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Iredell Express, February 1859
erV+oy De,butiis treefrony ber cough,ahd’e& ~- “2 «clorgymen'and physiéians have lenttheir ‘names'tocertify’f cok ies >Editors andPropristors. ee can buy,and we esteem you,peesyour:iprainih :fh Lis’rormi m.Pi cures in this,section.,It hapreliPe ints arietions aaa aiticted,suffering feljow ment, ros~~|Anietican Almanac,contai ¢directions Yor thefr useand:df © 4 PU BLisin,Wi=KLY, et a be hehicAW.Paont,aa er Te BRAKE.re BY: it ae‘GENE BR DRAKE &SON:|:re | .<eee a aeEttMsontheRAPER,‘7 te oe wg as.fa:$2.8 Yeas i Advance | )«.'BOR,THE -RABID curs”op..i a.Colds,‘Coughs,.budHoatseness.:an ‘Nenteeaiat Massy “1885.v«De S.C.Aver:Tdo no!hesitatetoRay.—",the best-remedy ‘have ever foutidfort:»Soughs,Hoarseness,Influenza.the:-.oncom aymptouis of #Col Aisyonr—n-.\Caerry Pecrordc.Its comstiint.usein -=|any practice and my family for the.last*fen years bas shown it to possesssenpe-4*Flor virtuos.for ‘the treatniént of'thesycSmplaints.EBEN KNIGHT,M.“De haterA.B.MORTLEY,Esq.,of Urtta‘N.'Y..writes’:dE hate”>used your Pectoral yaelf and:fa,’niyfamily everslacé>>+you invented oi believe,it the beat'Purposeever"tpt ont.Ww ithya ta cold’Lehi :PepeCtoup,Whooping eels.Inf wenn,SPRINGEIELD,ins Péb,731856.i.Brown Aten)of will cheerfully.certify ;lyour Pectoral Pits £%st rémedy we poskess for:the:curs I.cough,croup,ahd the chest i ee oh ee keg sydiseasesCYildrens!V .iyourfraternityIn“the Soteh avpercate yourskill,spd:Hggye,,7;fetpe‘commend your miplicine to ‘our \PatMOS-L BE-¥sq;Moxtmiter,Tadwrites.at,Ysh<r had a tedious Jufuenza,which eres 34Ae Ns:tinp+@ix weeks;took many medicines without ‘reliet:fhatly,a_tried your Feetoral by ‘the nuvice of!oukclergyman:‘The:fitst dose velieved tlie FOrethoss +iu any ‘throat.and:lunge>"“less than’one half the dottle-made-mecompletely welll.~Oe-Yourtmelticines:are the CHeapext-ns'well as the.‘test Wo »as the popr man's friend.”_4 +Asthma or ‘Phthisic,and Dronchida tr Be sJaraCHESTER.)PA,Feb.4,-1950.|BeSr:Your eae ee atryished roony‘:bereat serena)from alarm,”urvfiapheal Pow!ne aymaptoms o consumption,and.is now leann oe be grit Pah‘Who ‘has Mbored-under‘an affection of this hina oo Senibat Wsa helastfortyyears..."HENRY-L.(PARKS,Mehann’UPR \ai EN hagv4 6A.A.RAMSEY,M.D.Los,Mownoz ¢Town;+Pe Dar Coewrites,Sept.61855:“¢Darin MY practice'of See .tp :‘many Sears ;‘I have fonnd,nothing,équal’to yout?Cherry many opera|Sing ‘Meals‘Bivingpate anthretiet.cousinn tive notte -Horse Feed’,i sf.»such as are curable.!.ie ne ‘1Wemightadavolumesofaridence,Bhtithe mdst cone 8%»Nincihg procTof,the;svirtyds of.this Femedy i font in ite,_‘elects upon nil.és M3 ‘onsua Bie:©Probably norone remedy mption “beens know:eee“be Feoxba so many audsuch dangerouseared asithis.”’Serge’‘»Maonrhomia aid’¢ean reack;“but:evento thoge |the Cerny)a aaffords reliof“andicomf{ost.Cet a!:;.AaTOR Hotse,New YokCrtr,Marth5,1958.*‘Doctor AYER.LowELn;I AMjitis os ty.pid a pleasure,«“6infos you what your!Cherry:PARAS aoe for my)"mye *svife.©had been five thotiths laboring under the dan-|-’:'.gé@rons saymptonas.of:ption:trone whith no aid wecouldpDrestunsee_Slt wae'ai me,.ing,until a4 thiaccity,where we have cadvice,raneed’a.trial:of;Our médiciné..“Wesd~this kindness,4s we do.‘yours ae She-has recove;Fi ledearey‘from that day,Shot potyota6 at eae‘used,to})vpfwi,Gene ragly,~~,Yours:with gevititudeand yr aaORLANDOSHELBY,or Signernisa.”ad bogaksy'atorCunsumptives,do not despair!tillyou have trie’aces ing.conbeyaane ean‘Crgrny.Pxctonat...Tt is made hy One ofthe best medical|rChemists in”theworld,and its cure’Wadeiting Ledgereye .ime.ablpeat anytladel;i ‘the highineritsof:CAts virtuespee Ph ieWe pride:Fayrsel Pest;*Ayer’s:Cathartic |Pills,hi horses.“Gur Rroyende 4.ithe,uanaity leftto thislkorsciencasofChemistry’“anti:Modicing have!been’;Ay iksbuder the:wigaxed.theit utmost to produce thisbest-mostFerfect +>Burgative which-is knowh'to mad:‘Tonumerafie nee‘tory and ne Mar:néethbe,¥yaxe shown that these Pius have virtues wh;jek surpassin}int.WN ;|en!excellence theordinary medicines,and.that they.win uns |p 8 «»sbrecédentedly upon the-éstedm@f all nian.Tidy aresafe | {obey 4 re preind Led:to ai_HIRAM.CONKLIN,8,Ae prea whet aud*pleasant to'take,but'powerfal to dures:‘heir pene-*-@ trating propedtion stiniulats thevitalsctiitibeof fiesveof]al etinns it Be eer |oe recpeminen esi tibet"breed.aidygrow Ajsteth pcr,istimigate {‘sluggiah :or digox.|ak “aw red orgapis info their“naturalactién,ani impart healthy |tone with*strength to tho whole'.system:*Not-only do.)(””:oaenes cure the évery-day cohiplaint#of,every body,fat Se i(pAflsoformidable and dangeroas:digeases thathayebated,§can ie aoe“the best of human skill.-(While:they produce -powerfup eee “coinforta~:‘effects,they dre‘at the|same,tine in-dithinisheddoses,the!:i rate?safest-and Hest physic,thintycanbe.emyloyed for childrén.’‘8BM~!Being sugar-coated,,they:irepleasant t take;and being +“purely vegetable,are freefrom any riskeof harm.\Cures:}:ibe“hate beet madewhich,surpass bélief Were:they!not sub-;!>!-o stamtiated by men of suehi Lia position and chaaarter 4et.«ake tor forhs ié the:suspicion of untrath..‘BMany:ei ‘tor the publieth reliability of my.‘remedies,Hite ¢thers)“oe ER 5">£Ihave sent-me-the assuraged:of thelr conviction:that my!)°“7.4‘Preparations.contribute imunicrisely ‘to.he peltsof my Ae} ‘«The Agentbelow namedhiypleased t6:farnigh:gratemy", i”‘certificates of.their cares,.of the:following complaintswa I tsorSeesJCostiveness:Bilions.Consyflaints,RhehmatienDropey,* %Tleartburn Headache arising froma foul stomach.Nays.sen.Initicestion;Morbid Inuction‘of the:Bowels and =;arixing there‘from,‘Flatuiency,'Lossof Appetite,all Ulcok.|!ons and Cutaheons:Diseases which ri uire &gvacuant.mati¢ine,Scrofula or Kingagivil they aleo."By purify.{site Me blood\und“stinns the system,‘cure matiy.¢“Ong 1 complaints which it yond’Mor be’“artpposed 'hey.conde?reach such as ‘Deafness,Partia®Blindness,Nenraigia anal|4NervousIrritabitity.Derangfments’6f the Liver andneys,Gout.and ptherkindr@!complaints arjaing from Melowstateofsthebodyor-obstraction‘of:i functions. idy.- “Do.hot be yint off dy:ainprineifled:denlers with songe};other pill they make mdr@!profit om:)Ask for ATER’a Prtts,find take nothingyelse...No}other’tey,can give)|* you comparés ith this‘in its inttridsic walng or curative:J)powers.The sick want thee’best ~~there:vis:for,;thent,!“andthey ‘should Have it.)ba 7;ae 4 ; ce Prepared:by Dr.a C.“AYER,ePracticalandAnalytical.Chemist,Lowell;Mass.: “Pree:23 Ore.PER.Box.Baye:BOXxS-FOR,$2-:| :;-SOLD,BY its ms Be lopaon 3 =Havitedd,“Stewensoin &ex ‘cthcten“ton,OOWA.Bradley,Wiimington.Meat Seni, stos &:Go.,Norfolk,R.By Rives,Petershutg, ‘Sante (Nemton,ye ie Mehal,R Hinievfotint :oe For.sale byfe|Sanat.noe ee &KeiatSafes :Eee 11858.|ae CF *Purcell,Lada.&€o:,,vik hindad,D.Bt ey tt a pte to ae “itt 1 irWwWjaeSee dard we]tuown.H Pur “be Kwig oe Bene olent.Inslitation “sabiched pecial.B ndownrent.Jor:the Reofp.a;eR the Sichand Disdressert,aE: oo me . 5 eed ‘with:Firulent -bint a2aAs 4ekpidemag)Diseases:‘ary oyPptimesiofEpidesnies;at:Behe:aontcistoh FdfsthisInstitnuontoestablish‘Hospitals.to'pidy|:‘vide Nurses;Physicians Clothing,‘Food,:Med,}vines,&ex for Oe)sick and destitpte;o.fake! ‘‘to witaieters aevery.pasdibld-sway.td the:oar he “the flicted ahd the health of the public al,a \.>vide and execute meanst oftreliet,4 ¢ *a '4“sociation,No.2 South ‘Itis the duty-of the Directors.a suc}fimes,to ||Visit personally the jnfectéd distrigs,and to pra:|, “phy sicians,not:acting:membtre oF the meek“tion,usually.enrol‘ther’bames'on its books,Se)3Ject.to-be,called’upoa 16 attend’ite:hospitals:freepfcharge.-In thé absence.dfUE gidsmce,the}2 Directors have enthorized the Consulting Son“eon fp giveadvice aod,medical,aid,tdpersong few doors East of ‘hes«pffering under ¢-HBoNicC DISEASES,of a.sire a.Tentcharacter.arisiog frot’abuse’offhe physical ;ie»Bowers,mal treatment,the aitects of frogs,&c. %oo treatmerit_ofChronteDiseases,by ike:‘Cofe)sulting Surgecn,have been,poblished for grata’'tpus distribution.‘and:vit 1 tees sae“to the‘afflicted:oe Adirecs,for RejaiotsorSerica Dr.Gouin!..R.Ca LHOUR,comstilting Sorgeon,>Ho ward AseinthSteces,Paiedets J"pbia,Pa,By order of the.Dhectgrs.Gok bet“G erates i Sede:od)Secretary,’te piedent., "|‘a work’Various REPORTS.and:TeACTS.on the ature,of Aeoonints ster 12,ont 8. te:uy i.i ted ,Wally,thas i has:take1 9“Sossiple:Pheparaupnt o nts torpleasMave:ie-c eis prepared‘tefotmeblysdone:at-All pepaiging den ys “feb.2h, attlike:mgtrer,eenot fetch. a ===mye ‘ a ee to,the atin tissues Rotless.thai ee thousand pounds:weight ofritivematetial,andconvey fromtheOwe'tissues*three thovsund ponds£0 waste,:At every.’ponent:‘ tee iwe cue the g.yi eee= Ftthey:reachthe hear=blood poured i ;eins;than itFineeJungs,and from them |back againiecs-arteries,thus comple."‘the-circleof circulation,<->wonderful strea sslycir-‘.‘culating,octupies the very.centre ofthe:vital ‘organism,-midwaybetyreen‘theeRenctions.of nutrition:and:lelere-(-4“pA;feeding and eae.the’org-—fansiihto’activity,andx bes =thent all theirsuseless material.InWstorrent,upwards of forte different:sb¥tances are hurried.alsie teigasses,it carries.it eesinétals-and soaps dat thee‘cells,ae idered organised |en it: heart to be repla m peas.|a teeiron”Ba cine vtibit’a.ee ofit im~his.ecture eps one Peet: nd ~i 4 vi practice.:_Rubbér shoes are ie - *»house,mabe om as fittle asSpee be-eaude’they-areair-tight,and‘petsp ied of the feet.:Pheaircanhottbeexeldtiedfromthefeet,or’anportionofthebody,f a “IREDELLEXEXPRESS,| F anon,B.B.DRAKE,&SON,-EDITORSAND,‘PHOPRIETORS.-wat country;;in|Contracts: Prnsoxa piginocs 10 anit ta wonET."Can do.s0 atsaree oy malaga PtScereceipt,bit,in casethe saechmoneyget-lost.nema:the susieofftd aith || --Pyefrm of&BOWEN,Pala vertisément ap‘|mn,are'exclusivel Bie Wilsizwieanda7oe a s©ofits bent:conéin at Of Journ ¢exelusit ty Mr.Fisherthe i,Road.hag.maie his:R port to the:si j gislaturt;,which:“show.the’alffeits ‘of Pike Companyto.he Fina ‘mode:‘prosper4} ~ous condition ‘Than was ‘feared.‘they|= ht be;and vindicates:himself oe of Br groundless imputations fiindompeten-i cy and extrvagance.in ‘the ‘eanage-| ment of the Road,W.ick have Deen preferred against:‘him,by.‘persons,’i whose motives.and,‘aims are’‘pure:‘and ait not to be questioneds:urd,whose «duty, -jmpelied them to investigate matter | -gigantic’importance.fo the”§State |, “ps the Central ¥Roadsi %We are gglad: that |“Mr.Fishes?basa -thas |in.his poyerto clear himself,of wrong ‘sns-, picions,”anid -be able to satisfy’the’ .a3 ‘Legislature that:thie ‘public.trust-is in a ee e a 7, no sort of danger;jIn his.hands,and. that he “has administered’the.Toad: }.most ably and efficiently.In ourtext | we will givécopious ‘extracts fr on,the Report,as a matter of)interest t0 ex-- a tax-Payer:in ‘the State,and which’ ‘Fikewiseis well calculated to enhance, _the value.of tliestock.| ‘We would:suppose:haat |tin:“ednse-‘E quence:-o€the favorablenessof the’Re- port,‘the.revenué)ball now.“befdre,the: ce Legislature might be modified cana: v >3 idends are soit to be.‘anticipisted,Sy 1)a ‘Legislative:eae sae 4 ' f E tevs e&,f‘}f }, :ae he‘following +i 4portionofthedoingsin the Legisl ;0 rs “pu :“that hor a"sutis.up.‘ery.Title,age 2 great deal expectation ‘of the Beople:‘Will they. “their:dong?“absent Fees,{ “long’ffaces.” The.Senate has pssed:aa billto igite eemarriedwonientic:estates in -cery| ‘tain cases.:fied ek ft A bill to:‘charter the Bank of xare [3 ‘ervbly.inthe rate’pt taxables,asdix-:| yet‘remaind tor be-donesin'a very {72 ‘short ‘while,-to ‘meet ‘the “rbasonable |Re: owho*‘have the over,discllirge the du-eee atiesfor which ‘they:arere elécted,with-.be Se yo’out further.-delay °and etarn td-their.bs "gonstituents,lessanp sapped,in’ths : meitt,igun.Kd sals phould,not. objection:cdu !ineof.lee sitemeReie find "yoktn next.We hase Been Dretty. to:co atributors t! ee Sgitetwill he:gcoldreflisethe year : ‘on.the ‘x ot ‘daar 4 4 dyntity,vedi.tha fediniie c eos RELY:Whi aioe|thé Tugpedwost-it ta“Fe Fon!ir ame dletidden’x: cn Withee 4 3 atin *on isAndfragments of He dew:thatcooksais“AWakestagain,BODIE +t Katy fhons and angel 4y.Msmpectres of the ‘Past nowri :Dive bugile'w naitnd wesai hour 4>Hina,to.a wil WR A! eae rec that~Carolina passed|its:se¢ond Feading,|ser shine tlowar ot ‘24 to i.Sit provides ‘for branches; atBedufort.Goldshoro’,Wilhtamston;| Roxboro”,Milton and Salisbury.ee:Phe:bill:to:‘establish ‘the:Ger ‘of :5 nS te es“Alleghany:passsed.ae thiy di rea 24 to nga :;i .ite rik rni¢h'd over’ i A.carehiss stimiziy or4Whatiraprarttdthe:henitThe‘of Alt hahha Tea tksisdewc,nisdigh ti fuk ont)vail y+Bile seemswe sil,will far’reat, Phe dik.to edhe:‘therBunklot be 4 Lexington passedits. Thebill to dinen,ithe:charter.of the.Western Extension—~same\as TP!R;4Caldwell’s:billin the:Honet—paiseditssecondreading,22 to 1 third readin&’+}: ~The,Coalfields,‘Road bill’‘wasto:be |!-7 vapalupoe‘ifs third and last’reading iin}the House on:Monday.might last.It|was thought.it would;pass,§i _.Bill.to charter,tl 3¢Banik of Saligbu,|ie ie Siig 3with“branches:t Statesville and:J ate “gleeeeMt.Airyi is:-awvaitin ;the action:of tha’i“Powe There iis)danger,of this bill. ‘bemg so loaded with’reeeons that._no Bank -will be organised:nder:the}-pharter if granted.ie ieee A Dill to extend‘the charter of the | State Bank of North,Carolina for‘six!| hed in'a fosy mist amid’fhe rock,é“rhebaunted Tiveus aud the gave ‘Over thosd waters:a feta overy|hod fisten to tho,isdbtids Of Nyse wigefySoftStealingtproughthie,frnatant mach:years is before the Heeplatars..“aeo Butait.hig Ureglorjon_*A Dill chartering the Bankof.gn-merce tobe locatéd:t Newbernpassed:both Housés:.)°5 -. “The‘office off Stare:Geologist not,to 3“be éxpungédl.+|NeTnthe:Louse’‘the Revonte hil washs‘iaken up,-and so amended:as not’té”tax the sie ofpreachers.‘of ‘the ,gocpel ‘and U S.Officers.Spa 'hte‘Danville “Connectionhas Teceia,‘iveditsesfor:this session,andin+ Andinightanre echoehertwirkping.&;st.me peeaut HO, ‘a ie Nani ei we be ee eaethest at Aad J am:tlankfuk ‘bas Ht onsunsetsglowLtnfuh!||Mow bipsead %tew t6 love the ehitfectiaemoh;,Statagtlioaet ; i * Pt stead thereof,a bill has beenintradu-'Meal ; } "-ced-for 2 charter to builda Road from?-Greensboro”to:Leakesville at the Va.-I ‘wish,Saif’'Tine—ahich however;the gdod ‘people *'sof,Greenshioro,declire inet wall,not”s Haves 24.s ‘6 |W tenesThala Pe ae lge ap EEF fy To Hon.“A.M.‘Beales:for aco;sok s‘Patent Office Reports;to Hons:cops“Gilmer and Z.'B.Vanco for areaub...ores Also,‘ta -Messts.ichael,Gaither,id Seeposonioriaaers The Pebehay 6suet the Universityre5Magazinebasteachedus,Though the Ma:_gazine is-always'good,we:consider vam nti* berbetter oe,$ommon)\.”es shouldbe spent’to the:beat.absOlutely necessary:tliat ;“howitpasses.)We ought!‘ts be:athe,departure ‘of!‘éach Nour 5 “othvcanhot:duby’appreciate!ithe:,Give ng.the day-unmar!pmets08-seeeiet ni 4 Ave,ding "ground ¢eswil |more effectually. ‘prilaiof “Intemperan :sed.|rons,chechange he blige:naliy giye us‘@n ae wi boo 8 |Thies maker ‘dnd..le ‘eometimes:fear,”‘potwithsta4the-wall which has been «ae!to:cease its:apres Ms beige ota t .light BI ;=|thong!i$isposeig sere g ‘We,are |jhoping :for eel ly!‘see the.justness of 3“of;‘our a .2 ye AJ.. WowsW.BearpeBaetony .lrcees-qmamner,gettingacci-epee oh the.palings of a.-— xsecniedmaak2=what wecould - rand =eoe over theingsofthéfront‘yard,andin doing:~foot apparently eiipped,and:he. ‘taught by the neck mamanner to -- tangeltshimto:death.|A faithful dog aL ache was,with his’ster,eni eayor. ‘with all his power jerelieve.himpeaiePeeteand,i doing ‘go,tore¢elothes-entirely off fromm young’~ ‘his ‘efforts t0.pull him down.4.|wad this taoTHIng,|‘the body i lay -scattered_#nimat-keeping‘the doad body ‘of his:mas |as‘over the¢se is:Mas-cies ;oresSt ee ,i t.of theA.fee é-Canal Com-:ae ae:bien orTep antpany e poses,iimm ‘connectiesapeak Mew abig 2‘andHt;arolima,a,dist- ii y which +w ull.ities encounter- pat resent.in the ‘gand-bars-and= 5 =Gntttos Jnlets,Recor of the. Rerep rae upe Hatteras,so|ee “i wigvigators...The work ts‘nearly:tom-“dreaded“by”. Jacking only.a lock at.the jjune-*is ‘of the canal with ‘Elizabeth:Riv-9 RUEis TOWN ‘phogress:of -con- traction,and will be:finished hy.the.fast of.‘March:next.‘This workisto. Solid.stone “masonry,‘the:material @ brought from th igranite quar-eeofMaryland,and t tbe pugtogetl-‘the:most ‘suk stantial manner,,- e8,:and:‘embra-ing ‘alt,the”dmproven Je peresaiay Eoideeepymddern5giReering.jon,offthe.ockis sul henetee Tow ‘asa'draught of ¢ight feet water — edowest tides.Its¢:apacity 1s de-fried:‘to.be.sufficient jto pass steameae.bearing f ¢hundred tos:a) |fears isnot life.” ;to he|See : eligl jkkeeper,-and-<turn thoug toiIERESNoeaeAisislife:>In all. As,but:fraction of the consti- D it is awakened;antl- Shmbdr'=which— xile to be.Knowl-,ede,‘truth;love,bebeau goodness, faith’alonegive TC »tho mecha-'of extatenees-dich©, hen the dry waste/y ‘chin:tae,;‘ighich brings’chil roodback ;.the.” rdships that fonke>us8 fo’Sas jor,attempted tto.oe his wife: ic that eallsthie fn ure near;‘the |eeikstartlesugwith;mystery ;os d children...They hat te ower.‘and itsis supposedthat he.then set |;to the house and s -Himself,‘as gS Bones:were found...lying:by hismmbarrel...Hewas aman,of foilsPSeSherofthedangérthat‘as@tofpape ee ee ed iany'years aary,poe John’Killingit ;oay vat ‘Lebanon,.Master coos’0. he!say hewas known ‘tohandppenurious,but there were »hid’enced ‘ata tithe of his rich-ed a week since,atid.on op-:pe ha will,#t\was foundthat he- rty in this country 3 ju:oe demaswrth $158,000,fhe aeitCeeichtodepositedinatthevcenevertobe’touched,but. interest:tobe devoted to:‘the edu- country. 4 Wien “H.Pace eanhistorian,died:suddenly,im Boston,on .Fri- +“dhyast,of paralvsis,in the O3d year of hisapes)ree ranpee ‘the.|”wor rane i ances of the Siete ‘North care,.|‘¥lina,of Baltimore,» ling ‘and ‘painfalpea renee.of the.at burningof the:steamer:orth ‘Caroli-.y2 naron Friday.morning:lapt,on‘her:passage from?“Baltimore to::Serle :fsSelectionspte thee ;bss selecting f RS The steamer Georgia arrived ihe :ict_°»dharbor ae ots1g;withthestart-| ene,especially’hee‘not'what shal.‘bi with 26 passengers -on'“board,all of~whom“fortunate y.escaped:death,‘ex.’ cept one,the Rey.Mr.‘Curtis,’ani Ebpiscopal,Minister’of South“Carolizia,who was on his way:bonie from itheNorth,and oneofthe Stewards,of the 'boat;:a negro'man.3 -| The firewas diachoeredtpn Friday (P morning,abort half past he.O,‘clock,ko m1 One OE the state:rvonis of the upper |: )Saloon,at.which fing:theboat:was.a- ~.}bout!three milés below!Smith's Paint | 'o*Light ‘Boat...The mmps wee imanic| mechs set-to ails but-the fire hac:Hie eteto do,ts,the easiest already ganicd:such;peeaee as tb be.jeaber Every,subse“impossible to stop ‘it,andtlie:beats -were.nninedjatel:hoisted’‘ont and:Z . 1 efforts made to:“save.the:ieee me ste y 29? ‘ LES dine crew:Every souk on:‘heard at 1s¥).Man lies:2g ,4 believed,was saved:but’thie,LW:per-|a ceiteat “njay rave,ee sons,abote ramet =nk ita oy se hel teas:16 sconsult a ig i A lad ‘with acldla é une aa ict ‘byething’Soffart,anbpthe obitethi zg oundaippertathes“One|likes,‘anpecd es fun and ‘frelic ~" .*“Towerdeck,witcre!s ethie child)aud sete rs|*overboard:and jumpetlsov<cy ifter fe +SEHSE will”t ie Mer husband,seeing’their perilous.sit-:Samething*iat ain “?nation;Jéeaped yy te save fliem,yhilg-editorjsia!dull foo‘the.heroic”Capt.Henry:Fitzgerald;-.them all,ow'sce_phinged mto thewater.to:assist thein;:'ronghilyythik,making four Tpthe water_atfote:nine,gat:of.a any time,.all Of,wbonr were:sav gd byythe do OCCUP,SREY: 2 boats after.some.Aifficulty.Bae what'd pot ple ated‘1 oo "Phere averé ‘seven Tadies_on aoe theinexg mi n, “the boat?all of whom bavely-extaped.the!pa a3 tv the sinali Beats ha their:night ¢gar:'for mothi : ts,“ents,not ‘hating hh opportunity.to The Tenet) tte ee even their shoes anil:-stuckings.—e! T He-exception:was alady,whose;ner pr Vous ‘comlition:would?not’allow ‘her4 “to sleep.andsdhe Ww Ag ar full fines,aas she,had not rétiredk f iS The escape-offthe stall:ea toctuedchs filvoretk—-by thepresence of ‘cab’Weather otherwise,is hes beheesa ved the Joss OF life:tould:‘have been: nitich “eregters 1 Meo)rte rc _Phe lull of the steanler Dassen,tne} ;Water’s ‘eAlxe,:anal set bs!ee she. Pe oS Samk.gs néthines was coral ‘her ‘the fog cleared asiiy..Se fe EE No bagzage;offesthing,of ane: What cherywassaved.“Ph re:-Se:anil 'For Norfolk:Was ahssO’‘destroyed.Tt 4s. helicy ed,diat ‘Addon’si “Express Toses fe at by this éatastropel’near STOO,pat:will oupese it umtedky CherwtDeafortunateaccifent,they were,EeNevented«l froin losine S200,udu:‘GhWe rie.Wealth of.the Foe|ment-funds,-w hich:was,expected kere Ttas gaid th pe redeisxies6—;,1.“EG.pa yO,but did riot aes Hhoard iMm:of his’State some.“Boob Osi+}tithe,andscane|oxi 3th ae cS OF this;$6,900 000goew:onpemtorsingt:ech rp pews.ia ty affairs and:219 000 -4d';B |a The pascongersaie nowy our as €t-—$2.700,000 #0 iosiand,Portsmouth.adic havipe bTost --vG-car ny send police ;+OGarything?theiS hail on be are:ren ‘tai ;i ered destitate:fee AtiS believed:the!rd ‘aziginat Lag) Ove ofthe fur ward 3Rave rooms,ch <¢f a.)eas oe apied by that Rtew ardor bep-:of real entita“Mg the:"hoc eee ‘belongs gto!tig:fiees,Sis hat:and;that whey:the “door?of?the*-en muons m,Ydonr Was.“Gpened ee tholg saloon ife)Was in a Trehit:blazes by pits ‘of "tite iax yl fit ¢air rashine through.—LWuifa a ee eae“Bonk —Extra,esnt or ae ea Indiaxi Tradition’‘Rbout th ees ae the bed of ‘the Colnabil iriver, hot fargibove.the:‘Cascade. _rous truntks of trees the stanchions from:the “* a hae! er et |fare Drecdderat €para scdscade ‘of clitgaroscael)was!tot acct he Ae"bs i ‘ °aon tron He ‘nine.eae : Site es,they are 20 wniforn he ieht.ag driven for'a wh i right!ahd are:fi -eromtids.Some ti -.«|are petrified. “grees,heal thei lis upon dry-l3 anid.{—One _comjectsure.it wa dand-sli@d:;-jeenturies ZO:“perhapa,tere! them info ‘the wat #:is;mot!in ‘.probable;thouch adjzicent moni;{,“©falns now pregent|af any,i aePes at S,és of such a stide,Phe Talim.tig 4dition:jis-that--ut ithe ‘Caseadleq once.ing-a!‘thereawasya natiral:‘bride,’vor ¢tliat xthemountaiticchain.-“Wass ra rbrekeh.in dts prosthere,and theaw:ators of the Columbite“remeédival..”“aC >passed-under:thent,.‘through,‘tunnel,|witPanats-that mount St>Heliss andsdirinier'‘goreto:quarreling anil,broke!‘down this.uthbridge,filling’up,the channplapd-car isingthe:water to.‘rise ‘above,thus.ao of|isubmerging"thethyupon which)the +‘trees stood,and whichnow eonstitates|>the bed of thetiver..:It-is not.imtpos-;sable the |Colambia may have.‘passed.through:a yatural,tunnel some day te ts iillevitvitheCaseades:;and -there:are cartai ‘KMPowell Ttrank,3'.indicationsof :theré:once’havine be .“Shon WR Steverisbn Kbox,"Eheavyland-slides.—Oregon Statdeman Watte150551,Wietockton,Wa tts.VieSeHowMrWebsterobtained‘Hig Wwite.|{.-#5°"A corresptondent'of a Basjyon paper “',tells hewDaniel Websteroffereg!him |>t ~sel€te the wortan,ofthis choice:.esto6MiWebstermarriedhewomanBieGitheloved,and:the-twenty:ars which“_he'lived:with her brought:*hivi’‘to the:te meridian:of his greatness.yAR an Ne-~ doteis current on this ‘subject,’Ww»48 not-Fecorded in.ithe‘books...Me cllet eet * t :(Halisbucy,ssaciigahsebdlambale of A./Hes- |etn XSe County8 ri GRANITE,nce:haePetkotwaaejoe ton’White and 4Ware;Painted Ta:my2andSauders,41.25tbr,varseaSetet.|; (00 uy AND WILLOW.WARE,-et 'Buckets::Rollii Steak hevposdles,Koit pis,Steal silt :oo Miaticet,etee SE foe aeDuITANTA Wane, “SeeTiteraioe‘able and~ 'spoons;Kuives agd Forks;gS Carvers;;-Britennia)Tea>et"! os sete;Pitchers;Tae (tae BER the Board of Bavbasit ,:eS Boe eee oem eteeesnbe°tony,arabe lowing let anttary,1859,at theay‘end antlel >direotpes of Gorter [ringpersone,or ainy three of them,forthe +Cae +4tocorn,meoeFaeSeaesth |‘ort,in McDowell.Coun- sereJi Ee are 2 Fraley,D,‘A. i er the direction of J.F.:Seiatta,yn >;Under the-direction :of;*Tonias :4Job.Wilfang,George Sitzer,D.B weither,M.L.Met ‘orkle.|:Morganton,under thie direction ofE:xan,Fhos.G.Walton,W.F.McKesson,:.50ecceaaaAvery,Alene:Duckworth.ion ofWn.fom,under the dicp‘JasperNeal,Alvery-irwin,and J.LL.Cargon.':ee the -directiod‘of tetasB.Bogle, Etows eteBALJowcnoranytreeofhea fille,un ie irection’<08.)ee MelIntosh,A.Carson,Ro~°—fener eee: Teearpon the SSevens a aesanditsfeowrangesofMounAspublished‘early’in-.pee he following will be itecontents:-—PEE vee fare ctions =” nH —Ashev atpiLILBones0reach babenoeGap5OTTheHickorySuGpoe:Routes from +. VL Finville Falis:theGingStieFeltSS tite Salpbers the iisih Drwreas =hap;X.—The Black.‘Monnisin;*igrefountantain:House;Journal of a Party.SieChip.Xi-The Mountain;‘theBald Shap’‘XIL—The French Broad Biverand s5 NutRiv-- ';:Carson's,on the Catawba ;|‘:"8,atodaeFiat.Bock,on‘Tor Heh ‘Webster.was.becoming|intimate with“0°Miss Grace:Fletcher,‘then:the skem1OfsilkgettinginaKnot,MroWebster |-assisted-in.unrayeh the snarl—then John -Ratf'\looking’up to.Mie pcesaid—.oi)“““We have tntied a!Knot 5don't you.42.think we ‘could tie:‘one 2 Gace was;~a little embarrassed;and jsaid|not i>qeOeward,eran the ‘course 6 ‘afew mi osejyutes:she-tied 2 knot,jinal’piece_‘and handed it’to:Nr we oe“of tape,the thread:6f°his’domestic’joys;was found ateh the‘death.ofMy..-+‘Webster,errats;rone offhis most|. :Precious relies.”oes eer F |co z beis paid that aie face of the Sheriffof.Nek:|dom,and.knowledt*able aré jis.’Fork counts eeguntee ta eeelast year.leat +|Werand Kove,ite eis i LWar ‘and Live wehtTak. ‘|~War.and Loveipall theif’mighe,.ae»..Warwith force.and Love seit scilen—Wariin fr onyne but Love tn Smiles.| we does gee work toEee:bk ‘=ee for peace displaya:her harassieaarSerallintuinswept,“i.:Love beheld the—and weet) Br 4 net |*e «3?=Oye >>Warinrflaines-Love’duet ‘reg tebeacsOreasmicehermartyrycréwa’:par dthe biter o¢foe-Bi vhs eam xiteup et St S Ce —z hie .War ican uphis :Love entered—warwhe thenforgiveWarwiitratefut,pages |BE Steet abeTove©oler-Durdeued,hears theae Be —,@ *Fi:4,i at zWaitereadcéllissighame;ee ear“Lov stood frenc!i ge:aihiless flame:5f‘oar had'swords,bat Love frad ‘darts+:Warstruck heats,bot;Lore:eek:hes a Waretrugk high.breLove stoopid:taefelt.Love's celestial how:-MisWarhadwounds,bat Love iad fone |haeWarBanandEove-batt wor:-ey oe ‘ -Auvisment ato Tnstvadien.” —O—:x“WORDS:SEASON HIOW,coon Tr sf Se aee+2 Sketelrfi Tomy.Le: .—o :BY ARE Rte N:Pee|“Fou ‘have just Teal:fricnd. i ie at al “Mansons”-said evingston,“fom:| be yours¥estern:jourfey 7"-nh &Yes."he replied,at;ee,there was,2 circupstande ,whic niy-whiele life,”Part ek En eps =NeltSIndeed£ai what Pas fiat.amyRT-fliond7”«|:ne ‘Ah,it Ww-oukd takemire’fipiedtbain~¢ither’:‘You or!Fe dould ‘pare?’‘said:Mason,=for me to:wate,or.You-t0. «~<disten to,"'the.particnlars.‘but.Eowall,‘attempt.a weryi Inief «ketch ‘of,the, substance,>,ae “When.I i © sebosl infunectlerit?Betrpig+“associate,naihtdFohh'MeL =He was.ont,of ‘the brightest andmost».beloved pupilsbytheschool.He grew fa“Ups paid ‘his:addressrs:£0 2hbexaitiful|s Bre ie and exceHent-youig Hlady,2 mentbek |¢bl gt the:church:“AtJength they.were‘mnazried,andthey:prepareds imanedi:| \etely after thet:event,‘In-purswance of ‘JegrfrienBand| ARIES thrashing. Y aE ae eid ;make jt the-mest memorable:event ifr uJ : Hine my eek “where Mary hatHhandedTuminypencil ‘name,hal motwithst led @ previous plan,to.leave the |Srate,|oHp=The day we'wéretorseparate)perhaps Be forev ér,Thada tendet Tnterview:Wh -a my.bisom friend and his:loteHt wifed | which was depply,affecting to:alk."Pheosaremornine:theydé parted :wah the rpe:“faréwel Sof)“mal “old ‘friénds and Reisen:of ‘the town jn:‘which.they were born:andrearcA:and-with“a handsome ptovision:made by |]the parents:of.both;wctes in-affine prgiremmistanecs..Pate “i -+«Ten yeats.elapsed,:sabi hchicht be AL wees ‘calledto he:™lertrodisymininery::_>ain Mistant places,as my,Tot happeied Bhs ‘=to be-cast..Not-3 word concerning |: ©)them reached.my eats in all thattine.Ns;athe conrs¢of duty called {nite tg thigh F< ’|vaginity of the place where!my.pends, ling settled,aac |T résolyod.topo:ent) by sdolm aire aty acally"; “the town,and on wirihg ‘for ther idence,Iwas t d they lived*soine.)j‘distance from -the:centre of the:valelago.At length’L found tlhe plavé.!AteFthefirst’glince iny mind:niiseaye mies Xireianmade-me sick,and after!eriemy Haste } rs K‘wock, The sight of themiserable ca |E -bardly.daved-to leh gould’net-there,was pro.)absent i.—nothing bat adjantetStietehedacross bi .the’_passares;Removing:‘this;‘Sas —~what did £beltold!There’vas Mary’ Of ‘may awa,consideribly,,aad saef Fiat ‘ae ‘sitting:On 2 stool,with,fut.infant”Ob fy,ee lap,and anotherchildinthe cof-csher,on’the:grounjl,fox the:sexbin:hag’ No-floor:—2 i. a <e-Q)3 sieht *st wast ree tter*the lovely Mary TeaeoSMr:Manson se Pict mornin Great heayens-—S=—sal ‘as hee, §¢John?!i -2 Sate45Heis‘at.the:‘store;©~andecn:here forseveral.days.a ~,*¢T must-see him":i a ,|,“Better not,sir;he mage nen icvandwillilltreatyou.”ra so The entd:if,thou; er:white,iguse.:int ,£¢ a m7 started Guimedtatedy fosthe ret according*to her.direction.-‘There wat|no time to lose,for I “was ‘ta becat.) =.certain timeappointed::eidily -—found the:‘store;and,entered,ThfirstSight.disclosed fourmeé playingcards'at a table.Thenext.gliaticay‘dis a covered 2 man.stretched:out:along.ab i“whiskey-hogshead:“The Tandlorélssras t‘sitting “by,but’instayithy’‘hopped:Jup.and ran behind tlie cobntertowait ul>on me,supposing |oy =ae <gus “1 Paid,*.:“Ts John Mel!here? :ee;:They looked,‘af me.én Sistide that”me sauesten,as if vhad!bee ae onl ie >one,””,or a-sheriff.:Ree?.©Whatis oneto,yeu z,ly replied,“f ;—=©T want.ia sce inal ; “Whilst L was:‘speakinis,8 took ano;ther:swgep ofthe room'withmy,‘eye e and.saw somethinglike.@ mami as fhe corner,4“:tls that John?”*-=.“None:ofyour Business,”ed the surly,har-keeper-.‘) as“Tf it-18 that anhappy 2 yoof af_will:find At ‘is-some of oo. =sir’is oe LaySoTwenttae‘recogni: ~~Coilference}whither.Lyras bound;-at?Tal “a mit litt] re ene‘homirho:i6/y inthis shockin :she,aaereattoahis»y he ‘hebriioe others”forBaleScieitlbesoe es Itislo“pist below’-the mouthof biter’Cresk,ig»yeoupty,over Lewis!Ferry ov theCa. {‘about 50acres.ff thatis,good : errs ~‘The Seaprovements tae din fortable Dwefliling,‘@first rate Stables and stafis tor “20 heed of “Bosses, Tate,‘and good Fenres.©\Thereis opeq=the oe geed GRIST es — vs aan 6a Sepia feeEe 4iad%‘apple trees ofthe:best.quality,~ gs of water.abound:.a fe Cooksoree‘for Neg.owe ere : a iaree 2 Pe@ Kine,Paiey Dress:vals, Aye.fate 2a ey é fe Triin'd do™>'-SAE r +¥atencia “do {co-nigaieo'e.Cash’s_de Céss Oy 2d de ‘Cheué.Hopowdae |Meriuo,wasoiedColors,‘end ig d,all wool De:Teteee |z“Alpaccas,Ginghdms’&Prints,yOu ‘daBriitiairte,bes tee oe:|ioe srsehesk Prummings;! igNaiusook aud,V;cloratLawas,-Mittand Jacohet Jfusiiiailies.Enjbroidteted:Stam andsleeves,|aie Weurning -3 dor!hs 6 >~€.>'e.. né ‘Head’Digsges,.oe ovetof:WINT ie:BONNETS, ry Sprics ‘and Bristal Wealeg(aneks:and —— (waar Sellsde (pours Seals :: 5 tent‘Bridal aes‘&e.!RE EM MADE CLOTHING, otSTABLEDRYGoons,| CARPETINGS,Se.1 Judie,Shoes,Hardware;Catlery,Glass gad e ‘Drugs and Paints,Sole sveather.,#.GROCERIES —, Colle,Tex.;;Chegse;Candles;-Molas. :Re:|.All ofwhich wilt:de sold vat the.:ostBricesforCashororientcustom.3: J.We St oekiton. PRED by nakeierd tea es idte»bider,and warranted goodjer’no sale,. [RRP Re ST awe STOCKTON:$aledviler Oct 8,Aebe: a5an PE RAIL,ROAD.Naricgs Birt ts “FQ ey ols fits.s .@ i Sarid‘others ESpealeeSis¥:Mand Witite:Suppties,gre’;requested’toajorice;tbat by.the .cempletion .tha Nonpheen Rait Road from;Char~:,Crerawy thé advaniazes ofa::EXPEDITIOUS Rouje froineaboardtasSven@penedfothem.*.”-freight ‘eonsigned to the‘Care of.the entol the >North.Easter Rail “Read wall:ded.FREE OF COMISSIOAots he tyChurzeWillhemadefor,Sérases!”ote ray,oe S008 will He taken‘eare Ghin 2 |mpany's ees until'sent for.-Sap pligtole ‘charges tortrausponi@tion of- ei Pampill eFound aatthe.Post-Office.>::S_S.SULOMONS,+ “i ic Eu’ir and Sap’t.. Pp opening ‘ang offering tbe largestot:. ,Confectionery.om FaneyGoode Mer,offered in Stetesville :also,¢good s+sortnienit °tot ees ee:pelle: ne the:Aetesedehonecaf ineeish.anid Oyster fae oene‘he-is prepared,to esfresh;‘om three times a Y a Quait io en g:Swa=J.HiteBee gee BROSpecameaeent ‘keptaan ‘i.‘arore eval iFilinvateallpersous:wi ‘\ ‘bargains.‘to;ave ‘psacng:else:where:‘close siphdes - ptitade.in.besiness,~we-hape ** x N “EUGENE B.DRAKE.&SON,4 Saas Fe |Editors and Rropristor, eee aia x.B.eggi ss By oes Sah praxie ee ta+TERYS G¥THE PaPER,| Sethi)82 a Tear,in,‘Advance.2 chat (SUGAR coareb,Pe diteopaisycomin ack“Yuvalids,Fathers,Mothers,Pee_.)Philanthropiste,read thelr Effects,.ie he eaefates oe ee;{SOR THE:CURE OF (4:32)!Headache,Sick Headacke,Foul Stomach. “the worst headache anybody can ‘have aidoseor twoS8eePills.Jt seemstoarisefrom xfout stomach,which—-!they cleanseatonce.”If they acure ae asthey do.* ~~me;the fact,js worth“knowing.«fRoowlteeeeoniSaety ae ~Bitiots Disorders aba Liver Cos ee2KEARIMENT,tigate PuenDG Rebs issef:Sem Ttaste soeud res Pilefefay guereh eat Reopaehleercereeneeee fi ')way they are-the Dest cathartic we sae a.casoofofbiliousdig Da J.C.Ares.Sir:inaeern ealy aot f ake ‘plere 3;that theyareo fady tallkindsofSVigiothe? al their.S 10 f et ss rede er sequent |)5.- Iyforderangementsoft Aah SepereTaleodsdhevLhave'*bieeeSceemeirsteidnotaeob.ii |ori ¥Jo mee LeeeoPhijsiclanoftheMarjileHospilat“Dysentery,Relax,and.Worms.peer 5 Post.Grice,”HatLaxn,Lry.Co.,,3licH:,nssiaseriArex:Your Pills are,the perfection’;vedone niy,wife injore:goodthan!Pye!canyeas,¢ae d beenen ick and:ining away for'months.:Went . :~offto be dectorea xpens,but gotnobetter...oSvo'*/then commenced oxiog youraePilly wliich‘soonpuenter-hy expelling large’quantities of worms(dead)fromealTheyaftiewardacured‘her and our:two:childainjloodydysentery.Qneofour’reigbborsbadited,andIFwifecared,him,with’two:of your Pills,grhile;~hers around uf paid from five twenty’pera Sevw“Bills,and lost much time,without being”fos éven then.‘Sucha mediciné a ‘yours,wh:cn ascecalmrtveneerswillbeprizedhere..GEO.J.GRIFFIN,'Pistntiter. “Indigestion and Impurity:‘of theBloods Brom Bere.J.Ve Himes,Pastorof ‘AdventChurch,‘Boston...LDr.Aver:Dhave used yourPills with extraordinnasn<8 in my family 2nd-among those I aff 7M \inistress,To regulate the-organs offythebloodtheyarethevery,best .remédyal:cinesear—knawny gud I can confidently3 ee i ;friends.ours, .mii Watsax,Wrosra60%.¥,,,SapShotae1955.nat Dean Sin:Lam using your Cathartic,Pillsin my«tice;and’find them an‘excellent purgative ito’one _systemandpurity the.forCane be‘of:the biMEACHAM,Me De.| —si :_ErysipelasyScrofula,‘King’s.“Evil,Tetter,vig “Emmors,and Salt Rheum.-||Prom*Forwarding Merchant of‘St,Zags,Fe.4,1856. oo DeSaree:Your Pills.are the paragon‘ofall thata:great in medicine.They have cured.my:little da*of ulcerpus'sores upon,het hands-and feet that.hi rovedt arg tie incnrable for years.‘Her-mother had--been jong;©):ly afflicted with blotches and pimples —_P)aero‘and ini,+’2 her hair..After our child wascured,shewePills,and they have curedher:|ASA,MORORIDGE, my -Rhedmatism,Neuralgia,:‘and’Gout.bibl yom the Revs:De:Hawkes,of the ‘Methodist:Epis.ChaserseesPuuadxs,Hovsy,SavaNNaH,GasJan-6,-1856,?‘Hoxoxxp Sir:T'shonld be ungrateful for'the:eel sour .skill has bréught me if I did nog you.ea caja settiedin my limbs ‘and;brought’on:eachuchpuing ueuralgic paing,“which ended‘}n°chronic rhéeumatisnt.»_Notwgthptanding Tf had the:best ofplyee the disease..grew,worse.and srorse,ntl,“bythe ad excel..lent agent in Baltimoré,Dr.Mackenzie,I tried YobrPills.<,=«Their effects were slow,but suré.’“Bypemreese the...os “use of them,I am now entirely‘well- q .SenateCnAmnzr,BatonRovéx,Las,Bipect I~~bx:Axxr;Ihave,been,éntivelycuredby:r Pills-of +Klfeumatic Gout—apainful,disease!that had —méforyears.VINCENT |SForDropsy,Picikors)or.kindred Come.* y ints,requiringan aRetes zener they nee 4! S>Jent remedy.. For Costivenessior:Constipation,and Ss —— Silay Diner Pill,they are’agtebable:and’e!Fits,Suppression;eae sah }tion,and even Deafness,and BP:|‘|ness,hare"been eeethealterative,pessen ot;cogeei<hy Pills.ap am =Most of the!Pillsinwarketcontata Mectnty,ss *:thongh’a valuafile.re}in;skilfal liands,is‘dangerous.-,in a public pill,from 0 dreadfu}Propeaucsere that,at3quentlyfollowitsinewutionsuse.’Thesecontein-no‘\4 a =cury_or mineral substance whaterer:“!a* "AYERS CHERRY:PECTORAL, YOR THE RAP}D CURE OF ‘cote 118,COLDS,WOARSENESS;INFLU- bf te ENZA,.BRONCHITIS,“WHOOPING aSay4Locova;CROUP,ASTHMA,IN-| en CIPIENT.CONSUMPTI . :for the relief ef*conummptive patients vancedaofthedjsease.gh:jets ay }We need not eae to the ‘pubiie!of pete.Thronghout eyery tows,and almpst cera fas gb =%‘American ‘States;its wonderful cures of:pulmonary’coplaintsbavejynadeitalveadyknown.Nay,few/are the" athe:quannty.left 2 Staie Persons ey sunablé tern Re wourse,an Siatesvillb, that they favetstrayrrines “IreC ULak BO,SRDERS BER i -Burnithed rooms lige »Furnished roonaeSeatat:Table, TR ANSIENTPerDays:#20: *Single?Meals,Horse ‘Feed,. “NIRS:| ‘ieee!in,sabeioing Benerally,:that,‘We:RY. ani luggies.at’reasd “ing”conyeygnce:cant Aiaie,and senvto:any pat Mate oursélve *horses.-Our ‘Prove CATS ‘ulder ‘the manag Hora and,no fear need be:NCTE I a game rate:.«piéikes act ao |ge“Tron jiu any,"sizé pieces,# ~/families in any civilizedyconntry oa a inent with-Hi ng.es Kor wv ig We pa out some personal efperience of:itseffec id.resien tagstiee ey Vs hee the communities any where which!aaa athong:them-vaonteliving trophy of’iss:victory over the subtleand dan- gerous digvases of the throat and Jungs.;‘While-it §s the»*t*|most pow grfal aftigote yet Known,to:man for the form): ’«|dable:and/davgerous diseases of fee ‘pulshoriary organs,it I f . °2.fe also the plexsgpteat:andisafest remedy tins can‘be em-| rer ‘ployed for infarfta‘and young,persons.~a.eeane | oi hayegit lay.store“aguitist the!insidious.upen.tbem unprepared,We have:abundat Seciateto |$yBaliere the ClierryPeetortt savés more‘lives;by the-can-|. j sumptions it te thuh those:lit ‘cures.r Keep.iti by-*del: fe ened enre,your:colds while they are:curable,ndr.neg-|,|{ ,them untii no human skill can:thaster.the inexorable :1 | -ealrkér ‘that.fastened on:the vitals,cats Ctthesfesama 5) *,All Know the dreadful fatality‘of dung disotders,aie ",they-knew too the virtues-of thisremedy,Wia a not do” more than to assure thém it Is:still made the deat it can »be.)Werxpare:po cost,no.gare,Do foil to produce it.the <5)most perfect possiblesand thus,afford ?those:who:rely.on © 7)*=St the bestagent wlhivb ourakillcan farnieh !ioe eieix core, -7 _*3PREPARED BY.DR...°C.AYER,~rae Practical and Analytical Chemist,Jowell,Mass.t eo Lad SOLDBY 3“he .4 at ge Haviland;Stevensbo:&Cox Chatles Ltn,O.AL Bradtey,Wilmington,M.‘A Sen ee tos-&Co.,Norbolk.NSF.Rives,Prtdicivocg.|4 Parcelt,Ladd'&Co.;Richmvnd,D.B &YL’ .“ak anid Droggists and dealers im Medicaie,enery. where.‘For sale-bya)RSS ORICK ERT,Sanbrille!Mabe 1858.|”“ cee spt ao OL ean ipers e io“HOWARD,ASSOCEL ATIONae ,a P hcapeeLEHIA. me p e Ah ie ‘ i.=A Benevolent:‘histitution established by | spectral Endowment for theRelief :,eo tee hesof the’Sick-and Distressed.af-4Se«fet ot Virudent andy o.Epidemic "Diseases.ae ad 1 i atimes éf"Rpidemics,‘Wh is the abj agthisInstitatiortoestablish:Hospitals,to pi.| »pharge of the:orphans of deceased’arents,-Aid: "$9 minister in every possible:pray to the,‘relfefof: the afflicted and the health ofthe.publictatlafge.|-i visit personally the.infectedt districts,aril to'pro-, “- , a tion,wevally:enrol therr names on itsbooks,‘aad-\. ;dec je calledupon té atiend its hospitals,free!es Y ofehas .Jn the “absenceof-Epipoaies,4the :Dade ee suthoriadi the Consulting Sor." eras gan’tg give advice:and medical:‘aid to.hersons TC eit under CHRONIC DISEASES ofavista.. ant character.atisipg from abuse of the.physical - ers,maltreatment,the:effects,of drugssdcc,*.,+|Varioug azeonrs and.Thacts onthe’nature.and treatment of Chronje Diseases,by the Con*';tf _pulting Surgecp.bhave heen peblished for.gratui::.tous Serene and mill besent eee. 4 ne A to‘tg afflicted.>: _Address,Saelhepevtge’sini pit EORGEitdR.Caraous,consulting Rorgean,sHowald As=-si _sociation,No.2 South Hinth Stet,Philedel.PG Pa,By order of theDuectore.ates “ Geo.Faintaiin,~.Eaas2.Heqorwreg.™, 5 ‘Gaither,Newton,W..Ht Michal.Taseblnton’he :i:cits fo.hist frieud, ‘‘Ally,ah:dias take -r possible’:preparanidp.1 “vide Nurses,Physitians,Clothing.Food,Med.- izipes,&¢.,)for the®sick ‘and Wes Hate;to take ag Ty isthe duty:sof the’Divccbae at such times,to >:-yideide andexecute |weans«ofrelief.‘Numerdus |’ =physicians,‘not acting members of the Assoeja-:ae tine dete,Be Paonia:ae t i ie£409,bashels ANT sy Wamted,i AT. |; Be 31898. becrisser igke ?as business,tes ihe ad +andtaeda Soy)a caretudos,depariments she proprietor re ="atiention a ,i With’thesdzefforts poltheeaeted.s May 280,1858," Is:still‘atvise ‘Dia ‘St few doors Kast of.thhe|is:prépared’|ta:.d0 Jornmerly ¢done af tt:a phar ‘ ferment ERP ity anorea aie :. -ahe so connectedwith each ;aie eee 4 traceof oursteafdglittering’homés; ‘Sirfgle:eauey ofour minds or espersons;but owe their paternity-‘and physical labor.All’the¢of earth's pageantry,”all.its\” on énjo’ts pever:‘transitory ae =a ‘the dazzling objectstlité5andeveryth —all’*are.the;suitd of:mental andphysical labaegentTiewas“considered,”aticien1 yee nd itos‘by the “labor,whichnhisday:and : ead labor have ¢ n ed ail thedepartmentsof human “ia‘Phe Sage of Mantua,in his.clogue,describesthe es raaeéittingamidstArcadiangrovthewailittheloseofis— Kt ee Mrenalios teBa"fs bie50=hae to ‘Plutarch;not all the 5 of office,northe splendors of ._ eek induce the.anCato.es of retireierforegothedignifiedanden-:.- wards of coatteksOe tlshor.~Altho igh’Li Splgagh 0 3cause;’”yet,wheriliberty 2lished:her Kome in the ee ,he hastenediwithwith? the.leasures 0 é Ni that producedfa |“Ts th ., dmandate of‘Heaven,in the sweat,ofsoso”neverwould have been in the:Garden ee re ee ne curing $0.hed rm:hom:REDELL,EXPRESS.poe eeeyond‘the ‘contingelicies_of= ‘‘SECéENE B.‘DRA es:and affiiction,’’Lae E,&SON,|plished hduch towar i 3”EDITORSAND:PROPRI ;Oe sinlation’equal to the _"1 selopment of:thesesenee|§Statesville,Friday,Pébrsty un 1859.3.And by the:erat —fF :t:Puzsos3DISTROTSAGREMITHTG «Ox Caz do'so at opr risk,by taking the Poet ‘Master's’Re |t ilment of credits.a eript,to exhilit;i6coee the motleygct lost.°G ollars,“i De —iat,sou.stuck to the inside of the sheet with t orraxor a Water,Rostage-stintpe,amen 5 Sante a diminution of the in sdentye “tr oubles and losses.‘Time, -enérgy would:Bav jand:‘soon ‘be."roductive of on the pei physi Whe people,asit ‘wo d fare tsb ne: Furnitite,Fine and Plaig -BasAttentionisdirectedto-‘thie adres tisement ofJ-M.Sanders:&€o.,of;_Ohdilotte,‘in‘thisissue,who offers for |-'sadethe largest,--best,.‘and cheapest}It "stock:of Furnitureto ‘be!foundi int thie}.-‘Fle "West.We.thave:heer ‘through the ea se lem é..=e this firm and know 4¢country‘will:aever,: :.PEE eters br ee Banded os ot eeetee or {thepoopiethediagno sould Mot gi €poor Us a kb: tous Se ve notied that-¢“our,Deweeratia co|Acmnporaries.are agitating the‘question|ani.“and making preparation:fororganizing|yon>.for the qext.Copersss1opalelection,in ¢The Coalfields sthisState.The last Winston:Sentinslelh ei:matterof ublic (3 has.column or!60,devoted’!that#106 before oar:beater_Subject,and suggests thatthe Demo-+ae:which was passed 9“erats-hold.meetings:during the tetms‘did'to th Le fields R«Hof the.Spring Courts;now soon to com-UAN ACT tuaidin tiie Constraet .mpence,tor the purpose:‘of“effecting "merit’of theWeatern Railrys “better organization,‘and-to “appoint :vile to Meet Figlds.’F delegates tonominate a candidate for |See.4‘this ‘district,at the same tine express:|‘ing adecided preferenceforMr,Seales,’1 sell he Y -the prescht member.As yet,we have:owe eaheardnosuggestionsand‘seen nO.ed by.the PublmovematebytheWhigsto,organize’the-great's“their forces,.but suppasethat they will)oe mee ‘Tikewise bein the field witha candi-the cous fdate.Jf such-is theiz intention,S.insuch;iorin-asthe .Pub:begining to be bigh.time.that.‘t:Ds Be made payabl were cogitating upon the subjedt,and egetatan:cqrlyday make arrangements <hatl; for selecting their standard-bearer.aS“Who that person shall be,we;lave not -‘ghe least idea now,‘and,therefate;can <a ae aes end ‘express no ‘preference,for-we are not jot be sdid hy thePabli¢Treas enough acquaintedin:-the district100;sum than tlieirpar valee_ +select.any particular-ndiy idual,sup AEC.2k That Baers thposingthatweweretheleast,nclined :ance to forestall-publi¢‘opinion,.w ich |we| are not.-Doubtless there ate‘in teiSins,many gentlenyeh,,mee would *ct im.gallant style cdnte:.witk ake ck: De Seales,it he howd rc aches ©coipons pavable at thé same-tasthysetofthe,potate,herein beforeeoftheDemocrats(and’Wer have “be iss p ittle doubt he-wil:'bé.)or any other'poxd PompPocubesofthe’Party.dtFomiainssthen #ndintereste”ern RailroadMortheWhigs,th followthe eXample Carotna chal,of their,oppanents,‘and.n due¢time ‘all the estate’d be i 1b orgawize theit:forces;and not eel which,allow the contest.to go’by default,i derelier arabe ee5“which we ‘do not*belicve i their fnteri~”Se iad de ‘S tion.,In furtherance of this’olject’‘the prog Way.to procreed,we thinkiis,.t0-franchised and. hold:a conventionanélet all theidairie PT PS ties inthe -distriict géend delereatesS,hswtwhosexdutywillbetoscleeta:‘dando ‘by a morteng upon whom the Whigs will Wagto.!may te shastad-we would suzgest;that sach méet-se ei) ing beheld for Trede}!!eonnty,on some ;Glia seasdayduring.‘February:Court.cae i bo A“ .—Os ea |Personal)”i 3 We were pleased,to see!‘oyefriend?oh ie gt aehoutiaAtKeSEmoNToN,.thember ofthe,dollars,te Secure the paHouse,at hymé,last week.This visit*as aforesaid,which said /komt avas on:dccounitof sickness im his.ble to the Pa i T~“deenied'duefamily.Mr.Simonton:seems t have ‘the ede P Raeroved greatly”dating,his Sd Boks canee éigh,and from:all account$has be-bonds ggiv*come quite popularfamong:hisa fellow:State:whith|pps ths Teeembers,Long life!to the:Cagt..eee the anterest,£6 the ee haeoe"of Duty.r oo ,{ary ; The Senior having,cighed himself ‘gidho- with everything‘necessary to his’com-«it era:Gad by Fort took his departure.on Monday.jWestern ft \foad'Com: _morning for Charlotte,leavirig ‘hg Aof said cdad haye _Editorial Chair-deserted,and the sup:“operation,said 6o eridredth‘in:work up to their elbows;theréfore,,,e id esas “phe.effusions.of his quill js scarcé this “the:whole road lias been deliyen a Ms “|law wejmay confide:5 ae : oth:pointsi-ctoget We ‘dhe:vette age oP eT ak is ae b bngiog:si i genre of our readers.” Be rill oa eiref 1a We return our thapks.tp. _Wood,Esq.,-on-his eligibilitytintheHouseof:*Commons:,“|Also,to Messrs:eaten River ‘eqyniry,an_OTB.Branchfor-his Report from-~~Comnfitteéon’Cuban affairs,ke. a ge ‘gear The Legistature it:NE thon :>fharsday,the 10th instants -tite re-Fe refer our:coud.go _Se advertisément.- "The Homestead Law.ht.TheSalisbury :Watchm following just remarks W snow before theLegislaturefo: 3 cure thecomfort:of ene 7:Jenge or injarytcto any.. ies:$*As tothe:‘propriety ot-“sach law,we have fo dpub issue,for which welez tlle ksnt indyley tof Wilmington,igdid eraweteonal¢ B.F.Gaither,Esq.fora copy of thgspeech'delivered by Ed.Graham By _gale of the estate of Placebd Hottston: stead Law.:We aresurprised that :any.member.should appose fhe passage of- aAnact s6..well calculated.to ‘prevent c “emigration ;fromthe State,andi bse-"act, ,ftled to’Tecejve-.an ahonsand.d:ollars;wh :Al _shall.cer that txents t **4 road!have ‘been:‘eomnpleted,said ¢ shall be entitledtoreceive an.addit hundred thdgsand diollara;and wh -“President)shall certtheCoal:Figlds-has the: Bn Sha]th be delize eaeaySac,‘4 That the me aft r paving theentight‘ees,Shall farsti be applied will?adjourn.about ‘the 19th instant.ty tnol be‘he ondebese ti The Western:Extension,’which,Was the remainder,twenty : rejected on its second reading iin the.‘set 'aside sind’pefman Fiouse}was rceonsidéred’on |Friday",last and ‘yas.set for special trdet purpose/of creating’2 uke alextinguishm at of *t]jay be divided iamortailCompanymayd fion:of this actto feteseA whole ‘on th iquidatign’of;ithe interest,ae ote fin. I Mile eat anytimeheateofthishe?saidCoball:shousanine.idollars Ste:being issuedforthesym ments ‘shall,have:we mpletpptii)operatio \and.t n,additional gum |:OF 2 i 9 been rai ‘by:said;Company;making|ily,” sey.for copies of,the Reyenue:Bill lend:cagfamcni torr?hundry d:thousand lars Capt,Wilkes’sRea upon the Deen e&elusi ? to the.Hon.bi oS .dievethat if’our,Legislatorshad,_forty,years ago,':turned:their:attemtibn to-this subject,North:Carolina would.to waday,be.better offin’wealth’andpopa:| Iatjon,'byinany‘thousand.’ “ean doubt bug“thet the |action of (the said Waeve“questio:a SG 'drained North Carolina of.thowsiads een “of her citizens,and that hey |are ‘to }making-up that.power which7-.ing from'es strength nd influence, efae aN‘ers and dependent ‘children fe Tink‘theseto the soll he H pelleso ae taiconnpet s :the eastward ofFayettevs :ise";sek by méans of the: iw apples;T’se gointo carry” oy i.to bed,’"when being suppli Ene Repeat,to you,‘Messrs.Editors’astae ie readings.The list of Justices of thre 4 the,fr ithe ‘Company inthe fret instai ‘Compartywhich had.pre asly been det:x d-to aea elemunder:rhs3 st ons.of,tia 2¥F Sect “That the Doar {1 ternal Improvie-“ys.der this:“AC!: “|wallthe.Constitution exist,the’ Jer about tie pepple wharaetheir:“fin- ie tile ©folks pr: her,whenIaying down .nd pressing*héer~hands- ntenelty |her fethngss cidSS oasew.leSe edie etshar,Q aterzbestmilderinthenaber- soe take the’tatersand,thpeed fhe jeans‘otawey fr lprormd home-*— elltake thebutter and tte heer for bee ae et 5 wall to them.carts——what -x¢call“em ?~-and:we'll goranky-~saky;ranky-tanky”(here:stramger =.to:“pai”.a la-engine,butbroke.«° n).*rankyFoo datbgyon:se nee veers 7 ‘make the.vejiclee ‘Tet:us——-“Hezekiah,”she continued,©mighty smart,seys he thinks©‘swoblimity on a ust,L don't, ow what thetis,but:Z a=will ywerful:nice.””ty tabs ghiwood had lurat i apa |:galded 7 Sizeneet,ace.‘may beyou'd like to Yo: chndlez hesaid,“Good night,” =Ps CeBy!ms ou ; he ‘House;-the dill.“modifying _ etions on:theWester Exten-" on was postponed until thisaprenite. ‘he:bill ordain for.the hiri t. al fréenegracs forthepayment oti ddhts,pasded its second and.third, Peace For.Nach county*was-taken up,~ .Luewis addressedthe.House,:isfaptorily refuting the char~rred,by.-the ‘Senator.fi e m4 against the “character‘of”eee ‘The House,‘by a large ae i. ty,refused:to concurwith.the,action -ofthe Senate striking-out Mr.Gooke’s ©.+)# mésfrom the list.of Justices.“Mr. 's remarks,as.sketched ie a :ae er,will appear in our eapcaed e during the<aypaawedimportant:bills ar“and third:pohe8t. appanease y isical Pa $asitseoftheshipofStateasleng-*‘"7. istheConstitiation «exists,‘and-unti}thed ae nlya great country is fa}filled?”.4“How long will,that be?)Hoy urty.continuing.to ehapes‘ofthe ship of State..sTheship.of State!“whaeasFabs ae‘ee and chertless,and.ae less,she:Hies,:&wreck,ina sca:es =aeoeHiigeInasSe‘a utiny on’board.Theerewpaareeinher.commander-.7papers aré-false.Herchartwas. hé Coiistitution,and Union her i od But,she altered her course,.She clear*ie aI for ¢oné port,:ang was shaping her |> Zor another.“Her commander heeded:not the-signs:of the.coming”emipest—but pursued bis mnconstitu-_’1 regardlessof the oe; gstorm.’He sailed madly-on,and-with oe stitch ‘of |vee ,Set,the~:,the:noble ship.land she“:iy +mn” 7)ee 7pursued,will rend.Fcesidiedswhich’bind theUnion,setcreckofeeene » »fate.of-Athens—ofallPwnedotsao pg-and national’ ir.’,The likeness”was taken;-_ rmnoner from the instru-oe =e “ De s = ihe teco per écut:OLY)ithe Fourtining three pasar s*rees,.‘frotk September,1854 (the. -first cars “yiin)to January,189,{fouur: ° y “bly.AG exhibit‘oL tlie Kistorty ‘conde .pervs bees pret apauschaitmedtsare~supposed to:be.pros U“nounced.-At“this ‘critical “momentthegayyounggentlemantookhis,hatanddeparted,forgdtting to”Tease:be-. band hint th watch apd.chain,|‘b ie *Seo the Faycttevilie haces“The 0:Reitroad—A aoeStateit 3pects.“ment ofits Operations and ‘Ets Rith pleasure ag”grea as it-was unexpected,‘that we-have,hastily|oor pase of 50.pages,’!Justscigetalsbury,coutaining,Re-~port.of.—Present and ‘Directors|‘of the N.€:Bailyoad to’Gov:Elliss “<6 for the ‘use of ghe GeneraF Assem= ~tier andraffairs ‘of,the Corporation and »thetRoad””And a Iighly encourag-ae Sing exhibititt,calewlated 1to.disperse,.Pe 05 like mist_befinte.the syn,the erroneous’ views!so.generilly entertained fi the’ °-WorthlesSness'of-the stock’heldbry the State and by indiy idwalin:this eagat ahinis inistthitive:§tia enterprissO ee Stas at WwNacneclt ‘ot ‘follow the Pisesident | and Directors:inv their.mintite,Stated! yment}but our foaders ate.ent ithe!pec touaieated.Theytoa#eneral statement-bf its respilts The road,whieh is 223.miles’dong, -cost,to build’and:stock:it S49 OT.82.44—equal to $22,908.80 patelwhich,considering thatit is oie;Gf thie, Itis dated‘as lately as he 20thJan-’ ~~uary,tend presenits.to’the Governor, em rays|are er: :eee oe of:eehave.coumaie ‘the measures:of:the Boa‘tién and:erection kothe:borrawing of $reent..interest;afterfailedtogetiton&e.,all thecomp’ and ending in'th ave not.been*‘pa 'f thi two branche CY2S:-frei olices 2 the The cEbelo pgnalty of bears fe rh rattes,,or for’0orbeks@epproich,too teen 't ema—it L very beetrouds if the Unite Hates, rates are too fowt ‘pa.4 ‘dny.anid.the Board must.an ae d as . se y tw o ? so t eo w p a l a n f e n t s i c h n a h r i g i ‘pened Sar sixty.days from:"and anuarv,18595at-the folwniderthe.directions of the’iSpeetne 0or any three“of them,eee. with rolling:Sfloudk eqiral to.,being”the estimatedsumx”-Shops more Xtensive-analpe rféct,thane te any,&certiinly ‘a yredsonable stun,as:2compargilwitbesother ‘roils,in thy: ‘eguntey.Sieoi ane ae ,Phe werkav:etd €:stntiene ee in “thé ‘stunnier of LTSa 1,"“The fuist-tham '*'ran exer Ufe ayful lind,ai,Re ar mis ESab2 238 ve *The Seay cent first it S€1 tied &J008:v0,and.individuals SP,000;Ovi 2 ThessState afterwards inidea subserip- otion:‘of epi 90,000;‘of “preter ree: ‘;“stock [on thich the intere St 1k fo ‘be paid xacr Gas dividendts “init “on ake Other ihide uilhonse:“The'stock! in the Company,therefore,cimshs ts\’ ‘of 400,O10)share $5 OF $4.000000,iButther:ait eddet HOT,982 Abhe? yout:ahis sunset Whe ce wa thid ext! Goss ene:be?The thre ainthorazed:¢¥+.*the ispry ot ges per cept.bonds,for |, Ss:NSyh,oo it meae whieh ut iuaturity’'y 2 sinking ‘famats provided.and,the. Company (reeer ert:$30,742/87 tterome:ter of mere”doWars—com ,iat erest?“prc nim,ke ~Tncall-S880. i TZ NT Hodge ted Frdin*SHOT Rip.ad} leaves BOLT 23554 i heor sided:to! which pad S276605.25 Okampaid.sub”; 8GeA ge:make AN aigeredate.“GF S554.904.8 Jeg Nani.aydsys@omes:the eet hie i hes both Surprised and:»Gheere lus,viz3 thet thislarge ampunt: i “OT:Over,fal dilnellion of dalleir has:1a}i 4; been 4peered,ort:eal bbe a CUP TRIS,Oh ct otive!ok G oe the roads >‘Prue,the Catnpang Mins a pend are,takenfrom’¢people receive theb efit i ,te go int Seist.O Istthis.j iin say:LW thy,7 that: “see Vell what:is: anunity andt to the Mvithont ov exec hamié.« spublic-e ‘ates ‘and:vacillates ~dite.clamar,.‘qlfiefly.mn rte hayéthe east:interae dyes Gee denein ‘war.petent orrash, fer death.and ‘his:management,asoe at Meee nen ‘it r .nee‘danegerous indwe of common:Jabor- ag"if the comp ex ange 16, wey Hoatmg |debit Sof Stee 043.3955 bute tyres. “awainst thi1s has ‘availible means in" &ish)State boils:X45 6$21 S249 ‘ho Qhawines an adit ional Suri obnet, >earnings wf:Set 205%AD y ‘afd an.1. ‘the?eelce de‘plor ably dec ae gregate of tect ee of Bi,TOs ae The:“@ net earnings “for,the Kebond & year s-operations of the:road,“(té:Jugys 1857.S762 024 O3-.tu:duly,1E8:58, $185,212.06.5)and for te the ‘moniths to January,1859,Sti2.544:98;show- nea regular miaterial:incre:uke er wear. The howsie faeuré sate ‘thae j “there had been no slebt ty pay:off,tlie:a —profits Would hive paid thier Statedup, to the Ast inetant,82202000.on:its;\mibiéa af preferred stockinit in.18564. millions off.stock:fh.AdooT thie’per’ éents,in TE:Stair per conta.atid ia « danuiny,1859.)senRannudl divend, Of nestly hice:per:{Gcnt.,Fron:All whieh.it is wianifest aAhat;now teat the ¢debt is.paidy dividends tay beexpect.- ed regularly.’WhilstLandivithidls,Ww ilkpreb:bly:yecere O-0r*6 per’cent...the ce State sinking fand willreceive froin” 1856,J)were,$122,097-97 5;“te Shy,Sout of Sous‘per tous service,+fo inghy.alow:ed’to him: Aiatia.Single,piece.0fworkaboutengine0: eadd naleeiobe ‘Qividenda »of cheap reall half ‘built Nees,for incompetent a dun SOF no;expenditures to: "ter broken’down ‘engi «eh CAs Opposed: made nd,concess Ds to strict ‘Wisemplind,by o ‘a Raik Ryad be.ae and pasbe;this road ati Teast eeteat ayeee ‘will “tall.Geser ac ek ae Seu! Now:when-we reflect’that.sigrb‘Tie has been*,led to sappoxe that:the, roail was notpaying.expenses,that.its’: *Stock was worthless,’and-thag.nobody, .Couldjtell,the condition ofits findnées,we think we may.call updr the:public!* £0,rejeke over this ‘exhibit,the acgu-*-racy of whieh:the Report:says”has: been tested by the Officers and Direct=-"ors of ‘the¢Company,and maybe:as;' ily fested-by duty or :county*are kept.i aein Bspleeaaner.=~every de \tinet.-\The:carninies of the!iroads fa heii and a chalf years)’have ‘amouhted*to.$1,130,962.58:<The “oper at#fig-eost|$596,O80.£5:Thisoperating costwas,|’78 per cent.of the @iriingssfor ‘the|~first fev.months;then473°pé¢r cent;then 453;.then “432 jgnd for"he,last ;ri e months 44 per cents.showing thattheroadjisoperated:at very:omeabe.below the:usualper’cent,of the:-¢arnings,and we.are’‘imelined to think”_Below’the.proportion ‘on’any jotherroadofwhichwehayeeverseénthe.»results:.-Well may’,President “Bisher-Say,after ‘this’‘exhibit,wees a ap“No instance cantbe pointed out of >a.Roadin:better.conditjon,and hay.»-*“itle better promise pfia p OSpeRgus:farOe,‘ture withinfour-yea!8 of,completion,Dr the Nerth’Carolina Railroad 10‘hass and if the “State:and the Stoes.holders:find:nothing to.”apeE.this,it “xowld onty:.show.‘that-atill,*s“in the time.past,.differine ftom our«“heighbors,we:yet,asa people;undérvaluewhaaterer:is at home.””PAN | aceral) “ces:‘of men-cempet ‘dand skilfulto ‘ha’ si o PS ce .caetgto.any: Pung:road,gui ‘any engitie’ “thie track:¢onhorseafhigli “some unknewcausingany smal damage.’ ‘Tt ig ‘an ‘opinig d existing.-that the ‘ebuttactots ‘on this:their atogh ¢ _efror.i_judicia ‘to the‘men'who:diand'has 1éd toa :€0 rclusion pot Ware’rantedby,“the:State gonstruet Re mM“a.Rpowties of indi ‘On.lwork donnotbeen:of¢availabl as an.investment. ‘Rail Roads tten widinay.=and ‘Soying potedmi,oF $300,000. be.abscribed b solventaoeoscom]the: mton,under the direction raheThos.G,Walton,W.F.MigKceoonAlex”r memes ; 1rechion(0!;'Sasper Neal,Alvery Bergin,pd J.-L.——ie:a,i-dader the.direction ‘amgHB.Bogle,C..C-a4dones,or any threeofth.under the direction ations: MelIntosh,.A:‘Carson,.Ro-2G,See vhite under thedifectioBY:Patton,n,John Bg eaELL.Merkle, Lh Sfermina ikttakargsofsixty.days theforward,a, M ein Somer iF segeqgnencit zemefellow ranges,fof Moa |ti }published early'in ers Lié follwing,Will bé itseoytents:te a [+Ttizroduction..-*:Asheville. GapRoad.”-LPhe Hickory NutGPonRoutesEast Eee Gap and Jones Gap,.Rock,-esLeaWhee ony -and:Cashier’s Vet)foc2iARoutevia‘WilkesboroughweeatheValley-of the Yedkim;by Happy:Valley:"Tengia'y i Morg ntob-andite burround-"4 :Piedmont:Springs HawksBill : He?te Coveandthe Cave,g°“4 Dp {x-The ‘Vicinity-Sacer SiWhiteSnipbur}<=an Soe Pegrives,:ttpap,/2X--Llie Black.Mountain 5.v'Hipuse ;Journal of a Party:.-oe Teg ins =Ste Tiip oe ware{rodietione of tie WetAs and-Mineral;-Wildawad:Animais‘and Reptiles. ‘ThePilot pegs icciesas| gainontSrsyLetters of Dr.Christy on of X~perth 4Carolina.cod The “eal:nt Ma a Ptain:Neenery anda the re a pee.pala de Lope“when — +,Angel Visitants.°. ~.-4 |beauty—one:which never‘could.be af. ee e {terward forgotten,though hdara:mai"mid:eee nour memo cuamits |:|ehe’waldbeauty and:gt3teThoughangleloahaetedy"Deed cean sto}esVo)>+Ambelyatiidowsstiltrenin,0 eBeereeeeReealthatspareaidgouthavebir,..Tuc}seeep,$0 live again Ee {iatyeeesisae!Hy pcethaeterstaitie,*|“Qh,,sit,‘who’ever j ud are,While ver;wenmmccan nee Jove of Heaven,assist «me to‘3 And weave s magicspell,e _.ee"a cart haa angela of er ow,et io waye the ee‘of every a :;;And nots few,F Ween,a hudder ich‘i=angels’visits,mon are toy |cat froin $25.to: -Are few ane th Detwoen..he issue.of:a.few mo With’come bright angel mest; cat ~sf 4 tolact,and:knowing.by:‘the:soun d that.5 Maen whilefull Ste aa:‘only:a thin board oSBesiinentenntypomeety37.10 ee me-from the fair pleadeffafYetangel#may ‘pursud tipleway ae nt was fair:‘IT ‘would:have'stBeeneenetRy,theey.Gate Fg y i istence—I immediate “ORL ‘yen.veil may oft coinceal “4 eno ivy “bowie;and fir Apangel bright andifaisy |-Na speedy deliverance,:Tienes oh :ting away:‘at the:ton af fo2nsneboards.BiSites a iSa“Aniusmentaand Festation.|:se it oes 4)ba [tren“The Mad Engineer Shae Whit ag TellingEpisode beLife on5 he a x +ringletsfloatingPyJ.WODDRURY:yam,!i baster whiteness *aight on the FatherofPWaterat“Night with her sable veiHowering Syer|~the mournitig city of New.Orleans!|Sree nét ove‘The shrill roarof the escapingsteam and éyes.as.brig*.‘told alt who:heard.it,that thesteamer |regal diadem:ba:Fe“Western Belle”had.cast offhershdte-;Her handswere’ticdthe-‘fasts,and was.now,like an “untaged lier”striiggles té free,hersel,oo,wilda bad,poising herself on the.wing,dateflesh wastcruel lacer:~© Teady to starf op her:fig!ht;ap the >One stroke ofmy,ka eandshtyMississippi;pee ook ~~|were:seyered inan."hs‘was npta momenttoo.soon,for'ere’serving:the!3 nereasin:had reached the”protmerade-dugk,features,spticker ”‘die £ang-plank ‘was drawnin..“Good-tell it,Eo had caught in my.arms,aa byg,”’“was said to,those gathéred,on |‘And boriene her:throupht the:entrance.the.wharf-handke iefs..flutteredig’Whith my go blblag:hi ee"the breeze,waviitg.an:eden,and we To:dash’open:the.windiwereoff.Sis)wer fever brow.with:.“</It was when the chalecs:pea paging the work of a’mom,80fearfully at ae South-west,alnjost She'ssoon:revivedPdepopulating,wh gle cities an a!‘single questioning as tothe ‘eao>@pgy,and carrying death ‘and dese a-ful Situation replied,thmm!-,ton into nearly.¢every.family./ily had;fallen’victim ‘the,cholera:eS This panic.was at ippheightity New with the.c kception ‘of:Trey eldest brothrleans.Businessof all ene aRpears er,wh had Tecovercd fi the:diédto:be utterly’prostrated 5 éfere the -only t exhsbit Sympiprtoaemarchofthe:dread ite Th mmaly'of the himay:.Ak,ormeaply all,whohadgriends at.she had used-her:ttnah.ae pecuhiary ability,were ate only yith her brother to get hit},‘pn placing thefaselves’or familiesat »Korth,hoping that thechang.»safe distance from the'deadly visftaait!‘climate and travel ulae$.a’natural;f (consequence ery restore him to’his :2boatorothef‘eon eyance which:bad and.healthy:,That:an to.not ceased‘iFanning)Was'ei prded with -had come:‘to hen TOC»the flying and°feanstricken*‘citizens.,--cordin.1his handPhe“Western:Bejle”’‘formed no «ex mapner hat he must o“ception:to tlie genéralrule:and on this pre ee oo i2aas.she swung .off into:tthe ‘ed to’whstrealn,’an observércould 1readily have,vagaries,bean.thatate was,prowded to.het nt-r,and:tol : Moet eget Uae:ni h -TAK th it diandssin:the.utterance 1a,ts *Mong-those.chanceto gree :Ee -th d‘:"Whew leet —Cae ee Gee ects thrilledpie:to,the,soul.or nie ‘was 7a below themouth of Loe—es jn this sectionTeese tademzre.also on ‘oieavengegadapptetreatattaeoegdodspringsofwoeasbet fet Recorder,:“Payettevjile Olek: -New York—Consisting of:MES’DRESS GOODS,. 7 - bencia ¢da-:dla Nr ei Chene Robe.a Lez Piste and+Figd;all'wool De Laiues,.iD,Bieges.Alpaccas,GinmiGoldBritliants,’Marseilles &Trammin 35: AS #Moell and Jacouet Muslins,57 |3 curving |“day.+ yte ofWINTER”KONNETS,:biden:“Brown Bloomers:eetAche;Sprigs and Bridat.Wreaths. sion ame2sTS,& Lc ghendved :the ca a is evident;but:w most:caMeity.yt RiaaewehadréachedtheC e miittering*to.hetle appa“great agitation2!4°!)-Had I only-Enbscy before:owe aehe was~OF;yet cota rheaImist bedone,that comin }utted w anel;I came:alanine:and beggedPtain.hurry“st me,(leased.With a/‘Sttangeengly:.invoigew ich,brooked.reply,“manded her to.s d iy ef ,hell,re “Give me-the:inate pr a «|hie:paused;’a:Captain Reynolds:Paised(hid:eyes at_through her tearthesoundofthe’clear,‘arid’_Sonorous,”,2 midsuinmer rain,»<Tiansomewhat iimperatixe voice thabut-.7 A‘Hebt dawned uponiy-s tered thewords,and behelda tall,dark ‘engineer:tras,then,the.”featured ;and strikingly handsome man,angelicpitturaof ‘love_who had:hastily:approached fromthe F'shudd $1 re|,Opposite direction,and who:instantly.noticed thé inéreaseehishandexclaiméd:Boat andtheheary:1theengineerhaslefthis’posp——pipe—was a madnapward—dead—the cholera!”No tim wasto=~and gestures wiereeSignificant ‘as he:‘ing her-the"little:egies A ‘tenantssmotements,oneam.already 5aware.ofhat fact!"|the’grand:saloon,romisitig to tesaid-the.captain,with’anxiety ip,his.turn,themoment I found her!brothetonesbutwhy.do‘you:evingesuch an I weht,in séare(Sepeeat iin the,matter,”‘While his.mo:|Hardl h‘-mentarily ‘Stern gaze’rested:upon.the?Vhed ny + counenance of the strangerwhosdface |wildWaspartlycoricealed,by.a heavy ‘beard toseandmoustache!of:glossy black ess...|sounds,”*s “1 amLieutenant.George Hiltonéof]ations,c=».the United|States Ariay,hut‘former:|&ly chief engineer of the ‘PrairieBird,’;a your service!/’said:-the stranggr,.‘my.ears,i a hurried m:nner,“mentioning ;a)terr.ific soundinyearsgone,and sipeior. séq my:ads:a,iescarems}i ut:the by.for her§‘great.s“sectminodations, ,exit end be ¢ to stil tlie:‘blood an euisctauvlest éarb!|the:Seats ae ha :With coat ‘off eyes dishi gmenace,oxyHAsyouhaeintuikiyvolver,inhishaaris.”;:“Sin ieutena ~-X**tha xdoubly’wety me id will.Self ofyour-king.offor ;tix~{the saine generaus spirit’with¥Is made,and;.withou jepemo-|givingoceaesaidthe.aptain’as.he warmly |yelly aand"-opressed thehant ‘of theothe:w-|with’thatthe firemen wa all.green |without By Smog gr‘Twas:just eee totake.-‘No ‘qiestions.owele:he charge:a as best I were needed—it was “er‘might,the engineer ‘deptrement but.“engineer.ad dri ¢.@ pow I shall feel atease a.oe their Station ‘soon after: “Thenlet me at dnceenter‘upon my “pesit on—Shadt-a duties:there isis |e timetoloose!”’said Tels of oil andaalieutenant,.id there wasa strange tféboilers andleaminhisrestlesseyes,anda from the escap;ervoug psacinats “in his gesture.EjItwasundoticedby:the:captai‘taf noticed,‘evidently ‘considered the;"\dioeyncracies of |an-ardent tempeia-}‘ment—as he:replied,i ’;SeesFoice te ber‘True,true!I fear’|yous ha)‘ina somewhat confusedstate.)SbatjYoucaneefeoyarg:for msat Fe i pga on -pvinig:.‘beens aister,1“ade a to men arat bes _CARPE TINGS Be.Shoes,Hardware,Cutlery;Glas aod»Drugs and Pai is Sole,tseather. :;Coffee,’‘Tes,‘Chaise Ce fut,&e.Allofwhichwill be'seaepictsillbe ie AnchorSate lott, ey ageioc ‘Oct'8,Soe of)1 fous Rotite for*Bagh for the Interior of W.-C. a ERCHANTSand.seats purchas.. Gers:IG hotice,thal.by.the comaletion-of jheNorth:Easiern:Rail Roddfrom Char~\ the Seaboard tias been‘opened tothem,ADAreight cohsigned to the care of the (|Déferwarded FREE OF-CO MISSION.“Nowharge.will ‘be:mae for Storage atCheraw.:Allgoods will be takencare of ianthe:Company’s Warehousebntjj seni for’=‘Aschedule of charges for.cto ‘of:spl be veeat the Post Office....~!a S.SULOMONS,.°Se ‘Eug’r and Spit.ycaeaect?ciSaBiition; REVISED:an ENLARGED.i : aa y . now pening lest:Stock Lot“and fing the argent argent’igh and.romeinees:in:Poriey:at mionih;‘heis:prepared-to farnish-.Famihes*it £60 fresh ‘Oysters,threetimesa week,aniity:,from:a “quan to tengallons,.8.SJ,RICKERT,© $e ie a 2 Onrm| cedieed :sane manu-. Bhsagsinio O Ley ‘2S large eet ot Harness,Bridles, .Gollars;and:everythi Eg asoaliy.eept in a centhingshe‘eedeinvite all persous Wishing tq’cckerarsit Acces a liberal bus ee ieeeOxdersatended©promptly- atStatesville,with J.w.fede Libefty Hull,with4.Feimster;hy Line,withEccles &0.;Jonesri.Maxwell,=! }‘and about ‘S0-acken Goatre“dnd,Brainch Bottom.-‘Tle imspravements > oS.:Leg Dwelling,s first wats ;‘Stables and stalle'for 20 bese of horses;Fences,:There:is BponaeodGRISTMILL®ronning aypair*&:pair ofcommon |Sicnes\The W,zed passes.throughthe Farm ~angjislocateduponit,oS ;sald for Cash'dr aie for Ree2.oe poe. ioe i Seui oe hes with great cate as‘itregards price,aS¥and style,in the-Cities'éf-Philadel.ee 2 Rhine,Fancy ta pee,e dé «do spas : old,Cash’r de Gass’-;a4 ‘Merino,‘assortedColors,ae fy ghianrs &Prints;be ,Nainsook“and Vietoria.coe j Embroidere Collars andsleeves,” jes’Cloeks and Mantilias,ora ~ cess =él Patent Lioped’Exo : New,Cheap,and Expedi-3 S ing,their Fall‘and-Winte:Supplies,are>.- a Feston,.S.C;;to.Cheraw;:‘the edvahtagesofa ~.~pCHEA RP and EXPEDITIONS-Route!from ‘Agent‘ofthe.Norih Easiern’Rail:Rong will iene anit diepateh |Wehave de = e es *= + ; + ‘¢*-Songh,croup,oonthe: kotas,“Coughs,”bat aHoarseness.;‘i _~-xthe best remedyI~have ever found“Coughs;Hodrseness,Influenza.andithe ‘concomitant symptomsofaCold,is yp a_Currgr Pecroxat|Its constant,use in *«my practice eer anal‘for Det ‘ten:years has gl.ownit topodkess»Flor virtués for:the treatment of eheeséSeEBENKNIG. B.MORTLEY,Eaq.,of Uticx,N, ork ees MM 4 hes shop aiet their sotencLaws"if:he catinot |mak a ar?i;fi .ead 38your Pretaral mysctt and Jn,ny iy),ever rie nf ehbesyouimentedit,and believe!itthe:edicine forpurposeeverputo:With ;should-"i 3 ios pay twenty-five doll c ie,take any otherpes es tree —~Croup,“Whoopihg ‘oue:me “SPxrngaii;em imchow os Lo best remedy we cheetdle _your fraternity“in}the‘South:Sppreci:“Yourskill,‘ant‘cominend your medicine:to our.pedpte.:.:.|HIRAM CONKLIN,WD,Q AMOS LEE,Esai,Moxrznrr,Y4,,wittes,3d Jan.,1856)‘Thad.a tetinus Influenza,which.ecia in doorsweeks;tyok many:medicines:Niitnpae Se"tried your Pectoral:by the advices ONE storks**firut:done relicded tlie soreness Gk lori rl Biggs»less ‘than one half the bottle:aad;nie completely’vehalets~Your medicines ne the tag wolf as thete on where.Forsale by ‘$i TREae itr ' *Seon to give advice ardmedical.aw to persons|a)see i can buy,and ‘we ‘esteem -yeu,tory and your‘gerthe poormais fridnd.* Asthma,’‘or Phthisic,‘and -Bronehitis.:West,Mincues:Ely PA,Feb.451856,’{Sim:Your:Cherty Pectoral’is ‘performing mat relicures:in this sections:Itt has re}ved several from.alarmIng-symptoms‘of consumption.and is‘now curing aman.who has labored:cay der.an’aflection/of ‘the-lungs)for be > Yast forty yearso>)JIENRY Li:PARKS,Merchant.A.Ar RAMSEY}M:D:Monnog ‘Co3,-To'writes,Sept.6,1858)ing.my.ee Of.many yea~Tehave;foynd*notbing gual tolvour CherryYectoral.for“giving'ease and raljtt:bsgcolfpaidiatts patients,or,curin)@uch as.arecifrab’'ia_We might add: '_Viticingproofof thievirtats of, oflects pon wie.¥onsum4“=.Probably,Ho One®arg bh: .case as this.someginon.the [Say 2.gerous symptoms ‘Conny.could procure gaye.ber much‘ing,antil Dr.Strong,of.this,ciy,“advice;recommended a trial:of-youx medicine:Nebless >ns,bis’Kindness,as woido:your-skift;for she has recoverfrom’that day.She dia not yet agatrohgias she:used't*be,but is free from her.cough,and tals herselfwell.dss ae >Sata le and ‘regard,DO.HELBY,orseer! ieampthecd,‘db at despair:till youhaveliried |‘Avera’!Cuxrxry Pecrorar.tis made’by one’of)the;best-medicalChemistsintheworld,and its cures-all’nd.us.pigthehigRmeritsof.fissirtues.—Philadelphia:Ledger. } .sciences ‘of Chemistry and Méditine:have been’taxed their Utmost to producethis best,mostpMffect,2 —>.purgative‘which is knoWn téman:-danhmérghlé:proofs)we pre shownthat:these-Pitts haye'y..which surpass inieexcellence.the ordinary’medicinds;a d-that'they win’~precedentediy upontheesteein:mén. and pleasant to tak ee powerful'ttratingpropértiesstimulatetheryeal tiesotithebody,-Femore theo or ate;and“expel disease.“They purgeonttee tet Sceakes whichtreedandgrowdistemper,stimulate,sluggish or-disor-dered organs intotheir natural aétion,and’importhealthy’tone with!attength:to the while syateln:*“Not'nly do! Ayer’s Cathart:sENE s : Sto‘ibsertan Acreaiceest illbepubli ad ae ego ware:4 4 they cure ‘the every-day complaints:ofevery:pod “buti. iso formidable and dangerous,diseases thathave’fied:the dest Sf human skill.While thoy.predute ‘powerfuleffects,they are at the game time,in.diminiphed doses,the atfeat and beatphysic,that cari be emplo:ed for ‘children. »,Being ‘sugar-coated,theyare pleasahttd.take’!and beingpurelyyegetable,,ard:free from,any:riskofharm.res“5 uare beensmade whith surpass Bellet were they notéub-‘staptiated by.men0 sich exalted.Lec and ceeds ; xg to’forbid’the suspicion of un ‘clergymen andi phys shave ent tothepublic the roll ilityyeeoth ffei‘The Agent below.named iap furnieh’gratis:my| ‘American“Almanaé,containing acefortheir use andcertificatesoftheir’cures,of the:followi ~Costivencss,Bilions‘Complain’‘Heartbyro,Headache ‘arising from:foul stomach,Nan-sea,Indigestion,Yorpid-inaction of the Bawele and Painarisingtherefronratulency,Loss.of Appetite;all Uleer-| ons.and:Cutaneous ‘Diseases,which requite.an evactiant| medicine,Scrofula on King’sEvik|‘Theyalso,by.purify |cingthe blood:atid sipulting =the systeni,curé May“gomplaints which it}would not be,supposed ee igeach;such asDeafuess,:Partial Blind: iNeyous Irritability,|Derangements,of the;Lrg andmeta:Dank and other kdadived,complaints acisiJowstateofthe:body or obstruction of its functions.’ Tel iey boll ber tae eke fo :Prepared .by.Dr:3.@:AYER;Practical and-Analytical Chemist,Lowell,Mass. »Paice 25 Cre,PER:Box.Fir Baxgs vos $1.5 awiemt|doen BY bes ce Haviland,Steve peers eC é is taeele | ._ton,‘OLA.Bradley,Wilmington;M:AnSens “beds Ca:Norfotky No:LEO Rises,"PetersbissBe Purcell,Lada &c O Ricbmoius ,“B&LE ;riyarecia et —~Gaither,Newton,Ww:Hy Mictist;Lincolnton ihe 23h ope to’bts fi -ally,:tbat:‘hesha: {uud,‘well knowit B ~and Druggiste'and‘dealers ian:Medicine.erehys Sad eet Statesylie, ee FS :f HOW RD:“Associ ATION _-PMIEADE L)WIA.eh ate aBenevolénd dastitutton established by FE.pecial’Endotomenkfor the ReliefoftheSickandDistressedaf.filed with Virulent and |.t Epidemic Diseases.”secre N times of Epidemics,iit sis\the objects:ob.this {nstitntion toestabijgh Hogpitals,'to pros| 3 ;vide Nurses,Physicians,,Gfothi 4 Food,Med:be jcines,&c.,-for’the sick’and déitute,to take + .charge of the orphans of deceaw'd,Hpayents,”a; to minister in every possible waytto t relief of. “gbe’‘afflicted:and the health ‘of:the:qoulkc at large 4 eh limes to! ve 1D apy: oe “afc siecle aadepeethe Bi -anrepradn Ts bone to hie depo Te is the duty of theDiréctors,at’ visitpereonally the Infected earlaind.to -PIO-; vide and exécule Means:of relief:Naciepduete bephysiciahs,not’acting members:+fthie Associa. tion,ugually enroltheir naiies ° ject tobe.called upon to attend,rt hbapicats,free of-charge.-In the ‘absence,of.‘Epidemics,the | Directors have authorized,the’Can:rting ‘Sur-.| ,,Suffering under CYRONIC DISEASES.‘of af vira-i“Tent,character:arising from’abuse,of.the:physical j beetbooks,éub-Ls rmpowers,mal treatment,the-effects of:‘deogs,dq,ie4:Various REPORTS ahd Teacrs:‘Shgthe’Ratore|e aaa treatment of ChronicDiseases,by-the Con>‘:“pulting Sargecn,have heen ‘publishedefor Bratul {.tous distributicn,and willeeof charge Peistotheafflicted.. sociation;No,2 Soutti Ninth:Street, /phia,Pa,Byosder of sife Ditectors.:* Address torReporte <or treatment,Dr.Grosox Pe i aR.Catnoux, Sonsulting Surgeon,'Hoxard As;pete 4 Geo.Farneaitp,"EzaidD.:Bags agg 245"_Secretary.+Presa .t .m .“ore ¢* at New ines the iffer-.but twelve:feet!The width?depth of theriver fromCairo and’toNewOrleans,‘i$:not ma.‘Increased,’“yet immense wht.€made to thre quantity of wa.:the channel by large’streams:comippa ‘Phe - .y arises,what be-esiof thisadded.volume of.water?cettainly.never reaches New OrSs,and as certainly.does notevap-tte 5eand;.“of course,:it is.not con-_ed to the channel of:the river,for ctrouldrisefarabove.the segion to!z eat peed -‘:«, anywhereimaefowatefoundassoen°‘,water-level of ‘the’.MississippiBye,ached.,»When’the’Mississippi-down,the water sinksaccoriling=“Theownerof:a:se? rsissippi,“in wiiesee Stiga auto* brreal nil some.twenty.iniles fro the Mis-_ éded.his’well went ‘Minas aithischose:would no:longer réach the¥Water,did and finally his’we was dry.:as b'ditehto an adjadentlake to.letvatohiswell;the lake ws draiveliterallydrankten’acres of3water.es ‘than -a week,a ei if;froin its banks:to:>the ian=rsid@,rests ppon.a porus sub--.hich absorbs the redundantndthuspreyents:that cegimmulation which|would longhayesweptNew‘Orleans’inteifbutforthisproyisionofme-£9 Shich alone®mee reeris'at- ¢:re ‘the rateeal @bigrlctise of .alley different,the construction’ CEES 3 fenler:would:‘be weakes a the iaccummu-*A JatiGn of water.‘greater;as the HieraréextendedNorthofug.2ch|.results’were*reasonably’en.”;ough anticipated;but the’water,in- stead‘of.breaking the ‘Tevees,‘perine-.hgtheporous:or nee the ‘over- niteor.heaoe and aneion,of-the,,tich copes |Bowth Ribelieve’that ttheJevec-sepensuccessful,”and that the 9 Se ploption,will:beattained:-résity.of the material usedinSoe.has causedmost;atnot” of the:crevasses. 41 aie witht the:aorp ar"Ee?flood-tide'of die Mi‘rapp]é on the surface of1,compared with the Southwhich‘dash againstthe 1ofHolland.:.eecountryto‘be jeciaiined tea;all.of which will nog for-Tsyeost the peopleas mach as:oyke.‘Dutch when originally:bale,af .lake -one hundred,packdite “a4ondas,Holland,sigThethisfortunes.aa beta those’il ‘ed,to the®-disésters{resultingtheoverflowoflastyearshousetheabandonmentoftlie:on- ms of securing life and proper+which can be ee ae in -af- ace when ‘the4 m is.’: mien.will not say that he was.8free,par-syce:ate 4 ~WREDELL"EXPRESS: ——’_EUGENE B.DRAKE &80,x “EDITORS AND ‘PROPRIETORS.| "Peano sexthoc®fo amar £8 ONT,Lae : eee LF talog tie Boe:Yani’Baetoexhibit,dollars,gy‘SE wok ee Sere Solna eh ‘ “Government Patronage.” ”“The Wingtos Sentinel,true to low and eat: gar instincts’anda loye of 3pows,devotes'a ¥; rade‘of’slang and elap-trap iin rephy-(7),ta‘an ‘te article:hick appearedin the Express,week,‘ befare-last,"on “MaiContracts;nad &c.!and 3 _feeblygenough,endeavors .to?Justify.the tise.follews.thet st age which “was inaugurated hy.Democratié ‘nothings Nord Presidents and their Subs,re “believes.of.3Fer ‘the Bann warding a partizan pred,‘er services.render-: |ed‘in shania and —Rrorabaslechioce ca (ate oe:reine smeae‘that’;‘et the:spoils”are a Jesitimate ‘plurtder for'the©ope ei Di pip Party iin power,and that.they.pave anght,| -.witligut objection heing made,iin bny quater, to use’the’public ‘funds ad:libibum.rae itis® not only the-right;but the duty:lef"the goy- ernmeny”BAYS",the Seutine/,‘to entourag: eo fur-ag it ‘taay by the dispensation’efits pa *tronage,that«portion of“thepeess:which ref resente and sustains the principles upon.which ; it ig carriedoti &e.This déelatafion made’‘bor ,by the Seotinel.;is*not for the:‘first time:any :*nounced tothe public,:and theprinciple’;As.novnewthing—for.the ‘practice of the gov ern- .,Inent for’yéare ‘has ‘been,ta;squander :the. ew.’public money.upon,a ‘subsidized ‘PTEss;‘and py ae tading,’tagabondpoliticians,anti the treas-;. ‘wryie become’:‘bankrupt !rTEbis }must pe asd __«well-known;to the Seritinel:agit ispatent.to:| ae the country {andit is forthat the’¥Iredell | Express,grumblea,”more than:for giving the | i=.@dvertisitig the “Mail Contradts”to Nenid|. cratic newspapers exclusively,please’theSen- -teneli Ttis-simply absurd,in th¢-Seuss to insinuate that ice,would Shang «ourflas.a 1 for a shareof government,patronage,ifit were 45; "bestowed uponsus.*‘Nothing,wouldng ‘more’, .easy for us ices than the ‘smiles tend fa-: “%vors ofthe White.Hdhise,especially :at the | present juncture,provided we would turh.trad-‘) tor to our priliciples;and-sharé ‘the Fewaril of, corruption,as the.Sentinel max he now doin: $WhenDemocraes?ishall ‘pation ‘the sibstuat Fs as well-as the:cethblance of honesty,‘then it may.stand a chignce |'to fet”our stippatt;vTand: hpotre:rlier..Tt-1s,a facke well ecnownn tous,| _,thstlrewards are at alll ‘times open freely to : “allywhio will embrace «them,andturn;min: erat,—and.we would’simply!als.WRS.the: Sentinel not.hought after this manner?4 At the risk‘of making this’Brticly foneed than-at first we.contemplated,we will:|aghueex!; the following.statements’whith:(3SAXs Git exe! ghangeé)‘are ev idently:but.a'santple of!what. thight he.said of any-and every bepeeofthe .public service s—*ia toe J“MrsSherman's comruittensot invéstizati es tices in thtie “Nagy |fede?’Wisi he wT "prove.to hate Ween secure!‘on at Brooklyn Be :yebrs past’has “heen.pe ridrmeld-in Aike njan=)5‘ner at Philadelphia;Pensacola,and Norfolk.The most cross corruption ye ~datected:is in:‘ip ngtheemploy:ment,or rathe?ingle payment.ofmechanics’and laboters whose:setvices.are:|not needed;and’indega:are norrenderéd?‘Tt.will be proved that at and immediately.bez}5forethelast-electinn2.300 persons wereublic-pay at the*Brooklyn Navy Yard EveShey.turned the electionin-favor of Maclay,recndagainst:Col.Hamilton,and.had it beow brides ible to unite on Taylor or Litch ford;,these |)2).mdependentitizens.would have sedured’thé |<.return of the regular.canttidatesin-thatdis}>~"trict.’Master workiten,have pocketed pay:’returned on the rollsas-paid to:persons whos are shown not to-Have’been:employed:atalhed snipOtherswhowereemployed:haye heeneom-J.0000)pelled to give-the officials one-halftheirwac-j**es:Qontracts hate been awardedito biddersat.double the rates offeret byincsatnsals-anid?firme of greafer:.responsiliility:|}Matdrialshavebeep-paid for which’werd,hyrer detiv-|’'ered.-.In short,the Navy Yards dre'shown 4"to be sinks of profligaey.|wat isjha dly déni-|!ed that the Philadelphia’nayy yard is‘the..entreofdisburscraents which soften control“thépolitics oi the whole-Siate..:The ‘cost afalltheworkdoneatNorfolkandsensacaln,js greater than:at-oiher yards,‘shdwing‘that.Fg-corruption prevails there sis elsewhere,Isis,no crade estimate thatof the fourteen imilliz |=ons annually appropriatedto thenay,three|+Ge millions ‘are =plindered by the “profligacr,heedlegsness’.241d.corruption:sof)hoesexphio3&disburse the funds.)2°".6b:a +Astoundingaa“all this “is,“and byen shock yng to'the ferves and groustn’,the fears oe i Bsa been,pened .many professed Democrats,|Ww he are,them.rk)“elves engagedin exposingto public ©condbin-| nation’the profiigacy and eotrupiion which || is an ‘everydaycustom with a majquty,oidhe: znembersin their party,and specially witpthe- _7._portion ofit occupying placéandpower,yet,ae>ty “cording to the declaration:of the ae t Senfinel,“It ik not only thetight,br thedi. .ty of the governgneni,10.9gpcourace,SQ {‘faras et _4t Snny by the dispensatica of its patrons et "thatportion.of thepress (and of course every4 |body.else)ahiichrepresents.andssustains’the jiu ~|prixeiples upon which it iS carriedjon”a7 Phe )government might,be Hever'so cormpt—may “>oppressthepeople arith taxes and!hd thér ast Baden thenether sien eecL: 4 and 2 cornapt press to ‘Woithebidding ¢af th=government and its demoralized the endeared name of aur Contry |thepeopleto hopefor:a ©TheSentitel closesits avticle wi pn theeeonomy of Mr.Buchanan’ tiesas compared with ‘theadn .Adams!An idiot amigh i=to poses more’‘sense than thas Tnfornisus»that the gumm alone &or As 1‘the om: he depot.C ¢‘is much,Jess than $450 to-cach ‘paper.Oe!_dwellings and stot eas ryifin‘informatiqn was ‘derived from a we|ed that we!frer dashconceivedZoodauthority,‘and we ga’8 iitwas’told:tous.:Be thet as |it:ae and ifthe.Barner works ‘for government obs inde ent ag avas.Tues=otlier’shieets,we BO:not.‘Kriow ;,om¥several’old Scant and formed a fe \ =asite!or,auditie, for.court.Pare :fae etna ‘tbat hi:dicald. 3 substitute the:‘word ar for ir. nbs OF Mr.rord a Borock introducéda.bill to."in¢rease ‘‘putaber of pre and ee Mr:Boiron eae is basen froin endare of to-day that’theedit-tliat sheetare”endeavoring to™ i pposition,asas-they choose reeaethe:Whigs.and.Ameri-/“the present.Legislature,Fe- i nsibld.for not doing.some’hing:‘to| re notethe.‘progr.s of:the:Western ; drt Carolina Rail Road.ph deae pas hot at all‘gargbicing ||hee of the:House of’Commons on> ;that the -Standard sh rould: “alarin,and seek to thre thie=from.théshoulders ofits”.whereit properly’belongst‘t apethe:‘backs:of the op 1 ps“well:for:‘the icedveyiftheirOrgancansuceced:inf shifting,the:_agcountability’; ee,sure as the:sun ris¢s in thé Eastyinthe.West so'sure-will the. Have regard . brty has hee ——torgrant velicand’what cane ty the per -old it,and |‘the te ahs—: secede Batts Fee!ightyNin-the House Coramons ;psaonhasonlyforty.“In the:fieeeDemocracyhasthirtyy-two + ber the’Opposition only cyhter)Nenakintonjoint.imilot wclear Demo- nipority Of \Fi :kh mest res ecstalby.ask.the |tsitorsoftheSpaniardBfandTinsist» an answer).by:what,tule of-logic-ep)theythold.the:‘Whigs gnd haaei ati Gains res Jonsible for theshort seraitthetofa-body-in which they.ara ‘overpoy-er by *Y Jarge@ majority2?Dox [eo North.Carolina |is. a race of:mortals destitutepoaacue=Di tet block willnot see,and:eaisAbix,‘andyunderstandin ets “cannot :unk that’our - ia“ches Desooues ishad‘the power;and Wicléedit too, eirelief-to the”Sel egcater‘and = restern:Nokrarnyou,ane, |a eae youl iy.pabteiae: Tnt}G-your.cars.in tones-not to be mis.1tc2 stood,‘that they shave'at least .- i)se enough:to know,iat ‘theparty:ee having thepower,isthe.party to ner oop gigs the responsibility.Shs:OB NviL :Family Flour?was © i rau week with:the)célebrated “Hie7costing.’$8 cin.’ riven ib favor of four oldest‘mer-.L ‘of.the New. ‘of New YorkerarticleatSI.“pet less.—Newbern Progress.| <:E paniacne abies G*Fea seatsin anyrizg e ‘Rowan Mills”yon ds ofeel en .20,000 hooks,not.oné Was.saved:‘Thed ’j The eae is any extract:gobthet ‘Joss-is irreparable.'.The:exceedingly |Govern s',Méssage 0 California,on)|&G‘yareand valuable chemicallaboratory ‘Education’ahdt obs shpols offI;,attached to the College,was also bugi-that State:mt-,ed.There'were aboutsixty students |.“Ifwede_»/Sleepingin’or near the Collegé,:ome ter of soci _*dof whom madenarrote’escap fron Jessen.tht numberof :j I~. <ore-Josing ttheir clothing,.Xe othe’ers,diminis the expens font’Caurt : id "College had for,sometnne been the»-rigons;we Taust mi ke oplenre-: .Sceneof.busy preparation’for:the 168 “visioni:for ‘th fall.rf “"anniversary,which was'tocome of at oeciy“an early day.There.was an’insur-|¢jyilize.ance’$20 ;900 onthe:Building,which|eeewillcoverabout.one-fifthiof the:1g :“sustaingd bn the ‘edifice plone. Cotiaine ily an Fc nan ||leMunrihnlig anne Bq Uae TEORTOMAEEE NCTTT OE |MER aE sapcae Send OINTMENTS,tig sind |>Was filed.eich competaiit.p refessor 5.8.PHAR.|: ~b and it—fair to:attaih its ancient.a "-ghirty Thoujand Fights Sart eeceae El -The Naskville Barner,SLYS3)«Ate:nd of:sapporting.ee forte sericyof - cy Ey sedate gentleman.frou |"the-rural.years afterwa'ls:¥See districts’passing throug}one:+Gf dur: “oware-houses int market-ctreet “PAs ar:( e rested by a ‘lagge hiaberrwes ‘Teurre s of Red-Head copper distilled:peice. ~°‘obstructed his.passages:How THANY:- barrels of whiskey “have §€ih fi Stor Gs ©inquired dur friemdfof.ae athe ‘itt cre,SS »the house with anvairefiertatcar este sendiiig tee Q “.ness:and interest.a Pierce’thomsantt:es Ta St promptly replied.thre:inte eroeaterk.4 and <A Three thousand:ber Fels,TePS gett hepaS71 :BE S 2 countyen:RIk.speaking ates fights oR rey:Day Paw!os A ela j rah ae ae y Pi ‘ai :OE eo res *)phe bartel iis a Jow Cia 4 Kt hoy SEG ‘aeon bi <6 ;3€th |iy’Fra :T NCAR:1 :7 uy i TW ot is ga Fane a ve :‘LESnt ie WON LC R R.Con,Tilat Bedke of Sab an. nan’fights is at,2 ih ROTH BIOUESS *ea,oni OTT=US ahh ecole eee eld prevent:;Bis is ioe o v3 oe Boies oo RON ve iar a Sh)Sn,pack ¢opened for‘sixty soo aad _ ibe F nee sen-jilic tiie Cathie defi:wk:“ele:‘i anents,how:much mare tis TES ;Dak os AER ees ibe te vate ee ee ry ia :2aN :oh t-Jdnuary,.ce Bi «op Phirés thnyrtsanede fbr:barone!t wDves.m)a Go te age fot 1 2 oe \:oe ;ces,'2 edirectionsof the.fol- Me :Tk 4 fe Soe Ra :Catia a GUY Gass Ee):.ded Cabs i i SAT Te:rN S x:Da EY:+JOWIe2 persons,|or anythree6 them,for the ces hinnye 2 Me Ah rican ee ene Uae Reet its ‘4 ey ae x i vi vane a Poel hie?Bio oad HES Fae Oils got a 00-000,being:theestimated gum - “pective anil ine,fraseGin Pd nie itis ;Ca pare eins |aa ss ett A ow ees ees reste s essa CN ‘subscribed ‘by creteOs “bite ate Rend ;COpe il OR Re Cee renown POON SIs Ay Paar 3 ‘Ce OA)ste!esta mm epunties,”ta rteW =.ar ashe -.-- -“peonomyin Admisscation Hemperht:cay eelicpenid ey <3 4"ees -GOos Se i 1 3 :de:hysici ap ners;andi Me:Poi Motil,Jicis friends yd ch cad visii on ‘ot the'W.pies:aeftoea ic Profession and Democraticep abies MCh Ce ans Llened parrots .ee ee pa ie Loa mega ee ts MRIS che ub;‘SS Nh Ee : be }‘Petnograriel HWeane OF is sa EG Aaa og poe €ew Aor iM moh AS ae a:ie Of avin N An se ce aa Bi a Bese gs is FROIC TWO:TO SEN IFORSE POWER:;se tedesttt dees ofrete7WeayreherlthePetioryeba!ant d nee debased peopie4 aN Hisell’+t ‘safe and prompt’,a ATE]LOR .NX j The jie.sea.ead ‘Shaver,B.F.Fraley,D..a +.bors a «upgrens are IGE |puis ft Y fe aris:to eg ijnteresi:of ! They:tpHe wuto dare t Ebtty? POETARIC peti ty Hiei besses at eae nde StWits,HughReynolds, Sah aah se a Sem st eee Be phere Ela abl Sian ae x %‘e i 2 “tobth B bar,®m,:uinder the direction ée Jouka.t eae Layae es et }i “Oe 2 b ae a ‘s Py Reet a or yout ier ;‘i ;f os af aise ;r %HOE 0 Hd A %it:*g 3 }ob ;43730 (iE :]Ce byiz A WBRE Geirse §Sitzer,,D.BoEGhey:appear,viet,that Tt ey wellice SERA ea eect ¢NITE VL pete sae aa palit arg ire)¢athe wis ry ML ‘orkle,©.=)ae a8 ane pice came aes of wei men.to®f ot Tystitw mney and it)Pas or:3 Linens Cate 2 ¥Bek LD ie .weAde pre ase }:‘under the diréction of ES ::aa casick ¢hed pen ath aes B he a eee aie :nae ae og.G.akon Me A eieseon.3 ,cr wn a prettessti,lok “protiicarcyyi at thie!‘¢;!i b 1 ,r Me x S .@ Syn ky Phy Y :ape 2 me :‘,tare Sa Rg.Oe th oe i percha t hig ees irae :gk a ie ce ANlatins As linindstitetic vie The ¥APY ue Ey Vege nemete teste.St a site A ee ie &he veg 5 ee Y f pea ie st Bane pape eM Kon,Ac ieee thse iider Get ;wees to PANGS.AMS |Ronn ames Sab sche senpehid ge iid arobittin()Mel Sigler ‘CELLO UMES.oo Nears cupom the Bests?Mirphiy.3 eet ae Bergis,A i “es eer Ab]tai paid a tel ;rane €na :in Wats Sa pe a,ty MSE ini,‘and J.ElCarson,f°):Lenoir;uiuder’,the directioh -of James.-By het ve sit :WE cyaoe a et ela tpt th ':re)e si 4 ’i ;igi rs t tupled since the period cl,kt i ite est Hck i,Seats Baa atte ee ‘i i Bey ee i rE n lta (tions e ”a oe i ‘or Gi “3 ets i ;:i ?a R:‘Bogle,€,C.Sones,Smith onthe expenses ok zoveriipnt hi _tumph ver fedesal corheprog.,|ge es se git eta Dd Weed eRe Suid tts ake nade See ae eae a itn}oeupit Sof about 81o Powdl.ed:Jones,or any threeofthem,“— *“eppearf foreek the pledges etree |e a ik a ete jm PIER LE:ANY coe eh Shhu)prop Cate Old othe doisa eh)Feta Corts AIDS C E tckothat.the tnill is Mery.portable...Wey Ray.rsville,underte denen tsAcs. _juent antl reform Wwiietiy tiereed ,.vt eet :k ee ae et ta :cf :uty Melntoshi,:AL ‘Caron,Ro- WwW.G ‘James,.orany:three of, “>by the yaoption ok j he ‘fieStall:Al:7 i Sy eek “Ye:o>\ti a ‘y Y if :2 és ;:chez , platfornt “hu defercne te,whic:es,SE erat i oko a a St Raisers ah "PEA RET :Fide oie Wee ek Neen e aEe eta ed BO EP SOS Ts TLE tigud fol Cts.to “honkieses a sc e Ter gs a.rider Dh dicta of NW.fe oie antccedentggand Bone cil REGS Thee Bec RB eaten daa oly Oe A SU a pies ses ‘:Verge oa Hm phe rt cma er Abus tall bah cpAthedavas eckee eae JW,Pattong W.W,.McDowell,aieaieiSeemasksoiaaibidrtes4238iyeeienendh2Merrithan,‘John Bergit itPermschaettth et.mecn 2h;“the 4 wh (At (he expiration of sixty.days:the.<Comnaie! gic ve pldase fortvard:the:apeks,to oe i corrupt ani cktcokaata mts ¢fel a Ren dae tera:ot 3 ra:ted ts ere n ;sery |i Se Se Suu his We hatheeek Cpadanyae és 4 tures under 4 Democrat Noun tr:it.pen BARS Wee roa tinea:es Me aR eh Sh:‘RNG ginaem crt eet ak png ACA ACT wieey aobt Tevep ALYeniat Can ai Be hips hee ei we ee Ri F:SEMONTON,be tien,and to&hdemand 2 psomy qashedm TR hee bane eT a ae at ae ama :PRG chal Sel aetbion:Dede wad:Pagnitupe,Copsak (sa Pane Nt rh Boat pe pm a Sec’it Treas’r, Pod eedsB ae:ue selaiseii “tenor:the:5 ae on,ita.ap aS ;Pw litelieeo:t 5 yey ri a Va aah =He i athe Dy i ?i at ‘=sod THE a tered jee ote Ashetille,copy 2 ‘months ;. .ae the Detiovratic:Re res Me ELEN,i in’oe ‘ae i sae ‘Ae TACOS Thea it igs Se sa ieumlese Sake Bae nt Mt eh ade a elec!oe a LOW BS aa Se ie oh “eB hi ert:5 ar erOr ach Bi ch ten:38 fea *:Bee”ee |ir aS Comeress have ethihised rt :rer a et Sn igs Pet Mera svatys gig OO ‘JO.COFFHI Ne ge A re De ANTS,ke e2 Rs aeeee slat eos be fon weed r On.te nepalid ts fu’@ryulhaurs4 BreyPSE NG eae Pe REN ty whee aB's ac SFA :Pe de LE ap Taide te ites lange 2P Ud Pre LEAT BS Ol aby i ic i Lice \¢:tu ty ¢S:UY.;i a §eAxi e R ;aerninist Me edor ‘‘A shave been ie RO Roe (cad eee eh .:4 bead ne for 4 ‘d Lis vnibtts,.yng.s Pioaee dt té.pen De :E 3 @ a.faa rite parte Lyte;eat ia oN Tat:ANG me is piowns,ow oe YS.:n avens ON ‘WesaBoyes,Spey qidivie ah:HELO :“ab ligatiifs,but we«peg fost sh ies the majority of:the patt ce kt ly Indifierent.t9 the int ,eke fi ."if .ere o :as {‘Pee ahs ‘mS ;“Sn 1 “7 ks “vateDe seeesu OPES Cet Ba :Nes a es i WN fae rt cf Ape e inn fe/will e deliveets 2 sig ,eeswae “tment ee He aaah ON 4 erik La SS :;i:Laas pk ATR a STE rc:PUNE:Neto Ma ra hamy 412 :Se Wall a saiytel feelivien experieneed in-theopers ”oC“rat c “fail sured:tlre :ty :,t 3))‘Riel BIg 'i :3 *°Z Y oun,Jt steel hes tbe syitentat anne, i “*:Ke oh to ¥:¢.SoeNgo:0:ey Mate 4 of)ae Gi i}ha:maiike ;iY ete .i Fy re Nig 7 wg ey ‘ee REST Sarr tes ne ‘i :dae i Fd ta mit When taken Cally’Dieesbeicddower,”* “Demoerazic:practic..PRO ESE Sg ;:er re a ‘nN"c)Q e er ws wipe coe ae ett :ange eo te ;:j up wih umdnunl sapidity;: 2 i uv hres ete ks f j 14 ah i Sisk 5 Sette ae)joie Sealed eBSr aS fs Rin e as t.A 4 rib x piincipal Pegulutors.oof ihe he *Hite,heweyer}for ani ee ec bain cep rape eat,iS,tis Ser i f ‘Nib:fee geet ¥Wi aay Stor ¢ie On bas Hie 4 ab Beaters 4 vrions well.7oreNpor;"4 ‘oy ap at wa Ne .4 aBek y 3 att Ary HEEY “ei at :a milly deorlopied:Phe.fee ~the Denive;3 ate)Tit embers Py se t o ‘y y =.en pee >for The Si :‘%eg vay a a Worse,eS 1 _a f a y i eT :ik a “tit i al an ieheals acieseat the a”1:‘:I He a A Poh abe Bs "oh Ame ;..2 .5 seh me Oo fay 3 o “Bieee tor Rot why;{“ence ot he inveiions.wheathe~es a .are at all sence.cued fu julie ee Hae ME coi Sian Pein ee tetas ce Eyted ‘SOR BO ar te rit :Ait Coe ies Lier age ee cn ab Ryo ‘“ants niesPtault,mand the gholen 2q‘.3 ,~ae ie Ee ..,Rea as al tan ‘.3 he x =‘ote omynti—the tv *genes with”eel oe Se »nes Mat SSB YE Rte Dee i ce fe :uae eeeis the retrenchmenkof the:federal Se vibe peteletures..:oe:i sie|The Denocrzey’haved “stpypredend”frou slay ayd i Asinive -st Cone nian*! se ‘;YEOs ;Ate capes:sf i :up eat ageesl ‘Y {a :\Rac’:::‘les x onl Tordigen well,- ahs pny key Oh Ee yo Mass a phe prea ae aaah ai |i ;Seah?eB i oe f ‘es Bs fie Se SR m4 ‘‘Tee Deane nt)ee ee ,>Kb se ews ent socksi:eh i ay ;;f 4 ’é :rye : SE Phe issue upen Ww hi¢h tlre C ie,coune,of the ed to,fal?sill be sthe Zexteay ke sand corruption of their,sdobuates Fe If theywould per petuatie thet e)they auntst be moreconsid 4 std :ae Te TAEATID.:i e ;TeaAe rae f ::t :mae ie .heepet <eC eS bor roegt et)TA 1 SN EERY RY :DO RAS.:TY CHIE UH,OB “t ee Sree ie:6th Westork Perr dgon poe 14 Crmialan bebe 2 Bert “Olt itRenyheronanoe“mous a pa deelare that.the ¢Npe udita tes ;3 ae :is bt the federil°gosernmcnt etShave i tl olan ce inte Oo eae ie Sey eas BRR oe eo Asie Vu Ack ars ee eae,Sh sie a ee te ota ‘use than any thing (aimee Mri"am me pme cure tor b=creased,are:‘inerejtsiniey and oughtto;ae se ‘beat CORSE we 5 nk a betes eects ti :a eae ee ees ve. .:;:‘'{‘ad .F ;2a ;:sony f :rs tha et %aka o 4 :ie ven 5 ee ihe!meravaDbewasntiHesdeagien§pee:PO RUSE Oks earns :SNM ramettie and te =a wD ae ae::tes fees :oe rs :3 et lees ee ue ee EINE WILL COMP ALLE:MUTUAL INSURE:"ONPA BOIS:Lanners Vi ees *tweet sbd iw pe ena oe te m=,tasks obateaetini remos "mod .1a Peplectctire,|‘1 ehitwer Chrod MUinoke gone Lutore geting lege “te =i“ae i sa aL :=eo f W hat say s Resseitilie |i a 2 |4 New CubatBil.‘Hy Pe f \Che fr esident’s /S30,a0,00.vil ;‘loses erpand,|t Mir ‘taylors fot’a ‘ae Fagrve agase a ee ;1,2D ae Pee eee ar fy ad Aerts bi,}snide is tikthy to.pass.‘It:ti}zoe thi ith 1B ote pai te oR B DR eH gl g ites WE OW Fs ;R ODO WD;“i :5 -webntiiled §Ph hte Ni ohe ie tence et . Bogan ie thorises?the Presidentto.open:neqotia-Hes oa Rea ara Beat A 714.date ree cet S33)se arn dt 1d WHITE CLOVE!3 Dy Mae ugar M at 7 Saws)dad hx UK.Watexan ister bie,.tons for the €ession of Cabals tosbingl ;;=—:dnecahs HERDS,LECERNE,&BLUE GI other Machinery {chisee adie ‘gona tinwallow barnte i }.-*the U.S.for the:pervinent:to?Spant.t ite iiteen Se Mach ag ae Sten cncaNh WP eae he ws"OBI NT a mach)PN OP eh ae a a BE vy motte,ae Bee ‘hus ;Sindirt:|Si MEDICAL:WIRCOTRY,audidetty of 2 sunrnet to ox¢eod!$120;Hog,QO,Ste the Tye trek eee a caN St fe 8 ¥Fam ORES:5.<Orders Fes fat >Spee ee oe Ten Poa erie cre to ere ae ga yconsideration?for said:cossien,rites 0fSe »y é i a RITE OC geen Os eae WB =ix.SNe,EA!ALONE Fee A ih sflestrat bieeroented :Or PS FOr toon dtekntsh we Dae pm ocean Whe“tr sconarpite téd fy aw cr:Shened |by!f ie:a pie ati hy nec ite Re ee 5 Phe at atn Hoes et :Bac sat oi sn ait ::ri ated bedé wer oat Sprit HQ)oe eee "ma een un aes : >.the ageigsof.thetwo gotrermments andl ee rlcal Ae i she e :>sMOT,,Bhi oy say ety rSoERshedeeSpam+to EAISe hobds,*OR be the Ups.to beigsned forthe pavinent cits eeoel ae oo 6f assunny or so niuchs as:may.Ke ree|oth tine tlquite“dy anid,to deliv er thessake to thé Pete 1 agent of Spain?said:bondsdivided ine!Sl to:bstonotless:thanssix:instalimgutsand [isthe Mouse!a recite vedic |Hywel haa Salen nd Bogie |Ck a Cela greg 1g TA Bopiasucll Baillpapthe haliess ab.For Rent,=...cae Emporium,payable:m eer eee SY ¥ears,5i siterary BEN ac aa su oe iy ne i a :de ae ge ;;re *"z as iM if |eadive.rom pt:OAT TAN IDS IN:COLE GEN 4 ie Beha HOUSE.oe) |™.interest not’to exceed five peb vents Goa ae se i Cuba,ifatany time ceded totheU!23-5.-paid for inayheexectetl ante.a new ee ee 6 s ered to!os &.ES oa a. >8 th ~ 2 ot@ Be a =Fep sdupled the a ale é land,by"theitdelegates: over the:age.Jae feenee onecan deans The ates resident iin:the saidisland anti citizens tablish,the Bank’of.N .thereof,int rer:assembled,with wd ave until ‘the Next “appor_of representation,on an equalifoeging »}SswiththeexistingStates.*A a‘intelligent ooo thagers’ part.%Don’tthi Tine ‘i we e*2 mt bey x Sharon:f Seevgimacie ttsedad!oe“+There's 20%lovelier spot of ground”*¢Thatcanbefound:in nny:clins,«:-_Panagththe brilliant sav,thar butroa, »Bach jgnie that floats along,aae_1 Sip accents sweet.repeatsthesong:oa’Sharon,thou Parndiseof carth,|fiepeceabreeSia ‘Re ruperfiodfisstrewn withflotecen “5 xpd like the poedatetints fms $e able,geifleien,salaryBelorethedew'of heaven is gone..‘se Eero -nh‘Eigsne'er |begru to'tune ear “as igened ce t when in truth her voice she"—sex apae n adotherminute :aicoUEstaniliamanes.og eigielc!oa —Bet ay ke tite stalexnsaddling he Piao:ho*o a)4200 sora ei ee(° tecer withinberpreg’|)work towhich dhe was unas pp sae “Tia Vittie’s Lismpandvifsa-fama:eae +but “which.‘she,Teneo ce ‘in _tie of nee ; Thy name's enshrined in'evetr.Beart,' ae +Gly sims"no Gav's Some they peor,fo4orRatrecncetuaesityjor2cme,‘ue,“ay ‘Ling miv-her Sowersantrumpl'd aging,;"Hetharvest waite tier!glors rise’! Ceti A timesduifl fold hisWings,Wtmusagrerashineam.rag 1A AHeckine of 76._oe BESS —_$ aturs xy AA RESON s myi reste,os ~hammers,The dull sound of laborin thaethotd eStonousrécularityis.”They ate making aie,tracks :for'a raiiroad-in this'town.«Jamnotpleasedwith:h'the improvement,’a “vohanteetell: a hea-*house.and’its ‘surrounding.fields*that”“Bloped.from hich uindalssbgpills.have s'vanished-forerer at its nod!es achiThesreatgeniusofenterpriseah¥For:One :>bis ugly shears of corhinerce,13 clipp-5.5ie;at the wings of poerryji and‘re-.“qnanée,til I fear,pyand:bY>they ealoeCalmwillonlyLavepowertoflapalongaici*ground,their ethereal facnitics chained :down to stock-taking and gnvoieds.:Es-:I am sorry theshonsechas’Fong,ore there areones recollections gonnecteilwith)history for thesake.of which|Heem4itshoulReelbeehspared.--4An.old:hoe.>cred farm:horse,“surrounded:Syeficlds~~Of waving!grain and .gorntat-the wie,|yond ;tumn tithe,and:overhung’.By:the ,branches of varions fruit trees,‘gold-')Jenedwiththe-fulluess of.time,1S)©sight ‘of picturesque beauty.Da tich es‘valley,especially if a fingold moun |tain looms up in.the Back-graund,or|.&deep tshadé of foresttrees.stretchy é .jaway inte’the:cle:ar,-Apellosy pe whitening ¢re'phere beyond.oR AS IRN aeInthatonebeforeug;a,‘ain speak=a‘ing nOW as it stoodini the’old’spot.)the'|walked q“widow of'a hoble.Pierpont,lived some roam.*amenty )years:tzo,‘The ludy was’‘wfinePissspecimenofoldtinewomen;3 dienifievencommandinginTanner,swith afreshbloomwporheracheek\*ai ny-gnoulded forehie:aud,anda deepsape@xPressionintheryet:bright eves.Soy ryHewasamaniaof.refined a)cule ordelly ule-tWated intellectual powers #15"omartwho,in ‘youth,had.ces no.stintofi{Destitahionwealth:whose "mindjas storédiwith a sorotn i ,lassie Idre::;whe had:never;ill she|2..emigtatéd to:the wilderness “Of the!‘account“_new world,sotled ‘her white aster poea:"eyen household work.:Father and husband s Ww ere,both dedi |The bones-of thé:former ‘veposédt hi |:-_another,°ecquntry |"bengath :‘a mhai$le aemonument;the latter had.nO tslept ;two years inthe little buryine-Ougd a.hesside the wooden |chureh,in sight of:that ie ha P‘thered girm “house,and a.sma 1 sane indly iin f vith:emotion. i Like pleascnt labyrinthlad bewets—-°),a "Make Peed ert bomed,*take ©td +.strong;mausculs»And beautygisenig Som every pars [val &self or not.at. ==p.ing her dress” Amusment and ins ai as ‘gain i the._patlor,©z Having.‘unbuck}led. 2 doffed theircaps;were|sethiespridentls joying aseq with greatcare us itr are style,.in-the Cities otf Phidedet‘ew.York—Consisting‘of :.LADIES DRESS GOODS,.. ;Bik:"Gio.De Rhine;::Boon De:Laine Rotea |Edom‘:ike to hearthe misoofthe’As ii iceon of.omyace Sy ngicksbreaks-upon'the air ‘with:mono-cers rematked bd 4 SupbesiValendia dot & Cold Cash's de Cate , Bord de Chene ‘Robe a.Lez |peFrosch‘Merino,assoriedColors,Plain gnddied;all’avool De taeie&Esa,White.tisCol’dBritiante,*:meWhite,Marseilles &Trim:Tufletoni,Nainsook and verea Lawns,‘wise,Moll and Jaconet Mu Enibroidered Collars:‘andsleeves, ined dk’fs ¢veay.cee @ a ahd,ses Veils,ec \lore +as fine a Tooking tf whi"gS some callit,“for:a-pleasan ficient oe=~xea .youkg ae Yes he fall xbsterday,perce byfeliswast :mother,sh cked ‘but ; hid Bridal ee iwied €Faslechdjee Stiawls,|:ha Bordered =) utiful Plush;Ne HEaandChipelieStellae(ears cor'dile’: Royal |atent ioehe Este:*Bridal ee RES,& p REAPLE:Diy.Goods, i-CARPET INGS;&e:Beet ‘bots,Hardware,Catlery,Glassand -eye Drogs and Paints,Sele Leather.:a —GROCERIES —© pariColic,Tea,‘Cheese,Candles,Mg las.,ss et ec.Al of-whic wal besold:pom:for.Cash or ta_punctual cou Soa W.RE Eyhavethe Genpins ;zreHistAnchorBollingCot” s:b OFe,,as gh turdied:her (33 Now,God.forgive:-me | le had done:a cowardlyjied“the officer,while J $2 W, Come:here to:shaleof.this ©“women’s:thos uk, me pa t e r ;Prec BURR.MIEL STONES,per =warranted good or.70.oa: es seks STOCK ee ‘i Boab Norieki- iry Meckinew,Cheap,and Expedi-‘tious Route for ‘eeitfortheInteriorofN.BeCHANTSandothersabont’parchas, ttempted arderofherovrcl ay a late.hour’ing!an offiter,of:t éir Fall and Wintes pacinoare’ ey eras“stone markéd the spot:arheré his ash 4 ‘he.wénan:‘told'h CW:mingled with the dust:‘One.tay,bh:lodging place,aidithatduringtthehardestcampaignsie|little yOuig had:not‘aated ‘ood:since,¢I dy soldierst Madante Dierpont:Was aaloneatthefarm.°.Ponipy,ai negfoe.Servant,‘had gong on som errand,am Sheedi“would detain him till ae ath,”aed-Scantily,aMeck,the hired man,had way FShayyl or“a loaa7jdhishandinthemorning|with ak gxe¢it‘go that he was quite disabled.,and.10-“»Dliged to'return tq his:hiome,,about a) 10 notice,that.byoraconeRailoct4ISzCz10°C :‘Lataged EXPEDIFIOUS”sage io Sspeeopenedtothem.:signed “to.the:care of}thetofitte,North Eastern Ratt aowardedFREROFCOMSSION.-.:b chatwe.will “be:madefor 3giongoods:‘will be taken care.imy's Warehouse-uniil sent{ibs:yale of Chiargestor traneporthebapebetourdatthe-Post Obie! afeelcons afterha iones by no ‘thile distant,.which by.thd:way!Was|told a,.sad-and—as.subseq ent invest knew_.thenearest homestgad 16 the.old red.farm house,:-:.:.“Lhe widow's isk ak ‘Sons,Vary:.ing fromreighteen:to bwenty-sigy,Ind“started.out,but:tro”days’‘previous,§for the field of their conntry’s battle...R: <\While the widow realized:that.’in|-all probability some,perhaps:‘alliof“her'treasures would be’‘smitten‘by theruthlesshandofwar;gher cheek’was)!She-yi.sti wnblanched,and3.‘holy hope sat};the“vavinthe’repose of her beautiful features,|Hef,glt.Only now and-then ‘she turned:t6 ops|At lengt—en the Bible’before ‘her,and.rend,4|few consoling’passages.and:s =|was NtrappedaewayFeeumedherworkwith:at ‘usting!of:a sha,,Smile.“Ab!patriotism found.ian én f-.during home.in.many;such;ac-genth‘breast.|~pe i CREESuddenly”from.‘a Setanhe tamda 'p-sound"like the trampling of.horsés’|her iu“feet,arid_a great clond!of smoke Be-||trated"|tokened-the «pproach Oftratelerg.huf-,indte womantyingtotheirdestination,The wid:trefinement nid“jw.moved to the door,‘arid,shading|Both moshereyesfromthe“intens¢:«supghine,ue3iy"watched their |progyess,Théyd drew *uthorpear,andin:another moment!threeFeFhorsemendrew’up before the door.ee t qetsThey,wore themiltary.edstuntieand ;:wAtth3,Were all fine Igoking meh.The,fore persons are {-.*most.‘gentleman far exteeded the oth-°often.hapytersbyhisimposingfigure,an the.-the weather |ca \-greatness of hig countenance."It te-:4 olSrea no introductior’to show jthat.ma>pthis 3wasGeorge’Washington.©“With.”died By iin*that courtesy"which always shatacter-:pouring’¥;“se ites he bowed gracefully toyMad-pfDarby's )|Pierpont,as.he’blandly*asked if Anay'be had ‘at anbyheaadfiad.rest and refreshment.~-|then,after washinhorées.are ‘wearied—we: 4 garding.her: ThaniGx He ‘time,and § E ridden :since.nine'thismorning,and_ouply with the.2 would.fain réeruit,he added,inty,‘gentlemen;and welcome,"beaaesdnine:tigewing wide Ttthe,mea fs 8.SOLOMON,4ERRekndaft.Sept Leste :proved+—a, 0 support Rersell’suoe|old her’furniture nee Ha Beats the AgelpanoneEee‘;Fish and Oyster Houses in PortesmoutaeispreparedtofurnishFamihes1g0threetimesa.week,.tity,from a guartto!~gallons, * ‘* St a g e d or a n g La s c i e n = ‘f o . « 1g 8 ‘hare ’“watey,wash‘the using tlae Fluid thorough séd ‘in pur s Wea)1 ee .— eS Rpts f ye een”~|TERMS OF THE PAPER” .Ds ;pick ad ai er ai =oy ehen,every “hill was crowned.” cena \ipublie;that they are now re do ayyan era Th aay,ae et ::tT as ee:Bah LC ae,Cae ieneowner om tom :{APRA 7H ieee he Work in the BE in eee te Sg ain eiegey g a !,ee ae.shal someeaanerer th %E 1 Vimon ison’food WikititKisinceite be the's _-Invalids,Fathers,Mothers,’Ph;jcians,:“ey ,.f j erry eh t 7 -Philanthropists;read their E ects,z;and jadge of their Virtu Lapis aea-“POR THE CURE ‘OF’.is ar ‘Headache;Sick Headache,Fou deommacks-J i ty sé :ne ee ee eae mea ee Dr.J.C.Aven.”Sir7 I have n repéatéd?y cur Ne ‘s bebe worst headache any body can’lwve~by 2,.dose ct its statesvilt Jan \2).(of your Pills.Tt séems totrise from a foulstonjach,which «:—WEY they cleanm:at onge..If they willcure othersas thiey |do:a rted he.‘soil-on |me,the-fact is'worth knowing.**49 I Yours ape great respect; steep de-- ED.W..PREBLE SY.ine 2S ohuid i itietabiaidtime|"|of WANs +When wo're alone tepthe :eR i ee giten full:scope “the SOSA ig an reer ps,OM all gppbeipiod “anal:La vinkg:tus Iegitinpisy?oft us}|;ifs hock.int haw fan aT the aeRO m RANE Ee fer “ramng;‘which havé left”poany trac of :‘Clerkerk of,Steamer*Clarion.~e .zi:i :é Sos Disorde ‘nnd Liver Comptaints.’fot Ue PPE SNE i polar yh Citi We HCl Rie |holdine:sw.ote Rg fh dh ‘:ns pad tarsie ane eee Tre 3G POF Op ae :;‘py ier Vryahi dg :Lee:<a Ve /‘s hase t PS setae 5 a i aw “ef ‘ye ee where een ‘oes of fo iq t iiige has'hindered rain,‘and:so has testa:action on:ithe liner to quia SuitSockiea eit Sed the country.In agreater deg- ly theyare'an nirn med.‘GcB:er cae 1 (Q .;4 1 ers realness ie ee a ele ‘Peavey ares %Uk alas ete ae i i :—:}rey Bh 3ki formerly to the cmeofdrout. >nate that Ob rent to!ae Tuton ,nde ‘‘mt ee t ier *;\ a Ler gr vioian of the arte Hoeploh*OH es ET Apegecrie he Stal ck nigh oy Ge ¥ai mt ae $;tegen eo St xe icket woe iphii ‘t Relax,and rims.i re }ue,site i thes :::th us i 4 oe AND,Liv Cb,anei,Nor —4 tet ts oe tienaeto! an yat sjearim,the’‘city..0:b ‘"~Ave:Your:PillsJarve the pertecticmat medicine:'i since disappeared.|= ne ;>)|“Wasurxoton,DeC.,7.Feber Sat:1have:sedyour Pills in’my"generat and hospital ¢practice ever since xou jnade.them,-andcannot hesitate tosay’they are the-best cathartichwe employ Teg Guk aut con “have done my wife nore:good"than Tican ‘telliyou,-...Witt!pate .vit}‘Stead been sick Sear Se norte Went.anv fir .Off tube doeturedat nt fo tter..She ne ae vl ae Ps then commeneed-taking ils,hitsbden cured rs ee whieh now Ba “allbbot ee *SS by,expelling large!quantities of worme (ded)from? unk boy.They afterwards cured her and onritwo chUliven§Of bloody dysertery>One ohontntighbors it bad,and| is my wife cored him with two doses,of your Bills,While |others avonrtd usypaidfrom fivetotwenty dollars’doctors’||ERE Pe see Bills,and lust mach time,without being ¢dd-entirely©:even then.@Such a medicine as:yours,”whic!*sacthiaily } i wood and hionenty will be prized here.7"!} +GEO.Je ‘GRIFFIN; He e Sestiint dnd Impurity.of theyHe:Kev,al.Vo Himes,Pastor of;Advent Os eee ee a an }i:}—] :Pek Lhaye used yolir Pills*with exfrao:Ee Peat id oye en te ye “fy i biddtases ;\a :ay Bt Seas ;My .:oe oe i.—Ee eat :a sucedksin anvily ‘and among noes am eatled. Sel i te:the organs 0 iwestic ;i ~ fy tha blood theyzare the werys best ireave ‘iEhave ever +The ratural aehas E knows,end 1 cun confidentlyneces hes swept away and no.human’culti- riends.0 Yoyrs,ee >5 ut SS UL Wasa,rromtxa Co My oceupies the terrace ‘which ©. :S gan Sin:1am using,your Crthar a i te B atte 0 'b =} fie eT tice,and tind them-in oxcé epi .fie eee Rasy.seat ee ger ie Be){ix :PS rg ;‘3 ee wt ie ;*ook.the:ae =ee and’ as (aaa eyetem and purify.the fountning of 18 bidod:Bae a a -O/>ty Ce,sii Ka 854 1 ie::3 i (TG or ‘16 ts.Gome,:|Wall:yl youn p thres..’: .2 Genco he g Th Eiders 3 D it ht ok Wy i p oi ke re om y hae x ee cage,fee a ?_Erysipélas,Scrofula,Kins’s;‘Tumors;and Salt Kheum. «detng in ‘hich 4akict on diner or yeira.Hes mother bad Been long ecievous-ly aMicted with bintchesand pimples ¢Her skin mid id.|'9>(>she bair.After’our cliild was:¢ured,ehe’also tried your -.;°“are ey.+Pipi,and they Bare eured her.”ASA MORGRIDGE,.80 tm:cles ‘septs |‘bees fas “From *=,Mrrcardihg Merchant of,St Bomis,F tb.4;1856.0 2sf—Bi saeen ef atk;itive tn:4 :eat,in,ead né hey havescured“my little dayghter gas ees Sinan ;{f i Cie X i ;y ., *%ef Aveoves upoerhachangs smd Get GabTad yyoved *:Tes ee t 7.i ie ae 3)AR PED totes Stor:i Bes =e Ric nace ices ny D 2 “amd east,must.rcse cared: »Mael thoreae el Z eh a?UB OOP ee a ee ‘Stre a oe wak,:OLS:OL oe sonsis Of uncommon:tree ‘einphatically:“a.“good:“laid:REiaoflirdoksofwater,of fountams© eae er Rheumatism,\Neuralgia,,.and:Gout..is hiais:ap.|+Prom the Rees Di,Hasches,of the:Methodigt Epis,Claerchag press riviog Yarelsls depths:that‘spring out of plains© “.°2)0 Perasxt Flowsr.Savaynan Gay Jan.6,18!ageperpliys mat.We are:“prepa ;th d of E- __Howoxzs In:I shouldte unfeeateful for there eC Jani ungies.iat re sonable:tial m™m untains,’not.ast eJan i Kill has drought me:did notir rt miy-case:a.Z : 3 :‘1 cold while dus ay inbe ‘andaiooane on:excruciating ving)Heobkey tute,wan,\ where’how:sow est:the seed,and .a -|neuralgi¢pains,which ended iby eee Sioa 3 aturest )with’thy ‘foot?asa garden |of | ,.Notwithstanding J had the best’:i orl 3 or’A }d fEseeaspoeeseeera:=aud EC cacy wnt Bo Lao.<|yea.Face hae fot the:4 is ds w land af mountains}ame a in Ba’r.g;’ewes We ied tangs ,;Hd hoa }5 ee \;‘‘“ .Thely effetts were slow,but sures |BY pereetfagtathe “o thes Capt +a,SESE ;LOOKS 1 ;F TON:4 my.eh iy BOW £ae a NO ps a ¢3 a ich:drinkethi Ayatens of |.the. oO LE uscler them,Fumi nowentirelywell.’ein ere ;Baer a’‘raat ey ad Yh elicacy W ama :ugh i ne 6f:heaven.“This.mountainous, +Sexate Cramper,Baton J3¢oxha 3 Dee.Heys B:*4 :}BL REDS ati 5 3.ae f 4 gt:":5 pete hy Mace “Dr.“Aur:bsave.been et weed by ¥our,Pils of."s eis Racton,this:abundance:of:water Petes q KheumaticGo ‘eae be h froin ‘patuial |Sptings.and from’bag 4 fOr years,©}" !nye t ~|‘For Dropsy,Pletisoras ;|the,duds of heiven,-this abundance [eee an plaints,yeqitiein xo aftive puree:|ofamit ‘from.its.cattle On.a thousand ‘ :|nt-rémedtys 7 -é te: ese Bor €osGreness or C‘onstipation,ahd agit ‘honey,from itsforests and its:¢ a Us.MinnerPAUL.Chey tee ct eg TR ae éttectaal,,5 >Hoya .bs,,ib hut }cone ’‘Fits,Suppression;Paraly,SiS,Inflarnma='-39,WAS 9a so]€y pécpliar co mo |tloar,ahd.eset ESrey ay faa ph oF thee |among.the civ ilized:nati-+238 ness,Uay ‘bes ed be bene 6f the:Vea. lyase ee eRe Ae ibe!exsty “Feeble 3asits brooks |... ak Most of sai tonic eraspence Mer fwhich,alk,4 ‘$1 72)“the neh «valuableaenie:sayin ‘sh coyHingerous 4d:Se Rod aost x +ESY“1 ob, mete be,“thongh doubtless they ‘were.a c i ¢Ty¢4s ‘i !‘\1)a “x dey folly a Laake bn %hese ome i enh be decpmymindated:with:“Aga tesat 35 aepeneles than hers pets cury 01 pineyab su datance whatever.¥,revo,See | dl could have:been familiar’=*with ¢image of thePsamist:>oie.By|seudeth the §spriigs into/the valleys,~ae whith cull;among.the he tetiehileee |sh:He tales, 42sebibsd>Hor sen os4I+ 1s.Malle”acihan, oe pos<AVERS CHERRY PECTORAL | 'ey.FOl:yHE barip ct SESOF “COUGHS,COLDS,HOAKSPA Ess,iRPLU “4 a4 Oct 19,ie REESEee Coe Neh El 7722 umeiap ysttons docked ty hasta momingean,Alb ora canete a0homever shoreived are SY (*Seaerenr constierI6N,<)|ah.annas eo aauas ete fe:inpitnes og}Sa Tey fy and2 A ey are SS areas ast shad for their cop jae||:autys*.Not.only,in the East,?butgersAwidGaneesBeeetPSoteNite.G3 Jukcae !peste Ms:&3 EYS DEAE XE ae nthe West,,can ry founi ea Throughout’every town,and nimest:everybAmletiofthe +4&Sees ech ae sy ‘‘Per ae BY doping:Ohara Dieke ns,wit ‘o -DeTIO!ere:8 “4 isi ih;:de :q “BS orSORIECES ‘of stroanis ‘be:n80.armpinitts‘@ aul ‘iy is Mi &Dri ;Aes i fo i!i ,:;wa ge Le,ee Saya eoh kd ele::(Erown,even‘at ‘their birth,as: /fand:for “the relief of FeneRD Devatlebts iti:steac ‘ Rtiges ofthe disensdy:tee iN of i |dnepicery States,Rs'wonglewul chres)oFspaercanrs)ep ‘plaints hayewads.it'already known?Nagy.Lew ‘are thd.| Sie +Guluilies in auy civilized country on this continent with..‘em ene t jersone wrience of ita eflects5 arid fewer yet *1 akInch:fall.-into one Jor and — ‘4 Sthe community vihaxe which have:it among then |eeae ‘her pouttd ;dan’ dime livipg trophy of its victory over ee the-and dan-).*gebous.dine nnergi me thivont atid Lanes,i White itds:the 2ee|Bivgt-pewhrind autidete'yet kno wn to man'fér the:forml-a e Wei18 dabie and dangerous diseases df the ‘falmops y -orgars,if ||¢i ivaleo the pleasntitest andantext res that can ne fesse we 'fived for bifauts “ands young eTSORS.‘Ware:utS Should |}># ‘th is xe it ihpast ore’agsinat.jhe ce lots”“etomy that teals:|!os 60 bushel sai ‘pon them unpreparyd.We havé abundant growhids 't ape believe thie,Cherry Pe clortannes:nire lives),Aw the,con Loy Lpemptions it Prevents thun -those itetirps.4 Keep it.by:| gy “"'bvou,andien teaionr colds while they arecurallle,Dor neg~a ~ $lect thenmiull no human ekidl a master Ahe iine}orale f ‘ einket thatgfastaned gn the,oH,4RtS yopr:life away::s aed 308 All knoy tie,dreadful fatality Ippe ‘Disorders and gs.ia a4 krfow:too the virtues‘of this remedy,Wasneedssiatdo «),\EES,°%=:ie Nee ts :Sag aaa Bae Bet diced.inte:‘Ee ¥:7 vag ts he haat Ce ai:Still sade ie est it'can|tea oda a tsi :Ban ayo Bae gs ei Pee cane we hati may moo)eT eatee y Pa Bai cay sana es Emperor’‘and the:Of oduge it:thes3‘aud sbuspts Wod:NF ALTO i.ere ti es i idmm!a APE ;ti vt ree eee ae see Wh hi :ra :ua ‘inanifested the grepet ae: - Wo spare1x)cost,no care,Do thil fo 7 my)st perfect possible,and thas *aftordthowe eee fely 60 ; owed a mark- tade for.‘my regovery.!His:jit the Dest agekt whic ‘hour ski "ean ftryihielygfut ocr Salisbury ¢ seth BOF PREPARED BY DR.FG ae rae 2 ea sent me=meee.4 Practical and ‘Analyticalal Chemist,~%eS SAND SOLD Ht FHesitshi,Stevensgn:Eon aC arles. \Vili DRL)ate:AaSen he :tN:Sa Luises4 Petpisburg eae *Paréell Lad dk ¢“A:Riekmondip:Bie Ls |Gaither Neitton;Ww HEMiebal.“Tiineyoter co ee ths ad Urpget‘istsiang |Gealers i sisMedicitie,exert ‘a ji where.)Forsaleby~(+)i ee Ret eee ORE Py ES te7,May 1 “1858 4 a.Be ecbiehel}i stitution:Seis ten -ea —pecial.Ende terent for:‘the:‘Relies .geeevery “SLS BF the Sickzand Distiessed seh:ce a ;f fiieted.with Virulent arid’Epidemic:Diseases:eee “ays times of Epidemic85 it Gsthe cereof a Lthis lasti~mion to a sh,Flokpiti {sy , vide,Nurse 3;Phxsieg IHathings.ia ‘zines,&e.ty forthe|ae and?destiie io cate "<7.pharge of the orphags of accessed,parents,jand::eS : "S_‘go minister in every possible ay.ito Wetfeliel gf, ee adiicted:and ihe:health of i he“putilié atlarge.fess ,otiis.the Uaty of the Director.ot sue’i tities,>to!He visit personallz-the infected ‘dig pictsy ahd.to pros:= vide and-exeeute means -of veliet.)¢Mbmercus:! a pyar actiz sebubers of tke sgocia :C2 dn;usyally eral therrlaapcs'onitsbooks,sud |. 1 get tto be called upon.to attend aits ‘hoxpivats,free: at of charge.Tatbe*absqnce “of :Epidemics,’the’ |:Digectors.‘bavd authorized:the:Cashing Sur- e -geon “to give edviceand medica!gid 30 persons pee e)<a’;;ee re Ae ot Bae ;: =|eudering:cudercake ‘DISEASES *“of vEUs :red:Dens ome ;‘se Or Any,al oF ad i eh TS IN ay §.cog ;:EL ;;a tenet and T Soclaae Dy as lent character-stisiog from abube of thep bys alee a a ee a p by:mail onizceelptof pub icesswith UE EE,|ase OLASSES,arena,and Nee SO COORD CRESS,FUIDE,OF.OBEREE Ua xtain,that all he |ren ‘“powers,‘mal tgeatment,the effects of drags,e-2 ;3 an ee ‘i sily nd:certainty.ove ‘regard the tasaeeekaVériousReronts‘ond reacze:onde!‘Rature” oF »and treatment.of Chronic Dhegsca,‘by aie Col : ie sulting Sergecn;have been)publishivit for.gistai tous distribution,and will beset fiero)charge: to the wfflicted.:if j ae ~<a.iress,for Reportsor‘treatmeng,Dr.Gx Gay Te -R..Carnorx,consulting ‘Surge on,/BywardpAge’ae sociation,No.2 South Ninth Sree eae eicsiedwi a oe Pa,By:order of theDirectors.Rh ree aaa : gt [caeeeeeer Daa DyHes nicsaeagle4SpBeeredary.oe eeaidenty wislvayh ah 'y showed all:‘the.rer :of a wo! sahe’Yepot an ihgiarnesthiteeepleds the éounty courts at tharefirst!term ate thefirstday”of July next,'strall appoint:dné jus-}wae,ticezof the peace andttivo‘trecholders-tar each|<tain’s districtin the county,who'stiall beirdtovalueland:and town lots.‘These"ce distzjet.boards aré':t0.;perform thejr sduties,|+and make return to @ county boars of ¥glu:>‘ton;to meet on the Soong nduy!oF J an- ‘mary,after the apiejomtment “ofthe Miktyjct|"board,saidcounty board to be composed ofthejusticesofthepeacewho.weré,mémbers|-of the differént.district boards...The counyy |poatdis to examine aud compare thi¢dista,’and re-assess when necessary,sind:make"‘gurn td the ¢lerk of the county:court,#.Tlmembers-of thesebeards to receive ot'ma,_than $2 per-da¥,while.engaged in;the “charge of their.duties.The,takers ‘ot t ~tax-hsts to receive such,qompengation.Seite!county qoupt may allows “The followingsub-©jects shall annually listed,:and:ta ed“.foHows:Real propérty,withthe iqmenitsthereon,.gincluding eutries twenty centg on every ‘handred dollars.of is“ 4 value}every taxable’poll-eigiity ~<.Fy “toll gate:‘onya turnpike’ ’"toll bridge,:tive’per:-eént.ceipts,and everygatepermit}yty,court to be deecied,utrossa hij i*teen dollars;every ferry one per¢-‘total receipts of tolis ‘during.yre+ ry.studhorse*or jackass,let;to:ishves “price,belonging:to @ resident o as dollgra,gnlew‘the ‘bichest:“pric 3 embnd-By ed fers the sezsou for‘one mare shall¢“that sum,in whieh cade ‘the,amogint thas ‘demanded shall be paid ‘as tax:‘his subject shallb listed,and.te tax:paid 3in the eoun-ty in which the owner resides;‘every dollar| of net interest,notpreviously ina:reqeived ae = - ‘y or accrued,(whether demandableornot,}onorbeforethe.first day of July of ‘every year,on,bonds orcertificates of debt ofthe United--pi State-of this State.(unless exempt by chater90.cf the Revised Code,entitled“Public-©Debs")of of any.otlier,Staté or,Govern-. ?ment,or of dnycounty or ‘corporatiqn,anu- i nicipal or private,or on-any;bond,note,eph-;" |eact,or other\claim or dewhndagainst sdlv=,'ent debtors,wherever they may reside,four”cents;every dollar-of net dividend orprofit)-\>pot previously listed;declared;/receiyed;.Or.’1.Age qp or before.the first day’of July sins «.pach’Fear;upon money.or capital:inyested iin;«+Steam veseels of tisgmty tons ‘burden!oy up.wards,*‘Or.i eee in any air or-other: ingorporstion’ctraling’c 2pany or cents,"Ey.:every note-shaver,or:aren whe.bay ae 3 i 4 note or oF notes,bgnd or bonds,madebdividuals,shail Listthe proitsispesagdayjvédorSecuredionLlsuchpurdhaggsmade, oa |-~pby him.during the year endingpipes:rst ‘ .day ot Jnls,aemade:far rin exs' ckange for other pete or bondtaxoftenpercent.on theiasgn ae RE 4 such profitacin :adirnon tenthettax Inpos, by this act on theinterest he may'receive ry :-On ‘such“noies OF bonds z).Priva 4.)There . ehall le no,dediction made froth tHe.proiits——¥.Gn cotisequence.of,any loses stistuined,;em <e e county which they exhibieverycompany‘of itinerant,tiabess ert Le nieee “fBrovides that fSt fe-|"ble,twerreal Sum:of ‘tipseer, formers ot it for | ofa.cee dred:dol in’. eve jitwenty ausical‘instruments,’=itinerant companies,who:ear hprivate bowling oF‘Kept ‘rh thie‘tax.’Lin nugeresidlent'By ‘agent in®tjuerrhase,beet“hist of one percent 0and: purchase,'apay:euch colleuse,State +either’t “OMe:halt 0 (ane thABec :cridjng: ¢State,‘0 “place: inthe Sta cork eros trade ry“laveery stable,‘sere “ery sperson.residentin this State,engaged |ia > 4:.the business of,buyig and,selling’slay S;*.whether the purchases or sales be,mac MeseDFOutOFtheState,‘for,cashor.dn,a6 ee Gaceentitled uF Aw 10)‘one-balé of one per cent.ofthe torel a:mnt ¢very merehant,merchatallhis’purchases,during 'the ‘twelve Srocer,druggist Npomonths:ending on.tlre first day.of Suly,of.c4mmis ch-year;everyperson resident!ih theState,+erp andaverytS3aregulartraderinislgy€3,:who mags"buy a agen ‘|atslave or slaves té sdll -aggin,wiifethes “h Ot -purgbase op'sale*be ngderin or outot:‘ther —State,for egshor erédjt,0 je-halt"ofione per ~cent.on‘"the total amount,-of:hy paged fitses .duritig the twelve months éndingron ‘the:fires half ofo->qlay of July offeach year;every cartings;’“his purcha*|baggy,or other -veluicle kept:for:pleasure,State,[ricorjorthe-conteyance of:persons,ofthe:articles *tPavalue’of-fifty doliars ‘or,upwards,*one!per ate,and a. »..cent.on its value;alligold andi silver plate:agaae:and geld and silver platedAgere abd jjewelty,c“+.gvorn by mates,including watch chainepseals tees Wnot be:requif and keygwhen.collectively of greater value’thejamount)of ee than’$29,one pek cent.Op|their entite value;cmpt fro:‘efery watch inise,one per cent.op.the vals;madecloipesProvided,that allivatches jvorn byladies.’Cet.of~*«phall be exempt from‘taxation ;.every.harp,ident bhinuse$2.50;every piano in age:$1.30 3.eve-iy _Fy dirk,bowie:knife,pislol sword-cane,dirk=!‘pane,andriffe-cane ysed &svorn”about:the:E(Psreon,of any ore At any time”“during the gar,$1.25.Arms used for muster re iall:Lin ev/be,exempt trom taxation;every residén tsur-,xcon-dentist,.physician,‘laivy er,portraitoe _Tmiziaturepaintdr,daguerreanartist’oper:~"sperson takinglikenesses of the}; -every commissinn merchant,factor, “broker,and auctioneer;every~county officer,and.every peyson.\.“ployment.of incorporated |Or pri ~~©nied,societies,institytions,*or a ,and every otherperson,(exe_phe gospel,arid judges of th yptems and:|-Superior courts,):iyaeo annual total revel and income,(whether-in Dh_ace ‘the way)of cepa“sala cs,fisites ant mneéntH amount Pa ao aoe aeet a2 ranted ‘@ollars or.Up;wards,|gne percent.qd stich otal:receiyts}:.and income;every résidemt of tlie State that}!et 1“»brings into the State,or buys from a ‘non-res-|:36 -dent,whether’bt sample or other Fis Spir--")ituous Fiquors,winss.or cordials for the pur:|2oné marraofsale,ten ‘per cent.on’the amount .of;se tteurchases;¢very parson that buys'td sell!©pcan’“spirituous |liquors,WThes,:or eordials dy.from the maker’inf this State,his agent,fac-}."tor,or commission inferchaht,five ‘per ceht.|‘on his SonRES n all real.and)perso al‘estate,whither.legal-or sie tthe the |:Rent..walue of one hundred dollars,situated within ~this State,which shall descend;or.be -dévis-|*,-ed or bequeathed to any‘cdllatoral,relation,Psorperson,other:than a.lineal;ancestor.ie ty ‘descendant,or the husband Lor wit por.te | ‘tbr or descendant,ot torch such.relation’may bgcome entitled unde phe:j for the distribution of intestate’a:.Qwhich real and personal ‘estate-mily riot te f 2:“requiredin payment of gebts ‘andl othet Tia~-.°»\*}pilhties,the.foHowing:p&r cent um tax’upon|oreEBithevaluethereof:shall be paid:Class 1—If,” ~~ *lyuch collateral relagion be aFr her or sister,ff (a tax of one pet-cent.;Class 21's_~>Jateral relation be a brother'Father-or mother of the deceasof,s4ch brother or sister,-2:per gentum 5 lags 3—If si>.relation ~be a>niare’remote’:relatio"phe:devise «or legates:he 2 strang ae ohofthreepercent.;'fheforezcing to’be,liged ®‘by the persons ‘who on the}property,aeSJareinpossessionof.ition the first:day‘i4Weofeyaryyear;taxable frge.megpoce’it“be,eTisted.‘and e e tax|paidby théowner’of |:-the land.on,which,they reside Th I+ghall,“in addition to::the fore ‘grant to each party paying thetax:"¢o carry on his businessuntil.the fits_July nezt,ensuing,except in cages oe‘he ¢ )taxiis on non-resident:traders in plaves,6or4.horse or.rtSom which case t|gensé shall be required;every.company uw 7 éfens riders,.or exhibitérs:of:Col¥ections,of fightin red on,Rok t ified:A } Eivbeh they's bie eats |rewa évery separate ex ition,aeknown sade shows,accompanying :such:‘siviited,&and be.liak Po :|petermees of exhibitors,maice cannot be peddlers,ae that” ;.||geen fwithoyt ‘ye!Sepowhiae eee ery CC of stage ort players;or ‘per-.ieee perfacesiag featsof strength or:Rte oF thor|exhibiting atbal of artifieeperformers,twenty dollars for each.‘offer.to practi ee ,y°yo sas a oh } he Viethen3;eons eens 110g“imals,seventy-fire dollars’foreach count’of who eells‘spiritious ‘liquors,wirre call,“perform or,exbibit -for dia!s,in.quantities irom one quartto one. ing ¢, objecté;except.dre “dovars in each.eotiniy rie ranma 83im a speci-is iehont os oo eee hie ies.of ei *a ee—‘Sunue 2 - ee Guntertheir devoi- Pe ena Page re otareaman smile :-.<. onchiin?—-and-inthelargeCam-= ormed a variety:o evolutions,i - ‘Balvos:‘and,otherwise’!the Guards he heir military ainthe: youth and =ane eet ‘hore ile the id by |the Minna’: ems,‘who are always,Sgasa. "8 motice ‘to hotior ie.profes-. eea arshal Ney,jeven as theyywie | es.an most expert!disciples of Mars 3 Y ’sword and spear.The $‘an Cadets thei countermach- .th town,:thence to ‘the depot- ae amd|welt on ‘the:train t6.Salisbury, :zwei lose sight-.of them.‘The turned‘from the tr exeursion. aiwith the ¢L omely :shew nseat iathe yards. eSin..a forntal manner,;2¢-- i =“offered xem”iby the.’ basis iSheen .le first day‘ofMari;ren for.‘twen a ti Tieyof:deal ae site = nithe conflict,ma eae -,‘thainly’or the:Ejnperor’§uns4poptarity:They <entered)Pi othe’capital,in tri f:January,made ;risoners!the ‘and his.family,d transfer--Ito the.anection:’rofethe ‘ate rard unaide’ dress!to .the Pane at night, th:(ugilluminated ‘throughout.orulation,of Haytifiat this pe-© ithia good grove unient,-ais fo makethe.Ts]ndasy pre:he Cuba.:£ay ‘‘4 res Whose card appears in Sothed cal eee an ésts ‘us to state;that he}init 2 38 a ‘a from:town for dhent.a!AjCOU=ci daseliewill return,aud their Northern fuk to.y make putchases for the Spring trade,.rand)we:ticipate that ivery:“heavyaksWill:be:brought into”market ging *scason.oo a cece firms;Switwas a lary ¢capita aré about., starting into Sener.which ‘will oc-cupy all;the vacantaoe and”. i ty ani vet it..” f the Laws qnacted bytwhieh,we suppose,will om dy ‘of5 interest to the ral. “Tnthi:ideaswill bbeSete Ee Space avhich ‘some’:might mefereredratedfo.other atter ii.S.will.“accep of thai‘sweet scented.. oem -° rifen,which were eres rms clevet men,thé a ae si ses ad sett ithe ‘people*L this noble. ao ~ster a while,“Demoeratic Presidents |.z and Professors will,‘be appointed,as.~A Bus -Mir.Englis _teach Demoeracy,By ‘preceptpit-and ge into Congr é$8/to'tax'*ample._Of coursethosewhe may fot ee , it,for a place to edue ite Mietim igi.;bsthe:first t.thus,thee which has,been:Bui lé up =|0 :i .the cominon treashre.anid patronage C a P te splotnent,.118 is©bey ae ie ¥ o °he & » ithe twelve iis a Democrat,:‘elected ‘be-} _gause heis a:Démoerat Thisisia gad-paying 16,00 my iD _Eimnette gui tone:> aon Hither Ltkess >ormoréunns “The Legislature has perpet :ted a |. _Sgreat wrong to this noble State paste |Pe: c-~(eution,by:conyerting ityag far-as the | ‘Legislature has the power,iit apaqr ly institation..‘Ewelve Trystegs ‘were: ito be elected,to GH vacaneié >They \were cauicused upoh,and exery:ene of: Six as at pe That’1 is,he, dening fact.*hemay.bé thie‘beginning |‘Chis isthé cons of-aaa party.Eniversity,in:whichsaf-|j Democrats,to fill”gacancies,’and toy. “choose to have their sons‘tapaht such. Hestiferous doctrines,will beydr‘ixen'to: look élsewhere,im the BaresOr,‘out!fof +gall|parties andl sects,will be‘approe priated to dre party.»Lt willBe'hajle| “better than,a doyneright robbery of all others.:: As ‘to the;ae deters ‘eiedtadl Paks tees,we have not a worllt Sawagainst |Fs -them,a gentlemen,We hoon.Yan highly’esteem,sevéral of thein.?Itis iraselts their:élection“as.Latye=a that me couiplain of,is a F rom’the Rulgah Register Foehate ‘ ane ug.\‘the following:= at the depate On.the ‘uppointntentse tire Feae us,of ‘Trustees!of.‘the University,Mir. Outlaw:well remat ked th:at af appomit ments were,tobe “im:de.on:political « +grounds,the University;gristcad,wot _being supported:aad eee Joy galt:ee pattics,-would,soon lose rhelsipport wf:Te tbe“ei sean ( trayavelliing:.those who Were Yostractzak,frbheot _Participation Th Atay Weanagemehit ,yy ‘the domiiant party.‘Such:aL Fokelt ‘youlA réally he <t;lamentable euers hae yfe bid Whig parents ‘and’onardiahs °tol ‘send shir “song.and wards to tution fron’whose Wg ieethent :thew pulston ‘ot’‘free neégr oe Betesone ae)aos eeethe a ame Aa!eee penis usher,+Cork is Le :{es yoietiaia ree '«/i YE sSAse 'eee ;:4 @ eee t ‘ie PE Ctrl or ae Wee,ee ee a pe a ee M die :ee i OS ee é cines,_ ure excluded beeatse.:‘thes ‘chégish 2 poltticalfini th:olgjeetivmn:.ternative | he.sand:remgiging. State*Lf plus:practicd fot apysatin are®cine lature to pl We.shell!any -more'sla -to the cyprinaine,polit heaubpartyyom tone bat ‘Derourats to ryusteestiips’6 .the University:isscont Thucd; of tlie-‘Governtnent.:{peeoplehavea diréct interest ustice,in‘burdenin thebytiereasing:the rit Asheville’Few. Exuetly wight,eeuw seeat ne e ‘“ne xt sce?”Fotessors andl?Titers c te ct éd-ori party erounds,and.thie,wesindle: ors|witlr stage on IS BOj AG Raghung.: i ‘¢ue Oo ‘yet it riot unlikely to ensue from the»to:‘this off‘present:pr oscriptive,couse of the:Deng ©mocratic party.)‘Self:respecting]fim ‘ndinbe t of th 0:b es Slreeeee ne Tee te ee ee we y “ I N V I ut F te &E R; ay I V i L TE Ti s IA N E O R D ' S 3 if§ i i t H L . Ppeice owe DOLLARPERBOTTLE.) ESFORD,Proprietor,WSBroadway,x tat |HENDERSON &ENNIS, ty eae a —Dealets ia ey The!Miscour® diy dusti-Sides advidement a oeox: >asGinfn see-Degrdes ane Ié LORS:“conttary ed or.qlias:vetood the,bill’eranting 4 teacs:| Or Aiehigar:| peahe ld as stdcuts aune¢Pomee THIS “oh,SN Plod1 abs,Boers, a 2h wl.eb biiie.what's ty;eee Cy)feta Wii know and!sive)the atin +Noouecait teth we who thealurt.s vue will play f Vetsaie,putt,° Ren whe by } ae Phe spr Helet vy ‘:2 ae ive Wettcs abet s eke wie te or ha a5 Or:ae Sea 1 Songe weak sillied to ever vitsaetion > Hope is:Be *desite:fer gol witha! Nef that.it i attamables”tk among.,.all tclassesy,OE:yen grade ‘OL:‘Sovietyy ‘and!Soil. condition of jikes Tbist“fyuinid:éX en fa- thn ‘alike-ia the bre:ast ot thie:Yrrich:and.tHe *poor:It visits;bith the aristocpat ‘and the beeeir.>,‘by brings:78 pligs *ures tO:‘the rGurth-stonie:ote»t]{ ‘Jaborer,as welléas'to the,ertlile on lor of the nobleman 5 Goalie abhrhot, the slave,gs W cll asto theymansion, {he master.o The:yours quan ji ‘tering into life,{cUS 4 he:“pleasuyes: ‘of _hope as he lgoksinto tit ight Haees 7 and pictures:stochihsclE:the::falfil of all his plais,aud the reallzal ‘all his wishes,ts :a [ope sustains the min —‘conre andicares perplex.bceetict mane es $ ter athGod. ‘in the’pulpit 5:-‘the:sphilosopher-ayshis: study;‘the:statesuman hi tlic.fortian; the physician 18 combating”swith’dig-°they,had no’ fixe;the laborerinthe “frekd,andaian’brand theire —iu ev eny condition:in life,“when,trials Jas Royal “interview with’t The ‘Christianeujoys thee Sid sys“the Princess! —stantialy hope,the most lovely dpe;: the.most endaring Hope am the niost “cheering hope}that Goi has youchsaf-: ed to man.If the world seoms dark apd.cheerless ‘to lum;if,‘all earthly friends Rave forgaken_‘hint;yaf evory a to.Nig -Patte)-pridst ofthe€ thing worldly seems in ‘a.conspiracy,via. against his happiness chapecomes to.sj self te minister to his troubled soul,to cheer fe nt} to gladden,ahd eneburage,’and:smi-ang 4S: -ding,points.heavenward,“ant bids him: remeniber-the.everlasting-happiness. and glory,that awaits hitnthere,whem.: he hasseerthe last.ofearth,|£2Let us” ,.have-an honest purpose in jife 3let our ; ‘aims’oe Jet‘our motives pee .Jet us Resolve-te dq goods and -perto: 'darkened let tis:hope,that:°5 =dhepenchantingprelude t6.repose, The dawn ofUlises ;the twilight oftout woes, is\,eversustain and cheer us to-do ou Se:ij te 4. ‘what we_resolye;and ifelondsjeather ‘ga,> .‘round us,and:the light 6£.our way.be, “tty,and lead us bravely on,andéwe | +will:veventually overcome the,obSta--Ernst ~cles i in our path,and win,the:sletory.‘aimed. )«Eternal Hope!whent yonder pence i@ublinhe.. “Pealed their first notes to sound the,ywarch of Time, “Thy joyous youth hégui}—butpot to:fade~\ i ©When all the'sister:s Have decayed3):> “Whei rapt in fire,thirealms of ether iglow.: *|“Thon undismayed shalt o'er the ruins)amile,.’ te *“And Heaven's Jast thunder shakes the Be ie:: fre :-.eNed Wi_Tintes”have’changed.some;Péophé|th .now sleepin}skins filled with.lie ra a aMed whiskey:BT a is af .2 Audlightce:Torch at Nagure's faneral-pile{"' Ce pea pepe:ScRIBpLEn. a x ————ol, :fre ews,Kee par“te!“Of Balti tain Bonaparte, "extended:‘OvCr ‘absent how.dys in the UnitedStates, Preceded |hint °home ixt and inen:of fauail :iehete di ; sfeaecaer = Jers to sche uptain sis ag nua 0." ,pump ;ate Bs he:hdd).ined heobject: beengble newspaper“their gar PPlutarch says,Tasfife.of.lake:‘countey Sadeextensiv ‘Alexdhd le thatpeople slept on:skins’-that this.ball.oat‘tO;iy‘a “post water;to keep:them-cool.|=/age on.their ex:anges:of:thendpen fPH child en “4,who isa appaiti ¥ uperial Guar a:PAE thetinsti 1c the Eniperor Was 4) »eraploymentaspne.of the super- pos th ;sa for.‘regula ely This was.not i yok who, G:ARDEN ea.ea Ploy ar AND.GRASS’SEEDS,-°°) sWIN ES AND LIQUORS,for ate ,5 Medicinal Purposes,:) SEGARS;TOBACCO,hee hest is 5 i r ;SEP Ne c.t ao al i c c a ae s * og TOCARowdy Rie.Hayes roprietors of this-ebmeht q @ inform theirfriends aniand the eat aly;that nee atees areat.z We Threshing"Machines, oe or Cast-Iron Cylinders,of ati ed aa ‘portable or Stationery. :wa f fat :ay ati $00!‘e pay a ota cee ce qt.cee ig MS one Cylinders,dhe “|that:ee ey (lis,the Woices i fo WY 25a z ?wean pa t:EEE Be ge hs eee hoe serted throughthebar,equate e :a Aint,Man arece eae |Ear e op ae a 2 noe on the eaeobviates — ?mi Alpi 5in ries teeth,when — iste gets worh.,These:rachines wh, ts of every farmer.4 xe Pi ccanioceah :4 =ee aes meee Tons Of every a ey of:“idecon thinds and sizés;,Oe aa Nera eSinad-)Machines;'all kinds of Casting- fh a work made:to-order,atshort 'no-’ eee einai ae |c»y experienced do) ae Sonat the ciara Cea |be befaectajectom:Having hadm any face;they db not,eawtate te say,* nae Swill bespared on their part.to fral Ratisfaction.j orders for.those.celebrated contigsee in.gai emA ourjine.will-bedelivered oo PRatiel at.Graham 8,|moked ats jaa ae { a eee DIKON).°{*CALEB DIXON,au‘BERRY DAVIDSON,ie$5,PENEOW 4° ier xb00COUSTY FAIR?= .4th,and.5th soa)i ‘ant Bow ‘Machinery =oe i .eee Cruteriexitiszhiae s taken up +reported billWas‘to, Mee.to:bs blest wid Sxrvion otapegih 5 a To.Wieldthe sword and wear the glatway#Or rise toconqheror’s tame atlength,‘ici the eo oc ei att fo ave thepowen to bide'the scorn,i«And rise abovethe have.and.atrife,r ie Ofthoseto'weatth and title born,©=_<fathe grow conrage of onr Ie.|e a What arvphe sw that prop a kisiFtisentsbotsarmy‘gvan—|ae o And show the moparch fnatherkax?a Kings ahd the mightiest men ofats,Strong-as the heads of:‘realms they bi as,xSpartagthey'roayawith!fortune’s charms,ty Fier'se Uke the:leaves ponstide,‘ “Tedim oldseries they.Me,~The feast.of silence ‘and decay,|:}4 Whilethe true World:heart sbeteth:high,«|4nd thronesitself apon ee *))@five me the mati Phrekandehate ibe’|The corn-seed to the me}low soil,:7‘Whose feet the fotest deepths hdte cross'd,‘Whose brow Sob Crow:vd Witt:toil.|i A zagers Duel. .fee old frigate randywine::at Gibrter,bringing with hima a-good deh ward,pebeéoines @ great’.oyWithtHecrew,AtePort)Mahon, wine;shop,drink,and Joe aecitley , sues as follory.4 -4 bat kept ba Lats a little sil 4 ntTo-strencth qfsoul;that-dtres'to ee,eat |JoeLatfi,'a.Eicon ‘travdles “Yan&lex to-boot—gets aboardeeoeSatoe low was.completely:dambfounde dbl.of |sworg tre best...>money &nd a Vig:trunkof mmagictan:'1.S¥ou'noimplements.”He acts as assistantste"ee g0 ashore,Joe.in full toxgery,ente A "Ty gets‘intoa quareek:Withea:ferobi“ious.savSpanish:ay capita a ducl en.gore prea)‘Mynameiis5 Jpssph.Tati fos oneltizenof,theUnited States,and:a:t Generalof.the:‘Order of;Sublane Dark-- ‘the:“‘Span- i careful :ais an Bison ing otaFedlikéaeeriebut0onelse’ ifsaw it.ore erie ah “Now,Fs Spar by eeeet‘pu held this3in your month,’eeeAaahthey,rook their staibadad wain they were Si.4 “Or And:the.‘Spani due fiting dp the ‘ai again Jot stopped Wian C aaieal :handed:it to his’anttrigonis§,“Khe|feck sgt Ty mies nough, the!pelf-same Balkout of hismontlyaind 2 : ness,”said Joe verypompously,turnt>‘ing totheSpaniard.*“Your name,sit?’*AntonioBizar,Captainin her most »Sacred’Catholic:Majesty’'s Teh.ReementOfInfantry.But Sour:office sirdon’t,comprehend.fis ‘““Ohzjyou would’nt kas if i wast}“tell you.E ath simply-.serieral of:body ofmen who have sold oetothegentlemanWhobarns’:andheretics,down:there.!’‘e-pointed most “mysteriowsly "do;ao the floor as he s oke.gb.Was pone“The Spaniard sited aver)bitter,Joe tooky*sarcastic sniile,and ‘theepon:‘qe.pocket,a=took up tw orlarge ““kniv cg that.layon ly,down,hiishebar,and tossed them;‘one er were!gol_another,down his thirotohiaking tocn eh:dod“eral wry faces.as they.tobik thei pas after ‘the b“sage downwards...‘The:fellow:hi‘a evies “Eodentlyneverseenanythingofteeth:d ‘Spaniard AC,‘before,forhe.was ree US Boy ne,nom’Then‘Now,Sir,.said Joe,*ma}big “bie or By.Ly soul,itis tfie etwo:more grin fates,as thoiteh’ea Asud:ashetheknives:Somewhere iig‘the vedio;the canes Soe willwhileI29andungmy,you shail.haye:wait22s BY as up‘I can procure Gstoket oe dholcer,forgetting’Ins:astopiemarent “ane (coming baek to his’wheern bo,-I shai fight with:any own.arda gentleman 4you withty:».Joe turned to-us and bade:for hua.|Regents te gi ae foe »‘Here here!Oh heantdembn,mig iy ti 2bemyknives.?:erfed,theKeeper.Bug ave fitTlpayyouforther4yhen,’T:Bul paid:forback,’and-he then.becki red:for'img”Heres_.to-come out.”I didso,the:took:the the.use.ot he 3knives—one from his bosprn and.fue spokeotherfrombiisSlecye—and fold ie Te the counter.ikeepthemuntilhereturned,e =No!to!a|It’seems that Joe founilaBont rdady Fellow,to take him off to the shgp at:Suceiae Sow tt a.hewas not gonemoré than thrée-¢~qucie|Soo.pied Up:and owtersofanhour;when he dame back”Tauchi oe|had two syperbly.mounted:pistols :;©withhim.‘He loaded them.ith por:“derin‘-the presence of Elie Spaneeeth)handing hint fa ball,adkea :‘him.iftke ‘would mark it?so:‘thag:’he:iwouldknowitagain.The fellow es*itated|z first,but’at lengtwitha“nad gesture,eefehisteeth.8 ag ee‘Shalttnow ¢that,’‘dea:Stis buttered a gainst your:nee«‘Now select’your pistol,”said:J aNThemantookthemand.-examiiedithem,bat he was satisfied.they.wei.|both alike,and both good ahd hi told:|Joe that:he.‘had no chofee.So.ur)steward put the balls inand aiamed:|:|them carefully down.9)0 iti o.|.The whole party.now adjoury aa ito|_&wide court park pf,the:!Leafe,’there’\|twelve paces ‘rere’markéd:Off and|then the.combatants.took-their sta.’tions.I trembled for Jie,for Tsay: ~ co | not yethei he would maki‘fan OYE 0of.| “this.,it uae re‘Count,’said he:‘Spahion,|:tiently Oy:‘_One—two—Xhrees”°.The:captain.fired first‘an)most gGeliberate-nim.|Joe fired inthe‘air.‘Then thelatter.walked .deliber-BN“atelyap to hisanta;onist,ind’taking ~:ironsbebiesh ip eth,handed =him... a ‘You can use ‘that next time,82 The officer.looked first att Joe’$teeth,aycand,then at the ball.-It:Was 'gurelf secs*‘ythe |‘gne ae acad seer put innthe se. |erties cd stenhjs foemst lrarious'ceskes+Ofthe lattietakeitfromhismouth.Wasnt,:;“mistakadly astounded.ae i never:‘knewdw at ivi Came,let’s-load again,-San Pablo”oediias Bramust,use some—some—what she him ?—some.trick,eh2 J. as sey Mask.)ee~te TheSpaniard Racedquantityofpowder,aneesinthepistol;called7sthenPaoa‘same ball: ates.fiers:for sale ae'a lacsStatesville pRear ere a alk“sea oek up SEThinthe.ast;three:years,and::yardSthereiis.a well of ex =f “perso dovatengin’Sahel“healty.and thrivingembe:‘accommodated:with.a-dwelye:and Teasopane terms.+»i een SPOS a'sa FE =siebtity,on’‘mice:aadeige caeetmeandet=e a, pd s ua et e r s aROLS.Yaga,a:N.MALCOLM, {Practical Marble Cutter,ie -Salisbury,JV.‘Cx:e ;i forms:the,pobt abe lie has ;i ‘opened aes eat , ‘epared tofil all orders withhy»)Sor MONUMENTS,=*HEAD-;Sau the Maible tas |ohEDIPALtANor. de dtrangeitents which |teete’itre Imrowrep Atentas |‘stars &e.,:‘at,reasonable:t 5bebappy:to hate all,ake STONES,TOMBESee:Mable,and-warrant satis.dtl or Send!’yous orders.Pees NSash‘oh elites Me ate SSGRAY,BRYAN &Co,:Seay Ny Cr . é ir ofSor dee ta stitution’frill.WEDNESDAX,JaXC- te yi:Y car Ww ili be divided i into tao dSOLE]Weeks ench.Fugil charg":Rahot entrancesoeraut ae 3 te 4 |rea a ©84 PrizeMEDAL PIAR ther”Aeca fort Sale ofkbs:;ve flamed jonily telebrated Trahos;~*:hespultie sespedalt hy)thal he phas-erg bis ‘vtayeut.Petroris wiskiafss oePIANO,by. >a giles!N Le 5fbr.B.was.thé ony;‘and first pre=-Y his Piatuos at the NIC.State hair mura;eesete ef excl gefag for jth ce tly asta hotd out|indecementsEuaeers,and thereb jealanee amypa45,1858.|AGU