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M.E. Statesville Cir. Minutes 1902-1905
Mirrofilmed by North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History Division of Archives and Manuscripts Raleigh,North Carolina IREDELL CUUNTYMETHODISTCHURCHSTATESVILLE CIRCUITQUARTERLYCONFERENCEMINUTE YEARS+/902-1905 PAGES :NOT NUMBERED FILMED :NOVEMBER,I1é5RED.RATIO +It /CUSTODIAN :MR HOMER KEEVEIr140BOSTSTREETSTATESVILLE,N.C. LIST OF THE CHURCHESWHICHATVARIOUSTIMESCONSTITUTEDTHESTATESVILLECIRCUIT,STATESVILLE DISTRICIWESTERNNORTHCAROLINACONFERENCEOFTHEMETHODISTCHURCH QTATESVILLE CIRGUITBETHELNEWSALEM BETHLEHEM —PLEASANT GROVE CHAPEL HILL ==PROVIDENCE CONNELLYS CHAPEL SHILOH MIDWAY TRINITYMOUNTPISGAH==YROUYMAN OFFICIAL ROLL year 9.4 Dstric i Conference lve ding Lilde lserstant MINUTES The Cm em batimattee Di slr the voll was called,and th ‘Sunday schools,and of th i)ues.1s there a written? (Sve Supplement.) Ques.5.What statistics Domestu Church Faxtensiwon, MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY.a ‘et)+¢ Vember a een rs this 4 Tete!armors iach wens Printing Minutes, ritficate,and FINANCIAL EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. Oues (ues heen faithfully Rept! 21.Havet renewed?\3 OF 4.) y vYrYs ACNWhoareelectedStewardsfortheensuingCinferenceyear?[3 org ]s,:M |N [|E SS Ouarterly Conference for the current year, (har fe, vas held at ee 1S .Mech,« P.E.,in the chat After religious services conducted f led Sunday-school Si vf,—oe :cy eee the voll was called,and the fi llou ing members Were present dbhth lew they show in answer to the following questions?(1)What is expended on the same during the year?(2)What is the value of arsonages,and schools?(4)What amount has urred,and what amount has been collected thereon? )Where ave the tithe papers kept?(8 Where are they Ne Supplem ni.) ,.Vues,28.F1 of worship? ues,2 ther ny(/wes.29.4s any (See Supplement.) 70,Where shailthe next Quarterly Confer The¢he Quarterly Conference tads t by the numbers.).he th s eaiaiaioe vt from the preacher in 'in "7 th Leapues,the number and state of theOues.3 ¢ther orien re ‘j a .The Minutes @ere read and approved?and Conference adjourned. S‘,ite sn ‘S Al,Sunday schools,and of the pastoral instruction é ins ALA we Supplement,). J +df=f.’:4 er in charve f i state of the Church?!Ans Qhh..ALASaféZotnegPesidingElder.Ques.4.Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the generai state of tht Chu ,wi- Secretary,;(See Supplement.) ,Jues,¢.What statistics have been reported to the Annual Conference?7 ].Recor ding Steward.ues,5.p {ouected for ther objects,$ kider,£ s What am MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Vember Tota.bg f }Total members last year Removals by death,certificate,and lies in the chares Indebledness on houses of Indebtedness on Voney expended for churches and imount of damage,$ sustained,$ Paid § Paid $ EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. Vurnber Vumber of Sunday schools Viected for Sunday schools, CAidren's Day,8 Imount collected n estimate Printine Minus minisiry,and how has i been appited .err Ques,1}.What: Cues.14 Ire theri (Se Supplement.) Ques.15,Whati Ques.16.Are there any report/ (See Supplement. Ques,17,What is doi Vues.18,What ar Ques,19,Hare Ques.20,Are there a Chur been fatthfulls kept ? Vues,21,Have th renewed 7 4 Domestic Church Extension, .2.s..%.97 Winutes, Who are dected Stewards for the ensuing Conference year?\3 or 4 | Where are The Minutes were read and approved,and Conference adjourned ,ot ll o-7F OL er |ew !/‘4 »,Lo 7,:lt oe CL Aed ga J Ke a “4Lhea)vototsl tH LOE,Secretary.ee P 7 cr os x 7 —retlei(bey UNE Treen ber |aa (yetyre Wlr22-95 iv Ar ov Skea iz Atpeae. ‘D (es ,,é.Senin i on ,.4 {>é |te OLS/LdAs ’{han2 after DP..Presiding Flder.er ae te a . >sa ) ,mt J LAL ,»CA4.0.98.,Recording Steward. i Foe MINUTES. 7 47a f.">tas C Quarterly Conference for the current year 4 The......% /4 a {or O latteustle 4A ...Charge,bLa (Le wih tA District,VYARAAAAA Conference,was held at AA ,1AM A4A44¢j a o Y,?.ZA.tte.ac a _P.£E.,tn the chatr. a <2 ;190 Brey a 4 4 ,if wtAfterreligiousservicesconductedby.£404 lsd the roll was called,and the following members were present: ?’fA /fh,Sh aa Al Ae bbjtlac f AS”6 (3 bet,AQtawi12w /‘;—,“ge Za Aen btUhicc.Sdoar-oO Qt erL | 'elected Srretary Question 1.Are ther Uues.2.Are there any i number and state of theQues.3.1s there a written report from the preacher in ve Supplement.)Sunday schools,and of the pastoral instruction of children n the general state of the Church?Ans a CcoedOrLCas:Cues 4.1s there a written reporl from the preacher in charge f ACe'G3.&:’¢.(See Supplement.)J Ques.5.What statistics have been reported to the Annual Conference?fr] MEMBERSHIP,3APTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Vinutes, > EPWORTH LEAGUE ANC!SUNDAY SCHOOL, \ nd hate heen faithfully LAU ts e h :ot A ,Ou ?so ‘;,ja ran ”maeracter,A ;vAorters on hernyy:‘As ane Z *“>on /J;,renewed?(3 |A .Re Viht AAtlhA.4 hi Bi(Li14O fet PAA J s ' ected Stewards for the ensuing Conference year ?[;3 org.)Ans M0 Ihty show in answer fo the follow mg questions?!(4)What &expended on the same during the year?(2)What ts the value ofchurches,parsonages,and HOS?(4)What amount hascurred,and what amount has been collected thereon?Where are the tithe papers kept?(8)Where are they Ne Supplement.) (See Supplement) next Quarterly Conference be held ?ins Ua {LAA , .The question gure *Quarterly Conference indicatedby the numbers.)Lhe Minutes were read and appror ed,and Conference adjourned. |tn .fh .uy Presiding Elder, Secretary, »Recording Steward. AO wtg CjahZt , : 44.04 (4 Aggies oO Of a44f y,[A 4t Ol Fa <+B44 #eufe fhariy/@-f ‘Aa a df sLt40 fe 7 ww ail ft 4 >i.f ,.J “4/ fF J(0 AECL AA AP , 5 ALLE Sx f (1 tA odZ‘i ?7 2RAvarceh.£hA (nrialter@et wluedhs Or?ty-tt te;‘Z .14 A > ;he Yn AfrLewk,Ie have necercucee.2.fre etait/A,A <‘i .av.>‘La \“J ak .tf hta b IA ats-E%,AJ g C44 La Liam CL Yn.W.NM. t ?, e :, “ o 5 i .,@ 9 Cf sa 7 At ee btilhad (Lagh Carr Lh ny MMUD Gr,COLMA JPAANALA y 4 ,f q fi 2VIC#144 Melly ‘SfAttt fer j ay 3 ’Voaruw ‘ wf A).Ae be called a- tztt ‘) CIs dee dhes 4 / LAMA A at wa A?)C44 Sy wo +Te.baa.PS auetthr.? av eet ? Ctinr~anrfhtr athn ALL 40-1 |Ire ere‘-sit <“Audtiw lettanLitrnnr}a Micetiasis [fi Ae tA 4“) Bart ht L1ty rol”7 ‘= ~Let gat (A464 tt1a Le fe 4A La Z if.ofr (20.Uta st.4c ie Ze ,, {CAO ME Ar A 2-1 4 ipa t¢«tout4 iz dha 2.fLA- VAPICE Pena: Lana é 7 ALA COS hMa: Rt etircgl , a > RL Ch 27H1aee ’apt dz. tatty LateQyA a (71 fran LO etltec 7 7 7FatAchetdeawt. PS kA aA f?7 Ls Zz Lea cA hewdl 4 a JC Ake oleOMe24.4 ae f.2 tf’A444 Bll ce oy aber 4-4... ABAAAL Ke C28.boy MINUTES 4/ The >4-42.LZ dbbidor c District,LU2a2ke -ent 4 QS Quarterly Conference for the current year. ,C42.-, PLO eeLlnleerrlle was held at 10K, thaw ¢her te hn g ot ¢0-2 (20>_f.£.,in the Jf EA.TAe-2 cfr.. nicmMmoens Were San,> After religious services conducted by following AV.4.Ba 7 | dy fs LY oe a.oS (le oon Oo.GS Alerrclo eth . /,long etePoat the voll was called,and the present ee ett CG Opp Es eeWd7. J EP Nantt Vb or Ones ?.Ts there a writ Leat uertfromthepreachYincharvrwitunittheJpreorth z Pa)fopepal. .éoftheChurch!ins a in the number and state of the Sunday schools,and of the pastoral instruction of children?4n (See Supplement.) COues 4 Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state ,»(Ser Supplement.)F What ctattstics have been reportedto thiQues.§.Annual Conference?|1. Dome stii MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Vember CFS Total members this year é £3 Total members last yeas ¢war Af lashion itifrcat ud otherv z Removals by death,certificate,and urch Extension, ss :ef,nda JS A f Printing Minutes, Vumber of societies in thi hares -“:p,$é.LOPS frdebledne on house—;BT v mages,$F 7 ‘Indebtedness on Money expended for churches and imount of damage,8 istained,3 FINANCIAL. 1820.2?Woman's Fore n Missionary Society...Paid § s3@S5 Woman's Home Mission So Paid § ‘fF,Imerian Bible Soctets faid 3 / Paid 8/9 <P iS ‘ s0¢F tf.Del.Gen.Conf ss'd...8 faid8 ,a a P Les “se fe fy oeSES.ud Total amount raised from all sources during year,§ (See Supplement.)EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. ‘Ones 15 What ,.yj .,= Vumber of kpu rth League Number of Eepu rth Leaeue members Number of Sunday schools 2—;-,:oz-Vumber frcers and teachers £Number of scholars 4 ®Imount collected for Sunday schools,sfON Amount collected for Mission .é Imount collected on Children’s Day,3 -Amount collected 16 ire there any?pe rts /;,;:svYotherobjects,$Total amount raised in Sunday schools,8 LO lite UOues.6.What amount for the present y What amounts Elder,$ f For Dom ,kor Di Ones 8.What amoun Aas SPA WA n estimated ins, Wisse gates t ven raised t/ th,vs, ip porti v the Board of Stewards for the support of the pre rw F.C.8 for Assistant,§ Ned fo tht Conference Claimants,8 kor Church Extension,& kor Printin wher in charee (and jis assist- Total,8 An for Presid ng reugn Missions, for Education, VWinutes,$ present,quarter Lor the support of the ministry.and how has it been applied?Ans he ee S76 E &GPK Ppiement, What t hat ar Ones 9.Ha Cues.20,Ar been faithfully bi Ques,21.Ha Ques.22,Who are elected Stewards for the ensuing Conference year?\3 org.)Ans .D:Y.GreMh KA A laws,V....9..ALAA ise...Dl.Mascradestots,I Y A.Zrael.Gg:bs bia tg aad.CE beer tocth bP Wath Ub,hedahelle pbath,dasonisetfAeAABrot4.9.tingle ME,Lhwr2iKdbearat. 4.)Ans.Lle.7 4]An Ae Otatt@recidedSand1)am.CDW.LeateGEbal, CA.Mhireet UW:9-te oP.Dplerr..haath— 4-2.<a Oa 22, if at eter (1)Whati 7-0-1!1-chaenr-t, The Minutes were read and approved,and Conference adjourned. >a 4 $f.y:Lp WP aady.dchntine..,Presiding Elder. ,C ~i ZB §Av tt ,Secrelary. ~+f ‘Sholl Ja,upped ,Recording Steward. Z duafi-FF Sag rie wat eee of C%CAQhireot-. Se Mou Faal CV EA a7 a ee ee retort. ae pnie a.&ee Ll ate ’t21Ba,FA. all Q.atk |EF isa ooo a&Orv fe Zz F- hoe a Me icistant ae ie a ee oy Z ae .wt </«#£a7 2 / a,ze.x La,a Vv <@ ‘Sota sé. a felL@Ax S MA re ens ” Ls Phar fu 4 pLa f 6 arr ue ids eatin A: 2 Thoapu,XH,A.euneailt.,2.Bath.0 A.Maat Foe 6.RS ahh eS a BKarerhar-l ,b Mo Ch.ws En.lak Af,WY"&4 if 1.ce Cates Y Ltt ja:f°LLo~ .ok ‘4,Otte,Cath} —*ditien£AMhebls, in 4 Lin,,SF.wRA4 tblls...a W.i that ee dasceaby Ce Carrelas |SWF ox bovrelaer Ax,Yr ha MN.Fauwtthh,Cte Fe Tans Le Of org ff MV.Fe ert RP ,hwo ST. Singer tte AV,Pp 2ve Lf,Mor-mane —paig a 4 DB,CLaaA;Jnang e.O SLoGe Adeht?NE a lxCy2 Com lo He ssi /fg oe.Foi o Fit GQ t1 wtLr-11 >Coa Af s hig uu a&vt LaSOL Lvs JZttt~P &£5 oF dnd “FeAne hc 2 te CO)FLL rm =i Roane { L A ee, Chafpet >.—p--f,J LAM a ufo. forsee Wat on/ Arnot a - Fe 64204008 «ae a a Cho ” 2:OP wert,bho? a ‘aw 2 dav,“D* t, cS a oeae soe cll 00 4 4 gy feta.tee S-3 2 Cs ei ALL,Mapp =.Pe Cake Ee Ze,Ahir n lh «ama“ a a2 tnIF¢=, P2tciofr¥ttt af ele e..a Ef ape Cath at, !FeAOod PC \ eA PDI 4 a < Auge —~—ie OLAa,is ox “on ac OFFICIAL ROLL. Roll of Members for yvear 104 Shalt,Ceatndl S’oAeawt1th te Me fl.C. (av.Y-kd.ts cna oot ,>Se a W.Se mak mA Slew arcetlyd S 7 fd 2 A Qa ‘wy Ott hanve AVY.J? jo f 4 at _Lecce clea (,KG <onig,KY AF fie ade |ors (013iad.o SP.Malstnall,LM ddtdtecs GF Walt WW,Al AN An ter tl Y:Matt,AeA oF 2 -“9 die ofp AP,63-r~yp I.Capte vv S ican ae .24 ae das 144-94 Bins a (>Ca,Chae ra:Olte Et SCCeth ,tp. Jere pptto Meth | Yo Lr nates Lv) “ef.4%16,(A.Frsrnrietir.g Br“ee Sin A COEF Cea.otf 2 (4 tot,Cf Zz.ZG Ohe~raot—§PCVOp 0wee lta UY,dee a",:1A Geet fi Atel,).6.Con 22 |.AtAirs dateIZ bet.,EW Sew,Por Leet,Mw?Grae,O,SE.Alnnetnad,aria Da iiiciia QW:Qa/ise,ZL fev Aclandtee*r~An,RFR oe aaa “Cheahat hhe DIR.ous GY ae Nee...done halt dea J as Py rE,RQ),cae MP Qeatt of &Co re-~1teey MINUTES. fs ¥Y (bAcreAk C >t.Dis itiaeces wf 7 ; }$7 OF v The ¥t4.¥7 _Quarterly Conference for the current year,Lb a2 *r e £22e7 2.4 ;z ;Saleenthe...Qrcct..Charge, SCateaXK& c <‘ <4 >? ft ;b+ale ta wer ‘ i.’Le >a ae 1,Af €'O¢Q /:A .4¥j AL y Lh an -@ Conference,was heldatDistrict,ie A Macc etcrtinns LOT »190 Bins /-5 , 7 z “4A <<whan ©Au [a 2-4. lees VY é Fann Shc _P.E.,in the chair.é ; }After religious services conducted by Paces tee.: Pd “~~wt 2 da Aa eidin Le ae ay eee -ae the roll was —_and :ee members were present: CEN.Lat,§&.E&,.Getteo,Cobwow Piastor Pe WRedecr sa Ohh...for &4 .A ¢Ly ,Pina ttny wl fbs dhineteggigie |tan ti ‘ ,ME.her.6AM Jl.Ko fecha A-0-€¢,Ieott-. Yon Ahh2..fa was elected Secretary, Question 1 Ques.2.Are there any Ques >,Js there a written report from the preacher nd state of the Se Supplement.)77 state of the Churcht Ans (ae Sunday schools,and of the pastoral instruction of port from the preacher in chUues,g.1s there a written re (See Supplement.) Ques,5.What statistics have been reportedto the Annual Conference Pika ]—By.eee OF ALA forvnael laos ve MEMBERSHIP,3APTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Vem 6°38 lod nembers t year PFT a] FINANCIAL 4 en j $$Bs- “2 > EPWORTH LEAGUE ANC!SUNDAY SCHOOL. 47s rs 0s,8.What amoun Salinas Tras dev ee Chatch [heath :Corrrtethy Chapel 4,DvrYotat ‘gt phicpuspp£1.25;%7?0 PRD S$, — rt md his asstst- Total,8.7 OO, hor Presiding n Missions, r Iducation, Dome sth Church Extension, AA ant Picea y Ei asie tome Ques.22,Who are elected Stewards for the ensuing Conference year?|3 org.)Ans...Saf :77” {7 , o vvcag late of ‘Minsk cA uth Rog heA wet. Dare WtAL pre 03 Grrrn ey was ileal:eae goer L224 erpt ox JIA»ele tf y eee Farad Kre flere 2 a te .~-0.t >.B t Rael ties hawt rate aly :222%atl ort reales,(enh. diesataacn.J PE ncant 2107 Minin,Oew TK ClLamenek.ie so Aan ooA 5 OE ae int Qa a ZK2 Aatcot pr ee ee %FF Pastdwot pane,sited cence ertitcitiincin >AO.Paottn. uspsos f ‘A,S10 aut et!.,.saLupawingquestions?(1)What iscoeWikGree fo (=“2 Pe dTnbs a Ck <2 2 ty, wis 7?{What amount Fu —bal cn !DA is ..o Pe rere tN eecollectedthereon (8)Where are they ATA frree »ns hats -th me otra A eat ;,‘Fh 4 hoo oo .—_~2“aSeeSupplement,Cerlhtiorr.,oe el and Kw CQO lbw A opis a,Hife GLkA Keeuwr@ and /A —_cr AP is wt at AS ¢BZ ée oe l~,4 (dtAAe~)»OArs wien whe.a?Cz att XX ;A.K.é 7 ee |,A own rian oC1s dh Gv otlan wr AL or: y A Sve Supplement.) A A tenfVr( c A FELL Lhe.“has rw rn eth.~Y Chou a+»gagessf rm r 1114-41 ~<a J 2 +f 238 6 Gan gee a |ates yi ae eS the Aahke Lp 4 ,:Lee’a Oud ctTheMinutipa},¢Minutes were read and approved,and (On EVCnNCE adjour ned, _5 Cail:?—ian yw 2o2-wand tO ->-+ony “Qo eu ten ” >}’S ‘Ti.rf Wher..Presiding Elder.a é-»>>,co he lf Fr Uta wm ow.aA,4..Aaat /?<de.P Mal oBR t Secretary,or wt tah Ie,ec Criheote..*luk G atx“R Pili Dh a-sgee wiiew ©Be va Asa7)St+tatt Ae$¥f ,Recording Steward. MINUTES. The...ch:Qe Oe A Quarterly Conference for the current year.(/?OF Slotna ut 4 &C{1.A248tua”Charge,-ates _-~Le. District,Cine &ta aa a 2 Conference,was heldat |ry -LAVAL Slap.2 §zz Ho Vy {,SST)a uni MAY J FP.5.,in the chatr. Bram01Afterreligiousservicesconductedbyd...4.L0 the roll was called,and the following members were present5LeTOnamcower.,«/V OS AX MCLOUAL.. i K4 |}.j VY )AY ))SN Si dy?UT VL a Thu.Tt AD hy VW \?“A c 's,and of the pastoral instruc report fromf.1s there a written (Nee Supplement.)ee” Ques,§.What statistics have been reportedt MEMBERSHIP,3APTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY./\& (rich xtension, ‘~°.5 Sse Printing Minutes, 7)*‘Tle PUM ¢,ee + LA “UTiC.TKK as Whatt 14.Are the (See Supplement.)EPWORTH LEAGUE ANC!SUNDAY SCHOOL. Oues.15,What is d What i What ari dour ‘ iL.Oe agp pe q PR Ae elas & Ones wth church in the charge,and have they(/ues,20 ‘h Reeister and a Record of Church Conferences for cach :lt Mi a te 4 ae 94 0+et Cawere ce i <ome ;heen faithfully hepsi 7 in DH.LB.hu tt}for’Aer >cs L tt Th |oe wet 7 sn.Lee t-o-*itl a Ohm :a :ree oe Ege fe 7 n of character,and have the exhorters licenses been DA Fa SYA 2 Ques,21,Have th u prea \ww ~An :.Omm ky i)af ] ee renewed?[3 or 4 dns “— ~@ f ee my tad ( Ques,22,Who are elected Stewards for the ensuing Conference year?[3 0r 4.)Ans. Whe is elected Recording Steward? Who ts elected District Steward?|4 An Whe are eected Sunday-school Superintendents?[4 ]Ans. l the Epworth Leaguest Ans Tur OVW. he Lrustees,and what do they show in answer to the following guestions?(1)What is nages,and what has been ¢xpended on the same during the year?(2)What is the value ofinsurancetsbeingcarriedonchurches,parsonages,and schools?’(4)What amount hasWhatamountasses(tf any)has cccurred,and what amount has been collected thereon? es in th scipline?(7)Where are the title papers kept?(8;Where are they See Supplement.) §are there which do not own houses of worship ?lg ]An any miscellancous business ?Ans TLd (See Supplement) Commullyo Cala)Where shail the next Vuarterly Conference be held ?Ans LV uh U V (The questions followed by the figures aveto be asked at the Quarterly Conference indicated by the numbers ) The Minutes were read and approved,and Conference adjourned. -ay ny \mn .C40...CLVD IWAN.Presiding Elder. iC Qh.v ,C%lary. ae grt ,Recording Steward. SiG.7 7 Jum Acfpcol.+efits VAN =tay CHOON J Longue.Oa LQ een UN L ADL.ECKL"t- AIA.N HA Monn ma a UPa. WiLLokt Start Wt u ae ~YULAYC Q2r.Qk tet ne if not UUM.miatand WG}Orne baw.COAL Etivotine; ie..—~ VTL KHOMKL O&heheh On “ArWontTMAUWMYLJOTovtur ere Som T aU-Y?vahty, CM Jt OT 14 e i 2,Sete 3 ha Churede | <>i?Wy vote-YY UrVOU 4 LhruYY ai AJEN ULE Wh.ry Sheet aan CO WMNKA WINONA,WHOTTHAL Aare a 4s WA AW ner ade hensaF Creu SACS TVOW YOUN rs ANMSU ANsumlay GYAYe. AVA.Mi.WVLLOAL TetTe Bian G ave feteeoon Urn eran FPRAAL Over-;“‘,a.7 pe Pa ’4”fF»(.i ;!<>ee LOA,&E r AT Lely.J XK J .dtcapn By e LOTTA,Wy 8 hur 73)On |LoadsQT Hy WME sina.4 OL AWN Dialling @ ANF (L,— Soo 6 SL Mayee .vur Wor,ys.Tin VI.Pron Vy th a es WYcork,iX YQ.nga Cut,Ty oe |eth,Oma,Ur atten & Muy AS CUKK -Oath (ut de huuingthedante" A x .4Lactiene.'MINUTES CLbike, .yy 6mmLZ.A ;The oa fs Quarterly Conference CYAuve AAridL our,rH ,SColearrrtle Cu beef Char-gi Amn Jt07 VY ThreuM«A?ill 3 District,Lh au ages J 4 Pee O4-QE pr of dex wu °y-CK PUCLUGOmn7eehaesur/b-— Wading i.LAL ©no Gee 2s Tobi ClldFoemite778LbTaha.Huww Relief of Poor,}Printing Minutes, istrict Conferen A —"eee */C0 PAIL -A acanctesinthe Loar (Trustees?’Ans..c2tO O~awe ’on -}f a f »4 ~f__)WHILNAALL,F.C4 Sor the cause of Ali :i a on .cy re y reports fr wn's For fissionary Socéety?rg tn ts doingfi 'f tens i C42 lo ak.Ques.ste ge. Lat to ~o 18.What are we fam ts Rinse weg Ax int aK Vues JQ Hla vw Tf Crt Nera Ques,20,Ave ther Aurich i f ;fl A been faithfully kept?;Ls A. Sti af Un 21.Ha renewed?[3 or 4.)ins been vatsed th To wren as eer {“rth fxd sion Dita .«*2ayre1 Printing Minutes, homens aeait.aa,ad Tvsmner”f°socmtteewette NOTE tjuga:10 We ue« ;meprnss te Rar ~ sree cm gy vero. oO aR, c2tdO Oo»of thet tinge “Ce das a fiorT7 Bs .Sag Supplement .23,What ”é We és.»"zy oD o>Ye OO4 :‘a.SA GS 2 uit .4.3 af A."én A.ot An_erea G «‘>~ Ques,19.Have the General j n read {Th 3 aR \Lo (ues,2 Ire th harye,and have theyAurichffnhtof{;Cov ,for wh “tA ind heen faithfully kept?j ,Ls 4.7 “fr “7 ‘e z J A 4 s--7 re ed hae Ila vhorters rencued?[3 or g dns —_eeenn Ques.22,Who are elected Stewards for the ensuing Conference year?[3 0r4.|Ans, Whe is elected Recording Steward?[g.] Whe ts elected District Steward?[4.)Ans are elected Sundayschool Superintendents ?f 4.]Ans. the Epworth Leaguest Ans. re ihere reports from the Trustees,and what do they show in answer to the follow ing questions?(1)What isandparsonages,and what has been expended on the same during the year?(2)What is the value ofdf hat amount of insurance is being carried on churches,parsonages,and schools?(4)What amount has ms?(§)What amount of losses (if any)has occurred,and what amount has been collected thereon?0 the deeds contain the trust causes in the Di cipline?(7)Where are the title papers kept ?(8)Where are they orded?(Give office,book,and page.)[4.)Ans See Supplement.) Ques.28.How many societies are there which do not own houses of worship?[4.] (ues,29.1s there any miscellaneous business ?C.€.Mas ute oh,9./ PALM 0 bo eLr et gi Mackoda6.46.(4,44 é Ahir LP,(?x wae Pusan.tahW alte,patrtinw -~ Ques.30,Where shail the next Quarterly Conference be held ?Ans,Vita 7 _s.neal (The questions followed by the Agures ave to beasked at the Quarterly Conference indicated by the numbers.) The Minutes were read and approved,and ———adjourned, x =,=chPE J ,Secretary. 4 Presiding Elder. ,Recording Steward, “7D ,214.al I Rit-nie,IP ‘ee azA-& Olen OAs e 27—.aoe Pt aahie a CPt 14-4 > fry op ial —,ae.AAL O°ZP-a+os “Orr at 42A—-Pn Cnet : ChLrr.ae ——Onley a AOE,cimkeh,Qe hoe ovatlLrygbebrralb:! OA,‘a2 ZO...63)tenia LZ Ghau.ae 2 oawt of :gy a Gisil es.Wt a we a a Peatll.oer Laat olecr4 1 7K Gea. SK Preloval 2~Pl14 az Oa yr aA Lola ~ es 2227 hos aeOd wKokl;:4 Z “:0 4 Maks ole Bertha oAllral WN %2t2010C Mt,Frwhad..2 e J ‘The Perscol ”Soe of te hurvvad. TL lat tot sia.or Chitral an 29-olivatat,aa me At2 QAL sina hols, Orem =-eitnw oe prow Soin Mana And lta Koren onfF oe EK,RceOb(ie Comes 2 pO iteattr o1~o foam iid oe L§fAr fae 90-8 alle. Gee hw ahr ausfede ZR ae.Betton 9p atr'o ,aves Cie >tin ode Gur 4A as ctawdl lived JE Ci.PAG.LA 6h anol TF. —-Ayn37 Ces her tor,Mt-o-0 ta Of ¥as d _Ohke--Fra~s Craw 4,te tti.W#Ph ek a att,“I Lfflere =2 eee O->o —ur rf I US Oa UU 5 nal nen le eae -Ofu<, ei AAA tues.”~—.-2 hte Atriewe Gano Cy»€leet.'o3~-2)AnA1Y Asie 4 ee ZH c oll pia sitet iii oud Pe 1A,SeChe OLD : LifKb nat Z.” POPE orof,oath Jieaok of oe.ar Pk 2-hie:»z oo. 2?~Cro w.(i Bay =kag17,pet er p—h011 Le WR.Cy le ote alii hae |Pp Opa” 49-44 p../aD Pio ttf Y bow pong Anasathe.it,oi eae,Ginerety ptr a of ~~a4 ot Cc o-a”?x 1-4-2.»—<ey Memote... micl ole Pe 3 _-” ao fe ‘i-44 pier Axe al Ory Fe 2c. Ot eens ine A ee Abst go tities O-Ohvte 1.23 C4.6.44>~hhin,tetas a uel Ara w=i Pew wige ae Sro COE Pies z Taf f kore.A -_-CArret a vit.Acasa:Migspiastt tees Cian 4 Caw O-wache 4.2 or Yroteal Aighot,Gl.Waillace Mpa cee ty FE etic 2 ee —a _Kane Ku Fore Chreth ao Re ctalhieo o—el 2+ if 0.02Ce 0-2 Of ce tanntetae Agere /PC aa 2149 *Qi ie LZ.CO tant «es a ae of ett TX is Fas ee is Siam,a,Pe i - TLKa le lige GE,ax ane obewt Carat @2 ow fiw?Oo hay Gr.ooLeerWALUMeaf7-Mee as Gdisk O,= ii tin alll ~ae ins teictal Fs thle Peprinty Kew Cor —ne é Tift She 4 ~~Leg Pe ne ,te OO +44 ¥CRA%HK.~C BAe Crete 2 Cait Ryo Oa ae 2 gh ty ——-.“hikes a:Cis /(Lo tots “Fim41A€21 er CAL#2wT ott asnsch + Lt Dw.Ne ene ae ore ash Ye to@af_-LCase,—~ew Fe Chi, ee:KA i aeaGaudet ct. Vall.Joress As.7F tecengll ee.rrr MINUTES. The ¥oc it Quarterly Conference for the current year *Lia f Charge Lateter iL District,‘mference,was held at (LA uu }J ,Li4 ;; la /:.,in the chats After religious services conducted by4 the gall was called,and the following members were present Ow >».Js there a written report from the preacher mo the number and state of the Sunday schools,and of the pastoral instruction of children?4n (Se Supplement )aL Ques 4 1s there a written r¢port from tht preacher in charge on the general stale of the Church (See Supplement.) Ques,5.What statistics have been reported to the Annual Conferenee?(1 ] . ;hy 'J tons.Dome sti MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY.ee oeVembermembers /meet Church Extension, Total members last yea Removals by death,e ritficale, =at /frintine M,nutes, Cun in the chares 'sae /ndebtedne Indebtedn Voney ¢upended for church Imountl of damage,& sustained,& FINANCIAL, Bik Scichs (ren,Cons Tot mount raised from a,during year,& EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL,A Mwr j .2 ;, Vumher of Lipworth league Vurnher of Lipworth “iague members Vumber of Sunday schoolsVumberofofficersindteacherVumberofImountcollectedforSundayschools,&oueckd for Mission £(mount collected on Children's Day,&tmount collected Ones.16 trv there ria}reports from i‘ Total amount raised in’Sup thor d“any (See Supplom nitd nN estimated WY the #.“ard of Sh wards for the one rl of the preacher in charee (and his assist Cues,17,What # ins for P ¢Issistant,&Jvtal,& Oues,1&8.Whai i hal am went vn Apportion,df is of 5 cl .-on,hor Bishop Nierence ¢Timanl ’‘tu Wis tonshorLhmestVWisstion.hor Church Extensa n,&“education,hor Delegates 1 ‘Ae Creneral Conferven et,hor Printine Minut 8 Ones te Hlahae . ¢Mucs.2 4 Vues,8.Mal am heen vatsed thi present quarter for the Support of the minisiry,and how h +8 1 been appited }Inso been faithful Vues,20 Have the toret-pwenthets-~aad ¢-wr renewed I p oF in Ques,246 Who are dected Stewards for the ensuing Conference year} Where are supplement) he numberve.) lhe Minutes wer:read and approved,and Conference adjourned. hot ,Presiding Flder. ,Secrelary. |Recording Steward, OFFICIAL ROLL ).A NM Q ivyf?. L Lb Dherrill aC MINUTES. Kr ;‘in lhe Fit Po epQuarterlyConferenceforthecurrentyear -J ‘’;;4 7 (Atee-ML GA »~Cee y 4 (harge.dda Le ct < /,“2 Listrict,..[ther tt a th.Caro re Le A Conference,was held at s .‘:A.< CMe eve tarch Det het a GE Slelericek (LO,FG ,190&4» 4 , ida jp aeree Y fi Lae PF.E.,tn the chatr. ay wail yor eae After religious services conduct d by ’ede ce 7 the roll was called,and the following members were present: 4 f ~ lu /Ly ( f :;if f .A (MA rv:é4 _v thw iter f @ }rCEbMerrl /J V7 Piitteheu Me Uelerko a" i Surela ry Question 1 Ques.2.Are there any complaints ; Ques.37.Is there a written report from the preacher i umber and state of the ..;)‘;< Sunday schools,and of the pastoral in fruction of children we Supplement.)c ::;if Ques.4.1s there a written report from the preacher im char én the coneral state of the Church?ins 3 44(See Supplement.) Ques,5.What statistics have been reported te the Annual Confereneet?(rt ] MEMBERSHIP,3APTISMS, Ven 6% AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Deomesti Tota Church Extension Printing Minutes, flo te é / FINANCIAL, \ ta C/o A-2SOejif &Cs bee cy CS.Blo2e4 %oe 5.66+t Py aeia CAB4 , %off, r/Yortad ~ Ques.22,Who are dected Stewards for th ensuing Conference year Whati amount ha li-cted thereon? Where are they ufpioment.) he mumbere.) lhe Minutes t Conference adjourned.)? were read ana approver »ani ctw ¢ear ;“7aeane.Presiding Elder >Se relary. ,Recording Steward. dte¢ 4 4 Ji @ tAeo ee tees 7 vyrrs ACNMINUTES. The Pa <0 Quarterly Conference for the current year ot C Charge.c LZ District,Conference,was held at ;iY £7,fe BP.E.,in the chair. After religious services conducted by the roll was called,and the following members were present : elected Secretary Question 1 tre there Ques.3.1s there a written report from the h ha ues,the number and state of the Sunday schools,and of the past val instruction of children WS i See Supplement.)é Ones,4 Js there a written report from the preacher in ch (See Supplement.) Ques.§.What statistics have been reported to the Annual Conference ? MEMBERSHIP,3APTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Printing Minutes, lte “xh / FINANCIAL ver Map ficment fal an ,,i I rT acu Ques /5 4 0h.t dere t. Have if General Rudue1Ditaéq5.24 md have they r Printy VWinutes,§ ‘Oues.2.98,Arve the a Churchoftheministry,and how has if becn appliedprd::bern faithfully kept';a ZZ aASU*ce x 4 ,Ja 4 cy 4 .Qtzés.7 eeeMa<o€B Ntast fie os.Z 2 7Ld?sof a “Duss,2 Have t ’in.a ,b PttV ay Lov ¥ ,Roe £rencwedt |3 or 4et¢ nferen ,>or |¢war?{3 or 4.| gucstwr (/ What ts the (4)What amount n collected thereon? Where a See Supplement) rment \ Ay a Wy CALL 0 thet PY (46-002<0<05 i?ins wh 2 ‘4 ure ;;*Owarter nfevence ind Lhe Minutes were read and approved,and Conference adjourned og Pre siding I ler. Secretary. ,Recording Steward, MINUTES The .Onuarterly Conference for the current year, les epee ,:vf Z Dish ict, as held al SeRapegas|} »and state of the See Suppicmen?.) Ques 4 Is there (See Supplement Ques,5.What statistics have heen reported to the Annual Conference t MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Reo 7Ven,7 Printine Minutes, FINANCIAL. ve Supfiement EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. army Fr vencuedt (ues (/ues 29.ds ther 7 ‘,LAstrial Seward ted Sunday-school Superintendents ?4.] and what de they show in answer to the following questions?(1)What is and what has been ¢pen ded on the same during the year?(2)What is the value «f is being carried on churches,parsonages,and schools?(4)What amount ha if any)has occurred,and what amount has been collected thereon? ,7)Where are the title papers kept ?(8;Where ar See Suppleme ni.) rs (See Suppieme nt) 3,Where shailthe next Quarterly Conference be held ?=Ans +asked at the Ouarteris nference tadicated by the numbers.) Minutes were read and approved,and Conference adjourned, wy Presiding Elder. Secrelary. ,Recording Steward. MINUTES for the current year,oS¢ Quarterly Conference Sate,;f ell :Char r,al é “er was Ad¢ia al District, é/ the roll was cali mht 4de we Suppiement,) Supricmcni Ques.§.What statistics have been rep vted to the Annual Conferen MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Vembers Total members 1 war Total members last yeas Removals by death,certificate,and “rT Of Socwehies in the charge /ndebtedness on h Voney expended for church Imount of damage,$ sss sustained,& FINANCIAL. Voman's Foreien Missionary wily...Paid s man's Home Mission Society...cooee SMEG imerican Bible Society fiuaid $ fxp.Del.Gen.Conf,.ba of fatd Ques.£3.Paid 8 Ours,14Paid§Total amount raised (See Supplement.)EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. Om ‘5 Vumber of Epu rth Number of hpi rth Leaowe members Vuonber pf Sunday schools«Vumber of fiers ind t Vumber of Imount c lected for Sunday sche ls,$ elected for Mi im Children's Day,:Amount her objects,$Total an unt riais Wea him Vue Wheat am “wr n estimated by the Be,rd «(Mt support of the preacher in charve (and his assistthepresentyear,dns For P ¢ Jotal,8Whatam hider,$ ence Claimants,| ,or Church Fxt nistty,and hor bern faithfu Whe are dected Stewards for the ensuing Conference year? d The Minute swe read and ‘ ~; .I esiding Fildes . Secretary. ,Recording Steward, OFFICIAL ROLL. OMecA are by Gear ‘ly Mal,vt etl 4 Ve Di,ts dod (ps p as,Che s <‘/£Lee /AdLAOfi eet Th at 49 Le Ge tLticcthlece a7. Cough MINUTES. 4 SFOS The FF wet Quarterly Conference for the current year Oodates +Loew C4008 Charge. 4 .4 r : Fcastern A/or he Cat et eee Conference,was heldat dtakeeg e<¢¢< District, 7 ‘ Go~Cer i A e.t+424 f Arcee es -—3 190.8 ; LLY sit_oe-- LM.LeeAfterreligiousservicesconductdby‘ _P.E.,in the chatr. the voll was called,and the following memoers were present: report fromQues7i,?riltcon Sunday schools,anil of the pastoraé instruct ;writen re ori from the preacner inQues,4.1s there a fi (See Supplement.)«& Ques.§.What statistics have been reps riedto the An MEMBERSHIP,3APTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. C ota es ur Printing Minutes, FINANCIAL Cc Sve Supplement EPWORTH LEAGUE ANCL!SUNDAY SCHOOL. 2L¢ Vues,t28 22 ues.ae heen faithfully kept f ae dpeowt* tiiur clad Pines ‘Oues,21,HayeeytSas dnsLfOPltalti-'renewed?\3 ord commen £(4elerd geeks wf MLL —F der. to .;Qn y ts eZee Laos tleete %a 42 tame ¥ u <cde.iP et eta oC cet eet by iL pf Pee ee.othe The gue Lhe Minutes were read and approved,and Conference adjourned, }x Vv rl “4 Presiding kilder. Secretary. ,Recording Steward, MINUTES MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Ven FINANCIAL, EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. Varn Conference yeaweelatedSlewara Minn fes .towPresidingfilde \ MINUTES. Conference After religious servu nauct the roll was Que Sunday Une Nee Suppicmeni Oues,5 Wha Domestu MEMBERSHIP,3APTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY.+:xe on Sa ealle EPWORTH LEAGUE ANC!SUNDAY SCHOOL. lth z ‘ted JVhoarOMSLiorad v hi Cn Sut nference ,, Mean A ing Conj Kt years ye /essnwcdI“;;; Pre Siding /ae, ry EoOe Re ,;»Mecoraing Steward, 4pO] / o 2 ——a C72 ¢;.ttle CL1 fot.Ma.it.aaaelecdl!ClLecl A»tn:4;4MAL-¢>Calin J 2 200T ewe £6 lee Bhternrecly 7 otis PY,art east Sit Cheeclecets x Gee, Ct tg OC cad t(t< »tr-£--ta ata atl.tw <a Eoeeee ttre a eer ak Sn at After FELLglous Services conducted 64“a LICL“< ;;as)1.the voll was called,and the followin g memoers Were MINUTES. VCuart rly Conference Jor the current vear Z CAar Le was he ld at ;GU D ’ /in the chatr. present MEMBE RSHIP,BAPI ISMS,ND CHURCH PROPERTY. EPWORTH LEAGUE ANI SUNDAY s¢HOOL., . fVosher?tat “7/4 y (2tthtt,Brgi deen fatthfuils pehbd a obttaleMemoer ,ims ference year ? What is th What amount Wher The Minute S Were read and pproved,and C nference adjour wed 9 Presiding Elder. ,Recor ding Sere ard, eeZLhadi.oe ala L024.~Ip-kLaf aLesed t State of North Carvlina Departinent of Archives and Historp Raleigh This are true and accurate (title)sheet precedi: hereon;that tion rati were in the c target sheet(s). It is further target sheet(s) Sections 8/5,] in order to insure are filmed,they were mi and film approved,by amera Oper Date //ee