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Iredell Express, March 1859
he |SUBENE 2.wa el A0n8 ,are;3 .vertincment.siren:ae z oy SAYER?iSBY :|CHERRY Tee nn Pe i Ee a ey:eure fo RECT Oe ie sat:see‘Shop i:bo sinc oth ;-°Colds,Coughs,and:orton .Homse. %Hoarseness.. a Banari,Miss,200 Dec.1655.;“s ret 5 i oi ad ty *ae ‘:3 mé |~Dr.J.C.Aver I do not hesitas tonay |a :i f rr ne aE -s mix with gn <y a 8 as ae aria:‘i *f Faccaias .a r i aes :.©hoe ee es J iia bs Sst ent,cae ‘heat ee the best remedy I have evet foand for } ubtax,asimany of theStates:: Coughs,Joarseness,Influenza,andthee” concomitant symptomsof 3 Cold,is your~:,,wer ilSanasrPeotone.Tix conecank ane ins Gib)ato er as We MT ke :te 6 pettoapiengs|2 ne eae eae See ee ::whichs.:‘The same-‘principlej. *my practice and myfamily.for the last he §F v Db é ,Bi :’;=:;7 .ss 3 ae begher git bald Rye CameTh aise i..*.id=op bo realselccsonenchemea et hear bored nee nee tNac ay’Ror and in :BAN,cy.2 tes yet aa ik Th “bra Ss Thecanister: r the treatmen ;,san :.nti f 30 |‘,y ny.on "f ‘i i See a ee Hg we i é ‘a 42 Gompiaints,¥BES-KAIGHTOL Des Re Ge aia ©fc aaa fpoitson.i fitimbey,of Wk HCL CORRERY:Set FAT NCE Se ole ets VOLO ssot hy.greatest x aod to thie >ALB,MORTLEY,€5<;,of Unica,N.i :Tete BG AN ee By SN ely ”row lei ead:nine F:CH Micelion 4¢4 k i OP Se ¢5 our Tae pA monies eee in my fainity ‘sit en Yee Eo il ay oat She Kenerge Bint,a a ;enomen TH et sadhana PS ;hes HW eee Te *:echt 7. .you invented it,ani -Lelieve itth Dest:medicing |%es v bic gotten ree ye j :;43 ra 4 :my 1 =tt mt,U.n>rarde as upon the!Sle! “pn sever pat out.With rn bad cold f akaul i :fF *¢'Baw y (i g ya ae .ea ;TY mportant %:£re Sekine ots Saees +Rt é k h b Secras eek thian do.with 2 ediSt atciad Dice |1 Poictlins ned ee rte ;ie)at :Wath eae 4.et ee me tM i nay ene)or '1)wa 7 wha ie=em.ear >»e any other remecuy.::ype aN t ¥.s a Rac 'Beh Sd $:s es t -eT ie ea iy MEDS!vf be oe tees 5 3 5 GoM Ma M0 Oo::a r ue |‘EL hUy aspossible “one the’‘poor,yet)... roup;W ng.€hoe ou!Sa 4 Vigtent al er.(iold,Watch bbe ;‘ini aro"%trey ::nS Wes 4 Croup;vere cee pia bee SELOR WS Ge tia Le ¢Rec hs KEL!Ves Tea SOO Ett:4 ing unjust to the rich,Which)> x the bost remedy wespussess for the.cure r yet i e a fa iat he vex Wd ;:i IMATE iB aie “'Re Pie eee j i poke 1h 5 %Meat oe areas he.ideal of a ‘perfect,- coubh,:croup,agi the Chait,diagenen-of-ehllunen..Hoabe,in Sate sfeetty!mB ic Geet Ser eae ie ae we btiC::ad Serbs see ae pC re nee aheae a eas derived pr ¥.fron be observed.‘WhilstI. your fraternity in the.'Souttappreciate os Wile,34the‘juterests of the:ie Snr your medicine,a a ee een ae et patronagages‘with :SORE aye:“Ladle:ber itdyt Pin:)extre Bir rsa i ;;=V méreby:pa fh inode i ego:Petes pe Se F 3jetearaelaesHoteleeseapertqTAanAVISrrindsmerelypausete.gather Moms Gur cxpanses,Ox.walk anti Anpécken ry and altogether antagomis-) *tried your’J*ctoral by the at ‘of our.élergym f :‘,;:::tee ‘xtent they eae & first dose relieved the soreheas ig my threat:anil ‘ewe,‘than ‘one half the ottle made me 5 Your medicines:are the cheapest as can’buy,and”we esteem yeu,ee as the poor man's friend.” Asthma or Phthisic,and Brouc itis.:ai Ree iY Si AN ri (ste dade 30 Six:Your.C7 os See et ee :2 !ME a fea GR ehined Net Geld Pens 3 ‘5 tees.:;Wenn bg m:Your.Cherry oral,fs performing ngaryellquss 17¢het Y re,4 7 Stipe (i icra ward Be ‘|:me ee apa ts 4 4 EE f it ete sae wee “A fo ena mat hate i 1%‘:: >»cures in this section.It haa relieved ose sential ;Ne HERR Evert Bae hoe,ie GQ Te a t *i ;a a ey ‘A fh PCLT AEA .a Mt GN Nene ra Ade $y raed ::“st ‘of ihe coe?an ign i “Uagit's BAN Gosulekeeri Rt if wae BAe “PRK oe Ho not.b;ferent Tlie doctrine,sity Of aetaxi fpr tL:dy'is 5 ifit nupierically :ingce gyeareoase of:consumption,aad:is now.curjngid mart,diag ceed d labored:under am affection of:the tings for the:j BOLRDI i say ne ir predominatesin:fact,{ eieee forty years,HENRY b.,PARKS,.M Se dain Gd ini j :ra et ;+i,4 sy mena tee sire Sek 1)dani Medic aod tote Seca 1 STEVENSON -&.BOWE ie a Seen a tt etjonr Ssom awh [over the.nianificturing interest,then I have found nothing equal to your,CherryT i ae :‘j i$Ks :1 bs “We mi;1 s,:a 6 might add volumes of.ecient bu rislation ofthe eouttry.-; -eK Consumption.a ‘A.A:PAAMSEY,MLD.,_ALBION,Mound C_writes,Sept.618552"Daring my practiced of ae ;3 37+eo giving ease‘irid relief tercopedim ptire Pa f ppr instit utiong pSal =e “euch-aa are curable.” tpredaom inande shon! :vincingproof of:the virtues ofthis remedy:asom is pe i ie ee of a :?‘mf DEAS Ny ECLA 2,AR tet cies:Ba ’¢ effects,upontrial..Big fd ce ar ee aeRO Le Be Ne ks ;og IS hee iatigh ate ¢Sennist Soaphip tyes beld it sy ast tn dptdor sacrificing a»<inaller i “probably a ee ae ever been.in ae F Apap Tinta CRCH ID eee gS Guten i 4 °‘ihe ai we F ty SSOCTATED hy ]CO J yO ,ey Ach rik)=aap +eae great Ty in 56 |‘Bae oO Ur ape .ae a Cee ee Toke dks Biche v6 Se eitadions;Boat os spine,of dhational Palani oni :yb I believe that sll.14 ‘pr se:should beyfina di }ng human ail can each mit even to thos i F¥cetoral affords relief andcomfort:k ;Astor Hovsx,Nuw’Yous Crem:‘March:Oi ge §}Rs ‘rats oP riage i er }:eee f tf 0 a3 ‘ _Doctor A¥ER,LoweLt:T feel it a-duty"and aplensnre Det Fg me :a <4 sf ite *Swe ’e :SB Bae ati ba Oa aa Feiy (ica : toMaform-youwhatyout Cherry Uictoral hawdo 1 eth ®ree aye 5 j REAFOVIEL)OF layacsel ye ‘di ns :toL ou ia=nce <wdithie operations,Soe ‘wife.had been ‘five months Ltboritty!a:Siig ii ::7 :'a tee we et Sa : cerous symptoms.of Consuniption;fromracniehs nei .'oy ay pester =igo ——gre her —aes are S|ir x,Ait |n nz.until Dr.Strong,.of this city,-~where we have ;She tS Ml ceweahe tnt Lead ‘flou ey advice fecominended’a triagl.of your madiciné ..Web tie etga ;Shia ite cee ci wartehs 4 pe:intense me do veeepetth ‘for’has’Pspecs uh infaeaaine’.travellery?ghd,rie!publfe i rom that day...Site is not ‘yet\as atrogg altshe;a Sant e?}be,myis fretfrom her abe initca rsa BB EPSpeeKE,a)ee tire poree®?ra ours-with gratitude and re ee aie Be}atin ee taiess Herons,vant Ce ale i ‘at By ;;fathey ee Tega <+.ORLANDO:SELEY,0 a madaced:q pee rea withy Btune Set :so akan.)fa ays aos A Be :a ‘Gale Dats pe naan ae!:tarts ian ue EOC ¢5 to!meet ee “—..Constimptives,donot:despair.til you?have trii__}Counery’Pketorat:It ls:mado by dne-of the medic tateyand envtw pee i Dring We pri c’ees keepitg BE ile a ie Saar:Provepsor ts “of the be 5 a ss oi;horeeos F _Ayers Cathar ¢a the quenatyteleth,the peel’thesa NHE sciences’of Chemistryatid Medici beet yA a‘abder Ane i he:pein ai ae ;aie \ _¢KE taxed’their wemostito producgthis’best;i tat adefone deed ict te ‘genie Bot ,{U oF:feb Ra Paseo s oe La iL.purgati¥e whichis:Known toman.-.-Inouitierad 5 c he A y pi ‘s;;ad :x ;Gt :‘a ot hy ént”.:‘lee:by 99 a}rks Hes gi CES “ON hat “gpecia 4 iran . ~is 3 i ;BRpei &x iy DsON aos f PH itvadkasond,a a Bs a ie se :al Ase a th0:in,alt the manufac orié sof ©‘- >*excellence‘the,pom aiedicines,‘and’that tt ‘gos yah 133 i Me te ahi :;:;;;;,”Patan iat eh we ;act i Y z "abe aie i - ,precedentediy upon the esteem of allmon:y os CORRS.:;{%7a) >+and pleasant to take,but powerfulto cur wt _tratingproperties stithniite'the'yvital activiti:.removg the obstructionsof.its,organs,.parity?(Od and expel disease,.They/pargeout:the font lfuinbrs" FE re ed and grow distemper;stiinvlate seg iso ©deredorgins intotheirnatural action,and: ~tone withgstrength.to the.whole:-system.-*2 theycure’the ev ery-day:complaints-of |eve at i i ‘niind ;His hil fy ‘ alsoformidableand dangerous.diseases*that have’t Se ma oiee EN cat Aa Bye aeliteitineet hh ishers andinTtaesqie netics br ¥ine i od higs 10:ie CULV sy {.a bd ey ;; the best of human,skill.eae al .rmnforta bi!ed a ae ;Ua e.Slog;BST Charts Et be 2 :ue Eee me Lee Opie rats sre Sd |ie ‘:ie EXC Taceig);1 adfer,Ay nat Tittle Srotechi effects,they are atthe same tinre,jb dirninisliga doses,ithe en sat dt aes ite Baia §Peek een Sy ithe ::me Sah RR =ano a ets :“ss ne ea *s ey,é : >.-aufest ‘and best physic that can-be employédifor childre:Pg Meh Li8 is od tate sae ae ;Nee ;:;Ps ;:‘a ase bas ded!by:afairly ¢ fee ty Beirig dugar-coated,they are’pleasant to,take;and ae Te df ted|EDGE,rege |uP :re ‘$i49be!plat i ;2 esti prices Fe 7:Sant der rity:ois wh Te e teriff,front our 0 \purély vegetable,are free from anyrisk of:harm,.-€eatile wo fee Vie Rte ie Ma P AtaRto LTS hG Raat at:i #8)2B Sat Mi Tahini di hha ee kV RT |ca en a i 3 .‘}ey,those of,the week.ike, ‘have.been,taade which surpass belief werd ‘theynot ;os ‘4 ;a ee =)‘4 \hs fd :Wienmy:own:people.conkd soa st’benefitted erchiy.2 stantinted py men.of ‘such exalted position’ ,wa ito forbid the mfspicion’of unfruth,io ‘.:"—*oan :’i ‘:x : 1 dphysicians have lent their nambes,toicentify |&):FLAY Oh:Bo »Work ;Hane nitbgns :eae YE i ‘Y GARIE 4 ,a ,sche oh: aae catunee nt rem Se tae ienct BS BD:|ae :3 fey Pr bee te et :di)ey Sel aareeh tek Oe horse 5 Site Gi as sufd ‘than 40:4 PAs:ithe manner of levymy these. aS Ta 5 ¢it:i 1a Litutios,EF arn,tepetrsaed tooa that-E:- :fetihatavhich eannot hart “ie inth:Ly helj),theti.i - a gf e have sent-me the assurance of their;‘coi Preparations contribute immegsely to.thet al afflicted,suffering fellow-men.3 *:tik ye :tae +t fs fas qnest ines sie The Agentbelow naméd 1s ploasedtofarnifhgratismy ee nee eo si oct Bie Le Bamps.Clk eae ed a ‘tae:Bp it eh ae Ub naaie ae ase iby bith. American Almanae,containingdirectionsfor thei nds;an iC sf!y in oak i tt *‘Reha Re!ee Uae iene Sen i 3 ’ayath Ae Tee ee !t the.§ certificates of their cures,of the following ‘complai ‘\i 4 ,iG ce @ 1B"ze ".Costivetréss,Bilidus.Cogiplaints,‘Terenmatiam, Tleartburn.Headache arising from a’foul stomac Ms |.sea,Indigestion,Morbid Inaction of the Bowéls's [>“arising therefrom,Flatuléncy,Loss of Appetit . ous arta,Cutaneous Diseases which requireaneyacna medicine /Scrofula or King’s Hyil.They slso,by purity hc :>ing the Reed and stimulating Sie systevl,cure}art *;phere ;'°af ‘‘ .-jlainty which jt would not be snpposedrthey icould |533);phate BMA Beanery ty i ME Marion:‘BE re Costin ae Mga ayy iT als ja ;ch Hl - ts »SuchUs Deafness,Partial Blindness,Neural and:f ;.:e's ue ere SLY:TEGAN Es mais f Psat d :UD)es)‘Sin 49 ee as ve «|&‘i re er)a “ao revente,it is certaingMi:can~;:2 latte :n Faded { NewvotsIrritability;Derangements of ‘the pare Ki ft ~neys,Gout,andother kindred complainte}aris j oh ,a :esas { loy state of the body orobstruction of itsfunction|Pf ale ..aes alee 4 AE ev :wenZoi:ee ty }i Mayas ee ’tat mh PSS)“Servan:Ra |Pn tik ZONE IAS,“PeOU LG 2 P nptoteclon arigcs:from iif,,itis a: -.Do not be put of by unpriticipled dealeds Wh eee SR oe cath 1a Sires nk :“LordsBavoni 5}:.|se a ‘pe “woke dt tt Si sien me :fa ;:.+ith other pill they make more,profit,om Ask)ford fie Rate TTR ce ae fy MOGWADIOR OF ost OE :c:ey on es:ARRON Bee a r ne ae Ee F anteat 1OT,ahd”nota.orei Prits,and take ‘nothing else.No other they can’nity :“aden!ease oa yt A ,‘-ELLORS “ht KORC.I BORE is 2a .a EASING COWS fi 1 ML Ee ?;::50.puts:to rest the d Riculty. “>;you compares with thsiu its inttinsic ¥al ;curatix ;;i Peas,:+:Fi i liahy:Ph:tHe ys iy 3 Pani a Pe ;vy >aay ed ;;1ome,and :foreign vahis stions,- shes Be f om ;bgt Bete x ANT j Ba ;a 6 oH co Ae ge gh OFe t SSDI ' ad they atioald havele seibee aa a bbst ta Satire ih ANON in ae :aC Me MSSM EeEO US Cieay iy,this:Eninep:"es it “4p the wngles.and mitten tity eee ‘arises yor,the ndval: '..Prepared.byDr.J.C-AYER eehen thie toroPocalgs ts ::3 aS i d aid :ey s Practical and Anilgia!ChemistLowel Mas wie thio nted ang aw tr emery).aeE Lard,ata prospenit :EE Erg var yitsaet ti EAT O (ae 2 iit ‘€)me Or :uf hé-does’Bok es“fia }owrigid:reveny a i =bee thie Becne t and.f i SOLD By i a Havilagd,Secvensvit &|ok eee Bradley,Ww tear hes M.SAt tos Ry Co.Norlatk,N.Rives!Peter P urcell Ladd &Co.,awe »Bi & -aither:Newton,’AV’Tt Michal:Ane +i Sed Druggasts and“dealers in Medicine c where..For sale by «,¥7 EF::S.deRICKEY =.May1¥185%one a sf e :Pts eed me ;ts o %‘}i Wee a Me §Pane 3 q aia.;y dO FOuh-¢L i:HOW ARD:.ow?tg heals arrival ahihe cars).se.oi.)ee 403:Bhelless:fe >adiministerts Bavill bertearted::Faction:*nation ike}thot het .bee Sia sel Un K AST.bitter to,bring Hp tk 1s MagLappuriina.bea a atts age,#}share,:pranks tes *wexpescd thd denounced at wotind bat of GroatiRBritaing wht ol:Tio,then.can}e.Wn eral ge soaeht at fice 10.a-reveriue “gt 1¢A Seescvoleat Institution’ee ss P'asia ete Alicnt cil out Diitiege +nme Olly oot yates few Po ne he)Om crowns and ane.SINS tes t ot:rqlations of neh +sith,than to:keep Special Endowment for’the Relig MRO WEE!1 Ar eyty tesies ime ttaiugem wiemagepra a Rodis Democrhe\it Years phatsald Dae bes Ebert:the ‘Hope gf Sian te eee eo ae Fianceaee :‘of the Suck.anil Distressed af a Ea se rier Uy-b8e-Oe Oe alSp io nothernt Sdalaclivod to:t yinent:s;“The.sou (Bas PERE DESH OR:brit ve Wh “urs.*‘ts ace cefealitle to a oe Vhs flicted with Virulent sealed?os Waitin—re a eee Epidensic:“Disease ee “qari:tityieounthy”as recover: : a iapoel crisis whic 'N times.of Epidemics,iis the objedts.bres thus Institation toestalljeh Hospit sito Ge it{ ‘vide’‘Nurses,Physicians 7‘Eldthing.)“Med ; ‘—jeines,@c.,for thé sick and”_deSutaterto kd LVbe eit Mgt +Teather Re Breal n Afynin:Book 47 F sh dTigs,Cone renstb A a £3;T Ye has]Psarsenian :Ley mach desae eee oe }charge of the orphats.ofdeceasedparents,vastl?Hs Old5 ead-atreetia Sralwaeumuriona tol Mies Aadwioe Tanke bE OW Miss jagadhieh ake suppocaptorfeel mare |yop or eideredhesk to:draw |efery fers."fashion ay ‘eeibis dtave gailto do in producing'thikvery. tominister in every possible ‘way 40.the wehetse ?‘tty Ta Ripe Meee ja ‘int my opinion, the afflicted and'thée Health ‘of the Bal blatge |:,:)Open.tp lebate,:to:ay.the:4 “Tein the daty of the Directocs at such-tinkcSs 4)piniy sopairisg doperon’shingtypotioesiaad jn.iter memoria Ope ot mit puereaup pear EOE9Htoar siends my other erties BF dhe|se eithout!,borrowing,Jia Odds Row 2its operations:id vet Wie &;niiinis,that California gold,© visit personally,the ‘infeeted Aetricts,¥*2 ‘iv eehs OBS sree Iotiartint end:c t fi a Be Best OY Saas ee a Yeare not indebted ' vide and execute means,‘of:relieSs.Bo ws,BB.vate _Doda :Mere eae Express may shave arwily t Mt my sa cates “a ‘-_physicians,”not acting ‘teint rs ibthe LS A e ee *yt,‘/er OY Atle Catala,meter ys Va if Se CREG IY :]6 Be eee oes me zt as Oh eee teehee tes Sieg pteey “¢yas cit =t our. .tion,usually zrrel thesr ames’on 5 hooks,ee .:$’i te Apbate wad persons fortuing)|Le =if TIRE EE iT p ;FLes merits .pines 2 ~~ Pet “ject to be calledppon ‘tagtiend i Hospitals me ¥ i of charge..'In ‘the.absence of Epideo:ex,the.» Directors have authorized.the GorQomputiod.sSuris - ~gedni to-gave,advice “and:medical ad cat}ond. suffeFing under GuKoNIG.DIS NSES efi"‘Executed withineata lent character.arising frony abuse ofalin BA se and.oxaes ‘powers,mal:treatment,the eects ok -..Various rxvonrs and:Teicrs.nd ef ‘and treatmentofChronig Direasess tives ied sulting Surgegn,have beer peti ahii.* a8 tous distributWh;and salesent TREE BH Wei deh at at risa )neé eC “Die.Substriber wae PE mi eg jor eports Or reatment TKORGE:ee)ic iy Way me Carnoen,consulting,;‘Surgeony:Howardsees Sop!15 ee20 Likely Gunga a sociation,No.2,South’Mint StreetiePh lady ‘or.which.*aepayaaio 4 bie phia,Pa,-ar-ordet.of tie Directiiesfo Protons ign’addres 4 re upon thepoliey ee '-Tands.aniong the sgveral Union,orthei -procee S; tablish.free aehauls.t usiy(from Posters é burdens Of‘general improvemep ‘in their respectivebordersi¢ if that policy hed beenag ‘time it sas first b:reekseae"wealth and prospPhare been mater"in the ede atthe.its = this =e a ae Democratic party,which,’et a'very atearlyperiod,took ground adalnst'dis-|putribytion,and declared that thie apes r ought to be held as a source’*.ge,the,proceeds pouxed intotlicTreasury,and appliccto:efrahithe'public:experises,and ite of«best inure to the aseand benefitpeople.Phaf party,pre though under:that’igpositi on-pablictands Nirginia,North ‘and Georgis,Which cede to the Coat *until: Tefaxes}:arch ihe ave where.met.with,praises:Of|-and equality,uswell-as: 'the systera,”.From.that.ui the last convention,WI ‘at Cinnémmneti nh 1856,¢ hood,county;‘dis tional convention,so fatTéctionnox,-xtends,plédged tip:arty,» Jn the fe ‘the natiot app se the } ‘&tfibution:of.theseriethotsoe :ae tas a aap dov cyl “purpose whatever.Nay hakit ,‘Yorite:term’‘of:“expressions> Ee he sprodecds.of,thes¢tanbésacredlyapplied”to.ththis.givinga:‘kind of relito!the:siimcevity of the pro the advovates of diistributi to ‘despaieee Shen ine:..for one,.felt-that,vd 1:ea ed by-be!nf able to Bs bs these ~oft-repeatsogi Sp +cheered by thé’thou could not got a-fair ea Weye knesw ae ,coeds of tlic Jaird:< .pobedof;that theypiedtothegencral charge%|.pendi ture.:But,sir,extn that c 1:2Some is‘taken ‘away.from,sme,a ~~.petal,reality starés as.“ih the’f. +Dating th10 last sasaron.of. :‘acting inFabegicne ©toa,Seeretaryy-0f th ¢Intex rt-a report in brivf;to the F.forth the numberofat-andifor what”‘parposes,“poration of the present‘that report,it,appears from ‘mentory))about:0 ot meptrasnequalgen pce:sacredlyooF “not,Wwe "to.the ‘pub:He ex<pens« ithe Sanic poxFon,the eredly”!given tawayeand ~pbout tio hundred”and ité séces}And this ¢3<clustye ( grants anisunting to,some millions;“Some inillions.a ;build therm:denifiecnt: bik Sof Minviswhiel:cant strued to-eomé under th~eralicharge and.expene Cong e; millions “more*are haniled?HC Minhesats,to.Towa,to W:COURS: “to.other’northiwes tern Sroads,sehools,eae it: a on..Ww hat:constr ;say;but;in my:opinion:©@ way,of the comntén .proper-States{do support tliose |ny:constituents pe “their own pockets,is 4 ithe expenses:ofthe “Ge pals. 5»raentee hive sharedEa das bhagss ‘oh: and sonth,-or recite thte arid .s0 sacredly*donated:ito: :and companies a Thet grouped ovet th : -dre and ten eein the ‘Sebead toe|5 Bs‘Istthebe any ‘prospect:of ‘ithe: being stopped?|“Why,sig,.Liva'eyefectlyastonnded:to learnithe.hnber:~of billsnow before the Hobse righaceingawaylands.I sas in: —~this Hall,and heard theott -emouch ®introduced to.¢ ‘Goeete il ee Facan “to:the)prospective annexati “nations,kindreds;tongues,afyom:theopen.Polr sscajbe¥afd-region’-of eterna]ice,'to the:ithof|Darien.There seenis oF aE ‘pean rotons,ay no gietities:to.Cuttehapplicants:Why,§ -monareh.‘exer eave’‘ ‘barbarian,erapires. “his to give,wich pie.¥e diigplay'i in granting’Senetz:Uniche aioit "millions:of acres of eis a_ndblest-land.on.'carth;Of which,’itis}8||promised that:the priceof ¢ay ro:shall be.sacrediy applie it thgt efsplendidoperations‘ofStates,rpor-: ations,and indiriduals,the-actuallyconceived the ide :eeitself out of,two:bund: hoefreverts ‘cr 'Troadupy.to.rethe“the burderts ef: fae aitferentobject.‘So wildhas the’inf : it could:scarried out, iy those who know.shina best.— -countyofDaviécan haveino ~in Tepresentative than E.Gaith-‘Long.may.he live in pros:y indjhealth....DU ; }jent thatTre-erALwillbeeaeintheante= Hes ‘sie as on|of American’‘eitizens andeitproperty:whilst.in transit across jiotiaane routes:etiv our.Atlan-i =,render it .uty,“ean to recallt is subjectto.a haveheret ofdrepresen- :»both ‘ot which©eg’nee ‘to:vefer-te theAe Estate‘that:“the exetutive government.of this cbuntry.in its i tercourse.avith _¢ign:tations,“is-limited to the em-:oymentiof diploniacyalone.;-Whenthisfailsitcan‘proceedni-¢annot legitimately :Athiout she direct,‘authority of Con-reps,except.in resistingandrepelling,8postileattacks,It would hayend au:--ae to ente?the territories of Ni-- agua,even torsaegeeveadl the*destruc-tpn of the thansit.andprotect theives propert ‘of.our,owh:citizens on bie See Ttis:‘true that’mae ergency ofthis charac terthe re Gdent would diteckad y-armed force tisvicinity‘tomarch:to theirrelief,in (Aoiwees‘this:he be ———his Sader theseccircumstances,ITearnecommend:to Congressthfan‘act:agthorizine theyunder.suchrestrictions as-‘ibedeem}po ‘to.employ.tlic landnavulforcesoftheUnitedStates crenting *theucth-d onclosed by lanrless yiolencerotectingthelivesandproper-. meri¢an -citizens travellingn,requiringat the same ‘timetheseforcesshallbe*withdrawn jonient the dangershall have.pass-- }dd tay: W ithout such,a proxissioncitizenswillbe‘constantly exposed ?eruption in ‘their Brogresss.andessviolenet,*ph Uaepmnirigeceasty:existsfor thie« bus eofSuchan act for thepprotes-On of the.Panay and:PTelganteper. her ‘Enbject ‘equally important,ndedthe attention’of the Sen: 2isiate ofyintion.and:‘civil.War’ever since rod:their inde]nendence-As. ¢other.party:|as:prévailedinedpossessionbftlreports foreign commerce,they havend:configcated.Americanves:ad their cargoes in an arbitrarywiessmanner,andexacted inou-:American-citizéns by forcedsdotherviolentproceedings, 1,executive poistiguats:of.Guest: Sritain,France,‘and other countries,essing the war-making power,canlyemploy,the negessary-bmeans iforee unmediate Te subjexceutive”ovttcent ‘ofthe States.TfthePresidentordetsof-war'to-any of these portstadpta:redress foF.gutra-. -4 ‘ndin Jet - sort.to nobeewee;The question must®then be.Lito diplomacy,'anq in many quate redressean never be” *Tha American:gitizensar¢ of the same protection,underoftheir«edunt rhabjesofothérnationsenjoy>‘The - en ¥‘for ‘this State:of things-can.be Supplied.by:Congress;"since netitution:has,con ded:b a i alorie the power to|make ith the authority of ©.isresktheceputivecannetlawfally“direct_any ‘however.néar.i be to theof:diate :for the purposeys0ns'‘and pr .ns,jeven though th may|be vio-3 isi one vanes = 0 protect’the lives.of nh shore,or to obtain. ah ;siming i to.one orother of thehostile. smight make a spiiden descent’ Craz or on the ehauntepec :he:a have no power topatos=Se cS ruction .of thecg rence tocountries wherethe ri Bg enough to -Pog here: but xperience |has sh wn.that the. ean,Executive shor a:itself be e transit:from-being © ~ < os ai g ta l ry et a ty pr aj * oe : So r oe ag ee ‘ + Mo i s * ; s ‘ 7. . :pointer.illustration of th ~,.the two hoases'to ipyest cate the Press outsider of the’Senate asthe Ro :Seah OORaiload,”ia aaleer op Such a ‘grant of authorit: ed in its extent,could iinn just en be regarded as‘a transfer ofr ghie wa.‘making’power,to.the:Executive,ba“only as an apprapriate exerci of thaepowér‘by the body to:whom-it exe _sively belongs.‘The riot Pah n’1856,int which a great‘number of our.“citizens lost:their Jives,:}fu 168) Which may:drise'for the:i.this authority.mi.' ity nae fet,te pae fore’their-adjournment-,the President the:powe".lives and property:-of-Ameri +Zens ‘inithe cases:which Th .ted,under such ee tions'as they’may deem 2adaeknowledgeatSnell A patie siecleit,is-int -dréss,and ‘to;‘render’rth of force:unnecessary.: Without this the President:tw 1¥hgphicedjprapiinfulpositionsheforg:‘the » presentdigturbed eonditfon:ofMexico _and'éne or:more of the other reqsouth,of us,no°peor ean fore shattperiod.§ .CY,our:citizens;seeing ut :"not enjoy “the ame protection”subjects ‘of:‘Enropean:cove will have just cause.to Comyueotheroneyshouldshe: “to Sexere:cénig sea power:not: ape e axking akns ‘seeonimendedl tg Gen ; meeting.of the:next Congress.Anjthe +their.a ni PB gress,a smeasure whielr tr alcoté meses.By Se sary anid,expedient for the3 anid horpr afhe Contry,i exec aa c eis aeWw‘it hes foinJ Reon:in,a Senate towh -~edin our lastpaper.mee:Tthe:part‘of theStandard ‘te umagainstMessrs,Turner st .for their.expression oflio |tion at the‘action,of a “ty majority:‘will ‘he ut arly.Fie facts ofthe««-dige lise.ple té breachiof the rutesa L pris -es:of the Senate pre he.dea ‘y made ny thescase Shel wks gedgat.this brane!ce tH “may,dispense awith,the file;--of-adépting:rules foritsgos “the dispatch of Kasineass:An thefirt place’Me. aeee Was:not. *-the Senate. ~efficial .connection a -“and éan only:be heard beforeth a “by like:any:other’citizen,by oi ‘ber.The communication, -;upon'the.tabletand’‘taken Speaker,"who:att hemight find ‘conamunic:Tom,“Dick,oF;Harry,““ohne else &.br #4 ~dn the skcchd place:if ‘theéommrt: nication was ‘a!‘petition,or,memer itl ~gould not ‘haye been,presented atthag atime,“Decause,ade-ordting:to.the mites of the Senate,the.honr for,fheprivenieneDrate5 our Reporter of;the!3 tatign ¢ofpetitions:and nifemabria ls:chad Sie passed”by.*Phere .wWras SR ietadieStheHehenngs2ofMrgo oPhese reasons Fe conclusive fo sho’-that the reception ofPrésiden Fish:er'S comuinnication wasgross]yi But stot only_wasthe recep)ong iHegal,byt’the “coufmunication.itself was grossly offensive tothe #hairmof.the joint‘committee appointed: airs-of the.North»Carolina RaiCompany,and .when-that:enfleman “himself a member of the’‘Seate,iFOS-in-his place and,asked.as.a santoof}privilege to make 2;reply t¢to thetasaultmadeupdu‘:him,be-was'‘rites ihals ‘from or:hear odKs sentermly-clamored down,*‘and Bamatered (ears “down,by.the¢voeiferationsof =a /Was not.this ‘conduct agGale-Jated tpexcite the indignatidn:$f-the.t opacessed minority 2’Fuse:lobk:cat ,the case!-“Mr.Fisher,asm Rome,is authorised te.commy with the-‘Senate as acsPresiden:; Senateis denied the right.4 or portions of that communicatio sive.to himself and arraigniny’ ge i:‘ck hird,shot:nthe ‘ieh "Sickles ue ohdekocieal Peau| the made Bee War the g sk aa “self,pane petess in.Jai in:=a no donmenteona nea‘am “controversy,‘between pe‘andthe joint committee;Wh”the report of the latter,signed’as4_by two Whigs and tyo’DeMhoeratss y accurate or_iagcurate,doesn;tthe‘question.Messrs.Leichhh.ce ‘Turner are-unjustly assailedfor ymae ‘ce lyand warmly.‘vindicating the.weetendrightsoftheSenate,,and it 18.40.do,zachey sectthat,we write.ai ‘El Progreto,of the 16th,stheFrpichandPeslichaienotifleditheeee epartment.in that:aePapeatijriondSocio yilivesina -.stone ‘h rifrom ‘thea.which’is about sixty Afeeseventy,fect..in’ r *t iveliewes =Bice eure’for Cholera ” as ERTIFIO:MEDICAL,DI86O 4saneimosttaogreattoSeleewy|theyirét dot pee hemefit:seidom gore thas |mired‘to’Tr anyrept,4romitheuenclirecee‘ate the result0of PRICE Oxemecsatwaa isto Feb.aoe ; HENDERSON:&‘ENNs i eeend ieoo in apsrer otion,PagenceyBeds hod :Articlés,-at?““<8?GARDEN SEEDS,&“GLOVER ANDGRAS$SEEDS,FERS HINES AnD LIQUORS foe :<$>MedieinalP oS aeifBNEape7aticpareae Machine stop, ‘3 ae.ae AND.oe teaeFoundry,— AMANCE.COUNTY;8 ‘HEProprietors ‘of:thisj eelwouldinform.their:friends ‘ind 'the;pub-jiegeneristhatthey7still’smanufactur-: ROMsT wo.TO SIX HORSE‘POWER:re“Wheat ThreshingMachines,— With:WY,Vrought or Gast Iron Oylinders,of ad‘5 |jeizés,either portable or tationery..;Jatest:improved Wrought Cylinders,the |‘teeth beinginserted:throughithe bar,square‘‘with,thetap on the inside,A ean obviates | yall ‘ditheulty.iin reversing the ,when.-“one!side jgets.tvorn,.These!in ines =tA»[suit ‘thewatts of every farmer ° ae Sugar.Cane:oe iW;re also‘maniafacturing,upon:ecad Hodes superior.article of“Sugar CaneCrushChB:h‘have sufficient capacity,with one:Fse;Pt extract50 gall of juiceper 4it'onlyoccupies a space ofabout 3°* that the dnillis very portable.-We-esitate to-say,thatiour CaneCrushers .‘that have.ever been:introduced :State,and every:farmer growing ma Heron iv ‘etcry.ees Ma-P differen Hehe soul ,CornShel- re rl Machines:allkinds of Casting4‘de -awork:munile's der ot shortripe tippy of sicalon.‘hand,’aotd3eccspeeserdanehwho er rvision ‘ol thestate Ww,:Saari +Hawiaeexperience,they,ddnotwetjfCassiaeffortwillbesparedontheirpatgefieral’eatisfiction.~ .“TF ‘nable tovsuit.tthe’times.8 for work,of Jett pa iptxox,a 4CALEB:DXGs ees coe}article,well’gotten:|the!opinion’of the ¢ |soiree:Bor fr cule a vitbin the last.th -years,‘indtheardthereiswellofex- ght¥:turned:fre “fro1 «phe Power:of Wormari.””7.Eee ~I-wellremember thefirst tigre tht-yentured home.in‘a’state,df:Tatyication:-f ‘kngw my situation;and,dread.|ed that ny wife ‘should:Gscover itt.z:‘affected:to -bewitty,“affectipnate,PONE.and ee ‘bat itsWas “a:‘totalyfailure.ects.ent ayip ya)I felt"eee poison:momentarily’ia her Bide fellree ae necreasing,[saw ‘the ‘ingitring,,“eye bss deowiok :a1x¢pe eae eae aS dg zt 2 Pare aye more @ ;niy wife fixell’upon me with #look |Pe.fH anything}ting:.|Samia ie:hi eke 45 9 a ie cepted the Api TeunutterablepiceIpwas’only:swith -ha Poe.-Serene ond.i all wise Init Bissis ng Be les tae ts |:t Kish ‘anit £03 a PracticalHaken catter;<het:'aid.that E was enabled?ro ted CPE ONT RS:St U2",Ca acte¢};Bh oa oe ee :-“he $ioeN.C,-may ‘pillows,che Poet e ett a Laat ::ss wnt rep:2allons.y=“All restraint,was soon sve taawas Aeah Wo nd:Mame WO)«epaee.depthae «eet.IONS Mee Ris oaak aa RUC ayo hag RIES TH ee aged pers ee eae ERT:|;mrand-I came-home fight oeiy bee DeepaSaree AL!)Re Ne tt a ats the.Ok.7 op :sata aes .DDR po:EOGR Mime pega ede a R BLEeSA elastatémost™revolting’to the.celles:WEE EN veae alts Hy Lora “4 ished Yay shutat wilk-cea i pe Seg cag ON asc Re me Wy pe ROAD ‘NOTICE f Opposite thie Madsion |Hotel,°of a delicate,’affectionate wil |‘Th:BS les By ey ic Fol See a er;it Te rats}2,hat ua iH 5RN ia ty 5 SR st Oeneg oui -epared9.fill all orders with; ‘tor MONUMENTS,“HEAD-. vain my,able companion.wep :and»gx- 8 TABLE-TOPS)and-alt kind ofpostulated}.T.was too muell ‘entane®oe Oe ess wereby.the Mississippy.ST ATT hte ys oa BOE Sto.De Ee te Cane rock ia.the Marble a:“of :tear otledandcorrupted.‘to.breakaiviiycith-;cas i Ba sue rs t i ab =pemeiies hi ois Mice hha «ethan isi |OR aod ‘i q ig OS ";oie:geeta aL_er from iny vices,of assoqates.’‘hhey ‘aad ‘Fe aly is ote ey i thon |neither feared:God nor’‘régarded man.tr ee A ely 148 ;CT RATS:NCOTO bs en ets aes ie Fer-b ike i ;Krist i;“TE was led Captive ‘by’their Hevicks.aoa ae i Sa foes Jee Rete glace,eommac@h its!Saget ay Mae Ug f ;Oe 1 Onaga pre Sees g eM arine n MS liccheh alt RU A 1 eae sirempeiie keoh which,7Ibecame;E will not’‘say.an’infdel,ade gee Pardesi eats bn a9 tp sueetniy gee emai fe eee OO Me ag Saat 2 ees Te a ok it WA oa at 'exhe.[mecxtep Iratza%‘Maree|ies I was toignarant offhe.thedry::of.eA eee ae lates ee iar KOMTIVer!Sommers dB lie uo there mae.Deh ei aes a eee 26;25 S4)teesied tomolibe,thal hie:contpletion,|4 woes acme eoSevpticism’ta:‘be.one.“Tbecame Rae ean Bh tT TS Hpac thes &edsot This:is filmankon fohtcamd ace knss arts ecole Be a t ihe abn aN Depo ep ah ee Me opdk uid be bappy to have ail wha!are seeke “Fools make armock atisin”Oe a pear ag eva hs i sag Eee tad EST Se Nat es eeee ke ae 5 oye fae:CAIN oe ae bi ‘of degling.:in “big line tq call and'—and such a foolwas:I....1°knyer Lust.aierer hse A Hi OEE ities che ‘4 on ask (aoe Meth cat ait Geant meen?age tert tes Por ek Par ako Rg oe peg coerce ot Marble,”‘Shear prices,and©&is aS Mave REE S re MEO,DCIS yee ak F om ae ee ek ,eh ha WO 24 plage eegete She far themselv.oancetofoeeeeeaeister:Tesgadit;iv -&nian of ano:|placean the wresté ary Sener mi.:Dot Tt Was too late’;the drunk 0 OT a BRL OE \ern Re i:Harioghai an eiperteoce’of 25:yore at J .Pe hee ees E ribe;‘eo ma.thefen daisband at ti 0 ae See 4 ISSIONG.°52 tba eee hé wil dive hispersona!at- my conduct was extremely!painful.Sto:bee f =Sl hi hed:en et es git fe :Fees ae agh cet Te yee ee eet tel te e ppiting vp.Jonumen's;Se.By-gay,pious wife,and:endeavored to:“Ke-iors of estha eeaor a ep eg Bests 7 ge Rds oie ASF We Be Raa ate Bes ge -ot x pai be ek ok Gort ber5,1853.bey-strain myself ”fronf:triffiie,with:theBiblein’her presence$2but i yl:to:_raise loud.lipghter amorig my:boiSte-*iperrous-companions-and the indulgence usservedto:strengthen:the perpitious~habit,that:I:wasenftet détectedinthe*use:‘of this?offenstye lingua ge.J beeEtwasnot:tHE]I.becamesafather: -S..that her touching ;appeals Of hs sub-"* ute :—and:‘Warranteaseesreached‘i my conscietice.*oe fetal Se eae ee pea oe y a if :rh qt t Lhe 5 ws im.Cen“o ae ‘oa z-©Muét’this,child,”ushe |souk say.a Buf geH He eras NE Lr Re mad alnad Ti?Sets eithont Yeast c ce a ives Mgn eanesdacs,pid Fr:ge aR fA oe ee .‘Cash’‘on delivery.0»With tears‘he dinined:up arbongthese g |bel 1 borers aes which (ease fg i VES sche PDE ool Gals;Pat6 2D Pe OPAC aapeny,nery (ol;the!Bh GRAY,BRYAN.&Go,baleful influences:?Must he:he AMn=Reet Sy is Hcp eiat gti Sen eT testg to fuaee ia bine Grrectonad wal:ee Be ai Rided Bind iS fellow nhmices (of:Mo nt hee rf >Salisbury,N.ae‘structed by “parental:example:to :-d Hoare thé s ase:Sees aed Betg :4H Bt ok hy withoubweast koa:RN GP furs Deeg ctit tae hs rab e as:Ste ee re ae.ee:take and.ridicule the’‘Ser‘iptures ys nae 9 su ;hegps ea eA ie Lapa t \ealeratugs cor Xodac-awith ne 3 seer aDie ite ete bas STATESVILLE:.hissping tongue,hefore he as apkd to.Pa :ro ae hha Uy :mas at ives :tS -Tugsdays'at ays;‘Sh Chapalliaahe #2 ae tes_read their contents,”or’Teee Aheiry tg ee yee PUA ak ee eS yo OES ay a |HA MaEON VILLE ine Peeharsy Ghia:testo,"Ke Be shevilfes 1 Male Academy,'heavenly origin 27°:a Peon Ran vitrsege ’anes oe peter A ca ba tare 8:re ay mae ©6 Sie patoud Sere NeY Tie,aieaANDRES,PRiNciran.eeeOursonsbadthow:become.att fatente?a a,‘pain Pret a ty *iy act f ad 7 the sealdin&palit:then stheinfi eBay te :‘Ae Hs dt ; “esting little:prattlér,’jmitatinegivhates pada €,same.moinient Mpa x be reer i:ote ‘ss Sue shee ba i :i Bar pedteg ie ish Ae:ie :THeserene.Seasion.iitof dite:ialescotaes willverhe’heard on San se Aorqekesived’2 dl ey tgiak::uh ;Soopers iy ib wan evaakies Beests eRe eo »;ae Ra:ioe aM iy ca eet a Bs ide:i}sar’s |a ide tsNae aieoF AGEDNESDAY,FANT ¥with a diabolical!plersuic.thatthe”Pee aie:fe byith =feat oa roa i ae ae 2%parks’Sanu vs LAN ou nt Aaas hier Be <shese eeAe?‘Anademic>-¥ear wilt be divgled.‘tito to first effort-of his miant_tongnd,‘the Ts :*Bessions!-of 21 Weeks each,Papi share~~*-reéollection:of which snowisofds:temple aed from a:ate of entrance!bak gL*thrill of grief and’horor three:Ys hangs eis a eet Ie cory 5 apes wi tae prea se tepraiibiodee aah de »T ten:Kes!gees Ep /RATES*‘O#)TUITION,-7_bosom..En vain’did hig?‘sortowihg,2879 it alt es ober age ar Et ya me 1bd ach |aa:nful Oftwol ty coe a Eas 18.eee on Ce io besepeols ean *mother:endéayor:to:dounteniet théin-«YOMO Up a wh a SSan RDA GREE nee :ahaa air;beating vitoccasionally.untilt ip d EMM aged Tal eee He oa eee cart)€#ital’Department,©.+4”211500). >Hnence,of.my most wicked:‘examples.4a ee i &aiigatierjel faBtpe ‘ * ake continued ‘to swear,andthe totymni-™LK ate ans treaty }®eesti s alae sot testa ts ‘i is te pew oe rivbs “Mondays.“and AV edness ed ‘Rock oN aah Cok ena Ns fViasithout extra eh atatemyMostwicked4iprofantayiunkeon=?yee Pha lewe Cd.)aca eCNarae ae vegans 'Eharosobiy cae da:PoE ae map,-TX fe Vicayty:6 mille;}ee,24;,BSS.oaRESciotis‘of its tuipitude.,4)Fi He het (ar a a ee é eee eters coneOnacertzin“day?Ketitpnied:brow“one of my:¢eninbling@ “ekeursinns,nd:foxnd ory wife and:child wibstnt.‘On_Anquiry,I ‘asgértained.thit?she had}gone to her ac customedjpl:igeoF:retire.nementina-etore somo!disfinice:from e E Snbseriber,deur.the house.”Lknew that shethed ypeng.na he lay ys ang ::‘es CRUE a:kes :AGES,Oi Chega:r above bamedjisily brated Piat.ox;‘there for devotion.‘I“had:eei“ace ieee es ita "2a Se se =o :ao sa ;rn it hitehey.Boek +She yee i ‘the poblicrespecifally,,that Ne nvr.customed*to ‘seé het.“Fetire tither:pair eh of the:popiigly Mep meen Vale ale seer Nite Rs Pat:welting toce ale Mien ‘wWAhlaAck once ee Newey 4B Prey ihe a:apa oS 2 +:;;45 Aner and,fen 23 eet 3 s.Sram i We tne,Edi addressing him,| reine es oeaonyatteak ho}adthe daus Pye yas i)Ae!ap Rae hae due genoa ::He AE a cae pei Ja "pamphlet;io 14 lesen t an aalacf!prices Baer “a «no objectiotr to it as a sbuxce ot enjpy > #“ment to her:but:that:she.shodid:take.i»her chil ke with |her,excitedimy,"Sure,‘prise:T felta CUTIOSYLY:(fapelow Heraie Witiggion,N.C.I didso,aud took-position dnsvon hy 4 A ig cae Raia acne weraee)(Or ee Poser te yo Ties iPtities eety :ae: Dweliting 4AS ie Bred tbs ‘PPR re aaeg ree se ees sit B.was the onty aud Grst pre-her,knt whereI had a:fullvidsw of Ker (ECR ey.ay a eat oe.ed SPAMS Oar Rae Ric ie eee:hk Morethanthe price of five ye :i iL ebiy:Ley thea cOwili:.Wildhutialeand Bak om JorNis.‘Piasios.attheN:€.“Stdte 1Fair:~attitude and features,“She Avis Pace::Ua hag ake hl MEANS OBL C0 BURY Uk nt LU th égewspaper publish-|6 ith de:we,!:2 aided:ea a pean~ling beforea rock,on which lay her.ay ae %x ge Gs pais ‘iaes“he before her,Onc:handfvas pl:UC>hadupopdtsopen.pages;¢heother held.the hand of her fait hoyayhorwas:‘knee-.>Jing beside,his eyes sntently:fixed on?her face She was eeandcarevorrty,,y+:Her eyesW ¢dosed baat |‘the,aS,At en Big Ea @ eee ae rsealds..“Mr.Beech-,ters Btawere.‘chasing.cach’“other.pe he ee aye cya (at chit MEO-Oras So.constantly I:ith ad oe oe rt,and sol{cents a copy:1 SONdec iamJee1&cheeks is she?“pourea cher Sux vd ea haete ni te :%seve Eti :re sans 7 Gai ay by.é bee ae *od:te public genedilly,Chatbe,has.teceiv-.Sed soul hr pray—frst for ‘hus é ne Ai le te eieuch'atheme.?~i.Pp.Aha Ns tietenn»1 a $e ths moet =#ry eetweltassort ~band;that,he aMigtit be re :saved;bent,especiatl;x.: with God’thatcher son,WPha“hesitatingly dedicated toh’ -be sa¥ed :from:those f a i £E_HOUNstEer "RetailStore,at t Bee eee‘Dried |Eroit,Tow.eeLinseyClotaeProduie,(1 Bie.iaken ian sche rtdpDhankfolfor'the liiigealpapugtege esseslarlyfroustomers;—|.my dea crcl daoot(acini ‘%Res fy #pods #"sion or excitement.:SS si nen Bn*connincel that her why i e as i i tee firm and virt ciples;aasattheBile,As eee fa@eee -tongne.+ _proach mes but fro"firmly and faithfully:»little son for the use of protwageeveninmyypresene ~ neste :*‘(os SOMBRE,MADE TO».a 2 |.7 CLEANSE!THEBLOODAND CURE THEoe ie Invalids,Fathéra,Mothers,Physic Rae yc te Philanthropists,read their Effects;| 35 0)UB osc amd judge.of,their Mirtues.: BW ha hi ‘FOR TUB:CURE:OF:ce 3»Headache,Sick Meqdache,FoulioctlPritsaeeg,Pu.% im.J.C.AYER.Sic:E have.been:repeatediy-ensed o veal worst headache anybody tan Jjiave by.r-two ;racer Pills.It seems to arise from foul oe which -4 they cleanse at once.If they’wi cite,others a8they doi’ *me,the fact is wortli knowing.9)D Yeurswit petempath nade Se RELE 5Clewkeof!Steamer Claripn.s: cr:NT OF THE EXTERIOR,“woo Wastinotox;Di Co 7 Fete ageace.|,asin:ahave jocksyour Pills in my generglmio!a Ser 4 ae :=BiliousPisorders:andLiver eae >practi ver.since/you'nadeje theinem ae to’waythey wre the lest ‘cathartic wetSere ir eae 2latingactionoptheZigisquickand,decided,conseqMent-.,_ly they ave ad admirabhremedy fordernngententaof.sthatorgan.,Indeéd,1 Shayg seldbuy found acase pf bilioys’die.ease BY chstinnte that.ma roy jell toi them.<ye Bntefoatly Souls be ALONE40.vee sician of the Marine:oa;=~"“Dysentery,J las,and -Worprm“,“Posp Orrick.HintLaNd,Liv.Co.,.suca "Nor.6 iS“Dr.Ayer:Your Pils-are!_pertection®“of medicFe,;sane have done.my,‘wife atiare:good ‘thatt ¥can:felt ee!:“f She"had.deem sick and pining away-torsmouths.caWent.ay:Jott to be doctored at geatexpense,batgot!ngbetterz:‘Shé-|then commenced taki your Pills,'wii¢h‘soon‘cnred her,©Bo éxpelling large.quantities of worms (dead)from:her % rbody.They afterwards cured her!and:ory two chitdrén3cOEUely:dysentery..Une of our neighbors'liad it:badjand pee my wife cured him‘with two:doses;of Nour Pills,;while:,|°;a others around ugpaid from:five to twentysrcored ‘dogtora*}*\.bis,and lost “muchitime,without ‘euredntirely:‘y even then.“Sheba mreficine ax you ich ‘is freely,'st oodand honest,will prized here.)>: ‘GEO.J.GRIFFIN;‘Postmaster:te Indigestion and Andpurity.of the ‘Blood:; ‘From Rer.J.¥,Himes,Pastor of Adient:Church,Beston..: as Dm.Aven:I hatemased your:Pills Awith:Fextraordinary ° Hsuccessin my.family .aiid among those Lamcalle bie! 7?ih distress.To"regulite he organs peciaceicn pm"“fy the blood they are:‘thé very.besturemed:ta phat~)Known,and.h can ‘conjfidently ri Sa t myfriends::+.Yours,'*>vais”<i. :“WARSAW;Wxosrxa cant iease!fose a *Dear,Ser:Lam’ising.your Cathartii{tice,and.find then:aut'excellent purgative’to detiestemandpuisitythefyontafosofthéblood... ae j 7* iekysipelnss Scrofuta;King’s Evil;/‘Tumors,arid Salt:Rhenm,'S\Frote.+Forinarding Merchant of St,LouissR.%,1856.je Dr.AtT2x:Your,Pills*mre the paragon.of ‘xis that!NES cael)great in,medicine.“They have cured:my'Mttle daughtes.a”+of nleevous sotes,upon ‘her hands and feet that had proved“"I 4 AWS **.tncurableor years...Her nrother hadbeen‘long.‘FOUSe + ‘ly afflicted:with blotches:‘aud pimples’onher skfo ‘and iq:her hair.“After‘our child’waa,cured,shealse tried-your...*;Pills,and they have cired ber..-ASA MORGGEL Beet pie Rheumatism,Neuralgia,and Gont.,Sie';as the Bev.Dr.Heatekesof the Methodist EpityChurch,eli *Priaser MMovge,Sayanxane Ga.ian:6.1856.“|HfoWoxrn six:I shouldbe magrateful for the relief your::*skill has bro’uzhtnie iP I did not report,my.rare tovyon,*A cold.settled.in my linbd and brought cidtings* ;*weuralgic paiiys,which ‘ended.in chrowi rs Pomatism;,_Notwithstanding I hawt?ecbest of.physiciaps,thedistase,' ®.grew worse and-worsecnatil,by the adviceof:yoptyexcel:| lent agent in Baltimore,Tyr:Miackenzié,.I:tried your Pills.‘—effects werg,slow,But suie.Ry Retaerecingiyme r Lee oe use gf them,TY amngw entirel¥well.th mes ;“SENATE CHAMpER,Biron korcE,Bele5 Deetess..©Dr.Aver?-IhayeBeep entirely.cared ‘your,Pilla of Thentnatic Gort =a,Atos diseasethiwuts aie ADE tek ne,fon years.cies NCRENT SLIDELL : .For:Dropsys Plethora,orr Kdimdred Come.i‘plaiies,Srayit e:sate netive Vitee Whey ree:fee 2 ent Yemredy.a,i bey ‘For-C ontivender ofc ‘adiipadion iceas@DinnerPf,thicy!aiPracicrabte and efléot inl,Fits,Suppression,Paralysis Infeges d yBR ind.appr Dentines;nisl:Purtial oe: mM -nese,have tetont?cured By the a ate these?)"|_Pills,«f |>ph,fos 4 Most of ‘the Pits.Gethough‘a vain;ible:femedyiiy skilful hands,is daiigeriot ;in ‘public pills trowitbe aeencee!Cnsegtte’rices:That:ff Me OA quentlYfollow.ite ineputiaha use,Fiivse ne eaeeury‘ovmurin cra subarighce 4Whatevery |<«ia fe_.CAYER'S CHERRY BECTOWAL os +EPSRC Arid CORE oF ;corens,‘COLDS.“HOARSENES5,fer: wa ELINA,BRONCHITIS,‘W090. cae covGH,‘CROUP,ASTHMA, ahd,fer ‘ther ‘gs mtsAen ‘ot the “ly :‘Wee need pot.speal?to ‘the-any Mi eae 3 Throughout every{town and almost:eteky f bopsnmptive’matics$a idan +P ta’bave ander itcalreddy.known:©Maye fuw sare.Qe. Poe oa ies 1ia any civilized “country ont“shisicontinéent with. heLe:which duive Hot 'agmoig them + *soige living frophy wfrits wetory over,thiegarte,‘nid dane |} ufreroms diseases ot fhetipat and Inigs.{Whi Pisstlie |most powerful antidoteVet kiown sto man forthefoimk | Fe -@ablie‘and dapperdus diseiises of the)pulwonary:organs,it | thee:paunwaietee ay is alae:tie please pityaty dul yitest remedy!that chin de em .!-plojed fotvinktuts andvung persona,[Pareris:should |have jt/in store against pe,insiciptis"enemy.that steal$2)" “apo them ubprepared.We have ALungatitigrennds.to’¢) Vclieve the Cherry DeetoriFaves mi ere liges by the con | }sumptionsat pkesvegiteatling those ft cungs!Keep tt by »you,arid cure xouitcol'ls:while theyareGuvatite,nor peg: 14 ies lect them,until noltairien skill caw master:ubbe tine xor:iy canker that fantenest onthe vitaly.centiqrour,Bie aw :AN now the dreagtul fatatity Bf lang airordets,and they kKhow too the.Sirthes cof thine:remnedyy we not! more than to-assure theni it’is‘still madethe tgat it dan}| 2 be.We spare no’cust,so!ares no‘toil te prodifte ittHe ~—most perfect possi.Nouri +thas afford those who rely |4 it the best agent Whick buy,‘shill cansfarnigh for their ot:Lis, |,>PREPARED.BY-DR.Je CAYER,{ i eae Practical and oeChemist,Lowell,Mam.iBocat(Rae ie Havifanyg i Bat Ion,a Byadle «©tes ag c o,Nest and:Trogsiaed and 2 'waee-For =ty th pci deseisereen Hey ‘of the Steckghd:‘Dishressedaf-"|: fischen:with Virdlent;ae yee ~rat =-Epidemic.Diseases.Z ves i 1»times of Epidemics,it is-the 01 ectsthisInstitauonto-establish,»Hospitals to vide.Nurses,‘Physicians,Clothing;Food,Med: fin 5 ‘ivines,&e.+»for:the:sick’and desthuta,torgake | charge of the.orphans”of decansed ‘parents;and “-\°-the afflicted Snd:the,healthofthe publiclavat large, eee Nedig the duty,fol thie,Dicectors.at such simes,sto, Teri physicians,notacting:mémbers of the:‘Assotia- |tion,usually evrol aberr names on its hooks}sub-| sect t be:called.ee to atrerid its’ea free<i geon togive ‘advice,and medicaltbeero|9.‘spffering onder CHRONIC DISRASES Ofa vind lent character.arisiog-from abuse of,ithe!ipby eat Seas mal treatment;the efferts:cof dttugss 4 }Various RE Forts and.TRACTS on’thle nature. oof ovand ‘ueatment of Chronic Diseases:by.‘the Cigat! 2 sultigg Sargecn,hare beenpublished.fi gratut fo .Address,tor Reports:or treatment,DetGxone s.R.Carnog,consulting Surgeon,Ho ward Aen sociation,No.2.South Ninth Street,Phsiadals ''phiay Pa,'By order,of 2Directors.ar : Geo.Faincarth,2 i 43 8 Setters: et P.zea D.HRARTWRLELy oe 4.1853 *1 RifBALLMeD.,-aa OW oe +»JOUN,G.MEACILAM,MM,Dsx 4 Le etter;at ot \ kak rou tnoMerry:“which,ale is |$Nn ajele!tere \CIPJENT.CONSUMPT eae ms Get chy harpletiof,ie hi mae ean Stites.its.wiinderfal cured of‘youlayon conte pes tx and:fewer yet i —{©minister ig every.possible way!‘te inetfeliefof t t ‘tous:istributiin aeseent be sentfree veharge = Yt fo the afflicted:gee pik,eo te ‘bee Ht work Warranted, orléss will”sake:eagudie1 4 tail iin’aea ceeeme ei csepeefil bud ;ke ‘Hi @lie ae at foie itt, “yforiWeoe‘se oh:a 4 NI @eyWefi“ Wa he ‘ tlie:Stes AW ie etitedtalaite ite E“Ba x DENS oes fountfi re e ye 4 rit jaf ofae ‘eannbafoeow | €webs and once Lodgings € sammie:rats.r Piss gi 1s >,Horses Bt * a T “rite nowas!ME eeery task reemeee G.FO,=a &to hiscee P thar.he h&s takew+anficltawell.kno wth,Fhotel, »possible ‘Preparation. 24|business,asa eelling §aye“des public,‘ighe mort :1a eutse attentiop is.paid to wigTAB and every cairiort is.P and ‘attended by: ul attenitou,' leis ‘sta wk tare.pintlaniby,aad‘carelul et aoe0)‘ail ed epartagents-:e PAO}iefor Cs seaforraide iGMNIBUS sh eaiy to che:nee ob he @ttival yt the::se at afl the eeever his toreo eflubiistied: ‘and bas“nade every.iLO:xecontntortate ‘the,): {Visiting.|_poudiorrs if} gatintactoig:-1m srovidedii ae ' 5.pe a “ } ns 4)“prepared. sorcery:dana et ‘the:yaresol a i:‘NAL repaigi2®done on short,notice;Send i thee cae Visit personallytithe.infected districts,‘and to°pro-ie|ae:woikmanhike manter.’pacer charg ed Sen a vide ata execite means .of relief.Noimerivas ‘Ott:sAéconnts aiter.12 amonths.i Ca ee“Reb.27 All coun,“prices.aeeUtStaresyi feesyetrr 3O8.SDBA‘tentioSn.eaDee,22eys1R58 Bei pace gg Silscriber =f PURCHAS ‘ e 19 oF7 ab Tikely Xeoung Negrods, ne xqhicl *“he willlpay.tite:,Bighest*cash:°. ibations pages ths a ee &eranapa .rte of ‘theinco mence yeir-“war of im-\--7 canastally:furhislred,-theirs,being covered with b ve'and* ‘aul,eal to the Chure “of Sa)‘to Mentorio,’which was built:by,,t where St- b gence’‘highly enamelled,”<I and.Leo X,‘obtained©n:-Casg:from the M@mastery of |:ATeese:pees:in. ,*Atcrucifix,which:aed |dpdiial ;‘Antonelli,the-papalSec;Of State—very Tich.©jintingsWt:Agnes with her-—;‘an-6bby.Guido Romano;‘SpiasravivoSuffered,martyrdo olieen tecth—obtaine ”an original,by Vaan .tury,of.Columbus from:his _ ¥:ges”<The Annunciation3".dénna,’an original,by Carlo,Dates;Boneh by Genéral ‘Case at Bo:_dy:from the Sempieri-Palace;ASE) 0 we nd historic:interest,Which 1were.scanned dy the.nianyvisitors who call-oe ponehim|x =him =happy ne eat.s Dung -dad aged 5,|went on ¥:et.with ther:children to thetPhiladelphia,”nswer'toisement.of ‘children being.- perform:in”apiecesoon to.oduced.°The wild aniiné|s which arform’’nightlywere:in their cdges,ijfullystowgdaway.and guard.._-§ of Bey im eds 80 tht no,aceldent could}Scat *but:theré was'a smntéhetweedthevendsofthe aoeECs,|-and-a:wallor partition,and,the unfo:ild;“in “peéping ‘around:the’partinent by some means.or thet:”queezed'in through this hole unper-||ofthe attendants.Bie <a eehe,in a moment;putthough:the barsand clawed -.ith.-The child screamed~.F eth.tekessary to use,&poubke sail | cbf wake the monster,release2;inber.oft surgical sen, rer soon *‘inaitendance,.ant the‘anfortaniite girl.tothe.s ‘Theperformance ‘with- hini en ‘on aS psual last evening -cnithefiresenceofacrowdedpacientes oa ti we te eee“and amore ;emphatisally impressed.upon theminds «f wie ican boyse They are too rée- ‘eneath the dignity of heirstoignty‘ta submit-’to ;rent didbbrity d-guidance--Some© epehdence™|at.tensyearsrs old;“and:to efnaricipaté themselves from.-all:obligationsdf ‘filial:respect ‘angehee;hy’thétime-theyreach ee atitreiage offifteen or sixaatecertainly tthe most.|able specimensof thie human id10be'found.incivilized’society.’ cay buy,them at their market —d..sell them:at-their own,&al’of themselxés,no traffic iin the. ‘world would ‘besos nee Bed,:n°his,funn:r ‘poem,thetér,””ntimates thathi ro m a n s i —_ _meritspaths establishment of ee s obsth »reeted fertteidal enti SG,J >North Caroling. OuSpire 21186 The,ee Beingin the:os“Whole on-thestateDaf thé."Mr GILMERssid: of che esais e:aa Sabian ee sc more or des SE ar-Upoty”Spare “twa man‘fes+der oia4OARS Of du pk‘attention of every ine| Ei ahsneeleet, te gNerExeland ‘put: ithe limy,styedms of cata”;ae‘Hayraasees W Catawba,:Uwhutie,: awaiting to be:called’i schis rae NetsE‘and I hope titetdrende sheyaree xeript fromm the bi té reams for cee It;hae oni her hus--*Sd on,the Wednesdayteredthehouseon i suestreet,ina ¢ain particular dress. 8};but:that he:had'a. ion;:,T:; it:her connection’wi ‘and besoupfit me:and pardon:- ¢s calmly sdid he ie ‘not,injure her, grad ‘since-he believed her.hé victineof|@scoiin- ght to a fall confes-”. ‘house were sent for. oucealed bya.hood;she tried out,“7- vi and.éwooned away.- ‘she admitted ‘her.>My. *‘bub that Mr.Key ts ince hired the house. een which er to write'ter.from:hislionse borexér: no objections,admitting st fession was ale in'the faidet of ithe bitterest:contritionnd.abisery..“Her basband-simply askediveflimbackher¥eee anda MeSelle the justice of nishment“in,most affecting lan- Sickles”.Bidspel ee. her Hermother wil |arrive-to-morrow to gecing'thecause ofthismyaudacitypaks-op) e's rooth andwave.hal BigSignal for’assignation.eee: Fee hie took —— )-Qn-coming “up,-SicKev,iand_said,-* lie1’74-at the same.time drawin: “a esmi i Would,atthe:sanie th - Bp See gold.And silvery ext .Jatge quantities,’fang whicl\are'so much ~~ some shape.marcelEVER3must,:sé Tongas e 9 reat al offsrin;a Tun facturse,|4 res baa 1 Powers held end ‘absorbed,*as itiwere; in |-LofSpain'and other ‘Gunns hite | 5 * “them inté-nge,and which.must come:. State on,this ]important indir,both: _E care not‘wlio holds:the purse,!while’ ‘a re;every.man is 2 ont ¥ibutor, =tet he use of th1eS¢creat staple minty- safely Iockedup,andaré a ely ‘to.bY,while English domesty andycommér-ies _cialspolicy.iis Observed,sand Bee other|‘nations,equally blessed:with dike’ma- ‘neglect.Her water-power;J'can,al-j¥ |gr's,Dan,Sat eS straret ipeoreexition, If:hone firing :again,. :x won 1 . mn ‘from firingi butae }Seof guilt,. i have.debonoredvedanidfamily,‘you ndrel—pre ft’3}ithe right hig have "gs—~weeks,maith:S,and 3 4 hare beat 4 wasted bytEthored ”4Sa oa a rethe |Fickles stall 3:pistol close to- those enae10862ome.ir “many instances,the PaON app:rere ignity ant theJ ak e T ee Fost and them tox piv)to ma so the2:other ‘southern:Seates:a pd woultd.not.oaly:sed ake ‘dbties®or ,hers mere ‘épnipeteat:to do So,Dxyt p.transectendthe|ch uftesy’extinded tome by fe House) en this o¢é:a83101:te Ah ae Nor-can dno do folk jjust ice:ip my forthe?xFant oe time andatl the;infor =Ai Fmiced by this.paweigtglarsy bjject .O£}* :the est:bili rent:OfReniitiongtl founds er ry to WEich J hall dvert’*dinectly. So;hminens¢yand almestboundless;ia ’the mineral-and manufneturing résouy- cos ofNortly Coroling,.shat avolume:may be flledwith theirvariety,qual-|“ity,and wality.Tl speak:not now 6f sting ig!such|} more actively sought,but DL mean io, alla te:mere:“parti ieulanly:‘to ‘the:more.LE es£08,ayandant,and,Tywill wd,“inbre | valuable depositts:of-¢Sal.-and_\ivon.— These dre.the articlesof anivforseulus Cy pewhichevershedy.,pays:tribute to’int commeres aridagriculteare,ark:etheir the le:lig,abjectts seine 4 attent ion. Thoid theartigles off indispensable:use,such a8 coat oy reeloose”its.strit ¢Ta tracted by the b ithabits'2 housroof,uses;either seriivor iniadizedtir!|;thefa.srr or productsof ¢oal andiiron;°°“and pays for,them,in ysome ‘shape; rAdse While<ippga :andother:‘Paropeau| tho,so-¢alled precious:"metals,Phen.|5knowndoth-to the Old:and thesNew’-Werld;Eagland being possessed of thet) solid’coal ‘and iiron,the réal pregioiss')Mehmeigis,Ras drawh the’cold and sitver: “national coffers,where.they.dre wet ter ial,shallvadspt tlie same:precept|end example,of using ther bess re-"sources,‘their,solid Sealth,theif coal”ae and iron...)>.ee 'ethe:North Garcolink is:fois aebles:ed dy Providentce withthesesotid stf-ple minerals of ¢coal-ardirow,,and ¢-qually blessed with swater--power and |other:natural elementé.for|bringing6 y ofquality into sé;in spite of present orhitherto most*say,is the best in the.anivierse.Her Yadkin;-Ararat,yMitchell’s,BishseSee mained “Tow,a ys Sr have tay eld ‘over ad tation “I could wisshytspen’:‘awere,Lopat|haat je part:“of th atinn:wl fountles: hesvarious dds tioheregtemeWieor és r-but little dois thatmoresareequalsade:andyyetcthe’riatio as,ee aheee 1fiAwational’foundry,“Wy soon.teadh toiinprote the mantfactureofaidwetwould:be saved th > on:orempes fomthestablishmen Pres eh ite the spor,“avhen|ties inresS—and Byesmposediy...:> «Mer.Dorle’s:te ing: has Ew chi ildrent iid is said to 8 nbout foris”vee of ze, R ite on Sanday.mori rgp areat etA Fess. dug ‘clamzercual ¥ +i.se tea ‘high they nates 4 ‘Lomestead.not ex<nclyde ‘the.dwell ouse and lotin any|t xeeed two-acres,|'er of alue-'than 500 a lars mg their} presence ‘of hisy.to,tHemest ‘terri--gain wackecIng re ‘into:dntacian—marging on isery,Mr. te thre.window of his,his liandkerehief—the wx with Asking Mr.Butterworth,whd was at hishovise:to follow.whee and cnenee jhim,in.con-i aeofsieht, rectty.to. to oe :lngst Simultaneously Key placed bis handnside:-hisvest,-and d:wing,what ‘appeared Lb stol;,but what’igsreall an opera- Youbad:betternot shoot!”>x ‘the:same time - in him.“This.shot only-:rrved,‘Key,slightly ising.thé gkin of hisfe,'and eee leaped behindatree *ickles followed,anddeavoredtoprevent.les disengaged him-»ot Keyin the upper - close +6 aa a 2 chapnbcrtie himself nd:swine HeelL doit’}firedagain, ’Ral PRSSING.toiigh ‘his body below ae Beale “ nehcedin'A prillkst,under:‘Ms Sickies’roof,. mithe neigh--Martin,a Clerk 3inahBOhappenedat -g.the Club;rushed “* aoe a2?” atin colNew “Gel rh cand tepresenttx ithe Districts of that 3 sa Congres.; of wood pree isin tateof ew ie author of ick Star Spates Basi- t He.was.a widower with four ra tren. rio egunty inhavelaidoffa 0Aifty.geeres, Cried Sicklesstigidipigoverthe-body of Ker,with his pis-. stesentend zt is hedd,and which he 'tri-*rée}but which sSpapped’rvepee standing Z disles on the 1 der,the.latter ak “ohce pice = y oshinztoy fpung jaronnd,stant dish g Jeader of, towde ‘withb peraocte “when ment Baton au ‘of,thefeatful foesrbrich has. di certainly Kowal it:is-reported the - bout was behind time %hen shereachedBaton Rog ‘nd theenginge :declared lie woud -¢Boat “Ey thie bpcorrect’he juntortn n.past dearly ‘Sor.his-raehzicss.°He "enti!ae PmOr Besides‘the killed ait eudred are wounded house;or a a reefreehol-) allot to the tdien,the lot not — greater.* ercupon| ands and Fn.the when ind.eh the pistolFee 4 : srl my *- 3-4 $F « (By his alili-©“a i ’e t —, + t 4 \tige at the ‘Court House’door;within 3i ed”iptothe amd of two sneb whowerewaiting. * a4 \ e+ » =o beagle bey and:roizedt netny Suontipestoy,,Cone cel aedig’seemed to,teh for.breath::sanction,and dubbed ty his aflectipnate peti occasionally.sAftcr tio.OF ;‘tht ee yen Andrey CFeculent,Ashig whey oldhie:3 1 :eda2howsShewag’‘restor (to,c:insei us-hw as!aces weiths an’intense deSINC\LO,b eMC,be ness;Hint fas Deen verfistupidiancipeus!“perfor payee,andL finaly reSha frome stelle‘sinee.Pat nts.e ould:tia: |as ines,ty connect himself with son 2 strolline ae ofteats.td sletp :with,their oie;_feomnpans.“He wistfot-a whites.Then)her:of G i ty He Do a -at ee) per APM ‘fimimense,“Show,!?aii hig astén=,Be tage Tou é ¢™ tad performance pen stikts will herre neni"_Children 5;Books.: |wheiered(by thotasadieds:0°04 bg?Et ‘ahibost alanmg usei:oe.a.,\»f &M4“He h:ss before dhis-iin:aast an ith Uede.Saye hurry:Jittle *Sntellects 'a ‘ound i.the ai AY oe aa avell to es ape'rig at on,us “saattchinite,up:alt-‘SOY ts Oh.érunths, |.mf teasto/avoubthe fale!of a prophetein His dine”nutritious ‘gad ptherwise;:iin:he ai itus,; Pie entre.ie ia!handsome,Meany Tooking rat:‘endeavor te still thei tie ravings” ia ee ee oS oe bepty:ao ties aifait Gomis wholesome food isnot Suppliad,xwhy.|s ,<Ss *Se ee tet coe oapeg alee:‘lig.j thenany¥theng that comes to hand,even!_res or,yi cae ee Btpréseut:We is pfiiving here:efgiont an ot clayy.w ijt he eagerly swallowed:ManyjeaiterennieTheGonversationrefeuredetowas!‘patents wert ae akenly suppose that Jy,ah ‘i I !%a,«=a:a ee 2 =sae Be be ie,Heats ne =wher they fave sent tlieir childeen:tonihieeit-be Aceon fied by it megapoH st ss:“school,alter ‘exere)ist proper care in 9 xo Signor Morellin{as Lawill cil!him)asserted *a i aad theselegtion!they hay eamp prov ed.i his ability:to do miiatti ‘things at bélfer:infw high”for their:juvenile wats at the same.,an Gal 3)S :on Raoth:< ft*sired.etof Le‘it le:fete 235;ae vai al tineJayig by i conifortable isurplas :R ”osaac cate se esbe eeohee-.for themssmaturer,yearg.©The School Se oe aoo ie one i lis as tery.god-in its lace—it’trains.to ,us N i *pr tr Ve <>=Bicmeineshs ve F a sieited Sor habit.ofapplic:itionAnd;whitis"“eqnal- mais ty or ae «ty it “{Deis iy € +relfi hiacliik faat bX pressed Hee coyie tipi the iti “hy ean:ae 0 ogee| he +0 tion a .He could Oe Niseet eer,ei cn a ut As veSt es.foes,no aTilhebetercg4ChoePdeharelenoofhe:Beall »thime:fe chide.-reek “.¥"RiLetyouacdipods:ul dollars $08‘tidy j fereedand pleasa:zat exc}!cise:autor theeeeetoneraeekalfstthieMitetherejagchogl-goem :and ‘it isshere:that:tlie* weve thie.eh:ai cage."uae neketl Mera.tikention of the ‘pareht sh td:bee: ‘lanigtty,21 a ee Rete i jul and 1a seorreet taste:for’.i : ~ies The aetdinSh inet or Ligne ee ut this formed.cage ;oi ae : 6 re phy thi?be "Hiragined!es Wika,dé sow iS aTow sia to be don?patting, :.oywey ee tz 23eerprokyssiosattenbt!Tt f "Suhpired the:highs an,réacl of your:‘ehildteh,ety ty.ot | a 7 os é o os oye}3 en:Ser =O Satara:¥,mor mines,‘tlie {2h of ‘hogks suitetl to their years,ae eas©February,”wean gniily,replied ;thet interest,throm.Your uibrally *-gastiranee wit!yoawhich she Sine!wed “good fortVou,and we:hei*one wih sie pti-ee Whieli wasSaet,eect“that?you read very sengibl WW ties he:1 rbaced the ingnéx for:his depogit.,“Book&e bi athey mon Borsb G whale by he stsrkes were Hywuaded OER tg kerasties 3 Y:5 ‘Vrady yy of Butlxto,arn]the CORIpAtlY sepaprated *ter ava lit thie treanalt ot:ting singul;ip Wirger LS at ithe intervalfcas xpeut by Mareficth cepstoncy ‘seh aR ae xereise for the purpdae of attengthiconfus his BRO «3,Timin,sonigw hist Félaxed by a sdasph at rest. :fis triends.‘expostulatel ivr+Vail.agaimat the,R "Ry *prtrentv/‘I?iatne ‘hh:aan,eid dev proposcil..! :yo return to bigs the:jamouas Pe owen}|Wess .-ot 2 et v3eitwadTSeetyeakniter’ts to.loo ‘at.a womanmie=oimpelled tO.forte it.:Hes pecs gates Gls !vees odin his.ae bal!meaa “Winhing,and.wi vid listen’toehow one.To POR ae ;fogeal Twek:fared a¥oid sverowdif Wiis AnnoTRe be thas the alt Fi ones!ae eos,oe i ie oe teran pay w otal big miade an the,Teich,((Mohd ty)ant 1Gube ot eea ra oo.Wehnistessdl ofstokes:so that at,seven!this molt ts ey ee on “aie oe '2 iw therd were only shout}aes he ma oe Sitting om:the oppoatte is:~othe river.banks’UP abr.ak 2 ‘table hapriencd to:Took,t her}and’indig:|€T:Us ¢ie y?a a den Of water intg:his:—=*i ‘unetizally at“hatciotr Morel Lisapperred.Peo payed ;#ie eens Sie .San tiie Spitirs and:condition!fie:thal’with:a i a =bler of ae icheeese : :ee wee a tle phous teeta Jefe sabe :eh SoiWeh con =ran u saianer‘obs ined a4waileoferought:1aot,fl:rtofharpedced arta:ft i.ined dass athe an ; 3 ‘spointed—shaped,in +fict,.inlmost |_precisely aee ie oe 3 Est.i :‘like a.double-edged:‘dagger,|‘“Thre HE MON EMER ERE NO Oe“ick a “firmly eit to:his.iss anda he Sa :==unlike!thatiak cae ‘by gabe ceUrar raat|.,punlike:t at us wa ~worn oy,_pron bsg RRIEW,Pod é eg,seman ats.<.Atyten.Tinutes:past,hh Tebaell cotnty,.vthe |Dinsthalt,byR +stepped :to’“thie avater,which ri S BOOL Pri <n,Me Win.J Latny belt 1 +nanient w as hoilinizg |surging i fies Mer E:‘lemming a : -|.8 >Leneatlt his feet.--The bok lest oft Ta this coupty on the Sth stant:byax‘alk ore.Ba Mr.Abram |i Alley:tS ‘neonheld:his breath iinbsuspenst on *iiss eae i 7 man,receded:from’shore.-;:s nlon :_fesjonet.an passed on,s3 tNroiding-—the larger rocks whi apparent,iby:the eddving curren bat firdtgere very shirt anid &: but afterwardsbecame,bolder i Re phe if.andsaat of Ste a The stilts,of «course;were so:place i a LO ah ges %6 sy pacscap tech dike against thers i ford.“thi iS stsftemsémt made.W fuit:Usand‘produced but little eflectsai ,particulas }PBS keasfrom-the subken rocks.’and athe cone :Ad ber ieidend 7 lotjocha counts “thateh single false athp wwou niudre 9th,‘Miss’Harriet B.}: if death;produced afeeling sist e Subject-of th1—.painful.»‘Onceor.tw John L.gnd 3 fo halance,and 3a sickening shit _,wachone offhe ie im-,)':Iv assog 1 enaleful child.As soon as feason,eK in her-youtlfiul:,mind,she|Lag froin:the foant @ waters,be the:ttaficeof meritiee5aTefoamiingwateory:ora.and ‘the appr.re poiddle:of the.ri€er.3.‘altging,“ait rents.“As she a “Yast —foush seemed -to.have,fled;but!it wa,i ©:s"sbarely.sefenteon omnimmates since she left the,doe SF sbbre.Cosine rey veborn;wale ae:“third:in: iicreeebemeeat “nt ee Se a en ee sz ——="See.2.“That tupon Serio the.réached the ehiftest and deepest jportion of thie|Clerk shall amaké out deliver to|currént;he scented:to.tolter-teitk hie threw’_the Register 3vf,the county a.copy of:the said return,who shall teccrd the‘same in the Register'§-olfice:of said‘county,and.Shall-also give public no- five“dayseafter the term.tod whi hi the | return is miade,of:the names fall“such persons*2“as qaze had es ‘Tio i‘aid off: ~.See:3.That«She:Bstedl house and Jot-so laid-off*mye1tesubjecttoéxecutionfor:any:deb#con-.tracted,or,‘cause:of actidh:aris o af-|-Iter the same is rgistered:eS|[See.&Phat.no person hyinarried-man.shall’have.authssellordispdseofsaidpropTEN apart,without,the-same fo ng hfies'a are now sequired by law to onyeythe: ‘Jatids of in:artied women. e :Paesareshaae See.5.‘Phat-in ali cfc,wlertal4sign bears his,name only,and |a >.hamesteadis daid:off unde tie bravis- ions of ‘this“act,in case’oftte: husband,his vweidow shalt: -to'the sarbe ash,r dom soelect,but ihirjease “she er;then shé shall be entitled fo!4 ae &fthe: ntitléd} che spall HS again,| ily onevaluezifthechildapnofthe’, first husband oy tie issue ‘OF such bhall® ..be,phen hyving:“eee sid t *}Leelee es i ‘ .Corre a leaiie of the ve dy ¥‘Erapa rit Daring Feat at’Miagara,Crossing.2On"Stilts:above t e Ea.oh me,NrxGana Fx pos,elk:foc}59, Feeling’sire ‘that:the!readers bi ith v. 7 “and Tribune:willshe Anterestad jin’tie:nec I write tor-give 7ar ‘decount,howe er inp ‘teethy,of one:of ‘the most:reek lds % “daring ovef:attempted.One event ‘aweek ago,while.Sitti ein the Jatern:itiorral,Isttl,E became alic 1 5 forversation hich ya3 in itor. :a‘two ghersons;Ono if hy hon f Ree met tobe:a Soxuthernery anit threredhicn’‘anit, “iHtalian.The latter had registe ret‘histnampe. “Signor Gasp Morelli,”but T hav ejsince =Learnéa that heiis reably a.x atkee,io that hre Cy * , , oy: feats ‘oly ‘an mnie )|}ca Ay:than:aihy.HH rig.BL) -InkV ery ‘quarter 2—tyHere his busmegs ar 8 che we rh che eer x ‘up.his arms |.a‘closed my,eyes.Openingthem,ai moment after,Lsaw tliat hewasdtill |i standing»A few moments more ‘ahd:shad‘reached’the Canadianbank—and fell exhaust \-ta receive ea Mak “Ait this our (2"p:m.}he.lasne sirenrecov-ceed ‘and:sa Bn)He gee the.‘congratulations of dozeris ofvisitors whocomepouringin:2He Toft:the American’shore.960 fect,above ithe fall sand,cathe,out-about 1000feet‘ahoye the ,Capadian.|Palreadyi,been handed ‘over ‘fo Aim,-and all|wilf agreee hat ht was(fairly:won..;Hi ‘gen|eros Opponent:is able toaffyrd Irisiloss,,an|Speake int praise’of Morelli’moreenthusiaisti Yours’‘truly,.ni apt Beneiits 5 No man gots’itd:business:Lees2 sienover his door/of?from ten?!to.twenty:dgttaks, ‘occasionally hy the:few.that:pass: it.“Bur how many business:gen thin: of:the:portance ‘of,sticking:their } names/in the.ne spapers whénbeseenby:‘thpash nds“every day,ard| tom | 3 alltts particulars cath ‘he.éxplaiti:ed amdpresented3in Fts most’ae aspects,“Look:at ‘the Lotter and -Meédieind’micily how.they‘tise and‘what,immense ‘for tc stlvealiz®“bird tife ‘operation* "pot theatierchant:ahd.mecha -theta sof the.sfime nicatts ‘of mak1hisnameavdUusinesssfamiliar:toy ‘Danget of Cats Seapine with Children. « Oke,on th.highi EOftite 2ee ult, very neat To her life Her inoteatheard asth:ange.) awakened:‘her;she hastetied: bet where:the:child!was tying found,the ‘eat swith hér.mouth’(; “the chilis mouth.LAGfist they tho:tthe.childwas dead,‘br t‘they:$qon ‘per- aS he:"money Tras” |.Gandles,. &‘Small,girl of sev.en OF eight:years | “chen ChiDr |Ba er ‘* sinTee ats.feetving-aoMixWsWatertntheangen Sayem the aeetieenet;SLIVERINVIGORATO:s ‘ii comerinye oeMEDICAL ‘pIsoo¥=Krent foa 7“s a ie J.“RiCKERT.*Pak Feb116-12",: LOVER ee GRASS SEEBS,9|AND LIQUORS,se Ee ‘ ey by ra “% aad erie a ANCE COUNTY,N.C.regeof this.establishment _ oe -ve ‘SIX.TORSE POWER. reshing Machines, tce or Cast Fro Cylinders,of all. LEiZps;eit ér portable-or Btationery.|;A Thelatest improved WroughtCylinders.the:My Serene Hsereet through the bar,.square|}agra tap op the coed hichobviatespeasy}in’reversing the ‘teeth,whenaide‘gets worn.These’machines willgitthewante-of‘every farmer,” Sugar Cane Crushers: “Ae are.aloo!manyfacturing,upon theietperiorarticleof‘SajeriCane2 a aaif‘hich ‘dave sufficient capacity,with ‘one.;)extract 50.gallons.of Juice perobly:occupies 4 space ofabout’|”the,nllis very“portable.-We”Hot oeeto say,that ourCaneCrushers bathaveeverbeenintroduced. * ni in your ordéts-for ‘those .ecldtiratedPine cordees for work,orlettersetHtoS.Dixon,Devicieoa.&Co.,SnowpiAlamanceCounty,N Cy will Feceire ; SOLOMON ‘DIXON,CALEB,DIXON,—DANID@OS., Peiceass eoCOUNTY,FAIR,‘Bd,4th,and Sth November,1858. ee fi =F ae ae lp a4 E BC ae ae r a ee : a ee e le l a he t e l c e l i c e e i ce c t oy Little,Danger acing BreTESTTART,pi=.Soft te hy pillow,miy darting,). —‘That dears thes:tn slumbertonight,eee,fee came.Gacmired gtudent,:nd the.pair exébanged v vows ‘sheRPesWakestheetofilrerdelight;ue MY precious,my fnnovent darlliig,© My loving,mybeautiful.one,‘":oy ee Gg atop i i 8:ikTS HieiSomes fa oe ees de i ad e ag HH‘Whatbutteclotiland atempest,”And sodhess,andanguish,and atc! Thecurls cnpthy,brow are out mpshine;The lightofthine’¢fe is"ennJoy;ag &:The smileon thy Upbriage us aa,1 | Seeelieel aoe Vee eateries BE eh Surely the angels,mydating,’t‘Will watch1 thep in Sa ‘aelge hee =‘AndiGod,fn bia infinite goodness;Fest be “Tenderly,lovingty béndings28)%Mees xs Lees Shield her,\good angela’tonights PORN airedSweetbeher'slumber,till morning 1!Wakes hgr'to dearef delight.Pi eineies —_—— -Amusment any nsteuction.. mY "PRectuanay iar Proapelly ons 4h One‘of.the hardest:trials’of Bioswhofallfrom*afllitence-and“honor-to ‘"poverty/and“obscurity:jsthedisebyery The why ofghyfootstope will Kear:BEM N eicod fe f love and eternal fidelity,Toyears.re later whfledged Esculs eftfor an “+gay sojourncoe ver’reathed the fair.dne,while h words of lores intended ‘for ‘his:delec-at“tation,met with,the spme misfortune:The poot-stutlent,th,din bis love,| ‘threw:ip his,studies,and for two,longyears.coursed through Ettrope,seek aJing.10.thelm his:disappointmentjin the-tio’th “,gayetics:angpleasures.of the different‘: foneekat themedn fin. “3p that the attachment’of:BO.many in Ate if, a pe "~,‘ever neutralize Cuba ‘a8 ‘astrae,48 > |Loffer Cuba,shorn of,her‘importante oat ol England.ind’'Erance hut i +difference ‘of Europe to:Leqifs .whom they‘confided,was'a pretence,4"a,mask to gain.their own endS,}of was “baamiserableshallowness....Sométimes,".|douXtless,.itis with regret.tWtat thesefrivolousflowersofthe.world'desert”those uponWhom they ‘fixned>but.~they soon forget them.»Flies,‘leas‘the kitchen’when’the ‘dishes’ire enip*¢ty.The patasites that.duéter around .the favorites,of fortune,-to gather bs“gifts and climb:by his aid;Jingérwiththesuhshine,)but:seattert:cat,the’ap- *proach ‘of:a-storm,:as.‘Jeaxes cling jo _a,tree in+summer tweathier,:‘but drop 5 yi off at the breath:OF wintér:Bike’ray-‘ehy_ens'settled;down.forza.‘banquet vand “5puddenlyscaredbyanoise,how quick!ly at the.fitst sound of.calamity those “Frc oa ep seme barthlingoS are,epeths in the Beas tice ;horizon*.1 %!‘But a.true friend sits in‘‘the:centies awSateisthereatall.times.‘One need.only reveals:him more élosely to.ys.t-“Prosperity and:‘Adversity.are -both© __Fevealers,the difference being,’‘thatin |pre“the formet*our fr iends.know ‘them g”T;But notwithstanding’thezinsinceri(ee.prevalent among med,théisa,vast dealinore of:eem nd fel-low-yearnings thani ~shown:There.are ™m oe ofunadulteratedaffection,‘Thore eee-,silent love and magnanimity,han‘is “usually supposed.«Our,“misfer tunes‘bring:to out sides.real frien -before ~unknowin:Benév olentim ,where* ‘we could not expect them,cin:modest: _‘privacy,enacts many scenes of.hea ubicfulwonder‘and.the plauditsof sees poem reeren a econ |Florida and Cubg..Pca ayes We find.the following aommunicntcs sh on inthe Charlesston Mereary opete cont dates csi “Vast sums ‘have.theca t fbr the purchase:of Cuba.those millions -suffte excard“ship canalacross the:sulaof FlorSidaat“some high pomit,‘séy ‘Be actothe29thand30thdegreesofIk If'so)then Cuba|would: —,the key-‘to the GulfofS ide ‘would then he,|fromsits.3>a barrier to.every‘natidfbut, :and backed by-a contineht}7 dint..Europe gare us,Florkousifha,.‘and presented no hosttimatum°“avhen we annexed TexThenweaequiredianorther *from Mexico,»and the Pr.proposes.an.armed:“ocenpatic ther nortlicrn.‘pr ovinge,and <‘eareat is uttered..But téne "¥ “the vengeanceofa holy:cal they-may..Give ‘us,ob :the Gulf istours.‘Give ug the’ and theWealth of Asiafalls’feet‘Europe has"sui veyed ) =:philosophic eye than:ihe.astes “which separate our.Atlantic ‘tre h.Our,~Pacific States.She views,om-i.feethe projectofarailrdad a ~~thon,with:the-Pacific,‘and.England ; ‘has even insinuated,’that:she’migwhiteherAtlantic!and Pacifi posses- 4sionsby:a rail road through Cahada—;. 9 gudenty 3to |“withdraw our’attentio “confirm,‘us in’-suchi'ann undertaking; 'well aware that theimménsedistance,'the uninhabitable.nature of:the’té tory,and 350.000 India that a précarious thorou century to come.Mexico ¥an ne- .ver absorb;hence the»comparitive i _ons there.Céntral:Am leas:then,iis” "|theprize which :‘confers on the.vietor*the commerce of Asia’and,the taste’) Bit Cubai oyspiritonat “efaceanTexas.Lat v6 Ave gnonths: singular oc¢eurren “fash sigros$the! heard that the’Ja‘and aquiekly hewe die the: the H cf her!wotthd : Ai sghe’lay ponthermos’Antense.‘4 pieces,‘and.these’ erty,“one him”“for:hal: shop bé.pe aa eas a other eeecd - a:edocsrhwas »Stops wy pine‘gt time?to ock it!‘on the side-.* w‘alle,x,Vhen the,baby ‘craéd Sieh tut. fed ats fhouth.with and’‘old.stocking,oe ‘sting Barbary Allen,”The'gld=_:est.boy peae *coon-care ad Wi‘ds oni a Bree |ry of the seas—sand thatis:oe Preeter,|of Cuba.12 Phe ag kil'These views:of hcagena:pal éyhre sabes 5‘notnhew ;.butitis here’‘proposed to de-*_feat it,not by the‘seizure“ol “Cuba,|but.by.the bloodles§:operation bf unit-BingtheGulf.‘of--Mexicy ‘with:‘the At‘lantic,)through.‘our own.teri ery.Such a ‘project,if:carried’-qutywould.‘confer mote benefits on every portion.peste than.the:partial Sscheng of_&Pacifie Railroadwould!én any br“section.To the.North,Such:¢canal,|With the‘policy.which would:‘followits’«‘¢ompletion;,“would «open ‘a.widefield:‘but h Wy.ate r Sonieandcalledfor 1] in it -|for commerce:’‘To'the West,it would opposed t6:‘*in‘present New Orléans.the firstfhart inaeo he,théught’ald:8d i-the world...To the South;itt-w ie invantign:andOFhisfamilyevetoEurope,and ‘to the Patific:eg one bor;and he’“ti neh"it would open,through Texas,‘theolyreasonablerouteforarailroad’¢“nection with -the:Atlantic,anc atectcommunicationbywater,ith‘Is,the canal practicable? while,‘and then went er,in tinge.’Be“Would th =eswarrant 46 sndeieeney 4a? thin:the:ast”‘three years,‘and le}the yard there:is.2 well of 'xeSah!het tae ges on:desi- sidintly on batd a.‘large ‘assortment Bigs =and Zones 7-of-all 4 ae eddiggPiacticalMarblepeter,a ™,A RB LE¥)RcD, -Oppogite the Mansion’ et 1e,16 p -epared.tofill all orders‘with:or MONUMENTS;HEAD...S,TABLE-TOPS,andall Ukited oftheMarbleLine,:of mated JsDBITALIANor©j ade arrangements hy whig oh ihe Iuportep:IsLtan’M 5tices,hecan Bill allsord Sf 8,&c’,at reasonable.Fates.’<Wir utdibe happy,to have all who ‘are f dealing in.his‘line,to-call-add..see specimens of Marble,|j “ise for themselves.. ta sa had auepee ke subscribers are Fropdied =»far finch _)Ordetauything-in“the Vine of|es ; ‘MORUMENRTS,SHEADSTONES,TOMB TABLES » piture’Marble,and Warrant:‘Satis ni Call:OFr send.your orders. Re ‘GRAY,BRYAN'&Cal. pe ea Salisbory,-N.e ae gsatin,Ct Pe ve BTATESVILER eo3 ecto of Sie’Poatieaiions will :-WEDN:ESDAY,*JANG:_" fear.witbe Divided iinto asf21°Weeks:each.a chav g-:ate of entranee.:eer cd ‘ESOF.PEYTON.¢Br glish’branches,per Ses,feG0. *Reenairiesaetetteee oh:= ae Sa sabeee Ageutforihe sale of the »bore siamed just celebrated.Pikr.0s,itms.itte public tespecifally that he pm@rs- exebery:lus:ranvent:Persons.wishing PIANO,.by:addressing“him,pamphlet Sith,aa ae - is KOH NSTEDT,4 3 ‘:Wilmington,N.Meas fo Mr.B.wasthe anly and first‘ore-=*era at theof eS ‘State ‘air as 4 Miso,air +o great manyyumeeted Ac Mt ith to be‘closed ‘by OASIE,0orSOON,or:they willbe foundin:,8n officer for:collection. 4 .TERMS OF.THE=PAPER, a4“+ % 3 preeady ntedly;npou.theestéeny OM Thens,They.dre safe Le eet vissthey are at the sanre time,Ap ‘diminishes doges}june *alvicel-revommended atrial of-your medicine}?Webless. THE TREDELL EXPRESS,| sa PUBLISHED WEEEKLY.hls .E.“DRAKE.ane SeiSaasI EUGENE B.DRAKE @!‘SON, Editors and Proprietots s «om aca ~_me _+ * é a,.s a =—— me HERRYPECTORAL; +.KOR THE:RAPID CURE OF «Colds.‘Coughs,:andHoarseness,| -Baiwrrerp.Mass.,29thDecs1 55. Dri J.C.Aver:I do hot hesitate tosay Be iio the Best rene dy FE have:ever foubd “for? Coughs,Hoatseness;Inflnenza..and the “concomitant symptomsyfaCold,Byonr,- Cuerry Pectorat,-:Its constatit ise in-my.practice and mpy fanjily fok tle last~ teh years hag shown iff to pissess:supe *Yrior virtues te the:treatmnent.of these *,cotuplaints.EBEN KNIGIPT,MoD.rat i . -A.B.MORTLEY,Fads of tigitag”N.“Yiewrites ./used your.Pectoral myself-qid if ny fils,aver.ince you’invent.doit,and beligice:5 ihe Jest!ThediGire fir,iSvaryeverputontWitha‘)Pas I shania aioe i:pay,Qweatyifive dotlars fora op than,dotakeahyOtherteemigdy.”mr -Croup,Whooping ‘Couch,:ines!aySPIUNGFIRED,Missikeb:FeTHSR.Baorwer Ayer:T wil}cheerfaity:certifgsyn Vactougl ig y:2isthe‘best reuledy we-possesis:tut the’cure,of:ihroopinn:cough,croup.and the ehest dikenses of ehifiten.Ma 6kyour’fraternity in the:Soarh .-ipreciate.your oki,ad ORS,Comme“nd yous medicine te ond,people.>:ab TRAM,CONKLIN,own.f0S:LER,Esa,Mowtrrer,Ta...writes:34 Hane,15 4ndatelidnsIntlnonzaswhtelrcontined'ne,iy dors«Rix Weeks,thok many inndiciads without,reliefs"ting Hy:tried your Peeigral buy the advice of dur clér;agman.pe |Sfirstdoserelievedthesotenessinmythroat‘ane lange:=irelessthanone-half the Bottle made me completeEy wellYourmédicines‘are the cheapest avwellag thebest wo!vet+ean)buys and we esteem yori,Borker,ane 9 i gemediee,|:as the poor man friend; Asthma or Phthisic,.and Brouci tia,+Wes?’Mancwes@r,Pay Feb,4318560:4Smi Your Oherry=1éclorah is;performing gmatveTonk curesgn this gectic on.”Ti’hns relicyed seVexal fron ada}me ing symptoms af <ronsumptiois,and is now:curds,y,x rh?eee who has labored under tam;affection.of the:lay far tila 4He THMSAustfortyyears.HENRY,Lo PARKS,Michant,7.>ASA.RAMSEY,at Te ‘Atmos,-Moxen’oe,,Cp...totAwrites,Sept.6.1855:4 During wy"practice of a §} “F-have fini fed néthing’‘equayk t your Chery Pigtoval fo >giving.ese and relief to Souepties patients;etsuehagarecutable.”He We might add volnmnea:of exidertee,‘oat the!at IN ce .-vineing provf,of ‘the vietines Ot"this sens eyigpe ae J pftects Upon trial,te be Consumption,a j Probably no one remedy has,dter’be en sh wi t ‘i curedsy many andguch tntigerdus:cases as Some |,i atbs (ino haman aid-can reach;Dnt.even to those}©8 Chery h,—~4} »Peetor al affords relief andconifort.}ft Sssdat . :Avtok Hotsr.Nrw:Your City,simak5,‘185,Doeron Ayer,Lower.:TF fel it a duty.andayiaeaieieetoinformeyouwhatyourCherryPectoralhasdone:for niye!“Mifele Ste had been.tive months faboringcine the dane oj 0007°Kerouyssyinptoms of Consumption,from whiell ‘iio flid)We “could procure rave ‘her inveh,ea Shewas gewdlily ffail-i"Wele Aibeing Tatteaitie “a he:eX rigaveyof rsimg.unitit Dr.Strong,of |this city,where wethavecame'for®1Seivineseted »his Kindness,as we do,your.skiH;for she hagwecow eredfrom\that day.She i$not yet.gsistrong as she Ysed.ta~be;‘biltis free from:her gough,:sofa a Wellei “ee thaspailsYoursvithgratitudeand.reg a ty %Pade Deerei~ORLANDO SHEMBY,AIVLLE,|el ee Coftsumplives,do not despair til@you nave tried iMgepre tik f donee|Crmmey Pectorat.s tds onde by@pe of the best:mikidical}:fis i“cheuiists in the worhl,and itycarts all areund ais beppeak.3theHighmeritsofitsvirtues>—"hiladelphiasLedg sce ate-Ayer’s Cathartic.Pins...ch. TS sciences of‘Chemistry ‘ands Médicite!hate.been 4taxdetheirutmostito:producdthis best,ihisteperfetsaawhichisknownto,nag Tuntimieable ‘Proofs +!f eo are shown that these Dyrts hase virtnesahich,surpass in :i; .excellénce the ordinary nigdicipesy,dndithat tlieywilt ae é wit ke.Hee.i 1 Peetage at etsiiy Land pleasant:to take,butapawertty sto eure,s Thieiz'perie-|4tratingpropertiesstimulitethewity)detivitieset the’au Pemovye thecobstr uctibas of its organ’,purify:he!biota,’ gud exigl disestse:Phew rarere ont.fhefoulTumors whi he *breed and-crow-edigtempertFtjruulate slaggish:¢or’dsr deredorgunn into.their n:ature ar tiungand "impagelslent*tone with;strengtly to thewhole‘eystem.Nota)ind +they.eyre the every-day ~complaifits of every bods, Hisefoynfidable tind"dangerous”diseases that have tag, ition Hextiof haman skill.-While ‘they prodtice feet . _mulestt and best pltysic that aye le employedfor childeey,cs I Beit 1¥ny Ar-Co ated,they are pleasant to take stn being heaké “hae Been made which.»Surpass:be lief were theyxf eute, ga bal the Seeks aad”Distresse.7 2 _Vide and,execute”means.fof relief,.Nar :physicians,not acting mempers‘of th ~Direetors haye aithorized.the’Consulvings$t- .geonm to,gist advice and Imetlicalail No‘persond. * _‘and treatment piChronie:‘Diseases; on :putelyve nertable;aveefree front ny fink of haryi.Cutes ‘stintsstead bymen of,such exalted position*ugd’character ‘ed nt f the na irtconth,i say stelisse frye ; ;‘ti it at sl an thGaha the,sruspicion ‘of untruth.Many’etiinent clergymen and physicians have len$their nani¢s:to-certify”“Ate the public the reliability of,my remedies;whilejothers”I Hiave|pent me the assurange of their conviction that my Preparations contritate immensely’tothe eer.my aftlicted,suffering felhow-men.Sek vied The Agent belownang!{x pleseekto tari vatis my. ©Amegicen Almanac,cpntaining Wirettions fort yee:‘nid fy certificates of their curtg@f thefollowing contHALSa Contive news,Tilious ee myTaints:‘Rhewuatisin.‘Diophy,| f Heartbugns Jleadiclies arising.from,ty foul stomach,Nair hen.fouigcust iorthy Morbid Inactiot re theDBowelaynyd:ies 8avisihypherefrom.Elatulenty.Bost of!Appitite:re gus and)Cutaneons Disenses’Which require an ‘ont-eredtani,Scrofula or Ring's Eyil.“They ase,Lisyqnify Ling the’Miwoa.and stimulating?the sy ster.Suscok.Naapaints,whieh if would no}her sipgosed 18)Ni COTME ate‘sth,as Deafness,s]‘yrtial Blindness,Nei dia anil.so oeNerhaetliitability.Deratlzemerits Of the Liverand AKid:Se “néys}Gant,and 6thee rtindred complaints arishysfron ;j a t low qiaty ©A the boraly.ut Obstruction,ofits functidns._ ;Do}nat de-pnt of by unp rife ipled gators ith cep p ‘other pill they make pik e profit’on.Ask for ves mr ILLS.alidy take’Tret itis wuhkes No ‘other,Be s ca Mik tyou fompsites wit this in:iga (intrinsic valine oF car ive eo cine | “powers.The.sick want the “est,aid the=sh fi yuna they should laveit. dst .Prepared -bY pesJ.C:ayer,ei “PaiCe RCS.Prat Woxs Erez,i gia rows!ae4h¢gi %oun BY °si .\ 4 rie tHavil and; Lin)OF A.Bradhes Filmitigtor. “tos &eCo.,Norfolk N.FE |j =Purtelf,Ladd &EO55 Rjehoradd,De Bet J.Bays ‘aiid.evet “Gaither;Newtons.Sy,HH.Mithai,sTapeebyton | ‘tond|Druigsists and:seatslers in Med:i ; uM here.Bor —bye os: J heh te insSel }etehehgee ar? , fiiwes.t Sy “ea8:aon ;ad i4 “BeSrerolentHake “estadlsh sf ‘pecicl Endowinent.forttie1e he i;mona Kpidemices eiis@ the ‘adjeats afthisInstitutontoestablishHospitals.‘to’prosvideNurses,P hysienigg Clotting,Pied Med ¢“a iSinesj&c.,for thes sick Jand’destitute,to take| charge of the:orghas at deceised-“perents)|arid prep. the afflicted and the Realty ‘ofthe “public! Itis the ‘duty of the.Direétors,at-auch.Ang visit personally the.infected districts,anit tion,‘usually enrol ther’names:onitshooks:sug> ject to be ‘called upon to attend:ifs,epee te LAIN :ND-ORS.AS ENT:ag af charge..In the -shsence.sof Epidemics the ;he suffering under,CHRONIO'DISE {sus(oft.wii, lent chagacter.arising from ‘abuse:of the ,powers,mal treaturent,;the effects:“Of arias,&if Various nEronrs,and:tricrs:on the na 3 oe Coat,|¢ salting Sarge nitipve,heen publisi for 5grat be “tous distribution:“and,will‘be.sent frecot change to the afflicted.iy i _Catuous,consulting.Sargeon,:‘Howard:Asx "sociation,Noy?South:Ninth;Street,/'Pailadels.\s ‘phias Pa,“By order.of the Directors.:pitteer “+B cadgogee Gro.Favaeuen,.“Bank.He See +fer be AS. *Secrea as ’President’ ae=‘golden on p ib bets hey bys Scones apiker 33 i Metts)tie,preset ghes Gein ee a he!aloes ; ie Oua Sas i nigSroudl fttee ae to minister.in every;possible way?to:the’rplietogiesoe astal ae us hg Sania.ean. s ah Despont c.13 months.eye 2 ese with radseoceatk seh. ast “andLon qnoderate TEE. 2 Rouse esa esAdreen-ios Répocicy feauinehs Dr-Gxpner®oe 13-07,biked a ji iBor:swihhieh:be,‘wall *“paay de.i thet”cash,: ame at’Stackane sei negeete Prompt a “20.rel 1%)ARD.: a 2 asset rds C2 OeWMcise16ikthieddswidAH!tesdesect [Sea spene ally,that be:pas peony sla eye estabvistred!nePractical,and Analytica}Chemist,Lowell,Mass.)aeerek welt,Yn i fecevery x Ossible:prep 42 aside:ellie aye vi ove neon &"GC ®.a“itil pateee iu teeth}ft gatii ng-I-have dozed—dishono es DINEBueeran earl vat.olthe: cqnttidelyely palit ie whe va idto.dovall AAious vof fori “attihe Bstabliah nt J tgdoneOlstfortsdoticeStilag} dnianper.re‘Snterést .icharsed f 1 1316 :‘Book anil JOBAO, ALSaMUDIedtiONS :d¥essed:©: éBeeit‘now.:One rE ee 4 SMee creat i Bithab.Tha sed the money !":)4or.ae ‘by some gag pede tie rind a have’not:the caregof,ae ont,Saw,’ Dirépare faeTwenttomy1noter,anditoldher.thats er.ou eleyu.could. early alleeeeeefelfetne:haves Hiationd>no ess iaealeeends:‘thettwhenthemoneywas, ys n Orrane 8vtthesnone esrjhitssttesor:§shout iG sltoher:Butshe was-too deeply)"|Witt gratitude tothink of pee shaddisappoinfinetofthe:tone Y f me ‘blessed n hisheavenl here,!is deed.*= ireturned‘to his:home%l weightremoved.I 5 nd hewas happ aH Idssed IdihwifeYortaepresentdisgralsebutie! i Peeetor the Jessoni be had From that’‘hour.he went | ve ‘OF.CRAVEN,eaeiEDuliveredintheHitussopCommagn the late Session of the Legiditre:’On.the:Homestead Bil:~- _‘Mr:Speaxer:Theobject reposed. _by this-bil}is the attainment fat per-|teanent home:by everyfreemaninthe” State of North Carolina.“Against,its 7,d “favorable-considération ahd misssage“may,asof yoge,boserye’thatap- parently strong ae -alisitaton'and.restriction,oftredit.{q this T°rep!y that ‘although.cede!it auelige etoi ‘evdr:passeoftradeandcommeree,,which ff erghys i Aeeed bly ofbank our ‘broyant-ships upon.bvery.sea,»Kowing ei kcnts A ‘founds outt populous |‘towns.and’¢cere aie ft -and rendexs:our country ¢creat’ terial:wegilth;“yet it]should ; is stimulated Such:aeaiee abs| ‘of their:aaeaseaty parmeth ‘prive themselves of:that, ‘they ought not:to.part,and raaenlsunder,tres st urgent:nebessity, ‘<grone:forth.‘that:80 it phat rbew,;our legi slators,“in timgs past,Baye Bet Fa std heathWabifations 4h Tas the gloriows:examp|e:SD pom our ose din Renttifvin f rift had pou ‘statute book:are legibly:whitt :peta les Set.forth |inpeace Ti (i ‘s ‘tools,+4 eck:ah Painient that:<e03eesandwarms‘hig;tife-roeie‘bed uponFhich’he‘r pons ‘and.:the little store:of food which he may hive garnered‘up,-shall_be‘his:2 aand,beyond.the:Yaw.We’only: C=you:to-go.one‘step fur t «gt of:Frumanity;“pic will.e "-that a“home.13.“indispensable -oslifes |Emer’s sum;9 place wherein,tordeppsitothatbumble:bed upon:es he may, ‘Sithgreatestfaxurylerbien :a“than-—calm,‘refreshing cleett—boacht only:with thé price of:physiehkInbor. +:to:“cornfort;happiness and jiro:_ose:Tfngt,©hy withhold your.toeeeomy. pe,doing:the-poble deed 2:Upon onesie. ‘in his power:‘to have andvholdae®littletttenement;whose frail sheltermay rve }‘the kingly‘purpose of‘protecting:him:by filo:thewintry blasts and’thie”time “;prostrate his“weary limIi epeeney th ‘Sir;E invoke-alliyto follow it the;faot-ie pyblic axpenssibysoFourpredceessorg,aed,not ed $y."burdenedhe*; “bys¢vmpathy‘support ee byreason,=i!habplfeed upon record thistierere-“doit to their credié,!and,ae the}5.4;pod:as-oue of refittement again :_prbvement.‘Ys there ‘a than:a thin 1the'gound:of;;“my voice,‘ready ae stands.ércdit;with all,ats:PoReN set 8 deur;ponip..“and povgr eee.Ts :Dink Gt *:others <2home:arom Hiehéclasters |":Boo Ce A:Strary »that it will givéh 4 Fs Ss §+the throngins’memorie:omihet ast,|aimees8gpPprecistign.mand -dnjoyinent:OF:“the:resent,2nd.cbridht Ropesiof..Happi:|iris and:‘prosperity in theifatate.|~But,-<siz,itis urged:this-“Pail will 5am.pair:*eradits”I fake:aisstie’withe.,ae ‘i proposition,and aren on they althifuukat2itytosound,judicionsgtedits:padd-sto:our pop:ulation,"and In|ii inmeasurablyiincrease,the humbg those whose labor and’whose siete £5aSwillbeexpentedmponour'hatixeSoil, ‘>wherein:alk riches lie—niangs:of.yhom are now-bitt moths upon honest gen’1 ; Jabor.At willform ‘the steond An od Seal ery CO 7 and ‘the:strong.heartedsoldier}:athdge fifty dollars:interest’andwhose attachment,“Con dred dbllats! tentad intreir homés;wh ee On‘ont:< thie:safeguard |fn time of war,ahd and:ene hund ees peace assist.in sw ellints‘thé list of and ¥ith Heti|or exportations tos2 degree neygr be-!jas startling.ee fore witnessed.an 2 “pretented.“ha‘Sir,‘emigration feant ae *Lo‘support.hi E never.yet ebbed its,flood,ahs ino ‘tanec.‘eVeL¥YO continous it cftredmy:plows: her wealth;hor strengthjaind h “caation,,Year ‘by tt i “aiLY,ther&SORs |and “a:buteig 2a 4 =ding adien.ta#he scenestofMot thelsaehood;exiling themseltes frox -of eee:rod nae Honand:See Sage orSahat.thelr art aaSxt Sa Se aes ying*mfigtrees,stire?$0,enje fruits.yors and[bur French Tia.thereof,<Sir,‘thebenefits :i ax“areds expansive as the,eit of Ne -Carolina,and’their. 3 upon.the:smoral,sociz [polit'edndition of ‘our people;asperpet!¢-ag time itself;and althouglt.ia-theibroad.compreliensions,all ¢*castes ofsociety are inejuded,““,Areenot/peculiarly intenged malerionate,whose san pflpro:ii te oYps ‘tures anil th 3 »whose:ample means enabt ».jéy'all the ‘comforts which’-only procure;nor thiose Whoses_renders themat:once the objeqpityandcontémpt5.but has “heen:immed.arid Dyer hadow i:,pi shi urrotn,ineseSclénds-ofadversity,whic real:rat’«a:.to sttive,“but:‘despair bec“menk becomes.impossible_heartle$s mandate’,of:the:“them it will be the’bea on,hig will Teed them satel}oven the: ‘~of the séa of.life,and gave them ifthetr:mthoffending’offspring from want licels Wi“nud miséry;.fromdishonor and’an u ef timely grave ~~Virtue,’“unpratee-ed virtue man:‘sf st;greatest,arks‘treasure-—is ‘supplia’ at ‘our fect,appealing toour ‘taantoodand’besceching of us ‘itt the fqnic-au»memory off these’most séered and ents a home which 4ma shelter‘thom:ro which bas gone before;ad:ayes ¥ .disseminate.through Nhome.feeling;‘a shor aedare»and: |home:pride:FE ia ‘igreat:‘bapn of:Shrands i 7homevat hora~~"2 and yowwallarouse and ete hen'th Noneing:ateprite ®which, asta mi as green-in—butblueinthe- -yetuniforinstalks low up ito 't for the fountain’s8 head.”‘and whichaaharvestfeld,aebefore the:sum--: on ain ourbetel £m intain water cour- gges,,butt’ilent and still :the.”invisible air <ogree ae we see ly by feelingit— was Overforty feet,| near of ponetantly n«:rer und {ributaries,at umnmes 8 width of from.y toioneh dred 132 Ourboat was carried downaxa =firm —iednetant,retssilent marchof 16 :rot:Chipeta2s hy object ofgreat vutiosity:‘We can: ithe ‘Natural “Bridge”and)seetlle Sto stand upon the firm earth,for ae dpetayionis'as abundant and large as id:<This channel “eontinues:ost.ffor a- f a mile,rich—-issues |‘again and,ns :and now.theRe os reigns nndis-nllthis beaiiifull region,” Deathof the Post.eaeGenera Aaron Vail ‘Brova,-‘Ppst Master ‘Genetal of thé United States,diedin|Washington.City;of:pronthonj a,On Tuesday inorning last;at.half-plast 9-"'Pelock>About -fifteen,minutes pre-xigus to:his «death,he:Was conscious,ite,land ‘took-leave.of ‘fis family.OnSiundaynight:the President hat *4in-baal interview:with:‘thedeceased;“and :§vas affected to tears:’|JDurilig Ws-oc-. onal dclirium,‘the,sufferer:would-Veal for the *¢bill,’’-evidently;alluding0thydefeatedonehavingreference |.‘Post Office Department.fal..Brown,was born.in Brunswick ”Virginia,jn:“1795,and’wassori.0f a methodist clergyman,Rey” rn Brown,who.énlisted when.not.fof lawful age in.‘the réyolutionary: |“YoungAaron:eas edneatedin’ Frilje Academy,Nash.county, and giddaated:dn 1814at Chap-el Hill,in the same class with ex-Goy-ernie Manley,Maj..C2L..Hinton,and athers ’His atl th his-:Familyi‘Tennessbe in 1815,where-young Aaron commented tlic study ofhwy.and:on being.admifted.ito.-prac-e,beeame the parther ofJhmes K. lk,-who was afterwards PresidentUnitedStates.|,Hebegan his ‘political careeyin the.State”Legislat- nid servedasa:State Senator for. of Lincolia-and Giles fromj“In 1839:he‘was:elect-neréss,and’sersedthree suc cms."3 Ate the close of the Congr“ess tobe exalted to.thedignié-pst of Governor.of Tennessee,his artner,Mr.‘Polk,who had also Géverpor.and:nigmber of Cong-©ress,haying just’‘become:Presigent.of Tnited.“States,Mr.Brown.was nbutwas:defeated by ¢Hon,N ailthe3ennhis,)‘apother ;“whig andi-. ublic..’ sined Deas oe the ae aedutiesof‘which he:dischargedfor the :-< 'twol'years.“with:much:ability:and ud ent,:The grreat Oyerland Mail Route eeinaugarated ~and many.‘Pacific.nder.sad patenteek$mst ace have Rgeay v-a man David,a;Russian 22and»- a,‘resident of Albany,was:itentiary of;Ro-*Burr,Justice.of thedays,292 vagrant.niesre-yeare of,as he was sth money,‘frie:s,or employ-—-en:Inconsequenceof this|request”je was committed:On.Friday‘last aJemanarrivedatRochester,fromSinhaitwasheirtoanimmenseforcant ia,valued at:tetwoeleaeret the wa-* }>-years ago,having sixty thousafid:dol-’ ‘ r st a d \ |8 X t Sa t e k a e e t r o r e s *se e i n : +was lost bythe ‘bank fuilure:“dur: ee working coal,ix _— \f a Zouave,niad for’pliadea aya: ie Se e ee r e n s e a a a e c a a n i s —— |*the ground,.secured |‘the child®,on;jhis; =moths—the:ccaari being.-EHFOW dying from‘disease“in Russia.’Jgentleman,who gavé.this information;ehildren;, ~.stated hewasthe banker’of David's |:trerer'b peefather,andthat the news of the death:of the father and.brother’had just’sr: reached:him.;“He stated;jnoreover,that David dime to:thiscourfiry two larg in _his possession.;that $30,000 the panic,and thatthe réstwas squdn-dered.David.tis nowlying sick.’thé penitentiary.A,petitionisin.¢it-:eulation forhis release,which swill be’_sent the councilthis*omer nYy Standard,28th ee = AFrog Story. —Ai few days ni as twi Ee ithadliv a was worn.yer fectly 0)«and.of theexact-shape oftherfn ‘The hind,legs of tle»ania “are least twice.as long.as tiodinaryfrog.the fore legs aluioIeis®of a Deantiful:‘bronze |colors a oe How aman¥gener:ations tn beech shut/up from dt jimpossible to Say 5 certai ‘although diminutiveiinr'forgreatbrillianey¢ofteyé,it 34 yery,2tedeluvianinappeitrance.|[tjitespirés us With akind of‘fear $0,‘besanon +ely t into contaet.with a.hitine.being ufatg has,in.‘all:probability bre’father,tie P ‘same air as‘Noah,or dispetted’san tite."+sdine-limpid’stream in which Addm bathed his sturday Aimabs.:2 eiSe:egktes A short Sermon to.Mamas.” Declini nig ladies:“especially anteKicit ladies,‘re more given,Ethimk,ty eas conpmetinenggin Tae oogtotie ghd)oa: they are conscious that the.tte;}oqu of their youthis gone,that:mens yl nh ~do not ‘spegk of public’ocensions,of ‘xCDset.diriner parties;and fal «Lap ‘ab.VES HS life>Not,however,15 the tae .of jp” all others,when the wife must ine to remain the -pleasing wifs,hd)tr _rétain_her.John:Anderson’ t4 the last,by neatness,‘taste,And proper yariety ot dress That 4 Habe “sODS,2NyLa!husband :at’his /offiés AL ie pled hair,+ssoilgd caps.or ungastentd |gown..THe prettiest:aroman’fy ile ‘even in thecetoreer eoom and m ty be pe.ofr mivik 4iw Betis, tame,anditber eh:mend hilimen tgequtally.bide anil’ .Thettashion.of the:4k:LY st Oy Be reflectedin’wonranis ‘fang to her position and ‘ae ¢ eraves for varietyas’kecals a ak palate >and then t honestly ie whatever her ree,iy”ent wi AGO looking,woman is alvays Tianydseme. one end of’:beauty.:Phere.as.‘the 4 |-beauty ofinfaney,the beauty:‘of youth,f. the:beaut!of maturity,and ehieke E Pofage,if you do.“not spiol.Stby.aa : ownrwyant:sof jndzqnent.'At.canyigge a woman may.be.“heecomingly.tnd Deen dressed:Say goth eee roe aN re ae ;‘ Sy Cherub's Smile will Tame a Savages a abe houtes of the:K:hyle salleee women and children’bh ad,both’ “protec tion to neighboring ti;ibs remoy ed from the Seatiof war: oeat Imire ayeee ake his’sik bate was.aa affair "sh éndwhien,to his Surprises:oatirol baits ym ‘poor ditdles Kabyle eluld,hoy.eh gotten:amidst the general vonfasion and:fizht.‘hal crept_gnto.the jarifor: fi ket,but the little.cherub smiled ;assailant as:though perfectly:at home. ‘The rude"Zouares heart wis.touched. ‘home in France,“where a ‘Drothier.or sister might baplayin&in-thesunshiae: "Tike the poor Kabyle child:Whosmilenl.’ .wnconsciousof the threa tening’musket.ti: _tare touched.bet t Smile,Iknow: _Not low.thiswas,but P do.Kuow that"<j the Zpuave,;Jayingdown his musket on: >back withhis turban,and then Hoch)if forward .6n-his way.‘The poor ba Rs thus,borne.through;the-thickest "ofthe fray,but it seefned 'to haye:: charmedlife.”Thoballsyhistled harm-; brave Zauare was found:lying.on his *cers of the regimént,asisyet-aliye. Sketches of Algeria.“tro eer eat te Sr Horrible Massacre.:alte h *The Rev.Me.Sliftaan,x Method- 0ingfor‘the Indigns of Oregon ‘sin .1838,was ‘murdered swith his family, "not long since,under Beand Rp-+,palling circumstances.”The aaaliga_having,broke out.amongthe savages,-while the ppissionaty ‘sfainily serenot||+attacked,"the former:thought:the pes-&'. tilence.had’been introducedsby the.t o =e with the intention.of extermin- eos red race...Acting pon this | hoge lesuspicion,their next,step.was’Trévenge.'‘A bold:chief ‘was selected | ber of the:sleeps foer and Satie | -from’a.horseiin.England,whe father|signa eeate to-da olina,.Sth Auditor ‘Dniversity fas ine Edit f The HSNavipg,dentlemesubayelectedEditorsofthe’‘Northiy Cavoting% University”Maggzing,,Hor:‘thy|Calleg’ate year.*Bay a On‘the|part:of dhe’Dialebtic,Ses mes ‘ety the -Buitors are’: scomerywvounty,Sabana ws Ss Rs Waif,Greensboro”, Society:yes:; 2 Medsrs.Geor a2 ue poe NewermNeGoWok. nas,N20.‘and adores:oeBryrar, Tylifaxyae I Ror ade Wee rootee Seitzer,Esq.fC s the’first Codneys:Court"Cle ta be uti his:‘abstract,of:Taxables’tothe’ lect theit personal appoaTayes,avhen |UUgmptroder.“He has cntormed Tis i ‘Tist but of the daily.mevtings ofdoatsstie »“Another |dt Section |a eter gunce.heswenti*i has fast ‘growing danghters;strappme eens :and:sure.Bouter:he|has day long,1¢no reasent wliy she’:Doe tellin whatia maitniay:‘conte se _ever enter the family:“cis cle.with stuip-‘Real,Bey ig “world ‘wvould be spoted by ‘such:sink wh ‘at Nev “her >poilt.-patho,nfomniige:$Hes,eeownce ST390,000,; Yor}happ:ty.there exists moréth meh “me,ladies’and gentlemen,‘the heanty4 i et fmchierrPalme:dey |her.spirit,fin:ah.dreamWe“bits at he,ce ey ac”wabebiing:‘h “ep ~sheltet:The Zouave:raised:his)vor BE i *Pexhaps:he:thought:Of ‘some:far-oft |0p ene terns," .Perhaps.it was:m <clyhis:better !ma-* aeWith.2p “alwelling ant Ayith.@ Dairy ‘aftached:*A:piestand lessly byit;and though,thatnight He:ee face,,with a ball.through.his brain,ithe =e ‘child yas asleep’and.unbarméd.":oe “Was subsequently.adopted:by oe ‘ jst missionary,who ‘has.been.‘preach-,{ for the deed,swhigstole iinto theschant; :testage of dn |Washington: TR Barcholoncson ton 2.ro41ait,whoaden from Tolddo.Oh “by accident,* «Messrs,Vy eFnOtr tk:Taub ‘Mont:Ailiam be Ticadtahy Chath:mity,2 N see Om.thie:bat of the.fo ee n,Hal-an zo > Ps eSSteet Jedark From’‘the: ist asthe sober ‘Clerks esto.elie : ew fa Wy ‘an:the’.increase |: eiay, “Weipublish 2As ‘the-marriage:deter}one ‘of out best frwand 3,J.We'Spauldat ig,“Esq.iteRiéhmond.O°hat i on the dapat::oetele Neaae tact ont ni frrnjony./Wall there's f 'California.Deed Y. Ubetar both. y race xg sci PTae Aa dyeet Riss SABLE iEROVED ak ML ESTATE POR AEE;Leen B aSHEBO RO,eh,otaee’‘c : Byaeit asatitand |Re aA okra VR: Lin the:c leible Spx mgnts’an ‘Stable;van pag eiCane Bored ‘the premisesinelgggy ath phest pati fix fence,; anda;Well,of the,purest water Br if the; umbraceouty Ove protects.thisprem ummer,frdm.'the.regithea‘begtitul :Flowe Syd icharmnnd:‘please the dénees'of:ost!exquisite’wotanies:There:ig)se attaphed, other "Pillable:Cent” on the a e,will.be.Sold.) ¥York apnount,ane Dithe'fe he a p aa a ee e te s es ee re gebie 4sun,|hos 200 ORES.OF W:00D tA ND,Ap meme 60 ater et :wAshebdro isfkfowp tobe neo the heajth fnement Higlligence.,ip ist located on: he Plank:fia in ‘eteville,,lands‘Ghroling:Rail oad My.only,rdégson| te State,»hale ieWPOFterms.amd"other;‘apply.to,the"pabece ‘Worth,Een est'and mos Jegsant eillderdor residence iin }s ‘theState,wih vocal bircle ansurpacced eSa Jeadidlg:nySaléra’to Fay-:,a:vg are at |of ove 4 = iepi veptierer,S45 Yrromeway,Jen York ik ie ; eat WV.RICKERT i e & i t ze e ¥ rien the zap on thFFa. a:this ‘ditablichment.'i ‘ rely:friends and the gab:7taesarestillacer i orstationery.:eeWroughtCylinders,the.’:@ mnserted throughthe bar,squareeinside,which.obviates:bigaosin:reversing the teeth,when sing MaCylinders,of all: These:ee fy 2.Poefright.wetondb-thhariedit:gan aqouk"Hex sun,bs eheuds web seusted;coined agi “exes" . rnAe aoe ‘Musings!Sa RS Ah DyBlingandrecadweary.i are!‘Sore bére%.;‘StPong tendrijs riven;"\:tak,_?Batthere’’slight,thongh earthisdreary,Andthey api they ive.in Heaven! "Our Father,first,be death'srelentlessne f ReeOWtornaway.ante left-acstrickeén Wand.oy.|}aeEh:orthtoil.what roneuc'etnl;re reriecsaty?vas“His worth toas:‘what hand¢auid ter ottras?iMeckness-and Joxduwere:heard:aye diretone,-Weokdness to alliihvéry-action shane:tA heart to”hoo2OE God it every.plans;aCheart to clioer:reform:and rescue mgnlTheblowwasstricktthetabernselefolk?~But the calm spirit whiispered.IES wellPhaveahanséurepared,got made witiehand‘Eternalin the:hed eng,that hi nildiig:etn.’f i”De:th Joves ashijing mark,Bieate fousbaaa.‘A.love]Lv.Sister;nbxt.he:baieEhccwaect’the Of:ms Bg.Bower |NN the bloom:Rs Lfard:dos awhdesn 3),ESE chp "Gites Ine fou"But soon they pas chesheetBitleradinne:émife—"&;Pin réady now ta.pS:if nig=willingrly remain:stb SereATowprecionsjs<mene Soni8whilesThayene ; Peete .pratze,me The eae Aes 3 reat ‘bat!coniueswr ‘bose;i::ered Death,that Tart.of 1ORTS:Tact Se ea ve en ech ON bj,sand thie." eastitnan'Mnsf exén ge Their painwillver bet 7 here ¢%Frow,:sth,dead c ae “wakeaof hisn1aa fo}ie Joredgswie re> iW,"ith 2on wa mie ‘rt ai ripeHe'=o occn «he beats y !ct teigneny fy ‘. *Seperate ronkle Spikes the.1aTHe G|When neke«M3rhk€‘hriet We lated.whine .i‘‘hlesa?he as Ee ssvised yg ‘.-Ii ie the Ne.ra Ney ‘Toe!Tie mt oe nsort al yike ~Thynt ty at tA Teds qnail,” Vee‘STesngiIn her fe Eeate,His axnili 4,4 eee <% Prom pene,|o Wheyinst?ya:aniaoewhere?:Thy sthienot hristiatn:iiet §Wari}is.Me % 4 “amusment a it Fnsteuction, Fel and Grazoho,And=otth £Se Saor ip J ‘oF recs a5 ahdhose sles i have .sieteoft€the 5 “attevized byerue have not been kn :dew world.Pr)€ ;‘with:Wfricans:aentwhile jin re CTY 22_Yengexnee they inflie!sporscenfors.m th risenforfrecdom;hare all-pasCs‘10%x as:perme aei reality 3 “fait a pres ee Reyesarsof residene¢found them posse “i mildand inoffer sare ¥ery consideraSEiaropeanblood,ane*the thes inhabita: 'J are generally of»Sail;as if the¢:ggeniusof tdestritetheSpiritofWarebloodshedanaia“ever:pr mar“Y:tyrthBes.Bees)hay a ie thie:tha o hy.1Was!idbtained foe wiWeekwithttheRey ian2fF: -rekms,ofChronofSordoyue,hayefic<.-.ebhetwise fair’page »Buti the:friends ¢ *‘take?courage,and,iBi change has ‘ ih).The reign ofSoulou s“than,any that pr Th Ait-.barbus ignorance-arid -Fetic=shed’,rand financial uioverthroven,byaeffected.without.hlogdshea This ré¢-ss per ns oreas-olution:differsessentially from,om a/pre-;arf 2 Stat'-ceding ones if:Wy nd for meAtys:generosity.”ékisentiments,is :¢to tew orld ‘oole until evenon ignora The niovd jniellie-havd formanofachange,but:rere:sécrushed by ,&is,alnay seombyl ape?ryspirit of fraternityeeeanded::.i eo Inflacnee ts felt.evdn’1: cnt pedo ly:{argeeatpoe EhesabatatsoleNethesanie,aitd as’they,aed“previously:the chief‘velianeeof v 1 fe:President,loque,:-becimefatig Sression and eee Tear would alngst‘inva 1! i ee r TM ae i ’ ce a +TABLE-TOPS,;-and all eat peinthe®Maible Lite,either.AMS:oe wattigi FF arrangements iy which]he:he Iuporten -Itxizay Maree‘ptices,he can.SH ail orders for :Sc),at.feasonablefates,2‘happy.10°Haye ‘all,whoaare adealing{in ‘his:.nrs.cf Marble,:4judgesthemsves.:Hz bad ©are prepared 10°faraefanythingiin’thetline.of. ae BRYAN &e “S$;netocd.iedx Agentfor the a of the ejusitycelebratedPiatos,‘|respectfully that.hiegaguares..unent.Persons etmePIANO,by addres ztmphlet,withfalPridesmarked.-Pinos di Wiad wiece:.Was the ooly ang firstipre-|,08attheN sae fair a ‘the:Citize of IredellHy;thatbe f ale :o 0fte’ieeeon ‘the mosti mcye nN poe to:his,care!i ‘“perior.\.of;: +January |a 3859.Soy , ¥sx2aeN. “PR.aLKELLY Offers;his.’Professional”“Rervices.pepe ON DesES Tf a Ba i -Offices or Collese Reais.aopostie.the.” “Methotlist Chorghs ‘Siatesville.N2eGy WAYNEDAIS:ATTORSEY ATTAWooSieSTATESVILLESiN.eC: >will Dremp ty:-and ABisontgeatend:9 il busine Ss,centins~ted tochis care, .“Office apposite,‘the:Jail.Oct,2 eeiaeA.A.LAURENCE. |TES COMPLETED:TEES:pe MEDICAL EDUCAPIONS,os cs, cand Vanesace }ty Bs *Beng;a elaine to ae Batre ai !frie“misin:Matecvilleand:FredeH « State eile.hae ashe BPS ; Ty he peatess.sttied es ee dle exe dens all tie"Aik i : oes he i Bessty Sat nes‘Teeth’fined j in ,,Dupreetiharity ofeeh =meuste anid auitmah Sending ?:iS ei receive prompt:itte "ithe i gic “he “Ferus:Coshisin ene iri myer ios “work. "a9 FyFebppne 12-962,ceay" fs ATE STEY ENECIN:ube EX.exes ‘ te 2©Awholerale Deslers’tn) "DANIEL Mf.esr Formers of.ta : >Kepty and sinduéser cagtss fee sahaCSapttonde¥-- Jean.QR:ns .:ae,nw porate r 4 = *yim Waa.185°Oe,Lid SpE,iaERS it‘Lime:Pistich Hair,” ~heris Clarks Phosphatic Fener."'Orde®for!“any,fythe: Seiehane eh:arte:oft aimsone ieee +:“anni betes + Jocaterd,near the?pubhiciSqnares apdiCacie.Hoaseyin Statesville;Feshecrfe!“anropace that theyare prepared ‘to,aece modate thie|travelmg Public'and allwho:shag ABzOE)aera k with parrowage,”‘with‘eifertainmentanyfretclage:;Hote,the:Union::RATESOFBOARD ;7Ae THE:RIMONT ON wat PR ee 0ABDERS,PER MONTHS ;Fagnished rodidse tres.and igh 8 . ‘ :Seen at Pable,“Beats:ee “TGN@Eyt poxniaprs = BerDaxi.3° +Single afealee ‘: -Horse Feeds’: f ‘Passed passing:5 termes.orse SRATESVII.LE. 2 What!thicnhits ofangtibeh:start, _weTeeth Extriosted w:thonteeere’- ow‘Week eee wast loge this Bring:music,‘for.it ‘ius.myy boat. é With eeland delight;he tj Lite silyaxy drier wigktesOR Ue Bei ‘a (These ‘thipnighes gfysagncne dietiles %»Come Nseping.gene by,.:arts f 7 [Softias ‘thé:pirilor,lovers comm ki,‘4,4 cepee moneypate i ay the!ator,5 (An,OX ny ip on hed ‘An agartllownn.i ng f ae thivaslite,Shichoage nee isfied % mixed:‘with jor!, ‘recrt how wily 1urst *nS SG)sea Ae nt « oh,cane bain foes ies Ahd-sheddle atricevery fl ora blight Ww islet ig the cart’mary springy i tut ba!wheéxery hieype jjsfleqs ne,teary ate ahast ndjt-nalake:gt ‘held :stl.butning on:theaecat Eat"Tlic node Lovet Ver,2 me cum Sigg:whilesid, on we tidy.hguéer aha “fale he“aom FSmith,.:cstartedy:fot a.| agty upon’a,‘pedésprigh FOX"5 Hout one ‘Tina ret:amniles ;y old’£elldit @ther- ae\vas 2ab mut,forty,years:oliér ‘than eu nesAv,feamn.etMr ‘Smith (HLANig in:eine :861:stupitlity did,not:‘fora a soa Alt)ip his.ardeter}jtavas ahquality which!very:me}resembled:he Ustupidity aed‘be Pi aiken,= aferseatane=iis eee Gous fem ay:pent without bine tyra ana ee3 fit eatsty ene KickTaka a te “it,Was,Fatt ‘about halfa:oe ae ‘dimikeme A rood-n at ured fetow Ww siteed:: 7 ‘b ‘twpon“hinni i3water,’andniaadittion’TatORRA in §ithe f diread.cand chekey |‘Aly idedly ‘areleomedy and:Fee, Mfeeshing.Aftgn Mr.Souibdgdgieoste.: Seek:his:<thirst'“aud Satistivd.the,listit.caeass sAVIMES.a his?appet ite,”He.’ipbekin por *travels “ps.hé hyethe:je ,‘early:th:the’morning,Tie“atthe Whited ahe night walk.twd:or threes th meant Of.hem have rssisoeeabefore:‘Th teoppeed,for: >Bismea Eecmed:i Meoar levee yaEs SEry Whoyeedfant: serene Nis:poon-dayaoe itewi ©Comer,Land Plaster.Se fe aed fat asmall ie élling 1 1 :tdadside,and,the:following:die *etisued:bety een:‘hin.and}boy ‘standa cme CORA: oy.ho Shemy3son. “Mrs Se SiteYee Wie _sorter 86 antl so commodte.people:spilettes,ya fe“Can Igget’dintyer:here7*“a ys!IPeaar;walk inw.’N ns i raxelel walke ib a8 inble”‘dinnet,.smoking:lots:Nee.setgefdrehim.He ates grank,paid -is |.aides bill:put on tng Hatha took’;; hi walkingestick,‘and provecdell upon.|r ae ‘Before he renéyed dhis57ee»he took thefprecaution’.tb.,fll is pi ASpe.carefully,.and-to Itehtits. he:uy ‘crept ‘down:towardsthe.cag :on,Mr.Sujith:‘began:'to feélsome de-nréelor.Westtiness “stealing;coves hin,j Batbe’‘nevertheless parsovereil.until )nehtwasquiteGack.Finding himself,posite:asmalltionse.by‘the:Toadside,3%P#‘heomaof ¥‘outh:Ses iM Sz eaialy gir:“is ies ‘Can ievetsupper alo ‘ete os‘toonigh Oy:Petalforsiita SFbe ‘Nei.Sr at:eebisat anidts deck K‘or —ro= “beach,windcomrtable+Rodzines ==Ban :same,ania:7 RS to oo teALEUeCOLLDGRwillpaytheirsere:-to JOS W.eee ‘+.Weare in leet342 1858 un’1 wes.just:oesitste hove:the:tree tops.‘breakfastonthe’table.waite:eahin.*Hefinishedthe morhingmea,‘settled.ieee ahd erie his:tray: ntetk: the:‘rexerse f.Ae‘these,unless ‘whenhen-his laboris-rewarded.|&“ample‘crops and fair’successIn the’|”ous;departments in which he is’.ed.*No farmer can'realize the!| hese decndindton Be sidered the cardinal ones ;fessiona—will take. y for the ae _;His stock must +.ahriffacithe:pte aa seadels te.soil the ‘sustenance:it.)“8t.this is not done’in'a ||p-hazard way.The fat-)).*$required,and-all eBment.must be exercised 3anip’‘this systemof.reciprocal _L,hat*may berealized byevery|” —an ‘the ancl igent and;industrious,farmer.*|3 ioroughcultivationandsystematic+call.parts of:his pusiness> ee.of|ery font ape?to s Systemof‘farming,as ‘to do }attiyoudo ‘thoroughly;nature will;| notbe cheated,and never gives full...he*half-way:work”that: by:vastly too:many‘eall-,- If the:land!|a he.extent of:that exe,n ‘batist id ‘the food-required,>must,|~i -be'first nsuléred,-‘When ascertained,|bo n,to bring outfull géturns.|r has but a small!Stock,©eqtly but:a,small ‘amount.teplenish his:Jand,.‘itis Cobvion that bata small.farm’can be>4 supple with-iits,and:good.adgment 4 <p atone ates that to.cultivateprop-.4y.Jatge farm,artificial.fertilizers,be*aised-if good‘crops.are ob; F And 680with the labor;two ; nh f.nd,’‘hin ‘she:Tabok:of two 1-3perhapsfour,might beprof-,-nployedon.seventy-fiyeacres.;is is.the:great error in farming.wenstrive’to do what four’canand:thus thousandsofacres _ren},‘half-tilled,.and produc-r Ps.‘The.dand iis 6,give,give’!“tall i few 4rs.it Will “have nothing to give._2:boast of.the West.iis,large farmsgeficlds'of grain ao * eap,.is-the businessets,drawing out the’very life ofpeesending,awayin:‘that ‘are constantlyi sihoutreturningtotheaitANcaihiestoee as me almost ‘and to ME Peoples:eontrolh: “hiit duplicity; ‘ion,are most in fax i‘$eem thatoysuch,s becestigatane’sedtkpublishedmath,hart: shite ight mtpersdtisoceap: 208 cial station’are ievolvest ent.q eybear carats,ignorairt af ae Fads,ae.trated,and some of*the}intimate per- “0seat pndpolitical:friends0 both fre ( >implicated as pas ipants;.k And:elhiy, ha re the:Presid ent and’Thi ‘Cabinet:»-wifiked itt.if they have abot ev en Cpi-=nited at:“these villatnous:outrages ©the &aN fe fit tech“Simply because it wise!necessary’o-athe eo Je fac headWILEGsa0:ketp this bundle of political hxpoer: au at wales demagoguisni:misnamed Ein-power.»Phe-tax.devjed'updn:pilitedelders.to Taisé theans:hy;*sumewhich“to contrel electiars,.‘baik to Be *hisPe ub doormadeup.in ‘gorne’W ay SO:amcenesvApaidfor’:preteniled extrasetviges,_Cabbracts:piven:to.farorett actinaine haeatahigherprice.than eat ‘dealers Te pa dS.would‘be whid to get:a pre bxt herb sxe:ay 1€tee“thug thosé paid-by the:scone )2d SEWARD,°the:peed"the Lreisury ‘weecept a-bribe for ot :they Willingly:assist ‘ippilfeife ffrom COUT Uy oF“it.”|BySeorrapt méans othe!leaders’00 age portgaindpower—by-the ssunlo,onchns’pet anttheyhopetomaintainit;$Ae i tOpeDr.Tharvier,an intimate fied Fe“President,:cand ene:Gez,.the!-oie t.of “Betis Tatie,Paper,mn et 4 o-Gfot eon “dilliak8,as 4 portid votethosé éoninii .the paaty for-Clee : Al that Piurter doesb.Tequiisition “for.Conk’%.theinferior of PennsvirtoSmtheinPui:sdbipli. if order,but:o£: uponv hi } for.thik ssery ake eae ceria) 4 otand.is é sidered Whi,Dri 1 king."mens of the yoountry: Hluntey this,Hunt.a ita seeapapedertify]ing that.;‘ed.the}“oal and finds and-thz it he has:‘seen it in_factJ ‘he dias not:‘seen it,ichtne fymniles'of it hoeAnother’siFine,alse.per peunder§ ,:wihte bee:soneof which Wasrefaced‘Mhich hp had} et toptie Saioaidt ofoe t ban OFredthdusand.dollars—hat ‘otherton-|thtractorspat‘in bids,wh fens inch.So‘thetdidinot fil the contra ts, "ed this Yarpy ernthentias ‘deep W hat=h did 2 :y‘thoasang less tlian he cipelied to eet.oqniny_Bus -thelattempt-to’swinile/sand itheg duet._coltasic mof theS sretary of:theN!avy,theta“4g proven:by.the,fact,That although:ihe Tumljer was advertised.toxbps Behive |ered las}September,ahd embraced. -150;000 Keer.while:at Norfelk ohe OF:Ati3 ay)‘the placds where.it was cl:vim ‘tobe?most nected,only 1000 feet hare been_Bsed,and)he Gorernment Pad'gn handover504/000 feet!Mr.Bigler,one® ofthe Witpesses,aid an accgmplics of : :Swift's.and the Secretary's,testifies‘that the:®ocretary of the:Rers Ss--that-noblofly butSwift hi.lumber,“ebuld:sapply:"specified :and-it farther‘appear 13~the:othercee ice Byssuch;sijpslers raseglit ras this~«do the ledders-of the democracy:ean!:teetosect re theoffices and themem qney,: fountry.”>By:sych*cprrep ion;vas‘do ee nage‘to runup.tie Gover mentale penditures tO.gréd‘millions,w hile:eipinbouterdh Zs aDreformandretrenchmentore Fm,"Economy with themis a-yice—rSirb—ana retrenc it &wor *with which t6‘cajole:an“|people,Fifty millions of Mirah uti der Samraahaa cies)eae last Lexington.8.€.) ee euhd‘handrandhisclothes.including.hisiewereentirelyriddled.aere aéatedtothehouse.‘Mrs:Smart; ‘we.meet of:Phe shots redat im:were fired’uring Te- eeese waseaseeetethe _#stron 4 “Was p i oe him:ee brs©populace., Kentucky:‘is red with the ie biowhodiedin\fair combat,and those whobeenbutcheredin:But of the:.latter we knowof n¢:re|moré atrocious.than the4 2 ac|ofThomas 'S.Lowe,in the Hawesville —ot |jaa desteriagy Biby#Dootiiaesty sat :nfo 3cowatd[0 a oe .Tite town was’fcerseh ex btmerit,and’on..Wednesdaynight,’the. mob,whe.of coursehated 1Lowe,(mobs.eialwayshatebravemen)‘Increasedin ---numbers and the thirst for blood.,Du- 7° |‘ringthe night it was decided to force‘thejailand lynch Eowe,or.if‘they |couldn't oeeee tn him:outeeBeen,a ne si <teetyor.eigttteen |balls.’ rs)parts,:and Seems ae +. roils arid og oanafiairs:Froutwhich,tilithis;he came out ahs eisfeat of smcreal i ral ed yasSe ln Heweetn th WS tha the:followinig,1ett,in the \Winssnond,8.C.,Mar.3“bp te Eyion B.:-—I have “just.etl soa from:the residence of the Hon.W..R. x Robertson,at whichfashap ned one af those dreadful’ee t.mereg | the heart’'gtcken to rélate.“Hi youn‘est Son,while playing with dou others od :who twere.examing to.sce if a gun was.Joaded,:“was instantly killed.”Ie apy‘pears:that while one of:‘the boys was _‘looking ‘to sec if there was 5 cap on the “tue little Edward oles.awhen the gun exploded:ae het}mg:the whple load of shotin ‘rar passing,‘tHujpugh his néekmstamtly, “The was-aulovely,tntelinttent:ankiin-"d terestting:ehild,about pight xears.of|pre.’Has Toss will pe.a sore affliction °ito his bergaved parents...‘Therei isnot. withas &heart that:‘doeg hot.semen ratthizewithttheparents.0 i the:teasof Pitt.as we.should’like to”‘be,and inorder‘to speak of.them,as|awehave ns:doubtthey e.Edze-|4I€mbie‘and Venoir lands ane known to- the pabbe:Jaxre.Hit of |eir_proluctiveries:itt-an deeax. j county of Pitty.Fj that:there is:rha5“the State where:¢- e more—‘thanjin fef:cottonin large.arezlailto’observea growinggricultural-Improvementy.Large :and pies:nee fo =re : bein {opened in variousndweapprehendifthe spirit is ae2the|timeis not far distant when.ilk eerank ae“any other : portion®of ie >anty.marl of.the best quality iis a-alan cand -hér swanips'furnishiin-.ustible-|sources of muck for: _bility:7astly,to producecotton e-southern.-eottonfiel eek |n- abn on the the Naval ro-sf01ESai putations cast on it in‘de- oe the House that ~ 7 as water S ae nrday.last, _— = ‘et Se > * 5 .remarked > i ahr m’a good déal:of-a ‘inet SO.say-'.4 os ke 14we}off,and turning to gur.frie nd Se ot “steame re W 7 200.Barrele Yelfow Plantiog é ‘nished.us ¥: ust before thesttamerleft:g,fhae 5th:has a “New York.for this port,our.friend.Sy Shi for Of ‘Rhoda:and;who was:pound:to tinen Montgomery;»Ala.,was.mét ‘By h ‘well‘belligerent. dressed mar.on béard one of thesteam isers,who,after learning ——‘eountesaidhigname’was B."0:Austiri eeiathe’was a-merchant.do-'§ing business jast.beloOR Montgomét:et “Ala.,whether he-was’‘now about:~and.turning-by me stearher,.hare boca The :Vie on to New,ork to buy ‘goods:which! were on'boatd.‘Our friends :‘congratu- lated themsplves that:they had‘found |eix mi they iesogoodcompany;and.‘thought 'they}.|Foreign relation should havela goodtime.Aftér alittle:in:fheS Baaab itakicne declaredfamiliarconversationMr.sAustia,said®.bya majority of four,thatth yhe‘must luxe some:Segre bo:‘Sok ‘on|could-not ‘examine a Péage:invited S—>to!take a:i the:presence of.“War.deriothWwW:ashington *stre et,‘on all.sides,atid that's ed,After’turning:the,corner, Wiashinigton street,they.met an, ~quaintancé of Mr.Austin,Who!wa ~“troduced?to¢M. ,vidson,a whblésale therchant in city.Said Austin:T'was just¢rome Up; to your office’‘to settle that bil did ts,you see tosgpnding :mytinhk dothesteamer}“S¥s,said’Davirinsentithytle:‘Express over,209 utes ago;did younot gebit.2 -Now?Wel it mist be there very SOOMSg kf Now,.abo ¢thatbill,Cates:I,vis rane,he iim dd-Di a 32000 Biff,°‘and,England:aid th shLOW ed him more.of-the:sane;sort?in’increased firmn, lus pocket:-|Said:Davidsoiy,LE caniot’Sacto change it hefe,but will do:it;fab myoffice.Aus io replied thatche was*in,: _great hiaste;,As:the ‘steaT Ort woudd ‘be: “askedif he ¢pald not,change it.#No.Qssceec i ]cannot.‘sai Se,Tt have:not:sova:obbed:and’MONEY witli e.How much aye yout!anit m Psaid Austin’About sixty lolhirs,Sait evidence:Jed to e a s e § ~B E R S S' ? aa so Now, SIXtY dears imniediately. if you will let.me s death oy fa mg,apeekMrValsie a Swill land itback:joseou. “OTL:on:returD.-:tO" TR’said S+;have ts in gold,and I should not:like'|. ita ket it go;Without:gold wats n,— _All-tight,‘said “Austin,Ewill repl eeit,:a wit};ied as Koon as TI can’Teck 4my {came to ora a trtnk:on thessteamer.Wwith Hix Wn-‘EWaS catiser POP:-derst widing friiend S TEE AUs-(A Chapter:on:Divor CS... --=tin hiive sixt¥dollars,with shigli Aus |:In the:State.ofpe: tin paid Mr,Davidsson,and bikding |divorce,é him good bye,“the two frierds|kta te |-edin ih ihe cause:‘of;Han. -on theiWKF et rm to,the Steamer.¢M5 Yety 3a many “of th States,the c ig| ‘elfthelgwax,‘Sal in dvere wv)ine ment,and WA Be.eee ;riage many.om “much obliged if Youjust’step:ont amt.he’epitimlaty mn.one:Slate:and.Mesit=abletottdultery.in one"™ n Jaieful ow eds Bei see sbout my]trunk,‘thatit4s tered | .tos itas marl ed ‘Be ‘0:Aus!is Our,ie:“Sipe £ ofriend ,S.reatlily-consented;gnd.came State who!ter living 'to the steamer “Tooked on the:wl art,Jock im the:ae -an the carts,apd in tie bacexve room,Jay,bur far:) butsaw ho.tapi,yay has ‘ie secig tis.i particular frig;“Mire Adistin,.Hesaid,decline.as hearatddahre 'oecmPcncey “hsyup}Wwvitndssing «the funi almost shan de tellty geatlnndh,who Was:follow ekby ag it will oully Show,Wiiet 2°qousurn-|ond:husyand?0:the g mate fpel T Wass’—aarwonps ney [beey Bis Na wifer::ae parties hh: LO:ame:daring iits he are rid he :int Salishtiry..9 We fire fling oft be ont ss pis,and eclipse a SHIALL:amibwe will continge®vou‘that::; fa N St s:béeu.eves ta the appara that } Ww ater.niark,BMoPEO.Polite attention to Castine,an: 2 ot ree RY.Dlrncijants oa the”)re]our Stoekiof §SHTAPLE vAN ‘ATT GO D .Ve!ea ral et “réturn,our sae sincere.thanks fat the.‘Tahetal patronay A by our.friends last ‘Season,:andt hope,Uy:atrictatten ¢4cee ~will still favor usfvith,their fiarchases.‘,.Don't’“fail to CALL AT TITE OL tiopposite the Mandiion Hotels:f°: a sie’oss Sarrésr ry.2 March:25,4859: oy ExOme inehtions apere cpebaie he oar caHAMHAWAY&(0.001 “WIEMIEN FON,NNI. f eee for. 3500 Hhds.- pe % ayChidiceNewCrop ,xeyaVb ie 35 Tidroes )CARDENAS MOLASSES.e4.on*Barrels-Chdice N.O,S¥RUP:>*an remain-op ft FthGe.Fai “tOChoice .New Orleane.14 A Peat 1200 Bartels nize SUGans:ete eeiaruira,Wh sion Jae:j REFEE.§“i isi Basile Mt 8 and Prin ee 5 Hhds.Western|BACON, BS ..Sho niders.) >> »*SMareh Dy;1859.BP ae ad ; s,Hotness.|"“Beyond ths Sha,ite %furch,whose;crumbling SeoratieKdusttopethegrey's sheltering power,‘Pot Aad close.besidg the path they ftp:‘ByPilgrim.tay se Hw Of Gods 15}oi 5 (ne Baste all thee;of Mother mine,52:Kes0)|dp athae Bart cow Keep or Heaven’realywoeThy.cimple tomb beyondtheSea bec atsieisWithflowersto}ress iA"potfor me~<gkntsSomorethreedsthemossesgray.gs 3d Siebed tn.thy han,shall.‘scwop away—*»“Batin mahea thineimage dwells,” eek et Wreathed ia ectin Nor youngerto P5 Har fice mpge’fair,.!‘ *pg afr ts ’ghMoger,disputes thine Empirethera!”Ss i]4 BS uw Def Petey i Leve We tchesSieWhedsdeathTytestbreakatteIeee‘erthit f f eer ea yy ;Hea eesh!OESling shi ah:Pe it fo.thy mame P54 RS),"Una ic K A Lawyer with Two Characters.“sy newspappene hixcsOnecold«1 eFeniig ‘in Novembey.pet stot ae ao\yearsiago,afman wrapped»mn in eee 4 :_eldak kndekdd ;at the deor:off Mong. Dupmi,one of themost able ndvotates:.#*of Paris:3 Lf entercd,‘and:draavingfromunderh}s closk‘a‘Taree.packages,of documefits}laid them-onthe table.#:“Monsiéurf’said he,“Pam richsibut)a.lawsuit phic is‘comihended ’againstmemay"ruit meutterly.Atimy,Sage,4 Yost for uneis not tobe.re-made;The loss of thi8 “suit,therefore,arouldcondemnmetbthemost’frightful mis-.ery.I comett~Here are'the claims.”sh Peeaaes rate assThe,-xdrocatte Aks soiled ‘attentively |The4)Owhjhe his unk own visitor thus.bhiefly Reerteneie“iexplainedhisbusiness.Phen |opehing p“the,bundle:of doeuments;h ent|:Zthrough them hrith:the searching:3a -1“pidity:ofhis.professiqnal:Gye)te v1 Palit :Shelled Reithey.were:it last ine apie,theta-Detelopmont,of“blew,i rb orth moa“The aétionf hichisis commnenecd’a::“gainst you forjthis property,”<aid ee»Sis based:updn justice and:Tighty.leowHokemoral.:'“Hhe propertybelongs oT_,Your opponent}.But,unfortisiatelyrtm oeialetns “9»Spit@of the:ac inirable™“elaboration:of;re ‘ibe iour6de,lair and dusticedo not always $.go together,apa ‘here the’Jaw ig ol ‘tie#your.side.“Af;therefore,3you resh'yvour"Gage entivels¥oh the law;‘antl ase,w ith‘out reserve,-al}-the.techhiedlities and. rae LRELE:YARD,|aponétheMaiysion|feb os WASP:epated:to-fil},alt!ionters with .tor,MONUMEN’HEAD...ABLE,TOPS,‘adie kind oforkjnoiheMarbleLise;aoe)ads PeTEALLANor. ee n Ne e s an e ot zm e arrangements iy.‘etch he 3 ‘a Te eyluponrep ATAIIAN Marsur‘4 ‘Ay 4 Uppiie tt ‘We Deptt Ger kcal,nile inces,he cats.tll”“all orders for ~ ;ia 1s Py :,oo |fer dys fea ayeoe oe ested Wumice,”i aes cou F Bet dl oie ae Sa sige as “Mounments,Sc.,at reasonable.rates:|x “quibbles,'and i the legalpomts afyeur |bognsy Denotes,$past:oa iRe:becr San Buttine ft)bo BE eee wenessi Or Cor eee Sn as)tbe Nort Bast-faxor axe,all's ted:clently “and ‘Adly.-strengilietiingit schiood:Misses’;Ogi 208 "sees‘to the conrt, Be, ANCA Dana ee aa a ba alihbe happy 10 hare all who are. :aa $drawEntino:|AeSton;«ehiw,(he attyanvasesiot ee i Pai sais mary oh 3 egos aliust in his lineito,call and: Sceniaey,nd Midcellanoprts Giledinot nimery howe *ts pressign ayes;Invam)CHEAP aki:fs entyt ‘ut :ses ta Rael ay es Cr ae of Marble,”4 a will itevitablyigain’ceitfiainess;willbe need ar Tate genes eaiedaene Drea esi,have been cured liy thie alterative ci ‘the board Has bey mae at 7 44!ah,32dee ler thetiselves. “yourteause.?“f ;4 its)that:the miheg of |:BRS worth-of she!atlpye Git’wil,te 3m Seo ance “fo mage Bak ee tte SSN OH tothe |cat -.3 DOs akg 38 oad obo i ¢an expenence-of 25 years iin” te No mati liking?"oni the’strdtiger,‘ithe'p weei ;and allowed :to (poi saik ail,wie eeia nphilisheiia!lowest’ei ough pi smedy ahininile,i pangt che will give his personal at “cari do what fou7 thus describes ‘soia-bie“bly.ag:yoursel .Might L-yent re:to Be Gob aes Syste <cine sy heey Coad Bet eee ;hie en an:Ming’up:Aoriuments,Be:sh Bs <. a i inpdesgece go i nee Sa ange wiltebe:ptt ACS itt oe skThe Beat at 2 ov uber§oe poe ae C8 f : Peis Vek th cionat 7 oe air borg ecco ee oes ‘Chprai :; hope,t you:would reduced Seal aye wih ite :seats Wide)opinighto”wrt ne,aud thus Srendeping thaninvndierable747tahoerThe’advoente acleeted fev aocinuts tag bebe:Be &ting,andthpn 2gain ‘taking,yp 1‘the?Tip te withe r finely adathat,‘the }-oeuments,which,:“at thefirstyword:ofExpres mene hee a wide!cireulition~the Bequest Wb Bad,roi ly ‘pushed homadray,he Said :Hewouhl do aSthestrans:.ger wished/>On’the marrow:‘at thessame:hour,thd legal ‘opinion’would,ber.xealy:ee dp iAt)Bie Bistotedkutiea:‘The papers :2g preseiPed|to »him,-accompanied ‘44Withpidemandveryabruptlyshade,SUS: tigcFibers:ares prepared to foruish.focpette Anything nthe line.of iSFONES;TOMB.he S.4 sre’Marble,and:warrant sa iss-action:Calf br send your orders: 0 ‘ews Cash ‘ondelivery.ia + ete ‘GRA Y,‘BRYAN:&.Co; ATR COFREE,”: RhaSalisburyoN?WC.2.raysapialoteSSardaepee£3 es {x ur!MOLSSS = : o ‘s ¢iY HEIR,i)‘for.asfee v4Pihie thousand fraptes !fe 1 Xl,Cua rs‘ié stood mite:With’seo i Fe te sae eee fa SYATESVILER pee ate stale.Academy,—/ANDREWS,Parserrar:|i: Bessipn ofee this Tus tion edit LP !Ww Eye aa JANU,4 i JRING'S ‘MODNTAS vy on jaooe Ga sitet the lawyer;neecatlibertygoshpowahywaiteen“heSuthesfire?beh phe 8jAdianGdsibwaret thas oeoeBatrently,for thatparPoses hefare iy ers peaceap re rae noteiortie oobetiythe-visifor..*.4 “S¥ou aare at Tiberty.to:ee ap RED CLOVER EED,2..ee TIM@TITY:GRASSSEED.|beAieeeciesset.'Tan2 Sh | iY ‘ear.will yeas 1 into twoOF21HeckeeriHeth |Wise,aré,re neste &seve by Eetirnary | ;ua fhwill.‘pay ou,the cuts he sai AES Gout ae 1iy MERORI ce & 5 eBary‘T mmust whe Fea my written ae:a cape aos es«ceptance for it}.=is ‘The moncy ie pola,”ee the As“SY WORE Sor ¥o a ‘Simonton’"Tannery.shall:nothare aa tine!'EES ay‘The client.shiv that itasus inevita-|.Wilt awethe‘Tanning Busi-|=bie,andtakinglhisleave ford moment,!@ messy with Johit.Hubbard._S00 retuwned.t ial ‘the coin:‘He wild:|Porem aandexpect’ta:i ie my"vebuttnrevered.‘Soon aftér’gait iS feeMeaewpoe ceeekeae,hest id the story:i every c .V.|ther,Cait andiSh¢ep Skins &e,corndér “of PaxTse »The:“journals:gor)Ae hiich"will be-sold‘‘On,Fegaoriable fein for=hold oF iRiP ke as:soon as ity ersal’SYt Favh or!Berter:s'aunt_the name and:ameé of tle great;hi (4.Payill paythie:Highéstwrices dn'‘Beather tor,hides ain Bark:>;“yer himself,-.!aments |awer made bE|:2 ROR:he editors over the gtisping ady:ant fMarae,ZS S85Vesa fh 4 thet ,selath RO the: ; ,i Pi 208, :P Shixchnsdes , ae Ee etn i itderms,the’ube <ah “that hevital< s,thus taken ofa.chiént’sin ebis ex |Is:=.pec a Ok ee aei a. sreniity,andéven friendsex seeened:to’BM en SION.H OT i;| :J ialdrercine Behe “ him their fesrdts’for thig Betrayal of!"IS mes cs ne umd ra zi pewihad are avarice:But ied simply shfugsed his]")|”*SALISBURY::-[grasa Cieatgre oe x sloulders::andfas gy erything |it sponf is petee?Br hesforgottensdnBaog,okttpassed:out of ithe tM pnbtie mind.“>Len years wi “since,;atia.ce eX.r ey ine wpe cr z .5 pis .‘Prd ‘sGit te:t i}shebors:-Buling sk Hm ees tha Me Oni Lihat arise wa | ¥A cing to his fiends,’and the scree ;Tab Books!|i ute u sl rsehibean Ae tir ne (od Maven ae pe RUS RONG ayUh ate sessed ‘a.E...Bols ee qe 4 a be +an Pave days!ally,thatHB has taken hislong-established.|-ot allsiz NTS AE abs oH ieee 1 es a heres #mington,xs ae nat gfe sh ‘the.aud!well Miows Hotel,and has’‘made’every bret n B.was the oplyand firstpre--et :9 «|possible reparation |toe accommodate the fi ).oh* hie Pranos-au the Statee bait # dignitayies of.dic Courtsof othe daw5 eae Hagelling aud’viditing portions’of|formed a.part,the proces:sion:pas:IN-Fie pndlies in’Ahe'most satifatory matiner.:terrupted .by abyonian,:Whot saddénly!fi {Part ieulur’attention Bait to hisSprangfromthecrowdand!‘Seized thelt |FEbandsofMonsidurigieie‘the Procut-hes sf oeA B.:eeeur-General.Si cae Sa hy BMD neevery Comfort aap ““Ttishe!if she?he decivinad;~as she burst i ‘tears and coveredhis”im staat ie“~handswith Kissps os thisis.any bétefae-:#pAanmenisthe.rope xives his’cigs intend).the angel iby ‘whose .al Uae y ¥mpae ae takes pleasprein,ancéun- fa :he ng vi yadienl Hine ~ony)non.7 Respectty ‘fornie:ih sora of:‘reid agentiog,©)::ns:Uinta States.the x bh seg tO Wan eee jhe ohvuntore ko ry I fi etter.tend.ced vert ae.SG the public:'geheraily,thatthe has receiv . 7 tal aries {Warde :Py Fi cree Breen ee a aes oa ‘s Re.Riot pee as f 2 Koh “.a i _;‘ye me -tmelyBkindness T was savéd'fiom rnin ER vomtertabie |‘omy BUS rane regilarly.‘proatt iy weit :af pats witty:{abs il tdedtmipn phe eiice drip het aay Pele ee ee cnpapersake!‘or the most rea~*; and:spared to.¢purate my shildyen:!yte;op thé depot on thd arrival afthé’cars."6,Cees ne i “.:peste l By pk.ahs Rs ;.A Doge womari|”‘said Mw Dap,‘“‘sher 1 With these efforts to please.a'libera}ce |Clubs.«ver ‘hasJlost herrezkon.””.ou a 3eee eeisconBidently 's-Brit nd,she nsistad:on explaining,Feo BG cetothebystanders.that.thede was rea-j:|Moy 20:h,1858,son isther ‘teark and’gratitude.-She!edit”brokeblys ‘Ten “years=.fe dea2th of her husband,aclam |im by 4 relative,for the’PPOp-)awhichshe'had reliedto.ed".i-neate tndsupport her children;?She.’“Fesolged.“to defend-her ‘possessiait:of Isthat:whieh 'saadhad‘alr .her,formatece! Jargs bad well:-assorts still at’“his Ole Stand,ou Broad.‘treet,a:-knew.)wes’her “Syn,few:dias.fant8 ufe Pabli¢”Sanare,pipe is prepared to tto.al Rigdysald:‘about:kal:of pimerly-doneatte:Eatabjs ae oYePay.‘comuienechient ©a pepairizg.dune ‘én:short}jalied andinhenane>dayiastiaaig tayqiworkmanlike maneer.‘Tdferes:charged ‘X ap-;On Accozats after'Y2 mathee‘Bee paket Ee Bar 2 pemereSheealréae”7 rsss‘would:bé'a2B,008 bashes Wheat :Te wae agtincE warty”from CASH Geefforttehold@ ore ae ad aes abandon it”“Save what She's ile:added,that,A vitig beet AT ThE HOWANMite,| Aoag.Dusbela “good ay os Airc “eue’some’‘portionSaf ‘what was °Wro}~fally taken froin her;‘and’that ituvaaibthyTagot,gold,wh io he 7