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M.E. Statesville Cir. Minutes 1919-1922
Microfilmed by North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History Division of Archives and Manuscripts Kaleigh,North Carolina ~IREDELL COUNTY|METHODIST CHURCH.STATESVILLE CIRCUITGUARTERLY.CONE ERENCE IMU YEARS:/7/2-/922PAGES:NOT NUMBEREDFILMED<=NOVEMBER,1165REDRATIO+Il /|CUSTODIAN :MR HOMER KEEVER40BOSTSTREETSTALESVILLE,N.C. LIST OF THE CHURCHESWHICHATVARIOUSTIMESCONSTITUTEDTHESTATESVILLECIRCUIT,STATESVILLE DISTRICTWESTERNNORTHCAROLINACONFERENCEOFTHEMETHODISTCHURUE QSTATESVILLE CIRGUITBETHELNEWSALEMBETHLEHEM=PLEASANT GROVECHAPELHILL=»PROVIDENCECONNELLYSCHAPELSHILOHMIDWAYTRINITYMOUNTPISGAH=YRQYUITMAN (i nferer "Ce OFFICIAL ROLL f Members for the year rot District, OFFICIAL RELATIONS: MINUTES .Charge The Quarterly Conferggce-for the current year 1917? Conference.Charge,;District j ri 7 4 Asst ‘We pd ohe i LA.:coven Conference,was held at penal,dhcA Th Neg gly <,(Mel a + 41TH QR.|SPECIAL|SPECIA mn the chair.AfterAML...ger lolz...ponhuilady 4 jf.4.5 9 DATE |DATE DATE i ,' religious services,conducted by ,‘‘Adiz teas elected Secretary The roll !and the following members were present Question 7,(@)/s there a wrilten reporl from the preacher tn char n the general state of the Church? (See Supplement.yi (6)From superintendent of the Sunday school?“1 :(See Supplement leader?f (See Supplement.) Oucs.2.What statistics have been reportedto the Annual Conference STATISTICAL REPORT NO.| Local preachers,|Church buildings ¢7Idditionsonprofessionoffatthad4 Value Ad |Churches damaged,eta Parsonages damaged,ete f Additions by certificate,ek b Indebledness Amount!af damag Removals,death,lo...6.66 +enue Parsonages.Loss collected... Present total membership.....6./0 Value...Number of societies, Adults baplized,..ssecccccsees LI Indebledmess.ois ccccccevecees Members Infants baplized |Value other Church property.Church papers:General organ j }. Churches in Char ge...ccccess 'Insurance carried..cons l¢vs ,"Conf.organ SL STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II. Other objects Home Dep irtment ’ | Sunday schools..Vo,in all other departments oD || Officers and teachers Enrol/iment in all depar sinent OF Cradle Roll. See Supple ment Training classes.Amount for missions s -4 Other objects :ues Vhat are doing erature into all the homes of Wesley Bible Classes fmt.raised r ¢Total from S.S.and E.L..Ques,10.What has been done by ning Churc/‘Sunda n 20 Less amt,elsewhere reported STATISTICAL REPORT NO.ITI iss'd.&tS.Pa ‘Flame Missi te Pai s ised Sunday scho x ro tid,Conf.Mi harge,and have thes Expend Incident *b :s reported twice Nol elsewhere reported Grand fotal for the has jl peey apportioned to the Churches LL,uu.PATOL Ofihkd Y 'questions:(1)WhatBLE)—(3 it Aikseeertodoeronages 24 en ng ret Ne eae Give hurches of s.&.Have a Church lay leader and the fo tine committees ?lecle hj hu? mittee (4+)An Evangelistic Commitice (¢)A Social Service Commitice their reports?(See Supplement Ques.6.Has a Missionary Commitice been appointed in every Sunday school, Missionary Day?ue 'oy fj14...\Gneete (tH thLouhed4AePtiPoOaQues.7.Who are appointed to assist the pastor in the circulation of our Christian literature?-j ,« Ques.8.Who are appoin'ed to examine Church registers and records of Church Conferences and reportat the nex terly Conference whether they have been faithfully hep? LMS.Pog What amoun n raised the presentPf,arper for t portof the ministry,and how has it been applied?Bille 19.05%CbdA $50.©|Slob $116.0mBlh.OF |A.aeily Bb.$0\OC.24.27 weiciellyaf /#0 he pre "*hhanag Printing mitnules elicf of poor Sunday School Day Sunday school missions Sunday school supplies ther purposes sha (he present quarter,and what is the report of the Chur See Supplement OMS OUSINGSS ‘in mference: VCCOMMenda Ton 5)Trustees vacancies to i filled 6)Uther m lancous busi Iiyatee ud le fic he 24 GDtA228.AWhurshenSVUCheer7Art.dathert Ques.26.Where shall the nevi Quarterly Conference be held Wz thbh he 441.The minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned, U4. re -SL,Ws elei tvum Presiding Elder; .Secretary ; Recording Steward. MINUTES Ofcb+;‘Z Ouarterly Conference for the current year 1918 i,f 7 7 ,-Matidrclle CL .01 Bhiltsut..P4 LhVOL 4 Charge,Awd,Lhd LA cs.District ference,was held at After elected Secretary The //, Br HA.Kbvhird ACaL.MYtr ASW °K lark. Kez |A he Chur (See Supple ment Qi )From supert upplement leader?halt (See Supplem Oues,2.What stat cs ha beer i foe alter STATISTICAL REPORT NO | Local preachers,‘Church burlding Churches damaged,et Idditions on profession of faith Parsonages damaged,et4’ Additions by certificate,ek fmount of damage Removals,death,et Loss collected Present total membership Value Number of societies Infants baptized ;vend Value other Church property Church papers:General organ |Adults baptized,.....+sebee Indebtedness see Members Churches in charge Jncnvance carried ‘Conf ovean STATISTICAL REPORT NO.It Leagues.Other objects ..:/lome Depirtment Members a Sunday schools.4 Vo,in al her departments FOY MISSHORME.6 ace cee eeeees Officers and leachers....:Euroldiment in all deparimenis, } L Anniversary Day ie Cradle Roll Training classes,Amount for missions Other objects ble Cla Ami Total from S.S.and E.1 pintne Chur Sund Less ant.elsewhere reportcd STATISTICAL REPORT NO.III fiome Missi SPecia fRaised by Sunday sthools., reported tt Vol elsewhere repor li Grand total for Support of the preacher in charg Have a Church lay leader and the following committees been elected fo»tach Church? mitive (0)An Evangelistic Commitice A Social Service Commitice their reporis?(See Supplement >é ,Ques,6,Hasa Missionary Commitice bcen appointed in every Sunday school,and does eveMissionaryDay? Whe are appointed lo assist the pastor in the circulation Jf our Christian literature? Vues Who are appointed to examine Church registers an d A of Church Conferences and report ad the next Qua: terly ¢atwhether they have been faithfully kept?“L1h/«TUAW4 f 4CA..t.dide a,Y.42 th Ouarter/; read and appro Conseren r for the support o Ly mie ges! f ¢be held? ed,and the C:mf ve v BLM L4, / KILAMLLA Bri waily ¢adjourned, ry,and heepee. LIS|Gol { tr /ob |8/22.5 C.B/I2-¢1 port of the Chur wa Presiding Elder; “Lh.Morrgrur-‘Secrelary; f ofidea Recording Steward.(fa boy <tineft-ts~*~Ve epic —_a4 :4 ;1 at pbeved_ a WY 6 Gs ; +nk.Atthi Joo:on MINUTES BilaerMe C7 Wrlp«LH al 1o1%...,WO Quarterly Con Charge, Conference,was held at.WOMfretyh religious services,conducted by elected Secretary. Question /.(4)Js there a written report srom the prea her in charge (See Supplement(i (6)From superintendent of the Sunday school?|... leader?(See Supplement.) innual Conference?Ques.2.What statistics have been reported to the STATISTICAL REPORT NO.| |¢Aurch buildings. | Value Local preachers, Additions on profession of faith Indebtedness. } arsonages, Additions by certificate,et Removals,death,etc....i| Present total membership...Value... Adults baptized |Indebtedness Infants baptized Value other Church property. Insurance carried.Churches in charge STATIGTICAL REPORT NO.I! Other objects .. ' Sunday schools.i For missions Officers and teachers Anniversary Day.Cradle Roll wl.At The roll was called,and the following me mbers were present: m the general state of the Church? (Ser erence for the current year 191 rz District, A. tyJ the chair. a After was aaSupplementFrom¢haved fay Churches damaged,et Parsonages damaged,ete Amount of damage Loss collected... Number of societies, Members. Church papers:General organ Conf.organ Home Depirtment No,in all other departments Enrollment in all depas iments, Training classes.fmount for missi Other objects Wesley Bible Classe Ami.ra Total from 2.ene &.2. Pup joining Church Sund Less ant.cleewhere reporicd. STATISTICAL REPORT NO.ill Hlome Conf Expended for Ch and far Incident Urpenses Less itoms reported twis /asuran Vol elsewhere reported Grand total for the 4 for the support of tanpreacher hurches? ct work,$ A Generali tu wen apportioned ta the Churche sf?.ues.§.Have a Church lay leader and the f Hlowing committees t Church? mittee »)in Evangelistic Commitice Service Commiltee their reports?(See Supplement Ques,6,1 fi ,,;-,Has a Missionary Commitice been appointedin every Sunday school,and does et Missionary Day? Ques.7.Who are appointed to assist the pastor in the circulation of our Christian literature? u ,in?..Ques.8.Who are appointed to examine Church registers and records of Church Conferen:(the next Ou terly Conference whether they have been faithfully kept? ill: Ques Ques.70, charge?..... Oues con faithfully kepl? ‘ue , Ques, Cues. if 42. yr of church 78. 19 in the ly What are we doing of education?(See Supptement./8 What has been done by the pastor and his asyistant to pul our Christian literature into ail the homes of this Have the General Rul J Vi o-n read? Are ther:CAurca ? Jit cords of Church Conde Missionary Society? vrences for cach Church in this charge,and have they,a (See Supplement.) Are there ref iru !th show in ar ;f vpended }Wa ‘n ch h parsonage ,;{urved,and what amuMfa wer lo the following questions:(1)What is n the same during the year?(2)What is the value of hools?(4)What amount has been paid (6)Do the Where are they recorded?(Give and nt has been collected thereon? he title papers kept?(8 Suppl rship? und page.)|this report in ement How mar Who ar Who is elected Recording Steward card?Who is elected District 5 denis?Who ave electcd Sunday Scho i Saperinien ’ ;JoyWhoiselectedChargeLayLeader ues 2a heen raised the preowen Lr hs —f 0.0 %Gul,have.£1760 GdelblIrs3)} CorellydCold ...|.0...8°%-v0.78.PLbo...Y tt Y 7ChefAMAkALLbAII Qurs.23 What k Aeon va the present quarter Building,repairis Orphanage ,iin ,Building,repairt rinting minutes Sunday School Day Sunday school missions Sunday school suppites Other pu rposes many Chur Conferences have been held during the present quarter,and w hat is the report cf the Churct oe ecretary?(See Supplement.)+ Js there any miscellaneous business?dis Imy appeals or complaints (2)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation of Presidents of Senior Leagues (3)Exhorters’license Reports (g)District Conference:(a)Election of Delegates to (6)Recommendation for license to preach (5)Trustees vacancies to be filledsoOrtaptaestienmnenentene.nl».iedaal taetani a oft.! MbhaheL a ATC teadetQues,26. acres Me J.* ere shall thé next Quarthriy Conference be held? 7he minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. eM wee Presiding Elder; wvSecrelary ; Recording Steward. i esit ; MINUTES 1 fiea (See Supplement G4 )from , vf ,‘ph Whatues ws Local prea hers Additions on pros i Additions by certificate /,Removals,death,ef Present total membersh Adults haplia ‘nfanis baptized.. Churches in charge eT Leagues Members y For missions Officers Anniversary Day.Cradi tebledness ther we carried «curvent year sored Aw 4 ”E.,in.the hair ftYwell 'Cgusesence Jor ft istrict, A fler ren TATIGTICAL REPORT NO.I ildin Parsonay lmount o Vumber of societies Membes hun hurch papers:General organApri nf.overan ATISTICAL REPORT NO.II hject s Jlome Depiriment echool Vo.1 all other departments ton Lnrol-ment in all departments Koll limount Jor missions ;Other objects imt.raised on S.S,Day..—»|Total from S.S.and E.L Sunday school supplies.......Less amt,elsewhere reported STATISTICAL REPORT NO.III. Home Mission Special..Paid,$|Raised by Sunday schools... Conf.Alission Special...Paid,Raised by W.AM.S.. E-xpended for Ch.and Par.Pa. |Less items reported twice. surance Premiums ....Paid,-..-..Wj-.+|Nol elsewhere reported dental expenses.....Paid, |Epworth League |Grand total for the year... the Board of Stewards for the support of the preacher in charge (and h n apportioned to the Churches?. the District Stewards?For presiding elder,8 Gencral work,8 And how haz Churches of this charge? ommittees been elected for cach Church?(a)A Missionary Com istic Commitice (c)A Social Service Commiiltee ___.fad wheal ere Supplement.) Mas a Missionary Committee been appointed in every Sunday school,and does every school observe a month! onary Day? Who are appointe »>assist lie stor in the circulation of our Christian literaturc?é oe A eee Nine Church registers and records of Church Conferences and report at the next Quar berly Conference whether they have been faithfully kept? dee Supplement.) Ques.9.What are we doing jor the cause of education?p :sti i ?into ’h s of this 0 been ¢,J €n tour Christian lilerature into a 1 the home.» ues,70.Whai has bee done bythepasto and his assistant fo put ou h A h C4780P -...mmen--e 7 "[P.asQues.11.Have the General Rules been read?......cat -ae -:.;1 the .wt ds of C.‘mnferences for cach Church in this charge,and have Ques.12,Are there Church registers and records Church Confe f; Albeenfaithfullykept?L444 / O Is there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Society?. ues i?7 ‘:tike ry.Who ave the trustees of Chur h property?A4l (See Supplement.) )(ue ,‘sporis from the trustecs,and :.' Ques.15.Are there ~~.nd what has been expended on the same during the year?(2)What is the value of parsonages,and whal R 7 ,:/on churches,parsonages,and schools?(4)What amount has been paid the same?(3)Whatam ,Whal av (of losses,tf any,has occur ved,and what amount has been collected thereon (6)Do the (5 hal amountof 1085 <>hat h ber ‘7 7 the de alld th i i pn ein tae Discipi ae?)Where are the lille papers &k pi (8)Where are they recorded (Give d eds contain a rus ave S$’“a ’’ ,, ff book,and page.)(Spect !form is provided for this report in Supplement MA office,bouk,and page.S : w f wo ’ Oues.16.How many societies are there which do nol own houses of worship “70.‘iti the number of churches an uni of insurance ts carrte -it ti car?Ques./7.Who are elected stewards for the ensuing year t .“Gig Pde b. I shh.Z Vi, ¢KU00...) lO.MApbb at M + “ /*i? Oues.18.Who is elected Recording Slewari Ques,19.Who is elected District Sleward? (/4es,40+Oo are Cictice Sunday och iS periniend fs es,20.Wh cled :Ss p Who is elected Charge Lay Leader? ;raised the prasent quarter fur the support of the ministry,and how fas tt been applica!+©{J jwtlyy “HII NE 62.48 |1Cf14-18 o 4 a 46reecel yy ATortefty >Vhat has beey rnishin hurch TT|Alththin,84.09)!Ab.oeSBA« Iolil Ltd. guarter for other objects? R4LO..AL ‘(A Yy : iad attra PIR.fera Line,Z ut Ue UML hit’/ /~4+e urch Conferences have been held during the present quarter,and what is the report cf the ¢ (See Supplement.) ues.25.1s there any miscellaneous business? (4)Any appeals or complaints (2)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation of Presidents of Senior Leagues (37)Laxhorters’license Reports (4)District Conference:(a)Election of Delegates to (6)Recommendation for license to preach (5)Trustees vacancies to be filled r miscellanegys businessLh,}CWLh a kd ire ;Lz -’ esece onesercceressoossosercceoseess os “Wa,::ove erecs °coos , :"Ques,26,Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?LA 4 Yu he eet icaafisstcsnscnsecexscvn sectuesseecess j wi,ino ‘ ‘/7he minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned.a mg ;,}f esessvsesreeeceeemm Presiding Elder;oo?.4 \.Yo .., Fay htecording Steward. Llp Oy rs 'aeSteg PeteditedFotelAitevteCrrvrcacitle: Ga.Miler,Ue Ailju.,FCh Mblllnger.Gf;itd & Wir (sii tlt fiat Ode Eben Cb heope-rythlays beafl |PG.b,.dh,V/M/Word +0G Mae. Mead ye Her Dh pitllie ene.dn SF ||A ¢;Uettk?Yul * Chef hl nett hey &he a Oe ae tet +COU nelly,4 ChefoeMeMarlyM(Ler gah,Y/,f Ur “nF :py IGbebofle ,ALY 7,0.Yfustzr . I A iL hVrakHp,J 9p»S |oe +W 6,/Marse4Of¢“litt 4ou—-| tL Gu Z P a Mel —JI Hck oo,UWGu AM ,|gotNah Leslee Me he CaaS Bh Lies MINUTES OF ADJOURNED SESSION OFFICIAL ROLL Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 1a@ Letievill cf Charge, A,Fey l _Wp Wi (|'Conference. he UY iA W/,Wt “jdMiu:P.¢4ASST. z "NAMES CrAL °Q 2 OR ary QR.|SPECIAL |SPECIAL DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE J; tl.in .Mawes ad Ones The Minutes were re MINUTES OF ADJOURNED SESSION OFFICIAL ROLL .‘F ;Quarterly Conference Roll of Members Jor the year rh ?Pitierih of Charge,,wa fi YY “4 ;JHU.atvev iA vistrie,.Mth HA?,Wi Mbt KAhhW2lA¥ar. Conference. Pi &.Asst. ist OR 2008 30 OR 47H QR.|SPECIAL |SPECIALOFFICIALRELATIONSDATEDATEDATEDATEDATEDATE +phar Printing minutes...sq... Epworth Le ague Anniversary Day.... Hospitais Incidental expenses.:... BOONES oocscecsis Ones Ques (See Supplement Ones (See Supplement | : e| |The Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. FP.Cs Recording Steward. Secretary. OFFICIAL ROLL MINUTES ae Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 191 ,Charge,The <Yi ppd Quarterly Conference for the current year 1084H.tewill (7 SodirhteDistrict,Conference.lk ei s ,Charge, P.C ‘deat Wi “Ul Conference,was held at SALx ity ouewees Isr OR.|20QR.|300R.|4rH OR.|SPECIAL|SPECIAL Vo U -L 7 i 17 ’Y :a :V/P.>in the chair.After RELATIONS:GDATEDATE|DATE |DATE |DATE DATE cligions services,conducted 6)Uy.a i.J o WL homfctrne. |lec p<.ry ,}“i ;”lth f./,Ay ni 7fhdtnemcmocrswere District, concasmecessnemeemaiieases uestion s )Js there a written +'rea in cha ‘’re lale of the Church?ALA. (See Supple me iQ (4)From suporintende f ys 0b}(See Sup p lement (o)From char oe (See Supplement What statistics ha n A ‘th nt rence?Att f"LAA of ‘ial STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 Local preachers.Church buildings Churches damaged,et Additions on profession of faith Value ‘$Parronig damaged,ete. Additions by cer tificate,et Indebledne ;.mount of damage Removats,oe |ae Parsona ges Loss collected... Present total member 1 Value .,Number of societies, Adults baplized oe Judebledness Members lnfanis baplized.......alue other Church property Church papers:General organ Churches in charge nsuvance carried '::Conf.ovean <i STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II, Other objects .‘Tome Deprriment... Sunday schools.oeeees No.in all other departments... (VF ers and teachers eee Envroliment in all depariments, |j Cradle Roll lmount for missions Other objects S.Day nee |Total from S.S.and £.L .|Sunday school supplies Less amt.elsewhere reporicad STATISTICAL REPORT NO.Iti, .;r>;|.*.,;n Special...Paid,$Raised by Sunday schools. VWission Special...Paid,Raised by W. ended for Ch.and Par.Pd. tental Paid,|Less items reported twice | nAsurance premiums Paid,.Vol elsewhere reported ad by Epworth Leagues Grand total for the year. d by the Board ef Stewards for the support of the preacher in charg: {w has tt been apportioned to the Churches?/4 Ge :oy. =od / Fro } ’-tO f ff ld rv rge by the District Stewards?For presiding elder,Ste General work,ef 7 r . Ahort mference work,IMO... es of this charge? And how have t Church lay leader and the following committees been elected for cach Church?(a)A Missionary Com )An Evangelistic Commitice (c)A Social Service Committee.And what are ¢Supplement.) Vissionary Committee been appointed in every Sunday school,and does every school observe a month!) i (0 assist the pastor in the circulation of our Christian literature?inte ll )Ques.8 Whoare appointed to examine Church registers and records of Church Conferences and report at the next Quart lerly Conference whether they have been faithfully kepi? joing/ n done by the pastor a (/nes the numthe rn" Who is elecle +the Canse of education?(See Supplement,) »all the homes of thisfjassistantlopulourChristianliteratureint harge,and have thes See Supplement stions:(1)Whati WH hal is the value of tamount has been paid thereon?(6)Do the they vecorvded?(Give Sunday Che i Charge Lay Leader? taf Be tat Vt G “vir (urs~ 7 The minules were ,and how has it bern applied?G50| Ae ee él LS:78 J I AF Cox att, a ents af Senior Lraguea‘iii ia aleeeeiwcahah HeFallon tl le” ed,and the CeY.,¢adjourned, Zz Presiding Eider ;oh . tte filled wy.ptherFP “se «Ti ;WY. 46,Where shall the nevi uarterly Conterence be held? read and appro: Secretary ; Recording Steward. 4 &.0¢iP fyae930mis|WAA Auf A L tae ad Hi Array i tae G CAnien./Yt , Gomes ALehrwet oA UU aw ,St Awe yi"/nner ae bh ,tb Aavt Ate nel Ar {FL AA. oS ned pr SaYUVy, wg serttta'eee.2 CVO.i WUAAKG .te rw nd it at naeCrthaereay("Ge ra fg el {Jt v peat T eter L- AD bhatt Cy,he ; YeAhk jSE See | UY.A G21 yee Conntthe rr0f pol,leyZe “A Aa Legrtth ,(ome aol “Dek, —<.Ciurt A 44 7th ‘Sa thr Lifter wet 4-@Ced rat ét "Grd wank 4 VA Lit ANd SEALE.aUhre<p AGK Vir hw Fitter , vVrw hee fY- MINUTES Quarterly Conference Sor.the current year tah f ’ CaAarge,7 ((,gf -co un ference,was held at w LL, :ro?s ,:f !;PLE.in the chair.After District, eligious services,conducte d by ‘:‘K..&_i 4 ’di 4“-rwas ted Secretary The roll w called,and th llowine members were 0 ‘)written veporl from the preacher in char m the general state of the Church?uestion 4.(a)Is there a written report -7 (See SupplementGi.(6)From supe vintendent af ‘he Sunday school 4 Vir-(ef <.(See Supplement.)(A From chare leader?A co (See Supplement (Ques,2,What statistics have been fed to the Annua mference STATISTICAL REPORT NO.| Local preachers Church buildings Churches damaged,et } Additions on profession of faith Value Parsonages dam aged,ete. Additions by certificate,et Indebtedness Amount of damage Removals,death,etc..Parsonages,Loss collected Present total membership....Value....Number of societies, Adults baptized.eteeeee etee Indebtedness Members j j Infants baptized evces Value other Church property.Church papers:General organ Insurance carvied oeecele ’Conf.organ...Churches in charge... STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II. Other objects ....Home Deprrtment | Sunday sthools,.No,in all other depariments.. Officers and teachers ee Enroliment in all departments, ' Cradle Roll . limount for missions Imi,vaised on S.S.Day.. Sunday school supplies STATISTICAL REPORT No.tu, ‘-4,4 flome Missi mn Special..Paid,§ SAM Conf.Mission Special Paid, pended for Ch.and Par.Pa tental expens Paid, surance premiums ....Paid, vy Epworth Leagues for th CAure General Slave a Church lay leader and he fall and vangelistic ¢mmitlee (See Supplement.) flasa Missionary nary Day?Ih (4. ommittee been appointed in every Sunday s Whe are appointed o assist the pastorLe,Kevis ,UliracMoracu,©sa Ab,Ques.8.Who are appointed to examine Chur, terly Conference whgther they harky Slayullykept? the District Steward ©)A Social Serr Other objects. mm |Total from S.S.and £.L.. Less aml,elsewhererep wied. |Raised by Sunday schools., Raised by W.M.S ' Total Less items reported twice... Nol elsewhere reported|Grand total for the year... ¢support of the preacher in charge | hes? is?For presiding elder,@ work,#And how ha Wala “owing committees been elecied for Y/00-0 ¢g."~ 7e.° tach Church?(a)A Missionary Com ce Committee And what are thool,and does every school observe a month!) the circulation of our “O'R ff,eg MHetPAOM,A:ch.+©,Nosinhad h registers and records of Church Con erences and report at the next Quar ' | }' j'' | || | (Wwe Supplement.)Jues.9 Whal are we doing for in What has been done by the pasto Christian literature into alt the homes ofthisOurs,£0.at has been do y th he charge?..... ues.14.Have the General Rule %}es for cach Church in this charge,and have they42,Are there Church? n faithfully kepl? ce Supplement.)Js there a written 14.Who are the trust i h in answer lo the following questions:(1)What isna60>ata Sane vapors a )What is the value of Au es,parsonages,and schools?(4)What amount has been paidnant45)W7Rat omens 3 urved,and what amount has been collected thereon?(6)Do the2gecovepdlagbegerbnanageerates-Wh 'a 'iilie papers hepl?(8)Where are they recorded?(CivecontainthetrustclausedjsSlplonent bovk,and page.)(Sf as ,om /worship? ‘ended on th sme during the year?|¢number of churches an ,'/ Vues.16.How many ¢ 17.Who are elected slewa aQues,28.Who is elected Recording Steward: Ques,19.Who is elected District Steward? .iniendents?Ques Who are eleeted Sunday School Siperinienden -,Who is elected Charge Lay /eader linount for missions. imi.vaised on S.S.Day.. Sunday school su pDplics STATISTICAL REPORT NO.tt, ’d,th 9 €|Mome Mission Special..Paid,§ Sb Conf EL xpended for Ch. Mission Special Paid, and Par,Pd. tental expenses..Paid, /nsurance premiums .Paid, vy Epworth Leagues s0ard of Sten Hn apportione n ahportioned ¢ Conference work,&General ned lo the ¢ ft j hurches of this charge? Slave a Church lay leader and the following (6)An E>mgelistic Commitice seve ¢Supplement.) fas a Missionary M onary Day?I. Committee been appointe:M4 Ques.7.ho.are appointed 1o assist the pastor,we EGE ,Via Morrow Ques,8, lee EAD acyCMAkhiwk+©,2 Who are appoin ther they have bean [aithfullyHoe lo this charge by the District Stewards? work,3 committees been elected for tach Church? )A Social Service Committee. din every Sunday s hool,and does every s the circulation of our ChrOfStee ted to examine Church registers and records of Church Con erenc, Other objects =|Total from S.S.end,L.. Less amt.elsewhere reported |Raised by Sunday schools., Raised by W.Ml.§ Less items reported twice | Not elsewhere reported, Grand total for the ESP.«i ards for the support of the preacher in charge (ar t lo the Churches?. For presiding elder,$ And how have these (@)A Missionary Com «ee And what are hool observe a monthly a4lud gg and reportat the next Quar Ml || < ; Ques.9.What are we doing jor the cau Ques,10,What has been done by the pastor harge? Ques.11.Have the General Rule ues,12,Are there Church regi n faithfully kept? Ts there a wri fen ref Who are the truste Ques.15.Are there repori ¢numbcr of churches and p :)What amount (5)What am reds contain the trust cl *,book,and page.)(Sp esame?( i premiums? muse? herve which donQues.16.How many socieli ve there u )slewarVes.7/7,Who are elected iiaQues,28,Who is elected Recording Steward Ques,19.Who is elected District Steward? Ques. ‘,Who is elected Charge Lay /eader Vhere are the title ; for the ensuing 3 his report (ee Supplement.) ur Christian literature into all the homes of this urch Conferences for each Church in this charge,and have they (See Supplement.) .st my in answer to the following questions:(1)What is expended during the year?(2)What is the value ofhurcheos,and si (4)What amount has been paid urved,and what amount has been collected thereon?(6)Do the pers kept?(8)Where are they recorded?(Give in Supplement.) rship? m the sam parsonag hools? wn h of mn Who ave elected Sunday School Siperinlendents? PIL4Y»ChesifarOhl “Gh Gl B:260.2% £LG Ebeeewrod <a OL.hd.Pont,)[+*giththees Spo PC ¥/0.4%¢ pee aoe hieihe hates fior cf | Urry tte 4(f'bolit viM.#e.vf Ytesti (WI.(¢.Si {‘re i dlof tyeisda ao there Fss apll Ved dL.engl}Coat L YbtCrmae :beg Be tedatiatesiehand’ ttha it.hlUw t.i lhe minutes were read and approved,ar Wg gait Presiding Elder Peng e .Secretary; rding Steward. y dherk,oY 9 Uh |fl = 4h Ee Tepe FIta a Butt of ui. ite 7 hi avethdvs vg 4 Let Yy bir 42 allesro (i 7 tal 4 _—Z (4.0 /f , code ad Q |‘Gheyf .jhe!. AGhteibTGWelle bien Wilt ‘F ONevse. fy ;{i / Cf {dy AL ’‘ e —eaked z 7Hiibis ay2 Yat ye Pi eeey b 4) MM. (CU Mp Che d (1{0\G oe Nagrberf,Alder li f f ; / 7)/1G neve a (See Supp lé ment})From super sce Supplem Oues.2,What statist Local preachers. Idditions on profession 0/ Additions by certificate,et Removals,death,et Present total membership Adults baptized... Infants baptized Churches in charge Leagues Members For missions Anniversary Day |Other objects ‘5 Sunday schools. MINUTES miatle rij ONS CMB NCETihCAarge= Nference,WAS Reid at STATISTICAL REPORT NO hi i current year 10hA F a .4 /Nnsitrta (,MéO jJ; if” Church building CAurches damaged Value Parsonages dama, /Indebtedne fiom Loss unt of damay ollecled Vumber fs Indebtedness tue other Church property ;tedinsurancecarries GSTATIGTICAL REPORT wo.tt Vo Officers and teachers Cradle Roll Members Church papers:Ge flome Depiriment in al/other departments Fnvoliment in all departments ruarley porl of the ministry,and how Aas th been aj a C Kill I S0..,hclelel dt?4 LO 42 Gb.p 3 /(hd , wler,and what is reiary? there any » orth League 3)Baxhorters’licen Distri Accemmendali Trustecs vacan Other miscellancous _ Lhe minules wi ee ee ved,and the Conference ad urn f p ‘/A . P f 4 if .“9Udedeed.ite la Abhi ha M4 oPresedtre Lider; 26,Where thal]the mpxt Quayterly Conference be 4 LILdVlyConferenéa.4 (LyakAb“ e Secrela ry ; Recording Steward. MINUTES Local preachers Additions on pt Imount Additio» Removals,death,et Present total member Jatt tAAdultsapi Infant STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II Leagues... Members ° harinien For mission Anniversary Day we Supp cmaenl.) he homes of this urch in this charge,and have theyy¢ moniilee ry Sunday sh ,and does and records af Church ¢ ise Supp cment.) tl the homes of this uvch tn this charge,and have they Supplement cry Sunday schoo /4rdsOfChurch Conferences and 6.Where Jhe PNINMLES Wy hal the mext Jwarterly Coy rene re read and appro d,an nee adj ourned Pri siding Elder; Secrelary , Recordi ng Steward. hey th bln)(Uh Mbeery ele 4 Me ity )|iV of ul K Hie Hii27AfraftUX0Ai;hs We wey |A Lifeak Vy 7 hg lhreg ily A Dhtihf“ed Wy.caeveh,:all LW PA rttjer Me Lh Jt MA: “7%| Vtg SA i-1A ace | '| /phe Tf My Avr —°7 r f (f p ,‘{yp /A,/,ul 4 F //id /a c.“A f,ieFae/}, if tC Cf fe .Yh.R.vod Dhar Ve a ¢Fbe||Aeaa)g otentLriyWath,(v hae 4 LonShonpag,(Fy MN RK,.Wi te WAA ae‘(2 ri b4 / MINUTES OF ADJOURNED SESSION OFFICIAL ROLL Ouarterly C. Asst Al SPECIAL OFFICIALATIONS DATE fing minutes ague Anniversary Day The Minutes were read and apprpi OFFICIAL ROLL MINUTES Ouarterly Conference R OFFICIAL RELATION STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 lin imount o/ Loss « Removals,deat ;4 / ;°}.Lams r Present total m é Vember Adults CAws infan Chur it League S Members For missio Anniversary Day uc Oues\ we STATISTICAL REPORT Supp cmeni.) / NO.Ill ,istia ’.l the homes of this i]charge? Oues.11.Have t/ Oues. MM been faithfully h Church in this charge,and have they Supplement One Ave there repor wing questions:(1)What ts the num the sam Whatis thet alue of Mhal amount has been paid 1 thereon?(6)Deo th Where they recorded?(Givere mimillee cn appointed in every Sunday s ol,and does CAristian nferences and reportat the next Cu Oues,21.Whot the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has th been appii«FGF FOL GVEN ‘. [AVAL BIL! 7 rrter for other object n held during the present quarter,and what is the report (See Supplement.) re any miscellancous business? Iny ippea Epworth Leagues:Confirmation of President ters’license lion of Delegates t ndation for license to preach cligneous business /, §2ues.26.Where shall the next Ouarte rly Conference be held?~ 7he minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned Presiding Elder; Secretary; Recording Steward. Leagues Members For missions Anniversary Day MINUTES 6TATISTIC AL REPORT nO Ll leh ,j avime?r see Supplement ¢homes of this from S.S.and £/ amt,elsewhere repor STATISTICAL REPORT NO.III. burch in this charge,and have they( See S upple ment vestions:(1)What What fhe valine smount has been fas f {thereon?{Do the ve they recorded?(Gt momillce Supplemen en appointed in every Sunday school,and does every school observe a mont! Avistian litewatur , Who as A 7?i ;€appointed to exam Church registers and records of Church Cons ~ whether theyshave been faithfully kept?(A tid 7 s ba ‘iubportoftheministry,and how Aas tl been i ie 4ATrla y '”Where shall the next Ouarter y Conference be held J he minules were re ;4 /cre cad and appr ved,and the Conferen adjourned - ,’ e LAA}.:;i Presiding]:lder$ Secretary; Recording Stewa rd. MINUTES Quarterly Genference J urvent year rol AY Z Charge,(AAU District, Conference,was held at ¥/ 1)/s therea (See Supplement.)(6)Fr Oues.2.What statistics ha STATISTICAL REPORT NO.I urches damaged,et Local preachers Parsonages damay ed,et Additions on profession of J nith )Sd Additions by certificale,et Imoun!of damage Removals,death,et. ;4 é Present total membership baiue Vamor? Adults baptized.Indebtedness Members ue other Church p i Church papers:General organ Infants baptized ‘val Insurance carriedChurchesincharge STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II Leagues...Other objects ood Iiome Depirtment Members Sunday schools.Vo.in all other di partments For missions Officers and teach Lnroliment in all departments l Anniversary Day........Cradle Roll ee1tmountforOtherobjectsSeeSuppleWhatar; " Imi.raised Total from S.S.and E.‘pristian literature into ail the homes of this 10.Whai has been de ~~hool supplies Less amt,elsewhere report STATISTICAL REPORT NO.III, t.Have th ,l have th || ,h i ‘A Aar ge,and aveomeMissionSpecial..Paid,$Raisedby Sunday schooi ch Church in & |Oues.12,Ave therVWissionSpecial...Paid,Raised by W.M.S heen faithfully kept?Total...f ,,ee Nee Supple mcm Paid,Less items reported twice urance premiums Paid,Vol elsewhere reported Epworth Leagues Grand total for the vear. support of the preacher in char hes? ons:(1)What ts al is the value of h hur j mount has been paidhenumrayOme:;:-ant veon?(6)Do thejhese,.hala ‘.‘dle :t ”q@)WW _.A »pecended (Gin ’)>;mn premiums .i niain the tru hk,and page the District Stewards?For presiding elder,& General work,&And Avw / Have a Church lay leader and the following commitices been elected for each Church? millee (6)An Evangelistic Commitice (c)A Social Service Committee (heir reports?(See Supplement.) 6.Has a Missionary Commitice been app Vissionary Day? Who are appointed lo assist the pastor in the circulation of our Christian literature? Ques,8. lerly Conference whether tacy have bean faithfully kept? (a)A Missionary ¢ And what ointed in every Sunday school,and does every school observe a mont ve h Who are appointed to examine Church registers and records of Church Conferences and report at the next Qua’ ’ Ques,2/.Who is ele and how has il been af uarteri)¢held read and approved,and the Conference re siding Kilder; Secreclary; Recording Steward. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED SESSION OFFICIAL ROLL li ‘i Caen NJ erence. Asst. SPECIAL |SPECIAL DATE DATE FFICIA o ee MINUTES Quarterly Conference Roll of Members Jor the year nfevence Jor the current year 1QPo District, ret. 2 R 3 |AOFFICIAL°Q ©OR 4TH QR.|SPECIAL RELATIONS DATE DATE DATE DATE STATISTICAL REPORT N Leagues partmentsMembers il departments,marr ssioms \Anniversary Day sey 18 esi psbn \e Suppicment.)One What ave we doing jor the :ause of ¢ducation?s sinming classes,Amount for missions ), Other o :.,he djects fea hy the pastor aad i »Christ ¢homes of this ley Bible Cla Ami.va Total from S.S.and FE./;chargPupilsjoinineChusaanaalvSunday“Less ant,elsewhere repor Ques.11.Have th 1h Church in this charge,and have theySTATISTICALREPORTNO.it Ou Are th iss'd,8 Vaid lom ,,s'd,f slome [0 De 4 Raised by Sunday scho been f atsed by W.ML.S ee Supple mont Total Less ifoms reported tu ,[Insurance premiums Vol elsewhere reported | pworth Leagues |Grand total for the year con estimated by the Board of Stewards for the support of the preacher in c/ y r questions:(1)Whati“yf ,<‘j Mf j , '{"/What is the value ,snd sch j ‘amount has been paid /thereon?{Do the current year,and how has it been apportioned to the ¢huvches? j ’ 4 ave they recorded?(Gt37%‘/ 121 P /,ny4.What amount has heen apportioned t i f the istrict Steward iesifrict work .,».s Conjferen "Cenerval work,&And how / rmounis been apportioned to the Churches of this charge? Oues.5.Have «ave a Church lay leader and the following committees been ele led for cach Church?(a)A Missionas millee b's)An Evangelistic Commitice )A Social Service Commitice ind %their reports?(See Supplement.) Ques.6.Hasa Mis Stomary Commilice been appointed in curry Sunday sthool,and does every school observe Missionary /lay? Who are mhoareappointed lo assist the pastor in the circulation of our Christian litevrainye? Ques.8.Who are 4 .0 are appointed to examine Church registers and records of Church ¢onferences and reportal the neal Que terly Conference whether they have been faithfully kept? support of the ministry,and how has th be uvter,and what is the rcporl (See Supple any miscellancomus business? Other miscellaneous bu Ques.26.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held ‘he minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. a MALL A L la k C3 .Presiding Elder; })?)®a w '|K ,Mey tL Z a Secret ry;}A ; .;- /(/9».(A :A (dé mA Recording Steward. MINUTES miference Jor the current year 10e« Distri ‘omen Vam Vember huvch pap i" Leagues Member ‘ For missions L Anniversary Day min ry,and how Aas sf ,Ae tii :mit apy ol,and the nicrence adjourned ding /ld vy Secretary s dings Ste rd MINUTES STATISTICA / TATISTICAL REPORT WN momiller tssist the pasty in the circulation of our Christian literature? Oues Who are appointed to examin,Church ve gisters and records of Church Conferences and reportat the next Quar lerly Conference whether they have been faithfully hep? y,and how has it been applied?!i MINUTES TATISGTICAL REPORT NO.i} Inniversary Day State of North Caralina Departinent of Archives and Historp ?o |ALAC I OH