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Iredell Express, April 1859
PE BLis SHED 1 Ww EEKLY,us oe ot vTtig Bi a DRAKE:aemo <aan oi ‘Professional a ie JAMES: SAND-sorzern R IN EQUITY, oewitpromgitlysit tiophct'te all bit ot his ©re tm Hie!¥ Posing of Trededrand:rr a daniteairsy Is59.aahvy, ae OW itt “attend alrt ‘Raliss ."Country,Office on College west of the,Printing aoe N.:¢:ts nas “DREHW KE Ld Paes thiSt ic "oid sui Qual Fe “pisic Patty a etdoe Reset Ofiiee,ar “Col pe 4ay Methad st ©pete hts Bec Ww tt pre mp"ie:Tay -ditigeys ; al Lusine ss)enteasstadl to bige t |Office ©Riositeda Dr.‘AL As aAVING con PL PPE RENCE Bs ALERIC.Th d eye cs fais ,and Ane Stcth ;Shen’:respert villy +f efena ite the’pathy’ 'so tends i eta teenie {.Statesville,March rey eee al t “At digi d &Pratens niethe thes bent!ieagh Soo Ties Fie:aLF thie:Asory 1A onl Elie Mredienstiy-wa .Peeth hea be Irene Of ch Tagtttly atk sat retgy ceeded Ge“ol Copmpaigics tous Sag eeeor orl EWS,”\} te:\Teeeive Ree pt atbe Bakes Cb inor nade aie Bek“Teeth Extre ekewidSet < }af bb or =I:2-tt * "TEVENS rebag “*DEALa -oe ement,:Band x ofsonts.Manipyt:tod Gurae.F .i her S&C larks:BhospRatic:ners k i izer.’ae tors way hese ae we ahenssa op ihe ‘dpe t eeik treh:8“aw:pel.:Ss ne eerie na ee Pasxnbseritsvest on this spaciousiNeew.5s ae“TOT Lo :wedeeal near the:pal Courts:¢ Holase:in,Nivtetsvill$ives née iy a mince 7 ttaveline -Publhe ees albawho way favor 7s Syetthy patronasres with emestuinmely, any first class’Hote:in the Cigars if;Mas.MeEAE AYSREN Sisone daly ag oof a Bal» ou LsAN.“House. 4°HeShefesvidesaxGi4 "Baise ies,bside 2g Riccogh,or coming.to,» *al és SPARES WIEME,: ae, cally,teat ie ee ‘talk cen it -Pad well hnownt Hy pred,possible preparandn ita: :.business,ta’‘vellingpatel ; the public;in the? ae HE; comicrt 3prov wn inPl ‘His.Sra . “4 and attended by. 2 departments te ee“pie aes.2 aane fe vii mE ean EXPRESS,| that they are prepa eat!to’ceea ) hemes lye equal”toy: eo ts von :Hi.“Raines 9 obghy “t[-tornte ;sk Ygn, Aesay Dw ee nH .with Digrun =gents HeneStable)Reto Sat,ye +on “mounting. a im Sookt ’Be ubits ‘ Flat é b:>felt:himself. i be j aey8squéire.—a ;ba “rorofpanting mat- penetrate,lyi aes fg which'ae reve vesliedTeindependents uenteswas:e9%sa « rses space at the ates ;:=:Hows Tr ne a ee,et.a: sd reoeseataa2.300’..The:great’tel“Lor 5 “pursued,these,t.of Goi ceil deeper intospace,,”‘wesolved “the trebulaeof—‘tht stars,diseovéred:f stars—heautiful dia-)Okmond points glittering ‘through the*:5 ck dagknss beyond:“Whenhebe-djeld this'amazine abyss—avhen he sawthese’systems°seattercd *'profugel: -,Immense SS their:one ;25S mile. ean of the,German:poet Was-anoreSeki lifth and’Ywill show.£e “gloryofwagedwh shout’‘as ‘throne fe:‘sal »him¢ot‘his.affections put a-into-his nostrils;buttouchheart’—the heart that endtrembless Amo~'" Beof ieeei %, eethe Datilements:= ‘the:arithme ;soeon the™=sellelereappearedméreseater aeAe “the many pin1 Ne:grave,saa pateieee aee coe onthe oak3 ake riof that trees if ons” ress;if will be,Gomes: when fonnd.‘on’the 42- it is sure to be:gr 4¢ ‘is with,young men+ ions asats paaat—cl f bad bes orcthe:ie ofeT ? .stae road:and “Our Imotal:+ wma egal : ites:the.sshiisieatinae!ith exe ae ei Pye |=|bronghout space:~and reflected upon; S“Gott cabled:man in his dream saith .Si 3 the-#estibnleofheaven,sa as by -a ane not }saiat 6ee. unk let hak ounape i ee made iin“puimaese 15. ryfeitittres ‘on the ss 1GeS:-+e 1c tasTonna.that.A: thefirmabove n &liuncdyed -or oe ka Sake:Lake Cits—s 5 aac foe oT e ‘it a5lew than ang third|=. igthitd crop ver hie\mag (aNfornia.3 : oe etwathercd-in CCéloma,zl Des eh »é s —~ . '}~<'sition ofCuba,and hots singsva liberty %ta waecalves “andbetposterity,”“Still:vemain the;Bread te .when it may be expedient’and-neces-_saryto enlarge.ou boundarieg.and «ee, in daseiag me jn.thesie »Should ke.an e ae :Q realized: ~.,ger an éxisting.cause of-dise Om} ,this vexed questio ,andagitation must ‘sidebsGeovitunless.ner instant.Deeaece “exprbssed .wi:Adorsemént ise a)Guy TEENS. sence from h-.engagements:pare theseaacknowledg ‘ofihe city «ofingmyviewseeeTstill,more regr :£e~eisure at.present’which woulidgehable PBsaeforespondtothisten1aa:be-| |conte ES which:Was.wvontiedbe mars extricate it! it from the; “cut with you Es; af formed.by:olthers.’ayx ally ‘agreed t6 stipulations ‘ont.#his:topic,|-4 which-in thefi t half century,of the: _’Republic were f opinion,oe han,doubt the :re-ppeningthiscontrovprsy “Since‘fie compramise ee“cei witproductive:‘of,ho Fs 'eltedhopes ine thi\the North,which!*dppointed,.and! turns out to be aigarly the ‘sam,-fect with the:ian pemmed ‘hy..Practically,therefore,ther =for the flame:Th g “tion:which:may: iedis passed.whett t]rod-of Aaron,ne ;policy,fo obstrhet;as:for year«done,thé attention of Congr: “_nativnal”interests,and to pros:unworthy.of trust |all frho: séribe to the-test of politjeal: a doxyset.a by €tre bis sr side.&:In-view of feo.the public‘mind,thequickened apy .dinary measire récol “tainit,as’a:new, “for its ‘object t6-ot party fealty,ans -is-abouttoexpire:i.Its‘botnein.mind that the‘e:aeOF}. their territorjes-was xot onc of the b= . .jdcts for which the people of the Cnie}& ‘=ted States “entered into the Federal.Union.-Itsis true that.inthe:prozress|;_$fourhistorymag ee.been acquired,adding ‘greatly to thi‘i natipnal commerce and power,‘but al-|| ways of tertitoric “contiguous fo ‘our. owtf,.or the main land of.the.continents| fuel shall he ffaxind Sepolitical.ofganiza-|: but:vainly fi re-fS-) -and th.comp int thenmde aweib ri seen:‘expe 1 Pn ee chi tenite, sl ‘dise:hshave5 teen,reeonitly ade amone een ‘is.what,, eas ofae Lit country;on.lightened period‘whén the dut aby treaties;made with the’askent,of |..seeathefairsovereign’fdr 0 “Feasonhble ée-/.quivalent,.or.by. .These,howevet, 4 “Inbre ‘perfect iun ee no ::su pi sonthet* iddion hPatri doi Dossth dest twelve years old,and 7 emesafkedcizhbor's house,a quar-4 | hich resolatio:ed the followin:‘WeaWilson,R-W."Wha oung,—‘Win,Pd fehlca Doe|Belo,Capt::a [Séales!Hens.Dry Sam eo rion,Srdetbl that.the prp-ig‘this theeting be publishplesPress,Iredell E SOE?ORNDEXTE g % -: _ ge <t ei s + Po Sp i n Be s ha t s , SB P ’ St e re s . co % SfXe Mes oe 2. 4 # Bh s ee . ’ z off,to see.a-sitkperson.Si ir childrén alkasleeyi.On <5 ob me,‘they.fae hotise 2 =): nd were.not abl O° ‘establis $justice;. yp conquest.in war.-sel conde have.been *bait,inci.s : >Imerease domestiMae ge provid _‘pases for:which:t Goternment, ‘.established.’I do. Braden:fut he time ney c -even to corér island of theseal 78 or Tan dag all ‘such.events|.the.resultstimeandnece‘nd effectcl fwith}ooieees/of national char. acter.Fhe adntinimorepromptlyvefus~.England and:France Yor’oe * sa‘thatneither of Pe arties”xoul “Spain to any,other roped Pot raodtheenforéemensofthis‘deel.1a CasSate }xy just aspiration,for nation:al.ara ‘ cas,and care should’taken neh‘to Sullyour B00 name,nor §6 burden-thepresent populatio -of thé eguntr with exactions of hiin _.topurchase m "that “we.may: “mains,“And: .tainty that’Cabthatproposition '_offensire to 3t8?3 eae ile == rt the Ageia‘ouSaturday,ae+Jno.Ac Taylor.of'New ©)BoeT,Tayloe,ofBeatifort;,.»|> s;ofCaswell:and:A.*| ;ap.Battle Mi-A.Bled-“esCEarrigon,and-Jox. eae ‘the?‘baik tt found them ‘ing the initia+ ae a ‘wall: migton-fates sage ‘the.begin’to:y regard,the fail-Office :appropriation bill“ c rather:thar perative ni he Baltimmore posed.Post ; desired ons se ad libitum with:ts ex: that:=:Soe ae oe!4 ithe’tineof the North =|id oldeboes,to Charlott ew.Yor Stpar.ae5:Nesp inFeaeInterest:pey-tay- toto make #treaty.g “Rith.Eagland;:£"Al -agreed ‘to’r..the Ist Febraary-.“din expresses stron At the extreme-old: oe Prior,-the.pa i ch population ofthis-citylaylast,<:Upts ‘the: life his memory:of pet«anterior.tp andduring th : Jopetpet dealer:es. “have estimated that~tion of liquor®ii thisS ahout 8400 galldningthat’there’a in the$State;cadsents®gallons. -and:‘the annual“¢ 2,880 009 gallons 3 Cixerxy.reg. :The mekaeeNatIfot “St.Lonis,with 150emigr >Peak,came in‘conilision’witht erDavid ‘Gibson,° _witha cargo of |sug “posite.Auror, Both stéamers were|“sun ms floatedoff;Sut.AD or:reo Stains dle ‘Donie=la §A Hail.’OFF Fisher: Skerait £Tupiier.&Fett Brown,HL i&J vith,Mathexon &.‘fard,Gajther &CotRell,Hieke G4 Rickertrt.“STainixon,udston Ww hite &Ceis Xi a ; } OOeda oy on the 220 bfMatch,of |"1 tattadnation:oftie Tyngs,Mr,1O8N BARSreeaepefae AeonnEgreD w ¥pik t.¥.! Been »Beef ie) Beeswax)225 aegutterOTTCr)||Coffee Bat-GM Hi-Candles,4 :ru “Tallow.- Adana,tine:-4e20,cai. Corn, Pang “hidkened [0 (t'v1 i“ried Adiples,Wat,#+peeled:-8 jie?Dried Peaches,<}Hprechedt |wa iothce ,icine 038 Tacan bh:nasi:sho Sides?“OPE de 5>Hog 0 103Scat leesway ULF ae: :Putter mb 5 +Marbles?Ndbumitiee >os time ~TED 66 ¢Sperta:“av %& Lotlte,Ss lipid y Rioe 2:m3 Java 'Cotton,3 en Fair.to;*. “wide,of ye Exosn tm b bis GOO (825 .Ta ttes SR Gee:"00"Sy perti.270"(ei a'Fine)RRs G2:DUE.Sins a Wheat Ls10Ge1 20. s Cony 2:ete.Eee Beewwax20 GPs25 Candles,f+ iConon iyorn. <Feathers 30 «USD '>Flot ;me es g Bll.$90:(a 5 40 oe Gt salt 230 42: Besa:taras.s ‘ Lard"710 ¢ Alam,“060°. Pecoesnr 24h.9 CY. Kisk“Uhrvay Gantry Os:eae daDundee’?IS (a a Beeswax 030.“ _Cotfee,‘ARies01143@9ioe)Lagniral)13 4c0 .-Java’O17 Kad Be+.Cotton;as ; "Fajr to;7 oes 1240133 Ore , mid.“Oil @012> jo.biel 0:G =Ste 02 Bom:GooddaSheet’g 0°a Osnab.010}SeFeathersO40-(7.0.45. Flaxseed 100 @ iLFlour;©:%zFamily665(aSuper.640;(a “Fine °6155.{a6= wo Seratch5-90 (a6 004),Grain,2a aCorn.“OS »Wheat ‘1.06Rye|“Te Ger 1,«Uats “O40 05K-“Peas eae Hemkaid aie :RCTS.Sisribals SC Teadell)ur Kips,Tanpices cate°y.Pools"xi ve fea On.nepe}tere.ie 7 young men,.ifreproaehable characte ‘or twice:‘hile’un a gerbve‘theincagtious handling:o»pistolby}a youngmae turbane a FORD’TO"4THECHEM e acc painteateoe protects:aie:“gremis with : »Prices:Well counisicaseatios:‘ike;will receive B d ‘Amer dTae"aoa igreat pains tock suited:tothe wants:ofthe SodWesternMerchinti.‘whichWe'wilt sell low ding Le forSal :PATESVILLE: Sumiuret..rom ee of aySvbrching sw ete“$tis"me ee ia roe Coie ite‘tarps ‘two eeres-of-grouad,the:im- rovements have aH been put up‘with,‘the’hist threeyears,ond sa wellof ex.| WILSON.Leann - WATCH:MAKERS . Aree.| iBeabrbvapet earch “4! cke;sisi:“nia Sotie aeevery sort, obiia the:‘best manger.pend on the most- neo r,oe oehteg G54 st efpect ey.(ee rpetedthe pe thathe ei : Spee for MONUMENTS HEAD-a‘ES,FABLE,TOPS,anda kind efee-in ine ——atesCee : Sie iade’sar lg ieiaanita:sey which hexocbretheTuporrep.Iraiiax Maxecefucedprices,he-ean.fill.alt Oete tor. tients,ke:yal.Teasonable ra ee e wen!te ate!ail who’are | Ss.of dealing ory “his,line to call:andliners(Of,Marble,thee pricks,ad | r themselves.:18s“ag bad:sn experipace of ds.spasin tibet,ate ‘prepared to Porn:dex-anything iia the line’of-)ORUMERTS,| ‘Male gr5.By ANDREWS,Prrsertat. hieSecond Sessign OfaC his Tu:ditation willCommenceon“WEDNESDS Gant aeCARY5,[S52 fe :aie sal bediv ided into two. tons,of :ee Ai.Pape iste:hetrom:date'of connie”:daleRAPES.OF TUITION:4 neti reese per |Bee.i 3 8.00. ica y ;“1200 1 wartesbet:=“6.1S>00 "Tactes.and.Drillcateattended to,‘>tort Sam chatie He ae es aeieeeBS a E::BowNstens, N:C.o rB.whan doky on Bie cep:his eee c:aaa i 4;=50-1y :: ‘Shingles tos ke,aanHenWE=0SELL. we wish.to be closed:iy CASH.6ofanoberSeofficerfarcollection. Za,a Xereat HYsie. SERS eee eon} :Pistedholal and Business Cards,&é aa i mE RRJAMES,F..BELL,tif wRTORREY.xX aAND akiaaae_SOLECETOR IN:marth vig ¢Sule Naki Seiire ‘ perior.}of Fier!Wid Jax ad;ee ;ott be Nit era?Whe geeehOns:ont aca ren _es ‘of Wie ria “Oface’sh-Statistille,ANCita tee Ue by : ipukblir #1 :nice!a Esse)biget.“Sa -=—=eg See ANENEIacaryRSBYfeheSSPaTEeVILLE N“ek creasce Epay.avayeky he th yeshtic ee ly ay:“tefl t “Oticesah Die etthes 3a:i ‘ DE.TAL ALpeeANANNCodSer ,ane ME Ly i ’’q eA]jak Ii;a : vem i He:bins’Ge EAshat they WN eae repatred iaia% ei he aeasonin bls:fer ee Aca _Aspe 231h,od <<tShes 3s iinet rey he é pe! a ofthe Conipe :TheComp:i ae tlie aeof le,Negelaies?s iWiththe.beli¢£that:its in;isesthe sap-toaageend,and,ie the latter:penal it ‘willhoes‘sap,and na therefore, eatHe.new £the:Seer Sahond Racarr <of th i” e iLincollectinganépaysprgesumVEONEhundreithousand.Pr cehum-» ree dollar.The nl3ytQ provide soe ‘thé:sum!due unfil : ized,they,uy ‘3 1862,‘but whith,itis:|»Ailey be colleeted;and pad r Seks sh inst tinic.:This foe eeeut2ndesea,rodthieFos ti thd (to:read, armed.topre ife a “papery.“after:ing of Sendit:on,airy vaio on——they find it ord +:;willxead yout paperwhie n-iS4Fwoh'tread books.”%<:Sa 4 on ee ocks,:Jane ‘which fime.£0,poeltsin-thredrsyllablew..©-have,beeti taking ee is now:one of the best. the.nejghborhood-.We-‘Storics ofsmartiittlegirls’:around‘the,peianbarhoot fe : whet!tidy *s nd iin,se way acquire1ground~ numberof* or penepsaies in ‘snowy=ae “:collected by passing :*rongha filtersthey are ect Cp it intesaevial con-':turated solution ofcampae eles T 2)‘a oo posse:| zi from whee:the:aes ‘ urs,it.wake) Aoreeeneatly to ite. Midi teat an ee Harte Cas e,the ip ‘tprofSand ¥,Ohio,’tot">swindling”the Ce fers of his’office;>bed -#friendiof‘an accomplisheandlittledaughter,and fied +6 foreilands.~The unhappy fugitives saw «peace,and remorse finall consignetthepartnerof'hisflight td -an earl“grave,to whieh the’daughter short] after followed: ndent of the B |pease des ef ~the guilty pair"Jy before ¢hd d nof minerdid ¥sapeniiey|thataffoisa (mad |&: *the} Tightionoffantor.-iad.°the inigsy hoy a not,3_-strike me as‘itigular.at*the tinie,Kut,:! ts ftcrw it,ae Th Louse,°friend,pointing ‘to- ‘tage.surrotin ted‘by2._from:whose cling? ~walks,’bower statuary was; “gmile mounted.1no-higher='—the dreamy aedena 2a;: -in ‘pure.-and +bhicr wa :taining ‘me ;- Ser gs “necessarily.cae eefeeerng:more: «only think of:the«evil -hour-or so,eft watt As.your Hong tithe;”’she ‘replied Scop n,eyes while herflip trembled?6 5% ‘Did“you;come from “Aniotbon?'intidly,sr aiae Sik ~ighing of ‘thateo Pscs ata ;Id RSE ue ‘were fi edewie:t2 Tsane toned Tt see setIah be ensactante aah rand. ‘was;suddenly “to f break upon:me.|At nly sidez learly | eautifuly table pe letter.Wwe veral.costly:pefieh aks,I took themup -prota pte@reverence.fo Mary Fram cist ha m her,ita devoted:‘huisban :; ndmoree Earect with he iieaddedgravely;as a seat’befor him.. Sietcba’ not ‘talk,|gave 13‘Rost.edt!hastily “waiting lupbn’mé:|starts “and.epglopies.:,Wink'drank freely.<Boon he 8 “girl dnd:servants from the oom,an companionsensibilities”become; T will;‘go thea!Px,t é tp the cool,vine-matfed aa hi :achamber oXientah'‘in ii Boe Spas sh a Piece f Se coe:‘clinging'‘and ho owed | to thé rarages sickness,had matle-—sat-|:qne whosecreat beatty,and incegent]|eee es sagdethe J oeofasected -ware:Seta one The,lak iaere,‘kindled:‘at.the,vitals,burned. se Rerely,more:hotly,tas the!tookaduponmyfece.i:T-¢minke,of.aniget ST ebuld only:say “toyself—=3 :h,how,sorry 7.athfor ¥ she.knew;probably,»by.herbands:‘mansier,.cthatad Was |eware9 pee :ee aa slow voiee cssSeemed.{o'see an open.‘sepulchre.?3 Peeoetold.her that'it'was’not my:inten:oe bigat‘tion’to réturn.at-present:” Ob,‘then.avho:‘will'take’amd}little fors the,bitten’whong ¥‘have.done -him.”"-: rtgins tq virtue and to.God.’had ‘fled: gett honor,ca ‘everything that]~ ‘from ker countryartshad-worther-.eoule >-MowSeemed ncdestroyer‘o 'Yveveled -in ‘stch ¢onqyt ranAhé a‘whose / pane Key ¢.F EH OW *-t—not pst Su Diatortureofre40 UEsav.Sit eat see ee ‘meet.him “once moro.’‘before efttheliduse.Ork Fenty!a how heart-strn a hi #these.many aay ‘yeaexobly.knows how,deeply.ReMary;wou must control yoatifei-: ‘sobsI:hoped “yéu-might.tellhing!‘that his imare-is:Before ame‘fromthat.|morning:tillnight,:as:I knew hemust |;the!hareJooked when’‘the first'shock came.|d)Oh,<sir,tell Him3my.Story,warh;.ohf}.could warn “eve rybody.:"Tell ‘him:AVE|thesuffered:‘throng’the eng,dong,‘hours; ,Abth.God ings,’.saidamy:host;genth“Bet me:talk:while nee,”*wag theyanswer;.“Letme say that singe.the seemell sare to-nerie’famsett BO oad :-There,herechtane ia wide easy.:oe costly‘Shawl of:lace throwrhpbaicenuatadshoulders;the'rich | pon;her ‘sharponcd chéeks,barned|. nen;pild.back.tpheefather?”she:¢ried;.|°thetears falling.5amidying,,and|"she”must go'back‘to-hibe!”It:i&the}.tonty ‘reparation y.‘can .:thake-and |Tittle-‘enough,‘oh,Httle|‘qpoughsfor 0hoped,sir;“you mightseehing,”she ndded:'s moment:after,°checkifing. BR oe -G.Howell1,Ww ceeeoty D temple of Jupiter.*oAtis;even:‘$0,for. ‘day ~By home I-have'not seen aorof,happir is,his throne.oe 7 all honorablelabor;consid.them belongs the SOVhitythe,earth.‘The’Sum :.of,thes.wealth and poweri 18.measur. arms.Theyarethe,creators of;-Conimerce,'tand their ess ereative for good ppurposes,fabumbleinitsoutwardshow. idustry of the earth,which keels,‘and:freights theta with:‘the ;wealth of.mations;Industry is iathe.of the —-6;languagg..o:iepost Peete ‘ How apera the wootsand digthe gol" follow King's;eee Visit to!Athens.oo Paani fA dy3 A fairer day I never-Baw,not’even. ,.|in America,while afterhurried break-i fast dnd.with excitedi tionswe‘‘\hasténedto the ruins of Athens..On3that:poldrock before us wisoncegeat=-\ed'the grandeur of'the:“City of /Min--orve’'—the.Aictopolis—within.whose|bounds'stood the magnificent ‘Parthe-}non’‘and the Pandrdseuin,-“besidesma-‘By:cof those‘buildingswith’which Peri- ‘hojrean we pass these:beautiful col.’ vamns ?How grand!’Oniin airing of =|our“guide,he informs usim dlongging. e:sohg”merfative,(whichs makes me 80° ‘angry,)that they are’supposed to'betheremainingcolumnsofthe.temple: ase 01 mpus—fitemblems ofits,esate and was‘it here thet.aeold ‘and ivory Istatue'of thégod”;2B,ire’these hovels,was:dnce the: jalbalong «‘par.route’,thebuts.af the ‘ re 5 Squatters’are built:of stone from tha.’\ruins;aid F am told-that when a far:4 ametwants:to wall iis land;he has but. a 3 to fo.to-the ruins,where:‘he finds ithe blovks.already’hewn:After'a little—scrambling over brokén‘pedestalsand scattered capitals,wefound:ourselvesinthepresence$fthe:Parthenoa;and. if was not til now:that its:grandeur and:extent becaine-visible::All around.© us’tay Its:sculptured:stones,while’anf “sbove®towered.its splendid,colamns.— Ppa ourselr<es from this:absorbing®/scenefor:nroment,“we,‘gazed aroun -us—ae Were in the:centreofa hefertile:plain,-encircled bys range off. “bluemountains.|On’the one tide@ laythestragglingremainsofancientgran- deur ;dowhile on ‘theother inodern Ath- Lens.“Seethe fate.of eties!Like that:ofmany theyaremade of dust;they:|Bousishs to.dust they return.-A few. o shitening ‘Lines alone -“ROW:oad thesite.of the pride of Pé>icles,é °owas destroyedin theruins of.the cityUBby:the Persians.Pericles,ito,»“whom”re owe:thet encouragement,of art bezfareubknowhs)in 444 BOO.srebuitevaaitamostnoble‘manner,-as its ré© A mains now declare.Tt:Was;jh thistem--| |ple:that.Phidids’s renown yi ary Sta-)4tneofttttegoddessstood;it!wak forty: “SUX fect’high,and cost:about $57 6,000.Ct This:Fock of the;:Acropolis 1is-one per-feet mace of.ruins—ruins,oho’that.ilk ¢ope with any in-the:id,Egy pty é not:‘excepted:There“aregrowing on! this field of aii.a few aedlive « trees,‘which were one:of the¢emblems)of Minerva.After spending’manyBoursamgngtheseinterestingremaigsBiewedescendedtothe’Capapolis,whiach ‘is NOW:Ocetipicd by the:Site of tendbenB=)Athens:Therewere maahy'iwonderfalat‘buildings:jin this part of the “sirejent~in|Cy ‘but they are now almost entirely:. bliters eq.It wasin thié-part ‘of'the |“ity that the most.-magnificent-edificesofthe’Grecians ‘was siituayed,Tirgfer<the.temple of Jupiter Olympus,|€remains [haye’before referred. philogophe eautif arnee where were pou nd”;theo cha=«théé exception hat dad’; many.sculpturedstonés and 23escaesagThad:befpre agined>| ese I suppose have:een by. collectors,apd iit manidnehens,‘ thiAREY =ses th A to be defiled.or -made“walls of;The sunisalreadytint -Tetthtnos ae its varied hues,© RosesSegoe =H!e wiDestisbyLighiiageada Mytory | q-are:informed:that’on}|Monda .httast,"a white:man ‘and‘a aman,eee in the:sae 4struck‘by:lightning:a:led,dera tree,on aoe ad,-:eyond Mount Meigs:in thiscounty:ear Line Creek bri ige.‘Their bodies?were foimnd''x¢xt morningin a sittingpostureunderthetree,wherethey.iattoubtigss.scott:aage oene : ed his.namejwas Moses?a ppaasyeser ieeeity...Beyond,this.allis mys-.us.as._to who-he 1 was,ior where’,ping with thée’megrowoman. ae a WedJearh from-ourNerds Catalina f°sages:i.the g y reading’‘and:Siete in-one’ pode ‘its prpgress th ‘ine onesStorrs.Old.ii Hateonat Aner scm their own brown,hands and sin.A) is piasgaeeRages aoe By:eget 8,\:¢les.$0 beantified his-city.("It was for aé.sthidpoint we were hurrying:bat stay,- iets ; |“Bat,tu.the Parthénon-“aecain 5 Shs ooo|temple:was dedicated-to Mijnerva,bat ti “S to.He tbo,Kere those’schoolsiim}a heir sc olars:not dismal:‘prisons,but,soe pninterest-| ‘nberectng sub-4 tig.fire if om conflagration over the‘wholesee - \ “po will:confer a favor!by giving|notice off they ed“)*titne,and place,’for}.Holding.the.cohvention.. “ +. |Yatikin,and Miss: :‘county.an Se saftie,said to the shop:Ee "man :What.dd folksdyewith.?”"— ng of the above Astocis:i Statesville on the’10th|:erie ue Carolina,fine:berk.of eres ft ie ‘CHINES;ey rill Be nd ntMoo ofectarer' ae In Catawba cou‘last,by’Williatn J ‘Hanna,to Mika,:Of the late Wr.’Ti At the “Mansiah ‘Selle "Mh instant;by. “pW.Ayer,to Miss.EAs{Caitvon!both.St teaville.2c'2)-.- “On Wednesdar,1Aa:Taylor,Esg.,: -ThGuilford aes »Du N:Shetoo. :Whittington.‘: nity;on.2oS bfSuen \Yig,EsqMeJohn A.|- ran:FON dugg hter } ttle,fone =1g} Hotel,”Satiebyry.<inReéev-Aiksa Mr.& Reiger the Sm oe ‘Mr:§cP Hetieg,iP,“Elles Brant,of sie. ee 7 ‘preg:¢ “InOxford.¢on.om.the 26th:oeate*HL Wilkie,‘aged 79oseeinthe. * — f ee ae ues.woe $: Yeats,for amany:syyears20Presbyterian: ——— Commercial :ns Tsse:fat peas sale goods retina viene.itStatesville,Depot A AvHal,Sherri! H L&.JS ©Sinith;.Mathegon-?.SB Ervin,Jbo-A-HE:Ww W Chendett.CS Brows,RB :oatif“OW Meers>Dr Ts) OE Lh at theteeeetesa ee‘g oesCHARDS:bf Pegch'andApple Trees,bearingtRS!fix.Jno Morg Mfrult of the best.quality;eres pare ing,‘iio 3 4"Mra SC Loyd,ABishner.,dno Bebringer,r‘A Mérkerson A Ww.;Richardson R,I Jghuson.: a~§wares ‘Statesy cs arESvIDLE, 4 CPearson, aCe 5 e.Market.SA Te,one Syy2098 fe Ce Baca O1D-{aeFees 0 (outBeef:‘0.4 Dy ae Flour $50.5 00,'Beeswax 024(a0 25 “Blaxeted koa.¥.-’2Butter’015:(038).Nides,dry"Coffee:6 1d (@O188.Greenavandice:egetaide ‘ae TOsiTatlow¥a 2 iriaey 1.0.20 aeftAdathan-*,fMolasece)46,oe 2 &Rio o4 Ore i@0 @ .ch ‘in bbis 600 (52 “peeled 53) *Prick Pexcl;peeled * Rais aeee 50:OL +Paliow Bio:ArT?a3O95:105 Ttpiesea“Hams thO12).Sides.(O'TIR¢ Beeswax 0%cM!Butter O45 ao 1b,-Meal-aeeran\€andles,ay “Mame vt.Dire 20tine?A Gash:j Ghee!“0 6‘Sperm,|O30 Sete Trang,osaaeiCg a }agsiralVES (ab 1G Poe an y data:Obey a"; !Cort: ~Fair PUA}.5" eTee080°.good OU wba’aS Walk,Pass 049. en i Nails gePensto. rou,; 'Ex'sup.oy me ee Bags 275 (a2) "0:10 (ati 1 Sult,sckal’%ie 50: =O Aga Loaf:0 14 (e:16 ; «Spina,4°") sg ee“Od.£0 1-005 faich |100.150. iB.“Sugar,&Ne Oblver out me iy « Make SF, fey Apal 2)I 0 rn aoe ih me te ™M olasees,: a1.5 ‘Caba SirGos,t Bacon:@ *b0 0:Re.NE Or!05"(30.65)ve :‘Beeswax.020 cape 9,+-Musco.045.tao 50 on on oe{Eaiaily 685 Ge ae flion,tare:eS e.!Lard: aha OS Seat oacaa Candies,eons de *Adainian-**: ¢‘tine?024.a9);ST Cofheesys rg:loss rs iRio".0134 01 Rigs,i0024->oe dave|O17 ee ¢Totton”“O10 @*Corn:070-<@0 @ sack 230°(ae: 1 OO"a =.VATons=:-060;5 CirOryte SeeoSBacon:,’Or 9:we B “Swedish 2)_.Bagging?"_3)4 cém bar'0.d aS‘Gunny:01g Gin ‘do wide; ,Dundee048.(@COP3 eee it Eng,<0,sf"Beeswax 0305Coffee,” F iTeo Sheet’g 0,.8. Onna O11 ie SL *"Reathere 040 oe _-Super.625.“Fine .605 G@sl|Sease Gs :"Rye pe B110 }i Me Oats)Aa ++Ce Nas cat0:055¢a)0 06 * -Oils,3 3 Salk,ee BouiSSau15,142013=etee| - :Ra a Ysa S00 | Ww alsa pes:0 80... =arand i seri oFsation to enumerate:5 Beas.“080:eiaT,ides.is 2 Dre Oo:10 Gee:oo. ee 4:2 SeSomeesat- }} ) tholera,Sometimes,’*} ;ell,Be Ean pee a0 ho ‘whereon ‘fre now Ns‘on the:Sth:eeCok Se to,Delp Atinie:Minerva bs i |2,Thopinprosemonts een‘comnfortabhe Log.z calla |ag |for 20 head of:ieee:ee phd good ; ees pair‘of BURR and #pairae ds.Terms of Sale:One-thing.Cash;Alans *|Ona!'Crediit:of one.gnd two:years,with inter: [erate OF NORTH:CAROLINA, |Housejn.¥ ‘Lenteredagainst him.’*: ited.Apr 9 859."7XEW GOODS. os ‘and ‘welt selected Stock of.'~(STAPLES,FANCY‘GOODS,JeHog.OW)GOI)“wane LOO.: Black Gro.de,Rhine;:Meceline,Fibrence ‘RyewhO57.Giof oh€..040 (ae45-tt "Oats;:aee002 alers.,“Ge aut-Reapectfally.inform-the,‘Public that they ares 5+|nowreceiving dirett from:Philadelphia and’"4 New York,an extensive andwel ‘fesortedStockof3a Sy -respe ctfally invited to.a8call. aresvio forSelebaatthelateen ster,:: “eens sew“SEWINGAVING:been’:ted AGENT.We the=Saleof reneeING Ma- |Prices,’‘adding freight.Thesé..area¢know!-{;“tobe.the best Sewing Machipesin use,+|tio family should bewihost one,if mach,|.sring bos he ote ‘a inecan be} ws gsgers Goeneemensoe Price LA:eso aa $50:seBY STIMSON.“SAprih ys,18590)Ty goa VALUABLE:PLANTATION :02NTHECATAWBY RIVER: “pae ‘Subgekiber will,Sell nt hadeoe té pentineHighest1Biddex;without reserve,‘on.| Fr ‘Thursday ;:the 2a:day of.Jone, i:TR WALL PLANT: ‘resides.4 below ‘the mouth of.Tile’sCredk in ae joihing ands,of 3:t containg’/515acres,150 &ereshiehsare,in-cultivation;/and.about plackes i reck and:B Dwellings .first-rate Barn,Stables arid S tes Beh tole eeethiswpon,fhe re Le ‘AGOOD ‘GRIS¥MOLE. eon Sones |:“LTA™ he:Wéstern 8.0.‘Raibioadpasses through Ed:‘the Farnr,end the.Depotis located“yon it.”|.’ee ig aleo”uponcthe!place large OR- jan,wholesome water,.,:En’short;itrig the.‘mdst”aticfirm jthie‘section of the State-.;+“Persona dedirous of:“ibwitlg.‘the penises,:“previous to’Sale,willplease:call:, est,from,ate,with,eeon "Lapel 13,18597 2 a AVilkes County.©Bar se EQUITY—-FALL reimas 1859:tinpremiad Hewes)- Gitte Use pe fs i He Tesad Mahaf 3PEE.Defgnd.ia ‘hic seaswi ike patios.thatit was ordered:bythe Court offeat ity:|22"‘hforsatd.county,‘at the Jastterm of said or that:‘publication-be:mand for sik weeks inthe :Re ;«|kredelt Ex fo oe ekeiBike03DdebsNabaooTrédeBrees,7 the@eaid Defendant,Jease|200P Corn OFS ~<EOS0)eee S‘Chickens 0.10 Egor" :Dnied-Apples}4 ae i ‘Mahappy,aepeet the *next:term of said’Me reCourttobehefd‘for gaid county,at theCourt *°Willestore.onthe 3d Monday in’|Jane:next,“and to:‘anewe plead,or deniurin,saig case,ele’jutlgmest,pi eanifesso;:will be Witness,James oe,CM.E,at of, 196.MES CALLOWAY.C.x.we HE SUBSCIBER IS NOW-RECEIVING:from Néw:York’and Philadelphia,wlarge Consisting’of |am “and.Fancy >Silka;°*Scy13°5 Pentel Jasonets;Lawns and Organdy Mugs Td e furt eft-dins.iJaconett:Rebes gnd™-Challies.©im+Raney:and ‘Plain®“Bareges.:Swiss 5:ia :Jaconetta,‘Nangook ‘and:Mull::Maalins:‘French peor |ae Sleeves end -;eh.Wouncing.-.“White:‘Barege;Shatle (new atyle:e 4atook:Sulk-fand Save’=‘Mantes.Bonitets,.trimmed.&5."ede3ceoeek:Ladies’'€Misses?ats:French’Flowers.-Hats;Caps,té and.Shoes:‘Engravjdgh and Taints ¢:“fot Grecian Painting."'masNacieacdQhearisware,Medicines &Paints’ Cofftte..“Sugar,:“Tea,.Calandles,eFish;*:Molasses,Sait;‘SCoal Oil:Na and:Ui:amps,Old”Darsition,‘ Coffee.Eo £fhe,ee “&6.petting a aS +tyStoek,oft bie i vineiUREADY-MADE:‘CLorHise| Ae.yery,late and:wesielected:with.great care ~from the ‘best 4cin’Philadelphia.ke eros York,<4 nearyProdusetaken‘in E.change cs for:Goods,’MAW neta©pendVousWezelMiasonta.made.to.Cask LE weal | we aASS eGio eal for the!‘purpose of ‘conducting a")+")i ORY.GOODS AND:‘GROGERT é‘B U.SINES SnytSTAPESVILEE,WN,C, “S¥ASED |ANSSANGY :Spring and:Summer : ,ee a Rite Bonnets,|Fats,* NOserine:aa sees:FAMILY.Farrinae. ,||Bor Cash (of Country Preduce.|”% ‘Our friends and’the:publi¢generally,areors: ie i J en: oH ah$1;poe rae | ~Persons)‘passing through,or’coming to’Fame Syn g sawn bo OBE a:ES AND?is bon : Ros o fe "ghould be deeply:spaded: _’phowed.-Th s Tals “eat fest apart.: the ‘ “er fre -eit te) tf , ” ee Bae Sy a ahaBeeetcake '.“people ash melon, +Seems 10be BO hittlea -planted:with)ine.hundred’‘yards.of any ahsmploz,,or:any. ‘family.yards :squashe1bers’abould 'pever __the yolatile atureof thé sé:Swill mix,‘tp Eee -plants in a:hill.As the |AED branch}and bloow ©Frait juat-se ag the fri ye ry-injuriott >to go:three’inches belo a age of anotli¢r,they’arc:set }af.the‘ancient’Hindoo: -Vare-abridal:crown.ae en ation:__of yesterday.*Flowersshould:cae1.UL the:brow.4f ithe:youthial:Brigesfor |they‘are in.‘theenehi@ x lovely:type.|should;tine‘ground’the tomb;Ageia hati ef.the mélon _sgme gar we fie eneration giving :nashy flavor, The wate nel -necessity “6ofiplantine’ihe inst of,on.aleve sinks.sthwelee rs aie centre if this aout seed,plant >Six onsetand shes |they are 4 eaves,th. terminal ‘bud,which)-vwil whale vigor pithe awink groundcannot be:brforethe:vines’begin-to. positive.injury,toy thex 6 for + oe cleat fast as the.vine,; the striped ug.is troublgsqine,mix one?‘portion*of- anddust’ox The.firstjmelons tliat<é nthevinilmaturdiyfour:weeks featur the: *time of settlig.<ohisiseden ; in:about th eesuweeksi'ue be advanees,‘they-will taature midess.than :three weeks “i ‘Fine’C204,Sofanthins or ¢._anade by using,brush for the.vines:io:run on and clnto:“The.séed of the:‘first:melonthat 3Fipens,should bes ayed)for the next season's “plabting;fit} 1 where:no.other aneniber vf le:1+auelbn Tanity,could impregnate:at .Collar Plontcr:“or fi“Nok?ay “One®df our’“Cumbeitanit farming ‘ friends hairds wsthe.aboveendur sing it.a3 good rand true aftercr EREATSLYOR $ ae oiesays2 ie Je 'season of fowers.is aga p=Eonus.:How..the uiniversa pad of, ~gaan:‘blesses “flowers |bkn thte®“Tapeu-aa .round theapi the manrare:a me , Sei Orieee pepraii rows withflowers;cu of‘marriage.’-:The eet 7 oe ike+ep otane thesata igh) RSLGingatieverrunaway’fro ae we sires|gpatis,pee cabtees.every-Insirument:, Reee -Sptanes7 a ny.Usevge“counts and Motesa :*AWhich we wish.to.be:‘close Pe.otherwise,SQOM:or:they wiatehands,of an:aioe:fot ee :“ARNASHE ORO, ass AGN en “«€yfOE-Sale,£ accommodating term’;his innsim the‘plexoutand iid,jons a pwn Ok ; Aaliebors Randdiph ite wiisaidtfoxyJani.Seinost cf cenis Cherry PectoralSpakedbeenfive-nionths:‘aborton undptomeofConsumption,adarodinggave hermauch-relief,©‘Dr.sortofthis acrae* do.Gee ialvorpa,¥ s-STORYioe EL (Oeiy:fronts Bitehen,.-dations:“ou enients office..They.rt wellinghits Beers ‘nicely:painted aid pap chek Frhereins sint-los quith,a heat Eee axWet ‘of:uke;purest’water stitha,Dairy gitac fied!hic * se Aros,protects the ace ‘ LAYS of a score payam fronte te tStible;anid AM fait.oTa"Rives not despairtillTesmada"byouta‘of charm,ssid nae me. eeteet ee eeagen”‘Tiliable ‘Land. Wiich‘the,abate se be ‘Sold. He ie ne,bE ithe healtwillages:foreee B® as the eewwii :Erelinenicea nleee 4 ik Rdg Tea:ding rot.Salam Oo conte,i 2 yjles “sonth fof mh aete “Poalrouk s.4i[son]¥ixestsole,for fering i 5 “hinge jute ate Joeated:pegit'down{so tit atthe win ‘aty pot !ted g © blow them.tout and bréik ‘them Tf stable,are {tee frou an made whic surpass: elongates:eechi : andi fearon)pleas te:{eneeematio:to two of “erpsunt,:& SSinvtnervsl!te eeatt.cithexine|vfien:qhe:dew! AF ‘is on-—the byigs will quickly deqart.; jeiras Deafiess,;Partial BiteS:eee } 4 Ars \ :2DBppar s apthcis Paints,islors Varnishes)dow Glass,‘Patty,Dye.rarehangatk“ucNiece Oil;t ReabehhBurning:E‘Phish,amps «of ene aa ‘gee wid Fue nkLaePOBACCD,Se,ka s af Sa t e s i ae 3 ‘4 Sa x y x b a y , PM ‘T u v n s D a y , 4 5050 7.42°43 149%:29 7h 58 >B9x'39°| wal 2B$e!ie a8,ee a:i Pak ab on + ol goat acl “ite 19.130 Whee.26“Sa 28.-2)- (2 aly vas Be dF iv duals atoho 3 i Dopiarts daily at:th.TL MAT. AtoBave,Weer lige i JpeaeBiereT i aeereeat% weHFTaglissLageease PPONVILLE ‘NUH Theta t- tits Faf :": HLS .-As Peedridays:a G2 u :ve tals eg eee atu dese,at i AL Se Nas A;rele Baiandas ;ie f Sepie aats;3p HENref invs,at£13Bir ‘ sith cote etl EO:we vale ab oy, “R z:“SIM xrOxxi:ae atti;Hae Lot for Sale. 4 ee ir Se!ai 1s ‘the istibseriber:iets for sale:a House aad Lot,inStatesville,near’. hie’Hemale Coltere."The Jot con-.* teinstsvo |SCRES:‘of:-ground,.the-im- ‘ptovéuients hate all’‘been,putup Avitbin.the’lust three:years,and— in “the:yard thére’i is awell of ex-~ :cellent:vapater.Any:sperson |des’: rota,of,be:ating i ig this:bettliy pam thineing. eat be avcarnmod.atell veatit a are »cue ay cheap antseasctarte ferm&.|Possession:canBaasEsven atany time.ie ene 43 ail) ee eH { ‘your ;nts till,you:ard surg the:young),anan you elope:withwonct rin:“away:[tefromyou.‘This ,adviéeis worth ayear's|: CSTATESVILLEE DWS,Prixciran.* 1HE:i Sihadiiode,eee ii:fate af es Ls=above-named jusily relebi ted:Piatos,Paame‘the public reapectialty,at he gitar:}+: yg arsons'‘Wwisting |:vipence the:FAANG,ao eae hia,|,be sent,apampbiet;with.nedittérent, ade “A.PsAVIS. that 4 has, aM ‘earEXYARUpposite,ihe:‘Mansion iow.‘l ae oe wot.MONUS ENTS f arrangementé fiy-sohich ibstbeIsporten-Vractax Manner- fsee Fpecimens.oF.Marble,ee ene, tits,foc ,af Teasonabdle-tates.+ fe:sieuld’be happy‘to“Tiase all who -a76” /desi f,dealing-is *his tine to call and, .heniselves..:be ayn tad anex ence nf 25 rears ig i busineds,,be Sipe his personal ‘al: ao pmaGne up douumeragBern.) .+1858 “.eat SAB STONES,TTamers re Marble,and see)ais. - ma e ee a he can fillall orders for ~—_ eeee:+Professionalal sind eaet “té ie care"haeie eae ma=u ,abeatperir,}of Tredelh.find:Adin Hiesee?2d si =H Brice aes 18Seasedt a P=¢ j--Coantey;.‘Office on College Ayer esaeofthe.baiSire.eo 'path ic—" -‘Office on.Colfeg SKiane_Mettiodiat Church,Stresville 3 Wittpromps all business,en Tineridaxity 6 “Waoutli:vanedx oe33 Rortha Beaseneiet,a3 low Aare: rd ~—- ~ &. it p Ef z YA Mee OAV Mere:ah mncreal ed: BA Ent i =&adizer...tdci,18 -vitliont charst.os »Mare he of, that Shoe:‘are prepar—travefing ®Pubhe jamsLaiw: “Twithi patronage,.witfi elitetk~any first-class Hovelatthe:1a Ae TEEN.5:5 3LWILSO%€N-: WATCH Keer ERESSE ‘hae xa ae ‘bsartipent |fyatenesoSpst 2 a e:din:StirnayetSA yi siesig“Insurance,cee‘Damage "by:5 'off the Compa ee °‘ The Companyis‘de nee,‘eee ik Hess. No call hasever’rel Teen tiragle ia jane cI _stalmentidOnxAc pcciniaen tcl iedEB.Be DRAKEARE:‘ era.4 bieDRSUREech ©jhe e 0 a easwhile he:pro’6 '“te ely glaematg »REICSS 5:ell Tay ath.——The1Khateescherous woman man.it.:goncern during inhess-{ b the instantdeath >:. 6 the.Pee folks=in odhiding”ae sal _atoring that time,:istoseefof +beforsve the Peiple,That2oAdnnigtrationsecksiricontrol.to-the:Fed iLnentoverbymeansofan— enate3.vand ‘to:trast their wees.with the:erormotsservice = i essembledCo.on the I2itEi.;te represent-the Sixthainthenext-Con ‘of “On*ae 0“4 td son,the Hou.AE ead oper :chWhigs,'angott= a rally.ands arseeae ae vokes.—A-lE-3Jopee,§iGidéo. 5 Wot:Teprésent“in.oeBle ee deléga ‘1° *;intaly “phfin :43 rights’6 derivedtrom.thie:Gretepotehathereis,an ition to aoetheonet:eita Da thego.othe eountries.*Noth one:6.2SensLande. -|@rmnment,and ns iti},éxpenses ought to:be:partment.commiencitgew th the1hersofCongress;and:tidt we:“}:the'reckleas-extrav:be‘oni..)tdon,‘and.the etiorm us pend i at present adtpinistrathyResolved6th,That"EEE ae meetitig the r oa sil >E812!deserye netheGovernment,and that:we repr;Ure ofthe Bit Before the.lest'Conerese’“eatbe cansidérate‘And-patriotic Rep:|tivesin their behalf.For ‘wevenninet |.Giatethat economy-whith resatts‘Tect-of the needy:soldiars ne éxpepditrires ésareefgone,a1 OTE,cae are a hey See ee he-par-has 86 shaniefulty’Must! a bribe ; 0002000:for-thelating’ontthe I“Bandofaba.:apd lentitdmoremillions ro:|Pacific’Rail Roat:'to say.nothit pet Rnabaied a+"Regritviof ouriate;Re ve,ea is Cc:Puryeatof Yadkin:ee‘Bim ag.a true patriot. ‘oleae ‘laborious sabrices=|oF js country,the sraptade:»"the Convention.‘|<Alter the’ndoption | Camggi20.oe york ar nebsfearn,,there:gas.of ee‘gua chic voice.theboghoxs:that voiceoc # anprore of his |.>:poltical '“and rer tenter to himfor =T i gaey it the |pe iaer “Adm ‘and I;cannat dotibt that thiresponsivesoethepopulotam.with yotirmovehient,heartan‘sould‘As iva mr eons L wi 5 onl i cae7sy2alpseat ioPeaaeratsie chine which eetethelos =should “The¥very bets &Machifo;«ihn pas haters ie tis one‘trequiresbutx’kind‘word toset geininotion;rarelygetsoutofrfepeir,makesutlittlenoise,isseldomthe cause:oedust,and,ain motion,will.g chiefs,‘chtout.ee andmanufae- eave the house for days,and it will go. 7,On ‘working just'thesame.It it does tiofordera.‘little,‘from deingmg-verworked,it mends itaelf ‘by tee left:‘alone for:%‘short time,after enetrctarastosewingwithgreatervigohan’over..Ofcourse sewing-eine:Brest.deal.-.See are muchkertha:n:‘others.It dependsin'asarepontheparticularpat-_Select.If you pre:okingjout.the choicest pattern ‘of.fo—one,‘for instance,that sigs. on the’husband's Jinten-»machine aclaac2eenofite’king ;so 0,thete is no makeshift iin the”e"oecan ‘possibly.sie it,eithe®- le bi-short nogentle--‘is complete,with- iqi&Persons.eiceap a:et reandjhumored,are--rery_usefa)inthe yorld:they,:maintain peace!atidhappi-is,and’spread thankful temper a- zane ui ae j wid ofths State‘Medicalsepts,of,North Carolina.| ;requested to a ounce”that he | dibeoadnemeeting:of the!above Associa-‘the.tion will take place in’Statesville,an gh e10thflayofMay.As this will Be the’firet necet-g heldjin Western “North (Carolina,2-fine pocket tnder ;=live among:them.Ret ie *%4’ q a 3 eect (or ara gpa’he | ture’children’$frocks,ont of-any-old : Lygit :ahr yourback --just.as’well dsafeforeaeface.In fact,yoy ma q 'e orkiig cand iseems to,benever ° pportunity.wiltbeoffered membidrsof the e —ft.the Society,angtther ere>do.so 2 -Basiness oft portanceiththe’ecienté of medicihies affec-public welfare,‘will come before the profession to attendiiand nestheir- Soticty ina ‘corporate capabity tobétrans-.:for,which-reason,it isdesirable that.id IP possible-every Physician ©State poe onesAlexander county.; e ae nate in Iredelt coanty,by J. ar SG sTecatinaa:Bre Be:‘Commercial, —o—| tele Depotyp to Apri 32,1859. i.Sherrill-&Turner,Matheson:& gle Secs Putherycea‘of he ae LL:&JC Sniith BP Miller,FCPHix,RevFEW"Richnrdeon.JJno'AHunt,W.C Goode,DrJ MCAMurdock:Gray,Bryan &Co,marble beesae Wt Abo veacbwat’c.‘ts zoae “Ma Alevander.ee : sons ‘havitig goods Rgat the aty,“to Miss ze +Fooenies eeThe.‘whole couliprisiad=his“€ellaneous:Melangeveetoplease!'.=: wens:Wael EthiJie:7 ?ciao *dernoan,’adjfeent.to?ares OP Pavilion,Sree,pharge 7‘Mr?Everett has atPrewt,expense,’rigged | Talented ‘Company! and for the.properdisplay:ofthéir unique’an ¢pee pie pertormances,‘he has:filted pa, *-Spacious.‘Pavilion!4 te "Oki 2‘plareot hisown:75 by Test.phovitlea |a with aetdge'and'séats:anfficientfor-800epec-.*tators.Hie aimis to renderden ntertainmeiit |;a tGid.of that prossticts a}Sehibe-sUbus under Panvass:. WirSEVERED‘Phe *American Rae 3 :Will commence the:entertaihrndyns witha an- _,Ties of dixersified.Magical ILLU;SIONS;Heetratingthe:‘eeience of.Nhtural “Magic. ier “introducing”newanddistoundingexpéiin 127togetherwitliothers:already esti dBeautifuland-unyivaleds we 8S2MPefeatsareiofthe’‘Arshones,pu ae philosophical,chemicdl”dv mechanical,ex](oF perhitenta,‘Among the Nécrombitic Wane“wal be found the.-,eRIALAUSVENSTON,| OR:Philosophical <sie :;:=};tthe.ALES Seat ae ets ‘“The Blketic Chair::the:fay max bral Cee: | rs ee e at ~ i “ket,the Myatic:Chinese Ca bihet,:‘thes‘seeming eeia»Miracle of the Cariidrdn.Fantaediqne.thégreat |SPhengnena.|DPititget Feat;adsetpucre“di f i vith’the ieaSTEW.K r r +In:additont ti thes)é Beet ge Ativd tnisvellame 'io Coipany,oePaes©:-EVERETTY GEO:“p.waDDEN.ie LACE.LAMBROSE:SOE ALES:Riya get SC4 MITD“CHAS.BOSE rap,y“4eeebfCHAS):COLEMAN LE 4 petit:CAROLINE and.LOUL ise“Mises CLEMENTINE,JULIA €DELDS|“TNIMITARLE BANID,SoLgs1|?mae -By CMS.“COLEMAS.,a4«One of thé feading’features.of“Ais?eeadch is2“the:imroductién,oF py:aeibe SUERAtiEe sROTee Under”the direction:pfs: _MADEMOISELLE™‘RUBIEL:!B ©The citert:weinuent migll:be Scvomplatedy aa-Brags and'String.‘Band i cosinesWe ater “grid pleasing: Piss Se:i,Fe Eres Pi :jab ia miidnetod iit‘Such’13Ftotheangst,Fug e‘Aeris Musto,Magic,andMirth Pap,Ferce;Foiblesand Fivali where,‘Bex:erstgoes.| Bk Bie)ersons oF alte trict st rinlaztous Hehe tritend get “IS if ee cive che Hles feeltare pugnance tn:Avitnoseing'apiy,afpoeeetionoftheegoeahiebest:Of or-}- ae t"*ete a ‘half price,ipw.He SS 2B,Ce aEDENETE Arsareevin,| -asgend Son Wednesday at ~/willopen hisCabinetof Calistinciy Phepamicnat ; “embracing |t &5war=eSteveseexhihiy ji.4 ment (Wan can fhe.fant in any:wotlret,egtnb-|:i ~"Ehe ihost ehisthle @genta})5.tricperry seeaae ne=z of:ateofapdepee2eee aas mS i,BMorgan:“Abel Reed,ieBallJacob,Pri a 40.‘Tames "Parker,WYWilat“déph'Heath—A *a1."Win Bak SYS PeayTazenbya :iesoe 20 Reve Singh ideasae“oie: Frank P BedsiffyOSthvensdn; Jies neames aS Mo Son»:Gat;Benj Phitkin R we4EngleBWMay 5 MomisoniaBChambersBrandoniza mingrs oe Rigeant\é MuNeely50.Sui prey Foovr 3:anhcot hice eeoniNBO:Gaotze!oer JW 7 tad |ND cy hen ante ee::Hs Sonne 1.eo A Ls ook,35,WineSHcet&LO ‘Henry Gonntycer;RO.aneTRON-~SPARE apeop LD’:mostSeale bulk pent ‘a cenehous pnliic ‘tol susfale them 4iin»Petr ine ofBusiness.as tice wall =at $0} oS as theit :advant re te ee bs a °or hey’will Keep.o had,ep AepisoF -ENsineSaeielgSHERT-IRONSWEARISS and:vhake ‘to we onder,at theshort toe wlestzhotice.a thes:have had| Sot sliceess in “Risifigg and (rbttering:With: a ss are prepared,’Jtte'shortest,noteca,toddduy Rite oT adidrall:job ot thia:‘kind,“at:steams Giata ee:on low terms.eres 7}MSTOY"ES-The weit he inact ath lat +>ee erties’Saites Keri and or -€OOK,RARL €)re and:SHOPSRY aad’ata:ise Nester,eeeraat‘ Pabias;Brown,- oe Kesler g*104.Bavideott M aeLine Hitand!it} .tank Slooh jas |,: ;pright:d -(746b.J WA Kerr,W'S Neill,James,A67AlexClarke§FE Jones:Jew.Li {*MeNeéely.re MecLean'a: McConpield a 12°QFoltonee has bet ::1S:ElieMoBtangue =3,@ Glontas,Beir”Weise:sh :poof -%tegea Gaither.3Wah:‘Hove |“i eBark 4 zZB odin « 65:bee IW Bes stew od ; 88:TM Gray War B.2MpLean ands:Sil:2S |: “69.“Hobe.MePherson,D Crew Nt dud?43 ohn} Fins aad worSuk gaty’to7one:gpd alt,that theyHeo.James 5 ee rd;Rich Nivel ‘ah -Altre,T Hokee WFie an aipa “ St FatceWa a Sigil ay|¥ale Ques»ee ”4 alse ‘otherrarticles:ti the’Tonk ev HnE for baat,‘Or fall of their Ww aresy-iad “ni “iy acshort.time.'-+: They.wilh sel]very low ©tual dez vler a & Tht iN pil we Se @ 33;Peter,Keistler’'B ¥:Suimigu “end to:the-| & getbe.best!tenses wurrint them‘to be.nig -materials,and wWorkmanship‘in ~ rior#0hane..*Old Copper,Rayter,and Repduve takeniti; exehanze ee.Wor i)ta Aivensacall and try:£.Serpges’¢' 76.James.iiHigan SE The Board.ther aa darned:to B50) sry “Témpleton,@a3)acts oF ys (geneil rae *74.Georges?Tfouston,.Jd:Prensa tha A|.Le M Cowan a |:sf She wage eeehaeT5:MR Whiter SE Johnsan;Jéste Hobinga |;and;iran f ée ‘dn the} el: oooNCES to.eneae“ eipt ‘of the ee 9 Rap ee oft Paris andi New York:Bashaosi:age [-‘.Late Ahi a "a3)hee areieeauitiful.> Pe SeAX NOW40;=t Peart SE Serene a “a competeent Deressmaker.and?perfget:Tadyy Fears,‘and.is:perfectly|compefetit to'dévany- pa thing’ina Dressmaker’s line:¢Sheeuts:by.i of).Tayloe’s justly:celebrated eystem,,:sufficient guaranty fox herhitting: my 1 Salisbury,NoG.,00 Ae KE ahs March =2d,di,ipsa Tope at ou are:requested to’attend aac Company |Parade, oeATARE SNI1E; ldpaiaealc.:ae see ON:Capt, ‘of ss 3©Y DO Bhs,}7 )Choice New CrapaeieTiexcesjOARDESAS.ROLASs_©8S Bartels Choice N.@;SYRUP."‘80 Whds.,Fair.'to Choice:ew -Onleants eaeSe;a prenéral assonimen|N ITURE,‘which they will }<7 <7) ‘selat’extreniely low Bee for:gf‘Levery articke warranted:to,gite,satisfaction: ‘|fhosé in want of voodFrices,welll edae give themacall. 64,6 ARB.E:“200,Bails Ctanirep.S GansoFreRio,"‘Laguira,West:oe4 i 150:tRiadeaks Mess.and:Prime:POR}a ag Hihils.Western BACUD gett a ete +Yalow Ply eS200BarrelsYellowPitagOTAT ,March 95,1859.e2mip -Sob) de Ney.ener pniber,zi 5 4 andinvites theny-toaca)l aud-¢inane#theta,mG * ‘ait @he ihr hom theyniay:placeONES.éonfidence:Sere? ‘She.hile beeit‘in my employ"forthe.Jae.tye |:gate _ATTENTION,IREDELLBLUES! Mage Stik a ie 20 CHARLOTTE, EX!J,).SANDERS’rieew are constantlyreceiving.fora rew:xork, ‘fashionable F' Se o *dalso,on ‘and, sof fine and: Gash,and ey mt very: db SYRUPS,TINCTURES,”FLUID =x.{TRACTS,‘and OINTMENTS,allbeitig made _.:strictly,in scpordanice withthe'U.S.PHAR, RA A oe emits resent mS WILL BE OPENEDDhWesternN.cae Be .When Thiave gota aasoon-“To the pale-realmsFor‘my poor frame’dThen;grant me thistregh 6 do not place mein the tayForever:there tosléep Sa r u r p a y , JE 4 $my mother,worn.‘ith dartstandupon‘th ‘beadh,“sind Father,Ot console,ler:And’regignation-teach>“ Rehan eciter's tls wil os~clk brother's heart,a“ae »Oh tell oesbg. will |ip dieave .Bat,‘oh forbid that-they ‘s 3—"Besyde eyed Laray:~Bat.let then¥gather on tl And.cast the to , *“There\ie.it horror ‘azead:and:er:That hanes Around the ferns:: “Te does not lesenas E bar rE ¢avis es AE FOR tes &“WTS Blegint Bick Stk Bs og ~My dreadful certain door Se EOS EL AZ AS CHEAP As.THEG :We arc ako cr ee ie ha BN ics Bh Pasfonieeent =x taeear Oezerestoodbesideafather’s’gi *~Fhave vem fi ;sf Ch OER ane é eu Be Te ete al 208)tt ctorgd septa peeTheylaid.him in:th kidtore-ET OCe)re 4 ae ete,see ;ie Ueexn inge quantities of::shoes ;ht e7 :iid Vest Cains,nis audecured:her andolff:Likeiioanings fror some gliatebt as a Gu "Sears =fee undies.i 3 1 het Anane iC ‘ai with,t‘geen deshudder thos mig soul?furch!18,FS9.:ma OA CAPAC TROT Lace lal Shay bar ee :Fin ety lieasont%¢:fl a4].:by ‘i=Tcail SeStreet y ve foe tous 2:4 ;é ee ca lpp edt Medmann-aiz Toasts pense‘time,watloot ci cs‘¥e tried’suchfeclitigs |to £6 ish ‘But;have notdone pit yet ta f ma s a Se : “e y e : f have,sied®yc ur.ith ‘famityegnl amon bos) vregatlitte:the-or;ies hey:are:thé ver, ae1D,‘dioneaepra eot :son ;;ae ;of aah a \i ;;your Ga rere:‘Oft T 20 plete niayy Weep ;3 jaf cae :;i :Boke gy ‘«Tea)aid ae -ust cellent.purgative! yy c wich ¢then*veath‘the’Le as ‘:or ie ¢:2 Gah 9 ite y th sot at ee Mie ACTA have:cured my,Wetla ‘:Cc?ie F ‘i j me ot en ‘43 :PO}Mey.bandainna:feot tttind proved::f tog’Klpess AS Lares ga!byt [Reet :& ‘ler mother bad been lingerievons-:'¥,pe ti We ened ©‘Lae Bie aR Baik de sie 8°o a es ainblotcbesandpiniplesonHeyakannndSatiewonytsatcuelirncotDisposwdaarNe.aig’<Stet our ERSWOR)Seuréd,haearotried ¥a]‘wT 9 :vers ;ie :x +19 rsyeyEnnyNeASASORp:ms pe ‘i BO 20.2. oe bse,SAVANNA,GAS Fi DSH a wt pe for pre a s broubht mesh Lidid not report,be my Himbs and iag!pint we gannio Jedture.We hope that. \prove coy:‘and hard’to:“wil«thiration issos ny i “ahs T'yet.ghee::Sweet *Belle?”to’lore!thee cee?4_KipT permitted vet toysfrivens A k “rine Saver heat aes ay Le i :;::;Bahl Ope Pik!aie kaon ee *Town d see:for ey inet 27?s i fa AY ANG:BONS Ay LAL CAN A Dy Mita Seika Mead he [eee ore;—ey are nz ‘i ’4 g :Zi rhnvbet)vi sofas QR ib ie 4 i ies é *FN.G op :,:).x :c ZS te)Si ie re iE —iS Ea amin}-::Ay <hO \;om Sa 5 or!gm ge.10:*Al f Seat Um:StsWa re $0.pa :‘x mat t Shc ad Sa ‘4 ;ay Teenie Ms =f ei %:ang iP:‘:iele=7 4 nag ia a apy!1G Tae:=Sweet “Belle”|:OF WOODLAND,™:ea Ree eee,desire 20 |ep ae os satig ke Megememonc!Pub conmestyn Deppate op!)GR Tb 5 6 -s:ee eyés are eek for‘true,Her —are eered,4 we p ke informa ton,aiceIn‘this fie ace :pavesJitmanyplagesshoves::oteAtitagaim;be-notso}And’you,ew:Radcoe tlove.oe :fd SUCARN See ,:;Ae,:ity of Tans tod ‘I ‘ae oe :ae \:5 MAL via bibesty vill,gh de tle of Stan Chen ‘icals,es ee a PRES 0 RES CRS ectee unc wu berg octokeinal rgd Meee tomer at BRE a thant in former 3 Me Geeseed eee aie I i ohes 2 Rie :Scie Herb porate igual thas,alto Shope nee ee.meee ci hon eg oA VER SBORGUGTMATL:cars.It is truce,the numberof ¥Points!Varnis ushes-ehdasi sods bateann inbBngy Ri)Caregen agg en a af .A a uate ae toca age |nip E rdars;at6 POESieentering’the.pprofesSion bi ca 07at §,']His,.G0%;“.'|fore buys"else:whyere.'4?ose applica:Salles,sy Fee HTN |Oe Rae oa oe tet ta ae ah dl cig IVR 2)Se Weribits Serta eee ie onpabonc Ltnert days,-nt >aL ‘whosan be ind oo : ma.thus’ath ‘effort aad Biber,a th orich.”‘The.wise snen of ites‘landperctive:‘this,and ‘he_Of them;with?a”forecast.and jute “ment which indicates Le Voc sense 2eee i avoration, i aecek:ais,that hé;carts and : ig OF2“sing to‘theaidof p actiéalaw i Rites)a ae ek gaat Suk,1 S58 ME WY HE ae :GROLOR THE ee Bi TAPER ah Spe tah yeas rate ba ete on a OR Tat :ewill'so,deve lays art igeote the:A ate a AL,”Cr:TH NSOK Ta Ae ay ;5 Es :peat.&Fie t :oe ::3 do ae :PAR a i Seay \e ,:*:ot eae Be yee ag e 4 A RS 'mei ‘“Ea-4Ssources‘of the soil,that”:Hi eo Ae ETA RO Xs yeetes GRE %By eee :eat ae 8 ee aE evelucnts haxe al put up,ce eee ae aoapts!Mhimttesyran gr eyboeeiMenotcontbyly moesR 7 aPe PMGRRON.scthta'the’dust=thréeyears,and ;theirs.":ag 3 icons Hic Alt ir tigpes.b :AMZ 6)-woter..:LY.person desis.alocating:in’this -healtyrand i ~‘American,|i Casi)yeti i ‘Slapgrotes etic ASIN ie gee)ech:;.‘‘a dwe';Geos.ee a ;pe eget nuns |ag &eS puted anlslaraety en oot ap ay EAE Pac eet 2 ees eae %aA theip:creme ce-;a iecesh ct LDipti siited 10,eh wv frthretSous |!ey a 2A vit:een buene orweard RE ;j ,'OOENE i ;~has.the ee and:‘In Hice uit :Ml Wittien Morektan Bb oe ete yee a eet 4 No we will *ant ot a ete mee $ies oe beBirenah any. ‘Yation‘of thessoil:in .Wewilt hlTow:Bs“safe ©ae on-2 es oot or ar ati etay |Chere.Alt zoe 2 ines.se Be er ee :::bse"3iDAN cigtely i if. ;‘Mens ait”bTuts,of usacteeians|to him pod heart!,‘a:»Mill sip: )posite tHe.Mansion:Hotel, p.epared id fillall ders suiithioe“MONUMENTS,--HEAD-1 3feaiteereTORS,and.all kind ‘ofthe‘Marble.Line,of eitier ialy gga a up,a ronwe“matured Sanap=3 a ‘tHe:Breat,disappoigineht.dics inthe region,=the old,x oye alsaehabits,and ‘bore’somell:TOPS!Clas eta”ieO:years in.suecession®|ranges ‘Laeticd and’Drill eiiretullyassceded‘down and itrélapsed;but}|,Schout Extn charge:‘continued to bear the years Hee Aes aewould:have -been barreniin)itho old‘der.’Tverily beliove that inére”th:”pal the fault:of the cunirqitt a 464”Bons:lies within.ourselyrex ‘thane ‘are _accustomed tolay?it all”"Boor:ety mare,Fearmenit a Trip be mnecesssone foe ‘ahe} "hardiness.of‘the inmates...”farlati .tehded apat pete in,thie bea 0 rhe Boks is ee if aoe aepace_Bottest ere yes os a 4.tobhjs care in the.Ci:peor)IredelldapecryslyA859. es:hare.been saved,together rit st:amount of freight*sul ;at-Tng:Stee th participate |¢thatsportfor the.sakeof yhichany. ‘Kentuckian would break his iocks >Our nid too his. iStart,a =aritehi is)oa :Tho-dog: ne#8 a the cee chase...outhed:yelps of as the chase was be- exciting Ali “tongue:of old: ieceeat elent,oe was.the 1Heepany metold*«Sadjoggingquietly, lok-The fox:hk wasSealppedothactlyawaitedthear-‘Fival ofSold “Spot,”and by sonic,ho-. Pehag.eetrape into friendship,<tices‘to;return.with:‘hint to the, ng anticipatedfox chase,:fares to-hare a.-heap of‘the onnet of tte:Sagacions' ;ung ines,eterbytheRev2Dre é ine “he?younguaa:aid al-f-the:Most HighGod,swear to.<and'protect,until death shallk‘the golde “chains |‘the fair andVigirl-who'stands at his ‘side,who: és for.linrtlie:EF:aes¢are and | upon’4 ve in Cer a wantfathifoundieantyaridLappmess?t a ata ‘3 or the.promising:lYouth,ry of hits earlymhanho:ths.er pice temperance,‘the fearhe’:Supreme™Inde‘the father ups >math Oneiesthefirst.Boorof lg hou.the Whe ofAthe:Court House’on the 12th.‘was trulysh-old-fashioned;1840aoe‘The Court H ::-|.the peopleand never >amoreatte tiveand gr: The wordsof the SpeakeSin,and.thé thoughtfofthevastm: and|means to.defeat.3 has brought sich disgr Cal W &t.Cox,Jolin Grady,,Maj:ich-Wik Esq;Dr'JnuS Len i During the’absence’df:hs ‘Feae,Hon:E DeBerry;than _lives not-“the man’who} apabentell ythe,donfidenc ‘ple of Anson?addres ~He was.followed~the old-Warhorse BAIRsf“Phe following preatable and resof"tions:werezene ad an i roe itery the mistetdextra *offiexal corruption:winch warks thOfthe-preaent;F éderal Administra whe our:‘brethren.’thie.Whigs sdreatiy “men‘ofthe Wuion,are.whit“the purpose of defeating the dalddhe:’cal“Democratic party,and-of-plaging”the| “of ‘the:Gor ernnent,B victhres E»*adininister public aflgirs forth:|whole people,:=<awi “adminiatrationsoFestorepeacefeconsi;‘borders ;:and,-28,congduci oo cinethe‘States,recommending WW"hie ‘"district toll jeretiniaiind any ‘tonanl «Sony Union—tliat.we regard’as aie pa“our politigalsafety and2<prospernt“wall watch:foF-its:preserv ation.We : ~~aiixiety—that we will disco )OPrer may sugdeat,¢ om‘any eveht,benba (dignantly frown ‘ipod,the’fimt.daanyatteinpttoaliénaté¢petry:from the rest,ér to"en‘which now link tozet 2.Resolir:?,Phatwe:‘son,white heart and:han-Whigs alllover the Eno Sie sake“of the Union.)6 3.Résohigd,Thate the policy which iis eéconomiga‘in practice so--dutrivrecnisly.tfn>tWO years?millions Of:-.\squandered—nfilli “accounted:ray 00keontracted. .Swhich ehope,5‘theSouthern people | nil with’Nat onsandtlat:"i isthe:ut i1 eB.Thisis no more.‘than could:tome oxpeeiee Some;been held ‘togethert eeeepowerofpublicp}: ose unconstitutionala sar Wilmington &Weldon Railroad Com.have ‘declared i =of four. hontl we to the -Literary,Fund55 000.Jfor’the last‘to eSthe rate ae a ctu j “ye!Pr . made in ‘Philadelphia,‘at to:; riigaifechared:at the-wor!oF Reuben.-Gling:Esq.,:if utthe ‘ore of which was obta ined in ‘thes 44 eve ceciiartire |rom.”North a ES.Ble 6ba altsinking-ship.”:Ifthe:_aphoristsraeasitistrite,the.old hulk-of e:Dei ocracy ‘must bevin a pioking con--uld aie he.“watch-gogs ¢tte !Trea ,r tén sigeessi oy ars,}itesterdlieety:of Day ill.bid a good-bye ‘to’-Con-. j.:Wendell:has q_quietly {su sided?! fee overnmientorg n‘and-¢ren..pipersfie “clerk “of theH6mtativesliasbegunto‘hingOppositionnemtheplaceocraticdeputiesn‘the clerk's.- irho‘lately sone eens ofezarmy.of Democratic.easury-eat~ very,significant’: aycapacity ee a Se oldei’)“shrewdly.% t ipation.‘ofa eliangeofaeoat a‘Phe e all:-Seamnpering away fromouseofBuchanan&Co,be:long ‘before the ‘panicdiemassesandproducesuch,de’Y among the oes and |‘systematicpe ac getaeoeedetters,-"© speltie;is s ye Bac articles,,camnd }°ngon,‘fF dis:coun Sun an i tor evcat “robs oe oriany.one to-reses ie ames eh! A ‘Was N.;:)Hae J.5 ~ pe fciendly tothe objeota!of the -that Have’pot alvende:done s80;7fer&favor by giving |hoticeiof the»‘place,for‘holdingthe Souséation:; cs ‘fedunrettpwEEKewie en eeLar eeStone Bacon.yee aA |Fiatheps0 «Beef 0 +4}(a@0°51).Flour 24; -Beeswax 0 224(06025°|Flaxseed £0"Butter©015"(018)Hades, *Coffee °O44 a See STatow Pid |Ear ~Taltow = «Adaman-. ;tine 03 *Corn:©07!GOs Chickendo1g (@ G12,)Dried A Pples,.3“5.itPcpeeled::.thot ‘aheres Bo: ok a Dried’Peaches wy |Sugatr 0:2 {a is Nady peopled 2.8%yee af 0 8 at empecket ; Ege oe 10 ee =r oh te 3 3 ‘cE acs Hains 0123" TSides : artCandles::sqningi : 2 tine.O27 kat Spern:.ve, -folles,«7 " Rio. “20°ES,(aoe? Coupe,©i igX GICsto" £05aS “od r _Ordin to%: ; obo rmid.“1040510 ~‘::yong paeee pees,.JE 2 i Ox!Sim:mre ance ; 2 Plotres:3 ives a eS ts aay tty EEC k Ge fats 92 'NEARS ES:at tas ats a si nae ‘eile :¢é YE RC DROBE A LEZ,He ‘Ex.steve.3 ae if oe ied TS Cab ncn eg ;f f AMEE DAN a SpaEt O 2 ;z set eeclien tues MWYes .o3 OFT |)AGO)©2 ev ROBES AND.ROBEA L *iu bbiso 8 P20 00)Rite |e DEN I,expertinents;Mo :fan.Wi “Ie :if “Dress:spect pies Soener abies —Se(ee 00 x Ra":tahhs as.pe |roatkpasses throug : Fine”eo cis t i ‘a al ek:MOREAR:Spple’oe ee ies ::ph Ae ea ee Opa :s Gaui,|Ge SOLE OE Gd phate GA One "AV ;ake aia 3 é hte pa one:‘‘(ae TARe SEBRIGS Pest ieee ea t Seer.Homans”gt PEC a Anes arb SYRE PSS et Pat SWE BS CASOD BRE Coo ee AADIESS EMBROIDERED.-COLT:aeSND.SLEEVES:IN Ser Carns,oe:zt<Far?Oe se fat pate Pi pet eS Ete ache:atesp site,‘Mgrdhi Sho:His Ea an D iADIES?LA;‘OL ND:EVES, CT a beOevceBRANDY!ReJAPPEEBRANDI Waa mattis | DEE tie Oly ;8 .erm.lea aint SEP,eh oe tA :NAuEH WISE?Se Seats Bde ce tere,wale Pine a rrasited ji pes ea Route Fe tod’and SumnerSHAWLS.| Leesa ae,gti ay 5 ate Manug re LACE MANTLES. YADEWOISEeprevencoe elepein ign ‘ah tlie: i "ise fase :cre ; Sor aS Ee HT.HOO is eeGSSee his Goods i seeeteiel akare. ere witesatiy tation or us ria padge one here,M:Lo peparate,the wheat iti bucliels.pereday,opa bushels.4 “ou Ww er, Taohels per a irior ( tslatest tn 1).Mouke, rae‘LD?niost respect“tial ¥e ; be publics towSettet ann ::deg,rline of Buses,’ge “thes:“will:find!ithte: their advioiirire to do Sik a peticWievailKeeponitindaltkinds!oft: and MILEET-‘TRON W:URES:atid rntke'tto weder at the shortest noticsen |¥heyhave tls good Success jn Rooff ne":and Cunrtterit.“Fin,and twonkt yay.tone and all,thai ‘ie ra are prepared,at the shdrtes?npticy,todo.:Ee nmaeirien te aM ,da she ASBUR Es oye alot L i el oT and all jobs ofthis Kind,“at home an if (ie no;We ‘jurdriends:ie public:Benerally,are|28°&x 2 e ARBUTY ae KV.Le withic Seteen ghat ourine sibconnStEPERIOR to !distatice,on low termes 4 io Sees ete tr vanyitel vblus aca,ie ¢a,TTS Trestet.s)8 Bee 2 FAM Sed wate ;fc prices drs domi to th LOWEST 'STOW ES.—Ther will bein’receipt &Of tlt fio f of Ns e “coh ae ;atta -of COOK,PARLOR ened ee erote also otherarticles’iin the Housekeeping jie poe ea}ied :;‘i : ‘They will sl ¥ery low or eaah,or td Plric-:;";"sit oc i 0m ww 4 ‘tual ‘dealers,all of Shed Wares,coe all-6 |assortmenttof tine anid):ne q PN S57 Be peas aetetts ce 3;rene th generally;will Sok:in.inain e *eases,warrant them tybe madeof the‘besp fs ‘UR IE,hich they COS a ee are Ne eo Piste 3B #,LAEDE -BUK6 Oe teehee ae,a!LE Bes (Br Se “materials,and:workmapshipiinfgrior tonne.Fat:extremels I Xe gifor be aR FY iD terces4 «C;£)Be ie “ey BUH :os Rik ty eeOld Copper,Pewter and ‘Produ¢etaken!5 Je Wi:42 6%give ‘satishuction ;sBar |PENS 3 ind ‘ee ne oy ;rhea 4):RAS Rb ccathunee for work.Gite tsa cath and try|i ieee ¢rnisure:at ‘ver oy Pate to:not eS ‘AS MERE n ig es ot ’uae a:$yA:WPT La Pa Po ar:Me LECREEARCSONG|Toy ‘pibnsé ai tale be Oe SE Gas,tony.SPANISH HIDES.1 ate POE ee natant y £42 A pril-22)-¥850.<5 in ODAya at se Be ae sine,:dss D SUG:a "Ee pans nite astern cape urst state EASES :YE:aT?sorts,70S::eat ~Er::a fy lg “7 rf ‘»“tH 3 :be BAShoo war ‘Offerfor Sale bu"thie.re‘Mas .At the late residence ar i Wane rate,‘deceased,’Pa Se ‘Ss Likely © Ryle e One to Phittewn veatsold;:ofha ae)“Ona ex tof Six,‘nonths.with:idterest from ylies:PS TUET ::.:i“:Bae GE ss:ae ey 3 cts,aN :ries a :sat NgaE ae aki Ue ay 6 OH:aStih ;tars ORS With E OPE:Wi SAG ND MOLASSES a Ape 5.Cae “3 2 Aa 4 rns eae,hs Ouest :;a ;;Newt Ce keel)aes x :t $7 pd!1?SS lisbury Be erin Me:eeas and GonvelecA —Trangulis EEL esontt SS a tae thes arsJeet eae £20.2 Can beateduimods Fees.ust Hee 4 mepnithe Post Meira end |af a ade re a ‘at,.9 cone,on 5SSethesickandconvatescent——Trangfuilizing =arsa oT =oe;to weak tsfecived bytueoH.WYATT 9 235 Presi me - We find it Giffienti to pl to our)+_own mi acastctactorly, “Our:P apy 1p 5 scribettA baPiaaai hyt_perder South,toTo rég'{i lert{seandence~whetherofWaolor Kegp.‘/Dhek Lea ki feces “©:management, of eminentsu MWto'say,!that under ‘thesainecir.:ma :ee cumstances,‘and with the sa'e-buig-i ES 3 i j partial mandir ¢lr.Hafine Iispel dow,xb.)Hos Pict beet we i :cag€ling’‘matlagement bickt has smarked 3 ree tT ;di :tere eG :iat OF oper Snowballs sepa Me sitio |SY A sree 1a z “3 ese eeeneee“the history’of't gene i fue Gan ;Fuca arene..*Manufactaring stablighifen hasste fin foeSouth. Be map ieee eh rc'Fequitite tocondtict the}would b a 4 oFMetnGarteret ms eee Axe may:ipufaetinzs AcioeMrecer ‘.os :raErkhereameayp.oper uy,|gete ee tn pe ial URES ‘F “y ::3 4 Z,“;Co}i ye ‘ek ou aoa ouside Sa \!oc 4 Soe SieaieSeedsch¢fo,‘lean a eee see erin ion GETH obs wl i een Diba.Dae ne ate Some (Al vehornse tt.nee stv Th,Bettire sn 2,a:2a2313hmeeegeay0tojfeediTee.“ana ir a :oS ane pnaeti TkaNine tind,Hits Chuan Pins ee a humiggdid van rhaehs bikrey oe the;:Init ler Iwate in se Baye 6%sh:heeant24 .es /[26°“millions.‘d we ce ew:Suppl of,Materials 5 -Coumieree:;ai CORY pireers fr th)‘eh WOrtk s qu:¥ee Or :is 4h i nee Hxont $e deen avin ¢b pavetchns “ths ‘i pete es a eee :id a 16:Tz:iS.a9!a ‘oe oostrid eS PE ne PRET TS *feane rel <i 5 .:;a et ite ee ecommendeda tial of vou ime.'we ft ee ie Bee ee £DS OF.+2a.126 39-:Teetion:«|ae ye vs re beat ;i " hs “V94 rE “Jo 13%uw 57.a6ib.9.ae oF:29,98a :2b Joe 29,* fi haeght 1arse -value of-onc’ ae of-aloltars,at Cott Be OVERti Hoe Uy millionms end to Britishlabor he saithHite8ageBeAd fy tl be as,2 Muel to erwealth «soon 5 9 :t oy |i Sine yi ee Parse ,pear as iin MBAS PERN LON ATs 13%1 -‘to*her pore:8 ‘aflor ens Wires \¥BITE he faa a >4)i RUIN,eas i 3 f tr te He 38 elietof alist:uk AGE ORES te TESTE ACS::actiedits tk:ec P a ree«ployment,in the car i ALG pith ee :Of ayecor Decne oe :flinay PIS aan s rs Si Tetl pane 5 oneness Astatotdworthy Sepang daily at Gh.”Dina.act aofthe:EW:eee‘ahyt R antur fifi eon GOs er Rag ak as Cae a :i j set ea é a eee JSEERN.MALL <<ee tals(4 a2 ee ie1C CIN:aa)Dad LON STR RS,i ;FS dae pel S ps "end Ap ae He oR ER Meats ha Star cre a se 4 é Sa s iF ‘Mondays,W eluesdiirs ;antesri- :,‘5 ath tidy ;|‘vSi t.GPs De -panelsi]HAIG “os daxksat:5 <<AL: odugtive,:Gtte 5 lable:Band, ©Cotton:‘ppSontngt-“nowhere else : e° ah he pe gt k ye ee et { 4[=ripUse thes dene.theé Si te e 3 _thirty-six inehs pas PTs eed aie Oe ee ee te Pa i 3 i Awbete.s Bor sal eh ey nd abroddl,as gaa siGuieabol wsctink |STON Man:vin Sock feffour,instead,os Ens a %7 f %#te days %y :é hi i Lael ;fe :Rael ess,;»th i .‘fa ai ;ee at,ie;ae-Ts ofdollars:<=":tee egy aes ;meu sae Me S WAR ,Siun a -is ot Sots 7 Theristieni tee_.pagely entered ~*without interferhie tigniof the:stapled i ned Loy ;;i oo f i we.eandidky i PX is pais .,fae Ha cs ‘Bite =tie ahlinite,rate need we cm i TIES GG a Yarns Wot ||Big iia)Ponts cots é,3wouldbestSoaota*oF :CBee leq 3.aE WaT SY,©ap ne i Co eae eet vie <t-SORE.EE.bpp pe ;flere or se j_ther,andthat;?te0,Han ime Tae Sek )“eh Bia)AES :cus Meee tek >eee aes 5 XC,Housst;atideLot,,nStafesville,eartheiptice.. Toananuk:neat ;ions Os Ma Pies eye eae Vibtedubsailagadt othe UGH FOF THE EBLCMROD OFaN SES".§Ra cleagrs ne ke LANE Remale’Coltewe,»"Phelot-con-notjdrawoff az iFe neticnlt Baa Be abe 3 ee ae :pee ee ane COE ,one ries ah Tor Artstw )Bers.of ground,the jbas ne aes bes cive ‘profitablé abides ola Cee ee dbdig dick Tene.Gc cae eee ee ete ee See ae Letty qa Regen provenrents haxe’all been putiapeeaeeenS}Wiis,Golera,Vc ihe ;3.9 V3 i iyi Is Bod Dl y ftlio Nord “Cagierni ARasle Roel free Che Hoe ge ge withisy the ast,threeayents,and °“subsist,“and ma be ction,ate aay eehipy hora eee :ene ew Stee ;eee 4 Se AY if pe ot mg ia therein wengeo *Bh ke Tye vg 3)BAO Mnuhe ls oid ts ey Tia ié Neabaal rs ot Raa TEV CTA oa tees atuler “Any”‘person E:: wee sre AEX RELIG,nt RM ic Rodel of 5 Ble ith By ie.ae PA eth \t NAT eb rons.of fotatizer-in-.this:béalty.and:thriving:EPpy me we :Bees!ke Je ae ae OLE a ;x Salt ee ON i $es i wl Wark|ak fOr te hxods :ae ,;Town,can.be accommodated |with a oe j the.-we }for om Bylizies,anaes !5 3 mi sev indi t fe ‘TASlé 5 ye:j lgigs ob cheap‘anc:feasopable/terras..: \ aposspsvion:ean beeae aatyany titne.| teae se Sara imerease’of , ee ee (a :oonsmisien “s We hw Md 2 a Be heer sae REaa es fans dei HEC owe sty et LET ON GROUCH:Hens canted He Mad rlhase-dkeabeatiy okt cee heals fp flicled w ee :rs aetoderooeLspairedSeeUNeyAL:Pils ete ee :G@ EVANS!-:FA Gectont’Babes |EN tigdes ok td eae a neee vAED,2X,AC “pow:EP base eg ee Sila ee eee \Boia Tour ris i tete os er a et Bt as Oat se ee Oppasite the.Mausion’Hotel,‘and nukes:ou EAN ach One.iQ TE ORS EUEPLON oa chet he —RIAU:RUTGERS Pe Sie nears id:pride Nurses,Phy siciana’€'lothivg,Pood,Med:|VMehe-he a peepared tofil:‘slkondetswithcombatantie=retin i ie Beck gue are:4 LONE AEE Se ee See wl:I oe Rb.Fe A ignatch;for MONUMENTS,.HEAD-|~There'isno fat OLY Feason wl bi Ee 12050)OEY:Sy BY.Rm.Che ree PS Petes Deore feo :jake STONESTABLE TOPS,any all kind ‘of --wp nts e %.A oon iy the?“Marble.Line,of eitter,IMs ‘al ED ir ALL MAR ry{REICAN\N MIARBLE.|‘i ee Reg te I:5 ee eee NURS ER 2 MER:RS eae Ae er Bee er ON made arrangement hy -which,hefoeaOoOEOPERetecekRNBRI#°ee ?weed Afe:/0 ee U8 |ca ioe the’ieee frapian Mareix:|Ruse,’Wsah oee,or hye Chet ea ;se ae %Pherae eereee ee i,:Pr Es oyarcrans.,not acting:m ncia-"|at seduced’prices,he-can fill.at ost,fora‘every ‘company 0 oe :ay ee TPR Era ORC ers ROBES Serpe :i fet oe ‘Hon,osvally enrobibes cs ‘a,sue Momiitnevier ke at Teasonablerates;.ture "Cotton n Vdgous ‘Horses a-NORE e bles eyeous|want-de C16 tb OL meee Ey d :PA Poe ti ;Shon:to-dt free}Hesrculd ‘be bagpy:tohave all who:ae}?Citra tvey aj lerfoda ti 5 *.F Seeshaei ar Bintde:io.desuous vot dealing “in--his ‘line jo;et :er drages,‘ijn 1)che:wor rt ‘;‘rd z ecimens of |aible,liebe prise,“Bodperandeneemoneytoler%ingle :aes ea :ere boty eal Ha |!BE Subscriber,Agent forth ifthe (mee re,sutbotized me Se Lage forhemsclves...qebuyTRWHSLOLLrittrPCYeyoe:rT a SEL Oy?‘Tt:horses!-;SAR oct é hm ;‘4 ae }f ot ;;ng trad Siees}i ant i ‘the bosiness,;be.wilt::peer pollingyt Ol ee i el *.perience. aml not td thefa uch viassignalfailureshaterprises..«We ‘hope-the’South:Wij>>awake from.her stupor An:ahve |to,her great advantages:and ‘to/sher"true interests,’anddivert.a-apavek-her rapidlyin creasing:eesponeofEanturés.!