HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeath Index 1913-1981, X-Z ss Re g . U. S . Pa t . o f . ( Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , In s i s t On It . Co l u m b u s , Oh i o No . 10 3 6 3 2 co Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be gr o u p e d to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e a di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . = a ee Pe i ie Mm a € ig qt ie of a 2 | | it 4 ; ‘ } | { j 4 } | | | . | | > es | | | ; 0 og ie g | | : - $4 “ j a ® a 3 ® a | | Y oo 4 #6 Og = a o Q oO ° a 3 5 8 i a Bi n es Um Uh Ue he UR C | SS : si t es sh e s + j | a oO | | ii ‘O o ; ow Z a a 7 } er t | | ; ) | | | | | « > | | is Pa e s 2 | ; } | | | 3 | | | | Da g | . |» a 8 | | i | 3 Bl @ cy fo g e e r s | i Si ps | a Z : ek we e | , al a a j ae 4 ce me ($ i od od + of 4 @ Po r n 2 | EA Se e r } & ay ai e o n | | | | | ae id Po p e a t e r ion | | | | j } | | | | j | | { | j | } i j ~ | i } i | | ee | | | | | | eo | i j j - | pi | ed | | i @ hy j | | . a oa | | | | r et | j j j 5 et a i i } i } | } a 9 | § | | ie | | 5 iH re B a 6 ao | ~ “ am a s + ee Sc n s re c h e r c h e ee e eR e + a pa b e c m a d a r a c a s l h 4 —+ — + — +o ee ee ee } ta m e —- . ea s ae o n s | | | i i } } : | | Pa t a | | ea | | | | ic e at pr e t e r | | | ! { | i } } | | | | i i } } x | [e n | | | oe ca ) | 1 | | | { | | Pe | | ae | Pe ee ee | | ak | ; | Po k e 4 Bd | id | Pa r e es ae | Fa e | | | | | | j | ba bc l s d e a c e a k iad e a k : Ab ee BS | | Firms and Corpo- rations OVER ai gp EE e | i | ad | | Bi | | | ae | | | | | | a cs an | UN a i & | | } i 3 \ ; N | | i | | | a ‘ ad mt sa -c t i i g i l i c a s e i n i a + + ae m e s e 4+ — — . 4- se d b o n s s e e aa pa t t i as 6: + . = } = To 4 — sh e e na g e aa ed h e a e m e m e e n t e —_ pt i © | | ‘a } eI | | } 5 | j j | 4 } i | | i | | | | | i } | | | j | * | { | t ig | ;N | | | | 2 Bi t ps i ¢ | N i j i : Pe ae | | | | | bo 4 ad El 4 ! j j } | j u | | | i | ! i ‘ , op e n + | —— — er t io e " | % a 2 ' ae 2 aa i i j | i Jf ) = | ee pp t+ — | | ’ | } | | j i j | | | : | | | \ i i | | | j i i | | i | | j j | | | j | Ee NN | ; } } } | 1 $ x | Pi e Bo Pe e | | Sa y s | ae Ca ee | 8 | | | Pe ie | | | | g ; | | | bad | | | aa N F | s| 0 ad | oe | | | ql £ ° | | | } | | | i i a a | wo | | | | | { | ; i = = : i ab | | 4 | 4 aa d 4 — T | y 2: y l | ] | | j { i i } } } | 4 0 | | is on | | | | { j } t | | | | | j | i | is e er | | | i | | { | | j i | i } | ' | | } | i | | : | | j | i i | i i iN UN | | De e s | Pd | | | i ON | | i N pa t a | Ro e So e e e | | | ss a aa pa Ba a d | | iN . ae | > 3 | | | | i | i a 2 | | d a 4 | a4 | ao wi l e ‘ a } de I ok ih : : di ) “u r d . § Su y s w e d d e “2 3 2 ‘s z s q u i n u ej e j d u 0 > oA 1 e me e r Ws g h a n y ay s t a e ay e Se io ta e Se g u e te n n *8 3 9 3 ej 3 0 ] d u I 0 2 Aa p i o 0} Je d t W O N O D " ($ P™ ® W- H - D - %4 9 3 3 9 ] s0 p u n 83 9 9 4 8 Ul e } i 9 > 2 Uo si s q u i n U Zu r m o T [ o } g Aq pa e u s i s e p ) ay d g 1 °O N 39 g ey e [ d u I 0 > dn @H e U 03 O8 sj a a y s Ge y 9Z pu e sj e s q s BN G PO I (s a e q u i n a te j n 8 a 1 4q po y e u R i s e p ) ae m 3 e y [° o N eg Sj a j d u t 0 2 dn ex e 03 OF sy a e q s qu i OZ pu e s3 2 0 q 1 8 Bq z6 (‘ s s e q a i n a Bu y p e s e i d Q Aq po y e u t i s e p ) go n 32 8 Sy a j d u 1 0 > dn sx H e m 02 OF sy o a q s Gu z OZ PU Y sz 2 0 q s yn g oP NY O M Z Qa 9 V a a d AN O I A G AF H AS N A @ SL A U G H S LN V L Y O d W I SS 3 H L e : ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ate oF vexre Year Month | Day 1916, 1 | 20) Yates isis 6 7) Yates 1919 5 17] Yates 1926! 10 £2) Yates L929 5 li Yates 11958) 4 17] Yates 1955 11 _26] Yates 1936 12 26] Yates 1949 6 21 | Yates 1952 ll 19 Yates Losi , 2 15 | Yates 1954 10 | 23] Yates 1960 5 17 | Yates i n961 8 28 Wates 1963 | 5 Yates 1964 10 17 Yates 1966 4 24 Yates 1970 6 17] Yates | 1972 3 é| Yates 1977. 1 «18 lvates (1978 2 1 | Yates 1981 7 28) Yates pert locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN + | Amanda |Sara Adaline iJ A |Mary Adeline |Lucy Wooten |Wiley Monroe Earnest E William Franklin i\Margaret Ellen Lillie Gay Columbus _Theothilus / Jesse Emma Nora Charlie Lee! Maggie Johnson Freda Lynn Lloyd Leonard Mary Lee | i} \ i i | F Sex Col | PLACE OF DEATH F | C |Shiloh Tns F W |Bethany Tns F W {Concord Tns F W [Olin Tns M W Cool Springs Tn F | W |Cool Spring Ths F W |Statesville Nc M W Mooresville N C MW |Statesville NC F W | Statesville NC M UW btatesville NC F W Mooresville NC W Statesville Rt. uM OW | Statesville NC M w | Statesviite NC F W| Statesville F iHeW Statesville M Ww! Statesville i | \| | F W |Statesville F M W W W |Statesville | Rowan Co | Statesville I = Made by The Cott Index 1 : Sold by Observer Printing Howes, Cheslone Wee NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oe Vol. | Page | ~ Emmer Yates 3, 401 John Shoemaker - 4A 551 James McHargue Janette Watts 5| 392 E E Yates Flossie Shook 12} 255 Riley Yates Guy 281 52 L Collins Laura Collins 19) 142 Hanes Wooten ~ al, 464 Henry Yates Polly Sides 22); 299 James Yates Mary Collins B5 | 248 Lloyd L. Yates Josephine Wyatt 38 583 James A Yates Mary Elaine Collins 40 72 Henry Parson Abe Pierce LO 456 1. James Knox Gay Martha E Heire 46 297 James Yates Mary Collins 47 41 Melvin Yates | Angeline Griffin 49 296 Laban O Chester | Martha Bush 50 594 James R Bumgarner | Mary E Wyatt 52 304 fienry H fates Mary Salmons 56 417 lock Robert Lee Yates Nancy Selma Blay/ | 58 168 H R Johnson Fannie Crouse 63 48 Billy Stewart Yates | Naomi Shortridge de2 243 Leonard P Yates Maude Huffman 67 413 ! 09 ) fe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell Cony, N.C. swells Glinisia bi daias Uanianiidtidbeliiamesn Reg. U. sam. ee locate mames, open at SURNAME INITIAL, TAB and refer a. Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. correg UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 8. Patent Ne. ‘1487 168—Copyright 1 1930 BATE OF DEATH Year | Month | Day . + - ¥ 1934; 3 it For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN Yancey Dixon Sex | Color PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC NAME OF FATHER Joe Yancey Bert Chatman RSS ST TEI <TC a eT a ares RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER ae | Page 20; 379 11934 10 9 Yandle iRoy | M W iStatesville Nc fw c Yandle i j i | 4 | i | i } I | H ! i | : : i | i | | | | iI | r r t | ii ! 1 | Lela Sims 20 502 | \ | iH i i i t - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS = DEATHS — Iredell — N.C 3 2 Tee Sasaerammnmnaooammtempemamean SS (enuuiasocsenmncimenennaapionene me =z Sa a sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH ) NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oe fear snp nae . iad calcined 1914! 7 | 71 York \Sarrah Ann F |W |Union Grove Tns jAnnoson Hoots Nancy Goff 1 616 1914, 11 | 2} York lRuby F | W |furnersburg Tns [Benj York Etta Heath 1 602 1915, 12 22 York haninre'’s I FW jUnion Grove Tns (Martin Templeton Mary E Davis 2 | 481 L917 i: 8 | 3a York |Anna May FW jUnion Grove Tfns jAaron York Harriet Dobson 4! 509 1917, 12 (23) York James Alfred M .W {Union Grove Tns Was York Katherine Barnard 4 512 1918; 10 | 4] York William Hugh M |W |furnersburg Tns jHub York Mary Heath 4A | 108 19201 2 1 51 York \Nancie F | W |Failstown Tns _ - 6, 423 1920) 3 . 4] York ‘Camilla F | W |Statesville N C Will York Carrie Sales 6; 201 1920; 4 | 1 York ‘Sarah F = W |Union Grove Tns JAaron York arriet Dobson 6 | 237 1920 * | 6) Your William F M |W /furnersburg Tns jJames B York es C Barnard 6 | 263 L9es) St Oot York \John M W |jUnion Grove TnsjJ A York Mery Templeton 71 621 gee. 2 |28) York Ulysis Sim MW {Eagle Mills Tns JAlford York Templeton 8 276 iver | 7 i184 York et M W {Union Grove Tns jJas B York Catherine Bannard 8 339 1982 \ 1s 28 | York iNancy E F W Union Grove Tns William Weatherman IZ Royal 91) 262 & 11923. 2 21) York Nancy Caroline F W Union Grove Tns Jas B York Catherine Barnard 9 | 255 sea. 9. j17] York \Nanie EC 2 Union Grove Tns jAaron York Sallie Hoots 10 | 462 1924 aG | 64 York Caroline F iW union Grove Tns hartin Templeton Mary Davis 10 463 1926, 7/17 York Greeke F |W (|Statesville N C Max Yorke - 12 | 507 la926 12 a3] York JA MW |Shiloh Tns 2 L York Carline Lyle de | 315 beet\ 12 1 OF York Ames Anderson M W pion Grove Tns Baron York Sallie York 13. 591 1929 1 10 3 | York George Hue M W Union Grove Tns ~ Fannie York 15 | 723 1929/| 12 12! York 10 C M ._W |Eagle Mills Tns [Wm York Rebecca Jones 16 , 153 4990; 6 jZ01 York Jennie Mary F C Mooresville N C fAlexander Graham Siney Graham 161 219 1951 | 10 | 8) York Bernice arden M W Union Grove Tns Marvin L York Nellie Ballard 17 603 B9oe!) ik j214 York Amedica F W Shiloh Tns obert Stewert Mary Stewert LS i 271 1933 | 3 31) York Lina F |W Union Grove me Shores Elizabeth Elmore 19 479 1934. 6 171 York Edmond M W |Union Grove Tns WW P York Bessie Reynolds 20. 645 1935 x | 81 Yore ‘Pearl (Mrs) F _W sebaaeeind N C John Templeton Alzeda Previtt 21 | 289 935 10 |28 1 York William Preston] M | W |Union Grove Tns James 4 York = E Weatherman ne | 657 1937 3 |12] York Leroy #411 M ._W iUnion Grove Ins Wames York Nancy Weatherman ed | 567 1939 5 25) York - M W |Union Grove Tn |Rex York Enis Combs 25 526 19h] 8 | 3g York | William B M |W Turnesbure Tn Alfred York Margaret Templeton 27,462 g9u2. 2. (23 1York Harriet Fi WwW Union Grove Tns Woe Dobson orkey York 28 48h 1944. 3 13 York Asron Ransom M .W (Union Grove Tns Ss York ry Templeton 50, 107 11944, 1, 9] York ‘Thomas W M W |Union Grove Tns/aifred York Mergeret Templeton [|30, 275 (1945 | 9 |15] York |Donnie Ray M . W /Union Grove Tns|Clyde York Tobithe Trivette 52; 45 948 | 11 Toe Marvin Lee M W |Harmony NC Bud York Mery Templeton 32; 449 1946, 30.16} York 1.DH M .W Harmony NC Frank York Rebecca Johnson 32) 5 1947: 5 |23 York Virginia Dare F |W {Harmony NC Andrew York Nora Luffman BJ “ sis 2 (3 |York | Samuel & M | W | Union Grove Alfred York Hargeret Templeton $5 | 394 —_ — } ee e | Te | | | ! i } | ' Se | | | | | ee \ es n i a e d —— j | ~ 4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. } ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. _Reg.U.8. ¥et.ox, ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH Year Month = Day R950 11 | 21 York 1951: 6 7} York 1952 2 28 | York 2953; & {101 York 1953 6 25 York 1954 3 a2 | York 1955 2 6 York " N955 "10 2d York | 1956 9 25) York 1957 8 21 |York 1959 3 4 Nork 1959 9 14 York 1960 4 26 York 1960 7 10 |¥ ork 1960 9 13) York 1960 9 6] York 1961 11 22) York (1962 3 16) York 11962 12 13/York 1964 9 1966 3 14) York 1965; 12)1 , 1966 11 18 York 1968 7 2/ York 1968 9 15 York 1969 11 1b York (1969 12 25) York 1970 4 1 Work 1971. (7 «2 | York 1972. 7 8) York 11973 1 |20] York 1973. 3 4&| York 11973 4 23) York 197, $ 9] York (1975 5 2% York 1975 27 | York | 1976 9 | York 1976 6.4 2Oek 5 5 LO 1977, & =17)York 1977 | 5 York 1 4 - > k aoe BY ork 11979| 12 | 2h) York 1979 6 1 | York SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE JS GIVEN Aaron Isaac Alvin Luke Lulia P. Tut terow F W Ivah Lee Della Harbin Carrie Sale R Benjamin Ella Morgan Melton Louico John Roy Bascom A. | . | Florence Hepler} Edna Stella Mae Mary Campbell Sherry Darlene | Mary Antha | Mattie “mith John Etta Charles i Noble John T, William Chester Myrtle Hessie | Mellisa Dawn | Nancy Ilamae @ maines, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer reference. QE Fo tocat to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page re Sex Color |} PLACE OF DEATH M W Wnion Grove Tns M W Statesville NC Union Grove F W Statesville NC F Wt Houstonville NO FW] Harmony N C M W!| Harmony NC F W | Union Grove i} i M W | Harmony NC M W Statesville NG MW Btatesvilie F W Btatesville ae Morganton Fi |Statesville F WwW | Statesville NC F W | dhabeed lie NC ie Statesville N © Bk W | Harmony NC F / jot tesville NC M Wi Olin F Wi] Statesville M Wi Statesville M W) Charlotte M W| tredell Co. M W Statesville F W Morganton FiW | Statesville F W | Statesville Goodin Ellen Barker / | F W | Statesville | Howard Emory | ‘Lawrence L Claudia Lee Ora Lee | Sallie Jane Jettie Day | John Frank | Matthew Shannoh M Harvey Frank Issac Columbus M Joseph Clyde . Hampton 1 ra Heath Jay Love Loretta Jean M W | Statesville M W | Statesville F W/! Statesville | Statesville F W | Statesville F WwW) i M W | Statesville W Winston Salem | Statesville | tatesville Statesville | Charlotte Mooresville | Davie Co | Statesville ee Co f NAME OF FATHER Henry York Haskell York Sylvester Tutterow Redulph Redman Henry karbin William Sele Franklin York T om Morgan R B York Brantley York Pate W. Hepler R. Ben York Mott M Bell Davidson Campbell Johnny W York Everette Martin Vander °mith | I Pp Robert C York James A York Heath John M Alfred York ) Useless York | Alfred ‘York William Burton William B York David Clyde York Aaron York John Barker _— Turner York Melton Luraco York John Tillet Tharpe Sam Barlow Daniel Hefner Frances Marion Day Luraco York Tommy York Isaac C York Issac C York Joseph Eli York rron York amuel Taylor Heath Jessie A. York Floyd Ray Deal COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 NAME OF MOTHER Nancy Knight Eula Southers Eliza J Wallace Hlez W hedman Sarah Bailey Mary Myers Rebecca Johnson ' Pauline Fletcher William Franklin York Rebecca Johnson Etta Heath Mary “ineberry | Dottie Trivette | | | Etta Heath | Nora Anderson | |Mary Feius ter | \ | Shirley Ann Winters | Myrtle Blackwood ij L }Mary Xeavis | \ Maun e 1 i Nancy Weatherman | Nancy Jones Margaret Templeton Pearley Templeton Margaret Templeton Carrie Sale " |Carrie Sales | Geraldine Holleman | Harriet Dobson Emiline Bennett \ | Lela Tutterrow | iH | | jLily Gooden Etta Mullis | Rachel Dickerson | Bell Sigmon | | Prudie Ann Graham | | Etta Mullis Debra Eugenia Bunto Jettie Day York Jettie Day | | Fannie Bolick Harriet Dobson Sarah Ann Foster America Stewart Pauline Moore GC-2 131 RECORDED Voi, Page B6 563 37 355 BS 145 39,176 39; 335 40 125 41 88 1 535 42 412 43 360 45 124 45 460 46 408 146 536 48/169 46 468 46 549 47 567 } \ | 53 40 54 429g 54 560 56 35 56] 5 57 434 58 408 29; 47 59 133 59 234 60 410 61 309 61 308 OC1l 812 62,478 63 245 64. hk DC2 244 165 678 DC2 432 Ww W Ww nN ht bh ~] On nN Ww Se ce r SS 56 247 | ‘e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. County Indexes Since 1888 An Identifying Trade Mark DATE OF DEATH Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Niade by Cott index Con Meme and veler to Bull Sud-leden chact ter gage vaharones. y% Danicley, Raleigh, N.C. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 3 Robert Lee Statesville Tom W. York Tina Shore Herbert McKinl Statesville James A York Mary Templeton ee pe e - ! | | | | | . t | s : @ . & t | | po os oe r te , ee a aS = satel dtd lili cemiaibabledisell if 5 ' po t , } | pt a eee . | ; | J | ce . po n e n t to en n pe r e n n e jp ff } +- - + ihe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index ot ad Sold w Observer Printing House, Chonrictte, a. o eae te OF ees eterna ci setlist a enact eee] SURNAME or Dacrase, | oie | PLAce oF DEATH ob - | -| Young - F | C |Statesville NC 1914, 10 14] Young | - M | C |Statesville N C 1914; 12 |11}) Young |Lenwood M | C |Fallstown Tns 1915/| 3 7) Young i\Burwell Pinkney | M | W Sa sumesite Tns 1915 4 | 3) Young ‘Laura F | C {Mooresville Tns 1915; 6 |10] Young William M C |Mooresville N C 1915 7 (27) Young Maggie F C |Mooresville NC 1915 10 . 51 Young 'Pinkney W M | C Barringer Tns 915 | 10 5] Young \Pinkney W M C |Fallstown Tns 4936! 5 4) Young ‘Dora F C iMooresville N C T7017 5 1 Young Harvey M | C Statesville Tns 1918 1_j121) Young James M C Statesville N C 1918 1 (|23] Young Mary Bell F . W |Mooresville Nc }1920 8 13] Young Ruby F Cc Statesville NC ‘Filed vo 5 a Young Sallie F C Statesville NC aisez, 5 25| Young Sgt Gilbert |M |W |Statesville NC see 12 13 | Young ‘Sarah I : F W Mooresville NC ‘isge3 ld igi Youss Wilmus Jane | F C Icoaale Creek TojJ | | 1924) 3 25 | Young David L : M C [Bagle Mills Tns jisea 4 3l Young ‘Estelle lr ic Statesville NC 1925 5 :dl1] Young Maudy | F C lcooa Springs Tn 1925 5 1| Young Annie E | F W Imooresville NC | i i925. 11 17] Young “ MC lstatesville NC uses, 2 14| Young John albert |&_ W hMooresville mc 1926 3 12| Young Callie | E458 Irinekdiiiars Tas 1926 4 26} Young Harriett C Fic lratistowa 7 Ths 1926 6 11) Young - | MHC Istateaviite Tns | i 11927 Z 10| Young Margie F C Statesville Tas | 1927 8 | Young Sarah Lee F W | coaale Creek Tn lises 12 2|| Young James White M C [stateoviite NC 1929 36 14) Young EJ | M W | statesvirte NC |1929, 12 5| Young Mary Elizabeth | FC chai Tns 129 12 (|17} Young JA F W Statesville N C ‘1930 2 15] Young Will MC |Sharpesburg Tns | 11930. 6 | 91 Young | A MW [Statesville NC 1930 7 . Young - MHC errr Tns | 1980 ll {18} Young Sherman | M C |Statesville N C 1930, 12 2! Young |Samuel H M W |Statesville NC 1931 9 10) Young Elmore M C |Fallstown Tns 1931 11 6) ~Young - F C |Statesville Tfns (CON) Spy NAME OF FATHER Willis Young James Young Pink Young Burwell Young Pierson Young John Harris N Young Ned Young Benjaman Faulkner Richard Young E B Young George Young Milford McCall Henry Young Thomas Deaton M Woods Pinkney Young Ransom Douthit Henry Hendrecks Quincy Young James Young Andy Young William Neele Young John Hall Junie L Young Walter Young S W Young Rufus Turner William Hip Jas Young Charlie Young Vick Young Hiram Young Patterson Young June Young Quince W Young NAME OF MOTHER Edna Barnett Bell Finnley Ellen White Brawley Cindy Brown Hannah Young Tilly Hood Chaina ..llison China Allison Tobitha Guin Maggie Wilson ‘Alm Georgie McLean Hattie Houston Sallie McCall Anne Winecoff Mary Elizabeth Woods Rochael Douthit Elizabeth Wyatt Helen Nicholson Mary MeCorkle = Young Emaline lhioore Marjorie Hall Mary J Tatum Dollie Levan Julia White Mary McCain Rachel Bost Nancy Jane Nolan Sallie McCall Daisy Poovey Pauline Patterson Susan Young Elizabeth Green Helen Nicholson + } 4A 4h 10} eh 11 | 12 | 12 | Le! 12 | 13 14. 15, 16, 15. 16, 16) 16 | 16 16 17 17 po 133° Vol. | Page | 109 | 554 | 224 | 289 | 169 176 , 185 -18 L149 1 Os | $05 173 10 | 112 | 356 _ 543 68 | tk Alt | $72 83 189 397 163 103 130 413 505 104 528 413 165 564 288 418 146 510 516 151 577 Reg, U.S. Yas. OF. ( For ‘Your Protection, Insist On Kt INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell count. pe This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. treo oar Year Month Day 1932 9 (27) Young 1932, 10 |11] Young 1933; 2 18) Young 11933, 11 1] Young ‘1933 11 ,13) Young 1934, 2 |21) Young 1934 5 5] Young 1935 2 7) Young 1935 6 21) Young 1935 4 5| Young 1935 5 6] Young | 2935 5 6) Young 1996 3 14) Young (1936 4 25) Young 1936 5 21) Young 1987 7 20 Young ‘1938 11 27] Young 1939 5 10 | Young ‘agno 4 26] Young (1940 7.28] Young: eeu 9 29|| Young gal 5 24 Young = 9 23 Young 942 1 28 jYoung 944 10 14 /Young 1947, 3 . 8) Young 1947 7 5] Young ious z 43/ Young nga9 4 (114 Young 1949 6 21 Young 1949 10 24 Young 1950 10 a betes 1950 /11 11) Young a952) 2 2 | yo ng 1952. 11 .13] Young | 1953 6 |29] Young 1953 10 26 Young 1954 | a / 7 Young 1953 | 9 3 | Young 1954, 5 16 | Young hosn 11 1, | Young i | pie SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | James |Ferrell Ingmon | Emma Levina ‘Thelma Hartly | Fay Ruth John Williams Mary J Goodman Maggie Jane Agustus Billy Ray JR Hattie Jessie Dr JA George Manton Walter Oscar Lee Willie Mae Carl Olive “eorgia Zollie John tAlvin A “Everette H Lindsay Waddell * Nancy Anders Of, Edgar Arthur George M James Alice Estelle Alexander atta Lee Edgar Allen _Louvina H Parthenia Sherrill Mary Ida F Te font names, © e Ball Sub pelindex sheet for Sex Color M C MW F W FW F W F C M C F W F W M C F C M C M c M W F C M W M C M Cc M C : M Cc | F C Mic rFoOW M C M C M C M M C F C MC Mi C M M W F W F C M W F..1¢ : C | PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville N C Coddle Creek Tn Shiloh fns Shiloh Tuas Eagle Mills Tns Statesville NC Coddle Creek Tn Mooresville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Statesville Tns Coddle Creek Tn Fallstowns Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Fallstown Tn Fallstown “n lStatesville NC |\Coddle Creek Tn | (Mooresville NC | | Coddle Creek Tn + Moores svilleé NC \Mooresviile NC i | Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesvilie NC | Proutman WNC esville NC Statesville N C Troutman NC Kinston Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Troutman NC Troutman NC Lumberton NC Statesville N ” Troutman NC at t SURNAME INITIAL TA and reter t page reference. NAME OF FATHER George Young Eddie Young G M Young Mack WB Hartly Alva Young John Young John Goodman H W Miller Henry Young Clyde Young Bill Young Jessie Houston Salmon Young George Young Doublin Young Anderion Young Everette Young John Young Wilham Young oseph F McLean Pamuel Young Andy Young H T Young Anderson Young Milas Young Dublin Young Dublin Young H T Young Aybert Young bo F Young Ed E Young Thomas Beatty Person Young Robert White Unknown Will Howard Elex Sherrill oa ee UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 . 8% 7168-—Copyright 1930 Patent Ne. 4 NAME OF MOTHER Julia Rutherford Margaret L Butler Ida Torrence Della Murris Lucile White Rosa Byers Mary Ann Brawley Stewart Vonnia May Young Ruby Sewell Callie Young Geneva Hariston Fronie Wood farie Graves Nancy Robinson Caroline Young Elizia Young Macon viele Etta White Rosie Pharr Mary Kosa Swann Mary C Byers wary Turner Parthenia Sherrill Harriet Young Amanda Douthell kliza.Young Unknown Parthenia Sherrill Maggie Young N Isabelle Deaton are: MmaPRa ret L Butler Nancy Colinger Unknown Adeline Neil Mary Sigmon Lauria Smith Mary Brown Abram Perry Torrence Mary Thompson RECORDED Vol. | Page 18/| 196 1g, 42 19 218 19{ 228 20, 108 20 348 20, 48 aL 52 21 334 21| 223 21; 506 el 56 22; 142 22. 427 22 449 23: 418 24 438 25 110 26, 146 26 398 26 61 Ab Oo a/ }:2e oo. | eo oO | 404 d3t--LLp 33 319 34 93 B5 | 149 55 210 35, 505 36 491 36, 560 38) 299 38 559 39 361 39 520 40 li 40 90 40 201 HO 531 we 6 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. corren wmtad” DIE" re eere Se — meee (| — — == a = SS = SSE SS ar = a nes SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Cowr | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVER Vol. Page | 1954. 12 4 Young Dorcus FC _|Troutman, NC _|Douglas Young Eliza Morrison— 40 | 594 1954 10 (18/Young James Locan. _w Charlotte NC John Albert Young. Mary Goodman 40/551 1955 z 27)| Young Mamie F C Statesville NC | Alexander Sherrill Susan Sherrill LL §1 | 1956 4 (14]| Young _ Stillborn F |W || Mooresville Dwight N Young Grace S Young 42 2h2 1957, 5 | 3} Young Hillard T. M C | Statesville Andy Towne | Genelia Smith h3 226 1957 & 11] Young Willie MC jStatesville Noah Young Daisy Connor 43 182 1958 | 4 4 Yowmg _ Edd M C | Statesville | - - . 44 205 | | | 1958, 11) Sone |Lewis Pink M | W {Mooresville Lewis ‘og \Bliza Snyder las 540. 11958, 8 (11) Youmg [Sarah Keller F | Whenoir Rt. 2 Robie M Keller Cely Roberts _ 44 496] il i |1959 8 20) Young Terry FO |Statesville Kenneth Young | Cozby Hoosier 45 409 | | | |1959 9 16] Young |Charlie Bell MW laistatinis John Young | Mary Goodmm 45 565 L Young | Deaton 1960 11 2'|| Young Adolphus Branch | MW | Mooresville N_O| Benjamin Franklin/ | Sarah Isabe).la/ 46) 639 |1962 1 (2211) Young Wilford Long/ M| Wi Statesville Nc |B. ‘inkney +oung |*de °immerson 48 36 \1963 3 2h Woung Thomas M/W oresville Joseph A Young Vivian J ‘ewton 49 206 11963. 9 1d Young Mildred F Wi Charlotte | Ortell L Mayes | Annie + Yollins| 49 638 }1964 12 |18} Young Tempie F Wi Trout man | & * Beaver | Nettie Misenheimer | 50 728 I \ i : : f [2965 5 (21) Young Junie M | W| Mecklenburg | Lewis F Young Anna L Hendricks | 5 384 A ce 11965 12 |26]| Young / Eddie M; Wj] Morgant | Lewis F Young ) | Annie Eljza Hendrix 52 142 ae o ° ; 7 } y 7 | Le xd <= eS rich | Fa at | Dae /bUmM - a ae } i t nsnitliccilla isiemenienimaraninons a 296 Young Arthur MW | ate | Adolphus Yount | Unknown | 53 432 | | | . 4 | | | | | | 1967 9 9 | Young Macon aia FC | Mooresville Calvin Flowers Maggie Bridges | 53, 560 | ord . | | | |1969 2 24 Young Sr. Alfred Har/ M > W/ Statesville | Charles O Young Mary Harford | 55 139 | nT | | 1969 8 9 | Young Lemmie Ellie F wi Statesville | A C Young Elmire Wall \55 510) , tt I t # - “4 \ i | | 1970 — sad a2 Young _Ervin Edgar M C | Statesville t Harvey Young | Cordie Morgan { 56 679) | | | 1 | | | 1921. 10 LF Young Debbie eliaabeth F N [Statesville | - Bo Young $7 .1279 | | Jr. jam. 8 20) Young III James Murray M _ W |\Charlotte Janes Murray De Young! Barbara Yvonne Ritch |57_ 1347 | | 1972 12 4| Young _Floyd Alexander) M N| Troutman | Vick Young Pauline Patterson i 797 3 y | 1972 S} 18 Young Mary C Byers Pits | Mooresville | Charlie Byers ? Leura Neil Byers | 58 133 | | | | | @ | {| } | 972 7 2h Young Floyd Henry M N_ | Statesville | - _@Louvenia Howell | 58437 | | | 2974 6 (19 Young Jr _Henrgn Jerome M Wi! Statesville | Henry Jerome Y - zene Allen 160 319 1976 9 20] Young Annie Paul FW | Winston Salem | Shuford_E Mil Margaret, © C Eiitote is 2 814 1946 9 21) Young Mrs Grace Nomani4 F N povatesvills |Clinton oyureas | Mage pe 60 977 7 9) Young Pink Lonnie M B | Troutman [Anderson Young |narriet Young 163 383 il T | ’ tt tt eect + \ i 63 | 1977) 7 (19 Young Earl M |W Moores ille | John Albert Young Mary Josephine Brawlpy | 4.03 | | € | | 11977, 11 (8 }Young Hester Clemmic || F W | & Mooresville | Charles Henderson W ob/ Panthie (unkown t 63, 645) } | | | | | 1978 5 13 Young, Jr. Samuel (NMN) MN | Mooresville | Sam Young Sr. Men Byers Young | 4 256) | 1978 6 2 Woung Bennett Branch) M W/| Mecklenburg Co | A B Young Alice Beatty 0C2 245, '1979 10 13)|Young Ottie Mae Fis | Mooresville Odell Campbell niney Young 65 547 1978 8 21/| Young Eddie Lee M -B| Forsyth Co |? Era Young ocez 2 1979 _ 11. 27 Young Ellen White F |B {Troutman | s=ers== en White b5 622 | lig98o a | 34 tounge Espie Whitfield} M_ B Mooresville Alex Young Alicé Davidson Young 66 2 i Y ; | } 1 | hogo 2 3 | Young James Elree M_ W | Mooresville Lewis Pink Young |Ona Mae Morrow 66) 66 | 1980 12. 31 Young Whitney (NMN) | M_ W/ Statesville Wm. G. Young oe Elic Whitney 66 665 | | | 1981 1.7} Young Vie MB} Statesville _ Alex Young | Alice Troutman 67, 16 | | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. z ap t =: — = me sh + pr e s e n ar e n e Se e r s — SE += ee —= eS 3 % ww ) Gi Bi l & a | g 3 | =| © Al s | 3 i 2 | 2 ed s NAME OF FATHER omer R Young is i n at i a c e s li l i si e a t c a i n i h e n : = —— — — — — S S a $e SS S -— — + = SS <= == == —* <= - = + = + a = : + pe e f at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer sheet for page reference. Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH Wi Statesville Te ry M be b e SS [= SS ee St —— | s tt ge 3 2 so 4) Oy ! ¢ Hy 85 | 2 ae ) As A 4 aa fi u r c e s c k sf 6a ) Ee ! ) w 4, 33 i $8 | 2s a8 ‘2 ° 3 ee Ph oe = Se e Bh ae os pe se eg Re ee ta Re i ae a E B te e s ic e m a b e c h n e c c e k to —e e k e a e e ae ea i e n s ee e ea s be r b e r ee yi °° a a oN = i & ii ¢ Ne n e " | ee e e r u e t i i e en e eh i e s a s oy Se oe - a p> —— — a pn pn ng a = +: — = = ih i (a 7 = = —_ we r = ww (portee UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. a 6&—Copyright 1 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. &. Patent No. 14371 mee — ~ 1914, 5 |16] Younger 1917; 4 ‘1s Younger 1918; 10 |23! Younger 1935; 12 14] Younger 1967| §$ 1] Younger 1940; & (28) Younger 1954; 9 | 20/Younger 1956' 4 (3 |Younger 1962, (27 *ounger 1963 9 4&}tounger 1966 11 16 Younger 1972. 7 (22) Younger 1974 9 | 27% Younger 1976 10; 1? Younger | | te Buff | Sub-lndas: shest for page To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB oni refer reference. Made by The Cott Index Sold » Columbus, Ohio ov Observer Printing House, Charlotte, M, Cc. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘Era Lou Redmond | Lizzie | Louphelia _ Avery C. Clarence Norris | Rettie Mae helius Lester Theop/ ak acy Arizona ty ty = = xy = y, =F SM SS PLACE OF DEATH | W Statesville Tns W |Statesville NC | W |Statesville NC = Mooresville NC Statesville N C = ; New Hope Tn Statesville NC Union Grove Statesville NC = * = « Wi] Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville = = € = NAME OF FATHER A C Younger Bart Mullis Gaston Younger Joe Kemp A C Younger iH C Redmond Phillip Sells Theopelus Williams Gaston Younger Marion G Younger Avery C Younger Rome C. Younger Joe Macy John William Younger NAME OF MOTHER Lizzie Sales Cook Louisa Mullace Mary Redman Lizzie Sells Q T Williams Katherine Culp Pauline Williams Lunaza Mullis Leuanza Mullis Eliz. Sells Nancy Jane Byrd Louphelia Williams Mary Cheer 4) 385 4a | 249 21, 132 23, 361 26 268 421 168 40 | 2 48 283 49 507 52 655 58 440 60, 488 62 498 8 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. i This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.S. rat.of. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. = To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer referen: COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 res.n. ( For sour Protection, Insist O i ee ee ee ee LU. &, Patent No, 1487166—Copyright 1980 DATE OF DEATH RECORDED Toa Te ore ne oe Sex | color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [>> — 11936 11 | 6] Yoder |Elizabeth Earl FW Statesville N CiEarl F Yoder Zola McCracken 22| 545 96h 6 2h Yoder Floyd M wW/| Statesville Junius T Yoder Candace Bollinger | 50 368 ) | 1967 11 20) Yoder Annie F W ftatesville Calvin M Yoder Emma C Yoder 583 702 | | | | ! | l | : | | | | | | | 11918 6 4| Yost Agnes By W |Statesville N Cj John Yost Mary Sieler 4A 163 | | { i 1 '1948 2 18 Yost Henery A. | MW | Mooresville NC | Jacob Yést Peggy Yost 54 78 | | 11948, 4 (hk lYost Rebecca Ellended FW |Mooresvilie NC [Caleb Cremmenger \Ziizabeth Dave 341.132 | | 1966 8 18 Yost Wm. | M~ Wi Statesville David F Yost Unknown 52 491 | | | | | ) | | | | | i j I i | | | | i i | { | H i | | | | | | | | | | | eo | | i i | i # # 4 H i | il | | | | | | Filed | | 1924 3 4 Youngblood ~ | M C |Shiloh Tns ~ jAlice Youngblood 10; 274 hose 5 19} Yomgblood ‘Hugh Calvin |M Ww | Statesville NC | David c Youmgblood | Sa lie Draffin 44 259 | | | | 1974 11 11) Youngblood John Larry 'M W (|Mooresville John W Youngblood Gladys Sharp 60 5&1 | | | | i I i l H t | | | i i : | y | i i i | \ i | | | | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | 1 ! || i i I | | } | | | | | | | w INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Uk Patent Ne. 1487168~Copyriaht 1930 | wert ie << S SURNAME OF DECEASED oe Vala Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 11923 8 (17] Yount ‘Martha Elnora F W 1924 6 | 6] Yount |John Clarence M W 1924; 11 | 3] Yount Viola Fi W see. 11 | 29 Yount LAF M W i191 12 9! Yount Margaret E FW 1091) if 9} Yount ‘Marsaret E F W 1932 2 4) Yount |Wilfong M W 1932: 2 4) Yount ‘Wilfong M W | 1934 4 5] Yount ‘John Daniel M W 1934 5 24] Yount John Franklin M W 1951 6 6} Yount Horace Arthur M WwW | 1952 7 Lit Yount Catherine H r W 1964 4 18 | Yount Josephine Fi ¥ 1965 1 ~ Yount Martha FieW 1965 3 ie | Yount Alpha Omega FW 1967 Z 1 brount Arthur Leroy M WwW 1969 2 17 Yount _ Harold Horace | M 1969 11 1d Yount William Edgar M WwW (1972 2 3) Yount Carroll Noah | M W | | 1973 11 15) Yount Kitty Little | F W 1976 2 1] Yount Preston Earl & W |1977 3 13 | Yount Mary Coulter | F W 1980 5 1 | Yount Annie Lee lr ow 1981 i | yount Bessie W. oe ae | | | | : | | | PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NC Statesville N C Mooresville N C Statesville N C Sintiaviiis NC Statesville N C Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville N C Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Statesville | Statesville r | Statesville W Statesville Statesville | Iredell | Statesville 4 | Statesville | Statesville 1 i | Mooresville | Statesville te names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER Ramson Eads Jacob H Yount J F Yount D Pinkney Yount Turner J Smith Turner J Smith John P Yount John P Yount Eugene M Yount P E Yount James J Alexander A. Odell Yount Yohn Sublett Adolphus Yount Unknown Davis E Yount Quentus Little Noad A Yount Coulter Jim W Fourshee John R. Whisnant John McDwigher Horace Arthur Yount 9 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Salynda Hefner Mary M Wilson Pearl Sharpe Nancy R Propst Mamie E Rhyne Mamie E Rhyne Mattie Wilfong Mattie Wilfong Belle Barron Guy Cynthia Hawshaw | Isabelle Moose Ruth Miller Adline Sublett Sophronia Bolick Unknown Unknown Alice Leona Miller | Elizabeth Mitbhell | Cynthia Isenhour | Lottie Carpenter | Carrie Love Frances Alexander bert Lewis Stevenson/Molly Poole Coulter 63 199 RECORDED Vol. | Page 9| 208 10; 311 10) 222 14) 521 17; 515 18) 517 18 519 17, 517 20\ 386 20 413 37 354 38, 356 50 262 54-56 51 183 53 432 | 55 278 | 55 719) 58 81 59. 605 | 6237 | eu m m n e n a r t e e 66, 245 67, 73 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. il Uk Patent No. 1437168 Copyright 1980 re Sa. Sold by Observer Printing House, Obarlote, N.C ees SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [—— | Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. | Page ] 11936; 6 |15] Zeigler _ _|Robert William | M | W |Barringer Tns JjR M Zeigler Elizabeth Brown 22} 9 & 1964, 5 | Al Zeigler Nann ie F WW] Troutman Jasper Sperrill Effie Loftin 50 295 | | | | | | : | , | | | | | ! \ é oe iI | | e | | | | | | | || i i ! | | | i 1 i f i [ \ | 1 i | | i | ‘ i | | ' | I \ | i ! | j i , | I i i | ! | | | | | $ | | 8 | | | | i} \ \ | | | 7 ! | | H ] | { | | | I | i | ® | | | | i | i | i i | 1 | j i! | | : | | | | | | i | | i| | i| | | i \ } | | I | | | | | | t i} | | | 1 | 12 } This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.S. Pat.of. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day + ’ 11944; 12 |15 1947, 3.29 1979 §.ian INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Yarborough j\John C dr Yarborough Johnnie P Jr Yarbrough Elizabeth Hago gap te locat Sex Color M W MW adF W PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Statesville names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sab-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER J P Yarborough Johnnie P Yarborough Ira Bragg Hagood COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, 1-4 U. 8. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 NAME OF MOTHER Ruth Mull Ruth Mull Kate Sails RECORDED Vel. Page oO; 415 29 136 | 65 276 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1983 A-122569 | DATE OF DEATH |) Year + 11953 1966 | Month | Day 9 18 1 (15 = += —— — — — F 4 Yale Yale SURNAME OF DECEASED AMD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Nina _ Wm. 8 te F er e s se e — Sex | Color Wi M | W PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville er a ar n fe r te ae be n . SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Dat ‘Bub-index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER “ack yale John Yale THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio | | | | | ee ’ Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B NAME OF MOTHER btta Hinson Olivia S DeBord BoM Vol. Page 39, bel, 52 46 —— NR ee e pe e i e e r e i e e m t i r i n i e t e n er e n c e s ie e e th e a —— — np e n e e n d a i c e m r e s n e c n i n a n s i i e n i n o n e n t e t s i i l INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. v TTC AL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio ( ) + Gonpright 1988 A-122659 " Ss ” te Bot sheet for page reference. Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B ae eas a RECORDED Serene SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | Color || PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER | Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN — ae ee eee Sooo SS SNCS TI : — 1954 9 | 15 Yerton [Mattie Viola | F W | Mooresville NC | Alfred Franklin Yertpn Mary Cockran [40 433 { { i | H + | | i} \| I | | | i | iH i] I tt + ti | 1} | t i | | ] I | | | | I | | 4 ji i i _ + i | | | { fi i + | i H H } | | | | | | i | t 1 iz | i} | \ 1 | | | a ee n rn re n e e Ne ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe. 1-4 Te locate SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Copyright 1983 A-122569 > & Bat ea sheet for page reference. Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B = a 7 Se Ee === = So DATE OF DEATH | . SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER | Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE IS GIVEN } ; : Zaring 955| 7 | 78 Zaring ‘John Roswald | M | W [Statesville NC | Roswald Arthur 7 ___WAlice Bryan } | | | | | i | I } | | | | | | | { i ii | | | | | | | | | i \ i ] i I ! | Hh i} u | | | 1 | | | | | | H | | | | | | \ | | | | : | | | 1 | ca n e in t i c e m w i i bi m i n i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs, Cott Patent Index Systems, COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Year Month 1956 1 1979, 9 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Stillborn _N6ratViola Mays) To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. 20 RECORDED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Statesville William Bhomas Yow Evelina Kerley Herbert Mays Cena Mae Stafford Vol. Page Ao 33 65.470 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1933 A-122559 er Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systems—_| Genmben, Ohio DATE OF DEATH 1959) 3 + a Yeas | Month Day so m m e c i b a n a + a ——+~- ae + ad ! ae — j RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED sex |co.or} PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Vel.| Page = : _ : ¥ aa oa z= —— = —_— Hee aes Sa — an nae aes = ren See = = = E —_ — — = - ae Youman | Lila Jane F | C Istatesville Nathaniel Gaithers |Hattie Wallace 45 |121 ov 1 £ a ee ; oe : Lome ee BOAT ie Eee Ne ae i | + ne diniitieeiCd eae eaiciical sation wie 2 P ie | 2 ee es | sade — + + anne ; a a Siena Big enn oiiatnnnt ssnnineemerenline sa = chien = tein ae # wl L ce fn = ne a on seen ial an i a i. —_ oti sie toes sinilliion _ eacenpenemnenaaesll a en a Sr cs cals Boss Ss 4 ie pa nL soni San ei iiinidigeceial ha INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright | 1930 Beg oe to csnenat she et for wae © ate names, open at st SURNAME INITIAL TAB ants we ence. Made by The oo tt Index < Compa ny, Columbus Ohio e, Charlotte, N.C. Sold by Observer Pri ¢ Hou 24 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1961 1 27 s $+ — Yeary SURNAME, OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex M Color | PLACE OF DEATH W Mooresville N¢ NAME OF FATHER Henderson Yeary NAME OF MOTHER Voerothy Yeary RECORDED Vol. t 47 56 Page — ener anemones _ — Sa fg he _ — — — _ —— ns — eran _— a eeeeenenene = _ —_ — - — —_ ————- 4 — ——— _ ———. —_j—— foe — | —_—_—— — — — — — — ——-+ +— bn _ _ ~ oo i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. INDEX No. 1-4 COTTCO UNIVERSAL U, 8. Patent No. csdsdetttacckicth 1930 DATE OF DEATH iy Year Month | Day p962| 53 _araal) SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN + |Melvin + S a EE noes _ a _ - = _ _ — - - macenen — wi snicecliaehes mastic eames ee _ ——— — reereeeeeemseesnaroenis nerviainriiremennenitiie ornsonasipin cement oni a — ad — — cae a — a oo ———_ — ae ot AO ee — ae HH ee es — ih Mn ee ned — eeretieennetaneniineinititinsnininitanesasnnomenilie patella snnshecniiahaatsonneoniia pervect vn _ nines sien — ~ smi in ie som vaio _ —- + — —_ = on penne a wn wstncienalnit — siielataaiectne one siapieeneemaneaeicsicieatcitintanaten we = — —— _ -—— + — s “+ Index sheet for page reference. ae © locate name a. at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Si Sex § Color SEE PLACE OF DEATH | Stat esvil le NC] NAME OF FATHER Francis R. Yarnall | 28 Made by The Cott In dex Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER | Jennia - RECORDED _]48| 246 | Vol.| Page + INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX Copyright 1949 A-141580 No. 1-Split Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. 30 Made by The Cott Index , Columbus, Ohio Sold ee eee One, Sone N. G. | ag @ =a DATE OF DEATH 19651 5 B L976 4 Year Month | Day a 1 | 29 12 Yelton Yelton a a SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Celia PLACE OF DEATH SS Statesville ———— NAME OF FATHER Obediah White a PR SE NAME OF MOTHER ticey D White Se | Hurvey Hugh —-}- + Statesville Clarence A Yelton ington Ethel Letitia Penn-/ + 4 | muy ae | | fice sicwiiiibereet Ici ils spinel — —+ —— | | | | cE © ee —h— meneame DATE OF DEATH Year a ameuueucaaa cnn! -" _— 7 \ | Month | Day oe COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. 8. Patent Ne, 1437168—Copyright 1930 1968 4 13 Zimmerman — SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN James M. — pee coer emesis nem a gee re locate names, te Buff Index sheet for page at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer erence. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Cbserve: Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. 32 Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Marshall L Zimmerman Irene Smith RECORDED Vol.| Page 54, 249 ——— emma eneenemnerernmemen — meee eee dleeen _ — — — _ a —_—— Tt enna — a ean —_4 beeen ~ — amen on -_ — ene a een RTE Se pp ne —+——~- _ -—-—— _ ——— $$ a — — SB _ —_— a Ss — _ ele — a — — fh rs —— —————— ose perenne _ _ a baemnane _ scnaneneomar pueaenanarena bene head F ebb Laas — ————EE ——_——_t- sll soi he asin _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. x 34 a. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 e Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ——~S~S U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. Siemens ne am Siatieeaairiaeateadicineaenenearenntie sraerecene tenet apes aetna ee eee ea ea aa aa RORinaineaiaeeienemeanEimreianemae seeanenteineiesierberh posene Sp aan IiReseteninaEEEEEaEeatiedtnnanadinememaaastienemtadeciaten aeeatenainea S caiaiaaientediben'temeaitaiaemeemsmnrmtantan dicen - Sean ae a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED Tae - hp CHneSTIAN Naame, © OnE 1S Gavel Sex Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = oa a + + * M ‘ + = 11975) & 24) Zahos Charles Efstathios W iMooresville Efstathios Zahos Helen Demopoulos 61 250 Ga eee scsi Eee Sean ips dR ee tins ae — oo be ill Decne eee sae cir RE arn, # He Luailinbls dh = i neers r —_—}—___}_ siiciiiiesiiiiesiiemiiueiicsieailbiaes Lia sistem linseed gigi deine chia saeiieancecitteannesiaati scene ah siinehienhailale ao eal naan since ani sense setnretiniget colinenmmnnion sient as woslieaininee oe — ones —— Bs haciendo aiilandi Nis } pi Ga Ws ol ae i - o baa J eo cane Scie Paice Ma cantina eens ne as ine wa ina viii sii iain a aint pion oe wetiin — OS ee Hh we eanasesil mapcecemelioens — + —~$-—— ~+ et isin ieiniisigaaacasimmaaieiiaas 8 = L donnceail a + seni — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — somes = — Iredell County, N. C. — CcoTTco UNIVERSAL INDEX No. ‘14 err Tecate names, i SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index: Compan: ny, c atamhens, Ohio Uv. & Lutassnnad No. SN tintenttiasncedeancnh 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold ‘ie Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. — ———— Tne ge eee ———————— = ———_ SO ———— Sceaphae ieee -aneceeyneneeerenonhaD-esoeayseREenSnSSSastaeancenesnes Saar —— DATE OF DEATH RECORDED ; SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Year | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. Page i er + 4 1979 514 Zarbock _—« William Fredric MW] Statesville Wm. Fredrick Zarbock | Dorothea Holtz ___{65 264 | a sissies alesis pasavaliniiet ai a a eae igts i ll cat abi tincinisebaeidiniccamnies an a pavninieihiiaati = “s ik ee fa ibe sbiiiiail iiiiscicccoal Sas dauiapsaicidaionote cab iliac cdi aetsecieateadantosie ea at / a PE aie i alesctcdicta i ibisaaal spanicea af: GS I ie ee i le stillet oe we ii ci St a see s ae i ince ea ibaa Aciiinsinsiniiionsiniineeiri sehen osetia iia sirelcdicciaooniciaibowe ssciliuseniesimion jnceillesicilhinesioniciamce sila Resaconne a a ainsi nce . emis anes iiiiieaiinanienis ceased viii ‘ oi me as i Nelsiaae wanes ae ica sian ee linn le scien 4 L on ioral al Final INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Com ty Indexes Since 1688 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of cont see eee tes cha bata a Aa lnthing Tende Ham and safer to Stell Sub-lodes chest for page saference._ _S0ld'ay Comma Danieley, Raleigh . DATE “ wm] "SURNAME = a SEX | coLOR|| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oon tar jay SS NNT. a ee ST SN = a noon Sea pecna nsoccsenanccneenesinensess<e anne = a enemy re ———aae—ESE EE eee Seen aa — 1980 | 3 | 13 Yodsnukes Anthony John M |W | Statesville Anthony Yodsnukes Frances C. Czajka {66 | 122 r + | | j | | | | | | a oa } 4 | | | | | ' | | | | | | | | | | “ 4 | } DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SECTION CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this film are true and accurate reproductions of records originated during the normal course of business by the Tredelb Co len fe AkGcstee pe Serge: 2 Cee and consist of 7-0 £x% To Ve be / STATIS WCE ~ beunTas I913-124/ The records begin with Seog a “.* eee soi, and end with vege W- Ze ‘ta 2eiy Yufrae, fasaalt AaThery Je = ny Sraresville, ae It is further certified that ar above records were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina, chapter 8-45.1 and 8-45.4, "Uniform Photographic Copies of Business and Public Recorde as Evidence Act"; that the microphotographic processes accurately reproduce the records so microfilmed; that the film forms a durable medium for reproducing the original, if necessary; and that the film used conforms to American National Standards Institute, Spectftoations for Safety Photographic Film, ANSI PH 1.25-1976 and American National Standards Institute, Spectfications for Photographic Film for Archival Records, Silver-Gelatin on Cellulose Ester Base, ANSI PH 1.28-1976. This is further to certify that the microphotographic processes were accomplished by the undersigned on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated below. Date Filming of this Reel Began Ausuat 13 (AB / Reduction Ratio /bX Date Filming of this Reel Ended Biceps t/ 2 LGG/ Microfilm Camera Operator