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Iredell Express, 1858
ee Se t t e Sa m e t ea e ey e Se i me * 6, I“GOVERNOR'S MESSAG BS lato whi che Carus, This-ddebt has_been since in-.creased ‘by:the atnouniaaiid for“thepusposestols |>5 .Jowing:Pete ss Pe aetu interest with rary Boaru,by resolntion:‘ofthelastGenei-* al Assembly,| “etteville +and ,"—Albemarie.Plank Read,—-Fayetteville:&Warsar:PPK’Road,’Lunatic Basle ahantie and’...Carolina.Rail| Road“tor bal-=::ance.of~suds~.—Geriptidny «|. “gm uuderact>of last-Session|3 ‘eficlosing-grounds,&c.,-Sebechiption ‘10.Chesapeake & iAlbemarle-Ca .-ha sacs"250,000 00SpalCompany, +Doan to Avantic~nd NonkCa folina A.Road:‘Company,—UW er!ernNarth.* *WCarolina’Rail. Roa, So far;the_the interest-on't_however,that,wheg fairly in operation,“jt wilt be able to do me:and reheve.the]: Tol.IL. well see why:th Of wich:‘tiasbeck since paid”*a Dond tothe ‘Trustees ofthe.University ‘of North rincipal’-on ce'.bonds to.Lite-* Lunatic.Asyl-.- reps he meeting‘of therepitesesitativesipeople:inGéneral Assembly is’ 3 2 thaltef of public interest.Cloth: “they aré with the exclusive:laws. ing.power of the State,with.no ick upon its exercise,when:‘constitu- ally.”employed,save that of public |. pion.and with authority also to elect ps to fill high and.‘important |sta~ hs,ot only-in.the State,but in the; neils.of the-Féd ral Government,weassemblingofsuch poly!chort!ex€ite the ‘liveliest!inters |. Bu.while -this bas ‘been usually ,case ‘ehh regard to ‘Legislatures: ich bare preceded the present ‘one;it paphitically oasto this,4Qsestions.ot Stale policy and duty,of y.giave iMportakees it is known,‘will| presented (o you,as,to Someof which, sottess;much diversity:of opinion will! fowad to ‘exist.¢ In.#government condtitated like ours, ese differences of “opinion erail,not,ouly-between, 2 :oe | 36,war eek:55-4 ~e <) h ‘ 8 25,202 45Bond:toBank of ©,‘Cape’Fear,for:=!loan,a Bonds for Fay- ‘| 20,009 00 4,000 009 ’S 21,000 907. he "$33,500 00. a +“th} .38,000 90 bey400,009 co": it meat 400,000 do |‘4,731,702 45) Gig bonds. _Staté to that extent. _1 will statealso ‘bat:fortwo’years lasteSate.hes beer:compelled to phe intrest upon bonds ‘of the:Capeiarand:Deep River Navigation Compa-_‘gp for $300,000,by reason of-ber en-dorsement.thereof;and ‘that sheis liablejnlikemannerfortheultimatepaymeaf|'cof,the principal:as it falls due,one third ‘in the-year-1865,and the like amount ‘in‘~-1876,dod the residiein 1865.'°°* _.Underexisting laws the —Bondsareto-be ixsged as follows:-For balance of ‘first-swbecrip- under Act.of at ne bondey ia ae er tion to Western North Caro-'% lina-Rail Road,+=| For subscription to.made Ok of Angi eas‘ob the next.General ae at of sa Bem, Te,18 groper.for me.‘to's there bas,been,for some:years ing debt.due by the State,kept <1 fromyear fo year,by:resolations from time to.time by-the Legis #4 authorizing ‘the “Public:‘Treasure make temporary Ipans|té pay the*liabi ities of the State,and which.loans*have been:annually paid off upon the: in of the public taxes.this dedt.bas been gradually i by:the’‘payment ofof joterest on the rand the excess*of appiopriations the receipts.from revenue;until it 88 nd of ‘the last:fiscal ¢|form -of:eeto °——1 ucts ‘estis 7 2 his: 9 pearly day in the ‘eat e|nuebill be retained,E would:agains:2s 1g’;1 did in my last regular message,‘thost. respectfully-remind ;the Legislature’shat! there are many:difficulties’in the®:con~' struction of parts of that-act,whieh have| from time to time.been presented ‘by the: collectingofficers:ofthe State:‘and.others to:the;Treasurer:and:‘Comptroller,‘and : “whieh should be.”rendered.pais ‘by aa new or?explanatory |act.© .Theaw pt -ed,near the eabout$302,418.This debt ha s been aserious conve- -nience,I may isay,Yn fact,an i upon the Treasury,and will)egatin -bé so,unless some permanent P \is'made forits relief...Itdstrae,the debt was discharged owt ‘of the incoming revenue.at the ane the| |1ast‘fiscal year,but it has Jefta in.the Treasuryto that exten oust “be supplied.by.new:loans, !some other;manner,before the1ine of,therevenue for.the.present: In fact,is the ‘opini the’ ublic ‘Treasurer,a8 you will see.from: his:estimates,that,if ‘temporary,loans are -resorted.to,the.amount’of floating| debt this,fiscal year,will exceedghat ‘the last,and,that about the ‘sum:‘pf| $400,000 will be required:This amou j taken from the revenue to be.paid:at: end of this fiscal,year,.‘would |‘nearly: ythe ‘Treasury,’ete it "without | sfor the next"The monetary aigieuk: throughout the coun sane for severa: ae 3 hens ‘here;but they.canbe pointed outy by:those offers,to:yen finance Se totake the. ot |mmittee,ne cases’of -doubt, will alwayspoliticalpars:2 community may be dix decd,-‘but between the members,even,” f the seme.party-organization... ifferences,how ever,are‘but the result of; hat {reedow of opinion.to\which’all are titled,‘and ‘for thesproper.exercise ‘of hich no ose ought to complain. —Pdoutt uot that you will be pr D give:to all matters.upon:which’:‘you |: pay:be called to act,a’carefulconsider. tion;and L.téust i doing so,your coun-, zels may be.so guided s8.to promotethe meocral welfare of the State.~In the dis- arge’of guy duty,I shall,in this com- munications:Jay befaré you such views" and’suggestions of my own,as I deem suitable to theOccasion.|The first”subject to which I ‘invite *your,attention ‘is the very)‘important,one. of the State debt aud finances,”| “In reply toa a tesolution’of the last General Assembly,the Public Treasurer. ;Teporied the bonded debt:‘of the State to, “be;onn the 13:byDecemtie:-I866,$5,153,802 sé | ecome’satisfied bow impertect:it is,,and how -“upequally.‘such.assessments are jade,‘pot.only.in:‘different -“counties hana ‘but that:sach:‘apsemsments ‘are| quid’‘as “unequal,‘and ‘gut of:proportion ‘in:a great degree.to.contral:the-monetary to-any ‘fair:standatd of value,1in the sev-affeirg of the’State.” }eral.districts.of which.*oun is:coms?4 poreds’.ae<9-Jf'theéphesent syétem of valuations s retained,’T think this:tast evil nay”‘be re- medicd.in.‘great: the :sassessors forithe seyeral.:districts: Compe a‘county:to:ineet‘together ast ies experienced I successive toatbs ‘ cfully proved:‘the.‘impolicy‘of. sources of ‘such <foans’ ditand:‘honor.of the; easure t0 say.thay,Jia our banks,with:some. trusting to the:..re to preserve ‘the cre State.‘It:gi¥es ‘me pl “ia this emergency;¢ two or three exceptions,came tothe a t of the-State,und thus enadled the Pub-|pos liey,Treasurer‘fo!tect all her ‘engage:| palace‘tugned to.court,|and the Board socom: the:fists;and.pate:power to increase or diminish .aby assessment,asto.af ‘majority.of thera!may ‘seem,right and proper.-‘The;ist so ‘corrected fo beire-| ‘turned:to”cout. ‘law. Tt seme to.me ta be ‘a matterof:‘the. frst importance to rélieve:the Treasury: fom this burthen,and to place jit ‘pon such *footingfor,:the future:that.a:like oe poset‘may not be a second oe incurs ote SF the bonded debt of the‘State,“oftthe whichI have.given a statement,there will fall-due of pringipal.from time fo "taime,in'the year.$856,$20,000, |Ist January,:1860,$500,000.: sidn must be madé-byyou.at this,season | -}to meet these:‘debts,aad |boldit.almost| ‘|4s ienperative,that you:should also.prosj ©|side for the floating debt,.as:estimated f by.the Public.Treasurer,making togeth-~; ‘er about eleven bondred -thousand dole: Howit is:to be done is@ matter) fawell “worthy,the considerationof every| oe whozhas at heart:‘the best,interests of theState.We.annot raise the!amount |taxation:in’th short.’time’wehave to it,without.it posing a.eer thak could fall heavily ou:thepe .Vunder exiating ‘circumstances,i itat ‘alt .<‘Uprobable ‘that,theagount™coulk “be:obs tainediby loan,upon such tera and-vp-' fon such time as'would make it esirable.:oe The time was,but:Jthiok -it bas ‘now jpassnd,when the-holders of ‘wouldreadily have:‘exchang | -t State coupon bonds--at Jong date.It seems tome,therefore,that,with ous|, present i sources,almost theonly Iter: pative left-ig to make coupon, the State at long date,w ‘in:the bill authorizing their issue,to.cr ‘ate a special.sinking fugd.sufficient to “Lpay,and inviolably.pledged.to-pay,these| “+bonds at maturity-;jand that.the bonds} should then be soldiin the marketas.the | |money maybe wauted:atthe ‘Treasury. Judging:from the present:prices of‘our: bonds in,market,J: ‘bonds,with a fagd)ipledged for their uly timate payin:at,’apuld:sell for par,if|+ mivay.I shall ‘be fmuch pleased.if a more’.feasible:scheme for relief than ‘the ong ‘suggested, ‘the circom ances ab:which we are plas} ced;be devised by the ea '."Fhe booksin the’Mreasury ment.‘show that therevenue oft! from all.sources,’except from the scale of f State bonds for the.two:fiscal‘years ends | -ing the 30th’of September:Jast.was;for the year 1856-7,$512,205.2,"and.for}‘the year 1857--8 $507;459°BaleSsa “Ft should be “stated,‘bower about the sum of ‘seven thousand ‘part’of the’‘sum “first“‘named, beldnged to the:year 1859-7,-been actually paid-into: itSogrtasetter been before:. for’.the ‘ultimat -débt:Fteke occasion’to renew ‘theres commendation Nhea mace:The bill, }passed -at the last’.*ession,“inadequate as it-was:from:thie “smallness:cand:uncer-: ‘tainty.‘of the-fond:‘provided,wad |‘astep. ‘in the right‘direction.”“The‘fund,thougli stmally,affords ‘anucleus afourid-which-‘a; larger ore may:ibe bailtup.:As“Board; of.very able and.experienced,gentlenien- were appointed:to manage I,iwho,base}the heartily.‘undertaken’(he import vit:Inst:Pres F confided:to them;sad:who:will“doubts: fess.lay before:you valuable-information | and suggestions ag to its’increaskywhith amonat:will:be,required:from year I<41,000 60 and’as tothe best wens to‘be:ad |fr:tbe ‘pleseryalion :ot,the public. dit. State,and not)betore appropriated |to these!bonds,ine purposes,‘constitute ‘the chiefjpart ed {bem.,‘for iedividends.déclared on ‘stock:Jn the: of |It was.hoped,and,believe,generally. ‘expected,that,after.‘your.last™session: |has™‘arisen:-of'some-‘icaportance.-tothe: jentitled **anvact’. “|S§6,879,505:00. «1;Making the inde debt of ‘the’State Upon whicb-|she_is ‘privcipally liabje™at. this time,6tX miltions eight,nundred and |. seventy-nive {housand five hundred“and. _five dollars,Of this amount,the pey- -ment of .the prineipal and interést,of the sum of.$400,000,loaaed.iin State BondstotheAtlanticand.North Carolina Ratt’ “Road Company,is securedby a-deedin‘a “{rust.on thé road “and other ‘property of|.‘the Company,in’conformity ‘to the Act"of the.last Session,authorizing the loan.ipany bas failed:to pay+ It-.is:hoped, cond sum:Samed,ees which will be:-probabl y collectet duiing -the presentfiscal,year.pare favorably| reported’to the:last Genetal fae for the years 1854%5 and:1855-6. ‘Should the revenue continue: for the present andbondstotheamount ‘be disposed.of,the hoe years jwould tealiz _tan amount,in all; tte pay the ~ These amounts nex!fisealiyears,and.ste ‘of the fetes debs '|charge:of, interest.‘upon:es State debt,and aléo the'curr es.of ths-State Government. this,Ido ee wish:to:ibe’ —ae.i atthe:fond:had.been properly aad‘le ipplied,and that the Stare had,10}ney: haat Bea ion,ato es Ithigsixpers —. ‘com:the ‘first section:‘of_.uthe to engeatony : ‘Making\See “2 It would be ‘out:.of:‘plate t to:‘detail UE repeat what sy mistake'thelaw:=Isdesire:also;to:ealt yout attention to ‘degreé “by’requiring | Board,et,the assessmentshave:beera.d belore:they,bavé:been’re:| ged’shall:exauite™and.coaypace all. s ow!sequin!eh i eeenee ro hice ¥aaa t bly I urged:upon.them |: cheating:a’‘sinking.fend. discharge:of:out:State: fear.to meet oir:‘devits as.‘they.falk due,. i dopted: The Railpostl:étocks felon wg {0-‘the the:sioking fond.”The _Teceipts:so fat have been mainly,”if not entirely,. aleiph and-Gastow Railroad Company: ‘dividende:,sould be.made ‘by the Nowb: ‘Carolina Railroad:Compant;:tat Teaston. ‘the preferred stock held-by‘the State,for’ dollars.To‘relation,to.‘this.a question, ‘State ag well;as'to the::indisjdual stock- holders,sand to,ghich.Adeemit my oy, ‘to call.your -atfeation.’.: his “preferred stock’was.“token ‘by the North.Caroling’‘Railroad ;? Lavyother,stéck:ia the sane,” sige:of the said'aet to:be:nstrected. exere:indispencably.res ‘opera Wilkes.‘ofitie Navy,aCau disting-steps:lo ‘agsert the nished ”‘not only jathe:line ‘of:his.pretes-:wextCee the:eer visable.t0.take ans ear,and with:a.scheme -in:the’claim of the:‘State,but concluded to sub: ‘tait the whole matter to the General As-| ‘}sembly.for sich directions,if:anys":‘ast[tbey.may.think:‘Broper'to.give.1°:At-your Tkst,session’.bill was,“paused "Should the -form-of the‘giant vive:|tendering to the’Bank.ofthe —.a re- newal ofita:charter.’Ata genera!meet-ing ‘of the stock:‘holdersin the cityof Ra.. leigh,the matyer was‘taken,into considera-tion,:and-wag’informed that they declin..ed:to_accept‘a renewal of the charter:apon:;gree ‘the’terms:coritained‘tu’thesbill.’charter under which.the:banks:now.do. ‘ing“business‘will ‘expire!on the,first of |‘January,:1860,although byJaw itis.allow:ed three years after.that time to wind up ‘1 -Viteaffairs,it will;in my:opinion,be-highly }expedient for the:Legisleture;.at,thie ses- rier soneinstintionofthe kind,ace-of the Bankof the-State,||should it gointoJiquidation.”.It kas:some-|times.been‘suggested that:(tie ‘capital.oftheelitebankofCapeFearmightbeincreaséd|the:loser,'as ibaa “officers,rill not,|(an amount sufficient to eufply-banking| cases,enfotee the collectionof,facilities ta the community,and furnish al- at ‘the hazard ‘of a suit;-shguld 60 the means of making“safe and-profita,’|ble:investment of that partion,of the:liter~: |ary’roe ‘now invested:in:‘stock ‘of the: +Bank:of “the:‘State,But it :is:“uncertain:beh ode of assessing:lands for ‘whether the:bank:of Cape Fear would ac- n..Every.one:wa ‘bas given,ceptofsuch a ‘proposition,and.if'that:dif-: any altentigntto the subject,anust_have|fieulty 3were:removed;it seems.tome such, an arrangement:-would'beobjectionable —,€)the‘So'long aswe havebanks‘of discount and'|deposit,:itwould;in,roy opinion,be highly| lands are known to beof the’game}‘ipnpolitic -to ‘build’up-one «overgrown:ipstitation:which would:have:the.power; emmy duty,in:connection:with many ofour citizens,to extend to.these:enilemen jeivilities.as Ecouid(er ai for stp 0 " Alre ipt.will’be made.byt m tothet ‘next:cuprom ‘of the.Cake)chases,and I:panes Sat eyproves at under te shave,etery.reason to believe’that itwill’‘be of the most:satisfactory,character,asfaresas‘the existénce,in that region,inthe | er-nececsaries fora governmentestablish.| ment of the kind,is concerned,“Indeed, -the examinations ‘wade'duringthe’present{de year,not only by.scientific mea,.‘but those:|st having’practical knowledge of such mkt. ‘ters;have tended more and moretobring tolightthe immense mineral resources:ot an sion,to chay ‘that remarkable regions.~~ there’of immense:uantities the most . valuable’‘kinds ofisoa ‘ore::‘To:develop|months after b pesioatia sang tothe,Asylum this.wealth,howevery,there :was‘but one” opinion-aleo as tothe neceasity of proper| means |‘for ita:transportation.-NWith ades’ quate railgoad‘and-water facilities,no kindofdéubtwasentertainedbyanyofthem,as:10,ihe rapid:development :of the coal.and|fron,interest,and thatit wouldbe speediily.|marsh iol followed by-others —at =.ationalsia ‘apon'the‘Byteat large,then;it seems to ed ccmarhe €militiasystem...t regtetto-say.vhat that some”‘more efficient means should “ft aradoptedtoenforce.prompt ‘payment by the).ay ‘aeuptes ‘qpuntiee—otherwise.the support of the instis ‘tution illseriously.eee (pees "ot the‘Treasury..i ylapprehend that it willbe sce difficalt,|4 in practice,tohhave'aState ‘ex,1n-a county,) levied ‘and collected,prompily,through the able.military.force,we;‘should,-for a tinte,‘agency.sof thie’County Courts.iSuch modeoy: be;almost:‘powerless -for.the swat of any,. orgamiention-“Ifa well’Tegulafed -eystem | of jnilitla be |of the first importance “in:opr| ‘[deem:it myduty to. “we have’scarcely any military organiza-, tion in the State,except:what is to ‘Be, foundina few volunteer companies.-Bat-| fe Regiments exist that,have officers,or, rthat are called:out at ‘enytime'toyperform: military.daty,:Should an emergency arise. ‘requiring the ‘émploymentof arfy.considet~ ‘The same:amount of capital divided etween.two:hankingin~ with hranches:in different sees tions,of,the:State,would.We:‘better.and: safer,ag each:will act-as.a check 1‘upon the: rother:I have no patticuler:técommenda?|tions to.wake as to.the,amount,of capital OL:of what tit ‘shall catisisti-or:‘as.{0 the de- tails of -‘any.cchatter.to,be granted., schemea :‘will doubtless:be sutmited -‘tofou,and®L.shintk-only express:the«‘hope: that yous“will bb able to-selectione,.whieh; Awhile it:anil’byldiout fo stock.holders:aa ‘teasonatile hope of,fair:profits upc no their: capital,will at ure:bame:dime ‘afiord ample, facilities tothe:public:’ forgotten:that stich ian institution “ebnidycted,will be.ables“Lo!rende T import-’ “Pant aid to the Statecin,the:“hee Tuances ‘and payment,of bet’‘debts; “Out existing.daws ‘regulatiog «the.Tate “ot Futerest oaiméney.lent,and attaching, penalties’to!thefr violations.have:lately.to‘some-extent Heanme a topicof discussion: “The:policy”‘of sieshilaw's,has been serious: ly.questioned.sWe livein a highly «coms} ‘meicial ages atid.it.cannot be-detic“d tbat i Siitulions,W "Nor should:it-be mayenmerwent.of “sion,hut ae.a ‘scientific explorer."felt it showing thatthe antiés are:n arrearrdtscatdeasesetrscr atest abundance,of iton,coal and oth:- -Some of these”gentlemen.‘‘have |seen.‘conversed with,andallconcern theae |" =tions,snd:cepecially.as totheexistence; he done fo infuse vitagity into tbat,of our.|- |State,($0 a8.oreAt.in a:eouncy)if pe not of}positive€ciensy asa.military,bo ted,any high.dagree ot military.disciplise,ef! mngifications®were.eiiforced,:“the system. ing.Ourjpresent-system:]hes heen,pencs. |tically.epeaking,without:‘a:‘bead j;and I. assume itias.a fact’w hick I belidve cannot: be:suctessially controverted,that no milix in mestool Aee ereaT Ciame revel.centers| ‘of-“the;*worlds:he:“Vatue éthieratejords.the,rate “of ulerest paid.for §Nee uae,depends.Epon the,‘ing red:ty:Abetenterst sand that:ait athe mjHis;by awe to:confine : the rete of fotercest in’LoprtaHn:fixed “and:| ited:fimnits,have eeeee futile.Bech ‘of.money,”opin a mands,and (heiris be te strictinne ae £0 ME sue pan or L0n tabi i ae Pi rade.and ease :‘i Tpropenty:Ww sreh its ow?ud ‘Ris dard,but how ely Taan.ht ‘sufficit euitly:informedto“gay,that ‘large:‘amébdte’,of capital owned hy-ourgitizéns have gone.from dur State to:seek more profitable;inz vestment in:other States,where.the,rates: of-iute rest’are not festricted as “by.‘our law;“ahd that such:ise contipue-to be the: case to vug.detriment,.:“whether at thietime capital:employed.in trost,,business enterprizes.”ithe:State,paying |aBreater.rate“of interest:‘than 1that. ‘now Gixediby law,can “be ‘vevsonably 6X-;|pected to remunérate the.employers.But tiowever.‘this may be,it may ‘be’well.quess. tioned whether’the State.should step ir and undertake.‘to eay-what-contracts may: ‘or may not be entered into by-her citizens,‘Vor.tipon.3what terms,they”may engage‘in’any”businers enter;rise.'Withgut expres- cre=| “Ht maybe doubred|) her-laat subscription |‘of ove.milton,of} virtue ‘ofan act,ch,32,‘Laws a854--H,:ys o.the:“completion of|=»sand by: ‘which.‘it was,amongother:things,pro-it, ivided,‘that,Cthe St ate’-shall derentitled |to six:per.cents,per anne,payable | ‘sewi-anoually:‘thereon,out ofgany:divis: *dends:of-profs:made by said‘company,:| befare”any.dividends -shall be -paid.o on In the two-last annual‘meetings ‘0 ‘l the ‘stockholdersinthe Company,it was| finsisted by:Judge’Rofiw,the State proxy; -«,-|thatoutof-the receipts,oter:and:above bly |the Lecessary.expenses’“of:operating the} 1p |Road,-the:‘State Wap:entitled to ,have 2 ditidend ‘oa:her.ipreferted -“stock-—and | that “euch,receiple:“iverenot ‘propeslyap- p |plicable to,tbe)paynient.of debts-of ‘the:< |Company;:contrangted |‘antecedent to’‘hed | porto.néw works ‘Or if to the;latter; they.:were only applicable’tox suck’|a ‘gent to y Ou ‘additional “reports ‘fromthese: companies and”also’reports.from.‘other |‘in,which.the State is‘forbear:to cominent’ a:‘stock |} ‘the Road.*Whereas,the.reports of ‘the |¢, |officers:‘of the:Company sbowed thal: éceip{s'were’.sufficient to:pay a ;@ State,i each’of:these} ‘years,‘bot th they-Had beed:‘applied by” 4 the:officers of the:‘Company:to the diss cisting,.dedts,and to the cor:| '|struction »account.The.officers‘and 4 stockholders in.thé Company,took a dif: ;|ferent view,of the!gpatter,|abd.dasistedfl ec on-the sutjent of,Inter~ nak improvements ahat.F de enn, ‘saryfo,repeatthen’bere have,“ancurred’.a hegvy debtiin the’cen-' struction;‘of worksof the kind,itis wow ons by.any means,beyondour;ability |Whether additional appropriation be made!‘at this Sessivixand fir what pure}: paces,ig;a inatter whieh,preiperiy®‘belongs: you.trectermice,©atce winlf a¥9ou a shali4 ahough ‘ie ES stall | walt probabili will: be calledfor and issued:before ek 4 tofthe State: 1 €-elerell tohave:any dixidend,under |=fSreee.cba ae the ‘circumstances:Thd‘proxy ‘of the ‘Staterepotted these’facts.to ‘me;to MEaccratity {end that I might taxe suctr action in‘the|‘santa premised as/in myopinion the interest.i machin ‘might require.*In.the ‘can,|ehinery.fort i Aict of |of open—iit:=ehead of,this,conmaiaion +was,Santee ofthe White!Stuy!v setevb1g.sD nes Riv- t ytMin ange te | werner:nhgeantin:inet wiva,andy the. ied:through-and“hy,means.ofan’A.djutan?| |General!appointed’by,bim-‘But ‘the4pay | ot that,officer,Stwo:hundred dollars per:an fF nuie,)i6.SO,small,that fio one¢an ‘expect him: oh:j unider existin cr “umetances,to devote:‘but |, e ::ih bis usual.industry soon:afier the tise. ha ‘smalf’option of his.time:to|‘his:smilitary 7 duties.To gixe:efficiency’to the office,the 1 Ray should be:.such2s to enable hist:to des: ‘wore.the whole:or thd greater part ot his‘time | ‘10 ite duties”wigiting:euch:parts.of tl‘the:Sate | sence,and “infusing \vi gor-mbere:laxity pre~ -Wailed—reporting:to,the’‘Governor fag.often iduty.i should be to capse the laws 10 “be en-| |forced,and 10;maintain ‘a general:bapervie- ‘ion over the whole~system..Thie,with:a simpler and’more.direct andeasy manner’ {of vacating ‘the offices’of Genetals,of-divie~. ‘jong,and ‘brigrades,.and:causing:new:‘elec ithe holvers of:such ‘officesfailed.to.“equip | ‘theméesves:and review ‘theirr tive COM: |soonrestore the organization yabich bqs1been|: ih egy La fy wrk ot berpublic taxes. pei Bsfof the:Banate:6a ae freer’July.jest,ae ‘Supetinted~3 Moo ef the Asylum:-reporied1p the “pabiic } i trexeprer the cotuties baving panenté-a:abe so"justice,” ‘sums.etpectively doe pi)iS”a aejm,ibe,am jupting if pe;(aggregate ta-the a. sim of:ee sia —=Sheriffs : law,the counties cannotbesafely:relied oe a ton to reimburse e Tieasury iin such cases.|. for theirsupport,And be . county,fail to.pay,.it willbe *sighteen ‘before See pe sessi io two yeareinits operation,fartherlegisla- tion:will be'regaired at ‘thissession.Ifthe,Legislaturebe’disincl heretofore,to make. ventiot ‘of the officers.ot the State. -Comptroller~Office of ascertaining whatper ‘dy,iat least:ih’one in Awhich:jit ‘might,be!tenlum opott the fands and pollsof any.coun", rakde:available,and:inefficiency improved |ty;would raise.the amount due to»the State asvoccasion may.require.1 havéino ex:by:‘that County.»By the Jaw,as,it now is, ra ‘péctation,that-under-our.“present:laws:40r|the Superintendent)“of the Agglam iis.requitl= ne]BMY’.amendments theréto.likely to he‘adop-|ed Ao notify the Pablic Treasurerof heea}, unts due‘b'iheseveralcouuties.I ‘Of SERE Wr vine,deell al the scaltiar pan be at.”pas that »ae may be so:framed |fe thineds "Nevertheless,T entertain as little,||have the’rete of taxascertained:onntand ‘and {: doubt ‘that’ifdue prerentJawy with :some,i might We:placed:‘upon,a!‘reepectable’(oe.1088 for:jnsolyenta,)and that peing reported :counly,.whose duty may.be;‘nade ito cols rdect the tax.Vest itary.organization caf’be maintained with |. Fs active and efficient head.’-Nomias roel saand'thd eal ‘ally,the Governor of the:state’is the conte | i ‘gander.tn.chief ofthe inilitia,aod the:or-Sale;requiring the Sheriffs to:pay.to;the. Ppmneation vf the’system seems.fo have ':“State.‘only athe amount due and|to _aocpuint. eee:designed by:otr-Inwa to‘be maintain=| |iderasiba,;Of course the:details should be} (Tor any*overplue:collected tothe:counties.. }.The:reports:oftheSuperintendent:of Com- Pmon Schoolsfor the last.and present year9will 4“be laid before you,to,which 1!refer you't‘for ‘as might ‘From’trite:40..time.require:‘his.Pa the Stat ‘With sub sxilk aad care heal. ate.*° las necessary the ‘condition ‘of!things,whose which ‘was published:by:corder of the Board: ‘tiong to be.held to,fill such’vacancips where:: |mands,as‘Tequired,by|law,wou ‘I believe: lostjfand-open‘the.weyfor further‘i‘improve- “sing:8.decided-opinion :35 10 ‘the:policy of ||0 a ‘|our exieting laws,the subject ds one.of ims mene.|Theme beligved bysmnt=and a portance,and a6 such;I,recommend |it to.‘careful consideration:| -Jtranamit:herewith.reports’sade to:fne ‘by ‘my lequeat-by the Presidents of the At-. "antic,and North:‘Carolitia Railroad:Com-}) ‘panies,fl 1-Western Noith’CarolinaRail| -road company.‘the.Chesapeake and Albe-:“tharle canal:company,-and the Cape Fear. cand Deep river Navigation.company,the.well ‘be ‘abandoned.gee only.worksin which:the Sateis‘interestes asa stock holder,which are now,or have: been,ina course:of:constructiénsince the’adjouriement ofthe Jagt Legis‘ature.Peal “These‘reports are not x6,full «s they: “would have:-been,had more;time’been’als7, lowedin their preparation ;‘but they may| “serve to show’the:present.condition of|‘orks and.of the:companies.a that!opinion 1 concur,that'a.serious °‘blow |wasstrock to our miltia system by.exempt” ing.froma:‘ordinary military duty allabovethe: aBe ofthitty~five instead‘offorty-fire |years. so]submit.thesé views.igugsx nggnost:dide- ‘ference...The subject)‘is‘an!‘important ‘one;| andt recommend fo,your3attention.‘Unless | ‘something iis:done awhole pee had = may this,connexion:Int >“renew:therTes. cccsboausaion made Emie to the last Gen- |erat Assembly,that;the Gokdrnor;‘of.the State ‘be:empowered|to,farnish arms:,froin - theState Atsenale for the‘nse of such schools }in:the State as way’.apply.for them,bonds’ ‘beinggiven for theirsafe keepingand reture, Tae,now required :‘of Volunteer ‘Companies,a a a'short |time I ‘hope:tobetable to pre=|Jtransmit ‘herewith ‘the Reportof the Dé [-t [rectom 6of the:insane Asylum.--The Report Pcontains:important:‘suggeetions.and recom |mendations which-will no.daubt:eeceive,.a8 on*-these|they:deserve,-our careful contideratios ad repoits.as you wil]have jmple opportunity |The last Legisiaiuze repealed”“the law to exaritine.oe when:peated and Jai:posing.atax of-one and ‘thtee fourths cacia OF ‘very.hundred.dollars:worthiof jand,‘and5,ahhens expressed ‘my ‘Gpintone Sve and cne-fourth cents.on exery tak: _Poll,for ‘the supportof the Asytim 5 ‘and,Jor that’purpose,;appropriated,twealy thous:rdf ‘dollars tor-eact of the years,’ABST and.1856 sf }to be paid:out ‘of the treasury.-“NO provision |was anade to raise:“the forty ihoasaid collars appiprinted cave:the the se vetal coutities having vatienis'ix ihe,Asylum:Were:nequir- eds,as they had beeo'befzre,through their: County Courts,’to levy ‘thre’aayounts charged| bs aud due:‘for,their attpport.‘and ‘cause them seeue:questionsavers thé mee jes ofbeesec’ted aud:‘paid 11ik0 the anet : PR igh Asthe:aetiol tbe.the:last “the -Asyluma.charge Ye Should:tbe.Vax’‘be "éortinued oa land aad olis,the.means’would ‘be:“furnished iin the olls,.cbeing always sufficient to cover any. to the?‘Public‘Treasurer,it may be madehis" “duty”to issue’a.warrant to the ‘Sheriff;;ofthe: See "{'gnbeiit thes¢:énggestions |sae youtee such as toprotect the:counties as “well”as the !Shfornration as to the:-echools.:“‘Thatofficer, “of the last:Legislatare,1jadea digestof.the} dawson the eubject ‘of Commén Schgls,a. laws,in,full,was__published'bp.the.Literery sto} Board and -getierally,disseminated”‘through. so prepared”a,Comaion School.‘Register, in eufficient:numbers to)furnish one to:‘eaoh rc -eeboo!1in the State.Theoostiof this pablica-}'s last for six oF eight years,®and'will-tend| greatly to.promote:‘order it the:schools nt uniformity inthe system throughont ! State.:‘Lhave levery reason.80:believe tbat) the system:is.an.improvingone,and that sion}|am informed,had s sglntary effect in} curing some abuses,and somefurther legis. lation may be necessary.©Bat.1.preferto subject,as.tie Superi dent,”from:‘his|. -knowledge of the practical ‘working ofthe ‘system,is better qualifiedthad1 am to sag>} gest such ameadinentsas are.Sear The amount ‘tiswibuted by;‘the Byard jor the last_two years 3 for: Schools,;was thesame as ihiaefor 7 Bev 80,850 per amoum...:, transmit hérewith :«certifiedcopy |meal Staig aiid the State of North Caroling;from ‘ofVitginia,intersects with the na.fae io thé:W esern limit of‘hisses. qn the northern”‘boundary.of”the cotaty of of the counties ‘ot!Stokes,Susry and Ashe... of the:oposedistarting:meinekoows de.. “Itis hardly aecessary for: that’his higily:jwportent that the Loun~ dary betwetn:the two States should beoat‘While itees d,.2s it has been|’as onrae ee Virgie:Che‘Gale and’others on tbe part'¢ Hevying.andcollecting aStatetax:Wonld 1seem|Carolina,oe rete comiay to “be an:‘anomaly:Lean seenomeansof) ‘effectinga prompt collection of,sucha tax system,of overnment,:(and ichhas ‘been the-opinion of,our wisest.ae bath |Lon,counties,except through the:dicest intets y -eivil,andmilitaty,).‘then something should ‘|' Bae wasSe 5 ing‘fowance forcLadaneg tel ome {to.the Chowad.Riser,which.ras.tn ‘seeted abouthalf ie.mouth of the*Notioway.-then *uroed down.the Cho' Notioway,was‘again’! tothe westside’of the Mehér ‘about.two miles.from the point + first jntersected¥the line crossing htimes‘in that distance,.Here the: ;agreed to suspend.‘further, -ensuing fall,having first.ante |j ee diseriptive i “A fall teport,as tothis.pai be found io the journal oftbe'p “Govérnorandcoxacl siesta} ernment,nuw-in theo Ihave notbeep-ableto port.‘of the extension of the -line fe mong our archives,which,however,ia -ly.day,ape quite incompleze.Itis bagh ble,ss the!Proprietarygovernmént¢ after;that the.s \e -reports_¢ missioners were tranemitted tother ment,and can.-only be:found’: litge-edition of ‘which,43 well.as:of e|:Ww the year 1841,‘anderthe title of’: “Manuscripts”—end from which it the commissionersresumed “their tionwas considerable,bat the:Register will|Lar we shall.‘realize fromitthe ttiost beneficia,un results."Experience has’shownfromtimeto}131. time wherein’‘our Common Schoollaws were}. defective.”The legistation.of ‘the lastses-tthe | inake no’particular recommen jationsonthé,|sbe preceding years hati to say gbonttheqaim i ‘5 law passed’by the Legislature of the State of|'s ee Visginia ,propgsing 2 joint commrssion torun|whi and shark the dividing.line betwedo tha;}. point whete,the dividing line between:oo “it will be.seen-by reference 40 the ‘map.fi this thismaie,thet the propesed:starting polnt.is >. Aeckinigham,and,that the lina extended:fee 2cable:west pasdis,aiso along“the northerm boundery’ bwe -informed ‘whether the whole part adary beween.the two States,east| Wig,80:few Succ da —_*hile iga ‘continued battle,im,which»defeat’is.suffered more often:than vic.tosyis won.“Along its ainty paths the_foot prints of”gisaster are everywhere + me geen,and by the wayside|are thickly|_strewed the graves of-the failen.©Why.oe it that so few succeed ?-Why isthe’.Bope with which youth set:out so pfen»desolated,and the goal of:ambition 50 _Sarely reached e 2Thestrifeis‘too often commenced_Bithoatt‘preparation for the struggle.jhe impulsive,and ardent,think|SS ave but fo reach:forth,their hand U re =fo:isch the frujt,that,like,theapplesof | ig ‘the Hesperides,is only tabe}gained|als |.<.ter the bighest endurance and.the’most_painfal perseverance.Seldom does ge-.ai sapths tongue <of flame thnat secures:=clion,.without eflo:!:5 oilsome study and"peitent:investi-me=gation and‘patient experiment are Ah¢, agy modes of«realizing a power to cre? €,ps esen {0 recombine soas:to sub-due new elemenis:to pymanuse >Moses:alone smoté.the rock,so at ththe watess ~flashed out upon the gangsoftthe desert,;|,but:how,step by.step,-with ~foilgome that the’snails.~Comparison,did the great:;noble inventors proceed,:’Dave given thewaves of thesea a tongue!.Herealter,their,voice utters:a language_that”thé »fejoiding shores’shall’under-:'/,stand;bat though the gloriousconsum-a St“mation was unexpecied,‘the preparation,had been the work of many.minds dur-.jag years of alternate triageph ong dig-.;Sposa ment...--Physical ag well:ag mental training‘is necessary for:the‘accomplishment ofMlevictories,-Rut when theiatellectis’->well cultivated,the bodily energies ‘are+often uncultivated,—the-mind,like the~~Iriction upon amachine not fubricated,wears out the.mechanism of the bodr,..and its ‘growing ‘weakness.and disotder*_pullify thepower it envelopes.,Howof-} ten a blanched cheek,emaciated ‘limbs,end feeble fauscles,mark the successful:¢.student,who-drops into the-grave whenheistoreach‘he goal-at hisaspirations!|"We of America haye much’fa learn on|2+.this_point.*“A ‘system.of’inteWectyal:“forcing culture—é babit of putting boys“to the:bustness of men—has produced,a”epecies of ‘precocity which,however’--tauch it may-awakeo astonjshmentat the-}_,wonderfal -developements,will leare—Day,has”le2--mianifold Seite.otAtthe'raté swe are now.progressing,. the time i is not so,far distant when suchathingasboyswillbé-entirelyunknown.=a Now the’fade pof ten have the manners of|<Maturity,and ‘the,girls ofa lesserageoftenwomen‘in all,bot physical -devel~ ‘"|Pent...The gay ‘criticises:plays qtc*play-actors,and adopts the:‘excesses,of ‘majority.;.the othér:falkgof beaux ‘andtL.Jaces,-and,dress"as.flippantly as their st -+wothers,and are scarcely:Tess.rotund iin:::‘their proportions:*~ To the want ofphysical calture there2jsalso:-to be added a neglect.of:moral. -fessons.What schoolin America teaches’*the *humanities,””as they should bestaught?,Where:is’principle laid down jy asthe baseof all efforts>..Honorableaction,pot in”the receieed sense,which “18 promptitude iin resenting.any conceiv-" “ad insult or ‘suspected affront—but hon-SP oe“orable’action,meaning that sbuared up-.ie ‘on the golden ‘rule,“da saeas ye would they should do-unto you,’in -oujeated as:the bi hest argntge sf DOV‘ble’results?-re 4 mi z=uccess -achieved,even ifitbe obfain= ed y-chicanery,double dealing,and all_perversity,is-cheered by the miltitude;:“And thousands fall,simply because they .havea miscone¢ived notion:of.ae‘nessa weak mpprecraicey “Ef woral pmnciple.‘'esBiQurteachingiiswrong;‘our sil a is wrong:our praise and our:censurelaxoftenwrang;and the resultis taat; €see fewer of those men—selfxmade |oe strong in rectitude as the eternat truth; yrm in principle aa the living rock:pare in character as the mountain,-stream;=vigorous jn mind and body ‘as theturdyoak,who:shed honor on our earth,Bs Hens:mM.0.Picayune.’ :The Pepe’andMiss:Dis, "The ‘famous American reformer of thetreatuient-ofthé'insane,MissDix,gives c~wig ot ¢ ee Steet her visit to Rome and the Pope's (~@F visited the lunatic asylum,‘and:‘my~ see sick persons,whom man and woman -should endeavor’‘to cure;they.<werebrutesinchaizs,the dens of whichséem-£eye te.to have been cleaned..Severalaftermyvisittothelunaticasylum,wanipresestadkto big holiness'the Pope,| Pope;a *asylum at Rome? fr e hae agoh tia = horrors and barbajisam I had witnessed.>TYentired;*‘tremblingwithinmyself,up-~.~on the bold expression of ‘the unchristiamtreattReaoftheunhappy.beings...Theetealemmandigg--man of ‘Christen’Sie ‘listened’ae a ‘a(tention,,-“and,saidbriefly.after I ‘had concluded, ;reat.testant,theparsoatperbaps.risked.too.scuch.peti AideoghLe consciousin my-innery _mostbeart of my good:jgitedtions,E yet. inward agitation.It:created a ee PS s ".the’following’interesting articulars.of |. heart Yevolted’at the sight,»I'.did-not -should-pity —unfortunates |‘whom.-we Aneta theObject'of my travels.‘Pheaskedmeinthemost|friendly:>qpanoer,whether I had 'yet visitéd theThadthecourage:to,’ answer *Yes;and:I am convinced thathaspotyetpaidit.a.vizi{.’ Ea Geickly raised his’head,|sandonly ed withan expressive atien-| itn Re ‘IL understood him,=relatedoain’a voice-full of oeall the anxiety was:os €Come-again iin‘a week/s time,’and then>"Ddeft bisete te pecan night,and‘-aiday of, -when the Holy Father;“had Seen presented.to»while taking one of hispaisthegateofthela-rie it?eal ees agi ‘|betore the Pope.In a mariner as grave as it was calm,Pion.‘Nino;said,to.me: ‘SI bave appointed a,commission,’‘char. ed-to lay before me’propositions concer; ing:“the ereetion ‘of|a-lunatic.asylom :agencies :ci humanity me *possibWhenyouvisitRome‘again:ee and:pious wishes wil)havebeen ioed.I thank you for your’cotamunica-:tions.’May Heaven.biess you .-1 bend my knee,leeply.moved,ppt beforeCa-'tholic Christendom,butbefore:the wis Prince and:theee.maps oe ‘3 ‘conformably to ‘the rule‘morality,in thesHorteat. “ff.Hes benitifel,”ceteasth’s ‘ornatoents“are tregs}.AYoat.on the hills and dawn oo lgys,in.wildwood.or orchard,‘or sing by thewayside.God's’‘spirit’pnd tbi zen seem:tous seve ‘present.in tree -For:toeit shade and’terto man and.’ ‘brute.for the jousi the,wit,ds:‘moake’ ‘their,branches;for the.fruit:and:flowers’ eye,and the fragrance thet goes.aut:and upward fromthem:forever—we.are:worshipful"of trees.+._'Bndér bis owhwine.anid’fig-tree— ‘what more expressive of rest;andinde-}: pendence.and lordship in;ithe earth !—Well‘may.thé Arab’reverence in the|}date:palm a Godsgiven sourcé of ‘suste-tFiance.’Dear to the-Spaniatd is the olive,|and to the!Hindoo bis badyas,wherein:dwell the families ofman,and ‘the’birds| of ‘heaven ‘build’their.-nests.'Without trees,what a desert place.would'be our. earth—naked,parched,’anc bateful.‘to|:the eye!“Yet \how,many:are thoughts’less of the use and beauty of ‘tréesi— ‘How many-strike thé axe:idly or wants!fonly at their roots.’Above’all otherthingsinthe:landscape .‘we.would “dealgentlywith:trees.-Most béantiful where:anc as God:plants:them,but.beautiful esen.ds planted|‘py thé poorest ‘arc:of |. man,trees ghoul t‘be:protected aud pre:nerves 1 |“Af he 1s abenefactor:iaflio-causel|6 blades of prags.to.prow|where.oné grew before,how amoch greater:his be?!neficence:who‘plants a ‘tree/in’some}, waste:‘place,sto shelter and:shade,to}draw thither sdng-birds,and to‘bear fruitfor‘man-Plant trees,."0:‘man,on’that: ‘waste land,and be careful of‘those.thareplanted.”’,ws .»We do not.know.(says:the,Christian: tiful:and comprehensive.noticeof trees; of |our readers io ingoluntariiy end ‘hear:tily.respond to thefamiliar.aod popular Tengeage:of the songof pate Woodmanspare.thatites 3. Seat ge ‘and hone 4 ~Man has an.unfortunate raadiuess’in}the.evilbour after receivingan ‘aflrcnt,to. ‘draw.together all the moonsspotson the.other -person into an outline of shadow| and #night-piece,and to transform a:single deed into a whole life.and this}only that he may thoroughly,rd thepleasure.of beigg:‘bngry.}1 In Jove He has. ing.together all the:lightparts.and rays:of its object into one focusby means of thé ‘pourning ‘glass of simagination,and’|Jettig its -sun.burn withoat itsspots; but he.too generally does this only.when|.the beloved and censured,being’is alreas.dy beyond ef,that we should ¢o his |sooner:andof |.tener,'we ought to act like Wickleaann,|- Sut only:in another,way.»-As he set ee,pedient Epi 8at ?salle ttefoundabdut5 ‘and this can:never be.| ‘among their leaves,“and,the ‘birds in} they.‘bear‘to delight|‘the palate and:the.Hs Aes wooden.pitcher,|Jtwas made of srood,|”.the ‘elm‘tree under which.William| Leontains:709.staves, fone footin-length,‘anuwas cut on.‘Long: ‘sprout,the’parent Advocate).the author ofthe:-above‘beaus} but we thiok its perusal:will.cause‘many | ‘Fourth of,July. sy ralLyeeteyowing ito:its ‘shortness.i fortunately the oppositefaculty of ‘crowd:|7 the skies.In orper,howev-. ates nee et4s more general:or uny grolatle:than the disposition to visit, that come:to our. cue,their ni pepepeoughto.told “the .advert tions t ere in'vogue,ind Everysortedfosttoflee of everg’.:girl,Taba.child iio the regions, done except -aleans,of tewenepers.Newnan ee »Prominent amang the.curiosities-3s froth -Pegn made the celebrated Indiao treaty.This pitcherwas’presented by the ‘Boop. ersof:Philadelphia,and.although.it ®notlarger:than a-‘common cream-jug,:itThe*hoops,lid; and-bandie,are-silver.:magnifying’glass,‘by ‘looking:through|‘which.one:is enabled to:isee the joints, “whiehare:not‘visible.ta the naked.:eye.:*}We.will’now’notice“Old:»Hickory.”ve ‘This i is adouble:cup—that iis;two.cups: tarned up.the otheris.turned’.down.Iti.as (3 name iniplies,ofhickory,and, hwwhat i1s more singular about it,has.a naz tral handle.|It.1s simply-a block about | Island from.‘a dickory-stem of|‘which’was”sévered:by a.ca “The next things:we will:mention are:‘a calumet:of stone.presented “by:some. tand."“gaucer out:of sthich.General .Washs| "Washington,and closedthe Rerolutidn:pany ‘struggle:The:last-named -‘arli¢le| wWas:giver to General Jackron:with”the}{request-<that:“he ‘would.light it.on each|: ‘le Mrs.‘Tnokcen:remrath=ethatthey-had;failed:to do.this ifor'sseve: |Hiizea for ihe Railroad:re Bering one.ortwo ‘Voaded:trains pass | aicougteour.Streets a “few :“Gays |ago,WE jeaquired at.the.Railroad:office and|‘obtpined ~a:‘statement _showing’thatJ2,003.vorrels of:riavalstores"have been.‘brought ‘to:town.from’“McClenaban’s.Station,Tl:miles,”within a.week past‘There:had-”been previously.brought.doxzn‘considarabie-quantities:‘of,Haval Stores,wood,&¢.20 er‘The freights.of ‘this:week amount to}ipwards:of $300;and ‘tha-savingto!‘to the shippers ot naval.‘stores.probably.| amounts n0 nearly:an:equal :sum.©e°'This business,will be'greatly iacreas~:‘as the Road progresses,throughthe fine: pine.lagds’of:Cumberland,Harnett,and.fore.85.the time:the 2nd ‘Ditiaion |: aside 2particular|half houreach'day’for |: on bis too happy exigtence at:Rome,so-we ought daily.or weekly-to’dedicate.and sanctify a solitary hoor.for the.pur- good.qualities.“Indeed,we-shoald do beings are-alreddy departed *hence,,and.eer aeach.—Richter-Tages Newspaper Advertising:Ho:tea1Build-up:a,City. The sihesphisAvalanche-bush.good |aiticle onthe above subject,which isworthytheattentionjofthebusinéssmen| of this or any:other”fowa."\We.coms. mend:it-for the present to the ‘considera. ‘scription,»in ‘Newaias,,dad:wedesire’them“to:read and ponder-apdnthe.good: ing extract’*7:“Ttis not,only the daty “of every.bose“ness ‘man to ‘advertizey:but iit Isalso “his,duty:to:patronize’and’sustain.‘bis newss paper;,independent of the advantage tie.derives from.its perusal,;.for newspapers:are to ‘2 town:what advertisements are to:its merchants,©They dofor a tawn:gra~|tuitously what advertising doesfor men of’business at ‘a light.casts They con-. céntrate ipublic:attention ‘upon its.aGfairs, keep the town,its:markets,its wares,its buildjage ‘issights,“é Jions,”abd 4von-.ders;taAttractions’of‘every name:and. ‘phase,uppermost inthe,‘public -‘maind.Theygo to every nook and cornér of the’surrounding country,’into’every:man’s. Théy’go ‘abroad to great.distances,into other communities,”among |strangers,"extcitinganinterestin.its:concerns,aad.spreading.information of its.trade andattractionswherevertheygo.«‘The more.‘the public at large.hear or tead of 3city |dr towa,the more they.are tempted to a.merchant be if bis business were aa. nierchant’s -signsoard:over.hisdoor ‘do!in attracting trade,if.he:did:not send.‘it with’a ‘catalogueof his;wares,in a‘néwspaper,to every ‘mati’sdoor#..Who.‘would ‘be.tempted to:visit ‘a:ieity:that the’purpose of Beholding.and meditating fro flour,‘cotton,:&e,,will:‘doubtless.”ve|Sys pose of summing:up the virtues of our]--.+ ‘|families,.our:wives,our”‘children,and |our’.frigngs,and viewing themsin this}’beautiful ‘crowded-assemblage yok their). ‘so for-this'.reason,that:we.may-not:for-}'give and love too late,when:the,beloved: eee mington.- "oa.of .ouy men of business of évery de-|. and wise\counsil contained ;jn the follow door,and to every domestic Greside— gee,visit,aid explore:ity What would} obseare*as his name?What woaldat j badno gemopeperh _at whichay er shall.hare’been:completed,25)oie| PO town,the‘other.articles,asco =|brahipere fot tranisportstion.:ay«Payetteville.Observer: TeFruit Drode. “We see’that.a.firm in’iBalmosesrevow,about consummating a designwhich|‘wa have”heard|spoken-of.inconnection’ |cal fruits,for tha:sale’of.whitch no 'sea- as/many trips as “possible:“doring®the:season,and.to effect this object:the Baly approaching completion;a)propeller:¢about’260 tons burthen,designed:ex }fie.)An attempt was.made-2:few.yeaago:|to:‘supply!this.port,with ritmeansofsmallaudmateriaer,but after.one ‘Orbr we wpe the ‘was abandoned,a go offruit rénders.a °Pia “out:the ‘quastion.—Wit.. laurels well ese the nae‘tin,‘and‘we’are’-glad:tothear §, ae black swan,”a chess:player we want to obtain:any,Tee abdpiacieaythe‘sewn?|} ear of and:read of |. from.thet time to.the:present.day;:she,le|asked me notto:game,.and'l have’never: 'Thebottom:is-a} path one’:‘bottom,°£0 that when one.is'| ‘Indian :chief;a:‘bayonet,with ‘a darge € roobgrowa,round’it,found near the:bats.(tle ground,below ‘New Orleans,;the’cup: sy week —out ea is 0 wellpsitey show: tea ence.it ‘nob,Oherwise.Semed x -With:this port.¢We allude tothe dea of} establishing Yapid-commapication.with |.:the ‘West India Islands,for:the purpose |fob supplyingour towp:with {rest tropis |: port,offers’-Rner inducements that:Wal: The’:fain point ‘in:view:‘to.secure the Successof this’business,is|undoubtedly:rapid passages,and tomake: timore:parties:|ha¥e gone about’it the. rightavay.:They have now:“onthe.stocks’a presslyfor the fruiftrade,and'1s the first’|vessel erer built:‘exelnsively:|for thattra~|: ‘age,and the:eonaabie &nature teaetars 5 PalMorphy wears bis facbepiows Bulle~ tanier,Or a spirit-rapperto Europa,when |: ‘fluence :: jtobacco,.and<1 have’:nevertouched “it; gamed,and’Ycannot.tell ‘whois winningardwhoislosing.in games’that can.‘be.ini ©}played,.Sbé admonished me,too;‘gpainst mae thard:drinking ;and:awhatever.:ae the or and |;| aioeugefcinessft may attain3in life,ery |Iattribute tohaving ‘complied with herA4piousandcorrectwishes.-"V hen I wes:|Seven-years'‘of age;she asked-me pot to}. t endurasce I -have-et.‘present, drink,and’.a:tesolution T then made.‘of|total abstinences at @ dime whey.A was! lee sole’constituent member ofmy own’ Jette REDELL|EXPRESS.ae RUGENE:B.DRAKE, -EDITOR-AND.PROPRIETOR.;< omenaeeeeae aanseea's ot:‘Friday,December 3: 5 ‘Termsof the.Express,$2 Cash:* ‘TO.OUR P.PATRONS.- fe ‘We:“this ‘week commence:the.Sdcand). ‘Volume.‘of the:‘Iredell Express.;* enlarged).anda fier thisijesue will be print.| edon-new.Type:from.the foundry of:Mes-. ars:L.Johngon &Co.Philadelphia-:To}. make «this dmprovetnent iin‘our;sheet,we |have incurred a very large itlay bypureh«! agen!a:large’press;Types:andether mar terials:for jour‘offices:The expense,and} Jabor pf issuing a-large:tpaper..‘also,:will |: have’been:much increased over ‘and above ‘the volume’:just,closed.|But:‘believing | that our.‘patrons.would-be:“better pleased ‘non ballin the War of the Revolution.*sith a sheetoftore simple _simasnionithoughALA,-sinall®‘increase ‘in.the:prices:- we’have”nothesitated.‘to:incur‘theyrisk of: ommanding’the:support °which will be necessary ustify the andertaking—and | renable us continue,the Amprovemens| em Ay are ‘new aeoe“we promise es "|Bapress will:put ‘ont:ita.Bol:iday::= waen Regpel makes |its appease oc. “er,Our expenses.being mueh increas>| ed to publish the Express,enlarged agit4 who.are friendly to our enterpise in:the County— |lewepapér permanently:‘established |in: |inepgri—io interest:“themselves:in prov’ ‘eur‘ing:subscribers ngs.at the.hegipaing.. And we!hope.taal thoze:w ho.tee!isiclined« :{to paronige thenet,volume’.avhich:isgust’. BI;‘will gend iin:“their,names,with ‘outdelay actéinpanied with 2. arnish then wv ith as-good a family.paper, as the,country:affords |"an done‘that will give them:satistugtion in fall for their«M01 ‘returoipgthe paper.or in anather form:— ‘But wehope:nok fo parteompany with ¢one of our old)‘patrons.Seago At Ose eas ort -Governor's.Message.-pnd which migat perhaps.‘be’of ‘more’interest|:toa-number of:readers,.We.publish”‘the:GeevernorSs:Message entires:‘Fhe’messag~ es,of our Chief:Functionaries,without te-|gard.4a the party <0 which they ‘belong,are’gupposed’‘to:embrace.in formation:im-| ‘portant,’‘for every.mat who!‘lives ander). theGovernment to know.arid-undesstandvellaahe'can-©Ofits merits the reads)soosfor.‘himeell aera ;a oT hie body ‘will assémble iin:owsahine «|North and South,willbe.‘in the arena-of| —the fational:‘Capitol,arrayed’inhostility:|”on.|Lagainse each othertoa”‘desea:that.has. ‘not.existed.before 5;and.each:“day:will be’looked.to:‘withanxious.“solicitude for:‘what may:‘(ranspire,10,the-‘injury—we-will:notpay:welfare—of the ‘Union.We-can ‘but ‘hope|that antoverruling “Providence:will,; both temper the’feelings:and,‘eptighten the mivids,:ofthese.who,shall:sit in.the next Congress,that ‘discord:may beas andourUnionpresetved.. * hopored-as heis...But’after: ane jealicniig ‘Paris.ably;'a dozep.eein’Pp wh nthe:‘walksof ‘Iiterature: ‘enee,.. ‘neve:theless,are,noteven-menti ed Ourpolitics,cour stnorals,‘out:i our works of art;our‘jastonishingmech-anical improvement Ty:‘American:‘phesomeda’:dr Ameri¢an:fhombug'that excites the:admiration ofEorope.Mr Monby.is'2:pies “)Ybewiand learn ofthe |tess shan:ail:ithe’pheaumene eadall the ‘huni buys’in‘the world,whose:oames, ‘governmental systems,our ‘public’works, ‘all these arereeit:£to remove oul eo‘The:winter sessionof Concord Fe: ‘male-College at this place,|terminzted onFeeedaylast,anémany;ofthe youugJadiesnave:‘retuined totheir:‘homes‘and familiesospendahappy‘Christmas with 'parents,|said friends,who.will-be.delighted:to ‘see:—whigh.they} ies at-echool..” i have,nade in their.st eee ‘Our.Printiag 0Offic’: a.thes second:story of the:es | -odcupied.hy it.Leckie:a a Ti oefewwdooke:from eur,ate lo <HowSe the.abte of theHoa.2 =‘Phomas He Bentons)toBie,meer eo a a ‘My mother asked’me.never.to.‘ase:: ;_-body,andthat Lhave adbered foit shrongh b “ve al time,T ‘owe {gmy:rmottier.”?ae a cen ho hes:aye fisted she}2{Hermitage,the residence ot Ged.Jac son,‘thus writes of:what he:saw there:si (i ewhich has’neen inaugurated.=.205.1sjingdrank-s.last'tea,anda ‘smAll piece"|@.a5: of‘candle ‘foundin thectent’of Lord ‘Coth-thew wallis ‘when hesurrenderad ‘to’Genetat 0eS ie posed 2)Thedid: tiow 8we:-wwould male an appeals to,‘al rs )Troy’8 Setminiry,”Alexander county,on We will! aTo the.excluzion “of much:copher:matter’.& O11:‘City -on.Monday -mexte ‘The Séssion:i. ¥iwill.be no dopbt the mast -important one} :.|which,will bave beén held-since the adop-| ject-l4ion’of*the,Federal”Constitution:The: reining:andinétrotthananythingw:By the time ofonRonsebeorganize antic J all been appoin strong cues‘We “sincere may pass.-:0; Stare work—a work portant im rived’at ber-dock this morning at 9:v’clock| She left?fire entertained for thesafety«‘Empire,from-Halifax to Galway on the |8th,and, |-America.‘béen abandoned:in:favor:of the:Galway |. sche Mrs Wwperiments demonstrate:‘that the.system the.Atlantic:palesfallacious.- He believes that the:fault:ties.very.neag| ithe shore,.‘and reiterates.the:‘conviction at:iv “may.be-successfully.iworked.~: “Eng land.consents to’: tevtiog: th Cookies. ‘millions:ficE‘Spanish expedition’of eight stedmers | isto act‘against the, 1s der arture.‘Spanish:Gemads:‘on®Bi ” u proba bly ‘be countenanced by:the later na- ¥“woutd ‘eome.0 tion’.*|Additional.vessels’-havé been'sent.fF by.Fratice..England:is:‘also dis-4rlto.press'ber claims for’redress,‘equat: rf)what is.accorded,other.Loree econd:‘instalnient¢of the,Spanish:ex rpeditionagains},Mexico,is roaey fo;taeataaymoments".The report.that.a-redaction in “theFrha. he Pie- thither eda buoyancy.on the.London.Exchange;| A Fr neh orpmissioner bad been ‘eppoint :f,edito-examiuéon the spot:“thé question.of' Afrioin e ed|elaite trade,’« polite in “Troy and all ‘who:might °-desire’to ‘see.cq}te Oy in:the.-comp »betin:our power,to:attend ‘and participate ii‘the.goog cheer of jour,highly:esteemed nowt tu re’whic ‘mount iimportance te:the’‘people.“of the I‘State ys we ‘notice,‘thata:resolution fas béen introduced into the Senate by.Mr.Worth, of Randolph,tor ‘aising’a jointselect com- nittee:to aethefrsteee will he:oe ie condition.aud:‘general:manages desiring:‘the.Espress continued -te their.ment,of thie No address,yulese.they.givenotice:to the con:. rary,which,‘chould be:doiie.at oucesay.Road,being:the chief ‘owner,sud’for.all: loses.ma ‘Apound ee vt “plaint’has.sbeen uitered ; _oiters,iebarging.‘pon ‘the:ichief officers:‘of: Vthisi Rae bad management,extravagance: ¢-7 The,Legisiature,jtherefore,-cotttd | nol pl tform a more si iPeurity “of ‘fairness;: smhost.“brill censttring Douglas.:: ed some: Douglas.. 1 ‘done and . vf 0A Dill srbich."aims:at -abélishing the2office of pee ‘Slate‘Géologiat:‘was,to-day’bropght upby.Mei And:the:caslesepal ‘amendment.|ei |Bieres. £imppea rt ‘work:‘etpect to:make™a} tion ‘offacts andreasons in.its: venue exchange,andto make:tus the creditorinstead of the debtor ‘State| of the South.“North:Goroiina’embarked.|:‘ enty.1Wo:years:agoin the great work pf. |hag expended.millions’ofdollara for:Raik.area up to this hour ndt one ounce. :ts“coal has been’shipped,‘ahd ‘not,oneafironbag-been made as theresult: New York,.‘Nov.‘25—The.Aftice:-ar- -Galway is aboutto de:adopted.hy France. ‘as:aout for stesm’‘eonmunication with) We acknowledge the.“rectiptofa, tend!Paes ‘Among:the ‘proceddingsiin'’-the Legislay 18)hp Star ‘vestigate and asceriein the true‘condition. ofabe |‘affairs of the above named Compa. BY an,justice:ia’“the.:parties -interested,| rand.reform any drievanee that may.exist) iin!the:‘management ofits affairs.iLer,the: 3 ‘ats.ofe a ti_Brakeman,inclusive,be:‘eifted to che bot: oin’‘and wita.itre true condition’of the’.company.é ~Mr.“Worthis a“pentleman of.vatiringy |energy ‘and:business:‘quajifications jand }would do.-ample justice,= repondene of t %ln ib Seante,to,day b Turner:introduceda.preamble:‘and. ‘otoffice in “Piinois7 Mr:-Turner ‘spoke:‘upon:itand.pour party,itspolicy,’&e.' plied,with as muck.fervor’‘and eanestness as. Justiin his’prime,» ett,the.gallery’being.fall of Indies 4and‘lobbies.; of.members “of.the House:and 4‘strangers.Tswas, lajd..on the.table.by:yeas.26,nays:16,,ehes. ‘resolution was,*probably:‘intended to ‘draw Sout : the sentixents of the:‘Democrats Savoring My, dy."here began|jmay’expectthe twoarly:bout the wae of ly.trust.thatthe afl ;ocal,but:‘aniwhichwill)” thing -elec:whidh hag.)- to -develop.our re+} internal’condition.She| eraene a this’ek be.’ ale “Fears |Liverpool son the:Indian |he ‘not yet heard from:|<=" The:‘projected Havre:line’has Se a} bitchioigs’states.that.‘redent:ex:Lie rancs:‘ok pe during the wnonth: Rit pirates,ee + iy tx briny:was:about to be made;cues migrationaastoits being concen €ws <¥sey‘’7o>ve 42 ° Vilation |com |Mr:.‘Phadeus L Lady.toa party-to be:given at stant. limaeat: ‘Tendering’thanks »fe | we regret that it:will‘not’ 4 pace aq H-CAROLINA ERe“poa. ch-might‘be ‘considered of paras examine into:and)report BpoR:‘the rth.“CarolitiaRail.Road,3 is deeply.interested .in this }- de hy the’Road her citizens.are. Poe a length of:me,great com- ia various.quar-| alact.for the Be-| ‘the pepple‘than ‘thoroughly:to:jn-1 very agent ‘from the.President to the public 1made fally aequainted | aod as chairmap:offa <committee | Saat:3i ce Yhi2FayettevilleStegner ;4 ‘Raleigh,“Nov.Bei happened perhaps the: jant “discussion”of:the‘session.Mr. ‘tesolation ithe:President for turbiog persons out |: becausethey:favored °.oMr.: ’ :prettybot’ahot “inte the Democratic “Hows,Bedford Brown.té- Istereated considerable inter. ‘Immediately.2 “resolutionwas in oe sence none of importante.heat Soe a‘s ae college ip2 grand domein,~ ihaw|Bright objects,useful thoughts suggest, sips _What dar;‘deep hearts in necret feel.-Yrance.engaging.ye ‘The:Bank‘of Rratice’bas Joat:23:1 ‘its Borage rt t ing:to:any one,whoa,he has.#journey’in view| ;to bethus dataines serety hour seems a day,—=| h itis impossible |to read to.kill ‘thie,for our minda-i |miomsfor their ploughs and ppples.The stock “fon.exhibition:was fine,particalerlythe.horses|: {-the‘number of Masonsip the Dnioeto be’183,- “|duced saying thet.t the sense-of this.Teyal |‘at S stare "he:againstSorther 4aid to,works:of.Fnterpal. Improvement,which:was daid:on the:table—; aed on<the:table.scons.to;“apswer ‘all the | aston in Eqiiy'by the poo |ve P.Caldwall presented sea band Relief Bank —vomerhst similarte ne he riers iat iy ot “For the Express.a tater Female;College. |Tas provisions are probably vomewhs:‘People’s eeeyoruwill0mit.ae * et The State may.‘sonal oe omeme,mos -Pastefullycouched “mong verdanttrees, se Seen te aot eee infront ee Le a “The whole 4 fers nosng me ge <Brected.ind a, “ere,nature auihet a coe Sgn-—shine,.dirds sing,and -streamlete Sor, The sense isplossed,sthesoal is blest,. A men of noble‘worth prosides—eons Tistrue sometimes be frownsand chidess We:‘pouting ;say 2 “Nero reigns,”— ¥ou domin aboiee:cbilaren of opie.: “We Jook:upon his broad atbrow, “Andthen:at once a traceallow,soe :Weknow .that he would never deign,.: To:do but right—we yront'eeeey 4 % <Dishonor Hunow next appears, »Bixcites'oour’teverencifend or Sua>:Hi brow’s the index of deep oes:cas How toiled.‘and Jabored to inspire,fsacice_And ‘move each-pupilto desire,©?Blondness:and learging,—Faith’sA bre ne i.ghield, i _Whilehers ape,life'sbattle eld.: Kad Mee.eeloge ‘Pitiweett,:= -Apd none.the‘Tebs our dear MiséL. Miss C.and A.hve:done theirpart,.. And yen their.“to )every heart. “Baeb jin’;herown,and winging |ways ae eet-"Sepking to guide us lest we stray, “With woman’s gentleness andlove,i : They‘seek:te lure eurgouls abore. * But’‘now.each:_gratsfal College.girl,23. “This tribute tothe.world:onfasl,.if:84 ‘But word can’t tell nor:tongue’reveal, ee 22,58-:————: — Corrapondeney 0 theExpress. Avauera,=Nov PR 4 ‘uma of t e Express,I will give.2 limiteddescrip-' tion of my perigrinations to the ‘Western ‘coun. try,which:may.he.eating to"some of ro sNeH allow’‘tie the permission of 1a cb: oaa< :1 gletseah poneronly HL ‘}go ‘forthinto‘the vineyard,1to see what at S10 ‘be fone,and:ask thecalisterJ'}ment.It willsearch‘out the patchiess tad }attic,the damp cellar and the noisome gut.) "}ter,and bring them,young forlorn|straying . “44ambe,to thegood shepherd’s arms.Itwill >}open “ragged spbogls,”and will convert the" |title intoa misnomer to all eyes that lookin: '{upor the decent and-“cleanly,order within oe ‘honest --poverty’s humble walls.,It will lift -}the.fallen in:thegentlenessof jagreat pity,et |kissed Junrebyked. }healing,.full hasided,andscatter them a |sqcial prayer.» g29 Be ee . pe l e i ?ig it ayii “| [ = w e i eh : =Po ‘everno nnd dodoy"These oe among peniframes ere ‘has not:mown» .eee onlythat has bgeo“mists ogregloryofchequnlightoftrath”Loveis givenin“all §ts exquisite eweetnessonly to the~heart that has been devouredby its own han.Sf ger.The blessings of weulth canbe fully -“7sdy those “who have ‘ayedwithpovertyscbetoil.And who knows:|bot the happiness of heaven will be!found to. a We'll eer’forgetavisat hoes suet ps #:Activity ‘of Ohristian Love—It,ae wall!‘not content itself with improving Oppors-; ‘tunities.itywill preateopportunities.It wilt sadder than orphans,the:babes’‘of the chil” doors.‘It willorganize.bands for epr atableand lighting ‘the hearth stone) ding thin= tikeHis-whose ‘eacred feet the’‘Mag alen~ It willbear leay of ow-flakesalong all thé’iheroughfat “will usher the‘Book of books,,.=lamp ae80- lar brightness into dark:homes:ltwillbead|With its spiritual kindred,around the alter of _ sI,will take;its placeiin the.3 front rauk.ofthe ‘sacramental hort ;‘ask to be excused from’none ‘of iis campaigns;)oo never ‘weaty 1g ofthe watch or the conffict- ‘lt wilkhallow.the Day that piandg among the. readers.he hee Twas awakened om my slumb ers;at oe #Simagto nst,,;and ‘summoned tobe in ‘rqndinese—and ;1 ‘was goon‘tolled over:to-the Mepot,where procur-'|' on board.one,of‘thdbeautifal coaches’ofthe:W IN-CER.Re.‘and was ‘immediately flying on ay." “journey.“Ope-haurand ten minotes.brought’us! 40 the landingat.‘Sabigbury.‘Heré-we tearned* ={ato ourchagrin,that the care wouldnot convey’ us to.Charlotte,until:‘latein the evening.;'80 wo i repaired:to.ourfavorite house,kept.‘by Col.Ro-| bards.I no ,Dad”‘time at my’command,end: called‘on,80!re;friends and‘alsotook aviewof: ‘thevillage:I was pleased'to.find my college| and classmate—-Dr-Hend a.favorite with the citizens.Hehas'gbeautiful § “buildingnésrly,completed,which adde,much ‘wo! the town.''Latein.theaafternoon;|ve heard the: welcome ‘whisyle agd was acon’‘on jour “way.to | Charlotte,where we arrived after.dark,‘and war. ‘stained ‘four.hours.longer.“It.ig quite annoy-;#t et arerstill traveling,snd at night,thereiis.little/so ' be‘seen and ouronly.remedy was,to “destroy:|: tobacco,a0.hear the’quaint expressions:‘of our ‘fellow:prisoners,--Thisie Fair weekin>Colom: bia)and.when the coaches were opened,there. was a:‘general’‘tush for seats,"and having ‘only two coaces to the train,they sweze'incompetent}' _much’murmuring,©:which was “math.alloyed with:profanity,that was-a litle excusable,“for we do think’thatin:suchceses;through’passen- gers rhouldbe accommodated...We beardsome. sey Yhat-it-would be their last tripby that foute. ).Fhe ‘President ‘was on,“board:a]passenger,ang. seemedto:bate no concern.forthe accommoda > tion of his ttavelers.Another ‘incident which “we noticed.on the road will renderit uvpopular, and that:was,‘ronning by stations wherepersons| |were:waiting.to.gef aboard.At Chesterville. ‘there:were-at,lea st fifty wuiting to go gn-to Cole, umbia.among them were ‘some ‘of my.friends whonay their dj ppointment was great.“After [2 sitting’up.tgotil pne-o’clockin,the‘e0ldjand then| for’the.cass toi ap by.is enough fo.rake @,chtis.. ian,atleast |ink::imprecations.-The™train. madegoodtimo-and errivedin Colombia at4 clk.: words ‘we went.into |‘Congetee House,”but ‘Lad notwhereto lay’‘our head...‘Fhe Hotejs and|: boarding,houses had‘beenfall for two deys,and. it was impossible to:gete room and ‘early 0.to ‘getsomethingto eat;We.remajtied.im the.city two.days,end were indebted to <=friend.fora “pouch:‘We visited,the Fair Grounda‘and were ‘delighted with the exbibitions,,We noticed that LN:Cu had‘some articles on exhibition,”I bave: notbeen ableto,se the list ofprefniums,but:am{°‘certainBoyden&Son and Westbrook took pre- ‘and cattle.)There.Were a number“of,Sugar Cane.‘Mills,which ‘appeared to do their”work» well,‘We examineda Wheat Thrasher whichis how "used exclasively 2Western New York, which:aeis farsuperiortoany we have:. ;He toneeet‘nade ae thevarious Grand Lodges of the.United show |893»belongingto4,202 Lodges.‘In ‘Virginia 326)‘Lodges,with’4,614 memdes';N.. srolinn 107 Lodges and 7,223 members;Ten.| |Resaee 174 Ledges 1,750 meabers;Georgia221. members 5 and South Caro- “fot,€6°Lodges,end 3,100 membere.‘Thenum- -berofFree Masonsinthe United Statesispro- bably much greater .‘than thistable shaws,.‘és: abere ere.many to be found every ‘where who are| ‘pot.afiiated:-with any Lodge.TheJameofthe | jcean ete:Serersatone always. n“Howse;”jon.the morning of.the’9th 4x jug=siakot..]‘hid.farewell‘to friends,apd“got i ways abopndjng in the work ~of the :89 ‘will it be real pewer,moral.power—pru..| to seat all;‘and:‘when the ‘train frony Gotdsboro:} arrived ‘the crowd was atilllarger,end there was] Webalted—that iis,awe iput’up,“or io.ouher 4 gos,averaging over two tor,%a apt if ares MisshicOntin ~The pivestiagaat_goods to the ——meee t “|joumey :“ {sible:“to drive them.out.this.Bear: “days of time,God’s;symbol of er and majesty:fi‘Hiké-thetest.tree of Eden. one word.it will,honor the:apogjolic oa Christian living—‘‘Sieadfast,immorable,ale ;ductive ‘efficient fruitfal.tifeless:and constant- in its degrees as'2law ofnature,a8 the un-Ris * Siew love.A.L.Stone.etsyE iTeraiseeath *-BisnoriA7ErNsON.—This Sintagrabed di; vine preached twi¢g in ‘theEpigcopal church ~dscinthisplace:on:Tuesday last.,Bis gyleot peaking i ig perhaps familiar toalarge pom...< lain, »doing:well and|didactic and yreeful—and yetitt'may Besaid = ‘40 be ‘passive ber br our readers;_fis-manner is. “Your-ear is delighted with_ {but little.that-may correctly4betermedela-.* equence,|‘for he doesnot essay to bo elo-—;quent,-ftis in-severe logic and pregaant = }tersenes§of expression that his power of |pleasing lies.Strong and sustainedpowerkeptundercontrol.by..compact:logic and pure-taste,we think is the ieading attn- bute ofhismind.-At any rate,we have |yet to hear.that man.in the.pulpit who go'pleases-us.Wesit delighted as he preach es,hawever much we may be dissatisfied = with bis opinigtis or ‘ecoptical or ‘unbet fieving as to thé.ctirrectness ofhisser tions.Ozford Leisure Hour,4 Great SaarLaxe'‘Crry,Oct.1,8 ee f TRADE TOSALT SALE rater,gest To give you some idea:of ‘the a necessities cf this valley,endthe |immense,supplies.both|public.and private,which are drawn from:the =:East,I send you thé following.fig: ures,which are autheatic..Thus ::There are now-on the road,with.sbpplies for thearmy,sghty cient ‘trains from Leavenworth;thirty-~‘five fromNebraska City,and ten‘from Kansas City;and there arefa.. few more to start..‘Each train con-:. ‘sists of twenty-six”wagons;and there-are:350 cattle,ani sixcmgles ‘to atrain.The.adelwith.the”pobpte ‘ofSaltLakevalley~is extensive,as-the figures.show,andis worthy the ‘attention of those engagedin it,—Here. season:i 37 of thesewagonswere drawn-by|8 mules each,the-balance BY.aeoxentoeach.‘Miller,Russell &Co,1325 ‘wagon.->. .A.Perry7&Co:,50 wagons;Radford,Colby.&Co.,50 iagous Gillanor:&Gerrish,oT.wagons;Kit|Brannan;20aday,20 wagons.Many of these.‘trains are now on the:road,butthey:axpallexpected to arrive.ot season. ‘state of exhaustion from their long that will render it ae |son.“Three ‘woeks ince,the p ‘ereo »BL pe = .|Sg.-depend.inagreat.measure mpon:what we.|yy hareantocod inthis poor world of sorrow,f.?qhestiafied loojangs,end despair? si ‘Lord.?f :: saree is the ge oftrade forthe Livingston,Kinkead &‘Co.,136wagonsinall,each ;wagon.freight...” ing two tons,at'an aggregate.val,ohiueof&300,000,'delivered here.—- wagons;J.ee These trains bring -greatn uti uote bers of cattleinto the valley ing Bresista tien of Thesphiepa SPDaokt:fe* worked iin teams to this city;the.expense of kéepingthem or of get:|-ting them*beyond the jurisdiction: of Mormon laws,isa serious ob-, jection te some purchasers.The Utah laws <claim:pasturage on all *the grass lands,and there are va-| ‘én-in and ‘out,.whichis not onlya|great dnreyance,but adds much to: the cost:,“One gentleman:game|, -here with $60,000 from California to’‘purchase cattle,but @ will re-om <turn.Without buying anything.'To S “cover the Toss’from Sacto the:5 ~pasturage and taxes,he offers $40(=~9.per head for'2060 head;delivered near Sacramento.‘The hirjsdiction of these’Cattle laws-.0 om -‘monsextends to?Bear river,“SO miles,once beyond that point,and:‘the adnoyan¢es are.only those’of ss the coa@e Se Pes: ee =/7 THE MORMON’REBELLION.|“4 4 Walking about these thiekly- _and hears.hothingtthat would indis. '‘eaterebellion:or iretason;and}we | are-almost at,a:logs to, _whysitiisthatthig "earning:2, chiming the desert,working and!:worship ping after.their own pecu-. Jar m:uer,should so far attract mi 'the-attentionof thegov:feryment of aes -thisgreat nation,as to be put'un- *der military-surveiillanee.sail x ast:year“the nir ‘ayith the iredsshn,,rebellion,ae ~yésistunce,martial lawand declat- ~abion-oftn:lependence iin ‘Utah.— a he spit of.On TeANce animated | uniteeredto-join in.exjterminating Be amumerdus Sect frourthe Térrito-=:ryof the nation’,Bat the military.:Pome rofthe country-was-kept at+ béybyt handfuk of finatids:What /lwas'the’meaning of.thet erusade,‘ -"B and why,whens it Was “expected | that a.dozeror more.of thess.lead-’* ers would-be hanged,they were let: ~offasithontever -a ‘reprimand2—" Who can’tell;unless,it;be .some. ~anprineipled:.person’or “persons,’ *who:expected through a ‘Mormon- -war’tu get rich By niedns ofa gow. ‘ernmentt contract ?.This.wat:Bh “heen a harv et noes mine,'but’ mines:of wealth,tamen who knew| .how t6 mouldthe-‘publi prejndi- aie ses aginst.2.fanatical sects“whose:ies practices do not square with;the’i.ie..~professe morality,of'other sects.| he truth ever is known,I be:.i Jf tales of outr:nee Gea ‘murder which,’ -has_beéniich:iréeid against the:Mor. -mongyall be.found toRhitve:oritin:: ated intthe brains of men”who:for! years have been.systematicallyaut.| work.’to:-brings about 9 ‘state of: things:which now exists:in:‘this| aa Territory:The country:WiAS made |gee <to belicye thata Iarge portion-<of) & _the people here—the women par-!. enn gardedas cows and nares are;rey| >i=SB.garded -at home,were oppressed | $M and down-trodden,.and that'they, 7 wereanxioils for anmapportanity fo. x! "escapefrom their»degradation.—} ad -They:shave had.the opporkunity :.%-@ they ‘sought’,for;“during:three| niouths the‘roads haye been:open,| |themiin safetyeither eastOr west. a >Who car tet didw:‘many are:one ?a ~“They are,crsily eounted..Pheir | we GB Tanks;apparentlyhavenot’dimin-, >ished...The men,the women’and} oy Me the children are stillhere,and are og _only anxious to’kesp “‘themsclves| ‘tion that threatens ‘to.overwhelni’: anaes them::PY idea ;-whieh.“absorbs their.lives: hamely,thatthey are the chosen ae.of God,and-through.‘trials and: “persecutions,they ave to attain aptrits:<ek me.-...t is-tke oninisa.of many,that PYMormonisu:bird been.let alone,; at.would*have tied out like other religions exereises that hate risen cae Upon jenorant ‘and credulous minds | ae Persecution bagets:ay‘mpathy,and7fromsympathytofriendship:there. sys Hut’:x short.step.*- pom —+—2 sod Ber Or bal!ogre ¥neighbor of the Gazette acc Unes pe-oi Gugihery,because we publish Dr: Sol knows’the’ Pharmacopeia’itself is not mere free’ai RR from th suspicion’of quackery than:his Medi-_cines.He knows!they.are endorsed by ‘the ined,ical Jéurnals of this country,are.cased and..pres.|.-ScHDERLyCur dest physiciane,and have.the i 'character foo exalted for his’“comprehension,”sz ‘a ‘and be.kin %too that they fen ‘done and‘are?ee cs *doing in thie commanity and.amount of good }ae whichthe utmost stretch of hisability:can,never,ee thope to“equal.aoe Cc Os,Prem,Reading Pa. ere thet <Next Mondsy:‘the regular’‘Annual’‘Séseidn,of oT BR Congress wiil convenes It is ‘Probable that weaut‘will be able to’publish-the‘President's+MeenasaimornextnumberoftheEre 4 i.=f eo oF ":+« -rious taxes upen every head driv-|, -populated Streets,one sees nothing|is Fea imagin ——e +Liste £persons!baving’goode remaining.in erpeople,quietly |hts a scanty”livelihood.by wes! ae was Tinging i the natign;military mipanies |vol-© Jieve?that’large portion:aoe the | .‘ticularly—who werekept{and,re-.) =sepaiafe from the flood of eiviliza-; “Fhey are.still zéalots—fan-bs ‘atics ‘who remain true to the,single | di stinguished seais in theworld:of -Aver’s advertise mei its:Now tbis same sheet; :mutual cons|Commendation of professore ani efpinent menof |above’firm,’Titeae cen and:settle : ing and conduct,have’endearéd hin to iwhoknewhitn;Flherefore,‘peResotvep,Thatin the’death”of.Emon L’Jones we:Tecognize:and.lament’the’irte~}At Priva parable.loss ofai warmfriend*yang 4kindcom>}0 bles,Beds,Bedetéads,ia|Wash-stande,‘Carpets,’:pine:‘Book<case,.‘Warirobe,“Bureau;|bend:a aes,other things Ha tedious to:ae oe repered to take any.of. {Pictares,sn as‘finishad-a inshiner,upd sties low!>- ««figure,as anyolber Artist,in.‘thie ony es panion,whose,constant and:thremitirg ef: forts werealways directed to the,extension:of the:spirit of kindness and charity:tehis‘associates and:fellow.students... 2nd,That ‘as ‘members -‘of the.«Sodiery,we fee!that.a:“bright -exampler:is:taken from us,.welrose’‘life:‘andexertions while.with us,were devoted ‘to ‘the redlizh-|:+tion and illustrationof ‘the sentiment:of Our}.otto,“Love ofVirtue,and Science’a td,‘That we would’;taingle.our sorrow |with that of:hig,parents and.relatives;‘while|wwe would eamestly point “them for,consola } ‘tlonin theit affliction,to,the tender merciesjofHim}in ‘wlidse hands we have.‘thusted }>tim,and.in|whose ands we:hope -‘be.has found Teposes -7:Pia ety 4th;That:in eae tiop‘respect‘for Rbisinemory,andof the darkaess-which:.hiv¢ ‘the Mor-ii has-thrown‘around.us,that'-we:“wearlieusvalbadge’of:‘mourning:forthirty’‘days: ,«bth;That a.copy.of these resolutions ‘besenttothe:parents.of the,deceased>;*.and to;theSalisbury:Watchman and’‘Banner;ItedellExpress,Raleigh’Stahdatd,Greensboro’Pa»tridtand University Magazine,-‘with ke atau PG crak ea 7,C ebare, Fy 'D;STOCKTON.;4 COMMERCIAL, Statesville:Depot,‘Dec.‘3. M J"Locke,Rev J ABiradiey,‘Ber -w B- |Richarson,J Johnson,I HSpainhour,‘3 Mcfa sjand,Isaac Sherrill,A &McIntosh,E P Bai Pawel &hong;‘Joba A Hunt,AWN Erwin, W Swickion.RC Gilbreath,S.D MeTate,Bh Blackinan,BE:Rufty,J aT.H MeRoRie,., “SEITUARY ~Diedatthe jesidencehatte Walker, Eqi.-,In dredel county,0 hursday'night ©Whitton,“Hi W-Aye .of last\week,.Miss.Mary.’Walkef,.in:‘het85thyear.She'had*been’a |‘member:aoe “Assecigic Chuich:“sinep.hr gislhigod.» In'this County of.Phneumonia,on’the.nig! satthe 291h inst:,‘Silas A.(Sharpe ,:‘Bacthe50thyear:of his age..‘One,pt ou moO staise ful’eitizens.i Ty Wilkesboro,’on!Monday saeaRne Ha 4’‘Setogss,aabout,four?a‘son ‘of:Dr.As months. peer "Neg roes‘for§ale cee 1 sill eel;4_IN:STATESVILE, 0,the:First dayy.of Juinary nex: ,Three likely.young,Negroes,’ 23"Boyisland 2 Gil,belonging:tothe:estate,ofNeueGRIFEIN,deceased:. Terns =n S1X,routs credit,earsoFw.TURNER, Nov.27,1838.de,_Antiihistraot fee “Millets.: Ve nave3qth ieBaht on anyfor ' salecheaye..is ee -‘Also,eats es ‘good Buggy:and Wan Which cah be Uo ught very.low.gost Papet eaei San.: ep 6a'a tarde lot;cheap,|for:CA Si ye Jk.SLEXANDER &Co. Dss.-3;“4858.:oe af aa it cus Second Edition, mie Si xt RIC KERT, Statesville,N.Be ‘=wow ep ering!aud.offering.the largest j and finest Steck ot. Confectioneryy:cand,Raae,yGoods = y]Ever ofleredix Statesville:‘also,”a,good ase{ +sortment cd,JE Babe wy,cae he:sells | i;ery tow for Garth,woEeS nace | Oy sters!pe acti |“Huvit.g-ace@ptedithe-Agency:‘oFone,of the 4\ }} ee 1 2 ‘house.TermL ‘and fone‘well.’on te To the.“Biblic.ane ‘toy those who ateindebted ‘to:TEN.as Beaman Fe aiwoMGon bEadies Dress Goods,Boineist RiJot6fEnikrov |: alsoy ‘acfine:assortment 6f|)- A fare sto€k.ot.:, bar aszood:as any’inthis cing mecerved:‘within the-lasttyhope;tose< aonjibeetaminecs y pureshasingaoegood:es i “REYase AND sein iy (4nee old. oe ‘dayof.Senses ooking Stove : Clook,| “The Git 5isnow a.good ec Dec.3,1858. INS &YER:it particular.|” ‘Torna reasotable.Possessiongiven ; oodCook Pa%Crozkery;“2+E00 NOWLETUSREASON TOGETHER, oe‘goin rt’.in.the;snows ‘and‘rains,of winter“hana good,“ptiong,:Watersproof *‘pair:of|BOOTS or?‘SHOES?‘and:don’t:you‘know,vias Jenkins &Ayer put upihat kind,’more|for your accommodation than’their-own,inerest?-These thingsare dwell:known to.yun;|‘ fand:we know.that.Ue ‘costs lots:of money.to,get up:thesight’kied.of.Boots.and Shoe t came -and we know that's greatmany)of yoo,have Cokergotthesearticles’from:ug,and you:ean’t.Bay|;|they mre,paid for:“now come pp’like:clever“fellows and ‘plank down-the dust."We:have| “notlime to ‘go'andsée.you}.bttheBOOKSTORE,,and youaccounts,.and:room enoughto:write—R‘ec’‘payment oa:the bosom of each...eee Tennecttalyy ::“a JENKINS &EReeBtele 2 =a eRe OF FIC Ae:oneal a call the: :eesand the.mprreinecoat y |{ which they.offer at’their ust fo-Their‘stock ednsistsof the:followsing 5°‘STAPLE &FANCY.~DRYGOODS, ‘bons;Gloves®Hosiery:a filedetiesofall,kinda.9READYMADE. or:Gentlemen and Boys:weak:tock”‘Of:‘Héavy Goods tor’$¢Drills,Meached.aud aaupieache' CLO THING, :Boots &Shoes,£| aisend €aps ofevety-deser:HARD:W RES,‘Cuale 1,Queens.,id.«fall supply of ‘GROCERIES and many therarticles toa tedious:to eaunyerate ; i ‘Atl:wanting:'G0eD,‘and CHEAP 0Q:"will:find their.stock net conly the:“clivapescounty.seas ‘the -patron .Wetender our:thanks:for. ningance:®and ‘tosense i elsewhere;“BPC prone hare:} (Vatvest -i“ish!and Oyster “Houses:in.Portss fee a ie with goed fresh.Oysters,three times.a-week,; a :and escorts:waliting $to conduct ;mouth,leis:preparéd:to.furnish®Fainilies}ALay hin any quantity:,froma quart to tent gal ons,ie a pe gl Apple:oe to bushels of pad ips for:rale‘at pon RICKERT Ss i :ee Peanuts wanted.aces Wan ted)75 'bashels*‘of Peanutsfor:whidh: Ahe ti!ighest cashpeers,will be paid)02 .. 'S..J.noe :Dec.a S58,Be ~iene wren =ano eae |Towtt of Statesville,County of iredell,cand| ny"Book Fancy Articles,dics which 1 am very anxious:to sell.out &‘theistof:Jannary,1959,.and as there:is only |one menth to go'on,af’you will make vour-.selves visibio:atthe BOOKSTORE you'shallhayeanyorall‘of these“articles at alower+ -price.than’you evér-dreamed they.‘could bebonghtfor.:If you.have any:thing at-homé,, aboutit.3d day of December,"AL D.1858.“Hy cae aa se 4 “Dissolution.te }wasdissalveg on the 24ib-uf ‘August.hast,:byAll:persons indedted:to-th ‘Oe t 8th.“45:RE rtsoo.gate Suk Mii boak dais act ee~“Wanted,: “1000.‘Bushee:Dried Apples,peeled Beryl ;560.’Ce)PPeeS Peaches,schtor )Highest “marketprice:given.’* ae r 4 Ath ‘ait: La bs inet 3, ay 4 he re sie ee Psd eta oe 4: “Mille:eV Pe yeara in’the Miiliag,ihusiness he flatters ‘bi duither say:-to such tae nies,that,tee will:audyens him.ate “Proclamation.ae Know all Men:Woinen,‘and.Children,by.ae 5thesePresents,That1 HW.AYER,of.‘the’Ue ater ae SoHE “On Scull Valin,Leleite ‘North of the:kState ‘of North jCarphata,have.seulasareat 104 ‘also:offer,wy.‘tract,o: that you took.away.from myStore,tvithout |. leaving the muney therefor,you.can justcall);jaca pay forit now,and’will say ‘wo:more}.2s Given undérmy ‘handand"seal the.seep er anrertuisa pea The.‘firm of Watts;Douglas &Co: £arg rik itHEALEXANDER®CO. *-Reepectfally seipesieamit Dene tia Having.‘had:‘an “experience. just calf at|’- pit find yeu ig S.<3 “For.aoecheap,4 thebolt:or bale:MES 5 Pe:Ce &Coyt ee Tosti»the 30 b “tention:‘of their:friends.and*customers vee MSO,8.teres if wants:sey,oo )sti 82)" Jsixsmonths,aud. are ‘unsurpacsed.. sey)to be found at omery Book:Ston— THE:‘PUBLIC-ie“}ean now.ee specimens of ‘AMBROTY PES, .Mellaneotypes,Cameotypes,° ¢various:other,’‘Types,which for.ponmtae iInpee subscriber,Agent fore einalclol the:-above:tnamed|jastly éelebrated Pianos,"{informs the’pabhe.sespecifully,that,héguar-| .|attees:every.I to:purctiase the! J bave recently”received:full and.ample ip=), structions,‘ander’Mr.W;.P;-Hoghes—atd:ain:| above'style of|Aada 2891 maium Yor his’Pianos.vat‘the N.C.State Fair oeTawarded:‘s Sine te ares homaaetat |few-doors Kastof.the’Publi Square;‘where:spated ‘to'do all.Kinds:of@WORK,rat the:‘Establishment:fe te All repainitg dore*d’short.notice,andjin)Hatorest ‘ck “he is.formerly;lor ‘a workmantike ances. on Accounts after ooae -Feb,2 “ed 5,w.Ay‘Woodward yon.‘know.that.there ele still at'his Old”Stand,on “Broad “street,”a:|=Noo,3,1858.27 sili Just:Received— WE eoslisselot of ek ditto.itt eles ,Stata ile for tine erate 3“Seed Cotton {which Jeveill: Papliverad-‘at my:(a4,Sneeinas)ible erpoting up ae a :i.west ofStat ¢‘ait=at coat foreach ice "Roeens fed‘andi atten el!to on,aeh- Sousieet Harmony,ac ae Carmina’Sacra,* Gs “Presbyterian:Pealmois ete: ae es ‘pourid,1D Goods. in:oidCasize,‘pieces,is 18 For,ayhich ”wall Say,aie “408.YW STOCKTON a Ciactig |ip part of," st /ARGEST:and. Rai PFthe’‘press,0ONE OF:73 Gay 'In North,Caching :al Te able.corps Of:2 ee diets ke 'Contributors oud Reporters. a homtrapk.among the most:‘able and’scientifie writers’:Phe.Editor:makes,‘nor boast,|best.paperiin the wdrld but’earnestly.Jand'confidently commeiid ilitTiothe:patronage of,a fiberat poblic,ivgth the? assurance::that Hoth shall be withie!dita! merit ‘their warmest interestin its p Sperity-.: fhe* } vt ftfal eF -y well’initiatedin the “art.of"managing.ae ab MA:3 re hte:been"engazed,.many.of i “America. |that,it is:ae $100 GOLD:MEDAL-has. “that,he iis’“fully competent_to’‘give:entire -‘satis:[begin with the’Prize Stopes.* faction,‘in,the business,of:grinding.He would }- 0:those who,mightwish:to:employ | loouol ‘Statesville,Tiedell,county,N.C:E ‘as.Dwellling Houses,Kitchep,.No roehoures,” Barns,’Sh ke,‘]would say’-to-those who’)a :ee met MARBLE YARD,‘wish to purchase |“Land,that they would'dowell to.call and ‘view:‘my possegnions,befor ing eleowhere.e ‘ao “HAMILTON CROUCH,. ape :rie Ff : it The sntecriber offersforsale!fox accommo sehig!‘House,and.udatin tetms;.and:ver cheap.F 7 :north of,and:Eot ih Statesvilie,iying directly’oes the:GemaleCollege:- =Hee cs ot of t ed in menteinsaperitrstyle,on she best‘afpa- 200 acres:“mare:os or,‘Tess,formerly:‘know 1 as the Jandaof:James ae Baley,sie with’the:élegant U ildings such’: jarches-|i : Si ‘Where heis P:epared.‘tb fill all orders with|)for.MONUMENTS,:HEAD-"STONES,TABLE-TOPS,‘and.all kind.sok.aSiwoik’in:"the Marble:Line,of ee My ©Newbora,A Cs September,:18s. Salisbury,’arb foe opened :Bie oe fen fais Opposite the -Mansion:Hotel,. ».dispatch,i PORTED.TTALIAN Or aes Ataiga.neat,"sot |te stage,’with kitchen,&c.,and:thetlotcontains.“desirdus ‘of deaii i=i1 acies-of,ground.‘Price,$600,and the; i Jerger.ep tion:“fe purchase on’time.©; ht e bus poess,.he‘tention to ‘paiting up’Areas &e.aM bbiank:‘epougi:tg:‘bannd,the:Rosian~,ea‘Pica. “Having:thade |trarigements hy wh‘can procurethe:[wPortxep -franrsx|‘at:reduced prices,*hecan -fillj-all-a forMonuments,‘&¢:,atireasonable'rates.*=4:‘Re.would-be Daapy ‘to:fave:allwho are|ifig,’in “his line'to calPand |=‘Bpeciniens Of:Marble;thear Paces, November:5;1858.AE iE a‘his One family:ae easSeated 'pronomeedith “ht rthe best original Stary’ot‘aboul ‘séaty-five pages foglscap:paper—and:wal.A ‘be ‘awarded by-three seaieconted genilemen,41:cepa p08 the,first-of Deceinber.i “Now is the timeto‘subscribe,in:order fo.i ‘laange *stock:“OF *Address,T;R<MURRAY,Editor and Prot t ind improvensent “cated:just.below:che mipath of Liles’Creek;ia :Catawba:county, ‘tawba river,:adjoining «‘Henderson,‘Sherl,“abd;ed nor of: \coMFaining .515:AGRES,.149:of which are‘ia?!eae Rospetliy informs the pabliciast 6 tag ©:the.Depotis Jocated.‘ppon it. i table farm iin this’‘gection of the State. va,OS A very:‘Superior |Le;BURNING FLUID:etLW.A | nstrument.Persons ‘wisbiag: >“Wilmington IC: :“To Mr.B.was the only ai eeore=" 3 50-key.*AVOID:Cost. [i Li thone:indebied to abe date fiech of‘STOCKTON$2 MORRISON ‘c‘can avoid: -SPOCK’TON 5Os1f §Tons Guano;~ Forsale by: .of.Hs‘MeR “Nowa!tie LI wish:to purchase Cbttonin 1Sie ‘peed,for } spay!tlie highest:matkét’price,|mailejeaad.a petiRae*. epviiie.3 y Mill has:‘heen’teptired late- eae West:tof Statesville. i sn e e r IredittYai,oN: ::Maar Kioesnda,£0.‘vs.aB a teabpesring|tohe SerieOre nthe towncoof Statesville,for the Space.o ‘and,dppedr beforethé”Jnstices-of}Courtio be held-forthe County.of 2 edell,: be taker agains!him: The.ubdemgnebewmerPea ike stand,ormerty.occupied by.Oe Gillespia:K£o.,itor.he Pues otigen on:the ee : »ses aii arom cy pane mote Ss t0:C. 15 Rio,‘LaGuyra‘and’Java:Coflee aAlR A’fine agsbrimeii:of Black anil &ot otlfer ratlesyol §Sugars. :“ARaae:arlidle ofCuba Molasses’;a Coleate’s Pepper,Spice,‘Nut-megs, :..Mace,Brooms;Axes, tH Soda;Salaraetus:and Mustard.: “Lamp:0il,Burning:Flind,-P ickles: aserpool and.”Vable Salt,eles.” Pure White:‘Léad,Seid Litiseed’MONS ssh? Stot.aud.Stonéware,’ets 5 “Also,Alot of Seatless.Bistos,me, ‘hand:everything iin th Lbaneend,keeping:_.Grocery Line,” “except“‘Lignors,and ‘Uhntend’to sell,them"|either:by W holesale.or Retail,as low as any: others House:in inee olsce ahax Sphoee. of “FOR”‘Ss LE..: fers:“for:Sale.edhe Plantation | here be now resides,Itiis lo:eh shen oear ‘Lewis’“Ferry.on the, ‘|eultivetion and about $0:acres of:that:is..good) ‘Creek ‘and Branch Bottem:Thei1a ethents:. ‘are ®“eorbfortable:Log:Dwelling,-» ‘Barn,‘Stables:and:etalls for...20:head.of’borses,")7 (Cow:sheds;and:goad tFences,’:‘There “is pont ae ‘heplace:‘a:good”GRIST:MILL running a pair: ‘of Burr and’a pair.‘of.common:‘Stones. .There.are also ob thes“place large:ace a}peach.and apple.trees ofthe best’quality; cand:2ile sold for walet.abound.: ash!ar exchanged:for.NegA.W.PEREOR:: “springs of PLANO,by:addressing ‘him = nebe sent .a*-pamphlet,with’,1:eens i[aes andPee eae Shee 3 ly.TEyou ant:“GOOD ME Ab,give:ita arial ;4 r 3 one smile and®:half 4 3 fm biethattheplefeirdant,N..B:Gaines,1B:not:an:ined ‘Wha bitant:of fhisSidte ;re!¢“Eby the Court,that publication “bee thade’Wh:ithe \‘Fiedell Express,”a eed“six Weeks,horifying the‘said defertdant.to be - “said ale wspaper yp Dablish~!rk atthe:Court*Hobse 1in Siatesi#lte,end 2 3rd|;Monday of Novernbernext,then ‘and there qd?to.rep!levy-the Same,or"judgment,figal.will o Witieéss,:MESES Presta Clerk,Brat aicay Counsat Oities,.iorixe Mignday.ied uge ste :ltselegisets:ite hsClatas,”Doe:Skin and.Eotiey cae Al. ee ae Stotk cof en a ead ted ae (cia {Greet Tessie iti RK:PaleJVo-one:ToilevSoaps-+he &Sugar Crackers-bybbl:&box’;‘: Cinnamon,. Wrap?e.Papers.-: ‘ee Sale,at é JE rath ae “-BRENCH bane MILL STONES,’Sa cs wold?ta order,and warranted:good or no sale, ‘There.aresevcral.actes of ldnd:belonging totheTot.>With’a fide experiseit,oan bemadethemoet’desirable.sioperty ofeikind iin —Cofee,”Ip :Nasth.‘Carolina..‘Ma3 entered into Copartnershi P,nnderthe nee o>Dried ie ‘WATTS,.WHITE:&CO.|"Tatthe old stand of Watts,Doug-‘Tas &’Co.and are now receivingdirect fiomLyeNorthern®‘eities,a large and:general's>. .Bort t-of afFal 1d Winter sy 8Costbyipsyingwhatthe?owe,soon,’aswe =tent-of af Fall and Winjer,< \ne Setermced to close Sur business:c&MORRISON.”ty||STAPLE.&FARCY"-DRY-GOODS, ce Cothings=Boots :and:Shoes,Hats, a Caps,Hardware and Cutlery, a ti D Medi-A largetot King’s Monnt tro ‘fs S,Queens:ware,Drugs,Medi- a“|Well assorted, Bon- ,cron,Steel,Nails,ete. “—=GROCERIES—’*Se age Siegar,Coffee;Molasses,‘Salt,Powder;| oy ‘Loads‘Pepper,*Allssfice,“ginger,Tea—in|:ypshdit every arijcle-usually,kept.jn'an exten-.}. sive,establishment.”‘All of which.will Be> sald very low fot Cash.Call and.examine|ont goodsbefore-puying ‘elsewhere,|src aN,B.WATTS.Lat MS A.WHITE,:ele er Be DOUGLAS.;Statesville,‘Ock:Sth,1858.a5tf. =sWw.‘STOCKTON Bsnow recel ig aa‘NEWand COMPEETE: Stock of. -“@OO0DS, Quality:and’style,in the Citiesof oeaewyoeand.New,York—Consisting of : »LADIES?DRESS:GOODS, "Blk.Gro.De Rtine,Faney:‘Dress Atkes‘|Paris.De Laine Rote a‘Lez,Bese aaa“VelverTrin’d ©do “do *|-Sup’r Valencia do tt"*High Col’d!Cash’r,de Cass ceBoydateseesRobeaLez:\*?French=Meritto,assorted\Colors,—beePlaiirand Kigd,all wook De ae Dg “De:Bieger.“Alpaccas,Ginghams_re ee ie White ound Gold Brilliante,at 9 We hte:Marseilles:&‘Trimmings;.marleton,Nafasook and Victoria‘Lewss,A #38,Mall and Jaconet Musling,”*.- a Ladies”‘Embroidered Collars and.sleetes,gcdov =Meuming 2,do BSHinen:Huk’ts (veay Ctteap)aS Lx Pmceand-Love Veils,2.Handsorne.liead-Dresses.mers satést style of WINTEIC HONNETS,.Drabland*iown Bloomers,”+. aache:Cloaks and:Mantillds,-”a Bim ‘Cashmeye Shawls, .Brocha‘Bordered.”“-do®.BeaupifOl Plush.do.. 4Berd’dand Chinells Stella do (oundeorad %>Chineils.Scarfs,ae oe incess:‘Royal Patent:‘Looped Fxten*s sioti Bridal SKIRTS,&e- ‘READY-MADE CLOTHING, Of:all:kinds,”of the Best Moko’;=also French | % _STAPLE.DRY:GOODS,- -OARPETINGS,be."BAe :Bnote;Shoes,Hardware,"Cutlery,Glass’and}. “|Queense are;:Drugs ‘and Paints,Sole ‘Heather. 2 i GROCERIES—= “Sugar,.Coftee,‘Tea,Cheese,Candles,Molaé. ees,Sait,&c- |lowest Prices for an or toFuncmat -ecatome Casdies,Candles:‘and Cheese:Ais hag a eet iaee ia Ss “Starch.by the:pound GR DON ee eee ay She ae Bl We Stockton.| ieiMaiches:Sieves,Plow ‘Lines,bed-Cords;P.g._1 bave the Genuine.*ey A ie Het Anchor.Bolting:Cott :|Statedvitte,oe 8,1858.jilins “Tetotel,Statesville,“Ne.C. beta Beet x é Plantation eat rate.* Teis.the:most:vale: #HS , see‘apd.iegrody attend to. all,business,ententon ae iscarg.Fs. aCeefe eine on College.Avenue. Ia W.STOCKTON.‘asies oF“ EB.B.STIMSON, BALL OR, Oppaiie Mrs.Wren,8 forme 2 ’ Has just:received the Fall and Wisier|Fashions—will.vexecute’all Orders inthe4.above tine;with dispatch and ants to,catyle Oct If aR 44tf ‘Beeswax,:223 a 25)N Butter,. Candie Tallow, 3 .i ‘@ Hi “as Be ss E :-|Oe Re -+oe?y ee +i We Neds it :x anged at $70.per.eke i ow they |0 WDiaeectig Haut,Now258 |Cee Oe ap gee ee a)eke o *STATESVILLE MARKET,- are“gush at.$50,and no buyers,al-!Ww hereas::The Dialectic’age has been|"‘s Book:‘STORE |“Valable Property |Waerrz]”SG called:nponin thecourse of an all-wise Pro-|oe ‘coatuiais‘HOUSE lob ‘oles eet “FOR SA LES |[Commucren “4 hough plenty.of buyers.are.id:idence,to,mourn the.death of one of ite}Aaenue,eee Mrs:Carlton’:%ie Sh tn the Lead—New Attraction?oe ane STATESVILI.E TANYARD iis now Be J.EAlexanden &Co.”4 thre market:Aside from.their being ‘elias ue mapa eae,wpose high 4eas bee fises.are z ond’‘Garden;Sta-a‘In addition to‘the‘well.|stieed.for ‘Ssle.;.It ties immediately’on the:zop -‘=drive,from having beenjv.pote!’endowinente,magly:virtues,and:yore h Z nok St &Fancy Ac.|Sickel:s 10 al 2471—oe nfit to rive,:‘genergus and‘extensiys degevolence of feel.|.Ice.honse,Kitchen,‘and Smoke:}.+Statione ‘and Fancy re.Street:between the Court House and.depot.-[Beet +em a 6 a ah 5 Pe th85aoeSe -3mna2s :be tree Salt,* :Apply to S.Ay arpe,.%aan.‘308 35)‘Sugar,agele. rae el }Com._-50'n55'|Loaf,Es mee iea=Statesville Oct is.-*4616©|Chickens,-oat ae 10a 1% oh .)Eggs,dozen,.\Wheat,.75a86 - ze Feathers,sed Linsey Cloth,80 9°38 Matta:ONow Firm.ap)2S iddr,425 a4 504 Rice,6 .. ‘The sitiiaBignet'sgive noticethat’ihey hava|Flaxseed,al 00)Dry-Hides 12e,Green08"§120 D.Peaches,pl'd 3 80. -Dried.Peaches unpl'd’:+.a = FAYETTEVILLE |‘MARKET.- }Corn,pr bus 50,200)«8 House -60 a 70: wa l Feathers,“pr lb 33.0374 Yarn,bale PLard,pr tb|Wool washed 27!«28}(Brandy,®oa,100.S [i Fall and Winter 4 ‘Court of Pleas.Peet :tan ‘Quarter|: )2 Peihased:with greaticaieas.coke price, 4c ithches Sprigis and Bridal Wreaths.”reeal i |Byadere side stripe Cashmeres and: Allofe hich will be Bole atthe j a[Mens Shoes and Boots,Ladiesand a o Caps,and. |-Hard Wareof all kinds;White Leadand Lins, |Statesville,Oct.15,1858.|_46° Bacon,12}€18!MOLABSES—_2SLOUR—>“|Cube a “BL|Pamily.5°60a575;N.Orleans.Sa 86. Super.‘6.30 a $00!SALT—2 t Sieg tes Fine 5.40-8 9.00 |Liv,sack “2:402 00.Scratched 525 2.0.00:i FLAXSESD—_Sa eR og ole OO 2/000,”Cora—9018,c.SPIRITS—Whest fae a 6 00°}P.Brandy £00 a 00 Oe Oats:45 a 9 50 :Apple :do 7.ar.za a Peas 0 75.2 0901 Whisky 65 . pave (SRE ee OO 188 1- ‘ee ge ee :"CHARLOTTE AREER Bacon—Pork,pr ib:>O98 8 -Hog ‘round,00°12 |Moliceinnens 45 050: Meal,pr bus 55 a 60,Sugar,Brown,10.2 $305 Oats,pr bus’45'%50‘Salt,Sack 175 a000" rere 100 Ibs-$2330"‘\Pens;pr bus-~00 aS. vale eee Boh,625:Beef,on hoof )520- Wheat,pr bus 85:2100:‘Potatoes,‘Arish 60 0.3 “100 110» ATa 12 (Whiskey,N ©,45 50. jwunwaphed:23.200.eal Pes he Ess SALISBURY MARKET, BACON—7 FLOUR=1...Sides!_Oal2 “Per 100lbe$2 252250 “Hoground 9.=410.per bb)185,00a4-50. »(BEEF ‘Feathers .~30835_ Per Ibo*|Sad.Ss Lord per.Ib”~,Mgals‘BU TTER—+MOL ‘ASSES—.:|PerIb?yoais|Sugar House 70 ;"Beeswax.3 .22223 |Common”uN “Bbad5 eh Beans.-©40 {N.'O.Syrup5auf PatCOFFEESoeeadat Rio}:i Loaf pai 43he Laguira >15a16-|Brown:pHlald *Java=|,17020"|Salt per was 2500 00. Mocha.’Bare”Oates 72 --B0n32 | ‘CAN BLES—...*"|Pork per tb ©67.. Adaaisntine -34237-|Peas,:ncetll -66 -:4 Sperm:.°°.40050|POTATOES-—.=+”Tallow +:,17—20 Irish -85 01-00 CORN Wheat ©”aesPerbuésh: «$0i65-Whisky.West.ee y Meal -“>>“.65a70.WooL——..te ; |Apples|“95 96.Washed:235 - ‘Ait 4 2 _Unwarbed ,23000 NeW Go0Ds,:te —_ te ee Pii4 ol4Thad.sgdoreighed arefoceivini their i Fall and Winter : Stock GOOD s coossinise in part of Black-and’Raney s I a KS,trench snd American Merinos,all ‘colts:"i =“Delaines,:Palmetto “€ashmeres,| eee‘DeBaize,-assorted colors’_“Bleached ‘andbrown Domed-\*Natl all prices;Piain ahd Sopbed Osnaburg for sérvants,\-Kerseys;and»‘Georgia Plains,Cloths andCassimeres,Katinets of 'alf ee:all grades—Shaw!s and Cloaks,&c. 'Negro Brogans,;_ "Shoes and Gaiters,etc.Aj Sere stock of Plater ee ‘¢3 <Really,Made Clothing. -—sLso—...ft GROCERIES,«i ef seed OF,WindowGiass assorted sizes:alt dee 500lbs Baking Soda,Sosps;Perfumerisa, +,Drugs:‘and Dye.Stuffs,Concentrated,efor.Ht ‘|making.Soap,Sole and upper Leather.| t All of which,were boughton favorableforms,” jand -will be sold’at prices that.cannof,be best ‘in Western North Carolina.Give a.look be-. fore buyirig elsewhere...We pene '|Showing our.goods.oe ne |a We:want.100 bushels goodHide-p Sdriet ‘Peaches,r which we willgive $2:50 for 40 pounds./°‘i F..‘Az :CO,” GOODS). :Respectfully.informe the Citizens of iredeilvandthepublicgenerally,tthat he has‘receiv-ed ‘and‘now offers lor sale,on’the most rea~«Jsonable:termia,a very,large aadwell assort= aspect ‘almost serety 3woe kept in?an Than ed,‘particularly :from CASH:Cpstomers,—‘fit-will bemy effort to hold‘out-inducements Oct 15;1858, 2 aN OTICE!$2 eesales.' mes Pert oo “Murphy&Co.are’‘requested to ay call andsettle by the ist:of July, v2 next,if they wish oecost, 2‘une.Bote“ioRent ofSell!a .DTminmeeneterese =desitable property Tecently.et ,MLLER&LAWRENCE, New Fall:and Winter _}258 Baltimore Sercet,| “TH.McRORIE:| 600DS— ow opening.Encouragedextendedtooulateirene aoe&Co.;we shall prepared tooffer su; po n t Bees.Wax,“Tallow,Dried Erait,‘Tow Lin:y, ‘The:W,.en;!Linsey.Cjoth,Rags,Country.Produce,cs the:Fa naeComers taketi-in’exchange jor 8.iN.C.:Reitroad.‘passesthrough e:Faria,sn idulfor the liberal’p@ronage receiv | io eheap prices.Picasa Rete “{o suchtystpmers,and see.Sere my ed 0—ae mpay dispatced, :ee ‘persons indebted to Win: reece actos wont.act,7E0S.AATEINIOE ° |HOPKINS,HULL &aa i B.B.HOPKINS, ¥BALTIMORE.| We would:respecifalls ‘nyite the:sientionbarestoieee6aadsitracti stock of i MhBRITISH,FRENCH a AMERICAN’ifDRYGOODS,- for.FALL and:‘WINTER use,whi wearo inducemenis to cash or prompt baysinthevarietyandéxtentofour and those who entrust us with theirmayrélyonhavingthemoe ——‘18th Sep 3m pd.;ae 2 aaa .+at the Book Store Spurgeon’sSermons,4volumes‘Presbyierian .;set 5,David's Pasleads{ve”Methodist Hymns ‘|,Pos Felenseet © ee é ee es | ah ‘Ci 4 : of ea n EF en : aipe Pa t aa e s +at prices far.above thgir valce,‘and :ts :.feorciupep 3FROM:FIRST:‘PAGE.YTeseenisfromthatthatthecommissionerscold “not find the terminus -of Frye”and Jeffersqn’a| Vine ow Steep)Rock creek,owing,2s’“they sup:Posed,to the dying ofthe timber.*'They’pro-|. "ceeded,however,-to’ascertain.the proper dégree ee ofTatitude on:that creek by astronomical al-ser- “<<,wation,and’‘from,that pointcomputed.the ¢:dis-| “measure,329 mils—rand,elcieabeieutehtl for pneven gipund,s1T miles,“or five degrees forty two minutes west of.Corrituck Inlet.”*They } “then proceeded to run the line west.The Result| ‘wes,that the commissioners of the thro |States differediig running the Hine,and two lines were| tur,known subsequently as Benilerson’'s “and}of ».Warker’s lines,In 1791,hovvever,the line call>~ed Walkers’seoms tahave been adopted by both States,with provisign that the ofdost,grant from. either State for’land within the‘disputed:lines “shouldgive title to the.claimant,Hens.Beat ~Vol.$3;p.258° _Thave thoughtproper,at the Bézardoftbeing|, considered;tedione,if not presumptuous,th go} at some length’into‘the history’ofour northern -boundary:Much,ifnot the whcle,.ofthe line,: nowmproposed to be re-established,is,I am ins,s -;formed,in disptite.It may.de:that other.por- "tions of the:line are:jalgo-the sudjectoffcoatzo-vesy.If a0,these ought also to ba well defined. “~+J would moet respectfully,recommend,therefore, the proposalon thepart of the State of Virginia be acceded fo,with buch ‘modifications,if eny, 2 as may bedeeined:necessarz,‘and thatcompe- tent commissioner8 be.appointed.by theLegis “Jature or theGovernor of the-State,under au-- ‘thority given him to do£0,clothed’with ample .powers to ren she line where it iz in dispute,, ““nd settle the boundary between the two Statés._Permanent fand-nigrks should be et to,= pat up alcbg the line. Daring the preset ‘yéar,.Dr-ESmmons;State:_Geologist,tubmitted a report on thé,Agriculture|of theState,and the subject being one of verygenere!interest,the Literary:Boarddeomedii_advisable to.cause two ‘thousand opies to.bepublished.About 62A copies of the former res oe oo-hand.By some meths the res-*olutions before the lastGeneral Assembly order-|rg the distribution of this report,yaajmislaid|in the hyrtylotithe last moments of the session yell |them fo.‘the.bristle dealers,i and did notipags...I deemedit expedient,|kow-i Feservingg the:noses for top-ridets"ever,.in a¢cordance’:With the terms of the reso.‘to’a rail-lution,ts sendcopies.to.the several States arid’il__‘Tetritories,to some literary and:scientific insti-atutions,andalso to.a.few agdividscla\veho Bs 3 good mar ket for.corn and ‘otherplied.forcopies.aad who it was thought ‘would |t make a good useof them.-“Some havé Seen sold-'and tho’proceeds will be accounted”jor by tho*Agent.ia!making sales.Tho'residue,on baad.' ‘and’dthe whole number of the Agricultural Re- mens in theCapitot has been greatly enlargeged_aad improved,andis “well “werth ex#mination,- +amatters,bat by.every one taking an interest in; “7 the mineralresources of the State. woitiesforcollecting many“Gine sfieciinens are ‘ample,and it.was saggested to me*by Dr,Em-. .Mons thgt he be-g!jomed'zo ‘coltest an:!iadi to Re!pis -the.cabintts gf the University Bod:other chlleghs ¢orn—hiis Oe n.“being short:2 'ofthe State,which miei well he doze 2nd a W ell ,|Which I recommend to your7 faxoravie:coms:Sera~ _ten,.:‘ic?W8esthe fest’tezieal af our"Mae fas madre. E &resoicson ree paseed by’be Genera!Asse ety! Bis!fequirmg the Governat,am rat erbepthings,head‘ to distribute ope caps of*the Revised;C.ide to “each of-the Maziistretes:in'the S:tate,“Phe Tes+: ejutica,“in:its terms,confined the distrivution to sock Ss were then acting Justices,aud exe!ad-er: 08 all sack as might sab sequently.qualify.The,and:compact anini:aewitth.legs “stout and long:enpugh,‘to hob,a tod,tauscle you mean [ton aewadpublished,mare “Uma keifrémains op hand:“pat upon’them.With:ia.pew(‘ofsteeKsociation,;and.untess provision is ‘made-for their aafe-keeps antTh i ing,by opening the boxes’and’storing the bcoks E »-Gaxgrnor was also cuth,ouized to.make saleof: sther copies.~So far the sales:have -beén stacee and‘ofthe,edit ign of ten thousand copies w‘hich .they are liable bedenveged ”by"Wwortys"an dattribation bo-made cf the Code,among those!_-wijo Lavebrea.“‘appoitited tineé the forme:dis \Jestices|in their Tespective.’countics,: “IE transmit berewnth c¢.Jeticr fem \Tandy.Wiliker,seting Governcriof ‘the:Chsictam Na- “Won,,ecjuesting that oor)Jaws end Sapronie’:an_Court Reporte be feraished forthe nse of the!went,aad’plenty.of strat_Choctse Goverament,.Htas=tighly grat:ye font hin to:do his.best.ing fact to sce the improvement.mada by the”/-Ghostams in the acts of civilization,fad‘.denbi‘mettt will give you Btezecve“to“éen:ply withthe wants 4a,:request of Mr.Walker by agthorizidg the Gor, to theChoctaws iin the some menner th=t!‘hey:are vent)to the several States ofthe Union..cart=‘My attention hag been ‘calied Hy the ciitizensot.‘Nesidingin the Western:portion of the rtcte,and 5‘who were’purchasers ‘of what’wers Engwii est ‘carrots,beets,’Cherokee lands,in the countice of Cherokee end th0“Macon,to abst theyconsider.as @ hardsh:F.so !faras they atc concerned. _Was appealed to,to remitisuch excets.’By the\‘act of faso-"51,.commissioners were appcinted |to value the Jands,andia “eccordatice with Ue ‘money |overtho value ofthe lands,Was credited:upon the bonds ofthe parchheers,then in the..bands ofthe.sgent of Cherckeebonds,Itseems ;the fall amount of their'purctizses gorine relcef,;These -persons-now ask'the stete.tarefiind to | and1t seems to me-that,if those who had not: 'paid promptlyhayye till stronger claims xpan}the yustice and rality of theState,.expensive,duxury,‘Without reposting.the.reasonstherefore which.|the ‘rich.¢an.‘afford.|[gave in «former méscago,.I’again recommend brilliantlieht frow2a2 lemp,fed'tW‘th |§he‘creation ofan.ree judicial.-E1cenit in oil from:his own ribs Feed by etees aod:sperhaps:|‘took.ether fers from bis’ a State,’be lock,afdstop.the racket.Thoimprovementsi inib adsofth G ‘¢Fo}Squareokdered by Soy iam ee ceo |i each meal onlyiha‘much foal as"‘beenynadé,and those ‘directed to be niadein the’they Will eateu clean,aea;‘Capitot are under the ‘charge.of Mr.Pericival,a-~competent architect,and will bo completed iinsfewdays.This work wouldbave.been done at|! “hat,they.could-ot ho used’as ‘they bad before! iments ds:had beon made..‘Adter,consulting®with |_the Bosrd.of Public Building,it was deemeda2 :=visabledy meto have erected a hditse for storing*conomical. *“of wopd ho expense of makinig the improve-.SY stem thig-braoch of.farm:indy which,en willbe m‘*State in a few years,by seee :‘Quantities of which wero'stolén,st &carriedfrom:Premiace every winter before fhehouse.Waa orelecidiae hie ty Generel Assem the”occasion to'ex press my ¢2a sense.s btibed : honors:heretofore conferred ‘aged me:Fy!thepeo-CO ple of the§Stato."- ie in thedischarge of my ( bot wha expected vihen “spoasililitiga.of!office’:2 oe;Others no douds bate snersed ea “State!inere:oriurddof theo.Sabba th drinki Big tbiy pnd:‘deefully “then I hive done.’es Lhoweger,that I may be.pardaned'‘foreepi bat none-have:More sincerely bad at beer:awhatever” concerned.her hoter.or:welfare,“or who!ibaves. becn.mofo:“a;sposed ta taalitaia the"one OF PrN,! mote the!ottler..saad aes oesEhavecallytoadd;that ‘durin thet S ; your session for whieh I shall remain:in,eer ost tra it will give me'pleasure,atal times;to “rénder you.such aid’‘as.J can‘in ‘the|‘dilgherse of.your ; ceeenins Gaties ‘: ‘as'2 leather apron. i of HOS,oesAG rama Hogs.: f:Hogs,:‘we:said,not Jand-pikeswithnosesasJongas.hand-spikes,« and,degs:Jike’a deer.’ ‘scon ‘think of trying:to day:flesh: poh a’ightnin-rod as upon.oneofthese:animals,that.sometimes ° ‘infest a farmer'sssty.The bestuse:-, ou can:at.‘suc ruces ‘to AS to Woodwer 5:Liberty’Hill;with 2.iy iP E b =on Lineswith eéles:&co.534tho’a:eepeel -fence ;;thatis,if you.are.iv an —— situated |as fost;farmersare,with ere i “Phe‘only,ears.* Z should’run to:aye.RES.ofS Bet,thin and Soft:‘the jyct to ibe She ‘ani a:are not wistall ja ‘ma ing «sous€s..or:head cheese:J Sika shauhl be:short;‘nose:aS tent cha oo ‘thick,short and bi wat wend.tonnded:woke the We want:a}file bonscfBe usyyot'can make porkicboup;° “no mattet whit ‘breed:‘they helohescauses.As yoany Magistrates have since’:Eton:‘Thera jis.ssatisfactivon in:logkiing ~qualified,ard £3 they receive no compensation:cat then aud 11a feedins thet?You:Sor their services,I'recommend ‘that’a further ‘can’,SC:e where |the.corn:oes ite,2 ee.‘and what?comes of it,iftheswell. _teituuglon ys made and who ere’now acting,es ving Sides.and.rounding:“back.The pigis a geutlem:dn ofleaend:wants clean’“quarters.©TE have a dry.sleeping a aS cmniveroys’“tn chis ceetiic:aia‘Tittle of almost’ener Ric that-tickles the’palaté of:his?ernor of the State to ‘send eer lawz and,reports ‘inester._while:cooked:Indian neal|-ee 9,he!should ‘be.treatedtoeegelaiekdaily,giéen*com:“stalks and ears,eabbage,’turdips,| parsnip,&e.-MilksrwheyRover.comes amiss,‘these are not conveniéat,”“ey.|LaeTtwasalleged:ihet the tondswere pore nased,SOU have all.the.water.they.wich a£AAToestatetOdrink,A little salt iis also:a de-|..jiesirabldaddition’to the daily “dick |=FRegularfoedingrisa“matior-of}. ____provisions of the-act,the excess ofthe purchase Tauchymore iimportance:than most}people Suppose,‘The healthy sto-|iiamachofapigpérforais.its:task’ot} -that the act,in its terms,applied oaly.to those digestion:with as “much,reginlarity |*who hadnot paid:their bonds as they.fell due—|-2S a!day-laboret,..and “when the }.‘aga consequently those who had prompily’paid |meal-time,comes,itfeéls the:aab-}nA(easiness of honger:|UA,savealing|at ‘‘themn the excess paid by thers,out of.ile fond hog”‘shold be,considered:*inithehande ofthe agent,or in some otherwey,‘grace to.any,farmeér’s yard:‘ByeaOeif‘he affect that.kind of music:ie,*bi paid were entitled.t relief,the}ethers.wha ‘had:“should understand,that 21s"ayvery, that.BONG.bute tis like the. supae‘dais Tate heuts tt bf exon ‘aesand atlligent pyre ley eho"“ake:bes ae interest.in the:(Poe a eraduiete of -Greensborough Female Coll Be,:SF e Ras:‘Had some’‘experienuns,v:No paing will bo.spared using:the:vain,“and pee#trainsof,scholars,ee ee ‘their’+: in“teacking..|aeeesilof‘obs ‘ene and un iti “theinstriction “)Reep:constantlyiy.gnfactery,in OL ANE large assortment of- Harness, We.should: es,andsow,pe plish your pi itpose.‘grantl recipe.for ‘amme-are_cthese a |notonly ‘the:scientific and those eurioas|insuch |land “pikes.ae fatyger det aeHogs,ave:Said:enol Be.«vide.tee BP Ryntclnas. nee nee the oteettea re: aeyou :wiithid @ celleet hier ous of:lovatig iip--thtPowit,ean be accotnin ling:ouiche:PP “and ‘teas vent iin.a !eeBievsbint.“tnstihition‘But if.your.‘cora-crib-is. “plethotia.and:you have <a:surplus;ec| that you want |‘gut’of the-“Ways,—-without.any,return forit,jas ti put”;port a:are subject to your disposition.Aes tit under thtse’long noThecabinetofminerals.and gedlogical+speci-will;zecom cae aethinister itt‘every’‘possibleaaseé:or AE. ; ior =eal sels names on:aie:104 ed ugjon-to"Allene:ts ho hand,’at tiie 3 Paettogs oe wicca eee:|Worsted:Ew.Fier+,broidery $63°SW.axFruit ‘end Flowera $6 each;|esl French’Be Ovher:oniemenials:at.oan:Bridles,| atness.3 SableEheoat~We eoznerilyinvite’‘alt persous wislring to ;“purchase.“good:hargaitiseto:pive-rsia call ore buy,ning else where. *tion’and pramptitude:an”business; ;Weberat patronage Dergus.pulublic:“-Orders-artend:eds:to.profaytly| Wwith,mextness and dispateh..We have:‘de-:osites:of Hames,attaatesville,uhet He sh Pogiteadmitted ;the‘close of the se‘session.| Tor“Cui rtherinfotnintis,adbe!at BiEerste:eaten“By.close:apptica-:; adeve the:=P | oat a “Bens Te “The:CagarincretigSoietotois existing rane:;ver the firm of Stockton -&Mo ‘is*this:2 day digac Ived'by:“mutual:ceed:-|>Ul persons,indebted Ce‘the Tate Srat,;wil#mate immediate paymeibanadedyeither’of:UrIOSa,‘STOCKTON,r We.‘He MORRISOWVieAugustThy.758.0 tablished.by \ “peergl Endowment:for theRelief:of‘the Sick’and.Distressedaf cot Aicted:with,Viraleni Sis heeAriesAoaeThose:‘indebted te Ds,are.“requésied| :spiders,ik aS the“objects of‘asiitution to dstablisti Hospitals,10pros| ene Food,oye Biven;:‘aud:vught not to:be,expected,*:“af our-firm intends Jeaving ’‘the country,in.a ‘‘short time’,aiid.those’owineo ee make:|Meir:eeledation,toparye:i oito.thesRe lief of othe aflicted:and thie‘health?of the Eee C at harge ;The oppor’‘riean ‘elephfants:with ears,as:big:Hais the!lauye“of thie Director ra L fuinish®Desiens and.ses ieaiors |hteM es dor,and ‘Superintend the.erectidn‘of |:f ‘wh Howses,Cottages yvallas,:‘Sterés,‘CharthesaudPabl:Cc.‘Buildings ;also-for'the¢eon: .TAO tail.Roads such:as,y Woodor.ron,-and. paid yes’"ok:“st P Bibdtgies required at:Stations."SulePiansandEstimatesgivettortheimprove.|.riént ofwater:Powers:ae mechanical ¢on-"“fuctions.ia “Beneral.*:: ae ote,beeN.€R.R £0.,i Ww.N.€R R.' od ——Salisbury,Nz Ce ¢cuball cee,CR,R.Co, .rs,Greensborough.qosSimonton,Trea.WNC:&ee Statesville.,“BSobit:NCoe12,1808."Se avwre Cif.Ene a 2 Approuteces tollearn ‘the busi oy .ness of Shsoteee_SEHONTO [ KEEP soneaaly)on:meeema of SW niches”-and,Sowalry« Chaska,Watch esaad Seneter 6 Fepaired ta the j reauazable.terms.,Ey “ _Saget Beth,"1858.iets at “Jo.railesnorth sof: Sai;ds2vel “pest yey On: of Busingss:- =A bHDhds been innrtaced in*Legislature ak’Georgia to prevent thofanylatin’phrase.in Bs of:the Lega [a shouldbe cnploel to weep the tive,acts otra State As F Bet):26.‘abelIscaniplerioe scer.an ene Aurist)“from:‘asburh (which;not:recollected): i teeth,face’ rather-tell,stich teil,‘bold:4i2tio to,basiness,-especially,in. VS ar+180 amasend 30 years ald Hed on when,be.depanie®a.paix oof.copperas colored: é SD will ie ‘areward‘oe $100 for:[ieee and eg:£0,"me."or.coniaenent issIfyouhaveany:considerable ,ae‘iuniber of hogs,it wil]pay te have |-/“am earlier day,bat for thsdite in procaring 1a cookingapparatus for boilingoreperson|to\do-it properly...3°--|steaming:the.meal and vegetables:aeItwasfoundaftethegroundsmerslaiddput,|Bai xeast .one ir experiments show.tbat a lange TOWN P Re OPPER:~been,26 a-place,of deposit,isi tha winter season;;proportion of cooked food will sia!ane :"for fite wood supplyofthe Capitol,win.More Lesh and:fat.”than the:same™aoe=~out destroying.in a great degree,such'improve~|‘quantities:given.:raw.A.Tittle M=‘green food-given as.a.change is e-"‘Withneginess’and~ “The,tebeecihan haviige reaiell oak “he:ercairale Busihess Aa‘the:tows oF States.ov le;offersfor alehis masEStoreHouse&at, the;Bast corner.”anePUBLIC.SQUARE,‘tn the:foThisifoneOf.tie ios iay=Bidnds ‘for,business iith ab fi Tue attention ‘of the:‘inhabitants <of Salisba~:ry:.and of‘the State’of North Caiatmogtrespectfullycalled.:ae ‘the--op e pieeelemeord:0RUG &: mplotein theselections -of‘Pure’aad:Gén<!uine:Medigines,Chemicals,Drugs,Perfomry;Loilenarticles,Dye Stufis,Paints,’Ojls.'8.Glass,Camphene,Borning:-Fiuid,Grase,and.eo Seeds,etc...And.that '‘with:hie:ex]Spetience dl tea years,ithivecityofNew*Yor! gthe first class‘stores.»anda:strict’atten} pounding.of:Physicians’‘prescriptions |‘and||Family!’Medi¢ines,‘and.at ia,eeescaleOfplieés;tosecure ‘aea slate,of.and Cousiry ‘Trade.HRs ihteeeofneatnessaniaehiatt:be:practiced,ahd:'as:‘pure®<-9n;jit0alt Orders.by!mail,from Phy‘fam andi Eerie 38 by:ees cal a3iteBe5 mee,NuGy Wooid respectilly cofoca‘those:heiea lessaeed,iat’hehas moved to:bis new ‘Booms’“op College Avenue;jomnjng Messrs.ReeseweHieewieltwhere‘he:will?be pleased to. \srity romege,iwith Ses Hotel iz ‘aiies ons eoye opposite:the!" niles ‘es ieWilkesborough,and5’miles'|‘SoetPsVeylorevitle.Mr.Troy ‘has bad ior. si en :o¢Consumption,siete ory ng properticsatimulate the vitalactiviticsof the body, they:eute’the:every-day.complaints of every~body;but."|.also formidable and dangerous:diseases that have baffled.. ‘-the-‘best of human skill.“While.theyproduce:powerful,’ g y are at:thesame time,in’diminished doses,thé:: fgets, ‘sAfeat dnd ‘Destpbysic that.can be‘employed for childre: Being+e~erated:they ate.pleasant,totake:and’bein; yf.litve:-been made.which surpass belief‘were theynot,sub- ;tiated dy:men of;sugh exalted position'and character”toforbid the suspicion of ‘untruth:‘Many entinentcletgwmen:and physicianshave lent their nates to certify.” to'thepublic the reliability of iny remedies,while others... “hay esent:mie ‘the ‘aasurance of their cofviction that my’: Preparationscontritute imran’3to:the pciiel nt may aftiicted,’sntiring 1fellow-mnen.: sant Certificatesof their’qures,of the:followingcomplaints: oe Costixerions,Bikons Complaints:-Rheumatism,Drops~Heirtbarn,leadache.arising from ‘afoul stomach, “1 ong ahd:Cutaneous!Diseases-which require-an ¢€ -Nervbus Irritability;Detangemeuts of.the Liver and Ki neys,Gout,and-other kindred complain ‘arisingfrom.low.atnte’of the‘body or obstruction of-its functions,°°Do-not:be put:offby’unprincipled dealers with:some: :Pins,and:take,‘nothing glse:No other they tan give. ‘you comphres swith this in:its ftitrinsic'valaé or curative’<The athe best:aid r=isfor’27 oS pice pply.at the |.sv“A.ee ‘generally,.that we-ale:pi pared to hite Horses:|’ yj and:buggies,at ressonable,fates::Peisons:wanit-| "|ing.conveyance can’ibe.‘eecommodated‘aty any} |time, Wepride ourée]ves:onkeeping’‘genitle:and:fast’; ieMay2th,1838,’ "Allis under thé management af.theproptie.Tea and‘sent:to any’part pf the ‘cofntry.-+4 horses..Qur-Provenderis of the’best quality,end | the quantity left;to:the Sppetite of the animal, [tors and ‘no fear tieed”be cofertaingd,;,$0: to,orderanything.zaahe Jine :of Sab ‘MONUMENTS,“HEADD STONES;TOMB oe =oa your oles ¥;BRYAN &co, 8a New! ihis ae MY ‘gnd-all-who:‘may’Javor themiseUnatsequal:to pike S 2 =Chery:ammcerile,No 2:‘Costey,Oreso0 ‘otege Aree oe :-Of thé PristingOffice.”-“4 asN Oo23 ourgr1 and patrons...sais oe siarath 4 snr mise will,we have|condyét t ie bo- )"mies niasyeSome be‘him-. sites,‘as‘to entitle{aad Talonege 4ae; agen i:an eiISBURY,N-€-.seen by:the:above.Notice,11|now ownthe Drug Establishment,for-_eek occupied by Mess.Sill &Sillj1 tforetender:may corres>{IREDELL|and sursoundin"4 esperially:to the irtendsiEpfedecessors;assurjugthem tOrtwillbemgadetogivesHermesapecelyaeL-can.nowoffer 6:an-assonment,apd of ashve quali- eae 8Wich co sg :*:“ee Drugs,-Chemicats,fh be aod:in tthe.gold“Wholesaleand.,J as-cannot fail to be satisfactory. ‘|©Physiciasis and Coumry:Peta espe-Feciatly,would do we.!l.to’calland examine|¥|our stock before purchasing elsewhere.=|- bob Boe All Orders promptly attended to. =ae ‘Building!!S UUILaiNG) Te £Subscribers would.respectfully'kon:Mie Public,that they ‘are:now Dressing{oom BER and manufacturing Sashes,Blinas “FRAMES,‘DOORS and SPOKES,. T eir mills on.‘West Aull; Their Sashes,‘Bligls,7 aare made of heart.pine or poplar,ctf |atioceooes by-anythiPaling,Balusters,*|]bof Ornamental wood-best style and furnished:at.short notice—|:Orders from a distatee:punciually atteaded4to.All work:done.at their ale,18.werrant-red to give satisfaction..~.‘They,are.also prepared to ‘take “contracts:ran any:part of the State;tor thé erection’anditingppofallkindsofpoddings,ifor’which ‘|plans will be.furnished if desired::: Terms.reasonable.~~MURDOCH,DARBY.+&ca,| SALISBURY,N,Ge oe ay re)Shewas steadily fail-:city,where:wehave comefhe Salisbury,WNC, ing‘in the State.ackets,‘andall kinds. ;finist éd.in the |! purgative whichisknownto man.Tasansabe proofs.ate shown that there Pitts have virtues'whichsurpass‘in }excelionce the ordinary medicines,and thatthey win un- 6pay mo"as longer,indulgence.caruot be :—to via praiatal teto cure.‘their pene- obstructions.of iteorgans,purifythe ‘blood, disease,.Theypurgeout thefoyliumors:which ow:distemper,stimulate‘sluggish:or.sor. Lorgans : tone’“with strength ‘to the ‘whole|system.”‘Not:ene.80 ~purelyvegétable,are free TOM AUY TOR Of knwo:Oures’|<=tie ce 1858., to.the Citizens of Jiconntaes,‘and:atrons of-=eve Sete;as weil!be | oe Merms, Ra ROmD “NOTICE! baktey Merchants.| yew,Cheap,,and.Expedi-- “tious;Ronte foragFreightfortheInteriorofWe Se ERCHANTSand others:dboutpurchas:. iog their Fall-and ‘Wantei Supplies,‘are;rrequested to noti¢e,that -by.the:‘completion -oftho North.Eastern Rail.Road from Char-[ leston,S.C:,to:Cheraw,the advantages ofaCHEAPaidEXPEDITIOUSRonte:from the Seaboard has deen ‘opened’to them.’i|5.All freight iconsigaed to the care of.she|Agent of:the North Eastern,Rail.Road will|beforwarded FREE OFCOMMISSION. ‘No ‘charge willbe:made:for.Storage at "Cheraw.‘All goods will,be-taken care ofiatheCoripany’8,Warehouse untitsent for,-ip ‘A schedule:of charges for ttansport#tioh ofSeidreigheBedéfoundat:the Post Office.°.“8,8.SOLOMONS,: eaee and Sup’"eg Bea,Indigestion;:Morbid:Inaction of the Bowels and Pain’ofaptng:therefroni,Flatulency,Boss-of‘Appetite,sie“s médicin€.Serofula or King’s Evil.They also.by puirify-"!“ing.the blood and.stimulating ‘the System,cure -niany;“LS somplaiits which ft worldnot’be stipposed,they’could~F.“Yench;suchas Deafness,Tirtial Blindness,Neuralgia and’. vother®hthey:make more.profit'on.;Ask.for Axen’s:] ack ake Stevensvn.&Ch:Charles 3 ‘tan ‘0:“As Bradley,Wilmington.iM:A.*Sen OPT toss &.Cok,’Norfolk,NF:Rives,”Petersbarg.| ™|-Patcell,Ladd&€o.,Ricbmond#'D.B-&Jib} Gaither,Newton)w.He “Michal.LincolntonE.j.and_Draggists’ond deslera's |ile MAN SION3HOTEL) SALISBURY: =‘enbect?ber esin’‘antoun-.‘and the’pabhie gener. the has.taken dbis long:established 'fed ‘ati Sei known-Hotel,and-has,rthade-every~-|:possible,preparation ‘to\.aceémfnodate the ea business,travelling and:visiting:portions of|the publid,in-the most satisfactergaattention4s‘paidtoTABLE,ce land every comfott 3is prowidad 41n hie ‘Medicine.erst v.ng to his friends; ot eee: “Bi STA BLES.are ieisods oesded.by acarefu bostler;and “to:alldeparimenisitheproptietor-gives.his person- A comfortable:OMNIBUS;runs regailary |tothe depot on the arrival ofthe cars.‘\With thege efforts toplease,a.liberal:shareeooeaepesooage:aesont wa.ROWZEE. Ee 4 ee the ah See obiding:the aay stablon -|connected.with),“the:Simonton Honse,.take. ey é Jenkins5&Ayer, peasia.‘informing ‘the. ‘todo any and|'&SHOE line &DAVEDEON.ee :a3-,thatthey arenow, c et poe‘of,Workin the“altheir Shop in-the basement ofthe ‘Sim-|:‘onton House.All work warranted.;‘Dick?|" :their...workmen,and evervbody.lows if ‘Re cannot make a‘fit”rdit.t:no“,}use’in anybody else hfe Call and leave ]|yout measure.Terms,Jes “statesville,Jan +16. or.Forpiture Marble,and warrant:Batisy : rpssubachibertare ighepared to fornia) Salisbury:MS Se a auhecipows having become lessees aewt Cin ee aewille,‘respect!nounce:‘prepared.‘ievaccohjhodate tbe : ®Boots,Shoes,‘Hats,Gene Bon~ee,‘Carpeting,‘Naile,. Paints,Oils,;Leather,e: aes Corner opposite Mansion Horst,finesSesseiedaM.meet Somer,| in Town ‘and, oe - bind no Ha MIL’BN,De.K cake "Wepe de armen,8|All;of theseBooks ae acti ot Riningsione _OVER.pmery Tmobean and:the sale.is.increasii‘Agents wee:from $5-J ooleey omreueeosGek.con- e.Public,as muceponss ansl includes the mist te i 1:SaeedaandCahvateesbeAsdiba! “LARGE SALES AND SMALL we farnish our Books to ‘Agent forirom "t.below sae usiial!pricperiemrsofAzpency ieare,; 4Vem,BRADL prs or,3 “FOR =hs For the purpose of eof‘business =the”ae joltowing ILan :iis: ‘One tracton whichthe ~|—Cotton ror | ana Mills are s ed,comainining 14 acresof land,‘North Hunting Creek,in Yadkinthréeandahalfmilessouthwes;tonville“on:the:main Road-le|Statesville i@ Rockford, of the formerfplace:,,The peration$3 Spinning:Eeueess S each»with all,the n ery. ‘manulactoring a splendic¢‘artic ‘of|Yara—andhax room and never failingiesPower-egough’torun successfallery;MILL,seats.‘pair of Burr>(purchasedfor‘us byase|quality as.m ppt pp-in ts‘Carolina.Ail the above Mills:20d me 4 aSery,are in fiyst raje repair,and wdidworkunder|;managemerngssofficientonoeace‘comimodate 30 or 40 ba i #One-tract of LAND,adjoising.the:aoe175acres—well,.walered,level,is of good guality—and™in.accent! ent locality‘foranykind of business;bas:“Ops!eried.and.i0 cultivation,about 60‘acres,baleance.well:tmbered.Ccal!and’see.elore:--PA|you ‘bay:)-jOnetractof Land on*watesd,|'|DeepCreek,6miles northofthe:aliesneat.the Turnpike.iepeetoJonesvilie,5milenath!iformerplace—has.on it a-good.Derolngandancheaaaass is very well watered,a good spring:osdiecioeeby.itehouse—20 acres good’bottomHaat506ditto-ofs siebered—whole tract cohiains 124“acres).moreor lers;and adjoinsthe lands ofHea; ry ‘Wagoner,Esqr:aud.others.*|The above Property willbe sold i ‘reserve,and a good aitle-made for thesame,to the purchaser.or purchasers,complying:§|withthie terns.of the sale,which,will-be}e knowu on the day ‘of vale:-. - JAMES..S.GRANT,Acest..~Buck Shoal.aos Compatg.“Opt22,1858.bt anda sent bat 1838:%4 Fresh Ae | RiBE sndatapiak sealrespectfully ail the.ai if.teption of their friends ahd cusiqmess ys |Statesville and the surfounding tousy,44 sled sackare =secaag "Fall'and |Winter ¢ adiethey:offer atthei:oe:Ho welag)‘aTheir.stock consisis (!:thef STAPLE @F ANGY, |DRY GOODS, rie bib =5 Watchin copy:fill ach Dee to this office oF 40)se eee e for Gastieiion and BoyspagBile,0f Beav Drills;a large stockof - Goods for Senses “ee,i‘and SubleachedDomestics!f |Boots &.Shoes,Hats F s of every description,-_ HARD WARE,Cotlery,‘Queens Ware.and &fall supplyofGROCERIES,and msry| other articles tootedious to.enumerhte.<aA:wanting GOOD snd CHEAP-GOODS,,”|will findtheir wlock not.onlythe cheapest-"|but as good as any in this coartry- Eee |Hope,tor &conlingance « Ps anil we * % pe es.Be Bo % ai}} DEAKE.| EB. fie 2 4 «IREDELL.Fee . ~ a 4 “ER SsOF THE Paver. mie? o A esa Yea in‘Advance, Wy P DRARE::a DRAKE &SON, Editors and Proprietors::hiss ,eo k *rosy hf ‘OneDeiter Saar ti in4Twenty-five Cents:for every week thereafter.” |ter a follows:.ey Ts : =Boas 8 ee] Cocieione -$3.50..$5.50.-$8.00.“Two squares...7.00 ~ex 10.00 .-74.00 CLEANSE TRE BEOOD.AND CURE THESICK...” .»Invalfds,Fathers,Mothers,Physicians, AYER’S|pours Pills,(SUGAR COATED,) ARE MADE TO 1 _-Philanthropists,read their:as FOR Heagache,Sick Headache,Fon!Stomach. Dr.F.C.‘ont Sir:‘I hare been rr *thé worst headache anybody canhavetofyourMls.It seemstourisefrom a {if they will cure others as aestheycleunseatonce: and judge of their Virt"THE CURE OF.i Pitrsucro,Pa,May 1;1855. ules the fact is worth knowing. Yours.with great ieee Bilious Disorders.and Liver ‘Complaints, ED.W.PREBLE,,Clerk of SteamerClarion. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR;Wastixesoy,D:C.,7 Feb.;1856. Sim:Tf ext used your Pitis igvay ‘general -and hospital©>Practice ver since you made,then),and cannot hesitate to-‘say they afte the best cathartic we.empley..Their regu- Tating action:ou the liveris quick and decided,consequent-'dy they are ap adinirable remedy for derangementsofthat:Indeed,I have seldom found’a case of bilious dieorgan.ease so obstinate that it did not readily #eld:to them. || *Dysentery, pcr Orst CE,ILARTLAND,Lrv.*60.,Mics.,Nov.16,1858: Dx,Aver:Your Pilly are:theperfection of medicine.y have done thy wife:more good.thanIcantell you.=|She:abide beén ‘sick’atid pining “away for months:‘Went.| of to be dictored af creatiexpense,but got no.Better.She” *then'eounmenced taking your Pills;which 8odn|cured her,expebiti2 large quantities of worme (dead)from ber~They alterwards cured ber and our two children Qne of our neighbors haditbad,and atovwifecurdlimswithtwodosesofyour‘Pills,‘while* others around us.paid from,five to twenty)dollars doctors? ;;*bills,ard lost wench time,without.bein;ucts medicine as yours,'w. ~They by bods. of Bloody Oyesuftery. even,thy “Th. Frateruslly fours, Relax,and W. Rood;sand honest,will be-prized here. Indigestion and jin distipss. Ty ends. Po GEO,J.GRIFFIN,Pos Imphrity’of the! ;system and purify the fountains of the dl Exysipelas,Scrofula,King’s Evil,Tetter,‘rumors,and Salt 4 :From *Mrrwarding Merchant of.St.Louis,Fb.4, Your Pils are the paragon of all that {s+ They have cured my little daughter°of nleerous sores upon her hands andfeetthat had proved incurable for years.Her mother had been lon,Sees ‘lyafflicted!with blotches and pimples on herAfterourchildwas.cured,a 2°Da.AY:”great in “mediclae. *het hair. Pills,andthey haye cured her. Rheumatis:a_(Prom the Kev.Inf Hawker,of the Methodist Bypis.Church,- JOHN G.MEACH,°M.D. #Heum.. she ‘also triedy:‘ASA MORGRIDG! Neuralgia,and Gout,:* Pciask f'ttovse,SAVANNAH,GA.,Jan.6,18§6..*HoxourpSix:E yould be ungrateful for therrelief yoursk#l-hay brenght me if I did not report myecase to yon. ‘A Gold settled in-my limbs And bronght on excruciating.. pains which ‘ended in chtonic rheumagisin.~Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians,the disease.‘"grew worse and worse,until,by the advide of your excel? lent agent:in:Baltithore,Dr.“Mackengjey I triTheireflectswereslow,but sure.«By persey tienralgic use of them,1 am‘now ~ for yeurs. For Dropsy,Plethora,\or kindred Com-.ie as:requiring:an active purge,ee are “7 excelnt/remedy. For Costiveness orConstipation,andas entirely well. VINCENT SLIDELL.© *a Dinner PALI,‘they are agreeable and effectual. "Fits,Suppression,Raralysis,Yaflamma:| ,tlon,atid even Deafness,and Par tial Blind- = ness,been cured by”the aiteratlyection of theeePills. Most of the.Pillste marketcontain Merenty,which;at. though valuable remedy in.skjjful hands,,is/dangerous,7%, in a public:pill,from the ‘iveadfi.quently follow its incautions use. eury or mineral een whatever, -.AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL ,FOR THE RAPID CUREoF cov Gns,cotps,HOARSENESS,INFLUSBRONCHITIS,WHOOPING .'COUGH,CROUP,ASTHMA,YN= LENZA, CIPIENT étages of the disease. We need ‘not speak to:the,ihe of ite |\wirtues. »Throngheut every town,and almost every hamlet of the—“Atherican States,its wopderfiil curesofxy _plaints have made it already,knowns families in any civilized,country on this“Out some personal experience of its effects;andfewer yetthecommunitiesapy,where whicwa notamotg earsomelixingtrophyofItsvictoryayerthe 1cetousdisensedofthetliroatandlungs.While it fs tli,ye alee*.mG@at powerful antidiite yet known;'to:man for theformE dable und dangercus.diseases of the pulmonary orghns,‘it-, is also the pleasantest anideafest remedy that can be em-*young persons.Parents.ee :s@tainst<the insidious enemy that stea t|gronads.te- loyed.for infants andpaveftinst ~Mpon them unprepared..We have abun“Delieve the Cierry Pectoral saves mite Nves“sumptidus itprefents than ..those it:cures.—you,and.curé your cblda while they are corable.nor neg-.| eithem until no hnmar skill ran master the inexorable:-cankdr that,faeténed on the vit Al:Know.the.dregdful tatality-of lung disdrdgrs,and ag ale hey know ‘too the virtues of.this remedy,We/need not do’*“more than to assurethem it is stil made t! be..We spare tio-cost,mo carp,Do toll top nicist Perfect possible,and‘thus .afford,those who rely-onitthebestngentwhidhourskillcanfurnishfortheircure. Si CONSUMPTION,..” subtle and [by the con- eAts yourlife away. -!/.PREPARED BY DR.J.6.AYER,»’ -£ton,oO.aayHy Puenv “RAIL BRowjNone? Conn ‘Mocsinke . New,¢heap,and Expedi-|:4 tidus Route for’::. ...Nowharge will be ‘made for’Storage.at~Cheraw.All goods will ‘be taken care of in y Practical and Analytical Chemist,Lowell,Mass.:af AND SOLD BY, a Haviland,Stevenson &Co.,“Chatles factory,iiO.LA ‘Bradley,Wilmington,MAL Sun‘. N.F.Rives:Peterebutg |:I Richmond,D.Be &J.L H.Michal.J,ineolnton’“asoalty and!Druggists andadealers iin Medicine,every,.,Ww For sale by fa AW “AYER,Scere ‘tos «&Eo.Norfolk, ‘Parcéht,’Ladd’&Co., Gaither,,Newton Ww. cawhere- OHS 1858. wis «fe gr;4 LO + »Kreisightfor ‘theduterior of N..C; MES HA “the ‘Seaboard has bean ;Qpened to them.|: be forwarded FREE OF:COMISSIO “the Company's:Watéhowse aintil sent for.: cs 2 »Aschedale of charges for transportation:ofSfreightWw==.found:at‘the Post Office. Take -SxS:SOLOMONS,- Eng’r And,ee Notice!Useer‘Those indedied to us,ares requested-to pay.up.-aSlonger indulgence ‘canndt ‘beziven,aad ought'Act tébe expected.Qne|ofdar firm intends leaving the country inshorttime.‘and those.owingus’must netegies10pay. ALONZO BALL,M.DPhysicianoftheMarineHorpilak orms.. cured entirely which is;actually ood: From Rév;J:Vs Himes;Pastor of ‘Advent Church,Boston.’ Dr.Avex:TU have tised your’Pills with?Jextraordinary* §gnecess in m¢family and among.those Ianicalled to'visit To regulate the organs of digestion aiid pori-Ty thexbiood they are the a dest remedy.I)have ever: 7tKuwn,and:1:can ‘confide Sees on to my}:Yours,HIMESWansay,Wrosmxa Co.N.8cad 128,1855.7"“Dean Sm:Tamaising your Catharticé ls fn my.prac:“fice,and tind then an.excgllent purgative,fo ——the 4,1856. in and in< a reeverng'p thePills.i : Sexate Camper,Baton Rovex,La.,'sDee,2855.*Dr.Ayer:Shave!been entirely curedby your Pills of . Rheumatic Gout—a painful disease that had afflicted me: Sat aE that freThesecontain|‘nO-mex-« fie , eh :v Alon we have Bold:an?for the relief of copmayetre iin ndvanceds |f onkry'com-Nay,few."are the. continent with. (Keep it by—' beat it can: lace it the. ‘oe M AN Sion afOTELNTSand:others:about archas.|shee tiingtheirFallaitdWinterSuppfies,are|ceejuésted to notice,that by the completica |,“af the North 3‘Eastern Rail Road from:Char-}_“Mestor,S.C,‘to.Cheraw,the ddvantazes ofa:|G CHEAP and*EXPEDLFIOUS.Route’feom | ‘s STORE ofour,frrend«and patrons.: .meaol ted Physiciap,and(having provided,Aim 439 Lathsistomach,whieh -|elf with‘com etent assistants,will,we have: ||and:patronageof the Public.’-. »Salisbory,pri zie 3185%. CoA.Henderson“oaueesT= (Clee SALISBURY/N-c fseS -now own'the Drag Establishment),f -gmetle occupied by Mess.‘Sill Sisk“fore teridet my.'respects to the:Cit Zens -predecessors;assuriug.them that’eve’: ort will be made 10 give:satisfaction:<~.. eS ‘Chemicals,Dye Sluffa;‘etc,t ‘ofS Ww.ied:ewetttcaybefoundimtheState. **as cannot fail to,be satistactory.” Physi¢ians and.Country:Merhenth: our stock.before:-parshasing elsewhere:*: GAAll,Orders promptly attended:ton,‘ ee wabl'Local andTraveling - AGENTS Aa call:parts.of the * if paid, “Also!alarge.and galeable list:Ot ‘aeonge these wilt ek Saiiad:LIVES.of ire CO Barat 63 enIa“Amrig our,trecent Ceiccan are.ae Put ie £lic'apd:Fatale:: -Lave «oF,eeREN Lavisetncnes RAVLLS AND Espo TIONS,FOR’SIXTEEN.Years.in ir Wins oF Arrica,Ke,KOH: call of these’Booksare among the-most sale2“able: publighed.:ae |Ot Livingstone’BiTravels { OVER THIRTY THOUSAND COPIES, and:the gale:is:-mcreasing:Axetits aré making from $5.to $10 a day i ‘selling aur Pubtications ;andwa elourList:‘incluties,the:“OBL saleal offered to Avents and:gaavene:prtarein pa “ye:fale oat Boake §to ooue for.i1‘per cent.below re usual prices.- faddress ty)0sJW:BRADLEY,Publishe Cr 48:‘NORTH:FouRTH,Stt 482m ota a , ee AT OLIN|WEAVER BRO'S,. -Keep constansly On!hand,at ‘their diana : a latge assort!ment sof ‘Harness,:‘Brid es. -Golkirs,‘and everything else tkeptin ‘a ‘Harness:establishment. “to:‘share ahi bie rel,patronage.from:‘&,ger, Verous publie.:Orders attended:to> with nediness anddigpatch..We ‘Pave’de.’rt posites of Harhess,at Statesville,with&W peony Liye;with?Eocles &£0.5. with I ho’s "T.Maxwell.esauOctoberIstaaly. _SALISBURY, inpee subserider takes pleasure |annotingtohisfriends,and the pablicgetally,that he:has,taken this lorg established:AU freight codsigned tothe eareof the|aud:Well-known Hotel,and has ‘made’fewery|Avent ofthe:North “Eastern’Rail Road will possible.‘preparation:10 ‘accommodate.the: the public,‘inthe;mostsatisfactory.maurietPasvealasatientionis°paidtohisFABLE,and etry cones is BLE,an o ROOMS... “His STABLES’aré sbubdeitly “supplie,and attended by a carefulostler ;and:to.all® i cPactimenis the:proprietor sire his person alatiention,.™“A corofortable’iOMNIBUSruns regularly”to the depat an the’arrival of the cars.\«With these.efforts to please,a:‘liberal share: Food 2Ou!oliLsspie &06.1ee May 2th,‘1858;ieee -Blow S."aligagars >Dr.BH.KEELY,| 3 For For saleat “Oct 22 1859..-: public,sea aameoeSTORE.} Offers a Proigssional.‘services ‘to ithe| Office on College Avenue, m4 ‘aiwse sold our.‘Drug,‘Establishmentin.‘Sane 4“bisbury:to Doct}.CLA.'Hendenion,we take.’ |pleasure im recommending:him:iG the ‘tavor Doct.Henderson.being Ree iaty:‘ednqu—‘Lars?pend were,sgon on-opr,‘weet Jeveryi,reason-ta,believe,80 conduct the ‘bush 4-sinesd,as.to @nititte:himseli to the confidence} “SILL &-“SILL .s sal itig one,unndred,ond arreaticene:i there-'| “IRE DELI:‘and:surrounding ‘Counties:esti_éspecially’t6the {reuds and:patronsent ANY"e Having recently enlarced my:steck’.con~ siderable;Pecan now offer to the’Public;‘as’Leesee theCity;but|a Jarge ‘assortment,and of.as'fine,a qnali-| sold:Wholesale and:‘Retail,on:suck terms] eeet ‘cially,vould dé ive |\t0 ‘call and:etre ve hastae ae $1000 a Year : SOUTHERN AND.WESTERN’sites, To whom’the‘largest Com thissicné:will ‘be:“OurList includes©reat thea Te.S.ARTHUR'S:“WORKS: _HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL,BOOKS, PERSON dnd HAMILTON,Dr.E.KyKANE,|dsi Manyof ou tary tat Hog al particulars,eee:Terre,&e i “Harness Mates cet e edfiiestly invite all persous.wishiig-10|4ipurchasegoodbargainstogive:us.a callbe o“fore,buying’else where.:By close applica~ (Mon and promptitude 1in business,‘we‘hope: rormaptly.|cee |Woodward-Libergy:Ain,with “A.‘Feumater «|we risno Jonesrille, businese,travelling and ‘visiting,-portionsof apd the.Mississippi Road: {oS Weave here in’a:Jew.day jorHolly:Suen’.i robably .hear,from ‘me ;“yj ashe ofai pabhe perpece isconideaHy solicis:ite opposite tthe}§ 5 Metodit vas eee N,| ieleven.o lock;P.M;“Here: |thropgtt:chet,to Memphis,for ‘able’'to;learn wh pawe-can r when We-can;to £9 to that!plac }te.ote!18 advantage’ta.-have (a “hofp.an we.are:Carr d through: aa,We arrivedat.Atlanta:next, ,untainsed ae S will beeen ‘by the above Notice,nf|£080) ore ; of ff}‘ak aa thoidred‘and:shiny ‘eight’‘nile ;ae ar be +e “Ling thea itweoinedto acl fra AIr appen that,ees zu ditys and end,did watFoil Us;aba te 4.good.dese andwea whichis’inde a:fine fouse te .Comi pansaivd iiswell:aregulat :iT ,alone.I learn cost!sixty-five“thopsand~’ hileeen elke he“in mps 90) t ‘ey:o They heve from’und ft ote:ha dred yaa Gfiy jarrivals‘and evar hefeshier of Rix ers,ralling«0%a awit,isshore eras‘ eand,Jifty ‘iret aessete ‘xaiaiaels toeee aged.: "Fis benetoae ‘house and tot ata“alreasonable and the Edt is,eee high:|Srialt were eopeetaairy |aead Sie.Sonve:are mow :!otal pokes,while--othersaare vacant “hate done ‘much’for.this«sity® years and}Swill 3 #eur."Ro 1s ter minate here—The Memphis:“and CBarlesion;, :Memphis and Ohig,Memphis and!Lite Rock, :Mise.‘where:ya well: pag eins ,xr oh |TheReception. 7 iMne EnjTor4,| Before’‘we inate send,y9u'aSeatour” pe a , fairly.‘Nlamined wi “fades.P 2 Bach:one seemed ihe <‘Bappies * hy[‘otaries,ofmom,she’mightsas *parchased”a *klorions beanty”present bei entystwo!dol" -Atianta,Ga: detpurchase aa. through’fickt at:Columbia,’cqming “his way,otmoteiin‘traeh’capothier af the mame Bames:bad”‘made,no.relight rottgh’ticket,|parsing ‘Augosta,pi ‘the ‘baggage|ia:taken.eucet pemeeie we ‘did not fa toaaatiention ito.‘the without,charge.emethi y at.ten.‘orelack,..a0 here was'en ortromAu)“dent ‘einbarraseed:scenic in,ae hoe?De ont”States- nhoOie Vt thejuncy.|pina rieg 06,handed:‘miley above Atlanta |4 have‘been,revented,this’ae will doubiless gpite Sorry ‘currendys 9was,ih,digs ing well,near -Pallabo-| the.roadvin‘the:“mayin that State,eeein “going.‘to per and thie straits of Galea c Isthins.Veen.as oShe several: 05 miasTsit“Nok.appa fent’then t chSteiy.“FifereAtefirst bebeld tthegreat neeee 'supe al ; eee Gaines ‘stintuse,molisseg Sails aare e:vitroillae tk‘pospsof driving:the.federalists:out.of that-“city, T aon ‘the-ehwillbeeventually.‘extended -over.he:_whgle .taivingthe.Galan;to Zuloaga,and that)ak -land:been paid tier clad igteces of the:deaiieswas’hae by rare.pe:th ie,glorious,ennobling.‘and‘we.could ‘nothe Pp.| mercy:‘thro a;aften’rakthig assome BageaoustTe; ;h.enter:pur:merriment.7a onm= raven:shair,.and: dark;dreamlikkeleyes,the Petsonilication of poe-. try’andpurigy,a perfect Hebe;‘who ‘often:elici-Aed.’the‘temark:sw.is she.”Tn:(One.instange’Ft awake eda Teminisceveesof other days,whe fe :bysgor ‘time,nice pemelinet no small merri me peéeh delivered at *fore,us ye resume:we wypofAtds..impossible:for:tein¢ Ao}“enter into allthesminiatia Of ee A igon geet OF,quite athe:a“of”tees sca erin,worl he about®amin.cents’‘of our) .alte ee Rais“about bi ees:‘the:time of ‘Caeaibus:rot:sony”to i ern and:otter Europeads,:but to,“tl f: r the |‘Phieenicians,and ‘even.Sp"4 }“We hearda “oative Syrian’who bh j courony ibe,since,Aeclne it 40 ltierstapae:‘mes: S| uthere-also. iof the Pheaicians,enwere,pits will:be-técsl-: this:PIACES i 1B roilitary :beunce,/o x nebasStates,oulcee ieee paper. mill ¥which prodace:two"byadred.millions4,ps uttds:of spon per anvum. ‘coaches,tO ‘Ashe vitle—the-best walaed at:(Mer Landlordlooked likp:'a re this large emnonatetpe Ki abo_crnillions,dollars worth afvtags:are tequiedithis:large fuaniity.must:ibe savehesfi 9boneSty,krout,and”kindnéss,—nix shadow,never grou-les ashoald,be practiced: iculay, by:thie”saving tetaslapl The |must equalthe.sepply0or.the price |1mie.Pity (saw the:-cathét,.‘ Hi bout a Yankee.Stoppéd:s Fable,Rock,*Qid 2D Mountainss:Di yi Tlie ‘Abingdon VirginianTgrels.(@learn dat ies <asas in nd ar Ts aewhohasHidaAb:ery perience of seve ry ain ‘ledijuvian bam,’ “the fever:i Liter Shieh!T.‘yphoil Fever prevails toaseThe.artic]it will dego:harmto eat i bewery:esdone,b and;children: icils,Noz'3,one:7g,that hadachickeni pipe and ‘sloped \Asbevife doi alt Tatin,apsiogt thank:far the ey ut ning:itover to Zaloage,anda largerone sent’to~do the.-same,thing,with:Vera ati is heliowed here‘that.a:‘Spanieh b ure,‘containing:Leeuta: [and an:unpaid.preserving as-a curiosity.' :Wen Black =:Loffand|immiortalize-yen esact,but lost the: the:attempt,- RES‘party in:the:apical,which, country,Unless.driven out by.the:federalists Teiis no,“dot i overofthis deaninstriion,protect,The-<ens ——sAnna “int,"ite ;Ip. tof'nmy ‘best:coat ir down iip the low fiate repiona ofsera f ‘Aisbernate): aein eaery:| wir es tIwithdraw:a insults.heaped - s00n’:ag pon ber. ee ane aaa * The Shail Express.Line:of:1 {One,file in four hours.Nvo delay id:ing:‘Ravebe:as one. =Ho«the.Sat ‘af sober,sf Siieelane listed,“at:Vers.Cruz; ;S &they ‘aré‘allowed to,walkppthe Hiljs. L the.ling:for'the especialhenefit,‘ofour pasmfsideattendadts:to:bold; ory aquart -of redeyeand sleep'on the.bos: |payfrient ‘of’‘the:worbed ‘oan’by.Rectan ite .Saaswag:‘the Cqusg 0of-the e satpenision,a a ><8 fo rin.through’!I &.&e:8)Mat interch tse.nitens “ME . or}Gasly desirable.packed up "my remaine.ig a carpet:‘bag,minus,my,boots,three Yeeth 2 eiea en apayee ‘book,jaida¢ £i a: wai with ‘bath Bpain ‘anidsata before the:‘ap imprisonment,‘and’tothe ae bubac:Ca ere ;a:orn, eeesion of,Congress “loses:qn shat-'paid offwith sixtes picks? an}self eain the} Got!cool,tired and fungry-} i(Mem-Not tojjump ‘off:any plate,ttl I get -Left the:a amc caih:colleau ‘pidated breeches,:transparent bbread-bas-,1:‘ket,hat:‘andrunk'foll of bed-nee‘aslarge’ would.puffit thus.- Schedule:time,'|)Chang:|am puts:you through ftall,Abe tine!‘Sub ithe.scenery.Irwhich The ?ample’time to:i,8004 ALite‘Issurance Company.at beth’ends ofS ~“rossing ‘the:ridge:No i drivéts employed:save those who cin’‘carey ninety-seven hours:‘Ofthe fourdaysrequir; ‘one’pair.saspenders,Six,toe nails;abrasé-)piece.of |sopy.of.Pilgrims’Pro.|leaveStagecompanyforisenextxtas gerber,After:—— ens =evente will.occar:thet wil roth,athe apelin ét,‘on Lond Napier’and Count:‘Sartiges’dre:both! ,anxious that our.‘pdverninent shall have conti-| ,itis Known ‘here:that:Louis)Napoleon:ae ‘deteconiagd 16.sénd:a.mipiater to Nicht,gua for. “the porpose-of making.a.Arenty,and”‘heading off. the desigite dat are attributed ta:this country in:‘ ee fo:thee F ranath a‘toute throagh ae “Was:from su¢ha ,ney.snd of.course:—were slightly |uptil’en ailied squadron can:be got into the Gulf;“hospitable,|akeSac.cwhich:Specs ‘eft gh:thé two|“embarrassed:yet;aorwithstanding,:they ace)T hey,Profers to,believe thet:bo ‘serious ‘sesault ”“flax breecheiclucktin,for'.Aoguata;‘and ‘er ved:there at:“quirted he selves with credit:There wascme |pon Mexico iis:‘intended by that:‘Power.’*:', 2is)‘here.“auighed atas an absurdity, Phe:Onion publishes to-day.Judge:‘Dévgles” Chicago on ythe:17th inat.,| tis considered —gens)stranger, d,t0:tuihy 0.‘Ore- a gonbas been,=retiafortenyears,encongeiead Terstorys‘with steady?ises,howe |esi ‘growth,and:her.‘Fepresentatives elaim’;his’ Maw has &os priate: =beter in arictsee “ofithe ccoun- ee,Fe-cominend.itto the:speciakétien-| tian:of several:rtkering”in for andvis. <Waly ‘place,'a that barge ify apes ae ‘wpotogy.‘for'a,bed,in sabesand”vermin gasugh 10"j uPTO THE MreMoumeoe |Sept..’58."°Left High Point,one of thyAept:Loe on:othe &it:Epncere>&aswell,as.there iis.butone set of er”“gay 3.is “femipusfor:ake and cheap,morals.; Got there,and left‘there.for’M ocksville,&&4quiidt:littlevillages county:‘town of Davie: Sal,nothing:“ot‘noto:sin:thé!‘place—lefi : |fT tence.toStatesville,Iredell}.COURLY,&Abucishing,town onthe:Western: ,aatenision.NeCeR-R.,auw comsieedio 3 Bighotel,big female school, company,“and méan:-chetry.- ty observable Réms of daterest!¥CE “Contiuded to lédve'“onrs a lied my conelusion.iuta effect,and myself }-into.one ofBrown’s four-horse!post-Froy+i ine“of:igonches in,the.South;“or:“North ethers Verytired —shirts dirty.)”Deer ee butfl ‘go longias.|?is. e:had ne tees Yorkias @ rolitia’with#stone “couttshouse. %Wal:|is on House?ot good,supperrgood:bed,and: Se ryMapai:for Asheville,which’is;ibanke!: ie if Peovideiess:jopyone 4thie:Blue, woedinubuitee ‘piece:cpfans ditto.:“of beefosteake ;that]. ow -the 4,a Gi ;nd;with.pain.Beane ieiusherintospasms.six,“giveet pota=|J 1068,ofthe.evact-size ofFabera-lead pens}. nyTEN,fit,which I swallowed-very qujetly.for fear.‘that i€1 made ®fuss“about itiI”would:be}-* chargedfor.#chicken dinners Lit my.|: tull-oF “one,d—d:‘big.dig:peut:‘for eating ouses inigenegal.-AY they. Hotelgot.a'spreadéeagie |: Neer:‘SAWSteenee h rossed”:postage"stamp,|qi ailor’s)Dill enT am) 43|tary ‘afithe:‘Navy has’received.despatches. is e,|dasbed if I couldgo the:buckle.’ ad a peck of Ruta Baga:turnips.j |"genérous,2 eS,‘yCoon skin’(Females,copperas ‘dress, p and spur :lexble.”:oY “h—Il,«*‘Capable "plowewith the head woreoff |: wrecarious :condition...He prom- “as early:a date a's pessible.} p {tercial: He basa odiesi leG,bu ough it is doubtful aslo its heads, he words,or,ifdifferent questions are(asked,eachanswers’diffstently.In talk Ineating,she uses both mouths,though itig:-supposed that:one:would’.answer.the |digestive organs.“:It}is”more.wonderfulthantheSiamesefwins—they.were two.persons:joined together”by.a:membrane.. oe2 aly —Cincingati Gazette: et aeMe SN Hard Story. -Phere.tea doctor iin.the”morthwesterapartofthis,‘consolidated:[city.whois,€5-“fpeciatly remarkable fur.Being.as women-term %t,‘short and crusty’-A-weekor two ‘was Iaborin; cheap whiskey.’hid ‘delirum,you kiow |’‘Treméns;you foo}are a you get‘yourruin?’queried:1a doctor... “+Allover ip spots—broke ‘out.ae|ously.doctor!”: ‘Served you:ight.Where aia you ‘eetYourrumP= =Father died of ee oe disease ;.tookhimundertheishorribs|aad Rariied him‘off.bodily.’ ” mediately:”#“You're a tramps Doc-here,wife 20 Vake-e.atp:ofoldrye:Sagi.‘Lie still.blockbead-’Mrs.R-,it you‘husband should.getworse before J]return,|ntich [will in an hour,jast-give him.«1a ¢of thattrunkstrapimaybe tert fetchimoasenseofhisfolly?|.3.‘Thedoetor sailed ‘out ravidiy.ondwith,|in_sp hour eattedin again,and.found his|friend of the ‘tremendous.‘delirum’in acter~rible’condition.writhing and:Jstrngglingain{but ignorant school,came up.an eatherhanduponthedoctor’s arm,said)."Doc-48x;I gave‘him the strhp as you directed.”Jid You thrash himwell:°°<-rash:him !”exclaimed’the astonishedwoman;‘io,Fcut the:ahaps into ‘hash.Andmadehimswallowit«0:<4Oh Lord,doctor.szoared the victim,{igwallowed the leathersbut bat hota‘But what 6 °?hed AEswallowed the ‘whole:‘tap,bot fim pil /The-dociorsadministered two read1and)evaporated. Tine “Capiverp Argicans.~Ths Secre-, 1 dated Poto.Grande,island-of St.Vineeat,October'29,fram Capt.Chauncey,of:‘the |United States.steam-frigate.’Niagara.—Capt.Chauneey.artived-at.8t,Vindent onthe,day previous to.writing."Hisobject.|Min:touching at thig place Was to obtain a}“small;supplyof cdal,having been obliged- ‘4o-use,steam;daring the pre¢eding four.or.|five daysin-consequence of the prevalence:of‘afobstinate’south wind,©which wasConstantlysettingthevesselto/the north~ |,ward‘and eastward,and dajly Placing ber.farther from thegpoint ofdestination.Capt.‘Chauncey:reports that’on-1be 14:ult.seven ofthe ‘captared’Afticans died }ftotn'acomplication of diséases,rendered’ thore severe by the.unusual cold weather;which had lately set in.“With ‘this great.-mortality-sforty-five deaths:since the ne-}.‘groves were received on board--with1prospectofa.changeof wind,with‘a.r pidly decreasing,supplyof'medicine,.anda|: axa prospect ir.faliing“short:entirely,}Capt.C oydeterminedtoexercisethe diseretic vested4hBim,‘end put the ship ander steam,and seek a‘southern’-Ixtitade. amore congenial tothe.negrees.In taking -Pbinking,this mode of“travel:bot.pecu:his course Capt.Chauscey was .actuated {.-:* and byeconscientious desire to Gifaithfully@veryrespoosibledaty:-*: “Tt was expected (hat the Niagara.wouldFotoGrandeinthe-course of the ‘the vwessel’» sa piece entices whang-s yeller-dog "Phe inhalatante of thisromantic region’‘fidence inthe good iintentions of;Spain,at least.are “kind,nasty,.‘impertinent,add lazy.Usualress—Males ntaining Just4yyards—hair'‘doneupin picturesque knot-on'tap af cranium aad tied with’an eel-skin:Feet,face-and bands ‘dyed,(after Fs‘the manner‘of the “FoosFuo -Islander-yina.decoctinn of:Waynit’leaves.and ‘Shoe-aumake’erries,end this ‘tendered,imoer-,®vious to‘seapand water:Stayed:alt night/with ay Yancey.-county-mag,*and.sho wed:a bitn:#piece-cf the’Atlahtic-eable:He ex-amined and’fsked:what.it wasi:Told bim said be—now,youdon't fool this chap—that’s-.»|-notbing but theheel-scgewofa:epee Rhereupon,Qld Dry’poneaked,sand,is ever.to continue an account.of]’ gus:abel ‘hear from:him ¢a girl who has:four.lege and feet,|**and‘two'beads.four arms,and “the.upper[part of,'Weo dodies,peffectly formed,’with“hotel:“the exceptiug ‘that the,heart ofone ‘ofthesein'the right ‘bide instead of the parms and:legs.yetiin:i $spinal and pelvis‘arrangéimente it isone.+.Its,two headsareiveryintelligent,audanswer ‘and ‘siug fo-|Bother.-In.answering.questions askedibyrePANY,gue,bothanswer together,and ia the |’ ing,the girl:uses twa oF:four.’legs..whichseverhappens‘to bethe)‘most ‘convenient.+ ‘Fhis,gicliis two persons,with one.body-"+: ;since,be wascalledto visit a patient who-]under a severeattack |of .“Well,doctor,7’in Romalieyou see—_coja>‘pletely -floored—I’ve eet.fhe,arose aus MW elie Fou’"ve eat to takesomething iin. '|and ‘showed-them at our annual i eat inp|song to the UnitedStates,TheofficersandicrewwereintheenjoymentofPerfect:a “Another’‘Harpin Heaven.”= “On.the’way.from iheoffie’to ok Hews =|cile,for weeks,as.we ‘nightly passed asmallbutneat‘tenement,throughthe wind little ‘table |on which dimly”@/comsmonlamp,apparently absorbed.in deep and.sofemo thought.Thésummeroflifesnarce-ly”seemed to:have topchied cone its.‘Tosyfingets,and.heir vabstrastion,for this reason,attra Thefrequency with,which r never jintroduced,-acquainted mates...©'The lady at tastzbowed:it asttoaninquiringlook,as wepassed windew,.and finally we ventured padeos.akindsalatation,‘early’in the ae whee:we saw the couple stirring.4 Yesterday,af we.came down:‘the.oe ‘bothcame‘out.to:‘walk,and ol A swent-a~ loag together.we “remarked,|°‘frost.."brings goodcheer.*hk isa bem ofsunlight- ~-Natune.—Mr.Vestal|shed,w peneetay requestéd usto go.to the Com-Hotel to soe a'rare tusus natere—| to.the city?“Not to us,”was thesod reply.~Gah?%said.we inqutringly.i-No;.BottoPPaadlyrepliedthelady;one month: little feet danced around.our |héarth ; a'merry,silver-toned:voiceechoed mnsical-y-iaourears 48 ein tga tettnoe — fouse—but not:now.”“Yesi”added the |husband,-consolinglyy thoughbe evidently ©needed its balm.as much 4s‘his partnerin sor.ow;“Yes,but another harpis now tem.edin.beaven.”..And this_was-the,secret of the gloomy vigils bythat’little‘table,with . pte lamp dimly Jightingthe’tgom..“Ah,iin. ,how many’honsegin.this city hasthe tight. ‘gone ont-and themusic «since Bum~_ ‘Mer,clothedin toses,was.ushered an by”-the jocund:Hoare!How little dothe mass,who agai,‘eagerly engage -am whitl of business,|know of the sunderedues. andsad "memories(hat cast.gloom:“in.bun ‘dreds.ot ‘hopsebolds —New.Poa PicaeSAS.}a taaWet 3 Tux:Coniibs in5 Cons A:Virginiage >pman-of intelligence,who.recently |Caba,gives a.sadpicture ‘of the.{es "|euflerings to which the Coolieslaves:‘are ‘ob- |jectéd.“They,have.nothing like.‘the;capa~* ‘city of the negro.for labor ‘andendarance ;a and yetthesame tasks are them.°When.not engagedih thefield they herd indiscrimiately,men,-womeit ‘and| children;inhats,with no semblance ofahe _ family tie-orobligations.Suicide eeamonthem,sometimes ten or.a dogen hanging.themselves atatime.-)is made for theinreturn to their aatvglandfromwhichthey’have been deguiled,and—theit-masters having no interest in:them;‘except lo getthe Sreatest:‘amount.of..work , possible out of them during their period ‘ot“apprenticeship,heap upon them an ‘amount © J ‘often hurries them to thegrave: KEEPING ‘SWEET prop A Connecticutfarmer (orga tay}00 the sweet-potato question,to be’size,bbat’.aggood as can be-on:the.sabject ped padingvegetablez):gives his experience uponthesubjectofprewervangreai the words |ensuing :.“(The 14th day,ofOctober,resi bont one ball bushel of weetpoilockipesks ed them intwo boxes,used dry 5parisfor.packing,:and placed-themwarm,dry:room.On the13th day.votApri,-1855,I plantedthem.‘Bvery-cne wassound iandasgoodasin'thefall.They came up,and grew-as weli as any I evertaised.or.‘saw in North Carolina:ee |believingthat sweet-potatoes packed plaster of patis,and placedin a.dry,warm “room,”will keep:perfectly!‘sound:xwelvemonths.1 kept.pompkins ‘and .winter ‘squashes one yearin a -wurma,dry roomy a sound as when segered from the vines? Picetaylast:myafter the « Cosemet:“Allston sent.in his in the’‘pee ah teosler Seta terms of congratulation to ‘the. the railroads,‘and otherinterna!immentsoftheState;eedimentofspatbemSapaomip ties -relers in-‘terms:of d incendiary resolutionsagains,free-stareleglalat ares tdeciaring solelyby the convictions of‘hisjudgement,|a :3 stoppaMona eieeentee it <3}Sixteen Tines.orlesswill’makes equire—-- '}Dedections made:in —<r Three squares,.10.00 -»15007;ah ano} When directions.are’not.given how ften~.ee ee 3 ed untilorderedoat ecm ow we noted ‘asolitary couple,sittingi bys age was famed eng made dy gh of labor that soon:breaks Se 3 se t a t e y s & = rs packed:in a¥: sah . isabel i i it if°bea a‘ _Japan as Seen by the ‘British..the 3name of disjtothestranger:than,“ang?other‘paut of| elouil,Was Son.Lord Elgin,formerly the ‘oputar te world.Suffice:.it:ty berecorded.las our.general,impression that,in ats,teejelimatey,its’fertility,‘and |ats:‘pictiiebeauty,’Japan:is not!equallbyany,oy on’the,face of.tlie3while;2s if'to inosihigsiaturalordaby:a race whose: safe.of the|most aici able :an iwinninggdescription,aeTiatprosperritythasbeer: AS t&insuré hap; SOL Atsu oe Noameés,choiet.“individuals,OF which’ber from ‘Martinrour'stayih the:valegs,last|Mr.freely with‘thosewe,|Journoud:and M:Riviere .(¢‘x something’of ‘thecon=|,the ekprospectsoftlsInstitution:(one.gaenough’to say,we hear amplaint against’tl aculty:Etds:5dud.them!bat allexpressed.themselves jidenthopefulness:of.the-con~ he College under},And:‘those vt orphy.Wor:.twenty-five.as“end able Gavernor ‘Of.Canada,”has.!.deen deput ed;by ‘the British’‘to,visitapanandmake'a commercial treaty |_ypith “that remarkable:people.:Th+Sarepenient of thé,Lon:don’Times “isewithits simpgives:a most interesting.accourit-Lord Eigin’s visit toJedi,the!capi +)tal,and we present our readers avrth:|.“extracts from the correspondence’that,.Bre very’interésting’23 well as.yseful:jment to.ail clasedszoThelandingofaBritishEmbas:|bY0:Japantie ;quarrel,and egsadorihstateae“the capiital of the .wfda;an a8 onlyia keeping.iparalleled audacit:ty:|thready been 'tommittediriShenaeBritishshipswithinthe‘sa--credlitnits of the harbor:Fhe bandStruckupiGo“save:thé’Queen’!+Lord Elgin ascendéd theSteps lof the)offieial landing pl:ee)near jthe (centér“of:the city,and:was receiv ed!gad put‘sundry:two-sworded:“rest.of,the’paission;.some’officers lof:the|Squadron,followirig-on’horse back.—~The crow,which for utinedthestrectsleading:»building fixed’on as thexesidenceof|the embassy;was Aensp im the!extre--The procession was preceded by,2!“policeman in“harlequin.eos tume,§jingling.huge‘iron rods of office,hung’, ingrings,to warn Ropeswere §sttetch-'}pCTOSS.streets;and down’which maises-of the pedple“aaishied,at_tracted by the novel,sight+while evWeardswere,gates|‘{partitioning ‘off,‘the different-w“rds:_.which were severally closéd jramedi-y“ately on’passipg the ‘processiqn,thus|*hopelessly ‘barringthe further prog:|."Tess‘of the‘old-crowd,who str:ined atthebirsan:aq envied the“ang nucleus.~“Duringhis Lordship’8 staydaysonshore.nearly all.Wetaloticary-of the -squaflron:had_**10E paying himw-vidit.(was a portion ofa té,on the ontskirts off what’‘fwas)known, Quarters inv other: ‘and:fame:&s “allithe workd.“geod.He :Critte Pox hy winning :‘ames.:MorphyScieagathes,‘and |da ny wrth Me Baucher’’Morphy. sont two eames,atte apecnont e Pisbited glch.“amore;intrepid:apherenever.icertvantof eae ofts3A ao nof,oe pe is:peopl whose mnate-|¢esi ed prosperity of:oe td.ieos he r manasgoment.The nem a See ipente oe can ‘The aggregate Note of:filingis late election’was:252,172,2an,mereas¢‘there dremen of ability;‘who will dis-] anes10n.i thoroughly.Yom h, i. itethe result:‘of:illbperhaps,‘be:>:that the Institu.,!ytight‘now,mone teesitscurrent/|1thinterdstonitsdebt;mntinued ‘:“support of.its”! yoked.titFn ‘fs trife2 1e% ee :Pof:1,192 over:oe revious.”“cuss,théWine.lvameandidateshad ”‘Senator;5468votes ah Douglas Democrats.“resolution repealinging ‘that ©odious essoe Adginistration _Demo-, have’yet to be intfolluced:x ith |®eryluxuriesof-wwestean ckpiliz:rtiom. mot to.be yar ondencd aut that 2.peTORloredindepentcBth‘es of their:country‘and absence:of!lux ury which so Birik:|“them:‘should not}arent,Gores htt: rth the:act-of un 7 ‘theres nceand“thee fregah Ww =eShe oust to cap’ :Br,(iitendon ae t ingly ¢haradteris.shaveexperignecd ae éstabHigh ian.Anter ‘tions,‘whiehy “In‘al Car ry in Its,trait:¢ could be ¢eningmsatce déntal ay fntages. ness,bas.éfisen, pan assumption:o The Avtatita:(Ga.)Intelligener says,| Shave-it from:pretty,high author.ity,that the Hon:Towell,‘Gobb,.nowmsSecretary,ofthe Treasury,has necept-'|'Rie au ed the:position of Minister to “Franee:-;What has-prompted ‘this.‘movemept,”Wwe Gre 10 informed.“he tm,this,change will probably‘ro-pre:atgeeuation,of the:Cabin TP“ante:his.chair by.“ive,te.oe time to:think to wits re eoey were’ahriftingeTheisexchSickof, ort tion.t9:Jha cry heart.” A sectional "together”wit “TF the--Teport: :superjority over:‘thellrTestofthe;“world;hut from:thé ¢con-yviction|thatthe.wel “ness of the cont increased Ly the introdactiontastesand.luxuries.aa es“The portofSelly is at ac abou |ipSisens miles from the.Gus(Great objection:has:al?ays]been ee H Red:to men-of-wat coming| eee iselFhas:only,Been.openPhd:Japantse-.s Lp relies|ckisted!to ships’ey|We,however.putfi i:without the “Je arightwp.and-are anchor?[2aeWiaRewownmenoffwwar,whiehwedid’not.kwow were here,and.with. in 2 mileof thé:forts.of WJeddo:s:-{tay sixctches for iniles down thebay.|pL SUPPOSE:it is the dargest in.the‘en-!tite world,for it covers more“ground”}than London,,with between:ta 9 atid}the:thrée millions’of peaple which;‘retoltedt.richt,is,more than the nic-Jeddo,avithout:¢ception,is onesWok ‘the finest’cities|ththework;streets broad:and:good,|taza.the casstlo,which ‘includes,nearly.the whale¢center of the-town,|built omLay“slixht eminemce.Ww‘alls or -enclasnres roundwithin‘the inner the Tycoon.Exnperor |;and heir.aipparént!lives.eeBece |of the princes aiid nobles2and‘yor:May:imagine thes:eiz6“hen é stomer eontain ten i r0US They ‘are,builtan,rewulie pwards:of one,Dof the:proceeding Lbovesali which metin’Nah FS Ag Monday:22dansts,.‘From.It:we.ea ;at ies the:ie was:Ney Sgood rloas Lodges ‘St ing ‘officers 0Wer and faster,Bet l-being.an”happi- nity Samenok:be eens ofTeh ‘of Raleigh,j £2 shows that tiereawere,*onhetstofJunefast,2.518whitéinhab!ritants 1,202"male aid1,314 female;}zspss‘tres cohored—oh 5 F:tale’ands251 | 5428 slaxes—617:male:2 ~°Makethe total .’ne nuber.of inhabitants’4a: with heavy:angithecrowdaways.ed across.the =~aseonbi esc Tsenh nee Sind“300-fead theegre:at:alee COMIN:th,seta at to =te tes ery few hundred: John 8}ee ie ;aporson:te NidharaFFats has‘egededin.an i volition Swhich©he:ane]tolectrica cannon.’”’lischargesiin min-’ heated ie A Pe all:that any care abe ous |wished,and,there was:ae:thing 10 prerent dh LUT:highest desires bat. tho ight fhe3peop werebly:te sfoehs : ‘larke,,ibe ‘Blizaberi.oe,D:.I; sueLeet Dipess M:Wat |néunces to beaproducessixty ¢without beesming:has been’procured y vend.|Britton’antéends Shortly.’to exhibit dts:‘power,and:fidility.»||then Proceed ttothe War OficeatWash--{ington to agtonish the Presidehit,See-:fe“ofsealers gadall the’‘practical: asanetonty over all.destruction.a ri a forms an oppor tunity Tis residenceplesituatednp- in this-city,|“anid| The believetlin:le'ofee es but witlitth‘Wherty.left,and with thecalmzetionsandoetymach ret apeople sia Ronelentta: the:U nited:so ar 1S Wh e r ta g s a CO I N ag r e e s = ope es e ba b i is d : * sa n e gl te e don”‘populatiion *as=the “Princés’”words,it was the _Knivet’s'bridInfhontofit,Wiwhichcontinuedfcloselypacked;With hou 4Lyeréivdedwitheest is:from.Tkyde Park Corner-to Mile.End.*AttheenofitIny.stretcheda wide and:-—eomewhye dreary aristocrati¢querter,containing the restdoiices af:three Lunt‘dred and’Sixty here:ditheach:a“petty:sox‘half;many.of them5‘tow 1 houses;‘and'-somp.of,then ubley|t6 accommodate‘in ‘these same man-|‘~sions 49 ,000-retainers.4erthe.‘Spacious.and silent:(exceCyaparty“of English:wethem)street,we arrive “at the outermoatofthecastle«crossing it we are’~stillin the Princes,Quarter,‘but‘areastoundedas,we reach its farther lim-'it atthe scene which ndw hursts ueus—a_macnificent moat;seveneighty3yardsbroae there wes very fs ~~ ‘contyol af theitthenomin:lations:‘Seal peWereasieeetheveyieonecompeUedto s:the na Phere’arelithnthis,raat er ridwsSereports:on 4HSweremade:from.committees,>Aipone them,.agaratfeabanking”prival Atlantic.and Pac -apamy;‘against-Lesislataeof.penis a2 t the:Dal to:“‘con~ary.‘princes,aerelgn;in his own bo=} with half’h,dozen: — . — pe Gk OR et t Ra d e - TP ea d e d eh we j is matter,every.oeHieacttferl,and:asmachn|be brokensaben:that-5 * ~sj,(aainiee ip.andWYanebytISeninstthebullrte:wise‘debtors;againstUlto-require masistrates.to:Keonsords:of their:olftcial rececdings.—aufavorableneport fx committ‘is generally:oqnivaler £0"Teje tion.|oe Ake Housso intro ced.a bill.+6itee LessaTron’‘compan’.Webon:2.bill tO.Go tyathe:3a? ms oe at i ge t a3 oe Vaeeee.inPale valde oe house of the owner’ +re tronsing| = FO am y ws .builtof che pritgeeceThenawaysleadingto:the Se ecedingly:handsome:of massive awdwork,ornamentod®with Taqter.and From the‘goad*tha-|earls Dythé.moat’£0 the,secon: e ofthe finestVa teasgesiam bn one ie cofth+|Of Jeddoswith ‘the hich hiljs rising}yond,while onthe:ther:HS a.portion|:‘|Of:the ereat dity ofJeddostith:Mts!pair tony to get:=to old; pruly.agp vy |dens:and trees,pictures pre:teples”»denote.that within,|®and densely exbwdled.Atréeesfar:"as the eye,ent’ From,the highost |ads 8pointofthefrefit:utionsin:rear of}jtthe -view"othe“eastle a Papramic:view is obtain-»ed Of the vast city,With‘tts ‘twoiand-ahalf tillions of inhabitants,|castle aloneis.com—ble of ‘containing fortBatthe:party.onsfineitself,to exploring the city alone}:excursions of ten,miles-ere’madein-tothecountry in two different’direes:|'.tions,and but oné:Opinion*preyailed:with ‘respect to the extraordinary evi-‘dences Of civ‘ization which met:the“eye in’every|dircetion.tage,temple-and)tea-houso!was.‘Sur--jyounded bygardens laid out With ex-_.quisite.taste,and‘the miost.dabsrate *=the.Winesthe mito)initic for that end:it-was the t:|back tothe.OldWhie. He had nothing It >Buchanan,but,‘let:his g etree with ‘that oftGe ‘a d there,‘de‘vices, L facet.“vith ‘a nieceTeen,”eSearpmeht as ;manyfectjin.height,above which rnns:a.mas‘:sivewall Composed.ofstones CiCyelo;fi,an inthe dimensions;ed ie its.turn ‘by at lofty.“psee_—‘Towering above.all}ithearmsof{giant’cedars;2 emacs es,.and“the Enp@wlprecitetsthe picture:18)Nat,forgotten.- on a n re es po r Ee over ieee the’silarids us WCrOW n- AG Epoident fur,oRowing pos ;oa Au slot.cacli onehélp to;a$Boon.28”possi Oe late at Chapel ©tae:=iveing:to-daywho.yaad the 22d inst...Dest osareeitentby.the nanie of Boy-4.0aEanneRaleizh,‘inn anotherstudent !ee from Waibninteton,in strom,* Bridayee ; hs F ah “8 W:chile to prevent thre decaaes fini iyly:built suburby but thThe|Miew of aliis ‘that eh ana to De capa-(kept:green’‘banks offence,risingSome»sever“the broad moat below,+iAth grand ¢cedars,over a hiindred Years ‘grow ing fromi its sid es ae Moore of:Chathim,i ‘to ee[masletpoglein thew Alamamee mnning thousa ng:Zcouls;eer “yet.Sa5¥aging ore did-not:con--|diberty world bes, king;OUe wiOx ck iyworld,and Le hopcc that(just ‘enough to ourselves ©inaAndwhathave Jans w hieh3s uaeieBeek:aeiYemanbytheaeaColehi ‘aw,“$6;amend tho,eharter of|tke Cheraw and.‘Co alr \‘or‘illiesn,tie:moat,‘the randour.good:order,and completeness of ¢cy equal,and.ta some’éx ;pany thing I haveeveniscen, or any pit of:the’weld W pan,expedition’,in:th gun ‘cottages.ayere)surroui pet withly:blended’‘y ith }.clipped hedges;the:pri“The natural ‘fas well tailed |“and kept “asany’‘place |Thre same‘completeness ieandfinighexistsineverything.©) Bofinieal Gardensa are yeyellcatedfore. young panes,ete.5 A Speech:from Mr,Grittend jetHe a-visit Me Mattel, Every cot: a mana ana “killedinW.tone:es mah nagned:‘Shalt.atesgduse.of the affray:|(2%s the day fixed.forthe|@negroin’Winston,‘batSpitedto:ations1cGowsteto-cxamine the petiedenCharlotte:De Belge:the.Suprem‘|Mr Martin,j {tiee egtote, cont victionin certain |,: “neatness:was-grandeur,of “dein.”»features of the country were ‘admira:ably tzkenadvantase ofjandia longride.was certain to.be«“rewarded -hy.a:ro-)"Mantje scene,”where:‘picturesquely PEAMr.‘Byrd,to amend 66th chap.a}jn Eneland,,vised code,:eoticerninig justicesof the}ees ned Burks:to amend.rewised colle,chapter entitled Salaries and Fees...i|Mr.Bryah,ta <(the Cape Fear Bank. et My Haywood,‘ti ryiggood,Sie _tea-house Was >over.a wateér-+fall,or ‘temple meted.its tarved"‘gab-2amid groves:of ancient.cedarsia—use’Is a;national character |,apaw.The tray eler,weari- heat;needd ney) rest and sat osha, provide.for 3 the:payinent!‘ofaportion.ofthe public debt..|‘€"Phe Judiciary’.cominittee mepenet Semator —ee eat with the.ndén-day “eapbonica lta besment.Stretched¢upon the’seftest and"cleanest of matting,-delicious flavored te“|Short pipethe'fragrant.tobac Jc2pany,he'resigns hiniself to thé minis-'bexy of fair’dainsels,.isely:‘about,‘alfulofattend: against thei hill toremove.-Jewish*dia-|bilities undér the constitution,©=:‘The billtovexténd the.corporation ptown!6f:‘Sta cesvilley has |pia editsthird readin in|the Honse*Acorrespondent OFDemocratsays::Since‘mylast letter the Retin{Has been driving ahead.~|erof the House,Hon.hg:makes aa:good.” ia ditiver s ¥fick lie,Tésp |Timits"of ttimbibingthemosbyimitsofth ‘the:Charlotte| “trations of a,“who glide rapidly:ar=a the:mgst zealous,and s The.eak-iQuarters on the L2thvand Col Crossman,as isoeFifaitQML,on the 13th,and all dhetronipe strangeof it except Mrs:Pete*Daze ; bee,at once alarmed at the! but hadno other fear than tgirlhad-been abducted for the =e : z 4 i} va ns ‘In ‘their‘porsendl ‘le minceoaapanesepresentamarkeicontrasttheChinese;noldéforined obje:*the’soul in“the crowded sireiseasesseemalmost unknow:ni |ésasaki,toward eyeninortionofaemale-and fem:ght -be.seen:cmmocenigetub.at‘the corners Of thestrects.——frequent.largecritethedoorofwl CO imentsrnip:7‘the:Suountaine|and:being Tosti!Wee xy 2 ternshs ever, fCl LWse has:cen re-dectapeslentof:Commdn Sos *Rof.eat oeowas a 7 WaringEsq.5‘Gandidane forthe: a tidns daring the winter:were entertained’,‘‘resurrection’ie tle’WE would resto coutitry to.ite yp ‘to itspristinObjcetofthe feat:Wi‘which the thmen xd chi ie oaBideGapcb §>>en.to the passer by,a curiousssficctacle:|rg to condense “within'|the“the.experience andPYationof:a residencéin theca«about ‘which imfor-“mation at hdmeis $0:ror tienwhichpresentsprobably2greBatyotfuriousrendinterestihg Ta Lous Son:Thoaday 53 Se|Gainermadeanable.speechin its‘favorin’:Senate;apd Mr.MeKay;imadean:‘appeal that.Ought to’havson¥inced:all ‘that the.ballshould pais,At.should standon-itsown merits,4s‘matter it which the.State:is.interested.re |The Senate’postponed |the bill for con="rd |:oe on—and the’oonseehat and,presents | imthe House,Bat!it wouldnt |: (the speaker). rather he sre say.many 2 long ani for thewhole scant,‘atid lives;excep a or th on {tution-deing.silent as,to the age requi- permit’@man.undér21 to vote.°,>“A-Dill has been introduced.fo:subsven (Btate..—ane -Some sensation,you maydepend:the anong ‘its advocates‘and ..oppo ‘Davidson,introduc ratingtheconnéction..©=> 2 |was!ito:have Deon ex débis,by Lat:‘Charlotte.|fe Thursday nicnight,and. thing passe offae a aeaatimenIREDELLEXPRESS.EUGENEB.DRAKE &SON,“)EDITORS AND:PROPRIETORS.eeeéfontpicoenertnkeptestesaoheennesewesc ,8 A ShortTalk.::°Shige fy de oe:line delphis,@ portion of“ournew ‘Lype,.after‘a head.The’‘insideis printed upon new letter,” obtained from’:the”foundiy:;;and no pains will be:spared’ina general:way,‘to make the Express:everyathing,in point of excel: Printing Préss‘and Raterials forSale. Afavttng!supplied.sour office ith ‘a new/ \we offer for Bale,the 5“press: rand ity pes’‘onwhich,the: ‘Aslichoro”Bulle: Dppritibed,having’no farther,use for nital ile for iisuingéa medi ieee slices: rad In ;e hope;that our fiends generAlly.swell}: {conver nt:and.BO.‘procure:s.few ‘dditonal’ Sprbsc ribers;that we mia not have.the urd.| eh fia’heavy:expense Without.a corres =De ing patronage.“Maviing bata limited:adv ery re2eee custom,ax compared with other’pap-! :renerally,our columns will be well -filled:[wit renal maatter,;and Subseritiers will Hot ng’the:worth:of,their money... c's Historyof North:cin a re pablithers,Mogsre.E a:Hale &‘Son,fora’ 3 copy:Of the second*‘voltime of this Wook:—2ris’.(printed 3in “the hest:styleSof the typor ;State should”be,“and reflecta gteat ‘credit up~!i \e'skill’of the publishers.Ofaes ‘merits,|itten by one of the best }ee of. enaler -‘hanks to the ‘BhilomethednceeSueiety,of Olin,through Mr.tt the‘complinientof:electing.the'Senion:ian shonofary:amember:| i;opoHont.L.Be Chemiichacl,2for a ‘copy Por the main,fentures of. i a io:Mr:D.Gilles.‘pic West Me.re a'slip from the Office’oftheStyJBeshJournal,Rpubaaning,lateCal{fornia’sintellgence.Hehe AB TheSalisbury Banner zi mh ed‘Hay donned“a new head pand aits’tag: pearanesthis:aveek;obking ‘ag briight adaenew.pith:and as mefryasa lark.Tite:Ban-: ;mer deals dex blowaat oppone 8 octasi Ly,they.not Fery hur -Rt istan4 aay theeaseOF ‘MrelMoore.aa:anette’:Book and Job-Work.county,who-is not121yearsold,the House decided to al- rother of Tow.him’to retain hisjseat,the Consti-dteallant Louse’ay -Tsite ‘for.ameniber,‘although iit does:not peoe oS Te Stes Before the oe andis cst nents} striction on-themata Hk roiingthebuilof%of .an:Sia aaes which,capaedeoon-|,teiderable flutteramong theonemies ofthe:Danville connection:I seealongartiele-in the last Ralkigh Registerin apposition |to ranting:acharter.‘Tho!ister would not:haye published ‘such an article ast’summer while its |.eandidate for’Governor,Mr.McRae,+was going throngh.the State alyooar; “y“Th.the Senateon Friday,the:aleednalImprovenient:commitiée‘reported’ |against:grantiig -a _charter,:“bat:this’ed: “Tn the House,onBriday,Dri Piite;{chard introduced:a bill-to’“incorporate‘the North:Corolina,mes Institute - “Gov,Bre ave a nd.ma ~On"en rs Mr-Branbh:¢hadone:on’“Tuesday “night.”Every-.reason why:body enjoyed.themselves”and every- Sturegyiys,eae DEcEMBER 10.: On Mondas last be “received from’Phila’ :lotig vavaEC,and too ‘late tolise it,Tm print:"Death of Jndge Nash.->»nigettnre first-eide of this:isshe,excepting the “be-ased’Altogeru hereafter.Neiys ru es aad.otfier:igyproycmetits:will be oh Jinteoduged ‘BO:SOON:fas the+muiterialg cath,be "fence W.vhteli its frigends.vould,Qcsire to:Ree’itaM meresfort,when:to:them,it.might bey eC placed under’oblizations:to-the |; an grapliie ‘art,ps.a°Uistory of..the On ‘Noriht::and manufactur:i ;extraction. time of ne rfice,will bea well -furpished JIpbby|ment,for executing Workin -the the Artin its perfections..,.’- splicited,and Batisfaction S|China HallCharlie. Harty.&Co, umn.5)7 -ise for. we would direct:attention,- articles.‘that may.‘be‘wanting. get lost: #8 money.fis Connected-with‘the-Express Bn ee : and for reasonable prices.We have;ed for'this bratich of business one ofthe bes‘Printéra in the South,who'lias hada Ste2experiencein“the ‘publishing housesin-+)Philadelphia;where hewas.bronghe up to” Books,Pa:nphicts,Circtlars,Gatalorite,io|Cards,Labels and all other kindsof Printing fea othe:riversie reaRéadaSadvertisement of 3 sage:Jae’proprietorsof.‘this establish-:‘ment,in Charlotte,to be'sseen in anothercok et p town tot}ye]rive; phe brag’he ou 7.Several advertisemente ofmuch 5inter Test to,the public,o:property an mere at Negroes toxbe hired,&e.)’w: found:in adv Sakecoluning to all of sch Snow Camp.Machine Shop,:‘Alamance,JE:will be’ivéd:.on.‘reference“to.gir‘advertising:umns;that we “have«accepted:an"‘agencyof the above named Seite =pingestablishment,for this ‘county:and seq,tion,and:‘we,will”reeciveapplications far: “oatat shes ‘Persotis ‘desirousto Remit us ;Honey.EeCando&0'at’ourrisk,by taking ‘the Post j|:‘Master's regeipt to:exhibit.m cagethe-nhoneg=dollars,when Rent,sould be:L-stuck tothe:anside ofthe ghéet ’with"sealing’>}:wax Ota wafer...Posteres yal be Teeuiv.4 :Bills to-inerease thé ‘palaries:‘of.the!’“2.”CarolinaGit,Nov.Site,1858,Superior Court Judges;atid to add-oneormore.Judges to the!Supreme,GourtDenchwero.introdueed.Also,by.Mr. Davidson;eeuaiee the ollection of. “Medes.Editors:, |lina City. ;[eee,making on jorerred at thie’end ‘of the Jine:- “ant o¥ereoat and a potket book.¢ SFneed:themioney and:coat.” >It thay“bedinteresting to:\cometesdera ‘andparticularly #0 the merh.[)<‘ants aud-farmers,to know how’quick freight 2|.canbeCae frost.Statesville to Carp.20H.Haynes,Exq:;ofIredell,ayshipped,a-quantity.of,flour anit‘other producenthe£2 instant,[euppese it left Statesvitlebythmotningofthe23d.On the-night of-the 26th,it was pnt inthe ware house attfFthréetlaysontheroad.Zive youthis.information“more readi i Z Tain‘of‘the deterttionof goods recently hetbetween~here’and Statesville.Where is “no fegoodsshouldnot.igo -as quick|from thisplace:to Statesville ae-troni thértce”“ss here.=There’has been’gross.newléct A some |_.of the’roads,and I think‘most,likely that’it.Liate te ne e ,Yours Truly,Ww,B Gzanty a>‘A “peutlemant in:Phi lndelphia aver ?;ueyt '|tteedten dollars reward ‘for-ther:cover}of I. —nonty and valuable spapers:The.‘thief re-.}-!“parridd the papers ‘through the post ofige |‘4onthe‘outside of the wrapper was’. ‘the advertisement,aml under it was"ster,| uiumberof years. Toa John Letclrer has:ee nomi-Ht nated bythe Demoeratie Convention ‘for Governor of Virginia. “feeThe’Grand Jury of the te ADistrictCourtofSouthCarolina,have”ee to find a true bill’against they,ctew.of the slaver:Echo -being:\‘gaged-in the slave trade.” |Shocking Tragedyat oeTheSpringficld.Repnicen ggive:-the particulars of:4~horriBe‘which me perpetrated at Chicopes,0Fridayeveningthe15thinstant!The!3poetothetragedy-were-Alexander)>|smasteau,2 man about twenty-five fe“years:ofage,and Augustine“Lucas,a!girl,eight,years old,both of ;FrenchDesmastcatiis.“a travel.is|ing vagabond pedier;-the girl;Autenwasboardingiinthefamilyof;Peter.Clexe,|Dame,a:Frenchman,iinChigopee,hetfather,who was’ wife,livinginNew York..~Itappears that Desmastean’wentofMr.aeGuplts:“State:Improvementand:-Chicopee on Friday,the25thinstant}‘lief Bafy from Mitteneaque;and sou shit employ 4'|ment 4s a burnisherin the{Ty;“where Danie,.‘with whom.he wae:uainted works...He also applied totheDwightMills.He was intoxicaand“Jooked@ as'if he had had-a meat After,leaving.Dwggit”4 Mills,Desmasteau went:to the r denice of Mrs.Dame;.the motherPeterDame,where he'met the wife afPeter,to whom he made some familiar -advances.Being sharply cepulsed,|ae -gotinto his buggy and drove off tothresidenceofPeterDame;Mrs.‘Dame_pape?,,however,andres:‘ish dt all}following’on foot:“Before Mrs.Dae .liner o obpecumiary aaa aeore oe arrived,he had taken the girl’Aug ‘LLate From “Great Salt:Lake..be tine,.on the:pretense that ee wanted “Mr.Schmidtcame direetly Dhroush frofn.|;Floyd,having-left this:post on’the fEth of}:Cr Gen.4i ohnston,went}itr winter} “;wonld:,#0.into.winter:quarters in’a week.»A “number.fof:dragoon’horses wet straying:off’ go andsee her mother,2nd:poetatotheCabotbridge::»He was seen bySevecal peoples 1 I no one seems to‘have thought any hat + trainsand high:winds,:blowing,down:Ule gle of the mother.All this occurred ‘diers’|‘tents,BadL prevailedat’Camp!Floyd,— Quarter 3Masters’storss'‘and provisions’:werets“plenthattlie:Camp,and no fearsiof shirt ra- TT)here’WASA.dearth’‘of news)at:SaltLake 2 Money and.everything ¢else was plen-}/bgt laniber:©‘There ;and,“eonsegnently.a great.demand.‘for thia’ticle,’“he U.S:Didteiet Goyrt “had adjourned!to.ihe first:Mondayin this:mobth,cS ng to redonesoine of ‘their:combades-fromothe:calaboose:’‘The affair!created Sentee AG about seven: f ot and dangerously wounded |bkidnay ing,and:en'Satur"|inthe thigh,by someteamsters,.inattempt 4 Fut half*past:‘sixand seven o’cltweenhalfpa2=°: ‘at ‘the house aeatheae ‘where he-‘met eter Daminsearchofthechild.He declared L new Hothing sleet *the”matter,. bited“not the éast.concern,ut -was a gredt Scarcity|exbil S siceSayNias ated down atthe table.’“Mrs.Dame,how}ever,hed sentfor;officer Clapp,and. r hircof.‘tlie 1th.;a tmérmion.lice :Desmasteau was at.Saaseseea taker of the “able eictement PHS Ss is |_|silverplated ware froin the Ames Com- a a wis >*-.<as 0 Scpany,and for-this|i -a %corre ction for.oong.ee Ea oth ri tt "The Hon.Fredérick..Wash,ChicfJestoftheSupremeCourtPeelearolina,died at hisresidencoiint Hills.|baatorg’on:Saturday :last,the 4thiinst.Hewas 77 years old,and had been!on)‘.the bench in-ae“Carolina for a BSuTheLegisluaaks of Suuith Gax!ieliceafterninebollotings,suecceeded|.,:on the 2d inst.,©in:electinga UL S,35Senator...Cel.‘Jains Chesnut,Jr,tosshavingreceived$2.¥otes—a majority)**of30:over all otheys—was,deelared e=)‘They would be sold.low,andywould ‘Jected.for.IX years:from!‘the Ath of!:--31 xarch next.~_Ak.the time‘of his elec}.ion Mr.-Chéshut;was Speke ofee‘State Senate.ag Mes parated.from ue mesfactos. y,the Gt bound him over’fortrial.At“the sail Se‘time he was found to.have stolensome ca stewed errr oe Te We€ne Legare vers “Was SRSfiom {Dissolution of ne a Yip ARC pliable:Proper is>Breas tint.New.York;wlio-had Ne ee 6se:whoare inde éd'to (TORE.'&801 .FOR ‘SALE cheesy ae 4,beauudtganed ofthe abductiog.ob Me :“pas NS:©AYER 10 particule,Stil mn:the Li ee a L —ion |Prize ‘THE STATESVILLE TAN ans cont verse dalres temihat neither fathen nor‘jnoth-aa aaatteon sent:Att et i ey whe 3 G c labled:to'ithe Tatefirm i 10):to-¥A pffared “for Sule.lt lies,immediatdy.:on the i i ee RN at oe afte,~See stispi.frenene nlther fuee ae Tor ¥et :‘5 Si al Ss jtationery:See at CATE}:o x]Street between‘the Court Houseand depots——Bie i:pe aeoleases, ~CibUS,arose;that foul slay,had been ‘and®make aiyment.a"Settlements fc ts a4 ny ee e.sows!20°ains.of ay fn :to:bi und Ms a 4 k St aut Seer Agent ibe tbe.site ts ite,There are several,acres of-isndbelongingtothe}Oe oy 2 525},M .= :e -gomatted A seqreh:“avas madg,oy mate with ‘ether of.stunt’thie 15th ‘above:varped qustlycel;brated Biarony bot th a little expense it can-bemade the,ae pe se Peon thre youn f earl,und.on ‘Sunday ~Vast, ‘;&ae 3 nudry,185)}atter!‘that time.dur hates ‘aiid BOOTS‘0 S BST rd.don't you.KBOWT can’now:taih specimens "of."AMBROTYPES.iiformis tire ‘public veepectfully,thatue sue fee:desizable Propersy we te Ka Wesein ©7 eee eta wire:some Ine w ere preparing :diag |ac counts Ww AT We the:Ieandss fi nail attae boaneinn Ore:j.7:Mellaneotypes,’Cdmeoty pes:aulees*every Ins!TuMeve:j Persons Wishing 2 Nor,‘Carotna.é a va tN ’8.4} :‘ay 3 i ,ofbear fon Eolld Rion :to purchase the PEANO?by addresting hitn;5 ‘gacilcs Tallow,28)Salk,-, *the glver,.lier~body.“Ws diseovered|jel ay B:REESE F ya F '“well knownie you;various other’Types,whieh for’beauty,will fe setit's a eo :a s dilfere Beatie 3:Avvly to:S.AS ‘Sharpe:“I antioe,3025)Suger,<et i es flout ingdown:the:‘stream.’“TtaS,sup-‘at cae MS SET EWALT :;eae Sci eeN ie of "mor ie ility and finish,“2“are;unsurpassed.stytes;:tant,prices.smrarked.Dips asd ae oe TB v OF a Q.Sharpe.‘¢at Com"be ~0 a 55)Loaf,ee:aia =~% iosedt that,Desmasteau took’the child:Die.8,B38 v Ces “op:the right (kitkd.of.Boots ‘Shoes,|J have recently,:‘received full ond ia ihe Pianos Aaned and Repiired Sta sei Meteo eke iy yet Uepichens;2 106 12]Talfow,’oats” “diwn te th e river:Bank;where’wider:edt ine ON ATT Gee we knowthat a great many.of |syonshave}‘structions,Under *Mr.Ww,RP."Hoghes-‘att ———~zi a Poe,dozen,0)240)Wheat,a aS the “bridge:he outraged her person and.Si =raga MRR 7 prtbeae articles from:NS;ee ‘can 88949 pre:ared to.takeany <“of the shore-styte ap ign ;i :eat ia =AEA ergo ray 1Featbars,2 35.0 40)Linsey.Cloth,ws Eompet ihe crime©by ‘outright arty pune eae %ai a Hgfore Higateask WVe haves©Pictares See eee.ait ae,aide sag See one:Gs eed cOW SIM.|Flour,4 Gora#28)Rice,Cement oe alex,The Leepublit an says.‘ee The tated ono thas:neti wed |Mot time to.26.and‘sep!YOu}.bait jgst call or a gure +P25 'FoM “Rewaethe.olyaed fs prex|“The ncersiznedggive notice that oe have.Faxed,|.a 100!Seba =Hi oT e medichl texamiination,”of.‘He the 30th itch her “The!F piniaber of etulent th HOOK STORES.id you:will find:your s:$i vk ivr der his Bi 208.atte SN°Co State baie <SUR dinto Capartnership,undertie sty1h'05 aeinpies,pid:110 D.Poocteners “3 90 “| 1.le\ .y ¥oan :Ste a AES auf!ee .‘or Ve tratide oo TER y ;é;niet . -3 ody eightdays ‘after,the crime,‘and a treediasig,the fs t scholastic,Ur ACES “bottom eee Nass TR y seoeniic ae;ets eet ne ies ¥ATTS.WRITE e C0,“Pork,perth;CaeTe cnt —anpl'd 3A2 —;wlicn decomipasition’had set in;distlos-bins 0)“int Bae 2 aes ENourere ean gts eee r ee oie if iB wAGs upddhe fact of.a ypersonal.outrage that The,wert pin.weil PACE Oy cae Lk.SENKINS &AYER...Sher ty ee eae ee Sene Se :ee eee eat Up@ “gld stand:sof -Watts,sDoug-| 7 Weiwesday Bie REE eo}AUP naa ie :ee :premio te ot eet FALL VAAL e KA)+:stirs,Ug eas &GG andre.now raceiving*dyrect |from)FAYETTEVILLE.MARKE | beggars dese riptions:It 1s certain t at.“No dednetiohiaril m lors OF tne}so.Rigact eS |Os AEE ANT th -thote indebied,10,the:Iai ae eee cities:adarge’and.gqueral 4as j|Bic Sy Aa“yeas MOLASSES— eve if No.‘other violence had,beer us-|Jess thar three weeks at th i;Pa e for gg me 2 Seal glee a Nace PN .Se We ay 1 re SOCE!LeSEMORRISON:a savbi orttet f Winter,sashes set me 11 OUR—a 5 nn P @abas 80 2 = seal,lenth Ww‘ould lave relievedthie little|Session,dndiaione fox:les aes ae TiS a erent oer GANA Ae i eS Ca i es bares Whether.ae soul Ag IWO *\P ‘“501 Bom “sufferer In x few:dx Sat Te:ast:The.alter the,time bf entzanic’th rh 4 falta aoe agate y ect Bt NAS Sr aR are tetas to.elose-our busiieee ?STAPLE a FAROY amily.AB.37 a &+ean S58: Soe Lys .3 .Dee 10;15K.2-H pha poe o 2 Wes ro AY Bae 3 {TEN Gone:Seoneee ‘te ;;Veer “635 «¢09>SALT—"->i -“throats asd the nrarks of strangula-|:De aEdete A a dinirgsroom,or,¢ppl —Dae egies :h capiesbenteh Nee 8;tes.4 “eof i ae DRY GOODS$tee SS -cb«008eyi tele -: >ptioal,sandele skall was broken by two}‘CHINA;6!5.0iLASS,<CROCKER OM ie ole SS Sean aoa sat at his O88Stands on Bro:feet get Me ie hy,Ale dont 1 eh B st &‘Sh ate “|Scratclied 475 a 0-00 “FLAXSBED—-@ : »Hows on ithe “forche:aid and left }.2 2 ans AT,:a Pio T few dante Bastof tie:abe Sqsare,where eS TESE .ner Glothiing,aesaid Chl os’oe,GRAIN.tye OEE OO,a @ 60 8 "5 :.4 ge!i ‘wh.:~oe.|a rad .todoval|Kinds cof “¥0 PT iar ie wet rene ee at Ate ele |©remet i N S.: “APter compete his:work &.rs:Chine Hae pom PT SAL RelA we ‘he’is:prepared y 5 0;.Caps;Hardieate ‘and Cut ery,7 BR : of na ‘‘Corn’60 a 90!NLC.SPIRITS—ig a ARS =(he od |fe“ne ly done.at the Emablishniett.ee ORS Ul Ba Polen:a i : :Desrr aste:uy,cither,t irew the:body far|oe ag es |Bt eon ae ;Pees ispainiag:‘done ‘bu‘ghort riotice,.aud in “Jarse lot.King's:ty ‘fnets,:Q:1eens*wate,Drugs,-‘Medi:|‘Wheat.’10 $5 2 eto::P.Brandy 1 002°00 2p “out into tihe‘stre 1 or employ ed oreof.i ee e eek sa :Cisebie aa ;AR EER mphes ?“acoworkmanhike mativeris ea ereet ehiate ay MY %(Sita ¢e”5;yoya eth ice ite 35 fei €3,°Tron,.Steel,Nails,etc.inf :Ome”“45 a 0:150:Apple do..7.8 p00):“f ‘the namhigrot <kiffs that linc the shore.}'y ay Hudlve oY APo i cae +on Accounts alter |a2 mouthes:Nov:l2 a ahah TE:“>—GROCERIES—'>>(bbPes’..0 75-2,0 90||Whisky 50a 55. *“0b.1 27;‘se FR ;:fi :as Ty a m 2 *Thi OW lifeless”corpse ‘i be-.)re ea?ne if,daa Sugino 4 ;ie By BK :oot i Scie t a Sugar,’Coffee,Molassus,-Sal,“Powder,4 LARD en :=e WwoOL—.se o 19 4 :i :‘als y “Wa eeante ar ;ys >e .p =$Petey h reeceon ote rebaco in fees,Cale,Pal Pex ee eared “Sheetings.-Seed Cottor See enone pre Soe i the deceased came ta her e ae te BES gos i ::ae det ol a te 2 wish to “purchase Corton in the’sced,for sive:establishment:All of aehich!will be Le CHARLOTTE MA EEL ae a f ‘¢|wich I will:Ray:Ake:Aighest 4‘markets ppice,id:vergole wifor,Cash.:: ae achattheists:tH dst‘of Desmiastéan.5:bs oe Diath ah ny.Rak}hasSistas Sipingmp oak {pred,atiny!Gia,-2 mile and a Buf noi our ae‘Ssiesfore:buying elsewhere.:Upecona>:"pork,pr fb A ca a 8. +Pte,culprit wag .arrangeit before} “|Hog round,”11 ascat‘Molesees'com’45 959 Jahice WiMitaker,of the Chicopee.“Po-Sakey Preserve &ands Bus.MOEN i ee ieee meses st An syste Ds f“McRORY _,i S.":@otn,primus ,50'e66|}«8 Honse 6040°. Bec.ob.Mor day,|when;after a See Peters ;4 a to,7m£SaisFO .sec.&:For sale chery.aby:the bolt-or:bate.*:;re Be 4 (ei?ne ae Fe ug Meal,pr,bus ‘55.a 60,|Sugar.Brown,ee 3 a ye)CG McC.i 2p ASBhigincet }ean "eR ALEXANDER we a Set cae B-Rs oa ex ag:sia he:was “committed tovjad :be aa m ur Statesvilie,©Oct:Bs:1858.£4=Ft “45 «50.(Salt,Sack -sop eee. =.tO «Maat uyHeacthar of the aream juryYiw .ee cs Lee heehee ge SU R ::my he i qiais ve :apenas iP prdus)60.265:| dh Decemheery Ble:Was”Mery un¢on-Feni t E i:Aer ;cack:eee eRe:Reva mat eatsifor én:zs “MAL has?been,repaite g=ee Bui.>"450 (BS on hot |520 ie cernedit BS.medHers .The:dorks tye Of Tnonstone?Net ,BCL :d ag ist Ge sdfyou.want ‘GODD:stat,aide ii Eye “|Wheat,pr huis 90.2095 |Potatoes,Irish 00 0-75"if ae a si ite”awe :Mat:ne aot Ae esvilld.<b ary ‘>Peathers,pr[b -300357Yarn,bale~200-110-7 y f fe :vam anit i ‘A Gerd,-pr lb 1a 12 |Whiskey NC,43:50: »tr or ma .2 --i ‘:’ae ;‘;’ Heseaten oe 50 Be aad Rast,At 2S:Ler eA ces TNR ign OREO cr ae eee,Bie ote _|Wool washed 27.«28 (Brandy,spple 78 1 He bel ;t t :ts ::ns Milt:‘Waa :OU sa ————;«%Gawashed 23 5.005,«oy ae +!tad. :4 SwoonANI cia : ee a d = Tint “of a Pre ss has"-iame Bek oe:“¢Mentantliority,that |eae He Snel oe Neoet a Rese Bi eiigeaeey 22 Cea f edell Coun J.Sesion ‘Paretiacel aed orbas peabpoe:$AL I SBU RY.MARKET. ee aac conte of”ber,Tadies th Mi:ae ¥+;:Mie “Te Sehas Mest Maa crs)Bor;Se .ubroueh:ofc :so08 Ph,1!Quality:and,siyie,inthe Cities.of oo ‘BACON mils Bek FLOUR t Shavehe emeaged:ane tn:aki SIL pet TED AB Nas Pees ::gasco oe x sts1TES\PEO eee LE de vs.J.B.Gait ese hia and New",York—Condisting,Oe ary Sides 4”ae:Per’100 Ibs$22522 55 £cgperiments,om dress’.PG EN ret aap Tete cents wes Bese on LADIES DRESS:GOODS,pee a ee ee : ::alRaeoka *gine A tens Coe ss mp el i :‘ane .7 Fe .i sicbderclopetent,anid?ex fitie SI)i t ane ¢Savill’im at|©Y Ete Bik.‘Gra De Rhise,Fancy Dre itks,|per ib.7..-+7)4 ad ,Lord per ab-“Msid =: cee135 atkne they tte gts a oat ;ried Coun aK e ses :See PUR VBS Nae ve aeea;hia He 2‘BUT TER ak MOLASSES—ste :Be ;ane soi MeN Spt ny ine YPer tb“.74220 Sagar:House,-70.1") pr Valeneia ido¢)ido:SEAN The ay ony 3 i : e.th Cobd:Cash’r de Cee REE eee gh ‘22023 ‘Common.35045 | EeSaysyee abef a Pl aaa oh <2 SALE:Fas ec “éeke nota <by’dde Chene Robea:Lez (7.|Béat Bae oe uae Syrup. ‘display t €aot OMe oe Ode Se 4 Pu ic ren Eth oe Pieces cant ah sad Pac Merindgassorted.Colorsy e155 634:FEE—>>78 SR ate exe iG ersat‘Hine *“nport the,icoletater at v4 :234 ns :f ai Rospee the.:i j ih andfig,dail wool:De Lajnes,eee Rio’ioe eats Losf.=“Mal?! “od tisk a uae me tly their|ol Side st :meee ine Ue eeea cate .Des ‘Biezes."Alpacas,Ginghamis &Beiats,Tacana ..°15816.|Brown ra a 2 ia \""y ve jné oe ‘:oe SepoNso piri eae ‘eo!White and Go ‘d-Brilliants,2215 Se ie ar A ie Sige aaypirite:ait 5a 7 er ye,4 ec se ere ee va ae aang i Bs CEN eats OHETE,|AVhite Marseilles &Trimmings,”¥5a Se ees mas oeho les‘ss gto “to:Wve).ie RR ge i ys HOETINA wees o te ee of ‘7 ae .f peny.th:“jue met ee Heton,Naingook abd Withoria awns,”eh ah tes “a Foe ACCS TE sre :;Baie gi PL AE Be f K :wise,Matt ‘and Jaconet’Aigslingy,=Gisbass “Sf Pork ‘per Ib fattestExpbroidbred:Colla and:sleeves,’Adamantine Peas,per bush *;Asorning|{so oe Spesm.i.e .40050 {POTATOES—* nee cpske :’.ug saab 4 “igen Bak {3 (veay cnengs A.Coe ‘Yallow.°°“17220 Irish!85 spiob”: &{times Phos ae SPs Ted Sie ae Beit:GW,ny POSAese HDs,rae cL ans ee :POH Se a aca?hast eeS Head Dre ee CORN—B48 -|Wheat ;75 e100 «us a “rr fe AU oe eens :nay Hr ses -t ape paths t 2!:“»eins pees om ws 2 ai ig Sra ny gh ‘48.6 -p f ;ark.s vdsome:resser,ae >‘55865 Whisky.Ww; Ge th.ae :ile eteatien Panebe Masta:|So one NF uC ms eeeink wee sce Sins :‘Eateststyle “os WINTER cosets ie u oe who ree 0 ofp the nite Ie S55 tt Hea i ‘ag tee :(re Drab andBrown Bloomers?Mealy 3 es se ale ns OP Georgia,and:Bt ay ve ‘Sette :f Th gk arty:nae oe .mt a3 or bie:r ‘i a von ¥[,ty Tri ache,Soi ace Bical Wreatiys.°-|:Aisles eee 33 o90 Washed,-as . of eh harle ston,died ‘cf :hv tats reat mrs Bip Steere a aise eye nes :s 49 st a ari A With i aerate rat eRe a Ladies’C 2ksand Mantillas,a yy,+iA :.cele Unwarhed.ra ape:rsako announce:ee |that it isk tb a :BOLIOL Sak .:ets ie and Tinted|“ashimere Shaw Igy +a et UAB oe,;.nae ic ase!ES ‘‘eee ‘ot “a “conti i “¥m -z arent *a?2 ee i Meesike }Be ay int p.Ey thi Fit ;we wa rt 1 ‘y Fy a “+be ae end dc aaa Bees :re ‘e Rex+‘y eeanid Torta :a fa -ae oe nigh laa j ee )ee:es!4.Fs Wee 1 *i i a hae alia he aes apes ss ws“NE Ww:‘GOODS. Enjredl States ander Bevan et tates eh Eh ubecribe Bee gale,oti accom oScm ;7 7 ;.Chineile Soakei x }‘The Fie ed sevens “their ich iisoe 2 bis Hause aad|wo,01 any faize:‘pieces,iB.oe Cc iP,‘Princess2 ee Patent Lippedeter 4 pear,ne Remsie,So Ta i cn ing.)“Foree lich»:will pay.’an a res i :2)sion'Bridal —.a ye oop ‘all.gad.Winter - ‘ScomlainS hog ese ay Gel EN i :ee a ie"essere ent pot pov,i te see soot Gio Sack tO OD S— ase on tine.’ont iy nowt if Zid!te . SFist ind.afthe Best Moki;“5 aos‘cost|Casing in part of apie :Chothe;:Doe-Sk:a and “Fancy eur AF"Black and iuicy ;8 I =x S; a oriplete:sae et ee ag clipes matin menos Merinos,all eol’es:M }Saito OF SA eek ae ae ¢Dy a,lee)y i ni STAPLE 1 Y Goons,ponena .Delaines,,‘Palmetto:Cashmeres,. { 8eel ing nor Ht aN :NC WCU OOS):(oR ‘Sitgs 4 CARPE’AINGS,Sew ey.:at -sByadere side stri Cashmeresand‘, po ae a“4 i i 3 a é “i oh nG ra ¥R a D.oie MON :Hie Fens ita!“8b Hard .Cited eae atid.apes Pelaines;Detitize,assorted coloft At ey‘ND BEL Ww:COST m hi MRVie fog ;:t.ies aa Gat Si aie *i elt POM cps 4 orn,eile:ener +ee ;Bleached and)‘browen Domestic,‘; :dewwiishing “Luitgains had.tie her Be j :Lim:Wetuy era VENT:i tee MRR “i nisi agate We ech UE g Guesaemere,"GROCERIES—Sole Leather.tae Nie oatsall o 4 {‘ELY;eas their Stock tne x RN y AAN*’Cay Vet Le.At Y;AAT AG TT ce ae S.3,»mee oe ain?and “str 1 Osna 4 ddl off ‘by’thes Tet day.)ing a >AER |:y a fi a é.ty SH SEY Sea Meee A AS se.article of Cuba Mok ‘suger,Coffee,‘Tres,Cheese,‘Candies,Vidlas.:Kerseys and G ja Plains,— to diode the concern.;FROM:KO LORSE POM ER”ee es eke ee are :fs fie HS ee eh us ee Sal aes *Kal of shich aaaatthe:Cavéimeres,Satinets“of all[kinds —Priais of SAA abr Seas 'Ag:f ¥ee TK:pune Nearoe:Ses Sembee?Sieh adwiehs ;tN oi ce {ty sod a ctades—Shawis and Cloaks,&c.© Eyer)’:.=!Se se aay ars 4 a i pie Cie ei 24 wits atate math atin ate t rAd gag Bg ** os \iL ROAD NOTICES::ceHa iis pablo or-aeatioaped ooh >ae ieee a ae *@.G/BOARD.:1°CBO ere ee ee ee Negro Brogans,/bs a ne ‘|:eee ia ian Ane Ue ia cepa Six:months Fedi sfcith,int rest, i “h,ie id =.:;SSA ae eo ¢§Shoesand sein oe :&eer ee ‘fe ae SIMON "FON.i saat Ua eet Sane eto 58:Se)»ie a a es eae fg eet a sah E ree ;3 ieee —ee eae ;Pete marisa”-Heady.Made Clothing. a aee dines.i oot ausb=. order ai warranted;good or no sale.>):¢R 0 CE TE tae WeeS TOION d°Wrre of all:kinds;ee 24,nl Te s extO1,Window Glase assorted sizes. :vi tpntc.sine,a F oa bias Bee :2 Stone wat beg aT CPI,AP UANE Ue}Dings-a Dye Sates asceast pairs Gia ths uhhi inuehi vat my hause,anu SA :OS P ORAEE DER Wd a ng in Ateriee.+The Edin 10.boast 17.Pn eae Adbe Fd Ao mokivg Soap,Sole and upperLeather=oe SAGO Hs Sor IO NEGROES)OCS a hataras “ithe.destspapef ithe word |—1 F intend Reeping Da anc exgiyn wee vss Soy tg ers fe eg tte All ofwhich were bought on favorable term; oe atre Or aes Oe Ain 5 e 1 q 15;Maree th ‘s SS :k Ibsand will be soldat prices.thet cannot be roe httle eirls te Sl ye ene Rat n te-ta:Bay.tecerved.‘large.|!:,a eRe ead Seioaretn e Lea oie ik >+in ‘Western’North Caroline;:Give'a look :d “¥R Be AD AMS;ee deh at ioettort wi es j ;Me J F ALEXANI erit ing erestd pra ty.BSED Why 4 eit»“3 :;ef Halt ap ee ‘fore "baying |‘elsewhere.©oechargenohiog fr EE :ae ans Guardians |)ye 4 ane d Sa en 3,4 oe d :i as :“orb oe 1h :;:ee:gt ane : eae1s sete eee NL A ey aah GEA Toes y :inal §4 t KE “ALEXANDER &©0., pi |e Nat :COE it vg j ip papenstand-Ce vi bri Se Steg ia Stateerille Oct 15,1858.46s ' s'seagon.)|;ee be ;ei :;Has just ‘téceived the Fall and:Winter:x : “LamjaneNegroes.|Any dingih ou (Be deleveredse Re Ae ie a ey ANDER pales thou Saiaben.neg Sern Ashiots—will,exeente all Osders ih the,“2”We want 100 Senellpesdnia | ‘es rk Regist iy ee :ete]:Py ead cud th pksaan i ne,dispatch,and 4 a 1g 10°)dried:Peaches,for which ‘we:will give $3 50 ;On the Bivst iy of Fanuary next,oea mesh ack hoe is eine ~ns ey ,a ey it :4 ;CaEt adie tn 2 oat ei Bly *Saat iets CAMS {ford ponds.-nh pees P.Ae Co." the EL.aed hidon tytn to"“the:minor “heirs -6f will be bused "and the : |po norms,nopr.ett,es as hited,for one year. THOS arxtwso™ JOR STOCKBON,2 ae ee he eee re re Ala ec eae ae)7 Ue Ieee ‘|HOPKINS,HULL&ATEINGON, aga vsa for the“Guard’n.soak .f SOLOM:!%::a ds arehicey thr”:Pe Opt i ep fi 3s at -of :a SUP Up Oy vole Sa ; ;oy oes ees :Confectionery and Fancy Goods |.|.WE hee eg *OSU Oo.|238 a 2 wikake “Theift:tai weds eal a ae i Berl 3 FOp 1 é me :;:-ye cbs =;:sed a io SO MS aia,:Senoat 2 CRC‘ed ym ee be ‘We would respect Searthe-attens “patna that was dueran the:te day:(SE .3 eS 2 Ar Re ‘ripe 102“Respectfully,informs ‘the:Citizens of tredefl.ion af buyers19 the”bala3 and sretees :Ny weg ,“and the pubhie generally,thathehaa receiv-|stock.of .+ i.WwW.‘STOCKTON.vs .0,ete a BPs :ink.egy cgi Ie Tate js ow the mou ‘ofLi Kreek ‘ed‘and how-offers Jor eale onthe most rea-Hl na te zai reve &+acy Siar “:i s ‘ac nh <Ag nt i Et oth ie se!:2 ae.‘.1 sonable tests;oe eaey ares eee ae BRITISH,“FRENCH &:AMERICAN er 1 Sciaticwing,tor:the’ciate :rode ep ‘A:So sh a :a Ne ts “a jopeneg a:%moat x!nd 30 3 es d es fh STR tot ee {ior FALLaoa WINTER tise,eae 7 ;at JAN SW.EXQALONS,deceaned..wil masta dale :Gans Nees eek trait)out ;‘a ny ::;oe ee aLEe .|low opening.-Encouraged eS Bee “HLERED ingthic teak bt SPATESVILLE;'6n.Para als '‘m5 :Ei i:::BS oteer aya er tie ae ‘aie :extended 16.our late firm ob i im e theee iaiy ot dale“lib.neat,‘forsOne 75 —res zi :M :ye ;os Eee k f q Fe t l S 19°e ah -&o.,weshall be prepared to offer ;———eRe ae are Be.Ret ai ae of hiring made kKhown.on:day.|i Bee i ~s Sh i AS :;ene.1s |‘:She:oe i “; Pee y ‘i‘‘;of:;Uy fay Bae an i ty 35 ‘r .2 * eer :}x 4 I y zi Ah .+3 ¢1 “i «- ee 3:d les,for-sale hich,for.aged UR OCs Cas iE}J San ee :DAY IDSON,eek gf a aa paar Sb eR i ;x BLE:andiall k:the place.a’good:G At x Ervit,nu:{in the variety andextentof our “ck Re ea Admins’Te ’‘k wt wy ;ae fe Si r r ork a)I i ae eb 0 &:.Her akg “Che eae cone ee aM iat now ll BA ee apureks 7 pe Sag eis PORTED ITALIAN of 2p "|NGC."Rallrond puss earth jana,&ken in exchange fer Goods.ee We‘Solicit Orders_ &ful:for the tiberal-“patronage re 5 1,|partiedlarly:.from:CASH Customers,—'}’ 4 45 be my effort to hold out inducements:}-ich euctamerts and thereby’enlarge:m“Oct15,1858.é 46tF ‘NedHe uyroe RT ow SE4Ab sot \TESVae whieh:reaitEENaeOEEaeIstofJanuary;T8892 :%ne oe3loonantsea,‘;H Id be:happy’Sr ret ee rettt ong EORH 0 a Pe mead Mar!ei ‘the BOOK.T oyoulshall 0)rig ih ama ca at payne Ase 1s 0.of Mi CAO ace oF.)AGU:‘e ALL“persons:Fade to Win. €aretant hile,rie a ae :i i ft aa?i :bchrsers .ow 3 ,sae ata ee et Vt ys ‘t Mutphy &Co;are:requested to. fsom,helongiz ®to’the:Fe }old:<,ae laaty:b ee cg ec ade eee ,b§Hx to the Estat 2 that rd ae oe eae Othe ANS eet eee ek ele veal xdséttle'b the:Ast?of Jul 3:stindet Beard,dé ceased:als say.¢3 ;fs re his:.-personal.at ie 7 eT f a ect is The Sai egrnetaba place;“TE avill offer |‘to’!1 y,call just Gall’+Oct:*4 3 ng U promt irae Be.) ot aN uNh D Pp R.al BOY amet Lani anes now}::i 44 ,a 3mn8ustcharge,toctlie Estate:i ay iesa tiny s IRE ghe,tal;ince ofithe NES pel o naling t0-ihe Estate for one ||$d day 0 Det i ciessini incu!“on bi of cate ‘and.nite!YeeMLELPREELAND,[7 “Dec.10,1858.Si <oB):»ppnin’r.‘ane? _Pay the Printer.© -As honestmen,attendahd hear =eapteioe>‘The'serious fact—the times are dear; :Bat Whaowes a@ bill,"tis yost ‘as.ioe2Asstar-light.iin the winter,” Hit Thathe should conte without’ceay ea |Bik That's ifhe-caa—that.billto'pay,;><.]2s -Andere he puts.his purseaway,°°2S “Forkover!tto.the wos Soe bi ;“The Printer’scheek iis seldom’fed eco -|ver fear. et e . :The fine machine of hia head’! hes.3 working when’qu"are in:bed, ~Vgur true and:‘Saivhfal Mentor”: All-day and night he wears:bis shoes And brains tp farnish Seni domes ul But men of conscience neéer réfase eS ,To pay tae’foiling Prister, *’ st e i n { s eS * ir r e . po o l : se c t gl y pe n a ne n ne n in RI E S I se ee sn o r s i i e n e i s a n ti t t i e s “ig known,or oughttobe,-by.whe:* ."His dues are scattered.and:they're smalt, ¥> Perhap®hin'paper;then to square a tp with bis belp—a dowble™“cate : ‘Bows dogs bisbead—now,ja it fair ;Phat.you don’tpay the Printer?fey ie ae :‘His wife and Jittle praivem:tan,-fe as i .‘Are now dependinggupon |FOG Sates * ve“And,if you pay the scorejth t’s due, t st‘Necessity'can't’tint her;gta eA oar-But.if you don’t,as gnaws the :hole,gpa‘t i.Twill thro’'-your-conscierice eata tote ann *-And brand the foreheadthus;|-No OioyOo!bam who.cheats he Hamer ;neit e _ “The cats willmew between your ‘Ret,winThe:dogs will’bitesyou:‘dn.tHe street 5vatAndevenyurchinthatyoumect,..',.:* om “Will roar’with voice ‘ofStentor;,As.“hook to.your pockets—thére He:gorsme ="4 .The ‘chap that weaté*the Printer’sclothes !oe *And proud,though everfbod+krows~ ey ee s 3 Jo v e n 4 Be:sicaply just,and don'tdisgrace’BEE acibut,beg the “Loyd of Brace,”a-F6 thaw that harden’di‘icy “case,”"|.2 Phat.‘honesty may efitert eh*»This done,man will’with 4tanact fair,at Po “Abdall wil‘have.the “tin”to eparc;ae"Phen ‘will the,-Ewitorial Chay’ol.Support.@ ‘well-paid;Pedler:: =oy —:“ al i » ae ns ee . ” oe s - Ex Dy Meatsths emtfe:Salilion's Lifein Utah.9 5: et 6 OB letter to the Phitadelphia Bulletin from “sayss, The quarters ee the,troops are ‘going up|:Gis rapidly,the soldiers miking mortar andaroeSyme"the.«dobies?gto.the masons,who are 1a j pretty:figure .of “Six dollarg:a_day 16 aad “found?”Here you "gee a;party mAxirigSn ud: fr hes “‘theie a paity carrying dobies;thére a squ;d «carrying,Jumber,and there andtker.squad, failing ox‘the:‘rough Tools;Each’maa has “his place,an.the allotment of whith,your Cote| a ae rerpondent-vecbpies the.respectable and fe- sponsible:position of ‘hed eartier to.a Mor~| mon.‘Many bands make ight work,‘how- ..O¥er,;and’the ce fatigne duty;as itis called, et)nething,more than-healtiful,pleaant,ex> ~+éteise;and allday‘the nherry.Soe e andyjoy- ous laugh gd round,_and:‘al are,grateful Lp. * 92 ah v e *the ptospect ofabetter ume this wintet than -was.experienced Plast.‘Tha!buildings willbesubstantial‘aiT*-comiaxable,andevely, -\=~-exertion’is ‘being mada 10 enlles them,as, i i i i~“b ."ra . ~~Teach your (Ohildten.ta Swin, Levi Buck,a boy.mbt-yet-twelve’-years of age,was one of the passen-|gers in the:barned:steamer :Austrias«and .sared his life “Syswimming-near. ty an _hour,The brave little feilow isthe son of Mr.S,Buck,of.Wasbing- f ton,D.C..;The narrative of*this.child says =,+[was under ‘the ‘charge of my’ane:“whojs about twenty-four”years”‘oftage.: “At the time the fire broke out ‘we.‘were-on deckSand thecaptain’was-asleep;and: -mpon ‘deck and.exclaimed,Children,_we'are lost!”The-captainthen strip-. y-ped off his coat and ‘Jumped:‘overboard.4 ‘There was great excitem Among:the:_=pastengiers add they tried toget thefire | ‘tuckets,but they-could |hot,as the buck--ets.were ‘all fastened,‘and.could not pe | me «avith the passengers whilethey Were still: ‘were cut,-which plunged:boats and all "into the sea.‘So great:was the rust:tha:}. ~goadtby the nameof Pollock was hang-.#™.Yang to the chains®f the anchor,and.he,‘ealled to me ta come.to him::.I eth a tried to reach bim,'and was>hurled:ore. ‘the’heads nd shoulders.of ‘the crowd, -held-fast for about an:hour,wheo my|shirt caught fice.[Was-all:the time.i.hair,”When. .Pollock.said;ytXand-heplunge, A ingieg to him.As we.peack the waterI lost my:“hold :hour,when I was takes t 3 “OF.the Maurice,.and;-"a balf afterwards Mr::lock was pick:ed up-by one-of the’boats off the Maur.<ice.*,When Iwas.clinging“to.Mr.Pel.~lock’s neck thé magazing’exploded,wih‘a terrible noise;andIsaw wads persons p,by.the boat | >fying i in the air.-.iL aN aes Tempers.”bad ee li Bad ‘temper is’oftener the result of ae unhaphy circumstances than‘of an uns}~,happy organization;it’frequently,hows **child often needs dieting more than-cors}““Tepting..Some -childtenare tore prone ’times.on account’:of qualities that are~waluable inthemsélves.For’lngtance,|-a child of aetive teaiperament,sensitire ‘feeling,and eager:‘purpose,is more:likes than-a.dull,passive child ;,ahd if heisofanopennature,bis.inward irritationisimmediately:shownin bursts’of pa3-sion.IFEyes:————al jor Zi,ode ifhotpaid,he’s bour dtofatt.°:ks of po 38 In.debt—for fuél,bread,rent or,ee nec: The rab,ar goa’dthe.Printer 1?:‘:4 asCamp:Floyd,U.TE dated October,13th | citizens hired by Ane quartermaster,:at the + ah Hee ven and the ‘Peace::Contmissionets’at4 $0 ieament aspossible gles peas a is.asvintelligent and ‘as interesting as‘lithe.narratives of the sdeleeucrivere:He.i rage}-\ing up and poieies a eaeSinelA ig it26Pew)?rephed,the:ad!ge tls “-theytwaked "him up,when he ryshéd} “got ‘loose.-The’,life-boats were.‘filled{'aE _Ranging‘at the ship’s side,and the Topes +...my aunt'and I (were,‘separated;.and‘! +-eho'were.uncertain which way to go.’T { a Pe ali pped down the chainsand clinched jt >upon:Mr.Pollock’s neck;aod then.Ij: taan.hour:‘and |, ~.ever,has a ph¥sical cause,and a peevish.d «-t6'show!temper,than others;and -some~t ly-to meet with constant:jats and rubs;/-2 (eaicie “|ebilling:pressure ‘which e aw alisto:do'a ty,with’ fot-meny.-}that mode of living t termined ination once”formed,“the ne to-find thewoman‘‘ this éountty AS not3 -|tanately for him,’a near him all the,kequirertidulgirloftwentyandsprightly,; to bessure!8 ridicule. that the. |thre widow thle meet} +nations?,15:»Very iba ii "replied hfeansiderittery:proper that’¥:aAnd,speakingof marrying,-Thave:conglided to.marry myself ar le ee .Lapprove?‘of the:idea”?‘the old’gentleman ;mits ‘ble age to.Bertie:‘down: do.so... men.+ you r? spadea a Mito.perms Ihave been’‘Cone to begin WE 1 The en sand:‘the out in ‘conpiga crease ee sable)hen {rom RO:aH pad ouipo Lis, sible:for ihe.tollowi |three.Mr.(we) for obvicus):reasois)ha: Sometumeg hito:the good:| “quite as hands Stance)‘an ald gent) one piace bec ates it ocei ri ReYre‘who.have you-decided aieoe efe2Why,Charles;it i circumstance’;but summated they:ail ee yoices at>.of him,and swam-aboat for nearly an jv Spoil and reel «‘unha: an years;and: to inerty.again...The:deter in, who: "ideaof”marrying ove 0 ee »ger ; than ‘bimself-might expose in toh.” your ng,0 oe een,;Charles,Ata Hot a hid’eee one mistatce. ue Sete Be nd-nse ‘aust.volten’oe es e.purposegommence:Often have sc expeumire:a with the n ddject beyoni3pighly t.Campaign,“thelass Ral:Re often reducing.e of Al solute sta cold that:if he.marrow;in. ‘pens.-shiver-; :sulting ‘Sorgeon,have.been published for:‘gratal A 2 tons distribation,.and will be gent feof Seesa |to ‘the:afflicted.:iAddress.{or Reporte o¢trestineni Di Gxonex I:McNeEELYHeToke h sReCargoun,consultingSurgeon,Howard Aw ps sociation,No.2 Southt Ninth Street,Pritadeist *pha,Pa:By order ‘ofthe’Directors.:,raead i She at2 (within 19n-to establish’eeiDe Pe, REPORTS.and TRACTS.on the:nature |; oetreatment yfChronicDisenses,,by:‘the €on- at Gxo-Spree prema peaneae :1Beendary'_President.Foi lousee&Lot forSale. ‘Sohscribernie offers far sale.a’House.‘and.Lot;in Statesville;near:théFemale’College.©The lot:-con-* tgins iwo:aetes,ofground,‘the fiim- 3provements:have all,been,pat upy“th‘lastcthree.years,and. in the:ya there iis ‘awall of-eex:/ cellent water._Any:person:desi-' ‘rps of-Jocatingin*this heaity and thitving | own,canbe accommodated wath:ek ‘dwels.. itne on cheap.‘and,peasovatle terms, Possession ¢can.n be given at any"‘time ;SCEEP ¢constantly ¢on.“band de)cascoptinent “Watches’;beg CESof a tus ef =the ye sein *purpoce:‘of eae up the Shoal Mane. EAL riseseee belonging fo" Cott iaresituat- fainining 1473acres ‘of land;lvjng Ont, ‘Annting Creek,"in Yadkin county.’ 'three-and-a balf miles ‘south,west of Hamp-tonville’.an the .majn’Roail -Jeadis ‘from ‘State fatto Rockford,and=25;miles:orth ore ee— I (purchased.for tis byJ.Wixtocktony Be a infiteLratedepair,and swillsiosp fen: 1d;“work ~under good ‘management:*Firere ommodate"30 or 40:hands,very:coavenien 75 atres—well,“watered,jimberedvel,is.of good quality——and inddrctlocality.for abykind of businéss;/has op;ed’and:in caltivabor.aboutmG bale Oui Pt ey Cele)ae?aterep:at eabornear:‘the,Turnpike‘Road leading’trmptonvillétoJoville.5milestrom thformer,place—has,ion.it .a'good Dwellin use *and Katcher.emoke-houge,stab};is.very well'watered,a goad coal spri cloge ‘bythe:ouse—20 acres good:bottom “tor 6:ditto of Splendid -meailow'’and ut 50 acres:dleared Land—balance well: ‘timbered—wbole,tract contains 124“adres The ubgvé..Property.will’bevoid without | serve,and a°good title made fur th 2 yihepurchaser,or ;purchaserh.the.‘terms:of'the Pus, Got,22,18Salisbary‘We tc ‘aiid’:Bene.hall to.th is londer th management uf fhe proprie,|: BeisDo.fear need.be’entertained,&c.;,x 3&reel es aoe i Bpidemics!it is the tess oft a. the:grphans of‘deceased ease fauad!i er.”in every:possible way to the pietet { The FACTORYace:in}. nd one.pair of"Bur aie Stone is of as:good ‘quality as.has been:put ops Noite‘Catol ~Allthe-above Mills_and.maghine re.buitdings:.‘eo fticient on‘ihe.place.AO gens et DUSE.itenetractof.LAND,adjoiing the above,off ore or less,:and adjoins the fands of Hens)eewv.,Bagr.aud others::i Ades,opposite Mrs,Carlton’s:-_-_. .nersirons wee rs westofthe Printing Office a “fs 7 the triadtnership‘herejoforeexisting un-.*,- der the’firm of.Stockton'&‘Morrjson,iis this, .}day dissclved by aaufvat.consent., Ail persons indebted to the late firm,welt eeo immediate paymepit.~Ssitlemeats can ° be made with either of us; eee et abe,BE MORRISON,°5 ert:August 7th,758.5 2 ,odenkins &Ayer, — Take pleasuie iin ‘informing’‘the - to|publie;,that they arenow:ready todoanyand tall kinds of Workin thé BOOT &SHOE line coe =.JOS.=.‘STOCKTON,so at their Shop in the basement of the “Sime:| “éne_of their:aworkmen}and evervbody* |Know he.cannot:make:“fit?Taiut no “use ip ‘anybody else tryepe.Call.and pate |your measure.en vos |y StatesvilleyJan.16:See a treatment,thei ccsSacage!&c.pies ieWHOLESALE &REY:AIL “3 *«DEALERS 18PREGDS,“agUbEae ‘Boots,Shoes;Hats,€aps,be nets;Carpeting,.Nails,Grockeiy,* ‘Paints.Qils,Leather,&e..-| Corneropposite Mansipy Hore,» formerly.occupied:‘by M.Brown,ma abet MeNEELY &YOUNG," ie se 26th,1858",43-Sm se x STORE,SALISBURY,Wy:re q andof the State of North Carolina,is most respectfully.called -to =“opening.by:4oth ‘undersigned.‘ofa DRUG&.“yi |Medicine Store. ~gompletejiti the selections of “Pare anid Gen-. iayjitre Medicines,Chemicals,Drugs,Péttume °)): Dic atiention”of the inhabitants of‘Salisbu-i *Fenton House:“All work warranted.”'Diek? st e a k aie Salisbury,”x eae ery,Toilet articles,Dye Nwuits,Paints,Oils..Glass,Camphene,Burning Fluid,Grays-and>. _Garten”Seeds;etc.And that.withhi«ex... »pettence ol te1 years.inthe first classistores—“in the city’of New.York,‘and a strict attea- i io Bon:to business;-‘especially in the }éom-~ ounding:of Physicians’prescriptions fand))2]:‘uly Medicifiesy ‘and at a reasonable.-~scale @f prices,to secure a'share.of.‘Fown ‘eas and Country Trade..3,>bs “The fame destesof ueainess ‘ani dispatch vat“shail be practiced,andas pure articles giv~Sefytoall Orders by mail}from ne:Families and Dealers,as ‘by personal |oe ae NE WYATT. ot ‘te Ww.>»e”TATE, -Beige and =DENTIST." ed,that he’has moved sto’his new”Rooms:06.College Avenue,joining’Messrs.ReeseoNStirewalt::where he.will:bepieased,to;pe tpon all who may.require.-his ea)BIG)fal:services...«fe §oly 237" “MARBLE,nie subscribers are prepared 10 foisto:onder anyttiingin the line Of |.’ “HEAD STONES,LOMB.TAB ‘or Furniture Marble,and warrant “Trgms—Cash on delivery.att"37 -=GRAY,‘BRYAN’CD.: Stee ,Salisbury.-N:Ci :ee \HE siibscribers having become le & Wecaead near the public.‘Square and €o “House,in Statesville,respecttully ann . {that they:are prepared.toy‘accommodate n |waveling Ppblic and all:who may.favorth ath.patropage,with entertainment sie to. ‘any Babee a i the ae Pyes —‘Sale orRestAComfortable’HOUSEon ae n.the-premises are a.‘good:Garden,Stpies;‘Well;{ce-house,Kiteltren,and’Smoke-"onse.Terms reasonable,.-i cores 2Abe,ist'day-of January;—eeeaySTeateralaeatesRetfre6disAE.Private.Salerro ee oe “A:neat sef Parlor Furniture,Chairs, ‘Liles,Beds,Bedsteads,:a good Cooking Ser AVasb-stande,Catpets,Crockery,”a go Spin Book-caxe,‘Wartrobe;Bureau,Chock,© “fond meny|therathings.tod pedions:to meas ai fins.="“Also,'= 'The Girlis nowea good ibook,and washes - «RC.McCALLA.feDee.3.1858.ee yeh :“DR.Y.S.DEAN, avai atiend all ‘Calls,dotk in Town jand Feed Office on College Avenue,|two doots Statesville,N.C.”2foe by “. A iargge lotof the easeeee aAntramen Ipisoied in superior style,on,so ‘best of ‘per,Ee40’-Fer sale =-_Ere ‘Offer. |Would-respectfully inform |‘those as oe ae= faction:“Call or send your orders.|.> Supe New.al 4 i i i:HOTEL i Se mrs G ssies Girl and Child tor Sala ooo&Trustrust Deeds,|| si e m m e p = = Sy Having reeH~siderablyytd large an as: ty ofonand :can’‘be foun sold Who *as’cantiol 2 Phimcia: +c y;woald cot nock baeed hif+ te 2 and:‘the.xaaApepts:are iF sellingour at Lat un q >bllerefh ao| »dievadiz a: LpancR furnish: 5 ForfiepIeSuddeéonas the Rusme =. “4REDELL EXPRESS, PUPAL [SIKED WEEKLY, ¥.B.PRAGES : |BUGENE.Bi pr AREY SON: “Editors.and Rrnriston!= W-Pp prs - See vey TERMSOF THE PAPER,Leni “$8.a.‘Year,iin Advance.e: “es,¢ dep rar jcspancea ||"|Deductions madein favor meas.P aoe ter bes follows:: dq STORE. “#iavise ‘sold our Drug Ghachmoct:ith»até+<sbery'to ‘Doct.Ci say Henderson,we.take ‘pleasure ny recommending tim to ihe favor, ofour,frrends and patrons.My ;Doct.Henderson being a regularly eden ie 4ed.Physician,anit having provided him- s ede i te $1000a Year. ‘self with competent asgistants,will,we ‘Nave every reason to :believe,,so conduct the bi- siness,as to‘entitle himseli-to oe ee 4 andpatronaye ofthe Publics 2 =: bt —»SILL &:SILL:ee“Apatite ‘1853. ¢“ae M.oe ee “we RS tlig present:ri h 9ject:only be the South diliad)aethepe Kiopre 1c SA.LISB-URY,N>C: us ‘avin—be seen ‘by ‘the labove:Notice;,.by ae now own thei Drug:Establishment,”for- “meérly oceppied by Mess.SHL&Sus TF there- ™fore teudePmy respects to,the=Citizens:Sof & “PREDELL aud!siirsounding ‘Counties;sea especially to.the,‘frends aud,patrons of, predecessors;assuriug,them,that'ever yor will be.matte:to vive satisfaction. Having recemiy eclarséd:my,Stock on- <siderably,1.can fioW,‘offer to thre Public;Re| *Varke an:‘aksortireen't,‘aiid qt as fire a quake | ‘ty of Driige Chemicals;Dye Stuffs,etde;3 “can be tise dein the State.!©Wiha.fr will “sold W hdlesale;and Retait,;on sub’terns as Jcannot ‘tail to be:‘satisfac’tory.” Physicians and €ouniry-Mesciants?espes | velatly,woald do wedl to ¢alliand vexainime our stock before par cligsing elsewhere,’;= Sr er:All Orders Promptly nened te.odQe ‘We want Local:and pe) ae AGENES ‘ *In all “parts.ofthe:bf “SOUTHERN AND,WESTERN ‘STATES,Pe we wlior aie‘Tareest’Cominissions will:teFad..:Our List.inclides oR 8 ARTHUR'S N ORKS.” Also a largne and saleable list’off§ MIsrORICAL:AND BIOGRAPHICAL,BOOKS, ces .ETC.{, *Amon these ‘vill be’!found Lives ‘of SEF: FERSON,and HAMILTON,Dr.E.K.KANE; meine‘ond ot nen,distingurshed Experts and Tearel * . > +. ~;with néatness and dispatch.- «es,ele. Fe TAm*og our recant publications’dre:the |Pub- hié and)Private:er in ne ais oF Loers,Naroimence iceman .2.Wysrory.oF Expat and. ;‘Tar fxpran Mctine y: “Livixcstoxe’'s ‘PRaVELS ‘AND E xPtora ee |TIONS”“yby Sixtenn,Years,IN:THE |Wikps oF “Arica,Ree,&.hye ah “ae.of these Boolgg are.vmong the most:alo.’ ‘Table published#°°, Of SLibingstone’S,Travels. He .“-Alotie;we have sold Ov ER THIRTY tHovsAND fons *and :ihe sale ig incReasips. % otlered to Agentsyaud CeSeee 5 ane be: dieving iin y.,a Eat -)LARGR SALES AND.gM ALL PROFITS, “we furnish our Books‘to Agents for,from 12 ‘perfeent.belew He usnal prices.” acidic,i Je:ow:BR ADLEY,*Publisher, nit 8 SouTH.FFOURTH STREET,| Ste cota ia .:Philadetphie,Pa, Harness:‘Making,et AT Oe Net SoeWEAVERBRO’Ss. fleep constantly on haya,at:their manu- ee in OL |Nyalarge:assortment!of « _Harness,Bridles, .Eollars;‘and.every thing else, _useally keptin ‘a’Hatiiess'est:solishident peeé We'earertly invite all:persous washifg to. p pilichade good,‘bargains to give:us a'call be | bifyang “else!where.)“By ‘close:applica- “*oe and promptitude in i business,;: “sto‘sbate a liberal spatrenage froma ‘a “gen- :pric’ ‘Many of our: Agents are makilrg from ‘$5 to $10 aidayt in. :‘sellinztour Pobli¢ations;and.we claim that “SVourli-teineindes’the most:saléabie:Bocks i sips,tend For fall panicolats,ot Agency:Teims,&c,oa i vy de ded,that;;alk. pcre ‘here ‘ederal «OF bot tid peo aed ‘thousands:of each 16)pr he:people of the othe at $i é re,it;world ¢ i :!And: €148 8 prov he prolifi lowed sat Lor.‘| jai®aléne COIthe;opponents peysingns an.thiexercising’!*theit.right a that:-slaly ry should:contin ‘ Peo 43¥an we hope.)ny >ergus pablic,:"Orilers‘attended=to,promptly, posites of Harness,'at Statesville;with,Ww. 2 Woodward 3)“Liberty Hilt,with d-“Keims er; We have de:+) «+County he,with,Eocles &co.5 nee mae -mitwith)Tho’sf.Mente Bievbe gisgeeItaeaye| ~SALISBURY. ect pmo BM Qewe=): VE gubserices takes pleasute iin antoun- re to his friends,ahd the pubbe gener.)hi ally,that he:has‘taken,this lorg established:are aud well known Hotel;,and has “nade every. possible:preparation 0 actommodaté:the business,:travellingaud visiting ,portions of : voy the public,iip the most’aemanner... Particular:atterition 1s,paid to,eS=TABLE, as and oer comfort is provided &10bie | 3 |ROOMS... Bis STA BLES.are Suantaiily applied?and atiended by ‘a‘éagelu!ostler;and:to all’ departments the:‘Proprietor gives his'pBeans ‘al atteation.”A’comfortable OMNIBUSrons regulatly:4 to she-degot on the airival of the cars..With these efforts.io please,a liberal share.pf:aath!pines?meoutdentl sohewe o ‘th26 *Dr..H.KELLY, ¥Offers:his Professional,‘services to the._Biplie:EOffice on ‘College Avenue,opposite.she-Methodin»homicn Statesville,Ns Co.#2.a!me i 29th,”1858.)‘ 4 owe.into Sige 3 én to te thai tonstitu- oe ¢thie?on the:slavery or anyother coutk}hayeinf!icted’s"no:poss 1futanes‘whilstsit would wi him 9 ACwill'of amajoritsThtsovereignty‘would:thus hha:Mint arc eotarsman States."Tt would’‘equally: settled,and inhospitableregion,housandinte from)home,th exi ting |to Utahias would:renderresistancewich|of the Mormonshopeless,ithout the:¢effusio ‘ffi oF upon thé peopl 8iaoftheserious:dissosa are Opp the: fi:Pre uli homogencous,‘pnd:to’unit hi ike aa policy.J ordingly people:' 36.4 Eachid’at;least..one{3 presShould!the Peouls of th my lppates,wresenceof.the he.senators’ Urtion hi e. in.executing ththegoverninel; s aand:de 2 ion 6.th of.open Sahelellior ight tharficter of thé:¢ d ired.atthe:‘rebellion.shoul ‘cur sedfand the:Motmon Te : the “constitutoatcomplishthis object,asI |‘thir ‘Sapteniroclamation ereleMy annoy‘agms thi epri our_troopé of:fatighing 7 @ageray1elH,Welleastyling CongrsaleNaUY re ani vaileged Savengeahallegineult ‘The,even -prowed “the ‘thus terminate.: F ‘directions “to pr rT circumstances ‘whatever. |any ‘regulations j sd ty to augfflent our trade and ip-or it quarter,and-remove fromour*en the disabilities which hayehere-:imposed upon theiexercieeof their| ads 3 woe ;“Teo nquares;.ae se‘1000...:14.00 |i ”Fhreesquares,.10.00~..15.00".-20.00 re n>aye meaty,Mall.be‘submitted to!matefor approval without delay.”:estdesirethat everytmisunder-ith the ‘government:of Great Bri-Sibeamicablyand has beenthe,misfortune’most eversincetheperiod of the revolution,o:haye béen annoyed by asuccessionof irriand\.dangerous:questions,.‘threateniiheidiyrelations.“This,hae partialay revel befall development,ofthose.fehgsofmitualiarpebipeneen‘the people’ o;dountries,80.natural icraniae parceled kom gratifi-”jnform:you,that theJong-pending Cori’ tween the’two:governments,3Trre-. ion to tlie question.of visitation’and searca8heen.amicably ‘adjusted...The cclaim érican vessels on,the high:seas it time .oface;could:not be sustainedunder the law of,mao find it had,been Gemerice by,her, t €jurt ueationwas igéue,=bei ‘repeatedof:British -eruisers,inhingdurmerchanteased the Gulf of|and the adjacent seas.There ‘acts;:pw é the more’injurious:and annette as.Waters dire traversedby *a Se afhécommerceandravigationofited } arid,theirfree and unrestricted:use,is’/ssential to the secyrity of the coastwise trade”=|between,different States’of the Union.‘Such: ae ‘oftetcountry,andto require the| £;the,wfigthe ‘Remon- ect all:cencbar the United |onthe high seas,from search ‘ordeten-| E These measures received:the unqualified andpevén,erithusiastic approbation.of the:eeecan:people.»Most fortunately ver,.J collision took place,ard the British.goeacnent’‘promptly ayowed itsrecognition:of the}ofintérnatjohal lawupon this éub-|own by‘the tiring of the!.States,in'the note ofthe Séeretary oftotheBritish.minister at ‘Washington, aD 1:19,1858,which secure the.vessels’he ee ‘itation |or searchintime:tps “under.any} doned in'a ‘thanner reflecting honor onheBritish“gowenmént,and evincinga just: é should.opted,bymutual:‘arrange | at betweenthe two'countries,of.a charac-|’ which may be found effectivewithout be-) og ined States to.take.the in 7% nigasures for/this purposé;”WhiletsaSiassume£0 grave aresponsibility,‘ofState,has informed the Brit- .Astrong,opinion ipressed,that shpjoceasional :iu an ev1 ess to depre-|'stebetheereof}©ich _mightbe incompati-|ble witli the'freedom of the seas.:Thisigov~ived no “communicationsiainwhich:the:British ;government ‘wo suggestion’;and;TasamPenh )that.no plan which.can.be.st *wfree.front,grave:embarrasaments.halk form no.decided:opinion on.the eubject,‘until Jshall Have carefully and in’‘the:bestpiritexamined:anymie which they ig,1 lego Jo,age th?themselves from fi er ‘unay:ions,the two govérnments woul settle the'Central American,i in E pipctical mantier,alike honorable and jsativ-|tory.té.both;;and ‘this “hope-[-Bare.notohdtabandoned.In.my last annual message|1 btated that‘overtures had been,mane be the abo keane can repiblics'whoreterritorial interests are'|: ely inyolved.”"Fhe -settlemed!t)was }: to beof themost ilyadjusted!: both.countries,’ [inthemselves hy so manifestly equita le and just,thatafter s 1 7 rt.of Great Britain,fercibly to:visit’A"Tecogn boarding:and" ‘nited’Statesupon thig Nighsom ecee vis~|Tespondence| Senge forthe law,of nations,°and cannot fail arpi 4‘\en-if Cuba had not:afforded.‘slaves.Aslong as.this market if “|‘demandfor slaves con ipat-|will be w:dis-|ous chiefs*in Africa,forfor the tweennthe ‘British 4 "France and paca ay wel Sa rode |go 0 .ofBurope,¢x-, ministration ;waitunderthe ‘outrage|;-of such a character ee +4 an'immédiate attem}Pia*toobtain.redressct haebebeen Ses aadraeseated.é ne Shee chang:|. “es\an the ae‘ployedas reasonsfor delay. compelledto-wait,again and a ‘‘new,minister shall have hadtime to inveati-' gatethe justice of ourdemands.:,..Even what’have been’caicaneneil “the: ;Cuban Gsime,”in which more than «hun-| »dred of our.-citizens are directlyhavefurnished:no exception.aniawerefortherefundingofdittieseratex.|Sted from Aimerican vesselsatdifferent cus- i toin-housés in,Cuba,-80 Jo:—as the year1844.‘The principige ony they.restare ceeding ‘weré ‘afterwards |‘institutedto'asckr-|a‘tain theiramount,andthis wasfinslly fixed,|‘according to theirown statement(withwhich)}»-we wereshtisfied)at the.samof one mi‘and twenty-eight thousand six hundred and); thirty-five doll and fifty-four centa}Just!“at.the moment,,after.a delayoffourteen;|.years,when’we had:reason ‘to’expect that)>~ =sum would berepaid with “interest,we>:> have receiyed.a proposal.offering to refund —*one-third of that amount,(forty-twothousandeighthundredandseventy-¢ight dollars:and): ,fortysone cen but"without interest,if we!|‘vould accept this.in -full“satisfactions,1offeris,also,‘accompanied bye”declarationthat.this indemnification is “not founded pany,-reason of trict justice,but is made'as a |special fa’; 7*One-alleged:canse}for|the-examination.and Claiming,«arises from “anthedutyoftheSpanishgosvernment ‘tore-:: move.Whilst,the ca of Cuba” a by thevespels-of-war ofangother nation.”|is invested witlT gene:oeverninent ofWawrongscommitted co cdcnlematarhionmn:f|trol,on’citizens of the UnitedStates.-In-"y{stead ‘of making our’complaints.arhim.at Havana,we are : ‘them throu a be are then referred ioc to the era for pepper muchtime rt n-ff sumed in preliminary investigations asd ffi forethe‘the Gpanisi.Govermentwill -'4 to negitiation.Many ofthe:Stop bonoron sls.bt eg yweenthe‘two So oapitiatf eae anda een of eae |resh,and co mptly a ! -rily ascertained.~"Wehave hitherto in :at"urged uponthe ‘Spanish eae ‘to}ferthis.power upon the capi our minister-to 5)will,|el to urge this subject on-is’anes ae occupy a’mtpasion ‘3recep+Se‘Cubs is almostnd:Siesd of ow shores ;our’ with itnation,seclnating:Spe ‘zens are in habitsof dailyreal‘sonal intercourse withevery part:of:fhe Itis,therefore,cpa ipieceocca:‘when ‘any the truth ie that Cuba,in ae i+cnial condition;isneconstan'souace of sai , annoyanceto American 4A}is the onlyspot'in the Picea beck —the Africanslavectradeis‘tolerated;and!|are.bound by treaty,withGreatBritain "teeeererhomesonseeof: ca;atm expenseboth.osolely‘for theSaatof iad ra‘bound ’to thatisland.‘The late-serious: ficulty between the,United States and Great .market. open,therecan‘be no hope for.‘A aizatiok.of benighted “Altice:"i thisioueeinCubeaeamongxeoefepetty.pe ing subjectsto supply this :|condition-of.,Ibis ipomsibettslightofcioonligtesiroePike!these }the African slavewade would i aeWewould not,if which ihe iithegovernmenthaseear,réfromFrance,.Spaia,and:Mexi¢o,or ‘by thfreeand.sda merindsof theateTeresiSeninSeta |sippi, ¥. PS :=p 3 ae Reet ue e e for,accepting pecaniary egaivalent fo this ‘his witdeveatat th;Céasiog,_OFMexiéo..9 32 ‘debts ist!“Fale!4 ‘The publicity.whie Phas ‘been biven 6 |Abunda’thy ;rotntt to Peter’sa Poneitic ‘Seno team cement:‘Of the.en nf fiscal veourformernegotiations.upon.this-saeect:fka resorytd against the gove i h!tred (ese gue ont th y ses irk cali oe attire cca ers ,OF ABC 8 ot ne ERO teen 138 Ost OG ee.aes aieandthelarge'appropiation’which*may:‘be |micit still holst session’ofthe ital;|Ke,ABS by ape ;peers :4 es;dQ Po 490)aae es s a‘zequited to effec:t uitpbse..‘refider iit ex~")=e a of <0"a0otk“pedient,before making another:aitempt to}ae rege NTSC gcimpout ne 3 Se to ‘ifenéwthenegoriatiog,dhat]should lay the bate expire:t of 9 Vtrudsit AOR et eerie eee eee ee me revebine lias’nade tae“whole subject):befoke Cougres x.Thisas'es’|dillicnk ‘aN et -be Cd a AO aye :b grat Hever,:,t the:g ro“pee Fahy reeessaty se ier ay hecame inetis,‘ pebsabte,1 succe=«,what |sheild bs PTESt |<edwiththe tnears ok makiing an advance to’?Vis?ve“ao Atte‘Spanish/government im neiiate:ry alter “hope thi agin ahesigning “OFthe,weaty,.e uhout Awaiting |inifrierid}the raiification of iteby,the’Senate.am en::to AmeaconragedtomakeAnis‘*snegeatdis byF the.so lars“example of Mr:Jettetsoa previdus tothe.pure for.thtsex “fo Chase Of Louisiita ltdra Krauge,and py:that< z of Mr.-Polkin wesot the degyisition ofter:'’ -sitory,freien,Mexico.“Wl tefer the wicle sul the: ct gt the oe hots dead «thie remaining balti-oit 000 notaet nee tmnt eeeo ton |economy,"Sovertiment for the Set rpose of:digthib should:be.huniited.“Samong the claimantigin thheAmisjad czPresidentPolk:(rst fiadel a sitnilgerecom:fe mecdation iitt,Deceiuter,anid,andtit wie |Boe there ix2Fep@atedbymisicamedtigteRedogessor.i with:Mexica,a:Decexa ber.1833.2 eftoriain’BQ doh?thet;dition ‘ol sake2eesdidempityisidlydae:touhese:_claimaiigs dary;;e Yrder dur!preaty with Spija ofthe S7ih OCs fine rat 2 mote£3 ©ptober,:1 95.j ait bilse:-Cgmaading:justice “fere:whiteiinhabiaos.Be ought teYo de.jretice!An Sppropriatidty>and predatory,:gpemey Gade Yor,this purgs08e,,‘cculd norover the.Mexil.to-exert a favorable juilyers e on,our ee ‘gota:ids with:Spail.:ZeeOurspositsniihtelationtoaxjoeaded©“Ny welplessp:andz"b.States sopitt of-us om this continent)atid es;|stant sadigreta»,by'peciashysihore “within:the!limhits «“0%Nozitt’,the:power.ifthmeresa‘peculiar.character.he:to.restrain,law!ess:Mexican‘4 adiary ot”Mexico?is coiticidenk:Migsrborder‘ania|cay mitineWithGudGwnsoithern-boundery from peeatr,|our-yernoit‘sefifers,|As:{10-0¢ean Fund we must necessasity Feel ta"violence prevails.throushout tat:;te Piblerest in all ibat ‘coukers the well nter |‘Phe laws are:a deal:teu re :i are,hate hes obser ee -“being-aud te fate vot 50 near #neiglibor—Sncopanyare:Aholly-insecure;:*,F spore :Whi a On thegethy of *ss O nly madras erin |uasinice Iunlgp lied?"or,has teak»Wechave always'therished'the kindestwish+sox Lue settlement:of,cAt SS 3 rth inctinistauicese T;Ne a ade -an x}papeMation:re ‘Peed ri igen tied es for ilié success ofwthat-republic,arid havey,wHiist at is (of,;indulged the hope that it might at dast,after of inbibitantYalliteTialg,enjo -peace.and-psdspe'iity un=|eonihestt border,‘sder a free atid stable goverument.Welhave:tection and that;q “aever bith:eno juierieted,directly:re hdi i altrs..Feetly,with itd itera!nilairs,»rand it isa”eg:apprelien sion,ae nO}-duty which‘we'owe.to.ontselves,to protect:.thé Indians,and ‘w ndetmtheintegrityofitstesritory,,.agair ot,the os-ly iawless,may break up.the inApttileimerteracefi.“any ,other power.«‘Our stage and pi |Commuhication,recet+.|Se0graphic.posttioa,'‘our direct interest in.“-tabligt ied betwe i“all that coucerns Mexiéo,’and our Wwéll-sete!;possessions:“Th _‘Consist ' noter sor= % opie: $,are ‘peslect co Sexpritesy nie i 23! es to some te ne s ae Sa p t e Sp a r e n % «O o ; et La ser thGo sae tthedigerent beeifive:. ment,have)Bevai i,for “Us aardCorme t e rotiterg een xperienes and ae retyares “Urcin cee Gh othe:spoutran es WCNC ANys,Suid Driteriey =Penaasses:very.‘hear to th shout:see SIONS 8)Hantite:::;;Ys ;,i Seon S38 ADEE thy Hote?iupsohie aestheesr Wed polityin regard tothe ‘North!American.Mexican.Bounda ‘throughout the®whol ©our vitizeh:cae tls expostrt ;ate:Sees aoe Dein ea :\ee contiient,render this an-indispénsabie duty.)H}ength’of;‘Asizon’Bean,imagine:Nospossi ci rapt :‘nd wvlexs ;wit Awe hatle te we adi Ses ;hi te y i si yhatake :aepahat "”ereape“Mexico has beenin-a_Btatéof constant re-|bie|remedy for theée vils,and no.tode of,siolenc ::Bw ‘that-tlicyshontdy :prompt:yo Wthere perduinger tl ;ane ele the.pteneaBt*yolntion,almost ever ‘since’it achieved ite:j Tesioring jaw.and order:on:"that fémote anc ie Seesity exist Sre.\2 ‘‘;Peers Fe eh il F 1 ,Se vee ae The,Piss oe,:‘Jndependence.-One-‘military Jeader atier |unéettled front‘er,|i :;;;:th\.-.abotier/has usurped the gaverumentjn-rapid,”the:=Uni ‘States 4ahsaleclssion3and“the ‘various«constitations|‘from timé13 time adopted;have:been set:ats) :ee :inawéht aimpast as ‘s0Qu_as\they«were pfo~.!ry posts v S ee 4 issionér prove un :as VG mete yee “s ¢hes tiyin fae sspiengy claizned,“Fhe svt ‘vessive sovernmengs flav ed estl ““his protec-|*hie!St :ie *pee :2 hf :¥"it ay 3 x i}‘att i Sts ;ribo 7“wthorded:no adequate .Protection,either;tO"!tion’may “be Sere ps “6000 a8 Jocal transit ftom :ee i ue thie chic’ot bie!AR :aC dl 5 ;RIAs Mee EN wie“Mexican citizens or tofeign residents,against ‘goveraments ‘shall be lemablishad:‘:eh F :4“am wes violenge.,Heretofore,a eeizure’ot,iMeXican‘States,capable of:Performing heiz}:Gime yi:Pathe capitit.by a military chieftain,hag been:Poues 1o.the:United -St estiaipit Aes|generally.follawed’byat least thee.nominal:eee and:preservi-- Sabmissionof the country to bis role tora der."erebriefgériod,bot:not,80 at the:presentchisis’oy:of Mexican’allais.A civilWat',His:bee+: $5 e238ee $a for séme tinte throuzhout,the repub-t e‘noritiern portic an to.establish mi hig twedinacrientily spirit bythe gor é page Pv Ite t‘Phdpeo le‘of Chihuahna,aad’.‘Sotio ay.¢OVER I n f ay ::1 Té however;oO ah nant a eee CD Ge aA See UY last aninadtimesaWeenthe.centrat’governmnenttat the will"prove equally *éffe the:protecs:t ¢Me hak not be founda:(to this,be tm chont Sate.toa irend theHumiesPicity.of.México,:which has endeayrored tg |tion of their eitize ‘Of terpore zur che”thereto...It.AGt fernntivene::Te RU E ‘(;:ilbvertthecoustittitionastframed;Vy milie’es frontier;:I ;“tary ‘power/and those Who ‘maintain the au~:cae es “thority of that constithtion.i Dhe antazonist,| And 4in tlibwcomexion i permit me.toire c 4 is “parties,each hold “possession “ot,different “call,your,‘atleniion’10 the:condition f Arinize :3 ca eyco%ah apa ofthe repnbilicanuthefortunes of the’ua.The popolation of that Territory,gum,*Ctttoh BC CR CCIS OF TD es.1Ny ft acm aand ns STS M,C EPSP SMU uay ets WAM OS deren ccutine this :Hated nfei boar:age ‘cons!analy charging,‘Meanwhile,4 ring as isalleged,more than,ten thovsunt goverumen Lits ¢ns whiely de vial oy healt 4 AUC CRSE aU «};;::xsei..“the inoet reprehensible:means’Have ibeds-spuls)sare‘practically,without)@ governmenty4—~’Semployed by both ‘pares to extort smoueyt,hoat law baat any Tegzola ada:a Softee foreigners,aswell @§$natives,’to carry [mii i ton of:fagtice,apical murdéjs'nel othe h ve ;Shia sae he iy Wea;on this rninous-contests.Phe “trathdtis,that ‘crimés-are’éon nitted With:npunity RATERS count Sr fat ted \n ee PouG Tes:Jreasyry,.Pa rat aie ner the?pene:ae propertyme©)whis fine:‘country ;blessed «with a,praductiv state ofthin lis loudly:i (i ay Li I 2 ine 5 COM grat::Past|eh \ti :Seen a a et =ie the it ag4Eona00&benign climate;has Seeapeduced i “redom eadatio MICAIMC LOLNC NICAL ALTA TO aby :ie aka i att ::eeim.2.°..by‘civit ‘disseifsion,to,#conditien of,almost.itysagpepclete:anarchyand imbecility,.Ii woolk ‘:y"sg e.vain for this:goverment|to,attedrpt to The voltieals oe Bibi nes,<@ euforce,‘payment in,money.ofthe claiens of |fee sb al Age sicmotAmentancitizens,now amountine.fo more |:‘jthan“ten “million doilats,cabainst Mexico,“becanse bh is some of?ath.pecuniary,*gia 1 Satter:these demands ees et oe,aS Rerlate-Shales wes,fimished with-anm<_ple’powers and uisiruchoris for the adj am oceans, sto all i MheyFy ir ‘qutt tats are a Bl:Oy ,Ws ,i,et of dH pending quésilops:swith tlie cen-the Unites ;ne lA a ss eee!oma government of Mexico,atid he performs,kuble,i corte 5 eR eg ta a ee te }Sabah nee,ay ReMmerNS Of COn Hiuvice.et :tribe :>ed his duty with,zeuh and’,abi ity.)The’}Tada ;tae cos oe Hon bet thei LMU:fog Pact ficy, .claims of our ciltzens,some of(themarising.Ont,Of the vio!ation:of,dn pxpresa provisionofthetreatyof©Guaditupe Hidalew,andothersfromgross.Injuri@st0 persous aa well |,ais property,haveremained unsedteesed andeyeundoticed.” Renionstrarices,.Medinet |ticsthesegridyanees,hare*been addressed,“kith-FouteffecttO.that otérmments.Me:pine,acred necuré tron wrtert:it vaf.ous partorthe:wenublicg Uinaty ACOs’bho:sta,cxathtiey he».“hage been nurherous at‘the minder,ampris-Fred terion:oh_oument,and piander of our itizaue,aby dit cunldstit , sowscanthsndegre Joma t%‘ A me TNT ct tives:d ished.herdonee.dekeut:parties:claiminis ayd éxeretws alos Pavould i;erin tithie: H+eal jurisdiction®:but the.cettral cove!ty |gists Teeattion.ta (h aSE:-although sepeated|y’.ured.”dhateton vave 4~_.made nd eflogt:eith:ter to puoish bre!“anihors |“Of those ontidies or,Tolpreyent:UWieitrecur*=.Fence:.No Atperivan ‘ciizely esnew:Visit,toe“Mexico on Jawfal™bucingss!-withogs‘im ma 3iwentdgugerto.his’person ‘and:pipperiy—Fhere.is no adequate.piotection jot either;and a0:‘this respectapr'treaty,pect vatsepals ing:Hist,year’gi on “respec t=Sorter:Nations torequire, Tit ee ‘Anh cS MD,4138)ia: Service:per.:lie}ahinostadead lettc i ae sd:Bee Gee &state of ailairs-sas btowizhe:19 @crisis¢e re a ay last,by the promulgation oft ayhy me :i a..iévying a conitiburion pre vate upon ali the’iCrival ,é :‘ay BN Petts Ste eh Sa Nana oleae ::}ne ee Fa eas Soe eterseh‘capital iin the yepopilic,bulween certain $pec-'ohilicLinge !:isi :cra 2s 4 ‘;if;set ;ee ;a aye ce %{x s SSPE Aa,6°Med amounts,w hetheé Held byMexicans or “eominerc oth bie i ei:seed ta hs Se Ate ta!do ERS2 th Sain geal T9foreigners.Me Foveyth:resarding:‘Ulns des’;:mat r ‘the aiates mae Tecan tosis Spy fain ae MeMAING Re they’din,Were:shack >ia i ::feat te ieowers et a ‘a free inahe Jight of afereed,toan,”formally:|i"eli pe ‘)Phe pac:‘:ad pany reeatayencna Hh ES6:iA Th :Tak ta th ‘7 \k :ie «protested Aen its application tbihis aes sovernment sot one heen SrRB: Bymeny and advised them not 13"pay tie f morg thin this p es_gontribution.‘but to Aptier it to be!econ ace lesa;O°A exacted.Acting.Bpon'tiris adyige,an Amer~‘‘ian eitizer!retused ‘to pay.the contribution,20andtiiePropertywasiselzedbyarmed!men{It:F t“9 salisiy the’amouut..Not ‘content:with’-fais,the government procesded:&tillfprther,hateuo obj*and issaed =Geeree banishing him trom the |mand'ani Rdeive 4%:e country.Ourpr eerimnodiaiely,nofified the comaparties a tethemitaifth7decree-should'ba:.carried:|verse the route;bat,the“|2 inte’execotignhé wou!d:feel'it to,be his:daty.i never hereafter bi:5 adope “the most Wednied measitres’thar yrlecreg Of that’govert uyrsbelongtothe}powers and:obtications of the:tween it and,ie 7:©‘Tepresemtative office”?Notwtithstairdiife this-Warhine the banishment.was!enforeey,and.’Me Forsyth’ptotipsly’annenneetf,‘thesit“governmentyghe stspension of the:D0 tical |Feudiny the ¢gelations of his lezatiog with them,untilthe +poliey,and iziehidowngoverniatshouldbe:othernations, A fs to etcearsotthelex he are)i4oe} 5 i i ten]Ve e xe t :.‘Ye Rifle Re Beth teh capnecsy PS Btn pei eymitesarise|aaa drrotSaemeaa:va fg i eat oe oe seat a nee ae se fhom.they n;fae ; — Pd orrelepartingntWa d ’ ,af ss ’£e to chee -?.I¢+E >.thetreaty of 1826 akeeen Great {rave t :ent prod 46,shich ds Hat OF :ey tuna rhs ae =aeae4 atest¢_México,to the benefits of.which“Amertean{sepzers and fre Dee a ate a Sto!rannd:estima:dt neans compared wit :niich Vehicle $will wecomuiodate sor |Silizens are entitled by treaty nyet as Smpo~:!th'August,1852.the’?een OOy,A anata 'nesaels ;aL exp s idhout nepidionofthecontribution”upon foreigners Company made ité/f eeame-tp mneht,over IE roads whese’teWag‘eonsidéred an:unjust’age oppressive|de Nicaraguan d continied:inj suet it Tevyiat 0 rot de ene nee ues "an addition-20°ne Roktras toni ree Snes ::-Bésides,“internal factionsin othe ‘evnsitil operation.swith great advantaze tot ivipg m.ouitry,whether with dasien {>Buti the ieffe a will reqnine fina thie tneatgiey.forthe,se:: :ashe republic were.at ihe samenme|Peblic,utilthe 1sth F Hiiark,18%,.when tk,“there jor pings trom:oceaur to.“The er i “4 (ment,$3.4tyingsimilayexactionsupon:ih property"!It Was Glosad,an arane ubjeetinner}ataline,ey tarehia close 'leave a, r 0 i Maile Tee ne ,Eth ::SOEs teers y”.Pear Rees aya id;i}:‘Subir attenti Dy ton] Our eitizeizs,art!interrpting ‘the Poms:at avellas its:eh ee a aT LY wpnth oft it 3 <j oft SORT 5 ‘lod rota ‘the “Pr hic :Sat ee ed Yor to thesétce.THere"Hall bebeen:an aeiat re on,ttbitrarily revoked,hy:he poveenment’oT prerthe 12 7 ds""Thee of another year".restore re of whole:e estimated dé ti the é ne.18 .—Sc cuenk oe;the part of our minizter secure redréss for t President Rivas.5 Unis Rate few Cian :rine hes:¥“Capital has aetin‘aceu:“to :SF.§|:for:the ean aul justice Ale!GdSE i me the ¥rgngs which our,citizens ‘had endured,!:)e¥er)Intl 854.Serio oe !ree AY TNE .SCG y ~theiea ;inbgted non :Tes,'¢Therat Y n+.“ment oft wasp ated dike ‘)chy cat :“3 hich;TL niaide on this; {'@ notwithstanding his persevering effort:.And.“«ttherent of propria: Cl rs e@ faxcs/as an violation bn gradually ‘heiiincre sed bysucthetempermanifestedbytheMexican’:Ove@the:compan »Governwrent Htrestin Hi es two"Coun a iving.a :gotérnment,.he bad repeated assured:us threatening be nterru tion ‘of the route nt:that no favorable chaage could be expected,';2"¥MOment."These the|Uniited “Statesin;“potdl-the United Rites abahould “give striking”“8 ‘prideavored ‘to.cothpose..,It -“would be:d aap ao wiltat olger.to prot tis whtoct place onsen 3 PR fseig“ny :b ':ren iy RaeweSpieaticalcaffiain‘uflice it fo ethat,dn e.February,1896.;]Np ¢has:recent en ;Ollect:“see t Poa:tidy sande T dd Gi Johavebeen,Worsethan’idle,to diregt 3‘Mr (cparansue) “countries oe oe=oy x insiructing:the Racific n eenego"would:séeure the transport ie;1$5$—niakinz the prestut:ont-dines public debt,exclnsive of itredeury!: SSH 3.97.77662;There Was;Oh ‘th Tst ng ‘the’prosedt fist he public debt,oulhicstsforamodificatiel_Jett 16Conzr bes:and,‘chminetd ft $0 er 6 meet even tlie oabuaey ie =leeSPnsideration "FP !Foot ya pledwe ‘nti :Sete meat,cusht-aerepeastheieeorntiéndation’nade'in,my!amd ovr just’»ands shed.»at a ie :duty renioved nditis hoped eee oi et ats Keto <pmessageSfDétpribertasjifavorofa:Have already'exhausied cians Taihe.wade hepacine «Phat the eck usgovern nentaahEm of are AS i SOY os EE econeeapProotiation.bety he’paid athe “heparish”of Obt:t "e Jas eha e 1 ms os ‘Ore a ee ;und i +5 =tay 4 2 mastatithy crest ery WwW ith?the r fhe old’Whe.tolepout milf Care 43stduat:thes ¢rae or eth Pe <)a vs SE ae f :5 i aoe D U,tofeont <elf ext Med,Tike2! Loe we 1s .eult ‘Heke tthes :w um ly da mpl aims s his’:L $i.i 4)AMA heE D Ns i ir this:d fone,.ihe.= se mment did ot ceca:the eon~:-consigtent x AOL ‘caTAZA,lta efor ::“sail &POW EF.hie:!pay:nfl ante “fr!uke a tel ae goes : ee.ee imp“aaa by the’deerpe of the Ein the useror al ANIL *thrown open:“should thisbe ‘abtained,MY ods Deheve the federal eo ment posses Service’p res Or “eaefSlaylar:ot @ in.siriciness a “forded 1c zeneral ei ‘a vag the jing ‘all:HSIN »S ::¥::5 ee 'fs Sica E 4 On ,withthcour Own ‘ased iby.An's ss ik ond gone be dhe Keer ate snd’is Cain.Walyabe ditt pechiiiary Interests‘Mould be :‘Exvork:Byegrants offla nd ¢r.of|ah wider stich:conditions -ahd ad:reasonableprice.’ he ese olctacles,|‘it.has been td be sand mail stages,with | eee setaco. zea betsre cenWhi thine all me Baw ak in’a commercial emot te iUse dadAsi!a ci Gnitive£Bist of ‘A meeed Tast, shestates Jt ihe Minch:Ist =vedrede.? Sat te a.sich’rerulations: ich!théy are:bronght ; é ona OF Afric: :veince if freStvadtitreproséeao}iy coumbinders of the &:a Si os a pies intesnide he rsetof fea.‘ok fet oes a relieved 3it to bedhis duty under prada *ce ig tis interpretation of the ithe:Africans from on board the: age of them under: (For nai reasons,ipwasexpedienttoremore~he ‘thei from phat localies ais specitily Re pogei- "what!So have |‘been ‘Siithree linudred-Africansiini the vv Fee ith ation,ofof}iundnuuiitions of war free from’ant«-Faiubthat.of the UnitedStates ae afar |y+.The provress of exents since theby)iment ‘pt vour last‘session ‘hasdificulttiesdisappearbeforea:firm and d-)amined,solution.“At that tinye‘suck aLbyWiseand‘patriotic men to =atrproject,The great distaniceto beovercorléand’the intervening i ydesertsintheway,were obstacles.which,j in’|-¢the option of many,could not be_ed.Now,after the lapse ofbuta r leas formidable thay the¥were :The firsrst and most ‘momentous of Chee!*dtat stchta-read wonld “be'a powerfal bondabitwastenOttiion-between'the States-cast and westof.|cent‘the Rocky:mountains.‘Thisis eo sclferident |aim gxtetit *ala,twTeydire no illustration:: 9. tA,ass tot ciecsase raGodanese =st,in hiv¢pihion.wae its wae epnstruction,He-it,10 followtheseunfartnnatesinto:A friea.andmake p ;vision,for thiia there,until’thes -+hableto.provide.for themselves.In commani-- ia-ce:£be counairedto ‘ompanies inhe(eee aby.thes:‘ates.or other cencies chose i involy-Fed./“Chpgress might then‘assistthem ‘iii the’) mnoner,orboth:| postrsctionsina | Peteas ; discov pointofview,”I éonsider this the great question’of thedax. astern front :of our republicgtreteHingalongtheAflantic,andthe westernalotigthePacifje,if alltheiemrized-by a-safé,easy,and rapulcommu |=)Wwe Quast ne¢eesarily cemmand.aproportion:of the’trade.bbth -ofsand-Ama.-Our recenttreaties with:|Shine snd Japan:will‘open these rich and,rye rfait tinpices to-onr:comméefee$‘and the’,history of the‘world._proves that ‘the nationhatszainedpossessionofthe‘trades? 2,lias alw become wealthy and.”The peculiar geographical-posi- mga and our Pacife possessions’$i:\capital and enterprise iyto o>tinl tie.To teap‘the rieli harvest,’“indispensible prereguisite that we t have a railrdad‘to convey and xar-ah%hichlate’its‘products throughout rery portion+€the:Vaion,Besides,such “a”railrdad~«hi Sur tempernte latitude;which would|peded-by the frostsor snowsof wn | tke tropical heats’of smnmer:©itself nh of the travel andraaofalluationspassingbeggeenSara Sscubended EaMaiiit.ot ue nited States Brig Dolphin:|red ‘the’slaver “Echo,”(formers.thetutnaurotNew.Orleans)near Kar V.Verde:mn the |coast of Calialavith:more than 300.pain metroes ‘On Bonnd:The prize,under.* pryingfing of iLicuteant Bradtord ‘of the:Fy wy,Atrived at'Charleston onathAtgasy:158:when'-the.negroes,|°|S08 say Aurnber,were deliveredito’the cdsto-+if.the:United States.Marshal for the dix’t sotSouth,Farofina,.TheyWere firststlePiuknéy,and afterwands 3Boorsafekeeyfins,and were de--:ere Until the 15th September.when 3$9)271 innumntier,were delivenad>>athe United Stites steamer.Jiagara,him be transported to the ‘coast of,Africa,under’ieee eles frse:of ‘the2°agent.of the U,‘nited Stites,"provisions:of thé-act ‘of thetin’addition{tothe acta,Under the 2dj ‘and -arrange->ihent=ath,ae wasky deemexpedient.for the safe’St part,aud -rem@y:al Levond the |States,ofall such.neZrO,pauilgrebe or persons of color,”cap.’tited Re,Wessels of théUnited Stascx,as mary:é ered |“to:tile.Inarshalof thedistrict”ait“and to ape}operperson or.persons Tosiding,tet as agent oragents for ('-ialattoes,.or persons.7) ou board Vessels res :1 of tRe.slure trade States armed: RSternis that,athe Peeehne:was ;nuthorizedovele™tor the safekeeping.su protandLY”of these negroes 4p till ‘the time of|wY to the agerit \on’the coast:of">mt no.expresx-lga@oxision was made--miuid support afterthey had .ave’of their destination.”“Sull,>“Was to’be appointed toFeceive them sisaudiit-conkd.siot hate beet spose...| Peover lesert secoiiie.asain: act to Con,\hevstatéd that.some “doubt \had “been.-te ox=‘Gatértyined ak to ies true!intent andmeaning,— tou gt.pSand?the submitied the question,to'them,#0,..“My !might,“shouldit be deemedadvis*Shinige be.sable,ingnd‘the:same before Sajak aeosendlaharehadunderit.”,Nothing was donebyeConesefoexplain:the act,andMr.Mfon-|ae Friese to-carry “it into “execution ac-| by cording to hist own interpretation:This. to neon the |,“became:the practical construction.—When:€fee:Eeho were the Jaw.— immediate .#tiiat dity,could.not:have failedto F irce ofinconvenience and anxie tyoto its ath:thrants.-Where-to .éerid them, owasthe question.-There was ‘no.portion'of:.Vietons @:Afniea,.to which they:,cauld beTemievedwithanyrezani‘tohumanity,except teLiberia,1 nder these circumstancea,an* ‘dirreenzent’wrs Intered into,with theae 3 extibai Society onthe 7th of Septem‘@eopy of hich js herewith,transmitted,ur © Hous der.which the Seciety engaged,for the ‘eor--elie scp Oe ‘forty-five thonsand dollars,to: ‘al attendance,-caust ed the .retcive these)Africans in Liberia from thea-.. -went Of the United States,and-fugnishthem.-a tug the periodof one vear thereafter,withovernibent:to -exerds tine!comfortableshelter,clothing,rovisions,and — eli children toeaeiandall,“whether:‘children beinstructed mm the arwofecivikt-|aitable.to.their ee TUES orty-five thousand was|esARGH =allowance of one-hundredand> 'it each individual,and asthere |.aud fateful a ‘finda oral among em 0 >©)pe more.befo!pare‘reach Africa,. rountains and:; er coeea He sore to passengers;now-‘Passand'repass révularly,_neesenclinesas»¥'2.common,wagon-toxd-between San Fray-wairid 2Stz Louis atid Memphis,i Tew |sanctwenty-five dare.‘The servicehasbeet”Kis’-neeatharly pened as it'was'in former|New York and this citystiauthoritytoapptétnonesforthe‘construction.of-tieGl,except that derived fronr the war-mak-|We po tof thegeonstitniion;there are iane 6lateral.considerationsairging us fo:the work ams speedily ae possi-‘e =|eT:ee fiefi St ht e ta y ee b :see!thé Presidentiix>-author-°7 ti ~~ Adonbt jninrediately,arose aa:toticteat!Gonstinetion oF this ack!leisquite:chearfrom ofthe Save trade.hakthis been adidnof:Gonsress;the employment of|to reecive them,who is reqyired6on«the-coast,Was)mmnecessaty,and?thes mictht have been landed -by-Gat-vesscls~.;whevei it Africa.”andleft-exposed to the’:es and the ftieeebaehe erm ae i rdaltethemarshalat.Charleston,ithe) +to.consider (whut disposition-_ “heh chhracter,anda oacontinuanet i Beas Gala YAY * :pit.to dates maith iu j ’ . »Sie ote a the res 4 2 \Sealionay ‘y anes “hy ‘‘“imayonp pe:ir oesist Beysay f «wt Fe, fixed mite fil rth Re Wii- Sher vii]et he’ Th nee“ire tntrrstnye 3 mewn!tiseace inan eepa<<thes tsachdiogs tile Ht cieyy7ing!weal noryealedesiresteegeANttTySeepevermicntepak They asduvalFation:tlicy natuit Gabon Le eed le ENC fees b #See!pt cougtry AgateiL atl ity aos wb cn t aitty,whirielixidug aiul thesyivi es merited ge thet eG ‘Spansilishirvg boiter ars ny ig lsern:upsver =bi Toh sek ea a‘Planter si Ebr be of,oe a ee aie ing EMS iar, SN OS Asia egy Lartai be as Seales),for 4a shyfaififea3to,Congress, iO dleaP Cort 3 subvel alot Statites x crawtle Viste wes iget “tu)A naw; rhe baie:at: *stake,aud Siividay,the»Sth o$indus £5 jheanit ti:» agar ith oh ove oM:aster’oF.a reee ip Lct-Wied. stnek tv),tlic:fat a SeWtyofaWerle!oh Bt EF airmer!ns 23 =ae ae Sotiety:wil Mote.Benis-he Can—ty Gua ae Speithyour:ERY_a Bank,lcedged th §to ce dat ‘oppo ;BDA ORIOR Fi ‘nds v0,ope the Resburces on ox fe Mecteds; *Caroliha::and tto:iméeroase the 5 sings §htiveof imu cain:iy alvanicin of the Western Wi,o:Ban moat east |‘of sections mostth:ave : ‘Thereis tio questipn agen which nlf partiejin j it re contihue the:State sretsore uit ed,nee eae tty 3h th: a:largrg?athouist of:taeTapitwh ase als _Tutely.oe cesasinyy tps ce £03ve bsvdavelape the@)|augoeta!Se:iSeeclates ik ukpromperityotNouh©arplin’gene:salty’.by aids »ether reqding msl which Fo,*deg her citigehsswith faci ities {UF ie,abeedtul |F looking,Gatos:(purpose s ofLeypyme ready CC urge beTUANINESS.‘to ier \a yest neretesaguaaadarfitbericeeee‘man | *terests.Mite aes SutSaltese kewe Me te ruinul ae ‘ihe eespat eeM }In provement’“Sete nm ie the ratio ier‘it”nes Iebériaist tito aei‘prevents,the presentsgwiysttt ok Batikisig capi-|bodjes,though tal wary:perks .*suRicieaBytgre:ho subseFee use jn:Sommers ¢allallthe purpodes af aride.and:Ho wore’as re?}heat;“hid Hetinquiredss”Bugax new Gutta @ud.den ends all-|and ‘evens yer org \ways craves tongaw wuyyplies,£0,We ACTeASS |the limits of,tie inedical..prote“any number:anel miller:at!‘Rail Re:ad,fagirt er ‘probatile,however,thatsithe:bucecswithother,public and’“pinsath,inte sin)the result of,an experiment -wh:ch took:‘platState,requires on Mary hice ofMe ere ulate iedays age:atthe Gyosvenor-School,0ingmedioingchy.whit values are tee ured,|‘will h ¥citablish 7its |»elliciedey am“nad tor which equineTie,ng €xcBanged;sand|}“medical author§winich,shou J:beadistdbuteils rover’che (State a8)its’general.u £2 *rt fqvitably.dsyit bs pbs Ble!in:Fdstice fo.al SeC-ainen re tay .hone.::a . ‘“Phe ‘Buyhe:neve:pet ews Gee ise The’State } were,meet cif ibe Ty,at the tue of their eeu ttre |powders,‘ration,lee ated:Ma plices where we was th:uSht i cogeiderabieyibywould:b wae Uhre fe tue ficial,ge uerally in |ifit hats *aiethetowos.upot navigalle rivers Sand Ye reasa relre ny jectedd 0;‘eth examination,x‘porte,and)sat he Miata’,‘apotal.,Ogily a -few ,age,byet:it Away ta the:fatter,ifs bein;smalt insEitu fits were cetablishjed-air tee inte.{er:impbrinnice anid!utility x“‘thandriorottintedxpjtate©;|that,attrition \wasy chieflydirectedSuncethesprittienofitsailreadsipuibetctheaahofthe:exietigient was the bey“ng varigua,Petticns:<vf.the Stare,goad polity’‘who had dixowadld,dictay haw B taking Hacihities ehsald |It,‘was dakefollow+them a8 SUIT localition,thats’"their |Ladvances \of £‘putrefaction,useluluews¢.uhight be nile extended?and th |face vem ean swollen apd.disdividendsShyered:a0 the,Tere ctiy,Ihoreasihy,Pernkerwins ¥a“Athete busivessy:which waited fa bilities are,so Yndunced:benecessarytorsecures,!A Adixtrtbution of Bank:|ni,to tingfacthates“Sve mrs th ‘State!at points where’,follows\erade>would ceatre,Sind eights §yeRerégate:in,|edthis:OpsJargeguaariner,weg be singtionied tty sound’presence vpoiley,providedted1no+‘Roilroad ;ferad.thetatd,and:prose skitinag“mech more degir wis is te.é ithe:cofin ,“gGod Atoid tis i |thice ingles;te arcentra,de fined,wath tlic aid of:Preprerfa-1p then EovertidSop with theycilitiestosikccaime:eye:pt:ee Sehiet”“Yowns.“hn psa trddst-as’ig \Western:Notth Carolinas,oe Paseo Pat tfone of;‘Alte‘The comstrakti on‘ot the ¥{A eth c fe |the Boils“okna Rujl Rosd:hasMyatera channed ithe |1 lapse“phase of aNuirgin’he Taiportint sevctiin.“ofthe .foond’to nyState,and:breweeenls“d ae Barking Jaéititios |t Wag But oe 6f MG ‘Faleie16develoyiethe}hee |powder,had arrested.the putrefaction,éhd mone’:sduices of gue ection tommprehending,sthumber |ef Rheeprootwe re sensible:‘of aamyaeofdensely.”populated ¢asto uritiess ifad,fo)sechré codar..me ‘hand,in,which a knbusinesetotheRoad,at raiy fornt Re thes‘Agia ite fed:for aR ipermanentsyiSia'te evitles ads Wilk be pe‘rneived boi Keicrence of the:Sead tail.beni inggered some“td the lindof the WN.Rai Roady would be|also PEOL LCE “oles skin stillre‘|the:market Tiwnof a half ‘dozen ‘or'more county and 110)nlf wus.‘emitted,‘althoug |ties,provided,’jour merchaniy pos ed”:Bank-|bad Thee tsaeediin:waterarnl:irk t ty “" ‘been’buy tt:¢“bie i img,facilitite sxpurchiane the Phoduce of he'back-:er conditin:“country,whigh daiiyeprjratses througir,our streets}|Halford"farther onmin wagons to:otSor tarkets,and all.)cé8s:{for the want of monied-fucilitigs to'stop it ‘here,)where the farmers ‘Would’be pleased to seh.|And this WUEhe.the.dase until ‘remedied by ihe ie-:Legivtatare chartering a,‘Bank to he Ineated §in .“Ubis.Town dra Branch ‘of ofe.As i now is,thecori }eeweerbulkiof.the sproidhge:grown in this’,landpartionofibe'sState and'north of us to the’Vitgs.)his.Lua line,“is taken 3a to benedt other ifoads,i ins kind%which the;Stark has litgle,if any,interext.The.those in‘sum of the freight which:‘will each Vear thos,‘be.lost t2 our own Road-uort'a:remedy.is applied ice rtaia.tise 5 ¢ampost.be very large,‘and:‘theyRoad which;was aus ot"ne‘persons for thé :“built at 80:much cosito.the State,run its freight friends ing relatives:residingtraingEMPTY:‘or.neary,’$6):Bat.thisjis ‘only;jthitdly ;{Quy extensive Agri |“cages of Suspected:poison ng.iadvarigusther’dn.|tefid,‘he’Said;to ‘hare brougbtth¥additional,facilities |-of:stoutiscience,0 periegiog 3 wDasenece: was calcuJated 40 confer en:,Bye han.place,by the’pre Siftion 0 Tea itnportatiKureatidthe ry *forfrthe:ee ‘bya, lie.ai Tas beer !Oherekes apply hilt:to"“extend titre spass,: 7 Nadisbre ’poFthe Sede 2,xy adic 1Mm.Philai ad that W erscenips nherplit’deseribed by.an |a olesA we diet:48 fTonpape i 5 hy 4din: rebut met, hi 8.hot been: vadent ‘of the says!“Mrr.ee. Offe Limb,th ough J,1A MAX By(% would‘interhi their frends dnd ase publieerigtaly,setint they:are sae pnanettectiir:;ine.wie 3 y i "|Wheat Threshing Machines,.- Weidk:Wie ichtior Gy st npn Cvinde of.all:+o izes either4aSadler’sixtione: Ebe Tet QiniproveléWrout:wht.at the’ atebeet!bein tnserted throush'st beer -pipuaire 3Avirltietapoythein-ide,which obviages:t wn ‘FeVersing:“dy toothy tiCokesideskots’avon,chSETY he a withied,«sale &at u “done ay eltorttwill te ¢e wetiersaul wcttis€Sendins yoururd fox,‘hee éelaveie|Mac Hines;tharvouhy VbePuneeksAY Seissini¢for this seakonsISISPRATOR=‘SALE:|Avy.thiteri our Tine w it Ub delirebebaoSMaohweesaK.HulmoadHar Grahah*,ed linge tod :\ 2 a,:4 oe or aeon businessooa“Dixy,Dayicsin A,Snow?ins,ae A wall receive RUE:Sa “ited!‘No thieestat ¢pavinent,amethoxt ine lainstatheestatewillpresentthdin-ial p 4 or)ne,gr oe barred 1 this”flotied: On:vet ty;thi leKeniShouseaiFatgiin,\: NEGRO.MAN, Bcdy SEMON SE apAW :goodtnusty} |olds,‘Coughs,a \‘“Hioarseness.”aes e ’}Banertecp,Wise,21th Dec.,1833."tae»|,DR.3.C.Avek:Tdonet hesitatetosay (57=remedy Thay over foutid for’,hs,Hourseness,Influenza,andthe ~‘oopcomitant synrptonis vf.2 Cold:is Your:Y Cherry PECTORAL,”“Ithconstant uso in‘my practice and my family for the’last)ten’years pas Shown-itito possesa supe):Tior virtues,for the trotunvent of thesd,eames -EBEN KNIGUT,M.D.ACB.MORTLEY,Fsg.,of Urica,N“sed your,Pectoral m and “in my!finily,eter sinceopeninrentad;it,apd believe it thebest medicink§for fea‘ever put.out,!wat &bad coldI should sooner:Spay twenty-fivedotinrs fora:vottls than’withoutte,oO,Stake:apy other remedy?)bt .€roup,Why Coug Iifluenza.oopling CourtsI Sic}1858,"2 Be ‘T wilt,E Cheerfally coral rsyour Lrctoral|q Lge possess forthecuto,0f!Whoopincough,P,Bhd the chest:diseases if!Paesae2your”fraternity An,the:Santh -appreciats:‘your’sicommendyoursnedicin’£0 dar,people.:CILGRAMLcpkcciy,MD.AMos LER;‘Esq,Megeean:WkIbed«tedious Infiusiiza,which ‘go{aix “weeks;tookmatiyimelicines:with/ttied your‘Pectoral:by the'ndvied of oprel iSfirst:dosg relidted-the.Horoness in)mystaoe and lar+(eas than,one half the Piste made ‘ni letely:aLbe|Your peony are stasis Daceas..weit an ha-bestwejeansbuy,we Reems 3p,tor,aid ‘yor Femedics,”as-th¢poor-man’s friend”ae aAsthmaorPhibisic,eae “Bronchitis: N.Y,writes,«trave. Wast,Mac et Feb.4,1856, ze ‘if im ooh speretonedpete}from’4;ig symptoms 9!81 On,an mow curi!TRAD 5i;Whoshas labored.ane cnof:ye,etsrie riesetae ae ee ‘ALON,'MonnoR Col:iid)te 2 Daring my ofaes oeease.foe‘are npc ak ae neaae‘might xdd volumes ofevidence,but saatincibgproofofthevirtuesofthisremedyiin Its.effects:upon trial.:Meyile%impltion?‘Probably.no oo ones has ‘ever:Beer)knFoor20many'and susk dangerous cases a8 thisi,Sree ‘naar a ORK‘Astor Hocse,Naw Yi Coy,MarectAYxr,Lowi:I}feel it a:4,to Inform you what your Cherry.ts ee Sho/had been five monthsinforeenysymptoms'of Consumption,from,Saasapc gave herinuch relief!‘SheIng,UnetDr.Strong,of thin'city,whers wehavecome for |advice,rocomniended'atrial of yourmedicine.We bless.S bisis ‘Kindness,as wedo -your skill;-for\he hasrecovered.|that:day.She ait Yet aoe nate totreefromher:cough,and~Fours,with.SELASDD 8:ANDO:SHELBY,or Smurvaie:- Consumptivicr,86 til youhave.ttibdCasxkyPrbroray:tteee by coves thebest medical”aiaee|Chemists ja the world,aid its cures.ail around usSap‘the high mibrite ofits.virtues.—Pidladephia ted,:Ayer’s ‘Cathartic f pe geiences ot’Chemistry and ‘Medic “have?beentaxed‘thelrutmoet to-produce this thost parfect*Rates whichis ‘khowii:to,man.“Innurherableproofs. ase togco ‘rahe =excellence theordinary‘medicines,andthat:they win uh-ntedlyupon.the jeetéem‘of'all mién.:‘Theyiaresafepleasanttotake,butpowerfultoeura,’Their'pene-,‘tratingpropértiosstint E vitalactiriticsofthe body,|jremoye'the obstructions ofits:organs,purify ‘the’‘blood,;‘and‘expeldisease...Eoeyey purgeout.thefoul humors:which “daredorgansintotheir aaatural action,thd impartheal!‘|tone.with strongth:/to’the whole iystem..Not.¢\;thuy ‘cure the _evory-day }complaints of felagformidableand‘dangérousdiseases that»the}dest!ofthuman isk):While,»they.produce rer; gtfoctsy theyareatthefame time,in diminished i:batest and best that.can be émployedfor sabe‘Being sugar-coated,ithey/are pleasantto take ‘andyy being*-}+f?purely vegetable,are:frieg'from any tek of.batm.*‘Cures“shgye"beew made;which’‘BOxpass iDeligf avere they wotaub-(tatitiated by meof each exaltedpositionand character.40 forliid the ‘suspicion “of untruth.Mas,eninent;peerermen and phyniciaus Havetent their namesto certify:titathepublic'the reiabijity,of my,rena,while others;é:Went mie’tht‘assurarice of,theirednviction “that myreparationscontribute”aangeneely to the:rehiel of ‘myyeaallicted,auflecing tellowatien.:FATS “ho Agent below named iapleased (6 feraixh gratis my Me29k fe Ie onAX:YO:sei PRE,BS 1 I.:American Almanac,contiining din for theiruseand .*:{Coptificates of their cures,of the eee Costivencans Hilious eas:Rienmatism,S-Heprtburn,Headache:arising from a foul stomach;60a,Indigestion;Mortidtweniee of the Bowels-ariking therefrgim,ay Loss .of!oataig “Ulcer:ous.and.Cutaneous,Diseases which req 4@n ‘evpcusntheectedgodyng¥EviLShs neeith cie siaSener:‘imu it,would:aioe bs appiees “pay the yiviie pot Jsthy 4 Power.mae ee t step a ‘,CF"Hawitand ‘Pesenion x:Ge,Chatter. :én...OL Ax Bradleps Wilaington,:M.A Se >C »Norfolk.N.iF.Risen,Petershorg bPutcell,,Jadu &'‘Co.Richmond,Be:Bs&ge L sBeef, TE JE “>ry ringers ter this:Pobicbeas :Fin YM:Twi x SIX HORxt TOWERS ‘Corn:‘ Corn ,80 a,ve : ee WANE TO FURE,fir one:es forel— JS)FallowfGORKS +; ng mervetions .|.”‘alarm-’. *ei mon White:and:Blue “Edge: np:eaeaid-canrats bat»even »is os recomfort:| a aharns, “Bg!es{B20 shown thatthossPris havevirtpes whichsurpass in» J bteed:and:-grow distemper,stiniulate“alngeish these aad ey ‘Kaur au aa ike speusmiatait * iNoMeduetion wilt‘be angide for!lose of.dime AGaither,Newton,:W.,‘H.Michie:ee 6f al kinds for sale at this Office.4 , "(Comnzcten:Werxir] By aeF.Alexander.&Gt. Batoa,|,0 a 125"Lard,©,:aie43053esewmmrat50062.22h a 25°Naw Sar A Butter,15 iaI8’Peas,rs 00 250°. Coxtee,‘14a 16¥Rags,Oey:|: °Catidies Tallow,25,Salt,=haS 250000.: Agawantiae,.30 a 3.|Sagar,*a:2a |:5055‘Loaf 2 38°30 | 10a 125‘Tallow,.3 oe:alee 02-10 Wheat,;35 a 40Linsey’Clo,30.035. “Floor,»)4.00 2.4.25:Rice,a 8.06}}Flaxseed,2 100.Dry-Hides 12c,Green05.| Dried:Apples,pre 110.D==pred |3.80 iy “Beeswax,s .|Chickens,: 1 Eggs,dozen,. ‘Feathers,ity art peeper tp 6asie os pieSacer RAYETLEVILLE “MARWURKET”SS Sir Bacon,13-8)Bee MOLASSES—fi pape PLOVR=;ee zi Cabs..30a.St }-Fainiy:‘5 37°a 5.50)N.Orleans.4 a weSuper.}525@600!SALT Of PPite-5.00 970.00}Liv,asck 1500.00 nl Scratched 475.0 0,00 :“FLAXSEED—‘pGRAIN—-ae:90.||N:C,SPIRITS ;bOats:©‘45!a 0°50 ! Peas.0 75a 0 90.Whisky“ Rye.0 Wa 2 00%wooL—iga i ;LAED—*J1d.a lee os os a CHARLOTTE MAREE ar oS ee oe |Appledo 70-0.400 - }Pork,pr bo 2%am e “Hog round,11 "a 12°;'Molasses cont 408 45.) ‘Corn,pr bus’.50a 58)res House 5 60.270 Meal,pr:bus,50 a.55)‘Sugar,Brown,oa ee ¥Cats,prbas!45 50;\Salt,Sack;160 a 165: Heer 199 lise 2040 (Peas.prboc _00a 55,Bp 450(Beef,on hoof 5.0 0).Wheat.pr bus 85 0100.‘Potatoes,Irish 50.0:63! Feathers,pr Ib “Saad7 ¥arn,bale-°100 10 < Lard;prib “Ada 11 |Whiskeg,VC,eet Wool washed 27 «28 Brandy,apple *100°; oeeawasbed 23.2 00.\_Peach -—Ye150Be eS FLOUR—wo Sides 76S -0y00 Per 100-1bsS2 Ooa2 25° Hoggound Qa 12 per.bbl °Se 50a¢75, ;Feathers.: ‘Per th gece Sad 2+BUTTER—'2Perth2%!15018.)Sugar-] Becswax ee '22ac3 (Conmen ' |Beans i 50 ).N.oO:Syrup -B55)}GOPFEB —eM ol Pier 12a}Loaf2°Malt Lageira ‘45al6 Brown.woh *9al3. {Sawa -17a23 Saleyeesont 90a225; “Moactin -«\.20a2z |Oats7.<C>|_§35837CANDLES—i Pork’per tb. :Adamantine™24230°|Peas,per hash.. ‘Sperm +,|40050.FOTATGES.—~4 mF 17a20 Trish-” He Wheat |3 bPer bpsb ~!F0a65 _Whisks.West._60565:Ateal So 55a70 WOOL.<* sear a |50.125.Washed *~ .Unwarhed China all, CHL,SRL ITE eer RECEIVED:averyioe ‘and aid |S?.some dixcortinent of China,Tea audiDin-|5,wer Neiss,als China,Jewel Boxéx,Card Re-®,~ cefers,Canidiestic‘Ks,Toilet Bottles,‘Vases,A et Moitood Mués,Cups and:Saucers,eos fe.GEASS.WAREs - "Ix every variety,Cut or Pressed,r : Prat,Aake,Preserve,and Jelly StandszSu-’«sets,Creamers,Goblets,Tambler,De" te canters,Bohemian.Toilet:Bottles... sai ke,Xe,Guy Wty sO,he.|*eee WHYrE,GR ANITE,&COMMON,‘WARE:qe. Pad,very larie gasortment of thebest qual: ah Jey OF Ironstone Ware:also,oom-i 2 *Wares,Painted Tea-cups:.,: ‘yt land Sausers,at:25 cts. 44,Ae a sett. Wood AND:WILLOW.WARE.- duckets,Rolling-pins,Steakoisade (A: BurteMpaddtes,Knife Boxes and Baskets5)|Market,Clothes,teei Table Stats aot oe Trays.=ie: esstra fhe ibe ate Tastiee:Cat Saks -Britinnia 1Gastyres Chating ‘Dishes 5. Butkwheat-cake Dishes;Tablecand:- Tea:Speonse:Rhineduoc Forks; Carvers;Britannia:Tea{Sette;Pitchers:Tums- Bleps:Mugs:Mo 1S2Cs-Cans; “¢.Britau-. ty opi paok 1 ‘Plate yp Covers3 -.,Coffee”Milla.3 &CoeOa DiprePys Butter Kuives:’Dagar... won:Lea Bellas:Bee sand ‘odbega,”aot pale.; “alte wasees:)Pease and Britanatar,.Candlesticks:-aeWaiters"Tex -"Trays Kuife Cleaners;Exe-aud.‘Musttrd !Apoons,dies “The alice,«zwal gepeedally,lectIallick,oreeos16ealandexamitic,our Stock, awe.tec)confidcntithat it is superior to.apy-){tating vt the kel ever before openedin ‘ths ees tJAMES MARTY &Ca.rd rCharlotte,Dies 10,(838657S Bowe)TY ‘Dissolution |of Copartnership.“pee tog3SThefirm of REESE &STIREWALT toy this day disobey by muti consent.}L } “persons ‘indebted to the tatefi seat r“yore earnestly!requested ‘to eforward Hi. Serlements:can.be.) oat adyevith either of ne until the 1th Bf da:| t “nuars,‘1859:after Ghat.tieOur Hotes, “geclmaute will,Le ound ia)ms hands oan| Me Se ge wai ges }wie a RoERSE TNSesaesSTIREWALT./ oR“1958:O4¢ on ne gen a ellieifotSee‘FEMALE COLLEGE, oo ST ATESVEL LE;N.€aa ee {“onter tor eallectiton.© ‘The Fall Shales of Luis.ierGingoncloned, e “lath Noveniber>The numbatofsudénis| astehsdriee durin:the past acholastic,yef wate I tha4icae Tore will crmansnec.‘on.the Fire ‘Wednesday &ineddmpary wert. lese.than threeweeks at thebevpaine Of)‘the Session,and none.for”less”thayay.to weeks ‘after,the time of entrance.Bec.39.1S58..Mt “BLANKS 50g | “he: * pa t e t o m n : i ab R i Te s s he y Pu e s ; EE bi ta Sa i l . Pe l t Ee v e e ) et d wo k e . —_ uy &..them that they all turned-white tiot*When their fear sibsided,finding thet:étheywereallwhitemenand.women,|:they.doliberately avalketoff,adil left (2_the Owner of the pl:amesEsithout ga-solithry.darkey...This remarkable.‘phongmfe«seem rather stringe to -£4 ©Tons)!but!Of.any one “Touts +e:“tnthag+of our statements:a hightablegentlefhan:of this!eimepreparedtosubstantiate “it:in’ev*particular.,We have often heard :_-persons’hair.“being instantly. n and*“overpoWerinitr feat:ge hut Wo not remember before“2 -have.%“Sheard ofan Africatt's:skin.turning Ntawhitefrom%Sech'We sincerely Cepathicieanthytle ow ner:a1)°‘of the negroes.inhis *severe doses We f°oT ;€arpestly“hope that this”renbirkallle |:‘tg |“case will be’thoroughly;cniyextigatedd|2 rb“icksburg’19;Tre ' SS a ik : 5 ” Sa n a a tb l s ei n e oa d at s a “by oe hifdsopheni .:eo —featlooy: Eiders iDigENO MENS We [OW AReeePS_ehrotiicled on Tuesdsdaytthe’Kline oft pha ta“an elephant,recently escaped from a {soret ‘tw letarn th:ut cd he did rereat +R D ASSOCEATION‘‘rulravecenia,formenevolentTnstivitign:establis hedaaSeeediaEndowmentforthesaehetheSteleundDistresséid,“ae|flicted ith Virulent ‘aud Epideinic::Diseases:Ntimes of‘Epidentics,’at is th‘this Institsitidn’toe ea ae Gotarinitly heremiore exis43dertheérmzofStockton,&‘Morridon;isPeterby.promal eos L “4debted'to“the'late the,ha wht.:>Bs lesen cant BD ffou know’‘that there.i¢Absgreater Book Stationery and:FP aya ee-before |ne Was.Kitt danqnage,and atterly:ruined;soneplantinHindscounty?«his plantation,‘the huge,heast came,*sBEKOSS two Stacks of fodder,5©.the stacks he devottredinst:Satie while :-he hoisted the ether on:hist tirnnk,atid”bearingit.before jin,isa shield?fox:S42 him marchetl on in solit:ary ‘grfnideun.”Py He soon oo a point where ;thy!Negroes of the’a Pace dinner,when hettk Au pecs ax if{make ambdiate paymen age either:of:us Assn.dirowelt sable ty Hos;sacsprot‘vide Nurées,Pbyriginna,Clothing,‘Rood,Med‘isines,&e.,‘for.the,isic charge oftthe orphans. ,and:destitate,to take 3sdeceased|parents,cane)to,min (teriin,exery::pospibld’“why tothe relief ettheaffl;fete!t and the health iof the:public:at lage xJtisthedaryofthe.Ditectors,at such mes,tYevibit;sperepnally.the:infected’districts,and to pra:usual sight Side'and execute meahe ‘of relied.Ve«chick meta their ey es.80.fr ighitendd ‘physicians,Rot acting membors‘ofthe geo‘bon,‘usuadl y'enrol thelr.vamtes on its books,8u bsdjeettobe‘called upon to-attend its hospigals,free ‘absence:aof Ep;deniics,’tee‘Dicectors aves adlbarized the Eansuitin|{eon 10,Eive advice aka anedica’t aid to,persongunderCHRONICDISEASES+of 3%a ‘Jeat harecier arising from‘abuse’OFthe!pbyaical:"bowers,mal treatment,athe,effects of drugs,“&-pa«Narious kiron ns!and TaLacrs‘op the:‘natuy e.|:aeahdtreatmentof:tbranicDiscaien,by’the Con aye¥réspegta-|‘sulting Surge h,bins been jpublished for grarey’isal!be senitoe eestarge |: «the:and'we know |that agreat many.of you have|»ihiag:Gres}endow:re n4bere:taking xy theBesptieay OfthieARworkwar,njed i:qheiz”workmen)apdt.evernboily. Catinot :“Make a’ ig falty.jtous.distritbution,2 iane 3:Aicted.: Jdtess;fot Reon ‘ ‘SEHKi cQnagiing.Surgeon,‘Howard a .South"‘Ninth Sireet;Phas!a“By ‘order Lofvehe:Directors.es Exika D:Examine BLL,: ~from sudden’ Gro.Essie the.sulisgrliel offers fihe “aul a)‘House andLot,if Statesville,near.1‘the.Femule College.‘Thelot:‘cone!Pp: ‘tains two actes Of‘ground;theiAm-|Cyaye.all.deen.put.UPCp ore abreeyears,-and|"?e.is“awwell_of6eX-ny.:person.dest-||.heaity and:thriving,f #a >Landand NégeObs.a provements’h:sae |Within the‘ldintheyard:the: cellent.water:ATONSof:locating i im:this e i.EeOh the First day of Siannary:ee3"“The Land belonsinye,to the ‘minor ‘hensofseDryM.:MogyttKE;will be rented,,anidtheNe;TOES hited,for ote wenr.: yo fie Pabli¢:cereal,ae talthose:who.are.indy bted: “In ‘addition.to the ell:assottedStobk of “an the.shows and saineof Swinter ticles,toibe foundat’SAYERS|Book Storeagood,’stong,watersproof pair,of.a “THE PUBLICceSHOES?‘and:ere ene‘kaow|ing.er putupthat kind,more.Sryofecammodancn.thas theif own,jn-=%Maneotypes;Cameoty pes,:These things are well known,to 100;and various ojher Types,swbich for bebuty,‘|andk we now that it.casts lors ‘of:money 4 Oo.srability nd fiaish,are unsurpassed.’*4}.getup.the right’kind ‘ofBoots ‘amd ‘Shoes,y:bite recently received:fall:and.-ainpl We aya VESob 4 feliowsaad plank’downthe:%)DOC:time to B90 aitd:see “pours stical]at!®figure,as anyother:‘Artistin’the ‘coutty..aeBOOK.STORES and’you’ pay ment-otthe bottom:ofeach.eure,despecttally;.tees4M;JENKINS®A <3 BeadsStove fe hate stitablefor;adi eroor,salhice,|pply-ap the: a EXPRESS OFELRi ce,ris:Olde:Stand’on,:Broad’“sire ==ihe 28"preparéd to Uo-all “Kinds ‘of:footed,dorteat threEeiablichinest! oncits etter;£2 inet sabesPes‘2%. 4 voars ata oa two haibeWaeba',-tage horsé Wagon:both ‘withifron!ALON5O'Sets of:Harhess—-all:‘be-|:large:loi of. i ditto. longing totheWeester N.C.Rail)+Peesfor pang apflourRoadCO:«"i::1 ‘to RE SIMON:OK,Se 7%+ora cheap:bythe boltorbul. ae ROMCAT,“A Sngineer|:a Bs ALEXANDER &Ce Respectful satieg Mill a ‘bak heis well:initiated:in thesart:of eee te ILE MA«:eh ‘Fown;can:be:accom madated”with a:dwelsling:onchenp and)JOS.WSTOCK TAN,‘reasonable terms,oepple7,458 Ret Azit Hint the Ghandi‘ne Pi‘osseasion Gan be Brenat es tie.+Notice.| e-Here NER ba |of JAMESo>HIREDIn a townfor STATES ie “3 First.diy of Ji ROES ondiin “tor phe canesEMMONSAcepeasgl,eile baitiry nert,for ‘one Rear,erms of,hiring madeB Know fey day.JNO.DAY LDSDN,oe1Dai.6,1858.®\i Mad cy-.a anh -8:fe ym A "Be Be HOPKINS.”Ron.ae LL,aoe:ATEINROX os HULL,&ATKINSON,|oS Das Baltiniore Street,ofBALTIMORE:clas "We would Fespectfully infite the attens|:_Non ofpee to he 1atge:and“attractive|ae af «f°eg |‘sratesviie,NOG1KEEPconstantlyonDandialarfetWatches:and Jewgé aksortme af elry of a c Weck:Watched anit Terweiry’af ewsirepairedjia:tif ‘devt im,Aner and Qa:‘tie ‘aditreasonable‘terans..ig de at jAngust 28th,1858 Eee ToiletaridieapdGlass,Cainphene,1{Garden Seeds,ele “BRITISH,ERENCE &AMERICAN iDRY:‘GOODS,i “for Fal and WIINPER use,which:+Encouraged by?cheese reifmefirmofHorsgns,Hori|repared to Offer:bilgeeupetsor ‘ or prempt“bay«yers,both-im tue variety and extent of eer ‘stock,ae«Ja cheap,prices.| re WeSolicit Orders”v4 --aad those.Who entrust usaa 'now.opening. “extended to.ou “&Co.;we shalt neat ne alee:‘indbtements to oa K “STATESTIEE,Nv,“We having obtained 3. ten,40-abh hier iim teiapiliesand.Dealers,as.vy imonton 410 ise,|pleasure in ora Aravellers ond the at‘we are.{prepared:to}‘bine ‘bors s.iand:lee at reatoniable Fates.Poh War eringConveyatice.can bel lime,and selit.Ja'eny.pe A Weipride ouraélyes:on:‘keepinggentle.’rand fivénideriisoftheDestquality;rand {yotoAbe:‘appetite of the ‘animals :.10°°°er.the.managétient of the:Dropties4tora;and nid:fear Reed tbe:onsertained,&ec.:"BRINGLEa&DAVIDSON. itt their,Ouithem,carefully allends’Soods prenptly dispatced:|”:Hopkins,»Hull4Audason.|suas 18th.eeoteahes Asad .May relyion having:+ed toy and :‘|horses,Our)Pry a the,quantity:leftatae -JUST.-RECEIVED—, at the Book Store:_Spargeon"S Sermbns,4,aoe/?Presbyterian:Psalmist’s:ee=David?'s Psalms,CRouge’s Ver‘Methodist Hyamag 5.335505::lexande?on Acts’;:#2 \Port.Foligs and:WritinbPet.22)Ho am wn “Abscondéd ‘om,tf ubsériber,on the:Be aly,last,a negry:man,called”Ja z Pape ke a 3 F |appearance,quick,5"-Broclamation.So ETS of.180 poe vows air Men,Women,‘ah Ghitdeéahaese.Presénis;Fhat.J.H°Wy:AYER,6 fife?fe.County eae ce eeorth’Carolina,hae.gull a great ->Town of:Statesvil-State of N Books,ay Articles,ete,waywhichIamvery,anxious 16:.jst of January,1859,“and::one-month to go on}Pf you ‘will miake vour~|:at the.BOOK:STORE,you‘shallallofthesearneéles.at’a lower|you gverilreamed they could bef.:.“S&you have any.thing at home,},kK away from my Store withoue ; Fy YOu can jostcall RETOwillsaynomore}=¥band anid seal the”alt Ww.AYER.tt sy “Pake:Notice’eeePooTiigsejndebtedtous,are,requested.ager sadulgence’tannot:betnottobe?’expected.OnOfourfirmintends'leaviag the’cou:‘short time,andthose...ow;ate calculations 10 pay...0.GILLESPYE &co | sell Gut‘by thie “as there.isoralyt "selves visibly.‘have any,oricethanrtay‘for,~that.you too‘Jeaving the money:‘therefo-BRQ:pa for it now,ijand.IGigenunderm"3a day:of ae .;about if. “Bick and Fa Ree :L K§French and Americ: ef pay.up as lo=and ough Og.£8.coe iake |v4 er and p Bian ’s A For i8595Eeeoalbaat,pe BOOK stonere-oci22 manaes—ie ‘Mens Shoes and Shoes arid Gaiters WN mh ee Ry gi ee >» wo a r e r r e ea e fi =Noch +.att. RL Roa Novia ‘Counter Mocha.Po~.New,‘Cheap,'and Expedi-*.fious Route for ©.-Breight.for theuterior:ofNi G.M KRCHANTS and.othingtheirFallandWistad.to notice,’oe North Easter Rail+festtin,S.C:,to Cheraw,th@a»(HEAP and EXPEDITIOU:E “the Seaboard thas been.opened to them.i:‘AN freight consisP..Agent ofthe North'Eastern Rail-Road willi+be forwarded FREBOF COMMISSION.mesargewillbe’made’for.Storage!‘at.“Cheraw.All goods will be.taken:care ofia-the Company’s'Warehonse’‘anti sent for.’is /“A schedule of:charges foP>freight,will 5e ue att H' % rs about cvehasinterSupplies,aethat(by the:‘completion |oad from:Char i;advantages.of a5:Ronte.from in Weatera ‘North |fore’baying ‘elscw! ed to the fcare of<the ||» Statesville,Get 15,1858.M‘EWE.want 400.bushels good-pdriedPeathes,for wh + ae pounds. ee amtentaion ‘of |: ot S-SOLOMONS:“"Bags—Supls CHINERY 0 i rad an experi f several.\':the Miliiag,bate hi nied himsels|.-:whe s:fudly.competent.to:Sive:entire:Satio-|>‘ction,in,Be business:of grinding.He:wouldiefirtber:‘say:“to:those,hs.mightwish:to,employ.;he a :iniller,that!they willsaddieng si atlNC Se ee,Be7 Valuablefet ‘8 insof “States Tredelt eousiyicN.e:aalso:fer,my!trast of 200:UCKES:marei(bag¢x formerly:known}ag thy:sland’‘of -dames.iJatky‘together with the:-eldgiant’bujldings*such:ziTDwelling«Hotses,,Kitchen;Negroe.houses,|:Sy,Shope,&65 r ‘wouldsay “to those.wlio:;s fe to,epurctpee Land,thar:they Wovld.‘do.“well :y)heeeaiete,ie=pared:i lowest figures,©Oct19oF Sanh |Chitra&Son'sae esSobsctiber,“Agent!Worthe:pele BEYthie |There are several acres:“of land:belongiag to the+i z iforms the’“public respectfully ;that heguer-|mort desirablePropertyof thekind iin.Wenn 3‘{agtees every’Insiziment.”Peon ceeNorth ee otato:urchase/the.PIANO,by:addressinbimy :;os“wilt be sent a pamphlet,with i ‘ilferent)*Apply to.S.‘A ShaiLeyles;andprices marked.|.eae ‘can “now.see ppecimiens af.AMBROTYPES, ve:tructions,under Mr.Wi;P..Hou hes>and;Eteese)d6-any:;ang,Zot these:articles from.us,and you can’tSay|..IF &SSHOE tine!ey are paidforgnow feu:eee ictures,in ugfinished amanner,andat astow: |Now-prepared totake.any of,jhe above.style’Sof,Address,\* at‘find your.‘and?try!‘me.te ed bee aire:satisfaction;0 dfiCSaLeneaccounts,und.‘root ‘enough’to Hite Rec'd |charge.it He me Parenter eel .tee =ae[Valuable Property (9 BM Priz ;THE STATESViL LE TAN.-¥ARD jis now”7:MED.ALPIANOS,{|offered.forSale.Tt ligs’immediatety.von the _.3“ShBtreet between the Court Honse and Sepot.— ~tvabove named justly celebrated Piaros;”*Jot.\*Wath a little.expense %cen be ‘made the4 oi On Q Sharpe.”[Srsiewvlle,Oct 15 46 ei3mite ms ot <8 eectShaeieE‘BORNSTEDT.*sabe:-New.Firm.”e ee “Pianps,Taped:and Gee lisow!3,ABSRE Ee)Wilmikgton,-N.‘CxPEiSTo,Mr.Boeasthe only and.first bres “The andersignedgive notice that they hava acteytmivarforhis:Pianos,atthe:NC.State:Pain ‘entered iinto Copatinersttip,—_the>style g ies cost bypaying.what‘they,we svar,:a8:weabederetiainedtocloseGirtbusiness:~ ike ‘doors’Eastof the Public:Square,aed WOR |Alrepairizg dome of shortnotice,|ant:eaeVasworkmanlikemanner,°dnterest<c!hanged Base =f awash), s0ay 37 WATTS,-WHITE &CO,oe AVOID)COST.ts tat ‘thie old stand of Watts,’‘Doug. $L hone sndsbied’40"‘the:late fen!of:‘las &Co.and are now receiving direct trom‘atheNorth ities,a large and general Bde.3 STOCKTON &MOR,RISON can avoid |“sortiaent of ota and.Winter:¢STAPLE &FANCY“DRY.GOODS,» Flere ¢,Boots and Shoes,”Tats,».4|Caps;Hardware and Cytlery,Bon.x4;{nets,Queens:ware,Drugs,Medi.°4icines,Iron,Steel,Nails,ete.“2 —GROCERIES—:=i Sheark‘Coffee;Molasses,Salt,PeeteLead,-“Pepper,’‘allser ice,ginger,Tea—in’<“4 short every article-asnally keptin an‘exten--i aria Ga purphiste Cotton i in’the seed,for’‘sive’Sstablishment:.All-of ‘which wilt be’ STOCKPON:&-eRnise®.rue.Pe rae Eat ee‘Jot a,Moun ‘fron aesanes For.Bale:by-'f2.20)TA.McRORI rn Je 4 hick.Viwillpay:the’highe'st market’price,psold”very.Iéw Jor”Cash.Call and examine.‘{elivered “at,my Gin,'a mile aie Balt worthy our pnoos before puyingelsewhere.Pate ajpwest,of Statesv:Me.Peo 3,Woks WATES. MLSA,WHITE,heheae“EBDOUGLAS,3thecho“Oct.8tb,W85B.4k 4 asty af.basaelate Jo'sSs W.STOCKTONzyouwantGOODMEAL,give it actriak;epee.a Dall moet reeof Sistestile.iSTetTeenow_seceiving a NEW.and Compcere, and appearsbelove ththe:Justices,of;“our.gaia |Pla eaburt,to be held for the County of:Aredeli,}arent EsLatheCourtHovse‘in Statesville,on”“the 3rd‘)Mondayof’November ext,then.and:there. Setaken Against‘him.oat “Witness,Mo EB Fr eland,C.ws i on ai Lf!|Ladies’Embroidered Collarsand sleeves,fy We i.The.‘dodersigned,‘haying-taken.the sand,: f ae oe como:|.2 +|‘Castine an Faetmsandyvery.ehéap:ohHpuse':and|Old Ca tipg S.Se BS:Statesville lying.vireetlygarth of,and.Kron,2 }D.an “size pieces;évat4Lenanetaeeeann(For whic i He.lot'edatains |S$600,and the|CCW os natry Gin:ialaadeae to.the slate of :SannaiitNeM;‘GRIF FIN,“dateased.=;y 3 Six noni credit, the’Purpose’ot carrying,lonjithe ‘> Beautityl Plash do.Ww ho le.Sale:&Reiail)1 Bed dandChinelle Stella “€if fond eor'd| 71 GROCERY Business)~Prineess Royal:Patent Looped Exien:et ie +-Begs:leavéto inform ihe Citrate:of .~READY-MADE CLOTHING,|| :‘Cons eee part-of,ee Rao;waGuyra’and,Faieateae : ee No.-artiele-oF Crushed:Sugar-ya ft1,Boots,Shes,Hardware,-Cuilery,Giese and. Side Sugar Grackers by bbl-&box5. 4)Matclies,Sieses,Piow Lines,bed-Cons x :sey and.aeaWichtan,ibe borat i JSF.SLEXANDES Ko.Dset.3,1858,3.) ia ‘Slatesvile.Isnow,opening.and ‘ffering theargent 2anitfinest’Stock ‘of,:jonfectionery,cad fea oo- vofleredin’‘Statesville: R f avis“accepMdthe Ag cy“of oie.ofae alargest’?"Kish:ald’Oyster“Houses in.Portas}|mmonih’she‘is Prepared!to’furnish’?“Families,atts‘good,fresh dy sterg,2three times'a week,”1G any Sey,froma aSeat to ten0 gallons.° {ee 7)bushel ofof good.Apples.for!sale:‘atoeSa,RICKERT os 75 bushels ok Pearale lots hich:€highest cash price.wil be-paids.J.RICKERT. asonable |fatesy. |have:at: te :Cat aud:‘WroughtiNaile,*Shor and Stoneware,© €it diner beoping on fiand'éeverythingz except |Liquors,andL,intend to sgelk.them’!BSekebyWholesale6:-Retail,ae low.as anys «aEL ©I{other Honses 30 ihe Pate *A have!‘algo,gate,Opposite Mrs.‘Wren,s:forieripsgestockof;Es ene he Hotel;‘Statesville,®BG aay:Fal and’YE infer and‘Quaner Hee+Sessions...Purchased with:greatcare as Scat :price,4geBaQaplity‘and style,in the Cities of Philadel.Calocaider &Co.2 J.B.Gair'es.>=f piia ane New,York—Consisting ee beAttachment levied On Real:Estate:is -LADIES?“DRESS Goobs,.‘appearing to the satisfaction of the:ous!Bik Gro De-Rhi Q Pytatfede:J.B.Gaines,-is not an ins|\Paris Befatae Hote che.habitant.of this State>It is therefore ordered .:‘ts by the,Court,‘that publication bé-made ‘in Dress ilks, :Velver Trim’d ‘dor do etlR:‘°Sup’r'Valencia.do “do.<°-.oy Iretlel Express y?a newspaper publishs|:*High Cold Cash’r de Cass:-ed it)thé town of Sidlesville,for.the:space of |’Boy'd de Chene.Robea LezSixWees,hotilying the said-defendant tobe.‘French.Merino,assortedColors,;gd,all wool De Laines,|:|De:Bieges.Alpaccas,‘Ginghams &Prints,”8“White,and Gol’d,Brillianis,ar eae|,White Marseilles&Ttimmings,-feplevy.the ‘same;of judgment’final will li Tarleton,‘Nainsook.and Victoria Lawns,AS owise,Moll ,andJaconet Muslins,’ "ter do|-Mourning ne 00:5oBS.Wy |Linen “Hdk’fs (veay,hea5oM.F.-PREEL ND.o..44"Lace.and coe Veil.#),‘Sy0e befee SBT ee gwietky Si"Handsome.Head Dreskes,”seh ‘Latest style .of WINTER.BONNETS,Drab and Brown Bloomers,[°Rache,‘Spries.and.Bridal Wreaths.\Ladiest Clocks and.Sf : Printed,Castimere Stawis,rmerly.oscupied ‘by 0.Aaillespie:&Cost “\Brocha‘Bohdered: x “Chinetle Scarfs; sion BridatSKIR™FS,&c: tesville,and surrounding country,that “he: is.Om feceiving:a large «‘and well,selected OF ait kinds,of the Best Make=also French:se;;ST 0 ot kK see bee Cloths,‘Doe.Bkio and °one aA 1ia}-complete Stock of i ; jobs -STABLE DRY Goobs,ha HeABCand,other grates of Sagars 5sores S tee CARPE’TINGS,&c:.te AB? oA fine.‘aSsoriment,‘of ‘Black tand™*|Queensware,Drngs-and Paints,Sole teeather,!|;GivenReayes d=<2GROCERIES.223A:‘Pime aiieks of Cuba Peea iat “Sager,Comte,Tea,Cheese,Candles,Molex.¥Colgate’'S:Pale:No:one Toker.Soaps+2-T sea,Sait,t8ec.“All of whichwill be sold at‘the’rit ,|lowest Prices a co orto punctwal.custom.Candies,‘Candles.att Cheeses,we =Beri :ey.Starch.by the!ponnd:br‘box=epee tt ay,Ww.Stockton.|I A aaP.8,—Thave the Genving ”aes qi:Peppers“Spice,Nae:‘megs,Cinnamon,:;4Mace,rooms,Axes,Wrap’p.paper;|“Het Anchor Bolting Clot ay i +_Soda,Salaraenisiand.Mastard“>:|For:‘Sate.oP Oil,Burning Fluid,Pickles Bidh f FRENCH |BURR MILL STONES,”ees and apenasete.i a sold.to:order,and warranted,good:or:nocale.Pure:White Lead,a Bie Be ch -J..W.STOCKTON.”Linseed.Oils ria ¥Statesvine,Oct,1658..)B5uf ‘TAILOBINRie t1EB.STIMSON, -Alsoja Jot of Seatless:Bags,< Grocery Line,- stileandase aS Has jast received ‘the-Fall and-Winter.SC aie '¢Fashious—will~exetute:all Orders ‘in the’eon.line,‘with:<a and neetopoetahs/ w,38.oeEEAStatevte,oe.We ‘Zo ‘esandjimprovementswherehe}nowresides,Inigo\]seated ;just‘below:the foutb of Liles).Creek,“ia4‘Catawba:county,near,Sewis'Perry,On*the.Gatsonable’terms,/a’—)lange aad ——assori~|:|tawha ziver,adjoining’:‘Henderson sSherl;,ecto |aS tet‘ds |<containing 515 ACRES,150 of whic scultivation,and.tibout ‘50 acres of thats ggood|iy‘Creek,and.Branch:Bottom.”Theiimprovements embracing sims everyyaiticle tetinanfjiaréva:comfortable:‘Log?;Dwelling,}‘a:first.tale exiensive :7:‘Barn,Stables and.stalls for.20,beadof:horses,Bre‘Cow-sheda,‘and.good:Fences.There'ia ‘mpon nfm oe Retail Store.ee a:B90 GRISTMI tL running ««pairti +.‘Bees.’eas‘Taliow,.a Eroit,TowfaofBar: Peaches,ditto.é nate price,given. “.a H:ceo lotion Necpeiskany’‘informs the Citizens of-tredell“and thepublic Senetally;thathe baa receiv~|“ed and now-ofiers tor ‘sale,‘on_themost rea>© anda pair of common,Stcnee,:Phe w.“en,Linsey Cloth,Kags Coantry Produve,+ailroad passes’through.the Piicas and ‘&e.,taken iia exchanange:for Goods,4 hethe’Depotiis located eppn it:Ee i *is moit val-:°»Thankful for the.liberal patronazereceime ;aaablefarm‘in thie:section of the State.+_ped,-particularly trom —“Cugtomess,a~*“Theretare|‘also:on the placelarge’ectkie Jt.will be*1ay_effort to holdout jndpcemenws’of peach arid-a le trees ofthe ualit oeanidZO0d:eptidpe OFwater abound,etoCah sales.Oct 38,se BE.4 “Willbe,’sold for:‘Cash or:exchanged ;for}(sroes.|Hein!i Soe iy 3 w.MIESON.:ee15.} gert.ce ck etpersons indebted toVen.s 'yo'such'customers,and ae cae 2 NOTICE! ileboro®Recorder,FavettbvillePereSWedestoro:Argue Will flease copytilt forbid.‘Murphy &Co.are.requested: 4“Hayne.on reall and settle by the Ist of ‘July.Davis;ok.Guextatthey:wish to{savecost,.aimatsjane-27H.Attorney,at:‘Baw,PEGs anne ha tecteda ae|STATESVILLE,Ns.a “To Rent or Sell!*Willpromptly and:‘dilige |Fee esrb property recentlycoeapied, ‘al Baeecst entrusted ta)bee Py as:Ween,on College Avenue.MILLER&LAWRENCE,- REDELL EXPRESS,: a PUBLISIFED wEERLY,OE.el Se Ae ? =B DRAKE.ae “Bk ce +a Be!DRaKe.1 ae in favor,ae‘mat-EUGENE’B.DRAKE &SON,4)—“|e es Sas ca ah:| ae i:Editors ‘and Propiittors Bh Be tS :se.50 -ae bene a4 Ss Sue a;"Gaus _—:ee Sa“TERMS:OF ais.dapeR,|Ni ‘eae es 82 a Year,iAdvance. :eT ites,Wh acsduahents ‘piae:I could prot “farnish deCatharicPills,&question or hesitancy,‘he™aysome onesdy proaching at arapid |him‘with:the aqua ammonia {.an.a(SUGAR COATED,}-.d'around the.counter,grasped:gait,|e bat Bi |i)intime tossave his.preeisas enka rengaap eons tab i eeeeee +pendetion gi ae a re;bottle,and applied bis ‘smeller.’Of which ‘wasinost’‘wofully impress eeing heels.|‘But it was nouse.2.to one on Billy,and no-betsta- Anvalids,Fathers,Mothers,Phys ney of our,frrends ‘and ‘Ong.:ee rat with a]emsries,-.e .:or gs :EUR Om ~p.etels aN ,ee on 1 k aay mintedi te at.the 4 :‘Philanthropists,read:thelr Effe wa e Ovam,:are to:and-maintained-1 ,y:©FOR THE:“CURE OF 'sea T self waithscom tent assistanta,will,wehave :Wy is d'th barkin,ar ;ss “Headache;Sick Headache FoutStomach every:reason e believe.50,conduet the be-tarroe aane |for’=hair,until we ace =€inthis 3 of tho worst.headach@ any body tan"have:by a dose ‘or.two see ‘And:‘SO he:did,bat-whes warm.a afish.goed ‘|they len Pee ape reas wil re othersaxthey do perspining,the blackwavy line,‘about|”Friend Foupes,‘should fe wish gt ie ia kof Steamer Clarion.r Saturated hh the :as |much interes ae his ‘parti-eolored as,a Resurrectionist,in another s*Bilious Disoldters anil Liver Compl ee sh dai eu 2."Lyhigh I fear you will find:like.:3 Ttwas:some2 ne afi ing no othermerit than _‘gm:z Hiavo tised your Pills tn’fom genre and hos tal,;«practice ever since.you made them,and¢annot hesitateto’etanythey-are the bestcatarsiccnerensie.meal regue |)>:SEdare experiment with my.friend.Ona certainpees he.came-injand’).ttility..Z se aoseeeae,“ofa him 3 job =Lepeeschesect inondeige “3 ald ine d |pulomaking:course;says ol,first el detcae ie ed nctan ae "fae.thesage Eines putting,in the mort-‘But itvour;viewsofutilitysgvemay differfrom:.:ar)‘e few oa of aloes:and a ‘emiadl.seoey boeieaeeeThereare'guantity of the;light powdered rhu-|who confine tis termto the necessariesand -||;*comforts life;andto the means ofprodao-sal}‘barb,and:secretly,adding’to‘them.a]dingthem.Antisitttue,thataltalt studvesmay 13Fie-very small.portion ‘of ver be'diapente with,butsuchasteachus toast.cn ‘begin very ‘awkwardly -t ‘+on matter,andto turn itto ouruse?H ingredients:«-Very|4 ly,human re js too'stubborn.to ee:with the pestle—up fles.the Fight |b/saromacy macnn =wders—and |“cough”apd sa.néeze.are tepecially designed:to minister to theme;- . ~amd Jqdgeof their Virtues.|ted.Physiciang-and,having provi up,“but E know:what:I-can.‘daz E can|thirace;and amid they of.his “a Dr.J.0.Avene Sit?I hate been repeatedly:curpdof* Ee Pourswihgeet Tempe “ow.Pritete,;|Salsbory,a1857,pte 7 Pe create a chas say sii ates ng oa stghastlysonl sit olor his.‘forehead andvears,excited’aligost |'I will soon give youBuly’en »Wasnineros,DiC.,7 Feb.1856.{.na|facts‘instead of es Ovum,”het lating actiog on the liver ls quick an nséq went-** -ly they.are an admirable réeniedy for de ery ae i]+organ.Indeed,Ihave seldorp foundacaseofbilious die4G4¢90 obytinate that it.didnot,readily yield to them.°jSamenelly,yurs,{ALONZO Se D,Physician of DeMatine Hoapiiak:Dysentery,Rélax,‘and.Worms.fPostOrricz,HARTLAND,Lr¥,Co:;Maici.,Novs'16,185% “De.Argn:Your Pills are the perfection of ‘wedicina,.They have done my.wife more Rod than I'cantell you.|:[>She had been sick and piping dWay for months,Went,*of to,be doctorest:at great anepad but soe no'Better.Shethencommencedtakingyour:Bills,“which:soon cured her,!;by expelling largé quantities.of ‘worlnd.(dead)from ‘herTheyafterwardsae‘ben;ieOPcereale.”"éf bloody dysentery.One‘of bur néig tladand)+asfmywifecuredTainwith}tWioxldsex of,your:Pilis,while eS pecially:to 7 frteridaothersaroundwspaidfron,‘Avea antes cane doctory predecedsors;:asass;*)Bills,and Jost Iuol time,wit!entire)ty )“even then.Such a edictineSR polite:which actual vi po8s atl be:tna :etendier wil oe es Here >*a _Haviig’re f .Jie 4 comfottsof life,are’bseteepecstssitarabte:te ‘Two:or:three more blow;¥h a Tmt of then di“Indigestionane Smparityity of the Blood.|Jaive ari ‘assort and of as:fine)f :xtity i at mere convenience.A eepaee ic De os iDae en ar uy;ot Devgs,sapertoca le,Dye pits L Hel d t :wit rare Se .:5 ie Bhs y Pain giee ae proportion of mechanical ispong to. “gucebah in.my:family and pt tho¥®l am called tovisit’’cart be und in thie State.Whied Why Seek deh ;ii "':8 TU be;been bla ,.ie ;fy 8 thie matter’|thegratification of an:lngualt-aieie:How:“Saye To rogglththeorgans of dixestigg:and pork cord \rH ::Meas,ye fOr Use:\echtal (Doo es.“A-simple would be theartof byilding,if‘it im.-the blood the ©t Zi :-5 ,:.Known,nd.I'can confiden ena for ‘aside iny-backs amd:iteditself to the-construction ofa ‘friends:~Nours,"|HIMES.i ag f ‘shelter.’‘Vow many-ships should we:dis-_Warsaw,Wyomreg,Co},N.¥.,Oct.26,1865...|eiat!Now,mm-Dean Sm:F-ant nsin;ar’Cathartic Pills inemy prac ‘Gicéingd nid chat angxceditht opDinrative ta cleanse the ‘orn stock before ussliasing”e ae aud)perityahe fountatia bloods.{a :SONG:MEACHAM:af.D.||™*ise AN Ord *Peysipclas.Scrofala,King's‘Evil,9‘Tetter,3 *Fumors,and Salt,Rheum...ire «Porwariting Merehant.of,&.Louis,Ftb.%,:1866, De.‘Aven:Your Pills ard!thepdragooof all‘that:fe_ogreat,In-merdiche,,They‘have cared myittle daughter~~Of ulceccius soles’upon her hdnds and feotthat had-proved ¢incifrable for years...Her:mother!had been lopg grievous“ly alificted with Dlottbes adPiniples ‘on her skin an@ {n°Rleasbre iin annoounberhair.After our chiktwus)cured she,also:tried your.|pi ‘“Pils,and they have cured hers!,ASA MORGRIDGE,cing |to,his:nlchds'andthe pubihdiesever,eS -Rheumatism,Neura’leid,and Gout.©|aly,ihat he:has:taken:tha lor ediablisheaif >St FromtheRev.Dr:Hawkes;of.thd Methodist Bpig Ohurok.|aad well.Known!‘Hotel,and has’“made every. fee j RUTASKY Toyse,SAtattwan,Ga.,Jan.6,1858,-°possibly,prepardiren:.oe aceommpdate “beToxdKkEDhbourHosniSn:Bees Boseekentiten jeeee ser bnsinest,travetling ‘aud.visitirige portions,o oe gnatitle,and how many busy‘trades put ‘to.on were dress.andfurniturereduced tothe©standard of convénience.‘This‘utility,wouldwoFkchanges,in town and country,would level to the ‘dpst the wondersofarchi-ae:tecture,would annihilatd thefinearts,/and “~.|blot-out°innumerable beauties,“which the‘I bandoftastehas spread over theface of the _a4earth,Happpily,p emen nature is too = a forthe u tarian.It cannot Re“Wha ‘|:with the convenient.iNo Sake 4 4 self'soorier.than the love!5—4+Thesavagedecorateshispesontdthe1is-more struck with the ty ieae5-offts raiment.So farfrom limiting ao”Aud’S0%t lor fliow hob - ee ekil!has broughtmei ‘A cold settled in:mytimbs apd brought on excruciating (thespublic,inthe“moat satisfactery’mane toconvenient food and raimént,-weenjoybat ‘seceralidss betas:Bich ode ia cae eee ait):‘oes attention:isttne oe little'aIepast which ~ig’not”with ~aeotwithstandingbhaieaiysicians.Giscare §:Ae ‘grow wore aud.worse,pail,se the advice of your excel ORAB is E,.rhe 40 laughand -he -Me seer io =nat Saar SententagentinBaltimore,nzie,I tried:your j a thr ie”Their effecta were slow,ceesure,:BY perseveringin,coe Hdd:he only just:ae 4 5 t es sal eve omni is ponte 10‘hi -robe-would find himself an-unwelcom! Useof them,Lamnow,centitely well.x -tion Without any «cf 2.Senate’Grroam,Barbs Roca ha pee31855,“IROGMIS.‘laneircles which he would”oe"Dr.Avan:Uhave byen entirely cu!ted by your Pills of Ei eis 1 :forego..-We are aware:thatRhenmatjcGuut—a phinfl diseuse!that had'aMicted me a.STA bias ute Riundany ees nge,.“which:proiluéé two for years.t Ki!(VINCENT SLIDELL.aynit attensled thYa)‘carelut astlersos)For Dropsy,Plethora;¢or kindred Comes departments the pi pritior vi¥2 punints:reyu iningan opie ppree,they ary‘anvexcol-f:ade eve+Jentremedy.,i!a attention,’Paty For Costixenessor Gonstipation;andes “&‘comfort MNIBUS)rans)@ Dhiner Pill,they.wp.ogreable and pfcctual.|ta theidepot onthe’artival of the Care...Fits,Suppression,Paralysis,Inflammae With}tess -eflogsto-please;ra«*@lon,and evenDeatness,.and Partial Blind=of‘the.Sblic:ati *ps<'gneas,havebeen!‘cured by the alterative-action of these»a c ye aoe IfPill,22 teat fen SH STE fatieiny 1 Bet 7.Mont of the:Pillein marketSoueati Mercury,which,val :gets aaa i ah oe VuM.iow ; ‘|to'whichwe have,referred:og eal atginextravagance‘and muinous ‘ know that‘the love:ofornamentis often vitia-a7|tedby vanity,and that,when 20‘sae a sometimes destroys,the’conan:nd,simplicity of themind,and the relish for.!thé a glory.Still,it teaches,even in iteex-|‘|cdiwes,that the idea of -beauty-is.an -jndes-”||,tructible;principle of our nature,andthis sin--{ ul ;on are tov bY.partuters}“imust.be the res} w/thongh awalnablé remedysin,skilful,bands,isdapgorons:-NY te VARY isa ae gertinthjs enough to -put iMity.”our iguardVyfnapydlic’pill,from the dreadful;conpequencesshat,fre Stay shih,1858;fev eaetie Rapa v against yelay)notion’ofutility.1\°“4 quintly follow its aocenteey.use,These;contain,u0,mer:¢:;~ “month.‘or BO:hadicmp‘Billy's:first:easay’at pull hen ‘abouthalé:a dozen of ‘a :,eury oF niitieral sitbstaucc’what ee-AYER'S CHERRY:oe i las FOR:‘THE RAPID CURE OF| }-Pat end the Bier.Bee ie poe *}|Lom’Cook t#ils&story ofan oecur-) {rence at;aprovineialtheatreinIreland.| COUGHS,COLDS;HOARSENESS,INF.’wliere Macready was personating Vir-ta‘ENZA,“BRONCHITIS,WHOOPIXG 7°}gittius,In preparing-fer the scenein.-‘CoEGH,JCROUP;)ASTHMA;oe a y whith the.body of Dentatusis brought.at “CIPIERT CONSUMPTION,any thing thad'e }:0n thestage,the manager imie x“a“ivlend tor the rsblief OF corisumjptive’fetantein’advanced‘gtagestof the disease.{4 s We need mbt “gpeak-td ‘the.v publie of.ite’virtues.f 26 0): iThtoughout.evoryertown,and ‘$overy hamlat of the: American States,ite Sees d.‘oceur when hestook a sbat:amo }Pat,Pe property-man,pa de nelPatbeiingofa~hss coll by ‘Ghieir OOM,-eS :6d Of pulmonary com, feo ;Ie TER ne wpe pe :pean iz responded to’the eeeneeeeaeadhdCimeverithcnemedeaee|Neep constantly:od hanil,'ae tt adenbattens,Fee would fetchit immadieiy “Patnext -i an:Gut some.personal $xperience:Of ith effects;andfeweryet |ees in.9 L.1 eae lapse’assott nent »car’enough’to.see what are.|<“a :{J “¢he coramunities any,where which haxe not aiong them iS .;Td ed :ar ‘>made his appearance with afall form-r 2 Pl eonme living trophy of its,viefory over thesubtle and.dany Pe on its Bena,few TOPs).of.he-hi cand 7yiligt:Be ae .gerous disexses,of the threetand lunge:,While it-is the “the oilof nimstard !ff ;“On .‘ing pot t rig it «‘Sort,wasre-.eh =%.«+‘pioatpowerful antidote yet _knkww to man foritheforml |en 3)ceivedWith anger for his Stupidity.‘eae a henn B®sdabloAnd dangerous diseases of,the pulmonary:organs,it :diatly ‘spokeito us,‘and.7 ’ei rT iidfi“iss "'-[fe alno the pleasantest arid:safest:fernedy that‘can ‘be em-"¥they ‘ay Pays erry <She bier,youblockhead!”:>a.toned,$e Selanfs and Seng!pinane:|Parcs shold ally.epi inaate gah esl nf ately,for thimgself,5:See bocaoasipsitin.satore mesinst tbe mee es seen:4.7 We earmesily.inivile’allpersons.Wishingsto 7H Ay}ed the Tanager.‘And isn vit here,”+i eo Daye un dan,groun hi h itPeoottiereenesavexnitelivestsiecntpatghasewoodbareaitts”to .wive [a tbe:‘5 ‘exclaim Pat,presenting ihe:eat ihe ..ce ptic hose.i t caer \‘|4 ’Fee ee reece eee)ao rotabletoenee:“|Wore buyin,ee where,»By close applica }“Not that,you ee aoa frelitdeneniS:¢them-untik no human’wkill cagyiaster the inexorable |WOR and prom,stitudé,in’busineayy!!we hope |.ae barrowfor Dentatus.”sf’%.‘canker.thet,Retard cae Cis ettabaceaie TOU Reeray to-ehate at\ber al patronage:‘trdthy ateen:>ys dor :Y}thin by ze5-;4 Oo 801 dow s a hae JeteeesalaoeMadetcstheeistacnsatthlsemby.ae Teel not da.|eraus ‘public,«)Orders attendé:ik to,prompt!:sticking (ping in]OR you ca incre 4 el j :*smore than to @asure-therh,it is stil moe —.=th Ws“wtb heatreas anc!dispatch.°Wee Pdi mt think youd.“ot me}mutteredPat.Vho oak 3arEetaeSaMetseansrclyee|Positesol Uairtexsy at Siatesvitle,,deans ich #”pio You meant the barrow when you led).4oyaeheeBt)Fe fe the het acto ehichur ah op Sra for their cure."teeta “Liberty:Hit AW,why a rs :yostt for.bier?”“4:OS pny Lite seule Becca aeoapasPREPAREDBYBR.I.Le:AYER,<with Tho’s:>»|An Embarrassingg Denouement..‘o §mo >PracticalangAnalyticalChemist,Lowell,Mase:‘Aes 2 -i AND SODD BY |.A-young lady <7°F"Haviland,Stevenson'&Cox:GC hale fy Cee.a Vien:a ve pag en gE a |Da r tb preasiae :esi a Htovthe most ‘seléct ‘circle,S «ton,0.A.Bradley Witinington,/M,!§.Sen']©eRe toe:“ah y inieeatak ws ae ewes hich:he was "so,s21 tis ipoment)quiee'on “i Jovaly face ‘ahd.a =ieg:5,tae &Cos,Norfolk,NFP.“fives,Petersburg ue ’©MRE RAST:SEG)WOU Daye:oe ‘He gots hig ba rranulates.\bevan,wher,:which mom = 2 a aw Purcell,:Ladd&Co.,Biot rirend,bee.&JILL Be 5 yi 1 t tage Pang ae eee Wp ha dae ie 3 uri ‘oe ne toe);rt ae bane ag *and ek es eaot-Gitther,-Newton,"W.\H.Mighal.Lincolnton:es :Pd Geese Ted aes Rey Nia Te |My—-rip allead——no chance.‘so on we i)igions |‘tat 's certain “godsstorereon Woods\and Druggists,and dealers ani,Meda every |its :{si ;ai —MH :::-wrth,this cr)LNOW,ving §;é2eabeBi"i rene Th &Now,ex 1 hi wardavenu e.days since,accorii-~j;as i where.Por sale by).9 is 9,5 :man.i Senne at ‘al deals or th mite.done’thatsits hia pin &‘beohtesbt:re Te when teoe seat Ceiba mall ‘be Agta:‘:2;“i tr,ae ;ite panicd-by 2°ttle sister,2HAW!PAYER,Statesville “er ;-Jack;.a ::May ft is:58.ce Pee ur List wonNga ae 4 y ae a caigelas |is t 2oEF a pretty and lovely child,notoyer tz/fed art i ihe)sa aan Ne a tir:s ae ao age I ;at to him,wi é e Sur:~:le ,=oe ie .3 3 }d.Myself,altho yo ‘en a Bal one Rian Sac meey «canste fy og haee if 1G FC Sk fol youall,Thm ‘ofage.The clerks -of the"Be ‘Ho VARD,‘assoct.TION “1 TAlsora atsfe rd ea .at BAP ia Bog ata ar c idee J :.ishment wereof course allF2,Aree Pings .pele Ser CAR ae ig hd f a it roa,:=3 ‘*x 4 :.‘¢then gets tothndofthecounter.° politeness;and asses:ths abutslod the foreasitee |iefepcaed tobe a Goll yoke ans <a ~PHILADEEDIMA.,. eet A Besebaleut Institution’:established byfepecialEndowment:‘for the Relief©9 oF the ‘Sick andDistressed af::FERSON’and HayMILTON.DeEvk: rs minors _ficted.with:Virulent and...abd,otber distinguished Explorers ah i'm most killing black _Epideriic Diseases.se a A lens)ete.;ats ’es TeeNgimes of Epidémigs,..it’jstthe:objectsof}.Amen;gour recent obligations.arePea:*i>)AMthas (agtitation toestablish Hospitals:to ‘pros |:#./5)dieand.Private’ ero sis ine vide Nurses,Physicians,Clothing,Food,Med.Lape oF Lovis,eer |pheaut+fistnes,&e.p for the,sick’and destitute,to tako!,‘His f 5 it might oc pelts-. seharge of the atphant of deceased parenth,:anid acid,2as 7 have been |—the:Bottle!‘attire..z ere agie.~°-tovminister!in every possible,may:to the reliefor.a:this mornin:of ::ti madegare+.theafflicted’and thehealth ofthe:public.at isi,;S,3 _Brerysinehe waeObi,fary.!of ——,,andWiis.the daty-ofthe:Dir tOre.at‘such’times,-tisuchtimes,-to from asa r of.4‘visit‘personallythe iiinfected,Wistricts;and'to oeuvideand!execute means,of relief,Numerousphysicians,not acting membgts of thg‘Associa-os :~tion,usually enrol‘thet ‘Dames on itsbooks,supe’eek ject to be:dealled vpon to auendsitshospitals,free.Aofcharge,°In)ithe absence:or Epidemics,th to wait fortime and:theighttbringattTost »Directors,have authorized the:Constilting:Sur:,@ he,8a ;ineteasing.|Ma y t,eon totgive advice'and medical ajd to persons,Agents are’r &from,35°to $10 2 gay: ;:“enffering undér curonie }DISEASES ofa vira=|[seins our:Publi ons 5:‘andiwe plaim that :ie yplentcharacter.arisiog’‘from ab se.of the,physical a i ;_Powers,mal’treatment,the‘effefts of.drugs,&e.|Various’‘mzronte hnd)iraA¢rs on:thenature|and treatment ofChronic Diseases,by:the Cont!ah,)sulting Surgecn,havebeer poblisted for gray/::fous distribution,—wil be.=free of charge:~to.the afiticted,Woe .adUreas.2 ¢re Addrees,for ee or frederee Dt.Giiorst!1)Jee*R.Catnoux,orm Surgeon,Howard aa Laelia‘sociation,No.2 South NinthStreet Philadel"phia,Pa:=:By voder of the:‘Directors.i |Gio.F ALRCHILD,||Bak D,MaxkrWnu,aSus‘AS,45 *-Bader |ny “Pregident...a y oni below,tre venat}‘priges..‘‘For fall,particulars,«of Ager Y eT ai e re o ae ea e ee ee e re =|Cando so.at ourrik: -"TREDELL EXPRESS. EUGENE B DRAKE &SON, ‘ett EDITORS;raysPROPRIETORS. Persons aoecaliente us eady i Master'sreceipt to:‘exhibit:th Cane‘the mone"getlost.Gold doliars,*wHensent,should his Special accomipodats be ap2»‘Thejprinciple q7settledtothesatisfaccination “by:taking.the;Post|RG ee,avoto the inside of the'shtet with seating|pe = rTPe be ) Re t t A a ee e 4 \evety-oa eeperfornt'good Dieds,rabout}stsayawé,will now tell'our friends:|-( a 4 ‘ances’and friends.‘during'the ‘holidays;wil‘you be so'kindasto just«secure neafew ; a: iq sT y oo -°-.es| .; a 1 :P :;;ee , Beit Ctyspsepbos tejtesoit.ae oS tempt the life-ora counfry éditor,for confer-. & ae dy’tsatit he aitainaitle ene toe *\Christmas hy “Tish a.good:and resp %fewdayswith ‘tiends or it:any ‘other:man-'/:: ghave’bestowed,u upen us;durjngithepast.y ear.| wax'or a wafer.Rost:‘stampswill be take De fi "Printers Holiday.ee eso a 4 "Next week,being htcinas Holiday:in: accordance.’with a“custom BS,‘old as the.“art |© “of printing,no paper.will be idtue from,this ‘office,that ‘the:toiling?printer ay enjoy:3:hortrespite,from:his labors,“and spend a | ner.This’privileg£8,We:juctieve,our ml ‘will cheerfully.eauctord.: -#To the Patrons.of:‘ha desactes we ‘would!tender our’thanks,for |such ;‘favors |ag they* _And we hopeby.continuéd offortsin.well-do-'“ing,tomerit’a:long and unqualified _ajppro-(°_bation of.the publicat large,and’have,a ve-seTy_great increase in thé number of subsorib-i-rs theensuing Calendar,’*; “:Toiall of.our.frietids,Wwe:eS eish”a:thierry i@arietinasand.happy New’Yéar,, oeGoodDeo2eet Phereis a eats inthe Recs.of‘almost: how.they can perform an.oxcell entact,Which «fit us and the principles:weadvocate materi- ‘and other,“articles-plugs of govttold Tune ‘tingescapeiliRionMestrian,ifndt conSoheaxcenddthi‘paseed out:df rearished;a _+Will'cos them not much.trouble,’and ‘bene-|‘bee ally.”As many-6f you “will,tie:cireulating|prit‘around enjoyiite yourselves anvonig Requaint- subscribers,"each.”Will vouido it?»We have gone'to aJarce expensetto "pub | -eection—a paper which we are fletermined,table’paper.in:your| ‘with seed shall becoat equak’of:the:best tek Rate5°,Journals issued’inthe'l; oe ear.from ‘you with long ‘lists,otishort.’It ,~drews,Principal,,will commence’‘the second:session,Jamuaryzoth.2sp cepcfertsemene: vot eewithpritties:and goodies for:agitts: te rue ied et character of Mr.Carter:and he consequent-.|’ i :a woage make--we-are indebted mone is ence to: -our heartsin the performance of responsible’ -Statesville Male Redagniy pete »of Messrs, :some for sale:. é ‘er of the W.pimiaton.District. :‘qpeared |ta view,and so-enchanting!"Oh twe |!Were madedohappy.But who'to.thank for|‘tiiebijeiu'o fepéd thangs,we or nét;agcno [7 and'we want'yourauIntime—now...|Db;good friends,let -Will-strengthen ‘our hanils,‘and:encourage ‘duties’which we!nae oe to:dis-—€a : fate ’Sts ‘ta Under thé.management of‘hee de:‘8.‘Ait: "Drug Store,inCharlotte."«'fee ‘Attention,is directed.‘tothe cad ertisementt |.Nye Hatchiinson &Co.,of|a any ¥ou'are:]illiahhs Burg -of this:month’2 ‘der ofColonel o on2 all my,offecers tb: th ( Charlotte,whohave avery extensive.eatab-©.Oet-lishment for the sale ofDrugs netege 3.,Secitheir ady ertisemetity .Our AdvertisingColumns, ‘Should}be carefully.fead.eves ue estheinformationtheyafford,oi-\those,'“Whodesiréto:make purchases’ In éither case}:tle.newspaper,“is the proper and best mpediur through Ww eekmakeitknown,Those who omit adver-.tasing,when :they would1 desire to sell.‘oreoeaneeapurchase,nine.cases in ten are losers. ’-Christuias Presents,a ioe AH.tltose-desiring,tortieopeie Srpatics ofe“Young uns”;shdul giver friends’S.J.5 Rickert:and H.W.Ayer;“a cath,Ww here they.-can_be,accommodated ‘in**harileaine s Doctors Carter andDems, «We learn ‘from the,Raleigh Staindaieh that justhe’gharzes preferred by:Rev;Williani Carter,‘against -‘Rey.C.F.Dethas,Were:not sustain-ed;whereupon Br.Deems preferred charges:v_Against Mr..Carter,=3 the latter:notbeing’prepared to’go.into triponed,totake place before the.Sreiding El-der of the:Raleagh Distrtot!|The conference then;refused tor:pass fhe| the trial:.was pesty : ‘by we have reé and ‘best.furni} have prop-} ‘Of A ME “Head1tothéStateUniv crpolitelybe Price,im.Paper: per edpy.Co °maikto any™pt rt ,upon th 5 wassuspended as a Ministerofthe Gospels’,!‘Fhe’Rev.‘Dr.Deenisi4s the Presiding,Bh .*i un 4 cA Magnificent Christina Be “On last Friday,th’our:abgence;,to diniNer:Gon Editors‘do have foodsometimes,).&box_of considerablesize w: on oir return.=Saidbox,..wascareftr cautionslyitied "withaetrong-twine,and.ditected-to thé ‘Editors;ofthe Irédelt:Express,””an ‘ahogether,Qp-| aphy sitfan,or:iwe say.on!ithis dee eft”‘agcharge of a}: +peared.of mysteriaus,if notiofniischiyi‘dous,:+import.|Atirst we took it carefullyii shand,@nd scrutinised’its:size,weight,appearance"and superecription.Wethought -ithe -box|:might contain—well,wedid notKnow.what.’Was it filled:with goodies'ofsompe sort:to en-|,>papture the feelings ofttheTy;;pos:for aChrist-mas present,ajittle if advanceof the ‘day’?ree thea the't ought:flashed to mihd,altho”Weare not.Loy Napoléon,‘and nevetexpect..te be Kingor peror,fhat,perhaps:the|-’age contained:some Fraternal machine,and wad designed to abridse pur morthlexist-vence,for ‘having enlarged,t e.Express‘and|are now,pubilishing:‘one,good:r int.theSouth,for wecould éall toomind nootherof-~fense.’-But who,would be so cruel;‘as to at- ee:pablependfaction,Rpon the,good peo-|.Tred,tind the balance.o&mankind.?shoul:of fear was,preposterous,.and:peemanening courage,we-bejrat to unbind theousVisitortoinvteitscontents.e twine and,label being,éqrefully removed, viction:shat it ‘wereparticular:hot;in ne anxiety was quite 4a‘JehveMemphis“un a chad another beautitul fi fell oefromy,our.south age try tsaudsetraced,my.‘steps.fi ‘Grand.Junetior wheretral.crdsses ‘th passengers was equalsWw “aiidcover raised,the’“hidden.treasure”fp-sertainly enjoyed #delic ya rou the gith-treat.“Some |,py.couple had,united their hearts ‘andesisin’potlocksod Gesired ‘td“rentem-}.©.der us.iathes usly,Was certdin,—but.ae “We éndeavored‘to think’dcoyoverallofpatiygungfeeds,‘male and fe}¥.a “mate;who were suapected of‘being :smitten’:eeCupid’s dart,but none ofthemcoutld be,’immediate Penefaction we.thought —"Theo,whof |Leavingthia aucstion tobesettled among |:the curious and'investigating,hereafter,weis2to.make i‘inventory :of:ae:casket‘and,a profusion:of ‘nice things”we xenture.to.say,.eer eebefore delighted the inmates,of:an in the O]d2 orth State!to whom; e hymeneal h |Robbery =the ThieftheThiCaight’$ “On last ‘Friday‘night,while |Mr.Rick ;gone to.,a: -now about Binion.)concslgedte sdirie dégréeot-¢dnisol.when ‘I!go- ‘men,and:acold coffee, biscuit—thea ie oe 1 Road,and whe)compTyaerion,bei: Nesiitisdiaethe:road s pring:«Et isterenty=juneebe ta Holly SpriTenhessee.;‘This countr‘Laudfrductswell,but:not’eMp.to.»ON reler-|There was not A fair exatnploftheExpress-thot the laids this ‘season,'t }over:sepa .Ph the’Memphis.anid C 5 the e by ~; nate,to-day,hein i anit CoalFields Ro ely of!nt bill,‘andprom:| og.‘produét,:I ngthily.upon avate on to reconeider peee wasthater jectec byPhemitio41,e'election toAllMr.Hay-Xappotedforthe F2S |‘rejected.aoe 5and,Bridgers “atech t private bills‘are|Gas re.b taken Up.after Thursda next to ne ae 1 ~Ps fi though gnany | horhes after’one |G eentog I:The,members here,and?our: ithout:‘distinction’m-a:heartywel-: és ‘and ‘hearts,””probably,as’ had ee 1.Fish iteville—G’W.Hep vebetallSmithyiteae‘D Bets|Gape,Fear:Mi ;i>|North ears ected no::sir greeting.:‘He thor:| ra;and shower themover er. :oranyman “rh truly desired Jére:JohnsnShelh../4 be a=a safe to say ‘that Mr..B er of tiasi i tecaaeh are we at to the schoolhouse I am -going riin.’I won't’stop a Caeboysontheste‘beea*"SoI ees a so.I meant bat =had.not then uotaainourowandfleetingwas.a beautifulday,andgeingtrigk |>the woodsin:‘that.cheeryby.ti expressions of:in:em.most cordially ’ continued esteem and eoett Hesaid he had-.come:vate-businéss,withno.aa _forgot to keep the Sabteth dey beslholyhe 3‘and,heedless of’Annie’s ee I —off ‘on ‘a.a ©.squirrels:They‘soon got:beyo;my reach,and I came backto AnniBerethatever,and tiad:~|side,,but it was only.to pick.up =) thesentiments‘ofpoea:eee Wise eas crimson eaves that la’in ‘our ah ':Now,Charlie,.you have:what mother said to.you.”“Idaterrupted*her ‘roughly=letme alone;I am older-than:youare, -and camget along without your preach‘ing ;’-e0 thegentle little girlpeach}alotg-im silence by my.side;aud Isawishewastroubled.Soon.wé came:éws-|sightof the ‘creek..It.was gwolled ex it’‘for.the.best:i restore:.the”‘govyern-r standard ofparity:iotism,*‘with’the pioderationbecame/amaniof | honght it Was tinie foctsick.of was.faieseectags asfeeightlead-te section Tlivisiodeved~in the ‘eoming résufroftheWhigparty5‘hotin'name.Bithe positively [|of lesder, ather. 7:SonatiePech ae <ed heart. -\here since the rain,”and ‘Without:ie||heedingmy.‘sister,who’begged:me'to.- {stop,I ran upon the'logs.:|but .theSwater does.‘sweep alg .|Maust’send some boats down,”and I |; |and mother will be ‘sorry.Please comeGotHostJoes,and deta:g>to.Sab.an tthe éanse of.eaeche govern,‘ment...“He a be iden:3 ;trey one more chip’;’brit I threw.'.)another and:Saati ‘and Annie stood.i=}on the bank,vainly pleading:2 to leave:2“my sport.3aty:«Justreome’‘on thelogs,Ani,and |"eeesigs water.”4°. is wrong,’ ey high,by‘reason of the many |ieee || ¢'frains the week before,and-the,water {was but’a little below’the'}which served as a bridge for the coun-,‘try.people.:L;|across this creek;the path which led +’|to the-school house only laybyit,and) “Lif Thad heeded m ct great.Jogs i Now our’way..was not mother’s counsels=+God’s.commands—I would.have- oeright on with Annie,and“not):4 osped.by ‘the water.But Twas a ya 1 Bomafay.foolish child,and therefore,99m),mayer8ersheheItof“Se neeeenetmyi“d -cssemal to.~*Oh,the cffeek!.why,“Kuni,it 1is |“to.heaven.justlike a riter,I hav'nt been down. .a mz g “t i =e theyb= er ie ~aAnd oftenmsatGod's phy©Sabbathpickedtipacaupleofoeandthrew.»:a‘terribleordthemin.<You are’playing”‘on God's day,aandHewillbeangrywithyou-for ity bath:‘school.“In a@minute,Annie:Iwill just eo me “0h fo,Fam afraid 9nd then “8 zB ocrat Has the followiag remar!Subject:; saying‘ait oe :,Annie.until she unwillingly ‘yielded,4 ee dg rinia mapulsiy ition!Te: \fBreck- and. ourlas i “and 2.scream, oad b ext time ge could nothave interf18-fae vunless usuranceSthatTk “call ‘wortleaey.onlysisthervery:teen hé hose 7 oth ee a God in.I ‘reame to'the "middle of:‘the rude.log. Hele |leasireSin looking at my’boats. ‘breaking the Sabbath.’Iam so un. dge KSport,Annie left me.and walked.aloed aS:)my sister.Annie’s hat,with the bag “|pink ribbon,floated away.from_ber I >her klong yellow ‘curls harike|ey her.‘ |and,sities she camen} |gainst the waters,they were too rapes thspoke:ce et my ge |lear their words distinctly,thereseem-7éd such aringingi 108e:living or dead,I could mot tell;and |a ak when atlast,ces cob F al thefime.t -®Yon little ‘coward,what 4afraidof?-*Just give me aotcome,Annie,please do,and then|Twill go-right straight with You,totheSabbath.school];Indeed Jr will,”*.ELAnniehesitated’.;“comenow,what |can be the harm in just throwing some-3{chips.in the water?But Iwillstop.if:you come just’for a little bit,and 1{will thengo to'school;”and.I-urged >the”comps _theState’:8)ing.fer ‘the: i.he-asks‘an. thousand -dé threé hapdr ‘the west “may be.doa_built,Xe.¥ angen q >the s“su ty ~ton.é ~Aand th os teat cand holding by my-hand,‘sheslowly: bridge;‘but she seemed to.take very. row one yourself,‘Annie.Pr Mer ean’t;indéed,Charlie,we are. chappy.”Let.ymeedly ‘off the:log’;my .AdargeaheadisgettingYstoo;;please wi |‘the citizens¢ _me to the b a “Court:lous But F¥onlySaughed at”her:fhe,'deinhatory;“will x stilt.Fingered at,my.foolish-“ton,Charloy ;sivered b count ”+] Fight etwas as CWasuiese ( :Ce Occurred he log.Then’I heardagreat splz::Ohi ‘Charlie;Char | .Esaw that I wasalone,on the- nto the’pated:Soon sheroses her little. “hands stretched out towards me.Bibssaw her ¥sprang’like a mad boy iin ‘to ‘the ‘ereek;but‘the.‘waters werejgivens,and:‘they swept me away from- J nipoek to, =heoyhéad,and when she ‘rose again;Isaw |ig Session,w giwildly’ his*hand,sai(6B ow:I.knew‘a little,about.i ¥Mee Gee;but what could so/young {9 ee “and =a4’do-in that terrib]gwollen:e a ey struck out-towari Anttie,ae in,I ee :her and she clung ta me tightly..|with:herweight.was not aaree°nough to swim.I could not fight>. ‘aa “Whereepd a.Severe’bl0 ‘tyfor me.“Then IT knew we i ye one:wild scfaintlysawtKo.es:rekiag:down upon.the log,-Vafter this I knew no-more.-'E seemed to awake ‘as’from adream;and ‘there.I was at home,|in |10}mother’s rgom &great peeomeabout.me;Tew iBole >me.“Dr.May-was.tall ‘.father and when mot.aware th fallfeeling’to in my ears.cm :je figure’lay.quietly beside me:1.Det was oh Tethnt eter: ed ont her name,«Annie!”'not.68:another word..Sst ogl“Bho.is safe;Charlie!==| }thank’theefor.; —‘aims nied may coos 3aewe€|weretoo weak to say ———|another.The,next ps last aether,:was ‘Remember da:aad|k ly :hatreedine bene? ‘arean.~* my* take - hen,olish‘ long . black.mi har.=>4 n the ae lienHittle |When "—caprio:eSwere©fs eee : bright ' p Fer ¥saw vildly about young tyollen* Annie, io ‘But | ng:¢-— ipht.a-migh-"mast:> See Feld ,we fig-4 ia and oe c nugly E sitting:a o|cing to. eyes ~ ee aag eseem- Atittle.‘me-:Ithether}_and- Tt moan-‘I ane ou areeayen,I ahd my— own,up- nd with "ant a deep ter,we- me,she:ry neck,png sweo gy toone-| bh mother.° toldher.. breaking,a a ‘ ges ae Aas a 4 fm : ‘as,SabbathaEknew “wrong,3 fs awe were ‘taken from the water,‘they |; .thought there was.no‘life,in’Annie.— 4 commandments, ber the‘sabbath,duytokeep it holy. -indeed,et other thing displeasing,. -«hieart,axnad!then you will,lore to:obey | Annie,and she,shd dows from her PH brie E =low to the floor.: “|prayer she offerc fother'rescued chil fwhen Tha »dren was very sweet znd.fervent;‘It;:again:‘of *seemeed,tdtd-go:'strajehs froin:bey heart:40 tithe;| Bo eee Bat eae ne |is accor .Wut thew have nexer left any mind.—.Fepen “And,often when Twas teinpted.to for=))Si ic =et ($od’s cotnmands,6 break his holy’penny ‘seworth of,brea abbath,I looked back’and ‘saw that:.Abernathy:~nred: ‘s terrible creek:“and Annié:S$:“pale face”regai d: 2 and tong’golden’curls Lising from the country, aiington ‘Charlette,and.Rutherford “¢ “an alterption-in the chartér,whereby ‘\Graat the cobips mny'can,éommand.‘some of ful fold& “the State's ‘aid sboni:t Taste:ad of w:Lit ‘eats end sing fer.the avnipletion oF the’sections,ceguintrym _he asks.an’?advance of four.‘hyndred |ies *thousand:dollars dor the?easterm and ‘yess-or th ~‘three hundred and*fifty.thousand.for.th *the western end,ia ord eli rt the work.jn die may ‘be done forthwith,:“the bridges:food. Built,Ke.He has nearby maderan ar= J rangenient with:a-Deep’rivér man’for ‘the “supply 0off ron,atetifty dollars per |Mr.Jos Ba ~Court Tfousédu Tuesda ;inight,gon=|, demnitoyy of the line ofthe W imine.ha rec ‘.ton,Chaxlotte:and Rutherford road,as the Clings “surveyed by the-company trough this’those wt eke mos -Fightbetween:Montgomery of Bat “session,when “Mrs Bee,oe 4 natedan insulting Se |ea severe,blow-over the! ‘the United.States,maint.proposes'toes-;far,aswe‘are tablish #new,‘paper,currency,based -neanies itias goon-the depositsiim thatinstitution:‘He j brought %.this n 'which he intends’to.dy,before Cog- ~.the dépositscf gold coin.These'certi- =:of theal being:Sth for payment,hie direcfor &ns that |-. »that the’Sertificyaie Will becomecur- aeas.maych |as the, ‘of drtificates will prevént,-theloss by ie retainin gatreearentbullion:ae ae was every bit my fault};dear ‘Annie ‘was-not te blame at’allHN;bat,‘how vial g sary;ttha we saved???02027")overissu aidespasitsen They other,tald us that Mr.Ellis and De May the water;as:they’were both strong ‘men,with kind,brave.hearts,they. .plungedin and,sayedi 85 and -when How mother cried’when shsh¢:‘told us:of this.)ae|And now,“Charlie.fend ‘Kabie,| 3 God’am hisgreat mercy,thas |By,én you.come®to peeks:warns us to. back tous,frotnthe very ¢‘gatesof death;among oe eaters offl it seems;,what call istthis for you to love’antl’serve him,an keep all his’ "_«J-ant sure,Sothee.7 Teaitl,sf will never again break this one,*,hones “She shook her head Sidly;:“Do not | say that “in your own;‘strength,dear| boy;pray forgrace:and helpto keep you from gins of aabbatiibreakin,and,° to Gbd.Ask ‘him to:dive:‘You a,new | his:commandments.”i had two’year “Let us ask hin now,mnbtiter,pad ahd vee ae a aga. So my mother knelt’wth us,and.the_somewha fax to heavy en.“Annie"hadtneren forgotten’Feally.se we fe :t ah (APR elon:othe ‘Long aago these“things hapened .Jeffers -deep of the waters;Pifelt her little and,eoesy a “hands clinging to-me,and:when I Tig times a:day)w =member all this,uk saw twas:in’/morey:owatér::>On:this: thet God had seit thitt!Warning:“apart:regained!his,flesh’. _“sme to.keepane from;becomihg a Sab-betters’)cit bath breaker,and ‘it.was,bressca toh.Marion,and -Antie’Sqheart and Smine,The tegson:and yal i learucd at theperl of life:wete never tatoes,no ‘dri forgotten.bye epee bene rian shelter,abu hs Banner.ie aie deat tol ae ow C.ana ER.Bailes? Mr.Guion,Presflent ine =Wile: Railroad “is ‘here.He isinsisting tipon.in the Well Chinese Sugug ton.‘Thisisdsaving (tb our people;. and’‘something nev itt our State?2 fal Ciir.Wadesboro sdyere, 5 ges Suet qe fat eee RailroadMeeting.° -A large and ¢thing the citizensof this place,Swiasheldin thé ] Gee Gounty-M“adcsboro’wdrgus.’:gh: a eee.atere _yania and English of Iindianati. W Apurnetory Ded.18.eA difficul-' ty ogeurred thts,morning be:tween Con.; J gresstiien.English:of:Indiana,and |>3, oM notgomery:totf Pennsy!Ivaniayoon:Dehn-A syfyania aveliue.,~.7)'1,Is ”hese two.cmhembers “of.Coneres Sh #ppened:to neet-for.‘théfirst time'this:.Sts his h:and ‘sede4 ii Flow are:fou,ME:‘oat ero ai Mr.Moiitgomery ‘withkel@ his hand’:| like ‘bese ;'SEdbn’t ‘pale to spupies.”ConteWhereupon!Mr.--English struck him. <<head;breaking: hisvcane to pitees:by.the blow;‘atid |knocking"Be Montdomery into the ine Sef - *.gutter but.not.entirely down.*|a 3 Montgomery}on rising,hurled”a:brick at Enghsh;strikingyhim “on ‘the’boot,but deg no infuy to him: Mr:English States!‘to:Its friends| ~that lie was entirely unar med and was not aware that.Mopt gomery ‘had.any ly ll.‘feeling towards him:mp.to the time the:rencontré.Ptah Ss |Mr!Montgomery,‘as:t6,strength. AProposed Government Paper Curten-athis:‘section.” to’‘eyoellent’ ae $37 andsing:is |Superiorto,Mr.English.i “We-haveieYtisannouncedietheeestorof||Ramsey’s.ne ‘were passing through'|be made paykbied “thé woods,on‘their way to sabbath-and circulate ex ‘school,when theyhearll my ,cry,:and |ator Gwin:ig quite *saw Annie and myself struggling in|ewactm tof sul Pesidenge’OOMMn JS. have:ck rtwandueon}ibesidesoe oSUe. ‘th eeSIDD ef os tne AS a‘charge.to the’Dates 7will aleo WIRE:the{.GROES b arness,1 One-horseqnd.Hoge d.‘get Dentist Mat |ios Buckets;‘Ro}litie. |.Butter-paddles;Knife“|“Market,Clothes3Table-Mats‘aneeLATED.aete, f Britaania Canora Gang, -tg i Charlotte;Dec:10.1 issolution of”.Copa: teesiefield sand,from:his kettle hog:troughs..His:hogs fa:him nearly alltheglyconsumedforshisput‘|-amountihgin Value, $100.:,He ma |ofsytu which,,at fifty ;iTon ainounts to:$500.‘Thus ek :420001for.the erop of tosay any t ne |4: the 30th NovemOne:+ian Teal ons |;see‘during the:Ha 0.effort willbe .: decease Wheatvan: has prepareda biH for’that purpose, gress.’_It authorizes the,mint,to issue (5.certificates omthe depositof gold bul-:*lion,and of similar ce rtificates:by.the“mint,and all.’the SuhTreasurers ‘on’ .ficates‘are to;be:redeemed’‘only atthe 4 e offices’which issued them:the’heory# cates when‘‘presented tpiee at it mesthe 3practice of hoarding; gold itself;that ;s™:tng ile|of coin thus!stored aywayrveas‘a great Balakee wheel topreech:commercial disturbances.vin}tinges“of;panic ox crises:thattheuse |§ wear,clipping,or Sweating:'that:the 4 |AbtheCOU arnt‘inouters nis NEGRO WOMANgaret,and.Child,and a.BOYnamed, ;oy BS ae)Estate? ace,“a.BOY an ‘balance !‘OF“the.xthe,Estate:for ) ELVEDs avety:tary nope =pone:‘assortment:noneetere2Seta‘aleo,China Jewel anon“Re- Vepiwers,Candlesticks,Yorlet,Bottles,WV.dees, Gaur Mugs,Cups;and:pence)oy ¢;,Edge: Trays, »“Fable and iy Cocoa ‘Dippers;’:"Butcer Kuivess Saextpoons;Tea’Bells ;s erste Codlérs,writh 3-min-'lasses;‘Brave.3~ Des er ;eei,&e.. oe pieandcepacialiy the Baeare ;and «examine our.Stock,’ Tarleton,Nainsook Soa Vicione,HenS, ,Consisting iip Pp ts Alte,|a‘lot of eee Bogs. ‘Purchased.with greatcare-asDS) Qoality.and style,it-the Cities.of Philadely|3 pbia and’‘New:“Yosk-—Consisting of :sos «Blic.Gis:De Rhing,,Raney Dies,ik, Pans De.Laine Rote a Le “Re S80 Velver Trim’do!-arg:iy ae Soup's Valencia’doy .2do.4,eh ‘Cold,‘Cash’sde Cass”oaBoy?d.te:Chene Robe.a Lez;=: ‘Frenctf:Merino,‘assortedCola, :Pidin and Fig,d,al!wool De Laines,-": Dé Bieges.paccas,Ghchames*erate, 1,White&and Col’d:Brifliauts,_,fe White.Marseilles&”‘Trimmin “i WRise;,Molt and Jaconet Mustens; ©80.2"Mourning:°ee ‘Linen Adk’fs{yeay,xe)hs Ladies”.Closks aid Mabtillas, "Printed Cashmere:‘Shay Is,8“BrochaBordered”;dot 4).“Beautifal Plush,do?) Bord’d‘and Chinelle.Siella.do i‘roundcor’‘a “Cliitielle’Scarfs.a ineessRoyal es ‘Lo d Extcas: t oe cn Geer Drogs end aints,Sole:eather. :GROCERIES—,cha i agar,Coffee,T:en,Chees ,Can Moles. 4seo,Salt,”&c.»AWof whic |rill be)taint!tbe is |"|Uy :lowest Prices for:Cant or “40 pee d customs Fruit,Cake;:Proiirve ahd:J:ally StatesSi ae ‘9 Ee sf a;ears,Créedmers,Goblets;Tumblers,ee <>‘canters,.Bohemian.Toilet:5 St.Bei,Sti,tes Ke;faeWHITE,,GRANITE,&COMMON:WARE {A very darge ascortaiént-ofthebest.qaal- ity,of;‘Tronstone,Ware;ae COT,9)21 >ean|“White Jad>)Wares.Painted:eagerapaSauibereat25 J.W.Stockton,: ‘|1 bawe ‘the Genuine ::: ShHet’AnchorBolling Ca ret sale.:‘¥j RENCH,BURR MILL STONES, nol ‘fo order,aed warranted’goog or noealec.4 fy Scat ae aN STOVKTON:- :‘Statesville,Oct 8,1858.is‘AB thy: va 51 spore nS ms coun : auek ©; ‘Chickens,we :|Eggs,dozen, Feathers,1% Flaxseed,-ee 120,re0n05.Dried Apples,prs 120 D.Peathes,pl'a-3 80”Park.per db.,62622 Je unpl'd 1 50 sg FAYETTBVILLE “MARKET.an ‘|Becsa.SaH 12 12h!MOLASSES—| Bis SLOUR—ae ‘Cabs $30a-3st \Femily-*5 37-0 5:50 |N.Orleans 458 om:ee 25 2 6 00!‘satr—"tt >)Fine 5,00 a 9 00:Liv,sack 1 Sa 00° ‘Scratched 4:75.‘a 0»~.FLAXSEED sedis: Ladies’EmbroideredCollars Set)Cong:90 x 90|N.C.srintTs ie "9 75'a 0.001 Whisky -:560 55. |Rye’:|“0 90 a 1:00;1 WOOL—.ad att |LARD—2 ipsiged)hoe ae Recke,St rigs ant ae Widae!fe tee“esait |Bacon—eee -}Pork,Pork,prib :~ry %8 : “Corn,pr jus Pese “8 House |“60070 ‘Meal,pr-bus 50 &'55 TS,&¢- :‘Wheat,prbus 85 0100.‘Potatoes,Irish50 0 63. Feathers,pr Ib.33.037 (Yarn,bale:100:110° Perth.16a18)|. NEW.ca bayt : iThe.‘undersigned.having!taken ‘twhe'stand,‘formerly.occupied by O.Gillespie Co,for,::|the{purpose ot garrying on:the: sie!WholeSale &‘Retail | GROCERY:Business| Begs.leave 10 i nforen the Cinzens’)Siete+1 St and sOrrounding’country that}niet.Sa a large and:el realomied |;ee c K=‘ ‘s/Rio,LaGiyra aaudfie Samet“A BC andother,grades’of Sugar“ib\No.article ofjCnrshed.Sugar;iRe | ay fine assoriment,of Black and,*i +:[Green,"Teas ;+ -Candie’,Candles:andCheese ;*Starch iby the poand or box; |Matches,Sieves,PlowLines,bad:Cords;fs =Pepper,Spice,Nut-megs;,Cinnamon,a“Mace;Brooins,Axes,Wrap’4 papers.j {|Soda,“Salaraetus and:Mustard >Ph aoe oe*Eamp Oil;Borning Fluid,Pigiles € iterpool and Tablé Salt ele,‘Pore White Leads00%." ee WroughtNails ‘ ©"Shot and Stonéware,i."5 25 ‘cep rosa {intend’‘40 acl “Seo‘either by:Wholesaleor Retail,as ‘tow as.anyOther:House’.in the place:°Tr ‘have©,alah a ed,it wall be;myeffort to aesontae to'such customers,.and ¢ Cath sales.Oct’15,seFancy:and‘Staple - »DRE:GOODS . will'sell at the lowest Caip praces.veRive:“me pool oe Purchasing *f ton495 Rice; GRain—".>100 /s0.00" Wheat.(095.0 0 00.'P.Braddy1(0 0.00,/45a050!Apple do,70 =.00° oe TIE MABMARKED. Hog:round;-to ®12.3 )pedamercoet 40 a4” {Sager,Brows,9012 ‘Oats,prbus 45 2 50||Salt,Sack 160 9 165°: Flour,1001bs.$2 a225 )Peas.prbus i ponet a #4 Bole 5 475(Beef,on hoof |:‘520 )Lard,pels 1a "11|Whiskey;-40-45ese|27 08 \Brandy,appt 75 2 00 |mt"Peach.Aa 150 - ésSea ISBURY MAREET.|| 2 pou he‘0300 Per 100 Ibe$20002:25 98 Iz perbbi.>$6 50e6-75 BEEF |-“Feathers ||30s35 Perib?.=5%565 ‘Lordper to |BUITER—yee _MOLASSES—". ,POTATOES. Trish,Sea Per bash :is £0265 Whisky.Weat,60s Meal:**::WOOL ~) Apples <t 2 SO —Washed , posite ;Unwa-bed u b Bo e li t = ey e «Te E,‘B.STIMSON, “Tak LE ©%, 5 “Opposite:Mts...Wren;s foam,| Hotel,Statesville;oC ot Beds *‘Has just received the Fall and Winter Fashions—will’execute all Orders jin the“+atove'line,“with”“dispatch,‘and according 10 - Ob gtr.i Bie oe ss BSE ators: i ess atticle-ol Cuba Molasses; 'Galgate’s PalesVo.one ToiletSoaps s |Soda &Sugar,Crackerg by‘boi ‘box ;> ANNew.Fall and Winter |-.G00DS].om”H.McRORIE,4 Respecifolly”informs the Ciizens of ‘and the.public-generally,thathehas-receiv-et +)ed ‘and pow offersforsale;on‘the most rea~rey Nat at ||Bxinciog simon ara sclehoptit i" See Sean “i~Retail Store. ro en,“Linsey.Cloth,:‘Bees wax,Tallow Driedsieae &c.,taken,in cota in Bode sat a -Fhankfol fot the.eeneeereceivs y patticularly fromC. :“NOTICE!=sea:SAUL ppersons indebted-toWa re “|Murphy&Cos are»(eall-and settle by the Ist of:Joly =.|pext,if oowish tojeave a ‘i on Suve3 27 ag djoining (Henderson Sherl,,and. ing 515%‘ACRES,'180 of whicharein’ tionand apout BOarres:of that 38 good| and.BratchBottom.*Thedmprovements|og:Dwellings fret:vite ables and dalle for-20 bead‘gf‘hatees,: is,sand:goodFe ?There iis\opan'( “2 goad’GRIST TLE ropning 2 :pe handappleos ep of the bestquality,|goodeprings of watér-abound..,4 -att be:=e for Costs orexchangedfor Neg.WILSON. |i peomptlgapd.diligealy attendto ‘all business,entrusted to biscarer's).>| To ‘Rent or‘Sell!|- «The!desirable’property recentlyly.Mrs.Wars,on Kellege Avente: a Peatgyoataf jheewis’‘Ferry_on the Cas 7 eeOe MELCER&LAWRENCE, Take ‘Notice!"i: to to:as longet indulgence caangt&and.ee to be:peng!=of-our,firm.intends leaving thea 4 short time,and‘those oving ys and’pair'of commonStcnes.The W.|see Reilroed‘passes yap Farm.sot ciate _Attornenat Baw,STATESVILLE,%CG.° eeanJail.se 856 pas ;2.‘Fidsafond,connmbigal éreatie,’ ge When he calms your storintbally, %-edhe :|BYSONY 6.G:apie :aek :Madam"!—youate very,presemg,“ And I ean’t Wectine‘thi¢!task,:a “ With theslightest hint of guessing You would lst dhy heedty alk!: *Don’t you eve a hii of marriiize ee *In hissofersided face?fie ‘This rather stooping gauriage ue aS And extremely‘rapidipaict z aie he!8 not comtnitted tredson,, Or Some wicked action done). Cat you-see the!f intest:reason’Re no -Why ‘a bachelo shouldjrun?* W ht should hei in a‘furry’? ‘But a boviinit iketo gicet;‘ Isacoe hurty 3 :mi :The mostdignii iedof fest;‘%‘"as Whenafar the Sein:hag spied Her, it the grateful;happy clf2‘Does not haste.to bs beside hep ,He must be best ie seg ctanee *Meiix butstrifle,’may be |ee aeSe.Bat observe lity practice].tone ey ; ”Just as iit wer his own |jana ‘Do you think a Certainandigic33 You have méntibnedii his lok paps hat -Is.a.chroni¢opti¢.weakness-ee Sb hat,hascome,of readingions! Dia you’‘evet see.his vision’: Peeri ng:underneath we hod} Save enough for reco:gnitioriy Asa ¢ivil ‘person slShould Could a Capachitr be cali ~!When héglances,ashemust; *At.a finely-roundéd shouldks :-Ora prowl elling:bust?: _-Madant!—think'Of every’,iedgure, “Then deny it,if’)you can—:: And agpety iniieried 1man,>»)oe Be _Smusment:any Busteucion ; Seaunrenane aadSalutationsamongDifferent Nations o_o ae Ee th TR <siarEp FROM ira Pravin a The’expaciciand asaag silutatonamongdifferent‘iiations have,‘tinder’ ‘their common aspect,‘sotething char*meee andinteresting,even for.the,‘most casual observer,‘In ithe East,.some,of these ecniee: -sions savor in amore of léssdegree,of:-the Scriptures-and.of the 8serene and ‘patriarchal sentiment,of*tho.inhadi-|-tants.'One recognizestlic’simmebility,*of these pastorla:rand warlike people!standing aloof fromall humiin progress.”Beaks:all *havesra,foundationin-reli- gious sentiment,and oxptass ppeace to:'-those,to whom:they are addrtssed.The |:Salutation used by:thé Arab,‘Salem, lutes his friend’‘thus,May:you havea«.hap y morning;:May God ‘crant“youhisfavorsy!“Tf God willsit;you;ard}.+well.”‘The last‘expression-ey?be S aly be usedina,Stnny ‘lime ataagenshadow’neverbe less.’‘An Ene-+ teeys their fanatifism:+ *Phe Turks havea'formula which’ean: ishman would nevorthink.of wishing -a friend a fine’shadow.’peiTheclimateofBeypt‘is feverish, ~andperspiration isnécdysgry’‘tohealth:"hence the Egyptia}meetingyou,sks,‘How do you perspire.”.‘Have you eaten?’s ‘Tsyout stoni:ick Sh UATE casita a ‘Preparation br Springingoodorder?’casks the:‘Chinaman,a-/-touching solicitude,’which’‘can ‘only.he |:eeby.aNation of foumaids. ~*Gootl cheer,‘says themodern freek,-in nearly the same-language’thatthe. bléssed..‘heard‘the still smal?yoice-of the’‘Spir-y 4_Jit.Butsome walked proey -gn,-no-}>|tiemg the-revival,only by<a Fy teas noble andiinteresting a0*Hent abilities,and:ane‘amiable dis “a bwas,inn “yuitk to talk. “Lsuhde hers +.|dies to meekfor“a few foment:jevening;in:their:several.recitation{3>|rooms,‘for pray:er-and.other.devotion-le st al exercises, e |inward.st Tier voice was Tow bs de)eyvery’worrd,asshe tte of’it pehehe an.¢ye-Bave:hey't 3 among Christians...ony earth:‘over ‘|aborioug_amoré artént,fi ‘Iplewith him:is:td go—toobe h show himself.“Ther is:t1this:pexpréssion ‘Commint vou porte 4 your?’ ao.xore &‘Wayward child.vee ~The great revival pf the’:lastsiwintér |ing indidenfs,:1:‘|to Wwhose-touching.intesest no peri ean:‘|do justi¢e:s -Many:aye been’Bivensto‘the publics-‘|ber'are,hidden away’im‘:Oliristiany-ere+hearts;to be :‘tearfully .-Pthrdugh‘life,‘dich. ths fernished:‘innumerable Dy far thes“ereaternunt in’eternity:cy‘One suck incident gccurred Ei psemingity.for ‘young Tadiesin ‘Western t ey Massachusetts.Tye.school,as well,ag the enfire:‘sown,had «been*rreatly:Many-‘a thoughtless>irlhad: ‘lip andta'‘scornful.lgugh;,aidthenrwas,Helen.Bes S ie spo‘tion.-¥et-while3tmany ‘about her|'Wer ‘coming to:Christ 5 site’xmain ee‘td same:‘cartless denteanor,evi‘caring:‘for none.of:thése:t ae withand td:hecould:not ‘even: ‘duecditor‘attend a-prayor mecting,ud.her’coripanions-at-léngth:ceased.i povtunihiestchich effctad inet sa) it to annoy,and only:sprayed!ee ? os oLearmiest]ys,that God é pet strength:perfectiin”™‘their wee.aeould? “It was the.customy-of the:you One:evening,near the. ‘close of‘the term,:aiten on Of |these:_|prayingcir eles had assembled,ppened,.and”Helen B Ter:eyes.were.spines Was callan:and.¥e There :something’in her Jo i ofele.Sia ing pracecded...two or threeshort prayers were offer"ed,and thentas was their Ciistom,each:repeated:a fewversesof some favorit ‘sion,until it.came;the tary ofthe news| comier.«“There ‘Was:a,“pause,”per‘fect!fibne:aay.‘then,: mg her:eyes)from ithe Boon meenced,:Bd Ma “Lama Lcahcopeae20did?motlove ‘tite:fineed ane OWRWas:aryaas;‘vithsweetemphasis,4she |_pronomeed fast!tines °ef ! P ¥o nto ‘D wayward ou ea That ie et “oid:wandering.sheep;the:Eyward (clild.had:rotumned,and there;was joy th‘night ameng:‘the amgclsin heaven:an The séason’of thesaystheSouther labors*of:the:eultivators ate,than thoughtful;‘henee the!princi:‘cold:13¥ely;toy Or. ginte —-‘How.do you,carryaaadwhich:Despeaks’at onceh:rankman id ner andspleasant face.fe UM | émoribered: arhing,We Pesala; ;makeShel:iS “spat sSin)SRINGHAS{lently;,and the exercises of ‘thie mect-|18'no, lineswere sung, |hymn.Qne:followed another in Seces-|: peated one-stanza 4xtter:‘anothes .of ?TOR ‘Shalum,”means peace,andis foend that:beautiful lyin:‘of Bonat,a=‘in the word:Jerulalem.‘The’Arabsa- +one:= ::ta iner,§Sle the Hora of the'sail are | Neath sit ot:properly"! sour’,‘chan etible: ‘befedj-all they during’winter the forani fails1 to’gain He 1h, any|scrtion,vyllahol teesteand.st lik the:practice hasLas:humanity tt9‘The:‘preservation ‘and:accumulation‘Ofmanures: os ee sboyld:€carefully collector and Holbenteds:and.“ready a top’dressins on shoreletsire forFenseitforcropf iéis trite,pickwpapar re een eis Theyhad |better be::ithe:barn”and),‘yard,and:fed: ds Loe them:in the éarly,pa ‘wwathout ti)ts Pp DySan,andget;thiem segaome to « ure:*Give Soealt,-a,ttle:Snell of roots oeand 2 mtaestallifeed ae.ae quantity.‘of foods.“them no,more-atione ‘time.‘than.|Pumpkinsand: iety offood:UHlemrticlesfirstsTt f the ‘best.‘qualitmenetae Up:the.pers.your.Anais iining-a little'ssug ‘ag ae Mtors,3no matteriH:the: ecessary:tos tance,the caiise'‘of i when exposed,4 another ¢objoet re +8 a dari teal 2 :substan GS)suitable:is Isurplusstraw,Ae Veror’|pastare;AN, rywoeMich Gan bei made ‘at interrals ' .fie: eal,makea)Glass}Canyphene,Bunitng.Flnic ekand: Soe |vies 5ae -opeapieeconoao neg.again'sent.to\Graate 7hamhainSelfosl,‘and ther co.THipity Col-eae,Cambridge,which-tivence.becante; oe Ce oparinership:retofore existing ut.yy e4 Herb the’ite ‘of Stockton.&:Morseon:18 thiey stive ‘byt mutual ‘gonsent.’,Wm ‘persona:indebted.tomS Tateimag’wailyokeenpemiateaetoe ke’plaae in infoetainis‘the ail dinicls af. Kkoviedi it he’aene 2att are Terms,modearte Dus:they;awaste their:minute,‘and gett:5 fhe:inhabstanes:‘Of Sal éalledto.thie nopent ofa.DUG & fe dapletesi te'selections ‘ofPure gad ¥,Loilet articles,‘DyeStufts; Garton:Seed)ete.And that!with:‘his -ex-perience ol.te x:edrs.in the:fret class stores.New.York,-and.a-strict,atesteBé,‘especially.in,the!e0"een of :Physigtaris’.‘prescriptions:aind|~“}family:Medicines,fy tale:‘of:‘prides ‘The same dégbeeofnéainess uashall,be’‘practiced,and.ae.pure.articles give |ijallOrdersby:mail;fropi.;Physicians;j,famitiesand Dealers,as'byé ee calls their birthplace.ofNewron’s genius.i. ‘iNea -e rme pobtite,fi are nau ready,40 ee any and : R vecrbody |:pybedy-else:trying.’Calf and.enYe |f4a est zi 2 tbyhand Gil belénging | 1 4 geperally,that ww yeon “and buggies;at,reasonable tates ‘Perron want -ing?conveyance can;be.accommodated’at may Ht AES ‘of,180 Fess ;nshe sériState-of North Carolina;Pad oy ine.Medicines;‘Chemicals,‘Drugs,‘Petlum-|"ve aiPaints,“Oils,By:Grass ‘and |. ects lo;,;welt Jnitiats in the ast of:roe ML MA. 4 CHIRERY eu At gach:aZa mtthey will add ie{Later Hilly TedettCounty, p fadkin,seven,miles |seen ot.‘Siatesville;.cHredelhPeounty iN.Ge th 90 offer,maymy"‘trast 0 epee ay,kos @ the:lands of.Jatdes |’ pes see vith:the.elegantgeeIDES |sedch:ae A fon etna,wes Three’Hey"youig.Negrées,: NuM-GRIEFIN,deveaed 520 1uwath-inwarest.| :sena2 Annasieor | aare ae ‘to!eraeel ae and ent,0 any,part:‘dfibe,‘countiy the.gquanut left to.the’appetite of the animal.>a4|,Allie dinder'themanagement|oT the:proprig ra,and:no tear need|be entertained’,&c.. ay BRINGLE :&DAVIDS(ON. ‘es t ber;‘he 19h9 ".ap Ast,at,sinecre:man,called -faanc:i Hea She“wrist:‘ftom a barn ‘Gmbichs,not.recollected) goad;teeth,‘face father full,straight hujld,.‘bold’ appeatance;cn ‘tnd:weighs:‘about | ‘and 30ent ‘Had ‘on’ a of Copperas!cblpred . 00 -ather:clothing sfrom bjs: :wife’"sth use.wie is?Nery:likely: i cconsidlered ane.‘negro.berdof$100,for urban: by.the:completion‘of the Nor obfe:.fromthe!Seabgatd-has beehiopenedito them,|$24“Ml Sreight’consiznet!tothe ¢are of the|Agent’ot!the:Nortty,Basten‘Rail’Roait-wil |be forw arded FREE.OF:COMLUSSION:| |Bor.Sale«or-Rent,Northi or ae i ACRES More i Rie aitons zoei ib sarge x a‘above:firm will a3e re andsettle...:Oet Rth.ef ? e:pride:obréelves on keepinggentle:"and fast’i Horses.Our,Provendetiig,Lofithe best quality,and.* his apres nd delivery.tg we,or confinenient §ia : ieneeFail ao WastesSola ‘are ”y|request 1 pois,ails‘Road‘trom-Chiars |) =}Heston,SoCs,a Cherdw,the:ady natesofa :va|CHEAP."and EXPEDITIONS:‘tt ectedielTNEsobaecbeushavingbeconisjomoes |’1spacious New|HOTEL -|-Aatise,.inStatesville,respectfully announce |a tha.‘they aie ‘prepared ‘to accominodate the| aveling Publicand all who |may:‘Javorthem. |wath:J atronage swith.en rteintoent.eqnal 20;iany.rst class ote!ia oo Mass:M.(A WREN &SOM,‘July SE:=pope SHESreae A oe ‘Comfortable:HOUSE’on:‘oe |Mienue,‘opposite Mrs.Carlton'sgs -On the Premisesarea good,Garden,Stas}oles,ee ice frousé,Kitchen,and Smoke: hopse>i the:alH day of a hee1859. Heat set.Parloe Poni,chee)Te:les,Beds;ce ads,ss Cord Vash+stands,:Carpets,Bee?ne Book-case,(ae Borean,¢Clock.and many.pee shings Po ‘tedious te men- ‘tions 1S Mire me 4.3 in:iy4éAlso;a vi an “ on Phe.Girl-is now agoodcook,em washes. ae aitend “all Catt “westof thePrinting; _Statesville,xce Se “Dikalation. iiscas ofWatts,Douglas ‘Wwas-dispolved:on the 24th of Augas:last},oy:miataal consent::All persone sodebted1tothe 45 tf oF a anted,2 So Dtied Apples,peeked:500-3"(ff'*Peaches,-ditto,. ‘Highest “market‘prige given...3):°Pr ithe ant:TF.ALEXANDER &C0. “Mallets. i ‘Wetiawe 3 bbls.fine Mullbts on:hand, sale “,a f :ei ;“Aut Splice ;1 Agoodbebbouahereytefor cash,oFBond:panel {rust seceived-i tared tot,chong:fotiSFeer ‘ .Dec.9)-1858.;).apa ea ORE ny : eo ——Edition, e Sie RICKERT, -Statesville,on.¢C.itaopening:and:offering.the teat |‘Mnést Stock-of »é eee nfectionery.‘and Fancy Goods Evér'ofleredinStatesville:alsogiagood aS~:soriment of JEWELRY,“whieh,he,sells}:reetow eh Hien acéepted:1-the Azehiey:‘onic of the:jangest:‘Fish.and “Oyster ‘Houses:‘in:Rorissmouth,cheis prepared to -farnish®-Famihies |« iwith-good Jresh Oysters,threetimes a week. jin any”Satay tree a quart {td len gallons 78 bushels:of,good Keptes baie:ata’‘at =aenasSJ;RICKER’rs. Tie Fichest ‘price will te:mod for, located‘nearthe?puplic Square’and oan e Union,Pps 4 (Terms.teasonable.rome ere me at:"All of which.f will sell-for.Casb—a.‘lowes figures..Call and’see me. re)< SA ‘Neatocou and Child for Sale. ‘both’in”pres wand : fe Sountty,‘Office ;on ee “Avenie,two es %3,000 bubhels.Good Wheat,for ;Noe 5 1858, merit therr:warmestinterest iin its p i..|Weaty-five’pages’foolscap’paper uu hd ira,1 Aceayaex "Pes peing thw,e cingoy!‘“STATESVILLE,-oeater canbe éeqommodated-with Meicuat ins;each,snd‘comfortable Lodgings.abt sane tfates B : ]}:‘Horsesweil fed sod auradedioenna)3‘sonable.‘terms, Get 19 ;Jos.A.McLEAN,Hie ——= ‘HERE WE:ARE—AGAIN?!| Southern Aarmony;go;——Sacra,;= Présbyterian,Peale eta. mitts me ee ae aJuvenile Books “Bet.19 5 uf.H:W:AYER | ‘10 000 Pounds) Old Castings and Scraps aSa:In.any size-pieces,is want-ing:-For which 1.willpay a acentperpouid,inGoods.be “JOS.W.STOGETON.¥Oct 185,SL: 15 00 0 bushels Wheat. 3 _WARTE Be i :q Wanted,”Sh:AT.THE ROWAN:“MII, aes cashprices ar po zi 2:Ge FOARD. aes OAZETTE This popular Family andheaterJig.ove %f the Larcesr,and :‘the.press,ONE OF THE NEATEST,AND ‘able corps of SeeContributors ond Rep oe have been engaged,many of w Y rank‘efnong the most able agd lente’Writers”jin;America.The,Editor’makes no boast‘thay it 8°“the -best paper in the world 1”,|-butearnesily and confidently commends ixe -|to-the®patronage of'a liberal ppodlic,ith the|assurance that nothing shall be with HX to |perity.|.A $100 GOLD MEDAL hasferedfor-the’best original.‘Story of di :|beawarded by three disjnterestedgeonthefirstofDeceinber. A‘Newbern,N:c.,September,1 New -ax*Magan VARO,|i.Cc MALCOLM,- Practical Marble Cutler,*)*Salisbary,N.O5:-1° Reipectally informs thepablic eehas.:--)opened’a|WARBLE YARD,Opposite the Mansion.Hotel,. Where heis p-epared to0fill all-ordispatch,for MONUMENTS,EAD.°ST ONES,TABLE TOPS,and all kind of© PORTED ITALIAN-ore|AMREICAR MARBLE. Having’‘made arrangements hy which4Canprocurethe{MpoxtTkp dratran Marece.at reduceid’:prices,he can.fill’ :|Monamens,&o,at-reasonable rates, ane ae bere,iim opie +3.ipfdete;just-“received a fresh stock,x!elie Oe tise-;"ii will. a _Nowisthe time to subscribe,i in paw “oh Déein with thé Prize Srorres.%en aaress R.MURRAY,Beare oe|ef “work “in.”the ‘Marble Line,of:oe:iM.“| Yor ¢Ho:be directed towar dgmakin ptepar-.ations for:the intende No'charge:will:be~made:for ‘Storage|Gheiaws ‘fell ‘goods wall He'taken earethe’Company’s Warehouse uaiil'sént’for! “He weuldbehappy to.have all sas:‘are |e 5b”ancionts were.wont|‘to.arect:‘their. 4 desscous vf dealing in his linetoeall and"—* ‘disso ed;« friends.A ¢batming salutation which ‘he,salted byFporated’sal £100.dozen eet 4 3‘ “could only have originatedvaniang,thehappy,careless Greeks,ae ‘The Romans,who,were:horeiptane 5 =“robust,indefatigable:and laborious had ||"energetic salutations,exp ssing forceandaction:‘Slave,’i Behealthy;’and ““iaidtysis,’14you?”or ©¢€you?’- The ‘Genoese:of dobre cick nyz‘Health:and wealth;“which iis very ape :ail Bropriste for an active and commesci ‘ul"peopleat 4 hoNexpslian fou ibs,“Grow:»in.sanctity;":andthe montese,‘I “am your servant.”(the «How.StandveeofalmostallItaly,fqreibly indj- -ates the nonchalbrice,of; trv The angandt ve,hanght aayeemothcontea,to which we respond,‘Atyour service, sir.’Another,‘salutation ‘which:theoaduses,“Gd be’with you,Sigsnor,shows.melange,of respect.foronie’s-self and religious sentiment.-“Fhe ordinary salutation bf the Ger-_tianis,“Wiefiegehts?’—How goes it?’‘and ‘has.vagueness:partaking .some-what of the ireny ckcharacter of theGerman.T6-bid}oneadieu,he-says,:‘Leben sie who!’Live’Quiet and hap-py This:Vast’plainly ‘exhibits-his»Speaceful nature'and love,for:fg:sim-ee joysof hife.;‘The traveling Hollander asks,”‘Hoeare’sge?’How'do you g0?’,”‘The_thoughtfal;active Swede’deniands:OFshedoyeuFd‘whilsty the DaneheG@ernian‘expres-giea*ivae oak tye well.”¢Bat the2oeof:the Pole is hest'of.all;Are he Washghish have the “Good.byesa_corruption of the word.{Goad be with:u,’.and some others;]but that whichthecharactér-oftthe Eny-wdo you'do?”as‘tho activiople.is.shown‘i in ‘this de stho.mand:hohe the dois spoken twice._Nothing is mote:characteristic moreeas,or nore stirring'thanthis.|.The aes vouz portez vous?”of“the Fre 3 Bee seca,‘than | +) ‘when the/soit’is so frequently sae putty 4 ‘in,properly pulverizing’:athe soil me C4:5, againstall’standing, ensuing:years djectswhichshoulddemand his'ea atténtion,.that of:plowing the land: sicned fox corn’is not:the:J tant.|Tere:are,Many.rethefarmershoild:‘notdelay:‘thisationtillithe:spring months,* for plowing:thaneearly in;the:spring, in antH fav orable ‘eondition,‘anti late in the}scason,.2f:which’timethe work tus:to te hurriedly,‘and consequently iAmper-egtly perférmed,and‘in'too mminy jitstances.dorié'whenthe land:ea tool:wit.Fall:‘ployring fora.: crop givés tothe land t Tithe:W‘inter‘s:frosts,:which’ alsobyexpesure'tends to destroy t “the!growing:cr should be-espec ally.cee ised tp gv itwater,-on.landplowedjnthe;fall‘or«precaution if not observed,all the-ad-}.; i Yaritages of early,plowing ‘are.lost: AT ditches should ‘therefore’be.care-fully cleaned,out,and surface furrowsopenedforCarry,ing off thewater from ram or melting snows.««‘Thesesurface furrows:shouldiin all.cases be’tut to a: of plowing,86.as not.onlyto keeptheloofesoil:free:.trom water,byt also-a |.portionat Teal of the subsoil.‘Ifthis| ofiny -description.1g -Another!operation °»|portanee’at.this’season,of ‘the year,isthe.providing’of ample.andood shel-|ter ‘for.stock,ofall kinds—a depart-mentof vural,economy’too often:sadly jh e'5niegleeted,im thi®:elim: and pelting.ne ‘thai the}ofa ce ‘oF: ps =th ||8b] He:has’“DLOCES|leisurenow!-to porto mit-better,and4 ‘|the landis“#enerally‘in better:rer tesy.shi ;‘hay are supériof:to.) larvee-ofan:uny rewhieh prey.upo.n,nA, necessary:precaution,is attended:to,i‘the’soil will be found‘earl‘in-good conditionforfart ier,prepar-|horatorycultuteforthereceptionofseedsliimse iem,turning‘them ¢very da Stgarand ground;/black pepper:"l'added tothesalt:will much,improve:efor oftthe acesioe aq ||fora few days}5 Spd;then,they,arc eefor.in .Much dependsOn” ‘dia sweet flavor.3 Widees Measidfor'thispurpose,one conditior should:never be overlookes t she‘beperfectly:dry,or else it will belin‘Phleto impart abittertastetothemest.|”rn:,.cobs;and some.dry.swee ‘all ‘other.that we have seen:employed ffor:sinokt, eck andvhains. mentis eysmokethemslowlya atogBs beiea¢Grantham,*totake:charge'ofthismother’sfarm..“He was’thusfredepth.of several inches below the:depth:‘quentlysent to.Granthaia market,§ys.Bie=eened in:and’other’y N hich!however int spring|rh BY at1d:giving them;a:“good rubbing.A “palpateable Gaon a eens oh ae up|-proveethe stie Fears and Ee person deseRoocellepeasinahis®‘healty’and‘thriving “‘Town,canbe:accommodated °arith!a:dels hang:Qn rgheap:“and:reasbyadite,terms.a‘Possess on.can be.givenat ‘apy.time. Avenve,.joining’espe Rees ‘Woolsthorpeand Granthavorite’author,‘tall: ousands/of.eattlewhich,‘through 7 perjinelementseason“of winter,have‘no?n hidther:‘protection from.its keen ‘blasts+K i ee "MONUMERTS;HEADSTONES:TOMBTABLES,F Puroitare,arble,pod wag i 3 Shoes find:‘Gaiters,et “Woold:fexpaeitlly:inform.ih iriterast :;ed,that‘he tias“moved to te‘new’Rooms.-on:College.&Stirewalt wherehe«will 1 neyand Suet:a :Bronehsahdino inSiRalll oA 3Delainés,Palmeito Cashmereeesidetripe'Cashcheres 3and”.Delaines;'BSBD, Bi ntl Mens:Shoes ‘and Bo ‘ail kings White Lead and|eod'Oul,WindowGiasd ancorted sizes.-Beara “500tbs Boking “Sod Roaps,:‘Perfameri 3Droge.SadSoop bles fis,Concents ae sk :0.and will be sold“at pricpe‘that,camnot fe deat | int‘Western’North ‘Carolina.Give.2 Igo be-:We char; sf Asthedule:of charges for sranspdrtation ofSreight,wall:5e found at ‘the “Post Otfieg,3!XYss¥SELOMONS,|fe : ae sngliCbitdians i et A Tange mtock,of Hate,So Og -ee after:12.montha.. etle or,sale shear,or balt’oreae “netwech.now andthe Conse ‘Hotidas, “BOOK STORE-oe=Sia in the Dead —New Airseton!1(At “In addition 10 tbe:welt assorted Stock ofeeBooks,Stationery.and aoe acteapaeieastobeaaAYERSBook.Store—. “THE:PUBLIC ©+"ean now see specimehs of AMBROTYPES.,et oes"Malouies Cameotypes,«|informs thepublic ae thatNesedreons,wishingand‘xarious other,I’ypes,.whichfor’beaaty,du-;rabitity,‘and finish,are Unevrpaksed..,pret be a have recently ‘received ‘fall:‘aod.ainple iin: structions,under:Mr:W!P.Hughes+and’‘am: g,|Pictares,’:Das finished’a)manner,1and at es low: a ‘figure,as.anyother ‘Arkistinthe contry.“Call.Vand try me andiff fail’to:give:fae nocharge.-rsa ee Be (*“Oe”‘cia +e at a Ww.Woodward’ Ie stilt at-his’ple Stand,on Broad’street,‘@‘|few doors East of the Pablic’Square,’where:‘be:is—“Al ed|10.de all.Kindsr WORK}doneat thie Establi tent airittg'doneon--shiortnotice?“and iin: ptera,charged | ds:sof abiding manrer.J b.os ete =_Sheetings: WE pittcise fotof4-4 Shee‘mn ‘suitable’forputt ua flour7-8.oska Bt hi dino ing f a278:0S ABOURGS.;a5. Fs ALEXANDER &©, which wewvilt en at aefor cash,”Fr Ae &.|Rss ue f sas st tention :to, how prepared to.take.any of the abuyestyle:oft 4 ‘well aoe For sale by F 4‘Seed|Cotton.~a ‘%which }will:‘/delivered:at my Gin,¢miloand a Bt Corn‘Meal.oe efy.If yodwant GOOD MEAL,give it a teal 5 fone.mile and afA ee ‘iy seé‘specimensof:Marble,hear peer.sad =| judge tor themselves.‘Hdving had an =pemeretof25 in.‘ihe:beso ‘he.‘wilt.bromend,oer patting:up }ae é 74h }Ile ‘November5,1858.J, Chickering &co és (34 Prize.MEDALPIANoF pee Subseribér,Agentfor the ne digthe'.above vamed jugily.celebrated Pi antees every-imstrument:.Persons:_/to:puictiane the-PIANO;by addressitig him,—will besent 'a ppamphlet 0wht:rm ees‘aly:lee,and prices.mark Pianes Tuned:and Repaired, Address,HG ae 7.Ae E.ae /Now.3,1858.|rt Wi :“PLS.To Mr.B.wasthe onty and aupnied i Bee ot oe by ‘paying what they owe.8000,=we.‘determined ‘to close.our.i‘STOCKTON &MORR Now.6,1858,50-tf Justat Received || .Novl2 a :T.A.Moto.; in d ay +y - E, : ; ea t it gh i a lc d aa r p if o cakeoeIwishtopa ech ees TH ‘My Milt hasbeen rep ;Toacon tO NC ore-‘\‘miam for ise Reanos'at tis 2 ae r eegenset ap t ep i c be t t y eee Ne 2nd p where,”