HomeMy WebLinkAboutM.E. Statesville Cir. Minutes 1882-1885 Microfilmed ly North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History Division of Archives and Manuscripts KRalvinh,North Carolina IREDELL CUUNTYMETHODISTCHURCH,STATESVILLE CIRCUIT|QUARTERLY CONFERENCE AUMUTES YEARS:/882-/885 PAGES :NOT NUMBEREDFILMED:NOVEMBER,Hé5REDRATIO«[0 /|CUSTODIAN :MR HOMER KEEVET140BOSTSTREETSTATESVILLE,MC. A LIST OF THE CHURCHESWHICHATVARIOUS[TIMES _CONSTITUTED THE STATESVILLECIRCUIT,STAVESVILLE DISTRICTWESTERNNORTHCAROLINACONFERENCEOFTHEMETHODISTCHURCH STATESVILLE CIRGUITBETHELNEWSALEMBETHLEHEM=PLEASANT GROVECHAPELHILL=PROVIDENCECONNELLYSCHAPELSHILOHMIDWAYTRINITYMOUNTPISGAH==YROUTMAN OFFICIAL ROLL. INTRODUCTION. RECORD BOOK tt verbal HHL thee mais quart r, Sand 4,and the trustes ’ in answer to «qt tion we ra of deceased local prea hers or offi ial t la page of Episeopal Decisions upon Quarterly Official Forme,all extracted from the “Manual of L.D.PALMER 78,by the Z, -7 OK GY x.af rc iA,ee Ae ge A a a DY 4)fr,+th a ae rs sand Baptisms Sunday Schools Books and Periodicals.Church Property. The Vinutes {*/‘df wed.and Ch Mereuce ddyourie dl a reZafrr.Presiding klder. ‘Secretary AL Pee ording Sleward., Collections.Sunday Schools. Jooks and Periodicals.Church Property. approved,and Conterenes adjourned St .Presiding Elder if. he Cor ding iNfe mard, bers and Baptisms.Collections.Sunday Schools. Books and Periodicals.Church Prope rit Pere’Tread and approved,an /foutereincs adjourned aos a ,oe:(7 eo 7 ,:Presiding Elder. Secretary Hes ording Steward, MINUTES. I pp _Ia Collections,Sunday Schools V Books and Periodicals,Church Property. eval,and Cunterenc adjourned Z c Li ‘Pri siding hide y. Revs riding Ste ward, OFFICIAL ROLL. Members and Baptisms.Sunday Schools, »HE Conferences adjourned Presiding Elder. Necre fii 4 Res ording Sleward, Sunday Schools Books and Periodicals, Vi nites were read and approved,and Conterence adjourned Presiding klder. ‘Secretary he ording Steward. MINUTES. Collections. »Missions,§ The Minutes wer:read and approved,and Conterence adjourned Pre siding Kider. «x cretary Re ording NMeward., MINUTES. wes and Baptisms,CLiOns.Sunday Schools, Books and Periodicals Conference adjourned Pré sling klde r. Secretary Reco)ding Nt nard, 2 “L C44.ae ete ¢“-~+-Om tA.< OFFICIAL ROLL. PAI ,.4 7 ) )‘}AA “fl.&2 rh L ai /:Z /rfl.Ww of hile ?7 ie ,?.an of dpa pA FON } 4 .» :a,: Sfo-1#, A ‘4 4 ’JS }: -4s 4}fy y Lp Lo wat Saas } pa he ”f 4 ‘/\ y .Ai Decker j he4aK/fAa p :“a A,3 WY Se p N\\ ‘.i . PF PPO ot an hie ae y A . 4 LJraude+| SL MINUTES. Fahd Quarterly Conference for the current year,LLY reLarcher Charge,A hen ber TK horeb.Conf bhobesh ill “a es bl.Beards sili bdo.Ihes JA foDalen. At Y.Pax eg -ae Gb.Hd diel.LXtas Wi BL aa Jur ots AD:Ly Ler wr t+Fah :OB Braxn 5 oF A Me berger At 47)Miele 4 fy A khan ile f the numby id ‘rh batt Jif fee Senplement haraqe on the aener ft the Church?tw Nee Sugy Sunday Schoals. Books and Periodicals. “0 GeARAGES,Ake 9 tea {rr<4.4 Tt ane at wth Mh er 4 10.eAe 1 or P.oe Py oll >}Mwdo by és )Ele becd q Z Mel cars a e adjpourneapproved:¢tere “aif y Ce Oe .Presiding kider. ZB -Y))tel C44 4 P Aad riing Ste ard, Ptt0 we Af Wa?diated Aw JFig Mt ii ¢2/7 } (19 hes LV pe Corw LU heb CAp, 4A a.bs ya aA/C#£a Dn. rr alii,- Clee 144 ia LV/aAZ Ol rel Cc Sell fro dh tb Lt.Mag he,Ltyx;7YYaZAAAosha2fe»sey J 4yA bokl,7 of SYA g Pee ‘LPS’AadeSeSsfyKiberishrewslh,Madfl.(Le 7p 02p¥ ,a hem £ee PY0 art 21 Lh 4/i 3 be f Board tf {.t |fe ||io by Me vthe Et 9.3.4 een tee4 tPAat ‘¥e“ tees i?St.Ad >{dA J,1 Jy ZL J}¢td bers and Baptists Collections,Sunday Schools. Property, ’,;}‘Minute y were read and approved,a wl Conference adjourned residing kider. f Y Noll AS Katt 7rding Steward, SeeSENIORSIIR Sunday Schools, The Minutes were Presiding Elder. »Secretary Recording Steward. (ollections.Sunday Schools hooks and Periodicals Chureh Property. ferences adjourned ,ST,//ns/#4 .Presiding Elder OM bbe AR }\A } }f ied Recording Nieman, Chureh Preperty. Lhe Vi infes were read and approved and Conterencm adjourned Pre siding kelde y. Secrclary ;Recording Steward. Sunday Schools Books and Periodicals,Church Property. anid Conference udjourned Pre siding Elder );Pes ried Sfenviyd, Sunday Schools. Books and Periodicals Chureh Property. od,and Conterence adjourned (s 7 f .Presiding kider Lees riding Stew red. )Plat les J ‘“yt ;.‘ff 4 Sa (O44 SVC aa altruth j h ,°a d/€a4 of.P Woes fi 24 .‘j i *¥.; p Wy,J ible A Sb tre Ot “At 7 Fi ot |—";7 eo .‘,A ~"of 4 1 Le Gah leeys MM MEG Rg thts A:1 sg ;LeOTeFaiOleofJo(fot fi j .4 —Jy ,»heh :is,t f VW {° Cae.0 be bia X ‘ HPISCOPAL DEOISIONS Tue following E}are inset H this place,as they concern Quarts rly Con- ferences. Tue Eprror UARTERLY CON]ERENCES An ontain ; ward and \NY COMPLAINTS In a Quarterly ¢\tplained of for Annual Confi That wh and aceept from offi PRO RATA DIVISION between the Presid has Performed his Answe)by tl ble to the Annual Cont Approved.(1876.) State of North Carolina Depaurtinent of Archives and History Raleigh