“@f doors:‘bythe man ‘7 ;es."stuff that made:hime:Bi dependent,‘andpo Pi g e s *Ps hi t : 2 ze te oe the:same fo ‘think of,” Se e r : ¥Posfjee &=often to bre : promised.histwefe pre ~.“promised:his-friends.ti “never touch anocber,dork i “of the most stupendousthistheliberty:ich you ution.anyfathers foug lédeand dicd oor!bsHeaven de ver,Us yom’the: ists except ste lay TeueSeBAM. NMaqES pMTucsdayeand:sched araP.yueeandwotete:a aad ©Rea tnt as ne it Doelosk:CoN |oy etroumadle,the ious paot thé best on bene ese |ae 3 ;cH Pye yountee ned away your liber:\Coachesnnd reach Satebney Di gea Raia ARI RRERE pindietconseet makes):“We rloiat heaiare lr iy eTIC DILE -:SEAM FO? “gem steal;and murdp:1 «to connect wi ,seam Guig!yh |oboe ee oe mE ee eee -eraae BO 7v f A:2 eS eee agi Ce esbrie andt nda ee aes tae Ne ,eciety ie Cheated oar y clue Ts.antGk cimlion crf Wisermbic Bktiacte:atahput oT TL,;:te Saturdays,at,7 &Wf.ate Lok atthe constitutionand the laws!|yr.Tewis,in his /recedily’érected mouipe nO TATE Wi n Aoshi aka Eerie HOG RIE gai CLASSIC AS ct,peter ing ix >F ROUGH MAIL—* :wea Pray th eae Cir )ASR a Aes aa tae tf ‘SNE 2 gaa 4 ae iste at ee kG $e6 Thitsdays,.ats Pp:M Vedmiesdays,at 5A.M. pay yourHeres nmilitary,road,Did you never plete youbondASprincip ‘promisory:note.or«tion?‘<Did:yor at.Hymen’ .signing say you ee aa i,part oF y te ee Fits oat pus;ptalier ‘da h t,:;oO:;aS ease CENA mht by ist {;pe .|:eae cae OF “30 a ee Ai ‘%ae aay 4 "t ther ;;rereadpideOtaefaetertherolumngofWhe3DeansOheteaestkuePietyfas|ticaeett ni cinea paki 3 0 DL OL RELLY©|-Ge ite:Peet re ;:»Dae tl it f :eee 2]rofessional services'fo the:-publin,ion Collere.Atenue,,opposite!ibe +‘Church,Statesville,N.C.aaRS.DEAN &BELL,VANG astociated th es.3n|the :3 wane PR.—1 —“offer Neos i.Co an,Klexander Hoos)S-he iews:shal ta:A iinis th then:bO-¢1g Se eS |rAleLS|30 fo Sapatata ne Anete serv ictt.tothe,public ben WataandJosML.Brith,Sidaada .sels}6")itont:Stid eae B Lae Sere on pineal Hives Shu fete ol oe rites of ::MOTIE,=‘Spederet Wid, lof attics personsmetat Frank ‘QwiorgsSixmileswest._on:Saturday.week int~andei aa tee .loot helt”atthelate beri‘of JéaxCuarmy neat,Sherrell’seetennfiineene por between€ae ee a3 a here that’Cowan©had \te eS ban canbe’;eee Xs ae ‘;i ED ‘radar wig Aceh ‘: *¥4 s i nite 2 oF Mey :t +S eth a y J ;q ‘.A :»;Sat !:N,.;i ;fin heel Shek,:-N ah LAB parcel sor NEOs:i at i 1 3 ;bs ;Cy <Mi Her,4:hs Wy , ting two ian Pi ep if rs BS ali ::a yt zo -physician says will pr .atest:crores from the woundedman :presen i «Cowan)andHooker :t :For Biaciwoot and ores“yak 1 :ed For Bias ged und tiofour RP.8.Since gle.3¥a wage writ: the,aesae ph has died. Jeipal CitiesdndTownatOFPOSTAGE.WiInited'S thDiehat ni_money;:he would be made: ~__-it.-Burthe people to! Thiia),danfeesedty.the moat com]ete tate:aeauchin’apex tothofublishersbarsreaotred:tore th