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Iredell Express, September 1859
pine iu vain. wa |romtel ieSpereg [Or ‘gent is In.heat’‘the aniskage ghicering lie :eink alee ahe cattle pant tAnieath oeae“eae i é eS Be Hd 5:tke cave,ia Se ee st trough:parching air and purple.skics,+ea ‘;a iaN eo ate RE.Ga SD BREE := Sol orrite earthy looks 1upaoe ieee LMS ty :2 pik a “proati was!the’:les 2 Perce tones an remarkable in theworld,is. +‘WFor theesfortheelooksin vain,po 8 eLy:ar,;ssidtitfod kind-yanees into herssymp:bosom.«.evou offented,dearest?igure ‘schio’the tonndscemed louderthan that’yh moe rt eg ts Beeps es «gentle,-gentle suanmet rain {che nde E his.Marveteo re rellga J mas they w :rae 5 :; r*Conie then‘and:brim our.Saou irentns;ss ibaa hy Shel nase gs se ap “And soften aliyhe:hirkls with mists.>s "CA falling des:from dinrping Seen em.Byitheeshalt herb and flower be kiesed, va And éarth shat]bless’thee fet Re:uit *QO+gentle:-geuitle‘suimam cr pain! reli fisWasRisay nt 5 poe the aon of vor Stier 3 oy Re Storm-presaging:eloid ‘reti‘Whe ardent sun"‘Petteedt Weis:ee <tRBor seet the haciet.lzliteins Hishes— i The awavelete.Jeap—ih ef :etsShicote‘bens hishe:jnfent ooceait,See roa“wares”commotion. S canevarYeni!aeef eleailCand’©eprintaeswat,softly:dawaathe 2 ooh The ee donb for.taims. he ¢ ay.ton tains:ary kind rinseMay46,the.ek other.— Cay es jusides some ery.we Lye nate thereyys wear t ot dg Gah:was Ranie'sy ROT i eae Lee>arch,sa j Sid.Seng cheecus tee oaSoe y -paper for.endpaidfoforite2 vamees sb.a até vat all ont yf he way 14: he ns a ays ‘behavane gees life's pestis &aePigg ress coee Pelt aco BeBe as SH.MeRorie offers for’‘sale.iin tsk ties to suit:at the:ae Fentilizer t ¢ The ini Cane.‘Orushers marinfactured iin Fo ide’‘State,‘and:‘thecheapest;according -to, ‘quality,can.besupplied by the Snow ‘arop, puschine a Nowisthe,peeto : vent tSonica©sea pocketoffine large Anytes “and Peaches,a jet of Honey.{Gobi yet live.in the world,cand,Mrs.Me es otthem.:Ming she aBer teense an ms he RaleighRegaarea. "Patriot sesontle S,from thelate: ‘*quired on:ott}Sé,theWIL ;‘vention pe Dpporit ag’the first,Wea:oeip +"The Morning News;&paper feeolip baste*Sed at Richmond,;Va.,°runs‘np ‘the name ofaeJohnMinorBotts,for.President,subject to, (een of.A national,Seereatien:<athe (5 Sait TheBalktinore Clipper aiohoistthe pam aae “af JohnMinor Botts for President.: «The?Rutherford:(Temp.}‘Telegraph,tds oe &Whig jou is.in’thiat:State,:Hon.John Bell:aig’‘acandidate,is -‘the ‘Hoa,James’‘Gui pre,‘of(Raa forSesaeeetins 7 anda On.§et‘ita te fe we ebal id snble-boileé Dr SILKS.- ht Mctirios beautifil.~Brench-Moulin.5 Feagh vant:En fléghs Cashmieces,lat letvles ofSTS:for tgveling ‘Deenses;,all colors eis eng styles of:Ever aes i test pa ‘sia patter aa Sf pagnrospheee s—thé>peal aeutthe:Shatin es oof,i kindees"white,nite bt ai ead and:bik:kidThitched:Sitk2 nities"cotton:andHisle-thread loves, we 43 on |rs sf :Blakes!{Blankets!!|bl ud Spero blasketa;of ail qua’sas,saeatcallQrhite,red.ai yellow:plain gtd’twill'd-‘Striped andplaid.for dress-:Bed,.aSaat Osnabarg:..d Tlom ener tatens a2 thier”will ‘be me teefiade-and of.thebest aorghern amanufae- wad Yonth"Se:malitySead 24xSarisandFrogkfarev:}fits;far dress fine cold and,‘black Unvere“Pants,for-éy efy,day>-col'd and ack Sati Yess,fine,colored. nd Sarinet Wests,“Lik:and.colored|Alles Shirts:acull prices,-the latest8.with “Fretieh:and’Paes cuffseadthe ixl}ty ;Gents.Boul of diffrentsorts,eo. aud better than:wanby.awhere else:As we “Fanifly eirecediie héo-paliolrcn do mien-: ::dnd all-will-be.sold atprices that must,-oie,ade:Bate mies.n0t setenet a - vanf 2 ee tos ’x cA.BlakToren Loi Whereter tried is 4.2~tke, OxBORN:«&PARSE 3 j Exter.,ie all wold..10 gives:gitiver: GEORGEROSE.(Drugziet2)-¢“areingte:. sellingyour Ext.for the last it to failina single instance.” be c-R.WRIGHT.(Drugcist.)Tro 5 Rat,,Roach,&c..Exty The Nut Kil AB-PRixcrrrt Der,410.Broadway. v3 All Wholesle’Druggists.i in Ny ,pon Wholesale-Agentsiie alt the lar, &e-Drugziet«and 1 “7 10,000 Boxes sold.pe “ia Beware!!)of epuriensc imitations:“ExanWox,Bottle,or Flask,and take’nothin:byt “sos Aisi!¢ &5-$1.00 Boxeschn.be ‘kentby iui},Cat the Yermiron any preniines.) By $2.00 Sample Packseges (Vo)bys|Ser For Agencies,setid to f i WholesaleAgents for ¥-irginge,Mary“Baltimore,Md Win HoBrown 1s Tek;we -Ring &Bay:i Eg RA;§ :Sotee.mi “Mrs:Verndore 10)LIME.“tobe sitper ior.6 4 erg the land igy ‘a ‘ «‘4Geeding ©TO pss.eesti*,a:as hn saan‘thy epic Ly aos : ‘¢+! °A eeee "Cane Croat éapacity,with | ;gallons ot jar a'space of'aba *portable,W ecko jvit the: “>Cane ‘Ceushersa . ‘aleceive Cueshe heen introduced i miter erow the cape‘Terma zéaconet All orders forw +al lressed tos.«aN Py Alumanice Younty FOREit atte ntlen.,| |+L)1 eo XON iSGAT.iBADINDN.a i Bye‘ong:yfSlat! ele. :=%se ee tis Ss B DR AKKeys“e - : s ‘Cumberland."Weld the $4.4th aimSi Roweoe ~Repert ¢oi ¢‘onumitiec-eaic ste:int;ifs &and Hand Pp ower Mac hiner Re. “One Sugar Cane £i is sen kibned Ty ak Y Perry Wav idson,and maintgetn rédeby 3.Pix}soe:ott:Davidson &-Co,?Fhisasa.lirst-“rate:article’Reawellgottenup,atid wel),Made:Inthe apin-T:mh ion of-the /¢‘ommiitte itis beter adared:tort.F ordinary.farm ase thet Pthiie they haves Re es ;é Hag ttt ae L eons $a £e well then pars ;sod eeerive .Taake the mone¥to aay“the State Delt by,the. ."middle of Se pteombe :ong¢is te:pay withone’:st the’other’jeri “it _cost:you can have:vier £mice,GFtheta,o “Theresis no mistaké:is rioticethibkso,try and Sowwg e]_the’Taxes.my seli;Tom not able.80:‘goine-wn at.at onde and $Saved 6 oS ofr tle:St eLan es Inust:be paid;agithota Perky2 LESSWh, “RG Xo.7 tion ovven. *.forread par fits‘August Toksana “lasing atthe»the T ade!they cawhe=anything ownsfor.the Binanc :aesitethefollogioe dat,to nie*and his wife L elr ¢wa-chilLindsayWaltonaepsontheLucy.Adelaide.: “Ang,2 1859. GO 10 Yas)19 OY ets 4WatThuikRASSnein ery ewelrypetebest3POA,andMionnbe most . eefacturiePany,.wok their“dence a Mana.‘Company and will no ‘longer purersend‘or manufacture cotton as a"pe ok is uority to iEeyComnpeny,‘or for or on|vacéountrtofid;Company.leACR.LAURENGE,-rise f)ALB,F.eae "4 Pictou ueMARBLE.ie asMALCOLM, nbs,Tops,--gand all-kind ;IaacLine,or ee - ‘ah 2 8hjttheae \‘of orea“get “3Wat pi seh wores.“Eagwonictet niuchandsorrowed; fea “Becauseit Hung‘behindIf He fused pao aha curits ease,”‘AndsworeHe’And Have it sa Be es‘So danztng tee-behihd yiave ‘Seve!be gsteby"I tarn metpeua.-Bat 2gil at:Space behind:hai: Thea ropad ged roxind,sand Oat andin,* .Bll day thespuazied sage:did pint..13 tn vain;it mattered witia.pin.;.tig?i ae 2Fbe pigtai A hungg belting him. And rightiar eft,aad roundabout,‘And up-énd down:aidinnnd out,|Heturced:,Sut still the:ae atauHanegsteadilybelah And thous his effdrts‘never’SilageAndthougk:he:twist-and;tytil,.malttak iSlagstillfaithyaltoplisYack:“eaBrerahansmebetting bin— ”Beeding-down to Gieiecl e "Having several aeres which I wish ‘Go!‘dew nto grass |this fi:ll~or as) "sdomés such &process,srould. able ieill the Rural,or some:of it *-eorrespoddents,give me alittlein form-. ‘ation as to.the proper.tinre;prépara<!'p tion:of oil.&e.,andoblige—A-Y vtkG -spunk,Seneca 00.5:xe FA850 hb ‘The best:thpe for “seeding downtto “grass”is.‘a disputed point.“Here,agi*‘all ‘otherdepartments’cf labor upon, :the farm,we:will find conflicting opi cae and fail have special:a I/wocates.A Ned subseq 16%ly.Bae ‘good,sa ‘peat ae ee grad aes'are i preloadUneclsSe chee |vi at prices which willwill.cominaind at-ten on.nthe s-; fi ae PAY,aes hichtnoba:Idebtharematie,:;%& dijercfore ‘Flford)tosell nsbecan., WER:TELA:a1 EAaspeak es ORPER sueit:-+aE e “Geods reduced- a |examine Saeeigak:Jo, +CLOSEovr msn yt,willfos MAKE RAYMENT, indulgepee will not begiven. =F.ALEX A ‘DER ke cielo te2ion a2S a GesFLUID.BX:* Kimts.Of18;Dyestatts Brushe:nee Glass,seis ‘Pebsons indebted:w.aseither by note or ac-ae “ba B "5 ett 3 i piss Mon ne oy Bhi Re he ane zs :bse ae *peas ‘::::’“3 tor ise lowly gemres.sate reise ie :nee ecg ee a re :,Bee Wes BOG CIODr eat a |arian,the:ry,SHE,|é ey a ‘tiberal es |SSeS bette i el Ng eo dat abate aa ;oie ‘Ys $iri Axavoerntod byte:7 Dan ey cs ets.BAS ke :dtso oe de. Eternity's!echoet thro”4 oe “dre lad:.4 r b ;2 2 :eet na iuable rereid retin,Belair REE?f arin Hee |Ress unig TORU OOO tas geo t we pani:Suet Onl ye or ace g eee Y nan,dynasti¢s Have ‘su ares as per Gn-*this county ot Dock thypale $row.grow paler sti :}La pro e 5 re :5 “apes development’of!these* ‘Then Lave not’talisman gr :tet ‘42 apy fo ni pea zea 8 1 :tel}wip nih ite:oe ae 3 i ;ae Ses _Whthre whoclimb ies cme i sh :Dae Se Gee ate oa ¥&ae :g 3 he 3 zi Pant of n ‘be aradeso”‘sO0T;as"a tt whi hare)high -,nr yr?¢i ~or ‘et 5 Be i ‘i x4 fi i 4 .o i Presb forth:withmore than rapture’s Mane Sh SEE Recah cre tava :Sey :;:Brine ROS eats Pi apsed ‘ge,he ew werids |hayes:atteof.Raliroot Yaciios ‘Phy god-like thoughts.7til they’Aa SoG ;}a ‘‘:‘;”’e Bh errr he .4 »A zéal to fivale’on-thine wn.©%:;:.‘': oy Ritns:TefiitingPlace:for:mournful:‘thon : aoe qlouds,not:neerswith:1 thong©Fairer than:Artist’wr hint ndor:wrought iaeithegorgemusclitts——the:mountain_vieWhilescmobeeSeethere— bined ne pst,{“a Sade he ES Rae Sy ‘’se ae a"SB 0;ae RS ot oa BS:di :r :re nia ai Be aby 1 ton:pe?:ce t’mournfat fori..es!;a ‘Ae?ane:t ryt hg i ma See }:‘i ‘Lees,;*)oa Teo sie ag Ke ee reese :ight on a ete v9 wr ae pa :moe thelast,$80 yr bre d independe iether sp pe Mira Reith enema hie Gee te ea hi a 3 Hele Franti,‘Macon ¢0.;Ob Baer ek sf ts :Moe 3 «nike <v gfe ne gy 4 ay ¥4 ithe .Pirss :no eek tf ,either cond use Me rcleness ee ere te Mey 0 te.«He thee chat jandaitence |(epee Sey eeePees oy:t fault-t sale human-avtions—hope a ae :‘d éSclimation 3 oe ak cs ;:}and:leaders of men.Tt was.neith si mi feets Both of these-age at times noeeSesigiaeBeeGMaeeatsteasSEReadtaneaecassigsaconSURFcassulshownoh *xoung.Jaily deb With Pisa Seed i by ae HbR:ULE a ‘ai D:é a ho:i ee ‘e m2 "dow rone:Dalmy:3 fretting,“and at:last,eaten whether =. do Mor ill,re equall Ree eae al t with,they eees (apeontBecomeheailens fi person |deslidna a an.(whatever,.or“Tas :ms from:baving®etait | ach,an instantanéous.<B :efficient and applicd heofsthana: oi if geneyally °e “~~ness.sof her brain::A “lew,“and:her.heart‘too 5; on.clecant girl,cand the 0 of the‘richest man-in~the (t j village of Weston=:...-=:erg hither bs Seep eee :-A:th a ae stall numb +d ‘and:wounded ‘Gn |to re Thea jer ps eee ‘She had scarcely’turned kt ren a Cen an Hi anak a.1 PRAD ENS Bi Ifering;’a ‘ficht winelf)sons was preater:than atan Tous’;e¥:tetthe:white ea thes:another young:form:Jappe m te e risen to al eee ::i *and another light:footstep SounneathHarry's window.'But®this fig"autre,tlioughglressed:ae nodticss and “grace,was not’ss airily:-robed ‘ag the iheirese who ha¢pa ceded:eeaie aid é ¢bear:herself with “Sach:ti a ; Se ee ~* % se a t s at i n po n i e s io e ca a — ;:Ae :ee :ge vd -4 en ‘eGa Nas of Br 4 d Sp aper ater nce more active eth i en ih a Sod oad:yeh ia i nd apply.it an inchof two)” ss Cy eae ects Sade a woul ft lange.eyes ee ared.3 gf the United!settlem upence questions,:tif th é e érepain.the {thickon‘the injured part the moment;~ iy seemlths see ena cel oti traptipp?him:3 5-400;syuare lee-whe edail pit cresise-Uni c et ag By as aa a i ce v3 oeae =hep !eesof the a Hegt..).Pay ee soe :ai teak goal Eeameails (tS cae es a tee,ee shed ina £5 ae thing DE.“Dox : “rich mani’ox. shrine shal 1“ysxorth Pests~And leaving Tn“fnentous’questio,reader that ‘Hi :"ty Woeated:himself)“ing now establishe i fooking aboutKi +,Pwo.only of. Soren test lon}‘and:seventeet“the door ‘end windows — Kabecriters there Nae nave heg L.cop:ve rae i ie aCe,|, a oppointhue to the coun _which wilTconvene in;StatesviRe’next -Wehope thatourfriends will.gi ina few weeks we.may’expect Stade to open‘in Statesville.|One 1 firme.have:established.themeelves ,with heavy.stocks of paeoonted: di ; ;4 oesto caeaffordtwo’add:nal ae “7240 TOBE 7 tip-teeeeerTothemeizwas’) 3 any eS tionwholeshallbeoo mon.treat.At the:close ‘of the ee thee:ine)we lrad yet heard2ieencoredby‘the:audience.-Buchanan alao complinrenteil thtlemayon:his”‘manner of deliver_beauty of his Pabjeets:In:Younggentiemaaroof— iehop 2: 4PtTaylorsville;for}©of an.Address deli<qred By TAN:‘Crimpler,Esq,se“LiterarySocieties of the Tn ed Baptist Foe Ee\*eaute atTavlorsvifle;|“and:printed be Tre:dell’LExpresa,Job Office:The Address sai4pleaSing‘composition:and in or 6 .:showsiits sathior to be’ene nt and:,scholar.ae 3 Taree Apples,We receivedlastweek psont ar:“est Apples.we-e'ver Baw,and -These Sept No of.this¥.mabletaetéeceived,withitsjfee—with .valuable sugge tions<A ion for:farniérs.-This Widace®indebted to sore youngShag 6 The Monster :erforming ELEPH ANT,<.')$IyroO sareeighingover:9.000%.A fall Circne‘Com.va TRY.rompers of,fimt'class French,ieee. aaah Phe Trick Wedel 'ee oa he aiitop gee Edne 7 cting Mates!,;r and:‘thebeat4sStudiatHorsesta? -AVING deeiniech ares Sgt Lot*fer for Saleithe;Vatuable ‘Littlentationonwhicirknowlive:contain-Nak Between $k..100;Acres,moréior less,ly-jon or neir the’South Yadkin’.river,ad-ning the lads otJas.Mark-and others.7.ifles.‘North ot Statesville,itnmediately be-n,Trinity,and ‘Snow Creek”‘Charcheés:aoud,’“moralatd saciable néighborhood.This*lintation hasan:it,zopd fencingand an ele-mint Spritz Of coholviwater,and ar,Orchardhatnever.tpils of goad and delicions FruitIkcatinethe,surpriased “in the’country,",aiyla'more beantifal or-desirable locationis - uridine af every deseri ion,good.com-alle and conveniet.This landis inadgtateofenltivationaudwoodlandsufti-ait to kee}it up for-yeare.-]am-determin--foal.”Give me a call,or in muy.alpenceOF“olz R:XM,.,Johnson:heeLeopeaEWeGE RSCOCK “ARD,ASSOCIATION,Philadelphia.a i;Base voléat Institutioneatablislied bySicaEndowment-for the Reliefiofthe Sick _anit Distressed,attlietedwith Bf iralent and “be die fountn the const y of-Iredell. :Bpidemic:Diseases.:: at IAVARD ABNOCIATIAN dua au the ntakace:.;jon ‘of-ee diseases,andtheiceduponthiRifortunatevictimsofanch 4ebyFRnaris,several yours ago directed their Con- oe Sarita acheviiile oct wigthyoftheifname,;&Dispensary forthe teratmentofthis class-of die aeachetlieirfarms,andto give:Medien Advice GratisajiwhosectDyiletter,with a on.of their_con- bien,Aph,nomaptiog.habits of Uf,“)nod-in itase ofdpmmwerty.ty Furnish Metlicines Free of Charge— >al Toe owl?that the ‘Assocation the Hest:Medical «kil of ghe age,wilearaioh Shtovpdinidergtreatmeoe +Diggctora of Gee ret SE their Annual’ eMpon the treatresnt of Sexpal.Discuss,stepaiethe highestinfaction.withrt lie agrees witchImus attendedthelatoratheirSurgewsiu“thé cure of Spcrmatortheca,Seminalness.Month.Gloct.Syphia.thevice of Oannientfabuse.Disea~crof the Katn-ysandBladder,&c,and 2 cpathona tienofthewim +-ptan,forthe cusniag year.Ter Directors,.on ayoriew of tye past,feel asmured thattipidlor-Th this sphere pf byacvolent.effort have beeu erent“honfitsta‘tlieaffitet «@hpecjatly‘to the.young. hey.have resolved to deste themactves.with penewedtathieverylmaportintandmycqgetiestcanes,3seenR- mkness thbe‘agelsti daaiote ot-the &-xual organs,“bytheCon-ting Sdrgron.Wilk be bew-at by iri Jina sealedenvel- Opes.Farah Chargeon receipt-of-Fes mera postagr..‘Other Reporteand Tricts.oit thie nature and ‘treatmentofealint.ke ate constantly.being published.apiece distripation,and.will bi seat to the xflicted*of the aew tericdietand bP thads of treatment odis- Sovered duting the taxt year,arp of great valet.; UGHTON ag.Sorgen,Alpwitt hh,Ninth Shoat philic!Pm Pa:ei Hy ‘Oniter ofthe Directs 5 8, “8S EZRA,Duan wg n Rares Emde See $3 the Site:They are5 Double.Geared,t the Jeast lia "‘to getout of order, d will express;‘our times MOTE:BRC-oe eeea hour than,ates at.aboutpt-to Statesville ‘de- not-over i te ; pe‘is’ae it ve:Mullinuse.": ,E.ae DRAKE rE SON. tae is,all of Iredell...- Wie ts +1 Selackers Preise |1 32ares:Market—: a Se eee eile asét= b \Baeon!erst iS ig >Beet |oO:Gess ‘£25 fa:500 ane |Beeswax 0-25 (ay G28"FE exseedst DOE.Seager g »2 Butrerig 015 (a 1.00:Llictes;ry 120} Pe Coffer |014,(ORS Green:;OGf=Candids,2.bo hy QAI:Ce ER::Pe Se Tallow Tes HUNCEOBO-(aOB3.é te ie é med:(a hG5° :os Nails.”©0:06.(atte: “CChnckentH,(ab:»¢ Drietk Hpples:msq>peeled 00 fe -Preacher,OTE is 2 peeled UXO oe (WEB meine2Sunipeeedae I 8ompee 4 ihe = ’Sfp oeyl as,‘Alum.2.460%:!i _Bacon)@L0-alt Swedish soy Bete ns _Bagging.|Py cho eee fe com beers)16 te (62:fs ,~Gunny O18 “ta tt 3 docwhaet)OF:ie DORR,: Duddeé (18:‘(arHPs”Amers On Van OG Eye 2 Besta et)20°Pea ae Eng OS Ga OOS3-E ia Or Celie Chey eh es eae Lards*201%oh aktd: 4)——...Riog 0:12 nica “Lead.308 anny .Laguirat1:ae Lh,Mol:tseed ae ae Saper:6 1 O00 was Apple 065,Gas:: ¢-kine .4 856 Caitfies ONN CWH Osa (a:et . Sergteh 560 Gee.i Nae ne .2 ?-Gtain,<%BY Gee css sae ee. ov Corn.is¥ie :Ue g f W heat 12%:heath “Ode ; =Rye.10 mds=.Cragh:O4 ita ee *.at “Coffee 0.TOxGa O10 :>Peas,P.Rieo 097 (at)10. se ;fe OR Bea rt He ri et Casa |fie miArde ere eae «0.05:ae eat Os Gols AC Apples,50 >MolassesiTEeeDrigd050.area.‘el <A Beent .012 a F¥e3 : :aepe on cata <“Candles, ake _Adaman-.3 ting 024 "¢‘bie,:ie f \Rio 0121 (a0,1 Rage hee a Java!0 Eeue?BeSale,ack:L80 Ka r99 % ©Cotton:0 10!(iI ‘Shear,ee a et re i Corn.680°(ai90 Bron.0.08"5 Ger hE 3*“+e ME gard 4)0.-Gee:0.Crash.70,Waa OTS ae “entdiers 0.20"a 025 LSChir’30 hla AK % a Flour,Soca cael Bert gersOe “(ae AoeNeeek4H:(ee 3 sack223-¢@iFedsbarO08-Lard “i Racha : =__.Hams the 15:>Mides 0 1IZ“Hog.6124 ‘Peeswax O30.ty Oates,2 t~Butter G15 ae yfent { .€‘andles.tree i Nidea,.h i ¢ -+.ats ete a =.Dee’,a0,12 (al by * oles tine 25°ayrece -Greeti a if ’©.Spérm 040.5 Tron,- ¢im /Coffee,me A)Comes 05oe.¢“34 ; c Rie 0124014 |oRalled 0053)FF"F *Laguirad 4:0),f°|Lard “14 18:le i ;Jaya”O18 ; es Cotton,fee i pet gate ‘vt v-,Fapretoy.8 fone “Su.Ho:0'60"SONAE;x:good.‘M10R@OM LW.FT,2033:(a.040-ey Orilito.i Nally 1005:a0: Stagger Poni Guo @010)Salt;k,150 i _,Flon i ae Spioo"ES i =yee SEsoe suet a Tava,0-Ge TUE yaaa"at thesangtinie,¢ §Om the 3Set foe by Pe &Fame;Esq. :re |poete LawLED thon’"6 do Javer3"S da’Laguita’- catosBORS EPA+."Eixter,,is-altsold...|GEORGEROSE (Dencgist,):(a Oe»sellingvour:pas tast,aoe ud hay|ferstosateoe weVermin;on any pean#g~$200 Sainple Phekage(3.doz.rby 2 rs: .Ke*ForAxencies,’ict Circulate,Term he aa ‘|WholesaleAgents,for Kirginje,Naryent;X,Cinema,’be. |.Baltimore,Wm.H.Brown &pe and:es:Sor: _Mr.Joax W.Gry:to:Mrs Aimee,A Coles.98 ey “ef Cotton,®SS x Fair$f 234)3 Rood 0.00.(oO } re arpa eene :5 mia rnb cath th Teeigoro aie: €Cot Yatny easaay*Bike 2a) ae Feathers 044 (AEE pit Fiaxsped 1 00 Grd 15 B Shag a1 Flourn ,e atp.0S9 ny Og Faniily G25.(ort 00.;; x Hip)5 i s Inibags 2%5 e237. igh Superti22 25 (aA i Fine 20),C00 } :Grain,ae " |Wheat 0 @ E00 South Y:adkinat the “OLD.SITE,oar~Reynold'&Co’s Min,will bpJet oh: ‘to the lowest:‘bidders.made known,Phe-specificatina can:bexeen |““.at the house ofeithér-of theundersigned.|:is.~The Lumber of tiie:old ewer.will he:sold:THOS?EF,TUCKER,;W-E cow f abe BGre0‘BUSHELSGOOD.HEAT,for!YE SE a cee «whieh the highest panes>will!shescad in}CA ie ==e ee 4 sin Be!“JUST.RECEIVEDSES.W,TSMOBASSES 5)Kes 20.Sgeks:prime RIO.CePEERS |3 Hhds.New Gricana 8 “HO Bbls.Crastied need :EGsie elsewhere.-By’‘close >oe ewe »We havedeposits of Ac oe Boe Ay Feimster;County Line,with 9. Exteleg!.&Coos <a 4 sie wtOt :ag and thriving Town,.can “*e 1h.b HE bailding 6oF a.new Bridge ac‘across.‘the Tene.STH:then:ie ‘ATTORNEY-AELAw, Set STATESVILLE,BGS:=promptly -‘ana.diligently:attend to!atrnsted-to hi 3 constantly on.hand,at theirManationeinOLIN:a large assortment of ue HARNESS,BRIDLES,COLLARS, hinigelse ee ina Harness” Sass:to“give ns allt a prpeana Se4aoeatesge.from’a generous public.~:‘On ded:S promptly -with “neatness':3 : pare .with J,We Woodward:-Be apacious tel,Joonted yearthe #Pub Sinsreend CCourt House,in Statesville, acepDe che oem5travewho’ay,fa them.with patronage,with.ousoinient:Suial any first-class jtonetieeaMs.M.A,WEN pie mt see ceteeteneyent E3in.the best meen naeemmapst Pspieeneyana avate Chet Sadiones as :anyaud.will-no longer .per =end:or manufacture cotton8.m Leoncern,and ‘ij eoeclinardkasialicsindeaat +zeidomtocontractfor.Or.op ace.any of.for-oton:oe S sel prices,shea.=all Orders*forithe,at.reasona aieperience of 25.-veara:in’, ati gyev hispersonal tes Ai aera masts a sf te ehYeame Oo i Ofgrowaigeolearaie:have all been spat | ne ire years.and is ‘the: persoh:desirous of | a‘a dy elling,on‘aand ream “¥'‘¢es sine.yt Sa meus of alehop.E hoe lapeendirncs:t‘ “aiteeeen:fyica“be : o jk eh ah red “dover sulleaes |plate3 to he vd tbee spe!Bis.aed S—o |they ‘cee hae.pleat:‘of:we Takes=up.,fren ‘plc:i 4|asi bk i from:the 4g) |cus stdins'MmIOre ;us ee ot ae re:i Westel ‘shiye ;Seid of the “Sprang ; =_purities “Of the‘Llood |“te amp renovate’.‘iife ade Fongshies th e@.sural to.as | ‘})store ofefrenathte eanry.it?ard, |tu ie destined contre’,1 small yatth a vee oats or.Sie tor:tay "into,whetb‘the Ee me ice tty: ~ 2 wbipein :r ature cjvet tlie!fie ailsanattelae AS Bch te ie ani ‘of ‘the year,..=Wwike-can\be. i “any setitles.uot Feadly “markets fae il‘his Sha té:ethay a ss _avidity,‘aad dey:orester mt Sioa 3 att oH when?fe ooh eae sate —ate:cof a:park ak firstsstoa i rantage ‘of.ea eat ie &foul. Ss nigttin,prope:epuibion to:(foes gn ae Su Heatsheeonyeniongs,¢fe “yoncan a ‘the ‘Sthey sill ‘thya " ab webenfel. ig seates ap agari “beei as ta Bn tele ak:oe:ert Bs “emceesOe igfolieos i wher!there’:was:wich,&nie ae ‘beautifal bgt bu eeare now ween Ae i‘-nal'thinks:‘that (with the es 4inonths.“This‘eller vay ‘|end feed:wallainneil t theve'is’aio crap tfioepeconlingtoitsccmsk,j‘equal to potatoes by < the expense:Is,SW E 7 |awarewith a we and deep ni ath,Kiods of yProduce”takenIn SanforGoods,at ash.Prices. in . aLto."examine!tourrstock perene fas.jizer fidalgence’‘will not begiven.aePESate‘DER:&-CO es z On Stani.lonBesad curcet,ae a+East.of =the:Public ;ca : ICAL.PISSRRCMESTS, Rae Pn m andi eheae ithe ‘Peoent re :iP EAEEACE , a ace suit ofGictigne.,Bs j possible,call-at-nee “Where are*therattowefe?: 4 rove and dem, ions.Far.oyerpurple :seas,n :"They }‘ait,im snuny case,Mee oe hainty southernBryer SO awert‘bust the Bowers Be.’ “Sprisoned they Tie -at thecold'zouty bociiless tite .Redon gt oenat sal .ne ts f ie eR *oye -: "ET “Mas breathe an iteSree ei eo éfled noe CO awork:in a8 ST ath tq xpnst i respects atdeast,|e oe :ab ex oF Posy arta2 .Thie sun baa hid ts rays =o ¢spt oS ’be ry.j 6 Peat Bedi si),Feahrinl fea i a :“::4 }rx .\Whesemany-days:9 2200 jo)1 ies Will drearyhoney neserfeare thie earth?| ‘~4)doubting beart.05 0- He Thatsoon fforspring.is nied Jing ee i ae Shut waketho sumuarrintege}den aiet, ee hope‘ia dead.and light <'teesininigh The ‘sky iis:‘oxercas at Meets :Mgt tare aha]riseat Mist 00/0 7 *|spoken In 10 saneae eae Bt LS eS EE,Apsiom cts not forth in ord Se *:fary.Allén?”asked: had‘been.read Ly i falling into the a3byng as -herface,“Is. a pier.bee “Phere Now: taly, a ‘§2 Br)Sede 4 .*t ae ee and i -’tee 7 ‘an mn Lk,cA es é se Facer Sak ays hy ,trive atde fiom You-arebes mn Girle .ate Gane ee ee .oF ‘or A HY pg tae ex + =>Thapipiest.Of ‘ine,quickly..7: Fhe mothe?‘6 ldtechild.She-§ sereases ‘ours: -Ernestine HS.lad mused for.-so leaod seed wasquicke Py teehayé Ss led up as whe:> 4ee reg ‘toa a Bie‘.The door poor;sAyern-csSeasén,and she:et wreck ‘ofan ct teed between " thenshe‘went;‘with #net othe room:The’es of Geel upon this: »she remgined tthe,-Foom,anc "-for some timeaftar she hs;Cee h had pm L the"usands:er—now shely.sae ce ou;73 for.and sits i =“yeplied the mother,”3 enc andnese Ern ¥ede x Ag 4 i ~Joni within 3.months,‘ =>= as tapes ExXPeiae 13hich‘there’or from wi ‘copyone ‘yvar.‘Afpeid:ie -Theiesgeen accotiaace;a agenotice;edaventd et 5esler: ~day mornitiz‘for’the pe :the appealmade bya.Mee ‘ville,onthe 7th instant.ae i ~On_motion ofS:Ww:tilesae <Yoang waséalled:aeand ve A7paiswassspeotied* heartybalameaii Ja0 /)terprise,theconstriction of tan “tween Statesville:and varlatte,ry ‘On motion of T.-H:Brew,‘Esg.,it-was *Beortecd:Thai.»Committre ch 6Sivo.be appointed:by.‘the""Qhatreaa te propre &Bapert and 1A”,Sawaccordapce swith the “aboce'lAicholeson, >the Chairmay appointedthe following gentle- ,mensaid.Committee :—T..H.'Brem,'J.E: ~.Brown,Wed.Yates,S.WyDare dod Ave S 4 Hutchinson.“The‘Comunitice arias retined.for thie pare -poseof discharging!the duties assigned them,’ "themeeting 1wag entertainedwith remarks,in ‘favor of the:enterprize by.‘several:gentleskins: “The Chairman of the Committee soon made| _is-appegran.‘e-and:submitted ”the followitimg. Report,°aceompanicd seit eats Te-} :as Atlantic,T ease 2 id Ok Rail’:onthe 4 eae ‘nowing the jenterpri a amd|byte"gumeeofthecitizensof:our counties longtheline:ofthis.',pead'ye areconfidentdfthttrbri soeaesi.Tepard tofe,anil Will have this+wepresepted in faid’Conventfon,i 6 3 Resrtred.Phat.hind in.hands!i Se are tothe cause,we pledgeShamaofthis.greatitimostcertainty.eet .ce ori:io He :Ra ac0 On tender‘night,Friday *Seika ton 6th ok ott Weare indebted 16 1te «:ors of the ‘Bakeighi ‘ s ty tickets .hi all .a ;aege ceathelowest.Our Goods:sds are bought. Cassinrere Pants,for ev ¥:col hsblackmsreySene,colored, T5—extra’quality7 320>cap —qualityor siiasieialeg’ iets,eke“all Gutitee and at-aitea"and vellow,plain and.‘twill'd , —*aadSiemens n Sheeting,low >ongCloths ;Raab eeedl-mixed.Platters‘and:Farmere’.|re ‘sis;they:wilkbe sold exteed-fand of the best:northern ne "n,‘imix ‘d iwery chi at ignoits ‘Sa SsaeSmaleSaskandF for dress;fine col’da aaCn ‘dand iid Satinet-Vesta;bik ps colored -ts atall prices,tlie latest:‘Freneband English cuffs;the:d Silk Neckties,Cravate and Stocks;Deppety ‘at ala Hats e-j GentsBots of tilterdat ports,also. ter than “any.wher.else.As we. {eS~“est amountof nutrition,23 ae be true: ’a avail itself. Ly apa sreatle St 1 F.14 ai :or 5 sim sae Cher eet eee :re Ta have:sold qut-all a ps ow a ;:ae’Ee gg +betta}:“ter.at the:time,ss )fi ‘é Bene:;a ae y pe eG i ¥I a.i i >P Des ‘0 °|x K E f ts e ’cere!aa ;.,x ¢x ’Fs ‘ba ee Ot asother stage”riot i 2 bat it.Bie:no pith 80 tough that:ther cannot deity aoe it;and,for the want ofthis,|cee idiitisbadly.prepired,both!r des uti-vegetab :oe ce Pallyin,esecodadiegBesidesthis,‘dere 313 ‘more or less:ireumsta ces went to:‘sh8eSdennedofcattle,{who chewagain what:|was,produded:in lesstha“has been slightly chewéd and swallow--utes i‘om th ‘time3~ed,)partientarly.hungry:ones,becom:|stomach:*-ing choked,whichhas given rise to the|I We stated-foolish notion,avhieh-yeu haveseen:“posed to hayinandagaminthepapers,that’tive for kiling th;at Fa art-refi ":at Wa a |oy :iC)0 :r ae 5 ica r i tion:;X S J.Sugar.Caine WAS &dangerous food i ne troy-with her the int in ey tO pete pe |‘College Clase on (eta srtheCURE 6 CONSUMET Hib enh a -.Cota Aa_ebnsequence |of soine poisonous proper-|i ty aventi het ere captun Tallow epee 10301600 2!3 ‘ashing ee P Otte fine he:40.;“Jonesville,“ti 1 Thty.it:possessed,:“an hy;we ar ORS a Ronadmonished’aga: >poison containe oe»half perished-e .4.thus,inclining: idly.without,]“prt periencing.som Aificult, “and cattle:veating jit,(wheeinearlyripe,):although“had “any Be ea 1 orich i -~haye-for’the.Ja:«|»forgreen soilin part"Cows,and f 18,Pe plant.in:drt “inches apart —~gnd cut it Gown attains a hight Fo tad a ble:a mow.at“.thitgettinga ei >better fodd).tha oy —tain from:the§ ‘:e way. ane fa14 tise it:green,OF let:St -wilt “and 4 ~aprgpare,,with mu entting knife, >dwhich:you may vite"ae.)urteche.as’thy eiSmal will:at _withou if ay the east ete Tha.)piety Tay -Herelet.ine:hae‘iat jinPike ‘pre _paration of:ally.foods.‘(wtiethor |cane “oats or crass;3}the:fiver.you cut it the + better,and this:for:Bevo.¥easons5.the* -+>firsts,the anjinal exe cheat.it ‘qndre |Bh “Feallily.and.as sueli eats it morefrees: .°i.ly¥and the:seeond #eakoikis,there is ne more.available:nutrition,simply.from..°the factthat there care’mores pointshaeSuestoweseen:-$22 sfom Re ae ach. fall head:pe.——for ehatisfeeds to Milcl .ae ‘ows;they-will jenidly exkand riicat: *_stage,bat ‘lien:for the:‘rédigons given ‘Was “they will arateton miuchs ‘and:eaano raf any in:food should:-never be:lost Seht’ct {6of,at least hy thes chemeasnre their “Tae"lind by.“rods andpeels”.°°. ‘y Tamnow inakigg indlasses,and feed:>ing hogs;uph'a plautation’T havein | A am adjoining comix,‘and the coverseer:‘fer:them;and lg_has not given:the.hogs’one:3‘gram 0 (_1corn for “the:list three:weeks,and i _.+,youweduld see them-you would saytha»=they were Dy.aeneg elke fhan porson Ge wede.|Sacer Na »J Havefoi:youn ‘been ig ‘the ‘tabi »ofordering gn mholasses for:‘my:black. family,but sinee ‘the:introduction:0 ..thecane I ami savedsthis\trouble andexpense,for I'makeit,citherwithout EAe:feeling or knawing:‘theeedeven| ‘without im erations. 0 Dchly ase Cane,both as a the ‘manufactir ese x LOT i inSe : feel fully .satisi I “sh pe Be téh Se a eae BNR cise ah tea Pa I a ert eat Orghils “Naik 105 (A008:Pdads all of their Wave 3 ry a wy.BS:j t contains:two scred of gromnd..The‘country never regei eany BEES BE case d eis eget Pine ee apt a ck-1.60 (a'r wit ;to be “mail “Best Be lenge van?andie ya ath‘~from:“the Patent =a rs :aa oe ;a ;;j irkinansh rior-to tone.;W. ‘can ees int tetas‘:oietaalonose.By ‘nio‘m 9deh,od.A DAVES.as ‘of iit,upon:ai‘smallseal_would ‘become:to.many ae too{:expensire ;bat T do Farmer should:raise:it: 3 aeons Ce ONES coutee Ce id Government,and.at thek th ae)ie tonainike tw eellemente:!“They is:dae aE ae a ea ind cae of theNorthSisterter.i ee rs ee oe :Re wat ;Ak |ada ‘The ks F:'¢}4 )‘se]Tel t Rew.“a 9 phd ed -se NE Fo Sea fe pire 3 pean eer:» You-areé as‘mue pray q >as olowi tne:OF PUAN dL abi cree Fs Lh mie:t ‘D9 I ee Nop Ee ¥;be a Tr attention:is paid to bis;‘2 carey Mr:Syme,fob:it is’:othing:bu yehever ip:forgive»)4 me lS ch OU a MI BORE COW AN:TTOM:LA an Be ees ieee ke Fe erie os Be gets ee-all-fours on each i dard:If.3 net lend:>sey ;ey ee ;!7 WEE Hi ~-/.:Why,Citizen;th pun,apdeed,.and w the “linen’cheeks’?whiedafewdaysaga,We.2 prised,ae your.; ot i 3a. ih eEy | ee mh =OR oe ee oo a estnessaesxii :contepded for th_didates,—Standahes|ot Mow:are’entire]ee ‘Decidedly the.mos..‘of the:late’e ections’ys cks given-to the:Jemocracy:.:l i.It is only:b i(Whigs Register,2 bem irs oulySop aborts Vie —The surest war td ae your Health ‘1s tol labor cat Semele happ andhe“ee frecrusade drinking:thar,orphere a cannot be:Pp ate wit)impuni “bw,Gohan Bier is 0Gf:cies ike Southern:Planter.£0 "process of makit butter: pFdtl Gato pang:‘pontaining:‘ten or twélye 5 =ioe eee Saar ather is,¥er¥ The milk:pore Het 6Seeesan nile and:cream:are’thenjchunédto Pie milkaid.eburn i is’churned fie‘om aecoeand oo. F +ehenila be!‘ith a ‘slow:‘fegolar motion tat ie«—and-to'make |good solid:butter;aril) ..take from one hour toone hour and a/ (bal before’the churning:is.done atio-ae *ther pailfulof water ought:to be.put} Eeiy a.When the’butter is ¢done:fakeiity Se Oe one water in’al i aly *out,wash it through ~,Jatge tray,throw the water out,then. PAS ‘salt the butter;using abont one ounce:a ar i ofpure Liverpool (Ashton)salt to:each | .,Peund ‘of butter:Work the salt thro’j thebutter—put it ina cool place and| let it stand an‘hour;then:york it eare-|a "fully over,and ‘set it aside for five:oF |ae six hours—work it over again and set} .f =poat inside’in‘the same.cool“place‘antil~tee"|the nextmorning when:itis packed ra yin working butter,gthatcare.-dught to}3 *be taken to work:out:all ofththe:milk;ig .butnot to Work i Ee ch. ~~break the’grain“endanak oj -Tfany milk isleftiingthe: ‘soon become ‘rancid,and.if 2 ‘anuch it will be’greasy”or mes .|_-not.solid.“Buttér workedjust *:Z ar_il be:.solid,are:cate pe Toandi empty.Theoe soakedimpure‘cold.water;‘for some’“days.he-fore using Byex filed with thee |ia isfull’a »the top.of fhe turdsoR;this.goesas VT vindepth istaid;|:-* :he 2.little.damp ee th cold wate a Rt»ylayerof.‘salt‘aa,inch: -The butter stands:Soe *thesalt and elothea “ Pole “fectly tea:2oug) cs ;‘as bright aas when.ti _--tooper.:No:Teaky’‘firkiiyor:anya“that Sis-*will filter the:least article.of bitte,aPT,ought tobe’used.This.8 the way Go po 4 eaben butteris thade.;:=i %r*-One:off ‘the’‘best butter amakezs aD‘¢hemung county,‘manufactures agfol-:;Pio Fows:The:milkis put dttotwelve qrart, a pans and ‘Séton theboétom,of the cel-f :Jar whereit;remains:until i’“becomes bsTopffered:‘Ttas -théng-both |milkand|¢éream poured:into churns,which hold:;a tae barrel each.-A.pailful of water to}Sixpailfuls:of :aml 1svadded:and:the ‘ty-eight degrees.The churning isdone>by horsepowér’and requirestwohor-Oy:eo ue ses.Just.edthe:e batteae‘fly ae eek iq,-come,another |~into eachchurn|.¢_°"so-that the ‘butter uhay.‘riseaBe“The butter:‘ig.takenfromthe churnin:ce to.large| “One.onde:oF “Ashton (Liverpool),”‘salt“to ‘each pound:‘of.butter:and:lighthy'|:“worked through Sith >wooden blade. tiisattersanls workedat intervals of|~:about three.hours,.-three-orfour titnes|5°with a common ladle,“and packedi to.©.°firkins thenext morning.°Butter,whenpacked,should be kept}in-as cool ‘a place’as.tant,be found un-~.til it-is sent:to'market;3a‘cook cellar is||.the best place:Dairy:Dittersis geher-|Be ._-ally;tmarketed in:November.‘and De:!3 «cémber.-.Our-d‘daitymien generally:sell}§<.°fresh first;the-butter*“‘aade:in spring[=“=f before:ss comes,and‘that madeJastinthefallaftergrasys:‘they:pack’as}-/\plesas the’cows‘canbe:Kept on:good:;,grass.Many:feed,thetreows.with corn: Bt “antil,winter., Be 4 ‘The:proportion:offoto andjmes-|dow land:depends:altogether on.the}.|.-Season and on the grass.Clover |not feed as’long.as'tinioth>.9.fimer sorte.“Thetrue ral.‘\:the pasture fresh’: (ii.Mel “to Held.-JOWS are ‘Very nice in_Ss their selection of food;they will se ett|Es al ‘as cautiously‘as.qny epicure;i they-have a-chance and to:make them p;-fitablefor dairy purpdbes,they at altimesought.to~have lenty‘of -and water.-In:our climate:w bably would ansaee Csprotyvodanswer,Corn m"good foodfo ‘COWS in’or:,suns Itis:very im ‘th~bebe-iomnele ee a itbecomes:thick.of topperiedethe 3 apon daicymen skim off she ‘eh he iesdnattention es pat ot beforestarting:fockurn Tn!ae ae ON TCOMERE oe 3 reatcare exercjscdin the:prigeraitiie. atemperature.¢of siSix-] wooden ‘bowls,‘thoroughly |eens,vith‘¢oldwaterana:Salted with} ,Stalksin autoain-and contize tovpaek ee|* C AL SiHo rs i READY ‘PAY SYSTEM,which no bad debts.are waa —ifaejoe: aoo :"do well to examine ourstock Beforehasirua‘We aredetermined *jeA. me eeewill a aees : “i:Je:ALEX ANDER &CO:.Ne,“uly:22,“18595.ae 3m Hi an Stand,on Beckett a! East of the Fe Seg a Kinds of:Wik done”at the Ecablichinent,A Fife one on Short notice,and’ina1:eae Interest:aareer ite ce piace mee Met |¢ HYSICIANS . “find a select ‘Stock.of: ‘A REMACEUTICAL y‘Preparations,-eeRGICATzINSTRUMENTS,: +“&ey &e.,;3 i:: ie TINCIURES,FLUID EX..Boron‘ereee-a ie §directions are oat roe how ies ‘ Ure A :Advertisement,Seeueiondcredutware “There is piece aes‘die:Ucbet “3Preparesto-pave,only “Winter'sware,:W hen Auttimnin‘a rescire Test,2 2! |The mellow ‘daytime,dregims-awae’:te arihenSumihercomes,in musingnid,: “ht last oht:Autumn;rising,tales“ To gazeonce bre on hilkane i deff;~:Po mark how miutiy sheaves they bi,And sec if all areripened weal 2 With balmy breath,shew hispers:ig:The dying flowers Jook up andgive |eTheirsweetestincenseeretOyclhme(For her:who.miidetheiebeanities livé:CA 8She,enters.’neath the woodlands shade,..-Ser ze phi rs lifethslingerine leaf;Antbearjit’gerttle-whereare jnid >ist2'Dhe loved and Jost’Ones:ofits friaenfase }oka ‘Again his sceptre and is.throne,esW—Loisterous-hand the tree hie shakes,Intent on.gathering af}his own:|‘Sireet Summer éeizhins.ffiesthe plain,\And waiting Winter umt arkgrim,Sees mister Autumn.heard hisrain’.’And smnilés:to"think.it ‘wal oe hint, |Miscellaneous. “psn.Areniteett.4 oR eerazine.:ee ‘YouAFeinthecia.eee re—_—- ayrt SRT HER.i bere:ss a{Lair 1 Wndvew Tee:came’aka ait erveyfromtheshopwlierehehadworker all —day,tired.”amd out Sf Spirits ;.“came:- “huine to his wife,awh::0:Was+also tit:They a out of JP is died asp ets 3 :Not 2 or ¥S ase step.*,t‘ai ti £laat;Wwith-aSide caletier:Ee the;chop,n bread,nor thsouldbase:che ‘and,commen; é This is f -‘as-] ae into ht _chin almost : takingheen wate $s ‘spreal a greene UF 4 x w ent out;ancleavingherdin 1¢x pleagant*fee took along. ahaae br eath he dil.$6,pansed —his,walk, -and,theén a necket,sat:dowEsiandl¢ it wonPe harttteApter ee his:yest mthe’ all very.well.isc.Butipr aise®seme and; réd one ofthe traestFepreseht ofAnjustiee %ar tiade Jnis-forhim as:hands “sion ° ame in from GisrbndulatedWw loék upon the masts white is theep ——thse pe nawat to:gee Taigt tory:He “S =e‘Where is her aa esa Sie’“eried,:“eens is Caro- ee childohmadas dtwasher’sbreastamother’s:arms aunfooesFathist es ‘okie side,and kiaaaiefromhislipsMrs.Marsh,fe door,and left©united fanily to enlisprayer:same forgive ns our set then dewn thet ee:oenativevillage,and the e m beatsnthich:she ens old people couldnot again spareughter,qnd they ‘summoned—vt pation Huntly md aA son,“he--of whom any father might be-:adel ndtin after yearsno shadows©et‘the peaceful-dwelling,| once more children’s feet dane="round the hearth-fire,and‘children’s:-as-built castlesiin the embers—no-W,until that last darkness.eame :uld'be but ‘the night ‘before‘- I iseSos ae aes of :"Simple:Divisions aesaNheardaetary‘the:othe night im aving.:rink:we aresteppe e=the Penoke afit.oe éristiéz of the peoplein’a where -they Er ieee NIEngers‘during brisk.einigeanother during.In:th ‘eoateee:Gf tamerBg eughtit.about Eregt mar-|“He went toa nej ee aeF gC and iin.course of|time was intros « ‘duced td the daughter’ofJudge B.'AD g fine gal!’said:the.vembryo cig se foie friends,“who were.an |entramice;pee odoYv See y8 She se ce r s r e ic e pe n e n c - - a e a a g g e e r e n a a e s o c r a n s h - u n i e r s ta t co s m r e s t e s ge e ta n s :improved it ton Hemade beautiful and e om.which siete willahe no de in themsilves ‘née .séntations: ~<adaptation '‘fs_.région was gechpied:by:the:oa not:ehin]Saliat i obs i os Pa ae eet he iy a vic mer with ty a 1 im»Indians uadl 1838,and :these lands)i be intored by.ihe this roadpe::ae ined en toraie EES ELT ERI itor,whosé:position on the::y=eben ear CettheeConte i ee ee jneejdbeinjoredby.building t me ‘of our.p nanenvigratic rs :ge eine eas :“ah petent ¢indsand:chemHcg!fate the hands of an oceans:*were ‘notbrought into park steited beyond He ek tedin tat part:oft rae Per abe Out ur ee ene i :p roars Rete |tions to eo ee—:Legislature until 852.Thi r :ee weaan be 5 60 *4 we .ua 4 x i %th fe nce t !urE he.E ‘3 :},r te :th ns %yx }g st Alig fabs }ri "s fae i =e 1859.Shee report is inpreparation y T'th "eities which presen:‘the.red eT Avg he at Stet pamed Px :1 4a i gh gi EN a Bola as Lay pis Pak ee ,)3 i ..“alue "and jraport ars nt whe .Ce ten ;be hen and Sa dark,+oe pt:Brithin fron 315 16 1857).«Re Speed oF Bere i Freee |and qualit LL its-pro ye EO .pace fe‘en wooliaee,.advi :4 ee F i IN et Popp eee f ‘.bbe sold,on a credit,tothe high:-pumber of LOTS ‘in’said On the Ist instant:‘the Taw Basced i oesh.a eae?;ewnee a Ren tHe ee Ota ae a tot Mersey:1:iievidext |eee eee gy Be ath:E Fen Praca Bone Biecota ple on ‘ofthe Rail Ropdand Ware by the LegislatureofLouisiana against:SUG ERGY a Lae by cdvtinteaeeh oes end’iverpool side:eri igt|diePandeaparts.Mr,Clifton lL Chemi:eee i :"hows aoe nina ef theintroduction of free ne es Or per-}::Yar ears Ne ¥Diese nce fafive miles,’and’two.tiles:oi i <7 aga;(at ention anal a :and Rhporthat|Mee vessels:can en- ,sons 6f.color into“that Sete,went in-=Sot ne which.the!ere ‘Warrant wae leeued for,tis)Dirkh ie:8¢ong ‘the pean ts Eat ah UG SPeecssee that’remed Soon,a 3|n 4 rbar-and |liealong sidethe Wharf ~toforce.Tt provides hat:the police|’nape a3 :2 i authorities ‘shall lodge:itt ‘jail any.free |person of color.coming nto.the.State ice ‘on board.any steamer.“0 »the limits of theState,<=main in prison-until she}o.Captain of such vessel.can aes they:} *negro by executing a hond of five hun-\Ro dred dollars,”conditioned©that,‘the| -steamer ‘will leave the part in twenty- four hours,and when dischargedthe "master must pay forty.cents for every:| day the negro has heen corfined.dee ipl cake anced ee 10 x The Harbor astexs,sare Tequire 6 iy ;:Bales::cae poling it favpRol the lredellplany washelito eee eee Se.Tae t eeBOUE 4 PR exact from.the saatersof vessels com"a gear a 2 if vb aS 0 oth,8:Hopewell:a ay tagt,atavhichi {'Me ae ge ci oe ae eee eee aeaom;ten,statement.of!eb s $f ie)best stot On 4 Lonp i ve ral.any U Aishalinarass©aateh eal thee |cu ao ee cee =THE a ES.ey ane testes -oath,oF theea ene and.place?“onaelercd:3S ‘ital:teas th highting’#rs Terie 3 Does i te De I :CATR TEE :eo epeegood.and delicioas Frait. ofresidenge 6 EX MY HEREC’,Person OF;orpdtof enter im eat ee te ey Deleos ointed tor Moped te crwrtcig OMe sagem eae ik ai a See che ae Rd 3:oes coufitry,eolor broiteht hy Tin cehisves srs 4 peer ae eae ,ope ll ang ti 3]geawille |Wi drent:whe.vs th.Pee aod lg - sel §similar.‘statement is required.5S iagerbste Sane who would nol beslow Gorn ces thoughout town:eqdy,|Ware AS:io lestrgs i.Ou Cont ape a 4 Sup!CORN Re eS ASN NSU igeh Bah ee taa ialOf every Geaccieuitin:good thee e.*to be furnished:‘the.Chief:‘of Pélice.to photi r Rimini tor ae we ©debt ee Se RoE oD hay :Gaeta er WES the ‘\Mew Vork!?74.4a plortabh indednivenient:-This:Jand-is ina ’Anymaster:‘violatingthis.provision of,Va of operations”at if:a he gas mo tba OMS I reader tee aes iiliweation.: _‘the law®liable.to.fing of $250.a |Vt sabdoeene Bs of Our 0h ef aumbiers:of College aidat Beanl's School Howse’to api]#84 W-will doubéless be one.“that:he ce Bs hee te ree wp ae Lam determin-| ‘»The act,gives®‘the:informért of any va gh as ee ett d:>‘promenadi oint Pete ave.nok been twill’otal)“hrmse!:eS)Pa Of fy Re tive'me a-call,.orih a Saree iniet of iitchofthe fines cok = ~ witness.ete “a : -What will hhetomne.ot oh free nes: ..groes?:-Will-their’.abolition,.friends:do any better.for:them than.for the“slaves:they.hatedecoyed!from -com pe soreale homies in e South¢-a alf of highs:is:Sad:tn.el there.are! ea garge Ww jouse.7 Atieee,Bos see daze!OR-:{choice Fruit:-Atiy person wish-)")~ hase ‘will please applyenmy.ayIL.TELL,whois authorized to.act: } ‘listened for:es re:ah:ie.’sdinsdaag x ,Ta eee ig wre s nc gaat tea 5 Oe Relea aaa ;A tee:i age se oa ‘}“rentlywith |end ani |ie t re ¢|cn)AE y ;€iy meh :Fe i Te.fe +Me pera e nw £bat p KE ‘ah s aoa ae 43 fos s ,é a::OF LAND‘inthelower part of |. :=iS "i en cee See tee ea Le Br ted ‘‘K P=an ape Cottnty,some thrée-and ahalf:1H:the POLL:“BRIDGE.pcross the©Hier,near”‘the Horse.-Ford |and onal x‘excitemien _mourners Was.¢ sponded +toby. “young persons,Scyoung‘men.of kn >of ee be othe exercises closeil 1 perqiror ity wil besold abthe'ssont ace asunodatiigterms.“Enquire-of |; ‘as levine fe i 5 X=|e lower )BB DRAKE &ee “remains -ser an wil euptarned:Bethe ge gtseyIS :ai the ¥ld ter th ;é ed Mr.Ba’Pee ta hi In New York)1,tgs. “ome of hisbest frie et_#8 ‘afc Sometimes’Tletne ‘TepRov a_tages ‘and-alore:xe-all;3 Stoan:Johiv ME‘and p°Withers.sheCaldwell,WW: atigial“would pay.fortots ofthidRi <yet a‘hundredth pa of‘thetvalue aticre‘ in *‘Costix’s”Ext,would eave ‘ait frour “Aso ‘ahatel het «eld,rriamé figures in Japié lazuliY“Some years.ago,}Mo é spelling goer Exietpmalininsstnalg iat (sQoach,,Be as Say Brwane®{tof sparious,imitation: Bottle,‘Insk,and ChiaSdeereatboeoebymallG i tieeverywhere'sell;t!per:week in Few:Yorkfonsy,*E meCostar's.:bat “Costeaificientidest —the boiath t{5 mver,from:t RearPhiladetphi wursday. ,attracted any immerse”co diarubber dress,© far as the neck:Overthis was 2 ‘Cop=:oe .per’eovering extending.to the throat Be j covering his bréast.and shoulders.—z “His hands were.free,the arlys to cod plea with the India rubber cloth;tightly «777 3 sandaged at ‘thesWrists,fo preventtthe: oentrance of the water.His Head cov-..go ‘ering consisted of @:Jarge copper:hel “mtt.Behind wasattacheda small gut-||(soumec‘TE nie‘ta percha hose,about one hundred feet|Bycons, ‘in length,which:reached to-a piece of)Beet: _+machineryonboard acanal boat,which’ae was worked with 4fly wheel,‘driving:sutiee : -,.twd pumps,to-Supply f freshair.Below’Candles, thefonnecting tube |was a valve-for the Be “escape of the "foul air,.A-=ope: —was tied’“round:his”hody,<which was held by:the man on’ nal boat,by means ‘of .whi merged tian was toigive-signali _ofaccident.Another’rope was: "pended under Awater from one the riverto the:other,assaguide, whe:held‘ar“pipe for the: “ing Tongenonglt:to: “raver,the.canals “and thachines;:A and returning.J: -‘time of Sntering the _back:was.made pat Ea __His progress throngh thewate *alicated bya ht:“babbling coins ashe:pudse atong.AY *'Unpardoniable’Outrages in Utah,© =“The Mormon iniquity:has “aat:Ta ~=reached 3 Our readers:swillno “forget the recet -ararder.of.acitiz who,having:‘proueht-suitagainst ten ‘Young:was conveniently puton i308the 4 “any rmidoiis befor :Bat.the } o,‘epic.‘piathase “¢eeds angthing:hatt A emai whi sit ofbringin hese “elicotual wtay: “Was:standing né Fthe$ “With,some of his.compantéons .the least expectation of.being ee when a,rufian ¢am him mortally.|‘Tminediately,. mission of t : :i“Ing te suecessfully ‘to ‘pr the a ne =the ode ‘of: “deck int saltaltogether-as ‘mt:cious, ee “pusilanimous :a Thearrangements!60 oi ‘been made rans Neaghare:ie all mea be"eXpiated,and.t of:it,,In/our judgme hanging of the'm ay »phet.on-on the’‘same “It is.a'matter-of ’al.‘record, that the invasion’of “g ecorn-field an} :nee Island,Poe a filibuster”hog Bee crecaacy easternboundary iiscaus +TS -which’animal owéd ‘Hudson's Bay sf jean -equatter iiia'"Phe squatter shot: "sisted anorder forh ot hostilityir etna me ci ara rs to for,protection,imwithichhe’os Ca \ con I £106 iGOT. ane .Rags,‘th 0{Salt sok.190.aaa ndith ropber’s$Bi omptlyattend§care’panda (¥: Of Iredéll and Se ee: 1859,—S-lys [be eet Deel YB DEANizattendaliGallsbothinaoc | Ciffice op5cOme Avenue,one door srest Ces.4+.Re ee Se 2MEETSELLY. professions}services to the a on “Col Avepue,opposite :theCeSateCs: "2,JESYNE DAVIS,’~- ;APTORNEY-AT-L EW, y marae XN.Gey 6 Will:promptly and:diligently attend to )ail busts entristed to hiscares,soitetheJuil.}3,Oct:‘90,758,"aes iaDSAKE,-= ON: 0:33 Sr.f MERCHANT, ;—ALA te Alten SOF ks are et eset HARRESS,“BRIDLES,.COLLARS, idts rtthingelseusually}kept.in,a Harness hhimerits au ;y siehi va ;camer invite a pitta isdhergaime,ts Gore eaae sewhere."By close applicafian2coeinbassetwezoepa ;Suibspribers havii ,becanie ; voce new Hotel,lecated near furl Gdanicmapce that theyeetthetraveling’fhem with,putronag withtemwua inst:dyon!hand | Ane qndJewelry of alt.inds,- Watchesand Jewelry of oe oe: im the bestpaeng ae on:the mhost ~ issolution... ereby:giveth that oe ‘puck |ic |vianufactarins —, inated .cheir business as.a,‘Manu: ‘Company and wil]no’logger - ‘vend’.or.manufacture ‘cotton #8) rn,,and no member of:Raid concern. thority to contract for or on ac con fe \rt Compeor for or-on™a ,oF said Compan ct et :aeETENCE cr He BLF.G.AITH.EE: 6 lls inform ee ate that be bie tee opened.a * ARBLE.YARD, Peres:the MansionHotel, Etsprepared 0tofill all Orders with Mom Head-8'. a and all’igindof Work ;° the Marble]‘Line,.-of.ane aes d_be oer Cee : afdogsJing imhis line-to gall dnd-eee ‘ rie,hearprices)and jndige see an experieute:of es -yenre:in mas hewill ¢fivehis personal atte: a. SAND.Lot “Bor:Sale.- Subscriber offers for Sele terms.¢ee asion can be given atany time.|2 see aa A.DAVIS. _—~ ~ he BT a “* ee :a5 “ed with’wellwilecayed|\stablé: Insettingiout,takecare that hé plants e £en the:ends of.thre:ca ‘..'For Natuz’s* “oa Progressivs he IN:oe Theleavés that Hutter i :And Sula Shall nes -cantON’ss ee Lesa busy‘than thre >Dur courts‘and ‘alles:iIfmenWouldsearchthem’‘shiongTheBest.the setets oeieter,WiehES?< ‘Lie ister eeits: “+Tq resené all the chgldya er “g -Inignoraneéahd sin: fo help thepoor,theshiinery’To give-hint goat-aink:shies “Ng o see that2 bean writeands a dee‘Nigrk.ceriouigh :tex doe" i.The:tinve short-—the world iis: :~And mich has.to be dones 7":~The wondrous ¢arth,anid all ifs pride! »"2°Will vanish with:the sun.t ,The mometits fly Bp lightnines And-life’s8 uncertain,‘too:oF:We've nowe to.waste on:foolish ins “There’s work efough to da.”‘ -AGRICULTibeOE :cf Stcawberrica ecplersia Bs “August and September arg |fevonticl¢ -+,months to plant out strawberries,with 2 ae those who desire a ‘crop of fruit.the ytfpertoeJnenea:ase¥ ty orFela atoll:a ish 3~etion:is Nery;ee lite,- ¢the soil:iis.“poor,let“ibswell -do riot become:dry fron)the dime:he“are taken uptilt they_ate resp i,and see ve they «do rotoseee ‘afte: hewards, =they are aiidof“thelrFete hot sups;bht-a ‘muchbetterplanis _shade.:Inverted ‘four-inehfoon rorpots“ate excellent,for’this Spurfones;theydows “aallonly.be requited-for »afew days.~“Some tine it September *they.may:"meed‘a good watering =/but this soak)“nevercoe SS 't a erry st deep,ah k Q antike, ad thesurfiee,which4thé heavy’water-1a8 ‘ing willin all probability,have causetobakeand:oe2:.cer Feet wide:“ence in gathoriigthe!Fa ondsaeomtheEestexthr ‘has been rosaon the.wtoleorr~"'thécanes:‘thatlave:‘borneshould beat,once’cut:‘Out:>Some ‘Kinds theew i-suckers very:‘freely:and by thig$me_tob:one anpthor-and use-a““erop to be:‘produced '“No time should:he.8 Theraspberry ough osotnentédinthesammeér,tha ips“be required:in the’spring Ss Og hogand arake ;“gould!be ane £9Jooserk aadlev:i at : .¢invites thie;tention ‘of the at:ae “His Stock consists ’of“nersar-'“Usually ae in ae ct paises sewiy3Rie:Shas:foienee.which will:h ome sat- j READY pA4¥SYSTEat,chais.ea are made,andhee Aceall.is.5 datncatly solicitedbefore elaelsewhere...NO ROUUBiireg‘0 SHOW ooops.|i S)ERANKFORD.=|(kindy of Conintry wiwiaiebe.oh7,0 ‘taken inexchange fgr Goods,ee odCash.Prices.—.ba,July ae ie aeCash:GOO)Pouce e0,ee,Basiness.:eto-peties well Py examine.ne oacaibcksbeforeimgelsewhere.|Weare:determinedto|“PLOSE.OUT GURSTOCK.bed so nestbeeby:pole or ac- y ‘Sg(SE UA E PAYMENT,indulgence will nat be-given.:SOR ALEXANDER &GO: le,“Jyh 2278592 poke ate ‘atigs Old Stand.‘on Ht:beeadoors.Fast’“of,‘the Public ais re We jap uired|as I>Do AN Kinds oF Work :i -- “Sormerts-done’at.theEstablishment.teeeepairingdoneonshortnotice,’andiin a1|workmanlike:magner::Interest:‘ebarged ‘econnts afier’Ist January.oe ta ‘Sy Gr Unparinc a euncICAL:ENSTRE MENTS,a7 icky soe i PIT ARMACY,, Se at 7 atiga Sain ssspiteie