HomeMy WebLinkAboutIredell Express, July 1860 «e e s if rs.F the may often;tbrighitén‘the:‘Circle’ Fi Wn 3 =rs ca ceoe rehraiel“May bi :‘Sohdaed the‘oldest’of na,despite the reality S -..Best feelingsand emdtions Gur.ititares“are erie the ae cure:‘speaking eye,e.the ¢+and promisetagbe hie sabe :and.regard,sueh abiik:due from,’3Se aiepilgrim.-And:where |até the’‘others ?— :energics’an ‘inapire be ae of.cadee pst ,“deemed ont of:teh Ne yah ia}Circlé.”Lande: yayietion that-there are a3tou7 ad Ty Kore’ he sand’regularly’an ‘the ete a motives,jor oberes is a-good Spat TOE the we ties they may’‘possess, Sa _hearts and:omes,by: on eep.thought.biting warcasin,for’cold’spect), *.Jations,may-do much;to amuse bEinsteiielag a "2 indeed,‘all are!“propertieswit iin:tlie.provinee!Z *{OPthe ‘Circje?but the:ah ple.“exposition of eS "our feelings as -prompted ieatfectiog,-or-a|heartfelt dnterest-1n'thee!welfa’“of otlvere.|‘ --|forms,the’high andpiccioua,privilege of:the ee "S members.The’letter,then,”thatshows:our,: experierices—dimly:howd:forth“ag they|f “tay be—engages “our eariest ‘attention.-_ 2 Mra.Browning tells ws!‘thar;fetter:should be} ;;sie ATE) his deep ;aitareeon ‘tn the.te {r3 of sithege’ ‘we love,.atch those that.love.“Us?y when we A€“neen onelt‘all.hese a i ese :aid himeotthe sain oy firet appearande-aihd Ee, 5 which devolves upon peckthough fiesis:oak :Send.:] as ote,of hen vited F enibets of the GE “ge I salate;;thong tate,Serer ee “haublaeueOe sopilie "beat souls and‘active‘minds to spr ae the eeee c ‘feces we.‘intetchange*9 feelings,we delightin ‘their:‘Section =ag’at ks |ground us which,with sober ook,pointoth a, rwise,grow.-yourig/again,Hiidesdst the*Gir-: Hele’is ‘peculiarly suited10 ‘the‘eultuteof,the igi: ~capatile:of:“Sparkling?“wit,-ig tle!humor,So ie“Gur‘talk pat.down,on.fopen to The,amtsts: read them either‘onithe.mahascript”‘orthe speed sheet.©.: To St:Ledger—thi i “Circle 2a offer my thanka-fo +L2};my warmest:ade ations aeae .wish:“Pilgrigy’whodatelyica hospitality oftite ‘Circles bi What baa checked the warbling.“of themoun. -tairksongstress§:‘Linnetig 2)Why isthegen.|" tle ‘Minnie«Mons’silent?|From’‘The Onks"|: re been ba ea ¢Laurel!‘and rae F “Tey Pt rs A :ans nows3isa ‘Gitcler x :ta your kind consideration’.as the Tastle ba ‘andaffcetionate sribute:6 an *] ‘Fiaving had an: “all:butawhiledoing,er: that yon ‘are all ex ‘atileaet.expected to. :vince tnd taste to CO} >by the ingte olde.Bi gelf qneme.Fonte”“particulars which we ally,impe ‘that we.“ina might b ed,blazned>enlightene a this:Ts;we'can fa and,needful tothe “make frienda-of'4 ou:al _ofhavipg friends in't *where,ifene don"3 Fions:eee says “ship,thereigno friendship in.money inattets;4. and the purest way.to ic rt :“friend,id16:tolendhim:“m9 “sil begin to think Zs :and selfigh carmudg _not a whit’more ‘Don’t you,each a~terwhen he ‘good- ,wittyat his expen ;::‘or any awkward.ska which’befalls.him,iH and GC(however painful to.him)such:asaaaysitting,down,on thefloor,x afte ‘cary ces:Gaus when’we:all”Egtk sit )Ought to knowand admit,that iit ie purely a yemp *gelfish j ees rene erecta dorm , end d ‘coring 6 hata cheer wie r ageif k did votlike tsad-hiee of Aesie about Ad.‘Valorem:taxert - id:J’unt introduce m Epere tion to ‘change the:ae oniof thi State?I a answer re xe >i ae ocakUpoRat-had-never been bro wight to atter ton of my constitaents.Any* iber-of the ‘Legislature who: rote:to change the”Constitation Act put’.it,Sap ‘OR‘|Phen he ld doorease the |ments =eacocaedto‘put it 6n-somethiteltuswhere:hewitt eaedthattheTrews se the leope eductionefuscd+0re ie Bsoe ato hei.ates Bata the pe oo.pd e * . D-cents on very $100.pralll hile sthe vemnn ae “Inaeons raeet thediscussion .Mr.Pool Whe Sas eHavingbeen:présen ching .mind}and thorougtaya€i ns S a Mee i a ft :".i a :i Seat,Bsc ‘Ginko!re ik Tease i ii ipers n “‘dis be o ‘i 3 ‘a Pa et Ee 7 ;ft.%A oe nee noe oy ~mA ;4 em =oe 5 we 2 ;¥io ©fo:H )hip,than he...Mr:Evérett,.oebetween:égs Pool‘and Ellis,‘is:already larg:bted ito:the a ~Wany,Be te pairs»Breit ee :o-public affairs...Gave themsh g ith;Whose.a ble character;highlitetaryoe%Golds~Such:ips?ie :_Me.Rds RM Eee Vow cae a Seem,the ea ‘accomplished ‘diplomatic’:Sy not tees Sot tk ::if deliious:es =f 1s oe _if Biot caeae and:os late.a Siren eo reies bay :2S.)OF the FE the,Zz :2 :et Te aaa teeth Reese ai Semen ee leer meee :"4 Patriotic:orts.for.Mountides ag i Beas |ROSE WEIGH hy wes tem +:3 >ey eR ht é -Lins a COTTECINESS: ¢Ww >|Bees:ore pular ‘man‘,of the _teerstracedinegch.us :yell ag to:beiaccu and 1 it believe eae eet Bok sagines Ader al eae ta ‘=|i ‘;made’some we 0,io far as j VW the popular in anf the two)-the’argat “Were that,my tor or,any.ome ;elat STATES VILE ae et es ee Oe oie :wee ae eywe ha eheralepinion in the |WAS «uringthe'Montoe adininistration_)Rearly:the:samea We |will den tracy.Of ‘the 684 cee pditor delaying:Bo Jong ito ac~|Dor spurs arm y Vest f t iil fterJ.Q.Adams‘-expited,a man eet i i eorgtae feet 3 y =‘PRIDAY;3 Gaines cs one ee Te ae ane :a he i f-chinging the of Mr.Rierbii's characte would-be a.og he i er:BR em-/S ,ip :tal 4 gt a —ie ::}4 a0,fo 'ane toe i it o 40 .b 7 j “?ot I President 3°‘but ti “bracedinin:sheGold bare $"Mar 1 Ves ale ig!i ne 7%:t-felt;defor.thesfs com zis)annhounc aving eshe Ove @ ;Nes 1.ind a mban othe,cee ae | :re My oe ong | JOHN BEL...‘His.political record ov rom ;thebeginning,.@ purpose --right,to guard.the,.country a.improper-agitation—to:‘Know |‘no'South,Ws beg no West, *GeldWe gt he fgLd Doutstne or EC LID Seshes obsleae Soe seete”| 5) pe wacpattapensecs (Flan bat teeter Kau bene Tapes (Poi Ruger neempane oremee mpd Pour ety aS ee S|sage ie cee aeaSatlhe,Os ‘of'sh :a ME Bay ge a disoa i i CRT PAP aoe jiime:hy the Democratic party-in-this|3 or r thed ,|7 ads of the Btate rot eb Ia thatTak Si 8a pire i ae ee koe ay aera eat he,astm eae The champion of'ad est | 7 |’1g COX i Ws?;7 eldabiaro’s |\f ;ee Bie i 0 epieely eae up the opponent “sii :abe:ret Tp etieah eee pa ‘Pp ys Rae ee Lae :ie Ge shout ann oe :“a site intial es|Cae ng jcoun ig thes |HGOVERNO rit baie pea bale ila 3 ar Daw deena ::3 e party some hopeof withstand43) ‘mninds,“of |thie ceeateeSeoutis‘a ae<of poe.:ie ti ‘ee ::me al::‘for:the ade Wash aS ‘of Per~party,to-save rot 3 1,Consti-ues ce nae ee AR hs ‘4:ca 78 :ni goin y rubra sodeationsg Raneapeeied flows 8:::ce :S tae fio :es ie Ghee er ican 8 ER sha (;*.Jolinson..of Waynesville,» “thathis competitor:Pay abe >en oe:pi te es Rinated icaidblasea Gay the fa scs 7 bees 1 nd Ey,Zr ood.cotinty,‘NY C.)Mr,John- :Shek epens andt t :tER OR :C473.sidney wi gions!Nowy ec eyes ree ¢See=Jaa etVolparty.Ttis nowti TOU CR:"O94 i he No:{tele Lis eet tne Lm neg espees ees acon nh!West.N.€.B00)ere eae ae ein Dee a ct sag *Todi cotatakee =a Sie ::-,"a i eaent at 8 :ty iam aera ‘SLR a ea Oe Na x {ig i peo ie of our dis.’;the hat:yon were eeeEast-.ort,because.you:had voted, a‘mbniber of Rod House ofCom-.for thd”Western Extension of 5 aia G..Railroad?’'&e.>>iePretaingthistobetree,the questise‘why did Mr.Pool'make.argeagainst Mr.Jorten that he*unworthy,of-Eastern augyr pra:‘trott of the:matteris.this:Jor- 2 nent.a SME ree a teeters ae teaa Pet eee Mea seh geet 5 Wee snp yas inde i ‘the *ae »b:Yetire »0)indepen:;{thn A .by:him,at.this xt ted}:ere Sia):apes abo Agat a A hg Rime as nysnorsd x pect:to-doj Perguimons8 took sory seed :GE dana iF aa ny i A Vw Ci eR fea .in er a rov Seit1bongdigeussiode:i me Me here:of the ©ofWER ACs piwent te eSleche aakces a got his pledges to his constituentsti:Yoted mbre.widely than any mem--nanyof his Yotes-’were most.©thos‘falsifying“ae att isconstituents.Ht was ;.al- ea at thé time,that he:Was:cil to'take this:step by:the pros-ning a Judgeship,and he RE cg 8 suspscted.o being the writer of JaJdetter recommen(ling‘himselffor thathichwas’published.an,the. “When Mr.Poolranagainst ;ie contrasted,his proesions *years before with.hisyotes-in‘the”’.Legislature,bringing up at‘the’same —te\the ‘matter of the udgeship and: amen.”hb 9ga Ques FOLD:dit che?”Ma :aa:nirtiys nORb ie ore a a tech Fee Peas ther-onu per +the’letter,.‘and no wonder;-with these: from the poll whenever .be ea y.and |the glory |,:me ae oe SRR ae eS ie ore,be oursdut en mgs b fore him,that‘Mr.Pool said:*aC =Loney sie af Osea Sad tee ea Sars Ae sean}veg ist asmuch'as the Dem-4},s ea acu Bey a OFal]FC ss for High:this (BE:-nworthy of ,sup- -ly proposi hi eds to give |BAERS:aerate 4 i Se disanive::Be foe ‘|eovern 1 ne »Mr.Pook was n against him ;for the Western Extension;~voting for appropriations:for ( nite a]improvemrents when.he ‘had.id:himself to his.constituents'to: |terest e S Bhasin the gto)i :NO 3 0 e ye Siaiae hess gaingt.them,not that be wascon-hight -Sentiment and:;1s 4 ouse (nS the::i $:i ah ied aor e8 Abtlie:Aue eer i ha Oe ae ‘this 0!Seat Wen })(winecd|‘that he was wrong,b because of Common:8 Se)tnd oar fies eprecate such sectional sappe:Sit fait.A |38 kno)athe De aLiGipAtty of.)ja Bet eae ays Re deere ©thei npiples gud their here .was.a prospect,if ‘he.falsified basis—tha matte janging |."eS me tO are.4 th i Been }FY |hens ‘When lis"pleiizes,he might ‘obtainaJudge-b ane :Bae be 1 e ha:at ;a Stn a ‘oh 5 |aitppo ephen't.-4 9 yee sas oA ver ea |du:recite to”spe ;:ip.'We put the questiontotlte peo-Bp >ee never ad Ta ur Te pct Nab Nakai 3,ie fldgert es 2 ;Sea aa ject dpe of this,county;and ask:them if.a °°. MEE ry ta i ,:Ne a Jidéte was to comebefore $20fag pee tiene 38 Lor their.men na he oath Sa 5 anees in (Me SON BH pport Ss TercAmnot go Ory Lae caee Pg hag cane hyper as |Senay2 as Saat wins wexiatle fate tt egislaturéan Biss: ‘i tem the:Tidus ae ne pte |fon sid POO he hrpus thy den eetthie:eee it.at sor tat =sn Cee)beern pledge then falsify :‘them,2, :“which would be;-!Ex th-giving;ri ave.the s,)int)op ad th ‘Sa Deas te S Sieh hey.consider him again worthy.. |:papper we ‘think they ‘Mir.Shrden,in answeritpie:¥,'says'among other things,“He _ :inien h extensi i yas'taken'-u Nes eee him=will |fully.:if poss ‘on-{tihat is Mr.Paol).declared.time and, people favor nossuch chai ed qt:Be BO tS Ok,Or 4 ‘ad-pleasiare ry ;&bok and incall probabiti ‘:Sieh fo Hicit Swosbusi-ty.of ee reas:bute thateteal ‘on’the stump that hewould not,- they ert ee it.|Pasty no Goverr tthe yy nv.8,0.*‘ar Phi ,6 betine this canvas STF he tease F =+jr eup por’,iPetectad way.‘measures‘which ©and my competitor has.rqund for |:or,N ms z |finedsnd:“¢‘taste./On either P wwitrresse edifouridhyof th:Fs spohes abd >:horsh:Mon s1-thie eris ww the Kountry.Between Suits nature would’benefit the‘moun-.:rapiesenting:mthe East at:j |Pees oes Ve it nige hat sen nin Mondavy:it reat n,ind amie in egion of this.State,which re- eePepe s pistion san Seo-|.21 ope Posh aoe tested)tot Tee eee anes oe arpere te rep Labs g re ».shallh Wa Comparison.|ee ah big erentthe hetionofsthe[Stat Y Oe |:EAI L ‘TISN:THE,ASSOCIA cloud he rea offe)fi é th ie strict |:2 :i!:mon Vet must lectéd:aeck*days -from|tl 0 da:m atta ti ig :ai Saha BE rdan38 aeeeea Witness.andnatting:under:the eastigation r.Poolgave him on thestump,-ve to his falsifying the pledges for’a Judgeship-in prospeet,:and:‘the+ /6f:a letter recommending ‘bim-. i -the le Rock untain,‘and “thé Ie,an only child’th:::I the.im se to thatposition,musthave stretch- éompe-Fm ma manhood.’But.while:Z|more distant.apie lug.Ridge;i (Atterwal i htery marr)ini i ‘be mentioned for:thi ah By ed his memory.and gone beyond what,é arge:in the|©?anak m ea er Tne I the’a pm of Ki er,swhecenpon +s Dee raete a man who rev:Comat 5.Was'said,or else-Mr.Poolas guilty of.East Sea oe Western’people;|ehays art large,enough’he distance,sea nidere:(Mr.:Hal 3t has Wen:pretty welliprowen hs orate Abbrneh “iil Ioecs the Union and adveeates theen.inconsistency,whichis not-charged.a- ———“gia?the f peck se |Oe DerIey Of every wes ap Tce ees y pub made gochey a ball youn seve :cement ela ninst him,a en eee:ote ie poeee age Soa ER ne fi hid oe a assertion,Mr:Pool:voted inateIn1856-7 for the Wilming-~ arlotte and,,Rutherford Rail :P pcleucewh:a Ae |broug)i da “Dee iae RL a ee a ee)‘‘ite and French’Broad ‘Rail this respéct.—anit tf uch rom:the ‘mm.re as.diape io Pema et MADE EON tear nae,ake ave:,,all to beset the:mountain’Fe! to ee eaeerers,the :Perey take gene hed sph th if qua:i Ma :‘Ry UE i Rar ae : a >e think:the viliabiity.of this wits.euaaybeinferredfrombiscondictabostated.The evidence of.aman —.,duld act asMri Jordan has done,.‘to be received with many.oaof.‘allowance,especiall at.this.when his:letter-is,Soeenided’toaPoolinthemonn-a~We are certain thatin-own,mee no attention would be.aid,to anything he -would say,for,evious course in falsifying.his2shassatisfiedthepeopleofthatm.that heis.not reliable;qthemanthatisasked,if.John an the event Of has selection,~ e,It eee in-good os ee ‘of the.ones eople”for’rp ;i eh ol.‘Brow hasia’t »Rioth attached to:barbatiey abou &i,f ne:for 7 aah is;not Ad that |Everat .the-men ‘toils e loping the resourmieHenneeee|OR GO nthusiasm to the hea Cr eer Ray Valorem,«Lat thie!be wedersioga 12 d don’t x se th es ciate:mn:ekpe- we oes Oe f :q ts ia fi Wee ae 8 oe ;.A ;.Y ;fi Y Wotan: :will .ca ek the answer of:n for Mr:Pool:-If his‘pastlife each !eLIS.index to what,he will.ent ‘ <eee ely ike eer Creel:sips gukad fs a uf ee galt cap partene that helabourd continne:Pe ee >the needhave no fears as to her ip-©_ee eb ee J arks|County,the good old S {Soares oe ements sicfain nd eC anf alice eis ia oe WHE Sen ANG,MOO-BOTTS toon tn fates,ho willfavor thew as:ho,besi.ee Mine ste?a nee at geet Re Renae a oh s c ap 4 cue D ms a an lama?means (Bi z eage:S s ‘Ore:“.county and has:based u da redeemed;4 ‘he i ers rece |Ought 40:hiave!been et “his post in ongress tehoulfido'so;|}-/7 oS)Tennessee..No tnan'hasa er:Sechimaligners asas the oneabove has .an ere Ee 2 gaipst.“it Be era i ,ut :,i i aes 0 Noi ig ;eating ie ime io in 2 oe 4 ord 4 4 2 ’+a are.wee %iy i Ni >iy Mr.E.E:Bailey : delicious apple the d“ple 6f a keg full¥one~be-seturgly eniieg y and.sunkto:-bottomof his °nid Te Nove.bet,where.itt oe the winteroud anti}sbout tlie P““T1th ofthis:mont yapius’labors for the“¥et been told-of theindom tileofthissingular-sman ius=-viction.that Serofiyooche‘has}been!year.,houndaries ‘of thecéa *With vast:libor®jias oh.ducts of seaand tuntil’he has di %"mame of ses er ¥irtues are.from.'sabdwrethan’,Mowrnal.sth EO ae sNotsadangeronre te ee fansFatnity.eGMOREueholes6aie>. DERTRTS Pyarex ,:.Siem Roaches!Nine:—_hale GebeaeNb >)RageMuteMoth——Me:NTH Coe Ele —Taged ta OnisiFow=Anfinals,she hemias eee fortyniot:Fee by et1NeyISRAELNeAYparsext:abliniegt iiy Nest.5pork,ity te|bs¢Post-Ofiee—the City Prisons tndS.tante,fs Steamers:Ships dete ¢hy LBiitely,:Aa ast.Sick2Sélake&e—and be,dire than,20,900 privatecfamiliew?::“tg Detig inte end:‘Rétazere’every where’sethietn.sewn By.Tews.*£5-Ww Hel geske Delersjieal”the bveriee:CltiesBpSBesetofwptirionsimituthssiefHe$4.00 Supple Gein meats.eaeeee>Adareina ordermPgfor “Cire ninpateiSefeike+sie Boe ae ‘ Ss Sin ‘tnidksSioa son Thedin:Suny,st IureaidenndeShumexGiatrvieminthePitycarOBESAge:ié5Sammatycompreticnto.Monthy ‘the tos rt fyi ia devotess menlie r of the Me ee Sa Stateville Sune pat:& Lae Xone pagie oo Say ¥e —:"4atacalledcommpnic:atin st}hickos iite at Ni tae pee©)POSTAL TY.ML,deed in gh)Masonic.ball i Beeruvilte,Sate‘vrday-evening,tun:23d APL 8ay§CTS.the bers :;“ing:Preamlse arid Besobatincta:wasn Fan iimoushyF eoutte 6=NAW hereax,Ut hath,plehsed:Atniztiry!Gabighia Wise pra:;csVidkumbe:to repoove””frcuy anytly bur estebren Peieud’¢ie ee THOMAS MIVOENG.“ihe “igie hent obeh heoefurdutythiwdeyfoconsintetheature:-BysieReseed.Bh:ti,igdrat t ria’Codceliteustened$1%nae ofan upright ambrxrpiplary:laembors tha,itanstty,eKKindandateetionateibang,eibk father:erie the!comers.eXsodeyim.Whiehi he mee anal t of adel:valimadle git pete.fPeodreit.ca stat *Oe ckDigationn “ye spate Me “and accotntetile heir by PwdhEbe rstrictaceqantofthe.ged Aries ied<nie finalsauimons comes xé'may hey“pare‘Resolved,That)wry tender the whlow San‘triendyof the Presentsfine hes It+Bietion: ys emery ofous Heeeaadelheats or >hf mourning:fur thirty:date,meslothedwithmotrningforthree*h:Resolved,That trek Reere ~S Resolutions tithe widow'ot day be veh>the Extitors of théCiwerolign,‘Kat huaalean Irede'iE,Exp"tet publication,antthet other:pa parw:bePeapitinntied tees“Resolved,That.we.de-yvore puedoif DragBeNORontdeer:aol hi“Riteie Sod Rneebassons de ceiterins Charcli.ve aro oficlent Piderda:’Of pllversity?area th. paulstencdSegithecinos,“gratifying.idenceof his Me fr¥.Heloved.TPRor the eke if his famity+bat he was nut dteaid'to lecfeotingshamired~S0 Was abseit fronrthe ‘body he would be!Ppyland.Tixberravad ‘family:Arid iattietal:’ic deft Gomonru as thowe ‘who have wo bopes!l“ten *Dlesaed are:the ‘dead which,BS Sh¢ bencefirth:yen.arith the Spirit cMaktheirlaborsandtheidalya:dae ;Bacoar Beef /=0)noe Beeswax O25,Ge Batter |“a55 Xuco TswoesOLEp@Nies Aeaendles,ws ae Tallow.$og 2 daman- Ftine~030:aneeerm:ETO ea \Péak1Ghickens0.10 (qb122 Te etDriedApples,-Rice ‘peeled fo:25 00"sed Peaches,:_.peeled“unpeeled):( t Peet,Pons 10 = ar mas RM:* Sides’0-44 apa l Pe Bea “Hog «@ ie(ah Ie,\‘Beeswax 022 £40.07 ~Butters!015 <UA00. a Canilles,*“Adaman- ceed Liven and ¢a ‘ente : annoy coe tb 6 ttihe:O95La 030:Sperni (aes neehatte:Ras ‘Rte OEE tal iz :Laguira Olt.i ~Fava,OR ilu} tie "good o0g ‘aa ;»Ordin to's ota tisid.o0sr(eier es su :3 es sp66 25.Ei.Tnebags SIO LaF 12Spent300'(430-00FineO09G00=:Wheat 1:5 @A35;oatCorn”0%(6 saeLebitionsGait! #bbl,560, “E sack 27ronbard description ; Te tredtalortt ;:ae etorMithas,Shawtsot a Ge where heywillx4tian.a'large and 7 a ais ‘les=hee Robes,from $1 to'$104Tans,<a h : €alico;ar eybentBrilifauait, eC LOvE Pa‘Onte,:mS]¢1o°#25 :eonts t $7 56!Ve ts,fr i.Oe ashes:2-00.cay00; Se to 25 : :RerChiidren Shoes.from 3 cts.Bovs:and Misses from)50‘~Boots,.225 to 600,;Laeteat’‘manyother articles.‘on}}eFOMS to Inention,+We intend»Basiness.on the CASIDSys-every oonabe Wishes tabiry.:WS!8?call "before pure’ing.here,Come and ‘try'nat 7 Qs iPAMMERSHE:AG &MENDELS. 5 erieaeaeeae‘gut!i,a i1necorsaryoutbuildings,aterou'the lots |8 wishing desirable’residence |fice,”willido wellfeet ene and *ome,Avent-torihe snicsohneeMIELICR&,0028=|eEtCBLEBRATED.-THRESHING MACHINES,:given Universa)satixfaction:whet:éandate"ainiwhensold,to" 8 OF no sale:|seraeMachinewillthposly:sida,wheatfem straw,125 t@ 150 bueh--.LA tne hora;200th 2Mbashes.a -comp bined.winhowerlean20).to a bushels |per fae pesiwitlbe feliveredsin Fayeltevifie,hora’,Or any Point on the:North Curice , -wer,i -, ¢ ‘Pers aS.ress to aca ThreshingMaytheapproachingHarvest,should10aefettingthemihtime..rin ormation,address the anh.tore,Randolph coi,N,Ce:-60H xt B.PROY.ech Egy >ae Si 7we.wil Pe Pleseet to.atom gheeicesen fee Salad Wark “Tanner'sners’and.Curriers’Tools,| 'Leather tu the ronglwhich|the:highest market price|".* Prices,Chadsepon thek best terpis a given‘in cazb,:mr-tak ox,change i.s Bathe dtr Tearze tod” le:Good.Wheat. Seer :c“Giteand-nie,ees sou sell.= 0),G.POARD,,. 465 $HOTS.91 u 12:13.414151617 181920 21°2223:24:2526 ST- :c 28.298031.o>oetbwe a :Depece ce tagh wate cele” May.)oo:Novem... Pete pk Sy 1 45 6 7 8910iglogyak 9 ; Sereoe 0. ' %Socotra fra ®Sr a canod cheen ont ta cakti mundame exceplad SWERE lds iotmad Row ae eet ee ees Ibe tr a 3 saersilk;‘ER a lt i Ry Ey nah nf my -bs a a a i i ye nite :mn eg -48.11:4 hs OAL Heine kinds Cree 5 Sitawe be rivets.i com Pe aioe Fac sa i yee.eee ae cay:at by 22:{igri opal ss €i?fi 2 :err ane,;eying:‘i ‘.4 es ke ~23 2426127 ;Be SEs tte SHEE Tel ROW:WARES, :Sswill iaakes to'order:‘and Sasson‘te.site.:::|:ipo ¥3 everydeiand gn their Hoe of ee ap,Alannine’d County:Cy os nt th MS ie etirer worrst be pairwallds vert nde Manufacturers of cA ie Bib eo |e personal shat Offers his \disetowal secnesptanh ak re ee oe pt atten es :ewig.oh ge EecEn aie 0 ‘Hiree spat 18ber f EN f &elin ane ae ’a _College.Avenue,opposite the ae sRlicindsOfkesube tasers 18 prehenee ir se ;Seer oy en ee Seer east RA QD -s miitites DONS NOOR Vadis.t oh Stat <3 ee fi nacht Qa Goreyand’Pewsey Wante geiko de,;ea 4 ; ‘January,ark mite ft SEAVING Eee themeelves:.‘én the >ia poeere of es Wh offer ir Servi 40 the public po-the cersige so (BOTH,willbe.wai, “flee sear wewestof ic“pealEx-:ee “et.28.tHE :.5 “Moatacige by :SHEaeeweCakolin no ighest price.ta ay Vea cy LANES CF iB ee :BRS “where B));Wea eet ot VING S psd peas Siena “a =Lonel vill Be paid:,i a :ic 4 entiosaesctbat our’oneiderit :eh E DUAR.Ks E Jon Store =aOMEN’SHOE Sa MUR |Sates See ee Bre pr ies eae co HARDWARE, et we wk1G SANES Thom ;t :é ;: ar ie,on Care’na.Forer ,3 a 2 GSW.STO-Slateevile Nebruary Me S60.: ©.M.&G-ONES an ENDS WHAF GNTOUR:SereJiaeecetmaeoesoncathe raneBeBested Sintee.1 Werseoat *. Brogans,for negro wear, ed 0 do good RerviCe The.patronage ot the Southern proplerespectfullysolicitedto:this Home Establimeter‘thie ciesutrasnrcevendie iniAidPatt.on Whee?——Bt oe i Pithcoatnceavsnes fact wsyrawelllyeihCatt)din whb couudeace Ae |fe “okSa curd,omnes me tn Y years of every§Style :be ; echpmelconanecene ee teers capt ee |3 Phey ave also.‘prea snumberofdési ‘ean et er ;a :I waitingit,an 4 ;t A .J Aa OF,i _;ois ot ae ie A Re FSi =lh thes 3 a }biped 7 the b aya :ly aioepa a IO ee eth agesh ey tama es fi f :unt :;Lee ak npr ys eae ce ‘BCT Se re :dpc ae !&pric LIVER EY:Ret rR aaa ee Bethy via Mm ees :ot RUPT,i te Fs ;f :Seca a ‘ ‘OSES HAPEER, “xy,,Drvpex,Siar Costivencas,€hak— -¥eMorbus,Caslera” clenee,Jaun dig:sy ~em,sad may Ve use sue Family DMedisISACTER,tetwentyminutes,if:~~spoonfuls are ta < a Se x s Sp e ka m ah a Ts INVIGORAT‘on eAnoreTOGETHER.*pected OreDealer AND GRASS ‘SEEDS.ste!3 AND:—foe ‘ aps cers nse “od e r e ) * 638 Fresh CLOVER SEED and ory oa aes 'fous here TVN\ILE stand the -ens ‘Be ‘at mad oe ee es ee eB-Renee a %ae Oe.GRASS6S SBED,for).E ges ee ‘ “Bale by.i esLHicleforsale'by..4 ‘mar 23 6A-16 Jats RE E ee e ee ec k \Daler striata hg hePWEDrfiveColtforvewerywetke’tcheeTingsorfess‘wilt reeKeteaoroCmaa The snee a =Taxation cing.|ee any fair.a merits against “it,” ~the honest Voters.0 Consequently,‘they: Panes to everysortefsinisvepresehtation and:falsehood odece|the:people and mduegthem to:oe aes “They:say.that:" everything 5=‘that.ste then) Under.Tee ——os~Egehtce bad:the power.eaathe‘ye bree |ind At tiers ue aeRee aA enthe m those betaees:hee ‘twie “be taxed «on thepallayetnox ri &poorest,white mein alti COR of Ad.jalorem,4 i wx iyo:the’tax:om’Neerge -4.to make?‘The:-smiill.sae*—tax.and fe friends of Ade ‘al.thoseeeestion muatstpe answerae:Yes ie a!Tike Be t.pr rewhy:NeooeShoitirhe ffe core :hor There-iif No:ronson the pr operty ofthe:~non-Slaveholder,sheowl b a erthan’the slaves of “the slavtholder;heeans 1 equal protectian:from,the Government: But:under the pi ene,S5 L ‘Ox “men who,are hot“tied snough te.OW}ieai >higher taxes,‘thayin ie portions to.what they:Lae WA owns &v tractsoto eye au “er,sorts of‘property. ::~\Value;Lic ainduts to.dlree lureoewl :B:who OWwHS aLikeTye ;:present sree 3fon!fair’eo Ler Ouan Fe of the.countesoeevery eeoo the ftienids “that any-seible manioeto.see it,at’a anc if the friends at Ad Wal aeTo to tas : ayIs=+things underthe€oi nai they we ee ‘temnH |ngae bile‘Ba ‘iesnow,and——s oethe pow et totaka thes dan.nN Season migjtotaxienegries,eee to ‘their value,if~not;the’power so to ta:em, becau:aand ‘therefore’they-~appe “that this:fairSa ay TieRaleigh,Standaré Hite after thea dj "16.00"Mise”secon SS ke do sd ee EasLehTirectfons:are not gxpetaim———Republiponento—me are.sbout.‘to:be ‘beaten,‘ar ialecortine ,|power over:ve proherty,19t which-¢=<propert oc j tion than j roperty “6‘Bot ‘other déeséription.”'T:<Mr.flypower conferted,$silliounthas’biaself:sand Spo-"pawer.soialel oie Ken unmistakably...Tu:March;185)|ty”ofgua and prateSgtthe,‘pltoning :<i Ee the :“owner |is hisBe,pe o ts fh a eet “The above shows” Hel ‘Calhoun restedwenity,question,and thats“bis@athe{eees,was well zk emt:Those,awh,‘by:fOrthe|thea ene te °i aggressive tendencyopinionsofSquattefjoyereignDouglas’is“/friends and :defi 41 interven£0 denna”poses,.on Sor-ithe sssurdhce of: eadstated with becogtt ;sistent...T his ;oe an SsS ¥€fe e cea ;t who le i Dhey:believe the:eid —‘en %,be.the.meaeStiutwhen:|acecopieon OTenthave.leftiat:”Yat Ty ate tion:ccurs as 0):me,jon (ould.haveit,then*rsare “foreed.to’‘dem"|properConsttitonabrem*|edy—which,-accordisthedecision,inoed.Eispe8otMeia?it}.7 Bat.Sbppose we .inconsistency;what |Tf man hasbeen 2:|ll his.Jife,‘must he aaiuearoguéand.40:"|become’honest,nase It|WOuld:beinconsi erie2)@ man “has:beens “wicked,-“x.|Sinful min all his life,must©=;(he Continues‘80,because to”jtepent would be inconsip-'Belo.tent?’Tf'a‘man hasbeen |}aninfidel:all his life,must:|he continue to be.onéy af--ter being convinced of his.+@fror,Decause ‘totrecantaefulould.be.inconsisten:Eeeieeeawei]Ao,boeaus.thenaticationof=Ur once said sh was’ “with and’codoet ‘on-_|Intervention>as “the ‘true!neto |Policys shall she,after be:cai ibg fully convinced of.her—ig mistake,refuseto rénohncio{the doctrine,bétansetorewould:adJncimient?way,with guc oon:ichsere ong gis:ee ie South ‘has beans idaayehnh|the ses oe dand >humbugged,sto:pair or dest ee wala F Doeei (he.intrigues.Sat herpupenetgyienfor;.political-prefer.“-}iment;while she has been:-¢_|divested’of her rights.It’.“tis timeshe should-awakeity;=)1toe sense =her Ss |;rege 2 Ww a hink.she‘is ¥doingnots,theréfore,‘inexeisab)an ar.ae Forhers Reena donable.SifingNah Tan)a oF iy tion sheis ae tach iindpbé.ed to Mr:Stephens .as to’:‘im endarse t orsee :Seen Sanatte VOLE LO ee nied that,SqTours.sora aD ay ter Sovereigntywasin the.Shiee heli:'Kiansas-Nebraska ,bit:—made oy Why 2:“Because he deliev--hed the doctrine wron —or!5|aieleast oes not ready.to receive ita!ste ‘Now,he’is defending it,yp pond oncee:a Squatser teignty besaBtustetoSouthers Nat.American.| “We wnofibed a shortitfine i heime is:oakte(tat {a ef|sitice thefinding ofthe re-’ree;mains of a human:héad'ofSeenormoussizeiitfotoe {of Peruvian guano,/at Pe- Bus and his;Course:as.Pate,tersburg,7 Vay The.‘Nor-- wouldha’belay .:“folk Day Book,of er jon.*.-We W it des.ge a_ult.,says thatin wilot-oéavoideSieber.:eseet fertilizér.received’athatport,has been’foundyithevertebraeof.4°human (iy:Hi [man frame to bé aed:in:ot ‘those-now:living,|which -;ares ‘that arate:‘fena.2 ‘extraordinary sigé‘once .inhabited that of the,|world.‘The same*paper<>|adds that-various bones’of :sag|@Mtraordinary size/heweGodt}been found.“Thep pei|tion is,that the workaten |=have strack a burial’ i‘ofome racé ofgiants,ae“/are exhaming them 'for'the-ones of agricaltgre!- os Phenew-reap of Cee.in Brazil:is®.5lavgee thanrom!ever ‘before ki Ow ee.:-\Fimbsof the trees having=he.eure $eohin tesa aoe.:'coffee will:not’fete ome SE ‘ket.before athe middle-of i ee Toe «ets OF Pa }in ever cyan par oead;|abominable roage’.on fors|Lady Bz’“Well,eee.if’‘|you-must know,T go-| fu-;ing.toconfess,and theeetWdemytng eae =the State an ace fi»and”electing candidates’es=2 Seeplittmia, toral vote, &~vious: *‘sone mati to give “2 ema STO the Blick Repu*Sthrowing away their,is *henndge’or-oughas,N =telligent and homoethe:Democ“ty ofany-sugh oe Pains Pan : sae prey*-ungarned ‘from now+election to catry the \StnaeforBelland-EveNorth.Ca :what 1we:eg and:.wy 3 and Wwe’arpestly See~themselves for'th jontes fore e '*<)-a$éfficiently-4s possi~earliest practicable.momenisnotimetobeh ‘lead of Recon alfaction-under th —~are warring wit -Iaenacing‘the ‘ONE "2-\you,the :suppor ers of Bell :n ‘Byer-. .,ett,stand.ag “th Ht and ndomi-' j and the Union: anize yok ‘ ection,of.Bell ca anBee,“necessity:ofret g:ee_:President to the IIs sé 03 -(tatives.—The:aoe..this:object js to:orguty2=and.we pray joule ‘=ae =ONCE AND roto.Weis stated thsaAsidentdid‘ioe -appai A ‘Winslow.Ministe of the Treasury;Mr:<iaasthe oo Ju ge eee:thepee aa 2take.<; *:Itis substantially -Constitution.ii$ schase,+hesrepreseuited le‘tines:organizations, forth:proper}*{ith constant zeal |'B’s ed.Som!;But we are ‘gla,to see’him: }t0 =the feast,were quité as:true to: |date.for Governor.”Also tonite in: “of Mr.Poo!’sase ae 2 ke ea i fk k b,let Our friends al over the - a ‘election sbe'to it that every voter,who”yalorem atend.the polls’to cast Soltege,”Rev.:B:Set is 8 iahoganfor veracityandrespecte’.bi Well,we bope Mr:Joniaan will suce ‘ig:‘eeed-in provingfothimeclf'sgood chatacter.” mer period ‘ofhis life—for it ia now‘Butwho will voueh yalebe ‘suppliad ‘withtoe of the day-of Election,pow close ibcenestablished iinae ak eenlled Arcadia,Dr,K HL Shelton,P Mm!Pine mee ce oie:to;abe ihe Sochaton wilweyed5¢wajl train,sees |,and return:ies an extra ing igor er Gr one fare.oie mepeee at Plott’s,Lewis’fe fyndYount's’Tar Dyt =ee ee ’ “IGetgoi Biota ‘sling:Ditterly:abuses the=Raleigh:es and fe ea ia +glad.to.see this..Of course,ow that ‘the-“Bditor’of:the”has done:nothing of the-. Peiciple the belongs:tg the © ae denounced °as‘They ‘will thig fearnto, call eiicclves Deebut wid, outh as the most:brawling fire-) Demoorat.Fay.:Obe..:i ausbeen July ae priate.:2 of,the Democratic State Ex-Committee havejagreed toa _ eries of resolutions,by.a vate‘of.45G,.reconimendingthe:Democracy ofteto.unite in2.support of a can- ;of the,eléctoralti ket appoint-=~at'Reading,on‘theo%sis:that the _eetors,after thepestsin other States ia\electors can-the votes after'their own aa‘The chairman:of the commit-:to obtain a Piette eof the elec-act under tigation.Pri-:. ithe Exeeutive:fopmitten,many.ropositions were made..ngoth-ne.declaring Mr.Dene the ee of the Democratic party-forfestavotedintone:ere 19, ond by so.doing,for once.in his- has:become entitled,to the thanks »for:the ‘Mcasure Was. uestion.waspat.in —bilkpass,not- the.vetoof ‘the.Presi-’,the candidatefor SieSay‘on’the tickét ‘with5Sonthern:ticket—eepassage:Js this the man :abe ford ‘Wadesboro,’Arget.4 2 Je ies the,candidate of for the Viee-Presi-"ve by whieh fe easprapouel 4may‘to settlersthepublicSeeebi'was intended to-bene<.~ers,and it waseya apikein Suctex se(North GCarolina.endorse **2 Are’the.j,” Beinfavorof the:ae ‘the adoption.ofthe:compromise 'TaN expects North Caro--*— tein’August;But to shake this.ai a ,ji We cal testion to the eieioeict oeqth e Japek so em habenue to our:eetidAbeeenamePies:et SPE“On the 3a)uy.‘ fe th st impropriety of sheigeore ees Pe ea e ik i ta =beent-"i Li the i é ,fF ¥!4 .‘fg ty i 4 .by ,a tker .tg ee '~‘9 <n yet x of iN tse rs f +.eee 3) ee porcine Five f birds;+N OUNC r 5 Olmniis:é i .:Nar $s P :™MT JT Tt AK om ON ag >‘Yrurmuysoffriendaltip,magical,te :i present 4 ;4 ERT &ee).er 1s aS 9 3 Mak ;’5 Fe 8 ->»a %>“With your silWry ‘vudews are waft 5 RA :BTA at {Bi t °¢:f be.sol pee / “Awdreamnings ofa wotie th Re.‘i.:t i )nove.ek :3 MPTICES.Where ;thelared Biyies wiser DEYy 6008 Rage ae AU N SC ‘ ~< :BBs,_FRENCH CAMBRICS} aof 5 NEMS.LONG Cans ani BHEETINGS Gr fee SBBROIDERIES and "sche es low figures.© PRING ANDSUMMEROLOTHING-Youth’sand Bor's'wens _Wars,CAPE en}the entsamen dace nd omg , proppecotthe,rae wer andwe aoe miathetweaes aycompe WainaomaELIASitx.pent door tothe“Tredel Express”Oflce:- HAMOIERSHLAG ¥MENDEIS,KE PLEASUREto inform Che cictaien: le :NotA aaa teh! priate foie oa st hein, =f Se perme tos Pntats Techies Nice isles artnet):165:SE Ti Tells You.)ih seROpAS)Peels le en LNor ie Hay 2 oe is a Calico,|. ane pie vai 5 ¢Q a 2.4 ,ee .;Pe J 66 ¢’3 ‘yu Et a1;es tr)7 aie Saas nN ,: “1Teacalectiuldichust hs fia z hte ;yithe@iey |,nh,f é <i peas a i}it]‘i i f 1 :eee f hy h Ge. ee ares aM ¢ : simovteDinter .Neel A Lrabayy Me x i rie eer oT pee.pu Wine Rie ene ee Ae lau tle oe ee asinbois ivieterisa It Dh OR AEE en ir :ABHDYE rok ae a Rae E ;ee ei sto $7,505 Vests,from75 cents to Pi ‘bit i .|3 .Wee :Nyt Bis ‘Gs ee:;19;1 a SB.7:rT ’)Pp.: N nth Seaeeanees Eieogs Ba #1)bo Sonple Boxes nents VE MeL Re Addren brderson for Cixcilare!Sees .j-HENRY,a,COSTAR Ett:G1i4. siz Beep tigeay,(Opposite Bovis mnie He et lar monthly irecerpt : on-and Ne Reso’? . 'Beef 1:0;ee t Beeswax hie CE NSDC | | ©Butter”“OAS eed LS ti i yaad i :1 ase bi ‘Blhs Snobs,4 hs ¢Us,?oi engcligio d *ke :See yee GN one >es »pig Aceatiat seit foun a My Rot aaee ia ie 5 row i it ties a eee annoy “tb the sbaddien afthe |)PoorSuit rie,olf for aa i the fon |: Tein ee ees ay Soft:;ne bili te ate.Piereby-b preset ‘ahd country,for the.ral af Statpsville,@ Adaman-::'hi :? *tine’630,nb good. -Com , e cyokenst HY:ta ee .,Pried Apples,::Upeeled |S: ‘Dried Peaches, os petled.,Meets ee peskeas——8cae ecw ——e bel ee :EQNS HANONEL pee es KY :4 Heh Sos ei rf a oo the STORE ¥Satin :eerBichwil oIfae Oeaan ees MY LERRUE iB ile,)3 ces +tlt i te ees t Poa :i id |oe prropes gets jit «Sides OFT au bt Beans os 7 a Be :7 B i SF pth a cae |a IN tat Reg?OS.W.STOCKTON,: ito |OL (aT Pee Eee pce gor y :fi i os Sateen dt :!nian 4 a “ei!bee TTT:Y Sper:Aenea?ae Aig Hae *Beeswax'0.2!;‘a e t t 4 4 .‘:‘b <d n \my Y ong&Ye Pn ies .1 SRN “4 °teeon ete Butter:015" :Vandles,’*eas ;Ad | Adama-,.eee.bw Le Een es ee AO IRE Pte Bis He 4 eg ;ney re :=‘Ae Stine >ODS tis Lat Geert GOO C WGy pit hi cist:Rayer |‘é ei ?a Agar te mel "Sper:(40.ser es Hess tal oF )NE is :sates pti Re i a ae :;:WHEELER,eR Ee a ;i ::i ‘gt beta :Pe poe ;§ ssyollet ; ss Rio ibe ehZlaguibo,17!(teJava?OOO G0: *Cotton?- ¢Faltyto:|fe.good 009.Ge See rfohoeridy:30 Flour,“ Ex sup?+ dea 3ggistheey ;3 ui ;a :*i ‘yA *oe 3 Xe f 3 »! SE ao om UL ;AVE RU!,ND-Z t MURSUTLE,:ERY CROCKERY A”BLA i v :;“Machines5wi deliver Htteville,, “Grain.iia 5 5 6 Pinoy eae kee7 ;e +RIDERO ar)ds high,|::a ee sonatas Ma-- Bact’050 (@ 0nmOEDGOTT °.Beeswax 0.20(@0:25;* “Candles,:6 & Adaman-- ‘tine:023(a0 ee An 6.i 1a ,é |Java:weeeee sg Bs.e.Ode ERE STORE I WILL.‘OFEER.‘FORGS Ls ‘At NIRS“A:Court HousefasStatesvilléon Tueslay ofthe’Superior:Court in-Oe ober,if moti ty vately:before that Lime,’‘a.xaluable thacto)LANDcontaining:210 ac;i AYO"of which9are:well timbered,dheeh oy i Tredell: ee Ricken eae €~~~subscriber al‘Oaklawn PQs, sty.Terms’:mae to'suaywiLeerG32. »The favorite ~ Ferme,iid: ?And fublinmit it oe43854iLing:e ft fetes She whicPattt »Meee co vie e *part “gupatpetea—soso do faFe ie"ing.the prog es \ ee'Geans,with the ciew oftef “and thus.bring Os pent that ae 83 to orkpysevery”Pein iwedownfore.3OR SINGLESOL ES reaeMRO xs Publishers ue indulge'a 2:patrouage overany former hal ae opr,‘sheet| ur aint to-render it a vehicleat alti‘times |!ent ae we useful ‘and interesting.Intel-| >‘er is transpiring ith our ow n¥portions,of the world.$a period‘in-oor own coun-papers..shonid:Have beencirctilatedamongthemass-ent era,and-he that reads ésinz events:of the day,is am:osis Aerianter Can.such t, heim bed 0:followwena nite Fnjintelligénée:would percepti-| va ote the:peapieina veryshort.|:while,andRoviety.‘becleansed ofmany of the 2 -rabitics Ww.hich:“have:their.pony v *gaféulat-ave the Mind’and™Meare,will reg-|ie i our-columns.7in.prose sssépensoftalentedAuthors—| 0K Haneous a ielegdesigned for |beget “ip “them:a|ding andExcerpts of varie3he:valkarge rumbeT Of exchanges:} |spite in anyj citmng or calenlatedte |ibe transferred’ B worth,npon 4he‘curtent-e:when it aya pearto wsanintelligentpublic,aporipolutst+“when..our-own,to.be in ‘Uhieoyjwitly theits, “We sui!‘iessever read y.‘torto.botll sl des?el,any ques- er Estab bished £T.Mackryzit,323.7,tee.He sacgeane | Ss G ‘Whelesale aeinrT.PARNONINGS nid cheapeppenc af Carr:andSagal sd pieceit! ©oflour pve Amcibie eee ISee: Or wv mae ie atsSSones ay 1243 1415;381920 21: 28 dwileL47.18.19 29°21 14.15 16 17 1819.90ee2122.33 24252657 eee a we 6289sot 13 |13 1415 16.07 18 1%20212223935596]18 19.2091 29 98/472829303)"vs =s 2125.2627.98.9930.mbSeccewaieigys ie shalt enw weenie neiden=:,{: —.:Sree tere vaeeed hee:ann isn ees sank34:5 6-7-8 Of 2°3 45 O39 setO11.22 13:14th 91010 aes17-18 1920.21.2793 brsigeaaa Tao ics peefe KELLY cr i n g e Ke eg g e m g t e ai r e tr a l sh a g Olfers his professional:services iiae .bs a-OiBce.on:College’Avenue,goroere ‘theMetligaistChourelyeatenie, “DRS.DEAN -&BELL, ree associnted,‘themselves in diePractice:or Medicine,Offer .|their servicgs.to the-publie.When “Gesired,|L“|the eervices of:Bore =be ‘rendered Wickoutextra.char,ait_Office—two Sa welt ot chetu Iredell Ex:press”Office:2 >Oy aiaTitelgteeeta=DR.Fd.“WITHERSPOON.Herne locatedmysmnyeeltat ‘the late’pesi-denice of Jonn-Cra Sherrell's>)Foyd sand about ten miles'S jestiofStated.viller:Voifer my “Py atoed Sertices;ee)tbe zMenderes M.D,‘Jan?27 GO.:or :{ oi e. ee “APTORNEY-AT=ae os STATESVILLE;*ha ;Wilt promptly and diligentlyfieba to a * £4 business entrusted.to:his ¢care.fOberOpposite:the Jail.Oct,bake158, —s Sie pee ae ide megobSorIbarhseeet Gate at Nace NcaEepeesRAYMER,“8:miles <<of Newton. CLOVER AND GRASSSEEDSSSMedicinalPurpose,(907. OW READY FOR “FALL sl trade 2000 IbsSoleLeath-.which,Was been‘in tan 3 east;rra \? 01S pop!pRARE.2% a),TERMSOFTHE2APER _.WHIG AD VALOREM2.SWaersas,Great in- equality’existe’in thie\a.present modéof -taxasn-tion.anditiejdst andial+).right that allproperty:.should:contribate55atproportiontdewardst.2°"burdens orState :oO vais.TResobied,That.corpmend at a :7 ‘-»Hen of the people {(ATL HEULes:to !:(ree ‘a Oo}Spi Heel:A ot yay.1B {kivmishes,“very”ary area atheSigterabercabedMickel,€question of itiesof Hit’pre al fame times hid aepie onder -rarcihart:Keaonnanents::does abeneare ad vatorens walk have -upen ‘reducing Medursethes waltakethat yay,or o justiceshouldrallytom whoSeonthevederalbasisapa0pthiebsiryvibabesetGad“Ves |:‘ys ij ine ae,;;Pe sak ee %id By The ‘ae a Fe “a ay a,;‘Aeni se >..Bee fat “tee “7 thie parpose of 8 mod sis npam:peel taling Fite ete pence eseomt Rodsen sy aid urbe a.ward tore mane)sated,ae Mid BeSDES.1 He Au iemey musty Ses ctore,goued jwaloran cams must <t4i 2 |.§3°ifying the Gonet ries a8 ee from spbiehy Tt ER :/‘a.Ken alk mat)on’al oper b 0 dou : *that ecery,epeciencdt ing iet6 He’ee utes Wont”Se cresc Leh :;os eA poe bO.)property maxbe tax*RUPE tree,10,Ewithpowertcdmyigateonhy<1 the native p -}dhatrial pur cutzens. 3 g6,tnt 10 thet splliongpatriots,whose ‘platfyatthetax-bor,the4fthe:Country,the Union SSRellaid CsaAME TROT ciaOE |S onde po Wicca yp eWiei ie hettestse wel vex wae PherCopstitufion puts.a vbich Miya you dee memberss Your |bimn-s0 doit:|Haw are you oi Your ab't servant,y2"&meet with you,in:ad}probabiligye atch iyatsca in hte.thet Quives auto it wor ofthe:hegis-t prdacliennesds $400.2 year,andiwants|measur “How far:OR-CABAR:ak severalofthe prin eX PAERETE Fog 6 :|ir©heed.The Sheriffs ig ates bave;tiHastoeopiflictavstwithmyCor “=4.>eumstaricer,: -Setellow-cmizens:oF ~,+S.deemitbutjuatande“TS:to-youin this:foAmyviewspp*th-of Taxation,inves*eanvassy Eber: ae te this nen ‘bouschold _‘Kitchen,a horses,cattle,hogs;re -as high as theyae ~.PUTpOSe.=k~~must:he ratsed 7b nS ay eas O Wat Ey anor:ex nehes|bardee upon.ome sp.qc ntuparty (each.aking,ip Nol i[imit ta mares!Bae Deincefatia.lead Hand pa poi _venue can gither:infresse or aliini Hem fax tis Gonet 00 SAR ae Te cae Mecl gumnie ahd wpae—|lfaw che (alee potluck eh nur come.the Brop hired off is theirhandwidting {a yj paid oné Hollan,fand paid thr i ee .o,debt,the means ahich be might a Br he eee ns ay cule oe aR ites or then ‘e lrce:ifPamocrat h jel:seeAnd anit system,ole 3 Sue 4 om ee ‘Do Tunderstand youto s¢y land”.cot ty =to Iety “it coul ytatiee vi MOR or Re aM NO eS ttt hy FY ranst:*i ‘i rT nine nd hi GeRs:AN at “us ett ee pe ee re eae?:of oe PE eels Sas ly four:Res,as much;am Te Ba Bi tae 5 shall be taxed Fi (:f cee fesinm dees Vth! “hk,“g-foretold:a “what oat what will not be“i posed systeni, 4 “thueh-confiddnce (Were.already:pi¢~+Gs strange that enough tothink 4—¢athing for oraga).,he was gabbling: .oo hont tavings og ng WW.farticles?ed lander 40 £:8PERTYofthi ““y theimaty sourrTragedgirarpoplin €Yor nia¥get somethingsprivileges,Neenses other fund—but Noy ST 4s pmrely as qirestion:“oo “MODE of Taxpth ‘ easnry—tlinthetiesased« 2),taxed <thatas th : "s -~addréssedt#6 your-iptelligence im,the (P00 %)E %1 ah 1.Ue present “Canvas ‘6 t SHOR }=vb By er ee eee es:-Ssh of Shpall ties ares beae Bee a “op.different aus wk e 4c ad b ATAU SS ETL ' $:4 attention.. Peers Befores Pen Sathe positions. <2 2)ston,youmay*/Srealty beooanepresent “polities.as *held on Tues"|over whichGel H i t t i oo i o §&v { i -.7 mid: Se eLAi° WILLTASE PaTTA.MILLER, ES Ge ee 6 ad A%,he.ee a 4 ;4 Ai *é tate 2 §ea ne oth 5 no -af Pa ua or tae oe ee 4 “ae i :ge oe te :"ne Pe ;ae oe OF a SP.eerily =y :ee : Be es ao a ee 7m WS a %ade eer ms 55 3 :f Ah ib i lage as ih mals foe:"j asit to the,H neds :_J.¥.BRYSON.cae iy ee ¥ye ‘chani Cc bs ree from ri ie.Sr hee ee :;iy 2 tae Y a Kg Ns Oe oe Me a 9G eee Ohare reo st Be seer,ato é Jduly'2,1260., coy andvother [tho “pot-Jamb7”.which ‘represents a4_justice 18 eunP Fi ral Detnoeratip shocts,56 galled,Fe et cas,palecs chan ANEIME Ines unde the suopiowat Ber 8.4.degsee of enthusiasmaa r 12./cente:3s the taxis” sR,CURE ee aCe t,West,gettheswanip agee aCahabedisscheandtooth-5. our headintwenty minutes. 3 |ple,beingtheimenthat: }before the:fi ‘asians ay ,1 4 rs a 00-priyatefamilies. ae meee jimltations.< 7 temple Pouepiernt.by Mell; yt Oni ite it.ra " £9.B.ANDREWS,REWS,Princpold ‘:Oe :ws 4 ag wi)htFTHSESSIONofthis:Institation 5 ~_than the tax.ia/*Q,But the Democrats’ss gislatare will |"4 (>MOISELESS SEWING MA-..)|FOR,PTANTERS'RE.z .a a4 ».the Company “ve!° “heretofore,eachymachin a)gn every respecttobe‘asTepreseMs;rane well the 4dto all the wan!">|gan be-attested by “%-lanters who rave t -sty 4 faeling the importane¢of meeting ever;t -.¢@ the Southern!people,"we!have just"ihtro- “@ideed.,«8 Gage eeANENTAREE: i;> “*.‘ghe inmatesofthe :housenoltestgoodsforthenegroesofthe-field: simple in:constractioh,that a.vervant of 4"platy capacity can readily earn to:work it, .“and keepit imorde n ordinarywear the’.-S gnachine can notgétontof repairyand should|--“Yast may years—-beingconstructed with,es-,)-pecialcare’#8-tovdurabili We.teel every céonfidence of 1 giving.the complet t stuction..-Thatour ms”2 "sewing thanCan denc-'|'nomanyfew; ution...After iryiigy amd+Oe them ta Gperstiem bey sige ie s.years’Pratl,have mo to Gud,;Souale Carolinits «28% ‘2 opieSewihyMachingetterwetrialoftiefitthatPtkepeMrs.WHE,Relteilease, 6 nT aw very aauch pieasedt sO vonld nofiget dot low.Lmethe Futapeed from'thefi iwti be lieve Sishere,fi:yee We Statesville om iy ect ts $ed fag en r Mine NG x et Tes’:@ L280:CY AUT Ut cn oh Repay ees bg #:BF mote of heal ‘when 4 ip:thesp aud newa strangers:F a pa Bs :Riayh a ‘WEIR eet cote !is my tala WG aues eos :;:My ::k ;x thefoul : catt imagine.>1 min he :yi os Sh ob in y Othe:jiband Examine:«.4 ih BETO see etee oo aie buy GMOs,Ether:Jamishedley $0535,waitely Ue me pikes traat :e Beal Weils You Phe’Vals ot the’collection:G-)North Carolina,2.4.:bo Seas |blood atthateeason ofthe year..By the Cimely ° Luclinution and gtlilr Ciretiostaucey Lik tig Droaght.}.NP ashing:.AO::k i atsey ésior ciel Nita Ghety a i a Een i :G 4 7 ‘of-them 3 ‘ravkling ¥ ander iny examinationseXere prom “puabhitiney,Toa may Bhs tes ra ‘;see:e CLES ge ALVA e e}oaks fan is Ape Bhetpit)1 wie bm SET Re *wud ed thy un nctaarnrmence’‘whthe ict sit.“nioild0y"*ro eT ent ey ee et 7 es!‘bs ae te),any a yg sk prope &k artic -att >ae 3 th bud.altitudesjean,by -“Spiionbe dee,dof ably Vahey Tr it Tienitinte.‘to.ty 9 }se bas “suk . accordthe.prefereber a c of. »“Having uted ‘ebe-for twejve us nthis.Pode~aatistactii'o with . 5 ite place cuuld not1gMirewebveuctagen Pie‘of Ker.Di.CNeslegoP “wction im ay Ly “Qiuble mucknesin use—bop uly for Its if plicity;audsnot yin Tibia to cet outlet order.1 ‘person,tojatrel of theni ere wefolie.Ke S could nut buy ite. +1 take pleasure’U ine xiv a MrsBryrn,weSWehav:teid:o~“inves xhop for tprte,a ticabie,dasily keptint ©eS tet work iitatisk AV oat gay.fathily for several Taouth:£¥t dodsmotget-out. or theoadl.or gives troub:ite aimplicityof ¢Sticay,The “cise! with which 1 qag :ute“pre a}its pa ‘ous chief ticetisac —_FF.Chimbus. “The Grover &Baker.Gewh +,baw.per fully cqual to,repreyentation,gro clocked made with it last seblsind a for winter aresaeya,lyewella,¥has been used onMiprfanilywiyswouldnetbede}it.”—Hon.Jneigg Me ‘unable torubtaiu vting Sy tateronly tet nin «simple that T_ordgreds : a 4 Stday,1 Se ee er Bits Gi uucup linagine.Mey négre,= i meen yeum old.Works the inunthine porfepely wud {lap clothing enough pw it tovelpthe.tir, -t. <<toad,adie Ce,Mt“~About ~three:yearw ago.Bakers Sewing Machine‘nod and it “hos never:trouble sitkes,"—girs,SP bought ome of Grom: “seare-sinte.+t has dow vsti ites of Dy : tion,for white and “blac wperiok:aty le,ag th ‘ +7 tanevand never requited-anystepairyamido ntinuasf.8C%f had Rad, ne well ae whe )AL Btkeri at Co, ek.¢i .“]take’great ploasureysGrover&Baerssew e Malt<*family for about:feo Yuirme wae‘;faction,and iq mytepiaiow iad1eteAE.F.Beiruchawep.West —.to)|Beret”Balun “Wet a Richmond;249 phar1.4)Se.FrancisStreet.-Mobile;IT Camp. (4p DE New Orteang=:94+Rourth*Sireet,Tou,ig ‘4 -Higgins*Biel Pes rope (yo Poarth Berets St Augusta,Agenard,Galvestowillbgfourid "P=the South.=, Rone HERE NT —:AIX ADS 5 ? _»Weare:authorizedand reruested.fovan-.nonce:Iti ar {ATI sOn as.ean-Chinon ghee ote s roe ee Ve JARE “AUTHORIZED (TQ;AN- oo shee |,NOENCE BR GAITHER:Eq. "am the Opposition-Gandidate-torepresentthe |. ;F the Honse“af Lommens | ’ June 8,186).276Weareae“NOUNCEALK SIMON’ s ation ares id waitat rahe t“ele - ‘June 8,18 U..fWeareauthorisedto.4-Wasson,e's cayilidtheofficeofStenist“}ensuing.electionis.5 5 tego oi gee crak OF Sale.$5+SAP Y FARM of 805 ACRES,onehalf|,2)MM ssteret£sete Sons orgietesele:‘3 Sv W:Of Bethany.church ‘on’ oCWheat,Tobdecs,&e.there.nee 2 porcine MS \Pema wea"*:Bpplyron the‘premises. 6 ~ :a maea:5 : 4 :¥4 i«A very.iakeligeot ‘Tris 1880 <"the following,incident, re a ‘ence in America?wget haecbuntiydeveral:years). js.L-varritat lired©3 Bont toaoutto8 genageuas who farined apiedaeeshowed:me over Pee ss Xe ;a ne us >.ie o :=-"—:=aii:=2 <i es.Publiisier ae y Tia.ml eit Bae tSaepee|ea ye tre qulge 86 8 9::91011321334errementedcateaeseneensthecorn,eS)‘On pe were eae ee brable:cai 526 27 28:‘and-then emAe.reat f Rect Ss coe ins ele oe! be éoe ter supperhe6:yin ;“<James,‘yotrmaydeci the“coy seristingIntel 1a.sh 4 sy eve go —s Ayd‘#ive her.SS et ue ese he meme wore at ei3 Ai a cee 213 + : a,HR,9 WHY.S.6>7"8 91021 - 134817 18 2181415161 48. i. 20 {2b:93232425 119.20222993 1495, 4 2239.ek owas TSaeroe:“ewered eae vateingfs: 2 0)SMT thoughtiT told yon. Sr =fad(cowsome.conn’an see ear bs er (eo.‘the!‘Ock:.The teethwar @ F ti "Phe pa and sdpiety'|bel 4 ae Sa oa “2gaBapuraeeGepaper~hW3 <4:>>those eeegy aeoe Zo !7 8910111213Sheies)ce.aes ee t dt (we ari %14 ;32 a 1415 16.17481920 oflarBh vetce,ca 8 |21299324.95 96 57.~3Snaster’s he.Mind:at:Agi)Beet eer Aloo ReSi+WePye in ::1c}Weour ae ysie ee Tr Eves es res:1.oe ;ned at ge ee Ee Say ea cated:|Sta tean dite 2 Ss eis.(Rom Mthe!paisof talentel.Bee ag eeag ageaeeeeemeor,Dut Ret y WaEhes OAD.ne EE ae :,ae ees Sa ap coreg thos ist Janette jeaebcdao_you mean tile mouth i ‘tbo ode 1B Ata £ROR ER MeO ERE “a Slag a %etinddcen®“tomtnsey'Pini chei"|.He looked at'meamementane theait,eikie gs eee.ao Bxcerpats OfSeburstiintosuchafouvulsion:off ahah :sa LirgesoniEOCAeremadefor;th st‘the stable:fb: Sve.eylttTaFetantuen iedityResMeared, ne lipy.aeSiti am im BT re Bs 2 5 SD,bak Ast a ns >=there’as!recdntly{'See WES,AONE fees ~teantniens Bt Ss gees #heRI ACIS 5 exeitit Sgrter sewesecreadsrerheSSetwibenipBteerae se dante “2538 4 5.6.7 Be < i F es)taehs,|epy aise ee ;os:e \9 10-1112 93 14 15 nae yo Summexse Sink r thie:t AOL ~seod Bs Bropsy,,BAIN :PBRID Re Sri.a ee Cs A g ve shaller dearorto:29 38-4332495 ~*|een :;«fox 4 oe iE ;:ti fonts tps ie Sot}tS Hs —=tH BEE ats,‘rettdld Ad saicercetine |Sis Re=303i.vs %¢:ripe Soccer Ne ge ee A a See ¢c pits Z i (t A ti =o ‘HnRelicerices 74 ‘E :3 nome eee:§ic a)peo!:LON Jone wwii:::deposit ce ri wang fi esp}fight.sven wort ha38peedndex.)BADALICE iortbeGites,wil wenaeesALYminutsGOtIG:=lonfals are Upon gtsiege:9 eh»srcanaeoeDe©“RELLY =5 ‘ eae.his profeatroeie wertices'to the peatMEXAVATRTHewourd pesé=.oe raistaleo,ribs vices oe f Mamet Ct Seo ee ogots£.80-thoy have)BOT :Ee n De eee:see esAES Bee =aaanotne ted thenisgiresiepis: EL Practice of medie4ranerationndits:roe fo leaning the publies +’°<)pigeons;ae oe and acho hai ae PacedBORI willbe rejectWi—"many instances disgraced the fedlera : peanEEEaee;*offices;for;SByery::cattampt,tha othe =tien doorswest of a :See oh)wil be madefroot tWsqu'ts Harmon-(9 28%n a :saves SPR ea M Yeahs ne eee Bed oe)hi “’s beef te ;4 at <pie ;‘MEE REEO ES a :ag SS Fg Ss erent ee ve Re i:jze the:patty wallgone tend’t6 10:SethGogan tbe ch bas!eit eae F Ch pac testes A nicle t ve <s a ehinricer dt”a Ose ,eee ITHERSPOON.sett oe :‘the wreek:,more:ch mete,‘and the-elefan.eee ae ;and teem, Bionaw ;;ng ri i pete.Bae ”<af :.4 ih +ip eS @ i 1 b ne &oh Sowers ce Pie,’i gale on meu a eeEe“tion'in November:will’sh ON the ost:AL Atco re vabl veelRM use baytadmced gictaplate |dy.se Bs om E oe :reek ¢N Mt Desi ate $OR 3 he se ae :MG located mvselfattheTateresi*how comple tehasbeen.ace)SBE me eA ‘madi diceresa ele ;Boh sudatoscten lenseSherell's -nS Naw “p ee 4).oni ditterent $Se 20]Be aid about ten in ofStatea-- E :fion.—[Newb Sia pagent fd Nes:Loffer my.Pepe Seco the~ais uattora =‘Growd Generally PyeeeoecE:-ao ERSIOOX,BS er ‘Algae Coakusondl peawnCR can wees Sages xD. Jetta at which ainck eto:al pos eee cea Me ciece ioe “ely ;Bee es ted:in dem Opi ns—~says‘tse the “whole”gbityct ab woeecies. rer.vs euaa eT tean ‘SYNE ‘DAVIS ooBeoeeaeStandssideby--sidte 2 With,Ten aoe oc per Pattee,Baeot AR:me ShaBeaaeofSSae|ops een a TATESPBLE.C0eos ET &CEM pels iewt Dhipentir attend cavalfo |THING ac ;}Sntrneted ta his care."A”eberset ihpoefeles,BapeSreeparton e peetireFah=)|OnE=e“ae bat peithe®of tha ieee ist!VERSE ote Sere :Be age -entitled tosee of the-honest,” Bsehiet sae eewine aie 3austiyeeofGeorgiiBtisevidentthat:pre He— -?Belts‘the:ro réal “Anti Sqnatter,||Bee Teoteeay cain liditein®the field.|:4 ofthe ‘Amt Douglas:Democrats “ate|ee 8 sincere,fh theWar'they hare’been::(Eo.waging agasnst ’“the频Squatters;Myr.soy 2 Bell ipthe oly.Bink pabiortstbg ; Enaiiclinn,Cte eG ARSRNa,£3;iainSias age Sece koeporembesLekanlCuca,aae =See Ne Catt Bietia ar 2 Spo 9Varah,[ee a f rvscdnd,Kittes;Shalt a {a ;: :- hed pepe arg heh ae ae fe i:: 13;pultere’!ay dpe :#sf e ; lomdtenes tr;E:‘sh AG EE RG ey e Sixvee:be eae revTan:Lar olfeepaiaeepierkorgRat ;3 ir : Bmahive taReepee_EmGonrage Us-anaWewiltLd-8.Dene Best.to’oe,and:‘War::ek ‘Fant:altOur W ORK. ROOEING ChestarKe “ “bimce Chttun Sia Cony Sa, }Supe Wiing dud Cutt:Puy a 3 Vets o i Ma abs Bvel “i :ere PhindadaeCos)arcenddax eee“a Lorri aD acts tng oe!ptoo—PanCAEN Si,oeloraot teFe deatee ALISEUGX,N.C,a cl.i ao Ties.and gout 289 gs 5 va beds EE bes é :20165:aC.noeSin-LECKIC.be iY rar.Spr em .tn raeSesa!Wi Sep, Pica are ofioun,2 :raeHse a SeUe = HE Sitscriber.maanutactarpand bas é oxder“abdebro i ate:eCates,Tiare“e every:demand in“their,Hine of ‘business,|2 downfer Cash:orto,pancysal,customers.yve>All kinds.ofprota taken in cme fort elitrfor nate”:"He ‘eatsentaraeket.“price,ip “Cais,foe eo i hae ROUTATIAN:agposingxe :iruculon’ofjuin Cie camsed vy Seti al,AY Aihraten,Sad’“Od :t ‘andPewter anit bE x ppoothe na:iertiee jag etealte ae aah cae Seesmies at ra a i aBy de aoe ieies ‘ BYsuas aSsotLIQUwensir 2 Sova POBACOO;fac te pene?3 eee WN.ea: ,SFR hon Zt Dy 35, yt eee as WHOLESALE ’fu Sp Fuomacenie,aeSrijcularantcition ito DorBSotaeieseySidhe ore EINSEED OI | Ri e s s rom «B a &was-introd:te Nat.Boyden,:‘ed by saying“heheryitationsigtosa|and Evérétt,Pool.ndHelse was._times called little ko‘principles ji pa Mr. ithe death—the BuleeNational Des u Derm meingunableatCharpon@platformor,a:~adjourned:Ba~one there:to“it felito piéces.ThrhlyeeTh Sy Be‘Smash, in the Baltime lowing ::4Th: Fab 1 ‘the grinning asea Phen,said"M orthera and:aoN aughte:rang, is but:no:J es "cdlanphtersatb nae 2 ar “it 2 aN: TheNorthern;@.inated Doigias:a.Southera an *we Deak é ‘tion!(ea XMr. blesssing! Was,any have been sorr ‘the'bekev nly ar expos oe existing... ag doubleta cee : I S48.——as:Cr Xjust-whata: ‘one thing ‘as he did not:pets .Keeally:kes wh !i wrote at: ,Cheic party:‘toze&rejoice, |ent is at-ah en >any niton,RXG‘fe er of’public ‘pthndé aSsGetheSoutherners,“wanted?soinething : wai’2 .fo ~Beh teensvereth ae uld not,ret i Bemeeracy'| ay hold=of}pohttywould/‘place amemsélyesFight.rduld the ‘e offer.-you (sark Mré ao.‘d.against then Th “TheSeeae ‘to: |except.to be apurned:Speaking:ofBell,and:Exerett, ‘be.mentioned,0 “sald,I know ; ee with Belljin th y jai Senate and ha 3 firesic og‘conse~Flot ,'sStatesm 1'thing corrupt as.°4 of the globe.ward:‘Everet ee‘Rot @ truerx =the bontel:‘of,the.ae id 6 f agtainments,—a |; souicthing for Be |. wt th:indi by our Démocrati frie’sequal?: §thatthe present System'inee.‘Say’the rted hisbest.ener,€8|paysendidtalents:preserving] (fre Mecay'a ~meay be'safel +Teverence fi \eee : h ; ughteroftheJ%aid hhe.was:800m. ones rane seteaaeaiegot WeedskofRockinchiaesth: epdment giving taeSeeThan!ho land‘and who 'wasnot-ableto:pense of)anoving itis ae:ie heindred and sixty acres.of.;q or.855} ahaaofgoin ip Torseecherententryneoie 3eeBix:tionths.”bar ohthis: fend:of aliawag ecerapant ‘ile to.)the land{apd by remainnddys.in fiveverrs he:should Fekeremained.on it thewhole Sve Z|a :ee ee for the:bons=reventing:‘the vieaie topisemantipent,was,also. ne “ re he pai! ‘fi, wr.Fin aginess,”<hast Reined iaie which oe iF :mt aniea “i ec paper.a‘Before “tp expose the’falsehi_e*the article alludedto, ce i eae advise thé ‘ge ©S°es-Swho put-the-Edi Bree ‘possession: at ae would,s look:mau wo a a bina"orGon to-do heir-“ow ie;jtoras oh Ea =eae‘what2SOF‘of the :ai ay Be neta”: et Welk wi ets xamine-for jew 3 Eioinedt,and fe ©;get the false eat 3 }Statements eb ai of the work,Twa cmeas one ia Sof:;Barco Cae cui o east thas=8.0f"the Couns| EP ae ear bur!a s a further n ws butwoul .Senate,be also.know: |ple of Burkefroih this tax that atusy|anAagt2eos“the matter through ali the-Courts ahd|PP it up the T wa:‘obliged to: ‘4a je fourth cliargehate:|shat of ndictment,and |§" $€¢on 4EOF foundativnit (>rests,cvig r 2 om Twas p:*4 the,psc . cadLand always.ONOOR.Reads as rare i TD th oS iat andim:order to Show:'t $‘“very ;first mevt é a gubsigription.hs will pa eos duced {meaning|‘oat lie of. F,ly;that i had ee ietenaed or'coax:|tion,wit “2 *ed)to:‘subsertbe $2500 a stock,ori. "guially iy:the : :%:aefaet6 thie -is.only neéess :at.Morganton, +ing stock i ~on'aecount ofm ©tyip 0tOSubscribe *-eepted the:ppenlgou:a eaiigaee 5 "the County:«OF the:por actof it.oe | {haxe :aes“persuaded,or coaxed'to take stockin “at."With reg tb rd charge,|W:the ee Le es. ike?I shall 1 hiting that mem@rable ‘campaignsknow,the charge.o be -felse,and.aa+é.on ates if better than the“s a a atithor ¢Rp :“‘tortel article.whiek ‘appears:in the! ©Banner;he knows sdoes ‘every one»«else thatmy oppositic Mi Was hot tothe:“poad,but-to the effort if certain nes2 gona.in ‘the County: £come againsttlici she ~their consent ;he knows.agen ifhetied osfemen"in os Cs TNs uneasy and:ak le rmined t € |a Rs ere |his.fiude eigen &corpse,”ac EF thie alad of.ten’eer ofthe.‘Grand earie Id:‘at.Statkesite last week.The have pleasant time generally.“wizles-be cranewestern train ©Ne San eo aeaei charge made iin}|e ‘4 Boh ei,Bae:$s“Motion.eed ar Lqscn Representa in Corry sft “Iredell:Express,”=sreejain? ;stating that.no such t=cos without raming reon:§Of ouree we are gatirely.iinthedark,anddeed esi aoe wan 6 feet.aAlsoeighteen.a of Oats, asda apaiot a:ingpository for 3 .SenerNorthern-worlk,:to those: fer it.“|We sball call spon Mr.whenwe next visit.ig te perhaps:purchase,one -of|bis:on beautiful and cheap’vehi¢ thank.=to-be sent in,as nextcommu-hs “= {TheSalisbury Watch ‘ potss~ing upon the “eorruptio nm of. Democratic Peat “ticians:of that:“party,©f tempting to rat :ai the’Opposition Candidate torepres ,-gPool,the’end *he otalin the:House’of Commins i,of t>.equalsinxee—thus.cathy states the WeeVie fase,ag it ie Known to extet in North. “Carolina ;CHER *\«Have:they-not,alread e Bet them -*.‘money at their: pe t s BE . 7) ae Mah The tate.ae msingtonshowstowhatextentde-|_ ocracy employs the’.he Sendash ions: eS ‘'Shousands.upon t ean up to pay.the sa xpare)z caskaeegoyHemethey,PO reording to.cireumetances,to,advance \their‘candidatesin way aed every eh the #4 ‘their |-ensuin Lae in the’Suny dines ating:6Raesel!eeoe eetAgnopant ofthe SF nase,the?fothie:heirs:of “Reuben: ons at’ ELCreek :-Sain thedand rE “|Williamson’Canupbell,and:others.20 acres, ofit is goodtheared bottom‘'‘fands have been nee rong Mill onit;on half with; ee Gar ‘at?Wie es :ieee ea rere eaintencts,“nl .purposes No a)‘chives “co their control:“Noone»rent and strength bere’i *Tina,where®nearly |ak §«Ss (held by that party .“@iveral or State + ghd resect bade:y 'tént.this apneat a‘the;party f :: =throughout they!‘nitéed Stacés eS the.ying on‘theiwaters ofthe 3 =public’offices ‘and énitebprises®wider et,ad lands of rel Stirs : verpin ent;4‘includ:ing the Railroads."THe power in:their, exited “hands jis inimense;and ifexerted skik -°fhlly,ia:sufficient to:bhid the ‘peoples “hand und foot,and make thent subser-; .2 vient to the -will-of:t ie who,control: mons Bag We bare:séen insténées ‘ofthissaeexertedtosuppress”investiga-' under the. %‘»tions ‘pad choke down thezveice of -an-“Tipe "Gniry.We bave seen theState's proxy’ i =>sit by:atid Witness this |P seess executed:by seven democrats upon.gling pro-, >37:other ‘stockhulders “who:were:ask-|>< ing for’information—an =tavestigation -the'whole demotrarice press of the State: *suppressing Lepgislutive:documents €x-) |posing the.mannerin wihich’the:‘Rail- eae inte aleged »‘abuses:*We "youds axemanaged,althou 3' _ly-called upor to:publish.them.We singe “\fia¥d seen u.democratic officialof one}piv,.°...f'these-Roaas,Chas.F.Pisher,backed |.ry-¢:by thig party’press,uassailing “vith bit-[ply -i ->.er personal ubuse tho Bats *>Legis.ative’Committee PP han e Jike:3 ope,his anatbomas: -).°}5 die-and:private:ten.“We;have seer. -‘all these ‘high.‘handed, y.“voritism to-.ity membere.-_.gasting:spectacle.toBee ,Fence inflictedpon:abSeeifthe.peoplelus‘these things and’saffer‘be led aguipst:thenmselt — eens Oe % Soe ‘Steanters.Ships,£c—the hee,}pe esuniptuous,; ?wo and.defiant“acts,coming from this par- ay to crush-out.opposition tto their:will; _ad we have ‘seen it:mapifested 1in cea -have Gone these,aiidimany ;eS tn the‘face.“ofthe‘sun,eaetiee tie}po passe ee togbe on the wate:against’.tricks, 1 “unfairness.and &-cortuption of:the polls their 4awn’and reeking:with Fs Ly e ‘the poison infused:iito,and °the\vio-|< their,eyes to}: SY SNot.i theHarb Pats.si a dangeroust6 “alas”cenaby ular’fins,203000.pei Som “Have:seen, ch repeated~are we mbers of)a}subs nd:hurliny,,Ye igaitist pub-,ne J ‘ltaisaa $158 peraijnuny;in 5 $108 te,Sit ‘Virtue...No.nt es;the -day.ist })-~ Coming’when ‘theywill Become so'en=|“~ tangledinthetneshes‘of-thi “RSto be foreed*far:beyond heir.pres}oo ent expectations...It will be a daysof ,Iamentation:and mourning.ee f as party:not} peo |Sipe Perea Es a ?.Orrice,A “EO;ROR.Co.:!obTt.Ae orcs.A TES gant 14,ets |. IDY orderoftheBoard ‘of Directorsofthe’"0!Soe=es Atlantic,’renee &Whio--Railroad,|eceved od iter oe oe te Sak _heldin Charlotte onthe:LOeh Fetiruary,-60,"oe *+PUCES a —:Popstardice aoe .eer a ter ~©"gtockholders.aneStateaville,NC.om}—?fpeaeligeleeaeoa ;Enea néssof.}dee.ae transact,id 25,13;R A SS Si and sy asivessibers eel 4 oii *ted tnperso 9¢5 ;“MlLi-WR jnly ST gtFeallingwiwn Pppillsorbee zn, eel encesa at theatseason0:-BY etimelyfhmmanyrankaeple we bave been famde poe she wck,for r-notonl:poptais Tile,aay ifacade pang“not do more bee aequre the'fiskept:up tothe bestiteverhs:crsind oo ta dae ection enjoye : :Resolved,That inj tie. “revenue for the:eCof the € e!publi hesgor without which it ouldpeolied,.That it1seidlceut i r TION and LAW 0 mie: Se WR ‘ele Ki ss anid "Thomas Webb|32 Esqrs.,-appointed-S. o he Committee on,proxy2851share: “=_ditatos Dy the Conipan4patcnetthaé th Heneeactlénger®.»His‘reason;a3)give"declination?1 mt ry,fay 460,the two,ake :d to select some a -m aieTtisceuttently:ored Zz thiseighborhood,and.wé:give thé rumor}< 12 7 1848.90 919993, 2oe ae ——tl¥.Cham,nearitbenunilesSouthsstot 7 =‘what if isso t Mri Miller| rty,asthe on-’ tes before.the Pee.ple,and theparty supporting themas!MN;the only:national.arty in abe eouin a.aeWhRIsTOM“REPS ‘CONST ANTEY-ON-HAND?art“wholesale.apa retail,a ey and.complete |6; -gssertment Of sche |WEIGHTS,ENAMEL ZS,ANDTCE JARS. *Together |Hh,$0 ye <0:0S.SCRE PRES ‘RVING JARS,:3atid ee