HomeMy WebLinkAboutIredell Express, August 1860%_ca ek oeBeat t t diand;|“aeae serchwet ea nevestoy*ge ibe for the thre ye aHeehetaglaginers. Aeei kine gs ee ;ak oe a neat =e>of ds.binstr C oggaze"upon biefface Sue wt appear,well,abd athortifigation’‘when:they}, (fhowide theron as Se.In thaking dthiers Lappypayeqne.tThe |”shone and,one?ite «‘courtesies 0oflife, ‘and’practiced,“except fyntaught‘from their; mat “thecomfort and Happiness of, to abuseit, ;=Giveiat:Back tqthe =i Le theitand.. ‘Tehve ina.dank OW hsat would Spur,‘if 4&Beswithit?; Wihen:ln Sande?x al “When athe Wf *fehets : xphe corn.m-afockis ioeSaee ‘r SRS Em neeacht!«spor tic apades 1S US guresw het} ;Seed “we!wieke tae xoae or Sheol her’oat,é e Pers aferE: weeks.ip.At ead iusa fyerisa ; obsvoter’SSSap:Hodis € "Tories #*Xai ts,oma pote “xow hate nly opud aes eeoe be:5 Ieos“sigh.tnd had.Operted:‘ber hig t ate OF desi coctachge actigiehor eg:iron:eee aes tfan’ee bé pati ave.FSS ye eS Ve took Rachel to,ghurch ast Sacarg #:. at Sunday}:aie hema enieakt :lini xr “ry ,seunding inthe shad of #?el eeoefarsiface that petenfrouuniteraaaehat |“ast fact ade“besoiled with thie:Hehof a “Ltd ane the servi es of theh aridled gh a roguigh ane n apesValing a ia sconversing,“or aoc eeeerse,nee Te= wae —at aay trade Unit gecaprgint thie:res}:‘|“tip ape artic.cps “oR ;seeInara past’tiem.“| £5showed him eek fyede“een him!stayelat.aTagthinkany!“ane;clse thas, \A Seal wish’thatpiy friends:ccalook ‘and! 0+themost:plendid ships that'sailed:ouloftheesofNeweet she : ‘sf hit “€atch,Bp:aia houldery the pl How the int @. oe‘disappear + Nested looking,at’th sewith:a:wonde#ful dig's cae ab:ae os ack.was.‘Sp [second ‘ate “Hek ey he.Avas/*ic ~for; do not:which nyakes Me Rotice “these:little:fi atthings:Trné;thorongh,good.bréeding,islasveryragesandtinfSrpunatelythosewho ¢it,a :seem the nearéet:to a3 :“earliestFae consideration’for sapected. fore At ae en-any epeemate had aoetion;|uStal favor.in the |commander,Captain Hume,¥ res Of:th Mfirst,raithe’spe Tittle:bia a a ection,bf.whatever dangerous precipice upon |eewow.trembling”Ei :Ey,who have.’69 he@ Shese-results,are | spin faewith p ree the®I inesescribed*‘areal! wares...EMO:2 eeSduures.”.10.00-.15.00.e Uinections ‘are notZt ieeo,atemedHerald, Pes og bales 2 ue,i wes ireechat noiaee ;ooarge-enongh fora Keane,0 bi oe dagen Bie gin. mjser stbiap -more ee‘collection ‘of ‘men;:tents,Serepailee,muskets and pi treeor fence,scatters.f ys s'-disappointed.eWe:ha been deccived ‘ehest feman:Ese 8 ates he was :Ny-comingtowerds.us A y:—There.was:not a mere! std man oka!—scene. anid a ‘brown:felt fas,rd:over’hiseyes,ared 4 shirt,.coarse‘heavy.shobs and ablue‘paritaloons,in .the-el =é whic oth hands were thrust,andSeoaton,Garibaldi lookedmore»y:aon —comir &hick apomene e taangood.English,assured.us 7 cleome.°.Hewas j ed,”he invited us to a@seat with him.‘gat down toa dinner which.car-one’s.thoughts backi-tothedadays"—Marion.The:General;wae: j “on Be.”legandbakeasmalttncerwindforthe‘restofus..zen:6More,sittidgand’aid.of ‘clasp knives and is:@ lively attack on-e hugileof'copked meat,onions’‘andatoes,-‘placed ‘‘on the Saiberal:supplies of :countryzapsDetterin,our tin eupe-than conscious.of it eliegeneralconversation,’ it with hryEfalso-of ta Colevind og a) and,had.‘presented ‘him:with ©volver,and one hundred moremen;which,‘through some blun-:: atrike ;der,bad’been left behind in chis de-~from Genos—a Joss:which.he. genx felt¥.ry much. the.progressive :Ne.have) t)head,brown hajr.-with ersonalappeararice Garibaldiie =on"about five’feet ten’inches inheight,° ly,but not:heavily.built,*withmuscleandahandlikeiiron;fair éomn-*ion;“so:hewhat.sunburnt,‘and has’ short beard,oe |sa partly:grey;@ hi Hess,’dark oven tet)r ,giveuma:oa uncovered,an-airjof-quiet-whieh cannot failas sh Eaeee abe arhaseieaoe coe “aside:=otcleo =aEeIEA SootaEre as Holi S Hea of Peiday ©:sly Sepris fororgood stands ake:neyer better,andthat© pu s o aldi!’:=;| dby.ae thers‘had tables aspoorly . ee eee:It was.a)nie | ' seconfusion,©*_ais:Pec as’necessary to assure one pf|| ainterning ceebee 4 Wasco =p andat domes aa el ae aa We sdk the Tub!ae ‘There’were uo:satiety 06to",ti.the life of.‘manon whomthé--- et emg . fope-i rue4 a+ Ve es a Z 2 On Ve e a = ome Letae ohe read {thera?| _ames theresigned ir manyof ¢ee tejus ain areas nespecta-i |bieand intelhigen Speeag.eae ,ing beemarraigned by Jo ‘im:the:So _Canvars .between:——entlemen i 1856-4‘for his Fotes|:pa lope teow maeforern:iprgvemon §,,and~hav-)8 cate ‘rant!‘mot»these:‘certificat ,“they:Ra|dor had forgotten:A the.tryeiissues between these gentle-|mea,andthe,follow ee :ex ders, promises Sasaverred| nenall such heafter.be was:elec~ hope ef securingthe votes}t.for &_Judgeship,and in+hiportof,this positionoo the:okj xen,Atlas J.Dargan-E ad speeches ttoma rees tNNorthnt :eae eee as,a 2g to <>Wnt A Maks;og €oorics EB Web,Ss VybnLayden,~-LafayetteS ntton, se Wied,$e,»IH Riddick,pea bile.vendenvoungifMier,better me Ban } awe a és sucl e ‘disgust,: ‘and contempt 6of-all decent and’honor-by.:t,webelieve this,to zsdethegeneral.‘and pre tigeeamonpereonswhiisfe3 ee.“lgind:norelative of the ——jak‘W CDawson,'<~F M'Br ja ae Rsk es 5 iW ry Wi 2 riefriends‘of Beech riage fa: *.*> hamnes of Jone BaitandEowaep.tps,is |Evamgrt *iorethe peopleofthe United States’Wo, 1 ‘employ.tite dest ‘talent.upon untry,then ‘ofexperience,1.adevotion tb Guat wil bescaaiica bah c Presidential ‘election in Nor,gee sf 3its grossnese “Socistonsnce ‘to Mr.'Poo}andthe re-)e body of people who,‘wal:BepportrDiasdingasted‘mant,.wito “would,have « :from the American ree tt ‘&Co.79,Fulton etrect.ae e24, mote of:;Ss Be Cag)in es Advemtares - Poze |¢Royal Acade- sat x,ne Eas :ogra ¥%An.Electionin rae Ste+ee Bul:wind theoath Friday pai -ANepiod‘3 theerecollectedto:hear this able. 1¢:people,and in ‘Raperch,-a length,Ge ff Leach ex :the attention :of his arwlitors,and,aepintoases:‘Pore:fold:they ere: Thespeech’was,able,compre:t 2the important Questions |NOW agitas he i biemined,both’State,=e pater r te| *“This odiing Whig Journal 5s.biensold.t Measra.Burs:to Mr.aM Wadi ay hieteafter be editor.ane.proprietot eaeis gn,athe wesiterandwill — 8.been.We.sesh hin —oes as 2 Oars neat afBlirt Sean peistatentoe “pouiteg im ‘the human |. pich underminesand eurrupte allthemvuryes. ere They are.the©Rts ne in The igh imc aah vale ig 3Mass Meeting iu |Edenton aths Hts Roberts,a pli;unpre: er.of Gates County;was :suid :“Attirst“he wasp.Be ad valorem because it reached’: eroes—of.whi-hhehasoverndredandtwenty-five that have een’taxed.Me“sail he had.nt Shout the matter,weighed mcGesundfoundthathisyoung.;thost productive pro.vat.they.“received the J aloesprotection:‘from ‘the©govern-—Wa right that they shogid~,While Other:property less:bd which.‘paid mere tuxes: dpthion,andi a8 an hpnest maixNotopposke'any thing which.~ ust,aa:‘fair asad val orenlor'! jlenee:his present a yeeHeboliondd:te justand .- 1)and should:go -for i,if it””k is taxts.a fits higher,as he.;pened he negroes should be ‘taxed’agretheueandmuscleandbrain sh Ee:Sexrnalnils an anéwer t0 the iolloningy ehee Sa tkfin thaaedration,od yesterday at the Music Halt_Hon.Edward eos irist theautrybyEarl:‘Grey im a debate-in:-‘A se of Lords-du:the 19th of Sp-_The.various.counts in thetiseer sthful iy repélied,anditisde-.ie by:a simple-arrayof facts8thattheeighty-fourthiversn:ry of tia Declarationfind,~°theCaled Stasis:2“the fulfillmentof.: pe l yi , “Said George,iceTitaboon SatSiryagimuchpork,-that iote “the -friendsof.“would prefer Bell“}er-Breckinridg and ITat bsand Johnson.e OERS |_SEEETINGS te Fe a4aERYatfigures.°aia :ee dissolution.oft & not dare,an =¢ireumst Ces,~here.can>be Allof whieh w eepectmutechatnobodecanoe oe cate “HE Naxe.an hadderk of the ¥2 olina Rail-Road >YiRle ou sdjrirsdx “Teachers is uty.miedtias follow:= ae iia days:sor thex wish iq purchiss ear iba Dried Fra it.eetirihe Batwaphrila:has,and duearvie uh,{reputation,of accomplishing these:ends.2 haebeen egregiously.deceivedionsofit,seuly hetseee”the dasnotnot all.the Virtuethat is. 6 Sete -August, *trom several io >>.a eeofthecauseat Hteacta if Safedpacilla which food tha me;ies peesitself is-justly.and yy >cha >,site:4 (oo DESTROYA TY SPeS Y : Baie Beate Mice ee ce Mice!Bed Bue“Aute—Maithie—Mosquitees—Flewa-Tnsect’Sn Bheuts.|)ae.aenla,SSE ke},deme stiokt,'exeryTorna:and species |) of 3 his +} "10 Yearsvexgabllatiod’si ee York Cityused-by ithe City | «Post-Office—the City Pridone antl Statian Houses—the City’)‘5_Steamers.Shipaide—the.City Hateser’watar.?“St.Nichi}“ofan”£e andby Taore than:24000 pfivate-families:«’gr Druggiets 40d lenecvervat here’sell theme 98 ot%ar WholevaleDealersta all the lagge’Cities.and Towse:.We)geTL Baws!of paricusamitatiyas. ~~Sa 31 00,Sunaply Boxes ent hy Maik:0 Map Addeces ordérs—iin for sOiscdlarn fo tines+9 HENRY KK,COSTAR,pecrcrenesSeat$12 Bape Brasconeoee BS:Nicholas Itel.}YN.os ‘Sold by,Bye ts “$23.RICKERT,:’May 18,"OQ.23-Smra 9 SStateaville N.C. f So ra a =—ae <Eee “NOTICE!reg as ‘Oentetx F&O,Re R.Go.RE,v Cwariorte,NCS duly L4.TS60 y¥:order of.the:‘Boat <¢fDirectors-of the jAdiaucic:Ternessecs &-“Odio:Railroad.|and;“hide Charlopic‘on the 1th February.60,|.wang :ith:1S.pockets@*it.was.ordered thar a:calied mestingof the}merchants are in he,vabit of usr“siockhaiders,‘Leheliin,Statesville,N.Cun)oe «Theraday23d"day of"Ansost next qt To'clk ~Busingas-of impurtanice:ill;fa,and it is necessary:pene nekbé.ERPs, “tedin person.or,proxy:;so See AWRISTON,sae eesicsSe: 3 OULD ‘ied nthe readers of the Ex-|/V°press,that-he ix xtendively uae :4 in =Se ’of the very Saaletvle.-2S;¢has lately visited astator oe the:sok*thern.Manafactories.‘and,aequainted.thim-ai self “with»ail the Tate?imprev em@its in hisoaline.and made-atranzements by’,which he*ean:‘stipply thoe¢preferiny iit,:witaapo8NorthernWork,reeat stich”mg aed thai jt:could be «ieee _ x Por Sale.!ees‘MEY FARMof 20:ACRES half 5Mesbered.4:miles North.of Sigresvitte |a of Bethany church on’|i=Rockford.groiA,of =Ties &e::“There ig-on it a; éwelling.oases,acd ‘Ds tobacco ‘barns,'‘ke.—is level,i)well watered oe eer heglelyne "Boe:on spply onthe 3 ;.py ate ae July 20:sSis pS ’ iy 4£2 hon pene oe ape“#Dear x En Ya friends,of the! *Vor each’ofsbe-party.:aepuchenr of praint ae +Esiropia Sta aceount of the’ 4 utes I was,overtaken “storm,which.was eg Ye Selena of 2 :coring renteG=onsen a8 fond’gph; A Wasi gion|ity.thea)xo © isYE. ipodBickwide,for Jouy:Bei. direction tomy ‘congse stant ‘I was surro 95 the grandeur ang: ’Its ‘suddenness:w ing a bank.of Glonds: high,moving town "pressives surrounder -seeh tied‘abut.‘fixed iin =tremend Thetis de _the:sidies,‘and .-Onice,‘whilein‘this —<.nedoud ag I’could,: and:reverberatioir t ~my ‘overcoat,ep ‘down she. ‘inimutes,):I gtritek:“from the mouthRiyer,andninem was.not m vessel:1 ae -ameasterlycurren au o cent ay tet neite pe “legis pafirst 7intfuation’tha Thad of its viein-|o>ltyowas on:tarning parted"cay oe1getupeetyTcseehatA.ad.ae me ashore;and -as‘this wasoacoollyset.about|in execution.":I immedi wats i abe th an am: “twent:‘see Elst:be,syose ae aessLipanddeity!:ia Sah xen ies 4 ¥.wees Lovnetives €id Ya.fils:practigeingshae*he constant!Y thertasing.havelong tad the Se RTRs>|alexpeesd th regacil th thedi .on the ‘concentrating -he“the basket;arid_alatter,prevented me.the ‘cords,T ent ‘ther»“knife...The stiomeofthisweight,-she TOSO,:a“me sittingonthehoop,’h_cTopes in my hand.I reached a-elev~In fifteen minutes:“and tightening my eo>wards—first pérpead*Gincneed byan,Oeineee directi€fot it of“orraceme term Seas Mody 78,Sone4$15°:16.47-18.19 20 =)a 2352 a:Sanales Se r g e th e t n e et e KS os se ee JAT-BS19)! 4 Si l a t ni g ba p a £2323%oe1s i ut $4 l La y ge e t e n n c l n t e l i e eh!==as2a5h7101112tyLaas‘19:20:21 22“D2. ne i KELL ctor jotral services to the pul.oF f . dan?i helof“Medicine,offer: ube.Ri hendecird.Is ao e os ors Net &the Tt ef + sn at e a si p ai g ayeelf feos ene pe c a n ge e t 138;Dye Stufts,Biushés,| ow e ee ya s ~ ee : — Se DA F A ee ve a ae : ae ee ee io ae et e avs pe “a m e s =? % « fe -tail Droggiat x pod resh CLOVEao DsCroaemtenGRASS.SEED at Wi eg ng.dbne.on short apiealike:manner.~“Enterest intsatker. wieh .to eather.orLime,or"Bark,Cal}at the.Rail Road:;,ube Steenip Statesville.’co Ry FE.STMO3 ~E <PUBLISHED WEE eo mmpme:Eee Swe pean ON,3%va-.RWWENE3.DHAKE &$ % _.|TERMS OF Po)Sages go The-gold-ftingrd Curtains Loopedianide-+".2..From roundthe ¢ouclwhateon Aieeohieny‘The,charmetl wes]of Wutbiwet Mrerewshs 2S +ew Epon the,waxen-liddedt agin 3enthemounlizhtSliveierettirou‘qT leaves ther cTigeite-thtCastine titsAndfingthéirquiveringshadows;Tpen the tesselated flopr.;Ki (>She blerpy;‘the pale light softy fails0o..Atroes themaidens wealptuved LiseAnderhexbokiulsprirlyemda:Upheaving ‘neath the rile okAnedADwhiledurant:"-,That leeep the mnoint,ret Hip S ;Ths,we alte toed gto\e—3 edie coe eh slavery,bMeWithiolaraby's cru heart stitutiona2haeSlowNighify:«ae the.“ithen cei :“SWE Bie ibe the Tpit espertoer.fievaOoRefofbravwehtresaeedewtilangpk Abont!the mitk-white,vputited:vo)That batmippocts the obruatplge hego)Mil PloneyApargh tof trhanin iar_Esclping from thepilsoutog Yond;|OF large,|hite orleazal’pearia,:“i Ssanit ahetiey,Satiethagatat>¥+oe ke Inshe/darik,arid Soft,ane sluokmarlinCerrithelnstrongartsBenertthy,\os feat on the roms tinted ivoryhick Pde Witte over dip areal sess ia Ws The wangins ob eigirh 1 ; Endireling with.thegs is Thus sheeple?witha aa ee Texas j :eth “ihe “Thiers:Eilitirs ARG MC separ or ee ee AS 7 nak} Snched mo th rote | Letianriwe hat i>thart orn.Wh Haepepreds anidet saw the Oulest =the extensive ‘€: the trostTaNtrtati «.Maister ‘befalls gthere My)beluhiconn Hise ereFesteeadths:United Sey ese #Mie the evenmow:.for jaead>.“Ehis CP RRIENL IX *wtider the weather afie: “sf suehia thie can't a5Wehavehadfineangsi7;:wie her etuditas cod logge (oneOk that class which hea received |could a saiye old Rowe.[By OA Colt:inthant tionwibthefastfewday:ho}at Be aeaehita Fi "(re 'a Sap le i culay nny ‘B-WEST "gorge eee mete: Phe ‘tourthe was we it Saw dds oa ;ae i .;REA YS xc ‘a he i pari *§ani x otf ‘a apie a:ine to +:=he ee mee Sehool Celebrai ft ‘>j “pr i ;in i ei S:inf siege 7)fi qe (i 4 r Pits nied cr be Saf a . iboring”Cage;.‘;;pee .:ra :5 aeeree a :tes a——chs stherafaniee.s J ndeed,>“ty seco many Chitdre *neirebing under:their ¢+utitrwward seated ip a Hie irgading OF that the:Declaketion Oe ely emspecihes ¢: <ies Of this People:Whe warm weathereenrominitanttrombt one Sraiteesishowrénsuemitichmore So.a*es ‘from Hiinos:NSah'therimonrdter wit+mherat least 150.dea $“and wil!it heviigWonder! +co shode fronvan.o Tyrabiilers?.heey oy %ose While atharcare Ravi‘Fitcoln,the Bell.and“Iv:rgoving in ithe even»(thd allhongh’they de‘-npise as the others,y.sid niaking:their tale:\>etaud tally at the:Ballot box2Otherpurties4¢parte believe thra’One,amb thatcilrére ‘Sate.We wloart belie yw thing they sa.othe etcisy ther.berth a rink that:white“they are fighting,over tee bone,“Bell aerettWillbear-itcotf./2;S15 > x +The Denwierats any Repu‘tosagany thing agiinet ithe2datesstheyspeakofth;:ve they will make goodweilbesateini-their hnotheatallenprised’Pmrties let theirown tan».Sir Bell and Everett:4>"pArtleSure séetianal,especially8SanpartysgWho-dare re:toeni4,who dare/object:4 “amd:Haws of “t}20 oe Mehire sithet pl: “ho te.“Biternad2 22.PRestdents??No re|Other,whiy thoujd'all thig }te!this Platforsh or.time,in Orie_Other reason,iyiniy t it betlike«thee mread37 gay vitspre~untilthe whole -eountrt ctandoaEverettibe.tt Boe « and yejoicing turned aie +).cwas the ascendency:of =the wi ~.MrPiereé took the Presid3“approval of every State sii“+exceptfour"How an“&°Ajso/such were‘the serenity:judi fraterdalfelingana“the States,that.Mr.Pi ak <4‘|ovatcotigrartlated ‘his’tellow’citizang upon.#broad,>anapPy xecults of Mri Falmoréis adminis *thatsT ‘a>)~Wrauon.The peare and!of thetthe PrecRepublictooktheirBightoot‘Paue ascendéncyin the'glevatidn of Frank:|:*Jin Pierce.whea the demo :‘destructive.Let us ldokto it ‘motive that.Hey have:to “shoot.teers Sage a ge es |Dplatto)’Ati:ee eg ee ;a tere i se \Jed the democragy*to :is a ae shiter :bn tears mm su i OD vise fphci fia b easitig Ge :2 R 4 )“oe pes itt at ee !jean!ay >Kein “je laugh of happy children esWNgreeDidedaiitoateseeSeGare:me nm9 Huding 4 bi eh!8.0.8 5 £'Don peechi6 New}emusic,and theprace-©=f Be tang newfie |i tala eS At haltapast nin sider ag ahdidiy ‘told (*Ie oiib.|Bekidege srereboay er a one ae fol Ggares of euiidhood are the beat :ld create sectionalmotkewas,that she siqOfdefeatandknewthy ‘ak Bit ewYork bad-dmembagued:=oethe county,a «Well,gentlemen,they you wilf not canny. pewfoundlan mer the citizens of Oad- :Aunificence,have’prestntedfo up who ‘Ss their ,visitor,"We “Bp:sensation,to”save.ourselves. 0 nS Lest ee efto please “Slighaly,singe patristic up“the.following”ist of:“mein:a :sees a8.beard a Ciniioet go fs °*add Louisiana,pout to sayt i Honih 18a]andsder Cpameay a ee aie P ae Oi,Ges OOD24)thre:Set Aistye heard sof quotes mae I Pe ze ae d ee Teall!deine, «thatifyou-a d:sian ;Lon:a as ie Ne ie a yee ay y cae a rf os Be ee aM Tees ey.=i eons mics ices omaions;,Polle:Flemming 1162,‘Hall : Sa :OF ri u 4p i i ;i ber,W,,:“1ON7,:Jones,w.,LO59—=,-;5 sheeted 3to the Spistefrom Row- we!“éptoenons |*polt:ad valoré:n whig)179. ixringer,Ww.)e ectedsenator’from /Ga-©"feeain tae Spent ae ef J iw i Watson,ea seriate.4WwWWastonwadJMitelieper;dems.,com-i One:tF<:Guilford Morehead,“eokate;Mendenhall©ho eng.Gbrreil caminions.,An vthigs. 5 :¢yay Baas A :ret AS gaa ie se)ons..3,Worth,We elected’senator :rae ay z oh ae SER:ee Rs RICE uJ es i eae ‘:N ‘Dien:pera Gat et ee fror lamance andRandolph:aie ‘thé three’hig ast -bs NE Mo eats ee eda i RR aaaee a Sik aes este,ie \Ge!1 kos i 3 Shee ,;Byes seri Sag a Sah ‘ihserrbe :iG Turner,‘d.,sénave;Partersonav’ ~game,vote ‘hic places.Mr,Bell in}will then Pea tea mf ces Gopi:OF Ub.gyOR EG,AO Ree cod ey AA eae tt ee :Bd ry «This ince juilclosethé te ¢ee sehigs;commons.za theHouse:‘of Representatives as:40,be prayed ou upon.y ‘Siow,:ei tt 3 S 8:ksh fi een DU cae id eo Sake aron ht Sear :entacrg Walker,dem,seitare;Davis- f th fu ket id 3 seption attempted'to be pra frouity.diese bt 8 ‘shat ates See eae ray ee pst i ‘otispidems,commons.§-)41)>fos -.of theconsi Dah CODE ;as)Bee oak ae veer:et en a pM ee be BB)ot yer CaNy Lencir-—Wooten,dem,commons :Speight ;"Son elf Ravan:babilit Ld upon ::EAM ere La rele a ps Seo Y ai Ie SWRA Dae.3 ;ee eee at tetas >safety Ot in}lected senator from Green.and-Leucir. *ery veasorable calewlation,place:MMr.|ere Me \LORY ta ae Gr i ae hd ing ete Giaeyl nas Been Pep Eom EWA Tes Me ar ays eRe kan be pt ne w Bledsoe:elected senator;.Rogers * _Byerett in ‘the Senate.as.ore of :Sage yk dt Cawcpe al Rew E OL Es be fs:provisions peter (BUis?DER eR:LUPNOE sete ee eg cae os Lap rth é whigs,‘ond Mordecai,dem,com sich k ::An is £5.mS fe:(cas:v Rag i o-Cason;we.commons. Rohrer th :fisone are ee Liane Tt $4 re Hi ¥M BO MS re a Gia ete.vice eat bags Sie aerate:|et nia Alf ofthe uior ye Conistitutnth apa Xa in—Cowlds,-w:,Commons.©. 3 SeaaS other.é ite th erie le aise SR AaIR |CANALES BO:DEBTS igh iH ee hiby fi Bay Are hoes Vie hr BeA nforce i wich:Bevty end |:Cumberland and “Harnett-Shaw,dieba nen- to theSee th BRC Phas ea aaee 2 ae Nk ae ee 4 Bact,tHcy yin feta ames Tan Reng ees Fa aaa SE venert bearing aloft,our!m6 Py ge Den Aeon ae Williams,- in,dowd|iy cine Mai :|“s xt pa iS : “do you 8 Bpost atthe Ger ce cote ep rae);pe Be ale Be nowses 3 Bett ie ages Bee4 PMaereic -furutel «ae “Express lected:to the cominons.. 3 POL o hesit t Jone OTE:AETALY CG-ah ME VOTGr.Tu bets IOWEE S ees Binepotnod:aye ;ees ay Bg Ge eben!et es ot and Ansba—SH Wwalktip,w.,eet :United S :Ef oe ne a axe OF \-t]ED.)oe Ee!Oe ;e ;Y i 5 :i te cae fe)throd Rel gel k 44 :Ree Ray sate &A ow tates:CD Wiliams,:though:acta rapindate.- :Se a .abe t Si ar :1 FRC ined 406 votes in Union'forthesenate.): the init ign;C°Q emmonds,dem;is plncted 4,commoner:‘wwithout opposition.~-aa ard,dem,’elected com:tel aes SsotaeTestor, '5D..H rc élot-and Cheek,deras.3en29jonSaterpe‘genater,and YsSiav.c commoner)5aitDavidsin——Thomas,ind:whig,sedge©Gre ~Tay lor;senate;“and Fenkina,”ed reesedem-wo Poll ;beleaate ier..: 2,eee mtry and Faison,dems,commons:*), ¥ Hénower—E Wall,‘senator:S:J>a:commoners—all pene |“Logah;dems,com:“Bunton “electra senator by 425," ¥ieee.‘*4 ",Ae aod ats ihe f,ee pie Pi r i :-find antPotk—C TxPatis,See.4 ¥.te “a oly AUN eatin Nh a faye cel 5 43 i bg of ¢wy howe ny :AU aed fe ait ae ae fF eo Sy «%WORE teen!;.HPadget‘dem:‘commoners. i |Byerett.f fe,are Age}*Oe ee nie eel Jed.;ahs eats:;CAE a Aa ae :Refrain 1 DN eat Cr Nate UTS Ge ::as iene ny or ome —d_commoner: ooh Need HS FO:when:th eee A aR g : a) 2h August.ae “20th pe aacFith=“Sa Ph—Oatober,i J n Be V.:4 es Bis SRR i :m3 ;‘i “aT yee Ay Berta a):Po aada p ta St Be nate bbe ba a Se:Nae c nee ie ;é P i 7 th ca :5 eos ie ited:States,or=you ublisheda lifejof Moug a ‘vd’:a wanted the hs tae:Mae eee|.Monon ate me sy e 994?sei Shes bth:Seah 72th.py as es,19th "of the Pony Expres Have”advices from i Laeie=persaot the State[Jaw,wdeed of eestaip.piamtghons;J;bar of Philadelphia wey an anjecdot :iter and’by him vajectéd |i.)cnpanse thie Rot Cotesupbe ene |Heh Me.Baldwin sells st mpannticuars Say previ ore a £S Senos eat t ee ges caae en %a es wiv¢é a y e +He.d bye bias,sPihe herd:hat'-es a ‘om,dtowrnt na Pe PRR ee)%:‘illig Senaifae been:ss) »Sten "3 citizens,|Dougk:‘declined;to agcept the:gifts hetc was Tie beac axa h ee ROE ork.“K-Lite pea haiie-toamed the:8:esate Paice Be 26d of ,aetiok:7 “hearted gale ventered ‘one ok ee i‘ofiT eecbaeae B |et te G,as apes cee iron ne cal aeandsowell‘pleased }ts.man:Brecon core rereagement(and though’ate.1 AiGIS~neg et Sse aetantState)-he desires to:ntrib ¢to-Seem DeSandsroeeducationalfaeili=|»ties.Tftany.oe,of :Char. j.dotte are.will *the amount, of their intention ~tractiveness of is wove ifoughoutwithout:seams,and very”: “is a.regu Tr hey ze.-the breast>and-w me amade:by a1irf:need):a Wornderapf.here oveEvie paticng ed ‘Oythe.ou"Auzrat,atEag : igeateomte Ksq:,Mar:tail Cass of,iesaigy.‘and Mifae Aedihinies ireen,oktis ee On‘the qth Sal¥es :“cowity,HEshy:Henk :Lentz to.Miis:Maria Be cenety =es who .Esa mi 4 ;Be ;argecls :Jeuts s Bomdegs 3 Peoagenéralsaorth at 14 On eh —_3+;ayiicaspareoe :Srarance offal eruptions and:ulceroussoressugh:which‘tle system will strive toxid a“you ind ‘:h the skinjn *pimplSet tho sores «cleanse it when.«you 1=obstructed'and sluggishin the veins;cleanseitveritis.£6 J;and your fee wil | 3 ven whereno rdis-78 felt,maopl enjoy better eee =:jer,for'¢Kinng the blbod: ed all e well;’but with:‘he +“of ife disordered,‘there can a ang heglth..*Sooner *or later “many;Fnding’to be Contentrated extracts of-feoa‘Tittleof the virtue of Seenparitie,ng else...g late years thepublic javebeen:mis-ge-bottles,pretending to giveictofSarsaiparillaforonedollar.=:se bare:been een the:sick,forsthey.wot opty.containlittle,if any,rels}ia batoften.no.‘curative pe naperT,Henek,bitter ‘and ae;joHowed’th he case.jex-: ‘pacha gris rey|=inal ‘this.5 onipeae Saar n to supply ‘etch s-remedy as‘the nidiné feorntne load of-able.i Sens opt os ae ‘ foriteelf such a renown fortheure.ever:Variety of:-Throatiand Lung*Com-.‘amts.that "is entirely unnecessary:ees: Ayer’s Cathartie:Pills,” FOR THE _OURE OF *.el ie sick want'thebest gid thethey.#hould have it.~;‘AN our.Remedies‘bre for ed}“At-wholesale:€Co:Ch ton;,"McLinn,Wiimii ze on Santos,‘Norfolk;P:‘sams Feb 24,casera oe alate it,with plea: The widow Bichay dis ati ol;4 i Ly st See bulls;and ©pops oman who!cs by Faleicuads.keewas a blunde ® isParis$5 ne wie tO arten?. Se Te clerk jine voice:ren ange show dog it hia oD should 'aa know,‘thatwhen n¢has pre-p: Peptonepe?letter,the p. ade to.pa ipa that:a se aehe)«Butsitisa personme of mix.aceijyesrd proper JHine ofcondaet,’ oe:15.eee he2B};29 Be+29.30Sheenas =rs ae Soe =e)é%august. 2131415161618252425|£19202122931495-‘1126272893031. o-:,Ness arctan28.4 $-“91011 13 14 154\1G 171819.90919923:24 25 26:27 D809. 0)ores baeece J. pe Seeees ‘O141E15 1617 a2122282495265 SRB 9107p >.5.316172|18 19 2091-29932425.20 2728290... ;iy ee gt Lead)ihe F893 23 45.67.8213.29 31415 16 Q1OMIQMWISSe”beri Saeatont Ee2See!2032 os Beets al services to‘the pablic.; Ayenne,sehngsite the.a ville.“y 520 the:Powe When:deere.;?roel be réudered wiith-Ete r come harpé.': pegstiRo:efor west.of lies‘Teetell Ex. a xisted in heer fary,and stam,1g velong ih Clery >i .4 z °plein ae :A ji oe i ef hes }th f eo vi “ft :Bes aBivapresniepegavostele.oy }ehh Gsi ia x a “Ra :HONS WN PN Ag ef f Xk DG inys,2M,“ns.Re een Gee at ,,:Sons taobe.near Sheree ,thea wh eee _weatiChtbas He nt x Osean Py teai aS pitle.et BMV fora 1 Oy i éctra BE WRG fuer iod:Fw.COM utten miles Southwest ofStateg-ils‘VA sel ns ayaa t ;>:SHAS se ts ;;oe ‘°ssional Servicesth the: PE Som AGL Teenive:sind ‘lorwant'-A pplicatiq tf pe eve qlisnjdenients reat (oleae?the SotoFpatie Tos Bis Fienoratice:.Can such |2siiSESGE|Memaveby Hire :s TAagan pee ame BOY OgeeTS he citer gare oige\licest or ere BEES :tite,Acre f Fe:6 i 16 a G i i :hs h Th i Bc)ake st é ‘qualit Oe eee Sate ee anintibn, p ;Be:¢,e it eeeeas:;. rt was 72a postage paivTadyhad.taken it-as _mongy 8h i aay eet‘trensured |it. :asting5 it npon.the kLe Rae g SRI AE CG ee RN Ose Ly eM i see rt ae Bie Ritts teats ©a pfatot.6 2 ;iRalitibe sy ich :“¢ee fe f her Es the fiugh:tthe s Chih Fi i :N iinbsebor eee t ao GN bi s See Haeien ie Dok ne Piece ae 4 3 ae oe 8 D RETA “: Satatorsie She!ily sae te ae ;;:pe Ba fa =Wa ‘Lerffuult,uid rearet se abe hyad gis “em Kay.to her abesged t é! “oF:deal Tenient eS ai iil,Dy Stuffs,rusted |p‘Window Glass,’Varnish x eae aosaor See « r<French,’‘Partingte ithe.reader the Ag ikeIt.scdx tl YP.Mois roundly:be ES: joyingthe ‘Satisfaction ; ‘Vblunderers pani ed fort iF ¥Tr ;! gearJelies,Mobo oka matet ine wo est age ecer arcs sc urthe Southern Field and ‘Fireside,But-(c aes i :Pee bp Le eee::sah = ‘¥esya“mate ae tan Timed :UE WZ Ee:aS ee is Lge :Sf ey 7 ate Ga i Fics tad ee —one pga aah 4 ie Vib f th ah QB oh Leder Nee pSneeda ;ef oftheNs he:fit Qualtey for gale...He,-Alen”: ;*Sonnydear.ake 2;Toni a yas DISET Vorerin uN watug 8 ¥<ORs ae 2 son sid dome &7 ae i,ay id aE Nand ap Weak:pan’Bi ‘a r :dopay |#hest marker:price,% a You hare:a-dir i a :x :ae : tress ime at Ritaai Ne|enrs e MOSES RAYMER.2 “6.miles north.of Newton. ei esin,ee tear r solos,Varnishes,ruhes,W‘in: Glass,Putty,Dye Stuffs}.&.Hib Aeesee!mip;and:Machinery {Od,Kerosene “Pp :te >:;F i};een tte ‘Serine.4 and-thi :A ‘iE “ond Burning.|Fluid,‘of every«: *Now-a-diny «‘;or :a epee %ee u 7 i is .Q ;+0%1 ie oe Hi *eal.tis "an aod ach ,n oyPerrin Peary ce ite.: go te bese oud andShe kooden +:th th Ht:BUELL H-ardeysite deters on busibers,cconerally,tated din yireprred'te |dia for SERVICE!(rebes m3,Ms PNM a Articles, ak:groceit :ingae says Cx STRUMES "ae oe ue ag AX E ©epee (ne Hiei Sn Aseatipont of|ae ee Ae an aeae "that a -lady cen topled to him}Pao U bg ia ast ce seen i pe ater ag Stony eps ean eae a8 “edi WERHOTS LEE gp |tor eens omic emer |:‘adil Pes ae_owilkbein danger OF esotherestoftheworld,” :Favors of.er ‘kind:MACORUETA,an Fr eggs ‘fer wi ibe cee eB 719 OP Setnetar 45;Be"when they ate red.2 it its i RMAC ‘Charl ad:Line:eb 20:10:JR aE Sate Ee .Seat aren.=:ca ee i Le nia OldStaid,on Broad tre. ae ‘LP ee Beene ile :::eter ae anufactnn G LINES,Phom oh EAN CREO NT oF:VIG few doors’East of the <n oo rinLet.as alwarsbe cheasfa f life:hn Sg sa a Ben 2 Rance ae ee :!adville,Sor lina,For sabe bys 4 EIN rae \where he is pre ‘See dee osadétit:b burden of so Bet ees re x Se WS MENG ee *VING col n¥Shoe Shop,IT now fea JOS:We STK ie i woe nek es To.i *Why did Job;alm ys sleep BS i e@ ‘RE.eer ae eee ;.re ti clone “up my?Disiness.,The |i aStatesy ebriaty,44,1860,Ret aie:Paes riherty done’atthe:Establishment...Bechpelentnet Loe es in en Gandia eee eee,gee eaaNes |Leones ae oe 5 on crSeshia 4 oe =he Lahswriee or|e tae Lilies or Bark,Call atthe Rail Boul roe ae F.SDEONTON= 7.00 —10.00.-1400.10,00".:.15.005".'2000 = Bike econ are notgiven hew often -,an.eee ee | yan:iunderdite:of-Ray to =Hendersonville a Merman tm Ws Crane:of Papen,Ver¥fee ign tte ne w9Hh WHR we Tat we a in of Seoret soci arcane Tarn ae to Be ete edBa ried tn come4ee°wi the b 3 Bad SREPes 1e |e An es weet;‘i ‘eos iat cil ;ot a ‘«my le pe ety,;Mesele "Rae ban Ca gi ere:‘eit i ‘sy last.Four:ioe!mugen Feif158ByBeMeSalvasfecaeeetvesingrebedmenoadepeteteaMEREigreeeiacsaidoutfiend,th )hick Tyas whered was:pitch je-—we-will stand or fllby a Come ©oe Barnil,y si De,)ese ad i a my fata \ERD hn whee i:OC 2GS WIEN '7 ns nd Hi ‘i ie :;ional’}Wey ¢c a Spang!0 “grspoan:t =ss neg.vernal TOs en ee pea eee sees t pepe 0180)dh Bich these truths,Shur::‘jot:Phe Tia Diet bimeiti allspveeae visti aah week to spend a few|re-.EL::st 2”;onl lta aenonFridaytheytookan;igh falls of Little ter satis their:wi Beautiful’end emante staioShyOftheplace,they.concindedjust:bathe their wearied bodies ;in thepure waters:of ‘the beeutiful..iriver,when Mr.P.D.Gol of tone;:©,in:attemptingtowade...ediately on the topofthe —ippedupby the eloity ofndthe:smoothneés'of reck,:down a precipiceofSbout.dred and fifty feet;and strange-be,came,ae The wa-=,xy ae,=aesmalldigressiononaeaeandshavethrownhimupon.the rocks stébfthefall;“Phis fell is:,but not perpendgcular,for..-.-ict obedincaled feet,when cevegnace,ane the ear eséthirtyorfortyfeet.Mr.’ ntfeet oremosturifil he came 7nigplace,wherehé turned 2 sum- cot bei ; ferapinntesScinedhig-comrades |aofthe:falls.)*. ie:i Y ?“2 ay Sees 7oetiebiestfyleis,oO 4 .Pees a :ah:n :4 Ps ethan i paved i i i Ps oe ree 2 )aS W ;SUR MES Sree hoe 1 Pa ng €ae sider and:rae ve utturanée to maeeeeBsaietoRededetapsseeelse0(Eset bik ba at Beat a ng el wore eo oo osett,bslosein .te z .&5 Se aoe :yr vk t °O ut ‘‘i *5 é in Ps OBE 5 oy oe .a ee)18 4 ,ig:Shag MRT sted eee ee eB seamed on a ee 3 Spats sith ges a 7 n ie 4 “been:ei ‘ed iiin the”days.of “patriot.: crehined ineae i the walley,oe SSR S big aaa Naege TAR iovike’S:HE dor)i Bi one :eee ity c TN et ear ange ete e ism;“have consigned:them.to:=af :é 28traitors.Let them:be.” ‘than:‘Haman iin the esti-+ >shall tte the Sonthers coe:instr e‘Southern mind.ekageWwe€acn:omer,and.at e proper”aaa a“jmoment,by one:organized,concerted, ghojaction,we can:precipitate the-¢ottonSodtoa.en me Be :ae me:siggy 2 i te ;::E Nf rag ween SEK oltEGES calloe'a wit OrVir opposite quan:nye aS aenena ate et 6 .t is nd Everett iray,te ooh :overnment in two:smin--die Tarkey:‘4 y i car qa fie aia if navi at Kt Bie ea aks Hates ay Tae::.“irs Paton ves aay:the”Wes :‘thewiters ofthe Northz he the;Cuts AS Oe E Reed :ee,ith “i 4 ‘é something ithe 9X0.tacks.Roe exten ae .Morgan:3):; ee is Ghupaie rae Ate autidae’nortlithe:t wee ;;pry “epi tus break up this eeteekes | od Pps ee Gayle.--f Ssap:sed dieschvs thisre Eo tera:=-Be a|Agheies ‘Sand ela hie hg in oS vin %Th ea aah tt fyom ane |F :EEO 4 S ‘S ;:othe:Blue Ridge tine Merging ese Ht me ‘epectétionsmag:1 adediOnt alred dy:|Fark "|onks.with.a)one—ve impeached thie ‘motives |can liberty;-ant “will cne “t 1s,oe 26.—An a re-_feat sectiowntg el AWE GNSS Fevaihacle gym he Wik Monguoiow.Eas gems UN OSes eatrical start,shear you potting ?”|jof'nd oue.|Weare sntde devappeal |jv?.-Of all ne theif Bell abd ecived bere yosterday.from Bonbam | diS#,fi oe it:Miyata.vont h stapes a cane thi eet::hia “avife with’.Pe ainst’the:coursé of erwort ite rep:(Texas,dated.the 17th:inst.,contains:m the Editor of the Dallas:ting that a fire whith had° ay a !eH LO,:nhigit:Abst i ii at:ESS O Eee ALES Sd a 2 ys at i SHALES pe zl ;Sage LSC overninent,:of thorough discovery.ofa.pian.to devastate. Eee iouaes Vil raill¢that’s¢rats seh i ee L i rot:al thar:1 cil cp ae See eede ee aca that ge te E EDORs mor ora Hae aS a:\rixols [sees Topresch- ;ue e WE have dius givena 's ti thiol Nery ane Mera tally aoe y:ate Aire hla ‘Bp ples dp 23 n and McKinney,w!io wereex-"-.|- Sioras.oI i én”ee yall 8 tre in atinema ;;3 :sire ee res re ndalld sity the“instigators of the ‘plot.Sse yller dhoumbtaing.in the dink ;toe 5 Steerer tac bea rar (Ye Tate:‘Tixes betwee Hci n about}to make i$:gh ‘Salis iii:the war-mwst|of sou,élimate:.deduction,inter.’Several.whitem mand negroesharp.”eth é pists)arrested.The followingfiresoc-.d the-same day that ee ‘wig?A ‘mercantile.house;lack:Jack Grove,lous wiege~-business housesat Dattoapie .0G;‘Pilot2largeatorehouse Oss.$25,000;‘eight.stores.atnéar.the town of Milford, 09 vn tance wan of indie hd |3 :OS pee ee ee dy ALs a :ern oe Secon:tren ore fen ep 3 Fy:‘destroyed;besides which, Aa nasne wn : opeaa at RONPETE i ¥still thigh}:at ::7 HER qoe cat Se AL a Ue rae aie i {the laws:Rave.become’.ace cer *pohdrngme sre feat es EBT excell her!P35-fect!Tf -thia |SORA ED)8)Ke shee ine begin at}tion eddtar Ao On 5 esiot bo aes ,:ReAt ive:ihe conte,aid’prompt face :er ee salit:id sit a sAnotihminist:the.reput Inve dsithy te ism ie:nai aks f:the national:Demoera Sta ay:at ashin und the.ef an measures were.ee ta-. ee sa developed wastolay thantry«waste by tire,thus de-.-ing éall,of the arms ammunition, -&é.,therebyinvolving the couptry ina:{state-of utter helplessness.The cleo.i:in ‘August was settled upom ::ae ta ah ;ye Te CMe danse Achecotare ;Portege cree ‘erett ;as the ¥for‘the general jnsurreetion, a ener tear se of the dead!*Let as hope |eas in a'its uoodichildten to als ES crence;,a ray ae =Sone x to have-beenaidedbycom-“Osean.‘and butding deta th riénds dnd admirers will uniteriand »Sate payers.i tone ae ERE bes|any t lantly vindicatepar course):(sOrmadoin Lennessee,..::%aniesfrom theNorth,and parties:asteSOF“th waves andsghe oTM r ee ‘:Biv 3y oe y pat .:a .ail:d Ue:canbe:Ths pian ,that peacepgy ite |eS Hc ‘ie ath ‘to:eet yas Peace cere ueer yh tlie vane Bae e Meese a Mens eee Ciba gat ReEs:aR Guskaene a Fe tra es a :b-dis-gorerates:center oti ratifi ene fears:thie.Va andeee ores :Mire,Je ee ates SRP OW.10,Daa es Ok vie Sra ees LOiston:Fiver t,ness WestOl 5 awas districtedota :"sealing excey.un ing the.ming iInto.ane Yet,eke>thie fet,“A Scene ‘predentey i if iy welodme n and\int e ‘sir’be tsful a ges “new,sokemn-and-in ;SR on eat a en en TSSTPPT 2 hate “aid :arm.Hist".van pee ee eta a:ten)wi ep th é ee);is am :i tance bf actors and alfmiles,the ee aa:Paes beat ap,ig Wirite Ofte ;5 :3 omy Vane noteasacy.(bac troncie We La SE ty ean There won't.be-a ‘darned ae gapped summit:of he Black:Mo Ye ROW Vrs ee Sateeer anno is 4 $at PDeNS,!NE:LO ,EArt,Wott ee ones dal eonna eee ;‘‘i ee A :ss a Reh,this surdtner.butpolitics,’said Jona-. ering aloft from }was discussiyeeofhis‘state =e:our.x def t,wath eitTeart.meetTaytoly t paredbrow,Sievgipa!grandeur: ero k Aw nt .,¥1 abe Gch ae an 5 y ,os er Rint 3p ,2%ds we i ’‘i 4 4 ;3 “i _the earth,“anc plantedt verlgs [2 ae :sede :oN OR abe :of.o befo (ex ’s flo :ket + rest :i i eG;denne oe dome SS ek xs ies :le,the rail-litter,aed &thander- Metie eos ey Tr F ets me as——look oleae:Te dar ":‘Dow.whether 4 te:Pies Ee LeP CES GE Wear Ne TANTS ENC ee dot.of Seong Consarn ‘it,’i Foung,on IreCrab re v iw %),:i 1 t Af ie ;its ‘th t Ne .%*1;nee iT“sa nameomaiousofchebitter triala -eae Prrauld'be most bap ts |tool ér,and if 20:how i ‘mort if'this warfare is/’keptup ried-np‘in the -sir.’Sheep:fay,the bull frege in the pqnd back» x ee .Bn ae he oe boi i a pera:wed:th (ort ne ASS Vier mers ee:fou bari,are all ona Gtr,bellow ‘Eo Se The Tota,bright ear ‘4 2 Oo ’)Rib NK x “thy i ANSE \a iY:en i 34 yt ;ere-3 fae rete Pe}o>haseof the Bldek scant whos dds ce onten eetens.ols |:)"nenees now.amd here :aa old Abe—Hilinois Tie.San iencieas Gaidee:£ra,of.¥7th,SS ee 4 bets een tl‘them,i isene oir aare.one oeon- mote rede it.peltstee he _UfGen.Cass:‘shoul?die a appoint Hon.3 York,Seereta rot Stale” our ‘mouth’‘wath a “Tiers,<i tes}and dren ure &Tittlechai edu.will ‘et.‘you |.Notla: iskey:will he,give re. i,we Sue,==jaicof:the Pe Press,is associated with;J..W.Ale fers.‘that bea"ee 2 came oe who;haste “parted:with”ajl mere political-‘paaderers. res mitchper month ‘oe jredaddn fore uy iether,weds.in”“|cumstances phat 1 Ji ee ee oa %.“[aunan 5 neteres rt a brow :ae :opt eee ba gegen ove e *dure he is calle nilje—a thing,|who was the only pers senty Were}Toe it i meaiee Aa PSG a Pet PODS psa ke Paar|phe eve.oy si oe Standard’s ndition.” .ee *named so-and-a1a8 f6 aT Ws ett me a i,(ee re Pee a pega P i a nee ars “CY Ledieee ‘ays:that:Speaking of the Soaear"“upon rite;long'agora ridual ‘ofthe |soi ie.afoot.fro ilkesbor<is f t Re a Te ee aa erento)¥op fracatebatvended svith bloodslied,and!prob:pw heh:Standard agreed tp hoist the Daeihetne or up Riba gos =ore a et i::;Se EE ie “couse :an i Se ou ee .ee ie ce as re a By ae Bag of:omen and Late,8 Fr: “i such @ man 1e défender ot.z or SOM 2...HOTA NS'p:eS9 as >have been hig be rr t |!Sih aia.J oTaplor beds cok apm “thi Sosad at re.a .ociating”a arate sta ayo Chak the:ip.Jong suspe ‘Onn:yieay neta sep Oe Pretne ay of the eee er as’an old:Democrat,|meat 4 cece Nort : Mee leasant,Cabarmns epee for:the ee : tere Meee xe Cate dit EN ear LN i tio:»howeweny to king i$ent i Ashe a peas i,A Wilson:of B95 19)-one me =;4 ign HSnoat siti Gobble,”or.eee .i f pee is :Bi toe ahs ‘ag?iifa pan les ak ial he Poo:$5.5 Oy 73 ee a tak OU a ipnourscenesbe sivkd os x Serve “Godor Baal.”el as «Ewhie ‘goe or Xtension OF SI Jarvis st,fo t very:Soom DY:Ne :vat wiih Wireioates Ors faa or ::eh Fara th ta ot 25,1360.. ayeSoe ©Dew}:the Standard ‘seca ‘the ae these:are-the’menwho twould=1 and;ane ‘swore.ane i Be ;es +3 ehh Hcg Ree Cn Th Rieger.lition ‘to wich.dts want of nerve.: ‘make the Sua t Brgek-|Ens popped wilen told:to;de Ras cac i thats Sherif.AE Girss :©SARC BE Oe whieb spuentl [ndixiduals were more OF less treduceds it.s It how.will be:hectored 3 inxidae.iisfor the:1,when he-hur eryis,bus 1m Gti)ns re eae ae ae egal :ry Sie ih RANDSATE EAS GEES TAA 2 T Oy ee acta a yea a a ee ahs DNS.byveyery “Breckinridge man,ih “self denies that $that posi-landinto/his pocket,drew «a cnate,’Ewho st :LL Pauy Pao.IVS BIZ Awhich +i wi BCC |THAR We ne ail Piiiclse OFtid lax we)Die state,sod will havetogo the whole | i tee.melee heey a :7 ee oie Dl ;‘j I 3.At itp :(eee:wi u te :ve A GES eT ia t 1a iyie ‘0}i¢3.i ")me yeas t :t:Tee it thin’j arom ne re,’“Snout and ee=.not.at oe for Squatter Sovertst his Jéft jagniar vein..As'so Petitae Rng ae ca i 5O AT oh gy,-rhe counties torbe heard trom ake Tep-4 digs Arciinenok S shyald®Hise psn.ha Pi a bh Register]- ot |And are thes Ke Hee,oS eae the fatak.vf nes shes A ie Seer geen de Trege wae Poth ;ey H EReee ee SE eget aioe nek "‘jen ©before the ‘people, hes sv,uld:be elected by-a-larger ma- -than wak ever be: andidate since thie ——it Pat im:°i re(the feople orb conciliated -vor so early:in a canvass,specis 1incréased so rapid- Lis,;TOO,3 Arainst:-all-efforts that. ig and ma i¢e and Eeehoeh =e Oppose sthem ee Pe: day of tat i Ac a negfo man.be- jon if Lincol : answeryou ye}?Botsekhin,when {ing sespect for platforms.T would hanes forthy yes eith the cpu,tiey,thatout vote ini Mat 3 |Vip iGeg eine ce mee tee:<liopon bn Ls p the js i n ¢fDi the KLSO Pere atid o,f Was.engaged in cutting the.tree down,«0 x in fallingit lndiredagainst another.s i ,°:3 Ther 3 |SNaslras-ai'g lortons,coms Orne TER PCCES |mie it,3t'fell and: Sr eee 2 vid,er “sor ust ob the best form.whieh?’ae ie “Let call?ot ssh St Arh eon qly ae ae Epa iKo nae iene:bee the.0's.Jey,“crushing.it Bo ‘other disease’thi .;tr en:an ‘| e Texas contains the fol.’e “The ae that have;‘been s wins,for:some:months among:the- srokces,;between the Gavehaidele ‘on-slavéholders,andwhich were :hop tehve iee :att ti ae Wh a Rapa bee mice,calinitate—breik s open,Jae initited by abolition missionarics,hayé: Tee ne o wassdis #IE ORR AACE ENE eens Dave ee.cece eink Out,th cle andi Kverettiewill a.es fe cure ath eon inbdk (ve fi)getsiintat"\‘vome:tothtpass that the nationis in” vee De oor,et Seer ae ::er FeeEee eee See eee te es ca Seiihabatatee vi diat the 4er Grips;audone ByanJonee,au aboli- rere uniibke ke xt ceb.(1 Wy upon the platform concoct:;ous eHorts et the ta:cs)aglea ee 8 Seay Bal )mid”Sara ee Si per net te fee Jeader,and his son,have efllis-- Ask 1900.of the Cherokees'for an-attack.‘brethren..’A requisition,it is ..will:be:made on.the State of»for”aid’to assist in wore .f a8 ene :i :#fs er Ree ae SM Ip ti a pti h d ah We 5:aye a oe mh Bult :!:ce 4 i SA ee ot ¥f a 5 ,bi 2 eed ote «strife,bloo Shed ‘anid cartagt ¢eomeon,)oa Sts Si meas ane 'polite:.citizan lof Wanton No stand on.<Alera nder “Giazett a Sieh foo.<<ee Aiaahioh Caan:ee 33 _ihe Fudge will oxouse h miself upon'the |:-HHSENCE “OR.the MOSt.TCAD esting by phe jcitizens:of;Raleigh,|heck loretoror :te ehRe ee Stas ue “haediv o&ak eile Sa wecountl:ae:Lodge of.0,00.2 of State of *-ground,5 Hite thé feast he awa:pect ‘oft dour hi é ane,Be ‘fol phe Grand Lodge of Independent fo \OrderonOad Fellows,of the State of ‘Carolina,pet at Statesyille on” the E7th ‘uls.,and elected thefollow- 1 Re:ntteman 28 officers.teioee artin Stevenson,Gran a Master.) ey ese R ar Linge id e ‘eis ES A 9 BAL NE "Rae ot beat Fhe ag 2 ue see io 4 a i nag ;a ire and .“2 ws Som Pe N ‘b i N.Ct=or yang “|sippl,Well acquainted with,the’state!di:sate ee ee OG Sorby pO Singles blesse@ness,&thus wrote ‘prekensivuof bnk ttbeConrt |BE!Dey,ilming Dy 3 ee pa discon a SV of parties,states that in seme iotahe ney ep te Byccra eters pes einai 3 :eee ee eek ner tend,:iy House ob 1 une ér the:ey ‘on Caldwelly (6 SEs ale here:is scarcely 1 kmrrdge te d Pian ae De OO ree the:National eer Gim,;cum:rite ophcts.you)>Wignewér os Seti beuses >Retrile XN.C3:Ae P. ethencall ‘upda cherie mens &as:e if v.doniptswear et nde faped’¢o|ability,and‘caleulates upoR seeing AIS jug aria.:me.‘ontop te publighs .OE John:°@ ©)Chelate,Pe 2,Ast Se inige thecountry into’an-|chat Bell:choise ei ern eae ae te county vote dor Bell ene;38 Ghat It Gan't holed own munch Jong@Bo hare seage be Oy BeWefess (G6)Kineton,N. _tated that Mz.Dougias a housand dollars oat of bis. ete secure Mr.Buchanan's Ay eeBuchanan.has since aeepiitam‘outof theor‘treas- 4 Pe n d oe 45 pe e ee ee . e Be ee of Mantilins.ipaiene ck)cain:me a 2 se Ee 3 ,BA Lora aes Bt ENE ;é ZO }i re:ANT :6 :Sellot which se'webotrempéctl 20-ma <.SS:per aSe card iy eeBi,a apie oe =)States nes Rhone fr Ay:Daa a Ree ea ec xa Bie it tie Sen be rn £gE Rag:‘eodandi “Kombi :|theFloss.Plea .;LY,ThePost Office Monu N.Ary eae:VE The}Aisveation.ite-SrremerhexGree,Vk:Sra Fait ei i:Srewieocor Hungariti Catholien:,Nothk:Freioch P >XI Contemporur¥)Literatur :cat ale!tal“gueracially u pares,here,-andergesfmt ow"pehcidggtalated tir inakbiee thelolicitthy’truth pressof puting ' mae of aediy,0 —ani sea‘H a ae pe ty MBCRO nt,Fein wind Ctpets and pustomners for past fav.Sen a)IE In Sod Csi aes es Ages,Vita,Powersof Attor-’ =tevigy oe ech thy ich Rep EY poe:.pry rTM TL ie?:Girone!Bi Hes ful tal:bps P Tray stenisok déing ines a oe ucetat maaghat pte 5 ent ‘dhe otieg a ee ~:Lv w aft rd the ‘réadter aniir ble fi ‘A ae wo aah C MLSs |:heraAY A ee Nhe Lp sti are POCKAGE ck :the ak a a aie s P Mt ie TD)OF;4 Keer 4 via Ds comet amilycy The present eas wi+als deadsonsMaciztne:for’Sul oneivk,twit of the others:ius Prenderiag trate nistuent f ‘Te wygeet fr Lyin,=e:“Blac kent”anit pa sour Rs TPSted proghred:Mn.‘GF,SRLESWE Bt Ra practicalWiateb-Ma?Sain a)iad apes ahcy |Pa,fy atteit i@ ‘4° SSi i ’NA eb ue fon SOE ;"is You Sos 1 waks cour ‘Wat andba;ib ae ek i ba sine Ms sy 4)ai S phat nek aie A atte 3 ity tii a ,me tt nas it CR AF:"6 ‘ow:to ‘Administer on an.Ketate,with:stsrafestitEeueavnpoe|RY fin the readers Of he We (Ee,celeste ica aaa MPS Cedersived hasinpietan lease atl >BENG AGE AWA gw sol eqgromma tae bee 4 i |‘-fs “i 4‘am’bow.réudv te doe 7 dese :ur f 2 .Bh Ki ley &4 iz rat ‘vat {ct fu i,;iy i i c 5 us a lvoe Ki re ‘¥54 ar EF i sh.4 oh me LF ‘Ee 0ne The ae ofLaw Terinein ASS oes an 1 ete SUITE DV 10 Gat aca ieee ees ne ay aie ee sh cae ae nt :lurtish (thes Leavelinga s -_.2 .:ee(Ec pee erento Be take i eaatecas eee ke Poe rp RNS RE a ee el ean maak oONa bean thd)raped©pe io ding sconce per dadent cont ay:te nGst-sat=RS ie Aelative,Executive’and Judicial Powers.Bok pa ae :TRING 2 Sea HR ELE b he pe Pbk eb!;ti i wer all Others ip ised:Mine dply PUGh1 aeo nati ie uf ."ee ;ia a the'General ‘and:State”Govern-- 3)-zments.ItTells ‘You,‘Howto keep out of Law,by ch yes %eae ae LoS "‘rts ate POY ‘<ROT A NT j “ed Bs i i =w mz how todo vour aogier ;‘7S Aegan S ‘wz Wehr)pd sitadd deranocimente TMeiich Maier mee ieee Lae ee Py,Mebibi MRSA S13)oe Eos Maier cies Claes Oo ee eh 2this Raving’&vast amount’ren)Site anit Gini viof :.aca ta Tae shines:autd:made arrancemerits la:i ists Fil Have rinis awill’at sll fines,be:i ret TA a eee reinng ‘Woesrs bye .‘ge q bea Rises eae su pint.perkinieat,|ra ARR:Beh.Srptn.Miraes.Ty :r :::Hen ie E +m4 Single ‘>pies:A ke ecok:by.mail,nid te Every Rarmer,Every Mechanie,.azManofBusiness,and-Everybody in Eve-JE]FY State,on receiptof $1.00,or in ‘law styleEbenat‘SL:000 A YEAR SSentedideingmen.everywhere,iin 4‘ork’a6'our inducementa,to-allSala:ry‘iberal :8 “copies of thé’Book,‘or for terme. th ether.———— iy = $17 Sansom.See,Philadel be Pa522,1860,29:6...: “Srhnd EverjRoayWa is. ‘Sei cca EASULY OBTAIN.atEstFORTHECUREOF:DEEeeaageacaeng Are,focus tor « "Goodsin their Vine.at :pare kaeenely with t ae ane re ? They.keep constanily on hana hePpeorBi«NK "Boos differeiit ieeeownmanttticutire:Hav a ~able,at short 1Notice,~Bank Books,ruled toany borin “desired style of Bind Deer eos as‘a large two (Orders received by’niail,wal meett wiih ae meswae Xi“prompt Attention.Mt : .“sp :;et‘money,te exper “‘ yariousferti meres ‘ o “etorn’than\to sinyotbe wie ~nt +tae we “are gatisfc“try?atsarge,”good preparation:nif“the"Ing and good an ‘after,are of far. ae— vthe’horse-lio P abajority of cases,=.produce’fair and r Sof corn.|Suil,,uialike ; <cereals,vi _England ‘State 2 aresed on af taanure-is,more *eellent|farniet i»thinksthe cheapest. “a ty:ncloversodFaglong-as:Sasibl i 4 and.then“tars atpaider:ust bef Ph ~egction."%Be +“Thest “ood auth.ip on the premiu per acre in. =!geedible,Tt, ;amanure and «0! “The fherrtil FibeHarvestpros} “que Great W.est-thsel.navigating:p-pateed.this~pg“to es wi oeup is mest efcoara ‘farethe pi sigan,‘v was adit whié »aarkable ‘crop, w eather‘hag Mich the vielkceraalier be ‘Phe presxpeets:promiseai i price throug out ‘the?,;he Teaton et : a|Rapprbededd |out «firming compiunit.NAWgesfilledby.the p|,Which:will in tan rexch ot prosperity. -gull direction:OF :isch S Agee ‘In “they .haut sate *gighta from lakes:and®risoe‘they haul’from. ~Galveston.pasa he oer niplaiatFUERoSenortivors;Co LES,B OTISwrite And Sy Pip ie ;Qn,the bill ‘yefors ‘the fixss,be ng ageraagenerally.considered:P tab’iitthis mi ply.Stich 2 animithieload =aati as: and that itveSt IW l4y §910111913 ;19.96 97 REE BBea26Pi28)22232425:95 27283081E sai Sess eS »Septem.’Saag as Be 'ia :Aisisaeae: Lo R r o ! » o. 2 é ty p e . 3 Seanad Vanes 1:a3,DH 95 95 |1819 209)sso5305oo ee ave gees be es ee ee aipt.of Typeathenatingofcant:erty swith (2S 48 oS)-MIOTEA2AS 1 15 |1UAFAIst:a}> Dat 25's96 97-28 2a:a %aOR esSs Vservices to the:public: }Avenue,opbonite -vthie { f aoe. f at die se peste kK,-near She =5 : outhiwesttof Suptey-4, vigfessiomad Sireins to thie rang elesieak |Biesiice:|blsass,varnish,- ses.,tam:eed to teifeof*his*ret we Ri further,by 6i ’Tris3 difficultto.¢isti “toms being":30-4ut <.marked that he:A his horse2 on be aesche Us “someOf we e “County ‘There athLand:springs and beet 14 iat: e p goed cpa‘00d:bottom’land.A St.‘Louis Sraeez,”.peed :bose ALa S meat late x‘e es “MOSES:RAYSER.=gy 6 wiles north of Newton. ‘And gag nea.geGlass,‘Patty,eee |Plead Lanips oft:nts oyBee:Posfimery nd Bee tia “Artcles,Pata-GARDEN’SEEDS.”: VER.AND GRASS SEEDS Se he eae‘RE:WINES AND.eror for ag ik-Medicinal Purposes;fet x ‘SEG ARS,TOBACCO,:bbe,Bei sears ::SALSBE SX>N.ce PCRS z NS RIAcY Mastic.| #:®silences 8 ‘ iring-done-on ehort notice,pileae ee omsee.ae charged “3 1st aida which baabeen intan 323a le for:water-sade cor ett large lot of:‘mess UPpPr’her,Kip &Calf Skins,«hich 5 terme.for Cash OF 0h good .‘Hides.ory bigot (Ones ab apyby of the Stoiea in Stavesyille.R +foe |————: ed ee the ne esas gsat be land 1 enia |The barefacd traiths Totell Lstale-you aSrscd wish’you'd. *Once it was “enter t ;But now tigherd bu we Rj:A heavier’Roweit.might tubepie i boy io revyvf wlth thir } Aw tos.en %The Tuadhe “MeDowell,Ni (e.irHicheypomevnteatoehealSountains,”ridepd2many perso is ioRwcarcelsubortte.tor “The: ob ight.Ww de the view presented franstseJOrECRMYRODOresbeinesis}oa rem the Tettter é On Viet:Tih:arawe:aly,ott 1 the:‘Sloan:cA»dents,among wv heii’x ante See ait iad a »the? ~shing 5: 5 ae i;estay,Spenrebaa “RelecStabout ter bible:rt Ror sik iilesa!rgd tho ‘of x smallcreeR:on Gither ie atsae24:16)‘i“eed gigdatiow MisxKebite onah til fohia:re"mit.formeeS “throush whose:“rreer “othe Susy pesetriuted:thkswlsing.Ore “this sOMtUTy ehaon:Jexéeelinely Bint it was not always!bE OF “stre:amy that had best:‘20:fret},thnthe usvent:cfia ruggedSs nouptn 1 80f -steep,, ‘that itacas:necessary fur ya.6.Fest)frequent “4s:Fen nbre'than)af-hour latbaret hand:‘petting ap this ae step,wheal:fatyelasactWweeaijedih?biely;JTucki lye pre Sending‘gradaalhI7sammieofthe“Viselept We ih¢ ~as <peldely ua.Ou oevarceyy lookiig’E : ‘reachthe summit?But itSree amie‘we could nat hold out mucicionier rewrcrHe‘or thegdemands:Ofnature.Wee'spce,ef thiraty—alread#weShad:cheat?Usre waterfrom}appre |thaw:Sne«tour spatNowywe’were aht elamcrous)for!aie# water?“Milljoas fordater:3aesnothingeave:BarretBacks tit a a writi ~_gromtyof Baie ard:kar?ccouhd:Sve fini1~When ba the verge @f dispairve chanedd ti:_o obsetye;a few wazertitties mbessome hare:a eek dm.our:Gh aa nid’,“Like &parcelof ingat a “fa?thie spot,can it : that austrncted onus Witt,ahd.Abiout’git ‘deTight#inind:wate iif alkinilane:&.and‘pierthawany,érystal>.-After stalk fg ORT BHIESEcandeatingTwneh,webeeancitie ascent of} ‘ise the eeeape:and at:-50'¢eles P.M, ‘eur whole.pa clagplieredt Hp.the¢ |Stone.aThe VErorywas “onrs—theww fcoursonlswitsgratetienl—onr highest:exrpiec:tations wore than’r,‘tized andsWwanly a:feeling akine eck:une dk Z work?heneath,)Asa °Thagudlivent:snblime & bilitytitett ofhals’the'Soughtts,.as Yar ad ¥ se seralat be.seen bat1 .Ss ‘Sa iohiew!fy te nik}er5the®will ‘perp lusts x .Ableghdnies;East ofti*widez One extended“playedassmooth:a tive presitospringsp5chgeatfronjhadbeensheapiedtdgerherGodsBut’soos“our ni-away from adi tig the sutQinitbareA‘dée rumbling tke‘‘andacload dark maid;j“The Black,”‘Spoke to:|Tt wasplainthat astor:ar plain that itsshelter'as soon.asour.companysaid bnotfarfrom.the.thonght hecouldmediatelywe'beg mnTip.chancefor sheltter,bot had:came.in drops:i : ‘seemed eae my nating every witha firy re a tha ant :uid.”T a 5 put.into"keeping ‘edo the peoplewarty‘do:us “th Matter Gf cor “Phis Bit 6 Droteht.us eee te ;Paitin apd’ abering Ww for tle spen is dar, v betichad &to thecaededby nd patience e Har Leone oti: bleased Witit ,during omer,“sed reli fom been bitire atine ,néarly en ith suspicionsae me Feyone Ti rds’‘erp drowned'ih g seraes,ip nocks : siSoe Oeil ae?ec oe ae~7:00.»1000 5 14.00.*ene ~ {EYe.’em ano]ws hops,we'l-beak!ut 8b mate shake sot the: spasm catorted Me ae te angled’spb,hethrew himseln|stetn featores for'a moment;snd ent-mp.“Father.and simsrewthemselvesintodne:‘another’s --Face.fainted,and Mrs.0; tle.the.Prince visitswhata:4ime-he will have:siresto ‘be received “a ereatrategentleman,”to We sure;“but.‘wha,on earth "political maste r-.obeyale s thedeat eed iif oearae)ey a eeatsof.(at city.e )under,in the belief that with sachductionthey:maybe eee: v4 Hee anf.last,this:placesPratarataaaly)quiet,butone or twaResanentiisdedstatingatreplacethoughaccounts .ma:the sao haveall ongbone Se g a pe b ing and stabbinfdepationty2 . . oo o > ss p ha n s ia a i l a e ap Mi a h LA R op siclni e ta a b n e s ni t e «>, ameioccarrence:..Fane occarr <, Soe to.¥08,Tor .20 fey of the re 7 judgment,make |haeey ofthe reftedti os ters of the Uni ce election,forsd ;Everett,th canlidates ie polanTeepa may live,mustadnih shat out politi-;‘ eal condition cat,this time Js at,of wnnatural’anid alaris as ‘eduntries,‘govern “hodies,there are,: _polities!parties.!The natural®diy cee of these is inpre a he cer ties, ne oe ace onder variou Tepre@s sated,OF these*pringiples;th=eaestifat:the yaerthespirit?weak “natural antagoni disturbed.«in .eaeaSwithin’these:‘States <8 “tion it hadaSSar.Sie nearly alt=>time.t6 this it,.erfally moving. "}?passions of a pott‘ty,andit cannot’ ‘considerably enhanc oeand adu Anis ait PEN: 3 ‘patriotism’3;“their adjustment -Spirit of generous eoncessi “hanimouspai ae asia “Was no:0.porti oeimited Stitt aoneg |forcein ‘of theStates;‘ se to-. ‘but it had n »this.positio Presidential eleetio 31852,Mr.Hale,1perree-8oil party, ee ;votes,.ito Mr. a+strife wereIct loose by“ring between the,Bresid of:1852,sand ot: “abrogation 6sviniseyime1854 he “acts i+ san the Unda.So gr produced by-these causes"sof Mr.Hale's meagre’Col.Fremont,‘the:Re~date;:‘had 1,3 SE. -an’s 1 838.2“STAT ‘Sine that time the Repub-|pa: ““hean party has. --as it ever did.” Bes oF,THE, :S ‘ers to represerit the .Missouri com :cakes are wont ‘sbut such,speakers:show: x ete than love of.ets -pedes.Tis repes __South alike’y ~.tion.to that effectanysouthernStat set this:disastr ty-seven thirteer’a artst in ert Stateis qm ub wheth,we have just,Deepin... @..poor mountain*.(ae2%gable toown a -10:18,Chop.with a.f emafl Brainyand tol eee hat,ifhe voted.for“Aa ‘lore ” ny:two.dollars taxLeckpSisponabeea geronndOneofthesedep:'-= 7 isapiabighed pon \éhe fe “} ‘there Will "bb no deviation.ern themeclvex ee eb:E.oe of,Wake.| <OF Parrisok 4 j..W:Hintof,of Pacqguetenk”| Chas:C.Clark,-of Craven. .TE:Dockery,of Righmond. aS»Blwards,“of Granville. ae y fi “ss ioe cep Th:it jets: “With * «doth: IQ st: Toddesonvilles.Sf Fae eee ae e th”=iy Contec tears Go,4 50h._"sanpihe Vee roe ey DORR athe We ee 2nd’ “th th .ath: Sth. deth< Atti 16th ORS ;20th 3 2rd - ‘Irth’. 2 Othe” ae: ‘Compromise,wii iohig:v3 | puttin Dehigersts| yery’thing tosave| Taos B:F: mel.architect of least:fae not;changed: ‘the:mahiedeatof! -denounee at fora fc ker and:rather jong at(PhaFleston and ‘Baltimore. men perceive that ‘the ininati as w el asi they:‘could.per: utriovic anil trie me e i,‘strong terms3:tien nathemas.eee ‘platiorin,and ofcourse elt liehas-beena:great hy - ee a la ;.a)eae <* ¢“ot hye: tievaaely sinceae ren,4 ise —eeee fon Ww iMr.Dyugias =stats atk h,find:the ¥ane |" :x:ide tS tt.any ican withdrew:trony was’a cheat,four:years De :its defects:at:(Gharleston >.S And!why)” anot ‘then withdraw,aed”“detiourice Ue ridge,too,was elected:upon ba by the Cindi nati platform was‘draw 7 A ive’the people:of the Snsth,and the:: ‘om the Sonth who'en jorsed it im.© anan We bavé’stated that B.F.”Hallett.of “Mastachueetts:gC and.incrodaced| kinridge Disanion e¢alleibing item in é toeink a4 viel historyott 16 Cin- platform,stil of a ffew of‘the more. “promingust pean:tonmected Mreresith at:“mad eu.themnselves willing tools i1:“perpetra-t onetrous outrage mpon’the South: @.,was theauthorof theCincinnati plate. and whatisHallett but ané “Abolition-; het det:11849 Hallett was'a.meen |$ me prs . | Kenneth (“Thisaac chee nev “Winton precinct,|inakiertford*‘Tate election,‘casting the | “tion,aBreckinridge arid L ?afford to suiley the sheers and reproach Sa b ~hears. ~fpibethe last re w e e Lu n b e kl ee e a l ‘complete abdwill be sold at anepuptiseeioeandwhichwillonly.be ©; Convention ptendagigy th ehot the:reer »ee “|she Cc eeey *a.Those pers valorem?carried and vi:tyes.$wou'd be exe} »tpon “theieteacay=Geaccaerverther:ee Sue i mis ‘ a Fare.states thaa.acea Rronbescisgetsubmitteth atos, e sbete in towrew uGaasitaiere,;{n é a more Pewrrifallyit nd:Hin ase icedmvpeyBould fin reac inesamans ar :Hy LON :hk ead “tion hasinat been will publish,our. At tie ha Goad oie i“ee o€tonferred:upon |I “Prnerly ofBran *Senet.Sh Boz i *4a aearligcothmunity,aed ains¢satisfactiontoallwho”« ie yi gy,that,ch iSéwitig?Machines’,in ednatanst ise: aoe to hy sah reeme¥tokarey 7 me El |tan bed ‘resjuites formxo A ROLE B Gas ob asany ny We Zres bilaceatbet Buca eo hence the gre i pa wf «|forseDyrh pele otarticlevashotSpeucee’to:}= :ty;oe onigtaare inciting hee —s«A New...Yor.cor sponden *The.inditations are mrt akable |h “the:reign of hoop:skt ir :CANO,‘SO:far “ag thé, -.fashion”*may be however sive its UNL 9 Neen ap,ingen,Re aang Te ee ae aflord an effectiveahtiiote:leeage 8th gO aT he OGRE Pept.eee fig as i ete}fe)eo gibteis ikadgtion,drowerer "be a ‘Ching 44 Tie HUN?arab Ry ;ire 1%,5 a ie ;ole ened Pa Fie a!:;#Byes ——ty :ast +30)‘i 16 17 18.19/20 21!: Sretieer desteatie ie peeves ee ERERE *:=YEE DARE TE i bap sneh a remers:te wantedy by thet cmb oa Pa eee Patsy ae ae Lae tesree be 1a ros oe 2425 2627:28fsae‘beyondsehieh it,tee NAN aS Vt :aN aN wach ical apoumptics theteepe wmete |UOT 8 ,:ed:Geis hose eeaap"ae ae 5 *rs,oat aa v ¥|"t o *2 nen pes eee_Anphst ae es Sissasae é ft shen ede spent es ? and "co Apa when the werlest.AcBeaiitiful Ase &teat)Rashions mine Beene Clee c |ANmiony’s Fieg,and indeed the wholaclass |"111 haa of prodgce taken in exphalige fart”.ENAMELED SAUGE.JARS,¢2)(ry y sgt)268)netedebedsS:ist distend Nel prog.5 “tets}Fine Bonnets,aodthe leet gual itics of adres and f complaints atising fromm,LaromrTimon mr]Si Tyr eae coe kuial |ae a ecat es give:|ste.12 36 7.8.9 ct 3°43 56-7. “partions ag Yo.#ofdao ‘oY TE B :pete B eS.PEN ts ait i 'BQ!bE meek acre 3 YE ee }9]9 Ve asae328 2526278weetee ss at iaes=ofomi2i3 a edad ;ve at Sou: Ea ides seem:“t ‘2 .¥:‘)Cb e.>.x :’2 oy :.fs es }ms it Kec ‘,;:nel \i 7h:pe s :‘‘3 ge e a ;“se se fi ye ;25 26572820 -ees “coming,when r ;i gata ot .dy :s {iS fe j :i ?=wel i ¥3 wie oe v0 14218214154.IOUT =X oe 21>37 . P23 Sas 22vy.“28 29 ae port the 1 "Bults,$a:$2: aa tae to the had ie othe ;at oy Stance ick he id i i me.SRS Ste cerm ‘mathe as 2 é.bisa aaah ehis'1 :fe.)Weal)t,Gaver,SVT hes ike te am .=“man”toeee a syst a of On :if LS el WW ee ab ray;hee aoe ee a ae :wii Noe sataicddeindiy take t —Bn doa eisai se ee he Kidbews “and 4 SALTY “promptly:and dilizentty ‘aes to,ngSywhiehthe?6“vivit .\ap ot ee i aaa i ee xe raat 4 1 ]5 1 ay “s rs ns A ts eine oe ee 4 1 ERE Mee!nt}4 Ai 3 :itis}|E ‘behataass Me n 4D nA sinessentrusted:tocht care.‘is S ed “A fate a |*‘3%8 f yon %4 ’4 i ie eee "%hey,?.any Ofice:ion theynee 4 “Ort,O9723798 i cy. ~demagogu smawas#eeedeal :.Oils,DyeStuns,Brashes,*a Mdow Glass,”eee ile read:a chaps aie:cota,nt:aipoti }1,having =udied the chapter,“consultingBen fur>pnevery.i hemereea tana ‘ey ery ,ab K-88;oOr 1h cem ts. “thé ie minis*thowae hie “as coft : He does.nothing wit Ont the’por ‘i3sionofhisparents.Heat ends sebool.a.cs .a a ee g panre iy EE aes Bee i 4 k !a Sua Flax:: rs a=»and joins oth Cuts:OF:Ee,bY es qi E Le ata es om Te LMA ean ay a tt ‘i jai iyicr’s!anittake Sb others:hl!s Hey Auradann ties erendi ae wee 'OMe frac?~Adas,erat Newton.CG i “boysof hi des a meveschild!..&eee tin aie wh BRE Sa are F Ghcy we pe :heey t oe -{tepi,|By Page bebo:irae Rel NOW IS THE TO SE ESERI =-MOSES:rye*everyies ve Sel En:ching.{5)MPT e MEE CURE OR DY x Beanie,chandl they tshould ‘eave ines GS py gfe 2 hy Suet pide)Solis DeaUren <p teh oa ods Ener)sb aen ct ;Poe ree eet ay deligeted wv :a/styleiis.cheers,his ner.is-earnes th ie roach all-bearts. enw el he ft Meals a;Oh ate :-Eee»Fe he fae teie Bie ‘dk to Ue Sahel Nes On :Snts Colors woe Skea The mast.gifted Jaw \i -*ur 7 ‘3 as rm i,}ee i .wy }.‘i !ae 2 3 ie ,t Peet ay :.x ah i i %eae 4 ,ee :me as Sree ad SeeGlass,oo nasStuffs,rai 2.Intuuther,“sigines haveheird him with astonish “Ringsepith € ment.and-deligh :a ;most:Wonderfa =OEDVER AND GRASS=iBONEWINESANBLiquons, see of,niWhenoheatoeOok‘at aide p>Pp Addressexpub-'elfs ¥or epesnuney O02 hone ee f .Tana ie as eed oa ee i ate l cha Od SR 3!ei——have ae migchnttention,|ieaehsihene ot tie Tia oe 3 Petes i :i a ameht :)caae SONFS TON ROO:131 ir doors “Ean She Tei See ie a:i picket:ike 1 2"Tiers care or lat January...dee-Onleaus‘Gant *S SOW.EADY FOR FALL avi >+RiradeZO@ONbsSoleLeath = “hills Still itHi a jfal:Phio,AUienge it | ie “ore thane+Kod’many.a :a iSin af sire-:_.twelve -hun ies:niore v1 TER.I ALEL ATT ders.§rie Thigre 36 et aitrou te Rete aa:ra aie aaebee noble:4 tern)ta Bees Sa ee ;EAM eA eH eueran setulae Aneta enters et \2 wish 1 oyy DOOG Bushels of e«oo Ey :‘peli,Hides.eanaiass:Bail “ROot,eae cans pe .“Feounds some feclngok e a‘the.tide of plea tes es “ld Aunt os the idlokige hacesare ioe a volume.of e‘,Boemsby-Dr.W.H.‘Holeombe,of Fai,rececentlypublishedjinadmi“Bon,DrosNew York;at #10 Latta weait alittle’Ie dotaSEYBeforewe?Neestyrard.givlets:wait foe old:‘Anntffannich’s:2°T-wonla doreak ‘herheart?qchow.:Nook atherin'thecorithers,|\Merhead,ai:whife af tow eaeShelastee:«Wecannotlentoche tbessTnthtslamansion’a war bor;i fteedoye'sanit w $lagko:br aeHowcweltshedoves‘and grind ¢us aie SeThroughmanyaclanginerear!’ “See!Row,whe!#“arbi)me a And whispering ome She's thinking,ofsur-Ch ‘de pet_Aunt Fanrish efose theik-byes)©,She was the plagmeteoffhent.‘both,*Som asitty,Soareago—pe ysl 2 he|tho teave:Sebahtna:a Troan breaks:ferhart,Jgee .We laid hin ‘gnod |fawoe tseneratDarronwWitetold’Aart vk :nan ikinz sn fte~Mherkindige‘acicotcum: "And wad thet‘gond,ala Titi¥e oor Maater,rome 3+ she aWe,arn ‘heashigiaot the»“And west avd wily &Re ;ae Sige ec tivelNeith,tre’alfection;bat”twh»With care g epriny “Te a connmign, i “Of <thte<carly SteD:nesioa, sts”Berf ae:‘stil there:,Surkigg:ia the: bosom,:which, become impetad Aesolating in their. am a true believer fon fatal to.my owbelieve.that’itwithers~Tove’¥Woman ittMapis:thé cre te-Meshition.=3 Ui Inithe’bustle :antasLoveeis.‘but,the ‘difeisa histgry’~hedre iis‘her'yitionStrives Sorae:atarice See sforsh‘She sends forth}‘venture,she em wsthe eokvspey “ov blasts:some prosp-gheisan,active Her hey:he:“pate the thoug :the: ‘ried °occupation, t+S s0f disappointmen ‘full-o a) ~fuliassociations he ‘cati-shift is shadethe:“at willy ands tak»>.Wings:of the,mo;_ertermost Fars.“Of the:“ab rést,” But.woman’ -_<life.--Shéig.more i :her own Shoughts and fe47)they:areturned fo miintete>were shgh weTook’forferIntis'to béwooedifunhappy.in he;dikesome;fortress ‘leftdesolate, howmany:soft ‘ch>manylovely forms,{238 *tomb,and.a ee-+tigatheir loxelineoeclasp:itd wings -preying on:itsqtureofwoman: é féme-Even’Whgeceeesit,*,When otherwige,‘she-b“recess:of ter hes *E6°a aman.the ‘istppointinenes a 1|rowsSos wv Young triial,’too people af'q :5 sib ly e ue ‘then:|Went,£0 the house 6f 3obinson:“she saw:him soe >gentle--.ys .that ome Bev-e shots ‘were fired,”before he.ens Sereand cursed aesuI 7 ears th Reed ae aPeg»Phatacter—adldieted to.eodailkindsofdissipation.be thalapiok ‘of the neighborhood,'t-men were afraid to-encenn-glehanded..We.:sew he@rowwiththe.ia inthis’_five‘yearsofabout;Pe ie dopomdan arte»but in this case,there wandotheralternneean present |season of theyear,Wa ou ies|anddiarrhoea‘arepre-)(ak is wellito ‘hive a preQlipthis:out and:‘haveBoeeatssriaFhave,t-2 sure:renped kual|partsof Gee tad ae t in:ri th Fatio«‘ength and:ares of bisDearieSe nty;.phen 2‘shotifortBonfieldjastThursdaywith.2fromthe‘effects of whigh he died aaS£5 ee 16 Wasa na.igecomibe *‘county and |is fa-ther cai twosisters abiow :les fron 4pincdieriie Sayeendl:at a ‘Bevere but.net.dan- ee ieee s=.f x sectional ee <=forthem.;We lt ing fasey:‘against Bree!i we beheve:ay 10aa how,to.diss re “that sheis a sectional Geadidat “heis,,for e¥ely ep Lm: ‘has taken the paius te form, ‘must know that Preckinridge and L +haverha ‘supporter:North but th« “eral ofice holdersahd thes “oan.influence.©DBuchanar :Heating enemy »eathér seethefi aie ects thateeetosh‘theirpcberghed obs ak Iresethemseis aadty maineaschi Rb>traordinary dupiege us from the danget extoyoraetoward oft“to meet them.inost.effec wiley :in OE propose that‘Governorecof.M-!Carolina,Sontir¢:.ares and Te ‘Raleigh,N.C addressed the Stat >Exerytives;for obthes.This should be gece as ;SERS!ies tn i$ ~llSore aon that theione ..to the:Governor of iaehad:Beer-bim—in’owl i¢li Wa his seat if elech:d,toads} f elt ae;he int sae‘Su ort a:.‘ticket.=theL0th of Mis #tantas you eviden}‘tice and wrong:shz_Phourand a asadressad ig Ti.cdated Jas‘as follow uef“that’xelmoxHeilcleanoat ‘Léwarm'o:Spot such a processi#ization:of hertre+ ;‘nature of:thin Wats movement)we shall wtract the Southern .other,and at the of .ed come corte aetid,wu ie Teaco)his chen -.self dpen.ta fr.iéndly's ~far as the pet bad gor \Secalieust Was: "|the peopsustain.the tresson,“woke |‘to ¥ eC yi lost nd:Ay: ‘oposed oFganigation,“at to| S808:nndet shail Ge forcbd:a‘State other border:Union,where,b G counsels,they :eee tekaethéntoftheWire partes ae;nd ¢qus ose ‘party relations:‘On ether.ques owes it i carly we ‘ound ~ seated an one!of ».C. hoeee eat jaunt with g,chatting merrily away the tedi-- Shamenee withthe. are the,cause:‘thisirecreatjon,. the members‘of our party i net ta pimeaeeom tee igs.of ‘the +times.and | elections -that.have beer, melas,willaid:Lincoln ee soa ene the:pegs:Aoe ple'of North ‘Caro.|ie aca.aid an ‘elect- iatices ‘by |“xotthe for :re nrhize or Donghas.,The in:the.field,-ayho ‘to.“defeat:Eincola for him -are morepmsthirty:¥ears rantmein the legin-ie vom? ar pean ceil Bitte;Breckincdge oF-Déuglas.- hy ‘whose,air: izitied its fai!x ; if,a certita : eto the pros-- aay ¢mt:bit spiHallet hither ; Hse of poate!Care Aken itt ou “notion con »the on:ae ito : ake that ae the“eae or rain back. T &Ohio Rail,Road”ins of ‘the:Stockbokdels te bitter end,se ais Bond.ws he'diin,Spatesvitte,,aig?“3 Ling of.bwhich;appear. The inpetines:wns.charge :a since tile more ‘ é-3eill.<=Mone-if,ithe: *oe e-reach theCok‘a shige “The ee ta en Sos iaecally,and st Sevireepeople:i >ce the.oat mney “be Xe ae corenee week ing xpended-“several handed aus 4in farnishing.‘the.i ey:Type ‘nd bor ‘materials,we cam Wow epmpete “with:‘oy Printing. se, esanctem,ganctoram near.e ich ‘ hy € “suncheation that!siiend )eihe:df. be erprisingedito?,is disposed do:a liber~’Alamance,: al part by hispatrons.”We.hope:Bis:cntents ee Rie.av be suitably”rewarded‘Caer pan:‘of awillie ‘Ware;as :“Willie”writes for several’Lite ~als in New.York,athong ieee fie ee i +Jqumnal,uae “Weekly:Mercury;HWraverly,?*:Ppaee cK fe -&OliveBranch,4 &c,aiid he ontribt sf cecerliy 1D:“the “lredeli ©apesTEES:apie ‘We.tnvite’pabhe O°W ~Wate’s”card,to boteckA ano het cdlurLA We hin thats e ovreotempo-,,van :vanes misapply “there:S$mmpathie for:Mx:C 'Fisher,decanre e eeeecied.:wee E ‘ed at all,by the i : ,isisati>n-of the aifaiveoie ; *atthe last Session.Ww Q gentlemenywhg were “ngent sf ibete fe ;LLa cs a te Rees as io as :2 a :sie ::==::fae ous pat .e {asta it excdcdingly low pricecoi2eeeaeaemake|Oe “Q00D8" re mitiée,eer,torlook..}OF tovany,-asthose who have pei ‘cipkioe-in.style.‘or manur i oe a made ;Ge’stock of :“ie resaene,Lecidatieebe rien ie oe tt ee a: “48‘eaying enen :storbis: ¥ More han:a won't iid “posiiced.m the’.jew spapérs yhaneoeon aeisit)aah r WAI| anihe Oe is i: te dolph,waichimond,~ pi a s ! ‘Te purtirig’ties hi :“yesy Lejtzer®siptg ty “eared!whichsta commend it wh Ra PS Sk a ke s 4 <n . spa "mbes:hee ‘Apaatron a ,[EK 1 j Eve,}teh t ap Dee A eM Hae Stat Ve.cals 5 “igton:veo iar ONCTy rempe wie dcatly.aleae by:mi Peta ,F meoppess”cifiete:SRUAGS begs,SEBO:ie esse eR ie aE ether a Papen,i ee Br Mamet omx i LYONS.3 he gteges perhaps:Bere ::te :;Y (ere ‘‘ed:é ‘;inte Hsu Ot ie Bakery bomtine Mae!‘%GO =28:3m.- yw hichate patte Yo,correct,Be * c * 2 Oreanise by re Uk wy to,the:Ch:ura :as mare >the Sig keventy:One|pousastd:“igre Sham}— sonn andby proxy whi}; ;Stock €fmeeting :edtge ea.i tees3X.Roa to,eh notte ously.-“ The niseting wassane ae ‘Gen:eg “mount of,money’“coud:be:"theRoad would besHoeated.t0'TPayton : >oeillé ¢ On motion: :Resdlred;‘That meSercent.be called ~~which the firetinstabn*"paid,to be made facesr-day of October Hext.anditeegathorized:to.Ge and collet the a ioussession,’ pom J RF:S1MONTON, M.L.Wristos, >»Free:‘Negroes:to:be ; In tLe Lowpiot ‘Peiewboig;.Va ij pw r ‘ » > , ’ S re 4.®y : ‘ bar % 4 1oS 4 re :alites,rae nd: “ty.“Hotestrac <@ 1to Setraenet int te _hig up,;hadn't vou: ee.@AN assist,jyou:with.= SE)YE en!ant oda?-océasion™‘your:eS Tequench the constant: “Likesivy,where is peer Likeiivy,toa.tia foundworth se thin The following | ‘et the tate mon.practice’ is Worthy oft ‘Tis an adinira-. lenlation,an di: ‘ble instance a nianagermdnt:rane“The writer purcha oa.farm of six: ty.acres tet Fears‘age.“Ve:iminec atoly sold thirtxjacresVot the less valwa _ble 4portion,‘and with apart of the re-? ceipts from:this sale,he underdrained and subsoiled'-twelve acres’of.tha’ to -velly loam,and dry;butbe|drained.ity: We Says,to mukest s ets ane *Yarn-yard’went 10 enrich:these twvelce aéres,and nowthe land is really.good: ~Whe second Year.adtensdie ”eaine’into.possession,hisS erdpsfront.these treive acres were wore thax double the pro-dose taken Pog ce un —Miverage otatheast,Ebirty act es anny;athe ‘the:“quali tect hisproductsfiveperC&tit:better Than,the ar beenOffone acre:an took.four tons sifClover!PAN ,‘the landwas previensty ig goed|heart, ‘having a-chance oftobtainiivesix corel Ps-‘ofmanure frobi @ ‘bhicksiaith:shop-hey *top-dressed the cloverwith that anda Foetes of plaster besides.Hy*He:keeps 3iw Better condition as inany predecessor,‘and iptemds:-to “break.up: "three ieres inore wextepring,tnder- “draining and:SahwloDinyr at the ‘game: :timex”The°writer adds,with:enipha: -gis:—“L.believe int atittle:farm,‘yell:i "tilled.Loo:muci territory isthe.grea. test:evilefarmers4page,10 “copes with. ibe pee es ever great’hat “gain ae ite of a ich ¥uknow.noth, ¢ae about;|oe ne ee are for’Be Wee a ineiwar _-you to start.paper:to tienlar set of eres A wih_you dort:When.a,we.Taalone,lays”tol S,“pressing.‘Por:i you doit.*,;‘ 30onhvers esto youseYoe had better ¢ca “When avhorsé ky _sttong’dispasition®O° -tetur,don’t.youdo:it.::When-you areShing very.oxpe Fdiiousty:fonad:“tontn gan:“search,“af: somebody with somiet tig?igenWi are sudlenls:wati¢ipate Bey; _hody,who Wy.ants 10:bertow from:et“dant you doit.”‘Shotld-¥ou.iappen to fiche‘your Belf whistlingiin’‘wprintin =Office,-and -phe com positers tel}:y ot.to ae lot:der,den’you doit. “should exclaitn to-you—'Now,“tumble “overvthe cradleand: 6 “erGen 5. _¥*.which ‘he.retawed:The:Soilis a eran” nae.Lenusi:oi ¥_When a:‘able Adie)cals :kK at ete aso 1:23i4567-8 910 2112 13.1415 1617118.19 2021 22.232 a hele sea Thousche Bo attic.as his a “Go!”don't you doit.>-When *Fou.fate”ag) ,he asksyou.teoetFoudoit “ys A Heated x‘portion’of.Kuni which proved ‘animat.lite?as tat Visited |Axi 31 eure :Phete groséabout |«103o'clock;A nu ‘‘3-0lockity tt : <2 uthe-meredry:to ‘continued do.tor. IC LC Sarvivicgeaad are TOWTeeover.:ease We trious res Wk eerie2 ad aoe O73syllables:It should :Written Zattars ‘e ~ eeseeyiieteisnest hs.)To wha h. “break.‘your,eck jonalservices to the,public:¢Be hiepleseAvenrie,“oppdsite:\thefy,tatesviUg.N:Pin ;Sai Cog b, pe bs CLARK,“near/corel"¢=eee“aan |ord.rineeken let rownte ; fessionalSerrices to ae lass,Varnisiay:; oe ‘ny Seay prea”sae cae ri :i gE kg ‘*itt 'i .Best t eel)a 3 YF <t °;ft ;: besag ye ti ‘ty i Whi ind a sa #'‘ar .eee noe HF :A ly .:N.SH uals Lex plainsSté.won th ahi at ae Nereus -‘abst Wasieh EA Caio Heer faa ade ’Pe L j sii Be A ISBURY,ee&i ioe *J adiein Be me ir on =ct Aa Re te Pn ;<Ri AE et a a f :i 3 in ip}a aM .pa ‘:ce F 18 ee SALISEURY,N.Res ciad \tiae.2B371850,Se Bye oe.yrSiecani) eae oc a ee ae IEEE Subgeribersmnowiainsoeend 4fe bed atesOe ioe ete EsaBD,F §printedin fsintararebutare mS sees RAL :2_Bpiles nom afSemon.aie N SEEDS,ER.aD GRASS.SEEDS,=vaskentFanLIQUORS,for: ee AllKinds y ‘Work pfone.Bt:the Establishment.| ‘abeondapowtagepaid ie‘recelly es oa ingame SSH‘our inducemes co klhetch . lady -re;iplied bs mqniri sc Sheth“they were 2 be:medix ¥large 8 bees heapd:of ;Te ,&Scapégrsnowaa\eonsWas in the:pit.“*Romes,“wh mz. ;7 Weregret 19any tl ghan hasSeas ° re LAND Sahin *Ronieo.-are well