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The Landmark, January 1912
Bundle of Godds Found—Probably The Will of.Mrs,Davis;NEW.MILL.~SUPERINTENDENT: "BRIEF ITEMS,_OFLOCAL NEWS.|Tha First Sales Day Yesterday. a -weecng!.The “{nauguration of ,County}*Stolen Property.:‘,,Mra.Mary Pearson Davis,“who,:1c onde pike :et eae vee Gajes Day .{n Statesville yesterday |While passing thnongh a “tract:|died a tew.weeks ago,left an-es.Miseinetppt Man.Takes Charae mayell «ae yo :ave somethinig to ga ot petenaiiotved 08 ielement:of was all that dould ‘he expected of:woodland mear theWestern rdilr tate of $12,000 in cash.Mr.Re ‘Cok se vka a ersonals.|]in The Landmark,io ort ae ‘tn sbehalt:of.the*and more,considering ,the ‘recent|voad,west of town,Friday ja coupleof)B.-MtLaughtin is exeoutor of the sor spondence of The Landmark.|]send it or "phone it NOW}.don’t ay tifit 'an ei 500.and cost.This rainy ‘season and:the subsequen!|rabbit:hunters came upon a big:|Will,.which,divides the estate)\T ylorsville;Jan.1—Mr!Roy.L.|)walt 0 Coe oe ‘ “te t:he weated:was affirmed bad roads,Many country“prople|bundle of dry goods and’‘clothing,equally amotg,the four,Children’Heat,who sbent the holidays with ||.This paper .is issued eeu bt ee by the SupremeCourt,‘s came.to.town,regandiess of.the|which it is bélieved was stolem from of Mrs.Davis.”The.only:luc his parehts,Mr.and Mrs)W.D.||week and’threedays are alotf © ng :ae ‘nud,and a.big crowd/attended the |some store and placed in the.‘woods |bequests are $200 each tr.Deal,le*t Saturday evening for||.fed to each paper,Be ee Harold,.the Mbt bo 1 of -MY.jauetion silcs,which’took pla¢e-on|by the thief.The goods .were (Wo'J.Hill and Mr.McLaugh i Dr.Alexandyia,:Va.,to resume his du-||;The work isn’t done in a day;Pf ‘aad Mrs.J.H ie nan,of Trout-.|Genter Btrect “Yust north.of the |wrapped in a big :piete of dirty can;|Hill was Mrs.Davis’physician for ties’ag\’“supenintendent of.the high ‘halfdayor a fewhours.ie eG ta, i =YhGacy lle rr are Mr.‘H.R.Cowles look-|vas,having the appearance of Bron eps years and Mr.MeLan in ‘had ee te ;ae Wo a Pith it al a change of ss po at i er the interes s of W.oO {ae,nm P|for may years mana S a.apen riday "nM Tew"BAL.‘)ee sof those whio|old:wagon-cover,and!wihe #Y y eed \affair elationin oeatrectiie,,Wiee Heian it 'NOW.thome .S.spemoved,-to the lyome of Mr.and)had.vhings to sell,-Mr.-.3;-W.©.|hunteps observed the nature of the|as her attorney.; es Ming,Ki.L.°Miller)’on.Armifiteld Log was auctioneer and,Mr.W.L.|contents of the bumdle officers wene!In addition to disposing of het’es-|Moore iv visiting relatives in.Hick.'||'Uhis.mfonient,,is”the_time,“no#ory.Miss Lola Bumgamer visited’||later.:se ::Btreet.He.is.getting.along nicely:Gilbert.kejyr ‘the record of thie dales.|notified and the,goods were taken |tate Mrs.Davis’will provides that < (he bari of Mr..l.H.Brad |'The:use 0°the city gcalés.was|to the office of Sheriff Deaton,|the ‘monument enected’to:her hus-4 \@P a.oe eee sgh week,et es this paper sl haw,inthe vicinit f Statesville,free-for the day and all jexpenses hela for identifica-|band,Major BR.me Davis,phall |Miss Margaret Overeash)0 States-|:a day,hal@}vo be vicinity 9 .ree Ear all exp where they are es .Maree Deve,ville,was the gxfest of Mrs,Sarah||dayéran\hour,it would be fe f 8 ee which was ‘burned on the night of jot the sales were paid by the busi-|tion.Thre,are two»suits of boys’)tbe taken down 4 that —marble ;; ee Day,as mentioned byw (ress mea,of,Statesville,”whi.have’)clothing,“abouta dozen bolts of dry |slabs shall be\laced.over:the Campbell:Thursday.Mrs,.C.L,By-ee aa Nie 1)ik >Sorrespondent in the last lisse of inaugur:‘ted the Sales-Bay an@ €x-|goode,including outing,calico and |g@raves of her.hasband.and herdelf,”rhart,of Newton,spent’from Frt-/‘Gee are.scented up to.the .The Landmark,was ‘ins:‘ed for |peck io make ita monthhy event |ginghams,several collars and .@ |after the Moravian custom.‘persons|Gay till)Monday with her parefits,|thea”bat oe shay wala:th Roe only $50,not,$200,as was first ve-|of wive interest and profit to ‘botit|codt nanger.‘Tied up im the pack-|who have:vised the Moravian.ceme-|Mr.~and Mre:Thes.Watts.“Ir;and habittoi renee hav Ae pod AS ae a oereed..\‘buyers ane sellers who attend:;ags.also wene some hewsepapere pub |tery in Sales,will récall that thieie pig eer ere mac litthe ‘son,ea a lata,.le ae os eons lives of the ininates:of:the-The aiticl ssold’yesterday brought |Mshed in Washington and Ohatta-|are no monuments;that bimiple grtce,’0 ison,are vis-neg cot Pk e €air prices,In some casest ices very,evident that,the /slabs,all/alike,are’placed each|iting Dr.Matheson’s.mother,Mrs.hws manyset ESE éouity.tiothe were brightened ges~fair p hie,pir ttooga,It is.very \th:ved abl i lg wee distinction R.P.Mathegon.Mrs.M:‘Tt.Smath-||.NEWS is:meee we.See ‘érs and children are poe rel-4 iE_terday bya \big New Year's ‘Day (being:‘eybs good,“~this ae goods are’stobeti property ‘and jt ie a Ly witht att sundet j thi ofa a wee Ibi ::;: dinner,th?gift ofthe.Statesville|WIS 1 rge attendance idet |ig believed they were thrown fr n the tombs of the prince atises —-in—_Hickors. Hagold club meetings,urch ey ue Yadies who filled thie box'sent from (such unfavorable conditions,wakes passing train by the thief,who }and the peasant when they are laid|Ee ee d :eae theWallace hg ee s store ta the promoters of ithe évent believe)later ok them:into the wooda.|{n the last-resting place.The ces of Statesville,geek a ‘few Felgenyee sous:ving he pe >the Home Friday:The box contain-it’wilk prove-aareat.suecess in'|che hunters saw.a.negro leaving |custom isa beautiful.cone amd it ve with friends here last week.—|well,do not come’under tha].|> /ed about”everything ‘necessary,to |ithe fulure:the woods as they entered,but noywas like Mrs.Davis to providie that mat James -Millner,of .Thomas;|}:;:me “s Me make up a,good dinner.,|.“Among the things sold were farm|further ‘trace of him’could be found.|her tomb should be’marked Yhat ville,was a guest at the .Camip-:4 $ing implements,cows,horses,hogs,\Kt was evidant that the goods °‘pad |way.‘( ‘bell House Friday.-Mr.EngeneOross and family mov~|::“MINOR:MA’ You've beard old-timers,taki |y oo pies,caivz?-chickens,watches,been in the woods ‘onlya short time Ce bid-tashiioned winters and Duppits ctothing.-eaps,a show.case,|Rowan Man's i alnd Stock Burng 6a here Friday from’West Point,:~t. |ex en Miss...Mr..Cross.was elected —sii-‘one entrance ofthe New Year perintendert of the Taylorsville oot-Sunday night midnight was signal|Sabi isbury Post:i ae Mr.Locke Huffman,a lives in|“Teen mit to succeed”Mr:HM Wik tized"in ‘Statesville by the —“userk—~‘tbe amare opto ts the |agun,some vider,etc.,ete.|Jurors’For Superior Court, a.‘winter i@going to be:&-|Arrested For Theft of “suit Ca |In addition ty:“routine business,| old tashitun:me winter tn the ¢1 ‘the county commissioners,in reg-:alt sek ase e :ul month].session.¥a n township,about seven mt 5 ringing ‘c¢is and explosions 0 matter of ae .hel ar y esterday,)franklin township,about hess}SO;ORL ch att RM oe en Nee See f dels and explosions of wien the aad waa ‘James ‘Lynch,a whi te man,‘was Jarew jurors for the term of Supe;from Salisbury,’lost his\barn,feed obey:They are oecupying the sU-||booms.Aye bs 4 the:Gs all over tlie!brought,to Statesville yesterday by Hof Court whichicanvenes on the stuff,four fine horses,two wagons,beriy adent's residence..near the)._opye.date of the.‘coming.of the,se reads a mee,and lodged in,jail to await oott,as follows:la wheat grader and.other property|gotten apill.Mr.Cross comes tO US|pasmore Trio\to,the vollege has”: &;Deputy Sheniff Winecoff,of Coolee-|‘Kirst,week—A,R.Holland,.A.i;by fire about.8.30 o’¢hock Wednes-ighly recommended for.the work been changed from next Friday eve+ —Teachorais students ofthe jirial on the charge of stealing |Feimster:L.G.Knox,C.T.Hatton,day.night,Mr.Huffman had sturt-anc.wé extend to them a cordial/jing to next ‘Thuraday evenin »Jan-Sa ‘college who spent the holidays out the suitcase which was taken from|},Litton,J.B.Freeze,J.Ri,ed to the home of his fathyor-in-law;welcome to.our town._|uary Ath:;, of town wilh omy and t0-\”baggage truck at!the Statesville |harass bas $,..Kerr,..J.L.Lewis,A.Mr.H.H.,Winecoff,a shdrt while|Mr.W:aNelson visited.reba-fee ‘i ad the tik ie .>Bight ‘and phe ege'will resume |stat:or Thursday moming and ster |ic.McHargue,A:M.Sloan,.T.@:ibefore.the fire -eccurred.-Mns.Huff-|\tives iu Caldwell last week:Mr,H.Vat the Athen i *Home,:was work tomorrows,Four .to six eer found near the mililroad east Of)Wallace,G.L.Myers,O.G..Wik )™an ‘having gone,td ‘the shome’of|Peteaindsey spent thé holidays with in townFriday with a*dozen or more _papils are expected.‘Graded schoo town,ag ‘told,in Friday's»Lanier jyfains,J.B.Niblock;H,AsLudwig;her pdreis during the day to apent}relat*ves in Kermersvilile and Rock-small bork of the so Who ausored teachers who were out of ee |Uynch answers ‘the.description of |;Davis,J.P.Alexander,a *the night.ford.'\Miss.Ada Snow,of Winston,ae ts me da Ine the poidays whit also be in ¥lamin who was.seen.going.GOWN|Morrison,P.B,..Kennedy,R Wihen nearly halt a «mile from visited,at the hdme of Iver brother,expedition.shisee for “hey @pening “of the grader |the-track with a suit.case and |Brawley,L.wW.Stevenson,T.¥jome*Mr.“Huffman discowered ris ie RR,L.Snow,last .week,return-’ echo!tomorrow:\jtiere ware “other (circumstances|'\ickery,H.G.Morrison,‘J.M.barn.om fire and hurried back,but jing to Winston Friday ,morning.|.-—4 par yof Northern a vee milagesectors|whih,tron ert toot Junie Hem 2,Mati oe We rc ate,cageatengs pra Ne SS,Br Satir-‘pretimi a a ad ‘ridde ow - pe dens s.r ee a T.#.‘Bradburn,’‘B.E.’Suther,J,F.ater.nara me oe |marke Collég+=spent thie Adlidays |tonviie club in nonth Iredell;‘were day ‘a semicanmual-dividend of5.periin a day or two.|Walters,Bo therefore t ‘was:the only one not cent,was ‘deciared,av-increase of)Messrs.M.-P.“Moore,Stanly.iw.-¢“C.Gdodia,W.S a a purned.ith/relatives ler.and’near.towpath Btaveertii.Sunday atsennuely:FM. ;one per cent.over the usval semi-|Moor=,Albert Gonn,Davie Cott,|x.Sikarelond.S K..Rice.*|Hits Sorn crib caugnat on tire -pewe eee:=react minelen her,oe *:HW Bento te 'a ant a ré¢,.also spen ——Mr.and Mfs.‘Homer Bs as anual divi dend paid by the bank,|Ora actisOD and Albert:Starns,Second ‘weok-——T:j erat times but the flaities were !ex- *Phe First National has enjoyed.an jmewders vu!the force which is)40-|G Reid,M.L.Godier.Peas itinguighed.and,that his residence the holidays here.Mir Howell Hed |who were married in Burlington 71 sla t'ck;7who bas been working in Au |cently,arrived {ft Statesville lsat Pee eellent year's;business and en-ietalling the machinery on the|aridg>Ww AN.|Was saved is regarded as remarka-) Ss the N#New “Year “under very }Fourth ereck dredge boat,wena’ar=Seas er five ads re ee Holla.5:*gusta,Ga.,spent:the senders with |week,from their bridal trip.|They ‘gratifying “conditions jrasgned ‘at ihe court house yester-|Lippand,A.A.Leach,J.LeeWaugh,|,The “uss was about $1,700 and)s parents.-Mrr,-and Mrs.»|are boarding at Mr.W.J.Poston’,See —/T hen gottion,toot patie’.iidactry,lone afternoon..before Justices S.|w Pp.Beaver,George Grren,D,G.insured.in the Rowan Mutual to the Hedrick.Mx.Janies erea:who |on Frontstreet!eee |.itch pad been worked for ab it Givse and J.A:King charg¢8|*ospernian;L.Morrow,J.F,Lentz)jamount of $550.The fire -is,be-epent some time in Augusta,-Gi;—she derailment of 14 cars of ar)‘ lof shooting.in the vicinity of the iw.p Lippard,W.H.Morrow;©theved to be.of incendiary origith|‘is home for a few weeks.:\Mir:Con-|¢istbound freight in “Lickbog”ttiti- wi ie isis.section ‘during oy ast months.18 about Tt6 |dredge Sumikay.‘The prosecutionif prantl-y,J.A.Weisner,A.rn!of Lenoir,spent the\week-end!et,west of|Okd Fort,Sunday af-.ad |Seheditle’Uhahged—Observer Now his;'daugtter,Mrs.i Wilson |ternoon,blocked.traffic -om 7”i th eyocticns:When “the .season lendeavored to prove that the~.MEN i Goodin,C.-C.Stroud,J.H.Broth:opesed local buyes raid T and §ware ae in:ee ae erton,J.A.Jurney.|Comes on Morning Train.LOPE.dakesnanuitiidioiamne Westcrn road..pntil yest |when the,shots were fir om 38 cra Peper epERRRe nach |he schedule of No.15,\the ear-|Mad Dog Bit Boy—Nites:of Jens [gs ve eee boycteared. \\ents ‘ie pount tor the bark!but, it has-been coming.in in such tanger [0 What,the shots Were fired At Important Meeting at New ‘Seen —|ly mofa:ng west-bound train on the ~nings Community. “quantithes--eomue bringing it.to.mar could not be put inte effective eVi4)“Church News.|Western road,has’been changed 801 Correspondence ‘of ‘The Landmark. ket..by.the,wsgen tong,We hay-pesere The.cour put &og Ol)A meeting of great irportanceto lthat the train now leaves.Saliabury |”yonnings:R-9,Dec.|30-—Mr“W.liy annulled:yesterday on -ac- Sai Sea tae Prone ney [stb and costs,a total of $28.50,only,2 grt cvihe droust:wilt be held {at 8 o'clock atid is due in Stated |p ‘Drive te,of |Cana 30—Mr.W./count of the wrecks.Ocourring In la ithe éntire,crowd;each.to pay tShe Kw Sader Betiiodia:|claurch |ville at*S°55 instead of 8:17.‘The ta!rive te..af Caste,tg viohtity tunté!:‘he!wreck was hand one ces f ae Re ere toes,to.clear.It is underst tha oa ;,enkly ‘overstocked and ouly 3) :pwdthe,dis now paid.3 {pronorte!onate.part.‘Lhursday,Lith:The mensbership of ichange wan.made to tommect with|\is Menu pavate Me.De W :-We a “now at that period Of|Pet Dog Killed,By.‘Train.:Athe entire charge is urged.to *be-|the ‘ruin.from..Charlotte.which)cyeins-and deamtiy be Consiline no-ane was hurt. en ee ings the Charlotte Observer.to}iat the holidays with Me:Speaie’—A farmer who \lives tn Walaus were annulledSunday night.andNo.— the ~?yhight,@xtends{ps lotaks railroad men ate -sin |Present as far aS possible.Rev.L.| pacing os nods than it .1T..Mann,.presidin eldér of the =Salisvury,so that ‘the Obsvener is aren ga couvity*near the Tennessee line,%‘e ay i :+ee ee and diarkn’wit dost of wane Dee of me ttle Statesville aistnlet.and Rev.H.K.|2OW¥delivéredin Statesville and oth-MT told Gee paren bared io tale)who ha?‘been in thie section of,”7 ‘donde faryber joto the mornings)brown canine,the property st Tel |Boyer,Conference missionary gec-fet tewns along the Westem road in section’list..week,.biting the five-the State with a load ‘of ‘produce, Tol tds,we now have morelegraph.Oyerator Pope,which had retary,will -be om hand to address|the early morning—about 4%hours yoai-dld sol ot We OWSM,.Spesce:|Coe load of fertilizer a.few.. :oat.eveoing than|heen a pet a the railway.station the meeting...The services wilt be,|teas!of its former schedule.”|lacera;ing Mis.fage-badly.tir,|4a¥8 ago trom:Mr.J.B.Sloop to’be _'wWe had tee we %but it 18 lege 4 year or longer:Akthough he gin at-10:30:a.m aud at12 m.|When No.18 is on time the Ob-Speedo.staited next ates to Ral.used on his)place next season.It :darker atin ‘morning:than |wae reared at the station and had the ‘adies of New Salem will serve |SeTver will be.ready for delivery in eigh with the boy,for thé Pasteur is rather unusual for fertilizer to it was ‘two owe io,The diy®|dodged:many,trains Jot,allowed.a dinber.to ali*+present.There owe ||the Statesville postoffice about 6.-lircotment!A number-6e-16 .wore be hauléd.so far across country,es- ate,et WA the.after-fight to overtaker him aSatunday |e’@vother service at!1.30 p.m'1}45 a-m™.The early delivery of the jistton”aleo_.a we and ae The:pecially,whem=the roads are.bad, 1 MOORS:eal@-time at this sea-/atternoon and his body was cut in The Baraca Class of “Western:Observer is’muoh appreciated by Lwriter “wishes.to’help ‘The.Land-but.the "Watauga men seemed to < :‘pon day:preue rinthemorn-|;wain,Jo.was known:to:all the Acaue’Baptist.Sunday .school.wilt the patrons:.of the paper and gives}...if,proclaiming the fact ‘that think the Statesville fertilizer mar- 7 ifailnoad men who pass up.and dowh hold 4 social_-meeting-in ~-Mechan-ee re ie tee there should be.fewer dogs in the |ket justiti |bie course. hat cna Col.Waterman in Charlottesani;—An Avoaendee ‘man iis rors the Western road-and the Charlotte ic'sHall on Thursday“night,January ‘ped in on:The Landmark yesterday|4 ig ‘Taylorsville line,and.was ‘also 4:It is desired that all members twas telling,about one of his neigh);nown to-many othtfs who frequent Mj-a.dMis.W.J.‘Templeto: |News being the only Martiing paper enhlan n-are,visiting in Ue stave Col.Henry Watterson,editor of ~the Louisville Courier-Journal,spent boro News,up.to Skis time .thie »ot;the class be present...+Bs »Rey.C:H.Durham,:of Lumbér-jcarried bythe early.train:this week,at the home of Mr.and bors who had ‘o put thPOugh Christ-|,battens ©is ee ' - mas?with:nothing stFonger than |geeond sia he oY cot Nee ieee ton,who was expected to preacti|,gs EE oh Mrs John.W.Rash.:several .days in Charlotte.fast}ye perSiinmon.beer.Makiftig the bes*|inquinies and messages of consola-Siinday at the First Baptist church,|Too Religious to,Play -Cards,Bud!N.weddings to report from "‘this |Week and spoke there.saturday hs of.the ituation the Alexandriat™|ijoi-ftrom far and near Jo,was wiicn recently extended him,|~Shot,Her Husband.part af.tie-world,We-don’t know night in behalf of the .peace arbiy % ed that ‘simmon.beer,is a it ruly..a wonderful litthe dog,and cali,could not be here on account la Cumberland eounty the night what the young folks mean.,tration treaties now.pending im ¢ fing Arink butit :doesn'p bring con-oe a railroad man expressed it,“pe |Of the illness of a,relative.’His de.|before Christmas ~Mary Cameron,|”Christmas ‘was quiet in’this pec.|the Senate.At the conclusion of Me s tion.”-The objection lis-welk will be-misesd_more higit’any one cigiop as to-the-call-has not.yet |)negro woman,shot and ‘killed ltigg .No.drinking’of.note,due we |ts address resolutions were.offer-i tounged.Stmmon beer is good.but ie yg Pa been-‘vendéred.:3 =A husband,Jolin Canreron suppose to the fact.that-the roads|Cd:by Major Hemphill,editor of ; :Scie aror The woman's story,aS told bY |ware so bad people couldn't:‘get.to the Observer,endorsing thie treat-ie .Gp 4g aot «strong enough to make Deana \thie average|ian mone talpative than Lijadell Lady.Married in Ashpivilies Convicts Grateful For,Christmas|ithe Fayetteville Observer,is LO,|the express office,ies and asking:our.‘Senators to sup-°~ _<ommon,be Miss*/Pthel~Monat of‘this Dinner.\the effect that her husband:wanted:Best wishes to.The Landmark ano|Port them..ee H.}.C.«Cowles.was’in Wounty,and Mr.C..C,Allison,a Oa-|-—A few days before Christmas Mr.|b::to play cards with him,and }its friends for a’most prosperous Mr,Cameron ‘Morrison,a”well being a -religious wcmat,Te-New Year:os ~~known attormey of ‘Charlotte,ob- ohne:yesterday:to take the |barrus-county:man fe is now lo-Rex.B.Leinster colléetefl.in.town ishe, pro«fused to piAY onSunday.John then ia ‘‘ljected to the resolutions on |the gath Of office as deputy cberk of'}¢ated.in awba county,were mar-ja sum of money sufficient to Pa Sa ie me Gourt..For 39-years|ried in Asheyille Friday night atj|vide.2 good dinner for the State |got bis gun and told hér that if awe Coleved Victims.ground:that the treaties are &, ne months Ca.-Cowles has |the home of Rev.Dr.R.F.Campr |convicts working on the Air Line |S¢did not play with him he would The remains of John Wasson,a matter for the Senate to act.oft— wae ‘of the United States bell,a Presbyterian minister,who |railroad.The Landmark has teceiv-kill.her.A scuffle ensued,(0 |gtatesville megro who died ,in [and that.the people had no tight Bo ee Girewit Courts’in ofidiated.Miss-Mérrison had been |ed the following communication,which she“got the giun away/from),chevilte last.week;were,-shipped to instruct.The resolutions,how- _Charlotte’.and teaching in Swain County end Mr.|from the-convicts:het husband.Cameron then.went |>4).ror.purial Saturday.ever,were adopted without fur- fuerore Mey was added.ry:|Ald met her in Asneville Friday “We the State prisoners working\|Out of the door and said be waS|“procs Graham,an Iredell.negro ther objection.i eesabolition of the Circuit Courtss|by appointment.Tite couple came jon the Statesyille Air Line railroad,going to,a neighbor's,houss-to get)io was hurt in a dump car acel-——; fective yester:thi@re is ‘oak to’Statesville Saturday,morning and|want the good people of Statesvilte |a.gun and come back:and kill hier.dent,i.Virginia several weeks age Rural Mail |Carriers Taken Out, ue ‘eforkip this fatrict-aJ Mi Mil-]Were guesfs at the home of the:}to know how 'we do thank theth for Wihen Camerdn got to the gat?,|aig Sprought to Statesville in a of Politics.zee : likahy |of ensboro.O61.Cowles |Dtide’s parents,Mr.and=Mrg..W.E.|the $22:Which they gave us.We about 15 feét.from the door,Mary-critical:condition:one day.last Washington Dispatch,Dee.31.ee ae + will be aeputy a ata Loree north of Statesville,un-|pray ‘God.fo.ever bless these —good leveled the gim.and fired on’him,week and cied,within.24 hours af-An order sent out today by ‘the,‘te lott ahd Salisbwry til yeslerduy,when they.went.to|people fot thetr sympathetic |Killing tim instantly,|Maly Bud|fe rcuehing bere.”He had been i-|President will take the rural:frée a. 4 Ma fore seSeot:“wih ag -at |Cabanrus to ‘visit Mn.Allson’s p60 hearts.Some of ‘us have-beem here|‘hat shie dtd riot shoot’at her DUS-ljnreq internally and on,account of |delivery carriers out of politics;~“ ple...After a few days they:will }as long.as17.years ‘and havé never|Dand,...but shot in Kis’dinection.}ayparent neglect of the injury an|they cannot be delegates to”eon- * :10 ved a td ‘ »:(com Satori ay wn cing pthiat Pe dt homie thiree miles out from /had such a gift.(We dig thank Mr.7”Nee ie in jail.:abscess formed which poisoned his ventidns:,of political parties,By . a“he.ha el neipal.of Hick ry,where Mr.:Allison is en-|D.M:Ausley for his nice offer’|yju oR.J.Willis Dead.x system.The body’was taken to his|this,order the President puts rural. {theMonehead-schiool”Durha.m,thie gaged in the dajity,business.While jing.May.God ever bless:him..We old:home,neighborhood |in north carri-rs-in the class with city car- Morehead school being a part,‘of thie marriagé was a-sunpmise to ‘the|know there:are no prisonérs ttiat!Mr.Robt,J.Wills,a’‘trative of Tred for burial:q plexa and under the civil “service: the.Dufkimvgraded schools."Mr.{fiends of Miss”Morrison,her pa-have enjoyed a Christmas any more the Codidle Creek section of Iredell,———e .“AN aptointments will be madeafter Seatt,WHO is a son of Dev.Dr.ani’penta knew:thiee event was to.be.ag Pata a in Charlo!te Ban ie:night,aged Mareiice 4h Shiloh.:‘Heat citi.The President.‘will- reo e th minist 5 Le Mys.é3.A!Scott,-ofSte tesvigle,has Third Ordek Boat Floated.be ine athe,ministers be reward ‘4 teiy vhatn cago.Mr.Willis iived Gorrespondenice ‘of The Danidmarks issue oo order)son ysputting a }& from|Mr.Fred’Dry,‘of °Charfotte;fourth-class postmastservice.The order today,it is és- tadgbt Latin ig the high sehopl of |a),:Br Meda igen, :2 aut tham graded ‘schools ‘for...ah oar ee woe boat,De ae ro te iced hh ;or she |a are and “Miss Odie 4,Fuibri ht,daugih- ot ie Fost Or,and Senceaaera 0 Se oaean eeeln,wr ae ad sco MESPATE PRISONERS [nated by ae wie aud ay dha:}ter'of Mand Mrs.’D.7 Fulbright,tied war eal a ~;oh 4 c fMir.Willis was.a life-to of Shiloh sawinshiip,“were ©manried |& oieOF a nasaright sibs be ot “dae ie tthe cache Lumber:Company.Plant..Sold.‘Yof the Associate Re anne ‘Prosty (Puesday evening,‘December 26th,at!carrion’cetndanity of prswith © vtae ae who.tag that’Te.a plank in.tig front of the hull’of |~‘The plant of the Iredell Lumber térian Chiunch and was for years an aul hom,of’the bride's atRa.aetivite ees 6, :ened ix.reward%6t merit.the boat by the big dipper of*the |Company,located jin southwest elder jn Pérth church,near ‘Trout-Od ee oyna J.R.Warren,4sda., :Sa dredgé&as it was drawn back to |Statesville,was sold at auction=at |mian,His temains were buried at:Nededitadh Judge .Clark's Committe Blow Pace a colored delivery,the boat after a load of mud.Be-|the coum’hotisé yesterday by.Me.|Hbenézer church,,fi:,the vicinity Besideshome ‘folks,Mr.Li DB.no News and.—: doy for Bagle &Milholland,who sufirore Yne trouble could ‘be ‘remedied |J.B.Armfiéld,receiver,to ‘Mr:Rutot Charlotte.-Sloop,df Newell,and Messrs.\.; fers,frequent attacks of.epilepsy)|qasa had-to.‘be budit around the|V.Brawley for’$3,000,-Private’bids a \|R.Miter ‘and,.Ai B.Carpenter,of : atta Mr.S.C.Bragaw Apponaha Judge:|Hickory,were’present ‘at the).re the city, was sized with an attack,while all water pumped .from-}will ‘be received by Mr.Aminfield oe ot fee ee akong east Bnowd.andthe Anil ofthe boat.|until ‘next term of court.The.sale |,Goy.-Kitchin.has appointed Mt.Presses.oe Garet Poein ee +e a th yand.felly isonet ous The sy éeason retarded the work |includes sevén ‘or eight acres “of |Stepben’UC:Bragawy of Wastinatep,|yoo end’Mrs:“Diy left ta i oe ene 2 a ea eae and the'/oonsidenably,‘The bout.will be’fte-|lant,the lumber plant buildings,|Beawfort*county,judigeof the supe.(Charlotte,where they wilt)“ma v, €fe n't obs Bel.he oetv paired —in_a_matmerwhichit is be-|éte.,and the ‘bid'put.on the)vor Courtto sudeesd,Judge Ward,ROE OR ee Tene the t beesboerve ;8D lieved will’pret-nt ‘similar deci-|property ~yesterday with doubttess|‘Miss Margaret’pimer~“comsritandl antiafter colpe some little dis-|gents.~|be.fnereased..It’is*understooc resigned,Pet Hai a :tht ad ise badly.ort.He x °that the lumber company paid!$3,-|<es.AN ‘native »f Wash.ae Siw bs manent of pane ft "the.aaa 34 yay 0 wt:He|)—The.,count ard of ington,was bom in 1868,and has’|©Fomti:a every ‘y bo;‘€duca>|599 for thie land alone.The jcompany been practicing law singe 1891,be-of the bride at “Marietta,Ga.oD|State,and they.“report aight he od)‘into.the stone of-tion was.in session erda ip,where he soom:-{trom roiitine ‘pants ‘he spor on operations threeOr*f0Ur|ig at New Bere.He ia a(the t7th.outlook in.the camp om the‘attack and rent Hanmoent of the.school”thid eooggentrgnede tenale graduate of \‘the University,.-nas|Frank “(@iaddon,a white-man,|ancouragingfor Ct t his @fork as thdugh ofting previousiy:published,was Mr.Ned Tatum,‘ot Olin,won'|beer superintendent of education(|hias beens arrested ror ,complicity |and that hy i it aol most mtBae od.The per gapite apportionment 34°50 ottered..tor.thel largest tur-|for his county,mayor of hla,town'jin (he paiedee ot Mh,cand-oine.Dix:|with |the tie wit -seemi a mitral s 9221 bea nip by Mr.D.J.Kimball:and StateSenator in 1906,©"joa,ji ohana cayaty:ft ne we on a Na We MP ta fu Laem ch ;a il ve . prey cr ,eo:Beeld hae ‘re bien et aed Sere -‘PURSDAY, THE LANDMARK -~January 2,1912. THE;/PARALLEL,fy ARMThe strongest ihidictment of the Jawlessness of thecountry!thiat has ‘been made in a’long.time |was that drawn by.Senator Borah,.of Idaho,in qa recent.address before so~the—Young—Men's-Republican club} -of New-York.Saying in.the“‘course of his remarks,“T do not exagger- ‘ate and 1 do,not overstate -unwelcome and a sing data at haud when I.de “thet we ane even now.Ap our youth.the most lawless of ‘any of the great oiy- ized vations,’"Senator Borah mene tinued:ees 2 “There are thiousanis “and thousandsof‘people,With the ‘daily increasing,who would like to feel safe in-“their warkshops jamd:homes,<whio “would like to feel that justice can‘be admiuistered’alike,to thé:’ae and poor,and that we have one governmentfor thehonest busi-mess man ‘trying to be night and ‘another for thiose who are ruthless-ly preying upon the rights of oth- ens and of the puiblic.. “Even if IF weregoing as a 'party to continue ‘to yield,to the ‘cupidity. of some and compromise with.the'-gelfishness-of others,I-would:at-least-recoxnize-—the demands of_those who stil place their country ‘above the.¢dollar”and:regard)the enforcemeit of equah and effective laws.for all as ahove every othierng:‘which government’can:be-WwW. “What shall:it profit that we|tonth Pleus-and enact.statutes the protection of human |life on “property.x ~regmilation:and ""gulldance of vast business,in-terests ‘tf every man.is to be a‘law unto himself?.The bedrock, the granite farmation upon ‘whichgreatcivilizationsandpowentul,gov- erumients are built,is obedience to,law.We have seemingly arrived “at a dime when a political,partycanafford‘to make it a cardinal tenet of its faith “A few weeks ago the country.was surprised and shocked by the confession of two labor leaders.Inordertosavetheirownworthiless lives;which they had so often de- clared they would gladly sacrifice for.labor,they entered their pleas| of guilty,insisting tliat they “did all for.principle,and seemed to ‘@zpect-an astonished:womld to:ac- cept their whining apologies. ““No reasonable man -would seek| to hold union labor as such respon- Bible ‘or this conspiracy to carry on indiscriminate murder..Fair ‘men ‘will not.by.reason of their _confes-' Bion seek to impeach the citizen- .Bhip of tne rank and file of the great army of.labor. “But even so,and with that Gon-“ceded,the brutal tale of fiendishGamructionofpropertyandlife leaves honest labor humillated,dis- couraged and distrustful;its -up-right’and conscientious liedners con-fused and dispirited,and in view of tlie fact that these men,60“long as they held their secret,couildcommandthesupportofthousands of good men,it leaves the country__Stirred:with unrest and suspicion.’ "There is another record whichwewillnoticeinpassingalso. Bound up in many volumeés,-now well’stored and preserved in the:archives of:our highest judicial:tri-banal,you will find the:full “rec- ords of two of the late noted de-. cisions.This record i&now a’ of the-eountry’s history,collected, “Bifted,tested and verified bi:judt- cial ‘procedure.No one neéd ‘doubt|! ite verity ‘or hesitate to discuss its’ mélancholy significance, “Tt is.a tale twice told of selifish- mess and giveed,of extoriion andlawlessness.‘The plea of justifica~ tion is not anlike the plea of ‘thePlantersofdynamite,for althoughtheactsareclearly.and manifest-ly in violation of .the: the rights of the public,it is claim- ed,;apvertheliess,that it was all ‘the interest of,business .meth jand indutsnial progress. “This is the best plea and the ,Only plea which twentieth “century business can furnish—all that couldbesaidbythose-so_rarely gifted and richly endowed with both this: world’s“goods and intellectual pow-. er andof whom the government andhumanityhavea.right,to expect80much.” ‘Pointing out that thepptbnde of lawleseness in the Standard oil and tobacco trust cases were not excdptional in isolatedcases,SenatorBorahassertedthat“sich lawless bess is common;and it might be added that it has a horde of de-'fenders ard apotogists...who’jnsist yee ipat it is necessary -for-business growth and)industrial.development; ,ona ‘these,unconscipysly it”may “\\pe,bit nevertheless ag certainly, Rive aid and ‘comfort:to the same Spirit that induced:theMeNamaras to destroy property and cominil murder under the idea that ‘they “were aiding "the cause of labér.' 2 The.men ‘of California.‘have ‘Bome cause for alarm,'“Women in at State’wene recently given.the ballot and now.it develops that so &reat is the-zeal for the suffrage among the fairer ‘sex that!there .are 87,000,more women eects “yetenpthon |tick,*If the woyten California.boul dedidie to ataxia together what they would dio for the.mere Ian “would 2m—_—_ ea Not Expect to Become,a Graft- er,z a 5 “pavtihan Herald,.vee The fact that.“Govemnor Wilson wanted~to provide for his family be- .Wore.entering ~politica at least slows:.thes be had no_idea.af.wht iat xe we the, r persons;Safe in| ‘Wasto law:;and} COMMENT ON VARIOUSMATTERS The ”.“ooal,‘ptatistician /‘of,the has’.depressed prices.It is.well thie announcement was made,7THe average consumer‘of’goal:in these arts would.never have.discovered the depressed pirice in his coal’bill, i *.®* One or Gir ~coutemporartes—ttHe| newspapet aud the elipping were unintentionally disassociated ~and. we can’t place the authorship:now. ~-makes the following een “Tt Was Zeb.Vance whi said,effect,thatthe Democratic caycould“always pe depended .upon to Play the fool at the wrong timie.This is just what ‘the Denyocratic majority in the House of Repréesenr,tatives did im voting ‘for.the pen-|sion steal bill, Vance.may”have.trade that re- mark but theoriginal pemark,which was made by the late Gen..Grant, this effect:-“Wihenever the Republican party plays the rascal the Demccratic party ;plays the fool.”Supply stron’words:before rascal ‘and fool and you'll have it exact.The ifea was that ‘wien the Republican panty:deserved,to be! beaten and’could!-be ‘beaten,’the Democrats’threw away.the oppor- tunity by playing the fool.All of which.contains more truth than poetry.: :++2 Recently eetion was brought agai‘ijt former Governor Vardaman, of Mississippi,charging that he had improperly expended certain:public funds.Following —..és...the.“nesmilt of ‘the action to date,as.‘told by the Asseciated Press,in a dis- patch from Jackson,Mie.: Chancellor.G G.‘Lyell wpheld thie contention gf former Governor Jas.K,,Vardaman,that it Was notwithintheprovjneeofthecourts to"inquire as to the disbursement of the executive contingent ‘fund during his admimistration,;and ordered made permanent an in- junction:restraining attorneys of the.State litigation to compel an accounting of the former Governor,now Unit- ed:States Senator-elect.The chan- cellor.held,“however,that thieStateshouldbeallowed‘to “€xam-. ine bank books in connection ‘with the allegation that ‘cértain notes: were ante-dated by Mr.Vardaman. It is contended that through this procedure’several Jackson.banks were paid uimearned interest ‘on aState-loan negotiated in 1907.Thie State now seeks to recover froin tion.the-alkegied unearned:interest.. An“appeal to the’Supreme Court Wil)be taken by the attorneys for the State. It would seem -that if:the ac- counts are straighit and explaina- ble-—and the accounts of a public Official should alwayg —be that way—-that the best!way to settle the matter would be to allow the investigation to:go on,and.te the fullest extent. dion in stopping it could be’con- stried as trying to cover up some- thing.i ***'{‘t i‘Taking note of the account of je*railroad wreck at King’s ©Moun- tain;printed in the Charlotte Ob- Server,the’Charlotte Chironicle Says:e ea z :',,It was:a-fended of good “news- paper reporting,notable for itsclear‘statement of facts.and ab- sence of adjectives and superlatives,The,too:liberal use of ‘the latter spoils:many an otherwise goodnewspaperstory, Wenn said,The proper way to write @ news story,or to’write any- thing,is to wise the fewest ,words possible;simple,clear statement, and direct.The veading public has- n’t time to wade through a mass of words to-find-out-what:the writer is trying to say.Young mien:go out of college iniv newspaper.work and in many casés they have an idea that the thing to dio is to use many big words and highsounding plinases.They are teaching ‘‘jour- nalism”at the University now and While we wieh the ‘school of jour- dualism’mighty well we |confess that"we,expect.little results from it What is needed is not schools to.turn out journalists—the ‘field is well filled with journalists now—- but a school that will turn out newspaper mén-——plain°néwspaper men who can do the work without so many frills,.That Bort is in: demand.A°Bedypol iiké that*will Not be headed by a college protess- or but.by a plain newepaper ~man like Wade Harris,who knows the}ins and olits of newspaper-making and can wnitewhat he wants to say without ringing in sketches:and gush ald crowding adjectives and supérldtives:into every merenent of simple facts,. \deeetaieepsimmnnsccailiAssistanteeut Maiden Newton ‘Riverprise. ri migth ‘Mr;Clayton :Calawell)stant:postmaster.at.‘Miaid«en,was tobbed of $530.in stampsandbshehavingchargeofthe vatdnpben at—the postoffica.Thetheftocounredathishome,whith}er he had carried)the money:tt ig|believed that some local thief didthe.work and a ‘pdstal |inspector’is in,weesti gettin &1thie:robbery.-: athena. Doan's Régulets cure constipation withoutgriping,nausea,nor any weakening: @ffect,Agk-your drugeint.for “them.2blcentsperbox,neES ams *ae a pv:,‘‘s.i ee geological ‘suryey figures_that.an|~‘joverproduction of coal the past:Fear from proceeding ~with |. Mr.Vardaman or the banks im ques Gov.Vardaman’s ac- -|parrots were suffo. MADE A GOOD GOVERNOR: Nobody.Has Run Gov.Kitchin—A:Littke Toe|Free ‘With’aFax Charlotte Chronicle)+’’The Carolina Demociat,a tk: hy:pclitieal paper published atMoti- roe by the Beasley bnothers,»has}. begun “printing sketches.of,pmblic mén ef North Carolina.Governor}. ‘Kitchin is first,socke Craigis." ‘follow,and presumably SiOverman,Glenn;Aycock,Clark-amet all down.the line,,.Of Governor Kitchin,the-biographer slays: “He went into office a.free.man, ‘without a pledge ‘or a promise toanyone..He was bound only,by.iMpledgesofthepartywhichelected hin and “these”hie...hasi religiously’ kept.He has been the Governor of all the people and there hos neem, no ‘power behind,the thnone’ We want.to add owr ack. to this.As Governor of the Bate, Mr.Kitchin .has.acted absolutely ‘independently,People who had no cause to expect favors from hin: have had.things:come their.‘way. Friends who thought they had ‘hin under their thnmlb found that«they ‘were mistaken.It was becdyse a. certain element Gould not sway him,that war was made upon Him.Mr. ‘Kitchin has made a.good,‘honest,faithful Governor..He'has beem a little too free in:his pardons,but. that is ‘his only failing,80 far as we know. The ;Landmark is ‘in:agreement with the Chronicle that the only objection.is ‘the rather free|use of the pardoning power.But it niust ‘be admitted that ‘in this line Gov.Kitchin has:not surpassed Ay- cock,if he has even ‘kept pace with him,and:that about alk the par- dous are hacked by the enddérsenient of-the-trial judge and-solicitor,one. or both;all or part of the jury;cer tificates.of reputable physicians as to health;endorsement of,private prosecutors,etc. n't’change The Landimark’s:opinion that pardons-are-too freely grantec but.ir is cited:in ,justice tothe Governor.:' ae MATTERS OF NEWS. Trying to save hig dog,from ‘be- iug-run over by ‘a railroad.°train, Geo F.Hiackwell,‘of Columbia, ‘Alt of this does-| sl¥ou Need Not Suffer@ With—Bronchitis— Bronchitis—Asthma—Tonsilitis,‘ete.are the results df “‘colds.”*A cold: ‘ured in time prevents these diseases.| its appliedexte rnally;casting,off/healingvaporsthatact,directly and“itntaediately upon the affected pete perfecing a real and permanent cure, At yourdrugeist'sor by.mail 25¢..50c,.$1.00. Econoniy suggests thedollar size Vick’s Family Remedies’Co,..__Greenshoro,N.C, FOR SASALE! Cash Tobacco Warehouse;lot 130x285,cortier Walnut .and Meet-|. ing streets. Lot 60x107,‘comer.Court Meeting stnéets. .s 26%acres,oat.Busole.,$30 ber were,, RS nares,onemile east ‘of court house.— 76 _acnes,one mile and a huld Wish z one West. 70 acres,one mile and a dalfwest. 211),acres,‘tive mle north,$30 per acre356.veres,three!miles:east,$25 of:other desirable per acre.. A nil ber farmé and business properties,-See ISIDORE W ALLACE, ”Kirst National Bank Building...,Phone.240.i “START RIGHT!” Start the New Year right with the.resolu- tion that you will buy S.'C.,was instantly killed by; traiar,:: +Private..Quirk,—of Siates army,who recently confess-| ernment bridge at Fort Riley,| Kans.,wtih dynamite,charged Rey.Chas.’M.Brewer;former annychaplain,--was:_also-)implicated.Brewer has been entirely exonerat- ed.He showed that he wag con- ducting services at Quanah,Texas, the day the bridge.wae dsetroyed. Grateful for ~the pardon which| Goy,O'Neal,of Alabama,gave him as a Christ mas present,Chas. Schaeffer,who:was serving "a terminthé:State prison,hobbled,tnto the Governor's office and asked 'for. a wooden leg.He said.that.whileservingthe.State-as.-a convict _la- borer:in a.mine he lost his leg. He thinks that the State should reimburse him”by buying.al wood- en leg.. -While copperheads,-yattlers and, adders writhed over the floor,and tarantulas and other poisonous ‘in- sects .darted..here and.there;fire- men fought:a blaze in the bird and; snake store of W..0.Learn,at SanAutonio,;‘Texas.The>reptiles”be- dame liberated when the streams of water shattered the boxes jn “whichtheywerecotifinedhundred and 350Snakeswere-roasted to vaeatte Bap financial loss was small. Richard rok former leader:of Tammany Hal,and his sons,Rich: ard:Croker;Jr.,.and Howard”Ciro- ker,are miade joint.defendants jm a civil dction begum in New York by John J.Breen to recover $100;/006BreenmarriedMissEthel‘J.Cro- ‘ker,a daug>ter of.the former,Tam-Many chieftain,and alleges thathrs‘wife’s affections were alien- ated by Croker and his sons.Breen declares.in his complaint that he and his--wife.lived,happily to= gether until the defendants induced her to leave him. By,Convention, Shanghai Dispatch,Dec.29.. Thie peace conference being held here between the repnesentative: of the Peking government and the revolutionary party today agreed that the’.farm of government be decided by a national conven tion ‘whose determination -should be bitrding on both arties.It wasalboagreied..that pending the de-| cision.of the natidnal conventien, the Manchu government was nieith- er to accept nor to attempt to ob- taim foreigm Iqans.:Another.agpee-Ment -neached is tliat all,Manchu troops in the provinces of Shan Si-Shen-Si,Hu-Pem,Nganhwei and’ Kiangsd shiglll evacuate their ‘pres! ent positions and withdraw :‘firomthemtoadistanceof.100°li (about, 37 miles)withinfive’days!beginining, from .December 31..The republi- can troops meanwhile.dhiall-neither, advance nor occupy the places evac- uated.pending special arrangementstobereachedby,miutual agheemiehit. The Manchu troops are not toadvancenor-to attack the positionsat”Shantung hel by the nepubli+ cans nor shall the republican.troopsadenouponhor,cipture new placesIt..ie understood that the nation+ .convention to be called is tO in- -those.delegates at.present in! Mea teneise at “Nanking who haveelectedDr:Sun,Yat/Sen.presidentoftherepublicany-dthens:to be. elected.ath vspepatn ’isis Amerlqahe ~ourrse.Bur;Rock Blood Bitters conquers:dyspepsiatIt.drives:/out impurities,Ores.perfect di- the “the United| ed to complicityin destroyinga gov| that Chingse Government to-Be Decided |} ultimately’adopted for China should || the best groceries and freshest vegetables on the market this year, {We will help you to keep,your resolutions by:keeping the best ‘that can be had in our line. ——GIVE us A TRIAL.= Eagle.&‘Milholan. Asthma-—Tonsilitis| Medical works of every land show that }, VICK SSretnene SALVE: is:‘the greatest Juag healee 4jn.the world—.| 35 actés,one mile and a quarter| 500Pair to Go at Almost whet They Will Bring, InMen’8,eeand Children’8Shoes,‘collected to-ns gether out of clean,fresh winterwe §Poston -Wasson Co.& A 8 RNRERRS NNCRG ORR CI ~stock.After‘selling off the past60°‘odds and ends in broken sizes which prices as these:$3.00 Shoes for $ ate for-.1.69:$1.50 line for $1.24. “$1.981,49 ht goods from our ys,we find ‘lots ofwehavethrownout:on aseparate counter and priced at much under whole--_Sale cost,to clean up while the shoe beqaon is on.at stich $2.50.Shines for 2.00 line for Have your size in something;look overthis thoscounter,It will surely pay you.. Wre'satrt1thiskind and for less, \ ‘All heavy-weight goods:reducedallthrough.our stock.Our Shoe department.represents‘a store within itself.Our lines are from the best:manu-.facturersin the business.This bad weather demands dry Shoes to protect:you from colina pore Pu.vy ’ ike“betore,-minking--an-jrvestment:-}it-—- - WA.Overtash ‘has bought an interest,in the City Roller Mills and will be ¢lad to see his old friends:~We have secured the services of Henry.A.Arthurs to4dothemilling,t @ Want your exchange.“Will give exchange for a bushel corn.iketpric 4 for wheat and’corn. 38 pounds orflourand14poundsbranfor60poundsofgood—wheat.Or 44 pounds meal and four pounds braninWillpayhemar- x COOKING OIL.#¢ } uss Fresh lot just opened.‘As good as thebest jard for all purposes,and costs you one-third less. Price per Gallon‘Price per QuartTRYIT.”YOULL:LIKE Ts Imperial Cotton Oil Company.“‘PHONE.206.° "TBes206.4 s 4 restoyerralwelahtanteaeet health::tenttiy bleeding.protrading or bling piles weld-to Doan's Ointment;tases ‘Boon.relieved,oy cured,Drug-pe all gel dt ay eatin pen e Chronic + 4-°>We wish to then our numer-— ous customers for their:very | -liberal patronage for the year|— “past,and:assure you we appre-.he ciate all you havé!done for us. Sey “And if you cwill kindly con- \tinue to give us your patronage' ,we assure you we will exert ourselves to the utmost to give you’what |you,want at sthe lowest possible prices that can |.be had forthe class ‘of goods— OS ee intend to handle.| 1 ing you again and wishing you oo .every one a,Prosperous |and” ee Happy New ‘Year,.we are, ‘i _Yours to command, Thank--, fics > i = aap Ly se Sh n t a a h e “Giaty-five sacres,6milessiorth:of city,‘Niceroad fro Two.huadred andsixty-two acres F J ins Chambersburg ae Me miles south of Elmwood.rye Bs One hundred and thirty acres, 64 miles from Statesville,in Cool Spring township.‘Two dwellings with usual out-buildings. ‘|}rnsDay, THE LANDMARK ‘ii ,January,24.1912, “LOCAL RAILROAD:SCHEDULE,| Ai nertva and Bepartns we vem at N ,WESTERN ROAD.Train Nv,11,west-pot:Train No..21,west-bou due 3.<DP.Trai No.35,west-bound,eins 10.22 pmfrainNo.36,east-bound,11.00-tinTrainNo.22,¢ast-bound,dug 1.20 p.m,Train-No,12.east.aud.dué 6.45:p.m,‘CHARLOTTE.A ND TAYLORSVILI,~-~From PitasiotionTrainNo,16 ar.9.50,leaves-411.00 a.Train No.24 ar.\8.26,leaves 8.36 p.From aylorsville.Train No;28 ar.eee seaves 11,00 a.mTrainNo.15 arr ,6.20,.leaves 6.45 p..m “Was due ue.20 a. hiquor.‘Caught Fire and Man- Burned, In Cart¢ret county Frank Allén, Foot color;Ahad in’a supply’of.fiery, liquor for the holidays and called C.S..Holland. Dec.12 5 eved me,and I continued to grow worse and| physician I commenced totake Milam on March|8th last.Iam now far on the road_to recovery,and feel that I willbe entirely cured.Iam nowatworkandfeélnoinconveniencefromit. |and thinkMilam it a great medicine. Yours ray, Claims he Easy. jy Anybody Can Make Claims.. WILL Go the Editor of The Landmark: ‘I.will,thank you for a brief ¢space in my home paper touching an an- swer as to whetiipr I will be a canz didate for Associate |Justice of,the Supreme Court.: Sometime next ‘sumiier_tlte Dem- Tocratic convention will name “Calidi- dates to succeed”Justices.Hologa1and Brown.They are both ‘serving’thes Pa «|first terms on the Supreme.*Court. It -is'a.tule,well-nighy -universal, when,our party in its convention, nas given a nomination,and its act has ‘been,ratified at the polls,to accord the dnceumbent a ‘remomina- 'was unable todo my work..By the advice of niy—+ “[take great pleasure in giving this certificate ‘W.PINCHBACA,| |Ask Your Druggist or Write*, Milam Medicine Co.,Danville,Va. ago. flour d VALL tried flour. can suggest the results. me e .ery leadi -Tf claims «made quality DAN . }..VALLEY flourwould have’ »been put out of btisiness-long I am still ‘looking .for a just-as-on as DAN Y,.an ber of housewives who paid their good money.for an in- so are a hum- The best thing I is to put DAN VALLEY and a-just-as-good flour:side by side and”watch | This is the test.DAN VALLEY is sold by ev-grocer if\.your.city,“Ask for DAN VALLEY and ane noother. CutCutiiFlowers | Carnations, ae i Orchids, hs6 t.W.Ths.Jt., |Local Representative. *Phone a Violets, rey r \, i JOHN G.DYE,M.D. EAR,NOSE AND THROAT “AND:FITTING GLASSES. Office in'Milis Building. Office hour's 9 to 12a,m.,:2,to 6 p.m.‘: ies we 458;Residence 428. tN Roses,. Ete.: Le:“W.“FRAZIBR, _TINNER,| NORTH CENTER STREET.' iP 63IDENCE2889 a i i Yen-iniy uses)Company, Greensboro,N.C.~POLK,GRAY DRUG 00:, |eac ht other was beautiful and touchs And daily-is the Christ.Child born as ‘ieht 5 a |In ect 1ow Bethlehemnthe,ni °ember 21s :a.kes tat |}%Vv ralks with faith and quietMrs:Grose sank.to sleep to we ike |"ho a a : ino more::Funeral serices wiere con-‘Through unktiown ways and dim,|ducted by Rey,.Mr.Caudié at Sandy).keepe,his,heart a.child’5 Springs church Friday,22d,-where heart still.iShe has been.a member since child-:i }teac:e--Christ.Chi 1 dwells withcod,.and her remains were laid to}Wes him oe rest in the churehyard.|For him.the heaveris~are -made @ |.ne deceased is survived.by.her anew _}ihas Land’and \-rhrée.sisters,Mrs..ies ¢1 ot Drees .-"‘Lit by a guiding star;J.Ww Powell,.Mrs.J..A.Chaffin |with singing angels surging through and MrgcvPinkney Dison;all.-of Grom hierarchs:dfar |Basle Mills.\:May He who doeth all r :res oe shalt ithings well ‘comfort.the:bereaved|4 new ..earth at his feet re1husbandAnd.rejatives,ar:spring,eerie g fiaWitthloweand:life astir;‘ \With septrerds-and wise sngs|Manyiage ‘ati Mooresville —“Christ.wah sh ts pride 1 i mas Entertainment.:.Gold,‘fratikinicerise {mynrh Lsusaaesatenas of'The Landmark.If but:his heart a n wr be, Mooresville,Dec. |home -.weddimg took fevening at 6.30,-on }tiue,when.Miss Mary -Young unitedimmarriage to Mr. |Ricee.A room decorated with* 28-—-A & of} invited:to wit-"| |the gaze“of the limited number }rétaitvés and friends |ceremoay Mr.and Mrs.Rice board- }ed the 7.455 train for Roatoke,Vaz to spend’‘their .honeymoon, |bride ‘s the popular and attractive ¥daughter +of;Mr.and:Mre.John' Young.The groone@ is:a sticcessiful’ business man of Mooresville:Manybeautituweddinggifts.were di§- played. Mrs “W-:L.Stevenson entertain- ed a tew.friends Wednesday eve- ning in .onor of Miss Redimay,‘of ‘Rocky Mount,who is}the —guest |of the Misses Gulbertson. A.Christmas entertain mentt,was given Wednesday,evening in the A.R oe church for tlhe Sunday, schod!.Santa Claus”was*present and distributed atitte to ee eset dren, «For any pain,from.top to toe,feorh |poe Local Agents. |PHONES.PHONES. 7 any cause,apply Dp.Thomas’Eclectic ‘NOT,BE x GANDIDATES oeeast Judge’Long ‘wil,Not Enter “the.Raqe F _Supreme .Court ae pretty! place Tiresday | Brooklyn ave-+| was William.| |profusion of flowers and ferns met ‘The HOLIDAY sOOrASOOIAL EVENTS. Social Canons‘of “the.Holiday About.25.bovsovana eiria gathered a the home |\oi and.Mrs.R. Ramune night,and pleasanthy sur- priséd Mr.Bonner Knox,with.an old-time ‘storm:panty,”.were played and’a merry tim: perted.Confectioneries were Mra.Fo)OB. rved.‘Steele was hostess oujside friends Friday afternoon.atherhome.‘on West.Bid avenue.Pro- thie afternoom and Miss.Corre Cope-|Janid and Mrs.By B.Webb tied”fortheprize;a fancy work bag.Mrg. Webb proved:successful in cutting for the prize:,At the those ofthegamenefreshanentswerepeeksed,Miss Marganet ‘Turner cgitectaliod “Knox,om;north Center’street,| Games|| eis re-; tothe Entre Nous chub anda few. gressive Hearts was the game for || GIVE US THE PLEAS OF BEING Se iZ @ te IN RETURN’ WN ewitl give you Quality,Goods'and Quatity Service.Yours to Please,” .THE STORE OF QUALITY a -Statesville DrugCo., pBodeovsncanlils eectsdiih j ‘in his ffieuds to make merry.While |tion for 9 second :term,Recognizing(a party-.of friends /at:progrespiveTwofiuldbedandfiftynineacresanexwere’celebrating -by imbibing|fully.the custom of the party to domiino.Thursday ‘avectite at her in Concord township,only.3)miles ||freely of phe ilowing bowl Alien got wihich I owe allegiancejas out weigh~hiome ‘on Davie?avenue,‘The firat | fromcity.Can bée sold-in small |)tear the stoveand took.a big drink.prize,a Kodak:“album,was won “iby |p The jique t ing all other considerations,and meet !tracts—from,10 acres.up.he quot strangled him and:he,a,(Miss Miunie Sherrill,and,thie cbn-|jspit’a mouthful in thé stove.A |wishing to promate ‘harmony:iD |solition,a little mouse,was a oar.| sheet of flame darted.out and was fits ranks and relieve jttom embar-ed N i teele::|-‘Ninety-ei ht acres in Turhers eommunicated .té-the.Manor,M ir.L.G.Steele.A melt couree Bi t rassment many -inutual friends,I de-|was served.urg owns ,'‘the bottle...The bottie burst and,|Master -Finank He ul ntertainedAllelclinetobecomeacandidatefortheifmayall“egy a an's’bedy.was covered with the |party of:young pe2ople:Thursday.jat-| :*i;Atburaine “ffutd.He was sé severe-|Supreme Court orto contest Judge \terhoon at the home’of his parents,|; dilly burned that he may die.BroWp’s.rendimination,,as 1 AI}Mr:and:Mra WF:Hall,on.Race |W hen a farmer sellshis produc 2€of any ‘kind to.a business ae oe ld preciate street,The event ,w:omplimen-|||man he receive:y :The New Church:in Belmont For Color-I:credibly intormed We yp an at to Fe ge Richards MaL 1 ay ee nis pay by achec ky The business an knows ‘ Jenkins &agner I ed Race.a Te-nomiination.-ldted Johneton:and’Bleate Hrdien this check will came back’to him and bea receipt.”Tf the \E 2]Correspondence of The..Landmark,od may -Pe ta.see Get and Master Harvey Helper,alt ot|business man finds‘it to his advantage-to pay -all bills by (REAL ESTATE:DEALERS,bak ‘he churvh of thie Belmont AL passing;hat a uperior unt Davidson,who..were guests’.in|check,why should not.the fart ian ao Sic hate Ore ~Statesville,,N:E>IM.‘¥.‘Zieeeongregation,one’and |iudgé,under exiktiig-lawa,asthe Hall home last week.’:it:his bill eo hack?’-A'cheek ra 9 aN wise and oe :Office:Puppia aoe “Bldg.ja half mile.égst of towmhaving be-}mgre to do than’he can dio satis-behx boretitnsite-0t 9 Woe Nok |iis bills by chec check account eliminates allchances 6 ""PHONE:jcome unsafe for meetings,was torr |factorily,Withiout ‘neglect’of pub,aAa a eaeaeales Goa haus|error andis an undisputable receipt.)A large’number of©i.at:pr ssive ganes'.‘ieee \down last weék-and‘a new dne of |lic duty he has,no“time to {3 ay afterneon:by Miss “Amelia |farmers are now banking.with us;but there ‘are others that ‘\ieee Ges hate oe be built en the jin struggles for’higher..station.|Hoffmann:at her home on.West Enc)should be.Are you.one:of them? tt ay potd-site-under tie efficient “mentee one has salid Of officeholders|°Venue;Miss-—Mabel-Laugenonr+on ,->ces Y lagement of ‘tts present pastor,|lehat.“4 ai fewer decline and |"0"the first prize;an.ivory’pie |:;::mare ' =—|Rev.J.J.Hunter.|,liaF.lat."“tew.die,fewer decline aoa frame,and’the consolation |||’'ey:is wo ._\%.--nove.resign.”Superior ourt |a calendar,went.to Miss ~|M }h ts &F :B k.-f Stat vill =)FOR S A LE!ie ae Judges in this:State seem to “be /s Two”Gourses of re-411,1€rC all ses ‘rarmers an 01 re Les)e.ere -~BA Pati 0 |an;.exception.Within a ‘brief |‘pe-|!its.were.Served,“The diee-'|9 7 -} :;|:t cor :ol ‘re of ivy -and \Christe}ee -ze |:fiod two have died.at their.posts,|i Of:VY an Set Three:kiindred and thirty acres of :jone promoted,one declined fuinther |:Bowles was hawt eas 40 ‘la aa ee Pt aietaeCan i eee service and five ‘have.resigned,it Kau :Doze n..Embroidery.Cir- ‘4 vided by..railr ane Ds.eatine-—onls.seu ;16 L 5 afternoo ther +~om ily seven of-the..i.Je..lin he EE LOO 9AT :ene tral Highwa’‘Two--story dwell-|L AP NT ;j “End avenue.Mrsduty!“Conditions producimg -such ee -:ing and good out-buildings.Lies ]}ae :‘*|Be ‘mother,Mea Grant,of almost level,with red clay subsoil.|}.recent,fadical and ee |ro,and Miss’Lina McRa‘,‘of Seventy ‘acres in cultivation.This 1};a *jehinges supply a’problem for solu-|‘Iphia,were special’guests. is one of the most.desirable farms ae tioh’.to the thoughtful:Probably a’hevother ladies wene about in Iredell county.~Price very rea-[|Oldest=surwivor;‘still in the’ranks,’had eedle work,Mrs.:Chas.A. sonable.-RememberIhave30 oth-|[better meditate a°retreat,rather |,re:ade a selection’for C om AILE RI Mattress,full’size,weight 45 pounds,a . Sno See in,Iredell county for |)and Most (thai in advance!ls ae i ete Ae it of in beautifed art tick...GuaranteedSanitary. :Tae aan oe or less,10 miles Severe I render ’most'hearty thanks’to ||d g dinner’was given.bj ee tes wrt as ;cs Pai ait sr oy ciate thes :4zeWig Poston:Wednesday at:the from,Statesville,on public road faithyu friends.evormmhere ee Lone of Lis parents,Mr.and Mrs and two miles from macadam road.Cases generously offered to advance .Me)Rp 1,ston,complimentary.to his. 1,000,000 feet good timber—100,000 od to a higher post.J can only re-/cnest,Powell,of..Ghanbotte.4 feet oak,300,000 forest pine,600,-4 Yield “bpay them..by striving:harder in |Abou dezen bdys partook of the}7 000 feet fine second-growth pine.Readily [the-tacure Yo.merit weir confi-|©"eae |a Oe eee rete prop ,|deuce B.:-¥..LONG.|E-caped.Convict Voluntarily.Re-a ’ gsitions:now on the market.See Te ce ea Statesvitie,Jan.,1,1922.at ae ast aml:Why.Me ici =zs me quick.cane To thaede :i Pe ene a eg ae ss ;:eg “Thave be ter.|Death of Mrs.Grose in Eagie|Who would believe that a;negro.TT Yous >ce Nov.21-R.YY.Brawley.i “ing very,much’trom |{*Mills.ts rae a had escapy d fronr<the:chain |OU RSE ECIAL PRICE 36.7 D Eczema in my -head,|Correspondence ot The Landinatk.and who:-had been at’liberty 7 Seeel ane Loe |thiree tabnthe would come back to 7 sarnaneremenivonipe ceeconrenracmcaresncmmecrten nash T eT fer atret ter scalpfor several years..|vis community is.very,sail ‘on |Ie ee eee ee)frittata fawoune Glia Mad of tie A inewocade vous wo”SoreMl Crawford-Bunch Furniture Comp’,a haat ;a ooo 5 bert 7 ‘Christmas and call for his/@,PROPERTY.myhead,arid "oi poem e Grose,--wite--of _Mr.-E..L.!mien aad shi okies?”‘Mat.UNDERTAK Ss AND.EMBALMERS.”:‘:Yent rom sleep.|Grose,one —of -_Bagie’-Mitis’most:|*"an Sika Adal .:ER eh ot.;fier eT eet ||pmosperous farmers.Mrs.Grose wat)”hat Brooks Rivers did.Bpooks was or i a @ or én entirely relieved,|the oldest.daughter.¢t Washingten jmeoving a 5-year sentence on ureling ones,,Sear i fr 4)though.Laam continuing to use it so as to be jand Elizabeth Marler/who tame to jon oe chain.gang,had served" |surethetrouble is eradicated from my system.”~this-term lacking.four months,and “ FE:d ee ie ia ie ae Davie:while.abe »the 22d of last:September he %My mansion;corner Front an |Danville,Va.,March $0,1910,|was quite youmg.-She was 51|™She «=last September “he |¥ Mulberry.streets,is for sale.{ieee of a at the 'time.of her ee tes ate ee oe or rent.It has all modern wath:She was marned to E.L,|ere until the date above mention: ”conveniences,including steam*Eczema of 26 Years StandingCured.|Grose December 28!'1880.No chih |€4.«Brooks says that his Dath..tS 6 heat,water,“ehG ~_...Huntington,Wy Va.,July 16;1910.|dren survive.hot been a flowery one since he| :.¢Ree E |The Milan MedicineCo.,:Danville,Va.|:Mrs’Grose:had’'been afflicted for |<Union county,or words to that } Four-room.cottage and lot Dear Sirs—In January Tast {wrote you re-|some time,but not unidl.a short |Cme.Be has setved 60--days-on 4g }iy oe oe cin >pS eo 2 SsonOakstreetforsale.“Good _|warding }LAM.|Youssidyou wouldcure ™@\time before her death did her con-Sin:gangs Since “he bees 30 days barn and outbuildings.“||My-face is entirely-well,Ifeel betterthanThays [dition become critical:She bore |.Rowair,os and 3!ae *a3 ed Ww £ni urginia,‘graney e £Several lots,close'in,forsale...||forie now,and think Giarah pean of Eocene|peeepaorn =_patience,tired of Sng.constantly oh aieibd!r a.ugh ¢i r ";:nr a ae a)Ee 4 One hundred and sixty acres ee Taare receuaiels.por as a anne.Her patience Me ae dodge and.being:hunted like a’wild]. i <j ,.rey r+e uv i 1 ail font And?Cane Bade ie eae es i 4 ‘:a less than a mile north of town _—0-H.WILLIAMS,lout was a marked example of (the |@nimal !id Cann DHCR tO,Sete ae Don t forget to investigate our Free offer if.you to be cut into lots to suit pur-:wy lpatient,Christian:life .Bhe has |&f™,50 he.yorifd)bea ee rs Sa see , oes.ioenaghi oe es Peoriasis—A Vilolent Form of Eczema.|lived.Cheerful,.good and kind to/**}aa are in need of a Range.[hts isa yaluable gift and —, ial property,located on Lur-*Blanche,N.C.,July 16,1910,|411 with whoni’she came in contact,(STMAS HOUG HT. nersburg road and Turnes av-|stitam Medicine.Co.,Danville,Va.au wntiring watcher in sicknéss,‘she Ar THe HRISTMA:-will be”greatly appr eciated’by any housekeeper enue.Gentlemen—I have been:afflicted\with a tor--|WaS ever ready,;to hejp the _poon)aly porns tmay~be like’C hristimae’and you et it entirely fee w ith each six-ring Cam-; IN eres in north ‘States-~|)Stans Hin,gisease,pronounced.by the physi-}xnd comfort the @istressed.The af-morn Mees a ee iy line acres in north States |Gianstobe "Psoriasis,"and have had it for ten”faction phe and her husband bore ai ‘awk Wie Eh eron Range from December Ist until Dec.24,1912.4 “ville for sale.fetes No treatmentofthe physicians ever re~1 her h n i To hiv Aooks for them. 1 His.ears shall-hear,his eyes shall “ge e Where Love ilier best-born brings. ‘Robert Gilbert Bigkgs }Do vou know that,fully nine out of leve ry ten cases of rheum atism are sina. iply rheumatism of theieoldor‘damp;or “chronic rhedmatietr jand require no internal treatment what.Chamberlain's Liniment |er? Carey,s Seer ree The happy ianaty sia aes how,quickly it gives re-jecouple pntered to the straims of ier,”For sale by all dealers.; jth w eddtug:march.played by Mrs. Will Brown,aunt.of the ‘bride.The |DIED SU DDENL xt tattendants were Mr,Frank Young,!; i brother of the bride,and Miss tac Acute lindigestion the .Cause.”| cy Kestler,of Coddle Greek.»-The|How Often Do We Read This) |bride was >eautifully cowne d to}Heading:in|Our Daily Paper! white messaiine -with lace and:Dear reader,if your food does; |pearl tringe trimmings.After the}not digest”properly,-but stays.in! your stoliiach,causing much misery; shortness.of.brestts and ferinenta- tion,you are,the one that should constantly have -with you “a--box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets. wo little MI-O-NA tablets:takénatthefirstsignofdistress, would have:kept many a death mo- tice out of the,papers: ~Ht you have stoniach trouble of any kind,start to get rid of it}to- dia y,«One.-5.0=cemt...box.caf..MI+O4NA stoniach tablets will make you ie like a hew man.Two weeks’t Ment’will “make any abused,out= of-order stomach stnong fund vigor, ous. Giarapteed,mind you;for andi geStion,’tizziness,piliousnése,..,bad|, dreams.*They?clear the skin”and 60 cents at the Statesville “Drug |° 4,Oil.Pain can’t.ust where it is used.Store.and druggists everywhere.|, eo «x \y ‘: i Pe Pada A ;Vs yesep:=iw!‘‘i 3 dy om ae ‘ it.ieee sis aS Na brighteri‘'theeyes’,A box.for only ims Also a:full liye of Coal and~Wood Heaters:and many other seasonable goods: 1|Statesville Hardware &Harness Co. | Get high.priced eggs now by ‘using Dr.Heas & Clark’s POULTRY FOOD PANACEA.If youare ~~” not satisfied with results when you have used.” Hess &Clark’s Stock or Poultry.Food:.we refund the money.That is our guarantee. Statesville Hardware &Harness Compan a __________————O | eegAPrize For Singers!$ I will sella$300 Piano for.,$150 to the public school teacher who will train:theit schdol to sing ten school songs in “Carolina Harmony.’’Certificate from com- mittee,stating “these songs have ‘een sung by the.a “school will be required..aR Will alsogivea-$5.00.Gpitar”to,the leader of the class thatwill make the best musie in six sclidol son in said book at the next county singing.A book will be loaned to each school,and the words may be.stg” -~from their tablets,but,classes’having members over school age will be required to ing both notesarid words. beSs.Leonard,Music Dealer,- (512 Center Street.by 8006000 “DR.P.F.TAUGENOUR,- Moe DENTIST;esi e Still ocewpies thé same roomeG-‘floor of’AnandFirst vetoes,a‘Bolling,w aA berths palettes haveandentrancefromtotheweetsideofroNove8. ’ Ww.D,Turner,Atty,Nov,28,1911,= I ve oF =aches MUESDAY,—"~ !pUBLISHED "FOSDAY.AND FRIDAY. ore®R,CLARK,EDITOR AND,OWNER. T BROAD 8STREET. os eee ~900|THE LANDMARKS.ae osMON tones ANGae as ptated’that the>Nonfolik: MBRER MONTHS...8 jeads Labdmark ‘will.be.consolli- January 2,.1912. “THEY DO NOT EXPECT,IT. ton A never thowiehit I would meio this!’wailed L.M.Sandiin, thie Friday morning.:Sandlin.met his just de- He abandoned his wife and.children’ “andthe deserted wife was trying *Omeke a support by kéeping,boand- worthless husband ‘weturncd and wanted her to ,live «wife-murderer,as he went to ‘electric:chair,in ,Rabeigh ‘gerts for a ‘most cruel murder. ers;when her ;SS ale .:[isn’t common among newspapers,: mich)ee ~maenree Coteree Tout ‘it.is sorry if thie Norfolk |: oe “ee ar atl ea nite |Landmark shall cease.to ‘exist.The ane mate oN 'Norfolk .paper’‘was,established. ing suicide hy. ‘wound ob nimsoit. tonished’‘When.he.found‘he:was”un- insan i ty dodge wag brought out,and for It has saved,as but mur- shiriek-, I tiever thougint I would |+imbbed _ome .t6 his!”: Of course he’did nots expect to.~The vicious for der’séutence ‘of death,.the. a wonde®it failed. vicious:<riminals as.Sandlin, this time it failed,and‘the ‘derer went to”his death, ing,‘Lord, meot déath that way. criminals who netves ‘himself ‘inflicting a slight | Doudtiess as-| correction ismade.That was ‘tie ease of Mr.“Page.He ‘voted:‘against the pension pill,of course.No one, who knows him would have expect ad.him to dio”otherwise. dated ‘with.the Norfolk Virginian- Pilot and it is presumed |The Land- imark will cease «to exist.The Statesville Landmark has always felt somé interest in the,Norfolk pa a for the reason |that’.it is the ont Zion 8 Landmark,‘the Primitive Baptist papér ‘published at.Willson that bears the name.The States villeLandmark is proud of its name; it woulin’¢,exchange it for ang oth- er;it is’glad,too,that the-name about 40 years ago by Capt:James |Bapron Hope,a year or two laters ithe Statesville Landmark,Wwihich will .cebebrate.its.thirty-ninth anr liversary next summer.|‘When -he decided to:establish the paper ata Norfolk Capt.Hope was in doubt: for a,time what he should*call it. Then thene came ito mind-dt,he upon (it--—-the folbowing: recorded inTeutekonnate 1ptt4: “Phot shalt pot .remove.thy neighbor's Jandmark,which they of old)tinre have set in thine inhier- itance,which thow shalt inherit.in). _MATTERS OFOF NEWS.|Ruselana Enter manslcomaponts:ot |@@ ¥ooo inet:week -Atrocities,Unfounded, _Bi ainYor ~bree eek |rabriz,Persia,Dispatetf,Dec..29. Clitna’and has accepted:.-Ani ry “A une days'siege of this city by tempt*is being made for an’P aienes the Russian troops has resulted)in tice ponding negotiations’for.an its complete dcecupation ‘by ‘the Agreementfor a permanent govern Russian forces and.the’dispersal of ment for Chi,;butAt is not .en-,combatants:that belong to the’con-°| tirely,sugcessful,.~ty any”“event,|stitutiomal:‘progressive party,or Fir the,Chinese-empire seems to,Have|dais.Numerous casualties were’SUB- resched an,ena open _|tained by Both sides,the RussiansCntonicomtmayintagsenegeom20aportingdynamiteinylolatiohoae Federal inter-State commerce ‘taws,:|V°'Y severe,although the numbertbeascertained.Saya VASthree’labor ‘leaders,Olaf Tvetmoe,anno :;decretary of .the -State ‘BuiMing During the Pighting.an enormoous ee :4 ;*Yeade amount of:damage to property,was Teens,once A acer ‘tie done and the Stars and.Stripes float- tural Iron Workers,and Anton!Jo-|jing over the United States consur 5 hanhcsen,organizer of thie State.jlate was'shet-dowm by a Russian |’ Building Trades,coumell,were ins ‘shell,which,however,div no fur- NOTHINGBETTER FOR CHAPPED FACE OR HANDS.- 25C,A BOTTLE WW,F.Hall’s,Drug Store.=PHONE NO.90.002 } 0 My Patrons! Of the hae ha and fature:A Happy New Yeartoyou,and may prosperity come and abide withnone on after this greeting| is forgotten._Yours truly. it y Ss @)dicted at Los Angeles,Cal.,Friday,|pas dames Ce Soabetae!by tion with the alleged nationwide|imany,individuals ‘suffered from,adynamitingconspiracye-‘They were 1177 of provietony while théy.were’|" Asses will;follow.ling the prolonged street fighting.“Tn a recent isSue of the Outlook|The reports.of atrocities said't proval af the abrogation by,©on-|on hoth sides are entirely unfoundgreesoftheRussiantreaty’and ied,the nfortality among:the non| ies now,pending.in the Senate,if The?’Russians alone were the ob-sadopted unamended,will make US)ject of -the operations,of”‘the @ tainly come when we would want ta}wont whateyér against other for-eS abrogate -a-treaty without submits |eigners, dent's article is quite lengthy and)guards and Persian.eonstitutionalist,is really an attack onPresident ‘Taft.lin.the street during ‘the night of the peace dinner in New York Sat-|ithe disturbances.Two..Persians utday met put called no Names.”'were:killed inthis affair,after ~snesentinent and fighting ‘became aw Dispatch,Dee.29.general throughout the city on:thie Sinyings, by theFederal grand jury in conNee-|+resident foreign population,but arresi¢d’and other ee and halogely confined to their houges dur- ex-President Roosevelt expressed aphave been committed:by the troops|| insisted’that the arbitration 'treat-|combatants,being,far from,lege.| hypocrites,for the time,will -eer-))pers:ans;who displayed no.resent= ting ‘to arbitraion.“Nhe ex-Presi-}|“,“donision.“between Russian: The iatter replied-in an address at||December 20 was tine beginning of Wite Murderer Put to Death.—{Which the population showed:great niet and “andyTere thoughe ca alae in orm R.Pp.ALLISON'S; would come to thia!”L.M)Sandlin,|’.py, sf \Could thi knowledge go. \easy to,havé a clean fair as “escape with light punishment if punished al all. ‘broad | at the beginiing of this Sie Yedra| “that hereafter in,North Carolina | every crime will.be punished,and that’the punishment will be—swift and severe,it would give the:crimr inal element such pause|that --thiere would be a New Day in ‘North Car- olina as well as a New Year.God grant that this New Day may,come and speedily;a New Day when ev-' erv individual may,feel as gafe in person as he doep in property.As, Senator Borah so pointedly emiphhia- sized in his great New York speech, the laws amply protect the prop-| erty of the citizen,but his person| is almost umprotected.He ‘has ainple recourse if his purse is sto- len,but he has no.,,assurance if he is shot down,while in thp peaceful pursuit of his daily busi- neces,that hisslayer”will be .pum ished.; The Lapdmark yery:much hopes that the people of?the county will Give ‘their.suppart to the prop493i tion to establish a fair.A first-, class”agricultural fair ‘in:Iredell ‘would pe “a-distinct advantage to the’‘county as a whole and to the people individually.‘The Landmark has not heretofore urged the cs Stablishment of a failf for the reas von.that most of the so-called agri- cultural fairs are mainly cdémpposed| of cheap and degrading shows nnd gambling concerns,in which fakirs: are permitted to fleece the unwia- ry.We are assured that the-pre- *posed Ivedell fair will be a clean agricultural fair—~aad it is just as } of the other sort.With the ander- etanging that the.fair will be a straight one,The Landmark urges ils claims on the people.Money ts necessary to establish it and it is} hoped that farmers:all over the county’will:take,stack in the -‘en- terprise.They should feel imter- ‘““egted,for the Main purpose is to develop the agricultural resources| of the county.A few people .in town ‘camnot conduct the enterprise apd i’is not right they,should,’ and if the farmers take stock in it they van have a pay _as.to the manr agement.Cone der the,fair and inelip.it along. The Greensboro.News says the Cougressional Record puts Bob Page down as voting for the Sher- wood pension bill,while the Char- lotte:Observer .says “he ~voted ‘against it.How did Page .vote?—— Sanford Express.: As The Landmark has some read- ers in some of the counties of Mr. Page's,—dilstrict,--it takes pleas- -are in setting him straight.The Congressional Record which gavé “the ec litor of the Norfolk Landmark) mark took the name from the Sicriip-| |tures,Anyhow, |murderer,Sandilin, day, ou a jing a_slight ,Scalp wound in the head.: fold the editor of the Statesville|“after.his:arrest,conviction ‘an¢| {Landmark a few years.4go that I geintenice,he .appealed to the Sur| the founder:of the Norfolk .Land-|Preme Court,«but.lost his,case.) His lawyers then appealed to Gov-| lernorKitchin and he.granted a stay: name.jof execution for.a mionth”pending ithe pmesevtation’of evidence to}State ‘Hospital | it’s a ‘good Nobody wil.”charge that Gov.\show insanity.The Kitchin does not give full and physicians said the man was abso-| ample consideration to applications |telly normal ard his attorneys me for-pardon and commutation;and [Rocet note EW ; the fact that he so,often ‘preaits| pardons and.commutations is'ample| evideiice that he is most kindly dis- pused in this ‘direetion——im,fact mavy-of us think.he is entirely. too -geveéroiis in ithis respect.AE this.be*’ng so,there should be ommended by the. some way to protect the Governor|TUIC-: trom the people wi continue ‘to UL The shipping combine,the Inter- national Harvester _Compay “4 the so-called money trust are be ‘cvestigated in the’House i. Representatives:at.this..session. Covgress by a special Sec tiae: the création of which.willbe _recr| committee on ||Sof|| harass him after be has made a de- eision.in the case of the wife- electnocuted Fri- the cnly excuse offered .was, insanity...The.Governor -granted | ample time far inves-igation,and when allenists pronounced -Sand- lin entirely sane there wag nothing proper the Govemor ‘could do but We find in taking inventory of stock we will have many ~~@ -remnants of piece goods----Flannelettes,Outings,Domestics, Shoes and Ready-to-Wear Garments----which we.will offer at sacrificeprices.-Watch this space forlatera announce- ment. crime”.with whiskey,andi “usally:hewmen Giletian “Pui ow :the land.that the’Lord’:thy.God 5 Wy ones “F takes adv:antage of the,weak—and he Mere he See it?"ERE Wilmington wife aba rer,went|inative of Martin county,this State,:BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE.Posie sf de Sak ee to the eléctri¢chair.today a nervous,‘a defenceless,does nat expect 0 Dey And then there is some more in|wreck.Three currents were ahot |died ‘in:Baltimore:last.week,nee @ ‘ sthe penalty for the crime.“If he|(Proverbs,22:28 and 23:10,as fol.{through his,body and ‘at 10.42 the |74.,He was a surgeon in the#Con-|seeeseseoe eeceseue oem knew the pusishment:was swift,-\jo06.+-¥physicians pronounced him -dead.|federate army,:a: 1 ha ‘Shes body was claimed:-afiee--the.sure and certain,the risk would ‘Remove “not the anolewit la nd!latectrootitlon by J.EB.’Sandiin,a be taken in fewer cases.But takine mark,which thy fathers have set.’brother:and:carried’to Onwlowd advaplage of that maudlin penti-|“Renvove not the old landmarks;county for,burial, ‘ment.which pervades North Caroli-|2nd enter HOw into the fields of,fia warden wer onwinitted on | |na,which would bave guilty wreten-|the fatherlvcs.’:the night of June:27,1911.Sandlin) f ishment and.give no)Sco it will (be ‘geen:that The |returned to his home,which he| id oe pone .||Landmark has a ‘scriptural founda:{had abandoned,and plhedded with his} thought to.the victims;taking ad-ion.Whether;John B.Hussey,|Wife.to live with him again.On her} vantage of.that séntimpnit whichde-|a ™ng Oy i .refusing =he began cursing and | feats justice in the courts and too |vne fouuded the Statesville Lan “4 beating her:and then fired three|: of ver'si the Executive,the |ee im 1874,called it for the shots into her body,any.one,of|ten overpowers the |NorfolkLahdmark or was influenced’which would-have produced death,|average criminal usually expects:to |TH i nit himself,inflict:| \by Scripture,we don’t.know,:but|Le man also shot his ‘ Yours verytruly,~ MILLS —POSTON.La henna sessmenta es ae 7 allow the.law to,take its course. And yet.we.read in the Raleigh pa- pers that on the morning of the day of the exeecution..a preacher called on the Governor to try to get him to Change his mind,It is.recahed that on-the day of a hanging ‘in Raleigh some years ago a number of people’harassed the then Govern- or—Glenn,we believe it was—to grant a stay.When a:Governor:hes neard the’facts and decilded,‘the people who harass him,only:to add to.his troulles,ought to be:punish- ed.' saving to you. J=that must go. “pale.L gs While “the crimiina?record ‘of-the State duting.the holidays is suffi- ciéutly large to prevent boast- from one season to the next. The White Company.| We announce’to the people of Statesville,Iredell and adjoining counties an op:portunity to buy during the next 15 days high class merchandise at a tremendous It has been our custom to carryover just as-little goods as possible This time we find our store loaded with .merchandise So values are going to crumbleand we invite you to come duritfg this Owing to space we can only.mention a few prices. will be reduced likewise.- Everything in our store It will.be money:in your pockets to buy now.The Goods Must Goin Fifteen Days. ing of our goodness,The Landmark| ig gratifled to note the,small num- ber of crimes and serious accidents, usually an accompaniment of,the *one-third ta-one-half. ‘half price. ness;especially in this part of the State,than fs usual at this sea- son;and,to this fact may be prop- erly attributed thie.‘lessening -of enime and casualty.Whhile the:pro-an hibition laws are not enforced as they sheuld be,thie ehactment of these laws hada marked,effect on our price 43c. i sa to go at 75c. Sale 79c. AllLadies}Coat Suits,Long Coats and Skirts reduced All Children’s and Misses’Coats reduced one--third to One rack Sample Coat Suits (about 25),$15,$18,$20 seuson,in so large a portion of the State.The evidence indicates,too, that there was far less drunkeq-and-$25,Sale $4.98 and $6.49.One lot Wool Dress Goods,formerly |$1.00,all to.20; One lot Wool Dress Goods,formerly $1.00 to’$1.25,all fh i,ne lot Silks,‘formerly ‘5c.to 40c.;Sale,choice,19c.:All-36 inch Messaline and Taffeta Silks,$1.00 to $1.25, Yard wide Black Taffeta,85c.value,Sale Sic. Pink,.Blue and White Night ‘Gown Flannels,10c.and | 124c.,Sale 8c. Yard wideSeaisland Domestic 8c.,Dark ‘and Light Calicos,Sale 3c. One lot Apron and DressGinghams,7¢.to 8c.,Sale 4c.___Big 11x4 Indiana Blankets $6 pair,all to-go,Sale $4.25. ,1x4 Spray Mills Blankets,$4.00 and $5.00,Sale $2,98. Ladies’Hose,special,4c.pair.Men’s Hose,special,4c.pair.‘Ladies’.Hose 25c.to $1.50,greatly.teduced.>Underwear of all kinds,greatlyreduced.Ladies’Underwear,35c.garment now 2Ic..Men’s Underwear,50c.garment now 39c.Shogs of all kinds cones 20 to 25 per cent. Sale 5te. the’habits of the people,Formerly wiven Whiskey was sold in almost 'ev- ery town,moreé,or less drinking was expected and it was not considered, speaking generally,such bad:fornt, especially at Christmas.*But since liquor has been,outlawed the drink- ing of {thas become more and more unpopular.Much liquor is yet con- sumed,but undier present conditions the indications ane that the .dirink-. «the vote on the Sherwood pension’ Pill had.Mr. forthe pill,but the-next issue -of the Record shows that Mr.Page, on the floor of the House, »attention..to the.ernor;saying he voted against.the bill,and,he was go recprded,Sometimes the .vote “of a member is improperly recorded Page down as voting | called- ing habit will grow less with.the years.One who drinks eo much now is.sertotisiy-hanticapped in the race of life.’Modem:business = [ 2 6 k a u s t out on approval. cheerfully refunded.Remember the date,~FRIDAY,‘JANUARY 5th to -20thy and don’tletanythingkeepyouraphedownallgoods. Open Friday Morning at8 0 clock. |THE ae COMPANY.| away. At ‘tthe prices made during this.ale nothing will be ‘charged or ‘sent Every salewil have our guarantees or your sa Store wee be closed THURSDAY, —# . , en will not:permit ft:and oonditions generally favor the elimination of the habit of ano eue to \excess.me --When buying,@ -eough “medicine ‘forchil@ren,bear in,mind that’Chamber-lain’s Cough Remedy is.most effectual for.colds,.-croup.ayd «whooping cough apd when he askd\a correction the ‘ and that it.contains no.harmful.drug.For sale by ail druggists.“ + 4 fi 2MOVEMENTS:OF|THE.PEOPLE. JBRO.ONE.NO.14. ee 2,i912 au NEW.WEAR - quet and‘Danes :Ban een anor oe :number of. |The reception’was in the’Commer ‘Nigh Seclal-Events, The principal New Year social event}was a-reception,“banquet anddancelastnight.in which .a Jargecoupesparticipated. eial ARGA.M. STATESVILLE -Ledge No.487 A.,:F,&A,M.meets.Cstonight._ab 7.30 ¢ial club rooms;the banquet wadsérvedintheAndeérgonhalland ‘the dancittg whlch,toflowed was in the armory..Wednesday after from:3 ‘to 6MissLuraGuy.was at home to the younger set)and the college boys in town,The game yed washearteand”,mistletoe.The primes .o'clock in Miason- ~ie Hall.Allmem-‘bers requested to.be’‘present and ene brethren cordially in--vited.Regular meeting.* Work in thefirst.degree. ocean nnupensensnonieastaniaheiaginiaenrineitimA »Persona}Mention of the ‘Folks Ww ho, :Are Coming Jand Going. Mr.and Mrs.A.8.Webb:and/-Ht- tHe gon,Halbert,who spent the hol-ae wifhMr.andMrs.Logan Stim- sen;left Saturday for‘Concord.: :Mr.and Mrs.J.M.‘Wagner and Mr.and Mré““Ralph Corpening and their’chiildren,:all of Newtion;have *-been in.Statesville several days.as.“holiday guests of Mr,and Mrs.C. H>Turner.Mesers.§.T.and NA,Trexler,of ’Salisbury,/have been.guests of their brother,Mr.M.L..Trexler,-since Saturday._:‘ |Miss Ida.Danner,-of .Courtney,Yadkin county,who’is teaching near Catawba,spent the holiday vacation dn Statesville with .her sister Mrs. R.A.Blaylock Mr.ne:B. ot Grier,as Moore and child who ‘visited.Mr. which was wou:“py Mr.Jo:Catdwelty7 was presented by,Mr.Ralph Gill in a handsome Jand appropriate speech.The magic hours that pass ed.all too .quickky will be placed: among,the happiest memonies'oftheMerryChrietmasof1911. Messrs.Seanr and Hugene Morri- son eave,a party (to,about 30°of their,young friends Saturday.night at the home of their ‘parents,Mr. and Mrs,Eugene Mormison,\op north Center street.“Riddle ‘answer, ing’”’ard a guessing contest were sources of)ammesment.Miss Rosa-mond Clark won the prize,a bottle| of totlet water,/Puneh,ice |cream” and cake were\eerved..Prvin Tomlin and PerryGuy will entértarn tonight at the home °of the former onrayee aven we.~The ~Thursdkiy)Afternoon:¢lub held a pleasant meeting with:Mrs.Wim Morrison last,Thursday:afte?-noon,The ‘literary.proginammie’cor- sisted ofa discussion’of current events and readings by Mrs)J.F. Bowles and Mrs..L.B.Bristol.8ea-sonable oe.were served. Litthe—“Mit nanees -Brawley, j\daughter of Vanna.J.J.\Brawl ley,entertained 42 .0f her friends at a Chmristmas-tree Christmas Day, at the -home>of her parents...‘on Moore's oo ie here,went to’Char- lotto Saturday to attend theSouth-the\_.wérn Power Company’s banquet.A: R ‘ Miss Annabell.’Millg went Sherrill’s Ford,Catawba’county Sat- urday to Spend a few days with iss| Helen Wilson.i Santa,the t iks played gamesMr.S.A.Barbee,of Asheville,|Santa,the itherete sbiments!mother,Mrs.Slate Gilleland,whohas|madea short talk on.the good of the spest Friduy night in.Statesville,:-|been quite sick for a-few days.union..At the close ofthe talk the the,guest:of his cousin,Mra.Irene written Por ‘the Landmark.|}.One of Eufola’s merchants,'Mr.Jadies,the most important,part:of Mocre,He was en route to Greens)nie of tlie most enjoyable gociat||Roy.Morrison,who has been off“on/such gatherings,filled thebig:tableberoangBurlington.affairs ever given in (Loray was|his honeymoon trip,is expected tore-|Mr.Murdock had:ready for them with Mr.Thos.E.Swann returned to [1 po;af Friday -éverling when ‘Mrs.iturnto Eufola this week..Mr.Morri-\such thingsas prove that the members| Richmond Saturday a 8 .nag =T.-RO »Osborne.entertained\.her|son ‘and his bride will begin house-of Vance Local have good cooks.All oe folks in Coo pring.tow jamany friends-at a aight tut ‘partys ||keeping in the near’future in the surround the table,Rev.J.P.Hipps Migs:Léila .Corpening visited in pe Ao Peet ai eet|Drumwright house.We welcome returned thanks and everybody start-G.Kann lent week coe ere,ornmees with ee‘them to our village and wish-them aed toenjoy what was on that.table.ose Log ”Svests I the -O LimesCityElectridianCochraneWas’in|fiyiaa ty pr EON ata iscmes’spirit |long and happy life.Somebody yelled “‘oysters!’’and outCharlotteSaturdayfortheSouthern|"'Ued the atmosphere,enter |.Mr.Sam Plott and family have re-|came the bowls of hot steaming oys: Power Company banquet,-Pe oul pamed quite}and°the cently moved to their farm at Eufola|ters, M:se--Kutie Cowles,wid was at ico:was far jn:the weet when ‘the|from Durham,where they lived for After dinner the company gathered. home for the,holidays,has returl-cuosts took their departure.Mrs.|the last few years.|in the house and had agood talk from "S ee Mee Osborne understands the art-of\en-|.Mrs.T..P:Guy,:who:sufferéd a Mr.Hipps and then thusie’till you;io =o Caee ae Gaeriotie:ME‘tertaining,and in her sweet,(at+/broKen ae fewweeltsago,hashad |could hardly stand.still.But time aS We ‘2 (ctve ary falpitho -<er |nd.is 1 -Ma:BA:Carpanter hus retum-seed hay PendenSg all |it yacht an ‘be uboet jeune too sogn to departand after con- '€4-to Mooresville after spending a [FUCt 8 te het whe r receives |ing slowly and is able to "\gratulating Mr.and Mrs.Murdock wick with ber mothe,Ml ae |crutches.and daughter.for their kindness’the Sherrill.-ae M ee from ea es-|"Mr.Alex Clark hasbeenrightpoor-guests departed,hoping to have many Miss Katherine Browri:went’to im Wing Deady and,Dick amides W'S»\ly for the last few days but is better)more such meetings. -Dayidson Saturday to visit the fam-)en -at-this wri ae -KIMBALL!Sec, “My pf Dr.C.M.Richards.\Master yo io ‘ad Wishing The Landmark and its |=Se MeDowell Richards,who spent some|”ariage Hagen News.|many.readers’a prosperous New Marriage—Christmas ‘Visitors About time here,returned home Saturday~‘eaehers-——-a ner News:|Yeap.iit Jennings.| ..MY¥s.Fred Vong ‘and ond who|[eebeaesadenet oe i:eka Se »PCorrespondence of The Landmark. spent a ‘few days here with-Mrs.|Statesville xc.30-—Christ-|“Pree Killed Horse,$s ‘agion ae , Lowg’s parents,Mr.and:Mrs."J M.|Mas has come/and gone and we are |and Hurt Driver.:ee Ree,t ya Davis,returned to their home at |4!be!ng ushered into 'the aeeeet|Correspondence of The Landmark.'had a nice tr d aged onCatawba._They stopped here while |as fast as time cain go.If we-t Turnersburg,Jan,1—Holidays qui-|nice tree and a g crowd for en 16ute.home from -Matvhvilje,|Made any \mistakes-ini the past Btoct weather bad.|the bad-weather.4 where,they visited Mr..and Mrs,)}Set a liigher ambition in the:fu-|\Maeare.Clarence Stimpson,“of Lou-|ot RexSe rein Miss Lelia} B,C.Griffith.-.:jture.*"|Casey were marrie ristmas,eve Mr.W.P.‘Miller,who"has been |.The_hol‘dave were quiet in this Liabures en ee ne but owing toamisunderstandingsome in Statesville for.a few’‘months yeeity,“oaara.ed HOME TOMS e of those invited failed to see the knot has gone to Polkton,Anson}:armers are vjoying a Season tied.Th w r,gS aude,where he is located tem-|of rest.now.tint they,will soon.be-Mr,.J.0.Gaither has béen able to;ried-by Rey.EN."Gwyn but decided porarily es gin to’.prépare {for another crop |do little work on the bridge piers:on to go to Rev.J.G..\Weatherman's,so Mr.John:A.Price,of Chase City |Wheat:is looking fine.Ae fees te of the weather.The chain some came on to Mr.Gwyn’s and Va.,who spent.Christmas.with bis)Mr.T..E.Rumple is building.a gang:is doing finé..The public roads talaeed tha caremon W yn’hf parents th Cleveland county,'came new housé on hig farm.,i lare ‘a sight’from here on towards th h lif y.e wish for to Iredell last.week afd made a|Mr,Roy Troutman,wiho wes call)parmony but where they have put em a happy tite. ‘hort “vist to friends in Shiloh /¢d home ‘on ‘account of the death }ong an cla ssp bed:the.road Mr.Emery Windsor and Mr.Claud township.ee |Ot his “ather,€xpects to Tetum to fen y P ‘4 Howardarehome from scliool;Messrs.Mr:FM.Summers,of Moores-.|Schoo’at Hickory pext Tuesdey.|goot.é h ichased &nice Will.Casey,Will and Clay Myers areburg.Tenn.,is visiting his father,|Mr:Carl Lippard came home to |,r.durney nag pure in from the West;.Messrs.Raymer Mr.H,O.Summer,and other rel /@ren¢tne holidays with his parents driving team:|,and »Glenn ‘Windsor are up from atives in‘town:and county.jatid expetts to /etur.nto.school.Thercotton mill here has shut dowb winston:Mr.W.S.Sale and family _Mies"Stella Mize “vis at home Tuesda~also.:forashort time for repair work.are home -from Elkin;-Miss Hattieioikienwdt.|:Miss Ida Waugh,who Tias been in|:Just afew days before Christmas,Stinson and brother are visiting at Mr.Clifton Colvert,who has @ |Charlotte for some time,came hime at John Rumple’s ‘saw mill,they.were yyy w.B.York’s..Miss Cleo Turbi- position’.with -a railroad ‘at Balti-|a few days ago./|cuttingatree and did notrealize any-|ville of:Charlotte.is .vieine-b more,spent Friday and ‘Saturday|The ‘school at ‘Troutman Grave-|thj th but when the.’e,is .visiiing nersjtingwasintheway,bu yrandfather,Mr.E.M.Couch. with his home people liere.fyard ~~resume work Tuesday:‘treebegan to leave the stump they |g aA "Sale ol cola bia b Mr.and Mrs,J.'O,Purnell and iss Ruth Wharton ;who was.priaé-|‘noticed that Mr.Rumple’s wagon,<i ouse children.bave returned from Char- lotte,where.they were holiday guests of Mr.and Mrs.P.P.Pur- nejl. Miss:Corrinne Morrison returned yesterday -from a visit to Miss Sara Mellon,im Charlotte. Mr.Henry.Hill,som of Mr.J.L. Hill,of Sharpesburg township,went} to Salisbury yesterday,where he is taking a course in school.-He éntered:the school last fall and:will finish‘in two months. Miss Clara Foard,who is.at home for the holidays from.Madison, where she teaches music,spent yes- terday in Mocksville.| Mrs.F.L.Beard,of Roanoke,wiho visited Statesville .relatives,went to Eufola yésterday to -visit her sister,Mrs.W.H.Clark.She will return here before going back to Roanoke. Miss NeVie Swaim and Mr.Chars lieSwaim,who spent the holidays at +)eip old home at Cool Spring,re turned to Winston ,yesterday. _Mrs.J. tives in.town,returned to .ville yesterday afternoon. ‘>Mr.Wm.Kimball,, S.-C.,‘spent Sumday.with his uns ole,aD:J.Kimball - =Mise McBride Serkine return éd: yesterday from a visit to:aaeo in Lexington. Miss,Margaret,"Aginsigi eld ia gone to Atlante ‘to spend some time withi relatives.uA Ny Four.bundred prisoners tii the: penitentiary at-“San Luis Potosi, Mexico,escaped.Friday.’Thiey over- powered the guards,seized a~few gung aud attacked 16 goldjems quar- tered in nearby ‘barracks,killing"the seritinel and wounding a.num- ber of the iroopers.The escaped prisoners sought:refuge in“the.coum-“try,but before night solders “de- tailed to run them,down-had cap- tured the ‘larger _part. “Wien piven as soon as the.croupycour‘appears,Chambemain's—Cough-Remédy «will ward off an attack ofroanandprevent,all danger ahd causeofxiety.Thousands of fMmothers’useitasfully.Sold’by all ‘dealers, eh * PS .$y }guests a business | H.Wood,who.visited _rela-}.Ashe-| _of Rock’Hilly |; |Front street...There was.a gift on-preity tree flor \each of the and Santa Claus\came =in i with a-pack».on-his back arid,dis-itributed ‘other pifts,,After receiv-' LIME...heirgifts ‘and having fun _with Cool Spring Pérsonals. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.| .Cool Spring,Dec.30—The Christ-‘mas holidays are Gassing ver uiet-lyin our community and I iat allwillbereadyte-begin work,the firstoftheyear1912., Miss Celia Douthit,.from:eda Win: THE 2 HOLIDAYS _ar EUFOLAy Visitors,Bocial=vents,.Sick FolkdandOtherNéws,| Correspondence of The Landinark. -Eufola,Jan.T Ghoateine bescomeandgoneandthéNewYearishereagain.While we have failed in maaywaysandmademanymistakes;letusotofitbythepastandtrytoliveforgreaterand!better thinge tn thefuture;and let us all think there is!j somethingin the world to live forand let us help those around us,to liveand enjoy.life.r.and Mrs.W.H.Clark gave-a)turkey dinner Christmas Da in-hon-or of Mrs:-Edna Beard;of -Reanoke}+ Eula Summers...Miss Otta Turner,who has.been weet Asheville, ‘is spending tie holidays with homepeople..She will.leave Monday tofake!‘charge of the TroutmanGrave- yard school.Miss Alma Swann ‘is siatiog her seer Mrs Oscar McCarn,at Birmingham;_Ala.,Among.the ston,is visiting Misses ‘Robéna and} pe ea <iouiz ia} fteacherswho aréspending the holi- ore with home people are,Misses’ Addie Phifer,Sue Holland,AnnieLazenby,Gussie Smith and Mr.B.C:Reavis.Miss”‘Gacy Niblock,who is in col- lege ateaine tat Va.,and Miss Jessie Setzer,of States-|qville,who spent a few days last.weekwithMrs.Clark,their sister.Miss Fannie Patterson,of Troutman,‘wasamong'those present:at thedinner,After as ae 0 tree was prepared forthe little Ss.C‘Santa Claus came with many presents Vane eae Aree re oneforatandtheeveningwashappily!Ga.,‘té enter school.Messrs.fom spent...and.Broadus Swann are spending theMrs.C.C:Clark is in Darham week with theirparents,Mr.and Hira,spending reholidays with her daugh-'T.B.Swann.'.Miss’Nellie Swaim,ter,Mrs.O ae Triplett.°De ney who has been visiting Miss-Ada Can-Raymer is a home.or the holiday va-ter,leaves tomorrow for her home atcationfromCharlotteMedicalColle©.Winston.’Mr.Herbert Swann.andholidayseasonishome,for thePlater,‘Miss).Gértrude,visited “Miss, Vertie Reece a few.days this week.Mr.G.H.Sh of Shannon,a kk.G.A.Lazenby,he spent the eson -county,w Ov!e week with'home people,left today forfall,is visitiag friends and relativesin Statesville,where he will spend sev-this community and looking after bus-|era)days before returning to Coolee-iness.He reports a fine country|mee,Dr,.W.H.Crifz,who graduaroundShannon.He says there are|ates at the Atlanta Dental Collegehundredsofbales.of unpicked cotton|next spring,is Visitinghissister,Mrs.in that section.He has built on the}w ¢Blaylock.farm he bought and has moved into Be eeeetteedeets &‘Big Day For Vance Local.his new home.*Mrs.Foy Drumright,of Connell |Correspondence of Tle Landmark.Springs,spent a ‘ew days last wee The.members of Vance Local of the Farmers’Union met atMr.T.J:Mur-with home peoplé at EufolaMr.John.Rouche,of Statesville,|dock’s last Wednesday and enjoyed afinedaywith~each other and.theirwasoutthisweektotakea.rabbit ne hunt.families..Messrs..O.B.Mr.Will Drumwipht and wite,‘Of Hub Mayes,A.J.and N.A BeesDanville,Va.,came home Thursday|furnished some good music.tothe bedside of Mrs.Drumwright’s!Mr.W..’B.“Gibson being:present |pal teacher before the holidays,‘will} be succeeded by a-Misp Turner from} Staitesville.Miss Whertor)has been} claimet .as a bali by the Rev.a M.Raimeey,of Greensboro.~~a [MissWharton,who is*thie'datieh- ter:of*Rev.and‘Mrs.Geo.|Whar- iton,of Clyde,Haywood county,was:married December,23d tb’Rev.E. |M.Ranisey,‘of Cldver,Val] There will be-a pound party at |Mr.A...reno tonight...\ Natices «f New ‘Advertisements. -Notice..to ‘creditors.—-R: B.Me+ Laugh'in,executor. Big’.cut .in shoes,\amtot Wasson Co.” Pay by chetk.—Merchants nae Farmers’Bank,. Want to be your druggist fon 4912.---Statesville Drug _Co. ‘Star’tight.—Bagle &Milhollarnd. Cat flowers.—Van"Lindley, City and eountry property ~forSale.-,Isidore Wallace.Thauks.—-R.M.Knox Co._- Rhode Island,Reds for sale.—T.Sis Crutehfield. Necklace lost. to The Landmark or Mrs, Bradley, Farm lands and city property-fol Sale;ageut for hupmobiles.—W.R! Mills.i Farm products’in season.ee Blaylock. Bids wanted on construction four- Reward for fetuirn B.D: H. “troom-house.—J.M,Deaton.ntsigwintersalebegins~dey morning and contin tres 15 days.The White Co. 'A.New Year resolution.—First National Bank,A New:Year resolution.—Lanen-by-Montgomery Hardware Co...'Appreciatfoni”—PolkaGrav Drug0 Importarsto-‘operators ‘of miavht tdery.—Douthit Bros,*~iNew.Yeai greeting.——R. son.i Re,Hall's tcilet.lotion,“House fc1 nent,—N,P.Watt.iiatlactCol;iW,i.Bryan,is expected toBpenkinRaieig.during’theweek. P.Alli- ithe wagon ‘|San Francisco:Chronicle said: and lot near Zion church.-to Dr.,V.F. Couch and I guess he will locate there soon.Weare glad to have him lo-cate with us.as he is a good doctor‘andis havingfine success A a large |practice. |with four horses and mules,was ‘in reach,Turner Harris driver.Thetree| fell and killed-one horse and_brokeinto.splinters.Turner)Harris ee getting.killed.His head was bady.urt but not.se- { rious!TWO PENS R,C.Rhodey:i (FORSALE ea phickere.ae A 24-hour battle in which the |4me,Bne cockerels.tin’c.|Turkish troops defeated the Ital-||Western Avenue,Stateaville,N..C,°Jan:.2. ian force,killing -halt_of in the’rout,is deseribed in an detipiat message from-Constantinople .madepublicat’the.Turkish,enbassy /in Washington.Friday’night.he message was “‘transmitted:~to the imperial ministry of .war at Con-: stantinople -by the commitinder of WALNUT GROVEFARM the Turkish troops from Tobruk,: Tripoji,under the date ofDecember _Two milesnorth of town. 2;H.H.BLAYLOCK,.Proprietor. The Pasmota Frio.|7 Watch this space for farm The Pasmores have become prime productsin season. J.M.DEATO Jan. POR RENT,weet oe eSto-date improvements.P.WATT,Jan.2, WANTED.Tout #room Boveri favorites with ‘the music:lovets of dan,2.| San -Fraacisco....Commentinrg upon.a)=---— concert which -thig noted OP@aNi-|cpa!zation gave in that city recently,the W.R.MILLS,Statesville,N.a“The musicians played “with a style and assurangee .entirely:boldi and masculine,with a delicacy,beau, tifuwly feminine,and.with finish: tha’was entirely unexpiected.Their:Fine Farm banda and-City — ensemble was worthy~of -unstinted ;Propert for ] praise;the plilayers at)all’,timesi|#-©or ae Sale.| being in most,thioronigh sympathy with one another.”This endorsement is but:ome of "AGENT FOR AUPMOBILES. hundreds that might be reproduced from he press of every city wihlerethePasmoreTriohas:thus far ap.Jan.2.peated.Wherever cde ay they Vi ; have-been .hailed,’NE LELLELLLESTEETTREE: ‘inest trio.”~The toca}recital walt .i ye : take.place ‘at Statesville Female|—NOTICE "TO CREDITORS. College Thursday —night,Jarinarn oheeeeBit?aVinG uualifiedas.executor ofbdSeeneeseats‘at ea Le jthe-estate “of Mrs:Mary~Pearsoh rug oa “i ‘\Davis,1 hereby.notify,’all pérsorsr having claims’against said estateto’present same to me On or before’ the.24 day:of January,1913. LOST.—THURSDAY,&Necklace with Dia-mondin the ater of a heart Re-ward for return to PRADEEY:peeavenue,or The Yendmavt |ies. .2A Ao S.€.,is at home |, Po e .G.-H.BROWN,View President. B19 2OR CO252627rscopmmgh®WaMOLaxaneinlell| cut down my expenses and put some,"i money in the bank,I can live on a lot less if I try.I will start a bank account- Aodey!Cane ges”(i~ Moneyis a cand thing to halve if you ida your Phe -.»oceupation——with money.in the bank,you are ~~ always independent.Step into this bank and let us talk it over.eta Fiirst National Bank, STATESVILLE,.N.CG.Resreme: Capital $100,000;Surplus andProfits $32,000, OFFICERS: .E.$8.PEGRAM,'Cashier.-::JNO,W.GUY,Assistant Cashier.- ‘ah Be IRVIN,President: 4 ‘your wants.Yours ty) ‘IMPORTANTTO THOSE beck Those indebtes tq the estate are requir FOUND.ERE Se es see)Pom ne ed to setthe) One erect mg ee eRe B.eLAU GHLIN, eetproperty and pay ing for this ad,Jan,2,"1912.idasition 5 omacs:. \a 3 \‘’ik : ks to profit by the mistakes and *failures:of the ‘past.Look for _,us_at the same ‘old stand,with ~“more -experience and a larger and better stock of hardware,and be assured.we-wil be faithful to ° Lazenby-Montgomery.Hardware Co. The Polk Gray DrugCo., __ON THE SQUARE. iF Is appreciative to its }- patrons for,their trade the past year and will Z try to merit as,much ~+".\.dland moté of their trade this year. Who Operate Machinery. Old methogs of doing cise are gradually - being buried for the morepractical—the mod- ern.and efficient ¥way.‘The way thatis back- 6a Up bye ability,honesty and antessey 10.BX THINGS PROPERLY.is OUR:BUSINESS, DOUTHIT BROS,-Machine Works. a TURSDAY, Qeednng feaBi ay Opticians agree that the light froma good ollhee is _}T-easier on the eyes than.any other artificial light. 2].The Rayo Lampis the best oil lamp made. :4.Te gives a strong,yetsoft,white light;andit never flickers.It}pre- ‘serves ee acneof the young;it helps and quickens that ofthe old. You can pay $5,$10,or $20 forother lamp$,but you carinot get better light than the low-priced yo gives. Made‘of solid brass,nickel-plated.Easilylighted,without remov- 4 ing ‘shade of chimney.Easy to clean and rewick, Dealers everywhere;or write for‘discrictivn ciréular direct to any agency eof th Standard Oil Company” Lineorperste?)) Le ~START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. Get yourself a Wateli,Lith sind big to suit.Men,Woe. men,Boys and Girls..Also anything iin Jewelry. =B.WOODWARD |. Jeweler. START SHARES OF BUILDING al ‘LOAN ~~FOR YOUR CHILDREN.- For your childrenstart sharesin our next series,and as- sist them in making:payments of dues,thereby teaching-—-~.- them how to:save money.The shares would mature in time to meet expenses of schooling.:: Our 38th series matured on the payment of $82 on’each share.Weare prepared.to give.you the benefit.of $18 profit on each'share.Our 51st series now open,and shares being subscribed..We expect to aid our shareholders in building or buying many homes during the coming year. Start shares NOW and make prompt applications for a loan,if you wish to build a home next spring or summer.~ We alsoissue Prepaid or Paid Up Shares at a cost of $73.50,worth $100-at maturity.5 For other information call at biting, ji a...L.Harrill,--Secretary, ih ‘FIRST BUILDING &LOAN"ASSOCIATION.: Fe e . pe e s ie gs FOR SALE. ‘<i ee | Eighty-four acre farm six miles from Statesville,one mile - from Barium Springs and Troutman,in eight months school district,located on two public roads.Newsix-room dwell- ing,two barns and all necessary outbuildings,good orchard; 50 acres in cultivation,balancein oak-and pinetimber.-One branch.A nice farm-in good neighborhood and priceright. For further.information call on or write,; ERNEST 6.GAITHER,-Statesville,N.C., INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE: "PHONE 23.‘~OFFICE NO..1,MILLS BUILDING. jem IT ONLYCOSTS you ‘$3 00 1o $4.00 to get the 1atest in Shoes.See them —~AT— $5,000 ANNUAL INSURANCE FOR $5.00.. Tourists,Travelers and Commuters Special Accident'Policy Issued Gay by United States Fidelityand Guaranty Company,- goat JOHN R,BLAND,President..BALTIMORE,MD.:The cost is only one-fourth of onecont a day per thousand,Insuresyq0‘While a within a elevator (excluding elevators in:inttiee)(2)Whileaci4.tee ye or on @ public cbnveyarice (in¢luding the platform,steps or running-'a ,Saard thereof)operated on rail or water lines or routes,by a common carrier for passenger4_Sérviee;‘GtOr,due directly (not indirectly)to such public re nee4EAgainstlossoflife,limbs,eyes,speech and hearing..Against loss of ¢ither limb,eye,speechor ingPermanentstifforrigidelbowandkneejoints.+Sener joesof {woor spore fingers and toes +::2 .inat loss of two more fingersortoes,;:@ —pene loss of one finger or toe iti.e rye ees ethene dens 250‘.7 $B].And pays 10 per cent.additional for Medical,Btiraical and Hospital treatment.SteamRailroadsalotie;not considering Street Card and other public Gonveyances,kill a person ev+ery hour;maim a person every 10 minutes.Agents in every citv and town.anand todayneetowmaybetoolate.Surptus toastopolicyholders eae000,00 Statesville Realtyand.InvestmentCompany ee ——_ The “Baucdtion Tae secretary of thie Live tock:‘as well,showing again.that-,.the |Associatroy “asked me to.write)pettenment of the.individual and ‘4 vie proposed fair for Iredell tne community are imséparable.of difference and:rjewness; {Iam in favor‘ofa fair-ahd 1 be-~ of the county,but one man or just :the pecnle,cr to benefit.the coun-ment,is justly,celebrated all over ty as a.-whole in’a meterial way.|the United States’ds being the,~BIGGEST VAL UES,FOR |Our people,the best.that can be.only creamery’in the country ab-YOUR MONEY.’,2 One tae te,in ee solutely..free from bovine tuber. ‘sense,’independent ‘andr conserva|oulosis.‘The poultry business’.in ‘ tive;the purest type of the An-'|connection with the.créamery ‘is a ‘LONG BLACKCOATS. gllo-Saxon race-—a race whose ideas}source of .wealth,to ‘the farmers of see ,2 dominate the world ‘today:Being|this same section.Chiffon:Bloadcloth .and rte Peeee eee I .might go on imdiefimitely:aaa .Serges at REDUCED Prices, ae;Pa.h0 ersonal *in-|oh.w good:reasdis why we Should ee :‘a dependence,they fear.any.organi-|oot’a>move on:ounselves and |do yy A new Hine.of WASHA- zation.or co-eperative.movement |herer than we are doing,but if BLE WAISTS just received. that interferes with personal freed:|every .man waits for the.other’Call early before the sizes om of thoyght and,action,but |rojow to do all the hustling,the are broken wihen «thoroughly aroused no foreF FF;will be a:failure.It is no 1 . fan °withstand,them,“no obstacles guinent to ‘say that the~preat hinder thiem.ieounty of Iredelh’should have a ° A.few individuals,seeing the }fair:that Iredell}isthe only big,STORE. ae Fe inherdialp aot in hic wealthy coynty in the State’with-UM LY,...organize smnselves..1UL0 outa fair,fer ~it-only-shows—now.||Sra nee an Or oe tn ee ie a:fav we are.tailing-te come up to Phone 188.109 West.Broad Street..hy agement,of this branch of agriouk}iyo sieisure “of our opportunities,Ly.W.WAL ON,Manager.:I a heen in.a.thing of ‘which ‘wetake‘no.-prideand how'can we take|,pride in a ‘thing’without’merit?|.Then ‘the educational feature.of a]: faig‘lias a wide influence.his is true’.vin regard to the ordinary ‘ana |farm:‘crops;as.well as animals...A’fair is)also.a:great advertising scheme.for thiose.who have meri- torious prodiiets.to xhibit,~and this,advertising.ly -~'effects‘theindividual But the commarnity cmanis @ REDUCED PRICES "Coat Site Tat eNew.:January 2,1912 cinema! WHOOP iT UP FOR THE }Fae .AdventiaingMoney©Val ‘of .a County..aoe~—Mr.Millsaps.Gives Strong Rea- ‘sons For -a Fair in,Iredell.~ Correspondence:or ‘The-‘Landmark. My:-ideas of.a ‘fair fon veryTtis!a notable’fagt that county are)generally known.)qcommunitywhichhas mainitained{a.smccessful fair for a num pr.of| years .has gone forward by leapsandbouads,Thié :Hickory sectionofCatawbacountyis’an example of this.There is ho more prospreous section in the State than the coun- try contiguous.to Hi¢kory..'They! have learned:the:advantages,of co- operation,and the ereamery there, the.result of a co-openative.miove- ‘itWat emphasize the fact that j they.arenéew..WE ARE SPE-. ~CIALIZING ALI,WOOL SUITS AT VALUES FROM $5.00 UP TO $16.50.”Don’tfailtoseeourlinebefore “purchasing..POSITIVELY: AND ABSOLUTELY THE ° neve “twill be to the advantage a few men cannot earry this miat- ter to a successful issue.©It:will require the,combined efforts of the |people generally.over thie county. It seems hard for us in™this coun ty to ferm any sort of an organiza- tion tor’the general uplift of all anste i re ) < ik tural work;but it gets little as- sistance from the great miass of our people.It,is known that the cow,’ the hog and the hen are three.‘of our great money-savers,and -yet we are playing with them,Theme is no coprcert of action,no genter- You -read inthe .papers how Mr.‘pf old.Wilkes;has |, taken .the sweepstakes prize two Years at Ve Columbia corn show. ‘anid,bew this Year he-took:the grngy sweeptakes at ‘this show,but your 1p betterment,of.Li heard “of no Iredell J,W..Lewis, citizen (2D ip OEE.Of.prize.§, pe :ier in the “qual-WW hat is the eeeityoftheirbreedingortheturn-|us,anyway?Have we no:county] ing.of their produce into money.|pr a,Have ‘nome of us any per-4 a: It is the purpose of the assiocia-sonia)ambition?We like to boast, eee a s ie has being citizens of.old Iredell Are —ee Sek €IY >etle £ifacilitieseekturaingtheproduce{ws Solny at“nga .nietcar rer With the epening ofthe new company along with the i we -Orns anything to &3 J , into money,-and yet if'a dollar-is|poxstine?The tatr -is not-the |New Year,we wish to oe you ‘for your remarkably —— required to become a meniber and!onfy tiing td be done,but willy generous patronage in the past,and to invite you to in-- a-day now and then to attend the |norte fair help us to-do things|.spect-our splendid’new stock,‘whether you buy or not. meetings,it is a bugda-boo'to bejpetticr and let:others lanow what:We are glad to welcome you,and feel proud that through |atraid of.Every man,whether farm-|we cag do?E.8,MILLSAPS.so’many year's you have each season taken:our.word on }er,business,or professional,’ought thevalue of our merchandise.Trust us gnce more.1 ito be willing to give some of his ipo AAV E C}CENTRAL Ww AREHOU | |time,and a little money,if need be,||for the betterment of his commun|-|The Farmers’Union.Will Establish | |ty asa whole;-In a general,and!a Cotton Storage Warehouse at} I.might say:in a very.particular a Oentral Point,| |way,whatever benefits the commu-|Charlotte Observer;Dec.29 i | |nits benefits the individual.-It is |'Se a |in this way that.thie live stock as-|A.meeting of the sypneme Coun | jéociation hopes “to better-the con-1cil of the Farmer's Untonof North | dition.of its-members...«mo was held in the office of}i In order to attract ‘attention to Cy Farris,inj.this city,yes} itself and:make Anown the objects terday.At this mestivga.ware-| for which.it:stands,.the associa.|bOus committee,consisting of |. tion proposes a fair for the ex-|We Be Gibsorr,or States ploitat-on,of the.dounty’s resoutces,|Ville.Ww.H..Moore,of Pitt.county, dgticultural,commercial and imdus-|V:G-"Growder,of Wake county,i}trial,In the different departments |7.Coseins,of Chatham,and.C.C?} of a fair may be shown.the bj}Wright,of Wilkes county,was ap- specimens of “animals and other jpeiuted for the purpose of,secur- products -of the farm,and theif [8s the necessary charter for the| merits compared.Commercial and |reorporat!ton of the State Ware-| industrial exhibits’'may be sa de ;house Company:: for advertising .purposes as well as|,tt is the injention of the office chet merit.In this»way ftierdly ri-jof this company to placei'a:central | valry is stimulated in addition to |warehouse foi the storage of cotton, the educat‘coul.features.in one or the principal,cities ef the In the niatter of live stock,inany |State.whitch will be a distributing of us'do not‘know the types of the:jcanter for the smaller warehouses ‘different -brceds of cattle,hogs |?the»various counties,|‘For’the; jor any other.of.:he animals kept on|PUrpose of selecting-a site for the thefarm,and this is true:even |erection of this central warehouse,of chickens.We havé very ‘few fa committee was appointed congist-| oa EA we po ehicken fanciers where the best |(08 of Messts.J.Z.Greed ot}“OUR FLOUR.“HAS NO SUPERIOR. birds are kept’and where the great-}Marsbvilie,W.H#Moore «of Pitt| est.care is taken in breding,Gen-|ern and Dr..J.M.Templeton of|i : My speaking >,:i Wake.county.erally speaking,the people of the}Every Bag Guaranteed!Asan South have’not learned the value|.7's committee wild -visit a num| of the hen.,It may be news .to pak of the larger cities of North} some ‘that’the poultry arclina,and will enter into nego-|products .of*||the Uniited “States are worth more finuans with the.chambers of com:| Our wordis as good as our Bond. The Best Hardware House in Our Town. White-Reid Hardware Co. Statesville Flour Mill Company.or lutely pure,and,guaranteed each.year than “the cotton crop,|Mee in.the respective cities,in|‘+s : ae nae aihicr:singlé crop except|Lorder:to discover what inducements |to give satisfaction.Leading Cori.Tt is nevertheless true.‘Ite}Will,be offered for:the location:of |:: the central ;warehousé in that par-brands:“Crystal Palace,”will be news to sothe to know thatthesalesofvuré-bred:poultry at }ticular spot.The final.selection the poultry:show in Atlant:.the ,Of:the site will be-decided,wpon by}és .”“c +499 .: J y ee ee -}this committee-at the conclusion of|Triumph,Cupid andotherdayamountedto$100,000.in |:4 a aa¢itheir civic visitations. the Lbrée days-the birds were or||6 exhibitron.-One noted:sale was|Tbe:State Warehouse Company|‘‘Monitor.”Bring your wheat $2,000 .for a single bird.Our peo-|willbe incorporated with a capital ‘, dis Know:Mite of Joniokens.it 21°of $125,000,of which-amount $25,-to us for either exchange or ‘footer ‘ein crew Fnd a hen.cackle,|000 will be pdid in...There are at : it is usuallly enough.We must |preset a large number of county for cash,If you want the Jearn that there ts as mich -dif-|Wareliouses Pa peng oa eee i ference:between breeds of |fowls which are operated under local char- as there.is-between breeds of any {teTs-It 18 the purpose of ‘the piro-best,eall for ours, line.bf.live stock,and thei we must|Molers Of .the "State -Warehouse Jearn that live stock must have.in-[Cc ompany ‘that these shiall become telligent:care im order that.they fan integral part -of the -central may be profitable.A.young man |Warehouse,upon its establishanent.‘ Lwith the fowls kept)on three ‘town |ea eee . lots in a Northern State last year|Attempt:to Change tls Method |Thicie a ae ortega ae made a Pdba of $1,200,and a ‘ture |of Christmas inhheionk key!r ‘ey in California cleared|In an uatiempt to lighten the poveral inessuad dollars,We should|‘burden of Christmas giving,says the have a worntns knowledge of all jNéw-York Sun,thre ns Dekh O——=—— the differeut bivede of fowls,as |tormed the Wrrid’s League for a7 well as atiimats ”Gere we can ane;Sane Christmas,with headquarters Z :':ap die them ihteiligeutiy..Few.of us jal Indianapolis,Ind.Bruce Catvert A St :P e know ‘the difference between,the tiis president 0 the league and 4 rong,j rogressive partridge Wyandotte and th par-Rabbi Joseph Leser.is .its seereta-+ The announced purpose of.the. tridee-Ply meuth-Rock,and.many de;Ty ational Bank!| nbdt.even .krrow.that there is -a |O@aniza.ton ig toestop the commer partridge Fiymouth Rock.ciahizing of,Christmas and foster I‘have attended many.fairs.this|the ‘true spir’.of giving—the.,giv- year,and at all the fairs:there jing of leve ard thought and serv- wiere birds and good ones;I have lice.througout the .entine.year., "jrecetitly atlended a _/feiw poultry The substitution of cards of greet-t oo :: Shows and‘it is amazing,how many jing ard lett-rs of love for more oi Isan asset of realworth to-any communi- peopte will ask,what kind of a bird [terial gifts.is suggested. this’or that one fs.The same.is |members-of the league—-they,are ‘true of:animals,When passing |eurolled in ‘alb foreign countries—ty,ase Ve OppoEranny ”a0:bisiness along’the pens:of ‘hogs,1°have pledge themselves to dio all in their with{such a Bunk ‘Shonld appez'to a)frequently been asked what breed |pewer.to discourage’the senseless this or.that pen contained,and,Practice ‘of indiscriminate giving,good business man...The Commercial is this is true about almost,aily breed,[tO the end that\true’human love ae ; and .especially so when it happéen-,|May reign.“in the hearts of men inv seeking.your business.4 ;auch digs iedtobeanother..than the com-|stea*of the maudlin insaiity that.$100,000.00.si mou |Berkshires or Poland:Chinas.|nOW meee aces the day.i“$4.1 : \A -Tamworth,.Yorkshire «or Black CE Ree Capital,Se Se Maminoth would not be known ex-:HOW'S THIS*Meo ;1cept:\by a,few.The same is troe|,We ote Pee mae Depart Re:Surplus and Profits 28,000.00 of all classes of stock.Buts I no-not be,cured by,‘Hall's Catarrh’Cure.=.Ne.He aimyereien gent : iocod Tab iaets Wot ©Bio US!Lo.F ee ania ae Saha oeede OR .ates oy e,16.undersigne lave nown *i inane Ik arn,and that Ns One featire-of J.Cheney forthe last 15.years,andafair.They want.to léarn all.|believe him.perfevtly honorable in allbusinesstransactionsand.financiallyabletocarryoutany.obligations ‘madebyhisfirrh,Walding,.Kinnarte&:Marvin, these things.Many aman will vet.his ambition fired wp at a fair,'Commercial National Bank, Statesville,N.C.and become ashamed of the stock Wholesale Druggists,Toledo,O. he is feeding (for that is about ct Catarrh,Cure is:taken internal- what the most ofue do,we ket lz souls cmecuy,Uno thi blood.anmucoussurfaces\of the’system.Testimo litthe profit),and he will buy-some=7 thir of nierit.and make money,outofit..We are not apt to take much’tion, is--sent free.“Price,75 e bottle.Bote iby -all Druggists,:CeTakeHalj's Le Pills for cconstipa- "SUBSCRIBP FOR THE LAND: THE LANDMARK is $2.per.Less ‘than 2 cents a copy... a “All the local news and all the othernewsyouwanttoknow,Get TH LANDMARK.* year,” og %ne 5 |Se|]THE LANDMARKHasSomeValuable Space Just Now ¥ andit is Offered in lots to Suit Customers.mo : pee » 7+‘:Vera i oe If you have somethingto sell you must let the people know.The average —<4 4 buyer isn’t a mind reader and he doesn’t know what you have untilheis told:==|i}: :_He hasn‘t time to inquire and in these hustling days'the seller must seek the.=|f}| -buyerandtell him..a.or a ee ;HT If you want somethingand don’t see what you want ask for it.A-want-ad.=|}— fs January.is accounted the dull month in business,but the dull season is the time to put on more steam and dissipate the dullness.Don't wait for things to” come to you,but go afterthem.-_.ee ae ae :: ~~Call at the officeor*phone'14 if you-want to talk-business...—= a TP Rére is room on the books for a few more subscribers.If you are not a sub-eC - geriber.to The Landmark now begin,with the New Year.You'll never regret — ~,itand you won't do without the paper after a trial.—Le Se A s é ’t TheLandmarkprints the news andstates the facts as they are.Fifty cents for three month,$1.00 for six | eee.‘months,$2.00 fora year.Worth double the money, —=: x ‘ } THE LANDMARK |“812.000 For Christmas Dinner |_STATE ‘NEWS. Chestrut’Tree That ‘Will Make 15,-f .— Home Electric Co.TUBSDAY,-‘—Janva.912. csiseinn “thle Beaton Two of the blockaders who re-|F)Kin f%a aie |PENCILSTHsEometer4)05.;:easy ~|Elki wes,Poeiti——ST cx,ciecaiieinicesesemenialaman’ai es cently fired on officera-in Burke’!.hie Positively the best assortment|a |-Stirred by recollectionsofa boyhood ;and are |tJ;He Simmons,whio owns f Pencilsin the cit—.|Old Tool Cltest Contained Monpy.|tindé Whard 4.|county have been arrested and are}tC :i :OF Fencus inthecity.:aes a .|spent under unusually hard tonditions ;;,jai;in default of heavy bond.(4 farm near,Star's Peak,Yadkin ‘General Log rere ears ago Mr-Millard Parton,in ant unprosuiaing,part OfIndians|“wiceton-cidety hax $260,000 ni foOUNt?y mary Mit he ont &cheat PENS ~.1/of Rutherford county,bought an old|where his parents were able.to eke :Fo:thanthdi t ;é 'Moore’s Non-Leakabl d.|c soe :propriated for ‘a.public’building buf |nut tree recently to make boards.res 0.e an El 1 *'tool chest at the sale of the personal out buta bare.living,a boyhood that!has about.decided to ask:for f He began sawing off cuts,18 inch-Waterman’s Fountain Pens. Electrical Heer Parte bad aoa)the cee!ou whieh citer’Hatrin het but whicn|Cay Cmts|hy-2Ot F mlllion oF 68 Weerhed uptin cute oo.ae A esn:jfor it.st as |which other children had,but which two million?‘cy 5 |ag worked up tem cuts out,® 'a receptacle for powder and:shot and jof necessity were denied him,John’|yp.,aa:tis .‘Gf Which he has rived 6,000 boards.He|}-.~AllkindsefBoundBlankBooks f ~{es nh!.Mr..and Mrs.Isaac Hammer,of|©,oo | :'a few days ago he turned the chest}W.Bookwalter,a Springfield multi-Kansas,nave donated 640 acres of;bas 12 cute yet to ‘work at the j}-and Sheppard’s Loose Leaf |' a |upside down to clear it ofits contents.|millionaire,Sunday night,although Kansas land,valued at $30,000,to|ree 255 Tom ONES DO Sees to Systems.ats ‘Estimates Furnished ©=©|He was amazed.when a false bottom|nearly 4,000 miles away,in Geneva,|the endowment fund of Sylvan acads |Five eo Boa boands,"or pbehaite PRINTING ibaa ee :.'. ||dropped out of the chest and many 'Switzerland,played.Santa.Claus for,my,in Alamhuce county.The moeee ere ngronehtiohdao rripot |falar tyne a . _All Kinds Electrical Supplies.silver coins came withit.The total|Springfield’s poor,including several ‘s given in honor of Mrs.Hammer,“i ta .WH)dot Nae STcouanl |We are sure we canmeet your;==jamount was $410 and Parton,who i8 |hundred children.who was Miss Jane Stewart,Of |at he “wib-eplit inte quateds needs there too.: -{evidentlya4 scrupulously honest man,;[nm sending his check here for $12,-Alamance,and.who was educated bon’than ae an wees onethet := :iturned the money over to the clerk of 990,for the poor ofthecity for a happy at Sylvan academy.ae 'Mr..Simmons:‘says the trea —tel StatesvillePrin in:Wines heirs.Itiions reas At a meeting of the Bill)Nye Me-|<::|e .HOME ELECTRIC 00.,vn Ag oblong Be yer s he aif th \Christmas,Mr,Bookwalter ea tdiatlat Comumiites Gt thet North Can,Sound and free from wind’shiakes.|P 4s 9 J {sai ines has,no heirs and.if the thata goodly s of the sum shou Sah ati tn Phen|she boards will average five inches|rinting and Stationer A.D.COOPER,Manager.(aieay unclaimed,it willgo to the be spent in the purchase of toys *ae Conn ee a 7 ee |wise ol 518 South Center Street,vsoe|University,as.provided by-law.~\ehildren who wouldnot be likely oth-;ae Or cmd bies Aa a |Statesville,N.C.| ‘oe .hoes:was a oe old dered one to get them.The soomitee soos .ee daconen of|,YOU KISK NO MONEY!|a a :1 Some years ago he was murdered jin charge of the expenditure.of the tne state to complete the funds Tor [o,;,‘:N aE EFEH phase :ale ~ JUST RECEIVED !\and only a few months ago three men!money carried out the donor’s plans the,erect:on-of -the-Bilt Nye~build-dur ee Are — :,*||were indicted for the murder.A:re-|to the dot,the ‘medium of the Salva-/ing at Stonewall Jackson Train-|fo.wi the’medicine ane k fi ': Local Views,All New.’vee Pee is offered for the ares tion Army,the —ee ing School at Concord.°»|suring the utel if our remedy fails|00 Ing,alll §,Onumen §;: :\of one of them.eg land other institutions being used to|1,Wayne county Saturday eve-|to completely reli its .|4 +|5 :|oead é s lay completely relieve you of.consti v é :a ::1 eee ree |effect the distribution.ying -before Christmas,Hanrison |pation We.take:all the risk..You Burrus’MetalRoofing,Gal-y ;foes ig Deco or fhe ad |Trouble is on pe a Ee of eal Nearly 3,000poorpeaple of Spring-Johnson and J.H.‘Bowden,both lane not obligated to us in any wayl)vanized Roofing,tin.and.gal- S sevill Graded Schiool.”‘cotton mills of Lancashire,Englana,|§.)q enjoyed their Christmas dinners:over 60,years old,engaged.in a |whatever,if you accept our offer.|] vanized Shingles with patent ea Con 5 Resid |and their employes because one Man)trough the bounty of Mr.Book--tight while en:route home from Could anything be more fair for/]lock,,Roofing also‘has patent i Mr.F.onger's Residence..||and twowomen employedin the mills|yaiter..“Between 500and600baskets Golsboro--and Bowen was So se-|you?Is‘there any reason why youll “look.-: "Og §SenaOOnT.|refused to join the union.Oneof the .ontaining Christmas daintiesand gub-verely ‘ent.by Johnson that he died /should hesitate to put..our claims |Paint of all colors,turpen---4 Southern Passenger Station.|women quit the unior “because sur |Stantials haye been distributed.Jast Thursday,night.ane i6 to a practical-test?’,ek tine,linseed oil.©=.:t ‘"£aac d ‘:thes .;;tice j s it isiak ¢‘lentific.c mi mse f ,i ‘t i \“Ask to see tae Simplotiler—|)idn't think the benefits commensu:""Afr,Boofwalter,who-ranks-as the (2 Jal,ln tess Neuen ff ak)A mosteeteranabsen|Jam agent for,monumentsFountainPenandConklin’s rate with .the cost.The union em-'j,r9est cereal farmer’in the United “®*t>¥?ao :een eaten Mike candy.Ther ebe||.made by Mecklenborg Monu- eee Fountain Pen.These aretwo,ployes want these turned out andthe|ctates,perhaps the world’s greatest’Because he was convimced that |“Te“cr Se caita aan.plone lt’:ment Ca.: :.seit fuse.Alockoutinvolving 3 P bots nine a Lée:‘county|Very pronounced,-gentle and pleas>/}.j Sa best self-filling pens on the mui men re :traveler of today.and a manufacturer Frank Beryman,:aaa jant in aetion,and particularly agree-C S HOL ND\4 [>market.Carry a full line of 160,000employesistheresult.|of note,.also gavea Christmas dinner young niall,Was os eam ed toate ear whee de ak 8.i LI iA}. Tablets,Inks and Pencils.‘HAPPY WOMEN!jinGeneva.,Pe satae ark Gacsiiat Kitehin |cause diarrhoea,nausea,flatulence,a :4 .::deatchaaia 5 tele ap De aaa sa Cah findoadl ard “to |§tipang,or _othpr inconvenience.PRINTING.Plenty of ‘Thea lin Statesville.‘and|Three Wool re Bille in Pros.to grautan unned ets ears |Rexall Ordeflies are particyjarly| ‘,::‘|;Mees ae '::;Sci 4 shildren,aged ¢iélicate |ee‘Good HleasasBor.16 aR :cla!The pardon was also recom~|£0¢d for children,aged and d dnd ;poe mS BRADY,”ThePrinter.:Woutdn’t-a:be happy.|Washiene ay"Deratch.voy rfait of mended by the sulicitér and.others.|Persons.Revell Onder Se ij ‘Machine ie a ari -ny woman ’b Congress is to have_a-surfeit -of,Berymian-wassentehced-to two years |ye ee PR Ane sesbes 003 Win S ':;hes a JUT SK ;©eS,>a 2 ee Ba a ite a Ot After years’of backache suffering,|bills revising the woolen tariff sched-the roads.Iie ) lules,and a hard fight for supremacy The.Greensboro.News -saye,the |2bc.and 50c.Remeemiber,you can See lget.Rexall Remediesin this -.com-Days.of misery,nights of unrest,’.3 Paces tet ys.h :::y.of misery,nig:"ye tin the posses af such legislation:i8/outnern.reiiwey found a new sort |r".Rexall:Remedies the cori Ale The distress of urinary troubles,”[assure to begin immediately follow-o¢trouble from derailments as the Ay Stove,ke Wataeilis “De Re aired ‘, She finds relief?).-|ing the holiday recess.‘result of an-accident at Gibson-|():eee ey oS Ne”season’why aby ss svaseel Democratic members of the ways Ville Thursday monning,when Aer.:ce and means committee under the di-car loaded with horses -and mules,- reader,.'x!rection of Representative Underwood,|left the track...One mile was kill |—‘ Should suffer in the,face of €v!-|the chairman,already have begunthe|«d and several horses hurt,those |Easy to Make ‘iti Sott,Luxuriant “J.U.LAMPRECHT, ‘The Way Out oft ei _>$WOMEN'S -HAIR!| ot the street -has left you ’\.i‘;dais i i Sa aane ri ad:an ampeding and|and Radiant. ssa epi Me ee yam ae :at tie ee ate olny ae scattering ree,Ee T epUnery ‘.ri he|Mh py wemen have hair-so dul?109 Bast F ront Street. baat >st 2ac street,\*’me |“J :4 f ,wall afound your property.Mrs,G._W.Clore,tt tacé svet,/members of thecommitedalsoare \siocy ear way tie amir one #0 |and tude that it te actly.re Phone 6’i eX.Tha aia St ;|4 A ea,track,;;iisive..pe pelleted bah Pere tives MEL Yao disteree fede |Smoot,Utah,a memberof ae ee si ‘Chiristmias at a Paki women have probably iev"aishacample,©}.ey -fh weak Kidneys,and1 tried aitreront Heo (ate finance committee,announces his)|On Saturday.betomity,Dr.ordck-|er heard of PARISIAN SAGE,théine|Ns pales without getting reliet.¥approval of the tariff board’s ireport Lueama,Wilson:county,Lr.invigorating hair dressing thit is:‘ai tls 3 I 5fnonths.ago I got.&supply of Doan on the woolen schedules and declares|°T.W285 shot and severely wounded BRICKC0.Kidney Pits at W.F.Hall's Drug:Stor by his brother-indlaw,:Clevileanid |being used by thousands of refined Rede ay they were so Weneficial tome that |that he,too,willprepareabill.Smith,it,being stated that.fhe |Womten througiiout Ameniia,rn strongly re¢ommend them.’’|:(State-—————E ne shooting wad the result of the:fo6cz 7 af.your -hair is falling or .whit .as :ment giyén January 18,1908.)eX “A)’Stccessful Mar.‘tor:mistreating his wife,whio _is|0or fated,or.lifeless;if you,have ne FOR SALE ba 2 aR SOReEENT _|Greensboro News.8-1 Smith's sister,Sines then.Drv dandruff or itching scalp;if fice bs eee eaciaiacaiatneneg sed On’tetiruary 4,191:Mrs,Clegé“Wés|A successful man ss one wily builds |andMre.Crocker rales pool Sod would:Bee to tevat,gO ee.‘the Business lot.*©i ee,interviewed and she said:“I am glad’/pimself a home,martes a wife,la a aefoe ee ree Sitkevilic’:tran othe,SMe ie ue iS Seven-room desirable résidence on to’again endorse Doan’s “Kidney Pills.|raises a family.,gf.children,educates nll happily Losties Wit ‘the|day,ask for a fifty<ceént bottle |of :\wi Every time.I have used this remedy /them all,pays alll his debts,quits |"VEC fy appar,|PARISIAN SAGH and start at oncepeeTraddstreet:Hot and cold water,since I gave’my first.statement,it has /tpe.world with an honorable fame |row was eo is yet..to AY ye snake,VOR ore pertect and even i .aS!bath,etc.a i :aha?sit.1:see a”o Lots near Graded S¢hool.For sale by all dealers.Price /and..eae Saka 50.ey.enemt Medicines.that aid nature are always glorious,i r : ie)Small rth I ‘adel fa ,\60.cents._foster-Milburn Oo.,Buf-funeral expenses...ee .|most.etfecttiale:,Chambertain’s Cough PARISIAN SAGH'is guaranteedto rata it y¢pt t >sells ax talo,NewYerk,sole agente for the jpation iathecauseof:yj |Remedy.acts on this,plan.at Spens |Sve,satisfaction ‘or.mioney back. BR tee 5 d ,.a tipation is the cause of many’ail+|the cough,rei¢gves.o>Lungs,pe ou)cad ood Baba a eee ubit d Stat :ee taste ane disorders that make'tife-mis~the secretions -and-atds nature in.re-}Girl withAubum-—hiair on every,| ae,S x o reo ;lerable,iTake vonsmieaaes Ptomecd Bonne se Abel ag!to &,be thy cone carton.For sale by thie States- a ‘f )se bis ame kot |,A Tablets,ep your bowels'/tion,.Thousands have,testified to eas ae ey ;ma Aue -— Ly JOHN M.SHARPE,a Remember ithe *Doar eM ar end you"will dvoid «nese |dis-|supertor\excellence.ySgld .by all déal-|oe Drug Co.and.druggists ot Give THE LANDMARK three month rt Sy REAL ESTATE.‘and take'mo other >;-|4 peaked,Bor sale by al!dealers.ers,Pans of SN :|WHERE,:‘4%"(trial subscription,«60 centa. :"|i oes er 4 ee :ee ETO Ne ple erars .‘Reeth ¥‘|:Cites i ?re {}-*\er ,®por ear ~a :zy a oot ae use|\* Si -aN.Aa BN ate oe “.‘ee ae SA EINJ at MOORESVILI-E«|.De Elliott,of iowery,resin 2 —~My Holiday Soca,Events pers |ee a aden.ren aged:91,:Sonal Item years,died quite suddenly,Sunday 'Bocial event took place at the home -@ney and freshness.permeated the’ tin the.hiallyinionie ee pean *to the cloak ms,the ntle novel ecntest,.which was both de- «played .- ‘|the 11th.' ‘oRare NEWS;1 J.Frank Ray,y of Mason:Sou ty. 2)nag”been appointed a member oftheStateBoardofEducationvice: ‘Correspondence ,of The ‘Landmark,~Mooreaville,Jan.1—A charming|2 his home at Claremont,Catawba county.“Four sons and five deatigi:ters survive., On account of ‘the raduouon of the“appropriationfor-the-work;-150- persons temporarily employed in the census office at Washington have: béen dismisged.; ‘Doshler McLean,.a young man of Lumberton,was.crushed to death Fwiday morning by a pile of cotton peed falling on him sin an oil mill wihtere ‘he:was ‘employed. In Raleigh Sunday a negro §shot qnd semipusky .-wounded.Policeman Barber ‘while the.offlicer:Was trying to arrest him.The négro was eapiured and‘the officer is — ed to.necoyer,: Winston Sentinel,‘Ist:News meached”the city.this’afternoon “ the:effect that Bonsie,Orrell, ‘Advanee,‘Davie county,the re old.sen of “Mr.U.,.H.Orrell,was acéidentally shot:by,Johm Tolbert, the young son of Mr.G.Tolbert, wihile théy were hunting today: The Roanoke-Chowan ‘Times cele- brates its,‘twentieth “aanivensary last’week ‘and Mr.-Andimew J.Qon- ner,whe establishied-thie paper,re- mains’<he owmer and?editor,ThP Times is a chean and.strong paper; well edited,.anid deserves the suc-cess.it has attained.’ of Miss Amnie Mills,on Broad street,Thursday evening,from 4.30 to 11 oclock,when she and Miss Carey Wilson gave’a party for thie holiday vis‘‘tors.A spirit of buoy- tastefully decorated parlors,...wihtere the bodys:and‘girls,at.home from the several colleges and .sdhiools, gave veut to their feelings for freedv in “from books and.teachlers.| Miss Clara Mills.received the’guests by Mr.Frank Brawley,Jr.,and°ue ladies ‘by Miss Margaret “Rankin. After thie,guests assembled in the parlor,‘the hostesses introduced a. lightul.and exciting..The conitest paired the:‘guests.and-after a few minutes’conversation the couplies were invited to the,dining noom, where another delightful game was After this luncheon....was ‘served.Gn returning from the. dining ‘roont the guests..were serv- ed with punch by Miss Reta Braw- Tey,after which:the guests went ‘to -their several homes,having ‘enjoyed Misses’Mills and Wilson's hospital ity very much: ‘Misses Ruth’and Lucy Culbertson, tfully ententained a number 0 -dalkehttully enter evening from 8:3'0-++-ae chiet’of police of Allbemar|: to 11.30 o'clock,at their attractive and,»forée of‘deputies last.“werk home on.Bastern Heights,in honor swooped down’on,the -blind tigers of Misses “Elizabeth --Ailjisam,of |in that town,all .unbeknowast.’ Statesville,and Kate Redman,°of}Four negroes and three wihiie mien: “Rocky Mount..The hiome was beau?were lodged ‘tn jail).two escaped -tifully decorated.with potted plants,jail by ‘giving neavy bond and one and cut flowers.The ;guests.were)[retained freetom by filight. greeted at the door’by Miss Gulber.-At.Coddle Greek:December son and were usheredinto the west parlor,where stood:Mise:Lacy’ Gulbentson,ahd guests,Misses’.Al- “Vison and Redman,~The reature off entertaining .was a conversation contest which proved very:inter-i 21st Mr.)Sam.FP.Kerr.he ceremony was performed by the groom’s broth er,Rev!G.L.Kerr,.of HickoryGrove,:S.C.The bride is.a daugh- ter o*the late W.L.Bell’and the est'ng}Later the guests:were in (|gtoom is a.'som of Capt’.W..—A.4 vied to the dining room,“ewhilok!Kerr,a well known.citizen: was beautifully decorated”én At Rowland,‘Robesoa county Christmas Day;a.drunken negro Man went to the home of,a’colored woman u d behaved in such manne! that.he was ordered away)He fired on ‘the 'woman with a shot gun, while she held an (nfant in her arms,and,the ;‘load took’effect in the child’s head,dashing “out ‘ité brains.The man escaped. ‘green and white.Tea and choco ‘late were poured by Misses Julia McNeely:and.Minnie Témpilietom dné cake was served by Miss.Clana, .Oulber son .and Mir.Kingsley Culbe:t- son,There were 85 guests. The pretty home of Dr.and‘Mirs! Sheliy Frontis was the scene,.on .Friday.evening from:8 to~Tl ‘of a gocia’évent,the occasion being}Anathem “Record:‘Probetty,the to-celebrate the tenth anniversary |jargest pine tree in this .county ‘of their wedding.The whole house||.one.on the,Minnie Bell place _-pregented s beautiful scene,palMs,|i New Hope township:It ia 29 ferns end carnations being used as feet in oirowmference alas:tone decorations,The guests were greet-|1).ground and.ts ‘0 toe to"thie ed:a.the front door by Mr.and/o..+jimb.“It is too large to be Mis.R.B.Templeton and were shown cut into lumber by any saw mill im to the cloak room by Miss:Hattie that alata teed.aa”la ae Williams.Mr..and Mrs.Geo.Jones:timated that it will make -25,000 presented the guests in the parlor whingles: te the receiving line,which een $i kk bee HS spit:ot “Sd De and ae ae we.ang |Leuoir,Mr.Martin being editor of Mrs.Calves,‘oe,ir,and Mrs.{the News,celebrated the twen- re rd =~"M 0.i.{ty-fifth anniversary of their dar- ~D;B,Turner,/Mr and Mrs. lriage—-the silver wedding—Christ-Bradtey,Mr..atidMrs,BE.H."Miller,tae Day,“They are sti ‘young in Mr.and Mrs.W.L.ey eopbavancs and io alt and The eoest,next pasesd into the re Mr.|Landmark hopes that health and apap rigs hr oi ’d prostert?may be thpirs and that ane Mre.C.E.‘Hawthorn,Mr.an tha ay pauennate te iors Mrs.M,Purner,Mr.and Mrs.Bar--ding!2:95 eave hencls >golider row Pressley,Rev.and Mrs.W.87 gS coy Wilson,Miss “Mary McLelland and Lenoir News:Mr.J.T..Parteir. Mr.Howard McLelland.Punch was lost a fine horse last week in a perved by:Miss Carry Leazar.Pass-singular way.A boy went to.the ing to the dining room thie gues.s stable to catch,the horse and.made a motion at it as if he ‘were go-were ‘met Messrs.Gus.Leazar andR.M.MeNeely and those receiv-|tcg to strike it.The horse threw ime here were Mr.and Mrs.J.F.its head to one side,striking:it against vhe sharp point of a,pllank, which made a small.wound on the side of the bead.Later blood poison set in and the horse died! fromthe effects of it. Capt.R.lL.Miner,.of,“Spencer, ecnductor on a freight train.om the main line of “the Souther °rail- firawley,Mrs.W.W.Rankin,Mrs. Eva.Young,Mr.and-Mrs.Zeb Tur- lisgton,Mr.and Mrs.Harold ,and Miss Minnie’Templeton,who were assisted in:serving a delicious sal- ad.course b¥Misses Nadine Braw- Jey,'Clara and Annie Mills. The register was presided over by Miss Maud Lenty.Cigars were |voy was fired on from ambush early passed.to.the genflemen by.MY-|sSatureay morning while his trajn J.F.Dorrah and Mr.Fetner,—of|was na siding at Brown.-Summit, Wharlotte.Deligitful music was fur-|cuiford.county.A search of thenishedthroughouttheeveningbYltrainshowedthatsever.cars had Mr.andMrs.Claud ‘Carr,of Ashieville,been.broken ‘open and a part of a e ee we on gl their contents stolen.Capt.|Bell, “We ’a F b D ne Gaia Moan Se load.‘About 180 also a conductor on the.Southern, was seriously:shot by nobbers near the same pilace some months ago.guests called during the evening. Mr.and:Mre.William Rice have returned:home from ‘their wedding tour.Miss Many Bradshaw,.of Troutman,spent the week.end here with’Miss Kate Benson.Mrs.Lou Conmelily.returned ‘to.Statesville Sat- urday after spending ‘several days with relatives.Miss Tula Moore is visiting.ffriends in Chiarlotte and Bessemer City.Miss Lizzie Allison returned to Statesville Saturday af- ter a few daye visit here with,Miss Lucy Guibertgon..Mrs.Claud Voils ’ has returned home fnom Chester, ‘$+C.;where she spent the hioli- days with her mother.Mr.McPher- son,of,Raleigh,is visiting his sis- ‘téf;Miss Gallie-McPherson.Mr. Mason -hias-returnedto—-his—heme- in.Laurinburg after a few days vis- it -with-Mrs.Geo.Cornelius.|Mrs. Mason,daughter of Mrs.Cortieliug, _wil}spend,'some time here visiting her’mother.Dr.Plyler,‘of Char- lotte,is visiting relatives here.Mr|home folks; and Mra.J.W.Goldemith and chik'|from Chattanooga,Mr..Chas.J. dren returned to ,Winstoi Sunday |Hendley from Monroe,Mr.Eugeneafterspendingtlieholidays.here |Hendley from Grier,S.C.,Miss with.relatives,Miss Rachel King;|Daisy Hendley,State Normal, Chiristmas “at}Elmwood, Correspondence of The Landmark. Elmwood,Jan.1-—-Mrs..W. Hair,who has been-sick for days,is slowly improving. Mr,and Mrs.R.L..Suther spent several days last week with.rela- tives at.Troutman.They were;ac- companied home by ‘Mrs.Suther’s sisters,Misses Bessie and Cordia Cloaninger,who returned home Saturday.Miss Pearl Murdock,whi teaches near Mooresville,spent theholidaysherewithhome*felks: Miss:Margaret Mayhew,of Moores- ville,was her holiday guest.Mr.an Mrs.J...W.Clay and children,ofHickory,visitéd Mrs.Glay’s.parents, Mr.and Mrs,A.F.Hendley,last week.The following named jyoung—pee- ple spent the holidays here with: W. of Statesville,is the guest of rel-|Greensboro;Misses.Mary.and,uth atives here.Mr.Jesse.N.Connel-|Arey,Mit.Ulla;Mr,.Frank “Barly: ee4us left Friday for his home at Bir:'|/from .Newton,Miss Edith AreyfromCatawba,Miss Allie Arey from Statesville Female College,.Messrs, KE.B,and Homer Arey from Salis- .Mingham,afté a two weeks visit bere”with lits brothers,Messrs.Gieo.andChial.Cornelius,Mr.FrankCornelius,another brother,\also of bury!) Birmingham,is hete to Sac pome Mr.and Mrs.B,_A..Cowan.and‘time.Migs Liicile Monrison:tet umn-children,of Statesville,spent lastedhomie;Saturday night ‘from Sunday and Monday,at Mr.B._E. Waynesville,whiere abe spent.gey-|Arey’s.Mr.R.W.Pou,of.High eral weeks,|Point,spent the}holidays here er tt }with Mrs:Pou.‘Not ‘in Brooklyn,Ni Mey We dill jnof have sig’many social:lyn,Md.gatherings a8.we usually haye.dur- Greensboro News,|ing t¥«hotidia ys.-Byery one deemed A lynchimg—-and.a negro at that-glad ‘to stay,indoors on account,of in Brooklyn for simple murder stops the very inelement weather.,Miss _some of thie Bastern tiidicism that Blanch Chester’entertaineda few.‘ts;hurled at the South).-:young people Saturday night.Va-rious sames were pilayed and thie evening Dassed all too ‘s00n} But Brook \——_—‘Dr Gook,“North Pole -‘discover- Hiect al: Noh that’Mr.Roosevelt is being both “lite voters had.-become treasonable MissMaggieBell became:the-wife-efy-- “tl ledger, Some\ Miss Emma Chester| “velt oe the”er oe Charlotte Obsie .80.:<*T see,Mr.Watterson,that you are accused:by.‘New Yor er-|ald ‘ot sharing ih the alarm voicedbytheNewYorkWorldthatMr. Roosevelt is:real a candidate for the...Republica nomination for | resident i 191%/Whet about thie Pr Ge “*Alarm’is searcely a “fit de-scription of my.feeligg on the sub- expressed:the-opin=| entered’and groomed for next year’s race,and I ventured the opin- ‘on that if the:stampede-movementbeingorganizediinhis‘favor —BUc-ceeds,’he will ‘not carny:a Staite:in ‘the Union.That certainly < not look like ‘alarm.’I gave as @reasonforthisopinionthatthe} third-term.tradition is»alll that staiits between us and Jife-tenurein,the presidential;office,and that its proposed abrogation fairly sub mitie*to’the people would mean to retlecting men’nothing less..that- the substitution.of a.diictafor,éx= ercising:absolute:power,in lieu of Jour represiontative system of govern- ment,,Qn that issue in.my belief no man could carry a single State of the Union,unless a majority -of degeneraties.TI.am:personally;a #o00d friend to Theodore ‘Roosevelt.I knew.his fatibar and mother be- fore “he was born.If’ble...were meuaced by ¢ny~personal harm,«1woulgoto,his rescue.But if he were ay degirest brother or my.own |son,Uiwould ratherfollow’him to! the grave than see him neturn to| the White House,because,I believe|that the lifting of the-time limit-} woulé-substantially’“Diazify the] presidency.and Miexica nize thé| republic:|am not-afraid of .any¥e4 thing of!the kind.With Jefferson i think’that.error will always mpove | futile’Whilst truth {8 left free and-is given time tio combat,it,’ SSSeraa 'Prica|Oerprediue tien,of Coal and | Depression, 7:‘hiene has been an ovenpiroducticn | of coal this year anda consequent | Struggle for tnade whieh.depressed | prices,in the opimion of Hdiwand.- Parker,coal:statistician for ting United States;Geological ‘Survey.| Mr.‘Parker says there have been| ifew more.unsatisfactony years.in| the history of the coal-miming in-| dustry,and that prices.wene depress-| ed to such -an.extent.that when the total retumis for the/year are | footed up.the °balance”probaibily, would be on the wrong side of the’) altiiiitigh the production of coal in the Unfted States for the year probably was second only to the record year of -1910. “The antaracite industry in 1911,”he said,“probably.was:4s firm as.ahy other in the country, Apart of the increase in production was.due to the stocking of fuel in “anticipation of April 1,1912, when the wage agreements ter- minate..The bituminous ‘trade on | the whole*has been.demoralized anddiscouraging;and.much Of the busi-) ess was conducted at a loss.The principal cause for this,partilcular- ly in/}-‘the Bastern States,has been the depression —in “the itoh trade.’ The total production of coal tor| the year is--estimated at 490,000,- 000 tons,only 11,000,000 less than)in’1910.‘Of this year’s production| £09,009,000 Tone was bituminous coal...| Furniture Men Want Betiten Rates.| The transportation committee —of|the Séuthern Furniture Manufactur-| ers’Association,headed.by..Pred. N.Tate,of High Point,chairman, an?of which.Mr.W..A.Thomas,‘| of siatésville,is a member,~was| in cunference with the corporation commission.in Raleiggi last.week-| for the purpose of enlisting the aid of the commission,with the.Inter- State -Comméerce “Commission in procuring better.fréight rates on fut} niture tothe West and South west.‘The committee before Gov.Kitchin and are hope-| ful of obtaining the.aid of all the| State-officers:for the purpose _men-| tioned |A Little Child.‘Jost.‘‘Mie-saddiest ‘event.of the hol- idays was the disappearance of Bes- of Orange,county.She,slipped away from home last (Wednesday to follow her little:brothers,whio had gone to their father,a short distance from the house.When she was missed Scarch |Was.made: Three-quarters of a mile from thehousehértrackswereplain then all trace vanishied. Hundreds of ‘people have search- ed day and night,streams «havebeendraggedandatlastaccoun¥ no..trace of the—baby-hadr been found.It is now thoughit she niay' have been kidnapped. ‘Advertised Letters.Following is a list.of.Jéttersremaining inthe|postoffice at rerN"Ontfor the wane end-ng ter,Lee Campbell,Miss Laury Feimster,Mrs.French Freeman,Miss Mattie Houston,La A.Hun-ter,J.M.Hurx,Martha Houston.L.C.MeachamMrs.Flora Qaburn.J.P.Perkins.Persons calling for any of the above will pleasecallfor“advertised|.DEWEY L.-RAYMER,P.M, also laid the case| Sie May Smith,a.3-year-old child’ and? ber 26,jA.J.Alexander,Rachel Alexander,N,G.Cra Pt tleKill Himsel (\eeeunbpie News,Dec.oy. In in vbew,of a mirror which he could-wath hisevery,movement,William.Rodenkirchien,astonecutter.from’Siberia,yesterday)morning in;shis room in the Guilfond).hotel,slashed:his thnoat desper-ately-with a small penkmife,men broke down the door and freedhim’from his frenzied self.Then he pleaded fora revolver with wihich|;he——anighit—end-—hiis—life-thien—aad-+-there...This’not.forthcoming,he submitted:and was carriled to St. Leo’s,hospital,where it-is said he will recover,uiiless complicationsensue»On the front side of a postal cardiuscrawlingletterswhichwereal-}niost Ynintelligible,ahd which were |.@ partly covered with ped splotches, .were a.couple of lines written ap-parently,im ‘hisgowm ‘blood and dia ed 1-o’olock;“It is:me oe Mylifets:finished in.this.” other.slip.of paper was;is wl, which:evidently had just-been made and which provided for:his father, for his:Sister,and for the.paor.-He had cut himeelf.-4n four:dif- {erent places,Aanoss *his’, wrist:were three slashes,” across his right wrist were two. Near his heart was 4 gash ‘and in his throat ‘was a‘cut.:in wilich three.‘fingers ©could have.’been placed.On the.floor was a pool of.Blood.‘That he will)probably re- cover i8 due,,to ‘his,apparent great.strength and “good health.’— Roderkirdhien-was-evidently om his way:fo:Mownt Aiitty.to take a posi-. tion’.as .a@ stonecutter Mount “Airy Granite ‘Works.’-A mes- jSage from Mit.Airy last sevening stated that.he had’been,offered a place and that;he was expected te“ake up his work.A letter Mount Airy people was found in a packet ot papers.which he carried. .The causé:of his act.is kuown,though it has heen sagzest- “ed thatthe Hick -of friends weighed| upon him during’the:holiday”sea- son}coupled with.a:love he must shave felt for aome woman wilco he felt -was above...him.Among the tlumeroug papers .was a.plece of rote:paper’on which several bet ters had been begun,’One of these had evidently been written to some |’lady-for,whom.he felt a very.high. regard.‘You are aoye me, the:substance thereof;‘tiny -educa- tion and.in etiquette:A tetter, \from ‘you would.be my Cbr's'mas ipresent.’’The .letter mast.have |beet wvitten before Christmas and |was never mailed:“"*_; |Naval Ofticer Who Served Unde ,-Phnee Flags.L.A.-Jack,first lieutenant «(of engineers,retired,of the nevenwe |cutter service,and one of the few survivors of the Mernimac in ite fa- |mous civil war battle with ‘the Monitor in Hampton Roads,died at Alton,Ill.,a few days ago..He iwas 71 years old and a.native of |Portsmouth,Va Fils body was bu- \ried at Boston,Va:Lieutenant Jack had served in DF |war under thiree flags.First.he |was in the Confederate navy,then {in the navy of Colombia during a |revolution in that country,and ijastiy as'chief engineer of the rev- |enue quiter Witdom which partic- ipated'in the blockade of Havana iduritig the Spanish-American war. {He was oné of the few veterans of |the Confederate navy who received la United States commission afterithewar.Within a faw weeks the jrevennd cutter Service has lost wo of ita officers wihio participat- jed.in the battle of the Monitor anid ithe Merrimac on opposing'sides,lCaptain L.N.Stoddér having died ‘dat Brooklym only a short time ago. Six persons were killedand .13 in |jured in’the wreck of a .-Great in,| mvibibe| lefit |; anid |: with the| ‘from? not |, was| |Foren’Made Desperate Attempt| |Northern railway tfain near Finle?, to D.,Saturday,ss }||| { | |Guaranteed Rings afford far better valuesthanyoucanaany “other line.hey.are.made by skilled crafts-- men,with great care. Possess rare beauty.A ‘printed:guarantee goes with every ring,insuring purchaser 3againstloststones(except diamonds). Over 2000 i Made "for men,|women and \children._% From $2 Up |Call ‘for,Free,Birthday Card. R.F.HENRY. Beeeeecooeonseceoncoeseenele®Patronage| and.customers |Appreciate_ We coibhre express to pur friends.| thanks for,the veryliberal patron- ‘given.-us thisyear. to see you many times during L9 t 2. ’ our most hearty We hope.- er,will leeture in ‘Charlotte;00 |Give THE LANDMARK threé monthtrialre50conta, KL RICKERT&SON, Jewelers, .=—;8)My Machine SHOP sccemmitmmagertin at mu at | Bee So ne 5 pam:ae a Laryasad tty.EERE Ow v=Parlor jis your prideasagoodhousewife,- It is the room into which the peo- .ple on whom you want to imake | an impression _are.*shown, Your parlor,should ‘therefore be pretty—and ‘not only.pretty but impressive—it should reflect your -best taste—bein fact the mirror of - the rest of your home.’ Statesville Housefurnishing ‘Company. re R.Ow DETZ,4).Manager. e NOTICETICE TO°CREDITORS. ving‘elaimsitthemto mé on.pe tats ore nolan to’presen’‘(g complete and'l am prepared|to:do Dig December22,1912,oF this notice itl be! ny.kind of repair work.Teen wisinee,WILLWii.ENSUPECIALTY LER WORK Meo.2 1011.genningsR., 4 |=ND-HAND™Also carry a'full line SeuacsFit |W .A SECO! ings up to 3inghes._Inj oa Lu-1 eaeRD etmest piceandwaar os oricators,Oil Caps and Pumps'Address T.H oplar,N.C. Pipe and Shafting.NER.: 4 we H.TURDepotSealerinMachinery. THE |LANDMARK |(s $2 Boe ‘year.news.you.want kngw.Ge THRLANDMABAE. We ANUARY 5,1912.: yO HAVE ANOTHER HOSPITAL, _ ANumber of Physic For’‘a:New Insti d ture Removed |From.Billings-|Deaths.{;usiness.¢ “)ley.Repladed By the Town.NS d Mas,Frederica Laniprecht,_wife |Correspondence of,The Lan to whom the!of Mr.”John U.-Lamprecht,died city recent:y ledsed the.Bilings-|Wedn-sday morning at 11.30,0’clock in session ten .minptes today. “Jey Hospital,took charge.of the |at het hoes:on'Tradd street7deatn’ institution this week.A few.yearsresulting from Bright's disease,/fell here:last.nigiht. ‘while the hospital was a pub-j}from which she’had heen a>sut- sustiLation,in which.all physi-|ferer ‘or some time.Funeral ser-|N.C.,who’is teaching iin oe.community,had.equal.|yiegs were conducted ‘at the yes-|Virginia,and.Mr. ea physicians furnished,idénce yesterday afternoon™by -her.Lenoir,who.ha: ‘rooms thérey;und ‘now!that ...the pegtor,:Rev.;W.Av~Lutz,and the mington, hospital.is to become a private in-interment:was in.Oakwood ceme-in’Washington,guests of Mr.vs Be gtitution ix ‘sor far as managememt |tery.Tee Mines hoe -|Colvard.ere ‘ig “concerned,practigally all,of the |°Mrs,Larmprecht*was a native of| physicians have ‘moved ‘their furs Bavaria,Germany,and was 59 turn’the last of the week with During the past.few |years old.She came to America |his family.es McLaughlin,‘A.|with ‘her grandparents,when @: R.Agams and:W.very small chidd and gréw to ‘wo-Congressmen ‘their portions ;manhood jn Charlotte.*She ©and |from home since-the holidays but :a day or 80. Dp EB M.Yount, niture Away. J.-Hill have removed ood of the:furniture and it is udder-Mr—Lamprechit.were matrted ..in fall are expected who |Charlotte February.2,.'1876,and |Major Stedman,one of the finest-‘givod thei Lz Albert Houck,; icoming to Statesville a few months |looking of the elderly members,a8is,new with,the State Hospital at|comi “Mergantc as:har ordered hig-furni-|later—have since.;c ture,packed and shipped .to him:|here.«Besides.her:husband.she is |tesentatives, he |survived by her parenté,Mr.and (and is .at hfe and bought ‘thé.op-Mrs.Fred..Vogel,of Spartanburg,|duties of the sessfon. )-fwo-hundred-and-th ary clerks in the,bureau of nus.haye been dismissed and ]:itis rumored that.1,000 more are. ,‘lease|-Mrs.Lamprecht was “Jong a [to go.s00n on account ef the fail en the hospital the town has:al-.faithful member of the.Lutheran |ure of Congress to provide the nec ready refurnished the.rooms from *Church and was a wotnan.‘who-liv-legsary appropr which furniture,was removed by the’ed’her religion. physicians -~who-—had--~piaced:ndt.of—-gerviee--to—those.cibout -her..and-tasked.for.by the director. there;and any other furniture or ‘her death means a loss .to.‘the |census fixtures that ‘maybe removed wil community which will be felt.most half that keenly.by “the sick and those in {present about 1,400.clerks, ft’whom have been nottft hey may expect a dikmissa A number of the clerks from ‘arolina’have been’dismiss- “Yen phyeiciars of the community “eh pped.—in** ‘eratine owtfit at the hospital:and.8.C.,two prothérs—Mesers.>Johny: how:threatening.to re-|and Andy Vogel,of Spartanburg—|tempor fit unless the city re-/and.one.sister,Mré.John aneet the |fer,of Baltimore.: _.’.they.-:are move._the.out agreements of Dr.Yount’s be ‘replaced’by the town,.. Some of the physicians who baw digtress.‘There is béen using Billingsley hospital got (for the husband,who,ig left alone} ‘other night to discuss in his sorrow.He es :: ‘topether thie ; dedided to -ar-Mr.and Mrs.Andy Vogel and |North’€the situation and terestéd ina pou ‘try show for Statesville are ask and urged to attend a meeting:t tonight;at 7.30 making arrangements for suc held in the near,futures better poultry.has been in:Iredell ‘the “yea wiho formerly,in-,;] gee fiat adam on pool 'Satlie.Lawson,and his.wife,his .Rot be improved on now are .“from’Miseouri,””and thusg_ere-; ate a greater interest ¢nothing that_will |1)-4 Thompson died Wednesday at stimulate interes:and improvement !+}.‘héme.of its parents‘on the in the industry,more than 4 g004 |Booulevard.1 ponitry.show -and for.this reason | -every person in the county who hb) turkeys;pigeons or other poultry which he desires to get .before thie now.<A show gro who has bee _.Wednesday whe under$100,;bond}wihom - at the next tertr)and.his congregation put the.need |woman,arriving rvices to him in such a wayisame’time that a’frie trong,|deliver '[Deaton warning the young the marriage until aplete his imvestigation the rumors about Henderson. The last heard of Henderson was ‘at the home of the young retailing an@ placed for his appearance .ofSuperionCourt. jad an eye on Huff fo The officers have of his se jistributing booze|“The pulpit,committee of home of,a.negro in south-”Statesville church .received ey lets9 could cow “te was:taken in-|ter Wednesday from Mr.Durham, ed that:he was ¢ enst ‘Statesville. 'to custoty and is now game boat’with other Salisbury re-|Rey.J.A.White,of Taylors- undertook to extend }ville,will preach at the First their operations into Iredell,where |Baftist’church Sunday morning “the prohibition laws are something |and’evening.©~/« more than-atjoke.,‘8 Claude Brewer,a tailers who white youth whio was before th for hoboing,b he young whiteJamesF.Lymch,t rested at Coolee-|man who was ar ‘.4 mee.first ‘the.wee!-and.:: SOE te eapmviter|an two,townshipe_mext “week-—at the 1 on of stealing a suit 3 eeee plecooaile Paleay sta-|Ship Thursday,11th,,and at Trout- —_arrataned Delors Traad 12th-for the purpose of observ- i ing the work’of the teachers"i i charge.of the.schools.where |,the. manded to jail:“to meetings are held and to discuss :various phases of the school work lag qutlined’in a circular which is iMic-|being sent..all the t chers.(The riteachers of the following Schools jare required to attend tlle meeting at the.Brawley,school:Brawley, Long,Mt,Mourne,Gudger,Hickory: Hill,Sheplierd’s,Mayhew and Doolie: The Troutman meeting will include “Turner yesterday:plead,guilty.“bond he ‘wasawait)Supériof Court.°°: Compton)Arranges Bond. Thos.J.Gomipton,alleged it liquor dealer,ig again’out .o! Jail..The only case against Comp- ton in ‘this coumty was:for dis posing of,mortgaged property and Sotbrodoren authonitie ‘fhe-~Federal 3 e Cases c of «eceadane agetde him ond ‘qn |the:teachers “df the.“Kennedy,| Alexander county there ‘are several |Neill, cases of retailing,but he gave bond Troutman,Ostwalt,Clark,Duck in each case,.Jt willbe remem- befed that Com In default of $250 d submit..to.arrest arm:which caught th shot has since given him consider- e lox of bird éble trouble. ,ber was under.treatment during ithe entire time he was in jail,here. .ASudge Boyd hias appointed A.H.)ha Price;of ‘Salisbury,standing mas-of Congress cutting down the appro: ter in equity for this district,1 wyaqngen iaris Arranging |Log a Wesideng,of Statjdsville|Many tution——Furii-andk-.a.Good 'Womam-—Other : \ } i mittee to select.a building aid p¢-Gilvrae,-Mrs..“B..S.Holobaugh,jaeteunt ‘A fullding has not Mrs.D.M.Rigler and Mts.Harry the doctors Hunter,all of Charlotte,were here u interested say something will be yesterday,to.atfend:the funeral of jing the thirtieth census and:that.:Ny aha nities vn ah one within a short time.Hire,Damrecit f ::R.Bowman,|..G.Watts,C.O.Har-later for some years“tlayager of| ‘community,died-at the’Sanatorium | eg and his remains,accompanied...by ivan (Coy.with funeral services by Rev. \Jeo Meek White,pastor of thé ade \eeased.’Mr.Lige would hiave beet} :few |.spa fvarried about a year ago to,Mise | “pear wit-|Panents,Mr.and Mrs.T..W:Lipe, :‘;»and several brothers and sisters,the :i he mess that it is best to haye a well carive.Death weedue to ase|the Miss Mannie Littman,of Salis-jhere:The Observer:now reaches bre@ variely togeir Sulisand there tae 1 a «a |bury.‘was at ie hae”|Statesville on the train dwe at 5.- lois.of fine chickens and /¥ere case of appendicitis.The young number -who had gone{yt,Was the guests of Miss Ada |ee in.and when the train a ‘sommunity {man was brought to the Sanato-either |Viele.this ‘week.Mr.and Mrs..|-mand,when _tie Sram.oes ‘which should be placed on exhi-|Tum Monday but his condition notice of dismissal .while Thos.Smith and children,of Char- ition fo thie benefit of those who Was 60 critical an operation could they |lotte,spent Wednesday with Mrs.i.the purpose of the Observer Oe :;;not be performed.|returned they*would do se at.their ree?Mr.John W.:Moore..|, ;Mr,George W.Watts,who re+ in the indus-|--ay infant child of Mfr.and Mrs.| Mrs.J.H.Caldwell died Monday CLERKS OUT. Jobs—Some lk;—Conguiess Resumes | MES,J...AMPRECHT DEAD.|GENSUS BUREA Correspondence of The Landmark.ibendance was pitifully sinull. Washington ,Jan,3-——Congre‘s .was The first show of the -Miss Jennie f jefferson, R.'B;Hah,-—of. Ss a positionat)Wik spent the holidays Congressthan—Doughiton “will.‘re- of he North Caroline ‘made.their Rome |.well'as one of the most as «|} i f DO 1.Wim |Be lant -nfebe <The board of.county.commission-|house,corner Mulberry:and’Walnut post.for the arduous. pty of.the:transacted:Petition.filed-asking|house..with them.aa Munz-|the ce .jation.:“An additton~ Her life was:one |ak appropriation of $1,000,000>ow Congress gave amount.::There much sympathy |o |time triet..of Columbia times itS share of the clerks all dur- jthey”have ~hat-the —proteetion-01 ia eee {eel.eee ;the:department in the reduction of Call For Meeting:to Orgaziize Poul-}—-Mry &G:tpe;of -the--Ostwalt ithe-force,2 ee ’)::,tive apportionment the p.|Wednesday,morning at 3:30 o'clock,|District was sitithed to 11 clerks ’::'land i was given 400 in the,he- o félatives,were taken,to his home |einn:ne and.at.present 2 :ad Thay ‘on the morning train.The warial |while:several Of.the States ~@ held in theCommercial club_room took ptdce at Perth,church yester-everal. with a view to :)|did not have their full,number been reached in the reductien:Nort. Carolina did not have a full quota ‘, —-eharged with ~enough J.W.Sims,8.L.Barnes;W.N.EA| ke.up,the rT oo ;halk re el!The Taylorsville es being dismiissed before 19 years old next month.He Wa8S}trom’other States t6 ma iown risk for they.were.Kkely to da at any time.' Marriage Ligeswe Refused. ,Chas.A.Henderson,a—fermer res.|:Be the.Harmony section lee eenee:dry goede,notions ead) public should at-children survive. fend the meeting tonight and lend-| his influence and help to tive mover| ‘ment for the poultry sk can be conducted at ii ‘And its”benefit...will.be.far reach* Mr.Durham Declines Call—Church News.—~;: fi i aes ttle expense The followingis fromMonday's is- sue of the Lumberton:Rebesonian: to his:.¢ongregation yesterday,morn- ing that he had decided to decline Hetatler in.the Toils—Other News./the~call recently extended him to a sporty,Sal’sbury ne-become pastor of:the Bap.ist church n fiaking frequent jor Statesville,and would remain eame to grief jin.Lumberton.-This is:excellent n he was arraigned |/news,over which.the entire towti rCaldWell on charges Of /rejoices,for Mr..Durhant”iS a man jto the telegraph office he -hurried- Lumberton could not.spare,|ly drove to the home of the young there about r some time jthat he could not deny their s thes Jearn-|plea to him to remain here,” “in the |declining the Galli to Statesville. Services at Episcopal church Siin- §csancmeciinie pest ee Teachbrs'Muectings Next Wek.~~: Supt.L.!O.White will conduct “ttownship _teachers’meetings in to stand tri-4 Brawley’school in -Davidson town- man,Fallstown township,.Priday, t_‘fixed wp.” yriation for the work, *\. beey at her home in Davidson township,|thas county,who recently returned to],=:ee a Adinean a :rs lin her 29th year,Husband and two|Iredell fr .The teathers and.students who.ness in-Charlotte. foxy om Indidna,made applicA-|anent the holidays out;of town,|I belongto.that considerable body el have reiurned and.resumed work jof,Anvericans who need a dealRegisierofDeeds’ |yesterday for I'cense to|young woman of thie,county, .|the application was.refused on &¢-|Mr.J.M.Matheson’s and .Miss Brad-|of a jockeying subterfuge for valor, count.of rumors which had reach~|forq-is boarding at .Mr.W.B:Math-|known in its day as the code.of 0 ,jed the offficers to the effect that |egon's.:: now will ‘help the]‘Rev.©.-H.Durham,pastor of |Henderson-already bias one n connection with the county jthe First Baptist churchjannounced fair all the better.\ or more The following students who spent i o admitted the holiday’:at their homes hire jthat he had been married but said [have returned>‘M'issés Ruby Deal,equities of manly combat to rec ne had been divorced...He lett the |rijlan Matheson and Mabel Cooper,{ommend jt.There was invariably vee State Normal;Greéensbero;Missa play,for unfair advantage;Too vie Inez LeGette,Davenport,Lenoir;joften one man kmew too well whom wife Messrs.Grawford Burke,Davidson,|to.kick.When the stress of real proof that there lang Mitchell Ingram,University,|war arrived:upon the scene,the g0in&|Chapel Hill.i lliving-wives..Henderson |register’s office _saying he|wire the clerk of the court of}eounty in which his former |lives ‘and get thetwasadivorce. the “ashiasten Dispatch,oid ,=litle afd were conspicuous by thein ol ite ““*Nothing but«déath can keep Me jabgence from the front.Not one from Sheriffjout of the fight now.”lof thém made his mark as a good thé |to delay a have made this statement toWhite jited at -the South,dropped out,of of}fiouse callure today,int to have |the South,having long before drop- he |the siatement.being made public.--4 A’.braggadocio”threatened -A L :oe Tt undoubtesly wos mide to s4t |Confederate valiant who had refus- man trying to explain!matters andlat rest all reports taat Mr.Tafbleq his silly challenge,with posting | retain her confidence.i ‘; Later it was reported that Hen-|the Republican neiirctign for Pres-\federate valic let iv :ce ial i ;ide :|fede aliant’quietly and quite ;y dersen admitted that he had a wif@jident'in favor,of Gol:Theodore |gately replied:e ee:post BA as- y day at 11-a.m.and 7.30-p..m.He-,woman’s family made]Roosevelt The President is Said |,coward you will post yourself as he was from the mountains,jy communion at morning service.Ci ;r ;. e Mayor Wednesday |The feast of the Epiphany,Satur- it'on account of his |day morning at 10.30 o'clock: condition the case was “4 : amd the young of,Mrs.White and Mr.|Republican party and determined lang the code of honor both in.Eng- a tkeported For The Landmark, A quiet Bet preity home wedding |under no*circumstances.”will hej 46 th aia :‘es rh 7 :ee whether,if individual combat could took place Wedutscay at 12 o'clock |withdraw his name froni consider-|thug be eliminatied from among S$,lation:by:the Chiicago convention |ea as 'z : ::a ::5)gentlemen,collective comba mil ght on Walnut street,/--whlenher_.6is-|next June and has asserted ‘that|notbetattnanaced:from aka f A bs :White,|his position with respect to the|tions. became the bride of Mr.Robert N.|nomination has-not changed in-any the|particular since he first entered cerem the |the White House.an 3 ;‘ bride’s pastor,Rey.T.S.Crutch+|(Mr La Follette also announces|Raleigh News and Observer. at.the home of Mrs.Laura Hin¢ Mrs.Jennie C. of Alexander county, ceremony.being performed iby Mrs.Looper left Shade ish.]we z Farmers’—@@-operative “*Demon- ue atic Want’the Pig.Did.to th}Man}stration Work,has published thediatelyonthe1.26 train jcigh;where Mr dent af the A.ind M,College.At toe a Mr..C.‘a Hinson,oly {the term he.takes nite Store township,Anson’countyy |r is shows the number of acres ‘charge of one ef the State’s farms,|Was climbingtothe lott of hisbarn |hi vated fe Ts a the,direv- located ‘in Moore county.Mr,Loop-|by medts of a adder,says the:4 p : man of ‘high standing tre ladder ¢fae il : and:character and is a farmer whio|the Jadder tron under him,causing |soa»nds of seed cotton to the kpows how to farm.Mrs.Wiite-hit,to fall t the ground with|a ore arian Goorule;:the next ig a daughter of Rev.Parks Gwalt-gréait force.He suffered a fracture highest,rained e403 and Texts lexander county,and for pt eee Oe a te ::::i wo yéats bas held.a po-|bow-and wrist,one of his Mam ve|In the demonstration North. leswoman ‘at Foushee's {nearly torn off,his lower ream baioian iuised-more comn,per acne |ton,has offered.to buildaSunBell's Gross Roads,Brown, Creek,Pine Valley,Shinn,Simpson,il_be.remem |ehmte,Onk:Rider,Winwood.”lecte Memeee eeeat knockad.some distance {li anv State éxcept Vi are us bate’¥waitanh,a tceihe)Baptist.Subday,school.and is injto the gums and bishead badly topinNorth Carolina Wasi @3.4 '—:S who had,a\\-positiion in the census bunhels to the acre,whereas in -Vir=|ed church of that towh}on cond bureaw in ee came noing ;wake The ‘wounded’mem-|for |the iday vacation an;received.notice a few days ago. that!he need:ndt return.‘Numerousemployes.of the pension bureai) have been disimissed as -a result, respects an.-excellent,,woman.)pH To know,her-is td loye her.Since ap does ile pi Be oe etd eomning here she jhas made a host of|have..recdived so miany,'nju a a Te i era’who condinet’|forthe-purpose j ;vl hid ;3 in eB beer Query:armers ‘wihio,uct a :.a ee MadgeBtonc nngtis tes the,fait,ut.de ay mifedthat ‘pie:(tein chops upoh.the approvedplans]Mr.G.L.Jones,of Macon coun- Pe}ae ee ee cea suggested “by -the~Agricultura ccepted a call to Dunn. THE NEWS OF TAYLORSVILLE.|BRIEF ‘ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS, Jurors For Court —Business of |.—~The Pasmore-Trio,was.at the: Commissioners”——A New Urort|college.Jast night.The entertain-| |Bridge —A Party-—Other Nenws.|ment was Very .good,.but the*aty | Taylorsville,Jan,4-—-Miss Ada salad course was,served.; .*a Wd Viele .entertained a.number of!..—heriff.Deaton ‘this.week|f friends most’delightfully’ata jawarded a contract to;Mr..B.A.New.Year's.masqufrade-Mondey-‘Promtmeds resvillis,for theevening:The arrbvaliofthe guests -corstruction of four 4-room dwell-,in their,ene Sener “gal }ing houses in*Bloomfield.* umes made'a merry abeginning.|-Supt:oe Mhae ee ‘,ica 4 rare f |Supt;D:Matt?Thompson,of | PUPA B the.gamp*that followed.)1,4 Statesville,graded schools,has | each ‘masker .was i Invited intO @\an invitation-té speak on *‘Schoolroom,.where his _pilhouette .Was |Disciplines:before the.teachers ade by the aid of “candle and og.Davie county in Mocksyille to- a deft pencil,Then:followed.a bimorrow ':iF Pik spirited ‘conftest.of guessing -whom |"):;Pe st ;Nite each silhouette represented.As |oo er ne er nie of Rev. grand finale every one took part in Lotte gad erika tao ae ae spd marching .several fi ee the |2 A LOW WECRS BEM:ei oo atrdine ot se ee sae tate ‘valued at about $35,000,whieh wighes andtrait were enjoyedin th willl be divided among his broth- course of the evening,«which’.wis |fs.and sisters., one..have méved into the MelLaughiin efs weére.in regular session Monday etreets.3 Mr.and Mrs Sanr ‘Tom- and the following.business was ;4!2 will occupy a fortion of the} oliections ~~last \ 762.85,coming) for,change in-publi¢road from.Als|;“The revenue paugh Roller .Milb to new.bridge |month totaled $357, dered registered.A.A.Deal,treas-/$946;cigars $12,tobacco $356,024.- Urer,filed.his annual report,which |17,special tax $231.85.; Was ,accepted.The..usual_number |.Mise Celeste Henkel;daughter reid:|Lénicir,“who was ilitfor'-so —torge- en bridge at Sharpe’s ;Mill.; «Mr.Cark-M.,“Moésehas sold.his’| hotise and lot’to Mr.J.°C.Her-| for the spring term of court,which | eOhvenes on Monday.February 19th;|;'D..&Davidson,H.L.Warren,T. vel,Finley Kerley,W.C..Lowe,T-. J.G,‘Harrington,J...Ford,W.S.|Cleo.Wanren,danghier of Mr. éker,J..R.ry,W.W.-Mclain,B.T. Dantel,Jeff:Thomas,T.J.Campbell,’ der,J.P.Deal,Z.B.Sharpe,G.EF.Hubbard.A.N.Millsaps:tion manager of the Charlotte Ob- Union ‘will meet at the rt house | Saturday,6th,at 2 \o’clock. centiy-meved here from.Oklahoma, has hought an interest in Charles| and Hall.Watts’sore and they |bury to Marion. will add to theif-stock of clothing | €=i The Code of Honor. Wednesday morning.Misses Aber~|of coaxing to.be good.I grew to nethy_and Brooks aré)boarding at jmanhood uygder the ministrations |hionor.It-was the offspring of unman- fy vanity.It had not even.the stgnalized duelists—the profession- al ductists;we might -entithe-them: —fell away fromthe lines of bat-Mr.Taft Wili Stas te the End.| President’‘Taft is reported.to |soldier...The duello thus discrea~ added thit he had ao,chiection to ped.out of the North. might withdraw from.the race -for him as “A Coward,”and the Con-' Ito be thoroughly eroused to the),jjar?’.j gravity pf,‘the situation in the |.Mhe disappearanceof the.-duello {to let.his .attittude ‘be generally jad and the.United States first, ‘lunderstood._He ttas declared that|jeg my mind “toward “the inquiry Thpl Yields According to Diemon- aint striadion Work.: that he is in the race to the’fin-|Mr.Bradford Knapp,of the figures of the.yield of cotton “and: ‘orn.in.all the,Southern States. s ic itions of the demon@trators.'As toessIengien,°a:a ;/ edesboro-Messenger,‘a pig rooted cotton,North Cardlina raised._1,- vat his right arm “between the.ell-710.4.5 ‘brulided in ‘several places.Mr.Him- a it was 46.5: DO IT NOW—DON'T Mod to each ‘paper. a halfday or a few hours._..:If it is hthange of BA,om “this moment,.is the-tiné,.not present pranounced a delightful}—~Mr.and Mré Jas.MaeContielty k BR.Lumsden,W..D,Jolley,.J.F.'|)~—“Mtr-Roland Fry,son of Mr.Bli t Wike,T.C.Davidson,H.W.Ritchie Fry,of Shiloh township,and—Miss|) home!Wednesday.night and went { te the home of the bride yesterday.visafe.Work ou the new bridge Mr.T:W.Ohambliss,circyla-)will begin in the near future:— ly rit <The constriction -forcé at work |partment-raise 80 miuchi cotton “to _Rev,Jathes Long,former pastor }on the Wilkesboro road hag,been |thies!'acre,why do Mot all ,farm- Se the Baptist’church at.Morgan-jdowbled “and the work wilt ngw erg studyi the same ‘rule and raise WAIT?! If you have something to ‘goinThe’Landmark,bring it or ‘send it}or’phone it’NOW;,dan’twait...Chae toe week and.thpee days are,alote: The .work isn’t done ina day. new ad.,am annofit ent on Fnawsitem—NOW,this hour, later,a atiIfalltheworkon.this.papercouldbedonein*day,”bald.day @r an hour,it would be :is}*gued.dally.’3502 Dene!Ads.are accepted up to —thélastmoment-possibleto handle them,.but those who.make it aihabitto:wait until a la@e ‘hourandgiveasmuchextratrouble:-as possible,may get left,~~ NEWS is,accepted with thanksanytime.”.Announcements of|:_club _meotings,church.services Jf.ow other thingsthatcould havebeenhandiedinearlierjust.as}...well,do not come under tha}head of live news.:nae eae theCatawba:Report of Shér-;trom.the ‘various sources as.fol-————————_—_ iff Adams was acce |lows:.-—haste—-:ye splirits ||3mswasacceptedandof|lows:..-—-Liste—/$548.72,"SRS|RRIpGE OVER SOUTH .YADKIN.. News ot the York.Instittutd ‘Neigh-t borhegd.»+ of clalims were allowed and ordered |or Mr.-and Mrs.ly.P..Henkel,of Correspofidence’of The!Landmark.&_+_ Dr ade Oa 2 Peer eters hrken dee BNO are at te oer feos Baye pie coee |with typhoid..fever at the Sana-|Year Yas aaah rather:elovey ,and. OMe ira emt Tere Hautet ind.Wipes a won oocie swe taken |elocmy Hove <M en is shinging od Cnet alt take the pb &thie 1S WOG4-home in‘Lenoir ‘Wednesday.|brightly behind che ccuds.Bvery Tat aay)Tit texe the piece of the old:wood:|:-Miss Henkel’s friends will be glad |ine «s hbexuniig the Néew Years ito learn of her recovery.with.bright @uticipatiens,...Hope <aMr.and Mrs.L.'T.Boowm:ar-|they may ail*be redi'sea.. range for another hospital for their’Mr:John Vogel,of Spartanburg,&jed..two of them -being from States-::ir}Stet Saat a Mise Magni Mars a ti ae —~patients._Drs_pharpe,McElwee and!Mr.Henry.Vogel,-of Greenville,|ville.';There is much:criticiem of $1450 The -consideration ee nor ey tg ee hes aa en ee rae.the wae -Joaninger were appointed a comr|S$.C.;Mrs..N.Duls,Mrs.BC Me-}the ~census ~authoriics Lights “aphe following 1@.a list.of jurors |c@rge of Hotel Iredell.Mr.-Brown |idays.Mr.Henry Mason,of.New that:the Dye.‘lig an experienced hotel man,’He|York,recently spent Several)weeks i was for a'long time manager of the}with.his’.parents,Mr.and Mrs, ‘Yarborough House in Raleigh.and}J..H.Mason Misses Aca and.Viola and Mr.James Patterson,who spent --A Mthe Hote)Kennon,Goldsboro.the ‘holidays in Fort:Mills,8.Cu. and Huntersville,with relatives, 1ave returned home:©Mr.»Maryvir ° ackey is home fora few days.S-~ The material is beifg placed on Blankenship,A.M,MeLain,W.-Z.jRobey Warren,also of Shilcp,)y Price,Ww.R.Daniel,W.A.Teague;|were married Wadnesday.aftertioon o tite Sols Pope eee ee cov hat |J.E.Norton,W.-B.Tedgue,J.C jat-4 o'clock af Newton,.They.were residence of Mr.1.N.Sharpe.We _.\Mortner,A.L.Herman;J..W.Wakhavean;J ak }given a reception at Mr.Fry’s|.-.glad to see this being done, or the ,old -bridge.was considered” Mrs.R:(D..Lackey spent —last server,was in Statesville several |week.in South ‘Carolina and Hun- days this week arrangingto have |terevilie with her daughters,Mrs.’ the Observer delivered to patrons |Deal and Mrs.Lackey.: Mr.Thomas-Gwalthey and family, of Winston,are spendiig some {time here with Mr.Gwaltney’s fa-: rives-on time the paper is dis-/ther,Rev.&..P.Gwaltney..Mr.Har- ;tributed areund town about 6.30.|vell Gwaltney,who spent some time | here,bas—returned to this home says Mr.Chambliss,to put in |at’“Winston.“Mr..E.C.‘Walden, the carrier system in all towns jof Statesville;spent the New:Year ~ ion the Western road fitom_Salis-with home:folks.caeTheWoman's Foreign Mission-ary Society of Rocky Spring church met with Mrs.L,,E.Orouch Friday \Krom Henry”Watterson’s “Peace |afternoon at 3.30 o’clock.A pretty social event Friday eve- ning was the dld-fashioned pound party given by,Miss.Vera Bessie‘Sharpe,at her lowely country,home near Rockyface mountain,in-com-~ pliment:to Misses Carrie and Maud Deal,’guests of Miss Mary.Shiarpe: Miss Sharpe -is one of the most attractiveof the younger set.She: is.particularly charming in ©the role:of -OSL ESS., Sudden Denth of Mr.Shetwmakiest ait ‘Elmwood.be Correspondence of The Landmark, Elmwood,Jan:4—Mr.W.J.«Shoesmaker,of Elmwood,died very sud- denlyMonday night about8 o'clock.— While he had not béen well for several:days his’condition was not coneidered..‘dangerots.(Dr.Yount, of Statesyille,who was in Bhmwood Sunday:afternoon to see Mrs,W.7mW, Hair,was called into see Mr.Shoe-maker.Dr.Yount said he thought he had a light attatk of ‘srippe and would.be alb right ina few days.s :eis edMr.Shéemaker was in bed Mon- day and as he,rose from:bed about 8 o'clock.that evening he fell as~ if in a faint,was lifted back On the ~bed and.was’dead in a few,8@G-— a1 sad shock to the en ty.He was a kind,ae < band and‘father;a splendid neigh- bor |and citizen a—goeod upright man. He moved hereeto the Cowan:farm a yearago from his farm,four miles morth..of Elmwood,and -has made mapy friends here.~Hé ‘is;survived — peveral brothers and:sisters.— -Mhe fumeraland burial was atNew,- o'clock,conducted by his pastor,Rev, J.P..Hipps,aesisted by’a former pastor and,frieid,Rev.T.B.John-. son ,of Stony Point.Although thie day was very:disagreeable:a long — concourse’of*friends fiollowed a ‘Phere was also a ee gath-éred at the ohurch.The Juniors,-‘of.which order ‘te was -a member, had chatee of the burial.Much sym- pathy }is extended .the bereav- ed ones.|by ese } |day school building to cost not less: rah,$6,000 for the Iirst Reform tion ‘that’the church ‘buy a lot ity,Assistant Attorney oe has. resigned that position and Mr,Thos H.Calvert,of Raleigh,Has been appointed as his successor by At= {move along more,rapidly.| 4 iM!| :+i vs seeae larger crops per acre?c: torney Gener) Bickett,eeee|iy‘9 onds.The news of hip was by his’wife,seventhittrén and > Salem church Wednesday at,Bry remaiiis to the lagt resting place.=. Mr.J.Tilien Hedrick,af Lexjnge- . ,jolorer appears in Charlotte on ‘ .WRIDAY,—-— }“con ‘very: “THE LAN DMARK ‘January 5, VARIOUS5 MATTERS tt BOCs ‘without,aasaying that:-Dea- Hemphill,who has been a Steadfast and “unfailing supporter of Dr,Cook,the Original Discoverer of the North’Pole,will/introduce the “doctor when.the,distinguished ex- thie Jith,.and what the Deacon will say for,Dr.Cook will be worth go- ang miles to ear Mr.ae >.Moofe,pubilist er of the Pittsburg Leader,:is.to marry Lillian Russell,singer and actress,Mir.Moore was divorced by,his former wife,Mrs.‘Lucile sana wihio’now lives.in.Baltimore, last.September.When:the fonmer wife wis told of the coming ‘may riage here's’what she §Bids -'“Tam not’surprised ‘that Mr. Moore:admires Miss.Russell;-I ad- amire her myself and I wish the couple all.happiness in their newventure...=_. “T.think ‘very highly ‘of .Mr. Moore;polished gentleman and fcertainlythinkhe’ought to:make a godd husband for Miss Russell,Idonétfeeltheslightest!bit.jeal_ous,”‘she said.with a smile.‘While Mr.Moore’-and..I panted becausé of|incompatibility of temperament,he has been.very nice to me.I hope he and Miss Russell will set!along well together and that ©:eir tem peraments may not confls,sees Beautifully said!If|she meably feels other than she bas spoken‘she had the good serge not to,showit:‘The former wife is @vidently-a ioe porn:ane *8 et Speaking a a banquet his he was in Charlotte last week,|Col. Henry Watterson,accoming to the Observer,‘‘repudiated ~not*the aspersions which have been cast —But—referred the.Mecklenbirg Declaration, in similar vein to whai he called ‘the ridiculous, and groundless ‘aspersions .on the ebatacter.of Nancy Hanks,~moth- er ‘ef Abraham-Lincoln;to the] myth that-Marshal Ney was not] executed.and numérous others.” on 'WhileTheLandmark was never com- mitted to Ney died in North Carolijna,. proper to say,talking of:myths, that there ate many people:who be- liee that the mysterious Frenchman who taught school in this section of North Qarolina in the long ago,and whose bones now lie'in Third Creek.graveyard,Ruwan county, was none.other than the Marshal Ney; that these same people—peopile of intelligence,education and good Sense—and many others believe that the evidemce to support their “belie?is fully,as strong as the ev- ‘Bame as that.of the Democrats can party. idence that suports the Mecklen- burgDeclaration ~val Speaking at Sica,Mich.,Mon- day night,Senator La Follette,‘of Wisconsin,the progressive Repub- lican'candidate for _President, said: “If I did not believe the Re ‘publican party was the hest instru-. ment for getting coniro]into the hands of the people |would leaveit.If I believed the .Dempcratic party was a better instrument I would join it.If I thought a new party -would:be more effective,:1 would form'one.But I think the Wepublican party,is the best instru-.ment there is,ee ee“There is.quite a progressive sentiment all through the North. I ‘don’t know ofany progressive sen- timent or:any progressive legislae ‘Bion in the South and the strengthoftheDemocraticpartyisin the South.If the sentiment of theDemoanatsoftheSouthwere.the of the North;I think it would be.as. good an ‘instrument as the Repmubii- “A true.American believes “in‘@emodmacy.He believes men “and ‘women are equal and entitled to an equal chance.But the Demo- ’@natic party of the South:ip not:by inheritance that sort of organiza- tion.All the strength of -the par- ty in the Sdéuth is the-aristocracy.The Southern Democrat despises, alike,the poor.whité and ‘the ne- gro and’that is not the Sentiment that meee fer popular govern- -apent.”’—-- All of which shows that gentleman from Wisconsin 4s‘; ly ignorant’of.the “South.The “poor.,whites,”’that is,the com- mon mass of the people,compose the Dewocratic party of the South; and the South is Democratic becaus? the ‘vast- 'in'the South the Gnly.hope of good government ¢erati c is through the Demo- ,party.Senator la F ollette .1g -sitinply.repera me»a:‘foolish falee- hood that.tas been current in:jthe North “ind ,West for years,but a than-who +cpires to the presidency. Should be bette informed.<p SS Miss Létha:Helms,who lived.-with! Union’county,gom | Bome days agzo’by Lit)wtakingcarbolicacid.She:was 80}otheyearsoldanditi9,said the was | ther Hephew in-mitted suicide { despondent on acaouit of the deat! wf her sister,wnaich poomrred a few Mion this a 4 Mr.H.Hitdgoui, ti 2 Ue wone of the Sehate committeoOwomansuffrage,of which Sena-“Mor Overtnaa js chairman,ay: *eal &, “7912.| -tm fact,I-consider him.a|: ,Only;|: theory that Marsha!} it ‘is. real | and furthermore,| L wis forsomehasheld.the,attire of -comnty:,auditor and reconder |for Cleveland|his experi acnaty,has resigned to accept-the |animals in MATTERS ow News, George Wi Cromwell,one,‘of the|country’s wealthiest policemen,'re- January 1 after 49°years of serv- ice.He is worth a quarter of,a million dollars and says he made it in’realty,investments.aus Will Holmes shot and killedWillBoatmanatTimpson,‘Texas, Friday,because.the latter refus- tired from the foree’in Philadelphia |’ Columbus,Ohio,Dispatch,1st,a miet today,formed a permanent,or~ganization,adopted a declaration. of progressive«“prine!ples but voted 62 to 32 not to give their endorse-}ment to United-States Senator Rob-ert M.LaFollette asea candidate for the presidential nomination. .After refusing the endorsement of Ohio ‘Progressive,(Republicans Ore = gwamine.. Progressive Republjcans of (Ohio| Children Are Subjéct To"ohColderConghar CotyOneneverknowswheAD Our new machinery has arrived,is being “placed and.we,will be ready ‘to start ei to”agree”with him as to-~—t meaning of a certain passage the Bible,Both mensaid to prominent citizens,of coumsie. A handsome ‘clock,30 -incheshigh,has been presented to the|A.P,Hill Camp,Confederate,vet-erans,of Petersburg;Va.,by the Massachusetts delegation,which, attended the unveiling of the Mas- sachusetts monument:on the OraterbattlefieldatPetersburginNovem ber.° EW da,"Fhuret™of.Huret,“Menaa; whose son,Nathan Hurst,escaped. from the .Texas’penitentiary 28 sears:ago!and who chas since be- come a leading and wealthy,citizen: of Mayesvillle,Mosarrived ‘in Mayes- ville Monday.with a pardon from the Governor of Texas.When a youth the son was séntenced to a term of 17 years for horse theat but made his;escape. The Democrats of the ‘House of Representatives plan to eliminate) from thepropriation bill the $225,000.appro- \priation for the.~President's tariff board,the $75,000 appropriation |forthe economy:commission -rand the$25,000 appropriation for the Pres- ident’s ,traveling expenses.This will effect a’‘saying of $325,000 per annum.“hasThegreatestthrong"that passed the portals of the White House at’any New-Year ‘reception of,recent.years,.gneeted Pnesi- dent and)Mrs.Taft Monday.When the longline ~had~passed the of-ficial.‘‘counter’”said that 8,092:dip- lomats,officials and citizens had shaken hands with the.President. At’last.year’s reception the.offi-cial“count ‘showed that about 5,500 visitors were:received, A celebration of the establish-ment of the Chinese republic;coin- cident with the inauguration of, its first-President,was held in Chi- matéown,,in New York city,Monday: Hundreds’-of ‘Chinese rushed:to their barbers early in the day and had thein quewes cut away,sever- ing,as they said,the last symbol of Manchu rule.At noon when 3,- 000 Chinamen gathered for the celebration,not a queue was seer. At.Mobile,Ala.,a few.days agoFrederickWasserlabenwas:shot to death by his mother-in-law,/Mary Godau-After killing her son-in-law in: :be "ithe woman dmgged the body ‘toa poi ‘,.where it was found,She con- essed the crime and said theiman insulted hér.,Two.husbands:of the woman met violent deaths andathirdmysteriouslydisappear- ed.She was arrested in connec-tion withthe.death of one but was acquitted. Unable to stop his biplane afterlanding,Aviator Thornwell Andrews, who was giving an exhibition be fure a.big crowd at the ball park at''Albany,Ga.,last week,drove icad-on imto a high fence,‘broke his arm.and sufered other injuries.La- was .peeping through a kmot-hole u.the fence,wes tangled in the wreckage and th ugh injured,es-caped death...'Ta .aviator-is from. Greensboro,this State. at reported that at increase in the wholesale price of shoes, which will be inaugurated in Marchby-Brockton (Mass.).manufactur ers,will beput..into effect.about the same time:by most of the New England manufactyrers,It is said the advance will be about 50-cents a pair.St.Louis shoemanufactur- ers;however,see ne reason tomake} an advance;.and:in the meantime, the government intimates that.the business may,be looked into. __As the result of the lynching ofadetectivewhokilleda.man while he was looking after violators oftheprohibitionlawinNewark,0., near two years ago,oné man was convicted of murder in)the second degree,13 for manslaughter,gev- en for riot and.nine for.assault and battery—-30 im all,and ebeven men are now serving sentences in the Ohio penitentiaty..Which ifsevidencethatlymehinginOhfoisnot.unaccditpanied by danger. A Philadelphia youth,Robt.Wil- son,made a bet with companions that +e had the biggest mouth of‘any person.in thecrowd,’and to pmove his .assértion thrust a pool ‘ball’between -his jaws.He won the wager but the ivory ball fitted the mouth so~wel that it~toook two hours’work'on the part of phy-siciang at the hospital “te,remove it.-That :was accomplished only when the pain from his distended jaws —-became—_so —great-that—i}was determined to sacrifice five: front teeth.~ Farmers Sheep.© Mooresville’Enterprise,ne Within recent ‘months several well-to-do farmers of this‘part of Cabarrus ~~"Qultivatin x the sheep-raising buinses’,and the latest to be enlisted in.the indus try is Col,J.Robert Wallace,of Bastfield,county.Mr. ‘Valiace,has on,his,_Plaritation a flock af 100 of the pinettiti est,sheepever.sebn in North Carolina,and iris’suctess With the fleece-growing (apinads is heing watched withKebn-fiterest by quite a large num- Mes of-aur peopile,Coloniel Wallace i deteritned Lo wive-the industry:a tairtrial,and.if he is successful, Miprobably pave the way for TS to make the venture 5 rus,“started a sheep ranch near| Wj HaiACKOUntroesfi of having sécured--a ‘with,he”was compelled to:abandomentsanddisposeofthiaothis:possessionsjanabidingfaithjnthe industry:|however,and.will again{another flock fn the future, 1eae “|the league,the delegates:voted,81 to 1],.in favor:of a résolution as a personai expression of the del- egates,naming Senator LaFollette as’‘tthe living,embodiment of the}principles of thé progressive’move-ment and ths logical candidate to carry tiem.to successful fruition.” Gifford Pinchot;’who declared that he spoke:only for himself,and fn no Way for Colonel Roosevelt, and -formerSeeretary,of theInterior Garfield,.were the leaders in the detate against giving any candi- date an endorsement.Senator|™”,Works,of California,and later Sen- ator Clapp,*of Minnesota,were equally vigorous in urging that the Ohid vrogressives concentrate their efforts in working.for the ‘electionofSenatorLaPollette. A declaration ‘of principles adopt- ea unanimously -was substantially the one prepared by a committee of progressives.of the ~Western Re- serve.It.declared “for a Bubstan-next sundry ciyil apr \tial andequitable,revision of the tariff seheduile by schedule,‘pre-serving the.protective tariff princi- ple,the measure:of.which shall be: the difference in:wages and raw ma- terial at hiome and abroad.’’To this’ end;:a mon-partisan tariff board with full power to compel testimony. rand to report ‘to’Congiress was ad- vocated, Did the."Sistiens.aDisable the Pas- tor? ‘AB a made of a tear-riot hetweenfactions.of the FirstCon-gregational ebureh at Tampa,Fila., Sunday,at the conclusion’of.the mor.ing’s.service,the ‘police dr- restc”.six persons and the.pas- tor,‘the Rey.R.-E.L.-Kirkland, Spunt.the atiermoon in bed.In a4 he had bien kicked by some of the, women members of his flock.Thevause-of.the outbrak;it is stat-| ed,was an attack by Mr.Kirkland in a sermon.on a former pastor,in connection with the alleged misap-propriation..of.church funds.Mr. Kirkland spoke on.the suwhject,‘If Christ “Lived Today Would He be.a Socialist?”He.took for his..textthesentence:;E ) “My.Father’s iousé is a‘house of.prayer,but ye have made it a den.of‘thieves.’’, After the sermon several:male members,of the church engaged: aia heated controversy,in which severa!'women later joined.In at- tempting,to quell the disturbance, it is srid,the pastor received inju-. ries which sent him to bed.Strain- ed relations have existed.between the pastor and members of the church for #@everal monthe.;elenaenieinmengernmmenaannt Medicines that aid nature.alwaysmosteffectual:..Chamberlain’s Cough‘Remedy.acts on this plan.It.allaysthecough,relieves the lungs,opensthe’‘secretions.and aids.nature in re+storing the system to a healthy condi- Yorth)Carolina have ventured -jnto- Mr.M.F,Teeter,also of Oabar-.| Harrisburg about a year.agouti} seased:siieep to begin’ He has tion..Thousands have testified to itsoperexcellence.Sold by all.deal- mar.Mathies,a 10-year-old’boy,who} r ‘deed trom Colvert to Allen. written stetement he declared that| Canegerous Gey may be.atinst all such evils,with x The verylest:treatmentPeor snenever fails to break-upcroupfistantly,and tot ‘hs,colds,ete-in a veryihorttime.Itaccomplishes results without the use ofi druae,by‘exterdal application —absorptionand ¢ation ‘of Soothingdealingantisepticvapors,a At your druggist’s or.by mail ‘25e,«,50c,$1.00" Biconomy sugiests thedoliav size. Tick’s Family.ReinediesCo,+Greensboro,N.C.”’ Fe E mi iras ‘BY VIRTUE of the powers con- tained in a.mortgage éxecut- ed by Louis’Allen’and wife,Marycies,to.Fred.H.Conger,Septem-ber 12,1910,to secure the sum.therein named,and default havingbeenmadeihpayment,I will sell at.public.auction,to the highestbidder,for cash,at the court house docr in Statesville,NO.ON 36 es_.MONDAY,JANUARY 8,1912;the tractor parcel of land describ- ed-in said.mortgage,as follows:Lot.No,9 in Block.C in NorthStatesville,155 feet front by 150 feet “deep,.being thelot..where. Louis Allen now“lives,and whichwasdeededtohim’by A.A.Colvert.Wor more particular description see This mortgage is registered inBook28,-page 436,in the.office of the Register ‘of Deeds of Iredellcounty...FRED.H.CONGER,. Dec.8,4911,Mortgagee.. FOR2SALE! Cash Tobaces Ware!Warebouno,.lot 130x285,corner Walnut and.Meet- ing streets, ,Lot 60x107,éomer Court Meeting stneets. 26%Acres,_at Bufola,..$30 peracre”4 75 acres,one.mile east of court| house. 76 acres;one mile and a half west, -35 acres;one mile and a quarter west. 70—acres,one mile and a half west. 21]acres,five,miles north,$30 per acre 356 acres, per.acre.A number of other.desirable farms and:business properties.See me before miking an investment. ISIDORE WALLACE, First National Bank sss ee i "Phone 240.Sets and three miles «east, WALNUTGROVEFARM Two miles north of town. H.H.BLAYLOCK,Proprietor. Watch this..space _for farm productsin season. MORTGAGE SALB'OF LAND.-'|* $25 |: Jan,2 OUR BIG WIN again about.the 15th.We will be bet. ter prepared than ever to’give our pa: trons satisfactory.service,i : Don’t forget to investigateoour Firee offer;if you are in need of a Range.-This isa valuable gift and will be greatly appreciated by any housekeeper , and you get it entirely,fiee witheach six-ring Cam- eron Range from Decvember 1st until Dee,24,'1912.. Also afull line ofCoal and Wood’Heaters and many Other seasonable goods. Statesville Hardware &Harness Co. Get high priced eggs now by using Dr.Hess & Clark’s POULTRYFO OD PANACEA, not satisfied:with results when you,have.used ° Hess &Clark’s Stock or Poultry Food we refund Thatiis our guarantee. If you are the money. Statesville Hardware &Harness Company. =COOKING OIL.@ purposes,adcosts youonetuitd ie se es Price per Gallon 750.Price per Quart .20c. TRY IT.YOU'LL LIKE IT. Imperial Cotton Oil Company. *PHONE 205. “ererenmnennmeaaas aaa ee i sale. saving to you. from one season to tha next. that must go. will be reduced likewise. The White Company. We announce to the people of Statesville,Iredell and ‘adjoining counties an op-~portunity to buy during the next 15.days high class merchandise at a tremendous It Has been our custom to carry over just as little goods as possible This time we find our store loaded with merchandise So values are going to crumbleand we invite you to come during this Owing to space we can only mention a few prices. It will be money in your pockets to buy.now. ~The Goods Must Goin Fifteen Days.ea WU Everything in our store one-third to one-half. All Children’s and half price.zm Hl pt me u l }L ak ~our price 43c. to go at 75c. ‘One lot Silks,form LN ' ae -Sale-79e: Yard wide Black T One lot Wool Dress Goods,: All Ladies’Coat Suits,Long Coats|jand Skirts reduced - Misses’Coats reduced one-third to One rack.Sample Coat Suits (about’25),$15,$18,$20 ‘ and $25,Sale $4.98 and-$6.49. One lot WoolDress Goods,formerly $1;00,all to BO; Meda ly$1.00 to $1.25,all erly 25c.to 40c\;Sale,choice,19¢.| All'36 inch Messaline and Taffeta Silks,$1.00.to %20; \| affeta,85c.value,Bale 55¢,. Pink,Blue and WhiteNight Gown reno 10¢.and 12hc.,Sale-8c. YardwideSeaisland:Domestic Be.s-SaleSic. _Dark and Light Calicos,Sale 3c.‘ vas One lot Apron and Dress Ginghams,7c.to Be.er 4c.‘Big 11x4 Indiana Blankets $6 pair,‘all to go,Sale $4.25.-11x4 Spray Mills-Blankets,$4.00 and $5.00,Sale $2.98, ~Ladies’Hose,special,4¢.pair. Men’s Hose,special,4c,pair.Ladies”Hose 25c.'to $1.50,greatly reduced?Underwear of all kinds,greatly reduced....Ladies’Underwear,35c.garment now 2!Ic.Men’s'Underwear,50c.garment now 39c.Shoes of all kinds reduced 20 to 25 per cent. i aa ‘s i ea e I out on ap 1 G 7 leta hing keep you away.foie down.all.goods.i Open Friday Morning at 8 Odock.“THE WHITE COMPANY. TAS the prices fade during this.sale nothing will be charged or sent. ;Every sale will have ourguarantee,or your money cheerfully refunded.:Remember the.date,”FRIDAY,‘JANUARY 5th to 20th,‘and.don’tStorewillbeclosed‘THURSDAY, proval. er e a a n ) S U A au s i invest:in, ns ‘About Saturday,January:20th,1912. —s with eal ‘from city. Jenkins &Wagner,|REAL Wied eieeciesacres,6 miles north off} ‘alty.,Nice goad front. +Td hundredand sixty-two acres -tewnship,--ie miles south of Elmwoad. ‘One:hundred -‘and thirty acres, 6)miles ¢from Statesville,in Cool Two hundred andfifty-nine acres in Concord township,only 3}miles: tracts—from 10 acres up; Ninety-eight acres in,“Tamers|burg township. Statesville,N. Office:‘First oe a ‘Bldg. ‘PHONE : |FRIDAY,—— |Train No,24 ar.8.2b, “|THE LANDMARK«1 -January.6, »-LOCAL RAILR AD SCHEDULE. Arrival>and!Departure of Traine *Statesville, -WESTERN ROAD,1,west-Beune1,west-85,west-36, Roe 1s Train.No,ue 11.00 No.12,‘east-bound,due 6.45.p,m*CHARLOT EI AND TAYLORSVIL'From Charlotte,Train No,16 api-9,50, From,TaylorsvilHe, ip.Two dwellings.out-buildings. ‘Can.be sold.in small» Train No: ata ,due 10,20.a.m. Dm)pm)east.wna,a am|*:real:No.22,east-bound,que 1,20 D.ia : leaves 11:00 a.m Train No,23 ‘ar.10.10,eaves 11.00 a.m-6.45-p,-m. it “tt ary 6: « There is often complaint, sometimes .imen are guilty: for this,purpose; noise to attract person-whio sloote;~ attention. ESTATE DEALERS,”zy ee whic a 4 “FO sonable: sale:See _and two m Three huadred andredand thirty aacres of jd Jand.3)miles from vided by railroad tral Highway. ‘ing.and goo almost level,with redclay subsoil. Seventy acres in cultivation.. is one 6f the .most desirable fafms_ in Tredell-county:Remember Lhave 30 oth- er fine farms in Iredell.county for 250 acres,more or less,10 miles from"Statesville,on public road -1,000,000 feet good timber—100,900 feet oak,300,000.forest pine,600,- 000 feet fine.second-growth pirie. Lots of this will cut No.1.- Two of the most attractive prop- Statesville and in addition to bredk- mates of the room,-The crash only evidence of the shot and wher it came from is not:known.°° Shooting:in’the -conporate ‘is prohibited:but it<goes on, Offenders being hard.to catch: ‘ali right forthe boys to have “fun the ishiould’'be i least.¥f.the 4 pity @ them. RSASALE!! and State Cen-"}/ Two-story .dwell- ‘out-buildings,Lies *This ‘Price very rea- me. iles from macadam road. ositions now.on the -marketi See me quick. Nov.21.R.V.hivaourley:. ‘PROPERTY For Sale_orRent.|= on rent. barn atid -One b to be cu /chaser. enue, ville for C.S. My mansion,corner Front and Mulberry streets,is for sale conveniences,including steam heat,water,etc. Four-room cottage and lot on Oak rect for,sale.:G Several lots,closein,forsale. less than a mile north of town -fial property,located on,Tur- “nersburg:road and.Turner av- Njne acres in north,States- It.has:all‘modern outbuildings.« undred and sixty acres into lots.to.suit pur-This is fine residen-)t sale.Holland.| Dec.12. $< More Complaints of Careless Shoot'Biri i aga well-founded complaint,of careless ahiootine in Statesville by boys,and |. ‘The small,noiselessrifle is the favorite for there’is no to.the “but-the balls | from,,these guns are about asi Beate |: limits | ate |Johnston put-protection.to_life and property consi dened,occasionally Pist,186%, boys.who have} guns would shoot their déaddi¢s who lets: a, ‘JOHN 'M,PARKS. NE he "subject,of this sketch,-son ons as if the weapon made a DeBaroke&catinen,.One day dam:tot Leviv andYPi:zah “Davis pied - \:week ‘a ©ball crashed throu zh thie:of oeeer any y oe waa oak |.or:27 n as .reat- window -pane of a residence 1 Doce Tete achool days|ed.on thie farm.; jhe remained on‘the farm unital tite} ng’the “glass.endan gered the hye’loutbreak of the ciyil war.Two com-| the:ball against the glass’.was:the|panies were ‘already:.organized in’ |Concord—-—-Cabarrus:Guards,Nelson; ela.Stough captain,Black:Boys; B.Atwell capial DD Mr:Parks jein-} led the Black.Boys...The companies| lwene ordered to.report.at (now Southport),below. “and ‘left bome -April| arrived ‘there.the 22d'- They were’to guard .the forts at} l éntrance-.of Cape Fear river-——John- Caswell > bWilmingt on, | Pt Look Out for Trouble ‘prisingly.short time by Virol. ‘Watertown,Wis —‘After a-sever Hirely different person,andIam bette jand stronger than I..have been fo tee this testimoriial to be genuine.) ia bottle of ‘Vinol,with the iWie Hall,North Carolina. ‘The after-effects of the Grip are-apt lau, to.be’serious,hut a “normal ‘healthy|his:gunboats:on «the |condition may be restored in-a 6ur-Loss |attack of the Grip my system was in} a,very weakened,nervous and run- down condition..T began taking -Vinol started.on with the very best results,and in a Next fight i short time I:‘began to féel_like an en-|Sepicnvber,’’ years.”Adelaide Gamm.(We guaran-:fence to silence a.battery :We.have never sold in our store such-a valuable strength creator anc |health restorer for the convaléscent,| |the weak and-run-down,as,Vinol;and:; we ask people in this vicinity .to try |W. ‘standing that their money ‘will bé re-|puncan K.-McRae then took turned if it does notad6.all we claim |mend of the brigade. Drugegist,Statesville, ion.Fought in tze*Seven-Days|combat.around Richmond and gain- Fort||alms Were o_tlienmi or permit them|and ‘Fort.’Fisher,| |Other--treeps—_caime-—and_the _Fwen- a ||j 0)he }Golur tin.barracks»boanded up-and | |clothes ;. TALC |nad tbread:.That-was :the rations ‘the entire winter,.No coffee,soup,veg-| (then. ted a great victory.over Gen.MeLal-: .James,river.bses heayy on both sides.Lieut. Gol.‘thomas J.°-Kaison.was killed aj While ca,ring a battery.at..ColdHarbor.:ty |Troops .went,into camp around Richmond until»Se‘ptember and not so heavy. Sharpsburg the 17th.Great jon both sides and Capt. FEATHER BEDS AND PILLOWS PILLOWS FREE ‘ticking,satisfaction guaranteed.AGENTS WANTED. TURNER &CORNWELL, |FeatherDealers, |||| |Mail us $10,for 36-pound Feather Bed 15 land receive 6-pound pair pillows Free.\Freight prepaid.New feathers,best. Charlotte,N.C. |killed..Gol.Iverson then took com- mand.of the brigade and.moved on |towards.Fredericksburg.On:ihe 14t’of:December had a big bat-tie against Gen.Burnsides, crosséd the Rappahannock river;| ilesses .heavy on.both sides.~but DR.P.F.LAUGENOUR, j DENTIST, ClaimsAre Easy.| ‘Anybody Can Make Claims. VALLE «ag0.I *VALLE their go can.8U Ifclaims made quality DAN been put out of business dong flour just-as- ber of housewives who paid ‘tried flour. VALLEY and atjust-as-good flour side by sidé and watch the results. DAN VALLEY is sold by ev-. ery leading: city,~Ask fot DAN VALLEY and accept noother. Y flour would have am still looking fora,ood as DAN Y,and so are a num- od money for an un-The best thingI gest is to put DAN -This ‘is the test. rocer-in your. CW.Local Representative. Boshamer,:Ir, ‘Phone £125 oorof the First Nationat-Bank~Building;w!-he haa been tor 9years.but some recent abishoaore changed the stairway ‘and entrance from th ev,3.|Center street, Still oe the samerooms(5-7-9)on the —— ments,on the second floor of the building,have line of battle.)Company B volur northsideof the vane to the.west side of Confederates gaihtd a-gteat victory |paper:sent ‘them and paid when and Burnsides retreated they.got ready-—if at all. Confe sderates weit mto samp on |ut,praise.be;-cohditions areChristmasDayandwereonpicket[now ‘Teversed.Few.people ask duty until’the vamypai gn opend |for a copy.ofa paper without offer iu the spring.The last of April,|ing-to-pay ahd as few ask that63,“they moved towards’Chan-|the paper be sent them without ellorsville;:1st day..df .May:|paying in advance.They have been formed lite of ‘battle andhad 8ome |brought to realize—some of them ‘skirmishing;that might were’Or-jslowly—-that a newspaper is.“as dered to lay on arms and:be ready }muchia business instituti on .as atomoveat‘moment's notice;-6n igtore or a factory,that its product ‘second:were sodn in -line of bat-|jcosts money and is its’’stock .in tle.and cejild hear the bands’of }tradée”~A néwspaper.is perfectly Gen.Hooker’s men and cheering:willing.to furtish a sample copy Mr.Parks’..command -'was.w.th-|free;but the fellow who wants gree drawn -by order of Gen..Jackson |copies is usually a beat.;He’would- and marched -all day,at doubte-j|n’t think of asking a:merchant with i quick half the time,in order to rear.About sundown fo e-|in Cut Flowers Carnations,: Orchids, aneViolets, 2 ~“Roses, JOHNCG.DYE,M..D. EYE,EAR,NOSE’AND THROAT~4 AND FITTING GLASSES.—a Office in‘Mills ‘Building.: Office hours 9 to 12 a.m.; |Phones:Office am Residence 428. 2,t0 5 p,m., Ete. NORT *PHONES TINNER,H CENTER STREET, SHOP »‘63RESIDENCE2889 Greensboro,N.C. POLK GRAY DRUG C0.,| 'LocalAgents:Mi, i “paneer akta T.“W.FR AZIER,4:Van Lindley Rosser Company, eiteered.and was sent.forward |as ipickets;soon met'the enemy,line of battle advanced’and sogn had them.on.the run;lows light.’ Pushed them until datk and rest- ‘ed that night:“That was the night Gen.Stonewall Jackson:.received jhis death wound.Could hear ..the henemy phopnifig trees.to.form ibreastworks ready for next mora ing.May 3d had a big ‘batile h 'Gen,Hooker;gained another iabat victory;heavy loss on,both sidesNextmovedtewardsProgencke-| |burg again and went into.same ;camp.In June were on the move jfor-the’enemy's country,°crossed |Potiomac river..near Hagerstown, ;Mda.,and jon —to-~Carlisje,Penn. |Camped two days,and on to Gettys- \piirg;there hada great battle of j thn days,-heavy losses on bothdisidéedCompanyRostelevenIilied.land about 18 wounded,including captain and one,lieutenant.Mr. «]Parks was first sergeant and was |wounded in ‘head;nearly all tT|memibens of company “killed were ‘shot’in the head.It is “supposed |this was die to.charging them |wae they were behind a store @.Sergeant Parks was Foe was.taken,to Baltimore, |then to Fort Delaware prison,|--and |a\bad place it was;then to “Potnt Lookout.prison ‘and,exchan ged ; ryland again. erick’City,on Monockacy; towards ~Waghington ,City.were about efght miles from there; wild retreat “i “under cover of} |ried Miss{ter ol Cal FT. shot wit rendered unconscious and cap- back to his comimiand and into Ma- A battle mear Fred: creek, losses not heavy and Confederates gained a victory.They then movedand, had pickets:out;and night gi.i6tl.|wéere--withdirawn;re-crossed the11]Potomne the 17th.On the 18th 1683hadbattl®at Sniggen’s <Gap,- not heavy;19th mornin day an 20th. ’’y i marched all night and reached macadam road ‘between Winchester and Martinsburg.next One o’dlock thattherbattle,the brigadecommandedbyGen.R.nner\For sale by all’"ara iste, Sergeant,Parks acs wounded . lett:“leg. leg cut off |hospital J yard.o'clock he and two.comrades,eachofthelatterwithanarm.cut off,and another wounded in head,were put in a wagon without any,pedding or straw ane nena:to Martinsburg some 15.miles; ‘=‘were put in-box car and taken to}Cumberland,Md.;-stayed that) might; mext moming taken,to4Clayresville,“45 miles,and were in Aol days beforé ‘put’in.a.hospit* al, )was.cut:off until then. |Gut |kept. |water on it day and night.By Oc-' Fed iday.a smal)pieee ef:.beef and’whea |1865, biece jhe ithe: to have Q all would be forgiv-|tb ie Aries ay eu,but “it is usually’‘the’.inmocent Hornedii june,Col.Albert.IWar- wie Ns isonin cofimand.Troops remained me er there “until Juste,“1862,'when |,‘The.Democratic State committee |ithey received orders to report at: lof Massac husetts has.’endorsed Richmond,Va.Arriving there the [Gov.Hoes,of.that State,for the||brigade ‘was:formed "of Fifth,HDemogratle preldentia!somtuation.|Tale Srem ae aed by i ~!Gen,..Garland,of.Virginéa,.and |~AFTER GRIP |placed in Gen.D.‘H.Hill’s divis- Next combat was at jout of the door w:thout loss}as saying Atwell was inerve Was so strong he |thought of jcopy ‘of a ‘la and was captured;.a next.day.The field pen in’Widow.Carter’s night about °9 got there at sumup, a tent there on tbe ground two or Sergeant «Paths’wound,\¥ecely- ing Lo attention from the timeThiedoc- tors found the stidtches;all.out and flesh so,inflamed they could not sew (+up;said they:would have to.) off above.the knee..,Sergeant||\Parks'objected’and told them,ta! close.dt’up with adhesive plaster’) Land wait -a few days."They.kindly’ cous nted,dressed it'°daily and) a constant:dvipping.of"kee. tober he ‘was able to go on crutch ps and was-sent to.Wheeling,W.Va 4th of November was sent’totibus,Ohio,thence.to’Camp prison.tt waa misting rain, ng and ,freezing:as.the pris pomers entered the gate.They were | given one |.blanket.apliece,~put’ dow:ceiling.Three of them slept on;ane,blanket.and sewed ihe. other twa together to.cover?‘with;* that owap.: ret . ho ‘They were “only summer their inhy, wallowe. clad, i very mM gundown,which means they a.egol berth,plenty of air and no consumption ,The fare,a small ce of ‘beef and’corn bread.with the “fran init “one tay;and next: les nor fruit:.The 26th March, they were sent to Baltimore;| to Point.Ldokout ‘and ©‘the latter part of June sent home. ‘Mr./Parks’father”gave hima}of ldnd December,1865,and began to.farm...In,}April,1866, t married Miss L:E.Howie; dgughter of the Widow “Mary How- In ‘Mareh,1881;he moved “to | Statesville!’Wife died December, 1887,and 46th January,1889,mar- S..J.Robinson,dauugh-+ H.Robinson. Company _B,,Gapt.,Parks’compa- ny,had 1387 members enrolled up to July,1864,.Out of that numbersixweretransferred,two:discharg-| %r led on account of age and’four re-|campaign into Marylanu |Srasn ad leaving 125,of whom -52/| at ier onning vas ot |"2?killed or died’in service,43 Tibat‘le company B,Captain’Atw*i,eps ee eas ery riwen through a thicket Peas vise iwere ufterward Killed in battle. euemy had moved up the mountain |cai Fe a Rae SE aaa in an’Open,and it:was silences,4 A.Visitor's Nerve. ‘forit was reported every man wast |A ‘dignified,looking citizen;a ikilled:-As“the enemy was coming jstranger to the offive,,walkef-into in full force,company moyed back |The “Landmark office Monday. jine of hattle Gen,Gafland|morning and asked where.he could eff his 4.under-was shot where.gah acti ee aoe eiFeitpoint False out and he,picked up a copy, “The -loss Was |turned about -and coolly walk d| miuoh.| His | was _allow- 80 “By .your leave.’’ ed to-go ynchallenged. In formet days ‘but few offering.to,pay newspaper;and.as be ple for a few |who |thougiht of paying a subscription in | advance.They ferred a favor thought they if they ordered con-| the } didn’tapples,whom he cl,ga 5; trathe to give himoranges,or any- thing ‘to the value of..a cemt..or a nickel:But a few of.them ‘seem to.think a .néwspape r ig not.only printed ‘for free d°stribution Dub almost -anything offered ‘Just.‘to fi up!’’But ‘this.class,\praise. the Lord,-is growing beautifully hess’with the pee ing years Bible -and ia For the Elgin School.- Corre:sponds nite-of ‘The.Landmark. Statesville,R-6,Jan,1—The Sto- Imy Point coumcil No.188,Jr.O.Ui Ay M.,presented the Elgin schoo!with a beautiful flag.,and Bible Monday,January 1st.Mr.C. B.Webb,of Statesville,a "ae interysting speaker,was the spcak- er for the occasion,and presented the Bibie and flag.Mr.Webb_alse preserved with ability the cardinal principlés of theorder.By”yequret- of the principal,MissJennieHoward, Prof.Teague,of Stony Point,—re- ceived thesBible and-flag and made Some very interesting remarks -con- cerning the use,and.teaching of the ible in:dur schools and the respect and admiration we should ‘have for the stars:and stripes. Appropriate songs were sung by the.school. of the children attdthe neat and tidy appéarance of the sqhool build- ing and grounds reflect much.cred- it on the able corps of teachers— Miss Jennie Howard.principal,Miss Annie’Litthe first assistant, Lena Gray second assistant, .This district recently «‘voted’.A, special ‘tax and has*now a mio tt progressive schiool. nme Gonstipation is thé.scale of many.afl- erable,°Takia Chamberlain’s.Stomach and-Liver.Tablets,Keép:your bowels regular snd:you-will avoid these dis- cases.Far,Bale,by all dealers,-. When puvingy a@ cough médicine |for children,bear in’mind that Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy,-is most effectual for colds,croup and whooping cough the bedding and their|| had fire:from 9:o'clock amy ( ¥eT |Ss.MER 6 adeecceseneenee 900RseReR— 2Office Su Wetcome Worps To WomiN ‘Women who suffer with disorders peculiar to their sex should write to.Dr.Picrce and receive free the. advice of a physician of over 40:years’experience :—~a skilled and Successful specialist in the diseases |of women,Every letter of this sort has the mostcarefulSnesandisregardedassacredty. confidenti Many sensitively modest women write fully to.:Pierce what they would skrink from telling to ‘their local physician.The local physician:is pretty sure to say that’he cannot.do anything - without ‘‘an examination.*”Dr.Pierce holds that --these distasteful examinations are,geenerally need- less,and that no woman,except in’rare cases,should -eubmit to them. Dr;Pierce’s ‘treatment will cure you ‘right iinthe:privacy of your own home.His ***Favori e_Prescription’’_ hundreds“of”thousands,60)some o them the worst of cases.« mh iis the onlymedicine ofits kind that/isthe.product of a regularly graduated physician.The only’one good enough that its makers dare to printits every” ingredient ,on its outside wrapper.There’s no secrecy.It will bear examina-' tion.”No alcohol and.no habit-forming drugs.are found.in it.Some unserup- ulous medicine dealers may offer you a substitute.”Don’t take it.Don’t trifle with your health..Write to World’s Dispensary Medical Association,Dr.R. Vv.eure,President,Buffalo,N..-¥.,—take the advice received,andbe.well. The best preparation on the ‘market for WaA-: TERPROOFING ‘SHOES and all kinds of Jeather goods.Nothingbetter tor HARNESS, Keeps ttheleather soft nos.addstothe life of it ar i wh 4 THE SHOEMAN, pplies, Ledgers,Journals,Day Books;~all rulings.= Cash Books;.one,.two,three and four columns.~Time Books;weekly,two weeks,monthly.Carbon Paper,Typewriter Paper andi Typewriter Ribbon;for all machines.' ‘Pens,Penholders and Erasers.All ron wants can be suppliedin iaticgkede RP.ALLISON'S, BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. conssnsssccesees an s that the editor is glad to put init || Mise ments and disorders ‘that make Hfe mis-+ tPayByC heck. When a farmer.sells his produce.ofany kind to a business man he receives his pay:by acheck..The business man knows this check will come back to him-and be a receipt.If the _business man finds it to his advantage té pay all bills by check,why should not the farmer be equally wise and pay his.bills by check?A check account eliminatesall chances of error and is.an undisputable receipt.A large number ‘of farmers are now banking:with us,but the re are others that should be.Are you one of them?i Merchants &Farmers’Bank on The splendid treaining |' and that it’contains -no harmiful oe {Our Special Leader All Felt Mattress,full size,weight 45 pounds,madeinbeautifularttick.’Guaranteed Sanitary, So m OUR SPECIAL:PRICE 86.75 Crawford-Bunch Furniture Comp’y. vee ‘AND EMBALMERS,» sissies eTees I will sella $300 Piarty-for $150 toteteacherwhowilltraintheir,0 sing ten school songs in ‘Carolina Harmony.’rtificate from ¢com- mittee,stating these songs have ‘been sung by the school will be required..Will also givea $5.00 Guitar *‘to the leader of the ‘‘elas that will‘make the best music ip six school soninsaidbookatthe:next,county singing.|A book willbejoaied:to-cqch school,and.tho words.may DC stingy.from théir tablets,but:‘classes having members ver-school age will be required tosing both rfotes and words. J.'S.Leonard,~Musi¢Dealer, _512 Center Street. e public school . £ t ws mt fee shal x price.3130 “WEST .BROAD STREBT,“SU SCRIPTION seer A ldwyer who ‘prougiht ‘adam!ge uit aghinst.an editor for libel,”in a New York court,was awarded:6 cents damagés.Justice ‘Goff,‘who ‘heard the case,was,indignant,,and, in®getting the verdict |aside he said:a “Atten yearsof praiseworthy ef-;fort to attaim an honorable stand- ‘ing,is a lawyer’s reputation worth only 6 cents?It seems to me the ~Jury dost«sigihit ‘of the issues’\and “was influenced by<a preposseesed4pinionrespectingthelegahpirnofes-" sion which was wholly (irrelevantto~the questions submitted—for -judgment.’ay ‘Being a lawy.et himself,the jade naturally’sympathized with the’ plaintiff,but the jury had a right to the ‘opinion wiiich it.expressed. “We have no means,‘of!estimating ‘the value of the reputation of, “~the’plaimtiff inj:this case)|put:law. aes can be fond,and’editors; ate :“worth eix cents, Now"“Hsten:tothe <Thomas of the Concord Tribune? When.Mr.Cade first annolinced: “to the world that he’had inivent- ed a «typesetting machine|that Would:revolutionize the.‘busi he doubti ng> he said he could produce the mas——~ehitme for$500-~This”was;years ago.At vanious intervals since.that.he t ,thinough the press“that the chine would soon.ns ready,each time 'the price of t ag| ‘chine to the-tra Tas ‘licréasedy _and now.it.is Baid it ‘can*be ‘sold “hee $t:200.°We do not.believe ‘the’machine will ever be put .on the ‘market,.If it has any.virtue| the Mergenvthaler Limotype Comipatiy will offer the stockholders a buif- ficient price for it to induce|\them to sell cut,and ‘if it has no vir; tue nobody wants it. The Tribune man sho Id. try -to-dampen the entHusidsm of ‘the |Statesville .stockholders in the Cade company—by-such pesaimis- “tic remarks.’Appreciating the’Value it:would be to thie Cada éom-Pany to have one-of their machines _in.TheL andmark office,one of.the) ‘qrot Statesvilie stoekholens has’prom-|ised this paper that it shall one .of At) hhave |firet..machines “at a’ price’which means at nock|bot-tom—and in return.therefor |ThisLandmarkishelpingtheStatesvillecontingenthope,Rome was’|notdbuilt'in a day and.it.takes time,incidentally a little money,to per-fect a typesetting machine...GiveUncleBaylisa.fair show and nhaybeallthenewspapers:will:yet’tise upandcallhim’blessed. Guilfond coultty continues 'todemonstratethewisdomofchang-ing county officers from the fee tothe—salary,'system.Since thechangewasmadein’Guilfond andtheofficeof‘county auditor estab-lished,the-~auditor has collected and tumed:into‘the sclool -fundthousandsofdollarsinfines, for-feitures ,étc.,heretofore ‘fost totheschoolfundbecaus, forced thie collection,In short the ||business of Guilifond°county is now~@one ina businessway.“The countyofficérsare.paidliberal salariesbutthereportfor1910.shows ‘that+z cae 4aLerthesalarise.were paid the feesinexcessamountedto$10,395.11. The year 1911 Shows an increase,4s the following from ‘the,GreensboroPatriotoflast)week shows: The finangial statet ent of Guil-ford county,which has just beencompletedbyAuditorAlbbott,andwhichwillbeprintedinthePatriotnext,week,shows that,during thefiscalyearending.December 1,thecountysaved,thaough the abolish-Ment of’tlie old fee system,thieSumof$12,771:92,which,prior totheestablishmentxf.”the Salaryandauditingsystem,would.|haveolone.into thie pockets of:the coun- it a ty officials.all offi¢es anwuntead’té $28,072.72,and the disbursements and aatariesrequired$15,300.80.The.balanceto+e tredited_to the schooloadfundsofthecoutityfollowingmayer: 42;roads,$10,016.50,The savinglastyearwas$10,395.11:showing aflecidedgainforthe.year just clos-‘ed.Gullford-county setand-continues to lead all the other,Counlies of the State.There's no-thing wrong with.Guilford, lynne, and| in.the the.pace All hope.of agreement:betweeneeeof;-the two “housesmengressontheresolution-viding:for election:‘of U =has vanished, e resolution providing To 2stitutionalViitttienssete aned-the conclusien:thiat anTCitWouldbeiuspossibie "eT *report .to:"that etheat.-next:week. ~Armed with a rifle and revolver;@ negro ‘went onFalmouth,iFla.,tantly Killing mortally {woundipg Bey,white men. the ‘wartath Wednesday ye An It is reported from New ‘York i that Geo.Harvey,editor ofoper's Weekly and the stronges(i Vaate ~of Woodrow WillscnoyPresidentthasdropped.Wi Ison. pee ad-fo not| ff:Nobody eh-: The total rece pits from |ton, is [iLeague| Schools,$2,605.- ea ,|pation of |of any-delegate to either State pro- nied States|moves g ad é -aren by -lireet vot of:the peo-ig ee bee oy oe‘The cotiferees on reach~/might a-movenient to makeagree- 18 @xtleat a at Jersey, ira.Albritton -and Alex,‘Demp-|Set :MATTERS OF NEWS. Roth.‘houses of ‘Congress reas- sembled:‘Wednesday.‘ “Percy Vanderoet,‘treasuner |of ‘the New York wholesale .diry.,goods Jhouse of Van Keuren &Thornton Co.,bas confessedto the embezzle-- ment of about 9140,000 and is in jail... hr caster Of—Pyrene;Kyblownup’with dynamite’Tuesday and practically wrecked.:N6 one was itinjured,It is/believed thiat.we-, vevge was the motive. Alfred Tennyson Dickiens,eldest’ gurviving soh of Charles Dickens, the.‘novelist,died Tuesday of acute indigestion at!the Hotel Auton Now. York...He was.in this coumtry ona lecture’tour.He 'was,abouts67’ years old and his home was in1 Mel’ bourne,’Australia.; A bronze statue of the late Dr. Mclver has been placed on theCap- itol-square ,.in Rajéigh-It.will be ‘formally unveiled in,the|spring... The wae cost $7,000,the mioney pete‘Stat by the*schpoll children f{-the State and the friends and admirets of:Dr.MelIver.”| There is no ‘material.change in. conditions in Qhina.The -anmis- tice attempted between,the ‘govern ment and therevolutionisis:has.not been fully observed,Confidence is réviving among the adherents —of the imperial qptirt,it is said,wliile the ‘nevolutioniste-are somewhat diecrurseed:: Catotal coinage of «205;620,273 pieces,valued at $65,790,850,was jexecuted at the United States mints lin the last calendar year.Of this- amount.$56,176,222 was in gold, $6,457,301 in silver and $3,156,726 in minor ecoin.;In.December a to-tal of 9,900,077,pieces valued at $3,836,468 was minted.: Again Mr..Bryan says:“I can- not ~tenceive~ahy-condition that4 would make it possible.forme to consider the question of.my becom- \ing the candidate for the _presiden- tial nomination of the Democratic party /in 1912.”°He has said nee nany timés but”it seems —hard— get the people to ‘accept it: The arrest of Emmett Flood,of Chicago,national organizer.for the American Federation of Labor and the representative of ©President President Gompers,on the charge of conspiracy:to destroy property with acid bombs,was.the principal development of the grand jury’in- vestigation in.progress at©Mus- catine,Ta.rate ; Detective Wm.J.Burns charges former Mayor Charles A.Bookwal- ter;-of Indianapolis,with negli- Bence in-not having prosecuted John J,McNamara two years ago on.evidence in his possession|in- dieating that officials of the Inter-national Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers had ‘caused|©ae explosions In “Imdianapo- lis. ~Rear Adiniral Robley D.Evans, “Righting Bob,’to an admiring na- tion,died suddenly,Wednesday «at his home in Indianapolis,Ind.Acute ‘indigestion ended the ca- reer of one of the most popular of- ficers in the navy..Admiral ‘Evans was born 65 years ‘ago in.Floyd county,Virginia.fe is -survived by his.wife,a,son and two daugh- ers,- Evidence indicating a more wide- spread revolutionary’plot against Mexito than,has heretofore been attributed to the opponents of the Madero administraion has come:to light in the discovery of the sahip-| ment of at least elght car loadsofammunitionand.explosives from -points in Pennsylvania and -New ot to New Otleans within the past 30 days. Authority to-issue bonds ‘to the ambunt of $12,000 for every mile of road was granted the officers of the Elkin &Alleghany railroad ut a ineeting of stockholders and.di- \rectors of the ‘company in Winston {Puesday.Provision for selling the bo.nds--has been-—made,-_..The:nioney, will be used to:pay for the rails and rolling stock now in use and to extend the,line,-.The road has beep competed for a distance -of %miles from Elkin in the direc- oe of Alleghany. ‘The house on Georgetownn avenwe, \Washington City,in which Francis’ Scott.Key;author of the Star Spaiigled ._Banner,Jived,.is to be torn down to make room for a busi- uess biock.-In 1907 the ©Francis Seatt Key.Memorial Association was fornied to raise funds with Vhith oto ~purchase the ty -und preserve rt.Tie purchase price was $13,000 aud the assodia- tien fatled,to raise fhe money,An Effort wil,te mace te hove Con- gress appropriate ie ney tu remove the bride to a park in WasShing- wWirere it —_wih—__t-e—preserved| |for sight-seers,’|} The Progressive.Democratic of Ohio came into being im it Columbus’Tuesday,ata confer- ence -of Démocérats of nearly every county in the State.my of the |conféxees had etitered thegathering with the avowed intention,:of de- élaring against the presidéntial’can- didacy of Gov..Judson Harmon;but ithe executive’s name’was mention- only indirectly ‘and the organi- satisfied itself with the adoption of resolutions unging,©‘the members to work against the choice ornationalnatconvention*who had ocrat,| The ~|launched: ‘National Deriocratic ClubjnNew.York Wednesday tariffreformthaparamount,*issue of the coming presidential oampaign ata largely attended’dinner in its new.club house on Fifth avenue,‘with Gov.Woodrow Wilson;of New as the pringipat speaker. Gévernor ‘Wilson,insisted that.the‘timp had come for the country toitself-free from the burtfens jof the protective tariff,“We areieeffough,we are safe enough in2/0ur prosperity,6ure enough of our\¢fapacity,of our skill and of out|*?|Fesourcefulness ~to 0°this,”heleaid,ue iJ.H.Pitts is president,.; The home of Police Judge John|}, proper- BTATHNNEWS.inet eg Senatgr Bailey,of Texas,—‘willdelivertheannualaddress‘before the State Bar Association”ate its meetingin June..Mhe Bank.of:Gatawba, tawba,began business at Cay sterday.dW, B,.Walker cashier..af>(Dr,Geo.Wim.“Shipp,of Newton, ‘and Miss Bessie ‘May.Reid,of Bal-.rtimore,weremarriedin-“Baltimore Monday,‘They arrived in Newton) Wednesday night.~“The store of the Scogéin Drug }Company,at Louisburg,was burn-, ed Wednesday mérning with éts| contents.|Loss ‘estimated at $4,- 500.with $2,000 insurance,“” David Cornett was killed’|near Sutherland,Ashe county,Ohristmas ‘Day.:Two Cornett.boys,cousins at the deceased;are charged:-with. the killing and aresin jail.. ThieNorth CarolinaRailread Com- pany has declaredthe usual’semi-,annual dividend of 3%per cent,on$400.600.>—The majority of .the stock in the company is owned by the State. 2 The -Citizen ‘says the.police de- partment in Ashéville’made.3,258 arrests last ‘year,an.average —of. almost.nine a ‘day and’the largest number of ‘arrests:in the ‘history of the city.Stk Salisbury.is «making an effort to have ‘the location of Mt.Am@ena Seminary,now at’Mt.Pleasant,: changed to,that town.The Lu- theran Synod mieets in Ghina Grove: on'the 16th to take'action:Tom McCoy,of Asheville, 12 years a deputy ‘collector in:.the intemal 'revenue .service,has re- signed.McCoy for 9 time,operatedinthissectionvoftheStateand for} THE OLD.YEARA}AND THE NEW. Written For The..Landmatk. “Ring out the old,ring in the new, Ring out~true.”- The Old Year,‘freighted with, and sunlight,with success and fail- ure,with crime and,.Christianity, thas)passed to his place.of sepul- ture;and the New,robed j sheen=woven -of-the-ti of whit is seated on the Throne of Time., ~~watched:thle Qld Year as‘ ‘whtnen jin agony,and heard- groans and .bellowings as they echoed ‘through:all the caverns of earth and shook thie giant.hills.~ ‘he bition,and.tearful Melancboly and iffled .Guile,and.Envy,Malice,. the ‘grim,spectral procession ‘that bore him to thé peopled Past,With mockery of moaning,song,they wihelmed :him: surging bea: shrouded-sepulcher© Then out from of the; >Solitude, |ithene came a softer,sweeter music,appear’|.liftedand,dim ‘in the distance, ed.another train bearing inarmstheinfant:Year,Star-eyed Hope and radiant Fancy.“and ‘Youth and Pleasure-and laughing ‘Love,’ hand.in hand with.Joy,and Mirth, hovered on ilken wings above the blooming ~ latest gift to-‘Man,|"See the golden Mornarise;; When the first faint:streaks)‘ap: =spear,.> (Climbing up the dewy.skies To hail the new-born Year." -Cc.FF.Mek,iMormanton:Jan.17 + several.years ago had headquar- térs in Statesville.| Albert Lillard,a business man of Quick,Caswell county,committed suicide Wednesday by shooting him-) ‘self:He ~hadrecentty~-returned-; teome;fromthe State Hospital at.| Morganton,where he had been at ‘ceiving treatnient..It ig announced in the €urrent is-| sue vof.the Presbyterian Standard) 2 that-Rev-Dr.J.R.Bridges,for-|; mer head of the Présbyterian Col- lége of Charlotte,will--have charge| of the Standard pending the pelec- tion of a permianent successor to.tht) tate Dr.Law. ~J:-R.B.Carraway,who wab con-| victed of embezlement at the April term,1910,of Federal court inNewBerneandsentencedtoaterm| of five years in.the,Federal prison |at Atlanta,has been.paroled and} has returned home.It is under- stood.that,he will bé.employed by a local firm jand-will remain |in New Berne.‘Carraway was cashier of.the National Bank at New Berne and was charged with a shortage or yt 00,0007.”? Christmas eS in the Déad Let- ms Office.:Up to December 29th the Dead Let- ter Office had on hand.eT aee 175,000 Christmas post cards whic had accumulatedin two weeks.Thecardseitherlackedsufficientpostage or had.on them mica or tinsel,‘which is a violation of the postal laws. Many employesof the Dead oe Office maintain that the beaaing of the tinseled cards has resulted in their acquiring serious eye trouble.The|* number of pieces.of mailin the Dead) Letter Officeis a record-breaker for| the department.~The normal receipts.of the office ag- gregate about 12,000 pieces of maildaily.Twenty--hundred postal cards! find their way there daily.Chicago received 57,000 unmailable cards; New York was second 'with 40,000,|and Cleveland third with 10,000. as the croupy When given ascoughappears,Chamberlain’s CoughReriedywillwardoffanattackofcroupandpreventalldangeratidcauseofanxiety.Thousands of mothers usetsuegessfully.Sold -by all dealers. soon |Pansing,.Mich. Bargainsi ‘Wenuld Haye Both Taft and La Fol- :letiie\Withdraw.~ A Dispatch,2d, Gov.Chase Osborn:today. ‘Charge of a meeting”or”“prow aSsive: Republicans »that had:gathered to |, hear Senitor Robert M.La\Follette, l'who failed to appear,and delivered an addrese that he had preipa be to introduce the Senator,theréby caus- ing an outburst of.——from some of the audience,who!object- \ed to thie Governor's remarks ie re- ferring to Senator La Follette.,: The Governor said that qs be- itween Taft and La Feollette,he preferred Taft as the-presidientialnominee,but asked both Taft and La Follette to withdraw from the race’and join in ‘nominating for- mer Senator A.J.Beveridge,of In- diana,or former President Roose- veit,‘ When the .Governor “adverselycriticisedsomeofSenatorLaFol- lette’s acts ‘and dubbed.bim ‘ia pok it‘cian who looked out for.himself :Pr marily,persons.in,the audience,}éitled out that Governor:Osborn:hat] no right-to make such reifiarks in: a hall rented by supporters of the Wisconsin Senator. ;“Well,what did you people ex-. pect when you asked “me to pre- side?”replied the Governor e emphasis.“You knew where sicod.Did you think I would sie you to censor my remarks?I am nore sonry.than you tbat the Sen-ator was not here,but I am more than glad to pay fof the .hall if ve ,makes ‘any’difference -'to- .aijmieementetremernermanee ae The Standard Oil Company -an- mounces an advance of 15 points ‘in all grades “of refined oils and an advance of a half cent a gal- jlon for all grades of naptha. Mr.Géo.A.Womble,of Washing- ton (N.C.),and Miss Lola Hol- brook,of Sparta,were married at Sparta Wednesday.rn Do you-know that fully nine.out ofeveryten’cases of rheumatism are sim-Diy rheumatism of the muscles due,tocoldordamp,or chronic rheumatism,and require no internal treatment what-|ever?Apply Chamberlain's LinimentifreelyandseehowquicklyitKivesre-lief.For sale by all dealers. atches you want a GOOD WATC will be glad to show you .kinds. it to your interest.to,at least,see our stoekk: % We have-'more Watches than we want.to earry and to reduce the stock will give special prices,If H we think we can make We - our line:“We hetve all pi? eR.RICKERT &SON,a Jewelers, SOGOSECOSEOCOO EE BIG CUT IN.TN ~500 Pair to Go at Almost gether out of clean,fresh wi sale cost,to clean up while th prices as these:$3.00 Shoes for ‘$2.24 2.25 dite for 1,69. :$1,50 line It will surely.pay you. a,store within itself. i 2.00 }ine for fo What They Will Bring.© In Men’s,Women’s and Children’s Shoes,-collected te. ter weight goods fro our stock.After selling off the past 60 days,we.find lots of: odds and endsin broken sizes which we have thrown out° on aseparate counter and priced at much.under whole-'e sho season iison at rah $2.50 Shoes for _$1.98 1,49 r $1. Have your ‘size.ih somathtng:Woot over this shoe counter.All heavy-weight goods:reducedallthroughourstock.-’Or Shoe department representsOurlinesarefromthebestmanu-pg in the business.This..bad .weather.demands ge dry Shoes to protect you-from célds and pneumonia. e sell this kind and.for less.Truly, +f ;7,: ao Poston -Wasson Co.| Seca a ce cme oe sailing’clouds‘and shimmering stars, his |. Remorse and unrequited Love,were neath dark Oblivion’s| urs and ‘welecom-+' ed with ‘sweetest smilles ‘Bternity’s j took ‘ the’false,ring Ay thie|| laughter and tears,with,shadows i Thwarted Hope,and blighted Am-| «$85 00 Garments Reduced to. 80.00:Garments Reduced to | 27.50 GarmentsReduced to 25 00 Garments Reduced to~ 20.00 Garments Reduced to. 17.50 Garments Reduced to 15.00 Garments Reduced to. x ~All Broadcloth and Serge Suits and.Coats.‘reduced.almost.one- “half.Thesegarments are all this season *s purchase.and you don’t. want to miss them.‘ tof Odd Suits.f We have:about 20 garments,rang- ing in price fromoe 50 to $25.° AllChildren’ss Coats atexactly -HALF PRICE. atest Whit Pine Cough— WITHOUT MORPHINE,|:WILL HELP.YOUR COUGH.25C.LARGE BOTTLEAT T he Polk Gray Drug Co’.s, Drcantintion Specialists. a ‘PHONES 109—410 ON THE “SQUARE GIVE US THE PLEASURE - OF BEING our Druggist for 1912. IN RETURN pe Wewill give you Quality Goods and Quality Service.\Yours to-Please, THE STORE OF QUALITY |ee Drug Co., fs PaaS ONS ‘IMPORTANT TO THOSE Who:Operate Machinery. Old ‘methods of doing things are pradually at} ‘being buried for themore:practical—the mod. a ern.and efficient,way.The way that iis back- ed up by.ability,hofiesty and integrity. TO FIX THINGS PROPERLY IS oun BUSINESS. DOUTHIT BROS.,~Machine Works. Ali the local news and,all SUBSCRIBP FOR i releLANDMARK, news you want to know.BH LANDMARK,ary goat LANDMARK $2 per xem,.the dther that .—a eepy:Get THa)3 |Le «©— THE LANDMARK -PUBLISHED TUESDAY ANDFRIDAY. OFFICE;120°WEST.BROAT STREET.‘ ee ok ee Br ae ‘FRIDAY,‘he Janna f einiresa OF ‘THE PEOPLE. Personal Mention.of the Forks Who ‘Are Coming and Going, My.and “Mrs,C.C.Axleyr‘DAVE | returnedfrom thelr prilat trip: Mr.F.H.Kennedy was,in States.| ville Tuesday em route to the Uni- versity at Chapel Hill}after spend- “ing the holiday.montion at his .home at Houstonvilie. ¢.*"Miss Janie Leonard returned ,Tuesday.from Lexington,whiere) 'phe spent the holidays at the home } «of her,brother-in-law and sister, Rey.and Mrs,8.D.Swaim. “Mrs.J.H.Richardson:and,little gon,Crockett,and:Mr.Ras.Stim- A returned *to Asheville:Wed+ nesdayi.:Mack .Gibson, Master who was “at home for the holidays,‘returned “to Amheville Farm Behoo!Welnee aay.Ro Mise.Iois’Reitzel,wito,spent sev-eral months’with Mrs,A,L:Coble, has returned to her homé near Bur- -lington. Mr.and,Mrs...Simerson,who’were ghente of.Mr..and Mirs."B.<P. Young,have returned to their home .in Davidson county,Mir.Simerson is) a brother of Mrs.Young. ‘Master Wilfred,Younghas ‘retarn- ed to,Churchland High;School.and Master Téddy°Davis fs here.toBpendthe:winter “with his -aunt, Mrs,B.P:Young.: Mr.Arthur:Ramsey,who now, lives in Wilkes county,is.visit-, ing relatives in Statesville.i “Mr.J.W.VanHoy,who was at heme for.the ‘holidays,returned to’ Washington Wednesday.Mr.Van Hoy has!a’position in Washing- ton auf is taking a.special,course in-law while there. Ma rion, rf ations. i fruits:—The—gay—crowd:..was.chape- SATURDAY _ARTERNOON -‘CLUB: New Club Oniganiized to Study Cur- vent Kvents-—Social.Affairs. Misses.Ada Pressly,|Mamie .|Sharpe,Anna Phifer and Mary Cow. jan,Messrs.Oscar Morraioon,‘Gales -\Patterson and /Joia Suynter ats tended a reception given at the home of‘Mr.and Mis.J.P.Hugh- ey,in,Base $Str Monday ae aeof ME.and CMee Neal tended.the reception.‘hall was decorated in ‘red and.green, the parlor.in’white and —green and the dining room in yellow and green.Miss Jessie.Lee Wifher- spoon,of Salisbury,received.in the hall,Miss Mamie Sharpe received in the sitting room and Mr.and| Mrs.Hughey in the.parlor::Mrs. L.A.Morton had:charge of the dining’room,where’Misses.Belle: Sigeloff:and.Reba Falls served @- two-course luncheon.During the evening there was’music by.Miss Stalin gs!;) “On.‘Tuesday “evening,»December} 26th.the young ladies of’the Why Not club.were’at home to ‘sever- al of their boy iniends ata.very. charming child’s ‘party.’The invita- tions,were:unique,pidding eaph guest turn “time*backward and make himself a child again...The armory,in which the affair was giv- en,was’lovely én.its holiday”decor- After each guest had are rived all indulged.in the pileasuae of seeing rach.other as ‘“‘liftie’ ‘girls|)and boys,”and truly,there were somé who looked to be.just entering:their teens.|. The idea of the rarty:was main: tained throughout the whole.eve- ning;childish games being played for quite awhile.Then all were’bid- den to the.Christmas tree,-where there was a favor ‘for each.After- wards came délicious refreshments, consisting ‘of creamt,cake}ieandy ard ironed by,,the mothers.of thie. voung:ladies. Mrs J L Morgan,ofVisititz”her sister,Mre.Mr”J. Ccchran,on’Harréll street. Mrs.L.Pinkus,of Richracnd, is,visiting.in .town. Frank Gibbs,who was at.home »for ‘the holidays,returned yester-day to the Parm School,near Aslpa: ville,:Mre.Oscar’Carison and chidren| have returned from’a vistt-to Mrs. Carlson's people in Kentucky. Mrs.J.C.Deaton:has returned from a visit to Mooresville and Da-| videcn.Miss Elmina Millls‘returns tomor- row to Wilsar’s Mill,Johnston cout ty,where she is teaching.- Mr.E.F,:..MeNeer,.’.of Elkin, arrived yesterday afternoon.tobe with.Mr.and Mis.8:B.Miler a few ‘Gays.-Mrs..McNeer has here ‘several ‘days. Tire Holidays —in York *Instiqute | .Neighbortiood. Correspondence of The Landmark. York’lustitute,Jan.2—-Ohrist mas| passed cff Guiethy.It:was almost} too rainy*and:muddy for Old San- *a to travel.Some of our noone | attended the Christmas trees ‘Sulphur Eprings and Hiddenite. Mr Wis ber iulst \Mrs:R.“b.“Lackey,spent the holidays with her’daughters,Mrs. Carl Deal at Lando,8.C.,and Mrs. 3:&Miller at Huntersyille..Mr.| Grover Murdock,who has Danville,Va.,.for some time,jis.at} home Messts.Ivey and Everett | Lackey aré at home from Georgia. Mr.Marvin Lackey is mia We ‘home tuday from Columbia,“G. Mr. Isaac Sharpe is home Soin ‘Lenoir. Misses |Ada.and Viola Patterson and Mr.Jim Patterson spent’.the“Holidays with their.cousing in Fert Mill,S.G.Mr:and Mrs.J..J.Peal, ‘ot.Okiniivina,are visiting relatives| in this county.They left.here about 11.-veats‘ago .Mr.Deal has _been| back:ence but this is -Mrs..Deal's} first.-visii.Mr.Deal_did not get} here until after his fkther’s death but was in time for the buriat The South Yadkin:Nelephone Co: is mak#:1g some repairs on-its line. Mr.R D.Lackey and@Mr...E.Mi, Trington have“ordered ‘phones. Migs Vera ’Sharpe ententained| kbout 35 of her friends at a pound party Friday,night. _A Litthé Child Dead—ws -of} Scott’s Conmimunfty. Correspondence of The Landmark. Seott's,-Jdn.3—-Scott’s School opened again Tuesday is some sickness in the community ‘>at!this writing. Mr.A;C.Sherrill jen Christ- mas at his home in Newton.Mr.J. ‘F.Murdock returned home Tuesday High after spending Christmas with his} ‘of|daughter,-Mrs.A.L.Sechrest, Charlotte..:A.pound party was aie at ‘the home of Mr.and Mrs.T.H.’Watt.|Cute. t Quite a-large Sane were pres- :ent and all.reported a nice time.Wa sh ington Dispatch. :Teabel,the little daughter off The international tariff.contro- mA ~Mr’and Mrs,Wellington Sides,died ;vers over the quest ion of ‘admit- et Monday and was buried Tuesday af ting wood pulp,and paper into the| et South.River:oe ee +inited States free-of duty.from- i —*sect all countries having treaties.with >Steny Point Ttems,..this nation,,guaranteeing ‘mast.fa- ‘vored nation’'treatment,has been_Corrgspondente of The Landmark-- Stony Point,Jan,4—Mr.James A. Harris,an aged citizen,is critically ill at the home ‘of his son,Mr.H.M ~Harris,near this place. been 4 ” Har-| There} «|the- The Echocetic Book club met with }Mirs.:.C.°V.Henkel Thursday after- |soon of last week-at her home on west Broad’street..The pro- {gramme for the afternoon consisted lot a discussion ‘of current events iby MissLowaCanipbell and reading| |by Miss Campbell and Mrs.*A’dD. } acy apa “The members of the club were glad to greet Mrs.M.R.Ad- ams,Mrs.J.O.Purnell and,Mrs, |Henkel,all of whom had been atb} sent from its’micetings.for some} time.The meeting’was overshad- tewed,however,by a‘deep‘feeling| lof the lose df.one of the club’s| lmost valued’members in the re-| }cent death of Mrs.C.E.“Raynal, | Hearts dice was the game played jat the party given by Ervin,Tomlin- land-Perry—Giiy ‘Tuesday night at | ithe home of Mr.and Mrs.C,|To:niin,on ‘Davie avenue...Miss| |Evalyn”‘Shepherd:won -the first | lprize;.a°box of stationery,end| |the consclation,a picture lawatded James Presely.Punch,| lice creanr and cake were served. Quite -a number of young ppo-| Alex.Lackey and Misspte attended a party given by’Per-cock, Mary Carsep were married Decem--ley,Grier last,Friday night at ol oeal |homie of his parents,Mr.and Mis. H.P»Grier,on Kelly street.Pro-}|gressive games were played for) jemuse ment and |Miss:Scruggs,—of jSouth.Carolina,-won the pr@e,a been in|ip'clure.Followitig the game refresh-)D \Iments.were serv,ed. |Reported For.The Landmark. |New Year’s Day a number of git's |met at the hen;of Miss Lura Guy,jand “organizéd the Saturday After) noon Book club.“The object:of} |this club .is ‘to be B patidey red in-| iforme?ag te events,fentific,po- Flitical and .social ae as they ocs cur,durivg uo year of 1912.With | jthis end fy view the members will come to “each meeting armed with, copies of the current events }_Literary Digest and the States- |¥ille Landmark.Here's Saturday’Afternoon:4teet May-seach« [succeeding New Year find them.as Lenthusiastic “and happy as they °are today LO The San Souci.club met,with Miss} Altie Corpenjng Wednesday.afters| jwoon at her home on.Walnut street:| |The time was given principally to} leintroidery work.A sa ket oa was served.|i Miss Ina’Connelly was at home ito the members of the G.<G.@ sop and other’friends Wednesday.| afternoon at her home on Front} Domino was played and the | |first pftize,a handkerchief;w: |by Miss Maude Nicholson,whilethe| |visitor’s prize,a fancy calendar,was ldwarded Mrs.Jas.M.Connelly,A} isalad course was ser ved. |street. Free Print Paper Controversy in) passed on to the courts by the ad- ministration.The procedure will’be yxped ted and it is expected:that’ mtatrer shorly.will reach.the United States court of cusoms ap- Mr.ne McGhee and daughter,peals. Mrs.Annie Denton,of Hillsboro,Ill.,|.The ‘dtspute revolves about .sec- =tion 2 of.the litite Canadian réci- Se ‘Monroe’Moose.Miss Zula who spent the holidaBafolks,has returne arris, to-Statésville._Miss Lois Sharpe returned tothe State Normal,Greensboro,this-week.Regardless of the mud,tobacco wagons.continuéto pass,heading for Wright the Statesville market.After an absence-of several..,Mr.S.N.Hines and Mr.J.R. »have each moved:back to thisplace.« * ‘be regarded .as aedidént,Thomas Windes,of Chisago, hela (that an policy:ig void when.théreof commits |suicide, are on.a visit to their kinsman,Mr. s with her home Holding ©that suidide-could not’Judge has acolldent.insurance the holder procity agreement——the only:oper- ative part of that propdsed.pact—— which grants -free entry,to Cana- dian wood pulp,print paper and paper board made from wood cut. o “restnicted’’-lands’)or.lands whiere no limitations are imposed up on the exportation of the wood “or its:products.Importers of these commodities from Russia,Germany, Denmark,Norway,Sweden;Austria- Hungary,New Foundland and Fin- land,have claimed free very un- der “most.favored.nation”treat- ment.Most.of these -counrties diplomaticany with °this.)goverh:ment.Their request is deniedam’the courts will ‘decide,\ Prize:Winners,F.H.Miller Res ‘Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. the rain Friday,-December:22d)an |: enthusiastic pouliry show in .Taylorsville.«ae. Simons,of Charlotte,examined” ehickeng.—Everyone.Was Mp riaed, te:Sno there were 6O Many. Asi‘thdChas.Pp. treasurer,aid.Mr.R,LU.Snow as- sistant secretary and treasurer. ‘fifth pullets;first pen, lorsyille, second ‘and second pullet, ‘Hamburg, iT...Crowson |puilets td; isecoud, |Robt the | also “have taken up the:question. LEXANDER “POULTRY. :ceiving Silver Cup—Poultry Ae séciation Organized.. Taylorsville,Jan.2—-In spite of “crowd attended»the. fine}, |Alexander,“There wasSthetiterestthattry f-ciation:was organized)following named officers: Matheson \president; Smathers secretary “with|/ Mr. Rev. andM.7. of the}The following is a list a 4b,prize:‘winners:White Leghorns, F.Davis,Taylorsville,first.,cock, first cockerels,first,second sand J.W:.Fin- cannon,first hen,third ens;‘tae cockerél;second pen,-*.W- Patterson,,Hiddenite,.third cute fourth pullet’;J.W.Morrison,Tay- second ‘hen,fourthhen; Brown ‘Leghorns,W..W;;.Patterson, ‘cotkerel,third:edckerel, first,second,third and.fourth hen,and second pullet;first pen, J.H.Watts,fitet cock,S.C.Camp- bel,‘first ‘cockere!,fourth and fifth pulléet;BuffSingle Comb Leg- horns,J.T.:Elder,first:cockerel, first “hen,second hen;Buff Rose Comb Leghorus,J.T.Elder,first and second hen;.Black ©Minorcas, Miss Lily.Tidball,first hen,first gecond cocker-TO.Bowman,first and thitd—eockerel,fourth.pullet; 1:A.Payne,third,pullet,fourth cockerel;Jeff.Echerd,fifth pullet, S.B.,HD.Lindsey,first cockerel;’W.Ww.Patterson ‘first |) cock,.fifth mullet ;.second pen,A. N..Millsaps,second:cockerel,first, second,third and fourth:pullets, first pen,Barred Rock,.E°C.York,; first pullet,.<second.and third vockerel;second.pen,'W.W.Moose, first:cockerel,third and:fourth pul| el;first ven, k,2 .[lete,R.A,Wilaon,‘secoiest cock,|£Un,from the ather and i fired,, iret:Ken Pe Striking the “boy in the headsecondandfifthpullets;first pen,Killing ‘him’instantl ;) Wet te:Plymouth Rock,T.’H.a0 |emeeteeee ¥: ler:first .-cockerel ,first,.secqn third and fourth,pullets;first pen,WANTED.“a operate”Moving’Bitar Columbian Plymouth,Rock;Dr.:$.|Machine.Good wages after learning.RES: first cockerel,first CENT THEATER.week Silvér Laced Wyandottes, Burke,first.cockerel,first, third and fourth pullets; first pen,gW hite Orpingtons,‘J.C. iHedrick,.Stony Point,first”and lsecond cvockerel,first;second,third, fourth and fifth:pullets;first pen, HH. anbyhernees.-6.B.Mill —CityCio Piour Malling CCo. January 11. Knox Co. Gray Drug Co.-Halt priBowles-Morrison Co,~. Gaither. ture machine.—Crescent Theater.. charge ter. Two Case's’of Fever ine One Home Correspondence of.The*Landmark. Johnson and daughter,Mabel,havereturnedfromavisittoMr.L,E. Johnson,in Steel Creek..Mrs.F:K.eatwalt spent a week with her daugh- daughtar;Cora May,have returnedhomeafterspendingthreeweekswith Mrs..D.‘F.Siinpson. Mooresville;weré called-to the bed- side of their mother,Mrs.J.-L.Cloan-inger,who has typhoid feverin a bad form. Cloaninger,also. dull. roads. this is Leap Year, +huating,when they.‘Bat to wrestling| tices,of New‘Advieblitwementa.Preparation to waterproof shoeser.for business about the 15th.’ Dr.Packard will be atHotelIredell Sale pricescontinued.—The R.M. White Pine -cotigh #yriip.-Polke (price.-eoat sale.—Ramsey- a epeeprices”on”‘watehes!=R:HS ert.&Soa./Facts aboutfire insurance.aa G. “Boy wanted to learn to operate pic-=Will pay cash and nothingis to be-—Fred H.Conger.Building for rent.—Crescent Thea- -Persqral 1s, Troutman,‘R+1,Jan.3—-Mr..A.M. ter Mrs.Arthur Hinshaw,in Yadkin-le.Mrs.J.P.Babington.and Mr.and/Mrs.F.R.‘Young,of Her’:daughtér,Miss Gracetyphoidfever...Christmas passed quietly and very.Plenty of mud and all kinds of ‘Wishalla happy NewYear.‘Girl , In|Trap”Hilh township,Wilkescounty.last,Friday,two little sons of Leonard.Smoot -started.rabbit- over ‘the gun.One boy jerked the Notice to the Public Being desirous of paying:all, |Buff Orp'ngtons,R.L.Snow,first lcockerel,first,fourth and fifth pul- lets:first pen,R;B.Burke,second cockere!second ‘and third pallets; second pen,Rhode Island Red,rose~! i ¢omb,J.W.Sims;Stony Point,first third and fifth ‘cockerel;first and fourth ‘pullets;.first.pen,a C. |Hedrick,Stony ‘Point;second 'and fourth cockerels,second,third.and) fifth pullets;.second pen,Rhode istand Reds;single.comb,P, first cockere],first,sec- id third pullets;first:pen, _Russell,.first cock;second,’ and fifth pullets;third pen, Lindsey,second and third first and third hen,fourth fth vullets;second pem,J.,W. _second.cockerel,C.M.Fin- WwW. ifourth iD, bills promptly,I have decided to pay cash from this date.I appreciate the credit extended} to.my family and myself,butinasmuchassomebillsrecent- sopereghh WaPNTCLLimianante) StehooBi‘oln “eut down:my expenses and put:‘some money in,the bank..ean live on a lot less ifI try.I will start:a bane:account* toda “e :ig Graaine ue oey:a joes Spree AREAS Nahe Menai is A4good thing to have if re ‘lose,your occupation—with money in the--ba you arealwaysindependent.Step.into oe‘bank and °let us talk it over.. Fiirst.National Bank, STATESVILLE,N.OC; (pital $100,000;Surplus and Profits 82,000, :.OFFICERS: -E.'S..PEGRAM,Cashier. eed 5.C.IRVIN,President. wieH.BROWN,View President.JNO,bal GUY,Assistant Cashier. “FACTS ABOUT FIRE INSURANCE. Fire losses_for two.years in the United States would build the he ama Canal,‘They éxceed the total cost of the.Army.arid’Navy of the .United States for the year._They are greater than the annual éxpen- ditures for Pensioris or the annual cost of the United,States’Postal ly received have been exces-sive I feel that whileI am-able to settle up I had better do so. .Please let the bills outstanding come in and donot charge any- thing to my.account.Best wishes to :‘Fred H.Conger Jan.5. fifth cockerel;E.E.Pool, cock;Buntams,R.D.W:>| Teague,first cock,and “se heu;Indian Runmer Duckling, Lindsey;first pen,Dark ‘dian Rupner,L.C.Atwell, idrake,“first,-second,.thind and |} fourth ducks;pence’pen;Light Fawn apd white,.T.Rowland,‘first drake .first,-@econd,-third,| fourth ard fifth ducks;first pen, second peo,Dark Fawn and white | English standard,first drake,duck,first pair;‘Barred ‘Plymouth| anon, fourth Bid | first | Rack,Wilson.Moore,first cockerel.| A silver poultry cup for one year} \for -best bird.in the show of |anybrecd:was awarded,to Mr.T.H.| Miller on first White|Plymouth Rock} |cockerel,;| Social.Affairs ‘a:atool!Spring. |Correspondence of Fhe Landmark. Cool Spring,Jan.3.—Mr.and‘Mrs. \D.P.Sartin gave a party at their) |beautiful home in Cool Spring on Fri-|. day night.About 40 young people | lenjoyed being.present.They were) treated to both vocal and instrumental| music by Mrs.Sartin and Miss'Katie | |Lou Steele.Miss Ada Cahter entertained Satur-| |day evening in honor of her guests,| |Miss Nellie Swaim and brother,Mr.| |Roby Swaim..The feature of the eve-|ining was :a contest,‘A -penny for| as won|your thoughts,”’’in which Mr.Carl |To see alt of his regular Patients and |Holland and Miss Katie Lou Steele | won the:prize,a box of stationery, and the booby,a large stick of candy,{fell to Mr.Ralph ‘Lazenby -and Miss |Margaret Moore ,..All seemed to have a thoroughly good time:*|About 20 young"people were highly||entertained last evéning by Miss Jamie|Atwell at a “‘tacky”’party given at her \homein Cool Spring.An ‘‘age’’.con- itest eee much amusement for)awhile.r.Ralph Lazenby and Miss| Margaret Monte and Mr.Fred Swish- er and Miss Ada Canter tied for therize;andin cutting for it it fell to iss Canter and Mr.Swisher:Then came the fun of voting for the most red one.Miss Jamie Atwell received the ladies’prize,a handker- chiéf,,but presefited it ‘to Miss Ara ‘Lazenby,.who received the next high- est number of votes.The gentleman’sprizefelltoMr-Fred Swisher.Othergeeswereplayedandit-'proved toeone-of the mostenjoyab e eventsoftheholidays. Bible School For Meo.Associations.- Correspondence of The)JLandmark. There will be a réadippg or Bible scheol,for the Briar Greek”‘and Alexander:Associations,beginning January.8th,at Taylor Springs Bap- tist.church,near the Iredell and Wi tkes:new,AL winiSters of both Assoqiations -ane seadenied to.be present,:N..M,FEUTS,.* Seeretary and Treasurer, first || **A Welcome Chance to Those Who Suffer."* Coming to Statesville,N.C.,on ‘THURSDAY,JANUARY:1ith,1912, To stay at Hotel Iredell. Dr.Francis §..Packard, Of Greensboro,N.C, ‘Consultation and Examination Confi- dential,Invited and FREE. ‘eae a Lateananseee such new Cases,as may wish to consult him -Dr.Packard enjoysa state wide re putation, among the profession and the Public of North Carolina,where for more than 25 years he hasdevoted his entire time to the Study.Treatment and -Cure-of Chronic success in his chosen work,that of curing ¢hronic sufferers,Men;Women and Chil- dren.The Patients he has restored to of being Cured are numbered by the Thousands.>He is.a kind,generous, democratic geutleman to meet,of high scholarly attainments,and dignified -per- sonality.Coupled witha Brotherly inter- ‘est,in all who seek his advice.He does not take a Patient for Treatment unless he can foresee a Cure of the Case.“Ihemostcommendablefeatureofhiswork, and one that appeals to the ordinary sick person,is the fact of his charges being so.reasonable and moderate as to make itwithinthereachofeyentheverypoor. At no time do.the charges amount:to more than $7 .00 a month or abont $1.50 a week.®He gives his own medicinesandthereareno-extra Charges.It takehimnevermorethan)from four to six. Manths to Cure a Case’under Treatinent. All Cases,even.those who have:been health by this Brilliant Physician and thewonderfulmethodsheemploys.¢ If you want =meet him and have himexamine;re him,and talk the matter a him,‘It will cost.younothingitisdoes‘not put,you tindertreatment.If he takes your-€ase,it,willcostyon.a very small sum to got well . »Remember the Date nF Diseases.The Doctor has had wonderful|f Health after they had given up all hope), iven Sp 8s,as Incurable or Hopeless,have|fedandrestoredtoperfect/# 1912. Jenning’s,R-2;Jan:2, SOY ARNOLDAi PPI andicome qarlys ;ta;date improvements.NP. Service.Firesin the United States cost over $500 per minute.The way to get lower insurance rate‘is.to have.fewer fires...Defective | stoveflues are responsible-for 13 per cent:6f all fires.The eost of fires each year is one-half tre cost_of all the new buildings erected in the year.The annual per capita fire wastes in the United States ‘is $2.51,in Europe $0.33.Cause:The latter has better construction, lesscarelessness,increased responsibility.Fire losses-in the United States and Canada in 1910 were $234,406,500. We represent the leading Northern,Southern and Foreign Sthebat “nies.You had better let us insure'you today,_Passing round the hat Ito build a house is not'a very pleasant experience after a fire._ ERNEST G.GAITHER,~Statesville,N.C., INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. PHONE.23.i OFFICE NO.1,MILLS |BUILDING.: TOUR Parlor is your pride as a ae :housewife. + eo:Itiis the room into ‘wahioh the.peo-= ple on whom you want to take an impression are shown. \Your pailor should:therefore be! _pretty—and not only pretty.but ae ~~ -best taste—be iin fact the mirrorof: ‘the rest of your home.se ne wn |Statevle,‘Housefutnish :re +SIX-ROOM.cottage vn |s-west Front street.Allup-|WAIT,.Jan.2, ‘FOR RENT.eeitoerTHEAsettFORREN Why NotRebuild Your:Health? A Reconstructive Tonic Known.as WILL DO.IT-GUARANTEED. ;ae,aararpsae arsaNTTy Unswo nave axeserwithowesbeneficialrewulBelieving’it te bee valuable |.remedy,So take pisomure tm quthorising tne eo tanrr oh bee Weatdreoke Blevator Co.Cashier Bank.of ReerttisxtheeetyAmericanTobacco > xo}Og a eukytorian Miaigyer,Charionve G:we Srave)ing.Sareunan. Ooo.ai :.agarnipefeste Oxeradi Go, th Regietex Publishing Oo. .turer,Tobacco &peatHetare |Dealer lp iputy Clerk,torporationCours. aera my.‘ ccbisaxentth hes!baa ALTERAT!jotized,Confedorase Veteran. “Chane Wert BetoreUElng Mgr.Ragiiig Dept;AT.Os). Motnodiet Mingeter.. NOTHING BETTER FOR ‘CHAPPED FACE OR HANDS. 25C..A BOTTLE |ee AY Seeaaomecumsenenens OW.es ‘Hall’s,Drug:Store.| .."PHONE NO.20. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. "Get voureelta!Watch.Little oa big to suit Men,Wo- <-meh,Boys and Girls.Also anythingin’J ewelry. H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler. ‘START SHARES OF BUILDING AND LOANFORYOURCHILDREN. For your children start sharesin our next series,and as- sistthem in making payments of dues,thereby teaching them how to save money..The shares would mature in time to meet expenses of schooling.‘Our 38th series matured on the payment of $82..0n each share.Weare prepared to give you!the benefit of $18 profit on each share,.Our 51st series now open,and sharesbeingsubscribed.We expect ‘to aid our shareholders ‘in building or ne many,homes during the coming year. Start sharés NOW and make prompt applications for a loan, if yout wish to build a home next spring or summer, We alsoissue Prepaid or Paid Up Shares at a cost of$73.50,worth $100 at maturity. For other information call at office.Harrill,FIRST BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. | 1e 1gwwto -Secretary, IT ONLY COSTS YOU $3.00 to $4.00togetthelatest ~$5,000.ANNUAL INSURANCE FOR $5.00. United States Fidelity sel Soares,oat JOHN R.BLAND,President.BALTIMOR:a)SSi cost is only one-fourth of one cent aday per thousand.teva ysa mawithinaelevadingelevatorsihmises)(2)While operated on rail or water linesor routes,by a:co!ASSENg:service;'(3)'Or,ate directly (not inditectly)to suchpublic erase pee =,inst loss of life.limbs,,loss of either i speech and hearing Andpays10 a een.additional sfor Medical,Su:not considering §treetCars and otheryhour;a ging every10 minutes.A;;amaybetoo late."Surplun th pollensover.and town. po cal.and Hospital treatment.Steam ‘Apply today crore within oFon a publicconveyance neh the platform,steps or running-| public conveyances,killa person ev Statesville Realty and Investment Company ping made:-to-have.a poultry:shiow -}be six or THE LAN DMARK| |ERrDAy,~January 6,4912. A SCHOOL FOR—Te Short Course,inao ture,Live |Stock Growing’ansDakeyiiee’Will Bo Held in.Statesville if Faruy ‘ers WillAgreeto Attend:; ‘Correspondence.of The Landmark, -‘The Departments of Agr ylture Jat Raleigh and Washingtdn °will’bold...a_short.course in_apmenibuce.live stock growing and dait¥ing in Statesville.some time «during othe ne part of January or the first ‘February,if ‘enough farmers Pebaitee to attend .the ‘course —0" justify these departments _ih’hold- ing the sessidn.‘The ‘course will include three days’'work in discuss; ing the importance of.betbLer,meth- ods.of agriculture in’general,and jthe best methods of.handling live stock’‘angi o dairy products,and alsq dnelude.poultry.raising.An:ceffort will bé made to.fort poultry clubs for the ‘boys and girls on the farm, along the same:lines.as the boys’ com clubs...The matter-has.not‘been decided,but an,effort is.bie~ in connection.withthe‘short.cours’, “These courses’.have.been ~iheld in:various places over the State have resulted in,.much good to-the: ‘@ j}communities where they have been held,but it is necessary ~to ,have some guarantee from the.farm ors, that:thiey wilt.attend the:sess:ons, 50°farmers (will °promise attend.these meetings the’ course will ‘he given,and I:would like:for the farmers of the coun-. ty to indica'e to me whether they: will do this:.Just send.me a pos- tal,‘stating:that \you -wilt:attend the.sessions,and it will be»sut- ficient.Don't’wait a week to:do this,but do it at’onee.There-wilh eight perscns:who —will take part in the meeting.Now this lis an opportun’ty that has ‘not |’? hitherto:Aspen offored to the fanm- Llars—of-—this-seet ion—and—itis—hoped. they will.take advantage of it. j i.S.MILASAPS, Dept.Agriculture. N:C. ES Ss: Stat esyAte A New ‘\@haris Dina:Beings’‘Ovgun- ized—News of Harmony Commun ty.} Correspondenié of -The handmark, Harmony,Jan.1—Christmas was| jdull on account’-of the:rain.and mud.| |.The health of the,community |is| jvery good except bad.colds.Most| everybody seems .to:be housed up| with a cold, ‘The Christmastrce.and exero's- es atLiberty School were good.Only| a small number of patrons -were| present,as:it rained all-day.‘Mr.I E.W.Campbell gave’the.chilinen| some good advice in his talk.His subject was “A’good’name is:ra.h-| er to be chosen:than great rich|| "Attie L.Reid néad.an inter-esting paper on the history of.Ire- dell county.<A.history.of the| Schiool since its foundation is be-| ing prepared by some of the school. Mr.E,E:.Grant has returned to his school after spending thé holidays with home folks.Mr.Carl| Sharpe returned today,:'to nie| School at Simpson's,(Most:all o thie schools will resume workday.Miss Ethel Jurney.has been.vis- iting at the home of:Mir.and Mrs.| E.J:Stack during theholidays.Mrs. Bessie Collins,of .Troutme i,has Deen visiting at the home of her.| parents,Mr.,and -Mrs.J.M.Cart- wright,for a week or;so. .A number of young people énjoy-| ed a singing ‘Thursady nigiht at} the home of Mr:and Mrs.I.G. |Reid.-Mr:D.-P..Grant taught”a isinging schioolat Winthrop Friday! land Saturday. I:A new "phonie line is being or ganized which will connect with the Olin ee. to-| t4- _Negroes ini Pennsy lvania. |.The’report’of the bureau of in- |dustrial statistics for Pennsylvania |Shows that negroes and negro:or-| |Sanizations have title to real’es {tatein Pennsylvania valued.at*$206,| /000,000 andi assessed’at $13,060;| 1000;in Philadelphia negroes own | {d,080 payveels of real estate subject,| jto taxation,having an:assessed lwaliue of $2 "801,275.In,Pittsburg| they own 648 assessable properties,| With an assessed Value of $1,437,= 000 and a Market value of $2,- ee 000.°.In-other cities the value| of-their.property is from $35,600 to} 1$150,000,There are 359 negro|}churches inthe State valued at)$3,160,267 andthe report shiows-re-| |turns from 890,000 negroes who'are| earning a living in variious capaci-| tie | | |eee |.Doctor Killea ‘Beckuse He Refused| |Liquor ‘Prescription.: ;|.Dr.B.-6.Thornhill,awell-kn own ||\Dhysician and business.man -of.|rthe southern section”pt western| |Virginia,was shot and ‘killed Mon-| jday by Willis'Hatfield,son of.thee,| jnsted feudist,-‘Devil Anse’Hat-|, |field,ip a drug store at Mul-’) \flens,W.’Va. ee occurred. field,it.is said,asked:Dr,|horhhll to issue a prescription for a pint of whiskey.The refuged and when Hatfield used abusive language the pliysician sap- ped him..Hatfield drew a revolver, and fired twe-bullets into Dr. Thornhill’s body.’‘Stepping:’closer, he again:fired two more shots,each taking effect in the head of the prostrate man.:Hatfield at- Romney ta to escape,but was cap tured?**|\ HOW!3 THie> We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- Waru,tol ctiy.cago or Catarrh that eannotbécured‘by {all's Catarrh Gure.F,J.CHHNEY &CO,,:Toledo,0,We,the undersigned,have known.F.ve shetiey for the.last’-15 .years,andbeliéveHimpeectlyhonorable“in.albusinesstransdctionsandfinanciallyabletocarryout(any obligations madebyhisfirm,Walding,Kinnan &Maryin,¢hdlésale Drukgists,Toledo,0.Hall’s Catarrh.Curé is taken internal-ly,acting .directly upon the blood andmucoussurfacesofthesystem.Testimonialssentfree.ast 45c,per bottle,Sold by all Druggistsoo?Hall's Fetnlly Pilla:for:-constipa= De dspace "claims anf pills connected with the)| jroad.work:in.thie cqunty must.be |. Tis"expected on thie™ }work $235 |Heath inishing Co,$10.36, 4ber tle loaninger, |guarding prisaner,$2; lof.John Phillips, i dier,$21. :Winecoff, |prisoner~from |Deitz Drug store, The physician was at-| |tending an injured pe reson when tne’! doctor |- ‘(sore throat.- THE.ENGINEERMUMUSTAPPROVE, Claims Against Road Fund.Must|ne Pend on By.Engineer Fal-lis+-Petition to Discontinue Hott—Bills Ordbred Paid. At thefr meeting Monday the county commissioners Made a per-manent order to thé effect,that all isent to Engineer W.-S./Rallis ‘not Apter.than Saturday before the first Monday of each month,if payment“fis Monday These -bills ‘and claims,if properly approved by Mr.Fallis;do:mot have to -be sworn to before the clerk of the boand of commissiomers and, it is not-necessary for people hav- ing,claims against the road fund to -gomie to.the mieeting”of the commissioners.‘The.-bidls may be miailed to Mr.Fallis and the vouch. er.fot thiel:jayment aciled to the address given:No money will be paid out for work,material,or any| thing:connected withthe ‘roadwork |": Fallis.|,except whien approved by Mir. and bills:must be sent him.ahead |, at the meeting of there ommissrone ‘s | i order that they may be ‘im vesti- gated,.niecessary,) revordi Oe This.is.business. The board considered a petit ton; for the discontinuance of a portion of the -M yoresville-Gherrill’s »Ford road——from :the =point where it, ‘erosses theStatcaville-Be attie’s:Ford road «to where “it,enters the.new macadam road-—wand.it was decided: to hear counter petitions”ut Februr:Ee ary meeting...Claints against the county were audited and ordered enti ‘is follows Chain.Gang—W..C.-Henry, ary as superintndent ate teani,‘hire | $28.87;M/C.‘Dunlap,Lee Leckie, Ww.W.edt guards,$35 each;Ray-) mond’.Shaw,:services as guard, $4.39;"W.©.Morton $10.72,J. Albea $3,A¥ams,Powell &Co:$28.90,Mw P..Alexander &Bro.$5.14, Stimpson:&Steele $134.03,J.lu. epherd $2.90,Poston-Wasson Co. izenb y~Montgomery Hard- $37.75,M.L.Davis $1.50, supplies;°W.H...‘Hartsell, JimTaylor:$26.25,Clyde | $14.37,(R:b..Gwaltney$19.37,Jo.-Bentett $13.75,Gus. Hurts”$7.50,Crockett’:Paris $10,- Ben:Beli $2.50,Floyd Mitchell.$2 Fipps Mitchell $6.25,(Richt ird Hie ks $1.87,°Tumeér Blllett $40,Quince: Reid $7.50,Lee Leckie:$25,Dah iFeimster $13.75,all for hauling;| |H.C,-Gaither,-com,$100.,eo County :_Home—-J.G,Thompson, Keeper,$30;William Sharpe,work,| i$15;Smith &Brown $36.78,BrownBros.$10.25,C,H.Brown "$16.35,8Bagle&Milholl and $7.55,Stan}MILI | ling Co..$7.40,Statesville Housefur-+_Lazenby-Mont-| $6.85,R.S.] ali for Hardware.Co.} Brown $6.50,-all for.supplies;A;| D.Troutman $2.92,.C,H.Brow?! $9.95-for work.t | Jail —C..)G:..Gilbert,$146.30;city efstatesville,lights,| $4.90;“Statesville Housefurnéshin,| 1 0o.,pade for cells,$22.50.rot Miscellaneous——W.M.Smith $17,] | j@omrery |Creedmore Bros.:$9.19,J..C.Sharpe 1 $8.56,‘Boon.Turner $2,all for.lum- city of Statesville, court house,$15:54,Waugh &Bar- ringer,coffin for pauper,$3;J.B. Hager,Grant Compton and J.L. judges:of election,$1} each;.Jas.A.Steele,service.on fi- nance committee,$6;R.P.Allison,| jsuppties,$6.15;Deputy SheriffWard,|for desttoying two distille ries,$40,| B.P>Smith,} register of school-tax election:$4;Branelr McNeél¥,©burial:“#ypense| a Confederate sel-') 50;H.©.Cook,court hiouse| jjJanitor,$30;Sheriff Deaton,ex- pense of conveying Ben Little,es- [¢aped convict,.from’Atlanta to} Statesville,reward,jail fées,etc.,| $62.40;Deputy Sheriff Gilbert,ex-) |pensie of:conveying patient to State} ‘|Hospital,$6.90:city of Statesville,| |county's.portion expense of Billings-; \leyHospitai$80.52;Deputy of--Dayie,for britging| Cooleeme@e,$6.85; drugs,$5.40;W. work at—eourt W.E.Munday,| }pttumbing,$4.35;Dr.A,Campbell,| county physician,$32;Clerk of | Court Hartness,committmient paper to State Hospital,$2, Roxie McLelland; G.Gass & house,50 Co, ‘cents; and :Hovland|Lewis were’mat on the pauper list'| pand Mrs.1.J.Ghristy received $3 |Mrs.D..B.-Moore $2.50,Mrs.Cora Gant $1.50,Martha Norman $1,for be maseearddl relief.rae Bessie in| Goomwe + The —dead iSmith,lthree years jwandered away from in Orange .county on Wed- nesday after Ghinistmas,was found \in..Collins”creek,a mile and a half from her home,by a se@arch-| ‘ing party,composed of University students and oe of the sur- jrounding coumtry...3° Usually this er éek has little wa- ter,except in some deep holes.The recen‘rains dade thie cunrent very swift and the child evidently fell into the:creek on the first night she was.lost.Her body was found Sunday.-i is Smith's Body |Found Ofelek.: Bessie who | her .home | of old;. body~ and:properly.La sal-.|> Wy Ne arteamemesene eircawinswir ester aamewenE eR ecm maeeRseeAF lighis.for) Sheriff | @WarEcrIS trum mneD CAEN 8 éREDUCEDPRICES oF differene--and-newness}E ~that émphasize the:fact ‘that: theyarenew.WEARE SPE-- CIALIZING ALL WOOLSUITSATVALUESFROM ($5.00 UP TO,$16.50.Don’t’ >fail -to:seé Ol?line before "ptirchasing.POSITIVELY_AND ABSOLUTELY THE- BIGGEST VALUES,FOR:_YQUR MONEY.: “LONG BLACK COATS, Chitton Bloadcloth nd Serges at REDUGED Prices... A new:line of WASHA-| BLE WAISTS just.received.» ,Call early before the.sizes are>broken._: HE LADIES FURNISHING STORE. Phone:188.“109 West Broad Street..W.W.WALTON,Manager § .6 ane ae New.Company,New fae y :With the opening of the new company along with the 'New\Year,we wish to thank you for your remarkably generous patronage in the past,and te invite you to in- spect our splendid new stock,whether.you buy or not. “We are glad te welcome you,and feel proud that through so many years you have each season taken our word’on _the value of our merchandise.Trust us once more. Our word is as good as our Bond.The Best Hardware House in Our Town. White-Reid Hardware Co. Statesville Flour MillCompany. Patronize Your Home Industries OUR:FLOUR HAS NO SUPERIOR. Every Bag Guaranteed'Abso- lutely pure,and}guaranteed to give satisfaction. “Crystal - Leading brands:.Palace,” “Cupid” Bring your wheat “Triumph,”and “Monitor.” _to.us for either exchange or for cash.If you want the ‘best,call for ours, ” STATESVILLE FLOUR MILL COMP'Y. A Strong,ProgressiveNationalBank! BEST FOR .BRONOBITIS! Why need any one suffer ori any throat or nose troubles |when all-Misery,-to.banish or\\anteed money back? “The undersigned herewith,rec- ommends HYOMEI to all whio are afflicted with agthima,eatarrh of bronchitis.HYOMBEI was used by my wife for and.I used it for bronchitis.aad “Tt |has given jrelief and.‘perma. nent results and I write thiesefewlinesfortheDenefit:of’all’who are afflicted with the ailments mua above.”Theodore Boehilan,,Trat- fic Manager of thie Concordia Pub- lishing House,Cor,Jefferson,Ave:and Miami st.,Concordia,Kansas, January 2d;-1911.Thé Statesville’‘Drug Co,’and druggists everywhere gell Hyomei.A compllete outfit,in- chiding ‘inhalet,costs $1.00.Extro ASTHMA,©AT:ARRA, soothing,healink HYOMET is guar-|, nonechitis and asthma, \bottles,if needed,60 cents,Just. breitine LF Ne Is an asset of:real worth to any:conimuni: ty,and the opportunity to do’business. »with"such a Bank |should appee’to_a- good businessman.,The oneis seeking your business. Capital ~Surplus and.Profits _$100,000.00,28,000.00 oo ‘Commercial _National Bank, Rk Statesville,N.C., SUBSCRIBP FOR THE LANDMARKTHELANDMARKis$2Lessthan2centsaHhTa a "S “All the local news and all the.othernewsyouwanttoknow,Get ;Tr news you.wat ig “eo oi a ole ;buyer.and tell him. v If you-want something.and don’t_see what you want ask for.it. will bring results:|cesJanuaryisaccountedthedulldnotein.bilabteee:but the dull :season is the — time to put on more steam and dissipate the dullness.—Don’t wait for things to come to you,but go after them. ~~Gall at the office or weet if if roe want to talk business. il BI GIN -Thereis room on the booksfor a few more ao scriber to The.Landmark now begin with the New Year. it and you won ‘t do without the Perer after a trial.| anh } ‘Worth double the money. _THE LANDMARK lias Some Valuable Space Just Now and iti isOffered iin Lots to Suit Customers. |we If you.have something to sell you mist let the Ralple!‘knnase-The average : a -.buyerisn’t a mind reader and he doesn’t know what you have until heis told. ‘He hasn’t time to inquire and i in ieee BuStnns days the seller must seek the A want ad.oe If von.are not a‘sub-You'llnever regret The Landmark prints the news and states the facts as they are.“Fifty cents for three months,$1.00 for six 4 |~months,$2.00 for ayear.‘,{ +f ,|Home Electric Co.| General'Electrical Contractors "."Bstimates Furnished All Kinds Electrical Supplies. |HOME ELECTRIC 00., A.D.COOPER,Manager. a ~ JUST RECEIVED| MW Local Views,All New. Statesville Female College. r ~Statesville Graded School.'Mr.F.:-H.Conger’s Residence. Long’s Sanatorium. Southern.Passenger Station.- ‘Ask to see’the Simplofiller Fountain Pen and Conklin’s Fountain-Pen.|These aretwo best .self-filli ig pens on the market.Carrya full line-of Tablets,Inks\and Pencils.PRINTING._BRADY,-The Printer. 1 The Way Out of It. it the street has left you. high,build an artistic brick wall around:your property. We will show you an ex-| ample.:un a STATESVILLE 1BRICK 00. SLR TIT-.FOR SALE! Businesslot. Tradd or -Hot and’cold,water, bath,etc.; Lots near Graded School. Small north Iredell farm._ Tf you want-tomae em,sellor exchange JOHN M.SHARPE,»"RWAL ESTATE | Washington Dispatch. |habilitate will |mas ithe Broad Street Methodist Church.||| >..Seven-room desirable ‘residence on| THE LANDMARK 1912. FRIDAY,-5,January |Increase in Ohickens,‘Shortage in?) Turkeys and Ducks.| Unless something is done to re-| turkey-growing,thera be no such thing as Christ | oc Thanksgiving turkeys in} United States within ten| years.~ The census bureau has issuedjbulletinshowing.that in 1910 there| were only 3,668,708 turkey opffarng) lin this country,while in 1900 there} tweré 6,594,095;At this.rate the|jturkey will be in the dodo class.by | 11920 There -was ‘ae a ‘reduction of | jabout 50 per cent.in ducks sep the ten years and the number of jgeese dropped considerably./Ohickens “tneneased,~however,the} jtotal for the couitry going from’ |233,566,021 in 1900 to 280,345,133 jin 1910.|TR|¥|)ARE MICROBES IN YOUR SCALP? 'Iq Has Been Proved That — Cause Baldness. |.Professor Unna,of Hamburg,Ger |lmany,and Dr.Sabourand,the lead-| ling ‘French de rhiatologist,-dis- lwovered that a:microbe causes bald-mess “Their theory has.time and again .been amply.verified through research experiments carried onundértheobservation,of eminent scientists..This microbe lodges in the Sebum,which is the natural)hair oil,and when permitted to| flourish it.destroys the hair folli-| cles and in time the pores entirely | cloge,and the scalp gradually:takes| on a shiny appearance..When this} happens there is no hope of the age’f air being revived.I We hive a remiedy -which will,we nonastly believe,remove ,dandruff, exterminate the microbe,promote good circulativn,in the scalp and around the hair ‘roots,tighten and revitalize the hair roots and over- come.baldness,so long as there’is any life left in the hairroots.- ~We back up this statement with owr own.personal guarantee that this remedy called Rexall 93"Hair Tonic.wihl be supplied free of alll gost to the user jf ‘it fails to do- as we state. It wil!frequently help to restore gray and ‘faded hair te its original color,providing lose of color been.caused:by disease;yet it is Tonic -aocomplishea these results by, aiding in making .evwery hair:root, follicle and pigment -gland strong _fand active,and by stimulating a matural ‘flow of coloring,pigment ‘hiroughiout the hiair cells,.-- We exact no obligations or pnom- ises-—wé simply,ask you to.give Rexall “93”Hair Tonio a thorough trfaland if not satisfied,tell us and wé will refund the.money you paid us for it...‘Two-sizes,prices 50 cents and 500.-Remember,you fen obtain it\ih\Statesville only at ur store--The Rexall Store.\-The Statesville DrugCo... |he advocates,Senator ‘La Follette has} in nosensea diye.Rexall /93"Hair | MR.LA FOLLETTE'SRADIOALISM|Governor Reprimaniiad Commissionr ¢Wisconsin Senator Goes a Bow|Lee OF AarepesBeyondExtremistsofthe}|Charlotte Chronicle. Past,Mr.B.J.Watson,:}Commissioner |of “Agriculture for South,Carolina, has received a letter from Govern--| or Blease calculated to keep him! within bounds.The,Governorsaid| toWatson:“In my opinion you were | appointed Commissioner of Agmicul-|ture for Sauth Carolina and not| for the United States,and I would advise:you-as a friend to re- main in the State and quit run-ning apout as you are doing.Ityou¢do\not discontinue this con-|tinual running around the country Baltimore Sun.;In the ratlicalism of _the pidiebas lis far in.advance of any other can- didate_for the presidency:who has. ever announced himself as seeking the nomination of either of the old|parties.When the Chicago Demo- cratic convention of 1896.hinted at ithe vossibility of another ..change in the decision of theSupremeCourtfontheincometaxlaw,this“was com strued into an attack upon that |court and was denounced from pcean I will be compelled to put some to ocean.Now Mr.La Folldtte crit-'one in’:your -place who,will notjicisestheSupremeCourtinterms(neglect the duties thereof.If ‘you, which cannot be misunderstood.He make another trip out ‘of the State |charges that the court has afro without ms permission,an official:|gated powers “not conferred by:the /order declaring your ‘office vacant |constitution;that it has’at once [will be’made and your»successor|created itself into a “‘legislaturé,|appo'nted.”j an inter-State commerce commission,How ‘did Mr.Watson -take ‘this jand3SupremeCourtcombinedin|high-hianded Did he He ‘cringed,manifesto?2 one.’‘hit -back?Not much.i As to the “poles advocated by.he begged pardon and promised toSeaatorLaFollette,in contrast do as the Governor demanded,Wat- with them thé platforms of Mr.'sonthasdonea fink work.for Sauth Bryan and-Mr:Roosevelt seem con-Carolina.«That he should have sub- servative.The platform:of the/niitted to an order not to go bePopulistparty,which nominated’yond the boumds of.the Stale,-on Cottion and Potatoes—Think of It! Wilmington Star. Irish potatoes produced in Scdt-| land are wholesaling.in\New.York at a dollar per bushel,Think of that!When we could have pro-.| duced from $200 to $500 worth “of| fine potatoes on an.acre of land|which produced only,nd to $45) in cotton. ~~ Trains.on.“the.‘Elkin |&.Alleghany. -About 13 miles ‘of the Elkin and Alleghany railroad is about ready,| for business.“The general manager| of the road,Mr.John A.Mills,of|Rale.ch,has filed notice.with the | corporation commission as to | freight rates aud says he hopes to lf. ‘begin operating trains’on the line.about:February.ist.ee BY VIRTUD of the-powers:‘eone| ed by Nathan Morrison,Sarah Mor-rison,Martha Movesnet.,|2b.Mor- rison,Mary Morrison,Walter Mar-rison and Candace sreetaa to theHenkelLiveStockCompanyandby said company.transferred to S.‘J.|Holland,;the undersigned will sell| at public auction,to the ,highest Mr.-Weaver for President‘in |1892,,)penalty of losing hiis job instead of advocated the ownership and o9per-having resigned the place is whut ation of railroads,telegraphs‘and|;uzzleg us. ielephones—by the government.{Watson had bpen active in at- all other respects that platform:tending immigratidn meetings,good|was almost conservative compared roads midetings,‘cotton.congress+ with Mr.La Follette’s..This e¢X-/es and other things:which he evi- tremely,progressive..statesman dently supposed might prove help-goes so far as to advocate govern-ful to .the people of his State.ment regulation of everything|Whether he was right noua be. -—tp’prices of labor,hourg,of €m-showed poor eine ih pe soft “tract of land and running south ployment and compensation of -orig-eee —The Tapamarke }(.{8B poles 10 |8 eRe ie vane inal producers,‘This is radiclaism|;J*|Watts’lime;thence west )\13 ‘poles run mad.‘The fact that there is Pett xia to a stake;thence north 25 poles no warrant in the constitution of Going to Make Devwues Out.off to.a.stake,Ann.Johinson’s line; the United,States for Congress to Towels,)\thience east to the beginning,con- usurp these powers «dees not dis-|\Chicago Dispatch.~~.‘jtaining rie more or less. turb.the Sénator,’“He is:for them|Milady’s next gownsey te etin-:S.J.HOLLAND,saa just.tae sathe,and would charige ple of attainment and it‘will accord|AENKEL LIVE STOCK CO. our form of ‘government,whiich has |well with the household curtailment|si Morten been approved by ‘long trial and|due te the high cost of’living,it]2 B Melaughlin,Att'y.ee: experience,into some untried exper-|was ‘said at the exposition of com-|Vee.23 1911.:a? imeut without pausing a-moment: Mr,La Follette’s speeches seem-|Goods trades.papers. to be attracting great audiences.|The pathiroom,which supplied It.is:possibly natural for him to her bath robe.(otherwise known As| delude himself into the belief that|blanket cloth)coat;now Will fur-|this means popular approval But./nish her dress.And the material in he w'i:find out’his mistake later.|it wiil be Turkish towels.Two or The people of the country.want /thres towels,with-or without the| progress,but they,will not confound)req stripes.and tasseled,ponder, progress with wild and.impossible| theories of.gevernment.|la litthe dab of Itish lace,anIfMr.La Follette aliould 6°/ing here and -there for-an arm to|nominated ‘by the Republican pam| as suits the ‘wearer’s individuality; ty,whieh for!a gdod many years|pigte.. has Neen the conservative party of |A simple slik underskirt,toned |the.country;he will Sind that thet)show off the towel.fringe|lett" people of the United States ane atl 7066 ttome of the skirt,and’Hocialists anid are not yetreadyto nip foene ablark‘costing slightly in emcess of theetReonewanbspe|Overdress,eaiipletes.the costume. trying to,*out-Herod Herod and to to go the limit in appeals to’the .gal+leries.’”‘He will find that.the’=peo-ple will nét respon,to.iich a Tad | ical progra mune. Imniberton’(Rébesonian:=r By«Ba) |Faulk writes from Fairmont that*a ithe othier day\that;he has a cow =mame jthat gives,4 ‘ghilone of milk a dy Ap .aviation event.byWalter .R.land they)get-from this milk °*8 Brookins interested Wilmington:peo.pounds of butter a week,and that ple:Tuesday.Four flights were his cow nae:hing’“Ay ling fashic¢ns on display hene by dry $pen-| come through and:‘thegown is coms}. imani who lives near Fairmont said |’ bidder for cash,at the court “house“door in:Statesville,-N.C.,on, |--MONDAY,JANUARY 22:1912,lat 12 o’clock,m.)the following de- iseribed tract of land in Shilah town |ship,said county;towit::Adjoining the lands of -J.8. |Watts,Albert Johnson and ‘others,and beginning at a stake,the morth-east corner of the Isaac Johnson| yNOTICE TO CREDITORS. ‘Having qualified as ee torof,the estate of Mrs.Hattie L Brown,deceased,I hereby notify all |persons.having claims -against het lestate to present same tome ©on or before the fifth day of De- cember,1912,or the same will be, treated as barred.;A.COOPER,),Adthinistrator.aB.Maughilin,Altt’y. Dec;5,1911.:~WyMachineShop————SS is complete and Iam preparedto do my kind of repair work. “ENGIINE ANAND>BOILER Se.WORK Injectors,|Lu.ings up to 3inohes,et Pumps‘oricators,Oil Caps and Pipe and Shafting.Cc.H.TURNER ‘MORTGAGEB SALE 0OF LAND.| PENCILS| Positively the best assortment f..: of Pencils in the city..|PENS PRINTING <==f (4% We are sure we canmeetyourneedstheretoo.- Moore’s Systems. ‘Non-Leakable -and } Waterman’s Fountain Pens.BLANK BOOKSAllkindsofBoundBlankBooks’and Sheppard’s Loose Leaf ty Statesville Printing Co, ‘Printing and Stationery, 518 South Center Street,Statesville;N.C, Rutng,Paints,Monuments Burrus’Metal Roofing,Gal- vanized Roofing,vanized Shingles with patentlock..Roofing also‘has patent |.f lock._Paint of all colors,turpen- tine,linseed oil.Iam agent for monuments|made by Mecklenburg.Monu-: ment Co.©.Si:HOLLAND. tin ‘and gal- KSewing Machines Repaired i U.LAMPRECHT, 109 East Front‘Street, *Phone 61. Also carry a fall:line ofSteam.Bit. My livery isthe besteqaiidmosttp:to-date in the city.T have i kind ‘of,vehiclenecessaryfor:a.city:livery.|-Horses and mules bought andsold.Have some mules nowonhand..Cash or_time to suit.S. "Phone 3. -Holland.: Day orNight. Mijathe Nici d ‘ in.$450 i midde land.miail wae carried..A LYRGr,);‘\ SSahis Wied DepotStreet.~Dealer inMachinery; THE LAN<DMARK CONSPIRING AGAINST WILSON, 5 oi:.President,Pardonsons British:Subjects Near Wilmington.s Washington Dispatch,24,|resident Taft today commuted “to”‘expiré at once the life—-sen=4“tences of Arthur Adams and*Robert Bawyer,two negro British subjects, convicted at _Wilmington,NOGin1906-of murder on the high~Beas.In a confession befone:1:5. dis)execution,Henry Scottanothér ne‘ +gro,convicted,of and hanged .for .the.same.crime,completely exoner~- ,ated Adams.und Sawyer.\Origthally,Adams’and “Sawyer“were sentenced .to.death,but.this ey .was-commuted by President~Roose-re welt oto.life imptisonment..The Bt ee ‘prisoners’were natives of the Brit- ish West:Indies’and the British ambassador intervened to ~sectine, consideration ior ‘the pleas for:ex- ecutive chamiency.. (#T do not find,’said- 'Taft,in disposing of thie.case,, gins and Sawyer free from fault,and Ido ‘not think that their com.viction in so far’as it has led to the.present imprisonment,|is an injustice;but I do think.that.thie conféssion,of Scott,and the other citcumsbandes are:enoyghi.tio.weliéveithem from active.compitic- ‘tty.in’the murders,and to.justify their-now being freed.’”© ’The,murders.were committed jon the American schooner A.H. Borwind,whose four white officers —-master,engineer,mate and ‘cook ~-and-One negro seaman were.kill ed while the vessel,;a-Sabled ~by stormy weather,was off:the coast of North Carolina,October’10,1905Duringthe.voyage .a..controyersy., arose between the master and.thesailorsover.food and otifer’miat- _ters.“ATtSS the tive mer hastbeen-miur-. ‘dered Adams and Sawyer sweceediedinoverpoweringScott.hey sig-.nalled a passsing -yeese!and—all three were celivered ints ‘eystody at Southport,N.C ARSmM: President W Ee ‘During the trials ot W ‘mington, :i*is said,Seott was very bitter to- Ree wards Adaris and Sawyer and charged them with complicity in the .crimes.Before his executtion,hiow- ever,he made two written _con- fessions,which he eonfirmed,.in a statement on.the:gallows,July _6,1906,assuming full responsibiil- ity.for the murders. The Supreme Court of thie United States gave ‘the lower court opportunity to grant.a new trial! |fiter the confessions,Because of lack of funds the prisoners,”were unable to avail themselves of thisprivilege.-In considéring.a previousapplicationfor\parden for the twemén,the late Soticitor-GeneraliHoytwiscredited.Scott’s ‘confessSiotsunderthebeliefthatthey*Were made in a spirit of bravado.In the present pardon proceedings,which were 4nstitutea OY:He UB,Warner,an Pngi'shman.of NewTork.J.A,Finch,pardon attor-ney of the department of justice,went extensively into the casesandwasconvincedthattheconfes-sions were ‘genuine, :Gitembiend Mayor Takes a ewanofjandWhatHappened.'Greensboro Record.A .Man:may know how to swimandyetnotknowag00dmanythingsconnectedwithit—how todiveandnetgethalfkilled.Forinstance;the other day former May-or Brandt went up to the Y.M.¢.A.to take a wash—presumably ;he Who Murdbred Fivp on Schooner . “Ad- Jfrom .the little:party of:.-clever, designing Senators,led:-by--the-ecal King of West.Virginia,who.has Aa _FRipay,—~January6,1912.Working tio.Disteati aie New Jer-eh soe 'Sey Governor,ADAMSAND SAWYER PARDONED Washington Dispateh to!Chartort® -Obberver.’ee West ‘Virginia,promises to.be this cles of Washington,is here,‘touching wires:fh tha.Senate office ‘puilldi g, the next‘in his private car,confer- ring with the powers th be.in financial and.political New York.If the’boom of,Wood row Wilson is ~puetured those who ‘know inside.politics will give thé multi-millionaire coal baron of West .Virginia credit’for it,UA coterie of conservative Memocrati¢é Senators,aided .by moneyed meni of .the Hast,have.appointed Sena- tor Watsoiito stop.the’progress .of the -Wilson CARA pat for the-DRE: idency.*’ .There haye be:en secret catiters ences in the Senate,office buildingwithinthelastfewweeks.for thie purpose of -blocking the’Wilson boom and Senator Watson ‘was thechieffigure.at thse.meetings.West Virginia.papers controlled. by.Senators Watson’:and:-Chilton, Who are poltticall pals,and’are ad-vocating Senator ‘O’Gorman-for the+ Lemocratic nomination,This.is «another effort :te-encourage thie fa- vorite son movement.“Within”the last three weeks agencies emanating o plenty of sense and millions to sup- port his.eyery move,have been put to WOrk against the New Jersey Governor.‘Associated.with Senas tor W atson are Senator.Chilton’ his own.State,Senator Smith,theDemucraticbossof:Maryland;Sene ator MartinitheDemoératic boss of Virginia,and one’or two other COH- servative Senators.' Early in.the game it was erally understood that this group ef ocwerful men favored “Governor Harmon for the Democratic nonmiina- tion but recently,feeling that the Ohioan could not over xome the Bry- an opposition,it shifted.to.Osear W.Underwood and Champ Clark, the.aomination of either of whom would be satisfactory.’Judging from the ‘frequent conferences held;be-+tween Mr.Underwood:and Mr.Wat- son at the request -of the latter, the Alabamian jooks:better than ar iybody else. gon- OVERMAN -AGAINST ‘THE -BELE. Has Oppesiad Similar Smaller ‘BillsandisRedHot-Against.Sher- wood Pension Bill. Salisbury Post,2d.° Slenator Lee.§.Overman?who has been at home for the holidays,leaves,tonight for Washington to be present at the,2peconvening af Congress'-tomorrow’and to attend the dollar dinner tomorrow night, The Senator was.seen by a-Post nepresentative at.the Southern pas senger station this morning purchas-ing his ticket.to.the:capital city.After exchanging the usual civilitiesMr,Overmat was asked for §abriefinterviewonthe’Sherwoodpensionbill,:4Thequerywasput,“How doyoustandonthebill?”-He said “Il am red hot against it,.You can sayin your paper that I am oppios- ed to it and wili do all I can to defeat it in the Senate.I yot-ed against it last year and will do Washed;‘that is,it is thought he'lso again.1 voted against thie $25,-D.HJBarnhardt,Statesville.$5.35=did—pattly—put he has been some-/000,000,the $60,000,000.ana_the x.ye in oe a‘nae sore ever since~he made the |$76,000,000,pension bill and “you 3,M.Johneon,"Davideon,inaHy,can be assured’I will vote against Ww.W.Kerr,giiardonchaingang,2.16Hewasshowingthehoysand|the $75,000,000 bill.A bil sim-FP ie pies iothershowtodive.He had \made Jilar to this bill was introduced in |o.£McCoy,Statesville:6.75oveattemptandwasnotsatisfied.the last Congress.It was known |Arthur Nesbit,Statesville,oo eeeTakinghiSsplacetear,where the wwa-las the Sulloway bill,but’the pers Jeff Pharr,colored,Statesville,200ter‘was.deepest,he é t pa Arms Pearson.colored,;Statesville,1.50"pest,he prepared him-did not notice it,I-voted -against.|W.x pies we.States:15.25Selfandwas-in the act of turn-|this \bill..‘That was last March.It yore Statesville R.FD5,vaae.somersault ‘wien’his feet:Was a Republican.bill-and no ne widest py g 0_Shipped onthe wet tiling.and In }paid any attention:to it,but.ps |Sohns«aaitmon,StatesvilleR.F.D.,“AAoawent,not.Uke he expected,but |goon ag’the Democrats passed the JohnB Giteon,Statevile ie ee”“®*esv \<Re eat ‘the result being.that |Sherwood bill there -was a big howl.|J."a:Murdock,BatesvilleR.F.D4,1.9718Diethoricandoverfultstemach|1 am.against:this pension Dill,it|Dock Potts,colored,Statesville,5.10hitthewaterbroadside.Every one {lis not:in line with the Democratic|John Steele,colored,StatesvilleR.FD.4,4.96inreachgot,wet.N ie half :Sherly Summers,colored;Statesville,°2.75bh;0 wonder;ha policy of.ecomomy.The Democratic|G.W.Taylor,Statesville.°14.81lewaterinthepoolwassplashed|Congressmen from the North and,4-1.Vaughan,Statesvilié,8.16elaetherewastredmark|West represent a lot of old soldiers ea:T;Wastin Ronee:sieergydownhis“tummy”as ‘red and they had to vote for the-bill |George Weaver,Statesville.297on~goedbed een ae It is jor losd out next time.I do not :DUEJ,P.SUMTER;2 >has not been diving any think the:bill will pass the Sén-|L.W James,Taylorsville,"$7.33Gcmore:In fact;if:hie has been in jate—not -in,the pcouens ‘ferm at Sohn Wealediy,cote tein ti yr.BY r ”.ol eely,ir le,tipegees td recently,lio’one seems to least.;a .George Church.StateavilleR.F.D.6,©8.912an:os a ‘Seren ye yr oun F.D.6,240it@dasemMfi-ra .ui ‘tamper,Ostwa!1,48thensatonewas.Ane atis ae ore _Socialists Before the Public.J,G,James,Statesville’6.67:warm;sincé this the ae.oh Winston-Salem Dispatch,2d.-DUE 8.B.MILLER:3iw.Ww.have been trying it Bay it.hab out oct alist wery of North Cas.Mra WL One sae ‘2 50beentoocookforcomfort.Noézdoupt |Oma with tepresentatives from|win Davis:colored,Statesville,150ofit;the boss man doeg not”pare twelve counties,numbering One|Jim Steele,Statesville,2.00«to heat water for him to splatter hundred delegates,+in conventior DUE S.-M.&H.SHOE CO:{.all _cyer the plate.It ‘ebsts-—too here yesterday,was treated to the |B.W.:Bradfeld,HighPoint,$400tukhiespectacleofR.H.Hodges,a dele-|Bilt Davis,colored,Statesville,£05>hence its coolness.Joe Kecles,colored,Statesville.«.|2:50|a neneendnenes gitte se Beaufort shouting.that.|J.B,Gloer,Statesville 1.60Conti“ee “Socialits will re >Henry Hart,colored,Statesville,1.50ntibuttonsForForeignMissionsthwillrefuse’to,fight in Arthur MeDowell,Statesville,:7190Decrease,©nex}war in which the United|fj Smith,colored,Statesville,©aoe g‘>New York Dispatch,2d.~|States énefiges regardless of wihuiat Bert Summers calcred,Statesville,EBnati3‘one Thompson,color:tatesville,¥1.80,eteGifts to foreign misgions in 191.1 Ww,s wilh.lee Ei the attacking party.|Wirwasne polored,Statesville.24 --1,60viProtestant‘Christians through-|We will let the captiglistsWho caus-DUE SLOAN CLOTHING 00:xMinothenhas:tabulated by the (Cd the war do the ‘fghting ‘for |a p nat.Starontn $8,60MissionaryReview,show a decrease|Uncle Sam,if any fighting,is to]A’L:Bost Statesville 2.75lovertheprecedingyearof$175,-|%€.done,”en Dixon,Statesville,:10.66900..North America’s total approp-|‘The declaration was made by ‘sev-spp Dixon,Statearille,Do ainvray,Tlations.of $12,300,000 was nearly ral delegates that the Socialists a W..Granger,Statesville,\\500halfofthe-grand.total,$25,300,000,|Weuld put out a full ticket in the DUE JOHN A.WHITE:Sreat Britain,gave $9,000,000.State at a convention to’be held |J..W.Allen,Statesville,—\*16 1.80haute,five societies of the world |ths spring.The.opinion.was given |Ror His HenneyMock ville “tohavingthelargestincomesfollow:by some:that the fifth district.|davn Chambers,colored,Statesville,$10+Methodist~Episcopal,headquarters |Would be their main fighting|Cook Smith,Statesvitle,.4,80*in NewYork,$2,200,000;Churesh of STOUN,and J.\-W.Shields-of Guil-Thea Tht pee bun vill 4.00:England,Lota ford said that Bix t M,Wilkerson,Statesville’.190nd,Lohdon,$1,900:000;Preg.|o hat’six housand votes |G mM,Wilkerson,Statesville,’1.50byterian,New York »$1,700 000%Bap.}Would be -cast ,agdinstthe congres-Harvey Young,Statesville,”15,11}:tist,Bostom,$1,100,000-'c PD"|plonal mee of the Det te |rill Cook,Statesville,.£0iti'D0;Congrega~..a NOCTAUS|John Morrison,colored,Statesville,373jonaist,Boston,$1,000 000,hext time,Ae,‘did not!say that '\>DUBW.HL ALLISON:‘{%‘the.Sucialists’tandidate would get |y }1 :B,Cloer,Statesville,$360oesTessDrunkenness,dare Capt those yoteg.-L.R.Carter,of New |©P;Gallagier,Statesville R,B.D.4, -¢10.14¥4 ;pete Orleans,an organizer,also Ppoke.oe TATESVILLE HDw,SHAE CO.:Baa Wiheton BGentihel,1st.————————ee ce inion,Statesville,$10,have tio 7,aniher,Troutinan,y BethieaepennrunningpassengerWocking.“fhe ‘Door.After,Y Ete,J.A:Gallaher:Troutman RB,Die PsPatMorrison,-the years,”satd Capt.Sali sbury Dispatch...5 0.4.‘Warren,Stats 3.88: firstChristmas notitay shahet:aed setting ae fireworksin ee aeaay,Warr 09.metIhavenotcomeincontactwath,hat M8 history sa far as the present.pet L.©,Mullis,Harm 8.89drunk3ynct|Milnistration is-coneerned.The,¢r-"DUR GLB.MORRISON;\;‘en man.”Capt.Morrison be-dinance w 5\;~Neves”that State hibition ts |Dey wea as auger tod Ohristitas Sue Carries Sener $1280aDro!id was ;responsible for this splendid state result is that.diy abused and tihe B.Fri ,Statesville,ta‘of affairs.H c the“board ‘raised the er,Stateaviile,‘1 Slew Of eae cus ie ae went i of ‘fireworks from ‘aa Merchants”As tiirailncondiic|$25 to $500,th €socia 0)tor who was an anti-prohibitionist,Py ne TE Deke n Friends of ‘The Intlevestis Senator Clarence w..nViatian:of 4 Democratic Aldrich of the -Senate.ie‘far bower valuesInhiscalm,cold-blooded.but,per-than you canhaistent,isinessiike™Way,he~has|~other ©‘line.worked.h lf into-the-inner.-cirs}-nade by skilled:pheOne/day he 4. circles>in|” of|. men,with reat care."‘Possess rare beauty.A “printed guarantee goes with“everyring,insuting purchaseragainst’lost stones (exceptdiamonds).Over 2000 de-in.to 8e-¢ "for men,.,..WS women and .children,& From $2 Up 'Call for.Free-Birthday Card. Last Sale F=Barns: Leer authority of a decreeof|the Superior Cotirt of Iredell)county,in the specialproceeding en- tititled W.-C.Wooten,administrator’of W.-H.Aderholdt,W.°H.Cloyd,and others,ex’parte,I will on ae MONDAY;JANUARY 29,1912; at 12o'clock,at the court-house doorinStatesville,re-sell at public auctionfivefarms,namely:No.1;100}acres}No;2,67‘acres;No:3,93}acres;NO.4,1154 acres;|No.5,884 acres.©These five tracts make up the large-|Aderholdt and Cloydfarm,whichhas |been cut up into convenient tracts bythecountysurveyor.In Bethanytownship;3+miles notth of States-ville.The Statesville-Turnersburgmacagamroadrunsthroughthisprop-erty,and the new railroad isincourse of construction within 200 yards of itWell.watered,good—Jand,red:clay subsoil,good bottom land on two tracts:Convenient to church andschool,desirable neighborhood,heal-thy locality,free from malaria.The tracts will be sold separately Maps of these lands can be seerrat the court house,and at W.C.Wooten’shome.Prospective biddérs .are in-vited to look over theland before dayofsale.W.C.Wooten will be glad|to give any information and showpersonsinterestedoverthelands.TERMS:OF-SALE:One-third cashonconfirmationbythecourt,twentydaysaftersale;one-thirdin sixmonths and one-thirdin twelve months,in-terest on deferred payments,with bx Men's Suits and Overcoats Do you‘need a Suit or Overcoat?If 80,we have just theSuitorCoatyouwant.©Step in and look them over.~The'prices will interest you)eee_LADIES’SUITS. Sein about 40 Ladies Suits.to close,$3,00 to $100,~—Tt will pay vou well to look them over. SWE ATERS..Pee a Entire stock of Men’.8,Laden and Misses’Sweatersbeingclosedoutatcost. BASEMEN Te “Still.bie stock of MilEnds,Shoes,Cindatwear Ladies’~Misses?and Children’s Shoes at Prices that.ought tocleanupthisdepartment,rapidly.- MILLIN ERY. ~AllMillinery and Ribbons going at what ‘itwill rig 'W.B.CORSETS. Big stock W.B.Corsets.Best styles,’all lenis,.Prices reduced for ten.days only.None charged.ae |Very respectfully ) THE R.Ms KNOX COMPANY. tte eager ‘an re ys v privilege to purchaser of paying anyinstallmentbeforematurity.Titleretaineduntil]purchase money ‘paid Thisis the last and and final sale.WwW.C.WOOTEN Commissioner,~Statesville,N.C.,R.F:D No.2. J.B,Armfield,Atty.’”Dec.29;1911. a SALE OF OPEN ACCOUNTS. N MONDAY,JANUARY 22,1912,at 12o'clock,noon,the following accounts will hesoldatpublicauctionforcashatthecourthousedoorinStatesville,North Carolina; DUE EVANS HARDWARE co, |TAKING | We find in taking inventory ofstock wewill have many remnantsof piece goods----Flannelettes,Outings,Domestics, Shoes and Ready-to-Wear Garments----which we will offer at sacrifice prices.Watch this space for later announce--ment.Yours very truly, MILLS&z POSTON. — tically prohibits é START RilRIGHT!”jeneeasonseefourNEW SGLETION | tion that you will buy ‘the best groceries and s to profit by the mistakes ‘and failures of the past.Look for Eagle &©Milholland ~‘freshest:vegetables on, the market this.year.oA {We witkhelp you to keep:your resolutions: by keeping the best: us at the same old stand,with... more experience anda larger and . betterstock of hardware,and be -,____assuréd we:will’be.faithful.to2yourwants...-Yours-trly, that can be had"it 6sailine. —GIVE US A retht 41 fW.R.MILLS, Statesville,N.C,| } Fine FarmLands 4 oaleee;for’S aio. ¥City, we e AGEN +FOR HUPMOBILES.” Jan,'2. Lazenby-Montgomery iardvar Co,THE LANDMARK ts $2 per :pea &YesHoy;a news you want.eo eee GetLANDMARK."(he WINTER WEATHER.LIST -LARGE,|POU‘LTRY .Cold,Snow.and Sleet—The '.of Thirty.Years Ago. The folks who haye been \for*an old-fashioned winter,with ine ae ide,snow and sleet, ry *ought to be:satistied withethe pres -_enteondi tons?" ‘\painy spell creat "‘mud and last Genk a ayenane sent the mercury down to about,1 ae /is ‘rather:cool:for, ‘urdaly:night .the first” i :Beasgn'fell;The fall was”light here‘adthd“mnuch of the snow.disappeared | "petore the sunshiné and ene tem- perature of a Sunday.terday morning’sleet:and.sILow be- \@arr’ae ane sleet Aen much ‘May|Hane Anawered the Final ©Within the Week. }“Mrs.Mary ©.ones,widow of the| .temperatures,,i died.yesterday o'clock at‘the hom of her.son-in-|the enthusiasm-ot ‘the ‘promoters ||William WS.,Teague,died Thiursdaand.Ma&.'J.|conlivue-to grow as it has during| Moore,on,north.Center street,the past..threeerfour -days,there| She had beefjin failing’health tor | some time and her:condition. eritigal since Thursday. redalna were taken‘to:Burke county |: this morning on.the 5.50 train and the interment.will,.be.in the family? jburying grounds:at Warhick’s Bap-| 'tist church.‘Mrs.Jones was 80 years; old and was a-native of Burke coun law and daughter, slow “or the .phe |Commerc ial ‘Club.Friday night in iyears ‘old and was the’last member+T hose,teceiving badges -were James |news item-—-NOW,.this hour, nt is;hae:dpke the win | used.to have.. Jones,of Mocreneite. “was talking newer the cold and snowy winter ‘of ageN j [seh ir,Ww.R-Jones,‘who ee be Statesvilte She «>Nag bean.‘nate her children | nd.had been:sare with Mrs.ena it was the winter “of #881-'‘since.laat fall. i whertupon Mr.Jones came to Landmark office and ‘called for the |The Landmark.of*Jeuusry |ed.cay t 4,1881 Bays that on Wednesday - Thursday of *bwetls«bred.fowls in Statesville and by”hef pastor,Rev kM.Simver::lathe of gold and very-attractive,are:oe ’,i é é |-ow other things that could ,hav:Himmediate vicssity-to make.a~-finé||Rey.Ro Lee Davis has sotd-his |presehted by Mr.Morfison iindividu-|le handedIn earlier’just igwholiv-fexhibit,“and *f the’people.of fhe jinterest in -Davis White Sulphur||jally and are rightly very much.avr.)well,?do not nome,under,=eC lark Sullivan ih Ace, previous week 4,1912.a SHOW "IN ‘REBRUARY..CHANGE AT SULPHUR SPRINGS.|eres AT,“SU NDAY “SC HOOL.|DO.IT NOW--DON'T—WATT! |:‘i a :mest {Local |,Poultrymen,Enthusiastic.For Mr.W.J.Davis Has Sold His 'In-|Awards For.Fa ithful Attendance,|If you have something to’go |)the Exhibit —Arete”Form-|terest —Death of Mrs.Teague ete i Mies —Churth ‘News.:if in The Landmark,.aioe it~.ort ed,,i —Tuylorsville News.||.At-.the -yegular preaching serv-send it.or *phone it NOW;don't Monday,Forciay 26th,has been |Correspondénce.of The Landmark,ee hour at the First Associate|]walt.‘|decided on as the date for —Btates-.|Taylorsville;Jamm.’.8—-Mr.Hanaah|laetorin Presbyterian |‘ehtirch Sun-|This’paper:is issued ‘twice-a- |ville’g.first:poulrty show -and if;Oxford ‘Teague,wife ofthe late Mr;|\day morning,Mr,Eugene Morrison,hows and‘three days”are alot+ ‘|superintendent of the Sunday schook)}.Sed to each paper.Hight ath the home of her daughter,}of the church,presented badges|“The work isn’t done in a,day,:Ma's.ie a “Sherrill,in Caldwelts-ty members of.the school.for faith-||a-halfder.or a few,hotire.©oo. need be no:tear as to;the success county here .she-had.gone tO)ful and regular attendance,)as’has|.+f it is a change of|ad.,©mfoftheenterprise.The mmeeting at the'spénd the Winter).Deceased was.86/been”h's eystom -for.some ‘years.new:ad.,am announcement’‘oF the litesest of ti¢é proposed show of the Oxford.family;who”were}Alexander,‘who has heen present at|this moment,is the®time,,not Was Ott-so largely,attended on ac-lamong.the early.settlers of this}i Sunday’sahoo!whe.‘the’roth.‘was later.°count of the short notice’and the |county.and were noted for their|called every Sunday for,&x:-yearss If all the work on this’paperisévereweather,but those im at-|langevity:During’her husband's|Irene.Scrdges,every Sunday.fer ||Cowl be done in a day,half|}tendance,were in’earnest.and:the lifetime.they “lived in Bilendale |five years;Maries Smith,Horace day dr an hour,it.wouldby i | |:-;movement for the show is now on ;bownshi Pp and-since his:death she|and Lee ‘Stikeleather;,Bdear,Powter +sued daily.:tive a good fodting.“The project was thor-Made.her ihome with her son,“Mr,land’John D.Patterson,four years;|Ads.ara accepted up’to *oughly digested at the meeting and Iverson Teague,near Taylorsville:|Misg:Mamie .'Brem-“and Aadréw|last micentend|ee‘to hand tiie ‘was *SLown that an up-todate|Other surviving children,are Mrs.Smith;three years:Blanche:Alex-)“them,‘bat.those who wee hoo5|Show cay be-had at reasonable .ex-;R.F.Tuttle,,of this county,.and jander,Catherine |Pressly and,Bu:|habit to wait pone _bla |pense,atid there js no doubt that Mr.James Teague,of.Texas.The'l gene:Morrison,.Jr.,-two years:Mr.+and give as*much extra trou }the nuinber of entries for the BhOW j funeral and interment were at ‘An-/|J,§.Alexander,Mrs.\Sallie.\Wialk-}aeee or ee thanks: will be surprisingly large..Inquiry jtioch.Baptist church Saturday after-jer,Robért Dettz and William Press-:| has revealed that there are enough noon The services were ‘condu Ty,one -year..The .badges,’Which|ola aneSS anaes ser ae feouuty ‘eer erally will join in the Springs Hotel.and Davis’Roller|preciated by=those receiving.them.’|‘head ve ews.*|moveimnent and make entries for ‘the|Mill té:his brother,Mr:W.J.Da |While the record of ah,thé win-|h of lt ‘ptctocke |show ibe event will’b avery arene vis,Mr.Barl Davis and:-Dr,‘Leep-\ners of badges.is very creditable;|seemeereeenenerers a GETTINjafteraweek's Niaost ot“pneumonia,litable ‘one.Kverybody ixinvited-t }er,Mr.W.J.Davis’son and son;ithat of James Alexandeér,son of Mr.|BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL.NEws.December”ner“30, -thérmometersoe;tered as.low ae rs)degrees:below ont Merionremains were burted.yesterday |te“nd”velp?-and influence’to bua lin law,for $15,000.jand Mrs.M.P.Alexander,is'worthy} town-|nove ment,:-which will (without aii:"Mr,"Ton W.Watts,formerly oflof special mention...James started|—The SHOW BE.for-eléighing. the Davis’placewas21below,at Col _MeHarsue was years oki}poultry “industry inthe county,an/in Virginia for séverdl years,is vis-'|jold and hé has not:failéd.to be in sent evening.. }doubt prove of great benefit to the |th 8 county,but who has been living |to Sunday:schovt when:five years |and thesletgihe and sleds were on 4 town-|industry which’is proving very/prof-iting relatives:in the county Messrs.|hik place for Six years.‘On one:oc-|—Good middling cotton brought $ oh little,over a eae ago he /itable and.should beencouraged.David.Burgessand David Chapman,|eas on.he was’sick but ‘he had ‘his cents the pound on the ‘Statesville moved to Sti ven rom the counr| ice in States-|try and:the'|/store was frozen over, 5.-inches thick fa foot'and-a half deep j falreetifor a farm in.the At the meeting Friday -night Mr.|Zof Lilinois,are visiiting.-relatives in |fathér bundle dfim up and carry him}market yesterday. a }W ‘B,Brown.was flected president‘the county:°This is:Mr.Burgess’|to Sunday school.:|License has been issued for:the! ‘and Mr.B:L..Sronce secretray and|first visit since he went to Ilhinois ::'}marriage of Miss Julia Neill‘and treasurer’of the,proposed Poultry|15 years ago.His ‘sister;Miss Mar-|At the First Presbyterian -Sun-!ar.Lonnie Stewart Kerr.| +Association,which will have charge |tha Burgess,who lives about four|day.school Sunday Barbara Deal |A week:ago today the ‘three yigul-4of the Shows from year to year,/miles from .here,iscritically:fll.(and Rosamond Olark were awarded |hanks.of the’town received a totalmerrecords, is survived by pi s/n ‘session.|¥! Street Work to Be Suspended U sil Spring—BilliAgsiey Hospital. of the board of aldermen were pres-|°°"and LaFayette ent atthe regular monthly i »board Fridat night, Mrs.Mary C. +late’Thos.F.“Watts:died Sun- night aa her home jiarematter.un-petition ||towhship, various conoid aski ng that|lot Statesville. to better the’buried .consix geatioe The.remains will besomethingbedone: condition of the gtreet.in.the vicin-~| ity of the railway station,where the| mud has.been almost impassable for |and is ‘aarvivod by four sons ..two..'weeks..The mere.oe to}|three daughters,viz. relieye the Bituation tleniporary work with on or grav-| it having been decided to hold)|Mre up permanent street work til next} Spring and reduce.the street.forces cies When the work |with their mother dnd all!theontheconeretesidewalksonCen:/dren were present when she di ea.-~ter street between the square and. is completed work will be done until spring. The Billingsley Hospital rup and the board of the hospital|diedSunday rooms |from pneumon a. his bed justa Ini 8 condition had ee eal since imorning at 11 o'clock. Watts was 70 years Messrs.Robt. Mra “Hunt Smith, of Hunters- and Miss ‘Maggie during the winter. |Mr.Clarence Moore,a young man|_bwho had made his home mattet family of.Mr.A.R.Réece, instructed [Spring.township,since a small boy, morning,death resulting to refurnish all He had been con- doctors renkoveria board ordered:that| nothing else shall’be remove d from |New Hope BaptistMe hurch and‘the hospital..|funeral service and tuberment >asking ‘that an heh:water.‘pipe “be | run from Stockton y his mother and one broth- “distance of about 200 feet, iThursday night -< a at Morganton, inmate about Phe remains were sent,to his Tor |mer-home in Concord Friday the funeral and interment |took enn there Saturday afternoon jat 2-o'cloc k.} néction,Was granted .‘Chairman Cooper,of.the electricght,Sonate.reported that Rey= placed and others will be early ag’possible ‘ All bills propewhy ordered,paid. Miss Kurfecs Mareted in Wahsings |jiatly a pyroned were ,48 he was famil- to his.friendswasanativeoftredell- land Was 58:yeah old.Up to about Last Wednesde iy ¢;20 years ago he had lived all.~Fimes contained Since.then .he had lived in Concord died two years ago last not strotig then and Siatesville Peome: *Turner Kurfees,daughter of 4 cit- of Statesville,hf ::For some time it known that.his case W had for many been an ‘active oe of:the Desa applied.'to.Maj. Jchn T.Smalley,head of.the home for an opportunity to do; church,Concord.~He was a good man,an honest,conscientious man, apd a good ci Surviving are Major:eee found were mirried by the‘Rev.r W. 509 Third street,seven children— and two.daughters—the. whieh they have been |}Ungest being a boy of ten. engaged*the past three years:Ma- jor Pers first wife died a year She -also hiad in his “work as an ‘offi-, cer of the Salvation Army.’? Miss eee the work in i,Grose died Wednesday township,-aged about 60 years,and wias buried at peniyaprinee ees isa”predeorel about two waeks prior to-his aneth:They.”‘had no children. -Statesvilic (jotton on Sto:ckholder(s Mr.Sétiripeon Buys Interest in,the White-Reid Co.The Stovkliciders.of .the ;‘ ville Cotton 3Minl were in annual ses ||Louisburg,has’boug interest in’‘afternoooncin es B ught an int Mi‘the White-Reid _Hardware ‘Company actively connected 8 of.the compa~board of ditectors and-officers were eee at hoo _Te-elected -“for another year,one dir '|spent thee holdage with Mrs.‘Btimp- son's’parents,Mr. ave gone tis Louisburg pack ‘thatr household”goods and will oti to-Statostit! Stimpson .itl retain Be ‘of his business in Lotitsburg:bit.will give his 4 to his Statesville -busness..| ,Iredell man and.Mrs. aback is a Statesyille ‘lady an ey will be welcomed ds.residents For a time they will he with Mr.and Mrs. T.D2.M!Her,Shermili,Wm,ve,Laugendur,-Capt._J.._W.—-Copeland,- E..Wilkins .assist- rh secretary and treasurer and Mr} “R:French superintendent, ai ‘made no-money the past Year, but ere are now aNencour- ;{* National Ginsieiw’»ASSO-, sintion:reports that 14,371,000:bale nned to Januaryhisnumber980,000 bales wereginnedinNorthCarolina. treas rer,‘Mr.C; of cotton were Wihite-Retd Company,“may.‘focate din ae where:he has geet:‘in fand..tHese:-gentlemén are,now at}Mr..and-Mrs.H.T.Kelly and chil:|Bibles as prizes':for.reeiting the|aa 99 O87 'work arranging for the first show.|drén,spent.Sunday.with Mr.Kelly's|largest.number.of verges)of Serip-|Copomite for that gay of 624,98T:0~ )They with others are soliciting sub-|mother,Mrs:M.,.E.Kelly,in Salis-ture.The former had committed ‘to|“Mr.J.Rock ,OEE:non |scriptions to a fund to finance the ibury..Mr.Chas.P.Matheson spent |memory 807 Verses-and)the latter.bought an interest in the pushes jwuterprise and so far the response||Saturday in Charlotte.Mr.-T.C.|783:The’Bibles were given.by Mr.he le:business of Mr:W.W:Foushee : has been very gratifying.The list|Alspaugh “has returned “hetie “from “R.H.Rickert,who presented them:yous will be associated with ”Mr.;of those.whe expect to ‘become mer |McColj,S:©Mr:Alspaugh and|Four pupils,“Sara and Virginia|Foughse in the conduct of thestore, bers of the \Poultr Association,|Mr'Lem.Hafer,of {his county,Steele,Ada Belle Barringer and|.——“Bil"’Holtshouser and Low which inéludes the membership feet were running a 'parage’\in MeCotl,|Lessesne Allison were also awarded.)Reavis,young white men,were tax- calls .for-a subscription”of~$2.50,iMr.Als‘paugh Has sold his inter-|Bibles‘for reciting the Shorter Cat-|ed a penny and-the cost in Justice and this kist is beihg largely .pifn-jest to..Mr.’Hafer,who.will cont!n-q echism,these Bibles being given by |ing’s court Saturday for beating’ ed.Merchants,.business men andjue the business there.ithe Presbyterian committeé,of pub-|a ride on the switch engine at the others are asked to offer prizes |The first snow:of the season.fell |lication.|depot:and several.have already.expriess-Saturday night.It was ‘about.Saree Two ‘boys in the primary:deol Mr.H.ns Morrison,of Shilohedtheirwillngnesstomakedona-|ine shes deep.Sunday was fair:and|partment,Allan.McDougald and township,-whb recently sold’his tions.::j}eome warmer but:it is snoWwite this |Macon Simons,and one teacher:in |farm to Mr.D.0.Bost,has bought The idea is.to rent a .vacant!mornthg.‘that departthent,Miss Marguret Tur-|a farm in,the vicinity of “Chase storeroom for the show,It is pre i ner,were given prizes by Mr.J.A.|City,Va:,and expects jo move hisablethat-coops willbe rented fromi?Killed White Steinttnde on Sunday?|Brady,the superintendent’of the |family there this week. a’poultry association in,another }Correspondence of The Landmark..|Sunday &chool,;for perfect atterd-|——Prime Grakam,a Aaweo casiviel,ae soe Pea ae ae ice Taylorsville,.Jan.8—-Néws..‘has+@nce the past Cen wae ae were |who was serving a Tae ane je.wnat Dy anoo a Ae |egy s ;Nal i given pins .an iss Turner @'\term onthe chain gang for assault cal asSociatiqn will be better able ay fone ne oe a ne |book.;with a deadly weapon,escaped fromtobirycoopsenttoLoganFox,‘of Cataw af the camp,Saturday‘night.He lacked Another:meeting in.the interest }county’The information is that |The board of “stewards of Broad a Httle tore than a,month of serv- viet “e pee ae eg apt itn!Fox was out hunting Sunday,was oe ae pea will meet |ing his time.:re clu room nig an ay *BG.a Lae joo|tomorrow night after prayermeeting ae A b 97body.interested ig invited.to attend.eroaaing a stream on a foot-log Preachiiig dtet.Michael’s:church,op eet eae oFiD at Pt eile ae h when,his.gun-was,discharged;the |Tyoutman,Saturday at 11 -o'clock.*rohed se ce "0 A Be ers,whoLotHis’Money But Camé Through |),eteikiic:<Hi i in-~{C at.eens Nid GAUEASr OF Bi.Hy As:BOW STO,load striking and kitling him.in-}Council meeting.inthe afternoon.formerly lived in Statesville,wasAllRight.‘‘.;:Stintly.-Fox was a‘young’man ;|Communion services Sunda :ves ,: .The following special from Chat-!ae ”me 5 saben id os :married to Mr.Jas.W.Lehman,of tanooga,‘datet=the 6th,appeared ‘in /424 leaves a family.Details of the isu MMARY OF BRITT'S REPORT.|C08S_Hill,8.C.The inarriage cer- Sunday’8 Charlotte Observer:tragedy could not ‘be learied here}cama “i /emony was performed sat the ‘home “Application fora ticket to States-|today para)EG |The Third Assistant -Postmaster |©f Mr,Sowers.:ville,N.C.;was made at the .as-| A“tater report says that Fox lived General Recommends:Mereage in}—Mr.Grover €,Gritcher,has sociated,charities today ‘by a man},.eke Second Class Rates.moved*his cabinet and -picture busi-giving his name as T.E..Holcomb,in the Catfish‘néighborhood,«iat Ce Washington Dispatch.-ans :ness from 512 Center street to the \Jr.,who was atcompahied by his tawba county,atid is a son of Da-Adequate,postage ratés-Are:dis building rear the Polk Gray “Drug wife,they havitig recently married vvid Fox of that-county,He .was{cussed -at length in the annual re-eer oe a,eee ak in.Indidna.and on‘their way to Vi8~|rapbir-hunting and slipped from —ajport of thé Third Assi stant ©Post:|288-coccup eee Oe ititthegroom’s father,.T>F..Hol-owes -te sins itt beitt,ver,|e Vacated by Mr.Critcher,-wiaieee*‘flog.The hammer of his gun stfuck|Master General Britt.Mr.Britt rec-comb,Sry,at Elkin,N’C.The man}©¢a iis.|OMmends a flat increase ‘of one now use the entire room for his mu-claimed that his pocketbook, con-,the log ‘and .the weapon whs .dis-cent.a pound”for newspapers-aaa sic business,” taining about $400,had:been stolen.|charged,the contents lodging it|periodicals,in’connection with |-his|_---At the meeting of the county His wife had a ticket ‘to Statesville.his pody and causing instant death.|cons‘deration’df second-class:rates.farmers’Union Saturday W.B.Gib-A telegrdm has,been:sent to the |He also,;freeonimends that “postage |S0n—was-elected—president,--C..-_M- address of Holcomb’s fatter,telling Richeson,Couthebies He is Guilty.of |stamps be issued-to United States |Wagner vice president,Rev.J.P.him of his son’s’predicament:—A¢e Murder,"|Senators,Representatives’and ex-|Hipps .chaplain,C.F.Sain'door-tion,will depend on the answer.’—Ret.C.V.T.'Richeson,who .was |@cutive officials of the government,|keeper,T.J.Murdoch conductor.Mr.and Mrs.Holcomb:arrived in a hy iustead of permitting 1 J.M.Robeson,W.CG.Wooten,F.T.in rrested in Boston last fall,charged |imstead of permitting the use of the ‘Statesville Sunday and went from with the murder of his.former |COngressional frank and penalty.en-|Meacham,J..M.Sharpe and P.M. here to the home of.the groom i sweetheart,Avis Linnell,and -who velope,as at present.©.,Cline compose the executive com~ Yadkin county.+The sum of money |ha.gince been ii jail ini.Boston,The report shows.that at:the |Mittee.ees 2Mr,Holcomb lost was $45,notin.confessed his guilt.close of the:last figeal year ante _—Mr.J.S..Butler,who has been $400.It was not learned how eS Misg Linnell was found.dead in |Rewspapers dnd magazines ‘were ad-{managing the Sentinel for someraisedaJewsupplybutitisSUD},Loom of theYoyngWoeman’s Chris-|mitted to second-class mail privi-|m@nths,retired from the paper last: posed he Secured s joan._:;tian.Association and it was found |leges.-It is pointed out that good |week and has left town.Mr.J.A.” Change in Federal Offices.that the girk-had been ruined and |feeling and ,co-operation now.exists|Hartness,-who owns the paper,has.;that her ‘death-was due.to poison.php hl ee department.and publish-|leased ‘'to Mr.R.B.Bh esto te ft was,also.found that.Richeson,}@fs;due to-the removal of.many bur-|Brevard,who is expecte rere Ss et rt he ed who had been engaged to the young densome requirements,the effect:|week.Mr.Wilson has been editian:| Fed i gove inl +alh|Woman,had bought:poison similar being to..relieve the department.ne ro News.at Brevard.‘He is a Lhe -Poet meeplating ith |t0.that which caused the death of |Unnecessary’work and the publish-7 brother-in-law of Rey.C.Ey Raynal,© bureaus:utider’the classified —civil Test Rieheson was about to marry ’ts pining to ‘the.riumber |—Dr.Head:Anderson has sold his BOrViOd “1k recommended by.the another young woman,.whd isg_an |°2,75,000,000 were sold .last }dental office and business to Dr. ta heiress,and:the girl and.her |year,the receipts amounting -'to'|,N.Lawrence,a graduate of ‘thecommissiononeconormyandefficien-.}$226;469,OO).Under e .versity o::wealthy.fat r ha ve stood.t y im 3 the.new.con-|U it f Mat ¥.and,Dental.De-ty now in possession of President alt}he .:him ni i *1 Wi ashington Dispatch. Taft.If the civil service recommen loyally.cat pi the prices ot stainped envel-|partment,and’a classmate of Dr.” dation is carried out it will’have A few weeks ago.Richeson muti-ee were reduced,effecting \a oan Since graduating Dr.;, thé effect of taking nearly all Fed-lated himself in,such manner «that /S$4V'f®to.the public of more thdn Lawrence has been associated with| =Beery.8 his condition was serious for a $100,000 annually,:Dr.Chas.W::>Reagan,of Laurin-eral offices out of ‘politics’:and remove from the leaders their pres- ent ‘great control of politicad -organi- ,#ations.held through patronage.j It is ‘the purpose of.the President time,Ii a signed statement.hé{More than 85,000,000 money or-|burg,and comes to Statesville Says he is moved-to nmiake the con-|ders,ageregating $687,715,644,were highly recommended.Dr.,,Andersonfession.to relieve his mind ,and in |!ssted and paid duringthe year,|hasn't announced his plans,but, ‘the hope of;obtaining pardon from /4t’-a_loss of.less than,$2,000"will remain with Dr.Lawrence for to.send the:report to:the Senate |GOd,an ‘notin theshope of obtain-Wake errors.Recommendation is the oe i aiuas Ri,‘Ci alle ein leney.-from the law..In_view matie that authority be given.to i ae acEoemeeetebya*message giving |oe the onfessian it is doubtful if|the Postmaster General to fix fees}."Strike “Affects Congiess. ion MO.he reqSmaniert-the dedth penalty will be inflicted.for the issuance of domestic mon-_For.the first.time in the history ‘ee Ba Richesdn is a native of'Virginia.five conte on noth eee ee of the government @ labor strike ony.Point Items.;He was a’Baptist minister -in good ‘Hos:held up the-machinery of congires- Correspondence of The Landmark.andi regular’standing at.the time|',The.total umber of -re a fo 'pe ‘Stony Pot,Jens 8—Mr No OP.of his arrest.\\,-os packages “handled was 42,776,459;Ss ‘onal legislation Monday..’The » Stout had engaged a ‘large hog.in p wees +the fees received ‘ampuonting ~to House”committees’stenographers theBarium otphanage*and last:week ‘Transfers of Revenue Officers.$3,864,319...The Treasury:Depart-refused °to work because thie aes. he Killed and shipped it,but when |Wilkesboro Patriot,DiOte.,SORE.OF FeTIved 108t880)cunts committed,redueed,{heir com-it:r€ached ‘there they claimed...it| Deputy-Collectors,J.T.Shepa|Packages,aepregeine in vale +9:t 5showedsignsoftaintandshipped|/herd and §..°@:Webster,who 002,215,452.Mr,Britt recommends pensation from’2b'to.1 cents a fo-it:back.‘The weather.being’damp fdve:.been located :here.‘for some ‘the,increase of indemnity:for’lost lio.’The .sugar trust iivestigating - when the hog was .jilled and’.deliv-|time,havé=been transferred ‘to registered articles of the,first class committee had ‘to adjourn -until ered,its bulk,held the animal heat |Winston and Boaijoke,respective-to $100 and urges that,ook today.aeand~catbed:the earl “eye waka wilt fied hprovide forthe _insurante of mail|—o*-: weigh 417 Sunde.ee lip peters Woluniees Cy piasian!matter to its full value,with com-Beginning of Leap Year-~Activities. Mrs.Locké “A.Allen,—of Star,land”H:C\Weaver,Division ‘Dep’Paes ete ter :ee Mrs.Flora,Cook,a’middle-aged Montgomery county,arrived last week uty.B.D.Hayes goes ‘to Wington |‘Capt.°Chafles Young,‘of _the |Woman of High Point,applied to thto.yisit:.telatives,She-was.accom¥427,W.Landreth will take moe Ninth cavalry,-one of the four ne-|register.of deeds-of “Guilford coun- anied f.J.)division:al $.)Ky se ‘foo ,W.‘Stora,ofDanville,Va,aiio|Warkragas,sho hae pean mations 10,7 edd’KRIBIC the Ganiormegs [2 fone Wack for |WO-RALN OF Batylreturned.to ‘that place Friday eve-e ly Statesville,comes here,ay:Sitleer ti the Mnne,has baa pa hh \Tigge license,”ore for herself.and hing,pity Marshal C.Hi jBatend:Boeg ed to Fort.Riley;.nan,«for ex-|C.A.Wagner.and one for -her son, maine sean Somers is visiting in to.Statesville.re sfamination for promot m.He will|Jeter Cook,and Miss Hattle Hay- etre :.Hon.Ww.J..Montgomery,of .Con“fbe the first:negro m a to attain|,rth.Both marriages duly’took.-Fire ‘Priday destroyed a‘block the rank of major.;has been a8]he ke the lady bought the>isinthewholesaledistrictofGolum-card,former oor Court judge signed to special duty in Liberia,bia,gS.C.,and the toss is estimat-‘for this distrpean‘about $400,000.:hodpieat jin Chaflotte,ue tary sand policé foree.ah a t fleap®year programme,Bs wt et,is@riticaly iltn-o}where he will:reorganize the mils conse.thisis taken:tobe part eae ae en ee ee e re ) SoMMENT OON VARI \ -gelves. :the Legislature in ton that,itis: .New .warm one?’ _are not in. -Boldiers,but nobody but a .Measure “Would Mr. ,attempting to get news of a wreck |P#tent, ter the health of ‘his family, _because there ,Pressed .OAN'T ‘PLAY POLITICS, Mr.rats Cant Resor.to Ordi-asked ‘to,be.exempted,of course, The board:of aldermen has-refused and©ordered the assessment col- lected.Glory:to the Charlotte:al-va Save Him if He Could, ‘dermen!The chtirches ought >to a Maurice Low,in Harper’s.Week- pay their portion of the assess-Yi ment without.complaint,’It.is “Mr.Taft will be nominated,but it ?after that,what?Can he do anys a that tthiex,pene exprapted thing between:now and;nextTune om direct taxes.The habit .of }to -strengthen .a —posifion that asking special privileges for:church |even his warrmest friends are property in such ‘cases,.and ~0 forced to ‘admit is °deplorably, fe weak®How is he between June asking for special rates .on lights,and Mavember to inspire his fol- water,ete.,as is often done andiese lewers with confidence?Casting sult of criminal carelessness,§TC-|60.conceded,is reprehensible..aimlessly ‘about.in their ‘desper- ported curing (he xeFr.ane i Bee hese ‘concessions and special priv-'ation to find something that’wall “how.often.the victim.{s an .inno-k.a miraclé,Mr;Taft's politicalilegiessimply/mean taking the mon-WOE,2!BoDanaedtha hcent‘party ‘and how seldom the fool!"Gr che taxpayers and distributing]time co wii for btm ee Me “with the gun gets,‘his.Jif among thel:churches;in other :politics.”("is the counse]of.de- ‘ene ts to.levying taxes|spair.‘fo the credit of é ‘to fight,.the i it amoun Having.no -enemy &n the people for the benefit ‘of ibe it s:jd he cannot pla lities; -Democrats.of’Wew Hanover county,|°!stotetl he ¢an as mre.play Poulin than ‘or more properly speaking the city the churches.‘This is a viola jon Grover Cleveland could ‘or would. of the very -principles-..on ~-which:|The--poiitician’s.idea.of playing of:Wilmington,‘are’always up “and ;‘ ‘them-|the government is founded and is |Politics is for the President ‘to dressed for a scrap’among home)tay a cond }dmake afew appointments or to do:algae 5 y.and outrageously:g“Already candidates..for something |so.palpably -dishonést New,Hanover The Protestant churchés ae that +it Secniee |EEF:even.the the |Cutholics:.for “this practice |credulous:There ve been Presi-h and they have Stee : ip ce Pa ee eres Sietciines and yet the Protestant churches,dents.’‘and\presidential candi- ut out the Cs weaver ber OF numerous occasions,are guilty dates circumstanced as Mr.Taft is |who found in foreign complications ‘Hiet-that the coming campaign"in'/°the.samie practice.the’means”to diyert attention trom r f y 4g going —gry ho ',..;domestic problems,who played with New Hanover county is.going -t/iacheock |Volese Oppasition ©'|fire purpagely for “the sake.of be a.Warm one.”“Of course it is. ‘Who ever_heard of:a campaign in Arbitration Treaties.|\|seattering the sparks.That game -Hamover~that)was not:“ay: “The tool ‘and his.gun are ‘soon parted.—-Charlotte:Observer. Don't you believe it.The fool ‘an*%the gun are inseparable.They i ere always up and dressed and ready,for business.Evidence:Take “mote of the accidental shootings, or rather thie shootings as a re- Washington Dispatch,5th.can no longer be played:Any,,at- _Flat.y charging that the admin-|tempt to.create a war scare would :we nio an |turn doubt into certainy,There —bbe ee me or ‘is of course.no.-probabilit-of this. entaigling “alliance Ww ree Mr.Taft is too cénscientious,and Bri a,Senator Hichaock,cf .Ne-|yilues too highly:his..self-respect ‘praska;on the floor of,the Sien-|/to ,purchase election by ©methods ate today,denounced the proposed|/he knows ‘to .be .unworthy.We pian.to permit the Presidentto jane spared that danger,and shame. appoint eommissiooners to's»higi’)'Temperamentally’Mr.;Taft.-can- court of arbitration wi'hent..the net play politics,and it would:do. consent of the Senate,was TeVOr |)him no ‘good if he could.The-trou Jutionafy and.dang¢rous:..The)Pro-|je..js.too deeplyseated for:that. posed treaty,he said,would wipe Mr.Taft.owes;his present.unfor- out this nation’s.time-honored |tunate predicament not to the.fact treaty-making plan and result vir-|that he has not,played politics in tually:in ,the adoption of.the |the ordinary sense of.that.term, system practiced by head monat|but to,three things,of...which chica ls powers.any one alone would;protiably have| “The «President senta authorize|swamped ‘him,:.while.’combined| commissioners ,to megotiate and they left no ebcape from dembricst submit .differences.to arbitration |tion.“These things:were the Roose- ‘without -consulting cons itu¥onalivelt legacy;bad advice.and plain, ‘representatives.of the:peorle of |simple,ordinary.ill luck. the United States,”he insisted. “This is’the legitimate amd| honest interpretation of this /1ts.the Knowing How That Counts treaty.Thatis what.the joint high |an Costs.commission is for.It is .the ey "Fruniberton ”Robesonian. in this treaty;it is a.device |oO|It will be recalled that some time day,Mayor Bland,’of ©Charlotte,(permit an entangling alliance bag the H.W.-Johns Manville.Co.,- wired Mayor Gibbes,of Columbia,empowering our executive to treat,|/of Baltimore was employed to rem- as follows:yt without restraint from the Senate,|edly the acoustic defects of the ‘Have just been informed fire rag:with the government of Great Brit-jcourt ©house:-here,The contract ing in your city,not ate Aa:aim and,in my opinion,Mr.Presi-price was $1,500,a pretty good job ieee whe Bo eeyor of;Char.(oont:jt,must:lead to and was de-|wasdone,the price was paid—it!was lotte $5 offer you aby.cuabati nen sighed to lead.to an ene la guaranteed job,no.trick,no pay— 1 possibly can.’If you need appe-of.the :United States in the =for land everybody was satisfied.The any ote oa eign,policy of Great Britain.’stuff used is called “acoustic felt’” re pe or anything,kindly com-————_tand it was represented to the com- |Presbyterian Ages Send.Feivels.|inissioners that it was.the.inven- Kind but too erordy:A:house to Pay Mission Debt.|tion ofProf.Sabine,of Harvard Uni- could haye bummed while the Colum-}nNyshville,Tenn.,Dispatch.lenarat ;;.Women of the Southern Presbyte-|t7y"Welland good,It looks goodterform:“If we can help say .the|rian.)Church ~are.sending their|nq acon bné-could not hear in ho * It..weé fortunate for the Jewéls and other valuable person-+).room before one can hear now lumbila mayor that the Charlotte sion board this city for the -mayor didn’t take time to-ask af-pdepone of apini état “kn tadedt-|union Taoee ee a origrm,.a good job was done,it look-Pras .$100,000 incurred —by |led all right,and everybody was sat- s price r l\isfied until somebody said that while he was about it..‘;teeaieaeseeee We |more in.looks than an ordinary, ‘Ves Land :ae :i |horse-blanket and that.entirely toorkcould“have a-bel-|the loyal’women.of the Church||much was paid for the job.Robeson t@ he would say candidly that «he gee an,cnt tive Sout ons las having the same work done—is ‘voted for the Sherwod pension’bill |naments and money to the.bourd.i I hie he how?”ae areimany Federal|A rommiétes is disposing of the |n&_™was the mov llw tha :;::be coming if the men whodid thewhichisundoubtedlytherealrea-|forwarding thie ee to.m's-|work,“an did it well,had:ire arie “ Bon.Instead -the Congressman foo whose eres wee nothing more than turn’a‘couple| falls back on thé tational Demo-|“As yet the gifts haye not.been (Of,hand-porings.Some folks.are eral pensions.”“We all ‘favor lib-|@ second.appeal has been made to eral pensions:t nl‘_Scuthérn women,which has birought25Sten)She Seelmany~.contributions:accompanied man/by,letters of.self-sacrifice and: that)the national .Democratic]Cburch's ~efforts in the for+ Platform contemplated ‘any puch |S fields! as eee ne bill,which|Qutting Glass With Scissors. is purely a political measure,de-|Wadesboro Messenger. penkioners and their friends,Speak~recently,published an item in its fing of the commands of the last |Jocal columns about cutting glass)———= national platform,by.the way,one |ty es anh tae been |‘Remembered Mr.Caldwell. be theek wie foe ties hiimnbar Oo give explicit’dinections as 0} ‘Take a piece:of window -glgss and ito a Charlotte audience,at the time of‘a pair ‘of scissors;put glass,hands ithe latter’s recent visit to that city, 08 Oot rand.scissors.entirely under,“the wa-re C.W.Tillett said: Says the Raleigh’Times::Iter and proceed:It is easy.We'|..“‘Whilegreatl appreciating thehon- the Southern’railway,has’made |be but straight through the mid-|when’I reflect that the only other time More friends for his road in the |dle,.,but "you can trim from.the |our distinguished guest ever address- past five years -than all other /edses'dnd with care,—shape it eq a Charlotte audience he was pre- presid%nts combined,Président Fin-|PTeUtY much’as you.please.If |canted by the lamented Joseph Pear- tieés,and he has given the public enough,.the’writer believes |the 5 - -isiform:ution concerning ‘his plang,|1as8 could be cut in any shape |sat eeaudience and heard it,A“the news:of Wrecks are not pup (te sesily as cloth.Amyway,;¢,great editor was introducing a great and a reporter can.get’{n-|8!a86,hands and scissors—are ~-Wii})|editer,,The Man and:the.Occasion Office as readily_as he ean—from |a%d does!not touch.anything else.But Caldwell is -gone,.Those-of the officé of any public man,county It iv.easy to eut glass with seis-l|us who knew and/loved him or State,‘'Sors..Try it,enquirer.so well.for-more than a’scoreofyears The Landmark is glad to.-know where ee cannot realize that we shall no more ieéio las cin Gracumbons ri |streets nor behold ‘again his mental had a very.dtifferent ex yerience i.chi id i image on the pages of ourdaily paper: u perience.in IfI may slightly paraphrase the elo- quent words recently written in re- say:‘There was 4 loftiness and maj- esty about him that has madehis.pass+ ing seem like the fading froma familiar ‘landscape of a snow--capped mountain |versity,said to be the greatest au- bia mayor read the telegram.Bet- ab belongings.to the foreign mis-||fairly well.The commissioners’of the| Grave danger of the recall of the “accoustic felt”.was nothing ter opinion of Congressman Gudger |to meet the deficit.¢,|county is in the samme boat go -far pensioners in:the.tenth district,gifts as rapidly as possible and jcost so much,and no kick should ‘eratic platform,which favored ‘qib-sufficient ‘to meet the deficit arid jnever satisfied except thiere be .a «+@raspitigat a straw,would contend determination to sustain the Bigoed to catch the votes of thé|”The Messenger and Aftelhigencer | :‘how the feat may be accomplished.|Introducing Col.Henry Watterson Gudger vote for free Col.W.W.‘Finley,president of |Loree,laim,that the glass may _ley has pursued a policy of open-|Pair of sciseors could be found thine |Son Caldwell ftom this very platform. formation from a Southern railway |CMlirely submerged -under water//mef,and you know what-happened. ;.Get Their|.hi ll-k fjthispolicyprevdils:Only -a ‘fev see his well-known figure upon the gard to the great John Bigelow,F will peak:x, Wa *~=ta a seeps ca "‘Those interested in htaining the ‘fee system,amd the ignorant who are,not informed as to thé situa- tion,sonietimes.say that if county ‘officers ~~are put©on salaries|it would be difficult to find men te! take..the jobs.“‘This_statenient: too absurd to disciiss,but if evid dence is wanted,behold =Guilford ‘county.The officers of.Guilford .aye beenon:salaries...for some v ~~AS aresult.the-taxpayers faved $10,000 in,round numbers year before last and $12,000 last year;and at-this good hour.sey- en men want to be sheriff of Guil-’ ford and probably .ali the returns eee :“ While a very destructive |fire wap raging in Columbia,S.C.,Pri- condition“of crops and the ef cotton, and great mystery. certain.captain of :the host.of the king of Syria said?Do so aim-| iple a thing as dip in the river’ Jordan?Who,him?“But Naaman was wroth and went away and sald, Behold,I thought he.will surely icome out to me,and stand,and call on the name-of the ‘Lord _hbis iGod,and ‘strike his hand over the Hho and recover the sper’Se- ah : lember?* ‘the Children Meansiess. problem of.the w ayward |; is that of the incompetent declares -Johm .J:shale rele i fmember-of the board of New»YorfromaSouthérn>railway official in leity magistrates <Phis .fixing Gretnsboro and.The Landmark|thé responsibility for juyentle commented ai the time on the fool-|delinquency.upon the paren.s ap: ish:practice ot thd railroad people |inlies’to every:walk and condition in refusing information Jite.“That way’Mttle brother“pounds .on tite:table;when S talking excitedly “is from papa. as some of*theSouthern’s employes |Papa will entertain you with,the in smaller places.often .do-|proofs.But .when the children _blanked pleased.i He outrageously,when.they »¢rib| :\*+brent\Oo goodics that is2 aiffer eo pee {ent matter,(Mother -forgets the Under -modern municipal regu-\rlumberless 8ocial lies she told)in lationsja part of the Dost of ‘pav-{the presenceof the children;tah :,ee:end wetd lewalke tin tee ore that prastve of Pena mtn is’"fuiat and equitable are'|:cichinlaeniatianibaniomeenmmmtane:8 rangement,Property used.exclu “Dyspepsia is Amegi¢a's curse.-Bur-~\dock Blood -Bitters ‘conquers |dyspépsia\pively”for ehureh,and educational \exery ume,It sarives "out.impurities,Ones the stomac restore erfect di-parpopes is:‘om-taxable:In Chat:|Restion,npr webeht oud:good |jheatth.ee approximately $6,600-wissas-| againk chureh property ago -!But possi-: bly the Gree nsboro’man wad doing I Virginia,North os ae Jarolina.: The fobace grown.itt Virginia,North Caroling and South.Crrolins during 1911-*aggregated a total farm value,on,‘baBis of:the©price. paid to”producers onDecember >Ajof $25,206,400,-according’to,the tional Departinent of Agriculture statisties.:Of this Virginia’s share wis $12,288,000,North Carolina's:$11,580,400"and’Squth Caro- lina’s*$1)388,000.ee Virginia grew 128,000,000 woudde or 800 pounds to ithe acre;.North Carolina 99,400,000 or-74.0--pounds to the acre.and South:Carolina 11;- Tobac ‘Oo in and as he *.* ,ltehing;“bleeding.‘Protruding or blindtor||Biles yielg to Doan's Ciiitment.Ghronie .(Political ‘Mothods—W ould i Mr.‘Taft 4. Plan For ‘National Reseive A880- ciation.e The monetary -dommsigsion’s’plan. for a national.reserve aésociation, Lwhich is to be sent to ‘Congress to- Cay,zation so’constituted that the fi- uancial_institutions of Pat ae ‘thd-Seatof other money wer. the United States-wil Len eol fe than.“ten per cent.{of the ‘fotal representation’in the-central asso- ciation,’although they possess ful- ly’30..per cent.‘of the banking capital.ae This has been done to...guard against so-called Wall Street .con- trol of the ‘proposed institution, which woudd largely supplant the the functions of a‘national-fieoat lagent, The South,with about 10 per cent..of the banking resources_.of the country,would control cent.of the ‘representation in the reservé association;~New Pngland with 12°per .cent.of the bank- ing-capital would have 8 per cent.; the.»middle.West,with 25 per cent.of the banking ‘ea pital would.have 30 per cent.and the far Western and’PacificStates with| about.13 per cent of the’banking capital:woutd.control approxi ate- ly 25 per cent.By:prescribing such a!‘of organization,it is-expected fo remove .completely-the -‘possibility of control:of the.reserve.associa- tion ©from’:any “single:‘BrOUy:or set.of men.;Fifteen -braneh>;assoctations.-will: be provided for, land,two?in’“the.Rastern:States.| four in the South,four in -..the middle West and four in the far West,To control the ‘reserve as sociation it.would Be necessary,td control a majority.of.thre:branchr | és,.'Ihis is Belg to bei mipossi - At Fuyatteville.;Friday Ja. mon,a hack by Buck Fann,one Fairctoth.Salmon.was led with aw.axé an -avowed:the lintention .to kill.both men,—buat about that time Faun got busy and Killed Salmon.Fann was.released a haek-driver jon a bond of $500. When that Hoarse Croupy |eeCough of your child” awakens you at night,you need‘have no ‘ear.if you ive’a jar,of fo VICKS Sze Aeyoursarnaai’sorohy ail: 25e.SOc.$1.00 Econovty suggests the doliar xi Vick’s Family Remedies Co.i Greensboro,N.C.- "A Welcome Chance to Those Who Suffer.” iqoncerned,but there’s no kick com-|j ‘done | fgreat miration about doing a thing What was it al lor,|have a feelitig of some sadness |- “new Cases,as may wish to consult him na-| Coming to Statesville,N.C.,on ‘THURSDAY,JANUARY 1ith,1912, To-stay at Hotel Iredell,|- Dr.Francis §.Packard, Of Greensboro,N.C. ‘Consultation and Examination Confi- .dential,Invited a FREE. From a Late Snapsbet } To see all of his re gular Patients and such. Dr.Packard erijoysa state wide reputation: among the profession and the Public oj North Cardlina,where for more than 25 years he StudyDiseases..The Doctor has had successip his chosen work,that of curing chronic @fferers,Men,Women and Chil- dren.@ Patients he has.restored to Health after they,chad given up all hopeofbeingCured‘are numbered by theThousands,¢,He is a kind,generous, democratic gentleman to meet,of high scholarly attainments,and dignified per- sonality.”Coupled with a Brotherly inter- est,’in all who seck his advice.He does not take a Patient for Treatment unless he can foresee a Cure of the Case,The most commendable feature of ‘his work, and one that appeals to the ordinarysick person,is the fact of his charges being so reasonablé and moderate as to make it within the reach of even the very poor: At no time do‘the.charges,amount to more than $7.00a.month.or about $1.50 a week.*He gives his*own ee and there are no extra Charges.It him never more than from four to x Months to Cure!a Case under Treatment, All Cases;eventhose who have been out up as Incurable or Hopeless,haveuredardrestoredt‘ect’ health b ‘this Brilliant Physiciaifahd the wond ‘methods he employs.: If you want to meet himandn hitelhim exaimine you,go.to see him,and talkthe tnatter over with lim...It Will cost you; nothing if he does sot put you under treatment.If he takes your case,it_will costyou'a very emall sum tto get well ° @Remember the Date as devoted his entire time to the churches'|Case.800 [ihe finally cured._sHehie|‘paying:The gists atl sell oe 016,000.pounds,.or T pourids to ithe acre,‘ ta and come early, will provide for.an’“organib|| United States Treasury and perform 23 per| method } one in New Eng-; ‘ood Methods,Large Resources, COURTEOUS TREATMENT. Ought to mean:much to the man with a bank ac- count...Ifyou have not yet opened an aceount with the COMMERCIAL we,inyiteyon to'do so now, Capital ~$100,000.00 Surplus©28,000.00 ‘Total Resources over 500,000.00.’ Four percent,onmn timeandSavings ee. 1 / Conimercial ‘National ‘Bank, .Statesville;N.C. M.K.STEELE,President.'D.M.AUSLEY,Cashier.|{E.MORRISON,VicePresident.SE.HUGHEY,Assicians Cashier. Sal} driver,attempted to] force his way into ‘a-reom occupied| and | arm,| eatment and Cure of Chronic “Hon’t forget to investigate.our Free offer if you are in need of a Range,»This isa valuable.gift and will be“greatly-appreciatedbyany,tousekeeper~ and you get it entirely fiee with each six-ring Cam-~: eron Range from December Ist until Dec.24,1912. Also a full line of Coal and Wood Heaters and many other seasonable goods,ae Statesville Hardware &scales Co, —: Hess « If you are- Get high priced eggs now.by using Dr. Clark’s POULTRY F OOD\PANACEA. not satisfied with-results.when you haye used Hess &Clark’s Stock or Paultry ood we refund the money.‘That is our guarantee. Statesville Hardware &Harness Company. Ee ‘COOKING OIL.6 _Fresh jot just opened.As good as the bestlard.for.all. -purposes,and costs you one-third less.:°::<2 Price per Gallon 750.Price peg Quart :20c.. TRY IT..YOU’LL LIKE:IT, Imperial Cotton Oil Company.-."PHONE 206. p || I.1 _=a eenenpentore tea :7 wn e : ~REDUCED PRICES> iNTcoatSuitsThat.Are New. Styles that possesswie touch of difference and.newness; that emphasize the fact’that they arenew.WE ARE SPE- CIALIZING ALL’WOOL SUITS AT VALUES FROM "$5.00 UP TO $16.50.Don’t fail to see our line beforepurchasing.POSITIVELY AND ABSOLUTELY.THE BIGGEST.“VALUES FOR ~¥OUR:MONEY.ne LONG BLACK COATS. Chiffon’Bloadclothy and Serges'at REDUCED Prices; A new line of WASHA- BLE -WAISTSjust received. Call early before ‘the sizes are broken.ee THE LADIES FURNISHINGSTORE. -Phone 188.%:109 West Broad Street.=— Ww.W.WALTON,Manager. Sk MTS AAR EAI WALNUTGROVEFARM H:H.BLAYLOCK, “Two miles‘north of town. Proprietor.| My Machine Shop-———————S {s complete and ftam prepared.to do Watch this space for farm:“],|any kind:of Fepair work, ‘products in season.|_ENGINEAND BOHLER WORK vw.Jan.2.|&SPECIALTYT~~—~ Also carry a full line of Steam Fit- of tings up to 3i :.FOR RENT,asAaa brieators,Oil Gaps and JetPumps:to-date improvement N WATT,m2:Pipe and Shafting, tee)re All the local,neve "and all the other}.C.Hnewodwarit-know.Get TH.| AN ° .TURNER| ealer in‘Depot Street.i ‘ MARE.»-‘yt | —THE LANDMARK STATENEWS, ‘a i Sener :—rer ‘Sherif Wallace,-«0 .Mecklenburg.phat pe ae i |TUESDAY,-—»--January 9,1912,county,is willing,at not anxious;ne t i net one TRARMS FOR SALE.|icrn.™sirene,screpcie ote eo ee eedIRNtert:and Stategvilte.ot re “eee ‘a willingness /to ren Eee ,: =<<Beta WESTERN:KOAD,eve him.To ‘ach money away from.hor e there.is.no way::a ie :‘Drain No.21,west-pound,due 3:25-ae To colored ten of Wade,Cum|equal toa draft.It he:Fu Reh,a ee tae |bertaird county,reeling “under =thet yu ra.ois the.easiest,cheapest ‘and: wr (ry Train No.86,‘east-bound,due.11.00 a.m weast her;”’‘drank what they thought |quickest.way to send money by mail:You do not. i “ee Oe)MatasNie.te cake:hace due 048.Dm.Was'tei tiade of sarsdparilla root,have to take,the time to make af fin.ie yplicatiBeh.:2b AK >>mf ©aeaeSixty-five acres,6miles north of CHARLOT EANANDDAY LORSVIELE,1 Boen they ware hes male a Wherlh ‘and ifthe daft is '|5 Bree saehereysee‘rom Charlotte,f ent nes ra ley “Qied Yin /a:|Qit is 108 we’iss e7wecity,Nice road-front.‘train Nac 18 ae ato lenese 1.00 ame roe ie q ,Hons ial u you another one,” “tn Train No.24 ar,£20,loaves 8.36"p.m MG.Dobbihd.“ot ‘Ovela ¥siete making it.an bsolutely safe way,This is:only,one... -‘ronr Taylorsville :5 pbing,oO sycley é 1 |‘>>.ti et a hl eat}on wo hundred and sixty ship weain Na #h arr ede,eavee 3L00 046 ecuniy leila the Hikin Timon ena .of many conveniences our bankGan.offer you.There |ein!Chambersburg.on ip,Train No.1h,arr 6.20,leaves 6.45 p,m.ha”bolehk “canoe”ke han aie |are many wWalys in-which you can use a bank to ad-‘miles south of Elmwoo Move Hesurte abettheNoviceNovtop|8,207 pounds \of life everlasting|vantage./You ate invited to call-eftenat our bank:oa vep0 Soukhe (rabbit tobacco),He paid.$3 .per.|and become better acquainted with its-advantages.~| LE:One ‘hundred.and thirty acres,|:a {00 pounds.and,the gatherers ot |(A =<rei sts wadeLa6}ponents,Binvenville,in a 1 ee—oo theian’ent'the weed realized $247.11.?TT 7 ——ySpring‘township wo:dwellingsJ)in ashington that the Norfo T];ne ’Fad x i 9 f Ce.a °*:|ie )State ‘Anti-Saloon.”League a 4 :B k f St t ill;with usual out-buildings.'|Southern directors have .voted|has called A State.convention ae erc an nm armers |ant 0 avesville. $20,0003000,Bo he hears,to spend”meet in ‘Raleigh’January.26,..to:-see natn fe set 3 Two hundred.and fifty--nineacres:\id construvtion ahd improvement bi Close:with a ‘grand Trally.:Sunday,—:am tne“1 in Concord township,only.3}miles |work south’of Raleigh,Continuing|ey 28th,at whieh—Dr.P.A.’Baker,su-J 'from city.Can be sold in’small)::us beriutendent,off.©the ationalaaah1TenisNorth'Carolinian -also-saya:|pogepH.SYLY 22 LEONARD.|!3 pea ;'tracts-from 1 acres up..."a SYL TBR LEO:league,Will be.a_speeial “partic-:5 :Sst Se te lyPo hip eg es Pe a Mr,Joseph Sylves-er Leonard|tii evsen a2 en.ia Da pees Ninety-eight ‘acres in,Turners~|tes ‘the Norfolk sovthern will ee "Ot BL tesvill ay reat anear ens etic4og*3 t 4 .z southwest ©atesville.ived:OW'l wis recently,extended -to Pomona,=burg township.2 aie ee en eee a,then +farm until the war,Went.to .com-ja suburban:point,and-on thé ‘exe, ee ee ae bey >ne aba hs!echgitorarercoun~|pany —C;-4$th-—North Catolina ee-|tensiori-a fare of ten centede chiang :seen ie he SeaaeeeeleeCGnaeoeveutrnCtwaitimentin»Septenvber,-1862.Beet ed.A a result,the.Jine is :be-eeaefide,Sot offonevthe ratnip tag,gts,nd foven matae,Wat ine yoyced ‘unlle Tiere ts —Onr new machitiery has arrivedyis being—‘Hen the vattles df thie f Orns,l2erig,are.vouHones deunarding ‘a ; i Ghariotte from qos.ye ie are Cold Harbor,Frazier'sFarm,\Hatch-|daar onit fare.bn oy laced:and we will be ready:to ‘start Jen ins 6 Wagner,fern dine trip "Raleigh to Pharactoe rs,Run and.others.i AME:Rena r.-‘YS wenty conviets’on ‘the Wayne:"REAL,ESTATE DEALERS,lcompared with the:Southern,will|oe ~irene liga year peat Our |couply chain gangs:declined to go},again about the’15th,We will ‘be:bet.oe Tan 10is,a.._grea :lta.wabk ing:teat:week:i be.slrorte ned between .20 and 20,)vork one.Thorning aSt.we i‘Statesville,N.C.*|the dime “huntitg’’and trapping aig the.jedder of the-mutiiy >‘ate ,‘;pai si Tid Geos een getneon tiie|e choca per OF thie BUHAY:BA ya OE prepared than évet to give ‘our ar ig Office:First National Bank Bldg.The:Norfolk Southern will’build jatid=engaged in teaching school.)oriwn Bee Re ae 5 oy ;i ‘"PHONE:232,Om,Asheboro’to +‘Greensboro,2b tn ARTI took ae i men at le ¢v1 Dare,Ae Was shot in the}:'trons satisfactory service,;Mi ::n*4871 took a course-in music fein:‘aable i :‘::=*|distance of 28 miles,and,“later,‘,hie!nd disabled.The other 19 *..-.ore BS ee he pel Hill;after’which he:taught.each and.severally givén -a ;S ':Ves i:|connec with ae h Point and both.literary...and.‘vocal,schools:),,,.,,4 et ,.‘:‘;:4 4 “Winston-Salem.’Kem Ue re eae acct rad thrashing ee there”were a :me 5 a 1.ifor..Several..years,finaly turning|i,siatineers--left:~mips ;isa eeaeee ern cteeteee ee oN ce,:ek egpnenentr et:e :|his -entire.attention to muse and J eC *ine Ua a a sees 1 pl aan =e [ue sitle.ot musiical:instruments.moe ,Conner,of *the Socupeice ::(.COM ANY::gras |Clere and UMuent,cvondl cecaie tu thee pap:Stites District Court for tho.caste 1ft WE A FURL VELL WUE ANY. FOR ‘SALE 1 ilic schools:of New anduie coun:shes ee of Nort oe :::a :.ity,,,ing the Appalachian ‘trdin-~or S a er os af agg :Reli ious jing schovl-and several o her pub-}.pe iy oe Netor Geant.”maa °.— ;mcd g acre lio institutions.Took.tuning Pie are Pea ATR ate ae)()»Ove QA &recruittisarens|FRET QIOUS «i tains Tm tN]edt i a wooo eee€€»i "nae OF niogton.’:Te wr y 1.Fhele a ctet weevided.by railroad and State Gene|Press {ten re to ~“ayare Hee se pets ey at.Washitigtand Hl A oe Bieta ciated tral.Hig ot HiCh,are ‘Us at.Elizabeth?..,‘“pirpitsirer”sa“Wim:Sn ‘fa te”82eese-zaEeee....“a engye,if ;oeingandgHyd5ofhiseducation.In ;|:4 ..|almost level,with red elay subsoil,endaorse schools...Married Alaa |Mt Robt.R Reynolds cf wAshe-|Seventy acres in cultivation,°This iy .df Statesville,in 1874)Vitle,Solicitor.of the fifteenth’ju-|‘is one of fhe’most desirable farms eat (Served On the board of aldermen trict,announces that he |Se,aon in Iredell county..“Price very rea-:lwhen the’late J’.P:-Caldwell was ididate.for-the Democratic &Soon sonable.Remember!have 30 oth-|ie imayor,“ald Stutesville’has.been (Co!tanat “jomitation.in the @e .: er fine farms in Iredell county for }\|his prisicipal home.for more?than |t@!th “district.‘There will doubt:We have.tugre W atches ‘than we want:to’carry ee sale.See.me.‘the most reliable “4\forty -yeats piEss ‘be others oe ressmian Gude-|@ and to reduce the stock will give spec iail prices.Ifete959acres,more or less,10.miles R :nienteenema:+oi |er yoted for the.pension.bu and 4 i i :froin:Suitesville,‘on public:road econstructive Another Coumersion,{the boys who want the j@b-will |you want a GOOD W ATCH we think we can make a and two milesfrom macadam road:tonic and blood |Marshville Home bi adv ee of h’s\lapse to oust.)‘6 It to your,interest ta,at le;ist,see our stoek.We.+ 1,000,000 feet good timber—100,000 renovator le Some timte agd the Charlotte |“_:Sn will be glad.to show.vou -our line.“We have;allat!;i ast:pi 300,-icle.and-the.Statesville .Land-large quantitics of timber.ar ?'i Lei :ey,000 on piné,600,:Wi.the undersigned,harkbiy coitify that |—a Acie.pote ie “ey I ,ee Soe et nee ns kinds.‘000 feet fine’secon re pine.|-we have taken Milam with very benefi-}oy ee Se a oe a tata Lei alae feet ace te anut cour |;Lots of this will cut.No.|cial results,Believing it to bea valuable),°,°-A re gard to foxes climbing BA Sane cee targely |@Twoofthemostsieeveprop-[/remedy,we authorize the publication of (tees,the Chronich claiming that,¢d in Se ae 1ositionsnow’on the market,See.]|our endorsement.oe #Sunt canna.be:Dertermed|a eee oR.H.RICKERT &SON,J |ie this,fleet-footed:animial,:while |4 es,carriag 7 ewe ers.me quick.+Rev.J.Cle veland Hall,Rector of ;eiaaes :E:Church of the Epi;hany Dans »Va }Th Landmar k held out the W 4 army.@quiipment.A j9=3 t ices en at Lan ware |OU rr tog Sent from 1on =FNov.21;R.V.Brawley.|ges Rl,Messi tan beebyaan Smee tharfoxes can climb tives:"oF tox sent fom Histon 19 Wil SG @OOOOSSCSSCSSSO990008000.‘-;‘Church,Charlotte €.H.ie |At che time t he _quesion Was being See a ee re x as ?OF &ae i siineenmnnamanian iain i rosa pon ae Rev.J C.‘Hotland,Pastor Keen Street }So At i¥handled th S writer war 1g:nm tm eae ed 28 feet ane penn i ‘ia:Baptist Church;Danville,Va.|POfdht--as "to Which.way td vote,and_30 inches in diameter; con-| -§ee Rev.H.D,Gperrant,Methodist ere “lth,OWs |Wr CARL OME bailot with Oe 2,380 fe et of timber.5 |C)e ;(f a te34"Danville,The Landmark *veral.reputable Monroe Enquirer::Mrs:A.\M.),x ‘;'Rev.D.P.Tate,Methodtet Minister j ens of Mavshrilile had an €xP€-/Crowell hada ‘hip’broken about| »Danville,Va,[rience with a,gray*fox one nigh ithree and half years.ago:and|:5 Eee :Dr as "[during the holldays and.are willi1S isince-then toa been eoakde:th wets Be :::a ;z “The Methodist”ie etsatti ean co the ae that tabout as she once did,but.being|oe éndorses Milam ne 'Sald fox cumbed a number Of lishut in has .not soured her dispo-|, The endotsem rete Mettiodist’?ia|Suraisnt trees.and that he elimb-sition nor made her.less cheerful WITHOUT MORPHINE. "not ds be hadbe caveatsof doubefel mer.{2 anywhere from six to forty feet (ac ',tecreation Mrs.Crowell works|WILL HELP YOUR COUGH .;:“ifrom ihe ground.u ::Vas”Ase aes aoe Anired i .e|it,but this paper stands ready.to lend its ;dia ;-‘jbutton holes in garments and ut 25C.LAR ‘ ‘.influence for that-which it believes will tend ee iy ercoyp aatcetin’Fr wh jing phe year 1911 she worked:1,-re :GE BOTTLE 5;Carnations to the bettermentof humanity,spiritually,|M@0S:PS ‘the.atlcavits,bu The |220 button holes in garments for|AToe9morally,materially or.physically.Huggins.will produce them.--Th¢|her children and grandchildren and)'°ua .rene ::Whiensuch.men as Revs.D;P.Tate,Landiark:3 ltouk-delight in doing that.service.|Th Pp Ik ::se 6:a Horace D,Guerrant and ottiers of like high |wer }:enero ne oO xray rug oO.S,¥‘a character’give their unqyalified endorse:|Prominent Citinces of Boston —In-|.Advertised,Vaitaaa!:eee :ms ae :Orchids.*ee physical benefits derived from dicted..Followingis-a list ofletters remaining in the |:nr:be the remedy advertised on the last page of On sealed indictrients..returned|postoffiveat Statesville,N C..for the week end-|unccie P bp *ti .AP i E ‘of this paper,we feel safe in commending t)December’28 and.made public:last gay ag et ag nd Mis¢Emily M.Fentz,|_ON THE rescrip ion PHONES 5 es:readers--E.G.Mosely,in:“The Friday,pleas of not guilty ‘Were |Miss French Freereore,Clarence Kerr,W.A.SQUARE 7 ;:pe Mathodiet™toe Gepteanber,entered in the United States.’Dis-|Kennedy,John Long col.Urs.ton Caren 2 ee Specialists ;108-410:;z gt gy Sac ae A tis:|Mra:-Mary Jane Neal.Miss America "arks,J.C.'|V iolets “The Baptist’’Endorses|''i«Gore of New:York:by.Juliin |gwecy wies Marcy Sharp.AP.Stubbe,Mra, xe Hawthorne,jourt valist~p romroter ;JO-|Minnie Sherrill.Lillie Terry,Lee White Hattie‘::A Milam.si sivh ‘Que ney,a former \assistant |Wilson,Walter Willis.Be iii |a a8 iam igthe name at eva medicine now b-|eretary"of State,ex-usayor of guar hdvenecliateres evein ama ‘5 =!themegalas of sotne of our best citize ns:We ‘can Boston raid at present.as membe!:DEWEY as RAYMER,P.M] safely recommend it to our friends who are suf-|of the transit commission-of Bos-|_aT eam LAA :Roses,fering with any of the diseases it proposes'to |ton.Albert Freeman,a promoter;|WOWs FHSS is tect So :ae ;i att a cure.The men at the head of-the company man-he a ‘We offer One Hundred Dolla Re~-}~:{;yy po ufacturing this medicine can be relied on.—Rev.|John Sic Kinnon,treasurer and ©-\ward fer any.case of Catarrh that can-|-e .ieJ.E.Hicks,in the Baptist Union.4/retary .of the Hawthorne Mining not %Ca s Cateme Cure.::i ?;i|Company,.and-Dr.William J.—Mer--J.GF 104,‘ie know’G..,:;op.‘Ete Ask your ardggist or write ton,a ‘nerve specialist of New|;“Cheney for thes iost is years,andi Tit 2 *for bookiet ork.All are:charged with misuse feepere him perfectly “hon wane in all :.h mail ty °°tees .é JusiNessS.«transactions ance inancrally ‘:The Milam Medicine Co.,Inc.Chane Se ie neue “we -jable to carry but any obligations.madeDanvilleVafraudinvestors;in.the’stock of.min--|by his firm.Kinni an &Marvin,,y ve ing enterprises.>.As |stainMidget eae AUS ts All Felt Mattress,full size,weight 45 pounds,madeFreeman's bail was fixed at $25;liv Giting directly upon the blood and in beautiful art tick.Guaranteed Sanitary.ae :DR.P...F,LAUGENOUR,000 and the others-were requir-|mucous surfaces of the system.Testimo rae pDENTIST,ed to give bond ‘in the’gum of $10,-|plats bent tree.”Price.so._per bottle,‘.old y a ruggists, I Va Lindley Nursery:Campany, Greensboro,N..C. j ach}Still oecupieg the’same rooms(5-7-9)on the second ee —floor of theFirst National Bank Building,wherehehasbeenforyears.but some recent improve-Mud Baa on he ‘Bait:-Clay.Road.Hieeuekl iteacme aon eetcanse teele ae Davidsot)Correspondence Charlotte Observer. The present rainy north side of the building to,the west ‘side ofjcentertreat.if 1A Nev,3.:spell.puts.the} om Hall's.Farhily Pills for constipa- STOM AC H ‘DISTR ESS : | || i amerseenirneeeeionm Gas and Sourness Vaagish. :What's the use‘of always fleel‘ng | :‘feountry rdads.in a.condition ‘that |...é ;POLK GRAY DRUG C0:i :miserable just because your stomr|PROPERTY |is something ‘funny’fer ‘every fo :lauunte?.ree *,4¢h isn’t behaying itself?:My y Local Agents.ny one who does not have to.travels.Dent you baie that,scores of| ee nee oo ea ict thousands oF es ople 7aMe onenaee |F or ale or.ent offre 2ore of Bevideon.3 e'"|bad stomach into pesffot working O <SALE!1)‘worst enemies and the most.dis-oee the ssimple metii :at swal |putations “could,desire,=Botwe.Lows one or two little MixHONShere:‘and Mount Motrie whet |stomach tablets afver*edch meal?| .Cash .TobaccoSaas Raeo dae Ae|on :|just ee ‘he soubbern Gulls eae ha Ls MI-O-NA.is compounded from ae 130x285,corner Walnut and Meet-|Four-room cottage and lot dt wa ‘some grading snd tikeve ,|formula of what is.probably the ing streets..:|}on Oak street for sale.Good With ‘clay shed begun.the depih (eee .Dreeepiption for indigests on|,.Lot 60x107,corner Court.,andj}barn and outbuildings.-Of:mud beggars .deseription,.and [S00 Upset ‘svomath ever.writen:Meeting stneéts.eee sa iis i 'yet-A:resitient of that vicini by sie The Statesville rug Co.guaran-| 26%acres,at Bufola,.$30.per |Several lots,closein,for sale.that ths mud in this fill is "iittle —~ea :‘i it tn ft |acre,bey ne t relieves.distress in five .min-)|worse than the’untouched old:road ‘|(>75 acres,.one mile east of «court|One hundred andl sixty acres Pat readies cuarard Dawdion “lates,but better sill,it renioves:House.-,less thana mile north oftown |)A :the cause of misery,inv a few Mond t ‘q “ene mi ,a |Pe :|Large box 50 cents at the States-:aoe acres,ene mile and ‘a half|-be ot lotsto suit eo Many Stage Carporations to Be |ite ae i one arugennin art mah :on -Pee uy ‘i :Y*38 aeres;-one mile ena A ‘quarter chaser ei ine resi en Fined,|lerywhere. ‘*"West,tial property,located on Tur-J]Secretary cf State Bryan Grimes)————+. 70 acres,one mile and a bali||-nersburg road and Turner sh hag ‘sent out ‘wotices to nearly 400 ;MONE)BACK co west.|enue.corporations -in the State,whos D:NDRUFE 211 dares,tive.miles.north,$30 Ni th Stat *Flofficers fat.ed to-\eend in their an-|IURR! Yr ;cr -|Spas Fees eaume ts :as ::per acré.H ime.a es in nor tai es yf)Bual ‘reports’by December 1,to the lie Statiesville Drug Co,Guar-'|356>acres,thiree miles whee,$25 ville forsale nt e[peifect «that their.names :.ate |antees Parisian Sage.for Danper“cre.:being ‘Feported tu the shériffs"of|druff and Falling:Hair A’number ©of aches desirable their respective’counties tor.the|oh 4 a ir kfarmsandbusinessproperties.See C.3.Hi:ll d.:4)colt@etion.of the $25 forfeit,from _Phink of.ith dear reader,it I AR- me before making an investiient.0 an eachas prescribed by,statute,About.)ISIAN SAGE isn’t the most .Jinvig- ISIDORE WALLACE,‘Dec.1 be .Hame-third of all.the-corporations in|jOrating and “pleasant --hair dnress- ‘:the “State:are included in those|jing you ever used—-money back.First National Bank Building.:me to .be.petialiged™for this.aiiure |”‘If it doesn’t banish -dandruff, *Phone ae to comply with the law regulating re W.“FRAZIER, Posse SINNER:- ‘NORTH CENTER STREET. ‘JOHN.C.DYE,M> EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROAT\AND FITTING‘GLASSES. ~Office in’Mills Build Office hours 9 to 12 a! corporations...Repeated notices | were sent to each corporation ta| guard against the pein Sets this penalty.isecm When ‘given~as.soon as ‘the eoulycou:‘§,._Chamberlain’s_Co “9 AY pe Rate :'of Remedy will ward off an attac er+pw *PHONES RESIDENCE.:5 »to 5 Pp.m,croup and prevent all danger:and cduseayPhones:oitiol458;Residence 428.of anxiety.Thousands of.mothers use—-it su fully.’Sold.by!all dealers; of| stop héir from:falling and do away with scalp iteh--smoney back.50 Colts al the Soatesvidde Dr sg Stoi's jand druggists everyw here.‘“PARISIAN SAGH “asa hair grower ‘and scalpetleduer.is all righit.’”’-—Mirs.,Doe M.Daniels, Williamson,We Wal :“PARISIAN SAGE cured me-of7 térrible .itehing ‘of -the scalp.’’—Mrs.C.P..Pope RIOT nals e OU R SPECIAL PRICE 86.75 Crawford-Bunch FurnitureComp’y : UNDERTAKERS AND EM Bon aeERS,Phones,NIGHT i288. ‘START ‘SHARES OF BUILDING aw LOAN___FOR YOUR CAILDREN, ~ For your children start shares in our next series,and as- sist them in making payments of dues,.thereby teaching them how to save money.'The-shares would maturein tinietq,meet-expenses of schooling.‘Our 38th series matured on the:payment ‘of $82 on.eachshare.Weare prepared to give you the benefit of $18profit.on each share.Our 51st series now open,and shares :beirig subscribed..We expect to,aid our:shareholders in :building or buying -many-Komés"during |the coming -yedr.« Start shares NOW and make prompt‘applications for ;4 Koa, if you wish #6 build a home next spring-or summer.— j We also issue Prepaid ‘ors Paid Up Shares ata cost of.-'$73.50,worth $100 at maturity.“AForotherinformationcallatoffice.L.Harrill,~~-Secretary,FIRSTBUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. ee Ey y ‘THE:LANDMARK -WOBLISHED1TUESDAY “AND FRIDAY. £R.mBCLARK,EDITORAND OWNER.:: SOME,i TETGR FRIGES MON BBs cvaliavcner..:LMONTHS(.....++baineite ' fae via beeen mens 120 WEST BROAD STREBT: »$2.001,00'50 MATTERS OF NEWS.| Gov.Stubbs,of Kansas,bas.der clared.for Roosevelt for President. ‘While the former President is pay- ing nothing the Bentiment for him Republicans:; .George H-Hill and Hates ‘Eeks- trom,the,two Baltimore young men So ee "January 2; Mayor Bland,.of ‘Charlotte, 1912, nes. charged with robbing the Atlantic Coast;Line »:train®at Hardeeville, S$.©.,-were:dismissed from.cus- tody at Savannah,Ga.,last week, is growing ‘among:ithe:_Diggpensine _o"Dhe.’Increase ink Traantty.. Washington Dispatch.:Insanity in the United States ‘isincréasingtwitfastasthe Population,©ac ing to figures gathered by,the Federal ‘govern-.|ment.ina special inquity through” the census bureau.-That isto say; while the population’of thie coun- try grew'11-per ‘cent.in the five ears from.1904 to 1910,the popu- ation of insane asylums rose about. 2b per cent.-As ‘tothe.numberofcases.of Insanity,not ‘resulting ‘Copt]of Suit From Sheep to Wear ar. Chatham Record, ‘The recent report of the tariffnodn’on the “eost of woolen,goods is very full..interesting,Init is’computed:veost of.gi clothes.from “thie back ‘of.@ Bheep it.ef-|. ar)SEW.tu fie oe Blend oodreawork,(iNA.W.Phon INS,120petsare” notbainmy.ofmes only0.WHIT#,County oe nt of to the back ofa man,and the pro-|a ~ ita which acarue in the process are| tnaced to,their-sourdces..For pair poses of computaton thre board takes a-suit of.clothes retailing at®$23) and wholesaling at $16.50.-This| 500 Pair ‘é Go at Almost WhatTheyWill Bring, is said’to represent fairly,the suit |.refused to imtroducé.Dr.:Cook,|.the:to 1 nee ic te peeeee FAmemican,. The fannier nenel vies for »the wool in such.a suit,$2.28 and)his ‘profit is 68 cents;the manafactur-|, €rof-cloth receives for his pmoduct $447 and his pmofit ie 23 cents;| the wholesale clothing dealer ~me- ceives.for,his nae $16.50 and his pretit “is $2.18;‘the.netail |: clothing dealer.receives $23 and his profit is $7.50.i The wooleu schedule of the tar iff:law.is one of its most immjor-. tant and willoe very fully,discugsed and ‘carefully considered by|Con- gress for many weeks after theaabeginsnextweek:i ‘the so ser Roney 'to;connect),B Ronintmeats A hospitals .the them wit 6 TONDCL,‘“Teensus haS no data,},Orig:inal Discoverer of.the North Jack Johnéou,the negro chem*|“Our.figures,"+Se Dinedkar Dus Role,-who\is ‘to.leeture in Chips.ipren prize:fighter,has signed.an|fand,“afford a striking indication.lotte Thuisday night.Dr.-Cook,how-lagreement to fight Jim Flynn,.4)of the prevalence,of insanity,if not ever,will not lack.for friends in|white man,next Oe ne sabe an exact measure.of i Py A me ;i elwill take place:in Nevada and John-j what startling reflect’tha e Staanee Seige eevee a he son:is oy reales $31,100 and one-|187,454 ‘patients confined.in hos-) Rey eer ,third of the receipts:from the ‘pale pitals for the insane make up a News,will do:the ‘honors cheerful:of the-moving picture rights.—_kpopulation larger than that of the. jy and gladly.—Walking into.the Bank of Bixby,|city of Columbus,0.” at Bixby,Okla,;‘a man at ‘the point:|The State which in proportion te of |a gunheld up the cashier,secured its population had the largest.num- $700;rushed out of the bank and |ber of insane reported,in.institu- mounted .a:horse.The Animal ~was tions on January 1,1910,.was Mas- ‘a Texas roncho “and commenced |sachuseétts,with 344.6 ‘per 100,000 bucking..°The-cashier had given:|population..--New ‘York,however; the alarm.and the mam was.-pulled'|had.almost.the same proportion, from:his horse,and locked :in jail.eae 343.1,per 10G,800 popu | e Democrats ‘ofthe “House of|ation ema e last week decided.against Thete is “no |doubt,“Mr,Durand || open:caucuses,but it was decided |S@ys,”that in’these States,.better that acredord vote be taken on de-|PTOvVision is made:for the care of mand of one-fifth of those present iusané in institutons than in most’ ane that-a-journatbe-kept—ftor-pub—ot the.other States.’The insane heation.Debates -and other inci-‘confined in institutions ‘in any State ::oie are no.means.drawn ‘exclubively:dents of the meetings will mot—be t7ardidwhen.burdened .with jmade public.A demand had been from thie Population of?that State,Bersonal -eandidacy;.that jhe’has|made that all,caucuses be open 'to The institutions:in.Massachu-. ‘abandoned.the expectation,of ditiee,ihe public,This was the.plan of ~wut is Ly.no means out’of"politics,|Mt.“Bryan but on a voteonly.at Mr.Bryan was introduced ‘by Gov.nrembers ifavored it:‘ iA k.\2 yA’dispatch.from ‘Baltimore say's ¥eoe that after having:‘lighted their --last signal toreh and given up for lost, Capt.¢.W:Harrison and his crew of three.men were “rescued by a passing schooner Saturday night off Hooper’s Island,from the.disabledSchooner,Hloise,‘from ‘New.Berne, N.‘C:,to:Baltiniore:-The four men ‘had fought the stermsinee~Priday-ie arlie Sm a colored employeee,“|without food:and at)the mercy.of Ge Hae:onecon.OM Gad Ctbintue Ges the high-running seas.They werePanyatScotlandNeck,was smoth-put ashore at Hooper's Ieland: ered to death ina pile ofcotton seed in’the company’s “seed house Rri-|Charging violations of the Sher- man anti-trust laws,the People’sdaymorning, “The North Wilkesboro Tobacco,Company of.New Orleans Saye that.Mr.Lewis Bullis,-has “inet:tuted civil action int,the lived wear.Miller’s”Creek,United.States”D’strictCourt against county,dropped'dead the American Tobacco Company:forwhilechoppingwood...damages and penalties provided @ wife -and threechildren.by the anti-trust law in Pvicgte: of $521,199.08.The plain al- meme Bishop,A nnn"logon that conspiracy by the Amer- lina Conference,.M..B lican Tobacco Company resulted in a }great.loss to the business of ‘the’South,Church,| ut di >ed Saturddy ‘at his,home People’s company. *Reorganization ‘of -theinWilmington,aged 59.He,had mail service is ‘projected,by,in the ministry.33 years. A bu mn d ;:Smith Pry op ne ae ay Postmaster General Hitehcock,who on and onea nephew of Mrs.Smith,will recommend ‘the plan.to .@on-: :gress..Thé scheme provides ..a néw system of compensation for employesyeesackbyarailroadtrain’atWentral8.C.,Sz ay.Mrs.Smial8.O.,Saturday,Mirs.Smibh’that provides for promotions,baseduponefficiency,The salaries willreceiyed‘injuries’from which she}: be graded in:the same manner asdiedenedayandherlittle_BonwasThaegeny.ante.for postoffice clerks and city letter€trial of the Ross negroes,for)carriers,exéept that railway pos- tal,clerks will -receive:higher pay.the murder of Mr.and Mrs.J/H. Dixon,in Cleveland county,a few ‘The re-claseification of salaries up- on the new plan will involve an ad-ag nee:is.scheduléd.to beginaelbytodayataspecialterm|qitional expenditure of about twoofcourt;Judge Webb:presiding.Gov epividien dollars.;Kitchin has ordered the Shelby‘mil-itary,omeney on duty GONag.thetria}. At,Wake Forest Cheiatmas DayOscar0’Neal shot.Ernest Hall andthe’latter died last week.fromtheeffectsoftheinjury.The shoot-ing was the result of ill feeling|of long standing.‘When 4t occurredHallwas’not’supposed to be..bad-Vy hurt and Ge was releasedonabotidof$5 He has’siticeTunaway. Winstoii Journal’koss,probably,of upwards of $20,-000,with .$6,200 ingurance,theWalkertownMillingCompany’6 plant}together with °a #reat “quantity ‘of!corn and wheat,tobacco and ferti-dizer and ‘other ‘things,and 2a smallblacksmith’shop’belonging toAlbértDavis,were déstroyed -by fire atWalkertownlastnight. Boone Democrat:Mr.Alex!Green,one of our largest land-owners,toldusonTuesdaylastthatthelatePastureonhisMeatCamp,farmswassoextrafinethisfallthat|@ herd of 47.two-year-old gteeTs haskeptin‘the best of condiion,”and|up to that;day the:whole bunth,had consumed:less sae one.stackOfHay,the:first Teed being given Ish Men’s,Wom en’s and Children’'s Shoes,collected to-a .‘gether out of clean,fresh winter weight goods from ourstock.After selling off the past 60 daysfe find lots of.odds and endsin broken sizes which.we,have thrown out gnaseparate counter and priced at much under whole- -gale cost,to clean up while the shoe season is on at ‘suchpricesasthese:;:$3.00 Shoes for $2.24 —$2:50 Shoes for $1.982,25 grade for «1.69.~.2.00 line for:1.49.:$1.50 line for’$1.24, ey ae your size in something;lookover this shoe counter.,It-will surely pay.you.-All heavy-weight ‘goods reduced ‘all through oyr stock.Our Shoe department representsastorewithinitself.:Our lines are from the best manu-.fotacets |in the business.This bad.weather.demands -ee good dry Shoes to protect you from colds jand pneumonia.»~Wesell this.Jind and for:tess.°“ory, “The:‘greatest outburet ‘of’‘applause that greeted WilliamJennihgs Bryan “when he spoke in‘Raleigh Saturday ‘might.before’an!apdience that tax- #d-the capacity of the.auditorium,| RAYS,a "Raleigh ‘special to:the’Char- lotte:Observer,was when,he:declar- l that)he realized now that -there ure.men in ‘the’party,who can “poll more...yotes for.Democracy than he and that he.will apply himself “to more earnest work.for them ‘than he}; |Has.Strength VWith the Fpople, ‘Durham,Herald: -If,the one have anything to do ‘Poston -Wrascon,Co.8 dl einahahnaonmrswsedierrnnlonet:semmenscksloiall ocratic:rpn on,is oe to bea hard.man to beat. setts,especially the private institu- tions,receive many insane’patients....from.-otheyNew.--Angland—-States, and the other:ifistttutions in ‘New| York similarly receive many patients |:from outside that State.‘i ~The.District of <Columbia,which };far wutranks both:New York and Massachusetts in the proportion...of|number of insane persons in insti-| tutions,presents eonditions.more analogous ‘to tliose of a city.than those of a S'‘ate,and is:the.loca-’ tion of the “governméntHospital for the insane,which drawe its pa-.|. tients from.a much wider area than| the District. ,Connecticut ranks third,ohare there are.321 crazy people .in.in-|stitutions for each 100,000 of pop-| ulation,:;1 esateeecteetee 8 ‘STATR NEWS. The present sheriff of Guilford, who is an Iredell man,is expected’ to be a candidate.for re-election, but thus early in ‘the game.six men are after his job.’ We Sad iintaking sine’of atoek we will have.many remnants ofpiece goods----Flannelettes,Outings,Domestics, Shoes and Ready-to -Wear ‘Garments----which wewillofer atsacrificeprices.-Watch this space for later announce- ment.Yours very truly,. MLtsngienatas&z POSTON. ‘Auction Sale |99 1.9 gos ic Every Saturday 31 3 i very Saturday] Our inventory shows that we have double the amount of Clothing,Shoes,Hats -and Furnishings we should have at this season of year,and we still have a consid-crable'stock of Dry Goods,Ladies’and Children’s Shoes,Ladies’Ready-to-wears*‘These lines we mean to discontinue and ‘are desirous of closing them out quickly. With this enormous stock on hands at this’scason of year we feel forced to do ‘something The entire.stock gocs on sale Friday,January 12th,and Lasts Until March Ist. -'Thirty--three and onesthird per cent will be given off on all Men’s end Boys’Suits, Separate Pants and Overcoats:Nothing réserved.~Think of anall wool well tailor-ed Suit,newest seyle,,$15 Nee for nat The.33 1-3 applies to every Suit,|Coat Auction Sale on.T hird Floor EVERY SATURDAY from 1 until 4 o’clock. and reserved for ladies who will be looked after by ae so every one will be seated and all merchan--dise that 18 cffered for sale will be passed down the aisles so you can see/exactly what you are buying: We mean to put up some real good merchandise,sich asLadies’Suits,Coats,Skirts,Sweaters,Cloth- ing.Shoes,Hats and Millinery.Wii]enumerate a small portion of what we will offer during this two-monthe:sale,giving you an idea what you can save by making cash purchares during this sale:; _CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. All $1.00 Shirts,Vests,Underwear,éetc.,“B20. All 75¢.Shirts,Vests,Underwear,etc., 62c.All 50¢.Shirts,Vests,‘Underwear,etc.,.42c. All 25e:Shirts,Vests,Underwear,ete;;~~22e.All 15c.Shirts,Vests,Ungerwear,etc.,-124¢c. }All 10c.Shirts,etc.;3 for »25e:MEN’S AND BOYS’SHOES. All $6 and.$6.50 Edwin Clapp Shoes All $5 Florsheim Shoes _All$4Shoes.|, All $3.50 Shoes‘All $3.00/ShoesAll$2,50,Shoes]All $2.25 ShoesAllcheapergrades same reduction.GLOVES., Hustley who Wilkes Wednsday He ienves Postmaster George jalesnd:of| Hallandale,Fla.,.hanged himself| from a rafter in the postoffice Sat-| urday.jrorning.He left a.note} saying things had gone against him,! that’his.accounts were straight. and his library.shofild go to.the public school.He left-no family.in Florida:but it is said.he has ‘chil- dren in New:York,.” ' rad way Mrs Pinchot Dalks ofthe Political Boss. Gifford Pinchot,former chief of the ‘forestry bureau of.the’United States,friend and adviser of The- odere Roosevelt,who was:dismiss- ed by President Taft ‘in the Bal- linger controversy,made a political speech at Medina,-Ohio,..the.otherdayinwhichheblastedbossesand bossism.a“To the boss.a party ‘is not aprinciple:but a .tool,”said -Mr.Pinchot.‘In.NewYork:State for example,Murphy is .a’Democrat,‘Barnes is a Republican.Both.alikestandforallthatisshameless and all that is unfair in‘politicallife..The one clear.distineti tween them is.this—that «1 rose from an humble origin to*chis present’bad iminence,while Barnes,’ beginning with 'the advantages of| birth,breeding and Uniiversity train | ing,-prostitutéd them.all to.the} service of one.of the most corrupt | political machines of our.day.| *T ‘gee little.to.choose between| Penrose,servant of the Pennsylva-| || 6 6th:Entailing ah nia railroad,leader of the regu- lar.Republicans in’the —United“ahem:ike States and adviser of the adminis-|1 thie day.before Christmas.-|tration,and Herrin,the defeated{ ;Mrs.Thurman EBudy,23 years and discredit "d political _manager| Old,was.burned’td death Saturday|for'.the Southern Pacifjo in Cali-Morning at her homé iu Concord |fornia,except:that Herrin bas.al- “Her -clothing caught from*a lamp4 ready been driven from political | and she rushed to a bedttor smoth-jtife,whike Penrose’soon will ‘be.er the blave:~The bedding*catieht |”“Roger,Sullivan,of Illinois,.Boss and by,the time neighbors arriy.|©0%Of Cincinnati,and countless| ed her body was.chafrea peyond|Stiers.are known as undeniable ex-:ig recognition,Her husband was at |@mbles of.the existence and power |Work in a.cotto#mill'and when he}ot special.privilege in pobitics.ireachedhomehis:wife was dead.|«What:chance has the average}}mau to make “himself-felt tn pol-|a@ Nticd where such conditions exist.|a hg longi ing to Dr.Alf.Bulla |'The boss systiem'is by its very ’-na-(if P sted peculiar symptoms.and |ture a idenial of e¢ffeetive politi-.|@.number..of men who gathered|cn liberty."$| tried to dtench the animal The enna }“horse bit off the Pts ;|neck.of the bot-Di curd |tle and ‘some of the me n were’eut!Piece.of Candy ¢caused De ath.|on .the hands’avd afiis”After the A piece ‘of candy:provoked.a} horse Was dead it:was decided he Seba whith ended in the death| _had hydrophobia’andthe injurea-|ef James White,a negro conyict,in | j 2 All 75c.Gloves All 50¢.Gloves +'40e.Big jobin 35c.and 50c Gloves 25¢. All Hats and Caps reduced except John B.Stetson’s.Remember 33 1-3.off onall Clothing: BASEMENT.. It’s our aim to discontinue all Dry ‘Goods,Ladies’and Children’sShoes.The prices willcounthere.©5c.and 10c.Laces,:26.10c.and 20c.Embroidery,5e. One case 10c;32in.fine Gingham, 63c.Two cases 15c.32 in.fine ZephyrGingham,..‘*‘yd. Orie case 8c.Apron Gingham,ie yd:One caseBuridle Outing,less than 4c. vf -yard,.98c.bundle,One casé 10c.Onting,5,to 1b yardlengths, 6he.yd.One case Bleach Canton,10c.to 12c.The.yd. :19¢«. All Ladies’‘50c.Shirts and Pants 39¢.All Boys’25c.and 35c.Shitts and Pants;22c.All Ladies’and Children’s Sweaters one-third to one-half off.One bale 5c Sheeting,All Quilts and Blankets reduced. LADIES’COATS,ETC. $3.00,$4.98,$6.50,$7.50 will buy Suits thatsoldfrom$7:50 to $25.See them:They are all values.All Skirts one-third to one-half off,all good styles.“All Long Coats one-thirdto one-half off.All Shirt Waists one-third to one-half of’.MILLINERY,RIBBONS AND SILKS. Can you tse a Hat?Look them over.’Thepricewillbelow:enough.Plenty of-goodstylestoselectfrom.Allfancy Ribbons.andSilkscostdowntohalfprice.©/Buy.Standard Patterns for 10c.,former.price15c.New line each.month.No better pat-‘terns in the city-for.15c..‘Remember 33 1.3 off on alkclothing. 62c. Shc.yd. In Randolph county last week is yd.yd. yd. basrmenwentto‘Raleigh |'for the Pas-Jail in.Winston.William Jones, vteur treatment.\|‘he slayer;“also-.a negro convict, Wm.Rodenkirchen,tte foreignerWhotriedtokillhimself—in ~~theGuilfordHotelat)Gre ensboro—-<omedaysago,by gashing his “body with@knife,and who-‘has’sinte beenundertreatmentinahospitalyatGreensboro,attempted tq stminglehimeelfFriday_by ‘tearing the ban-danges.from his wounds andknottingthemabouthisneck.Themaniscrazedonaccountofa.love affair, a tebe Younes the . jor * ‘Rous three 10c. 5c. Sig 46 struck -Wihite with ing his,skull. The men were playing cards a@ sort.of general exercise:room in | the county jail Wednesday nigh*,| when.Jones crépt behind baba.;' and struck—hitt “with the bottle.nt ti ob Choos ; Wihite »toppled.over and’others |%vee standing by prevented Jones \from}All $1.25 Glovesagainstriking.the Wwoumded rien |}All $1.00 GGloves White Ifvéd unti+Thursday .nignt.|" The trouble started’because’Jones | asserted that White:had hidden a a bottle,erack- j |in }f.wr All $2.50 Gloves $1.981.491.15 98c.82c. value,,All Dress Goods and Silks half price,AllLadies’25+Shirts and Pants SALE BEGINS FRIDAY,JANUARY 12th,aa lasts nntil‘Mareh Ist:Everything sold.ae adver-..insur:{isaebaieaSsioner|piece of;candy in a ventilator in-eS a edord ae jail,which he wouid-not share eb t9 aroaecuth iax gonvle with the other conviets.The nanMinareeundmS,Six convic-lhad 9 féw.blows’at.that.time but|“not guilty,”}its ‘was not’believed that.Jongs was|mistrials,°one:new--trial.i]pe j cheristiing evengze 1 eyFiomtheconviction’there has |ed hig mend.eebeenone*electrocution,'.One per-.‘son ‘has.been sent to the “roads for Ls A,Scott,:Confederate:~ge ven years,three tor two:‘vears |veteran’of Union outs tie 1 rte £See 2 eonyiited and sentenced WREK,aged 77;and wihin 2 4 Thontobe=electrocutd who hag ap=B.J.Seott;42.years:old,»peated to the Supreme GCourt.'.*Who hiv qd.with hin,Also Cnt, "tised,for spot cash oiily.Come every —during sale.:Plenty for all)The Choicest:willBOfirst.Very respectipny;a«es 4 ~ The.Ry ce Knox Company. iL bee aes -P.Ss.Remember 33 1-3oft on ai1 Clothing: a ‘teenies .Mir te his son, ap a “Ty to her guest,Mre.B.L,Ash- worth,of Marion.:The cards.of the guests.were received at-‘the [3 x NaS . :Mesdames.EB. "IN \.and Mre.T.F, PUBLISHEDDTUESDAY.‘AND. OFFICE;,120 WEST BROAD GTHENT,TELEPHONE NO.14.|. ---January:9, 1912.TUBSDAY, STATESVILLE +ae Mrs..Thomas’Receptption —@lub Meetings and Other Social Events. Mrs.D.&.Thomas gaye a’re- ception Friday:afternoon at her home on7Water street complimenta- door by little Miss Katherine Braw- .ley and,Master:David Thomas,and Jittie Miss Mary.Thomas.conducted ‘them to,the-cloak.room.Receiving in:the hall were Mrs.A.D.Cooper White,while’the sega receiving line.was composedofMrs,Thomas,Mrs,Ashworth, Mrs,J..H.Mec®twee,Mrs.B.-M. Yount.and:Mre.-W:_F Chenault, the latter of Cleveland.Mrs.E.8. _Pegram ‘ushered the guesta-to the punch bowl,where Mesdames W.H. 'McElwee and William -Morrison pre- _wided,..and -Mre.J.-L.Sloan ducted thenwto the:dining room, where,they were)’,rééeiyed “byG;Gilmer and.Rev. ‘Brawley and were served with:re- “freshments’by Misses "tizabeth, ‘Brawley,Corrinne Morrison.and Mary Armfield,From the dining cons |, ‘A:WOMANLESS REPUBLIC. A ‘Colony of 10,000 ,Monks,Where Woman..is Allowed to.Ene .MOORESVILLE |ian Affairs,‘Bus ss Changes. Correspondeice of The Landmark. *Mooresville Jan.8—Mre.George C;Goodman entertained Friday af- ternoon at™home |on Main street.The utiful fiome was evenmoreattractivethanusualwithits aaeru decorations of flowers and. ing plants.”A ‘gpecial»:‘Yeature for the affernoén.was the-readingofselectionsfromDickens’-Christ- mas Cdrdl by Mrs.B.O.Randolph. Great masses of galax leaves made a beautiful setting for the punch’ bowl,which was gracefully presided over by Miss Carry Leazar.At the’ ‘close of the ‘afternoon a delicious course of-‘refreshments was served by ‘the hostess,aes by Miss Edia:tirewalt. The!sevond.of:this ‘delightful get ries of entertainments was’given by Mr.;atd Mrs.‘Goodman-on -Fri- day evening,when they entertained at ‘a buffet luncheon.An:invita- tioh to this hospitable home is al- Ways al assurance ofa good time and this oceasion proved no one tion’to the rule.i .\Mrs,Geo.Jones entertained the‘pmbroidery.club Friday aftertioon at-her ‘attractive home on Dastefn.‘Heights.The guests at~the ‘club the’villagecapital of the peninsula.were Mesdames Geo.Goodman ‘and Itis said that the foot of.a ‘womanJ.W--Brawley.‘|has not touched the soil of thé place Miss.Nadine Brawley.‘entertain-for centuries.All the monks repre-: ed a number of friends.at.dinner.on/|sent:the Greek.Catholic’Ch Personal ee Kansas City Dispatch. There is a wicinaaies republic on apeninsula:south “of Macedonia in‘Greece,where 10,000men live,study- me and.prayingconstantly,andwhereicemenguardthecoasttokeepoutwomenProtonsandother‘undesira- bles.Casoer 'Rene Gregory,theologian of ‘the University of heip- sig,student of Biblical manuscripts, o came here to lecture,thus de- scribes this unique republic:“The place is Mount Athos and it-iscalledtheMountof.20.Monasteries,Itis a realrepublic.Thereare 10,000monkstherewho:govern themselves |without interference from’Turkey or any other country...There are,how-ever,no government buildings,.nopresidentorotherofficeholders.‘Thereis-a police force,but its soledutyiistopatrolthecoasttokeepout 'women-and men'who have no permit to enter...Only those who have a let-ter of permission from the:Greekpa-triarchin:Constantinople are allowedtoentertheholy:place.The holder of the-letter-must present itin Karge@s, 7 . room they were show:to the miusi¢ room by Mrs..J.L.Cowan;and.re- _ceiving thére.was Mrer J.F.Carl ton,The musical programme cou" no at.her hone on:Broad They Work:the soil--some,but live: i «|ay |Chiefly upon contributions from.pil-Dr,,and Mrs,Wilfiams,:of Flor grims Probably the greatest thee:ida,¢Rev:and Mrs.|&da,are the guests of Rev:and Mrs.ito)of Biblical manuscripts is in the €'sted,of.vocal selections,by Mrs.Carlton,Misses Margaret.Scott,Ar-| leene Gilmer and Marie Long;vio-| ‘lin-soko by Miss Stuiting and piano.| numbersby Misses Mary Scott,and | ‘Annabell...Mills...“Abs'sting the! ’hoste:in the general entertain-.| me of the ‘guests -all during the) a!oon were Mrs.LK.Lazenby | and Misses Mamie McElwee,Emma | Mcintosh and ~Eula.Flynn..The} punth room was!decorated in yel-| low,the dining room in white and the muste rootn-in-pitrk—“ane Mr.wad?Mrs.Wi.Ledbetter cele-) brated their silver wédding at ‘their home on east|Bell street Saturday| evening.Quite a number of friend -were present and.the event was one of interest and pleasyre,~Mra.Leds ‘better was Miss.Mills,of this coun- __LJohnsie |week R..©,ee Mr.-Williams'is abrotherMrs.Davidson.|Mrs.monasteries af this republic.John Yount abd sister,of Newton,|:“It'is the most interesting placeinlarrivedhereFridayto.visit their {the worldfor the student ofthe Bibie. sister;Mrs.Geo.©.Goodman..Dr, Fred.Rankin arrived home Thurs- \day night’from’Baltimore to.visit ijhis mother.-Messrs,-Mosey White, principal of Pineville.High School, and James ‘Rodgérs,principal.of |Newell’s High School,have::teturn- led to their respective:placés..Mrs: Jotnsie Thompson and:daughter, Lee,returned home this| from Salisbury,where they spent some time visiting relatives, Miss.Evelyn Wors am returned jhome:-Wednestday from Ruffin,da I have been there threé timesalreadyand:I neyer will tire’of going.‘There|:aré in themonasteriesthéret 10usands of Greek manuscripts and hundreds of them are connected with the New Testament.Hundreds .of students have studied many of these manu- scripts very carefully,but there are been read carefiilly.“It:may be that great discoveries,valuable to Biblescientists,will emanate yet from this great storehouse of manuscripts. she spent,-the Christmas holidays (with her ,mother,.Mrs. |Goodman,’secretary:of Congress of ‘the D.A)R., |Winston Thursday.to ‘attend a call Geo {nal Greek in one of these monasteriestheBglthatI-ran.across a new.interpretationwent‘tO lof the scene recounted by John inthe ty,and.is a eister4of .Messre..N. B.,Cc :ang wv?R ‘Mills |méeting of.the executive committee,|jeighth chapter of his gospel of the)Re |whith wae 4 eS :|woman found in adultery.Our-trans-on ‘‘ich was -in session at the henie lated ra ti -Last week's meeti ng of the.Bridge |of the president,Wm.N.Reynalds 7 version4is-that a ai stopped club was:held.with Mrs.Ernest Si-|Miss Luddie Henley,of Charlotte,|and wrote in the'sand and then arose moty Thursday afternoon.The out-|is spending ten days with -her sis-jand said-to her accusers,‘He that is of-town guest present was Miss ter,Mrs.Henley.:|without sin “among you let him first Greenabaum,of’Seaford,Del.,.who}‘Communion:services will be -held/cast a stone at her.’It isrelatedthen “is visiting-Mrs.Simon.-in the game |at the First’Presbytreian church |that Jesus stopped and.wrote againtheprize,,a:pair of silk hqse,was (next Sunday morning by the pastor,|in the sandand that thosewhich heardwonbyMissRoseStephany..Two Rev.W..8.Wilson.The officers cf it,being convicted of their own con-| Lb courses of refreshments’were serv--eanaee school .were installed science,went out one by-one.Peey ed é 4 “|Moe.J.M.McKee hia ehceed Now this version had it that Jesus \ ~urday The Saturday Afternoon Book club held a business--and 'social meeting|| with Miss Mary Neill Conner Sat- afternoon at -her home on Kelly street.The-club organized| dy electing Mise Katherine’White| president,Miss .Flora-,Lewis’vice prestdént anid Miss Louise Sherrill; librarian.After the business sés- sion.Miss Conner served .a_salad course.The club is to meet every two weeks and the next’meeting will be held -with Miise FFlora Lew is. Invitations have@been issued for the marriage of Miss Emma Camil- la,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Frank brown,of Saliisbary,and Mr Hi- ram Grantham,~of.,Red.Springs, Robeson county Miks |Brown isaniece:of Mrs H.Morrison,of Mooresville,and of,Mr.John -H Keid,‘of Davidson,has been teach- ing music in Red Springs ‘Seminary. R ;IMOVEMENTSOFTHEPEOPLE. Personal Mention-of the Folks.Who- Are Coming and Going.‘ Mrs._R.H.Benneit,who had been in Charlotte,spent Friday and Saturday;with’Statesville relatives, leavin g Saturday afternoon for her home in MarionMrs.J.C,Fowler and children returned Saturday afternoon from a visit at the home of Mr.Fowler's pa- rents.at South River & _.Mrs.j.-M.:Barkley left Friday afternoon for a visit to relatives in Salisbury,Greensbéro and Wins- tone ©pe Miss Lelia Corpening has gone to Rockingham to spend ‘some time with her brother,Mr.-A.'G..Cor- pening. Mrer.T..S.Barkley,of Paola, Kans.,who spent some:days.in Mooresville,is now visiting inStates- ‘ville.She.will leave.for:her.-home the latter part of the week.Dass Mrs,‘Addie’Moore and =her daughter|:Miss Grace,of Wilming- ton,and Mrs.Fleming,of Davidsen,are guestsdtthe home of Mr.W G.Reynolds,at Scott's LS Miss.Marjorie DeKraft,of Pihila- delphia, Pa.,.will.arrive tomorrow morning .and will.be.the guest of: Miss Elizabeth Alison.a4Mr.8.F.BE.Gruber,who:spent *Bomeé time with -~C Mr:and Mrs WwW; returned yesterday _to Mr.-and Mrs at Hickory Ye MPs)es W.Cooper, ‘(this home tn Marion. Cooper spent yesterday with Mr--Gooper's s'ste A.Setzer,* Mrs.A.M.Smith and Mrs:W Li Pope.and child,of Baltimore,went to Charlotte yesterday to visit at| the home of Rev.J.A.Smith.| Capt.J.W.Copeland,of Clinton,| 5..C.,is in-town fora few days.’ *Miss Clyde Blankenship,who was! ‘ret urning from .a’visit to Rowan and wus a guést at‘the home of Mr.,Li.| Deit%,went to"her home at Hid- denite yesterday..: Miss Ethel Russell,who was| detained|at home on account of the} “illness of ‘her:father,Mr.J.he| Russell,\lett Saturday morning to. resume her studies at,the Normal|and Imdustrial College,Greensboro. Mr.uunsel!is now ‘improved.f Governor’Makes Good ‘Amywie: aa PDurhamHerald.1 Certainly Mr.Kitchin is makinga-gcod Governor.He also made.a geod Represéntative in Congress aid would make good ee you put,tim.‘- Spending several ‘Voils-master of which:the:public health -service is wrote uponthe ground the sins of every man in the audience and that ‘they,when they read it,convicted by their own conscience,went out one by one.’-This seems to m@ a very good ‘version of ‘the episode.”’ to Statesville after a few days:visit with Mrs.W.S’Flowers.Mr:Gray Sloop left Friday for Reading, Pa:, to look after some business Mr. |\Jim Miller has returned to Geor- gia after spending some time with his mother.Miss Ruth Culbertson returned to Salisbury “Saturday *to continue her work as teacher in the graded school.-Mr.Clem Low-}rance..has gone -to Charleston, where he hag accepted a position as drug clerk Mrs..D.G.Caldwell returned,.to Concord’Friday after days .with Miss Miss Banher Sher- form on Guitar and Fiddle. Washington Dispatch,5th,to’Bal- timore Sun.-i A small but select audience attend-| eda musicale .in;Senator Bradley's Carry Leazar |statesman and Senator Robert L.Tay- ri Li.he is.returned to Charlotte af-lor,of Tennessee,were the perform- ter spending the holi days with her]ers. father.‘0 8 We’.nly a day or two ago Senator Tay-N 2 Zir.Fred.Culp,who has.been lor declined to fiddle if Bradley play-with Culp &“McNeely Bros.for sev-dth h |eral years,has resigned ©and’will|/ed the guitar,on the ground that:itengage.in farming |would break his heart .to pick up the|}.‘Messrs.A Leazar.and.Fred,}0ld instrumentagain,but modern jour-Freeze have bought ne earage|nalisminduced himto change his mind. and machine shop of Mr A’Fry!*From'the staff of a localnewspaperaphotographerwassentwithacam- jera,a fiddle'and'a guitar. who has accepted a an automobile ‘agen¢ty At a recent meeting seta with | in -Charlotte of the Pyth- Sena~tors Bradiey ‘and Taylor Pert a Notices:af New Advertisements. ‘Sacrifice -sale of furniture and/|j|-housefurnishings begins tomorrow ||and continues 12 ‘days:—Statesville ura EORBact other manuscripts that have not yet’. ‘It was while reading in the origi-| HousefurnishingCo.Prescriptions at the store of quali-ty.--Statesville Drug’€o.|:Special sale begins Friday and.con-tinues to March1..Auction saleeverypatarday.—The R.M.Kriox Co. Land “sale February.-10—B.E Welbaer.mortgagee.Dr.Wakefield will be at the Inn Janyaty 15 from:10 to-3. Showcases,screéndoors,windows, apantels,etc.—Delinger Show.Case0, Oak ‘wood $1.50 per,load ay,A: Davidgon. Mrs.-Av.W.Perkins.In’office’on Saturdays—-L.0. White.:Hard brick;—Statesville Brick Co. Send a_draft:—Merchants.-and ‘Farmers’Bank.Good methods,«large Tesources, courteous:treatment;—Commercial National BankMilchcowwanted.—-H A.Yount. WAN'ANTED —A\GOODMilehCow:HLA.YOUNT,-9.~2t. woop =GOOD OAKwood.at $1.80 par ood,te cash,J,A.DAVINNON,Spear BUILDING now occupied DR W.He-WAKEFIELD ()F:CHAARLOTTE,“wiltbe.in Statesville at theInnonMONDAY,JANUARY 15th,from 10a.m.to$p.m,,to treat diseasesof the Eye,Ear,Nose and Throat and tent bad for heiasaus:van:O--2t; ‘Hard Brick } androck are the ‘otily build .ingmaterials that will with- ~stand frost and fire,and. last-for all time..Common and Face.Brick aweye on ‘hand.:Statesville Brick Co. eae —| } Delinger Show CaseCompany ‘Is now running fulltime,man ufacturing Show Cases,ScreenDoors:and .Windows.Also. Oak-and Pine.Mantels.Allkinds.of repair work done promptly and right at areason-ableé_price.When you wantanythinginwood-working line made or repaired please don’tforgettocall’Phone 473. Bell 146. office today,at which the Kentucky| \“START RIGHT!” He snap-| jped the ‘Tennessee Senator holding!f ians officers were installed as --fol-ithe fiddle to his chin and.the:Ken- lows;J::F.Dorrah chancellor ‘com-\tueky Senator plucking at:the ‘guitar | megane J a maar Deelake ee |in the self-same.waythatused to draw Hrasne:didstes of work 7 Brave admiring audiences in Garrard county. “Let’s play a few,things,‘Bob,’|suggested Bradley.ley keeper of*records.and seals,§ V.Brown:master of -finatice;C.E-Hawthorn taster of exchequer,C.U.|aylor was inclined:to resist,butarms,Bugene John-|rich notes from Bradley’s guitarstoninnerguard,W.R.Johnston |brought his bow across the fiddle outer ‘guard,istrings.Meanwhile Senator Bradley’sMesgts.E.P.Williams and Floyd|office force had gathered fora treat. |away went the guitar and the:fiddle, with senatorial fingers guiding them, :through the strains of the old’riverTroyMontgomerian,{song. Bee trees are)rare enough’in this,This completed,the audience insist- country,but'a bee logis very unusu-'ed on.more..‘‘Mississippi Sawyer” al...Bib Saunders,the 1%year-old son ||followed,and as the Senators warmed of Mr._.DW.Saunders,a prosperous|to their work they began to execute Found Eight.Feet of Honey in Log.* ‘farmer of near Troy,found a bee log |difficult harmonies and do neat finger. near his home some time in Novem-|ber.He made several éffor'ts to sell it for 25 cents,but failed to get an of- fer.Last Thursday he decided to take the hoygy and about dark:began the task o his astonishment he ‘found a continuous line of honey comb eight feet.in length,and most of it filled[; with a good quality of:honey:He sent home for buckets and saved it all. There-were 30 pounds of nicehoney,worth onthe mmarket $3.75. Cotton Seed Oil and Pellagra. Cotton seed oil manufacturersare gathering.evidence and statistics to refute a theory.that-eottoh seed oilmight-be one of the many suspected ‘contributing causes fo-pellagra.As- sistant Surgeon General Itong,of the public health service,in a public.ad- dress,recently mentioned the names of somé investigators’who were in- clined to that belief,but‘other doctors work. We’MI ‘end up with ‘Old Kentucky Home,””’said Senator Bradley,sud- idenly becoming inspired,“and we'll sing it too.’They sang it all the way ft#rough,|Taylor carrying the tune and Bradley singingbass. ’Prizes“Foe Fruit Growers. North Carolina won all sorts of prizes at the recent Horticultural Con- a at St.Joseph,Mo.The North ilkesboro.Hustler says two Wilkes fruit-growers secured prizes—Mr.J. J.Lowe,.of _Poor’s’Knob, the Gold Medal~orchard at Oak- woods,both of which are the Brushy mountain.-Mr.Lowe's) was second ‘prize on the linibertwig and the Géld Medal orchard was first'| prize on the Shockley apple:| Other,prizes won in the State were: R,M.Chatham,Elkin;Mrs:Moses||say the theory isabsurd.‘The cotton|Cong,Blowing Rock;Mr.Arthur! iseed oil men say the theory has no)Banner,Suan Grove,“Wataugacoun-;||support inany government publication|ty;Mr.Wiréeportingtheofficialinvestigations Ashe county,won two prizes (forap- .ples of the largest,weight);Sparger,| of Mt.Airy;won first on limbertwig.| ;cohstantly conductinginthe South. renninMr:an?Mrs.‘Neal 8.sharpe \ have:returned from‘théir bridal trip and Have gone to housekeeping- west Statesville.pr } They have but ii an aftidavi t.on} Gol.Harris.about | in ‘trees and he‘has att rn acknowl FeGeed:the corns pA .»‘ Noah,of Columbia,S.Cx,spent the|““What’ll it be?’asked Taylor.‘Doweekendherewithfriends.Dr.and ou know.‘Buffalo Gals,’Bradley?’’ Mrs.Bell have:returned home.from ¥To the ol ¢Kentucky be si i Whitaker,-where -they spent .-two othe gloryo re ucKYy é it saic { weeks ‘visiting Mrs Mann,mother |that Bradley knows‘‘Buffalo Gals’’as lof Mrs.Bell ;well as Tom Sawyer ever did,.and |tathed:in )County, and;80uttaining \47 on), bHensley,Bald Creek,+seo 1 |treated as barred. foxes climbi ne] —SHOW CASE COM’Y, BAXTER L:DELINGER,Proprietor.Corner.Meeting and BellStreets. Jan,9—2t, Start:the New Year ‘right with the resolu- tion that you will buy ‘the best groceries and ‘freshest.vegetables on. the'market this year. {We will help you to’ keep:your resolutions. by keeping the best that can be.had‘in our line. —GIVE US ‘A TRI AL = Eagle &“Milan Sewing for ladies’and,children.|| Hox:Hall 4 leva.”apply] hj SALEE-OF REAL ESTATE.| BY VIRTUE of the powers con- a ¢értain mortgage deed, exécuted~to the undersigned,and recorded in Book 34,°at page—-274 of the’record -of deeds of Iredell} I will sell at public auetion, to the highest bidder for cash at the court--house door in Statesille, N..C.,on SATURDAY,REBRUARY 10,191 25 at 12 o'clock,noon,all the right,ti- tle,interest .and estate of the saidMarthaShoemaker;iti land”to the following describe ad:tract of and in New Hope township,Iredell coun ty:<‘ Beginning at a hickory on.the mountain,John D.Williams’—cor- ner,thence north to a-‘“‘swamp dog- ‘wood,’near Martha Shoemaker’s} spring,thence N:.down the spring branch with said.branth-to a pop- lar,Ey F.Dishman’s é¢orner,thencewest‘to the ‘Crooked®branch to a walnut on east side of said branch, thence up said branch to a spanish oak,John D..Williams’line,thence southeast to the —beginning,con aer 7"a or.less. ).WEISNER,|Mortgagi re, Fan Hoy, Jan.9,(1a. Weatherman &. —NOTICE TO CREDIFORS=_..Having qualified .as-administra-|tor ef the estate of Mrs.Hattie L.Brown,deceased,I hereby notify all |persons having clajms against her| :0n [|\estate to present ‘Same to mei the fifth day of De- 12,or the same,will be ~R.A.COOPER, Administrator.” By:McLaughlin,Att'y.a3 Dec.5,1911.“ THE LANDMARK.ts,“ea.peper yeareaseyou,want to know, LANDMARK,Get Attys.|| ty 14} t, _yourNew’eres 101112139 |81920 , ssoiteda copereghr WemoeTenmermente) oestoday.” -Money is:a’good.thing to have if you lose your: “oecupation—with money ‘in the bank,you are .always independent.Step into.‘this‘bank and let usrae it over.: ¥ a _eut down,my.‘expenses and:ae some ae money in,the bank,Ican live on a lot. less if 1 try.Iwill starta bank ¢account J.C;IRVIN,President.G.H.BROWN,ve President. it Lazenby-Montgomery Hardwareiwesonasooangoresceseqnces Fiirst National Bank,. __STATESVILLE,.N._C. OFFICERS:E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier. ~HIGHEST QUALITY MATERIALS Ar THE STORE OF QUALITY “Capital $100,000;Surplus and.Prot $200. JNO.W.GUY,Assistant Cashier. “Have YourPrescriptions FILLED WITH —e +PRESCRIPTIONISTS.— Ledgers,Journals,Day Books;all rulings.Cash Books;one,two,three and four column’ Time Books;weekly,two weeks,monthly. for all machines.zPens,Penholders.and Erasers.All yourwants can be supplied iin Shatner 5 R.P.“ALLISON”S,. OURN Ts to profit by the mistakes and failures of the past.,“Look for us at the same old stand,’with more experience and a larger and better stock of hardware,and be. assured we.will be faithful to _your.wants,...°1,Yours truly, {* Carbon Paper,Typewriter Paper ane Typewriter Ribbon; Statesville Drug Co., Office Supplies! BOOK AND isa aadinSTORE.: 00000000SS 200080000 SeeneeeeosessssocooosooooosesessYEAR: ) os , i is°W.D.-‘Turner,posh D Moa ,re an ave On and general manageris Pp.M»Aus-TUESDAY,—--January 9,roll eet é a oe oN STATE ;OWN One of the hopes of the Si ates- BTATROVIELE AYES sa TOWN:ville ‘people {gs that in ae ene ‘r ;ok Ibsea'ver Man Looksit -Over |future the interurban wi nu a ie cos Oe eee An er eee ai ScatTea from.Statesville to Charlote,thus ,Yl "from :|qe Paik 4a Ce {giving them.connection with.the “Mt 5 el Orm |.W,Chambliss’in Charlotite”Ob-electric,-ratlroads east and west |ry) server,age 1 -~<}through Charlotte.In fact thiere |.y ‘oy]‘Rh ‘:oa «Sitting in a passengers car cn alare those among.the optimistic|..~nh euma 1smSouthernrailwaytrainOne.day we citizens who:believe that Neonat :Puen tne LN En cn rege a erwere.discussing’the possibilit.es of me foneee volgen tf.a Saye »\"Try Sloan’s Liniment for your rheu-the piedmont section of the Garo>Ganalat institutions;the.First Nab.’>WOR BS matism—don’t’rub—just Jay it on, 4 a linas.Inj the patty there was .@ \tigual bank witha capital of $100,-|/)gy “lightly.It goes straight to the soreteeSeaeeren“ponte ano-be |000;the .Commercial National.}/..’:HH spot,quickens the blood,limbers“up!‘te er.IPO nO +2 '|he i “apts od ane ‘2:cles and joi ;NoMore Cold Hands ‘.Carolinians,The.growth of many lees dee a ee went :‘;ton fe nu aes a ee aS —mo P|for tue:tomson the"socion "was it,apical ot agenuo.and]A a,Ot Ra:i oe ;“,BI WROTE HA COUN lis a credit to.these thjiee concerns|a ae»ERFECTIQO)<a lagged the.New Yorker remarked:(that at eae Naya fey!tailed ae ,W Here’s Proof ‘*Wiheére:is’Statesville,,N.0.2?"!it currency,¢ae il Mrs,JULIA THOMAS of Jackson,'SMOKELESS. THE I A ident of the States setae nh a _.|to,pay.their checks:One of us peplied,tolling him eye,when other towns.in this sec-betas ad Cal.,writes:“I have used'your LinkCr)B x [the logation of -the--hustling Ow hrion-were paying.script,i ar -ment for rheumatism with much suc¢-“GTA that.priags.itself onus.growth und:“The!t oe hee eu good news-|'A ie cess.”;‘re i';hk laws i Tak ep -progressiveness ‘and .delights.in}Stee v4 -ath,lapee >olpéulatio :Hi ie)ek oh pou aoS$s y vi iad ne .papers beth;with large:circulatign ||MARTIN J,TUNIS,169 £6th Ave.,>A woman,often.does not.notice ‘the slogan:Stutesville “De Best jand,contptied and edited enter-|.Pin Q Paterson;Ni J.,’writes :--“T was aUraitissolong“as-she.‘|Town in the State;\ey ‘prisitg,‘iéwspaper.men.Tres »cripple‘with rheumatism for two years and I could not move at all;had.What a co ayit is‘ig e.|SCRE ea :I i ’nue iDdaaa.seth id th k 2 Bi :MNbe’New Yorker,then tod us pers’.ahe The’Landmark and:Phe |to be carried from place to:place.I tried temediés anid could not get bet-:is bustling around the‘house.But {)ltnat ne had seen-in many.higt-Mending).of yl |ter,until T'tried Slean’s Liniment,.One bottle fixed me'ypin‘good shape,om when shie sits down to her séwing and jens magazines the ~advertissment |The Tlie of the Southern Be and now Talways have a Dottle in the house for‘try-wife and children,” 3 te -mending,she soon feelschilly.!“ea uae the ed thatlt relepiione™Company “enters States=].-R es 'a i igor |se teats pete ‘a ete ‘sa,~neers Be a a re had heard that their+business)lia).)‘re ig<dine adti the};ae;*be ‘;te .ary Meee Pvitle aud’:phere igvin ad On:ee pete :ys f .(extended “into every:State”“and joeal ‘exchiuge of:this Company:ast:ee :;::He ae Rote 4!local ‘exchange o this Company HS)i It 1s thenshe needs a Perfection SmokelessOil,ater Perritory.4h)one .4 well as.an excellent independent’a Its quick,glowing heat warms up @ room in next to no time.are romani Interested ae.I tie telephone .exchange.Gal esas:‘..yh 3 O near Ol.Lhe Success.of |‘he furniture industry «is hars___That is the heauy of.Petlestion Smpokeles.Oi)Heatet-—It-ie—fo4 -trntsnmp--fettowse-wito-reece—tegatana adsl iene always ready for use;you can.carry itwherever you please;and you oS F penne two oar?when Meee Lyille !Furniture Company,the Kin-]..saht i en:Pe he Was but one pefare..Sitiee.that |wid.Furniture ‘Company and’‘tiie.~hight it only when you sda g uy fina I,have looked forward to the time Neniserial Furniture ManufacturingThePerfectionOilHeaterissmokelessueSepaperonie!When I could spend a few hours in |Gompany,:making a line of sits;device insures that.It isreliable,sale con eg ciaae eeeene nom oe |“Seeing °Statesville.’{Wantes Neng tat oavtlla Safe /&Table.Com:‘fill -“Handsome,too —drumé finis ed-either in blue”ename Plain dee,with AG pee ea ae not want to liiny,al line of tables:and desks:|’.a ;Reot i ,-me Ree :r mi at Hacer nt ::sone toli:-—but-*wished to..que TY.ithe Statestitd—Shewease—_Company)—papa kind:of -pain.'-Good-for-Neuralyia,Toothache,Lumbago andDealerseverywhere;-or write for descriptive circular to any agencyof|:i |ton pote a the tow niand SE it)manutact uring’the ‘inside furnish-,Chest Pains,Sold by-all dealers,Price 25c.,50c.and $1.00. ::::.ee ep et ing for:stores,‘and ?ip the furl:|._1"y<Sloan’s book on:Horses;Cattle,Hogsand Poultryseat free.Address’;~—---§tandard Oil Company -TPA he we the “other:dayt"went.,to lrure:line we also.find the North)Tl pp BARL §.SLOAN.oc «.Bost ere‘....(incorporated):phe d -Fad 3]Statesville:I:found:a.thriving,State Veneer Compuny and »the ee Pie al fei ein a Pe tide neO.'W.-Slaine Glass Company,who 7 have a good business.established ‘,‘}not all living wiihin.thé co:pcrats eT54aefessx‘Weer‘}Himits,for:jike’-other growing.|wary not Only logal furniture.fac-.a EG Seae:*towns Jn is splendid South,»(he {ortes,but who ship thet,pod ct |TAY a)people have crossed the boundary over a large:territory,.(isklinein’|eve ry direction and “al-ra E INSURANCE though _the récent “United §ates ture brick Masinsa.and sty.not ’::Se1:::dL lo ae does.not give Statesyille only*to points in.the.United.States ‘‘:5 4 ‘@ busy towk of possibly.7,000:people,| but’4,599 people,the town extends but to other eoutitries as wellhet";ai ;fully.half:a-mile.beyond ‘the Hm--l: qy..:ctatacot ae ea ks RINThin |OS‘Fire losses for two years in the United States-would build the Pan- Blii 7).ac),fea 'ceo ee Phe Statesvi'le Flour Mil's Com-ama Canal.They exceed the total-cost of he re pare NaN of the according’to.the corporate:Umi «.ee Stas Sar.‘ater than the annual expen ?efoieih treats :a ««tutes for Poneions or ths aml comtoe the United States*Postal ee eee ee a i wrist pacity of 500 barnéls of.flour and .\"New Year;we wish to thank.you for your remarkably-is ne ¢al COS t ALCS way Hf./y rayel east.and west |»9;Mshels ‘nepal.yey ane ;Da ave |¥1 :rite ¥ineServiee.Fires in the United States cost over $500 per age The.-,or..North and ‘South -“it is two i ant ners i me ae F ee Peed Woeae Oe woe ne hot cnwaytogetlowerinsurancerateistohave’fewer fires.|Defective miles.across.cee North und-South Carolina...In:ad-Weate oisd to welcoine you;‘and feel proud that through.stove flues‘are responsible for 13 per cent.of all fires:The cost of J§|‘The business *houses“wou'd be a dition to ‘thie there are.two ech chan tay ads &ikit Winds ea al Ga ;atcaeay:‘u Va di oredit:to “auy--tow Petre oa!The 1 8 ae eer so many;years jyou have each season ‘taken our word onfireseachyear-is one-half tue-cost of all theynew buildings erected in dit to any n.of ‘twice’the |other’'smalier mills im:the city.the valu GE Otis inerchaidibe-Prastuslineas mote the year.The annual per capita fire wastes in the United States is en ion and the Fesidence,see)phe ‘tobacco,trade is.represent-Our ance te pas bad ae hor Bond ee eee$2.51,in Europe $0.33.Cause:The:latter has.better.construction,Panenins equaliy _beyond the €X-ed by ‘three.tobacéo factories.Tur-;JS as Pood as ind. less carelessness,increased responsibility.Fire losses in the United #~ons “ol a visitor.§atesville ner-Powell Company and lL.Ash,~States and Cariada in 1910 were $234,406,600:eudiiee tes eect es make plug tobacco;and .J.:H.Me-The Best Hardware House in Our Town.ee rpanyvie.the largest.mill south ‘of i ,he See de 24 HeatonDanvillé:”They ‘have a daily “ca-}Withthe opéningof the ‘new company along With the We represent the leading Northern,Southern and Foreign Compa-@itided school -Duliding and ie Elwed,smoking tobaceo.n°dd- nies.’You had better let us insure you today.,Passinground thehat,church : hvtiaée “ate Leta :dition to this are warehduS§e:Tacl-|2 =:i;Be ses are large,modern:i4;;ae j s wr bey;;asi after afire.‘MB structures Pe tora e ute es,ities enabling the farmers -to mar-F Wh R ;d H :Cctobuildahouseisnot@verypleasantexperienceafter2eiructures,.attractive,’and.the:Ket their crop.”a ite-hel ard ware Ca,ERNEST G.GAITHER,=Statesville,N.C,Pi!suis ante ies Re dware Co.;°.es eC,e +9 5 :ce!s The Compress.Pad &Saddfe 0:=‘ito be proud of them.The citizens m eaten be prow pave established a large business,|(aeINSURANCE,STOCKS AND.REAL ESTATE.-’cuded:$20,000 on the gehoul selling .their.-hainees.to the’:building for white children andwithawell-equipped plant and15teachers,900 pupils.are beingeducated.pean—:a”a ’of hard-wall plaster,These with ee \a eSVI |ll :‘ee Tis One :busjne s*concern,thé smaller factories and:foundries con-:l a :reSOOOOOCOOOe:Saine whose advert’sement appears -¢4 "PHONE 23..OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. dealers all over.the United States.|=:ree i The Statesville Plaster & Ge- ment Co.manufacture a high grade stitute’the rineipal lines .ofin‘those high-class magazines :;he ;reah-3 i .set and yy -j::Se :*4 janifacturing.-:'Wy9:|a et which Bives Statesville The Commerce!uh of Mtateal 3 é ea sa rng lonal =repucation,,expend-|ville,-an organization of businessed$9,000 in postage alone last |eek !i and.proféssional-mén,has doneyear.The president of this ¢:i:t {pt S CON-much’ior the promotion of thecern,Mr.G.E.French,‘is ‘a’msd-: s ps ;:a ;:growth of ‘the town,The 6cre-];Hh :est man and did not wish to tell tary «f.this club ‘is W.li.Gilbert d eSo4howmuchbusinesshisconcern;-and'he’devotes all.of his time :NOTHING BETTER FOR :‘he Piedmont.Cedar Chest vork of |ait ::4 ie mt '‘%.); Compa-'tg tt f cing ‘al iae;;a-'to the work of looking alter theNy;has done during the year,but ;j ne ‘:locati j s new#gtries?i1 oH ::CHAPPED FACE OR HANDS,K heed a:Wel:tntorincd puciteen|errno Bow industrict:tn |.ee;:Sratesvile The club has a-hand-}Map Say;with considerable pride @ =4 é25C.A BOTTLE aes that!they.”“ahipped ”thetr pro:|e nee,ce eee an,Soom Wea)os .t a library “and an office im “the ;ct ‘S:AG [ite Set te ani eed.ta”wit"?toatl QUR FLOUR HAS NO “SUPERIOR.5 |AT y:ut this is’but one:‘of y the club ‘through committee has|‘::i ::Seite en enterprises:of the {nstituted.a sales day and tf:you|NG i ce :‘Sia Remora a peed -have anything to sell,from a dozen|:i ‘};ree -Hans would beli¢ye it eges to a farm,you can ‘have it}ee ‘;‘asWwW.F.Hall S,Drug Store.peat ‘wae ae ee ee scld at auction on the first Mon-|/->Every Bag Guaranteed/Absoi1DQALC;a Oe de drugs \than any other day in -any month,No.fees are}:ath “‘:E HONE NO.20.;ie ae jown fin the Union.Located charged for the sefvicés ‘c¥—the'|lutely pure,-and guaranteed@*p barren es are two wholesale ‘auctioneer and all.goods sold at|i ryan)S$an rthey:handle herbs auction that day -nure welghed free’7 1 :i oe i :jand roots gathered in this section,on'the city scales,The first sales!;to give satisfaction.Leading.Shipping.them tothe great ‘<ities d ;|me :;i:é eas ibe (ay'was held this ‘month and a}4 :;@ i vacre they dre’treated and ‘trans-great crowd .was present.Hugh R.|;brands:“Crystal :Palace, IT 0)Y COSTS YOu 7 ;fined web coticin Nemes produc s Cowles:is the general-manager of Tr 9 C NL f Lope ee Sumering humanity.ithe sales plan.and selected by.-the -“Triumph,”*Cupid”andnsss;:boon td aintin te ene 5)eommitjee.No.man “in “Iredell |.~pis P :Statesville is ‘owned —and_/¢,:»peop!’$3 00 to $4 00 ‘lopenated:by *county knows.more people than Mr.)the town and is thor Cowles +dats ene sisyi6é~a owles and.he rendérs any-aseist-|to get the latest _PFs Pe Joushly modérn and ‘sufficient for/ance ta those who are interested |nthe needs of ihe corporation for ty a sale.More than th's the.to us for either exchange or|yeans to come,even with the ex-it F i §)ag :i ;Ay :x-.'committee advertises the Het of :j a|bected.increase in population.The articles to be sold without expense for cash.If you want the ‘|town purchases électric power from to the seller.It is expected that .;:jthe Southern Power Company and|thege ‘,jtransforms and sells power to the /comb.very important factors in the}|various manufacturing industriés in wrk of thétown.‘’ne :;}pee lon texg furnishing lights for Within ‘the last few.mohths:pa :‘.pe streets and citizens.“This:ar-"company has been organized ‘to és-|jrangement.works.satisfactorily to %toplish a gas plant in Statesvillegradaereteues |STATESVILLE FLOUR MILL COMP'Y|Viding some revenue for the town.|pleted:and the company:‘expects E BeiteeeeetsoeBratepvilleisat.now to turn on the gasi by:the fizst’é ::iacneby-the fact that there is|of April,The stockboiders in this[saree diversity in the.industry of company ‘are largely |Northern :|thie town,Unlike many towns -in men but they hive with them some ;_i ;a >sa ian|this Section the community is mot local capitalists.ao sr DEOOOOODOGOHOOOCEO "a ee|depedident upon”any.single inier-The Statesville:Female Gollege,el ee 6 zs 7pest,There are:cotton —mills-to ranking among the best in the .or ::\take care of the cotton ‘produced,state,has this -year 65 boarding we “fT .jtobacco.flactories that use more pupils “Mhe president of the :a ‘e-;|fran a oe oe the ery school is Dr._J._A.Scott and.he 2eaeeeSheeneliehaswithhimaeewell-train-|apenas .la cotton occa hil ond fine ed:teachers,"Nhis.Institution”te Iwill sella$300 Piangfor $150 to.the public:schoolleattiteCatone“the largest Well,Isnown and ;has a modern ~”teacher who will train their school to sing ten,schoolPree2EGSeaE©B.S |plant.:;Scat ‘z F9 aebt Pega BurakbalkhegayareaouTakeeverythingintoconsider-songs in SS Sete bs iGjiacturing.interests of “Sta OSVille |otion,Statesville {s one:of the mittee,stating these soigs have.been‘sung by theyeonreenonemost.favorably with good’towns of the Carolinas.,.It |school will be required;:[those of any other town.-in the ie:the county seat of Iredell coun+_.Will alsogivea>$5.00,Guitar to the leader.of they|piedmont section..ty,one of the most progressive ;class that will make the best music in six school songsThecountry.surrounding S ates-,Hae of ::Ne ns Cee iF Ss“counties of the State?Only —re-in said book at the next county.singing..A book will$5,000 ANNUAL INSURANCE FOR $5.00.lversified intereateCottonandtong,cently this:county voted a "bond is-be loaned to each school,and the words may ba,sung——-mm jwheat and oats,tobacco and fruile >"%ee ee oa he ae _from their tablets,but classes having membars over|;and .this money will be ath |school age will barequired to sing both notes and words. |,&““ *‘Monitor.”-Bring your wheat regular,;.sahe days will be---best,call for ours,o Tourists,Travelersand Commuters’Special Accident Policy Issued Only by vile with each other in)wealth pro-{during the current \year.“The:;ee rege fe :duction and the farmers are.not ;tdi ,L .76.foUnitedStatesFidelityandGuaranty‘Company j lide :town is also ‘building ‘streets’an J si as }M ‘|.“dla ;od ependent upon one crop.and ~¢gt relia 5 ':CJOHNRB..BLAND,Prédident.-.BALTIMORE.MD,tewtire:tales ts ghionown..phe Pdewalks.During the last few |.f S.Leonard,usic Dea oeecostisonly’onb-fourth of one cent-a day per thoussnd.Instres you months four miles,of sidewalk werei).While a passenger ‘within a passengerelevator(excluding elevatorsih mines)(2)While |climate is .peculiarly .delightful,‘bu:it/and the.streets have ©bieén ‘512 Center Street..ay&passenger Within\or.onapublic ¢onveyance (including the platform,’ste ing.|2nd adapted to'a wvariety;of inter-|...a ;Se a \ae ie a 2 “‘;:board thereof)operated on rail of water linesorroutes,by common catrier‘tie’passenger (ORB,:graded preparatory to paving,in ©O@O@@OOOOOOO@HOOOOO 4service;(3)Or,due directly (not indirectly)to such public conveyance,|In ad@tior to th ail 1 Pac the spring..:ms Againat loss of life,limbs,eyes,speech and hearing=)--:3.:.-$5,000,;pag 1 to the railroad facil -.|eaeeeeheeeemeee SealenneenAgainstlossofeitherlimb,eye,speech or hearing?..+2,500,ities offered by the.Southern wail-|Medicines that aid nature are always Saranent-stiff or rigid elbow and knee joints see 2,000 wav,Statesville jist now hes +h most:effectiial.Chamberlain's Cough'Afalnst tows of two or mare tingers and toes 1,000 ”ee ae x Syne *=i Wages Ke):Y m aTusRTT|3 j *<|Remedy acts on this “plan,‘It allays i :=iyN *-:.>,‘Atainst loas of two or moreflawere or toes,ae Prospect of another line.~-The the,cough,relieves the lungs,opens “al ;T HE NEW YEAR Ri HT :eae Lipp rat npep heed :250,‘Statesville Alir Line railway rumning-the:secretions and aids peaitiey in‘re-:.°edAndpays10percent.ional for Medical,-Surgicaland Hospital treatment.Steam fro atesville to M t Wirv jig |Storing the system:to a healthy condi-eat idee .‘sansa iRailroadsalone,not considering StreetCars and other public conveyances,kill’a pérson ev-ee See eee 38 ‘'%‘aeons tion.‘Thousarids have testified.to itseryhour,maim a perso every 10 minutes.Agents in every citvand town.~Apply today |e)oder construction.Nhe.:all—tomorrow may be too late.Surplus to policyholdersover $3,000,000.°: actual spion eB sale a:nod a :vibe ‘ane :Workof gradinpheabeen-chmpedtere Get yourself a Watch.Little ad-big to suit Men,‘Wo- *to the Yadkin river and the ‘rails|‘Do you Rnow that fully nine out’of Ramet ;——————'——a x men,Boys and Girls.\Also anything in Jewelry.:°ey :|}will belaidin the near future,Fif-|every,ten cases of rheumatism are sim-Cert Pan :4 :: Statesville Realty and Investment Company ty conviets dre at work on “thie Talis O17 Parone Or Gad Seni es Cie to!: end’th ffi t tt ;oor RedHE sald a ,chronic ee ae :;n e #tficers o ne “company |and*require no internal treatment what.:W too i eesajhiavethemoney,with whlich to "oom 2ver?Apply Chamberlain's -Liniment Et.B.wooD ARLD Jeweler.|freoly and see ‘how quickty’it gives re-plete it to Mount Airy..The pres-jief.For sale by all:dealers... ft :|\‘ ie IN THE NE povoe you,have-something to-Wlvon:edit.Iottha:-buyerisn’t a mind reader and he doesn’t know what you have until heis told... _He hasn’t time to inquire.andin these hustling days.the seller.must seek the.: buyer and tell him.;;|f you want ‘Something and don’t see what you want wk for it.A want ad.will bring results.oe ae _Januaryis ‘accounted the dull month in business.‘bak:the dull seasonisthe —>. time to put on more steam and dissipate the dullness..: ‘e to you,but go afterthem.__ Call at the office or’phone 14 if.you want to talk business. "TheLandmark prints the news.and states thefacts as they are. Worth double the money.hee L THE LANDMARK Has Some,Valuable Space:Just Now and itiis Offered inin Lots to Suit Customers. \ There is ee on the books for afew more subscribers.If you are not a sub-seriber to The Landmark now begin with the New Year.You'll never regret it and you won't do without the paper after a trial. “Fifty cents forthree months,SL.00 for sSix. pone:4:wos *ees oe Don’t wait for things.to te Kit ¥ 4 é months,$2.00 fora year. ‘.c 2OS'IMPLOYES ,oses Harsha ,og ‘THE LANDMARK KELTEF OF,POSTAL EMPLOYES -[Moses Hiarstaw Mach Opposed|te Home -Flectric Co.|===|Other Recommendations to Keep|lg ;4°TUESDAY,——January 9,1912.Up With Uniclé Sam's Surplus. ™.N.Harshaw,Forfner Soliciter, |A“lig.Ma:Dien.;~|The enavtment of a law to’com-|Sh oxgeeal a eee ate.I =a li |peusate.alk postal employes; in-We think we know something Ge ]:~|Bloomington,Til.Dispatch,4 cluding the letter.carriers,for,Of the sentiment of the Republicans nera :|.Leonard (Baby)Bliss,reputed injuries sustainedin:the line of ,{m the mountain countics,and we"j é th né-tenth f the Re-*to be .the largest man in the,4uty;bus uct attributable to their assert that nine-tenths of the-':;“oH “a jie tw ;,-publicans of ‘western North Caro-:Own negligence,is urged in the ¥I;world,was found frozen.to death)iin)report of C.P.Grandfield,Mina are opposed to the renomina- Contractors s his home here today:He had first sasistant ‘postmaster,submit-“ion of the President;and we “e pj ;not,been,Been about the place for\ted to Pustmaster Genera]Hitch-'dict _that ‘should he.De ie e 4 ‘several days,and neighbors made an cock There were in opera-publican sees sp ear nt ::;vinvesti Ly f nig {tion dune 20 last,59,237 postoffices GVery caneressional °c sti a im :Estimates Furnished :—‘Tt :oa (G of all ciassés in the United States Nort Carolina will increase its be ;‘wre °oS night |bea _aay as ceranlin The posta.city delivery service.is Demgsratic majority.All the close “All Kinds Electrical.Supplies.|from ‘a Bas atove It “ie thought now in operation in 1,541.citt 2s,COUNT es:Wiill...20 Democratic and ihr pag aE al fohits Mt to /Setving more than 46,900,000 people the Republicans of the State will” ,ee Several Digits ago to ;2 (‘ural’routes,20,-.be kmown only by their mistakesgetwarmand<cdidentally |opened and on the 42,000 rural routes,20,ne ithe ‘at :‘tee nee 000,000 pecple receive-mail..This 4nd blunders.:: Ae ae was born near here May 4,|/ea¥es @ considerable portion of the _.Mr.Taft was inaugurated .Pres- HOME ELECTRIC 0.,1865 His’dimetsions were.American people,most of .whom ident in March,-1909,and assumed A.D.COOPER,Manager.Height 6 feet.four itches:waist,|Tesde in towns and cities,the:re-command’and .leadership or 2 ::ee ae eg a ra inches:chest./DOrt declares,“withoutany form glorivus “and.victorious.ey :—|66 inches:thigh 42 (nches:calt.|o!free.delivery service and under whose ‘traditions and ach oe :F oye in ae “Zap >i leet nigh hi t {the present lows there is:no-way were the proud heritage of every<i inches;collar,‘2:rches;chat,)5 ::ics j »lan 5!q 6.8.soe a 13k aioe is by which the department can re-Republican in-the land.As he i weloht:540 aida.”“’ilieve the inequality.’’The cost of nears.the end of his first ern td Bliss wes known in Amertelmang {tree iphvery in cities,including be ous himself re a ce a Ti >Soe collection expenses;was nearly Darty,“enemies in}his own tan Local Views,All New.septal ae ee eed 8S /$45 008,000 or:more than 18 per fighting him to the death,and ‘ee ;‘16 69 ars pat OH Sas a ae lcent.of the revenue of the city,de-thousands updn thousands whoBroadStreetMethodistCliurch.Noda ties watt Waa ae BY ae lJivery.cittes;voted for him in 1908 whq feel hu-| Statesvi f pote i eee _Miliated and disappointed.Statesville Female College.i summer he spent several weeks on Mr.Grarfdfield ¢alls special i Unde,ae :ait neand-cir:‘Statesville.Graded School.~~the rodd with a “fat:man’s”ball |tention to the fact that during the t-many conditions’ar Mr.F.H,Conger’s Residence.etabs 3 -pas past fiscal year ‘“‘the gross revenue cumstances defeat is preferable to Long’s Sanatorium.|::of the department more:than equal-Victory,and if nothing 'else will Southern Passehger Station.|Constipation is the cause of many:ail-|ed the experises and the postal ser-do but to nominate Mr.Taft,let it aes oe disonders that make life mis-|vi¢e js now self-sustaining for the be done and give the De Oca @ an Ask to see the Simplofiller..[|51?'SAver Tablets,keep your,bowels |itSt tine since 1883.In -two ¢ther chance to show théir inca- Fountain Pen and.Conklin’s'lregular «nd you will avoid these dis-'|years,’’-he ‘adds,‘‘the @4normous pacity to run this,govemment suc- Fountain Pen..These aretwo areal For sale by alt dealers.deficit:of $17,000,000 has bee cessfully,and after four years of best self-filling pens on the),LK turned inte a surplus.”:The gross foolishness,~free trade,“idleness market.Carry a full line of RAP ID HEADWAY!revenues for ihe year .amounted and blunders of a Democratic ad- Tablets,Inks and Pencils |to $2537 879,824:-the expenditures ministration,the country’will -ad- "|Add This Fact to Your Store’‘of to:$227,648,927,leaving a surplus of Just itself and.return to eonditions PRINTING.pee Knowledge._..$219,118,after deducting $11,779 ou both safe and sane. ‘Bt Kid ii 4 account’of:loss of postal.funds.b)No.well-informed —?nk |idney disease ‘a vances so Tap-fire and burglary..doubt the election o r.Taft .slassificati r execttiy >i,while,BRADY,-.ThePrinter |idt that man e »,The classification by executive Should he be .nominateceyyapersonisfirmly}order of thd position of assistant many believe his defeat to he cer- :—-|inits grasp before:aware of its prdg-postmaster at first and second class téim.There are Republicans in the NEN RR REE IRL ETE ress..Prémpt attention should be offices auc all clerical positiotis nation who,if nominated,would. .:.ane .si at.these effices increased the itm-carry’the country with a ,shout,| W R M I 1;LS given the slightest,syniptom of.kid-_ber—of—classified competitive posi-Wily then take a doubtful.candi- :t >y ney disorder.If there is a dull |ions by about 4,000.co date when a*sure winner can.be -Statesville,N.C.:ae The operation of the law which named?We would be glad to sce ,:pain in the back,headaches,dizzy.-pr ovides for the protection auto-|the Republican ©State convention :spells or a tired,worn-out feeling,|jmatically:of clerks ~in postoffices send an’uninstructed delcgat'on to Finé-Farm Lands and City 0 the uri é has brought about.a-condition,Mr,the national convention,_men Property for Sale y r if the urine js dark,foultsmelting!Grandtield says,‘that ought to be who have the interest of the Re- Tan i irregular and attended with pain,remedied.immediately,sinee-there publican:party at heart}and who,I f ‘:procure a good ee Retieny .at |are now 237 offices where the sal-after'a careful survey of the whole| 2 AGENT FOR HUPMOBILES Eatin afy.of the»assistant postmaster.field,would vote for that mdn-as Ws ;‘"at”lidate for President whoTout4bwhepedgeneralis‘actually less‘than that our.cancj"itd D ple ese ane of “the clerks under him.The ig best fitted to leqd us to suc: oan’s idney:Pills...Read'the amount of Sunday work has been re-cess and.victory.iheartJan.2.-t statement of this.Statesville citizen;duced fully 50 per cent.About °.;pcemanapiepenestermeeetenet ::°|20,000 'vlerks and 15,000 carriers,Noted.Louisiahian Dead. is mg a aR ;Who tormerly reported for duty ev-).Gen,Francis T.Nicholls,formér:Pills gaye’me Such groat feter fiom /aty Sunday,aré now.given.a day of Governor of Louisiana,who wis!FOR.SALE !,;kidney trouble that I atm #iad to public-|rest..“Mr.Grandfield believes that credited with|putting to ai end lyeee ete eerie ats i re (the ipostoffice clerks and city Tet+|\tha Louisiana lottery,died.at His| lot.:\are and finally I procured a box |ter carriers should be allowed 30 home in.Thibadaux,La.,.Thurs-Business lo desiscble teaide "of.Doan's peta es A complete days’leave with pay.=\day night,aged about 80 years,He c e 00 Ce@\after a sec t |queven room a e re ence ON|thia Senisce a whort time add:1 haye not |The repore recommends an appro-iwasa brigadier general if theCony ate ree ot,and ‘cold water,|been troubled.since.”Priation of $10,000 to be used “in “feddracy and ‘left:the army with ath,etc rewarding postal employes who Of ona eye,one arm dnd one legy tle Lots near Graded School.Mor gale by all dealers.-Price/r..'t,the department .devices«or was the first Governor of Lousiana| Small north Iredell farm.|60 cents._Foster-Mijburn Co.,Buf-|processes that prove of value.,Jt-after reconstruction ‘and served two if you want toto bu »sell or exchange falo,New Kork,sole.agents for the Urges also pensions for guperan-terms,from 1876 to 1880,and I’888 SEE-—United States.jnuated employes...¢-'to-4892>He was also -a-former As-<essinasrepeeeememstantttiiemmeent:soeiute Justice of thesupreme Gourt4JOHNSHARPE,|Remember the jame—Doar’s—|For any paid,Row ane to me fiom and later Chief.Saute.peiie”-ree i ‘|any.cause,apply or.‘Thomas’Holéctic |™PTeeREALESTATEandtakenoother|Oil.«Wain can’t,stay witere it”is used.tired on.full!‘pay:F \ t “~i :Wy a : ae Fewer Lynichings Last Year,!.| |More Than a Skin ‘Salve is Needed Chicago’Dispatch.PEN Cl LS|Only 35°lynchings,known’to be Positively the best assortment nt beyond doubt,enourted o }of Pencils in thecity. the United States in ‘D >. previous years,the number has I ENS : been ttuch larger,47 having been |Moore’s Non-Leakable andrecorded.in 1910 and 57 in 1909.Waterman’sFountain Pens. In.the 35 lynchings,the well ie |BLANK BOOKS of all but jone were negroes,—ac-cording to.mews dispatches,°and |All kinds of Bound Blank BookstheonedoubtfulcaseprobablywasandSheppard’s Loose’LeafthatofaaAlleged-crimes Systems.~’ against women girls account-for|—)}MINTO11casesand“murder of white men 5 RIN TINGfor.18.In ‘six -cases the cause We are sure we.canLarnaca was pot specified.;needs there too. Agait,-<as in the réconds of| former years,the greatest provoca- tive of .lynchings seems to bé7 SiatpavillePrintingCo., murder’‘or attempted ‘murder =of white men rather than.crimes Printing and Stationery, agdinst’..wgmen.Race hatred and 7 518 South Center Street; race intolerance accounts for many)Statesville,N.C jot the cases.:fee ;e joss :eee: :“FOR AGED PEOPLE!,| Mir saci Yor Cteeataave|Roofing,Paints,Monuments .Medicine, We have a safe,‘dependable and |Burrus’Metal Roofing,Gal-:, altogether ideal remedy vhat =is vanized Roofing)tin and gal- particularly adaépted to:the ;require-vanized Shingles with patent ments of aged people and personB fF jock,Roofing also‘has patentofweakconstitutions.who suffer from constipation or other bowel disordets..We are,..80.cértain| that it will relieve these complg/ihis tine,linseed oil.; and.give absolute satisfaction -in |lam agent for monuments every”particular that*we offer it!‘made by Mecklenburg Monu-jwith our personal guarantee that ment Co. it shall ‘cost the user nothing ct S,HOt,LAN nt lock.Paint of-all colors,,-turpen= it fails to substantiate our claims.This remedy is called Rexall Or-Dec.12. dérlfés)~ie Rexall Orderlies are.eaten.just |)—_ like.ade:are particulatly ‘prompt |iqanidagreeableinaction,‘May be |taken at any time,“date.or night;|oui Machines_ do.not cause diarrhoea,nausea,f griping,'excessive looseness,or | other undesirable .effec!s.They | have a very milf but positive ac- tion upon the preata with which ~Repaired. tliey come in Gontact,apparently| jacting as:a regulative tonic \upon the relaxed muscular coat of the ;: bowel;©thus overcoming weakness.)J.U LAMPRECHT- and aiding to restone the bowels)e .Ue 9 a a vigorous ane hea iehy oe ‘109 East Front.Street.ae IY 1ree sizes,i...ZOoC and’),’z vay 50e,Sold only at,our stote-hej =.Phone 61. Rexall Store.The .Stat caville Drug.Ce. MORE THA? KIN DEEP!. |=to Cure Piles Permanently. Dentt he disappointed if ven fail ito get.‘a lasting cure.of Piles with salves,The cause of,Piles is morelIthanskindepp.It is.sluggish, flabby veins hoe ‘kets filled ©with thick,bad.blogd..oe |HEM-ROFD,a tablet tonic reme- ldy,is taken inwardly,acts on the circulation and .curesall kinds ofPilesthoroughly.|ey $1 far 24.days’supply at The| |Statesville ~Druge-Store and -all} driggists,Dr,.Leothardt ~Co.,§\Station B,BuffaJo,N.Yt\matl al|free booklet ‘sights \‘jRete;i S My livery is the best équipped |and most up-to-date in the city.I have every kind of vehicle | necessary for a city “livery. Horses and mules”bought and:,sold.Have some mules now: on hand,Cash or timé to suit.S.J.Holland.Phone 3;-Day or Night. ~~Tomorrow,Wednesday,January 10th, We Will InstituteOurSecond Annual Cut Price Sale to ContinueOnly 15Days \comm Our BigStore iis packed with peta:-date Furniture:and House Farniahinga of alt kinds If you are'a youns married man or. intend to'‘marry soon,,this is your chance.If you are ‘thinking of buying furniturein the next tew months,now’is your oppor-".: ‘tunity.If you have been thinking for some time ‘of buying.your wife a nice Bedroom Suite.Parlor Suite,Steel Range,Set,of| China or whatever it may be,now is thetime’.We will save you big money.We bought largely in the,fall expecting a ie -Christmas.trade which we didnot realize,hence we carry over into the New Year a tremendous stock that must go at,someprice.We need $7,000 at once and prefer to sacrifice:our goods rather than borrow it’Our Necessity is:Your Opportunity.| Sweeping reductions i in all lines willbe made ~»In many cases goods will be marked at less-than half spel yaa All goods |wil be markedin plain figures,regular price and Special Cut Price.TERMS OF SALE WILL.BE CASH.Pe ee If you haven’t money,get.it whether you beg or borrow the cash,«don’t fail to get some of these’bargains, nth Eretnnranrns tnagence e Mention BBelow Only:aFew of the qt ousands:ofThings We Carry: se Our Bedroom Line. "We have everything from.the.finest Circassian Walnut;Mahogany,Birds Kye -Maple and.Fine Quoartered Oak down ‘through medium'to cheap grades | Dining-Room-Furniture..—~ ‘In Mahogany and Oak,in all styles and finishes.”China ‘Closets.‘Side Boards, Baffets,Side Tables,Extension.Tables-and Chairs.ve | }WE WILL GlVE ABSOLUTELY FREE TO THE:NOW A BIG SURPRISE!LUCKY.PERSON (SEE OUR BIG WINDOW); mamm>A Chest of Triple-Plated Silverware,One Set of Gold Band China and One F ancy Lamp.cme Every purchaser will geta ticket for every diollar of purchases that will entitle them to a chance at the aboveprizes,‘Every person Who owes an account will get'a chance for every dollar paid onsame.Provided no person ‘shall have more than one premium.Inthe event that the same person draws two lucky“numbers he shall have first choice andthe person whose number is nearest shall be declared the winner of thé second premium. Remember,Sale Begins Wednesday and Lasts Only 15 Days.Come Quick and Get-Pick of Goods. _-P§:;-Globe-Wernicke Sectional Book Cases.Taylor Nursery Beds and Victor Talking Machines are:‘excepted from above sale will wear alifetima.Big easy Rockers, ‘sleep inducing~Mortis:Chairs—words cannot oar it all,Gome ‘and gee. Floor Coverings In.hs ‘Bqtares:Rags,Fine Wiltons, }Smyrnas,Axmiusters and-Velvets,Brus- sells Ingrains..Carpets by theroli..Li-noliums and Mattings of all kinds."— Hall Curtains,Lace2Curtains,Rope Portieres,Sheets,Blankets,ete. Parlor Furniture In great veriety.Mahogany and Oak upholstered in fine Silk Plushes;“Tares- tries and Leather,+.’ie :500 Rockers of every conceivable style and finish,Oak,Mahogany and Re ed. ~LeatherGoods. In thie line we are very strong.‘Lax: urious:Turkish -Conches and Divans, Davenports and Lounges in’leather that China Department. FineChinaiin Parisian,‘Austrian,Hav:.. ’iland and Knglixh goods ‘Gold Band - and Gold Chain Patterns and exquisite decorations,must be seen to be appreci- ated,and thousands of otherthings:we. have not space to mention,”oe ‘Red Cedar Chesta,Hat Boxes,Shirt : Boxes,Costumes,Music Cabinets,etc Library,Tables,Chairs,etc i Respectfully, TheStatesville Housefurnishing Company,| |lived to see them |MILLIONSTHELANDMARK!so:well,and he ) every one join ‘‘the .little home +‘church among:the hills.”He often |This (told them that.if they couldn't}Had a.Serious keep good company not’to keep any Econpmic Situation, and he-further emphasized his.ad-|Charlotte News. vice by ‘placing in the homé clean,wholesome -literature.The best index to.a man’s life.and charac-| ter is his.library.:Mr.Smith lov-| ed good,books and never allowed| thle silly,slushy stuff that the country is being -sown down with now,zto enter his home if.he could prevent it.;He read the leading}newspapers,magazines,religious: and farm journals of the country; and right here I will,say that he | was .a deading farmer'in his see-/ ition,being’the.first one to.own | ja wheat drill,reaper amd other farm machinery,and was ‘always on | the lookout for:new méthods of |farming ‘best adapted to times -and| conditions In-short,he was a| |progressive’,farmer,a.wide-awake | true |citizen,a minister,-a-man sought for from far and near by ©those }who were in difficulty and néeded|was born in};ination,‘eotinty June 20,1845 brtdecanan't and thosé who ‘were iD |¢ommon use.The most importantSicknessandneededcomfort.TheremovedwithhisparentstoEagle|i aie ‘Other qnalitics ‘in hia te”J jours ao the rete the Mills towns ede t.e ‘)}cost of.running.|is safe*to as-Mis towsishtp,Iredell county,wi:0 ould like to mention,but “I-shallabout.eight years .old,and lived lsppak pt hut Sho more.”He wad w there until his:death,which occur-red’on the 26th of Décember last |constant Bible reader and the older :‘lhe got the more he read it.Be- big hg vibgg aes ie tie eel fore retiring he:always called his war,served in the ‘Sixty-second |family around him,read a:So ripture -North Carolina regiment,and was |/88en and asked.God's protectionafaithfuland.efficient soldier for |2U4 care through fhe night,andtha.test Cause.”Attar:the |His blessing on neighbor and coun- war he,in common with every oth-|{T¥-,YOu,perhaps,who have criterSouthernsoldier,returned home,|icis¢d him and yet dp not:readnottopédce,but to fight.“the |70Ur Bible or have the family al-battle of life.”While only a’bo y |tar in your|home,-don’t you °feel he joined’the M..B.Ghurch,South;now that you spoke thoughtlesslly? and:was to the end of.his life one Mr.Grady,who was the South'softhemostloyalmembers—of.the Sat editor’and orator,once said,Church 'I ever knew,and oné of}The strength and security of the its most earnest’workers..country is in the homes where theHiscallitotheministrycameearlyinlife.ie San is kept up.jas is well known,have borrowedWhilehedid’not.join r.Smith was Jniried‘the trav-at Zion| _eling eonnection,_he-gave—a—_good—i¢hapel.by the ‘side of his wife,who | deal of his time to preaching IN TUESDAY,——January 9,1912.Effect:on.the AN APPRECIATION. ee *Rev.-Elwood E.‘Smith, Written Fort The Landmark. J.believe it was Dmérson who said:-‘The characteristic of héro- ism is its persistency.~All,men have wandering fits and siarts.of! generosity;_but when -you have| chosen your part,abide by it,and do’not weakly.“try .to reconsider yourself with the world.” The ~subjéct of this.sketch,-! judged «by:the above,(J statement,| was a man of héroic.mould..’’"He | .chose his ‘part early in life and) held to it through the years with a persistency of purpose that com+ manded ‘the admiration.of his friends and the respect of his en- ---emies.:..Hé was no weakling,dtiv- €n.about by every wind of goctrine but had’convictions and lived _ ‘to them .the end. Rey BH.Smith issued by Henry Clews &Company, of New York,although compar- atively brief,contains items ©of igeneral interest aside from the |strictly financial discussiom To two of its paragraphs we desire to di- rect attention estimates that there are 500,000 automobiles In use in,the |United States.’If these’cost:about $1,000:apiece:it.would mean an outlay of $500;000,000.The.re- port continues: “The automobile industry has al- ready.assumed a position of first importance,giving profitable.em- (ployment to a very large number of people directly and indirectly. But the automobile is generally.an amusement,the auto-} j}truck not yet haying.come.into jsource’of wing a car,including repairs,de-| preciation,chauffeurs,.special | clothing,entertainment,etec.,isnotlessthan:$1,000 per year..This means thiat the people of the Umit- ed,States are spending approxi- mately $500,000,000..a year in one form of amusement.alone.With many.individuals or heads of fami- lies the increase in their expenses due to running of an automobile has.not.béen-in proportion to‘’their int¢rease of income!In many cases automobiles are compelling owners |who had previously saved money to spend up ‘to the limits if not over their income.Many owners Phe—net—result-is-that-owhers-the |Was one of Godjs gentlewomen,the gospel,and he did g0 gladly;know-|pyres of whose.character shoneingthathispresentandpersonal|lien he coneshania bie pF enerewardwould.be only a “sense of|)PO?tae nome.duty done,”|A us¢ful,and influential-'man On-the 18th day of Match,1874,‘gone and his‘departure is keenly [detrimental to other ines |ofMc.--Sinith-was-amerriedto “Miss felt in home,church and country.itrade..The impairment of savings Armi¢ie Lineberry,who with’.her Truly it can be said of him’that|ig ‘periaps the most’serious fac-. parents moved to Yadkin county -ms an .|tor,smce the new supply.of capi-from eS shen pinion?While she tS piilcnee.that lacked a8-'|ta)comes.only oar savings.woe ‘was a ‘little gir To this=union ree Lit hit these be restricted”it fo lowseecisteeOttesum)|Bad boys Fo oe that needed resist-|oe capital oi tieveloping Ae en- ane ve gris mé son,|/’Bascom,;as i Se ae rprises is not growing so -fast as-“who wag in the prime of:young man.|Bor the future-in”the distance,li s nenilas would:Te isan ohhood,died several years ago.The AD4 the-“R000 that he could do."“lement.of some consequence-in ‘theaeen~‘of Greenville,peg WHO KNEW HIM.|investment situations:Of |course, 8.-C of Charlotté,N>C..|ae :ithese remarks do not apply toandM,w:Ye who,with-the:youngs |ee eee eeeches,te fe North those abundantly able-to.own:auto- est son,Guiver,remain at ~home,1 y m |mobiles,and of\this class there jeThedaughtersareMissesDamieoftTheweathérthe,past week Title |9 surprisingly large number in the:chants,ae Sey ent stelle |been:very severevin the West dnd|United States.»After.all has beenSotioeeeearswoefew|Notth.:There was;much snow:and ben ithe autofabile fills a oie "years after the death of her son,|%*!¥tow temperature.in Kansas atid lend enpneisis aon ba eetInhishome:Mr,Smith ruled,other Western States:A freight |mous advantages asan instrumentwithafirm,faithful and fath-train was snowbound»near Laird,|of transit and healthful pleasure.erly hand,and ever held up befor@|Kans.,December 26,and didh't get |The objections against it ‘are on-his children high principles of life|our,until”Tast Thursday’One ‘Kan-vi those of extravagance or |and-conduet;One’of the fifst!/sas farmer reports the lobs.of .300 |vidual ability.”**things they learned was ,that Sun-||suffering among petra beretsdaymorningalways‘fieint Sunday head’of battip Doan's Regulets cure constipation withschoolandservice,in,the little)In the biz cittes there was out griping.nausea,nor any weakeningMethodistchapel:the filther poxed ||Deopl,cme Yo death.Strent,bende per bo: ‘+sepia i ae ‘'y a i8 |ericase,the effect is more on ana| the poor and many | _much AUTOMOBILES:| Form of Extravagance ~Has| The’annual financial review just, The first of these | ndw about| unproductive machine and.chiefly a) sume that the average cost of run-| ;|.For sale by all druggists. hleavily to invest in an,automobile.|¢ of} nutomobiles as a’class have neces-| sarily spent.less in other-directions,| jand have saved much Jess than they ||would otherwise have done.tIn eith-| or less| It has enor indiy | ‘Ask your druggigt-for them,26 Origin of Some Useful Words..| Many of our familiar;,every-day. words have come long distances.| |Caheo takes its:name from Calicut, a city in India.Satin is from Za-| ‘toun,in China,Damask was first:} mad:in.Damascus,in Syria Gauze| is fromGaza,inPalestine;arid baize| from Baza,Spa‘a Dimity .is call- ed after Damietta,in Egypt.Cam-: bric was first made‘at Cambria,in| France;and.muslin at:Mosul,in |Asia. Serge got its name from Xerga,| a Spanish word.Velvet is‘our oon) ‘alent of the Italian’word velluta, and gingham is from Gingamp,°a ;}town in Brittany,where the cloth | was first-used for umbrella covers. Cashmere got its name from ae valley of Gashmere,in the Hima-. layas,buckram from Bokhara,lawn| from Laon in’France,and khaki | jis the Hindo.word for earth. ‘Worsted is from Worstead,anEnglishtown,famed for its fine| weol yarns,Cheviot was originally | 'a cloth made from the wool of Che- }viot hills,and blankets’got their | name from their original English | |manufacturer. ’ beeen Coat Suits&Coats.| $35°00 Garments Reduced to 30.00 Garments Reduced to 27 50 Garments Reduced to 25 00 Garments Reduted to 12.50 20.00 GarmentsReduced to 10,00:. Xf 50.Garments,Reduced to.8 15.00 Garments Reduced to All Broadclottt and Serge ‘Suits . and Coats reduced almost one- _half. season’s purchase and you don’t want to miss them. One Lot of Odd Suits 4 %% We have about 20 garments”rang-* ing in price from”“$12.50 to $25. ¢eeoe 9K *-\|Special $3.50 to $7.50.. tl ice Coat ball -$17.50 15 00- 13.75 SS +oiiWinstonRepublican:The high) |cost of living must.have inspired| the Forsyth County “Metical Asso- |ciation to ,make out.a new.fee iscale,which took effect yenmary 1st 7 --Farm Seeds. Ever 50 a These garments are all this When buying a.cough medicine.forchildren,.bear in mind that,Chamber-~lain’s Cough Remedy is ‘most effectualforcolds,croup and whoopihg~cough > j}and that it contains no harmniful drug. —ras, Wood’s Seeds} >For 1912. Our NewDescriptiveCatalogisfullyup-to-date,and tells all about the-bestoe and | ‘and is not a very cheerful New : Year greeting for sick folks.‘Dhe fee where the patient comes to Ps office is ‘fixed %f~$1 instead of’ cents;the fee for a day.visit 74 fixed ‘at $1.50 instead of $1;and |;the fee for a night visit is fixed at $3 instead:of $2. farmer and gardener should have.a copyof this cata~ log,which has long been.recog-|nized as a standard authority,for the full and complete -infor-mation which it gives.-_ -We are headquarters for Grass andClover Seeds;SeedPotatoes,Seed Oats,Cow Peas,.Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed ‘freeonrequest.Write forit. “T.W.WOOD &SONS,Seedsmen,--Richmond,Va. “alll Children’s Coats at;exactly 7 .HALF PRICE. ape cae<“Y (-BOWLES-=C0. ANSE ah an --Apnual Meetings of Stockholders in, +"nolders’of the yarious:corporations’ and the time when those’ SAes Meeting 2 Ser, i asgjsti ant another year are seléeted!.The -ings .of -the shareholders of the fi- *business: the hanks are the guardians of.theearningsandsaviige that has ‘served for ‘years, "Messrs.J. “Thomas, MANY oe STOCKHOLDERS Banks and’ -Enterprises, ‘The ‘season:of”annual,stockhold- ers’meetings:is.at hand,fhe time ‘when.‘the::past year’s business ‘is summarized and shown.to the share- Vvarious Industrial’ who are: to have’charge of the,_businéss for meet- nancial institutiong are’“usially\vot most ,interest:because the-‘Business of’these:institutions measyre the} of ‘the *ommiunity.to.a certain extent and the.officers 4 of ge of many.Itisapleasure,therefore;to note‘that the businessof the three banks’of Statesvitle’show ‘a good.increase } |uel STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,JANUARY12,1912.- i .bs _ie v There was a good attendance.of BIG FIRE IN.NEW ‘YORK.|POULTRY °SHOW‘the holders of stock in the Turher ‘Mitts Company at‘the -regubar annus Equitable Building Burned-and “Six Poultry”Association Elects OrTibers|jal meeting.held in the consultation|Person»Perish in the Flames.| \nooms of the Commercial National |New York.Dspatch,.9th.Rank Wednesday:afternoon,°T he|‘The immense marble and granite|Teports meh ahsabi of Oe core:jbome of,the Equitable’pany,which show some £00 Te}ling.held at:the’Commerciallsults.from the past<year's oper a-'|#ance Society,covering a,whole pipe irTiresday.nights in’the:interesttions,were received and.approved.!in lower Broadway;°.an historic|ithe.“poultry:‘Show and theThecompany’s big new mill on the!ae of'New Yours early pe-||Poultry ‘AssociationTredellside.‘of the river,»at ‘Bast tiga skystraper Guildings ‘and|Pe thized..with'-about 40’Moubo,“has been in operation.Just |gue of ie city’s important finaneiah|Who have .subscribed.$2.a yéatjand-its’outlook is encouras centers was today destroyed by fire|Which.includes’ing ..The old mill,oh the Gata wht |with df ‘joss of'six ves and proba;|fee:Bide of the river,is also doing’)i bly $6,000,000°in property;.A.doz-{ed *to®hwell:Directors’were,‘te-elected'as én.pérsons'were injured:4fallowslCok:Turner,C.M.\Steele;|‘Valuable rrecords,‘ineluding February,i E There was @ “fine |attendance and| members| 50.)each, the list daily.”Mir.'W. the ‘association,Prof.D.Matt, and.|Su ace ‘president and Mr, Shste os $04 cues Ss eae B..Js. ORGANIZED.I STORY OF A BOTTLE’JO Ww +—Preparing for PouliFy Show.in| Life’Ingur-|Dlevty of enthusiasm’at>the.eae in another.town during club}Christmas holidays, of |‘ready Iredelt |hostess)gave.’herwasformalfy|to briig to her parents’as aObrist-| ‘tand bottle:of «wine their membership |Salisbury the night she started for!Outer:membera are being’add-|home. B,lapend>the ‘hight,as No, Brow nh wag ‘elected oresident-‘of ‘the |Statesville ty 10.222 ip:Phomp-|Nulled on account;¢of a wreck INE.DO af. ‘The Trouble”a “Onristmas “Preséht Made For a Young Lady and Her: Friends. A Statesville NOW—DON'T heeeaeteenie nthAER If you have ae in The Landmark,bring i send Attom ‘phone it ROW wait,! This paper,is ‘issued ‘owl to go a ie young:jaay‘visited | the} When ghe~Was| Her.Rost and | bottle of wine | week anil three,days are ‘alottedCo,pach paper. The work isn’t done in a day,a:half:ae.ae few ee The young lady;es If.it a change o!i“. came as:far’as 1 new.ad.,am’announcement onifDeawsSeOM,5,Sls yao this moment is™later;: to start home a mags:remeinbrance.* ALS Salisbury she.-had tor} a6,due ingyoWaganeif!ae hl could be.doneTheyoungladylett||Say oran hour, J eae .4 (|p Sued ‘daily.C Hf all the work’on this paperin@day,half would be is-_|the mountains. a¢all tet the.Sadisburs WW.\Turner;E-‘Gaither,Sam-'pio raphy of E:i.Jarriman|Turner,eee oe Pius.WD Tithe ennance eet rima are,wet Kincaid,FB.Arm.)be replaced,went:up in flames,but field..The.‘directors re-elected W:ihe fate of hundreds of millions ofDTurnerpresident,a t,Sheet|dollars’warth:of.securities,stoned vice president,WA.Colvert wec-jin safe deposit vaults,was tonight rot +STOR Searetary treasurer purpose of the association is, pauiyer:td stimulate interest in bet+ ter.kpultry,promote:-the poultry| and >.they “entér the.New|Year in fine condition, At their annual meeting.TidedayT: the.stockholders of.-the ‘First Na- tional Bank ndumedas the bank'sdirectorsfor1912thesameboard| namety: Millers|Se A.P:Barron,.W)A, Isidore,Wallace,.W.2 -F.} ‘Hall,R,B Melaughlin,R.A Coop-| ér,Judge.A...Coble,.pr Mw OR Adams,Dr..H.F:Long,Col.H.C Cowl \Collector .Geo.3H.Brown or the directors which followed Mr-virvin-wasteelected‘président,’Mr.Brown vice ‘president,Mr...E.S,.Pegram \cash- Mr.John.W.Guy teller’)“and. cashier;Mr;O..L.Turner bookkeeper,Mr.J:B,Rogers.as-sistant bookkeeper. 'The perous year and the directors ‘Khow- © Kincaid, JIrvin,WT | | ,ed their appreciation of its manage- -,HOSE "Steele, -The last official statement shows :to- _The Thomps,C.°S*“Pomlin;'C.V.Henkel| ment.by substantially the salariea of all officers and em-|¢ ployes The total snotite during the year just closed amounted to $12,091:97 and of this amount ‘$9.- 000 .was paid to the shareholderr luring the year,while the remain-| der was added.to.the surplus and| undivided profits,which total $29- 632.17 The total assets at’the! close of the'year aggregated -$698,-'| $715.75;increase.of during the.year,and,the total the beginning of the increasing| At: de- posits at_new} YeurwWere $391,693.56.-Dering the! year the bank spent $3,500 in inn} proviug the “building,Eleven nice|offices were arranged on.the sec-|} ‘ond floor,the entire building wae eqaivped with steam heat and,the exterior was repainted.Since ‘the batik was organized in’1887,tiear-ly -24'vears ago,its ‘profits have ag- Beetated $184,409.70 and.of this imount $164,731.55 was -paid in dividends.The bank’began .busi- with a capital of |$50,006,\§ ‘which was doubled a few years ago.j4 A number of the present directors and officers-of the:bank were sours 4 the organizers of the iwptitution | The stockholdére of thie Commer-| cial National Bank also ee at the old’board of directors,which is; composed’of Messrs.M.K.Steele, KE:Morrison,-H.A.Yount,C.M N..B;-Mills,'.D:..‘PP.SartinHall,J.B.Armfield,-D.MAusley,Hon.W.D Turter,Dr.W J:Hill,Dre,E.King ‘The old of- ficergs were re-elected by the direc-| tors as—fellows:_M.-K--Steete—pres-— ident,E.Morrison vice presidett,D. M.Ausley cathier,-G.E..Hughey as-Sistant cashier..| The bank had a very satisfac- toty ‘business:during -1911.Six:per| cent.was pajd in dividends and the| undivided profits were substaritially | increased The new year was.‘en-| tered with total resources aggregat-| “ing $515,000.and surplus and.un-| Civided profits,to the amount .of $27,500.The Commercial Nationaldsalittlé.less tham three years old. It was organized with a capittal of $100,000 February.16st,1909,‘ab sorbing @he banking busiefess of the Statesville Loan.&Trust.Com- pany. WwW.F Messrs.L.T.Stimpson,C.,S.:Tom- lin,J.°A.Knox,L.K.Lazentiy,EB. B.Watts,E.G.Gaither,Geo.B. Nicholson,R..R.Reid,J.L.Steven- son,W.S.Page and J.-R.Hill wére re-elected directors of.the Merchants). &Farmers’Bank at‘a meeting of the stockholders ‘a few days ago, and they will meet.tomorrow and «lect officers.Se ra ser The Merchants &Farmers’,which is a State .bank with'a*capital of 25,000,did a very fine business, the past year..The net earnings for the year.were $3,711.~Bight per cent.was paid in dividends and $1,711 was added to the ‘surplus. tal resources $175,000,surplus $34,- ~#59.70.The bank will be four years‘Old the 10th of next month. The Old-board of directors and officers of,the Henkel-Craig’Live ‘Stock Company were elected for an-. “other term at the meeting»\of the stockholders held in the:offices-cot ‘the.company on north Center street. directors are Messrs.W.‘Al. and D.J.Craig,“of Statesville; Gwyii Harpér,‘of Wilkesboro;Robt. §.Rinehardt,Of Lincolnton;J. D.Heilig,Salisbury;TS.Coffey .and Li.P.Herkel,Lenoir;Ty L,Henkel, D,..M;Boyd,,Harveysand Chas.4 Geitner,of Hitkory;R J.Diina- vant,Knoxville;“Penn,;9M.2A2 Oat penter,Gastonia.ie a ah,\P.Henk- el is president,Henkel,and H.J.Dunavant Hee“presidengs:D.Hig com seéretary and\A atahee: 4 ecmpany had a very katisfac-y--business—the vast year ~and{he ipa 8 per cent,dividend was paid q »yey erat dupes sh Ae ,\‘ 7M. a Me iMr jang the change i vemtenge, jthe hejthe -bank .hashad-a very -pros-|.” son; ;ron, $63,647.57 1-|hatders of the |year ;H. LE.B |Mr lelected retary,q.Li.-Turmer ‘treasu 7 Si:“question., +L,Turner-superintendent.io peatiMghtiin.the The Paola Cotton’Mill:sharehold-|Rancial district;thefers:elected.Messrs:.K,Morrison,D.}financual machinery:of “Ausléy;~A>Py Batron;A,PP,and business:-was|StgeleiC.L.Poston,H.Clarke,J.eo:throughout the day?A Lackey,N:.B.Mills,W.T.Kin:|.Phe -sreat “structure,whieh —-be-jeatd “difectofsfor 1912,'and the di-}|ides cortaining the main offices ‘of||rectors elected .Mr..Morrison.pres-{ithe Eyuttable,Lite Assurance Socie-)Toutident,Mr:Steele vice’president and |ty,was the home of ‘the Mercantile |!ry(Mr.Mills.secretary.and treasurer,|Tfust Company,theThe}Combany;>—the banking’ange e cage ::Mr.ie eee Te lass ot}Kountze Bros.,August Belmont &|COUatics ‘being invited to W!DMeLollend-on--thebodrd|CQ...the Harriman railroad tines,|teead About $30 in directors and as vice \president.|the ‘Mercantile Safe Deposit Compa-|Peady teen offered as Drizes.McLeliand ‘lives at Stony Point }O¥r te bawyers-Chrb:“A ae of ih sadition.toy this there are>“on-|the ‘city's most’prominent.law firms,| Mr peooie reaitice:la stands tonight a shéll of.ice-coated|/a sight..-A committee |granite with its once magnificent “eta ited to solicit prizes,Like most cotton mills,::Paola madé¢:little.of no.<meney Hterlor completely gutted:At the meetjngs to:be.held past 12 months. a £ovd poultry show.from +yeam.tol rene of the fi-'eat fire.upset the lt was Wall Street Show Fe “practically sus-tn sonieC¢cided on fee.to.bé Celits-atil-ithe.show,isto be open to any who nay ‘desire to.exhibit) of any ‘kind.The entries, ‘dec idea to oruary,26th, hold.the. 27th and 28th later;The *edjoining make én- house.of tY..Duastry fanciers -of- ‘and BEV =. tof was.’ap- Statesville be- the! lisss and sérious disturbance to big)Phases of the poultry industry,business’interests,the fire start-|.0eSt.varieties of poultry,éte,,wilh! field Cotton Mill,:in.annual.‘se&sion.|ing‘on one.of the coliest and .win-be discussed and information ais ‘to! Tueeda re-elected the following |diest mortings.df the winter, was.|th?care of poultry in preparing for atnautae for 19-12:-Mesers-bL.Cy pene of-the—trost spectacular—eve |&xhibition-witk -be-givei-—*- Caldweil,W..W,Turnér,E.Morti-;witnessed in the far downtown sec-.suN.E ‘Mills,H..O:-..Steele,;-C.ltion Its.progress was replete with |Prominent CitizenL.:Poston,¥f A:-Yount,A’P.Bar-tharrowine incidents,narrow |Charged With Embezzle unent. ly M.Ausley Theold.offi-|capes -and brave rescues.’.The .menj—A special to the C harlotte Observ:cets--N-B,Malls president,D.M./who fought it did’so,under Ausley vice;resident,’H.’A ropee (ditions.that taxed”both skill”secre tary °and .treapurer,.W L.Fénduranee.-:{Mirror and Pittsburg PlateSauudetssuzyverintendentwere‘also;Of those who lost their_lives,}Companies’branch offices ‘at Highre-elected |*pthreé mén were killed:by:-jumping}Peint,.and one of “the.best ‘known j{rom a ceying of the:roof of the [and one of the’most.promine nt“cit-.| Structure,Lo which they were driv-fizens ;of that town,was “arrested ;en hy thetetres-—‘they—were-em-| [ployes in the j-tilding, Battalion Chief William J.Walsh i é@isappeared tno whirl of smoke aud flames when a tave-in occurred fon the.third:floor,where he was iNghting the flames.~No trace’of his body had been found tonight. Two other.men,WiliamCampion, captain of the watchmen in the |Mercantile Safé Deposit .Company's ;Yaults,and Frank J.Neider,a spe- ;Cial olfieer,whose’bodies —have not | been recovyered,complete the list of {dead sc far as known Several,persons,watchmen and |othe:who were in .the,.doomed [structur when the fire broke».out Jat au early hour,have not:been |ROSitively accounted for but are be- a eeee ahemYOOD in the Fincaid a ae eit erenene is .Pres}Mr.’ a oe >ng as tolléwse:Messts.Geo.H.vinien jc utile fete Deposit Company,WnOneGC,Irvin;F.A:Sherrill,-W.T {te scue froni-the basement...vaults, anit:Ww.F.Hall.W'A.Thomas,|"D&te ke was imprisoned,after two | IW.Js.Nicholson...The directors reopen Vee OTK NY Deen,eer tsthefollowingofficers:(W jof the most ‘sensational episodes ofTiid*4 I jthe.fire He jhad gone into the<iucaid president,Geo.H 3rown |~ault to save geourities ahd—areMargeaphasiaayeeeaeasaocslokeevaneshie ee e1 ye.W20.,accompanied ,him,otthe Sompanys teeshewee:[Tacit ces wre heard By the’fieafdividendwaspaidduring1911aottodeeeesEerogtineandthe’company enters the New Steel,barsof a-door leading to the}could rescue tireStreet:before they|Year in good condition imprisoncd men:,Mpr-Giblin:was re moved td a histitdl,suffering from exhaustion wud smoke. Oue man,in.avother vault Mercantile “Safe Deposit ©ompany, believed to:be Campion,eould —be secn from the street with’his -lex pinned down’by a muss ‘of debris,|‘but ceuld not be rescued because of lahore i ee aa time winterheavysteel.fire doors which barred |io}1 yon ee eee eethewayofthe.firemén:-Throughthe |,sae before fast andae.:thes morning.smashed windows of the door .he signs.fail wewasgiventhelastrightsby@hap-hard dinterlainMcGeanofthe,fire.department,|~Ffjust.as he was swallowed from view by the dense smoke and not |seen again. Some bstimates of the loss run as high as -$15,000;000,but more conservative”.authorities tonight The stoe glioldére ‘of -the ‘Biédine Standard Glass and jtor 4nd mamager ofthe The annual meeting of the-stock- Statesville Grocery Conipany,wholesale,was held Tues.| ‘day,night“in the off{ces.of the com-| pany on Laudmark Place,resulting | in-the re-election of the old board| ‘of directors,who in tumn.re-elected| the former .officers for another! The ‘directors are Messrs.B Adams,-W.M.Barringer,F.B.| Puiich,J:i..Cowan,J.M.Davis,|, Watts,Ji -C.Sie and Dr Is.Harrill Mr,Barringér is presi- dent,Mr.Adams vice president and Watts secretary-treasurer .and| neral manager.The company had a good business the past:year.a: the stockholders received the usu amount in quartérly dividends: eharging’the embezzlement of $36,-. 000..The eharge against Wines-| kie.was made by Frank McKnight, president.of the Standard Ovgmpany. $iv.600 fora preliminary yesterday ‘afternoon.The bond was nent citizens,of High Point, jlieve Wineskie ©is,.inneeent Says the charge is:malicioys Wineskie is ‘from Pittsbufg,Pa., has lived in High Point eight:years aud is supposed to be worth $26,000 jto $40,000.It'is.said he sold a }Material called ‘‘waste’!from the |companies’factory:and pocketed’ |the proceeds of these,sales who be- ie re The Kjineaid Furniture .Campany stockholders ‘were in dnnual session riage and the Weather. Correspondence of Tye Landmark. New Hope,Jan:8—Thelbert man,of.New.Hope,died verydlenly}ésterday”He went ~to-.the |Woods tc get a turn of wood,about }11.o'clock 4nd about 1:o'clock his | folks icundc him defd.He-had pot! been well for some time ami it fs} thought heart failure was.the cause c*his sudden déath.He was an old man,A’wifé and séveral chil- rGPen,u rown,survive. Mr.Coite Bowles,son of William Bowles,of Gwaltney’s township, Alexander county,drove to the home 1Of Miitard Williams,~tn New Iredell yesterday/ahd:took aMr. Williams”.datighter,Virgie,: Alexander,where they were united in Matrimony.Rey;-J:.Gwaltney |performed the ceremony.: Dish- sud--| ag The edge Furniture Manitfac- turing Co.stockbolders were in jannual session yesterday afternoon at the Commercial-club.and re-elect- ed directorg:as follows:.J.GC. Steele,W..D.Turner,R:B.Me- Laughlin,Dr..°|Harrill,Ee Poston,J.Henfy Hall,S.L..'Parks;B.:Morrison,Dr.C..A.ner.Mr. Steele was reelected président,Mr. Turner.yice president,Mr..*Parks secretary,and treasurer,Mr.“F.C. Horton superintendent.The com- pany’s business the past year was gratifying and a 10 per.ange Git dend was paid.: The stockholders ef the States ville Furniture.Company met Wed- nésday and re-elected the following thought that the damage would notboardofdirectors:'W.A.Thomas,|run over $6,000,000.L.C..Wagner,A*.P.Barron,Do 3.4: Williams,H.C.Cowles;PF.Lauge- nour,J.G.Shelton.:.The former of- ficers—Mr.Thomas president,|Mr. Cowles vice president,Mr.Shelton secretary and tredsurer—were also re-elected.The company enjoyed agoodbusinessthepast,year’ang handsome dividends were paid., of the it Unless some of are going-to have the a Death,of Mrs.Thomason of Rowan. o'clock Mrs. |day afternoon at.1 home.near Salisbury. ;On was ‘a sister of Mrs.T.- son,of Statesville,and Mr.Allison| jand Miss Elizabeth Allison:will ,to Salisbury this morning to attend ‘the funeral there this afternoon at 3 30 o'clock. in|”.Mrs.Thomason.is will be /hér husband,who’is all.the }and the following children:Mrs.vaults can b&examined.They ap-|KE.Dayis,Salisbury;Mr.R.L.Thompéartobeintact,however,and+it}ason,Maxton;Mirs.WadesRankin,is the epinion that all the ,securi-|Reidsville;Miss Edith Thomasontiesaresafe.and Mr.Ralph Thomason;whe:liv-!The Equitable policyholders will ed.at.home,‘suffer!no loss.AYe|Strike of Raleigh Street Car Men.| |Raleigh Times. Declaring that-the company -at Thomas- .Alli- a More than $50,000,000 in stocks and bonds was récoverd Wedtesday from one of the Smaller vaults the burned building,but it a week.or.longer before survived critically byal, Deaths.| Jennie,the a \infant daughter °of Dr?and Mirs.:Jas.R.Amdergson,.of Cool Spring;died Monday.The lit- tle body)was-brought to Statesville Tuesday and afte being prepared for burial-was taken to Morganton, the’‘former ‘home ‘of.its father, where the burial took place Wed- nesday. -.Miss Agnes Guakey,aged’.84 years, who made.her home with her:neph- ew,Mr.J.D.Godfrey,who lives on a portion of the:old Davis place northeast -of town died Tiwresaay morning.and the remains were tak- en to Mt.Mourne Tuesday ahtorintermentWednesday.ie Marriages,.a Miss .Nettie->V.@ cobineon ‘and| Mr.be 2 |Me \Enlil.wate Wceeraa Weombbine:sept treated:theit ‘respectful petition foring’at the home of the bride's.tas tty Daa cn in’salary with con)ther,Mr.John’Robinson,in ‘west |:°™P .pStatesville,Rey.,C,S$:Cashwell per-|/0 the employ of the Carolina Pow|formed the ‘ceremony.The couple |°F &Light ©ompany,abandoned|Nétt2on:No.11 for Mars Hill,where |their cars}on Fayetteville street they will:Midke their hbine,males toner enter in.pay from 15|Robinson ‘met M e ;.=|:a taint at.Sines Wit eehogi [cents to 18 cents an-hour,and’for| It is learned ,that Gapt.-S._M. Moore,formerly.-yardmaster for.the|Southern rajtway at Statesville,was }married in\Facksonville,Ma,Christ- mas.Day to.Miss Martin Harwell, ofthat’city.Misé Harwell was a teacher in,the graded school at NewSmyrna,Fla.,where Capt.Moore is employed:ag.yardnuaster for the Florida Hast Coast railway.+Mr, and Mrs,Moore are now i homeatnerSmyrna,ene oe es and relieve themselves in.com- |parative comfort.The:cars;were Manned in saermen. sSalisbuty Watcliman: Dr..Fanies MeKeé,&superintendé4entoftheState>Hospital in”Ral- eigh,is dead.»He was.a Confeder- ate soldier at 17,had:been promi- nent as a physician and was;fer 12 years superintendent:of the State Hospital.He‘was ‘born’in Raleighin1844.:pea A negro at work around the water tank Spencer.“When he was,found in ceived promptmedical ‘attention, a2}wie ae :ae be i teat ;j x \ yDisiiman.Found Dead—A Mar-- her | “of)15a. biddstry,in the County and maintain|hour too early first; commedious building—te-be--from-.Salisbury., entrance }Was deposited.)n chatged exhiliftors is 25) Equitable Trust|/will-uot.be confined’to Iredell coun-}the stopper ;out of the:bottle, _Bold has ‘al-ja’Statesville‘young’‘her feral.-yaiusible prizes of:various'-kinds replaced’the stopper: jand still jesides involviag heavy fittancial jtWeen,now ad the Show various senger, +that—-earhy “of High Point!vive con-jer.says that Frank Wineskie,direc-{chase hand Wednesday atternoon.on a.warrant||Marriage at Mowtevitie-—-Accllenta; }. Mirror |} Wineskie gave a bond of hearing|ys; signed by some of the most promi-| of several,friends of the contracting| ;parties |working \father’s buggy shop, Hope,| rder, into | Le ;or is snowing | | ‘ Mrs,:J.A.Thomason diéd yester-|ing within a few days.| t go | | deteated 167/to 107.:“|W had |Smallpox.in “howh.I metormen and.conductors Wife:and children of:Mr. at |Wi addell; They had asked Street. convenient places to-eat their lunch-)“sately ois in vaccinations half.our by oth-|Ca8es so’that alli concerned may be employe of the Southefn came wery|er,near freezing.to death Monday while!burned with its contents, hejand the loss.ig placed’atwas:frozén almost stiff,‘but,hie re-)The couphe -viousAt ol Adal ate’accepted up to”thei]last moment.possible to handle |them,but’those who make it aihabittowaituntilalat:hous“and give as much extra trouble as possible,may get left. NEWS:is accepted with,ate any e.Announcements club.meetings,churchSrcuae of 6ther ecg that could”have been handed,-in.earlier just aa well,donot come under thd “ar:in ofder {0 catch fhe”5 train,due in’Statesville.naw The hotel.folks céiled her.< 3.15->and she had? to,wait at theSalisbury station an | |hour:longer than necessary.—., ‘Anyhow,.the young lady ~and | ‘bottle of wipe Started home all.‘righu} The-botile-ehy wine, the young ady’s muffs Before the ‘train:had proceed | |ed very far.from ;Salisbury”‘the | young"lddy”felt \something -pop| against her.The wine Shad forced |——eee had}BRIEF.TTEMS OF-‘LOCAL,NEWS.muff and.)\/' ‘train,| 5.55 her A passenger-.on the man;went to gathered up...the run out and.ruined {gine:lers offered 9,25.for.the best,white. feotton “yesterdays in.-the bottle.and|Mr.M.:P.Jones,formerly in A few.min-|business in Statesville,will oper , utes later .the stopper.'went.sky-|a Store in Goncord.:ae halling:to the other end of the car,|“The,.annual’meeting of the_another Statesville pas-stockholders of the Clio Feeo honeachurch.deacon,—'chased||Company,will-be held at’Mr.J,\W. it and brought it baek.me |Hager’s.store tomorrow,13th,at 1h.Every thing-worked wéll untit the-to:clock:‘ party arfived in Statesville:There |Mrs. were'io carriages,at the station =-'house hour -and-They tadtoy adjoining the countythe.young man:carrying tbe [2°Mr.-R:L.’Poston: About half.way over tow)|ation was $1,250; of the’bottle eee!te hes mave|oo7Mr..and Mrs,A..L.Mills and& oi dntie cece he (child,who.have for the past two stopper .he fell down the embank-|°°three months lived in Charlotte,:.:i itionmentanabruisedhimselt,|“tere.Mre Milla had +daa >liventually the wine was,subdued Pave teturned to StatesvilleJiyered!-to-these fer-whom)---7W illiamReed,’a respected young: is intended—the young lady’s|nhegro barber who.has‘a’shop near st the railway station,and Lutigia iw hite were married last Sunday by. ‘Paster -Simmons~of the colored |Methodist church.:Obar-).Mr J:R.Alexander.this week |moved his family.to his farm near |Turnersburg,where he will engage’ in farming.Mr,W.9S.Johnson and family will occupy.Mr.Alex- lunder's residence’ou,west Front eeassistance, wine.remaining Bell M.bas aM and lot on: Carlton jail..property,.walk,The consider-. ithé stopper flew out again it was pareirts ite. Mooresville Correspondence lotte Observer: W.L.Davidson,of besnaods Tex-| 48,and Miss Alice London,of} /Cresville,‘were .united)in mar-| tiae Tuesday afternoon ..at 4.30| at the Methodist Parsonage,-the ceremony being performed:by Re Vv jatreet:>ning pb ‘@C sy PeJ.E.Thompson -in the presence |~The Landmark stated in its last lissue that the temperature in States- Mr.Davidson:is a native{¥villeduring the cold snap was about. of Iredell county:but ‘has been liv-|114.-Thermometers differ,as well~ ing}.Texas for the past 20 years.jas opinions,and some citizens report-The biidée\is the daughter of:‘Mrs.|@%records as low as 10,In-one in-Sarah London,of Davidson’town-|istance 7 is‘reported..: ship,but has lived in town for sev-P (Conductor N.i Bost,who éral vears,making her home with |had been laid .up:for several weekea Mr.and Mrs.C.E.Cornelius;The On account.of a very sore eye,re~,will leave ina’few days for |Sumed the dutiey of his run be-home.in the ‘Lone Star State:/tween 'Charlotte ‘and Taylorsville Jay goa“rger has left for |yesterday.His eye is yet .a little -Fort Worth,Texas,where he has sore but is thought ‘to be out ofkonewithaview"ta bocating,.-al-|danger. though his trip is announced as a ee Miss Afleene Gilmer yesterdayvisitto’relatives.junderwent an operation’for.appen- SR.Swim,an eniplaye of:No;2 dicitis |in a hospital in High Poirt.[cottonmill.wasstartingto work at the mill about 6.o'clock}field,aTuesdaymorningwhen.he slipped lives:inonthéiceandfellfromhisfront porch;breaking his shoulder blade W.L..Cook,the liveryman,was|with.some bumber at his| and being .on! ‘incline’his feet shipped, him to fall on his shoul-.| was ‘painfully hurt.| the little child’of Mr. Boyd,while on her way tofell:|.weight.was 742 pounds.:oll and sustaine nore |less satioun LE tre te hoe !fi Mike Redman,a worthless,ne-55 Zo,was arrested yésterday on ac~. hip family some n atte a ak count of his failure to support his eralyears Mr..Pegram was in bus!-|family,and was released’on condi- "f |tion that he help supply food andnésshere,.at one —secretary rolland‘treasurer“of.the ‘Baglec lothiig |\clothing for:his children./;The offi- Manufacturing Company.Dr,F..A.|cers found the family in destitute (Carpenter ‘haa -rented the Pegram |Circumstances and.Redman.-was cottage and.will.go to housekeeD-|tioge,no effort to better condj —Rev.Dr.H.K.Boyer and.Rey.Insurgents Lose,“Fight.+Harold Turner,members’of-the ‘Republican insurgents met defeat board of diregtbrs of the (iChil-inthe House yesterday in am attempt dren's Home at.Winston,the orphan~|to upset Republican Leader Mann’s age of the Western North Carolina power to name af Republican ¢an-|Méthodist.Conference,attended:a oe on the House com-|meeting of the executive committee| mittees.Led <by Represenattive |of the board,held at the Home” i Norris,of Nebraska,who managed|Wednesday:The.Home now:cares: the..great rules fight of the pre-|for 100 children.A two-story.brick Congress,the insurgents building,built by the Methodists of tried.ta.set aside Mr.Mann's nem-|+HighPoitit,-has-frecently -been com<ination of Philip B.Cate bell leepleted at the Home. Kansas,to ‘succeed the late BE.H .Madison,insurgent,on the eommit-|.Miller Sells His:Shoe jteé on rules;and to nominate —in |ag S.B.Miller,the shoe man,. his”place’Victor Murdock,of Kan-/)has sold.out to Messrs.W.As;8as,an insurgent.‘Fhe attentpt was,White.and Mred.Sherrill.The deal’as consummated:yesterday after-eee and the>.change will take|place.the first..of néxt month,Mr. Miller has not..decided what he will do butsays he Wil chop wood and do other.odd turns|‘around town for the present:Mr:Miller.has been in’,the shoe usiness @&Bit°over 15 years.‘|ForabouthalfthattimethefirmwasSloop&~-Miller,Mr.Sloop.has been out for seven or eight years. ‘Mr,White was ftoftiierly with theWhiteCompanyandignowwith: the Sloan Clething-Co.Mr,Sher- rill is a son of Mr.°F.A.Sher- rill and has recently been in busi- ciness in Hamlet;+aged Dr.Cook;the:North Pole ~disyov-. erér,lectured in...Charlotte [pst night to an audience of 700 and|wag"cordially received.He |WasintroducedbyMr.Kuester,presi-dent ot the ‘Greater Charlotte:oh. ne, their Mr Mrs:Gilmer, and Miss Gil- some days ago brother of High.Point ‘mer ‘went to him for examination.es ~Mr,.»Geo..Foard’was passing through Davie county a few days ago and at the home of Fish.Clary hesaw:what he first thought was the Catcoess of a beef,but whith prov- jed to be a monster hog Saw the hog *weighed a.slight causing “He Sarah, Ss. school, and,‘the Business, There are ‘several cases at small- |POx-on--east Sharpe street.The Stanley: |Conger have the-disease and there’ fare two cuses in the home of Wes | )colored,1 on the same smallpox the |only: hor that. jreason and as a matter of.news,: |The:Landmark .is mentioning’tlfese Under the present law iis nat.‘quarantined “and: |governed accordingly.qe } Perry.”Barring? a Oatawba county farmer,|was Saturday. had been recently,built $1,200.family was.away from home wher the:fire occurred. i The home of Mr. The “house head of livenews.j ee Ootton's ‘6 a little.’Local buy .Meeting street,..- Mr.Foard: mrep—is—with—her——_Dr.Arm ———______— +t .oe « oe et would.-handie the.stuff.’ Pray THE LANDMARK|= FRIDAY,-12,1912.ee“yscomeJanuary “STILL AFTER WILSON. The element in the.”Democratic “party—and out of it-—that opposes the nomination of ‘Woodrow “Wil- “Bon for «President:ts’hard-pressed to fing a cause for |opposition. Being unable:to find something worth while,strenuous effort is made to.manufacture mountains out of mole hills).Recently,a great dis- turbance was raised over-the discov: “ery:that.Wilson,prior to his elec; tion as Governor .of New Jersey had applied to the Carnegie ‘oun- dation,‘for a teacher's”‘pension.One ‘would haye.supposed,by the.fu- ror pe his Gnemies;that Gov,Wil. *Bon’had peen guilty,of embezile- ment or grand latceny.“The public failed to see’that ‘Dr.,Wilson was euilty “of any impropriety in .the Carnegie “matter.rand it was - ped.Then a,week ago there,©was a blast of trumpets and:newspapers were \ |cause.they.realize that he can’t:be| 4that ‘public business ‘is the people’s :drop-| made on Wilson.They probably. feel,‘as The Landmark does,that he ‘BrOlIa not:be ued,responsible for it. But it is plain that certain ‘e terests fear Woodrow Wilson be controlléd by.those:who have.Axés | to grind.‘It was.said,and is doubtless true,that -‘The.Intere ests”nominated him for Governor of New Jersey,but finding he souls the political “machine nar thoes"Who fatten at the expense of the pwb-: lic bave heen unablé to dictate to the New°Jersey Governor;and Wherever the people tind.a man n’t ‘know.cany better than’to hold business ‘and should’he:,jadministered for.their benefit:rather than”for: the benefit of the favored ‘few,“they should.‘take:‘ote of that man.«That is the type:needed in ‘the publié service, eome ‘of his so-called tti@ndie have.| NWho,.“can E be “controlled;“whodoes=rvta bles present and accounted for DEMOCRATS AT A “FRAST.i “The Jackson ‘Day banquet in Washington Monday’evening was'a Democratic:event.at which many Democrats of.mational .reputation spoke ~their views or spoke words that concéaled thei views..This social,gathering ot Democratic ‘lead- ers had -been “much discussed and there were many ‘predictions that the oocasion would ‘be marked by.ar uproar if not an outbreak,due to the fact that so many Democrats of conflicting views weretto partic- ,|ipate,and it being the strong point Yather than the enemy.But -theré wis 10 Trew at.this.‘Teast of the unterrified.On the’contrary all was peace and:harmony.Among.the seats Areettctly ‘all those‘mention- ed autvpeanideritial nomination.save’ Foy,‘Harman,of “Odio,and ©Cor. ‘|gressmMan Unierwpod,-of!Alabama. Mr,TWnderwood,who.has.been threatened with appendicitis, his doctor had vetoed banquets,,Bt flooded with‘‘alarming reports about a’“break”between ‘Dr,Wilson’and |’ of Harper's’ a ‘Mr.Hatvey,.editor Weekly:Mr;Harvey had been’ ‘gealous and untiring:boomer of Wil- “Bon for the presidential nomination end-had carried Wilson’s name at ‘the ‘mastdheadof “his ‘paper:oWwil- Bon’s tame had been taken..down and Harper’s hadn't mentfoned -him for two weeks.It was awful:and Bomething was going to happen. A week has passed and nothing bas “happened except “this qiiet statement from ‘Dr.Wilson: “My —attention “has;of ‘course, “been drawn to the fact:that the last.two numbers of Harper’s Week- ly have made no mention’of my name but this.is certainly ‘not through.any .breach -hetween Col.Harvey and myself.-Colonel)Harvey runs the:Weekly entirely on his own judgment,”; Another failure,but the-indus trious-opposition _kept__busy.A. letter Dr!Wilson wrote when pres- ident of Princeton,im which he madé a slighting,reference to.Mr. Bryan,was the next bomb that Was ‘to explode and it was suggested that scmething awful.would hap- pen at the Jackson Day dinner But)Dn.Wilson didn't deny the letter,Mr.Bryan said he cared mothing about it,and so another. Sensation has passed.Another will be out by the time this-is read but it wiil be like the others. Taking note of -all this ‘the Charlotic News,whose editor per- sonally favors the candidacy.of Gov.Harmon,makes fitting com~ ment on this unfair,unjust ‘and ridiculous warfare on Dr.Wilson.in the following: Now we-take it the average Déem-ecrat,who,is a Democrat in ‘fact Tather than pretense,carés not.atinker’s nang whether Harvey.has, for ‘some deep’and:mysterious reason,‘‘dropped’’the schoolmas- ter..or notSince the self-same school- master is daily adding converts to his cause.equal in influence,pow er and fidelity to.the distinguish- ed editor of Harper's. For months past numerous news- papers have taken strange pleasureinpicturinglinalltheluridcolors ef abiased imagination every fool|yuna?they could stir up to diséred-| it the-Govermaor of.New Jersey.Usu-ally these little diatribes are -ac- companied by .a confiding..discourse on the and| |to be-considered.in .“The:‘correspondent whe disenine- es music has it down.about‘right. Iwi nearly,all the concerts.they have all sorts df scientific music with high-sounding names,remind- ing one.of.the menu cards .in the high-class~cafes,which-onl¥a few Gan read.There is interpretation, technique,etude ops..and the like in plentyyand only a very’few:peo-| ple in’the audience know.what it is all-about.’True,some of,;the near high-brows (those wih'o want the high-brow class)will.smile”and:applaud:and pretend to be havjng-the time ‘of their lives,when but few of them know.dmy more about:it than the common herd who sit in’dumb agony and endure for manners’ sake.Eyen-the vocalists are not allowed to sing naturally,The ‘nat- urally .sweet voices.of the ‘girls are trained amd ‘cultivated until all the .sweetness and melody disap- are unk on good terms,‘gas te Us: Bryan’s.vicious,and +unwarranted: attack on the Alabama magn,it:is’ surmised ‘that Bryan’s presence at the.feast may:partially account for Mr-Underwood's absence.How- ever;Mh>-‘Underwood says it “was ap- pendicitis and The Landmark ae- cepts Mr:Untderwood’s statement. Unele Jud Harmon was:absent be-| cause.he ‘wanted.to.be and that reason,also,ds,Sufficient for The Landmark,© But ihere were abenkas in plea- ty’at this—Jacksoni Day dinner— in honor of Old Hickory,who} was hori in North’Carolina ‘and is the ‘patron saint:of all true Demo crats.Scnaser O'Gorhan,of New York,was toastmaster and,included in the list of orators were Speaker Champ Clark,Jrdge.Parker,of New York,Democratic presidential can- didate in 1904;Senator -Kern-—and pears and the tones ate as wren as the male voices.“But they'll con- tinue *to-sing and play in the for- eign.tongue;notwithstanding all The Landmark”and its.corres- pondent:..or anybody,-may say;| but .if the’sizging or playing| is.to entertain the public,then} we submit -jhat our correspond-| ent .is everlastingly,right when| he contends that there’should be| a minimum of the high class sud % maximum of the simple, tunes the lity can .apreciate Steatl of vice versa,as now), ing the’great majority.of popular -audience neither stands nor appreciates the class stuff. (in- \see-| every | under- high-| The snow last Sunday was just! right for rabbit-hunting and’the Catawba man who yielded:to temp- tation and went hunting on’;the Lord's.Day,commonly calléd Sun-'| day;‘was suddenly ‘called to account when he was instantly killed by the | accidental discharge of his owm| fun.Other Catawbians,it appears,| were also engaged in hunting,on {that day,and it is prebtble that Testdents—of —other—counties may |have ignored+the divine:command | |to eee the Sabbath Day and | |keep it holy.’But only one Sab-} | ; familiar Gov.Marshall;‘of Indiané;“Gov,| Wilson,cf New Jersey;Gov.Folk, lof iMisscuri;Mr,Bryan and oth- ers.we P.5..At this ‘Jackson Day din- each.guest.paid his own way, unless the:coS8t was paid ~by+a friend,and the tariff was $5 éach. A little high for ‘Democratic .sim- plicity,but.due to’the high -cdst;af jliving.Gay ’———— The’Killing of the Sunday er in Catawba, ner Hunt- ‘of Democrats -to~-fight-—each—other-|- connection with ‘the .Demo-|' said ww Z A farm.in Rockingham county, eontaining 1,184 acres.and porder-. ing on the Dan =river,.was sold a’ few days ago for $30,000.Up 1876 the:farm was owned by,.the late Judge:Settle,the Republicanreandidate©for.Governor|Aneinet Vance in.1876. pepo pe bia Child Against c pentee “i give theareonewe relief and wothetatet,een inbalasselelcm 4-At a dare igual aoa ‘or by mai Bs25e.,50.$1,00 ‘ Heomemy suggeststhedollarsite Reasonable prices and foodwork,MRS,A.Ww.PERKINS,‘120 Fifth street,Phone 2286,Jan.@,at Hard Brick and rock are the only build- ing materials that will with- stand frost and ‘fire;and last for alltime..Common and‘Face Brick always on hand,* Statesville Brick’Co. Delinger Show Case Company— Is now-running fulltime,man-_. ufacturing Show Cases,Screen Doors and Windows.‘Also Oak and <Pine Mantels..All kinds of repair work done.}} ‘promptly and right atareason-- able price.When you wantanything.in wood--working line made or repaired please don’t forget to call Phone 473.-Bell 146. DELINGER SHOW CASE.COM’Y,|) BAXTER L.DELINGER,Proprietor. Corner Meeting and BellStreets, Jan,9—~—2t. The Landmark told:im its last is~ sne of the tragic death of Mr.Fox, of Catawba county,which occurred last Sunday while Mr.~Fox..was hunting.Logan Fox was the name given The Landmark,but a New- ton correspondent of the Charlotte |Observer says it was Geq.Fox, \This is the Newton report.of the incident:bo Yesterday [Sunday]about 1 o'clock George Fox,a young farm- er,accidentally shot and killed|himseif~-while ,out hunting near his home «in,,,Cline’s township.He jand two sons of Charles Little,a) ueighbor,were hunting,and |Little boys state that as.Fox cross- a log his gun was in.some way discharged,and the load entered jhis threat,striking his heart)and. |Killing him instantly,”The fureral washeld tc y-at Salem chu [Hox was 28 ears old and the of.Daniel Fox ‘Hie “was married and his wife with one child sur-) vives.| county,in the special proceeding en- tititled W.C.Wooten,administrator and others,ex parte,I willon | at 12 o’clock,at the court house door}: the five farms,namely: No.3,934 acres;No,A, No-5,884 acres. .Aderholdt.and Cloydfarm,which has|Mg)le the .county surveyor. Last Sale Five Farms. UNDER authority of a-decree of the Superior Court of.Iredell of W.H.Aderholdt,W.H.eet MONDAY,JANUARY 29,1912,- inStatesville,re-sell at public auction | No.1,100}acres;No,2,67 acres; 115}acres; These five tracts make up the rae m-cit-up-into-convenient tracts-by+ In.Bethany}township,34 miles north:of States-}ville.The Statesvillé-Turnersburg | ot bg “Whether.you want to tour Textsforveasuré,Or investigate the farm andbusinessopportunitiesthere,thie-is your‘one gréat chance to goat the least.cost?Tourist fares toTexas now in effect daily viaMemphis and© Cotton Belt Route Fares Frome Sirwtaghate Apres Chattanoogo Dallas,Houston, Ft:Worth orWaco$27.20 $33.90 $32.50 sy eee 32.60~39.30 37.9 .>El Paso.+se+82.85 59.55 88,15. ++29.20 ©35.90 34.50SenAngeloesses37,907)44.60 43.20.>San Antonio..« ©41.05etTouristticketsonsalefrompracticallyaldpoinin‘the Southeast,to Texas.Stapovers slow:‘free,on both goingand returnin ‘gtay Gil winter if youwish*for the :Return limitiisJune Ist.*‘eae today~—1.will tell yourexact fare|>from your town and makeupschedule fre.”H,Stn,,Passenget Agent,1,E.Allen,PassengaS109W.9thSt..Chattanooga.Tenn.hae 8 saa merece Co thos,Large’ess -COURTEOUS -TREATMENT. ‘Onght to mean much to the man:witha.bank ‘az.count,If you have not yet opened an account ‘with__theCOMME RCI Alu.we invite you to do so now, Capital $100,000.00Surplus28,000.00 ‘Total Resources over 500,000.00 -Four per cent..ontime and Savings Deposits. ‘Commercial National Bank, -Statesville,N.C. .STEELE,’President.E.MORRISON,Vice President.AUSLEY,Cashier.G.E.HUGHEY,Assistant Cashier. _REDUCED PRICES a Coat SuitsThat /Are New. Styles that possessthe touch of difference and newness; that emphasize the fact that they are new.WE ARE SPE- CIALIZING ALL WOOL SUITS AT’VALUES FROM$5.00 UP.TO $16.50.Don’t ‘fail to see our:line before“purchasing.POSITIVELY AND ABSOLUTELY THE BIGGEST *VALUES FOR YOUR MONEY hare __LONG-BEACK COATS.- Chiffon}Bloadcloth and ‘Sergesfat REDUCED Prices.. Rome trip-andyou can” merits,achievements ‘The snow tempted more than one |macadam road runsthrough this prop-| erty,and the new railroad vaaiiof | of construction within 200 yards of it.| Well watered,good land,red clay | subsoil,good bottom land on two|‘|tracts.Convenient to church,and| 5r.School,desirable neighborhood,heal-| ithy locality,free from malaria. The tracts will be sold:separately. Maps of these lands can beseenat the court house,and at W.C..Wooten’s)home.‘Prospective bidders are in- -Good qualitiesof.President-.Taft, &s0rt of last course,’as it were. The-way to fight.a man is to fight him cn the issues he ctiam-/ pions,not to whine and fuss,like bath desecrator met death:Was’itisi hunter into the fields and -woods|judgment or an accident that might |vegterday,even though it was Sun- jhave happened on any other day?|day.'Farmers in town today saidItiswelltorémember,hetore we |that beginning early in the te;:we ;the sound of jiguns was heardeovisyepenticoverig¢Pass judgment,that those on whom|=?F -dyspeptic.over trivialities|judg fatto h |}good part of the:day,and manywhichhaveneybearinguponthe/the tower at Stloam ‘fell were”not|rappit was harvested.}erewould-he victimis’worth as a pub-/isinners above all other sinmers,put |lic servant.-|a‘One thing which greatly ditte rep-.|85 &‘Matter of precaution it would|It Wasn'tGatosaeftomthemajorityofbewelt,also,to refrain from tres-}yonroe Kinqurer,a ee ae es is oe a Passing on the Lord's Day.Mean-|An ,Alexander.county man,wito epen and pafocin the wantd:auaett:time,as Catawba seems to be en eee,talking to Judge Clark,-of |yited to‘look over theland before ‘daywherehestands-on all great ‘See spicuous in offending on this par-ithe Btateeyily Landmark,a few|of sale,W.C..Wootén will be gladlic‘matters,and.why he stands |ticular day,The Landmark.makes{gars Oe ©nite ans ae fo give any information and showthereboldtosuggesttoDr.Banks,of.many iq his section BOI.not get persons interestedover the lands.on ca Oeheeee eg tets (the Hickory.Democrat,that he ex-‘Angtni rig better than persimmon TERMS OF SALE:y and e d ete nd 9 ::,Eng sincerity he “has steadily |1 0.4 his fellaw.citizen to a bet.|beer to quench their thirst during |}00 confirmation by the court,twentyaayvy|days aftersale;one-third in six monthsterobservanceoftheSabbath. .€ained ground with:thinking ‘men .1s 14;;the’holidays and that ‘simmon|until~at-present he—is,one,of the lbeer is a‘fine drink but it doesn’t |and one-third in twelve months,in-|;.terest on’deferred payments,witharorstestiecandidatesforthea'g +|bring conversation,Wedo.not know.aeat,Wileom’ely he.ateompted |The President hag Appotnted DY who that sige of Alexander:is;but|privilege to purchaser ofpaying:any,meet in battlé the’Republican maz |UPert »Blue,of North ‘Carolina,|if Judge Will Smith,ex-recorder ‘of |installment before maturity.”‘Title‘ehine of New Jersey.They at!|SUfgeon general of the public health|the ‘city of Charlotte,did.not say |retained until purchase money paid_dtempted to ridicule him-out of ex-|and marine hospital service..In an a ie eae oe Thisis the last and and final sale. Somre of the dispatches Dr,Blue is Me cbt ga hie Peuier mheneesy oe “W.Cx WOOTEN. Commissioner,' istence ”stence They brought forth,thé rder county,the,circumstantial.ey-credited to South Carolina.He was|:.Statesville,N.C.,KR.F.D-No.2; power of sarcasm,and depict ed the idence is “agin’him. born in Richmond county,this |.‘less,|J.B.Armfield,Atty.Dec.29,1911. f Ss >~<_~toehigh-trowed professor ted tke a PAli native Alexandrians= State,and-is_a.son-of John G.i acquit s‘My Machine Shop Bheep to the shames by adroit ..Politicians.But Wilson.outeHerod-2 thas Ae Cate.eeBlue,also #North’Carolinian,but}Judes Smith in this instance.The who moved to-Marlboro county,South|jremark was made by.Mr.«H.C.Pat- 8 complete and Tam prepared to do}sny kind of repair work. ed Herod.He mounted a-platform of honesty and progress and rode Carolina,some years ago,‘Dr.“Blue |terson of Alexandet.] entered the marine Roepe}corps in| ENGINE AND BOILER WORKASPECIALTY—"-"=" into office over one of the.bestoiledpoliticalmachinésthecountry 1897.:|Boys Saved the Train. ————————————| Also carry.a full line otSteam Pit--ings up to 3inches,Injectors,Lu- has ever known.His campaignWasarevelationtothenatfon.».By :—S ET A special)from,.Newton says*HOW'S,THIS?_{thatSunday afternoon trainNo.12.on oricators,Oil Caps.and—Jet Pumps'Pipe and Shafting, reason of the,statesman-like mdmn- We offér One Iiundred Dollars Re-"the Southern was flagged,by three Cc.BH.TURNER Joe nér ii which he handled that‘eam- ward for any,case of,Catarrh that can--boys two miles east of Flic ory: Depot Street._DealerinMachinery.C.W..Bosh «JAciatabanenonensaotnemanCeahee.‘wees 1S lg Shamer,”JF., paign men all over the country,havecometoviewhiminthelightofa not be cured by Hall's Catarrhy Cure,-:jand.what,might have been -a disas- NOTICH TO CREDITORS.Local Represeniative. ‘Phone ALE A’new line of WASHA- BLE WAISTS just received. Call early before the sizes aré broken. THE LADIES’FURNISHING STORE. *Phone 188,109 West Broad Street. WwW.W.WALTON,Manager. CORR ROARED CREAR RN MORTGAGESAlSALE OF LAND. BY ¥IRTUB‘ot 1the powers con-tained in a mortgage deed execut- |ed by Nathan Morrison,Sarah Mor-tisén,Martha Morrison;Ah.Mor- rison,Mary Morrison,Walter Mor-~ risun and Candace:Morrison to the ‘Henkel Live Stock Company atid by‘said company transferred ‘to S.J.Holland,the undersig will sell. /at public auetiion,to-the highest bidder for cash,at the court house |door.in Statesville,N.C.,onMONDAY,JANUARY 22,19T?Z, at:12 o'clock,m.,the following de~ senibed tract of land in Shilab’towship,said county,towit: Adjoining the tands wat GB|Watits,Albert Johnson and.others, and beginning at a stake,themorth- east:corner of the Isaac |Johnsonitnact.of Jand;and running south 125.poles.to a stake in JohniWatts’1line;thence.west;13,poles: ito a stake;thence north 25 "poles Ito a stake,Ann.Johinson’s line; \thience east.to the heginming,:con-., taining two acres,Tmiate or less.v S.J.HOLLAND,: AeztioeHENKEL1LIVESTOCKCO., N Mortgagee.R.es Mola renin,Att'y.Dec.24ai ti, NOTICE TO:€REDI TORS. Having qualified as executor of the will of Ma;|oat Williams,al)persons having claims against+,Said estate are hatified td present them.to me io One-third cash||f Judge ‘Smith. Claims Are Easy. Anybody Can Make Claims. If claims ‘made quality.DAN VALLEY flouf would:have. been put out of business long ago.Iam still looking foraflour}just-as-good as DANVALLEY,andso are a num-.. bér of housewives who paid their good money for an un- tried flour.The best thing-f can suggest is to put DANVALLEYanda-just-as-good -flour side by side and watchtheresults,This is the test.DAN VALLEY is sold by ev-ery leading.grocer in your city,Ask for DAN VALLEY ~and accept noother. Cis speak Oo,.\ présidential,Possibility.;F.J,CHENEY &CO.,,Toledo,Tris very plain-that the apponi:A!the undersigned,have known’trous wreck was ‘narrowly averted. ‘The boys had found that one of ‘i ;ic meter for.the jlast 15 “fonda andontoDr.Wils eee gals ,|believe him perfectly honorable in .allditettloethatis,”the |pusiness .transactions ‘and.financially |the héavy steel rails had cracked;Q 1at_is attempting to dis-in twain about middle way..Theh eredit him-—-is for_selfish reasons of passed over the (break slowly a4 able to carry out-.any obligations wmnadeby.hissfirm.Walding,Kinnan &Marvin, “The”landmark WwWants a man norte |yy?id the dailiage Was attandcd to,nated fwho can be’elected’and Bo|egos rt Wholesale Druggists,Toledo,.O. long,as that:‘mat is-one of:¢ dials watarrh Cure js:laken tnlernal-actirig directly,upon;the.blood and far-|" ecter and gense and Of presidential ize,it has litttle cancern Wecuy,, mucous seers of the system,Testimo | it ig Wilson,(Harmon or “some jtials sent fped,--:Price,7c.per®bottle,Sold by all druggists,me HairsFamily.ue for constipa- other good:jaan”;,and itis greatlytothecreditofthosepapersthat feel.kindly toward Wilson's catidi- Persons calling tie any of the above will —ised letteru,’” |-Macy.that they.have not retaliated}.F @a,Harmon for thie absurd attacks chant hadnttesDEWEY L.RAYMER,P.M ~\ a ‘}the Governor has offered:a re-ofwardof$200 for Jess Upton,who killed G@o.Breidle and his “son, Manly Fare:in Swain eounty Christmas.Day.tT Having qualified:asl é@lectkortheestateof‘Mrs.ek Peal Davis,L.hereby notify.alll per 18 |>fhaving claims jagainst,sald estate DR.P.F.LAUGENOUR, to present same to me on or before.ncethe2ddayofJanuary,1913.Those},DENTIST.. indebter,to the ‘estate’are requir-iit beasties Lion eaciia beckib-t-0}on thesecond | 3 é floor of the Firat National Bank Building,where|seg ieheg dasa McLAUGEHIN,he hasbaad for years Bae.dane recent improve- Jan.2,“19h.__Executor.ments,on thesecond floor of the building,have ~BUBSCRIBD‘FOR 1‘THKryLANDMARE, nmAdvertisedLetters.|Following is a list off letters remajning in thepostoffireatStatesville,N.C..forthe week end«ne aera?dueob,Clar im.Green,“Mea,Kizaie Johnsor;John A.Killian,Lios Steiti Coy A,W..Morris,Maresh Summers’H.M,Show,Thomas Aspherry, |or,a ee Dene oe 1912/6 this fotice willjBlend,of their recoverJ,B.Armfield,RLWILLIAMS,Attorney .easesof Mahala Williams,Des.22 19 Li.Jennings RyF.D.No.2,FOR RENT Hepa ctet .|to-date sabia as Jan Do you know.that fully nitie out ofeverytencasésOfTheumatismare:sim-‘ply-rheumatism of thé muscles:due tatoldor,damp;or chroni¢rheumatism,and require tho internal treatment what.:ever?Apply-«Chamberlain's.Liniment freoly and:see how quickly.it glyes re-Hef.;For sale by all desalers.. / /tehinged the-stairway.and entrance from:the-north side =o oe the ee side ofCenterstree,i Nov,3, a” FARMS FOR SALE. THE LANDMARK| FRIDAY,12, LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE,| Arrival and Departure of Tralne at)Statesville.WESTERN ROAD. -—January,’ 19123} |PROGRESs Or IREDEL L,SCHOOLS Supt...White Makes ia Good Report—Better Teachers and Better Sal-: aries,Larger Attendance—School in Valué—lredell,Off the Pauper| List——Colored Fpople Bhow ‘Little: .Property Has More iThan Doubled|. Mey‘Stomach Bloodand._Lfoer Troubles Mick iieknbee stares with weak Nervane 4 k.stqmach,afd consequent lL Train No.11,west-boun due 10.20:a.0 Interest,poor,impoverished blood.ni pale-“peoplejack Train No.21,west-bound,due 3,25 p.m.To tha Wailtsr of Tha Landiiack:»good,rich;red blood..Their stowacns need-inyi,orgting Ps »]|Train No.85,west-bound,due 10.22 p.m .isl rae ene for,after all,a man can be no stronger than his stomach,i ;Eg No.3b,east-bound,due 23.00 a.m About’ai week ago I intended dN A remedy.that makes the’stomach strong and ‘the liver :Train N 3a a east he and.Gus:6-46 a a,white you a-‘letter eoncerning the |.,.active,makes rich red blood and overcomes and ‘drives .o fi Sixty-five nla miles north of CHARKOT EE AND TAYLORSVILLE.fachools -and-“school work “in |ire y out disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole multi-toni)tery ran :oo;city.Nice road front.uf Train -No,ih ae ‘$60 “leaves 11.00 a.m dellcounty,-but did not.have.fame |tude Of isenses ITrainNo.aM ar,Se nore 8.35 p.m td get up the-information '.Get rid of your Stomach Weakness and.. ,‘rom Taylorsville ;:a ery |\Liver Laziness by taking a course of_,Two hundred and sixty-twoacres eas ty 23 ar.ae +een a a.m On account of a short cottom crop|id Pierce's teen faa food DiscoveryTrainNo.1h ary’6.20,leaves 6,the paralaoti :ped Ai geargt oni.|ce ;miles south ofE Imwood.oS pe teen seen pie SNA)ee hools ‘began’about’one |the great Stomach Restorative,Liver ae Church Music Again.}week earlier than the average date|‘Invigorator and Blood ‘Cleanser.. ot Onehundred and thirty:Pacrea,Gastona Gazette.a ffor.opening Excepting the first|ON ow oat stort.to ‘accept any Medicine ct Satesey i Ff 64 miles from-Statesville;-in--Cool “We-fear-—that—a—great—imajority—ha weeks Ue averages abba dance).Peesreeregebetitut Bde aan ie PY gh Spring township.Two dwellings ine our professional choifs-~and pee been unusually good,Of course a comugleta te of lageedients 4 plain English aiktite bald with usual.out-buildings.|paid Ree in,‘some of “our elty Lense .=ennt avery ms poor mah tle-wrapper,same being:attested,iipcorrect under oath,.: v leit i .County has a’better -attende e hundredand fift 2 xq [churches sing,more -to the praise %than fornie Le That is hardiy be es Plerce's:Pleasant Pellets regulate,and invigorate:Stompch,Liver and Bowels,ae xd iredand iy-nineactes.lof...their’cultured)audiences than |7 Baccielble,.whey iwe realize that.there api abil —se sc iinerCaneGsmall|they:do to the glory @f,the “Lo¥d:|are 125"districts .in the county.”a zs Shee ; crank 10%acres up lSonte..of them,not”all,owe are ‘DH BOS.an Leics4 MOE ceo ope aety oth,|‘;a pete elke oe "ra at t,Sch as Measles,-w YGOD= ts Liremore,oe lokvetge sees os ere anesy epee ,*oe ne y Mumps,ete.nbis:iei“esemp!e|Gldest,printer in Statesville)‘h Oe ‘paaeoi :xbNinetsoightacresin,Turners |grand opera more'tan church sink:lappearance and sping:“about the|Pate ene the atte nance ‘is:urg to EntD-‘jing,or more ‘Accurately speaking?)youngest’among théniy.was bork i)”4,other thing “that Tae ease .:rn lsome one trying to sing “with |Rowan COMLTLY December 13,4848 gliperintendent:5 ni oe oelally :meeeaoe|mouthful of mush!”After attending!He came to Statesville in’1853,and |Lae the tact in I holeys )eth at :r a ja few such operatic ourbyrsts,one|frome 1860 “to.1865.leartied the)..,.):Pe ::, f Lala eator the good.old days in some |printing trade in ‘the office of the vdoadn.eave bir ghee tastiest Our new machinery ha aiid,‘is being :ei oro old county church when—the entire |lredell Express)piblished by—K.B./See cance eee 4 oI Jenkinsoa Waagner;|congregation;led by’somé leather-/Drake &Son..Saw some “service vee i a 2 Satis Pe ahs Aol f ‘placed and we will:be ready:to start!lunged choir’leader,would 4o0in in jin?the Home Guard during ‘the war.ir PN Non ease a!tee2ar:tune such ak 2 1 npetency ‘apains she acher,REAL ESTATE DEALERS,|aoe old,famillar tune Such as lte-1868 Mr:Bost decidéd ‘to look A.jsinallér |percent of ‘the teach:again about the 5th.We will be bet- :Statesville,N.C.a3Hed et ee owen OF Jesus")kbout abit aud went to.Raleigh,ire beginners this year tham i6 |":|i Name,"or ‘Onward,Christian -Sol-|Richmond,Neéw.York and’Proyis!Huis Aue Tie laa dieeh aeh 3Office:First National Bank Bldg.||diers,”.with ‘such vim-atid.volume |dence,R.‘I,in succession,°where har eee eee Be een ter prepared than or bo give our ba ‘PHONE:282,;jthat it seemed ap if the very roofihe worked?in varidus newspaper MR ae a eee ge en a |of the;house would -be.lifted.-off,|job offices He set.type-.on the;1s -aoe SE tke whole auetar :_trons satisfactory service.-eles 7 ”|Such..singitig,.according.to”our |New York Tribune when -it was ed-mn by.actilal ‘eount,.it is ed ‘:i ‘;idea,-is far more Worshipful than.)ited by Horace Greely.Le ak hat "of he wile kien r a wen semana es a -a jite-sert-in-vogue.--In those .days Mr,Bost returned:to -tredell”in find two causes for .this::.The first .~~ns att :ee {children learned hymns atid psalms.)1870 and lived near’Bethidhem jj.the averace eateries tos ihe prin-;ie ;a ,ivonSundayafternoons,together with church,‘‘in Shiloh’township,9 until).j,)3%iin imaned duting the past ‘I :;:;e“FOR SALE!1 |Bible selections dnd catechism,NQwWe|T In 187Y he:married,.Mary five:ene onoit about gor nae A :Deas 'er hekeee v..' adays.they seldom,see a hymir book |Jape,daughter.of |John.ands.liza mo fi to $38.per fhonth :-aid oak ::ep except’in church’.and .never al}Johnson,‘of Rowan countys,I 1873),.;ee gient alaty <for the nneintani me Three hundred and thirty acres a tempt to sing unless,forsooth,|Mr..Bost’moved to Statesville ‘and é@hshore Kan inefeased eeoin $20"per -land 3}miles from Statesville,..Di.J they have taken a course in’music.eed_on the Statesville»Intell!month to-$27-60 per-month-—Phe+:vided by railroad and State Cen-s0me conseryatory,gencer,owned and edited by Col.gacgng cause.is a,higher ex-::tral anwar Two-story dwell-ae ce 5 [o “at R.aan bie -aan abene amination standatd.Several excel-a:i La ae ies 1 COME,ne 1telLNgenCEe t =leivr ote “rs from aye sections4ienegrecuiaeCONVALESCENTStoOharlotteand:(ti 1874 WHER lac vorkine Geo nte emte esemeravedWeefalSeayBYThiohiH--Hussey established”The|,,rence aa aan,in Sere fe ee donee &a _‘ae ,Landmark,Mr.Bost went to work slue.of the rural.schoolisoneofthemoefarms|;ee An :\in\the ‘office and continued Steadily hae Mann iupan es>.J in Iredell county..Price very rea-Those Recovering from y Se}.ith The Landmark until»1895,gist ah oe is waitesonable..Rememberthaye30 oth-vere’Illness Lwibn “ire retired on-account “of.im-We Haws bead able te :‘z ‘@erfinefarmsinIredellcountyforOni_tpaired health and moved.to .Hid-eee ee sale.See me.eee eee wear ont ‘denite,He returned to Statesville ae ie oa We have moré Watches than we want to carry _@» ‘f 259 Siete ville,oad mete miles that will not overtax.the.digestive tre -y.nq a aang fbn x ind ‘blacktoards.We and to-reduce the stock will give special prices..If tfatesville,om public roac ;egkte '}and ny office.a par Mig buildiiig .better houses the3piningnegaeeroad;||2unctions—-and in’the way /of “@lthe time aince then eh ae ls a a i ae you want a GOOD WATCH we think we can make 1,000,000 feet good timber—-100,000||Strensth-restoring and ‘vitality'making|Mr.‘Bost is an old-time printer superintendent,the value of the ru-|+it to your interest to,at least,see our stock.We -_fe t oak 300,000 forest pine,600,-tonic,we know of nothing that-equals |giid-most:of this class,have.beet;p.1 hool ‘property’in the asain a 3 “W 4 ue 000 font fine cen teats sine,4)Vinol,our delicious od liver and iron displaced by typesetting mathimes,|)..,ipemgha Una about $b4 000 4 will be glad to show you our ps e have a Li at this will.cut No.1 Pe""]tonic (without oil).melt he ett.this 2.meet and TaN ne $57,000.Jn Concord township|.kinds. Two of:the most iiteactive prop-Vinol creates an appetite,re-estab-|ram eee ofti a ‘Al a on a nat |eevery school House is a new oneor |.’‘f so inewspaper.office lways -faith his s been ‘extensively.-repaire ositions now on the market.See eho:good dige stion and helps.the and reliable,he ts,notwithstanding red a =eae ie te okmequick.§daily food to make rich’bloed,form|jj.advanced years;\as‘prompt and ‘<,subestia Shilah tains hint ais 2k.TL RICKERT.&.SON,-Jewelers.Hn.RV I flesh;strong muscles and inipart new isteady onthe job as a clock Pi ree haiih thi Mice ae iNOV21ROWBrawey.life and vitality to every organ inthe|1-7 gating piensa tick’wees erage ae Tae ithe:last nme |DOO..We ask those who need ‘a |MOORE COUNTY INVITES.|have:‘bean extensively repaired,Our @ £06660 000000000060008008-strength and flesh-huilding tonic res-ee ..|}building.fund:hereafter will not be |tn —— :i torative to call at our store and get a Some Iredell.People Look With Fa-/so large as it:has been for;the|em .:s . bottle of Vinol,with the understand-|.ver om the Sand Hill’Section—)past severeh apars ;ll :oOwers jing that if it does not help them we A Doctor Wanted—Other News...|Another gdod thing for.old Ire-:e e :::ee :will refund their money without ques-,Corre sporidence of The “Landmark.;dell:The county éomes off the pau--SG vasn.(Statesville,R-3 Jan 6——The time-|Per list never to return This year 4 e :ine Ou ;ll ;ey W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,|iwotn theme .of bad ‘weather andj we madé no application for money|:’é e North Carolina.i roads:is about all..the “news ‘this from .what ‘is called the |second}‘et ._a 5 id part of the county ean afford these hundred thousand dollar .appropria-}"' ::DR.W.H._WAK EFIELD|It is much regretted that )tion..I think 1 can safely.say that,WITHOUT MORPHINE,3 bey [the work on.the néw roads ts.re-|We Shall!be ablé.to have a four '{ ite Or DAY.‘ill be in Statesville at ar tardéd;but "tis hoped ere “another and’a‘half months’school term WILL HELP YOUR COUGH.°nn on 5 sar.|tWelve months roll.’round everybody|next..year nd ‘if our ‘building |3 to treat diseases of the dxe,-Ear,v m his 4 yiLn¢verybody)a ane I u IKding &7 Carnations,.po Nose and Throat and test eyes for glassbs,jMuy be able to.see the benefit de-budget shou da he very light we}25G.LARGE BOTTLE ‘ ‘:ahi Jan.9~2ts.pe CES Smee ee Be rived ‘trom shaving good “Todds |Mdy possibly have a five months+}AT :Pe en aye ay ;jthroughout the year.Already some)term.i cH ‘Eolas tn eanCKIofthemostskeptical’are looking Several local tax ‘districts.have}rie C 9 : =.hid ae )iwith more favor on:what:was first)been added to .the already large}The Polk Gray Drug oO «Sq re l Ss,|thought >to:be only a “‘money list .during the past 1-2 months ;‘7 ‘ischeme.”About $5,500 ‘will be ‘raised from}.;i Christmaswhas.passed but the |that source this year aaa fe ob se *1 ;i.;young people have to dispense with)There is -just ove drawback to}ON THE Prescription ‘PHONES pa .]t |the festiyities that usually attend (the school work -at.present and.|Be Dea ‘i ay 2 5 10 2 Ss :hi MAS01 301)tne a colored le |‘SQUARE Ss ecialists 109.10.‘E s FEATHER ;this season 1nd content:themselves that is the colored.people cannot|:Pp —4 é %BEDS AND PILLOWS |.with in.°,occasional panty when be induced to do anything in their |7 a i ;;eS .8 1@ weather will permit.Miss Des-|Own behalf financially Last year}- :Rie =f WS FREE—{aie Troutman entertained a number:they.did not average,quite a.-foury RaWRoe, Tove cea ie Fee ae r"ar SC young friends with’a mas months termi.This year the length}'7 loses,:Mail us $10;‘for 36-pound Panther Bed ei ‘rade party;at .-her home.1 of.term will be less than .for last}———iene .Thursday night year.This is the reason The} ;:per Soap eeoedtoacr tel n infant of Mr.and Mrs.C’A.‘law says:each.district’nrust ~bear]&...-“"@aprepaicewfeathers,best Litter died ‘Christmas.Day and was One-half the cost.of building a ;:.‘i ticking,satisfaction guaranteed.lburied at the Troutman.graveyard new house or repairing ‘an old.ELA...::e ;.Ete.AGE NTS WANTED.+Tuesday 2 *(one,The colored.people .will .not :“TURNER &CORNWELL,The Sunday school at the Ostwult|do ‘this privately:but will let-‘it :s :; ‘Feather Dealers,Charlotte,N.C:|school house}has been abandoned Come out «of their appropriation :—|\for the winte#,to be resumed again |The result is in a number of dis-ay .a ;4 afiin the spring ;tricts ‘they can only haye from one ‘4 ; }PROPERTY Moore coutty:hae,’suddenly sprung ,to three months’school..'As these i :ey te :‘ -:linto notoriety in ‘this section,Sev-have to be averaged up.with the All Felt Mattress,full size,weight 45 pounds,made ;‘semezal eral parties:have been there pros-:others,it cut&the total average _in beautiful art tick.Guaranteed Sanitary.4tpartieshivebeentherepros-othe A ae -i 4 i or a e or en ‘)pecting .with a view to locatin in tid :x o a 'an In cy UiSery ompany jthe “near future,Among rem |.Next week-I wish to write an ‘ar- $,fis one of our best citizens,M™’J.ticle about a county ‘commencement fas, :~i:|Claude’Troutman,who expects ..to)Which we are planning |‘; Greensboro,N.C.|Soe -Wwove to Keyser ik.a-few months ;Very truly,es . a Four-room -cottage and lot jHe,will be greatly missed,around a ‘L::.0,..WHITEPOLKGRAYDRUGCO.,on Oak street for sale.Good |/hefe for the interest he has shown :Sa ee f barn and outbuildings.‘(lin the sehools and church,Asking For a Bridge Across the-Local Agents.low hy don’t some of the medical.Catawba.on :La_Several lots,closein,for sale.joolléges send their ‘fledglings tO Correspondence Newton’News us![Hee hee und oibbatoadt the rural Duiske ace Meine sinmilatad in 4 F x One -hundred:and sixty acres eS UTOMS MIB Cee OF C08 arg’VOWOS,|iets hip and in Alexander IMOT A IPE ee FORSASALE!less thana mile north of town pes making.ft inconvenient or ae Truelich tha codiditontene OUR SPE CIAL PRICE 86.7.Ag . A :By |doubly expensive,for the countt A eras pa A:7 §os ;:es ti rect a Cash:Tobaccosbdose.Waeehouasb,:lot |eae Thin le Hine easilien:Lpooret bis:Part cor phe “counts:“pide peta eee Oetard.Ron Ati 7 s;se :~~{fin amd around Bast Monbo,is bad=:Teeter:ae +4130x285,comer Walnut and Meet::tial property,located on Tur-le In eda a coins dete nq.this:point fs the iain a ee Crawford-Bunch Furniture Comp’y.ft 4 ing streets.||hersburg road and Turner av--f}a yer eating tiphathee ould be sine leading:direct.from Taylorsville -‘oiLot60x107,corner Court,and|enue.':sbteteed by one,a an ve_\to Newton;Conover,Claremont,Ca-UNDERTAKERS AND EM pee a:Meating street.a wine ate a aaeee HL the professio:tawba affd Hickory.Our’ferry bys-2 Phones,26 14 5 ,:;as ;eid HY é a ok née depetide Por |:> nape,rrr *ssesecmaee $30 cats —Nine-acres in—north States-«Fhis neighborhood seems to beaming leh”orice noe ae tae ee NIGHT1258 ~reat:si fc “:ie ae cer Ae yy GUTIng high “anc .ate ’:ee ~eG '79\acres,one mile east of |court |oe ee Dar ces seat ine aie Ber cannot cross i |Dem : “houga,|Proape ity le phone lites.Per eee 4 z“16S acres,one mile and a half erat en toe be reas AWAY GOES 0 ATARREN awest)iC.S..#H lI d.See ,ak succcvensoe ;‘35 acres,onémile ‘and a quarter olian es reathe Soothing,Healing Hyo-senescence ec : \west."-De Ley A Party and a Marriage.mei—Helict in Five Minutles,; 70 acres,one mile “and a half ee Correspondence of The Landmark.Where there's.catarrh,there's =9 ‘ “ee »;Statesville R-3,Jan. 8——A ‘pound veuueriae of en Funke you | sy oo oe mate.north,wk O rN party.was given atthe home —of Mr/Gén’t get rid of catannh unless yo i per,acre n $25 JOHN CG.DYE,M.-D.and Mrs.W.J.Morrison,Saturday a these.ee ress caaia’wotlk Se “=$56.acres,thiee miles east,5 wy ;night,December 30.|A:large nun,FOU Cant Fl 1ese.Fe Be =.re.:EYE;EAR,NOSE AND THROAT nigh ta ani -“stomach medicine or sprays +0 q .ry is 3 4perac:ber {were present and all re port.¥:iy eee o \‘;«A numbers of other.desirable AND FITTING GLASSES.©~|ico time.|dipuches,“because,—you can't gé \Wee farne eo Dus aoe properties.See Office in’Mills Building.Mr,Joseph Rimmer and Miss |Wherethey Ai theee germap~with NOTHING.BETTER FOR Ye “me before making an investment.Off aos I a Ingle.were married)Decem-Ur’Can Rls F ;3ce:hours9to12,a.m,4aura .Ingle.were marriet Cc $wee ae antisepti iISIDOREWALLACE,2.Wop m.=[{der Bist at the residence of Rev.SEQUEL Paneth fow times CHAPPED FACE OR HANDS.aJ.MeekWhite.If all reports are |‘a.ane ml‘First a Building.‘Phones:,Oifive 458;Residesice 428.true there will he another red dine ey eee in ue ROY BOLGs 25C.ADOTTIE..2 a)ne 24 ;:%‘240.in our’“éommunity pooh.For.catarrh,asthma;croup.ee :/aceeelcoughs,colas and catarnhal .“deat-*ramones ree eg:P ae FRAZIER “JERSEY ‘BULL 4 Cabartis,county board di “educa-|negs,rates ig sold on money back.AT j \°®13 tion ‘has!arranged for -at«Jeast -4 |plar ‘the statesville:Dri.Com-y¥pian -.?INNER,For service.Fine specimenand the five-months’school in’every.schod!pamy..*damnlati outfit $1.00,Extra Ww.FL Hall’s..Deos Stord T :offspring of good milkers.Charges|district-in Gabarrus this year..In'}bottles of ,HYOMEI,jf.afterwards (ee og +on NORTH.CENTER paneer 50.CENTS.many of the ‘districts an eight-|needed,only 0 cents.Remember,-*PHONE NO.20.ay106;i 63 Hi H.BLAYLOCK,_Proprietor,months’school will be taught |and HHYOMET does.not*contain mors|. PHONES:RESIDENCE *2889 “Wal t-Grove Farm se An ‘a great majority the’term”will }phine;cocaine or any drug ‘thata)alnu i be longer than.five months.couldA poate do barta.nee>:oe ‘Scag i ;18 oye era a we ms \ee '&>mi On ge 4 x \*y ‘5 ri «\AN 4 a PUBLISHED 1TPESDAYAND.FRIDAY. @.R.mB.CLARK,EDITORAND OWNER. @FFICE:1120 WEST.BROAD STREET.SUBSCRIPTION PRI GE: MONTHS)06.y sere esne seesOBMONTHS...c.cj).ss secs |FRIDAY,—--January 12, 1912. That is‘a fine report “Supt:White makes ‘o1/the .progress of »Iredell schools.The interest kept up and _the. couraged.The showing progress en- igs good and we can make it better year byyear, This from a Cohtmbus,Ohio,Dis patca Governor Harmon has denied the /printed-“statements .that during| Bryan's last.campaign,a.young” daughter of Governor Harmon:wroteagirlfriend»in -Texas that,‘'paipa- “daGped-forMr.Bryan’s defeat:because at would nrake:his own presidyn tins “Prospects brighter,”’ee ‘ '.Of course’the story is foolish Just ,vabout’as,foolish as the:‘sto- “Ties ‘gome |“of:the Harmon people. “have circulated about Wilson,”It’s a.‘pity menof character,and sta i ){they:have failed, should bef sey Schoolmaster had’:the’‘call. the board at the Jackson Day din-,), ner ih ‘Washington this week,“The Interests”have been doing their.best to discredit him but so far The*Newton En- terprige,declaring for Wilson,says: ‘The moneyed interests are ‘fright- ened asthey.have:never been’be- fore:by the prospect of his becom-: ing President:,They are organizing against;him.Let not Southern HWemocrats be Gaught:by.their.spe- cious:pleas ‘to out’conservatism, STATENEWS. The “Southern Hotel Men's Asso- ciation,ccCmposed of hotel mén of}Virginia and North Carolina,was:in session in Charlotte this week. Later:a meeting’will -be.held cin Atlanta’and ‘an effort ‘made...’to. unite all Southern.hotel men ‘in one. association.°A”\resolittion.‘was adopted opposing tipping’and.prom- ising:co-operation with the commr-‘elal_travelers “in abolietiing .the “ ‘j practice, ‘Bids.were stots il at:‘Barhaei Tuesday forthe erection of the Pea- body:Educational Building and a new.“dormitory at,the’University, |Chapel Hill,»but all bids were re- jected because.they exceeded the ap- ALL owners of property abut- tthe ou the sidewalks in ‘the side- fore laid.out by .ordinance of Board of.Aldermen of the city Statesville,said district being sidewalk lying on thé south side of Walnut street from the intersection‘of Meeting-street’with said Walnut street ,to the intersection of Oakstreet’with:said~Walnut.street, are hereby,notified that the’laying of the sidewalk ordered by.said board has been completéd,and.thitassessmentsthereforwill by the said Board of 'Aldefmen, against said abutting property,as is provided by’the charter of.the city of Statesville: the and determiied on.Friday night, Febiuary 2d,1912,at 8 o'clock,at the office of the Mayor and Boar of ‘Aldermen of the city of States- |ville,.in the “Commercial ‘National, Bank ‘building,and all’persons*in- Hterested are notified to appear.and show CAUBE,if any;why 6Uch as-. sesaments shall’not .bé.made, By order ofthe Board of Alider- men.‘of the city of ‘Statesville,—.. -CL D.MOORE,Cletk”and TrGUEOE eas 12,1912;q NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. eae Coe oh As OTICE,‘TO PROPERTY.OWNERS. walk improvement district»:hereto- the}m be:made’ “Said assesenrents~ete ~-madtet of Aldermen:of the city,of States ville:im the:Commereial National Bank building,and all persons Dr| terested are.notified to appear and show cause,if any,why such as-.segsments shall not be made.|.«fl hy ‘order of the.Board of:Alder of the city of Statesville. =Cc..D,MOORE, Clerk and Treasurer. ‘Jan.12,1912. NOTICE TO PROPERTY ow NERS. (AN owners.of property,abut-ting ou-the sidewalks in the.side- walk improvement:district hereto- fore lait out by ordinance of théBoardofAldermenofthe'city of Statesviile,said district being the vsidewa ksylying:on both sides of eo of Center street with said.Sharpe street.to the interséction of Tradd street with said’Sharpe street,are hereby “notified.that the laying of board ion said:sidewalks completed ©and "that therefor,wille be made’by’the:Waid| Board.of,Aldermen against paid abutting property.as is provides by }the .charter of the:city,of:Si ites- ville.wo . Said”assessments.will ie” and détermin«:..on Frida,night, February.-2d,°1913,at 8 0’lock,at the office of the Mayer and Boardof.Aldermen of the ¢ity..of-States “hasbeen made ‘Sharpe street-ftrom-theintersection} the’.pavement ordered.by “the said }: assessments |: When we :doors for our annual | open our “Ine can't be.candidates for the great .office of President without’‘being subjected.to.these annoyancem ‘ A!l .the senatorial candidates — Senator Simmone,Gov.Kitehin,Gov. ~.Aycock and Judge Clark—some-time ago expressed a preference.for a| primary-to-settlethe ‘senatorial .con= ,test,and:recently they have ton- .ferred with ‘reference to .joining in -@ request.to the State;committee.to 'arrange’plans for ‘the,’‘primary.:.In addition SenatorSimmons has made public a Jetur in whichhe express-' eB a desire,tor some action by the State.committee,the convention,‘oF by agreement among the candidates, limitiing tue amount of niwoney to-be ‘used He properly.says the use*of money in campaigns is much abused and further that he hasn't the mon- ey to spend,even if he,desired td ‘epend it.”This is'a ‘good sugges- tion.In fact it would’be a’.good idea for the.candidates to ‘simply| present their claims to the people and ,eave it to the ‘people. Talking about the cold weather | it should be remembered .that:when the mercury was dropping:-’way- .down below zero’in’Statesville 30 Years ago,‘there was heat,no modern.constructed .houses with double:floors,storm-sheeting, etc.,and coal’.was unknown—as Tuel. and big log fires,.but few houses| could be.heated as houses °are now heated.How -did they’stand it?That generation’was more used tothe open air life than the present one,hence the cold didn’t affect them as it does the modern hot --douse plants;and the old-timers| “probably wore warmer clothes..Near-/ ly everybody had heavy woolen clothing ©then.Now the clothes are about all:made of cotton.Amy- Way,t below zero 30 years ago had less.effect on the population than 10 above now. “Sending his first message to,the| New .lersey,Legislature,Gov.Wood-| row Wuson deals almost exclusive| ty with economy and the necessity of ¢e-ordinating and simplifying the | State ‘sovérnment..'.Such “matters,.} :@ays the Governor,admit of no par-} tisan |ias,~and “whatever dif-, fereices of judgment may.arise with | ,Yegard to them,.they.need have.no| Zeelinz of party flavor.We get at the.heart of things if-we choose aid we could not render.the a@ greater seryice than by so doing. Wastetulnedgs .apd “themselves «virtually graft.’-Sound’sense,‘ of “fticienéey and economy in public service should be the first| considerration of every Hoog citizen, tegardless of political affiliation: and the officeholder who realize that it is his—sole.business to give the most efficient bérvice least cost proper tion ‘of his.duties And is for the work.: can inefficiency,are forms of The matter does not, has not a.concep- Says the %cane tribsine: Clark;of thé.Statesville calls us ‘a -doubting the Cade ‘ogition.-The Landmark -is ‘assured,that Uncle Baylus has”our very bestwishes,and here's hoping ((although |it:lo6ks like’hoping against hope)that he will place onthe market aMachinewhichwillbesoldto.news.|Papers and printersvat a price.48 oround its real value.Wspecialby|do.we hope that -his company will |furnish supplies for tha machine.tothosé*who use them at a.pricewhichdoes-not nee on highway‘robbery=:: That sounds “better, J u dge Landmark,| Thomas,” The.States-ville stockholders had mMit-Col,She:-|the-$750;it is alleged. rill down on the ‘list as one “news- er Man who-,is not to enjoy.the advantages of a Cade:machine “matter how bad ©he may’want,J no steam |’ The folks had plenty of wood| State| the | at} unfitted | on}typesetting machine prop-| which)|has been assured by the nn toy propriation’”“Al Appropriation ot$40,000 was.made from the Pear:body .fund for the.educational building and was suppletiented ~by the Legislature,which also made a conditional ee ‘for a,new dormitory, Gleveland Gamer;“the -Wayne céunty negro who was to be electro-cuted-at-the-State.prison today for ‘the murder of another negro.in Wayne county,was granted a com- tfiutation by,Governor Kitchill,The conviction‘was oncircumstantial ev-idence of suoh a doubtfulnature’\that Judge Peebles,who tried the \jcase,announced when he gentencedthe...megiro--that--he-woeuld-—reeom-=:‘rhend commutation’and.for this, reason no appeal was taken. Officers .are looking for .Harold ‘Pratt,who’up:to few days ago was the general.agent at New Berne for several well-known insurance’ companies and was well.known’fh bus nerscircles,but who disappearcd Sunday morning,leaying behind him several thousand’dollars in ‘unpaid bills,an aNeged forged note for |$350,.a large nunsber’‘of checks |which he passed off.on unsuspecting |friends and.which were returned }on account of no funds.Pratt was |known to:be in'a bad way:finan- icially but-as he’was a prominent churchman:-he deluded his victimsAcenneininimnategeionnieneisntmmntite Kitchin’s Position. tith,:.to Gov. Raleigh Dispatch, lotte Observer. In a statement to the press .‘to- day,Governor Kitchin madé public |the correspondence he has had with jthe other candidates for the UnitedStatesSenate‘rélative to holding the proposed ‘senatorial primary. He and:Senator Simmons agree on the advisability of inducing the State Democratic executive commit- jtee to meet early to order:a State /primary on the senatorial question. Ex-Governor Aycock and Ohief Justice Walter Clark favor leaving the whole matter of the senatorial Char- |primary.pad.when it shall be held to the State convention.. Governor ‘Kitchin’says all the;candidates~are on ‘record as desir- ling.that the primary expenses,in- (eluding campaign expenses,shall |be held down to.theminimum.He is ;eager to join in seeing to it.that |these expenses are kept very much |below the maximum ‘that is allowed by the Federd!statute,which —re- (quires that all candidates,wheth- jer elected or ‘not,shall’make,un- dey oath,“an itemized statement:of| ;expenses—except—those-for “postage,} jtelegram,clerk hire abd printing. — Jolin Ross Convicted —White Man to’Be Tried. {Shelby.Dispatch,10th,to CharlotteObserver.5 John-.Ross,.confessed murderer.of \Mr-John Dixon on the night of De- cember 12 at his homeA@ar Falls- ton.in the upper part of Cleveland county,”was today sentenced.by |JudgeJames L..Webb,presidingover the special term.of court ordered by ‘Goverisor.Kitchin’to try the:al- leged murcereérs,.to die in the,elec- tric chair at the State prison.atRaleighFebruary16:Frank Glad:den,the.white,man who was impli- icuted.in Jchn Ross’contession,astheinstigatorof.the diabolicalcrime,will be tried tomorrow,firstouachargeofthemurderofMr. |Dixon,in that he enticed him’out of the house and to the barn for |Itoss to deal the déath low,and. if the State fails té make out 4a cage on this charge,he will be triedfortneMurderofMrs.Dixon,:Will |Ross and Clifton Hoyle,*who havéjbeenin.-jail,.the "former ‘charged| with;being a principal in the doublé niurder and the latter held-asa ma- terial witness,were this afternoonreleasedfromeeestody, + Interesting Suit “on Acecunt.of Hlection Bet. |Washingtoon Dispatch. T.Collier,of Ala., Su pre ne ;Court of the United’States thatzan ;election bet won!by him eight years ago «really.--is °“ohis...CoHier aid |Fhomas L.Johnsan in 1904 had a |}bet of “$750.0n the prithary elec- tions in Htowah “county,Alabama. |Collier won’and Jobtuce paidhim After Johpn- }son died:his exec utor sued Colliers Ito 1recover the $750-or ‘the ground |\that it was ‘a wager.Judgment given agalisl Collier but |{when the sheriff sought to levy on radsden, raeS. whet he:sees how’good a tiling it is|s|Collier's’restaurant?furnishings,Col nor ‘what price he-“offers to pay... But since the colonel is sowie the} The Landmark will us,).¢proper %pirit its good offices to have hine take, off the “black list’;and permittec to share.the.benfeitsof.the inven- on atone:with the reptofge \\ \lier claithed’the vener ‘of a bank- jTuptcy exemption.Latet Gollier’re-ledveredg Judgment of $2,100 dam-ases against thé ‘sheriff and exeg-1 |Wlor because the exém pliotiy Was hot1|recognized The Supreme Court oflabama.:affirmed-the judgmenttedamages:So did the’United~=atles=er Cerbne pine tages Jan. “Sire ortice or the \\a AW “owners of property,abut- ting os tne sidewalks -in the side- walk improvement distriet’hereto- fore laid out by ordinance of.ithe. Board of:Aldermen of the city of: Statesville,said’district being Sidewalk lying on the south side’of West End avenue-from the intersec=}" “on of Meeting,street.with.said of Kelly street with said:West Bnd ayeiue,are ‘hereby,notified ©that thes laying of the pidewalk ordered: by ‘suid.board ‘has been completed, aid that assessments therefor .willbemadebythesaidBoardofAl- dermen:against’said abutting prop- Lerty,.as is.provided by the char: ter:of the city of Statesville. Said assessments.will ‘be ©made and determined on Friday night, February 2d,1912,at.8 o'clock,at the office of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen ‘of the city of States- ville;in the-Commercial National Batik building,:and-all persons —ine terested.are notified to appear and Show cause,if any,why such.-as- sessments siall not be made. By order of the Board of Alder- men of the city of Statesville.- Cc,D.MOORE; Jan.-12,1912. All “owners of |property ‘ablit- ting on ‘the sidewalks in tbe side- walk improvement district «hereto- fore.liits out.by.ofdinance of the» Board of Aldermen of:the city of Statesville,said district being ‘thesidewalklyingonthewestsideof Meeting street from the intersection Broad street with said Meeting street. to the intersection of.West End av-enue with said.Meeting street,are hereby,notified:that the laying :of.| the sidewalk ordered by said board has been completed,and that,assess ments therefor will be made by the ‘the}* West End avenue to the intersection} ‘|theClerkand.Treasurer._-} }jand determined NOTIC E TO PROPERTY OWNERS.February ville,inthe.Commercial .‘Nationa¥Bank building,and alk persons ine. Show cause,if any;why such sessineuts.shall not be made: By order of.the:Board of Alder- men OL.the c:\y of Statesville, “CD.MOORE,” Clerk and.Treasurer. A912:---;f a6- Jan.282, NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. All’owners .ef property:abut-| ting .on the sidewdlks in the side-T walk improvement.district’hereto- fore Jai?‘out by.ordinance of the -Board—ef Aldermen of-the:‘city~ot Statesville,said district’being the. sidewalks lying on both sides ofGenter‘street from.the intersection of Front:street with said Center Street to the intersection of Bell street with said Center street,are hereby notified that’the laying of the (pavement ordered:by the:said board ‘on said:sidewalks has.been completed and.that.assessments therefor wil?be made by the said Board ‘of Aldermen against.said Labutting property,aS is provided by charter of the city ‘of States ville;: said assessments “will on Friday night, 2d,-1912,.at 8 o'clock,at the office of the Mayor and Board cr Aldermen of the city ‘of*States- ville,in’the ‘Commercial National Bank building,andall:persons in- be ‘show ¢ause.if any,why such ‘as- ‘sessments avail not.be made. city of Statesville. ‘C.D.MOORKE,* Clerk and Treasurer.1912. ren-of the 2Jan.12; NOTICE TO PROPERTY OW NERS,| All said Board of Aldermen against said abutting property,as‘is:pro- vided by the charter of the city of Statesville..Said agseskinents will be made| aud determined on Friday night, February.2d,..1912,at .8 o'clock,at the’office.of the Mayor .and:Board| or Aldermen of the city.of State:ville,in the.Commercial National | Bawwk building,and all persons ine| terested,are notified.to appear and| show cause,if any,why,6uch as Sessments snali not be made.-~ By order’of.the Board of Allder- men of ish city of Statesville. Cc.D.MOORE, Clerk and:Treagose: -A9TE. Ast A NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. All.wwners of property abut-| ting on une sidewalks -in “the side- walk-improvement:,district’hereto- fore faid out by ordinance of"the Board of Aldermém of the city of | Siatesville,said district being the} sidewalk lying on the south ‘side Front ‘street from.the of Mulhkerry street ...with said Front | Street co the intersection of Buffalo Shoals:road with said Front street, are héreby notified that.the laying of -the pavement ordered by board ‘un-said sidewvad ig.has ‘been’ completed,and.that’assessments therefor will-be made by the Board of Aldermen against Said abutting property, ter of the city.of Said assessments dnd determined on February 24,1912, the office of the of Aldermen of ‘the city of States- Ville,in the Commercial National Bank building,and all persons ine terésted are notified to appear and Show .cduse.if any,why such ©as- sessinents shall vot be made. “By order of the Board:of Alder- men.of the city.of ‘Statesville.‘ ‘C.D,MOORE; Clerk and Treasurer, 1912. Statesville.. will be made Friday night, at 8 o’clock,at Mayor:and Board fe Jan.h2, NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS, ‘AM ...owners of property”abuit-‘ting ‘on the sidewalks in the.side- ‘walk jinprovement..district ~hereto- fore:taid out by ordinance of the Board 6®Aldermen of the city~of Statesville.said district being’the sidewalk.lying on the north sides of Belt street from the {nitersection of Mulberry.street with said ~Bell Street to the vintersection of the’ western line of the lot ‘of G._E.,Wood ward.with said Bell .stieet;are hereby -otified iat the jaying-of the navement ordered,by Raid’board on gaid sidewalk has been complet- eu,.and’that ‘assessments thereforwillbemadebytheBodrdofAl- dermen agwinst said abutting prop- ELLY A818,~proyided*by,‘the “char- ter.of the city of}Statesville: Said «<issessments “whl be atrd ult "mi ved on”Friday Mebriary 2d;1912,at 8 Tnerde night j o'clock,at |walk improvement |Board.-of jabutting property, ithe:chatter of the -elty of.States- jand determi.ed oe intersection+- said } as is provided by the char-/ jfore-la'd out owners of property abies] the sidewalks in the side.| ‘district hereto: fore ja'*out by ordinance of:the {Board o*‘Aldermen of the city of Statesviile,said.district being thesidewalkslyingonbothsidesof|Davie avenue from the intersectionlof-Trada Btreet with said Davie ting on -|avenue to the intersection ‘of.the citylimitswithsaidDavieavenue,” hereby notified that the the pavement ordered.dy|board on-said sidewalks ‘hag beencompletedand.that assessmentts therefor will be itiade*by the satd Aldermen:against aid as is provided by are laying of the said |ville, Said dases<ments will on:|FPebruary 2d,.1912, the office of.tne he made Friday night, at 8 o'clock,‘at Mayor and BoardofAldermenof‘the city of Statesville,in the Commercial National tatik building,‘and all persons in- terested are nofified to appear and show.cause,it any,why such sessments shall not be made, By ‘order of the Board of men of the city of.Statesville. C.D-sMOORE, Clerk and Treasurer. 1912. as- Alder- Jan.125.4 |NOTICE TO PROPERTY ow NERS. All owners of “property ‘abut- ting or the sidewalks in the side- walk‘improvement district Hereto- by ordinance of.the |Board of Aldermen,of the city of Statesville,said district being -the sidewalks hying on both sides (of Tradd Street..frony the intersection of-Broad “btreet “with said -Tradd Street to™the intersection of Davie|avenue with said Tradd street,are hereby notified |that the laying of |the pavement .ordered by the Said {board on.said sidewalks has:been |completed and -that—dssessments therefor will be made “by the said Board of.”Aldermen—against said abutting property,as-is-‘provided ‘by the charter of.the «ity of States- ville,s ‘ Said assessmicnts will be made on Friday night, Febsuary 2d,1912,°at 8 o'clock,<at the office of the-Mayor and Boat of Aidermen of the city of.States- ville;in the >Commercial National Bank,uilding,and all persons”inry show cause,if any,why such sessmentsshall not be made. By order of the Board of Allder- men of the city of Statesvillé. Cc.D..MOORE, Clerk and Treasurer. 12)1912, as- Jan.a -,:en - It is announced.‘that the Cham- pion Fiber Company,located at Cantén,Maywood county,will erect’ a-phint for finishing the paper pulp now Munutacturéed by the company and will ship:paper direct to thetrade.It is stated that™the new terééted sare notified to appear and}' made | terested are notified to appear and} By order of the Board of Alder-|: terested:are notified to appear and |- Tuesday’s.. —. 4 Pleas will ae more attractive than ever and you don’t want to. ‘miss this event.See ad.for more about this sale. ISEY-BOWLES-MORRISON 00. nara That insures. or sickness. to mention. ind. Is one of our Accident and Health Policies in a Cc om- -pany with over $]0,000,000 assets,that guarantees your incometo continue from one day and so.long thereafter as vou are disabled bec“ause ofany accident It pays for lo&sof sight,operations and has many other commendable features too numerous;‘The eost,is small and ‘benefits:large. Ask.for circular giving full information,i Lots of testimonials.on file showing how other peo- End:have been benefited by...carrying insurance of this. ERNEST @.GAITHER, \‘PHONE ESURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE.=OFFICE.NO.1,MILLS:BUILDING. Office Supplies§ Sater N.C >acl l : HeaL f for all machines. f Ledgers,Journals,.Day Books;all rulings. Cash Books;one,two,three and four columns. Time Books;“weekly,two weeks,monthly.: Carbon Paper,Typewriter Paper and Typewriter Ribbon; Pens,Penholders and Erasers. I]ies wants ae be supplied inStationery. ’ 096002900 Don't Wait! Doit NOW!Get your poultryrightfortheIredellCounty Poultry Show.—International Poultry Food will make them prize.winners by,getting them‘in a healthy and vigorous condi-- tion.,Will help them to grow aheavyplurnage.Willkeep them .free from all disease and:double the supply of eggs.-Costs halfaD.a month to feed ittoaheh. D.JK IMBALL. FARM FOR SALE. Sixty acres of land with good 6-rooni house, with hay,fodder and other articles—35 acres incultivation,lhacres of wired-in pasture;wood-land with e@ timber.fourths of mile west of Mount Mourne.near rail- building will’cost(a half\million dollars aud will give employment.to Mayor and Houig.STD men...e and.termswrite or see.troad station and public highway.For particularsD.M..TEMPLETONJan.12—6t.Mount Mourne,N,C,‘“ayce good barn and all outbuildings,two mules,| ie “ALLISON'S,BOOK AND STATIONERY ee 664050506 6oneuee ’ “START.aol? il Start the New Year right with .the resolul tion that you will buy’ the best groceries and freshest vegetables on. -the market this year. {.We will.help you to keep’your resolutions by heeping-ihe best. that can be hadin our {line. ‘—GIVEUS:A TRIAL.—— Eagle &©‘Milholland, Farm is located thtee-. THE LANDMARK “Is $2.‘per)néws_.you.want’to know,Get_LANDMARK,His year. THE ~ ;om invitationtoenter.-The fort¥-seventh-FRIDAY,——January 12,°1912.,Statesville,R-5,Jan.8.--The hogli-cisions of the Supreme ‘Court.‘-|State has ae pe of 122,oe uare .‘,;:dayspassedquiétly |and without seri-|The principle was laid down that:q ‘ shippers.suffering from.civil inju-miles,with one.county’as large as THE LAN DMARK PUBLISHED ,TUERSDAY®“AND)FRIDAY. ‘OFFICE:wT,WEST yee aera TELEPHONE N Sone NOTICE MASONS. S':JOHN'S:Night celebrationin.Masonic hall TUESDAY|EVENING,16th,at 8 o'clock:..Dr.Laugenour will give a histoty of‘Masonry in Iredell county for thest100years.Refreshments willieserved.~All.visiting Masons cordially |invited. .|MOV NTS oF THE PEOPLE. -Prewonal!Mention‘of.the Folks w ho .Are Coming and Going.- Miss Lena Swdin,who was in|.of similar import of the Federal.8ALE<~BALED Straw,Shredded||}})chargé of-a,ladies’ready-to-Weir es|has been:spending severaldiiys in this “hours of servic e law,”the.en-FORSA cenand Gesture : tablishment in Rockingham Aoete ‘ the past season,arrived home Wed-reached some very able sermons.|the ¢cmmission,was«upheld:‘si EXCHANGE town loti |nesday from.Greensboro;where she Pp .A protracted.meeting’began at ‘The fight over the’lumber.rates,WANTED.sing,NB,MILES,sehtes |speit afew.days with .her Bister, made her home for some time..Mrs..J.M.Burrougys left,yester- day for Rock.Hill,8.°C.,-where Bhe will visit her sister,Mra,Lyle.“ Mr.and’Mrs,F.C,Horton,spent}; _yesterday in Charlotte. is spending the wintet with’her Bis-. IN THE SWEPT HOME COUNTRY, One Accident and Other‘sey of ‘the Recent Holidays —Re- ligious Meetings. Correspondence ‘of The bouinan, ous ‘accident, old-fashioned.winter weather—plenty ale.Out-door going is stoppe live ‘any distance awaMiDuringChristmasloan ‘Patterson,a 10-year-old boy,was fooling with a22-rifle,set'the mbzzle on his foot andsaidtoanother,small’boy,‘‘Howwouldyouliketoshootthrough.my}!foot?’"a uilled h ot his foot and ‘od,wyin the sole ofTheshoe Mrs.W.W..Johnson has returned home fromStiatesville,where.ne had‘been with hér daughter,Mrs.T,W. A Baptist Sunday.school ralaidonary |Frazier,for some.time. and surrounding communities and has We are now Having by snowand ice and thé wind blowinng Children can’t get to schoo!if they’¢ ter-State Commission,|.»' The grip ef the Inter-State Com: merce Commission over the com- mee ot the country was “tighten- ed.Tuésday through a series of.dé ries from railroads must ego -to .the commission ©béfore S rushing.‘ynto ‘the.caurts for:relief.:The paramount authority of the.commission in reasonable.rate-mak- ing was upheld by the court’s’decis- ion that the Federal District.Court of Minnesota was Wrong in prevent- ing the enforcement of the commis+ sion’s reduced rates on:lumber’from the Pacific’.coast,Oregon and Mon- tana points to St.Paul,Omaha and Chicago.ey The lowisiative field.touching.the acceptance of goods by,tailroads for®{nter-State shipment’was:marked forever’as ‘Fédéral’territory.and States were warned to keep,off..° The--supremacy.aver State laws forcement gf which iss confided,to days ago from ‘Rosman.witha welldevelopedcaseofmumpsbutis-get-| ting along all right. spending the winter with her sister, |has been-doing some work for Mr.N. tissElizaElliott,of StonyPoint,is|+j .News and.Observer. President ial’pol tics centered.‘in- teat {for the place of meet- .—Heniocratic national convention?whe \V.F.MeCoombs, has two caudicates,‘in’the’field,| Suprenie Court Affirms Power of Ins The Forty-Seventh State, 'Baltmore Sun.i. At last New Mexico has been admit- :ted tothe Union,while Arizona stands, waiting at the.door,forthe Presdent’s Rhode Island.Its population of 327,-000 has hardly scratched the surface| of its vast.mineral’and agricultural:wealth.New Mexico can.‘sustain a Population of millions and its.material.‘wealth,already large,is increasingwithastoundingrapidity.‘The same! is true of Arizona,with its 113,000 square miles of Pensitary ‘and 200,000 population. The Union will soon.comprise 48 ||States,for the -President-cannot-long-|delay the.formal proclamation admit:| ting Arizona,and.we:may expect the |two new Commonwealths to repeat! the wonderful development:of.Okla-)homa,noma,the Te State of 1906.Ss Jan.12.: ANUARY 101112 13 your New Year | 234 afesqlution | t es For Less less,if I os _today.” had been.the most exhaustive.The FOR‘Mre.ALF.Heath,She.was ©.ac-Mypaiais View M.B.tenho juny commission’:hates.eradicated.:.BUD-“THREE large furnished_companied by -Jittle Miss Audrey hae da has bi Hes staiitiaily)all the inérease ‘in -ratead E RB REN?«rooms with bath.andsteam«Heath,who ‘will spend ‘awhile,were.|the attendance.has.been.sma hig |BPovosed,©by railroads from ''the FO "PHO E1049..Jan,12.Miss ‘Tatona Turner;who was a Mr.J.Sloan is quite feeble this Northwest in 1908.on _|EOUND,eens,Own one have|::a“gudst at (Mrs.W.8.nich Men's:winter.He eee nate man in the at +Hby Beseetitag property a pay-|"Jett this.week for“Tampa,7]community scold:~weather-“Ist Dalennore Selected By ihe WWisow petwhereshewillspendawhilebeforeveryhardrehim.on ,_People.deisel WANTED A aoen wau Oow:HA.“Gut down my expenses and put some, .going to Jacksonville,where she hat r.Chick Sloan ‘came homé some]washington Special.to Raleigh YOUNT.Jan,9.—aa money in:the bank.Jean ‘live on a ‘lot: I will starta bank AGEOUNE Moneyis a good;thing to have.if you lose’your “"+Mr.Lauren Foreman,who is with Mrs.Amanda McLelland.Mr..W.H.|the manager of Woodrow Wilson's J °°™©.ee ee -occupation—with money in the:bank,you arecataceSty"amr an,|Mathis gain wth after an abc Hert raed Tt hr|gu arate any v0 ekwith.headquarters,in Atlanta,was |sence of several -months..We are people.,,were pulitng for “St:Louis i =ane let-us talk itover.Mi aige ’:«a Statesville visitor Wednesday..»|glad to see him enjoying himself.,He Bee hei eae Gee :.is oe ae sesiy:n omers The allies gur 1é ae .Mrs.Davis,of Davidson cou is boarding at Mr.lL.G.Sloan's and ic Vicar GE GGA feck thaet mtaeneee e of pr eb Good Shoes at a great ;|| ter,Mre.B,P.Young:/G.Sloan.eee !Fi t N.L BeMr,Clifton’L.een ot We are glad to see our*neighbors Laie Tok Witeow Pena that tha On our Shoe Counter.irs at iona ank ae ere i nue ee horch ee |Progressing.~“A Trew"‘orgamhas been |ficic of the situation was to car-OF odds and euds in.f ; a Mine Aitic Corpentig ‘Mr.Cor cee ae roeof a 1.G.oan ry.the convéntion there.:ae k i f STATESVILLE,N.Cc.s:sre |uritig the holidays and music is the}The:Wilson people were quick to roKen sizes you canpeningwillspenda.few days:here|4 iof entertainment now.‘|grasp the full significance of.the :pital$100,000;‘Surplus andProfits $32,000.situation,Bet you.a pair the committer ernor:of New Mr.Early Grant,who.is.teaching our school;has been quite sick the aud ‘hasing a majority.‘ofCorpeningand;pledged to the’.Gov-in ‘Rocking-} Arthur Co rpening, sister,Mr and will,then.visit.his’brother onal Mise Léila Vyem|past week but kept'on with his school,Jersey for,OFE ICERS:ee eg Miss Elicina Mills,who has been!Mr.W.R.,Stout’gave ‘the young)as oo nae Moe once ae saving inprice.«Ac.IRVIN,Seasdine:E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier:|o Mill,Johnston |folks of the community a party during’“oe ae ‘.‘nate cnn bare:ede aay seals |Chriy _commun ie Lr y auting for Baltimore.»But for the support |&‘H.BROWN,Vice President.JNO.Ww.GUY,Assistant Cashier. |.of the.Wilson people the convention woula probably have been ,held:in }Ssome city other than Ba}timore;Out count of ill health Mrs...|Messrs.Grace Mason,Arch ShaverJ:G.Powell has “returned |and Edgar Hendren made some excel-from an extended visit to South Car lent music for the occasion. emnant Counter olina.|of the total members of the nation- Mr.and Mrs.B.F.Russell,who}Hoping a prosperous and happy /a!committee,thirty,which is moresalted’MEFS,‘RueaelV’s parents,Mr-/°4"for The Landmark and _all of its!'than a_maicrity,-are-for_the-nomina dnd,Mrs.J.G.Colvert,.returned to |Teaders.:,|tion of the former,President for :eae ee -,°;jth resic é :Atlanta last night ‘HOW [IT IS IN COLORADO.|SRESm anne?ee Of Typonatsoods!@)a kk j ;ress:Goods,Ging-Notices of New Advertisements.-:(Cold.Weather and.High-Priced |eens Moderation"is Good,bad »ADE Winter clearance.sale begins Feed—Commission Form:of Goy-|84 isbury Post.hams and Outing. Saturday.and continues 10 days -ernment—aAn Iredell Man Recalls|.In a speech before the NationalMillg&Poston.Old.Friends.|Press Club.in Washington’Gov.Wil-Plenty of goods in ma: Ten-day clearance gale be‘gins On|To the Editor of The Se REST ‘ee invented”maieee “animated ;ny of the wool materi-the,'17th.—Ramsey--Bowles-Morrison |Pueblo,Col.,Jan.6.—We are hav-ey eration,”which hé’gave as his :sCo|ideal in matters“of:‘politics;This is als for a Skirt and:at a ‘Putbarg:Perfect,Pence —iasei-|ine mintenyotiher,Winches ofsnow,40’comprenensive “in.scope tha'|L”hale the regular priee edall through the past year,and with thebeginy+ieapiacaninaey ‘Baraware:@.’ought -to.:be.a genéral.slogan q gui p ‘ning:of the New Year we are resolved:‘to put ~Thanks,and come:in and talk about it.—Statesville Hardware and} Harnese Co Insurance Gaither Numerous ‘owners concerning that’insures.—E G notices to assessment: sidewalk.paving.All.interested| will appear Friday night,February 2d,.: Baled straw,shredded corn-and peavine yy for ante —J;M,Dea- ton, Town lots to ex badge tor rough lumber.--N.B.Mille. Furnished rooms lHieat and bath.--"Phone 1049 Lap robe found..“Phone-1377 Farm for sale-—D.NM:Temple- ton,Mt.Mourne Get the poultry ready-for poultry show —-D,J.-Kimball. Shoes for less;retinants:- 2 Wasson!Lips zlLandsaleFebruary.17 Grimsley,nrortgageée.a aeSenerneeey for rent the Geo,A Social Affairs..: Round Dozen Embroidery Cir,Theclemet with Mrs.C.V.Henkel Wed- iesday “afternoon at her home’on wast Broad street Mrs,Clem:Dowd was the ‘reader for the afternoon und Mrs.F.P.Lewis,of Brooklyn, was,a ‘special guest The:usual refreshmeénts were-setved The D.A.-R.'s will.meet with, Mrs.W.H.McElwee this afternoon at 3 o'clock.‘A numberof.friends of Capt..J. W.Copeland.were’entertained a dinner,Wednesday evening by Mr. ang Mrs.D.J.Oraig,in honor af Capt..Copeland,who a few days here Am elaborate course diuner was served and about a dozen guests enjoyed the hospi-tality of Mr.and Mrs.Craig and the pleasure of an evening with Capt.Copelatid. Misa.Altie Corpening was hos- tégs at yesterday afternoon’s meet- ing-of the Bridge club at her hame on Walnut street.The prize, of silk hose,was won by |Miss Corre’Copeland Miss .Mdrjorié de Kraft!of Philadelphia,and Miss| Greéivabaum,of Delaware,were the| out-of-town guests.Two courses of refreshments were served. The.Thursday Aftérnoon club metwith’Mrs.J.Henry Hall yesterday| afternoon.The programme.forth| afternoon consisted of a reading on “Country Life in Holland,”by Mrs. O.L.Turner and the,history of a bulb farm by Mrs.J.F.-Carlton. The club decided to celebrate the ¢entenial,oF ‘the “birth of.CharlesDickensat,a meeting to be held with Mrs.Li.Asib-the\7th of Feb- ruary..A Dickens programme,will be arranged for the eccasion, in- .eluding impersonations of,the prin- cipal ferhale characters in Dickens’ works.Mrs.Hall served a saladeauree ae Constipation is the cause of many ail-ments and disorders that make life mis-rabie,Take Chamberlain's Stomach»and Liver.Tablets,.keep your bowels“SID 98112 PIOABR ts NOA PUR Ivinsesoases.”For sale byall dealers, -When given as soon’as the croupycough’appears,Chamberlain’s «CoughRemedywillward‘off,an,‘attack of croup and prevent all danger and‘causeofanxiety.—Phousands of”mothers;use‘it suecessfully.Sold by all dealers/.. va. is spending |. a pairing him #wrong in return. {35 below December 27th at 6 a.m.|We have had three weeks of:cold} |weather.Feed for stock is scarce as| result of ay season.Cotton seed) meal,which I think‘is the residue ofproperty|the seed at the oil mills,is being ship-/courts; for ped from Oklahoma far.cattle feed;|Pronriations and pensiorfs it would tf. The|costs $30 per ton laid-down.One|pound per head ‘per.day.is fed with) small-feed of hay and feeders:claim| better results than from same amount} \of corn chop : Pueblo has adopted the.commission‘form of government.Five commis-| sioners aré elected who havecharge of| city affairs,appointments of the offi-! cers,.etc;also threecivil service com-| missioners are elected whose business it is to examine applicants as:to’their| \fitness,so that qualified persons will’ ‘hold longer andavoidso manychanges |Poston in officeholders,and often to persons}ti+of no experience,to-curtail extrava-tuortevorshaving tailed to eam! /gance and lower the taxes.‘|I read The Landmark with interest;the death record with sadness.In| your last issue I note the death of R.| J.Willis.Well do I remember him when I was a boy of 10 or 12.years.-|He was the leader of the singing at| Perth and regular in attendance.I} can see him yet as his tall figure en-| tered the church’and took his accus-|‘tomed place,so long'ago...His sister,| Cynthia,was my first school teacher |and taught me my A B Cs. Success to your paper and all the|old residents of Iredell,the place of|my birth.W.C.SCROGGS. .How Are You'Checking ‘Up? Monroe Journal. The financial accounts are not the||only ones to be balanced and settled |up.There are other and even more important’things to ‘be’straightened ‘out.If you have been wronged by some one you want to ‘‘get even”—a| thing that too often means mereiy do- But lis-‘ten to this bit-of advice from an.uns known exchange:| “Have we had a difference with:a| ‘neighbor?-Perhaps we were in the|wrong.If so,let us manfully admit it and take the initiativein healing the |breach.If we were in the right,let ‘us be generous and go half way.to- “ward a.reconciliation.Lifé is too |brief and too much filled with things. worth while toallow room for petty quarrels and painful estrangements.Then,.when we have ‘balanéed the books,squared our accounts,both financial,morahand social;when we are in love and charity.with our dearonesandneighbors—we can come to the.year’s end with joyousand thank- ful hearts and face the new year withserenityandhope.’’ :Happy the man who is big enough and true enough ‘to balance in therightway—allthe worldis his debtor,and usually he is:happy,bécause he deserves to be,for a mean’man can seberealhappy. | 'Editor Underw ood,Th .Greens- boro Patijot,-wag/_a”“victim of the. iced pavements and.was’laid up 'With a wrenohed knee,The.Land nrark “it isn’t,fotlong.*¢ tay a!1 { ‘}Ments contained therein, |ins’corner; It ‘is opposed to radicalism -and ‘yet jhas.life:and accomplish. adopt.the ‘Could action sufficient to! Our haw makers could | idea to advantage.It! be carried:sometimes into the and.in questions.of ap-| eminently meet the situation. country wants animation in its law niakers,but wants.it with due re-| gard to the wishes of the masses; jund ‘not for the benefit of the-class-| \es..Governor ,Wilson |has struck‘the proper note.°:|—enna soso ‘NOTICE.OF LAND SALE. BY VIRTUE of the powers.vest-) ed.in me.as mortgagee’under ©a, mortgage executed -by W...E.Sloan and.wife,H.P.Sloan,of:Iredell coulty.North Carolina,on the 18th day cf ‘January,1908,-the-‘baid ‘Sc.and 10e Ginghams at 5c.and The.yard.. Good Outing in eis ‘and light.colorsfor 5 yard.Bundle Prints of 40 yards for 80c.; costs you only 2c.yard... Prices reduced on all forth greater efforts than ever.to merit these favors by courteous treatment and offering the best values for the least money possible and we hereby extend to those who have not been our - customers as well as those who have,to “drop”ae in during the cold days and get acquainted and talk over our wants,ett.Wehaveabeautiful \ red stove in the middle of thestoreto addcom- =mes:Coady,|Set fort to the occasion.:‘“it:at the One.Price |’:Gash Store and forless..|A nice assortment of Robes and Blankets to oe be sold ata liberal discount while they last.' bo 3 °‘, s :To oneand all of our.customers and friends. eee We appreciate the increasing patronage receiv- iply with the stipulations and agree-| the under- Sighed will as such.mortgagee ‘at nocn on SATURDAY,FEBRUARY \17;.1912, sell at the court house door “ind Statesville,North Carolina;at pub-| lie auction to the:highest bidder,| jfor-cash,a.lot:.of “land .in 9 ‘the|} town of Statesville on Broad street,| mare.jarticularly desctibed as fol-' lows || Begirving at-W.E;Sloan's.cor-| |sler a stone in a street, rum-| niirg north with W.E.Sloan's line|250 feet to teas corner;.thence (east 14 feet to D.F.Jenkins’cor-| |ner;thence south:with D.F.Jenk:.| vythencesouthwithD.°Fline250-feef ‘to his ‘cor-|jaer-in Broad strget;thence -west| with Broad streefi 14 feet to the} beginning,contai hing one-Aiba wy one acre,more’of less GEO.A:GRIMBIL i yy 19122.Mortgagee: Jenkins’ _Jan 1Z, NOTIC E TO1PROPERY OWNERS.| owners of All property ting cn’the sidewalks in the walk-iimprovement |district fore laid out by Board .of Statesville, sidewalk.lying ‘on.the north:side ofWestEndavenuefromtheintersec-tion of Kelly street with-;said WestEnd#vente ‘to the intersection ‘ofRacéstreetwithsaidWestEnday-enué,are“hereby notified that ‘thelaying,of the pavement orderéd bySaidboardonsaidesidewalky:has een ,completed,and-that ‘desess- ments theretor will.be made.bytheBoardofAldermenagainstsaidsina,property,as ig.pro-vided:Vy *Khaxter of the city ofStitosville. ~Said assessments and determined on February.2d,1912 attheptticeoftheMayor of Aldermen of the city of 'States-ville,in the Commercial “NationalBankbuilding,.and all=persong—ineteresthd.are notified to appear andshowGhuse,if fany,why hehe|Bessments shalk.not ibe made, By order of the Board of men,of,the city of Statesville,:“D.MOORE, Clerk aid Treasurer”:s LOL2 ' re \ will,be madé Friday night, 8 o'clock,vat Boardand as-|| “Aldus jJAN:LP roperty abut-| sidewe it 4 side-| ,distri Tiereto-| ordinanee of.the Aldermen oFMe City>:of said di&trict being the; | 'Poston-Wasson Co. CeinterClearance sare: Begins Saturday,January 13th,8a.m., CONTINUING FOR 10 DAYS. A feast of bargains awaits youhere This great money saving event will surpass:all our former Clearance Sales.We mention the price on only ‘a few things,that you may get some idea of the Clearance price. Ladies’Coat Suits,1914-styles,will be rold at half price:-$12.50 will buy.a &‘00 Suit.$10.00 willbuy a $20.00 Suit. 7.50 will buy a 15.00 Suit...6.25 will buy a:12 50 Suit. One ict of Ladies’Black and Blue $5.00 Panama Skirts,eee$2.50. Big cut on Silk and Messaliné Satins. 20c.Idaline Cloth,nice for dresses,10c. One case good Apron Check Gingham,5c. 5.000 yards Torchon and Val Lace,half inch to 4 inchés wide,5eAcleansweepinMillinery.Choice ofanyHatin stock at haif price and less.— SHOES—Men’s Just Right $4.00 Shoes and Oxfords:% In Gun Metal,‘Tan,Patent Colt aud Vici for $2.90.Keith &Pratt’s $3 50 and $4.00 Shoes and pitords $2. Keith:&Pratt’s $3 00 Shoes and Oxfords,$2.: Menseze$3.00-Shoes for $2.50 StonécrusherThea.one $1 75,for aaoe _Ladies’$3 Shoes,button and lace,Tan,Pat Colt and Niche saleprice $2. 'Ladies’Patent Colt,Jace,$3.50 value for $275.~ Ladies’$4 Suede Batton Shoes $3.00.Ladies’$29 Button Shoes for §I 50 Misses’and Children’s Shoes cut to close.°It will pay you to,viet our store and see the good’things not mentions ribs. les.Pricés are spotcash. No recs charged at cut prices. MITTS &POSTON.| 3 1©ERA SKA SRN AOA HERTS NI A 1. ' Yours truly; EALTH "vi tsf« |Don’t drug yourself for ills that are but symptoms ‘of r-blood,depleted and feeHaw Fasaionn ‘Don't patch up—wi systems.satch |Rebuild Your Health withMILAN ‘A Genuine Reconstructive Tonic-&Blood-Renovater- “After-one and a half bottles of ‘Milam T have gained 84 Ibs,’’=- 'T,.B.Stalnaker;Charleston,W.Va,.{‘I had not,taken the Milam more than 3 or 4 days when:saw.a decided tmprove- ment in appetite and digestion,’’—Rev..R-1.McNair,Chars | Jotte C.H.;Va...*‘Milam is'a.grand.medicine I have taken | only a few bottles but I feel stronger and better,moreactive and able to:stand up under my.work.”—-Rev,H,D,Guerrant,Dans il ville,Va...‘I took five bottles of Milam and gained 10 lba,25— }.B.Williams,Danville,Va...“Am finishing my.6th bottle of Milam,’and after 26 years of Eczema,am cured,”’-—C...Fl.wil- liams,Huntington,W.Va...sO We Wann ates Buy 6 Bottles for $5:00 of yourdruggist and get ‘YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT BENEFITED |6| .The hest preparation on the market for WA- THRPROOFING SHOES.and all kinds of - “Jeathergoods.”Nothing better for HARNESS, Keeps the leather soft and adds to the lifé of ite” “.n i‘ S.B.MILLER,-- THE SHOE ~START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. Get yourself aWatch.QLittle and big.tosuit Men,-Wo- “men,Boys and Girls.Also anything in Jewelry. H.B-WOODWARD 10 Jeweler.. START SHARES OF BUILDING AND LOANxFORYOURCHILDREN. For your children start shares in our next series,and as- »gist them in making payments of dues,thereby teaching them how to save money.The shares would matyre in time to meet expenses of schooling a Our-38th series matured on the payment of $82-on eachshare.Weare prepared to give you the benefit of $18 _profit on each share..“Our 51st series now open,afd shares.being subscribed.We expect-to aid our shareholders in building or buying many homes during the coming year. Start shares NOW and make prompt applications for a loan, if you wish to build a home next spring,or svWealsoissuePrepaidorPaidUpShares $73.50,worth $100 at maturity. For other information call at office.L.Harrill,----Secretary, FIRST BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION.; “TE ONLY.COSTS YOU. $3 00 to $4.00 ~to get the latest BR O K E R S 8 0 5 5 in Shoes..Sce them AT SM.&H.Shoe Company, casasenammenitia $5,000 ANNUAL INSURANCE FOR $5.00. ‘Tourists,Travelers and Commuters SpecialAccident Policy Issued Only by United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,_JOHN RB.BLAND,Prepident.fie BALTIMORE,MDGi)“Whi The cpdt is only one-fourth of one cent a day per thousand.’Insures-you -lea ees within &passenger elevator (excluding elevators in mines)@).WhileSeenernsaeSooleraeeetheplatform,oyeee or running;hereo!)operated on rail or waterlinesor routes,by a common.-carrie:service;(3)Or,due directly (not indirectly)to such public conveyance.,-)ho re«Jost loss of life.limbs,eyes,speech and hearing-»Against loss of either limb;eye,speech or heating..’.Permanent stiff or rigid elbow and knee joints..Against loss of two or more fingers ard toes ..-.;Against loss of two or more fingers or toesiesaanesmeOfDaeSHESoetoe,Lip “f Sia iah 250 ‘.And pays10 per cen tional for Medical,Surgical and Hospital trea’s 3Railroadsalone,not considering Street Cars and other public,conveyances,bila urateeeseryaaamaim@personevery10minutes.’Agents in every citv and town.Apply today—tothorrow may be too late.Surplus to policyholders over $3,000,000, «$5,000,“+(2,500, ++72,000 ove 1,000 e.ye Statesville Realty and investment Company THE LANDMARK N PRIDAY,—---January 12,1912. }A DISCUSSION.OF MUSIC. At Licast.a Part of the:Programme Should Be Put in Reach.of |the Uninitiated,”.Who.Compose.the‘Greater Part.of the Audience, Correspondenceef The Landmark. “Music hath charms to ‘soothe the savage breast,’’.but.music,like the savage,is.rapidly.becoming ex- wtinet,:iIn.the poring’misty.past peo- ple,when alluding to a ‘musiéal ‘event,generally .used —the::expres- ‘}sion,“That was harmonious ‘sing- fi ing,,/2- dious.”’ While such expressions would.)be»termed °“common’”’.-in these “up-to-date.times,no other |words could be-more expressive,for the harmonious blending.of sounds ina different pitch,is “what .Web-ster says constitutes music.\In..de- seribing .a’musical’>recital .thesedays.and-referring to any.ond {of “the,performers,“the reporter ‘would say,°’Ehe interpretation of the number.was,pérfect,expressiondivine,and figger work:marvelous.” ty.for «the ‘perfect rendition‘of any ‘|musical.selection,~but after ©the musical student becomes a mastertin-thre-wayot-tetimniatreitr rete tion,expression and.‘fingér #work, to what use.are they put?Usually to’the’production:of the cold.¢las- sicdl.‘Fo:ask av sweet young grad- ‘wate.to’play:some old-time melody wouldn't exaétly be an insult but +the aforesaid:gradyate-would more than likely look at ‘you ’with pity- ing “contempt that your taste Should bé so,unrefined.i ' A great’many niusical ~students havea sufficiency of melody wrap- ped up in.them by nature to knowwhat‘it is,but the production of it:is,’seemingly,secondary with the large majority....These ..days tke manor woman ‘that Can do,the unusual,the very difficult;are the ones that are-supposed to be —é1f- titled to the plaudits of the peo- ple;and that is what is the,mat- ter with our modern:musicians chazy on the subject sof.displaying 16.2 mabinieba gg 0?)audience .how expert-they are in their particflar liné:The average ‘audience:will {take it:for granted that the ©per- former who lwolds;a diploma isproficient“without.having ‘the’fact |So thoroughly.demonstrated:on j Pretty’much all occasjons The javerage audience {ate and will not gape,look around, \slip further,down in.the geat <or. even look.tired.while the “perform- er produces a.conglomerdgien of jsounds »similar.to tom~torhs “beat- en by Sioux Indians at a sun dance, fif they.Gould.have any.’assurance that.they,woutd >be handéd ‘out something of a more soothing ia- ture immediately afterward }.Jt seems we -can’t produce’aig |yery great.niusicians in this eoun- jtry,therefore it is’necessary”for our talent to -go abroad be- fore they’can be classed as,top-|hotchers;but while doctors will ' |fer,we are of the opinion that we jcould get along very well with home {pre duction. )..it has been our pleasure (7?)to jattend several musical .offerings j with ‘foreign talent holding the{boards Singular ‘as it may ‘seém, |we were impressed,with the fact }that ‘the more’the star performer resembled:a maniac.the more clas-isical would be the selections rer- |dered.‘by.‘it.’We use the word iit”in this connéction for the reas- jon that-on one or two.occasions jwe were tunable to decide,for 3 \tainty,whether the performer jot the mas¢uiune feminine or neu- }ter gender;t*<refore in order §to javoid ~making,.-error in ‘allading ito the performance,we would say;lit"did ~spiendidly.Yes,they tare usually -jrOticient,no doubt about.>that;“but to what use do even such noted.performers as Pad-| erewski..put.thei proficiency?Usu- jally to hammer the life:out*of |piano—“'siutply.that,and|more ”:|\fheré:-is such a thing as being charmed ~“‘with*a “dreamy:noc }turne”from Chcyin or to ‘be =de- ilighted with the matehless majesty lof.a Liszt Compusition’and*while jthe trained niusician can more |thoroughly appreciate ‘the lrendition’:of .Se.ections by such jnoted composers,we hardly think \they have any:giciter power to.ap- a nothing |preciate melody than the utttrained.| |But no’audience is made up exclu- sively of.finished musiciansso.why |devote the |entire performance to jthe -most:classically.difficult iclate?: We have a friend in town |tmahy talents; |nologist of in fact were a phre- to examine his head he ould find about every kind of bump} ;maginableexcept the musical ‘bump. iThis friend just simply doesn’t car- ‘ry any migical bumps in stock.You ;could play ‘Dixie’for him and telk aie it was “After the Ball”;or you peould—play—“Dixie again jhim it was ‘‘Gasey Jones’;or play that’he had just heard ‘\Mendelts- sohn’s Wedding,March,”?and /not knowing of.his own knowledge /wivd belief which was ‘tother,he,wbuld take your ;word for it without pro- tin a sense,for a person so tute of musi¢in his soul,but from ing it is possible that “he is to and unruffled dusing.the rendition of an entire programme that’hap-pens to~be of such am order:as’to cause the goose flesh to pop out all over some of the more sensitive. As regands vocal...music,-,.it Soinwhal differedfar a oweel voice ito so cén tort extent,the laugh of the hyena.‘In lecit or —'the.music."was omelo=| These’accomprshments:are nécessa-, is also’.consider-| #6lick-headed perfect |*Se | \The Act ‘of a Gentlematit and a that | jhone save the graduate can appre-| and —teH+ the same piece again and inform,him |test.We agire_inclined.to Teel ‘sonry,: desti- {he way.things musical are progress- be envied,for ‘he cay sit-calm,serene is is more or less pleasing to the ear in any’key,although itvis possible .the,sweetest voice un- til,it will,resemible,to a very great arranging a programme for a musi-cal recital ‘it isn’t necessary to se- the thost simple ahy more.tham to select the most difficult..com- positions ini\order to please an 4udi- enge,Melody\can'be found dll along,dowt the lité\but theresseenis to”ibe few programme arnangers qualified to make:the’proper selectiops-—se-~ lections that.appeal.to other than: being antagonistic to human emotion,’sompositions that’contain feeling are the ones:that last for- ever.»The other variety is the kind peoplé come.to hear,but once.A couple of seléctions that are in mind Jat ‘this time,are of a high’order,fram a professional standpoint,but fre full of.mélody..They,‘are:“Bonnie Sweet Besste’’and ‘‘Robin Adair.”While we have.reason to believethat)Mis:-B.'F.Lohg is the ‘omy lady in the city at this,time qualified.to do’with’either ef the selections absolute justices:there is considerable other talent in towm.ca- pable of rendering similar 1 equally as metodtous;—————~sect On one occasion I was in a large tewn when ‘a.new opera house had been completed.)~An-ttalian epend company had been engaged for the self decided we would cuttemd:The utes’before.this.friend:‘took that tired feeling und left...The prospect for being very highly.entertained did ok’.a little gloomy,but:as I~had: through,live or die;in fact “was in.about the same:predicament as the féllow with the toothache,He. |wouldsurvive:the ‘ordeal of having GermsSpreadinSkin. intense |.’ Wu mbers) opening night and a friend and,my-}, performance hadnt been on-30 min-} ‘paid the.price,I decided to see:it:|/ had some doubts .as to whether he| dey *:tma,Psoriasis.and other skitroublesarecausedby»myrinds ofRerasat-work in the akin,Unlessnesegermsarepromptly.destroyed‘they rapidly multiply,aon armerdeepintothesensitive“tissue.This is.what’causes that awful itoh,and what seemed &mere rash:may sfow worse.and develop into a“Joathsome.and torturing jskin diseasewithits.yéars-of misery...~|:-Don't oe —pone!Destroy:the|kffermsatthebeginningofthetrquble!in and investigate the meritg efPD,1.with that soothing and cleansing wf shy |-D ow i BD Dee echtheBD.D;“De-Presertpton:Tor eeu Rey:—WW9.a ow.that.eresA25e‘bottle.will prove this.to you,kwill)help you.:va BS d ,token Wy OR Hall,Statesvillé,N;°C. »We have had experience with manyremediesforskintroublébutshaveneverseensuchremarkablecuresaathosefromD,D.D.-Prescription.In-|-stant relief from the very first appli-—cation,‘:yaaWeare;so confident that BD:D.-D.wril reach your case ‘that.tt will costyounothingifthevery.first full/sizebottlefailsto.make good every claim.If you have skin trouble of anynd.we certainly advise you.-to:-drop Berean ADR tk To send:money away from home there is no.way equal to,a.draft.It is.the’easiest,cheapest dnd. quickest way.to send’money by majl.You do not: have to,take the time'to'make 4 formal application,’ and if the draft is lost,we issue you ‘apother one, onlvking itratrabsolitely safe.way.This is only one’ »ob man conveniences our bank can offeryou,There., “are any ways in which you can use a bank to ad:vantage.You-are invited to val often at our bankAa the.tooth:extracted,)'and being”#n honest ‘man paid.the dentist in ad- vance.As!he mounted.the’scaf- fold;or rather the dentist chair,the }todth to eease-its aching and as, imight.be.supposed,he decided to’ have the .operation postponed:lthe dentist had -gone to some little ltrouble®getting |death .in readiness amd.refused jreturn the money;/s0 in order,to ibreak even ‘with his:executioner,the |Loothache mam had no recourse other) ithan to'do.a-thousand dollars’worth of sutfering for what hiad only cost ihim fifty cent.But.te-return’te the Operte the “star of theeee liing sang “High-Low?”mostly,and filled the:intervening space:with| trilils and quivers—pure ltgl an quiv:} too,but’Chinese and)Hebrew nixed’would haye’answered about as well Judging ‘eus applause and the number handsome:Houqgvets ’,flung StAee one would imagine that upants of the boxes had ers; ocr While &t school or:had:learned.itafterwardforthatparticulatocca-| sion touched mie oay, A partyin the -rear sport,those swell skirts dudes over there the boxes don't know any ahout what those ing and singing about than’we They.are.just .carrying .on that Way for the ‘big of the thing!”=1 repied ‘that’1 thought the evidencesufficienttoconvictandalsothat lL.had an idea the I braced in>my seat stave off an attack ‘of just:-for.the:fool.of more do St |dauce,the thing ey fh.Finally,-ama.to the point,’.we think musicians could,to advan tage,patiern to some extent after the potitical stump speaker.When he igets up before an audience he sizes jup his crowd,for he wants the vate of éyery man there...He:sees”some learned .aier.close up “who want facts and fivures.,A.little further |back he readily discovers another bunch of peovie that nothing but ithe ripping up the!:back of the opposite party by the speaker ‘will ibe musi¢.to.their)ear,.and still jturther back he ‘ipds another crowd With ¢@yes and edis open to.takecer~Retin what jokes he may have in stock Taerefore,in order to.gef of the entire audience,he the’ear not vonly, has to hand out wisdom,but some (hot air and some nonsense, While some of the foregoing,sounds (a good deal like a criticism;it isn’tintendeddssuch,but is written.t request.as‘a plea ‘tm behalf undergraduates who,have tights.|’Being “shy”on.English, I am unable*to do the subject .jus- of jtice,but if-I had the ‘“pbooky.jn my} (Giead that .liaF.,The jstafe astronomer,.now possesses, ithis article would doubtless have }evolved into a literary gem:instead |of.an unlearned conglomeration of jéxaggerated,facts,i B.M Landmark's |:Christan.* |Baltmore Sun. The Roanoke.~fivening*®News {points .with*just-pride to an incident |which.occurred recently at the Vir- }ginia Military Institute.5 ; On Christmas morning certain of |the cadets,probably out on a lark, jaffended some colored persons ,of |Lexington.Notwithstanding the jfact that these persons were ‘‘serv- lants,the humblest and most help- jless wass-of .the -community,’’->the |super:ntendent,on behalf of the in- \stitute,published h formal apology ifor their benefit,togetlyer with an offero°stich reparation®2s couké be made.‘This action coming fromthepiincipal,pf one of ~.the most ancient,honored and efficient ‘in- stitutions of the State is,accord- ing to our esteemed contemporary, in,auceord with ‘a’’traditions. We.will not quarrel with.the just pride which our neighbors take in the fine spirit which at all times has been at the front=-in their ancient Commonwealth But the action,of General ‘Nichols de- gerves’more general terms of praise:He»,behaved as a gentle- man and a-good Christian on this occasion,and.his:conductis~in marked contrast:to the.overbear- iug gelf-ossei tion which izes the yulgarian and the vully. ;known and appreciated ut the land.,TeeneeenneeSanEneeeT mede througho children,‘bear in mind.that Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy is most effectual for colds,croup and whooping cough and that it contains no harmful drug. ‘For sale by ali druggists. When given ‘8s.soon”as the croupy cough appears,Remedy.will : croup and prevent,all danger and cause dof anxiety..Thousands of mothers use it successfully.Sold by all dealers. ‘‘' |horror of the situation .caused,the} his:instruments.-ofy, to? from .the ‘genier-| of} on the} the| made| t.specialty of the italian language j om the shoulder and refaarked:| and | iri} was.sitting} in an,attempt to4 Vitus’j some | the best “Virging character- We wish that his apology could be ‘When buying a cough ‘medicine -.for Chambertmain's ~Cough ward off an Attack of ac asa 43.Sg eee ee Bis os i.SHOT DECOMMTE:DOUCET ACO TATU WIC TOS trv Capes,.r ay il i.Merchants &Farmers :Bank of :Statesville : But t= ar.| 7 |New Company,New Ye 1...With the openingof the new,company.along with the éw Year,we wish to thank you”for your remarkably:generous patronagein the past,and to -inyite.you to:in:, spect our splendid ‘new stock,whether You buy or not. ~We are glad to welcome you,and-feel proud that through so many years you have:each season taken our word on the value of our merchandise.Triist us once more.Qur-word is as good as our Bond.ms The Best Hardware House in Our Town.wag White-Reid Hardware Co. | | heathen are talk-||;|| ~Statesville Flour Mill Compainy. ; I Palionize Your Home Indust J OUR FLOUR HAS NO SUPERIOR. Every Bag Guarantecd/Abso- lutely pure,and guaranteed to give satisfaction.Leading brands:“Crystal Palace,” “Triumph,”|“Cupid”“and by | to us for cither exchange or for cash.If you want the best;call for ours,: 1 .‘| =J STATESVILLE FLOUR MILL COMP’Y. } | Piano for $150 to the public «school teacher who will train their school.to sing .ten schgol songs in ‘Carolina Harmony.’’‘Cerfificate“from com- :mittee,stating "these songs’have.been sung by the .+.school will be.required. Willalso give a_$5.00 Guitar to the leader of the @lass that will make the best music in six school songs in said book at the next county singing.A book will _be loaned to each school,‘and the words may be sung. from their tablets,but classes having’.members over school age will be réquired to sing*both notes and words.. J.S.Leonard,;Music Dealer,- .\§12;Center Street.:i I will sella$300) |S_COOKING OIL.# ‘Fresh lot justopened.As good as the best lard for’all. purposes,and.costs,you one+third less,:Wass be 'Price per Gallon Price per Quart TRY IT..YOU’LL LIKE IT. 1jCotton{Oil Com‘PHONE 205. 75e:'20c. .. |Imperia pany. wh |ficsae Electric.Co.| Last x price.:Sweeping reductions in all.lines will be made oe W ednesday,vee We Instituted Our Second Annual Cut Price Sale-to Continue 0Only:15 Days. ur Big Store i is packed with up-to-date Furniture and House furnishings of all kinds. intend to marry soon,thisis your chance. If you are thinking of buying furniturein the next tew months,now is your oppor- ‘tunity.If you have been thinking for some time-of buying your wife a nice Bedroom Suite.’Parlor Suite,Steel Range,/Set of. China or whatever it may ‘be,now is the time-~We wilksave you bigumoney... ‘Christmas trade which we did not realize,henée we carry over-into the New Year a tremendous:Stock that must go at.some >We need $7,000 at once and prefer to sacrifice our goods rather than borrow it.Our Necessityis Your Opportunity.-“In many cases goods will be marked at less,than half their value.i ee ene be markedin plain figures,regular price and Special Cut Brice.TERMS OF SALE WILL BE CASH..ee ae you haven'tfroney;-get it,whether you beg or borrow the eash,don’t.fail toget some of these bargains.: January We bought largely in the fall..expecting a:big 10th, If you are a young married man:or hie goods ee : oeWeMention Below.Onlya Few-of the-Thousands.of.T “We:a In Our Bedréom Line. We have everything from the finest Circassian Walnut,Mahogany,Birds Kye -Maple and Fine Quartered Oak down through medium to cheap grades. -«Dining Room Furniture. tn Mahogany and Oak,in all styles and finishes:China Closets.Side.Boards, Bnffets,Side ‘Tables,Extension Tables and Chairs. urious In-great-veriety.upholstered in fine Silk Plushes,- tries aud Leather.500 Rockers of every conceivable style and finish,Oak,Mahogany and Reed. Parlor Rumniture ae Mahogany and OakTare8-. Leather Goods. wilt wear a itetime: sleep.inducing .Morris cannot-express it all.. In Art ‘Squares, sélls [ngrains. Hall Cuitains,. Big easy Rockers,Chairs—words |. Come and see. Floor Coverings . Rugs,Fine Wiltons, Smyrnas,Axminsters and Velvets;Brus-] Carpets by theroll. Tn thie line we.are very.strong.‘aes noliumsaand Mattings of all kinds. Turkish Couches ‘and Divans,‘Davenports and Lounges-in leather that Lave Curtains, Portieres,Sheets,Blankets,ete. China Department. Fine (hina iin Parisian,Austrian,Hav-iland and English goods old BandandGoldChainPatternsandexquisite — decorations,must be seen to-be..appreci~..ae ated,and thousands of other things we otLi-y have notspaceto mention. —_.-ig:a Red Cedar Chests,Hat Boxes,Skirt i j “Rope Boxes,“Costumes,“Music Cabinets,etc.oe Library T ables,Chairs,etc.; oe “NOW A.BIG SURPRISE!ie WE WILL GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE TO THE ae eee @ a “4 LU CKY PERSON (SEE QUR BIG WINDOW):ae 4 Sak neeE ieee|mi Chest of Triple-Plated Silverware,One Set of Gold Band China and One Fancy Lamp.cm Every purchaser will get'a ticket*for every dollar of purchases that will entitle them to a chance at the.above.prizes. Provided no person shall have more than oné premium. numbers he shall have first choice and the person whose number is nearest shall be declared the winner of thé’second premium. Remember,Sale Began Wednesday and Lasts Only 15 Days. Globe-Wernicke Sectional Book Casés,Taylor Nursery Beds and Victor Talking Machines are excepted from above sale.. will get a chance for every dollar paid on same. oo Every person who owes an account In the event that the same person draws two lucky. Come Quick and Get Pick of Goods.= Respectfully,:8 "Phe Statesville Housefurnishing Company.| ‘THE LANDMARK 1912; oa[FRIDAY,Janu:ary |No,River »and Harbor “Pu blicic Build:| ing Bills. _Special te : iW saiietinn Observer Representative ;wood,the General’ :‘Electrical Contractors Estimates Furnished -"All KindsElectricalSupplies. Under- House, Oscar W. leader of the- jhaye any pork barrels.this year. tHe is opposed’to introduc ing,”riv- ers and harbors and public ‘puild- ings bills,and it,is Bafe to say now that there will.be no:general bills’covering those subjects ime.Some North Carolina ;towns Ban d rivers are clamoring.for ap- propriations but they seem ,doomed ito disappointment this year.Wins ton-Salem is trying to.get -$250,- £00 additional |for its postofifice, itut there is very little:prospect.of getting it. “IT Rave.been a_friend of.| ways ‘for years,”said Mr..Under-. wood,‘‘and continue :to take aimostfriendlyinterest.in ‘the de velopment of our rivers and *har-bers,but the Democratic party| cannot,leave the Treasury depleted,| which it will be if:all the dppro-7 |Priations asked for are forthcoming; at.the hands of.Congress.-* HOME:ELECTRIC.00., A.D.COOPER,Manager. JUST RECEIVED! Local Views,All New. water-' Broad Street Methodist Church. Statesville Female College.Statesville Graded SchoolMr.F..H.Conger’s Residence.“The Sherwood bill,if it.should Long’s Sanatorium.jbecome a law.in its present form, Southern Passenger Station.jweuld.add to the pension budget Ask to see the Simplofiller jabout ~-$60,000,000,-which;with) 2 >in’jthe dmount now.annually appropri-| dee erih ben Annee jated,about $160,000,000,would best If-filli ens on the jcome pretty near bankrupting ©the est sel-niling p f lgovernment.It is obvious there- market.Carry a‘full line o fore,.that’if.:legislation ,of this Tablets,Inks and Pencils.lcharacter should be enacted it isNGwhollyoutofthequestionto.think PRINTI &.le any other!legislation except to e |make provision for such expendit-BRADY,-The Printer. jures as are absolutely necessary |for the conduct of the government “I doubt.the propriety of sub- |mitcing to the caucus,the.ques- {tion of whether there should.be a fiver and harbor bilt~at—this -ses=}Sion of Congress.My.judgment isthatthemattershouldbeleftwith the chairman and members <of the; rivers and harbors committee,who} will have:first-hand’knowledge Or conditions when they have _their! bill ready for introduction and re+Cort.”:‘ W.&MILLS, Statesville,N.C. Fine Farm Lands and City Property for Sale.- —_—_—_—_—_—_—__ of,Lutheran Laymen in, Salisbury.: A general convention of the Lay;man’s Misstonaty Movement of the Lutheran Church in the South will) be held.in Sattstury February 7-9. -}fhere will be addvesess “by-—-marny prominent’pastors and laymen on plans for sustaining.atid increasing ‘|missionaly interest.ieee aay “Bach congregation can many delegates,as desired: Meeting"AGENT:FOR’HUPMOBILES. Jan.2. ~FOR SALE!r *Business lot.-Seven-room desirable residence on|beatae @ Hot.and cold water,|{stration fee.of eee :ed-each:delegate,“to,help chapeloon~4 the expenses of the.conventiqn,andLotsnearGradedSchool,each delegatemust provide his own|entertainment.me should| if you want to By feller exohange|addressed to B.C.Cronk,gener-/| | ae ba, Chartotte|r,, does not believe the House should}given night feern |mostRemedy -acts on Deacon Hemphill in Taft's Over-|Ww ill “*Hog-Tie"Roosevelt and Make |-Cost'of Burying Congressmen.t -4 Ww.ashington coat. Correspondeace Ral- sigh News and Observer. Recently M,|the,editor of.the Charlotte came to guest of the whepat the banquét table jespied by the President, high versonal guest The friend,Cgl. ident’s personal’aide.this jor Butt’s apartments for the “White House,the’C his overcoat. ton weather Gay aud whe the major to it was freezir “Where is ed the Presit as he ze ering on the “Oh,(I lef observed the am going dire HemphillMajor thing of the hen t had hwn cvercoats.to There was a.heartygency. an invitation tollowing day Was taken.in fetched him,one of ajor J.©.Hemphill, Observ- Washington as © Gridiron Chub,.and he was who...has regard for him,was to be an.over- White House Major Hemphill at .the hand by:his.old Archie Butt,the Pres-: Leaving Ma- arolina editor .forgot Some real Washing- developed duting.the mn the time came fortakeTeaveofhis.host ig cold. your overcoat?’’.ask lent,.with some con azed at his guest shiv- White House,portico t it at Butt’s place,” Carolinian,;‘‘and I ctly there to get it.” didn’t do any- until the Presi- This enyer- taugh kind use in the all around when the impromptu gar ment had be en tried on.To.those who have never seen -the President atid the editor in the flesh,it |be sai?thatcireymference some bly three times in may Mr.Taft possesses.a two and possi excess.of —that of the Tar\Heel editor. —- Muskrat Newark, Farm a Profitable Indus- t ry. Del.,Dispatch to Philadel _Dhia Record. “Running a a queer profitable Mrs:Fox owr land between poquitiniink part of New :Castle business, Mrs. muskrat.farm:may be but John Fox -can vouch1s°.460;acres:of marsh Silver Run and Ap:river,—_in—the lower county,on whicl nothing whatever can be raised .ex-| cept in the four n 16'-to March any\wheat or corn grower in |State.will in the same size. The muskrat.eerop.this- ‘unusually good” quence Mrs, bank days.men’ |trapped 1,700 jare’worth 45 bodies §& ket “price 50 mal,During ———Higen.‘expected thatagWillbetrapped™on her-marsh land, A reg-|Which will bring in $5,000,.and of $1iwill”be charg-|that amount.at.least.$3,000 be profit. muskrats, account; employed’by c ents, yet..they 10onths from November 15 more money than the a year on a farm,of year is ahd “asa conse- is fattening her _Im ‘the’past Lbherhave muskrats.The cents «apiece and thé making the mir- cents for.each “ani- the entire season it 10,000 niuskirats Fox will effectual. tie cough,relhesecretions Medicines that aid mature:are’‘alwaysGhamberlain’s Coughthisplan.‘Tt allays the lungs,».Opensaids’nature in re-leves andlalsecretary,waiatiory:Cy prone ihe ayecony,to &healthy:soon|——r |tion.19usands have testified to its JOHN M.SHARPE,|PEE LANDMARK.isis 92 per _yoer.superior lexcellence.Sold by all deal-EpaESTATE Less than 2 cents a copy.ors.,> |defeat assemble,” that.it ree will clear }anti-trust law, pelts: Him Run. Washington.Special, lotte Observer. That President Siam will have to Colonel ©Roggevelt for the nomination at Cl Raxc was made plain by.one of ‘the leading pro gressive Republicans.in a talk with the Observer correspondent to- day.Efforts will be madé to keep the States from instructing ‘their uelegates and.a stampede will be Started on the first ballot. “Roosevelt will be naminated at Cilcago and elected ‘by the people of the country in November,’said the Senator:‘He is .1ot-a.candi- date,but”will run*if nominated. The convention will hog-tie:him,an¢ force him to riin He is itching to! get in‘the game.’cn Hog-tie’’out West means-to rope thé four feet of ‘an anima)saa gether so’that he cannot get away. 6th,to Char-| That is.what the Republicans”of| the West will do with Colonel| Roosevelt. “A majority of the United States Senators are.for’Roosevelt at heart t ko¢w that to ye true,’declared the Senator.:“When the next ndtional Repub- lican *convention meets,in June,: about one thousand delegates will One-half-of :these willbeCougiessmen,Senatérs and:Rep- resentaiives,who.have vital inter- ests.at stake and wish .to._.pee the party.succeed:at the polls’in November..This body of men is not going to.¢ommit suicide.The mén who comprise it will .not -sup-port Mr.Taft as a matter of sen- timenut They are practical men, applying human nature and common sense to a political situation.’ oninaneatnppeensenstpaianeanteenentoee Aftera Nameteoil Trust, That_a trust.without a namie has ;item, 'Richmong Times-Dispatch.‘PENCI LS “tEverytimea—Con#resaman’dies|ea sas 2 in office it costs.the goviernmadnt FPar.tear thebest assortment ey 4about$9,500,The heirs are usu-|}_of Pencils inthecity.ially,allowed one year’s salary,$7,-'PENS::: 500;ands the other.$2,000 goes|M i * to burial expenses.oore's,Non-Leakable and‘Waterman’s Fountain Pens.BLANK BOOKS All kinds of Bound Blank Books .The House has.a contingent fund,| the.appropriation for the current| year being $75,000,-Whien not long| ago the sub-committee of»the ap- propriations committee took up the!and..Sheppard's Loose Leafungéntdeficiency’bill it-found a|f..°Systems.: request frem the clerk of:ihe House|PRINTING a ,= for $50,000 more.The principal:reason for thig .request was the’‘We are sure wé can meet yourfactthat(six’Congressmen’died needs.there too. Sineée the $75,000 appropriation,was 4madeThe€xpenses of their fux!}°©4080neralsand.of the’burial commit-State vill Pp ting C y tees,.-including transportation |s e rin 0.,im oS|charges,made a heavy draft on the Printing and Stationery,ie .4contingentfund.'..It ‘wns-exphain-518 South Center Street,hee BEecthat’it ¢¢s.more than $2,000.Statesville;N.C.esapiecetOpaysuitablehonors:to pi ::_ each dead Congneapman not includ~} ing the:extra’year’s salary.Usur| dilly transpertation.is the main| The House always .names) a committee to attend the funeral! and the government ‘pays ‘the trav- jing’expenses Of these,members. sf the deccused happened to be a CongresSman from a remote State, Roofing;Paints,Monuments,| Burrus’Metal Roofing,Gal-vanized Roofing,tin and gal- vanized Shingles with patent railroad charges ran high In one}}*lock.Roofing also‘has patent ;of the,late’cases the fares ran}Jock::. up to $1,500.The Hotse:.pays |f-Paint of all colors,turpen-tine,seer oil. Ta $400 or $500 for a casket,pays the officiating:minister,pays for mourn-ing decorations at the.house andi|1agent for monuments _ for like items.The:funerals ...of>made by Mecklenburg Monu- the six members referred to cost ment,Co.:about $13;000.\CS. HOLLAND.| Dec. - GET YOUR MONEY BACK! If-This Medicine Does Not Satistac-| torily Benefit’¥ou!| Practicing pliysi¢iais making al specialty of stomach troubles ..are}; Sewing Machines ss obtained control of 90 per cent./really responsible for the.formula :4of.the business.of manufacturing |from “which Rexall “Dyspepsia Tab-qand’seHing coaster brakes for bi-|lets dre made.We have simply oecyeles-and motorcycles and alarge |prefited bys the-experience—of——ex-4 - per centage of other.bicycle acctes-|perts \so i |-Repaired. sories;in violation of the Sherman |Our experience®with Rexall Dys-| is charged in in-|papsia Tablets.leads ts tO believe| diotmenjs handed down by a Fed-|thém to re an excellent remedy for| eral grand jury at Buffalo,N.Y.jthe relief-of acute indigestion and |J U.‘LAMPRECHT, There are eight’counts in the in-/chronie dyspepsia.Their,ingredients|]dictments)in which 18 individuals /are soothing and healing to |the |H|-;=109East Front Street.and six borporations are charged inflamed membranes of-the stomach||f}’Phone 61.“with conspiracy to restrain trade;They are rich in pepsin;one of ar at ‘ and “with attempting to monopol-the,greatest digestive aids °known =Lae i eoizethebusiness,“.*“lto medicine.The relief!they afford y 4ThefirmsindictedaretkeNewjis.almost.immediate,.Theit use Departure ©Manufacturing Company,;with persistency and regularity.for Corbin S¢rew”corporation,Aurora a short time helps.to bring ~about Maéhinery Company;Eclipes Machin-|a cessation,of the pains caused by eh _Coinpany,~.Miami.Cyele and |stomach disorders.:antlacturing Company,‘and Buts |Rexall ‘Dyspepsia,Tablets aid to a a “etal auras Company...~:-|insure fiearty appetiteaid digestion,My livery “aac.= ed that “representa-d 1ote nutriti As evidence ‘eer UG ate inthecity.\ae+6 eg at pate g Lo prow otenu rit,OD.i A.hae I have every.kind of vehicle aut ofzt firms in 1ves ‘Tar dc pk tbe bbeet bebh bhby dda de Oduh tk DES f li an lagreenrentt arbitrarily ‘fixing |pepsia®Tablets,-we ask you to’try 4 necessary Jor a city livery. priges and providjng a system of |them.at our risk:If they do not Horses and mules bought andpenalties“and:blacklists:No cot-i.give you entire satisfaction,we will sold.‘Have some mules now.::pores awe was Adopted,although |return’you tthe money:you:paid us on hand,Cash or timetosuit.Ce the alleged combination ‘has been|for them)without question or for-S.°>A ll d.,eeknownfethatradeastheAssocia|nrality.They come in three .sizes,|O an ::tion-of Coaster’Brake,Licensérs ||priees 25 cents,50 cents and $1.09,|Phone 3.Day or Night,.ae a ereemeen Renre mhe is “you can obtain..fhem EE SL GREG RCEAN TAN ‘:4ncoeiweantYOknow.eet Wee only at our\store The Rexall Stofe.-=-a u(LANDMARK,|The Stal tdpy flere €o.|.SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LANDMARK, abi .oo of ta e So g i p e g ae — am "{HELANDMARK| "FRIDAY,——January -12, teeterROHOHSHAPLCRDY ::dolph -Hearst, vy made ’ ‘select.their representatives.in-. ote was made unanimous.The ‘certified ~mittee. »ple space for promenardes,aisles, iTf'necessary ‘Supreme Court Annuls One 1912. DEMOCRATS SELECT BALTIMORE. National Democratic Convention‘.Will Be:Held There June 25. Washin Lon Dispatch,9th.~ »The nocratic national’‘commit- tee completed its work here todaywith‘the selection of Baltimore as. _eonyention:city.June 25 was fixedasthe-daté of the national.gather- ne when candidates for President and,Vice President:will be.selected.The Republicasi national conventionis‘tp be held in,Chicago June 18.— e Democrats adopted a ‘‘per-|. missive’primary resolution im con-nection with the call for delegates, and-such’States as have laws on, the subject,or re to do 80,Dee1e “by direct vote. be ‘Yiational convention.There:are 1,074 delegates to“chosen...:agg Ve -Harmony.marked *téday’s sitting of the committee which was giyen over,almost entirely to.the aggu-medts:of the representatives of.the Various cities bidding for the “con-|’vention.There was a.brief contro- ,versy ‘over’the,proposed ree ognition Of:the Progressive League clubs;. ‘au organization said to have grown out of”the’-Independence League “When,objection-.wat the question’of recognition owas deferred for four years.; National .Ghaitman Norman °E,! Mack was tiamed to head the sub- comunittee on arrangements ‘for the. eonyentién,.Vice Chairnian ~.Hall, William_..Ran-yin ter :‘MATTERS OF.NEWS. \‘George Neeley,--:“Demoorat,‘was Tuesday elected to vongress from.the seventh Kansas district.to suc. ceed the late Repesentative|Edmond ‘H.Madison,Republican. ‘Wisconsin's income ‘tax law;en-. acted by.the last Legislature,isheldconstitutionalby.the Supreme Court.,of Wisconsin.The-court:was Unanimous in its decision. ‘Coagressman Lloyd,of Missouri, hws ‘been re-elected chairman of the Democratic congressional*campaign committee and Congressman:Page, of North,Carolina,has been elected secretary,:fe Congressman Whiteacre,of Ohio, has declared for Gov.Wilson.for the Democratic nomination and says that Wilson wil .get votes from.) Dhio’-notwithstandius SA ur bi on’‘a candidacy.pa During.the cold snap last Sunday the mencury dropped @way below,ze- ro.in the Westenn States,.In~Ver- non,Kansit was22 below and tn, Missouri,Kansas and Oklahoma.*it ranped froth &to,22 Delow., >John’W.Guy,79 years old,the father of 32 children;is:dead’:uthishomeneat’Melfa,Va,Of Mr. Guy's 32,children,21.‘of.whom were.sons ‘and 11 daughters,23 are: still living,.the oldest,a’Soh,be- eZ 56 years |"The Masonic Order in the . jAt the.meeting of the’GrandLodgeofMasonsinRaleigh°this week ‘the report.of the secretary,john C,.Drewry,showed that the from 20,846 to.21,479 members,with six new.lodges established,Onily.one lodge was.Suspended,In 16 years Masonry.has increased 400 jer cent. in finances raised:and the member- Ship has grown from’9,84221,479. gregated $19,101..The report ‘for the thirty-ninth year of the Masonic|‘w ‘orphanage at Oxford showed an ene rollmént.of 316 and:a year of es- pecially gnatifying progress. .Ww.OB.MeKoy,*of ‘Wilmington, was eleéted grand yaster to suc- ceed R.'N.Hackett.The minorityvotewascastforF.M:Winchester,of Charlotte,who.wab..elected deputy.grand master.John’TT.Al- derman,-was elected:senior grandwarden,Frank P..Hobgood;Jir.,‘pe- nior grand deagon and Ay°*BY Ah- dire:Wa,Jr.,.junior :gratid deacon. There..were re-electtons of John} CC,Drewry as grand secretary,Leo D:Heartt rand treasurer,and [Ree Plato”Durham:grand 8 chap-haba Ry ‘Wednesday afterioon ‘the presen:| tation.to’the State of the marblebustofGovernorSamuelJohnston and the unveiling of it in a niche’ in-the—rotinda Of the.State House .AUCTION SALE OF OPEN ACCOUNTS, 1912,at 12 order bas)grown during the year} 10Thereceiptslastyear0 o'clock,noon,the following accounts will heatpublicauctionforcashatsaacourthouseville,/-D!‘North ¢Sarolina; Qe MONDAY,gANgARY 22, door in States es a c ak s a g es t e cr e e SS S R as e se k Alex.Grant,colored Statesville.JohnS.Gibsgn,StatesvilleR.F.D.,n,StatesvilleR.F,Dy Ww,a Lotha).Statesville,J.4.Murdgc sp u s w i n b l e l co n e Sa S n t a k s s e s = +. Bo s mo e an - oe es p e n i t t s Sh S 2 5 R e Se po — to e Se s s - A bill aataliliie a,measure’.to! be Adopted for the extension.of the growth of cotton in Turkestan \'has been drafted by the Russian minis- of .agriculture,-His desire’is io make Russia independent,‘of for- ejgu cotton,especially fiom-America. ‘of Nebraska,and Secretary Urey Woodson:of “Kentucky,will -be -ex- officio.members of:this stvb-commit- ‘tee aud there:will be,seven ddi-| tional members to be named.later by Mr.Mack.|:Baltimoreled in the.fight for) ‘the convention fromthe very :first, byt two'ballots were required:-befors St.Louis.succumbed.Then ‘the| by...& ihe}O5 |avs timore’bid,was accompanied check.for $100,000. convention,June Lynch,of Min- date of the Suggested by F:.B yresota,Was unanimous.The :first ballot.for.the ‘eonven- tion gave Baltimore25 yotes and St Louis 19,,,with scattering.votes for Deover;Chicago ‘and,New York. On the.Second ballot Baltimore had|29 votes,a ‘majority of .the,..com- and sufficient St.Louis went’u™to-22-votes. The conventign will be held °vin the Fifth Regiment armory,Balti-| more’s largest auditorium.The ar-) mory is‘an:imposing structure of granite and architectural experts say that it will seat comfortably than 12,000;persons,allowing am- 3 etc} the seating capacity can be inereased to more than 20,- 000.persons.Experts say the acoustic properties can be made .al-' most perfect.for a hall.of its size. Statute—Upholds Another. The United States Supreme Court Tuesday annilled the North Caroli-|} na statuce of 1905 which penalized| railroads for refusing to accept goods for inter-State comnierce.The court found the law’to be an “in- terference.with inter-State .com merce.F The constitutionality of the pen-| ‘alty law -swas raised when the| Southern railway was sued by,Reid and.Beam,of Rutherfordton,N..G, for -refusal to receive a carload of-' shingles for shipment to Scottsville, Tenn. The Gourt also decided that:Mrs.D,L.Reid,who was delayed’,for five days in getting the Southe rmrailway‘to receive her household 200ds for shipment from Charlotte,N.C.,40..Davis,W.Va.,was not en- titled to $250,as penalty.‘and $25 aS damages under the.statute.~ In this case the Supreme Court ¢f North Oarolina held that:the mere fact that the railroad had no; published rate utrder the inter-State commerce:laws from Charlotte to Davis and could,not ship.the goods without a fixed *public rate,did’not. excuse the-railroad.This opinion. was written by Jusice Hoke.Jiis-| tiet McKenna’wrote the opinion of the Federal Supreme|Court anpyl-| ing the law.::Tte inter-State com-| merce law forbids the railroads to} “engage’’in transportation of| foods until they had a fixed pub- lished rate.’“If the carrier obeys/ the State law,he incurs the penalty | of the Federal law,’’said the.Jus- “tice:“If he obeys the Federal law, he incurs the pénalty of the State ‘law.“Manifestly one authority.mustbeparamountand;when it speaks the other must be.silent.””‘The Federal law_of course.takes suprem- acy in inter-State matters. ‘Richéson Pléad~Guilty. A-plea of guilty of murder in the first degree Was made by Rév.Clarence V.T.Richeson in the.Su-} perior Gourt in Boston Tuesday and he was sentenced.by Judge San-| derson to death by electrocution some |.time during the week of May 19,|1912."Richeson had.pleaded otguilty,when atraigned after his in-dictment on the chirge of murder-|ing .Miss Avis Linnell,.of Hyan- nis,Mass.,his former fiancee,buttfollowingawrittenconfessionmade|’Saturday last he retracte 2 |d that plea |tween di!erent.,elementsand.made.a formal plea of guilty.It,is understood that ameybemadeto,Governor Foss and |the executive coliticil -of the State‘o cammute the death sentence ‘to|,Imprisonment.for life. a Harmon and Swanson:Correspondence of The Landmark, Shakespeare Bays ‘A rose by any |cther name would smell as Sweet?Yet there are two names that sound|Harmon ous,\pweet and plaintivesthe:Swansoh note:Harmon..andanéonfor1President.and "Presiden ened State...*' 7,ST RQHECK BR, aN.é(——eenpeineen »John Reynolds,of Canton, x Barixm. Hay-‘.wood-Seounty,was foiind dead op The more |M., was |beat the |due:to.the lenmity.certain »>btheState| |republic, ,of foreign affairs in |Yat Sen’s cabinet. |years, to jcultar ° j have |burley petition | hincluding Mr’Bryan’s and Mr il- \son's,was harmony,and uni 80 if jadmirably |Hon-egser‘tials 1 C ~Ohtide lice, ;upon a solic; Vice| Mrs,Grover.-Cleveland,,.whosehusband,the.late President—Cleve- land,signed the original bill -pro- viding ‘for the ‘creation of national forests,has been -elected.a life mem ber of the American Forestry Asso- jclation, Dr, cago; of his “of Chi- mavrder Webster, Hlgin:Webster, trial for ,the Bessie Kent Harry. facing- wife, Bale.)“withtoday plead guilty to the crime jot which.-he is accused in the court ‘of Ogle county,Oregon:.While.no jagreement was made with the.prose Veution,Dr.Webster hopes to ¢Scape }with a sentence to life imprisonmen Clarence.L:Racine,Li?years old, |killed his mother,Mrs.Louise Ra-' cine,with a butcher.knife’at:Mil- ford,Mass,set fire ‘to the house jand then.finally "stabbed himself:| Wednesday,The blaze’was extin- guished by firemen with little —loss. bey is.believed:to have”been temporarily insane..He-died ‘in a Short.time : Mrs,Kate Carpenter:and her mother,Mrs.Davis,were.killed .and H.Carpenter,a wealthy’farmer, probably fatally injured by a bund of live or six white’mén that wonien to death.and’left thé man for.dead at the-Carpenter heme tear Blytheville,Ark:,Sunday } night.’The attaéks are said tobe men in neighterhood bore Carpenter. The Chinese assembly of thé new in.session at Nanking,has voter the introduction of a gold standard modeled on that of Japan. If elso approved a bond issue of |100,000,000 taels (approximately $70,000,000).Wang Chung Wei has accepted definitely the:portfolio President Sun Kight“stéel moulders met a hor- tible Geath and+11 others were se- rionsly injured ©Tuesday by the bursiing of 4 gun mould at the soverhment naval:arsenal near Am- goulmeme,France.While the work- men Were pouring the:metal for the casting:of a big gun into the mould,the gases “emanating from it caused a terrible explosion.and the ‘meu surrounding the»mould were enveloped in the mass,of hot metal- ‘After’a lapse ofmore than ten ‘American troops are again enter China.They are-to aid in keeping ope the’railroad from Peking to the sea:Im the course ofeightorninedays500regular.in- fantry ‘will be disémbarked at the little Chinese port .of Chinwangtdo. The movement was:ordered after ma- ture consideration of the policy’in- volved in landing American troops nm a foreign country under the pe- conditions:now existing in|hina, In an.opinion rendered eiunati,.Judge Hollister, iPederal court,held -that entered into’«by.the Burley at Cin- of the contracts To- |baceo Society with the purchasers of the pooled burley.tobaceo,were in violation of the Sherman anti-trust liw in that part which concerns in-ter-state commerce.The suit wasbrought‘by a Cincinnati tobacco. company for damages alleged been sustained in the —pool-ing and selling of the 1907 crop.oftobaccoatWihchester,Ky.The imattér of damages will be de- termined by a jury. Feast. Greensborc |The Banquct Was a.Love W ashingto n Dispatch to News Kiverybody seems,to be delighted |with the outcome of the -Jackson |Day -banquet.It’was not only:a jharmonious meeting,but ‘it.was a ‘love feast ald.everybody -predicts it will-do a great good jn bringingaboutabetter:understanding —be- in the party. The keynote of-all-the speeches, as tb present enemy. a solid.front to.ha Judge Parker expressed’it when he,said thereunity’in essentials,©tn liberty and in”alk things charity..-Wes The speechesbreathed a spirit,of: ‘Ppredivated,of course, front.and the elimina= tion’of irritating differences in the rauks of tne party,If the+‘spirit|of this meeting is any~index to the|feelinig among ‘Democrats,those .inoepattysnd-out of the party wholookedforfactional’differences”amdjiuternecinewarfarewillhegreatly sliould be. the!railroad track near.Asheville Seen ted.Wednesday.Supposed to have.beenrun'over by a train.A \ n‘Give THE ‘the committee to ‘the girand; ‘Hackett, reached ;money tojj was:attended by elaborate’cere- monies..Past Grand.Master.Francis/ D.‘Winston presented the bust for| lodge, Master was| Con* it.being.received,by»Gpand Johnston’s “caréer strikingly reviewed Dy R..D!W. nor,and the |presentation .,to,‘the| State.was.by “Chairman J.Bryan| Grimes,of the State historical ¢om- mission,and acceptance by ‘Governor Kitchin. Sold $60,000 Worth of.Ranges ‘Iredell? Ww Liens Chronicle, “@ne of therrange men they ‘came from lredéll county,here-——is ‘quoted las saying:that they sold >$60,000 worth’of :ranges.in Iredell county. They are doing a livély -business intheStateofWilkesalong’.now.One satésman>says he has, aged:selling ‘tl ranges”per:week, The $60,000 ‘mark will soon in Wilkes.And all is sent:yout‘of the out ‘of the reath.of our own ple,who badly need it,while in this peo- money here at home .and the money would be left here in reach.of our own people to help,build’up Wilkes;county. {The Landmark doubts if $60,-) 000 worth.of ranges were sold.,in iredell but more than enough wer sold —The+Laagrerhs} vemos 1 John Chambers,colored,Statesville, ayer-| be) county | these| ranges could be bought for half the a SS S E R R Se o w Re ee ! Bs t > sé Se a l ae la n Sr a StatesvilleR,F,DA,Dock Potts,colored,Statesville,tJohnSteeld,colored,Statesville R.F;D.4, G.W.Taylor.Statesville.ee :A.'L..Vaughan,Statesville,syi..D Watts,Statesville, George,Weaver,Statesville. ‘DUE.J.P.se .W:James;Taylorsville,|j 'Idhn MeNeely,‘colored,S aeyeGeorvieChurch.StateavitlearMoore,Statesville R,F. J,3°James,Statesville,°} ee DUB 8..B.MILLER: W.W.Kerr.guard on chain gang.te yu Davis,color Statesville,Jim Steele,Statesville,: x DUE Si,“M,&:H.SHOE Co: H.W.Bradner,“SighPoniBill‘Davis,colored,Matesvi'lle,7 Eccles,colored,'Statesyille:.E.Cloer,Statesville, Arthur McDowell,Statenville,|Jim Smith,colored,Statesville,ye|Bert Summers.colored,Statesville,/ |Will Wasson,coloted,Statesville. DUE SLOAN CLOTHING co: Co.B.Boat,Statesville,, Willis Dixon,statesville,Kemp Dixon;Statesville, ie F.Gillespie,Statesville, DUE JOHN A WHITE J...W.Allen,Statesyille,|Gus:Brown,Statesville, Sherly Summers,colored,Statesville, A:J.Weaver,Statesville, él C;Clontz,Winston-Salem Stamper,Ostwalt,me Mrs.W.L,Cutting,Statesvill it; tieevry Hart,colored,,Stateaville, |Tone Thompson,colored,Statesville,/ AL.Bost,Statesville,. es Granger,Statesville, Rev H.B Bennet,Mockaville, - Cook Smith,Statesville,Jim Smith,Stateaville,|Thos Thompson,Stateaville,GM,Wilkerson,Stateaville,\Harvey Young,Statesville,;Will Cook,Statesville,John Morrison,colored,Stateaville, DUE W.H,AL LISON: E--Cloer;Statesvitte,P.Gallagher,Statesville R:F.D 4. HE S E E S E S S SS S R U S = : Ch o -bP eS L > oS J;$3007Cc10.Ma DUE.STATESVILLE HDw,&HARNESS’CO: J,T.Cashion,Statesville,iR.A.Galliher,Troutman,J.A.Gallaher.Troutman R.F:D.2J.D.Tucker,Statesville,D.A.Warren,StatesvilleR.F.DB 6.E.V.Privette,Statesville, DUE THE WHITE60. L:C,Mullis,Harmony, DUEC.B,MORRISON: |A.A Privett,Statesville,~‘Jule Carrigan,Statesville,: iB,orits Henry,Stateaville,|A.M,Shoemaker,Statesville.* |StatesvilleMerchants’isis Weatherman,&Van Hoy,REET Dec.22 ‘ Na matter whe:gets:to ‘be President,”even if.“Pedy”Boss iin again,you will need todeénée your front-vard,gar-|‘den or farm,|The most economical and substantial fence‘on the market today:is the Pittsburg |Perfeot:We ‘havejustunloadedabigcarandareinpositiontonaineyou@averylowpriceolthisfence,a ours ‘truly.i. 3 Lazenby-Montgomery.HardwareCo. “Have Your ——| ee WITH AAAI ‘HIGHEST QUALITY MATERIALS - THE STORE,OF.QuaLiTy 2s | Statesville Drug Co.,PRESCRI PTION ISTS. |—=Sale Every Saturday “Auction Sale Our inventory shows that we have double the amount of Clothing,Shoes,HatsandFurnishingsweshouldhaveat’this season of year,and we still have a consid-erable stock of Dry Goods,Ladies’and Children’s Shoes,Ladies’Ready-to-wears.These lines we mean to discontinue and are desirous of closing them out quickly.With this enormous stock on hands at this season of ‘euad we feel iprene to dosomethingTheentirestockgoesonsale Friday,January 12th,and Lasts Until March Ist, Thirty-three and one-third per cent will beiven ‘off on all Men’s and Boys’Suits,Separate Pantsand Overcoats.ed Suit,newest style,$15.value,for $10.The 33 1-3 applies’to anany Suit,‘CoatandPantsiinstock. Nothing rese | Think of anall wool well tailor- ing,Shoes,Hats and uction ‘Sale on T hird Floor EVERY SATURDAY from 1 until 4 o'clock. Millinery.Will enumerate a small portion of what wewill offer during this two-monthssale,giving you anideawhatyou'can fave by making cash purchares during this sale:f This floor will be seated id a portion ‘of it roped‘and reserved for.ladies who will be looked after by ushers,so every,one will be seated and all merchan.dise that 1s-offered for sale will be passed down the aisles so.you can seé exactly what you are buying.-‘We mean to put up some real good merchandise,snch ‘as Ladies’.Suits,Coats,Skirts,Sweaters,Cloth: ie All 75c:Shirts,Vests,Underwea All 50c.Shirts,Vests,Underwea All 25c.Shirts,Vests,Underweéa All 15c.Shirts,Vests,Underwea-All06€=Shirts,ete.3 for All $5 Florsheim ShoesAll$4 ShoesAll$3.50 Shoes All $3.00 Shoes All $2.50 Shoes All $2.25 Shoes © ..—GLOVES. All $2.50 GlovesAll$2 00 GlovesAll$1.50 Gloves All $1.25 GlovesAll$1.00 Gloves *CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. All $1300Shirts,Vests,Underwear,etc.,82c. MEN’S AND BOYS’SHOES. Alt $6-and $6:50 Edwin Clapp Shoes All cheaper grades sane reduction. All 75c.Gloves “All 50c.Gloves 62c. 42c¢. She25 r,etc., r,etc., r,etc, r,-etc, Stetson’s. nw PV w$ o s count here.pd 5c..and 10c.Laces,—oY } Gingham, One case 8é,se s s e r s yard, $1.981.49 1.15 98c. 82c. lengths, value, Big job in 35c.and 50c GlovesAllHatsandCapsreducedexcept John B, Remember 33 1-3off on all Clothing. BASEMENT. It's our aimto discontinue all Dry Goods, Ladies’and Children’SSuOEs. 10c.and 20c.Embroidery,: One case 10c.32in.fine Gingham,, Two cases 15c.32 in.fine Zephyr Apron Bingham : One caseBundle Outing,less than 4c. One case 10c.Outing,5.to 10.we One case Bleach Canton,10c.to i2c,° All Dress Goods and Silkshalf price.All Ladies’25c.Shirts and Pants All Ladies’50c.Shirts and Pants.=39c.All Boys’25c.and 35c.Shirts and Pants 22c: All Ladies’and Children’s Sweaters one-third to one-half off.: One bale 5c Sheeting,'‘ All Quilts and Blankets reduced. LADIES’COATS,ETC. $3.00,$4.98,$6.50,$7.50 will buy Suits that sold from $7.50 to.$25.See ‘them.They are all values.All Skirts one--third to one-half ‘off,all good styles. :whLong oats one-third to one-half off. All Shirt Waists one-third to one-half of*.|MILLINERY,RIBBONS AND ‘SILKS. Can you use.a Hat?Look them.over>The.price will be low enough.Plenty of good}styles to select from.All fancy:Ribbons and Silks cost down to half pri¢e.—Gi :BuyStandard Patterns for:{6c.,formerprice15c.New line each month:‘No -better barternsinthecityfor15c, Remember 33 1.3 off on allclothing. 62c. 40c. 2c. Shc.yd. The priceswill: 2c.yd, 5c.yd. 64c.yd: 10c.yd. 5e.yd. 98c.buridle. ne 1 93) a; .,SALE BEGINS FRIDAY,JANUARY.12th,and lasts nntil March Ist_tised,for apot cash Seer Come every day during sale.Everything sold as adver.Plenty for all..The Ohvicest Whge first.a reapectfolly,—Ve. Pr,S.Remember 33,1-3 off on all Clothing. oa:he Re Mz.“Knox Company. LAN.trial MARK,su bseription,60 agree:sogeybe iY as4X, ’Baby Boy of Mr.and Mrs.Gillespie ‘Burned Saturday Died in,a Few:Hourg. Ollie T.Gillespie,Jr,6'x-months ol son of,Mr.andMre..0.T,,Was sa badly burned Saturday :morn:ug betweeoO 8and 9nomeofhis“pa:ents on Bl, street,that he died about noon the Gillespie and her ‘two:chilé,a little:girl’apout ‘twe years oh atid the baby boy,.were at.home.=“alone,eee the horrible affair’»Glkesple,wito conducts had-gone’to-his eirk and Mre.‘Gillespie placedbabyit'a go~art.while che dress: “BitsSiethen. poom alone while]of’the day.bring |the,officé about 49 operatives from |curred im Statesville eight or im ee theTete the children in the he went tu the kit,hea ta Hitt girl her breakfasiad ‘beard.the’ba,yjack*to’“the.re hatrifiedy-19 find.the,g0-cat Daly enyesued in f.enild -Ravhig.in worcently pt bhed the |w mes,the élder ite |wouldramwould ‘announce their decision later The } time | :prec ious ace upaeut huppened~to be.passing ‘en.from ‘the go-cart and rolled in| to smothér the 4 same time the: garme iis..were being- body by the mother dnjiGillespiethenran with Neely,next ‘door, reinisa went:into the.Gillespie»rex pamoake extinguished fhames which; were spreading over the floor of the the carpet and floodr having been ;orains o-cart Bue r ‘of the ieartending ak ‘paherine y did what’they aula the suffering i bioken |mother; Mr physicians answered calls and the : al-attention,hut it wae for realized from the sn foehag that the were burns:would possible ‘was sane erelieve ita put-Hbout |will affect them very So terribly burned was the bab form was charred ~ head to foot and:flames had be en hours and’pay. questienable fatal. News of.the spread rapidly there were exp -esiions of sympathy for the young parents." services’.were ahd on every conducted |Gave and the burial was in Oakwood cemetery More About the Poultry Show. which will pan cee ‘@ poultry im Statesville February é decided to arreange for the exhibition Con hent for show ¢c0oBs,has ‘been (Bas also deuided |tolStatesville OPERATIVES:STRIKE, Trouble on Account ;of Reduction in;Hours of Tabor and Reduced ‘Pay...4 \ Operatives in the spinning Hand “ard rooms of.the Statesville Cot-ton Mills,to the nuthber of about 30,.struck:Saturday moruing ..be-} ‘cause their demand:for'.60 hours> per week,six days’and ‘same.pay. as for 66 hours),was not ee The last Legislature passed© haw that Mnahufacturing plants caneHotworkbut#0 hours a..week and ipie daw.Went,into.effect January |t rT,1912.The>Statesville ‘Mil‘éshad been working 66 per.week.*.Friday:at.tioon Frekéh announced ‘that the: MILL hour Supt: leftywountl shut dow”torehe-br After he had gone jthe:spinning and card ‘rods éalled | on hitm and wanted to:kiow what |he-was..going-to:do about the :60- ‘hour per.week,law.He asked.them| |what they wanted.and their reply| was 60 hours,six’days.did same |\pay.‘He told.them ithe mill..men, meet that.aftérnoon and he: lin theInatter \being.Represent tatives,Of tire'Cottom.Mills,‘Paola Cotton Mills, Bloomfield Manufacturing Co.and the,Turner Mills°Company met Fri-ay afternoon and degided’to the week:jo 54%days,60 hours This méant fewer hours a week by $ix hours:and alsy a”half-day ‘re-duction in pay a.week to those who eived pay by the day.’ fo #o into.effect,after this oi ‘then all the mills were Mllaw full pay —for ‘six days,.60 ‘hours When this decision was ane nounced Saturday nforning ..those who were not willing ‘to aecept’it refused to work and,became rathernoisy,Supt.French .was noétified nd he,Deputy Sheriff.Ward .and Miller’went,over to the’mill and quieted the crowd,by telling allwhowantedtoquittohandJin.their names,“and they would receive their’pay,Saturday,at noon.About 40 handed -in‘their namés but,whet noon came only 30 were on their money,‘Those who quit given until,tomorrow.to.va- cate the company’s houses : The “mill people.say the little and a few days.the.places of the strik- ers will be tied and the mill will ‘be running normalNoticeofthenew.schedule of was posted in the Bloomfiel atid Paola mills yesterday. The number of strikers at the .Statesville Cotton Mills dwindled to yesterday and places of twelve others were filled. Oysters That *Pearl.. it:develops that’a Hickory received a’very valuable.gift disguise hors when":--q}Lville gentlemen sent her ‘modest Christmas |present West,of the Thempson-West pany,of Hickory,is a friendMessrs...J.F..Bowles and'C.’S.Tomlin,two of Statesville’s leading’ traveling mén,and Christmas.thegentlemensenthima day or ended hextthere morning for the Statesville ~week. to ‘25 Comained a lady in couple of:States- “husband,a Mr Com- and award,the vixen Simmons ts rec- ‘Tookh,BoUltehinee ~method”rather than | show is to te buen to everybods, held primarily growers of the an.active:interest management cof the show ake entries as well. nd farmers’wives in chickens,turkeys,|tion for pardon sever alweeks ago and other.fowls which prove prize winners if put-in prop-||sheriff placed on ‘exhibition| New prizes are being| added to the list:daily and many of| _tion and take MA aud |received from Many farmers|pardon er Shape ‘and at the show. the alyortisitie gadived hit the prize|lburg Winning poultry will be worth more. Young Woman's Narrow Bscape. Sheriff Deaton.is in who recently made an lady,nas a wife atNorth was about to.wed thamking him for Werneag her against ene:manriage. has returned to Indiana, has been.»living The are oat are makinig:further:in- into.his cageCouttitofrumorsthathehas awite in,\the “West. Sherrill-White |Shoe Company. .White and Fred. ‘who‘last week bere ‘theS08businessOf,Mile; decided to ‘conduct the busi- ness under the firm name of >Sherrill-White Shoe Company,whentheytakechargeFepruary1st. :\whoras béen with Mr. Miller the.past few years,.will con-‘tinue with the new fikm>fo:months at least,whilé Mr.)Arthur probably take .a posi- veling salesman for a Shoe compan gaton—can—of-oysters asa gift:+k owt m1tbertson, the tablepreparingtheoystersfor sub-Mrs.West’came upon a hard jstance’’which she preserved and later.discovered to be an’oyster pearl.|The :pearl was submitted _;to a local jeweler who declared it to be.the largest he had ever been. [A few days ago it was-sent‘to‘a ispecialist for examination ‘and Messrs.Bowles and.Tomlin been:advised ‘by Mr.West that they ‘unknowingly sent him a.precious ;stone worth from 250.to $300. |tredell Convict Pardoned. Attorney,Homer Benton yesterday Governor Kitehin-forWinfield.fefferson,white, |lor whom Mr.Benton.made applica- |The pardon was turned over to Ithe and Jefferson was released jfrom jail before noon. Jefferson was sentenced.at July term:of Superior,Court lyea'r om the.chain.gamg for .at- |templ at criminal assault inSharpes- tow,nship,.The_sentenceifirstmadetwo—years,but. {Daniels later reduced ‘the to one year. at.work with the gang in’north rede;tetferson was ~hurt—by—a |falling tree and has since been in jail here while his wound was un- dey treatment...He had;an axe in ‘his hand ‘when:the tree ‘fell on him and the blade of the axe cut a to Judge severe gagh -on his leg,which—has not.yet healed.His pardon.was recommended hy,the-judge,sol- citor and county officers. Mr.Reid to,Go to Charlotte. Mr.R.'R.Reid,who a few-days ago sold his interest in the White- Reid Hardware Company to Mr.C:R:,Stimpson,of Lovisbirg,will turn his attention to his livéry business in Charlette,which has been under the management of his son,Mir.D.LI.Reid,arid has increased to_such extent thatthe.service of ‘Poth.fae ther-and son wre demanded:in itsconduct.While Mr:Reid will goto Gharlotte within n few days to-take " up his ,»work there,he.will retain his tesidence in Statesville for.‘a ‘time ‘ard his family will.remain inStatesville,Mi.<Reid:moved.to Statesville:‘from his farm in Olin township about two years:ago:He 3 a good citizen and hig departure|c }is a source .of egret.iy ee ee Ly prive se OMe | >mill) }to} htwo other children survive, pler |mother ut: This was. hand| Ed.Waite, “ptirike’ fh} and,undiscovered by,the do-. of} i Mt havePp last | a} was | sentence | Some:weeks ago while aeMRS.J.M.‘CARTER ©DEAD. ‘day From =Atlanta—Mr,' of Statesville;and °Mr.>1ofTreutanan,Answer,Last’fittm- mons-——Othey Deaths.PUT Ae Messages’have’beer!”received”dn |Statesville from Mr,:C:.P.Carter, of Norfolk,Va.anhomneing:.the death of.his,‘mother,.Mrs.)Ji.M Garter,~in Atlatita Saturday,and %:stating >tipat the lremains would ar-| in.Statesville this morning on the 9.5D.train’fram Charlotte!to:be. taken direct:from:the railway ‘Bta:| tion to Owkwood cemetery for inter: /ment ‘heside the.grave.of her’. |husbat d.:Mrs...Carter vhas been making her home in Atlanta’with the death of Mr. x Carter,which 06- ten years ago!(The faliifly—modvéed:to Statesville a.short time before Mr. iCartér's feath from their fanm two miles morth.of town.-In addition to Mr.C.P.>Carter,of ©:Norfolk, natiiely’, Mr-Fo- her‘iatter’hias with Ailanta. The been ia ae Mr.James Harvey:White |died Friday morning about-41t~o‘clock at- his.home on Race street."He had been an invalid a:long ‘time but his condition did not become critical uh til about,12 hours before .death. luneral >services,were conducted ‘from the’resjdence Saturday after- noon.by the pastot of the deceased, Rey,J.H.Pressly,of the First,As-| socjate Reformed .church,and.the intermént:"was in.Owkwoed ceme- tery « ‘Mr...White Japied White, was born and réared|on the old Ww hite place southeag,|T2me Lcmperatures bein reported |ment from the State to seven. of town and ws the last.surviv- ing member of thé family:He was years old and had lived in Statesville probably 15 ‘Years.i H served ‘in.#heConfederate army as a member of company .B,Second North Carolina cavalry,and .was a prisonér at Point Lookout when the war ‘closed.Surviving 'him are widow and.six -children,namely: 62 Mese's.J.Rees White and Richard| White,Mesdames George Henkel and J.Sdunders.and Miss Mary Lou White,all,of Statesville -and Mr. who lives at Davidson. ‘Neill “Alison;anknowncitizenof early,Sunday ‘Mr.Amdrew aged and.well Troutman,died ing, fot some years paralysis suffered hastened his ‘a few days.ago death.The funeral service and burial took place yester- day.*fternoon at Perth church,of Which the deceased was a:.mem- ber,the pastor ,Rev.'J.Meek:White; tondicting the serviee,.Mr.—Alli- sou wa3 80 odd years old and was reared in thePertth church communi- ity,where be.lived up to the time he moved to Troutman a few years ago,-His wite died ‘three or.four years (azo.Surviving are daughters,Mre.-J;M..Haitheox Misses.Eivie and Fannie Allison,and one sou,Mr.Wm.Alison " The remains of:Miss Mary Doug- las Thompson,of Lenoir,were laid to rest in the graveyard at old Cen- tre church,néar Mt:Mourne,Fri- day,with funeral seryices by Rev. and ‘about 1 Of. late: ae Carter-“and Mits Annie’Car+7 W46 ‘a .s9D of thelate + ai. MOTH 4, He had been in failing health} and a stroke of three =:== A SEVERE COLD SPELL, Remains Brought to Statesville To-|Coldest Weather of the Season Bat-White,|ison,|Sunday. that urday Night and Tt isn’t news.to saySeverespellofweather t ten.days,ago,with’the ¢ ment of snow and:sleet,' the climax:of severity Saturday: nighy,but."peeple’,waht to’reads it Auehoe,*a Saturday.inornin ¢. wihfle..the snow,was te mperatu re we IW ik e er Was the coldest:in ‘several years, M hile;thermometers varied,Prof. ..Matt.Thompson who keeps, erovernment weather record,r that the lowest temperature record; snow felllight..the f (ag somethingw fa ped hin the-24—lrday evening’te Sunday’. wash abdve’zero, Was -23,..Yesterday-foretioon modérated.somewhat. terday--afternoon, was alniost if not altogether as.cold| Saturday night. fturday night.the ate severe that people’with.plenty \fuel and clothes:and warm,skepl comfortable with difficulty. add:+to the troubles water a ers were SundaySe ple ter on’the job 1early al]:day The attendancé‘on church ryices wag limited.and .few peo-went abroad exeept asd mat! ot necessity.; Suow.fell again Sunday ‘but net enough to make a’showing on the gfound..The snow.of Sat- urday was fine”for sleigghing and hany *«intprovised sleighs?were ibroa.d : The cuid spell ‘was general;—ex- ronr Caroltir ‘gc neralGust than in uoithern New England to the The:snowfall was and at points in this aud.south,was mueh' Statesville-and at vest o*here oe The iowest’temperature d was 26*below at Northfield,-Vt.,while at Jacksonville;Fia,,it,}was 28 sbove Navigatioa,railfoad 'ravel and even telegraph sefvice®were delayed on account’of theweather,and’in the cities .there was,#reat..-suffering among’the poor.{ ACEIDENTS “AT MOORESVILLE. Sie State heavier points Some Hurt By Falls on the Ice— Officers—OtherBanks News.*:.":: Correspondence ‘of kage Landmark. Mooresville,Jam.15- @d that many birds \and Elect .oer tune it W.L.Cook,whose misfor-. was to have his collar bone |||||| thie:tit begah’| ompani- reee Hed.| amd: viorth| Saturday.night the weathed a ai. ¢xille ROE?Dp,8; a,reontinuallyreports ter. evening, atid the highest| ‘the however,’the iteeporeties again fell and;last nigh’ was,£0 of}houses Pa} pipesMrozeinnumeroushomesand.plumb-The ’afte oe algo|the report- |Some ~It is report- TH K (‘ENSU 8 _PMPLA YES (OUT. |North ‘Carolia’s Guota.Reduced to! Seven—Mr. Important uae ft..Has Mr,Webb—| Thinks ‘ Bills”.By, Carolintian.. Cathoun’s a Jane, ington News,.he Gorre spondénce of ‘The “Landmark, Jt wn “Messrs.T. |Rintey vay TS -epherd:sand Wes: Cleceocts Of «North "Wilkesboro,| weres W.ashington visitors thi$:week. Mr.Blaine,Putterrow,‘of,north:tre.epee,JA,Absher,of.States. are in’the city:falling ‘here.almost ourink.the ‘week.'anc {the weather has been getting cold- grradually,Until the temperatureTréeachédthreedeirecsbelow:zero. this:morning early Six men ‘are.employed.to ramoye snow from the streets“today, cold has caused‘much:suffering in the'city and the,various charity or-| |ganizations are being kept busy:try- ing to relieve some of the most ur- [pent cageg, Your correspon dent ihade inquiry at:.the oftice of the appointment clerk®of«the>.cerisus bureau today: with .a-view to ledrning how “many ao “Washington; Stow has i by clerks.frony North Caroling have! “en retained in,the .sService The,following information Was “given:by Liaf office:The State was.entitled to"#:clerks im the beginning,that humber.being the proportion basis of 3,000 clerks to be employ- ed...There were 77 eligibles in the ,State,-all of whom ‘were offered em- ployment;-“of.that nunvber 68 .re- ported for duty and 9 declined |ap-‘polntment:,Prior to January 10 34 were dismissed ‘and.on.thi ut date “more ‘went,reducing apportion- Thetotalnumber'of temporary clerks at beginning of the office work in connection:‘with the Thir- teenth .census was 3,030;which now reduced to ‘about 300 ‘Congressman Doughton has been informed:by the bureau of soils that as a result of his efforts to get the .department,.to make a soil suf- Vey of Ashe county _it is hoped that the survey will be made early ‘in the summer.=A similar survey of Cabarrus’county,has been-contplet-ed and the advance’sheets (giving valuable information to farm- ers and the people generally have been printed,--Prof>Whitney,chief ai here lof soil surveys,promises Mr.Dough-trucks were ton that an effort wil}be made reach sible.. Congressman Webb has introduced| two:important bills in the to the people of the entire State. One ‘was introduced in April during| the special.session andbrokenlastweekbyfallingon.the beiore the judiciary committee sinceice,is able again. Messrs.M.W Tan and.W.P from Raleigh, to be ‘on?the streets White,-C.A.Trout- Drew have retimed | where they attended the Grand Lodge of Masons.C apt. Lovell;of Boone,.is:visiting daughter,Mre.Jz-W.Brawley Little Miss Rena Brown,«daugh- ter of J Houston Brown,while walk- ing Gn the ice’several.days ago, fell and:broke her«shoulder blade. Mrs.J..E.Sherrill sustained only a-slight bruise when she‘fell .on the.ice last.week.--It.was.first re- his that time.It provides for the pre- vention of violation’of the prohibi- oR laws in the States by shipping |~ to}liquors.into prohibition used in violation of State .laws .Webb thinks Congress can ‘at St go that far with such ‘legis- violating.inter-State territory le iation--without commerce regulations bill introduced.by Mr provides for‘makjng the Another Webb today |pleading and practice of thaFederal of!courts practice Oo the eoincide with the rules and procedure jn:the courts| State in.which the!Federar or Mooresville, Miss Thompson was 4 daughter of ‘Mr:J.H.Thompson,formerly.‘of Mourne,now residing in Le noir,She owas.-28 yeare old and |died at her home in Lenoir last Wed- jnesday after an illness of a year. Surviving are her parents and one brother and the:father.and broth- ;er accompanied the .remainsto their last resting place.They passed jthrough Statesville Saturday or the}return to Lenoir.: |>|Mr."R.Reece,of.Cool Spring town nip,has been advised of the death %f his brother,Mr.“Billy” 2 Reece,who lived.in.Missouri..Mr. Reece was reared in the Hampton- ville community;near.the Iredell- Yadkin county line and.has been in the West about 40.years.He wis in (the neighbo hood*of §80 years fold.“Myr..A.R:Reéce is’now the Only garyiving member of the family. The five-months-old ‘baby of Mr, land Mrs.J..B Orren,of Troutman, died Sunday and)-was-buried yes- terday afternoon at Bethel cliurch. The child had never been strong but its death was ‘rather sudden and |Pemaect ad. ‘Church:Tegfhs.sf The ‘Ladies’Aid Society of the First Presbyterian church will meet this afternoon at “4 o'clock with Mrs Uk White “at.‘her home on Front ‘btreet.; Rey,R.-P.Eubanks,of States-ville,has accepted a call to the rectorship of the Wpinsonal-eturch atLexington,and will hereaiter give a portion of his timfe to that aa ees He will ¢ontinue us rectorTrinityEpiscépal,church and other charges,“ini the:county andoecontinuetoxfein.States- ville. he Landmark ‘is asked to.an- ndutice that there will be choir pracy tice at Trinity Episcopal chutch ev-ery Thursday night under the.di- rection of Mr.Thurman.It is “the/ desire of the rector that a choir a young ‘people ‘be organized..and the young people of thé ‘congrega-, tion are urged to attend the prac- tices.‘aieia San A dispatch from Peking’ abdication of the Hm is.ex- pected to take place wipin threedaysbutevent&é,may octur to ‘give ce the }the oe anew —of life,; a 3 \:Whe 4 | oohPtVib ‘ers’of.the ported-that sie was sertousty injure ed.ee :At a meeting of the stockhold- ers of the First National Bank:last Tuesday the annual ‘election of ficets took place.After being élected the old board of elected‘the.old officers with 0.Goodman,president,W. ton.vice president,Cc.P cashier,_C.F.Melchor: cashier,and J.F. Ore : At re- Geo. C.‘Johns- “McNeely, assistant stockhold- -Merchants aid Farm- ers Bank,held’last Monday,.the old officers were re-elected with E.W.Brawley president,D.BE.Turner Vice president,H.'D.Mills* ier, ber ,Miss: ographer. At the ‘semi-annual the stéckholders of the t a meeting of the Bessie Flowets sten-| meeting:of Mooresville Officers and directors, i.ferrill president, mat secretary Lrawley,;J.P:Mills,.S$.A.:I T.J.Williams and J.L. re-elected.The usual dividetid of 4 per cent. who are Geo.C.Goods and treasurer,KE.W- Semi-annual was declared, +Clothing Can Be Used,—— ‘The severe weather has caused more or less suffering’among poor:So far the,Benevolént Relief Association auswer ull calls except.for clothing. There‘is need for.clothing for in- dividua'ts and bed clothing. who will donate -either kindaskedtonotifyMre.A.L presideiit,cf the assocéation,‘phone! 1086,or send the clothing to her residcuce,346 Walnut ,street.,It.ts. Sugresied that-the..merohitits’who are having cledring sales may—haye Some saiticles.they will donate‘While the”asgociation lids so far been ohle to relieve those Mave applied for aid, TcouTt of-| directors |tread Dorrah bookkeep-| tr jhe “was running a and that one day an old*negro wo-| cashoT Mort?McKnight ‘assis fant cash-|to her Cotton Mills held’today the present| J.'|came sowrance,price Harris were the cane, f-*says he—wilt*givethe-cane- who |severely injarred. if the sever@ \ing the famous statesman,but Bays are Dela,sera B.Worseley,a.Confelerate Vel Vilie t March,*is exhibiting an luceresting walking.cane the public buildings here.The cane is ot Thahogany and is rather At the top is a hound’s head ‘neat- ly carved and just below the hound’s is a Silver band very much re- senbiing a -dog’s collar On ban]is the name ‘J.C,Cakhoun,' {‘“Vorseley’says that.he got the cane in 1889 while attending the -ex- position’atCharleston,S.C.“-Hé ‘says cane pack.there |Mah came ‘to him and told him that she had a cane that once belonged “Ma ’She gave her name as.Aunt Mary Calhoun.Mr.Worse- ley made inquiryand was informed that the old.:-woman was.reliable and that she was a servant in Calhoun fafhily.;Mr.Worseley be- interested in the cané.and upon examining it he .decided to ‘purchase it,which he did for a ‘small he sell gays,” want to it He has the:idea that the cane will help him ‘to get| a good job With the goveriment anc to friend.Hehis,best-is 72 army,.He enlisted —in Sixth South Carolina regiment April 18,1861;and.was later .transferred Persons to.the First North Carolina.cavalry. are |He says that while ‘in the army,he Coble,Iserved inider the late Thos.Ruffin, hoL861... There is only one employe of the was a member of Congress in eg roms and ttewia.who fell:in ine 3 that-is Ane hay the capitol a few days ago and wasHerememberssee- weather continties its supplies will j he cannot:remember seeing him with Soun Le erhapeled,and deuinatioie of) money,provibions or wood will be Welcome at any.time,Yen —Concord Tribune:-.Mr.Oooo, Garmon-and Miss,Bertha Caskey,of ‘Mooresville;were married at “the‘home.of the bride's sister,Mrs.Howell,on Moore street,eal Oey even- ing’at 6 30 o'clock: -Give THEpiece enethree months’trial subscription.50:conta, Jolin Co Kentt bh thet eh eh beh March.31,.1850,im what known since the civil war tr Caddie, this city shas .been as:the:Old Capitol Prison.It is a 'tge,old-fashioned bullding -OT First ‘stréet,justin front’of.|the capitol grounds,‘It was used .as a capitol for:several years after the British army destroyed the capitol im 1814.‘Congress assem- bled in the building and in it JamesasaieWasebaataiptitalAfterthe Doughton's Work—|. ‘He|Wash.| hundred || the | The} ;company’s is Ashe cojinty as econ as pos-| House,| chickens’both of whichvare of great interest| were frozen to death Saturday night’to has been | |est College. 1,Who came here from ‘Ashe-/| around | large.| heli:s +)im |his j$on the) Hp.has been pffered $50 for| but he does not} |Warmony. years | the|ld dnd was one of the first North avd {Cc aftolinians to enlist “in has been able to'lerate the Confed-| the| juste ITEMS OF LOCAL|NEWS. ‘The Havideon CzCollege Orchestre will .be‘at,Shearer Hall a week. \from this,evening,234,; Grover €1 $f:and ‘costs:by.Mayor Caldwelh for-being ‘crunk and disgrderly atishome,ou a.residenta*colored “Wi J Rickert, Ficioheataveae\suburbs*ase4 The “Landmark that he ta:two-year-old:hog Saturduy'‘the t ‘washed 49.0%:‘pounds. |-~The.>Yoeat,’,tobacco i market. lopened «good and:strong after’ Christmas for all grades.—A‘‘“‘buy-* |ors are:represented on the.mar-‘ket iand.seem*“anxious for the to-Tbacco.¥ Work:on:the Rourth |dredge’has been completéd and op- erations,will ‘begin this week,Thesevereweather.retarded)the ‘Wonk on the aredze considerably,but thecontractors,Kerr,Moore.&-Compa- ny expeet 10 “make fine progress ié iy their machine is’once started, ‘Spoitsmen -suculd.ppare the: during’.the severe {is cruek.to kill them théy.are heandicapped bythe,snowandcold.“bistead they should be fed.All lovers of birds shayld makeit-a pofat ty place feed where’they. ean icge:it,at least’wate the® weather moderates, The re of the States- ville Safe -&.Table @ompany,have re-elected the following board ‘of di- rectors for the ensuing year:Messrs GB.Mills,<-S BY Miller,vi OL ene:H..Clarke,Jno:M.°Sharpe, ‘Sig.Wallace and E.Morrison.’Mir: Mokiee was re-elécted president, H O Steele vice:president;W.\2. Boyles secretary and,treasurer and B.C.Royal.superintendent.The business the past year best in its history. The morning traih from Tay- lorsville was .delayed about am hour yesterday by the.derailment of the.front .trucks of a box car. The trucks.left the “track ‘about, half way:be.weenLoray and States- ville and’ cross ties..before discovery.The train-.was stopped promptly when the,derailinent.was discovered and the |locomotive was detached,and came to the Statesville statidn af- ter ‘re-ailers,”with which the *replaced.oon the rails. Hirds while non} was the _Rey.Geo.w.Giesas Dead.°- |Raleigh News and Observer,12th. News hag just come of the death ;o*Rev,George W.Greene,D.D., |missionary to China,under appoint-ment of the Foreign Mission Board ;of-the Southérn Baptist ‘Conven- tion.”Dr.Greene was at one timeprofessorofLatin‘at Wake For- He went out some 20 years ago’.asa missionary of the board, -His second'wife,Miss.Vallie Page, sister .of Mrs.Dr.-Cotton;went out with him and has been his”faithful helpmeet throtigh .all the jyears.Dr.Greene was one of the |most useful |‘missionaries of ‘the ‘foreign board,and the news of his death will carry,sorrow to.thous- ands of hearts.throughout’theState:: (Mr.Grtene was well.kuown )—pa-rt—ef—the—State He wanes, we believe,.a native of Wilkes coum ty.—-The Landmark ]-, | im Mr.Patterson Hurt By a Fall.... Mr;J.-M-.Patterson has seat jcoufined to bis home at.Troutman. the past féw days as the result of:a ‘fall on the ice a ‘few’days ago., For some years.Mr.Patterson’s tight arn’and stioulder have’.given. troutie onyaccount of a’,dis-, jarrangesent ‘of his nerves,“appar- jently otiginating from tiie loss of rignt leg years ago,and the fall ‘on the ice his weight was thrown ou the right arm,whith he has since been unable to use...No |bones were broken but Mr,Patter- is-una'le to ug@e .his anm, though it:is thought to hg improv-|Ling, Marriage in Turnersburg Township. |J..M.Ratledge,of Davie coun~ \ty,and’Miss Ila Rives,daughter of Mrs.Ann\M-;-Rives,-of .Harmony:|community,were’married at ‘home of J.B.Parks,Esq.,at River Hill,Sunday.night,Mr.Rarks’.of-ficiating.vie :The martiage was to have taken place at the home of a minister at _The..fact-was noised__ ;aboad-and a company gathered to witness,the ceremony..Leamingjthesituationthéyoungfolksdrove tc the home of Esq.Parks and were ;|married while the Harmony'folks 4 aited.The laugh is on Harmony, evens Officer Arrésted.For Sell- ing Seized Liquor... ‘Mr.Seruggs,a deputy collector|gf internal revenue,sold at aut- tion,at.Walhalla,6.°C.;w few days ago,a quantity of liquor éeiz- ed by the government.-He-owas.are rested for selling liquor tn violation of:State laws State court,but the Gase has been, transferred to the Federal court?.Formerly liquor seized“by Federtl. officers..was:dold.at auction’:dnStatesville,bit out of respect “toe the State prohibition haw ColleetorBrowndiscontinuedthe’practice.; 2 ‘caprtol was rebuilt:the olasbullding :was use for offices for Represemy tatives and Fenators:During thecivilWarit;was converted into’a Federal:prison,hence’a neOldGapitolPrisom.,.¢ |dubsckme FOR raw tsLANDWARK.-ae a Combs,white,’was:fin:: >Oak street Saturday”vkSPAIBDEYAtooa; :of ‘:residential » Creek °: weather.- ran some distance ‘om th®-t*:— SsOt im = at the.” -and bound over to the ° "Honown guilty man whoesca pes his |hanaeal government.‘and drive the First Cotton!Grown,-in “Yadkin,'Pewuiabnia Leaves The! just deserts’{n the courts.If the|thieves and pirates from power.He Yadkinville fiiple.4issafe,Hetis right.He is De-]-1~~January.16,1912.|mob really had.at heart the en-:MaGranwa hamie the toudtrire hope |.con et H.Joyner,who lives a few System a Wreck miles south’Not town,’has now at his homé two balesof cotton whichheraikedoh.his'farm last year. This is*said by some very”old people to;be the first cotton ever baled in this eounty. forcement of law and the punish- nient of the guilty,something ‘might be.sald in,its favor-—if anything’ ever could be said in behalf,of |’ He wil!be elected if nominated.Unless “thoroughly cured,Pneu-monia is likely to leave the system‘a wreck .and’a shining anark for consumption. T ONON VARIOUSUS MATTERS Gome of our esteemed.contempo- “waties’Have -recently celebrated DON'PF ASK—WRITE, Wien people put an,advertise a We have just receiv: a ‘positive’permanent cure, through inhalation and absorption. The healing antiseptic vapors.are inhaled with each breath,acting di) tobacco the result would be bet-ter financially, ‘birthdays.‘The Gastonia Gazette is |lawlessnéss—if,when the courtment in The Landmark,and Bay |;It-was erown,a4aaeold..The,Gazette is fails,-a8-it sometimes does,to en-|“address A.,care The Jandmerk,"Teme Gine aa it the VICKSS22 Ksows SALVE |ed severalcars of r favorite in this office and."The |force the law,some ‘attention was |or “address B.,Lock Box 85,”-“Ad-|ranmers of this section would make |-Es Ba‘Landmark hopés for it a long life|given to the vindication of law.|dress C.,Statesville,”or Stetes-|the same efforts in preparing tor is the new theory of administering.a AGE,4‘and a prosperous ong.The Winstor/But the.mob,‘showing itself the|ville,R.F:D.,or what.not,the /and raising cotton that they do for|cure, coward,ncarly always falls upon the|ad.means what it says.“tt doesn't friendless and’punishes thosé who /Meain©that one fs to ‘phome ‘the| are in:no danger of escaping pun.|Newspaper or call at the office and Republican is 40°years old...“It'is e good newspaper,barring its hab- it of giving everything a-partisan aie ~4Benann .Bugene Murphy,arrested at Uti-;biny—a habit {¢ought to’{drop and,ishment {take up the time of busy people .x Ys ae mene svonan rectly upon the lungs:»Cas give ciiuet de-¢.:Hi shooting ‘a g Vernon,;eybearealnewspaperfather.than a td hy and annoy them,by ane en hear Spray,N.Ci-May’22,°,1911.-Atyordrag’orby mai livery in any -quanpoliticalorgan.But here's.wish-Recently Rey.Mr.Hayes,a Meth-questions.Tt.the advertiser want Murphy,wha,was identified by ‘a dé 25c. 50c.$1.00.tity.Let us have .img.it well.-Webster's Weekly, ef Reidsville,”has alsd entered on its fortieth year,.Its only bad hab-. it 80 far as The Landmark knows ‘fs a,disposition to gcrap -with .its "local contemprary;thé Review,and -the Review is always ready for the. » odist minister,suddénly ‘abaridoned ‘his charge at High Pofnt .and Ppub- lished a statement saying he contd. not Iive.on the salary.“He‘went to Chicago to take a job and it is his purpose,he ‘phys,to.later :en- sage dn,evangelistic work,The:pa- his name made ‘public:he,would,have attached.it to.the ad,For good and .sufficient reasons he prefers ‘tohiave answers made in writing,Hé hassa ‘right:to adopt,that method); there.is:no legal or mofal reason Want 0 rshot Vernon three times | why he should not;‘and -peopile wihie | “commiinicate wilt.him | scription sent .out by the |North'|; Carolina -authorities,said that'-he}” **hacaise he killed niy dog.’“Murphy had: ~Economy suggests the dollar sizeVick’s Family Remedies Co. Steines,3.Cc. been in Utica.thr weeks and was MS_syourorder.:: ~PHONE NO.28 OR:NO.2: worene.in a knitt ng mill.”Have You Tried | I iMacias tte i fray.“Bu ‘the Weekly is a.good’,pers had *a good deal to say’.about:r Pr ‘ }1 ry,oa and stands’for the:right.the:matter,as was natural,and rhe oa with his ret EN “CRISCO!”cery &oduce Co,;ue May it grows ‘stronger with .the|most of’them:remarked on the om +o-itu neieceetveemememane:meme tntit years,”::_psmaltsatartes“patd ministers and|oneht:==a ‘eo ee sympathized with Mr.Bavse.Now atid yet fieatly cevery’time ‘Am ad.Gunite;*de a :NOTICE TO PROPERTY ow NERS.Mr M:L.Shipman,State Labor along’comes.the-North Carolitia appearsin The Landmark xee duité a pumber of ourCommissicuer‘and publisher —of _the Hendersonville Hustler,has es- tablished a new,.paper at Hender- ,Bonville—TheWésternCarolina Dem- ecrat.It will he published weekly voted mainly to politics—to preach- ing the Democratic doctrine in the‘Th Daitod tad)thle ‘House nebt at once and.get full street to the’intersection.of°Oak AttPeeieesateey@~pastor ha people in “The :Landmark office Be aia ee te ee ;street.,with “said.Walnut.street,:mountain counties,‘especially inthe \free,of course,and for:@ GUMUEr lwant to ha Gouscacia SOM Raced ;p>Sized-can for15 vents...fare horeby-notified that—the laying “tenth congressional district...Years|o¢years the ¢harge paid an average ate,but’sometimes it?‘ax awtal fe es og fpotl the sidewalk ordered by saidagoitwassaidthatthegreatest.|gi]90 Last ye :,.Ea e &Milholland.board has beén completed,and thathld»ebiaty:Of $9004 rear.fast:Year letrain'on.one's temper-adnd religion |wir.W.E.‘Gnlies,Secretary and ee absessments ‘therefor will be madéarmyoucould«wish.an enemy Was.|Eaves received $950 and it is pre-}to -have:'to go through’this per-Treasurer Westbrooks Elevator :2 Jiby.the sald Board of Aldermentehopethathemightown’two |sumed he would have received:the |'formance.When.the annoyance'|eo,and formerly Cashier Bank of “against said abutting property,as4sawmills.”One.saw mill was sup-‘same thié year.°.He has a wife comes from people who”should):Danville.says:‘SE oe Sree.by the charter of the”;posed to bankrupt the average mam |and two children:Of course $950 know better--as the most-of them ‘ath ae ibs eee cd eirnland bhnae aa H ar d ;Bric k ¢Said icin will be ‘cheandtwowouldutterlydestroyhim.:isn’t’i 1 al but oe +os %Pn a ~i,ssary ::a year isnt a princely salary but |do 4t «is the more exasperating,failto such an -extent that it became necessa’.But times-changed,the demand for lumber ‘became active at high prices jvocate Bays the South Main. ferent.face on the story.The’Ad- Street congregation...of.which Mr.Bayes, was pastor,.has an elegant parson-and,as itsenameimplies,willbedeslpp.3.Toomy,+—wel-eonstructed | house,with nfodérn.improvements, ‘there are.numerous preachers,and many.other folks,too,who would Christian Advocate and puts a dif-dress A B.or o)as thie“ may be,numerous .folks call See office and want to know who the Party:is and ‘what and all about it That ‘{s:-bad~enough,but some’of tions”“and tryingto prize the.tnfor-" mation out after ft is refused?~The because it shows unreasonableniess, a-lack of consideration and an.at-, them Tnsist on asking a Tot of ques+|, Restored After.Being Given Upby.Specialists * A Wonderful:cureby te“customers “haye cou | pons which entitlethem to'a 25e,can of Crisco’ Cooking Oilf for “15. ’.If youchave such acou-pon please sendto-us— for me to consult a specialist.My trouble in-ereased until I fouhd it necessary to consult sev-era others.My caseyas diagnosed as Atrophy of :and rock are the only build- All owners “ot. tirig om the sidewalks inwalk‘Improvement. fore laid out by’ordinance of. Board of Aldermen of the city- the side- the of sidewalk lyingon the.south side ‘of |Walint street from the jintersection of Meeting street”with said Walnut” and.determined on Friday.night, ‘February 2d;1912,at $o'clock,at the office of the Mayer and Boardjaor:A jhe Optic.Nerve,can.by ‘impoverished blood :sen i :t 4 Miaid@sawmillwasnolonger4|consider themselves well-fixed’to:get (tempt:to get the office to tell (ome “The progressof mytroublewasslow ing materials that will with-~~:Gt Ad brig on athe on oeEagoone:new :wa co ,withenev i os .,~dead weight.Years ago one:news-that salary and a’house rent free;|something that’is “private,The pos ered advised me‘that nothing further stand frost and ‘fire,and~paper was supposed to be all the average man could manage and we are not sure that two will-not meanSia i :'t hi By.order ef the Board of Alder-:Berious trouble;but if anybody can |living)Hundreds of preachers in|The .Landmark hopes that,be eengperegioe Birmanthy voices thea their tonteeen:hand.men of the city of Statesville.manage two and.make them .go|this State have lived,paid ,their ginning with the New Year,-this 1a ty Aedisinade wea compact MILAM el C.D.MOORE;Shipman is that man;and The |debdts and reared and-educated ¢am-|unnecessary annoyance and waste pure yOu,becauseit,will partlyaid enrich the Statesville Brick Co.“Clerk and Treasurer.:c a :Ww,.Landmark is wishing him success’ilies ‘on smaller salarids.i‘While |Of time will cease.an but tt will takea Bakthee and the im-|Jan.32,1912.withhis’latest _yenture.not contending that $900 is enough ee a arc enn aod dof thi dnnous.venue,na is,and con-$e *—t+for a preacher—although>it “is MATTERS OF NEWS.ted totake MILAM because1aid not thiak ti bsTalkingatagatheringofmem- bers of women’s clubs,in St.Louis the other day;“Mrs;:Dessa Breck-inridge,o*Lexington,Ky.,predict-4 e f.7 £5 i rd 1 can distinguish large ob-lead i barof their recov:ae that sympathy.was waste).on.Mr.|ie *,2Uhe,ren my to $27,600.-at|eenrnabe ‘away,and bave no ditfeulty |'9.p.Armbeld,BLwittsaus,ENGINE AND BOILER WORK;*:eu ag fa’is eoncerned,in atten:ttor;;ator ma,Yo Ser ar ’at bebegaacs would be voting in|Haves.Perhaps hé saw the Pros-|'York.The treasure was a eopy of Mint.autec ooie executive officer of a Dee21 pe JenningsR,F.D.No.2,«&SPECIALsiemostoftheSouthernStateswithin and certainly a*man with a small family can live on tlat in comfort, ever more than some of them are ,worth ~-Since,.hearing the Advocate’s:evi-‘dence The Landmark is ‘convinced pect of more ‘money and fame in in these days of higii-priced| folks who are too ignorant to know any better are excusable,but thene are really few of them.. Robt.Bacon,American ambassa- dor to France,has resigned.‘ In less than two minutes bidding the famous Gutenberg Bible of 1450 .-sented to take MILAM bee: could be done.About this time,about two yearsago,Fcould not.see to.read,and my range ofvisionwassoshartthatJcouldnotseeanytingatagreaterdistance.than fifty or.seventy-fivefeet.Loften found ‘it difficult 5 recognize ac- .last for all time.Common -and Fate Brick always on Show cause, |Bank building;and all persons in- terested are notified to appear and if any,why such.as-sessments sliall not be made. vould hurt me,and there might be a bare possi-but that it might help me.After six weeks’se began to notice a slight improvement inmyyalgaewhichhasbeen.slow.put steady and)with no setback.Now'l can.read’newspapers: corporation. hala Williams,allRaea te suid estate are notified NOTICE TO CREDITORS._ ‘Having qualified as executor of the will of Ma-||having claims.againstpresentthemtomeonOrbeforeDecember,22,1912,or this notice will be WY Machine Stop 8 complete and I am prepared to do«ny kind of repair work. .:|Also carry a full line of Steam Fit-%ten years.Judging from the teu-|another field,the,origing!'.of.which was’Gold}isu sill caret nt tn ee ny eyes eared;ROE FO CRETE.;ings up to3inches,Injectors,Lu-dency of the times;‘The Landmark :Pee e from the.Hoe collection last sprimg}but hope,and am more and more encouraged ainclinestotheopinionthatMrs. Breckinridge isn’t far wrong,Con- tinuing,Mrs.Freckinridge said that Remarking that ‘we of theSouth do not believe that the initiative for $50,000.-It was secured.by Bernard Quaritch,of London. The Secretary of War,at the re time passes,to believe that the continued use ofMILAMwillcureme. health and strength have also improved in.the jthe“TI think it proper to state that my gonecat |Davis, “Having qualified as executor of estate of Mrs.Mary Pearson|hereby notify,all persons oricators,Oil Caps and Jos-Pumpa’Pipe and Shafting. -property abut-- district hereto-_ Statesville,said district being.the ‘me Cc.H,TURNER :and referendum plan of’enacting |quest of Senator Overman,’has or-|sameratioas eee eee OO pee oe pry -*.Bs DepotStreet..“laws for the protection of women |laws would be an improvement on|dered an inspector ‘to Bingham eee et Hand d)we E.GRIGGS.”the ad day of January 1913.Those’DR P..r:‘LAUGENOUR,and children are.weaker in the’our time-bonored representative plan)Schoei,Asheville,to ascertain|Danville,Va,Mareb23,1910 lindebter to’the-estate are requir-,South:with all its traditions.of|and donot take kindly -to it”(al-|Whether the school fs sufficiently ad-w:is NOT an EYEed to settle.pas DENTIST,ehivalry,than in any other section ‘ef the country.”Being a Southern woman,.Mrs.Breckinridge |shouldknowthatchivalryisnotapro-duct of law,but is inherent.That is to say,the chivalry of the Southmeant(we may have to use the Past tense now)that men were at all times:the-natural protectors anddefendersofwomenandchildren aad hence no law on the subject though it might be said that some of us are not.so afraid.of the .initia- tive and referendum and that we may have to adopt that method to give.-the people a hearing;even in the South). Says: The Newton Enterprise But we do Woodrow Wilson an injusticé in finding fault with’him as a candidate for President .be- Was required:It fs our glory that we have’so few laws.on this sub- ject,because heretofore they have mOt been needed.It is our eternal _Bhame that we haye so retrograded An-this particular that laws have to be passed to make men do what any gentleman—that word is used in its fullest and broadest gense— .Bhoulkd be proud to do as a Mat-, ter of duty .and right.-It-may Tot be chivalrous’to say so,but intheinterestof.truth it is proper to say that,inexcusable as is this .Fetrogression on the part of theMen,the daughters of Eve must take their share of the blame.Con- ditions -have changed and unfor-\tunately the attitude of the’women -hag so changed that the chang-attitudeof the men n lowed.} ** Hack and Will Ross;tw6!of the e ip aturally fot| vanced in military tactics to.require the setvice of an army officer.asinstructorin.military tactics.It isveryprobablethatanofficerwill be detailed to the school. Unable to fixthe.deaths of Mrs.M.P.Carpen- ter and her mother,Mrs.Mary Da- vis,who were ‘Killed in their home at the Carpenter farm house near Blytheville,Ark.;Sunday night, ‘Tth,/*a coroner's jury ofderer Car- responsibility for , medicine and will I {I cure nolaiiacinage | exceptthat arising from impoverishedor|impure blood or depleted system. Ask Your Druggist 5] ee FOR RENT ~BIX-ROOM cottage on‘—poet street.Allup-to-date improvements.Jan.2, WOMEN’S HAIR! ; |work,a A.W.PERKINS,|"Phone22:6. R.B.McLAUGHLIN,. Jan,2,1912.__Executor,~ WING —FOR LADIES and children.| *Reasonable prices and good120Fifthstreet,Jah.9.--8t. Says that he’s¢es ‘no place for it in the Southern States,where there is still pure and honest representa- live government, jit in amy State except-where «the Legislatures gare so completely at the.mérey of the moneyéd interests aod corrupt party.bosses that the peoplo have no other way of secur- ing their rights,‘and there is no way of ridding the States,citits and counties:of bossism,corruption and .corporation control.There is no denying the:fact that such con- ditions have lotig existed.and_still exist in some of the Western Siates and that conditions have tbeen improved:in several the new plan...Mr.Wilson in-visiting these States he was con- |vinced,-in spite of his previous ex- pressed -views,that the-initiative and referendum has worked to the States by mecroes charged w ce igs oa good of the people in Oregon and!:oa ts the me 4 ces Amplicat {a few other boss-ridden -Western;=irder of Mr.and Mrs.States and that he favors the ex-Dixon,in Cleveland county,.weré|tension-of tlie system |in!other.@ischarged for lack of evidence,|States*where like conditions existwhichmovec;‘th ¢._|and where there is.no.other.wayecivartaeMharlotte(Ob-tos ziving relief to the people.ThisOosay:is the extent of bis _offending.Suppose Huck and Will Ross:had Woodrow.Wilson “in sanctioningbeenlynchedatShelbyforthemur-|the right of any Western State’erd of Mr.and Mrs.Dixon.The mobwouldhavehadonitshandsthe~blood of men now known to beaguiteinnocentofthecrime.Notthat-lynching is amything butva hid-‘ous outrage against civilization,e@ven when practiced fealase unquestionablygulty—men.-.0 - Lynehing is murder and one .of the lyaching is”the rand anarchy warst features of @cowardice-of;themobItusually,pWreaks its yem+E y Beance on the “triendlexe clask~ those Without influence or Standing,those.most certdin 6.get what.iseomingt6themat.the hands of the I) law.The “wealthy and influential}‘are uusally in ‘no danger of the mob.wre average mob is afraid|to take .the charieces involved in‘killing a Man of prominence ek.::mon'ey and influence may.Baye himSeStemSkisjustdeporte:“and it:iis 3 /@atefat to.beep...j48~Nandavott”a Pe Da s 'aici Dahli tal i which wishes to adopt the ihitiative and referendum to’do so,neither approves giving to.such State or taking from(it any privilege or au- aif he advocated,this Same:thing forNorthCarolina’he would be ad&|vocath g nothing thit°we have not‘alwayg had— we saw fit,.or reject, his .recommendation.State’s rights man, O.~Calhoun's time was’one cardkia l,principles of jand is 66 ‘that,we of the’. in spite of Be te ya: which in John! SouthStillclingtoasamong,the strong- jest safeguards-to our,most sacred |traditions and institutiong Buch the dane ge lh of.electorslothetsr.Wilson says \hot be a national question,jare willing to\take his word for it.{ a Le South.He will stand for the{rights of the States;-will consecrats restore,Tie rights of ithe people under ther! yall his kita ,powers.‘to \ne4,‘\.4 Nor does he favor says:that thority it has not always.had,and the right to adopt.if of the Democracy, “asand*this can- and we Lone oodirow”Wilson as President willswhose|jne yer meddle with local affairs ©in cause of what he has said about the}Penter,a wealthy land owner,and peeinitiativeandreferendum.He says|Fd.-Giles and,Frank Hamilton,|pasy to Make it Soft,Luxuriant|it is in nowise a national:question |S™Mall farmers,held for Bevan ary ‘and Radiant.-naand‘that he does not’favor its ap-|¢*@mination.-Many women have bair so dul?] applitation to’.questions that now John.Grier Hibben,Php.LL.D,and faded that it is actually re-|come under the province of Con-|professor of logic and philosophy of|pulsive.}gress.Nor does he advocate it|Princeton University,has been These women:have probably nev+|for alk the States.He distinctly |elected the fourteenth president of heard of PARISIAN SAGE,thd} of the institution by.the unanimousvote‘of the board of trustees.He succeeds Woodrow ig who.re signed October 20, the Democratic nomination for Gov- ernor of New Jersey.Dr.Hibben is 51 years old.’ Forester Graves.has approved| the vlan of Senater Ov#rman and Representative .Faison that the government purchase the summit ofMountMitchell,in North Carolina,. as’a part of the Appalachian for- est reserve.Elisha Mitchell,‘forwhomthemountainisnamed,jis buried on the mountain;and it is the desire of his grandchildren that|the summit of the mountainbe un- der govertiment controk. Representative Norris,of braska,insurgent:Republican,in urging the House-tommittee on civil iService reform:to report his bill to |bring under“the civil service rules. jall assistant.postmasters and ‘first;lsecond and third class postmasters, renewed his charge that—the-pres=- ent postal service is a huge politi- cal machine,He said that his’bill would make the postal system.aiffestudyandaprofessionwith’a saving to the service,of $800,006 a year in administration.a a WwW, Southern ‘Dy:a Fisher,*“an employe of the ‘at Spericer;was-rut over train Thursday,and Tost an arm and leg.|It,is said he Blip- ped on.the ice,|grasped at >the passing engine ‘and~was.either knocked or.fell.unde?the wheels,which severed his left leg end leftarm.He was otherwise bruised andhisconditionis.precarious. Winstton ‘township,Forsyth coun-ty,recemtly voted $100,000 ins bondsfortheconstruction_of “the Ran-+¢dolph -and .Cumberland.railrond.Broadbay township,’in’the same county,refuked-to vote bonds sg ranother électicon .is to be.held.is-promised that this road will BefromWin’ton,into Yadkin.county:- Medicines’tha ala”nature are always |most effectual,Chamberlain’s CoughRemedy,acts on this.‘plan.It allaysthecouth,relieves the lungs,;@pensthesecretionsandaidsnaturein.re-Storing the svstem t6 a“healthy condi-Hon,Thousands have testified to itssupeIVEexrallence:Sold by all boca 3 RAS mee er 1910,to accept |” “Nel? invigorating hair dressing that is} being used\by thousands of refined| women throughout America.| If your hair is falling.or or-faded or lifeless;if you dandruff or itching:sealp;.if hair “Snot as fascinating as would like to have it,go toistatesville.Drug .Store.this day,ask for a .fiftyrcent bottle of PARISIAN SAGE and start*at once | to make your hair perfect and even| glorious.| PARISIAN SAGE is guaranteed to)give satisfaction, thin| hiave| your you| Still occupies.the same rooma(5-7 9)on the secondflooroftheFirstNationalBankaeswherehehasbeenforyears,but some recent ‘improve-ments,on oefloor of the bvilding,-havechangedayandentrancethethesnorthsideofthehebuildingtothewestane=:Center street,Nev OUTROS“TREATMENT, Ought to meati-mich to.tl count.’ the COMMERCIAL we invi ‘Capital Surplus Total Resources over Four per cent.on time 1@ man.with a ‘shih ac; Ifyou have not yet opened an accouiit with te you to do so now. $100,000.00 28,000.00 500,000.00 and Savings Deposits. ‘Commercial Statesvil .STEELE,President._M-CK.M.AUSLEY,Cashier.D. National 4 Bank, le,N.C. E.MORRISON,Vice President.G.E..HUGHEY,Assistant Cashier. or money back. Girl with Aubum hair on every}carton.For sale by thie States-| ville Drug Co.and drugei sts every--| where.:} ;DAYS OF DIZZINESS ‘ait } Come to Hundreds of a: People.|- !|There are days of dizziness;| Spelis of headache,languor,back-| ache;.:: +Sonietimes rheumatic.pains; “Ofte urinary disorders. All tell you plainly the kidneys are sick.‘! Doan’s.Kidney vie.are for kid- néy'ills. CanStatesville.residents.doubt N.P..Wilson,“ot Taylorsville,N. C,,says;‘For some.time I suffered from)pain through my back and a sore- ness across my hips.I was also troubled y dizzy spellg,and knew by the con- Mtion of the:kidney.secretions that my kidneys “needed attention..-I at léngth procured a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills and they gave ‘me relief in.@short.time.For this great change ©forthe’better,1°gladly.recommieha Doan's :|Kidney Pills."’]} For sale .by all dealers:Price 60 cents.Foster-Milburn Co.,.Buf- falo,New TOs,,Boleagents.for the United.States... Rememhér ae:‘name—Boax'e—‘ . and ake no othe: BALTIMORE,|MD. “f ISSUED MORNING,EVENING AND SUNDAY” _THE GREAT HOME PAPER OF THE SOUTH THE NEWS OF ‘THE WORLD is inativaei by.the:‘wall.tteinedcorrespondentsofTHESUNand-set before'tie one in a,concise ;,_specialandinteresting mahner each morning and weekday afternoo:As chronicle of world events THE SUN IS INDISPENSABLE,while.its bureaus in Washington and legislative and financial centers of the New York make its news from the .country the best that can be obtained.AS A WOMAN’S PAPER_THE SUN has no superior,being morallyandintellectuallyfeaturesthatcan'be written onparitesofthe ‘highest type,It publishes the.Loe beston,art andmiscellaneousmatteTHHSUN’Sinarket news makosit A BUSINESS MAN’S NECESSITYforthefarmer,the merchant and the broker can deroeinformationupontheir.“various ;By Mail THE SUN(Morning or Even 3THESUNDAYSUN,by Mail,is }3 saeupon ‘complete andnoeoftrade, ins25a Math or $3 a Year ahfor yMonths ‘or $1.50 a Year - And THE aN ghee AveunE,and,Sunday,”-3-$7.50 a Year: |Address All Orders to :.a Boyd ss hes Tnete 8;ABELL COMPANY: ‘BALTIMORE,ree alte ener ———— :THE LANDMARK STATESVILLE A “OREDIT TOWN.|i¢:One was ready to,“eutit out” :--::then end there but tl e } +.-~|Extending Scatiipetics Oredit Hu;'16 other.‘con- 4 TUESDAY,—-~-January 16,1912.)Rom |Seller =Sere Hurt tended te this wise:..*‘John,1 am| ::~—as much pposed “to liquor ne LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE.|oe veolves-Knockabout’s Re-|ar sober as you are,but John, fi Arrival and ‘Departure of veatng |at)»DS,0 vlan drank now:; Bee.waite ae a Kuo*kabout.has.kuocked:about!:gee i town <,‘he Ne ae Ne he ee (1 , Frain No.‘ii,wastsbound,dua 16.a0 .n awe siace lye New Year be a iuted-A Depot:!*:jel ot |Train No.21,est-bound,‘due 3.25 p.m.Beara ork espe ray of day’WEE at Be ee sign on an.indiyidual’|:hentai ::— rain-No.36,west-bound,due 10.22 p.m ;Many 0 the bisiness.men,mer-|?pooard standing near:the ‘rail-|/s:a peered wre prain ae:gt east-bound,dus 10'p mn chants especially.‘They’were ‘asked |road at.De rita,3 ,i ae Most of our customers who re- n’No east-boun:u D.How:business had:bee }|>neni doelcereeeipeaitianeeniinmnis :‘di :hy j Se clastic » :Tratn’No 12)onal bound,w business had:been with them|LS side outside ;4 e GHARLOTTE AND MS VILE ithe past vear,Knoekabout,would |Southern Methodist Assembly to of the.city make 4 :E har}inf .h d edhe.NG,PC ae eres (ite acm Argeemenpng ne anes he Sa is Oven in 1913,v4 t eir eposit by ‘mail and so Can Meet te sa er a eared OE Dh |e te ae ee ans ta meeting last week of -the| in ,From Taylorsville.el a eapegoie’yave been better than.it was commis jonersof the Southern Meth-you,Thig method iis simple,safe Train No,23 ar.10.10,.eaves 1.60.a.m |the past year,50.1 §10;,0d usse : ‘ents Ota ag ee ee ine pene ar jcompa tet teh ant oct asm mi orate en sae and convenient,and will be ‘ex= want san sneer tte ae mate m ::.,4 ,WASH Five "Members North ‘Carolina For eis altogether a ||selected:as the’date-for the for-plained:in detail ah receipt ' ee ig ;./nen sut-all “éxpected sa -greay)mal ope nitig of the assemb1 e a Wilson.deat of the assembly.of auir : 4 ‘wlan ea 'more the’past year and )no|Tt was .decided to erect’a rein-\y:aed " GOOD BLOOMS 7 aghington,setae tg REAR vane cau eure {uae how much petter|forced:concrete -dam across |Rich- +;ie News and Ooserver.jit’would:(save been had =cotton ldand ‘creek,¢s ;‘;,‘: ‘ian Ai ‘There are five members of fine |broug brea more satisfactory.price ‘TpLope rty ot oo ere ne te Merchants &‘Farmers’|Bank of |Statesville ‘eat ;‘North Garolina delegation in Con-But ®”Volume.‘of business:j tee.hike’level (to “be’2,550 feet ;-*© ey ‘ee :;done fire ‘sg?Vear’Ww “a Batis)at 2,56 e ®se em ~3 vo « ee wel ,;;,oS as more satis.|above sta level,the area :v .‘:;See b ape ry but,short stems grees»ae a the nomination |fa tan AN an the “quality.Returns fare Of thie lake to.a aime ae -tc : \4 tie,ot Woodrow ison for the presi!)y-era Aot-as gogd in proportion to’ly 240"adres,the.lake to:be spat ereer :—— :r :<)ve dency,believing that’Be,is arhejen mi :tiiat 7s bo ‘gay,that those Hed bya bridge.about.600°feet ::? i St Pancreas ;ge ‘strongest Gandidate the Democracy |W20"di wuch of a.“time busi).somewhat Over a half “mile \HR Na ae ,sy :pocca ame Bahar grade $1 can nominate.«These are,Respresens|NESS"AAVeiy JST OUt OL ‘making.col-4aUove thé’site,of the data,‘atid a 7 4.Be Re “ :é fe oe é :on tatives::Small,Kitchin;-_Stedtiun glPotions.Th ¥soidt dots of /etuitt’Fast i ,bridge ‘for toot’passe nger's Ou Low (iH .‘ ee op A Me Faison,Pop.*The ‘other five mem)2Ut cotlerktor “Dive”been yPOor:ito be built,at the uppe rvend-of the r ™;eon }'eo. vey Nec aes bers Have,not yet.indicted:their Those who did ipss.business wand |ake the ‘point marked on:-the :..eo Se PB 8 and $1,95.dozen.-preference,though»‘keveral of them |¢?llectod weil are:in ‘better..Bhane (Asse mby jhap as the Narrows.a :Le mo *’‘ yet *are slewtly:the candidacy Ont rae Sate a wy at daresay Pint superintendent was ee t-e O.a ;a ‘ :oy the New Jersey”executive,wae pate ntime!s vad uve,Promises as as-|CU TO sgeure::buitable pking.“and.ar’8 ‘“ Rat cre [booncivk gk aim i ngarapnies dabag gains OU Peta otMC ae eR PAPA iy troll riaauecktis n Ww machinery has arrived,‘ig being :4 tll yackeca D ¥SI i }(ee 400:th rection ,of a oy *>{|Jackson Day banguet.‘|ay)Sine a room modern,hotel,of an alidis’x Eel s sa ig a gs ~YOURE OuustLies man oF the terium.to,seat not.less hiv 4.i _placda and we will be ready to start: le Harmony fe Notes.1 ¥:nas 2 CT _2 TOO bayer t4e frees +rs +re WSOIE;“ot x HU ps a 4 ‘nony Ay ns :a public Be rvteed i ta I t |Correspondence of ‘The rae ark }:.idea ensal nine eh He bull ding and of'an:“asse mbly,build-againabout the-15th-—We willbe belt an if i i;ser om an Harmenpy “Jan 1142 Mr Delite li Ae (ih is eaving:'and jie)the Jatter te consist of.a main’; ;eee eS *8:Feply Wiis “At é ‘;:, :]ny pany,rein Gas eunied tie eusalte is seply Was In substance?|but idigi and offftes and class rooms ter prépared than ever to give.our pa: :jat Goshen "|to lit in vit:u ect for the ‘work ‘of the summer schools Soon |Ran pe pla.dive ’is “ti yest.town /wit 4 Bet)acc ae ene e pt : vi 4 oh sénabiore:N.Cc.pe Mir.Os da:Brown -and::daughters |}moraly..E iow at has:the-.most bh,:-two-wings containing fifty.trons satisfactory service,N ¥ \Lave rajurned from a visit’to Snes Famirabie!oi oon a ne os yor ae ous eVeh.the same.to be lH :4 :.:cai pa o =]pOkk GRAY -DRUG-00;——Jftrmiere Me ewia ratey “pat it business tas pane oh he ered:|uscd ns secondary hotels."aerated sis See i ’Hishie on visit Slegesig Ag a oe m _a S Bont on Bo ine is the general saperintendent:tet,ee -.ons -=: ‘fh ,besa.Agents:es |has gone.tu Gklahoma..de Went thoi i tit ischard to ¢olr |ported that the land purchased”.by,;r if ::ne ae : es ‘}tev,Mr..Batley began a.meetil Ama 4 ia nar non te.ha le ru jarmbly.totadled 1.1.00.aores (I ;;FLOUR MILLING ;COMPANY. eee errrenee rennetDe dail i .ie ;i ‘iS a S80.»-b a F }a 0 eee oe *z=it ;in : ‘ree ———aay necaciet church last Sun-Ted-from what.this.man..says.,There 4\)aan By Ae botght at a cost,:::4 no ?Ane ages a ree en |BA ‘,i i,+Che *%:. %s i i ‘if -=oe —ee ea,stant tane,‘it rou the’conelusion he Vere.ns by ey ; {"Miss"Pearl Brown.has-been aitet reek nice:;vn.3 e.are over 40)preachers and ‘;::Mil guttering:for ni gineumonia oF and{pe Tree are :ia nae oe rot ns Methodist .Chuirch,:;, wor sea AES eh Maa at oy WISCUOUS:ddd CATELCSS See DE Out from’‘Virginia ™cli a :‘:4 ;|Miss:-May tieath has.also been il]|oft credit to:Tom,,Dick aud.Harry ey tea fn feinia “to Oklabom,|@@@®e ay Aaa @ @ Pee m =.nly ef.a’.few:‘years’.prowth,|slraliy.By is phartar a “an,|@ gait eae ee : |‘::.you arter ‘an an,’coe ,in has,been ees t trol of the assembly is plan,|@ . rs Fe Ch a e ;ne an ee eh ped forever da’the Methodist Church,: 4 2 <j sntly,forming the)oti ‘Tne assembly.is-itl.no euige See est Pains Lhe WV riter,has’)Lc}corporation,But isa:Church yin ‘ edit ‘is extended ié movement.”Resale It een ;GEMMA estes Wy i ’@ jf |any.\discretion enhances i ' ‘Sixfy-tive acres,6 milesnorih of [|and Sprains jwhatever.-.Knockabout.was.inja |Ey-Clerk Court Made “Good Short-;~ city.Nice road front.°q ae cA Lom .reé en itl when ia)'age of $14,000.ve ‘.i ‘‘;@ :—stranger ehtered;made a purchase,G:;:;Neary ,;Eine rene aera ones aon Sloan’s Linime'nt is an €Xx-as}i ee bero ‘News ‘We have Wak ;eae hea :. qske i,the.clerk to ¢:-e have more Wagches thi »“We “arry ae ‘Two hundred and sixty--twoseres ce Hang remeé dy fi yr che 8)fatal 4 ot buat Ph .ie naree ie ont After weeks ‘of auditing ana iis ;é 'as han ‘we ‘want to «arry 7. ‘in Chambersburg.towriship,14 throat affectiéns.It quickly ere Aidit Nee te cht ag and rous ‘conferences terms of:settte=and to reduee the stoek will give special prices,at.ae miles south of Elmwood.relieves.congestion,aad se inguire siiopper's nanre before i bee waae “Tepreeenesni tee of"~you Want a GOOD WATCH we think we can make @ :)he eu er the charge ;aEO COUREY,:CRE 2 GOON Jni . flammation,:A few.dtops “iG enber.hie:COAn ge:Om:ws curity“Company and boemer Clerk’it to your interest to,at least,see our stoc ko We 8 One.hundred and_thirty acres,in,water used.as-a gargle |cok.“This may:be an extreme case!of the Superior.Court.Er ‘la will be glad to's!,Ws eat 64 miles from Statesville,in Cool anti ek an 4 i ing le 1S but there’'may-be ‘others ag-bad or were acto ee Lapp |:Wi 2 le o'shew you our line.;We have all Spring“township.-Two dwellings Rte eee eee Ls Bei a)te oka it,-would seem ‘taterested iH the n fae airade kinds, iat credit is obtained t 4a euteee as Ret eee ate ees ated | with‘usual out--buildings.re Bi ai fen So ~~light that the settlement.was in| qe -discretely,is}armtil és see every,way satistac tory Cand that ev-} ;ee nh ary disputed item in the accounts ‘of| RH RICKERT &SON,Jewelers, ce Two hundred'andfifty-nineacres 1¢seller and the buyer,and;seller and the buyer,and.both .Myr cl ie ae in Concord owhag ba only 3}-milés faré to blame for the misuse of.the Bi evcrmiuemary Peg:BCS eee from city,Can.be sold.in small c instant Fe peredit,system Some merc hant@are and.:esse ene sof the -books:ese paaha fois:10 wcres.a “RED mee &JANE ted acs ben a alae int pisehtintNipalicas a wit ounts ofthe.clerk's office enenasooooes:eeccneseee !rea ane jing Then nome ares ae flatter Showed:$3,863 yet due the county|e :.i lei raat Pemieeey .Oy this amount as pai ye Ninety-eight acres in ‘Turners ped th:the ideq’that,they "”caf)the Sonding.coup ie :Mee cl a ::get unli eredit’anc tte eee any.Mr.Cle \burg.township.Paci a roc redit-and ,before |had previously paid in about $10,-|!\ A 4 .y ps tig a zeit they have 1:bought,01 his total’shortage “at the x-|NT a °ae : |mdre than they ¢:say f0 The i ni ne se See Th ae a,em : Speier Oe eae re Phe}piration of-his-term as clerk beitg :; |!is the.mérchant .begins .@labout $14,000.5 :, o “i :oor or pay and the buyer is not!Under the ania AeA)settle }e :rien pace Cy Bettis Buyer,gets’mad and|ment ARE dreagiiatheenheie race,5 : Jenl ins &Wagner is excellent for sprains and \if ho finally pays up.hq quits the ee nan nee paniacet 1 00 - \>.bruises..It stops the’pain Imeychant and has no more use for Pec eta tte Ove:vere U’Ft] ee ,‘at once and aduous auntl ih in The deka et haa tot ane Hea a be found,The’statement WITHOUT MORPHINE, “-tomer sii 4S :wings S|by all interested parties that the ‘; REAL ESTATE BEALERS ing:very quicldy.tomer aud the |customer will)matter has been satistactorily ‘set-|WILL HELP YOUR COUGH. ,3 “ku he merchant,.So &|tied is eet as a eee Office:First National Bank Bldg.Sold by’all dealers.‘/been'.a|bad deal all around.The Hi waration (i Othe!meatier thes 250:BARGE Pe : é E imerchant would have ooptinued to eee aha agistlg spe scans seteaagne TE PES ;i -PHONE:282,Price,250+,500+,$1600 Bs.collect ab,epnabic (nt ee ee AT ,=f 1 +UE AOC OF.as .reaso 1€@\Clapp has been settled for all time}et sy amount,of goods ‘befor®:the Ke ay aT BeERIeG POF Gil kasi ,a fas ::Re Sloan's eoet bapeoend yeTO é and that no civil of erimipval action|The.Polk Gra’Dr C . :othe:|-Kneekabout would:not und ai be ‘instituted as.a result of .;y f u oO -S, |yn the Se ern Ae Th AGO ithe incident :; Cees ——Harsé pte’.tel mérehauts how to tonduc :;elie |I .-: :sent,free,jthe‘r business but the credit.sys Shot'*Foxes From Trees.in’the yA?.:naa -si tem’is noted in passing.:Long:A Me ON THE Prescri tion a y Add 2 :song:Ago.i HONES FOR SASALE!!rt I cciciatnt Condens wow mony (ote tor at TON Lets BB |square aoe sa wi wuld have take ma tha Di dpe embtac-sane pipe climb.trees?Yes.The|"4 Specialists oe ‘ ri tear sit n cilly 5 *ring Z Three hundred andredaud thirty acres of |ed it he)eee eee Fae anpeth.eikdeueh toes te oe ‘ i land 34,miles from Statesville.Di-rr ts lived f i ]pt AF i vee augue eae i vided by railroad and State :Cen-Ly fromm the beginalng of the ed.a to seek cctaks on attPi mel %tral Highway.Two-story dwell-ane A Pack of hound heiniiseta :——— oie we i ha solved,T hat T wil “Tever A ‘pack of hounds belton ring to + é 2S as .fark:}+eh:nie -‘ [ing and goodcitbudings.|Lies foripe tar bonen ene’aaigapors war (faoh,nigh Ant the,atone le I t will r tus hi |ear the river,ran a ‘fox an — Saenty acres in cultivation.This }umbye ts which oe 0 oe treed it.on <a.long,’slender Be LQ sis one of the mbst desirable farms }Reserved,‘That I ‘will not.ap-Quincy,Julius and Ephraim McLean ee -J in Iredell county.Price very rea-|vrouen any one in tae corridor of ee eee Cone.Ober ae eee ' j sonable.RememberIhave 30 oth-ithe postoffice and ask him it fgces)shot,and killed a large gray|:oa ‘erfine farms in Iredell county for Bg jhas a stamp but Twill wait till ie m7 Stee a Oe sale..See“me.lthe stamp window inopen arid hey (eee ee ee distance |: 250 actes,more or less,1)miles VResolved,“Phat I ei ot fret,woeie homes wae near ten 7 ;Firom Statesville,on publ road S PROPERTY -jauert ‘the lotby of the postoffice}oohimwood,X MA F,SHEPHERD.|All Felt Mattress,full size,weight 45 pounds,made ait tebe tlles Coin eanadae voail Bes oatid eee to =my neigh-|N.Y:in beautiful art tick.Guaranteed Sanitary. 1,000,000 feet goodtiniber—100,000 el eee ced ot f ;- feet oak,300,000 forest pine,600,-or a e or en e i imself,wr will borfow my}No Clue to the Robber, 000 feet fine second-growth pine.Al te,den bor Scr enn pene Nee ::or one myself et 1 Lots of this will cut No.1.Lo Wosolead 1 There:is no clue,we:understand |E tesi avec ThatI will not,.believe}t e identity of ’ief.| Two:of the most attractive prop-|)ee.lu:ukind ‘things told me on the “Q,Letbeen ae ee en baie t.WO: eee on the market..See Fale Gees cottage and-lot Ms abi yut my friends untilI have |sistant to’Postmcater campbell “at|af _J me quick.°on Oak.street for sale.Good |positive.proof.|Maiden,of $125 11 out =ns :or.sale.0 |Mé n,of $125 in cash and about ': a F ‘ene |-Resolved.That.L -will)remembe e-i Nov.21.3.barn and outbuildings.:iat.I will,remember|$400 worth of stamps,.one night 7 R..V.Brawley.|:a tand reflect:that niouth-from-mouth iseveral we ok eo .Mi.Caldwell ” .,Several lots,closein,forsale jaccoults ‘of.any incidents are in jhad carried th-money and st s o e |LE 1 a :|Most casés magnified,exaggerated|to his hor nd they we P greeny;‘free xaggerat FE ne anc e ere '§> F f yR S A One hundred and sixtyacres land tcld-in a spirit to suit the {there Although-an inspector was OUR SPETCLAL P }} ;¢ae Selva f ;t 2 ni gh.ar nspector was k 4 Ss .eee ea e less thana mile north of town |latinea.and °with ‘the:idea of cré-|asked to come and investigate,none RICE $6.75 +eanran ‘to be cut into lots to suit pur-“[linthe ori-inal:that 1 ese has arriyed as Yet,It is thought "....Gash Tobacco “Warehouse,,lot chaser.This:is fine resid |ea ee aA ee te rs ce nce dee aa (d-B h |aa eee ni sore aser.s eli-sah face unt Bis a | 130x285,corger Walnut-and Meet-|]tial property,located oh Tur-lthehe is”sae “toute until.I “Knew,vestigate,since ther obbery did not |Taw Or unc mi ure emp"y. *ee a,|t unde ir i .postoffi ig dct abel nonner Court and nersburg road and Turner av-truthfulness.aus ane heey tome naivee t tae eo UNDERTAKERS ‘AND ee ae }i SS WI 1IK@ly y=Dore DY Meeting stnects.i enue,ia ong ain That.I,will.have id the postifaster,y,.3 hones,ey DAY 400 96%:acres,at Bufola,$30 per}now the same:respect for lddies |=—»..NIGHT 178 x aore,“Nine acres in north States-when they aie not present as wien fr DIED SUDDENLY!eel Sa ‘Fs 7 75 acres,one mile east of court|ville forsale.os Ld Me oo their presente:e es a oe er :—————— “house.esolved,*That }will,not pity)‘eute Indigestion ‘the’Cause."| 96 aones,one mile.and a-halt ithe oid as sadividials but respect How an Do ae ae ‘This | mst c.Ss.Holland.em a Ee icine ioe Duty Fate!"@EOSOCSSORSSSSS: 25 acres,cing ‘mile and x quarter |5 Resolved,That it I take a‘drink |.Dear reader,if your.food does west:L Dec.12.will hot -cell tnothér or wife th not digest’properly,jut stays in| ‘70 acres,one mile and a half -t a [did it because a friend up street!Your stomach,causing much misery,|sf weet *:“ay nee On my -taking -one.with shortness:of breath and fermenta-||Prize.or ‘ing 1 acres,five miles north,$30 ;:tm ”:tion,you:are the -ope-thatshould| ,;js i é t | ;per acre.JOHN Cc,DYE,"M.D.Resolved,Thut if I can't be en-constantly have with vO a box} 456_acres,three miles east,$25 i -tertaining to my friends,without }of MI-O-NA ‘stomach.tablets.$ PEE BUTS:ets _-AD FITTL AND THROAT spit tig 32 or misrepresenting my Two “litthe’MI-O-NA tablets tak+I will sell a $300 Piano for $150.to the ‘public school. ;A-_number of ‘other ‘desirable AND FI G GLASSES.Mende will keep my mouth shut,{en ,at the.first .sign!of distress,|teacher who.will train their school to sing:ten school i SS gone ren ~‘Office in’Mills Buitding..pe stig “tr I will not tell:a re have kept,many a death mo-|songs in’‘‘Carolina Harmony:”’Certifigate.from -com- ng kn investmen Office hours9to12a.m oe 1a have heard things,tice out of the papers.mittee,stating these songs have been sung -by the ISIDORE WALLAGE,8,tS p.th..m.,soln d ae his ¢haracter untess I If you have stomach trouble of |school will be.required;~ *i give the name of my infor-|any kind,start to get rid:of it to-’): First National Bank Building.Phones:Office 458;Residence 428 mant$atid what was sald,day.“One 50-cent bo of MI-O-NA |ts alae im kere b SEgetttPe eticonneJ‘ort |Le f a be =Phone‘236 *-=He uae ;stomach tablets will make you feel’aid D ae coe:‘tt bes music ih six schiool BON weed naboul was ona trail otat Tks a BOW haath,OS —teint a ba rf =ne ne ae tee A book will™ :other,day ‘and-had a seat just’riext {me Pay eae |¢Juaned to each school,and the words Abs su rs é at just’next;ment will make any abused,out-Way 08 sung . :De oW,:FRAZIER,JERSEY BU LL in froat ‘of two'men who had more |of-order stomach,strong:and ornad |_from their tablets,but classes having members over: 2 .Kor depvlea:Fine specimen andthe th,n\their share of (speefits”’They |ous.“school agewill be eee notesand words. “TINNER,:offspring of good milk os Charges he nt tay drunk their supply®or ranrankeck:“mind,you,’‘or tndil-NE i .©Phe ‘r:id resolved:to rest a spell from |géstion,dizziness,|ili :r _S.Li d,-M NORTH ‘CENTER STREET.TS.drfiking.ech thought he’wis }dreame.They,secs Tho wet te ,eonar usic’aler, ‘PHONES ;lH His siweeee Proprietor,sdberer than:-the other and*each |brighten the eyes,.A box for only -$12;Gerite Sti cet RESIDENCE oas0 w vi t :wy Walnut Grove Farm,as trying to pofnt outito the oth-|60 centea at the Statesville Drug .P i ‘er the error of his intemperate habs Store and druggists everywhere.eosoeceooesecses oa ‘,.-Sc \a2S s \::i :“6,cis “i Bo : rN ,on "y.\: aR ag Se n e r ee e ee x yh sa t e e n “ <s i l e n t i s . c l e an c a b m a n l l l h Wl ai e c i n g i r c m n s sa c i a old -document, Sustenance AE}LANDMARK {PUBLISHED |)TUBSDAY._AND FRIDAY.eos ;a.BR CLARK,,EDITOR.‘AND OWNER. a@FFICE-,120 wis?BROAD STREET.:SUBSCHIPTION PRICE:YHAR y ‘TURSDAY,~-—-January 16,1912. OARNEGIE A WITNESS. MR, Mr.Andrew Carneg ie,millionaire, Was a witness before the steel trust. investigating committee-.of the?’ House for two or three days last week,and the old man made some interesting statements to ‘questions propounded by*members ‘of the Sommittee.In his testimony,Friday it developed :that he had antribut® “ed $15,000 to oppose thé«policy.of imperialism and:the annexation of ‘the Philippines,assailed Wall street / and branded’“stock gamblers as a parasites;‘urged theRoosevelt trust .policy:in’,‘preference to that:of President:Tatt for ‘dealing.with.the ‘trusts “and asked”‘Congress con- sider -carefully that problem,°Fol- eo _Jowing are-extracts—tfromtheAsso-_| _ciated Press ‘report of the ‘testime- my:Se ae Chairman.Stanley,producing read an- from a .state-ment”made ‘by Mr.Carnegie many years ago in which the’ironmaster-said: “Stock:gamblers are.parasites feeding on vedaes ‘and creating none;*“ “Are you still of “that ‘opinion ?” he asked.“Mr Stanley,the other ‘day you referred ‘to something duchad .said about competition and you said you’ would like to have,it engraved on*a.memoelal-tablet,”Mr.Carnegie:added.:““I wish you would take thequotation-you.havé just read,-én-Srave it on a tablet and put it inthestock:exchange.” “Do you'believe’:that a corpora-tien,should by'law be.given the:right to buy and sell its own stock’on the stock exchange?”’ “That 4s a new question,’“Mr.Carnegie .answered,Asai ieate“I have_vever heard it raisedfore.I.would:like to ‘think that }over and write you a note of myvibws.’ Reprise n ative McGillicuddy some-|what confused:Mr.-Carmegie with a fire of questions seeking to show | that a plan was formulated to or- Zanize the United Stats.Steel cor- poration béfore Mr.McKinley was elected President in 1900;aad that | the ‘@eal was,consummated soon.af-} ter -his election.“He brought oiit the tact that Carnegie had told Mc- Kinity to have nothing to do with imperialism or the acquisition of ‘the Philippines. Mr.Carnegie couldn't recall that} he atrendeda -meeting of antj-impe-| rialists in 1900 and pledged $25 | 000.to oppose the renoniination and| ;0 from Chinege ‘type,the three [letter Was misleading. |Lain Ma.Ding:y-'Phe name.iss printed| that compose’the name being The Landmark by Mr.Leonard.The was,»written’on November sMr,Leonard ‘gives view.of conditiohs as they at that time. _29,but existed Editor”"Patton,.of the Charlotte| Néws,says that notwithstanding:he’ had stood:by Dr,Cook’and defend: ed him,“long after.others.had Sought’the high’grass,’!’he ..was’ not asked to:introduce the explorer when ‘he Isctured in’Charlotte last | wéek.It's thezway of the.world; Pattoh.Mayle:theyvalida't.even ‘ask you,to.sit en the platform ;while others’who/had sneered’‘at the “doc:| tor and joined the multitude:in shout ing “erucify him!’”‘when.appear- ‘ancesseemed aeainets “tin,were doubtless most-jn evidence,But take comfort in’the fact that vite, tue is its cwn reward:: _.Conéond people,.after |tiresome waiting and much trouble,forced: the Southern’railway to’agree. Build a’new passenger statian,The plans “have been’made and conitrac- tors were to have begun work yes- tenday.Concord,:‘however;is’not happy,as it -is announced that ‘the plans for he new.Station do not| come up to expectations.if.the Concord folks expect “the Southern to.build a,station ”according to theh”ideas,Thelandma rk .wHl make} bold to tell’them that they ~have some disappointment in store. Sthtesville has ‘lad the experience. “Tt an interview with Geione?Bry- an” |Kan:his not picked Weodrow Wil-., [son as:his choice for the Democrat- udmination.Judging from .past loheervatibis we fel#warranted ‘in|Saying Colonel Bryan said at the commit- jtée.meeting..and the banquet in |Washinztcn iad a good strong string lied to it.The future~will prove that we are correct.What seem|te ‘Nea love feast over the Joline| The:réports |announcing that Colonel Bryan was on the Wilson band wagon —were €xageeri ted.They “merely took | things for granted:.That is;if the iutervicw.in the Sun is authen- tic-—Greensboro News. Some of them have been fighting to prove the uudoing of one‘of the |broken.|Wilson un’the-:round that .he was re-election of McKinley,but admit-|Bryan’6 Man;now the same.¢le- ted that he might have given $15,-|ment will -deubthess insist’that 000 for that purpose.|Wilst n isn’t available because."he+ “After McKinley was inaugurated| in March,-1901,-and Philander —C. that within 30 days your steel cor-Poration actually was-foimed?”MrMcGillicuddypersisted: “Why do ‘you say,‘your steel merely suld my.property.” Mr.McGillicuddy thén asked if, after ‘the ‘steel corporation —was | forme throughout tne entire ad-|ministration andMr.Knox’s term:as|Attorney Gone.a’,there.had been4anyprosecution.of the steel:trust. Mr.Carnegie said he heard ‘of none Chatrman Stanley told Mr.Carne.gie of tntimations he had heard |some time before when the |formerWas.about to.construct an .enor-mous tube mill,that he was about | $o be crimeshed .by Morgan,“Cary, Gates aud a_gigautic competitive |combine Comp py just before the stee] poration proposal was made Suggested.that the re were reports | current that he:was a sick.man| who could be easily induced. wel 1;was still.able to.vtakesaid:~Mr.°Carnegie“But they qpproachedmeé at ‘a800d.time.v had.already formed| a determination of-my career.I haddeterminedthatIwould.not spend| } cor- can hélp themselyes That is why InevergivealibraiytoacommunitythatCannothelpintheenterprise.”’ That the distribution|of q surplus‘Wealth ean do more he ith than goodisastatementthatwhouldbe"pon+ dered,Men who haye thade =mil-| dions;through .special \Privileges|{@ud then giveaway some ofthe mil-li ovis,are given”much credit.for Uberality.;Under a‘just.and equitable sistem:of.government ‘a part’at jeast ‘of these millions '.,would rema'n in the ‘hatcs:of thepeople,where the money |be longs The Noi th Ce“cisFederation’ofWomensclubs.will\meet in.Green.ville.HexXt.week,>‘i‘te od a |was takem Back to jail and will be Loft |Gladden |niversary. i when care ‘gists ahi well.ute ae tent isn’t Urvan's man.(bianchi iaietprmetaal inating Knox,who had been attorney -for:Gladden Acquitted of Dixon>Murder.your company,was made Attorney.|sielpy Dispatch L8thto Char-General in His:cabinet .[Carnegie|both Observer.:dad -previously admitted that he hact :::Tecommiended Knox],is it not true |Frank Gladden,the white “man implicated in the murder of Mr,anit Mrs’John Dixon;at.their home’in the upper part of Cleveland county, |December 13,was tonight deelanedcorporation’?Mr.--Carnegie |re-jot guilty-of the murde r of Mr.Dix“torted,impatientiy.“I had nothing (0"40d when)court convenes Mon:to.do.with’the ‘steel corporation.|G#y.the other SCRETES Beane statNever.inyested®a cent in it I ‘that of the murder of Mrs.Dixon, will be’nol prossed with-‘leave.The jury."was out two hours.Gladden 'discharged’Monday. Hack Ross and.Cullen Mull “will be ‘held until the next regular.term Superier,Court.The special |term ‘will be adjourned sige arid Jurors in.the Gladden ease stat- ed after the .verdict had aed ren- |dered,that they could not put enouy h faith in the unsupported testimony of John Ross;.to create in their.minds the judgnient that was guilty beyond a.reas- ¢steagainst‘the Carnegie Steel |Onabte doubt. and|Planhing Rig Celebration at Gettys-be),burg. The.moventennt for a fitting:cele- bration in.1913 of the fiftieth an-| of the battle of Gettys-took definite.form |Friday| the PentsyIvania commissionhavingthematterin.charge’-ap~ ;peared ‘before the joint congression-~ burg ak committee and made public —its im'the crime and resulted in.his ar-|my old age in making-more dol-i plans rest ‘and-—triall,Had not this device|lars.-I had all the money I wanted)It -is propcsed~to have the cele-been used it is po sible that John |aud I.determined that some time bration extend over the first four-Rose would not tiave conte ssed his|before’when’théeMogres.sought.an fdays of.July and the most impor-|8uilt.As these who have kept up |option’on-the works and I had left [tant -fedture will be the laying of With the case know,in h’8 confes-it to my partners to decide.ithe cor!.er-stone of a great ,peace Sion:he alleged that.Gladden:hired|“I had:all -the money I Wanted |mnemori 1 -to..be erected by the na-|him toll Mr.,Dixon.and.that|and it was not until one after that}tion at tke-entrance to the battle-|Gladden himself killed Mrs.Dixon.||I realized it was more Ja¥orious.to |field,\bill ‘will’be introduced in|-nena ne |Ne distribute money“witely—than —to Congres!appropriating $500,000 for Landloid|Scriously ,Wounded By|make it.Edo not -Jike that.word /this pu:-s°and the President of:renant :ee.Philanthropist..It sugges's a>manJthe Unit 1 S:ates will be invitéd to Pee +oy pte 4 prtwithmore\.moiey than brains.:°I|preside the ceremony.ODE tM Faircloth,a lawyerhave:seen Where--distribution oft:enema 4 and commandant of the Sampson |surplus wealth has done.more hatm ‘fe Celeb ate»Séventy-Fitth Anniver.Light Iniantiy,was assaulted and’)than:good-and has done more to|mary,f Terao o Se ee aeBauperize._people than benefit them.Arrang:we nig are being niade’bo foe My Peay TeelTneverliketo“help people”“who|celebrate ie 2Seventy-lifth anniver->sary of Avidsen Collere at thecomMencemitnext’May.Pres'dentVenableofv\e Unt versity;‘Hill ofthéAsandM.,‘Ollege,Alderman of the »University Virginia,Gow,Glenn aid other disuwuished “men will take part in the BO OTR OR:eee ¢ Ineutatios’Commissioner Jones R Young Siys that.during»¢he ‘year 1911"21°persons lost’their lives ,a8 theresult of fires in.North Car-olina»He urges the installation of proper fire escapes,firesproof build- ings ‘and all other,precautions toeliminatethis.source of dangérThree-fourths of the fires;he says, preventable blind Ghronic Drug- Hohing,bleeding protruding orDivesvie1d:Lo.DYoan's Ointment,“HSER SOOT relieved,finally cured, The peculiar marks at the bot- type’ sent ‘lettter |is of special interest ‘on .ac- count of the ‘revolution-inCihina.It. a ‘comprehensive to: ‘-heads together, is New.York,published in the|be-|Sun,if to be credited;the Nebras- several days..ago that what jlarge »here ‘cated a white man, »,Capt.Faireloth [eB.Gustonia Gazette, did -not’even dream of it--everywordspekenandeverymovemade by Will,John and.Hack Rogs,.the three Cieveland county |negroes who were confined,in the Gaston éounty jal!awaiting trial for the murder of,Mr.and Mrs,John Dix- cal officers..The men:having ‘in charge these suspects.were.neither in sight nor hearing:of the prison- ers but nevertheless theig.words ‘and movements were detected down \to the minufest details. It..we all done by &simple:de- vice but ane which,the newspaper: ‘man ‘is informed,has:never before been used except on one or two oc ¢casions:by Detective Burts,the fta- pmons sleuth who ran down the Me-‘Namiras;*The -credit’for hitting upon tnis plan,which resulted:in &:curing valuable information in:thisMurdercase,is due~Jailer Boh Rhyne,Mr.'/R.B.’Babington,‘gener-al manuger of the’Piedmont.Tele- phene .and .Telegraph Company, and his asgistants at the city hall. ner’s.inquest at Shelby,as asultofwhichthethreeRoss fie- shoes were.ordered to be ‘held fortrial]for the brutal murder of Mr and.Mrs.John Dixon.on’the night: of--December:-13;->-John-and—Will were brought to the county jail here..and placed.in separate -cellssothey‘could not communicate with each other and Hack was.placed in the _Mecklenburg county~jail at] Charbotte.By.keeping.them sep--. j arated it.was hoped tlatesome..,of }them would divulge the’truth:The Tre- févidence’in hand was not:very 6trong.The State’was anxious,of| course,to ~'get as mué¢h-and as strong,evidence against them as possible before,‘court ‘convened.’The first scheme of Keeping:them aeDar- étticeia put ‘their consulted Mr.!Bab-| results,so the ‘|{ugton.And as a result a plan was worked out which secured the:de-| sired end.. |.“Pransférring Will and John |to} the eity jail for.a day one of the| new steel ce lig in the’county.jail was| equipped with 'eonceated.electric ‘wires deftly At the top of the cell a| and very sensitive’.teléphone |transmitter,‘Plate several times the} 6:Ze \of,those used ona:telephone, was “tached to one of the -electric jwires To allay any-possible |pieion on the part of the’prisoners,’ DEVICE IN MURDER CASE| Though they did not know hee on at Shelby,was known to the 1p- Sheriff Wilkins’and Chief Carroll’j- .Immediately -following~the’cogo-4 Bus-[ace turning frowi-va™visit to a, house ran.off the h ghway,in NOVEL *NEN on of ene AS Leemaed |ected Murderers Equ A “joyuriding’party of .five,i i MCT |Cell of Suspected Murderers EquiletterfromChina,in this issue’‘ped With’An Arrangement Pied:three yonng women and.two young of The.,Landmark,are pot.the)Transmitted Their’Every.Word mea yee perieor ua cc‘)ry,%;‘:e:W:oO ds,68 f ae ae “ee papper pt :ee *eee a »automobile fn which they were re-Mr,Leonard’s name in'C ss.road |, theTarknegeaud,plunged finto a canaly The|finst iragortene naval battleintheTurkojttalian.war g¢curredintheRed.ps on January 7 with cruiser ‘squadron sauk seven Turkish gun- boats after a sharp conflict,A large’ seamen went but’others -the the result that an Italian number.of .°’Turkish down with their ships, were rescued by boats from. Italian warships. ciding upon,tile tvansfer on ‘the Was necessary..Becauseof,his phys,ical’cundition Morse recent!y.;was ‘transferred to Fort McPherson from ‘seaving 15 years for.Violation the banking laws.% Representative Smith;'ot ‘Texaa.h Democrat,attacked President/Taft ure’to protect Americans.on.‘border during the Mexican.revolu-| tion’last year. ed the .Republican.” diplomacy,’’and for alleged ‘refusal the -présecution -~of ~their claims~ against.the Mexican ~government, though Germany,’China and—other Nations .were pressing their citizens’ {claims.: _Angered by'a-reduction.of pay,caused by a new State law, shall Jabor but 54.hours a 157000 persons employed inwoolenmillsatLawrence,Mass, work Friday,and.in’riots éd,,mill ‘windows,were several men men were arrested, tha.gir}operatives were undér the feet of 500 shattered,were injured and trampled| |derstand the new-law.‘:At a|Meeting of °1,000 operatives |Wecided to call a gelera) Saturday a Squad ofwrestedfromthe strike. ruins of tallion Chief William Walsh,met death In the fire on last Tues-day in New.York city.-.They found|the.body half sitting,half reclining, arms,pinned | beam| outstrete hed face down by “a giant iron Charles “W.‘Morse,the New York banker,,has been’,ordered.trans-ferred from Fort M¢Phergon,«Ga. to the army gener hospital,.Hot Springs,‘Ark.,Préstlent Tatt and Attorney Genetia!Wickeraham:de- idea that special,medical treatment 4] Atlanta penitentiary,whéres he!was} of House-Friday—tor-atleced—fei} the |f ‘Mr.Smith arraign-| administration| for pursuing a policy of “spineless | of all practioal aid ‘to Americans ‘in their’ which provides,that:mill operatives | week,| qui | w‘that |jfollowed mill machinery7was wreck-| hal f-erazed |foreign operatives,who do net -un-| mass j it was| fireman’! the)’Equitable building the body:of,Bat-| who | all the electric lights in.the’jail |and with only the rwhber coat shew-: aud festconing were happily worked|in,tippuientl,to give a:festive air |!j to:the sombre prison cells but in||reality to bite the device which was! negroes and Suve the necks of|ROEent two,as later developed: The next step in the plaw was to |brine Hack Rss.to Gastonia from the | Charlotte...The th ee negroes trom|then }laced ty this \cell with ear:jthe outside docrs,were :locked and.so far as they.knew,no human earswerecloseenoughtohearwhat |they said. But they were mistaken.—Actosss}the street,upstairs in the city hal,Sat a man with-a telephone receiverathigarhearingplainly~every |word &peken afd every movementMadeby‘the three men.For-three|days and nights a man.sat with-his ear to.that receiver——not the |same.man,of course’for it was atiresohejob,but it.was,worked,on@,-relay system ‘by several men-taking notes ‘of everything.tThewordsthatwere:spoken,things that were said and done inthecellduring‘these.three dayea |and nights,need not,be’set down-| They are not a part of this Story.Suffice it to say that by}Means of this clever device;sufft-'Glent was.learned to convince theofficersbeyondadoubtthlatJohnResswasguiltyandthatWilland.Hack were innocent A.goodpart,of the time,it is stated,Wil]and)Haek spent in praying to the Lord.to make Joln—confess,if he was guilty (as they believed him .toand.so save them’from the aw-ful ‘fate.~undeserved——that seemedto'stare them inthe fa°@.of dy-|ing in the Wecttic -chair for 4 erlme |they did not commit::|One of the most important pieces information “obtained through device was that which impli- Frank Gladden,| the | of this The negyo.whese.name is HarveyRich,was indebted to Captain Fair-cloth and there was a dispute about ‘the,disp s.(iom,of Hich’s part of the |.crop,The nggro.beetame enragedandadvahced‘upon Capt.Fairelothwithanopen.knite.:Me latter gotasmallpiececfplankandwaede--fending himeelf when the wife ofthe.negro joined ‘inthe fiay aiddealttheeaptnna?tunning ttlow on the head with..a.stick.Her husbandthénbeganeuttinghim‘an..made adeepgashfrom,his lett ear.half-way round the throat and anotherwetabovethelefteye. is.eXpeeted to-Xe- 4 he negro fled.; cover,\ Dy sheng a is:Amertea’s:curse..Bur-dock Blood Bitters conquerg dyspepsiaeverytime;Tt drives -out intpurities,tones the stomach,restores perfect df- | ste orinal Welght ond ROT:health. || ae Pe n d es e : 4 é ¢ * e : = i building.and that the dabris whichfelluponhimcrushedahalreadylifelessbody.The neck ‘and ~al-most every bone in’the body wasTherewerebutfewbunns. ¢elleand corridors were equipped_|ing.The coroner’s physician.be.|with nades and,it being Christ.|Teves,that the chief “was:aspitiyx-|}mas day;kol!y-and Christmas bells tated “as he groped’through the ||I Bix|A nuinber of | ™OUR BIG -iy ei Will continue ‘one a longer-~and if you:have.not:patronized’ it we urge you to come.before -the opportunity iisae eat Be article “of.merchandise_tremendously reduced. -_Ladies’Hose 4c.pair,not over 6“pair to acustomer.: ‘Men's Half Hose espair,notover6pair‘toa customer. Good dark and light Calicos 3 1 Qe.yd,not over 30 yds,to customer. Have you bought one of our big11x4Lamb’s Wool Blankets for$4.39,$6.00 to $7.00 value? Come to see us. aoa WHITE CO. Firepit incerta er o) *BEGINS® Wednesday,January 17th And for ten days.we will give to our customers an oppor-.~tunity of securing merchandise of merit at greatly reduc-ed prices. cottgn. original price. prices, partment, Special G5¢per yard, serve you, Our entire stock Men’s,Women’s and Children’8 Shoes.at reducedexcept;Ed win Clapp’s,:LACE SPECIALS.°+|‘One large assortment ‘Val,Torchon and Round Thread Laces purchas-2edspecialforthisbua4c.per ace Other special valuesin Lace de- "=~~WHITE GOODS.—= Dimities,Nainsooks,Flaxons,LongClothsaud Linensat great reductions. SILK SPECIALS,BLANKETS,ETC. Twenty:seven inch imitation Foulard and Pongees:price 35¢.,sale price.19¢. Women’s aad Children’s Underwear,just now,goin,‘this.sale at greatly reduced»prices.»WOOLEN DRESS GOODS.Le Be Special.values in this department. ‘Don’t forget the date and the valnes we are to give.be closed Tuesday preparatory to this sale._No goods charged at saleee There will be a saving on every article pur-chased during the sale except Edwin Clapp Shoes ‘and spool.Those who havé attended our Clearance Salesknowwhattoexpect.when we -advertisé this event.certain lines we will make unusual reductions. COAT SUITS AND COATS AND CHILDREN’S COATS.-THIS SEASON'S GARMENTS AT HALF PRICE. ~One lot Suits containing about 15.eatmanta at_about one-third the Th tegular selling \Comforts.Men’s, allof which,are}much in demand ‘ Our stock of Blankets, About 25 pie ces $1.Woolens, Our doors wiltCompetent‘salespeople to ney Bowles -Morrison1 Coney § Our Cash Clearance’Sale} 4 vt :ve St aN . Got “TUESDAY,-wo oe January, Ris G) -OFFICE: 'MOVEMENTS,oF 4 \some time ee,pega folks,return- “-ed*Saturday: ‘son,Me.nlan etna -home people.. THE ROAD TO.KILBY'S Taylorsville and Wilkesboro Build a Road —Book Olpb are ing, Correspondence.of The Landinark,© Taylorsville,Jani;15-—-At.a-meet- ing of the Alexander Improvement. Association Friday night Messrs;J. H.Burke.and Chas;P?Matheson: were appointed’a committtee to col- GAP: aTHELANDMARK PUBLISHED “TUESDAY AND¥ANDFRIDAY. 120 WEST BROAD-‘STREET.TELEPHONE NO.14, “16,1912. bp “NOTICE MASONS. lect the “necestary funds to payfortheSurveyofaroad...fromSs":“JOHN'S Night ‘celebration Taylorsville to Kilby’s ‘Gap.©They in ‘Masonic hall TUESDAY ||raised the amount Satutday.-andEVENING,16th,at 8 o'clock.Dr.Laugenour will give a history ofMasonryinIredellcountyforthe”t 100 years.Refreshinents.willbegee.All visiting ‘Masons.cordially:invited. the right of way has been secured. Wilkes county,will have the road surveyed from Wilkesboro to;Kilby’s Gap and the work will begiminboth.counties as soon as thewéatherwillpermit.The mew noad will be 4%per cent.-grade, JThe.book ‘club met with Mrs.ws, H,Burke ‘Thursday.afternoon >ather.[pretty home on east Main street.This was the.first.meet- Jing Of the.seasot)and ‘the following: is a:list of the members and ‘their books for this.year:Mrs;|J.-H: Burke,“Miss apple,Galt”)Mera.S.7.Ctowson,.“Me Miller of*Old. ')Chareh"Mre.'.Mic Br!-Gwaltney, HkKeebing Up With:Liagie’:°Mrs!Mh.Kelly,-"{Qued"s>Mire..“Hi:*D. Lindsey:“Max":Mrs...T.H.‘Miller’ “Pho Harvester’;“Mra.°C.Le:Math- eson,.'The;.Winming “of Barbara Worth!’;:Miss ‘Alice Sharpe,The, THE PEOPLE. hfenition ‘of‘of the Folks Who Ate:Coming and Going,% ‘Mr..Frank.*Harbin,who spent ‘Coluntbia,S.C. he has |aY posi te. “‘Redman:teft gaturdayforFarinington,Davie county,.where} ‘phe:will’make ‘her home ‘with her TH.Redman.Mrs.,Red- was ill’when Mr.and Mrs.'Red- moved from «Statesville.to, owhere Mrs.R.F. man t’ “wilt MATTERS OF NEWS. “An epidemic’of,meningitis.pre-|Yails in portjons ‘of Texas,Dallas| “-being ame poiitt.Phe disease is be-| schools suspended | the} ing quarantined,ind’all effort made to.check disease,-which’is veny fatal. Six ersons,five womenandaman,|were killed when an express train-on}the New York division.of the Penn-| sylvania railroad cr shed into a lightwagonina,suburb of Philadelphia|Sunday:The women were’being’ drivento,churchwhen the accident! occurréd, Incensed basins his ote.from:whom he had ‘been séparated six|months,receiveda young man callerSundayafternoon,W.D.Moore shotandfatallywoundedhisfather-in-law,J.R.Robinson,at the house.of.He latter at ‘Arcadia,near Tampa,and in turn was instantly killed.ey a son of Mr.Robinsén.~The son,waswoundedintheencounter.. Rev.Jos.R:Smith,pastor.of three small churches near Sewanee,Tenn., is under'arrest for,operating an illicit|distillery,which'was'foundin'asmoke- house at his home and near oneofhis ¢hurches,,The preacher claim$.he df ‘d not know it was a:violation of the Jaw.to make whiskey but knew it waswrong.to drink it.He also stated ‘POR SALE|M.DEATON,Statesville, i»|Ville,Nehoard and trashing Capt,J.Q..Holland,treasurer |Gaston county ate veteran,died at.his Gastonia Sattunday. WANTED home and -a Corted er of in ~LADY companion for wo-man of small family;also ta}|help in.housework:Address 108 Race street,Phone 3388,6,Jan," LOSTKnoxCo,Return toKNOXCO. ON Ikésboro road,HT con-.Wateeeebought eet oe:‘an FOR SALE OR RENT.=-1-ROOM.2-story“dwelling house onwestBellstreet;good well of water on themeoerentwaterinyard;good big lot and barn.s.ania 114 Courtstreet Statesville No.:an.16 —5t. FOUND —CUFF BUTTON. ;The Landmark for this ad, \ Owner can have same by calling and paying Corn and Peavine Hay—BALED Straw,Sareied Jan,12,: WwW ANTED =O EXCHANGE town N.BLM lots*for roughLy tee such,sa Jan,12. 7 Tax.N otice. HE:‘County Commission- Ors,the county’:school fund and the State‘Treasurer are.calling upon me te collect,taxes now long past dae and have served notice upon me r yourNew Year Be2 “afesolution(1/2345 é “ie 10 i 12 13(4 SACS Ny gp81920]reAeowrazeety s) ON WO,7)A(Ra),Bl Sy Ms af!(Ui ieeASII!WyF‘|aT wt| Leh seen go has sinee recovered. Misshiyn wood Bost has Treturned ‘from.Grebnyijle,(Pa...where she|» was unable to accompany them.She spent a year,with her brother,Mr? Jotin ost." Mr.and.Mrs lL.Le .Suther,who iWeedeerver—of-byit pis —Mise—be cy Thurston,‘Life of Alice Fried- mat Palmer”4 Mrs.C...G.'Viele, ‘The Iron Woman."Al the mem-| bers were present at.this.meet- ing,which was an,unusually,pleas: ant one.Delicious cream and ¢ake. ‘were served, 3 that he had never sold any of hiswhis-key but hadgiven soine of it foa few of his members’for.medical purposes. “A rare incident in’the.history of railroading Occurred at’the Norfolk&Western railroad at Lynchburg,Va;;_Sunday,when-the*Washington- spent some days with Mr.suther’s Parents near Batium,went to Hick- Ory,Saturday to .wisit--Mrs:Suther's They expect to take Mr.1 H.Miller spent a day ‘in Statesville last week.Mre.R;.B, Blurke—visited..her-niece,Mirs,-—Pres-5 som,.in.Charlotte-last week...Mrs. { up their residence in Statesville Thos,Watts went to Newton Satuf-| _within a short.time’iday,to visit her daughter,Mrs.C.| Mrs.RB.FP.Long,‘Miss Marie Loné|LL.Bverhart;Mre.C.Le Mathe-| ‘and.little’Miss’Lois’Long Hac kett |son 4s the guest of Miss McRae in| ‘leave the latter part.of,this week|Statesyille >My.A.C.Payne-at:| cor the first of next for New York ktended the meeting of:grand lodge| to visit:Mrs.Lois Long Hackett.|of Me BOD in Raleigh last week.Mrs:Long ‘will sail from:New with ‘her som, *Notices of New © York the 2 where alre ith fer London,Engiata,The Lawless at Work ‘Aone the ¢ will.spend a few mdénths .|tawba. Mr.McKendree Long.|To ‘the (Editor of The ..Landmark:| Miss Long and littie Miss Lois Long|Eufola,Jan.18.—We’re «aw hlHackett:will ‘spend some weeks in|having the experienceof ‘an old-time|Hackett iNew.York ,with .Mrs tjwinter.Snow has been on the}Mr.Clyde »Murdoch,who’has!} heen.visiting his parents,Mr..and ‘ground,for a7 OP and the snowhichisfallingnow‘looks like itmay |}Mrs,W.A.Murdoth,in Cool Spring| township;has returned to his home |be here another:week.at Dallas,Texas :|«Farmers are not doing any plowing|Mr.and Mrs.L..lu.Maubdin,who|Of course,but they are very..well sat-:|have beer visiting relatives in Ire-lisfied,beeause.the weather whichdel]for a month,left ‘last night |keeps them from plowing is making for their home at,Ga inesvillé,“Tex-|wheat.| as.’Mrs.’Mauldin’was.Miss Lillian'|Somebody,from piinieehinl came}Gaither;a native of Lredell \into the.vicinity:of Lookout Shoals,|Mrs,J;Ff.“Anderson spent:yeS-/on the Catawba,a few days ago:and’terday in Charlotté Mr K—L.Sowers is)at honre Ipr from Richmond to spend a week or}Gin’dave.ithe success they had-planned they be-|Capt.EB.F!Lovelt.-of Boone,Wa:‘|gan to arrange things differently and|tauga county,passed throughStates-|800n got in readiness a smali maga-| ville y-sterday en route home from zine of explosivesinthe formof dyna- Moorcéville,’where he visited his|mite.Then they proceeded:up.the|datighter,‘Mrs.Brawley,jriver,throwing dynamite in every di-|. RAL MESTie ATI rection,which of-course played havoc|Advertieentsms.|with any unfortunate fish which hap-| will continue until i pened to bein range of:them.That} roceeded to go on a fishing trip.| ealizing that they were hot having | || Sacrifice:sajethe24th.——Statesvillé Housefurnist|was bad enough but they didn'tstop | ing Co.:zs :eee ithere.They took boats or anything.|Wate ie ted aetces pet they wanted,regardless of individual| ‘arauaiabiga,%'teeene |rights or law,and after their .day of |Giatahes:enle .MhinGee”“oom lawlessness they proceeded to Cataw-|wel lofiger.The-White Co _|ba station and without tickets board-| Banking by mail.-Sferchants and |ed No.12,thinking all over,but if re-|Farmers’:Bank {ports are true they had better look out. ‘Cash clearance ‘sale’begins to-|,Last Sunday was a'day of tempta-morrow Ramsey -Bowles,-Mor-|tigns and from the sound of guns somie|rison Co.*bie }must.have yielded,witheut respect toAllsortsofcoalinany’“quam;|the laws of man or God.’It may'be pe i Morrison Grocery 40d)judgments didn’t come to ll,but re- pein cricaa tok’maelt Gaui Eke member;dear friends,there is a judg-| séth Bille &Poston syngas tic |ment that.awaits you. Cristo cooktigz oi}BKagle &Mil-|Judgments for misdeeds committed here:i"f =t ay not cometous for manya yearholland.|Butlet os remember,lest we forget, Carnations Van Lindley:Co |There is surely @ judgment which awaits usyet. Notice to’creditors.—-C.5 .L Ma-|News of New Hope Gountry—Mr.|Hargue,administrator s {Dishman's Sudden Death. iukeroimen sates tt At The Land Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.' Dwelling {6t gale or.rent.—S ot New Hope,R-1,Jan.12—Yes,itKosar.seems like winter and some have.be- Big reduction:on clothing |gun to wish for fair weather.other lines'——-R.-M.:Kiyox Go 4 We have had two weddings,viz.,Taxes:must ‘be,paid'—J;M-Dea-\Mr.Walter,son of Mr.Wash.Wilton,sheriff a jliams,and Miss Lou,daughterof Rev. Lady Companion wanted,Address!J).G.Weatherman;Miss Virgie,108,Race street,or ‘phone 3388.{daughter of Mr.Millard Williams,andeteena,erent.MN Coyt Bowles,of Alexander,jew’baka Bicen Wak |.\Mrs.Loufelia Younger has beenWiltGiaiefennkeetHia\d up.for several days with boils,|3 ile Mackie ads |having one under each eye,but isim-) Social .Items.proving.Mrs.W.H.McElwee was hos-|,1h¢Bible school ‘mentionedin The}‘tess to the Daughters of the Revo-'|Landmark convened atTaylor Springs| ___.ternoon 1.by.Mrs Monday but was deferred till the last|of March..These interested Would do wellto réconsider and hold the ses-) sion before the busy season,as most| country preachers are farmers and | have to plow.Mr.Felbert Dishman went out last| Sunday -to get a stick of wood and) was gone longer than the family| ithought ‘necessary.They,began search and found him some distance from the house dead. lution and other friends Friday af- at her heme on .Water-|street.‘The special guest!of-the| occasion was Mrs.:L.T.Brown,a new-comer.to Statesville,the wife of!Manager Browi of Hotel Iredell, and she was given a-‘cordial wel- come by the ladies.Dominos was played and the score!prize was won 1,F.White A guest-of honer prige was presented to °Mrs. Brown...Atter the-<game a salad €ourse was served.Heart failure Mrs.1.J Free]entertained most is.supposed to be the cause.Deceas-‘enjeyably,Friday evening at her|ed was 60 ‘odd years “of age.Hehome“on Meeting street:in honor |leaves a wife,:thrée daughters and.of the Iredell))Telephone girts.|seven sons.Rev.T.&.Redman Hearts dice was played ard Miss|conducted the funeral ‘and the.body Julia Alexander won first prize>was laid ‘to rest:in Taylor Springs” Miss Lena Morrison second’prize,|\Ghurch yard. and.Miss.Cleo Queen the —conso- lation.“Alten a Moet)interesting News of Scott's Community.Tarren.delicious pee irri were |Correspondence of The Landmark. Scam saa Scotts,Jan.15—Somepeople areMr.J.R.Hill Goes’With ‘Southern talking about an old'time winter-and Railway.I think this must be one.Mr.J.R.Hill,of the R.M.Knox'|Mre Edgar Morrison,of this place,Go.,left last ilight for:Washington|went to Florida last week.“Mr.Ffan- ~with a view of taking a position as.|cis Watt and family,who have been“auditor for.the Southern railway.|visiting his parents,,Mr..and.Mrs, His work Will.be what ‘is locally |Thomas Watt,left Saturday for their-Known asa ticket collector on|home in Texas.Mrs.Sallie Fléming,vetfains.Where:“Wie rum wilt he who has been visiting her daughter, Wis mot known.ue Mr.Hill is making.”the change for a change of occupation.He will retain his interest,in.the Knox Mrs.‘W.P.Morrison,:returned to her home,in Davidson last week.Mrs.Sallie Feimster,atid:Miss Mary company and,his family will con- tinhe to live here.+ing.Wiha:baeine |oh heii 'Vs Ross Rennedy and two iittle hen buving.-a.coug medic nd or "children,bear in mind that Chamber-daughters,‘who are |visiting weigin’s Cough Remedy.is most effectual |Kennedy’s parents,Mr,and *Ws "} | Bell are-on the sick list ‘at this writ-| Chattanooga fast train actually rozetotherails.Stoppingin 4 swag,the.'dripping water from the pipes caught} ithe wheels‘and the temperature being|,below,zero,the train was |ked sosecurelyin.the ice that it required the use of three’engines to.move it,|’ |bumping from the rear being resorted |: ito..The train was GATES |two anda |half hours,: Sacrifice now going on, —=NOow ON — "Our Great SacrificeFurniture Sale, |will close WED- NESDAY,JANUARY the 24th. ‘that I tiust proceed to collectalloutstandingtaxesatoncé,under authority of law,whichsaysall.sheriffs after Nove ber Ist of each year shall le m: vyonpropertyandsethsamefor taxes due, ‘tice is given to all persons Therefore this no-toil come in and pay their taxes and save cost... J.M.DEATON, '*Sherlff of Iredell Cor Jan,16. nilure w ‘le |k R.O.DEITZ, |Statesville Sole Comp’y.| Manager. “Tha To:one and all of our hereby extend to those in during the cold days red stove in the middle fort to the occasion. A nice assortment of ~We appreciate theincreasing patronage receiv- -edall through the past year,and with the begin- ning of the New Year we .are resolved to put forth greater efforts than ever to merit these favors by courteous treatment and offering the best values for the least money possible and we customers as well as those who have,to ‘‘drop”’ talk over our wants,etc. be sold ata liberal’discount while they last. nks. customers and friends. who have not been our and get acquainted and We havea beautiful of the store to add com-_ Robes and Blankets to a THE STORE Statesville Hardware &Harness (6. Have Tour Pracrintions SERENE FILLED WITH2A RRARITOA sae QUALITY:MATERIALS peAA Taian OF Qua LITY croup and whooping cough drug.for colds,‘and that it contains no harmfulboy‘or sale bye‘all dr ugsists. ’ in Nebraska ina few days.’ owen }t P.Morrison,will start for thelr hostte ‘7 Statesville ae Co. oN rales? pa s o e s e r s e Sevcearase soerensueecvorse cutedaunw my expensessand put some -money in the bank.Ican Hye ona lot less if r try.I will starta nenk account today.”di >. madan Money is aaid thing to have if.you iage your--eceupation—with money.in-the-bank,—you,are..always independent.Step into.this ‘bank Andletustalkitover.ateb \ ‘First National Bank, STATESVILLE;N.C. Capital $100,000;Surplus and Profits $32,0. coe SOR ETORRS: z C.IRVIN,President.ES.PEGRAM,Cashier. G.H:BROWN,Vice President...JNO;W:‘GUY,‘Assistant Cashier. ‘ e el Cony Py TO BE HELD IN STATESVILLE | "FEBRUARY 26th,27th and 28th. The Irede UlCounty.PoultryAssociationwill holdits first an- nual show ini\Statesville,Feb-*ruary 26th,27th, 28th.The.as- sociation invitesbreedersofstan-_dard bred poul-try in Iredelland throughout the country to ex- hibit at ‘this’Hier.The association pro-“poses making this a truly representative;‘poultry exhibit,and asks every one inter- estedin good poultry inIredell county andelsewheretoco-operate with them‘to. ‘help make it the complete success it will be.‘All pare bred poultry,including waterfowlsandpetstock,areeligible for entrance. -A large and liberal premium list,*consist-ing of both money andspecial.prizes,is incourseofpreparationandwillbereadyfor distribution earlyin February.~A large,comfortable and well lighted hall has been secured for the exhibit A recog-nized poultry expert will judge the showandrulesofAmericanPoultryAssociationwillbeused.The association will furnish exhibition coops without charge. Entrance fee 25c.for each bird.Write the secretary for further eardaulee and necessary entry blanks.Address, B.L.SRONCE,Secretary, Iredell County Poultry Association,Statesville,.N.G.- » lOffice Supplies \\” Ledgers,Journals;Day.Books;all rulings Cash,Books;‘one,two,three a nd four ¢o umns.Time Books;weekly,two.weal,monthly,;Carbon Paper,Typewriter Paper and SpeyerRibbon; for all machines.Pens,Penholders ‘and Erasérs.’ All your wants ¢an be Supplied ittStationery a A RP,"ALLISON'S, BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. 4 -© \ Oe “In the dining-room orthe parlor the Rayo.gives just:ne lightthat jis most effec- OD -or libraty,where a clear,steady lightis needed, i;NeDINING Mente The Rayo Lampis the’best and mostserviceable oe you can findforanypart:of your home.:Jtis in-use in millions of fanibes.Its strong white light has side:>Andit never flickers,°it famous,. tive,Itis a hecoming lamp—imitself and to you.Justthe lamp,too,forbedroonn The Rayois made of solid brass,nickel-lated ;‘alsoin1 numerousnoesela and. ti ’\oe Will see that Murs.Leonard,|2.:bas -finishes.Easilylighted without removing\shade or chimney;sasy,0.clesan.an rewick,ey to.forward:tlie revolltion,OR aA Nave:cone’to “China af (aPBehtAskut-dealer'to showyou hisline of Rayo lamapa;of writefordesctiptye cite yanyagency ef the tate ihe proper.time should pome,ae ¢:Syniebeliena Ta.a funkier Pe :“The Meichu dynasty (which is |HME of many troubles,Last winter :Ree eae Bees Standard Oil Company Frei Oe pohChitose )o fas.ruled China.for)We.had “been here only a few |No matter w heegets to ‘be P vsident,eV ‘npg id ':;In tea)canes imonthg when we were’shut in.by:yma ,"}en HGS x Seroueen "ay od corporate paar vos oy Maiiy generations |and -ih-recent|8 bes *a eee Fh i ill edd fehce »f 1,. Ree aE ?js Tete a 4 years has given very.“poor govern-ony ‘ACE a ot plage,|)Foes ay ain,‘you will need to fehee:your oat var var.Mote g ment,The Wwitole eystem'is squeeze|NIth people.|<Ying,#anand |@ den or farm,.'The'tost écononticad and substantial fence:«'™and graft from beginning to eng,;the bast Summer has seen.the great-he ‘|he Pittsbure P feet,{ah ‘yy Reforins have been denied and man3|&%floods for:many.years.and will ont 1 mar ket ‘today is t we Pittsburg Perfert.We have ;,That”See ee Tee eee ne Ee Cacereshee peas EHD just-unlonder-abi eancand-ate-iu-position-to-memeyou"——°F ;“ey atic :/af oan i ty a 1¢>g 4 d .:-nsuranée rine.e Gtacaten in perier’rhe in the throes’of a great’evolution,@ avery low.price on ‘this fence._Yours truly.saa camer land and ;Japan are the leaders:ip Meas oe eee ar ua eee 2:;oS Protest.against this,and those at|a:‘Is one,‘at atiaitAce ident and Aan Policiesiina Com-©the head of the revolution are meni ho ;Pope ooe tis le Hale ela -Mo ii Co.“1,pany.with aver$10,900,OPO assets,that guarantees *fh l educated abroad:=.the.saoble.end.apobliding of “e Lazen Ny on gomery .ar lware":"your incometo:continue from one:day and so long.:Tag en an ial ae Rn reat nation,May it be so.ny3thereafterasyouaredisabledbecduseofanyaccidentthetniphicaboutcaineWiercae!We wilt ABKWD ons tenoior with |ee ~or sickness:It pays for lossofsight,operations and thitig untisial,would”break <forth,THs 40-ty ali¢t there wil-eontinues sia4hasmanyothercommendablefeaturestoonumerous-due to the tense feeling against the|te study of the language,and:eg cae .present dynasts The government:when we.come ‘back the people will f,to mention.The cost is small and benefits large.ce “:be unusually eager to hear the gos-|\Ask for circular giving full infor mation.Welded,cae ae awonieeie |Del,a8.they “are 'dfter.every time REDUCED PRICES»Boe-Lots of testimonials on file showing how othet peo--abd!contro!ot.railroads,”’post:ay of Breat trouble.Beas‘*ple have been benefited by cartying insurance ofthis and telegraph systems'already being CHAS.A,-LEONARD,ON eaekind.in the govérnment’s:hands “fA many|ton FES ue i|Provinges,=such.,as Szechuen,the 4 ie,i soeas J ilrailroadshad:been —built by the ::jERNEST(i.“Sates e,Jeg [gentry (businessmen).and.they.Solithert to Terach Dairying By...a.oer ::4;INSSURANCE STOCKS ae Lear ESTATE,were not willing that Peking should-Special Dairy Car.i yn4)i ee |Tha noeia ‘.}4 3D 2 93).jown their reads he resistance in |Beginning February 1 the.South-.he "otPHONEOFFICENO.1,MILLS BUILDING.|Szechuen grew,into revolution and!ery railway Will run-over its entire Styles that possess the touch::}became:the signal for patriots ad]System a specially.equipped datry of difference and:newness;nee|,Over ‘the cupire to declare.-them-‘ear,whichis designed tq ‘spread :%Z ::f jSelves against the Manchys..‘The ar-'the cectrine ‘pf..more and better.that emphasize the fact ‘that eaea‘st :)setial at Hankow;the ‘venter.of the cows:and,by meéans ‘of lectures,|.rar r WE {SPE ‘jempite,+where great quantitigs of demonstrations’and exhibits,to de!”theyarenew.WE ARE SPE-bee gee‘jammunition .was stored,was,«in|velop and improve the dairy indus-||«CIALIZING ALL WOOL '‘;G .icharge of Li Yuen.Hung,who,with |try uiong jts lines.:“er ey ubbee a are ;i a ak ‘it M ow jall ‘hig metr;were at ‘heart revolu-This dairy.special!will be unde SUITS AT 7 ALUESS FROM ; y €—-3 >-|;Ps ‘Bi 3 pia r 4" Get yourselfa Watch.=Little and hig to suit Men,%etait te in me wanes the.direct supervision Dr.C,M.$5.00 UP TO $16;50.Don't aeZs'and Girls.“Also anything in Jewelry.ogether «.with several,thousand |Morgan,of Washington,D.C..the si ‘::men,,Boy ©,y g me odes declared cee selves against Southern railway’s daffy,agent Dr fail to see our line beforethegovernmentandLitook.control ‘Morgan will be assisted by twp reg-4 4 He Mcipurr ve!,jurchasing..POSITIVELY|With-headqtiarters at Hankow.More ilar dairymen’and from time.to i -"AT Pier wy A :~|H-.B-wooD Ww ATD -dewelere Pr ten tansy ann eey:Mors ala LdEe EGAN Ue peckblad oh AND.ABSOLUTELY*THEinlaftomPekingsndconsiderablefight-dairy:‘experts =fromthe.United ‘BIGGEST.:VALUES FOR -:peHfing’his taken place at Hankow,States:.Department*of “Agriculture,YOUR MONEY ;pat the imperialists.have Wone no-/tha State Boards “ef Agricultiure:|:.Wa eerie %-nL of note except burn the large and.from.the agriculturdl stations 2 igs Wy +:START.SHARES OF BUILDING:“AND LOAN homes,1000,du ire eosands.Of joF the _varldud States “along.”the}LONG BEACK COATS.i -omes.oot,and massacre innocent:Southern railway,the plyn being,;ve ae Feasible den ply ito have the utmost ‘co-operation of|Chiffon Bloadeloth andAmityailthe‘i a!‘ail’forces forthe campaign I te asi ‘DICED Pricas”;:Provincees...are.now’-strongly revo-The dairy:special is fitted with perges at REDUCED]aonlutionary:“The old southern capitalia compiete farm.dairy:There.will A’new.line of WASHA-ay Natking,has,however,with its lo-j;be “a separator,.churns,testers; ;or your chi ren start shares in our next series,jand as ,: sist them in making payments of dues,théreby teachingthemhowtosavemoney.,The shares would mature in.time‘to meet expenses of schooling.’Our 38th series matured on the payment of $82 on eachshare.We are prepared to.give you the benefit of $18.ee on each share.Out 5ist series now open,and shareseingsubscribed.|We expect to aid our shareholders.inbuildingorbuying:‘many homes durjng the coming year.:Start shares NOW and make prompt applications for a loan,if you wish to build a home next spring or summer,e also-issue Prepaid or Paid Up Shares:at a cost of$73.50,worth $100 at miturity.i For other information call at office.L.Harrill,.Secretary,FIRST BUILDING &LOAN JASSOCIATION. -oo, rae TT ONLY COSTS YOU $3 0010 $4 00‘to.get the latest EB E R O E G / | | | | } } $5,000ANNUAL INSURANCE FOR $9.00. Tourists,Travelersand Commuters Special Accident PoliUnitedStates SVEN ‘R.BLAND,President.¢cost is only one-fourt! icy Issued Only byFidelityandGuarantyCompany, BALTIMORE,MD*h of one cent a day per thousand,Insures youassengerelevator(excluding elevators in mines)(2)WhileCcboardthareor+operated Goalsor-water linea eneShy ares ee +pansuteeelservice;(3)Or,due directly:(not indirectly)to suchpublig:coriveyance,redAtainstlogsoflife,limba,eyes,speech and hearing...,.$5,000,‘agajnat lossctf nee limb.¢eye,speech.or hearing.....«0...iatjonteewes‘ *+haluellose ofAgainstlossof"And pays 10 per cent.ee finger or Railroads alone,den tonal for Medical,ery hour;maim passenger J two.or more ete or zo,300 wxbadBarpicala:and Hospitaltr os SteamBD!‘eatm,‘ioiaae"clomanen mene Public conveyances,kil}aveinen ev-in eveltomorrowabetoolate.Surplus tocencypolders avec #400,ooo ree Lee ore Statesville Realty and Investment.Company ‘|out-the spilling of a drop of blodd, if so,anarchy most ofthe empire. a long cbutiies and, will reign.ia THE LANDMARK| IN. Rev.Chas.A;tecnacd Writes of ‘the ways,Ipothag villages and killing ali who oppose them...‘Many of.the Aighwaydien ave armed soldiers whoCrisisiw.the.Celestial’Empire—|),51 having receved their pay.fromMissionaries.im Danger From|‘Peking,were disbanded»‘and-theLiobbers—some Have’Gone’toy people are at their merey.,.Chefoo,-Soms fightifi¢aas ‘taken place.Correspondence|of The’Landmark..fear us.between the Laichowfu .so]- |)“Liachowfu,Shantung Proviace rdiers ‘andearobbers,~Two wounded, China,:Noy.29;1911—-Fhe revolu-|Meu are now at the mission hos-tion which broke out insfull force in pital here., China ,about.a menth agie--has ‘For apnile if wos!“almost im- poasttse for us to get mohey on ac- count of Chinese banks failing attheports,atrd_it’was thought the Schools would Have to be closed, but is WAS Overcome ‘bysowellhadtherevolutionbeen.plan-|from one of the Chinesened.“The revolutionary movement|here.But on account ofhasbeen.on for several years among|424°uneasiness among the spread."throughout the entire /em- pire,|All of.the eighteen provinces except ‘three have gone over to “the revolutionists,many of these -with-‘ banks ‘rumad?rs; Schools Which except?_the boys’will ;continue until! abroad in America;’England and |S!the.Japan,who managed in.a’skillful'|iSchool, and coWetted mon:}18.|literature,ete., *ere “s 70 |This has already been proven.true’TURSDAY,~—January 16,1912,in itiauy localities,where the bad el:2 ere ements are robbing on the‘‘high-:THE REVOLUTION THIN A.é a loan j, Chris-1‘|the alore patriotic,especially those|tians,it,was thought best’to close| way.the d'stribution of revolutionary;the’Cliinese.-New..Year,_‘February| 000 troops,‘taken’a .stand for theManchus:'Troops from Shanghai and!other sterilizer,pasturing apparatus.andexhibttsofvariouskindsofimprov-ed machinery ‘for dairying.On thewallsofthecarwillbechartsandlargeviewsdealing jects,showing the ciples:of preeding places ‘are now .fatheringthereund‘a great battle iss.expected.-Ipe revolutionists declare they~will tike Nanking and Hankow’andthen.march on::to.PekingThepresentstrongestman in the with dairy sub- fundamental prin dairy types,feed-; ing .antmals,the eare of dairy:cat-empire As Yudn'‘Shi Kai,who during tie and ictures off famous animdls 'the Boxer troubles saved the lives jn the duiry world.|of many foreigners,and because of The special will also have stere-his teudencies to:reform was~ban-opticat danutéem:and,siides,permit-ished’He was recalled,however,|ting.illustrated lectures at-the vari-three weeks:ago,the throne seeiiig ous “stops py.Ur Morgan and thethatitsgidchanceofsavingtheotherexperts.wko-will accompanyempirerested.in»Yuan Shi.Kai.He |the ear Free testing.of milkfinilyacceptedandwasmadepre-Shueht to-the special will be an-Mie:At the samé time da constitu-other imporizat ‘feature of the workjtionWas’frauted and other conces-by means of which practical advice,|jSions ‘to the »pecple made,:but based on actual conditions,can beSeenisthatthese.have come.utoo given each:man.Cows willbe &x-jdate and indications now:are that amined aid reported on and instruc-Yuan Shi:Kai’will not be able to.tions'as to their ¢are given.persuade ‘the leaders to conse nt to |——StNowirne;ae ares“s =Ba ease ei ta ni Complimented ‘by.the Federal olutionlists oh tec teste set ineta ‘court in Indianapolis.-“for havingReners’snd “hay s ir c he ek ‘rendered .a great service,to hisgSen@.¢.1 55 epet ot jSichwiltteSiamrubeeghat‘country,’William.J Burns,the de-|4 ]t >e a:,vind Settee |if.outsid atin amdat “1 oe ;}tective,Thursday was releaseditfomsSideyations.remair eutral 4 :W Ge nation main teutral.|ne,charge of having kidnappede@haveao.fear whatever how j :4)ae ke ,ey jJohn “J.-McNamara,the convittedfromreyolutionists.or imperialists :i:::;dymamiter.-All the charges in ‘theasStich,because each is seeking oe >:o indictments against Burns for.hav-/the favor of other nations.There is,::ing captured the labor leader inhowever,great danger in many .lo-|Indianapolis last April,and:takCal'ties”from robbets,riots’,and ing him-to Cé¢Alitornia for‘tla:werelgotingbrigands.\Information has |:|held to be null and ‘void.fbeen received-at-Peking that a fam-——ily of five B nglish\!people’.weres ~robbed and thass:acred _in ‘Shensi |province,northwest of ué,and -that Tlie directors of the Security LifeandAnnuityCompanyhavedecidedothers:have probably been murder-|t9 build an 8-story:building,-ined.This was done by bands of |Greensboro.as-a robbers cen pany. A letter from minister — THE EF PECTIY Eh AX ATIV | the United -States |= at.Peking was received two} weeks ago urging us to go to a ::|Seaport for protectidn by warships arse Take om 3 eaten LikeTas.soon as possible.‘Later;4 tele-Candy...:|gram.came from the’consul At Che.|.In our experience in the hyandling}foo muking the same request.Ac-jof drugs and medicines,we believe |}eordiigly,with much relikttatice {lie (we have errr had experience with |\four single women,together with'|any remedy |that gave.such great}|Mr,,and,Mrs...Dawes and chilt,|satisfaction,~to-—owr customers.a(leave “tomorrow for Chefoo,‘They|@o Rexall Orderlies,Mis <eiied|were fortunate in getting a boat to|is not like any other “laxative or ca-|yicome’for them,as the Gulf ig‘al-/thatic.It contains all the good |ready Yeginning to freeze over;oth-|features of other.laxatives,but!erwise they would,have-to make the}nene of their -faults.| arerteamaeetmy ‘i!gQuqueseeusossssesesscoses=HALLS TOILET LOTION§a. BE E WAISTS just recveived. Call early before the sizes are broken. THE LADIES’FURNISHING STORE. *Phone 188..109 West Broad Street.W.W.WALTON,ae i ew.Company,New Year. With the.opening of the new company.along with theNewYear,we wishto thank you for your remarkably generous ee”in the past,and.to invite you to in-spect our splendid yew stock,whether you,buy.or not.We are glad to welcdine-you,.and feel proud that throughsomanyyearsyouhaveeachseasontaken:our word on_the value of our merchandise...Trust us once more. Our word is as good as our Bond. The Best Hardware House iin Our Town. W hite-Reid Hardware "Co. { Bs ,e NOTHING BETTER FOR b CHARPED FACE OR HANDS. 256;A BOTTLE WwW.F.Hall's,Drug Store.:PHONE NO:20..eG secre mee — trip.overland some.three hundred|Qur own faith in Rexall Orderlies |Chinese’miles and -this in cole yt:So-strong*"that,wwe offer them to}Weather,”riding’in shentzas}mat |You!With our own positive personal |baskets arrayed on backs of nutese |ruaranteee,that if-they do not thor-|"A tine little ‘boy :came into our |oughly satisty you,you only |néedhomelcssthantwoweeksago,so |telt us and we.will tand.back ta}it’is impossible for ys to leave at |you every penny you paid us forthistime.When mother and chil’jthem.-Therefore,‘in trying...thamare.able we,too,will go.It is |upon,out recommendation you take|}hoped that;a boat “ean be secure d [no 1isk whatever,tbut.we do hot Know.Dr,and Mrs Roxall Orderlies ieee like andGastonareherewithus.We Mis.fs caten like,catidy’They do notand:lictle Charlés are the only for beetnayc aie hausea,‘excessive loose-elgners Within a radius at more |es,0 any other anhoyance,Theythanahundredmiles.*We are not |act sy easily that they*may be tak-uneasy,~however,“‘Nhough °.we|en at any time;day or=-night,neywouldnotbeable’to:defend our |are particularly good for childién,|Selves against any umber of'.noth |aged or-delicate persons:They arebers"who might attack ws,©yet We |put up dn.convenient tablets in’have the Warm friéndship and pro-|three sizes:of packages.'Prices,tection of che commander *.of ‘the |10¢,two hundred soldiers here and thecommande; either to" 26e.aid 50G.% ti member,Rexall Remedies »canwill’give’us an ‘escort,|ibe obtained in this conimunity only‘the coast,ten niles at our store—-The Rexall:Store.distant,or on the overland:route.>|Phe Statesville rug Go.,”'States-It seems,now that.there will be ville Ni ‘C,i : TER ‘ NJ COOKING OIL.j¢ “Fresh lot just:‘pened.’As good as the best lard.‘for allpurposes,and costsyou one-third less,“:':: Price per GallonPriceperQuart ‘ -TRY IT.YOU’LE LIKE IT. Imperial Cotton Oil Company. ‘PHONE:205.”: ars :yuh \ |‘\. * { beeen etek -..buyer isn’t amind re ‘He hasn't time to inquire an buyer and tell him... If you want something and don’t see what you,want ask for.it, will bring results._Januaryis accounted the dull m If’you have something to ‘sell you ader and he. IE NE There is room on the books for afew more idbess -seriber to The Landmark now begin with the New Year.. it and you won ‘t do without the paper after a trial.— Fifty cents forthree months,$1.00 forsix b ‘ oe I j t ‘The Landmark prints the news and states the facts asthey are. months,2 00 for a year. \gine ®i 14 if.you want to talk.business.me f it YE f *, ©A R RI Worth.double the money.a THE LANDMARK Hs Some Vaal Space ust Now and its Orlin Lttui pai u-must let the ‘people ‘noon “The average ‘doesn’‘tknow what you have until he is~told. d-in'these ue ae the seller must seek the| A want ad. onth in business,but the dull season isthe’ time:to pyt on more steam and dissipate the dullness.Don’twait for.things to come to you,but go after them.Call at the office or pene||BEGIN If you arenot a sub-:You Il never regret i Home Electric Co. ‘THE ILANNDMARK ** Contractors |||Estimates Furnished All KindsElectrical Supplies. L£ HOME ELECTRIC CO.,,A.B.COOPER,Manager. .of the mint. JUST RECEIVED! ‘Local Views,All New. -Broad Street Methodist:Church. Statesville Female College. Statesville’Graded School. Mr:F.H.Conger’sResidence. Long’s Sanatorium.~**Southern Passenger Station. Ask.to‘see the Simplofiller -Fountain Pen and.Conklin’s ,Fountain Pen...These aretwo2|best self-filling pens on the:-market.Carry a full line of Tablets,Inks and Pencils.PRINTING.BRADY,-The Printer.ee |ling the year,was close to $100,000,- /TURSDAY,_—January.-ee a 4 |Production of Gold and Silver Last |.Year.General The gold productions of the United 'States "taelne 1911 was $96,233,528 ‘and the silver production 57,796,117 ounces,according to a preliminary es- timate of George E.-Roberts,directorThisisareductionin igold of about $45,000 and in silver of about:660,000 ounces as.compared |with the returns for 1910.. Among the States and Territories ithe.priricipal gold producers’were:-|....Galifornia..with $20,310,987,Colo- rado:with $19,153,860,Nevada with /$18,968,578,“Alaska with $16,002,976, South Dakota with $7,430,367,Utah with$4,709,747,Montana with $3,169,- 840,Arizonawith $2,954,790-and.Ida-' ho with $1,169,261.In the order nam- +en Utah,Montana,Nevada,Colorado.and Idaho led as silver producers. At the average price for the year the 'total silver product was worth $30,-|854,540.|The net amount of gold and silver used in..the industria]arts was ap- 'proximately $34,000,000 gold.and 24,- 000,000 ounces ofsilver.Thecoinage of the mints was geld $56,176,822; isilver $6,457,301;nickel and’copper|$3,156,726;total $65,790,850.The} net gain in the country’s-stock of gold including bullion in the treasury,dur- 000,*|The director’s report givesthe final} \figures.for the production of gold in |the world in 1910 at $454,703,900. The director also makes.a_prelimi- inary estimate upon the world’s pro- iduction in 1911 of $446,700,000,or a “16,"4912.North Carolina Christian ‘of the:board of.stewards. hat!|tugal, 99 been comuinitted 7 by | rt igain of about $12,000,000 |Although f ing rate and the director expresses W RO MILLS thé opinion that there is nothing in| =a.L.5,the-present outlook,to indicate a rep-| _Statesville,N.¢.etition of the phendémenal gains t a were made between 1890 and 18 ,and between 1901 and 1908.They| Fine Farm lands and City were the result.of the discovery of Pr ene for Sale.~the cyanide atoons and of the devel- ae opment of the wonderful Transvaal Ny ae é field!The.country a the world that AGENT FOR HUPMOBILES.is.showing.notable g s atithis time fee is Africa,and the ‘ie tisvaal’field is néaring its rusia . 4 eae ay HOW'S THIS? Wwe offer .One Wundred Dollars Re- ward for any casé of Catarrh that,can- not be cured.by.Hall's.Catarrh:Cure.~FOR SALE!7 }.§CHENEY &CO.,Toledo,0, We,‘the undersigned,have Known.-F. _Ay,Cheney for Oa eee 15 grete ei bell hi perfectly honorable In.a "Business lot.‘+ANE eae MT imactiond and’financially 7 :Seven-room desirable residence on|able to,catty out any:obligations made: his r ’‘“Trad perk Hot:and cold water,|.°°”Wholesale Druggists,Toledo,0. *se douded delve hittatitap adie Steen Sahat aad \8near r ¢jmucogus surfaces ‘of the system,Testimo “Small north Iredell farm.~nials Bent,free.Price,ibe.per bottle. .;So a ruggisHfyouwantaa)eslorenctange Pake Hall's Family Pills for constipa- na gpk ee tions .o'et eeedckoes ee M.SHARPE,|.Bor any-spaih,trom.top:to..toe,..from.‘any eayse,apply.Dr..Thomas’Kolectic hese REAL cae a )OL:Fats ean't stay where it is ane ..wy 3 +t Ay th Ce 2 ce *fasta hi ‘£ce Ls Price in the For Operatic Ohurch. Advocate. treasurer im one of our prominent churches read ‘the financial report for the year,show- Some time ago the ing,item by item,just ‘what had been,expended.-One item of the budget was-about $700 which ‘had been expended for the maintenance of the choir.(We haven't the slight- est doubt that two-thirds of those who had contributed to the support of the choir ‘would ‘have.been glad to.have cofftributed liberally to ahush.fund rather than .to have endured the unearthly warbling of some~of the highest-priced singers. The Advocate.has.contended .all along that there is:really no popr ular demand for modérn opera sing: jers in the chureh nor for the so- called scientific music which they have brought with them into the sanctuary That such a state es is a méré'sufferatice on the part of a multitude of ‘people who \dislike to.complain ‘or take chances of creating a disturbance. reWarbling| of things existsin many ‘ef our church- Wilson the Man of the.Honr. |Washington Dispatch to New York | Evening.Post. |Woodrow Wilson ought’to.leave Washington a contented man.The non-official Democratic diners last night,With a fair.company of their official.brethren,spoke their approval of ‘‘harmony,’’and yielded their approval of New Jerse Gov-. ernor.He was easily the favorite of the feast.” A good many of the national -com- mitteemen were ‘surprised,some.of them possibly a little shocked,-af the reception’which was given.tothe’man who.‘is.not second and perhaps not eyen third in their af<" fections..“‘The have them,’said mitteeman devoted Clark causé,;a man j|most of his voice scholar seems a Westérn com-to.the Champ who’had lost early in proclaim- to. jing the Speaker as the next Presi- |dent..: |.“He talks right,’said an Okla- homa man,who was of ab the guests.perhaps.the -noisiest .fn |Clark acclaim.;He was speaking of |Wilson.Then he solicitously -ask- ed a neighbor ffom Arkansas if the “I”prosunciation of eitherand the Convictions,Independence and Indi- vidual Opinion.: Gree nsboro News.~ A majority opinion does not ways make a right.thing. per always be sincere that ‘not independent,If an editor fight. for a principle,say ty convention,because he is honest in his belief that it is right,and the’Gonvention not only.fails to en- dorse it,but adopts something that is antithical.to his conviction,and he is convinced that it adopted as a matter of.polity, ‘cannot be sincere'if he deserts al- can cannot be honest if he does so.He can hardly:maintain. respect if he remains quiett and lets “| No pa-| is'| before a par-| was | he |} his. belief and supports it.Moreover,‘be! his Own .self-| it-go without vigorous protest.True. independence means’that.you.’will stand for.what you believe to be) Tight if you stand alone.A man} ;who does not ‘think and who no convictions can follow,the crowd. has} i dead fish will float dowh stream,| |but it takes a live one to make |progress against the current. fw PILESDEFY THE KNIFE! We need ‘the choir for Jeading Ot ae { the *congregation,,but tthe.choir vegetable pronunciation of rise : i should be!willing to sing.without were®consistent with:good.Demio-|The Cause ‘of Their Formatio::Sy lcompensation,unless it be in the cratic doctrine.He.heard both.|.ae Remains!| case of the orgamist and leader,‘later,..from-the.lips of “other ':.One place where surgery fails to| and the choir should sing the gos-|speakers in:whose-plain-people De-bring permanent relief “ig in the pel in perfect)harmony.with the mocracy he for years had ‘puta treatment of Piles,pedwiise |even| pastor who preaches:the gospel.|Voters faith.e .when the evil tumors are-cut away,| We doubt if any better plan could When Woodrow Wilson first eN-|the cause of their formation still| be--adopted.than the employment|tered the dining ‘hall he was -hem-remains,That cause {s poor cir-} of an organist and.leader,.who,aS med in,Heé passed unnoticéd,and culation:“Dr.Leonhardt’s HEM~) the editor of Tha Landmark sug-|0R@ or.two.observers,who were ROID is the tablet remedy that .js| gests,might tratth the whole con-|Kindly inclined toward ee Jer-|taken inwardly and gets—right to ‘ grégation.to sing.We can see sey ‘man,feared a “frost.””The heat |the INSIDE.cause.cep ao other method which offers 4 of enthusiasm afterward dissolved |HEM-ROID is sold for $1 by solution of the trouble.The:fact,fear.Every speaker of the eve |the Statesville Drug Co.and all | is,this.is one of the most:impor-ning was ‘cheered,.but .Wilson’s |druggists..Money back if it fails.| tant.questions ~confronting the cheers were louder-.than “the.oth-|Dr.Leonhardt.Co.,Station B,Buf- pastor and congregation and:pas-ers and 6utlasted them’all.falo,N.X.|Write for booktet. ;tors everywhere should be sustained gore production continues in an effort’to.place thd music to increase the increase to a diminish-entirety“under his direction: Horrible Atrocities in Africa. A report comes from Lisbon,Por- that..horrible atrocities have| the tribes in Portuguese Africa -during.,a ris- ing of the natives.: The rebellion occurred in. province 0°Muximd ‘and.the the na- tives captured all the whité men who crossed their path.Some of these were immediately burned at the stake while others had their lipsseveyed.and their eyes pulled out of their;sockets before.they.-were| ‘lthrown into the flames.One Brit- ish merchant was,maimed but later| taken to his house where his serv-’ants were murdered.‘ihe government of Portugal lad; detidedto send a punitive expedi- tion.< *Constipation.ts the |catise:‘of many allmentsanddisorders.that make life mis-|Wieerable,Take Cham Pe ei Stomach|and Liver Tablets,pour bowels|regular.and you ei axoid these dis-eases.For sale by all dealers,’ »When given atersdon (as the eroupy|cough.appears,©Chamberlain's Cough|Remedy,will ward..off \an attack of|eroup ind -prevent all.danger and cause.)of anxiety,“Thousands of mothers usettauovessfully.Sold by al .dealers,: Clock in "Burneid Building Ran On. -—The Equitable Fire. Between $00,000,000 and $400,- 000,00 in cash and*securities were removed intact Thursday from the: |vauits.cof-two of the financial in-| }stitutions'whose quarters were de- stroyed in the fire that gutted the |/Equitable Life ,Assurance building in New York last ‘Tuesday. One of the peculiar ‘freaks of the fire came:to light with the:discov- ry that-the clock in the officés’of the Mercantile Trust Compatiy was still telling the time.The mahog- any ¢ase,had.been,badly away;but the pendulum was Swinging ©and ‘the hands pointed to.the correct time.: A contribution:of $20,000 to a fuud for the benefit.of the ,workers fat the fire.avas .announced by.@ committee of directors of they toquii="| table life Assurancé Society.The official investigation 6f the fire reveals pretty “certainly that disaster was caused by _the careless tnrowing away of a mé eae: ————_——, Do “you know that fully nine out of>)@yery ten cases of:rheumatism are sim-. }ply rheumatism of the musqes due.to eold.or ‘damp,and require no internal treatment what.Lever?.Apply Chamberlain's Liniment\freoly and see how quickly -it gives:re~Met,For pale by all dealers, ’ \: *Society | bufned | still} or chronic rheumatism,|| Wood’sSeeds For 1912. Our New.Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date,and tells all! about the:best Garden and Farm Seeds. Every farmer and gardener’‘should have a copy of this cata- log,which has long been recog-°nized as a standard authority,for the full,and complete infor- Jmation which it gives.i IF «We are headquarters for Gress and Clover Seeds,SeedPotatoes,Seed Oats,Cow Peas,Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood’sDescriptiveCatalog mailed : free on request.°Write for'it. T.W.WOOD &SONS,” Seodsmen,.-Richmond,Vay ‘ PENCILS Positively the best assortment of Pencilsin the city.PENS Moore’s 'Non-Leakable and Waterman’s Fountain Pens,BLANK BOOKS| All kinds of Bound Blank BooksandSheppard’s Loose Leaf Systems. PRINTING .We are sure we canmeet your needs there too., Statesville Printing Co., Printing and Stationery, ~518.South Center Street, Statesville,N.C, 448 G Roofing,Paints,Monuments ‘Burrus’Metal Roofing,Gal--vanized Roofing;tin and gal- vanized Shingles with patentemgRoofingalso’hasPatentockPaintofallcolors,turpen- tine,linseed oil.-.lam agent for monuments made by Mecklenburg Monu- eu Co.8.HOLLAND. Dec. x Big ee na t ee c i n c e p n a al g e ab Sewing Naat Repaired.- x ‘U.LAMPRECHT,| 109 East Front Street. ’Phone 61, \ le ony My livery is thebestequippedandmost-up-to-datein the viby,T have évery kind-of vehicle necessary for s city livery. Horses and mules bought andsold.Have some mules now on hand.Cash.or time to suit,oJ.Fagland: Day-or Night. :.ae s of =ea co a‘@UBSCRIBE.FOR FH LANDMARK, vat a ae h i a e ar t o aE AE R O S , Se ea en c e ii r t u a i e Jd =-ing-to,the deceased... :we -advertised._tor sale.with _Mr. J read mauy manuseripts witten:by “summer at his home in NO.1 town- Lapin:Springs orphanage: *Galumbia,-S *.forbids that:a*dignified PAGE mUeT. THE LANDMARK[ARK TUBSDAY,Pia gennaey.1651904:16,9D2. Property Letyto Bariumm Orphan- age, Concord Special, lotte Observer.°: A new situation which complete- .ly whanges the method of procedure in settling up the estate.of the late J.°N\.Ingram;who died the past- 1 2th,to”char.| ship;has arisen by \the fact theta wil}belonging to the deceased has- ‘been found,in which he bequeaths his,property to the Barium°Springs! orphanage.The will was found.by Mr .W,Biggers,who conducts a store in No,10 townpiip,and was a neighbor.of Mr.Ingram.The ar- ticla.‘was ©found ‘by “Mr..Biggers amore the valuable RORRLE |belong- Ingram,who"lived search for a will was. nade but none was found.’He left no.wear kin and B00n after:his i death,Mr.E.:FP,White;4 real es- .atate.dealer.of Concord,qualified .admfuistrator,Mord.da.Crowell the local’bar,was)ee as Sats:and the customary egal Bteps ‘wire taken ‘toward,winding up.the cstate.”The gand fn No..J township owned.by ‘te.deceased, WwW tien.-Mr. ‘alone,died,a ee eee SHOULD OWNrie TELEGRAPH. Postmaster General Recommends “That Gavernment-Take Over Tel- -egraph Lines.4 Acayisitton of the”telegraph-lines}P “lof the United States by the govern- ment -and .their operation as.apart,of the postal:service will be recommended’.to Congress in.a short.time.by.Postmaster.General. Hitchcock..:wie ts ‘‘For a-yeat or nore Mr.Hiteh- covk.has bad this reconimendation under’consideration...After a thor- ough ‘study of ‘the:opemition of government +controled telegraph Hines anid -postal telegraph siys- items of foreign coun tries,he hias |dec ided to:urge the matter upon Congress:\ “Should this ai bieadain:‘be adopted;’’says:Mr.Hitcheock,.-t'l am.convinced,it would result in.im»: portant,economies and very,materi- ally -lower “telegraph rates than tiow ‘aré ‘exacted,In aproximately fifty:countries of the ‘countries.of the world:—motably Great;Britain. France;Germany,’Austria,Italy, Spain,:-Rugsia”and Japan-—govern-_ ment-eontroied:telegraphs now are in?‘successful atid profitable opera»|: tid,Ini.many of the’‘countries they are.operated’in conmection with the postal!service.These tele snaphis serve’an aggregate populet on of 90,000,000 ‘and ‘in every nistance Crowell as trustee,. Cock,.of Conetora:‘ts -executor of.the will:The estate, ‘which .consists of 130 -ac’es of -\good farming:land in Hig county,{8 valtied ©at.$3,500...The.claims ‘aga n=t it will ‘pos ibly aggregate about $500,leaving.about $3,000 to “thr:he neficiary~of his-estate-—Ba;, Mr. The’will was .written in red ink and is in Mr;.Ingram’s own, hand-writing,which -was:sworn to this morniiig w'en.the wil -was -probat- ed,by Mrvid.F.Hurtey formerly ed-itof—ef \the -Tribune,and—w ie had the deceased.In the event of.the Buspension of the orphanrge..the money is to goto the circulating—i- Prary ofMecklenburg public schools Ww oui Expunge Governor's an; phemas Les the Record. S.,Dispatch,12th. Two aria:‘by the judiciai y com- Lple, rthat in‘the smaller Offices the pos+ they have been found to be of im- mense practical benefit to the peo- ‘in’both promptitude and costoftheservice. Tre PostmasterGeneral thinks the; change would .tesult)jin)an.extent sion of the telegraph service and tal \employes could operate the tele- graph and thus.rediice-the.rates. ‘The first telegraph in the Untted States.wae operated from 1844 “to +847 by.the government under au- ‘thority fromCongress.A .method of the aotusitiows of lines.is.preserib- “din:section:5267 Statutes,which:provides:.that for postal,.mail:or.other:purposes the}. government may (purchase telegraph lines operated im)the United States at ap ee value, STATE NE ws. The FS.Royster Guano Compa~ ny Plant ‘at*Tarboro was burned: Saturday.The loss is “estimated mittee—-one recommending the ex- pugaiion of Governor blease’s veto message on the libel bill andsthe| other recommending.that the meas-| ‘ure be.pass d over his veto-—caus- ed a lively debate in the Houge of the General Assemivy tonight.“The discussion was cont nued until ad-| journment and:the.two reports will | wbe taken up again Wednesday. The judiciary.-com:nittee’s action followed th receipt of a lengtuy| ‘message.from Governor ~blease,in | whieh he gave.his reasons for ve-| toing the po-called “libel bill”and | denounced newspapers in general,| nam ngs mein particular.After dis- cugsing the maiter,the conim.ttee returned.two reports,-one on the} “Message and one’on the bill.Thereportonthemessagerecommended that all but the first two par-| agraphs of.the Governor's message be expunged.from the record on the ground ‘‘that ‘the balance of such Message is a mere d.squisiti,.n on | the iniquities of the _press:ast view- ed by the Governor,and the style and tanguage in which the:same is! couched are such that selfarespect legislative body should permit-.it to become| part of ‘the record of its acts and ‘we recommend tat the same be -ex- Pueged from the record.””.” “Blind:Mana Candidate For Regis- ter of -Deeds. New Berne Dispatch to Gree nsboro News..: James C.Johnson, to the people’ofCarolinaas‘Blind’Johngon,has :*mNOunced his intentio of entering the rave fer-the nomination fer the better known eastern:North | next register of deeds of C raven eounty against the p-esent incum- hent,Stephen Fowler,Al en dy he ‘-has begun .his campaign of securing| the support.of his f.iends and he|informed your ¢o respondent :thatheigsmeetingwithfineBUCCEss.|Although he cannot see,Mr.John:|Bon is a remarkable man in manyways.For years he has sold news-Papers’in the city,has run ‘a/|®mall.grocery.and geheral.mer¢chan-dige storé and has faith!fudly ==oandcheerfullyperformedeverytaskthatcametohislottodo.Never has-he been heard to complain.Atweays|cheerful,with a glad.word fer all|whom he met.ThereStrectorlanewithin’the city.lim-its which he cannot traverge with |Steatest)edse,he can pick out anypirtcular.paper fi om many and ney-|er doew he mistake the identity of a}Person whom he hears appro aching. is not:a Residents of St.Helena Oome to America. San France's o Dispateh,<12th.When:Napoleon gsurrendered totheBritishheaskedpermissiontocometoAmericaItwasrefused}and he was taken a Prisomer.to the Helengay 1,200 “Want to} barren island of St.miles west cf the Afric an coast.ff|he were alive today he.mi;ght -haveotwisstobebroughttoAméricaBranted: .Alfred Mosely,the’Enelidt phil-antbropist,was in cobsultation withimmigrationOfficialstodayaboutaPlantobringthe3;000-poveStricken.resideuts of the roxkyandtoCalifornia,--The British Ow erament withdrew its military ‘sta-tion Boverdl”yearg ago,and bincethentheresidentshavehadades-Derate Struggle for”existence,-A Wineskie”Hela For Trial.aFrank.Winieskie,the High Point|(nem who is charged.with selling |waste of tha Standard Mirror Com-.pany,and appropriating the prd:|.€eed8:to his own use,“hada pre-I.Jiminary hearing at Greensboro Bri:|day.and Saturday anid was held)for4SuperiorCourtina:bond of $5,000,Counsel for.Wineskie announcedthat.‘their cent.would”not vivethoud'and that.a writ of habdas,corpus would be applied for: /ed.pastor of Cavalry church, at Annapolis, Store, .|destruction .of ja damage ofupwards of $25,000. lis survived:by'-a |Was |cough Sunday:morning resulted in :an esti- $300,000 to thé Cable:Piano Company.and SouthernBell Telephone ‘build- A man who’was hurrying.to} tthe fire was|strutic by aan‘automobileand-killed. of the Revised|oq Southern Repu' Washington '5spateh to Rreensbpno News Cecil Liveita and other Texas Re-‘publicans have gone ‘offthe reserva-:tion,and if Colonel Roosevelt:doesnotformally‘eliminate ‘himself.theLoneStarStatedelegation”will-cer-taittlybe divided.Similar conditionsobtaininNorthCarolina,while mut-terings of discontent.are heard in}jKentucky.It is’frankly ‘stated in’White House circles that Hillies,sec-retary to the President,is now givinghispersonalatténtiontothe°&uth,and will take whatever:steps appearnecessary.to suppress these manifes-|tations.of disobedience and recalci-eesnicefriends of the Presiderit-who will associate with.Southern~Republicansontermsofpoliticalequality,savein convention years,but Hillies,’beingwellpaidforthedistastefulservice,will temporarily stand for the contam-|° ination,In a few.days Florida willdeclareforTaft.for the ‘moral,orimmoral,effect it may haye on therestiofthecountry!) Itis just possible that ‘Senator la qFollettewillpersonally.carry his fightinto.North Carolina..:Since returnin from the West,the Senator.has told friends he would be glad'of anoppor- Neans Rebellious?|: There are very few ere 5 :The 7 explanationiIs simple;th aremadewihthegreatestreoedenhastopassthe— Si |everyIng |Zest of our own Jaboratorres :~~|theresnolitormiss‘abou Unyster |j State,(mereeieeteeeceereeeFireinBirmingham,Alas.early ‘mated loss of between:$250,000 “and| ings. .Sensator-elect Vardaman,of©Mis- sissippi,who’was charged with ‘a $0:speak at.somepoint in -that fan} misappropriation .Of trust funds while Governor,has béei exonerat- \Sold By Reliable Scalers Nainwhare ,F.8.ROYSTER GUANO Co. Sales Offices |”Nortaik Va.-Tarboro NC.Columba a:C.eeBaltimoreMd.Manigontney ate part anburp seColumbusGa.-Macon Ga. “FARM FOR SALE.= |QIIXTY acresofland with good 6-room house,good barn and 4l[outbuildings,two mules,\wie hay,foider and other articles—35 acres in|cultivation,15 acres of wired-in pasture;wood-|tand with some timber, Farm.is located ‘three-|fe fourths of mile weat of Mount Mourne.near rail-|roaand terms write of see D M,TEMPLETON, tation and public highway:Fér particuiars Jan.18S ores Mourne,N,C. at $100,000,well covered by insur-ADMINISTR:ATOR's NOTICE, ance.i ':|Having qualified as administrator |The:Boone Democrat says Watau-|of J.H..McHargue,.deceased;late| sq.jail hasi't.contained .a prisoner |f Iredell county,N.C.,.this:is to|since November.Good record,but notify.all.persons ©hzaving claims|it is possible that some who ought,|against the ‘estate of said deceased| to:be in jail.are not there.|to exhibit them to the undersigned | Two-thirds ofthe employes -in|%or before the 16th of January,the Atlantic Coast Lime shops at,|I(1913,or this notice will be pieaded|'South Rocky Mount.walked .out |in bar of their recovery.’All person! Saturday’because the-buildings |were too cold “to work in comtose indebted to'said estate will please|}on Aieatate payment,{'“©.L..MCHARGUE,administrator,|ihe National Bank of Lillington,|eee h |tatesyille i,;hE 5|Harnett county,-elosed its:.doors|>x si ke.nai us R,F.D.No.5.) |Saturday.'It is’stated that ©the HARE AU Ye |:Jah.16;1912:Durpuse_is to gO into voluntary liq-}uidation and reorganize as a State imeembank.‘ Rev:R.S.Howie,,former pas- stor @*Statesville circuit,M. E, Charch,:South,has been appoint- Char- lotte,“to succeed Rev.WB.Mee |Chee,deceased.. W.-B.Moose has-been:named for postmaster at Albemarle and citizen of Albemarle have.protested to the ;Posictfice Department through Con-|}. gressman’Dougtton.‘Am investiga-tion will be made,; Congressman Webb,who recently appointed Rea’Hinson,of |Char~ lotte,a cadet at the Naval Academy | has appointed Kirby Ebliott,son of Mr.‘J.D.Blliott,:of Hickory,alternate.. A range in the home ‘of-.Mre. Grimes,at High Point,.‘exploded |Suud ay morning as a result of froz- jen water pipes oamd °Mis:Grimes | wis badly hurt.The range was torn| to pieces and the contents of |the room badly damaged.: Attacked by two,unknown negroes, whoth hé detected trying.to:‘steal| clothing.from,the store of the Moc k-) Bagby-Stockton Company;at Wins-|ton Saturday,night,Norman Stock-| ton,ene of the proprietors of.the| was badly cut and his arm| broken.The negroes.esscaped.Morganton Herald,11th:Mr.J.| iD.Pitts’wood~-working plant at]|Glen Alpine ¢was destroyed by fire|Sunday night about 16 oiclock,..the logs of buildings,machinery,-lum-ber and material being about $10,-|000,with only $1,500 insurance..|The originof the fire,is unknown,| Millican,Jim Britt anid Nick|Joyner,negpoes,were sentenced to|/80 yeets’imprisonment each in Su+ |perfor Court:at Kinston last Frtday |for house burning.-The crime for |which they wére convicted was set-|ting fire to buildings in.LaGrangelastspring,which resjltéd in ‘the a large part of thebusinesssection‘of that town.with Lon Mr.-GM... of Smithdeal’s Richmond,Va., know"citizen died suddenly |upolid Tast "wee Smithdeal,president. Business,College, and a former well of North.Capolina,| at his home in Rich- k,aged about 55.He. widow.Deceased of A.T.Smithdeal,- Davie’county,and twosistersalsoliveatAd. a brother of Advance, i his vance The board of directora of the)North Carolina Children's Home So-Giety is calling for.bids for theerectionOf:a permanent home forythesociety,to be lotated on a large‘tract of land near Durhem,Thehomeistobe\known ‘as “Joyland.’’The children taken up by’the so-cety in all.parts of the State:wiht|be sent!to‘the-home for detentionjuntilapetmanenthomecan,déifoundforthem.As soon aa the{buildings are completed the haadeailarters.of the-society “will be ‘thov-|éd from.Greensboro t Durham,‘ When given as soon!as the eroupy |{appeats,Chamberlain's Coughemeéedy:will.“Ward off ‘an attack of|eroup and prevent all danger and causeofanxiety,Thousands of mothers useSueeoesfully.Sold by all dealers,$$$.seulets cure constipatio 1oftecnane.Aausea,hor.any Ree aiecents.per bor druggist for {Miom,25 Doan’8 Re HeerDon’t Wait! y TAA CR NP ‘Do it NOW!”Get your poultryrightforthe:Iredell County Poultry’Show.InternationalPoultryFoodwillmake‘themprizewinnersbypettingthem in 4 healthy and vigorous condi-tion.Will help them to grow a F .heavy plumage.Willkeep them.free from all disease and double the supply of eggs.Costs half a cent,a month to feed it toahen. D.J.KIMBALL. Shoes For Less! On our Shoe Counter « of odds and ends in ‘broken sizes you can -y Bet you a.pair of "Stood Shoes at a great. kaving in price. Of Dress Goods,Ging. hams:and ’’\Outing.Plenty of goodsin ma- iy of the wool materi- als fora Skirt,and at half the regular price. ‘8c.and 10¢Ginghamsat5¢.and 74e.yard.Good Outing in dark_and light colors for 5c,yard.Bundle Printsof40yardsfor80c.; costs you only 2c.yard, Prices.reduced on all Winter,Goods.Get it:cat the One Price Cash Store andfor legs. ‘Thirty-three and one-third of on1 Men’§aut Boys’Suits,separatePantsandOvercoatsmaysoundoutofreason:to you.True‘itis.But when your stockis double what it should be at thisseasonofyearandacorrespondingamountdue.you on your | books and accounts fafling due daily,what else can be done?—This Clothing stock must be reduced for reasons mentioned,‘besides we need.the space for spring stock and can’t afford tocarryover,if for nothing more than depreciationsin change of ©|styles from one season to another.Remember this sale lastsuntilMarchIst,the discountis 331-3 off for cash agense All stock in basement gmibeasing Dry Goods,Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Shoes,,will remain ‘on.sale until closed out.Big lot mill endsin fine Zephyr Gingham,32° inches wide,for 10¢.yard,Sells the city over for 15c.' One more case of the 98c.bundle ying:Apron check Gingham 5e.yard. All Ladies’Suits,Coats,Skirts,Shirt Waists,ete,remain .onsale until closed.ee MITTIN ERY.) Millinery Department.open the year round..Can buy Hats at your ownprice. W.B.Corsets—the best makein the city,all styles,re- .duced.Come early while we havé your size. Auction Sale was postponed leat Saturday <on accountofbadweather,but will go on Saturday coming from 2 p. m.until :p.m.‘Plenty of desirable merchandise will beoffered.-.Very.Everceeuh.y Le a ee Midwinter Clearance Sale!, z For Cash we make the following prices on winter goods:|i i aX :Cola .a .ea Ladies’Coat Suits half price..Ladies’Dress Skirts half price,;pO 1 $1.50 yard Press Goods,all wool,$1.25..: 00 yard Dress Good ..50 yard Dress Goods 38c,,a One lot of Trimming Braids,worth up to25e.)ae *‘\ *$1.25 yard Dress Goods “$1.00.<7 60s .75 yard Dress Groods 50. Yard wide $1°Silks and Messaline Satin <60, yard,while they last 5e. Just Wright,$4.00 ‘Shoes Gh oe $2.90 .AL we latoren Pratt $3.50 Shoes for Peay 2.75 oa a “$2.50 Shoda for :ae “go,00:and 2 25°* _Prices quoted:here @are not.goo after the 24th.Jome.early and gét:enn,\\.LB a [“Yours trnly,Vs Woe MILLS &POSTON.oes aneGeen ee GED eee Guinea wi oe ene ot 1911)and inspect,the |the Lride’s.brother,“Mr.Ge wrge PR THE THE |PROZEN PIPES AT.MOORESVILLE|MR._REDER ‘Foor,(BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. TRUCTIN THE ‘MILI WEEK.‘DEATHS OF THE WEEK.OUT.HIS s .\demic ‘Se:™‘ Capt.Daugherty”.With the Lacal Statesville Young People.“Wed ir Aged -,Woman and Little Gire—Water Tank Emptied —Union Serious.IiIness ’of “Mrs.‘Stevenson|=—The cold spell is past history: Company=-His Opinion -ut the |Charlotte '—Miss:White ‘and Dr.Burial of Mrs.Carter.)|Church Services —A Marriage.ae —Death of Mrs!ean tieacute Warmer,rain and bias i *Cubans as Fighters.Couch martied in Statesville.Riflan,young daughter-of ‘Mr.an¢)|Correspondence;of The Pennant }VillevNews.—4 [ro poTeday:is,Gen,Tee's,“birthday ;Capt.Ay J..Daugherty,”“ofthe The following-account ofthe mar-|ppg.w:H.Kitaball,died Wednes-Mooresville,Jan.“o18*‘About |Correspondence of The “Landinark.fand.a le ip holiday in>the,States United States army,who has re-Triage .of:a)Statesville cquple in day.night sat 12 o'clock at the home|!é only topic.of interest,thesel.Tayl orsviite,Jan.18—~—Mrs.Em~|-Rey*.J “Fesperman if quite cently been detailed as’inspector-|Gharlotte is tom yeasterdaxis““Ob-of her-parents om:the Taylorsville |Gays around.Mooreaville,as bk as|Mia :ither,‘who “has chatge?ill at his home oh south ..Pourth ,instruetor ‘or North sCarolina,:fastherver:s)foad,in thé..western edge,of town.Other "places,ois the:weather:When,|of -the igmary.at Albemarle:Fé:|street./ been,with the lotalmilitary inane “Of mueh’Taterest bir C artottet She Was about 12 years old and:people meet-on the:‘street.the Lmale:SGhdol,came home W eamicadny A meeting ‘of the Poultry,Asso- -—the leevell:Blues“-the past three/and Statesville was the:wedding’‘Of for several’months had been “very!“question is,How's the’)to be-:with ‘her sister-fnelaw,Mrs.|bation wilh be held at.the:Gommier- days.His principal:work is.to in-}Mi Sarah Ma®Rives and:Mere Frank:41).ppm sright’s disease.Hércon=)¥ather?')¢:.-The.s answer,ts the lJ:C.‘Stevenson,near.town.«Mrs.pja)alub robms ‘this:evening at 3 etruct ithe’officers ang non-commis |Bheyeem sie Which’took.place last eve:dition «had:been erittval.tor one ed that we hebr all are tne Sieve REO Was Stricken withis,Pade (ole Regiavedsotrl-eredie the new"arill ing at 7 o'clock,*E-tHe home-Ofte:OMNELY,;‘burst pipes.’Phe ther-|sis Hee week ald ‘her many.frietids bia the better.wenn.oe ‘eicevaliy @ “quarters, are _miiitary \ regulations. the’old aitareverymuch ‘pleased with the in-|church, Tore “the officers of the Blue||Marr patosr of thé Trinity Methodist, The »dLew 4} simple*than | ete,care—#FforMint.street.-Phe .performed,ie Rev: Rives, mHY Wh The wedding*‘was.a)very stroctions giyen by Capt,Davghear-|quilet affair and catne as quite a sur-}-Pasvncana ing.W hile the damage was,not,|beréulosis Surviving ate ier huss,‘ote,wiih judge,the exhibits .at then $4 sh lurist extept torthose whohad been:Oa teal a Shahvous abate of Are 180"great in Mooresville as of many j band and ya sister,Mrs.Goodnight,|poultry show in Statesville la el af Capt Daugherty -has anly ‘bet infor med."Immediately after.the’enie Hoover,died.Wednesday -éve-|ath er,places,yet it was quite eon-‘of Taylorsville,The fnterment wasyery SOAS:; \cently:returned .to America~from!ceremony Mr..anid Mrs...Bryant,left ning dt-7.30 o'clock ‘at.the ‘home of |*-‘erable.at:Hopewell fi plist chureh Tues-|“Mis:hi;Miller ca eporate Cuba,where he was stationied with of their bridal trip,after‘which they|per 60n,Mr.Jo.Hoover,‘in Bar-|.Decidedly *the »greatest «di umage|fay Lees i,ae 55 Ate on at the Sanatorium Wedn es-'- k the i aited-States.troops two,years.|will be at home.in‘Statesvillepwhere Lringer township “She.is survived’cue by the ie was,to the.elty wa-|}While Lig wood Saturday.Mar |Gayy for appendicitis and is getting Speaking of.‘the present trobles Mr.bryant.holds -a position.with”‘by.tiiree’sons;Messrs:‘Sumpter-"yp,|ler pipes,The water;tank:is’about |William ‘der.son.-of;Mr.John fe ahi:tight.. ‘cin.Caha which have vaused theU nit-|the wholesale fir,of:the J.K:Mor-Hoover;’Cowan:Hoover,and Jo:150 feet above”the ground and the}Elder,w ho lives three nijles aly\A,little ‘son of.Mr.iand ee 64 States:to.tiiteatén intervention;|tissn Grocery-and Produce Company ‘Hoovers 4nd one daughter,Mrs.J-ie3 th “pipe,the ‘riser,whieh town,had tie -mistortute to -eut+3-H.Teen is critically:il at he baid that in age our govern-Mrs.>Bryant,formerly Miss.Sarah Cc Mardbek,‘all’of the county.e2 the:water from the tank to his footyalingst.through..the,Thstep.ea Kiomie Mr.and Mis.-K.L.f mei.-showla find it necessary ©to|Mae Rives,is a daughter.ef Mrs.bo Mrs."Hoover's exact wee is not!“the ground,is.composed:of -1'2-foot’,Ds,0;L:Hollar was called and ren-||Miller,on Armfield street tuke up-armg—against-the-Cubans,M_?Rives,ot.Statesville,-but-+re—anovn—purc tis estimated"to have |v leees;atd—it “is “reportedpy thre}dered sthe-necessary medivat Btten |~+Mr,Lee Albertson.has’,‘boughtthetaskofaubdiingthemwould|sides with her-aunt,Mrs.A.\A.Dob-|pean from 90.to 100 years.yater,superintendent.thet all tut)lon.;Qr-Hollar says the fogt.wil!ithe oenh busihenas oe:“the C6aa Cee be greater than most people tealize bing."uke ,oa ’-Bunenal eet rice’'wilk-be conduct-.two.of *these pieces weré frozen)heal but,it wilt alwys He atife.)y Company.He took charee ‘of“The Cubans arés well organized :and Misses nena:and Sallie Mae Rives.’eq this ‘mor and the interment |and eracked.After an attempt for}Mr.James:Sharpe ‘lett Tyesday |i)Re HOuine works Be entice alec ithefr army is equipped ‘with dll’the |Went to Charlotte Tuesday,morning |wiy pe at St.-Martin’s abéut noon..{;20UTs to.melt the ice in’the pipe,||for Anderson,Ds Ort 20 GCreDy.&DO-)this weck,Cs yi eet i “hatest iulproved army rifles,machine!aud.Mr.Bryant joined them.there ue —_—he by:means:of oil,gasoline,etc.,ey-Fsition Mr.WW:0,Matheson.and }Mr WA Pp Ce :pe ‘guns.sele:,and it is believed that |‘fuesday t.It.was known by a |Carrie:.’M.Seaman |died [TY effort failed...Finally on Tues-Master Mack-Feimster went to}A re We A,_er,he"was :“they ‘could place’40:409 to-.50;000 (few,of ‘their friends that the mar:afternoon.at “her home;on|@ay morning a’thaw.set in adhd |Charlotte Wednesday.Mr.Eugene ede ae 2 the Third:creek ‘well drilled soldiers in the flekd on |Tase Was Co take place in.Ohar-"py;street”aged 31 years.The |-°?,990 gallons of water,eee rope,Spent”Wedneetay*tn Fatah Oe ae att role ideal for Gastonfewhours’notice.|The -Cubaiis|!6'te,but ‘the announgement comes |+y)cral service atid interment took |'0 the ground,leaving th town |Vill’on-business.Mr.R..B.‘Patum,4a ny Ne See of.a dredge. sincipally from ambush;and /45 @ surprise tot many ‘The YOUN place.Wednesday afternoon.~Prectically out:of cay cae supply.:|01 Statesville,was here W Sant eeday:i ls Re eeRGe willbe’named within £6.well dc.they-know the location [people hate the good wishes of niany :ees However,the men.in ghiargé of this|.M's;Elbert,Chapman,who under.|4.few days.Baa oe of the bie eane brakes of the island’ttiends Mr.Bryant “is.4.Bon,of The remains of Mrs.’J..M.’Gar-|¥¢'K quickly fitted up some pumps LWEnt an.operation at Dr.‘Long's Dr.L.V.,Cloaninger left:last, :vt it ig uimost inipossible’to;oust Mp.R.J.Bryant;of Bryantsville,iter tormerty of Statesville,who |@5d'have been steadily ‘farcing-wa-|Sazatorium several ‘weeks ago,re-night for New York.city,Where’he. them’when they onceget entreneh-|dnd.tas for several yedrs-lived in |djed-in Atlanta,as.told in Tues-|ter,into the water tains ever since |turhed home.Monday _night:Her will take a‘special course at the edcamolig the canes.And.they are Stat sville,the home of “his:bride:aay's Landmark,atrived in.States-s burst pipe means“not only.a friends will be glad es moe a en York ee Cracunee,as We a peaple xt]es ile’Tuesday morning,on »9.50 $feat inconvenience for,some time,|She,is«improving.Her daughter,|of M¢.c:cine.rr.oanioxer as 8:EGRIG WHE fight-uato death,White and|Dr.Couch Married ear Ssisutyet Siiofie.and a Sid 0 the loss of a number:of hun-|Mrs.0.L.Hollar;'went to’,States-)bveu making a specialty at SS :Roueal-Mail Carriers on the’Job—ae Statesville.‘ea direct frem ‘the railway station |drrds.of dollars as well ville Monday -morning and:accompa-.}6f ch’!dren and will.give special| -—Mail.to the:Depot.teported,For ‘The Landmark._|}to Oakwood.cemetery;where the inr ihe congregations.of the Presby-|ied.Mrs.Chapman home.’study to these.t The rural.mail carriers going owt *svi but BE to aoe Wedding [terment took place Brief burial /'*‘lan and A,R.:P.churches |will Mis.John Mm.COaHOD or HAE the:dinectors:-of ‘the |Mer-trom “Stateaville have mede.their took place Tuesday evening ‘at.8 ices “were conducted:at the !)1\e 4.series of unior arvices,next Ses Junction,is,visiting Iyer annt,chants&:Farmers’Batik lave res tounda every:Gey.:notwithatandine Ades k at the.hame of Mrs Laura.grave by Rev.T,8.Crutohfield.Mr.week,to be tonductéd SF Re TA -B.a c obb.Dr hy C.‘Dye,|clected.the following officers tor .the:severe weather atid thé bad |Hinss,on’Walnut,street,when ‘her \C."P.Carter,of Norfolk,and Mise Kenuedy,of East End Taberngcle|of Statesville,will spend today here)another term:‘l..'T.Stimpadn’pres- roads,At other.places odrriers nicce,Miss.Mauti :hecame |Anuie Oarter,whohas been with BUTCH,Charlotte.e :practicing his profession.Mr.E.\ident,¢.$.Tomlin vice.president, hive thidsed'trips but the locat car-|42 bride of Dr.V Couch,‘of hr mother in Atlanta,accompanied”Mr.S.G.Boyajian,an Arme-|l Hedrick has.goné to’Burlington |B,Bunch sedretary and treas- riers“have.miade good...“At:thia|(eokin county,the ceremony being ithe remains,to Statesville and Fe |Oli lecturer and ebtertalner,9 |to.accrpt a.position.ures,J:A.‘Knox.assistant seere- séason they earn ‘All they “get.,personne by;Rey,Hatehs Tucnet”is here until Wednesday,ae OUR Macon eee Somree.eo CNT .a aah tary and treasurer. ‘!No:successor has been .named}.Atter«spending.the night.in}arter was a”native of,Vir-Cowtrs spoke to a ‘tairly ‘good au urn!5 ;mt are orn as A)Salishury Post,"17th:.Mr.-R.- io.Me:G.We"Teylorwhd:some the Statesville Dt.and:Mrs Couch ginia and,was.born Chapman...She)¢'@1 at the Methodist church’last.j *residential Candidate lL -Lenfz,who has (heen conducting a2o0 turned loose”the job.of mail drove to the home of the beide’s |was 1.sister of Col.Chapman,tong gt ‘His -ebtertainment consist-lw:ashington Dispatch té*Gteensboro a restaurant at’Spencer:for.some rier between the-postoffice and./Ra7etts.at :Oem Shoal,Yadkin ;promiment in the internal revenue.“1 of songs,-a description of »his News.time,has -chosed the place and:wild(eirca utetign.|Aiicw Gowan:Hol:osae ii i service.:i :LSoain ieee oe ve ee ei Some of the friends of Governor open the réstaurant in Statesville.’ red.is doing the:work-temporarily,|-_UfCouch is a young and _prom-::4 a histor,of the)Harmon-.are entertaining |more}He will move to-that place tomor- yt atl vo eg eae owe put,on |!g physician with a large prac-|Frozen Stiff rv on His “Hunke |changes brought about.of recent ;or less fear that it will pot.‘be|row apd says.he sa a-splendid.the ‘Western road the work is ‘re-(|tic®i»Yadkin and adjoining coutt-ers.”"|.i years ae la great while before the Onto ex-|téla ter his business,: ally 'too much’for ope man.Meeting |1°*_Mine W hite is a niete of};Charlotte whronicle |dua tneay afternoon at 4 o'clock|ecutive will find himséH clean out-About 25:of the strikers ©at :the .nigit trains,‘the carrier ip |Mr Ww N:\White,of 'Statesville,|The:papers from all parts of ‘the |Stiee os isa ma _Mr.Hug site the presidentiak equation,to!ine statesviile Cotton Mill remained kept up imtil near:midnight ana |abd AteesOF ex-shoritt Tom)State are bringing in good —cold’mrri ee aema 2 ee cee Nall rintents and purposes,These|out permanently This number in- he has to'-bée out by 5.30 in the |hite;of Yadkin coun ty She.iS’weather ‘stories—of burst ._pipes o p!Pence of a.few friends ati men,in.many instantes,‘would ‘be eluded five families occupying cot-° morning if he:meets.the early |!all respects /an excellent young jang -exploded:tanges.,and’.busy |R.P.parsonage.Rev,R.C.|strongly inclined to stand by Gov-|ton ‘mill houses,which they vacated train from ‘Salisbury!As.a ‘resu’f WOMET.:ne attended Statesville plumbers——but the best of,all comes ae eon partormed the.ceremony.}ernor:Harmon tothe.last,.every-|pie places tf all.the &trikers were the mails are sometimes irregula r |MemaleCollége here ee ars ABO from Salisbury,in which "Mr..Ed.Miss Deaton is a daughter of Mr thibg being.even;but Democrats|jpeg nromptly "and,“marly,addition=--andthe trains heing,off gchedule (atid has many.friends.here WhO!Hejlig was'-frezen ‘like.the letter |°2¢Mrs.J,H.Deaton,of Moore|want to.‘win tile yearn:The.one lar _apsications were made.beoftenaddstotheirregularity.and jioin in ow hing her and the man Z.‘It-.happentd'.this’way:“When jVille,.and one of the:most popular.|strong point urged in favor of Gov-he ws a ce >he Gaiehek: the difficulties of the job.lof her choice a long and happy )Hejlig got home Saturday night,he|YOUNs ladies of thecommunity:Mr.jerior Harmon,which.has’undoubt-poo oh cabo,ied nt gee e - dnd bean |life ;\found the water pipes deimg busi-pout ew ho has made tris.nome here jediy .made {some impression,is the Geanata ee Ne i ie.ee . :Thirteen “Not.Unlucky,in This Miss Fannie “Lindsay,daughter)D¢%s at a great rate -and he vo ae “ist Gh bases de en es BEERS.fe vt ioe tte ow DiOgramiie ata iihetiben ter Ge HelaCase.i DEO Wie °Q ‘Lindsay,and:Mr.|O@tized,the fact jthat sdmething |ie ee ae ints nae ;OTR AG Be BO New 7York 80 /\ity,AT bean is’atte [There are nunieroug people in|S~ith Hallman,were Martied:Tues-/had to,be done.in a hurry.He fi-ay ee so cs Ric Ades year goes the nation,“say the Harmon se ihe tanueies ore oe Statesville.who have lést’.cufftiut-{day in the office of the register of Bally,got two plumbers and went Rss iewil ee ai ee oni ie ople.Nevertheless,.the great milided ‘that.thia ja the time for téns.as an advertisement in Tuss-jdeeds at the -court housJustice J.{into the basement to'hold a lamp By a ere wrbibiacads FO ene |Majority of Demoorats take the |ie Saiaaier of thelt wen riy ‘dues. :jay's Landmark develope ha:Kingrofficiating.“The coliple left;for them..The work:of repaiting a |”?“Qf this,place next :Sunday"|view that.a candidate ‘having the }°""pé PeaE TYday's Landmark developed ’‘alteryicon at the Methodist churetr |fran i dima nh OT ONE -Oo 1d.Summers,oung whiteAsew.days ago Mr.’Ernest”Si-|shortly after the ceremony ‘for,Salis-broken pipe is not.a matter cf a a a ait ;frank.and open.disapproval of Colo-ey »Bat ea ve ee n& mor.‘found.on.the street a .plain |bury,and it is.belfeved that.the }few'seconds ‘and while the Shin a Gnu k ‘Dise cia Wihinmaiehe nel Bryan cannot prevail before ‘the se a eae oN ns ay,_weas giv- gold culf4button and left it‘at ‘The )m«jage was a-runaway affair:dA-(ers were.on the job,-Heblig n-{ees e :PDeORIe.and there is,moreover,the is nate a re Justice.S:i Pad: Landniark office to be advertised.A[ecense has been issued for the mar-|¢d in a ‘squatting position,‘hold-|Greensboro Dispatch,16th feeling ‘that fn many.States.whens |EOT,-+eotatitnts wiewe ‘bond thrée-line .ad.in’Tuesdays paper |Triage of .Miss Ida,E..Waugh.and |g the ght.So absorbed was he Superior Court,Judge C.M.Cook pe progressive movement ‘is strong ;Se reas ane:é eae yon told ctthe.find and as soon as the |Mr,Henry.L.-Cascaddén,both.of jin the process of -the repairs,that jtoday ‘held that the magistrate’s|in beth parties;Governor Harmon Gon TN eet ae at oo paper appeared on the streéts,folk |Shiloh township fe Vee eee SCIOUs of the erad-|Proceedings under which E rank |wouta UNS:wea candid ate.The:ia t Se ae hope aise :f who ‘hid lost buttons began cabling,Sree «jUal -stifteni of his joints,and)Wineskie,of High Point,was in-:|Buckeye statesman has grown weak-coarse WIS DPORER ISON:is tee: by 'phone’or in’person Up «tb iStockholders®Meetings.)when,at the end of about an hour dicted and:held for the alleged:em-/|er-7ih €exact ratio as Woodrow Wil-‘Speaking of the unusual .cold Vedinesday morning twelve hadj|.>The svockholders of the Crawford-'the plumbers:quit and the light)bezzlement of $80,000 from.the [SOR us grown:stronger.::{spell Mt J ©.Brown,of Shiloh ~gallakre ‘describe lost.outt buttons Bunch Furniture.Com ,in oreg-|bearer started to get up,he found |Standard Mirror ‘©Company were Men.wrose:minds-aré running,in been ye The Landmark that ths particular button was stiajular’.session,reselpcte directors that he couldn’t move,-.He was|void and he ox di the.velease of |this channel are not,however,all|)spriae ‘his place six miles west: ithout an owner Just before for,fae ensuing year as follows:|frozen stiff.as a corpse,but not in|the prisoner was’in answer|turning.to Wilson.‘These-met,|of Stutesville has been frozen over. noon’the thirteenth callér—a:hady liv srs.E.B..Watts,W..-B..Me+/s0.cqmfcrtable a position,by agto a writ of habeas-corpus instituted|alee cnlet end in life just“now.is ffor nearly a week.”‘The spring has “proveed to:be the awner and the |Leland,W.H.:Morrisqn,..C +P,|long-shot...He ,was:assisted intagby the defendant,who raised the|to pick a winner,see elements:of }bepn-in use for many.years and.it :©.OS Nien Wwe:Larned Over tO:ROT |Crawfoi?,A;“W.Bunch,F..B.|the House,‘and after the doctors ha@)point that a special ‘legislative act weakness in the proposed,candidacy)was never known to freeze over be: :Pays (to ~advertise?Of course;|Huneb,Or.PeCL Jurney ficers’worked on hiny.for several’,hours,|creating a récorder’s court for the ;Of Governor Wilson.As a matter|fore .s an ¢that point has long’been settled [Will te elected at a_méetting the he was able to stretch out,and no ee ceattty of High Point.gave |of expediency they would not hesi-}---fhe annual inspection of the : and..admits “of ‘no argument.But |directors to:.be "held on tlie 26th./serious results are anticipated?This|that equrt origi:nal and exclusive ju-|ate a meinent té turn to the Jer-military,companiés of the State «would you:have thought so ma ny|fhe company’s ‘business:the past /is about as xvood a story:as the |risdiction in-such ca 2e8 Bey manu,aud may.do 80 yet,but will begin next month.The States- «folks were looking4for lost cuff-|Year Very weds Lctory,\to,‘the jer gine being frozem to the rails at}Judge Cook declinéd to issue:a ASE low -ore may hear a.good|vilte compyiby will ee inspected buttons?a r )Sstockhoicers i Lynchburg ;jbench warrant upon -thd statement déal of «niet talk in high places Mareh 23,Capt.A,J.Daugherty, ae At their.regular annual meeting |lof prosecuting counsel that senti-|coucerning Governor Marshall,of }of tae United States army,and Col, Court Week After Next.Wednesda?the pice citer:of the’Bill to Change Date of Inauguration |ment’was such in High Point.that |Indidua;who doesnot seem to Fhos.Stiingfield,of Waynesville,in: The Jauuary ternr of:Iredéll Su-Statesville:Loan &Trust Company |Favorably Reported.a fair trial sould not be obtained.|lave’«written,.any letters and |Spector of small arms,will conduct perics.Court.Will convene Monday,re-elected the following board of).The-House judiciary committee |The matter,it is said,will.lie-open books,and whose record——what there the juspections..429th.with Judge 0.H.Allen.on directors:W.:D.-Turner,C.-M.|has ordered favorably|sanoated the puntil the next session of tlie grand |1s of it-—is termed good.H is:con-—Is-a.fall while at play at ;thethehen¢h.Both eriminal.and civil |Steele..Bs;Morrison,N.B.,Mills;H.|Heigry resolution changing’ithe date lgury.:sidered yery.likely that Governor |gradéd school Lewis Poston,son of aqockets.are:unusually light.ana A.Yount,°W.F.-Hall,M.K.Steele |or.the presidential inauguration|{The deci sion of Judge Cook does Wilson will go into the conven-|Mr and Mrs.R.L.°Poston;suffer- the is uo great amount of work and D.M.Ausley Mr Steele was|fiom March 4 to thelast Tursday |not.touch the merits.of the:case,|tion with a majority of the dele-jed a severe.wound on:his heft Teg, bor Whe court.About ten prisoners re-elected presidefit.Mr.Morrison |jy April,and the terms of repre it simply hold&that Wineskie |8i*es for him,but.he must have |just.above;the:knee,The injury ; are in-jaij awaiting trial.The most|Vice president,Mr.AuSley secretary |sentatives:in “Congress to begin the |SHould tiave been tried in’the re.|two-thirds,dnd it ts just here was dressed ‘at.the Sanatorium:and important case-is that of Waltér|and treasurer,G.E.Hughey assist-|second-Tuesday.in January instead |order’s ‘court at.High Point The |that Governor Marshall would find|sevey stitches were .required to Russell,the:yotng white man who |4nt secretary and treasurer,W.BD!of on Mareh’4.-'These y changes||charge.against Wineskie will be in-]|&n openiiig,ie ‘close .the «gash,.which -extended ‘wil!le fried for the murder of June)Webb manager insurance depart-|would be effective April,1917)and |vestigated:by,the Guilford grand Gotd bis ai 4 tl »Ice ‘But across he froptek the.Ita7Summers«in,north Iredell a few |ment.:|January,1918,respectively.[Fany.—The Ts indmark.qd ibe hte Thaw 10 i.Wace ~Mr.Walter W.Holiiand,of mouths:>ago..Russell will.plead |-:Messrs.W.F.“Hall”c.°S.Tom-|The Hemry,resolution would pro-|,Spe agri nant iae ah aed a Olin township,has been appointed -selfstefense The ctficers hope to|lin,Re E.Clapp,J.H.Hill,H.|vide for extensionof the term of}Morse Pardoned.Fayetteville Observer.assistant gran*“lecturer for the have the cases.against Cleve Me-C.Cowles,D.-Matt‘@hompson,D.M.\the President and Vice President |President Taft yestétday commut-Mr.Robert Jessup tells us of a|Masonie fraternity.Mr.Holland has Bride,the notorious Bcckader;-set-Ausiey and E*-Morrison Were elect-lejected in 1912 ta the last.Thurs-1 red to.expire immediately-the 15-yea,|strange happening during this |been a member of the order about tled at this term..The cases have |¢d Clrectors of the Bkadford Knits)fayof April,1917.Congfess would|3*ntenuce for violation of the nation-|cold.weather.He has a globe con-‘LW years and his appointment to.>heer continued ttm term to term thie Mill-at-a;imeeting-_of the stare leotlvene dinually 6n the second pat banking laws under which Chas’(taining three gold-fish:at His home|tiis work is quite a compliment”iG.— a until the offtcers now have little holders yesterday,The directors|Tuesday in January...This ae ee Morse,the New |York banker jon ‘Coc.Spring street.Saturday |him He js much interested in ‘hope of McBride receiving his just elected Mr.Hall president,©.S.jieaye:the biennial elections in|#0d “ice king,’served’two years |night he found the water in the|Masohry,has Studied it thoroughly — :‘deserts:-It i$.claimed by the offi;Foilin vice president,R.E.Clapp |zoyvemper ‘except in Oregon,in|in.the.Federal penitentiary at At-|globe 4a solid “mass of vice,©with /and is well qualified for the posi- he cers Liat a nuthber of cases have eoereres)ate eee sr |Tune,‘and in Maitie and Vermont,in|/anta,’Ga.Thé commutation of sen-)the ‘ish ‘of course’.frozen stiff in|tion..His appointment,which was been continued from-term to term|Preacher's Note Got Suit.But.He |September.©”,Séyeral Democratic }ence,.which;gives Morse his.com-|the block He.thawed the icé,)made on merit,is gratifying to without just cause,at’tite instance Didn't Make Good.:-|members.resepved the right to |Plete freedom——-but which,unlike and,Jo!the fish thawed with it,|his fripnds,AG ee aces for the defendants,un-Some time ago a éoloreds"ppeach-{amend the resolution ,on the floor.Roe ee kas oo deh eile a chime a TRAY bese.nude “The public will take notice that: til they.literally died out....er.bf Statesvillé “wrote:the follow-|2he bill would alsp give Congress eres a as 8 .:ut Ganerattanaries Cc lid os q the Kilties band will be at.the The~'~« Church News;:Mg Hote Ce ls anaes Where oes ia Wickersh n nate Ruagenn Getteral orig!ally Pet Ohlne:call cohen ssh ca ‘Wednesday evening and.- &‘Rey.Ostar”Mann will preach.at Abode “honored 8.08 0 5 rhe ae aH ae at as pers eee ae ‘Torney.Acaoraing to.the surgeon from tke northern part in which oie aia Ne ee to a . the Rirse Associate Reformed ee ok ae Take ee ae lea ee tnt be?eae tteneral’s,report tothe President on |case cols would,be their elerent#far .au a ee onchurchSuidaymorning.robe hand suit {ft your hightery:“nes Vice co Rat ere cst The his condition,|Morsé could not live ae mney ie Association:-The.reputationonetosell:him at 75-cents or $1..|Vice President-elect.between)they ,peat Rev—-Geo;WwW:Greene.wiro died |}Of the -band—is ground for the—be- On aecount of his Lexington ap-i wit ae that yi xt the sy |cOuilting ofthe’electoral vote and?|one month longer in contitie ment |.Ais iy lief thatit:is worthy of patron- _,pointment being on,the thirdSundiay |.Se it ere ene eee the inaugmrati te \jand even at liberty probably,would.|!!!Canton,“Ghina,,recently,-.29 not-|,i :he\"\Rev.R..P.Bubanks:will hold ger-in--a few days!We have-a sclrool here {ation.[HOt live,six months._fed in The Landmark,wasiacnative {88 on ts own-accountt,but the “vices at fheIEpiscopal church here cee oor woe He ner eee at syeumene i Goi Henry.ical ae el gah oe aoe ee Se be nae Pere ha ee ith et Merion ot ai eeat41‘o'clock the fourpi,Sunday,tle better suit,&i :es a thiohly enjoyable"anvil event children jn America,two daughters :.a tone th Vv oe!of th : the 28th,,F ’“Yours,confidentially,nould these officials,die or be lwo.4 party given erp social event and a son.-all of wham:lave vts-|that a part of the proceeds will be =Tietts tatice or the dots 7 |“The.bearer’of the eer ce:fatally.disabled:aa a fons bv Mise Minnie <Shertilk at |{ted in Statesville.-‘The family:‘has|8tVen to,local charity.".‘2 society.of Broad Streat Methodist in an jeare ro Xs aot ee rh for fitting the vacanicie NS rat her home on Davie avenue com pl-a cottage ‘at.Bluemont and Dr..and An eléction,held in’Lee.oointy uf ah uren have:formed~n study ai pele lotheg,.el lek on cap Whe gt t i ae =mel tury to Miss Marjorfe de Kraft,‘Greene -gpent a portion of their Tnesdiay?resulted in a majority of merit and have.taken up the study of Wesi-pate nete or the ,ladys natunal’Chairiuun Mack hee Heaedd tthe on Fhiladelphia,the guest of,>Miss |vacation there last:year.—400:toca BORE igaue te $100,000 ern’Wohten in,Basten:Lands,‘Phe kindness of.pathy,O1 PONT:.and official call for the national Dem:|"lizabeth Allison.“Hearts-dieg =.as|Engineer William Clark,of “Ma-|>).public road imptovelnent ee, ,circle met faut Monday ©afternoon the note was filed as,a..charge for cratic:convetition to meetin:Balti-|Played ahd Mesdames J.-L...Stoan |con,Ga.;a negro porter and _three ‘uss : wifi ‘Mrs.B,M,Stephenson ‘and the suit.But to this good.day )more June 3b.fe giocke [amd decd Graig cut:for the “prize,|negro passengers,two ‘of them wo-}Do you know thatfully Aine out of “will ‘meet next Monday with:Mra.|that.suit.hasnt been paid for,|sate alpsicylcttiag o a,jabot,-Mrs:Stgan -winning.~The}men}were.-Killed “ity a,\wreck at Sie rhatitbatier:ae ne uscine ane 6.)G.Gilmer.which is.evitence.that~not even Mr.Tt.BH.Field,-Confederate|guest-of-honor prize’‘presented...,to |Jonesboro,Ga.,yesterday,morning,cold or damp,or chronic rheumatism, ‘..|a greacher who)can write <polite veteran and one of the oldest met-,)Miss “e Kraft.vas!a pretty embraid-|fhe wreck wag a,collision,between |and require itaint tnal treatment what.) ce Gov.:Kitehin hs"reappointed notes tan always be depended ~on|chants in pearl died,Wednesday }érea shirt whist.Following the,|pesmenger and fretgit on the Cen-vent anit eeply howe ae it Pe ge Adley be Carlton a.notary;public.io make good.night.o 5 \\ty,=same a+Bilad course was served.tral of Georgia road.‘Hef,For ‘ale py all dealers.a "&is \y He A \ey .‘4 %if =he i :s :esG:m é ‘e !ee ’@ 2 The ivneral services will.be.vom v iucted at the residenée’at Ilo ‘clock hia.moriing,bys Rev,WA.Lutz,eid the internient Will be.tty Oak" wood:cemetery,4 ES |Cold IiemeLers,heré:areas unite ap hey wi. rptople's "feelings:with’reThey-arel reported:td’faye recordéd,everything+from:zero: LOr seven,‘above ria’stead ap:luistit morn-|Ltownship toknow “that “her; slightly improved riey died Sunda yome “in Gwaltney | wag’a Victim ‘of tu-Lo BOF K- “Vat: shie ;On:thi few.Gi rhe been.bringing from:9.to 9.40 e Statesville nvarket the bast cate “Re i)aici,of;Ciiar-. j i Pa r a d ee n s sn a t e n n e n a b e t a i a b e a Cle @ the fee system. “THE LANDMARK wnt,1912. ‘OOMMENTON VARIOUS.MATTERS to"othe.Catawba man -=January 19, Referring; "who’was killed while ,hunting on eee the Newton:News man. «gays to TheLandmark,““gezee": Bet .you\anything you want.to det that there was hunting in Ire- dell)that day;andy in about every other county,in North Carolina: where the_lovely snow kivered the .ground,eee Maybe so,for theCatawba folks. forbetimes._cross the’river and hunt in Iredell.4 The >North Wilkesboro.Hustler "eopied the greater part of the "tribute,to the late.Rev.Elwood:EB. “Smith,of Bagle:“Milis township,this soynty,printed,in-a recent’issue of .The ‘Landmark,and Bays of it that a fine tribute,“welll written andi good taste.©The.author “was “Mr: Ratledge,of Davie county,and the pubject of the sketch deserved ‘al! that.was.said of him, **._* ;The’Richmond mimee-Dispateh and other.Virginia newspapers have been hammering the:fee system in that.State and,public’sentiment is evidently thoroughly aroused against ‘it,In his:message.to the Virginia Legislature,last week,Gov Mann recommended the abolition’of4 Commenting |on the message:the cauisiaoane Times- -Dispatch Says:fe Wiring on the.fee system™has. been going on a long time,but .Gov-. ernor Mant,in his:message yes- .terday;shortened :‘the life of ‘this wicicug purasite in our governmental scheme,By ‘his condemnation’of this iniquitous form of official raft he has done much,to break own a mest.unjust and’uneconom- ical-draft on the public.finance. The system is rotten to the core; it discriminates ‘between two men of equal ability.by paying one ten times as much as the other;it. ‘exalts a mere clerk above the chief ~judge of the State and puts a me- diocre treasurer.over the Governor. The existence of the fee system is a cause of great unrest among the people of Virginia.The system itself is a monstrosity,an,inexcu- sable and antiquated scheme .for the enrichment of-a‘few individualsattheexpense,vof-the,State and’ the people.Hf the :GeneralAssemblywillwriteintolawGdVernorMann's recommendation it will rid the Com- monwealth of a mighty.injustice and a festering plague on the body politic:The system must go. ‘!eo - The Salisbury Post =suggests thatDemocratic speakers and.news- papers drop the word “tariff and use the word “tax”instead.Says the Post:iTheword‘tariff’is too indef- inite.There are hundreds of thou- sands of men who may be.broughttobelievethatitwould.be to:their advantage in some indirect,myste- rious way to volte for a tariff,butwhocouldnetbecajoledorcoerced into the ccnviction that it is to their individual imterest to vote to put an enormous tax.on everything they eat,wear and use. The suggestion ,is a good |.one. The general public doa not realize nor appreciate ‘he’fact that.the tariff is a tax;nor the more =im-: portant fact that a good part of the tarifftax collected from the ‘people ig not for-the:benefit’of the goy-erhment but for the bemefit of fa- vored ipdustries and that it is this: tax that piles up millions for.“BigBusiness.”The sovereigns .are Wottetimes ready to fight,bleed and die when a little extra tax is pro- posed for roads,schools,’or foi Bome public purpose that .benéfits all the people;and yet at the same timé they“are paying a heavy indi- “rect tax to favored industries witb-. out knowing.it and are so deceived that they go on voting for that tax.If the people of this country had to pay -just one time directly “what they pay indirectly on account of this pernicious system of tariff taxes,they ‘would “start something” €ood and strong within 24 hours. See : Anent Postmaster General-Hitch- cock’s recommendation that”the povermment take over the:telegraph lines and operate them as a part of the nosial-system-there—is naturally a dive-sity of opinion.Some mem- bers 0’Congress favor the.plan, others oppose and’othérs say ity will be seridusly 3 considered.Senator John Sharp Williams,of ‘Mississip- pi,says he has been in favor of the general proposition for 20 years | and can see no Treason why the telephone lines should not’be in- cWided.Senator Stone,of *Missou- ne who.is much opposed to the government ownership Bays he can see ‘of railroads, more good réasons why the government shoul}ownthe-telegraph lined than why _it“should own the Hilroads:4--Stone and Williams are \Dempcrats..Prd-.gressive Republican:leaders gener ally favor the :proposition,’while Standpat Re calif hacia oppose.Mr. Adameon,Of Georgia,Chainman §of “the Howse committee on inter-State| commerce,expressed the old-time Democratic’view.when ‘he paid he “was not in farer of the government f He traced his way owning anything’that Andividuals can’,own under proper)control. Speaker.Champ Clark said.it was too big.a subject to discuss for the present. of the Postal Telegraph system, declared the cost would he enor~ mous |andthe.arehorn.apr ote ble,-Said Mr.‘Mackay: “The step would,lead to ‘akieg over the tei¢phone lines also.The British govetument.found this to be so-and two.weeks ago.it took over ‘the telephone:lines in England at an enormous expense.The tele-graph and ‘telephone lines in.this country are Worth from $2;000,000,- 000 to $3,000,000;000.This would include the independent telephoue companies,owning nearly:$500,000,-000 of property and,having 450,00 stockholders.-1.‘vemturre to say that they would be..operated by the |/government’at ‘great annual,.doss,just as,in’Great,Brifain,where the losses on.the telegraph alone :.up to date are,figured at $175,000,000. a vs KMoreover,.the...governinent would“it i)a:model”And 1 rsa then be,eploving lundreds of.’worth while,”That was ggg ‘thousands clerks,telephonegirls,telegraph Operators,“manag- ers,’etc.It would be a,colossal po-: litical,machine.va ; ‘i wv ee 8 This froni a Washington dispatch Senator Lorimer,of Illinois,in his testimiony today.before the Senate committee Hivestigating his election,was dramatic in the jex- treme,.He told.the °story with many homely details of his life, Blacking boots at the age of tentosupport_a widowed mother and five.brothers and ‘sisters,then a Cals:hoy,a laborer wheeling coal,a house painter,a street car condue- tor and a:building contractor,were the successive steps he detailed in his vrogress to his present position as president’ef anational bank. in politics from” a-eonstable to-a seat in the United States Senate:The man under fire was.the: coolest man in.the.room:while hetoldthestory.His voice was un-shaken ‘except when he spoke of his mother—two years dead.Then his eye glistened and his words were a bit hoarse..The ticking of the clock was audible ‘between the sentences.f Testifying in nis own behalf,Sen- ator Lorimer.has”strenuove ly ‘denied that he was guilty of any wrong-do- ing i securing his election:to.the UnitedStates Senate;he denies)that he ps’?or procured the.payment of one’penny to secure ‘votes.DXx- plaining why different Democrats yoted for him,he said it-was.due to ‘personal friendship or to kind- nesses he had shown ‘the men in years past...Personally Lorimer is said to be.a‘man of clean life and correct habits,and his story of his ‘rise from obscurity to promi- nence will help him.People ad- mire a man who has fought.life's bettle unden difficuties and won.If Lorimer speaks the truth he -is 1 much abused man.”Amd yet ey- idence on the other side shows that there was wholesale corruption in the election of Lorimér,and it is easy to believe that evidence, because vote-buying is very common What the Senate committee will.say when it has sifted the evidence is mot yet known.;: Big.Companies Won't Smaller Markets? Winston-Salem Dispatch. That one of the first results ot the disintegretation of the American Tobacco.Company will be the elim- ination.of the smaller leaf “tobaccomarketsisthebeliefand‘the: expressed opinion of prominent men in the business.Competitive buying will..make this necegsary,.the to- bacco men say,All over the tobuc- co -belt there are various small markets that-have done a living business and their aggregate sales run into the-millfons of pounds. With the increased cost of doing business to each of the four com-% panies;[nto whith the trust was di-| videu,so to speak,none of them is. likely to maintain a.buyer on the small markets;and it is.expected therefore.that the farmeis,;.who fiave hitherto used the small mar- kets on account of their proximity, willsof necessity have to journey to. the larger markets,where the biiy- ers will be located.“It is hardly probable’that the change as predict- Buy on ed will ‘come,about for another season,Many authorities say.i i ——a The Shelby Double Murder Case ES Ended For the Present. At Shelby Monday.the special term of court called to try the al- leged murderers of Mr.and Mrs. Dixon,_of-_Cleveland county,came to an abrupt end.Frank Gladden, the white man:who was acquitted Saturday,was discharged.Hack Rose,colored,and his stepson,Cul- len Mull,were also discharged, the State announcing that it did not have sufficient evidence to hold ‘them further,M4Thereisgeneral~‘upproval of the‘dequittal of Gladden.“So.far John Ross,colored,is the only person convicted of the double munrdér.He is sentenced to die February 16. Ross ~contends ~that there were ple'to secure sufficient evidence to hold any other person. .We,ie ungersigned,have known F,J Cheney for the last15-years,believe him perfectly.honorable in.allbiisinegs.transactions,and_financiallyabletocarryoutanyobligations madeibyhisfirm.Walding,Kinnan &Marvin,Wholesale.Druggists,Toledo,O.Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-W,acting directly upon:the blood andmucoussurfacesofthesysterh,Testimoyialssentfree.-Price,Tec.per bottle,I by,all Druggists,Take Haul’e tion,~®Family Pills for.constipa sctey Clarence Mackay,head|at the Inedel))poultry,show.& of tet oo pe 7 formerly of Iredell, others’but the State has bée@n'-una=, We.ofter One Iiundred Dollars Re-ward for any.case of Catarrh that.scans!not we oe .by tid s Catan Curr.PF,CHENEY &GCO.,Toledo,6: and. |STATE |NEWS. rhe Newton News feels ‘sure ‘as Catawba chi¢kens:It says Cataw< ba’fanciérs will win all the prizes Am.|:aged.colored woman.was burnedto death in a fire which de-stroyéd.the house in which she liy-éd,near Goldsboro Sundya night.- The explosion of a water’tank|in the home.of John’D.Langston, a lawyer of Goldsboro,Sunday -af- ‘ternoou,wrecked the kitchen,killed the cook snd injured three of 0 Langston children, “James W.Fisher,of Spencer,who was injured umder a locomotive.at’ Spencer last week,died Monday afternoon at a hospital in Salisbury, where he was under treatment.One arm’and one lege were.‘cut off and he was’othenwise :‘mangléed..Pneu+monia.developed and ended “his lifeHeissurvived‘by a wifeand five children. Salisbury —dispatoti:‘to‘Charlotte Observer:A company.of leading business men-has beén formed to take over the:stock,books and’good willsof the old ‘and well-established drug store of Theo,FE.-Kluttz,&} Co.,which’has’been doing ‘businessontheeast«orner of ‘Main and:In- nis.streets ‘for many years,beingbyfartheoldest’drug.house ‘in the ‘city.Mr.Cicero’:R.Barker, ‘s in the old ag ee wis has suc- cessfully.maiaged the business for.years,will retire.The ‘style of the finm:is,to be changed ‘to the Peo- ple’s Drug Store. |Police Lovktna ‘For Minister Oharg: ed’With Grime. ‘The Rev:W;D:McFarland;for- mer.,head’of the academic depart- ment.of the Pittsburg (Pa)high school and well known.a8.an educa- tor,is’being sought by:the Pitts-burg.police in connection with the Dodd Coe,aged 28,who died ‘ast Friday.Miss Coe fad been Dr,Me- Farland’s secretary and she:made an ante-thortem ptatement to a deputy coroner in which she im- plicated Dr-McFarland and .one’ Rollin.MeConnel). At the inquest evidence was pre- sented to show that Dr.McFarlandleft:Pittsburg in 1910 to take up missionary.work in Tennessee with: headquarters at Greenville.Accord- ing to the.young Wwoman’s pstate- ment Dry McFarland was known to:her m er and sister as a phy-{| sician and”twice since he left Pitts- burg had returned at her request, Two Varieties of Hogs in Caldwell. A Caldwell citizen tells the Lenoi News about two breeds of hogs cul- tivated in‘that county.He says:° .One is known as a wild seed- ling variety.and grown.exclusively .by Mr.Charley J.Powell,of ru- ra]route 1.‘All you have to do is to turn them out and they grow and increase much ‘like wild onions. The other breed is.known as the tree-clidbing,and acorn-hunting excitisively by Mr.Jo.Powell.These last kiagd will climb trees and eat acorns off the i'inbs without break- fug off the accin hulls Jo.andCharleyPowellhaveexclusivecon- trol of these hogsjin this part of the State and have grown them for -years When -the hogs are young they tie knots in their.tails to keep 'them from,slipping through the cracks in the pens. Rough Weather in Texas. In a note to The Landmark from ‘Blcssom,Texas,Miss Mattye Gant, says: “My brother tells me we are haviog the coldest weather in this part of Texas that has been known for 13°:years.«The ground iscovered.with sleet and:ice. “J seein The Landmark a num- ber of my friends and school chums have gone to their eternal home Sinte I came to Texas,just a year ago.There is a ‘lot of sickness here now.They are stopping the schoo’s cn account of meningitis in our little city:: “My brother,Mr.Thos.Hefner, has just completed a 5-room bunga- low and North Peroiniane will be weicome.’ Catawba Fiungens Out Again ta ca Sunday. Newton News. Sunday being another good rab- bit hunting day,the hunters.were abroad again with guns and dogs. A farmer here yesterday,‘said that the hunting .on the last two |Sun- days beat anything he had ever known:It was his opinion §that the limited time for hunting underthenewlaw.was perhaps soméwhat responsible,but if ‘the open’season were six months long,a good snow and plenty of rabbit tracks would doubtless prove too strong for these hunters:There is law about breaking.the Sabbath in.this style,but it doesn’t cut.much fig- ure. Made Sune by Vinol ““T wish I could induce every moth- er.who has a delicate,sickly child,to try your delicious cod liver iron tonic, ‘Vinol, “It restored our little daughter to health and strength after everything ‘else had failed.It-tastes so good she loved to take it—not a bit of cod liver ‘Oil taste—Mrs.C.wT ee Canton, Ohio.” The reason Vinol ‘i 80 nnoosantul in building up puny,.delicate,,ailing children,is because it is a combina- tion of the two most world-famed ton- Ics—the medicinal body-bullding ele-|Ghar ments of cod liver oil,aided by the Hlood-making and .strength-creating properties of tonic fron,, Jf we can induce you.to fry a bottle of Vinol as a’:body-builder~~‘and strength-creator for your child,and you do not find it is all_we claim,we will return your money on demand. W.F,Hall,Druggist,Statesville, death in a local hospital of.Elsie |, kind and are bred-in this country j, A New Safe:And Sure | Cure For Coughs|_+»os And Colds: ‘Do not drug‘the sy stem with medi.cines.that.derange the stomach.VICKSSeenene SALVE ‘is-a newsafe-and-sure cure for Coughs Colds and Lung troubles,by inhal- ation and absorption.Itsoothes the inflamed lungs,throws out the “cold,” and strengthens the Jungs so that the) properly perform:their duties. >At yourdruggist’‘sor by.mail '25c..80c,:$1,00' Econo my guests the dali Vick*s Painily Reinedies:C .Greensboro,N.C. Tax Notice. naceTaCounty «‘Commission: ers;the county‘school fund and the State Treasurer’are calling upon’mme'to-collecttaxesnowlongpastdueandLhaveserved_notice -upon_me|# that I mustproceed to collect 3 |Wateh For:Specials.ol all outstanding taxes at once, |———e _Here Next Week.« a :f Alt *ofae,v¢ Statesville Hardware :Ha Se arnessO.ey tnnonpemtp—orn under authority of law,which saysall sheriffs after Novem:-|ber Ist of eachyear shall levy on property and sel same fortaxesdue,Theréfore this a0: ticeis given.to all persons to come in and pay their taxes and save cost. J.M.DEATON,Sherlff of Iredell Co. Jan.16. COAL. We have just-receiv- ed,several cars of=COAL. Can give prompt de-” -liveryin any quan- tity:Let us have your order. *PHONE NO.28:OR NO.2 h Hin tothe Wise i Safe Don’t spend your good money for House Fr urniish: oes until you have gotten prices froin us.ow e will make it to your interest to trade with us,SHUN RaSrVELLILYTTLLTYLAALANinalMACegDALUSEyihg[ERE cEREER a 7 Pe e ee te AEREEE Ad |<See our line..of Leather Couches,Lounges and Parlor Suite... Upholstered Davenports; Crawford-Bunch Furniture:Comp’y ;-UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS,Aeaaeones,»NIGHT 1958 J.K.Morrison Gro- cery &Produce Co. Have You Tried ‘““CRISCO!”" Quitea number of our customers.have cou- _pons which qntitlethem to a 25c.can of CriscoCooking:Oil)for 15c. If you have such acou- _pon please send to us at’once and get full sized can for 15 cents. Bagle &Milholland, Hard Brick and rock are the only build- ing materialsthat will with- - stand frost and fire,and Seem Housefurnishing Comp’y.ua llce FurnitureSal : 2OurGreatSacrificeFurniture Sale,’| now going on,will close WED.=|} NESDAY,JANUARY the 24th, R.O.DEITZ,:Manager. last for all time.Common and Face Brick always on hand.© Statesville Brick Co. MyNMachine Shop s complete and Iam prepared to do any kindof repair work.: ENGINE AND BOILER WORKASPECIALTY uy Also carry:a full line of Steam Fit. ings up toSincohes.Injectors,Lu- oricators,Oil Caps and JetPumps’ripe and Shafting.\ Cc.H.TURNERDepotStreet..Dealer in Machinery. DR.P.F.LAUGENOUR,DENTIST, Still occupies the same rooms(5-7-9)on thesecondflooroftheFirstNationalBankBuilding,wherehehasbeenforyears,but some:recent improve-nnon the aaaa of the building,have-ae ae ang,entrance from:thi oe reiie the building to the west side of Center atreet,Nov.8. “FARM FOR ‘SALE.2 mi IXTY acres of land with good 6-room hottse,barn and all outbuildings,two mules. with hay,fodder,and other articles-35 acres:in|Hi, cultivation,15 acres of.wired-in pasture;wood-land with some timber.Farm is located three-fourths of mile-west of Mount Mourne.near fail-road station and public highway.ForioeandtermswriteofseeD.M,T @ _North erOnae.dans se 6,as MountMarne,Ne Oy ets Get,poupselt aWateh.=‘Little and biz to suit Men,Wo: erencecaseee fA Prize For mee I-willsella $300 Piano for $150 to the public school teacherwho will train their school to sing ten school -gongs in “Carolina Harmony.’’Certificate from com- mittee,stating these songs have been sung by the _School will be required.Will also givea $5.00 Guitar -to the leader of the cee that will make the best music in six school songs in said book at the next county singing.A,book ‘will be loaned to each school,and the words ay be sung from their tablets,but classes having niembers over school age will berequired to sing]both notes and words, J.S.Leonard,»“Music Dealer, §12 Center Street.: e HE NEW YEAR RIGHT. START T _-Inen,Boys and Girls.‘Also:anything iin Jewelry. ani H.B.WOODWARD Jjeweler. GOOD BOOMS J pean en aNOe.}.“but short stems . :ane grade $1 THE LANDMARK 1912, LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE,* Arrival and“Dep ul uWHSTEENROAD.‘ FRIDAY,—i<January)19; Train No.11,west-bound,due-10.20 a.’Train No,21,wést-bound,due 3.26 panTrainRe,85 west-bound,due 10.22 DianTrain"36;east-bound,due 11.00 a.m |rai No.n“east-bound,bo 1.24--p,alTraineast-bound,due 6.46"“pe moCHARLpaiNsANDRAYLORSVULLd.¥rom veersTrainNo.‘16 ar.leaves 11.00 a.m |Train No,24 ar,ie,leaves 8.35 p,mFromParloreviiie:Train’No,23 ar.10.10,.eaves eae:Lanleaves6.45 pTrainNo,16 arr 6.20, Senator Simmons Denids That He | is Working ‘For Barwon ‘Senator Simmons denies:emt hati- cally that he's working for Ha mon| to defeat Wilson. Sok want’to say that.I am Wak | working for or against ‘any.man for| ‘the (presidential,nomination,”‘said.| Mr.:-Simmons...“f ‘have not.inter-| ested myself in.anybody's candid:. ey.)If any.mam”Baye that have been trying to,defeatWilpin of:Trains at MUSIO ‘AND Billy Dock 8 istic RemFrenchW:is and Hands Out a Few to.the Hire.Nous\ae ot ’Statesville,ot Correspondence of The andmerk\ l often disagree with:The:By ae|Yhark,“but I heartily agreer:h. its editorial’oh music.ipa recent \hissue,I have gone stone:‘deaf NOW) kbs in the days when 1could hear some of the tumultuotis ‘medley:of jaggravating néises ‘that were!hand- |ed me\was enough to give a\man! |hereditary,°acquired or.permanent mee |Lusanity,ending in’justifiable mur |der,|Shortly before L lost»my hearin | \If °heard a grand,famous:tu~| |gical (2).Opera.\Some folk’who [ware Worn craZy\.or»\drunk-—or:both | oo might Bans OmHGES eS it,muse; |to,‘mewthe crash,bang)and roar, lgounded Like a Westem,cyclone;ripr ping “its:way.through acre tract ‘Of,ner ani,or plexie ifootball with a Texas towns)||About‘ithe same time 'Liveard 8] world-wide singer sing.She ane.) |The Old and Youngig Walled ‘in,Trout: Sarees of ny“Landmark, \ || ——— THE\HARV EST OF DEATH.\ -man Community—Supt.White, \andthe Teachers,» Troutman,Jan {6--:Mr*Andrew N.Allison,oné of:'the ahd most.substantial ‘citizens in this.section of she country,died 7Sat+ ‘urday\night,at:his home|here,of best,known purdiysis,\as mentiohed in The} laudinarg.,He was aged 82 years. Mr.Allison\was’indeed)a noble old gent.eman,\.He.was’,neighborly,kindly disposed,but withal\a tan| of much spirit.He was above 1it-|tle things.and \detested littleness in| jothers.Always interested in 'the| affairs of then,‘Yh “politics,in--re-| \ligion and ath the'issues which go| to mnake up a well-rounded life..\nf Yeste:rday morning .at’8 o'clock | little ‘Margaret,Ailes,thie |,five-| |mouths.olds.daughter of:MY!anid | ‘N dy e Orren,‘died:very “pud-| a thousand-.); >Do make"!du x|the death\moresad,’Mr.Onren wis |=laway at Charlotte,where,he holds a}\. juity at her home ‘here) word was sent to ‘him,Little | garet js ‘dead.’" :Sha or boost Harmon oF apy vents,Man!pisd out on the stage’‘completely.:Yesterday morning:Mrs,Pannieseed\he tells whatgis not.’trug.have!dressed froin tiie-waist down;frQmh|(.ie Oy -smipiler of! Viynit “4.:not oven:Made,Up my mind whe Th hve waist “up .she,hads not.had}mr nore aie eet gen ther Home |nick ve ToS ”‘a |ren Ss TD a a se and $1.225 dozen...j wall.support.time -tofinish ‘dressing,judkdng')lin.the -Bethel neighborAvan.She|L :;This report about Senator’Sim |\fromthe amount of bare skin :shé iy ;F :a oh | -=mons.probably Brow out of the fact|i pinited..,She sang something—I|oe ee ossneer Doeeeoe peelGe‘that:some of.his ¢elose friend and-|onm't know.what it'was,and 1 dont]1 —_Orpen aa hire aia u :“\;supporters’seem to.‘be boosting |hink she.did,either--in-a tone.:of;|day.She was aged 83 years and 18) ;ne He an 16 '‘©\think s swoon (Survived by a large fantily of .sons|armon;,und ‘while nobody’had ‘a!4)that,was.a cross between i | right.to say they represented the|jvolce ..and (2nd daughters.Thus death claims|. Ad YaLinley Nusei Company, let ccrabnre.N.C. _POLK GRAY"DRUG C0... Local Agents.as * nt nrg A FARMS FOR SALE, Senator in’this.Inatter,some thave., assumed as much oe ‘ At Gibianwilic Guilford iSunday,Miss.Matilda. county, Geringer,an} .;age d Oday was 50 severely burn:| ed that she died“in ‘a short:time. }She Was alone in her.room and ‘it; is supr ceed -her:clothing’caught| {from an open fire ; |J.T;Amos,of Rockingham coun- ity.has put ovt;the word that.he killed two wild.turkeys at one ;Shot..That has been:done .before, but Mr.-Amos’Inade them..weigh 16%.voundseeach,which is uncom- pms nee : Sixty-five acres,6 miles north of city.Nice road front. Two hundredand sixty-two acres Chambersburg township,14 iles south of Elmwood. One hundred and.thirty ac res 64 miles from Statesville,in C ool «|Spring township.Two dwellings~~|with usual-out-buildings. Two hundred and fifty-nine acres in Concord township,only 34 miles from city.Can be sold in small tracts—from 10 acres.up. Ninety-eight acres in Turners*.burg téwnship. Jenkins &Wagner, REAL ESTATE DEALERS, Statesville,nc Office:First National Bank§Bldg. ‘PHONE:282. FOR SALE! ‘TCT Three hundred 4nd thirty acres-of land 3}miles from Statesville.Di- vided by railgbad and State.Cen- >|tral Highway.Two-story dwell- ing and ‘good out-buildings,Lies ‘almost level,with red clay subsoil. Seventy acres in cultivation).This is one of the most ‘desirable farms in Iredell county.,Price very rea-sonable.RememberIhave 30 oth- er fine farms in Iredell county forsale.-Seeme.-250 atres,more or less,16 miles from Statesville,on public road and two miles from macadam road.;. 1,000,000 feet good timber—100,000 feet oak,300,000 forest pine,600}- 000 feet fine second-growth pine. Lots of this will cut No.1Twoofthemostattractive prop- \ositions now on the market.-See me quick. Nov.21.R.V.Brawley. -.FOR SALE Cash Tobacco Warehouse, 130x285,corner Walnut and Meet- ite streets; -bot 60x407,corner Court and |barn and outbuildings.”eating streets.ay |26%kéres,at Bufola,.$30 per|Several lots,closein,for sale. acre. 75 acres,onemile east of “court One hundred and lity antes wee ct less than a mile north of townapgeeeemile“and a -a‘be cut alk ed ‘suit Bir |“Ul chaser.nis is fine sresiden-whe dores,one mile and a quarter ‘tial property,located on.Tur-70 acres,”one.mile and a half nersburg road and Turner avy- west.}enue.211 acres,five miles north,$30 Ce epee oe!eespéracre.Nine acres in north States- $66..acres,..threemiles east,$25 ville for Bale a ber acre::. A number -other desirablefarmsandianoproperties:See Hmebeforemakinganinvestment:C.S.olland. %.ISIDORE:WALLACE,- ‘Fiset National Bank =e.Phone 240.. T.W.FRAZIER, cy ooo PENNER,4>.4+]NORTH CENTER STREET. s..|°PHONES ~~S89%"RESIDENCE 2889. ,[regard,MILAM a4 Hels Va lot| |Consumption Checked and in Early Stages,Cured byMILAM| the great Reconstructive* tonic and bloodito.renovater=- We do’nat set forth MILAM <as a’cure’) for consumption,but it has proven.so bene-“ficial ‘to such patients that.we believe,and are supported in our'belief by a practicing||physician,that MILAM will arrest’incip-| ient Saas ulosis or consumption in its early| stag We know that it greatly benefitsleven,these in,the advanced stages. Read thehe following |Serofulitic CorConsumption City of Danville,State a rginia—To-wit: i;Edmund B..Meade,Notary.Public.in and for the C ity of Danville,State of Vir-| ginia,do hereby certify that ‘Abram’W ord, of Danville,Va.;to.me well known,did ap- pear before me,and being ‘duly sworn;de-poseth and says as follows: “For ten’years prior to August,1909,Iwasunderthecareofaregularphysician:} Last spring this doctor told me he:could do me no good,and I tried another for four months without receiving any benefit ‘fromhim,©«., In August,19091 began taking Milam, and am now able to do my” dificulty,my appetite is good,and I can eat and.digest any.food. My trouble was gaid to.be ScrofuliticCconsumption,and I was wasted away to bs shadowN +weeee We ak thatfcould)har ly walk when I.commenced on MIL AM. ble reme- dy inall cases of blood:whethér eruptive,or proceedings from a lack of full, free circulationIhaverecommended MIL AM to about twenty of my friends,arid so’far as I-haveseenorhaittfromthenr,they all speak in the highest terms of,it,and are recommend- ing it to their friends.It was particularly benéfici al to me in aic ing digestion and biilding up an appetite. Wigned)ABRAM WORD. In witness{o the above,I have hereunto set |my hand and the seal of my office,this 23rd dayofMarch,.#.D.,1910,EDMUND B.MEADE,(SEAL)Notary Public.My comm ion expires Jan.14,1914.“4 ”Askyyour druggist or write tor Booklet |‘Milam Medicine Co.,Inc.Danville,Va PROPERTY For Sale or Rent. Sas Four-room.cottage and:lot —on-Oak-street for-sale._-Good Dee.12. JOHN G.DYE,M.D. EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROAT AND FITTING GLASSES.: Office in’Mills Building. -Office hours 9 to 12 a.YT:2,to5 p.m..+ Phones:Office 458;|, work without| ‘l\from church than their ithe scream of a:‘steam calliope. ‘ithe,warswhoop ofa Piute land she’put little.frills op made ane think.of |gated continuosity of pine knots. i ‘call it music emo- Indian)| NM that | a cireular-8aw i i ploughing its way through an.elon-pe he-sick-at’their-heme-here- when,it!cin raise| from.the same a the oldest and! the-youngest. Mvp cand—Morsi+-D,ie Perry...are The intaht+child of Mr..and Mrs: +d>.Lipe died.at the ‘home of his| parents last wight andl.willbe busied | ay |within a man’s breast’other Hh e's | itidys than a witd,violent.esire 4 ee aoe rnoon at st Micha vs| 2 ?he:i9-).¥,::\stah the tiusic rit .\i-dne t i *Prat GL.O.White Be ta a bene i | [ee ne ©ier Fre nai words ers’meeting here Friday which was. AB to 1e se 0 r ees :{ land ineiu’cards,I.despise .such Wwe vie wee ee tks orci Sis|t words as ensemble;—en regle, el-sat “stat =.1 yo af shay | ltree,.entre-pot;entre nous (that’s|?Kee a a Pwnei Ore act jthe name of a book club in States-|v oe cee tea ee 7 ee| ville)Ail those’words are .pro-|HAD:aay or year, these reasons he.as surroundea liounced entirely,different from the! iway -they.are bpelt,and hre to be/ pronounced |as.if “you had jour) mouth full of hor mush that you couldn't...swallow .without yeuting, jand wee.too;polite to-spit it out} &you.wahted todo./I-think the entre nous allub would have.better hase d the efinition—thé Bnglish| wor?to cornebyond to emtre-neUs:| on.efitre:nous meéans ‘‘confiden- I think.the.‘Contidentiad sub’would have been a confound~ sight better handle than ‘entre.’ 1k naa “a word that I know.how-to t pronounce.but can't-do it;and I'd ae wilt to.bet one dollar.-that 1ile every member.of the:club Sadws the pronunciation,not one jin ten of them can pronounce it the) way a Frenchman’would by Another.word,that makes me Lage and ohe that l-am always,rud- aing across:in “stories in ‘the.mag- azines,is ingenue —pronounced ene tirely different from the ‘way it 4 Spelt,thus:angzhaireg:and to|5)Dave.now that we did.not,have lpronoynced.as if you-still Sad the|@t that time.That winter,a week| |hot.mush’in -your-,mouth and it |after.the last snow.had fallen,the Was still.too cukeed hot.to swal-|"titer and Mc.J.A.Harris’rodelow.As by ingenue:the story-writ-ito Statesville horseback,From ers mean “actress,”why in blazes|Mooresville to Troutman.there Had |douwt ‘they say’.‘actress’?and,be}mot been.a buggy or wagdn.‘on dove with it?:jthe road and we rode’tandem fash- *Ingenue (ang-zha-noo).!0,for |!0R-aes £the love of Mike!Isn't that:h—1|Another reminiscence ~of cok for a civilized American to.bé dis-|Yoather was that im December,1804.gracing himealf with!jue regiment left<Wilmington’*om In cohclusion:If any of the Bn-||Friday evening -on flat cars.1 weep ‘tre Nous club get.their back up:at |put on guard duty that night on‘ my passing remark on their name,jan old flat,to guard our baggage, I'd like.to ‘say’‘don't’Iv don’t {nd it rained and snowed and froze know but one member of the club;{ll night.Next morning-my blank- but love ‘em all.on ‘general prin-|Ct Was Stiff with ice and"it was allciples::They.are all lovely;J'11 |Se Drotection |hed.~Saturday eve: bet.on it.::BILLY ‘DOCK i ning we.were unloaded at Bellfield, lichinond.Va:,Jan;24th |Va:,°more:dead than alive.There {There.are.compensations,Bil-|were,plenty of,pails thare and the! iy Dock,all.through lite Your |Ps soon had.‘fires,but we had tedeafneséisan-affliction;but.when |P¥t fails ‘around to stand out you run up against the modern|Slept.moxie that night im a shed at|@ -music and the high-brows and ndar |th?depot,on a 10-inch plank daidhigh-brows:who try-to‘use French |O}the os with a fire built um-words,you.may be thankful that,dermeath.Sthday we dréw.ra-you oan hear ‘om:.Phose of 18 tion.Pan be ted out for Weldon in who *ean hear sometimes wish we |BOX cars,very.comfortable traveling were 4eaf for the time being.—The [2 )Gey.evening we AW oaded «>aitLandmark-}oe :|Tart cro;did not+hayt time..tolace}buil?fires till:the long roll beat. }De tae ‘ts scaey |WE.crossed Tar river ald marched;ea rALK__ABOL r MUSIC.|on down.towards.Plymouth;.stop- “Backwoodsman"”’Has a Word amd |Bed some time that night in am old ‘~~After Preachers Who Smoke |Tie!d;-ground ‘frozen hard.as,A Cigars.\brick and some gndw,|on -the i enjoyed theartice on musi¢and!|Sound.Made -fires'and spread our lyour editorial inthe last Landmark | ivery much,and I hepe that.the gcod work.will be kept up until good cilizen and a Christian can £0 |to preaching and enjoy*the servi-|ces Se ue j |If your correspondent (T.B. |M.)tad added the ‘!buzzard Jope’ and the;music of the father of tie ‘mule tu his comparison with hyena iaugh,it would have further to the thought and completc.But the preachers of them,- tent at Teast. \ing such stuff.they:chime in and endorse it.I heard.a very eloquent preacher «préath a very abie ser- mon net long since-on the duty of been more some people to support the Church——mis jSions etc.He told how much |more people paid.for Hquor,wine, jchewing gum fand other luxuries and’unnecessaries of life tham they |paid for the support of the Church |but.“nary”a°'word did he say |against smoking;and.he ‘wert laway smoking a cigar,so his very {eloquent sermon fell fiat:I saw ;the same preacher and another jpreacher walleing around in:ae |cigars.So it seein!‘thict ‘they don't tpractice what they.preach,as the |smoking habit is dne of the most gf, |fensive and unnecessary habits thpre s.I believe that the lack.of.theright.kind of preaching’and.Bing ing keeps more people out and away pneaching brings to it.At least fhat’s the way a ‘Backwoodsman”sees it\ Stony Point,Jan..1h.ee Medicines that aid lature ard always‘most effectual.Chamberlain’s CoughRemedyacts’on this plan.It’allaysthecough,felleves:the lungs,opensthe.secretions and aids nature.in re-storing the system to a healthy condi-tion,Thousands have testified to ite‘superior excellence,Sold~—by—-all--de |with two and three in a nest ,|morning when:we awoke:had two, |bRankets. |;What are to blame td some éX-|Tanseeedd sInsteadofcondemnforcolds, }and that it contains nos harmful|For sale by all druggists. sav-)' ihe |Mel. |BEST afflicted ‘above.”’ |.‘lf.with a more\-efiicient corps’||Operasachers.From:a point.of:ei-| +) Ley many of these teachers still ‘lacking but.tife wonder is that) the superintendent can find even,as good.a bunch’of:‘teachers .as he || as,conssidering the price they are | paid | We of!thlontinan claim one of.the |! best publics schools.in.the county || aud ois four “teachers came’in .for |}much commendatien frdm the »su-|/ tendent and teacher body,whio |! itibn ,and without previous warn-|\ in the fact that healthy,strong,vigorous,Yirde an ‘FavoritePrescription’? almost painless, testified to its marvelous merits. It Makes |Weak Women Strong. Tdrugs S$&pure a Yyoeric.extract of: Grong Healthy Women ie eieiaean is strong and healthyin‘a womant:way,moth- erhood,means fa ee but little gufféring.The trouble lies dnany,women suffer from weakness and, \disease of the ‘distinctly feminine ‘organism and are’fentted for ‘mothethood,This can be remedied: Dr.Pierce’s Favorite Prescripttion. \‘Cures the’weaknesses and disorders:of It acts.directly on the delicate and importantorgansconcernedin‘mothtrhood,making them banishes the indispositionsof the period of \expectaricy and makes baby’s advent easy and, It ‘quickens and vitalizes the feminineorgans,abd insures a héalthy end robust ‘baby. It’Makes Sick Women:| Honest;druggists do,not offer ‘substitutes,and urge them upon.you “ps food!.Accept no secret nostrum in plade of this non-secret*rem Reea drop of alcohol:and \not.a ‘grain ef habit-forming or i beating narive Amefiean roots. Thousands of won \y bats \ day of February,19F2, be paid before that,time. aid Having sold my stock of Shoas and’Gents’ Fornishings,I most ask ‘that every one ‘in- _«debted tome call and settle before the first as the new firm takes. :charge on that date and every account must 9 ‘ a< EE : oe B.MILLER. uid xa = .Most of our customers.who re- -‘side outside.of.the city make. their deposit by.mail and so can you.This methodis simple,safe . and convenient,and will be ex- plained ©in ‘detail upon receipt of ieer Merthants &Farmers Bank of Statesville. nded the.meeting,A*whooping ||scare cut down the splendid|attencanee ‘hére ‘for awhile but:a’|| ‘full.house will be in’é€yidebee again |} today ae eae SSS ‘a Mr.Goodman Recalls Some €«fa|| Weather in War Time.1| spondbnce of ‘Phe andmark.*P In last--Friday’s paper’you ter t port.the oold'>30 ‘years ago and _refer to the “buiidings*and-tuet-we blankets.on the ground and covered Next inches of snow ‘on Warm under the snow. of our men froze out ‘that go,“they,could not travel.| kept us from freezing Ty don’t.know.=,Ask Bill”Dunlap”.ot) Ramsey three our.| A lot night ewe Mooresville,NG, When buying aehildren,bear in Cough GOODMAN..| cough medicine._formindthatChamber=-is.most effectualwhooping@ough drug. Remedycroup.and Constipation is the cause of many ail-ments and disorders that make life,mis-erable;Take Chamberlain’s .StomachandLiverTablets,keepssour bowelsregular«nd you “will avoid:these.dis-cases,eon sale by all ‘dealers. FOR ASTHMA,OATARRH, BRONCHITIS! Why need any one suffer fc any throat or nose ‘troubles.when soothing,healing HYOMEL is guar- anteed.to banish all misery,or money back?. ““The undersigned herewith rec- ommends HYOMEI.to all.who are with’asthma!catarrh or bronchitis.HYOMBEI was used by my wife for bronchitis and asthma and I ustd_it for bronchitis andsore‘throat?.:It has -given relief and perma- nent resuits and i<write:tinese few lines for,‘the benefit of all who are affliated with the ailments.‘named Theodore Boehlan,.Tvat-, fi¢Manager of:the Concordia Pub-| lishing House,Cor.Jefferson Ave. and Miami st’,”Conce-dia,Kansas,|, January 2d,1911.qT Statesville Drug Co.and druggis:verywhene sell Hyomel.A com outfit,in-cluding inhaler,costs <\:Ext bottles 4f-needed,50 -.0:ta:Justbréathieit,© ne * {Bargains:a “kinds.ie" g i.H.RICKERT.&SON, We We h aye all ‘eae aa Jewelers. 3400000006606000660005066 Lh nttinatertnnatnchtds White Pine Cough Syrup. _.WITHOUT MORPHINE,WILL.HELP YOUR COUGH.|.* 25C.-LARGE BOTTLE ATThe ON THE SQUARE| Polk Gray Drug Co’.s, Prescription Specialists Good Methods,Large Resources, *PHONES 109—410 ° COURTEOUS. Ought to mean much to.the eount, Capital:ui Surplus wn ‘Total Resources over.o TREATMENT,: man with a bank-ae- If you have nat ye t opened an-account with the (‘OMME RCIAL we inv ibe oe:to dazHO NOW. $100,000.00 28,000.00 500,000.00 Four per cent.bial time andcanting Dppaaites,t M.K.STEELE,President.D.M.AUSLEY,Cashier. Commercial National Bank, Statesville,N.Cc. ‘E.MORRISON,Vice President. G.E.HUGHEY,Assistant Coabieny - |We have more Watches than we want to carry and to reduce the-stock will give special prices.IfyouwantaGOODWATCHwethinkwecanmake it to your interest tb,at least,see our stock. will be glad:to show you our line. GOVERNOR WILSON’s BREAK. Editor.Watterson Tells ‘he ‘Story ‘of the New Jorsey Man_and Har- vey—Wi n’s Error,‘ Louisville,Ky..,Dispatch,17th, i That:he had:hoped.to-find “an Woodrow .‘ilson).another Ttlden,|- Wave:co-operated earnestly and:loy<|.’\Fast!“Monbo Items,| ally in advancing a movement which’‘Correspondence of The Landmark,.;was,inaugurated solely in the hope|fast Monbo,Jan.17-Therewillbejot!rendering,a.high public’service|preaching at Bethel church Sundayareclearlyentitled’to this:‘infor-\morning at 11 o'clock by Rev “Ino, mation..W,Jones}. Death.HORA.‘Hudspeth -‘slipped andl-|fell on the snow Sunday and.broke §POBLISHED TUESDAY.AND.eae =zh CLARK,K,EDITOR AND.0 ER.| ROAD “STREET.Speer —we ee a.of,Mars,Fannie ‘Bynum Gat: 2 Svalt, Eee:320.0 WEST.BAB sete but|had found “rather a sehool-\mo the Baitor-of The Landmark:‘|his leg,Dr’A.Campbell set the brok- ane than a Statesman,”was!‘4.arnie Bynum Ostwalt died|en bones and.Mr.Hudspeth:jis get {the declqration of:Henry \nacentay suddenly last.Saturday night.at ting.along nicely.\,ren ;Penenreneent |Yeterankentucky.editor an Uto~the’home =hér son,Mr.Wi)iL,ince Stewart has ‘been right sick \:ty : -NO SUCH ING.-ern|Democrat,in a statement made Cgtwait,ear.East ‘Monb aud [withlaprippé butishablar.:hs .!‘eo Wiis te Whe _,|here'tomdght to the Associated Press|4),buried.t Bethel Mondag after-Jana S t h 2 Mr.-Winskeie,“the High’Point |in Soon va .Miss Jana Setzer is at home ona A ay the.m an for a.oeeroieoethebreak be- \Man,_who Wag charged wee -embez-)|tween |Governar Wilson:‘and ;_Col.Mrs.Ostwalt +aa at years.ld er iare th tee a f e t,laced under,a’bond|George Harvey,Bona:a a 4 (oie flement,mo m .a ‘“Regretting that,1 must appear one it mtrys aia .P.re Hotei |few dollars tomorrow :ey mies of $5,000 at Greensboro §nturdey?either as.a Mitiaae or a party.ito sens vr tenes ahd@:iS FR ‘Myr.Campbell,ni-LSaw Mill.Moved.| afternoon for further “hearing.|the,misunderstanding which ,has ar Neng ce ae ye ee shee ‘Dat.Cotrespondence’of The’Landmark._Morning when.he.bat While he Gould have given me aris between.Col.George.Harvey |ware of this,‘comity;and sa “v:Harmony,R-1,Jan.|15-—-Mr.|: bond easily,his counsel.“decided:othe nee cha ave to,M,Eudy+of Rowan.Two brothers,|Milas Campbell,an ‘aged citizen of caves for down town.Senetee : test the ‘jurisdiction of the fonelb:3 Messrs».John ‘and Turner)Bynum|this:community,is quite:indispoesd.peak with some /particularity,in}.:fc i M ‘trate by.a writ.of habeas vorpus jorder.to “be.just’alike:to the“public |Neier oa on To)ee Mr.”R.RF,Gaither thas.moved his If he wants.to know _ on Monday,and.for ‘this,reason and the principals.,As also:‘of Catawba.county;purvive.-on milb to Mr.J,.M.Godbey’s “The|conferencé between us in my. wpartment at ‘the,Manh attan lub was held to-\considér.cettain.practi+| ‘cal Measures relating.toy Governor Wilson’s candidacy.‘°Colonel.‘HarveystoodtowardGovernorWilsonmuch as I had stood five and thirty years far\rhe:weather is.“BO tad that«the ‘sehoois “have aivery small’attend- lance,AN farm werk is ‘practically Ate standstill.:t 'Wineskie was not allowed “to.give. Sar bond.”He,was hot “put,in jail oo pure stayed at a’hotel.\in.the,cus- .tody),of an’officer.It may be “aid:in “passing that*.a sheriff’has \this”right,‘if he chooses:té exer- ‘what you want tell _.him,.thatyou know 'where yOu:can.make Mrs,Ostwalt“was,the,widow -of francis Ostwalt,wiho-died:fiar from’|:heme.in the late war |When Mrs, Ostwalt-realized the wat hadmadeera’widow,with the courage ‘and heroism 'of .the women!of those days,‘phe’shouldered aloné the’bur-| ago toward Mr.Tilden.This:ap-|q%€life.¢¥edi to raise.x |else it:Taking note)of this situe ‘pealed*to me,Co one]Hatvey:had ter Acai a aa all of:io.S|Ita?ation,a citizen of||Greenshoro wirot:brotight.the Govemor and.myseli “the News.-to“inquire:why Wineskie was ‘not.locked up in jail as a poorer and.less imown man,accus- ed.on much —(grotinds gould be.”q as ‘gross diserimination ‘the special together in his New.Jersey nome, 18 months ABO),and .as time pass- red -had interested me in his ainybi- tions.I was hoping I.might.find in Governor Wilson another Tilden.’ In point:of intellect)and ‘availabili- ty,I yet think.Colonel ‘Harvey made no-mistake in.his choice-ofa|can- awhom,-OW hig t0-“her.training,.and influence,’ald also.through ‘their. ‘own merit,‘are among the most-hon ored:and substantial citizens -of the country.Truly she.was re- warded’in hdr old ‘age for.‘the toil and hardships.endured in cher ear ly life. |“WANTED!| T once,1,000:bushels of rood white country corn iE y ORKOFTWO. _privilege allowed Wineskie,clos-|ajaate:but.the circumstances lead-|p *Orie,ne Scpiabame ee wit pay highest;cash price: '.«ing its editorial with this,remark:ing to the unfortunate parting of grandchild.of.Mrs.Osewalt.died ‘AlBO want some good wheat.;: Is.our boasted ‘equality,before |\the ways:between them,leads me Sunday morning and was Huriad ne the;law’a fact,or is.i a mubter to doubt whether,in character andl ipo same fe and.place,making STAR MILLING CO.. ‘fuge,a.myth and a Bhar .»f{temperament—it may be merely iD |the.occasion .unusually ‘pathetic.wane 19.—2t..;ie the habits of a -‘lifetime—-Governor Wilson.is not rather.a schoolmas- ter than a Statesman,‘‘Er have statements from Goverm- “The News.ought to ‘esi ~that there ‘is no such ‘thing as equality “before the law,speaking generally. pane Ane aged mother .and the lit-<r i tle babe of ‘only a few months . Tar College Orchestra | were laid.to rest .within.a few:fleet of each:other,and they now lie nonexistence ofthe boasted ‘equal-|and,rece vea from Governor ‘Wilson You ought to bethousandsofbirdsandaidinpieé-| ;PoAt some places,sometimes,there or Wilson .and ColonelHarvey,ACs peacefully sleeping “in the city of ‘;;:LQ ‘apparent “discrimination,but |carding to the memory ot each,|the dead,”each one ledving a void { z usually ‘the discrimination is plain touching|.what Oe re ee im the “sorrowing nets and homes ja UNM PIECES):4aiadecide,Menor ensen.and eer tetas matanee Ot the.Perr lot the Bereaved.|Come right ee and we will /d_glaring.en of Wealth “and|sin named,‘These do not materially}jan,16.Tuesday January 23d, :prominence accused of crime are of-|differ,They,coineide with ©my ow1 SS ir ?h that do it..&"ten,‘if not always,shown.a \con-|revollection..Nothing of a discour-‘Save the Birds.“of OW you we.can 0,‘I 4A:t always,shown a ‘leon frien dl AT=q ae sideration that is not shown |men hore fepnoe Pagtayate th ‘ntecrien Baltimore,ae ~Everything reduced in this saleof.,less.prominence,‘chdtged'with 97 5 +6 thian an.hour.,.From.the a enon apbik cn«Geuraily|Shearer Hall.|:::Me ,€Ts »>“|eg y 2 a :ajess lotfence,although -/the prom-|first:nowever,there was a certain hen sap tanie ee |_Edwin Clapp Shoes.and | inent citizen may not be worthy,to|conStraint’in-Governor:Wilson’s|oo,s gtreame :cos rjpSvstudnner,the absence,ofthe cor-\ONCW:Bnd tke atreame coated “With 1:The brica for cenernl adinission oe(%unlooge the “shoe-latchets .of.the ':thick ite...Unable.to:get’food and °:'Pea diality'and candor which should|iieq-py the mining 1cckt is 50 cents,Seats may:be re- ene of less prominence.1)|tiark:.acary,-confidential”inter-|yuconas “of birde are frogen to served without extra charge by C S h If | hile this sort’of ‘thing,is ut-course,inumating tle existence death:Cold.weather is’particular-‘calling at Hall's Drug Store.oat uits a price. terly ang.-outrageously;wroiig, it|/Of some adyerse influence,His Man<|))1 11g upon the partridge,the fa-is a fact.that cannot,be -denied.eter rfhaspatanr Peete ia say vorite,game bird of this |section.$5.00 Silk Potticnats for $2.98, Thesé“remarks have no bearing Onl eaty hes GY enohin it eelated-to Color ee.winchester Star relates.that ‘@ Shed ait i f n fort,HVE,ShOng De (it remred :Coo sportsmen in that section.:of ./Vir-.1a ,$l.00 Si S or 65¢the guilt or innocence of ‘the High\|1e]Harvey and-when‘Colonel Har-oinia care 66 attering”Ri Alea of|)t 4 !x :H “Point man,who was discharged on|V¢Y,apparéntly ovdkcome byGovern-veel :>|!:T ho d V Y La fi A ;.‘vee br WileoWa aste ity.”put the dk fodder and grain atound the ‘fields|9 od ore on an a CeS.or c. ;a.question.of |jurisdictibn and,ect mudstion td "Govemor Wilson to-give food and*shelter to the}eee ATES ; ae ;whose case is yet to be settled.His whether.the support.of Harper's Dinas::if farmers and others ad A your hens laying?If not 7 i case is simply an illustration of the |Weekly as ing hi é injury terested.will adopt this sugges;7 ee ,7%meee SV CORY:WAS -OOIBE 2im an ¥>|tion,they.may save the.lives of|you are certainly losingmoney.. the |cold ler that it was,|Pree |:Hty—Lefore the law._That_equality Sat ce Sth rieet war Sacked.venting ‘the’game.famine ‘that usu-vanta,p or thehig riceineggs. is avrayth.|Or heal ieee.oe far back as |#l¥follows a severé winter.That Poultr that D.J.i.:Seibipeeenneneenaaneniorind ui Optalied ed over:ee Kimball ae kes hens lay {h :last.October,suggested to Govern Following Statesville’s exani 1e;!:H In his story of the break be-jor Wilson that in view of ,his sup-8 :ample;winter and summer.One egg,bs ;.P-ithe Rexington board of trade has ih his f d h IPS:aOR:ERTIESf‘tween Gov.Wilson and Editor Har-|posed enviranment it might be well named .Monday;.February 5,»a9\f will feed a‘hen.this food’three;"ay 5 é 5)|-vey,of,Harper's Weekly,Col.Wat-|10r re oeqidg 2 to i tera some-|Sates Day.«The features of the|monthis. e:terson frankly says that as early eee ot Barbee’w Weraly.a ;as Statesville Sales,Day are advertis-|D.JI.KKIMBALL:...-‘e ;ae od ATi in.‘$j a @ :(4 ‘as fast.October he suggested :¢|)Wilson leadership.I am not sure tit a addition a brass ao NE AELTO ';e Gov.Wilson that it would bé.well|that I had not said as much to Col:|;as .‘Q ; for Harvey to-somewhat moderate usa.Mena i.ekfae oe ¥.©::7 E n,with he least show of |}f :j :‘B his zeal for “Wilson's candidaty.icompunction,should express’or ..:. Col.Watterson,who.is.judge’of |yjeld to-such”an opinion,and per-|‘’; men and affairs,was ‘evidently im-|mit Colonel Harvey to consider cam ‘’os pressed with.the tdea that the ee ee oe ne ror ait y Ol JR BI¢a 'jenaPinetiono*trusted intimacy he 1a d 4 zeal of Harper's Weekly might ad-up to this moment held,left me lit-‘a /versely affect Wilson."Others have |tle soom to doubt that Governor,SEE OUR WINDOW.'; FS ;evidently entertained.the same opin |Wilson is not a’man who -‘makes :|ent :,jon aud Wilson seems to have.be-|common’cause with his political as-i Ee ;ae .:Rain ; 2 <pme impressed with it.The trou-)the otteira soiltethee geores it |%eee Ps e ss "8:ase it!): i ble ae en is that/he is neith-!js put -true and.fair:to say ‘that:|}te :;: f ér a politigian’nor a diplomat.If|except Yor Colonel’Harvey he would |i ;:;: {/he hae been,either he-would have |Apt be in the running at all,|_-F a conveyed the hint to Harvey withéut |wom tbe Hie ha a mune :’ i have biurted it out ‘without eugar-|years .and had idealized his chief.t ot ip coating the pill.That seems to be}Although I was given no reason | ..the.sum.of hig offending.It is |to Feiner myself included in the |Hs ‘Will ooifiana ‘thires days longer :an anfcériumate situation and may Snel Hnvreyet Ae ena anes «'gerious!f if mot fatally affect Wil-|of something very much like indig-.andif you have not patronized :son's candidacy.:nation,but.on reflection,I could : sone teen jnot rid myself of the impression that }it we urge you to come before ee te era ey,Gas Governor Wilsoii had been receiving “Gg |:i -Reports come from>:Washington letters fromKentucky written’by en :L th rt 4 it . ¥“migSaries F The +PR ag sg ;5 y ;vy a ys ‘¥|that ,emigsaries of “The Interests”emies’of mine,who seek to use his THE “CHATTANOOGA”is the first-and only successful Re-~J}8 4-€oppo uni y Is gone. are abréad in the land working for|mame and fame-to grin some ends’versible DISC PLOW.They are simpleiin design and perfect |Be —.os ‘the noniinaticn of Col;Roosevelt|jof théir own,warning him’against in construction and work.Their praise is spoken in every mos ee ps aforPresident;another “report from ai ee tee m =ae :oe language ‘‘under the sun’’the werd over.This settlés the.ME Pa ed 5 the same source is that Postmaster |“y :am ae pouches Of avenice question of merit.I ;}: General.Hitchcock,who is unfriend-||Wilson’s averment to the contrary,eae —us ne ee On er =Ivy ty i.aft,sprung his government LT wish,this:had reached me earlier.Eee UP AND TAKE NOTIC |lig ets » ownership ‘of telegraph proposition |have:during ee ae of hews-_withoui consulting the President?|;word off the aubject.Ip the nope Chattanooga Reversible Disc Plows DO THEIR WORK “A.||4 :that "a is worried about’it and)that no publicity might be required COMIN’and A GOIN’”’Between Terraces The ONLY if ot:f h ndi that |Hitchcock's idea.is’to,force |and.that some tinderstanding could|DISC PLOW.For Orchard plowing..WITHOUT A:RIVAL.very ar IC e 0 merc a ise Taft'to force him out.of the cabinet |bd *-ached.I jave-reason’to be-In sprouts and briars “OUT OF SIGHT.OLD FARMS MADE |d ]d fo“Hitehcoce=being a friend of Rosie:|YY rane Coloitel prphind withheld}NEW AND LARGER CROPS PRODUCED.HAVE—YOU |tremen ously.reduce velit These reports may.be mere}aud eieh ee at Mowat beune!SEEN OUR TWIN DISC PL OW?2 ee | speculation,»or they.may Tnivell *10-10nger possible to suppress the Co h Hl Rh I ;L di HSeebindituieat’tena iM tai ceteraIL.Ome tot ihica))ARDWARE blab IN TOWN and be convinced.i],adies’Hose Ac,pair,not over 6 a ——|ment,which I’make most reluc-||¢ ih The remarks of Col.William|‘@UtlY Seems needful to a full aind ||pair to a customer.::;re a ,impartidl Knowledgie by the generah |Whi t R id Hi d Con :;P -hmond,ntl.and public,Ae more especially by the ]¢-el ar ware mpany.4 tSneyordsareworththe’price.|mass aud ‘ody ‘of Demdocrets.who}M H If HLed:As a-precaution,however,The|“Te 80 cartccstly seeking a’Icacer en’s al ose C.pair,no ‘’Landmark suggests to the colonen|!"thf HENRY.WAT ERSON.”’:over 6 pair to a customer.”.?that it would be best for him ‘not he aS st eae NY, i to visit Statesville until the me m-|Harper’s Weekly and Wilson's.Can:Le:bers of the Entre.Nous club “pyre didacy—A Statement:pe Good dark andlightCalicos 31 -2C... 4 eeti S[Bemare Wendy’.¢|.fice Sup lies?d :ht :ee Sees :We make the following reply to 3 yd,not over 30 y 8.bo customer.Be Losing’this’foothold on ‘the’ieeTuany laquiries.from feecere of i ;:ii Sina oon whie h-covered the railroad.ee s W eekly:ua Ai =ee wk !@ { Hf rack along\which he was walking,le name of Woodrow ilson "H b oh f big:es iFCharlesH.Jacobson,wlio lived near ae.our candidate for President was Ledgers,Journals,Day Books;all rulings.a ave you ou one 0 our Ip BeekewBerne,\was.strii taken down from the head!of these]:)y ;‘New B ck bya train |t#ken down from the head of.)Cash Books;ons,two,three auf foal colnmns.11x4 Lamb’s Wool-Blankets for |on the Norfolk Southern _Tailway colutins im’response to a stdte-|;TimeBooks;weekly,two weeks,-monthly.|varde Teslay morning ‘nod theciy.|ment made to us ditectiv by Gov-Carbon.Paper}‘Typewriter Paper’and Typewriter Ribbon;39.6.00 to-$7.00 li 7 te éd.injuries from which ‘hie:died in fervor “Wilson,to the\effect “that {;“for.all machines.we ‘:PRwddy le "“Dbe Va.ue:}-BNashorttime.Jacobson was 651 9UT Support ‘was affecting his can-Pens,Penholders and Erasers.::‘;;Ps Bee :years old.we :er Huae Due,us ,All your wantscan bereichin Stationery }ea ave CG :Whe Heviow siya the First Proe-|incdon eeeeeeeWie ee:Come to see us.ee ybyterian.church of Reidsville waa ug tens thats dn censtduration.of @ :,“-ik oe3damagedbyfireSundayafternoon|our own self-respect dle 36 ceoeine:sisal Be.astotheextentof$1,000 to $1,500.|te advocdte his nomination.»:19 :—— The,tire originated in the ceiling|We make this explanation -with R.P,ALLISON rs.4h )T yyarid‘is supposed.to hav¢been caus-|great retuctance dd the’deapest ré-on HE HI E COBepeaeaeaeoe:gret.But we cannot escap the BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE.\at ee ohn :ceed se }ae the 43 pclae be :churebstecachusion.that the -very-considera-a ,‘.-ro'clock service.ble number of our readers,who.esecceseos ; “-\pene =, s 7 ”THE LANDMARK MOVEMENTS or”THE PEOPLE. Y PUBLIS TUE DAYAND FRIDAY.Personal Mention of the:Folks Who j et ea Cieste y BL.SHED *gD nee ne Are Coming and Going.J =sat dy,OFFICE;120 WEST.BROAD STREET.Mr,and Mre.W.’B):Browi’.at- ‘Vu eI)_feet l :TELEPHONE NO.14,-nde the Charlotte poultry al ;4 ‘f m ie eaoaeisg ese (vor1045 ednesday,4 :Il =1912,iUY;FRIDAY,s January 19,Miss -Mary..Neill Conner is:vis-| 5 Y am :iting.inv Sheiky ey ee °UY;AN :AGEMENiT ANNOU NCED,fey.aid.Mrs,Oscar Mann and | i fii i +f ft a >| oh i,Miss Pyivette and,Dr.Sharpe to Be!ad of het ai Springs,Va.,..are i Martied—on the 30th—Social vere to spénd “a month’with.Mrs.| «Events aren 8 Parents,Mr.and Mrs,TT.|; j Advice eae Mulef ‘| aN ty The feature of a delightful “Te Ri CR ah have .1 'ception wivin by Mrs,RB.B,Nooe|gat gt Charlotte.spent yester HI ies PANY 1011912 en naae afternoon hs her some Mrs,3B.Webb.is.visiting-her'|Ae 23345656 Y LOR ee»on Center street,was the announce-_diz nh |ee)Wigs 1 >pe | }alee nk ment of the approaching marriage)danatier,irs (8.N.Petérs,’{0|YQ 10 1112.13 of her’brather,Dr,Frank Ll.Sharpe.teva Harglld,Turner-and Mr.C.B|+LoL $19.20 |and Miss Mary Privette,which will Webb attended a district meeting|;5 26 27 fs take yw lace Tuesday,30th.Becalise hot Odd Fellows in Hickory.yester |een26 vy of.thé anuouncement’for ‘which it |day.:atta Was.plauned the Meception was one}yy jc =:<yit ‘Th of unustal interest:and’wag,large Mi.“Aire Galloway ‘ang Prather,\oF By \col ly cttended.The guests.were met Webb Tyan oe ;ue \ ‘at the,door,by Mesdames’Ri R.|"-yirs.Jonn-Wakefield went to?sal- Clark ~and..A.D..Cooper.Little istury,Yegtarday to’attend the’fuagy |:Miss Alina ‘Cowan and Robt.Nooe)eral ‘of 4.triend,Mis.9.8:Cele;ni :es :recelved the cards and Miss’Kath-l why aes er \Pe aa Shale Who die?there Wednesday and was | =yeas Wi d d ot bu erie eNode showed gueststo the ¢0ak)ported yesterday. 5 'ise men an women |o n uy ‘room:,Mstes Maky,and Flora LEWIS |Nth Ronald Wilson.“Whol was on Shoes by:the’pair—they -buy-by Pid materi Ciera ta-tie,scenes here with.her brother-in-law,Rev.. ,«the year..They figure on paying HB,Moon,dhe Mt nati ana Fea ee ade Y LG >Lewis ane iss.Privette.(Fr at Gen ang sea ieee itHaesomuchperannumfortheirfoot,ie receiving Une Gey were MEI Te ee eee :he aa ae ;ducted:by “Mrs,B.:B.W aa a ey :Reek—Hillawear:Wetike to eater-to—people-pine woe wer west ete Mar Pomerat Re ok Hale }.UP like that..It means’that we have >Fowler aud J.L.Cowan,preWdeticoniy pe ee SEE eae iar ieee h 'apa ae:i and from there the dihing room,Aa g r fs UTS a ,nm r ‘> ‘to deliver the quality—and quality where Mésdames D:Wt Coiner and |)..ray"anys in Gharlotte nd:jj}ut down my expenses and put.some, is our strong point,:Ces Bip ein ga Me eer ver ta igiat”dave tnCharlotte,tt].Money ih the bank.Ian,live ona ‘lot. ee rah Nooe «ant Sarah-an Pe hoa sek nere[Sharpe assisted in serving.“Block iE sieop and Wan Brady wore less ifI Pry.I will starta Bank account “Onlythe highest quality footwear [licecreaim cake.and ininte were ser lao.cig the’stateevilie people who|today.”es is therefore carried ‘at this store Hopia “eae plate was @.cath ty Ete uttcnded the Charlotte poultry show|:ee 5 Dee his‘ini the latest styles...ee oe launouncement ‘through the sinyple adie ee es }:Money iis.a goodbiting to have if.you:tee.your ;linseriptidn of the initials of MIS8/4.\.tora a eam ee eee Sateen mae in the ‘his bake ani Privette:‘and Dr.Share and the |p cannenasdea hi |mie always independent;.Step into this ‘bank .a Whether vou buy Shoes:a the Ldite,danuary 30th.The.dining aR Apes Steno a0 him as fat.)let us talk it over.i eu:or by the foot we.can satisfy :ee ate ae r pink carne.M srrie <Hoffmaim ‘returnedlll ne Se : mM S an nt Sate :;_ hs give youall the quality ard {tions ar #Antes con tomeas allt eh |2 é So =n as st that it is ossible to secure t 'Tie:local Masons entertained|New Laneaster,;Pa.,and}_Fi £t N:tic L Ba ko y!P a members’of their”families *@nd |Richinomt,Va.vel irs a iona an *he the ‘price you pay.ifriends at a banquet Tuesday night |ry . =:whieh proved a very enjoyable BO Natices vf New.Advertisements,;STATESVILLE,N.Cc. ‘Come in ‘today:and let us show \ciakaffair,.Phe -MaSons”amd their |*Foult food.,makes the «liens : _«Ley,ui lgueets:first.met jin.the Masonic jtay ~1).«:J__Kimbalk.,va (5 ital$100,000;S |id P fits 2.0 ‘you &few oF ene pare :|Hall in=the First.National Bank |Daviac 2 ortheatra at Shearer |apl urpus an ro ;Res ::|building,;where they heard an,in)bHall Jaguary,23d:}: :::z teresting ‘address “On.the history.of |Lhoveand biaviale corn W:‘anted |-OFFICERS: :=a :.Masonry.in’North Carolina.and|Star Milling Co.tis e3 °Ne eo ;e Laugenour,:after which “they mer nr “Mill.i oy He CG.H.BROWN,Vice President.JNO..Ww.aAulnens Cashier. .ae oy iishered.int?an adjoining hall,}.Five-room cottage for rent.--M.P |wir the .banquet”proper 100k |‘Alexander,= i plare Mr.J.-H.Hoffmann.’was")Brass -eastings,—gearihgs;ete,,(———— Ltoastmaster and there were respon-|W4ut¢d--—Statesville.Hardware:ssa a : :Bs :‘Ma ises by Messrs,FP:J,Axley,O.we iiatices Co.|j :Be :i Be M a ;;}iSlaine,W.B."Brown,N D.Tome |Party)wants’.to rent’typewriter.|:;; -a Hey he.lin,°@ “Bo Webb,E.G.Gaither,all |Address:N;,care The Landmark.J A ‘bs st P :_,ny.1Statesvi'le Masons;Mr.W.°W:Hol-|Stenographer.wants positiéns Ad-}.J “i ,.:: :!j Ae ne wil .Hand,‘of the.Wilson “lodge -at Olin,|dfe:ss Hustler,care T he Landmark:;|%Meanie f '', “..::B and Mr Linney,from Taylorsville.’Seven-room.house for rent;mod-}i eS ;‘i -ee The saccess.of the event was due jenn conveniences.:~P.D.‘Miller.y saa :. ..to.the efforts:of an .atrangement|Experienced”walters .wanted,—-|;k ‘: i ecmmittee domposed of:..Messrs W./St.Cloud Hotel,Concord a na Fi ca F fi i 1L:Gilbert,.WW.E Webb,1._E Boyd,bore wanted “ta deliver.The).9.i 9TOBEHELDINSTATESVILLEeeeVedatBote[Eanetank "asiss cant We ~————|eee See.1g {Work before scliool.MATINEE AND NIGHT. i The .MacDowell’“Music club Accounts mpst be paid.by Febru-|; FEBRUARY 6th .7th and th jhelda ‘pleasant ‘theeting.Thursday |igry,ist.—S:B.Miller.'SEVENTEENTH GRAND fee ‘night,ijth,with Miss Marie Lang|Hardware 8 al.——Stat 1 ES] :at her home _on Mulberry,street.An |Hardw:are —Seas Sessev le],FPJ _POWER BR ENTS.jlidinsaie cit elaborate programme of Christmas|Get prices.on housefurnishings:| The people of Iredell jmusic was.Pe a the,.club,.|~—Orawford-Bunch Furniture Ca Bs 6 consisting of.two full choruses,a vo:Sale of “six head ‘cattle o1 he % county are extended a cal le Oy Metawes BS.Me-latoor gd Conger m4. most cordial invitation iesughlin and i te ont eae |One .more .week .of clearance, :as 20L piaho solo.by 2 iss ary i prices.—Millge &Poston. by the Iredell -County iScott,vocal solos by Mrs..H:""0.|.All kinds ,of famaeance States-|‘“a EATEST j 3 Pountry Association,-to fo and Mies Long’and 'two|ville Realty and Investment ‘Cp:|Hoke,ee Tae os of °re iolin selections.by “Miss Stulting.|>-One @ollar-does the wor ete &YeBE co-operate with them in OR See CUOTED 0Y.né dollar does the work of two., Wis e Po itr Sh es tc Epiow nz this progeny ter in >Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co >26 Ey &u y SAow,to ments re served,arid later In|Mote about poultry show.: be held in Statesville,eee ee ga aeee ee sy |Mrs.A Steere,4 guest.of).the |WMednesdey afternoon and rtght6°9 es y ;‘;B February 26,ab,“and ade clud,..ang-others.Car load Chattanooga,disc plows; Mrs A P,'.Stetle 'was hostess —White-Reid Hardware Co ;Many people in fredail.both in towns and oonaery,ts ‘the Eutre Noue club and other |wa ccommodation gale Poston- are giving much attention to standard:bred poultry jgubsts Friday afternoon at her:home ,Poke ichon byi the year ey\ee ha ne x4 aes 3 shoe 3 he yea ses and the object of this association is to create renewed PM roe yescts,which furnished (Quality and.style for.the price interest and to point out the advantages and economy #en rtainment,“Mige'Marie Lohg |"?git "0nd:Fane Merchants’| of raising standard bred fowls.ee ike i Ladera eggdeng ese ooh Association .postponed.‘to ©.Sales] é 12 '¢$101 I ne game a a ae a Se ; Any standard bred chickens,turkeys,ducks geese,[feeshmayge were setved.»Mise,Mar~SY “SRR 2’\jorie deKraft,of Philadelphia,Wus |Vand Snla i ||es 4 $»-in Shiloh-—Accident— —_‘lg Map napeel tina such as cats,guinea pigs,a special guest of the occasion Sbaoetnel on sinatant etc.,are e1igidie for en rance.'c»:The m:‘mbers.of the Sans Souci {Correspondence of The Landmark.i The premiumlist,which will:‘be!ready the early ftub and a number of special giests|.New Stirling,Jan,18.—Mr.Tobe } were encertained yesterday attennoo |Troutman has sold his farm nearStir- part of February,will be a most liberal one,and pre-by Miss satah Cowles at -her home i church to Messrs.H.G.Morrison| :*veto $*;*:|¥ront street...Many .carna-Ed.Miller.ert ,$2,000 |’miums will consist of both money and specialprizes.ere ie iller..The'price was $2,AD S ‘pjtionswereused.in the decoratio ns Mor the 127.acres. which mad?the -home'-very attrac-‘ A great poultry expert will be the judge aud rules MM tive for the event.After a’se isa Leia Tak ny eeae Hoosen |Fresh from their triumphal tour arqund the world covering 86,000miles of American Poultry Associationwill govern decisions,fg of-embroidering the guests “were |Goo oe we 7 Hoover of tite awiiel over lands and seas in two years and three months;visiting 20 different chin jserved with,block ice cream:dnra shige ‘The troublestartedfroma sore countries.Twice commanded by his late Majesty,King Edward the7th. e xhibition coops will be furnished by the Associa-J ‘*°_"Th test dressed and most rtjandthefingerbecameserious]af-7 e .smartest dressed and most expe tion without charge.Entrance fee 25e.foreach bird.My Reported For The Lardmark.fected.’:YEE Scotch DancersandBagpipersinthe world, Tuesday afternoon Mrs...Leau-/Mr.Ernest Pope wasthreshing peas ,appearingin Scotch Reels,HighlandF-‘lings, Write the secretary for any partictrlare and entrance (ict K.Lazenby received theWomian’s and his finger was caught in the mar|“Sword Dance,Sailors!Hornpipe,Shean banka Address ||XXth Century elub and a few spe-|chiriery and the end torn off.Trews.and Bagpipe solo playing. .al 6g ts tt ;yn,|eee ee ee ee eames ty Sunday a week ago and lastSunday Matinee Performance begins at 3 O'clock;Prices 50c.and 75c. ==-*TBlstca.Phaddeus Montgomery..who (uch shooting was heard.Hunters Night Performance begins‘at 8.30 0’clock;Prices.50c.,75c.and $1.00 in ecretar lserved delicious frappe in the re-were evidently abroad in violation.of,4 "Ys Jeeption halk."Phe decorations were huiman and divine law._Benefit Ladies Banevolent and Relief Association.ea “fredell Soa Poultry Association jdaintily arranged in the artisti |d 3.~—“Gtatecy jhome,which.made.a becoming’s eee ana _Statesville,N.Cc.”ting to the fair hostess and guests 5| |.The programme ,began with a ho LS ta’econ err :jinteresting account of the royia {family of Greece,by Mrs #reder ick |Conger,followed ,by Miss [oul TALLOW:Large orsmall ‘:we r Campbell,whose.subject,Barcelona WANTED ae STATESVILLE)@@ :;.ig ©i and Toledo,was well given.~(COTTONMILLMILL.eeee :::R.°Percy Eubanks’topic ‘was ~-BRASSCastings and gear- A ave Our rescrip 1ons present interest,a sketch of |:WANTED:ings a Nar a ee YES.7 HA’r Ss I T. se °Oe ;President Sen’,the mew Christian laeseonhton:Highestrrices paid:STATESVILLE .-Fl WITH y head of the Chinese republic..Mrs.HARDWARE&HARNESS CO,Jan,19, A TTA LLED :‘Robert K..Murdock read excellently|Gs "7 .i i i f .De :te an vcodunt-ol the Alhambra wad'ite|WLAN DOD,ran preferred b,We accommodate the public to anything in heavy :ia ‘legends,and each guwest gaye ex-|care of The Landmark,an.19"“winter Shoes,Underwexr,Blankets,*Sweaters, HIGHEST QUALITY MATERIALS tracts from the Latin classics,of |—POSITION.by experienced|’! ;a.Horace,(1 ‘WANTED.Stenographer.:ill begin |je Dress Goods,in fact all over the store at a price, -ee ty Items"r elating to household,eco-|withsmall salary,if Or part tine,-Bmpoyed at \to.reduce Our.stock,not to make any-profit but AT wae nomics were emphasized and recOM-|jresent.Goodreasonfor changing.“HUSTLER”.is \|mended.A good-sized reproduction|careTheLandmark,-Jan.19.get the money out.of it.;/ “THE STORE OF QUALITY -Statesville Drug Co.,. (me PRESCRIPTIONISTS.© WANTED.«comananes ras]SEWING,donuie'enan!aie,ioe boards and framing.N.B,MILLS.States:work,MRS,A.W,PERKINS,120 Fifth street,ville,N.C.Jan.12.|'Phone-22¥6,Jan,9.—-8t. FOR RENT.at mane oo RENT.<timtntlie arge,fotto-date improvements,|M P.ALEXA NDER.waterand TT, a «Reasonable prices and good of,Mona Lisa and a moderh John Bull toby jug were shown. The following -resolution was adopted:‘That the club hereby...au: thorizé that ‘an.affectionate ‘appre- criation be orecorded-upon the min- ute book as a slight token.of the esteem and regard in which theyheld‘theiy beloved charter mémber, thé late Mrs;Mary Pearson Davis, who always.remained one of the club's most loyal members.”’ The social session was)th@ enjoyed,‘the’club attendanPheho.tess serv- no much being especially large. ed Brazilian tea,a salad course-and bonbons,aebbleh closed a pléasant meeting;Paks ty FOR REN‘=SEVEN -ROOM housewithmodernimprovementsaridnearbusinesspartoftown;with or withoutimeadjoininglandtocultivate.7,ad eine WANTED.~AN experienced waitress atthe»t Cloud Hote:,Concord, N G..Address 8T.CLOUD HOTEL.Jan.19.¢ WANTED,the"Exodmart’‘in ‘town.Abotit one hour's work each Toesday and Fridaymorning,*Active-béys can do‘the ‘work beforesg=!acu Call at .Landmark one [Who Is Ita?|8 REMNANT COUNTER is full of short lengths in Pereals,Outings,Ging- hains,Diess Goods,otc.,at half price and less. _Our SHOR COUNTER ‘of broken sizes is attract- ing every onenesding anotherpair of W inter Shoes. Prices on them willalin you.Yours truly, Poston -.Wasson:Co. ope gun eneexe semene tare ITHE I LANDMARK FRIDAY,-os January 19,"4912, :Raunlor ore!Liability Law Upheld By} Suprenie Court. ‘After nearly a year’s.considera- ‘More.than eat 4,500 «pieces,an liability law,enacted.by--Congress in 1908 to ‘take the'place of a sitm-, ilar act declared unconstitutional.’ The decision marks ‘ai epoch.in,esborlegislation, ‘The old common law,hedging in Sy.fel mT the rights of employes,is:displaced in.ail ERY.‘atseveralparticularsby.the statute:OV.COMuUatt as-approved...Notably among”these is.the abolition of the ‘tfellow-sery- vijamt doctrine’.and the -substitution of a law.making employers.Itable for the negligence of an ennployesre-| lsulting”in’jnjury’:to.‘an intéraState me employe,Furthermore,it.frées:othe s amploye fromeontributory:neg hehelgerice”’My any ‘.instinces ‘and|x -|limitS the {fege'of.the ‘dottrine in|. {others;and Hkewige sin’Many niai examination.“Thé wee appointed after cor ination,and also regular competitive exal ing..a.roward of $294 if, |}Who ha?escaped, asPleaseReadTheseTwoLothets Phe:following lettér from Mrs.Orville Rock will|prove how unwise-any is for,women to submit to the dangers ofa surgical operation when it may be avoided by taking Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable CompouiidsShewasfourwéeks.in the hospital and came home sufferingworsethanbefore.‘Then after all/that suffering we EK,Pink~" $10.Tu.their <letter ese ape was an Gases |heliberatesthe:employe:frém assuming mons,This ratherHartertherisk’wilen he enters’employmens|sent ‘out from.Kan as C ‘Paw Paw,Mich.—*Two years ago I waflaved | ns ,;:»buried:in the snow near1.ve everel}with a displacement —I could (nob ,|Congress had the ‘power to.regutite|:ny ;ba or my feet,for a ‘long ,time..My eT ae |the duties of the commen scarriers Kans.wel host6|treated me for several months without‘much ‘re-lin respect to the safety of their em;/to drive Nis herds tq.4 lief,and at last sent me to Ann Arbor for an op-.|P!0¥es,while both are engaged jn)...Edward’Nv.Dennhs, ommoree finan the States,and the graph operator and theration,T'was there four weeks and came home |liability:the former for Injuries:gree Mason,droppefi de:suffering worse than before.,.My mother advised of Texas, days ago received a letter signed by $0 Stace penitentiany convicts loffer- f{.the fourth he semisan- ‘young men npetitive ex- spassed the nination,but. tion “the Supreme Court “of the!ppipt7Patmee y-one membergeo:United States Monday gaye its-unan-|aics at West Point a ve been dis-imous approval to the employers’|iyicsed ag a result on after Six months’.trjal at‘the acad- .@ few. or the eap-ture of two of their fellaw-prisoners The convicts sub- iséribed.sums ranging.mom $1 to they said ne,‘one is ity.)“Krozen Scott ‘City, ieeeh téle- rtymthird de-| ad at.His} if and parcels’were reveived’at.the} dead letter.office inWashington las the daily redeijts.averaging dnereaes’pver pe “previous ‘year of ‘8 per cent. that they wre well!treated:and that’ outrage. “‘Stortes of intense suffering:dur-he cbld,weather are now.com- i linowitg’bf the’danger in his:em-,to death ‘in his saddle,:Chis horse |‘_ham’s Vegetable Compound restored-her health.bloym ae me ‘dead’.under Wim,and ‘sores of [:&HERE IS HER OWN STATEMENT.v Justice.Van Pevinter,who:«ron jd@ad.cattle?about iin)D.C.Bidedderedtheopinion,first decided that Well,a ranctiman,was found.‘half |, “No matter,who gets to.Si:Pp resident,‘even’it “Peday”Soes in again,you will need to fence your front ‘yard,ar.en-or-farm..~Thenost-econpmicaland-substantialtenee- on the markét todayis the Pittsburg Perfect:We Have|just unloaded #big:car,and are’im position toname youaverylowpriceon:this fente.Yours truly. .Tsustain sa”F the latter.i key’Ma the Wwe ep me U ta oftice |@®5 me to try “Lydia £.Pinkham’s Vegetable’-Com-fF Objections were refuted:that “the ii Richmond th reine |@.-ponnd,and ,did.oat pee ee a ice flaw prevented’‘contracts whereby!ascribed.to heart i He’had.-|;-and:do.a my own housework owe fT 1ealth the railroad exempted itself fom lia-|been”night chief énipralo for the ie b M tsitoLydiaE,Pinkham’s Vegettable Compound and ibility'aue that the:law improperly|Western.Union!for:4!yumber of en Y=on igomery |arcIware (advise every woman.who is.afflicted with an classified -carriers into inter-|Years:|He was a native of More-femal aint totry it.”Mrs.,OnviLiEe Ro t ti Au-|-head.C N.C t Kiet |CMa &comp un OULY1.me EES.tv.CK,jStrte ‘aud titra-State grouips.Aue -leac ity,N.C,to!whieh ‘place4aRk,R,No.5,Paw Paw,Mich.|thorities iwére::cited.also:to”show:‘his body was shipped fon burial we eocethatnovalid:objection ‘could “be|>f cia Sana i"Ca NARamsaseneaessaacdr7,>ate 7 Stricke £a ‘;“THERE NEVER WAS A WORSE CASE;Brounded in the tact ‘that several |ge uCMeMwl Geiby Benjeuit a OSDS MERE‘.t,Ind.—“'There never:was a worse case‘of women’s‘ills’|States:already determined the lias|°".$ee pen:<port,na ee "7 @ ter die:during an ppemition..at}-tan mine,and I cannot begin to tell you whatI suffered.Bor.over,|Dility of intet-Statecommerce,em~/|awre nceburg,nd.|The’.surgeons|_REDUCED PRICES";two ‘years t was not able to do anything’1 was in bed’for a month «(|vioyers.‘Pursving this line;‘the feud a,loaded,cartrild ©.4n his ap-.|:He and the doctor said nothing but an operation.would cure me.My jinstice |said”.that “now that “Con-\aondix ‘ahd.the -appepllix “was "dis|.:oefathersuggestedEydinE..Pinkham’s Vegetable Compotind;go tov Leress.Tas acted,the .laws of the |ded ta.11 inches i#[length.Kre-| :please himI took it,.and I improved wonderfully,so ‘I ‘am ‘able to Nees|,hata Be Sar a8 ie ee ay tas ‘19.Sears:Old,hunted Fabbits|es 'travel,ride horseback,take long rides and “never feel any “ill"effects eeseh :ies at eueheens ot supreme (ich 4.Fithe,and.it 6 mrpn ceed Coat ul Sia at Are ew.from it..I can only-ask ether suffering womento,give LydiaE.Pink-Serpe:vila t ¥eh,ae sch.iby Meche beld av czartridge’ih his ‘mouth |J"ham’s Vegetable Compoundatrial before submittingtoanoperation.”|y ies epeecua sooo “-)for quick ‘reloading ai}d swallowed|é +2 :*it—Mrs.Marcarer Merepitu,R.F,D.'No.3,Rockport,Ind.mint]Another ‘Suit in the.Tobacco Trust Ande.-De "Gisccuasl 1 Russian,|Styles th IWewillpay4handsomerewardtoanypersonwhowillprovetous.|:Case.\c liwtioe hill Lived ‘tease teads fe.tyles thatpossess,t 1e touch>.that these letters are not genuineahd truthful—orthat either of these Retail tobacco.dealers of New\country.and:who is'the owner.of of difference and newness:a womenwere ‘paid in any.way for their testimonials,or that.the orig-©|York,‘asserting that.they aré una-considerdble:.prope rty.near Lyneb-|that emphasizé the fact.that>.inalletter from each did not come to us entirely unsolicited./{ble to compete.with the.United borg Va.has’‘been Ordered:by|tare as :‘‘:|Clgar Stores Company with its.re-/secretary,Of Commerce And.Labor they arenew.WE ARE SPE-4 For30 years Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable j bate-coupon isystem,and because |NjceP>to be deported ti m New!.:ZINC :Compound has been the standard remedy for fe-:{Of alleged fayors given to it by where he is Yeing hala:x CIALIZING ALL WOOL: —ate Pe One ek with MOmanema |./j the -Américat’Tobaceo Company,'recent:trip abroad lost Gurrowski|SUITS AT VALUES FROMdoesjusticetohefcoihbs;it “|through a billof review filed in:the ‘his’American residence,’Whilé*in e :yeiharesseereelneaadGatvarienwoemnushearins|United:States District Court of New |Geneva,Switzerland,he was convict $5.00 UP TO $16.50.Don’t=hasrestored so manys &|York city,will ‘endeavor to have jed of 4 crime involving nioral-fur fail to:.see.our line beforeee:Write toLYDIA E.PENKHAM MEDICEINECO.‘{the dissolution “aud .reorgamization’pitide.i a |‘CONFIDENTIAL)LYNN,MASS.,‘foradvice.|plan:which was ‘approved bY.the Looper “paimone’aye Mipdrecas”te ~purchasing...POSI TIVELYourletterwillbeopened,read and answered [United States ‘Circuit ‘Court inthe |).\:frozén to).death:a Avbat ds|AND ABSOLUTELY THEbyawomanandheldinstrictconfidence,a case of the American Tobatco Come)js ST tte ws eee Sadek haeiene.ok oaa the claim that “U0W8 a8 “No Mans.Land,”it the|BIGGEST:VALUES FOR;it’de.not,in ceordat :with the |“xtreme southwestern.commer.of Ok-|YOU/R MONEN;5|ett 2 lahoma during tthe recent blizzard.|admidateoftreBupremeCourti'eee ::t~BSTART SHARES OF BUILDINGAND LOAN sce rem,seca:2 ba a farm near Guym,Okla.the|LONG BLACK COATS.Otto §.Jonas in the interest,”he jo4,:Te :ody of.Henry Falls,a farnier,2 Says,ofall other retail .tobacco i bose hoe gaaCasFORYOURCHILDREN.-:dealers im greater’New York,states Nacper."Olle.ered ateaperl Chiffon Bloadcloth and 'Unite d tiger Sioiee Ree re was frozen’to dexath while en route]}—-Serges at REDUCED Prices;~~~For:your children start sharesin our next series,and as-While he.Wae-once @ “proeperdus |{f0%.Ochiltree,’Tex),to/Liberal,|-A new line of WASHA-_sist them in making payments of dues,thereby teaching dealer in the”American.‘Tobacco |/*80806:.|ae Md BLE WAISTS just received.them how to save money:’.The shares would mature in time Compaay’s goods he has ‘recently!Every,national bank jn tlre coun-|}“Call early before ttbowWate’Roane:i aM |early before the sizes4tomeetexpensesofschooling:been compelled to purchase his gup-ry mus ve exa wined Tr mulary |at]‘©are beokes.*:Our 38th series matured on the payment of $82 on each plies frum the Metropolitan Tobac-ateted.periods;actonding;to.strin-|d 2 share...We are prepared to give you the benefit of $18 co Cotipany on account of tlie ©al-Ree ar ea peo taSuefl by Comp-|,~.profit on each share.Our 51st series now open,and.shares leged discriminationaf the American Fog “abolished tne dar me ol ,‘peing ee bare We expect to aid our,shareholders in Poet or ae deren val ee overdue fot.examination,Onhe oN Laskyuildingorbuying’many homes during the coming year.c\abdaaea tcl eg Sate dazed “oe cd kent itt the office of 4 ;be prs ;;,nie >e 1€comptréller!’Start shares NOW.and make prompt applicationsfor a loan,io all Of the Hétudbanee Aor nr Th Olek thee:the:invuetipatiog”of|Phone 188.2109 West Broad Street..if you wish to build a home next spring or summer.bhdit'-Anoeunkhne Gekore the nd national bank.‘may be délayéd,W.W.WALTON.M aWealsoissuePrepaidorPaidUpSharesatacostoftrictcovirttoabswerthestatemanis|!Murray directed the ‘exantiners|anager.$73.50,worth-$100 atmaturity.contained in the bill of review to cal},for help when.ovérwhebmed|For other information call at office.ee [with work no |9 RE GENREERE EN CMTEBishopHossEntersProtest:a :vee AMT |arri =~om _Secretary,’he Sh Mr.Sam H,-Wiley,of:Salisbury,|2 :9%)Kishop Hoss,of -the Southern ia ont 2 nay seca !FIRST BUILDING &LOAN:“ABSOCIATION,Methodist,Chureh,appeared’.before 224 Miss,Nannie Rhoda Hay,.ofRai|TV -ogthelibrarycommittee,of the-House |d gs nd aia al :‘i ;;bt Congtesa:Monday’to TiSteak:éloped to Rich mond Sunday :arid|e Ar i+3 Me were married They,left/Richmond|.—ugainst the passage .of a bill’to f.Be id:a biden .i ‘5 2 2 :*TARTSERAR <2,$25,000.monument-at Abing.,oe Bermuda on a brigad rsp :a "arity ‘|don,Va.,to William Campbell,.one 7 a5 sees’!MEN ae A SG 4.fe ‘of the henoeyof King's Mountain.He\tal”.HEADS *Nowy WANTED.|hnsurance a hsures.a Sie si to say.that ion Baldness ‘is.Too Generally Consiis|‘Our new machinery hasarrived,is belie.did not.deserve.recognifion,-but ered a Si anced bh |Johu Sevier,Isaac Stlelby and Ben:|%,occ Advaficed Age placed and we will be ready to startjaminClevelandshouldbe‘honored,ais eR eaat chante teh?4rons|.sal .>:with t €sricans i é :é €>>»‘Is one of our Accident and Health Policiesin-a Com-ia Tg nee nea xen blesstd with,a healthy head of|again about the 15th.We will be bet-pany with over $10,000,000 assets,that guarantees said Virginia did:Hoe Fachioh w a ,Hair,because baldness is too gener-|Le‘your income to continue from one day and so long than 400,only 200 of whom ware |@UY accepted as an indication:of |¢ter prepared than ever to give our pa:‘thereafter as yeu are disabled becauseef any accident action,while North.Carolina and cata oe large corporations:have’BS 3 :or sickness.It pays for loss of sight,operations and:Tennessee furnished ‘the rest.He |t*ee tion aoe 38 yous.apse trons satisfactory service.has man¥other commendable fantures too numerous urged the committee to erect &Morr |.Hew mnplo ven oo:Years Ch BES :i :ro . +06 mention:The:cost is small and benefits large.i at vioee thet oleme eee |Probably 65 per éent.lof -pald-heade|a=;—Askfor circular giying full information,:‘Shington,Cd Peoplé may regain a good)head :=giy or at Bristol,Tenn.;qr Washington.|o><caithy fale ie thew foal 7Lotsoftestimonialsonfileshowinghowotherpeo-The bill providing the.money for sda ca kien ae wee (I LOUR MILLING :COMPANYadplehavebeenbenefited:-by carrying insurance of this’the-Campbell statue “was passed |iivea tothedyhie ae eit As ee ®Poi kind.mo through the Senate by Senator Mar-|piaventes (5 ow aia aay Lael cory 2:co ss are 0 ~Be 53Ualastnekjunléesstherootsofthehairare ———ee_ERNEST 6.GAITHER,ue Statesville,N.C.The Kilties:Band Will Give Boies en fe alp Se ‘eae oratee es:e eeINSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE.fit for Benovolent and Relief As-/and suiny.We want people to try|@ 9"PHONE -23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING.peer te “|this remedy at-our risk,with tite(@:That the”“Kilties’;thé world:re-|distinct understandinig that unless{nowned,Scottish Canadian band,is a |it does exactly what we ¢haim it will=a -==musical triumph within itself is 4nd gives ‘satisfaction in every,-re-NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS.NOTICE TO1PROPERTY ow NERS.|shown by the fact that they are/speet,we shiall make no charge for’!tvonvertmasaWa|uow.On their seventeenth grand the remedy used.during the trial .:pe ane ;All__cwners of property abut-|All owners _of pals aad |-,ore :‘ey ¢apne property,abut!tour;«-haye—,just—_returned from|‘Wee know exactly what—we—are %pg On tet sientiy OF et heeete.|feet or tne sidewalks in the side-ja tour of the’world W uch lasted|talking abput,and with:this offer NOTHING BETTER FORimyyemendistricLereto-|wa improvement °district hereto-|two years and three Months in|back:of our statements moO one f ‘en3astypeieMeeelodrteapeSas2Phiidbyordinatice-of the|which twenty dfiferent\.countries jshould scoff,dowbt)our word,>or CHAPPED FACE OR HANDS.d oO e city o Oard o dermer 4 Te 5 :;itate iy ot >‘:":is Statesville,said.district being the|Statesyile said aiatriet heli,the!£00,000 Enein the:{eben arta aptint “tose ee 25C.A BOTTLE;Oren hte the squth:gide-of |sidewalk lyingonthe west side of since their organization,oe Lowe want every one in,Statesville!<F stree rom -the intergection Meeting De _y |=ieee Abaupanepeds*~*of Mulberry street’with-saidi|\Mront,}Broad irae wilt oald Mastine atrer!clean he,ee tenn hea |M ag f ia Ble.uae tf.f:Wine A)SSRN#+iy ..,or .nair rouplie danaru a bi lmgmeetptaeariee‘of Buffalo |to the intersection of West End av-\sixteen trained voices and the fa:|hairy.or baldiess to try our Rexall.are Mere by ube "1 os :ront Strget,enue with said Meeting street;are|mous troupe of Scotch pipérs and}‘93”:Hait-Tonic’We want them WW.F.Hall’S Drug Store.:ot thea a ified eet the laying|hereby,notified that ‘the laying of |dancers all make a unique and a use it regularly-say:until.three ‘:9 2.ona'Soar 7 pean ut eeaots d_by said |the sidewalk ordered by said board|joyable entértaimment,|bottles-have been uged——and if it "PHONE NO.20.\com plet i tt ere |has been completed,and that assess-/Statesville is to be congratulated|does not eradicate damdruff,cleanse 5 :.w thveeton eiit and that assessments [iients therefor will be made by the lon the fact that the itinerary of this and refresh the scalp,tighten the svesoescoesonse ."of Aldermen,ca ae Board |said Board of Aldermen against |fainous band:includes this ity,aia |hair in.its roots,and grow new|:property.is Ys Beevilen by £ering |said abutting proverty,as ‘ig Pro-;}those who hear it will an to a\hair;we Will returm every cent paidterofthecityofStatesville.char |vided by the charter of the elty |musical organization that uni-|us for the remedy forthe mere ask-Satasz tents vn ee e |of gent es .versally aeknowledged to pee‘second ing.There is no formality expect-?y :and determip ee Priday ie mie Said asse¢sients will’be made/lto tute in “the world..The “Kil-|/ed,and we exact \.ino:obligation COO IL.Poptiary.cd,1040,;cab-6 Fy a lana determined on Friday night.|ties’fsnoordinary band.They>put|trom.the-user whatever.‘the.office of the Mayor ana Baan the penne a tue i at 8 pee at }into thelr musical work all the brilay We “aire “established right”here::a >8 e ayor and ard |lianey of their costumes,‘the 6 atesvil ie;5 ae yo ea gel copn of Aldenmenjof the city ot States-|.and Tieeye of their native ttitae|With g full Weterstanaiee that ae _Fresh lot just opened.As eTthe best an ave a"i ’é ationg fille 4 i :°t Bank building,and all pe dal |Ville,ia the:(Commercial National and.breed with the result’that:they |iusiness success entirely depends BUEDORES:.andcosts Foe One .less.ah‘£,Persons ine |Bank building,and’all peatterestedatenotifiedtomaeat;&,and all personé ins |win.‘their audiences at once and upon ‘the sort:of treatment we,ac-rice er “Gallon ‘i PT and|terested are notified t ic p .\a show -cavse.if any,why such eae 5G e .r Oo appear and/no (one ever weaves”a “Kilties’cord our customers,and we would Price perQuart.20c ‘fer sessments shall not be made.f 4 U6 €an¥,why such as.concert until the final note of the|not dare make the above offer unles ’.\j sessments shali not be made.i TRY IT.YOU'LL LIKE IT.-~rg———Pee ’By order of the Board of Aldery}\:Hy order of the B 8 last number is played.we were positively certain that we 0 Ek‘shen of the city of Statesville.men of the cit Ag oard of Aldér-On the 24th the “‘Kilties”will ap-}could substantiate it in.every,par-Me “6.p.MOORE,~c 1S Te aoa pear at Statesville Theater and-the|ticular..Remember,you-can obtain’Imperial Gotton Oil:Company.a,Clerk and reper A Oterk eal eon pApeeeemuastog wall be for the bénefit |Rexall.Remedies in this commiynity ’PHONE 208..ae é AS Ee 0 1e Benevolent andRehef/‘Asso-only at our\store—The Rexall Store,+Jan.12,1912.a as 12;494-9----|clatioh of Statesville.iad.The Statesville Drug Coagaee‘»na y ¢:a Be s b aN \.vw _ PENCILS —ta ..Positively the best assortment |}.>of Pencils in the a:t PENS |hoe ee Moore’s -Nop Eeaeabls’“aiid: Waterman’s Fountain Pens.BLANK BOOKS| _Allkinds of Bound Blank Books“and Sheppard’s Loose |Leat‘Systems.}IPRINTINGWearesurewecanmeet your,___needsthere ee 1 Statesville Printing Co,Printing and Stationery,. 518 South Center Siest, Statesville,N.0. 5 ‘ite!ITCH!Ten! Seratch and rub--rub and scratch—until pou feel as:if you could almosttearthe*burning skin from your bodyomvuntildtseems:as-if Fou could nolongerenduretheseendlessdays‘ofawfultorture—those ‘tarrible nights.|of sleepless.agony. Claims”fre a -‘Anybody Can “Make Claims. If claims made qualit “DAN.7“VALLEY flour-would have been:put out-of business long -Then—®few'drops of D,famous Eczema Specific and,Btmeasrelief!.The itch:gone instantly!Com-.*fort,and rest at:last!..cD.isa simple external wash“that cleanses and heals.the,inflamed«‘skin‘as nothing else can.A recognizedspecificfot’Eezema,,;Psoriasis,Salt‘Rheum or any other skin’trouble.‘We can give you a.full size ‘bottleofthegenuineD.D.D.remedy.for$1.00 andif the verafirst ‘bottle’.falis-“to.give rellet.it will not-cost vou a nt.We also can.give’you a sample bot-&'o for 25 cents.Why Ruger SnothertSwhenyoucanget.D.,D.D.? |THE(~E LANDMARK] co Washington, |Carolina. \fand and will "Gov:Harmon's Platform:| Judson Harmon,of Qhio,Friday-the Rave Chicago Democrats—#following outline of his views.onwhattheparty's platform should isSaygatvietqry to be,won.AR, Pirst2—Taritt reform.The’A191 prent.tariff.law sticks out likesorethumb._Thé Democratic.Con- gress.was elected because the -Re- publicans failed to |6-.Te ROE the schedules.; “Secowd-——Eeonomy,is.costing ue too much..:My Yan- kee biood revolts at the idea -of spending so’much money in a coun- FRIDAY,TOP: [BUYING Uncle Sam's’‘Purchases in Carolina-—Opportunity Ror est Rangers,, Dispatch “ta Jenpiery ;“1h, aeFOREST ‘RESERVE. North | For-| to Charlotte Observer.Within the -next few.months Un cle Sam will have a national forest in the-Mt,Mitchell:region of North The government has con- tracted.for gbout 160,000 acres.of take -it-over_if the Government titles are all right.°The priceS|try where we-have neither kings have been ,agreed upon and.Soli¢-|nor dukes nor other folderols.*In itor McCabe,of the Department:Of|Ohio when I was elected the .State Agriculture,is:preparing the’con- ‘tracts.‘The ‘titles:‘will be;~passed apon by the Department of Justice and ‘the land paid.for.and.tnans- ferred from the pregent owners,to the:United:States.Dhis.is just they beginning of purchases to”pe made.under ‘theWeeks:law;in the Southern Appa-’ \lachian and:White Mountains Por- éstry experts.are now:engaged in examining 2007000 ‘acres more, “<WL:Hall;of the forest "serv- ice,who has charge of this,wene, ‘speaking of the.purqhases,,say&+ r.When the land..is purchased:we’ ‘immediately |put forest,rangers “on guard,giving each’man about 20> 000 acres,and he protects it from expenses had quadrupled since the last De mocratig.Governor Was -:ins office>“Third ‘Regulation’‘of trusts. fhat is too big a probl to discuss offhand:1 was:ithe rst AttorneyGeneraltomaketheSherman:anti-trust law:sti¢k,.I.haye been.-mtich:misrepresented .on:that question,: and I shall explain my necord.and views in detail.” “Taft and the Regublicans have broken,their promisé to the ‘peo- ple.on the tariff,”Governor Harmon; . %elub.luncheon. elected ¢o do what the Repulicans had failed sa do.Under Clark and ago,.1 am still looking‘fora‘j SA.tireamd-comdicts-sich DUSHAPES-8H-nderyo:thal. .flour just-as-ood as DAN W,¥a “Statesville,NC may,.come up,”said Mr...“Hall Democrats”have-:made good..It _VALLEY,and so are a num-NOTICE TO PROPERTY ow NERS.|“The land bec omes 4 ROBUEAT na-|means a Democratic President ©will. ber of housewives who paid.|tional ‘forest,iWe will selk mature|tonow., .their good’money.for an -un-“AN ‘owners’of.property .abut-|timber and -giye “the young timber “The Democ rata have forvedeconrn:a ]idez fan opportunity to grow.,We &X-|omy ‘in Washington.Justas “in|tried flour.:The.-best thing I:ing oo.the sidewalks'in the.side-')tit-t ti hated trav--can suggest is to put.‘Di ii walk improvement district-hereto-|Pect:to -profit-by nn ing repe 07)Ohio,where the -Democrats:made VALL)FY and a-just-‘as-good —fore Jaid out.by ordinanceof.the||°F OPe.Grazing s Saree oe good,the people are going to be :ide.by side and.Watch °||Board of Aldermen ‘of the city of)We.Will,Melp the people of |with us,“Every sign.points “to.a.flour side,by side an ate Statesville,said’district being the|th?natioila}-forest.regions to~build.Democratic ..victory.” the results.-This is the test.aulewalk toing on the worth side of\toads,-tralls and put’in telephone |:7 ctl tn 5 a DAN VALLEYis:sold by ev-West Iand avenue from the intersec-\lines..‘These Improvements,Ithink,|parcig post For Rurat Mail ery leadin rocer in EY tion of Kelly:street\.with said .West |will.eneoursge the building|..of :‘Routés..,: city,,Ask for DAN VALLEY End avenue to the fhtersection Of]eee:camps and hotels.We),Fourth Assistant Postme ister Gen-and accept no other.Race.sttcet’with said West Bnd av-|“42t the ae to feo!ene eral Degraw urges:the “esta bleeh- x if —a {/enue,are hereby notified that-the |Fat wat ao.Wedesire thetr co-ment of--parcels-post delivery ~OFFgfaeteedteeteraoresopmneaHe,a Saar ae ae ee:ie a Pa a 2 The general purpose of the Weeks SMa ee ae ae au_[©W.Boshamer,-Jr.,sees ‘comnctes,ma,tat anes iawn to soc tne maintenance|eSxoenaeate fon-raral serviceLocalPherae.the:Roard of Aldernien.ageinat(ot &perpetuat growth:of forest.on ee MEVGH HOF rep ihsy.|tea :Ph »142 cp re hae :the watersheds:of navigable streams|“1¢.Tecelpta;,and ‘the parcels.post 1On¢E 25.said abutting property,as is pro-|will provide much additional’reve-l vided hy t*-charter.of the eity of|where such growth:will materially a J oarne iio Cnaat vear”the D:raieeie Statesville yy)gang aid in preventing floods,in improv-iuen)BeeCity prea i aes igs poly a sti zs ~.pes ing:|ters,in-preventing enro-al.mail ‘récéipts were $7,570,-ovine -Sad Asseas ments will.be»made hoe ped piri prhuenlg ae he ‘pilt-|900,while’the expenditures .were Home :Electric Co jand déte rmined on Friday night,;ine up-bt the tives chennelk.|and 37,130,000...Fer the present year AL a ‘le {|February.2d,1912,t~8 o'clock,at there had been appropriated $42,- os ae ~-Electrical. Contractors\ the office of ‘the.Mayor and ‘Board’ of Aldermen ofthe city:of.States-' ville,in the.Commercial~National| Bank building,and all,persons terested are ‘notified to appear and) show.cause;if any,why such as- }sesements shall not.be Wade: |-By order of the Beard of Alder-|jmen of the city of Statesville ! C:D.MOORE, He as i oe :2 .pyle and Treasurer.Estimates Furnished |Jan 12,1912.07 ::AllKindsElectricalSupplies.|NOTICE OF .LAND SALE. RC ‘BY VIRTUB_of the powers vest-.| ~ed in mé as ‘mortgagee under’aj} .esa "wg :‘|mortgage executed by W.B..Sloan HOME ELECTRIC Co jand wife,H..P:Sloan,of+-tredell}*9 ||county,NorthCarolina,on:the 18th| A.D.COOPER,Manager.day of January,1908,.the said) nie 3 si ‘prem mortgagors having failed to.com- |ply with the stipulations and agree-, .:}ments.contained therein,the under-|JUST RECEIVED !signed (will as such mortgageé at e |,200n on ; i Ht f |SATURDAY,FEBRUARY 17,1912, Local Views,All New.|sell at the court.house door’in} —————.||Statesville,North Carolina,at’pub- Broad Street Methodist Church.|lic auction to the .highest bidder, \Statesville Female College.|for cash,a lot of land in .the, Statesville Graded School.|town of Statesville on.Broad street, Mr.F.H.Conger’s Residence.|mnape particularly described as fol- “Long’s Sanatorium.Take ikke of We|}at W.EB:Sloan’s cor-/ Southern PassengerStation.4 |ner,'atone in Broad street,|run- Ask to see the Simplofiller ining north with W.E.Sloan's line Fountain Pen and Conklin’s .]|260 feet to Sloan’s corner;thence Fountain Pen.These aretwo ||®2st 14 feet to D.F.Jenkins’|Pe ‘best.self-filling peris-on.the }/"er;thence south with.D.F.’Jenk-market.Carry‘a full line of jins’corner;thence south with D..F.|Tabl I k dPencil ri Jenkins’line 250 feet to his —cor-ablets,Inks an NGS.ner in Broad street;thence west‘ft with:Broad street 14 feet to the PRINTING.‘‘||beginning:containing one-fourth:of| \'_°;one acre,more or less.JBRADY=The Printer.|:GEO.A.GRIMSLEY,?*1 Jan.12,1912...Mortgagee. nt [ast Sale Fivearms.W.R.MIELS, -Statesville,N.C.[PNDERauthority ofaauthorityofa‘decree of:the:Superior Court.of Iredellcounty,in the special proceeding en-| ine Farm Lands and City’tititled W.C.Wooten,:administrator|re eee for Sale,of W..H.Aderholdt,W.H-Cloyd,|and others,ex parte,I will on MONDAY,JANUARY 29,1912; ~AGENT FOR HUPMOBILES.at 12 o’clock,at the _court-house door|in Statesvillé,re-sell at publicauction | :five farms,namely:-Jan.2.No.1,100}acres;No.2;67 acres; .No.3,93}acres;No.4,11534 acres;|No.5,884 acres,:These ae van papi up _large| ,;'‘Aderholdt an oydfarm,which has}Rooting Paints,Monuments,been cut up into convenient tracts.by|}a the county.surveyor.In Bethany}Burrus’Metal.Roofing Gal-township,34 miles north of States-| yanized Roofing,tin and gal-ville.The Statesville--Turnersburg yanized Shingles-with patent Se reatti this prraserty,and th isincou ee Roonag also has patent |)of construction within 200 yards of it Paint of all colors _turpen-4 Well watered,good land,red clay.tine,linseed oil.subsoil,good bottom land on twoTainagentformouninentstracts.Convenient \to church and 4 madeby Mécklenburg Mon school,desirable neighborhood,heal-ment Co,thylocality,free from malaria}The tracts will be sold.separately.ue =HOLLAND.Maps of these lands can beseenat the(ete1 court house,and-at W..C.Wooten’shome.Prospective bidders are .in- vited to look over the land before dayofsale..W.C.Wooten will be glad to’give any information:and showpersons.interested over the ands..'oe ion OF Ok Oné-third cashonconfirmationbythecourt,twentyiyatogareSonequipped.days.aftersale;one-thirdin six monthsT-have every kindof vehicle and one-third in twelve months,in-‘necessary for a city livery,miterest on deferred payments,with Horses and mules bought and privilege to purchaser of paying any sold..Have -some mules nowonhand,Cash or time to suit,S.J.Holland. *Phone 3.Day |or Night: installment.before .maturity..Titleretained’tntil*purchase money paidThisiisthelastandandfinalsale.-W.CG.WOOTEN _.Commissioner,”’Statesville,-N.0;Re Red No.2 -gUpSCRIBE FOR THE ‘LANDMARK, Xe 4 oe J.B.Armfield,att.‘Dec.29,1011. in-'| athereby:improve the flow of .water|- for navigation.|790,000,while it is not expected The forest ranger of the West that there Will be ‘any:appreciakle in- is a.popular.citizen.The South |CF<ase in receipts.This loss will’ lwill soon Inow him and his kind.|D?comhe gréater each’hour,says Mr. As a mile the forest.rangers,‘who Degraw,unless a parcels post is lecome under civil service,are:col-|°Stablished tq help.:Hs ‘lege-bred young:men+from the sec-There are at present more than ‘tions in which they serve,They.are eu a oo miles of retgmail routespaidfrom$900 to $1,200-'@ year.eae the average ay eng per -day The new reseryation of.160,000 acres ot-each carrier.is 24.19 miles,Dur- jing..the past year 577 routes.were,will require about eight men to 17leare‘for it.This gives an ppen-|2¢ded,eee ae aes total 41,- ‘ing ‘for bright,honest boys.who 656 .wish to serve Uncle Sam.Bducated|...Deaaoe oe neecountrylads,who tide well,shoot Billy Leinster ‘Ousted By Fire fwell,swim well and can stand §Alarm." |hardships,make fine forest rang-|Washington Dispatch to Raleigh ..News and Observer.y JJohn .Brown and William Laine ster,clerks to Senators"Overman|Mitchel!land’Simmons respectively,“Dolph” and ambitious youngsters will have Mangum and _several other Tar an opportunity.|Beets.who live at.the Washington|Inn,had'a bad scare Sunday ‘night, when the fire alarm sounded =at\(that hostelry.The building was \completely filled with smoke .and it was with difficulty that guests reached ‘the street.Little damage |Was done by the fire and the Caro- \ers,,Soon—there will be an ¢xami- mation.for |rat gers in Charlotte, Asheville or some other city in the country round about Mt. |Liquor Sold on Panama Canal Zone | —To Keep Laborers Contented. Washington Dispatch. The fact ‘that the sale of ‘aun in the Canal Zone is permitted:by Lo}George W.°Goetha s,engineer in charge of the work,and is -up-aoe sustained no losses. held by him as being necessary for |. the ‘contentment’of the laborer,\y has-spocked’some members of the|NOFICE,7>PROPERTY OWNERS. House:committee on inter-State and };All owners of property .abut-|foreign commerce,who hail from ting dis the “aidewalke in the aide |““dry""States and have Just return’.|walk improvement district —hereto-ed from a trip of inspection to |fore Ja‘d out.by ordinance of the Pa nama.Board.of Aldermeni of the city _ofTherearenowfourdistilleriesStatesville,said:district being the: jand.47 suloons in the Canal Zone;|gigewalks lying on both’sides’ofjlastyearatherewere59saloons.Traqq street from.the intersection|An.order:“from the chief engineer of Broad,street with said Traddwouldwipe,them out at once,Dut ‘gtreet to the imtersection of Daviejhe,refuses to issue that order.He ‘avenue.with:said Tradd street,.are‘|believes in an army canteen ~and hereby notified:that .the laying ofjusesthesame-.arguiment in support:the pavement ordered by the said lof the sale of liquor under strict hoard on said sidewalks has beenreguia-ion on ‘the territory under completed.and:that assessments |aenerican supervision.that was.ad-“therefor will bé made by -the said |vanced by Gen.Leonard!Wood,Board of.Aldermen.against sAid|chief of staff,in favor of the re abutting property,as is providéd'byjestablishmentofthe.army can-/the charter’of the city of States-teen :i ville.Liquor is sold in the cities un-| ggiq assessmentslder‘the jurisdiction:of the republic:ang determincd on..Friday night,of Panama and the army engineers Pebruary 2d,1912,at 8 o'clock,aitlinchargeofthe’work in the Catal tne office of the Mayor and.Bou |Zonésay that thousandsof the work:|tof Aidefmen of the city .of States- jmen are accustomed to liquor and ville,in.tre Contmercial National| icould not:be kept at work de-Bank building,and all persons in-| j will bé made if prived of tt,Paxes—on—distilied-4erested are notified to ‘appear and paguors are the same under the act show cause,if any,why such’assoftherepublicofPanamaandthesessmenitsshallnotbemade jexecutive order governing the Zone By order of the Board of Alder-|Although the sale:of liquor iS men of the city of Statesville. ;not permitted on any other.-go¥-—-C:-D.-MOORE, ernment reservation,in any soldiers’Clerk and.Treasurer. home or in-any army post,liquor Jan.12,1912.is°being sold to and consumed by ‘NOTICE TO.PROPERTY OWNERS, |the army in.the Canal Zone. Strike of “Min.Workers in Massa--All -owners of .property abut- _chusetts.,ting on the sidewalks in the side- \Hight co:tupahies of State mii}i-|walk improvement district.hereto- tia,including one field battery,coni-fore laid out by ordinance of the} manidéd dy Cul.H.Leroy Sweetser,Board gf Aldermen ‘of the city of placed the mil ‘district of Lawrence,’Statesvitle,.said district “being ~the under night after ay to the strike. Mass.,martial .law.Monday sidewalk lying on the.south side of Nag of rioting due)West End avenue from the intersec-15,000 operatives|tion of Meeting street ‘with saidin,the big eaiton and woolen mil's.}West.Eod avenue to the intersection At least "15.000 other hands were of Kelly street with said West Bnd thrown oit o*work.by the ,;stop-|avenue,are hereby.notified —that ping-ofs machinery andthe attacks 4 eAaying-of i Bidewalk ordered on,the mills “by the strikers.In|by said board.has been eompleted, one «instance «company of militia:land that’assessments therefor will had to charge a mob with fixed be made by the ‘sdid Board of.Al-: bayonets,¢ie boy.being probably fa |dermen against’said abutting prop:tally hurt..Tiurty-five arrests oferty,as is provided by the char armed rioters.were made»during the |ter of the city of Statesville. duy and a.tw strikeie and mill}Sala:Assessments will be ‘made employes,the iatter defending...the and detarmi ned’on.Friday night, mill gates,were treated for bullet|February 24,1912,at3 o'clock,at woulidg,‘:|theoffice-of the Mayor and Board Although tne “strike.was Origi=|[pt ‘Aldermen of the city -gi Stales- nally institute?in protest)against)‘Ville,in the Commercial National a reduction in payr\because of the |Bank building,and all persons |itt operation of the new.544hour|law’||terested are notified to appear:‘and making the working week two haure,show cause,if any,av hy much «as-' shorter,the strikers now.declare|cepanipnts shall.not be made. that they will not return without,.By,order of the Board of Alder- oN a \i15 per cent.inérease-and other con:|men of the city ‘of Statesville, “Feessions,ticluding dotble pay for -C;.D.MOORE,over-lime werk and the abolition of Clerk aind TreeATUOL the premiam or bonus system,’Jan.‘42,1912,> ‘ee i , ia!5 ay,\;\ ys”{5 ,!:{“A \ told 400-Democrats at the Troqyois } u a“The Democratic ‘Congtess |Was |. and determiiea”on ‘Friday:night,: February 24,19122,at 8 o'clock,at [OUm Br ares eeeEn Cee the office.of the Mayor and Board R.A.Galliher.d shinehora.“2.60beMiaotmen:of the city of.States-|¥‘A,Gallaher.Troutman R.F.D.2.‘2 ville,in the -Commercjal National one 3 Bank building,aid all:persons |in-esa*Privette,Stateovtlie,¥D.6 is terested aré notified to-appear and é ‘DUE THE WHITE CO,: show cause,if.any,why ‘such as-L,C,Mullis,Harmony,;8.82sessmentsshailnotbemade._-DUB€.-B.MORRISON::‘ By bee of the Board of Alder-AAA erat,Matearhie +13.men ofthe eity of Statesville.ule x 5C.D,MOORE,|EPSLBS Stateavtiie.398\Clerk and Treasurer.Statesville Merchants’Adiadiation.. Weatherttian &Van Hoy.Attorneys,fJan.12,1912. MORIIAGE SALE.OFLAND. “BY VIRTUD.‘of theltainedina:mortgage deed execut-, ed by Nathan:-Monnisoni,Sarah Mor- NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. All owners of —property abut | _|ting on the.sidewalks in the side-| walk ‘improvement distriet-hereto-| | sidewe ks ‘lying on both sides f |trends?CompanSharpestreet-from the intersection |=a wytac peaiabuenes ranete7 of Center .street with ‘said.Sharpe|Holland,‘the undersigned will ‘sal street-with-said Sharpe -street,—are Hpidder for cash;at-the-court-hereby notified that the laying.of |goor in Statesville,N.C.,on ~~the.pavement ordered’by the said MONDAY,JANUARY 22,1912, board on said sidewalks has been-/at 12 o'clock;m.,the following de- Watts,Albert Johnson and others, and beginning at a stake,the north- east corner,of the Isaac Johnson tract of land and running south 25 poles to a stake in John abutting property,as»is provided by the.charter of the city of.States- ville:$ Said assessments.will be .made and determir<on -Friday night, February 24,1912,at'’8 o'clock,at the office of the Mayor and Board of,Aldermen of the city of State ville,in.the Commercial .National Bank’buillise;and all persons —in- to.a stake;thence north 25 poles to a stake,Ann,Johnson’s line; thience east totainingtwoacres,more or less. B.S,HOLLAND, terested are notified to appear and show..cause,if any,why such ‘as-onsessmertsshallnotbemade:-HENKEL LIVE Oe: B 1 aryorderof,the Board of Alder [ip aeMoLaughiin,Att’y.,: men:of the ¢.ty ‘of Statesville.| ;C.D.MOORE,..| Clerk and Treasurer.| 12,°1912. Dec,225.1911, SALE OF REAL ESTATE, BY VIRTUE ‘of the:powers con- Jan.:ieee NOTICE TO.PROPERTY OWNERS. tained in a certain.mortgage deed, -|executed "to the ,undersigned,and —kir owners of property abut-|lrecorded’in Book 34,at page 274 ting on the sidewalks in the side;|of the record.of»deeds:of «Iredélb walk iniprovement.district hereto-|county,I will sell at public auction, fore ia'*out by ordinance of the|to the highest bidder for cash at Board of Aldermen of the city Statesville,said-district being sidewalks lying on:both.sides of|SATURDAY,FEBRUARY 10,1912 Davie avenue.from the intersection Lat 12 o’clock,noon,all the right,ti- of.Tradd.street-with said Davie tle,interest and ‘estate of the said avenuetothe imtersection of the city |Miartha .Shoemaker in and to the {limite with said Davie avenue,rare |following described tract of land ;hereby notified that ‘the:laying -of |7 New Hope township,Iredell coun the pavethent ordered by the said| board on said sidewalks.has een ©Ragtyhing at a hickory on the |completed and ~~that ussessmentts |mountain,John,D.Williaths’cor- |therefor ‘will be made.by the paid jner,thence north to a “swamp dog- Board of Aldermen ‘against’said|wood,”«near Martha abutting prope rty,as is provided by |spTing,thence N.down the spring j the charter ‘Of the city of States-/branch with said branch to a pop- the |N..C., oak;John D,Williams’line,thence southeast to.the beginning,con taining 47 acres more or less.; B,B,WHISNBER, at“Mortgagee. the office of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the.city of States- ville,in the Commercial__National Bank bujiding,and\alH persons”ine terested are notified to,appear and show cause,1 any,why such as+ sessments shall not be made...By order of the Board of meén of the city of Statesville. Cc.D.MOORE, “Clerk ‘and Treasurer.| Jan;12,'1912. FOR SALE! Business lot...Seven-room desirable residence on Jan.1912. Alder-"|Sewing Machines Repaired. 4 Tradd street.Hot and cold cerbath,etc.—Ji.U.‘LAMPRECHT, ~Lots near Graded School.,|109 East Front Street.Small north Iredell farm.’Phone 61.' Ifyou want to any tssellor exchange JOHN M.SHARPE,REAL ESTATR — FOR SALE OR RENT.3,2:200™,22007*"dwelling house onwestBellstreet;good well of water on theporchi iwaterinyard;good big jot and barn,.See vd .Sata 114 Court street,Statesville NO,\an,16 St.x For service.Fine specimenand the |oftspring of good milkers.Charges.50 CENTS.°\ Proprietor,us Ae H.BLAYLOCK,* Street to the intersection of Tradd|lat public auction,tor the highest’ house- completed and.that assessments!scribed tract of land in Shilah town therefor Will be made by the said |ship;-said county,towit:|Board of Aldermen against salid Adjoining the kands of J.S. Watts’line;thence west 13 poles Shoemaker’s 10.14.°° NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS.|AUCTIONSALE-OFOF OPEN ‘ACOOUNTS. All «ownera.of property abut-Ox x DAY,FEBRUARY5,51012,9h 1tingonthesidewalksintheside-|i sews pitt ae eewalkimprovement:district hereto-door in:tatesville,North Carolina;m Board 9!out.by ordinance of the|..DUB EVANS HARDWARE CO.oard.‘of’Aldermen of the city of |p i Barnhardt,Statesville...iStatesville.said district being the /W.M:ease Ok Heat 115sidewalklyingson:the northside of|Fee teriact isBellstreetfromtheintersectionof|W,W.Kerr,guard ee 215|Mulberry street.with said Bell.|RO.Laws;‘Statcovitle -4fstrebttotheintersectionoftheJRLyerly,7Vly Hoe r ey bejwesternlineofthelotof-G.HK.Wood Jott PhNesbit,Baterville,stars ’iswardwithsaidBellstreet,are {Jef Pharr,colored ‘dr Me!|ote::d _Breet,d,States -150herebr-otified inat the laying -of WM nae ae;15.25thevavementordered’by said board|J.'N.McLeHand.StatesvilleR,F.D5,»3.B5 on said,sidewalk has been complet-fhe met geen vic eo :?res ed,and that assessments therefor|John§,Gibson,StatesvilleR.F’.D.,eewillbemadeby.the Board of Al-}JohnB.Gibson,Statesville R.F,Dd.ZG@ermen‘against said abutting prop-ida Lothary.Biateseile.F.D4,....1397 erty,aS is provided by the char-Pack Roste,echoed,Ftateeeatn.*nia:bet e ‘ity é ‘John Steele,color tesvilleter_of the «ity of Stateaville.Sherly Summers,colored,Stateeviile,295Saidsussegemcntswillbemade|G,.w.Taylor.Statesville..etamldetermitvd.on Friday night,|AL.Vaughan,Statesville,*8.15 . February 2d,19t2,at 8 o'clock,at |&re:Wee ere fie the office of the:Mayor and Board ace Weaver,Statesville,-Sear. of’Aldermen -of.the city of States-|DUEJ.P.‘SUMTER:: ville.a ‘the Commercial’National L.W James,Taylore*ille,ae Bank vuilding,”and all persons:“ne lontz,eton-Sa ls . ‘terested are,notified.to’appear and sent eee plored,Stateavile.SaShqwcause,if any,why such.as-|Robt,Moore,Statesville R,;¥.De 8.240seesmentsshallnotbemade.-5.G Jamen,Btatagrile,Age garByorderoftheBoardofAlder-MILLER:iN men ‘of,the citvof Statesvillé,lw.w.Kerr.PURO:os a:a 2.5 ‘hy Be MOORE WillDavis;colored,Statesville,AS/vos 30lerk:‘ond.‘Treasurer.Jima Geese,Seateyville,:20Jan..13,1912,«me -DUE S...M,&H.SHOK CQ;ns .Ht ‘W:Bradfield,High PolPoint.:$40 :NOTICE TOTO PROPERTY OWNERS.Soe Bese‘ela,,Statenvil“as er,Statesville,.2°'*of ‘ETT HeTSS Or POpOF yo apUt|feroon suetedlesonrheat eeemrot Ligtingonthesidewalksintheside-|ArthurMcDowell,Gisele.ae walk improvement district.hereto-|Bert Summers.colored,Statesville,ivforelaitoutbyordinanceof’the Fens omen ite oa "rBoardo*Aldermen of the city .of "DUE SLOAN.PLOTHING09):Statesviile;said district being.the|op post,Statesville,$.3, sidewalk<lying:-on:both»‘sides;of|tA i oie Stara fo Center street from the intersection |Wallis Dixon,‘eduatesy e,ant of Front street with said’Center|3,Fete Statesville,orstreettotheintersectionof‘Bell|G,W,Granger,Statesville -5.0 street with said Center street;are |1 oe ORE A WHITES ‘eisherebynotified‘that ‘the:laying of te pee See ;ayeRe-payement ordered by the said)Rev B.B.Bennet.smoceayii,1 ’isard.op-taid sidewalks has béen|JohnChambers,colored,Statesville,.completed and:that .assessments aot narSg rch wn ong *iuthereforwillbemadebythépaidaeTeco46|Board of’Aldertnen against ©said |Seer Een vn er aT ‘\abutting property,as is provided by,|Barrer.Sousa,Stasesviie,tOthecharterof:the city of ‘States:John:Morrison,colored,Statesville,3.73ville.°DUE W.<H.ALLISON: 3 ade |J.E.Qloer,Statesville,$300aidassessmentswillbe“made le PF Cloer.Stat Be ile R,F.D:4, fore lai’out by ordinance of the|Board of Aldermen of the city of|.Martha Morrison,Ab.Mor-— Ste ;rs |rison \Mary Morrison,Walter Mor-Statesville,said district being rsri +A Cand Morrison to the the beginning,‘con-i of |the court,house deor in Statesille,i |ville.l\lar,EB.F.Dishman’s corner,thence | Said asses méits will be -made|west to the .‘‘Crooked’’branch to —ji and determi.ead on.Friday’night,|a walnut on east side of said branch, February.|2d,-1012,at-8 o'clock,atj}thence up said branch to a spanish octane &Van Hoy,Attys. : THE LANDMARK is $2 vee —Less than 2 epnts &eopy.- 7 Walnut Grove Fartn. wt X : ¢4ki bi )a “oy e vend Enited-States —Gerernment—.Serves mie su recmmeemeneae remo CL.HS NTOMARK|«_MATTERS ¢oF NEWS, Bills to ‘reduce.let‘Jetter postage to vetaraaa and ‘allaey oitiiera:have |. a perfect right to attend our.patric oe January,19,1912.pee tn ani States intervenes one cout have been Introdweed:in =ie under.existing conditions,’when’no|both houses of Congress.oeTO“INTERV ENE:IN.CUBA,hecessity.exists’to-avoid.disorder |*leary.LAbouchere,’editor of Loit-ee ‘dou Tfuth “and prominent:dn--ng- land,died Tuesday in-Florence,“It=+or restore order,them Cuba.would ‘be'stripped of every”Vestige—of m+“Notice”on Cuban Government—*|4 ence,If.this condition i8|aly.He was.formerly in the diplo--Cubans Resent Interference.hendiche a us;the United States |thatic service and was.at.one time _Washington Dispateh,16th.will have to fight us,and.that}an attache of the British legation .The:State Department has serv-|strugele for independence will.not{in Washington.>‘ ed notice:on-President Gomez that |cease while .a Cuban ‘is left alive |:There is miuch talk recently that oy ¢ \ ‘ the “army and-rural guard to participate the the oe by ‘the membership representingVall >by the.veteran organization ‘toa nul- States has always évinced cand an ~Which would compel the gov ernmént “ecpartment .Substantial ne AOE: been pointed:-out °as.inconsistent |@tal children,‘"lrecent ‘death of Miss Elsie Doddsaetheindividualfreedom:and Capt.M.O,Sherrill;of Raleigh,}Coe.Whose case is anentiofied ~in|ehts guaranteed byrthe const!pnt jon|State librarian,:slipped om the ice }@nother column.of The.Landmark,} late -neon ,cuse, /Senator ‘Cummins,of ‘lowa,gressive Republican,will be a can+ didite:for the Republican presiden- tial yomination,but no definite word the United States,will iatervene in -‘Ouba if further attempts are made to defend the fatherland:- STATE NEWS. lity the law.prohibiting’,the inter- ference of the military,in -political|,At.Lumberton -church services has been given on the-subject. -affairs in Cuba.-The attitude of|were abandoned Sunday.cn.account The talc ‘of Cummins”candidacy.in- the United States is‘shown in the |of the cold ay he Genes Behook dicates that by no meane’&ll\the engage tb note,CH today »-to elle hte for three days.this Druglessives’are ee of Some cun- the Gulen sOvennMent:i ;s diducy.of Senator La.Follette,“The situation in Cuba as now Ciayton.Thomas,a young Man).4 suspeision for six)months of_reparted causes:grave concern.to/employed in making,porch columns the tart auty of BE cemba’ber the’gavermment of the United States/in a shop at’Bryson.j ‘;Abushelonpotatoeswaspropesed.in aj bild “tatroduced in,Congress ‘by *Representative ‘Ayres,Cf ‘New*York. The bill:stated ‘that "the searcity of potatoes*in-the..markets Of the United:States.has.,raised the’price, to.a ‘Point alinost Pee to the.consumers;; .Presentations ‘of Ameri‘ican seonen‘atthe,Daglish court ‘are.any,ne- stricted in the future Yeniose married.‘to >British sublagin’erWhoseMalerelationsholdhigh.of-, ficial positions in Kugland,if;a suggestion made by Queen Mary -is ‘udopted,It has long been.known that:the Queen does not view the. American ‘invasion’?with favor; Mt.Vernon,a.subuirb of’Los An- Cit was’ killed afew days.agio by a.a of tiinber striking,him on the heaid. =DPheboard of ‘aldermen ef Cor-cord has disapproved ‘the splans.‘for, new,|passenger ‘station “=the “Phat the laws intended —to:safe- aed free.republican government” shall be-enforced and not defied.is | ‘obviously:essential..to the maintéen-ance of.the law,order:and stabilityindispensabletothe‘status’of the, republic of Quba;in),the \contin- ‘ued wellbeing of w hich.thes United the ‘Router’railway,preposes to build: in‘that town.The plans'do mot pro-* vide an adequate,station,it is said), fil July,°1909,"a young:son’;of Mr Rk,‘Lowery,of Ghanlotte, fell.in -a,ditéh’on property peloneg- ing to the city and ‘was drowned:His father sued the.city for $1,- 000 damages+and Was this.’week awarded $5,000,Garey lom tot Frank and James ‘Neal,young‘fishermen,left Adams’Creek,Pam-lico county,Thursday morning of hot-éscape a:vital interest: “The President of ©the acu ba) ‘States therefore,looks,.to the Prident.ard government.‘of Ouba tO prevent.the.threaténed®‘situation of the United.States, its desires,to consider what ures it must take in pursuance. its:“obligations:to,Cuba,’ much against meas- of -TorMt-Amoena -woutd= -|tain the sentiment of thechurch mem- ‘Lutheran Sinoa Will Build We ee man's College. At a special meeting of.the North Carolina’Lutheran Syned,}held ‘atChinaGroveTuesdaytoconsidérthe future.of Mt.Amoena Seminary -at ‘Mt.Pleasant,one of the buildings ofwhichwasburned:recently,‘Salis-bury,China Grove and Mt.Pleasantmadebidsforthelocationoftheschool.‘It was found.that the ‘charter the removal of the ‘school from.MtPleasantand:it was decided to build a woman’s college,which ‘will have another name,at.somé point.in theboundscomposed,of five laymen and four ministets was appointed to receive‘bids,make recommendations,ascer- bership.ahd»réport to.the regularmeétingofSynodat,Charlottein MayThecommissionSorenigasfollows:;John Rehder of Wilmington,C.M.‘Thompson.of Lexington,Albert’Mil-ler of Rowan:county,John Rutledge bury,Rev.‘W.I..Morgan of Raleigh, Rev.‘W.H.°Riser of China Grove, of Synod.A commission} ‘of Concord,Arnold Snyder of‘Salis-! Rey,J.cH.:C."Fisher:of Mt..Pleasant:and Rev.T;C,Parker of Barbet...«-This action pfobably:means the|school will be.refnoved from:Mt. Pleasant,although that place may bidforthelocation. When given asf soon.as the croupy |cough appears,|Chamberlain's:.CoughRemedywill’ward,off an.attack of last week,for Norfolk «with a load of:fish..They did ‘not.redch ‘Nor-folk and later their boat ‘was found overturned,“It.és supposed the young men were drowned, *Weduesday night ..of:last week the window ‘panes:“in’the Rowe schoo)house;Oatawba county;were broken out and the window~sash smashed.”»Alonzo:.Bynum and his 16-year-old’son,Leé.Bynum,are:tharged”with the-offence ard have beei -bound to ’court.in bonds..of 00 each. dispateh from geles;Cal,,and believed to,be the only,incorporated city th th éY States that has not a churah,has voted to allow saloons| to.:run.,on ©Sunday.’There are| three salioons,Fifty women voted,| Most of them yoted “wet.The ex: planation.that tiete is no church.in| this town.nay account far. vote The notification of ‘the:*Ameri- ‘eyn--gpovernment..was served.-uponresidentGomezthroughAmerican{ Minister Beaupre at Havana,Senor Martin«Rivero,Cuban:minister~.to United States,was unapprised ot the a¢tion of -the government: ‘except through the spgess .and >de- clined to make any statement.It was,ow.the réport of,‘American Mitister Beaupre that:today’s note was:based.‘Minister Beaupre °re-ported from «Havana that,in’defi- ance,of.a décree issued ‘by President}$2 Gomez ..forbidding «officers:of the the ‘mill ‘district.of Lawrenice,| Mass.,th rough the presence of eight} companies “of.militia,’State:and} icity officials’have’busied s¢lves’to bring about a speedy. tlement:of,the difficulties existirrg |vetween)the 15,000 striking textile | workers and ‘millh owners It.is] possiblé the strike may be _settled| by in.’ Albemarle says two-small children of Mr..and ©Mrs. Walter Smith,of eastern “Stanly;many army,officers}were burned to death:Tuesday.One attended a meeting |whe 2 ~babe.df ix monttis,:‘tiveSurday:night of the.National Couns)Other three years old.;‘They werecilofVeterans,an organization of |left:alone in the.house,the babyviceransoftheCubathwarforins|iz 1°the cradle,.When the parents |dependence,a preturne?both children were buried! The veterans .have.been .activelto q crisp.and the er:adle was ‘afire.|Gatos.,of.which the+Rev in the past three months:in attempt|Congressman Pou,who has.”rep-Whitaker,professed:Sociatistingto.have displaced from the ClV"|heated the fourth district for <a iconoclast,is.the pastor,..hasi!service persons who sympathized |jong time,is to have considerabte{nounced that ali ritualistic Soltion uke dlubelones.bitiosted opposition,if TORO Som Hale ee cee.,,be true.’Those meéntioned in con-|amittedthatthe,veterans were threatening|noction withthe ‘contest are Mr.|baptisms betoecoercemembersofCongress,NOW itr:wp,Norris.and Attorney General |those’seeking mniénrbership This|ta session,to nullify the law in Bickett,Raleigh;A.>@.Zolii--|Virtually:throws.-the membership(regard to’the participation of «the teeffer.Henderson:—R-—-H-Hayes,}open to all:creeds and classes,| | A sel- in politics which’also,is.prohtbited by military law, and rurales A dispatch.:from San Lose,Cal.)| Says.the Baptist church ‘of Robert | cere-| be| made optional _ee car "he “State |Pittsboro,and’T.F.Horne;Rocky|A_horrible butchery took placeDapartinent‘thet:the.situation:was Mount Mi.Bickett has since an-{at Sian.Fu,China,-some days agoihe<most sérious ‘that.had.present-;uounced that he is not,a candidate.A.mob surrounded the school es | ed ‘itself since’the veterans’.move]54!isbury Post:The many friends)ttblished—by—the Scandinavian~mis-|began..It had been-evident to-the/0f.Mr.M.L.Bernhardt,better |Sionary,R.Beckman,who was mt that President Gomez |known abs Lee ‘Bernhardt,wil,-be |Jured severely but escaped later to| was.practically powerless:to resist P4ined to learn of his death,which |Hankow.|His wife was killed.The)the movement unless he -received |OCclttred at Black’Mountain Satur-|School was fired on three sides andSupportfromthe:out:Lday,He was a gufferer from tuber-.|the mob butehered the fleeing elill-|¢ulusis and had.been at.Black |@ren with axes and’spears.Theof.some i Mou tain for several years.’His re-|City gates were closed for four days veterans to make ineligible |Mains were shipped to (Norwood,|While the mobs murdered ten\thou- for public service a large element |#'S former home,for burial,Mr,|*an Manchais.;of the population because they sid-Bernhardt was about years old}.Rey.McFarland,D.D.,wantedeawithSpainintherevolutionhad|®"d is survived by ‘a wife and:sev-|in Pittsburg in econneéctlon’with the The declared purpose o':the 35 || |} ot Cuba,The Unjted States re-|Wediesday and broke.the stump of|Was arrested at Greenville,Tenm.,|garded:the activity of the veterans,fF e leg he.lost during the -civil war-|Tuesday,and is beinggheld pen ding|therefore,.as likefy to_thneaten|His advanced age and feeble health |the arrival of Pénnsylvania’officers |the stability of.the!repubtic_rencers his condition precarious.|At his preliminary trial he was-re-]hence the sharpness of’the -warn-senator Overman has Intreduced|manded to jail without bondingissuedtoday,the United States to-inerease the appropriatfon|the case continued for three days|“being by’treaty bound.to:see.that vublic building at Winston-|4t the request of the State ¢oun-|Cubam constitution is’observed from $250,000 ‘to $500,-|Sel.McFarland entered an emphatic |Ce an@-to inerease ‘the appropria-||denial of the charges.*ie and and bills for -a Saieto HOG |tionHavanaDispatch,16th.. The news of threatened.interven- tien by the United,States.in Cuban affairs “Which was published in theeditionsoftheHavanaafter-“com}»eounty,papers,coming without.the!parently diedleast.warning,caused.intense exe He was “laidcitementintheclubsand-cafes,|discovered thatwhileinaldplacesofpublicgather-|posed.corpse was moved-and-when Mr.Walters declared that the Post-|te sac “Astdhiishment and .eel eab sins who had helped shroud master.General.and his assistants|ae As :‘é ze :Ou;attempted to replace the hed compelled subordinates to cer->mM.against American inter-jarn Mh.Smith opened his eyes and/|tify that specified services:iadferenceweremingledwithverygen-)|sid,raining,isn’t .it?’’In-been received when,as a matterederalincredulitytheroomfled.Later they |ef fact,they had not been.‘|Later,as the news was fully conr and through the.day Mr The United States board offirmed,thé impression became gen mlade occ sional aremarks,|94;ae rs has ae :is Sead:;cS apeeral.that:the suggestion of inter-|Next ddy hé apparently died again Fastone oe See so li nitventionprgbably—would jhave aland after three days the body,was ie otal cat *mi a +e it Sodas agoodeffectin-¢ealming the existing uurted Deceased was 70 years old lhe”eae i heehie shoe fi a onveteranagitation’and in quelting jand Wus'a victim of:tuberculosis fy IMGEbOn ae ss08.da0 sepoliticalexcitement.President Gomez said:i Durham |I¢3 ee a a ae ee;I am convinced that no occa-|..Mill Nx folk 5 tie MllFe cr ’sion has yet arisen.for any.intt-Buthhid Diegeis |orfolk Southern railroad now runsmation.of intervention:1 helleve|rnan rey 1,|W thin nine miles of Lookout .andthat“the Washington goveriment's|}As the ‘result of ‘the:employes’ce the report of the,enginvers is] attitude is based on.aii.erroneous |Profit sharing plan inaugurated eix|pted the road will,be completedview‘of conditions in,Cuba,aris-|@O"tS ago by the Durham hosiery |to the “Cape.-The adoption of theing.from distorted and greatly.ex-mills,a total of $1,172 has deen|recommendation méans’a great com- rated reports from.Havana.distributed to.the employes dur-|mercial harbor’on the North:Caro- eace reigns throughout re can,ted “hy thi period.The plan |lima Oi asadaihinty:alos :Y 1ugurated by the management of sfilly”in cout of ate aes the mills is that of ‘setting aside Newton aioe to Get a Rate.which does -not call for alarm,and 2 Pet-cent:of the dividends.paid Newton Naw ;;I ami abwndantly able to enforce the Ou (he comanron:stock of the ‘-om->eee,October One “Newton Oilaws,applying not only to those |Pany:OVer 3 per cent.,asa fund |&Fertilizer Conipany —has beenirithemilitaryservice.but to.alt 20",‘he employes.This fund is|trying to gét a rate on cotton’geedcitizens’:,___““idisbursed tothe employes for—sug-oi]that_is enjoyed —by Charlotte,“There ate some -pessone’whose gestions that,lead to economy of |Statesville and other Gil mill towns,conception of patriotic duties ape leperation in ‘the different depart-|that would permit of shipments of parently tends to:lead them to..op-ere.ie tever amount of the/oll to the Femi ery etd ciency 00positionto,or conflict with,the |funa remains undistributed in this |the destination;but.until now ho-administPation and the Jaws.pray is distributed to employes who |thing has been done.:The*interswishthemtoknow-that whowid:|are disabled by sickness or old age!i State commerce commission ordertheypersist’in a course inimicht.to end as d@ath benefits |@d the rate,.all-right,but it seems”SSS ete jthat until the rate is published thepeaceoftherepublicinoBeeSRearaaraow:aud have it ey faa siete,Home Burned Saturday Morning,|ailroads cannot,put it into.effect: land the Vian re has never pub-to.compel a reyision of their views|COTTeSsPondence ‘of The Landmark.to what patriotism:ig A tenant louse belonging to Mn “|shed it;Mr,J.P.Yount,of the“Wien I can no longer.enforce |Atch.Hoover,five miles:southeast|Ol company,has had Congréssmanthelawsandmaintainpertéet....or:|Of Piateevilie and—oeceupied by Lex osébb wérking on the matter. | | | tt for the Wilmington custom Charges ‘that Postoffice Départ- house to $500,000,iment officials’illegally expended |lkob*.Smith,$.1,00.0,000 in payments to railroads}seuth for railway cars that did not tome fup tothe legal siahndatd were mude’| |befpre the House tommitte on re ;form -in the-civil service Tuesday by Erban A.Walters,of Denver. an agedtheHominy resident of| section.of Bun-/ had been ill and,ap= Tuesday of last week. out.”’Later:it-was an arm of the sup- ‘its mates of returnnd Swith ene -eniaiadanee ="° Profit Shiating Plan in ade Cuba Egos as Sh api somos °resign the.reins Battadae ak a e re burned,lastgovernment,répeat the Aniers|,Se rning,about 2icanperennewill)find no.ex-ce yee on escaped injuries:butorintervention.”ere:was calmost a totah:lossGeneralBmilioNuhez;former Goy.tle.contents:of “the home.érner of the province of :;AS ds,and ‘president of the vateresemtnnel ———=—=_—s,CG.Troutman and.recorded in BéokChation,-said:i oh Advertised Letters.\44,page ky,in records of.”Lredellorn6veterans’assoclation Followingis-&list of letters remaining inthe;¢ounty,N.C.,I will sell to)theéiS.NOt|postofire Pg ‘;\4 politic al organizations§as eviden ¢-fog Janueey 18 Welt te tee aeLd nisl we|highest bidder,flor cash or onMrs,Mollie a ler,Reuben’Clarke,Clover |time,at the stable of Fred.CongeMN,;Deugtes,MissSatlieHufe,lon SATU RDAY,JANUARY 27,1912: e Drug Go.,Master Chasoliticge:politicab.parties.—Fhe as$ocia-..Mrs,Ada M.Jenkios,Jim Lintiey,Mies Orhie bet ween the hours:of 1)..«and 42.o'clack,the fdllowing personal prop- 'tion exists solely.for:the purpose Biba Ernest Wood)Miss Isibell White.of puriifyin'g the ciVil srevicé and:of Persons calling for'‘any of the above will lease erty:Three Milch Cows;one Bull,three Heifers MORTG AGE S/ALE.o'clock. BY VIRTUE a a power of salecomtflinedina—echattel mortgage ex-}ecuted to Thos.J,Conger by As of} Bh HH for*advertised |excl ee all.fornier traitors *to -WEY1é*x DEWsthecauseofQuban cl a THOS...oS,CONG Ree 5 the Unit-|tt suoce asfully. single | the |; With.a return of ‘quiet conditions | ‘them-}4 arbitration,ee || Los| and| an-} ‘and that the ordinances of| for | ¢roup and prevent all danger and causeofanxietyThousandsofmothers.use.Sold ‘by all eegettseme[Who Is Tta?| it of § as »mobile,Plate Glass,‘Wind Storms,’Cyclone, Six ¥=Hong ea *Your Confort Today May.Be Your Die -tress Tomorrow.EverThink of ~That’“Mr.“Property,Owner? et We isaue every kind—Fiire,Life)J‘Accident miatHealth,Steam Boilers,Liability,Auto” Live Stock.Bonds—Administrators,Guar-dians,Trustees andany'Judicial Bonds ° ‘“Today is here.Tomorrow is ‘coming ‘all‘too fast.Consider the present,*Too late tolockthestableafterthe.horseia gone.e ’Phone 54,“Call or write us for.prices and information about our Pellvtes.mie e912 Statesville Realty.&Tnvestinent Co,::J.F.CARLTON,Manager. CLEARANCE PRICES._ Hundreds of good things can be had hive at abig aiving. Ladiés’Coat Suits’half price.. Hundreds of other good things greatly reduced to close. Big velues in.Shioes.= i ‘ Millinery at ‘half price. Yours truly,= MILLS de POSTON. fndoke TO THE CONSUMER! itis. closed out. orrered: Thirty-threeand one-third off on Men’s and Boys’Suits,separate—Pants and Overcoats may sound out of reason:to you..True.But when your stockis double what ‘t should be at thisseasonofyearandacorrespondingamountdueyou’on your”books.and accounts failing due daily,what else can be done?This Clothing stock must be reduced for reasons mentioned,_besides.we need the space for spring stock and can’t afford to.carry over,if for nothing more than depreciationsin change ofstylesfromoneseasontoanother. until March Ist;the discountis 331-3 off for cash only.— BASEMENT. All stock in basement embracing Dry Goods,Ladies’,Men’s and Children’s Shoes,will remain on ‘sale until Big lot mill ends in fine Zephyr ‘Gingham,32 inches wide,for 10c.yard,Sells the city,over for 15c.‘One more case of the 98c.bundle Outing.Apron check Gingham Se.yard. All Ladies’Suits,Coats,Skirts,Shirt Waists,ete ,remain_ on sale until closed, MILLIN BRY. Millinery Department open the.year round. Hats at your own.price."1 Ww.‘B Corsets—the best makein the city,all styles,re-.duced.“Come early while we have your size. Auction Sale was postponed last Saturday on aceount»of bad wedther,but will go on Saturday coming from.2 p.,m.yntil 6 p.m.Plenty.of desirable merchandise will be Remember this sale lasts (Can buy a Very respectfulil,y. v independence,|Z —conincactipnogWherefore,’(Wé “hold that ‘all lingt’®THE LANDMARK three:months’trial subscription,60 cénta,Jan;19-—3t.Mortgagee. ot be *convention to..elect.delegates “VOL.XXXVI. MRS.A.-DURHAM “DREAD.Now ‘BOARDSIN THE ‘Was Miss Connelly,of Statesville,| -and Died at Hér Home in Geor-| gia —Remains Brought Here | For Burtal-—Other Deaths.I: Mre,A.qi Durham,who was‘ Got.Board in Jail.— Kd.MoNeely,-NETO. ‘mood-iopeathine chass,’. ville,died suddenly:Sunday,about|ey under,false :pees 74 o'clock at her home.in Acworth,had pee,in jail thrée o} Ga:The news;received.here:Sun “day,was’a great shock to the-fam- ily and friends. had’not:4 been scondition:was serious. ‘Mts:°Durhank who vsuspec ted that her |fraudanléy tly ‘Beeured m oney, Sine \pay costs of the casel W hat’ was Miss’;proescutors wanted HiGSt Was »- Mattie Mae,Connelly wap,38 (yeark;|pmoney and ‘when this came ‘it:sight dng Blackburn that ‘no -oe ites |ee ‘the ground,was,frézen B ack-burst,“old,and-was a native of Statesville.the warrants were . She bved here,up,to thetime of ithe negro.released.| her.marriag®to Dr:A.J,Durham,|whom MeNeely. “of Acworth;Ga,nine years ago.\Ll,Russell, Since then she had frequently vig?‘time’at the *ited here,-She was very.popular in|been working.her home town und:he:‘death’is}Mr. sincerely.mourned bya.large circle |due him:by the of friends.In addition to-her hus the negro went band,.Mrs:Dares is survived -by |himself collected: her mother;Mrs. Statesville,and and three sisters, One.o8 depot,‘where he After to the the depot 8 viz:Messrs:John |."MeNee M:Connelly,of.Dallas;Texas,and:teresting.James Mec.Connellyof Statesville; «Mire..W OW:Miller and.Misses Ina Lenied and Eloise Connelly;of Statesville for The remains .reached Statesville:soma last ‘night:at’10.20...The funeral |cer told McNeely he:would see will fake place from Broad °Street some kind:of.rations were Methédist.church.this morning at |coming,and the!two‘cime ‘11 @clock“and .the interment;will|the business district: in Oakwood:cemetery front Sof “county;"|Caught hol MeNeel him”he ¥‘'g :a rre St. asked him at officer 80. the a store te she jail 1 of had explaine4 that he could get.rations |, oo Mro J.T.Hubbard die’Fridaymorningat4o’chock at his home Tradd’#Lreet Funeral serv “were conducted at ‘the’resi Friday morning by Rev..W A,Lutz and Rey,J.:H Prese]y and the remains:were “taken to Anson county,Mr.-Hubbard’s..for- of “home,-for interment More two .years ago Mr..Hubbard ed by. disabled:by a fall.and’since |cort.d into the an and locked had been practically |help)- pie aie Engine That ‘Was Thorfas Hubbard was |-»Bridge’Wreck-Still in Anson county November.7,|,Engineer Kurlee,of 1882..When a young man he went}West atid was living in Mis- _,Sissippi At the outbreak of the war ‘between the States.He enlisted}in the Confederate army and:after/iyo miles north tie war ho retumed to hie.old |the eure Thursday jmorning,home in Anson.June 6,1866,-he 27°1891,resulting inmatriedMissSusanElizabethJop-biggest wrecks in railroad ,ling of Chesterfield county,8S.C:jup to that time,Ten children were born -to them|ory ~-seven daughters and three 60nS.|many until his McNeely lost:--all for-Fatiotis instantly and made \&desperate éffort to get(Officer had to.show,that busines&S by ‘allowing him linte-the muzzle of a pistol. {in the jaflon :iposseglees sence ot, he Lo was thien 'lessJdmes born Capt is the now titthe Taylorsville,tthrottle af pulling more. White Hardware Co.held their an- Hiual meeting Friday.The report| of the secretary showed substan- tial gains.After this meeting the} stockholders reorganized ‘in in.Iredell ‘that will stand a. be put in the show. lin a.discussion of.music in ore Landmark,Sa ie popular . wants ij hear,for Hall vice president and Mr. secretary and.treaswrer.-The com-pany’s business.the past year was|dleuce withdrawn t deceived was *Mr. who bought the.ni‘saro's éonveying el: Russell in whiting the amount!YOUNIS wh te man fom Hickory,ore ‘demolish therailroad,about $8,varraigned before:MaVor nioney;JB Connelly ot;most-'similar schemes”wore:worked”ee beating rides on trains.Fikes:simultaneously,by tworbrothers,on othe f $2.50 each and costs were impos-|siicessful and “the ‘was rather He cathed at the.home:of,|Deputy Sheriff Ward:just after dark communicated “stangl’’ could:get|;Lhe e r .rations on credit.*!’Phe offis,them work ‘out the amagunt on received|checks |s! 'Passing Mr,Ward y.and telling, two.warratits for.hint, away meant | in the Bostian in Servige. N.Bost’s train between Charlotte andi ATL,|IOFFENDERS worthléss Negro ¢Called.on Deputy ‘Scraps, Sheriff to Stand For Rations and| ‘of.the! was: Miss Mattie’Mae Connelly,of States:|rested last week for obtaining’mon-|}Cash- ere »fobir days-results’ his old mother:yielded a his pleas.)p fer help and mortgaged her,home “and Blackburn iwas tined $5,while |W. It wag known that to secure $23/20.-to.‘felinburse.those’| Mrs.Durham WAB Hot.well but dt Lfrom.whdm the worthhess:.‘SQN.pr cost. cand .to.! “the: the: and| hose. Je. ‘had, to and Al- in-- that forth-}; toward |. in:| case ws dis-|(, ‘desire. such the lookQuiet- this method,McNeely was:es-| up the locomotive |”|which leaped from’Bostiah's bridge, of Statesville, August|to her daughter,Miss Jamie Batley, one’of the at their.home on.Tradd’street Sat-} history causing the death Hle curl:of smoke rising from “he-/ persons and ‘the injury of a8|side a gold fish bow4, The locomotive,then |/been placed ona table in’the sun in’ outsiders,and there are some birds'| neFahl ‘appearance |thig ‘IN.THE , Retailing:and ‘Other Troubles Aired, “Mr.Raymond Maiden and:Wiley |colored,engaged inefhefrontdoorofthe! ary. Blackburn,. difficulty a Groce Mavor-Catdwelt:Within teh Mr,Maiden’was-discharged.without. According to. Blackbun,.ca lsd atthe Cash GYro- cery 2 store.and asked.for eredit?: Mir >Maiden refused she request,‘tell alldwed by.the “company /burn «Called.Mr.Matdem at?diar,| whereupon thé latter proceeded pound:him-as.he -leit the store. George |Abee and Charlie Glare. Caldwell - loitering cbout| pa,senger.station few days < the| »for Ali a¢ States) *Being to unable -Their people ‘with and the answer was to ‘punish,the: The thayor'was arranging.to ed. went were| ‘first: boys. have the jail: they; *ai d out’of jalb. -Byers,colored, en ft hearing before Satie av jPrnoon BG in Sum of teed and piven for the defendan’Ah.“Evers similar charge ed te.make a dase Lee.‘Foster,- Mayor ->Caldwell swer for,in-assault a evidenceusedknifeonthe court required $50 at Supérior ‘ot strests when from ome and “Vinee was giv- Justice for.retailing. $100.was re- ther -appear-| at was’ but An ee ourt ona ot arraigned} the State was ‘before to white, Saturday that Fosterwag a in bond for his wer a charge assault ~with deadly .weaponi. en,a8 a |Sun Set the “Table ‘Spread Afire. wi mi1ié,your fish aré on morning ~instead of exclaimed Mrs.Annie Batley. letitt,” jurday,when she discovered a lit- which had} The inventory of the.stock ofgood'|the company anrounts.to about $500‘show at winning over any that may The show is|pany amoumt to $450.‘the|mot to be given bs a money-making | The Aue theverysatisfactory.and the usual an-great majority ae Nameapensstettonn”au paid January*lett. Chairman Mor lead,of the*Re-+ ‘publican State.committee,; \ nual dividend of 10:per cent.er ip composed of;people to them. called” who know:little or nothing of music and it is the popular airs that appeak A pares ‘the proceeds of these the committee.to megt in.Raleigh ‘band concerts’will be given ‘to,lo- February 28 to name the time.and cal ‘charity—the Benevolent°pidce’for the meeting of the State Relief the national convention,He -[doth performanc *’‘any vets i and Association—and,.the.band to Should have a ~‘partonage at jand the claims against.the com- A.M.Johnson is president ‘of buildings.aggregated .moreé than’ $30,000 710.0.ep iat stlOatShipRooseIntoDry Territory. must ‘cdrry |it ..when offered fortransportation,from one State into “diry’counties of_another.State re-gardhess.of the laws,of the latter te.The Supreme|Court of the nited States made th's.ruling yes-| teday,regarding.a propcbed®ghip- mént ties.\ aoe COURT.|ACCIDENT AT’ Company yesterday urdayabout noon ‘a ve After he /afternoon;but there were no!serious accident occurred near the The case was\heard~by.|teY ‘nintites |Or,.the §8-year-old son.of to Was of cast-iron, bo.pay the~boys|ground King| Superior| au-|}on a:negro boy:thorrible shape.*:ihad| negro and the frey united’ Court to an-! iMMlyers officiating.The bond was Biv;| \uight at the ‘home of her sen } |} fand other 1 |Sratifying to note the |the |great.|Plants of Charlotte Five daughters and three.sons ©Ur-|No 166,was pilled from the creek |shine at a window’on the southvive.Many years ago Mr.Hub-latter the wreck and taken to.thelside ‘of the house.‘Investigation“bard located in Statesville.He wag|prailway ‘Shops,~wireneit=was later-;reveated~Uhat it was’the tabTéeyacarpenter.and worked at his|:‘mhade over’’and its number chang-|spread which was burning and thetrade.until disabled.Deceased was |,t.to $735,which it now bears,|rays of the sun,which were havingan‘honest,and upright man ‘and |‘rpe engine was badly brdken and hard’work on.the outside tryingwasheidinesteambythosewinO}twisted in the wreck and:many.new.}to thaw out the earth,were theknewhim.|pieces of fron,steel and.brass were cause.of the fire’inside the win-Mra MC Watts,of Loray -com-|used qn the place of the.broken|dew.The sun .was at a pointmunity,hae been advised of the |Parts.vefore it was ablé to re jwhere its rays struck the window|,death’of her brother,Mr\James.C.|84ume operation,and-it has.since |and-the fish bowk in such:a -way.Steele,which occurred at jis home {Uudergone —repairs’from time:to/that.the rays were focused into ain)Sani Aotonio..Texas,“December |time,but.in the main the’locomo-/tiny point and’their heat so concen- 24 ‘Taat.Mr.Steele was a ‘native |tive is the same which was in the trated that it fired.the table cloth. of Iredell ani was 82 years old at!wreck It has been in-opération|Neighbors and ‘others,including the time.of his death He located |aimost continuously for some years |@-Landmark man,were called im to“in the West’many years ago and /and was for a short time used on see the unusual sight and,«theirharried—there His:wife and {the Charbotte “MM Taylorsville roadeyes opened in amazement.:three sons survive Mrs.Watts ;two opr three years ago:It -was|Close examination.of the *table’is the sole survivor of the ,family.again placed on the run.through dloth revealed that.a similar .con- of-which Mr.Steele was a meniber,|Statesville last week and is doing|dition had existed om previous ocea- There..are.a nunrber of other rel-jfair service:Locomotives of “its ‘sions but.only tiny holes had:be aatives‘ih.the county,among.them Size are no longer used~on -the|bumied.During:two’of the recentMissesMattieandSallieThomas,@Maiu lines.Those which now pass!cold nights;the water in ‘the,fish oY Statesville,who are nieces ;over Bostian’s bridge .ate much bowl frozé and.the two little gold:|greater in power and weight:jfish were apparently dead uutil(Mr.Johh W:.Tumner,of’this ————-—jthawéd"out-One fish died latercounty,died in’the Soldiers’Home }prizes and.the Poultry Show.)aS the result.of the freezing.butiiiRaleighFridaymornjngat11.50)Sosia of ihe Iredell county poul-|the other shows “no “signs of il! ile Pg aoe |try,growers seem to think that be-|effects.ar be Gbaineay i.First *‘North |cause the poultry show:to be held Receiver Appsinted .For |Grocery: sh)Gapoliha “regiment,inthe Gonfed@r-1 !2 Statoayike will be open ‘to eyery-|Company at Ostwalt.; ae army aid had been an inmate |%Ody that all the prizes will -be far’|70a.petition’of the creditors,ateGt:the ‘Soldiers’“Home:pitice 1907:tied off,by.outsiders,.whilé “the paréd by Mr.Z.V.Turlington,ofThefuneral‘services were conduct-home folks will stand littlechance.|Moo:esville,their counsel,Judge ed at the Home.Saturday morning.|It is proper to say,that only ehouatt|_Long last _Friday appointed «Mr at 11 o'clock by Rev.W:A.Simp-‘inducement is to be offered outsid-/J.¢..McLain,-of.Mooresville,—re- kins and the remains ‘were °Ater-|<10 set a few of the leading ‘ceiver for the ‘Union Grocery Supply|rod’Inthe.Confederate 2 cantetery poultrymen.to bring some of.their Company,a .concern which is ifaHaletah:re ee oe abit s10W ot andi ne busi Te ‘vey.:ces ‘.or:-the.Iredell.growers,and while les south.of Statesville.“ehip.Turney Cae from ‘Shiloh town |they may compete for some of the |McLai"took charge of the sto;—————-|prizes it will “be.impossible for yesterday!The matter:of the per"White-Stimpson Sarduciee Company”‘them to carry Off everything.Many manency of the receivership will be(Slane Glass ©o.*|of ‘the ‘prizes.are restricted to |heard by Judge Allon,at Statepyille,|‘he stockholders of the Bvans-!Iredell)exhibitors and cannot go t |next:Monday,29th.|Charlotte |Dryon street >firet |[The child was ;heme and the money,‘Teceived.the corporation and Homer.Arthur}name.of the White-Stimpson Hard-|ee ::ware Co.and elected the following Mitte ie pHi entrance fees [een -aes.Se ie eens Another meeting of.the patitine!+One .Public comer ‘For t-Each De A ae ee:so 44;jasSociation will be held at the|:aapeascclestenpresitent-re |Comereiah club tonight—and persons |,The ccotnmittee eee sais. Summers’vice emtdecit and H,|Who desire information about the Gon ree eal ‘io “‘ominbusWhiteDp:;||8how are invited to attend.Pee eee we Ps\ha geohawatif aa re "|z ae bill,canrying $16,- e SOrseaization was Made’4 >.Kilties’’Band:Tomorrow $Af-|mR.Rei.Ege Ty oo Mr:|bance an feentbe.oO le ae ee aries to restrict “Charlotte,and”who sold hisfo ttivar-‘The Charlotte Observer says of pabiie building Ghakrenes inde |est to Mr:Stimpson.|the Kilties:band,which will ap-wood,of the ways and haan Tie cqm-~The annual meeting of the etock-‘pear at the Theater tomorpow af-mittee,.and other Houge leaders,volders of the O,W.Slane Glass,feTnoon .and evening,that.in its |advised against any public buildingCo.was held Thursliay night:and |Playing of “Bluebells,”“The bill.Mr.Underwood made a speechtheoldboardofdirectorswaselect-|Campbells Are Coming?’and <oth-before the committee several weeks|ed as follows:Messrs.T.D.Miller,&Popular airs is very:fine,but|ae ago in~which jie indicated thatGeo.H)Brown,J.G.Shelton,RJ Li:iis not so strong in the classica /Should—the committee report abil!tc gia W.F..Hall,’O w.Slane |‘productions.That should’insure.a jit would undoubtedly be a -,matter‘Dr.B,°F.Laugenour.\Mr.|!arge.audience.It erect popular!to,a:caucus deliberation.Mills was“elected president,Mr.|airs,ag was recently pointed”out)"ay,original estimates forxpublic -Beer is a commodity ‘and railroads Of internal revenue. m Indiana into Bef coua-|)Dalts, |port}one “per }capital reported by j and -the output,|75 ‘per:cent MOORESVILLE. |Fragment of.Water -.Pipe ©Struck |Boy —A Marriage and a ‘Death.— |Be ported For.The Landmark, Mooresville,“Jan,:-22- city.we tank..when=little:Chrlyle Mater Mr We Melchor,was painfllly hurt.yn week's correspondente >it ‘ast, ‘the sevidence stated that the town ‘had:had:trou ble with the water.pipe.during:th freeze;that.the water tain, “riser,connec fing the ‘tank andcauSingagreat’deal-of dani-. and inconvenience,““Dhis pipe securely jointed. |With lead,’which promised to give 4 wreat,deal.of trouble.before \.it|lcould be taken down.’,In order.‘to entire pip&vat several sticks of dynamite were |lowered -into the ‘Main,connected .With an @lectric current and Bét of | THE”work ©was pipe fell tothe brokén into atoms,, the exception :of:the joint next to the:tank.About:noon,Saturday dy-| lamite.was used.td remove thisJoint:Wihem:‘the’explosion occur:| ted-the pipe was blown’jnto atoms,| altering fragments of iron.”allovertheneighborhood,and’:dne“8Mall..piece.struck Carlyle Melch-|or immediately.above-the Heart,hysicianhs .at .olce ‘dressed -the;wound and the little féllow is.get-}ting along very well.|During the last few(bad.roads——the worst ipart of the county has witnesse ad.)jin:many,many years—all the:rural||mafl carriers going out from Moores:{Ville ave carried the,mail ingrey 2althoughthe’ro ads were ;age weeks of| that.‘this Last.Friday night.Mr.James God-and Miss Virgte.Cooper -wereinmarriageat:the Moores-Ville “circhit ‘parsonage,Réy.-¥ Sunday afternoon Rey.,Dr..C.M.‘|Richards,of.Davidson,preached ‘a|most excellent sermon to the nf m-|fire vers of the Knights of Pythias,"| frozen |Mrs;MJ.Sunith,:mother-of-Mr.G4 text tastHirursday andWasburiedatPleasant.Hill Satur-|day.”She was in her 83d year. C—6.—Senith; Miscellaneous ManufacturingPlants. A summary of the reports of 681MiscellaneousmanufacturingplantsinNorthCarolina—thosé not includ:reé-in--the-chapters”on “cotton and |”woolen,silk and knitting mills and!furniture fictories-—hag been is-|sued by Conimissioner of Labor and |Printing M.lL.Shipman,‘showing|84,269 persons.employed,of.whom |4,256 are women and 1,484 children with higt “average of Wages of'|Males,$2-.61,and -women,$1.45,and |low average of men,.31.(1,and}women,91 cents.General improve-| ment in.the condition.and 'educs- tional standard of:the ‘employesis |reported.About half the plants re- incréases in.wages and only cent..any decrease at all. As to power,394 run with steam,| 146 with.electricity,26 with water,29°with both st:am and electric:| ity,and the others with gasoline.| pewer,The aggregate| of.the —fae- the fetimated | 24, 55791, plante, $53,1552,”ean | of ‘these -f.‘ss do not employ union labor.:| Commissioner Shipman says it is} variety of ar-||ticles manufacture d in.the State,bu [that there an “but.‘be an impression of.the many articles that are notmanufacturedbutareimported©for use of the ,poople.:“Especially |is this the case as to.‘canning and! preserying,plants for foodstuff.:—He} jinsists that there.is an especially.| ,need for very many more} this sort : tories is $51,787.4 Yalue of,the - Child Killed By Street Car. Observer,23d:_ St shecking trage dy.which -has known:in..many months was the death of little Dor-. ,othy.:Vi-ginia “Withers ,54year-old |daughter of:“Mr.and Mrs.Lloyd c.With:Ts,who.was killed by a North Charlotte-bound street carat| i5 15 o'clock yées.erdiy.afternoon: The accident occurred on South in the center of the block pow h of Morehead and} immediately in front of the Geo.W. Bryan residence The m running.x across the street when she was struck by the car.She d'ed in five minutes. The:victim of oe tragedy ig a niece’of.Mrs,E.S.Pegram,—Statesville,Mrk.Withers:being, Sister of ‘Mrs,Pegram.=Mr..sands Mrs.Pegram wWetn to Charlotte | last night.¢—The Landmark]:.|| |More Beer,Less Whiskey:ot The Ameriéan people consumed |considerably less whiskey,but a800ddealmorebeerduring.Decem:||ber,1911,-as compared with the| |closing month of the previous year, “Recomtine to reports to tho bureau, The.tax paid |on distilled spirits—whiskey,—etc.; withdrawn from.bonded warehouses in.December last.brought the gov-nt.$15,035,000,a decrease ot. $1,410°000 as compar with ‘De- cember,191Q..'The‘ihcome from fermented -ate.?increasedhowever,ne i wage they :Mrs.H, with |an!unusual noise which she’thought pps “Bh i fire |the jcharge itherance |@cheme *|ter In {us promoters.’’ |ter:carrfers, A NEAR-FIRE AT TAYLORSVILL Started in Closet of -Hy .-Ty ly.4 Home—York Lands’ |.kmbroidery Club Organized. |Correspondénce of The Lahdmark. oa i e c o n i o e a l ‘tion by Attomney Jy the court house,for ®heirs.Tireeeer swere.sed eo FR Morrison,Swift, x and’:eoane Sharpe;2 all, of ork wiistitute,were the.jure ere Three sons of the”Rev. «York,namely,yes!Durant York: ri "Mesbane,.Mr.W:.3.York,wholivesnearMebane,ah Mrs WC, York;of Tay loreville;and.a son-in- law,Dr.Kiontz,of were’present‘"at the sate, Brantley.York:was the.author L..Gwaltney,at lar in ‘the '60s and’although he was ‘considered one of the best teachers of English in the State; About 2.30 o'clock Friday nig T.Kelly was alarined blind| ht,“by was someone Mr.i Kelly in the sitting roont. went to investigate | and found the closet,under thestairway.in’th®hall,on fire..\He ran for water .attd'soon ‘had.the extinguished:nnd)very Jittle: damage’was done.‘There g00d.‘deal:of canned fruit sin. closet and the:bredking:jars were! fire alarm in this.case,’sav-jing:the house,‘fof the flames would soon have been beyond -con-i trol. .A pleaSant afternoon was |with Miss Lucy ‘Thiirston day when an embroidery ‘organized:“These are’tite mem-| bers:.Mesdames.C.G.Viele, |Bogle,W.T..-Rowland,*J.°C. nolly;S.°7;,Crowson,H.C.rand Misses -Lizzie’Moore, Sh:irpe,Flora Gwaltneay, ors,.Irene LeQueux, son and our charming:hostess, |Tiurston,.Delicious cakeschocolatewere |the club adjourned ‘to IMrs.J.G.Connoliy Tuesday noon,January 20th.“o~ Mr.and Mrs.Hanry Burke,ofStatesville.Spent.a—fow -daye.with rélatives’here and near here last week,returning hom.Saturday -eve ning.Attomey”Z:*V..Long,of Statesville,was here |Friday on le-gal business.Mn.Chas:P>Math: eson was in Lenoir on business last spent, Thurs| clib was Con- Miss Rey,P.O.Henry,of Catawba, who-has aecepted “a-ortt-to-the }Lutheran church here,to ‘succeed Rev.C.A,Smith,resigned,preach- ed his firét sarmon yesterday. any Promoters of Fraud Schemes Prosecuted., Wakhington Dispateh. Promoters of fraudulk nt schemes (who had obtained $77,000,000 from the public were put out of busi- ness during ‘the.fiseal year,end- ed Jiine 30,last,according to the jannual report of Robert S.Sharp, ‘chief inspector.of the.Postoffice De- |partment,: This showing is theMarkableinttehistory partment.-During the *most rer of the de- fiscal ‘year}529 i dividusis were indicted on theofusing:the.mails of'+schemes to “defraud. number 196 persons were i ana 184°.convicted."The S&S investigated were of end- jlese varriety,varying,as the reportindicates,‘from the simplest busi-|jNess transaction:to a gigantic,pro-|ject involving the sale of worthless||Stock ‘ins the mining companies| in fur- }Of thi tried i tions existing only on paper or in;the minds of the promoters.”| In discussing the muitiplicity schemes to defraud the Chief Inspectcr Shazrp’-says: “The determination |to”these promoters into court and ob-|tain prison sentences against them | has proven exceedingly successful. In no instance,as far.ds known| to this office,has a person eon- vieted on’a criminel charge of this character attempted to his scheme under a new of| people,| Jhring | name,nS was often the’case where fraud or-|ders alone were result of the veloped the resortedyear’s’work fait that to.The has de-| these fraud manipulators are a distinct class of| criminals,some of.them moving in the highest social and business cir-| cles,but nearly.all Raving more or less affiliations and connections?with,or devisors of,schemes —orenterprises’of illegitimate which they:are not ~“riown During the year’ were made,of which 4 office burglars.this.number jrested.112 were.poktmasters, lassistant postmasters,’98.clerksi 'postoffices,31-raibway eae clarks,| |42 eity letter carriers,38 rural let- ,16 mail carriers.and | 14 (“ther employes,and 2,112 per-| sons not connected. tal service,Me 2,491 arrests’| AD | Henderson's Wilkesboro Marriage. The North Wilkesboro,Hustler has the following about «Chas.A: |Hendersox,who recently. tO-Mislit}ail Lichnert yuuuws Woman, “Chas.A.Henderson married here five of six yexermsago:The|name-of his wife's father is Moore. He worked at the.Forest Purniture ance 4 young man.- to.presch some ‘in Woodlawn in the liquors,.iticluding beer,|edge:of North Wilkesboro.Sheriff. $228,775,|Krown had not heard of him hay-ing ab wife In the:Wieat:?)4 Loe"4 ‘aeetePeRe wih : partition among Kel-} Sold—9 to PavlorsvHle,Jian. belonging .to,-the.estate of Rev, a Brantley,Yark,.at York Institute, were Solds Saturtay?“at publie.atic-+ was tne Statesville Female.College.i ig 4 -his brother, Lelia}lbean awarded the contract to trans. Payne |and i stoffice, Alice | Jamie Riv-|Many Lula Mathe | and.hot|$537.'oe 4 served,after which | meet ‘with |S«dfter-|eration at.the Sanatorium land imaginary and fictitious institi-| | | | | reorganize+North ( t jUnited charac-| 1 BRIEF ‘ITEMS or LOCAL NEWS. ~—Cotton is still 9.40 cents on |markét,s }2 —-Phe:Southern bringing from the Statesville i ‘is.having raik22-~The’lands:way.scales.installed vate the:Aint ville station.oe +Mig.ALM:Ww:hite is:‘very sick at ‘the home efoper daleh ter,Mra.Ne We Johnston,on Sharpe‘Street. ae ludge Ferguson.“and,Judes Alemhave‘exchanged courts and, Judge Ferguson ith hold ph saad COUR mext weale,‘)i “Ma,J:Hatper Brady,of ‘Statens Ville,a memiber of the senior clasa” cf Davidsdn College,has been:elected’valadictorian 6f ‘his’:class. ~The Nathan Morrison~proper-she cp ‘Alexatider’s,|ty at ‘Loray,about two acres,|was 'Rey,{Sold ‘ander’ of .house feetardey“once|York’s grammar that was.so popu-|S0n for $100. mortgage at the _court to Mr::As}oe Jobn-_ “Tickets aré now “on,ia at. the Folk:Gray.Drug €0.'s for the4Kilties’.Pand atthe opera.house 3}tomorrow,matinee ahd nigmht;A ‘mission £0 children ‘to matines will” celts... “Mr.El’E.Clement.a faveline ©a man who has been,living in.Wins-~4ton,has.moved his headquarters to ; Statesville and now has rooms with |Mr,and Mrs.A,J,Evans,Mr.Clem- ent has ’a daughter in sthool at. Mr:R:T.Weatherman retuned yesterdsy afternoon from Jennings, where he was called Saturday on 5 saccountofthe.critical’Ulness of)ae YeeMr.Parks Weathenman, who.is suffering.from.rheumatism and ‘pleurisy.©.His brother's ‘condi- {tion was inyproved when he heft him. “Henry:Adams;colored,has a ifer.the mail between the depot . to succeed ‘Mr.-G.a faylor,resigned.There were’:4 bidders:for,the job,the bids”©.~:arangingfromaround$500.to $1,-a000°the year.©Adams’bid>.was — Ww. “Mrs,D?0:Webb;of the’New aealemcommunity,underwent an op-: several days dgo for edhcer of the breast te and is now steadily.recovering.Mr. Webb hsas been his’time in,town to be near his wife;Mr?P.P,Purnell spent Sun- day in Statesville to be with Mra. Purneli,Whe is a‘patient.at the Senatortua.|“He.returned to.Char- lotte’yesterday.Mrs.Purnell.is J getting along nicely.-:a Settle Wants__Jokic torial Nomination. Wash snakes Dispatch,19th,to Rab _¢igh News and Observer.: Thomas.Settle for Governor,Bue gene Holton for.chairman of the State committee,and John Motley. Morehéad for member:of the nation- al “‘committee,to.succeed E.C.Dun- “an,‘is the programme of’the More- head-Butler faction’in the Repub- lican State convention -that assem- bles.this summer,according to in- formation that’reached Washingtom today.‘ That Settle is to make thé con- test for.the nomination for Gov- ernor_is no surprise.This has been his.ambition for.a long .time. Morehead is said.to have tired of the State chairmanship,because of the details of the job,and will seek coe the more dignified,poistion of na- tional committeeman..Of course ‘this’programme ‘does not take.into t¢onsideration BE.C.Duncan,.of .the old,Pritchard jmachine,.which.promises to be very }busy about convention time.That |Duncanites will fight the programme .6 to a finish goes without saying.“3 John G.Grant announced today ;; that he-is for the renomination =of :4 President Taft,while Richmond § |Pearson;.Whom:it ig expected’will Oppose Grant.for the Republican jnomination for Cohgress,expressed arshisfriendly.admiration for Theo-+:|dore Roosevelt. Mr..Pearson will. jbe for Teddy:if he will permit ‘the : use of his name,and:the Duke of « ee ventured the opinion to-a day.that:Mr.‘Roosevelt would:re-| ceive seh support of nine out of ten ‘arolina Republicans should j there:be a contest.a 1 St on spending—mest—ot-— Gubenias |Moonshiner in United States” preme Court, Washington Dis vatch.‘ From his modest tittle home in a the Virginia mountains,John Pow-- ;ers appeared yesterday by counsel|before {he Supreme Court of tha -States to-shew,if-he—-can;ae he should not be held guilty P ‘ “moonshining.’’-It is the first |why of ;time.in years that the highest court 29 were post-still, ao Gap, with the pos-|5 1| | attempted |other thaw the one for w |Was”‘arrested.|Powers made the ‘confession’ »Dreliminar héarin ‘that he would‘Company's plant and was in appear ie nt a »pretended ‘im the land his been called up-aontodealwithanallegedillicit -Powers:was tried at Big Stone Va.,in 1909,on charges of leonnection with a still to,make ap-=iple brandy.He was convicted and }Sentenced to jail,He claims.that |his constitutional immninities.agains?: |being compelled to testify against . imsclf were violated in the prosé- eution. Objection:is made that the ‘trialcourt:admitted “testimony.about an”jalleged confession Powers ‘madé of |bis ‘counection with a distillery ..hich:he’.is urged-“that x only slafterAewastold:by official8’of:‘the governinent ‘éxamining him at-a ry It. be put in jail’if,he did not answer.a Senator.Cunnitser ‘of lowa,pro-..ae gressive Républican,has announc-.:ed his candidacy for the Republi-. can presidential noe pcp i a #; 2 questions ibis TUESDAY,~~..—January 23,1912.’ A TEST FOR THE WISE. The folks who thinkthey know "Og good deal)might have a tryrout in the following,which eomes tO.The ‘Landmark via the Richmond Times“ Dispatch: ’Not eo very long ago 4.lecturer at the University Club of Chicago “thamded out 100 typewritten pheets to .as many men in the audience. These sheets contained 20 questions, ‘andthe lecturer declared that if any gentianman present could answer all ‘these questions corretly he might look upon himself as an educated gman,‘Otherwise,’wontinued the lecturer,‘‘He had better go back ‘and take.a post-graduate course for| —~a-afedr.that his ‘eollege degree might receive the recall.‘These were the| ‘questions:~hie the.Vice president of the United:States.: ‘2.Name the Treasirer ‘ot ‘the United States. 3 Name the -.cénductor |of the New York Symphony ‘Orchestra,: 4.Name fhe leader:of ‘Mainmany. .Ba=Name your Gougreen 6.Who.is.Hugo,ee 2,Who.Was,‘Spr Christopher Wrea?ae$.Who is Al Baba?'§What is the Pentateuch?“40.What is seismoxraph?'.41,What is a clevis?” 12;How many justices,are “there+ ‘‘en the bench of the SupremeCont Of the United.States?3 —Ms 13.Name,five of them. 14..Who said:‘The’child "‘fa- ther of the man/’? 15.Who said ‘The’groves were -God's first temples’? ‘#16."Whoi said “Once more unto the breach,dear friends,once moore’?°~welt 17.Who was ‘Mommsen? 18.Who is president of the Lake Shore«railroad?.> 19.What is the fourth city in give in the United States? 20.What isa ‘preposition ?.; All the:men td:whom__these were put were,‘eollege graduates.Forty-one of them.reat the _questions over and-gave them up.‘The other 39 filled out’an- sewers,Not.one man ‘answered all "ghe queries correctly,and very few -‘gave correct’answers to ‘any of Few people could answer all thes _questions off-hand.In fact it would. we hard to find oné who could on the spot give a correct answer to. all of them,It is nonsense.Of —‘eourne to say that—one—whe can't :’answer the questions is ‘nat Sducat- ”64.A well-read,well-posted,city- bred college graduate might be able to answer all the questions pertain- THE LALANDMARK ‘They are talking of.putting in water méters at Greensboro and.the estimate,ig that,the meters would gave a half million gallons of wa- ter a “day that is nowwasted.It is amazing that anybody ‘who has: charge of .@ public water supply; would attempt to sell water except by,méter,and it is more amazing that a city the size of Greensboroshouldhavegoneon.all these years with awastefuland extravagant bya. ‘tem,Charging for water according ‘to the fixtures,one haé,or accord- ing.to.the size of the-family .or the establishment’using the water, is an.antiquated method,that byr no means properly epportions the cost.of.‘the ‘water.One establish. ‘ment may use ‘care-and pay ‘more for:water than it would byi ineter. At the “same time 99 other estab- lishmrénts’will:let water—go ‘to: waste simply:begausé they are not. paying by measure.‘Plumbing:will get ‘out of fix and if there:is."110 meter water.will.be?allowed to rum and waste for.months;lawn sprink- Jers will be allowed to ruin sim- ply’to see the water play.in.the sunjight.If a metér.is on,the’ job water,waste will be.reduced to the minimum.We:repeat:that it is amazing that a city the size: of Greensboro should have so long, tolerated “puch,an unbusinéss--iike, unfair,“and_Siip-shod method.«of "do- ing business—a method thatwould hardly,be excusable.in.a village ‘of ui 000 ree Mrs.Plla Flage.Young,superin- tendent ‘of.Chicago nublic schools, has supplied d long;felt want:—Ad- lressing a .meeting.of Chicago school principals the other day»she said: |“A principal “should”so.condtict iis’er gchool that all pupils are engaged.in ometh ng that.is prof- itable |to im’er,and:when the pupil is required to use.knowledge in school,in.accompl:shing ‘his’ertask.”» When t e school bripeipals gasp- ed in astonishment Mrs...Young modestly explained: “T have simply:: that has long been impending. English language is in need of a personal pronoun of the third)per son,singular.number,that will in- dicate both sexes ‘and thus.elimi- nate.our present awkwardness of Sy i a ‘ The Charlotte Observer truly solved a ‘need |will get a good vote there The}. the cotton Agrteulture. Gov Kitchin Has a Word About»the SenatorialRace Asked about politics ‘wehile he -$.L..Rogers,of Macon’:coun- a former collector.of internal.rev- enue and former corporation:com-missioner,said all,the candidates have friends in Macon,but that the’ Simmons,’He ‘said that Mr.Kitchin’ have stood behind him as Governor, but that when the senatorial ques-’tion comes.up he will.not ‘be seriously considered against the other two’men mentioned.| This statement attracted the at-tention of Gov.Kitchin,who said:“Mr.Rogers at -home>will not say that my:friends.in Macon coun- ty cut no figure or that they’do not constitute ber of.his fellow’citizens.)I have letters from ‘many of,the “pest cite) Zens of that county,Mr. Rogers must not be surprised if:I lead theaeandidate he.favors in his| county. ing this ear,-Mr.Rogets.is prob-| ion then as to my chances for ‘suc- ess in the State were not entirely correct,But he tha that givingout.such an intervage“my frien and thereby*hurtihe.If such ihterviews could chafigethepeopleI),would tet have been nominated for Governor.ple.generally’recognize a ‘huff.I have néver’in my politi¢al,career,nor have my friends,published any not prove ‘to be approximately ‘cor? rect,Four years ago.there “‘were but.three’.counties ,that :material- ly,disappointed me,while I got more than ny eotimate in.sever- al.uy ‘ane well senied at ‘the pres- ent situation.My friends are uni-formly‘coufidént,.,-My information leads me to think |the\people will give mé.majorities jin.five congres-sional districts,‘Pluralities in:two others and:that no “candidate can. safely count on leading?me except in.one district,;the other two.be- ing close’districts..It looks like the number of those who,favor my candidacy is;steadily incr@asing.’’: Eficrt.to Standardis »the ican.‘Cotton ‘Bale, Washington Dispatch, Information which will lead ,to ‘the standardization.of the American cotton bale ‘and to the uniformity of within the bale’is .be- ing scught.by the Department of Ameri- “To bring about,this uniformity (KIT be a Matter of education,erys Dr:B;-T."Galloway,chief,of the Says’.that men have been promi-|, néntly,mentioned for President for less meritorious service.Mrs.Young ing to Viterature’or public men,and still might néver have heard of a elevis,_while any.country-bred boy lmows What a cleyis is.Neither”is| ‘it evidence of lack of information if one doesn’t know the name of) the conductor of the New York Sym- phouy Orchestra or the president of the Lake Shore railroad ‘These are loca)matiers in which one may hav no interest,and there ‘are thousandsefotherthingsthataremoreprof- itable as information.Most people at all posted know the number of Justices of the Supreme’Gourt,but there are.numerous well-informed people,who.would:bé*‘expected to iknow sich things,who couldn't.eal) all.the:iathes off-hand,this being due to loss af meniory,not to ig- Dorance.In fact deficiency,of mem-|Pet us hope ’so., ery,which comes to most -“people |P@ will:be as.the years pass,would cause fail- +ure on many questions,and a bad memory’‘is neither a sign of ignor- pree nor.lack of education,There} ie ignorance enough.in this world and a vast.amount of ignorance ef a cettain kind.among college men,but this is not a fair test ef knowledge.If you think it is eee how ’many.you without consulting a book.. Taking note.of the Greensboro| News’question,“Is our -boasted| ‘equality before the law’/a fact,or. ip it a subterfuge,a:myth or -a Bham?’’the Newton News.makes this comment:Fe We are almost persuaded to} @aswer the question affirmativelly. Time and again the man who has eash and influence is above and.be- yond the law.Poor white people and negroes are handled with giloves| *wee promptly attended to ‘and sent their -way-to-prison_or the roads;time, tue the big man is shown .all sorts of favors and eouelderntione,al- though his crime may be far great- er than that of ‘\Bome.poorer of- fender who isn’t given a moment's| éonsideration, Buch «aNewssays, There is danger condition,and .as 1:@r wayy’: er way” whi who kmows knows but but tha destroyed in anger akin to the fear-Bome passions of that period when »the French peasant gave his an-Bwer after the silence:of the eda.|euries. ae —o ‘The Ripple is trying:1to encour-to work,especially the latter,still age the ‘Yadkjn farmers to grow cot: ton..TObacco-is the money _erop | “et Yadkin ag miny,of the ~-@rs-Who-*ave tired ot i tobacco'| doubtless wetter growing cotton.An awaken- \° o@ing is in.@tore for them...In oth: er eounties,where ‘cotton.is» “gain erop,the farmers want to tir ‘their attention:to“other oroph._ can answer | iD |deseribed in the ‘preceding sentence,the.)Mhere i .“One-of-theao days.the e is no Toss of time or confu pendulum will swing back the oth-| thaBomedayaeystem.that petmits such| Bross injustice will be:uprooted and| oer judge is at hand =and:thet ~|Whedbee is one,But,frankly;Boy- lin,there are “some of..the’”slow farm-|every ten cases of rheumnatism are sim- they’,think ‘they can-do|and require ho internal treatment what. the would eliminate the awkwardness o saying ‘his or her’by saying *““his’er,”.which imcludes beth..The ‘word doesn’t sound good but any- thing that.tends to eliminate words, to shorten forms of expression,isdesirable, A (ispatch ‘rom Havana’says that with assuiance to President Gomez by ‘leaders of the veteran “move- ment that agitation would cease and the veterans would .loyally support the administration in bring- ing ‘all:Cubans together in patri- -otic aecord.and in rémoving the faintest excuse for American inter- vention,there appears to be.no doubt that the crisis in Cuban af- fairs has been successfully passed. Intervention in Cu- serious business and it \is greatly to be hoped that it can | |be averted. Seteenad tenbioneeeearampecmnee. The “Day of the New Judge at Hand? Wadesboro.Méssenger.,: "The day,of the old-fashioned judge,who permitted lawyers to fritter away,the time of the court in long-winded arguments on unim- portant technicalities,has.about passed away,and the publicat large jis very much the gainer thereby. |Those of us.who.attended the |.courts “-years ago readily recall{ithe great-load of ponderous law povie ith which -éeach lawyer for- |tified himself as he entered upon \the trial of a-case.Amd it is.also|easy-to recall the hours they ‘con-| {sumed in reading from these same books,‘trying to convince the judge j that he had made a wrong ruling jin passing’upon some fine-spun |technicality: The day of the new judge is at ‘l\hand.The ‘Judge who ‘transacts |busiiess,orderly and without un- jdue ‘haste,but with dispatch *and jwithout unnecessary .wasté of is-the—sort—of-man—we need on the bench.now.'And this leads a to fay that.Judge’Harry W. Wihedbee,who is presiding at the present term of ©Anson criminal court,is just such a judge as is Ision”in his ~court.iiverything ,Wnoves smothly,but rapidly,~.and ‘we predict that before he has beenonthebench-two years he will jhave made the reputation,of be- jing one of thie “best Judges theyStatehaseverhad:f [Gladito kniow-the ddy of the jcoaches and some who do not care |with us.—Thé Tandmark.]/_<oseriplialdaelihinibonainsti| Do you know that fully nine out:of ply rheumatism of the’muscles due tocoidordamp,or chronic rheumatism, (ever?Apply Chambeftiain’‘s Liniment|freely and see.how\quickly ft Rives re-\lief..‘Wer sale by all dealers. when hLohildren,iving a-cough medicine}for'‘bear in mind&'that Chamber-ain's Cough,Reemedy is miost efféectiial: |chain gang convicts are kept during bureau .of plant industry.A.Mt seems’to be,generally \abreed that the ‘present tare.taken.on Ameri- can cotton is excessive;but the deplorablecénditionatheAmerican cotton bale is largely responsible. The American cotton planter must: be-educated,-up-to*the>-fact—and-—it witl>take ‘considerablei>time;nodoubt,to do this+;that he cannit expeut the best possible prices for his ,product.as long as the buyermusttearhalfadozenholesin the cover.to.determine the quality of the product.within.‘ “We -are seeking -information from varjous..sources As to.how our cotton,bales should,be.bovéred; the character and:weight ‘of |the material to be used in this «cover iah in Asheville some days ago,|* people there generally believe that]. the fight.is between Aycock and : has a.good many admirers who/ respectable num |f owho:think’.T} The people will’do-&great}deal of their own thinking and vot-|, ably no better:prapet now)than’he|} was four years ago and his‘opin-|, ew will discour-|} ‘The peo-| forecast about ny.chances,that“did |” \\ every :Fertilizers.oy rm Norfolk Va-be Baltimore Ma.MoieMaconGa. The explanation is simple;theyraremadewilhtheGreatestcarerandvymgredienthastopassthe-Test ofour.own Jaboratorzes;ff iftheresnohitormiss’about Roysterfie "ald By Reliable DealersEveFS.ROYSTER GU -Dales Offices °*Tarboro N€.-DEO ab Spartanburg OC,Columbus Ga.~ vhereOCO, rae Se a ‘There’s Health|-For You In. ‘|.TESTIMONIALS ° .Brief Extracts From Strong Our Testimonials are:From ‘People of. Intelligence and HighStanding a ¢took six bottles ofjregardherasbeingentarelyre to take Milam. in years. C.HY ‘Williams,Saleeman for Cluett-Peabody & ington,W.Va..says:You can keep your money. think Rev.writes:eulable benefit to.me. ak after 26.years of eczema am cured. “Mr.C.T.Barksdale.P.M.,at Danville for many years,writes:Myneice suffered for many Years-with uric acid rheumatiem, =Se ;ve with the happiest resulta,’*ieve Mr.R.L.Wallace,of Charleston,West Va.ee T havebeenasuffererfromCatarrhforlankyyearscwhes'l1boughtthreebottlesandam’now on myfourth.Mycatarrh is entirely gone and|have not felt so well .Hunt y faceisentirelywell.Am-finishing my sixth.bottle of Milam and D.P.'Tate,a Methodist Minister,of Danville.Ms:I took six bottles of your Milam which proved of incal- decided Mr.Green Williams,Manager |Crystal Ice and Peak Co.we Daaville,Va.,Ex-Chiefof Police.writes:,For the past five years,Solipwtue aan attack of erysipilis my foot ‘and anklein-flamed for several months at the same time every year,’Last year,when the eymptome began to appear,|took some.of your, Milam and-was catirely reliewed.No return of the trouble since. Mr,W.E Griges.Sec’y &Treas.Weatbrooks Elevatcr Co...former-Cashier Bank of Danville,writes:About ten years ago my eyesight began to fail:consulted several epeciale ists with no relief until abouttwo years ago,was advised noth- ing else sould be done..COngented to take Milam ~didsotthinkitcouldsoome.About six weeks noticed improve-ment,which’bps been steady ever vince..«.Now read‘neWepapers at night with ordinary glasses,.No trouble,in attending te my duties as executive of a large corporation. We ive sist analy ed several cars of a l*(0 AL. Can give cioinph de- and,the kind and hwmber of ties, together.with the japproximate,net | weight of the:whole.,We have’| been doing eonsiderable work among) our farmers in trying to teach thems| What to do,but it will'!require much! work.i -“Tf when ‘a bale of Americar cot-{ ton kal a-'foreigni market the |bayer shduld'be ‘sure without ‘tear- ing the cover to look .indide that | the cotton was of a fixed” and ‘Jength,other troubles in this| direction wowld be at about:an end, Colonization in -cotton farming; that is,getting all.the farmers in a certain ‘section «to plaint |the same kind of cotton and then to market it,together is one of the ways.in which we hope “graduallytosecurethedesireduniformity, which will mean to dur Southern| farmers:fully $25,000,000 'more.a year for their ‘product than they now Becure.”’eu The Chain Gee b a Health Re- sort. Telling the Charlotte how comfortable Chronicle the Mecklenburg cold weather,Chairman;Long,of| the Mecklenburg com iiissionerssaid:oe : “It would astonish you to see how the men improve after the out- door life. Sotiiétinies we-have .a frail,delicate-looking:convict’and after a’few mionths’‘work,exercise and good,pure ain he is a changed creature,: “That check flasher H.L.Hun- ter you wrote about the other af- He was very delicate seemed to be in ilk we took him a year ago.Now:he is a strong,healthy,robust man. His work has been increased as he gained strength and he is perfectly well and strong mow. canvicts are healthier and better ¢ared for-than any other people.” -That—sounds good,,;—Iinstead —of.|. taking tunis in gymmnasiume and at health.resorts’.for physical im-pairment,that part of Chbrtytte’s population ‘that has to resort tosomethingtokeepphysically«fit, “oul4#save money and do a public. service by.taking a term on ‘the chain gaings.cereal eenctsoenocacene aR The sub-committee of tiie Unite! looking und health when vestigating the election of ‘Senator Isaac Steph of Wisconsin,has unanimously agreed.upon a'report which holds that the charges of corruption and bribery.made against lan Senator .Stephenison have not”been.proved.The réport exonetates Mr. nifor.colds,Croup:and iwhoo ping eough(fd that it,contains.sno harmful 'dreeeby’all druggists.. _tStep henson from.any;intention quality | ternoon is a good example of,that.|. I believe our |> States Senate,which has ‘been in-|,-. liveryin any quan- tity.Let us have. _your order.-"PHONE NO.28 OR NO.2. J.K.Morrison Gro-cery &Produce Co. Tax_NoNotice. HE CountyJouaty Oorutiesio ‘ers,the county school} ‘fund and:the State Treasurerarecallinguponmetocollect, ‘taxes now long past due and’have served notice upon mé: that I must proceed to collect all outstanding taxes at once, pe 9 Oi Ca-Load.Just Ariel. mmc UP AND TAKE vic :THE “CHATTANOOGA”iss the first and only successful Re- versible DISC PLOW.They are simple in design and perfect in construction and work.Their praise,is spoken in every language:‘‘underthe sun’the world ‘Over,his settles.the question of merit... yaeenooes agp bets Dise Plows,DO THEIR WORK.‘‘A “COMIN”and A GOIN’Between.Terraces The ONLY“pISC PLOW.For Orchard plowing.WITHOUT A.RIVAL.. In sptouts and briars “OUT OF SIGHT.OLD FARMS MADENEWAND:LARGER CRQPS PRODUCED.HAVE YOUSEENOURTWINDISCPLOW?. Come to the BEST HARDWARE HOUSE IN TOWN andbeconvinced.a ‘under authority of law,which saysall sheriffs after Novem.== ber Ist on property and sell same for; taxesdue,Therefore this no- tice is given to all persons:to: come in and_pay their taxes}and save cost. J.M.DEATON,‘ Sherlff of IredellCo. Jan.16. My.Machine Shop any kind of repair work. ENGINE AND BOILER WORKiSPECIALTY" Also.carry a full line otstear rit. ings up to 3inohes.Injectors,Lu- jricators,Oil Caps and Jet Fumpe Pipe and Shafting. 7 Cc.BH.TURNERDepotStreet.|Dealer in iFARMFORSALE.-*- barn and all po tue nek.two mules,with:hay,fodder and other articles—35 acres ineen15acres-in pasture;wood-d with e timber.Farm is,located three-Pane of mile west of Mount Mourne.near rail-,‘yoad station and public highway For particwarsandtermswriteorseeDM.TEMPLETON,dan,12—-6t.°Motant M ,N,6. to -qorrupt wie Legislature, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LANDMARE. _complete and I ampreparedtoao EXT pereeot ed with good ervotis a f White-Reid Hardware Company. of each year shall levy SEOSSCSDOSSOSCCCCCCCCTSCON A Prize For Singers! Iwill ‘sell a $300 Piano for.$150:to.the public school teacher who will train.their school to sing ‘ten school 4 : songs in ‘‘Carolina Harmony.’’Certificate from com- mitted,stating these songs;have been sung by the _school will be required.",*“ »Willalso aires $5.00 \Guitar to the leader of the class that will make the best music in six school songs in said bookeat the next county singing.A book will =. be loaned to‘each school,and the.words may be sung.. from theirstablets,but classes having members over school age will be required to sing both notes and words.' J.S.Le iw onard,Music Dealer, 512 Center Street.. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT,=f Get yourself a Watch.©Little and big to suitMen,Wo-, men,Boys and Girls.Also anything {in Jewelry,*Dec H.B.WQODWARD Jeweler. THE LANDMARK|™rns Sonn ONNTH YADKIN.The Elkin and _Alleghaui's Roig |rencorenspencree eat meter 0 ara’ie -\gwo-Moen Who Devote:the Winter é :eo ee es |There’s ways 2 TUESDAY,--—January 23,1912-|to Trapping.on--Streams—Their|;The Ames ware hwo!tat cas,eg o ‘Ta Fant ‘at 7 a LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE.|ae me eee Senger,ual);“pageage and express,otaOn!la W Aone | a i t OL a :Arrival and...Departure of ‘Traine at Wilkesboro Patriot::ar -arrived at.Blkin a few days r io -Saari :ee ;Statesville.>+_You,have probably ‘been.inter-|aeo tor the Elkin and.Alleghany’:ees are HS ‘TI -rrain No Weerane BOD.10,20 a;|Sts:at gome time.in.your Vife,in|railroad:The Times further says:oe P ;‘es Train No,at.west-bound,due 3.25 p.m,|the stories of the trappers Of the|‘The road now.has’four flat cars,|OK a M “We Train No.8e,west-hound gue 30.33 p.m |far Northern mgions,in the |we box,cdrs and:a new locomotive,s ne day ark Twain was asked,Of -alk* +H rain No east-bound,due men ing adventures’they,had and the |besides the old one used for con-'| a about the flowersalter a fin Fee Ree ea cera ausWesB Dm “|hardyhips they 80 heroically*Over-/s:ruction purposes,‘The flat care |||.-your ‘books which do you consider the best?” eral,especially if they came .'CHARLOTEE:AAND TeYLORSYUL:came.It.is truly a lite’fraught|and combination coach .are all new.leash H tl li d,bi k."Sauget fan an thous.here,‘And the talk is From Charlotte.”with ~dangex,;probability and:It cannot~be saidy definitely when |es ©promp y repile My Bank Boo ; ll favorable,too.There’s a Train No En =5s,ats.ee i chance,and /a trapper is always |trains will be running regularly:| Oe ee From Taylorsville.an:interesting person wherever you''Sdéme three miles of the road.bed’ns How to get one—When you work hard.for reason:=Train No.23 ar.-10.10,.eaves ‘11.00 a.m |find him,$0 it was with N..E:at the-upper end is-to be surfaced.|: i 5 Train No,16 arz 6.20,leaves 6.45 p.m-|Braswell and J.B.Hedgecock,“Who and the weather:continues so cold Oe ORGY don’t fool it away,Spend legs eg pois 2 ;spend their vacation at-High Point,/that this work cannot be accom-|\ Our Artisti Arra de An AgedAMinister's Work.but who devote their wintems to|plished.In fact work has been |than you earn and deposit,the balance with ir C ng °Wilicesboro Fatriot,..trapping for fur.on the different ‘suspended during the cold,”frozen|}os 1 mentofFloralDesigns ||Below we give some very re-jstneims in the State:They were)weather,A tariff schedtle has|, tmarkable facta from the life of uihere last week on their.way from been made out and adopted by the.|;vill ,);j te ‘fi very extraordinary ‘man,Rey,Sam-!Patterson down the river,-traveling'State conporation»-eousmiseion.~ W¥e|-Merehants &Farmers Bank of States e. :EN ohana --Thuel Smith Goforth,of Humting}in a boat 21.feet long,18 {6:22 -understand the passenger rate.will i :;|Greek>mection,.He:hag not ¢on-|iniches wide.T hey”left Pattergon be three cents’the mile;this.Tate’Teenie :7 emg on -as - Se,ab once to the senseeof ‘tented —himeelf with -doing.one\pix weeks before Christmas,’and.is»admissible under:the “law for |i SS ee ;~||thing well but:he has done many|have spent all this time,on ~he |riv-short -lines:‘Already,cousiderabie| —Ahe beautiful and the appro-things well.He was’born “April -erlooking:after their traps,”They |freight is being handled and quite| priate.We make.these.fun-:25,1831,and‘up to December:31,wpent about thtee weeks near Ger-1y numbér of:passengers are being|eo SES Se Years ‘it = eral piecesihanspecial design 1911,the following account is aty-|maui y Hill and arrived here>about.hauled,-but for’this service the}906m ‘H i ,0 1912 ‘x a {two weeks igo.They left.here:the.road issderiving po.revenue.It is |i:onorab e.Record $ee[fen of himselt:\...desired aiid:they canbeordgr-He has.m 170 ‘coffins,‘mar:|last .of the’week -and will continue.expected that a_depot:will be “érect:| ~2 ed anytime”with:“assurance fried 36S coup aptized 610"peo=down theriver untib Apri:Toa hed-at-an—early-day—at—the—end—of |i" i ;é that they will be:promptly ex-|)ple,attended 546...Durials,preach-+g their’first experience:Ot the the.line,ag .anuch.freight.will.Bey a 7:eéuted and delivered.4 ed 488 funerals,helped ordain 32)Yadkin.'---unloaded there’for points across|*Your Comfort ‘Today May Be Year Dis. Spey whe ‘I\deacons:ministers to.come under |“@Mhey.ate.trapRers right and look,lie Ridgeé.,Forsthe present:the>El Hees ee ae CON EN his labor,5;,.has served as-pastor;|the part:_Dhey eatch,muskrats,kin and Alleghany will probably use|"tress:‘Tomorrow.Ever Think of That:Mr.:Property (Owner? »‘#46.years,helped to build.three ‘minks and *“’possums and.fish,-the the Southern’s depot’hene at Elkin, churches and is now 80 years’old:|tatter for food.They report good lt ‘is expectéd that a depot will (eee :apie on-the Yadkin and’get good ‘also.be built at State Road. Send the Prize to ‘Fhe:Landmark,|prices for the fur._patenrinaneeeninniatenninineeein I Van Lindley Kusser Company,Charlotte Observer."|.One.of the trappers has @ are “wo Deaths,” ‘eg and in.trying to oFoms. eet If there is any.North Carolina |Sorina Shoalas (about:149.sic Mooresville Enterprise,“18th..,a .itis s .|newspaper which failed to.comiment)oe jush |.Miss .Lugy”Freeze,the daughter| Gréensbéro N re ‘i }above here,...he got out..to.”pus!of M cen ELS sh Pe RWS RAE Lupon the conewrrence of Dr.Cook’the boat over and a swift pool-of ?ia fone Freeze,of Mount Ul-,| -POLK GRAY DRUG CO fwith the weatier,its heroic for)Suter cauwht him,spyn him around ts MOG:Sh Ree:ROME Ehere yester=| me ;*@ bearance should receive’some Te)nd ducked hiin’under.He contin-morning,after ‘fai ‘ilimess:of:| y ve D :ador he Local Agents.ward.,ued shig journey,however,as af.)he een two weeks’with ‘typhoid ft e. |nad bean there before.She was aged about 30:years, Mrs.Peter-Ferrall,‘of -Fayette-|. 1 seereeenetteneeeatees omrecaecasteesremmcmeersiere-th coat "ey 1é.funenal services will take place} ,::About two miles above,here th a 7 ey !|i ’;: pyae;need.kerosene.oil to “start|found a,steer mired in the san@ at ae att ee _Ghuren’today |:ays j :Ae if ee ce a ‘The oes laa —ie "the edge of the.water:It had Peer ||cm ay a agree is ee We Issue:every kind—k ire,Life,Accident ne ‘Ghat ,,the top of the’house ~arINe a Now 3 i 3,The 2ed Dy “her -mother’and severa roth-|.ue ; Fenn the celine ana Maw.Rar {enere for revere sayy,Wey ee ied and Health,Steam Boilérs,Liability,.Auto- bint out;put him in the:boat and ee sisters. g ,a firall’may die from burns.wok i Ac ,y .A.Melntyre,aged:70 years |Yiole FARMS FOR SALE.|hs:i —,:sens porgeebldas ead BEwikco ndnyBe we and 26:days,diéd:at his home .two}oe mobile,Plate Glass,Wind Storms,“Cyclone, pusesiataa |The.Blection of Delegates to the YS West of town at 2.15 o'clock|Live Stack.-Bonds—Administrators,Guar- National,_Qonvention,DY Rarekahticiiecee let ng suffering:paraily-|:Sis 7h “Ip-the ¢all for the national Dem dians,Trustees’and any ‘Judicial Bond. locratic convention,the basis of rep> It’will be recalled that abouteyearsago,Mr.ec retyire was|Bet nas ae !t‘Ktricken,|which was.follow-Ji ‘Today is here...Tomorrow is’coming all in Concord township,only 3h miles i “Tn the choice of delegates ”ahd Z icide:i mative %' Le from city.’Gan.be sold in.small ‘alternates the Democratic.State or Honticide in.Alleghany County. i a inisent ts a Co ln ;‘5 ae a ais ee News comes ’from¢parta,in diss | Q 3—ire acres ®:lave iver shoe boils off a Territorial committees -may,if mot <arte a 206 e tracts—from 10 acres up dot t lave Killed’a’quarter:otherwise directed ‘by the law.Of |Patch to the Greensate News,that};atches } d wT i resentation_and |the methods,of i |‘;:;.i ead ed only.a.féw.weeks gon with a}‘4 “pad ;‘3 ‘as ts:r c :f ee }wen Sixty-five acres,6 miles north of.}}+,ameness es delegates is outlined a8 10)ore severe:stroke,ending .‘as/too fast...Consider the present.“Loo late to |a city.Nice road front.|“Delegates anak alternates froiu above Chroniced.in his early man lock the stable after the horse iis gone...nk “I Jin.:Sala “.bodd “he was among those who vol-|:ae:Sloan’s Liniment is q relia-J |each State of the ‘Union shall be ou taered in’the Southern Confed:|1D ;; Two hundredand sixty-twoacres ble ‘temedy for -any kind ‘of #§|chosen to the number of two dele jon onlisting in .Ste Et Conia |'Phone 5A.Call or,write ua for rices and in Chambersburg,t .hip,14.11 Whorse lames Will kill..the stra for Loveny’enaior ME ENO ee ee ee ees Shae urns h *Elen hips ‘ea ee eos oe ee eee We it tcmies:tox every Repreeemattver le home at.Big:Lick,being|information about our policies. ymiles south of Elmwood.|growth of spavin,curb or splint,:rr ee a fen veasediveln i uber of Company C Forty-sev-|‘ 'hoe ‘5 |absorb’e1ilargements,and is @ {ROD Wr Ptr ac a ah atic,Ni Troops:He ~served J at -.ithe.Congress of the United States,RSME Ce:oe One:hundred and.thirty acres,])excellent for sweeny,fistula Silat th covareamonns peaaereon ee the war and returnedto | 63 miles’from,Statesville,in Cool ||and thru:“I lment of.districts based upon theo,heta but later:gn in life mov;|Statesville Realt &‘Investment Co. Spring township.Two dwellings |:Here's Proof,“Bh coneus cf 1910.The District:of |**o oon I county and Rae since | {ae *et *45 ‘nade his secti is >>} with usu al out-buildings.|“TT used Sloan's Liniment on a mule for iColumbia,Alaska,ne Pay ppines,survived:by pein ae ane or i Ss ¥.CARLTON,Manager. .::}Ss o fi [Hawait-and—Rorto Rico are @4ch cnijdre were :; cormorant iT Pallotted six:delegates —_—: ev e mo m r n n i a b i d e r d 1 I og rek *.eo a “haw Pia i such States or Territories,moyide ©oon C hure 1 was killed by,ROE Kal:| Ninety-eight acres in Turners-|}ee oneaisnecks‘on three h o j yy ¥rease»heel oa @ for the dizrect election of stich del-len in Glade Creek township,Alle-| burg township.egates.or alternates,if in)phe |@hany.|cousty,Sunday night,the mes opinion of the respective copimit-/14ph...Church was shot from:amr tees,it is deemed desirable and pos buBh,and so far as known did:not Stitt -tocgaoso with proper ind -eyg-bee Lis.assallant..om know.of his.)ER TBE Petterte ficient safeguards.Where =such|Presence,{ J °&W:i {provision is.ot:made-and -w henre |The report current among the peo-|‘o>:PN f ba nki the State laws’do.not “provide spe-|Ple is that Killen’was lying:in.am e nis agner,INIMENT cifically the manner of such choice,bush.for a man by the Rae We have more.W etches shad we want to carry :i _oe ernates jrow!agains fhom he was a REAL ESTATE DEALERS,-|ff is good.for all farm*stock.J Solace Abarenpstcany bien a a ee Tc in’have o cbeabus aoe Med and to reduce the stock will give special prices.If . 7 i ;:othesaid national convention she a“ave a ‘gruage,.¢i '‘‘ Statesville,N.C.-ibe chosen in the manner that gov-jis alleged to have shot Church |you want a GOOD WATCH we think we can make |Office:First National Bank JBldg.|}erned the choice of,delegates.:té/thropgh mistake,thinking it,was ‘PHONE:282.|three idm =;the last Democratic national con-|Brown.-It is known that Killen is ’ :j eg vik -died -bel 1 .i vention.”ja bad character;having recently % ;i wave n t . ae ae ee a ~::been released from the United State}kinds.:;sy ':“+,To’Provide For Agricultural Exten-|prison -af=Atlanta,where (he was|.Pie '-u Bold by all e :.i fi Dealers sion Work.sent for blockading.:Pl snr ewe ars.~y m ..‘< 3 |.Provision for general agricultural The cause of.the grudge aguinst |; extension ‘work,by.which ‘it is Brown.is saidvto:haye,been ‘his.ac-}R.H RICKERT &SON4©2 nsion-’oes aatahadats :+4 :So4t Ho he KRedera au-|sousht:to revolutionize farming |tivity ty assisting the Federal au-|::9: nade |thorities in the oe which “itiary for a two years’term.|=;Sra ua oe FOR SALE!t Three hundredeed aul Bhithirty acres of land 33 miles from Statesville..Di-vided by railroad and State Cen- tral.Highway.Two-story dwell-ing and good out-buildings.Lies lenders,7 throughout the country,‘is lin -a-bill introduced in the House |*° of.Congress by Represet ive Le-{P* tver,of .South Carolina,in the:Senaté by Senator §$1,of |Alexander Boy Has Enough of the| |Georgia.aa t i u West.| The.bill contemplates the earry-|Hickory Correspondénce*Charlotte ;l&-to your interest té,at least,see our stock,‘We will be glad to show you’our line.We have ‘all hite Pine Cough rm. ::si ling )f his’.extension work}Observer.°2 ;i almost level,with red élay subsoil.Bloat’s Book on Horses,Bee OR Uk eee OL se Seventyacres in cultivation.This |Cattle,Hogs and Poultry Pa tea aR ee ali eee brsSeay so sent free,Address istruction and:demonstration,“n0t/home in Al sr Gounty,after:aisoneofthemostdesirablefarms:,6 omelenns es 8 Oe in Iredell county.Price very rea:[|Dr.Earl S.Sloan pedo ingfad a be eth epomnan LR tale,Ae-,:,|economicsa and ‘rural affairs gener-|West ee hov ed it:: sénable.RememberIhave30.oth=Boston,Mass.:|aly through field demonstrations,lease seis is ro prom ae ‘WITHOUT -MORPHINE, er fing farms in Iredell county for :Z publications and otherwise.By this}there,and while wages ‘are-goods |WILL HELP YOUR COUGH.8 (- sale.;See me.:imeans it is sought by first hand /it giso costs like smoke to live.He|: :250acres,more or Jess,10 miles presentation ‘to popu arize scientific}weng to St.Louis,Mo.,Evansville,|25C.LARGE BOTTLE ae rom:Statesville;on.public.road eens:|Ind:“and Chicago,and.many points|AT ; and twomiles from macadam road.|}::Prete nt uae jin Indiana aiid Kentucky.Carr is a |eer tk :‘ 1,000,900 feet good timber—100,000 |:|Gash Exploded and Gunner Hart.shifty boy and turned many an hon-|L ve P G D C a5 feet oak,300,000 forest pine,‘600,-::|)Newton News;19th.*|eet eee!inaking his bag!ve ‘he olk :ray rug Oo 2S,i 000 feet finé second‘growth pine.|)a4 c :|Monday,.while hunting alone Ad-|ome by firing an engine.“But he |i.i a Lots of this will cut No.1.pi income )-3 Ney Shook,a -erown son of c ‘A.are eh ‘ahi la country.;i!:ot ‘: :Two of the most attractive prop-|Shook,of-the Claremont cine oe on Be ’;ipti ‘hy or d \itio I yon the market.Se }IS THE NUMBER narrowly escéaped death aei his|rete -ON THE y Prescription J PHONES’ \a fon 9 1é marke ee ‘ll single-barrel ~breech-loading.shot-|Litawba ©reamery -Products.SQUARE ‘ecee gs 109 a6 e ;|“Da ,e =¢)—— °4 To call when you want ,{|sun exploded.‘The cartridge,from'|Hickbjy Democrat..,Specialists.-:oe Nov.al.RV.Brawley,:‘some .umknown cause,emptied it-|..Catawba’s mild-eyed Jerseys and}q <8 self at the hunter,;»wrecking the/}thoroughbred chickens are coutrib--} FOR SAT.1 Gold Medal Coffee,gun the while.'A-piece of metal,|uting to the comidrt of the mil- £4.66019 CY:\presumably the brass butt of the/lionaire folks who ‘are wiltering at ::ss ean oa :re ‘ FOR SALE!Red and White ;Oil,‘shell,struck him.on the fore-|Florida’s hotels,Mr.W.J.Shudord §:: Simon Pyre bard,head with force sufficient to stun)recently ‘made a trade with these a i *W .him for more than an*hour'-When-|resorts ‘to’take a big part.of the ee na Ene :i i . (m Tobsicop Warehouse,|Jot Nice Fresh Oysters,.lhe came to he was walking2 hun-|butter,creani and eggs which the ‘of i !:ie f ive araniae :i |Anything in Groceries.|i dred yards.from where he Hed fal-||Catawba county creamery is turn-‘|‘‘s ek 60x107 aorier Gourt and |:‘len.A neighbor carried him home|ing out The @réamery is one of '.a i ie ee:‘nd —toctors “dressed —his wound,the biggest—things which ever hap-:::Vi ’I Meeting streets.|on s f 2614 acres af Bufola,$30 per “*|saying they thought he was not se+|/pened to.our:county.;LE.farmers :a Bs i ‘:: aere.ann Eagle &Milholland..j riously.injured,ae jWant a heat little ohéck every .so ————."|month,-tet them keép more cdéws : i ba one mile east of oe =.~$200 Rooster Swallowed $300 Dia-|andsraise more chickens,aid pa-|,' ‘76 acres one mile and a half BH LARNER TE TI ,mond —Reoster Had to Go.|tronize the creamery.Ask those West.:Neri 4 ens ipa tan Washington -Dispatch,17th,to)who are in it. 35 acres,one mile and a quarter Fiala :Tt;Baltimore Stn.ee Se ‘n! weet.a ay|Son 0 bie IC 6S [a A.fine young game rooster,chiam-PROMS Rete Out to mean mah,to’the.man with a bank ac-a 70 acres,one mile:and a’half B va pion of ‘many contests,lost.is ‘life Gas and Sourness Vanish.: west.eae ne (14 PIECES)ina peculiar way here’last night.Wihint's'‘the iiss of alweye feeling count.If you have not yet opened an account with gjtk hte,five miles north,$30 T ella Jan ai 234 one anne oF oe once miserable just because your stom the COMMERCIAT,we itivite:you to do so now. Cer “ety,ul ¥,.wearing:4.Solitaire™.cinm ‘ach isn’t behaving itself?"*d ie a eee : pop acre,oaree miléa east,£25 |%u y;ees Ty ?ange as D fot,Saat vain Don’t you know that scores of Ca ital ee a }i $100,000.00 we.-¢:‘‘.é ara 7 €t ,ut ed 1 *-! A number ‘of.other desirable <“AT :Swailowed Jit before:his purpose was ae its Magy Garter working a“;‘ve 'i ie ben vembiee a eae sit She r Ir H ll detected.>"The ‘Trogster was raludd énes/by the simple method of swal-Surplus”a 28,000.00 me before making an investment.|at $200 and the ring $300.To save |};>MI-O-NA : |:ISIDORE WALLACE,a e ;a e $300-the man sacrificed $200.The |prawn O88 Oetoi neos A aResources OVER ae:500,000.00 {wotahe bird was “the sacrifice.»is :‘:oor M oe Kisst Nalional Bank Building.The price for general admission “The.toosterwas.not smu-dered 2 MINA iseeee ae he wisi veal i on time and Savings Deposits.ene a ite ;Seen:_i4@ is 50 cents.°Seats:may be re-but “operated:on.phe operatias)best prescription for ,indigestion \a .ot hl ay Fru served wot extra charge by waa’eviccessful,:but the rooster NEV"!ang.upset stdimach ever writen,e :r Se A:TE calling at Hall’s Drug Store...er rallied:i The Stateaville Drug Co.guaran-|T.W.FRAZIER,:2 "Mbeleings “tnt oi argaidare,are afrage|1068 He Commercial -National ©Bank, Wet ea ki 7 :—|most _effectua namberlain it relieves distress inj five “mi n= os NNER,aoe ':eae |pe Ae RG RE Bg opens:utes,but better “sill,me pemioves :‘,Statesville,N.G,\.eH : _NORTH C NTER STREET...ee by +Hthe secretions ard aids nature in re-|the cause of misery in a few days.M.K.STEELE,Phesidest.,ee MORRISON,Vice’President.yi > PHONES BEDE cm VO AS ECAC Ieee irs gree,NY condls|Large box 60 cents at the States/H D.M.AUSLEY,Cashier,”<4,G.E.HUGHEY,Aasietant Cashier, i)RESIDIDENCE 2380 -:.i.eo oad ousands have -testifie o.,.1ts ‘ville «Drug .Co.’s and:dru Bis eV ae ree i ’,. ::whee iperior exesilence.Sold,by all deal-&5 Be!: erywhere,;eo “is not.determined:and will probably _the BO grea‘that it attracted attention ‘Patriot. “eould : ,Ment officers.had seized him and PUBLISHED ‘1TUESDAY"AND)FRIDAY. -3 CLARK,IEDITORAAND OWNER. @FFICE:120WEST “BROAD “STREET.ere ee SUBSCRIPTION.-PRIGCE:oa MON’si wf.1,001MONTHS:Sisiteevans pape ABO. “qORaDAY,=we January 23,1912. 56 dall of.us aael ged our fame de:serts;Judge Clark,wouldn’t it bé necessary to increase ‘the capacity Of most of the prisons?——Greensboro Tt would.” “The Chinese “peputiic,the.out:|; frowth of the.revolution in China, has appealed do the,United States: \for ‘recognition.“This is an im- portant:matter,“for ‘the decision of our government.will’have an-im- portant baring ‘on the attitude .of “other governments in:this matter “and |consequently on the future of China.“What the decision:will be depend on the course of events,: Joseph Sullivan,a San.Francis- co burglar,was hoist by his’own petard,”’so to speak,a few days azo He purloined ;a Suit:case ,without’knowledge of the’“contents ‘OP the same,and it was ‘the irony of fate that the contents:thereof were a lot of burglar alarms.Care- fess -handling of the suit case.set alarms’going;"the noise was all ‘about,and.beforé the burglar recover ‘from:his astonish- esécorted,Him ‘to jail.; eeee_“Detinite steps are afoot,’’says@Raleighdispatchtothe.Charlotte Observer,“for setting.up in stat- vl Durham wacehousemen:.“and Jopinion is not in conflict with’the rhe Durham.commercial club°are:ures’ ing’farmers of that section to aban.|don cotton and grow*tobacco,"The warehousemen of course have.“an |‘dntrus’”’~in.the does:seem.that the farmer should know best what to dos In °bankruptcy,’proceedings.in Asheville Judge ,Boyd,of the’Fed; eral District Court,rendéred a .‘de- cision.that’overrules the .Supreme Court of North Carolina,It:is the ‘partnership property until the debts of the partnership have been...paid: He held that the partnership .is an entity,and would not come un- der the exemption provision of the State constitution.This”decision, whilé ‘air vectly.‘contrary-to:the opiii- ion of.Our State Supreme ‘Court, lias nothing to do ‘with our.State court,as’the:bahkruptey law is:a Federal stitute cand Judge Boyd's State «courts directly,Who is right and who is wrong as to ‘the con- stitution and the law.is a métter of opinion,but it strikes The’-Land- mark that Judge Boyd's opinion cone forms.to justice and ¢ommron sense.;ee E.R.Sepaugh,who is said to have, been a:member of the Ku Klux in’ the davs:following.the.civil war, died at’Grover,;.S.°.C.few days ago.”It’is ‘related ‘of Mr..Sepaugh tnat while a membér of the Ku Kim helped lynch.-a negro and in capturing the negro ‘was shot in the thigh.Being “thus disabled he fclji into the hands of the offi- cers of :the law and..was lodged | in Yorkyille,’S.°C.,"'jail.“Sifticient | mary ‘hall ait Washington a suita-bie statue‘of Zebulon Bayard Vance,|beloved citizen and statesman North Carolina ,who served |his|‘State and the nation well as.Gov--@rnor of North Caro!ina and.Sena-tor in the national Opngress of| for go’Many yedrs.’Zebulon Bayard’|Varice indeed!The ignorance of! ‘Ion Baird Vance and |prominent,those.who knewéthait“Baird jOnditions that ‘called the Ku Klux | .that the ontente’cordiale’does not vex asked Wilson if he thoweht his |* ~{ ‘Wender the ©Great Commoner’s name |enough to make-him.rigé up in bis few men who tolecd the Ku Klux | ’idid that-and notwithstanding some |Stave.People who are are aware that Spform ed! the name is”Zebu | Was a prominent name in Vance'snativecountyof.Buscombe.au The Southern Power Company,|‘Promoted by the Dukes,recently.|extended ‘itslinesta.-Durham,-home town ‘of the Dukes,ThehamTractionCompany:owned by_Mr.Wright,a millionaire,furnish- €6 light ang power for thecity.Now it.is said:the“ern Powér Company -is anxious tothis.same service ‘to Dur-ham,for a.,consideration,and.they|have “pat out the word’fromDurhamthatthereistobeh“bat-tle royal’:between the two’inter-|ests owned and controlled by mil-Nonaires,and.that zest will .beaddedto.the battle by the fact Dur- South-| exist be tween the millionaires afore.|Baid.It’isa fight in which TheLandmark“has no ruthers:”TheDurhamfolkswilldoubtlessbefedbythe-prospect lights and powe @njoy for a season if ther¢is -a/Pate war.}But-like the Irishmanwhoundertooktorub:the bull’nose ifi the dirt,ft is well iftheyhavetheirlaughfirst.Theywillpay:for it in the engl. ——t r,which they °may A few days ago “postmaster in}Anson county was neues by *-an,Officer |that he.Was wanted to an-|®wer a charge of carrying conceal- ed weapons,whereupon the postmas ter informed the ‘officer that:he}was not“‘amenable to State “statutes, :his official position exempting him,| and he officer with all the powers of theFederalgovernmentifheBO,86:touched.a hair”of his-postmrster's)heal “Phe officer ‘got‘told feet”and ‘called “on Solicitet«Robinson at .w adesboro;the solicit-|Or Was s0--astenished by the claim that he asked Bickett.The BnBwer\»was Point.It was:"Take him,”this Was’the end ‘of the(which is learned from the RaleizhNewsandObserver)at last account,it is supposed the:postmeas taken and dealt with much Attorney General| Attorney brief and.ta the L WAS| common citizen,~In-the days”whentheFarmers’.Alliance was ‘a poweerinNorthCarolinasomenem-bers of the orgénization .thought»they had special priyileges,InAsphecounty:a member who tad im-bibed Father freely’into a-meighbor's-hoiise smashed |things.When the cape.wasdmcourt:the owner of was jasked if he didn't try to went and .heard Brotest.He eaid”he them?”he.was asked, him.’Lowance man and him do,bin d—n pleaged,”’was the answer,«Bvidentiy,the Anson ae some:such ideas as that, Aid. the whieh —~is-further—treated--in- |Landmark today, attention |did |itudel”’ |his doubtless threatened the| eae General’s4 Congress While (Parts of story | a8 any./other\, thepe house | stop||the proceeding “or ht least el from _Knlght's Key. “What : “Him paid}pile Yield to Doan's Ointment. post th aster every evidence to convict him could.not be secured and he was offered all; case and it, Jjinvestigated the charges and coun- to.the effect:that:partners should | {not be allowed a ‘per ‘eotial proper| _|ty exemption of $500 out of Conn Bi ealth ‘For Dr,Wie0%ley.t .De,‘Harvey W.Wiley,‘chief of| the chemistry bureau of the:Depart- ment of Agriculture,the storm cen- es. For the’ee time in the his- tory of ‘thé country the way iS opened for State banks and tristterofthefoodlawadministrationcompanies’‘to become’known vag controversy ‘last summer,is°.given “United States depesitaries.)’—Ac-reacleanbillofhealthinthea that cordiig.to the’view.of>the Treas-port of the:House committee |wry Department any,findneial insti-| tution :inAmerica—national orState bank or trust —company eee posta)‘savings deposits or other gov: ernment fundSe—-may assume that title without legal impediment,even though the design is conférred by the Secretary of the Treasury.Fronanunofficialsourceitwaslearned that the Treasury,Department hag ter-charges.The committee réport, presented to the House yesterday, sustains .Dr,«Wiley“ill along the line,except on technical and unim- portant details. The evidence taken.in the case was voluminous,aiid it is:not re ,peated in the report,except by brie?. ‘references,the document being con=decided that there is’no law ~re fined to the actual conclusions of,Stricting the use of the term “Unit-the committee,The.Republican hea states depositary”to those.na-members.of °the committee joined with:the Democrats.in making.the report unanimous,.The.weport.of the sub-committee was amended “in a numberof particulars,including, its references.to the Remsen.‘board, which investigated’and passed ex.pert jJudement.upon.‘the greater, food problems, Tue report pays much attention +}e.title::to.the Ramsen board,to eal “Phe privilege,of becoming’known:ity ofSolicitor McCabe,who'-was the as a depositary.of the nation’s,pringipal opponent yof Dr.“Wiley o |funds is much ‘sought by évery,bankthedepartment,and in general jin the country because it is presum~|}:recommends that Dr..Wiley-be al ed to convey an advantageous im-en a free hand ‘in the piper oa |Pression of.character ard:stabilies®T)of the pure food.and drug law,thus’Of ‘the 7,300 national banks,only|.limiting very,largely the power for about’1,400 ard officially,designat:|’ merly exercjsed by Solicitor.Me-jeq as “hited States.depositaries.”’Cabe..This limitation already haS|'THere are 14,000 State banks and|bren.put into effect under the ac-)tryst.companies,none’of which at tion taken by,President:-Taft ‘shorts.||the present time are known.as de-ly after the adjournment of the ex-|;Dositaries of the Federat govern-tra session brought the active con-||ment. Sressional ‘investigation.to a cloge.| ces |United.States Second in Naval Pow- tional banks hamed by-the Secreta | ry as depositaries of publig money,This leayesnational om State:bainke or trust companies,in’which the trustees:of the postal ‘savings.BYS> tem deposit the ‘Postal savings funds,or*national;Danks<holding certain Indian funds:for”the 'Séce~ ee of the Aotorkor,free toeadopt'|. “The Salisbury Post says.that |er, M.9.Varner,of.-that city,»sold The naval year book,issued ie 8 OM MEGS PADD CO:Brushy |der the auspices 6f the Senate come |mountain wagoner and twa qeeks|later that rabbit showed up at —his/|Mittee:on foreign relations,“gives| ‘Old haunts in Salisbury,travel-|the United.States .second place stained and a’trifle off in flesh ,lfameng the naval powers,this govern-/: but.in good health.Whether “Ke }ment hayine’37 battleships,one deserted his new owner after -hée|More ‘than.Germany:In armored reached the Brushy :mountains,or |cruisers’Germany has 14 and ‘the while’en route,is fot known:but|United Statés 12.The combined battleships and cruisers tnited States has 78 tonnage ‘0°he had evidently covered a ‘consid- |Shows theerable‘distance: isorts of inducements to betray.his —1638 ton’ond)Germany 768,241.-:! Doak!8 Reguiets cure gohatipation with)==—-ate cemernn, out griping,nausea,nor any.weakening ;::5effect.-Ask your druggist for them.25|]w :|toenta ‘ier box,:X/:Oo Is Ita? For any pain,from top to.toe,aa |e ||any cause,apply Dr.Thomas’Eclectic :‘Oil.Pain Gan’t stay where it is used.|-| bn euNeat }| \comrades This -he steadfastly re- \fused to dojsaying he would rot in| jjail rather than turn traitor.He was;kept.in jail four years and was finally réleascd.It is to the |everlasting credit’.*Mr.Sepaugh: that’he dic not tvin ‘traitor.A|[Ford Motor Cars | of these men afterward became y respect for| organization have no the‘ jinto existence |men who joined land betrayed it. >The ‘Wilson-Harvey incident, the| The! Bet Ca a orth Maney Lastest free | { has attracted mux and excited ment.But instead of putting Wil-| Bull’,son out of the running,as his op-| |ponents hoped and expected,and | as Some-of his friends feared,it | |docs to have hurt him —If indeed it has rot helped him. Boiled down the facts are these. |Cob Watterson told WiJson months | ago that the zeal of Hatvey be moderated.‘Watterson, not seen cuss Wilson’s candidacy.Har-| advocacy of his.candidacy.was hurt- ing him.-Wilson said yes. Watterson was ed. well The dictates of friendship xe} as honesty demanded a can-| auswer from.Wilscn.-“Ingrat- Shout his enemies.Wi'son has gone on and sid nothing and real friends are standing by. him,The reports of the dropping away .may«be diszounted._Only* those who were against him —all the while are weeping about.the jcalamity;and some df Wilson's friends are .beginning to have a. suspicion that there was a frame-;Up.in thé affair to:damage Wilson.ee of |Celebrating Opening At Key.West,Fla. wias celebpated the-opening of}over-sea extension.of the |Bast .Coast railway.A-number United —States warships,a |tugnese cruiser,a.German cruiserleneothérvesselsgatheredintheharborfor-the celebration,Assist-lant Secretary of War Oliver rep-resented Président Taft at the cel-jepration and many members,of captains of industry ‘and citizens from |various the coumtry were present.|The over-sea road is one of the|costliest railways’.ever cdnstruct-jed and one of the most unique and}picturesque.It steps from key:to the /of Por- |prominent key,at somé points -being ‘out of sight of dand,except the narrowrip.of “roadbed..Betweeh the|Keys there are the ldng stretches{of concrete.viaducts,steel ,and|drawbridges.:Work on the oversex-extension |.of the FPlorida®fast Coast railway|was begun.from ,-Homestieead in’1964, much -com-| shouldj Wilson| and Hervey met as friends to Ais | Shocked.”Why he | tle iwias shocked when Wi'son said what) of cheaper |he had suggeested is.not explain-| Over-Sea Railroad.| yesterday | »Mloriday ;od|.FORD TOURING CAR $960 F.O.B.DETROIT. Handsome,Foredoors,Roomy,Strong,Simple to Operate.Completelyequipped |{ GL.McKNIGHT,Agent Iredell County. _FRED Hi.DEATON,Sub Agent,Statesville,N.C. |. | Cob, ledell County Poultr TO BE HELD IN STATESVILLEFEBRUARY27th,28th and 29th The people of Iredell ‘county are éxtended a) most:cordial invitationbytheIredellCounty- 'Pountry Association,toco-operate with them.in™ the big Poultry Show,to -¥ be held in Statesville, February-26,27,and 28. OW. {| Many people in [redell,bothin towns and country,are giving muchattention to standard bred poultryandtheobject-of this association is to create renewed|interest and to point out the advantages and economyeeraisingstandardbredfowls. 'Any standard bred:chickens,turkeys,ducks,geese,guineas and household pets,such as cats,guinea pigs;etc.,are eligible for entrance. The premium list,“which will be ready the earlypartofFebruary,will be a most liberal one,and pré-miums will consist of both money and.special prizes. Mr.R.L:.Simmons will be the.judge aud rules’of American.Poultry Association will govern decisions. |Four-years were required fo con-[struct this extension to Knight'ssey.Pour years amore of strenu-lowe.labor made :more‘difficult “and|delayed by storm wreckage.were Feguired to complete -the road ~toKeyWest,a distance »of only 40 Itching,bleeding,.prothu or blind Chronie}cases soon relieved,_inal -men y cured,Drug: Drathenne ag |.6istea ali.we! Dyspepsia is Ame pA|dock Blooa |RCH eke eeeBittersegnquerstdspepsiatime*<tt™drives:out.44 apurition,Ones the stomach restores pé “ye di-€extien,perinal wee)t and gO t iedipren a healte,| Exhibition coops will be furnished by the Associa- ‘tion without charge.tuntrence fee 25c.for each:bird. ‘Write the.secretary forany particulars =entrancenares‘Addreig f esB.L.SRONCE,~Secretary,| Iredell eg Poulbey Association, -Statesville,N.C... t vl Al Banke Foon Be United States |_depositari »NaeRamsoy-ves Morrison een |a ar *«‘ Is still,attracting.the crowds and when you see the prices oo weare making you:will know |t yy hie’ FOUR MORE Days. “Wednesday,ooThursday, Friday,| arty 6 fe ico Reason!! Remember.there.is a saving on every article purchased .except onEdwinClappShoes,-Coats’Spool CottonandMayKlantonPat- terns.ee READ-OUR AD.NEXT.WEEK, -RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON 00. The White Company. i On account of the extreme weath- er of thepast two weeks we will continue our Tremendous Reduction Sale on all winterneeds until the Ist of February,now giving you about --— eight days more to supply your- selves with merchandise at prices | far less than manufacturers’cost. in many cases..Our stock is still large,containingall the winter goods as wellas a big assortment of White Goods,Ginghams,Per- =cals;_Laces,Embroideries,”etc. -Justright.for spring wear.Make it a pointto see us during these: eight days for anything atahar- :gain.__Verytray yours,>USe THE WHITE CoO. / A Ae e iy/ -PUBLISHED 1TUBSDAY*AND“AND FRIDAY. -OFFICE:120 WEST,BRO?/Styarr,TELEEPHONE NO. TUESDAY,~—January23,1912. ey CAPT.CARLTON OCTOGENARIAN. ‘THE LANDMARK| MATTERS OF NEWS: creamed to oppose the.nominationofGov.Harmon for the presidency. The Reveré house,was.burned in‘Boston last week.and.it.was first‘|thoughtthat fl tte inmates of the ho- tel escaped,‘but on.examination of thedebristhecharred-remains of three!~Celeprated”Ae Birthday With aTDinnerParty—Svcial Eveints of |Women,“all employes of the.hotel, the Week. In,celebration of his 80th’birth- Carlton yesterday entertained a party.of friends at a course dinner served at his home on Center street.The guests were day,‘Capt.P.-C, Gen,Julian S.Carr,of Durham; cane W.H.H.Gregory,:Mesars,3:0.Invin,W.W.Walton,».2).H: Hoffmarin,R;--V,--Brawley,23.°"HH, *>‘White,F.’J,Axley,.W.'‘A.“Bristol;)“J.FL Carlton,L..W.-MacKesson. *While they partook of the excellent dinner.the hest apa guess “Bisesant social intercourse.pe spite four-seoré'-yeurs,Capt.niton a esti young in spirit:on his.-Irlends wish,Aim m any more birth:: .days. me members of the Elericemol club’will celebrate their.fifth:an- piversary-‘at a ‘reception to\be»giv- en Wednesday afternoon's’at’the 4 residenc &of Mra.Eugene Morri-son.Gxly members of the.other -elubs of the town are invite de _.Mrs,RB.B.McLaughlin\tess.to the Eclectic Book club Fri- day afternoon at ‘her,home’~cor-mer Mulberry street and West .End avenue.The ‘club.programme for the afternoon consisted of a-dis- eussidn.of current ‘events by Miss Loula.Campbell,,reading’on the Philippines:by Mrs D.Matt. Thompson,a reading on the old ©alifornia mission by.Mrs...Co V. a :Henkel;followed by -yoeal *music by}- ladies:were room, was| Mrs.H"O.Steele.The ‘then ‘invited into ‘the dining Where.a two-course’luncheon ,perved The officers and:store.force.of the Ramsey-Bowle:-Morrison,Com pany were entertained at a course dinner Friday evenfig ‘by.Mr.and | .:Mrs.J.-F.Bowles.at their home on West End ‘avenue Mr.Bowles is president.of the company and the hospitality dispensed by Mr.andMrs Bowles was much enjoyed and @p- dis+ “cussed war-time and,present-day in--eidente\\and the event.was one of was “hos-. ‘| were found. New-York city is the laroest andoldestincorporatedofthe158largecities'in the United States.Its land area is 526 square miles,‘as againstChicago,which tanks“second,with’190,and 129inPhiladelphia., Rev.Dr.Len.G.Broughton,pastoroftheBaptistTabernacleinAtlanta,:the’first.institutional church,to be |foundedin the:South,has.tendered|his-resignation to the¢congre ration,tQbecomeveffectiveApril1.Hewill.go tothepastorate of Christ church,Lon- don,‘England,‘succeeding Dr.F.Bi Mayer,another’‘widely,known minis- ter: Canada’s governor=“general;the! Duke of Connaught,accompanied by“.|the'Duchess and their daughter,:the} Princess Patricia,are the guests of} Whitelaw Reid,the American ‘ambas-sador to Great Britain,and Mrs.Reid, in New York.Thisis the first visi ‘of British royalty to this countrysince;the Prince of Wales,whdlater became: , *years-aga, Badly mutilated,the dead ‘bodies of Felix Brousard,his .wife and three} children,negroes,were found Sunday |,in their home at Lake Charles,La., making the second wholesale negro | murder.in’that State within a week} and the.sixth -within.the year.‘Al bloody axe with’which the crime ap-| |parently was committed was.found,Renaath the bed-upon which the bod-| ies lay.-No.clue tothe murderer-.was| ‘found except this inscription written| on the front door of the Broussard:| ;home:‘When'He makeththe irtqui-| sition for blood He forgetteth not the| cry of the humblehuman tive.”’ |Notices of New Advertisements.’- |.Spraying.fruit.trees.—Lazenby-||Montgomery.Hardware Co. |.Artistic floraldesigns.-Van Lind: iley.Co. ‘Ford motor cars. ~F ~~Deaton. Progressive Ohio Democrats’have King Edward.VII,visited America 82) “*”grAaTR NEWS.ee ‘Prisoners iin “New,Hanover:county}jail attacked the jailer Saturday night a-negroprisoner the jailer would havebeenoverpoweredand25prisoners would have escaped.: Tt is reported that Dr.H.L.Smith,presidentof Davidson College,w illbe | and Lee University,now vacant.ThetrusteesofWashingtonandLeemeet tomorrow to elect a president. A ‘farmers’week”?for colored farm-ers will be held at the colored A.and ‘M.College in Greensboro’for théweek‘beginning February 12.Ar-fangements are being made to furnish free entertainmentto the colored farm- ers,who will be given practical‘in- |struction i in modern farm work,|- Siriously.disappeared”from his home earTolarsville,Robeson county,on |the.morning of thie 6th,is Still miss-. ing,nothing been seen ‘nor ‘heard ofhimsincethatday,’His'family is nat- jurallygreatlydistressed:Mr,Humph- frey-is about 50 years old and has‘aY'wife,and two children, ‘A caboose:and passenger coach,which broke loose,from a Southern |¥,railway freight trainat Belmont,Gas-on county,Saturday night,crashed ‘into the train and’fatally injured:L.. D.Caldwell,ef King’s Mountain,.~aassenger,and seriouslyinjuredJ..R: |Hardin,a flagman.Both men were taken toa hospital in Charlotte and|Caldwell died punday night:' |Terrible Famine in’‘China Overseas owed.By War.: Shanghai,China,Dispatch* ‘The exciting news of war.and dis|: plomaey has caused the world:to for'get the terrible destitution which now | revails in‘China,‘Itis a side issue, ‘but-one which may havea vital effect (on the settlement of the revolution.The floodin July and August last lof the Yantse has’resulted in.famineareaswhicharenow‘accurately de- ifined..First-there is the great Hwai 2% _|valley region,measuring about 100 by |300 ‘miles,where,the farmers have |had only one good crop since 1906. |Not-only is.there no reserve to meet yresent conditions but the people have ost heart and will ‘not try to helpthemselves,An estimate.of 100,000 people fac- and ‘but for the:prompt assistance of] offered the presidencyofWashington h a Death.of ‘<Se.' Miss Kate Shelley,heroine ofthe|‘Honey creek (Ja.)flood disaster in|1881,-.died Stinday at her home at Moingona,Taturinga’;violent storm 30;ago Miss Shelley,who“was Jadtat tation| over_the Des Moines.river on her} criees at midnightto fay a | passenger train ‘onthe.vohiacs &|Northwestern railroad:and’saveit|from ‘plunging into.Honey creek over|which the bridge had been’wasted |away.'For her bravery the Iowa Legisla-|} ture awarded her a medal and a sum. of money.She also received a sub-|stantial recognition.from the railroad|company as well'as many ¢ontribu-| tions from various ‘parts of the coun- Death:of Misc Haim in South ‘Can. ohit—Buried at Snow Oreek..._| Correspondende of The Landigarke: |Statesville'R-5,Jan,19--Mrs.Eliza| ‘Hat,widow,of Mr.Thomas:Ham,who)died near this place-in 1905,:died on.ue 10th in Greenville,S.C..Mrs.Ham was 4 well known ‘wéman and highly esteeméd,She moved toGreen-| le in 1909 and.lived there until-her|déath..Sheiis survived by four'sons,three daughters,two brothers and one sister:-Thé remains were brought to‘SHow Greek church and interred onthe13th.-Mr.-Will Scott and wifeareprepar-ing to goto.Indiana’next.month,|where they will make their home.~= WwW.T ‘Roddey,of.Charlotte,28}years old,died Saturday night as a result of injuries sustained by-a fall on theice tendays ago. LOST LOST. Jan,B |ROOMS AND BOARD.2%,Fedeoms,*furnished,corner|apartments;.‘running water,electric lights.Also |rior table board.Three minutes’walkfrom |college.-Write-H,E.,Statesville,oy %.Fan.23. LOS ~LADY'S LINK Cuff Button with'initial “Gor itcect =BpLANDMARK. k ~PURSE coctalutte $°0,a wateh and fabracelet.Return to THE LAND-Jan 23, ‘SMALL white avd liver-colored |pointer dog..LEE ALBERTSON agent at Moingona,crossed thebridge| trys ‘oS 4Mr..N.'T.Humphrey,who myste-|.¥: (=: ‘eut downmy expenses and put some ~money:in the bank.I can live on.a lot less if I try.Iwill starta-bank aecount today.”me” ,">-Moneyis-a good thing to have if oe ise.your. occupation—with money.in the bank,you are always independent.‘Step into this bank anddetustalkitover.te er Gat _First National Bank, STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital $100,000;Surplus andProfits $32,000. OFFICERS:— gS;PEGRAM,Cashier. JNO.W.GUY,Assistant Cashier. we\Teor J.C.IRVIN,President. »G.H.BROWN,Vice President. MOVED. i=|[2 “mints ‘on west Front street. 7 eitizensof certain territory in ne rr pee,Me attended sa lnallena oil,jard,etc.—Eagle &Mil-‘ing absolute starvationin Hunanalone|}One door from.square,rear of'be hae tee Th :bank book.—-Merchants and |/8.comsidered conservative,while in|Polk Gray Drug’Co.PreparedMissAltieCorpeningentertained|F;eee .20.,awe SS \the three areas the lowest esti ate of /§to manufacture Oak Mantels;§} Friday evening at her home om|‘Hard ae fo cla adi the destitute is3,750,000.Destitution Cedar Chests and doallkindsof.§}~Walnut street,“complimentary:tol,are Toate ville."Tages ‘such as is experienced in China is un-|cabinet work.Will -give full ‘fjMiss‘deKrafft,of ,Philadelphia eeK coms MCE €.&!dreamed-ofinmore pregressivecoun-|value for oldmantelsinexchange’Hoartedica_wae—pluyed at four ta:mess VO.tries__There are almost nocharitable|eh ©;,bles and Miss Lucy.Culbertson |Wash gBoers sale.Mis &Poston.institutions and many families-are left |of pictures,frames and’mould-won the seore prizea handkerc hief,|~Annua meeting stockholders First|'shelterless.and nearly ‘unclothed ‘to|ings.Carefulattention giventowhileapretty‘silver,‘pencil was||Building.and Loan Association Febru-}endure therains:Pillage and destruc-|acking and crating’of house-preseuted to:Miss deKrafft as a/jary 3d.tion have commenced in the cfiuntry|cold’Satisfaction iter:guest of bonor prize.Quail on toast Four more days of clearance sale.|where the revolutionists are unableto|anteed.Cc me was served:ae |~-Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co..,keep order.In the townswhich they|GROVERC.CRITCHER. ey ;*isa ila |Reduction sale continued until Feb-|paye taken the rebels keep fair order.|A!the Lee-Jackson bDIFLKGay céle-és i Ti.:*4bration-teld by -the-Daughtere ott}ee ee The White.Co.|.The central China relief committee the Confederaty with Mra.A.J.Eyv-j|o.oo es :SsanePridayattdenocsMealLHaroeandcabinet‘work.—GroverC. rill read.a sketch~of Gen.Lee and |{ritcher.©aMreH.P..Grier read an account’)Apartments and table board.Write? of Jackson's last days,his death |H.E ,Statesville.aandfuneral..A business and social!Link cuff-button lost;initial G.Re-|jhourfollowed:and ‘suitable refresh-[turn to The Landmark. ments were served <A number of |:Finemackerel,mountain kraut annd |Co.federate veterans were present |buckwheat flour.—D.J:Kimball."as special guests of the Daughters.||Purse containing sum of money anda:|jéwelry lost..Return to The Land-The Satueday Afternoon club met with Miss Flora Lewis Satur-mark.aadaia|Raul ‘er.|.Pointer dog lost.—Lee Albertson.day afternoon at her home,on Cen-|=::ter street.[A leap year 'contest|.Moran-Attell contest at Crescent was a sourcé.of amusement and|20th and 26th.f ; Miss Charlye Tomlin was awarded a}——— bat pin for’writing the best propos-|School Housé Caught Fire—News book,|al The ;visitor's Was presented to prize;a Miss.Coffin: thave.returned to Statesvile-and are living at the Statesville Inn.| Rey.John:A.Smith,of Charlotte,’ who was visiting relatives.”here, preached at .the First chur.h Sumday,evening,Mr. retuned home last evening?His work is in.South .Car- olipa but he.resides in Charlotte, ,Miss:Lena Rives lavés’today for a ‘visit to Charlotte atid Rock Hill. Smith Mr.and Mrs.Frank Bryant,who) were .married in Charlotte mstweek,have returned home,They.hhave rooms with Mrs.A.A,ey ae, Misses Elma Rankin’and NofmaCongerreturned_yesterday from <avisittorelativesofMiss‘RankinatWoodleaf:| Mr.and Mrs:W.1.Cook “grad Mr.%.H:Miller,of Mooresville,were-_Statesville visito:8 yesterday. Express hedra that Har-,Rett county petitioned for an ‘elec-)tion.on jthe stock law.'The elee-tion,“was orderedind-the 1 pple,tion books kept ‘6pen:arcdi ing to“lew.Only one man registered andenthedayofelectionnota.pin-le.\vote was cast for “or againet4thepropopition,: The Sanford we r Hate—Galvin Presbytérian Bi, {in a decision handed down a fewdays jawarded theenegro and ada ag theyamountfrorn$50 to $250 r chicken edop for a year. New location;oak mantels,cedar of York Institute: Corresponderice of The Landmark.Salad deurse.was.seryed..The.club York Institute,Jan:20-—Quiteadjoumedtomeettwoweekshence!few of:our people:have-gone.to.;with Miss Grac®Shepherd :|Taylcrsville to’the sale:.The farm .a7 oe .of-the :>wits ‘s wie eMOVEMENTSOF,THE PEOPLE.ltoduy BES,Sark 28 to 08 fae Personal Mention of the Folks Who},°!"-hata tes ety)Statesville,:Are Coming and Going.is visiting Telli ves here ;|-Mr..Eugene Patterson has mov-,Mrp.:C..0.Lentz,Mr.Luther:Kim-}eq jnto-\Mrs.Mary Peeler’s houseDallyMissAzileKimballandVoit|jeare :Kimball,who:'were here for the.fu-There was an exciting time inmeraloflittleMissRilianKimball,|o arson’s Chapel school this week.returned to their home in Winston |The school-house caught fire’andSaturday.|weuld have burned but for the a&/}Capt.and Mis.T.M..C.David-sistance of an old darkey who wasgonleft.yesterday -fer Palmetto,!j)ossing,saw.the fire and-gaveFla.,to yisit their son,Mr.“Jas.Da-/|the alarm.They soon had it:under}vidson.:.ic tno:In,the same-school a:fewMis.W.B.Wood and Miss.Mary:|weeks ago'little Mary Jane Childers|Wood are visiting.in Mooresville.ea is playing on theschool ‘ground,:Mrs.J.AP.Millerand Mrs./fell.and cut-a.gash in her side.Alex.Thoms,.who visited Mrs./They eent for a buggy and pentW.3s.Johngon,returned to their!po,hurriedly home;‘phoned for Dr.|home at Stony Point yesterday--=-!/Hollar and several stitches had to}The friends of Miss Arleene Gil-/he iaken:jto sew up the wound.She)mer will be glad to“know she i8/is ¢ettin’along.nicely. doing~well after a serious opera-|_Mr.EVE:Patterson.has bought.tion at the hospital in.High Point,4 corn mil.outfit and is:grindingwhichwasperformed\by her.uncle,/-_Jot of corn for this neighborsDri.-Ge-FP.Daumncany |Mr:Gilmer |Mersrs;R.G.-and.Rome:Mar-|spent Sunday,in High Point’with |shall have bought Mr.oh Deal's,his daughter.;;lfarm :i Mr.and-Mrs.Cldrence Stimpson |The re property of.the} ‘Deal wis sold yes=7} jterrday at be auction. |Rights of Colored Citizen Upheld| By.Louisiana Court. New.Orleans Dispaten:i he.Supreme Court ‘of Louisiana, ago,-held that a negro has a véste right to a seat in a Street ‘car,despitthe“Jim Crow’’law in efféctin New Orleans and other.Louisiana cities,and that:he cannot nioved fromaseatinthewhitecompartmentofa car provided there is no’séat inthenegrosection: The appeal was that of Joseph An-derson against the New Orleans Rail-ways:and Light.Company.The tri-bunal affirms the vérdictfor damages George Vv.Steck,former postofiftice clerk,.who,confessed tos the theftofa$25,000 registered package of currency,was sentenced in’the Unit- ed States dourt:in St.Louis lastweektothreéand.a half-years inthepeniténtiary.He restored $23 as a mild Climate.* coast with headquartersin Shanghaiis mak- ing an appeal to all countries for funds to carry on relief work.Every’ effort is being made to avoid pauper- izing the people and muchof the work is planned to tide the farmers overuntiltheycan.get in‘a crop.; ;-vere Weather on the Coast. Ve of this part of the State usually |ehinie of the coast region of our State. But during the re-cent cold snap it was severe on the The following from the Albe- -/marle Observer,printedintheancient “|town of Edenton,gives an idea:'‘Even the town clock has beenfrozen.for three or four days;peoplehave-beeri slipping and sliding on theice,fhe mills have been shut down— ‘all saw mills and the peanut mill; boats have ceased to run and the Al-‘bemarle Sound has-beenfrozenallthewayacross.Perhaps for the.firsttimeinthehistoryofEdentonevenafuneralhasbeenpostponedonaccount of cold weather ©Fortwodays hardly’ a horse was seen on the.streets and‘people walked:with great-difficulty, |oftentimes holding on to the fences orhousestokeepfromfalling.Surelywinter's grip has beén upon us as it. is seldom experianced 4in-North Caro- cn Joke May”Result in MurdeY. *With both feet and hands frozen, half-starved and semi-insane fromhis | physical condition,James Fry,a 17-| year-old boy,was found ina freightcarinCincinnatiSaturdaynight. He had been locked in the car last Thursday at Peru,Ind.,by practical»jokers.When the patrolman who!|found him tried to feed him aroll,| |Fry endeavored to swallow it whole|land-it was only with the.combined | ‘effort of four.men that hé could be‘held long:enough.to allow nourish-+ment to -be -givert him.—} He was taken to the cityhospital,jand the physicians hold out little hope} ifor his recovery.|It is to be hoped.|thatthe perpetrators of the sovcalled joke will be bustaliert as.théy:-de-|i serve.to Harvéstes Company Will Be Dissolv- ed. Attorney General Wickersham |ast |}week told the committee on rules of the House of Congress that it would not | be necessary for them to recommiend a congressional investigation.of the International Harvester Company,ashisdepartmentis:actively planningthedissdfutionof.that:corporation.The Attorney.General did not indi- cate the deparlineat’s plans definitely: but members of the cémmittee saidtheyunderstood.the Harvester eorpo- ration had been flatly:informed that it must.voluntarily dissolveorbe fore-ed to dissolve by government Suit.Officials of the ‘corporatign conferredrecentlywiththeAttorneyGeneral... When given as soon as ine croupycoughappears,Chamberlain's -CoughRemedywillward.off an Attack of ao962,after:haying secretad -It if @ lof anxiety.eroup-and prevent all danger and cause Thousands of mothers useitBuccessfully.Sold by:alldealers, ;+ ‘finch oeand framing,NB,MILLS.States- [Who Is Ta?|g Fat:Mackerel! It’s not Poultry Food thistime, but the finest,fattest,juiciest Mackerel J have ever offered tothejtrade.I wish you -would order one just to.show youwhattheyare. D.J.KIMBALL. P.S>T also have MountainKrautandBuckwheatFlour. Ay ree Crescent Theater Thursday and Friday, January 25 and 26. MORAN-ATTELL In a fifteen-round contest.for the featherweight champion- ship of the:world,This great exhibition between Moran,]} Champion of England,and At-4) tell,Champion.of:America, took place in Coffroth’s Mis- sion Street Arena,Colma,Cal., andis said to-.be.one of the || vreatest exhibitions of skill and Science ever seen in Amer- ica,@ These pictures’are very -real- istic..The C hieago American says:‘They are the best that || have been seen here,they are | full Of action from start to fin- ish.’ Here.for two ‘iniss*them.ond Av extra fine progr amme all this week,Be sure and'see it. ‘A double programme.on Thursday and Friday.“* WANTECOTTONMILL FOR REN.M.P,ALEXANDER. WANTED —TO EXCHANGE town lots *for rough lursber,such as }| Cee ’ Latpe.or smaitSTATESVILLEJan,19.—2t., ~FIVE -:ROOM Cottage,waterand lights;large lot{:Jan,19. DALLOW,»quantities, ville,N Jan.12.es % i; + for announcement of new article at bottom of thisineachFriday’s Landmark for the following week.e'll deliver the goods according to announcement._ GOLD DOLLARS.GOING AT FIFTY CENTS APIECE? Yes,that would inferest every one but-the supply never equals the demand,therefore they always go at’100 cents.But listen: There are a lot of other things that always go for 100 cents also. Now suppose you are going to buy one of those articles next weekandsome'one offered them fer 50c.Wouldn’tthatbe interesting, too?That’s it exactly..That’s our plan’for HARDWARE SPE- -CIAL SALES.One or more articles and the special price for one week will appear at bottom of this space in each Friday’s Land- .mark.Watch the changes for the article you need.It will go at from half to.three-fourths ofits regular selling value.,Not old or shop-worn goods,but “‘spank’”’newstaple,standard goods,select- ed from the largest assortment of hardware,farming implements,horse goods,etc.,in the city..The article will be soldas announc--J ed,at the price named,during the time specified,for cash only; rights reserved to sell only one article to each customer,and thatlimitedtosupplyonhand.Watch thesechanges.Something inter- esting to announce next Friday for following week from Monday morning till Saturday night.Whenspecial saletime expires'‘on one article it will continue to'be soldon same terms,prices and condi-tions.as ruled before the special sale,and another article go on for ° the next week.‘Watch for the changes.a Statesville Hardware &Harness Co. Wa The 25th Annual Meeting Of the Stockholders ‘of the First~Building.and Loan Association willbeheldattheofficeat7.30 p.m. Saturday,February 3d,1912. The 5ist Series now open.Wewantmanynewsharesanditwill- ,prove.to be a good investment for youityou will co-operate with us. L.Harrill.Secretary, J C.IRVIN,"President. £ Office Supplies? :Ledgers,Journals,Day Books;allsutiiae, Cash Books;one,two,three and four columns.Time Books;weekly,two weeks,monthly.: Carbon Paper,Typewriter Paper and Ayre Ribbon;~-“for-all machines.>fsPens,Penholders‘atidErasers.’ All yom wants cannbe supplied:‘in Stationery hat RP.ALLISON'S,BOOK,AND STATIONERY STORE. 3 WANE[ReS798 | a a Pine |se ae <P ap)Al ;eras THE LANDMARK|, yah—VSB RAHTaU BY"VAR DIMMER MAN Ce er “Wise:men.and’women.vag:not“buy tk Shoes”by.the pair—they ‘buy by «. the year’They figure on paying ‘ so much per annum for their foots — wear.‘We like to cater to”people -like that.It means that we have te deliver the quality—and quality is our strong point. ‘Only the highest quality.footwear is therefore carried at-this's‘store in.the aha ns Gag eas sae ‘Whether you buy Shoes,by:he” year.or by the feot we can satisfy you—give you all the quality and style that itis possible to secure ak the price you pay..: Come in today and let us show Rohe na eeu a few of these pairs.5 - ° ‘iS...M.&H.Shoe Co. ice.’ puse.”’ jthe President, Of.Senate con b wt upon merit.’ ‘readjustment and ‘efficiency. ibers’of Congr should devote “Eftielency. eration,Real isame benefits jless expense. }total of the | ja decrease in of the nation Don’t spetidyour good money for House Furnish- ings until you have gotten pricesfrom us.We will niake itto your interest to trade With us. mlTA AyNyNyyieARAMA334WryeeeVOYOOSi aanaomatedRERRERE see Our litie of’Leather.U pholstered Davenports, Cvouches,Lounges and Parlor Suits. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Comp’y. '-UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, hones,oe ~"”NIGHT 1258 START SHARES OF BUILDING.AND LOAN~FOR YOUR CHILDREN. For your children start sharesin our next series,and as-sist themin ‘making .payments of.dués,thereby teaching ‘them how-to save money.The shares would mature in time -.to meet expenses of-schooling.: Our 38th series matured on the payment of $82 on each share,Wei'are prepared.to el you the benefit of $18 sprofitoneachshare.Our 51st series now gpén,.and sharesbeingsubscribed.-We-:expect to aid our~sharehdlders ‘in building or buying many homes during the coming year. Start shares NOW and make prompt applications for a loan, if you wish to build a home next spring pr summer. We alsoissue Prepaid or Paid Up Shares at a cost of $73.50,worth $100 at maturity.. For other information call at office. +L.Harrill,--==Secretary, FIRST BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION, Insurance That Insures. Is one ‘of our Accident and Health.Policies 4in a Com- pany with,over $10,000,000 assets,that)cuarantees.’_.your income to continue from one day and so long ~»thereafter as you are disabled becaus¢ofany accidentorsickness.It pays for loss of sight,operations andhasmanyothercommendablefeaturestoonumeroustomention#PheCost is‘small and benefits large.»ff ei Ask for ciretilar;giving full inforniation.,!Lots of testinioniats on file showing how other:peo-oe have been pave hk ae insurance of thisind."a ve aN camSTOCKS AND’~Sate N.t,°PHONNE 23 *_OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING,- * |incres se ot jry \.to”the:m foredit.”’ economy.and and a half ag joutlines”of~-it igaid could be continue the with $50,000 |ports.From |posing “partic be.sent to © “The opera ment,’he sa est of every jery city and expen ditwres. inaval establ “his vast |er been stud piece of adm the relations “At TO to the assign formé ince, presented,to whole. “T ask the cien¢y becaus | every |citizen In which we having put.i é3,:Suys theAme8NU Sey, “represent ‘on services whic to a \painsta Probably:the: posal advanced:by.‘the.“President “in |ly ‘he may have performed his!dais His “micssage was that all cadminis-’ties,wilt:inevitably be.raised trative-officers of the government the’departments.at Washington rin the field:be put undér the civil |firmed iby ‘the.Senate,and,so:long eorvice;be removed from.the.in-jas fluenee of politics,and:that their, terms of-office be riot limited:as ‘at| preshat to four years. cers“should not .be appointed:by |bly “with the necessity| government.service,” President,“have been demanded: with increasing insistence for a gen-hor-Savittg°mac hin perfecting the The President did not to expkiin in detail+the work of the visions of the country. }$1,000,000,000 annually. ‘the personnel:of the military and ness principles. jwork is.entirely character and ought to |TUESDAY,——~-January 23,1912. SCONOMY IN PUBLIC |SERVICE, President’Points Out How MillionsCanBe-Saved—Would Put All).4 ‘Administrative - der Civil Service.How.-the.peoplé-of.tleUnited|accrue States may have saved for them mil- ions o?‘dollars annually ‘im the op- eration of their’governmental .ma- ‘chinery,was outlined by:President Taft last“Wednesday in a.message te Conugiess on “Heonomy a ficicuey in the Government Sery- is “the manner-of.obtainin firmation;he; “The ‘extension of the rnin ays |©tem to these officers and‘a needed |! ‘of:.Balaries;”’ hie ig ‘will_-have..iim portar fects in securing greater ~Ofticers |.Un- “is of ‘as much ecomomy t Tatt showed, ‘service. he revaiue cutterwould,mean saying of thy 000,000 year:|..“The greatest.ec fictency and the benefits which may trom the President devot-|; ing his time to the:“work.which:is ntost worth while,ai) be assurcd only by treating all.the distinctly.administrative officers im the department at Washington and in’the tield.in the same way,as in- nd.Et-|feridr officers haye g this) |t said,| The view that these t yarious offices are to be filled jsity.that the President and neces-|C mnjem-t sa Mieriodically. and!ments to-these’offices must.be con=4: $s “The time.has:"come ‘when r all these officers’should ~be~placed ‘What the government,,does':with in the classified service.The ‘time nearly ,$1,000,000,000.-each year,”lus -coiue alsa when those ‘provis: said the President,: concern to the average citizen cas|officers a fixed Jgemn.of years should! :We repealed.7long asa.fixed anmoun”‘of eee for the pubis are of .years.a provided’by law: he “questian.:of ‘reappointment of “most ca dtont promtan officer,no matter how efficient- ions.ot law.which app.uitments to Suh,offi-|iforce of:empleyes aermanent;tenure who are qual- od,by reason.of| training to do the best -work.” ‘Giving exam@tes:of:excessive pave. rnment ‘expenditur ine s,the’President ‘it:is-)that in one department jt cost $5.$4) vt.ef-|Gh thousand to handle incoming miail| and‘in ‘another department $84.40 a! housand.For handling outgoing| ag /mail one department expended $5.9 BY result of political consideration |a.thousand,another’$69.89.le has.for its consequence the ye.department;pai The:Treasury’.Department,Mr.: looked after the na- tion’s tTinuuges and.the life-saving The commission,he.said, |had ‘recommended°‘the abolition of “So tong ~s appoint-|; ade every,foun years,just so long i wifl it.be impossible to provide a eo ad service,which |' onomy and:ef-| gaid he,‘‘may beem treated. give to:those them:‘must:be}, with a ‘réasiona- education and) &,along certain) told.Congress | d teo,much.or he ‘other not enowgh,he.said.,in | ress.devote «to rhit-77itrave}atone the gove rment expen ds] ters of patronage time «which «they ‘about .$12,000,000 a year.Definite,| to questions of polis jtests)he.pointed .out,have shown ey and administration.’ and e¢onomy economy is A reduction annual -approp lis not in itself.a ‘proof of economy,| isince it ‘is,often -aecompat efficiency.TH may demand expe ndjture, aintenance of that a saving ih-this item -aldne-of| a title over half of:1.cent a mile.in the £ continues ‘thet the -re-;¢ sult of:.efficient organization.“By |work, orginization ‘the |.pense.in-the distri may be obtained caf |}ocaments and in mapy*other ws Lys | in ‘the )could:milliong be.saved each year. Phe President urged ‘the adoption of} ihe “budget system," riations vied by &needs vrobably,could be e Through the.introduction of la-} limenation “ef At bring before Cor a large ‘ouly the proposed yet to; st gy |keep the total appropriations with- lin the expected revenue is necessa- public attempt efficiency c ommission no.He sketch ed the nprevements that he made in government service,‘declared that’they . effect-a saving in ©many’ of dollars,and.asked thatiCongress would millions} gommission by graint- for printing time to time, viar’reforms iongress.Hex thatson June 25,1910,an a ation of $100;000 was made for the in work of.the commission. ing an appropriation of $200,010, the government but’iis revenue.| “The United Sta by cutting’down needless’ex ffected. ery;through,thel, DEC ESSEary copye bution.of “prablic| which»would| igress,the préss! expenditure of} tes is the only} gteat nation whose government is} operated.without a iter.the -Preside inte nds to send to for ‘the retirement budget,’’he said} nt declared he} Congress a plan} of.civil service | eMPLOyes on ~pensions wiien witty und yet provide.fo A Millionaire’s "Di Prope eChicago.Dispatch.‘ +The late Richar enemy of higher created by act of Congress ‘a.year safeguard the “government inter est | r their old age: positions of His! rty.;: }d T..Grane,the} education,who): its re |bitterly maintained that'in the col-| he add- ed,reports of the commission pro-| would recalled ppropri- leges and univérsi ties young men); learn chiefly to.drink and disei-| pate,left $1,000,0( men deserted by This’great sum_is tions of the ‘gove m-helpless children. id,‘‘affect th e intér- person living within anvount to the jurisdictionofthe United States. Its organization embracesandcentres-of work located in ev- stiations nearly ishments,more.than; /400,000 persons are réquifed to do- ithe work imposed by law upon the jexecutive branch of ‘the government. ofganization-has nev-| ied in detail as oné inistrative mechanism. Never have the foundation laid for a thorough consideration of |‘ s been of all ot its parts. time has the ment of each reports are compiled aa wally the Congrdss,isfactory statemeftit has ever been Published of the financial tions of the government as -A continuance attempt |been:made.to study ‘all.of these activities and agencies with a view activity io gat-.} transac- { of this The ironmaster’s will.disposes | of $10,000,000.Not one cent didj he leave to promot more than $2,000, thropic purposes by which the em- im many «local subdi-ployes of'the Crane Company will its’.gross benefit largely. Not one penny including one of his sons,I jnor.to his four daughters.°“They are already .suffic for,’’:he,wrote. hating millionaire that:while-none of.his éhildren.is} in neéd,it shall his executors,two of his.sons,to} care for any’or,a! providing country hones,near ;Chicago for such’women and their 10 to.benefit wo- their :husbands. tobe.expanded e education,but} 000 for philan- .2 2 GMTTIE TETSU ART did he leave to}: lerbert P.Crane, iently.provided But:this college i stated expressly| be the.duty:of| 1 of them should they fall into wanit. ness'and his who hit sons,“Charles T..Crane,Jr.,.as Mr.Crane turned ‘all his -busi-!| le estate over to R,and Rich&rd} legatees and ex-ecutors.But to gain.this fortune they must agree ¢ To.Mrs.Emilyé I yn.their part ~to to the agency best fitted for its per-carry out their:fatier’s desires {utehinson Crane, “Notwithstanding that voluminous his .widow,and third,wife,who,by and|a pre-nuptial agreement’giving her 1 $1,000,000;relinquished her dower Michigan Avenue e of the excellent be-|$15,000 a year, ginning which has been made to-| ward the reorganization of the ma-| chinery of this ee on busit |1 ask it because its;charities.and the’ non-partigan in land rights to a ‘share in the,dis- |tributive estate,is left the “two ifamily homes,the residence on and the country lestate at Lake Geneva.To Mrs, commission:on economy and effi-|Crane is also given an income of The will directs that within two years his executors et aside $2,- 135,000 in..endow, |ployes.This includ ment funds for company’s em-és the $1,000,000 apply.to ?that will alleviate the misery of dé who’wishes,to give}serted wives effectiveness to popular government| feel a—just pride-” the.people about $130,000. One million dol paside as a pension and—disability.+ -lo date.the commission has cost|fund for the company’s employes; lars is to be set Without |/$100,0007to the United Charities of n effect more than a President,th ily.a few of at will) and :these |and $10,000 tot Dhemany|h shoulé be.subjected| king inquiry.If this is done,it is beyond question that’ many millions of savings.Thi iy be Regiize d.” ln many ways the Becattant in- fomred Congress,a,decrease..in.the cost of government -might be assur-hegraph lines:is that in BOme South- ed,There is need of reorganization |ern States there of.the government depart consolidation and a weeding out.of|the.postal, ments,a bureaus toat overlap.in:their work; seores of “loaalvofficas”thrmighoutthecountryshouldbeabolishedand},,, |Chicago as an etd |the Visiting Nun |Fresh’Airsry Hg e owment fund for few reforms it has suggested chang-|the Mary\Grane Nursery;$25,000 to ses’AssociationheLakeGeneva’ endowment. Democrata Might Help.} Be|Indivced to One ‘trouble about the proposed |gover nmént,acqui | [One te Obseryer. sition ofthe tel- would:not,be |enough Republiéans to operate.both and telegraph services. ——————— HOW'S yard for any case” THIS?We.offer Une diundred Dollata..te-of Catarrh.that can-hiindreds jof political appointees who,not ae cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. do.but little .work should -be.:takea off the payroll and there should be an improvement in the-peronnel employes through thegpoverrment introduction of the:civil service in practically lise’them;| adopted. every .field;business;<s methods should be employed by Un- cle Sam ae as big corporations jdern system.of.ac-} counting ck ‘reporting should be |: of F,J.CHENEY J.Cheney for the Wholésale Dr :hicous surfaces of Sold:byall Drug;ggiTakeHall’8 Fami Pe Sa i &CO,,"Toledo,O.- We,the undersignéd,have Known ‘F.last 15:years,andJ believe “him perfectly sand.le in all]business”transactionsabletocarryoutanyoblfirations made by his firm.Walding,Ki Oey arvin,uggists,Toledo,O--Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal-.by,acting directly,upon,the,biged and Imperial ,Cotton:“Oil Company. lals sent free.roe,be.‘per bottle,| iy"Pills for constipa- }|aud ‘he people of.the’country not} -financially a Now is ‘the time of year 6 spray your ‘orchard and our store ds the.place:‘to _buy spray ‘pumps.Those ‘who:know say there will be.a great frnit crop. Spraying.is the only.remedy for per-ae fect fruit and those who,have it.got Ws thebiggest tie Let us show you. {teenlan $Lavenby-Montgomery Hardware Co, REDUCED PRICES | Coatcane Are New. Styles that possess the-touch of difference and newness; that emphasize the faet that “theyyarenew,WE ARE SPE- CI AL IZING ALL.W{OOL SUITS AT VALUES FROM $5.00 UP TO $16/50.Don’t| fail to see.our line before purchasing..POSITIVELY- }-AND~ABSOLUTELY—BIGGEST VALUES FOR YOUR MONEY.2 LONG BLACK COATS. C hiffon Bloadcloth and Serges at REDUCED Prices. ~A new line of .WASHA- BLE WAISTS just received. Call early before the sizes| are broken. f 6 THELADIES FURNISHING STORE. *Phone 188.109 West Brad Street. W.W.WALTON,Manager. We Are About Ready. a r |a Our new machinery has arrived,is being as placed and.we will’be ready to start© |‘again about the 15th.We will be bet: ‘ter prepared,than ever to ‘give our pa- trons satisfactory service. cry”FLOUR MILLING COMPANY. NOTHING BETTER FOR _CHAPPED FACE OR HANDS. —_.95C.A BOTTLE. ‘:i Z \ }AEEae AcE SEs oan WwW.F..Hall’s,Drug Store. "PHONE NO.20. ™COOKING OIL.@ -Fresh'lot just opened.As good as the est lard for all >\,‘purposes,and costs you-one--third-less,—3°6:: -Priee per Gallon ns 750. Price per Quart 20c. “|e TRY IT.PYOU'LL LIKE IT. PHONE 205.0 PENCITS -Croup.“Comes Without THE.LANDMAR K “MATTERS OF NEWS...”sem oemmns aa ek age cue’-Warning|turspay,——January "93,1912 aint ispateh from Aberdeen,ac l§=am . Wes Pis dangerous—itco nd,says 53:of the cre . ::ae mes with-qa B crew of the} ee PENS:oe out warning—do not be deceived into CONSUMPTION Js PREVENTABLE.drowned Thutmday.”mae fag,whee Accommod 18 ee mornin “pou Moore's”NedeLaakable and:ken cough ‘syrups’and cough*cures |Phe*Prevention is Kasy it ‘Bach In-the steamer foundered the “ale tion.Sa e.oe ~,Waterman’s Fountain.Pens.en inwardly—they clogthe lungs|dividual Does,His Part.ers sof Bucham,off the coast of st BLANK BOOKS .arb prevent free breathing:—,Bulletin State Board ‘of Health:Ranedant aha Thi Only Captain Stod-]HB.-.!ES,bie Coneuin :;an iree of the cre Bs =dcaI AidBoealeBooks VICKS ee’SALVE eo ee en cc oman >THAT'SIT.ff ret or aaLoose Leaf abl case is.contracted by means-Ww Goy.*Ginsscodk,Republican,.of cg W e acco ‘od h |a >:is.an outward application that in-germe-from geome.other.con-|Vt Viteinia,has issued a.state mmodate the pablie to anything!1D,heavy : PRINTING.Gyitiy lleva Whe 1itgt bY nlutesltioe may ‘oonaitor it'e nomasenebe ment:inv whieh he dectases that,|Ee Underwear,Blanketis,..Sweatens, i :é der monum Cane :aya sot ; raat sure wecan meetyour hp and,absorption,and avoids the |Some other sanpoannives Kate,uation In ee vitatnie hee oe Dress Goods,in fact all oyer the store at.a ties,oe needs there too.erangment of the stomach “caused carelessness,or negligence:If you vinced him that the people of the ie reduce our stock,not,.to make-y . a.;:by drugs...give,or make.others Mable to.conr State are overwhelmingly for Col.get the woke profit but Sta’(“4 ie cad us -:oh sumption,you are’guilty of orimr’Theodore Roosevelt for the Repub-money att site tes eP tin ;Atyour draggist’s or by mail inal hegligéncé and.des lican reed die:t :': P a ‘:25¢e.50c.$1.00 punished.—:eae,10 RE na 1s SGA pee Cn)ee REMN.2 UN I 3 .04 i :callS Wipon the people to lect:AN CO ER "bia souur Center steel 7”Ecqnomy suggests the dollar size Consumption.would be extinet in delegates to the Chicago jadon:3 : Se ree MineFamily Remedies Co.leas than five yeare if all consump-|9!convention wika!will vete for ‘@ ~..is full of shor ora ee tatesville,N.-C.:tem Greensboro,N.C.”‘tives would ‘exercise the’proper|.Roosevelt's nomination,;i Ba pene?lengths it Pereall,Outings.Ging ! a 4 i f ou :‘‘iprecautions.‘This m¢iy :~tM Dress (2 ‘:< ,——}Pmeide Bt yee y ieee wae rac nmper ation of the Currency Mur-|.Our SHOE Joods,ete.,at half price and less:Pan He Jay Seas gl te |es eee DIgOOVERY:it Me i unyption-and do not .know)tional beanks.of the ey At nas ais,COUNTER of broken sizes is attract-.4 Be ;;vy;of the:e '>country to mains ing every OI a we Home Electric.Co||=aujtmares pees Pom sag "chiang ootat vite the rari “ane law |.~Brioison the nell anhpalrocWinterhowe 6 Qe -cn Saket a na g ‘a ) » OY ed ie co!(careless manner,qaking their friend|drasti Hite the peperves,Uke.ea oaths astoniéh Jou._Toure truly : ee Bat At x $.OH is indebted to,Dr,|and.,"peBoc kat es niost-Hable to:the never.io We gpg gain ara 4 :é \;*;i" 1é 4 f Seneca.Wet seatata ance rh a inc "si Sic |p Poston -W ner BES ceo piles,and for his discovery.of i ofc aieh pret See rae uniners wil:nox report al banks |osto:ass -Electrical fo {aie H |rémedy,taken inwardly,|mean you?C ellene"eh e ieee!are continthously,be-on 30.“ |yens up -the.stagnant blood Don't-eplt!-Oh,“y:ve ‘Mmit:>‘While:most * ede circulation and reduces the swollen een "“ov oy aie she ‘banks i 8 0 ILmaryoldsaw.So it is,but it"ts the |ser maintedy EODAt he ena eM © vessels.Dr.Leonhardt’s 'pre-oa .’i {he |sorved,some dq e- nt ac ors f prevention’which have disregarded’the, scription ‘is:HEM-unce.Of p which any.one |law f "d :: 7 Statesville Deva.Go ena all ede eee oe ae apied WInOC TAS:ge}ute the Noohotroller ae ee wee::z -[gisrs at $1 for 24 days’treatment.cent..of the ‘spitting ig unmecessa-|to «appoint a receive j Estimates Furnished Guaranteed to give satisfaction,Dr.ee aes is an“imsanitary,prac-that fails to hold ite eee re ee An ‘KindsEl ical Su Leonhardt Co.,Station B,Buffalo,gles itOi es sak ae er =pa ':e sure,it is a filthy and dan-|R f ectri plies..mt ¥.Write:for booklet.gerous esiisting,Tax.-bev I | re oli practice to‘swallow,mucous |-.—;iNwi Fh at vine ern cr ner ct A ‘amd “phlegm coughed up...It is far|oan cnt.oy ;PROPERTY nee better:to rid:the Leute sm of.this se-Lamberton Dispateh,18th? ——ee 2 en :¢retion thian.to~alllow at art,of}.uit was.institur ‘-Wed HOME ELECTRIC 00.,mM ate ::it aot enter,the’stomac=My But,ue on Court’:today aur erent |f 9 Januar '';Boh te 5 ;spit you must,even ‘this,“pe dome (2Y ~interesting.Ty : A-D..COOPER,Manager For Sale or Rent in can DA|,1e =people --of g “i :7 n®such a manner’as to.reduce Lumberton,after,the list-tak ;:: .‘WG e akers for ant ee .:al the danger to.a minimum,At ‘home,lIaimberton’’had valued the town ia "MATINEE AND NIGHT. =ei mete spit only in’thé-fire or in.a,ppit-|Property ‘for taxation and after the NS aay tte OES :||ove Keep ware:10 the spittoon.pl prrdae board 6f the county,;T P 1.POWE!Setar *Smpty ~it-daily “and seald it out;ad adjourned without.making an Gis ¢Ww RE : Sewingg!Machines -our room cottage-and toh with .boiling water.An excellent4 change in--valugs,.the Remodel ni e BENTS ee ak street for.sale.Good /precaution is to add a half tablet |/Whissioners undertook to raise.the . arn and:outbuildings.~of brerouric bichloride to the water |Veluation of real estate in.Lumber-| i.;:in the spittoon:when it ig.return]'0?to.the amount of -ten |Re aired |Severallots,closein,for-sale.ed for use Carbloic acidcor edi (oot.and taxes hag”been hated es,hes :‘cf cium hypochlorite are also good,{against townreal estate.upon such: ‘ i}‘One hundred andsixtyacres [|DUt thes emit ‘slight odors.“pisin-:|creased valuation.Me : less than a mile nos#eof town fectants injure brass spittoons.|.sPhe;suit¢brought is to restrain’) J.U.LAMPRECHT,|a cut into lots to.suit.pur-Bens eee spit on the ‘pide-|the sieriff from »eolbecting |tax-| ..chaser.This is fine residen-walk or where it,may come.in con-|upon.the.inereased valuati \tial property,located on Tur-or eee ce a a Le Piadbeanneatlaspg the collection : 109 East Front Street.|nersburg road and.Turner av-others,or become dried’and stirred Of More than,$2 for poli tax,the’ : "Phone 61.Hi enue.ap.as dust.Spit in the.water in |tax as levied’by the.commissioners ;Wi ;f thé gutters.or in sewer inlets.Spit)being $2.85...The suit is brought soc Mind eaten in north St ,‘|[in the sunlight,as bright sumtight|DY.Mr.Frank Gough. ir.ville forsale.a es:‘will kill the germs of consumption |peceeehenempeeneeetneet ~FOR SALE!iB 1 Sloat oped sol become dry amd}-°NO CAU8B TO “DOUBT. |.loat off ak dust.Sieeze,cough,|=: OSL ARBOS 4 in 3 \|A’State t : Busineas ct or spit.in a-.handkerc hief'or,bet-men of Facts Bac ked By a |ter stil,use a paper napkir and *Strong G ne Sevén-room desirable reaidanics on)-Folevid:burn after’,using.core im |We guarati sina un ae ~"Tradd stre t.H ‘g 1sumptives Ve guaratitee immediate and..pos- bath e ot and cold water,|:oe 12.should,use spit-cups.itive:relief to:nil ainttareen oe cate .ae oe +aia s a nee goo see a careless spit-constipation In’eveary G Bye wher Choo :ar.consider iim .as a.Mair Gury }our—remedy falls -to--do-ie wre is nore ae fartn.:Z a -ee and ah enemy,to|will return’the money’a us.for mu Want to a ney JS °ankin void him,and bdeware|it.(‘That’s.a frank .gtaten :sourLo ‘S very.that others centiot 99.regard you.|feots,and we want soe to.savas ~ M.SHARPE,A Decisio Piatt’Guierline’ae |4 nThat Gives Comifort to|Rexal REAL ESTATE My livery.is the bestequipped fh OS cams die tis es peony wenn ere and mostup-to-date in the city.Charlotte Observer.and aareenbke i ae ¥prompt é ;':eee cs !I have every kind.of vehicle c judge’Brown welt,of the Court ot ftairen at any time,day 4 are |5 ’‘y ;® .!“necessary for a city livery.a Pleas of Cincinnati,has |do not cause’diarrhoea hataen:CANADA’S GREATEST ‘CONCERT || .°Horses and mules bought and Soundice Seat which os go |griping,excessive laneannes:oe othe ie oe re :‘::e ages,Matthew |e f able aks ‘. cal Views,All New.ee orcee te aa Richter is a married man,His wit|vig very’mild.but positive shed |bar laneilsten ey raed arou ne the world covering 86,000 miles :.to suit.employed Mrs.Elizabeth H.Flemin et pln 2h oyears aie nies Sane : g on the organs k +|cou s,visitin 20 differ 1"bd Sret etna Chur.(PS Je Fdollard.Plot's Sito iy eh Seti Pith et |egies Teles conmanded ty hee Mae,Kg beard thet, es 4 ’;P a check t Statesville pouue cologe-j "Phone 3 ~Day or Night.-”hie Chon wie ciate for it wha regulative "tone upon,the relaxed |Bee sth cuting and:most expert ek ‘°ha :(:y Oo =re fs a F.-H.Conger’s Residence,ek he tae ee chee be-overcoming weakness Tank sido]e |ies,appearinginScotch Ree HighlandFlings ; "s Sanatorium..nai the ihe face of.the check and |to.restore the bowels to more \g-|*Sword Dance,Sail i 1 hen Passenger Station Ha d B 5 oe ens ee me pee whee the orous end.healthy’‘activity.vig |Trews,and Bagpipe solo playing.-:ors’Hornpipe,Shean on,;copper sen tec and rs exall Orderlies 4 'Ask to see the Simpoflie ard’)Brick [fit “oor vor tie sown ‘tei plese:idea tor he ume ot cna Ni ht Perfose Maris at 9 link,Fie Oe and es eee -en.,Conklin’s Mec :Boule:eet tie waving oa she ae,old folks aid a persons Ng t Performance nsat 8.30 0’clock;Prices Elin ‘The.and $1 00 ~ en.esé aretwo .3 eye re bi e cannét-too high!emit Ladi a :best,selfing rane or the and rock are the only build-nah ae paid ts the dressmaker them to all ae as hea Benefit esBenevolentand Relief Association.i :market.:Carry a full line of ing materials that will with ;ae ‘Squire Myers Of -constipation and its attend ';!-i c ’dant ; Tablets,Iéke and Pencis.ro ant for the dressamker..evils.That's why we back-eee a cae aR AED OS a tennsine pate f 8 i stand frost and fire,and Beit at te took ey cape to.the im them.with our promise of monen|‘erie :: ae la ;s :|!©iommon Pleas on appeal,back if they-d ive entire Bz si ING.he st for all time.Common ,and Judge Brownwell ;after’hearihg isfaction.“Tt re hg art: se ‘;full atgame h Bizes:12 tablets RANT te Peinteg ||mires Bente [itateenae ea oA Sade aa ;3 4 tichi was.we ‘provided with 30 table i :Tl sd band dree be witheat.I jlets 50 cents.-Re mevem ber | f :Ss <the one ordéred,ie |You can obtai s ,| re ‘husband:could not.be held r 3 an obtain,Rexall Remedies in é .i Statesville only ‘<ni st Ath e | .pisible for the debt.on the gr |Rex ;FO ee ee FILLED WITH! Co e ground |Rexall Store.-The Statesville teal WwW R “4 Petates €Brick °sap it comes under necessaries }us Co.ee a oe he Ve °M I L L S,;oo eged ‘n-the suit of the 'dressthak-—be eet eet ; a Ds :-MONEY BACK,i {.. Statesville,N.C,a sic ae i This.is a most important decis:DANDRUFF ?},HIGHEST QUALITY MATERIALS ?‘i JOHN GC.DYE,.M.D.||ins to do is to clottie her comfort oe i!| ':-s to do is to clothe her comfoit-}cr oe ae s Fine Farm Lands ‘and Ci _EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THRO:ably and no more wna kere |e jaar | ity AT i re,and dressmakers|ant Oo.;Guar-——AT———_:: Property for Sale.:AND FITTING GLASSES,-|[Them a"their.own risk.Judze|Graft and Foliig Hat.Da wae 6 a Officein?Mills Buildi:nm 8 thelr.own risk.Judge ing Har. ng.Brownwell is to be-cang ated.(2.muink of it,‘des 2%if P a .Office hours9to 12 a.m.iy on helping the wo:€congratulat 4)igTAN Cee oe re ader,it PAR-E STORE OF QUALITY rm to turn.,ish’t,the most ‘mvig- ¢HUPMOBILES.:2.to 5p:m.s ee ee eee orating and pleasant .hair dresn -Phones:’Office 458;Residence 428 Surgeon eS =Indian'Prince =ee cena?used-money back. -.cm nd Got $33,000.doesn’t bani an V Jan.2.i ee ;:oe Dispatch.‘;stop hair from pone with te Ava ‘States ile Drug Co. by DEEDS,NOT WORDS!sist vor coment surgeon |has ae Scrip opi rag back.50 :PRESCRIPTIONISTS ie :at +£00 ortune “ee A a ie:Statesville * ee ee Have Absolute ee one of the acter tee:hs eee Cerone.i Store : 7m aid.to a.member of:the jingt |PAIRISIAN SAGE Mar Sas Wale e '\Proof ef Deeds at Home,profession Twe ee v :af ae See : 00In :|af vession.wo months ago.the;2rower.and scalp-cleaner.._‘s all |Paints,Monuments,|.It's not words,.b a doctot ‘was sunitioned to India to|“se Mr Dora’‘jel: ’.\,but deeds,that jattend the m j Det tres Ww.ee |::i ij :>maharajah of Nepal Villliamson,W.Va. s Burrus’Metal Roofi prove true merit.He found it necessary wetorit “PARISIAN SAGE ee e ing,Gal-.oo ii y to .perform SIAN.SAGE cured m Co vanized Roofing,tin and ails The deeds of Doan’s Kidney Pills out With wibe and this he |carried eae itching of the slp Bcc vanized Shingles with patent.For Statesv with success.Mrs.C,P.Pope;Oxford,Ala,_m a lock.Roofingalso has Seee oe atesville kidney sufferers,;gaa surgeon is on his:way “home |salina %——BAI ‘TIMORE,MD es aten Have made their lo beaded with princel .:: -cal ‘cely presénts i i ‘i ayer of all colors t Proof lies in the es oe hich he.received ‘a!ese in 9 :ae (4S8UED MORNIN VEN!AN’UND - “Miho Minaead uit Ss,turpen-secure:imony of 000.of a lac of.rupees,about $33,ood S Seeds :G :_—D e AY | lam agent for m ©people who ‘have ‘been|..'Th arejah-i \V onuments cured to.stay cu e maharajah is one y ny made byMecklenburg |Monu-Mrs.M ag !chief princes of India.it te ve Ne For 1912.GREAT HOME PAPER OF E SOUTH” .went Co.2a<=virdoot my .oo Meeting Street,iG ed that’in handing to the ||)ne New D tive Ca 8 “‘.ig Says:“T (suffered in-oOung surgéon the lae ‘of rupe ‘»escrip ive talo: i CZS=HOLLAND.saneety,Tn Were Here 5Or Sayere!Prince expressed the opiate we is fully up-to-date,and tells fi THE NEWS.OF THE WORLD ered =Dee,12.Weakness’:ivodan aye soreness ania he ‘Was only payingfair:value for |.about the best :oy special correspondents of THE SUN andDi eat mae well-rained er dizzy headaches oak BOK).me the benefit he had received ave d Lab intorsta manner euch morning abd.weakay atetorn aecmthige is ::ab alaeel re ie *a chronicle of world T ; well.The k “—|¢-d events.THE SUN ; DR.P.F.LAUGENOUR,sap aa speed beget Were un-'The State Banks.ar en an aeA oein Washington'aina New oy ae INDISPEN SABLE,:i DENTIST,Kidney:Pitta,whictr I teeiueee fee te .The corporation\commission has |Farm Seeds.AS A WOOMAN'S PAPER THm SUI the best that can be obtained/ Btill occupies the eerooms (6-7-0)bn the second |i's Drug Store)improved my cond Si mutes a statement of aggregate re-E }~'°and intellectually @ paper of the highest ruesfe t superior,being morally hhe has beenfor yeartional-Bank Building,where|iQ every Way and were on Baurces and liabilities of State very farmer and_gardener features thatcan be written on fashion,art and mi Satianagen so ere.a i ‘or years,but some recent improve-|th aes so,satisfactory |priyate and i BVALE,shouldd)hi THEEUN Smark IN $MAN'S NI eeson ee sean Dove @ building,have|tpat ie ailvise other kidney sufferers,to Carolina me a ngs banks in North 1s h ave a copy of this cata-for the farmer,the otnewa thakes tf A.BUSINESS MAN’S NEC SITY ‘ north sideof the building totoe week nels ot ie:‘ey (Statement.given January |December 5.te a,kcal ot sind,i”bee long been recog-:reliableinfotmation upon their various nen Sean oe ee 3 ° again of |'as :: vi treet,aa Nov.3.|A LASTING EPRacti $6,259,629 inthe banking resources:||for ¢full andard authority,By Ma: ee JER SEY B or Zebrusey 4,1911,when;Mrs,Moosé:of these banks,of which there are hae an rs complete.infor Y il THE SUN (Morning oF Evening)oo7 aMonth or$3 a 'as erviewed,she said:"The be :‘the State,with 14 ich it gives. be S ULL,[eee Mbt se,Pa [bank th ;brandy ||.s THE SUNDAY SUN,3c.a Cop i threé years ago has been”rey thee ‘3 e:total resources aggre-!',We are‘head uart fé t bY Mail,=S ;et :permanent.“It |Sate $08,406,179;:;quarters for ;25¢.fi .$1.50 a rea : ca For service:Fine specimenandthe }|remeay.”‘Dleasure:to:re-endorse this $63,106,661 79,as compared with ||—Grass and Glov And THE e 2 Months « Gheartanot nee ‘Te-endorse previous!er Seeds,Seed ,Byenin und : ae Pen OD CEN’me Charges |)ior sale’by all ae feapital:Stocks is $,637/080,8 gain ||Gee eee eee eats ‘Gow Peas Bish apd et : a °Ba 9 -ribh ; H.H.PR poly -y dealers,|Price +$610,696.for the year:Deposits SojaBeans and all Farm Seeds h t Vee ep wa mi Proprietor,0..cents.»Foster-Milburn Co.,Bur-$t.ay year,have rounded.up $49-|]Wood’.°ey :ny ;Address All orders PA'S \SN. ee [tate f a York,eole agents for the|the year.Eithe ebyines dipoalte Wood's Desergtve cxtalog mailed ||«Oe THE A.'S.ABELLeompany.oc . me ed States.; -amount Sayings deposits ~ques’rite for it,TM i l FOR RENT SIX-ROOM ‘cottage on|“Rem to $9,881,112,a gain of $3 .;:ae a ach :ember the 507,693,and de cy = er eae weet Front street.Allpu sisted Doubles and depdsits’gubject oo T),7 BRASS a K e moprovemen ts,i ATT,"Jan,2,and take no other check aggregate $28,016,7i ai he oeW.WooD G SONS,WANTED.ings.of Capes ond ©~FOR RENT...~SEV \B ‘ y :‘‘of $836,000.Cs (Seedsmen,-Richmond,Va.|||seccristion’Highestprices paid.8 xine of with mod¥Ea\improvemente :ri wot beso é .:?nd,Va.description.Highestprices paid.STATESTESVI.te pm noar businens pat of town,with or withput :°:cil :-:HARDWARE &HARNESS CO,“dan,t re landto cultivate.T.D MIL.* .;:;Le feropes eee p Wen!ee ne Jan,192t. .oF :::‘::%-oe yell : mf . \\lt .iN Wi «o 't * sj “>posed to Governor Wilson,buts who champion }- :of Y ese won, thew .eesa enfc THE _t ANNDMARK: TUESDAY,~=January 28,1912. THE WILSON-HAHARVEY INCIDENT “She.Mamagent ‘ofxf Wilson’8Campaign :Makes a Statement...* The ‘following statement py Mr. “William MeCombs,campaign mana| ger for Gov.Wilson,‘was pent out .from.Washington Friday:“With.reférence /to the alleged ‘Wilson-~Harvey.‘neident,:it Beemsto.me that Colonel Watterson has ‘said .'n a statement all that needs to:ke said..It°appears thetefrom’ -that'as far back as last October he himself suggested to Governor Wil- son thet Golonel Harvey's.support, .through:Harper’s Weekly,might be injurious and that he probably told Colonét.Harvey himself.the same thing.*It-would een that Colonel Wattersen had convinced the Gov- -ernor of the truth of.Tis opinion, and hed at jeast impressed "Colo- -hel “Harvey,with the probability 04“its truth,:"else >Colonel Harvey )would not have ‘propounded “the question.It ‘és:‘passing strange that Colonel Wattetson should feel ‘eoncernes that the Govern6r in “pri- vate conversation with ‘himself.atid, Colonel Harvey should,“ii answer, Wilson Had ‘thetenia and the From an.“Interview“Gore,of Oklahoma... This whole Wilson-Harvey _Watter S0n incident isa bubble,not a billow,it is not surprising,how-‘ever,that.the opponent of Wilson and the friend 6f other candidates should mistake the one for the oth- er.It:seems.that the “head”and heart of the Governor's,offending: is that he told the truth. “No honest*man can xosene an Office;‘least’and”last ofall.the presidency,with a lien upon —Hisconscienceorhis-eonduct,Contin- uous support implies and.imposes some obligation upon him,*who con- sents to hecept-it or who.mogtleages in its continuance. “No one has plenary power »to select either dis friends or his op- ponents in polities.T6 decline ten- dered -aid:.and ‘alliance is a most difficult and delicate task.©a “Rew men have the courage and the candor to do.this when.battle is.joined.But-in the light.of higher ethi¢s and politics itis.bet- ter to decline support in’advance,no matter:whatthe sacrifice,©that to,renounce ‘the oliligatioh-‘after:the} service “is rendered and:‘the behefit enjoyed,.To“do’this ‘in’the :”face} of danger ds an act.of;moral.and| “The President has reappointed R. D.Douglass aes master at Greens-|. boro.|:.|‘Work in the railroad Bhops atSpencerhasbeen.suspended indef:initely, ‘Joha :Ross,‘the Cleyeland ‘ounty. negro”who -.48 now in’the |teprisonanywilldieFebruary'16 for the.murder:of..Mr.and Mrs,Dixon, Gov.Kitchin will deliver;the open-: ing address at the»Lutheran nten’s Convention in.Beary Feb-ruary 6-9,© -A hotel-.to cost $250,000°‘ts.to be built gon the:‘site of.the Keni worth Inn in Asheyille?;The -Ken- ilworth.was -burned myer yearsagi.,moeEX-Gov. with:Senator “e o Jarvis was!76 old ‘Thursday,(He ‘has.been’sick but is.better and the:people=of the State will hope that he may be Spared many years. A Part:of.the electric-light | plant at Elizabeth’City was ..burned Thursday,spight,causing a loss]. of -probabl $25,000 and “pattingithecityyindarkness. Congfessman,Webb..in adyiseathatworkwillbegin.on pastoffice buildings in:Charlotte:and-Hitkory7 "yeans “10 a pointed question,give:frankgex- “pression to ithe very view which Mr.Watterson :himself @nteftained -and which he communicated,tothe ‘Governor and probably to Colonel )Harvey,‘In October last,also;the very month in which he made.these.bug- gestions.to:Governeér Wilsosn,Qoil- .onel ‘Watterson said,in.the ‘Louis- atte.Caurier-Journal,editorially: “**“Two things seem,tolerably sure to the surmise of the Courier-Jiour- snarl;if’.Woodrow Wilson.“is momi- “mated .for’President.it will,"be -through tlie foreé of an:irresistiblé ,Dregsure ‘of’public opinion and.if he\is defeated for the nomimation it.will be by some organized agen- CX,|well backed:‘with money,~.° ‘No’Democrat of modern times has comé into the running,Saniuel J.Tilden,atone.excepted,with half at once of’the equipihent and the cluim ofthe New Jersey Governor.’ “The teas that are being shed over the passing incident are wrung from those.who have;been the most conspicuous opponents of Gov-"emor ‘Wilsoli——witnecs.the frequentt-, ly quoted.statement of Mayor Dahl-. man ‘of Omaha,Neb.;who-has ‘for months not.-oOnjy been openly ap- ‘kas been the aggressive another candidate;:The samé “applies to others who have indulged in lachrymose .expressions.This,of coutge;is to be expected whenev- er’any.man develops a ,decided lead for the nomination.' “The gist of the issue,ase I see it,is whether one.friend in private comversation with’another -should, “Tt,anewer to a plain question,re- &crt to flattery or dissimulation or whether he should”State the truth as he sees it.em Another |Statement. _A statement purporting to:be a}description of the meeting between Col.-Hafvey and Govemor Wilson wita Henty Watterson in NewYork twas given out at Nashville Fridav by Judge Robert Pwing,represen- tative of the Tennessee Woodrow Wilson organization.Judge Ewing, who is related by,marriage both to. Governor Wilson and -Mr...Waty terson,;asserts.that the Govemnor's. Statement to Colonel Harvey -’was! Made against the dictates of person- al friendship and with the Yeali za-| tion that “Harvey's pupport had} brought him (Wilson).to the front."|Judge BHwiing’s statement begins: “Colonel Harvey’s intimates.well|knew his editorial utterances were wholly:untrammeled.He-had been: brought into close friendship with| Woodrow Wilson-and had conceived“the “highest -estimate of his char-|acter.’ Then Judge Ewing goes’on totellhowColonelHarvey,throug.editorials in.Harper's Weekly cham-|pioned,the,causé ef-Woodrow Wi 1-| son for the Democ tatic presiden-tial nomination. “Many-not knowing the Feal in-|dependence of Colonel Harvey,’“theStatementdeclares,“and séeking |to harm the Wilson:causé,begantoindulge-in al sorts of conjec-|tures:.and unfounded intimationsAsaresult,a number of Wilson’srealfriendsbecameoftheopinionthatperhapstheWeekly's earnestbupport«was militatin againsthis(Wilson's)prospects” Ewing declares Governor Wils:n'sOpinionwasdecidedlycontrarytothisview,appreciatingHarvey’'s sup-port and feeling it to be genuine.Then followed the meetingNewYorkbetweenWilson,Harvey|and.Watterson:Judge Ewing dieclaresthatat-the chose of the con-ference Colonel Harvey arose’andBaidtoGovernorWilson:“T wish to ask your a questionandIexpectafrankanswer.Doyoubdélievethat.the booming’‘na-ture of mny.articles in Harper'sWeekly,ig injuring your cause?’’Judge Ewing says Governor.Wil-50on's friendship for Harvey de-manded thatthe Governor.answerinthenegative,to the query,-but|that Colynel Harvey had demanded|frankness,and that Governor Wil-| 60n was obliged,with much embar-|rassment,to,make-‘that later his namefortheDemocratic Such a reply| (a6 candidate presidenti:i]nomination)was removed from the|ae columns of Harper's Week-ane Judge Ewing ass‘erts Col-:(Sa laryey,exclaimed:..,“Well,V'll:hate .to ut esoftpedal.ee “e : a Acts of tinpolans mithecountryreceived.recognitionlastweek-in the awdtds of the Car-|sree Hero.Fund ‘Commission .to-“(ise who figured in:acts ofbravery...Eleven --gilver—-and ~26bronzemedals‘were awarded,Sides’$24,600 in.oasSonstowidows-‘oringfrom$30 to $60 any parts of mothers,:ran ge per month andpengionsof$5 a.month each !°to20.children.None of-the awards|wer toNorth CeeHaiens } |mortgages ‘and deeds of trust,eith- J his political,closet,-which had been ‘concealed from {Thomasville “Davidsonian. -/waporings of: [never wrong! in|} be-- h and nine pen- political heroism Qf which few.men |jabout May ty ‘The Ohanlotte biild- In about 10 days we will put on our ~Annual Early Spring Wash Goods ° Sale._See next issue of The Landmark. Yours truly, ALLLS be Seo. SEO,“aa}‘es :wen :‘ Ling is,‘to be enlarged.fos Aw i .Hendreng a respected-cit: ten of.Brushy.Mountain town- iship;Wilkes “county,‘died ‘a +few days.apo,aged.76..His:wife,“six ichiidren and”,five’brothers and iste rs survive. The celebrated tripshaminer case“Dhe critics of’Governor Wilson lin,”Greensboro,wilh be tried ‘before |)should tell the public frankty wheéth-|a:jury -next month,The:trip-ham-|er-their.candidates would ‘assume |mer,in a,foundry’was .silenced by |feucbaanobligationas.the Governor injunction on the complaint.of aif’declined;and,if $9,whether their.citizen-~vite said.the noise-was un- candidates:would .distégard:or woule ‘bearable.\ discharge such obligation.The of Cleveland county,avers that.heAmericanpedplehavearight-to}told the truth about the case "onknowthetext.and terms.of all the witness stand -and has nothing | to add.The story of Ross imple|ér°expressed.or implied,.under cated Frank Gla iden white,,and:an}which a candidacy for the presiden-other unknown white ma;bat thacymay’labor}.-:and they have.an’jury ‘did’.not°believe |equal right to know the nambs*quitted Gladden.of all’the mortgagees.and bene fi-|Last tall “Wd: claries of trust.5 1 would rather ford county:was arrested sée Goyernor Wilson defeated:with junder of;John Love,which:dcour-|his heart.an open.book “that.‘all jog in ‘the’vicinity:of Jamestownwho.rum .may read,’“than to »B6@ |arte,a.hearing Hotere “a wncie|him -triumphant with a skeleton in irate “Hodgin -was.diseharzed.Late | er he was indicted by the grand jury;was reanrested ‘and put.in| _jai Last week Judge.Cook or-| dered his release on a!bond ‘of|$1,500.:.The evidence against Hod+| gin is clreumstantial and is:noti—} strong. are.’capable;‘Pera wenture,the yvovernor may,have-‘earned,by.eX perience,that there are men who! would undertake to eapitalize grat:' itude,and to commercialize’.influ-| ence..He may have thought it just; hand.timely to.foreclose the possi-| bility of such.an attempt hereafter: ot Guil-| for the Hodgin, ‘the eyes of a con- fident public.”.™: The Narrow |Partisan- ship. Fading o ._The better day ‘in polities hasfomeandwehailitwithjoy..The . tiie was .when bitter partisanship ‘was considered loyalty.toy ,princi-|-‘qe:jational convéntionple.Newspapers that were blind prohibition party will meet.in At-|est to truth,and that utterly,refused rontic.City,N.J July 10411-18, to hear’or to:consider the other nominate candidates for Presi | MATTERS OF NEWS.—4 ;|of -the} to ‘Thirty-threeand one-third offon Men’8and Boys’Suits,separatePants:and Overcoats may sound out of reason to you.Trueitisc.But.when your stockis double what it should be at thisseasonofyearandacorrespondingamountdueyouonyour>books and accounts falling due daily,what else can be’done?This Clothingstock must be reduced for reasons mentioned, _besides we need the space for spring stock and can’t afford to~<carry over,if for nothing more than depreciationsin:‘change ofstylesfromone'season to another.Remember this sale lasts until March Ist;the discount 1Is 331 -3 off for cash only. BASEMENT.‘ side,weré¢je +restaent.More)exponenté ‘of political thought and”tan 1,500 delegates are,expected.life.It ié-dfferent.now.The bit-; ter spirit has faded:out and —the The:atribkg,of”the Lancashirethanoahisnetromtat!(England)cotton ©mill employes,|whether he be ‘an ‘editor or a.can--Wulch:.was.called December 27,df-|Mideth Cll on hiedisee cose fecting about ‘300,000 men;has beenMuchcreditisdueforthisbet-"Settled.The question at issue betérretateofthingstoJoaephP.tween employers and workers.wasCaldwell,now dead and gone.He the employment of non-union labor.Hellaved in giving.every man All the mills were ‘re-opened yes- chance...A difference of.political ‘eTday:The operatives by.a two toOpinionwannot.with:him a pufti-one vote agreed to accept a truce,wlant caume tor hatred ahd.abla for a year,which is regarded as a In his estimation a man could be-|Victory.for the mill.men.long to another party and.still be:James T.-Harahan,,of.Chicago,a’gentleman.With some:-men a former presidetit-of the Iltinois Cen-view so broad-gudged as this is im-tral;Frank O,Melcher,sedond vicepossible.They were made on a president of the Rock Is!and;.E.B.lnnieiwae pattern Peirce,geheral counsel of the Rock This blind’partisanship is not Isard,dnd -Eldridge Wright,ofleonfinedtooneparty.“It can-be Memph's,ice president of a Rock|found in both?.vor is it confined Island bridge company and a sontothepolitical“organization..It ig Of Luke“.Wright,former secreta- ‘sometimes:seo.in the ‘religious TY Of War,were all killed?in a rayirealm..But wherever found.the Toad,collisions at Kinmuddy,.1/1,spirit is precisely the game.It with-Yesterday,and three trainmen wereholds:credit:for.honesty;sincerity inju-ed \} ba truthfultie.s from anybody who An iddtndie for 10,000,000 addi-|reategglesd ——.eke a view mapiary tional sheets of currency .paper,eee or ry .rote zearot from which $959,000,000.worth of |wears he is always en and’paper money is-to“be printed,has|been submitted’to.the House dy |Secretary,_MacVeagh-to:meet a!shortage of small bille .and _de |Munds for “clean money.’’’The Bur | reau of Engraving and Printing will} make during the “fiscal year of |1913 $160,000,000.of $5 and $10)chief.Statistician of vital sta-{Treasury notes;$293,000,000 of|tistics of the census bureau.He |&°ld certificates in)values ©from| attributes to homicide causes 3,190.)$10.to $100 and $506,000,000 of $1ofthe48,6u6 deaths from violance $2 and ey silver certificates. Deaths |“ins “the States in 1910. About six persons in every .1004 /000 in the United States were muir- jdered ia.1910.This etsimate |ismadeby.Dr..Cressy.L.Wilthdérn, |Violent United All stock in basement ‘embracing’Dry Goods,Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Shoes,will remain on sale until- closed out.Big lot mill endsin fine Zephyr Gingham,32 inches wide,for 10¢.yard,Sells the city over for 15c, One more case of the 98c.bundle.Outing,Apron.check Gingham Se.yard. All Ladies’Suits,Coats,Skirts,Shirt Waists,etc,remain on sale until closed. WMIDITIN ERY. Millinery Department open the year round.Can.buy 'Hats at your own price. W.B.Corsets—the best makein the city,all styles,Te- duced.Come early while we have your size. Auction Sale was postponed last.Saturday on .account of bad weather,but will go on Saturday coming from 2 p-m.until 6 p.m.Plenty of desirable merchandise will beoffered.very respectfull,y. THE R.M.KNOX COMPANY. in,TS year,This is at the rate per 100,000,against Prices of Food Houniling 9;6.4 in 6.3..New York Dispatch,19th.:regilted to 90.3 i-.The price of foodstuffs of almost >every:kind is up again in New Ybe‘sone out of every 100,000 in 1910 \¢9 ©‘record Aenea,a indic eeeand1909only85.8 in.the same are,deileds say,that the top notch|rac met.death in the same Man-'{n the rising s:ale has not yet be“en erhedc.:mat No explanation is given for the| advances,which are said to be without “precedent at’this season of the year.-The principal increds-| es are as follows:‘ ‘Beef,2%.cents.to 3dpound:lamb,2%cents to.3%a pdéund;poultry 2 cents to 4 cetns a pound;cheese,2.cents a’pound; potatos,25 ceents to $1.a ‘barrel, and eggs 5 cents a dozen. Vegatablees of all sorts,includ- ing canned products,have advanc- ed.Butter is.‘s°Ming at 48 cetns a pound wholesale.The only re ’duwetion expect d in the’priceinhabi-of ezes. an increase:in rate : Well to Hear Both Baltimgre Sun.;a i “Wik,n Col...Harvey,;apparently «over é by Governor Wilson’8 aus- terity,‘put “the direct question -‘to Governor Wilson whether Be sup-Pages,ae ties ot atnedar,murder!"pemt ot Hnryere,Weckls,wap doingoraninvestigy',‘Ivedfoun’from bn rait wa ein |Governor Wilson:the cold ‘rejoinder |neaa ie ell D.Thompson,whose ner shock a was,both surprised 1€ad 1s &NeLed with the frosts:ofaaAeiteere aaa ae tee a ae Leow m is a Charice m Thomp-land chivalric Ih the pa men *-aie AT attack rpon this EEod.W.ttersmi It :a 7ratio‘and beat him most unmerei-|.Wilson’aeaaeat Tas el killontaebeatingtGi‘old,worn:nedih a .ae n ie e estimation|8 ona roken-down:arent:until |®‘The ene a But “theSito,wis.Fothlog eth his [aase nuryetamny“ull hortmouthandnose,he then seifireshovel,’with which ha unre.sides have been heard,snd to.“date‘him two.severe...blows.Young|¥@ ‘have Only heard one.A‘Thompson fled immediately and.his.en are unknown.} Aas8.6fin 19 1908 amd in 107.:j ; Violent deaths Again Railroads killed the greatest num-Reberand7,877 deaths are reportedfrom.injuries from that source,{This is’an increase to.14.6 in:ey- ery 100,000 population over 13.1 in (1909.accidental drowning took| ithe next largest number,4,818 hav-| ing met ¢eath in'the waters of the United States.-‘Flames broughtdeathto4,182 and 2,494 were .sac-|Tificed in the mines and quarries|during the year.The street car|Systems.claimed 1,949.victims and‘deleterious gases 1,379,the small-est rate since 1906.Automobiles killed 980 personsjust1.8 to every 100,000tants.’sThis is jover 1:3 in 1909: cetns | is Sides. |Wicked Son Beat Aged Father.Vilas Correspondence Boone Dem-|ocrat. Qn last Monday,the comunityaroundRorestGrove‘was shocked | _—_—_—_ Give THE LANDMARK oo months’trial subsoription,.‘60:centa. eel \ |New.York Mail. ‘’Twas in the year 2011 and* intrepid |wavering female troops. give way.to manly fears?” |ranks. in-matl armor?"slirieked:the lead- |ery “show | time of the year,when feathers are| out tounding, ers. into battle|array, hurled themselves relentlessly, the enemy _ bothdates for the Democratic:presiden- tial_nomination, let tion,of Missouri, March,decide between them. ever has ‘a majority will get the delegation from) pour, Will pay highest cash price,‘Also want some good wheat.STAR MILLING CO. How the Troops Were Rallied. the general was rallying her “Women,”she cried,“will.you A timid murmur Tran through the |Sacrifice Furniture Sale—=NOW oN===“Shall it be-gaid we are clothed. The murmur grew more confused. “Will you,”came the’taunting from their gallant general,| the white feather at this of fashion?’’ The —effect was wonderful, marvellous!ya “Never!”’roared her’noble follow- “Never!” And forming themselves rapidly they once more upom s Om rat Sacrifice ee now.doing on,will close WED- Speaker Clark and.“ex-Gov .Folk, of Missourt—amd~both®candi- have agreed to Democratic State.conven- ‘to be held in Wihich-in convention Mis- 5 JANUARY the 24th,NESDAY,3the: ~WANITED! =ouce,:1,1,000 bushels of Statesville Housefurnishing Comp’y. -R.O.DEITZ,-Manager. good:white country corn. SEWING.AOELADTES oe ie,work,MRS.A.W.PEREINS,120 Fifth street,‘Phone.2296.—,Jan.9.—8t. SUBSCRIBP FOR THE LANDMARK, :an.1 19.—2t.2 ‘ "‘story:of.the house small deor which, a Small window... nent AG 1B by BLIND TIGER JOINT ©RAIDED. »been:placed in.jail to ‘await ‘for retailing:a Up”Tuesday ‘morning that .Leland had*been dispensing:| ..and Hathediately swore out Pant.and’)placed.it;in ern part ‘of town,” VOL XXXVIL sent| ‘Otis -“McLelland;nxn Yourg White Jan,Was the Proprictor-—Plead iuilty,yon in default of $500.bond ‘Otis Me- “Lelland,a “young white.pea ora ria in Iredell Superior Court next week Sheriff Deaton.“gotMc-, booze}war-thé epands of Deputy Gilbert,who arrested)Mc- Lelliand-s=sshis home in.the west- As soon,as he made thé arrest Mr.Gilbert-ngti- fied,Sheriff Dedton and the two eeteee ‘pearc hiof the resi- age the -young:man's:fath- ae Fw A FcLelland:ywithplFehelived.Opening from:*the ‘young man’s room “in .the secondwasfounda when opened,ré- vealed:an “up-to-date:blind “tis liquor joint’’in:the attie of the ol the jouse,. GL which ‘was lighted byofficers| kegs,Here the found a collection of empty jugs,bottles,etc: Jarge jugs:full of Menor and quitej ‘a number of quart and pint,bottles} “containing wine and liquor,inali-| cating:that ‘MeLelland had been do-,) ing big business and,was) -ed-to”continue.Atter.taking ‘an Heliand’s ‘stock ‘the: the?entire lot:‘and took officers seized | “tt to MceLeHand was.“arraigned Justice King.and plead guilty olily -confessed.his guilt.but; guve the officers considerable.in-| formation about his businéss .and his customers,.Bond in sa was re quired,but was not fur- nished McLelland’s excuse for en- canae am illicit:business that bi unable.to -work feund this asi easy way’to mouky Members of his family, cluding his ‘father,al of «whom claim‘iney:knew.nothing.of the blitid tiger joint,.testify to the that Otis has not worked for some time,Xut froiy Outward ao means physic ally He} not ty and make LP, Wim. three On:four |1: OrePpet:presid nt’ Bor inve ntory of aaa the | court house along with the :prisoner,/ before | the sum of |ce rents. was) iphants 'with in-/ j that>i tee $514 per fact jin { hhone appearance)/phone uha-| BIG SAVING|IN 'PHORE RENTS.P SING..OF Iredell Company Saving Statesville | eltabe Man~Died “in Statesville Over $6,000 a Year—Annual |—-Other*Deaths,Meeting of Stockholders,’Mr.Raymond .Muehler;of Cono-‘The annual meeting of the stQck-ye Pane Heaterdey ae ee :‘rp a'|ng’s natoriumy,dea resuholders:‘of.the ‘Iredell::Telephone |fase Liberaniogig:of.the:BiGIeR: ‘Company was held in ‘the compa:from which he.‘had béen a-sutfer- ny's:building ‘Tyestay evening.Mr.,ier for Some time.*He Was’brought Ry HE ‘Rickert “was ¢hairman of,the)to.the Pagel ia ddout >>three ws M,Barringer iweeks ago.and an‘operation.was Sieeting:and:Mr.si ®|penfortred,in:ne Gps ofDortarMiBarringer:ithe gravages.of'|disease. cade,on treasurer of)the Arno,Muehiér,,ban of the -deceagetl, company,showed that,the company’s ftOok,aie fathers remains to<Cano- husiness was’in.2000!condition,aay er fast night tor burial.Deveased Substantial ‘gain having beet made,Was:about 50 “years dld-and «was thepast:year,The company.’has}4 native of Gérmany:He came to in.operation 784 ‘*phones,.-a very |American when a’.young:Iman and large ‘number for .a -town,the veize |moved to,Conover from Wiscongin of Statesville.Its coniiedtions ‘about seven years age.A,widow cover Iredell.and.extend:into..sey-20d five children survive. eral ‘adjoining:counpies,Pee Mr.John ‘Nantz,formerly of.the. The stockholders ‘re-elected |“Mr:|Elinwood section,died Thesday at H.P.Grier president.of the com-|ithe:Lome of his brother,Mr.Roe |pany and:also ‘re-elected.the.old 'NattZ;Sn.Davidson township,aged} board of directors as follows:-H,about 55 years,;Death.resulted Grier,|Ri R..Clark,.“4_.|fronf pneumonia,Mr.Navitz .was Yount,‘SB Miller.Ba a Wy unmarrie His remains were.buried Wallace:TUG,Shelton,yz.at A entre chiirch ‘Wer linesday: King,P,F.“Laugerour,R.vy,1:bes ie Motiroe |Brawley,R:J.Bryant,rs -uteht at her:home ‘After the meéting of the™stock-|Vie,death esulting. holders the directors met aud.’DOMED...ONG |mural ren by,.a hws| |lected Mr.Bugene.Morrison *¥Be OG alk Tye ern:She,was “af the company,,:Mr./4 mtaber /of Mrs.RB:Leinster:and ringer $écretary and.treqsurer Miss Margaret Johnson,of States- ‘Messrs\Grier,;Morrison.and ville,i «ho ate,to FayettevilleWallaceexecutivecommittee.Tt be.<u er yo aeieta ile Whilé the Iredell Telephone Com-:»tune o ¥3 of *Mrs,”A. pany was.organized’more to\adve ;wao died Sunde iy in Ac- money than to make it,it’7 has;|of in Tuesday's| while .maintaining.a first-class plant building.a homie,adding...to its equipmeng and:extending its lines,been able to pay.some divi- 3.The largest dividends,how-| are in the saving®of “phon This wilt be seen.by compar-Bell “charges for |similar the charges of the Ire-j} com pany ‘On a hasis of; ‘phonies,thé comparison,shows the Bel]‘plone rents.would month,$6,168 year, of those Icharged"by the company.In:other words, users:of Statesville are|. s4Ving.more than $514 month Serres a year=in *Bes Tear IS Landmark,were street ‘Methodist Tuesday’ Rev.Harold nt.was in Durham's Statesville ,CoOm]anied byMessrs:R.'L.>MeMelion Adams,of Acworth.«Mrs r and:Misses Bessie..and ..Charlotte,were morning Turner,Dy remains, Monday Dr.Dur- a which.arrived in as nicht werMentwere hamand igon Of del}* 700 iainSisk ON WALLER20ADMULE TRACK. Buggy excess Wandering Around With a road and Had a Close Call” LC )_a 2)Fa ate Tite a eee tin St cite pay rey ible MR.*MUEHLER.|' wperintencent of -thestaving. MYL 4|move d died ‘Monday i Fayette-! from ptomaine |... to" conducted at “Broad| Q&kwood| Balaany Became Fast on.the Rail-| cH ANGE COTTONMMILL OFFICERS!UNION te TING IN PROGRESS. We,Mathesona Heedinen as Pres-Mooresville Presbyterians Unite ident Taylorsville.Mill—Anti-eLige|Se rvice-—Mooresville >News. ior League Onganived—Tay lors-|Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.ville News.|Moo resville,Jan;25--The |con- Correspondence of The Landmark.—|gr egations of the Presbyterian and “Thspade ok 25-—-Mr.W.C.)A,R.P)churchkés here‘are:holding Mathessn,president of Taylorsville |a series.of+meetings’this.wee Chito Mill,yhag:gold:his “stock in|Lwihtth are éouducted by Rev,Driid "the anill to.Mr.-Eugene Crose,su-ree Kennedy,pastor eft:Bast, inill,e At a :Daberfacte chareb Charlotte. reall éting of the dikectarsy Tue Vices in the.attemoot are held.in, day.aftetpoon,Mr.Math ‘Ol!re-ithe iH.®,ehurch and are:of. signed ‘president,and @irector |the’nature of pibis slectures,.or talksand.Mi ACOH Psapp Was elect:on.the Bible.li connéction~with ed.pr lent arid)Mr.Bugeue ‘Cros Sunday .school-wie rk.:These lectureeWasciécteddirectoresucceedMr.are éxceedingly instractive ‘and In Wi s ispiring:and are.attended by.Very Mr ‘large.eoigregations.Preaching ber-: ‘have.vices are held in the’evening.at the ithe BreSbyterian,ckirch.Dr.Ken- jnedy is an tousuadly Strong..man, Little Carlyle Melchor;tae-8-year- old son of..Mr..W.W.Melchor,.“whe MI in Jnd Sere nye@E (A as i ae uUheson.iJ.P Elder and family,who} hada boarding.house near! station for a number of years, Monday \to’-their.-new resi-| Ldenc:,aear.,the -foot:of;Linney’s|fmons ifaini +‘Mt,Re LY Snow and jfamily moved into the house Mr.El-|was right seriously.hurt last...Sat idér vacated:Mr.dnd.Mrs:G. W..}urday,as.reported in the last ‘issue. |Watts,who.receitly moved.back|of'The Landmark,:is rapidly ini jhere.from Oklahoma and:have been |proving and.is how entirely out.of [wit Mxs...Watts*-parents,Mr.and dai es ;ae i{Mrs:Thos,Watts,are moving into |=“Mr,B.WW.‘Kerr,who for? their residence which Mr.Snow va-/a number of years,beén making and} cate 4 ‘repairing furniture,has:recently| A jsold his’shep to Messrs,Evans end fount Dingler,both.of this place.* iter the Several.chic ken,fanciers Viged-an |John -W. Man awd iretaryileague |liquer}ena ork# has t number of citizens met at >the house We dnesday evéning,af-| prayermeetings,and ongan-| YAnti-Liquor ‘League.Ms Moore was‘elected éhair-| Attorney A.C.Payite Bec=|St atesville-soon:°°Itig ‘the -purpose,df”the Last,night:“Mr.Wilfiam :Medlin to oppose the filicit sale of land Miss Hestie(Clark,who:live it in every possible way.Séy-|the southern’part of.town,‘were interesting talks.were made.(united in marriage by Hsq:'J.CG.Me. Mr.A,C:Payne spent Tuesday.im!)Lean.‘They.expect to make their | Statesville \on business.Messrs,F,|home’in Mooresville. iP JQhnsot,of:Hickory,apd’Tellis|Mr..and.Mrs..G.M.Kipka.are | Miller,of Morganton,wére..here (movying:today.into their,new -hand- Tue ‘yy on busitiess..“Mr.=:W.B.some,residence “which.has just been| Matheson spent Wednesday in Char-completed on’First street.‘Thisnew lotte Mr.and tre.‘Thos.Bolick |home,with all modern convesiences, fare visiting re latives.in W.ilkes.|is one of the handsomest in:.Moores- i ee i ville,ne |THE STEEL The remainsof Mr.and Mts.E Melchor,who died néarly four years ago.near Stony Point and were buried at New Stirling church,were’ ,;removed -from’their ’restingpartofsomesneetetOpiace|¢}her >yesterday and browght to this} rails and pig iron on th|place today,and.imterred in’the2.Lest and inecredse the proposed:town ‘cemetery.Mr. |duties:on lead and’zinc,Democrats [chor were for.‘many are .pre-| to,the poultry show to —be a ARIF F BILL. Agree on the.Measure of.Its Provisions.ineffectual effort ©on 5 Democrats ‘ —Sonie Att ithe ere: free tanh ea ithe .Sherrill4wihite place | and.Mrs+Mel-! BRIEF ITEMS.OF ‘LOCAL NEws. cotton brought 9.40 the ‘pound ,on the Statesville:market yesterday... ee THO.Benevolent:and Relief Association.will:réceive $10.A from the ‘Kilties eu concerts. bi ei dy White has-— ang Mr.O+L.Woodsides~has been appointed:“his .suceesgor. “Mer.M:Smith,of Bagle Mills tow nship;“has been,fnder treatment.‘ at.the sanatorinm-for:several dayis". and his.condition shows.cdnaidera- Dhe improvement: oon hile’cutting ‘wood Wednesday-near his home iy.Falstowny ship,Mr.Cornelius.-Kestler,B wella:" known citizen,cut .a ‘severe: gasie. in his left foot,which’has disabled. him temporarily,©mM ASOD, chief clerk at Hotel Jredell and re- centt yiston,Jn the same.capacity,has take len the management of Hotel,Kein- now at Goldsboro. the contest by the |States- vi ile House ‘Furnishing Co.,which slosed.Wednesday night,are:1166 |tree prize,.2280 second prize and 117777 third.prize, Re 3, -in Tatum,rho has up his..workaposition’as trav-evil here Co.,-has\‘given ‘to .take leling salesman ‘for the |Grocery»C o,.He.will take new work Monday, —Mr,C.BL:Parker has“given wp Tints position!at Foushee’s store te: rhecome a salesman for the “Sloan |Clothing:Co.,succeeding Mr.W.A, White,who will give his time to Shoe Co,suc- |cessors to S.B.Miller,ne -The current issue of Our Fa- jtherless Ones says that.Miss Janie |McKachin,lady manager.-of the |Barium Orphans’Home,has found it necessary to take a rest and “haa gone to her home in Laurinburg to remain ‘three or four weeks.es Mr.R.B.Wilson,who:recent- ased.the Statesville Sentinel, up his lly he ‘companied’‘by Mrs.Wilson, -resigmed- Jas.deputy sate for Concord ‘town--* :hghip, Lown ! The numbers that won the.‘Bria:iw aa VEY /paring.to send some.very et ee been with the ne Stimpéon:HardneGia ‘Statesville: arrived this:week -from:Brevard,ac-»and. Brabble,formerly": with the Zinzendorf,at:Wine - ble to ‘work,The tase”16>one ~0r the ‘most interésting of ‘its kind yet developed in-the county. News of the Churches,° Sérvices prefiaratory td the com- munion will be held at the First Presbyterian church next.Wednes- day,Thursday amd Friday evenings’ at 7.30:.Communion service on Surday following.Rev.Ww.Ss Wilson,of Mooresville,will ©con- duct the meeting.The officers of the .slonary Society of Foreign Mis- Broad street :‘Methodist chunch ‘will theet this af- “of thé sotton ternoon at 3.30 o'clock at Dr.P F.Laugenour’s,on Front street “The Mission Study Circle,of Broad.Street Methodist church will meet Monday afternoon*at 3 30 o'clock with Mrs.J.L.Sloan,on Duvie avenue 3 A missionary for Troutman circuit wilh be heil ~at Troutman..Tuesday,30th.Rev H. K Boyer -and Presiding Hider Mann’will be ‘the chief speakers. The members of the’official board and the missionary comntittee ©of each-church on the circuit:are -utged:to attend the meeting The Rev.B.A..Osborne expects to preavh and,celebrate the holy communiotm:in St.James church next Sunday,28th,at it 2.mR Services at Bethany.church Sun- day >ag .11 o'clock and at Fifth Creek premous “at 3 in the:after- naon.; Rev.W..N.Johnson,“of|Wake Forest,will preach at.the First Baptist church Sunday morning and evening: Communion ehurch Sunay. 4 rally thie at.the Lutheran Mr.Nicholson Coming Huie, Mr.Geo.B.Nicholson,who mov- éa from Statesville to Racine, “Wis.,a year or so ago .to mag a position as Counsel for the oy 1. Case Company,.has,resigned .that: position on account of ill health and he and Mrs.Nicholson.and child are now on their way to Statesville.Mr.Nicholson.was stricken with illness.last -April, soon after he reached Racine and entered upon hig new work,and al- though,he recently.recovered suf- ficiently:to resume work,his hee vith continues bad and a change of cli= mate was advised,hence.his.de cision to come homie,to recuperate. Mr.Nicholson's selectiom as coun- sel for the Racine company ,was a great ‘compliment,to him and his friends greatly regret.that hishealthhasbeensuchthathewas force?to give up.the work.°-It“is hoped that.he will soon regain his strength and can..again take up: the practice of his profession. Cotton:in Warehouses,\There’até now stored »in theHouses’of the Iredell Farmers’: Union ,.Warehouse:Cotpaiiy more than 1,ond bales of cotton and more is being ‘hauled’to’the houses every day.Only a Verv few bales.have been takén from the houses end placed on thé market on account oftheadvanceititheprice‘ot the sta-ple to 9 4C cents.in storage "Ws><1» the Stat 2sville warehouse,and tho rematuder ish at.Mooresville,The warehouse company,has just “com-pleted another warchouse at Bloom-field,on tae lot adjoining the cot- ton warehouse,to be used for gen-eral storage purposes.The new ys “+house is of cement brick. ‘|bare-legged, 18.A.Foster and family yesterday About 809 bales| piret +t the amount they.would have to payaccordingt@thescheduleofBell charges -for a similar number of ‘phones,while the service ig as good) as is furnished by the Bell any-| where and much better than many towne get from that company.. This comparison,béar im mind, is based on charges made by the! Bell where it has no competition. In:Statesville the Bell sells "phones|freeing tlie “bugey from the postat-almost any price but if it had|Mr..McNeely led the mule alonz the field its prices here would be jthe tray k.to a place where.it could the same ~as.|/elsewhere,‘which /get down the fill and then took means that the same 'phone-serv-|it some distance from théice.would ‘cost Statesville.between jand tied it.“The mule’had :hardly $6,908 and $7,000 more per year }been removed from the track when eee tr renee ithe ‘night -train for “between Mri.Thos found @ stand.| night: nine-o'clock, a railroad man, attached to a buggy, railroad Wednesday eight andiMcNeely, mule, |Investigation revealed that the bang- @y had come in_contact witha railway,whistle signal post and the mule was unable.to move. eeip g dis-ible that Mr..McNeely’s timely heard and.en-|covery of the mule iind vehicle not eoncert by thé Davidsen |ODly saved the life’of the AnimalCitea”lub.and Orches-|Dut also removed what might ‘have tra at Statesville college Tues-|Caused a wreck.: day night.The “programme.coa-Mr.McNeely-reported.’the ‘case ‘to. sisted of classics.popular.airs.and }Officers.and Deputy Sheriff.Wardcollege.songs.”While the majority|took charge of the mule-and bugsy of the numbers ‘were by the orches-|Nesterday morning amd placed it in tra or Hee club as a whole,|the hands of a man’ying nea:there a solos and:selec-wheretiousbyquartette:~The.orches-|et {shows up.Thé mule had —evi: tra.music’is:highly.compliimented detit!y broken hboose and wandered and the vocal music is pronounced jabout until the buggy caught on the very.good for non-professionals ,male post as it passed alongTheorchestraconsistsof14pieces|Tatlroad,track. and-there afe 15 voices in the glee |Alleged Retailers in Wilmingtonclub.Mr,B..L.‘Bishop,of Geor-|:Get Off Light. gia,is.director of:both.|.The.movement to.semure “better The Kilties.band played to good!regard:for law and eréate in Wil-| audiences in the Theater Wednes-}mington a more wholesome atmos-| dya afternoon,and evening. whole the music was good,some of the specialties being very .good, and the audience at both concerts was well pleased.Tie members of the band,dressed in kilts and prevented an unique appearance.One member,who led the.street parade,was seven .feet two inches tall and of course at- tracted much attention.fe -ap- pears to be used for show purpos- es only,as'he did not play.The bagpipes and the dancing were an mteresting feature. -—hHKiitics Band. A fair joyed the College audiente the Ce wete a thLhe Court Twesday when.the-plea nolo contendere was:accepted by.the solicitor in the large batch of whis- key cases,60°odd in number,and ‘upon the recommendation ofthe po-+licitor the judgment -of the court Was that the defendants give bonds img to their financial .ability,”for appearance..at the,January:term,| 1913,to show that they have-been of good behaviour and have not en-| faged in the sale of liquor. prosecutors.are.indignant eharge the an agreement. ut and -|New Restaurant: Messrs...S.A.Hoover’and ls, Lentz are arranging to open an up-to-date restaurant im the build-+ ing on Court streét,opposite “the court house.The fixtures are bé- ing installed and the place will be readly-for pusinéss;“ithin a day or two.‘Mr.Lentz,who has been’in the.restaurant business at Spencer, lwilkbe in charge,.Messrs.’Hodver and Lentz will.move their families to Statesville and.will occupy theRobbinshouseonCenterstreet.| Mr.Hoover formerly lived in States- ville but.has for the past few years.made his home im Mooresville.Mr. Vagrant on the Streets. ‘By threats of punishment,offi- cers have for.some time.been try-|ing to make Mike Redman,a worth-| less negro,support his family,but to no ayail,and yesterday the ne- gro was senténced:by Mayor?Cald- well to serve 30°‘days gn the Street force.Redman.was arrestedseveraldaysagobecauseofhisfail- lire to support his family and was sleased'by the mayor on condition tthat he go to work .and provide fgod for his wife And‘children.This he.failed to do.and@ it was decid-ed ‘thiat if’the .town must take care*of “his family~Redman mustworkfor*the town,hence his pen- ‘|;tence:to Berve’on. Fire at”Marshville,‘Union ooul- ty,Wednesday,morning,destfoyed,ablock.of wooden buildings which im- cluded the..postoffice,a..grocery‘store;livery stable and sales sta-ble...‘Four horses and a cow.ware burned in.-one of.the stables.*The tira.originated from a stove;flue inéthe ‘sales’stable.Neatly alltheburned-buildings were owned by J..W,:‘Hasty.2Sheriff.Jones,of Guiltora, is an Iredell man,\will not”“be candidate for re-election.‘He serving his third term’and,there to Work moved from the Robbins.-house:to a house on “Belk street recently/purch ved by Mr.Foster. aomienactinntntiteetstealias, Snow in W yoming—A Death, In a-sote to The Landmark.um-der.date o*the 19th,,Mirs lake ‘Hall,writing from Garrett,W'yo., says: 7 SWe Nave had’a’frightful Shiowstorm,jlastitig about two wee The’sutiw ‘was two feet deep or more ald,the weather was very ‘cold.The .last two days shaveLbeenfineandwewillprobably havee several weeks of nice “rea thernow.=‘George «Gillespie;|"18-year-oldsonofMr.A.B.Gillespie,died 6th of January,'!are many:candidates,for the jow. ing:on the track on a fil just ndm ir {west of the States¥iMe Cotton gh Pen be tare RAOe -re Quickly| track | Taylorsville| Theil Glee Club and Orchestra)|passed along and it is quite proba-| it was found until its own-| AS 4 |phere received a setback.in Superior| of ranging ‘from $100 to $300,accord-} The Solicitor with violating| ed to-‘greater activity the street force. who; ;ae 1s years:citizens nt tt u=y 3 and|by ROAD “AND BRIDGE WORK. |,|Material For Steelteel Bridge Has Ar-. rived—A Marriage—-A New Pas- ter—Enufola News. reductions|Correspondence ofbird ogame lon all items in the iron and’steel|.Bufola,January ~These pret- jtariff and the placing on the tar-/ty days make us fer:of spring iff free list of iron ore,.‘sewing |tme and.we hope they will continue imachines,printing machinery,cash/for a few dayy. registers,nails and many other |The roads are the worst in this larticles,against which a tanifg.is|section t ey have’,been for sever- inow levied,“are proposed in the jal years.The “graders on the pub- bill.~Among.the articles now du-/|tic highway have resumed work tlable -umder the Payne-Aldrich since the ground ‘jas thawed.They bill,which would be placed on ‘the|were tied up for some time.The free ‘list,.are,.the following:jcontractor.who is building the con-: Iron ore,existing duty 5.29,per)‘rete pillars.for the bridge at Buf- cent.;hoop and band iron and.steel,falo Shoals for the central.high- 16 per cent.;barb wire and ~wire way also resumed -work this week. fencing,7.77 per cent.;nails,17.-|Tiey unloaded’the first car load '67 per cent.;Horse shoes,27 per!{of the steel bridgé at BDufola siding ceut.;Tungsten ore,10 per cent.;|Monday morning.The roads at zine.ore,36.57_..per cent.)-cash |present are too bad to haul it to registers,linotype,machines,‘ma-+/|the river.: lenine tools,printing presses,sewing Mr.-Henry \fachities and typewriters,30.per|Ida Wiavuigh cent.fe :residence of _Reductions on finished steel ‘and |Wednesdayironproductsrangeinmanyclass-|Motrison idrovetothe home of the groom’se§as much as 50 per cent.Tlie -fig-) ures given.owt by the’ways and father,Mr;Amos Case adden,_where ,‘a Teception.was given.}means committee show that this wi ‘imake a corresponding reduction in Mr.W:'W.Troutman, Texas,spent’Sundaytariffrevenuesfromthesesources‘‘t Ln |Rates of duty under existing.Payne-.Monday:with this sister,Mre.°€.©. |Aldrich.tariff:law’have been re.|Chark..Miss Daisy.Rowveche,of ;duced ‘to the equivalent’ad yalorem Statesville,is Spending a few days |dutyby the committee.with relatives at Bufola,Mr..T: M.Patterson ‘went to .§LexingtonDemocraticLeader’Underwood es-,) timated that the bill would reduce Monday night om business:He will ‘4 return home tomorrow..-the average tariff on steel imports ,: Rev.W.'P..Campbell,of Burling-from 51 per “éent.to |22:42 toni,has accepted a call to .Rethiel,per cent!ad valorem;‘that.it would:n 4 reduce overnment-tariff...revenues Olivet and Catawba.Baptist church- és ..and)has.moved to the newfromsteelproducts’by $823,597 aie 1911 and by $4,000,000 from |Parsonageat Olivet,which.was re- 1910.“Imports of steel products,he|cently built.Mr.Campbell will said,would be increased by nearly |commen¢e jhis work next/Sundiay at $20 000,000.Olivet:He will give two Sundays tcaeOlivet—-secotid and fourth,Sunday|Fourteen:and a Half Million —at:11.o'clock;first Sunday at Ca- |Ginned:tawba,third Sunday nat.Bethel ‘atThe.vayt 1911 cotton crop of}7]o'clock and one Sunday evening.|the United States had been ginned|apr Gampbell is’an able preacher and comes.highly ‘recommended.jand baled to the extent of 14,- 1510,676 bales on January 16,atcord-We Wweledine ‘him tout community. jing to.the census bureau's -report |issued ,Tuesday,showing:193,674 |bales “were ginned during the pe- jtiod from January 1.to 15 inclus- ive Ging this season or the’Howse Or COmesress of Mooresville:leus Tuesday ratified the iron jsteel ttariff schedule drafted ;their colleagues on the ways . jmeans committee,adding | a the free list.Thirty to 50 percent. ‘Cascadden,and.-Miss were:married’at the Esq.-J.,W.Morrison at <1 .e’clock,Esq. officiating.They then of Dallas, night and Bales Norfolk Sottthern Called to Court. A petition to’restrain the Nor-folk Southern ‘railroad from pur- chasing the:Aberdeen’&Asheboro, Carthage &Pinehurst,Durham &Charlotte,Sanford &:Troy-.andRaleigh&Southport mailpoads..in North Carolina -has been filed.in the United States District Court atNorfolk,by Dr,Southgate Leigh, former.‘surgeon of the road,who says tie gfompany .is due ,him $1,500 for ~gervices.\The petitign alleges:‘that®the road’{8 in:bad shape tnd -unablé to pay fixed charges and cost of maintenance. The railroad is--required té -Bhow cause January 31. Much is expected of the opera- tions of the Norfolk Southern —inNorthCarolina.‘Whether this suit, for so small an -amount,,will,check the ‘railroad’s’plang gt development|8 remains:to be seen. Two @hilldirent of a Mr;‘Smith,of ‘Montgomery coulty,were burned to} death -a few:days’ago—one three years old andi one three months old,The mother left them in the hous have been fore- than ever before.by the enormous crop.A |considerable:quantity remains to |be ginned before the chose of’the season.The exact amount will be ‘made known by the census —bu-reau’s final ginning report March i giving.“figures up to,February 4 NY:i ait ueeeday’s gitning tenort about 375,000 bales lesé (than Qepariment of Agriculture's mite of production which was 14,- 885,000 bales.of500 pounds grossweight.Last -year’11,258,147 hales,97.3 per cent..of the 1910 ‘icrop,.was ginned prior to Jaf16th;18,666,203 bales im 1909,jwhen 96.8 per cent.of the 1908 crop was ginned,and 12,767,600 bates:in 1905,When 94.9 per cent,.of the 1904°crop.was ginned,,.- In North Carolina 996,714:‘patos have been ginned against 718,405 in 1910,»661,690 in 1908 and 704,801 in 1904.ioe Constipation is the cause of many aii:pers aee Dae that make life mis-bi QGhambetlain’s .Stomachverinlets,keep,your bowelsAerndis} is the esti- whe returned the children ae house were afire.Shereroved:th ehiljiren from the house but)building’‘was destroyed-Ba died :from theburns, reatiiar and you willoases.For sale by.all while she -went to the spritte,When: ‘the.and?the” Nis taker charge cf the-paperMeandMas.Wilson will make their home with Rev.C.E.Raymal,broth. er-inslaw of:Mrs.Wilson: —Miss,Hattie McLelland and.Mr. burg township,were’married.in Statesville yesterday afternoon about o'clock at the residence of Rev- 3.F.Hargett;-who.officiated.’The bride is.a daughtet of Mr.J.oN. McLetland and-the groom a.son of Mr.J..N.Summers, —Fine weather! like.- Th e Mild and spring- The sun shines,the.birdssing,the mud is drying up,and one thinks.of getting ready to, ‘‘make garden”.and “pitch a enop.” It won't last?Maybe there is more winter in .store,but let’s enjoy what we have and take what's com- ing when we get to it, —While in:The Landmark office Wednesday Capt.J.M.Parks re- called that it was the birthday.of sq.Harvey Garrison,of Mecklen- burg county,an..old neighbor of Capt.Parks,and.his 99th_birth- diay at that."Capt.Parks saw Mr. Garrison last fall‘and found him helping with farm work.Asked if he could eat and sleep,well,Mr. Garrison.said he ate.enough for the exercise.‘he took and could sleep.well except when.he was mad.Mr.Garrison has been a magistrate and an elder in,thePresbyteriai’Church for.many years. Publicity For the Barium Orphans’ Home. Charlotte.Chronicle,23d.Publicity has proved ‘quite:bene- a1-in the case of the Presbyte-‘Orphans’Home,at Barium Springs,but we were not aware un- til yesterday that ‘the ‘institu-tion:had''a committee on pwblicity,. W.R.Minter,of -Lincolnton;Rev. Charles’M.Richards,of Davidson; and Hon.A.M.Seales of Greens- boro.These committeemen gath- ered in Charlotte yesterday:andr were joined by Rdv.W.T.Walker, superintendent of the Home,andMr.William Laurie Hill,editor of the Home publication,The very mation “by bulletin.....f- ¢?to issue monthly bulletins is propos- from wide distribution over»the State. mation of the health,condition of the financial affairs,of the progress and,of the needs of the institution. orphanage -wjll gain much adidition~ al support and it will be a satis-faction,to the Presbyterians of the Stite-to be kept Tegularly.and in- telligently posted about it.- Some timeugo,about two years we believe,certain of the secular papers.started’a publicity:cam-paign for the Barium Springs Home that did not set well with someof‘thé brethren,but which,is,nowadmittedtohavebéanthe‘great-t work even’done ‘for,the in- stitution.these-papers.to relinquish pwhblic- ity oversight.to the official organ of the Honie.a:oS aaOtherwiseWwoodrow Reidsville Weekly.-eeeTheSchoolmaster—4a abroad ° the land, ,Postmaster aca taka,who was ousp ed of being op-tpose*to Presi tion,auinounces.th * Henry D.Summers,both.of Sharpes This committee is composed of Rev. sensible plan was adopted of imfor-- Thése bulletins’will give full:infor-- By -this method we feel sire the- It,will be a pleasute for ‘ree the orphanage,press‘and give them _ the ‘THE LANDMARK ‘WRIDAY,——January 26,1912. "SERMON ON GOOD OITIZENSHIP, ‘Discussing .B00d citizenship in a permon,last Sunday,.Rev.H.M.} North,‘pastor of Edénton ©Street} -.Methodist church,Raleigh,as re- ported by the’Raleigh Times,cwant- “ed to know if-the citizen.who.seeks: release from:jury duty is a good citizen.Mr.~North argued)that if the ‘best°citizenship accepted jury service instead of seeking .to evade it,there would be fewer mis carriages of justice.-All of’which ‘is true;and it must follow —that the man who,evades jury diity, ‘who will not make the sacrifice and accept thid service required ofthe “eitizen;is neglecting:and evading’), duties’of.citizenship’and is impt a .good citizen:_‘That’.may ‘pound harsh but it is<afact.that cannot be denied,"The :evasion of :jury service ‘by ‘the more intelligent .and.‘the class~most competent:te discharge the.duty,leaves the service ‘to those less fitted -for.it ‘an@ if there is a miscarriage of justice the blame.liés'at the door ‘ef the man who failed to:“perform his duty as a.citizen;and he.is “not d good citizen”who neglects the awties of citizenship.ee : ‘"Phose who exceed.the ‘speed limit and jeopardize thé lives of @hildren’?are not good citizens,|. -gontinued.the preacher,That ~is, ene who does not regard the,rights ‘ef others;who considers his own eonvenience,comfort.er pleasure waithout regard to,the effect’his - e@emduct may have on-:others,is ~—Not’@ good citizen:In-some.cases that type ‘is distinctly vicious. Sometimes the selfishness,which :disregards the rights and comfort hi ana’pléasuire of one’s neighbors,or ef the public,|is due to thought- les6ness,.which is inexcusable,and sometimes it is due to GOWS-FiEtit meanness.2 ‘ “The Saseibcesee kisses the book and then criticises.the city. The tax-books will’rise up.-in jude- ment’against thousands of citizens,” “@ontinued the’preacher.,Tax- dodging is the most prevalent and @ne 0%the worst offenses ‘against good citizenship.The man who ae portion of on or by :aaelie back/ta aes of that which ke knows isliable for taxation |is met a godd citizen and in addition he is a perjurerfor he swears to make a fair and just return.Com- ing down to justice and truth and Wight,the man who evades —taxes is distinctly a bad citizen;and the maz who seeks to get from the’ public treasury that to which he is not justly entitled,by making claims not founded on right and justice,is also a bad citizen. Continuing Mr.North argued “that the man whé neglects sanitary| regulations—the laws of health— which may seriously affect his ownfFemily,his neighbors or the ‘com- Muthity,is not a good citizen.Of touse he isn’t.If one through neg- lect is the causa of propagating|y or spreading disease,he is as much responsible for the results as if he had delibetately polluted ~the water supply or in some other way had deliberately done something to Bpread disease.be .All ‘these propositions are sBelf- evident and they by no means cover s@ll the duties of good citizenship,but they are matters of everyday concern to which too much consid- ‘etation.cannot be given. The following is ent from -Pe- king,China: The American Sedation approves of the opinions expressed in.’thefollowingletter.addressed .to theremrenfromamissionin~Chi- “We strongly disapprove of mis-Bionaries becoming political gdvis-ers ahd placing themselves.on--theBideoftheRevolutionaries,It is.amenacetouswhoremaininthenortherninterior..The act of themissionariesinShanghaisigning‘Such telegrams and widely publish-ing them brands the misslonary bodyasrevolutionaryandniight-mean,@ur being wiped out at any.time.’’The imperialists already suspéctthatthemissions,especially —the}American.missions,are inculeatingFevolutionaryideas.The AmericanMinister,Mr.Calhoun,has endeay-@red repeatedly to persuade all theMissionariestoleave:the interior,but many of them,Particularly themedicalmisejonatiesfeel‘thattheirdutyrequiresthemtoremain,'(Missionaries often get into troueble,embarrass their home =gov-eriment and handicap their effortsinmissionworkbymeddlingwith‘Sovernmental .affairs of tiie -coun-try in which they labor.The!temp-Aation ‘to do this is doubtless veryMtrong,for the government ‘as wellasthereligionof4hatheatheneonntitefeoften-in oon ¥-ear etek he PS reform= ing.pat the Missionaries often failet-the purpose aimed at and erip-“ple the miasiph,work by me“adhing inepomaratfairs..6 cen neaeMrs,Jeunis Taylor,,aged about10yeats;died Monday ii ‘Winston‘aS a result of buries..Her cloth-_caught:fromaw er fire,F ten Pmada OLEOMARGARINE AND “BU ; “Oleomargarne is.a substitute for butter,made of cotton peed of) and other fats:Under the jaw.olec margarine colored to:resemble.but- ter,so that At;can be sold ‘to the Un Wa by.‘ass the genuine article,is taxed 10 cents a pound by the:gov- ernment.Oleomargarine |in’.its. matural’state,so that.“all may; know what it is,is'taxed one-fourth of a cent per pound.The idea in imposing the high tax.on the color- ed:article is to prevent its substi- tution ‘for butter by deception.The oleomargarine interests and the cot ton seed oil interests havé for some yearsmade strenuous efforts.to have the tax on the colored article’re- moved,‘and without success,.They have chatecd the existence of.a ‘butter trasg..at Elgin,Th,’and) maiitained that the'tax was in] the interest of this trust,which"it ig altaged'-dictates the,price ‘of. butter ‘ih,the large butter markets. ‘Against this appeal ‘was the:angu- ment that:the oleomargayine’man- ‘ufacturérs,’,.by:iuiposing’the spur riousproduct on the uninitiated as the genuine article,would damage the farmers who make real butter and discourage the dairy industry.}” The general public,whe objected to:p the idea of:having oleomargarine| imposed on them as.genuine but- ter,sympathized with the opposi- tion,to the removal of the tax. But fortune,fate or greed,eith- er or all,have favored.the oleomar- garine contingent. price of butter in Chicago and oth- er large,markets advanced to 48] cents.the’pound,“with the:prospect. fof going to 60 cents.Phe ‘butter trust” rilly;raising,the.price,and-it looks that way. tive Lever, chairman the agricultural committee of the House of Congress,~has ed a bill to reduce the tax-on col ored oleomargarine one cent have the support of the .residents of the large cities,who are indignant on account of the rise in price of butter, support.. the _bill, appreciable effect on the butter mar kets inthe small cities and towns, which are supplied by farmers,un- less the ' materially advance.Oleomargarine is claimed to be as healthful and palatable as butter and many peo- »Recently —the was charged with <drbitra- As a result Representa- of South Carolina, of a ‘sub-committee of -introduc- {to less than a pound.'This bill will and it will receive a strong It is:not probable that if’it passes;will have an price of butter.should ple,those umused to real fresh but- ter,can’t tell the difference. The tax .on oleomargarine has amounted to about $550,000 annually On account of the 10 cent tax on the colored product there has beea much bleckading,after the manner of the.iilicit whiskey distilleries who seek to avoid the.government tax.It is argued that a reduction of the tax will eliminate the block- aders and that more revenue will be collected,: } Red Cross Engineer Tells of Dread- ful Famine Conditions in China. Washington,Dispatch. They have no seed to.plant and no animals to do their plowing With;and this condition of affairs has gone on for so long that.they have,lost all desire for work;theysimplywanttolie-down:in the mudanddie.‘There'were people walkingoneithersideof:the roadway,com-ing and going.These were all beg-Sars and all starving.A few yearsagoamajorityofthemhadbeen,successful farmers but now they have absolutely nothing.There was.not} @ day that I did not pass two or three bodies of men,-women-and children lying on the.road.’Whenpeople‘got tired and gave up they simply dropped_down where they were and died;they did not even go to the raised:track on the side but dropped in the road,where they lay unburied. “Is came across the emaciated body.of a young boy,five or pix years old;his throat had.been:cut: from ear to.ear,and-.a-piece of paper was pinned on him whichStatedthathisfatherandmother had nothing to give him to eat; and the children of the village werestandingaroundlookingat.the corpse,”* These were some of:the observa-tions of ©.D..Jameson,4 Red Cross..engineer.sent to inspect the famine district in China and to report on the possibility of flood prevention in the Hwai valley.‘The appalling conditions apply to:near-|ly 3,000,000 people and unless out-side relief is instantly forthcoming|:'it is declared:untold thousands ofthesemust‘die before the scanity new crops are ripened and gather},OB ieerrenineeenenmiee, Carolina Second in»Yarn. The publication , States government ot the supply and distribution ‘of cotton in this country shows that there was.onlyoneStateintheUnion-that mademorepoundsofcottonyarnthan:did North Carolina,This State,BOO ogOy O05 nm Webndteen btassesenechusettstnehde523,000,000 pounds.The third highest record was SouthCarolina,with 284,000 1000,and |Georgia was fourth with |2 30 5000,- 290 pounds,«.ee When buying &,,cough medicinschildren; North 6tton, of the’United forbeartn--mind that Chamber-jlain’s.Cough Remedy is mdst effectualfor..colds,;croup.andandthat‘it.containsPeaeleby.all ar whooping eoughno;-harrofulta,i drug, one wack aOr the’Democratic committee,hhas.named the national.Democratic.conyen-}-‘tion in Baltimore:Jume 25,-Mr..Jo-|.sephus Daniels,of North Carolina;is a member of the committee,|©It has been reported from,Wash- ington,,that l’ostmaster .“General to the renomination.of Taft and that other members of the cabinet had urged thePrealdent |to ask for,Hitchcock’s resignatian.The President denies’both reports,He.asserts his‘belief in,Hitchcock’sloyaltyandsaysthatcabinetof-ficers have not urged his removal. A mob-of 100 men Sunday night broke into the county jail at Ham- ilton,Ga.,‘overpowered Jailer E. M.Rabbitsom and took four negroes —-three men and.one.woman-—out'| jand:hanged them,to trees one mile from town.,They then’riddledthe.bodies with -b¥lets.-The ne- ygroes were charged with:the:-mur-der of Norman .Hadley,a young farmer,\\who'was Shot and killeddshe'sat'in his home... Woman suffraee advocates appeal ed to the Virginia’Legislature and havé been turned down.Bing.intro-duced to:amend:;the ‘constitutionsoastopermitwomentovotehave: been reported adversely ‘and |will prebably’not LORCe,the resumen of a vote.‘—_—_STATE NEWS. Miss Mabel Coman,daughter,ofRev.D.'H.Coman,:and Mr.R.‘Ww, Sherrill,both of Lenoir,were mar- ried in Lenoir Monday. Sunday night’at Forest City,Rutherford county,the two-story residence of Mr.I.N.Riggerstaff was burned’with its contents.The fam- ily was at church when the’fire roceurred,'Loss estiinated at $4,000 or mere.WW.Riley:Rowers:was:pun overbyan#lectri¢.outomobile in .Ashe- Ville Monday..with the result that rhis right leg and right arm»were broken and he,sustained a numberofbruisesabout’the face and-head: The automobile was owned ©and driven by Mrs,Connelly Core.ofAsheville._; Judge Long as a.“Worker. At the civil term of Gaston Su- perior Court,which adjourned Sat- urday,says a Gastonia special to the Charlotte Observer,it is be lieved a record ‘for the disposition of civil actions ‘was made.The dock- et was in a terribly congested con- dition when the two-weeks’session convened,but when time for ad- journment rolled around,Judge B. F.‘Long,of Statesville,presiding, with the assistance of the members of the bar had disposed of over100.cases,lea association passed resolutions com+mending Judge:‘Long for his Bod BRONCHITIS To Whom It May Cintsieh| Bluevale,Ont.,May4,1910—“I w.sick for two years with chronic brdn-chitis and a consequent run-down *dition.I received no benefit from doc-tors or from a trip which I took formyhealth,and I had to give up work,Vinol was recommended,and from thesecond‘bottle I commenced to im-prove.I gained in weight.and strength,my bronchial trouble ren andIamatworkagain. It ‘is the.combined action *the curative elements.of..the cods*-livers, aided by the.blood:‘making and strength--creating properties of tonic it so successful in curing bronchitis, Vinol is a constitutional remedy for chronic coughs,colds,bronchitis and like cough syrups. Try Vinol.If you don’t think ithelpsyou,we will retnrn your money. WwW.F.,Hall,Druggist,‘Statesville,North Carolina. es County Commission- ers,the county schoolfundandtheStateTreasurer are calling upon me to collect taxes now long past due and have served notice upon methatImustproceed‘to collect all outstanding:taxes at once, under authority of law,whichsays.all sheriffs after Novem-ber ist of each year shall levy on property and sell same for taxesdue,“Therefore this no-tice is given to all persons to come in and pay their taxes and save cost. J.M.DEATON, Sherlff of Iredell Co, Jan.16.° A]MachineShop———_—_=_=_== complete and Iam preparedto downy\kind of repair work.2ENGINEANDBOILERWORKASPECIALTY" Also carry a full line of Steam Fit. ‘ings up to 3inches.Injectors,Lu- bricators,Oil Caps and Jet Pumps‘Pipe and Shafting,-_G,He TURNERDewStreet.Dealerin Me inery .FARM EOR SALE. IKI dhid ot-tana with ood 6-room honeesgoodbarnand.all outbuildings,two mules,with hay,fodder and other articles~%5 acres incultivation,16 acrea of .wired-in pasture;wood+land With some timber.Farm is located three-fourths of mile west of Mount Mourne,near wail.road station andpublic highway .For rticulars andterms w oor:‘D.M,TEMPLJan,12-6,aeMoentMoorne,N,‘e. matiomal|| the committee onarrangements for’ Hitchcock was fomenting opposition). President| a fair way to be intirely ‘cleared upatthenextterm,The local.bar |y't |work.RCTS G iron contained in Vinol which makes : pulmonary troubles—not a‘palliative|a Tax N otice.es Re GREAT MEDICINE Templeton —Regained::|Health throughLydia E. Pinkham’8 re ‘Hooper,Nebraska,a am very gladtotellhowLydiaE.Pinkham’s VegetableCompoundhashelpedme.For five yearsIsufferedfromfemaletroublessoIwas: searcely able todomy work.I took doc- but was not help I had such awful weak I could hardly.walk and could not ride,-I often had to sit up nights tosleepandmyfriends:thought J could not live long.At ‘my request my husband.got etable Cothpound and I commenced to seventh bottle my-health had returned and L began doing my washing and was a wellwoman,Atonetime for three weeks I did all the work for éighteenboarderswith-no signs of my old troublerele ing.Many have taken your m"after seeing:what it did for me.I would not,take $1000 and be where I was.You have my.‘permission to use.my name if it will aid anyone.’’—Mrs,Susiz,TeM-PLETON,Hooper,Nebraska; less one..It is a record of constant vic- that deal out despair, It is an established fact that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound has re- stored health to thou- sands of such suffer- ing “women.|Whydon’t youtry itif you needsucha medicine? AUCTION SALE_OF OPEN ACCOUNTS. O*MONDXY,:FEBRUARY 5,1912,at’o'clock,noon,sold at public auction for cash at the court housedoorinStatésville,North Carolina; ‘DUE EVANS HARDWARE CO, D.*Bernhardt,Statesville.¥ Kerr,guard on chain wang..Laws,Statesville,Lyerly Statesville,.E.McCoy,Statesville,Arthur Nesbit,Statesville,eff Pharr,coloxed,Sta ille,Arm Pearson,colored,Statesville,W.M.Simonton,Statesville.J.N.McLelland,Statesville R.F.D.5,-aisx.Grant,colored.Statesville.John S,Gibson,StatesvilleR.F.D...John B.Gibson,Statesville R.F.D..Pane Statesville.J.A.Murdoe StatesvilleR.F.D4..Dock Potts,tes vill George Weaver,Statesville. DUE J.P.SUMTER: i W.James,-Taylorsville,C.C,Clontz,John MeNeely,colored,Statesville,George Church,Statesville R._D.6,Robt.Moore,Statesville R,F.D.6,GA,Stamper,Ostwalt,J,G,James,Statesville, DUE S.B.MILLER; to DUE S.,M.,&H.SHOE CO: H.W.Bradfield,aus Point,Bill Davis,colored,Statesville,Joe Eccles,colored,Statesville.J.E.Cloer,Statesville,Heory Hart,colored,Statesville,Arthur McDowell,Statesville,Jim Smith,colored,Statesville,_-Bert Summers.evlored,Statesville,Tone Thompson.colored,Statesville,Will Wasson,colored,Statesville. DUE SLOAN CLOTHING CO.: ©,B.Bost,Statesville,A...Bost,Statesville.Willis Dixon,Statesville, J, 1 pa l i t 0 RS ta t ta t pe t BS tm emp Dixon,Statesville,F.Gillespie,nuseeotine,G,W,G ro = gS d S y m . 8 Ss s a a s ranger,Statesvi!DUE SON.WHITE: J,W..Allen,Statesville,--Gus.Brown,Statesville,Rev H.-B.Bennet.Mocksville,Jehn Chambers,colored,Statesville,Cook Smith,Statesville,yImith,Statesville,ompson,Statesville,M,Wilkerson,Statesville,ey Young,Statesville,Will Gcok,Statesville,John Morrison,-colored,Statesville, DUE W.H.ALLISON:. ~ ee n F on im m e 6 38 et CP.Gallagher,Statesville R.F.D.4, DUE STATESVILLE fipw,&HARNESS.CO,: J.T.Cashion,Statesville,R,A.-Galliher,Troutman,J.A,Gallaher,Troutman R.F.D.2J.D.Tucker,Statesville,D.A.Warren,Statesville R,F.D.6,E.V.Privette,Statesville,DUE THE WHITE CO.: L,C,Mullis,Harmony,, :DUE C.B;-MORRISON: A.A.Privett,Statesville,Julé Carrigan,Statesville,B,Fritz Henry,Statezville,-A.M.Shoemaker,Statesville. Statesville Merchants’Association. Weatherman &Van Hoy,Attorneys,lec,22 ity Doctors:Could Not HelpMrs tors’medicines and used local treatments bearing:down pains and my back was.so |': mea bok of Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg-. take it,By the time I had taken the: ThePinkham recordisa proud and peer-| tory over the obstinate ills of woman—ills | the following accounts willte 3} i sli -S E S s e s s e e R s ss s -(aoo Final_Notice ‘to:Debtors. Ries pierx*Monday,jasuery ath,will be'the-inet ae I will ‘he:open |:for thetransaction of business...The store will be closed on.’-the two"last days of the ‘month,taking inyentory,prepara-.tory to turning-the business over tothe new firm,whe suc---«ceeds me,If you have not paidyour account,‘it will.be to“your advantage to do:80 before this change takes place, S.B.MILLER. Monday,Sy.5th,sis SalesDay in Boveri don’t filtobehere, The 25th Annual Meeting :see Of ‘the Stockislderc of.the First.....Building and Loan Association willnmeDEheldattheofficeat7.30 p:m.Saturday,Febriary,3d,1912, The 51st:Series |‘now open.“Wewantmanynew’shares and it willprovetobeagoodinvestment.foryouifyouwillco-operate with us.L.Harrill,=-Secretary,J.C.IRVIN,President. We Are About Ready. oy Our new machinery has.arrived,isbeing : placed and we will be ready to start again about the 15th.Wewill be.bet- ter prepared than ever to give «our pa- »trons satisfactory service.=: t a FLOUR MILLING COMPANY. Car-Load Just Arve SEE OUR WINDOW. THE “CHATTANOOUA”iis the first and cob auocesaful Re- versible DISC PLOW...They are simplein design and perfect "in construction and work.Their praise is spoken in-every : SS e s s z i _ J.E,Cloer,Statesville,3 00$10.14 $10.603,60|2.10 language “‘under the:sun’’the world over.This settles = ieee of merit. S=="sIT UP AND TAKE No Chattanoo Reversible Disc Plows DO THEIR WORK “A COMIN’.and A~GOIN’’’Between.Terraces.-The ONLY DISC PLOW..For Orchard plowing..WITHOUT A RIVAL.In sprouts and briars “OUT OF SIGHT.OLD FARMS MADENEWANDLARGERCROPSPRODUCED..HAVE YOU“SEEN OUR TWIN DISC PLOW? Cometo the BEST HARDWARE HOUSEIN TOWN and be convinced. __White-Reid Hardware Company. COAL. --We have just receiv- ed several cars of hi 1C0 AL. *an give prompt de-liveryin any.quan-tity.Let us have..|your order."PHONE NO.28 OR NO.2. °K.Morrison Gro- cery &Produce Co. WANTED.ings’valves,Ven SheetdescriHARD SEWING,id:work,MRS.A.W.PERKINS,120 Fifth street,"Phone 2206,a Jan,An +9.Bt. A Prize For Singers! I will sell a $300 Piatto for $150 ‘to the public school ~ teacher who will train their school to sing ten school - songs in “Carolina Harmony.”Certificate from com-\ mittee,stating these ‘Acngs have.been ‘sung by the 1 wil requireeTTiesvive$5.00 Guitar“Yto the leader of the class that will make the best music in six school songsinsaidbookatthenextcounty’singing.A book willbeloanedtoeachschool,and the words may be sungfromtheirtablets,but classes having members overschoolagewillberequiredtosingbothnotesandwords. |J.S.Leonard,Music Dealer, 512 Center Street,© Tee Castings and gear-NOTIER TO CREDITORS. all kinds,brokeneopper,Cad and gine of any PAR <tNESS CO,|Jany 19. —FOR LADIES ‘and ey|Reasonable ‘prices.an leadin bar"asib,Amiel see L,WILLIAMS,“Bari Executorof Mahala Williams,224911.JenningsRB,F,D,No,2. eir recov: Having qualified a8 executor of the will of Ma-hute rices paid STATESVILLE|hala Williams,all perachs ‘having claims against:said estate are notified to presént them to me on’.or before December‘22,1912,or this notice will be £= \,tat Li Aue Company, THE LANDMARK|" ~--"AMPRIDAY,.~°—January 26,1912, |Train’No,21,Week ROuey \that .qur law-niaing.; LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE.- Arrival.and:Departure of Traine.atStatesville,TERN Bir ee BEN,Trairl-Ne.11,wést-bou due 10.20 a,aodue3p.m.Train.No.36,west-bound,due 10,22 p.mrainNo.36,east-'Dounddue eri a.mpak1D22,onets bound,due 1.20.p.m,.Tra!12.t-heand,Suef:6.Ataem.CHARLOTTEaAND TAYLO.oa From Chaterlotte.Train’No.18 ar.leaves 11.00 a.mTrain,No,24 ar.ee leaves 8.356 p.m From Tayloreville.‘Train No.22 ar.10.10,,eaves 11,00 a.m On Sabbath morning,21st,Esq.Grose and James Miller,of Con- cord township,each had.ay dog.bit- ten.by.a rabid canine whde h’.did.his ‘dastardly work ad,like other, riminals,»went.at large at the cost ‘of lives anc property’unpro- tected» Strange to ‘gay.that with all “ot progress and each “1 other, bodies.have not,‘enacted.a simple.law.similar to ‘that ‘of ‘Gertiany,to*,require.ev- ery dog owner to muzzle his dog’ while it’.runs:at.large’and attach a penalty -for violation of such an act,with fine’or imprisonment in the discretion of the,court.’Love %our °intelligence:ard, humane feeling:.for Ware.sHONS 1IN. They Give the Men 1‘a Chill But the but they-are’so out’of WINTER. Ladies Will.Wear Them. During this-“winter of our,dis.) content’some ofmenwhohave had nothing else to do,with.a courage which is more judgment,against the custom.the ladies.have adopted of.wearing white.shoes,in the ‘newspaper bé admired than’thelr have.been inveighingto. winter.White shoes look mighty nice with »wihite-skirts in summer,son.o% the ‘street in ‘winter that the av- érage Man-who observes such things Train No,15 arr 4.20,leaves 6.45:p:m.is seized’with a feeling that ‘is ait 1 ,liable to.make ‘him:take a drink, na es ae Ww ‘Township—The other day a “Statesville man c .oe or ek,eter ee who -saw a_pair .of white shoesorrespondence.of The Landmark,ou the street,hurried inte The Landmark éftice,with teeth chat- tering,looking like a man’on:the verge.ol:jim-jams,and:in a shak- iug vyolce urged The Landmark.to enter a protest against:the white shoés at this season,~The:protest ig herewith:entered,The:Land- mark has no idea ‘that it will:do any good,tor it°seems ‘to.be’& sort;of fashion in recent years:for ‘the ladies:to sh as Hear naretoet, in:swinter as sible}and*‘it’ is considered‘‘ood form”?Ne sere thin slippers,.thin’‘stockings’.and White.-shoes.inv snow and.slush and frost ‘and freezing rain,they'll coutinue to do that same,‘even if they.knew *they would go -to the block forsit.Pneumonia;and other A COUNTY COMMENCEMENT. Supt.’(White Outlines the PlansForContestsAmong,upile of the Public Schools.: To the Editor of The Pelicien!; i -herewlttr .‘outline a plan for, a county)commencement which we are planning'to have this spring.In each locak school there.willbe.two:contests,one between...thetboysand‘one.between .the girls.The “boys in each school.will’pre- pare:a:declamation,‘an,original ora-|4 tion;or a debate.Fhe girls—-will prepare a deckamatidn’.or an essay,Judges’will be -selected by theteachersto.determine who'ls thesuccessfulboyandwhotheBpuc- cessful girl,{he winners in this local contest.will be the representa- tives:\from that ‘school to thetownship.contest.-The time and Dlace for the township contest will vs appointed by me.i The county will be-divided into‘two districts,known as south:Lre- delb-atd north.Iredell..South Ire-elb will,consist of Coddle _Oreék,|io “Barringer; +«Fallstown; Chi ar bute’‘and,Stakesvillle towin- North Iredell:will consist of. te ‘townships¢in the county. ners-—one boy and one girl %ach ‘township will be -the}’ representatives to-that division “of }the county.in which the townshipig,located:*The winners in the two| eownt divisions will be.the rep- resentatives to the final.‘contest,| Which will be held:at some:place Oke woman. WHERE are’-eeoets.in choosing -a pair of Shoes for an.ofd man ‘Onjyan experienced and expert,shot man knows them.. thy neighbor as thyself is the Bl-|ing to which flesh is helr “have NO|to-be:selected by me.I-shall-offer _If you will come in here and let:ble law.Wihy not vote for’met 1a.face of {pri ; terrors for®them in the.face of)prizes for:the‘successful partial-heGreensboro,N.Cc.in-county and State that will Bro:|eco tons dictates.\Sante ia inelnal pauteme 6 »,.us show you.some of.our latest POLK GRAY DRUG C0.a ae t eae.Lang Pasko Majoratiemphill,of the Charlotte}I ani getting up a lst of unite “elderly”Shoes next .time you Perea af te ae he Z Ba stitutl 1:tt Observer,yndertook tq advise:the |\form qnestions for examination:ifor |)wanta pair we will let you into (\Local Agents.'t oe ae ta ig a u age heoage ladiés,a .month or so ago,that alt:pupils ‘who complete:the”-sev-|a y fe al ane ooh lat ape hae bed tee white shoes..were’not the thing for}enth grade.A.diploma will.be is-a few of the secrets.AR : Iten esp etng the :bite.hig ae winter weather:and he.tried t0|sued.to each pupil who suceessful-: ™hie!‘che.*eke toca tereinforce the advice by saying,Just ly,passes this examination,which =tbe of lite nA on oh ri oo WT,H.after he had returned from,Wash-|}will:entitle’said -pwpil ‘to..énter |ji 4 i :ey :vee ae ;=?-me nee esi ington,oye a ring was ne poe et Qt Oe Stea ee schocia.with |On those:secret points.depends he ::!;<3 hie }er considered:good Lorpm r further examination This .ex+ee ee Jag Be &Benes:¢anion ot the,tet ionable “centers.He,was.foolish |amination ‘will be held by the teach-much of your comfort and perce stg Stee Zo een eheeteds tralGeiser “at:Gastor|mous to expect that -wonld.have erwhe will alse grate the ~papers.-of mind as the wearer.. ry county to,‘succeed Capt Holland some effect,but did it?No.Fees there 18 Muy Glee pod,Uae :,::«A doeeaped::a reer ta woman not to-do something and.|grading they wlll.then!-be referred eee +°then she'll do_if :jugt.to poets to.mé.L,0.WHITE.:—ee :a --she “cah-and.because somebody serverdeen ;age *1 asked her not to,-So’the,”Char.Teachers’Meeting at.Scott!s—Oth-Let us show you ‘the quality. L;het ima ism botte ladies contittie to wear White mse er News..:ko shoes.,Correspandence of The Lanimark.: f iel -An Asheville man:is so affected '“ig oo :ve sa er gee ;i :Sh ‘i by the white shoes that he is com-|~..v0hY,Jan ¢o-—the teachers tee Sixty-five acres,6 milesnorth ‘of 7 ¥e ds to sidering running for’the Legislature|Meeting held at Scott’s Friday was : city..Nice roadfront.|topass a law.‘The'Citizen found)}®Very Lencesenal::ne.-Tae,teach 9 :@ oe oO ‘;y -this man leaning against a telephan |®'S W pleased.with the school @ }e ‘Two bindredandsixty-inivseces i &.::post,“wearingf cis ok of .=sey eer en eee bose a 2 i =former,’’amd on being aske 0 “AdINE SChOOls oling stein of Elmwood.7 Read The Proof:‘unburden himself he said @”.Gleciniine,-teaching,|‘|.“Compulsory education,compul-|“*¢the asad and -=m sory vaccination.“and ‘compulsopy |)?"who wish to send their boys ‘-‘:Ong et tur,ven |PeperU.S ogtinantar ino at ft,in “rcloot"can't make«iil A:!m 2 ’na .but trifles,compared.to a matter school:can’t make @ ::: Spring township.-Two dwellings Gentiemen-—My ulece suflered for many years |which Ihave in mind.‘The thing election tham Scott's,a :‘ay =with usual out-buildings.,Ure Avid‘ifuennastiom,“and ‘aithouga be ans4 ithat tiis city needs just now is a ar M,White,of Statesville,A : |eine well acquaintedwi.m MILAM and knowing jlaw making it compulsory for all Te ee oe ee ee . twobandred and fifty:nineacres |it trad beernm used successfully very,frevae tly in ladies,both eid auc TO s d.with ‘sade 8s of,her serious : in ‘Concerd township,only 33 miles|tbssix bortles wiars pak Sey Ort ee Weer-NOS OF SONG.-CUNet,OF a >.‘ fromcit Can eetean Small ay oaThe ootTreT vn veR Se reer Groaentaka +hatr white—--during—tire —winter baby +Shier ALE and .Phone 109 or.410,;We will get a *ete aaceie up Lpieasure Im peeommending MILAM for Uric Acid |months.and.unless thé ladies of /*''s.T.W.Browning.has been "a .ry in city@ pringing:these w quite .sick to everd ays!iuReeth::s ee Wouter tis city stop springing these white ane ne on een :i you a doctor or send medicine ‘::=1 panville;Va:,July 18,1910:ss ALB isioes.on.us 80 Consistently aty %4°:ont A Ys Ninety-eight:acres in Turners 'this time of the year,|am,going|0f:Catawba coumty,have recently - ? burg township. Jenkins &Wagner,Rent Sera DEALERS, Office:FirstNational Bank ‘Bldg. ’PHONE:282. FOR SALE! Three hundred and thirty acres of land 3}miles from Statesville.Di- vided.by railroad’and State Cen-tral Highway.Two-story dwell- ing and good out-buildings.Lies almost level,with red clay subsoil.| Seventy acres in cultivation.This is one of the most desirable farms in Iredell county.Price very rea- sonable.Remember I have 30 oth-er fine farmsin Iredell county for sale..See me. 250 acres,more or less,10 miles from Statesville,on public.road and two miles from macadam road. 1,000,000 feet good timber—100,000 feet oak,300,000:forest pine,600,- Lots of this will cut No.+1.“Two of the most attractive prop- t bos ; Moetyed no benefits whatever. |speedy recovery,and would not take five times the i done for me so far, |000 feet fine second-growth pine.|! ‘Spent $3,A on Rheu-matism. Norfol®.Va.,July 23,1910..About five weeks ago!was indvced totake MilamfotanaggravatedcaseofKhematism,for which I |had spent over 83.000 for ail known remedies and|tried many doctors,went to Hot Springs.but re-For fifteen years I have been &sufferer,cach spring L'have beenin i and incapitated for work until this spring,which,am gladto say.have been attending netiness,feel fine,splendid appetite,and feel confident that I will be a cured man from rheymatism.1 wish-to say that MilamHas done all you claimi¢ i willdoin my case.so far,‘and I look forward to a amount of the price of the medicine for what it has Yours very truis.‘C.H.WADB. |eainess,Cor.Church and Lee Streets Rheumatism Entirely |Gone. y was a great safferer fsom Rheumatism and de-|; sided to tryMILAM.I bought six bottles,and amnowonmy.fourth bot. tle.I can truthfully saythat[have never taken | done me as moch good.| My Kheumatism is en-,tirely gone.my con | plexion.)greatly im-|proved ahd my appetite .,Good —in fact,I have not 7feltso_well in a longtime.I would not take$50.00 forthe good yourmedicinehasdoneme, but in order to be sure }that the trouble is en- tirely eradicated,f wil bottles.I voluntarily give.this etestimonial.and.cheer,| fully récommend Milam to.anyone §suffering (signed) ALBERT McBRIDB, Danville;Va. iv’sGuaranteedAsktheDruggist ositions.now on the market.Seemequick, ,ao Nov.21.R.V.Brawley. FOR SALE! _Cash Tobacco Warehouse,—lot 130x285,corner wer and Meet- ingstreets.: Lot 60x107,‘corner Oourt and Meeting-stneets. 26%acres,at Bufola,$30 per aere. 76 acres,one:mile.east of court house.a, 76 acres,one ‘mile and a half ‘west,35 Acres,one mile and a “quarterwest.t 7 acres,one mile and a half west. 211 acres,five:miles north 4 $30 per acre, 356 acres,three miles wast,$25\per,‘acre. A number of other desirable‘farme and business properties.Seemebeforemakinganinvestment. ISIDORE WALLACE, Firet National Bank*Pobiding.-Phone 240.- T.W..FRAZIER, J)SINNER, NORTH CENTER STREET,:PHONES.a SHOPRESIDENCE _2889 4 Remember Isror Pines “To call when you want |act ‘ Gold Medal Coffee, Red and White ‘*C”’Oil, Simon Pure Lard,«« “Nice Fresh Oystérs, Anything in Groceries. Eagle & Milholland. MORTGAGE SALE. ‘‘BY.VIRTUB of a power of salecontainedinachattelmortgageex- ecuted to Thos.J.Conger by A.©.Troutman and recorded in Book44,page 319,in,records of .Iredell county,N..C.,°lL.wilh selk to the highést .bidder,.“for cash or .on time,at the stable of Fred:Conger, on SATURDAY,JANUARY 27,°1912, between the houts:of 11 ‘and-12 o'clock,the following personal prop- erty:Three Milch Cows,one Bull, Jan.if t._Mortgames. “¢9 ||three Heifoo J.CONGER, se iis @ médicine that has |had istally ibe en unable ©|hose. 1 -~take the two remaining iw on’t;be “able from Rheumatism,1 to:run for the Senate ona compul- sory black shoe platform,in which l shall declare for no white shoes duting the ment ownership of shoe polish fac- tories,which shall furnish all la-| dies"who have only white shoes with ‘the proper amount of polish| to dye the ones which they are; wearing.” -The speaker declared that had been.standing ~opposite ,the postotfice for 20 minutes,that.he had cougted.51 women who.pass ed,-36:0f whom wore plain white shoes and white stockings, woo wore white shoes and nder hose and one of whom white.shoes with white at the top.In nine c: of ten,it was stated,the bli ack high:One.wearer of Ww shoes went unclassified bec lav- wore uses out to sea_the color of her j we re white Let ‘em keep on agitating against jwhite shoes -and the to supply the jms and |A.Minister:Objects to:Modern.Mu-|| .Sic and the Preachers’Smoking. |To the Editor of The Landmark: I have not time ijnow,but simply want to -endor7|what The Landmark,Billy Dock and winter time or govern- he | one of} ribbon...tas-| shoes| heels,which were unr ‘use:of| i bre.fact that the close observer h< He presimed that,they,too,| merchants| de- to write just} moved here.We are.glad to have them as residents of jana extend -to them come.é One of Mr.’Jo..Shuford’s fox dogs,valued at $50,was found dead a few days ago.‘Lightfoot’.was }a favorite dog among the local fox- hunters ‘and his bark will.be.sad- |Ly missedin the next ‘fox chase. The’Newton NewsMessrs:Noah abd Monroe Setttle- myre,who liye in Kansas,.and who a hearty-wel says that our community | have.been absent.frem their.na- |thiye county of Catawba .41 and 43 | years respectively,ate’visiting rel-} atives in COatawha.They re} brothers of Mr..Julius..Settlemyre,|/of Iredell::o -jthe Backwoodsman have been say-,| ling agout the newfangled ‘music |ASHAMED OF HERE aud.preachers’smoking.|ft tSi:alla co lease):oe was ashamed of my face,”writes |Surely the so-called high class Mind Piokaca of North Carolina,“Itmusicis.mot.angelic.If it had|yas an full of pimples i scars,but |been heard by the shepherds.near!after using D.D.1.Prescription for|Bethlehem I-think they would have|Eezema I can say thit now there Is+no sign of that Eczema and that was lhad ample.cause to be .“‘BOre |-three years ago.” jafraid.”If it is not angelic.it.is|This is but one of thousantds of cases therefore not heavenly;and some |in whic h DD.ee hz ie a uply washe _4 times these unintelligible screaks ere,ae kin ot thé Ze jand Screams,are unearthly.|zema,Psoriasis and other i Ht ask candidly,where does it be}eneee:yore th jet Senerian teem llong?They say if we were —in-|eae te be Ds rmanent,Nothing like |tellizent,or educated in’music,we|D._D,D.for tl complexion.as j could appreciateit.If this be true |carte route t of (eer eaunectut rem- i'l fear the auge's and the mérciful |edy.Father are not intelligent,for.1|We can also give you a fui size feel swre that He -and:His angels}oa ae is 00)onour,abs oltre sete get.very little out of such a racket]to give you relief it will cost you noth- As to,the preacher smoking,©i! this I am sure he leaves'the patil o*:.the Nazarine and does hurt”tcthecauseWhichhetries’to help. Methinks if the twelve ‘had draw! their ¢igars'.on ther would “have said to them /all, offensive to me. Yours for Christian preachers ‘‘tunspotted world.’’ REV.J.OSBORNE:ERVIN, Burnesyille,N.C.,Jan.2:2.° ee Low.Rates to New “Orleans, bile and Pensacola. singing and from brations at New Orieans,La., bile,Ala. points “atTickets.on sale February 13-19clusive,with final return limit\to March’2d,with privilege,of veten: in ot ith agent amd paying $1, as we are often forced to listen to. the| sion.to March 10 by depositing tick- |ing.in|W.¥,Hall,Statesville,N.C, }“|ee STATESVILLE RUG GO.GUARANTEES HYOMEL.©” Master He}It you really mean that you want Get |to “drive every bit of catarrh from ye hence behind me,for’ye are all ||Nour nose and throat,why not try! la sensible remedy that ig guaran- 1|teed to banish catarth,o tome back? Ig you alreday own a Vittte hard | rubber HYOMEI inhaler you can |buy a bottle of HYOMEL (promounc it High-o-me)for only 50 cents.If |you de not own.an inhaler ask forMo-|complete HYOMEI outfit which con-tains an inhaler,this will cost you On account of Mardi Gras cele |$1.00. Mo-q. +ind Pensaoola,Fla:;apotet‘ruary 16-20,the Southérn railway||minutes, will:sell round trip tickets to these| ,steatly,reduced rates:| Them breathe HYOMET and petTidofcatanrh.Relief comes in five A day's bates will ithake.you ‘happy,a Wweek’s ne |ment‘‘and snuffles,Roe ‘an -|hawking«will »go,another weekamd:goodbye to catarrh.Try it 'to--|day on money-back plan.Sold.by the)Stateaville Drug Co,and CrugGisteeverywhere, ON THE ~SQUARE ;The Polk Gray WHEN ©|VOU GET |A LEITER es -Statesville Drug Co., quick Drug Company.° High Toite pression.— =— PRESCRIPTIONISTS. Best Car Sold for theMoney. G.L..McKNIGHT, PHONES 109—410 You often judge the. sender by the Stationery. Stationery makes a high tone im- 4 See the Quality ‘Tin. STORE OF QUALITY. ~START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. Sales Day is the first Monday iin-each month in Statesville,N.C.| * [Ford Motor Cars :Least Cost for Upkeep. FORD TOURING CAR $690 F.O.-B.DETROIT. Handsomé,Foredoors,Roomy,Strong,Simple to Operate.‘Completelyequipped Agent Iredell County. FRED H.DEATON,Sub Agent,Statesville,N.C. "Get yourself aWatch.ii:and big to suitMen,Wo- has.a message and.the ‘objes- tions. e SonLInnED rUES AY.te WOBLISHED TUESDAYAND |ew he geeclared were entirelyee at:CLARK,EDITOR AND.>OWNER,‘tory-and in@pusistent.He discussei,Sort oe the libel act in question;which he»PEFICE:120 WE :*lsaid-merely provides that the pub-. n SUBSCRIPTION PRICE:co.Hteatton of a retraction should-be} of damages Mr ‘Stevengon.vas.serve?sever- ~|al terms tin the Legislature and ‘several -years ago was Speaker of the House..He is a yeryi able)man and it is a pleasure to his home folks .to know that his worth is aporaciated in his adopted State:oceania ennensnennmnineeyeae a THE.WHOLE3STORY:ATLAST. Mat last the whole story.is com-. Ing out about the Wilson-Harvey incident,andi the story is to —the. .eredit of Woodrow Wilson and the <onsequent diseomfiture of his”en-cee i :AN'S VIEWemies,When vit was announcea|MB.BRYA! that the name of Woodrow Wilson|He Thinks’‘the Break Ine: “as a candidate for President had]"Mable,pane Harvey:ee neve mee.removed froms tip caluecs»OF Ina letter made public at Tins:Harper’s Weekly,aid:that Papers}coin,‘Neb.Mr.W.J,Bryan says: whith hadi80.zealously chainpioned ShSe recetit,break..bétween Gov- »him,was silent,there was wonder |erior Wiison and Colonel Harveyi 4 @fd much specilation.‘Then came oF,TT,. operation “between:men who South.Carolina,Legislature sor Gov.Blease. ee S.Ci,Dispatch,.23 char yorte Observer. ‘he friction between the Legisla- ture and’Gov.Cole lL.Blease to- night’reached:its climax in.the de- cision of the.House.-to)expunge from its.journal’all but the first two paragraphs of the Governor's recent sensational message on the so-called libel*bill.The vote,which followed:a whole day devoted to ar- gument,was 86-to 26 in favor of expurgation -from the .record that portion of the Governor’s message the statement of ‘Col.Harvey.“that|public:“questions from different,the,paper,had ceased to adivocate-points .of view.«Colonel.;Harvey:*Gov.Wilson’s nomination :‘at>the’dat-kbecame asupporter of.Mr,Wilson ter’s request,andi this ‘was’.folhow-| ed NgCol:Watterson’s story,of ocratic candidate’for-Gevertion,of:=New Jersey and he:continued,histheHarvey-Watterson-Wilsoh cone support “whey Governdr Wilson be-‘ference.While Col.‘Watterson gan,tocbe discussed ds a:candidate |Btated that.nothing discourteous|for hast eee OF Sears’Pai a f ‘ocd a+(is absur r iohteUnease,te conteretines|Anet|cieide:vo talk about his ‘helige»he had advised Wilson months.‘ago ing Governor Wilson’ott,’Nomanthatthe‘‘strenuous.advocacy of his|or paper could have made Govern; candidacy.by the *Harper publica-’or:Wilson available,as a eeudidate .‘tion might injure him,he professed Dousion:tt woud not.Sea gaok.‘tobe greatly shocked at Gov.-'Wil-sible for Colonel Harvey to haveson's manner during thé conference,prevented a discussion of Govern+ -It"was admitted that Harvey”ask-|or.Wilson’s availability. Wi 6 ‘“But let us ay a‘plain ee tae -hs onel’Harvey was doing all that he:Ought his wdvocacy.of his’catdi-could:for his choice,what was the.* dacy.was hurting chim.To ibe Situation?His.conspicuous.sup-'Plain and frank,-Wilson had...tojport was“not only of no advantage answer yes;\At-‘once the —hostile oY it ate Rota SeRoaL.ot 5 age;.i id no ring *preey denounced Wilson mer ie AAS or Wilson the class for which Col-‘@rate and a falsifier-and a great onél Harvey:spéaks,but Mineatedeffortwasmadetoshowthathis}men.‘iust as.honest.as 10prospectsforthepresidential-nomi-Seoe baci eeSlashHellAnantarred:understan y~Cole arveoShadveniuet,pa Ai aS praised Governor Wilson’person-While’some of ‘his friends ally’without:endorsing ‘the thingsthoughtthat’Wilson might possi-:fer.which..Governor Wilson ‘stands. bly have been more:diplomatic «in |-It naturally arouged,:suspicion Boo: i ‘'to.the sincerity of.one ans’“oe 7,ne .eae Harvey,they.declined as other,and when Governor Wilsonaccepttheviewofhisenemies.Wi)-Was asked.the question he admit-ton wisely kept silent.Now the|ted that he regarded the support’whole story of the conference isjof Colonel.Harvey as a ee comin to 1 t,at |Tather than as an asset.GhouColaaMy.ADDON,het he have:pretended thift-he thought»Harvey had sought the aid of that Colonel)Harvey was hellpéee||Thos.F,Ryan,a wealthy man;to/when he was ‘not?.And whyfinanceWilson's campaign,which |Should Colonel Harvey complain?____-Ryan-_had—agseca—to—do-—Wirerr|#he-reallyWilsonwasadvisedofthis‘h tal agg haeng pO ooh riASedofUUshere-|whyr'should he be offended thenjectedtheoffer.It was then that at Governor Wilson’s frankness?Harvey asked him the question to|Is he more interested in beingwhichhegaveadirectanswer.:ee a aes on mene ade,és ;d hi ernor ison-famous’than in ¢at may.be thet.euenbech noe Wale vancing Governor Wilson’s cause?terson as his aid,acted in.good Harvey has shown no signs of con-faith in their purpose to secure aid |version.If he commumes with Ama-from Ryan for Wilson’s -campai¢-|niases,it is not with-any con- that being “practical sudan sciousness of blindness.He:hasIneseennonewlightandavhennetheyrealizedthatmoney,was nec-does he will feel so ashamed_essary and thoughtait not amiss to/his lifelong fight against’beesecureitfrominterestswhich|sTessive PaaS one an ieWiles:inlay :ay |desire will be’to bring forth fru,Wilson.publicly opposes.But they|eet for repentance—not to assume_knew at the same time that if the leadership.It must pain’GovernorfactthatRyan:was furnishing mon-|Wilson to break:with n’s_oldeyforWilson’s campaign became ke gg but a ee cad oo ublic i ‘6 wandidacy 4 .|Sarily come whless he turns back’or .rc logs meant?wee they go forward..‘A man is knowneirreparablydamaged;hence by the company he keeps’and hethetearenotafew.who charge|cannot ..keep.company withthatatrap.was laid for Wilson:in-|going in opposite ‘directions.t thic)5 nA nea::|)ernior ,gto he declined to’fall,.The for -other desertions—they will!ndmark does not make this distress him,but there is abundanttharge,~but Watterson and Sonera OR ot duty well done:’’.Aarvey hare been very unjust ‘to SaWilsonin.permitting it ‘to appear that he is ‘an ingrate,when the fact was.‘that they were trying to get him to do something,he |feltwasriothonorable;and if .theyfelttherewasnothing“wrong —inproposing”to “Wilson -that ©Ryan’ finance his campaign,they ‘sttouild have told it in connection.‘with their stories of the alleged '“break.”The fact..that they kept back a part of the story,and the main part,is suspicious,to Bay.the least.:which tontained a bitter attack up-’The whole —incident will”tre-jon the press of:South Carolina. eosin to Goy.Wilson’s credit,tic The Jovernor’s message teemed with hard words,‘‘lie,’’‘‘dirty,”“coward-i tron ger y ‘5 k .ce ne :todey.than “ever .nud ly;"*“sourrilous,”»being among thetheindicationsarethathisstrengthi;choice morsels,with?the masses will grow “as °the The message,whith at bel bil |Miscreditable efforts.to damage him |the veto of the so-called libel bill, beome fully known.a measure allowing a newspaper | ——volved in-a libel suit to —plead ea a retraction of the libelous story~inofChe-rshi‘mitigation of damages,was referred .saw,8.C.,a North Carolinian..and ito the judiciary:committee of the a native of Iredell!county,ig a House which January,12 presented member of the South Carolina Leg-two repori‘s Te we the secs yassage.of the bi anc ne otherislature.When the:report-of—the}Posomaedtiss that most of -the|:Judiciary ‘committee,recommending |/message be expunged from thethatportionsofa-veto.méssage|journal of the House.The two re- of.Gov.Blease be.expunged from|Ports aroused coe ae ae which.stponed rom time she,record,came up for discussion time,«reacchee its"height today.The,in.the Houst a few days ago,Mr.lgpeeches utivactéd packed:gatleriesStevenson,as'a ‘me mber of the at“-beLh attcrneon and wight sessicas' judiciary.committee,spoke in fa-|Ol the body ;oe 5 Tonig >4 20t avor‘of the ‘report.:aca ee Tonight,after the .subjec &pecial ::wii h OmHB IG been disctissed at length,the fi-pecial to the Charlotte Bays of his effort:nal test of strength.came‘and with} When the question was taken up it camé a yictory for those who voted to hr ve.the message expir- at noon,after being postponed for|fated.The expurgation of a mes- ®Week,W.F'‘Stevenson,in-one|Sage from tue Governor.is with- of the best speeches’ever heard jp |Out precedent in legislative _histo- the South Carolina ‘Le‘gislature,vig|ty in this State,,orously defended the action of the|.[In addition 40 voting to expunge| japdiciary.committee of the House |the ae $message from’,the in recommending that the objec-|Tecord,the Legislature has passed Vouabie portions of rhe|message be Ptwo acts over nis veto;the vote in expunged from the fyrecord.:Mr.Ste-(both,cases ‘being unanimous,A .ma- vensoh ‘who -had”been designated |Jority ‘of ‘the House yoted:to pass iby the judiciary committee to hake|the.Mbel.pill over the Governor'sthereport,raised ‘the point that veto’but the re two-thirdsthe..constitutional mandate:-that|Vote™,could not.be wecured.—-T‘hetheGovernor's.objections to a bill)j Landmark.}ape:printed in ‘full applied ‘only.to When’vives”Se “euch pars pet.the ‘message as ein?|cough.Ee C cei as thy CoughbracedstarGovernor's reasons for |Remedy.will ward:off an attack oftheveto,He cited nameroiyg “u-ee eee mrayant.sall danger and causethoritiesto.chow.the.distinction.-be-\it_succcastu Hy.Beta tay“ant aeglote lise “Hon .W.F.Stévenson, Observer Mr.Stevenson.pointed out’ sonje passages in.the message which Landis:‘News, a9 entered as a defense in mitigation counties,that.has been under:{h-' lustrates:the impossibility:of:6g)‘Took fi, ‘when he was selected as the Dem-|¢ assume.that Col-|’ those |' Gov-|- Wilson must prepare himself| ‘Big.Land ‘Deal—Railyoad to BeaeBait, ‘The deal of the Grandin.‘LumberCompany,for the purchase of “the60,000 acres og land,holdings of. the.Yadkin.Lumber Company,in Caldwell,Wilkes .and Cutawba vestigation for several months,.was closed up last weék,The purchasepriceof‘this:large:boundary oflands“amounts to.about $950,000: and its development’means much tothispartoftheState.|°' Maj.H.©.Landon ‘and.his corps || of assistants are here now.sur- veying ont several -preliminany lines,trying to find the best routetouseinbuilding:the Watauga rail- way out from Lenoir on through: the timber lands to-Boone and even-|tually a-coniiection in Tennessee,ab An’Instructive Play. “The Third,Degreée,’*-Charles‘Iglein’s gveat,play,remains the tri- umplant public benefactor that.it wWas.recognized to.be .on sits pre-miler.about a year ago,’The,play ‘it instructs!the larger portidn©of its patrons,.in.a harmful police practice of great interest.%@ ommouw ealth.—ad,..- Publication.-by the.President -ip every written or verbal endorsemént of candidates for all Federal judge- ships from:the’‘Supreme Court down prior to:the appointment of ©the judges,would be required by:a billpassedby’the Hiquer “of CongressWednesday. —SHERRILL WHITE SHOE €0,, “SUCCESSORS TO S.B.MILLER. I have sold my stock of Shoes’and Gents’Furnishings to MessrsFredSherrill,and William.A:White,who willcontinuethe bus-iness at,the samestand under theabovestylefirm,I want to thank the hundreds|ef customers who,have béen soloyaltomeduringthepast15.years and have helped.makeMILLER’s SHOE STorE one of themostpopularShoeStoresinthé!country. The new firm are not strangers |to you.They have ‘lived in|Statesville all their lives.I feel sure that you will get the!same ‘prompt,caretul and cour-,teous treatment from the new!firm thatyou havereceived fromme,and we hope you will con-|tinue to favor.thein-with-your:patronage and help’make thisShoeStoretheLeadingShoe|Storein Statesville. S.B.MILLER. P.Ss. ot only entertains its hearers,but : the }f 7Havingdecidedtomakesome‘changes in our.‘business, ~andin order to reduce our stock mie =‘Is done, we willoffer our entire stock ofgoods “x Aor eKoeORR ay "For 30-Days” eG[Beginning Saturday,ae 2th, Sy ke *a ta We are going to put our entire line,except Groceries, on sale at exact cost prices.’We have a full line of Men's and Boys’Clothing,separate Pants and..Hats; a complete stock of Men’s,Ladies’and.Children’s.; Shoes,also Dress ‘Goods and Notions,~included in: this sale,all at Cost Prices.,’ 4 If you want.to buy Goda.Goods Cheap it will pay you to come to this sale,’because therewill be bargains‘in every line.“A word to thewise,”etc,A: ob,BM Nothing Will Be Charged During This Sale.mm COME AND SEE US. ‘ebru:5th.eae in|Statesville’Dee'stea ete ried ree rere Ranisey,Bowles-Morrison ne #ngers oh The White Company. Onaccount of the extreme weath- You 1WILL THINK THAT YOuAREINTHEMIDSTOFREALSUMMERFABRICSAN!ELS IF YOU'LL.COMUSNEXTWEEK. _broidery Special. sigan Mendy Show ‘Spring Coat Suits aM Skirts, -Embroideries and Laces, White Goods and Linens, Spring Styles Foulards, oo and Percales, Queen Quality Oxfords &Pumps _And Muslin ‘Underwear. "Bab south window for the Emn- 27 inch Embroidery Fisunaitie.Monday Special,$1.00.per yard. Tomorrowis the end of our Clear=.aeancees;Savings warm your while aegain. ‘er of the past two weeks we will continue ourAPPAR:|Das TO SEE7 io Reduction Sale on all winter needs until the,Ist of February,now giving you about eight days more to supply your- selves with merchandise at prices _far less than manufacturers’cost in many cases.Our stock is ‘still arge,containingall the winter goods as well as a big assortment of White Goods,Ginghams,Per- cals,Laces,“Embroideries,ets -Just right for spring wear.Make — it a point to see-us during these ‘eight days for anything,at a bar- Ee Verytruly yours, —ir RAMSEY-BOWLES.MORRISON CO. SalesDay.iis the first Monday i in each month inStatesville»No.Oye eS HITE CO. pa/ “te ..gone to Chdrlotte‘to spend a ‘DOW Wash ve dug in his’barn Wet. 1 *has received a communication,from .pany,saying*Bible* Ta NA tes Martha »Oliver, They will "PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. OFFICE;120 WEST BROAD STREET, TELEPHONE:NO.14,es FRIDA “1912. MOVEMENTS OF-‘THE PEOPLE. ==January 26, Personal Mention of the Folks Who ‘Are:Ooming and.Going.|Miss Nona Sink,’of Lexington,isthegue8tofMissIrisMcDougald.. Mr.‘W.L.Stamey,Great Proph- et of the North,Carolina Improy-ed Order of »Men, the lpedl Red Men... Mr:Godfrey,Kimball ig at’homie from Trinity College to spend sev- «eral days.Mrs.T:°B:ey went to MaidenWednesdaytobewith,her mother,Mrs.Elizabeth:Brawley,who is ill. “Miss Rowe Jones,of Warrenton,is the guest of the Misses-Feild. of.Stokescounty,ig visiting:her:sister;:Mrs, I,M.Gordon: Rock‘Miss Mary.Flowers,of. “Hill,who was the guest of.‘her ~sister,Mrs.«J*Mc.oannelly,”'“has few‘days. Slre ywill return here.hetore Boing home...”- Dr.W:J.Hill has retiirne d from Baltimore,where hie spent Bix weeks.:e Mra.BE: P. Miss.Nellie- Green,“from guests of Green:and children, and Master ~Philip Hun(avitle,are |the Mrs.»Geo:Anderson... also visit Mire,‘W.’.KSFleming.at Elmwood before roe | ing home. Mr.and Mrs..'T.J.Coiger spent yesterday.in gaianiy:: Mrs.C.O.Howard,who visit- ed.her ‘sister,Mre..W.M.-Bar- ringer,returned yesterday to>her} home-at Waxhaw. Mr.E.8.Pegram,who,“with Mrs;Pegram,Wwedit to CharlotteMon- duy eyening-en decount-of the trag- ie death.of their little niece,dapgh- ter of:M?.and:Mrs -C.Withers,| who was.killed.by a strest ear,re?) turned home Wednesday night.Mrs. Pegram will remain in’Charlotte a few ‘days with her sister, ,Clerk.of -Court Hartness and Sheriff Deaton have gone to.Ral- e€igh to attend ‘the meeting-of the State Anti-Saloon League Miss Estelle Carlton’arid °little Misé Elizabeth and Master Charles Caritui,children of Mr.and »Mré J.F.Carlton,..spent -yesterday .inChartsttewgMissMinnie’Maher,of Asheville,| is the guest.of “Miss .Rebecca Stimson , Mra..G.C.Sprague,of.Asheville, is the guest of Mrs,E.G:Gilmer; Notices of New.“Advertisements. ‘THE LANNDMARK ‘speht,Mon-day and Tuesday in Statesville with f land Mesdumes.T. about: NNIVERSARY OF SOCIAL CLUB, Elericémoh Club's Reception —~.Sopial Events,.«~ The fiftly anniversary,celebration, reception of the Elerleemoh club to ‘tthe other:clubs of the ‘town -yester- day afternoon at the residence:of Mr.atid Mra Eugene Morrison,was an important social event of the Season,which was largely attended.‘The guests were’met at the door|by Mrs,S.B.Miller-and Miss Car- rié’Mae.Watts and their ‘cards were’. received*by).little .Misses..Minetta Crowell’and Mary Walker,while tittle--Miss~Ruth Morrison ~and\Miss°Hope Clark showed them the cloak roont.Receiving in the -par-, lor were Mrs,B.-G.”Gilmer,pres- ident.“of the club,and:Mrs.Eu- gene Morrison,and ‘from here,thé Buests -were ushered.by-Mre.Ll. Ki:Lasenby.into.the punch room, where»Mrs.-J.J.Sloan received|} M.Crowell7 and Mirs;-J,G.Powell served a delicious beverage.Mrs:-J.-L.Cowal ‘con- ducted them to the dining room, ‘Where they.on‘received by dames C..Steele --and 9 J.'S, Ramsey cha ‘were served:with .Neéd- politan fee cream,cake and mints. ‘Dy~Misses ‘Rosamond Clyrks.!Cor= dela.Watts,Louise Sldan and.Vir- finia,Steele,From the dining room they wére shown .by:\Mirs..,E.M. Purdy to.the coffee-“room,>:whereMrs,(RR;R.Clark’and “Mrg.-Ro My Gray,assisted.by»little Margaret Sloan,served:coffee and coffee cake.3 “Phe reception, ‘birthday was being.on *Burns’ planned’as.a \Scotchwfifairandthe“Seotch.idea.was carriéd,out.in.the elaborate deco- |rations throughout the housé*and more especially in)the coffee room., Here the side walls ‘were’in green, the’table ;spreads, etc.,~-were.ofScotchplaids,the overhead was a|bower of greenery,whike.from “the [Ww alls Hwhe pictures of Robert Burns |the Scotch -poet.’In ‘the dining room jred carnations .were.used in p ‘fu- ision and the Scoteh .plaid-ideas peared -in.:the refreshments.ay principally | | |parlor decoratiois were loft red and white carnations. |The MacdoweN Music chib }meet with Miss’Mary Scott jafternoon at 4 o'clock. |A number of young lidies ‘ot the| itownl gave a leap year |'danee’at ithe armory Tuedday night,Sixteen] for.17 couples.participated .and- \delightful évening-of |dancing is (reported,During.the evening punch } Was served by the young ladies} who had charge of the affair :| the High | |will | a } Harmony School. |Correspondence of The Landmark. }Sthool opened January 8 after} ltwo weeks’holiday Notwithstand-| News of Arniyar Carly Spine showing Of fabrics.Mille &Poston. Monday,February 5th;County} ‘Sales Day .Spring goods on .exhibit;embroid-| ery .speciai.:—Ramsey-Bowles-Mor | rison Co $1 shears forville-Hardware and Harness Co. 50 eents.—-States- ’a 2 er 3617)ere reo Iredell Pontiry:'Show February es bea nent ‘ve kept j27-28-29 typeie ad ‘:|"i The littl children have not ‘for-|y >1 same what in stationery Rn.P.gotten the visit which Santa Claus}4 )::;:made them at the school building!ioe 28 2 .ne f .—e ante vv _foal endrh on Wednesday before Christmas.\The R at dente Co fe "The societies have resumed thelr|Shoes dco?gdacis pednie |work.New officers were)elected| M &H shiva Co Coe.}om Friday.afternoon.‘The boys“"hens +BOO .eaadine .)path |élected Herman,Baity president,| Gray Dek:eas Coser Ralph Parks vice president and| :rir ae eacionery States |Joseph Grose.secretary and SeereeworePeer:|sille Drvg Co.i oy eG his |at 16:girls.elected Clara Bellehis“a x accounts.—S.'};s ;Tat notice about a¢coun .|Hayes president,Mona Gaither vice Cut iiours —Van Lindley.Co president and Beulah Gaither Business meeting Iredell Live |‘pcgiatbeneeary and.treasupyr.Stock:Associatioi ‘Saturday 2{,,Joseph Grose efftered schoo)here:‘clock on :“jlast week.!oc ’m :‘Se es ;Ao MY,>»Bailey,pastor.of the ‘Meth-a iy.)X rope .‘ald rm iia ‘Mare 4 9 Mare (Oust church here,paid the school|vii,ion ae Thos a visit last Wednesday.Mr.Bail-}:ue SN ie a ‘.i “salpseaeeaaeienidance’to.pant ey,always has some wholesome ad and will board with renter.Write mae 10 sive and both teachers asiontheThsbendiack:pipils are gla to see him:at.any+CES A Sua i time in bag en ee net.|“Miss Savnders,our teacher, Call and settle accounts.-F B Phifer.Buff Plymouth Rock cockerels .for _sale.—Eugene Simons. wants experienced help. to M.,care.The New store Apply by letter Landmark + Transter of business— ler. Beginning Saturday,27th,» stock.will be offered at cost36daystomakechangeinness--Alexander Bros: N.B.Mills &Son,dealers cotton,real estate and™stocks. R.C.Rnode Island’Red cockerels and eggs for hatching-~—D.Matt. Thompsoa :4 Ss.B.Mil- for bubt- in Turnersburg Items. Correspondence of ‘The ‘Landmark. Turnersburg,;Jam.24—The health} of our little village is Very good| except colds..We have had-some of the.coldest weather in this month we have had:for ~yeairs.Water | courses and ponds were frozen over and there is still’some ice on the pond, J understand that Mr.J.A.Gaith- er,has :postponed the pier’‘work here;until warmer weather,which 1 think is a very good idea.Mr,Lum Campbell went to States- ville a.few diiys ago to seek em-pam but for some cause did 10t Siay as usuml,We welcome him back and hope he may staywithus,| ~Mr.—J-P.-Shore-ia having “a-well- |Water seems to“be siow about coming ack =to its.normal height simce ldst sum-. mer’s dry spell.‘Some‘wells ‘are very!dry and shallow. Mr.‘A.F.Harris has Hurshisel another team of mules.‘This makés four teams*‘for him;all haulinglumbertaStatesvilleevery“day in the week,:which means somethingcondingin'and somethimg going out. Let's Have It.°°'Manager R..L:Flanigan says:che the office of the UnitedPlay ‘Com- that -it,Was just pos« that they would arrange a date for ‘The Third Degree’in this entire ! =jlate Mr. |during ling the unusually bad weather,-most) lof the students were in.their places} jou ‘the opening day andi the ‘at-j {tendance for’.the Past two weeks!thas been very ‘good, The entertainment given before} eee proved to be very.suc-| ssful as far as the students who toartictgated were concerned..On) jaccount of the rain,many.who would) Sick from but being so fai was right Monday, Friday Colored Woman. Written For -The Landmark. |Polly Dean,colored,better known jas.“old Aunt Polly,’died at the ;county home yesterday moming and| will be buried in‘.the cemetery for j colored people in Statesville:She ;}came “rom Catawba county and in }Slavery days?was owned by the late}|Mr.Jacob Bostain,who sold her and} jher son’to,Dr.D alin,of States.ille,bes1forethewar.She was hired to the Mes-| “\@ over +i faithful.in her school werk managed not to-be jabeent Sree her.school.araae|Passing of An ‘Old-Time 0 : The “Tablet~-Commeniorating Meck-“lenburg Declaxation.The North Carolina Society of Co-tonial Dames of America «hag de cided to place a tablet in the rotun-da of the State.capitol at.Raleigh,.|}.commemorating «they Mecklenburg Declaration of;Independence,:May20,3775,and.the North Carolina Historical Society -has granted per-thiszidn for placing.the same.Mrs. George C.Nabodmadn,a Mooresville,|, secretaryof the eee Carolina:So- ciety of Golonial Dames,says theMeckleiburgcounty.committee of the Colonial:Dames inaugurated this movement and it:Has the hearty vo-operation of the entire North Car Olina association.‘The order-for the tablet \will be.given ‘to “Willam.|| Gault &Son?of Baltimore.The de sign is white marble with -bronzé letters anda.beautiful decorative| frame of bronze,the design of thelatter-of -pine’cones’.and needles with:the historic hornet's’n “asb 2 central:piece,It will Cost:wa 4 |0 _Statesyille,N.C.. (both city and country),and stocks. We are always in the market for any quantity.We guarantee topayabsolutelythehighestpriceforcottonandyoucan’t overstock us. Any one having real’estate to sell.will find it to their interest to list it with us.. A.L,Millsis associated with the.-firm and either he or N.B.Millswillawaysbefoundin.the office,No.1 a"West.Broad Street. N.B.MILLS &SON, ‘Dealers in.cotton,real estate all grades of cotton and ‘can handle one be in.place ny Aprit 19)ms “PHONE NO.8.4 f Oysters and fresh:fish,A ‘All.inde eee :a .fresh’Ynéats."Phone TT|Fi BLOWhifer,1h6—ad.2t.REE Sees |Fat Mackerel!NOTICE =a"carm|fat Mackerel: It’s not Poultry.Food ‘this time,”but ‘the finest,fattest,juiciest Mackerel I have ever offered to. the trade.I wish‘’you would order one’just to ‘show you”what they are.‘D.J.KIMBALL. Stock Association ‘at art house tomorrow |afterndon at 2 o'clock.’0°Jan.26,1912,/k FOR SALE.=FEVERAL Boft PlysiouthCockerelsforsale,EUGENE SIMONS,Jan.26.) WANTE —BY NEW store.wwith new)stock,experienced help.Ap-ply in own:handwriting.givingrateeorm M,care The L Jan,sf FOR.RENT —FOUR ROOMS of ahousetoreliablefamily!If gull:tablearrangementscanbemadewill.board ficen rate Cc.Th aleetT .oo P.S.Talso have:Mountain LOST.“LADY'S GOLDCutt link,with mon-Kraut and Buckwheat Flour: eogram “L,H,8."on it Retire to..eoTheLandmark.*Jan,26 | pecials! for announcement of new article at bottom,of this e in each Friday’s Landmark for the following week._We'll deliver-the goods according to announcement. GOLD DOLLARS GOING AT FIFTY CENTS APIECE? Yes,that would inferest every one but the supply neverequals~the demand,therefore they always go at 100 cents.©But.listen:There are a lot of other things:‘that always go for 100 cents also.Now suppose you are going to buy one of those articles next week and some one offered them for 50c...Wouldn't that be interesting, too?-That’s it exactly.That’s our plan for HARDWARE SPE-CIAL.ALES.One or more articles and the’special!price for oné week will appear at bottom of this space in edch Friday’s Land-mark.Watch the changes for the article'you need.It will go at from half to three-fourths of its regular selling value.Not old or shop-worn goods,but ‘“‘spank’’hew staple,standard goods,select-ed from the largest assortment of hardware,farming implements,:,ete-in-the eity.-The-article-will be —ed,at theprice named,during the time specified,for ‘eash only;rights feserved to sell only one article to each customer,and thatlimitedtosupplyonhand.Watchthésechanges.Something inter-‘ esting to announce next Friday for following week from Monday. morning till Saturday night.special sale time expires onone ..article it will continue to be sold same terms,prices and condi-tions as ruled before the special6 a another article go on forthenextweek.Watch for the c--$1.00 Shears for 90e. Entire line of'Shears and Scissors of all sizes and patterns.Bestknownbrands.Old established prices cut in half.As long as apairremains,or to the end of the week.If you need a pair in thenextfiveyears,you will save 50:per cent.by buying now if your money costs you 10 per cent.’‘Come earlyin the week. Statesville Hardware &Harness Co. Sales Dayis the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. W that is out of style.The.kind Oe you use is subject to the same criticism as-fashions in.clothes.@Beupto‘date in your.corres- pondence as well as appearance. You.can get the right paper,en- velopes,étc.,right here.The tints,the most approved shapes and textures.Come.and see what’s what in stationery any- Way.R.P..ALLISON'S, BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. Isaac Wallace as-a servant the war and afterwards was a well-known.nurse«for “many years.Aunt Polly.was well thiought of and had many friends among. the white people who cared for her jtn her.old.age.--A-little over a }year ago her home was destroyed i Dy fire and yshe barely escaped with ‘her life.Her white friends could |not find any .on®to properly care}. |for her and singe that time she ‘nas beem at the.county home.‘She ‘was very old,Many.think near the centuty Mark.She was faithful and well respected..: Buildings at Catholic.:Orphanage7Burned.;A ,dormitory,arditorinm ©any, school building,laundry,barn and| stables of the Catholic orphahage Si thes—saburbs——ot “Ration were burned:.Monday:night.The fire is supposed’to have startedLaundryand.the logs is itimatedatva000.‘Nhe buildings*were vall old.new brick.dormitory,ad- mindibration building and..chapel were uninjured.The wotk will.go ‘in the on and the burned buildings will be repiicon.take strerest ittsoaie Dittieédjwastheframeschiooland-old auditorium building,90.by 90 feet and two Stories.Kive years.420 the main:dormitony and ¢hutth. were burned,,:ne 4 Do you khow that fully niné'out’~ofeverytencasesofrheurhatismaresim-bly fheumatism of themuscles due togoldordamp,or chronic rheumatism,and require no internal tréatment what.| éity..These are the kind!of attrac- tions we want in -our city.ad,ij ever?=Apply |Chamberlain’s’.Lininjentfreolyandseehowquicklyitgivesree.lief,For sale by aul dealers, A Hint tothe Wiseis Sufcient Don’t spend your good money for House Furnish- ings until you have gotten pricesfrom ts,We will “make it to your interest to trade with us. 4aa TReeNesaeEEELIATASAISiAhddf deen See-our lineof Teather Upholstered Davenports, ea neues Ho vinee ang Parlor ell Crawford-Bunch.Furniture Comp’y. .UNDERTAKERS.AND‘EMBA LM oeDAY.hones,_NIGHT.1988 Drop the Stationery @ Capital $100,000;Surplusand Profits$32,000.: |=-<esglution. eee rege MyMkLamininnantel eut own:my expenses and:put some ‘money in the bank.:I can live on‘a lot less ifI try.“I will starta bank account today.” Mousy tisa ‘cael thing to have if}you lose your ;occupation—with money-in the bank,you are =©.‘always independent,Step into dha‘bank:and oyletustalkitover.k .ne First:National.Bank, A RU ase STATESVILLE,N:C,: °OBWIORRS:02 ei te J.C.IRVIN,President.E..S.PEGRAM,Cashier._ G..H.BROWN,ViesPresident.JNO.Ww.GUY,Assistant Cashier.- _On all Men’s and Boys’Suits,Sep-“arate Pants and Overecoats until. March Ist:Bigline to select from.. Plenty of medium weights that can be worn the year round.Drop in and look through;will be glad to..en show you.i a All Shoes,Hats and Furnishings . reduced during this clothing sale. Basement stock of Mill Ends,La- dies’and Children’s Shoes all going -at less than same class of merchan-©. dise ean be bought elsewhere.”si MILLINERY AND LADIES’SUITS. All Millinery voinie at what it will bring.If you can use a Suit or Coat the price will strike you. _SKIRTS.’ Good line of up-to-date Skirts one-third to one-half off.See them.|. Very respectfully,— THER.M.KNOX CO. P.S.331-3 oft on all Clothing until March 1. Sales Day is the first Monday in each month inStatesville,N.C. Iredell Co.Poultry Show. To be held in Statesville February 27,28,29. The Association is compiling a /liber-al and attractive premium list,whichwillbereadyinafewdays,Many of_the premiums and prizes are testrict-éd.to Iredell county exhibiters andto-outeiders-By:~cannotge ery-pouitry-_,owner in Iredell uate is invited to4becomeamemberoftheassocia’_and help make Iredell one of t)etpoultrycountiesinNorthCarolina. It.is not necessary to be a member‘of th ationto extibit,sepoul-try,but the association wants thehelpandco-operation ofTredell.conniepeople,Be sure to attend as it will beaneducationin’poultry raising\andnoonecanafferdtomissit,s Thai famous chicken exvert Mi,RyL.Simmons,will be the judweand heis.fair and impartial. The asseciation will furnish exhibivtionedopswithoutcharge.Entrance fee 25e.for each bird.Write the secretary‘for information,.orenrees list and entrance blanks,ddress;...4 Secretary, Iredelt County Poultry ASocition,Statesville N.C Se B.L.SRONCE, 1906 Hone a <=1912 -Your Comfort Today May Be Four Dis. _tress:Tomorrow.Ever ‘Think of That Mr.Property (Owner?NCE! -We issue.every kind—Fire,rite,‘Acctdent, land Health,Steam Boilers,Liability,Amnto- mobile,Plate Glass,Wind Storms,Oyclone,© Live Stock.’-Bonds—Administrators,.Guary< _dians,Trustees and any Judicial Bond. ‘Today is here.Tomorrow is comiig all too fast.Consider the‘present,‘Loo late to lock the stable after the horseis gone..- *Phone 54.Call or write us for prices and information about ourpolicies.° Statesville Realty &Investment.Co. J F.CARLTON,Manager. THE LANDMARK|* --Qn Mark .Twain-- One day Mark Twain was asked,“Of all : 'your books which do you consider the ‘best?” -He promptly replied,.‘‘My Bank Book.” How to get one--When you workhard for your money don’t fool it:away.Spend less .than you earn and deposit the balance with Merchants &&Farmers’Bank of Statesville. ,Fvirtues FRIDAY,——January 26:1912, |GRATITUDE IN -POLITICs, On “It is pended.Many of ‘the|‘Worst Evils in.Government—Piscriminating Tngratitude eeWhat.is Needed.—-pen New York World. Wihen Colonel Harvey,apparently: J overcome by Governor Wilson's |aus- tenity,put the direct question ‘to Governor Wilson whether the sup- ‘port of Harper's Weekly,was:doing him ah injury,and received —-from> Governor Wilson the cold’nejoinder that ‘it was,I was both surprised: tand shocked:—-Henry Watterson. ‘The World.-is surprised,*too. But we caniot bring ourselves.tonas.that we are shocked.‘ For a.presidentiak candidate totell.an influenital ‘supporter more than five months before,the nomi- nating convention and ‘over.nine months before the election that his)! support is no longer.desired,sas to-tell:-ah “intimate his:loyal and:long-con- tinued work in his behalf is no longer ‘a‘service,but an.indy,is painfully unpleasant, But.wescan see nothing shock- ing in giving this frank answer to a plain question,A Presumably Cols‘onel Harvey wanted.the truth when He askéd the question.Presumably Governor ‘Wilson believed |he.was telling the truth when'he answer-ed. * pa “Ingratitude!”’arises’‘the cho-: rus of Governor Wilson’s shocked opponents.‘We should be far frony shocked even if we.could discover ingratitude in.Governor.Wilson’s po- sition. Ingratiiude is one of the:rarest of public .life.“Grati- tude’is responsible for many of our,worst political ‘abuses:Upor “gratitude”is built every .political |taachine;upon ‘gratitude’is |founded the power of every “‘ignor- ant and unscrupulous bess;‘in’ ‘gratitude’is rooted “the -pys- tem ‘of spoils,of log-rolling,of lob- |bying,©Lorimer ‘was elected»by “gratitude.’”’ayme-Aldrich bills jmark abont-sixty being the age at, APPROVED METHODS OF SUICIDE One May ‘Invoke ‘Sudden DeathButByDegreesCanKillHim-: tion,‘Bulletin.State ‘Board.of ‘Health. ated quite a stir by a facetious re- which:.the average man could be chloroformed .without interfering: very.jwuch.with.the-progress-oftheworld.Now we,have a fimilar idea.setforth by Dr.Snow,*the secretary.of the California ‘State .Board of Health,which deserves much than the remark|which Dr.made in fun) Dr...Snow says: ;Osler “If the old axe sound,one may say trathfully,if cynically,that :there are ways In which’.a.man may accomplish:hig, own .destruction,not only.with the tacit approval of the Américan pub- lic,but «with some’assurance «of sytipathy.He may,not shoot:him- out,iheurring public!¢enpure..and.) the’restraint of law.If-he-.jumps‘off.a.ferry,boat,traffic,is sugpend- eduntil he is rescued and turned ayer.to the police ands the newspa~ pers tor investigation...He,may mot turn on the’gas;evén.in “his own house,and.quietly >snuff out theliyes‘of his:family and ‘himself without’encountering .serious:pen- alties under ’the law if,-he fails in his vurpose,.But appareytly these methods are condemied becaause they are spectacular and’‘mess things up, not hecause socilety-cares very much about,the individual-or--his—family: “LF he will go about it deliber- ately and with:patience,‘he |may destroy’himself and his.children and:évyen.their descendants,«‘while society jooks on.with the ~single comment,‘It’s his own affair.”The tuberculosts method and the.alco- hol-syphilis method:are examples of well known means of ‘self-destruction of tife and efficiency,There is no more logic in .»preventing -a-.man from filling his heart with lead:than in preventing his:filling his...lungswith:tubercles,Byllets and con- sumption are«about @qual in their j are passed for “gratitude,”Harri- |man ,campaign funds are raised | for:“gratitude.”—The great:major- jity of the voices which ‘are denoune-| licg Wilson’s ingratitude are the| voices of machine politicians,chief} anlong whose stock in trade is this | “gratitude.” No,what we need in pwblie life is a great deal more of-discrimi- jnating ingratitude.~Such “ingrat- itude’”’as.-gave Charles.B.Hughes the confidence of the:people when jhe opposed the bosslets who.had helped to elect him;such:“ingrat- itude’’as.gave’Governor:Wilson yorfectiveness,byt jimen and women, i versally conceded to be the duty of |government it takes the-Tat- ter six.months-orf a year longer to do ‘its work.Syphilis is ‘no.less deadly,but it may require years of insidious progress:before -it kills its -vietim. “Why death be while .the should rigidly public calises of sudden guarded agatnst, passively:permits often agninst their will or throwgh ignorance,to .de- Stroy themselves.by |means:equallycertainbutlessswift?)Itvis uni- to prevent murder inallitsforms.”;—_—— Bargains:»Watches We have more Watches than we want to carry and to reduce the stock will give special prices..If you want a GOOD WATCH we think we can make it to your interest to,atleast,see our stock:We will be glad to show ©you our line,We hay e@ all kinds.. REL Tun &&SON, Pisin Insurance That ae Is one of our Accident and Health Policies iin a Com-pany.with over $10,000,000 assets,that guaranteesyourincometocontinuefromonedayandsolongthereafterdsyouaredisabledbecauseofanyaceidentorsickness.It pays for loss of sight,operations anddasmanyothercommendablefeaturestoonumerous“to mention.The cost is small and benefits large.Ask for circular giving full information,Lots of testimonials on file showing how other peo-ple have been benefited by carrying insurance of thisind, ERNEST G.GAITHER,‘Statesvile N.C,ee STOCKS AND’REAL ESTATE,‘‘PHONE OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. + Good Melhods,Large Resouces, COURTEOUS.TREATMENT,— Ought to mean much tothe man .with a bank ac- count.“If you have notyetopened :an account.With:soe=-the-(COMMERCEA Ewe:inviteyou to do80 Tow. Capital $100,000.00‘Surplus 28,000.00TotalResourcesover500,000.00cepercent.onn time and aan — ‘Commercial ©National Bank,Statesville,N:GC.M.K.President."_E.MORRISON,Vice P_D.M.AUSKEY,Cashier.G E HUGKEY,a reins bimsetf theappiause or tre peopte when he defeated,for ‘the senator-Ship Jim Smith,who Kad helped toelecthim. Governor Wilson may or may+mot be the wisest choice’for the|presidential nomintaion.»But’his gratitude or ingratitude to aeHarveywillnotbetheparamountissueintheBaltimoreconivéntion: Now Charging.Pellacra to Corn |;Whiskey.“ie | ‘Greensboro Special to Charlotte Ob server. Amother strong argument for} the temperance advocates and espe-| cially,as relates to the use corn whiskey,comes from the} moubtaius of western North Caro-| lina,according to a well-informed| Buncombe citizen in Greensboro this] week..While’it has .-been.’contend-| ed .by members of the medical pro- fession for some time that corn bread,or the use of vom meal in | other forms where.the -corn:was not thoroughly’ripened,producec Sey has,only recently disgovered that “the.use_of corn| whiskey Titeoeine produced |the dread disease,and that,accordin zl to this citizen from the mountaihs,at least two deaths have resultedinacomparativelyrecentperiodin|Bunconibe,the disease brought onbydrinkingcornwhiskey.It.is! |cept inter-State shipments of liquor jnized and legitimate.subject of:in- of}: -. been | TaterState Shipments or —Tiqior| Legal.- The F.W.Cook Brewing™Compa- ny,of Evansville,Ind,.sought’a man- \diiiums against the Louisville.and|Nashville railroad road to accept beer for delivery to }a.diry county in Kentucky.The road refused to take shipments offered: in April,1907,and the case came |}before the Supreme Court.‘ The decree entered is made.per- |petual and compels the read to.ac- |from a wet.State toa dry State: that beer and liquor are a .recog- ter-State commerce;and that it is niot competent fora State to attempt’ by law to force a common carrier }to decline inter-State-shipments of. jsuch merchandise..The protection of its inter-State commerce charac-|' tér protects the shipment wntil it is actually delivered-into the hands of the consignée.It connot at any point.of its.passage through the State be made spits to the local police’powers -‘ |Ghat Trust iets oo Much |, of Iron Ore. Unreasonable profits are made on iron ore of the lake region,excess- ive earnings flow-into the treas- lury of the United States Steel Cor- |poration from its ere transportation Out self anid Family Withiong,Objec-; A’few years’ago Dr.Osler cre-[| more serious consideration, ing that “silence ‘$ives consent ist self-or attempt:to-take:‘paison witht |) x x ! = = s f = “ to compel,the}, further stated that there are sever-|facilities which suggest the hecessi-al other cases of pellagra’in coun-|t¥,from the standpoint of publictiesinwesternNorthCarolinaand|POlicy,of segregating the ore rail-that the origin of the disease has|T0ads from the giant corporation,been‘traced directly to the use of|jand lange inter-company -profits arecornwhiskey,jmade by consolidated ‘ore,iron,andThe.first .case prought to the |steel companies,according to a attention of the “physicians wa that of a young man who.wa hard drinker and.who drank anwhiskey:almost exclusively,The|disease made -rapid héadway..and it:!was only-a few months before death!claimed him,but not before it w:Practically definitely assertained|that the disease was caused by_|corn taken into the stomach andsystembymeans.of corn whiskey. [This means that the booze ar-|tists will cut.out’the corn and|+take rye instead...While it is notdesiredtoencouragethe..use aWhiskey~‘of any kind,it may be!that ‘possibly many of the report:|éd cases of pellagra-are not pel-| agra at-all.Sometimes the doctordoesn’t know what's the matter|and he calls it pellagra as a mat-|ter of convenience and for.the‘‘big of the \thing;”and sometimes the disease!is ‘something else “and it |is called pellagra to’avoid auseofthepropername.—The Lamark.]ee .Says-Vardaman Was Gilley. Charlotte:Observer. Inthe matter of the ‘recent.in-vestigation exonerating Senator.Vardaman,the\Vicksburg [Miss.]Her- ald asserts that the cominittee waspacked,If has no dowbt:of the ex-Governor's wrong-doing ‘in relation to the State’s Spanish war fund. “Vardaman,”it charges,‘“embez- led thie fund,had the uss..of.ibforthreeyeats,and only paid:jtoverundertheimmediatedanger°detectiom and —exposure.’Pretty,Lbad,..bf ‘tre,for the Governor of aSouthernState;but then someSoernStatesarepresentingus with amazing exhibits these days..-{Tf"Vardaman .isn’t guilty Heshiouldtoosenotimeinmakingthe|Eberald phow ee Landehewenn, preliminary report on the cost’of rodwection in ‘the steel industry py Herbert Knox Smith,commissiorer of ee ‘ ONE."MILLION“DOLLARS FOR!A:GOOD STOMACH! This Offer Should Be a asia to tivery Man and Woman. The “néwspapers and medical |journals recently have had.machtowayrelativetoafamousmil- jlionaire’s offer of a,miliion dollars|for a new stomach. Ths great;multi-millionaire was itoo busy to worry about the condi- tion of his stomach;He allowed his dyspepsia to”run from bad to {worse until in the an it became in+curable,|. His misfortune |gerves as a warn+@jingtoothers,— .Bvery one who suffers with dys- jpepsia for a few years will give |everything he owns for a new Bom &ach. an abnormal state of the gastricJuices,or by lack of tone in the walls of the Btomach:.The result is that the stomach loses its power to digest food. We are now able to supply car- tain Anis ing --elements—-to help toregtoreto‘the gastric,‘juices,fheirdigestivepower,and to aid in mak»ing the stomach strong and well: Wa.know that Rexall Dyspepseta Tablets.are 4 mcst.depoudable i6ni«edy,for disordered:stomachs,.indi-: gestion and dyspepsia, We-want-you to-try~them--and|#- will return your money if you are;not more:than satisfied:with the .re-|. Mhree sizes,25 cents,50 cents and $1.00.emember,you can ob- taim Rexall,Remedies in this com- Dyspepsia is commonly amc bz “Do You Feel This Waye Do you feel all tired out’?Doyou sometimes:think you just can’t work away af,your profes-i ‘sion.or.trade any longerP’Do you’have a poor ape--.°*tite,and lay.awake-at nights unable to sleep¥Are’“your nerves all gone,and your stomach too?.Has ams °bition to walt ahéad in the world ‘left you?If so,‘youmightasput@stoptoyourmisery,,You can do.it if ©you will,Dr.Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery willmmakeyouadifferentindividual..It will set your lazylier.A to work,It will’set things right in your ‘stomachichVeappetitewillcomeback,|It will purify your bloodthereisdeytendFist‘in your‘fitmily.towardconsumption,eeitwillkeepthatdreaddestroyeraway,Even after con-\sumption has almost gained a foothold.in the form of:alingeringcough,bronchitis or leading at the lungs,it will bring .about,a-cure in 98’per cent.of all cases.|It is a:remedy preparedby Dr.R.V.Pierce~of Buffalo,N.Y.,whose advice is given free to all who wish ts write him,His ;great,success has.come from his wide experience and varied practice,Don’t be wheedled.by a.penny~grabbing dealer into:taking.inferior substi-tutes for Dr.Pierce’s medicines,recommended.to.be ‘Just as good.’’Dr.‘Pierce’$medicines are oF KNOWN COMPOSITION,Their every.ingredient printedon:their wrappers,Made from.roots without alcohol,ontain no.habit-:ferme ee World!8Dispensary Medical Sn Bula Na Yer “Now is the time of year to spray your : orchard and our store iis the place to . Those who know gay there will be a great fruit crop. * buy.spray pumps.’ Spraying is the only remedy for per. fect fruit and those who have it’get the biggest prices,Let us:show yoru. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. REDUCED PRICES Coat Suits That,Are New. Styles that possess the touch of difference and newness;| that emphasize the fact:that theyare new.WE ARE SPE-,CIALIZING ALL WOOL SUITS AT VALUES FROM5.00 UP T4 $16.50.Don't fail to.see our line’before — purchasing..POSITIVELY AND ‘ABSOLUTBLY THE BIGGEST VALUES FOR YOUR MONEY.;: _LONG BLACK COATS. Chiffon.Bloadcloth and Serges at REDUGED Prices, A new line of ‘WASHA- BLE WAISTS just received. Call early before:the sizes are broken. “THE LADIES’FURNISHING STORE *Phone.188.109 West Broad Street.W.W.WALTON,Manager. xorg BETTER FORCHAPREDFACEORHANDS. 25C.A BOTTLE — earnestness A,ALT CUE TST Ww.F.Hall's,Drug StePHONENO.20. Fresh’lot just opened.“As good as8thebest lard-for all,Purposes,and costs-you one-third‘less.°:oe Price per-Gallon ——_-eePriceperQuart>|200,TRY IT.YOU'LL LIKE IT,Imperial Cotton Oil Com eel munity only at our store—The - “eli Sere.-The,Statesville.Drug 00 ’PHONE 206. |BLANK BOOKS- Fi Qs PRINTING| -}Satesville PrintingCo,Printing and Stationery, ‘~«,Statesville,N.-C, -.Moore’s-:Nonealkane and.Waterman’s Fountain.Pens.| _Allkinds of Bound Blank Books. at Sheppard’s Loose Leafms: Weare sure we'can meet your_needs-theretoo. 518 South Center Street,=~ -<[Homie Blectric.CoNet ~All Kinds Electrical Supplies. wat Electrical :Contractors | -BotimatinFurnished+ ee es e HOME ELECTRIC CO.,|A.D.COOPER,Manager. cannon “100 East Front Street. ’Phone 61. -Positively the best assortment | 1s.of Pencils in ihe stys:‘PEN S Gov.KITCHIN FOPOR TH Some Reasons.“Why the‘Should Bé El d Se 4 Fuori.the Warrenton Reooquest.: There are:aS candidates -oe the Senate’who are worthy of .thathigh-position,but.,we.bélieve,that the best.interests of the State will be served..by sending Governor Kitchin to the Senate:We believethatofall)the’candidateshe —will Make us.'the ablest and most ef- fective representative in thé”Sen-' Late’s . From his.youth Gov.Kitchin has fought the battles of‘Democracy rand has.kept the faith.In ‘his youth.he .edited .-a: newspaperih our sister county,Hali- fax.In -shis.early manhood he;was, ty in ‘the.county Of,,Person’. deemed the fifth ‘district for Dem- ocracy,and for 12 yéars represent-ed It in Congreas with signal abil- ty:in the:great suffrage amend- ment campaign.he made a brilliant canvass of a.large:part of:State.It fell to ‘his lot.to’defend of the United States ‘and he did it with such ability and success.that the State executive committee caus- ed 85,000 copies:of his speech to be citowlated throughout the State ap a campaign docushent.. His devotion:to the~Democrati¢faith,his’fidelity to the,,pledges’of the party,.and his courage and abilities:in fighting,bounties, sidies ‘and special privileges-have given him a high stand and a oom- minding influencein ‘the .councils Of the party in the»State-and:nation. For years -he.was.a member of the ‘congressional ‘campaign |com- mittee,and he -has:‘beén>a Teader in shaping those principles and pol- feies of the party ‘which-are about ‘to beat the rich fruitage of a Dem- ocratic.Congress anda Democrat- ic President, For three yéars his administra- and’effective.that the.Staté is en-| |Joying-its greatest era of prosperi- ity and progress in agriculture;in|public’health,in:good roads .and j drainage,in manufacture and in jevery liné of material development jand social,uplift, He is wise im council and formid- 6 ~FORSALE!— Business lot. Seven-room desirable residence on“Fradd street.“Hot-andcott water; bath,etc. Lots near Grdded School. Small north Iredell farm. If you want toSesell or exchange JOHN M.SHARPE,REAL ESTATE i JUST RECEIVED! Local Views,All New. _|BRADY,-The Printer. Broad Street Methodist Church. Statesville Female College.Statesville Graded School.Mr.F.H.Conger’s Residence. Long’s Sanatorium. ther Passenger Station. Ask to see the Simplofiller Fountain Pen and Conklin’sFountainPen.'These aretwo best.self-filling pens on the ‘market..Carry a full line of Tablets,Inks and Pencils, PRINTING. i the.Senate, able -in debate.He is da foe 'to indirection and deception ard a fear- less chanipion of equal and exact justice to all and.special privilege|! to.none.Should ‘he’be sent to he ‘will,on account’ofhislongservice‘in Congréss .and' |hig-great—prestize—at—oenee—become+—t a national figure and oceupy a com- Mmanding position in -the councilsoftheDemocraticpartywith‘which he is.in perfect harmony. The people demand a clean,in-| corruptible -representative.in the United:tes Senate;a.man of ability,a man of backbone,a.man’whose heart beats in sympathy with the:toilers of the land and yet who is no extremist but stands for equal rights.to all and,who stands against special -privilege;a man who.will represent the people,rath- er than what is known as tthe in- terests and above.all a»man ..who realizes that he is the servant of the people,who elected-him upon a Democratic platform'*to carry out Democratic prineiples. We believe Governor Kitchinj|measures up to the highest stand- jard set by the people and -by the jimmortal,Vance,His~heartbeats |}will be in.unison with:the .throb- ibing heart of the great common |people,and:his official acts,if.elect- jed Senator,will)express the will jof.the party,as outlined in,’the{Democratic platform.’Therefore we give him out earnest.support. Young Man Goes to the.Mother He Did Not Know. W.R.MILLS, ae N::G, Fine Farm Lands and City _Property for Sale. ~AGENT FOR HUPMOBILES. Jan.2. |Roofing,Paints,Monuments, + 'lock.©Roofing also has patent C.Ses HOLLAND. Burrus’Metal Roofing,Gal- vanized Roofing,tin and gal- vanized Shingles’with patent ‘lock, Paint of all colors,turpen-“ .tine,linseed oil. ,Tam agent for monuments made by Mecklenburg ‘Monu- ment Co." oe _DR..P.F.LAUGENOUR, ,-DENTIST,’“ sul occupies the samébome(5 '-9)on the secondflooroftheFirstNationalnhhe\|merits,on the seqond>floor of‘\y dhang Building,wherehasbeenforyears,buteurecent improve-@ building,aedthestairwayandcefrom.north sidéof ‘the butlaing 40"the westsoxds of+enter street,°Nov.3. Forservice.‘Finespecimen andtheoffspringofegCENTS.Charges H.i Wivoce “Proprietor, 2 Walnut Grove Farm.: J ERSEY_BU LL T by Waxhaw.Dispatch,22d,to Char- lotte Observer. |Mr..Ralph Carraway was a hap- Py young:man last evening,when he boarded the train .atWaxhaw,to So as fast as it would take.him jto see his mother;whom he had mot seen.since,childhood and whom .he never expected to see again.The life ‘story of young Carraway reads like a romance. In 1902.Ralph.Carraway.and hissister,whéuw they were both small: were.put in the orphanage at Char- lotte..They had no.remembranceoftheirfather,who\had died some years before.The boy had not been in the orphanage long~before 1e ran away and drifted about,fi- nally,settling.with Mr.A.“A.Haig- lerof Waxhaw,For the past ten years he has made his home with Mr.Haigler,working:with him day day.in the blacksmith shop, and was looked upon.as almost one of the family. Ralph Carraway had ptten:said if his mother was alive he did not Know it.He had not heard a word from her or about her for ten years and “it was his belief that shehwasdead,‘ The little.sister who was with him in the orphanage,now a grown young lady,he learns is alive, nd she and the old mother live together at:Gum.Neck, Young Carraway appears:tobe.about 21 or 22 years old..”He isindustrious,honest,kind,and)will be’much nifssed in the h nest smithy/s home,as well 4s at th;(oldWaxhawblacksniithshop,where for these many Years he has én rat the flaming forge’and has made the anvil ring. HOW'S THIS?'biWeoffor Onc _Mundred Dollars Tre.ward for any case of Catarrh that ‘can-hot be cured by.Hall’s Catarrh Cure.F.J.CHENEY &CO.,,Toledo,O.We,the undersigned,have known.F.J.Cheney.for_the_last-16-_years,,and FOR RENT,wore Becertret’ttattoeaeresN.P.WATT,Jan,Bs tion, Democratic | chairman of’:the Democratic par-|.He re-| the|; this great measure in’the Congress A Bub-| tion as Governor’has'-been ‘so able|; installment before maturity. nlorgennsd rr rerpertarins, deadly diseases. ion—the- derange the stomach. throws out the cold and perform their duties. 4, LastSale Five Farms. UNDER authority of.a decree of the Superior Court of Iredell county,in the special proceeding en- tititled W-€:Wooten,administratorofW..H.Aderholdt,W.H..Cloyd, and others,ex parte,I willon - MONDAY,JANUARY 29,1912, at 12 o’clock,at the court house door in Statesville,re-sell at public auction five farms,namely:~. No.‘1,1004 acres;No.2,67 acres;| No.3,93}acres;No,4,115}acres;| No.5,884 acres.Theége five tractsshake up the large| Aderholdt and Cloyd farm,which hzas|* been cut up into convenient tracts by| the county surveyor.In Bethany’!township,34 miles ,north of States-| ville.;The.Statesville-Turnersburg| macadam road runsthrough this prop-| erty,and the new railroad isincourse|of construction within 200 yards of it.| subsoil,good bottom land on two} tracts:Convenient to church and| school,desirable neighborhood;heal-| thylocality,free from malaria. The tracts will be sold separately.|Maps of these lands'can beseenat the} court house,and at W.C.Wooten’s| home.Prospective bidders are.in-vited to look over theland before day}of sale.W.C.Wooten will be glad| to give any information and show persons interested over the lands. TERMS OF SALE:One-third cash| on confirmation by the court,twenty days aftersale;one-thirdin six months and one-thirdin twelve months,in-tefest on.deferred payments,with privilege to purchaser of paying thie itleretaineduntilpurchasemoneypaid.|Thisis the last and and_final sale...W.C.WOOTEN, Commissioner,*: Statesville,N.C.R.i.D Nov2.|J.B.Armfield,‘Atty.Dee.29,1911.| believe hin perfectly honorable in allbusiness.transactions.‘and financtallyableto.carry »vut any obligations.madebyhisfirm,Walding,Kinnan’&Marvin,Wholesale Druggists,Toledo,.0.Hall's Catarrh Cure .is taken intertial-ly,‘acting directly.‘upon the blood andmucoussurfacesofthésystem.Testimo,nials sent free.Price,T5c.per bottle,Sold by all Drugeists.Take,Hall's Family Pilla for page |. yas)Pol JOHN GC.DYE,M.D- “EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROATAND.FITTING GLASSES. Office fn Mills Building._-Qfilge hours 9t012a.m.,_..-|2,to 5 p,mi Bi |Phones Office i Residence428. if % “. is prepared for just sich cases. ‘is the new theory of administering’ ‘medicine by inhalation and absorp-— decidedly quicker than the old form of internal medication and does.not It-soothes:the inflamed “Jungs, the lungs so that they perfectly At your Driggiet’s or by Mail Well watered,good land,red clay)| |_Having qualified as executor Your Safeguard — Against — Fouts 9 Prsuiicaia: —_and | Pneumonia germsare entering your lungs every day.Strong lungs-cast them off.a Lungs.weakened by colds and coughs cannot cast them off.You need have no Worry about.any of these” Croup andPneumonia It KS work.Itis Get ak “l_am just getting so I can sit up.Have.had a bad case of Grippe and I am sure that your Croup and.Pneumonia Salve kept Pneumonia.strengthens Ecomomy suggests the.dollar size, VICK’S.FAMILY REMEES CO.,-- MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. BY VIRTUD of -the powers con-tained in a mortgage deed execut- ed by Nathan Morrison,Sarah Mor- rison,Martha Morrison;Ab.Mor- tison,Mary Morrison,Walter Mor- rison amd Catidace Morrison to the Henke?Live Stock Company and bysaidcompanytransferredtoS.‘J.Holland,the undersigned will sell at public auction;to the highest| bidder for gash,at the -house door in Statesville,N.C., MONDAY,JANUARY 22,39%28;;\at 12 o'clock,m.,the following de- scribed tract of land in Shiloh town Ship,said county,towit:Adjoining .the ands of J.S. Watts,Albert,Johnson and.others, and beginning at a'stake,the marth.-| east corner of.the Isaac Johnson tract of land and.running’south25°poles to a stake in.John|Watts’line;thence west 13 poles to a stdke;thence north 25 poles to a Stake,Ant Johinson’s line; thence @ast to the beginning,con- taining;two acres,more or less. 8.J..HOLLAND,-Assignee. HENKEL LIVE STOCK CO., :Mortgagee. ym.B.McLaughlin;Att'y.- Deo 22 ,1911.i SATURDAY,“-FEBRU.ARY 17,1912, sell at the court house;door |Statesvilie,North Carolina,at lic:auction to the highest bidder, for cash,a lot of land in the town ofStatesville on Broad street, more.Darsicularly Uescribed as fol-,lows:» Heghining at W.E.Sloan’s ner,-a stone in Broad street,rwu-ning rforth with W.E.Sloan's line|250 feet to Sloan’s corner;thence east.14.feet to D.F.Jenkins’cor- ‘ner;thence south with D.F,Jenk-ins”corner;thence south with D.F.° |Jenkins’line 250 feet to his |cor- \nér in Broad street;thence.west. with Broad street 14 feet to the beginning,cbntaining one-fourth of cor~ /oOnm acre,more or 1689,GhO.A.GRIMSLHY, Ai8,1 9412,Mortgagee._Jan, .N OTIC E1TO CREDITORS. jthe’estate of:Mrs.Mary Pearson| ;Davig,1 hereby notify,all persons|1/1918,or this noti¢e will be pleaded’and Wife,*H.>.P. having claims against sald estate |to present game to me on ‘or before|ithe 2d day of Jamranry,1913.Those | indebter.to tha ‘estate are ee ed‘te settle,|*ae Re.McLAUGHLIN,°Jan.2,1912,Executor,— used it before in the family with good-résults,I think it ig the greatest medicine on the market and should be known to every family.” 25c.,506,=00. in‘!pub-! sSALVE --Jh its fifteen years service not one singfe failure has been recorded— “what better evidence do you want? Jar to-day. N.c.Lowell, me from having I had all the symptoms and we had J.M.McLELLAN,° Greensboro,N.C. PROPERTY For Sale or Rent. Four-room cottage.and lot“on Oak street for sale..Goodbarnandoutbuildings. Several lots,closein,for sale. One hundred and sixty acresJessthanamilenorthoftowntobecutintolotstosuitpur- chaser.This is fine :residen- tial property,located on Tur- nersburg road and Turner.av-enue.'* Nine acres in north States- ville for sale. iC.S.Holland. hee,12; Stylish Livery. My livery is the bestequipped and most up-to-datein the city. I have every kind of vehicle necessary for a city livery. Horses and mules bought and “sold.Have some mules now on hand;Cashor time to suit,S.-J.Holland. ’Phone 3.-Day or Night. ADMINISTRATOR'S,NOTICE, Having qualified as administrator |‘ of J.H.MeHargue,:deceased,late |= |of Tredéll county,.N.C.,this”is to} |notify all persons havivg claims i jagainst.the estate of said deceased of to exhibit them to the undersigned- lon or before the i6th:of January, in bar of their recovery.lL person infleébted to said estate will”please make “immediate payment.iy OL.McHARGUE,administrator; Statesville,N.}O.,R.F,.D.No,6. HH.Burke,Att'y:pata Jam,16,4912. \e] \ Do jt now. Claims Are Cs Anybody Can Make Claims. Tf claims made.quslity DAN ‘ been put out of business longago.Iam still looking:fora flour just-as-good.as DAN “VALLEY,and so are a num-ber of housewives who paid.their good money for an un-tried flour.The best thingIcan.suggest is to put DAN VALLEY :and a-just-as-good‘flour side-by-side and watch the results.This is the test. DAN VALLEYis soli by ev- ery:leading grocer in your city.Ask for DAN VALLEY ~ and accept noother.Foe C,W.Boshamer,Jr., Local Representative.*"Phone 1125,.« Hard ‘Brick ..and-rock are the onlybuild- ‘ing materials that will with-' ‘stand frost and-fire,and. last for all time.~Common and Face Brick.always on hand.i Statesville Brick (0. ete ‘+BY VIRTUE of the powers vest-°° me as mortgagee under=a Y;Mortgage exequtéd™by.W.B.“Sloanéd-in Sloan,of:Trede! county,North Carolina,on the 18 day of January,1908,the..‘Bai mortgagors having tailed’to Ot ply with the stipulations andagree" ments contained-thereig,;the undersignéd..will as much :mortgagee at.om noon on ; VALLEY flour would.have s .ee :2‘NOTICE OF SAND SALE.> ae :‘Twenty-fics years.of continuous armaniis only crcntainal by handlingReliable Merchnniine at ReasonablePrices.-There-fore we are pleased’to announce that our 23d Annual Early Springshowing of NEW WASH FABRICS is1s Now bone Our Tub Fabrics’W hen”Fub- .Will ve their luster,colorand texture better and longer than any other lines ofsimilar value,-ian:we»devmiad theouslineswhichwenowmentiontobethe:highest,standatd.of excellence and:our prices.are as lowand on|many Enes Jower thancanbepurchasedanywhere.Be ee eng ee ee6 7h SuperbLine of White Goods of.Unequaled Value.”a val Great Line of Colored Wash Fleis “Honeymoon”EnglishNainsooks and Cambrics'at 10¢.,124¢.,15¢.,20¢,and 25¢.Toil-du-N ord,Red Seal and Utility Dress’‘Ginghams..ee English Long Cloths (Chamoisfinish),12-yard pieces,at $1,$1.25,$1.50 upto if if Bates’Seersucker.(hospital stripes).Chambrays,10c.and 124c..Dimities and Pajama Cloths at 10c.,124¢,15¢.,20c.and 25c.yard.'Manville Zephyrs,stripes aud checks,at 10¢,yard.Che_hykelinene and Flaxonsat 124¢,15c.,20c.,25¢.,80¢and 5c.ey i 4 Panjab and Lucerne Percales,.the king of all wash materials,Yo:and (Ske.‘Linenes and Donegal Suitings.at 10¢c ,124¢.,15¢,and 20c.vere {Galatea Cloths,stripes and rolids,at 10¢.,124¢.,15e;,and-17 $e.’~Isis Parcales and Piques,koe;186.20¢.'and 25-yard...7.cage Linen Suitings and Crapes,.at‘15e.,20¢.,25¢.,35e-45.and 50e;:~Madras Cloths-and Poplins,10¢.,124¢;15¢.,20e.and 25e.ard.Laas English’Corded Tissues,stripes.and checks;very handsome,256.Burleigh Long Cloth,Lonsdale and Crescent Cambrics,10c.,12¥ce.and 5c.’One Case Light Ground Shirtings,near figures;-at Ge.».Mazalia Cloth,40-inch,very fine aud sheer,at-25c.yard.|:...|.One.Case fine Apron Check Ginghame(S.Li,);at.5¢.yard.Apron ©hecks,.Heavy Nainsooks,at 10c.,.124¢,15¢‘and 20c.yard."|,Madras Striped Shirtings at.106.112)1-20.)250;3206;and 25c.Tndian Head’and Embroidery ©loths at 12%c.and 15¢.yard.pe Blouse Linens at 15¢,20¢..250.aud 40c.yard.©.“Art Linens,Table Linens and Napkin§,Strong Lines .o yo One Case “Riverside”Chambray Shirtings at.10e.yard,easReadymadeSheete,Pillow Cases,Tubings and:Sheetings..ee Big Tine an Ena”.Wash*Fabries at one-fourth less than Gil price. oT Ye ptw Our Exclusive lines have made many friends iin Statesville and throughout the county and are’worthy ot making many.more.‘If you are not already one.of our customers’Pr in,get acquainted,give:us a trial and you will havé no cause for complaint;neither.against us:nor our BeGdt:ae i:Yours truly,iSalleeMC frepeppecnecieeeerteeretepetten errant ome f The Reedy Creek,Davidson coun=;‘Commander Leyi C.Bartolette,of “PRIDAY,—s Jamuary:26,7 1912.|ty,correspondent-of the ‘Mocksville|the:-United States hay,in command:nnn and says that Mr.|of the gumboat Yorktown,stationed|.'MATTERS OF NEWS.Cicero Mize killed eleven partridges/4t Guyaquill,Eucador,to protectatoneshotrecently.|American *interests,diedr of yel-} Judge Parker,of New York,Dem- coatsSalesos Day”i in Statesville, fever a few days ago.Am 6@-The municipality of Wilmington |!°¥hee eth <“a TS ainiar He aoa |listed man on the Yorktown died of} analyze the city.water and it is tie.same,disease and three men are..a n r mi has been “with-supposed he will also analyze some/i!!..The Yorktown has been ‘with:specimens of the stuff sold in Wil-|C™@W2 from Guyaquill and our gov-In the Republican convention.of mington for booze.jer:iment will probably demand that the fourth congressional district.of oO 1 Pay wih feat a Rane |the port be made sanitary. é é y nig President ec eet ewe 4 <|::pas eg “eeOklahoma,Tuesday night,Pre ade while in the employ.of the:South-|Demanding an investigation into‘Paft was endorsed for renomination||Railway’Company, in¢-Char-|C4™Paign expenditures in 1904 and by a vote of 118 to 32:Friends of|>™ee :.. ctratic ‘presidential candidate in 1904 was scheduled to address the South Carolina Bar,Association - in Celumbia yesterday. : ex-President:Roosevelt offered the .opposition. The Tabernacle Baptist .church’ooh vee the Republican committee of those}of Atlanta has called Rev..R.S.|_Skating on the ice ‘ona.pond}jund,;other years.Indirectly heMcArthur,jformer pastor of Cavalry some miles from Rotky Mount,Sat-/charged |that foreign ambasBaptistchurch,now president of undey,the 13-year-old.son of :Mr.\sadorships were bestowed as.a rethe‘World’s Baptist Alliance,to|©...P.Weaver:fell and:sustained |wara for campaign’contributionssucceedRev,L.G,Broughton,who|i@Juries from which pe died neXt}ung inferentially he charged thatliasresignéd.to become pastor of jday..His head struck the ice.|former President Roosevelt had con-Christ church,London.Hon.John M.Morehead,_tale Sohed the use of money in politics, Ina ‘collision at Honolulu,Wed-|™4"of the Republican State |com-|A Federal automobile law is pro-Lnesday between tlie fambitecAmer-|mittee,will banquet the committee|posed in a bill introduced in C&-:ican liner Clevéland atid the United|¥hen it meets in Raleigh February |whom by.Representative Vol&stead ofSeatonarmored‘cruiser-—Colorado,28 to name the time and place for Minnesota,Republican.-Phe.bill}the latter.suffered considerable|‘he mMéetiig of the State.convention.)wowg require the registration with damage...‘The collision was:due —to The National Bank of Lillington,|the.office of public roads at Wash-the fact ‘that the pilot,Milton P.San-|Harneit county,‘which Suspend-|ington,of al.auwtomobiles used inders,who was.in charge of -the)ed business recently,has.dec‘ce1}|inter-State travel,and the payment | Cleveland,had dropped.dead on|tv close-out the business by vol-|of a yearly license fee-of $10.Per-| thle liner’s bridge.|untary liquidation...The asscts are|sons who operate machines across} Judge Pritchiard,of the .United {Stated at $45,000 and the.liabii-/State lines for hire:would be re-|States Circuit Court,will ‘spend;4es $30,000.;quired to pay an annual fee of $5 -Anything that has a money value will find.an active market in_Statesville on “County Sales Day.hs lotte,was this week awarded $12 _|1908,Senator Culberson,of ‘Texas, |500.damages by a jury fh Mecklen-|{2 the Senate Tuesday made sweep- a :.a}dburgSuperiorCourt,jing charges of corruption against Bring to town anything you havea to sell in the way of Farni Peodunta.Eggs,. Chickens,Hogs,Pigs,Dressed Pork,Horses,.Mules,Buggies,Wagons,cs and the.committee will sell it for youwithout any charge. The first ‘County Sales Day’in Statesville was held on Monday,January Ist, 1912.It was a splendid success,as we told you.it would be,and we had a big crowd,too,considering the very unfavorable weather.\ Each ‘‘County Sales Day”the crowds will be larger and:‘more business’will be done.The first Monday in each monthis going to be the biggest Heating dayforbuyersandsellers. The Sales Day Committee want their good friends in the country:to “anapenede the .States of North Carolina,|Davidson College,has been wnani-/|gollected-would constitute a gov- Maryland,‘Massachusetts,New York}™Mously elected president of Wash-/ernment fund for road improvement.and.Ohio in the interest of the/ington and Lee University,Léxing:|ee =temperance movement and in behalf}ton,Va.He has not said what he bar ottencnan”sid naturs-are eae5>Y i +:most effectua armberlain's Coug6fthetrainingschoolfor-colored Sie do but the friends of Davidson|Remedy acts on.this plat..It allays‘children at Dagham..He will speak|will try to prevent his leaving that/|the cough,relieves the ‘lungs,opens on ‘prohibition in Baltimare Monday.|institution.|the sepretions and aids nature in re-;storing the syste to a healthy condi-Miss .Eva Chambersrs,a yeung A bridge across Black river,|tion.iphousands “have testified te feSchoolteaclier,was shot and killed|near Ivanhoe,Sampson county,col-|superior excellence.Sold by all deal- near her school at Lockett’s:store|lapsed while a.four-mule team,in Roanoke county,Va.,-Wednesday|drawing a steam boilér,’was passing}.9 e BeaebyJoshuaRaines,who later shot|over it.Two of the mules and the SALE OF:MILL PROPERTY,.and wounded Charles Day,one of|tolored driver were drowned.The!‘¢ahisneighbors.Raines then surren-|team andboiler belonged to.William|.BY AUTHORITY contained in adered.It 4s said the shooting |Moore,a saw mill man.|Mortgage deed,executed by R.iA,was thie result of a suit for slan-|.Mr;\¢G.A.Bingham,a al Miller to the undersigfied,to se- employed in..the} ing large crowds of’‘buyers and sellers together means satisfaction for both.Many sales will be made privately.You will not be put to one cent of expense, as the services of auctioneer will be free and the use of City Nolan,scales onthatdaywillalsobewithoutcharge. Not only our own peoplein Iredell are invited:to be in Statesville on “GoantySalesDay,”but buyers and sellers from adjoining counties will:be more than _welcome.The committee will make them feel at home and they will be well bate~isfied with the prices their products bring. .THE AUCTION SALES WILL BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 11 O'CLOCK ONMONDAY,FEBRUARY 5TH. 'The atction sales will take place on Anderson lot.one block below the post-' office,corner Center and Sharpe streets.If it.is rating or bad weather sales will be conductedin the old Farmers’Tobacco ‘Warehouse.where there is pe of room and good shelter.. der brought against Mrs.Raines by|Salisbury man cure the amount named in paidMissChambers.:railway ‘postial ‘service died Monday mortgage deed,default having been:a :0 7 ee eee eae “*|}made in the:pe yRepresentativeHeflin,of Alaba-|ight at his home in ‘Washington,n the.payment,I wilh Exes_Ma,bh i '.aved,37 4 aca to public sale,to the highest.bid-,‘has.introduced a bill in Con-}aged 37.His rémains were brought}Gey for cash,at the court hatseresstopreventspeculanip-|.to Salisbury ‘for interme t.Bing-2 1 t speculative manip isbury for interment.Mr.Bing door in Statesville,onUlationofthecottonmarket..The}ham is survived.by his wife,moth-bill Would male it a misdemeanor tc er,three sisters and a brother.ti :SoHowtke MARCH 4,1912,Tepresent a sale of cotton”futures’:::,{the following .described real «- “88 an.actual cotton sale,and.at-Tt was proposed to bold @ un-toe frm Shtachesapenaltyoffronr$160 to $1 lon revival ‘service at the Y.M.C.r,Beginning at a stake at the000toeach.violation.‘Brokers of A..-rooms in Durham but the Meth-|junction of Front and x aa sagents would be required-to ert Calpe.Ministers’Associa tion,of Dur |Miner:ay eeteeville N.C.*the precise nature of each gale.ha pr -passed resolutions.in opposi-|thence.§.66 degrees:W.with this tion,to the proposition.because they South side-of Front street,90.feet: A.Democratic primary held ©in}h ave pool tables.and other ‘‘world-|to a stake;~-thence §.23 degrees Peuinte this week resulted in the |ly amusements’:inthe Y.M.C.A.|.-%-100:fe 4 ‘to a Stake;thence WN,nomination for Governor :¢ge 166 degree ,Hall,candidate-of the Good chine Mary:Cameron,the negro woman |streets roll thal as gga.ermment League.United.Bates who ,Ohristmas ‘eve -night Bhot|'N,93 degrees W.100 feet to theSenatorFosterwasdefedtedforandkilled:her husband,John.Cam-+}beginning.containing 9,000 square Wi.GILBERT,Secretary Sales Day Committee,Statesville,N.C.renomination by Congresaman Rans-a s ne jaa in,a ar)feet,more or,1es6.P.8.Read the ads.in each issué of The Landmark about ‘‘County Sales Day.”aedell.For,the second™senatorship pier Aba Prall icdiachemtvel tak platy |One Lot—Beginning wat a stakecardswithhimbeoauseitwasSun-Congressman:Broussard led’his!én -bank:of ditch,Raymer,Mi LD TR ———ae et ,Millér<,Opponents;Governor Saunders jday,pleaded guilty of manslaugh-|@ Company's corner,thence §.24}sae coma 63and):sti :a in C Supe 1 Sethe BHATDegee”PO —Congressman Pinjo,but he proba-|jter:in Cumberland uperior..Court degrees B.with paid,line 200 feet “The Thine Degree.’|.RENT.—FIVE-ROOM Cottage,DI failed ofa ‘m Nae {and »was seritenced to Blk months f 4 mice ryiy”4 Majority.|i the penitentiary,is Red a stake on bank of,ditch;thence -One ‘of the dramatic sensations:|NOTICE!.:PO R RENT.”water and lights,.veee lot. “apt.Julius A.‘Sitgreaves;'a Con-|;fpieneruaetet | The general manager,Mr..HughR.Cowles,whom you all know,will be,on hand and ready to render you every assistance possible. Write the secretary and send him a list of what you expect to bine’to States- ville on Sales Day,as he will wish to advertise it without expense to you.Also _apk him for any information you desire,Address, thence with Meeting street six weeks addressing audiences in|Dr.H.L.Smith,president of |at the same offices The money-thus |with them to help make ‘‘County Sales Day”the great success it will.be.Bring:| Salisbury Post,24th:Tw your bee Hd brenchaee of rin yet to di Ke of th stesent Beason is Charles |nee‘technLich nG younig|Steele’s line;thience N.dacrecs e —76 towntotsSenayanineknaceAaslative,ilivees Sallie Wanders -and|W.200 feet with said ine to south.|Klein’s play,“The”Third ‘Degree.me Ali parties who haveaccounts«|WANTED:for sean tanta Gaah aaSaniterin1861andwhotova.Baltie Wetmore,who are,employed |Side ‘of Fronit street;thence with It is.semg “presented in the prin-|due andpast due with F.B.aah bee G.ne 2 he,oeited“by géfie with having fired eine am ,pmpire “Store,Miss Winders |said street 66 degrees-N.-W,124 tzipal cities and on one night stands |Phifer and old¥irm ofF &Phifer,}——tak aie ea ThB tort,ica pads tesla vr bee Wetmore as |feet to the.beginning.with &company equal to the one |please call-and™Settle.These.ac-ROOMSAND BOARD,219 ,HandvomedenlyTweedayinNewYork.Hel on nérty,te x attacked by a negrc!,All.thé above described property that was ore-yéar in Naw York city.|countsmust go in the hands of an apartments;sunning water,electric lights.AlsoWaseditorofanartpulicationand|residenod ackson mel near the|being known:as City Roller Milb at‘the Hudson theater.—adi >attorney for collection February |isu lor table board.Three ee eewas.pitting.ats his “desk...when |st of Mrs..F,.V..Bartier,|and Warehouse-Laundry.:Building,—_—_—_—_——_——1st..Respectfully,©i theLandaMidhelag H,.B.,Statesville,N.stricken.with’apopléxy...Capt.Bit eee before 7 o'clock last night |etc,”noes Dy)ARRTa ‘The:mext meeting.of the:State |ee'greaves was-a native of Rock Hill,\ed-tr iss Wetmore’s-purse snateh-|Trustee,Nh emen's Association and the tire-}}-es B.renee ete FOR <SOMEB,C,Rhode IslandS.C,and lost a’leg in the,war.joul oat her.The purse containéd|,L,C:Caldwell,‘Att'y;_{men's tourniament will.be held’in’Jan.2626.—2 OR SALE.&ealy 25 canta."The,negro escapied,|Jan.26,1912"«el Rayetteville in July i ini ce?kate HOMPSON,Sata A “BOY ACOIDENTALLY “SHOT,|MR.JOHN...MARLIN,DEAD.|BRIEF ITEMS-OF1LOCAL NEWS. A HOMICIDE (CASE.TOMORROW,MR,BE.T.GOODMAN VERY LOW.|THE»ALEXANDER TEACHERS. Eve Ny k .4 South Lredell.Citizen Discuss”Schoo Work i ae Meet-|Rested,Muzzle:fot GuGun on His Foot|Iredell Man Passéd Away in \Wins-—Box supper .atrat tdberty,.school© aoe ahs eeron roe Murdehati fants Wat »otekthee fuamiby Iepae ~Brantiey ing at Setool Were A af Mr,k —Ground Hog Forecast Due Pris ton——Brought to°Statesville ‘For'|house:Saturday:night,3d:— :“.June Summers—Yesterday’s Be,Hurt By a Fal—The:Boy and the!Simon Chine—Mr.Matheson eo day-—Stony Point News.)Burial ie J by -Rock.Creek ‘String:band.;sh sion of Court.|,Gold Fish—Mooresville News.04}.*Yoperty-—Taylorsville News,|Corréapondetice of Fhe Landmark.o«Mr:-Jolin C.Martin,of.this.‘oun:ny --Sleet,ice,rain'and ‘worse,’te The mid-winter term of Iredelisun ‘Correspondence of The Landinark,Cofrespondénce of ‘The Landmark.“P=Stony:Potns;—229-—-W ilbie-Ma>)ty,died Friday’morning in -Wins-|follow.A end oa Mrooke Prone:; -perior Court opened yesterday with!Mooresville,Jan 29-—*What are)"naylorsville,:Jan.29-——-Me?Simon $22,a.pupil at aded School|igi"tie-nad’peenin failing healta ied fox tHe.IBBt.of She Weebethosethingsin-that glass.bowl?’|Gline.Titte:in,died|there,whose-home -in Gwaltney’s :é-Spellitg ‘miatch ‘at!the:Plyler ©_Judge Ferguson,of”|Haywood one ‘boy,eee ata Rotengeil Satur:|Pesgetfa ieee a ‘gon township,Alexander couty while for ‘severalyears ‘ahd it:has.been schoolhouse-text(Friday*‘evening,:A Wes county,presiding by exchange wth.day whorning.*They'are gold:fish,’’|!in:Haat:Hickory "and:was.i bunied huntihig Saturday afternoon had:shis |tealizedfor some,time that.he,Mebruayy’2a.“Publig invited. eo ee Tage Allen.Solicitor:Hammer is|was his enthusiastic reply.“They }mri‘ay..at Friendship »Lautheran left foot seridusly injured by.”the could:hot Bet well,though Ne.was)¥omr:O..1,Bradley,who’under=|representing the State.Mr..T.G.|camé.fram New York or ,Philadeél-/church.‘His pastor,Rev.Mr,Bolick,|@ccidental discharge of his ‘sun.|anié"to be about his work until re}went an operation at the Samato-Wallis,of Bagle Mills township,ig |phia or the Atlantic ‘ocean or some+conducted the services.Mr.‘Cline||While watching’for a..rabbit he Gently “Phe remains were brought riwm recently,returned:to.hiss home i“foremah of the grand jury:.where—-D-can't:tell -you,“but.Good-twas 79years’.old’.and is ‘guirvived|i tested ‘his’gun,.with the muzzle on ‘Statesville Priday night.and (18 Mooresville:-yesterday.: €The grand jury yesterday Returné|man’s org store has a.bushel of |phy tits wife,-seven°‘children and 59)[his shoes By igome moans...the aakoe to the Home of ‘his.brotier,|...Mit.Laas Clontz and ‘Miss:‘Mye-:ge true bill for murder in the case|them.”<After’'a moment’s.silence,|grandchildren..He wis a.good citi-|Weapon’was discharged,‘thie’"load Mr W.7.Marita,Sa thawilleesbore ia Wty eee jalted tw saanein@s vo ‘Walter,Russell,the yoting white “To ceil othe question cameé}zen’and a good soldier,serving four |t®king-effeet close behind his toes,road.{Saturday night.at the Wome ‘ofmawwho:killed June Summers,|a more ro nag ivcape the for-|years.in'the Confederate army:“He|Premes ser bec oars ae polio 2-7 MEOMaritn wis Kcmenbex 6f ‘the ‘Squire W.C.Mills,on ewan:street,‘ Q *aN Vv nem ,'awa ¢mncle ¢‘Br iayoutwnene7veermisVentlopeoohe:ert ig seatsperi BE ak townsman,inlaw.Me MOA.Watt,and Dre.Meo denomination and ‘his ‘fu-|Rev.J;H.Pressly officiating, ae :So pat on gra irgpor Sty‘Messrs.|/as he leaped.down the street to-|Clerk of the CourtMatheson .has /King and Leeper.were summoned the sontichce’ae nie pootiar’BatuE:h rach ait on ones oe denoc 2R.’T.Weatherman:and L.GC.Cald-|werd .Goodman’s.‘Into the store |hought the house and lot adjoining “0d dressed the wound,-:fdeg”momlez.ware condeciad |BP oe oe cit oleae Ok c “well will appear with the'solicitor|i¢-went,and breaking the news a8/the.Presbyterian ‘church lot from Next,Friday morning the old,io ne »-YOarey ae ye for the prosecution atid Messrs...H.|gently as a-boy of his temperameat}Mr.©.L.Steele.‘Pb consi@eration|Tellable,scientific Weather proph-}fev.ek the:tatseineins gh Heels bs x Pint sare one Sev :::eee y Grier and %V,Long appear |could he made his wishes known:|was $700.Mr.Matheson’,wil Baye the “ground.“hog,:will on in Oakwood cemetery.:et _ae eas ices ill et :for the defendant.‘Ail gone’’-—came.that:unexpected |the hoéuse rémodeted..the weather for six weeks and r Mr’Marlin wasefor several,years +—-CongressmanDoughton,will give .a and’.ever-to-bevremembered saluta-i the Alex:>ain Aseocia-Hicks,DeVoe and.other weather a.silyerloving cup;of the value of + Lee ectny.cones were,Geen on tton——"They are?all’gone.Th about aan neta aes arr uc|rselentists can stand “aside «during employed —at”the “Statesville ~sta>$25,tobe awarded for the best,as follows::ie iitaa ee aia 42 squad -:::geen this:period.‘3 jtion of.the Southern railway;His|tredell county chicken,of any“breed,Maryiu.Payne aad Della-.Morri-|Bix Baye away i tive meéting at-the ‘court:HS health failed and in the hope.‘of \f i ud adultery;cone |7 (ume,each holding ,two fis’?At Saturday.There was a-good attend|Mrs.:Mary Sims and’Miss Zula d 3]he shite’:exhibited at.the dredell:CountyheengsJeielaniaesee|ter #-minute’s silence the Clerk ahce andthe programme that’,had)Harris camé.up from.Statesville|gs ae C pence me vorttt 4 Poultry Show.> ay’"Chance Mills;.Bud"siya,Inthe ||coninued,“We prepared 72 a,juarl-\'beeri adopted was fully iscussed.Saturday night on'.a short visit--$0 seth :ago qe”had bean te Congressman Doughton has in‘.Mfays and Guther Hath appeared:to)jums to give’Away and’wa could |;County Superintendent:A,By Sharpe relatives,Mr.James.A.Harris;.-winO!wingtak®kee tha two:months,|Todueed a bill in Congress to re-:bh:04d -behavious auider-formers not:‘wallonthepeople fast enough.sive he has—visitelall_theschools had heen in very feeble ‘health,has|7°0S edin the”railway se imburse J.B.Johnston,of Alexand.—.-Boers £00 |the i ushs wae ad great,1*am"ver¥'lin ‘the county ‘and finds them ‘dn:greatly imprdyed and is now.on a noe ae nthe a 0 eo vice.He er qpupty.for three mules “taRien an late nce Carlton,Will Glark aad |sart;we -are out.’:|Better condition than.ever before.|Visit to his “son,Mr.J.Li,“Harris,.|hag “ha parents:onda gg by the Federal soldiers during the * Ves,Phifer,gambling;plead ‘guil-|.The hoy’s -+heart..was heavy for)Both teachers and ‘pgipills are:doing Near Loeray.¢par 1,13.PB.Marlin,of Olin,and nik broth.(var.Mr.Johnston wants dosed for...ty:fined.$10"aah and cost.law instaht because of ‘this:sudden |better work.‘this yOar.‘Phe asso-|We regret to pay with our old ‘ane a stators,namely:Mr.W.J,Ue’mules.5Wi!Hendren,larceny;-plead guil)disappointment,-but before “night ciation decided.to have a county Sheriff,T.Yarborough Williams,anc ie)itn of ‘Statesville:Mr.J.&.Mare Mn MeOloninanehiey saperiabanne‘ty of fotcible trespass;|judgment |that very.boy had energetically |commencement and rally.day at.the |ls family,They.will:move”in a)10 und’Mian:Wenn ee of {ent of the farm at the Barium Or-.suspended on payment.of cost,te-Searched the town,carrying |with|court house in.March.~The.date;short.time to Chase.City,‘Va,Olin:‘ie.tM =Ganev:of titcens-phans’Home,was advised Saturday'‘fendant to appear six ‘morths it~}thim his ‘swapping’property,and/will’’be’.decidéd—on at the next |ee Locke A.Allen,who was on nore:Mrs oe -White ae Font OF the:death of hid:allen of Mor-. er and show good.behaviour.jlater carried home a ‘chicklet’can’!meeting,February,10th:i a)visit to relatives,has‘returned nings,Gnd Mire D-H Perry,of |ganton and he atid Mrs.MeCon-Jchn .Berry,larcey;plesad guil-.|eitlosing two beautiful little’gold}.Mrs.8.‘T..-Crowson was the to‘her home at Star,Montgomery the Charles community,:*naughey went 10,Morganton Satute ty;four months on’the roads...ifish..'All.of which goes to show};churming hostess to the book club|County::é sala clairesweatvs :day night to attend the:fuernd:: Houston .Fairchild,‘assault?“With |that the industrious youths of!|Pr ursflay:afternoon from 3to 5 :Lr ae This Thief.Kept.Books.:;a \deadly weapon;-plead guilty;fine?Mooresville are giving promise 'to/o’ciock:Interesting’current -events |.The Myrtle Hawkins Case.Boc .Mr.R.B:Lewis,of Elkin,wilt a ;perpetuate the ingenious and thrif-|were discusesd and Be ising;The public will remember.the Confessing to having,stolen more|go to Greensboro this week to takea:ate ss come.Sad Nichols,who|ty spitit of their fathers.\ceiekions Ce ee ye case of Myrtle Hawkins,the young esta?$2 a from.his eeaploner®a course,in pharmacy.He has beenorerymAOEeiodpebavicnc.|Mr,E..T.Goodman,one:of the!Thurston.Dainty.’réfreshments noe found’dead .ina lake atl ~cae ae atone chk with thé Elkin Drug Company .for ee, .is tinued:to next term.|prominént citizens in this part of |were served.Hendersonville last spring.After a eats af ;in ested |ut»35/several years..Mr.Lewis.ip @ “,a R her --Oauille,speductjon ;‘eon-|the county,is very seriously sick]‘Mrs.Lélia Bogle is visiting her 1918 investigation by coroner,local’;Toilane tuk eek A Teeter,ee ORManed.we jat his home near Mooresville.The |broth er,Mr,A.‘-C.:Mefutcsn,"at Officers and‘detectivea,the respon-rapraal rei Pros ees o seeny me Messrs.John and Henry.Lewis,of i "Ernest‘Bell,carrying concealed |Dhysicitns offer.no.encouragement |Chapel Hill:Miss Lucy.Thurston ibility.for-her death was not fixed oe fo ar thepencielore,Statesville.: weapons;‘continyed.|whatever for his:recovery,’He -ha$|is the.guest of her friend,Mrs,|90 any.particular person,although it)iDeacives Siok lgataiuted “eae -——Mr.8:J.-Holland was.in Wash--Ira Norris,retailing;not guilty.|Dot .regained .consciousness for|Fred.H,White,in-Charl-:1e |.Mr.|¥43 apparent that she died as the|nina or oe rp :©i ieeetae eee ington the past week and bought“—“wi-—Jiny Sherrill and Bob,Miller,at)Several days and the end seems to;Cas.Filp,of Statesville,,wakafesuit-of 2-criminat-eperation,_-_—et Rothe ores Keoefaa ee“tray:plead guilty;Miller’fined”$5|be a question of only a-few hours|visitor here-Friday and Mayor Cald-|The Asheville papers have not beck ca iiain eam ke id arrive this week and be added to_and Sherrill $2.50.‘at most.-His son,Mr,Clyde.Good:|well,of:Statesville,spent Saturday |beens:disposed to let‘the “dame rest.Renae:F tole,f his livery equipment.HeretoforeaGoble,lJarceny;''guilty in|Man,cathe in from Charlotte Sat-j here:on business.Mr.C,B.Sloan;|2%4 tue Citizen has been insistent ®kl}Pe ee ooting them UP|just an ordinary hack has been usedceeoneaMaereeBebeurday‘and now all members of thé lof Statesville,was here Friday;Mrs.j thie:further effort be made.’to:ar-tg a 7c eran Stik oa gg to haul.the sick and injured inLeeFoster,assault.with deadly |family are at his bedside.|Thos..Watts has returned from’og the guilty ‘parties.In the mci aees $24.The.thee raat and an ambulance is needed,weapon;fined $10 and cost.|Last Saturday morning while at/visit to her daughter,Mrs.C.Asheville Citizen of oe Judge Goins “tac the Hebets book”ona =-Mr,J.H.Conner,of LincolnNotwithstandingthesevare|Work on Miss Minnie Templeton’s|Everhart,in Newton,Messre.erty Tishe siwartot.Hendersonvit!2,,pub-$2,471.county,"who recently ‘bought the _weather yesterday,the court house |Tesidence,Mr.J.R.Brantley fell/Bowman,Thos.Watts,Jr.,|€s over his own signature:TT Bee esa managed his systematic|Meath farmjearHarmony,from Mr.”was crowded.from:a scaffold to the ground,aj;Holder and.Everett Payne hone fast ;¥:few of this neted murder case and coe a i oa |C.L.Brown,moved to the place :i distance of about’ten feet,‘and.was}week tor Oklahoma,Miss Jane after dissecting the evidence in de-th ne ad (DOSBOD OF TRO Laat last week.Mr.Brown,who movedMr.Jones Resigned as Western.Un-|right badly hurt.:He was .imme-|McEwen,who spent some time with |tail he charges that the girl’s death aig!an Byed in a room adjoining trom Lincoln county to Iredell a.ion Operator.diately taken to Dr.Carpenter's of-|her cousin,Mrs.Sdrah Feimsteér;left|Was the result of a criminal opera-Reroute ie uae CO a 8D-|tow years ago,ig thus the means Mr C.J.Jones,who has.been |fice,where,after examination,it|Saturday for’her home im Wilkes)tion and that her body was thrown hin 4 7 ig Pee no er for oe Iccating another good.LincolnWesternUnionoperatorinStates|Was*found that no bones were brok-|boro Mr.€.P.Matheson return-|into the lake after she was dead;.3 4 tana ad ys pf although he citizea in Iredell,2 ville:for 21 years,resigned some jen,although he was considerably)ed,Saturday from a week's stay”im|that a than and a woman—and’he|Ri No!Cp oye it ean,toe ce te oan G.Woolley,former —ne ‘days age ana his‘resignation took bruised and had had a narrow es-}Lenoir.Rev,L.L.Moore ‘went |intimates that the man is married—f ‘ih ~step mot supposed oe he prohibition ‘caiididate for President,-effact yesterday,when the trayel-|cape.Later Mr.Brantley was tak-/to RaleighSatunday morning ‘to at-|vre responsible for the operation and antl pg Reta pe sola hyedartpal FA speak in.Statesville Fridayingauditor.of the company,Mr.E.|}@n to the residence of his son,Mr.|tend ti:e meeting of the Anti-Saloon |therefore responsible for the ee Oral ae oe noe Bae sees.night,-February 2d.Mr.Woolley is ~fT:Moore,relieved him.J.E.Brantley.He is getting along |League,-Mr,E.L.Hedrick,who |@eath;that the woman fled and the|‘rap was laid for him,into which|"ci irer of the National amti-'"Mr.Jones says:he Was not:fur-|Very well.:has heen .wirking in Burlingtn,1tg|Man is walking the streets of Hen-he fe ie He had about a gallon of |Saloon League :and is canvassingnishedstifficienthelpto‘take care|The.union services conducted by'|at home for.a few days.Mr.W |[4é€isonville today.ie in his room when arrestéed.North Gatdlina:tader the samaiiees of the business and in answer to|Rev.J.G.Kennedy,of.Charlotte,|.Nelson went to Lenoir to spend|'Judge Ewart insists that thé wo-‘outhern’s wife and two children of the State Anti-Galoon “LAaauacomplaintsthatthebusinesswas|came to a close Sunday night.Mr..|Stnday with relatives.mancan be found with -proper effort|live in Greensboro and it was in He will be accompanied:by Mr.R:not kept up°he résigued.It is.Kennedy .gave some helpful and _.A death of.peculiar sadness was |and says that only through her can |paying for a home for them there,L Daven.superintendent of ‘he::charged that the Western Union exceeding interesting lectures onj|that of Mrs.hena Judson Cloer,wife the man be reached,as outside ‘of }he said,that the bulk of the money’State Amti-Saloon League.oe :’Company,Which is ‘owned by.the the."New Testament each afternoon!of Mr.J:T.Cloer,Sunday night at her.testimony the evidence is -not went,although indications are that 'ns rr a he actin akBell.Telephone“Company,over-during the week and preached some'}.10-o'clock,She had been ill |for |Sufficient.to.implicate the ““man-e Southern:had ‘good times’?with a a avers :u :“eee : works-and underpays its employes,|excellent sermons at night.several-months"and it was known |Judge Ewart’s charge is a:bold one,|Part of his ill-gotten cash,He had oe ee dtocd:mages scan take 5Mr.Jones’.successor will .take|Saturday afternoon Mr.J.F.Branw jseveral weeks ago that,she could |but it is in accordance with the |siven his wife-a piano,a diamond ts Oe .ees to — charge:today.It is “understood a ley received a telegram from Ral-|not recover.Opinions.of these-familiar~with|Ting and a gold watch and ~had irk,pps ong .oe b - hady wild succeed him,but her hame|eigb,stating that his nephew,@rank Deceased:was 27 yéars old and/|the case.ee aes ‘bought two_fine rings for himself,|in va lect as ae ane ut been learned:Brawley,a student at the.A..M.|had.been a consistent ,member of|+ations i iad v4 SER ESE RBAARTY will probably go to nnsylvania to :‘has not i a 2 :bel .Tar’Heel Negro Almost Lynched in|The South Iredell Sand Clay jstudy the knitting business in.the i‘Mr,Jones.has.not decided°wliat|College,had.undergone!an opera-|the Baptist church since early girl-hi .Pape ;ae pea aes eae ae"‘will do..He is a’very popular |tion for appendicitis and was in a|thood.-She took special interest in i sone ‘Roads.big mils in the Vicinity of Phila-;operator and this _alone had|¥ery critical:condition.Mr:Braw-|the Sunday.school work.For sey-|Philadelphia’Dispatch,26th,to)Davidson Correspondence Charlotte|@elphia.In the future the Brad-2 “held much business to the:Western |ley left Saturday on the evening/éral:years before her marriage,a eerie selaiihtxy ;eee oe ra ae ere we reeuae naeUnionwhich’would have goneto {ts|train for Raleigh.The latest|year and seven months’ago,she|Witha clothes line around his}A drive’this.afternoon to the ja aeh te Si ge -*Popargsrivai;the Postal company.The Bell;2ews is,to the éffect that there is vas a popular ‘saleslady in O.F,|teck,-his face and body battered by |scene’-of road--building ©between|*/Demarie,w N be in charge of the Tel e Company,which is ifot in|"9 change for the better.,Pool&Co’s store and ‘has many,|blows and‘kicks,Brewster Hurston,|here and Mount Mourne showed finishing department and Mr,D.L.favor Piecpack yd and the,West-|:Mr.W.W.Rogers has been:con-|friends:in town and county who will a 15-year-old negro boy,who came@/the piblie at to be in better con.|Morrow will manage:the knitting de-ern Union are owned by the same|fined to his bed for-several days|mourn her loss.Surviving her are}to this city from Winston-Salem,N./dition than one»tould -have.imag-DORM ; interests,while the Postal’compa-]¥'h a very bad cold.“hepes|her husband,a son,about two month|C-,escapéd ‘being lynched by the|inéd it.to,be after the experiences Senutorial -Candidates Agreé om'y.By favors the knciapenvern telephone |to be able to sit-up soon.old,mother,who inade her home|Marrowest margin on the parkay at/of ten days ago,The sand-clay .Primary Plans,:interests.oe ce with»Mr.and Mrs.Cloer,and a|Twenty-first street.last night.It /builders are again at hard work and Seri E ‘techie.:Mr.dA;‘Hartness Elected Presi-sister,Mrs.Bessie Steck,6f Green-.|Was only the arrival of Policeman now making nice progress.The vany te ae Gee eee ce “Was Mr.Wooten's Property.’dent Anti-Saloon League.ville,‘S.©,‘The funeral will be at |Chambers that saved the youth.4c-|pnard of the grading force is now{>0¥;,A¥cock and Judge Clark,ay Th mule.and buggy rescued At.the meeting of the State|the Baptist church tomorrow after-|cording to testimony at the house |geveral scores of yards south /of es ol Rd Fe a eefrom/’he Taylorsville railroad’Wed-|Anti-Sa.con’League,held in Ral-|tioon'at 1°o'clock,conducted.by the |}Of detention,Chambers fought hisitne 4th mile:post of the Southérn ad eHao i ss rok oh penesdaynightjustbeforethearriv-jeigh Friday and Saturday,Mn’J.|pastor,Rev.L.P.Gwaltney,and|Way into the infuriated crowd of|railway and the main squad bit.a aa egnee iL eee os "biewae:al of a train,as toid in Friday’s|A Hartness,of Statesville,was|the ipterment wil be in the town |™en with his revolver and held|tittie north of this.A mile dnd a {We ra onttaite sate lee Dem-Landmark,belonged to Mr.T..G.jelected president of\:the organiza-cemetery.:jthem ‘at bay_until the patrol creW|half more of grading will bring the ebay ic meas ena craunrehpa ee Wooten,who lives on the Taylors—|tion to succeed Mir.j'‘Heriot Clark-Mr.Cloer’s parents,Mr.and Mrs,|@rrived,from the.station house./work to the county ‘line.Except its ate hate he recommend.ville road.-Mr.Wooten had driv-|Son,of Charlotte.Vice.presidents|J..W.Cloer,of Statesville,©came Hurston was held under $500 |bail]close to this line the work will belig the Demecrafi Sutera convention:en the mule to Race Street Meth-|by congressional districts.are:T.jtoday and Mrs:Bessie Steck is ex-|0n a charge of highway robbery.comparatively light.ierSG,;iat ans at de atorial primary toodistchurchtoattend.prayermeet-|J.Jarvis,A.D.Ward,T.T.Hicks,|pected tonight.He was covered with bruises and ee te Get ere generingandwhilehewasaechurch|R.0.Everett,Dr.J.W.MeNeill,Mr.Wititem Lackey and Mrs.Nan |cuts and:showed plainly the effects|Appeal For Curtailment of Cotton te etd i ee ae we reas~the animal either broke loose or|John Biue,T.H.Vanderford,“W.|cy Ketehey,both of the vicinity of |Of the treatmenthe received.Acreage.:ther respectfully ask.said eommit-was turned loose,The mule had|C.Dowd and V.S.Lusk;‘secreta-|Hiddenite,were married Sunday at {It was in evidence that the ne-Cominissioner ‘of Agriculture tee hae t prepare rules for >thestarted.home and apparently pre-|Ty,J.1.Bennett,Of Brevard;treas-|noon at Linney’s Grove church,Rey.|@to had snatched a handbag from|@ranam,President H.Q.Alexam-holding OF wad primury-and submitferringtogo“by rail’had taken |urer,t.C Blair,of Raleigh;-Jay Gwaltney performing the pore)a young woman who was :ae der of the’North ‘Carolina _Farm-them to the State convention.:«%o the railroad,and the buggy came Resolutions were adopted calling mony,.for a car,He ran,a crowd pur-|eryUnion:and PhesidentJ.M."Mitch-2—-We agree that.we will’offer :\.»in 'contact with’a whistle sig-|on Congress to tne the bil¥‘pre:Mr.and Mrs.E.W.Linville,of 84°"and somebody:shouted that)ay of the North Carolina —Farm-is the newspaper reporters im.the—‘nal post.ee -.{venting the shipment.of liquor into|Kernersville,spent Sunday at’the|th?negro had attacked «a.woman.|ers”Alliance have joined in an ap-prohibition territory and asking the|home of Mra,Linville’s brother,Mr,|@ut for the arrival.of ae police Ihoal to all.cotton prowers.in thie |CtyiCute ns Ane Segueet amma Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.~Legislature to break-up the liquor]H.D.Lindsey.‘man he would probably “hive been State to.meet.at the court :houses aoe era wane aes ange ats :The annual meeting of thé stock-|cluo evil,.Mr.William oes young son of |Billed J ie eS ‘|1n their'respective counties February within ten days after nomina:holders of the Ramsey-Bowles-Mor-It is proposed to establish head-|Mr.Harvey Mason,.f the Rocky:New York's Enormous Debt,|°|17 and organize forthe curtailment statements of all amounts expended !rison Co.was held Saturday ‘night |Quarters of the League in Raleigh|Springs community,me sitting withand.directors .and officers were ire secure an assistant to’Mr.Da-|the muzzle of his gun resting om elected as follows:_|vis,the superintendent,the assist-|hig foot’Friday aftérnioon,the.gumMessrs.M,E,Ramsey,J.F./ant to live'in the westem ‘part of |was accidentally discharged©andeeeBowles,“"W.H.Morrison,C. S.|the State,and it is recommended|the entiré ldad entered his foot;Tonilin,A.P,Barron,J.W,Fow-|that $10,000 be raised to assist in|shooting one toe off.The woundlerandW.‘A.Thomas.Mr.Bowles |carrying onthe work._|was dressed and more.of the"fgotwaselectedpresident,Ms:Morrison The purpose of the League is of|may*have.to be taken off.‘i Vice president and Mr..-Ramsey|course to keep alive the sentiment Salisbury Post.of.the crop next year,because the)'hy us ‘in the senatorial contest,©Now York ta Hiliondo ice debt present crep-exceeds the require-|whic,‘is required by Federat stat- city.For the first time im its his-|™ent of the commerce of the world,|ute to be filed by senatorial can-tory,its total:indeb néss at the entailing a consequent loss to the didates with.the secretary of the beginuing of the caléndar year rose stowers through lack of ‘demand.|(j;ited States Sendte,the purposeabovethenine-cjphered “round|lhe proposed,curtailment ‘is Aloft this agreement being to forth-\ figure”to $1,037,811,718.31.°This pledge’by farmers that ‘they will with give to the ‘publi¢é the infor- |/fs°$20,000,000 more than ‘the na-|Plant an aere of food product for|mation required by,act of Congress ‘secretary,and treasurer.and s¢cure the enforcement of the The Metal Bill.Passed.he avernge fatitly ha Mace ae Gea ee cotton —oF oe hl United Staten Senater©gytthe iyo ae thtale [Raat Ge"meatnge achal |t6 Demowatle metal tacit x|Are tha ie tine She AA Ot Members funeral Pat ied .mnie 8factory—the largest in its history|Dr;Baker and Mr.Woolley,of the vision‘to make reductions:avereeitea Otifcago,Pailadelphia and Boston |”_Dead’“Man's Slayer,Woodrow:Wilson to Speak inRich-aN—and 10 per cent.dividend was de-|National League;Judge Pritchard,|35 per cent,trom the existing steel Me payae Vale ne dwatrne dole Bessemer,Ala.,Dispatch,28th.ra ‘eclared.Attorney General Biekett,Mr.J.F./and iron duties of the Payne-AMrich]qan¢ana\as eae ae New-York’s |.Jobn Chandler,a negro,wash -|By unanimous:invitation of the anse,Mise \Prevette ies Dr.§Bharpe on \Spainhour,Congressman Webb:and law,passed the House yesterday by:wa total was not eo yery “lore.ago,|died with bullets and.killed and De-Virginia Legislature,Gov.Woodrow;Re Married Today:others.eerste a et ete eae 109.=Arent _additions..to—this dcht,for tee BY .sary:or eine TRalians Thi ost oe Wk at BibianaPerepretothe,Aer aay amass te sous otBusineaee Store”to Ger.No.Public Building Bill...’[bo made within the next tee in the prineipak street here this’af-Waodrow’Wiiaon clubét Richniond f take.place.thiis -afterngon'at.6 'The-corporation operating thesLa-The:‘Demogratic caucus’“inW fey wees —s aatet a the chacke OF Iniing Jo.the Chasse eee:a eae weo'clock at the home of the’bride's |dies’Furnishing Store hag.been dis-ington last night decided to pass no'|__phe play which comes to "the Gagliano,an “Italian,Friday night,|be held in the Richghond”auditorium-brother-inlaw and sister,Mr:and|solved:and the business will bé|public building bill at this session |Theatet tomotrow’night—Paid~{ane was in char 7{A !e f Wa ge of officers,wait-|which’“wild .seat:more than 4,000 .Mrs.J.M.Lewis,on Allexande?street.|closedout.An effort is being made and an:appropriation of $24,000,000 |Full—comes well recommended.It|ing for’a street.car to take ‘him people.».Rey.Chas.,Maddry,former pas-|to sell the business as a’whole is a splendid plot,presents a-good il i ae ater of the First Baptist chumeh of |to’some person.or firm who .will id hattleshipg,Aetresa ae out sa “':%Sol tome witeeatin ae cage ia ‘Wilson wil roe Rich mond moral and the company laying At no’s ,funeral procession ‘passed.*A|Thursday morn ‘aad a_.Statesville,now of Raleigh,‘wili|continue it,and there’is a:proba-)The homé.of ‘Walter’Gibson,jis all right)>|acbre of the dead~man’s compatriots|public.ception St Hotel lefferson §._Be 8 GM portent the ceremony.“The Easel bt ty of this being de.mn near Campobella)8.C.,was burned’!.Lon Reavis,white,was fined ‘$5 |mude a rush ‘for the negro and the}during,the aft ..|Special,gots eouple willleave ae the 6.40 -t «The.dissolution of the company]yesterday"morning.“Tires -childnen and costs;in the mayor's court Fri-|shooting begin:The negro fell at|tratns will be run pk any pointsreforatriptoWashington,Philadel-|was decided on at a “meeting of |perished in the flames and.another |day,for being drunk and disorder-|the’first volley.“Ross was a and North:Caroling dnvited —aie phia and other Northern cities.—the directors tsome:days Ae was aig fofnred.‘ly.Rt ee I ted by aatray mules:Ny 10 hear:Gov.Wileom,Ta vr 2 ¥, Gét 0On ‘the style.If you are go- ng to build‘a residence it is ‘the Na proper caper to cahl-it a ‘bungalow: “The.house may-be a two-room cabin fut If you call it.a bimgalow ‘tlie public will be impressed cooondizg se 's .How many of our town-bred read- ers have ever-heard the .expression“jumping the-broom?’It seems tobe‘especially.populat up in*Stokes county.—-Charlotte Observer.: .The Landthark is of:the’opinionamat“jumping’the broomstick’is {the correct expression.The’old-tim~ es iised to ‘do a dance.at corn shuck-| “ings,coftton-pickings:and,other sim- ‘lar social gathenings,-in.which« they:held”a broom>—@ long-handled. Broom—by.the end of"the.handle: and from time to:time,as they dane- ed they,jumped.oyer the broomstick The expression was’‘also-used -in, 4.@ommection’with -matrintonial,events. .pled it would,be said, Speaking of somebody getting.mar- They,have one the broonistick.”’-_—'e me i *‘among the many “things .that the ‘\@etractorg.of ‘Woodrow.Wilson pave alleged agaihst him is the _Btatement that he had “played “ent”as president of ‘Princeton, hence hisforay”into politics.’This .paragraph from.the”Presbyterian Standard is:-deubtless the:hore exphhnation: ‘He seems from:a ronsas anticléintheWorld’s ‘Work -that the’re->trement a f amdmark believes,however, :im eam be made,for it hajde that :‘aay eitiaon.ia a |Mict of.Br.Wilson’s defeat. _of course;neither should they be of President Wilson from-Princeton was due:to a con- ideals which resulted inDr.Wilson bas always stodd for the democrat~ ‘ie ideal as opposed to the.aristo- eratic;but recently through the re- inforcement given:by:a gift’of Several millions of money,aristoc- racy triumphed and Dr:Wilson re- tired:We feel that it ,was an evil hour for Princeton whén the _aris- tocratic spirit and «its attendant smabbery succeeded to vanquish- ing sucha man.,***: “Children have labored since Ad= ‘am.delved.and Eve spun;:and the labor generally has been good ;for ‘their bodies and for.their souls;” paid Dr.Carroll G.Pearse,super- intendent of Me Milwaukee schools BA PreSsia O cation Sock ts:id an address fo the eighth amnual conference of the na- ‘tional child labor committee at’ Louisville,Ky:Child labor in his opinion,is not an unmixed evil.“It .is an evil,”he declared,‘‘when the physical or.moral conditions ‘sur- rounding the child.are unwholesome,when by it he is deprived of ‘educa- carn for the mind and the joy.of Sensible talk.Dhe idea that children”should not work is non- Bense,is a positive and lasting arm to the children.’Their physi- eal,moral and mental welfare Should always be carefully guarded, ,allowed to slave to support worth-less parents in idleness;bit a child who is not taught.to work is @reatly wronged’and handicapped in the race of life.Early training inhabitsofindustryisthe.most im- portant:lesson.any child:can Jearn and the parepta who-fail to teach these lessons encourage idleness “and idleness:begets vice. ers *8 « There has been much agitation for the passage of an act by Con- @ress to prohibit the shipment of whiskey into prohibition -terrjtory,: amd a bill by Opngressman Webb, ef this State,which is mentioned in the news columns of The Landmarktoday,has met with considerable favor aS a.measure designed toeceomplightheendsaimedat.Most people have an idéa that the purpose is to,prohibit alt shipments but it will be noticed that ‘thebillonlywumdertakes'to prohibitShipments‘for unlawful purposes,”that is,shipments to those whopurposetosellthegoodsinviola-tion of prohibition laws.Tt,doesmotundertaketoprohibitlantg-@ents to individuals:for individualuse,for the reason that it is not.be-'Meved that Congress would pass anactgoingthatfarandifitdid.theSupremeCourtwould.probably de-elare it unconstitutional,To deter-‘mine when,shipments’‘are*ful anit unlawful purposes wll’bedifficult..of course when a great@uantityofspiritsorveryfrequent’Bhipments are Made to /any oneperson,the fact would be prima fa-ele evidence that the purpose was%o violate the law.Kor this reas-en “blind tigers’doing a JargeDecamaype”handicapped in.Recuring a supply,and thus the lawmaydosomegood.But 4 number‘ef persons tan combine and have.Separate individual shipments madeandimthiswaykeepa'pretty piza-Se “hwnd tiger”,stock;and when@meaversthatashipmentisforin-@ividual ‘use and nothing Bave sus-Picion appears to:the ¢ontrary,itwinbe:necessary.to.prove a sale Te action can be taken.The that_tae Boope of the law is as broad.as for law+ ‘time.had more.distilleries | ‘into effect was 664, ne Nationalhdu-/t2-Proveed.on the—idea that the. where Naver is legally sold andaby for Alb own use. *+”* The Raleigh News and.Observer jadmits thatthe’State prohibition. law.is.-better enforced in western, North Carolina’than in the east, and ‘says the Treason is that the west formerly had many distiller- ies and that sentiment was aroused| against liquor jby the existence of these distilleries;while there were few distilleries in the east,and:pen-timeht was not so much aroused by -the evils of the traffic.That hardly explains.The west at one but some years priar to the advent of prohibition,the .industry became very large ‘in theeast. ‘that while the Legislature was.be- ing:importuned,to:pass’‘the Watts. law,at one of the hearings Iredell was held‘up.as.the banner liquor county *in,tha,State,’.‘At that time Iredell “iad*20 to “25.distilleries ‘while the eastern county of Har- nett had:.40. rooms in eastern North Carolina could hardly be numbered.They, ‘were found at~every:crossroads; _|while.in’western ‘North Carolina’a barroom was rarely found outside of an incorporated town and prob- ably 50 per cent.or more of the smaller jtowns had no bars.“‘West- ern’‘North,Carolina “has always been held up as a place where’:lia- quor flows;wien as oa matter of fact,for some 4years prior to the advent:of prohibition,as much or More:liquer was manufactured in the eastern half of the State.and a great deal,more has always been sold and“drunk there—not all of it by the negroes,éither.The records of the collector of internal reve-' nue for the eastern district.show that last year 1,006.persons paid. tax as liquor dealers—about 200 more than paid the tax before pro- hibition-went into effect.In -west- ern North Carolina the number is about 200 and the highest number reported before -prohibition went. The truth ‘is that,generally speaking,with the exception of'a ‘few large towns;,pub- lic sentiment upholds and enforces the prohibition:law in.this end oftheState.‘In the edst they seem itant event in the.history “We recill ' «‘Furthermore,the bar-}- NOY, MATTERS OF NEWS. Governor.of Georgia to fill out theunexpiredtermofHon..Hoke Smith, elected Senator,-Was.inauguratedWhursday.’ma \ ied,will make an effort to’grow:cot ton.A decree forming agréwingcolonyhasbeenissued ‘and inducements will:be offered ‘for the cultivation of cotton. authorized the preparation of de-signs of plates for sultakle com-memorative'postage stamps for position in.1915..The opening of the ‘Panama Canal and some impor- of.Cali- fornia will.be*represented in.the, designs.«. the .President;has ‘furnished House .committes —on ‘expenditiires of the Staté Department the .vouch- er accounts of $20,000.expended at the Lake Chaniplain:celebration “in 1909.The -youchers:werd.fof the most part costs:‘of wine,‘travel andSOieAMEeDE“Of nests celefration..a0 The Duke ob Conn anght;>gover or general of Canada,’visite Wash- ington ‘Thursday apd ealled:om’the President.The Duka:wife and daughter were visiting New Yorkand«had “not:expected ‘to’go |Washington,but for.fear President Taft would feel slighted the Duke went to Washingtow and passed the time of day with him, ‘In.the Federal Court at Buffalo, last week’'the Sandard|Oil Company_of New York was.fined $55,000 for.‘violating:the Elkins act in accepting rebates fromOeian, New York,to Burlington,Vermont, during 1904-1905..The company was convicted “December 6, indictment containing 143 ‘counts: en eadth-a minimum-tine-of $20,000 could have been imposed. A second Democratic primary,will be-held.in Louisiana Next”month: Judge Hall.reveived a plwrality for Governor but failed’of a majority, and Congressman.:Brolissard,can- didate for United States?Senator, fared.likewise...The fight .is .be- }tween the reform or progressive el emént in the party and the regur lars and the former have _the bulge.Senator Foster was defieat- ed.for the.Senate-by Congressman Ransdell, Mr.Geo.or Behike:a New Yorkfinancier,has been charged 'with great activity and a.lavish use.of money in behalf of the nomination of ex-President Roosevelt;and’it is also charged that his zeal in op- position to the administration .isactuatedbythegovernmentprose- ‘Hon,Jo,Brown,recently elected |’ “Argentine republic,South chant oo >cotton.| ‘Postmaster General.Hitchcock hae the Panama-Pacific-International ex-}« ’Gecrétary Knox,|“by authority 2 : t i at that} to} LOLI,oman |made will theevery Fertilizers. ert aectateVa. MaconCa. e explanation.is Seeionses ealest careand.7s the preateslopass he\Zest of our ownJaboratorzes;«theresno lutarmiss’abou ter| Sold ByReliable Dealers oeBE.S.ROYST ER GU. Sales Offices-“Tard oro NC.Baltimore Ma.“Montgomery Cotumbus whereNOco. _Lolymbia SC‘Spartan burg dtAAYa. ne In conjunction with our ‘showing of ‘Karly Spring Wash Fabrics,”as"‘advertised in the lastissue of this paper,we offer our,first exhibit of.SPRING DRESS WOOLENS.36 Inch Hatf Wool “Poplar Cloth”at ‘Solid colors—Black,Navy,Brown,Red,Cream,,an.white hair line stripes. for the price and will wash,36 to 40 inch.all Wool Serges at 500.yard..Similar colorings and com: Same coldswith Thisis considered the best Dress material made, law shouildn’t-count among’friends —and it doesn’t count.According to the statements of the Raleigh pa- pers,it is openly and.notoriously violated in Raleigh and the situ- ation isas bad or worse in Wilming- ton.This.is not written with sec- tional feeling but anne to keep the recordstraight. Postal Clerks Complain of°Unsan- itary and Unsafe Cars. Washington Dispatch. Charges that the Postmaster General -and other postal officials suppress facts and misinform Con- |Sress as to the safety of the lives of clerks in the railway mail sery- ice were made last week beforé the House committee on postoffices by Urban A.Walter,;of Denver,Col. formerly a railway mail clerk andeditorofapostaljournal. Specific regulation of the -post- office service,he said,forbids clerks to discuss wrecks.-"He charg- ed that “the Postmaster General:ha: not stopped short of misinforming the committee and the puwuhblic as to conditions umder'which clerks work.”:; Mr.Walter exhibited a letter file in which he said he had 500/letters from mail clerks reporting on un- Banitary and umsafe mail cars -and said that the positions of the au- thors-would be jeopardized if thenameswerepublished. Mr.Walter produced statistics showing that from 1901 to 1909 in- clugive 117 railway.mad)‘clerks were killed,816 seriously injuredandmorethan4,000 slightly injur-ed.For a.given ten years in GreatBritaintwoclerkswerekilledand31injured. The witness charged.that thePostafficeDepartmenthadbeenMost‘liberal in its interpretation oftherecentlawwhichrequiredtherailroadcompaniestofurnishsafeandsanitary,cars.He said the carsfurnishedstillwerebadandthatclerkswerecompélledtoTeperttheminsanitaryconditionagainsttheirwishes.————. Lost Photograph of Dead —Suit For Damages. The Asheville Citizen tells of anunusualdamagesuittriedimBun-|combe Superior Court last week.It was brought by,Mrs.Rul MaThomassonagainsttheHackney&Moale Company,photographers,ofAsheville.Mrs,Thomasson saidthatin1906,when ‘her 38-year-oldchildwasabouttodie,she had adozenphotographicnegativesmadeofthechildand.afterwand sentthemtotheHackney&Moale Com-Pany,to.be developed,She was ney-er able to get the photographs orthenegativesandasshehad”nootherpicturesoftheoliildshewasmuchdistressedonaccountthereof.The suit pas for $1,000 damagesand.the.(jury gave the lafntife$400...* ‘Ohild A Date Arranged,* Manager Flanigan Bays ‘chat hehasatlastrecefvedthecontractfor“The.Third Degree.”The dateWillbeannouncedalittleJater.It will be @ month or go at,least.before the Jom pany 'p appearance,The ‘play is by.Charley Klein,whoalsowhote”“The |Lior and theMouse”and “phe Music:Mastér’’for David »Warfield:“The "Phird Fight to send Depree’’wil)be the theatricalofthieReAaOw,.,Moral eution of the Steel ‘Trust.:In a eard to the New York Tribume Mr, Perkins denies part-of this story but says he admirés Roosevelt and agrees with his policies and that any citizen has a right to’work forthecandidatehethinks.will best Serve the country. Imntigration Last.Year. Washington Dispatch. Many Chinese laborérs have fotl- ed the United States immigration agents “within the past year,gain- ing admission,to the coumtry in the guise of merchants,students or teachers,according to the annual report of Daniel J.Keefe,Com- missioner General of Immigration. Mr.Kéefe calls attention to ‘the unsatisfactory condition of the so-called Chinese eéxclusion laws, and the necessity for extensive changes in the system under which it is sought to preyent the intro-duction of Chinese Jaborers into this country,and ‘to make easy. the coming and..going..of—classeswhichthelawdoesnotintend.to éxclude,.”eo The reas shows that during the las fiscal.year 1,030,300 aliens,cs various nationalities,en- tered the country:Of these 151,- 573 came for temporary purposes only,«During ,..the .same period 512,215 alienS left -the UnitedStates,of whom 222,549 were tem- porary departures.”The net gain in population by immigration,there- fore,was 512,O85. Deaths From1Typhoid Fever in 1910. Washington Dispatch. The total number of deaths’from typhoid fever*returmed .‘for the census Dureau’s death registration area for the year 1910 was 12,673, equivalent to a death rate of 23:5 per 100,000 estimated mid-year pdp- ulation.This number represents an {nerease of 1,951.over that =re- turned for the preceding year,when the death rate was only 21.1 pér 100,600. ‘With the exception of the rate for.1909,however,the'rate for 1910 is the lowest recorded since the beginning of the series of annual reports in 1900,despite the fgctthat’for the year 1910 the returns include the deaths im three new registration States—-Mimnesota,Mon tana and Utah—and also in’North ofulationaudoverin1900,im all considerably aLove the average.sional A Musician’s Opinion of Modern Mu -gic. CharlotteObserver.: Josef Hofman,brilliant young pi- anist and composer,who has a home in North Carolina,as ‘everyoneshouldhave,expresess a poor opinion.of very modern music..He Says it-4s no good,including hisown.Mest of the music.against which.the:Statesville Landmark has declared war comes-.in this class. sreecre nen te “HOW'S THIS?We offer One anarend Dollars Ite-ward for any case of Catarrh that can-not BAecured by Hall's Catarrh Gure,.CHENBY &CO.,Toledo,O,ws:ithe undersigned,have known FJ.Cheney for the last 15 years,andbelievehimperfectlyhonorablein.allbusinesstransactionsand,financially‘able to carry out any obligations.madebyhisfirm.:Walding,Kinnan &Marvin,Wholesale Druggists,»-Toledo,O.Hall's Catarrh Cure-is taken internal-ly,acting,directly upon the blood ‘andmucoussurfacesofthesysténi,Testimonials.sent free.Price,te per bottle, Sold»nig all Druggists,’Take Hali’s:Family Pills tor conatina-|F ‘preliminar ‘|State of North Carolina,do here- Carolina municipalities of-1;000 pop-; wihich areas the typhoid rates were |: ‘bindtions as “Poplar Cloths.”44 to50 inch all Wool French Serges*and.Poplins at75c.and $1.00.Black,Navy and Oream Also withwhiteandblackstripecombinationswhichatthistimeareverystylish. MILLS &POsSTon.Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. [3Wiigteccecrttnsts ancsentnenctiraald CERTIFIOATE 01OF DISSOLUTION) Carolina.|:To All to Whom These Frenesil May Come—Greeting:|Whereas,it appears to my sat-} isfaction,by July authenticated rec- ord of the proceedings for the vol-| untary dissolution thereof.by the) unanimous consent of all the stock-| holders,deposited in my office,| that the Ladies’Fumishing,Store,| Incorporated Company,’a.corpora-. tion of this State,whose principal| office is situated at No.———West Broad street,in the city of States- ville;-county of Iredell,State of North Carolina,(W.W.Walton be- ing the agent therein and in charge! thereof,upon whom process may be| served),has complied with the re- quirements of chapter 21,Revisal of 1905,mtitled ‘Corporations,’ “to the issuing.of ‘this Certificate of Dissolution: Now,.therefore,I,J. Grimes,Secretary.of State of Bryan the hy certify that the said corporation did,om the 25th ‘day,of January, 1912,file”in my office a duly ex- ecuted and.attested ‘consent in writ- ing to.the dissalution of said cor- poration,executed by all the stock- holders thereof,which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now om file in my said office as provided by law. State of North!Department of State The25th Annual Meeting Of \the’:‘Stockholders ofthe FirstBuildingandLoanAssociationwillbeheldattheofficeat7.30 p,m. Saturday,February 3d,1912. The 5ist Series now open.Wewantmanynewsharesanditwillprovetobeagoodinvestmentfor you if-you will co-operate with us. L.Harrill,‘.Secretary, J.Cc.IRVIN,President.— A ‘Sali CarLoad lis Arve. SEE OUR WINDOW. In testimony.whereof,I have here- to set my hand and affixed my of-| ficial seal,at Raleigh this 25th} day of January,A,D.1912.} J.BRYAN GRIMES, Jan.30—4w.Secretary of State. COAL. We have just recei v:ed several cars of BLOCK,COAL.NE Can give becunnt dee liveryin any quan- tity.Let us haveyourorder. "PHONE NO.28 OR NO.2. J.K:Morrison Gro-cery &Produce Co. FIVE~ROOM Cotwaterandlights,largeBRENT. Geaea THE “CHATTANOOGA”’is the first and sly successful Re- versible DISC PLOW.They are simplein design and perfectinconstructionandwork.Their praise is spoken in every"ata ‘funder the sun’’the.world.over.This settles the question of merit.———ll UP AND TAKE Ni Chattanooga Reversible Disc Plows DO.THEIR.WORK onCOMIN’on A GOIN’’’:Between ‘Terraces._The ONLY=° DISC‘PLOW.For Orchard lowing.-WITHOUT A RIVAL.In sprouts and briars “OUT OF SIGHT..OLD FARMS MADENEWANDLARGERCROPS:PRODUCED.HAVE YOU;SEEN OUR-TWIN DISC PLOW?.. Come to the BEST HARDWARE HOUSE INTOWN‘and be convince ||White-Stimpson Hardware Coifpany. a a eee aes ieees reeet mecetti nemerit arenter rut eerieegr rene teaad |THE LANDMARK|™™virsnnay convexnox,|~"grarm xaws. Great Gathering of Lutherans in|‘The state’‘Dental Societ willTUBSDAY,——January 80,1912.|RatisiheryPalirensssia igy Pur-|hold its annual meeting in eeenernnnnepose*or e Meeting Some,Julyy3,wr,4B.N.Lawrence,of Arrival and”Departure ‘a Traine at}of the:Speakers.pata Statesville;is a menvber of “the com-ce Salisbury|has secured..what |.mittge ‘on crown and bridge i:yee ie _WESTERN.MROAD Tpvanteas to be the largest convo-work,."e ::ean No.i,ye mamehounds.a9aug,28.20 am |¢ation of Lutherans ever assembled}..4 fire at Lamberton at ‘1 o’olock‘west-Train Ne ; Metor Cars|: POWESTOER GED “-GYLINDES:CARS.JN THE=WORLD... Be west-bound,deMe os ee‘pm |in the South,in the Generali Con-Thursday iiorning destroyed .a-liv-.aio He.it east-bound,due f.00 a.ma.m.reson of sap oon mes emer tod.stable,sales stable and a gro-rain No.east-bound,due ‘Pp.m.|Movement of the Lutheran ¢h)\cery store,Ten horses and two Trayn No.12,eaneast.tbound.due648 Ve ~whith meets in that elty February.|inules were burned in,the stables:From "Chariot,a.te Bi eG water The “loss:is ‘estimated at)$12,000.:eaves a.m &comm expects to’receNaame.|Train,No.24:ar,"8.28,leaves $.35 Bn|for thig’meeittee oe 1,200 men,tweet ee Hemphill,of.NorthBoste‘,From Taylorsville.AG «|Wilkesboro,and»Miss-Kate MeHw-,House we have been telling Train.No,23 ar.10.10,.eaves 11,00.a.m|chiefly from North Ciirotina,Souwth|.)daughter.of ex-Sheriff J.oH.,wos Train No.16 arr 6.20,leaves 6.45 p.m.|Carolina,Virginia,Tennessee,Geor-||Mclwon,Oe Wiiiicna,Wane reeledyouaboutisnow.PRO-|)seeeeseseesee gia,Florida aid Alabama,though|necday’night at the home of DUCING RESULTS,and Debating.Society and Honor Roll the registration “books allready |yj,J.H.Johnson,brother-in-law af Fallbright School.een delegates from .gNew.York,|of the i bride,néar North Wilkes-+we are cutting about i,000 Correspondence of The Landmark._\~\'Pennsylvania,Ohio and Mississip-|i boro; jufola,Jan.26—A debating so-vi,while ludia has ‘registe one|A negro girl patlent at St.Leo'sfinebloomsdaily,and with ciety was organized at Fullbright ae a hare been a|hospital:9 ith pati while “out of|. |good stéms,So you may.ol ee eee eae cured,amoag ‘them,men of-inter-[Ber ine|eee ee &Roca \send us your orders for||ana sverihiog tm Neer.|(hational aeputation:«The general re riage gan yenehrongl FORD TORPEDO RUNABOUT $590F.0.B.DETROIT.J Sho 4 3 ay LATS x 2 +)-hose on.honor roll at this |%°cretary ct thevimovemelit,Rey.1"a inile.:.When found eheavestl|LENS OF:THE:PRICE!Simple to operate,strong;‘roomy,handsome.‘Carnations.with the assur:schgol for second.month were:Le-Spahea te Eosoy hetgarter Mn ti unbalaneed and was bleeding]completely equipped;20 H.P..The cheapest 4-cylindercar tomaintaia.ance that.you will get as.ha,Hoke,Coleman ©Deal,.Groyer Balishury.-froin,mfiny-seratches,3 20:th good stock as éver grown:car Hoke Mateos tne”Georee |The Lutheran layman isa fae-|Geo,"We.Coniiell,,who:operated|G.L..McKNIGHT,_,Agent Iredell County... Train No.16 ar.9.6) e :4 ha tor,well.worthy .of sonsideration,|two “gr ocgry stores}a,restaurant|‘PRED.H:DEATON,§bh.Ai t:jars 5iieShook,Bae and Ray ‘Morrow,|a gent.Leah 8 8 _Write for.Booklet.;Ra oe The -rices ‘are’$4.00 and:Wire:::Suasmuch as he represent®a>boily|4nd'd coal and wood yiurd at’.Spen=ae eeSeayiP§sake:Beat,Wark:ent;Gaye Hoke,75 millon gtieng »ackording to figs,fer,.went to‘sinagsh last.week .and LSE whoo$1.25"per:dozen,accordin 'T|BessieCarrigan,Nora Wagar,:res issued eau aie i 3 have b in:bi Liabilit:,,.2)Yl,1912,while ;S*cms.to-have been,in,ad,a nd8Roosevelt€Zampbelt,Janes Campbell,ies are:estimated at.$40;000:>stoGeSaoe‘‘es :in:the)United States.the -denomine4;to grade.eae «0 PPRoy.>Campbell;Roye’Hoke,“Mat-$0,000 and assets about half that.ram are iy Gedo.7—=7 :re ey -’ .Pee i tion:stands (third in\numbers,bell i es ‘a rg pena aayOea“&:Se Pere iene Della aoe outrankéd:,by the Me thediate or he hi stichp ‘brinch of the Wacho-Ni AE ua .hlGOm}‘rh j—with,typl ald fe’;Tae Nalt Baptists caly,—»vak.and*Trust’Company,is La a ;Ds de pei =with typhoid fever.Little:Eva:Nelt|’The Lutherans’ard)z dtidet’‘oon-'|said to be in:for $32,500."-|ns ‘‘a ;Sea ::Nash is recovering frdm an attack)",a |a Behe ont .:cm FasecessionFeatt'‘:of pneumoni M M Nash’1s servative ‘body,“and wWhany ‘people|..The United Fruit Growers’‘es ‘J,Van ‘Lindley Nursery’Company Wai +5 hetnas eain:Pee we who.know of:dnd *reyerence “thé |soviation was organized at North ERE~RT 2 :‘:f :*|)been confined.with grip.“|name.of..tht great leader’.of.the |Wi lkésboro..a few.days “ago.|,‘ihe ee a :::ae F1:|Sixteenth century,have heard Mt-|Hustler says.the piurpose ix+:Mo.Is the best thing we have to offer.Other:ind ements.are only of Me :ua ee tle.about the:great:b |set ,é -||}seeondary i .Greensboro,N.C.Late,Ceismaans bn Gnddke ‘lic danke:et mele:Ore pte Bes peer eh Leena 2 secondary importartee.Upon this basis onl¥do we solicit yourpat=_iS POLK GRAY DRUG CO.a b “The Enterprise says that Mr.|promindnt.business.men from ~-‘all|liuve a wardhouse ‘for thd,storage ronage.Postpone the getting of some things that you can get along HF o nce Rear ae ee vee tae biome aor over the South,is.significant’“of ror fruit and a manager who'will sell without.and put the money in the hank.”You have never meta per-{heZL‘-;Docal Agents.:nee with.the Mooresville Oilja growing inte reston the part of 4nd ship the fruit in a:business man-||}.-son;with :a bank account who recrette g:eta te :Milis,has ‘accepted ‘a position with|mien in ‘the great:work°of world |ner;and.the company will also:buy start isdav?Me xi g dhaxing .Started it.Why not :an oil.mill at.Lillington,Ga.,and}evangelization.seo;ol sprayiig.material for its members.One todays any working men start a,bank aecount:and watch ”Sk ~|)will a wat h his family ‘to jis .:As Monroe Enquirer:“During”the}it growfrom month ‘tomonth,:a OgLeeris’roa rome within the next few aE SR ip eae 6 me drought last summer the’prediction Depasits in’on amount ‘respectful i it i d all alik : a Pe i gee ee Diadie 5 de on Was *frequently.made —that there P y v r pee a y3Solicitec an st AAOMr.Crowson “is -'a’Statesvilles>|!is Would.not be half a crop:of cotton |||.,will receive the same careful,courteous and promptattention.r+*‘é : ‘FARMS FOR S .man ered moved from.here to!ae é |.|made in this country.*Whe crop ‘ofALE.OOTESY,j mae awa ee 1910 was a_bumper one in Union =s err :leouuty;a:dittle over’28,000.bales i MSL J ew “*Wifson's Breaks.|a being made.U 1 JbomAasates>p to January about ere an armers ’0 iShelbyStar,|;ae ALA?25,000 bales had been ginned ©of ;(aie i \[her -es €.if oe\It looks as if ‘the breaks Wood-:a the i911 crop in.this.county and ;:;he aeAe:;f row Wilgon made,are breaking in,or the crop ‘of last year will roumd up:i oe fo ‘ae 20:’Sixty-five’acres,6 miles north of [Bis,Savor,%ives about 20;000 ‘Dales.city.‘Niceroad front.|4 Mr..C.W:Hinson;of Kannapolis,Sw YOUR DavGaIST me ‘thas brought:suit,against Register::5 Ee $.\ee af Deeds Ganible,of Catawba.coun-i ao hundred andsixty-twoacres |e pia eS "|ty,for ‘issuing license for the mar- :in ambersourg-or STOPS THAT ITCH OSH Meme.Bo oes riage of Hinson’s daughter while..#-miles south of Elmwoc a le oF eel She was wider legal.age.The New+ee ‘ :pat you are suffering pba es.i teas ton News says the:-girl,lived with ,~--:<;;fa a prias r any other kind.of skin ->‘::One hundred and thirty acres,eae firee store for in-||e ue Ba Mr.Geo.W,Setzer,at}:‘ae 26}miles from Statesville,in Cool }}stant retier.;cin tee posonas,you |[ig ickory ~Mr.—vpPage li-Oo ill h b:::stop that it t n y cense f :,ou||Ar ~Q .Spring township.Two dwellings||©pat Whefag eeaeaey.||;oe ee rane Mee ur‘mill has been ,completelywithusualout-‘buildings.oe Wa Bate wcld other remedieg’for Pe eth that it ee ets 5.ae rkin troubles,but riohe that we could bas :ath that.the girl was of legal age.overhauled and oracevill be readystyTwoh4edandfiftrecommendmirehighlyceeiowellaeBeleEHinson’suit.for the $200 penalty ee o hundred a ifty-nine acres known compound o it of .Winter-%ie?ie “||provided-by.law was brought before :a-preen,.Thymo a ‘"ther in-;ae :A -DY We TOUS TO}.Rosalie2 ,in Concord:township,only 3+miles []"Steen TON ane aught much wome |17 ee “1 |Justice J-H,MoLelland at Newton for running by February.Ist.We:aeShea—Can_bhe_sdld_in small }}derful cures all over the country.ere _jand the justice decided.in favor’of wantboth cornand.h er eetracts—rom 10 acres up.ae Saree:Tor ae Scar the ae the defendant,holding”“that “thé at Ri ees : |itehy,burning ae ae nothing -else Se:penser had exercised due.caution ;Seratcan.Get a regular fai io and see—on :in isdsui the —license,a ‘f ‘PaesNinety-ei zht acres in -Turners-||64%no-pay offer,a oie eee The case|¥- ae bee ip.W:F.Hall,Statesville,N.C.:aiPEAdebcallascehanceryirnsacltaoiRESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT.TAN _YM :;NOTICE!;.':Whereas,on December 10,1911,Ty FLOUR MILNG COMPANY. |Jenkins &Wagner,:our Heavenly Father in his inscrut- REAL ESTATE oe Statesville,AG LL parties who haye accounts Sore SAatOn..Baw At to:take nko ]}|Himself the spirit of-our beloved ‘dueand past due with F.B.enee hee SO e friend and.-fellowsmeniber,:‘MaryPhiferand.old firm of Fry&Phifer *|Morrison Raynal,we,the mem- please call dnd settle.These ac-|REV.CHARLES L,FRY,D.D.,|bers of the Eclectic Book ¢élub,counts must go in the hands of an hereby desire to express our griefattorneyforcollection’February ||of Catasqua,Pa.,who wfll be heard and deep'sense of the loss our ia€the convention,is gifted .withOffice:First National Bank]Bldg. ||| i | i | L —_—_}~*~“.or —|ja Mali who has a broad-vision Of lnern of ‘the Eclectic Book club; J ':Ist.*°E club has sustained the deatPHONE:282.Respectfully,Jian earnest eloquence which always|go eatenat:ica aut roctiatentF.B.PHIFER.|finds the mark it seaéks—the hearts|4 co-worker.therefore,be it . Re i ra Tea ae Jan.26.—2t.j aud consciences of his audinece.AS|Regolyed,ist.That.the mem-. |the-world’s need,he paints a clear|+;;‘o*§|:gz 7 ’a)while humbly .submitting”‘to the:T ae whtol lives’and glows be-|Divine will,and having every con-| Lax .Jotice.[Le i ie cbr Bi his aladience.Dr.|fidence that.the noble spirit of is ‘inn uniaisiamaansinie .A &ON,pint eunreniion Ge eae err(out friend hag entered the ‘‘rest:Pete :|SudJeCr,that remaineth with the people ofHECounty‘Commission-:aye |“Uniting the™Lutheram Forces-of |God’’do mourn the dagartors |of ers,the county.school Statesyille,N.C.nee for:World Evangelization.one who by “her umiforni ¢heerful-hess,earnest devotion to duty and enthusiasm in every food cause as ‘well -as.her patient endurance of suffering has left.us.an example worthy of all imitation. Resolved,2d..§That we-endeayor_jto follow in her footsteps in,all the Ways in which she illustrated .the womanly virtues and graces,as wife -daughter,sister-and friend,-and—as a conscientious and faithful child of God and member of His Church. Resolved,3rd..That we extend to the beréaved.and .mourning -hus- band,mother and family our sineer-‘ ést sympathy and commend them to %, an all-wise Providence.‘:{ Resolved,4th..That.a copy o ;:: these..resolutions be sent.to.the [HERE are aecrets in choosing site :sts fund and the State Treasurer |} are calling upon me to collect ||’Dealers in,cotton,real estatetaxesnowlongpastdueand|(both city and country),and stocks. have served notice upon -me|]We are alwaysin the market forthatImustproceedtocollect’all grades of cotton and can handle any quantity..We guarantee-toalloutstandingaeatei]||pay absolutely the highest price forunderauthorityoflaw,which |cotton and you can’t overstock us.says all sheriffs after Novem-|'ber-ist of each year shall levy ney.ce ee real estate toonpropertyandsellsameforJititwithus.to their interest to taxesdue,Therefore this no-a tice is given to all-persons_to A.L.Millsis aapidab with the firm and either hé or N.Millscomeinand.pay théir taxes}|will always be found in cn office,' os and save cost._|]No.109 West Broad Street.oreo =Say so ae eevee a pair of Shoes for an old man > *I ie anc e ay ?reJ.M.DEATON,’PHONE NO.8 upon the minutes of the club.or woman.Only an experiencedSherlffofIredellCo.ns :ee ee cesoN and expert shoeman knows them.Jan..16.:=F y MHS B.FLLONG,|...If you will come in here and Iet ea Prev MRS.A.J.EVANS,us show you some of our latestFORSALE!IR e m e m Die r Cae ae voy a eee .“elderly”Shoes next time you|ALL |}.REV.Is.FP.LONG,B.D,|paleicines,thet 918,nates om,“Gough WEREO pire oer ree vet ae 3“Oash Tobacco Warehouse,—lot |f :a ee ot Ma field aie Remedy acts on this pian."ie allays i a few of the secrets,en 130x285,corner Walnut:and Meet-——8§9-——Tot,Ht eon ning,reir’eee the Gelcice and aids natin tn.yer #;:*ing streets./ay regularly to the largest congrega-Se arereesSC #Reeirey.on {i Lot 60xi07,comer ‘Court and ‘IS:THE NUMBER ci Gt Ijitherans in this country superior ‘exeellence.“Sold.”by“all ‘deal-,,.Meeting stneets.ao >,$}/-—not that ‘he’has the largest mem-|ers.ze fee On those senbet sointe depends;26%adres,at Bufola,$30 per ed bership but that the large audito-|=h f_Bere.-To call when you want tium of his church is.practically|-BEAUTY TRUTHS!oe .much of your comfort and aSEEpaaesonemileeastofcourt:filled for every service..He ts |a é ae ee :of mind as the wearer,;:> ‘y t speaker of bi »and|Pimples,Sallowness,Blotches and ie eshyacres,one,mile .and a half |Gold Medal Coffee,power.a sony one eed oes Gah Delt ava Caused By Stom:If.:7 : we ’Red and Whit oe Oj 1,mons:“I recognize i 2 ser-|acl )ae ::Lyeaanite1recognizeinthesehe:3 veo one mile ead-a quarter Simon Pure Lard,mong the pathos of Thelock,the]Beauty is only skin deep,but Let us show you the quality,|70.acrea,mil “4 halt tenderness of _Krummasther,the}that’s deep enough to satisfy,most ;ey ::wees one mils an Nice Fresh Oysters,ney 6f Gerlrardt,the fervor of |women,also’men.‘yhee:thin i arms,the devotion of Jerome Tay-In order .to:keep the skin in a ;ot ‘iawteee “lAwaefivemilesnérth,$30 Any gin Groceries.lor,the plainness of Wesley and clear,clean,‘healthy.condition,“the =< the thunder of Knox;yes,the deep)stomach must @ipply the’bloo4 plen Dr.Long will speak in.Salisbury}blood Jacks proper nowrishment,the ao ia ele three miles gast,$25 "spiritual sense,homely heauty and|ty of nutritiox.As long as the S M &H Shie (;oehe‘A ntimbor of other deulrahie Eagle’®&Milholland.resistless force of Luther.”z stomach is out of order and -the eo o ae .oe aM oO.cae Na farms and business properties.See|}(2s i “; mo:before making an investment.This ig the address that thle ete Oo elt osetia skin that—3 d {ISIDORE WALLACE,}FARM FOR SALE.and ae the laymen at Lancas|you will be proud:of,take a week's.Kirst Nationa?NRE EAMIOUNE.1 i iaka Gib eek Bheee Koc SOE Fe siieiatibdeedaiaca ia of MI-O-NA monet tab-si nn: Moa Phone 240.Sarisbarn,and All outbuildings,two mules.{Mrs.Reynolde,Formerly of Tredell,:CG i aise wis STA T 1 NE YEAR RIGH'-,fodder and other articies--35 acres in ot a tty eOnt BOX toa raat aca .i -T.W.FRAZIER cade iseermet wpeencrncey Gene|4,Dies tm Mllnota.fit you aro not satistiod afer a -"a”::|rm ~zs Oca ree-|Mrs,Lummia D.Wasri tide:“nite week's treatment,you,can»have ni gt ies :a :ihe9roadgationandpublicMighwayForpaeticumts|of Mr.A.L,Reymolds,died Janu-.your money back,-f Get yourselfa.Watch.~Little and big to suit Men,Wo-,iy 5 We :s }andterms write or see D.M.TEMPLETON,ary.22d at her home near,Hills-/"For any stomach ailtnent MI-O-NA *..<men,Boys an irls.°ing in Jaw fae y4TINNER,iS Sseaanee Moant Mowrne;N.C._|boro,_Il..‘She Was 38 years old /is'guaranteed.It gives almost \in-eb tenibaicle:ae -~anes Me dewelty.ae -NORTH CENTER’STREET:2 W.ANTED.ineeseit inane and.was born and reared near _—relief and.permanently cures.Bags ——2 -:—oeelyey_.“shop ings ‘a inds,en|Scott's,in Iredell county,“Shé is sarge box.50-cents,at the.States-eae Ww WW.s Ta ,:: an indian eee -earn,Beeita,p“STATES VIELie survived by,her husband.and three |ville Drug Store and RITE ats ev~Fi B.OOD ARD m Jeweleér-f ,i }.dan;19.:children,sey ¢ee :Ve eae i i oe Mase cL ck Hy &bags %s ss CLARK, ~ANDMARK ‘PUBLISHED TUESDAY "AND FRIDAY, EDITOR A}‘AND|OWNER. :120 WESTTBROAD.)STREET.PTION Pee, at |esMONTHS. RUMSDAY.‘or =January 30,4912. OE ‘have the rieht,therefore,to |: “demand of you upon.what warrant ot authority you.make this.serious accusation against me,and ask for es reply through my’friend,‘theHon: \Swager Sherley;of Kentucky.”Fif- ty years:ago a:note of:that.kind from:aKentucky colonel to a South Caroling’’Senator would probably have meant “an affair on the field ,of honor.”The anote of Col;Watter- Es ‘Bon:to‘Senator.Tillman’was formal .’Momination if it-comes to him ge e-demand—on-}—- Tae +edueational-ci enough ‘to ‘demand an apology or a fight;“But Tillnvan ‘did.not apol- '\.egize—at least there’is na word’of sh apology:in hia*note as ‘published:by Watterson;and the’reply of Watter. Son’isy as mild:and”friendly.as could ©e desired...Hither Tillman *mollified him in’some way.not pub- ;-lisbea or the old man got in good. a note.\: .humor before he wrote the last “Tt is’apparent:that a concerted _and vigorous effort “is being ©made ‘throughout the country to nominate: ‘Theodore Roosevelt for -President,” Goy.Glasscock,’of West Virginia, -who.recently declared for.Roose- '-yelt,lunched:with,the former Pres- ~ident in.New York laat Sweek.After "Jeaving,Roosevelt Goy.Glasscock Bald he was not authorized tospeak ‘for the President,but it.was his opinion that:while Roosevetl not be-a candidatehe would accept the nomination if it is tendered.Gov. Stubbs,of Kansas,also a strong Roosevelt man,visited.the latter at -his:home at Oyster Bay last ‘week. When Stubbs departed Roosevelt declined to say what the conference Wag about but did say that,Stubbs would make a‘statement..Stubbs gave out a typewritten statement, »which Roosevelt had evidently seen ‘Roosevelt,boomers are making ”Becure ~dnent -...amlother ‘ and approved,which was to thé ef- fect that Rodsevelt would not be _a candidate but would accept ‘the “as the result-of—a the part of the American people.” ‘These are but two,instances.‘The a -Steat noise all over the -coustry. A.Statesville man who is of the opinion that.recent events mean .the nomination of Gov.Woodrow Wil- Son,‘expressed the opinion’:last _week that as soon as this was ap- .parent the Republicans would make a ‘desperate effort .to nominate ‘Roosevelt;acting on the belief that the latter can’get the sipport of the progressive.“element,which ‘Taft cannot get. Why not bring Davidson lege to Charlotte,locate it .and the Presbyterian College .in ‘close proximity,thus forming a powerful _educational coalition which,would the largest returns from the capital -invested.and:make:it possible to organize both institutions on a much more expensive <sBeale“e~thanfds hitherto been possible? That,is the question which prom- Charlotte.people,-Presbyte-Tians particularly,were asking one yesterday.It will be agreed by all that'no more interest- ing and suggestive idea)has re- cently been advanced in*CarolinateeTheelectionofDr.Henry,Louis Smith,president of Davidson,~to the presidency of Washington and Lee,and the:.current impression. that his acceptance,under.present conditions;‘is not -improbable, formed the immediate cause for pro-_Jecting this issue.* .“Phe-above.is the intoduction “to a coluinn of talk in the Charlotte Observer anent the rémoval of Da- ~vidson College to”Gharlotté.The removal’will hardly be~considered Seriously.It was talked several ,years ago and nothing came of it. Since considerable addition has been made to the plant at Davidson, Which would naturally figure in the. “@uestion of.removal.But if the removal was agreed to,we serious* ly question if Charlotte could raise the amount of money that would be _expected to secure the removal,This is.no)reflection*on Charlotte’s “wealth OF generosity,but a few years |AZO A..ic’Presbyterian college for’women was built in that \town, COol- ~~*md.if our memory serves us it was Stated in one of the Charlotte pa- pers.a few weeks ago that there js yet a debt of several.thousand due on the institution.This fact,and considering the labored efforts “Made in Charlotte the past two weeks to raise $50,000 for the:Nor- ”folk.Southern railroad,makes dertaking to hagdie*‘Davidson Col- jege unless her(tight wads +BLOW | indications of loosening -up—-an in- dication painfully,and embarrassing 4y absent ‘in the Norfolk Southern "affair,a i a ,Ghee:6.Gedshaw,..prominent it Bportin~.‘and -tacing circles,Sunday.at;Tampa;Fla.,aged “years,His home was in Tryon,N.©...and his remains werethereforipnberment. would), died 52 “sent vidson.|.College,:accepts ‘the presi- ‘deticy of ,Waghington ‘and Lee Uni- versity—and it i8 believed he -will -ehe/will be.the,third North Caro- linjan at. most important:-educational insti- tutions,».‘Dr.:Alderman,of North ‘|Cantina.;“ts.president;of the Univer. sity ‘of’Virginia,and ‘Dr,©Barring- er.Of.North Carolina,is:president of theVirginia Polytechnic Institute. —_—_—_—_—_—_— Col;Watterson bays he’‘under- took to raise money for,Gov.Wil- son's:par palen at Gov.Wilson’s instance,:.Gov.Wilson says néiph- er’he nor'‘any one’‘authorized’to rep resent him asked”Mr.Watterson to raise money for him.Gov,Wiles: son's .manager''Says.Col,Watter-, fon praposed twice .to ask ‘Ryan.for | smoney and he told;Col,‘Wiatterson they.could not’accept Ryan’s.mon- ey.Col.Watterson-isays he.has the’proof:‘ahd invited Senator,Til, man.to call and.see ity if he.“hae the:‘proof he ought’to:publish ‘it at once.The,child's play has gone ont long enough.There need be “no “court ot gentlemen”.about °it. Let him publish his’proof’and:con- |viet Gov,Wilson—if he can.: JudgeCook,while holding Durham Superior Court last week,express- ed the jopifion that too much at- tention is given the enforcemeiit of the prohibition law compared.‘with other things that need attention; that only a certain amount:of energy is expended in uplifting meor- lal standards.‘and that the prohibi- tion law géts.more than its proper, proportion:while ‘other issues are neglected.This remark was brought out by the fact that.thirteen»di- yvorees-were granted during thé sit- ting ‘of the.court’at Durham.The Landmark has had this very.idea in mind.It ‘does not ‘believe the prohibitionlaw is given too much at- tention—in fact it ‘is not given enough attention in |many}locali- ties;but this paper has sometimes feared that while interest.was céen- tered:in the enforcement of this law not enough attention was.being given some’other Of cece Sans ee homicides. MATTERS01RSOFFNEWS.: ‘Thereis no prospect of a “parte: ment,ef the strike of approximately 20;000 .textile workers,who have beet)idle for about.two weeks at Lawrence,Mass. A New York meat dealer secreted a pound of Jead int theThanksgiving turkeys he sold for 30 cents a pound. They got onto his game,and now he is.under:sentence to serve three ‘months in the State prison. President Taft has virtually an- nounced that he would veto the Un- derwood iron and:‘steel bill if.it reaches’him.He says he will not sign any tariff bill not based on the report of the tariff board. John T.Michel,candidate for the Democratic nomination for Goy- ernor of Louigiana,has’withdrawn. This gives the nomination to Judge Hall,who secured:a plurality in the It ae “gmith,president ‘of.Da- the pead of.Virginia’s}, Work |was.Teampandea in.the} Spencer railroad shops a few days avo but it is announéed.that operg- tions willbe resumed February 1. Soda fountain clerks in Durham. have fornied-an.organization .un-. der the.high-sounding “entitlement™|; of-the Durham SodaDispensers’“As | sociation.A cate i ‘The.Cameron hotel,atDavidsoa,county,was burned last WeeKeLoss about $5,000,partly covered by insurance,Some of the ‘guests had marrow escapes:Some were.injured “by jumping from’a second story window, Fire at King’s Mountain Friday destroyed Mauney Bros’.store,en- tailing a loss of about $25,000,withabout$8,000 insurance.The ‘office of the.Postal Telegraph .Cori was also destroyed.The origin fot the fire is unknown.fire,which originated from:‘4 frat nest,burned the roof from the, Southern:-pailway.roundhouse,inSpencerFridaynight,ebtailiig’aloss:estimated at $5,000,.A por Denton,” walls.of the ‘building ,were:also burned.~ The Boone Demograt :‘pays.thevrrnofMr.Sanders Shore,of Mid- dle “Fork,“Watauga county,was burned Sunday evening,.21st,with its contents—-a mare,Bix cows,a yoke of oxen,and a lot of»fuel. Fire believed.to be incendiary.Lossestimatedati$600 to $1,000. ‘At Big Lick,“Stanly county,Sat- urday night,Mr.Arch:Helnis dis- covered that his daughter,Minnie, ‘had’married “Afton.Burris...Helms got a gur and went after his new son-in-law but ‘the latter kept out’of the way until Helms was restrain- ed..Hélms had.forhidden the register of deeds to:issue the.li-.cengse “but the paper was obtained on a forged order and Helms ‘has entered suit against.the register. ‘Two...posses of citizens,search- to the rear of the postoffice at Rose Hill;Duplin county,and demanded entrance of |the lady clerk in ‘charge,‘fired into each other by mis-. take-and T.W.Fussell and De- land Henderson,citizens of-.Rose Hill,were seriously wounded.The incident occurred Friday ‘night and after the shooting the posses were so demoralized that~the negroes es- caped. “Price Easley;deputy colleetor ot internal revenue,accompanied’,by Officer Kirkpatrick,flushed a couple of blockaders at work in Rocking- ham.county.Easley “crope’’up on the men and about the’time he) expected them.to rum’or throw “up their hands,oné of themseized ]and threwhim.‘in a Then the block-| ood.their escape while on Kirkpatrick.for Itching,bleeding,protruding or blind piles yield to,Doan’s Ointment.Chronic ‘/bridge. tion of,the ofifice :and part:of the | ing for two negroes who had.gone | ‘ing to Rescue a ‘Colored Man. A State*news,item in the four-mulé.team,hauling a steam. boiler,breaking through:a, ty,and it wag stated that the ne- gru driver and.two’of-hie mules. were drowned.The statementwas somewhat inaccurate.Mr,.°Lee Beavér,-a Cabarrus man who was employed at a saw mill in Sampson, and a colored man went to the res- cule of the driver and team and saved the driver.and two of the six mules that went.down with the But in helping to rescue the colored mangand the.team Mr. Beaver lost his:own life: thrown:owt of a boat bya umuleup- setting it and falling “into swift iiwater...was drowned before ‘help, reached ‘him,ee ‘ “Mr,Beaver’s ‘retain:“were brought to>‘Cabarrus and.buried 1p Conéerd,.——:President.Appeals‘For.China FameBo)ANG,Sniferers. The ‘appeal.issued:through ordi: nary.channels having.failed.to elic-it a’Urespunse:in any way.commen-}surate with the situation,Presigent Natt shag °‘personally and ‘as Pres-|. ident of the Americin Red*:Cross seht-out an appeal for funds to relieve the famine-steicken people] of China..! “Emphasizing tions now,existing in China,—“millions of.“human beings now.facing MERON mS. ident says:; “Inthe.name of.“hiimanity.the Red Cross,calls‘once more /upon,the American,people to come.to the relief of a sister nation with,that prompt generosity which has never failed in time of -great emergencies.“Contributions,should”be sent||ta State Red Gross board treasurers. or.to’the treasurer of the American National.‘Red .Cross,Room 341,War}, Department,Washington,D.OH oy——_—s_azsss>"%— the ©terrible condi- whereare Pres- — Printing Poe's Speech.as a Public Document, The United States Bureaw:of Ed- ucation “has ordéred +5,000 .copies of the speech of Ed'‘tor Qlarence Poe;of the Progressive Farmer,at Jacksonville,Fla.;last,April,.print- ed as a public document.This ac- tion is taken:on the recommendation of United:States Commissioner ‘of Education:Claxton,who heard.the address when delivered before the Southern Educational Conference; and who now takes this means of having it distributed to 5,000 of the} South’s leading citizens arid news- papers.The.tithe is ..‘‘Asia’s Greatest Lesson for the South,”the address @¢mphasizing the fact that alpublic educationand the use of mar chinery account:for the ‘difference between America’s prosperity and the chronic poverty of the Oriental Doan's Regulets cure aciatination with cases,soon relieved,finally cured Drug-eiste all sell it. |You Seeit in out griping,nausea,nor any weakeningeffect.Ask your druggist for them.25 eents per box.seem nentee Neneenema reentranteaneeeeeeeeeeees-e Ow.Ad It’s So. first primary,and a second =primary) will not»be necessary, Charles W.Morse,the New York banker,whose prison sentence was recently commuted byPresidentTaft; left the army hospitat at Fort Mc- Pherson,Ga.;Saturday and was taken to a hotel in Atlanta,.where he will remain anti.he is able to be moved. Rey.Dr.Charles Stanley Albert, editor of the Sunday school publi-| cations of the General Symod.of the Lutheran Church,diéd Sunday in | eae -after_a—short—_illness. He was known as author and preacher throughout ‘the 'United: States and closely related to the Sunday school.mdévement. Mrs.Raines,wife of the man who shot and _killed Miss.Eva Gham- qoue a school:teacher;in Roanoke taunty,Va.,last week,as a result o*the refusal of Miss Chambers’ to withdraw a.suit for slander she had entered against Mrs:-Raines, has been arrested.and put in’jail. Shes charged with being an Tae eessory to the crime committed °by her husband. BTATE NEW8. A man riamed }Miller,employed at.| a saw mill in Hertford county,was re#ught in the belting of the mill Jast week,thrown on thé saw and cut to pieces.ie { The Norfolk Southern ©railroad has a corps of surveyors at work from.Albemarle toward the Yadkin river and another force is:survey- ing from Troy toward Albemarle. ‘Mn.,N.T.Humphrey,who myste- riously disappeared from his heme at.Tolarsville,Robeson county,Jia@ahu- ary,5th,and greatly,alarmed his family,has been found at Sellers, 8.°C,,“says the Lumberton er nian, Mr.Chis.J.Harris,of Dillaboro,| Repwhlican candidate for Governorni{1904,has “assured President |e that.he wilt haVe a solid-del- egatton frofa North Carolina.May-|be so,but the Taft people will have ¢ The’corporation eommission has |deelded that taxes-must be paid on The seminary is construction company, |which.rents it,as a.business and ~|at a ‘profit,and the commission properly»decides that it is not,ex; |empt unden the law which exempts |educational institutions..i eee us||fo !figat-for it.i / doubt the wisdom of Charlotte uh| Oxford Seminary. Pears by‘a Memmi re ee Do you knew,that fully nine out ofeverytencasesofrheumatismaregim-Bly rheumatism of the muscles due\tocoldor,damp,or chronic rheumattandrequirenointernaltreatment’‘what.ever?Apply |Chamberlain's.Binimentfreclyandseehow‘quickly it gives TerMek,2 Es or Sale byall dealers,? tr -When’you need furniture tire varnish,chair seats,sew- ing machine needles,machine? to see us.We can supply you. OUR MOTTO:We willmake it to your interest to trade with us. polish,furniture stains,furni-(| belts,or machine repairs,'come ‘} Our prices are unequalled on Cook Stoves.Our No.7 PLYMOUTH STOVE only $8. _We are agents for EDISON Phonographs ‘and Records. New records received each month.Come in and’hear. hones; __SalesDayiis the firstthefirst Monday in Crawford-Bunch Furniture Comp'y. ~UNDERTAKERS AND EMBAILM ro ih ps RIGHT 128 each month iinStatesville,N.C, :SPECIAL PRICES! per cent. Suits,worth $35, We havea special price ona few odd Dressers\and Beds in Oak and Mahogany-and will save you 25 We have three bedroom ; \\ for etna ‘R.O.DEITZ, a ‘GalenDay iis:the firstMonday iin: Statesville Howsfurishing Comp’ye ‘The holder otticket 1166 please bring:it in’and getsilver. Manager. eachmonth iin‘Statesville,N,C. Cabarrus Man Drow ed ‘while Help-v-| last,‘ issue of “The Landmark .told a al bridge | over Black river,in Sampson coum- He >was} aikey:’res Norron) Withus and the docativ is *brimful with this season’s designs,© Baby Sets,Veinings,French °and Convent Work,Flouncings,All- overs,Galoons,Insertions .and Edges iin MatchSets.at ~ Ask to See Our TWOSPECIALS: 27 inch Hoaiings at 65.and” _“$1.00 per yard.- Everythingiin White Goods tis Week.Send for samples. RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO. Sales Dayis the first Mondayin each month in Statesville,N.C. OS EER CTR OE The White Company. On account of the extreme.weath- er of the past two weeks we will continue our Tremendous Reduclion Sale ? on all winter needs until the 1st of February,now giving you about eight days-more to supply your- selves with merchandise atprices far less thanmanufacturers’cost in many cases.Our stock is still large,containing all the winter| ,goods as wellas a big assortment of White Goods,Ginghams,Per- cals,Laces,Embroideries,etc. Just right for spring wear.Make itapoint to see us during these eight days lor anything atabar- gain,Very trulyyours, $Seemagd—;120 WheT BROAD ‘STREET.a}HONE NO,14... TUDSDAY,-——January,30,“912. _MOVEMENTS |on"4“THE PEOPLE. ‘Personal Mentionof the FAreDopesee“Mr.J.C;Suilivan,was in Statesville gatteday Sunday. We bet: .Winston, and Miss Ethel’Boozer,of Newberry, 8.6.,ig visiting her ‘sister,Mrs,F,FP.Steele.Miss Neva Sigman,of Claremott, is/the.guest of.Miss,Edna ©Gil+ bert..Miss Rebecca Miller:went to Due enter:.West;§.C.s last week to Due West Woman's College.iMr..and Mrs.Geo,B.NicholsonraechildarrivedinStatesvilleSat- »Mrday from Racine,Wis, ~~(Mrs,Rye-N.Looper,who has beet .ey Raleigh:since:her,marriage .a‘few weeks ago,passed -through’ ‘Statesville ~Vashti,,Alexander county;,to visit hér father,Rev,1,P Gwaltney.Mr. |and.Mrs.Looper ‘Will locate inMoore county,where Mr.Looper will’ase| sumnme management’of.4 State ‘test“farm:March Yet:‘a Mr.Geo,Rives,who was “here on a short visit,returned to.his home in ‘Charlotte last night:°°°.Mise I;lian Morrison has return- ed oe month. Miss Lucey Rice an extended:visit ta *Florida. ats re H.Adame.and gon,Bar- nett,left.yesterday for.Gra- ham om ‘Visit relatives.Mr.Adams has gone South on a busimess.trip. Mrs:H.Clarke’and Mr.and Mrs.. left Friday for rélatives in Folks Who Saturday~.en royte .to ‘rom Asheville,where she spent:: SOCIAL EVE Dance Last Bveaing—Luncheon,Di-.ning,Musie -Club,:Ete.:Migs -Elizabeth Allison gave a |dance at the armory.last night in tronor.of .her Bnet,Miss de Kraft, of Philadelphia..About twenty cour “Mra:B B.Webb:gave a 11 o'clock luncheon ‘to the Entre NousclubFriday,at her houte on.Bell street?complimentary_to Miss Mary. +Preveatte,who weds Dr. afternoon.Three courses sdrved and ‘the affair was’a very enjoyable :OnE,: Musié’club:held -with’Miss ‘Mary? Séett at the college Friday-af- termoon.Mrs.R.B.McLaughlin and were yoral solos.’ty’Mre-H.OSteeleand-Mrs,Wallace and a piano. Tele by Miss Rose Stephany. ‘the.afterndon’in.addition to toe members,among them“Mrs.Oscar -Mann,,:of ©Tinkling Spring,°>Va;Refréshutients served. Reported For:The Landmark. ‘A dinner was given last‘Wednes- 'day,eyening ‘by Mr.and Mrs.D.oM. ‘Ausley,in honor:of visiting young ladtes from.Mount’Airy——-Miss...Ai- jleen Galloway and Mise as Prath- er—~andMr.andMrs..G,«Hughey, sion and ,the Jadies were beautiful- ly:gowne .in evening.costume. Amana the dinner favors were eee -perteineted.eee it wii be:hard for him .to:makevedy.”.A i himeelf,congeniaf with ‘those -nowassociated:with him..He is onéThettelecticBookclub‘will meet to.himse}f..Those who began -MiewithMrs.D:Matt.Thompson,‘on|with him are.all gone,Front street,tomorrow afternoon,)4t They,dropped out by the.olayen 3:20,Z é side:He,trudges’along,his:weary. Sharpe this,were A pleasing programme.was render- qed at the’meeting .of the Macdowell Mrs.Wm.Wallace Bang.a duet,there Miss thad a number of’special guests. WERE ae the-vessel still floats,and you It!was ai)unusually Sucoubie otca- THE ‘LONELINESS|OF OLD,AGE, Have Consideration ¥For Those:Nea ; the Journey’'s End,aAnonymous,-:; Deal:gently:with the,‘old tian who ‘has lived’out his four-ticoreyears.However much he -may try; way ‘and often longs fer a-.word of:tenderness,a warm grasp °of the hand,.a God bless.you!‘The Woice that once used to thrill him igs now silént,songs that once ta- spired him.have lost their,melody. and the tender hand that touchedhimisvanished.Hig‘world;is outJorsight,and:there.is:nots muchinthe”world.«where ‘he.now “lives. Sometimes:te ‘starts up and;triestobecheerful,but strange sounds: greet’his ears and a strange life ‘is,whirling “past him.Thére ‘are no faces now that look familiar:to) him...“He isa lonely ‘old’man,“Tej@andlessof.the ‘tact that he triestoconcealtheOWNERofAtrom,liiinself,=>Oliver Wendell Holmes gives’us w graphic picture of ‘the old mat, and.how.stealthily his.age comes|& upon him.‘At fifty your’vessel.als staunch,and you are on deck.with. the rest,‘in.all weathers:.At -six- are in the cabin..At seventy you, with.a few.fellow-passengers,are ona raft..At-ejghty’you-are on a spar,to which,possibly,one or two or three,friends of about er own age are still clinging.” Therefore,be.kind:to ‘the.old: man,Télk him an,anecdote once in a while'and layehpow him,When}be looks depreneec take him...by the :-hand.and.‘all him.you,...are Cabbage plants.—J*.P..Sumpter Beagle hound lost,Reward for!_needy and deserving.,.His body|return or information.—The Land-|waa4~luid to rest at’old Flat Rock|tenary celebrationofLake Champlain.|mark.\..:,:|cinetary:"funeral by Rev.S.°5 |The expenditure was made byauthor-‘Five car loads horses and “mules|Mery H.~ity of the State DeparlmentandSecre-next Monday.—Henkel-Craig Live!eresTeoma fn,|tary Knox at first refused toshow the:Stock Co:[Benone Girl's eae of the Long:vouchers to the committee,After|'Shodats and pigs for sale.sof,M go.oe Howard;Statesvitte R$-+--Po_the-_Editor_of The Landmark:—_{sremulition sith ihe Pfcapient.tie Stick pin found ——W.F.Bailey |In an old school record I find |lcommittee and they show that the | Lap-robes $3 for $2. Craig Live Stock Co. Good things to eat.—-D.J. ball. -Ita,the girk they are about,at.the Theater.for one berinning:the 5th:: Big carnations,$1 and “$t:25 “a dozen.—Van Lindley Co. 'Absolute safety.—-Merchants,arid —Farmers*-Bank.——- talking week, "Mec2 »Ford ©motor.cars.-ott:L. Knight,agent;Fred.«H.Deaton, Sub-agent.-.:Begin Woolen.°dress ee & Poston. Mill ready for running this week. —City Flour Milling Co: Six Rhode Island Red pullets for sale.——J.M.Suther. Mules, harses,wagons,ete.,at auction at Sullivan place .February 5.—C.L,McHargue;administrator. Timber land for sale——V.M.Hin- dren;Hiddenite. co-diSk -for-a card with chases.—Poston-Wasson .Furs lost. .The Landmark:office. Certificate of dissolution Ladies’Furnishing Store. your Co. pur- for A Pound Party. Correspondence of The Landmark.“Statesville R-6,Jan.27—Mr.and Mrs.R.H.Cline,who recently mov- ed into our neighborhood from Ca+ tawha county,gave the young folksofthecommunityapoundparty last night.The party was in charge of:Mr.Pryor Hefner and a large crowd was present:After playing games an elaborate supper was serv- ed.A prize“was awarded by .Mr: Hefner to Miss May Deal for having“the best cake,The judges”in,thecakecontestwereMr:°and“,Mrg Cline,Mr.B,N.Hefner and Miss Bettie Cline.~; /The you.g folks report a fine time and hone there will,be more par- ties of the,kind.They greatly én- joyed:the:hospitality of Mr.ang iia Cline.nN Kim+ —Finder return to ~-Henkel-{the following, jheart and hand we re always open to} which breathes a sen- jtiment that ‘we all would do |*wéll! to heed.The author of this poem} was a schoolmate of the writer, now long gone to her reward,.yet| the writer cherishes her memory.and extols her virtues.’Thinking that the production if it Should come un-} der ‘their notice;:might be of inter: est and comfort to her aged sisters one-of-when-Hyves—-hr-TredeH—the4 othet in Rowan county,I ask ‘that you publish the poem if you think it .worthy,with the subjoined ex-| planation..The poem.is as ©fol- lows:j ‘ To children:all L bid farewell Who loved to play beneath my shade; And when you pass this noble spot, Remesmber what has been ny lot. For many years indeed I’ve stood, But now tlrey’ve cut me down for wood;: And soon they'll pile me on the fire PisoAndburnmetotheirhédrt’s de-sire.;I But -chikdren from my,dreadful fate I hope that you'll a warning ttake; Though you may stand:until your pray,||Yet like me,you'll fall some day. The above lines were written ind read at Pine Grove school house, February 7th,1857,by)Miss B.K. Cowan,The subjéct which drew forth these lines,is ‘as.follows: At the east end of the school house ‘stood «a .Btately’;hickory,umder whose shade the children delighted to play.“But.during the winter -of 1857 the students who attended Kehoe heing onf ‘of wood etefit down anid split itiup for wood, .:J.W.S. *Honor Roll of Trinity On the <honor roll for. school for January,1912: Zelia McLean,Vance Sharpe soya Shives;Ray:Shives,Edna and“pPearl School. Trinity Sherrill,Virginia and —.Willard Sharpe Jessie White.,-: :the cause of my death.’ turn of mind anent the expenditure|6f government money for the tercen-' :$20,000 went largely for high |§lie.Underwood Boom ‘Coming to Washington Dispateh to Greensboro living |ca the.Front, ‘News. The:next few‘days will ‘witness alivery’decided ‘revival of the’Under-wood présidentia]boom *Friends of| the Alabama Congressman propose toopenheadquartersheresoon,:whenmenwillbedesignated’to look after|‘mattersin many of theStateg,.NorthCarolinais’not.tobe overlooked.Senator Bankhead admitted ‘4s muchtothewriteranditisknownthattheAlabamaSenatorwentoverthesitua-tion with a number of North Carolin-ians,)some of whom journeyed hereforthatpurpose,although those con-cernéd are not yet ready to move in-to’the open with.formal,_annoince:ments.é-A good many chagle are of ‘theopinion—there iis:almost asettled con-Vtction it may be said—that GovernorHarmonislosingground,and“these'penple take the view that Undgrwood|||}‘grown in exact proportion to’aneHarmonloss... oe ‘For’any.pain,from:top to .toe,..fromDr,‘Thormas’Eclectic:‘iwhere it-4a-used, any:cause,applyOil.Pain can't:sta: LAP ROR rege |HENKEL-CRAI rare$3!robe ee $2,KCO.“Fan,30 FOUNDforthisad.W.FJan30. ~STICK PIN?pe may havesamebydescribingandpayingF,BAILEY,East Jeon sexeat. FOR 8 ALESSSEVERAL,Shoe= Statesville,N.C,,nen HORSES AND MULES:==ee BENESTOCKCO.will have 5 car loads of horses,mulesandmarestoarriveatiematewaxeee~They-will be here’onlytwomustcallearly,4 en,30-ro LOST.BEAG]E hound.Suitable “reward*for his rgturn or forinformation'that vernis }‘in.ban king f |Consists ot.ee _Accuracy,Promptness,“Coutlesy”| _Confidential “Treatment.-and—--mae ‘Not onlyare you assured of ‘all.‘hat at.this bank but the.standing ofour depositors sat the proves our ability torender such service. ae epa are solicited from companies And individuals, All taciilties ied consistent with ‘conservative banking. 2 we “Conservative.Financial.Aid..7 of iucreasing business.of the.bank ff. same as Western Lard?lalso keep the Graham Flour,made at Hiddenite.The bestin the country,andfinestSugarCuredHanis18c.Plerity Onion Sets. TD.ah.The Stock Food Man. and some deep drinking.About $9,< {000 of.it went to’pay hotel bills at)lLake Champlain.Cocktails,mineral| |waters and acdessories figure in a vouchers.The money was spent-un-| ider-a'joint commission of the’States| of New -York and .Vermont;~_Ghe|uncheon cost $14.85 a plate.---5...)}_Some‘of the vouchers show anitem {| |of $2.50 for flowers bought by a na-| itional guardsman for the wife of a |Canadian official;items for wine,cock- tails and cafe meals for army officers; 360 for the entertainment of 360 |guests at a -Lake Champlain -hotel;|$3.748 for a banquet on July 6;$244|for a ladies’banquet;$75 forlivery;|$18 for telephones;$38.85 for Senator|Root’s transportation from Washing-iton,D.C.,to Plattsburg,N.Y.,andrefurn.Qne item was for excess of fares for five members of thé New York Legislature,who missedatrain. Children Witnessed Hanging. Osceola,Ark.,Dispatch,27th. Proclaiming -his innocence to thou- sands of spectators and calling:to his wife,who with her children.witness- ed the execution,to ‘‘keep right with God,’’Henr Coates,convicted of murder,was hangedin the county jail yard here yesterday afternoon with John MclInvane,‘convicted of a likecrime. McInvane went'to his death without a word.As Coates bade farewell tohiswifeandfamily,he told-his oldest boy,a jad of about nine years,to ‘‘alywaysrememberthat“Bob Dean.was Wife and ‘I will remember,father,”said the boy..Dean,adeputy sheriff;was a witness.in the trial of Coates. Oysters and fresh’fish’<All Kinds ! Statesville Theater| One Week, BEGINNING«.- Horses,Mares and Mules. Emfle-:Clark,of Richmond,are|souvenirg of the hostess’visit.to]©a rereery,Avely.co THE,LAND.)visitors at the home of:Mr..J.H.|Sir Walrer Scott's home—Abbotts-iad i eee aie ee tone “4 Jan,80, Hotimann,fee ford-—and of beautiful Glamis -Cas-|4 tee ta be at Make |C ABRAGE PLANTS ‘phoned.Bei4°Me.R.J.Marshall:-and Mrs.|the,near Perth;the ancient.home|'=e e'plione *1L-B k,‘<DeWitt Marshall and baby,from]of the bost<ss’Scotch ancestors:dnd|Pim.Re aioe ip eh worth en|‘at elagaee eccoairel i oareschaut First Na iona annearTaylorsville,have been.gueste/now one ofthe Homes of her kins-ealtet he %;ou lat spies @ ben —-ct Mra’J.|W.Marshall for sever-|man,..‘2 twelfth Barl of.Strath-|©@iction Po us all,WANTED.SSAW,MILE ta cat,about ‘STATESVILLE,N.C. ‘al days.i more;also a view of Barbuston.Cas-Gast Mita Celinea:F,E.CREEDMORE,Statesville,N.©.Jan.30,Mr.Alfred Anmfield,who,spent tie,the 1feidence of another ‘ias-ere ::|d P fi 32,000, a few days at home,left yesterday man,whcse hospitality she enjoyed.|Henry 7.‘Finck.in January,’Cen-FOR SALE,eeewait ae Capital $100,000;Surp!us an ro fs for,_Chesnee,S$.C.,.where he.wilh!After a pleasant evening the little o :,i..|ministrator,“Jan.30 assist it:the installation of machin-|company dispersed to attend .the Nor’is.it.enough that schooh nef ,yh~ery-in acotton mill."Kuties,"’te _|girls and boys.should’be taught |FOR SALE-[BOUNDARY of timber M ie OFFICERS: Miss Mary Waugh is spending i i ;'to cook;they.should ‘aleo”learn |Hiddenite stationfor sale at'a bargain.’Lot.of J.C.IRVIN ceidane,Pay E.S.PEGRAM,Gunbe.4 tow days in Taylorsville.|MIR.SHADRACK BELL BEAD.|how to eat.Few Jyarn this.at (ri pe eeita en sot fl].Ge H.BROWN,Vice President:JNO.W.GUY,Assistant Cashier,Mr.end Mrs.J.R:Neal,‘who vis-|))oe ‘ental Obidae home.They aré usually taught to -:=::;’‘ited Mrs,Neal's:fatherMr.N.W.|Prominent and Useful Citizen /ea:‘giieatly,and not to:take soup LOST.7s47uBpay afternoon between ===!Johnston,returned’yesterday to of Yadkin County Passes.off the end of a spoon or to put |on™eona::eee te nedDe.S.s0g 6 Seance their:home in,Charlotte,Correspondence.of ~Landmark.the knife into the:mouth;butt|please return to The Landmark office.‘Jan.10,7 ' Mr.and Mrs.L..H.>White,—of Died,on Wednesday,January|the more ‘important.art,of.masti-;__r ’>Winston,were Statesville Visitors |24th,Mr.Shadrach Bell,aged .73|cation Je fenored.It ‘ie a branch FOR SALE.isisna Rat coctersis,Ales |of)1.00 -1.00 -1.00 1.00 1,00 1:00.1.00 20)vfromSaturdaytoyesterday.|years,Mr.Bell was born in Yadkinjof physiology,and should’.be Sea TeeSetehing from scincted stock;D.MATT _:7"a pes Mr.and’Mrs.J.W.Stovall,who|county and lived all.his life near|taught ‘by experts in the .schools.|THOMPSON,Statesville,N.C Jan.26.5L5 1.00:1.00 .-4:00.1.60 -:2.00 ‘1.00 1.00]25 5 were the guests of Mn.and Mrs.|Hamptonville,until a few years If it were,the next generation CHICKENS.—SIX Rhode Island Red '~He ~W.J.Poston for a week,have re-|ago,when he moved to his 400-acre/of,mochers-and fathers ‘would know )Pullets,for sale.J.M met &95 25 a5 25 26 25 25.i25 95 5 turned to their home in Danville,|farm east of Footville,Yadkin cown+|that it is a crime to let their chik-SUTHER,‘Phone4360._Jan,30—-1 on *« “Ma.:slits ity,where ‘he died.He served as|dren swallow'food;particularly milk|gq TTEBRUARY Sth three mules,twa,5 >tMre.J.H.Wekoff and‘son,Mas'|A faithfal soldier .for four years,|and.cereals and.vexetables,be’SALE cru.szent soinkto tee wasn i}5 "ONE YEAR’Ss SUBSCRIPTION:TO 2951-5 ter Jack Wyckotf,leave tomorrow [during the war of 1861-'65;°cameTit has beea kept for awhile in the boos eee balan ssidatauctionat he a 4 for Farm School;Buncombe county,|ome after the es -his |mouth to be mixed with saliva and |HARGUE,Administrator:Jan;30-:2t.5 ‘PIC EF ORIAL RE’V IEW 951..5 -‘where Jack will enter,schoo?./worn:and °tattered Confederate|made ?2igestible.*‘:—~SEVERAL BuffPlymouth :Mr.Oscar Morrison spent Sunday |clothes and commenced the battle If it.were indellibly impressed FOR SALE.Rock ‘Cockerels.for sete,See Ae in Thomasville.lof life,penniless and unaided,andj|on.school,children that gluttony is |EUGENE SIMONS,*Jan,,26,10.10,GIVEN FREE TO OUR PATRON :25 10 merenierenreversernimetents ia,rc ed tn }Dy his strong arm and indomitable'|}a vice which defeats its.own end,sa :entfarofRowvem[sh int ety eee sort mh"we WARDsekare ae |ofro,Sn ctr oats,Team autors te |ac]10Cookstoves,Edigon Shabnaiebe (good snacaguenant,accumulated and}pleasure can be got from one mouth-ving reference.M,chasing goods to the a b tion to Pict aRandrecords,ete:-—Crawford-Bunch [left 2 good-estate in real and per-|ful than by bolting a whole plate-tare Jan.26,8.ae we will presentayear’s subscription to Pictoria id,251 10FurnitureCo.lsonal.property.He was twice mar-|ful,that this pleasure can be yast-FOR RENT —FOUR ROOMSof a house|}10 view,the leading Fashion Magazine of.the.wor ‘Premium list for lredelt Poultry |ried.His tirst wife was.Miss Jane (Jy increased by consciously.exhaling|to reliable family.If suit-{published by the Pictorial ReviewCo.Ask ‘for a ae Show will:soon be ready.|Burgess and their children now liv-[through the ‘rose while eating,and tect iaeak wit 10410,card when trading and have your purchases punched.25110Specialpricesondroseerebode,{ion M are p ta po eearits me that those who eat.in this.way will}Jan.26.¢Have the amount ae PE ee of fF ete.=.Statesville ousefurnish-|of onda,’Mrs ress srater andiescape the pangs of indigestion—|a |(this ecard,and whenthe entire amount indicated on 25 10:7.Be Fate a ol iar we ant if these hdigunclthdpi propecia apy ROOMS ANDBOARD.“rornished "cope |10}7 "the card is'exhausted we will preaeit you with a oeServiceinsanking-—-Pirst.Nae|Crater &Sale of Elkin...His seoond every child mind two-thirds Of |apartments;runningwater,electric 80 oF 2 he above pub ication.bar 1 tional Bank i |wife was Miss Alice Wiseman ..and/'the minor ills of mankind would ‘college.Write 1.E..Statesville,N-a cacer 15 15 year’s subscription tot P 25 15 ,Announcement,—‘Sherrill-White)their children ‘are Mr.Wilk Bell of|disappear in two generations,and|The Jan.23 {2 ST N-WASSON CO~’Wins nla .{yen i 4 -orShoeCo.,}Winstcn-3alem,.Walter and Misses|;most of the major maladies ,aldo;TO EXCHANGE ota |)15 15 STATESVILLE,N 951-25 “Paid in Full”at the Theater/Carrie,Myrtle and .Mattle Bell at/for the stomach is:the source °:WANTED.for rough tamber,suchas v bo.me ae i tomorrow night..thome,They were all with their |most diseases.As Thomas Walker Mmetboardsandframing.N.B,MILLS.States-|;.-i _ener orl or Horses,mares,mules.—Henkel-|father several days prior to:his|wrote’nearly 4 century ago,.“‘Con-|Ville,N.C.Jan.12.15]15 25 25 20 50 0 50 50 a0]<0 Craig.Live Stock Co,ldeatn and at his bedside when the|;tent the stomach,and the "aoa ’Sk nl ho Embroiderjes this week.;—Ram-||nd Caine.Terider*and faithful lach with content you.”Pat {oy 15 15 25 OF 4.BY 95 459 95 25 95125 sey-Bowles-Morrison Co.ran }warsing,with the services of skilled}aan Good Things to Eat.of Saddle mare for salé.—Dr. W.|jph ys cigns,could not check the fa-|Spent.$20,000 For Drinks,Flowers|=f15 10 °°102 10°10 “10:2 10"10°10 951 25J.Hill.tal aialddy,-Bright’s disease.and Railroad Fares.|Tha jot'of fine.H 15 ‘Saw mill wanted to ¢ut big lot |Mr.bell was a kind and.indul-|ve aiot of Tine Home- ~timber FE.Creedmore,States-|gent father and husband,a helpful||,Democrats of.the:House of Con-|made Lard.::“Why not.use ’7 ville.citizen ‘of his.néighborhood:.-his}|4 £this when it costs you the : |___Five car loads of Virgini nd ‘Tennessee horses, mares and mules will ering at our atables next MONDAY andremain here two’weeks only.Thisiswellselectedstock,consisting of nice blocky horses and mares,nice single and double driving horses,saddle and combination horses and voung mules.Allwill be broken.arid ready for w ork.In: the lot will be25 or more good.large brood mares, Nowis the time'to buy as“stock will be higher iin .the spring. Henkel-CraigLive Stock Co. Jan,30. February 5th The World's Greatest ~Mental Marvel..‘“The Girk they are all talk-. ing about,”.Ask her anything,she tells “it all.Past,Present or future. “High Glass Vaude,ville:between the acts. fresh meats,-F;.B.Fhifer,"Pho ¢| 156——ad.-2t. Prices 25 and 15 Cents.| Nacht which will be readyin a few days. Iredell Co.Poultry Show. To be-heldinStatesville February 27,28,29. The Association is compiling a liberal and attractive premium list,/ Many of the premiumsand prizes are restricted to Iredell county exhibitors and cannot go to outsiders. Every poultry owner in Iredell county is’‘invited to become a member of the association and help make Iredell one of the bestpoultry.coun- ties in North Carolina.. Ht is not necessary to be a member of the:association to exhibit your poultry,but the association wants the help and co-operation of Iredell countv people.Be sure to attend!as it will be an education inpoul- try.raising,and no one can afford to miss it.tee That famous chicken expert,Mr.R.L.Simmons,will be the judge and he-iis fair and impartial...»y The:associat ion will furnish exhibition’coopswithout chars ‘Entrance fee 25 cents for eachbird. _Write the secretary for information,oe list and entrance blanks.Address:: ‘B.-L,SRONGE;-Secretary. _Iredell CountyPoultry Tsaonintiitr Statesville,N.C. wen s anrtndey asi:eas aisth 1910,‘ ‘The Milam Medicine Rds» Danville;Va, v ;Gentlemen:=’b : Myneice suffered for many yeare.anh s uble pronounced by:her physictane tq be ur:} eee neath tn and although |he treated her,she :never obtained relief,°’ Being well soquainted with Milam and knowing 4t had been used successfully very,frequently in sin-dler cases,I.determined to put her on it..She tookeixbottleswith-he happiest results.T regard her ase entirely relieved and will always take pleasure in’iGrecommendingaesforuricacidtroubles. BerrriTSnaireCANSUPPLYYOUWITHMILAM-—IF HE Yours ke’ }DURSDA ppy. ‘\who would }wolild not support a’public’ On.all Men’s and Boys’ia.‘Sep- arate Pants and -Overcoats.until »March {st..Big line to select from. Plenty of medium weights that.can be'worn the year round.Drop:in -and look through;will Be glad to show you.; All Shoes,Hats and Furnishings reduced during this clothing sale. Basement stock of Mill Ends,La-= dies’and Children’s Shoes all going at less than same class of merchan- dise can be bought elsewhere. MILLINERY AND LADIES’.SUITS. ~All.Millinery going *at what it will bring.If you can usé'a Suit or Coat the price will strike you. SKIRTS. _Good line of up-to-date.Skirtsone-third to one-half off.Sec them. Very respectfully, ithe measure, the people of the United States ©fa-| THER.M.KNOX CO. P.S.33 1-3:0ft on all Clothing until March 1. Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. |Raleigh News and Observer. A Hint to the Wise ‘s Sufficient -ings until you have gotten prices from us.~We will —tmakeit-to—yourinterest-to+trade with-eoRR.SRR Ei YX)YYININSS ia actaLad iad ‘dl :See our line of Leather Upholstered Davenports, Couches,Lounges and Parlor Suits. Crawford-Banch Furniture Comp’y. -UNDERTAKERS AND EME ALO ane NIGHT 1958 NOTHING BETTER FOR”,CHAPPED FACE OR HANDS.25C.A BOTTLE —7 a SINR |HM tW.F.Hall's,Drug Store. PHONE NO.20,” THE LANDMARK 1912. ter,oe January .30, ‘ighting Against:_Extravaganoe, |Washington Dispateh to Charlotte »Observer.: »Represeditative :Once Ww,Uuder- wood,leader of the House,and Joh Ais Fitzgerald,chairman of the. House committee on appropriations, are fighting for economy.They are{in grips with selfish interests,There is a clamor for public buildings,riv-ers and harbors ‘and other ‘things that.take money.’.'The Democrats want to make’a record for econo-If the‘bars are taken down there will be’no end to:demands, The.Democrats of the:House ane facing a ‘critical?situation,.Next Monday night [29th]there will be a test ‘of.strength between these who would report and:passa’tub- lie buildings ‘bill at this Session of Congress;and Leader’Underwood) not have.such a hillpass, Mr.Vildetwood::has ‘pala that he ‘ings hill umess.the Democrats,fore- ed ‘him:to bow tq the.will of the majority.J1@ fears:that"if he fs defeated in thé caucus next .week|. he cannot check’the expenditure of mMouey and.follow out the Demoerat-| ie plan of:economy,He:has pointed| ub to thé.Democrats ~that--the Freasury déficit is $27,000,000 ‘this year compared’with:$4,000,000 last’.year..This ‘is.extlusive’of.‘esti- mates made for rivers and hanbors,| pensions and other proposed, jects Democrats of the Underwood type say that there.is no:just demandforapublicbuildingsbillat‘this’!time.They want to econémize and revise pro- Seeaeieeneetemaae Wout Relefal Law Prohibiting Con-! federate Pensions,:; ‘A répeal’offithe law ‘that pro: hibits the haymadele of a government pension to any veteran of the Conh-j federate army,or the “‘widow,chil-} dren or -h@irs of.any deceased.par- 80n who in any Manner’volumtarily| engaged in,.aided or abettedlate,”rebellion.against the ity of the “United States,” theauthor-| is ask-|e?for jin‘a-,bill.introducéd in.Con-|:Fi eress “by Representative of.Georgia, of the pension office to grant a pension.to the aged dead seaman in the navy,because the father was a Confederate dier,was the immediate cause for| the .introduction of the Brant-| Brantley, Democrat, ley.bill. .‘Ag the law is construed,”said} Mr.Brantley,“‘a-veteran.of the Spanish-American war is ineligible, fox a pension—if he is a.son of Confederate veteram. for-I-do not ‘believe| vor the clause.” The prohibition retention of ~such.a against a pen- sion to Confederates or their chil-| dren was adopted as a part of the gemeral pension act of March’3.1878. While.The Landmark is opposed to’asking the Federal government for pensions for Confederate sol- diers,the law should be changed so that there will be no discrimi- nation against sons of:Conféderate veterans who may be entitled to pensions for service rendered the government: Liquor WithCan’t.Serve Meals. Can a hotel in North Carolina Serve champagne,beer and whiskey. to.its .patrons along with the reg- ular dinner without violating theprohibitionlaw?The “No!”; A few hotels in North:Carolina: have been making a run-of .special ditiners,having.advertised the bill of fare beforehand.They charge a dollar for dinner and:give’cham-pagneé and two.or three other.kinds of liquor.Are they violating the law in’doing this?That.is the question.that has.been —interesting Some hotel men and some’temper- ance -men.—-A-short:time ago Reve R,.L.Davis,superintendent of the Anti-Saloom League,took this mat- ter up.with the Attorney’General and it haS been held that a hotel could niot serve any imtoxicating.liq- uwors,aS a part of ‘any ‘meal -:for which a charge is made,: The Attornéy General holds it is @ violation of the law for a hotel to .serve any intoxicating drink as a part of any meal for which -a charge is.nade.Thefact that the dinner ig’served together with the “heverage,does not ages it from beinga sale of the béverage.If the Menu card,carries the drinks and they are sérved,and a charge is made for:the meal,then-it is |Mr, Bic kett’s opinion’that the law has been’violated,:i Work in Newv Stirling,Cemetery—Two,Bodies Removed. Cofrespondence of The Landmark. New‘Stirling,Jan.26*—Mr.C.B. Webb was here this week to do Some work in New Stirling céme- tery.He has put wp monuments at the.graves of Bob Rhyne and J,WJohnson,put a large extra base with concrete foundation under Rey. W.B.-Préssly’s monument and cut Mrs.Pressly’s inscription on “it. He also put a concrete foundation undet the.W.©.Miller mofiument. Mr,Webb’had the contract to Lramove ‘the remains of Mr.and Mrs,Ed.Melchor,who di¢d .jn’ 1908:and were buried at New Stir-ling graveyard.The coffins were Placed iy new boxes and taken toStatesvilJe,and m~.there-toMooresvilleforiifefmentinthe Moorésville cemetery..Mr.°Melchor's first.wife was.buried in Moores- ville and it was the desire of his: brothens that the remains be remov- ed -to Mooresville,where’Mr." Melshor had a cemetery plot.A Monument,has heen erected aeforMr.and Mrs.Melchor, “When.given as soon as1s the croupycoughappears,Chamberlain's CoughRemedy‘will’ward off an.attack of eroup and prevent all danger and causeofanxiety,-Rhousands of mothers ‘useitmcfoldbyalldealers,iN builde | the tariff,believing that the}, Hi people demand both. The refusal’ father of a! s01-| I shall Seat answer isi PROPOSED CHILDREN'S BUREAU ion. Washington Dispatch,24th,to”Ral- eign Nawe and Observer. Opposing the measure for’the-es-tablishment of a children's »bureauintheFederalgovernment,Senator Overman declared on the floor |of the Senate:today that thé |pass- age of the bill)would only “result in the addition of another regirsent of officeholders to the great army to:the Federal-payroll,Senator Overman took a leading part.in,the débate on the‘bill,which was be- fore the Senate most of the after+noon, The-North*Carolina Senator main- tained that necessary information res. gardin?..children couldbe obtained| from the-census reports,gind ..that sto:establish,a children's. would be a duplication of the.work | at -an®“ntreased cost: attentiva:,th the fact that the President hadi Stated:in-his -mes- isage to Cohszress that there was.<a |duplication of work:in every partment of government.He agreedwiththePresident.thut.this was, largely true qnd ‘that the werk pre- | |bureaa would simply be a.duplica- pon of the.work done by the ‘cen+ sus department.” |"(He stated that ‘some four years tg0.there-was an’apportionmest eo thepurposeofinvestigatingchitddan.|bor.and tHe ‘children of the country. This money,the “Senator asserted, jhad -beem expended:by’sendinglageutstoNorthCarolina’and-other-Status “in the Union to investigate the conditions im the homes of the‘poor people in the:‘mountains andBaagphye;Senator Overman mide.the asser-(tion that-13 volumes of these rec|poi ‘ts ,have already.been printed; atid that five niore are now awaiting) )che corvertence -of the public j.te r.He doubted whether a single person:had or “would reid these re ports,: ‘The reports of the agents up-fon alle ged conditions in’North Gar-olina,’declared Senator:Overman; |$800,000:.made by Congress.4 “contained information S0«absolute:;ly false,so outrageous,’so |scan-dalous’and °so obscene that‘itwould:have been an.indictable of-fefise to send:thém thtough ‘themiils.-"At.my instigation much ofthisinformationwasStricken.out!)Ot the reports by .the Seeretary of|Lat or and.Commerce,who refused to permit the printing’of the reports!|untit they were revised.”' | |Anti-Whiskey Traffic Law.Does Not "at Affect Individuats. The bill of Congressman Webb, of North ©Carolina,designed’to prevent the:.shipment of -whiskeyintoprohibitionterritoryfor.unlaw- tul purposes,has been ofdered .re- ported from the sub-committee of the judiciary committee March 1, ;and beginning March 4 the’friends land opponents of the bill will be heard for four days.The bill has the endorsement of both the Na- tional Temperamce Association and the National Amti-~Saloon League. If the bill becomes a law the shipment or transportation of any, and all kinds.of:spirituous liquors: into prohibition.territory,which is intended for use in violation of the law *in such:State,is’prohibited This measure is considered by pro- hibitionists in Congress to be.-the be and some say the only -meas- ure which will effectually curb the “blind tiger”traffic in prohibition States.In other words;ithe —billwould.créate a Federal law:as strong as any State prohibition law pen in force. The radical element of the Amti-. |Saloon League advocated a’measure |which would prohibit the shipment of whiskey even to an individual in a prohibition.State;.This.was op- posed by.the conservative element, who readily saw that such a meas ute could never be passed by Con- gress,and if it should pass,it |would be declared-unconstitutional byntheySupreme Court.Mr,-Webb’s bill does not infringe.upon §the rights ‘of ‘any citizen;it merely eliminates those who desire to break the prohibition law. For a_Colt Mooresville. Moorésville Entérprise.. A meeting of citizens was heldWednesdayin.‘the rooms of the Mooresville Loan and ‘Tiuse.Com- pany,when the organization of the “Western.Carolina Colt Show’’was freely discussed and plang laid.for a@ permanent organization._A.board of directors was selected as fol- lows:W.L:Matheson,C.A.May- hew,W.B.Harris;P.S.Boyd,A. S.Alley,Z.V.Turlington,A.Iz Deal,E.C..Deaton,H.Y.Mott,Jr:, E.W.Brawley,Clarence.Cornelius, A.8S:McKay,H.P.Deaton,W.M. Jamison,J.-A.Oraven,G.C.Good- man,T.F.Connor,W.D:Temple- toi,J.A.Steele,W:€.Johnston, H..D.Mills,J.L.Harris,>John B. Houston,R..RR..Morrison,W.,P.Carpenter,J.A,Stewart..This com- wittee has been called..to meet again on Thursday,February 1,ate 2 olock,to further plans of.the association,and to elect~officers and). appoint committees. -The work of the association will not be confined to Iredell county alone,but will take it the terri- tory embracing all the ,countiestouching:her borders.The show will be held,pome time in the ea ly./fall of each year,and puitable premitims will.be paid to the eéx- hibitors of colts.:The State Agri- ‘cultural Department will lend’.itsaidin:anyway ‘it can for’the §uc- cess.of the RAROALLOT. Organizing -Show at Do “you stow:‘that fully nine out ofeverytencases,of rheumatism are sim-ply rhéumatism of the muscles due.tocoldordamp,or chroni¢rheumatism,and require no internal treatment what.ever?pply Chamberlain's.Linimentfreolyandsee-how quickly it givés re-lief. Constipation {s the cause of marty:ail-ments eh.dig@rders that make life mis-erable,er Chamberlain’s StomachandLiverablets,keep:your bowelsregularafdyouwill’avoid.these’.disscages.For sale ‘by alldealers. |Senator Overman,Opposes as Uns| warranted Government ‘Buperyiay of 440,000.employes now attached}. bureaus, He “ealled,) de-t ott. prim-|. For sale:by all dealers.af :Si que's i ha is good for painof , any sort.It penetrates,without rubbing, _through the muscular tissue Tight to the- bone-—relieyes thecongestion and givesaocas.wellas temporary relief, ‘Here’s Proof.:A.Ww:Lay of Lafayette,Ala,writes :—‘*T had rheumatism for five years,I trieddoctorsandseveraldifferentremediesbuttheydidnothelpme,1 obtained a bottleofSloan’s Liniment which did me so much >es that I would not'do Withoutitoranything.”’ Titomas L.Rice of Easton,Pa.,..writes;«I have used Sloan’s Lini-ment and find itfirst-class for rheus~mati¢pains,” Mr;G.G.Jonnsof.Baldwins,Est,yeaa aN j writes:—*tE have‘found Sloan's Liin-infent pat excellence,I haye used.it for broken’sinews.above the knee.Capcaused by.a ‘fall,and to my great satisfaction Twad able.toa Fennmydutiesin.less than three Weeks after:the accident.”- posed to be done by the children’s |.. is an excellent remedy:for sprains,tralasi.sore throat,asthma,No rubbing nécessary—you can apply with a brush,At all dealers.Price,25c.,500«&$1.00. Sloan's Book on.Horses,Cattle,Sheep and:Poultry'sent free.‘AddressDr.EARL S.SLOAN,BOSTON,MASS.' Now is the time of year to spray your orchard and our store is the place:to '.buy spray pumps.Those who know say there will be a great fruit crop.- Spraying iis the only remedy for per- fect fruit and those who have it get(assthebiggest pre,Let us show you. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware FE| ©OARCOEDGNica@ REDUCED PRICES ereeceeneealen)igenteenieCoatSuitsThatAre New. __Stylesthatpossessthe touch | _of difference and.newness; that emphasize the fact that theyarenew.WE ARE SPE- CIALIZING ALL ‘WOOL SUITS AT VALUES FROM $5.00:UP -TO $16.50.Don’t fail to see our.line before purchasing..‘POSITIVELY _AND ABSOLUTELY THE BIGGEST VALUES FOR YOUR MONEY. LONG BLACK GOATS. -Chiffon~Bloadcloth and Sérges at REDUCED Prices,- A new line of WASHA- BLE WAISTS just received. Call early before ‘the sizes are broken. THE LADIES’FURNISHING STORE. Phone 188.~409 West BroadStreet.a W.W.WALTON,Manager. O RODPDRCANDTED@ >COOKING OIL.ie "”Fresh’lot just opened.As goodas the bestlard forallpurposes,and casts you one-third less,:: Price per GalloneneperQuart. TRY IT.YOU'LL LIKE It.Imperial Cotton.Oil Company:’PHONE§2065, ||| PEN OHS’.* -Positively thebest oeofPencilsinthinthé,city i PENS -“-Moore’s.fies Leakable aid -Waterman’sFountain Pens.~ BLANK BOOKS | Ailkinds of Bound Blank BooksandSheppard’s Loose.LeafSystems,.oePRINTING‘We are sure we can‘meet youtneedstheretoo.. Statesville PrintingCo., Printing and Stationery,-618 South Center Street,}'Statesville,NO.cs Tat we “ADNew MethodOFCuring‘Whooping Cough |; Theeis.nothing that will give such instant”and.'permanent relief to the ‘Whooping Cough patient,VICKS SeseSALVE Applied externally,the heat of.the’DereledsespowerfulyaporsWhichareinhaled,going direct to ,the affected carteccahe lungs and bronchial tubes,perfecting’a positive care at once,-Ne@ drugs:to,take to derange the stomach—all done byoutward‘application.,h.At row deuccit’s or bymall25e)Sc.$1.00 Economy suggests the dollar size. ‘i, ‘Greensboro,N.C. »[Home Bic (a),Genera oe.‘let ‘iadZe-Contractors ftinatsFatshed HOME ELECTRIC 00., A.D.COOPER,Manager. -& |=Machines “Repaired. jfactory At that time WOMEN'S ‘WOES.- Ww ‘omni Are pela |Re- “Heft at ‘Last; ‘It.does &een *‘that women:have more than @ fair share of the aches: aid paing ‘that afflict.humanity; they must “keep up,”must.attend to duties in spite of constantly ach- ing.backs,dizzy spells,bearing-down pains;they must stoop over,when to stoop means torture...They’must walk and-bend and work ‘with rack- Statesville jing pains and many aches from kid- ney-ills.Kidneys cause more suf- fering than ‘any other organ of ithe ‘pody..”Keep.the kidneys well and health is maintained.Read of a remiedy for,kidnéys only ‘that helps | the.kidneyé and“is endorsed espeo- ple you know. Mrs..Il.H.~Baker;West Bnd”Ave., Statesville,N;-C.;says:*‘About a ‘year’ago-1 used’two boxes ofDoan's KidneyPilsandtheresultswerehighlysatis-I,was suffering agreatdealfromapaininmy.back and mv ikidneys were alsa’disordeered.I gotDoan's Kidney Pills:‘on.a friend’s adviceandtheyhelpedmesomuchfrom ‘eo then I have’had little cause to}vy about my.kidneys.” Vick’*Family,Remedies Co.| the:|ie that I pri cred a further supply. oy “4 . NDM ARK}?Tobaeca”Trust Withdraws ‘Appealne|‘and “Will:Pay. 7912.‘Tt tp.announced that theAmericanTebarco«Company “has:withdrawnitsappeal:from the award of ‘dam- ages to.the Ware-Kramer TobaccoCompany;of Norfolk,Vé.,whichsued,for a niillion dollars under ‘the| |Sherman anti-trust law,claiming itsbankruptey-was caused by.trustmethodsoftheAmericanTobacco| sompany.The damages which were)allowed were $60,000 and $10,000] attorneys’fees.”The Americaix To-| bacco Company is also to.pay all)costs,amounting to about’$4,000:The case wag tried’im Raleigh last|Summer before Judge.Connor in’the ede ral court.‘, Chie ie ns-and.Egus asa ‘Side Line. PpLeawigs Néwea.. THE LA ‘TOMSDAY,=.ae January 30, SPRAY iNa 1S.NECESSARY, How Best br‘frandis.a Few Peach’Trees on a:Town Lot.- Prégressive “Farmer.:pee I live in town and.have’onlyaboutadozenpeachtrees.It would not.pay me to get a epraying out- fit for so few trees,and I tried Jasty year to get some one that had’ore rto come and,do it,but it is a dif-ficult.matter.My-fruit nots.badly; and Inot{ce gum on’the treés.Some one told me to dig the earth away trom the,trees and put ashesandlitearoundtrees.Gould.yousuggestsomething.that I \could do.to give me beotter frost?” oe\ pate Mr John M.Smith,‘totths ‘“it will be,Lmponslbile for you.to}year.or two,’im connection with,prevent the rotting of.youy peach~|his farm,hag ‘been giving:some at-tention to chickens.“Last year he‘kKeptsa close record of what he sold: It:foots’.up as.follows:Eggs "Bold |627 dozen.$122,47;,71 chickens 901d) B29.91:"Total.$148.OS: profit!as.thé chiekens”Tan. és without.:spraying:them,"If you tan't borrow or rent a ‘spraying Owt- CEL would suggest that you:Sand’ i Be veral,of .neighbors go in to- gether and a good bafrel.spray pump..A barrel Saray Dilip would |: be ‘sufficient for at least a \dozen: families.with only a small.orchard fin town,<Aid then you could:rent At tn Smith has a namber of’ t.present from..which he the pump td those who wanted it |sells about $2 wort:of eee each and inthis way get.back -a:pe Week.a of the cost of the outfit.A go0d |..———Msbarrel.spray pump outfit can |bef...~Ought,to Ba‘Reduced.: had from #16,.to $25,and it would Char!otte Observer. It,Strikes.the:Btutenvilielandmaris that Jndge-Boyd’s decision denying. partuers a personal property :.ex>éemption ovt-ot partnership.property buy one:yourself,“if you cai't get your:trees sprayed any other-way.There is absolutely ‘mo.Way,in the world by which you pay you to can keep your trees healthy andduntil cartnership’.debts ‘have ‘been drevent the rotting of fruit unless paid-conforms to justice and -¢om- you.nlake some provisions for|Ion sense,.We entirely agree...It spraying them,It would pay you|would also be in conformance with, ito Buy a+pump-even if.you had |justice and,cdmmon sense if thé |only six or seyen trees,ag that num-jnex’.Legislature should.seduce hereof healthy trees will .produce}over-large “exemptions,both real lehough fruit tn one year,to.DpY |aud.personal,which we have in.this for the outfit,and)I am)sure.that|State :, you .get practically no fruit:withqut spraying. The digging,awdy ifrem the trees and putting ashes jaround them is the ‘‘old-time’’‘way ;for -killing the ‘borers in the trees, |This.may havé a slight effect .in ithe destroying cf the’borers,.but jit.can’t be depended upon for this "|purpose.‘These borers are white Everyone Should ‘See It. Charles ‘Klein’s play,‘“The ThirdDegrée;”’expaaing the ‘methods of:|unscrupulous police .officials,.is/ Buch a-timely subject that it is un-| questionably,the leading play ‘of the day in the American théatre.——ad of the:>soil “NO.RE:ASONYFOR DOUBT! last Nearly ‘ @.and cost almost nothing foi| & grubs and:they.are just:under the’"For ante _oe ree ibark of the tree and:about on -ajA Statement:on.Facts Backed ByiU.LAMPRECHT,50 cents,Foster-Milburn Co.,Buf-|level.with ‘the surface of the a Strong’Guarantee.falo,New York,sole agents for the |ground:The proper ee do We guarantee complete relief to |109 East FrontStreet.United States.rs Mor them is to dig the soll away/all sufferers from constipation,Phone 61 Remember the ‘name Doan’s—-|from the base of ‘the tree,atid jor,in every case where we fail,we’:|dig out the borers.witha sharp will supply the medicine free.———_——a and take mo other Lknife or a wWece of limber wire,Rexall Orderlies are a gentle,ef-||The .raking away of the soil €X-/fective,dependable and safe bowel |FOR:‘SALE!7,MY.Machine Shop.poses these’borers more on legs to regulator,strengthener and tonite.}the cold weather anda great,Many)They aim:to establish natwre’s fune-|:|Basinesslot i lof them freeze:to death during the tions .in-a quiet easy way They aoceresirenarts2»se Te >han Le sripine |Seven-room.desirable residence on|complete and I amprepared to do]winter.sitineidie tate sted.by ¢a jel-ee thee aia pe gl to‘|-;a‘Pradd street.Hot and cold water,wny kind of repair work.ly-like mane.of guminy substance |take:and work so easily that they |bath;etc..ENGINE AND BOILER WORK exuding “tom the tree just at the/may be taken hy any ove at any|Lots near Graded School.A SPECIALTY surface of the ground.The guM/time,‘They thoroughly tone up.the|Small notth Iredell farm.Also carry a full line of Steam rie on the branches of the tree,hew-|whole system to healthy activity.If you want to con,Sellorexchange|ings upto 3inches.Injectors,Lu-|¢ver,is an indication of a weaken-|Rexall Orderlies’are unsurpassa-—S$i Oil C d Jet Pu ed condition of the tree from:some)ple @nd:.ideal for.the use.of chil-oricators,aps and Jet Pumps’)So cones,inj The way toJOHNM.SHARPE,Pine andShafting.disease or other injury.y crem,‘old folks and ‘delicate per-pe preyent this is to treat the’treé:/sons..-We cannot too highly recom-REAL ESTATE Cc.H.TURNER id Such a way that it ‘will bécome|mend them:to.all sufferers from JUST.RECEIVED ! Broad Street Methodist Church. Statesville Female College.StatesvilléGraded.School.a F>-H.Conger’s Residence. on §Sanatorium.Southern Passenger Station. Ask to.see the SimplofillerFountainPenandConklin’sFountainPen.’These aretwo - best -self-filling pens on the market.Carry a full line ofTablets,Inks and Pencils,PRINTING. BRADY,-The Printer. W.R.MILLS, Statesville,N.C, Fine Farm Lands and City:Property for Sale. AGENT FOR:HUPMOBILES. Jan.2. Roofing,Paints Monuments, Burrus’Metal Roofing,Gal- vanized Roofing,tin and ‘gal- vanized Shingles with patent8%Roofing also‘has patent Paint of all colors,turpen-tine,linseed oil. Iam agent for monuments _.made by Mecklenburg Monu-ment Co....C.=.HOLLAN D. DR.P.-F.LAUGENOUR, DENTIST, th xsilamatnlace othe edhehasbeenfor'years.but some recent improve-ments,oere,floor of the building,have mE” ehan,irway and entrance from the:eeetetea the building to the West sideMaGenterstreet,Noy,3. |SRSEY BULL ‘For service.Finegpecimen and theopepringofgoodaCharges M.H.Sivlore.Proprietor, ..Walirat Grove Farm.° RRRENT. ipidcicacbaes Bix:ROOM'"%Pwarn:coat.a Depat Street.DealerinMachinery. SEWING.-FOR LADIES and children, Reasonable prices and goodwork,MRS.A.W,PERKINS,120 Fifth street,Phone 2246;Jan.9.—8t. Hard Brick _and rock are the only build-S ing materials that will with- “stand frost ‘and fire,and last for.all time.Common and Face Brick always on ~hand.Statesville Brick Co. PROPERTY For.Sale or Rent. Four-room cottage ond lot. ~on Oak street for sale.Good barn and outbuildings,| Several lots,close in,forsale. One hundred and sixty acres. less than a mile north of town to be cut into lots to suit pur- chaser.This is fine residen- tial property,located on Tur-.nersburg road and Turner av-enue. Nine acres in north States:ville forsale, Sian C.Ss.Holland. Dec,12, |JOHN CG.‘DYE,M.D. _EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROATANDFITTINGGLASSES.. Office in"Miils Building,ce-hours 9 to 12 &Mm. 2.t0o6p,m-- Stylish;Liver My livery.is the bestequipped and most up-to-date in the city. Ihaveevery kind of.ct‘necessary fora city.livery)’Horses and mules.baught aad‘sold.Have some mules now. on-hand.Caéh or time to suit.'S.J.Holland. "Phone 3.-Day or Night. be obliged to make some arrange-|baldness,Large bottle 50 cents,jmeut for doing:this work if YOUlYou -will have no use for ordinary|wish ‘to grow any fruit that:will [preparations after once giving PA-jamount to anything.RISIAN SAGE a trial. |Establishing Wireless Stations.WOMENWITH PILES! |Washington Dispatch.Cured By Simply Taking Sugar- :bm healthy and vigorous, 1 My.advice is for you.to prune your~peach trees right away,..and jthen give them one good dose of: i the lime-sulphum wash for the.San Jose scale,other insects,and.spores: Cut’out all dead,dying and diseas-|lL ed branches,and ‘thin out im such a way tiat bho two branches:of any size will<touch.Then head or cut}back from one-third to one-half of|Any woman who negiects her hairlast-season's growth,cutting just|canmot expect«to’have as love- above a bud.Ypu'cazi easily tell/ly hair’as the woman.who ‘doesn’t.Which is:last *"=éason’s growth by|Wash the hair’onee a week;use the color of thé:bark.Better re-|PARISIAN SAGE daily—keep yoursulis‘will ‘be had if the head:of |hair.brush clean.and in a fewthetreeisleft:open enough to dl|days’you:will five to your hair a any-form of constipationattendantevils.Three sizes,10c.,25¢.and 50c.Rewhember,.you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this com-jm unity only at our store—The a.tH Store.”The ‘Statesville Drug Co. G:LORIOUSS 1AIR! and its o For Every Woman °Who Wants It! 1]harmful insects and fungus spores Then during spring and .summer!the Statesville Drug Company “guarsprayfor,rot and curculio ‘iwith lantees it to eradicate dandruff,stoptheself-boiled limesulphur wash |foiling hair and:itching ‘sealp,or and arsenate of lead.Give at least |money:back. three sprayings during the sathgep It should /be used:as a dressing The time has’come.when |by every member of the family be-~cannot grow -good”fruit”wittrout}¢)ause it.keeps tht scalp’¢lean,pre-spraying thoroughly,and you will |vents ‘hair from turning gmy,‘and iable hair tonic;so reliable that- Be The Navy Department has Sawai Coated.Tablets!up plans for a chain‘of wireless sta-|Constipation,tight clothing andtionswhichwillbringthede/women’s ordeals cause piles..Womenpartmentintoaefialcommanicationsufferpilesmorethanmenandalt with all its Ships,‘wherever they [wil be grateful to know of a sucmaybe,from the coast of West Alf-|.cersful remedy in tablet form,thatrica.to Chinese -waters.Congress|bri ngs a cure without ¢utting,usewillbeaskedtoappropriate$1,000,lot.:salves or ee ae000toestablishthissystem,which!This ®Uaranteed remedy *HEM-will be superior to any of the kind|ROID,sold by the St =Se Drugnowimexistencein.any part of the |¢G.in Statesville and all druggists, world;$1 for treatment lasting 24 days.The chain.as planned will con-}|Dr’Leontardt Co.,Statiqn B,sist of seven stations.One already ab uffalo,N.Y.,Prop,.Write |forisunderconstructionatAirnington,|hoonVa.,across the .Potomac.from Wash-|ooningThe.others will be in the 3 ‘jcatial zone;at=San Framcisco,at ;9 iyPearlHarbor,Hawaii...another on Wood S Seeds | the island of Guam;the next on .a the island of Luzon,in the north-|For 4912. ern Philippines,and the last on Tu- tuila island,one of the AmericanSa- moan islands. The Washington station is expect- ed to cover the entire Atlanite coast with a sending radius of 3,000)milés.The\station in’the canalzone-will cover:‘the Caribbean seaeffectively,besides being in touchwithboth‘Washington aid San Francisco.From San Franc Wo sta-tion communication will be had with Pearl Harbor,the Pearl Harbor will) easily reach Guam station,and-the| operator at.Guam will be able «to talk to the man “at the Luzon sta tion.| From .luzon it is sss cad tocontrolallnavalvesselsinJapanese|| or Chinese waters.The station at ‘the Samoan ishinds will cover.the South Pacific:’Thig station.ts,espe-) cially,desired because’there is now |no cable at Tutuila Islatid.7 |Our New Deiciptive Catalog||is fully up-to-date,and tells all.about the best~Garden and- Farm Seeds: _Every farmer and gardenershouldhaveacopyofthiscata?log,which has long been reéog-ized as a standard authority,for the full and complete infor-:mation which it gives. We are headquarters forGrassandCloverSeeds,Seed:Potatoes,Seed Oats,Cow Peas,-»Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. “WoodsDescriptiveCatalogmaitedfreeonrequest.‘Write forit.TW.WOOD &SONS, uiying o “bough °medicine ‘forildren,bear in mind’that Chamber.|Jain’s Cough Remedy.is‘most fousSorcolds,‘croup,and *hacetal arappehandthatItcontainsno’harny When.bd i[Phone one at Risldeses'axe. ve ~Richmond,Va.For mleby all pana ta, see Vide Megan — low sunshine to enter.-Pick .up||beautiful lustre that you will bel;all trayches,.cut é6ut all rotten |proud of.l :fruit’and burn,as they hapbor/|PARISIAN SAGE is a most -re Wye for announcement of new article at bottom athace-in each Friday’sLandmark for the following week.We'll deliver the goods according to announcement. GOLD’DOLLARS GOING AT FIFTY CENTS APIECE?‘Yes,that would inferest every one but the supply never equals.the demand,therefore they always go at 100 cents,But listen:,There are a lot of other things that alwaysgo for 100+‘cents also.Now suppose you are going to buy one of those articles next weelgyand.some one offered them for 50c..Wouldn’tthatbe-interesting,|too?That’s.it exactly,That's our plan for HARDWARE SPE.CIAL SALES...OneOr more articlesand the special price for oneWeekwillappearatbottomofthisspaceineachFNiday’s Land-mark.|Watch the changes for the article you:need.It will go at.‘from half to three-fourths ofits regular selling ‘value.:»Not old or.shopsworn goods,but “spank’new staple,standard goods,select-}ed from the largest assortment of hardware,.farming .iinplements,-“horse goods,éte;,in thecity..The article will be sold as announce-*:-ed,at the price named,during the time specified,*for cash:‘only;‘rights reserved to-sell only one’article $0 each customer,and that|»limited to:supply-on hand.Watch thesechanges,Something inter-‘esting to.annouhce next Friday.forfollowing week from Mond)morning till Saturday.night.“When special saletime expires.on one;+article it will continue to‘be sold on:same terms,prices and condi-'tions as ruled before the special sale,and another article go on for.the hext-week.Watch for the changes.-$1.00 Shears for 50c.. Entire line of Shears-and Scissorsof all)sizes and patterns.Best.'known brands.Ol established prices cut in half.As long as apair‘remains,or to the end of the week.“If youneed a pair in the ~next five-years,you will save 50 per.cent.by buying now if oe-money.costs you:10 per cent.Come early iin the wéek. ‘Statesville Hardware &Harness Co..Sales Day iIs the firstMondayi in each month iin Statesville,N.C. Insurance That Insures.. coe one of our Accident and Health Policies4ana.Com-pany with over $10,000,000 assets,that guarantees"your income to continue from one day and so:Tong:thereafter as you are disabled be@iuseof any accidentorsickness.It pays for loss of sight,operations andhasmanyothercommendablefeaturestoonumeroustomention.~The cost is small and benefits large.Ask for circular giving full information,Lots of testimonials on file showing how otherpeo-le have been benefited by carry ing iinsurance of this <ind, ERNEST GG.Statesville,N.C;UC Pan AND REAL ESTATE.’PHONE OFFICE NO.1,,MILLS BUILDING. a0 0eusseuncccccccccceeees A Prize For est I will sell a $300 Piano for $150 to.the public school:teacher who will train their’school to sing ten schoolsongsin‘‘Carolina Harmony.’’Certificate from com-mittee,stating these songs have been sung by theschoolwillberequired.Will also givea $5.00 Guitar to the leader of.theclassthatwillmakethebestmusicinsixschoolsongsinsaidbookatthenextcountysinging.A book will:be loaned to each school,and the words may:be sung’ from their tablets,but classes having members overschoolagewillberequiredtosingbothnotesandwords, J.S.Leonard,Music Dealer;~3512 Center Street,eenascceenneeanonsausenl Cool Methods,ie COURTEOUS TREATMENT. Ought to mean much to the man with a bank ac-eount.'If you have not yet opened an account with the COMMERCIAL we invite you to do so now. « Capital $100,000.00.SgySurplus28,000.00 Total Resources over 500,000.00Fourpercent.on time and Savings Deposits. =iL Commercial National Bank, _Statesville,N-C. M.K.STEELE,President.E.MORRISON,Vice President.D.M.AUSLEY,Cashier.‘G,E.HUGHEY,Assistant Cashier. You often —jndge the sender by the Stationery.° High -Tone.Stationery \makes’a high tone im- ySe the Quali Line. STORE OF QUALITY.ee_Statesville Drug Co.,,PRESCRIPTIONISTS. ow ae as ‘THE LANDMARK - UESDAY,—.—-January.30,1912. |WELSON-HARVEY AFFAIR AGAIN], “Gol.‘Watterson and ‘Senator Tillman Pass Letters Bearing’on the Af- -:fair—Ryan Not‘the-Cause of the “Wilson-Harvey Break...—: -Im >Washington Friday —Col. Henry.Watterson gave to.the press the following”correspondence —ibe- tween himself and.Senator ,Tih ‘man,of.South Carolina, to Senator Tillman,under date.- »the 25th,Col,Watterson said: “My Dear Sir:Referring to the so-called ‘Harvey-Watterson ‘inci- \denit,’I find you quoted by:the news- paper of this morning to the follow~ ing effeet:‘I -had given Henry *’Wattersow “credit for,more sense ‘than to try to Yoist:off:a story like “this:with the material facts con- cealod.?The man who makes a public statement withthe material, facts concealed,is little other than a:scoundrel.:I°have the right, -therefore;to demand of you “upon: What:warrant of ‘authority you make this serious eccusation against:me and ask for a réply ‘through .«my friend,the Hon.S#ager Sherley,of we Kentucky.>y‘To this note Senator TiHman made reply as follows:|mati i ey -‘My Dear Sir:In your.note pf January 25,handed me by,the Hon. :Swager Sherley,you call my atten- dential candidates,expert”or”other=} |wise,but I desire your good opin-|only. ott tion to an interview which ‘I:had given:out in reference to the Har- vey Wilson-Watterson incident,:in ~which I say,‘I had given .Henry Watterson,credit’for "more sense than to try to foist Offa story like this with the material ‘facts .con- ‘cealed.’.-Pee Oey iho“You!‘demand :.to know,“wpen what,warfint of.:authority you make this serious “accusation against me.’seh e : “In your statement ta the press you described in-detail the rupture between \Goyernor Wilson and Col- -onel Harvey,‘but said nothing as.to “wiat caused it.All the leading pa- pers of the country.seem to..kacw --why Governor.Wilson severed -relay tions with Cotonel-Harvyey and as:a leading newspaper manself-confessed,expert .groomer, presidential,candidates must.have kpown it at the-time your..state- ment was pwhblished.I very prop- erly concluded ‘that you.knew the reasons for the rupture,and,when you made public the-manner in which it occurred without giving the causes,you “were unquestionably concealing the material facts."’ This is Col:Watterson'’s ewer:’ae . »“My Dear Sir:I have never pre- _to-'beagroomer of presi- you and .of ait jon and wrote*with that as well asthetruthofthismatterinmind. “Tl am with you,Senator,in wishing a Democrat and not a pseudo-Republican for our presi- Gential nominee.It:was no.less from a selise of party duty than of justice as between’man and man, that I made the statement to which -——upon a total misapprehension of the facts—you.take exception.“J have been aware for nearly aweekthatrecognizedspokesmen,for -Governor Wilson were industriously |and see his friend,Thomas .F.Ry- circulating the.story that the real reason why Governor:Wilson broke with Colonel Harvey was that Coh ‘Harvey had tried to bring Mr.Thos. ¥.Ryan into the’Governor’s cam- paign.But,until you gave credence to ‘the story,it could not be invest- ed with any responsible authority. Its origin was mysterious,its cir- culation surreptitious:.Corsequent- :ly there has been up to this time nothing either to deny or recognize. “Now,Genator,”“I .know of _my ‘wn knowledge that that story is a lie,made out of whole cloth.If, any.person ventures to question.this assertion,I have in my possession| proof conclusive which I hold myself ready to place before your honest and truth-seeking mind. “I do not accuse Governor ~Wil- |_gon of originatingor circulating Jeeaeale ¢ :this _ed that I-might induce him In a note. of) lonel Watterson regarding campaign |There-—have been two ‘interviews| opinion that a large amount of mon- take Mr.Ryan’s-money and nit atterson ~‘Tillman given out in)Washington!=~= “So far as I am concerned:the atatemént that Colonel,Wattersonwasrequestedtoassistin-raising: mdence without foundation..Neither:I.nor any one authorized to represent me ever’.made any such request ofhimck;3 Watterson Says He Has the Proof. Gol Watterson Saturday gave out the following statement:‘In:my letter to Senator Tilimam.’ I promised proof of)any Btatement made by me that might be disput- ed...”Gov:Wilgon ‘denies that.[had authorization from him or any agent of ihis\to secure funds forhiscampaign.I have proof<that ftnotonlyhadatwthorization:but that:I actually.securéd ‘a ‘considerable sum.1 .hold myself ready to fur-dish this proof ‘to Tillmav at.once,if dhe will.do vme’the honor to:per- sonally.call upon me,.as I.am conefinedto!my hotel an cannot.call ‘upon ‘him.Hf.Senator...Tillman's. single averment,.after inspecting this proof,“he either,equivocal ,or insufficient;|propose that Govern-.or.Wilson name ‘two confidentialfriends,I.naming.two,‘the four to" Hamé'a fifth,and thisequrtof gen- tlemen be ‘estabished te deterlmine the issue between:us.’ Senator Tillman announced thatthe“incident.was closed so far-as he is.conterned,the.issue.being.béetween Watterson and Wilson,Gov,Wilson,has.refused,to,make anycommeht-on Watterson’s statement. Meantime his campaign manager,Mi W.'F.McCombs,of Néw York,gave out:ti following:aie ‘: “Ifiave read the correspondence interchanged between Colonel Wat- terson and Senator.‘Tiliman;which ‘appeared in this:morning’s papers. L had!thought that Colonel ‘Watter-son’s Statement of several days ago, itself entirely disposed:of the°alleg- ed:incident.I-so stated in an in- terview a day or so afterwards.I have made no statement with refer- enee to it since that time..From the beginning of the’campaign for Gov- ernor Wi'son,which I have managed,’ I have received all the contributions made to it..1 assume -responsibili- ty:for ‘them and [know all their sources,‘They have been uniformly made by people who had.no inter- est.except the consummation of the ideas which he.represents.Not ome of them expects any ‘other re- turn,-i : “Any commumication which has been had between myself and Col- funds has tAiken place in:personal interviews between him atid myself, I intensely dislike to make a public statement of a private con- versation and regret very,,much that Colonel Watterson has,forced me to do so.Im October of last year I had a ‘general conversation on presidential politics with,Col. Watterson at the Waldorf,where he was Btopping.~I.visited him at his suggestion.In the course of that conversation he gave it as.his ey would be needed and volunteered the suggestion.that he would go an,and that he was sure he could induce him to makejta very iare? contribution to the caimpaign., “7 said to him that we could notthat such contributions were not withinthespiritoftheWoodrowWilson campaigm.His reply was:“I have been in politics 50 years and I know that money and not patriotism counts in a presiden- tial campaign.’:“L repeated to Colonel Watterson) that we could not take the money. Parly-in December I met him again and he renewed the discussion of a Ryan contribution.I made the samé answer to him that I.had made before.: “T heard nothing further from Colonel Watterson on the.subject and thought no more of the conver- night express tonight mad:the fol-Law eestatement in aplerpice.to the money in my.behalf is absolutely: cept,tinh;who-—-formerty—tived —eee eats always to the advantage or.Batis- faction of “those who ask it,’”con-euded:Mr,Olney. -MATTERS OF NEWS;— ~The Jewish populdtionof New York city was 906,400 on.January,4st,according to figures -publish-ed in the American.Hebrew.|The same journal eight.yearsago com- putee the population at 600,000. “According ‘toa.specialto theCharlotteObserver,two sgits of trip- lets were.born,in Gaffney,S..‘C, girls and -a boy in*each gase,..the parents being Mr,and .Mns,D.F. Paris.and’Mr,and Mrs.Wash:Deal. Twelve persons are reported .to aaye heen lost Sunday when a row- boat “in whieh they were crossing the Mississippi river,from Birds’.Point, rMo:,to,Cairo,TL.;wag caught in an-ice jam.Searching parties have been unable to find any.trace .of the:lost boat:or its passengers, Speaker’Champ Clark .amiouiices, that heis a candidate for the Dem- ‘ocratic presidential;‘nomination, ‘standing on Miy.own feet,with? out “leaning on..any other’candi- date;atid he .is”appealing for a Missouri delegation that will vote for him-as long as theré is a chance for his nomination.{>°°:ai Conditional gifts of $100,000 —to Washington and Jefferson,College at Washington,Penn,,..toward,a $500,000 fund,and $50,000-to the Emory and Henry College of Em- ory,’Va.,toward a $250,000 fund, general ‘education board ‘of \the Rockefeller Foundation in "New York Friday.:’rea Recently they,had a revolution in| Fucador—revolutions are so common in’South Amerrica that they +Long ago.ceased to ‘be news-and.therevolutionistslost,Since then the successful:party has undertaken to}kill al the generals onthe oth-|} erside and good progress ‘is being made...They kymched five in @ buneh Sunday.. Competition among local-undertak- ers to secure the contract for bury- ing ‘the pauper,dead in McLennan county,Texas,’resulted in the ac- ceptance of a_bid’froma:local firm to.inter indigents at one-half} vent each.It is figured the suc-| cessful bidder will lose $8.49%on ‘cach pauper.buried,,‘The contract will be in force for a year.~ were .voted’ata meeting of the/ for telling the truth which te not] —_Bd,DeCamp’s towh—Friday..Two} |to the prolongation of humanmany> WHEN MA's AWAY!| *.gone,.Ran ance .It.doesn’t’seem the same <‘ — As’‘‘Home’’—you'd know the place 4 Sas well os : .-By any other name!;}The -clock ticks so much ‘louder:then-—-"°°".*:: We-dion*t have much to,say;It’s awful lonesome at eur house— 'When Ma’s away! It’s awful lonésome—why the cat,It neyer comies around,' And as for Towser;.the old dog, He never can -be found.:|I.s'pose’:they much =.. _As ever we doe~say,.' It’s awful.lonesome’.. .*.house——°‘siWhen -Ma'g away!ey It's awful lonesome .’round —the’0 MOUSE re ris Nights,ch,how the wind:moans! at,our «Clear down,to our,bones!But,ee "he -sleeps.ahd.shores,60siePamarcaMieElisAin't lonesome then,but-~say,..:We boys,«somehow,we can’t sleep at nights——:©a weSs;When.Ma's away!': It’s awful lonesomeBone;,eerie..We always know,thougli,.-yes, She’s coming:back again,and 60, We bear the lonesomeness,‘But’if’some day,she »,sliouldn’tcome,If,God should keep her—say!Could we then bear the.lonesome- ‘when,Bhe’s .ness—-| :With Ma away? i —Geo..N.Lovejoy. Sauerkraut and Longevity. Denver Times;; Byer.since Elie Metchnikoff,-di rector of the Pasteur.‘Institute, Paris,aniounced the discovery.of{the little germ,contained in ~sowr milk and buttermilk,»which »tendslife persons have acquired ~théliabitofdrinkthgsourmilkdaily. Many “others,to whom sour milk is extremely,distasteful,-have re-| luctantly done ‘without it,while hop- ing and longing for the discovery of It’s dwful lonesome.when she'saehatSere ‘miss her,’most as It’makes mé and:Ned Skeery-like|. Wednesday,January Is Fix this date in your mind and be sure. ,to make no other ENGAGEMEMT for. -you will certainly wishto see the SPE-.‘QIAL PRODUCTION of EUGENE ot oo WALTER'S ©r SO EGR a nee ae..y «. Pronounced ‘by ‘EVERY DRAMATIC.GRITIC in this country and by two mil- -Jion fitve-hundred thousand persons ad’the GREATEST PLAY OF THIS GEN- ERATION.‘Two years’run atthe As-“.tor Theater,New York City." PRICES:50c.,75c.,$1.00-and $1.50, SEATS ON SALE AT-THE,POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY'S. some other equally efficacious pro- longer of:life..o One.has been found at last.It} is a little germ contained in sauer-| kraut.A lactic acid.bacillus has| been.found in sauerkraut possess-| ing all the good qualities of the} A double marriage’of eloping North.Carolinians to6k-place.at Louisville,Ky.,‘Sunday.They| were Thos.C.Hull.and Miss Bon-|nie LL.Medford,Hascue Haynes) and Miss Leila A.Cathey. Clyde Haywood coutty,N.C.,ex-| |pou.cannot.take the ssouy mitk, All of |ment to offset the ravages wrought lactic acid bacilli in sour milk..If} it is now’suggested.by-.-Metchnikoff that‘you.tr¥the sauerkraut —treat- by time and old age on the human. sySteni.mi e ‘es We the undersigneg having bought theentirestock and good will of Mr.S.B,Miller,the Shoe Man,| respectfully solicit:the’continued patronage of friends and customers,We desire'also to ask one and all to give us a chance for your business.* -4-It is our purpose.to carry only good goods and to sell only on-close margins. §Itis only by honest dealings and careful and painstaking watchfulness for the interests of our oc f ;i ‘Pr SiHitmore and is now in business in St.Louis.The four'met in Louis- ville by appointment. To set .on,foot ‘a movement bo erystalize sentiment in’Oklahoma in favor of.the nomination of Theo. dore Roosevelt,a meeting was held at McAlester,”Okla.,Sunday,atwhichrepresentativesof24°coun- ties were présent.Resolutions were adopted pledging the.State to Roosevelt and a fund of morethan$5,000 was..subscribed —for the purpose of promoting Roose- velt sentiment. Secretaryof War Stimson,acting upon -an exhaustive report from the veneral staff,has decided that no less than 16 amd probably 18° existirg army posts should at once be abendoned “in order to put ari/ end to ‘the extrayagance and inef+ ficieiicy resulting from improper dis- tribution.of the mobile army,”’‘Theabandonment:of these.posts,-the Secretary says,would mean a Bay- ing of $5,500,000 a year. A blow upon the elbow during a boxing match,Friday,resulted jin a broken neck and the:instant death of Hough Rouden,a student of the Burns Academy,at Gadsden,Ala.Rouden and Foster Jenkins,also.a pupil’of the ‘school,wére boxing when Jenkins slashed in an upper -Im the latest reports of work done’‘by the Pasteur —Institute,| Metchnikoff cites a largé number of} cases of men and women who have} greatly improved their chance of} reaching a ripe old age Ly pvaitak- in,freely of saurkraut Police Methods Exposed. The interested attitude of the Majorityof the audience toward the.“Thire Degree’scene,in Charles Klein’s big ‘play,“The Third De- gree,”tends .to.indicate how,fewreallyarefamiliarwiththemeth- od of police inquiry Taid bare by the: author of the play:.—ad., s ete ry iP “uppatrons,that we hope to win your confidence and esteem.' {Don't fail to see-us arid let us show ‘you.how well we can serve you,Yours truly, a P.3.Open for business February Ist. Sherrill-White Shoe Com’y, (S.B;Miller old stand)112 West Broad Street. ~MONDAY,FEBRUARY 5TH,1912, “County Sales Day” Anythingthat has a money value will “find [S in Statesville. an active market in. invention,manufactured’to make a hero of him at the expenseofthefriendwhohasmosteffec-. tually served him.1 do not assume that the is aware of thé dastardly work being done by his alleged agents,but the fact remains ~that Governor Wilson knows as well as I ‘do that the story is false.He may or may not feel that he owes anyobligationtoColonelHarvey.That is a matter of which he must be the judge.But I,do insist thathef“eweg it to his honor to repudi- ate that story andi to disavow thosewhoarestrivingtoinjectthecal- umny into‘the public mind.i“At Governor Wilson’s instance, I had undertaken to assist his ac- credited Managers in”raising’theconsiderablesumsofmoney,need- ful to the prosecution of his ¢am- Ppaign,and in this my efforts.werenotwhellyunfruitful.As the.busi- ness proceeded,the name of Thom-| Ryan not unnaturally came,into.my mind.He is a Democrat. Heé'is'a Virginian.He is my friend. Knowiug.him to be a disinterested man,having no axe to grind,I hop- to heip out what T believed to be a wor- thy cause.Governor Wilson's man- agers were delighted with the sug- gestion.Colcnel Harvey’had noth-ing ‘whatever to do With it,and, so far as I am aware,knew nothing whatever alout it,en ;“Throughou’this unhappy affairIhave-been an unwilling witness —in.its cousequence somewhat ofaninnocent,bystander—having been up tq the hour of the Harvey inci- dent,:a sincere believer in Governor Wilson ©He is a man of ability.In some wavs he might prove a candi- Sate of >fo itt ete hikePresident,we“if he became ,our might discover,all too-date,that he _possesses ’personal peculiarities‘which wduid prove disastrous,We/owant-in the White House a man #f©proad mind,as well as pdlishe ® .\\“Governor Woodro tellect,of heart’grateful’and ‘ind, no less than darfing.”’8 Not True,Saye Gov.Wiison.. |New.York Dispatch,26th.Wilson,on thisdeparturefor‘Boston on the mid- eh OS #re Re ;re in-4 Jin awihom Hes-the-pest—hepe. sa‘‘ons.:I have not seen him since that time.If-I mistake not,there is an implication,perhaps,in Col- oliel Watterson’s letter to Senator Timan—probably_not intended—to the effect that -he secured.funds for,this eampaign from Mr.Ryan. No such contribution has been made and this,of course,Colonel Wat- terso:.knows well.= “The wellktimed assaults -uponGovernorWilsonarerenderinga real service.I will specify one re- spect:Since the beginningof.these attacks I have received in my mailb many small contributions from all over the country from people who have not been asked ‘to:contributeand.whom neither I nor Governor Wilson know.Their letters convey expressions of ‘resentment at the um- fair’and cohcerted attacks that ane being made upon him.” Washington Dispatch,27th, Greensboro News. The Woodrow,Wilson forces —are in fine fettle tonight.They liked the statement which Mr.McCombs gave out in reply to Colonel Wat- terson and they are convinced ‘thatbeforethelastisheardofthis Harvey-Watterson affair the oppo- sition will not only find itself cov- ered with confusion,but largelydiscredited.‘Nobody here .even af- fects the belief that Governor Wil- son authorized.any friend of his to seek aid from Wall street sources and the views of ‘Manager MtCombs, as expressed ‘in this “formal ptate- ment,may be pafely regarded as voicing the viewpoint of Governor to ered—-yery “probable that Mr.Me- Combs got in touch:with Governor Wiison before giving tis statement ment to the press. Gov.Wilson.waé in Boston.Sat-urday and in.titroducing him.to:an audience.of business’men,Hon.Richard Olney,Attorney General underOléveland,said he presentedthe..Governor,“not as a high offi-cial,mot as aj candidate,nor as a Democrat,but as the type of man for ‘the notes of a.screech owl, Wilson himself,because ft.is cgmsid-|— cut which Rouden caught on his elbow..The .force of the —blow, however,stood him on his head andresultedinthe-dislocation of ©his neck in the’fall. Music.The .Bighfalutin Charity and Qhitdren, The Statesville Landmark -hasstrucka“ich -vein‘in diséussinghighfalutinchurchmusic.A great deal needs to Le said on this:sub- ject.[mpcssible and agonizing mu- sic im a church choir is’a pretty good sign tnat the church is g0o- ing out»of bue'ness.as an gelizing agency..Good.soulful sing-ing is always in order and ak ways helpful,buc some of the songs heard in oar charches on Sundaymorninghaveinthemaboutthe same spiritual fervor to bé found-in Money-in-the Slot Typewriter. The tax-typewriter is the latest. It is being installed in hotels and other public places.The.Tribune, el in.Concord,says: “Nhe typewriter is equipped with a slot.and by dropping five cents in tthis you cab ‘write 14 lines;for10ts30lines,and for 25 cents:lines.number of lines have been written the machine automatically locks it- self.”°——— And So is:Gov.Wilson. Charlotte Observer.” Oscar Underwood and Tom __Mar- shall-are looking better to more, people every day.)Ch enn «i ,Advertised Letters., Following is\a list\of letters remaining in the pentane 6:ee N.C..for the weel ehd-| i ar)3 :f ‘qttadam Bolobis Durmontus:Hettié M.Ganos, r.irs.A.“. bbin Pearce,Billy Smith,Dr.H.M,Simpson,Miiee Bettie Walker,Mrs.John Williams. Nags -DEWEY L.:RAYMER,P.M, country’s:future..I.may “add that|he ‘ids a capacity and propensity, wt wae ON ey evan-| Cees one installed-in the bho- When -the specified |: Mrs_Kattie Morver,|, Persons calling for any of the above will please| Or “Dyspepsia “i#*‘America’s.curse.Bur-|| Joc ood Bitters conquers dyspepsiaeeaetrivertoutimpurten,tone the ‘stomach,restores perfect di-woutien,normal weicht andgood health. Statesville on “Coun Bring to town anything you have to sellin the way of Farm Products,Eggs, Chickens,Hogs,Pigs,Dressed Pork,Horses,Mules,Buggies,Wagons,etc.,and the committee will sell it for you without any charge. The first ‘County Sales Day”in Statesville 1912: -Each ‘County Sales Day”the crowds will be larger and more business will be done.‘The first Monday in each month is going to be the biggest trading day for buyers and sellers. The Sales Day Committee want their good friends in the country to co-operate ‘with them to help make ‘‘County Salés Day”the great success it will be.Bring:. ‘buyers and sellers together means satisfaction for both. Many sales will be made privately.You will not be put to one cent of expense, as the services of auctioneer will be free and the use of City weighing scales on that day will also be without charge. ing large crowds of Sales Day, :welcome. room,and.good shelter. ‘The general manager,Mr.Hugh R.Cowles,whom you all know,will be on’ hand and ready to render you every assistancepossible.: @ Y.Write the secretary and send hima list of what you expect to ville on’Sales Day,as he will wish,to advertise it without expense to you. ask him for any information you desire.ee W.L.GILBERT,Secretary P.S..Read the ads,in each issue-of The Landmark about “County Sales Day.’ It was a splendid success,as we told you it would be,and we had a big crowd,too,considering the very unfavorable weather._ae .Not only our own people in Iredell are invited to be in Statesville on ‘‘County ”but buyers and sellers from adjoining counties will be more than The committee will make them feel at home and they will be well sat- isfied with the prices their products bring.: _.THE AUCTION SALES WILL BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 11 O’OLOCK ON. MONDAY.FEBRUARY 5TH.Po The auction salés will take place on Anderson lot,one block. office,corner Center and Sharpe streets.©If it is raining or bad weather sales will _ be.conducted in the old Farmers’Tobacco Warehouse,where,there is plenty of was held on Monday,January 1st, s below the post: 5 \\ bring to States- Also Address, \\-Sales Day Committee, ry 9 Statesville,N.C.