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Iredell Express, August 1859
_otir Way.”So,5 your.work be si “nothing“in Connexipn:with ‘the any ’ le ‘remain for us.to ba Bae tocongn Rages i Epnares:the p men,fad utter Bex.Jawes x and we=inspec eveni aman.pelosi (Opposition,to.bestir.Binal?in.a» :hisaeanit imj ~h thetre}‘yote fortien,eee ihe ‘ nye to aides aud egpatatsmia.ee % eee avate ibe:Fenchie thef <a the Tpeaple,‘auc enemy"fof éxtr: e Seoanitice Tn th cee thet -liv ing. reyAg|one day to the ‘+~~eee Pore *tkation,fund solic:: is ¢osting thence gt ‘“support,Seep ‘itronist.for the:Pr theseeb saad ‘et sea mes ¥Hrs.|=edloall eg Claw =ae “Tends,ane an Ss Metriet!ke js.the sixtlt lL tri ct,eke seeioe Nee dase ’ ay Mr Nezaie z ideasevent,Miétn,re sbrt'oe it "practic el toinjure Gen,Teach,as;“ifthe S *ple Would}e intinenctal ne-their choice thie ae former’.by piendac ions f 8i tion,the «céveritisof ial 7 e and,therelore,!caine,Chih ze i =the}fitest:t device is.re Meanest aN feate,” ie a veliiel 1is siaca y war.): c &ee Sslenee (Tiradea Calo delitk tae and Sipe:at fefor’filet duere? hood’|Is,thitt Ged.Leacti ‘offered.the poor des it.®tamer que a We ‘doth:its if he’would votg for’ jection rd -ORE-Tay shy ni Tim.|Tt-iscty ‘foul appliances likethis,.tht |a Mre Se‘Ales?frietids hopesto ‘seeurehis‘elect > “tion,?)W;‘as‘théreserer any thing more;rene 5 “Bansihite 2 ‘Fellow-eitizens,of the’Sixth:Dis,es _triet be on:your anard avalupt.alls manner OF Le pe i defamation aed’‘tulseboud bettixt.this ‘and: hs: will be.Cire nlated—AN or them tesa each;moe orTess,10:Le:ieforecout.of y gprrepion fund:BedRe Ah acneaneamnponeneeds ee ”iserable.secre vA friend:‘\rites: -elgction,Ey,for.a’Innndreil other slniders Certhe ee Ook 14 ‘ters trom,wnelgubted!sources,anh@nneinane “hata oh =sapea ‘fret,yahate Mr SeSlee HOR at cs trict Caeeead!mionyebeat,hag ups Yotes’5) they cunt adhd fybricate:‘aud tell ilsehioods’ati, hGen.|Leach,to suit the Guferent be aliti¢ rs 9°alUthie xv otees nedae lisstrict allow t »thig mianences "ee.hie.rly ‘Fot Teach’s banner;ank fet:penciple aad ‘i ;triumphs:The ce ara thd riche - ‘eall upon:ake wae.“be:wid,how the eames toe:hint ttiemselv ck aera.ieneaS electé hat atl;¢soma eheach ae 80.uphold thé“antexiie rebuke corruption. $409,(000 F teu fape on tothis time:Mr: +i sponse,to qur=ques jet,alphouch “S|«speeches near.us sings,but said3 1the °‘GeetaZine“hia -‘swih peesNot retains cain 4oe te cn Tate MES aeeMr,uch an,himsele, .=“oO a he,Janguage of-b<dnotake *b be]sue his’ownyBi —the ery a nly chat Bee i ed:be;administered=withvagvantageésto,.the--peopl was right;fot,whistéheyAiHthavedonesqiin'abouttwelre ._-:at,under his owa-“rigid:econsBemiocraticeteOegir{f resich a ——atthe:rate: :ravePeereae peraebeyrond+dispute..“awhich:Tomeally.flow.from.|. 0:leas:irresistible.“What ettityeasound:economists,. a ees Ses aeyedfthe‘administ (Me tisbeingresponsiblefor’the &a)Pefhepalliebaldingabtracyliaddepartedfromthe ashington recently put hintin tee these See that afPes aeut nant Maury,¥-s.Ws:| 009,as,amark of‘their appre.|fom heslabors:in debalf ar com:-j a A cats of the Sonsinistocommieneeon‘the eoa‘the._eens $j Bo in HE. ~ ei "Baggoxs DESIROLs 36pemrtewoxrs,|)7 Can do taking aaghis ofa ;Se en kine ;GoldKothonk.;whensent,shottidbestubk to ‘the inside of the sheet with |Da:rer ora water W..A.‘Jarney my Is our Seeizedagentforrisercounty,to receive:‘sub-JscriptionsfortheExpressand.si ‘receipte in the namés of the publishers.|He lhe Ashe 80 attend to:merits enefor ourgenerally.,: ca fb -A@vance Issue.i _We publish this‘number of the“Expiees” TUESDAY MORNING,anette t ©aiceainalocs: Weave and:ins Wantedto,bank =| esvil ke Five centa:Reward And No’Th awho 0 “press,Are Sahel“that‘with thisiissu end the time.”Those whdwould like’: ‘come subscribers,a i of the fact by sending intheir names—an “possible the pre-payment.No paine HW be Tf ene to make the Express,i in En hich3 as Beid uit of the Unica te ray amount “ig satel Sor the pleasi amd hie fellow members.:What:think the’fie/plain,working,sealkcingpeople of‘such farts? -dealt honestly withih Bt ‘constituents?An-| ae <40 buy,@:ara iFhistey to treat wi “thie d vy ofelection!:Was the lik e.evi :‘“af herenboute.before?: oNay ence B.Payce,Eeq:;ofPilar Mountain.acces a‘Pin ‘im!ch "writes us:that the “DemderaGerarat”who manufac: toturedthereport.that :heis going..to vote for Sale 3 a ‘lar’. peau It id ell known jhet'atthe gleet n inthis;©District ii185 ore rs 23he;sameo willabry oh ie —.in “thie—ind to.a latger:extent. _fin incentive toevery-Whig vot Ro to the polls:and:votelforLeicw andouns r i:ieract the villany ofthe Scales-mer- fsOngand:all,8 to tlie-polls ! a Raleigh:Sade states :=Leach.oitentled to busijcie “oncKa sp while‘he ywas a:nember ofthe |Le2Thisieanadmission:xchich wedid notexa“frown the Standard,and mustpartially nnipress, et the publici‘fatonotLeach,inasmauieh aétheeepevexdoesmorethanhalf)Justiceto:«BAY One.Theinference.would te’that: Are the people ‘prepared:tals“ruler Over.many thi oy7oy -sire!1 Sng mieidoiit the thiin .s ~~all pret‘are.Hocking 66hits sania dy 'y ill-stunningly:announce their ¢“i ratplone a Raleig :€getdrom theSeveiutnet:leave:litdezroani to.doubt that CtsillbedefeatedandthegallantWalkupe5ted.Thisix glorivu news!Fellow Whi‘Ofthe Seyenth<stiz:SAT2worldwhatowcando—elect:Walkup:diSow©:AN do,ii ceetinmph wouldbe glo ; fiddled to sicieed c fe ie“balanere of the:‘day:in, hoe ‘learil ‘iat large |”:-Byms «ofnioney have been sent inte theSixth:i and Fifth:districta,,from Washitigten::“.and Virginia,to:chisthieelection:fae Seales 2‘and Willisms by bribere AndSGousandés‘upon,Yhoussadsofthe;ating“geuit_oover‘the district every.weeks,came _ auraablé that.the itor.is’paid,“fog.it, _owhether thisimoney comes from abroad fe farnished by.Feesdat aWwe soos mm july;28th,by the Res.JobaMakenneaCy‘Alexander,ofMeck]:%formerly of’isteKe, ‘es,oc tectedof'anykind,will Pigerker |or epee honct A ps ae Crs with achaege >cenare St car Suen eeae ae, TMOMAN MACKENZIE =ONS,y,Se oe Rear ° }payment for‘any.Dues:to-the ef;£25 centsa pound.‘TALL Oo aot T,UWNER OF A FLOURLNG.MILL: ¥Sproul haye-‘one,of J]M ie0:4 ‘Baltimore Wheat:Fane.which ‘expels.HEAT,COCKLE;SMUT,ey rities effectnally from‘thewheat¢;byattachinga band;.The“;mer js much:spurs — ‘2 good flour..can mann-yiactufed from the best:ofwheat thns.infected..-Passing.onte through:will/be sufficient to:7 ,‘thefoulést'wh eres, isire satisfaction:éctually ex> ih S."snes ch y | Thies Fone wreSie ation:S aM leC5 at sass raiera Rocks,for:hich the following’prices.;S 2hotse load,S0:centes34horse©ohm :A ARLe‘r Board row yin shortly,we remainyourfriewthe,(: ,eee “before lasé,anindentdd 2 :ntice,namedLafayette —to the blac! SWAX ;WILL BE-REGEIVED IN.” at arescents.a ree _onng.ae eh: ne ah eg Ghrat and.cookie by romaine the:bet 2 7 ies AND:TEAMS.FO HAUL.i -ed :}lehet alate6ADx)Sob SPM 2 et ry A0 A ‘Kernsare ANandes of Engiink Stoel.Our :" eas.CLASSES,2.Sal rtiment of Goods,suited.tthe aah | re ,7M.ioods Hinks:been Tachi gh CASI anil ie sold for CASE,mt Lowe cfs:A eS Sr t rae :j ae Meee aS is LAB T TF 2 bs Oran:Mine ay ND Mielers \intention’being to-Sell Sandee O18son ae os 5)brain or.sualaee boinse 142:ironciece |Z VOEL r3i “Eng.OL(0045:hart O13 oe:i210 135 |Leal 0.08 Java’0 2000.»z “Cuba ofOne,:em to “Su oadaeGOUs..“OW, oh \Linseed}0iid.“O11@o10)‘Tan'rs 070 (al ¢Got Yarn,<.:i ee Sto10 LO s1Verp.a So“Dom.Goods,$2 3)Shot,Phe.)5“Sheet’g 0 SI@01W:*<Com'ou2 25 (a0“Oanab.O10 LF"|Back-“2273~FeatheraG43:(4.050 ‘Spirite,<1 57)5 Flaxseed L00-@1 15»re.100:(a1 25"NC Ape&4 ~Flour,s_Family 655 Econ“Super.640.4¢650°aie “GED:eaeseenee “pHa “ge 5th (a 12aoe | “Bacon O17 fad}: ::|-ae :|| SOBsees wax 020.(a 025 Ra attea re y ast th Hester ANE :‘::ag ra =a ye ages ‘ote is. qos Caines,io eh cg Oe ae j "wich:Tit Quiirater Ses}ve ad out 4 r Adanian-:ete :i [tory toms”ts in.2 artic!Hetore “tine wh,e020 Be bf Hon.“Pere t ,Mime 2)fusde of which theres act PROB,WOOD'S BAIN RESTORATIVE. Ltt as ae eee oe ee A Se og |DOES,con,citer jn the-General,Gorsrument,or).2 ts SNS cies a ees 5 ava “>Cotton- |it vou b ‘es,Phe ex,or Camdienss —aeuanesapoateeelEM!byw :the ers;oe |Eeamenoae ane aes pale Ele op s AUG Sr we tee 7 POE sit <E ynar,pie ang “&Og 5 pt ;::-_ pda.oS ; “Sides GIR:|ioe 61 LIA TEE5 steerm ak O30 ~tSBuuter Ors ‘< ..4 Vandles!,; |.Adaman ievsRineMe‘it kh 4 4 Spern -#40 : re ‘offec,;‘Rie |‘@12Reiity*“hgguiratl14!(ath lo:dave ‘OTK ee 13 i “ottons 2)4%; F Fair.tos:A Pou)O10 4a *‘|Opdinity Beeromnia,*O08 (eon «Flour,. to Aa Ex suy .*inbb a GiKi:‘(ab O0:(|Tir Bags 255)(ae 0|Superli.2250)Gath eS hEine 3 Hh,ee iat Grain,SL =Wheat 105 @ it)IOTIS rapid ly aunid.eqlipec petit:Pe aes mE aw TV A Feewill.cl cet at:ba Stork is far ihe a ence pear:Boeke Sat moe on av teat iC a Re aes ces nests eae me FL ee ea‘Splenda Stockof..-fain i SHOR, THE.pbs RE LESS Than thove a ant sii Wheerongage Lestoed ¢on ug! “entire South:,- i pelenmcet: ,oe ta sie rf *“”ae q YCopsultingSieben4Hhasheyourfreaeonnokores nainees,ae low=a ; "fh,:ah Postge 4 leg 4 P are a bs $4 Cis : :aeSr cidisds AD ay tee Dy Goode ge @ tittle;esdag,3 ee see ee ADL tN fe punta tti::pa i i ‘Tre Ie *eC ac E fae 5 Ma ah te:Meine oes ree *FC aac ‘| « HeeWEE “un —wins Ath ie stecsts epartment,aeliich! rymeed to prepare*young.men throughly ae che ‘College C&sex;for Board.cee a <For =rtign its address for'circul:e ae JIMPOC iat respectiully call ipoai a _public in enstain;them:in”. ieigrers.ae thes will find |it to:* age to dg,5 ;tienes pee.hand al indy 56 TEN"isa if iNOW:ane tmake-to:”’ ByWveshortent nitice,:fodoany .Hite;keaawl,:atbiomeaise at:a ORSad.eSHOP SFO:VdiinheHonickeepingtine, ‘al bf their:zee wad ip all si (to be:rae te ea “ ‘a eeu ts Rensoosharive!Sore Bsthemretaken,in. nt Taw-Yard a quantity.onbe:aleby tebargel or :he enfecy ae: a atiesLome:ot‘the Tittle eletineeriing i -ey Re bnetansleseveiring fron New Yack:sles eiftrastell to hislean®.17 2-3 EATS...TRIM Gece tence waa eee eee |a is Geoh pe tal ceducabing the |yout e ee ee DP ABY-MADE CLOTI at ‘extremelylow “prices for;Cash,.tricks aboittjhome,WiC hh Miksa sti sit ints fi ost of $7;9002::ey :the mares:z ay 0 achat9 Be nero ooo warranted (0.oat‘sati=want ofSeen regivethem@eal.tee “Alas,‘on Warid;.4-SalisweanicBURIAL—J.Me “SANDERS &Co.”Es “Charlotte, afe e ‘Cada MARBLE.YCdel eer eae ,:;axtytpngts’ef ™sith ‘MUppasite.the’Magston Hotel,”: :ARED WINE.(Pong):es ‘PILADELP ee Vhereheis prepangd"to @il alt Onders:he 0 3 :5 Aa 5 ;ae for Megiuantenis.JeSente, elt b )id-wieve to +0 é th ie as ‘x Ae jANDEAI £1 [WICC CRE Cane cals A an Sarthe latie,etter ceepac aT ;rie :ae oe amt x ‘op 2 E et :ik Rae be!Sf ‘ere:#;Yaoi }f d 0D | Mi >“et oe ‘i ane io ‘See ae ss .abe’iy bite ‘fi :5 z Sil loyal not ye a 1a,eo Ck red har BS Pca! ered,Bad 1SAine cae : me din:“was.iy Yabot ant by e haprps,te “bs arsoulnaeanhistinty.call.aud See E : 7 EL te a t ba t t ee e fi HrOUSE:<Loris: A ee Fet ity te>Coil }mie 33 aatiin‘tie wt t thotanc-ieeperalty,tess -and Hen io:accSari foe € ititive woftions af , ‘i priog ¢hg t:Pane Gosérmncit,ee iit reari as.‘paisae &be PxBE BE, Fe“mibiatle omni bu runsoper +The the’Depot On the agrival ofthe care.With these sHlorts,to plepsies x Tebecel lieri-:he amtlic ‘imteoritidently olicit- feTet!You ihaxe énoy SES i 3 aad abcd nhte:reas-,eee(3034:Bie OGL as i pepnnest he Simont nice,"GMOSMien al - :a a t 7 L )Y r a i se a et 3 oh 4 SB.x es : cay tes,My :ASU fh;DAE AG VS a Onwi Mh Gen e Me 4 eyi ‘%ae)1 pie us.Y...:es ne oF i >i oe ro ::“it ; is iveuh ak i:Fo Te na i 3 i ‘en otts he f t sg So eh ;he ‘ane i CA ¥ROM table tracts.SUA ere ta si SaalikHaire 1X ot the Porério®of Sort.Catlins.i TANTS.and others aboutputchar-ing theirFalt and? “hestedto.notice.that:the conipletion of | aualoeitesr Railegad:from,Charteston, +2 freihit.caneensds y cenof the North-Eastern’‘Rajlrvad oe sof Tome inslio. shamiettod medi»ny eens thesfahis§ Tey tell ek Ulbat thieseal of DeathTes:stamped.upon:cher brow,6% oe And that Constmption’s icy arms ~ .Are round |her eve now,ci T..-ghe credits n&t the idletales Her Jatigh isyast:as liehts lt ate sce!Eercheek ‘has not erowni pal -t Flersexé.was.He'er-sd bri;wht, "Tis onl#lancuor that:bhe feels 5.a vet |She:canpot calbit-pain5;fo.5 ee sp And when'the lovely,semmer:comes: “C'Stre willbe well agi vin.| She knows not?"ie:the fever fiend:Thatpaints her cheek with rose, -Nor dreams dteay:‘rae lit the:hight.. -That‘in er bright ‘eye lowes htlast.thewished:for's “~"Pouches:her brows but,Igo; 3%Aor tacig art to ance, art ‘inne igi ‘ “|Dee per’the lustrous eye-awe}her,heel tn stone tecle :Sas shie nustlig,®ei. oeTt 6 muchi denier 4”‘whilggt‘has 2‘all tte adv Int ri oie exaidining |he fuss -Seite “enka dink at:é oi Hit being ee and him abswifesensgave her as:*he entered:the ‘httle>|ing-room,and she sat down ‘rith.ita er-arms te pur aut the tes.Poyourheadacheaying * to-me canhold her.’Aud the hus- direached out his-handsfor little’. 3s Tnte,:‘codLagebe arsay,or ,:wae was:aaafou ofery‘struggled after her mother had:et,ad et te be”ate eof,an pel,re etlings,‘What.did this mean:* began at once searching Dba in wd fe for asCOUSCe =ae g wife ani chide grieving ecause he.bad left.them...isooip this right”.Phe:question-eame - “ee hit,and a jorry to jeave thein alone to.saidwithin himself;-andxceptfortheprayermeet- ih “so much:Se sng San | ssti-/to"his oeand |ebaygiving.”| ahd more.¥ivid pictures ‘of .et At lasthe stood.still.”: d the Blessing Thad hoped”his ‘evening.»The:strength,” steps.«+1.if.alone:.-Rerhaps |théistrength-and comfort.Indoaotvo-tight ithhi started atthe unex, py that”es‘werewet.—ou forgottenany thing?”>.‘he replied,asthe etood ee th uhusual tenderness:upon z6t:to.sayy ne with We expecite.broke:dowh +e little celcami¢tat:remaine,sad,andTinsoeraddi‘Bat “you are.sooty ae Iam weak andfoolish.Go 1e8,“to the’prayer at i hasbestia 7in ap yar clear:home:duty.’she Jae :F now,An agasked :halfan boar.later;-‘as.antogether,Mrs.Marston with = heedi¢in-her hand,apd her hus-© from pain;aid Efeel 0” thinksyour’unexpect- re Ain’tT a: ‘orian,James o@ty aljsent apt¢day:ae xcan't lave you:goout in'the'eve’ héaryou tead th me;and ego -‘s0,‘indeed.Give babyback! who,pleased to roams a m4 i tnost ea d intohis arms.ces dd:not.wish to‘leave him;:3 ¢ sould be w nd childrenin “grief:far -his.abe 3 t,the re ——ae =J o ze :poo’:a Re ames,.ist Ron aMe > hat init?Can Igetitfor:wh z: éting that I went to at;$8C~:4 : goulingboth *ithe hoppy...ase pe OW.how much goodit does Mgt ton ‘smiled back upon.his* ing \emile.©‘New thongbts enedin us mind.©:* re other.souls to be:cae: osas my:owns”he said,a‘be n“be.right: he.sons:of others,God wit | beSa| |ee Ashig wife Sew ,from.religio ‘the Bible: “.Strengthis ieakneas .be givens é~ do "wrayed actions, bear'tUS 16 chploy hy‘years.,ite S visions;pie:Wouldfindasou market. :TheBhieaie.4 ei “eompany:re ~~have.taken: same,~“hytae of disturbin’iy.; teeeae K Pas etbee and for me,that diving”strength will!aa Mrs.Marston.‘spoke sithgglistening sp ation the daceof F «Inthe 1heyy...}diepetre-at|tend cowwith fresh ang SoBe wil &. *and efiect throughout that'j=peas Europe thas:plated,’ostensibly.jatimatebonids—an;a eee ‘Thos aieterit Falk the Ser nidn Miteri‘a f:Bate:Austria «holditig ale to offer:HE =prs 4 ne).We give several,extractsfA)Press:in,aod upon the.declara-oulditions-of peace’between Fs“he alice and!Austria.Different:‘views are‘entertained : 0 "sorperplexing initProgress,of the .Wariseem to ie condone.tiemnselves into ¢general confusioniinthe er-on:wementof:peace.|s ven Yu-San does akthink tre’fermisoof‘treaty ivill.eatisfy the Italians Ii save:|adeS not give-titem the Kberty whliHetlioped.for,ard’consequent}will notex-,dguish therevolutionary sloeuaaswillnow-bonst!that)he-wae-right inLonis.Napoleon.achmarion of ela :Y,=new aaare from theularisappointment.-“Perkdaneall rejoice |att tie waras ended Sutwed if,foxySwillcotisideralltheail¥5 bcBielandfireasure Which ther ¢2m”iiaEct nema teatsn* ee India‘end Chines ne fe é‘Calentts mails of Jane Sdand.fae Kong of.May 2st had:‘FeathedndRaege Fntien aceed beiestria te discharge wind;free*‘passage’toGreat.Britain,thus”removing ‘every.i of:complaint.Atwas expect-at thousands ag avail them.hsnineoftheoffer.“; ee Kaas esse |of }fndon:‘Timesssays that Mr.Wand” w,Awmerican:Minister,has.left?|toy Shawzhai inthe ae ehRatan,where he xeill--bejomedbyrace,whe withAdmiral{fHope Pow: els northward ‘very shortly.e hing 15.yet known as totheiinbenitsouehe.Frenel.Mimister,whois at Ma-. 2 It ts understood:‘that the Eng:‘.ch:and American,Ministers will pro:ed,to Pekin,“anditis-hoped:aeptionwiltke.a friendly one.Whe Amertears Hare.chartered ‘a |ah-/light draughtEviglish aessoner Boia.their flac up the Petho.:<>|he.suntboat,expedition,had startrAL:Nead.3 ©“Phe Anierican steamers Sicssteppi,- 1]‘awhatan,and fo wwere at che r Ae SenGaribaldi ailhis Army. “this officer first heard ‘of,the peace 'athesStelvir..»Metter from 4TH ate S you:some.details relative to . bald and his:corpis @armee,You iyéadily Mmugine.that:the conela-ofpeste hadexcited someappre. as to the seonduet:axhich thati:E havealwaysthatthe‘Soldiers of Garibaldi 3 in ee ie ys -Leén exemplary:aniong“Phish in fact,iis ‘the case.-On:‘¢he-artival of the flews of peace,Gen.- ldi-agsembled.his’soldiers;and, Patter.aving‘calmed the ir SEER aitHobleaddress,lie requested thent to ew the:oath of fidelity.‘to:thewhichtheydid:thant 0ceThiscomluct,whichreflectspantall‘concerned iin it,will axuropethatthe-pretendeatsaryclementsia>italy:fally.:oe ee Jnporner 4Ff concord,f sat tien arsoe ciinatay lane fatured:by,a young lady to “eoinpelJdian)toSoepeher.thie.3ean an other particularoByherwokeditapthatshe’lias been:broughit up by eman of.=o aeeree |Hanged. “Fndob Cobb,&'youngar“i of cighhsas‘hung at:‘Atlanta,Gas,a-a wealty.libert Cc e Sister.«4 ied it‘The galtivationof tobacco is estes a eeinte:ik =e ‘portion ritain;Co o ae Ue tea ine New Ocleans Board of YeakhontheOth.that hee *was no Goons.PRESENTStock, Sunimer Goods.will sell at redéiced,for cash,torenable ‘tae to make 2 Pall: CASH wiscnine.=aie a B geesoie(ested to:yeestedates! ‘ ?a3atpbicroghica beade&lin:Ten biag t tice jnmieraint,scopes his hatirsBiution,”_contiliuestochonfile.oe—allogianee,or willita=}Fevseryice,or civilservicer,duty:or,‘ob“iigation to“any sovere!en,Bisis not’fit:to Lie anZA meriean.citizen,‘onghtnow “ta be entrusted with.‘a yotes ‘still less}: :with office;and ¢iannot beconic,€amr fourteen years;or twerttysone ye_a full and true”American.We: “Lepnest’the eee:Barty,theBoer; ‘only national at: ins We are aw are.eiteespsctfulapo AW ¢publishsh 4:re £3mer er tlexlu: «chyvirerdiethe levanti the Kua cst t te ixstrudy Weniderti “4 “sant a « Ay,1G.bv eit heeuniiie“nal Thy! .detroved a nawidh ; would pay’*Sor thikod ‘sii it vif setaaac iv ett DAS,i freee W dike“tr.ae Take?{ i mf Tape Ny Kaas Pr Were.DaboAlW.i 7 Wheote ie ith ie a |i Ge |)aE: “SON of.oet ::eee a En uk Sheylby a wv ae 4 3OFND test,oT he wit}propeng in : i‘at baie hes :see wilt,hes >desired:ta #-~ithesville aiid ~Persons whe:avish,. teSee ‘the:pretnises!”~hiodatings wi}be paid “lead.Sl<p Eat YardYaly2 tificShatinee 13 ditig Sard A we for aaah ats 2oYhay*c Sad:fort st ee aves ideliversitiron:Pea =FRADE, oy WeSold-for came thewoiTivtention:being o‘Sell ataccom vai t. waitiogeetMee *“A:W.td AMISON.<*5.KO SIMONTON:eo OTHOG LBRESPIE, utyGeswas.everoffered |io.;eo ait ee Uren ee iy,will’find 3oAwadlsion ee aCYGONDS,34splendid Stock:of.Ay ‘ee on:handhasoTikWween will bodeaaah ‘a lot 44HLORandbaati“4elesin:the oepree:fem Shera.aaall,‘and:=‘Es &.SOX.”|Sly: oe eH att “Tien Yard a quantiteee 4 tot Lime eb ba or:ie RE,SIMONTON.ene 2 se nigh a ME ‘tion forthe ‘man to »Satiwilks -chimdifferent i heard.; gre for: '-rush andr‘énemy,2 Sort ¢‘human yaleato;w:nf “the Tires were dled iin those cave 2 OUs eyes,4 rent of horning eds scorchiig nd} scathing:alk ee a rea as| ~tthe veryizen :icodenty aie hi and sikfoot in’the.‘any iin a s+ft at irresistible necessity.»J a last wher he*mosinted the rostrtim |” whew universal amileitaminated met eos sand they looked at due.a be Wath Aa Gxpression:which &ied I : than.averds,“Glad tosee youup,d 1:;“dt Hs care!.We iF oeaoe“os he wall make’ee FFa Rev bee! ‘villain ought, aw fe:an ‘ g,but he’sgot abefis:‘old mother: “t y ? N8 G a . BR E t we e AB s Sh et i e n AP ee N. . . Se e ee oe . al k a 2° i “S e v e Re i n =| a ~ “W a a wi t s ” ; to x > BE N S BE B -' w h NB a s -w i r e * Se e r a . RB Ba . BR E om ne BR R ew RR Ba Ha ' G oy ge r 5 vg Me ay s 3 © te t pe e d a‘ EE at i n Se re t . ‘ne t th i e . NR Re we r . so e s Be t e raRA S o ear 3.3aa As 1921,2...33°4.)es €Pp t eo R E B E “ | S a t u r - RE E BR S Re BE F ox ! Ce .$e * So e e e e Te g a n ? ti e d = ae st {atte :cert eh:‘the:. ae shedaiersee Sra lowedhim to’the:¥“ ue efinding ‘hizo just ‘aby cf Dirpetly in J but hint my 77 MeretClay! Hie easipit. ish red that’s enough:for: an lessgus ha ~Clay,hed have dhe jury,Dblubbeting Gehour.”Tdoub perked be “an Sb doings.i exuldnot.ré i :multitude tod) dy)m Kentu id theJadi¢s .i compliments apiustry,atid alludis xaah -his §preference Stic:semmufa a : and:‘rresisti.,ra Uy ife isn aeeee ya after:‘the tushs hich followsvgcloseofthe:ss!‘sub©Waé stirprised.’:3 female compa >pod liking } 4 is it?T'Suppo 2 Jo4 but Tm_a going to ne UR,-Oats): a =Ake.). -9°‘to 16 le pus RG HL12 a3 HDte233H:2 2. HARNES ida ervehingelse use, aM is Ni Rees): Rex daidy-at Oh.”“isan Pe! ati Kes’ Moridagre 2ays;at 6-P.Mo.; ieee same days 6 Pa Meft, Tuesdays,&5 Pt Wednesdars:at:7:A:Me istives Fridays,at7 P23.e.parts.Saturdays;at-7 AMo*Sermo ee SCE E DRAKE AN BSON,3 .(EpiToRs xp’‘rrobpiesony.‘g AES$2 aYear,in.aaree, ——o———"| By,RR be eo eat aesmtorepriserrereand:a: estiac Journals!of whatever is noteworthy of the country and work) ae=daily at Sh.om.!wsanmodi: INVILLE MAH.vy Liberty tea -AMondaggs_aud Widens at Ve :Tuesdays o7Thurdaseaoa a Soieae Gouxextzo done S fer 4Bes willadvocate Whig Prin-:r as thé”true conserrative doctrine palladium:of mier- iberty,ay,od OP oak jesse ce for the’American (Union.,-Corrap-iGn.the General,‘Gavernment,.or.| adminiateringit,ot ee eaeneys:ey ‘Ae adiret ore see :it}tbe pa > _Suppose:the little Spislis = Should hang ‘its goldenienp. ae say,Pm such atiny aac I'dbetter not.gtdw.ups,+ ‘Jlow wiany a:weary travelers 305 : ‘Wroald thiss its fragrant Smell Tlow manyalittle obit ‘would-ggneve BID ldse it.trom the eH]bees “Snippost th @alistening ide as 2 gage Banka Bile :the is.a German fable sel ; ‘On'a sultry;‘bot summer ‘day,amtian.was -plowing In ‘his®“own.” eld,when’suddenly,:under'the aesjak,hébeheld.)godlike figure|i *~Ehe man.starged, eeam,=Somon:’said ‘thie‘phan;ane voice...‘a ou iene,old man ?”?>>©ou’‘art Belonjon,Was:the re Upon orase &h iil RAS:sie :;or aN Sahai ts ast to 7 ale MOS pee:Beas ;;4th!Siealgt cst:apie es re aes eter td po ha ae What caeop WORK 5 841 Reha ah z Reig ccs :_a]dated at theimonth|pian of Orains.and:‘of erect practical pis sa.Se Ney ere Ve a youth thoi didet send me to Tid beiter rol a!.Se ae ere a oa iis ogee Ce ae OM nana iy sor Heed nt erit!pms beet eR AGT OTA ae |T saw its.macthod.of diving,- Tbebindé on te ‘4 amr rer ech DY EUS:01 S Lou ®4!erated by.the hone ind ali puxsuit:of the po OFUy.UNG OL atts taught meto bediligent,imdus-'«- BRS ne,i :Pint bee c tse ro ee Bo,a jt DAC idee Tfeot 1d.ay oted the best f a ad and °persevering;‘and’gather- hasty é superfluous for,a stormy day. "|What:I then learned,T stillfeentipas ¢‘nat oahast studied.the lesson butrapiedthespirit,.‘go once more’ me learn¢aAce te:og 3 ‘And thin ‘ co eRthey" (gnd:bé traly:at aeeere, iy ter:=it:reise dion in"its wart - cham ers,lives on:what it has aout - and we have no doubt enjoysats existence.“Whata Striking les|-nd.how.a to9 be’pT we: Rondon to srevent the sae :=Diss.see ey =sound . and also'to preynt thestrings ... attion”’-fron the uk effects-‘of...nchange’of.temperature...No-| i anjures:a.piano:more:‘than Qx= whether.arising =‘from: aken to prevent moié-* Jind.Seemanys,particularly when-cleaning: 5 jas At,wal uIS¢-them to.‘stick. The Taimsele Sek ee yo es Wreand-'per to prevent.cvapbratic érnér iyhard.S batsnee. ona piano,willcause a jarring: ofsey.arid if:ihe “top part:is uriprotec=: y,&oycoehtintaalgo.—OF aieot 8,*mAineatete ehus ne ek !=i efter and equally,as'full‘a tone;asi they.j erted all'the force at,‘their‘Were this fact more.gens wer strings wouldfthe-piano.ren, d-be yemnoved;.“beesultto:the ae ling or amake;,wee is the.eatise,“s> lew are aware of.the heneht:tobe, d ‘from’having their.pianos reg = Ly ‘tuned a8jn-order;every.) anojshould be-tuned:at least at2 month,‘and.none “should.be ak- ituned:over.‘thre. en’a half a note’below:b u¢ert.pitch,”‘and it‘is:rec uired ’up,it’shoald be ond:tunin about:a.ak a first,or it ‘ill not stand’well Always employ the ——; less,of course,he provegkar-*.. ipeemts hut.should his first...” give:Satisfaction,give Ee other trial,as he may not be RS As each-music store ‘tras one. al vor:ore-tnhers,it would fave:ee AE ee tohahout:ace fif;’when-"the ‘orderis:left, kinowhich was,reporped 00.16")‘imelofithe person.required be men-=: Angseands wit!the Sugkestion that the+tigned.andif the aha left.‘two. wal ea tosiswld:be well ia Seoseuiber aie, timig-of‘a ‘piano consibts only in| ere.and.Senet oe (nsite de.Sapineoftheaction.and :. ‘cmaaly.| ‘general |renova-~ ica erent s +appt st. ost virtuous hise* A'inéwly.|invented: )fics im one “wiinate,.~er inated in oktehe etbcekt S.Newcomisy,Proqetic for.” a abpesoeesyHany,i Prvor 1 ‘the Ss neti ;‘;:‘na “é r ;ice By ty ree Ws ig ¢32 (Ripe Tp me Linear yeudto th ate cee vee 3;@r,,|Hsq.shiascibecon 1 z ae Oe é “blo)npr adaar oh :ate Ne G185 ELI 4 BIBT 1 ilk oa :HenryF,f-gieat tent salbs s ;aD esa aia a !fit s ;Bilis aes #6 hebit.de i i :=Be +Wm eq 1ark?which at "per or ters ANC)eS IC,POTTS ;Sn x %oS ‘op <ul fork Ai Ae,a Ui oe we Clegee Se {CalvinBowles.Mee anion,ake EUS,MECH iets Se 3 ,]riod !ahs ij Heat Blow eh ge 7 t heal a mS “;=eerie alFeitneterprs S38 is.enna ee fel.8)w rie Tn the’y the ;ony hi ihe?3 i aes cam bed rat ete Phin Ws Weae weenon|Cohn ‘:3 is os ye PEFsidEStéHeeriSonae,PERS Pere ee ta Seat OE ane Hons pea chap has OfChe Srmk.$6 SOEs.reek rere Rees te :tes 7 ‘Pa rg ,a ae Jsimes A’Hill’ 3 <i sult fis?)pre s‘ih 395 i PSsiachassén IN sited—e is variety.and:wae ee a si ot,Bti,for ash,par Tauilss$)-*2 fe rene:19,A559!* rintipal.avente of trade,offersecteae140ombneiness¢.swhite-to-thdsein search‘of spledsitte.the cpnstantly pasting and:re- fe Terailway cars;and those,in’close prox-flurd a pldasaiit ride forthe mere no-pal'stimm of lial¥-dinje:to all-placesofinter-|‘urabout the city.‘TheP orgivesincethat_*:The Union”stat be kept~with such.charneter as will ect ‘yarblic ap-peoknticn aotwei ane pectfallstooe oes Ww:nape PRESENT Stick‘of,Sutumet Goods:/L-will self aitreducal ‘for cash.to enable nie’tooa ati 2 Fall, ase,onthe mont reasonable terms.) Purchasers.are jnvitedto avail themselves‘ofthi opportunity to =ieaal bargains.° ;-gem rge ae .Prartdaa ty kes eo?20 Beexwaxd 3 Baek =Lotte:CoitGd Load tie OL Shin:BE Leads- Lagutrad Ide)HE “Molasses Baek ike Sark |0:EN OO,4 €ubray |oon Gai Cotton,56%SF Gehan G “4 40,(aye0¢Fair to.)iP oar Nails ne Ao‘Si good:0.00,welll Oil, >Ord!to Bie Le Laks:0.00:PAV. +Got Yarn, aeFito LOL05.+s Dom,Goods;a cl Shot,’pbs.oa bsJ;Shegt'sof Sry 10"Comen?25!Osnab..WEL Cor0AL : |Eeathertits Sel Flaxseed:&00: Canalng:< Kedlatiga tine = Cottee,“>Rio,.)"Av TZ Coven, iC or ts ait eet aeeee Hai!:“OTE: 5 ee ‘Tiberian 050. ales Tatter;:“OTS bead Ris: teletiag n ; Ke shapes at x60 xeek eg“rbraniiess,enasap-ce tnt ©Faay janportene:is &a “A Voltnp abe ai ou bhsitesn:Kor thee Th ’4 waive“FN,commie tie Sandb sé5goaritinginpiratall practical Inasige ‘ We ney:the f Sone Caifings:$ -Earnpit «‘ollars,3a Leews.Pate“mt i“Bitent CawcianBeateeltes sh:atte, Rnybs Ant;|ee aoe urnaBol a aShsaeAgaakBriara2 shoe (thse FiiaiesSo kbindles,“sani Scone taeAe eine Pas’Fries 5 Siute >ker W riches!pia WeedSunSilks,Dia arnThreads,“Dib Gerpe NB Sitearek Phresh, amd (Reis,Maree”setts Hersey).SandPapers Dhetter, Tireechitis.Tireetint Ris"‘Shut Conplings,Bascy f Nail Wikppehriand)batbhe Pad Phares.Ivory:epiNas |and Kinsbes,Smiths <HHatijened,Axe Wager jul Bux3GastSaranCarrotCarrierPettadSata“Fouiss QiailiciesMackenzie:Pagel,Whee cee tps omnden Nigtoria’PAV reared Deities parat Hames, eaeHalire wivel Azxi foraon ein Pate nut site.ar pigsere;ait nea’a an Ey‘citsts a Sier‘Kinds HL Labexare ot ouOWar mae vy“o eeseee ginestasghertl 5 ie tints twewe!Cat hems ae i:thet,a moet sper PentNantwand,&eee ;Tooteraes dealt: _BiseCents Reward and‘nd No’‘Thiiks.ns USDEL.‘ROMETNE.,SEBSCRL+ q lait in indented aye‘i piice narned Maire thebkack- +supith:trade.ony‘from harborins’or iii anv cenplonae:POR) niding said’boy?4 ee conbs elvan WHT be“fiaid for the’apprebcision kinddeliveryto me’) ofeaid:bor : oie”Dp.nedes rter the o_“ec Givstipe awie‘ee.ue aee: 5 6.150:- A two:paki “ann ‘to '250-:wo.horse,with 2.combined ’ it tite ai leis 2toeday. will be deliveredin:Fevithecsibe:.anyY point:”‘te Noeth Gare-. Pechfarther jpvoenation,uaddrese- eee cate AND EXPEDITIOUS:ROETEFORihrSiePa= zagree Fall-and:Winteresoto:‘that by the eet.:=Railzoad ifrom JChar‘harlestoa,C w,theadvantages |of a- ©Seaboard has ‘beenopenedto them:. ight:consi ed:‘to|the care:of the-stern Railroad=be Comatission..7 0 Gha iH'beosSodswale Gen lee 0 the.ca 2 :Pcie + d lé.of cha .*“4 PER eda the& Dri iat if ApeJelena ie de. :nggia ="Sslishars,§b,N.C. ‘Are-con.tantly:receiving:from eer.York. Reston,&gener assort ant of fine dnd —‘tah ichableFURST!URE,they wiltyforapes!and oa aMALCOLcures,” bie informesthe Public.that BethannSopenedgio)P82:FARBLE®?pest the Seete el, *poe‘ath anya Sion+the Marble‘Line,ptyither. rangement Sconeipaiekeehe'ean filial a,ce,at reatonal ie mate 0 ff SEar re"ho fay oe ‘ eet 9 +Deer'sTbr.Gite mk ELA.Eethstité amd Freh”a ads .sa HleKin:Sienlhasy Melick Gurl,WesTimk lave,sc lout| Tao,Rigenwoepeti ay Spencers PMEREGig|. a i tidiniees,he will,give’cia amlatten: utting up:seeueerts kena TSE ANSD. noe.Sale, aie p STA"ar the Fonalacege.- centenits:have:al ‘been pat‘ear the,oatsthersba! creand:tiariviiee To Hy :witha diy ahi may ee b dar berane n,atcany-times,iJBDAYS 4tie Hs te Kit itly ripple sindded‘bya etal.oa ;:and!to‘all ide-nts the Soe edie his parame | ste smfprtableOiminthes runsAtommtableas}runs larlyite.heatsot:thearrival jof thesrogtladFSTsWich‘theseefkorts:10°rlabheiasbeoed dace =3 niblie-paironin,ere 18ie ufidently soliGit-.“WBE _-ROWZEEjf:~te i ene iiba istrict Bs ho WI ;pitt Falmer,of Ker “oO ety.ih:eee Migs pis native:‘Heme.’ will taketmans 6 fase heade-is got strethed |'s t .with silvery’bal ts,2 journey tick fo:By:Epigs hood,jand eat}Wy life Greeilare?Putt ee. “Ks‘iccrice cakook:ot:far away, Si Berkshire,hiYs,.ox¢wipter’: as humuting:with ite w ontéd:noise bsi score tningiol girls:an d boys . Some few upon theit:bouks;Tatenge ue But:nor on tertive,peischief |‘dent, mastter's downy:sy books xu :Rose hee areelder As ‘twere a-bateory _That tl net}pons “Wath Wilken Waillith,ik-yen plenthve Lthaw’ban kith Thurhandals Pawhew: —~With frows to'make’aceratic thrak, >Phe master’thundered.~Lither Wilk .“Like wretch oférirkenIn hisitrse a -Willy stplen:charteleon his bai:ky W il hung bi sendiunite: {nd to that awfalprescnice enc3 i ereat,etcen,&ftifal:ehnplt gt Phe birt ofall 6d:irred:frre With,emije supppmeske:Bond,barely apes fhe threatencrtalterei—Sah anazek ‘That you,tay biz,mest,popil shoul % .Be guilty,of amnetso tude> i ‘Before the’wholele sef-schook t :Ww hat.evil:aTre pue you.toe: “Twas she:he real sir,”i sob bed tid L didy’t titean to beso bad=-.(5 Ft when,Susu niake shook ‘her-culs, NadaHhispered Twas ‘franf-otgirls ¢ Aud darsn’t kiss.baby’s doll,2. -ireonldp't stand iota RLY? Tut up and,kissed her.1 thesapaky i know-=boo—hég—I:wu;ghe 49;not,43 sat somehow.Tront her lodlgs+-<b ota I thought she kind 0”ae ished me"vs aepet 3 ee_AGRICE LIGR mie ees‘Ban?mi afees $;or}' y_rather:Page of:mR ES af heir WARD "ASSOCIAT N,"Pidadaiph Benet olent Seiatipys‘established | smépt or Rafat aoe eee.offer muleing Hotegat of aere \Jet abe ame eta.se 4 eecarry morei te sbaie.a-|ia Ee .‘it mS cult pL eoe of ¢ ies oe.t a thatoh 8 se :as *i Pe ee Bet 521 eGompany ia tiaiag a?pros perow!BR.F ;ce Ge AS Ee zo :ee a ved in earache forever,jae his:both-ways.’#Dyacd this i mS :Eee *.mas saline)Q pensitum,TH i tea Sa ax;3 me=aatee ;ag ;be ¥ny ‘a i i ‘4 :4send ,FOCRAS iy ey eeoree ed’theeon,to give advice and.oF leah. persons‘gutteringunder,rosie,DiscaSes of Narulent:character,:cahsing from.abuseof bssical “powers,”-apal-ereaiment;Tettectsof Drugs,ce...Various Reports 2ndtreatmentof:Chronic’Diseases,by thie ConpuConpalsing Sergeon,have beeti publishedforstribation,and will ee at rge.to theafflicted »Address,Tor”Ree or TGroace“Ro Cansoon,-Xc Sa aNeU.BRANDY Post ye 't-Peach Brandy,aie 3$yearald-- Apple YS youtod. Madeira oaPare!: 7 ;“Claret°Wine,-Pute!-. ‘:Chanrpagni@Wines-oe-_SilleryGoldMedal Brand Porter.ge peanScraicatalaRet .PontAySeeRe As ~Davootst &Avoruecary,-.“Salisbury,N..Co “TEE ‘erizaresr !ah aaNet ‘MosT RELIABLE!|ee -applie !CX 1M te:ref He kee Mens,|°|)ey ;sa %car “ting itcons ground whielencels dis RUSE ihepgus Gane,eee ene fi deooutints ate -eate-otis a a |Mivenichy Eagliol;amd Gierran Of Drege,Medicines,Prints,ite,Pyeng: *::iB ‘aD ;0 aX Se i Ne re —eee ng,»When hale ie:walameot the mannre he abolished:and:th:ea 2 FE.SIMON b oe IBS SiS SS fe er Wo S Se one 6 Bei sehr es «=ees Le paiting:eal Becdves shales *‘sltor ie opi :pb as wad seb eS eT Eahed theextensts a edits Sate ae 74 E ee rs ‘OTR ¥ni aN;d 3 *:i is ate ae ae oe aa r ee hit i Pe THE THEDELFELTigh wie Onis Westen c::Balcgedae13,Yow ARRANGEMENT,—teen So ndays.excepted,at 4.30" ereandthe'U:8. Ores - gu alt |5.i village,‘we took'a.north-western diree-ae_,«tion to go to Fort Worth,some:eighty.~~miles distant:We spent two'days at.|‘Corsicanna,wherewe madea few ex-é cursionsinsearch of game.‘Ewaspar-pa‘ticularly anxions t0'see.what thepeo |lit,and:one.c ple.here call the male-éarcd”'praetice..soi-The.proper’naine is‘the amustang:3bit.“Po,see‘one no:person’woulblamedformakingsthem-of some 1 qi tothe mule. ‘“are clebceicgfor their fifleet TeSage“it ssaid that 3no.fou footed ai bon thehigh prates,anid ig 3s impdes iC ble ‘to.‘drive: .‘’fs ~the.sume? will run “andas ‘hieapparent& beside’‘them.-_This:seéems E pte .masyngsystem,t0 tat the heuse 6 :‘mil es fe aS :EMC gee Cae pes ne ch aera e Beate Cotte SAS wie Ved Ur Aron cn ae DRRe ¥ie ‘ae pice TS'th a place as.possible,‘angAtte e i .escort:seh thet b-“arn goud Country af Seis “keys softlye:Te y 38 Jot the fra:ince wastim ;tany':Mehdaymirai Ole f ue bedfmmis.‘placed:immediately Ejoinyng|our!iides acer gentizing:ete ate or ohd of ak fo a eo i ther and=fathex occupied.witha.lection ‘were made ;1d it:wag)Alek Sir,if it is not paidjn.thee:“Itiseer tainly pleasant ‘t lank ithin,“Afiten’tapates=iecusnent oes SATEEN ca Backs ae .42 equally essential ths '‘Ii.strip you of €v yf_mer dat a"ess.Seondabony oaksan F ae “vere.Tt snes oe fora.Soy thtsry,aa ‘stots:no.“more to..:ig orbortowy the-money,aoe aeOY,aas ve y aris )thinking.any See ay:ep é :Pra ‘Prine he iy —‘T am cohaaied as unk fixoeaieVietous£6.vai Ke Spots ee Was ct 'B Bee ae ':y feral Bor a ii elas ish th car ees ny '6 Mr.Major,but Tate.eruel-'‘put:Biersi Df a 5 erent)‘annie wi i ig ‘ofthe ;af nktea pad Ks pe af hin abot redding 2 hotdation ari de :; ifyrou:ee :‘le’more time?2:thinly;Mr.May;Thearda. on ‘on the-‘Golden Rule,ae e84 ; Do your:ajprnie,and fom r va Tistanée.. Union tells |the f ce:3“One of them:having bow |rged from his truss,paras e eynuteted.‘You ure.,eaapieraipee I}oeeid ates!18 i 1 neaeSree 4 £lisow nochange chet ena‘thereis our friend Mrs.G.,.:street—the.lady’who.has°. er intense that —rtarn smote.black-with-twepty-four.hours stientha aces: ab ence of,that bad oR gee Feud "PapIt se os .md aeeas get ketsEtothiefriwidesaPot; .here they:are prepared tofill’‘orders,‘upori | - ghert notice for:‘Tonabstoies,Mantels and all: work’iin»their iesip:sche ;bet ath le.aad fat bi Exoue will bas ater this wells3*dhrose ito cy ‘who haxe not.vet obtained:Ukenesses,‘should |: ~,,call forthwith ‘at.the«Tent.”He has ont. sale several.handsome mers Views of ,Statesville Feinale College.Sh Ve nepeers seas ieee 4Wits atesHeStatesvilleFemaleCollege.fee tie ‘wa ‘were presented by’‘Engle?witli ene the ofthis handsome Views ofthe above institu- “\tion,whieh fs:notonly-a fae.simile:or,the. ess re classic a =<finework of at: nstitution;“he:etic,—some-ate ea ‘and ‘equivocal withoutisibly-bad.’There are also fastongthemiddleaged,andthe eld.er havea weakness for4‘fast table,it-may‘be for:a ;‘Bhelatter,hone ; |Fast youngieinbeiseennperiapmateong2754andeventhecountry.isnot ‘exempt.S12 mi...Theybear imany-unmis-'“by which they canbe .eee — eo ie mere which:ee ai i ‘Mansion::Honee,“Kept there.‘eps ap [ta {-withal “foolish : Bryi a “Corn5.Meal 90:(a b00 “Bacon “B10 @u_.Bagging,:oe Gunny O18:a 030°‘Dundeet)1§-(@020 >Beeswax 30.02 08: “Coffee,SS=Rio M1I@Opad Lead|008:@ODSE | Laguiral I3i(@ (hi are ot Java.0.2000:2 ihe Cotton,Shaper ' Fair to +»sf : ‘good +0:00314-‘Oil:Sis Linseed 100""Ord.tormid,0.00,ey 103. <u Yarns: <:Sheet’20:Sia iz sy Osnab.:11:“avd>Feathersdt45 (G0: -Flaxseed TW)ek>Fiéur,— .tine 034 Cotte,:"Rio *16 ace E*Java |dF eae »Cotton 99 10:aOTk USE:(ah 0 ©Feathers:30 (ath »hours)2% PUL:460° Psack 2 40%te Ween:iota: eae*incon gee: .lams Oi a:Sides,QUE : F Hyg |OLF.g ‘Beebe Or:Butter| Candles,* Ada mane»*:;“is nae tine :027. Sperm (40: =,Coffee,e -Rio 6 1GDaciatetTae6Juxa01(oil).i 3 =Conon,; i:Fair.“to: “Orininto mid,|09: #Flour,1e*'¢- Ex’sup.“a .inbl FE eeo.(60-08|Inbags 275 cat3ESaens 'Fine . "Grain “ROMETE be,We fepeered conesCdealges ‘Geits|.toiniipestperstack:|A regular weekly lide. j gFe 1 he LN GN:s, rit iptock,ookarritabs‘front nes oe Shas FO)=for Canwith:chai | 3 225,caO10TaQl2.at O16 €a: y How"ad 1)(ay Whea' he.Swedish’‘ ~com hag0:6 (@.0063, “dowide.)OF (4007: Amer,0053 a6Ets,G4 tie.Oeni‘Lard’;2013 GOEe ‘ Np Wiba 55 aae Museo?O45 2 050%. ails cut OO5k@ 0 06,BB alt, (2040 C8 are dk:10rene ‘608 GottCritch043GOT War.)O10 (00. jiligowe ©s a0 or % “Wieat,)>Vike, Wipite*295,(ard Trea sUSD C0 HE:tool |BABS Co OSE eaeHoOats#0.ve otsowie oe HAG.‘COMPLET ED.HIS”ADIGA I.‘EDUCATION,47 ’ ctlty _préscnits’vom 9 atronae.of “his: Statedithe and ont pr ettathte,March &1859.~ zitte‘ssuallyeein a arness, eet ihvi call:persis Wishing tooertogiveusa¢all bee” in bug DOSE Pe Hopetoshare;patronage:froma.géneroug paliie..“1reteuatvpromptlywithneatmess.~ hy:We have deposits of Larnees -. rith J.W.Woodwand ;Lib:Comity Hine,wi‘elitist J otigeels,wit naeand:CJourk,J¥ouse,in eeetyalnouncethattheyj5 ho,tasty:fav'qr’then wiith sp a Pattequal to: Bas M.A.W RES.&:SON.‘St Se ke otaPEAINApORNAMENTAL,BOOK and JOB _LENLUNG with nestnessandl d ‘AT.7 B.;=>KDE id AS al “a latee assortment. dre of;|kinds,¢hae,and Jewelryof every:Bort, Digsohatio grays ~NOPICEis.Leeay given that?Buck - minated:their.business “Maiiu-3.Company.and will no4 pure “a ieern,arid x0member ofsaid concern:*igs any authority to contraet for OF on"ace 't tof id ComipaieeBihtce, -informs.thie Pali’iat ie ha opened ay.1%LARBLE.SARD,posite’the Mansion’Hotel,- ch.for,Monuments;;Seon: php Pons,ahall kind of?Work. the ae are of ee she gnadeé’.arrangements:b ¥#hich he j LAS:Saaaee ites,oecealle rates..-—/°:nepar cee=aOng:o)dea:ing-in,hisliné.to})£Marble,Learprices, wselves.-a <<? ‘liad an experience of!25 zeurin sptUs}Titss,he will vive Lise p:beslip.Pe ae a Hotel;peiharemade ,Ses n>earcfak-Ostler;‘2‘thé proprietor.ggives ipTeng sileOmnibus:7ae er'‘on the vara cee leewher ¥.“Byelosé application ahi a nyaiate ‘aud:ee:;:ve E Manufacturing ee |ee end.or manufactrire estton:as lag £)bs rg is prepared £6 fill:all.‘Orders:with ~|Mae: LW wiles“asfore His wordsgThough#1/the. His chair ed@ed wearcy,to. {Sieautime her Pail.oftay gore tat é She’knit-so fast ae scqady? nd he,Re er i aes get Sabon /> ‘4 le Weht leer’¢KG)fot tangled.*Have qatiefic Pdi a Ae «Yo Tum:who fier.assis ‘Good clianeé was:#sistfort2 i.To shorten:all:spelaver:i“Have-patience 7 éried!:And may I really.hav The deetl mike ‘done:‘somore - Clieked needles ip the eopnersAnd:che)13:Mrs,seksespeice ee wees Soe<Tobacco in :Dhis’is the ‘month , ‘maataly-the:chairac’ fcrop.Theutmostvkshouldbe-used,th bre “no proper,attention. vationi withLi Fo ’ 4 of |oe]Darkey Sabo j.are-at:thi ‘nie ot Eh.f°oHao .Naie tain’: Astoii]SO me peel bing * lop GooDs,2007S,BE ty hick be casita teenterally...HisNene3Stock asa end at cenatesry.Produce}Vavaot gat,Sin“takem me“exehanze:tor upesee:ef, oa«wT oevik&i,iirc ib eeewi ,ad et J.Re at ;Preparations,.ed SURGICATE:IN STRU MENTS, ¢Cnebe aia Sar ceenaiis cae meemeiits iin,aE ;