HomeMy WebLinkAboutIredell Express 1863-1865 Select issues SH aOR alt We bandledy up,and afger an ’ ‘2 4 ‘= ei. ~~ead a few ofbur imen,kjlledand wonrted: =—@aleep: ‘*“go,‘thiswas-not’the:dife ay, {many a poor fellow:‘stumbled.‘To: a wher indeed we had.regson to,thanlg‘God for’ ee “shells:would have met’ug at every turn.:The | aa '‘was,ane edto make:little ‘noise as.pos- it 1 PieRET,Her pesetigt:Onlerei oF MgtPao eat{ 2 Chose Sharc—A¢Night:dee thé Pines 7m Lhe é iESilderness—(ir rect Battle ‘of Chay,‘lpr st gti We oe a:and the it”abe Be ; the,same:“news. alc.ses hae ee i:Ww ——mil 4;The regiment had been dn.‘picket‘a.w wek, the.band,cdoké,&c.,feft $i camp as isu:aly “wyhen,at ten o'c!lock on’Thursday’night.“Apr. 230th,“Wwe ery une xpettediy ree ceived.onlers Bad,been 20 goin our regimeft-with all posssible haste.|Hwe were ajarmiéd aeoh,pipes ¢ad _half’s ranibling in the thickets bordering Rappahatinoe!ke we “found.our boys )fixing fra march:Daring the d ay} En ing heavy cannonading hast ween kept mp, ©.the’)prarisea ae 3 Or Friday whexpected a great,battle.:—it is “aq wonder’then that."wer were astonishel AE Yi se unmistak:ible si;sys “ok an’‘intended:eka,f kindrereader,WC <-pation.Orders had teen jssned:ju eam te. Byrn and destroy every ane that;capliiarot{ he moved zsaund the troops I disvoveret were >‘termed | “dhrowiine away ev ersthing they hak except-.| g@ the clathing:they had.on,ands aq ch Nyse } :‘pf linen in-their.Knapsacks,—also excepting | os their ‘armeyand 3Ss ie ndyy-tiee TOUNAS of eartric ce ,“Besides these they éarried theirdiavet: .Se stored with.three days rations,»Who gould t “<gmnell a rat:?””Feeling very ;3 lat down ‘dad the next moment was:‘sound| At-22 0‘clock so was._aroused—Oh, ve=Méavens!my”kingdom -for).a-little amore| Near °Twas useless to’think:o€it;‘but.Fou roads:net, -».‘ghaking my stupor-of J shouldéred my:nape -gack andbegan.theanarch with the:“others. Some thought we were:pong tO}:Guineas,| ~geometo.Hanover,others to Culpepper and |. ie ‘Bo on3 but when we ‘took the.road:for:Fred. ‘ericksburg-all came fo phe conclusion.that we did not ‘know©where we:were going.—|cross fpads. ote Someagserted that the road led to a)certain |quarters: -mameless ‘place full.of sulphairous.odors:is at:‘ind’xf :36 ‘by-path,aativet unexpored,“and:fall‘of.tt -;“holes,ditches and‘mad -puddles,into which |iq “a squad of Yank < , our difficulties a thick fog.made th “almost_visible,—but exp long day di such 2.and:fot khowit and Aybig .This’kindness ‘in shrouding:us wit ieee govéring.We.discovered,‘to0;that’ +mone of our conjectures.about our route was. “gorrect,and Hee instead of gowg to:‘any of.|sw “the towns above ‘mentioned,we were:only |: >Galearoringv outa the eneimy 5.and:had |" “it net been for the friendly fog a:-tempest:of|set out,and. ‘brigade hospi Yanks ‘could not see whit,we were up fto, _peithes could:they hear,since ‘every°‘man Bie the thousanids were passing,«‘clouded.mi n-ie hoe yards,from.-our:road|rising,heave “ron fot have,“had the leaet intimation.of:iti ois *{t.|By noon on,Friday we were“outof any et danger.We were halted‘and?drawn i “up in.Fine of battle;s¢gunth ‘of i a mile, “from the enemy.&eo aye ahEa artillery¢3 r "<3 ree ¥t ~A eae—y-ii Corre yoele nee spt th “:c {usmencyPC she kre dell Expo 7 ieents!shone.Wear’th 4 errs al Sr area ye xens ER 0 cla aan:There!i :ing,the FE lank—Battle Eine—S trae:Shells,»made:remarkably |goo Sand.tyre EFet—d“unTees fer:em:Ai:Pafailes 3*surged:on for apéssengers from thre we reitied:up,Ulowin: Pield4 amd for an hour tool there perhaps,haltan Nour,’ hour’and a.“9 short distance in-otr rea “by.Pe reiio!“fall ding.“The:chase:that fi tow. :amdsinng Dien,the first ken up,with,sort for a «Old Paveern ‘sf ore‘ ig.|ffere we cameup with eens ofithe.same: frightened |ckirmishers. tired |‘gafliciently strofe to repe to make.‘This,In. <cetyed to Rave,been quite vania,,the ecand to-Oran the plank:roadand up to Ct pepper ere ‘back te.Frederick urg- dae trains,which cs gated in:“considerable i :ut goon alter |ventured,ap tive Orange tsiousaout,the. ¥‘Wattle ‘at ceacuieoile was ‘raging in all:its fary ;2 they ls ‘with the th anderofcannon,a Wi erness,;Chureh?4ro en 2severe phitle ev ery’conceivable #art eof p ow Tayi seal bet aRS by skirm ch did’not pece a ee valry 1 the firs anger ‘threaten iamumense glamns ertitre salesSarty was’ pu 53 ie taken from.“ fe ese:‘gontinues cassoaalle to ployed at the,:es mption-actof an Smportant 3 aS -whoape‘when.the- now clan.cceamptions ve theeae tate Comey | 5y.Mie.that Bichol-”: ‘£9 exemn stion,aid 'that diseha ed,with leave ce tisalso consid- ‘proceeding,allowed by by the Clerk:ok the “Hereis his lage:2 361 ‘Square,#few!da i STATESVILLE,W.$C % oe =.=dee:ae their lay act“of. ood |PUBLISHED WEEKLY =|Wersmaihal soil 4 o'tpek msc,whenor-|aosted Gomrades,aul noogthe Meutands empeantQlsito gee live’wldch.a econsidere@in :refer-_-- Pee Niet ao 5 S ap ders ‘came to ‘mo’Be a ae +mea,DeaKe.BY Fs qt sSw.P,pease."elt,telling us to tomeonas’bes _EUGENE BR “DRAKE &nyas traveled ‘about t ‘|Baitors:and Propritors cl |any.satisfaaloes ae eo oe r a!a 3 TERMS OF THE PAPER,©Peete bg Teas 83aYear,inAdvance,| f 8 {OX PEGE:of‘ing.isobn we avere.up An ,‘4..che Eyeniiie Clout.:eats three:miles”farther’ap weggot wi The mighty storni had ceased to.Tage:)division,whith we learned;was 1 NeThe eee ate to flash;‘of battle abouta mile ‘al ©more,the fearful thunders:rolled,"With loud and awful erash,‘aversion:which doctors:gi tees !these.‘tinweldcme ©visitor er question is*Pes :Thesetting sun,with gorgeous ray,sista,shells:or’bombs,ave.fi é Courts aaa He ::Pierced through the gloom or:high oe =|geons.would “onie back.” act?A seeme-. gama fell apon a cloud,aa fair’:04?o 1 sionyifit be “Ag evergraced you sky.fa a oy3}ales quartersin’fat a Felne baate Nae here then halted. Zgones ruction.-“os ee =!for ;\geraph's “pen to.write,aeae Gt ee iis petit that we remai eae that the Se ER re vlories of that scene,ee v8 1 ha i ns F as”man ‘sal-~.roast 3 That heanteos Biedheinieeend raph.ee _ae,,whendiaving not seen ndr lea d from 6hrJ.) siaeel.th fon _>,Andina zgden sheen,ee :%rigade We:cogeluded:ta go|fory meton dhe is erefore an ak ee “ind.,Meantime two or'thre tes pati a “who:mere ale “Jn massive heaps,like apftest Siatgs tie fhe riwho ought tohs ‘Was mount ‘gaipst mountain laid;hea nt had been fought.since:a nondy ose f oS _Whiledofiy peak o'er peak below Cr eg position,.,and near the exact. oe inf erred ~ *Cast “on and lovely shade.705.05)3075.4 thought.‘our,brigade wa ‘st 4 ama ait tdbave,all.heaelcoie stood at they wouldhave been?tert ed inthe,da gee mee A chain,of cloudy-hillsy-Me 7 the oldrev olution,‘but no Bs Ss ‘Capped ‘o’er with ebine x—O--such ee somes :|tkirmishing.We.do.in ‘a ae ould ‘not be 4 rm The eorgl with rp pture Bltet Say)pa Lettie “nota:davs to anyphing ts abe aaa and -that 2 E Ganciad:nad those fairgcliike soa ae meee,ienot te aia bEby oe Coe The glory was so Wright,fey ilo oo return;as ue Bagelsreposed,and’fron their furnts) ha g,Cast saft'and Woly light,p78 i,was a matter of dif- “Othe itis’shee storms cea 6"ar a a Abated we took inp:ourte )rople ‘to gz t a ‘pair of. ries ow i aoe :path’ip a:Ae arse ey walked!out:wiithin a few oe sharpened.tae ly i }aronnd seems dark.a 4 : :matter:: Andall,within,isstrife 3 ena Oe Sen 1A |the Lattle ground:“Wehad‘searcel &sit fr :ane :ae a Gage)ROR.we fennel that our?di rom” (od’s smile o mercy reaks the chan ye T tnile to the lef ;§ «Gilds clowds with glory der;£Caer ce Pee ega2 ag eeat gon Ree SRS RS OE aaa ie ed:jbered;th We upward look,oe eye:Sttaich;ak 2 man ight at mt?Lge eC not:he.broug mit,but.were lef to::0"S306 wel The ave Be ‘Se FOE POUL:Tee eee : And wonder and adore,Tass ee for the next instant a's rower of he e i le fates th er ads ity ewe tiellialtlo meld atierthe Reht!ol a feds df the time 1a Wath ,‘Gixin,‘ththese aro i ae thrown -AtS‘the.ordnance pas Ye e ce he sree:é ee oper: _Okla €‘ottage,Ga.et ;rath “gayons)aanding nnear by: e ing :wi thie. RUS aera aad “es hee =“rn exploded:above’our:hi ads,Se:ter eho pasion‘at ‘home can qn ee 2)words:used. fe "ireet :A © an ay:ae ‘hag sat Feb oe can be:* aan we 5 accosted th at von dpe ts ard s 4; ~~x ts A tot iz ’ mee 4 of eae a grovnyl—that:be |q ae ‘awe Jlcst:3.000"jen.;Putnhsageoywhippeiltheforees,che-was.its“7 ‘and when Gr ant é2ame.tp:ret: on Led our-loss Beas great.<'They! ~~On:Seiore,2:164hy haying He en mck hii a bi ly,wayof Edwards _Paigheston advaggeeed: tet q Daker's:Bit fees‘2 Liege-battléegwas-fongkt,very.few~lary detvhich are kaon:3\that Reniberton hae ae G3suetessfuluhth ‘Grant reachell the u DegmentsfromJackson.Ogee aie SB:heRe %C.; -”HOt,Blt half:hi:forec’:i ey de SaecePyIehinan:s divihe Tm Was known:_Grent’s ibeen:engagtnl.Tews Elles :Manco:mamande dat FE re}He zhadthe‘alt thuutive of.éseanin« losing his army,or satingendbeingSipyaredhimself.the lasites alternative. shesdeere A “an SSmph of Keutue x chi ve |alry.Loring,who’cam OwJefeWinggguid.not .engase’un‘when:hesfelt himnself surtot a 1@ enemy in force. He cliarged and-ent his their lines,and.thargifed‘Springs,.twenty-eizhr mile Jackson...After™wetting ot “he encountered”‘a.supppky::*of 150 Waeo ifSuetroyed,:yItis alsarre eh Host otof his artilery,while lie =%ee to abipie ut,“fost,areaamen."Our Joss,":Gen!bane by on petbPemberton,is said td.bes000:int ohe |:Bet aSenemy*sat three:tittes that nurabers LE obeihstr etin: “Khowing’the position of thd grounds ide ot ore.aoetthedisproportiui:of the lacs oft tio)ca pe Aisa 43 =it-atipies is quite aire:isopable.C8 iat ts:ae3ofae nng aaes) ~hind bis entren chmecztts.exper tiie ied He ayer ‘“asisatd,:y ceneral attack from’Gist,|}i a ne rman ee“which w&s'not made,‘Toate sv i {ansaDos eea ne t ahighlyextolledforhispartiptheft#eee ee ae es ePYknowofndmoreparticulars:31.Lae TC :sae eaaieYesterdayevening,thea om pSbubi eenel tsif Visap2flazioftruce,|for.apr \eina.44 neeuy “Surgeon,who-had;Leon He pere:1h|ckatbe obth e Federalyvoun ted.Vie mytheenemyweJeammthat"their‘boss-in,fill a\the battle of Bakes Creek:was6;000:‘killed and wounded,and,they suppos-} felaim to Laveefcapt arcd sixteen pisces-“jeeariilleryz Tais.may be trac—that,of Loring’s..Theysay.Pemberton felriy toeck to the Big Black,:See ‘the“fiver,and.babies.‘the:brid T.wei to have-taken 70Q:pris itiehaveno.owsoFfi “to.06t2' _sbingerely hope the.wotst”has PpThestormhasbeenalongtime: Sek ae)ee >Feting,and our ent réneldents)haves 10t| >‘dénts'iconnnected ¥aeR oes te |Yeti bed atic chels “atl has beenseatbart/RUTpo St fbn nage”ow sbi sera é re unless.keig aeitize~~.“lor efthe “United State <‘“as to embr:ace “all free we eyekBeen st ahcts a ‘und ‘bek22>jap -Men Sal id now,Cake a as“2 inte)eestor casualties,F think-that ditrloehardlybringthoreSthan:20:oO2.5 into the fiel:ad ao nee$85)Mobile AdvertiserBeer het Interesting to:Forbieners and-Fho:have furnished ; +".\ ~~4 { | | fisgtae tee Boone 3 MaybinegHEeekD:GF.Fete 1 =.you ‘be*so.goo Seto any @ lowing questiens * Ist.‘Lave f cha “Tig! per in.thepa8)ilitia to.Sita dtl ;fore farnished Suhstiru &e.? ie Havel theétebe |fermans,Dutch,igh.eeSai|ers,(who live among-)ey)in the militia as by“¢laim td be exemptfrom:b uge ae .the:coun:ry upon.the SrQuuAG rath ys Fer)Se ;os (they:are not:naturalized,&ee otie BreWepeesandaesBy:ashening:‘the.abore FOUeontér@favor,&c:a ofthe pepe yeas om idet:Exxcvtiye Debias fxr N‘Any Tant Gexee—os Ol bencr ahd person behiol ave:pl ced7substitutesjintheCoricderatexitmy?to miuate daty has ives.|By the Oth’Chapter,Saat C8dE,1.0 one is‘subject te “géssion of.the Gaiear 3“mm 1869—’61-the law was aed ABETeDticeS.|i beng a Gbeseed nnd eters ‘but it ig’equaily clear,‘t:¢“residents:””and at he Lx i*the act of 1860~61.ire there-propos‘fore.liable.‘to those ‘;~placed substitute:army;Tam not awa f nywhichtheyareexempt,fromeduty.”Phe late Legisiatur-Bacttpamiend an Aer:.An section.3d the Lewis!eradatestheclassesofpersonsWit=theiir intention toexempt.”ea hose furnishingssu ees:“enumerated..Wesmm rns ‘ the:prosecution of Br Sof Tredell conrity,:.|e _eptinties,.united Ain,a 4 Congress,|hav eShipston6the fine,be-=he asaw very odious Hote latedsiness,.asid a Rete on Se ee eeee = Cetpeagond.cu 1 Re liedehi Ex Bie i -LourbenSeer!the Selita ays {a bering « Cant Nea EuzprbicCK BU;=3 May“All:quiet iis es ‘feali :|those:‘who mere bitterbya|ken’engasfemen's:anidh lghte hop rsty—Theteiurn Siow the ellefeiadce Bs\calp—E;inchanting 3scenery—Wi=|,Carried hémé by.music,Ge |Alheagit ‘nothing:off bas,transpired here.Sincethohthesearlypartofthisria:Yet Paisatabetlettersfromthe:arniy’are:eter“read tvthiemdstlivelyintergstbythémany?thon?)Gr amtaken prisoner,»Sands”who have relat ant eed te foal,ar telegrarn avas,i We:atthoath “13;sehr ore theasiy -Graham§yricebeneaththe‘elais:Be Hdtaodk ||and De RayJaills5tit:thie hearts of th people §|Soner.:ne: Meacherishtheapemory‘of ‘the E By Seer ‘ueedunts'ra{gad.recoi‘lections Gilby theiz.Losdin their on Monday,We learn thateaifdeyestnzd‘wistfully toward Weir new,prise’appears to have beenspadegraves-‘on the.1;ateles fields the.Dhe 36th.Regiment:fous nth wellinamesofthesedark:feud Etoody'spcts <“their.Colonel,Faison,seaing.‘3 Tike’‘burni ing lead indo “thsecir souly,4 Ete,th .tion,.ordered his:iuen:to.?§am =i way throtch the svn Brig &Tast,‘hat hisurprisedourcfa}He ahi ce ithetae of.the Jirefut cord et an ,adr ¥ttory lidve Geen Spreuk if every:nook;corner y the Southerw Con vderaey.wh ‘to havesescaped chpontheOtlier.hand,the defeat’of:the.ener ¥Suie.a f Oran ;i5hassoundedlikea‘knell t hreusls eteiy ie|tion of the North,¥Gonsapds 4a akethe:slau;ghtered dead ;parents,sa ‘thei t_)sols,Wires.for:their husl;ards,slatetheizbrothers;ahat imore?A‘this Rot enouch:! “ereater,a pang keener,n grie tc ni +h ir eeition|than asy ofthese!When a aein.ninety,men:tothe;bright!ek fidgre |};ave buoyed peter ‘rendezvous.‘during @ two years.abseneae)aoften G aurday:ro“led at midnight the:lascerdte tings stand|Lt Ray:AS "kille:Sno+teheered them when alt else Was.e}a0ul eg!hive:these’“hopes:blasted ih'@ breath;:,fthe:cup of btiss,.sweeter bees:$2ek edin.‘the head:6 Or:“andes‘body:could not. Ransomewas,ibe chief.ecommar 4 nd pected’Com the field of Bb:Pet:Bnjoyed,‘thus @ ashed away:fore ex ween:of Tt:Grah:an ialmost,within their BER py eaves;it i Suind:ay ‘ aug frou i bwe|grouuds of hopetoo!bad—too bad!“ey it aus wonder ‘Alte ‘el We §Wg lS 0 ope‘his:wound:ois not yyyoulngheay3.ehiould-be crushed thet nes 4 al ouch |ue ane} eo eae poough he is:d pésnisshould:oteu the tons,‘the jue ty,of this:companifnahi‘4 2 ;D ititud 3héuld be'elad ix the habil my Dts Of thy be.killed.at homadeepestmourning,pat to say Finthe calf of the legireyeésmaLei22*iM 35,ides powder Cs But,several,ae {tz ;ftf{ “it avas ‘a oréat‘Victory.2 ce ai nit:at;fad_Kise:God the pr tise 5 ‘botathar shall.We,say F:“to comfort tligae ho only waiwt tl Bie.Of the white winged god of:Peace 4DxfuptialtorchightbeaMi:zlited— aye StS te LSitepsCoury,dawith remnforcemerwrecked...The.past.to chen’“seemne.Hat ‘a .}8D he enemy..ta Cor idream,and infint's sun ¥‘dream:;—the pre:5 sate ¢Cree“pent brings thé renlity;the foretaste Ofblight.|ee May:27thed~expectations wrthe future 108"*asfuel to:es aéontetnplate.i hebowfires,the shonits;’the Bidiovern,Me:=roarlot cannon thy deliriogs Jey.that,will |Telegram’‘from’} GensTih,onrecat OfabeKinston,promptly” passenger traing”un"20 a8"tO.make SloetheMailTrajnsoftheNe atesh:abrives fiom the.North °.5 iThe.trains’on this’Road rll -+at PEM,ana.&rrive az:he.ee ets45JP.Miccand reach *-criesect’“with phe =tHSSC.‘TURNER.:-esESBsR.Rea sure in apnoants:raids.and:thépudlic generally.”:this lon&-ectablis c midis:eee stadlyoeofthecare.rat -S on ge Waoessolicit.ROWZEE. all ied pay,ae‘hiving.tlaimg againstnt-then)tto me!0.7:-By Be eRsepepeperio sf =uenslea sie ben ‘peace ispro.25 th.instant steate.3 ¢ltimedawil]not bring boc of tose fpenBe Sepals hardMELO‘left home sbound7 Y sacred *pomises“Bealed with 2 holy Iisa."Vane,fast parting).ig ihwpressed inde!Hbly’“ofr.mady 2.“broken |ie1 et areheart!How oft:whet:Levening®‘dex “Brow|npi$irits,°chill,sand twibght's abades grow daiker!she}Pp“Tooke.back,doa witt Benet though passers f dn hisTaét rood by fa a Peet i Pistia“tte «turned and left:the moat,‘oh,aiuot a hifua:wercal.en Shuiday wer nine May the &[wildernessh hood.stiitied)ktile grownd:t ig+.PRA AS pei1 f Maat t's sacred be “the Ractitidesor 6°Dea3‘atch‘the foreinogg ankiinscooe career,spirits;Se Gao unortally:wonttidedLeeuretheaud"most an ::“for m bE Eaeut.GE Me4tear.”mt “cl “Regiment ot.NNAC.¥s 3 hed t6 the?ftehd:,hosquiedy:breathed:his: coripanioys En.qrnis (uehicunswerriagsenseot:.art w ‘heaam ied byaiewietory.61 ttsart if i d mp (acticing .epiritregicdi Strick im jiethelamentationsofwidowsated,the.orarta €“promoted ie to'tlia postion Che: disconsolate wailit oa osyeoman witht uxerit to himselke and:honor'to‘his.eythepiuion’‘amons’our.3 i}AREY.28“Up to:ot date Ot iSoe MS;spitetof a]Etsytribvul:ition esr ddogs notthee ae a ne 3 oe eeeriaescease,the carnitze is udt stayédi:‘and lefore f!Cat’down in aes oe the people,who hsivie heen’‘Tabbed:atsheir’bracts of a glorions:Eucute earthly hopes,reedver:frony.the shocks pro-galore he snost:exalt ed:aeae Teal cS ge tS pyey pa wate amt three Bina!€eb by ey etx mextiefireintNigente,the nate a eees&=-;atreeils,Who gow LONE iaihat canBeteted;thei otrele,$0)aess Igy ie!los bf knmore ctabied titawe saat!:4 babiity ere thia.re:thes.vou the:bacon 6from [é the “Went w ia watt to“your Homes,tlie ‘yews anhinta. of another teatahs le battle—indre|‘blood shied,Me AG: It _morelives seeniticn.)*5 seca eid te 16 avert the sto rm nowloathe oe ie “igg—absolatelys pothing.All that:We gan pre panyLaat HeaS Ay cydoisto:prepare'to meet it like,dravest mens)ar He whosé Ulood cle psethipfrojiats-Said2 Shifer litde ehrdren:to cc ymearrd’forliil thein 0}tor Oh.sheie 4 Kingdom:of enwehhe©troublesome’times,“and!we minst Bear an4 i “then resolved to do:ont duty faithfully. “Sine the excitement iand uproar incident?.i: t6 battle hev entiedaway h1ere,esve hae been iape sae ‘restinig—and suchasweet Festtas “only a adldié:i 4 _knowp.~We rétuPried ta the ery sami aa‘ which we-occupied,for’six weeks:precedingtheBattle,and remained there four-or.fice elec aeee ~days.)“The sun shone hot on'us;‘pot ashade Beef:om (@035.. tree,hot:even a‘shrab was left standing ;:the Loe =.Se ao ‘Hittle Grewood necessary tp ‘cook.our rations |bores!O00 500+;Gr Was band”to find,and worsethan ‘all.the ||Candles ote Tard ater which we were obliged to use was:get-[|Tallow el @ Gi ot Emesc Peiing ery’bad,aaithe wwarrn!‘weather drew’!{Adanian-9 ;met tine 000 GaAO0.\nearer.For gheee réasons,)Cal-Goines Corn.--3 60 eee |FEO,‘Sa us 1:a beautiful ‘forest!aban “half'a2}Shidtens05@(a078 “spile distant,a Tavor for whidh we shall be||Dried.Apples,M4 “under lasting:obligations.:This’is indeed.ai eee eo G25)|S ‘pharn ing ‘place;tig regimentis encamped.eet 330 @3 00" _ina romantic valley,through which Tipples |"unpeeled:9 5250 5 a sparkling brook,wvvisile the»field and,staff,;Reesdoz 30 0 ,.including‘the band,argtented on:thi sum- mit of a hill rising abrupt!)y somite,hundred: feet Above,‘ana,completely,overlook ing the “regiment.~The little «valleys:‘around,‘and the aabrupt round hills are thickly shaded sith majestic “chestnut:oaks,jposy clad.is fs theix richest summer foliage,ake gathering pow—it is.already 50 dark that® gank arcely see tomtrite sibutstill T keepon. Thditzee-frogs and whippor-wills have began | their seresiade—we feel likewe were’at,homie. Not ocheave our reginrent are insight,and -this Saturday eveniag,everything.js,80 calm,’ 60 quiet that 1“F<cameasily-ec jn a land of peace and.plefentyy fa from the desolatinig breath of war.«Tho ds wild):honey--gutkles,daisies,blue-bel Be ‘and other gay er-flowers perfume:‘the: ‘breeze with their sweet odors.swell ack but rod will yet take’ue:safely thirenth—she right.not.mje,iwild peekie -Theses“are?«O a he the seatiofwar,- add he Ith oe : !c hiwiletoeaa tse iT ‘tlie South Mesiring’a "45reat.for pripils during’‘theobtained.a;.thorough,*ita]éducati -condvdted on ;5,this iingtitition.oifers in-ZS Cellgze dike’en.Gured =feds’enwarsiAthersahialike‘kind of.which we-eae “fs exent Session Spee:Jan.. .DRAKE,+ ‘Statesville,N.Cc..<4 cbpmanflowerstto.wake this.8s paradiee,—— ie ;5 Places.of Note inn Miisissippi.+¥-<.:Jackson,the capital of Mississippi,: con eat ‘contains about 10,,C06 inhabitants,and “.Sy is situated on Peart Riyer,:about’46 A ee miles Bast of V icksDurg,‘and-about ae,eeu mites North of New-Orleahs,Jack: ‘on and Great Nor thern Waileoad:to,eta +Meniphis and’the North ieepse vena | Se a other ‘at ‘Jacksow::te otPASekoS|Mieksbargis situated on elevated,{0 #2 aaneven ground on the East batkof theMississippi,about 46.jmiles West :of| .Jackson,andby.the,course-of the iriver.iespo 400 miles from New @rleans.|ilroads-are projected and’partly.-=completedtoShreveport,in Louisiana,44 is on the West,and to Selma,Alabama,. a “on.the East:.fhe latter ‘road (South-rt ho emmyMississippi)crosses theNewOr:~sleans,Jackson’and Northern railroad|“;‘at Jackson,andthe¥Mobile and -OlriorailroadatMeridian,Miss.9%‘Meridianis a small place,’ABS mites|g“;+.Weat of North of Mobile*situatedon/,’ S the Mobile and Ohiordilroad,where it«|<4 4d crossed by the Southern Mississippi__from Vicksburg to Selmg.'Itisabout ‘$.5140 miles East from ‘Vicksburg,et “aes ‘/,94-Bast from Jackson,.*)aesceSSty-Grenada iis situated at the.head ‘ali ,Bea -sthamboat navigation on the Yalabusha. ys fas4river,one of “the tributaries’of.the,ee bee ~'Yazoo,and 113 miles North b ,Bast _ofdickson,on the New Orleaities|Son.and Northern.raflroad..eo.2 antori is a flourishing town:Ce AO son Ceanty,:Miss.,of"‘Whiéh‘it isthe’_county site.‘Itissituated‘omtheNew: hh 'Orleans,J ackson and Northern’“pail!|doa ee :road,about 2a miles ‘North-east of|fl iaghson. Raymond iis a villize about 16 les-South-west of J ackson,and about eight ar £ ee _niles South of the Southern Mississip-i....«SS pi railroad,‘with which it is-connected 1 ae ,Okolona is a small towns in Missis-_-,=-Sippi,on the Mobile and Ohioranroad, \Sackson;and about 75 2.een Peel: ‘South of Cormth At do/not-run beyond:Okolona. “East bank of the Mississippi river,two ae=below the mough ‘of*the:Big-Bladk,and about”60miles Sonth-west z of =OnE:rt Gibsonis a Gomes town onaaaePeakePierre,asmallstream which -,9°about 28 miles from-the mouthof the|: i -Bayou,about 10 mileg South-east from -Grand Gulf,andaecae Santh-west *from:Jackson.: Bene andis distantEee 18 miles Seetaal Sees on:thie Ea ob<the Mississippi;25 miles’belo<i ~Hudson’by the course of:the*rix=«~~.=Pearl Rivetfises in the Northern Meck IsePeeatral part of Mississippi,and flowing:ot +ima Southerly dircttion past wckgop, ope =9 distance of 250 miles,passes through’Pe “Take Borgneinto the Gulf of Mexico.ay :.{¥azoo Rivefis deep,narrow,slug-+8 :"pish’stredm;.290 miles:long:from:theSe.gunttion of the:Pallahatchie ay -¥al-Bey)a _labusha-(which form it)éoits mouth ob “F .=|.“ithe Mississippi,about 12 mikes ‘abo:eet pi:|Wicksburg.In navigable qualities bt |<Rp)%1.is said to beunsurppassed by any riverfos“74s ofits size,~-: to,fhe|an ,‘Westward of Okolona,and pursuing.a,Ge eee “Westward courses unites at Leflore' oe -oss with the Tallahatchie and forms.‘the{iett."-o¥ilzoo.:Inthe:winter,it isinavigable teae by steamboats to‘Grenada,on the.SNew tl Orleans,Jackson and.Northernrail- a 3 :%‘aldbushaRiver:rises atideny > Sa g pe Alabama:|SES +4es:thefirst rouge: Jack+ Maa | *py:a branch road,and about the-same |she can go.yith yyou:|aes from:the New.Orlean Jacak-|; ut 170 miles North North-éastfrom po tof dangeruntil ee last:nan 2 >vars on.a Mobile anc Ohiofe oeoes le: =‘Grand,Gulf is a smal.town on:the|iat :...«.\enters the Mississippi about te pees i}...="below the Big Black,and:eee Be Gack ee Victor,by,thie course of the| -A aller:and 800 prisoners that the Yankees might |have reach ?Rome before he could baveoes i ‘young latly ‘should-bofGen.Forrestin th grat ment,and with hisdowntoagratefuland adaterity.The:Hepebican thus:the coriduct of this noble eae When Gen.fo S‘Greek,three milés.hot pursuit of‘thehis.progress checkedstreamandademolished-br a detachment of menlingered |to:dispute’hits passage to:thé.oppo‘side.:ignorant of the ford,iftad there were any,Gen ‘orresttrode:‘backin’questof the nec, “formation:.a quiry whetlibr there was anywho’could pilot his’commandthe-stream,to whieh’a young:i ¥: eleutatat she .the-ford,thatif she had a b¥Se she ‘test eee that.shi Behind it,,to:whie "Her mother,howtheSuggestion,and sensitherdaughter's safety and:pad the’objections: Ly 8 <i Madame,respectfi nS |the'fai famed ‘chieftain,‘‘mandIwillberespons for thi:lady’s.safety !“Oh,”rejoined:goodwoman,“if you:are G on.Forre ‘Mounted’behind piloted’them RCTOS ream." posed to the whistling builets ©¢] enemy;nor did:she’retir Cex:Brave 8‘report,“dated EFebiary.23d,1563,has atlast.beetothe.public.‘Well may:fren|callit an “unequal contesteyacvancedfromNashvilleer60,000 De M ook’s.egpia see ‘of:— 300 wagons,mostly lade;spony nN,provisions,b,Medicine#andhospit“Hs own loss.Seek to.the.W‘ar Department-port nine stand of-colors;qtherscaptured<an@ ‘otherwise disposed ofHe‘left at:‘Murfreesboro 120 badkwounded,halfof whomafterwards die|300-sick ‘and.200-well men,andmotiicalofficers'xo:attend -ienemy.Wasnt no gon }with his Tetr eat. am at-once a full size.ee sGen.Jackson,with the designto.it,when completed,on the pla’infront of the south?portico‘Capitol..Phére ar ample.m.from which «*perfect-likeneGeneralcanbehad,antl no unneces; ee |>a2.distance of 90 miles.|- aes ‘junction:eh‘the"Valabeaha at‘Telaretae_zbou:100 by Tadd,‘North ofJackson2s;and forming the Yazoo.-Its lengthis’ ~ebout,150.miles,andit isnavigabl =t0 |the mouth of the wc as bark|fistance of 100:mi!lest ef e s S :|_rising near*the Sisiipn 2 Rive Sa :atEt |Confedera’ ihand:"We .are persu ed:,tha:noth A one -in'sendi The éstim;ted cost:of ‘the.ge funds as Ike:thousand Gollars,:i“Oar brethren.of the E =wall ghea |(ly assist in:making this appeal known | fect {merewillBe:necessa amount of ‘money Besides he destroyed:not.less 1 ny oy:;=aR {aN:ey t : mm fa ‘I hiram:se ee :Patel Wharal dias a:Ee eeeSG Sea pete bbe iprovigions eenee.oftheConvention,;er perboy::entitled tosla.£of the claidiang™ strate.ak. S e Seleie magetaseyorclaimantsbeminors,2 SER:eto the gnardian,ROR RS RLBeoneaeeeerisesTt <4,ws the Yazoo“about:TD iniles fr F possb Baa cs :Conteal Missidsippi,(in Choetaw wate}_mongrealth.aera igi c at conte See othe a ed Ak See Heroine.”i a) et , | mr e ie 2.Gen.Forrest near Rometo:the noble|Bae ‘conduct of a young lady.who pil rome 6ted.:4 2:"him across BlackCreek.We:are Hap-‘se pyto%e able to give.the.name ‘ofthis |, mess:_Jacksonvitle (Ala.)’“Reepublican.in-|Sai ‘forms us that her name’is Miss:Jane+Sansom.-HeragencyinForrest’ssue-|‘cess has not been dulyappreciated;for|had.she timidly refused to show hin’ Ps.after,flowing about.250.miles,enters|glorious object;to. 4 i:Big Black:arises in’1 Northern to:the ‘Governor of Virsings, St pete ae and flowing akput 200miles‘in a!the gampaign 0 Jast suSpehealsease‘direction,passing be-|appointed to rceeive alRstween'Jackson and Vieksbuts,empties ||to,this:testimonialof»,>»into the Mississippt Riv,titivo miles -and has:agreed to dct.‘above Grand Gulf.AW ita Com! ae =Allusions has been made,in the re.Lt'“ports of the recent romantic exploitof “heroic’maiden to our readers.4 The ie :‘will.pespont with heartfelt u“Cok S :Bassett Fre’abic. if mergber of.Gen.Jac n’s |staffduriog | cations should;thotefare to him at.Richmond, gkThrrible.“Calainity Ss|"We régrét'to learn that the pomillylocatedaboutfourteenmiles, blown up 0on’oy>¢°‘clock. eamesGhyistopher pe Gia :would havebeen secelet i Och] hechiithemoReseeto.account:Ja ~~ ty . —_— yo ee an ¢‘><mothieg new.fo ‘bring to yourtatten-|adventure,Secure Sts Guyi-e Le ES *And faded are the flowers!’. ~&Where I have goié in:yore 57.* :ae oh!how;dreary:all aijuee fem° ‘ « S ;OMA Le Pv OO ew :"others:imay hawe incolcatied,unde —~e andparity,that he might.contin ovel.in darkness and misery “else |-The providence of.ole.firhers ani le had.never opened a dodr of escape;;the facilities of the age’have:gis ‘nor are the bight -and mildew of “the-keducationil advantages, %advance has been slow,but it:3 Y \ ~./printing’tovbe-used:and.contrary to’ee ee a ee a Wold by the busta. -@: 3 Notas viCt Sie Sree civ een .WEEKLY.- ee ae BY.i Buena i.DRAKE | TERUG OF.FTE PAR,nc Ree Pe @5'aYear,in Adv:oy,=28 ee Bar Wino ped a edverce$01 oe iat eo Written for.theIredellee : eactneetli Sse BY 7H.Be i etal beside hoes tomb: _OF one sho loz sincedied ; sla And jjoys are:miltiplied._.He i Ere.she had reached:her e1:shtecnth ¥weer+She fell by Death's cold hand"“Shedeft the scenes of earthly:care” And.joined th’immortal band. elt aéems ‘but yesterday’since weWerewalkingsidebyside,| «“Talking ef Life’s.uncertainty— Of this world’s adverse tide.|* 2 Bat.many changes have been.wrong!he Since you ‘and L.met last:ae fenehoofoldByepratnly,pongent-— -That favorite spot ofeostrs—ei“7‘he'birds have ceared their toses ofdee a ak wander to the:marm ring’stiveam For Ellais no’more!Ms ‘Once moreJ:stand beside.the.ton}Where sleeps.the_gne Llove— :“And:‘gazeupon her étarry,home—.In’yoa bright woxld ‘above. “Thou }@ppy being,far from time-s Wath sil ite cares ‘and:pain; 70}!‘may we meet in that bright ‘aWhereraneomed.spirits reign’! <Camp 10th S.COV, .Chickamauga.Fenn:a Noe 32 186: coe oA POOB ADDRESS’DERIVERED.BE¥YORE THE?©.)3 OUFIG:ADE OP E BR & “eoxconp z aieoefully,to thé:perpetuation.a. 2 wot _DR.IAMY. bad ak the:‘estimate ‘which,the TatNewEnglansplacedupon ©)|Vention,‘at Halifax,inthis gyod ‘aatgnid bisifle thie old elm tress ie eeeasees {stittion.‘Fhey went ast gsgeneration,and as anget Sad Le |=That a school.‘of “!one,who.aspired. |Thevadvance.here,wesee,is fro: atproved aay ay thatthow hast*,about:thee,that’‘usually:taulk ‘of:a hourpene:Beverb;5 es oS or ke the’ele,ane pp England,iin the middle £iftecentury.©Doubtless much 0€ai Was used;toe At those timgs.f eadLetus:‘advante »two eduiteeri late: |Puritans of education,with:thatof:Cadei in 4 |timesof Henry.I'am astare.t is thesfashion of ‘the tix eee $0"agoa fae ‘them.pertestly oe nglish tongue.”ee |@red ad seventy-six i century later-—our fash |North-Stite,and framed:a Stal I than”the Pgritans of |appreciation of the eeof dis :ree);; Mtien to'secute the ites they deer‘ced established by theL *convenient:insthuctio fetsichsalariés’tothe niast ::pak ‘|the,publics as.may..ch ble.them t struct wt low!prices,<a|learningshall’-bedply encou ap:ankpromotediinOncormorecniversi vate to:‘pubic.iistruction;|and:pi ‘ed beyond‘a contingency.afreartshave”*@riributhe‘last:few’‘centuries,mu S| Ie f |The:att of.priating;.the «lisedh ‘the mariier’s compass,the Spee. of steam,to!locomation,“and of:el eity.to thetransiaissi:mn oftintellige he re refillered thre.zat ents of -}rance:TrTT more.cotton people of7: i :.a fin 3Be"aea H fe age gr adtesssiblesto.austher,'-is,fo4 great exteceeproper,‘if notlay renleifit that,|knowledie °:= -the reflections ofthe heur ‘shonid be,|‘thing of ‘em ory 2iqats aequisith ve | -wbainly,upon -thb swhject of *‘female |labor of synthésis.,Notyyrcstandins 4 | *education.W hen we ree ber?thas dal,thisjit:‘must be’conegde®.that the Preacher hatp said;there tis nonewLhingunder‘the,s a “Ttemight| |rane;like.‘spiritual:viel © ‘stil abroad in the.Tahd “eve Xo age,can,wit £nent features,aswell as the most:effi-;and.triumphs of:one certeration -gient-‘lever,‘of.eivilizatiqn.:“Ta ‘savor of affectation.tonsay,that J have.plices. -tion.andifit should:be-my provinee gts successor,nor cas the atts “to indulge in the’repetition °“of what.of one gencrration Vecome.Hose of. r other,Pithout an effus't..~Bae -semilar circumstanecs,|shall!‘deri “ration Ahas,substantially,0 “consolation “from the reflection,that.from thesame level,andt In ; -“Inspiredpropltecyhas also proclaimed,|‘for ‘itself;(and-the sarfie.18, that <““precept must be upyo:precept,every.individual,-~Hence’it and line-upon|line.©historyis certai aly.repeating.itsel Educationis one “of ‘the Most peak and the joys.and.sorrowsSe reve is those;of|nmothgr. meliorating infutnce .We OWES:1 Ri,the same.eélere at aM hick the eminent’degree,-‘our elevation:above |was’Anstructd,is)preserved For: *Hence,it is.chat]‘mopher'|€ the brates ‘which‘surround us."we are literally Broucht out from our |were taught the one,ie By it daughter ;:“and the'sanie tru ire appli ; ~pristine rudeness,;and:trained |up to /thetotlier! FE or.‘this re ~Beauty,happiness,and usefulness ‘Tittle gig)iy my presence,*“mus “gical-and moral training =of the ¢om:};they:bg parents or:endiren,:who: ito labor,and Jaber to:-learns ‘Tho: :Let me here be uncerstoad.to,spe:-‘not merely of mental,ditalso of phy:| fy ;plete'a nd,rythmicaldevelopme 3 of |prose”bgt such prpgtess has.Bee the seks being ;which is'atone igi thined ine'the art of.teaching:as. design and necessity of onr nature-—| prechide the:vigotous efiployment, ‘Phe Creator did not permit.man:to :theinipart,of all the energies amd:p. fall from his first,estate’of innocence.‘ances which were.ind eu ap Athen!nyake a fatad mistake,whethér | sup: to-!|former tiples=.os 4 ~fall entirely éonsonant with min’s na-~taré,else --he*had never,sought’to. _lemerge:from:‘their slime and fifth.—‘The reflection,then,isas consolitary’a8 it is ration4l,that the arm of Om--mipotence’is always.outstretched.t5:eee those engaged in toiling upto.the.elevation of the.sons of God:* a‘be doubted:that;during.thesé.‘six »gauch,solid and snbstantial progress.~(More than:four centuries ago,Jack! ~Cade,‘an.‘Trish adventurer,.haying”3 gpined some advantages ina}rebellion :;Henry Viof England,ds:rep-‘Heckted by:Shakepeare as berating-Lor@Say;m this _of the:realm:and whereas'before our:.fathers.had.no other ‘books but:the:-score and the tally,thou hast~“‘eaused e King,his crown and dignity,thou ast:built 8+Pangea.ae will bd ae:>“Thon hast:<mosttraitorously corrupt2d the’youth, ~thousand *yedrs,the world has.made | ~| ed,to social position,|“and.any -elevag |’ ‘tion abovethat of prractieal ae Hf ‘surpassingranyprecedingageor:coutiiry;,if,wi pexceps,|“perhaps,the .comntgon:-seholsystem‘of:Prussia,and a few of the universities’the old:‘world:But: is'a most:Potcacknbie’face thdt,unt |within compa titely a eeent_pertorwnearlyallthWducationalsfac 3|-thetimes,have been afforded to maleswhilethefémaleportionofthehurfamilyhasbeenmost‘Seantily pi -ed.for.|It is:a melancholy, ithe.same time a.most:‘Significant,fac with knowledge,and sespecially |christianity,that’women have:atta ‘In Mohammedan:countries,e:“middling classes of femalessudtoenjoyfaramorebeythen i ‘that it is ‘only~in ‘couffriés bles . de arable ihe : i a ents‘of.Dan ft ofmen.perfor ne lesethe building: door leeto.their’. privilege,to bee perme to goin ye a upon ie my ‘friends,oi $ees p nurse at ‘the:South,”atattheNorth,while his mo- ‘es addin i tattlineeEbedtelling.rm nt-jutchverna|or.hybernat-.ro-bank.Every whimeeort"s derling’””had. ratiiiod.;CUnains,to:es abd elps,were alike Testis$Amusement or‘sppepsementisindictiveness:evinced it etepublic were gid fogies ee theconstivation|wére- shekinah *was eeend:“the higher law.” lec aoe of.ome 6.governed.‘Rollyixhearts;and there cdhich-the rod must-not-itdrengoverned well atentat.e chook,‘and éub-- ie strive ‘to, walefotsey ‘labor.Sa habit,“Which-brings 3 -trandred fold,2S: overnment at’.school..for:example,‘who basin.every.whim‘andfool-howe,will not orly bein-" in =“‘corner of a -house-' ‘ees us woman’de |the:spindle? t-ofly idlebuta tattler. NecM G lo this end,‘as:parent“to.govern.lebe: rmed,much1prayer for’gn.Butall this,”hedirection. rye oe.and:mental di rain teehee whecer’“do © raywhattho You ol pads ationwas hiseee othe ‘Taws -of’their countryacehabits:Ofei as ee ie He fe.<On the:cont 4 ¢fe rned-at home,-at tecbool;“butthe man that... pife,.will find it “bet- ‘mon,who -<“0peneth:her.oe pder’her:Jonpoet”Mall.e he.distaff,and:a a “3 1°ms osit fe oei bes 16 Wi,‘as:Paul Says,lear.ees ee asderiigaboutfromhouseto:Yee eeaa==gS aoetimtase.the “most -lasting.——_~as réformin Sey ;Be eee extuiple“No one-whocan- fig ti:ok ee .ily continue and inforce2 pate ar izy=.SP ie oe ‘ os >-.co,$ oh (sow e.« ot ef ?al sie oe @ .=10?he ieene‘7 »eA ir * .fe s 4..7-8 :a Sete itr.Apiace:tele RU ty op oN..24 , Ce . os,. ~~ aP - i sls a < :eeSeay:- a ca Se TR :4 5feagears ot aie k een so { iy” ‘ro . "ft a Bs“f. 4serps mng ‘‘ ye he > teh patiete IeRaae ree a “:s roer =oe Se cea= rs]eee te ah *3nsa—_ Lee ;¥ ag oP ies£aes om “v€ ws Po : Sie he t ’ Soap te xi ame ee “ et,o>pane 1 “”.Awe talctae‘ nib hip Sie nti . .4bcs s ca "a - ay J 4.Ce The oer?‘:‘cana “s ° ’ . . t 7 ce ym . .abtee 4 nua se ge Per eet ee hon:-*ae : Moa isae ; Pike righ 3 set Miss Ga - bts ee .*8ake jsieet4.~oe tine,edi “acaeSt . +>>ee gar res rat et , spo Sateee roeFwee rotpe“ee (FF Yass .es Le se i * >:‘" te "9 . =tetvie,te x :peri }..Bt ,Prteent.Rete{m).% e ~,;}.| .4 ~~. ie ertMeaAe ,»’‘* vt ~i, Bae rileyese 'mae te ~=m) Pe oy mefea» as ae ::‘ agi 4 {°|ae ‘oar ’ia ’ -th the handsofGod, ‘49 Our guilty!Mice"to du J -It maybe laid done ag-an axiochateducationshould“be:eémmerisu. f >“Of that forbidden.tres abes “-*“Yn all my wanderings,”_found womanunifofinlykind .andcom-+ ..dressed myself iin:thetanguage:of -de- cency and friendship,without receiving por sick ‘ °tag star by ‘Star fxdes away;she,olita.. »opyand alone,awaits hedaiwing.tight, He affection.Spe oe aes .Were not sttonggand'gcreat,chohoraple ‘eemay not:have beca-‘visible,“but must have been felt—may not:have eg$*—- rice age *|&Virtuous woman,’"yet there oe wider shields ‘or upon, |the:nation:ecded.jint horlscont teply wa'saehadjhadthe ri_,thers,the **reign of.te*have:entitled hier to thé a oe;,‘the thaniat ofthe'n sions,” e ene to:day,who has’neslectéd'al eFort,8 Tis’relying’pox 5" may find:eetoo:sate hats:Foy erred.-Is therea patr‘who has neglected.family &,andis"relying upon.adhegeneraldiffasionofknow]-#pote order.and perpetuate |-ernment;.ne will,“permit ane--:him,that heis attempting: -fountain.No,let usabi the fac&that it is aatbral influenee—exerterforthemostpartin’the:quietudeis4hotwe—whi¢h must.be the great “ness”.:ae -rate with.the influence:fo good’awhie‘its recipient is capable of exérting.—“Jadged by this test,female e¢ation ti hers,anid ~should be most’thérough ant ‘omp!“Ttis true that atwomen’‘sbidd rr,‘-am_ate’the:fruit.<bie #2 Brought deativiigtotue world ®, At:ne behest also;the-the Baptist.was exhibitedThebeautyofthewayward Hele.only kept the-ancient world:-ifotterAlongyears,butwas the’¢eeoeoes epauniere e Belopioneessian war,rbich:ty[te we stowningeffort’o bis oft ry.Oo.heas immortalized his.ai -\Sgendent abil“LNOT SO-good: ther.used ‘to, tknree,to"peig TaH enven.” TA nother’:: AN mother’s te bores etter epee|tory rema e.nD,Ef t have.only rative of eyaEi Ae crime.a“us tury to the bright side ofthe:pic-‘ture."Th celebrated traveller Muy-go Park beaks this>testimony.to ‘the:-goodness-and kindagss’‘of “woman.— “says he,“7 passionate,and Ican.trul:E SAY.aS my|predecessor,|Mr.Ledgard,:bas Said’_bdefgre‘mé:<Toa woman’eg never ads Ye_a.decent‘and friendly.‘ans"was hungry«or,thirsty,:*they’did:no}hesitate,like the men,to,perfarma gen¢rous action=.-Ins¢free ute tomy relitf,ethat ifLavas -dry,A/-Genk the syettest’draught):and:hungry,Toate the coarsestmorsel wewh double relish’.Waa would:‘the! world be without ‘the kind andbencfi- i cent influence off woman?‘Phe’due’‘of»Hermon fell not more gently vupon the .mountaigs of Zion,‘thanher’“gentle .looks and.benignant smiles “yea:her: ie "erystal.tears fall with life:giving pow-er and gentle-balm upen the efforts of *yirtuond,andeven’wayward ‘mah;whiletastravelingthough‘this ‘vale“of.tears.| “and so kind 4 manner did they,contrib:| -are''liere a cost ‘ot Mion are,’p rbaps; sisters.toiling nd ree dent of Kuowl youns frends) young 1oOsv, gay,this bee the:iesASCE,May the:joumey.of;hexe.”Juearn bifrary and us “With angelic affection sho cradles ourg {2 grater trialJnfancyuponherbosgm$.and ‘whensicknesscomesshebathes’the:‘acliing | ~‘brow,andin the stillness of.‘the:long"might,whenman ang nature rest,her. watching eye refyscs to:slumber,and. .Whenin;answer to her prayers:our .‘diseases arerebuked,bo heart tears:“more devoutfully thankful toeurGod;and when the fresh earth‘shall cove:Br“our mortal bodies,10 tearswill,fall—}-»no heart will blecd—likehers and.nohandbuther'swill plant th over,liv:|: ing green uport our graves— but true emblem of her,neve j Ee YY rere:is mone ieall:this eidaid hollow World,no fount vA mather’s heart.zy -grown,great and strong,wheawomen and *ho ored;Their greatness.and| Ofdeep,strone,deathless love,savethat witha No nation,on the tide of time,sale while her‘eth een thoughts..béanty ‘and love earlands::aroun "home.oo OL the times. of the ¢™m AeTtheadjacenthi ed vessel rode. ..beer accérded,butseurely.|'e ‘isted.—'pre he Hebrew women,Sarah was:peter aa.faithfulwife,Jochebemt-2faithfut,they reclined at case, mother,Mériam’a _prophietessy..whose | \aise.gt the Red.Sea;and vhoag song: ce“+spired the courage,.elevated.th ‘although,22’Semprona might dunte)|“with mo egrace :andatthan became. »haste.Lucretia,the.innocent Vitirgilia pnd the patriotic Vetruria.:>Gre: gian'mothercould send.forth &‘sons! to baitle with theiinjunction to eturh,|i m-—to _seouquer.or'die.|Itis ‘saig:th .debted ‘to the beautiful:and hand:shelter of ‘Butt.the scene has change do of?States,of praise to that”God:who:had.<¢tri-’Websterregarded ag umphed glorionsly,.apd ‘throva’“the!tiberty,as rent.assun horse andhis rider into the sea?as shi&)watt stalks through the Li: «struck.the led’ounding.timbrel—in- aad.night,the arehs exclaitms,. =Simeon 4ds not;‘and ye will:os ‘Benjaz, inin-away—alall‘these things % Bxo.2s bby CTE shall Sé most amy!|Row:permit me to% wo Why Wits = ted,and this Co!leg: prayor 2)You strite and:blood while:you.are placed! ‘not.here that:you ni away in listless folroaandoeaean pice when’Eta.you, hd eh Steen:old 3 Hearn.Store Four.mists’y inowledgo.Submilio therof-your teachers ,they hay: atquired thereby,wil]beuse ddotsteps,Happinesswill” be your paridise aid:hoaven a Permitme,in.con EE tO:indulge in -v:feay seein to.be calkesa ior _.Pwo-yearsRES;“thisHand,aud pead =pboswithinoar:bordéSaalonsg sof our ‘rivers.pleugh-boy and thosong of tbe: fell ‘sweetly upon,‘theear 0 and the.venerable, vee has sat down ta heaspi-||plough.Boy has left “rations.andfixed the faith’of thechosen’field;and clothed:int :people.When we turn to:the:repud-|hasfened away tothe c d that,|‘the maiden’s nerFies-of-Rome and Gretce we find th ean the cresrest.upon the ¥aca vere €F conse:and like *Jacob of “Wars are néieious lah ope ‘ithe.‘from the ground.!‘heyare th gifted and eloquent Periéles.Was in-!!‘of the ‘Almighty:upon’*thie'h ecom-i tions that trample ugder ma, et"tik :ligeit,ortteh ake “And Sache its sacrvinnanhood!'S DtAndiTe’er tp he ss fs'Ro-pour the:fa asstruct|eos breathe the,ciliventng The genetonsp GEpO iniporg fi ¢thHE “NG come,|‘and.stBERS.oe ‘ndivers cross your,path.Itis to dife that:YOu : to luhors,A cles,bat:the:ge Scud:diffitultics,:ne aeter,life.wrap up,:clothe Yourselves isleStormhsoflifewillsSRIC*4,ly overtake you:Weep your oy hearts pure;sand let ‘nothing ttimpureandunholyobtrado} bo these.ue eliness.\will: d your biPOW, eo eC at ils as:ais ri ‘upon the: The whistl theit:f that.Wa: ‘y Sor a Joseph:5 Sau plished Aspisia,-for much:of Lis suc-Hings—disreg rd:EL teachinggeand: cess,in life.*Plato’asserts:that ‘this| -most extraordinary woman was the’ the celebrated ‘funeral oration, ‘out fathers.““preeeptress of Socrates,andcomposed;élic upon'the virtwhich:the people,an»Pericles delizerredfapon’those:who:fell %Rehevedts.bid os G Masia oeefforts.sfioukd ;have none.of His rep iwe-have™: under}© 18:Were:“ese ¥en the resnor yet itluss appatFourintent hip,anid not ei ne Bucscome EMS SiCOMMS 1 ‘ia |ee 727 ss rely.“afresh their.f “mecvts,my, 4 Jagingory of mere zealousand:peesonofavane oleae poe ope he tless anditheGiscontent- om shen stofore,come aBE |=attele ed caewaeLeslee 3 donot fails)5S ‘ she “Abolition es- ge E=these are the- _hfew,'to Sr eece.0 national:°osak ie : forebodings.—- God,si aber- ne we aré eectyeoace,by beingbi : SseeeatheoriginaheNorth,sare.+):°”; the basis.Of ~at ne ate ven of:recon-ene |Peak, Phe dion.=[54beepath.to :pt ee out enémy- property’and=*on |ant A: -Now,when.»Ey ad :chs mothers and::Ba ee we.can oe se : ehalf,ar put’See.open:“aiiamies Le ee eth ee OH (2 sanity.of first -.<-Bs £4 :high:canbe oughit on.zood i ee ee M GUNN, ofsaid Consity.:..old,and ‘had on Lae Gy ap ann mecoatandpasts,.sete afty:dollars.ets =ig eigenen ke |<ysent ates wht, ik ” - is en Ne“hee ye-,tunity. pa pablish DelUSI y dnt i 3 .‘the noble‘anim!ta eset} De a Rokeri i “game remedy,‘is:equally a i eases.”How’s'‘thar?-Su 3 |3‘STAPESVIT as an‘expe riment meray »<well the“undertaking w:would: “tle dream ee of the ‘yortentons nie “would overw‘Helinn our country period.BatsWwe are,aipov ofof ps |HS. :We hae receive dq boat i.é 100 cob ribiteod for the benefit by.thefe lowing persons M,¥E.;hen’.poet oi:Stackenpury.aO.Mo Barkly,ie A.R.Mager.pose ieee :aeayny.oe ci ity,not,hui ld ad |sole ascurance!that:-wé fe them uring che:Aees a idan stm mcr ae write:ce tongtletter, “IM esta:ee North CaroliNa Sustains|ters: -davembersof ihe Coufedera “and ‘the hdper ofethe St 4 “sent,session ot great.ity ae “trast thsat that binky)ww. prove equal:to the:crisi Which,rests:Upon.the repre ‘Sov ere en peor te.wehesey iget ou ex the 48 R MeeseS-Sieg:Mel : prequest us tonwd ete eh: trilleon 2 Bebe a the ath ;Pee cs Wn Dey wis WERE ad, wt th requseat of cing I -40f..‘Concord 7Pein:te ae ioe,dvliveres 4yy the-€bey w}af,a tire “oth of last.Dray 2! caused to delay HS pallLied -Bent jestteyyOn ‘Aer ount Os ies,—dias’fost,Lode tat cowlu re pay ‘exciting the ae the Cars ereliceimaent,con the.banks “one day.Jast week5 ance.of 2 fineey biekolle +e catch:Py anks.th ey were oh SegS No wichigellinz hiss teat, region:for a ic.t)ou wie as es pant as ‘tod:Hadi mes beenae :ee Prare Wehave:foi report of x icinity “of Chattanoow: thee days}‘the C unfeders fore an:oF envhelay:ne fore -No dei ails Ravetbeen.ree had taxén asta:thd von th oe‘Chic!kamiat roe ant we *foe.Reporte State (hat)Cte casinvested Kagel tand us [Xo business’of:2 “been transacted:ley:ther ‘State,in the “proceedings:4 greet in,ae ash pay TA. anvat ne TCaxp ow tieaie Dav.Low.Omens HL. Well,1.believe 1.‘barahi fork,god|peresiving the:coast ;good,fertije eee .ana i ;48 hundred,.!nor even ‘ten i Snake the setele:oeI bad Tse <J atobe sure.:mm dyn ie tree.ty" Femberked,=iMas aisebetter!sets “on;Besides punky:eae tick :stick closer’than s bad ‘repu ‘Fem off}.thatsSs my cure. _this por€ion,‘af Me country,; “the Rappabianacck, “marching:ané,:finally,‘the 1 :CDof ourold lines,South ofthe ihe.POs aesill tae i “hom?Many. ine Gul,eC fitdey fof rou OsRober Act1n0¢3wats.aS tivewould do.n01 goan 0 lo.sayeae must oad ©shal ve in oe:tau ‘tiene:ef repe deh nye gar ae “Re ELAS BoNitec a ith:os NR stand:airyestheph long’enoug 280 yentiring.doen t 1 me reliance on Le teeth a Bes“the.force OF ieeVthim:as:Me ares egeeoesen See sibles dio.4 aosBeae» Cy:to Tpscre property's in:eren ok Po a eredl p unSSfeanilofthe:Fel or thy?a hi 4 Bagel’‘i eatae—~fe —,| {es pera Ser errr Forrest np aTrPSSoaSiaamusing—.cireumstarice,-Bet ree equally -historical—oeeurred on.~<..|,day morning,after the battle ofBteeeae|amanuga,Wwhigh We fhave not:cee pprimts:uf Pain te Pa ee8 ah ~"Forrest'led he cuedpee-|and with bis command,pusforwardto‘the top:of &~~x)Redge,drivingthe rear-of |'=~)before hith,:and’receivingeseomshots.:as the}.‘scamipe ree Be otheriside of the mil...Pekan as “Upon tréaching the ‘su-+)~.°)point not far from the:prefoeepeequartersofGeneralBragg. pte eine hs-pame toa halt,and Ww: .bua ee |**horoseBpe ”of thin;s:.aboutoe:here ..discovered”fout “Yankees .to“>s+||high up along the:brnehe of yi/fa 2.)tree near them.“Twenty-gAtecree4instantlylevelled.‘Dosreae“screamed the blue birds;iH ‘|down,”and,strembling in-@very JimHESeaeeeeeclamberedfrom‘theik,,pefch andBieberearolled.on tthe ——in front : # oo t's had_not had time to escape before theSholeiecet Fapid advance and retreat.°©he tee Gees “}The pire’tree was one:of -Hesitos>++++Cospicuous.upon that:lofty-chain of<a -hills;,and:without 9.branch‘from.‘thegeentoaheightofsixtyorsévent} feet...The ¥ankees had ‘bored “holeosGmits‘sidés,“and .placed a Stairwayi~ S spegs along’its trank.Forrest:imme Rey .diately mounted:‘thése,and with:eo sisth kee »“@agerness ;and ggility of atboybound4("fed -to*the Breen.bougtis farabov"|ayhence the views upon either ‘slope Eau .bs¢the vid fell offin panoramicJuxore 3 a ie oe amee:.Rtadst whatea sight Was there !“ey!Moses,.when.he:st bod:upon Mi se =Nebo and:gazed into |the “promisedrathHESland,beheld’no.fairer vvision:shah, "oes Vigwam Defore the delighted ‘eyes g ;os ey “Forrest.ea ie ne eh a oh he”aay was bright’and’clear.Sate The clouds ofsmoke which floated likepeed'.a swarm of crows:over the bajtle-field;: Ly2 hawas farsin:rear?’:Phe ‘woods.below:ort a ea “were yet ‘unencrastdd with ‘the:deep Ee ~“‘Jayer of dust which ‘settledtupon:them’ |Jater in.the ‘duyk.The:sky.Was “still ‘penetrable;‘and-as ‘the.kéen ‘gray eye :of the enthusiast.‘surveyed t e scene; w-..ae? -*.**new beautiesmantled ‘and re-smantled|».°h .-themselves,one by one,untilithe heart!"Nae Sal ~swelledwith,the pride-and¢gloryof a Ue sian ie os conquer rj.“who beholds:“the:spoils.off—-:Metory.almost inhis.grasp.'‘Phe val:_ley wis One.moving.sca ‘of,panic- .@tricken *Yankees,-hurrying.towards+Chattanooga.‘The debris of the bat-. ‘tle,ambulances;trains of ordnance, ee ae ee artillery,‘and.herds:of:cattle,were F fe eo a ceiddled:together iin “ajcontased:Mass.|pert ‘Officers’“Were-hurrying J hither “atid |: a _{thither:The groves were thickwith’Reto tS Pe ere : reuirang ‘blue-coats—far ‘beyond ‘the:aecbaebrightwatersoftheTennesseei'eeaes spanned bya'wide pontoon,were:‘bes|EalesBe Ope Soa érossed,whilst:thé ‘hills o>on the other”Side were’thickly.veiled; we a "Sn.dust../Zhere were no fortifi¢atiofispeeieserected,:‘or being erected.“ALL:mags:=__haste and fear.)«yf as SP.Fortlesticalled:ftom this slevated P;ah sition to.an officer:“Write back’to we ea Gen.Bragg.and:fell.‘him he has:it:all-—!his,own ‘way.‘The whole:country.j:/covered with Yankees.Tell himthey Reaabh oo Sere:ckossing the river,and hérhas onlya“it ¢44 to ‘press forward‘and‘finish this thing:ei eeSilerTeeter|he loscé 23 the-loss of a Pee aotoeS chauaenal men.”‘Suchwerethe wordsNeee_-of Forrest;and they were duby"dé-ee ga _Spatched..Again and again:“did:heELagesend’back the same message.‘before Bee Sete the:morning‘was:over.“Come.on.be tay vow .for God's sake,come on,.”’.»fe am outathe fruit had bat to:wbegathyPecesrenSenile:: Se es eae thy ca:the.army.fail to 9 rasto)ae oo SP oesstata ae gt eae The Weed Ereewid of dacaneeewritesNov.Ttbt: ;By the way:there can be no.impro-ee ae >priety inj mentioning the fact that al»",4S weddingis to.take plage at tite.Prest! rey ‘dent’s next week,‘when.a sister of Mr. _--/*<°‘Davis is.to marry'a grandson.of the "bead 5 Fate “Ex.‘President “Tyler.-Suth:an ee IRE gk oe “event in Yankeedom’would:. Be ee ae prodigious,‘sérisation ;:Jenkise4“gélebrate it in his most melliflucus stylé ght ‘.+forthe.benefit:of the.reader ‘of th aN Ee .Herald,andan engravingof he nyp;|’._*+*tials would‘go forth-to the work 10‘the">...GMubtrated!weeklies”,There is: J ean eamay.‘be worth noticing.nee .+.ther of the bridegreom.eléetq henhii.+|©-“aspoused thedgughter of:John”yler,satae »“+eelebrated the first’marriage’that was .©.Washington,and his son ‘will bea prin-aS.».CGpalin the frst’marriage that.will-|ake,cath take placeiin.themansion of‘the-Prés :ae a‘3 sige of.the *‘Confederate Sta‘ eee ete. eke gear -eidence ‘i in ‘the hippening.of the.évend 4Th See -§im ever performediin the White House'a F SAE IR ie he:‘inezroeieiciam| His spéec afanityandwaslou Pro prigtor 20 eGnne: a fomberof £00 oars By calling.at’my,St‘Simoniton:‘House.on Tréasc“Horses and Mules kept:eee i |visiting portions ost satisfactory’ann were given ac...‘is:now.well,Te a3 wt _onee.c eleLeestated,a Aibéral dims:|lvesalong ache pl eeB lle;Ne:Cor nun st an:AF.eit Soa aeihettheDalies that,byAn:finreuing the ever tenor. Stes e,ag i Patriotic Family. a te,oma mo seas the-North.Caroliniai Prisoners:at the battle’of Chiek ce oe i “Ging and fearless young.man,She sisme-brother.of ‘Brig.“Gen.A.M2 SealesofGen:Tiee’s ay:“Theirfather,’tee jDr.Robert|Seales,*of.Rockimgh:n,ec Te hadtgix:sons,in the army,**Ot gee “wolntesia!one of ‘whom neal:s+:{.\and heroie bey—fellbefore Richmond, Aa eseae"snobly baring’his bésom to.“the ‘storm:lt tt)of shot andshell Gen.Scales-is one8ofthemostgallantofficesinthe’attveoa)2ood se sheen:wounded s i Re me “$5 a Year,in Advance. an .NoSubscriptionreceived undér'6 months Pa =pas:Wr pes odin “Sa aes “From the.Saltillo,Boys. “Cae gn ThEqhe Ratibsx,:ox,A:a »Noveinber-a 1963. _My last letter.was closédra s be the ‘order to march ice:Chancellor :a ville s but,strange.torsay,Thegi ig sitting, «.“within fifty yards:‘of the very ‘+>‘Snished “the:other ;jp under:‘ditte er! ae oe A staneed thongh,—their -we fad np.‘shieltoe toss feawe a (portable,Yankee tent;nowiwe lay io <a’sery snug cabin,roomy.‘and ;with one whole gabte cnd fora chimo fae Se fire;lace.WeSee abotttan: Spe 3 8 more.eesword‘than “they have been.strengthened, e -trebled,nds:6ut works look "bus fort from the mouth of the nock to\the Bine.Ridge.AY the year-GE (woYounger we will have,th: ss aCe eracy ditched loose from the:alolitio “dom in the.North,sat yao ae tok “baviig aeean on our was Xo:Some Ee point.I don't ren:ember the date of my Jet? ewe es 46r cut-short:so unceremouionsly,Hatt had ~_Rearee,time enough to.Leonie upsmay af : re a OAR,ait de donee fox lifes.1 : x -slaokened until,we were“Seven. nearer. Ghaneatloneclle-Rr ae foe _the--evening ;(it.was Friday:‘the. Tease ages .we.halted,.gnd after:“a short rere. ican ina nidguificent forest ofbi wud Le on the i Sredertkolut Sse “yumer,”ior the report of a sing >turbed:.our:"peace,A more;chi _|never beamedin the Suny“Sousl oe go mild and serene.:Even the sur cis o NYUTe temptedto try their:voices 5 "sand robins «were turning:up aroun ie or oT wag,that carried us in fanéy bi “hood’aday 3a made us wish,: of to the’"realjty,:that sucly a thivig ee never“been”Gavented.*The “gnen st ot,1.theniselvesinthe brown restli er oe alept,@‘dnd'dreamed of sunns.daysfon ‘iby,alas}sith anany cl us,ne nOFE!td ae eee om retaeny oye oes as Soon after dark (night of ihe If ~heavy cloud#arese>glaring fh oie”2 Ing urinated for aa moment tre W attied _horizon—Teep meals muttered © ‘Tug:we:sobist ies _were!‘more than.renlized print.Bat i“as our zg ‘a a perfect Braitc ot Veaneets “pear inund®ting our shih eanip.; shower did piot last niore than haltsab 4 J ;calculation’Bout Ae Sinful “Asbighwe kad had:in anticipat!ion >Me ext morning Rt dar-breaksave hi SA a 5 shower after”thie ‘eame-style,but,it tab ‘~,7 longer this.time;rain tell:hes:int ot giduet'as m.,when.ce clon bpake: -et again and the’bright ere meena AA out chee But how:reat‘thech Mis See Siaotesd of ait all wastbnstle ah —in aswrife:oe the: oe bd -mind ik paint ae Rees -‘forebodings:|Tne drums throughout “2 2 camp were “beating thie long roll;oti aaa Me drawing wet.loads from !their guns,sore: ' avere counting tlicir cartridges:and artangin ie :ts.conveniently in their’boxe 1eW “tridgeswtte handed out,cap:Boxes 1; ati-stitii ance buch:ae ei ial to “bein g:stormed.pape swith his Prege butretSe=popesst ‘oe ‘others were ‘overhauling ‘their:ku ch Ee S dopder tgisee:what Soether. i apense vith,‘2 ae 1u te af Brinting nyite am “ef to get as:imhch of the of the!Beh eS en ble;not aifew were tryin; a a ick orlame}and.went.prowling ’ Se eee .tbe woods.cutting waiking:sticks ran nie +.‘kinginquiries after the ML.D's and he a Poy ao -pulances—eooking aatensils,were<rried bee “and rations halt eooked thifust care! ea ae “haversacks..Everything and : hater mS “torned:wp:side’‘down,when,the commane jy Bee ee 2 fall in”instantly brought ;'order ‘outof hoe eygosy?and:'the line took up its.match di-. ey eo os ereeiy::towards ‘ithe .cannonadings Man we Cea te pat:hearts deatviolently:inaie —not thrbughfear,.but from Hee e:Be i.S oe ee arriyed:bringing intelligence that a he pee aa Ahad recroseedtherivertotheir¢ ag,Serre ee an 6 eS eaty raid on the pat |the Nea gpa great portion:of.the:larger:sheet,and t- forty Sa a a am oon =te aie " tatoee,.swith|peas and _pindars enougli to fat- eu|enaaa | oo leloss of (hin supply spies a8.er“ported.” wo e SE eS to rs t a ‘ue |fo foeTaahioes bs Kees haveatmed and equipped fort;‘thousand ie ~ing-puleregeverknown.in times dike these} Fhe (ollowing:amounts have:cesta us,‘and es ovet to.»Bev We WePharr,for woendsin- ing,‘and;ery,outlay,in.s ciaducciog'ethe printing.business, .theprice“ofsabecription eeeranch’largen|: sum,ov,Feduce the size of,the,he ;of‘the jectionable to our:patria?Bacnach’|las ‘by-Jeaying out much dead inatter which!|Aled ,printing in smaller type,wecah farnish quitetheusual-quantity of newsand general read--ing.Weformerly bought:paper,at nrets. per‘pound,.of good!“quality ;7.we now: -pay $1 ‘per pound,foran inferior’i"lot of paper which:Swe pecently: -tually cost ug $900!’The =of livingis):aifssiate gaore aa for our farm- ee from Dalton,”Dew,‘sabye: »#*The datest accounts-representthat.Long:| -gtreet,with a!part of his com!and,made:amr, he steamer Blaci givkwefingit’_absolutely-necessary to increase below,‘RedRiver ae ee attack on Knoxville;His.logs:he‘said to.be small.’.He then’raised.th siege matandimarehedtowardsAbingdon|,Gen.Bushrod Johnston:had sue edédin |-ailecting ‘@ junction with:Longatreet witht ji _aivanciog ‘uponKnoxville,oedoubt, *eaused Longstreet:to retire,in ‘the direction of Virginia,to escape an attack:upon his| ~tored a latge ammunition’trail enoentos Risesny dae ae ;Daily State Journal,Raleigh,a eC. change with our weekly.*The Journalgives.fall rep orty of the-dolngs of:the Legislaturealeo|e daca intelligence,res the 8 andGouveiaa6.The week]ES ee is om be resum in=s short while. ‘Pligpings §from.the Press. atm,Geo.Sandoe!Postmast Tat.f ‘don,has informed the,Fierginian,’th:he has ‘been notified by the Postmaster‘General hat-&Post sg eam been eetablichs ‘Tati ait letters ‘mtendd forpersons 1 Gen. »Lee's army.weil be directed as above—gi ve gion andCorps,it cone: -—The Staunton Splelador has -ed that on .Wednesday last ¢train pf,cnas ontheBaltimoreandOhi¢:Railroad was.-blown+."up by torpedoes’placed ‘on the track.“This :-occurred near Pawpaw:Tanne,thirty.miles iWeestofMartinsburg.ihe tesipis sajdtol “.county,‘Miss;,thas made:cna the’pre eng ‘year.300-bushels of corn,’100.bushels’‘of po- ten“her hogs.‘She did all.the:ploughing herself ‘anddid it with an old ‘wind-Broken.i pony:Hertwa little daughters.aged twelve |. pnd fourteenjyears didthe hoeing |She hag ~tilso madé 100 pounds of.tobacco now’in|) .“presse.Sige her crop was finished she’has |: *done weavingenough to buy hér'dal and oneOfcards,and hassome.‘money lef,aa _—Judge.Bailey,oneef ourbest’:eSepe“Court Judie,has”resigned .ie ae to:<thewaster.3 =es been’presented by aw.ets |Alexander,’with four’verylarge’.turnips %“weighing sogiething leas“than filty’pounde..¢ We always feel peetolol ee such favors,ftom .Ourfriends.pee *fi: <>.“-A Handsome Pree Leis indebted to Mr.Abner Peimster,. ‘.We are.: pam im,i aBrest of a.haltsocal . |which petesitthat Cle itn’sdivision,en: we tender thanks.13 i Ba.cranesaoeHeaieTepe us "Phe Northerh papersstate that.‘the San. ta to betused.to help.‘subjugate “South...The Lincoln:Government,.aving | Mgakees:foténd to:try what:'viztue::ingaffy forjthat purpose.’garrison the South.withn-white amen fist yield “cies @re,sometimes,called:ices is a-set.of men livingin the South,but|.yonraffairs have been managedal donderm is.one of the most forbea i 7.cpr his.begr &.3 auton a 2day ofiTpeoltagesheathe.pees aswill have to 9tendtothispunatteriftheauther ‘10.negleetit.Sympdthizers:witharousfoesshouldpotbeallow Taree tozB South ante: Pon te of* iioat wrear.:Gen.Ransomjisreported.to“have cap.if .We are indebted to the Bditar of the Daily}|©State Journal,Mr.John Spelmétn,for;anes}| *fated tocrush’the“rebellion”with white|2) pickamanga,,destroying e te;including Ratlroad:tra¢ ispatch da ulation « meGenerabse AE 3 eee k ¢ay at.headquarters ’‘‘a a Es 4 eeeRe rit +a *> og Plott’s T.One “g--758 “Volume.VIL. PUBLISHED.‘WEEKLY; ‘aace:oe CBee :wt.DRAKE,Treasury:notes.aboxe t Ruan B.DRAKE &SON,| ~Raitorsand Proprietbrs.Tek “TERMSOF THE PAPER,Ae aa WESTERN |N.G.RB.ROAD. “to @ 22 LLME TABLE, Fo 0 into operation Manday,Oct.26,1863. ie Bredell ae : _$5-a Year,:in eavanne.: Subscriptionreceivedunder6months.; Sere Se onthe Ist day.of Sanu ‘1,The Congressof‘the eeAgeedoenact,Titat sho j fivedollars;not bearing.inlowed.until.the Ist day of.‘lof the Mississip#river,and dnofJuly,A864,west of the:Mi }therate‘of four percen ue the ‘bon YT uired forthe‘fanding,ae for in:the fs ot Pandan he|‘bonds can be:e .Issue certi ficates té.answer the irpo bonds ‘and.certi ates.shall be ——MAIL TRAIN aVEST.nterest ”In}payme BIEpayable:ia the vear'1864, < a | aSTATIONS,© ‘= ¥ “# |Salisbury,....--cssczo tena.=a 5|_~Water.Bo an 6:10,39}10.43|4a ;“WiedGreek,a....ccsccipessos-seef LIL LTTLIG|H¥eE,andthe:Waddell’s,......02:..ec.-ccciners--f18/M36;11.29']the ®4 eee 12.0742.19 -—)Plott’s T.-0 on :Catawba,eeredeseeteceeceeensNewton,..i...2c-20eccc00eee White Suipbar,...seaHickoryee —— o4 33/19.5112.56| 38gep47: D0)2:—)2.35,2.5 z= export andiimgport:duties:~ I Treasury‘nne}oe u ftf ApalLPF ih the pa erifnotso.prese« nts imposed in'the 4th'sedts‘be subject to a tax’of ten per ¥until 80 presented;Pwhieh ‘taxes, 5=‘MALL TRAIN EAST. ~re =~:& a en e “a D N v a e t o ] fa a : WA V E } ee lotrnoe0. oo ees Newton,.....s0-ce.egeeored “Catawba,pissmessengoien dad@er*2"“ee . Ny ‘Statesville.,.Seacsitode dee Rincon Waddell’s T.0.52.0...ee Phird Creek,oot desnenneeecn a:"Water Tank;..., +aeand 6PM.: T+LeaveStaiesville for Charlotte,:Laily, a 3 capitals of ||, “BOTTLES AND.VIALfn fein:aera st,is enger.Trains agai aloes connie ,(Leave Colambia.for Charlotte,:ee2 ~«Mi and 6 P.M.: “geptSu y at 7 WAS BM. _Leave ee etStatesywill,daily, Bi da at.:rept unde,aoe THOS BR>SHARP. "General:Sapt.’pagal,1863. B0=tf 5 »STOCK FIRE iui COMPARES.8 HAVE the kece to Tnsare propertyin |-a number of:different,Stock Companies | “SEVERAL MI LLIONS OF.DOLLARS, «{Perms moderate—§o ]preminm note requir’ etno“assessments madtJet the losses be’ever Tn caseof &Joss by fire the ingurer |il!be’paid his.amount insured promptly.:Call on meiand examiiie policies,applica-aEtions,&e.Ifron wish darther nee I will veeae “AOS.W.STOCKTON,Agti Synge ee ; ot dividendof vie (4)percent.on:the Capital e —at this‘Office on and after the 2Ist yh=Peaks the: *.. save THE AGENCYto take rieks in‘Srocx Fire|InsuranceCompany:at|otto B-C.,andgive the Policies... ot Sorel Bock JOSoR oneTON:JO ST:[ONStatesville,Nov.1863...; —_.6 SAL®:. awe deee(ase sae * ,mle sae ies of bende } have.this‘day aSectaea ba ! of the Company,payablein Confedet-: a St Br ‘Stockholders,mustpresent their|:ee)j eetificatés of stock Th yor ¢the SecretaaieFaennihgriaed:frony thie+wants of théTreasury may inafter provrid-eury ‘notes:shall:be tundabl mn bondshe: rn natunreaeshallnotone to” ph oe day ‘of,les ‘way,and provided,FE 2 on the Is Jan 2 lay not be ‘exchanger aS herein if videt notebxin ‘srel val fle’two.“yea “payement of<a lie heyexce ee and to eS issued i ia ork eat “excthereof,or‘be recei aoe é.provisions:of th nts new neice :the.ext nse 4 of tary oof d ‘orhypothécate for TreasuryOF:any.part:theréof,‘upon th the paniesi bee aSHAVEs quantity of.SALT,“al will as jobs.gani JUST ee OnE ———‘GOODS.to suit.the sea-_be ies Te *1Bepel141863. aval be one lundred dollars; ‘bein such:‘fo rm-and df such authenticati they.may.be: together with’the coupons’thereto attagh oe GALI i ment on such property may de aein’.e oe ;:ynipany fans deep ohe.oa;hertn¢o rated ornot,iwenty-fiv perrent,io al nsuch ©.eeGollowiingc-xeimptionefroda tas 1S Sich“atio under this act shail be allowed,to-wit=:rt:ss a .“Property of each headof a.familytotheundréd.‘dollars;andfor each-hild of the frmilytothe Airther-value ..*d dollars;and foreachson ac--“ieinthearmy;‘or navy,or who.aen.killed in ‘themilitary or:and who:was Rh arn ofthe:| idan,OF apoti,—ox marine,ae auiy Rave ds ain.te.militar or inaeal ser.~>.-.3 me then ofthe.©+~ng ininor.children,to:the value es:d dollars.e whoseproperty,exelusiveofhou:‘niture;shalt be assessedata:valueercreding ‘éné thousand dollars.ba:hat where propertyhas ‘been injar-sod onsighall not apply to ‘anany en far-.<- bythe‘enemy,ortheowner2temporarily.deprivedofthe - -Ovcupancy thereof,or ofthe meanis.of *fetingtheesasbyreasonofthepres--ximity-of the enemy,the pssese- on to the damage saeened bythe =.0 ‘tax assessed.thereqn maybe =4 to the same ratio.by:the district-col--isfactory evidence pubmnitied toa thepass we of tifts act,andbe dug ang . e first|y of June next,-oras - fe So mach “oF the tax act os 24thoseotst “stall beexempt { |ietaxin’all-enses rhere the interest off the :Ret .-thoussind ‘dollars. he:féderate States”TEL Crcomiinnge assiat the dnenty)ot comm:i tind andaon Warr pais h ;Ag to;Aci destin orwny.mile |‘or!‘yailroad,or tolegeaphicOMUINNICAti¢OF,Pro nt,Whintentofaidinigtheene!ee asPie)4 XIE OF treasonahl dene itesmri<>Miljtary.power of -the’Government.mee,stroying,or attempting to’.destrov,iputeeos“arms,oF shir ames of whr,,4Ss,foundries,works or other ptr‘of the:Confederate Stes ee °roe,+2,The.Preadent’bliall cause proper See©rato investivzate the\cases of all:"PETSORS 29 ,Arrested.or detained,j“in:‘order thatthey'm.ayaosifimproper]‘etained,unless”to won.4=3the Ecdn be.speedily tried 3in the ane:CONT=¢.Co}ne a&Tak.AT ted for’Gabertsageas“That:daring!ithe ensy ension:“aforesaid,.:wo military or other oficershall be canipell-“that hetNedBy)‘answer fgany avritof Lalicus Corpus,£0.°.eng sfappeariin:person,|or to.retiirn the bods of'a::.>OR person.or’[Stons detained by‘him:Bye ttethe:authorityaf.the!(President,SecretarwiofWar,or “he ficneral.Officer eet |frig ;Feb.Tee.For Meet‘A.few ee ee Shag)|the Trans Mississijmi Deparicenc-«but up.|2”"eS OP ‘the certificate:under ‘oath,sof.the officer |}did,th : oie ee ‘having:charge of ary an?fo dctajned,“that ||brow:bts €toThiss: “S8ch person Isdetained 1yy Aim-as a.prison-Soon be at peace.’ os ep for any of-tbe Cthiees“Tiercin:before |of relatives,t ,'¢2 fied;under ‘the,aifthority |aforesaid,ee died,bake tits.statement,»FieraegBroceedingeunderthewaitofRubeas-coPpus,.|Prpro you thay,con.eF it tp themadshewaediately.ceaseand remain cuetend |k %VY,ee ou't.ser”,myfy=#8 80 éng_as this aetshall remain in force;(RES ee BE Gone:Zu:<y eG “es alas:This act shel Comlinue iin force {for90)a 7 7"caer ial Gang te te *gys after the next pene of Conpteo ind«pmo Fongers 9% Nsthis city nat BUNrest,that Gen.Polk!a moons‘and:orn hige of theoo ntt vias oe Ww odncleas 210 :of Gpsiion:frine ciated=,stpop the wir-ahd‘our‘prospects in theeCon ecceived.Yi ees“test;ina speech of more thin ‘two hours in’eee:ree+length,of great’‘power and:cloqhenee and:fail We,hear al‘Sof devotion to-thie South:As thé address tained that ¢will:be reported for ‘thepr ess,arid published,Mie!‘for the informationof those who did not Have wo imay rest safisfied:that;*3 8 ¥i ‘the pleasure of.hearing Gor.Nance,we:shall ‘will vay dearly:for their ‘ra $3 in}this lateoeye.|Gen,Polk has tn ‘army irunterous.,scnoughtoay~‘merely state the chief.points |‘made.ih bis |whenihe desires todo 20>and,cavalry enough ti:Ww they tara:their comb".if:t“i speech,as we now.‘recollect them ;indeed,i :be elit 4seer bey fogSt*to attempt.more,fro menio ry could:butre:| Bee eey &:flect gross injustice inpon “one of the:‘most |: cea and soul.-stirring \addresses*to;‘the Madors 4s called ¢fe the,cand,people,that ¢ever felt from:the.tips of”any:Route Agent,on Ww SCE‘man,witosdSountry was being:invaded and in thig iissue,with,regard devastated bea remorselese"and barbarian Lmail matter...Phe;name.o‘foe.The courage amitmajésty af te Lion;Statena well as theassailedbyhisenemies,were su passed be inscribed’upon all packages anexcepang,ities ; his1eepestionOf;cebu Eliaf.the white troops ‘had beenostréngthenShermanin-hie m¢cums usin sucha ae : oa ~by ‘the patriotic eloquence,defiant and indig.sent by.taal. :ae‘nant anathemas-hurled at Abe Lincoln,and:“_eshis-Hessian hordes.But we have.digresegd: Gov.V:ance,in the gouyec of his addres: the j e thattheState had-solemnly with: _Sdrawn from:theold:Union,and gould‘nies ér .retarn—that re-eonstrigtion was’an-imposs}-Det he—that the.only chance for Paace to they gen We publishiinv thisissue,tire ma}twoysectiqna.was upon’tasis of finalSepa-pe Tewsari sedaa Congress—take ¢care ation,‘and the fall and,tnshackeled inde: pendence of the Confederate.States;that.the}: ‘{war copld Notstop-till.this‘énd was,attdined:.:jaind thatitwasthe duixof every man,‘woman: *and:childin the South,to use every:effort in. AianEiF power:to sitpport,encouraceand.sustain College,ane ‘abet ae esetpor aecon,was:-gonsamed:‘by.fire one day.Tast w. a Aa For ti he =We "Recipe for:the.Lteh foes 1m-“Messrs Leditors:—T Send you-this ecipe Bi ie tit is:“certainly ‘the,’quic Emiost effect]¢ure I haye‘ever.seer) <19Ur,brave.armytn the'field,"bydaisingSPO.besides there iis asdanger i m erke<¥iGiODS,“supply.elothing,andextending'e |hoping you:w -(eouragement in every possible manner.an¢|:for the ©aagnedthepeopleagainst.agitating for sepa-{diets vote i aoe action to.olitain a.peace said ‘that.Teke-ove ciesa Ge fs »6uch-a course.‘would!not only fail to,BRips Flimes ‘tw eSwould becalculated to‘inyddlve-the ree Pu :agetatons itgreat.trouble—that:the tréqty| *.making:power ie with the’Cofederate'Gov:,fs Sernmeut only,sandStateaction ‘in that bie-: ‘half,wouldbe an.adt of war ‘upon our Gov } ‘.ernment,::consequently,”instead:.of one:pwar,fe a be two:|He had tio doubt,that |Fon:chia ‘many:Den,’who favored separate State Ae} «v eeanpatriotic.as heis,but thatthey,|) had-not.considered;ithe.consequenices,ko,ee 2 We:infer from a that Gov.Vv ance,is OF oh troops90Jone:as they’ate’lads stand:Oe |arecom re,cae Governifftat and hele ess Spring:ampaign,to.sho ‘gent °in:returning’popes ands‘kul cersay dice reposed 'the army.With regard to the suspension of habeas corpus,we understood:him totregret|: “thesiecessity forit y which jnduded Conzréss| _.to.suspend the’writ,‘but he’read the-opinig + 3 ‘of an able’lawyer’that,the,act i conn ae:-‘tonal,for whith thereis tio doubt:si a agen =WMemight add more,bot!“as we ekpec to} =a:publish the aidress!in extengo,:hereafter, "el.close bysaying,we-deeply regret.that!+ a the whole people of the’Stateeould not ha Fe Bie x ‘bean.present :aad heard this:great ¢ x stanaoesince:heee)command Fike: r:a=i theirir patriotic¢Governor.at pete Ss ie News from Mississippi }«tes davest intelligence.ave” ::oe dain the recent @neapenient bea €‘f Pit,3 ienepot exceed ip teses whi]me ee:y eankd ‘odsinwere driven:backcae i=@anghter.Many.were captured,‘and | the roadis:‘said tohare been lined with di ad |. Bi a keea:horses.and ‘sptler’s stores. «4:Borrest’s command:being.too;mich-fiat 2-3Gen-Gholstgn,with:ee or-sexen |dt --Btate-troops:went’in.pursuit.€cl,Dat a OF the Confederate’forces,was!ssounged, S:Ger-Forresthad:two:horsés slot under,h €ona 2advance iescid| Ts “S.iipacchrcres.eomoepoti olin Vs Progress,at Rs -between,the 10th and.20th.of’My ‘months,$3 ix’month,|3 *Post Masters at "y.is others are requested.each —_edie:six or more’subzerit sith the Inoney for 813 months,wilaethoWeeklyLee38SIX.months: es Re & Sa So k e hE e s e ia t ia t e e y : Pe e TS Se as ;attebe Sa b S Pe n t co As SA T S Se “sSe t SS L ee ae s AS S BS S ca e seh au r a ) 3 AS S Ei s a i ee e g e e pe He e s & et FR G Sgt sd AE ER I E Me te s . : ‘ a : is e ee i Sa n k re e ea e : oe ae nk BF ee on e No a to a p ee n s ea s Wa r . | ea e = * i Fi r Rk Ti e BR E te a t ie 8 AUCTION | LL:persons’foree _By she shore,Time,Oi the inky food b Wate sethe sb ‘ah mothe es dark.|mi sige hers lo “Silenttiraa,is arkne Y ‘Whirg he woe ofs.erstenwae Storie ee oy“Phe pore States iinwith:each other,agreed,|and for the,sake of co“ol themselves each from:have its own separate:the right.to iingose iof-export and:ere 7)seperate treaties& —ties Sent ei h-Match,Certificatein favor of J.Wi. 5aleefamillehese answer Davidson's#.gu with foreign Sonesbfholdingseparate:those.powers, este and cutoff yiand di tipacity,‘fronythose. powers,.one State,one|eralgovernment st“|Governmeat3 anid’the‘the statement of the: sion)does not fa: fronr the.fact that 1 and hot m 2 Nation ofa lations,ne In their ‘relation ‘ are Soverdions‘under Byother,whieh:conipact iginto.action in.the shaae “théG oe on Ne Suigaiaioftbypermissionofthese,States,a1 air mee coli rel len,er TAee Seana ochiaseunePat=the SUES ¥_LONG.Sarco ig oc ie ‘nay, deen”healt!hs to te:Botte Arogcrocpeetspect fully:tenderahia:tro”Citizens Stntesvillé and ty mecastereicaegeey.ie belly.)* ‘sesSes some Natiothence-résults:‘tha #)ment in the sensethzt theold. nd their few:present ‘day,con’for,Tadthe suppple,in the exercise. the: ‘tents and:right,that:But a8 the,shefoot,the’caseis “Tohave ‘thus, or any bady’else enabovereasoning&of Medleave,the reader,to :-Tine lapseof Mr.ey}is,Re.‘Editor,;,un by*sevoral similarinsttandcommendLosition::Tawi from:Garland’s'SLife of,T#and73:Appleton’:&CS"On the -quSstion of re-chitheUnitesStates,’wh pire in ISL}:Heeegiclys|¢length and4in’‘OppositioHee*said.‘:Duis’vagrant.bank,after:“ba ng See niak spon:iwhereon,peelengtiytocattdtheeenIEE,on shatprepadsTaya)-referted |tO.one:se¢:aAISIL ‘to:anotheér:.:'Sotpd* scarce.,Ward’presdagaioalipwe.itgelf t oin inoney:AsteAisétrasesthroagh,‘a aeclaims,*<Whatte the nature.ment?.It iatmphaticanaggregate:of:spectuTposes,‘by:mise themeelyes befsecnenee.and 6{aerated powers,with toxharter:’ ly,thegrant,‘and.idransfercblebyai most exalted:gods then bythenknowna6verngedtore-cherter,¢rate.‘another similattheConstitution.”Wold in 18167"“This:Clay,votingtoted:States!.°Of-course.lie:fy himeelf,and.the ch ae asas a itiwas eaethischange'of:mereaweb‘of copbigiion! Vain attemptto cover’ bat even:the vaat antgenius,;intheoepainsbpcureaa unconstitutional iinlsalinneat thority i¢ ied atoresaatOF ping ton tole, Gd 8Siwib entit Wy,ic fay ‘&atarbed. 1S. enits noting to hope t oruthle heer es 4 They aut ncag atstealour: GracetabelsOutto-day ‘ has re ;ott asse‘Weeding Lonisiana.—Me:heen LO more flag.;be Armyof.Morthers,: reece Vas gained. oesfelig goa: .Y 2 ofenar E °oe ,ZOU)* (.Satorhesgtctevhile*theyHivesnow.a fede: yt miner of Ges Les ,eH othe?res at icada y~sahaks i<ipsMartineuts,dividedip.eX A comubnceiet ’al uiCatt Caer WW estrous fe it font! 40?heak rat,we Auprits,toe reer:.it ‘ f stam Hine Ricker £ist, weiner hist ririsrade ty dic,as}Bug ‘Gianpaigru by hens +h)Seer oe hie weicome:cand as au rn fe€ee 5 or‘raaassll nage oe z verap fvor,shertonn that will:reels:tie Wo evrik:omenheicdicsunlhopt--.- sane thet Hode “noWeesienothintojustifynucesenttharSherman’« qleehe =woameh une } pr elie.cae Rais Oe Mite Ste ten ait:nd it rus Wweaiapen's ¢spectnailedJitatinHye“x py r e oe n s B }euiling? idone-all thee yot ie Y.SpacePhenks, aesinede.aya cat Csich* pe eee i Taod deauhe reese »aae ke netie aay portion:ot a Ade IN 2,eee coed osnae of,idee eimn- oH j *Pite “fring,he Hark:sew “oft epee :Ga Tied ire against na,‘Phev+Ep!theeoujert..after four:aid:aye,without the:The bez‘ussarlamiceour . je.ueanaah oe oe:of )Phe have Takfered leg par:Shes ex,-denolazedé tedeurand:\eutmeged .our OF (diateof our chile Yew::and.. all:we chia,zo>bevel cre thar,we were: ‘been warring aainst.: ait their Tiepaidican cagse?|Arete’pre- he Sfene of thousiids oof° dined,has critgeoned tie tied tiave tallen an anpattive?“beat govenament Agr ata this:“why eh. 4 Re.North zi mtn tat - Iie of ¥sede exixtenc G.ie id alingst regilys10 falliire: ieee he patiesit endatance * :>say:Ca poeia Ne. él Be hhcatleaccannie igh re Aus!s1O.;tote Las ccnahay “he:‘Gon :oa)at this reritvcal jancds Sf seared usela,ye me .gains fa Spc. Mm cAN ORL Annié.dpwn ue!-¢:lant Sunday Haag.4 Lofibem.ted by tb@ietons Ce yin deserter:frOui:Saal,seaitoi|‘caine Tyins ighdas.iva},heran oe oikingaie’principal Witlacdter,“nel:Babertrary.sees our icket pe jie below’etek bing!sbhont)featight.cipturmg 24 of: ithein~Oar rEnurayebiately;*eee= wR Bettingtheir Glowd’tp be ay pureded -theta aS rea,auried tarrypeck y (arhoug:thew,Riléy,ahs theitarons,de.20-:Hance of:tie Yoo:asirepe og sonal pequitted —oa great:tctedit on the ation,(BT: ler:taking #1 rety.taicfront,andi,Ging ae * ng.exbe.haaitcinusesof GatPipes!aesreeBOTrans©7,Soe i Spot =i8:seeniawendtie:ee:= suiltoadSire ve sa t e cc o h y me e e = xa the mesklindefa aalt ie ie ‘a greater.degNPEProudaitin :;att eh ithe United jong)express eYeratlGcation of esi pat f Ba : AW cnasae‘cXte,—trouy four to 2 hols cceea,anal fitter ther that they ¢in |Mes ccugey i tse eae ae Be ae Le SAMOMETERS 0,re e jiwhicWRhave :6o0'zg,fying.1 peep ttenlTalaabliscalleda~“ee)-prooff:;Gremusescin ie accu pial anything thacalien miiy’desba CUTE AO ces hte ve atherto pres ome Weenies Sob The Series tier Rew _theyrwere of for utletus no Lie:tee @ ahs unicén Bevéra}teet (beneath |*ee Deas te 168 ‘ara fron:az Piet.;he ! ‘our:energies ee a TERY:OL GEG ANS KISODES i :;eide 4 Sa tri eal tl apa gi ea a On he ;>y ‘tithe’¢:ve eater remsneerTeves“ot the.*ar ton),Ou!;ane ee ee as aia s eit inmevent.ho.oF ra tr Sore tat eo ce hesbeke |hours if the tatrance of All Sainte Bas, eethes erty I i Lot ae eee cen be Pet ee:ae sgpitte ee Soc (Lt eaninode ied:t onl 1 Rete Bs “ater he eaeeS .the.‘Conifedenees hier!is-.Be Able to march.upetie:“gountry ik PTAL HOR.‘be eng ps Rusk he :3 of Cha nd aud ores =The ‘esthisHe-williind rag.LsPeiding.a heen ete pe Here ek hl Ala YN Po)keane uns Sines Servis renee toa peeeo a iti allareas will eat,the aie eae se 4)ye iauen dah he SOBER eine sale ds:‘Gu Bay f*;eho pon oesment,:: about,she ‘144eS Si plain,ty ae >Gimag,ant Wyd“Raleigh Peo Sons EF ae eeGuardian. “aoldiens'hgs:eet opvgn of this,for cheis ‘Drepared to-“3a the’post--offices:money.or4peaornGeeNssunsepeionemandsentalSpecifictaxes,tixofiealos,”j ‘i 3 nie Wile -8,that af it. ryt“wate that toten;si *Conimanding:te ‘antbority saa thas consented:to ‘allow-ericeterof,tode ©;cropsof fo ie pceamciwasibyevGladleGohanit.”Those ert‘akitto Sel a TUeREE,L DRAKE ‘&Eh , pr e t t i e s fe WILE protect,ail :featherentrustedtom oidj[were Wi be eile tow:fete,ee ‘;war times,=:¥.,SEMONTON.-pee “Simonton|Tanacty,Git Mavels,Yoge16we0feat————he, file dt wosp,Sept.11 1603. Bassoon asec i“Raleigh,Feb:10,Te oh g ae apt Wei.We 1; ,he?wale"TRAIN west.| »Sulivouryy occ {ThinkCreck, PWS Statesille,5,Fae *Catawba Stario ibs "Newton,.:— Mickory;Purcen.Jeard’s. Alt Chird Creek. its aHen fof Roxie ahs Boi:Buees.yseet a ea ai edn pe :iy:WW.WilsoN,pi is Srath atF OhiG’En,sineer &Supe riutenden: ici eS WOPEGa EE Lott eg AMporlons:whe have net paid;their Take ‘elt ; ‘enll and settte|without’delay,ad)wantin}mieys NeuaxcanpayitConfederatemoney.at thistime,att ie sient Oe la ia dt may turnont.that Jou ADt pty dCon iederaite:fy7:ie 1,money.Tf Dhave to Rorr:sWimon Fy tipay off the Comnty,By *Trustee.I withnt take the Confederate mieney7+J will din Statesville:every W .ite,gacFeeteesPp’ae {‘“4 :“i .— §~_’.he ec onan:eas ig?~.a2Sjw tel e43 a aera Ae oat *8 Pie PTER an absenceBFitemaybefuredjat his yitice.;3North Wet Steet ufea“|Means,where he:will be gieegel ty serve ation vie >i aes sorvices.§:=eee:‘ Lh.persons for why Vie J.ea“ming “aul ry %here acted as iiuctiotecrs.hoctaee the year 1864.ikwhohavenotpaidthecommissionwillcome:tor wwurd sadMssettie.immediaiety with,Mr oF.S-Fleming,a vy,es See a te =is Wit.EON aX andSeer Oe i “Provisions for the’ay ¥_recent ontne frou the|Cominiasary dsc rerigk a0 iopweing:Agentstér the rhivintence Departivent are to oy=ef tt(—.“prices fixed:by local appraisers.and ieethe p Oolo)yarrnged)Beer for this County.ixyaal ’Fie ik we appeal to produevecrs to brit,forward t HW °entes after lat February.S63.an nie Hacd by theComamrlaerctsin)will only beae ;el fier games e yeSapeUSeeeapAgenSubiDeprt sheSSeSesiesSeera mg 2 3 wea Saat tive etter eee “WANTED,, 400,000:is ur S AWE:libceleste Gindomme néed the sheiniseenert ‘whALATS at Statexville NOC..Would like to bust ttyiyaticalindcationsdudedesofFURS,for-avhich,we will pay tfle hiote25)apeiiees,or‘excharize:for Hatt :“tH SS WANTED,ALSO == ei per te eet ;008“thes WweOo on ‘plas sou term®,nH mS oa WHETKOWSSKY§Ceb-Feb.29 |1854.12 i ee ,o Pe +ek EeAesae{SorrowyYARN mph vata gets “actors iuy Stsceanil NC * =Bah ee gaa ItT LOWsive Ce J Rae ee March:25,tsaa—aztt.; +are ee badge et =Piovisions Wanted.|Weg s MBLLER,Statéxville.ind HEC.Eecltexs@ool pate : Pan “ence stores.for the oe eae‘in the Court el redelh ey .ee“wie Alztf er yang Gige Cs eae _JAMES®.LONG:late:Surgeon,tthe C:Si-A..; me*pe ng been conipelied,in consdgnence ‘otitienen to rem >‘elqarhis.Position:in the Army},respeetintly tenders hi¢prot.Me :fessional services to.the citizens of Statesville and v eevO.)te thaybe fond at the house.formerly occupiedos)D2 Satureesnearly apposite,the;residence of Dr.o bape een 19,i i AGard.: M 5Satterthis date I ~~phaetice MedicineFBricesan@receive:farth:produce ‘at old ratess:i=|fte Payme penny x shall charge Recording topase of pr.a uss Se aeWegtDecember.Jets oat eg ee t-A ieed “BRING.It IN. “WISH TO:PURCHASE FOR TUE ARIF:‘all Kind :oe 34 embed wii pay Bacoh,Beef.Hour,Metal2te,hes for at 1 will:Bay the —et ie TttaeShes:“MILLER:‘»ee fut.Sub.Dept. *fre my aptliocized Ageiite the purethase of subsist-\1° RS otnoae prada;1804 ist >.os;‘To Clothe N,C.Troops.; iu wubscyibe7 cautinues.the exchange,forthe Bick ihe partment at Raleizh,atthe rate of I bu ich,OF:a,Set for ibe.washed eng tie sen ek moe “2BeNoor.;B.STIMSON,Ag Gi%.i We sheet shat *1,ae “f ars ~Wanted-—Provisions,..realiciel:TO PURCUASE COMMISSARYSTORES for.j .‘fhe Army,as Bacon,Flour,Beef:Tallow,Vinegar and“te dbird Soap,for:nceshe market pricts WTll be pail:ree «4S AE.ECCLES.Ag’t.iialy25.—3tf a Coot Spring,Iredell.one Gur: |:tee =ceareac eat ‘Boxes for-Soldiers. i 4 LL Boxesfor Selalsca'or Frisondis of ar thous Nest FPuCarolina.delivered to,the following:né@med”persons.|."Foe.Oebe promptly ‘forwarded free.of charge.:—Dr prin cs oOLo“mey,Asheville;Dr Wi A‘Collett,Morgunton;‘DrJ AUAl-.:“5 Lisom,Statesville :“DrJE Nea @.Greensboro";Mr A Hay+is ©gaa,CMarlotte;'Mr.award Hege,Satem;Capt JN Me;+Dowell,‘Raleigh:‘Joseph'A Worth,Fayetteville;©Mar-|es ®&Co,Wituington:‘Mr PF.-L:Bond,Eayetteville;Sir::J Askew,Colerain;Mr FE.Roberts,Mu 0":i24+9°Bae boxes shonlg be well Hooped.properlymarked,‘and:us aativenea in.time ‘for*my Special et who leaves, "Raleighon the frstday of every*iE Sa ae ere "EDWARD WAREEN,iPheeraeart.saa rset 2 eee ear stOr erei 4geBodsiPritt »COTTON YARN FOR“WOOL,lz ¢ ie of Bex git ment!rire.re,eee upon the «ky,iersbowoe es seyccAs of the:aleut Thatgleams;upod hea fact,f on &mothar’s pate,sw ti brotinmentswetrag: J i hive pressedful “Of i fant fruil and ‘fairAWesee/their’tyvelincsx her winge ther Btraing that thrill the: mT «catacy,i :s Of her Foice, ous patteelay:ehthe waar certhors softly fullywatkettouthe-rolling o chniers Aae cprititaoft ane rads i ‘Ppotsin the desert sho: therein hee,bese veimanths”volt ideers,couaifcaeebtitre4 ‘is an end.Teesipledwith:guch prdetest:‘reluetance ofthestillgréatera ed to.the presetttAminezn EN JNsbelin.a °We alee lyig in the Fh ’ Letoyath Sieh is not the.somo ou ev ole:nelimagineoe thefew ‘pakroorxae Bou the.judging ofped’gine titled vere Pistabdschtoorandjsnstain.1 them SSnok haneide‘because they’&crane as possibl ovided for somBupposing:thenwhiare re.tak carebtgi who love:and serve Hiso-— y wlio tad aeked to be.allow- 7,RO-one‘aving:been asked todo *: inte:«thu oor gz t coloredJneaeswere;' rebel Governthent,or using,any.expression‘a disloyalty:States.Sevctal applicants. sred ‘bic Meeuaie ‘are giten to”swhers:for“——.coco asin,Batiesoecd eonfiecated.,’sae nat these.i :}comfplaint ta.sake of theipre~2 ihecontrary,and were reutinded eel eee iee chatecioce iat EA :yw io book ‘recogmzing the ex-="4" te 7sfhecontbe:|<tiow.lies popes gat na EoStatelian Ly.iad ki ted.rr mee at my® tati ithe mteat otabieh wus cc0t there; t about 00 piects that was hid out,' fat bogs they!also took...My .Jast-°‘Op 3 hn wasrather scat,thouzh. tiit aoe er soldiers’’it statvation sat rediburnt;:4tbountifal.sup-ana oats I had-t one thousand * s Ofone bandied helceot oot =fit Ishad “mage before the — ‘it-and the.houses that -con-. hegroes,however,begged“gome to spin,andtheypat‘owt five |‘had'sold the Sthte 50 bales,which:ith mine;and it shared:the tatoes,sweet and Irish;-‘killed and-eat ny geese;”and’tarkies;hot down some of my :2 ca sxeeike.,ke.you an “of how’the.peo-"-=fared,where SHerman and hisweTuSoutCacolina,near my ©Sas more dwelling houses",ia North Carolina,though’|Alison eaefara,and ‘ae 36 a The’indeed;starvation ia took-he face;but Godhsalwaysrus;and-T believe He wilt still” ‘pertaittedusto’bescontzed,our henett aod itmay be .God“Tor Sricakee ibleleosbefore Him,who.much iticlined to oeshqvenilreturned:bnt four.©ntatione:(where only one-poen.haze returned.eofthe.is missing,a~bow by the‘ ioe thejr guns ‘at the:breast’of~and.defenceless:daughter, xcept:what:my.negroes pad’used ;7 They knockedout the heads-of:2barrels,:weral of them,)eat) ywean usfrom.the _, only”1A yearsofage;know”=” ifvé coubd.-i mentionthis we os Sele,es on Msi wrat aeo-ae og ~ =———>—=eaebeveda?SS “The ‘Situation. =3 ‘pe Somrday’s mail We received the:fliest ‘Gnd nok}sitish rete;¥aegohnts:gh the rece “gperations Ty tig’Eastern:portionofthe St «|d tt Runtors izave been:Ppentitul,bytithe excite:4 inst a pent havin:‘subsided?out readers;ca ow ree ae ae reliable ——“dasae ofithe:exact 4 ae ie tion.-Rees : Fate eet i From:‘Gep Johnston’s official repo oe :ieee Pte By relati on to the:battle ce oy ay on:account of the dense Giskeg I _.section:ithe:Confeilesrite has the tohowing =which.is:reliable:aes ct Sateen era tot |b/s Sherman’s’whol¢atmy Was,teenies oo “attack bat’held our posit!on,tial brought 5.SR our:woanded.Phere wds lWeavy ck cles 5 tghing.on the 20h audDist,and pey.ES Wt tial ‘attacks bkehe enemy,bub were?:-sgombely.repnived.The “troops.all Usha-admirably,and th¢army.of Tennesece har_fully:disproved.the!‘gndet thetlas beeing -eutated.againet it.(en the evenipg'a aes ny penne;coke, ea _Sires:tier’activenpckations avee We pee “Sherman’is!eqil te Have’mad Misa og,Foe with Schéfichl’at Gold bozo”,' i>une 22 Serebag strensthi:ng the.fore Se.Umand..‘Gen;Jolinsston?s army’ a 362.Sorted fo berfallite atk in the :_Raleigh,bug this,is=riety a has.ihéch met,ebecahse’helhag: =worsted the enemy it,event ‘engagena |,All confidence(s placedain the:abili pete ||power of thie it am ‘this State,to gu este-fully.“withstand:mand meet,esinay ie. it made:——dotuoa:WRAY Bt ty eee : Test that bkcesd 2 chfor sév eral yeats. Pith a -2.Court-touse ian.this plate his’been:almost &in etl anrogfed of.”the tin sheeting by det which4t was covered,asd the roofing ofth Sie Tbs ame :epeeCalleze,hiss’‘Leth seriously ee gigi alsa aportion of the (parapet on tite aMeRorie .xt ¢oa store.has—becn.blown.dbwn,.: Fier:_Sustained iie quite a eerions eeto,ee Gapsfei:Fates ings at this:time beéanze of the scarcity “of og rePmaterials for mepairing.(2 ih g S24 - Bet ot Hie es ee pene peptone le noma ef tngSekt bate beet ay a Se The.Home Guard of theIth .District’‘will A ee ee *notice the:‘appointments ‘of the|Medical Ext ol)tLe ceieninanigs‘Board iin this issue,alsq several oth ef10 Spernew advertisements which’wi 1,pears, {a u 2 “on the nyorhing of the 0theudewe did vet #) sf hits & ;ig ingeee ticinty,Stinhg tégk a pasition’s he was!reinforce: sgtC berks ‘pracuate, Seos oc eadlagen ac cs + a ‘of the 2nd’t eee ‘Hampton.sheved Tite SER a wal anes x Ve ayn cle a Bie ren :dq swow eseen ¥¢place détends hy fe g aio Aina bene petite Mati :Caen ad oaths xes at bid obec ‘j i q eB r i &::aby 15th 3 ;A ae ea ay om Se %;eR Of 3 eneR!io Ww a ic ori ile fee Reetfeapmtie Dantglete ‘y flags of vittendenotrebiaii Swith feetit re ee last detacl tS a te Renofit ie soil réader.: rece 4:is oe -South Carolina.: cit od:Be C eeudpues from}South Carotid repel athaeoeeeiheenemyhave:completely devastated ‘the be tae seek have Not sopted i single,house.’iba&Phir track,Sand have Fans «geance wpoir that State w ith’a “nyost Bay\mt §“72 (|)«gnd ghurderows spirit.They have shown a *upimerey:‘to ¢ither sex,and:hpate spared,pothing’*in their.march whieh capld be devouredby Se oy Eee fire or.destroyed by¢the sword.tte .people outside of South CArolinadya' eaten a ception of the brutal,conduct,of abit F <army,and:tlie wide spread:de dts A ES »in fathousexcesses they Ji:weed jy oh gecount:oF Sherman's buruine of Cel Ay ia will forever'stam:ipthis officer'as the mons Sof the age,‘anit wilkgive our readerss some: fa sg cof the‘manner in which:South ,countrythrough whichthey lave:‘passed I i (1 ledabe popof eo1h frou . ofthe ithar :eee aly eer _been:treated ‘by:the brutal fee. Tit ee "Khe sam@isavage.and =h ellish ’‘cont a ANE enemy has ¢h1araeterized tthere mareli t ee A _North Carola;metich Bente,may personeazed: isin |Be the:Send cab |fod.ee ae ‘army ; i :a 4|Sabaispeleexcoticn,are.onlyfit denia *pas shell itself.Colt mbia was plandered by’ ott Eawe |evils icaruate,to:gratily.the ay,pace Bi heals ae andes got.poscestion dhe Mat i.©TSo &.:rome ears ni ee crear Sa otBe)Se ee-Another"Battleand Success e ae ;Fieseacs:‘March 20.—he:fotiowing re been-received: a DETR Agwies.bee is ahesBeattMare2,1805,J <7 ‘ ars ytd john Barts’bat: :‘siew Fe mks,Qn the 19th Insts,he’:° Ge alae -the enemy ede Bentoneta!lie;atnd gel? MEP ae _yGeteessikreegennk,a mile ini the) ie ie rallied apo:tresh tyoops,but w oa ‘back stow}until 6.slelgek,p.m. eo,Neeiving mor troops,he apparently assnt ed,© :4 le <po wiwiel)yas resisted wht WwLdifieulty:ati dirk.his mornin mah ee <entrenebeds tOuy !toag is'smalhy *Thestre ecige ®>aibehaved:aduviraly fy swell.eA |detis ht Speeteties rap idlte)btaigbs he(ee aeeeia«“it ee “ im Se Men aNaiioeWe ia addition io 'the aboxe:difieial’mtell 1 “gence;|the”followingpriv ate telégramite «yh owsm.Eanes:Diese fo the oe Boys ‘a iephe“fekt Seah cdlae svas " :tie!“was*on the,righti,abd saw Bates -Yparm’s divisions charge-and carryt an Bg oe “Of,breastwerks,driving t}10.enemy t poo yo SBR Meommanding’Lee's:Corps,20 each tie Eo ek osseonmmanding Stewart's:corps;ditsi on the left..<'Phe troops.fought:gall age ‘Gen.Bates commanded €beathamn’s CEE eer ag |Brig:Gen.‘Reynolds,of rkansas,h Fame tagtons to ‘Valbert,’odmmandin:sLoring’s'di ‘oy |>was badfy:wounded.>,Col:Keena::,re ~"Plerida brigade,also:lospaleg2,+4,Major. me 'kinson>goumanding Tyler's risage, :“skilled.ct °“te ue uae pi +|Tie York-dicpatcll dated the radians: niter.a hioméntaryatheycome...)The:fe:&thereif co Saat Newhealis sa had to ‘pd emg it pr v i.elk:if eee pene to;ae ve F day.ayes fact:davin in the!piorming wth iceou,aye,:‘2 i ‘Sf ,pit &:s = aie ‘Ltie ch Shirok,WHIchoniate It.ee eH :2 Rete :;teen i read:halk Onetr C ;Ps is gs ad a-Peels for Dower *3 sear pe te eee ete ‘Pa &Coie oe ye Ge ditesge ges Peta Re ah nee i n thar ts ata Prt;:ne eS oS pi sree eg beethe i ‘ t |bor ed oncs:sh ‘»..7hildren:}hans acer LEERS ior a few days:ealbe nee we Sgamp ia cipn te tha TEETI-end mee LS =ahPie i :,ie RN acre i ;4 ;ae "4 4 ’” sbed ina a haat ting:column.”| eyons anions, iat rowedw ers of:De inwa deserted,ohefeds that they wredan to:thie le as mete toa i.ron hartd,Ye ptriday’and supp ied 't fect a ;tt 2 a A }):a z 4 ne lie ee ;:es}Tete Ly ALO!Pee ‘o at ;ae :Sains se ca f by simon Apawting Tho Grape Giemisapite ti fot tutiates escaped jand-n ipa. 5 miagl e byt ren.AltoCDavi rcede”ad:hiny Se ¢ ’on eines egro jomehiandicl eeeif susie luat Lexiugton,‘that fur “r ae Ninth ag aeons ‘i dusteda rhivthee,Thee:“vey! wit ESS thitefores vars on cas Ie for"the:space:nae ¥ ne epee,a nhinit .;4 in x the a.;rd thitce tigsend,ICE Ow Pi ok tie 4 ;sae,”plea.or it’' PRASer,ot tho ‘ Wis«ty hough serena ¢acthive: FAON,»MOLASABS,:i SSIOMER tk bo ee a abtatestalte,NG ; * Ings: ease 7 Yr ,:—<*eae .»4 . Bee Couls re.fe =magn :ae eek tes _at aioe“Fansary Pee. ‘:a a 2 =rf “a at he sxtienic Aiopot ies Bontit that Peter,cE 5“Nieagri =Witt Sarcth.arepon-.{. oe :;y “etter the ih Mochlay ixlead:enswey or Jeminr to oe t ,protonfessy Will evens.e me :Ae. J.B, Fy BERLae,le bat eve :deste rae t ati mt to open,foe :ry 8 ‘9 at Che attire Why hare sotS:Dertie iit A:toby aigind dangze a8.wt SG artillery. - ”ris: i Qnatties zu?Smcritiom tpre fn = ts aesin the beur Se :Pe 4 nes,te dole Stet 8 itsighepailsAe)sriers ae niea Caspr piety iat3tuagetThisiGuntsastunepicsae3 van the offer of:asst Ttign nnd.abigce|® @ that.wo gene 9 ;2 ré bosi Aigorousts age are‘am,:ee satay red ty «a detcimined Me a ’.vs paderines,ee $FSs Sins wEl tuba,te rola Genesis wet 9 rosy!on.bet Rie tie a23fisgityicesenvh4eens ns m He ‘firtnweeyrenc a Ae ‘"|om ty ourtuthern an metse:ee Se et aebe:prisorve:‘ae ae : army acid itsf ; wiieds theey#6 ie,wry ine more agrocable| We;Ys Kees shein. rez’,13400,houses ‘and Reb &Ee af htingin Mexico:is Stifl active.3 reer sFshot every.Erepeh 2“lige 370 ‘ner. le population is now drawing-rations tii h pels Proniths are:" “4 SeSaaS owenery ais ndtiet 9.06Sulisbary.. a cs ae Crecic,..3::sient seis SIM,otmont TLE HS fe gai Wira Station 2231S :‘Newton.+E50,4.57, 3.40 $l? P z dy casenememapene,-ye :Hlraa of Row},FPS a)err «.ore ee eta es os ape a as ‘p=fe aes “eifngrim eterna ee “WOTECE. xparsons.wir,bure:not~pald thciz,Takwitl optonsa 4 Pat acttl>without delay,as Fwalt mone ee oer bay in onsets ery,nt aed ont thetCyon can't .:*.acMeg Th bare ca toion to pay ce Frigstes.:ipilesiefake theGonfedcrate money F phony atte oie LetUPRAye4‘Re VAsSSON,Sietif Se “y ATER4an chtencsi of Fy acek nak ae abe -way be {onnd.ethisoffice,North West corner Court-| sor“Bisse eh i pr ome he hse b <>.Shivservices.ES ra .P fener bane %1683.*i a ‘AUCTION:NOTICE. ;Lis:persons,ot whem Mr.°3.'S.Flemi myself i hare acted.as auctioneers dating the er} $e thie have pot pol ahocassmieery wilt:come torwerd:teil, settleimincdiately,ean Lsivming:Ra Leth:;=Wat ae.WAPTS:' “Heovisio:FS Ari. ee ste con order from '®we es"ing Arent for the Sabsistéace Departinent are tu pay oprifesfixed by:local-appraisers.ajdasthé prices recently pats mi by tiem for tis Cou awe a7peal to producers to agss :forward their suzy-liss at| Febtvary,2805.prices fixed by!the State wee,a2S.MILLERS Commissioners will only ‘Pee. iets 3st pie mire ‘ carat Sub.0g er i ;< a5 _Jae ed.“Gacttt <"Cool Springs.N.C. “>/4 4 ei gc ei alae alae ————Ee Nps.~General Orders,No.Be : ao "WANTED,..0 | :ee 100,000 ur Skins. ”i“nndcteignéd huncsinceladomgycaeed themannvacturing. MATS’at StatexvTile,XO.would like to buy the, abore amount of FURS,forfor whichWwe went pay,the highest ey re ;pone WOOKne Web.90,SGISA a~.SCOTTONYARN. TROWSEY SCO a ae BE will exeduittet YARN| at -factory ih Staicouslie.X ‘Te z WittrKOWSSKY,&o., :March 28,199k-—17-t¢rie Oi an :—_—aneme —— ‘Provisions Wanted.: ae “S:MILLER.Siateavitle,nnd M1.C:Eccles,Cool Speines: are apy authorized Agents for the purchase of xnbsist—"‘come.h for theConfederate’Aras;>Sethe County.of you?”“Yea,”replied the Yankees.Well |@nee stores~"Jredeli.*'s vee 40f oe REBireaBaan D: .$e MYERS,~Cupte&16 &| Racy ii bgenconmpélled,in consequence. ‘Sage ie position in the Arnry,yoapéotiully tetiders hispro Rees geth services to the citizens.of Statesvilleand eiclarley= m He may be found.at the thouse:formerly occupied:by My’my MASSA,aw ito,Has‘alway s been:‘good to 5 Samar,nearly opposite theresilience of Br Relly- October oesae :e nd i ee Tae ee oe .A ©ard.atoit|aodyou YankdimerIwiteacineayou,+an ee,” "pay moog Tal mereBe He oe he Depimber BREET ba .|“BRING TT IN. “qewistt 70 PURCHASE FO:a THE ARMY?1 kindstare;fis SoemeISstee,Re which tens minicar::Eee “3:3.MILLER?a Lee apres Japs 188f =Pres.Age SubsDevt * Re siothe N.C.Troops:© aie :issubscriber:ag the:pxcha D-~partwent'rete renaAonipereaeeeeaFiteteoemeges=B.SEEMSOY,age ofae- ‘Frém theho ae:z O88.the CapeFear ;3 ‘eared fors' and thauks to-his energy,and the ‘|gesrcely wantéd ‘for.anything,©Mr. 1will bein Statesville every Wednesday ‘imeach week,P “Efvom,far.and.pear aes aut of |a were. +brought for their sustenance.”Nor were-they ‘Lin want of Medical attendance,for Drs:Mex| ‘Swain,Robingon and MeDnsy,ieve >‘bthems.‘These’physicians are 3of them with 864,2nd~ gee,but:learned that they were iin’»thecare of wepatnwit the wou deg nrmissary Generel.patctinas pty ey)equal to market:Putca,; Pwouid be feated,, ont Statesville.N.C.> Briers or oNANTED,AESO:iia ;a In Fxchan efor F utSc)1 y e aus,atour Hat ius!AB saw \T.JAMES F:LG,late Surgeon in the C,SAS hav {of ilk wealth-to re |vou do,you.put &rope around iny He ON YARN FOR WOOL,i.1s =Si Tm)ieee!eta a e:rEer much for food,' at ee ’whefe some twenty wer -they-wereIp great wantfor’mie 3.— pita}ap Averashoro?al 1th fn ‘namber,‘wi ezton of country whiced,'and they are now:‘beitmuchthelargernum Aweunded were left at Mr:John C; kindness of the ‘neighbors,.thesemep bat e| ve upto-the.wounded six.rooms»; ‘tving but one;for his’famil 2 |“e families,‘andinfact,the: have devoted hee Hees ‘other at.intergals in the’duty.’recitizens 25 miles froms Mr.Smith ngEs satin heir.‘presence lat ae‘othercommaniligsthe pa conduct ofthese worthy.phe “Wefousd the numlier ofReohndel!rie‘at Mr,Smith 8,rodticed by death avd removal to:twenty-seven,most:of whom‘were.from 4Sootit.Carolina,“Twelve ‘of thias:“number, them livi can be removed’will speedily:be transfe ‘to other Hos uals... “The wouttded across the”river, sho ted:to ; |Or coutse these peog -rything,but their fosek creased the ardorof thelr patriotism.4A y ng| lady,daughter of Mr.John Smith,remarked,‘ achen-she eapressced the hari ura:Sherman| “We have lost everything| re world,but,if wecan jt st whi Shermans ‘shall be satisfied,oe Sls ‘At Mr.Stewart's,near ‘Averasboro’,. Dat,‘On “but took the regalia’of a Masonic Ledgeand | 7|tore’it to shreds.Mrs.Stewart,learning Csat }, a Goolonel,encamped close by,was a aeons | eert.for himizand as &Maeon’swite,elvi POPECOCS,front:the insults ofa Ya -While seated by her firethatshearfhetchildrenwere eating pr ed corn.He asked her if she had no fe {None but auch as you gee;”she replied PeWhy don’t-yourFo cut to,canip and ask fo ec thew’|]give you sommes)its1to eat 2 — this spirited wwnyaahkes soldiers,I:ish.””,“At Mr,Sicwarcs | nezro,named Bill ig.three,times to make |.veal whereshis master’s valuables: e|The old:eed was faithful to the [wher at?Adngth-they releakend him he’ |dFessed then :as follows:“You sa ‘Mav @ t6 ‘set us black|tehple ree,-do :|resumed:Bin,‘my oldmasea.Taisk \henever put.2 rope,round jay neck, raised my present massa,and he never put: trope:aroundmy neck,and yet,the firso. hang;me inosttordeath,’eanseI won't: fo one af them,who asked if he didn't ae “with them:he said,“I don’t.wa anth 2 non:Gad's yearth,but?0 fr Si cticed socaihadusby:pretending aeYan :after:aide |strument th at tend that the place4rhere valuableswere se; sp crsted was’revéaléd to them,and“m epee2 Os knew“th y were con, ay ‘reached Raleighon Sunday last,and all that: wantonly destroyed niuch property,+ rious jargon,would ie possere—1I‘Great:¢ HK wae broigke ned carefull}few drops.were:sprinkled Se ie bac!‘ antonrerigade avleofF of the ‘horses had their hairaS mueeay [ectswas O Ydeed th ight-before’that np ifsaul avon f t.of hisfoot on the sand?”Even so,”and a ponst,and would die’before his man- ‘book:and.Sas been a.mee hist,courlieg.* sl of pote oliag ‘were.Spoanied:"Rie ome= ,ket,« vet seand:droppinj and,bee t :5|pre | hi ierous > xpress.| T r.Yisibed her,|e had.Gast so igndsome| }owed | thanks ;that.;pe “ant routed threeftheieee‘rascals‘He told herthat. y.of the’batt ie =‘seat of his breech: the laaon Sia bea:dood.swered that she hoped it‘soldier was always wel-:ospitelities of her home,oat she had if they ask:vegvesShehad nothing,'th eho ad.Sane ;pias!my hata tWasaitnotby:the to thesun,whese last-rays were,“desert,*‘that.Soot-. ;‘his:Cor ‘ee Na oa G = ‘alfmee cone and one:fel-Me »hand “we was heard fifty miles:.|lator dates from Seeds. &:rge quantity:0:s‘are bein Pex:‘|shipped.to N ow.Yorkfor want= f&large’nn ones.ofmegtoes =.hos...;date by’scouts in thevicinity of Char-‘Teston and Savannah:There 5is little‘chance for them”to.get.ines 5:“Sayannah-is_garrisoned.by 2,500,~r ‘troops;two-thirds‘n1“Phe.Yankees,tok oh -Lamarifederatemoneytidsecurities--PS|and phiid him:with it for his own.cute | |ton- “The Yankeesave anew tine withintheoldlineoffortifications.«‘They-ran:-‘it through the Catholic cé ,andhave:‘not oes.the’semovea of |Ais mayaeMilitaryAlieietnation.*Bikes the Vaukorsnitedéred the gal-lant.and noble Captain John ‘Y,Beall, Bye ,they;have:‘to.con-.aptain Kennedy’to’undergo the.arity “mardtr—absolate;brutal... :amarder,”:4n-New.York,and have-per-.\petrated.in housyille alike atrocity onderesoldiér‘named|aeeree Clarke,chargedwith being arilla;-At the gallows,he =.aaeeamaspntodbrate:cade and - “Ve ney “A.fatalepidemic prevails among:the SS |negroes in the:city.©The.oe‘aver~le thirty per:day.: and our authorities have patiently:‘ac... ni t e . + 1 m -tere nL eral — agDoneleoo,andboldaige Bers comwherheentered:octets I 5|assisted land’taken many oremandhavealwaystreatedthemkindly.owaswounded at-Cynthigna and ‘cat*off from my commarf.I have-been-in Kentucky ever since.Icouldprove that I'am 2;far .Confederate:sol-.dier,and 1‘hope.in and die for ‘the.Confederate:ee eaeaoefellow!elittlethought how.ron the.barwce those to,whom ar Confed-erate soldier,?.*Hopein and’die:for’|theConfederate cagse.”Hejis des-cribed iin a Louisvil!e paper as follows:“Marcus:Jeronie“Clarxe,or “Sue ||Monday,”was ‘nearly six ‘feet.biaeeaeremarkably:well ‘built,ink would weigh about 160‘pounds.’"Hiscomplexion was.fair,long ~‘darkhair,which touched iis shoulders,~ pand:a beautifully shaped month,and,+ lin short,was.a_very,-bandsome"mdn-,|Aas whiolémanner was firm and polite,- rand he bore theair of a-man of‘calture-and gentlemanly refinement:Hesaidhe‘would have been 21 years old next. hmond:commenced Sunday’altersoon.—3 Der and-.Cabinet pai s oH a aea ‘of retaliation belongs}‘would ofalktheome«y-anra 54 April.“A4oThe:evadnation,.of : :tary ee 4 ASG Fshalbbe.spony:Let the €pa ‘instead of ie nerve he spite iS apcortibe pearls and en¢o their Fs ~ghearte—Tet éne and all,take’anor dathe ‘never.“=0.submitto therule'of the Nomhern deepot|!|from)ioe =ant |re =!.-and his bandofthieves‘and nrypdere®®.«Let njafortane,to our longtried {from his ee bat withit rejha other we spblies.Were sky distillerie .|=“Salaseede ins “i=Diowiawaat bythe gravesof their:murdered:sah e,and iffree. Awtinated:t yee 2a vow Benn,Ph rdges a.been-fire ahs Min :|oo MBSEOna 1865.Tess mags sehen an ses,ee aare|ails with grea he slanghte tend SSE nh)Sart fe Ce ae ete d wh ce eA eae ee:5aga*iN te -hefedy ee ‘to therelies Coat eee given’tiveir livesin the cause of the country;|y=San:oh 0 OTIeS“mus s ee Eg a5 2 Pia Shh,0.:2 MAG gevery en ten will be made,andaslass:alee oe so oat 22 lee Tee fence With may whole heart ati scpl:3)ei nan Meeiathe came ch nae das seat bpp ee ae ers gnd :%eee uman =7 oreements Poe Brey tee tae ee .ce ae ee sere Wsed gfor"medicinal:purpo 2 rer Sm Arery iyeaearablehim1toeemtbetthe¢e sble His ‘en!TO:soipe tS fOr soldiers,fo:last’for’eeceal ears To‘thetfome Guard of the ‘tle .protected atid virtuousfasted.tea Lmat WState,wh nei ne en.f Phis’o escribes th Gellingon Setar 3 Ves.our ,patriotio’Goy:Sopp is oe District.-.eet ist eehich hi a2 to subju’"issaid:‘tosie ae y Be 250.Sutla oe te mien rn oe Pe ai off eoraE Mea cid t%Sapo oreitde era cei,in the ie ee e soill'which he se ah)he directi FM a Meee 2 wre pe eee Ad isile (ALAC Ee ‘|everlasting shai a Breer:«29 tram Baty tothe Guard fori mationeenieSireand:ee nes anes.ei.ae nh ik ein eco as 0 ‘alt.@':re .si to Dev })Orne ——t |CTU Y mental Seinen digabilic,t focludingsthose wig Are,ex- fi 1 Ned:ing expedition.”7 ot ee ibe 1 a8.to ‘F ikig 10u8 } brok a.Ustinacy:of priaheat je ee ee Slag 2 a)peemptedbeMedteatHoarefej duty Soe: man;and lét'the oath be:kept,and fu fi e eet Tg i ae in rake ‘over:our:;Ppt i!reheat 1S army,andthose whopate titcates of -xemptioneither fandthé invader driven off and extermjpated.,RGF Dr,John A}son,requ tS Hs tO give.tnd Be the |bi RPE rs eee eas ——~-(=\otformerState Boards,’ot appored dy the 3 ¢ne 7 DECSS >..com ye eet 4h 8 et Shi Se Bh iron General aud Adjuteut Genern Thefollowing... iWerepeat,the fall of Richmond and Peters-|'notice that,until fat rs,Be f ¢held’and.,0.;Nse.,Toss.w::E ze the place aud timesappotuted tor therecpective ;if coun. bene yan Pee gear ;pai les con Hy.ti:oat Fee che County,Mondayaud T rs Darg,affords ho real causefordeapondency 5!Soldiers‘tathe éarmy Dot.be.-:a gel bak “]vege pays iv i Sriers Whoa we cat a,on ed by j 'Alen Apr sand Sotkac rite rsa oaBlan = perhaps:the event iis thebest thing for the!receivedat this place.Bue:ell Beg oe Le oe coca OMe bettie en necording|hoa:¢-aceide:uty hs P .—-Ceneral |andiith;anki,Yadaeile,ThpealiyaandPity peeee “>Gonfederamy iat coullhave occurred,Ad]given.when Boxes.will be veceired ‘and fo Bers we sbiould exer be compel'ed to a tem:jlo!Yeokee tartics\ior Ubis dreadful ordeal.|Forrest Youcht Gatien aon,Eee Sins wiles Wine pe tee Tham-ae “>dw that Tight,we ‘ought 3receipe it;andnot}war bhereafte beads Caines oie ary withdrawal fron limits,:Ge eh :illed.La n apfOi Sat pd 22a po ee gates :_sBhoat «.,Beason.The.Confederate army,||~¥is Elias,0}wees ttatil the’[co oohanes officer from |te gover BBY:ps oe a+Oe HAPPOLDT..:0. “Minder,our “able Centrals;is ‘relieved frORs)109 non ;ofB lor.the “bast hele Srey ve aa]aa faras he hear Hillions.:“The:Lge i nated tiie see ow,H-ROBERSON::-, ':Watebing one particalar,poitity and at“fall:jie:W -uea 1 leth k of -e0-14 ny Sher:de icked Fitz OH a disgra aitited ROM ONG AAR)es Beamining Board. _-;>fiberty torange ‘and strike ‘where the’blow ia TToem ae le Wo.be free..8then at ised.eat Om u oe spin Dot ar ro the Home Guara:ofIreaent. Se will bethe shost .effeetnal.“Thearmy.was}MRE.ccm wl re ai Baer h iN Po eee Pie PROBA E ene eeu ST our ¥eavy,|YOUareherebycommanded to pearin Statesvilleon - :“never in better epirite,or Te determinedto}7 ot SAD a bee eh ee be eaaa mia oe witl ga deflance.with?teie Wie t t the Confederacy still |th y:Budde:aa Shatook our left wing and a teal Beardtion tes a eee ‘Succeed in the contest.-go'where'sub-|:;RR carte.ey Be,and:with the exception of a.vei Rewahells nee ties ng the:hors Name 5s oa eee “A, "Bistence is abundant,sa age upon theen-!ee Tee ek ee fers,A few bipped spa els'w::Borders,who stantpe fore turns}©23 Reece Oar "|220%at conrenience—mareh,into his couns}at 4 d'clock Wetnesds afternoon nie Seca gh eee teres ether SOE DOW e:more of cot t tbanicom-|)tn:eomfnsion ’to.Selurg,wh.State of Nevin Caroli “Ry,and subsist upon hisabundant’supplies:(Berscea te osc Mie:Sites tepeckent the beds:Pe eae oe Beop :teoniery swith:some difie 2 oa “4 y >PREDELL County. ip beri mt eri and cities)3,‘ger ithe cnterios of Alabar ars ane is i a ;OO gt NES ve -. |{o|slanghter of the ene:he éng r a op 2 t to ‘point fabs sffrtool |7 fitaciotey |ee for.Crs Lea ahroe at Gen.-Six thou fi 2 Tok “at hitary im portine advantages ty,s thiree days ago,between Mr.wtB.Watts sco4wankandGranttheNorthbankoferosota.ater ;AiO ener ilk:ay them for}Wells,Enrdiling OtGcer in.C‘Cabarrus'‘cousity,ir:fagteiaud Johit S. ce H.G.Guerryof Coluiatia,iclegated}+Appomattox...The:Dan ars are rani arde Min foe .,es i ret i 'obhte re 'ages don OF rex pended.d'ahorse thief,name Teported’.A lady|Sitle beyond the limite ofthisState I 4 bythe snfiering citizens of that city;has been;toMeberren Depot tea ‘niiles South of Burkes!command at Ely ‘idesday,tus Tt iogn H own-that thework o Calarris aapotbey ier hotse-and:Mr.Seow tor the Toe eee be lefor the *appointed aa agent-andisnow tnStateseille,Je.P|ee eR rch:J dala “trai i¢hchas been:progres:“months |Wellsiinterpepted the thief neat RockSpring|eain-the townofStatesvitic.watifolng the wuld dk ~=-to solicit antl receive:contributious of)provis}:«7 ra yak 4 eiMery::~he eae 1 ORs >+end Se wea:ly:all,the uat [Monzgomix nd:once ‘him:toa are aeCont beet eae a ee ferent:ofthosewho shall feel chiar idee pert sc 1S PRR 3 es ogee ‘anki ot nti a nthe See heuer a of th Latter algofred.etd ie Sat corccok tod:demur to ‘pied ion : 'dtably~+digpesed,-at-the ‘store OlMr.Soe cans he aie Se aie NORMAR ienatolad to Southe 5 Ceca ta nnase mere ene ;8 o1 eA Sas .5 ye er orthat ma {in the other.dt was fata)to“both,—?peetivoier und<aparheae QStockton.We have several times published ie eoin.every pat}Clanton dispatch :He March 28th;of e Sung)My Ils diedin-n:few minutes,tthe horse-he =esa wi ifomrtat-ais appsalsin bebalfofthedestitute,rained and;ot in:Fara eerl ge timiont fe rs eat 8 TROT Ce.a seed Riri ieee ing him veh:=phen oo Age Sad QPoet F.:FUBELaN oe "guifering peopleof thatdevoted.city,battune}pasone?pase tia sai ee kits “parol my ‘of:}rific |Bur finan.oe feesitowno-one bas'appéared in person ican eats ea es i.The Clarion of th en |Je ststd Fc eet ‘MuGiatcodce Ghat:3 de Se de ‘Gott Sa Gist a geivesupplies—itig hoped and believed that}:eR ata Mields|208 0f Nankees advancing on!olunibe tate of Virgin ly-appoint :ited.States,.EXCHANGE oth,Yas‘BA00N,5 thepeople:ofthe up-country;aud ofthis'sc Shed sa eee eee ae miss.,onejtrom Huntsville:rea Se nee Chak,CW)ee eee iv ‘soely ines NM 5 ee andl ober seveisjons.te eS tion,will at dace respond tothis eal aBe ah ae hbk Se si epirty ‘from ‘Memphis ‘foun thowshod #eche (ot ee:oes are :ie fade melt:ts "March a—124 aes ‘from those who harebeenredaced by:nee eee ees fe ee th pal Me oar §sone Ms ;i ;_waders,and always themselvgsintheaay of|iad ss .inea:|mounted,are-in ithe vicinity.of.Pohtat her thian ‘of 's.We thinkit forebodcs|a'ma ee e del ma roeof fongn the}:Bios An orTe=e -prosperity acted:Liberally towards’others,in]Be Ce!GE ha Mi St be staal ae re Zor Ips "J ie 4 x f March.by the confi Pr of Eincol Heeascar Hpi pceSaynueeeomaee10SeeanaeiedadMechlesThsmnclenatterenomeideegh]te Sees wr ||eSS]naarie -@fely,as the is great,and serenthou-}:Reto ENS ;“in Sow mninatedt batae te He Soe t Glee oe ‘Re ease![Tong ane stig ovate ied lo :aeethemajorityeeft:chil):ind dea 10 live-and weed at t jong,consisting of isiOn8,eset th sty foc “feldo:Withd §3 ve Been no reportofexisuailtiesin she:peatd Goce pom neetete 40theclsof dren,are suffering.for food,ay ay:).pet th foe respond eeslatebateneat,eeeSed this State:Samat ac tedbrithelr“tnetathers they e058 »Thefarmers ofthis section,‘had long peated Ska poo eres Wiebe iu i !‘Moy;ou:nd fight ‘at.ction,+Seeogitatech marae aljret sabinissionie bescre 30Columbia--Sbutli Carolina wae their best!Ret novel Ver pi sehen ;oT :iPur-‘*'Te megs ea Whee Sas le seiner nmin market,and.will be again,when the present ment pow.Te 6 Samia:‘Brieon 2aha Pr Sas NES aa sr pgs Sa ott aes BRR ae eee ee mee caer const a troublesare passed—to-themthe suffétingoffWe might’have gone ck 9,|.Col;Woolfo SUSYC008 Ne COMMBANG)boats a COE,BE PANO Hee UNS RS ee ee Ee ons COREA Patton - »that‘strickeneity would appeat'for donations when our armies:ner ere he eS 3 is |Sie peroe Sotat 86 torn,}Lecpineat wicmmeey a {Werte}appoi sgratalatioue tsphe nee [ene 8 eg on ee PE ae ‘Hour,molasses,,bacon,and any other.f |West been’co to:bear Aut xpreasing his’love ‘and elorifieat;]:-,and now |x GC,on the 20 by the}Stee af products:Thote who have not diese ca givel 4 for ourselves.and '-depgredation':for ‘our.had become freedmen,after Jong loyalty].iat the nder bling must be)MeNrecr and Mies Marne,Oym : Soy ciel nee aeW..eve 2 eit us.jand suffering,:he far:a.Stockton,Statesville,willattendto Coes;‘=z ibe,thagyoumificent gifts of any.i bea Femi B &few old animals:io take:crap;—1|-‘cuPhSPhis two sons.“wereinthe:3 apethe Confederate Service,-&c.*Yani\aceeptdd the idvitation,and all~first day,*Union man”feelin“da the’“company of Bis tnew: Re e Se Sy ee e ES re e pt e