HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeath Index 1913-1981, W 87 Wam Wan Wao Wap Waq Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be 4s im é Bu a i t n l o t e : } Th i s Si g n a t u r e on sh e e t s in s u r e s th e i r co r r e c t n e s s . Th e Co t t In d e x Co m p a n y , 0. 5. Co c p i i a h i t Re g - U . 8 . Pa t . o f . ( Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , In s i s t On It . Co l u m b u s , Oh i o No . 10 3 6 3 2 di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . ro u p e d to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e 4pensley 5 Wae Waf Wag Wah Wai Waj Wak ° Si a if if a q ao oO Me a | é - lo n a " ap = b 2 4 -“ 1 | a d ty q 4 Pa qo st ° oO © q Gg oO & “4 a a a re t oT 3 3 a ae q. 3 | q os = = } = . = = m is & a 0 | é Page Wab Wac Wad _liWaggoner-Wagner ._____. 3 | Walden 21Waite _16 | Wakeman 72. 101 119 ay. Wayne Waynick 19 Page| Waw Wax Way Waz—Whb We Wd Pace Wau Wav Page 15) 15 15] 16 16 70 17 ractanpesnmmnoms soe cE RR GREET Was Wat son ton y On a). Page 11 11 Washburn 12 uh j2 Watk 13 i2 War |Warweck Warren |\Warlick 69 Wa SN Se +— hey 12 i ® = Su j i w e d d e “2 3 2 ‘s s e q u i n g sj e [ d u s 0 s sa y s 23 9 ] Je q u y d e 4q sj z a e y s Qe } sa p i C s3 e s ue H e s q ) s3 2 e 4 s Yy n q es o u I 40 au O Bu z e p i o Ue y M (S $ P¥ ® W- H - D - d $4 0 3 9 ] Je p u n 8j 9 9 4 8 Uj E } 1 9 2 Uo Si e q u i n u Bu p m o y o y S Aq pe y e u s } s e p ) we d s 1 “O N 3g e3 0 ] d u I 0 a dn sH e M 03 OF sz 2 0 y 4 s Ge y OF pu r sy s o y s YN G FO I (s s e q u i n u te 3 e i 4q pa y e u d y s e p ) se m Z e y | oN 30 g e3 0 ; d m I 0 > dn ex w u T 02 OF sy 0 0 q 8 Gu z Og pu r sy o e y s yn g t6 (‘ s s o q u i n g Su y p e c e s d Q Aq po z e c d y s e p ) 0 “o y 30 8 ea y d u l 0 > dn sH e m 0; OF sy o o y s qe z OF pu sj e e q s yn g oY ‘o e @W 0 9 8 a AF H L AS N AG & SL U A H S LN V . 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Uj e i 4 e 2 uo si e q u i n u Zu j m o q o y g Aq Pe y e a z s s e p ) sd s [ ‘O N 39 5 *j a j d u r e s dn ee u 0; of Si s e q s qe } og pu e si s e q s yn g FO I (s a e q u i n a re j n 8 e a Aq pa y e u S i s o p ) 4e n B o y [O N 32 g e3 0 ; d u I 0 > dn oR e U 0; 08 S3 0 0 q s Gh } OF PU e sj e e q s yN G Ze (‘ s s a q u i n a Bu y p e s e s d g Aq Pe s e U s y s e p ) O ON 30 % s3 0 ; d u I 0 > dn ey e 03 OF $2 9 0 q 8 Ge y OZ Pu s sj e a y s yn g oY NW Y O M YO GI I V A I G AW O I A T AZ H L AS N AG NA H M SL A A H S IN V L Y O d W I AS S H L MI N A Y 89 | Re g . U. S . Pa t . o f . ( Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , In s i s t On It . Co l u m b u s , Oh i o No . 10 3 6 3 Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l i i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be gr o u p e d to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . in |\ o ia ia ia io l (4 ia ia ay l i z am @ m i g q g a g i s g s ai s a i s i g gg al og | rm “ = ° | ( : & | $ z > 3 3 | | O} g g | = ' : bo a ii a g i a is by ¢ A 5 s as i= ig i g (8 iq if i@ & | = u a a a o qo od a ad | b= oC oS a - o 4 5 ° of ° oO ° q Q ° q oO ° ° 5 } oO 9 9 g g 9 a io = = Be Be a : | | | + a oO oT | 7 “| Y T 7 7 © et on On z = oO rf it ee Be i 4 | | E | ° j > ° 3 | | | i = oS ty | i | a iS | Ss oH ie ~ rA a o ° ° oO | | i 3 =| = 2. + + : a fa n t —— + - 4 + 4 —- + =p ce r e bo o e = ee v a a m n GR E G Ga m a l Ga GE E GE E R GR MS —+ - ~~ ay oS j | © a Te g = ~H WO a mn 0 ‘O o ; : wa ws W f c | | S E L E E E L E L E L EE 4a [o || # gs 9 5 ct ee | * } Po re | | | & > | j * | i | = | | | Pia | | a | N a 00 | ES ~ § ; 2 by | > 4 ° e a4 € Os zi si @ gs & = M EI > oO 4 q © he y ° | S © S - 2 a if o ° o 0 » Og ne © eo +? ® $s 2 is 4 ef 2 p = h p 4 p J = = P » » » a oe vd ve “4 Ol lm “a ow 4 wt a | we é < ai s is Se Ss es s L S od W h e . 4 : + fa a : + = =H | i | | | | | | | | S | | © ae | | | 8 | ee s | > | | | | | Page 32. 178 148 Wu to Wz _Wynn \ Wyles 65) Wyatt 66. Wyant i Page iceenintstieinsncitnciad iid ae a Wp Wa Wr Ws Wt Wrenn. Wright ‘ she —- Page Wos Wot Wou to Woz ——— seeaticiotie Page 66 66 Af... 149 ‘eS Wor pe ni an rster orrell pee Yorthington _ Worle W + Workman rn lle ese arene eee eee ' fm | Work Su j s v e d d e “2 j 2 ‘s u s q u i n u ea j d u 1 0 2 2a ; 3 (s | 93 3 0 ] Je q e y d i e Aq sj e e y s qe z s9 p i g 39 s Ua H O I G ) SJ 9 0 4 s Yn q s4 0 u 1 40 au O Bu p i e p i o Ud y (S $ PU ® W- H - 9 - @ 51 2 9 3 0 ] s9 p u n Sy e e y s Uy e } i 2 9 UO Si s q u I n u Su y m o z j o y SG Aq pa y e u s y s e p ) yd s T° O N 2g 9 0; d w 0 2 dn oy e u r 0, O8 sj a a y s qe ; oz pu e 32 0 4 8 NG FO L (s s e q u u n s 4e j n 8 e a Aq pa y e u d y s e p ) se n Z e y | -o y 2g Oa ] d u 0 2 dn eH e m 03 OF sy a a q s qe } OZ pu e sj s e y s gn q 76 (‘ s 1 e q u i n u Bu y p e s e i d g Aq Pe r e U s I s e p ) O° o N 30 s ®a j d u i o > dn sx e w 0} 08 $3 9 9 4 S Ge } OZ Pu e sj e e y 4 s yn g gp Ga 2 v V a a d AN O I E d AS H L AS N Ad @ “u j Z a e w $1 4 3 uo i { | } | | | | | | j | | | | Pi a o | i | | | | j i i | | | | j Be e i | | - -- + - - oe —_ — er r s } j | | | i [ i { { | j | | | j | } } } } } | } | i | ; | | ce ee | | + t ; { j | i | | | i | | i } | | | | | j i j | | } } } 1 | | i Ba t t } i | } } } } | | | | | | + + + + + i | i | i t t | i | i | j i | } } } j { j | a j } i { wi e id a *8 3 9 8 a3 a ] d u I 0 2 sz 9 p a o 03 ye o r m O U D [ " SL I S H S LN V L Y O d W I 3A S A H L MI N A Y a @ | { te oe pe + sls nissan ae nla ahaa pe | comeesastmeaneiimint + siinneciatiaieinai } | silencio iba Am ib she | a eereeaemanaseeneeeanipna ——+-_—_— ne ——— enh a parece pencaninceeencneet Ts + ——————___—__. + ae + aan ocala eeien a i sterincineneintenatnindineptsiicst + . —— , Risen 2 Beinn pene —— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 wap te locate INITIAL TAB and refer names, open at SURNAME to Buff Sub-l Lae sheet for page reference. ade by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio gold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ai. SURNAME OF DECEASED ‘i Year | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1914. 4 28] Waddle Jim M 1916 3 | 6) Waddle _Daamia ¥ 1918 6 22) Waddell _Cowan M 1918, 11 |19] Waddell Guy Flake A M Filed 1919, 8 22] Wadell Cora F 1924, 1 7j|Waddell \Mary F 1924 5 23] Waddell ‘Milas M 1930, 7 | 26] Waddell Alexander M 1931; 11 | 6jWaddell ~ F 1932, 2 27] Waddell \Jas S$ M 1934, 12 18] Waddell John V M 1935) & 8} Waddell Frank M 1935, 6 23] Waddell Ada M 1935, 6 _30] Waddell Ernest M 1938, 1 24/)Waddell David M 1939 3 20/Waddle Jame F 1940, 1 | 31) Waddell _ James Mu | 1941} 10 |4 JWaddell | Lou F 1943, 7 5 |Weddell _Thomas M 1948 & 3 ||\Waddell _bertha Bowers F 1954. 3 22] Waddell | Quince M 1954 12 | 22] Waddell ,|Harnest Clay Jr} M | 1961 6 2)Waddell Mary Cansaty PF R962 5 22 | Waddell Samuel J. Me 1962 5 24 Waddell Randy &. M 1962 12 1l}Waddell John Agustus M L965 1 25] Waddell Tom Me 1972 2 2)Wadddell Odell Hargis M 1977, 2 2 Waddell Daisy Pearson F | 1977, 5 20) Waddell Edwin H. M 1977. 7 21) Waddell Guynell Cheek F 1980 6 2 ||Waddell Ernest Wayne M Z= = Ca PLACE OF DEATH Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn Chambersourg Tn mn Chambersburg Tn Statesville NC Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn Statesville NC Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn Statesville NC Fallstown Tn Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville Nc Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Statesville Iredell Co. Statesville NC Huntersville Statesville, NG New Hanover Co NAME OF FATHER Add Waddle Ely Woodes Jule Waddell Colby Wadell Alex Waddell Will Waddell Ben Waddell quincy Waddell Thomas Waddell John R Garner Alex Waddell Will Waddell Thomas Waddell Pinkney Waddell Thomas Waddle Cowan Waddell] Andy “nox Quincy Waddell J T Bowers Milar Waddell Earnest Waddell NAME OF MOTHER Jane Waddle Sofer Allison Bessie Johnson Elizabeth Cheek Jane Waddell Emaline Waddell Helen Nicholson Magzsie Chambers Beatrice Waddell Lula Waddell Jane Waddell Maggie Chambers Haley Steel Dinah Allison Amanda Knox Helen Nichols Fannie Cleary Unknown Violet Garfield H, Calloway Holbrook Alsie Cleary Theodore Waddell Theodore Waddell Alexandra Waddell Addison Waddell Daniel C. Waddell Armstead Pearson John Newton Waddell Ernest G, Cheek Odell Waddell Martha Patterson Martha Patterson Lula Freeze Jane Waddell Mary Holbrook Mattie Williams Cammila Gerald Mary Crider Guynell Cheek RECORDED Vol. Page 1, 38% 3. 105 44 534 44 542 5| 158 10, 30 16, 56 17, 49 18| 22 20, 540 23 28 | 38 21. 384 24, 102 25 24 26, 28 “I 23 29,157 de 298 40,117 40. 587. 47 282 48 280 48 650 pl 55 58 8&2 63 81 06-3 118 3 hae 10, 36] 8 279 | C2, 511) 2 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a Reg. U.8, Pat. Off. Ser Vent Peusseuen, Tociet On It. =" — Buff Sub-index sheet for page ae oe vn Tf Bie tastibe ee nteke tose DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED Yor | Month | Bey AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color } PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER wal tan __]1918, 2 | 20] Wade ~ F | C |Mooresville NC - P Wade 4a 21) a 41928 1 12) Wade Mary _F___W [Statesville NC |George Summers jJulia Moore 17, 501} _ a ) 1928; 1 | 11) Wade | Mary | F | W [Statesville NC [Geo Summers Julia Moore 4 18 498 i gi ‘|.1976 12 9] Wade Daria Smith |B Union Grove Benjamin Smith Viola ( Ezell) Smith 62 601 1977, 10 8 | Wade Jesse Hall MW Mooresville John Alexander Wadej Ella Hudson 63, 550 | s —}—}-—— : 4 i Se ees aed ; : el ‘ x sil A oat tg | i j _ ats 4 ence ; S 1937; 11 | J Waite Sarah A Miller F W {Statesville NC | Jacob Miller Sarah Kerr 23 469 t jennie - +—h Es L oes . aa} ; a925). 4) 23 Wakeman | Allen MC | Falistown Tn - ~ 11} 136 C P INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. U.B. Patent No 14s7108e Consright i080 BERT docate = Buff Su 2 Buff’ Sub-Index sheet for page teferenc aoe Bold by Obwerver Printing House, Chern See. . a — = See S&S bee sex | cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee : d i 1910) 4 | 27] Wagner | Davia L M | W [Barringer Tn J L Wagner Elizabeth Goodman 3 23 e 1919 3 19) Wagner {Susan G F | W [Statesville NC |John Guan Mary Moore _ 5| 109] 1919, 12 | 8) Wagner |Albert L M_ | W |Fallstown Tn Isiah L Wagner Elizabeth Goodman 5. 345} _ i922) 2. 21 Wagner |Mary Ann F | W jFellstown Tn Thomas Cook --- Hoover 8, 219) 1926; 3 31] Wazner \DG M | W [Statesville NC ~ Wagner - 12) 4495 Filed Si, i926 10 | 7|Wagner |Saran A Colter | F |W |Barringer Tn |Jacob M Acdey Mattie Rowlana _ le) 13] Pati 1926, 11 24] Wagner jAnnie Caldwell F | W |Statesville NC - 13} _— d ®& 1930, 11 6)Wagner ~ MW |Statesville NC [Clyde C Wagner Mamie Chapman 16) 5004 1932; 7 $i Wagner John M MW {Statesville NC {J M Wagner - Wagner 18) 372] 1933, 5 | 5 Waggoner |Mary Lou F FW |Statesville NC |Jas M Collie Elizabeth Cress 19} 305 | a 1933, 7 29) Wagner |Sarah E F W |Fallstown Tn iF M Wagner Laura E Ford q19/| 1765 1934. 6 23] Wagoner {Samuel L M W Barringer Tn James Wagoner Fuphia Overcash £0! 30 e 1935; 3 19] Wagner Charles M MW _|Fellstown Tn I L Wagner Elizabeth Goodman 211.199 es 1936, 3 11] Wagoner |Margaret Ellen | F | W |Mooresville NC [Calvin Leroy Shinn [Ellen Baker 22) 196 ®@ 1937; 6 5] Wagoner |John Taylor MW |Barringer Tn James Wagoner Ellen Overcash 26| il) 1937, 8 15]Wagoner Janie Estelle F Mooresville NC |W A McLean Sue Gudger 23) 196) 1939 9 29)Wagoner Jacob Lee MW |statesville Nc |Frederick Wagoner Margaret Wagoner 25 | 595] 19ha! 2 3) Wagoner |\J_ P M__ W [Statesville NC {John Wagoner Jane Money 28/ 2791 1943. 3 25] Wegner |Linds Kay FW ijMooresville NC |H B Wagner Monteen Cordell 29 40 -. 1946 5 (31|Weener Louis Glinton MW jStatesville NC |Calvin Wegener Sue Green $2, 229] | 1947, 8 | 8 Wagner Laura Ann F |W [Tredell County hie Swain Mary Ann Arnold 33 | 368 § s 1949 | & 10 Wagner nnie Emma F Troutman NU Wm F MkicMakon largaret I Holman BS | 1475 n952 4% 13] Wagner Disia Etta F W ptatesville NC Solman Green barah Green pe | 205 #* © 1954; 10 11 Wagner |Dewey Hobart M W {Mooresville NC jFletcher Wagner Victoria Reece 4O 452 | a 1954, 11 | 13) Wagner | Julius Calvin MieW fit. Ulla Julius Wagoner Catherine Eudy 4,0) 532 a 195g 14 “agoner dorothy Knisht F W Statesville Wilbur Knight Lacy Knight ye2 | 37 44 1956 7 2 Wagner Ma ry FiWw Statesville Geo. H. Brown brivia M Smith 42 332 1] Kyles Line ber hese 12 26] Wagner _ Mol Lie Te te / P JW [Mooresville NC | Austin Kyles Anna Louret ta 44 649 | | 1959 9 16)/Wagner Willima H. M W |Statesville Blair Wagner Blizabeth Greene 45 426 | ae 192 4 1s Wagner Disia Ette F | W Statesville 4 Sol man Green Sarah Green 58 205, 1 @ L961 5 20 Wagner Flake Morrison |M |W | Statesville NC Charles M. Wagner Emma McMehan 47 235 ae 3 ‘2962 | 11 27] Wagner issie L. F Wi} Troutman NC_ Hen ry M Sherrill Ila “elchor 1 48 615 | | 1962) 11 1} Wagner James M, M Wi} Mooresville Julius O Wagner Sarah Ann Eudy 48 [591 j L964 5 12) Wagner Laura F W] Statesville Jas. ™ Foard Mary E Davidson | 50 267 1965 | 8 4) Wagner Cowan M §W | Morganton Julius OWagner Sarah A C Eudy 51 628 3 a 1967 4 14 Wagoner Sina F | wi Statesville hitiard Brown IGirda H Brown 53 236 | | 6 1969 9 as Waggoner | Melvin Lorraing M_ W] Mooresville Harry B Waggoner wets Lie 33 oy ® 1971 Fi 20) Wagner Biga? McMahan | MW | Statesville” | Gharite Norsisen Wagher Bisa WSEARSE” °°] 57 338 | 1971 6 Wagner | Vera Louise F W Btatesville Pinkney Woodson ied Carrie Jane Rodgers) 57, 360 Wagner Bennie Bruce M |W | Statesville William Haga Wagner |Disia Etta Greene 60 1387 repeal ri 22 | wagner Mtbiam Beatride FW | Statesville Raymond Murry St Miriam McCall it ee Continued to 1972; 12 27] Wagner Foard Morrison | MW | Statesville | Flake Wagner 1! Laura Foard 58) 745 Pg. 3A 1976, 5 (23\Wagner Malla Ostwalt FW |Statesville |Frangis Kelly Ostwalt Jennie Poole 62 244 3A INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Copyright 1949 A-141580 Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for pag: e reference. Made by The Cott Sold by Company Index , Ohio Observer Printing House, Chanute N° c EE aa Tr ae ma wae —— Ce eee SURNAME OF DECEASED sex |couor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol | Page SSS Se pe EE =< a —————S ee Sa Seg SS Se ee a = i = | 1 | 1976 10) 8 | Wagoner Noah Fredrick M (|W ] Statesville Jacob Wagoner Doshia Groce 62 |491 11978 9 (24 || Wagner Kathryn Deal F | Wi] Statesville | Marcus S Deal Jane Cynthia Wilson | 64/480 + 1979 2 | 9 || Wagner _George Blair | M |W _ | Statesville | Richard Wagner Sarah Blackburn 165/102 | ——— —_ — —$<—_ -——— — — eee — ae — —— ener ree nem faim E aa a 2 fe a i le @e er I mee bsnl cane, aoe secu willed” i a a a ae 1 aaa i. tnimtetncntennal ill _ . . [ps Sissi Aiiclbesiaiiiicapcetsbeioie sil jy an % sisal sai a io alii ain . sionals piineeeedbiiniintiniiatemaans a eae cdl le iN aca aa et seiniieaiaice i —— $$$ $$$ —_____—__} ia — ——s— — ne $< —}—— nie sialon H “ en nienaseiaal = _— - +— = ol rae am eastphnnnrnavenn = _ on _—— asecssreserenetpuenneaneasnonginenssemnentipimnte ondoncennamsenintsomnnennnntienil Cg ea Be tae A a i athiisemainasisiminniciidt Saks ere eee ae Si enue hisice Ron ince cs Gg a - 4 4 = ~ ———— L ee 4 sie sania sine tT L ms elastin Eitan bia sie aonvcenesslliin susanuienietiinaiil wi ie i ves ae 2a 4 cs iicenkeniilcaaitucgsclt an Baas , a. — | Je ick L | a oe ; L ine piiiananaca & Seem J di ws 4. al bo vn INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Tan talalir | Tio ene anne err at eons etl joentes at SURNAME INITIAL TAB end refer Index sheet for page reference. — DERE He. Ds COTTCO UNIVERSAL ___U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1936 om. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. cee eel erecta pane 1972 1976 | 718 7124 | Waller Waller _ Beulah Cline Jacob Thomas Statesville | States sville -+— eemuene enna Henry Waller Robert Lee Cc line Julia Christie ae 58 436 = — CRNA OF ee PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER {= a = 1926, 3 | 19] Walley _ lcharlie 5.32 [Davidson Tons |W T Walley _ ee Bieeee.. SAR eee Bases 27] Wally Emma Chryssia | F | W {Davidson Tns jJoe Knox 2 Eiewares Baten ee , 1974 12 | 14 Wally Roberta eee _W| Mooresville | Harry Barkley ____| Mary Stillwell | 60 670 | __ ieliced _]2975 3 20} wary | William Cathey |M |W | Mooresville oe T Wally Willa Sherrill =» | 61 200] = ee Dd — Siete oS oe Se a a Ss # a ae | = ‘ i ei a si sae on SG a eg sis ee tas ge eae i Bk a ee 42926 10 2] Walden Virginia [Statesville NC JB B Walden [Clara C Gray = _§. 3, 206) 0 __ 1950 | 5 | 28 Walden __iLuna Jackson _j- Statesville NC || Wm W Jackson __ | Carrie Webb .__§6 | 370 A We I i W | Asheville __ | William D Walden | Helen Ramsuer __|| 37, 529 P9541 | 3] Walden _Jessie Thomas _ _Btatesville NC jJohn Thomas Walden _lco-netta Weddin” / Oe a 1980 1 13 | Walden,Sr. William Dennis Statesville Jessie Thomas Walden Luna Jackson 66 28 ee ps eee __§1918) 31 | 9iWaller _ Henry Lee | MW |Statesville NC [Samuel Waller .___ [Beulah Cline Si II clei & 42967, & (11}Waller © tweens | Statesville = | Hmry Waller _ Linney Thompson _ 53 235 ; ee pe? | & | 4 Maller _ | Robert Earl | M/| W| Salisbury Berl Brown Waller | Bernice Kerriker 159 636) uel a EA le, Tema [Myrtle Reavis | F |W Btatesville | WF Reavis Wola Drye ie paeny ay Walled y 94 360 adh eeeneneneemeecnn an INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. i U.S, Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1: et Stan SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sul Index sheet f for page reference. by The Cott Index Com: ny, Columbus, Ohio Made Coen ewe Denes eee ee DATE OF DEATH Year | Month Day 41913) 12 20} Walker |1914) 4 12] Walker 1915, 9 |19] Walker 1916, 1 14) Walker 1916, 1 14/Walker 1919, 4 3) Walker 31920) 2 14)Walker 1920 3 8] Walker 1921, 2 |24l]Walker 1924. 2 23)Walker 1924, 10 10}Walker 1927; 1 | JiWalker 1929 7 .20]Walker 1929, 8 11)Walker 1931) 1 | S1iWalker 1933, 7 23) Walker 41934, 4 (19}Walker 1934) 5 30|Walker 1934, 9 21}Walker 1935, 6 12]Walker 1945) 9 15})Walker ]1930, © 3]Walker 1939 1 1|Walker 19&2) 10.25 Walker 1945 | 9.19 |Walker hoes | 12.3 {Welker 1946. 1 SiWelker 1947; 1 | 21) Walker IS LiWalker 1947 10 25 Walker 1949 1.0 . 24) Walker 1949} 10 | 5 jalker 1950 4 22] Walker 1950. 5 116] Walker lisso, 6 | 26 Walker 1950.10 (29 ),walker 1950| 12 | 1% Walker 1951) 5 {|10] Walker 1952) 5 (23) Walker 1952) 12 .23] Walker SURNAME OF DECEASED ain | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ¥ |M M Calvin | M | Jim M_ | Lois F _Lois F Margaret AoE |Lotta A F |Bulha F \William F M Annie Culbreth F jJohn Arthur M ,Annie McPherson] F ,R Preston M |Alva Ida F | Freda M [Thomas M ¥M |Suma Mae F Pauline F |\Clayton M |Robert M Ray M \Marjorie Cochrag F Rella Agatha G | F ‘Ellen F \Mollie dane F Gilmer dr . XM \Feannie Lee F | Carrie Mae F ~ F | Carl Columbus | M _ Annie Reid F = M | Minnie F Helen Elizabeth! F | = F _Nattie Lewis M | Ernest M Ni liaye F | John Agustus M | Darrell Allen M a ee ’ | Color | PLACE OF DEATH W |Statesville Tn | C [Statesville Tn | W iFallstown Tn | W [Statesville Tn _W_}Concorad Tns _ W jFallstown Tn _ | © |Cool Springs Tn ,.W [Union Grove Tn ,_W_jStetesville NC _W [Statesville NC | W Mooresville NC ,.W [Statesville NC _W [Statesville NC | W [Statesville NC _ W JUnion Grove Tn | C [Statesville NC _C Statesville NC _C |Statesville Tn _C [Statesville Tn _W fStatesville NC | _W [Statesville NC _W (Cool Spring Tn | _W plooresville Nc _W_jUnion Grove Tn _c {Statesville Nc _€ Statesville NC _W_ Bhiloh Tns | W {Shiloh Tns _W_ Mooresville NC ,W Mooresville NC WI Statesville NC _W Statesville _W_} Statesville NC ,W Mooresville NC W | Statesville NC C [Winston-Salem NG |W otatesvil.ie NU | W. Stony Point | W Statesville NC NAME OF FATHER Hiram Walker Ben Walker W_T Walker W T Walker jJohn Walker Ed Arey Bryant Leach Thomas Walker Jonn H Culbreth AM Walker James McPherson Marcas Walker David Wyatt Miles Walker Clayton Walker Charlie Little Mack Walker Wm Jefferson Walker Jas Clyde Walker A Grier J C Coffey T M Jurney Gilmer Walker John Clerk J_H Dellinger Harry Walker Le Foyte Walker A M Walker Marvis lL Walker William N Carson Jarvis D Rector Lloyd P Walker WC Walker Mack C Walker RK C Parsons Unknown Coy Walker NAME OF MOTHER Jennie Curlee _|Lottie Arey Lottie Arey Allice Cornelius Jane Leach -- Weisner Rosa Clarke Margaret Morrison Elizabeth Wallace Joana Sale Permilia Rash Martha Walker -~- Moss Pauline Little Laura Steele Jessie Anderson _ Harnie Smith iar jorie 1 Cochran Mary Beckdars Elizabeth Patrick amy Morris Eva Petty Malinda Louvenia Mary Brawley Katherine McCall Annie lcPherson Gladys P Mayes _ Lucretia Davis Carrie Etta Warren Gladys L Smith Frances Kk Davis Jessie Anderson Victoria P¢ arsons Addie Lane Sigmon Vol. Page + = bisa 1 35 432 | 36 265 | Verna Lou Voncannon, i | 402 | | 2, $49 | 9, 505 17,308 el | 542 | 33} 43. 33| 56) 35,410 | 36,289 B6 566 | 7 | 65 | 1/455] 13 211} 115 | 485 } 15 | 488 | 20. 414 | 20 | 609 £1 452 ft 33.496 | 36, 351} 37) 27ax¢ | 3g 239} 7| 622) 4 10, 385} 19, ase} | 20, 390} ~ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. TAB and refer page reference. — gate tente. mamneny Sab-index Oke tor INITIAL UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 CcoTTCco U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 + a 6 StaeGoe | Por Your Protection, lst On | are or peara ae Year - Month "Day 1953 4 |26] Walker _ 2953| § |8 [Walker 1954, 2 11) Walker J1954 3 |8 |Walker _ 957 1 | 14 Walker _| 1957 5 17] Walker _ 1959 — 1 25 Walker 41960 5 3 |Walker 1961 7 1s Waller 2962 | 12 i? Walker |1962 a: ie sais Walker 1962 6 21] Walker 1962 6 21) Walker 1962, 8 13} Walker 1962 10 12 Walker 1963 6 19 | Walker _}1963, 10 14) Walker 1963. 11 23) Walker 1964 10 18] Walker 1965-2 23] Walker 1965 4 21} Walker 1965 | 8 2 Walker 2966 3 4 {Walker 1967 2 3] Walker 1967 4 4@ Walker 1967, 10 15 Walker 1968 3 28 Walker 1968 5 286|Walker 1968 5s Waller 1968 8 24|Walker Jr. 1969 7 _30 Walker (41969, 10 20 Walker 1970 10 23/Walker 19715 _16|Walker 972 6-29 Walker ho72.| 11 5] Walker 1972. 11 27) Walker 1973, 3.18} Walker 1974 7.8] Walker 1975 | 1 (31) Walker [Martha SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN _ George Luther Ora Connley _ Rosetta Sarah C. We. | Theodore H. Mack Richard Robert Lee Wm. Kelly Stillborn Waccie Thomas T,. Alma ©, S. Dovie Mit chem John Wn. Carrie Wilbert Sam Stillborn Lula James _ Mary Ethel Pearl Mattie Lee Detsen Raymond Franie Honeycut} F Onlah Posey Harvey Andrew David Glenn “azel Davis _Stella Johnson | F . Sam Bell Grace Reavis | Robert Pharr Sex Color 4 F_ MW sages Wo |Nettie Overcash] F | Margaret “llen| F = = = = {a M. M _f Statesville NC jt Statesville NC ponpomeessasenll psomemnseananae _ Mooresville NC Wi Statesville Statesville NC C (Moore sville = x i= ~ k& PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NC| | Statesville Statesville Statesville Union Grove NC Statesville nie Statesville State sville Statesville Moore sville Statesville Stat esville Statesville Mooresville Statesville | Mooresville Statesville Mooresville Statesville Statesville Statesville _ Statesville Mooresville Mooresville Statesville Mooresville NC |: Nc Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Cleveland Mooresville Statesville Robert W Connely | Sam Walker _|William W. White | Gale “ Walker NAME OF FATHER James Mitchell James Waller James A Vvercash_ Simon © Vowman Thomas ™ Walker John W Sherrill Wm A Bumgarrer Vha rl ie B Waiker Asron Walker Frank Walker | Chartes T Tolbert Harvey C Walker Wm. Walker James R Walker Columbus C Walker “enry Wood Morgan Griffen Unknown _Raymond E Walker Unknown William L Walker James Walker Carl Columbus Walker James W Davis Rev. W. L. Johnson John Walker William Frank Reavis James C Walker Rosa NAME OF MOTHER | Jane Mitchel] [Maggie Felker Mary McCall _ | &lizaveth Uvercash Walker | Esther Kestler _ Mercedes Scott _ John Walker Sina Redding William A Welker» eo Wm. Walker Nancy J. Crawley ‘ ¥, Vampbe1l Bit zabe th wi tone 3 Charlie E Walker Shirley A McAlpine *ucy Powles Louise Weisner Margaret A Sherrill] 48 537 Mary Land phir ley A “cAlpin Rosetta Charles Mol. y J Jurney Vidue Hardiman Nolie 4endren Margaret W Walker Kenolious D ee Ruth Naomi Sherrill Maggie Campbell Dovie Bumgarner Annie DA 2. Betty Griffen ] Pillage John Rebert Cummiggham Martha M. / Lillie Mae Oakes Susan Sparks Unknown Mollie Prevette Duvie Bumgardner Kate Adams Nancy Current Katie Witherspoon Viola Drye Flora Connelly garner Thomas Shelton — Nancy Annette Bum/ RECORDED Vol. Page sessed + enieion 4O | 2 | hO 110 | 3 8 4 39 396 | 43 220 2 es. | 53 626 | 45 45 — 46 268 47 (551 _ 47 602 se 166 48 | 376 48 378 pS bed 49 38h} 49 611 50 600 D1 ~ 51 467. 52 167 cl a sie met oie 53 97 ES bs. 635 58.7094 59. 151_ 60349 61 92 49 658 51; 1 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-SPLIT Made Co., rar ornce Leap IRCat An dentine Teade Mack Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sl:eet for page reference. Sold By Comma Danieley, Raleigh, N.C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED dis gi pe RECORDED for | Wont] as cabal 6 a ta sex | covorl] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = f--——— 1975 | 9 (\23 | Walker Albert Conally | M WwW Winston-Salem Jessie P. Walker Peggy Lois Jarvis DC 1) 559°A 1975 ll (22 Walker Nettie Maloney F | Wi Statesville Christy Hartness Mary Jane Chappel 61) 629 ers Zz 1976 12 4 Walker Pearl Childers F W Statesville Vernon Perry Childerg Mrg Ola Hubbard i 53 976 | 5 28 | Walker _——|Gwyn Lenoire | M | Ww |Statesville dames A Walker a ieee 62 258 1976 | 11 | 16Walker Sam Jr N | Statesville Sam Bell Walker Pear] Mae Griffin 62/554 1979| 8 ya Halker Colanel Radford Mi Wii Statesville Unknown Molly Prevette ds 412 —} - — _ _ — i —— — sa ee fy se c a en e e D a a e pr e INDEX TO VIfAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. AL INDEX Ne. 1-4 UAT Patent Nov nasiasecoyvaht iit eee ee Bait Scion see tr page mtoronces Sel Oberver Printing Home’ Chara 86, a a ; won Sa SSS SSS a me Ta ee SS oe sm | tor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— | é Lecaih = —— li $1913) 12 | 4/Walls | 2 |u| W [Mooresville NC |Thos F Wall jKate Richey = 1) 249] i 41914) 10 | 3) Walls | =. —_} F_| W [Mooresville NC |Thos F Walls _ Katie B Richie 42) e291} | 1923; 5 |18/Walls _ Kate K | ¥F | W {Fallstown Tn [George James_ Nancy Walker _ 9| 113] J a. 42927/ 10 | 6]Walls _ |Flora 4 | F | W |Bethany fns [Jacob Sides _-__Lewis _ #13) 35] | “ 11927, 10 25)Wall Sallie Ann _ F | C {Bethany Tns Joho Wall | Delila M Downs 15 36 = Blicias $1931, 7 |16)Wall {Clarence |. | M | C jMooresville NC [Thomas Wall _ “i nk chsh el ae 1935 12 27] Wall Lynn | M | C (Statesville Tn |Pete Wall = 4 21) 577) | © J 2236 | 3 | 6)Wall | Eve F | W Union Grove Tn }R C Wall Winnie Eeds $22 05649 1948 7.3 {Wall _Ella Mae Pell | Fo W | Statesville N@|C L Peal Lucy James | 34 260] 1951; 1 24] Walls _Katie Ritchie F |W [Mooresville NC | Robert Kitchie Margaret Arthurs 37,1164 1952; © | 26§Wall | Sandra Ann Statesville NC jj} Alton Wall Ina Nell MeDaniels 38/348 | 1952 8 = | Sam Oscar M |W | Mooresville NC | Wilson Walls Tina Stewart B8i 391 9 J 1957 10 22 Wall Andrew Haymore | MW |Mooresville “ - 43 | 470 J 1958 2 7/Wa1l Grace Faye FW [Statesville Wade Speaks Lela Redmond 44,60 | 1962; 1 3 | Wall Albert Kaymond | M Wi statesville NC | “narlie E Wall Frances Mosser 48 20 | 1962 10/ 3 fWall Ethel H. F Wi Statesville Milas A Hartline Fannie Poole 48 534 + + + vett "s + ssttiniltcleni 4 1968; 11 1}Wall Robbie Ray M W |Yadkin Co. Edgar Ray Wall Mary Magalene Tri/ 55 29-h 1969 10 27] Walls Teresa F Cj} Statesville - Eva Walls 5$ 690) | Branto 973 & 17] Wall Royens Eliz. F 6oW | Statesville | William A Branton [ruly M Campbell 59, 321 | | ey 975 6 26) Wall Flora Bessie / | F W | Harmony Billy Tilley Martha Hyatt 61,372 | | 1976 7 19} Wall Grimes Erston M,C | Black Mountain} John Robert Wall Mary Williams dor goo | | 1 ~ - ce he + -——— — +> _— ——— 1926, 9 14)Wansley | ~ | M C jCoddle Creek Tnj/E W Wansley Annie Carr 2 | 67 TL TT INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets losares their correctness. Reg. U.8. Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. To locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer = ae to Hull Gab-biden chest Say page selerence. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168--Cepyright iste "7 “DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1913, 8 19] Wallace $1914, 11 . 8 Wallace 1917, 1 11}Wallace 1916 9 illiWallace 1924. 12 22) Wallace jise8 2 10|Wallace _ 31928; 9 |27)Wallace — ( 1929, 10 19} Wallace 1932) 11 £3SiWallace 1934, 2 11]Wallace 41934 2 14Wallace 11937. 8 27)Wallace [ 1938 5 26) Wallace 940 3 30 Wallace ( fo41 10 | 2uf Waliace 1942/1 LiWallace 1943. 5 10/Wellace 1945. 8 21 (Wellece 41945, 6 18} Wallace 1946. 4 SiWellece 1946. 4 30/Wellace 1946 8 30 |Wallace _[ 1947, 1 | 28 Wallace ‘ 1946 12 20) Wallace n949. 9 20\Wallece _} 1950. 6 24) Wallace 11952, 3 6 | Wallace 1952 10 24| Wallace 1955 4 22! Wallace 9.2955 12) 24 Wallace é |.1956 10 1 |Wallace 1957 4 2h) Wallace 1958 9 8 Wallace 1961 2 14 Wallace 1961 6 17 Wallace 41963, 5 10) Wallace { 1963 9 ag Wall ace ep 1966 4 24 Wallace | 1966 10 17 Wallace zl 1967, 7 21|Wallace a 1971 1 31] Wallace SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN (Zula Emma Annie |Julius (Mrs) 4 Viola May _Frank Harrison Sam William Everett] _Ernest ‘William _Lemuel E seff | Mattie “artin Sigmond Isadore Ethel Jane Alice Hem Flora Whitlock Hlizabeth J Annie Carolyn John W re Le | Junius Wayne Larry _Rosa A _Cornelius Jones Maggie Annabe 11} _Luther Coxie ; Nannie Bell Robert Wade _ Sarah Somers Herman Raymond D, Thonwell T. Stillborn Barry Winston Frank Estus Frances Viola Bear + —- Sex _tRoxie Virgigie 4) Fi. = M - M + Pl F Color = = PLACE OF DEATH iMooresvilie NC {Shiloh Tns _ Statesville NC | Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Mooresville NC NAME OF FATHER iJohn Cowan Wallace James Wallace J C Brown | W W Statesville NC {Coddle Creek Ta j }Fallstown Tn Mooresville NC Statesville NC | Fallstown Tn Statesville NC Union Grove Tn Union Grove Tn Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Union Grove Tn Statesville NC Mooresville NC btatesville NC ooresville NC Statesville Nc | Eagle Millis Ths Mooresville NC Troutman NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Statesville NC | Turnersburg $iatesville Statesville N c WiMooresville Nc W W W W Statesville Statesville Statesville Mooresville Statesville Clemmons ona c. Wealleee fim Wallace Mathew Wallace Asberry Martin Isaac Wallace David Wallace Leander McLellend John Blam Abrahsm Whitlock John B Wallace Jallace George ~ | Thomas Arnold Bryant Wallace R_W Wallace Jeff Wallace Lafayette Hobbs J. L. Wallace Hamilton Somers Isaac Walb ce Jeff Wallace F, H, Wallace Wiley D Wallace Sherman R Wallace 0 - Tayler Ingram Soloman Bear NAME OF MOTHER E J Blanton - Blanton \Ea Wallace Bessie Harris Herman Strauss ~ Ostheim _ Polly McNeely Sarah Montgomery _|Sarah J McLure si J L Wallace Margaret Bass WA Wallace {Minnie J Fisher - eee Alice Wallace H_B Wallace _ Ruth Lipe David Wallace Amelia Loeb Phileman Wallace. S J Smith AF Wallace vane Smith Victoria Srown Frances Lounstin Amelia Loeb Melvina Feimster Bettie Yeney Sarah M Krenlasky Martha Hamilton Liary McNeely Fiora Whitlock Mary Ann Overcash Mary Eunice \iallace Caroline Gough — Mary Broyhill _ Betty Edwards Alice Elam Christie Marearet Nancy Thompson Tabitha Campbell Frances Lowestien Alice Elam Alice Templeton Jacquelyn B Wallace Joann Bustle Betty Faye Hudson Bessie Combs Henrietta Dalmalman 492. 406 f 30. 32.1 is2) 272.) Vol. Page | | 240 _} 1 382 4 266] insilligncaoelll faa, SL} a ge 10. 225 | is NL III icici sila, $4) 66) 15 202 18 205 | ; ee 336 q20 | 121) oe 23. 426 24. 558 pO . 582 27) 393 28 266 . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. COTE FAMILY NAM ODER Ne. 1m KoIF” Sateen sus calar as Oe bebeditien chan tr quae coven Sd oy Sear Besse sas: Se Pio, 7T — am 7 Se. SS orale SURNAME OF DECEASED sex |couor| PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME, OF MOTHER Yeas | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. | Page pusnicrommnceneeenteercgt octeerereeeeee s i misunensinentaeemendl Ree TE ‘ = ili i — fo EEE Se = more oy ne oats Santee pon penan sot | 2 1968 7 27) Wallace Thomas M | W | Mocksville John Wallace Lydia Johnson 5h | 52 1968 10 201] Wallace | Floyd Coleman} M! W] Mooresville Jones Wallace ettie Lowe oft | 657 1971, 10 8 Wallace /Anna Caldwell F | N Morganton George Caldwell Sallie Smith “1| 46 1971 7 (29) Wallace James Felix M | Wi Statesville William J Wallace Minnie Fisher 57) 519 | | 1972 2 {12 Wallace | Eugenia Gantt | PW Iredell Co. Richard Gantt Josephine White 38 119 197k 9 8 Wallace 'Willie Raymond | M |W | Iredell Co. Raymond D Wallace || Eugenia Gentt 60 | 453 i 1975. 3 13\\Wallace |Jasper Lloyd MW |Iredell Co. Robert Wade Wallace ||Patsy Edwards 61 i472 ae 1975 6 18 Wallace | Pettie Jennings F Wi Statesville Monroe Jacob Edwards Margaret Ann Martin 61 354 L975 8 18 Wallace Hugh Albert M W | Statesville Albert M Wallace Alice Virginia Naill|6l |W 1976, 5 |19)Wallace |Ruth Virginia F |W |Statesville Henry Lipe Sally Pethel 62 | 237 1976 rat 1B Wallace Andrew Herbert} M | W | Morganton Lemuel E Wallace Sarah Chalmer OCL 802 1972 | 1 | 1@ Wallace Joneie Dell F | Wf Charlotte Charlie Jones Betty Triplette OC} 268 Barbara Evans( Foster Mother) 1974 | 3 | 8} Wallace | Leslie Michellq F | W | Winston-Salem || Edgar W. wallace Ruby kennedy DC 1) 527 9777 5. Wallace Hazel H. F W Huntersville John Barr Houston Mamie Harbin )C-2 119 1977 12 15] Wallace \Nora R, F (N_ | Statesville Ned Redmon Maggie Unknown D3 | 713 avto) 2] 2] Wallace | Yancey Fieldin| M |W Statesville Jeff Wallace Alice Elam 165 00 1979 5 |28|| Wallace _Lera Reid F W | Statesvilk Quincy AdamscReid | Martha Beard B5 | 291 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. U.B. Patent Ne. 14s/160 Copyright 1950 GE» ieee S Bel Sck-lates chock tor page luroens Bold by Observer Printing House; Charlotte; MC. ee =m = SIRNAME OF DECEASED Sex | colt | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— fad ' } : 2917) 1 | 16]Walter __ [Mrs CP __| F | W [Statesville NC |Ephraim L Fisher [Mattie Ludwig» j*4 221 | pies, 8. | Leite |dames Henry | m_| W |wooresviiie No |sohn Henry Walters J ez. 41918) 4 10}/Walter _ _|abner_ nonin |W |wooresville NC |Charlie Walter _—‘|#11zabeth Dayvault_ f4A| 32 | 42920) 5 (e7jWalters _ _| Frances Austin | F | W [Mooresville NC [iran austin rae cilla Austin _6| 24 | 1930,10 15] Walters — |Eva Pemmeller F_| W [Mooresville NC [Godfrey Lipe faatzavetn carter 1161247 | 1931, 9 18/Walters | Essie “egina | F | W |Statesville NC |J P Collins Susan Lippard _ 17 410 1935.3 —}}/ Walters +2 _{¥ |W jMooresville NC |Zmanuel W Walters {Bonnie Bell Wynne 21/221 | 194711 6] Walters \lohn Franklin | M |W | Statesville NC} Benjamin F walters. pee Ann Perry 1331-4674 | 1954, 6 17] Walters |Armenter Gurley] F W | Mooresville NC|Mose Fowler Evaline Austin | 40, 38 (ERROR SEE FLANNAGAN 295te ~ 6 ~~ E5]P-- 7+ --------Reweanak-S------ ~E..-W-4-Mooresuille -NC}Jamee-T- ~_ebbers <<. eee a Peceeeiny 1956 11 26 Walters | Ella Carter _ Fo ow Statesville N G Jausaway Carter _Rebecca Sherrill 2 | 501 19571 6° | ad Walters _ Anna Barts F _W_ | Mooresville NC | Henry Hall |Lucy Hall _ fr3_279 4 1958 | 11 (26Walters \Barran Deran M oW Btatesvilk John F Walters Essie Collins 44 585 9 2959 1 19 (Walters Julia FR W| Mooresville Wames 1 Walters ‘Frances Austin (4535 | | L960 7 14|Walters Jessie FW | Statesville fhomas J. Adkins pase Steele | les laso aie 1967 4 | 2g Walters Carl M W | Shelby Charles L Walters Mary Voils 5B 353 a 1969 4 26|Walters Collie Odell F WjGreensboro John Wesley Walters | Ella Carter 55| 352] 1970 3 11) Walters William Edward M ie W Mooresville Woodrow W Walters Elizabeth Cartner 1 56, 221 | 1979) te a Walters Sarah Lou Adking F W | Rowan Co Robert Lee Adkins _ Dora Lou Long — 2 42h) + + 1915.12 10) Walton Annie F__W {Statesville NC |Wm Needham jAnn Sinnamon | 2/399 jf 1925.11 (30]Walton Waldo Womencliff M |W |Statesville NC |Eli Hoot Walton Susan McMahon #11402 | 1954, 1 | 9]}Walton John Jr MW |Statesville NC [John Walton annie Needham 20 319 | 1939 2 22{Walton ‘Fannie Everitt | Fw [Statesville NC |John Everitt ‘Rachel Smith — 5 276] 1945.11 4} Welton |Willie M | C |#tatesville NC |Hemp Culfred {ery Culfred 431) 335} _ 1954, 11 2 | Walton Gertrude Esley }] F | WY Mooresville NC } John Walton _ Annie Needham P40 504 | 1967 | 10 19 Walton _ John M _W | Statesville John Walton Jr. Elizabeth L Brown 53 633 1969 2 14 Walton Elizabeth Brow] F W| Statesville Reuben Gray Brown Lucy Ann Lewis 55 128] 19791 19] Walton ,Ruth Carolyn B} FW | Statesville | George B Brantley | Mary Gee Ervin 65. 37 | 1981, 6 _19)Walton \Donald Steven MW |Mooresville Donald H. Waton |Hazel Marlene Johnson} 67 347 L | iil } + 4 | | 10 This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, For Your Protection, Insist On It. Reg. U.8. Pat. Off. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ote locate names, open ai tt SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. =i U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1: is SATE OF OGATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED RECORDED rae ie as aaa toe 7 Oe Ge Sex | Coir | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [a7 } : 1935.11 | 7) Walling |Claudia W F | W jStatesville NC iL A Witherspoon Sarah A Wilson 23,572 : 4 4 de Y — sis sls ee Es pit canlpliak | apie = 1916.12 17) Walser |Frederick Taylof MW |Statesville NC |kKenry Waiser HA izabeth Warner $504 | Walser 1951) 7 | 10) Walser - M W | Mooresville NC | Anderson Ardell / Maddie sleene tanier| 37) 429 1932.11 _10]Walsh lz Mw _|Stetesvilie nc |James M Walsh Isarah Wolfe ie .477 1957, 12 29 }Waish |John Francis MW [Mooresville Timothy Waish Margarete Moran _|43 628 + 1962 5 2h | Walsh James H, M Wi Statesville NC | Henderson Walsh Lora J. Marky AS 299 n962 9 29 Walsh Joseph E M Winston-Salem Edward ¥ Walsh Unknown 18 586 1968 3 7] Walsh Nora F W] Statesville Barker A Bullis Matilda Call 54 170 1969 7 22] Walsh Robert Francis M Wi Statesville Joseph Walsh Mabel Hannum po bas 1971 4 3 Walsh, Sr. | Charles William _ W| Statesville Buford Garland Was Sr. Clara Mae = Somape 57 199) 1924 2 9]Walson Gussie Fic Statesville NC_|Henry Moore Mollie Brooks 9 424. 962 7 2g Welson ayerett M C Btatesville Unknown tee + Segton 48) 422 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. —— as 11 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1980 Gate ee ee a eee page relerence. _ Bald by Observer Printing Howse, Charlotte NC. BATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED Yor | Mesh | Ow AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER re 1914 1 25) Ward Dc M W |Statesville NC jSteven Ward Mary Ward 1 454 1920 4 3) Ward Malinda Ellis F W |Statesville jm jJohn B Turner - - ~Mooré 6 274 1926 12 19)Ward Etta F W |Cool Springs Tnj- - - --- 12 78 1936 6 27\\Ward Columbus B M W |Turnersburg Tn |Williem N Ward kebecca Bailey 22 652 1940 10 5] Ward William Robert | M_ W | Mooresville NC |William Ward ~ 26, 2h1 fi 1942 1 (21 )Ward iSallie F W Olin Tns Norman Ward Rebecca Bailey 28) 229 1942 2 |14)Ward ‘Robert Jerry M |W Mooresville NC JjHarry Ward Lucy Overcash 28} 139 1945. 12 _30)| Ward i\Mertie O F . W |Statesville NC |William Blankenship |Catherine McIntosh /31, 509 1948 8 — 24| ward , John ‘thomas M .W |Statesville N Cl Dualey wara Mary Alice turner 34, 366 abi 11 25 | Ward Frances FIC Statesville NC }| Henry Barns Unknown 351-450 j1049 «9 | 4| Ward Mery t C [Goldsboro Calvin Ward Unknown 56 69 1 } . 1 | ( mrs ) i“ . . » } 1 e ; s A951 5 16 | Ward | Clennie Kerr/ | F ala Mooresville NC} Matthew Serr Catherine herr a7 264 ! I | Ne 11955 10 1y Ward Charlie | M W | Mooresville NC |y.pion Ward Alice Jackson hl 459 | | /1958 1 27)/ Ward ~ F wW | Statesville Clarence C Ward Addie Feimster 4 109 | | | 11960 1 8 | Ward Ree Stokes M W/| Statesville Stokes Ward | Etta Bailey 46 24 260 3 | 1 Ward Earl Junior | M W | Statesville Ben Ward | Gertitude Sisk 46 133 1961 1 7 |Ward James ?. | M W |Harmony James Ward Feba Roberts 4710 t 1 4 { } 1961 2 16/wara Calvin iM oc |Statesville 4s - 47 14 4 i ‘ tt : i i i 1962 4 30) Ward Josie E. \F W Statesville NC | John K. Williams Ida Smith 48 245 /1963) 12 | 11) Ward Woodward | M| W| Chapel Hill Harold T Ward Mary Mob ley 50 7h | a clare cs ae ca 1965, 1 | 25] Ward Ly nest } M W jStatesville Wiley ™ Ward Nettie Ross 51) 40 F 19707 1 ?29iWard Sr. ) James j M Wy Mooresville Marion Ward | Alice Jackson 5692 1967 5 |18] Ward Lee | M C) Mooresville Luther Ward | Willie G Makwell 53 319 19681226 _wara——————“certrude Ww. | FU) Statesville Davia orne Le Mae White 54 797 11933 10 24 |Warden _ Grover C | M Statesville NC |A J Warden atie Caudill 19 398 1 | ‘ \ \ 11934 9 21 Warden CM | M W Statesville NC {Eli Warden | Rachel Warden IeO 497 | | | | | | ! | | i i 11969 1 24 Ward Alice Ruthis | F w| Mooresville Henry Overcash Molly Overcash 55 89 | i | | |i97i 2 15 Ward Harry Moore |; A W | Mooresville Will William Ward Alice Overcash 57 121 | | 1 1973.51 4 Ward Mary Lee | FW | Harmony Robert Harris | Louvenia Danner D9 247 : | | | 4 4 H 4 1 | } I | | \ l | i | i H 1 ' | | | | | | | | | | i | | | | | | | i | | | | | | | | : | | | i 12 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.8. Pat.o@. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. praca accel aS aa Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent Ne. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 a el i aS PINE DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED RECORDED Year | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Tae 1929 12 13) Ware Lottie May F W | Mooresville NC | Amos Arthurs Mary Plyler is 290 1940 5 | 23] Ware William Lindon | M . W||Mooresville Nc | - - 260. 212 8 1953 8 21 | Ware ernest M C_ |Conecord NC Henpy Ware Mary Ellen Rippey | 39 387 1956 $ 23/Ware Charles Edgar sf M W | Statesville Frank Wate Ellen Bumgarner 42{ 246 | | n958 «8B 4] Ware Joseph F. M W/| Statesville Gus Ware | Betty Evans 44 404 oe 1965 9 18 Ware John OM C | Statesville Unknown Unknown 51) 545 f V | ee | 6 | ‘ i oer i me i } 1920 10 24 Warlick Harry Fowler M W | Statesville NC | LH Warlick Ollie E Fowler 6 283 re { | | oo 1939 2 28 persiex Thomas M | M W | Statesville NC | T M Warlick | Molly Wilson 5 369 i i | 4.2 1956 | 1/ 30 | “arlick Stillborn |F W | Mooresville Robert Lee Warlick | Anail Vivian Andersdn' 4 2 1956 30 | Warlick Baby F iW Mooresville Robert L- Warlick Wivian Anderson 42 31 i " 1 q e a | e | 19 hy ree 27/ Warlick Lewis M W Statesville Henry Warlick | Elizabeth Wharten 50 688 — | i i 11966 & 29 | Warlick Eythar Mae B.| F W! Mooresville Charlie Brown | Katie Nantz 52\. 206 b | } ! \j i 1 (1968 2 3) Warlick Samuel Neweli| M_ W | Statesville Portland H Warlick | Maggie McLean 54 63 i i i tt — $1972 12 26 Wapii Willi y | Statesvilte Portland Homer Warlijck Maggie McLean 8 (1868 > } War tee* Apenee Thompsof H ¥ | Mooresville Franklin P Warlick | Lelia M Bollinger Pe, ta initial | i tl I lick | 1968 2 3/Warlick Samuel Newell | M_ W | Statesville Maggie McLean | Portland Homer War/| 5, 63 4. i 4 : 4 | |1930 2 2 \ Warner Melvin M Cc | Statesville NC |Melvin Warner | Eliza Warner 15 578 ie Jr. { | | 1972 7 |4 |\iarner Norman Joseph | M W = |Oteen Norman J. Warner, Sr} Amy Blakeney pC1, 247 neanieminil H | I } i | i 4 t | , | | ] | | | \ " hy : | IL 4 1. “ | | 1! | i | |1927 8 17) Warweck ~ \F W |Mooresville NC Wylie Sanders |Iney Warweck 13 256 & | | | | | 7 | | | g } { \ { | | : | cae | it 4 | \ t | | | \ i a | \ | | | | | | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. REG. Uv. 5. Indexes Proper accord: First Letter or Letters COTT FAMILY 1-SPLIT or rat orvice Clea D lath: ‘An Kdentiying Trede Mark nc deone caine diverter aaeeee finde by Gewtinder Ce- Couumaus, pumas. Gave ones SURNAME OF DECEASED SEX | COLOR] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year | Moth | Gay AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE ' <i tan 197 12 |13 | Ware Lottie May F | Wi Mooresville Amos Arthurs Mary Plyler 15} 290 a 5 23 || Ware William Lindon] M |W Mooresville --- --- 26| 212 1953} 8 | 21] Ware E Ernest M/| Cl] Concord Henry Ware Mary Ellen Rippey 39| 387 1956 5 (|23 | Ware Charles Edgar $r M| W] Statesville Frank Ware Ellen Bumgarner 4,2) 246 1958 8 | 4&j Ware Joseph F. M; Wi Statesville Gus Ware Betty Evans 4b} LOL 1965 9 | 14 Ware John M; C Statesville Unknown Unknown 51) 545 TO7k1 1047 Ware Carl Odell M W Winston-Salem William I. Ware Lottie Mae Arthurs |DC1} 529 | it iil | | i ee | | | | | + | | | | | 17 | | | Ht Sa s h a ac e n i i c i n c e l c n s a n e l l ai e m m s e n t e m n i a n i t o s n n s i n s l i n s a n s INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. nt esnes Lag Rllr Saldodlone toe tae Sar mee ahaa eee ee ia senyooaee. SAREE: Seman DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED a ee RECORDED ene ees ais Glib Goad w ok ob tae sex | co.or} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ne 1920! 10 | 241 Warlick __| Harry Fowler M|oWwi Statesville | L. H. Warlick | Ollie E Fowler 6 | 283 1939| 2 | 28|Warlick Thomas M M| W | Statesville T. M. Warlick | Mollie Wilson 251369 | son 1956) 1 | 30] Warlick Stillborn F_| W]| Mooresville || Robert Lee Warlick || Anail Vivian Ander/|42/ 4 1956 1 | 30) Warlick Baby _ F | Wt Mooresville Robert L Warlick || Vivian Anderson 42\3) 1964; 11) 27], Warlick Lewis M Wit Statesville Henry Warlick Elizabeth Warten 50 6@8| 1966) 4& | 29} Warlick Eythar Mae B. F |W | Mooresville Charlie Brown Katie Nantz 521277 1968; 2 | 3 | Warlick Samuel Newell M | W ] Statesville Portland H Warlick Maggie McLean 54} 63 1968) 1/8 || Warlick Archie M_| Wi Mooresville | Franklin P Warlick | Lelia M Bollinger 154/18 a z 1972 23 | Warlick William Thompson M) Wi Statesville || Portland Homer Warlitk Maggie McLean 586 730 1977_ 11 (|17]| Warlick Lucy Seawell Fi W Statesville || Daniel Seawell | Sally Clark 163. | 655 & | | | | | | eee . | | | : | | + | | | | i ] * 7 | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ut omnes Beas Ptladis he tie Indexes Since 1688 YF Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of PM eh By An Identifying Trade Mark Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sl:est for page reference. Seid By Comma » Raleigh, N.C. eos SURNAME OF DECEASED SEX | COLOR} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ene a | fem 1933) 10 | 24 Warden Grover C. M}| WI Statesville A J Warden _ |Katie Caudill 19/398 | 1934, 9 | 21) Warden G x M Wi Statesville Eli Warden Rachel Warden 20 497. a | | “ i | } q | | a | | a | | | ' } | } | | = | | | | ee oa | 1. | | ; } t IP | | | | j i } | | | | T | sf es | ] INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. PAT OFFICE County Indexes Since 1886 te Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTT FAMILY KAME INDEX Mo. 1-SPLIT © 1949 by Cott Index Co., Gmve An Identifying Trade Mark Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page ref-rence. Sold by Comma Danielsy, Raleigh, N.C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED . i ‘on Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | COLOR} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER an 1927 7 Warweck -- F W | Mooresville Wylie Sanders Iney Warweck 256 | | | t | | | | _— | | | | j | } | | | | | | | | | T + i. sols wad 4 ii | | + + — | | t | + COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Split Copyright 1933 Al22550 Comet anes telemientiin ts Wek thes oc te ae Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page refereace. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Qhio Sold by Observer Prin pine: Mts Ge 11 ee 2 pane a = re sex |couor] PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— 2 1914; 1 |25] Ward | DC M | W | Statesville Steven Ward Mary Ward 1, 43h “i 1920 4 | 3 Ward | Malinda Ellis F | W Statesville John B Turner ---Moore 6 274 1926 1239 || Ward | Etta F |W | Gool Springs -- -- --- -- 14 78 1936 6 27] Ward | Columbus B M W | Turnersburg Tn| William N Ward Rebecca Bailey 22 | 652 1940 105 | Ward William Robert | M W | Mooresville ore Ward ae 26 241 1942. 1 23 Ware | Sallie F | W | Olin Tns Norman Ward Rebecca Bailey 28 | 229 1942, 2 14] Ward Robert Jerry M W Mooresville Harry Ward Lucy Overcash 28 139 e 1945, 12,30] Ward | Mertie O F | Wi Statesville William Blankenship| Catherine McIntosh|31 509 1948 8 24] Ward \John Thomas M | W | Statesville Dydhey Ward Mary Alice Turner 3h | 366 1948) 11.25|| Ward: ‘Frances F | C | Statesville Henry Barnes Unknown 35 | 450 19:9 9 & | Ward ‘Mary F | C | Goldsboro Calwin Ward Unknown 36 | 69 1951 5 16] Ward | Clennie Pt F W | Mooresville Matthew Kerr Catherine Kerr 37 | 262 | @ 1955 1011] Ward Charlie M W | Mooresville Marion Ward Alice Jackson 41 459 1958 1 27] Ward “+ |W | Statesville Clarence C. Ward Addie Feimster bbe | 109 @ 1960 1 8|| Ward ‘Ree Stokes M §W | Statesville Stokes Ward Etta Bm iley 46 2k i960 3 | 1} Ward Earl Junior MW | Statesville Ben Ward Gertitude Sisk 6 1133 1961 1 | 7} Ward James P, MW | Harmony James Ward Feba Roberts M7 | 10 1961, 1 16] Ward Calvin M C | Statesville oe o-- 47 14 1962. 4 30] Ward Josie E. F W | Statesville John K Williams Ida Smith 48 | 245 1963. 12 .11] Ward ‘Woodward , Wj Chapel Hill Harold T Ward | Mary Mopley 50 | 74 1965 1 25) Ward |Ernest M W | Statesville Wiley H Ward Nettie Ross 5 40 1967 5 18] Ward Lee M CC {| Mooresville Luther Ward Willis G. Makwell 53 319 e j 1968 12 | 26, Ward Gertrude W | F C| ‘Statesville | David Hore [Ide Mae Waiter pe 797 1969 1 2h) Ward Alice Ruthis F Wi] Mooresville Henry Overcash Mollie Overcash 55, 89 & 1970 1 | 29| Ward Sr. | James M |W | Mooresville Marion Ward Alice Jackson 56.92 1971 2 15) Ward | Harry Moore M W | Mooresville Will William Ward Alice Overcash 57. 121 1973 5 2) Ward Mary Lee F Wi Harmony Robert Harris Louvenia Dannér 59| 24,7 975 6 13))Ward Clarence Columbhis M W |Statesville Columbus B, Ward Mary Lee Harris Pt 340 1972| 8 16 } Ward | Chester Carl M\W Hickory Stokes William Wardj Etta Bailey 0¢1 24g é 1974 9 |21]| Ward | Finnie Melissa] F | W Winston=Salem | Johnny Ward Sadie Miller pC 1) 528 5 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell — N.C. " names, open at t SURNAME INITIAL TAB =a “a Made by The Cott Index Cine. Coleman, “‘Obio COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To Neha U.S. Patent No. 1437 a 1930 = to > Buff - Index sheet for i velerence. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. = tn nt SURNAME OF DECEASED , RECORDED Year | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a $1913) 10 | 1b) Warren _ ______| Bastic Ingram MjW {Shiloh Tns | EE RE | g ie Sai enae re gh cies) wi BE Beseee eee Tee Oe el ie Tee. ee eee etree 8 1385 | De ie 2 ee eran nS eee Bat ft. WL Union Grove tna Joba Warren i. ete a Copeman. 2 31 ee gas) 1 jiof Warren Margaret A = dts FF] w iNew Hone Tns J Jacob Keever __ I & Crees ___ 139 i Oe 3 ee erren. Jee © Mt Statesville NC | Quincy Warren tin relinitineniiaieiotecie ia iS Eo20| 2) 29 MOOG 8.2 Fe Oe ee Statesville NC _ | John Warren Sees pilary Gregory _ ce Mie eae Filed Ss 10 _ 20] Warren wie UE Be hs ie eae ie Dine) Maines Ey Dies. ee. % ieee a, Slee +» 2Of Garren Ba je tC | ha Statesville NC IR N Warren ... _I Nina Hertness 71 489 fsa Reel i RO BOD | Bpgehe Boseo to Mol. WPeptian Fae. bad Warren. Artie Goble. oes 13) ca ——________ 4.1925) 4 | 255 Warren |Mary BE Fi WidOlin Tus . {Thomas Pain ae COMB R. ion Scientia iiininnannt eee A) Soe OR eeR __,dacob E ; #—M__W | Statesville NC {Lb Warren sa ance Ades INTMNNG isin 12,469) ee 8 $1926 10 2 | warren John C MW |Mooresville NC | Lark Warren _. [Sarah Whittle - 32 -% = & nner. 194 Warren _- MW } Chambersburg TaD DB Warren _IJennie Leckey 9713) 46 9 _ ee eet a om Warren _ David Wesley 4 _M | WiCool Springs Taf ilueh Waxyren. Marge ret. Sarin Se eae ees FR eee | _Pinkey L M_. W |] Statesville NC | Washington Warren {Caroline Adams = J. 16 — 68) ae 1931: & |8 | Warren ' Nettie J_ F | WiConcord Tns [Wesley Pools +illie Moose _—ss ss 7) 90 a 41931 11 | 21] “arren Charlie =| MW | Sharpesburg Tn |Lorenza Warren ss = Rae Raa __ 41934; 5 | 215 Warren. _Sara Eliza | F | W Concord Tns JAlfred Sharpe _ Mahala Black 20; 83 viet ‘ 4 1934, 6 (17§ Warren _ M | W {Chambersburg Tnjf WG Warren . Gumata Beckman 1935.3 25) Warren _ aura E I FW |Shiloh ins Bentley Ingrahm _|Plizabeth Little | 21) 268 ea __41936 12 2 Twarren _Adolphus A Ai W i Bethany Ths tLorenze Warren b= Keever eas ge | ee Warren [Dora I Scott | F | WiStatesville NC |- -_—S»_— Scott [- Scott __—-_—4.23),_‘ 32341 nm nO oe 41937, 3 1 | Warren Mary Ann C F_._W }Concord Tns William Crawford | Kate Koseman . «+. 23) 58 J Ae $1937 3 |15i Warren _Tinnie K Drum F | W {Davidson Tns {Jim Drum Mary Rector an 23, 72 } § 1939. 1 29) Warren _ M . C {Statesville NC [Harry V Warren Zella Morrov (25. 2788 eB 1939. 2 , 20) Warren Timothy Monroe M W Statesville NC I> Adeline Keever 25) 28353 ee 1939, 7 |15) Warren Floyd M_. W JChambersburg TnJH J Warren Lora Goble _ £2) 20 2 ; 1939. 8 20] Warren David Hugh MM. W |“hambersburg TniH John Warren Luna Goble too 3 ee 1939. 12 10) Warren Jerry Lee I W {Statesville NC JJohn Cuince Warren Jf Ruth Bourrell _ 251. boa. Sei 19.39) 111195 Warren _Arthur Laranseyl MW | Sharpesburg Adolphis \arren iMary Payne pea. 285 @ os 1940.5 23) Warren Lonnie Willizm | M .~ W |Cool Spring Tosi\i EH Warren Fannie Knox Warren 26, 83 } _ 1942, 5 (8 |werren = FW JStatesville NC J. obert Warren Edna Campbell 28) ba7i 1944 4 7 jWarren Ernest L MW {Concord Tns Adolphus Warren Mary Payne }30) 154 1945| 3 \7 [Werren _Royd M _W [Statesville NC [H Lafayette Warren [Otella Teague 131) 125) on 1945.4 (5 {Warren Henry Jacob M . W Cool Springs TniHugh Warren Margaret Smith E31) UA6oh 1945 5 | 30] warren John William MW |Statesville NC JHayes Warren Mary Warren 31) 2275 é 1946; 1 {2 }Warren Winnie Genevie | F W #Statesville NC [Hunter Warren Grace Murdock 32} 20 1946.11 16 | Warren Archie Monroe M+-W}Pallstown Tas {Moran Warren Mary Ann Crawford 32 3024 1947. 8 (7 Warren \- M_. W [Statesville NC |Roy Pinkey Warren Mamie Flizabeth Page] 33) 455] _ 1948. 7 | 21] Warren \William Calvin | M | W [Mooresville NC [Franklin Warren Margaret Ingram dle) _220e 1 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ss ePTRGO IVR, mpm me 3) Pas a ————“C‘“ a —_ oe = SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =n —fi9Ls 9 29 Warren. John Quincy Jr | M | Wi Statesville NC| John ¢ Warren Sr || Della Cash 3h L06 | <csenlagualal e 1949 8 | 18]Werren | Mary Ellen F | W [Sharpesburg Harvey Warren Daisy Hager 55 Sel e | aos oe 24 Warren _____— David Brantley | M .W | Statesville n¥ | Frows Warren Margaret Ingrone BT. 395 __ $1951; 11 (9 {Warren ~ is F W_| Chambersburg David Calvin warren Mary Murdock Warren | 37) 671 so iopavoe! 817 Warren of John Roby Mi |W | Statesville NC | Fredrick Warren Sarah Hammer 32) 23) 2952.7 j12 arren loseph Leroy Mi Troutman NC id Daniel Warren | Eva Fox 381 337 1952, 8 3 | Warren __.Fannie Knox JF WwW J|Statesviile NC | william Knox sincihasituilaiadlt 05 & 1954 9 28}Warren Candace Elisabeth F W | Statesville NC | James Reid Ellis Climentine Fichard ,,0 42 3 Lid | Sh Kiveccws. Stella Lois F iW j Statesville NC f J.P. Taylor Molly Weatherman 40 471 ca is 1955 4 2h | Warren _ __Stillb _F_W | Statesville NCJ- ____Willie Sue Warren 1 | 192 icc abel 42955! 113 [213 Warren _— Parks Charlie | M W [Statesville NC |Dolphus W. Warren [Mary Payne 41) 522 _|rese 124 Warren _Peneida Vivien | F W [Statesville N ClWalter l Warren [Wilma Youston => 44/53 : 958 2 26] Warren -__|¥ _tatesvitze | o1itford warren | Lueitie Christopher | 44 119 : = n959 2 21 |Warren’ Ninna ~ H F W Statesville Robert s Hartness Annie Robb 45 89 § Neth tian eerie eclaaleniel sek nee bali gea De Delon Tissue I tilcGnenMigieica doas we fea i eee * | 9 teeeen ance Sue) LP eek eee ewarven [any wardooe asl ase| __fpeco 2 9 [Warren | Garland Delane}| ¥ | W Plewten Ress Warren Bennie tcenhour [46 201 | ict ieee ae _ seo 3 9 jMarren _ bs ae Lester Filmore uf ferganton apes at Hose Warren — Seaae Hee Elizabeth Bruce 46 284 1960 4 3 | Warren tuna Belle G ; Fr. |statesviire pevia & Goble warthe Goble 46 244 aa TU ahd scram ocissceeiciicbileazstis ; ssi inns ernenocterlie acetone a ee oe tees 4 __1960 11 4] Warren _Eddie Austin MW Mooresville ‘NC {| Hugh Warren {Margaret Smith _ 46 640 eget 1961 2 26 Warren Artie Goble FP ic®¥ Statesville Nc iprore oe Marthe Bore Goble 47 92 _}1961 10 9 |Marren sss Rothy Udell | MW [Statesville xo | “imothy M Warren [Dora Scott == f47. 4a | _ 4291 9 14 Warren Maven M. M W [teen William Warren “Sara Bost 47 563 > Tasc2 1 20fwarren Zeina R. e|8 Baewan, et Sree | Pik ee ed a eo 1962 12 7 jWarren Patricia F. F Cleveland D, C. Warren Mary & oe 4g 642 | aS : & 1964 3 10] War~en Daniel M Statesville Ir Jarren Sara ~. Bost 50 135 iq , 1965 7 el Warren Lonnie M W Mooresville Nelson Warren Lillie F Leslie 51 433 7965 8 (25) Warren _ Rayford | M_W | Statesville | _D B Warren Janie Lackey _ SE us sauces | 1966 1 13 Warren Della F Cf Statesville Unkn. Mary Warren 34 105 ; | 1967 2 25 Warren Julius M | W Statesville Geo W Warren | Candace Goble | 53-428 | : . oy Seenee |. 22) 2 Nerwen, dr John lic | om Soe Narre Winss Sore @ p967 7 14 | Warren Lee _M _W| Statesvilie | Ernest L Warren | Mattie Poole _—{s3. u7a._ | Ss ; 1967 "I 16 Warren _ Fannie es W Statesville Jerry W Price | Lillie Claywell | 53 585] a) eee 1968 3 a8 Warren Rebecca Jesey | F W | Huatersville John W Jesey Susan Miller 54 299 (1968 5 _29| Warren Ralph Hendren M | em _ George W. Warren Candas Goble 5h 357 | G ae E | 1968 Ra 20 Warren | Verna Mae dL F ae s bans - John C Warren | Hattie Hedgpath p4 689 I : i. 1968 12 1p Warren Hattie Pierce F WwW Statesville George Pierce Jane Harmon 54 760 t a 1969 3 15 Warren _Della Jurishia | F W| Union Brove Aaron Gage Cash Janie Mason 55 185 @ . 1970, 1 15 Warren Mack Tilley M Statesville Dolphus Alexander Warren Mary Payne 56 51 . 1970 | 12 2q Warren Emma Sloan F | W Statesville Ephriam Sloan aaah Guy >> 802 nes.u 6 rat Office = ariel ° memreny cto sis | 1971! 7 |19|Warre, Jr. Imax Ray M | Ww 1971 7 1s Warren | James B, M | B 1971 7 |(19 Warren | Angela Marie F | Ww 1972| 8 27 Warren | James Aaron M W 1973 | 2 (18 Warren ‘Lealor Ollie Fi w 1973 | 10 | 14 Warren lerace Luola F | W 1973 10 | 20 Warren Carol Renee F W 1974) 6 16 Warren Waiter John M \w 1.975 | 1 |4] Warren | Ruby Martin F iW 1975 6 | 29Warren | Mes Mattie Eugene F WwW 976 | 10 18 Warren | Jannie Lackey j/F W 1976 12 | 31|Warren | Spencer William M iW 1977) 3 14)/Warren lLoretta Jean F Ww KXRAAXXAXAAK SREB CII XIN ACRE banca 1977 | 8 (14) Warren |Omie Ganeten = F W 1977| 12 | 3} Warren |Clyde Roosevelt M | W 1979 | 7 | 1 Warren | Ba Daniel M W 1980 11 |9 {Warren | nebastt Adolphus M Ww 1981 2 (24 || Warren Ethel Smoot R. || F iW County Sitiniiih Since 1888 An Identifying T: vade Mark | — INDEX TO VITAL wee — SHEERS — Open at Sa ay wi whee __ Name and seter to Bull Sulp-taden chest for page relerence,_ PLACE OF BIRTH Ts NAME OF FATHER Iredell pe ri C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX Wo. 1-SPLIT © 1948 The Cott Index Mae Patent Company, Stine NAME OF MOTHER ‘ a Page a Barbara Barrow Warren 57 472 | eS: Statesville Max Ray Warren i Salisbury Unknown Unknown 57 627 ren Statesville Max Ray Warren Barbara Barrow War 57 47 Yo Waynesville Unknown Mary Warren C-1 248 Statesville William Nenry Warren || Fannie Knox 59 119 Statesville William Murdock Sally Emma Deal 59 Soe 83 Statesville David Calvin Warren ||Mary Murdock 59/532 Statesville John Warren Hattie Cooper 60307 Statesville Mark Martin Alice Combs 61; 15 Statesville Wesley Poole ‘Lillie Moose 61 3 68] Statesville Jeff Lackey Evelyn Smith 62 |494 yt Statesville Davis Brantly Warren || Isabell Pierce 62| 620. Statesville John Glover Mayberry|/Fannie Mitchell 63 |181 | pkae a ACKER AKO 00 ALA ECO CKO ONO Winston-Salem |} Austin Gant Laura Teague c-4 129] Salisbury James Lorenzo Warren|| Gertrude E Combs OC2 125 cd Mooresvilhe Nelson P Warren Sally Leslie 65| 371 |} Statesville Arthur Warren Nettie Poole 66 (569 | Btatesville Walter Scott Smoot Margaret E1P$86SEn- 7 | 119. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 15 U. 8: Patent No. 1137168—-Copyright 1980 ee waned ee Sold by Observer Printing House’ Charlotte Mes, — eta SANE OF DEcEAgED Sx | color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ——— : | . 1916, 2 16]Washum \Harret Rachel F_ | W jCoddle Creek TnjJ A Washum Rachel Gibson 3) 49) 1922, 2 |19)]Washam |\Charles M | W [Statesville NC /Tf B Washam -- Morrow 7, 4977 1924, 6. é}Washam James Alfred M_| W [Mooresville NC jAlfrea Washam Harriett Riley 10; 192 1920; 4 26)Washam Lenora _F | W [Statesville NC {Henry Cashion -- Mayhew 12) 492 bs 1933, 5 |11] Washam |Edward Worth Mooresville NC |J A Washam Rachel Gibson 19, 68) 1959 7 | 15/ Washam \James David |W |Coddle Creek Tn|Thomas B Washam lucy Ellen Morrow 25 168] 1940, 10 2 | Washam Rachel Laura F | W | Mooresville NC | David Gibson Mary Parks 26 245 1941; 9. 23] Washam ‘“ F Mooresville NC | Ben Washam Dlara Goodmight 27, 169) 1943, 10 .22)Wesham \Thomas Walton MW jMooresville NC |Williem Ss Weshem Mollie Johnston 29, 457 1944) 3 (10) Wesham {George Lamar M | W jMooresville NC |Hose S Weshem Jennie Joneldson 30) 62) 1958 6 2/Washam _ Wm. Worth M W Mooresville NC] John R Washam Sally Day 44 297 | 1959 4 24 Washam | James Marion M | W Mooresville James Washam Rachel Gibson 45 225 1963 e | o Pies Julia F _W Mooresville Luther Sherrill | Mary: Westmoreland 49) 540 A964 9 13] Washam Katie Wi} Mooresville Baxter Roberts Unknown 50 522 1965, 9 19 Washam Mamie F | W | Mooresville John M Overcash Nancy J Overcash 51) 519 1966 9 30] Washam Alfred M_ W/| Mooresville Mack R Washam Lena Thompson 22 585 1969 "12 ii" Washam Jessie Levane | FW | Mooresville John Washam Unknown 5> 784 1916, 1 (19]Washburn | Flora FW [Statesville Tn jJohn M Washburn Ella Hollifiela 5 390 1909 12 21) Washam Mattie Brown FW }Mooresville Benjamin Brown Annabelle Barnette | 55, 822 1971 5 | 2M Washam Harry Lee Me W | Concord Henry Lewis —— Maggie White 57, 581) - 1971 12 15/Washam _ Rena Emma F W |Mooresville Samuel L Hager Ester Sherrill 57| 791) 1972 1 30|Wabham _ Nellie Elizabedn F Wi Iredell Co. | @avid A Beam Lucy Young 58 76 1973, 9 | 7] Washam -Wooten Alexande PM __W_] Mooresville James Alfred Washam |Rachel Gibson boy ee be 1975 6 8 | Washam Daisy Dingler F W | Charlotte Lonnie Davis Dingler pmily Jones D1, 660 1976 10 30} Washam | Betty Reid FW | Mooresville Robert Francis Reid | Tommie Byers 62 519 1g2l. 2 | 27 Washington iwt M | W [Statesville NC |S P Washington Lucy A Vance 7 327) 1945) 2 |26lWashington | John B Mi. We jStetesville NC Iaugustus Washington [imaline Weshington Sl, 152] 1960, 8 20} Washington Elizabeth S Bj F W |Statesville NC | Pinkney W Benfield {Florence 5. Hall 46 486 1969 3 _ 15) Washington _Mary Robinson FC |Mooresville Joe Robinson Mary Robinson | 55 207} _ 972 10 6 | Washington _ Charles 7G M W| Statesville Charles E Srahingndey Dame Young pS 583 Ba INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. SQARIGE: [Por Your Proection, Yost Oe a tier ont or an US Petent No eareemcarrvght 68 : = a ees ——SS= ee : 3 ae ey ee SURNAME OF DECEASED ; RECORDED cr lam fae AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color } PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER val Pas a +: eee if z r _ ago sa PREIS = a onsaaree | sac on in p2927) 10 29) Wason _ | Logan _M | C JOlin Tos jAzar Wason jNellie Clarke _ k| 248} ( #1918) 2 | 12) Wasson 4 = FC {Statesville NC [Will Wasson _ _|Gussie Moore jaa, 284] __1921; 4 | 28] Wasson > F | C [Statesville Tn |Will Wasson Carrie King 7) 287] ae ___ 41933, 10 | 28] Wasson |Anabella __j F | © {Shiloh Tns |Burell Wasson _ jOla Moton 19) 229 sic _____ 1935, 6 | 13] Wasson Maggie LM | F | W [Statesville NC |James Millsaps jiilia L Millsaps jé1 | 377 oa peed | | da __8 [Wasson — exter eS | Soneere: tere, Sone Mepeon | Mery Meee __| 1947 56 Wasson Pauline ||. Fc | Concorn Tas. _ _ Wood Nora Morrison — 3. 162 as @ 1950} 5 12 Wasson ~ ae Statesville NC | Otha Wasson __Mary Lillian Willhite 36 334 = —_+—} 1952.9 (17 | Wasson , Robert Lee | M_ |W | Statesville NC | W. F. Wasson Elizabeth Holland [B8 | 486 1 wise 1961 12 2 | Wasson Claudia Hines F | W [Statesville NC | Alfrea A. Hines — Rebecca %. Hooper 47 590 | | alee 1966 1 13 | Wasson Ola F C Statesville Charlie Morton Emma Lackey 5p at ___}966 6 27) Wasson sr. Frank MW | Statesville James C Wasgon” | Maggie Millsaps | 52/391. a 4 1974, 6 30] Wasson | Richard Woodrow] M_ N | Mooresville _| Woodrow Wasson _ Eva Phifer 60, 332 ion ae ___,_ $1974 7. 167 Wasson ‘Kevin Scott | M .N | Statesville _|Warren Harding WassodJean Lois Wilhite 160 1367 _ Eo _ - : & 1980 11 £5) Wasson Eva Phifer F B | Statesville James Abraham Phifer | Jessie Belle Fleming 66 564 > akeiinll x a iodide 1916, 5 13) Watkins ~ MW [Statesville NC }C Watkins Elizabeth Sparrow 3. 249 a 4 $1924) 9 |19) Watkins Celia F.C jFellstown To - - JLO | 164 | i Lilet _$ $1930, 10 30] Wadkins Julia Susana F | W {Mooresville NC Sites Brooks Susana Moore 26 249 ae __._ J1940 | 2 5 Watkins \Emma_ Jean F_| W |Statesville NC |Ira Watkins Cletie “coNeill 426 315 | - _ $1955) 1 2h} Watkins Vinita Gail F W Mooresville NC {Janes Wesley Watkins} Helen Carley 41 4 a 1963 11 14 Watkins Jerry M C {| Statesville Clifford L Watkiys Laura Jones 49 636 € ; 1968 2 £24 Watkins Joseph M W | Statesville ‘Thomas Watkins Miranda J Bennett 54 136 oS ___|1975| 3 29] Watkins _ Mary Sharpe j|F W | Statesville [Carl W. Sharpe Annie Mullis _ 2 sila _ $1976; 1 5 |Watkins | Joy Lyvern |F ON Mooresville bhelly Ray Watkins Bernice Leach io. Ue 1980 8 14) Watkins Mae Brown F |W | Statesville George Brown Minnie Bell 66-429 fi 1960) 8 31] Watkins Alton Alexander|M W | Rowan Co Charlie Watkins Saluda Robertsan \OC2 512 8 { teil | P re risen ensisserernsseleShsscesinetiner sel hisses esl senate wish ett iinet lash cenlvieisnminenenliibimesmenneninseitiiiiani | | . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 1% U.B. Pocent No. 14s7i6s—-Gepsriehe 1980 ee ee a ar Bold by Observer Printing House: Chacloee' Sn eae SURNAME CF DECEASED sex | coor } PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = >= — oa i } ; si q | 1 emia =>} 215, 5S Watts _______| David Lee ____| M | CG |statesville NC [Thomas Watts _—=——s Maggie Westmoreland | 2, 407] g RMA NS a }-¥_| © |Stateswille NC |Thomas Watt ...-—--—*|Magezie Westmoreland | 2) 346] 1915) 10. 26} Watts _ ,Cora _ | F.C |Statesville NC |Thomas Watts ._._—-—»-_— [Maggie Westmoreland || 2) 430] acer ome Be a ee ___{Thos Isajah_ M | G {Statesville Tn {Thos Watts ss“ | Maggie Westmoreland | 5. 5534 hice ae BES. ainsi F_| W |Bethany Tn _|Geo A Watts _____|Bettie Holland ss /j#4) Sag] 1821/9 __16/ Watt olen Davis. F | W G@oncord Tn [Columbus Watt = [Mary Davis —s———sd|s 7)« 204 4.1222) 7 19) Watt _________|Mary Louise | F | WjConcord Tn ____jJohn Watt |.—=-_‘|jMary Sharpe ssf. 8 264] e ace. 1922) 8 | 12i Watts | __,Benjiman I | M | W | Coddle Creek TniJake Watts : Arenath Eller hs ih sei al ciiesies ai A ore Ate itil atl ck MU I i i ie 9 9} 1619 Silk severities aietheaick A At ACh |Nettie _ F_| W |Statesville NC |George Watts _jMattie Thompson _ 9, 433) i ee RO ees ED dp | ie Deke te ietin seein 4. 2 ee ee nnn A RE eee we MM eS MC | Bethany Tn al Rea Ow es $11) 157 ¢ Lace fons 8 | 6] Watts Mattie _ F_.C'iStatesville Tn |Richard Watts I|Ester Watts _—s— 14) 429! Fic etciete rc nren ned OL, All a __Margarette C _F_ . W {Concord Tn | Feimster Morrison |Mary Feimster 12. 264. a 4. 1927) 7. | 1S Watts _Alston Davidson] MW Statesville NC |'Thomas A Watts Margarete Morrison J13) 457 1928 2 a {= M_._W [Statesville NC |w B Watts Molta Melton _____}14. 342} J 1928 5 li Watts JE. M_._W | Coddle Creek TniJ E Watts oe Hessie Moose ___#14/ 573. 3 | 1928 6 5) Watts George W M ..C |Coddle Creek Tni Jack Watts jAdline Ramsey. 14) 60] 1929 1 & Watts _Erasmus F M |. W {Shiloh Tn Fielding Watts— 4Sarah Steele sss 5} S57} 1929; 1 | 25) Watt _- M | W Concord Tn H_ W Watt Henriette Gibson 115!) 106) 1929, 1 25] watt — |= MW |Concord tn HW Watt Henriette Gibson _ 115. 105 4 1929 1 29) Watt _Junus _ MC Concord Tn William Watt Mary Watt 8. ee 1950 1 | 22! Watts Mary Steel FW [Concord Tn |John Steel Malisa McNeely __—-_—‘ 16) 130] 1931, 1 19] Watts IA L M. Statesville NC |Ruben Watts Candis E Little $161) 5514 1932; 7 | 6) Watts _J_L (Mrs) FW IStatesville NC JW R Wilson May Burgess TA Soe s [1932 10 6) Watts _Lewis Laxton MW |Fallstown Tn ||Bee Watts_ [Catherine Watts 18 129) Tim 1935, 7 |/ 26) Watts __tdudson L _M._W jStatesville NC IJ W Watts E Sallie Conley __—s_—«4f.19.|_366 | 1934, 4 | 18] Watt Goines M . C |Statesville Tn |Cy Thomas __|Caroline Watt. 20. 586 4 1934. 7 9] Watts _Billy Sharpe F |W |Goncord Tn John Wetts Mary Sharpe Sao 420.84} _ 11934, 10 9 Watt _Amos MC [Bethany Tn Sid James —_» CORPO Ligg. Bats. weed “see © ae \19355| 9 26] Watts Hattie {| Fi CG jCoddle Creek Tnifen Jamison ... J--- §2)) gi] 195511 24)Watt Minnie J McL | F | w concord tn A EMcLelland _—_—si[{Elizabeth Morrison {21 1164 1936, 3 | 6iWatts Katie F.C |Statesville Tn |Zorwaste Gabriel Florence Watts 22 | 593 1936, 3 .|27) Watts John E M ._W Mooresville NC |Dick Watts __|Frances Watts 22 204 | 1956, 4 9]Watts _Robert Lee M_| W |Bethany Tn Thomas F Watts. goecelia Allison 22/51} a. 1937, 4 | 4]Watts Charles M W [Statesville NC |iThomas Watts Nancy Bauguers 23. 354] # 1938, 9 | 291 Watts John M M_.W |Statesville NC [Sidney Watts Lou ayes 24 409} 1940) 3 | 29] Watt Thomas M.. C |Statesville Tn - ° 26, 515) 1943, 2 (16) Watts Ruby Dell F.. W [Statesville NC |J Lester Watts Ads Green 9/1 21, 5 3 1943, 3 RS Hott John Preston MW [oncord Tns Williem Thos Watt io 9 | 203} 1 8 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ANOS | Foc Vour Protection, Yodet Oo ft ae asi ee "EB: Patent No. 1481166 Cepsviont Jato Tua = SURSAME OF DECEANED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER en — | i 1943/4 (19|wetts {Mery Lou ____| F |W |#egle Mills [Robert N Wetts _—‘|[Minnie L McGee _—fz9| ov 1943/4 29]Wetts +Nennie Cethering F | W |Mooresville NC |Jeff Thomas fetdie Deol - itienle se ua #1944) 1 J1Oi Watts Marie —_—___j Fj G Statesville NC IJohn Watts [Blanche Lackey _-*(130) 37] gies $1944; 2 J1?iWatts _ John MeLellend | M | W concord Tns {Silas Watts —emenenrianceninal RS te Tig SS I _Iyoaa) 4 a Iwetts wee RCP 1 il Oe Poel Ae eee 11944 5 lliWetts ihe | waite. Med | | W iBethany Tns John F Holland Mery Lock Rickert 230 | 264 $1943) 4° +S} Matia i ee Fa 7-1 a i. $a Bee : cent 1.1945| 1 | 20| Watts Shelby Jean | F | C | statesville NC | James Houpe _| Elizabeth Watts _]3y | 23 oo & #1945 6 30 lWatts _vames C |}_M ij &i Concord T | sishus Wette I Lois L lettin 2) gom _ 1945 4 23 Watts _Howard Pred | M WI ee Sis Sf Ul eee ee ee 1945. 12 24/Wetts Lenora E Lytton| F | WiStatesville NC [Monroe H Lytton [Martha J Troutman 31, 506) —s_s_—™ {1946 1 31 jWetts ‘Mickey Samuel __| M __WiStetesville NC {Herry ¢ Watts ._|Winnie F Honeycutt [52) 72} those, 7 sl watts |W Alexander | wi Ww iMteteavilie mc I- = ¢ [sal gent a $1946) 12 | ad Watts _ Samuel Seth _ M | Wi Statesville NC | Carl W Watts = [Lelia Sloop Ss 132) a7st _f 1947 2 | QlWatts _Thomas Gill __]| M, Wl] Statesville NC| Thomas T Watts _|Celia Allison __ Reh MM @& | 1947, 2 22 Watt Carl Summers MW [Concord Tns. | William F. Watt Katherine Morrison | 33.152 | _ coca }1947, 8 28 Watts _| Mark Wilks }M UW freaei1 county {Wn, Watts _fKattie James st 33, 34k ie 4ASL7 9 16 Watts ______|George Allison | M |W |Statesville NG |?homas F. watts _Icelia allison _ [33 400 in $1947 | 10 16 fatts , Sspy Brevard MW Statesville NC | James AF Watts _ sxrine Thomas _ ent Re hg $1948) 3 | 16}Watts James Mo CO | Statesville NC] Unknown Mary Watts bavis 34 ROE ite aa 1948 | 6 18] Watts James Miller |M |W | Statesville NC | Ruben W Watts —s_ fsva Miller _ es Ae i948 8 | 2h Watts Grace Adina | F | W {Statesville N ClJohn C Brown {Nancy C Brown __ f+ 367 Lae 19498 16] Watts Floyd Augustus | M | C [Mooresyilie NC |George W Watts Adeline Commer ._ 135) 275s 11949 10 18 Watts William Marcus |M .W tatesville NC | John M Watts Nora Herman_ 35, 442 sjmeciuae eee ~ 2950) 3 J121 Watts | Lowrance G M .W | Statesville NU] William Watts Katie James 36 | 196 § 1950 9 29 Platt Henrittea Gibson| F W Btatesville NC_ | John Gibson _ Elle Massey ssid. 36) 483 a 7 $950 | 12 | 3] Yetts Mamie Holland # Morganton NC iJohn F Holland faey Rickert CA ALAR At eles dcsgbnata $951 |1 22 | Watts | John s M_| © [Shiloh | Billie Watis mea Lah ee eae 42951! 3/6 [Watts [John Fielding M | W Irorsytn county | Thomes A Wetts EGRESS © MOSET ROC EL MM _$1951' 8 (5 [Watts George Lester M_| W_} Mooresville NC} William Watts _ j Katie James ST | 4547 s [1952 2 23 watts Norma Patricia [F |w [Statesville NC| Flake W Watts lorma Ann Thompson [36 68| = | 1952 5 8 IWatts __| Zora F_|C {Statesviile moj George Lackey ._| Jene Bennett == 38 244) sss —_} 1952 12 (51) Watts \Roberta June tC Statesville NC /JAishus A- Watts Lois Latten 58 641 S ae it hd 28 Watts iMaggie Blanche JF JW [Statesville NCiThomas A, W:tis Margaret e. Morrison 39) 12) § alicia aia }1953| 11 2 | Watts |Harry We | M | W [Statesville NC} ~ __[{Katherine Morrison [39:53:39 | 1953| 12 21) Watts Foster Pressly | M W {Statesville NC | Thomas A. Watts Margaret Elizabeth? 39 621 ; 41955 2 14] Watts Laura Jane F | C | Statesville NC] Bill Feimster Dovie Feims ter Al) 91} 6 hose | 2 | 5} Watts \Hubert Clarence} M | Wj Statesville N G@ Jim Watts Dessie Sipes ett i 1956 \3 | 14 Watt Mae Feimster FW {| Statesville Earl W Feimster Margaret Rickert ‘na | 105 | 1958) a if Watts Roxie F GC }Stony Point - Wm. Watts Madie Gregory 44 16 1.956 | 3 | | Wat ts Nathaniel ‘ M | C Hooreevinne lifford Watts a e 44 ha 1958} 2 | | 13] Watt |Margaret E. F |W | Statesville Vichols N Patterson |Mary A Milligan 44) 108 | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTER, UMICERRAL DEE Mo. Cr ee wieeeeTmSat ats Semen comme one) a — = = 7 ——— : : ae => ee oan —— = = = = eee — <a — ee ae ee SEX coum PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aT oe Li liaiiiiiattiniin Bec lh eto: ee pan paca . at ea ete Y 1958 | 4 10] Watts _jcecel ia Lenore F | w Statesville NC || Mestus F Wooten Sar&i Hughey 4 pis Ct _]2958; 10) SiiWatts _| Barandon ee mu | C\Statesville _|| Sam Watts _ Lula M Morrison 44 466 | i eee! 1P | feet te | Brenda so | F | CG [Statesville _|| Sam Watts _ Lula M Morrison 44 407. 988 | 12 [8] Sette Daniel _| M_| w (Statesville NC | Make Perry Watts Elizabeth Craig ar, nes59 12 2a Watts = ida Herman ss]. F_| W_Paylorsville __|| Franklin Herman __Sue Matheson Fi 46) 70 ae 1961, 35 (17/Watts | Blize eee i ee | © [Statesville NC | Ransom James _ | Rachel Kent _ 47 | 129 ‘. 1961, 10 6 |Watts || Ida Morrow || F_| © |Mooresvinte NC} = | _|a7 494 | eo i er ee. [Alice Mabe1 = | F) W] Statesville NC] Lowrance ¥. Sides || Minnie “older 4g 94 =a | 10] 14 Wace | moms | m_w| Statesvitte | Pinkney 4 Watt |_Sarah Milholien 49 _5ép ee en oe. _[Dmiol sd | Wi Steevie [Genus M Verte |_Sarah Merrioos 1) 27a : 1965, 12 25) Watts Mary F | Wy Statesville | James A Rimmer Annie Troutman _ 51 7h8 iy ee | 1966) 9 | 16] Watts Sr. __ William M | W | Statesville ‘Thomas Watts Cecilia Allison 521553 | | oe as ‘(966 5 16 Watt Jannie 0 F | W| Morganton Walter T Watt Mary C Morrison. 52 hh? | ee! 1966 «69 «(18 Watts, Sr. Wm. Allen M_ Wi Statesville | Thomas Watts Cecilia fAllison 52 553 @e : ; ‘1968 ee a Mary G. F| W| Statesville | Wm. W Gaither Eugenia P McComb a4 148 1968 = 12 lf Watts Deucilla Ward | F | W | Statesville John Thomas Ward Mertie Blankenship 54763 1969) 2 21 Watts _ Benjamin i M W | Statesville James Elija Watts Josephine Vickers 55 135 : 1970) 1 [4 Watts _Hattie ives, F Cc Mooresville Ephrain Dubose Laura R Dubose 561 55 3 «41970, 3 | bi] Watts Annie Knight F |W | Mooresville || Samuel Knight — Mary Deese 56, 178) 1970 8 _ 2) Watts Rosa Lee F Statesville F. Porter Watts Ida “erman 56 547] 1970, 5 | 23] Watts _Frances Deal FW Iredell Co. Avery Deal Minnie Kelly 56| 371) | 1970 4 8 Watts Roby Gill Mo W| Forsyth Co. || Thomas Gill Watts Lenora Wooten 56 381) e oe | 1971 1 1} Watts James Haskell M WwW Mooresville Reward Matte, - Hessie Watts et 40 | 1971 12 10] Watts Columbus W. Mi) W Huntersville aateas eerees atts — ee ooten ag Reecete Ak 11972, 1 5) Watts Lelia Roberta | FN |Statesville | avti ora Lackey 58 |] an & 1972 | 12.1) Watts George Washihetoh/ M| W | Statesville |George washington) °{ Edith Watts 58 710 2 1972, 11 26) Watt |Eva Jane F iW |Statesville Samuei Norman Hines |iMargaret Eliz. Ellis|58.688 | 1973, 6 | 4] Watts , Samuel Yonroe M , W | Statesville Levi Laxton Watts Lenora Lytton 99 |301 1974 1 26] Watt | Henry Vance M W Statesville Marvin Vance Watt Bessie Drucilla Maso 60 53 1974; 7 | 2] Watts | Verda Mae F |W Statesville [Henry Thomas Emma Miller 60 333] 1975; 2 4, Watt Joseph M N Greensboro James Watt Mary Fisher 0C1 661 Masi 2 Watt | Bessie Bailey , im Statesville Robert Bailey, Zula King 61 159 ® 1975 9 20\Watts Billie Grace F iW Statesville L L Watts Nora Lytton 61, 517 1977, 10 | 15] Watts | Forest Edward | M |B Statesville John watts Blanch Lackey 63) 557A 1977, 12 30| Watt Alton Alexander! M | W | Statesville W.A. Watt Margaret ELPESBEER? | 6,, 8 1978 5 6 |Watts William Rowland| MW |Statesville Laxton Watts Lenora Lytton 64 | 239 1978 7 4 | Watts | Deborah Denise | F |B | Statesville Robert Watts, Jr. Clasella Hamilton 64) 364 Po 1978 10 21)Watts Helen Kyles W | Statesville John D Kyles Edna Dickerson 64 |526 t 1979 5 liWatts, Sr. John Worth M 'B Statesville jSohn Samuel Watts Blanche Lackey 65 242 | Poa NE 1979, 2 21] Watt Joel Milligan | M |W |Statesville William A Watt | Elizabeth Patterson 65 (627 oa e 1979 12 8 | Watts Carl David M |W [Statesville er Milton Watts- Sesnea———_- F- fa cles ee en ee Mary Bell W [Statesviize [George Lester Watts ae iii ae ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. U.S. Patent No. 1137168-—Copyright 1980 D8 oc Dull’ Seb-lades shect for pase reference. Bold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. ; r ee wn eae = Se. See. Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— hoia 2 23 | Waugh _ he. ____|M |W] ghiloh Tn ___| Cicero Waugh _ |Sallie Hoover 1, 559 —_914 1 9 | 3] Waugh | Eva Lee iP | W iatatesville Tn IMilton Maugh oo d= = = ctushan 1,540 _o16 . 3 26 | Waugh Roy. M | Wishiloh Tn _ Charlie Waugh _ _| Bettie Cascaden 35,404 | _N916 | 5 31 | Waugh — _ Everett _IM | W | Statesville Tn | P L Waugh | Dovie Benfield || 31390 1917 | 5 (27 | Waugh _| John Julius .|M = W | Falistown Tn || James Waugh Jennie Waugh |, 4/182 4 918 | 6 | 1) Wevgh | Joseph Lee 4M W | Statesville NC | Wm:Wangh Elizabeth Courtney ||4A 165 1918 10 20 | Waugh , William _|M | W | Statesville NC |P 1, Waugh Davie Benfield 14a) 251 | 1919 | 3 10 | Waugh Man | F | W]Shiloh Tn George N Waugh _ | Nancy Crouch | 5,259 | ne2zo 1 6] waugh i... Im | wisnijoh tn Silas Waugh oo eReliok...i i: 2 eee 922 2 2 | Waugh | = iM | W {Shiloh Tn Cicero Weugh __ jMary Hoover | 8114) | pg22 5 10 | Waugh _May Bell _ a2.) Weebtiok a... 2B Boover: sae > Mier. 2 LA eee e228 1) | Waugh _Minnie Lee iF | WiShiloh Tn | John Byers __idennie Moose if 8 155 4 1922 . 9 . 5 | Waugh - IM | W | Falistown Tn DB Waugh _ i Loyes Ervin af | 8 338 | e222 | 9 | 5 | Waugh _Lena | Ervin | Fo W | Fallstown Tn || Thomas Ervin Lillie Brookshire || 8\ 234 7 19235 | 1 29 | Waugh | Sallie ¢ F .Wishtion tn [RA Waugen Levina Moore 21 82:5 924 1 24 | Waugh _Caroline V z W_| Fallstown Tn | J H Christenbury ~ = MoCeal) 10.157 J} 1924.2 4 | Weugh i J_L M_. W | Statesville NC |Milton Waugh 22 49 -521 e244 4 20 | Waugh _Ada L F . Wi statesville NC | Able Benfield - - -Eller nasil Rk See _926 | 7 18 | Waugh | Brice W_| Statesville Tn | Clarence Waugh Bessie Gery 121395 ne26 . 7 18 || Waugh _Bfhice M W I Concord Tn i Clarence Waugh — Bessie Guy 412) 94 3 n926 11 5 | Waugh _Silas M ° | Shiloh Tn |Bergom Waugh _ j- - - 412/310 j 1927 1 29 | Waugh | {Mary EB _ F_§ Wistetesville NC [WA Ingle... _jNannie Payne. §1513570 _e27. 4 | 8 | Waugh _William Ervin |M . W | Statesville NC |G F Waugh — ‘ jGrace Sharpe _ 13,40) | 1927 8 31 | Waugh _Lawson S$ M W iStatesville Tn | Franklin Waugh Rebecca Whitlow 113.532 | 1927 | 10 29 | Waugh _Ruth Frences F W_|\Mooresville NC | Roy H Waugh Mary L Garrison 13,265 j p929 1 2 | Wau | Minnie _ JF | C | Statesville Tn | Dock Garry _ jSallie Dewitt _ 151586 | i929 4 19 | Waugh : MC |Statesville Tn | John Waugh ..____-—*sjSallie Cony 15614 {i929 _10 24 | Waugh _Lottie J F W | Statesville Tn | Timothy Hoover _ Laura Kimball 115.666 | 1950 11 4 | Waugh _Fletcher S M W_|Statesville NC |G N Waugh jMinerva Crouch 16,528 | 19S) | 3S 6 | Waugh _Sarah E FF. W | Shiloh Tn Phillip Bolick je = -_ 417.274 | 951 12 2] | Waugh : F W_| Mooresville N€ |R M Waugh .._s—iddwary Garrison 117,224 | $931 12 21 | Waugh - | F | W Mooresville NC [RM Waugh ..-idtddary Garrison —_}12\225 1 1932) 1 | 6 | Waugh | Fred Lester M Wi Shiloh Tn Blake Waugh Ola Simmons 181252 _e32 . 1 12 | Waugh Sarah Christinel F W_| Shiloh Tn Roy 4 Waugh Bertha Daganhart 18 253 | 1932. 3 26 | Waugh _Julia F W_jStatesville Tn | Franklin Waugh _ Rebecca Whitlow 18.544 | 1952 8 3 | Waugh \M Elizabeth F W |Statesville NC | John D Stevenson Martha Wilson 418423 4) 1933_,..6 16 | Waugh _Eula Elizabeth | F W.| Mooresville NC |P L Waugh Dovie lL Benfield 18)_22..5.. 1936 | 1 $1 | Waugh |Sarah EC F W | Statesville NC JH M Troutman Catherine Clodfelter}22\495 hos? 3 22 | Waugh _Stacy I Samons | F W | Fallstown Tn Joseph Samons Cora Mayberry }23, 96 1937 7 17 | Waugh | Joseph Lee M W. | Shiloh Tn C_B Waugh Leola Samons #232735 4 (CON) | 20 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. QE Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Reg. U.S, Pat.om, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1936 DATE OF DEATH RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED “ ; sige ots ? a Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER val BP 4 + : a= ' + ; ; os | nes7/ 12 5| wevgh -—S——| John Berry _|m | wl statesville wo} 7 Waugh S| Nancy clodfelter _| 23, 491 | 1938 | 4 14] Waugh | Nancy E Kerr F_| Wi Statesville NC | Franklin Kerr | Fliza Turrentine |24'326 jf -s_ \_hiese| 5) 15] weugh __|- Cd | WC Concord Tn _[Clarence M Waugh _| Bessie Guy -_——s2S | 176) 46 1939: 5 14] Waugh Charlie Allen | MW | Statesville NCJR B Waugh ___| Cleo Knignt 425 323 ‘ “_|1939| 8 [30] Waugh Robert Ray Jr_ | uM | W | Coddte Greck TH RR Waugh | dllie Barkley _‘f25| 179] L tieso| 2 ls beeen fie ate _Ir.sWeIConeord T __|G N Waugh INirva Crouch | 26. 9k fron 1B igrerewee tld Deal... F_| W §Shiloh Tn David Beal __fane Fulbright Oi eee ¢ ins 2 See Ame Quaker nk Me ik ee en nein | 1943, 12 (27 We: er ea eS Se M 6 W Statesville NC IJeck Wough [Catherine Moose 291 489 ' 1944) 1 | 9iWaugh __|Eugenie _——s_— 4 F_ | W Istatesville NC [Thomas Waugh .._ Mery ann Stikeleethey3o) 299 El 1944. 9 26 Meaugh _—-—sRalph Leonard JM |W Bethany Tns .& Vi Waugh Nerve Grouch DO | 576 | 0944) 9 (26 Meugh __|Dorethy Louise IF i W (ool Springs Tnsy li Goodman i iehries eo Mee sO I EF te Sn. | cm an ee |Weugh Martha Jane F |. W |Stetesville NC |J P Marlin .—-— JMertha E Neely 31 2435) M hose 3 52 Ieugh ss Charles Lafayette Mw | Shiloh Tns | John L Waugh _| midie Benfield __}32, 155] _ q 19471. 1 | 23] Waugh _ i - sd FF | LW Statesville NC |Barnest G Waugh __jMary Helen Sigmon 33) 74! 947. 11 24 | Waugh Jrene burchette | FW Statesville ee. Burchette Mulia Combs... = 3 __ 11947, 12 16 | Waugh ; |Dovie L | F} WI Statesville NC | Lee Benfield Busan Fink — ot i No _James Milton | M | W [Mooresville NC | John M Waugh Louise Honeycutt [54 71 — citroen ecseecml atnematsectceesantn ———— pis4e 1 SO} Waugh H1948) 4 5 [Waugh | | Preston Luckey] M | W [Troutman NC | James Waugh ———sd._ Louise “oneycutt 934) 181] _ 1949, 8 2 Waugh IBenlah Billinecs! Fj W IStatesville NC. § John Billings ..§ Doney Shumate 895) 3038 1949) 8 | 2§ Waugh Jay Lutier _M_| W [Statesville NC_ | George \ Waugh _—| Nervie Crouch: ___ 935 302 | Pb 31949) 11 | 29iWaugh |Bruce Austin | M W_ |Statesville NC | Lafayette Waugh | Edith Benfield §35'477 | los eq 4...£e5 Waugh _ ___{Betty Jean st F_| W [Statesville NC | Melvin C Waugh | Viola I Josey _--_=—=s«4J3&j BO1 FF 1952, 8 26] Waugh | William Blake | M_ | W [Statesville NC | Garfield V. Waugh [Syblee Lee Johnson —_} 38-4384 |.1954, 11 | 20) Waugh | Flora Elizabeth] F W | Statesville NC | Fiedling Kyles __| Mary Lippard 40 535 |Mohalie Barmon __[40] 558 | 1954, 12 (12]Waugh Candis Caroline] F W | Mooresville NC | Unknown 1955! 6 271 Waugh Martin Lester Mj; WY] Statesville NC # Quincy Waugh Mary E Ingle m1} 276 T — a eee ee SS eee een nnd —— “T : ; Waugh Ceo a 7 b Elizabeth Ann F iW Statesville NC | Lester Arville oa ) | Waugh | Z inn 5 2 ie _| Hazel Elizabeth Guy J 41) 343 7 1955 8 27)| Waugh Mary Elizabeth F W |Statesville NC} Amos Caskaddon Bell Carr 4I 391 ™N ee 19 (41956; 5 |15]Waugh ss [Martha Jane =| F |W [Statesville | John Miller _| Martha Hunter _ 42 | 252 | 4 41956) 2 18}Waugh ———siGeorge Nelson |M | W | Statesville [Milton Waugh Ss Louise Honeycutt [42 290] ] _41956| 7 |20;Waugh Daily P.- __| MW [Statesville Samuel H Waigh _|Mary ‘Ann Stewart = |j42 325 oe Ee ee p958 | 103i Waugh _| Addie Dru, F jw | Statesville James Drum __| Mary Rector _ _4 567 | 1959 3 22] Waugh Donnie B. M WwW {Statesville Sidney Waugh Cashie Christenbury | 45 147 sient cereainarenciiercneneaoasiisusanlia sincere a + ——— nde + . aereneraetmaa name ane sniaihonsne cinectenivne eniniddemmnien aint enhances bbiaibebnieitineit sesiidnily pisieieanail 1959 4 20/Waugt Jacob Henry M Wi Statesville Silas Waugh Sarah Bolick 45 194 ‘{Serah Bolick ~— {45 355 7" M ow|stony Point |Siles B Waugh Ooo 1959 7 #9 | Waugh Ciscero H. 1962 | 9 13}Waugh Minerva C, F WiStatesville Brice Crouch Hallie Bowman 48 504 1963} 1 117 Waugh . Stillborn M W ftatesville Ernest ¥ Waugh Mary H Sigmon 49 58 1963| 11 | 30)Waugh Ola F | W } Statesville OT Beam Harriette Wilkins | 49 676 1964 8 | 14 Waugh Rosa F |W |Statesville James 2 Dagenhart Ida L Alexander | 5O 498 a 1964; 8 | 1q Waugh James M W Statesville Robert L Waugh “ancy K Waugh 50 45S INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. ¢. ergs rags ee IPR SR Ecce NR eee SURNAME OF DECEASED | SEX liad PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ccwoen_| Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ee Vol. | Page io SsCWaaes,| 4 161 tang | James Phil i thi T xl | : Statesville .. waa EZ Unienown eas Iso aul "| 1964 12) YW Waugh | Stillborn F | W | Mooresville Jerry W Wau gh Brenda J Alexandér 50 70 i 1965 12 |6 Waugh Charlie M | W ] Statesville Silas B Waugh Sara E Bolick 54 7085 1965 11/21] Waugh | _eva F | W |Huntersville John W Ropiaem =6f = Flirtie Mayhew Be p3_ a 1965 12| 3@ Waugh Eula F W Statesville Q L Pope Annie- L Holler a 747 ‘421967 | 2 2) Waugh | Gurney M W] Morganton —_|| John L Waugh | Eada L Benfield 53) 215 | 1967, 6 1 Waugh _____ Russell M W|McCainNC || George Waugh _— || Nervie Crouch [53501 | 1969 2 27 Waugh William sokah/ F J) Statesville Cecero Hinkle Waugh Mary Bell Hoover f 55 151] 1969| 5 5 ||Waugh Bethy Dagenhart | F W |Statesville Thomas H Dagenhart || Mary Alice Gantt |? 289 = 1969 8 25) Waugh Smiley Eugene | M W Statesville James P Waugh |Addie Drum Waugh | 55| 538 Ff 1969 | 10) ‘ Waugh _Edna Ola F W] Statesville Thomas James Minnie C Goble 55|678 mere: 6D | 25 Waugh _ Troy Ronald | M W/) Statesville Ronnie Carroll Waugh Glenda Lee Pope 56 229 | 1970 12 21) Waugh Ellen Poole F W (|Statesville Ernest Poole la Lipe 56 Bly 1971 | 2 19 Waugh Marvin Thomas}! M W |Statesville Samuel Waugh : Mary Ann Stewart 57 135] _ 1971 11 12/Waugh Claudia Mae | F | W [Statesville William i, “tee | Jettie Campbell = [57 730] |1971 12 13] Waugh ‘Lula Elizabeth | FW | S,atesville Amos A Dagenhart _|Mary Jane Massey = |[57_ 780] _ |1971 12 25] Waugh William Albert | MW |Statesville | Silas Waugh _||Isabella Bolick __|57 812 | | 1972| 2 | 19 Waugh <_,Ratiey kee | M | Wi Ssatecvitie | Charlie Vou | Betty Caskaddon [58 128 1973.7 16] Waugh James Ralph MW | Statesville flames Franklin Waugh || Lottie Jane Hoover | 59 367 | 1973 8 10 || Waugh Florence Mae FW] Statesville || John Butner Anna Grubbs___}.59_413 ]| _ 1974. 1 | 11) Waugh _Arlene Theresa | FW | Statesville | William Herter Edith Cline. | 60 22) 1974 10/13 Waugh Cecil Henry M Wi] Statesville Wacob Henry Waugh Mary Ola Deal Waugh | 0} 528 2977 | 5 28 Waugh Lena Marie F Cau {Statesville ‘|William R Day Lou Lyerly Se. 463) 315 | Lo?) 7 26] Waugh Frank Odell M W Statesvilk Gurney Waugh Macie Cates 63 |406 SB 974) 87 augh __| 01a _Mae 42 | 4 i Greensbore 4 shames ls, Fortner || Nancy Pearson __JOCT_530]} 1977 10 24 Waugh J. C. Abbert M W | Statesville Gurney Waugh ea Macie Kates Waugh — 63 612 | me 11978 2 2h) Waugh \Ernest Burette | M W | Statesville ~ John Lafayette Waugh| Edith Benfield j|64 116] _ n979 2 & || Waugh | Bessie Guy F W | Statesville _ Baxter Pruit Guy Nettie Sharpe = |65 73 | _ 1979 3 12) Waugh | Florence H F W |Statesville J P Hendren Nettie Lowrance 65) 1437 1979 8 1 | Waugh _Grace Sharpe FCW |statesville Unknown Mary Sharpe 65 405 | 1979 11 5 | Waugh Mary Lou F iW | Mooresville James Will Garrison |\Roxanna Shumake 65. 587] 1980 11 21 || Waugh Clarence Erastug M W | Statesville Abner Quincy Waugh Flora Elizabeth Kylep 66 5995 | 1981 1 15 Waugh Mamie Massey F W | Statesville Wm. A. Massey Dovie Ann Deal 67, 38 1981 6 4& || Waugh Espy Glenn M WI] Statesville George Nelson Waugh ||Menerva Crouch Waugh} 67 303! ma al INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. EF Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of REG. UL 5. PAT OFFICE County Indexes Since 1868 COTT FAMILY NAME INGEX No. 1-SPLIT An Identifring Trade Mark J Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sl.eet for page reference. Sold By Comma Danieley, Raleigh, N.C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED sci os r | Yeas | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | COLOR! PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee 1917 5 14] Weatherman Nancy Melisie F |W | Olin Tns William Shaver ---Jordan & | 242 1921 7 | 25) Weatherman Cloice F |W | Union Grove Tn | J P Weatherman Alverta Tilly 7 |618 1925 | 1 | 27 Weatherman Romulus T M|W | Statesville N Ci J G Weatherman Martha Dowell 11} 311 1926! 9 | 7 Weatherman Martha C F lw Statesville N CiWm Dowell Judith Colvert 13 | 393 1933 2 6 Weatherman Ina F |W | Olin Tns David Weatherman Lydia Fair 19/199 1939 | 3 | 9 Weatherman David U M\W | Statesville N Ci] Sam Weatherman Polly Morgan 25| 294 1939 | 6 /|15 || Weatherman Louie Conley F |W | Statesville N CiW K Conely Clad Lackey 25) 339 194214 30 |Weatherman Virgie Monroe Statesville N Ci - Sallie Weatherman 28) 350 1951 | 9 17 eathernia, Staley Bussell | F W Statesville N C/C M Busseli Ollie Fletcher 37\ 497 1953 2 | 6 Weatherman Sherry Elaine F lw Statesville N Cj Walter E Weatherman | Marie Privette 39| 64 1953, 2 27 Weatherman | Pearl. Shook F iw Statesville N Cj Sam Stewart Bernice Rimmer 39) 111 1968 | 2 | 6 || Weatherman Grace Jarvis F lw Statesville DC Jarvis K Lula Couch 54| 109 197415 | 5 Weatherman Sr charlie Monroe | M iW Mooresville Stark Weatherman Jennie Harger 60! 246 1976 | 1 118 Weatherman William Charlie | M |W [Statesville David Weatherman Pharr pe |18 1976 | 6 lug Weatherman Wilma Williams F | W (Statesville W Everette Williams Mary Weisner 62,300 1976 | 8 1 Weatherman Robert Preston |M |W [Statesville John G Weatherman Martha Dowell 62/399 1976 | 5 18 Weatherman | Cart witiiem | mM | w pburham William Charlie Weatherman Laura Conley L g0 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 2 Ras. . 5. County Indezes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of GOT CAMILY MARE IHREX Mo. 1-8PLIT © pen on 7 ne Ba tilate: An a Wdendiving Teode Mark _ Nene and refer to Bult Sub-indes sheet for page | reference. _Soid by Comma Danieley, Raleigh nc a ST a i / DATE OF DEATH 5 i laid | tw fae ic = oe or » noe sep sex | coLor| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER a r = step J Fa T SS aes Eo SS See =4 ————— ———————— , 11919 | 3 112] Wyke \- M | W Cool Springs Tn]j J L Wyke Bessie Brady 5 | 377 ‘ah i | , - | 1927 | 5 las Wike |dulius P M | W [Statesville N Cj Jacob Wike Mary Barnes 13) 426 j + 1928 2 |14) Wike \Malissa F Ci) Statesville N G@ Joseph James Nannie James lu, 338 1 1934 2 | 6] Wike Epsie Earp F | W {Statesville N C/ Wilson Earp Clementine Pearson || 20 357 1934. 5 | 19 Wike wit1dam Floyd M §W | Statesville N @ John Roby Wike Cora Harrington 20 4,07 1936| @ [25] Wike |Fred M Statesville NC ae Malice James 22, 481 1937) 3 | 22|Wike ‘Mary L Burke F | W || Statesville N @ Ay Burke Irlie Colvert 23 352 1940| 4 (|15]\Wike Poly Carp M | W j} Statesville N G Daniel Wike Harriet Barringer 26 378 > |1942' 7 | 6]Wike ‘Bessie Elizabeth F | W | Cool Springs Noah E Brady Martha Clemger 28 62 Teague 1944;| & |17\\Wike ‘William Lowrance M |W | Statesville N @ Isaac Wike Sarah Clementine/ 30 144 1947' & |18/Wyke | Nancy S F C || Statesville N @ Cart Nichols - 33, 106 1948 2 /29 Wike Edith May F | W {Bethany Tnshp Marcus Deal Millie Queen 3h 89 1948) 6 | 1|Wike = F | W } Statesville N @ David D Wike Betty Copas 34 401 1950, 12 10/\Wike Doctor Raby _ M §W | Statesville N @ Jacob Wike Mary Barnes 36 633 1952' 12 |14|iWike Lindsey Ray M | W | Statesville N @ Robert A Wike Julia Munday 38 637 +) 1952; 5 |1h|Wike Paul E. M |W | Statesville N G Daniel Wike Harriet Barringer 39 648 4 1954: 3 23||\Wike Rachel Elizabeth F| W |Mooresville N C]l Jessie Anderson Reig Addie Wooten 40 114 1 1960 7 22\\Wike Charlie Baxter M_§W |Statesville N C}} Daniel L Wike Alice Huitt 46 435 4 1961 10 3y Wike James Calvin M Wi] Statesville N Ci} Jacob L Wike Bessie E Brady 47) 533 } t —a 1965 10 jad Wike Daniel M W || Statesville Daniel L Wike Alice Hewitt 51 620 a a nee nla neces. centers aah +4 1966 9 3) Wike Jacob Lester MW beateritie Daniel Wike Harriett Barringer {52 524 ; 1974 9 | 3G Wike Morgan Wallace | M W | Statesville Jack Pardue Wike Ethel Martin 60 489 . 7 ot : 4 1981 7 |lUWike __|Charlie P M W Statesville Jonas Wike Adeline King 67; 379 al [ ig 1981, 7/20\Wike _ Jack P/ we Statesville D R Wike Dina Wallace 67 378 liens ici rim ntairnninasiaen ite silicate thistoemasiancaaiie a nee en telstra nesses nisisrnueetesyer INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. RTT RE cSt _ Da sa aR pesharan datas asemese Sm oa =] ms | See Oa, | sex | oe PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER ray et | iinet 1915! 6 | 6)Weiver | _,Claudia oo -§ F | W Olin Tns _.|H W Weiver jSallie E Powell _'f _2| 230 | Gg bbe 11916) 5 |28iWeaver sss | agaline EF | C iBethany Tns [Albert Adams __ _|Sara Adams i 3| a0) | * _lisie, ¢ | 22h weaver | se |u| c |statesviire wc | - __——_Isaran weaver ita, azo} ae 1916, 1118] Weaver _ | Callie _F | ¢ I|statesvilie Tn (Miles Graham — Laura Summers 2\ 339] | a _[ig17| @ |e2slweaver lagaie iy | odssaseetias bo lt Pg ee 1927110 |zilweaver scien = sd | o Ietatenvilie ta Izohe smith . ‘ | 4! 350| Sai i 41918 12 |11] Weaver |Zenester Mae | F | C jStatesville NC [Fernest Weaver Rena Ailison : 2, 61 4 J 1918| 12 | 12) Weaver James F M | C (Statesville NC Ernest Weaver _ Rena Allison _ Mee 5| 62} 41921 4 | 18) Weaver Mary Lee F | C {Statesville Tn |Thelbert Weaver Cleo Smith _ 7, e281] | . 1922; 10 19]Weaver _Elethia F | C [Statesville NC [Henry McNeny — ha= the uiieee’ = | 9s] | ie 1925, 11 |24]Weaver _ = | F | C jStatesville Tn |zarnest Weaver. Rena Allison __ 12 | 341 | i 1925, 11 24] Weaver | ~ FC |Statesville Tn |Karnest Weaver Rena Aliiaeg ~ 2. ne) 318} ce g 1925, 11 26] Weaver lous : uc |concora tns ‘ ;: Bal gat Filed bist 1927, 10 |18|Weaver |James Felix M .C |Statesville Tn {Eugene Weaver Gracie Phifer 15 545} & 1s29| 4 | olWeaver |Helen F | W Cool Springs TnlJ M Weaver --- Gibson — he | 104 | 1929," 7 | 28|Weaver \Ross Jr M | C jSteatesville NC JRoss Weaver Sr Clara Phifer 15 | 484 | = 1930, 8 | SiWeaver iGracie Lucile | F | C |Statesville NC |Harrison Phifer Alice Barringer pic | 447 | 1931; 8 |13)Weaver \Robert Eugene M | C {Statesville NC jRobert E Weaver Sr IGracie Phifer 7 | 417 a bs 1932, 9 |17)Weaver Ernest MC jStatesville Tn |James Weaver IGalley Summers 18 | 576 | bi 1933, 5 |27]Weaver Alice ,W_|Cool Springs Tn - Polly Hodges 19 | 150. = 1935; 1 24)Weaver iHarold J | M | W Statesville NC |J W Weaver Etta Johnson 21 | 296 | os 1957! 9 jaa Weaver SAO Fics M | C [Statesville fn |Ernie Weaver Rena Chambers _ __fea | 532] e- 1938) 5 27]|Weaver John A MW {Statesville NC |Jonn W Weaver Etta Johnson _ 24 | 339 foe 1938 6 6] Weaver Ferment Af M | C {Statesville Tn |Thelbert Weaver Cleo Smith 24 | 519 f 1939, 8 11] Weaver _John William MW {Olin Tn W F Weaver Mary Jane Cowan q25, 224) | e 1940, 1 24) Weaver - MC \Statesville Tn |Henry Weaver Cora Lee Weaver _11 26) sea a 1941, 2 | 20]Weaver |\Charlee Mo. C fStatesville NC - Emma Weaver. 27 | &b225 | 1941, 3 |18]"eaver |Marie Lange F | W Statesville NO - - 127 | 2734 1941; 8 |9 Weaver |Ernest John M_ | C {Statesville Ne [Leroy Weaver Corinne Scott £14 439] lia 1945, 4 23iWeener Alvin cishop KM | W |bethsny Tns Foster Weaver \Lillie:Threatt 129) 6§ J oe 1946 1 27 Weaver .Corine Scott F.C |Statesville NC |John H Scott — jide F Adems 52) 45) eee 1948 6 10 | Weaver Carrie M Speaglp F W |Statesville NC |Robert P. Speagle Lura A Reingardt 134,228) 1948; 12 |19iWeever jWsbel Berbee Fl Statesville NC fOwen A Barbee Stella Harrison 54557 Bi 950 | 11 | 11) Weaver _- M C | Statesville NC | - Marcella Weaver 6 590 a 951112 27 | Weaver Thelbe:t M (|C ptatesville NC | James Weaver Galiie Sumsers © Nb? foo | | be = $951 ,12 31 | Weaver | Micheal Uonald MC fPtatesvilleNC - Marcella Weaver B 7 670 i3 6 1952, 1 8 |Weaver |_H Waldo MW} Olin NC John W Weaver Etta Johnson 138) 26 | | e L953 | 10 20) Weaver | Baby Boy M | W jStatesviile NC | Jonus C Weaver “harcie Mozelie Love 9, 528 | 1955 8 27 Weaver Robert E M | C | Statesville NC | George Dulon | Sarah Weaver 4g i a ara 1958) 1 | 14 Weaver Martha Sharpe F | W | Statesville G W Shorpe Jerusha Hooper 4a 27 j INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Irodell County, N. C. INDEX Ne. 1-4 COTTCO UNIVERSAL U. 8. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 NAME OF FATHER Hayes McDowell James Weaver Jams Weaner Thomas Weaver John Weaver _Erwest Mhever George M Weaver | George M Weaver John Will Gibson eS Jd T Weaner John Weaver Eugene Weaver Ernest Weaver ___« FE [Pe Your Frosection, inca On te De Dee Slt clad set for pase referees =" te SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | colt | PLACE OF DEATH SN idl ceaeiak ts ‘aleseadda 1 “4 7 _hoss| 4 19] weaver loua P | c¢ [Statesviiie no ( 1958) 2 | 27] Weaver _ | Lester | M_| © [Mooresville | 1959 6 15) Weaner John Foster M \W “ Morganton | _] 1969) 6 | 21] Weaver | romas Anthony | M | W [Winston-Salem _ _1 2962 5 | 1@ Weaver Etta Petie P| Wg Sete Phe Fe 1964 7 31) Weaver Leroy M Mooresville ; fies |e 2 feaver q Marete. 9 4. Ci Semone é 2971, 5 | 14 Weaver Robert Edward| M Wj] Mooresville 1971 5 1 Weaver Robert Edward| M Wi] Mooresville |1971 7 12 Weaver | Fannie Gibson | FW | Statesville t 1971 5 10 Weaver | Robert Edward e M oe. Mooresville seer § _ 2g Weaver _ Joseph Threatte MW Statesville » | 1977 3 31 | Weaver John M M C | Statesville a 1978 3. 17| Weaver ‘John Hugh M | W | Rowan Co 1979 3 18 | Weaver | Garland Eugene | M_N_ | Statesville @ | 1979 12 11]Weaver El Gene M MB |Statesville @- = & ‘ 7 i Thomas W. Johnson _ John William Weaver NAME OF MOTHER |Lummie Clark _ Callie Summers _ Emma Threatt Eugenia Hanson _ Mary Vestal _— Sarah Overcash Rena Allison _ Mary Roberts Mary Roberts _ Pinkie Christie Mary Roberts Lillie Threatte Alice Hodge Etta Johnson Grace Phifer | Rena Allison Sages ST INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Solit Copyright 1933 A122559 a Ee — a = i 1980 5 1981 8 & DATE OF DEATH Year Month | Day 1915. 12 4 | Weber 1917.12 (27) Webber 1920 3 .15||Webber 1926 11 .17|\Webber 1928 1 .14|Webber 1933.6 .25|\Weber 1934.8 16)Webber 1935.4 26||Webber 1937 2. (19|Wetber 1939 6 2 |Weber 1939.12 10)/Webber 1940.9 _23)\Weber 1945 3 7 \Weber 1955 6 25|\Weber 1957 2 8 |Webber 1958 3 30|Webber, Jr. i964 10 6] Weber 1967.4 26| Weber 1968 4 25| Weber 1972.8 .1 || Webber 1975 & 12) Webber 1978 11 17 Webber 9 |Webber Weber SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ‘William A Moses Annie L Jane Martha Jane Adeline Mary Helen George Thomas Robert Houston Marcus Lofland ‘Charles Thomas Thomas Jefferson David Hoyt Donald Ray John _ Blanche Maude Dawson Nathan Claude Holland Esther Browder James Clay _ Marquis Linney SEX i | M a a a a ee ee ee . om e nm n n er z £ ££ xs =z & zx x 34 8 & er e ae r a COLOR = = 4 | Statesville a nt Sco ee PLACE OF DEATH Olin Olin Sharpesburg Olin Statesville Concord Tns Statesville SharpesBurg Tn Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Newton Statesville Black Mountain Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville NAME OF FATHER Robert H Weber J M Webber John Webber Robert H Webber Charles Privette Watson Harbin John Holland Elmer Adams R Houston Webber Aucehum Weber J MrnWebber George W Weber James K Weber George W Weber Charles Q Webber Donald Ray Webber Geo T Weber Roby Millsaps Wm C Linney Wesley Browder Marquis L Webber Robert Houston _— George Thomas Weber| . Made by The Cott Index 25 y, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Carrie Lee Hefner Ellen Ham Sinthy Webber Carrie L Heffner - Grose Margaret Moton Mary L Rickert Harriet Sharpes Carrie Hefner Mary Horton Ellen Ham Nanny Lofland Margaret Caudill Nancy Loftin Alice Moore Webber Louise V Connally Martha Holland Rebecca Carson Evelyn McCurdy Carrie Hefner Martha Holland Leazie Browder Ors i Robert Houston Webbd@r Carrie Lee Hefner Maude Linney 2 237 ly 2,7 i6 314 12 :265 14, 370 19 166 20 458 21 263 23 318 25 459 25 438 26 430 31 183 41 279 43 157 bh 16% 50.556 53.357 54. 277 58 451 Ol béoly bs 57 66 | 257 67, 422 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 27 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. > SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [> ——— 1914 10 11] Welborn | Joe H uM W |Statesville Tn |F D welborn Mary Brown 1) 553 11918 6 | 10] Welborn | Davis Me. =6WW |New Hope Tn John Welborn Medio Davis 44 380 1921, 11 12) Wilborn Wd M | W |New Hope Tn Davis Wwilborn Olvenda Dickens 7| 1877. 1926 11 24] Welborn ~ M . _W Statesville NC |T H Welborn Nettie Myers 13, 380} 1932, 6 23] Weiborne Robert L D M | W |Statesville NC |G C Welborne Coma M Brawley 18, 409 1934, 3. 6} Wilbern Willaim J | M | W | Davidson Tns G C Wilbern \Pecola Brown 120, 93) | 1935. 11 15] Welborn _Alice L F | W |New Hope Tns E 0 Welborn Mary Shoemaker 22, 502) 1937, 6 2 Welborn _John Paul MW |Concord Tns Parks Welborn Ida Loyd 23; 62 1938) 9 17] Welborn |Dovie J B FW jStatesville Tn |F W Brayhill Annie Earp 24, 528 1949 | 3 (31 Welborn Wella Leora =F New Hope Yavis \eloorn Almedia Dickens BS diel ie 1950, 5 18] Welborm Arvill E M W Statesville Arvill Welbom Unknown 56 244) | 1951) 1 (7 jWel borne \Margaret Williads F! W Istatesville Nc | Seankford Williams [Sallie Gregory 37 | 20 1954 11 24] Welborne ‘Daniel L MW |Statesville NC | Johnson Welborn Susie Watson 40 488 1957, 1 17] Welborn Cornelius Henry | M _W [Harmony N C John W. Welborn Mary Ann Byrd 43 100 1959 1 23|Wilborne | Robert A. M ¢ |Mooresville George “ilborne Annie Crawford 45 54 1960 10 26] Welborn - - M W ‘Statesville NC |Arleen Levern Welborg# Mae ikvelene Blevins|46 606 1961 7 31) Welborn Oscar Howard M W)| Statesville “c |} arvil &. Wel born Carry Ayers 47 3735) | 1973 7 31] Welborn ’ Sidney Nebraska M W | Statesville Isauc L Welborn Jane Broyhill 49 400 | | 1965 6 11] Welborn Grace M. F W Statesville Elza McDaniels Lula Snow pi | hs WR % 39 Yelkorn —-—=agene Yeatte | HY] Stetearttte | crovor cleveland Wolf Dottie Bean | 38 473 | 187 41 34 wetter" Bavara $2. |“ “w/ebareoee | bavateweaberm TRAMs | 8 HD i971 4 3 Welborn Ida Mae YF = W | Taylorsville jFrank L Lioyd Nina Foster 57 409 1925 2 26 \ilberson J D (Mrs) FW |Fallstown Tns |Joseph Line Margaret Bradey 11} 138 1974 12 26 Welborn Nellie Smith( ) F_ W]| Statesville Archie Smith Polly Smith 90 663 | 1972 7 18] Welborn George Nebraska M W/ Morganton S.N. Welborn Nellie Smith 1 250 1972 12 234 Wilborn _ Flora Ella F N | Union Grove Julious Millsaps Nettie Redmon 59. 50. 1976 12 22) Welborn _Grover Clevelanf M W Statesville Wildie Welborn Margaret Williams 62 613 | 1976 12 30]Welborn ‘Raeford Eugene [MW |Statesville Elisha L Welborn Annie Roberts 62 | 623 1977. 12 13 | Welborn _ Parks NMN M W | Statesville Walt Welborn Sis McDaniels 63 706 1978 2 24 | Welborn Palmetta Baker | F W Statesville Van Baker Cora Barnes 64 129 + - 1938, 10 1l5)Wentz Jas A M . W |Mooresville NC |Valentine Wentz Nancy Hawkins 24 211 1978 7 2) Wentz _Deborah Jo T W | Statesville Junior Troutman Mildred Motley 64 338 1981 1 14 |Wintz Nanette rein FW | Cleveland John L Fulgham Edith Hubble 67 37 1981 3 7} Wintz James Marvin M W Cleveland Louise Joseph Wintz |Clara Elizabeth Beav@r 67 167 28 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — re Reg. U.S. Pat, Off. For tom Weceesien, baden On It. = aos Buff Sub-index sheet for page tolereose U. 8. Patent No. 1iSt16a Copyright ite DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED Yer | Ment | Ow AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “al Pap 1935, 12 | 8i\Welch |Walter Maxie M_. W |Coddle Creek TnjMaxie Welch Annie Mae lioore 21, 37 41947 6 | 8}Welch re = F_| W jStatesville NC A. D, Welch Biary Butler 33 | 231} 1952 | 8 25 | Welch & M {|W |Iredell Countyj Dock Reuben Welch Mery Eliz. Elam | 37) 474 41960 6 13)/Welch | Bertha Parsong FW [Statesville | James M. Parsons Amanda Poweli 46 371 1969 9 6 Welch Rufus Hobart M, W | Harmony John W Welch Henrietta Sears 55 665 41971 4 7 | Welch | Prim Aldridge| F Wi Statesville _| Lee Aldridge | Annie Taylor _ | 57, 261 | é 1978 9 29}Welch | Frances Wood F Caug Harmony W Frank Wood _ dna Louise McCurry j64 496 1938, 1 | 30] Wehunt ‘Tandy R M . W |Mooresville NC |U S Wehunt Ollie Fitts 24 130] 1920; 2. Wells \Wright MW {Mooresville NC [MG Wells ~ 6 6 ia et ee atia Chancey Graham jh | W floaresville NC. Janes Ym Wells Sarah EB Sandlis st i JSS @ 955 1 31] Wells Fannie Walters |F W |Statesville, NC} James Henry Walters [Frances Austin 41 45 . at974| 2 (125 Wells \John Andrell, Jrj M | W_] Winston-Salem | John A. Wells, Sr. Pearl Smith OC1 531 a 1977 12 30] Wells Alvin Dale MW | Union Grove Hiram Mansfield Wells/ Dorothy Osborne |64. 10 1981, 1 17] Wells \May Carscaddon | F | Wj] Statesville Henry Carscaddon Elizabeth Troutman 167 52 ® 1928, 4 12} Wicker Fay Ethel FW |Mooresville NC |Jessie L Moore Julia E Johnston 14 192 te INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. To Sindh mames, open at + SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. STARA MORES — wench SURNAME. OF DECEASED “ii Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1915 5 24/Wellman _grnest M & 1915 6 16/Wellman Myrtle F 1921 5 25)/Wellman Laura F 1921. 6 15)/Wellman Arthur M 1922 8 24) Wellman Ellen F 1928 1 20 Wellmen John M 1930 4 ! 7|\Wellman ‘Earl Hollifield] M & 1930 8 50 Wellman ~ M (1934 6 (10 wWwelman Wiiliam Paul M 1936 5 8|Wellman Albert Jr M 1938 11 15/Wellman - M 1940 11 19 Welman Bulah H F 1942 3 4 | Wellman Joshie M a Pagke 3) 15, Wellman _amelia Rutle dge| F & 943.2 | a lwel.lmen Robert Jr M 1945 6 idl drieaee Mary | F D952 6 20| Welman Louis M 1962 19 Wellman Sti bo mn | M 1962 9 28] vel. man Chall M : 11962| 12 29 ve1aman Henry 1966 4 23 Wellman Alfred | M (1966 4 22) Wellman Albert | M 1966 4 24 Wellman James 'M 3 1970 6 25) Wellman Espie | M 8 1973. 2 10, Wellman Ola McClelland | F 197) 2 24 Wellman Bessie Mae | F hors 6 29] Wellman Christopher conunblts 977, 9 | 1 | Wellman Austin | M 1978 4 2 Wellman Lola Jane lr 1978 9 9| Wellman Winnie Wilson F 1979 6 m2 | Wellman Edith B | B (1979 8 | Wellman Stacie Nakia |§ F e | 1979 10 Ee | Weliman Wavie (NMN) F 19803 27 |Wel.man Pearl Ruth | P | : | | | | | q : | | | | | | | | Color C C lal i Wey C C C | we wz ow = PLACE OF DEATH Shiioch Tn Falistown Tn Shiloh Tn Statesville TN Concord Tn Fallstown Tn Statesville NC Concord Tn Shiloh Tn Fallstown Tn Fallstown Tn | Shiloh Tn | Shiloh Tn i | Statesville NC \ shiloh Tns i] iI Statesville NC Winston Salem | Taylorsville | Statesville I Statesville aloo 4 | | Statesville | Statesville i | Statesville | Statesville Statesville i | Statesville | Taylorsville | Statesville i i] | Statesville | Mooresville | Froptmag, | Statesville | i | Statesville NAME OF FATHER J P Wellman iGuss Belt Albert Parker Albert Wellman John Wellman ‘A H Wellman Aus Wellman Aus Welman Albert Wellman Bristol Ramseur Valie Sherrill Cleve Rutledge Partee Wellmen Knight Mo xison Partee Wellman Clarence Wellman Juliovs Wellman Wm. M, Wellman John Wellman John Wellman Albert Wellman John Wellman Rewe Lucky John Wellman John Wellman George Lackey John L Wilson Lee Wellm Roland Wellamn Albert Wellman Joseph: Scott Clarence A Morrison John Ivey McClelland \ NAME OF MOTHER | Mary Morrison Emma Alexander Bessie Luckey Mary Morrison Sadie Hare Ola Rankin Jennie McLelland | Bessie Luckey Johnsie Wellman | Vinte E Miller | J oshie Wellman Lillie Taylor Beatrice Campbell | Beatrice Campbell | Ema L Wellman | } Otis Watts lEmna V Walker Mary Morrison Mary Morrison Bessie Lucky Mary Morrison \ | Amanda Norton | Malinda Fleming |Mary Summers | Mary Morrison ‘Lola Jane Lackey jEliza Dobson | Elner Bloom | Marie Templeton | Bessie Luckey 'Zandie Scott 29 | 2 14 16 16 20 22 24 26 Vol. | 267 (142 (247 283 367 121 304 147 124 266 iss | 296) 214 30 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. 14 U. 8. Patent No. 1487168—-Copyright 1980 a. i pat locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Reg. U.S. Pat.o@. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. reference. te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page ae ane Tee SURNAME, OF DECEASED Sex coor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = [———— 1916 11 7| Wilcox Salein F New Hope Tn Calvin Adkinson Delphia Speaks 3 215 : i 1923 1 25) Wilcox Margaret M F W| Mooresville NC James S Parker Suthana Bryant 9 184 j 1926 1 | 6 Wilcox Oscar MW |New Hope Tn David Wilcox Sarah Adkins 12 228 1929 9 12) Wilcox Allen Waldson M W|Mooresville NC | Daniel Wilcox --- 15 268 1929 12 13) Wilcox Leon M W | Statesville Tn | Claude Wilcox Dellie Wilcox 15 670 1930 6 23) Wilcox Nancy F W | New Hope Tn Jim Speaks Betsy Resh® 16 269 1930 8 18) Wilcox Thomas V MW /|New Hope Tn “+- ce ® 16 271 a 1937 12 19) Wilcox Melvina FW | Statesville NC | J B Wilcox America Wilcox 23 489 & 1945 6 28) Wilcox Ronie J M Wy Statesville NC | Clyde M Wilcox Ruby Elliott 31. 402 L951 3. i231 Wileox Mrs America Copq PW | Statesville NC Bud Lambert hargaret Lambert 371 269 | 1952 11. $] Wilcox Nancy Ann FW | Statesville NC} John Milal Klizabeth Day 38 579 1961 7 15|Wi1cox James Burley | W | Stetesville Rtjs Vance T. Wilcox | America Davis 47 345 1967 6 21] Wilcox John | M W Mooresville AW Wilcox iii parks 53 366 ’ i if 1971 4&4 14 Wilcox Vallie | F W | Statesville Wiley Ladd Louisa Speaks 57 251 } @ | 2975 3 (8 | Witeox Eli NMN | M W| Statesville Oscar Wilcox Nancy Speaks 61 158 (1976 5 25 | Wilcox Parker Christie F W)| Winston-Salem Frank Christie Betty Gantt OC1 807 11976 9 27 Wilcox Charles Mansfielsi M W/ Statesville Vance Wilcox America Davis 62 464 1976 6 19) Wilcox Sherman Ragen | M W | Asheville Burlie Wilcox America Lambert OC1 806 1977 4 6 Wilcox Clyde Rascect ; M W Statesville Vance Wilcox America Davis 63 231 1979 |.11 a| Wilcox Mary Etta | F W |Moorewille John Anderson Smith | Jane Upright 65 582 1979: ll 25 Wilcox Betty (NMN) iF W /|Statesville John Wyatt — Church Wyatt 65 611 r INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. CSS 18 \g Made by The Cott Index oe Senet Ha nebritenComortghe 1800 | ie setae Soot Scelndee, ry page relorence. —_ Be Sronet Priation Hams Catia eee anes = — Las ome eae SURNAME OF DECEASED aaseneene nae tats a Gans web. o ar a dae Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [oT 1923 6 21) Wiles ‘Pauline F W |Mooresville NC |Gaston Wiles Weddie Lee Adams elses 1930 7 (13)Wiles ‘Martha Elizabeth F W |Statesville NC |Jones S Garner Malone Holcomb 16 446 aso 7 (|13)Wiles - M W |Statesville NC |J B Wiles Martha E Garner 16 474 hese 5 14 Piles Von Roark F W | Mooresville Millender Roark Laura Roark 46 306 1964 9 | 8) Wiles Elbert M Wi Statesville Hamp Wiles Martha E Blackburn| 50, 514 1969 lz iy; Wiles Dallas Nathan| M W Statesville John W Wiles Irene Cranfill b> 825 1972. 9 19] Wiles Egbert Statesville Millard Wiles Fannie Stiller 5& 580 1972, 6 29) Wiles ‘Benjamin Ray Statesville Thomas Wiles Vallie Vestal 58 402 1974, 6 8] Wiles Freida Correll W | Mooresville ohn Correll Sarah Wright 60 306 hs 1980 12 2 | Wiles _Eura Kiser F W (Mooresville Farley Kiser Chloey Kiser 166 624 ) | | | } | | \ | | | | | 1931 3 10) Wilcoxen Mrs A W | F W |Statesville NC |Calvin Fetts Annie Brown 17 335 | | i | t } | | | ! | | | | | | | | i | : | H I | i | \ | | | | , | | | | | | | | I \ | i | Ht | i 4 | eee ! 1924 10 1|Wilkey John Herman _ | M | W |Cool Springs Tn|G V Wilkey | More Fox 10 54 awing | 1976 12 lm wilkey Gladys Jeanette F W Mooresville Thomas Lawang Cora Gates 62 604 | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | Pe i i } | i | I | / 32 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — batho — Iredell County, N. C. Hl i } | This Stamatis on chests inensen thels eortestness. la lene , Daman open at SURNAME INIT! TAB end refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 Reg. U.8. Pat. OF. For Your Protection, oe On It. Buff Sub-index sheet for page U. 8. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1980 Sate OF opite SURNAME. OF DECEASED RECORDED ‘cor | uae low AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER at aa 1916 12 8624) Wiley - F C jMooresville NC j- - - Bert Wiley 5 99 1927 4 3) Wiley Mary Frances F W Davidson Tn Jackson Coyt Sarah Presburn 13 120 1928 4 29] Wiley Martha Jane F C | Mooresville NC | Jesse Barnhart --- 14 198 1930 4 11) Wiley will M Cc Mooresville NC | John Wiley Nance James 16 208 1936 10 18 wylie Katie McNair F C |Statesville NC |Geo McNair --- 22 524 1945 8 1 Wiley Glenn Currie M W | Statesville NC | John A Wiley Cora Jones Wiley $1; 321 1952 Lh 21 Wiley Willis Lee M W (Mooresville NC Willis S Wiley Grace Williams 38 | 190 1956 8 18) Wiley Ewell Van Buren, M W | Loray John F. Wiley Augusta R. Smith 42 373 1960 5 21) Wiley Cora Billa W Btatesville Yancy C. Jones Isabella Finley #6 504 1964 8 24) Wiley Lillie F W |Mooresville Jas, H Bradley Sarah A Ervin 50 486 1971 12 4&|Wiley Vera May F W |Statesville John A Wiley Cora Jones 5? 761 1973 11 8 /| Wilsy Ed M N | Mooresville John Wilsy Nancy Douglas Wiley 569 571 1976 4 |21)|Wiley, Jr. Glenn Currie M W |Statesville Glenn C Wiley Sr Grace Henry 62 301 1979, 1 21) Wiley Lozena Fishe FB | Mooresville Oliver William Fishe| Gussie Connor 65 45 | | | ' 1 \ | | 11930 7 25) Wiifong Susan Abernathy) F W Mooresville NC |Wm J Abernathy Susan Abernathy 16/231 i i | I | | i } { | i | | | | | i { i | i | | I } i] | 1917 9 13)|Wilkes Paul M C |Statesville Nc |- ° 4 420 1956 1 28] Wilkes Wade Arthur M C Statesville N C] Brister Wilkes Unknown 42 7h se e Continued to Page 33A INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Paige gh UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 it 1930 s&s ron He. SEsTits-Congetem coer Year Month Day 1915 6 20|Wilnelm 1917 6 22/Wilhelm 1919 8 24/Wilhelm 1919 9 16|Wilhe1m 1919 12 25 |wilhelm 1920 10 15 |Wilhelm 1923 7 16 |Wilhelm 1926 5 10/|Wilheim 1927 1 14 /Wilhelm 1927.8 7 |Wilhe1m 1929 11 5 |Wilhelm 1930 4 11 {Wilhelm 1930 6 30|Wilhelm 1930 10 22/Wilheim 1931 1 11/Wilhelm lesz 2 _23/Wilheim 1933, 5 20 Wilhelm 1934 7 ~~ 9 [Wilhelm 1935 2 | 6|Wilhelm ess 3 10/Wilhelm 1937 8 27 |wilheim 1937 10 9|witneam i | i 1946 2 14/)Wilhelm 1 he | Wilhelm 11952 10 12) Wi1heim o5y, 2 1 [widheim 1954 6 13] witheim (1954 11 6 | witheim n956 1 24 fwithe1m 1955 9 16} Wilhelm 1956 ee | Wilhelm 1956 12 2 | Witheim 1960 3 26 |Wilheim 1962 3 17| Wianein 1963 7 17 Wilhelm | 1965 3 224 Wilhelm 1967 6 1yj Wilhelm 1970 6 5] Wilhelm 1972. 2 17) Wilhelm 1974 3 21) Wilhelm 1974 12 18 | Wilhelm 1976 11 23] Wilhelm 1978 8 (17 Wilhelm 1 =" — Be ee Sub- i= wheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN William W Robt W James Willian sc Sallie J George W James Davis Flora V Julia Ann William Frank Margarette E Bettie Yvonne Paul Mitchell Nola Lawson Wesley Mamie Eliza Donald Eugene Mary E Pethel Amanda Miriah John Gowan Mary Bell Sex Color M oW M WwW M ) W MseW M OW M OW Pa M wW Mu 6W F Ww At uM 6eW F | FW ow |r ow | M oe | ein ir ¥ £ WwW \Mooresville ce SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville Tn Coddle Creek Tn Coddle Creek Tn | piano tanh 30 NC Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn Coddle Creek Tn Chambersburg Tn Coddle creek Tn Statesville NC Chambersburg Tn Mooresville NC Mooresville N C ‘Mooresville NC ‘Statesville NC NC W |Coddle Creek Tn | iStatesville NC |Coddle Creek Tn \Falistown Tn " ‘Coddle Creek Tn ‘Statesville NC Mooresville NC Richard Wash ington M WiCleveland Rte 2 Bessie Myrtle John Monroe Ralph Brown William Monroe _ Marvin Webster Martin Eva Catherine / | Munsford S. Oren Clayton Mary E. '-Birges Daniel Palmer | Lola Morrison Wade Victor | F W M iW ee M W |M Ww | | Flow iM WwW uw E wld | Mow | M W M W ie iy \Mooresville M W) Mooresville NC IStatesville NC Mooresville |Gaston County W | Statesville | Mooresville ll | Cleveland | Oteen Mooresville Statesville | Iredell Co. Statesville Nannie Bell Bratley F W Mooresville James Martin Dorothy Alice Worth Elmer y OW F W M WwW Statesville Mooresville Statesville NAME OF FATHER Aaron pP Wilhelm J C Wilhelm John Wilhelm Lewson W Wilhelm John Wilhelm W F Wilhelm Francis S Carr Jacob Wilhelm James Wilhelm Lafayette McCoy Thomas Thompson J M Wilhelm E L Wilhelm J G Wilhelm JS M Wilhelm Hill Hair Qren Wilhelm J D Benfield C H Wilhelm gohn E Wilhelm Soloman Pethel Tom Poston John Wilhelm a - kee Muna Ye A otokes Murdock John Wilhelm Sam T Puckett Wilhelm Lawson Wesley Leroy Wilhelm John M Wilhelm Jefferson D Martin Jim Wilhelm | Mooresville Rt.@ James W. Wilhelm Samuel S Benson James W Wilhelm Wesley L Wilhelm G W Wilhelm Made by The Cott Index Compa: 33 | ny, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing ose “Charlotte, N. Cc NAME OF MOTHER Cc P Burns Nola Hair Ethel Staley Amanda M Poston a B Murdock artha Lowder Lydia Tiddy Bettie Grover ae Murdock aggie Parker AA Elliott uth Beam aso Smith Nellie G Chandler Julia M Litton Ellen Hair Polly Page Mary J Kerr Elizabeth Foard Margaret L Freeze Kate Bostain Miriak Mills Mery GeLe Wilhelm Sarah J Williams |Mary Jane Steele Amanda Martin Laura Litaker | Mary Murdock | Jane L. Wilhelm Flora McCoy Nancy “ice Fiora McCoy Amanda M Poston he Morrison James Sidney Morrison Catherine Moose John Cowan Wilhelm Robert S$ Brawley ames Martin Wilhelm,|s , John Holida 7 “tii ohn Wilhe] Nola Haire Ida Bradley h Se nown aire Eva INola Nancy Charlotte Tysqn rr Vol. Page 2 411 4 336 5 416 5 419 5/| 55 6 551 12 57 13 40 13 107 15 532 16 44 né 221 16 248 17.173 18 279 19 69 20 51 21 313 22 62 23 111 25 46 52, 146 B7 . 45 58 522 Eliza Catherine Pottq40 40 40 256 4O 500 42, 28 42 160 42 , 316 42 595 46 199 48 167 49 535 51, 169 53, 377 56 403 58 126 60 168 _E® « INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 33A enn te Tay corrco UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 pete loca ees at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. — - 1 GATE OF SEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | aaoeneee a tae te AND CHRISTIAN AME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER wt | ae ” + = bp peek 63 | Continued 1977| 1 |25{Wilhelm |Johnnie Eugene | M | W {Mooresville William Monroe Wilhe}m Mary Elizabeth Pethel| 72 Pg. 33 1977 10 21 Wilhelm, Sr. James Guy M W | Chardotte James William WilheJm/ Victoria McCoy §C-2 117 i979 _=GroR6 PtlNelne! Grace Mae F | Mooresville John Lee Erwin Sally Goforth 65) 333 1980 oe 20} Wilhelm James Lester M Wi Mooresville Wm. W. Wilhelm Mary Pethel 66 45 ne 1981 6 | 26 Wilhelm Henry Caldwell | M_ W j Mooresville Jacob Benjamin Wilhelm} Mary Jane Deal 67 351 vichiesehihetliiicsbntchnibsomencdie i wieikciaesiai mr t eee rr ‘slcloea oan cieiteion ie ina i " rea vetten scelnnasissiibaiiuaiiiiiiza : ; | | s as = een > | sili a paca sioialintelsasllh asad ines ptqenanmnan — ~ = + + - as — sa —— pn t om | | aia a i ad a nein ee |. — bili i B bits ‘ i 34 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ‘This Signature on ebeets insures their correctness. Bag rnlodi For Your Protection, Insist On It. ee =" locate ayes open at SURNAME pags ncirtaees ae | COPTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX, Ne + — a — SURNAME. OF DOer aa Sex Colt | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— Pe 1922 11 | 12] Whitner - M C |Statesville NC ~ Laura Jane Whitner 8) 2101 | 1923 12 | 23] Whitner _ Prudie F C |Coddle Creek Tn - ~ 9; 174 @ 1924 8 16] Whitner | Amanda L F W Statesville NC |Bert Abernathy Sophie Link 10} 348 1937 10 | 22) Whitner | Emma F C |i\Coddle Creek TnjSimon McCleve Cetie Lowny 24) 47 1938 6 | 8! Whitener Ruth Sherrill Ri F W |Statesville Tn ~ ~ 24 518 1949, 9 | 26) Whitener | Jessie Page MW WPavidson Robert H Whitner Elmarina ai1derbrend 38] 58d - |1ese9 4 5/|Whitener ‘Minnie E. F W Statesville Francis B Brown Martha Sherrill 45 197 e 1959 6 27/Whitener - M Wi Statesville Robert David Whitenqr Brenda Kay Warren 1/45 524 & ~ 964 4 7; Whitner Grace F W Statesville Robert Edwards Vertie Muffman 50 203 } 1967 11 5 /|Whitener John M W)| Statesville D E Whitener Ruth ‘homas 53 653 1968 6 15|Whitener Robett Earl M W |Statesville DW Whitener Laura Edwards 54 389 1970 3 4& eee Beck Eugene M Wi Statesville Walter David Whi tener Laura Edwards 56 170 8 1970 7 7 |Whitener Ruth Irene F W Statesville H L Thoms Bertie Truitt 56 460 g @ & | | | SS 11926 & 3| Whittington Julia A F W |Statesville NC Alexander Fall Emily Whittingter 12 468 @ : Whittington @ hos. 11.7 | Whittington ~- F C ptatesville NC ®lifford Whittington | Gladys Chipley/ 37 600 1960 3 18) “nittington Viola Petrea F | Mooresville Henry Petrea Mattie Sanders 46 181 I t | 1970 6 21) Whittington Baby Boy M WN | Statesville - Cathy Renee Whitting/56 420 - ton 7 675 ho7l 10 15) Whittington Sharon Ann F N | Statesville - Cathy Lenolda Whitting/ S ! 1973. 4 | 6| Whittington William Clifftoy M N | Statesville unknown Lula Whittington 59 188 ~~ } | 1979 5 18] Whittington Danny Wayne M W | Statesville Coolidge Whittington Francis Norwood 65 293 g INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. _ YFP Open at Podene ‘Tels cntnoding to Piet Letter ov Lotaus of Made by The Cott Index _ ray Naw a Name and refer to Buif Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. icine oo — ee Dated =" —— = we oma = pn ci sex |cotor|) PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER oe eae ej i a aap 1915 12 26 Wilkenson Florence W F | W Mooresville N Cj A Walson Welcox Mollie Sparks 2 205 1917 2 2h Wilkinson | Effie Luella F | W Statesville NC | Michael Kunkle - Baughn b 278 1917 6 24 Wilkinson Nancy E FW |Coddle Creek Tn Daved Wilkinson Lucy A Williford 4 | 120 1920) 2 g Wilkinson Henry W M W] Coddle Creek Tn Sam Wilkinson Sis Smith | 526 1920 | 5 | 24 Wilkerson Nancy C F | Wj Davidson Tn David W Black Annie Helims 6 | 459 1922 11 28 Wilkerson Margarette F Wt Mooresville NC | “lex Duckworth Mary Hager 8 66 1924 4 18] Wilkinson Mary F Wl] Statesville NC | Ben Munday - 9 | 510 1925 9 (13 |Wilkenson Martha FW] Statesville NC | G Hahn Mary Hahn 11; 365 1926 — 1 | 23 Wilkinson Clarence Leon M W | Statesville NC | Leon Wilkinson Angie Troutman 12) 444 1928 | 1 24 Wilkinson Ora Mae F | WH Statesville NC F L Wilkinson Alice Kennedy 14) 329 1930 © 7 21 Wilkerson Jas Wesley M W Wtatesviffe NC Thomas Wilkerson Elizabeth Long 16, 439 1934 5 is Wilkinson WwW M M | W | Statesville NC D O Wilkinson Margaret Abernathy 20 403 1937, 5 17 | Wilkinson Fannie E F W] Statesville NC} Geo W Wilkinson Mary E Shelton 23 379 1938 10 17 Wilkerson Mildred Frances F} Wi Mooresville NC W W Wilkerson Julia Ann Robinson 24, 202 1942 3 30 Wilkinson Danny Rhea M W || Statesville NC C A Wilkinson Nell Douglas 28) 297 1942 8 3 Wilkinson Nelia A F W |\Coddle Creek William Watts Kate James 28) 46 1944, 12 7|| Wilkerson Eussley Lee F W Mooresville NC - - 30, 491 1945 4& 26) Wilkinson Lillie Bell F Wi Mooresville NC} WA Drum Caroline Wilkinson |31 192 1945, 7 19 Wilkinson James Thomas M | W Statesville NC E R Wilkinson Mary Craig 31 281 1947, 10 13] Wilkinson Everette Rozeli M W |Statesville NC |J Wesley Wilkinson Mary Munday 33 (508 1949, 10 30 Wilkinson John Wesley M W |Statesville NC |David Wilkinson Margaret Abernathy 135 |445 1950 5 30|Wilkerson Clarence M W | Statesville NC| Daniel Wilkerson |Ella Hartness 46 3721 1952. 2 = 10/|Wilkinson Carl Edward MW |Rural J _S Wilkinson Catherine Black 38 52 1952. 8 21] Wilkerson Lillie Gabriel] F W | Mooresville NC| William Gabriel Mandy Parks 8 457 1954 9 5] Wilkinson Dennis Eugene] M W |Mooresville NC | J Carson Wilkinson Bertha Hager 40 431 1956 4 27|| Wilkinson Mary Craig F W |jStatesville Thomas Craig Mamie Marvin 42 186 1956 6 24 Wilkinson Bruce M__W | Mooresville Robt. H Wilkinson Florence Wilcox 2 347 1958 10 8] Wilkinson | Melissa Lynn FW |Mooresville Billy Jay Wilkinson Sara Casey 4u 518 1959 12 1} Wilkinson _ Kenneth Arthur] MW |Mooresville N Cj Jake Wilkinson | Katherine Black 45 621 1960 1 29] Wilkerson Floyd Collins| M W |Statesville NC Frank R Wilkerson || Lora Hedgepath 6 48 1960 4 1] Wilkinson Boyce Monroe M W |Mooresville Robert H Wilkinson || Florence Wilcox . 234 1960 6 1] Wilkinson Manson Lee M W jStatesville Marion Wilkinson Amanda Drum 46 368 1962 6 9] Wilkinson Julia C D F |W [Statesville Joe Dove -__ Bashor 4B 35u 1963 5. 5 ni | Harold M W |Statesville Wm M Wilkinson Fannie E Wilkinson 49, 342 1963 9 2Wilkinson Mary FW] China Grove Ransom Nicholson Martha Williams 49 644 1964 9 149 Wilkinson James M _W Mooresville James R Wilkinson Elanor Duckworth 50) 52k 1965 2 15 Wilkinson | Charlie M W (WMooresville James % Wilkinson Margaret. E Duckworth 52 100 1966 4 10 Wilkinson Wm. W. M W| Statesville ER Wilkinson Mary Creig 52| 236 1966 11 23] Wilkinson Jessie F W| Sd@atesville Adolphus Bandy Eliza Deal 92| 703 1968 3 24| Wilkinson Mary F W | Mooresville Wm R Allison Mary Ida Harris 54, 197 1968 1013 Wilkinson Mary Clementine! F W | Mooresville Jacob Blackwelder Molly Nanney 54| 659 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. COvT PAMELY MA DDEE So 1 ea at Proper Tob sovardig t sins Latte of es ee Sane ap == i = SSS Soe f JSS ae SHSTS eS SSS 2S SS See: DA . | hth san SURNAME OF DECEASED sex |co.or| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER sc | Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vel. | stone { a = gE = : PS — pox oreree SS — : = = = = : SSS = oy = | Wilkinbon. g 1970 5 | 11) Wilkinson 5 George Wesley M W Statesville William M Wilkinson] Fannie Elizabeth/ 56) 309 1971 9 | 23 Wilkinson | Bernard Zelia | MW | Mooresville Noah T Wilkinson Beulah Crisco 57 637 beth Childers 1971 6 _ 17] Wilkinson | Kathleen Eliza/| F W | Mooresville Rodney Owen Childers Sadie Hoyle 57) 386 1971 10 15) Wilkinson | Vernie Hartline F W | Statesville Milas Alexander Hartline Frances Poole 52 | 657 Wilkinson 1974, 6 .& (Wilkinson | Harlan Lantz,S#M W | Statesville David Calvin King/ || Julia Lockman 60, 302 7977 | 1 25 Wilkinson Gertrude Ann F W |Charlotte L.F. Moore Laura Caskaddon so oe 127 1978. 8 27 Wilkinson [Esley NMN MW] Statesville Marion C Wilkinson | Amanda Drum Wilkin=" 64, 429 & 1979 . 6 | 21] Wilkinson Avis Irene Fe | W | Statesville Henry W Sherrill Veanie Johnson 65! 370 1981 3 (12) Wilkinson | Linnie Freeze FW |Statesville Benjamin Freeze Roxie Mae Hobbs lez. 159 COTT FAMILY wAMB INDEX No. 1—Split Copyright 1: —— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. ce Open at | Soiene Tab according to First Letter or Listens of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. by The Cott Index sid o Observer Printing | , Columbus, Ohio louse, Charilotie, N. C. SURNAME OF DECEASED = a ail al on Sinus ii OF DEATH Year Month | Day heanaljmebicieil 1916 3 31} Wilkins 1921, 6 | 5|Wilkins 1922, 8 24 Wilkens 1926 3 | 24 Wilkins 1928 8 25] Wilkins 1930 2 20] Wilkins 1930, 10 24 Wilkins 1938 6 28] Wilkins 1940! 9 i? Wilkins 1947, 7 7 | Wilkins 1947, 11) 5/ Wilkins 1950 9 5 Wilkins 1950 11 4 Wilkins 1964 7 8] Wilkins 1967 12 27]| Wilkins 1969 2 | &| Wilkins 1969 5 14] Wilkins 1973 7 16| Wilkins 1976. 4 20] Wilkins 1973, 8 ]3 || Wilkins 1979. 1 22/Wilkins 1979 10 27] Wilkins AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN , } ; Martha Jane Jas Luther Jim Henry FA Jack Paul MG J Dee Rose Marie Jo Linn Alice Jin E Toney Powell John Lula Louise John Windsor Sally Bet i Lilla - Harold Oscar ‘Clyde Elliott Windsor =e SEX ape | COLOR = PLACE OF DEATH a Fallstown Tn Union Grove Tn Statesville N Shiloh Tn Fallstown Tn tatesville NC Statesville NC Bethany Tn Statesville Tn Statesville NC Sta esville NC Statesville NC Catawballe NC Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Winston Salem Statesville Forsyth Co Sar Rages NAME OF FATHER Solomon Simmons J E Wilkins IC < Robert Wilkins Robert Wilkins J E Wilkins John Wilkins Jeff Wilkins Jesse Wilkins L E Wilkins David Jones Reid Wilkins Toney Wilkins John H Wilkins Tony Wilkins A D Brandon Windsor Wilkins John Norman Jeff Pulley John Henry Wilkins Hamlet Wilkins John Wilkins NAME OF MOTHER Mary L Smith Sallie B Norman Mattie Wilkins Georgia Garret Gtella B Norman J Mathews Nettie Bush Pearl Mills Irene Steelman Annie Trivette Alice Jones Maggie Etta Joyner lice Jones Levonia Bailey Lula Brandon Levina Tanner Anna Neal Maggie Joyner | Floree Haney Mattie Hoots | 157 | 617 7599 l2 298 ny 155 16 327 né 502 2h, 32 26 534 B3 | 318 33; 481 B6 461 5 184 50, 391 53, 765 55, 118 55, 296 59, 372 62) 216 D1, 370 65 55 0C2 427 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1914. 3 12 1914, 7 (26 1915 1 4 1915. 3 24 1915. 5 ll 1915 9 3 1916. 2 18 1916 4. 9 1916. 5. 3 sie. 5 11 11916, 6 10 i jus16. 7 (15! sie lo 18 isle 12 2e| slr 3014 ugi7, 5 19) 917 11 26! 3918 1 9 Pere 4 29) ‘gis 9 25! jugi9|_ 1 29 sig 3. 7 11919824 Filed | j1919| 12 | 5| ‘gig 12 29| i} ligig9 12 2g! j1920 4 20| ‘1920 6 30) | lig20 8 28 1920 10 2s| lise. 3 11| aban 2 12| 1921 10 28| lisee 2 20} isez 6 14) asee 7 19| see 8 1 1923. 1 25] 1923 5 18 llg23, 7/19 | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams | Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Sarah \J Isabell |Elizah /Will ‘Agnes Rachel \Stashie B |\Sallie Walter Abner 10 G Mary ‘Thomas L Lillian Nancy Mary | ‘Harriet Lemour | Dock Arrine Lacy V Elise Cc oY Dellia Hettie Dalton William Celam Mathew Amanda John Lee Ladell Harrison T David Jonathan Milas Sarah Jane MO \Melver E Julius pate lecat Sex M names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB aad refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Color \ PLACE OF DEATH Fallstowns Tns _— Hope Tns Statesville N C Mooresville NC Statesville NC New Hope Tns New Hope fns Statesville Tns Statesville Tns New Hope Tns INew Hope Tns Turnersburg Tns \Codale Creek Tn |New Hope Tns | | Statesville Tos IStatesville NC | |New Hope Tns |re11stown Tns |\Falistown Tns lcoaaie Creek Tn |New Hope Tns lMooresvilie Nc [Statesville NC iNew Hope Tns |New Hope Tns |New Hope Tns lcoaaie Creek Tn |New Hope Tns |Coddle Creek Tnq |Statesville NC [Statesville NC lcoaate Creek Tng Inew Hope Tns istatesville ES Istatesvilie NC |Falistown Tn Inew Hope Tn |new Hope Tns | | Istatesville NC \| Mooresville NC | (CON) See NAME OF FATHER Absom Redmond Elizah Williams Alic Williams Joseph Watts Wash Williams Amos Gregory Abner Williams Mike Williams Offa Williams W Speaks Samuel Williams Ira Williams Jart Crob D F Williams Ira M Williams J Dalton Williams Sank Williams H C Redmond Alexander Williams Henry Williams Samuel Williams Henry Williams Samuel Stokes John Williams Henry Williams James Williams Jonathan Williams Daniel Snider Offie Williams Theophlos Williams Ed Williams Wm Williams Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Emeline Williams Nancy MeLelliand Calina Mayberry Jane Williams Nancy Shafer Manila Cass Daisy Williams Betsy Speaks Maggie Williams Cardie Templeton Daisy Williams Sloan Williams Elma Williams Isallie Gregory jLuteshie Williams |jAngeline Speaks Bessie Young Rinda Dacons i\Bessie Young |Nancy Stokes 1 i} iMay Williams |Bessie Young \Catherine Shelton i] | jAlbertin e Limbrough | i iCaroline Kyles | \ \Nancy Gosset | (cossive |Dellia Speaks | eer , ) Ohio 37 RECORDED Vol. | Page 1. 206 1| 205 1, 319 2, 370 2 168 2, 309 2 218 3 199 3 374 3. 379 3, 203 3. 206 3. 442 | 61 3| 215 4 293 4 396 4 238 44 397 4a 413 44 65 5 298 5 25 5 164 5 302 5 308 5 309 6 524 6 385 6 528 6 129 7 369 7| 48 7 184 7 505 7 566 8; 281 8| 321 9; 26 9 480 9, 201 RR INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Bo toe Setull Sivnion shect for pege reference. This Signature on sheets insures :heir correctness. Reg. 0.8. Pat.on. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 — _— a Se OS Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — 1923, 8 20) Williams | Fannie Lee FW /|Turnersburg TnsjA C Jones Laura Smith 10; 444 ( 1923 9 18] Williams Charlie M C | Statesville Ins ~ ~ 9| 272 | 1923, 11 19) Williams | Susie F W |Statesville N CiJesse Reddles ~ 9 441 | 1924 6 28] Williams Mary F C Statesville N CijSam Williams Hulda Mulbrery 10, 322 1924 7 11) Williams Millard {M W |New Hope Tns Lee Williams Matheson 10, 232 1925 5 | 28] Williams _John Calvin M W |New Hope Tns Charles Williams jBerthie Souther ll 238 1925 7 22) Williams , John D M W | New Hope Tus Alexander Williams — MeCubbins 11) 269 é 11925 11 15] Williams Wm M W Statesville N CjOffie Williams Rennie Fletcher 11, 403 5 ieee 1 15) Williams Earle M C | Davidson Tns John Williams [10 Gillespie 12; 99 1926 7 a6 Williams Warren G M W |New Hope Tn C W Williams [Bertha Souther 12) 232 1926 9 23| Williams Maggie F C |Statesville N CiFrank Stevenson |Saran Smith 12 540 ‘ise6 12 7) Williams Zettie F C ileal N CiFrank Costner | teuberze Beeles 13 ooh 1926 48 14! Williams Monroe MW |Statesville N Cj Williams |Elizabeth Ward 13 334 } 4 1927 2 re Williams R D M W | Statesville N Ci Alexander Williams | Angeline Speaks 13; 367 é 1927.5 10 Williams Jack Dempsey : MW | New Hope Tns |€ W Williams [Bertha Souther 13. 186 > 11927 5 14 Williams James M W iNew Hope Tns Frank Williams [Marion Lambert 13| 189 1927 9 27) Williams Frank Jerome M W | Statesville N Ciluther Williams | Fannie Brewer 14 308 : “ige7 a2 15) Williams 2. | M C | seartaxer Tns Riley Williams | Polly Taylor 13 13 “1ge7 ad 20) Williams ~ F W | Mooresville NC ~ | paurine Williams 13; 269 1928 1 7, Williams Charles W | M W | New Hope Tns Agrippa Williams lMoulie Beck 14, 255) 1se8 4 1 Williams Roxie F W || New Hope Tns Silas Keaton |uorrison 14 256D 1928 4 i Williams oe M W | new Hope Tns Hirm Williams | Vina Shoemaker 14 20 6B | { i 1928 4 17| Williams Ellen F W New Hope Tns Adley Harden | sally Harden 14 256E| > a Etre ¥ 26 Williams PM iM. wW Statesville N CiDavid Williams |Susan Parker 14 462 i | 1929 5 3) Williams Rev TH M W | Statesville Tns|Harrison Williams |Roxie Keaton 15 644} j 1929. 6 4| Williams - M W | New Hope Tns M E Williams | Stelle Mayberry 15 298| | i9ee 8 23) Williams Clinard | M W | wooresville N Ci Lonnie Williams |Ruth Chavis 15 266) isee 9 eal Williams Margaret Emma | F W , Chambersburg TniW C Robinson Matilda Rickert 15 65 | 1930 1 6I Williams Hilda F W | Statesville Tnsi Floyd Williams ltene Jenkins 16, S77} | ! | 1930 6 23 Williams Angeline | F © [Statesville N C|Roner Williams |Willett Wasson 16 433 | : « 1930 8 19) Williams James Calvin | M W |Statesville Tns - | - 16 604 D | 1931 a 1 Williams Christopher L M UW | Statesville N CiGeo Williams juary Heald 16 538} | 1931) 5 ul Williams Pearlie Lucile t F C I statesvilie Tns|\Lee Bailey | Essie King 17| 545 } | 1931 5 22 Williams Dabnel | M W | Fallstown Tos - - 17 140) 1931 8 29 Williams Ann Blair F W | statesvilie N Ci Dr J M Moore lMary Higgin aT! 406) 1931 9 1) Williams R R. (Mrs) | FW | Statesville N CiL A Watson Bettie Welborn 17 saz z 1931 10 21 Williams June Butler KM UW | Statesville N Ci Ebb H Williams |Beulan Buck AL 427) J aoe “1921, 13 8} Williams Sarah D | F W | onia Tns James Reid |Mailissie Campbell 17) 249| a | 1932 2 3) Williams Mary Jane F W | Bethany Tns William Turbyfield - 18 Us ae | 1932 4 12) Williams Felix Larkin : M W | New Hope Tns R D Williams |imeaia Mitchell 18 220| (con) | | ia , bs La | Bi I Bal ig. feat |» INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. To locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer reference. NAME OF FATHER Walter A Williams Charlie A Williams Williams James D Williams Sr eS te bel Sinden sent tr va —_ — = SURNAME OF DECEARED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH 1932 4 30] Williams ‘Mae Louellen F W |Statesville N CjM L Williams 1932, 6 |21] Williams ‘Bertha Luella F | C |Mooresville N CiNelson Phifer 1932 8 (|16} Williams \Jessie FC jStatesville Tns ‘1932 9 12) Williams |Elizabeth C F W |New Hope fns J Mayberry 1932; 10 30] Williams Dora Cornelia F © |Statesville N CjRobert Grinton 1933, 6 12} Williams Rufus W M C |New Hope Tns - 1933 8 5) Williams ‘Martha Jane F | C |New Hope Tns - 1933. 10 {11] Williams .R A (Mrs) F W |Statesville NC ~ 1934, 4 .29! Williams i\Mary Elizabeth F W !}Coddle Creek Tn ~ 1934 5 31] Williams Ruth Estelle F W |Mooresville N CiWest C Chavis 11934 6 16) Williams ‘Thomas J M W |Coddle Creek Tni/Clement Williams 1934 6 25! Williams its MW Statesville N CiClinton Williams 1934 9 |15] Williams Eugene M C |Mooresville N C George Williams |1934 9 22) Williams ‘Melmoth Carter M W |New Hope Tns J W Williams 1934 12 616) Williams Eula | F W \Mooresville N ClJ I Williams 19352 16| Williams Maggie F ¢ |Statesville tns|alfrea Bailey 1935 3 24 Williams Zora Angeline F W \Statesville N CjBariun Lundy | 11935 4 11| Williams Annie ris lStatesville N C John Williams 11935. 11 2| Williams Frank MW Istatesviiie NC - 1935) 12 24 | Williams Lottie Blair Poi Istateaville N CiJ P Williams 1936 7 8) Williams Emma Isidore | F W |Statesville N C [Milton Williams 1936 | 3) Williams Elizabeth Jane F W Mooresville N C jArchie Leach 1937 5 12| Williams Melvin M W Leia N C |jJames Williams (1937 5 19 | Williams Charlie Donald | x W Sia NC (1957 10 4 Williams Pearl Gwaltney F W \statesville NC Rev L P Gwaltney 1937 10 6| Williams Clarence F Sr M W lata tenets te N Cis Partee 11937 10 20| Williams John Avery ! MW Istatesvilie NC ~ 1/1938 2 26) Williams ~ iy Istatesviiie N C jJohn H Williams 1sge l2 12 | Williams James D | M C Istatesville NC lss9 og 2| Williams Joe Wesley | MW a aia Ta |gJ J Williams 1939 5 5| Williams Leonard M | M C lconcora Tn Mozell Williams - 5 25| Williams Robert arch M W |Dav id son Tn Leda Williams 19s¢ 7 2) Williams Elizabeth F W \coa ale Creek Tn} - | i } (1940, 1 25| Williams Mary M | Fic | Statesville we oe fon 1 29| Williams John R R M | W | Statesville NC | Lewis Williams | | home| 2 23 WilLians Sarah H | F ¢| statesviiie Tn | - hon2 2 4 Williams Thomas Jefter/ M W Statesville NC {Virgil Williams 19h2 5 |23iWilliams Robert Hunter M WwW |Statesville NC Wohn H Williams 1942 7 1) Williams Fannie Mae F WwW jOlin Tns Thomas Marshall Fee 9 3)Williams |Joel *ewis M . W {Statesville NC IL F Williams | | Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. 38 NAME OF MOTHER Ola Turner Laura Kilpatrick Nettie Williams Lackey Fannie Parks Caro Redmond Allie Williams Cora Lee Williams Julia Bollon Mary A Hambright Allie Dockery Ema Stones Catherine Shelton Carrie Forrest Maria Bailey Bass Mary Williams ‘Dora C Williams | ane George | plizebeth MeGinis Shelton i | | Martha Hines | Martha C Campbell Lela Lipe Elizabeth Murph | lsusie Williams Sarah E Jackson Louise Lackey } | \Rebecca Wright \ i i i Adline Weaver Margaret Mathis Laura Lambert Elizabeth Marriett Lucretia Cline Lola Cass mane Vol. | Page 19. 441 28 | 173 18. 570 18, 224 18, 442 19 |: 2192 191 193 19, 397 20| 47 20 190 20, 53 20, 435 20, 237 20 | 259 20 | 255 21). 522 21 332 21 360 21, 460 21. 476 22 469 22 266 25 | 405 eo | LT 23 | 452 23 453 25 465 24 , 300 24 447 25 22 25 61 25 79 25 192 26, 504 27| 228 Ps 3d 28, 300 28 | 329 28 | 2h0 28 | 378 | 38 _ INDEX TO VITAL STATENS = DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Fema Per ¥our Proceson, iat Sa li locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe. 1-4 For} is to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. S. Patent No, 1451100—Copyeiges 1930 =— our = oe DEED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a 1942, 11 .10)jWilliams \Sallie Davis F W |Mooresville NC jJohn Davis Sallie Davis 28 209 a 1942. 12 3)/Williams ‘Toney Lee M W |Statesville NC |Harold R Williams Thelma L Hurley 28. 419 3 1943 1 31) Williams Joseph Aaron M WBtetesville NC joseph A Williems Bertha Mabe Williems 29. 187 1943 ‘es “tg Wiitisns pcopuye Yronkidp | Mer Hope (ona Wiliien ha cat 29 343 nney pe n ams 1943, 12 21 |Williems Minnie Etta | F W |statesville NC |George R Williams Mary beemer 29, 502 1943, .7 17 Williams Laure Yane F WwW |New Hope Tn James Williams Elizabeth Redmond 29, 496 1943 7 22] Williams Betty Sue F W |Union Grove Tn | Rey Williems Margie Shoemaker 30| 2735 2 i944 12 12|Willisms John I C jStatesville NC {Perry Young - 30, 458 & 1945 9 3) Williams Deloris F C | Statesville NC | Riley Williams Elizabeth Wright $1| 317 1947 2 16) William Joe M C (Statesville NC James Williams Amanda Ruffin 33 23 1946 11 29 |Williems Jesse Vernon M W |Statesville NC |c F Williams Viole Wall oo | 71 | 1947 31.6 Williams John Joe M W |chambersburg Tn || Calvin Williams Martha C Clouse 334-100 1947 3 (11]Williams Barbara Elizabeth F W [Statesville NC Henry Lee Williams [Betty Rebecca West [33 271] a 11949 7 14] Williams Bufford Leo M W Mooresville NC jJames T Williams Delia Howard 33 303 | a Ld 6 | Williams Betty Jean |F W | Mooresville NC | Henry Paul Williams | evelyn Odessa King 33) 43h & 194S| 1 4 |wi21iams Doreas E # 1 hnvew Hope,Tnshp Theopolis Williams |Toy Williams 343267 1948 2 23| Williams a | \ C | Statesville NC] Hile Carl Williams | Christine Allison Shi seas 11948. 3 29 Williams me | M iC ieee NC 'Shelton Wiliams oreaya Mattox 34, 186 11948 3s ar| Williams Swaim Lewis | ] W |statesvin: e NC jThomas L Williams heary Jane Lewis 34, 148 —4 | | | } 11948 531 Wilitane Ervin ! M O ‘Statesville NC |Stake Williams | » 34 225 | | | i | ons 5. (22 ‘Willians Wiilie Ada | F W |Mooresville NC jJohn S McCullock Sarah L Wilkins 3h 250 | 1 | 1948 6 15) Williams George udward | NW jnooresville NG |uavid williams | eo 34 270 “he | | | | i isis 6 27 williams Lonnie | hh C | Mooresville KU Chertie "34.30 Nore Vancation bgt ae » = 1548 Oi kL | William Carl Redman M W | Statesville NC | John v Williams Isabel Keaman 3h 297 | ? g 1918 10 16 Williams Carrie C F Cc) Statesville NC} - Ls 34 4261 E a | i | | | 1948 11 li Williams Paulette F Cj Mooresville NC | Pink Williams sik Gaither 34 463 | et 1 1949 1 22| Williams Almeda F W | New Hope ‘Twn Alexander Wiiliams | angeline opeaks 55 $1 + | | | | | 1949 4, i2 Mwilliams shelton Amos Mi C Istatesville NC Henry Williams sessie Young 3 6 ee i949 oh si lesa stan a | . ¢ Imoores ville mG Robert F Williams |sosephine B Wilson 55 $17 | E ln960| 2. (a. fwazatens Martha Grahan | F | ¢ |New Hope Hes Graben lnoutee Holland 36. 302 @ 1950 6 islets biel Luther S | M W, Harmony NC Lewis Williams | Emma L Vestal 36 312 & /1950 9 2 Williams Roger Dale | i | Mooresville NC] George W Williams \ rae V Hancock 356 455 | ait 1950 9 25 |Wi11tems Thomas Brem M W Goddle Creek Tns |Thomas Jefferson witdtams Ada McCulloch 36 513 | 1951 2 |19 Williams Vertis sronton Mi W ooresville NC Frank Williams | Kuthy omith 37. 22¢ ay i 1951 6 16] | | Williams Mary Saville lr W | Statesville NC | Andrew M Saville Ellen Glover 37 366 5 al | 1951 . 31| William S Reavis ! MW | Statesville NC | Vamiel Heavis | wlizabeth 4‘enegar 37\. 402 5 (1951 7 27| Williams - M W Statesville NC | Felix Homer Williams| Betty futh Shepherd | 37 401} & #1 1 | \| I 1951 5 14, Wiiliams Kathryne larmon Fic ® | Mocksviille NC - he 37 Add | ia (t | @ ) 1951 8 1g Williams _ John W M HW | Iredell County | R C Williams | Elizabeth White 57 448 n951) 9 # Williams _ Zeb V M iM | Statesville NC | J P Williams Addie C Redmond 37, 488 | | a aa soda si “ linia ha iia siete iain etal en INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 168—Coprright 1990 COoTTCO U.&, Patent Me, 14871 To locate names, tt SURNAME INITIAL. te Bult’ Sub-t index sheet for page reference TAD end veler nserver Printing So use, Charlotte, N. GC. Made Bold by Observer Cott Index Coprany, Columbus, Ohio aaa E 1 SURNAME OF DECEASED a | olor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 3K = = issih ES ae . + ; ‘ e speach einen q 4. ee oe i eee, an ieee \ thi eeee’ {Baby Boy __ M | W | Mooresville NC | Donald William tillikms Jane Brown billial 37, 63m ae £952..1 (4 | Williams | wiaadam Lee | M/jW_ | Statesville NC | Hampton Williams | Amanda Wall 1 heii a ee ee ane + 1 Brenda > CS gaee) | Rural Baseborn _____ Addie Lou Williams 38 | 209 | __________}1952| 8 51 | wit1iems _| Hettie Hollman | F |W | Mooresville NC} Noah Hallman _____| Jane Brinkley ___B& | 458 | icin I oe tS vaiinoan | w_w_| statesviiie-nc} woman witiiene [Batty Ruth semnera |3a\600 | 1953, 4 9] Williams Bobbie Franklin |]M |W lew Hope QO. G. Williams Mary Chenault 9 | 158 ) ___ 1953) 5 |9 | Williams | Wayne | M | W Statesville -Né | R. L. Williams = Myrtle Hedrick 91 221 oe ei P9352 | ‘7 _ 12] Widiians _| We ieaneste °F | SS eres oe Maynere” | Martha Maynard B9 | 329 ae 5 1953 | 7 8 | Williams _ . Robert Redmond M | W Mooresville Nq E. R. Williams a ___ Unknown a 39 | 326 ee 1953, 8 15] Williams | John Henry Jr] MC | Statesville NC] John Henry Williams fr Geneva burch =» J39 433] pea : 1953. 8 2 | Williams Lula Lunella _| FW | Statesvilie NC | Tom Williams _ | Nancy Shoemaker 39 403 Les P953 | 9 | 14 Williams Baby Boy _M| W] Mooresville NC] Otto B Williams Jr frartha Smith | 39 405] | ___ 953 10 10] Williams Cora | FC | Statesville NC] Unknown ‘ |#lizaveth kedmond 39 |531 Bi sist 41953) 11 27 | Williams | Nancy Bell FW [Statesville NC] Jake Sain j Sarah Cape 4 39, 557 | _} 1954 2% | 4 Williams | Stillborn FW | Statesville NC] Roy Ray Williams | Margie Shoemaker 40/63 | Ec. ? 1954 3 17] Williams |Mary Margdline |F | C |New Hope N C |Hile C Williams {Christine Allison [40 129] | i 11954, 3 9 [Williams John F MW |Statecville NC |F M Williams | tena veadwood |40. 95 SN _}1955, 1 23] Williams =. _M_|_W | Mooresville NC | James Lee Williams | June Lane Medlin fl 3 J ee 4 1955 2 (2h Williams , Edna FW | Statesville NC] Daniel Safriet | Laura Walker ss J]. AL 7% 1955, 4 1 | Williams | Paul 4M _C_ |Statesville NC |Thomas Williams {Maggie Smith _ 41 187 | a 1955. 4 2 | Williams |John Cleveland | M_ W [Mooresville NC |Archie Williams Luphelia Lackey 41,176 | eee j Williams _ | John Cleveland| M/W _ Mooresville NC | Archie Williams _fLuphelia *ackey i 83 1 pa 1955 | 12 |16 William Baby F W Woodleaf Ben J ‘amin “Franklin Ma rg aret iii1iams | [77] | § 1956, & (269 “illiams | Royal M |W | Statesville Unknown Lula Williams _ 2 165 | 4 9G | 524 Williams | Melvin Fred [| M |W [Mooresville | Claude 1 Williams J Sallie Davie 42 | 215 : 1956 8 17 (Williams _ Della Attie F W | Union Grove _| Milton Shoemaker _| Amand» Willia ms | 42 374 | (2956 8 18] Williams Cuffies m wv | Statesville Henry Williams Bessie Young _ 2 384 | 95610 4 williams dames M. MW | Winston-Salem {J V Williams Della Shoemaker 42 604] 1957 3 28 Williams ~ F Wi Statesville Jessie S. Williams Wanda Lee Rumple 43 152 ©@ [2957 11) 14 Williams | Romie M. MC] Statesville boner Williams _ | Jane King 45 [506 | ; Zi 42958) 4 17) Williams |Willie David |M W [Statesville [David Q Williams |Louvena Childers [44 168 | 1958 6 24 Williams _Sharles W. M W Btatesville Rebert Arch Williams Lorhelia Lackey 44517 | : j1958 12 21) Williams Barnabus W. M/C | Chapel Hill Thomas Williams Magcie Smith 45 60 a 1959 1 2 Williams Glenn McLawran cq mM W Statesville Jasper Williams j Mary A McDan ie1s a 45 24 | 42959 | 1 4/Williams Ma,e1l M C } Statesville May Williams - ™ 3 g _f2959 | od Williams Estelle Munday F W Gastonia Wine F Munday Wancy Conner 45 252 4 1959 7 23/Williams | Luna F. - FW [Statesville © PA Fletcher | Mary Shoemaker —s 45 361 | hose) 9 | 7 /Wilriams Mery Bewlah PF W [Statesville “ [tevra Stikeleather [45/446 195 9) 10 2% Will iams J ohn M \¢ Btatesville Henry Williams - | 45528 Bu talatee Reg, U.8, Pat. Off, ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. UB. Potent No. 14b7168—Copyright 1080 pate loca’ te names, at SURNAME INITIAL to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. TAB and refer DATE OF DEATH i } Ju9s9| 12 — five) 8 f T 1961) 4 Year | Month | Day + - Lt hu 2 pate Wil Lis ms [ | B hose 5 28 Williams Williams |1960) 12 3 Williams Williams —_faser| 4 [27 ]Wa12teme — |rse1| 4 (7 [Williams @ i 1961 4 3| Williams —- }1961) 6 6 Williams ~ |1961; 10 (28/¥4111ems eee 1961, 12 9 Williems - 11961/11 26) Wi1liems L - hose 1 29 Williams § h 962 4 1 (Williams r } (p62 4 19 Williams ae 1962 5 24 Williams | 1962 6 5 | Williams P| fisee 5 | 23 Wi11iams = 1962 94 |Williams Rai 1962 | 12 [15 Williams | 1963) 1 25 illiams ; 1962,12 2h Williams 7 | 1963) i | 3 Williams ©. 1963 1 25 Williams § 1963 | 7 13 Williams ——— 11963 6 |25|Williams ———7 21965 7 |\22qWilliams _——— 1964' 1 19} Williams | 1964 1 9] Williams 1964; 2 2q| Williams -@ 1964, 1 22) “illiams i 1964 7 | 14 Williams $e 1964, | 7 au Williams * hoé,| 7 3 Williams Ba 1968, | 7 3) Williams — 1964 | 8 2G Williams L ¢ 1964 | B.135 Williams Sie 1964| 11; 9) Williams i 1965 1 | 1 Williams ~— |1965| 3 |20} Williams <i 3 | 16|Wiliiams 1965] } J} SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | t t [Lillian Louise Clifford K Nettie ©. | Lule Mery t pr ce r n s ne ee e James Blane Mary Bell Lula S. | Elnora F. | Jams I. | Cleo R. Baby “irl Mary I. Vora Lee + John ©. Columbus G. John © Claude L. Nick Stamey | Emma S. Edna F, Stanley S. Vander Bertha Worth Callie Ada Toy Robert Yordie Grace Ronald Margie Bessie | Lottie Lila Darrell Otis Allie Walter Margaret Scott] M M M | M la |= £2 8 = = W} Stony Foint NC aR , Ww Mooresviiie NG Wi Statesville NC Wi Statesville NC W i Statesville Wi Stat Wi Statesville C} Statesville Ci Statesville Wi Statesville Ci Statesville C |} Statesville C i Statesville PLACE OF DEATH Statesville Mooresville {Mooresville Statesville Troutman Statesville NC | Statesville N° Statesville Nc Union Grove Rt! Mooresville NC Statesville NC Mooresville Union Grove Statesville Turne rs burg Mooresville Statesville Mooresville Mooresville Statesville ,esville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Yadkin Co. ?) Wi Oteen Mooresville Mooresville NAME OF FATHER Bobby F Williams Lewis F Williams _ Thomas J Williams Robert Patterson WP Coon Orren Scott Thomas L. Williams Joe Westmoreland | Melton H Shoemaker James tierce Unknown Bud Reynolds John W “illiams Frone Williams Walter L. Williams J. Sherrod Williams Mc Williams J Sherrod Williams Mason Williams Unknown Thomas L Williams Ferguson Snipes Jack “underburk Thomas L Williams Vander F Williams John Southers Unk. P A Fletcher “Monroe Williams Thos L Williams Martin Templeton Worth Glover Ernest L Williams Gus Queen Alex toung Bryant King Bud Graham Mack B Williams Paul Williams Robert. Ellis Frank Williams NAME OF MOTHER Myrtle Williens Willie Me Cullock Eva Nicholson _ Cassandra Sain Alma Orr _ Mary Jane Lewis» Luely Westmoreland Minds Williams Percida Yhristopher Unknown us Hattie Vellinger Annie “ Williams Katesy Nicholson Hettie Hallman Andris S Williams Suzanna Greenwood Andris 5 “illiams Ann Jores Unknown Mary 4 Lewis “lien P “nipes Jane Baker Mary J Lewis Betty J Dellinger Mary Brown Lula Williams Mary Shoemaker Almdea Williams Mary J Lewis Lessie Fletcher Eliza Lytle Annie M Chambers Eva McHargue Alice Vavidson Unknown Katie Crawford Lula Johns on Marie Waddell Charlotte Arthurs Huphie Smith Phyllis F Merzellal 46| 326_ 47 616 45 |557_ a6 (ete 46, 764 ~ ——e en _ 47/158 ———— 47196 aeceneencepinemeenemnenannensnaesselime 47/161 \. = > ae 47/334 [554 47290 47 527 47| 589 4a 5e 48 (205 48 236 48 311 48 359 48 311 48 47h 48 663 Ko 40 48, 690} 49) 25 4 49) 62 49 418 4g 387 | 49 | ble 50| 26 50 | 25 50/111 50! 52 | 50 446 50 395 50 348 50 377 + 50 504 50 634 50 749 51) 1 + 51 167 51/146 | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS - — Iredell County, N. C. ME INDEX No. 1-Split t 1949 A-141580 COTT FAMILY NAME Copyrigh' eo at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of _Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page refe. ence. Mode by The Catt Index Compeny, Sold by Observer Printing House, Charioute, N. C. a ee es —— = — oe ~ a ee sex |cotor| PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “Tie 1965 4&4 2 | _ Williams | Voight M W } Statesville _ Andrew William Lele Templeton 51! 247 & 1965 8 24} Williams Vander MY W | Statesville John Williams - 51, #98 1965 | 7 9 las Williams Jan F bietenvi ite aie. T Williams tianlian Thompson 51) 547 1965 12 10 |} Williams Jr. Willie M C | Statesville (Willie J Williams br. Carolyn King 51 707 1966 4) 1/Williams Stillborn F C |Statesville _ Thurman G Williams Dorothy Dalton 52 257 1966 5 21) Williams David M State ville John Wil iams HE Tid line 52 342 po _2) shmane_}_ et Seed oT e 1966 10 27) Williams Everette Mi oC Mooresville : Stokes Williams” | Emma : Williams — 52 623 1966 7 9/ Williams Annie F C | Statesville Berrin Chambers Lillie Roseboro 52 412 1967 4 6|Williams Stillborn F W Statesville ; Richard T Williams Gloria J Morrison 3) 2 48 1967 4 8 Williams James M W | Mooresville Charlie W Williams | Lelia Lipe 53 241 1967 4& 6 | Williams James M, W Statesville Unknown Unknown 53 239 & 4.1967, 6 26 Williams | Betty FW | Mooresville Henry E Williams Shirley Pennington 93,410 | 1967 7 14) Williams Margie F W| Turnersburg P W Shoemaler Dessie Shoemaker 53 465 ®e 1967 8 & | Williams Roxie F W|Mooresville | H A Freeze Mary B Gabriel S53. | 512 |1967 7 14|/Williams Margie ie heim P W Shoemaker _Dessie | 53 465 | ee eee Renee ai Statesville | Mahlon Williams | Apra Rupard 53, 641 se, eee 1967 — ne 6 Williams ' | Robert M W] Winston-Salem} Lewis Williams _ | Mahalia Shoemaker | 54, 40 1968 1 13] Williams Henry M W| Statesville _ William F Williams| Elia Lee Foster | 54,17 | _ | 1968 8 24) Williams Mack M Ww Statesville a Millard Williams - Ellen Harden | 54 5227 1968 7 3} Williams Donnie M W ¢harlotte Otha Williams |Linda Whitley 54 551 4 1969 5 18) Williams © _ Juanita Wilma | F ~ W |Winston-Salem | Wm Lee Robertson | Augusta Weisner = | 555 412) @& rs 1970 3 25 Williams James Paul M | Ww Salisbury ; o-mes Franc is Willifms Margie Louise/ [56 322 | 1970 33 20 Williams | Walter Allen M Nj Statesville ‘ Bradshaw Williams Unknown ’ 56 493 | y 1970 4 24 Williams _—Gertha Elizabet F | W]| Mooresvil le | Eugene Curry _—_—| Sally Leonard 30) 282 i 970)_ 12 | 27] Williams Phyllis Elaine] F | Wj Mooresville [Otha Williams | | Linda Whitley _ 56 |760 4 297% 2 | —— _Sulia Mae | 7 | © [| Mecreeviite — [Jenes ©. Conppeld. | Setete Mare at) F 1970 11 27) Williams Phyllis Elaine F W Mooresville ~ i Otha Williams Linda Whitley — : 56 826) 1971 2 14) Williams Della Mae FW | Statesville James R Wright Mary Kemp 57 107] _ @ }.1971 2 11) Williams Joe Columbus M_ W | Statesville Dabney Williams Sarah Docia Reid a7) oe 8 1971 9 29] Williams Gussie Levada FW | Mooresville Cebron Callaway Betty Alley 57 643] |.1971 6 29) Williams Robert Edward | M W/ Durham Robert aa Dite, ial Smith. 157 577 1972 1 6 Williams Salome Williams F _ W | Iredell Co. Selem C. Williams | Fatina Rupatd 58 9 _ho72 8 22] Williams _David Warren | MW |Statesville Robert Godfrey Willid Patsy Ann Warren 158 499 | A972)6. i122 Wi) liams Delia Cornelia F W |Mooresville W, M. Howard Ester Morgan 58 388 a 8 1972. 12 (12]| Williams Jesse Lee M_ |W [Statesville BF Williams — Elnore Pierce _ 59} 20 5 1973 1 119 | Williams | Reva Parks M iW Statesville Dolphus Williams Kimeda Mitchell 59. 4,0 1973 3 2h] Williams Stamey Coite M W | Winston-Salem | G.W. Williams Caroline Mayberry 0C1 371 973. 5 | 18 Williams | Lonnie Cowan MW | Mooresville __jOtha Ira Williams Daisy Pearl Williams} 59 272} _ 1973 5 18] Williams William Dewitt | M_ W_ |Hickory .rshall Williams Alice Boyd ocl 374 973. 6 23) ~=Williams Tobias V M Wi Statesville Monroe Williams Darcus Sharpe 59 3365 1973 7 19] Williams Gerald Robert M W | Statesville Arthur David Williamg Pezrl Gadd 2) | 3825 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Gees at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Sold by Observer Company, Columbus, Printing House, Chariowe, N. + Ohio ON ara are re ced cakes 6a Beet Gch dhead Sen gil setereeen One eee SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | cord PLACE OF DEATH Yeat Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | qpom = phe = = Se r SSS RE a 1974/2 15] Williams _|Julia Esma Millgr F| W]} Statesville 1974! 3 (23])| Williams ‘Ethel Lee Naborg F)| Wi Charlotte 197, 4 _ 14 Williams | Cathy Jo FW | Statesville _|l974 4 13 | Williams | Donna Renae | F |W | Statesville 1974 7 \251| Williams Eloise Murray F WN Winston-Salem [2974 11 | 24) Williams _ | Francis Caslang F_ |N | Statesville _ 1974 7 (25] Williams Jesse Franklin | M_ W | Greensboro __|1975 1 (25 Wilidams, Yr, Joel Sherrod | M |W | Statesville _ _|1975 2 |2 |Williams \clyde Dixon | M_ W | Mooresville | 1975 2 | 6|Williams ‘Thomas Elemm | M_ W | Statesville $1975 | 2 (31 Williams |Zelma Wiathere | F | W | Mooresville 1975 3 \29]) Williams ‘David Lawrence | M | W |Wilkesboro _hig75._3 22 | Williams Andrew Merlin . MW | Mooresville _ hors + | eee eee 1975 7 30 Williams Joel Brooks MW |Mooresville 1975. 8 30 a Arthur M__NW |Statesville 1975 | 11 (10 Williams Margie Amanda F W Mooresville n976 1 | 31] Williams Baynes Tatum M Cay Statesville 1976 3 |26|Williams _——_—s'Joseph Thomas | M | B {Mooresville _ 1976; 12 |8 || Williams Ronald George M §W |Winston Salem 1976| 7 |7 |Williams | Laura Lambert | F |W | Statesville 1976 | 8 | 2||Williams Carrie Elizabeth] F B_ | Statesville __} 1976) 10 23] Williams Bertha _ FB | Statesville _ 1977. 2) =«=20 || Williams Robert Larry M 8B [Statesville 19 4 28 |Williams Paul Augustus M W |Greensboro ‘|t94 3 (15 Williams Mary Emma F W (Statesville 1977 9 (13 Williams Jeff M W Statesville 1978 1 22,Williams Wiley Everette |M HW cee {1978 6 2 Williams Rebecca Bare iF i | Statesville 1978 9 9 Williams Dewey Vestal | M W| Rowan Co $1978 12 15 Williams Ross Washington M W eet | | __}§1978 12 18 Williams Dennis NMN _M_ B_ ! Statesville i _ 1978 12 27 Williams ‘Charles Addis M W Statesville _} 1979 1 | 3)Williams | Mary Anna _ iad B|| Statesville 72979 4 22) Williams Ortrue J |M_ _N_ | Statesville 27 | 5 15 ts 114 ams Emo Sipes (Mrs)j F | W | Mooresville 11979 | 5 | 8 || Williams Joseph (NMN) M B_ | Statesville 1979 5 30] Williams Willie James M |B jStatesville, NC 1979| 6 | 24 Williams Clyde Franklin | M W | Statesville 1979| 8 17] Williams | Katie Mae F W | Statesville 1980 3 14] Williams Timothy Tywain M |B Statesville 1980 4 7} Williams Zula Johnson Fe |W Union Grove 1980, 4 24 || Williams | Zilpha Brown FB | Statesville 1980 6 23] Williams Dora Maxine Mecklenburg Co 1980' 7 |4 Williams Jo Ethy Rouise f 4 Statesville 1980 | 7 (23 wildiams | Roy Ray M_|W_|Statesville Watts 1980, 10 19] Williams \Catherine Eleangr/F | W. |Statesville i mai Branch 1981 1. |26] Williams Mary Eleanor- | F | W {Statesville - fT | aoanniilrs NAME OF FATHER a = — — SS NAME OF MOTHER iLutifer Franklin alter Nabors onnie Joe Williams. mnie Joe Williams — JG. Murray Thomas Casland ohn Williams Sherrod Williams ,S Ida Hendricks Elizabeth Mar Marshall lissa Murray See Elizabeth J. Leach Mabel Bolick anes Fronklin Wallis mee ~ tans illiam Franklin Wil Wardell Withers John D. Williams _V_B Williams — Thomas L Williams Elihu Williams Manse Williams > T Bumgarner James G Williams,Sr stephen Williams Walter Williams Jessie C,. Lambert John Williams Berry Bailey | Robert Lee Williams Joseph Vance Willia B E Weisner John Williams _|| Gertrude ne Patty Sneed y Elia Lee Foster Anna Hewitt | Isabell Eedmon — _|_ Gussie Calloway Mary Lewis McDonald Unknown Bumgarner Kathern Munday / Maggie Byers Clara Pobojeski Mary Edison Octie Tidline Banks _ | Davidson mma Williams _ Daisy Wallace Thomas Williams | | Isaac Bare leakasen Elijah Williams © Yacob Sipes Unknown Adolphus Franettaens W F Williams Timothy Leon Williams Melton Johnson Timothy Brown Henry Calvin Lee Ernest Perry Charlie Williams Sr. Atwell Edwin Watts, Daniel B Branch Washington. A oe John Thomas mani James P Williams | | Mary Lewis Nancy Black | Effie Williamgey Pattie Mae Maon Anna Lee Harris Hattie Williams Minnie Isenhour || Unknown Dordia J. Templeton Elia Foster YAnnette Sherrill American McLelland f Betty Byers ilson owman Neqa _\Bertha Souther Nellie Stevenson Mary Itner a a _Emma Holmes ——___— 160) 599 | Katie Neil Williams | 252 | s/Della Attie ShumalerfOc-~2 12 C2 1 Nannah Genetta fasespé ht her Mary Walker Meriwet/64 Cherie Maxine Willians RECORDED Page a pe 61,93 | 0C1 663 61 180 | 61 422 arene 61/433 61,486 61) 609 b2 | 38 62) cl ao 62 326 62 381 62 500 | 63.131 | 63| 295 63 | 492 64 - T 64 289 (64 648% 653 9 65 65. 241. $5 245 65257 65 298 65 [352 65 | dele3 66 141 66) 187 66 | 226 pC2) 51 66 346 b6 | 379 66.527 167 | 59 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N. C. REG. U.S. PAT OFFICE Biaetalake: rx County Indexes Since 1888 Identifying Trade Mark Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sl:eet for page reference. COTY FAMILY ome INDEX Ne. 1-SPLIT 8 148 Columbus, seid By Comma Danietey, Raleigh, N.C. — - ae pape na SS ae = SEX | COLOR} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =; a 1981 15 | Wiliiams Roy Roscoe Mi WH Statesville Millard Williams Ellen Hardin 67| 168 1981); 3 |17)Williams Daniel Lee M | W Mooresville Charlie W Williams| Lelan Lipe 67 179 1981 13 Williams Henry Ryan M | B | Statesville John Williams Ida Whitenal 67 | 274 1981 26Williams Aaron Talton M Statesville Robert Lee Williams | Linda Faye Frye 67| 559 1981 28] Williams Nellie Barkley || F iW Statesville R RB Myrtle Hopller 67 |409 \| ees | | | basndiaah | | [ | | | | | ade | | | | | | | ] : e Ht | 7 + | | | | | | - t Tr | | | + + | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 39 ao fa dealing Tend Mase Sates wed odhar ts tuts Eebstsien shact fan gape wena Scena eee” = ee mi page a . — mz SEX | coLoR] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — 1913 117 Williamson ___| Plizabeth Ss. F_ |W [Mooresville _ || J W Shepherd Lucy Nearl 1 | 2h6 | 1916 | 3 (28) ®illiamson | Laura Jane N Bas Davidson Tn Albert Nixon Rachel Abb Hager 3.1179 1931 | 10 [13 Williamson | Jacob Sidney M | W | Fallstown Tn David Williamson Margaret Abernathy | 18 120 1939 9 | 2 || Williamson William M | C | Statesville NC || Rufus Williamson Sara Williamson 25, 389 1940 6 l26 Williamson Carrie Little F Wii Fallstown Tn Peter Little Harriet Smith 26) 150 1941 | 11 | 8 || Williamson | Annie Sherrill] F lw Statesville J A Sherrilt Rachel Robinson 27, 387 1942 | z. L || Williamson | J Smith M iW |Fallstown Tns || Alexander Williamson] Jannie Robins 28 107) 1944 12 | 13, Williamson | Thomas Syires | M Ww Statesville John M Williamson Selena Tyde 30) 459 eh 1944 11, 26 Williamson | Warren Boyd M iW Statesville T S Williamson Ann Williamson 3 1946, 3 | 23) Williamson Connie M F | C Statesville Allen Kimbrough Zena Chambers 31) 93 | Adopted Adopted 1947 6 18] Williamson William Worth | M | W] Troutman Parents Unknown | Parents Unknown 33, 252 1958 3. 24 Williamson | Bthe2! White F c Mooresville Jay Will White Mary Gabriel bls, 173 3 _|1959 7 2 Williamson | Martha B. F. Cll Statesville || Melvin Bailey _—i|_~ Mirah Martin 45, 33h 1960 8 | 24 Williamson | Ann S. F | Wi Mooresville _ Thomas S Williamson} Laura Nixon h6 54 & 1961 6 28] Williamson __ Nelson M {|C Mooresville Floyd Williamson --- W7 32 1967 5 | 14 Wikia Pierce M W || Mooresville Charlie Williamson Hester Me Murry 53 33 1973 2 3 Williamson Melvin Darnell MN Mooresville Neilson Williamson Ethel White 59) lh 1974 12 13) Williamson Alice Faye F | WI Mooresville Charles W Hinson Nancy Lowery 60) 641 1978 10 23) Williamson | Mary Simelton F B Mooresville David Simelton, Sr. | Lugenia McCoy bs Sloe 982) 1 113] Williamson | William Glenn iu ow | Statesville Wm, Worth Williamsow/ Carrie Little 67 | 30 a ————+——______—_- Se He INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 41 Made by The Cott Index ECAC em nace cane era Reese va ova = SURNAME OF DECEASED — Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER sme + : +. 1913. 5 | 5] Wilson l= M_| W |Mooresville NC | Fred Wilson - Miller 1 227 1914 10 (24) Wilson \= F | W |Mooresville NC | Joe Wilson Nannie Wilson 1 294 1914, ll .28! Wilson Joseph Edgar M ._W |Coddle Creek Tn/| J A Wilson Nannie Goforth 1 106 1915. 1 (28) Wilson Nancy Melinda F ._W |Coddle Creek Tn} William Goforth Susan Rivis 2 53 \1915, 3 7 Wilson .Don /M |W jStatesville NC | AF Wilson Addie Hooper 2 380 11915, 10 |13] Wilson George , M ._W |Cool Springs Tn | T E Wilson - - Wanar 2 93 | | | 11915) 22 || 1| Wilson ‘Caroline C F W Statesville Tn | Alfred McClelland - - Houpe 2 361 1916! 1 23) Wilson Lula F oW sien Tn | Franklin Wilson Vera C Weber 3 421 , 1916. 2 | e| Wilson Dorothy May F ._W |Sharpesburg Tn | R S Wilson Reta Journey 3 423 isis. 9 .16! Wilson ‘Minnie Lela zie [Ragle Mills Tn | Moses Renegar Allice McDaniel 3 146 1916 10 | a| Wilson Rosanna B RRS. Statesville NC | Lewis Keller - _Elliotte 3 290 isi? : 1| Wilson Cynthia Vera C | 2 ¥ Sharpesbure Tn John Webber Cynthia Saratt 4 475 917, 3 | 3| Wilson Flossie | ne vooresviile NC | Charlie Miller Liou Sipe 4 53 FOU 3 3) Wilson Mary | LG Statesrtiie Tn | Peter Wilson | Julia Kearns 4 286 11917 3 15! Wilson Wayne Alexander | M W hiooresville NC Joseph A Wilson | Rachel Rogers 4 59 11917) 5 4 2. Wilson = MW Lcensuiiaiia Tn | Walter Wilson | columbia York 4 255 1917. 5 10) Wilson Pinkney s MW |Davidson Tn Alexander Wilson | Nancy Reaby 4 209 (1917; 12 23) Wilson Joel Henry M W Sharpesburg Tn Joel Wilson | Melinda Graham 4A 353 1918 @ 1 Wilson a Cc M iW Mooresville NC | Fred L Wilson | riossie Miller 44 15 ; 2928 5 25. Wilson Fernie May : F W Istatesville NC A F Wilson | agate Hooper 4A 315 ‘ise ach | Wilson Edna Neoline Fi W lstateswilie NC Sherrill F Wilson | dante Etta McRary 4a 258 |1918 11 2 Wilson Mamie McCrary | FLW Istatesville NC | John McCrary | Susan Chappell 4A, 261 !i918 11 27 | Wilson ‘ie l\row ‘Statesville NC Sherrill Wilson | Mamie McCrary 4A 263 | 1919 5 21. Wilson Blanche F C |Statesville NC | Oscar Grose | Dora Wilson 5. 123 1919 6 23) Wilson Tallie |M iw |vei1stown Tn Stewart Wilson | - 5, 331 |1920 2 4. Wilson IR V | MW ‘sharpesbure Tn J H Wilson | M J Reed 6, 318 1820 4 | 9] wi2son Elsie |F © Statesville Tm | Lee Tatum | Lelia Morrison 6-270 11920. 5 31) Wilson Frank | M ._W |Statesville NC | A F Wilson | Addie Hooper 6 80 | 1920 8 .30) Wilson Amamda PF |W Shiloh tn WM Bogle Laieesos Teague 6 299 la920 10 21! Wilson Jim | M C /|Fallstown Tn Alvin Wilson | uy Mills 6 441 1921 3 71 Wilson Hugh Clarke | a W Statesville NC Hugh Wilson | Catherine Reeves 7 330 1921, 5 14 Wilson William Harrell | M W Mooresville Nc Clarence Wilson - Vue (1921. 6 ‘asl Wilson Madgie | 24 istatesville NC | Reese Ellis j wane Crawford 7 406 11921) 11 ‘1a! Wilson Rachel | 2.17 Isharpesbure Tn | Gideon Goodwin | oyntna Russell 7 634 | 1923 110 Wilson Silja E | P| we Sharpesburg tn | Eliga Hicks : 9141 | (1923. 4 ae! Wilson Walter Jackson M iW ‘Turnersbure Tn | Samuel Wilson | corte Hicks 9 131 1928 10 7/| Willson SL | MW Sharpesburg tn | Joel Willson | Malinda Graham 9 151 1s24, 4 22) Wilson L- Fic lturnersburg Tn | Sarle Wilson | Annie Mae Wilson 10, 451 Asa. 4 30 | Wilson \- ! M Cc eusinaii Tn | William Wilson Lela Gaither 10 455 |l924. 5 . 3) Wilson ‘Kilby MoW | tatesville NC | C Kilby Wilson Annie Blant . 506 | | | (Con) ‘ 42 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. This Signature on sheets ineures their correctness. Reg’ t.8. Pat.of. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. pate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer reference. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page U. S&S. Patent No. 1427168—Copyright 1930 =~ SR Sa eS a ————-— — eee Oe i a RS ES — —— = SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— 1924, 11 .17) Wilson |Guy M . W | Statesville Tn/Tom A Wilson Bell Pierce 10 424 g 1925, 10 22) Wilson AC M . W | Mooresville NC|jFred L Wilson Mary L Marlow 11 218 1926 1 6) Wilson Harry MiG Fallstown Tn ~ - 12/121 1926. 1 . 24| Wilson Samuel G M . W | Sharpesburg Tn|R S Wilson Retta Jurney 12 267 1926 2 23] Wilson - MC | Statesville NCjArthur Wilson Annie Mae Frost 12 463 1926 12 24] Wilson Preston Eli M C | Statesvijle Tn|Peter Wilson Julia Kearns: ¥ 12 434 1927 4 30] Wilson Joe M W | Statesville NCIC L Wilson Ella Saine 13 420 1927. 7 23)]Wilson Henry H M Cc | Statesville nc|Henry Wilson [Mary Hall 13 445 1927 8 21} Willson Robert P M .. W | Sharpesburg TniJohn Willson Ellen Hines 13 297 1927 10 27] Wilson Mack MW | Statesville Tn/T A Wilson Bell Pierce 15 548 1927 12 22) Wilson Sherwood McC | Turnersburg TnjSandy Wilson - - Hartness 15 691 least i 5/ Wilson Stamey Sherwood| M C Turnersburg Tn jSandy Wilson Alice Heath 14 612 E 1928 1 16) Wilson Alice F Cc | Turnersburg Tn|Dock Gaither Manay Smith 15 689 z 1928 1 21) Willison George L MW Chamb ersburg — Wilson Mary A Smith 14. 32 @ (1928 3 30) wiison Julia F W Davidson Tn Freddie Barnes Paudie Nawood 14. 97 > } 4928 4 apheen David M C | Turnersburg Tn |Sandy Wilson Alice Gaither i5 678 1928 7 22))Wilson Earley M Cc | Turnersburg TniSandy Wilson Mandy Smith 15 679 1928 9 . 6)Wilson William Elmore | MW | Mooresville NC |Joseph McWilson Lenora Patterson 14 221 | 1928 ll 24) Wilson Jannett Fi ¢ | Turnersburg Tn jWill Wilson - Gaither 15 687 s28 12 16|Wilson J Edward (MW | Statesville tj P Wilson ° 14 567 f ‘1se9 1 30| wilson Charlie | uC Mooresville NC J-. Hariet Carr 15 254 : 1929 2 15| wilson Dora ie | Davidson Tn - ‘Isabell Fortner 15 151 | i929 6 18 Wilson Ola F Cc \ furnersburg Tn|Sandy Wilson lola Gaither 15 697 B . é. ‘<a 5 7\ Wilson ZM_ (Mrs) F W | Statesville NC|John Heffner Harriet Lewis 15 445 | | H s 1s29 7 28) Wilson Bell |F ¢ | Falistown tn |- - 15 199 8 ieee 10 25) Wilson George W | M OW Shiloh Tn - IRosan Wilson 15 361 1930 2 12]wilson - | B:.1 @ | Turnersburg Tn|Elisha Wilson \Luzena Wilson 16 620 1980 6 6 Wilson - : MO | Davidson Tn Robert Wilson jenne Goodson 16 143 3 19307 24) Wilson Bob |u ¢ Shiloh Tn - |- 16 306 1930 11 16 Wilson adelia G F W | Statesville NC] Hayne Garrison Reig it Walker 16.519 | | ia | 1931 6 4 Wilson Giles W | M W Statesville NC] Lawson Wilson jMary Potters 17| 322 Dd 1931 4 1g Wilson ~ : M.W | Mooresville NCi Ivey Wilson Lillie B Ball 17.184 : 1931 4 16) Wilson Jane C FW Shiloh Tn John Miller | veene Wilshie 17|\275 1931 64 24 Wilson ~ 2.18 | Mooresville NCj Robert H Wilson Nannie Goodson 1711672 19319 25) Wilson - Cc Statesville NC| Linn Wilson Lillian Feimster 7 th | 1931 10 18 Wilson Fannie Mala Davidson Tn Hilliard Wilson Lula Gibson 17.110 1931 11 £47 Wilson Eugene W | Statesville NC| William Alexander Elizabeth J Stinson |17 464 1922, 1. 2 Wilson Daniel A W | Mooresville NC| Foy Wilson Beatrice Ball 18 137 $1 Wilson Mary Selen Statesville Nc|Chas Elam Mary Weir 18,305 4 | ae Harriett Statesville NC| Bill McKinney Nancy Hopps 18 288 (CON) — - " _ emmes, a COoTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. x 68—Copyright 1 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. =" Saini U. 8. Patent No. 14371 to Buff Sub-lndex sheet for page names, open a’ SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Co 42 DATE OF DEATH iss Year Month | Day 1932 4 |18] Wilson 1932! 8 |27] Wilson 1932; 9 |27) Wilson 1932, 11 |29}) Wilson 1933, 5 |31] Wilson 1933! 6 |12] Wilson 1933; 12 3] Wilson 1934 3 7)| Wilson 1934 5 1| Wilson a 11 |26! Wilson (1934, 11 27| Wilson | 11935. 1 | 7] Wilson 1935 2 15] Wilson (1935. 3 15] Wilson li9s5. 4 4| Wilson 1935 8 si Wilson 1935 12 |16) Wilson 11936, 2 12] Wilson 11936 3 10] Wilson 1937 5 18] Wilson 1937 § | 26| Wilson 1937 7 26) Wilson 11937/ 11 9} Wilson 1938 1 26 Wilson ese. 4 16! Wilson 1988 6 6! Wilson 1939 6 19) Wilson “1939 8 2) Wilson (1939 «8 12/ Wilson }1939 121 16| Wilson | 1940 2 15] Wilson | 190 9 4 Wilson | 1941 10/22) Wilson 1942, 9 .19] Wilson 1943 3S 22 Wilson 1943 | 10 14 Wilson 1943 11 (17 Wilson 1944 6 . 8/ Wilson ‘less 4 29) Wilson 1944. 6 .18/ Wilson SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN IBA | Edward Long |Bessie |Harvey Lee |Pink D \John W Betty Mae Sandy George Edward _Elvetta Cornelia L \Zimmie. L _Brady S ! | Vernie Mae William Conred | ‘Larry David | , Bina Lee | George E | William Lester : it it Sarah Blizabeth| William Murray | Lottie Ann | Will | Arthur F | Fred Green | Ruth Louise | Frances Lula | Edna Don Paul Julia Jones | ‘William Marvin | Joseph Frankie Mae Charles Spur geom Shedrick /M Sex eF F& F EF Ff S& S FE hy = wg =F = | M _ C¢ |Turnersburg Color | PLACE OF DEATH W |Statesville NC W iStatesville N C C Chambersburg Tn | W Mooresville N C W |iStatesville N C C |iStatesville NC | W iStatesville N C _W |Mooresville NC Tons C Statesville Tns C |Statesville Tns W |Mooresville N C W Mooresville N C | W Davidson Tus i] i} i} W ‘Mooresville NC | W [Mooresville NC i ¢ |Statesville Tns W |Davidson Tns | C |Statesville N C i W |Statesville NC w |Statesville NC W |Mooresville NC W |Mooresville NC | C |Turnersburg Tns W Istatesvilie NC C Bagle Millis Ths c | Statesville NC Ww enliniesiitne NC | Statesville nc Cc | Coddle Creek Tn | W | Mooresville NC W | Coddie Creek Tn tatesville NC |s C lout Tns Wi ctheaartha NC Istotesvitte NC W |Stetesville NC W | Statesville NC Statesville NC W | Mooresville NC NAME OF FATHER Charles L Starnes Philip Wilson ,Avery Wilson ltvey Wilson Roscoe Wilson Davie Wilson Leroy Wilson Ivey Lee Wilson John Wilson Geo Wilson George Wilson W C Campbell Oni Wilson Francis M Wilson Watson W Rankin John Mack Wilson William Wilson Francis M Wilson Gus Wilson Franklin Wilson L R Wilson George P Wilson J D Ballard Will Wilson Paul B Wilson Early Wilson Henry Jones R P Wilson Andrew Wilson Edd Wilson John Wilson F A Wilson Will Wilson W ¢ Munday Andrew Wilson Roy Wilson G F Booe James Wilson Pink Wilson John Houston Wilson NAME OF MOTHER Hettie Little Fannie May Watson Lennie Tucker Beatrice Ball jAda Clodfelter Eura Wilson Amanda Matheson Beatrice Ball Mattie Turner Lillian William Lilian Williams Watts Rachel Winecoff Judeth Barnes Is Sarah E Alexander |\Joyce Evelyn Evans Dora Bessy | |Julie Barnes | |Lile MeLelland | |Vera Cross Webber | | i Martha Jane Hines | Mary Martain Mary Blanchard Lela Gaither iStella Harmon | jsarah Falls li | ee | Elizabeth Sloan Dora Turner |Alice Reid | Cora Jenkins Carolina Waugh | Vera Webber Lelia Gaither Nancy Levan jAlice C McNeil Joyce Frivette Mollie Seer Lillie Mills Sue Gashion Vol. ; 18 | 18 18 | 18 19 | 19, 20 | 20 | 20 | 20. 21 21. 21 | 21 | 21 | 22 | 22. 23 — 23 | 23 | 23 24 24 24. 25. 25. 25, 25 26, 26. 27 28 | 29) 29 | 29, 429 Page 4 536 417 27 211 318 331 161 632 619 614 43 Ld 70 234 574 101 392 370 378 184 216 042 96 371 375 366 199 180) 72 374 242 44 391 419 175 149 196 ye 49 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. [ Gepee lvarncnin acon R80 a mi at ANE RETIN Tap one ee EL RE 8s ee —————————_—___ 7" pourelsrnetaETEneTLNSSEEIRETESS Serna RNREe RESET ee SURNAME. OF DECEASED Sx Cole | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER f———— 1943. 9 (19)Wilson ;Shedrick MC Olin Tns Will Wilson Lelia Gaither 50, 313 g 1944, 7 13 filson Leandris MC |Caddle Greek TnsZlmore Wilson Madie Houston 31 i 7% 5 1946 3 22 Wilson John Baxter M |W |Statesville NC Frank Wilson Vv Webber 52 183 1946 11 12)Wilson Elle F Statesville NC |Minor Wilson Lizzie Floyd 32 395 1947 4 9 Wilson W. Tallie M W jFallstown Tns. jJames Wilson Amanda Bogle 33 156 1947. 6 15 |Wilson Marie iF C Statesville NC jJohn Covington Leslie Covington 3 | Zea . 1947 6 18 Wilson iCarrie Lee F C Statesville NC iLewis Woodsides Octavia Tomlin a | ai9 g 1947 5 |26 Wilson ~ F C iTredell County /Earlee Wilson Sarah Wilson 33, 338 194.7 Z 8 Wilson - ‘ M C | Union Grove Tnsj Karly Wilson barah Wilson 33) 432 1947: 12 12) Wilson Peggy Ann F C Mooresville > Mattie Wilson 33 4k 11947; 11 |7 [Wilson - F W lstataavalle NC Roy Lee Wilson Joyce Ann Privette 33| 461 ad £0 it2 Nilson Augustus Henry | M | W statesville NC |Samuel Wilson Celia Hicks 33 518 1947 12 28 Wilson Thomas Alexendex M W |Statesville NC |Stewart Wilson Manda Wilson 33 535 & | 1948 5 » | Wilson Ella Zora vain | F W Mooresville NC Van dain | Jannie Allen 4 262 @ 1948 6. |26 —— Alice kmma R F W | Statesville NC Henry Payne Unknown 34 302 1949 a 128 Wilson Dora | F U sateen Hugh perry | Jane @ssborne 1 35 30 1949 4 14) Wilson Lela Mae |F C Statesville Nv James McCldland Charity Garner 35| 184 1945 5 oul wilson Edward mt C | Mooresville Nu John wilson Rachel oloan 35) 27. oy | | | 1949 12 26| Wilson Tipton Eugene | M iW | Statesville George Wilson | Jerushis Teague 36 26 1 1950| 7 20 | wilson Hazeline re | Mooresville NC | Herman Wilson | Odessa Sloan 36 348 | | | | 1950 8 As Wilson Lela F Cc lPaglemilis Tns Giles Gaither Mery Nichols 36. 410 j 1950 2. 26| Wilson Mary Francis F C lcleveland NC Unknown | Julia Mae Wilson 36 602 . (1951 PS | Wilson Samuel “Noyden | M W f Iredell County Samuel Wilson Secelia Hicks 371 219 & 1951 6 14 | Wilson Norman Elmer M W | Mooresville NC} Datid F Wilson | Mae Lipe 37, 326 g 1951 6 11] Wilson ‘ |™ w | Mooresville NC James &. ie | Bonilee Daughtery | 37 423 |1951 ae db ! Wilson nuddie “ee | M C Mooresville NC | Mnknown | Mattie Wilson 37| 628 1952 3 (10) Wilson William Randolph MC Statesville NC ||Peter Wilson Julia Kerns BS . 130 1952 26 hisason Ralph B | MoiW hiooresvi lle NC | George A Wilson Martha Boyd 9S (165 L952 4 26 Wilson ~ M iC | Mooresville NC ~ | chris tell Wilson | 38 251 | 1952 5 21 Wilson - - F C | Harmony NC Lee Wilson Gertrude Finder BS | 325 ae " | I ‘ E | 1952 i Peuseber Baby (Bay ok ooresville / Vinmoem Tenphete: Bench 38/270 | ! 1952 5 28) Wilson Layra Regina ly W | tio. resville NC | Richard F Graham Sara Graham 38) 262 1952 4 26 Wilson ----- Mi¢ |Nooresviale NC | ---- Christelle Wilson j{38. 468 4332 6 20| Wilson Benny Mj C |Goldsboro NC Ben Wilson \Batite Wilson 38!) 371 i | | t EI | 1952 12 5 lwize0n - ~ MW | Mooresville NC} James L- Wilson Nell Le Kennerly 38 616 1953 8 29 pdaee Thomas Poston ie i" Statesville NC | John L Wilson Elizabeth Jones 39 405 é 1953| 10 19 wilson Milas Leroy M W |Mooresviile NC |James Wilson Mary Morrow 39 512 — | 1953 11/9 |Wilson | Lillian Feimstdr C | Statesville NY] Leander Feimster Julia Wellman 39| 561 | |1953| 22 |2 Wilson Mary Ellen F W (Mooresville NC | Enoch S. Crommer Louise Suber 39 630 11953, 12 |& | Wilson David Stewart |M W |Mooresville NC | D. F. Wilson Mae Lipe 39 632 | | | Wilson ie | {1953| le 25, Wilson Evey Lee M Mooresville N C] Stephen Alexander/ | Mary Elsie terbasx® 39 637.) ha | es’ : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. coreg esr PERE ** TAP ee ey EE noe (| ———————————————— SSS SSS SS SS SSS SSS SS SSS SSS —- = 1 = ie = pega tex | tar | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a ee acumen i ceili mi ica IE NU enna sical gle 1954: 7 |9 || Wilson | Robert M M C |Statesville NC | Peter Wilson Unknown 40 354} 11954, 7 (16) Wilson | Isaac Hillard | M C |Mooresville NC | Unknown Unknown 40| 332] ¢ 1954 2 16 Wilson | William M C i Statesville NC | Ligle Wilson Unknown 4.0) 498 | ooo, 2 8 Wilson | Calvin Edward | M Ww Morganton NC. George Wilson Anne Correll 41 158 1955. 6 29 Wilson | Joseph Alexand@r M| W || Mooresville NC] Alec Wilson Susan Morrow 4a 250] 1955| 6 |11}Wilson |Harmon Pontal M | W | Mooresville NC} Bruce F Wilson Minnie Hayes _ 2 | 258 | 1955 9 | 34 Wilson - - ie Bic sav ete NC | OniLee Wilson Rachel Eugene Winecok? | 453 1955) 11 | 24 Wilson | Danny Allen M C Cleveland NC Lynn Wilson Jr. Elnora Ramsue a Li 532 we 1955 | 11 |14]| Wilson Yoras Isabel F | W | Statesville NC] Joe Nicholson Fanny Williams AL 513 1956; 3. 31] Wilson [Flora Dale : F | W_} Charlotte Thomas Marshall Cresie Cline 1,2 | ALi oe 1956. 6 | 7iWilson iPerry Larenzo M |W I Mooresville Geo, W Wilson | Mary Jane Miller We | 280. | 1956 6 (20) Wilson Yennifer Mentona F C | Mooresville | Price Wilson | Mary Cowan _ 42, 350 1956 | 10 = 25) Wilson Daisy Henderson] F W ciccitaieeil Joseph M. Wilson Lenora Simrie 42, 54.6 1956 12 24) Wilson ‘Sallie F C | Mooresville | Monroe Gabriel | sallie Gabriel 42! 550} | 1958 1 | 18] Wilson Addie Hooper FW eee meee Marcus L Hooper iT teiarts Waite | 44 14 t Pod | 1958) 4 7 | Wilson Fred Le M W Statesville | Stephen A. Wilson Elsie Turbyfiled 4 1186 1958 3 5 || Wilson | Beulah Victorial F W | Statesville | Franklin Warren |Margaret Incram ha 1354 less. 11 4)Wilsm Mollie D. F O|statesville | - | Annie “odge |44|546 | | | | 1959 2 28)“i1son Rachel Rogers | F |W au resville | Robert Rogers |Marcaret Ma yhew 45/104 hos 9 10 6 } Wilson LlottieH. | F W | statesvii1e | Sonn L. Wilson Nancy E. Dobson |45|507 n960 4 21) Wilsen - | ti | Meersaviits | Jeseph A Wilson | Rene Gene Brooks | 46 260 1960 | 10 2] Wilson | Vivian McKee | P G | Statesville | Governor McKee | Mary Bell Blackburn | 48 525 | 960 8 18 Wilson Maude Readling | F | W | Mooresville |Paul Readling | Yaisy Sherrill 46 | 504 1960 12 20/ wilson ' Bunice Ae | F W | Morganten Charles Wheaton 'Rosa Crow | 46 791 11960) 11 |6 |] Wilson Donald Soward M W i Statesville | Donald 4 Wilson |}Lou Ella Elmore 146] 664 1960 12 14 Wilson Lelia T. | FF) C/ Salisbury | Augustus Mayberry | + | 46) 792 | 1962 3 | 31) Wilson _ ~Robert L. M W)| Statesville NC |George 4. Wilson | Jane C. Wilson | 47) 151 | 1961 7 6 | Wilson | Roy Willie MC |Statesville NC lOscar Wilson Bertha Hewitt lela d | 1961 11 | 24) Wilson _ Sarah Chester |* Ww | Mooresville NY | Bjikuel Chester | Rute Cline | 47 coe) | 1961 11 19] “i1son James Lee M W |Mooresville NC Miner “ilson ‘Ruth Ervin |47 576 | 1962, 11 15) Wilson Marvin Albert | MC |Statesville Obe di Wilson Revecca Frost 47 543 ‘ieee. 2 | 7 Wilson Robert Sdward MW |\Mooresville Miller “ilson | Ruth Ervin 48 99 | 1962, 1 18) #i1son | Will M/C |Mooresville _|Jule Wi1son [Sema Harris J48| 55 1962 3 | 8 |Mi1s0n | George R, | M C |Statesville | Clyde “ilson | Lois “edmond 48/145 hose 4/4 Wiison Nora M. F W | Statesville | Frank Millsaps | Amanda “illsaps 48 203 | Lisa | { | la 962 6 1 j“ilson Ollie A. M| W|| Mooresville | Unknown Lopnelia L “ilsgon | 48 339 | | | 1962 7 (21 )/#ilson Henry ©. Mi WT Statesville Franklin Wilson | Vera C Weber 48 401 1962, 7 (|15|)Wilson Frances H, F| W ||Morgant on Roscoe Hicks | Carlie P Smith 48 496 1962 | 10 | 2a Wilson | John S. M) W | Statesville | Steven A Wilson easte Trubfill | 48) 549 1963 | 3 | 7|Wilson _ Mary B, F| W Statesville | Ale xander Garr isoq Mary A Hall ho lase 1963 | 10 13) Wilson \Vlar ence M)| W)} Winston-Salem “harles Sprugeon Wilson G Bass 49 710 | 1964, | i. 5 Wilson Oren M| W Statesville John F Wilson Nora “jillsaps 59 4 hO6k 2 15] Wilson illen F C | Mooresville Gable Carr | Harriett Rankin 50 138 a | | ge | i Re @ , INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — + ‘DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL Pa No. 1-4 Copyrigh it 1983 = A-12255 NAME OF MOTHER Sarah Moore Wilene Sparks Lillie M Wilson Engie R Reece Dora Serry l1 Mary Arspoken Canilia Wilson Janie M Parker Mamie Bright Merle Gatton Dora Berry Anne Chester Janie Poe Catherine E Wilson Virginia Ann Graham Alice Payne Ellen Holland Alma Lee Malie Cornelia Wilson Hessa Edward Mary A Huffman Mary D Johnson Cerdia Ruth Lleyd Ellen Ball Simms ids Hanna Adeline / Madie Houston Jane Ramsey Ella Carbin | Lois Redmond John Pettis Nicholgon Dorcus Byrd Melvin Geston Wilson Maude Readling ty | | i. 3 ie CRaatnCote Site nds a se” SS aS ee ee ee - ee SS SSS ———— = — sent = Senn & ere Sex | Colr | PLACE OF cam | NAME OF FATHER 1964 5 26 Wilson David Wi Moo re sville | Franklin J Wa1sol 1964 3. 25 “iison Vance M. W Mooresville | A W Wilcox 1964 | 10 ad Wilson Tom Mi Ci Cleveland | Jim Wilson 1964 10 |24]} Wilson Della F Wi Statesville | Thos. * Eskridge 1964 | 12 ig} Wilson Lynn “| C]} Statesville | Wm. Wilson 1964 12 27) Wilson Lillian F W Statesville | Benjamin % Marsha 1965 : 5 il | Jilson George | M | W | Mooresville | Unk. 1965; 12/7 | Wilson Aileen F | C | Statesville | Shemman Black 1965 12 | | Wilson James M W Peeidl Thomas H Wilson i965; 12 2 Wilson Judy Fi 8 Troutsan Albert Hartline 1965) 11 ‘19| Wilson | hola’ ; M | C tatesville [ We, ttene | Betis « ’ baleen { Bee 1966 12 7 [Wilson |Oscar __ \M | W | Mooresville | Roseboro Wilson “1966 11 13) Wilson Louvenia FC | Statesville | Amos Brown | 1967, 3 16] Wilson Stillborn M/ C } Statesville | - |1967, 3 15| Wilson - F W|Statesville | James D Wilson | 1967 4 27| Wilson Henry Mi W | Statesville | John Wesley Wilson | 1967 & ial Wilson Retta | FieW | Statesville Columbus B Jurney 1967 6 24 Wilson Eva F Cj Statesville | Unknown | 1968 2 27 Wilson John | ™ W | Mooresville | Unknown 968 1 3 lwiison Jeffrey Scott | Mo ¢ Mooresville Andrew Henry Wilson 1967 12 1 Wilson Gordon M w| IredellCo. Oliver G Wilson | 1968 1 | 10, Wilson Emma oe W | Mooresville Vance Thompson | 1967 12 13) Wilson Stillborn =| FC | Statesville Donald D Wilson | 1968 5 24 Wilsen Jr. James Masen M W | Statesville James Mason Wilsen 1968 5 ul Wilsen Mary Leu Ellen F | W | Statesville | Bynum Marlewe | 1968 5 ‘10 wilson Elizabeth R. aL | Statesville | —_ John’ Finley Reyno’ 11968. 8 13 | Wilson Leonard C M C | Statesville | Elmore Wilson | 1968 @ 30) Wilson OG | FW | Caldwell Co. | George Griffin | 1968 ll 7|Wilson Nevada Crawley] F wl Statesville | George W Crawley aa 16 | | Wilson Stillborn M c | Harmony Clyde Wilson . 4 1) Wilson Vallie Nichol ebaF | Statesville | 1969 6 12) Wilson Dorman Lamar | MY Mooresville | | 2969 9 @ Wilson Lettie Houpe | ri.¢ | Statesville John Clyde Houpe | n969 11 16] Wilson Jonah Alexandef M W| Statesville | Thomas A Wilson [ayey 10 3| Wilson Florence Aletha FI C ae | | A D Ramsey 1970 3 29 |ui2e0n _ Paul Buford M Ww Ptatesvilie | WM Wilson 1970 9 16) Wilson Maude Stewart FW [Statesville Phillip Stewart 1970 10 5) Wilson | Carrie F C| Statesville | John Adams (1971 6 18) Wilson Baby Boy MN | Mooresville | Unknown /1971 5 18/ Wilson John Fred M Cah. Statesville | John Harvey Wilson | | Maggie B Davidson Belle Pierce Mary Rebecca Clark ckey Robinson |Laura Warren Phyllis Dalton Brenda Diaae Wilson Millie C Jones be m7 Vol. | Page = whee = — 50 314 §0 487 | 5p 598 50 644 50, 727 50 732 51 288 ic c i r i i b i e i a e i e 5h 705 5h 671 52 649 | 53/198 ea |53| 176 | 53) 260 | 53 256 | | 53, 404 | 54 Lhd ba 69 i | 54 6 | 5 2h | 53, 737 | | 5h 335 | if 5h, 305) [54 318 | 54 531 | | 54 es [54 699 | | 54 765 } + oy | . 55 245)! {35} 367 | 6 5 576 55 728 i Ibo 775 (56 225 | 56 612) 56 630 | 57, 401 | 57, 338, Y | | | | | | | | 5h PN gy 51 689 epee mt pee INDEX a @ TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Cort waa ete Rit N* +S ie Jer ners sheet for pase ee i ity orem, Some an SURNAME OF DECEASED SEX |coLor| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘awa Page i => S my soos | = e 2 — SS Se = — eS b — Sess : Sie ae ad -— SE | 1971 5 17] Wilson _—(Katherine Louisq F W | Statesville | Walter Wilson _—| Vertie Scoggins _‘| 57, 313 1972, 5 | 13})Wilson Baby Boy M Ni Mooresville - Jo Carol Wilson 58 327) 1972 10 4 |\Wilson Zaphon M _N |Statesville ‘Lynn Wilson, Sr. lillian - 58 588 3 1972.9 19] Wilson _Charlie Leroy | MW | Mocresville [M J Wilson Virginia McIntyre be bey, + 1972 11 13 ||Wilaon Clarence Wright|M W | Statesville | Samuel Green Wilson ||Mollie Stinson _—‘[58/649 | ; hove {11 29 | Wilson _Thomas Robertso# M W ||Statesville John H Wilson Catherine Jones __ [58 701 | _ 1973. 4 13 || Wilson Jr _ Ralph MN] Statesville || Ralph Wilson ] Laura Mae Gowan Wilsba” 214 | 1973. 4 14! Wilson Vaneva Cherry | F _n|| Mooresville - Pauline Cherry — BQ 212 1973.6 (10 || Wilson Maude Hass FW Statesville Lee Johnson Hass Gullie Emiline Berry] 59.305 1973 6 17 || Wilson _Karen Ruth FW | Statesville James Frnaklin Wilson Dorothy Ruth Branch! 59 325 | ~ 1973 | 9 | 1} Wilson Jr Kenneth Gray MW i Statesville Kenneth Gray Wilson §r Mildred Cline 59.467 1973 11 3 | Wilson Graham White (MW | Statesville Arthur Wilson Addie Hoover 59 557 1973. 11 25| Wilson Alfonza (NMN) M Bi Statesville /|William Wilson - 59 593 1973 11 30 Wilson Samuel S M B| Statesville William Wilson Dora Berry 59. 598 1973 12 23 ||Wilson |Ke nneth M Statesville S. A. Wilson | Elsie Turbyville 59'645 | 1974 1 | 2) Wilson Maude Campbell | F W} Statesville Preston Campbell - Gin...2... 1974 1 16] Wilson Ambrose Delmire/ MW | Mooresville Perry L Wilson || Ella Sain _—s_—s|._ 60. 30:«|t_— 1974 4 30]| Wilson a Behe M__N_|| Statesville Marvin A Wilson _ Mollie A Phifer _| 60 232 | 1974 8 14 | Wilson Floyd Eugene M |W {Concord Milas — igetag Dora Morrow DC1 §=539 1974. $8 |3 IWils Fred k B M |N | Sta Wi. he 3 1971, 11-20 I Wilson tazarque Greg” “F B oeates Fa igs Peed i illian Feimster per seg} ; 1975 8B di) Wilson Murmon ‘Eogene FW | Mooresville Robert Lee i Ola Dean Evans } 62.178) a975 | 1 7 | Wilson Clay M .W- | Morganton John F,. Wilson Norah Wilson DC1 664 1975.6 | 1% Wilson Mackey Robinson! FW || Statesville Phillip Robinson Katie Nesbit 61 334 | 975 11 9 |}Wilson Stephanie Yvette;F N |Statesville Clyde Wilson, Sr. Lois Redmond fen 600 975 12 15) Wilson Jerry Gray M W oe George Price Wilson ||Mary Morton 61 658 1975 12 18] Wilson Annie Skaggs F iW Statesville David Skaggs Sara E Moore 61 661 L976 i +— 42 Wilson Oscar Milton | M W_ | Statesville ie ead Mary McKinney . $62 125 1976 lil Wilson Christopher DelonM N |Winston Salem so Faith C Wil Q 1976 68 21) witsen Arch( NN” SF B_ | Mooresville im Wilson pillie iat Wis son $482 on i | —t 4 eae rt ceealkica ban wea 1977! 2 117 Seat Thomas Franklin|Sr W {Statesville John Baxter Wilson jFlora Dale Marshall $3 119 1977 a1 Witson Willie Lee M B |Statesville Samuel Wilson Elsie Tatum 63) 277 | 1977 5 (27 | Wilson oe Reid FB Mooresville John Wesley Laura Falls (463 324 | Soft 7 23|| Wilson y Lee MW ie Thomas A. Wilson Tgabelle, aa Oc+2 124 1977 8 10] Wilson ota Mae Menius | F Cau Mooresville J. M. A. Menius rtha Cook 63 hak : } 1978 5 1 Wilson Charles Grady M W ‘Troutman William Willard Wilsqn/ Grace Luker 64 233 H \ i 41978. 8 29. Wilson --+---- M W . Statesville James Mason.Wilson ,Cordia Ruth Lloyd | 64 431 F ; ees 1979. 3 16] Wilson Rachel ae Mooresville John McCathern Lizzie L McCathern 65, 153 1979 5 9 Wilson George Sampson | M_ W | Statesville Robert Lee Wilson Emily Barnett 65 254 1979 11 14 | Wilson Wesley Elmore | M Wi c Stephen Wilson Elsie ? DC2 429) 1980 6 18]Wilson Josern Alterte MiB eoreaet & Hildred Isaac Wilson |Sarah Lucille Glaspie 6 38% 1980 & 22] Wilson ‘Anna Susanne H | FW | Mecklenburg Co [Rufus H Honeycutt Sr Haley Hager Honeycutt 02 5: 1980 11 26] Wilson | Lettie Caldwel] FW || Mooresville John Caldwell Maggie Griffin_ 66 615 | 1980 12 17 Wilson Bruce Blake M Wi] Statesville Charlie Wilson Etta Loftin 66 660 1981 3 1 | Wilson Joe Smith MW | Statesville Robt. Vance Wilson Beulah Query 67.132 1981 3 311] Wilson _Janie Lucille N. || Cleveland Howard Taggart Annie Taggart 67: 1971 _ 1981 6 29] Wilson Candace Nicole | F Statesville —$——$—— Pamela Jean Wilson} 67.560 -4- Peed _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott index Company, Columbus, Ohio Copyright 1949 A-141580 Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold i deen Printing House, Chariowe, N. ©. ————SESE~E~ySSSS|_—=—E>=>E>E>>E>>=—>~>~=L—_~_L—L—_L_=L_~_—_ _ _~_~L_—EEEE—EE—EEE| ae RECORDED Vol. Page : S L /k 5 SEX COLOR JACE OF EA . : U na . i PI D NAME oO} A HER NAME nnn = : a a eS i i | sii | | 1981 7 | 5] Wilson —_—; Robert. (NWN) | M |B | | Statesville | Oscar Wilson |, ~ Pear) Gillespie _ 67! 360) | oe — — — — — _ — — — -_—— a — —- — ———- ae oe —-- a ee . 3 L on é Cacti Ge i E Se te le r paniien alli _t 4 ‘ ii ‘ ih ici Nh Rickles ~ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. Cc 43 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. U-B: Patent No. 143/188 -Coprright 1980 ee ee oe eee Oe ——— = SURNAME OF DECEASED sx | coor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME. OF FATHER 1016 7 (26|Winecoff _—| Smith .| F | W |Chambersburg Tn|Mervin S Winecoff |1920 6 14) Winecoff | Everette M_ | W |Coddle Creek TniS L Winecoff 1925, 3 .17] Winecoff | Ruth F_. W | Chambersburg Tn - 1925. 9 | 27] Winecoff | Henry M MW ringer Tn Geo Winecoff 1927.10 | 3]Winecoff — |Annie Florence | FW Chambersburg TnjJ W Winecoff _ 1928, 1 | 22] Winecoff _ ,Rubie May _ F_. W |Coddle Creek TnjM W Winecoff 1929, 2 | 6! Winecoff Thomas E MW |Fallstown Tn 4J8-M-Winecoff 1932! 2 _19] Winecoff _Noah M | W |Mooresville NC |Henry Winecoff 1956. 6 29) Winecoff .Williem A MW | Fallstown Tn JC Winecoff 1.1956 11 | Ij Winecoff _Lillie C E +42 ,W }Statesville Tn |Isa Carr Hobbs 1956/11 12] Winecoff _Addie F.C \Mooresville NC j- - 1938) 7 3 Winecoff James Archie MW jStetesville NC |Quince Shives 1943! 2 (13]Winecoff \Virginia Bland F | W Statesville NC JM S Winecoff 1943; 12 | 4Winecorr Wm Hampton Jr M_. Wo iMooresville NC [Wm J Winecoff 1945. 1 . S}Winecoff Catherine F.C |Mooresville NC |- 1949 7 Pi | Winecoff | LaWanda Jean F W IStatesyille NC [Ciarles § Winecoff 1951; & | 27 Winecoff Albert lichael troutman NC Thomas 2 winecoff W951 12 5 |Winecoff | Thomas Scott M ._W {Charlotte NG onald Mack Winecoff 1953, 5 27 Winecoff Eva Irene F 6W Btatesville NC [w. B. Ghenn 1953 7 |21] Winecoff Charles Edward Mooresville NC | Georce Jinecoff 295415 3 Winecoff ae F W ] Troutman Joseph L Clodfelter 1954. 8 _ 16] Winecoff | dames William MW [Mooresville NC [Armstrong J Winecoff 1956 12 24 Winecoff _ Debra June F W] Mooresville Mack J. Winecoff 1957, 6 19)Winecoff, Jr. Edward Orren MW {Troutman Thomas E, Winecoff 1960] 10 9 WWinecoff | Ola Murdock k WH China Grove,N.9. Albert A Murdock 1962 3 5} “inecoff | John Reid M W {Sta esville Wm. A. Winecoff 1962, 5 1 |Winecoff | Celia C. F | W {Mooresville NC | Dempsy Murdock 1963; 3 2 Winecoff | Annie F | W §Statesville John L. Wilson 1968 3 19 Winecoff Jesse M W | Mooresville Geo Winecoff 1969 4 [7 Winecoff Maggie Mae FW | Mooresville James William Wilh 1971 4 23) Winecoff | Nellie Louise | F W| Mooresville George T Davidson 1977, 8 29|Winecoff Denald Mack M W | Cleveland John Reid Winecoff 1978 4 30fWinecoff, Jr. | James William MW | Mooresville James Willian Winecod h980 7 18 Winecoff | Ollie Mae FW | Mooresville Robert L Winecoff 1980 10 2 Winecoff | Pearl Mills F W | Mooresville 4 — Lettie Hill alerted eter cs los NAME OF MOTHER _jAnnie S Harwell _ Carrie Plyler \Virginia Winecoff --2 Criss Annie Wilson gulia Wilkerson _ Nellie Caryine Esther Smith Maggie Honeycutt Alice S Harwell Meggie Wilhelm Christine Cannon Olia Murdock Catherine Scott Mary Bell Shuping yvault g Clodfelter Janie D: cemeth Rogers Disecininen Blackwell | Ola Murdock Mary S Bumgarner Mary C Galliher Unknown rtha J Davatt | m Flora McCoy Geneva Reid dna Lee Mills *_Annie Wilson _ Celia C. Murdock James Russell Turmag Minnie Busby RECORDED f15 197 | {18 140 | lLouise Hobbs _—s_—s*sWH22 624 |} 29,504 | Margaret Arthurs / Lucinds “illiamson Vol.| Page 49 221152 ) 22/29) f 24 573 _| 29 204 Loe ranacacelinegsl ovens A4 ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.8. Pat.or. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. pap te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. 8, Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 7 } =o SURNAME OF DECEASED “cope a eee we © Ene ae Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fy, ———| 1923, 1 (20]Wheeler |Caroline F | C |Mooresville NC {Calvin Patterson lHarriet Gibson 9 182 11937, 9 24)}Wheeler |Arthgr Lee M |W [Statesville NC jJas S Wheeler Lela Miller 23 441 1939, 8 14] Wheeler | Ola Esta Hays F W Istatesville Nc |Geo. Hayes Minnie Brown 25 368 1941 12 (27 Wheeler |Pearl F | W [Statesville NC | G C Wheeler Roxie Rimmer 27 409 n9S45 2 (/16iWheeler i\Billy Clyde XM Statesville N Claud Wheeler Clea Cox 21 | 134 1948, 1 18|Wheeler Henry MC fMooresville NC | . . 34 73 1976 12 _ 30] Wheeler _Ruth Esther F | W [Salisbury Charles Berry Anna B Jack bol. 804 1933.12 _22|wWinters Lizzie F.C [Statesville tn |George Goss Josie Smith 19 (462 1937, 3 2Winter GL (Mrs) F W [Statesville NC IF S Gant Sadie Gant 23 346 1948| 3 |12Winters James Frank M W [Statesville NC §W R Winters Milanda Deal 4 Les Re 1969 3 2iWinters Rosa Ellen Me F Wi Statesville James Polk McRee Frances Ann Hoke 5§ 165 1971 9 8&8] Winters William Woodrow M W(Statesville George L Winters BeatriceGantt 57 59h 1931, 3 (12) Winesole _Lucinda A F . W jFallstown fn Alexander Williams Jane Williams 17 139 1917 6 9}Wingate Russel M C }¥allstown Tn Alf Wingate ‘Emma Mowrison 4 187 41939 2 3 iWingate Doris Malvine F W | Statesville NC Charlie Wingate Comie Harris PS 280 1944.5 15 Wingste Harriet F.C |coddle Greek Tn |- Ross Clerk 30 225 1958 7 2 Wingate Jack Alexander |M W (Mooresville Robt. A “ingate Frances Atwell 44 377 1960 6 17] Wingate ‘Tamara Michele |F W {Mooresville Tommy Lee Wingate Janice Elaine Bass | 46 358 1967 10 29 Wingate Alfred William] M | C]} Mooresville Robert Wingate Mattie Foster 53 667 2980 1 (7 | Wingate _Charles Abernathy M W | Mooresville Ben Wingate Minnie Long 66 18 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 45 SEEN a ie —- eo cats sar a ad say Se a tatelen SURNAME OF DECEASED auseneee Terre ib taba a @ Os Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Fo 1916 12 | 4] Winkler Robert W M |W |Statesville Tns ~ - 4 296 i i ! | | | | | ( i H i | | { ! | i| i| | H | | | | t I | i | | i | | 1927); 7 2 |Winsley Odessie | F C |furnersburg Tns [Lee Winsley Ola Wilson 4} 611 \ t { 4 f | i i i | i i i jj i | f | | | | | | | } {| | i | | | d Ht # t i | | | ! | | h } ! | | | ! i ! | i { i : { i \ { I | | } H 1 | | | \ | | ! i } 1930 7 26! Wiseman Clyde (Mrs) | F |W (Statesville N CW J Jester Mary Nichols 16 , 430 | 956 «i av Wiseman Hattie Lou Denny F W Statesville rtin Denny Katherine Windsor 42 535 1961 5 29 | Wiseman Ira Lee M W | Statesville Nc W. M. Wiseman Etta Hall Wiseman 47 | 267 r f \ | 11972 1 28 |W Viseman i\Cecil Stri aia M | W | Winston Salem suncie Parker wisem@n Hattie Lou Lenny ]J0C1 257 1 {| \ \\ i | \ \ I ] | | { | | | | | | | | | | | ! I i | | 1 { | \ | | | ¢ i | | ; | | | | | | it i t H | | | | | | ! | i | ed | 46 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. im Signature on sheets insures their correctness. ae locate mames, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Reg. U.S. ¥at.o@. { For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH ' SURNAME, OF DECEASED RECORDED Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ro 1939 6 8 |Westbrook Charles Edward |M C | Statesville NC Miles Westbrook Lucile Sharpe PS 545 1957 10 3) Westbrook Reuben John M W |Mooresville N C “homas Westbrook Fannie Cash 43 490 Hi | | { i I | i | . | | | | i | j ! i i i | | 1D | i | | | | | | | | | | i i HI i | | t i i i i | i \ | | | | | | : | | i } : | | | H | ! + — + | | | | j 11939 3 21/Widner ‘| - : | F W (Statesville NC |Edmond Widner jRuth Yates 25 291 | ! \ | 4 t | \ i | | | , i ! | 1 t t i | | h | | \ ' f : pb hee nase | - 1948 3 261 Woodham - a: w |Mooresvilie NC |Jessie Alex ‘iocdham |Maq ry Helen Miller 34; 196 || | | | | ij | : ! | | | | | | : | , i 1 I | i | | | } \ D i | | | | | | i i] { { 1 i 1 | | { | | \ | ! 1 | | | | | i | | | \ \ || Hl } | | 1] | | | i [ : | | H } H } fi | | : | i if | | | { | | | U ence rat tem ene a ern DATE OF DEATH County Indexes Since 1888 An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED Year | a | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sl:eet for page reference, ; | SEX | COLOR | i i { M Cau 4 1977 12 | 24 West Robert Eugene Statesville Ronny West Edna Safriet | | | | ot | | | | | ia eo ——————— rartpaenennanenaneal P corr nes NAME iNDEX - a, Sanete Sotd By Comma Panieley, Ra PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MCTHER £OrFeo: UNIVERSAL INDEX No. at INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. S&. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1 To Laat names, to Buff. Sub-lndex sheet + SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer referenc for page e. Made by ‘The Cott Sadie Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, ‘Charlotte, N.C, SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | oare oF vara | Year Month | Day 1914, 3 | 20) West 1914 7 | 25] West 1914 8 | 9F West 1914 9 | 26! West 1918, 6 | 23] West 1920, 12 13} West 1926, 7 16] West 1926 11 15] West 1926; 1 (31) West 1928) 6 27] West 1929. 9 17] West 1933; 3 27) West 1934, 3 | 6] West 1934. 7 31] West 1935! 1 | 7] West 1937, 8 |/10] West 1939 6 (19] West 1946. 1 24\|West 1947. 8 | 9 |-wWest | 1949 12 | 24 West 1949 6 23)West 1951 |1 West 11953 5 i | West 1955 71 |West 1958 11 2] West 1959 1 14 [West | 1959 3 24 West 1959 8 11) West 1962, 4 (3 | West 1962 7 (14) West 1963 5/9] West 1963 7 \16)West 1965; 5 (23) West 1965 & 21) West 1972 j West 1972, 11 (19/| West 1973} 12 | 24 West 1974 1 18] West 1974 12|3] West 1974, 7 (4 | West 1975 6 16) West 1975 7 7 | West 1976 8 Lh | West 1976, 12 | 16 West Sr | ' | George Millard | Theodore \Nancy Jane | Leroy |Hillard |Mollie i\Dr George H Mary Mae \Charlie J \George Harriett Jane \Ciifford F Allen ery Mattie Montgom-") Mary Seamon John Henry F | Allison Columbus M Arthur Richard Richard Goldie Minnie Belle +eonard Ajax Shannon Ranson Pearl Senford | Linda Sue Robert Franklin Hannah Mae Ellie Cc. Me ry Mary Alda Early “loree \Vervie Maxie ' Hubert William Herman Grover Fred Fulton | Roy Clayton No Name 'Garnette Roosevelt M Wi Statesville William Luther John Ira Mooresville 47 | NAME OF FATHER WA West Geo West George West James West Madison Thomas R F West Baker Bradley B F Hall Lee West Robert Edison West WA West Silas West Don West _ Scipio West G W Montgomery James Seamon Wm A West West Unknown Charlie West Joseph Ranson WA West Earlie West Wm. A West Charlie West J W Bost Watt White John T oover John A Murdock Arthur R West R P Neal Jacob Fisher Allen West Arthur West earl Sanford West Pearl Sanford West Jacob B West Ed West Robert Newton West Sex Golor || PLACE OF DEATH MW {Statesville NC M W |jStatesville NC M | W |Statesville NC M . W Statesville Tns F | W Statesville NC MW {Statesville NC MC |Statesville Nc F Ww Statesville Tns M . W jStatesville NC F . W |Statesville Tns M W Statesville NC MW |furnersburg Tus M C Chambersburg TngSipp West FF. W |Barringer Tns M . W |Statesville NC M Statesville Tns F W |Statesville NC F . W \Falistown Tns MW] Statesville NC pPtatesville MW iSenvesviiic NC M W Statesvilie NC F W | Chapel Hill NC M W } »Mérganton i vi Mooresville M W | Statesville F W | Wins ton-Salem M W) Statesville F W | Statesville F | w j»tatesville r | c | Statesville FoeW |Moore sville F W Statesville M W | Siecieuntin F W) Mooresville F |W {Mooresville M N] Statesville M W | Statesville M W Salisbury M.W | Statesville F W | Statesville M W tatesville M WwW NAME OF MOTHER Nancy Jane Ijams Florence Beaver Florence Beaver Jane Igames Katie Willy Ida West Sarah Keller Bessie Safriet Ada Mae Brewer Macy Jane Jarvis Bettie Brown Sarah Jane Maggie Wolf Betty West Laura Rumple Nancy James Ijames Nancy L[iames Emma West Mayr Seamon Nancy Parker Nanie West Florence Blythe Nancy Jane Ijames Euffie Adams Nancy Ijames Mary Seamon A Josephine Yeaton Unk. Margaret Warlick Jennie Wilson Minnie Parker Bertha Floyd Madie Barger Mary White Minnie Parker Ellie Bost Ellie Bost Raychell Eynn West Roxie Lewis Sally Deaver Mary L. Hoover Vol. | Page t 1| 446 1) 524 1) 530 1, 548 44\ 318 6. 223 12, 486 12, 426 14. 325 14, 564 15 | 502 19, 469 ao.) Ee 20 | 9 21 287 23 528 25 338 32,152 33 500 34) S22 35 2D B7 | 29 BQ 309 ; : 4l 412 44 582 45 32 45 254 45, 382 # 208 48 594 9 282 49 |430 51 299 51 2k 58 239 58,674 59 | 644 60, 29 OG}1 251 60) 335. 61 355 61 386 62) 413 62 | 606 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. _ are locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. This Signature on sheets ingures their correctness. Reg. U.S. vat.on. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 14 U. & Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER mT ne 1915 4 25] Weston ‘William S M W Concord Tns William Weston Dorcas Stevenson es 1928 8 |25} Weston Salena F W Concord Tns Jacob Hefner Noratts 14. 87 1954 8 28] Weston John H M W (Statesville N C jBilly Weston Solinda Heffner 20. 471 1939 2 1} Weston ‘Claude Henry MW |Statesville Tn |John H Weston Sara Ada Furr 25 461 | 1945 4 25 Weston Amanda Privette | F W |Statesville NC |Wesley Privette Serah Rash 21) 172 1958| 9 9 Weston Biily G. M W Statesville Lewis G Weston Betty Gilleland 44 443 1962 10 24 Weston Sarah Furr F Wj) Statesville ? Furr Julia Reid h8 552 1978; ll 18 Weston James Durant M W | Statesville John Henry Weston Oda Furr bl, 575 | ; | | | | | | | \ | | | 1 t | i | \ | f i i | | | | | t ' 7 wen? | 12 26 | Wetmore “ | F W |Statesville N CT B Wetmore Jr Mary Jenkins 14 534 1933 Z 29 | Wetmore Harold Loyd M W lStatesville N C ffTheo Wetmore Mery Jenkins 20 378 ford | ; | 11943 8 241] Wetmore Theophelus Brad/. M. W |Statesville NC |George N Wetmore |Rose Hall 29. 556 | ! | | 1947. & | 2/| Wetmore Margaret iF Statesville NC Radford Bailey [Bettie THomason 33.178 | | Broadfoet | | | | 1981: 6 \4 . Wetmore, Jr. Theophilus ~ | MW |Harmony, NC Theophilus B Wetmore! Emma Douglas 67! 315 | | i I | i | | 1 | 1 i | | i | | | | | | | | l t I I | | i 1 } | il : po | ) | | 1916 5 12) Wesburt Henry | M cC (|Statesville Ins - Darkus Wesburt 3 381) i | | | | | | | | | | \ \ | | | | i | | \ | | I | | | | | | | | | | | } f Hl | | | | | } { | | | i i } i | | | | H | | | | i I 0) i ) () INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. cosnaG UNIVERSAL “INDEX Ne, xe U. © Patent No, ances ansatsil 1969 10 1972 5 1974 3 Avra 8 11976, 1 1976 5 4 9984 Ss. DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1915 3 | 14) Westmoreland (1918 4 23] Westmoreland 1918 4 23) Westmoreland 1923 6 21] Westmoreland 1926 5 16) Westmoreland 1928 6 30! Westmoreland 1928 10 19] Westmoreland 1929 1 15) Westmoreland 1929 1 15] Westmoreland 1929 7 18) Westmoreland 1929 7 28] Westmoreland | 1930 9 2) Westmoreland 1933. 5 17|Westmoreland (193% 6 19] Westmoreland iss3 9 iid edi ieeseh aie (1934. 1 . 3) Westmoreland 11934 6 28) Westmoreland 1937 1 19] Westmoreland ‘1937 3 11} Westmoreland 1937 5 35) Westmoreland 1988 10 22] Westmoreland 1938 Le £9) Westmoreland ign2 4 . 4| Westmoreland 9u2 9 A dlianniciaan 11943 + rey h943. 10. 6 |westmorelana i948 10 7/|Westmoreland 1949 3 1| Westmoreland hoas 3 a9 Pies tmoreland 950 2 . 9| Westmoreland 11951 2 8] Westmoreland 1961 53 15 Westmoreland 1963 5 & | Westmoreland 1963 3 i Westmoreland 1964 3 6] Westmoreland 1964 8 . 8} Westmoreland 1967 2 | Westmoreland 12, Westmoreland 14 Westmoreland 2p Westmoreland 14 Westinoreland 15 Westmoreland 13} 13 | Westmoreland SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN James Houston | Edwin 0 _Beecy Cowan Mary Evelin Margaret E Francis Lee Margaret F Adeline C Margarett li Sam Jeptha Catherine i ‘Effie Louise | Jone Joe Will c _ Howard Thomas Stillborm Westmoreland Carmen Denise 7 Westmoreland Te locate names, Ada Bernice Wm McNeely Sara Ann Loucree Q James Alonzo Pink { | Katy | i Jesse Lee | John E, Vernie Gertrude Nettie SURNAME INITIAL TAB | te Buff Sub- Gh choot for page Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH MC |}Chambersburg Tn FW |Statesville N FW jStatesville Nc F W | Barringer Tns MU W Coddle Creek Tn M W /[Coddle Creek Tn M . W |Mooresville NC MW |Mooresville N C F W |Mooresville NC FW |Mooresville NC F W |Barringer Tns F W jBarringer Tns M W \coaaie Creek Tn F W | Barringer Tas Mu W |statesviiie NC F C or Tns F W luooresvilie NC F W | Barringer Tns F W |coaaie Creek Tn F W | Davidson Tans MW |statesville NC MW Mooresville NC FP i.8 iiakaaniiias NC M Cc | Mooreeti ie NC | F i} |Berringer Tns Fic htcoresvilie NC i M 0| Troutman NC u lsvatesviise WC F d Troutman I C |Nooresville NC M. | Mooresville NU u | | | Provtman M C | Noor sortiite M w | sanieos ry F | Statesville F C| Moo resville FW Statesville a fe Espy Watt M W | Mooresville | Leon Wayne Wright M W | Salsibury | Thomas Francis! M_ W/ Salisbury FHS Statesville Lela Christing F W | Mooresville Jason Herman,Si M WwW Mooresville q Sree “ as and refer NAME OF FATHER Joe Westmoreland Wm Westmoreland N foores W| Mooresv Wm Westmoreland Fritz Westmoreland S J Westmoreland W L Westmoreland L W Westmoreland J E Westmoreland WL Shoop T C Westmoreland R H Westmoreland John M Gardner J H Westmoreland J A Arthurs Wm L Westmoreland Edd Byers J Jones J A Overcash Thomas Deaton Mack McNeely Geo Westmoreland F Westmoreland Enoch Cowan Jeffres Westmoreland Mike Remsey Monroe Westmoreland monroe Westmoreland Frenk Sloop T M Westmoreland Jeff Westmoreland land Otis R Westmore/ Geo W Westmorelan Joseph C Murdock Julius Sloan Henry C Dellinger W P Overcash G.W. Westmoreland jSamel F estaersin Hugh Clayton Wes land Francis Lee Westmor eorge Washingtpn eis 49 Hugh Clayton Westmoreland Joyce Lee Marti Thomas Moore ical Margaret Nc/ Seid by Observer Printing Howse como ieee Pe ed RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER va | Pass Cary Fisher 2, 42 May Lee Austin 44: 140 Mary Lee Austin A 304 Ethel McCoy 9} 537 Lola B Kistler 12). Sallie Brown 14> 62 Beatrice Arthurs 14, £32 Beecy Sloop 18! 220 Mollie Overcash 151 219 Lula McCord 15| 259 Bernice Arthurs Ao). OF Sarah A Mills 16) #39 A Deaton 19| 34 Robie Brawley 19) 4 jAmanda McNeely 19 353 Lueunda Byers 20. A Rankin 20 204 Lena Martin 23 | i Annie Winecoff 23, 42 Dancy 23; 80 Margaret Gardner 24, 417 Margaret F Jones £4. 220 Sally Chamberlain 28, 162 augusta McCorkle 28; 197 Alice Morris 29; 358 - 29 433 - 34 44k | Unknown 35 107 “liza Sloop 55 333 Gertrude Westmorelang36. 108 Margaret Mcleely 37| 154 Augustus McCorkle 47 128 Linnie Heath 49 299 i Margaret E Gardner 49 28h, Margaret © Noover | 50 145 Sarah C Sloan 50 468 Martha E Dellinge 53, 220 , 59 346 Susan Douglas 54 493 Neely 55 693 Margaret Gardner DCT) 25 Lucy Kistler 57 329 Joyce Martin 58 481 / Margaret Jones 61 22 Margaret E Gardner 62 238 en t i e n e n e s ai r em e r : os ea e wank’ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ‘This Signature on chou inctons Gals aumestnens Ll locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer coTTYco UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, 1-4 i Seren For Your Protection, Insist On It _ to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. v. 8. enero 1437168——Copyright 1930 ea 5 DATE OF DEATH RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED = = AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER at rae ~ } 4 * + JEREUECOCUCOCEUGOGSOOCOCCCOOC RECS. UCCOOQO OPAC OOP AIAG TEC NTRS NEI XEEICKAYCOCOUOOC A OBEVAK SSC 000 REC M : 1978 | 1 |7 | Westmoreland Carlton Washingyon |W | Statesville James A, Westmoreland Nettie Dellinger 64 16 4 1978 2 (26) Westmoreland (Mary Lee Austin} F | W | Statesville George M. Austin Julia Gibson 64 123 1978 2 27] Westmoreland William Houston| M W | Mooresville Francis L, Mastuerelted/ Margaret F,. Jones 64 130 1978 7 18] Westmoreland =§ Amanda Beatrice F W | Mooresville John Wallace Arthurs} Jennie Graham 64 363) WS 1979 6 | 24 Westmoreland | Lenoir M | B Statesville jAlex Winchester Elminer Westaoretand 65 358 1986 5 6 | Westmoreland Ailene Farmer F W | MEcklenburg Co | James E Farmer Elizabeth Ella Allen jOC2 514 ne p i i e i t e n n n i a l ee e oe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 — finan names, open ai + SURNAME INITIAL TAB wn refer Made by ‘The Cott cade Company, Columbus, O) 1930 referen: ences eensatasen eenesesnennanenneneesnereneenrenemneeeen te Bull Scb-inden sheet for pase reference. Belli heeore Feintns Rew arcu ees SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Golr | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [——— Yer Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Vol. | Page 1916 4 20] Witherspoon | Richard M | C |¥Fallstowns Tns - - 3; 162 s 1918 6 | 26) Wetherspoon |Martin M M . W jShiloh [ns Philo Wetherspoon Frances Bost 4A, 340 1922 1 23) Witherspoon |Miriah F . C |Statesville N CiHesekiah Clerris larriet Falls 7, 492 leet 10 13} Witherspoon |Frances K FW /Chambersburg TnjiC B Witherspoon Birdie Mindy Gi 179 1926 3 22) Witherspoon ‘Bertie Lee F W |Statesville N ClO W Munday Fannie King 12; 480 | 1928 8 31] Witherspoon |Bertie Elander F W {Olin Thos David Stack Cora Gatton 14, 264 1931 6 10} Witherspoon ‘Dollie Little F | W Shiloh Ths J B Little Susan Smith 171 278 at 1931; 9 11] Witherspoon _John M C |Coddle Creek TniJosh Witherspoon Maggie Presley 2 78 1286, 11 (11) Witherspoon |Mammie Lee F W |Chambersburg Tno|Floyd Witherspoon Hazel Jackson 20! 36 1937, 3 (28) Witherspoon Bessie S F | C |Mooresville N CiJohn Fddleman Millie Stirwalt 20} 150 (1944 12 .31! Witherspoon Samuel Rockwell! M Ww Mooresville NC | Wm Witherspoon Cornelia McNeely 350, 493 1950 2 (6 |Witherspoon _ Lewis M iC | Mooresville NC} John Weemapeon Bessie Kddeman 36, 106 8 1951 8 3q Witherspoon cack Fic | Mooresville NC | Johnny Melvin Violet Bailey p7 518 1953 2 30) Witherspoon Lavon M ¢ | Hoore sville NC | Melvin Witherspoon Violet Bailey 59,55 & | 1953 7 iz | litherspoon Sallie Etta F iW | Statesville NC] Henry Sigman Belle Isenhour 39 334 | poon | ‘1954 17 Witherspoon | Stillborn F C Mooresville NC Jenny Melvin wishes}: -/ Violet Graham 40 332 1955 3 liwitherspoon _ Rachel Ann F w| Statesville NG Henry 6room Liza Jane Boney 4I 374 | | ! 11956 6 27) Witherspoon Neta Poley HewittF W | Statesville Polycarp H Hewitt | Nancy E. Gantt 42\ a7. 1960 6 fhe William &. um6bGUf | Statesville Ira Witherspoon Margaret Beaver 46 ‘344 1.960 8 Tina Owens LF WwW hiooresvitie James Henry Owens | Nancy Blackwelder 46 477 1960 8 4 a. Lottie er PF ic Mooresvinie Willis Clements lent saben Fleming 46 476 | 1963 6 a Witherspoon Joshua M W Statesville John M Witherspoon Jane E Little 49. 343 1964 11 s| Witherspoon Ant hony } M wl Statesville Wiley W Witherspoon Lillie “ Morrow 30 | 649 & 11965 9 18| Witherspoon Stillborn | F w| Statesville Paul H Witherspooyw, Eva M Myers 51 546 z : 1966 5|19 | Witherspoon Oscar C. M | W Statesville Henry A Witherspoon Rena Ballard 52 285 i 1966 iZ 7 Witherspoon Wm. | M w| Statesville Martin Witherspoon Dollie Little 52 731 1967 11 27| witherspoon Stillborn : F w Srasowethae Paul H Witherspoon) Martha B Moose 53 713 1968 7 1abh Witherspoon _Selithia J. F w| Winston-Salem Robert J Witherspodn Frances Pitts 54 543 \ : 1971 ll 1, Witherspoon neastaag F W | Statesville William L. Gilbe | Mary Eller 57 697 | 1971 & ud Witherspoon James Denford M WwW | Durham Herbert E Witherspoon Nita Hewitt 57 411 wy 99h” 12. 2tyfitherspoon imcant devant. is [Mooresville iixiee tee ieee ee 60 586° 1976 a2 ii? i aes Burlin (None) M N |Mooresville John Witherspoon lBessie Bademan'Withed- | #1 (1979 5 |12| witherspoon Edward Eugene M W |Statesville Martin Witherspoon j|Jane Eliz. Little 65 262 | | | | i t : | | S | Pia | | : | | 52 Reg. U.8. Pat. Off. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. This Signature on shects insures their correctness. ae aa pe Sian te names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer reference. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 For Your Protection, Insist On It Renee ur _ Buff Sub-Index sheet for page U. 3. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 192° DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED an Tae Tae ian Smead tat © Ga ee Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Fo 1921 5 28|Withers \Julia F C Mooresville N C {Charles Withers Alice Byers 7 83 1922, 2 12)Withers Otis M C |Statesville N CjAce Withers Watts 7; 503 1925 4 17|Wethers ig 7 M W |Coddle Creek Tn jRanson Wethers Lula Hunter al 50 1928, #7 Lj Withers Elija (Mrs) FW {Shiloh Tas Charlie Gattis Lochie Abernathy 14. 603 1940 9 5| Withers John Marvin M WwW Statesville NC William Withers Emmaline Abernathy 26. 28 | 1940 10 21)Withers James Rutledge M W |Mooresvilie NC |Wm Banks Withers i\Sarah Rutledge 26. 2h0 1955 1 9 iWithers Jack M C |Iredell County John Lee Withers Viola Knox 41; 22 i 1968 1 21| Withers Toy M Cc Mooresville Issac Withers Mary W Withers 54 62 | | ij i 1968 7 7) Withers Mary MM F C \Mooresville John Mayhew ) Mannie L Mayhew 54 441 1 f i } I | |1978 4& 13)Withers Georgia Cook F WwW | Statesville Francis Cook | Laura Sigmon 64. 211 | | | | | | | | { 4 ! i I | | | | i | I i | | | : | | | | | ' t tT | | | \ | (1919 10 = 5/Wise MC (Mrs) | F wW |Statesville N C|Humphery Owens | ~ 5 190 | Filed | | 1922 7 «=- |Wise John A | M W |Statesville N C\jCharles Wise |\Man 7\ Sti i | | i I y fi i} i} \ i i 11923. 11 20) Wise Clarence | M W Statesville NC - i 9 455} | Filed i \ ] | | ) 1924 6 2| Wise Caleb Alexander | M W |Statesville N CiCharles Wise /Sofa May 9; 350 1959 8 23 Wise Margaret W. | F W (Mooresville Augustus Warner | Kathrine Matheson 45 sind (1964 11 22 Wise ancy | F W Mooresville Carl S “eonard | Lucille A Leonarfi 50 680 ee ! | | (1972 6 25 Wise Henry James | M W_) Statesville William A Wise | Unknown 58 383 | 11973 12 25] Wise Carrie Byers F W | Statesville William Byers | Martha Stewart 59 652 | 1981 3 2 | Wise Elwood Bruner | M W) Statesville Chalmers M Wise | Margaret Warner 67 141 | . | | 4 : ! | | ' | : i | | t | | ! l t | : | - | | 11937 8 4| Wishon Joe Willard \ M W | Union Grove Tn |Winston Wishon |Susan Carter 20 580 | f | | \ 11940 11 30/Wishon Ezra Allen | M W (Statesville NC |Ezra Wishon [Mattie Reavis 26. 469} | f { 1968 12 26 | Wishon Bertha Pinnix | F W]| Statesville W P Pinnix Betty Hayes 154 815] } \ t { 4 ; i l | /1980 4 21 |Wishon Hattie Alberta) F W | Statesville Julian Reavis (Mary Bryant Reavis INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ] oars: OF a ss Year Month Day 1914. 1 |31} White 1914. 1 31) White 1914, 6 3] White 1914. 6 29) White 1914 12 27) White 1915. 1 30] White 1915 2 23) White 1915 3 31!White 1915 7 3\ White 1915 7 8|White (1915. 8 23) White 1915 12 | 1) White | 11916, 3 | 5\i White 1916 10 6) White 1916 12 24) White 1916 12 27| White 11917. 6. 8lWhite 1917. 9 6|White ‘isis 1 silent ‘isis 2 11\ White 1918 3 9/ White 1918512} white 1918 8 8|White 11918 10 | White }1918 10 al waite ‘isis 11 20|White ‘sea 1 16] white jisis 3 27) White (i919, 4 12] wnite 1919. 8. 6] White igig 9 llWhite 1920 1. 8/White 1920 1 11) white 980 1 16] White |1s20 5 10] White | a9R0 7 28] White 1920, 9 5/Wnite 1920. 9 27| White 1921, 4 16] White 1921 11 22] Wnite ate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TASB aad refer te Buff Sub-Index reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN |Joel Irvin | Reid Irvin John | Mary Archibald Allen |Glen Silas James Noah William John F Thos Foy Jr May Ardrey Nathaniel Margaret Ann Tillie Louise Nancy James A Andrew Bell Ely Elizabeth Bob Martha Jane E Emeline Eliza John §S Melissa Sylvanus _R Robinson Evie Leona Clarrisa C | Frances I | Pink Sex M M M yy M sheet for page Color | PLACE OF DEATH - Mooresville N C C |Mooresville N C W |Chambersburg Tn W |Statesville Tns C |Statesville Tas W | Davidson Tns C |Mooresville Tns C |Chambersburg Tn W Concord Tns W | comeoré Tns C Barringer Ths C Mooresville NC W Statesville Tns W Statesville Tns W Mooresville NC C |Mooresvilie NC W statesville NC C lcoacie Creek Tn C | Chambersburg To W [Shiloh Tns W Statesville NC C coor Springs Tn W [Statesville NC W lis atenbhed Nc W |statesviiie NC C |coadte Creek Tn C Statesville NC W Silat Tns C |Statesville Nc C Chambersburg Tn W olin Tns Ww [Statesville NC C lcodale Creek Tn W | Davidson [ns C |Chambersburg Tn W eatseet’ te NC W {Concord Tns W iStatesville NC C |Chambersburg Tn C (Statesville NC (CON) NAME OF FATHER S White Silver White Joe White J Andrew White John White Wm White Selver White Newton McCrary Auther White Arthur White Avsoustus White Selver White Dave White Burgess White Joe F White James White Thos Foy White Roy White Odell White George White Chas A Barringer Larince White Edgar White Rev. LH Bethel Jno A White Robert White Sam White D B White Abb White Odell White Newton Davis Abner White George Simeton Charlie White Frank White William Mayhew John Sommers D IL White J H White Cowan White Made by The Cott Index Company, , Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER Emily Campbell Emily Campbell Morrison Bell Fox Addie West Polly White Emily Campbell Adaline Summers Neta Rimmer Neta Rimmer Allison White Emily Campbell Mullis Regina Crater Sallie Kelley Hannah Johnston Mary Gordon Orr Bargy May Hooper Mamie Wilson Martha Morrison Georgia Hollar Mabelle Huges Bettie Buckhannon Sarah Brown Julia Barber Ellen Carter Janie Claywell Monme Willson Lyda Henderson Margaret Stevenson Caroline Templeton Esther White Flawrance Keevey Hager Eliza McCleland Evie Mayhew Annie Carniloy Martha White RECORDED Vol. Page 1) 266 1) 259 1 487 1} 522 1 583 2 99 2) 161 2! 43 | 73 2| 7% ei. 28 2) 200 3 368 3, 330 3} 100 3. 101 4 401 4 124 44. 535 4A 3538 4a 125 44 462 4A 196 4A, 66 4A 228 4a 5164 5 66 5, 105 5 108 5, 432 5| 294 6; 153 6} $13 6) 451 6 543 6} 210 6 499 6; 136 7|. 83 1468 gh oh ta i l yeuetiiliemmemaen 54 This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.8. Fat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. ce AN er ce INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. cane e verre 7 Year Month Day 1921 11 24 sons! 41 3% 1922; 6 |13 1923' 1 (25 1923, 3 [19 1923, 4/1! 6 1923. 10 24 3923| 11 |13 1924; 11/3 1924, 1 (15 1924! 2 \23 1984; 9/8 1924 11 15| ives 11 iis Filed 1926 1 | 8 /1g26 1 16| lise6, 4 |- | flses 4 3| 11926 10 16} 11927, 1 18] “— 3 3| ise? 3 é| ser 3 10} 1927. 3 14, 1927 3 15| 1927. 7 29| liser 8 27] 1928 4 17| ‘ses 4 25 | 1928 5 23) ‘ives 7 a| 1928 7 «27! 1928 8 9 1928 8 29 lg28. 11 25 uses. 12 | 3 1929 1 |32 1929; 3 13 1929, 8 22 1929, 10 (14 White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White to Buff Sub-index sheet for page ocate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN |Fannie Leonard ‘Henry Hair Laura E WN (Mrs) Edgar Evelyn Annie Joseph Franklin Alice Sylvester F Henry Addie Amos Mattie Guss Bertie Jane Julia Caroline Ordesié Walter R Charlette Clarinda John Lee Laura Wood K Emma Margaret Podd Annie Georgianna Mabel Claude dr OK John William James Napoleon Mattie Lloyd Agnes ‘Mary L = Sex M hy M M Color £0248 “Tos PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville N C Turnersburg Tns Statesville N C Statesville NC Davidson Tns Statesville N C Coddle Creek Tn Mooresville NC Chambersburg Tn Shiloh Tns iStatesville NC | } iStatesville H Tas iStatesville |Statesville Tos 1 Tos } | |Statesville NC |Mooresville NC \Fallstowns Tans | jStatesville NC iStatesville 1 | il |Statesvill e i \Statesville Se Hope Tns |statesville NC [Statesville NC |rurnersbure Tas [re1istown Tus 1Statesviile NC Icoo1 Spring Tns Turnersburg Tns \Chambersburg Tn |Mooresville N C Statesville NC Statesville NC Davidson Tns Statesville Tns Statesville Tns Statesville NC (CoN) COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. yright NAME OF FATHER F A Howard Anthony White Joe White Acy Mayfield James Harris S L White Lee White Heary White Stanhope White Fonse Nail Burgese White Rufus White Guss White Robert White Lawson A iectea Lee Barber Y S White S B White W C White Anderson Boyd Daniel Parks David White Lester Brown Joel L Kimball Asey Moorfield Robert White Jesse Houser Bill Holland Rude King Claude White Sr Sylvesta White Lacy White George White Iefait Huston Joe White Will Larence William Speece | 1 t U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Cop; NAME OF MOTHER Belle McRorie Elizabeth Dick Emma Morrison Mary Mason Robertson Maggie Johnson Nancy Thompson J White Adilade Nesbit Louoma Childers Delphia Templeton Lizzie White Maggie Cowan Emma King Hattie Mayhew Ellen Barber Mable Parker i Bessie Wooten Annie White Bettie Parks Janie Claywell Ethel Cowan White Lentz Addie White Addie McGuire Sarah Lazenby Emma Lackey Clara Canigan Emily White Beatrice Horn Colow Virey Stewart Emma Morrison Annah Webb Carolina Goforth 130 amet Vol. Page 7, 479 7; 522 7) 564 9| 129 9, 338 9. 340 9 17 9) 452 10| 58 #10. 173 10. 26 10 254 10} 299 11, 406 12 336 12| 358 12. 380 12. 467 12) 212 13 | 165 13 406 13, 511 13. 514 13. 510 13. 188 15 444 13 484 15. 681 14. 145 14 414 14 279 15, 693 14 $9 14. 220 14. 504 14, 503 15. 149 15 604 15, 637 15. 534 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. i-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1929 12/ 4 1930, 4/18 1930, 8 31 1930 9 13 1931, 1/ 8 1931; 1 | 25 1931} 1/29 1931; 2! 2 1931, 3 12 1931, 11 10 11982, 2 (29 1932 5 25 ‘iss2. 10 3| 1933} 6/12 1933 9 13 11934 1 21 1934 318 1934, 9 25 (1935 2 22 1938 3 28 1935 1113 ‘Filed }1935 11 25 (1936 2 015 11936 2 22 1936 3 8 1936 4 27 }1936 8? Pilea 1936 8 19} 11936 10 31] 1936 11 re j1937, 47 1938 11 5 1939 1 20 1939 7 «#417 1939 7 #49 1939 9 «16 1939 12 12 1939 12 29 A980 |: 129 190k | 6 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE [S GIVEN White | Velva T White | James Allison White i ~ White |Hannah King White , Annie White | Eliza Caroline White x White James Claud White Gilmer White Thomas A White _Adline White Jessie Cleo White WN White Mamie White Bessie Wooten White Andrew White J Ross White John White Charity C Reid White Hettie White Pauline White Jerry H White Fannie Tomlin White Laura Daniels White |Abner A White Charles H White |Alice E White Myrtl N White Burgess White ‘ Earl Graydon White Lee White Charles W White Robert Andrew White Ada Caroline White Effie Amanda S White Lex W White Sallie J White porens White iGuffy Bell White Le ears toon Sex Color FW MW FW Fic FC POW MW MW MW MW FC FC MW F W FW Mo OW ui Ww uc FC FC C MC Fc FW Mic MW FW FW MC MW iM oc MW MW F W F W M' Ww F W F ¢ u |W M oc | | | | ! | Statesville NC Statesville | i |Statesville NC PLACE OF DEATH Concord Tus Mooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville Tns Turnersburg Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Union Grove Tns Davidson Tns Fallstowns ‘Tns Statesville Tns Statesville Tns Statesville N C Union Grove | Statesville Davidson Tus |Statesville Statesville Tns \Statesville NC ‘Sharpesburg Tas 1 |Davidson [ns 1 ‘Fallstowns Tas Mcoresville NC | Davidson Tas Falistowns [ns [Statesville NC Chambersburg Tn seaneieebbie NC Coddle Creek Tn Coddle Creek Tn Chambersburg Tn Davidson Tn | Fallstown Tn Statesville Tn | Sharpesburg Tn Davidson Tn e names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER C W Combs Elam White Robt A White Mart King Andrew Mason Ed White O B White F A White Thomas A White Jerry Steele Lee White Pinkney a White Pickett L Rose L Q@ Wooten David White Jas H White Watt White Kijtpatrick Reid Joseph White Henry White Alvin Tomlin William Daniels Robt White Fye White Joe E Fisher Tom Tompson Cowan White J W White Abb White Edward C White James P White James A White John H Shin James Q White John Cooke David B White Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Elizer Guy Clarrisa Russell M Louise Sherrill Katie King oe Retha Holland Cloy Benfield Neely Brown Collis Templeton Elvire Caldwell Mary Steele Jennie White Adeline Daniels BRugenia Sweeney Adline Templeton Mary Mullis Laura Kimball Vinie Tatum Julia Holtsclaw Sallie Patterson Grace armstrong Sallie White Alice Murdock Susan Kelley Adline White Bell Talbert Louiser Turbyfill Ann Barkley Sallie Johnston Ann White Frances C Motley Martha Crane Calton Susan Lipe Laura Wagner Margaret Alexander Omie Cooke Ethel White Martha Patterson Lucie White 16, 16, 16) 17) 16. 16, 171 17} 17 18. 18 18 ao 19 20° 21 25 Lo eS 20. 21. 21) 21) 22. 22 22. 22. 22. 22 22 22. 23 24 pS | e5 550 175 600 113 114 592 581 350 487 546 | B59 610 169 528 369 320 140 227 113 109 163 539 27 431 125 170 28 | 87 | 119 | 510 26| 281 | 26 123 " o4 t= INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signatare on sheets tastes their correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. ssshishaeimewteeeiamamamateoice pave OF DEATH Year Month Bay 1940 9 8 | White 1940 £0 6 | White 1940 12 | 12] White 1942 2 1 White 11941 2 12 White 1941 5 | 14 White 1941 8 9] White a 12 | 10 White 1941, 4 17\White 1942. 2 10|Wnite 1942. 3 . 8|White Filed 1942. 7 | 6|White 1942 10 12]}White 1942 11 9|White 1942 11 26|White 1942 13 34 |Mnite 1942 12 31|White ! I 1943 1 29 White (1943 3 3 White 94s 3 15 |wnite loss 3 17 |wnite 1943. 4 16|White 1943 11 14|Whi te 1944, 1 15 anite 1944 3 25|Wnite 1944. 8 21/White 1945 1 (17 /hite 1945. 8 8/|White 1946 8 27|White 1946 10 30 (White 1946 11 4 5S|White (2946 11 27 |white 1947. 2 26|Whi te 1947 4 15) White 1947 10 14 White 1947 12 7] White 1947 11 13) White 1947 11 16] White 1948 1 (18)White 1948, 3 | 16) White saeco | Janie Fi ,doseph Alphonzaj M | Peggy Lee F Emma Young F William C M Adelade F Sarah F Robert alfred M Ernestine EF Moses Whitfield | M Numey Rowe M Rosa Marylane F Isaac Jehu M John Senry M Thomas Lee M George F % Ralph Alcorn | M Johnie Blane M Winnie Brown F Robert aehlin 4 M “ | M Jay Will M Rebecca Fotts F Monroe sisedanta hi Flossie F Grady William M Ruby Emmaline F Charles H M Mora = Warren F Jacob £ M De Lois F Anne Haynes F Reyford Qdell M Wm Alexander M Betty Kistler F Robert J M Julia Patton F John William | M Monroe M Anna F 7 Te Sibabe names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and side reference. te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page Color | PLACE OF DEATH C |Chambersburg Tn W Mooresville NC W_| Statesville NC G.| Besar Tn W | Shebeawtste NC C | Mooresville NC C | Mooresville NC C | Falistown TN G Cool Spring Tns W Mooresville NC W Statesville NC C lntioh Tns W {Statesville NC C i acaet NC W Statesville NC C |Turnersburg C — Tng W Mooresville NC W Mooresville NC i ¥ lstetesville NC W Mooresville NC C lcoaare Greek | Cc lMooresville NC W Iucoresviite Nc W Iotat lle Ne | c Shiloh Tns i lone ibersburg Tn G RE NC Cc Mooresville NC W iStatesville Nc W |Fallstown ‘ns C Mooresville Nc W Gtatesville NC C iStatesville NC W $tatesville NC W Mooresville NC W Mooresville NC W Statesville NC Statesville NC t s C |iStatesville NC Statesville NC NAME OF FATHER Watt White J A White D Lee White i Dublin Young 1 Fred White Boger Black Maxie Houston Lex White IMoses White andrew White Le D White ‘A L White quince White Ceorge W White H Baxter White T & White Geo W Brown Geo William White Richard Torrence Lewson A Potts Thomas White = Jlarence White Charles White Archie White jMaran Warren #lmore Haynes Jay H White James A White Lee Kistler James White Wm C Patton Noah White Cowan White coTTco UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 yright 1930 U. & Patent No, SenTiSh-Eee NAME OF MOTHER Ruth Hatchett | Eliza Young Causada Fetcher Nannie Fails Mary White Sanie Bell Gaither Margaret Douglas Cally Mason Celeste White Mary Jane White Wettie Queen Georgia A Holland pary Robinson Enna Caldwell Merte Morrison inst Judson Wilhelmins ashlin Mary Kk White Ester White imma Johnston “auline Baker White Margaret Scott Ester White Mary anon Crawford | | Meude Miles | Annie Cornelius Margaret Barringer Nancy Brown Nancy Jane Knox Mollie Clayton Mary Speece Margaret H Alexander RECORDED Vol. Page 26, 43 26, 246 26, 478 ) 27 69 (27 238 27i.. £36 AL ESS £19k 28 56 eS 143 28 | 287 28 256 28 400 28 208 es 4ll 29 282 28 31 eo | 225 29 20 29, 202 29 36 29 74 29 76 29, 442 30 18 PO 240 50; 326 eL.| 3S 31. 306 32. 407 52. 400 52 438 $2 420 53 52 33, 130 33 436 33, 445 3. 1473 33. 475 34 61 34) 153 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1948 6 29 aa9i.t 12 1948 & 1h 1949) 8 | 9 1949 10 19 1949 12 112 1950 5 |29 h950. 7 20 1950 | 7 p2 (950 15” pe L950 | 12 | 14 1951) 4 [13 19545 13 ek 5 i eae 195% 10/14 1952: 1 27 9$2 | 217 1952 1 27 1952; 4 20 i952 § 6 1952; 5 1a 1952. 8 2 2952 10 18 1252 10 8 1953 2 9 Bete ta 2953, 5 5 1953 6 21 1953 8 22 1953 8 26 1953 8 6 1955 7 |25 #954 1 22 1954 2 13 1954 | 7 | 8 1955) 2 |42 1955 3) 1955| 5 |5 1955|..7.. 110 195$ 12 2% White White White White White White 1950 4 2 White White White White White white White White White White White White White White white “hite White “hite White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN | Ella Montez F George Gales Mary “ill White: | Minnie Lipe i\Mary Blizabeth F SEX Mary Lou F | Alonzo Lee M | Lena Young F Henry Marvin M John Alexander M Annie Gaither F James Edward M _ Lonnie Raymond | M in F James Edward M = F Sadie Chandler F aby Boy J Viliiar reston _ Lawrence Oxford M Sue August F _dames Rufus M Quince M Fox Yornelia Isabel] /F George Washing ton M Margaret Patteuson Myrtle Kagle Johnnie + he 4 | Sidney Lucky M _ John Henry M _Martha Evelyn F Kenneth Smith M Stillbirth F Louise Sherrill] F Will M | Stillborn F | Maybelle F | Sam M | Clyde Blackwell| M | Rosa Goodin F Charles William] y ,W Statesville NC _W | Harmony OQ iF WiStatesville NC C Statesville NC W Statesville NC Cc Statesville NC W Mooresville NC _W Mooresville NC Sr locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. coor ||} PLACE OF DEATH W | Statesville W] Statesville NC W Statesville Nv C Mooresville NC W [Statesville NC W | Chambersburg Tx W Statesville NC W | Statesville Tns W | Chamoerscurg Tng Cc } Mooresville Ne W Irede11 County Mooresville NC Concord Statesville NC W Mooresville NC W | Statesville NC C Mooresville NC W Statesville NC W |Mooresville NC Ww | Statesville NC W (Statesville NC C |Mooresville NC W (Statesville NC C Statesville NC W Statesville C | Statesville NC i W heiicenias3¢ NC C} Salisbury NC C | Mooresville NC Mooresville NC W Mooresville NC W Stony Point NC NAME OF FATHER Monroe L White Harvey White Elias White Cal Ramsey Frank White Wm W White William Gaither Andrew White k_M White Glyn G White Andrew White James tdward White James A Chandler Unknown John Adlia White W E White Powell Sherrill Frank White Watt White John A Fox Henry White Sidney Patterson William Eagle Albert S White Saul White C M Hill Mooresville NC JJames P. White Edward. White Guffey Bell White White Franklin Sylvester/ Franklin Avery Sherr Albert White James Edward White Arthur White Andrew White Unknown Frank Goodin James A White J. S. Lipe Beile Miller INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Chio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index a” NAME OF MOTHER nae Vol, Page Alice Mar Fisher 34, sUL Laura Kimball 35 18 Nancy Isabell Mason |B, | 154) islla Holeman 351.276 Mageie stewart 351452 esther K White 35-486 Lucretia Forcum B6 221 Kelly Mason 36 305 Sarah Benfield 36. 390} Nancy E Gantt 36. 368 Kelly Mason BO 305 Geraldine Williams | 36! 623 Minnie Brawley 37 | Qh Henrietta White 31 \. 265 Carisia 5S White 37| 309 Mary Oxford 37 5h47 Nancy Howard 38 93 Margaret Stewart 38 65 Unknown 38 1414‘ Susie C Hueitt 38 | 207 Unknown 58, 249 Margaret Summers 58 225 Mary Barnsey ps 1427 Margaret Stevenson 8 510 Suzanna White 08 534 | Sue Bond 69 | 50 Nancy A._kKnox 39-106 Jessie McIntosh 39.243} Myrtle Eagle | 39 284 Davidson | Dequilla Jane/ 39| 415 Roaa Mae White 39, 417 111 Janie Elizabeth/ B9 394 Nancy Warn 39 485 Williams| Geraldine Lucille /) 40 25 Nannie Adams 40 52 Janie Teasley 0 353 Madge Martin 41 60 Ellen Coursen 42 | 224 Susan Lipe 41 24y Margaret. Brown ot | 323) 4 Stony Poi nt 41) 579 | ani } } am r as a aa y 4 — se e eattcrece fn dentioans Tendo Mat TS>7* lo Bull subsnden sheet Yor page elerences = — — = ea DEEMED sex coLor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER 1955 11 30 “hite: Clyde Wilson M W/ Statesville NC | Frank White 1956 12 1 [White Ella F Cj Statesville Charlie Stevenson 1956 il 9 White Grace S. F W Morganton James R. Stenhouse 1957 3 12 White Wilson Lee M W | Mooresville Wm. Pinkney A. White 1957 3 26 White Daisy Johnson YY |B ae Adolphus Johnson 1957 2 27 White Joan Darlene F Cc | Harmony Jessie White 1957 4& 12) White Fred M W |\Oteen John White 1957 3 30|White Frances T. F W Mocksville Nathaniel R. Tunstall 1957 7 15 |White Leila Catherine| F W | Statesville Franklin Jefferson 1958| 1 (7 | White Fate | M OC |Statesville Robert White 1958 1 4! White Julia Yonner j|F C | Mooresville Unknown 1958 6 15/|/White Rebin Dene F W |Statesville Willard White 1958 11 4{ Write Arthur Asbury | MW |Statesville lZachari White 1959 1 21)White Sallie Steed F W |Moore sville | Frenklin Steed 19599 3 6. White Nancy Robena | F W Statesville | Tilmon F Baggarly 1959 3 20} White Edna Marshall | F W | Mooresville Henry Marshall 1959 4 2 | White 4Jams Grant MW btatesville Daird L. White 1959 8 10/ White Joal Oscar M oOUCW | statesviie James H White i 1959 9 14) White Fred Lee Mo C Statesville Robert White 1959 11 20] White Vera Spradley Te | Mooresville _ Spra dley 1960 2 2 | White Dorothy Henderson F W | ovin M J Henderson 1959 12 2] White Julee Beard F W |Mooresvitle NC |J T Beard 1959 12 2] White Julee Beard F W |Mooresville NC |J T Beard i960 4 9 | White Jay Hue us [Atatesvilie George White i960 4 7 | White Litha 2 8 | statesvizle ~ : 1960 3 31) White ~ ee Saal Forrest White peso 3 12 Mite Nancy T. F WwW _ Mooresville Thomas P Thompson 1960 6 15 White ~ | Statesville Eugene W White 1960 8 27|\White Tom Mic Statesville NC |Abner White 1960 10 29] White Benjamin Franklin M W | Statesvi lle N CjL D White 1961 2 23)|White Solomon M Statesville NC| . he61 2 16 |White Will C | Statesville “c incy White 1 1961 6 6) White Epbie B. uo6UW | Mooresville NC |James Harvey White 1961 10 17/|White Mery S. F wW | Statesville NC} John &. ®%ossaman 1961 10 15 White James Edward . Cc | Stetesville NC} Jesse White 1962 2 17 White George ‘ufus M GC | Statesville NC | Will Mauney 1962, 1 «9 | White James Claude MW} Black Mountain | Jim White 1962 4 20] White Matilda AngellajF W Statesville NC | John Hacaman 1962 5 28|White Frank A. M W |Statesville NC | tufus White 1963 1 28 peste James K. M C | Mooresville Zinnie K White Risisg INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. coTTtco L INDEX No. 1-4 UNIVERSA: U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 NAME OF MOTHER Katie ~ Mary A. Barkley Jennie Washam Nancy A. Daniels Mary Dickemson Dorothy Holland Hattie Houston | Annie Hudgins Martha Ann Windsor “Ynknown Minnie Connor Leradene Bolick Sarah Trivette Nancy Leach Margerete E Summers Nila Rice “ Arrington Laura W Kimball Tetha Barns Angeline Sherrill Rhoda E Souther Julee McAuley Julee McAuley Mary White bers Annie E. Barkley Jean H Fope Anne Adams Mary Jane Arrington Georganna Holland Laura Kimball Ann E Alexander “orothy D. Holland Laura J White Lela Jefferson Blien VConolly Margaret Hagler Alice 1 Bearryman Lillie Viola V Cham- RECORDED Vol. Page h1 510 42 583 42 609 43, 106 3 134 43127 43 259 43 257 43 310 44 8 44 2 44 306 44 563 45 56 45 106 45/171 45 179 45 397 45 440 45 590 46 123 45 624 45 599 46 259 46 216 46 250 46 149 46 384 46 579 46 625 47 87 47 70 47 285 47 502 47 501 48 84 48 156 48 226 48 292 49 5k CoTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 oo Seerenane 1930 U.S. Patent No, 143716 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 41963 2 22] White }1963 9 17] White 1964 2 24 White 1964, 4 1] nite 2964 9 2if waite h96y 5 23 White 2964 6 21 White 964 22 4 White | 1964 9 2} White 1964 10 31] White 1964 $11 23} White 1964 12 2 White 1965 2 10| White 1965 2 1 White 1965 5 1a White ]1965 10 18] White 1966 2 2 White 1965 101} White 1965 10 14] White 1966 1 29 White 1966 3 24 White 1966 5 1h White 1966 10 2{ White 1966 9 7|White 1966 12 18] White 1966 10 2 |White 1966 10 1 White 1967 2 11}White 1967 3 2i) White 1967 4 23} White 1967 & 19|White 1968 1 24 White 1967 12 4 White 1967 10 14 White 1967 12° 29 White 1967 8 | 14 White 1968 4 1h White 1968 7 28|White 1968 5 14 White 1968 9 12] White 1968 9 7] White SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE iS GIVEN T “ te names, 0; t SURNAME INITIAL — aon to ne srt. sheet for page reference. _Vesta lL. Steve Graham Oiainktiie | Lucy _ Stillborn Harvey Daisy James Woo drow Jessie John Pheba James RoseLee Annie David Stillborn CordiA D. Albert W. Frances Tsrael Jessie Frances A. Pearl Grady _ Arthur Baby Girl _Clyde Ethel Julia Susan Inez Scott Claude Chander Regina) Ophelia Vivian Lafayette Young Evelyn T M zy mo e 4 F dy, 4 M M C Statesville C Statesville W |Mooresville _W [Statesville i M M F |W Mooresville _C | Statesville W Statesville _C} Oteen C | Statesville PLACE OF DEATH W Stat esvilie W} Statesville Statesville W ‘Statesville C Statesville Ci Statesville W Statesville ll Statesville Statesville Wi Mooresville C | Statesville N Union Grove W Statesville W Statesville oO Morganton W Chapel Hill CG] Statesville W Statesville C Statesville Wi Black Mountain Statesville Statesville C | Statesville Statesville Wi} Mooresville W] Stony Point C} Chapel Hill Ci Statesville C | Winston-Salem C] Statesville W| Mooresville CC} Trattman —- — - TAB ana eden NAME OF FATHER Robert A White Leonard M White Wm, L Foster Gis, en ee —— - ——- ———— — James T White faye W est dos 0 waite “Mary E Morrison “Claude White Thos. 4 Jurney Eli White David Fox Moses E A White L O White Leslie S White Claude White Jr, Quincy Blankenship John A White W B Munday Gus Cornelius James N White White Claude W Unknown Tom White James N White Richard McIntosh Tom White John Mason S F White Wm. P “hite Melvin White Allen Howard Noah I Deal James E Murdock Unknown Sam White Claude N White J C Smith Charles W White Fate Templeton ‘Carolyn Ae om INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made on The Cott ‘tadex Conmpany, Columbes, ‘Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER Alice White ‘Marie Chambers elon cememeee tenes eerie RECORDED 4 on Vol. Page 49 115) 49) 54.6 fh resieomenman in erocnseenseanssnemnsrlileeeaenaenel 5G 27 rn Sallie ‘CanpbelL Margaret Hefner Ma ry - Effie Shinn Clarice Perkins Carolyn Murdock Clarissa Summers Rellie Sells Sooky Cowan Mary Speece Carolyn M Murdock Hiriam Drumwrieht Lucy Rimmer Unknown Flossie Garner Mary Speece Ella M Thomas Flossie Garner Mollie Wooten “meline Davis Viola Combs Susie Murdock Rosetta White Fannie Proctor Jane Campbell Irene F Murdock Unknown Mariah ? Julia Mae Puckett Grace Dean White Elizabeth Arche Minnie Lipe Sallie Bailey Doris N White Annie Gray | Turner Rebecca E Mitchell | 51287] 51 610 9% Al4 54 751 oh fae 54: $7 co 52 193 £-n oon b2 567 52 740 52 567 53 103 53,507 | 54 75 53 752 53 727 53_780 53 606 54 250 544, 470 Sk 31k bu 572 54 557 52 661 | 52 613 53 180) 33,267 | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | Ua Botent Nor HABiGConsties Sik WA» toca Sat Sates est for pase aeroncn Leia | For'Your Brocection, tat Ov ie ‘ | st “7 Day Saee on : areas Sex Color} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae | 1968 9 il] White Annie Pleasants | F W | Charlotte A C Hoplins Annie P Atkinson [54 691 | 1968 11 7 {White Frank Leslie M WY] Statesville Frank Leslie White}Sr. Ella Young 54 683 1968 12 14 White James Alvin M W | Statesville James Andrew White Belle Fox 54 777 i 1968 12 31] White Charles Maynard M W Statesville Joseph A White Arcenia Anne Thomas } 54 819 1969 1 | 29 White Dianrie : oe Ci} Statesville John Billy Whitle Lonnie Mae Blackbirn 55 44 1969 3 2iWhite, Sr. David Eagle “M W |Statesville Guffey Bell White Myrtle Eagle 55 1§2 1969 3 25] White Mary Elizabeth | F Wi Harmony Issac Wells Elua Fulton 5522p 1969 3 20) White Pauline Bell F W | Mooresville Eugene E Edmiston Mary Ida Walls 55 212 > F— 11969 3 lal Whtte Colice ‘Soeea) F Wi] Olin Sidney Stokes Templeton Mary Fletcher 55, 205 50 5 | 32 White a aeoNaslas Nathaniel _Thomap M M __ © | Mooresville Jay Will White Mary Conner 55 336 se 1969 7 adi White Stamie Burgess M WT] Statesville ' Sylvanus White Emma Moorefield 55 442 1969 a 12 White Harry Elston M WwW Morganton | Thomas White Fannie Harris 55 560 | 1969 8 25 |White ____ Thomas Miller Mo W Mooresville our Thomas A White | Lommie M Miller See oe ee es ee eee ey eee ieee ee ee ede ee 5 [29701 12}Wnite Bama King =| FC [Statesville Andy King __[ Amanda Lawrence |o0 00 | po7l 3 1dWnite Carolyn | F_ | Statesville | Thomas C Murdock | Reada Tomlin 57 16) on ete | erite dt |S ieereertiie | ey Ett Aédlay White Ae. 1 Serna = 1971 1 23 White James Lonnie | M W| Statesville | David J White WLougenie Templeton | 57 58 _11971 3 9] White || Mason = _| MC | Mooresville Jay White __| Mary Gaberial [| 57 164 _|1970 1217 White ‘Thomas Gaston | M W| North Wilkesborp Jacob Elmer White| Carrie Harris 57 88 1971 4 10] White | James Troy | M W =] Statesville _ John Mace White Agnes Lawrence 57.237 p97. 12 Bas ite ___—ss Agmellen =— | FW} Statesville John A. White > a Mattie Haggaman 57 750 1971 8 3] White Pearl Robinette F W| Statesville | Larkin Dennis Robiwette Margaret Watts [57 52m mL 972 5 aq White __ Raymond Mztion| M’ Wi Durham _| 2¢ White |, -~Winnie McGlamery [57 oa cincaech can BL | Hs 26] Mes Seansagcde™"'* | fu N | HSHOHY co, [Joke Mavens PAtacer's Bk a] 1972 5 28|White Nora Jane Peen/ F W | Statesville George Mack Tcenhougl | Mattie Greer 58 - 334_ a a _|is7h’ & 35] Waits ss an°Rses | wm w'|statesvilis | Moses Andrew Waite | ‘Hope Twin Waite $8°02"| —_11972 10 27] White Era Estelle || F “x, iemenntiie__}.—8,.D._vager.___.._ 1 dntis ted... Se _| 1972 11 13] White _____ Vada Lee _ F Wi Statesville _ Braxton.R Bailey __ Notie Vada Williams [58 654 | = ~__}1972_ 11 30] White = Baby Boy ss} Mw Statesville Panny Ozro White _ Victoria Ann Jolly 58 700 aa is 41972 11 30] White. Naomia | FN [Statesville | Pink Mills _ | Ester Douglas I isieencnee D __§1972 12|' 174 White | Espie $M oN _{ Statesville | Amos White | H. Unknow __ 53 725 i 973 | 3 1} White Robert Andrew Jf MW | Mooresville Robert A. White __ Sue Augustus Sherril} 59 134} as — ]1973 5 .,| White | —s Sarah Kelly | w | Hickory | | John Kelly | Cynthia Johnston |0c1 369) 1973. 3 20] White ___Jettie Bell __| FW | Mooresville [Jesse Queen ___—is| Lafina Barker _—§9_165 a 1973 6 13] White Franklin Sylvedter MN] Salisbury John Mace White Agnes Lawrence 1) 367 cE Tiina A neat a Gee ae -{ Mooresville} Robert S White Augusta Guy 9 246 Bd sacinbnnsediebtdene _}1973. 6 24 White — ___._ Clyde Morris | M W | Statesville pane ee Virginia Juanita Rim 59333 | Li eiieoceniioniel ft {2973 11 5] White Claude Sylvestd¢r M W | Statesville | Sylvester Fredrick/| Emaline Davis __—*{59_-559|, = 1973 & 34 White John Q. M Wi Morganton Lex W. White Mary Sossoman cl 368 11973. 12 18) White Wilson Alexander MN | Statesville |Franklin White Sr | Dequilla Davidson | 59 639 | —— 1974 5 13] White Sr _ Thomas Smith M_W | Statesville | D. J. White Juzina Templeton 60 251 | neice 1974 11 13 White Ligazie Clementine F W]| Winston-Salem| Elias White || Nancy Mason —_- OC1 533—- mre 1974 & 30] White Lonnie Hill M Wi Waynesville Jobe White Nancy Cooper OC1l 534 1974 7 & } White Thomas Eugene M W } Salisbury Robert S. White Augusta Guy OC1l 535 REG. U. 5. PAT OFFICE Balak: INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX Ne. t-SPLIT Made 1848 by Cott index Co., Cotumbus, Ohio bisteosmati ant cece ns at tet oO ettaian tek twe sens vchevenes eos nn Bi Comma Denietey, Reteleh, W.S. pa —— — pgp st tesa gc po sex |couor|| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = SATS = > + — = 7 = -f Fp ee = mi = = oy pasar Fa 1974, 8 7 || White Tommy Jehu M _N | Statesville Unknown Miss Blanch Gray (Def) 60 407 v 7091) @§ 12% Waite | James Henry M W | Statesville Numey White _| Phebie White 60 459 1974, 12 29 || White | Annie Howell W || Mooresville Larkin Howell Unknown 61; 17 1975. 1 15 || White Angela Jeanette|F Bi] Statesville one Brenda Gail White 61 62 1975, 2 12 || White _Ernest M__N_|| Mooresville ||Lee Ernest White Annie Mae Clark Whitp61, 130 1975. 8 23||White, Jr. Pete M B_ | Statesville Will L White Mattie Heath 61) 481 1976 2 7 || White James Edward M W | Statesville blarence William White Pauline Baker 62, 60 1976 7 22 ||White, Sr. Russell Eugene ||M W_ | Statesville I.J. White Robena Baggarley 62 325 F Harmon 1976 S$ 3 || White Mrs. Rhetta Schafer W Statesville John Furches Schaferj| America Elizabeth 62) 423 3976 | 3 23|| White, Sr. Robert Lee M B Greensboro Agustus White Kmma Victoria King jOCl 811 1976 10 19 | White Ode Bell Troutman F W | Statesville William A Troutman | Jennie Leonard 62) 495 1976 11 |1||White Robert Alexander M W | Statesville Thomas H White Jennie Greg OC1 805 1997 1 $3 White Beatrice Mills F F Nj Statesville Joe Mills Cora Glaspy Mills 63) 15 Mayhew : 1977, 2 22 || White _ Vicie Prudencia| F W_ | Mooresville William Mayhew Sidney Ann Hager 63) 143 1977 2 18] White Jame sBenny M |W | Raleigh Burley White Dorthia White @C-2 120 19773 21 White Sarah Elizabeth F W Statesville Moses A White Hope Irvin 63 184 or. 1977.7 9 || White Me Martha Amelia F W | Mooresville George Locke McKnight Pearl Harris 63 382 1 2 18\Wwnhi John Jones M W | Salisbur Joe F. Whi Sally Kelly C2 126 % iste 4 9 White John Billy {MB Statesville John Mace ‘White Agnes Lawrence hb | 15 1978 2 7 | White Joseph Lee MN | Gaston Co Jay H White Maggie McCall Ocz 240 1978 1 10/| Whites Andrew William! MW _ / Mooresville John Whites Mary Whites i 3 1978 7 (23 White Gussie Click F |B Statesville Andrew Thomas Click]! Ossie Edison 64 361 1978 16 18] White J Walker M Wi Rowan Co Joe Oscar White Morrison Cc 4 1978 8 6 } White Chadcy Levi M |W | Mooresville George W White ou Bumgarner Bi ' 398} 1978 12 2) White Julian Stevenson M WwW Forsyth Co John Stevenson White] Margaret Patterson |0C2 292 1979 1 [27] White Bessie Pharr F z Statesville David James Pharr Isabell Reid 65 49 E 1979 4 11] White Beatrice Sturghill WwW | Statesville William Sturghill Georgia Wilkins 65 211 1979 5 (7 || White Luther NMN M 8B | Rowan Co Solomon. White Jessie McIntosh C2 426 1979. 6 4 || White Jim (NMN) MB /froutman ohn hite Esperanza Olzano 65. 307 1979 6 |19]| White Isaac Burns MioW Statesville Lex W White Mary Sossoman 69 336 _.B ; rf 1979-6 24] White eS Jessie Myrtle FW | Statesville Jessie Martin:BrownG Annie Calbreth 65, 345 1979. 8 16]| White eek aitee te Eth / F W | Statesville Wm Richardson Annie Levina 65 bby & 1979 _ 9 26]| White Dorothy Ballard F W Mooresville John Lee Ballard Margaret Alexander || 65 527 1979 12 20 White Margars?°9ame “| F W | Statesville Reuben A Goodman Nena A. Troutman $5 660 1979 12 24) White Thomas Hill M W ||Statesville Wm. Nelson White Mary Hill White 65 665 1980 4 30}White Ruby Ingram F W | Statesville Samuel C Ingram Daisy Grier 66 241 1980 5 23] White Will Wilson M__B |Mooresville Odell White Mamie Wilson 166 294 —_______{1981|_1| 6jWhite | Clara Viola__| F | W | Statesville Robert Carrigan || Emma Adams 6710 Genes ae OE RT ,Phillip Alan | M |W | Statesville [Willard White [| Helen Loftin 67 as Sein 11981 330] White Lila Johnston | F |W | Statesville | John W White _—i| Sally Johnston _—[67__:193 | el aia 1, _.Marshall Henry | M_ ||Mooresville _|| Charles M White _|| Edna Marshall _——i67.,263 Be #1981 5 |1ljWhite _Robert M__B | Statesville | Will White —_—si|Amelia Maulden 7, 277 cence ineiiaaidonine nance sonia ” een ni eran ene erent jn pena i i sinensis ei ae oo i ie me ici tas a te as i <p i es Oi ae json innnetemgamneisenatanesassinenas RY | . ae, i amen ecictnteninemrtenenittomnselireunmamenie len sain lectin ica MR i Si MI a m bilis INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 55 STRANI EE Be x —" locate we a at natt WETIAY, TAR cod ver * ahracs pots Sopeme Same he ae . ee at ——— oe = = . oe SURNAME OF DECEASED ECORD ony row AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER on | res ’ + 7 + 1914 11 |4 | Whitlock | Duleinia yi Statesville Tns|Ephrain C Whitlock Epsy Cook 1| 562 1928 3 23) Whitlock | James Andrew Mv Union Grove Tns}|James Whitlock Martha Jefferson 14, 634 1930 6 | 24] Whitlock James Elwood iM i Union Grove TnsjAndrew Whitlock Martha Jane Coffin |16, 633 Tis 1940. 1 | 26) Whitlock |Martha Jane Cofs Union Grove Tn |Elwood Coffin Pumpier Whitlock 26, 575 1955 5 8 Whitlock | Dallas Milton Statesville NC Andrew Whitlock Martha Jane Coffin 41) 217 1965 11 211! Whitlock Stillborn W Statesville James W Whitlock Betty R Payne 51 680 1967 1 17] Whitlock John M Statesville James A Whitlock Martha J Coffin 53 20 1974. 1 . 29) Whitlock _Blannie Daniels) F Statesville Unknown Delsina Whitlock 60) 57 1976 4 | 2a Whitlock | Pearl Trivette | F. Statesville William Trivette Malona Jefferson 62-195 | iI i | i { ) | | t i | | ! | | a 1915 2 6| Whitaker Martha Caroline} F |Statesville N Cj}Wm Jackson Sallie Fleming 2) 373 | | | 1930 5 5| Whitaker John Arthur M Eagle Mills TInsjJ L Whitaker Mary Harison 16| 157 | 3952; 2 {5 | Whitaker Hannah Bell F (Mooresville NC | Matthew White Clara White 38, 142 1980 7 13) Whitaker Cary Hamilton Jr M _ Rowan Co Cary H Whitaker Sr /|Elizabeth Speight C2 515 | l )2982 3 2 | Whitaker John Allison \M Statesville John Henry Whitaker | Annie Belle Adkins 67, 131 ! i 1 | | | | | ! | ) | | 1919, 6 15)Whiting |\Isaac Henry M Statesville N CjIsaac Whiting Mary Haithcock 5 | 143 1925 4 20|Whiting Annie Elizabeth | F Statesville N CjOliver J Ingersall Emma H Brockington 11/| 341 1942) 5 (26 Whiting Frank Henry M Statesville NC [Msaac H Whiting - eS | 328 } i : : 11953, 4& 21) Whiting Florence Armfielf F Statesville NC | James B Armfield sarah E Anderson 9 184 t ! 56 ‘Thie Signature on sheets ineures their correctness. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. i La ROS Te ree eee eee —" lente aay art SURNAME siaiaamt ae STO Oa i : —— Te SURNAME. OF DECEASED Sex | color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER em : + 4 } mit 1921 11 | 26) Whitley | Mary: ‘ F |W |Barringer Tns - - 8, 287 1923' 1 4} Whitley |William P M = W |Fallstowns Tns - ~ 9) 103 ' 1930; 1 | 7] Whitley |\Mary Jane F W Mooresville N CiAlfred Smith Polly Cagle 16; 194 1932 «5 13) Whitley Galvin L M | W |Statesville N CiGreen D Whitley Jane Griffin 18) 363 1936, 1. 4] Whitley \Clarcie Emma F | W Mooresville NC ~ ~ 22, 174 toatl 3 4) Whitley ‘Martha Lewis F W (Statesville Tns/Jamia Roscoe Lewis Mollie Lloyd Sei Soi 1943, 93 10} Whitley Devid Taylor M -W Mooresville NC jJohn Adams Whitley Josie Vwens 29) 379 1948 11 10) Whitley Nannie K M F W | Statesville NC | John ‘ Brewer sarah rotts a5 te # 1950, 3 (16) Whitley \Robert E or MW }Mooresville NC Robert & Whitley Gladys V Gaodn ight. 36 179 1951, 3. @ Whitley - F W | Mooresville NC} Juliai. brayton Whitley Jacqueline wleanory 37, 156 2955 1 5 (Whitley | Mark B * M W | Statesville NCjGreen D Whitley Mary Griffin 4. 20 1957 1 24 Whitley John Adam MW Mooresville John A, Whitley Sr. - b3! 39 1956 12 10 Whitley Sam Delee M W | Durham NC Ayer Whitley Ester Mangum 43 67 195688 7 31 pa they Wm Domas M oC | Mooresville Albert Whitley Susan Hayes 44 376 4 se67 8612 3 Whitley Rena | Fic \Nooresville Marshall Pharr Alice Pharr 53 712 3 1970 6 | Whitley John —— | me Salisbury Richard Whitley |Eva Smith 56 522 1971 8 12| Whitley Nancy Josephbah F W Mooresville Isaac Owens Linda McCandis 57, 555 pris 5 15| Whitley Hilda Ann F W Winston Salem N.A. Holthouser Annie Belle Eller OC1 255 eet ae T peas ae 26) Whitlow James Marrowe | MW [Statesville Tns - | ~ 1} 4211 \1916 10 e7| Whitlow Sarah Matilda F W Ipavidson ins Merrell Brown Mary Luckey 0} 39% 11923 10 26| Whitlow Blanche § F W lnevidson Tons J D Godfrey Della Homes 9 16 ) 1935 6 26| Whitlow Moses Alexander| M W biceitansth N CiClarke Whitlow Martha Nantz oii 7 t 1936 2 19| Whitlow Thomas M W Isteteoviize N CijThomas ¥ Whitlow Bessie Keller 2 Be | 37h. J 1942) 1 24 |WhitLow Effie J Fr iw Mooresville NC |Geor ge W Honeycutt Sarah Murdock 28 128 i i 1943. 10,13) Whitlow Franklin B | -M |W {Mooresville NC }F-5. Whitlow ava Brooks 29 | 436 a950| 3 25) Whitlow |Francis William} M W [me Mourne NC Clark Whitlow Sarah Nance 36| 166 1952 L 1s} Whitlowe ‘Pearl Covington} F W eer ey NC @William Covington Dizie B Whitelow 38) 198 1954; 12 22 Whitlow Thomas M W |iStatesville NC Unknown Unknéwn 40. 585 1957 1 2\ Whitlow James Green M W | Mooresville Matthew C. Whitlow Julia Ann Carter 43; 22 D 1959 4 10] Whitlow James Thomas M Wi] Mt. Mourne Francis Wm. Whitlow | Matilda Brown 45 D3 1962, li | 25] Whitlow John Clark | M W | Mooresville Mat hew C Whitlow Jullian Carter 48 621 1963 3 27 |Whitlow | Esmay F W |Mooresville Geo. Poole Carolyn “ortner 49 208 1965, a3 (18 Whitlow Hughes M W |Mooresville Moses A Whitlow Effie Honeycutt 51, 693 1968 8 8) Whitlow Bessie Lee F Winston-Salem | John A Keller Alice Kilpatrick | 54 603 1971 9 7 Whitlow John B. M W {Charlotte NC Hoyle Whitlow Grace Whitlow OG-1 | 47 j 1975 3 20] Whitlow | Frank Boyd M W Mooresville IM A Whitlow Effie See aera 2 | 170 1978 7 28 Whitlow _John Craven M Mecklenburg Co | James Thomaa Whitlow Blanche Saphronia-~ DC2 29h aie neeureliiaianes sil bat siete NIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 yright 1930 S. Patent No, 1437168—-Cop To jini names, open a’ to Buff Sub-index sheet for for page ¢ SURNAME INITIAL TAB reference. and refer INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. , Columbus, Ohio by Observer Printing House, ‘Charlotte, N.C. Made by The Cott Index Sole a? COFCO Y = OF outa Year § Month | Day 1923; 12 17 gia 5 |12 1916, 7/86 39371-2128 04r| 4/12 1917, 8 | 9g 1918 3 (20 1918, 5 | 5 1919; 1 /|10 1920 3 26 1920 4 28 1920 12 9 11921. 4 (29 ge2 oe gee 8 16 1924; 1/1 8 uses 2 ‘26| lises 11 11) 1927| 8 x] 11927, 8 (24 see 1 | 4! ‘see 3 24] 1929 a iz 1930 1 [25 1930 6j2 ]190 ee is 7 |22 931 4 14 1991 4 j174 1932, 4 (28 1932 8 25 1933; 3 /31 1933. g 30 | 1933 12 24 1934 4 22 1934 6 26 1934; 7/2 1935| 7 |13 1938; 2 (25 1938; 8 /11 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN Wood Wood Woods Woods Woods Wood Wood Wood Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Wood wood Woods Wood Wood Woods Woods Wood Woods Wood Wood Wood Woods Woods Wood Woods Woods Woods Wood Woods Wood Woods Wood Woods Wood | Stella | otto Wilbert |Annie Nag Caroline |David ‘Darcus - ‘Mary Jane \ Raa Dewitt Violet Rosa Lee Jas Wm Alexander Nora Mary Lizzie Fannie Annie ‘Kale ‘Claud Harriet J Laura Richard (Dick) \Flemming Lucile | Hilo \Hiram Robert Lillie Bell John ‘Ruth Maggie ‘Hattie |\James Earle ‘Gaither R \Sam John Rodwell \ M M |W jConcord Tns iH tf Statesville NC | Mooresville NC Statesville NC PLACE OF DEATH Concord Tns Statesville Tns Statesville N C Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Concord Tns Chambersburg Tn Mooresville NC Concord Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC \Concord Tns ‘Concord Tns \Concord [ns Fallstown Tns Statesville Statesville Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Tns Statesville NC cl Tns Statesville NC Davidson Tns Statesville Statesville Statesville Tns Statesville NC Statesville Tns Statesville NC Mooresville N C Statesville N C (CON) NAME OF FATHER Joe Wood Otto Wood Otto Woods Richard Sherral Crawford Woods Lee C Wood Bob Wood Ben Brown Ed Woods - Henry Woods Milas Clark W A Woods Moses Woods Joe Wood Ed Wood Alford Morrison Mitace Wood John Pettiful William P Wood Crawford Woods Dewitt Wood Fonzie Wood Icrawfora Wood Dewey Woods sandy Wood Icrawford Woods Wwitdien Brown Dewitt Wood Hiram Woods Scott Carr Frank Woods John Wood pecrgs Dewey Wood NAME OF MOTHER |Bmma Griffin ae D Alexander Maggie Alexander Susan Sherrill Violet Woods Lizzie Lindsay Ros Davis Alenie Patterson Katie McNeely Nora Morrison Estell Alexander Rosa Lee Clarke Nora Balton Sallie Dezzaza ‘Emma Griffin Morrison _— Houpe Lillie May Barber Nancy Carson Frances Dare Victoria Comings Viola Burke Susie Jones Lela Cowan Violet Burke Susie Jones Laura Flemming Violet Burk Nomari Dancey Susie Jones Caroline Woods Charlotte Thomas [Millie Nesbit Jane Farley Betsy Woods Mary E Rodwell Voi. ’ 16 16 24 | 564 , 416 10, 10. 12 | 13 | 13 | 14 | 14. 15 | 16, 16, 17 | 17, 18 | ie. 19 ) | 458 ng | 20 | 20. 20 | 22 | 388 4| 146 110 469 265 425 220 289 | 491 | 592 85 86 77 pak 475 169 140 423 575 599 | 421 436 542 389 551 399 133 463 439 595 367] | 58 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. te names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer reference. frre UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 68—Copyright 1930 . 8. Patent No. 44st3 to Buff’ Sub- Index sheet for page PLACE OF DEATH Statesville N Cc Concord Tn Statesville N¥ Stat esville Concord Tn: Chambersburg Tn Statesville NC Mooresville NC Stetesville NC Mooresville NC Statesville NC Concord Tn Statesville NC W |Mooresville NC wate con Speman tosis On Te ee = loca = on | sa alain or naan % wi | he Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1938: 8 {|25] Wood |Harvey A M iW 1939 5 30] Wood Elizabeth F ¢ 1939 7 | 2] Woods ‘Estelle Fic 1939 7 |18] Wood Alonzo M W 1940 , 11 |27] Wood Ida M ris 1940. 12 |20] Wood Orsborne M C 1942, 1 51 Wood |Alfonzo M C 1943, 11 2 Woods &llie Sherrill F W 1944 3 7 Woods iVirginia Dare F ¥ 1944, 6 | 21] Wood; - M | 6 1945 7? 5 || Woods David Mic (1945. 7 19] Wood. ‘Miles G Moc 1946 3 3| Wood Lizzie F ¢ 1948 2 21) Woods Richard Emanuel] M | 1948 8 31|Woods Della F iw 1948 7 26|woods Mildred Stella | F : w eTs49 3 2] Woods -- i c 1949 8 24 “oods Maggie J Foc 1949 10 31) Wood Cora Houston LF W 4950 8 2| Wooa Fannie lp te 951 7 (14 Wood Mrs Betty L 1 Fic 1951 12 17} Wood Dewey Alexander | MC 11952, 18} Wood James owara | W 1982 5 |5 | Woods “ | Mic 952 kh 18] Wood Harvey Howard i | 1952, , 28) Woods Levi A. | ww 11952 11 6 | woods - le C | 1955 2 | Woods William Edward c | 1953 12 17 | Wood Bertha Virginia F W 1954 6 4 | Woods James Franklin| M W 1954 12 |3 Woods Lillie Mae 5 C (1955 hy 23 | Wood Lee Cowan iM ow 1956 2 29 Woods Amelia Harris lr C (1956 ° 6 Woods Nathaniel Mi ¢C 1657 11 a Woods Nichard 0. M 1957 9 24 Wood Lou Annie F 1958 | 10 | 9 Woods Robert M 1958 11 15 Woods Virginia PF is 1958 |g 4 ood Sina Walker F W 1958 | 8 | 2% Wood | John Carson M W 19591 2. 3|Wood Emm tt Lee MW | } id iciiailiiaaenaie e sensaiaetial Statesville NC \Statesville NC i |Svatesvilie NC (Statesville NC | Statenwtti« NC | Statesville NC | Iredell |Hoke County | Statesville *“C | j |Mooresville NC winston Salem | Morganton NC i : | Statesville NC Wooresvi Lie NC Mooresville Nec i Mooresvitie NC Pssacasrit NC | Statesville NC | Mooresville | Rowan County c| Statesvibze NC Statesville G Statesville Statesville Statesville Asheville Mooresville NAME OF FATHER W Asbury Wood ed Woods Geo Alexander Geor W Wood John Milsaps Richard Wood Osborne Wood Gharles Sherrill Harvey- H wood Dixon Wood John C Woods Robert Wood Harm Wood Sidney Emanuel Woods Marcus Woods Marcus William Woods Clinton Woods Milas Johnson John H Carson Robert Woa James Wood James * Wood John Wesley Woods a1 Luther Wood Sidney E. oods Walter Woods Clarence Johnson William Dial Will Woods France F Rankin D. B, Wood Jack Harris David Woods John H. Gaither Osborne Wood Frank Morrison [En is Walker Clyde Wood Wm Woods | John Wesley Woods Jr NAME OF MOTHER Margaret Alice Bell i Morri son oxie Aa Young Lizzie Smoot Emma Campbell Janie Wood Mary Patterson Qla Westmoreland Celiie Michel Christine Norman Ovella Stinson Dorcus Moore Garoline Wood Ellen Brawley Vonessie Tilson Sara V Essie Tilson i(Ruoy vavis earah Stewart } Mollie A Young Darus Moore Do, 1 }Cora Gilliam iEva ae White INettic Woodle | Eleanor Brawley | ; Veatrice McLlelland | Annie Griffin Nancy Archer Katie McClure | Lucy McClelland | Margaret Cowan Mattie Byers Kva Mae White Jessie Tatum +elia Reid | Clarlsie Thomas bears Walle r Florence Carson RECORDED lo ba Vol. | Page 24; 394 25 62 25 350 49 2h5 26, 105 26, 49 28; 267 29. 439 30 253 Sl. 250 Sl, 296 61 54 77 32. 34, 438 34 402 5 116 542 LAL 36. 436 420 49 8 178 38 39. 89 39 636 40. 253 D74 181 42 hl h2 450 45 512 43 562 44 506 44 547 44 405 44 496 45 66 US. Patent Ne. anne COTTCO | UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, 1-4 on | 1930 names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and aie =r insiad to Buff Sub- “Index sheet for page reference, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell ey a C. Made by The Cott Tishexé Siascoiee: Coleniann. Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, 2 Cc. ——— —— a = ~ Suna oF DECEASED Sx color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER — Pe en el _[oSt Fests... ____Debra lynn | F_| OW [Statesvilre Clement Lee Wood | Madge Lena Gregory [46 217 960. 9 (20}Woods = |- == |M _|C [Statesville NC Walter William Woods | Beatrice McCelland [46 560 p62 8 26 Mood Martha EB. =| F_ | Ci Statesvitie NC] - =| Dowie Foimster [a7 158 ______f:961 | 5 16 Mood | Hervey Asbury | M |W a a MT 47 234 nO Si a Meee ee ee __J2961 8 28(Woods _ Samuel Jackson | MW [Statesville NC | Joseph F Woods _—s8 48 8n_E Sherrill 47 412 pose 5 FT fees : _ Hester J. . |F CO Btatesvilie ~~ pe? Kaininind SET ES Cape tast a ee 48 186 1963 6 Woods John M C } Statesville Réehara Woods Josephine Ci ost 49) 351 1963 7 | 19 Woods Stillborn Fo C Statesville Clinton Woods oe _ Ruby ™ Davidson ho hod Bi 1964 11 14] Woods Ada F W Statesville Rufus Moore Maye Wagoner 50 656 1965 8 16 Woods James M W} Morganton J F Woods Susie Sherrill 51 ei. 1966 3 4& | Woods Richard MC } Statesville Richard Woods Mary Summers 54 Us | 1966 2 234 Woods Claude M W} Statesville Wm B Woods Virginia Dehart Sel leo 1965 _10 28} Woods Arthur MW | Black Mountain] Emanuel Woods Lillie Brown 51,750 | 1966 2 3} Woods Edward M © | Scotts Robert Woods Unknown _ : i oe 76 8 1966 : A 1d Wood John Fitzgerald M Cc Statesville Mason Neely Wood Beulah A Turner 52 244 | 11967 3 7}Wood Baby Boy M © | Statesville | Mason N Wood _ Beulah Turner 53) D4 1967 _ 2 2G Wood | Grace i F aa Statesville a Clifford B Vinson {. Mary E Payne _ pa eT 1968 i | 23 Wood _Baby Girl FC} Statesville Mason Wood ~ Beulah Ann Turner | 54 53] _ >, — nt Wi tenn snl nall Arthur Wood Woods] Mary Fisher _1541191 | 11968 11 1}Wood William Lee MW] Statesville W P Wood Vie Cummings [54 680 | 1969 5 | 14 Wood, Sr. Allen Eugene M Wj] Statesville James Wood Minnie Evans _ 25 311 | 1969 11 2% Woods Dian Maford M C {Statesville - Rosa Woods peti 33{ 751 Y 1970 1 13 Woods : Mollie B F C} Statesville Francis Johnson Lettie Ellis 20 >3_ i 1970 1 6 [Woods _ Randy Lee M WwW] Statesville Clement Lee Woods | Madge Gregory 56 7 1970 1 31] Woods Mary Summers FC [Statesville Elias Summers bmma Coles Summers 56 89 1970 =11 2 |Woods Catherine ee FC } Statesville Robert Woods Darcus Moore _ 98.2904 1971 12 8| Woods Archie Albert | M_ W| Statesville John Woods _Josie Parker 571 786 4 agra! 20! 14 Wood _Zoye Herman MW | Statesville Leander Wood ‘Louella Baldwin 58 602 | 1972. 12 27] Wood Martha Geneva FW} Statesville Ervin Higgins bPlarsie Wood 158) 753 5 1973 1 3@ Woods Mildred Lawrencq F W| Statesville [Kyle Lawrence ICyble Atwell ab) ie 1974.5 16 Woods Annie Patterson | FB {Statesville Fate Patterson Mary Jane Tuck fo.255 Bua 1974. 5 31] Wood Elizabeth Nancy] F W | Statesville G B Lindsey iNancy Bruce 60.287 } 1974 11 22} Wood Oscar Odell M W | Durham Harvey Wood Callie Mickle Cl 541 41974. 12 27\Woods oe M_.B_| Mooresville —_|Guss Woods Jennie Ewell fO 611 | 1975 7 3 Wood Leslie Garfield| M- W | Winston-Salem | Ross Garfield Wood [Grace Davis Cl 666 1976 4 27] Woods Richard NMN M, Bl Statesville Robert Woods fAnna Pattersa— 62.217 4 1976; 7 31 Wood Mary Beth Hall | F _W Statesville cH Hall Unknown 62 369 | 1976 9 6] Woods Ovella Stinson | F Statesville William Stinson Janie Grier 62, 434 1977. 2 | 6 Wood Ellen F W | Morganton W.W. Morgan Malisa Watson C-2 122 1977, 3 ~~ 20) Wood _Charles Lloyd |M_ W | Union Grove rthur Wood ude Combs Wood 63, 213 1977 5 18 jWoods Anderson Roosevqlt M N] Statesville John Woods ov Lucky 3 299 1977 5 24 Woods Floyd M N Asheville Robert Woods Annie Woods Cu2 3 ALLA XAN XA REA HER X POURS HAIG AI XXX 4 \ _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEA’T'HS — Iredell County, N. C. RET TA Mace ik “mee see Lema \iatortoatin iste DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED —— ran ae Sor, Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae ~ | 1978 & 2 [Woods Randell Carl Sri M W | Catawba Co John Woods Esther Oleny Hearne | 0Ce2 2hp 1.1978 9 | 2 {Wood Ss William Darrow] M_ W | Mooresville William A Wood Ann Davis Dy | 438 iS 2 91978 9 | 23% Woods | Scott Bradley M |W jStatesville Larry Wayne Woods tise site ties eee a ] __)978. 9 4 [Wood ___ Maggie Johnson] F Cay Olin William Johnson |Gelina Foster 64 486 ee [1978.10 27] Wood ss Dorothy Mae | F | W iMooresville Henry Extine Ella Biddix 64 547 1979 2 & |Woods --- M B]} Forsyth Co ? Carol Louise Woods C2 430 _11979 2 [23] Woods _—_—_—s| Mary Virginia FW] Mooresville John David Fisher Sarha Jane Stinson | 65 123 Hee boro eae _-254 Wood ee _Vera Cain | F W {Statesville tharles Manley Cain | Emma Fisher b5 251 1979 __6 16 } Woods _Sohn NMN | M| Wi] Cleveland | John Wood ______| Mary Luckey 65 __ 349 , __| 1979 10 31 | Woods __William Lorengg MB | Statesville |John Woods _—_—s Millie Summers 5_569 W) 19804 24 Wood Perry Allen | MW | Statesville | Gilbert Wood __—i| Shirley Mae Cothren| 66 221 s 1981 4 16] Woods _Mary Senobia F Statesville | Junious A Watts _|} Zora Lackey _ [i> Se ee Sica ivanell 1 * = +—— = IAN es Scale tes ll Rainn radical acre +4 Bay Ath creep ae ees lll a a scaijedihiilcineaneiialoa sapebalgslibics edlieenienaii inuaaieail ieinitbesicealiassiaiceasailial | fo oe aa a é s 2 i eee ae cabana wie is + EY Ay, oil ini iii as sail jini lasses tiie woieccnbiiesiissiciileepitiieaniidsiniiast eat ae ei eee ie shih tA akc acca ciminosocactc aks Dat aeecac Riialicisillidiaisinmniaausts + a t Ps aS Seas sis 4 7s acini sine nineienkcece = — — — =: — —_ ome —_ ha — en eee — — — ~ 4 —_ —_ — 1 — — a ae _ ees meen — pene ~- ~ = t a — Se | aed — saan — sneer SS Tt ee ™ ee }— ho a. Be ee ee iiealiiclosiadcipaictin 4. 4 iia 1 a reat, =e scoala eledididimaid ah ci ica i iiciiitiea ail bce’ ai a Ps ee a Ene, a oe i a te Mo ’ er) ‘ : i Boe lh sek uaa ae \eciieienll eiesenindetiannninenenalaien - - 4 . én due + intigsiidinatniieaingiamegaii agen ~ wien inci cinsiphincieaneanapennecineaie cieocnienieiliianmnnnte seats aninnasnitttthiiiiiliinmenplaamanainesetmnimsai tetas 5 ed 4 siniuiall ceteneuate eae int emiaohtihctine tk nn at age Ra Miele Pa See = ee | a a a pat a ad ee . r ‘ ee x i) aa ae ] | ll bilimbi aincanniiniat 2 + ia 4 Pa me ie ie iw } is sateinaiia ill Miidialillagibbapiiticling’ = ssiiinieenierssiisnniapitiniinitatii ore 4 _ 4 os - mandi sssnenemasnecemninannentte _ eerie —— fe een oe | Made by ‘The Cott Index Commens, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ¢. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. coTrco UNIVERSAL INDEX No, Fs Tol te mazes, open a SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. & Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1 = — o Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. . oe ra —- ss SURNAME OF DECEASED Sx tor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aie 1914! 10 5} Woodard |widiem Hall M - |Sharpesburge Tns|W E Woodard Etta Adams 1| 344 1916, 4 (22) Woodward i\Mary Etta F W |Bethany Tns Ed Claywell Ida Garrison 3 | 8 1917, 6 |19] Woodward ~ F W |Sharpesburg Tns|W E Woodward Etta Adams 4, 479 1918 3.16] Woodward \Clarence Robert| M | W |Sharpesburg Ins}Robert R Woodward Mary Bowles 44. 360 1925, 4 11] Woodward iSallie J FW jSharpesburg Tns ~ - 411: 279 1929, 12 101 Woodward iJulia A F W |New Hope Tns Fronzo Woodward Mary Lackey 15 | 301. 1932, 12 (25) Woodward iq B M W |Statesville N CiWycliff Woodward Sarah Anderson Frostj18 > 456 1935 6 (23) Woodward ‘John W M |W |Statesville N CiGeorge E Woodward Della Cheshire 21'\' 376 1936, 9 |10] Woodword iClara Bell 4H F . W |Statesville N C}John Hunter Mary Smith 22, 497 Hans 2 7) Woodward \George E M | W iStatesville N CiJohn W Woodward Sarah Frost 25; 315 1937 2 23} Woodward Della Cheshire F . W iStatesville N CiJohnn W Cheshire , Pauline: Neely 4 26 | 316 roa 6 26] Woodward John Ri chard M .W |Bagle Mills Tns Melmouth Woo dward Janie Fatterson 30 | 309 eae 6 (15 Woodward Ida Rosabelle F W |Statesville NC jJohn Goforth Tululah Shever 52; 222 1949 a: 7) Woodward -- W Btatesville NC Wayne Allen Woodwardi Marie Kate Pennell 54)5 72 1951/ 12 3) Woodward 'rermelia Jane iF W | Fall stown Haze warren Unknown 57 | 672 11952, 3 6 | Woodward | Wilson Wayne M Wi New Hope Unknown Julia Woodward 38 15r 1954 9 123 [Woodward Walter Edgar M W|Statesville NC | Dencin-Woodward Estella Williams 4,0) 422 | 1956 5 31 Woodward |\Jenner Victor M w Statesville Chal V. Woodward [Sarah Jane Lackey 42 294 1987 6 17 Moodward Lenora T. F Ww Statesville Menry & Tr outman Rnoda “enard 43 294 1957 10 7 Woodward | Burtis Wilson M aeeeiektis I’ 4“ Woodard Maceie “ Woodard 43 463 | 1965 1 = 21) Woodward Etta ri Wi Harm ny Wm. C Adams Dovie Kufty 51 46 1969 12 2 | Woodward Daily Elma F w | Statesvilie Reuben Goodin Isabelle Jordan a5 789 1970 2 2| Woodward Myrtle Johnson e138 | eteaville William Reece JohngBon Almeda Moore 56 115 11970 3 10 Woodward — _ Kathy Belle F/ F W |Statesville Henry A Fowler Mattie Robertson 56200 1970 10 12) Woodward _Tillet Burette | M W | Statesville John R Woodward Laura Miller 56, 684 | 1972, 12 11) Woodward | Susie Williams FiwW | Statesville Lewis Wiliiams Mahaley Shumaker 58.721 11973, 9 19) Woodward | Albert Lee M Statesville Walter Edward Woodward Etta Delia Adams | 59) 480 1980 1 12) Woodward Melmeth David M Statesville John Woodward Buseanne Miller 66 27 1980 7 17/Woodward Robert Moore M_ W | Statesville Robt. W. Woodward Clora Belle Hunter [66 364 198%°. 4 16 | Woodward | Hessie Privette) F W/| Statesville Robert Privette Nancy Ann Mayberry [66 225 il | | 60 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. ba ney peeamedion. Insist On It =" _— aa Bett’ Scb'lndes sheet for pari Bn Aa igs U. &. Patent No. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 a ETE eo ee os : — a" vane a rs cms aoe regia telcanaeteennaenmes ae nN a arene eNen SSE NInNaNTSeT aN see neeN or eE Sentenye es = — = . —omee eats @ OGATE SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED “| ion lee AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE {$ GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Tae oe! ? $ 1918 1 | 4] Woodsides |Margaret F W \Statesville N CiGilley Morrison Dorcas McFarland 44, 109 | 1919: 1 | 6} Woodsides ‘Robert M C |Statesville N CjLewis Woodsides Octavia Tomlin 5}. 66 1924| -5 5) Woodsides |Joseph Gilespa M | W {Concord Tns Ruben Woodsides - 10, 84 1926; 9 (.30] Woodsides Jane F $C {Statesville TnsiSilas Davidson Harret Clarke le, 432 1927, 3 | 6] Woodsides ,Otis Lathen M W |Mooresville N CijJ F Woodsides Margaret Morrison 13, 226 1923|. 1 8|. Woodsides Mary Leslie B FW |Concord Tns R WH Feimster Sara C Morrison 191 162 1934 2 '18] Woodsides ‘Amanda E F W |Fallstowns Tns David L Hartline Mary Ann Mills 20) 125 ( 1942, 11 |27)\Woodsides Mary Narcieus F | W |Statesville NC |James B Dellinger Margaret Alexander 28, 417 1943. 3 | - (Woodside Thomss Winslow |M W |Shiloh Tas John F Woodside weargeret Morrison 29; 132 1949: 8 {|15) Woodside |\Naomi Carolyn F W |Statesville NC |Carrol Cragg Dora Beam 36,442 1951 8 | 28) Woodside James Owen M | W ij Iredell County | John Ruben Woodside Mary Dellinger 37, 477 B55) 7 3 | Woodside | Baby Boy Statesville NC} Willard C. Woodside} Evelyn Merie Diuneanh)1) 353 41956 7 30! Woodside Martha Jane F W |Statesville Albert M, White Margaret Stevenson |42 372 1966 11 3 | Woodside Rockwell M WwW] Olin John F Woodside Margaret Morrison | 52 648 4 1970 3 Laveteite Mamie Vickery | F W | Statesville Thomas William Vickery Laura Duke 56 197 i i ij i | | 9 g9ECO900BE MRA EIEO R00 0COOH REBAR EROBOC OOP OBO SIC SPR OBER J BRR USIEK XI 00K 22 REIMER IOI GF AIK i ! 1 | 1981 7 20) Woodside Amanda Keever | 7 20 | Statesville Jessie E Keever Ida Miller 67, 396 | | | | { i | | i | | | | | ! i i {| | | | | i 1 q | : : | | | ! | | } i | ! i931 1 11) Woodruff Duncan M W |Statesville N CjJack Woodruff Cynthia Woray 17 | 343 11934) 10 18] Woodruff WD M . W |Statesville N CiC D Woodruff Susie Walker £0 | 532 | | : 2 1937. 10 24| Woodruff Octavia Maud F W |iTurnersburg Tas iC A Day Ellen Cox 23. 562 1953) & 14 Woodruff Blanche Brown 7 1a Harmony, NC Leve Brown Josephine Fish B9 | 262 1972. 11 10] Woodrurt _ Arthur G M . W |Statesville Moses Woodruff Elizabeth Harris $8 650 1973 2 3 | Woodruff Lennie Bergan F W)| Statesville Unknown Unknown po 88 1979, 5 18] Woodruff Margaret B F W) Statesvidte Unknown Unknown 65, 273 (corte ‘UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ee locate names SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ote o Buff Sub-index sheet for page ref Made by The Cott als unean Sold by Observer Printing on ‘Charlotte, N.C. 61 ot oy ope SURNAME OF DECEASED neconege ar | ak lee AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ve. | Pap 1919, 4 (30) Woodson | William M | C {Chambersburg Tn ~ - 5| 261 1919; 12 | 27} Woodson | Catherine F | ¢ jChambersburg TniMilford McCall ~ 6) 536 ! } 1923; 10 71 Wolfe |Evans Johnston M W |Coddle Creek Tn|Martin Wolfe Carrie Johnston oi. 2ey Washington | ; , ‘ n954 12 2 Wolf Wilks 7 . M WwW pStstesvilie NC iJ. W. Wolf Hattie Scott 4.0 573 { (1957 10 15) Wolfe Floyd Franklin | MW | Statesville E1i Woire Martha Hamby 43, 466 | \ 1959 6 © 5 Moire Gerald Dean F | Statesville Gwyn Wolfe Claudette Everhart 45 340 1962 5 13)Wolfe Blaine J. | M W | Statesville Floyd Wolfe Alice Dula 48 276) 1963 12; 2} Wolfe Alice F W Statesville Calvin L Hamby | Matilda Lipford 49 728 1980 7 £42/Wolfe Eli (NMN) M W |Statesville Lemuel J Wolfe Alice Hamby, 66 345 | | | | | | | { | | | | | | | | | | } | | | lises 4 19] Woodfin Wm Heery | M W |Davidson Tns Wm Henry Woodfin Elizabeth Wilson 9 8 | \ | 1945 9 22) Woodfin Williem Henry |M oW —— Tns WH Woodfin Rebecca Gilbert S1. 331 1952 6 22 Woodfin | John Franklin W | Statesville NC | W Henry Woodfin Rebecca Gillerath PS | 288 i960 2 13] Woodfin Nicholas Alexander M Ww Mooresville NC} William H Woodfin |Rebecca Gilreath 46 95 1966, 3 13 Woodfin Lellia F W | Statesville Wm. Barrette Ameda Hendren 52 162 | ! | 1979 1 9| Woodin Clyde Alexander | M_ W | Mooresville N A Woodfin Lula McLain 56, 50 1971 10 14) Woodfin Lula McLain FW | Mooresville John Calvin McLain | Jane Stevenson 57, 663 ! | | : 62 ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer reference. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 6 68—Copyright A scesidels AUG eenare Ta eetatee renee eerie cree ieemnimntatiiten smees eam i Saebeunmiaes be DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED ey cok Tae jam Ciaeetion Waa, W tan 16 GEM Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER cal al 1927| 7 | 28] Woody LA MW |Sharpesburg Tns|William Woody Phavea Absher 13) 291 2931; 2 7) Woodie |Charles Edward M W |Statesville Tns}Paul E Woodie Margaret Peaves 17} 538 1939 5 14] Woody Nancy Adeline Mj F W | New Hope Tn William Marlowe ¥ a5 216) 1944. 5S 12\ Woody William Devis M . W |New Hope NC 4braham Woody Mary @wens 30. 203 1944 5 (18) Woodie Jesse M . W iStetesville NC j- Myrtie Woodie 30. 167 1954 & 6 | Woody _Horace Cody M W f6tatesville NC | Robert Woody Florence Gracey 40 151 1963 3 «4.27 )\Woody Louvella F W |Statesville Hampton L Rupard Clusia A Williams|49- 213 1963, 12 3 |Woody William M Wi Morganton Wm. D Woody Nancy A “ar low ~ 50 79 1979 12 2 |Woodie Herbert Edward | M Statesville Herbert Woodie Norma Lee Coffy ~ 65 642 1980 5 13 | Woody Rachel Sides F W | Wilkes Daniel W Sides Margaret Privette 0C2 5p { 1935 3 8] Woolen Daniel W M W |Statesville N CiJohn Woolen IMary Fritz 21| 326 4 | | 1948 9 71 Woolen Addie Ladosa Wise F W tate sville NC p ohn Allen Wise Margaret Owens 34, 410 1966 12 2} Woollen Mary | F -W| Mocksville John A Keller Alice Kilpatrick 53 8h | | | | ! | ! | | | | | | | : | | 4 \ | i iI | { | { i { | | | | \ i | | | | : | | (| | | | | | | | | | } it } i} l j | | ar | | 4 , | : | | | | 11933 7 3) Woosley Rev M B | MW |Statesville N C|J E Woosley Pauline Fisher 19, 332 | | | | : | | | i | \ | { { t | I | | ( | | | | | [ | | | | | \ | | | | | | \ | - | i | | | { . | ‘iia | U () Hy i) corrce ‘UNIVERSAL INDEX | Ne. a U. 5. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Goleman, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. 63 DATE oF on Year Month | Bay 1914, 7 (26 1914) 9 |16 1914 10 18 1914 10 18 1915| 3 19 1915 10/2 1917; 3 10 1917, 9 (26 Filed 1918 3 «(12 1918 10 16 1920, 1 30 1920, 5 |22| 1921, 9 1 1923 3 6 1923; 3 | 7] Filed 1923, 5 | 7f 1924 8 | 7] 1924. 12 ail 1925/12 | 9] nose 10 20 is26 10 24 | 1926 11 26 | 1se8 3 10 | 1see 3 24 | see 6 10 | ise8 8 13) 1930. 8 24) 1931, 1 13 | 2982 | 8 eel 1932) 3 22 1934 12 28 | 1939 10 26 1940 2 | 24 i 1940 3 | § 11940 12) 6 1942. 2.122 1942) 4 119 1947, 10. 9 1948 1 14 hous 729 NAME OF FATHER Parks Lee Wooten {Richmond Reavis James R Moore John F Wooten Samuel Huie IR i Santen John A Wooten Milliam P Heath laugustus Wooten Leander Wooten J T Wooten INathan Harris James Wooten jAzsustus WOoten Agustus Wooten Marvin Wooten fiitiien L Wooten yas Holmes David Joyner Henry Wooten William Wooten i D Templeton euben Wooten Thomas Wooten Wames Sharpe IM M Wooten Elbert Wooten David Scott Robads Wooten Elbert Wooten J M Howard Leander Wooten Newton Smith Thomas Wooten J M Duke George W Lazenby Jono Wooten Geo. C. Milis John B. Ballard Thomas bell —* tesete. 2 nee, 7S WETIA, TAB eo refer a an —— Se &. eee Sex Color || PLACE OF DEATH 4 Wooten [Parks Lee Jr M |W |Statesville Nc Wooten Ella F W |Eagle Mills fns Wooten Margaret Ann F |W {Cool Springs Tn Wooten ~ M W jCool Spring Tns Wooten Sara Huie F W (Bethany Tns Wooten ~ M W lainsibaione Tns Wooten ~ M ._W Union Grove Tns Wooten William L (Mrs}}F W |Bagle Mills tns Wooten Bettie F W \Cool Springs Tn Wooten Marshall M W Union Grove Tns Wooten Wallace H M W (Fallstown Tns Wooten ‘Amanda Jane F W Union Grove Tns Wooten Martha F |W ‘Union Grove Tns | Wooten ‘Thomas Gaston N W |Statesvilie NC Wooten ‘Thomas Gaston F W |Statesville N C Wooten - M W oe Grove Tns Wooten Wt ly W jCool Spring Tns Wooten Cintha Luola F W [vai on Grove Tns Wooten H#lizabeth A iF W WWaion Grove Tns Wooten [Beatrice Ls - Saliloh Tus | Wooten Rice C x W lool Spring Tns Wooten Dicy adeline | F W jUnion Grove Tns Wooten - tae W bs Godin Tus Wooten Festus Franklin | M W |Concord Tns | Wooten Leva Sharpe F W a Grove Tns | Wooten - | M W eee NC Wooten \Wm Leroy | M W leon Mills Tans Wooten |Lethia F C Shiloh Tns Wooten Leander Q iM. W Union Grove Tns Wooten ‘Elbert Drake 1 | M W |Turnersburg Tas Wooten Annie Louise F W Statesville NC | Wooten John Alexander |/M W Union Grove Tn Wooten _Ninna Smith F W} Statesville NC Wooten | Cyrus M «| Union Grove Wooten | Alice Duke FW Statesville NC Wooten |Mary Emeline F W |Cool Springs Wooten , John M . C |Statesville Tns Wooten {Rose Mills FW) Statesv4ide NC Wooten | Mable Ballard | F W |Statesville NC Wooten |Mary Bell F W | Statesville NC NAME OF MOTHER re Smith artha May D Esther Gillespie fisgeie Moore Mary Rolein Annie Keller Bessie Mullis Nancy Worth Rachel Gross Adaline Templeton Elizabeth Loyd Gross Nora Campbell Rachel Renegar Rachel Renniger Mary Harbin Margaret Renegar Clemintine Hays Bessie Qarzeyou Margaret Garner Mary Davis Vesper Johnson Ruth Ball Nancy Williams Grace Qlephant Nancy Heath Mary Stuckly Rosanna Ball Hannah Heath Beulah May M Howard Adeline Templeton Evelyn Morrison Elizabeth Joyner Nancy C Dowdy Mary «a Curry Laura Hill Margaret Alexander Juncan RECORDED cod Page | 1 | 525 1 | 193 1, 144 1, 148 2| 23 21 459 4 493 4 165 4A | 460 aA | 91 6 417 6, 240 7 619 g | 348 9 417 9 | 260 ho. 50 ho 464 hi | 500 he 308 he | 76 h2 596 n4 557 h4 | 80 h4 | 645 n4 | 217 16 158 17: 272 17 601 18, 593 20, 553 25 528 26, 331 26. 58h 26 481 28) 58 28, 4h2 33, 50 54) 30 fi | 33 | 64 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer referenc _____ STRESE {For Your Protection, wit Owe RR"? RG SECLASLS RN Tor peer DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex olor | PLACE OF DEATH 1948 8 29] Wooten | Dorcas Ann F W | Statesville NC 1949 6 (1 Wooten | Juanita F W Union Grove 1949, 4 |18] Wooten Marvin Arthur M W | Morganton 1950 6 | 2] Wooten | Linda Gale F W| Statesville NO 950 ll 4 | Wooten William Augustus) M W/ Sallstown Tns 1951) 8 10) Wooten Steven Elbert M W | Iredell County 1952 6 |25] Wooten William D I Wi | Statesville NC 1953 9 16) Wooten Eva Bell F W | Statesville NC 1953 11 17 Wooten “usan F | Statesville NC | ao53| 12 14 Wooten Mary Emma Pe | Statesville NC | 1954 3 13 | Wooten Mary Adams F W| Statesville NC “THe §1955| 2 ail yooten JV M W | Hamptonville NC : | | | “ge 12955) 7 21) Wooten William Columbug M W |Mocksville fic t 1 | 11955;11 (6 | Wooten John Franklin | M_ W | Harmony NC i I 1 | g 11958 B is Wooten Elizabeth Jane F W Statesville NC =“ hese 4 26 Wooten Sendra leigh |F W | Gnapel Hil 1959 4 22|Wooten Parks Lee | M W]| Statesviz1e - |1959 7 12| Wooten - FW! Statesville } { i u960 6 28 Wooten Calvin Max Mt Ww Harmony | i ~ 11960 12 12) Wooten James M. |M wW |Union Greve i | \ — |1962 2 27/|Wooten Jeannette H, | F W |Mocksville Nc 1962 4) 1d Wooten Amy Ellen |r WwW Stat esville NC — 11963 10 19] Wooten John |M_ W |Statesville t f i | 1963 12 8} Wooten Lewis i M W | Mooresville A 11965 & 8 Wooten Donald | M WwW | Statesville | | 11965 10 22 Wooten Baby Boy M W/| Statesville { i} | i ~ Wf 8066) 2 2 | Wooten Geraldine F W | Union Grove 11967 3 22) Wooten George | M W i} Statesville : | | 1967 3 24 Wooten Marshie | F W | Statesville 1968 6 8 | Wooten Chloe T. pe w| Statesville H { i 11968 66 14 Wooten Edd M w| Statesville | (1969 11 30) Wooten Martha Cook iFiw | Statesville 11970 7 24 |Wooten Bernice McNeely! F W| Statesville — 1972, 1 29] Wooten Taft Mack |M W| Yadkinville (1971 2 6) Wooten Attrie York | F W | Statesville 11973n 3 21! Wooten Bessie Lee F W | Mocksville 197, 4% 2h) Wooten Rachel Nanceta | F W | Statesville | 1974 5 2h | Wooten William McKinley M_ W Statesville 1975 12 28]/ Wooten Cora Belle F W | Salisbury 1976 & 23) Wooten Laura Jane F Wj Statesville 11976. 1 21! Wooten Royal Preston | M N lwinston Salem 1975 5 29 Wooten _ Herman Duke M W Moeksvillee | | 1977 12 4 Wooten Miriam _F W Charlotte /1978 12 23) Wo@ten Ruben NMN F W | Watauga Co 1979, 2. \8 |Wooten Violet Geneva Wawren. W |Statesville |1979 7 28 Wooten Nettie Johnson |F W | Statesville 1979 9 6 | Wooten William Revere|/ M W/| Statesville edlaind _— ec. NAME OF FATHER Augustus wooten Denver Wooten Elbert D Wooten Burley B Wootan William Wooten Billy Elbert Wooten i & Wooten J M Wooten Wilber Thompson H.C. Crider Adams William McLelland / Haith A Wooten Festus Franklin Woote Augustus wooten Smith F Brow John D Wooten Wm. Leroy Wooten Gerald L Wooten C, M. Wooten Leander Wooten | D. “. Baity Gerald Wooten Carroll E Wooten Thos | 1 + | | A i t | | | | | | iH | \ | | f | | | | i | 1 | (t | Wooten | Burley Wooten Kenneth C Wooten Adolphus White Wm. T Wooten Sylvanus White Sidney S Templeton Rice C Wooten Columbus Cook David Steven McNee] Henry Allison Wooten) Elihue York Israel G. Mullis Thomas Gaston Woote Jesse Wooten Isral Mullis R. C. Wooten James M Wooten | | COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. a 68—Copyright 1: U. 8. Patent No. 14371 NAME OF MOTHER Kachel Grose Thelma Williams Amanda Harris Myrtle D Wooten Margaret Garner Dorcas Lundy Wooten Attrie York Cora Grant Dosie Camp Barbara Jane Moon Prudence Hill Lydia Garner Sarah Huie Grose Rabhel Armstrong Dora Troutrean Mary N Travis Nancy Heath | Poesy S Reavis Nettie Johnson Adaline Templeton Polly VYranfill ree cy S Reavis Margaret Morrow Blizabeth A Joyner Myrtle Dixon Lola F Brown Ina Coleman Mary Lazenby Emma Moorefield Mary Fletcher Mary Bell Nancy Croce y Effie Menius Minnie McBride ‘Ada White Nannie York Alice Lenora Duke Annie Lloyd Annie York Mary Bell , Marsha White | Thomas Gaston Wooten Alice Duks Thomas Gaston Wooten Alice Lenora Duke Jessie Wooten nnie Lloyd John Quincey Warren| Unknown JohnTilford Johnson | Selena White John F Wooten l Margaret A Moore RECORDED | Vol.) Page Bk | 368 3$ 400 6G 52 36 299 BO 559 37 470 38| 347 BG hy 3 39 562 39 615 4O 122 41 246 41 493 41 542 44 240 44 284 45 200 45 3567 46 402 46 735 48 140 48 202 49 60 49 688 51 212 51 623 52 110 53 186 53, 190 54 388 D4 409 55 799 56 487 DC1 258 57 DC1 33 60 223 60, 277 OCl 667 62. 194 OC1 810 OC] 668 OCc2 128 pc2 agg | BS | 33 165 47 ww or ue s 634A INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS -DEAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. COTY FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-SPLIT © 1948 c Sire RES. v. 5. County indexes Since 1868 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of PAY orrice Buc tnlatl: An identifying Trade Mark Name and refer to Buff pera. sleet for et reference. Sad ba Caan Gacdotan. Raleigh, N.C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ko we RECORDED a an lar AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | COLOR) PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) to 1980! 6 | 8 Wooten Lovie Jane F |W ] Statesville John Melvin Heath Nancy Emmaline J oned 66; 311 1981) 5 19] Wooten William Flake M | W Statesville Denver Wooten Thelma Williams 167 |\289 | + | | | | t t - | | | | - > : = : | } i bene i on eisai | | | } i J 1 eee | | | | = j 7 a | | | 5m 1 7 | | | | L | | | | | | + ji i stenasimnen enna apenenmnaessecisinaarieusnanennlls r t ae cmaneninien commas i j | + — ~ 1 a | | U. & Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COoTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 pate locate samen, open at t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and pi te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. cATE OF beat! "SURNAME OF DECEASED |g Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1915 11 23) Wright ‘Mary Ellen F 2918| 3 2) Wright Mary Davis F 1920 10. 5/ Wright iWoA M 1921; 1 | 3) Wright |Margaret F 1921 lL. 3] Wright largaret F 1924 4 (|22) Wright J Gerney M 1925 2 26] Wright JR M 1926 2 13) Wright « F_| 1926 8 30} Wright Della Lester F 1926 12 | 64 Wright John Thomas M 1927 5 19] Wright \George M 1927 5 aay Wright James | M eae 10 28) Wright W B M 1938, 4 25/ wright Shirley Etta F 19437 11} Wright Joseph W ly hosa, a ofurignt Ferry Austin EF 1944 12 30 |Wright Lottie Mge | F oom 12 .50 |Wright ‘Bettie Lou | F 1946 Ll .22iWright \Ella Ann nT F LASS 9 ail wright Leroy | M 1952 5 | 2q Wright rcorce jiadian | 1953 ll 24) Wright George Altman | h.98 1 24 Wright Donna Earlene F 959 5 17| Wright Ronnie Allen M 1960 6 15 |Wright Ruth Harris F | 11960, 6 21, |Wrd ght Carrie W 1962 8 11|Wright Wm. Hall M 1964, 22h rd ght ‘te hi 1965 4 é wright John UM | i 1966 6 9) Wright Oscar | M 1967 3 29|wright Roy | M “1969 3 \2 | wright John Pierce im 11969 7 26| W_ights Oscar Amos | M 1969 7 26 Wrights Oscar Amos | M " 1970 12 10| Wright ‘William Douglas| M 1972| 5 26| Wright Mary Owen F 1972 9 21) Wright Lona Shoemaker) F 1973, 12, 1)! Wright _ Bessie Mae i F 976 8 G Wright Lucy Ann Ln 9 22 | Wright James Carlisle a M 1977, & (17) Wright Walter Arthur 1979 10 31 | Wright Patrick John | M Color r = W Wi W W W W W W W W Davidson Tns Statesville NC IMooresvi lie Nc Di oaweth te | Mooresville w | | W |Statesville NC | Statesville Wi Statesville waaay PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Shiloh Tuas Shiloh Tans Statesville NC Eagle Mills Tos Statesville NC New Hope Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Davidson Tns { | | | Coddle Creek Tn iStetesville NC i eg aa ral MOOTGSVII1Ee NYU Mooresville NC Coddle Greek Statesville NC 75 we Liooresville NC ! Kooreaville NC Mooresville Mocksville NC Mooresville | Mocksville Mooresville Union Grove | Statesville | Statesville Statesville |Union Grove Statesville Mooresville Statesville Statesville N C Mecklenburg Co NAME OF FATHER WC Bricefield Hary Ff Wright John C Wright T R Journey Thos Jurney Amos Wright Alney Wright Grover Wright George T Lester WA Wright Andrew Wright Andrew Wright JN Wright J A Wright James Wright J A Wright d A Wright David Wright Oe Wrich David John Allen Wright bee Arthur Wright Orville J Wright Frank Wright William Wood WA Wright Wright Frer k Gurney Wright Henry Wright James R Wright PH Wright Lee S Wrights Lee S Wrights Richard D Wright George Foss Owen ies L Shoemaker Unimown James David Law Lee Wright David G Wright John Thomas Wright | | | 65 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing on Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Fannie Horton Naomie Morrow Martha Fleming Annie Morris Annie Myers Margaret Powell gennie Bell Lona Shoemaker Elizabeth J Cummings Margaret Jurney Maggie Helems Maggie Helams lAgnes E Bate Maggie Helms Mary Vamp Maggie L ma Nellie ashley : Nellie Ashley Sarah Taylor Reola Wright Laura Rodgers Nellie Ann Austin Shirley fethel llnez Cora Couch Mary Lee W. Wright Margaret Jumey Mary F “oyle Carrie Wood Mattie Taylor Mary Kemp Fannie ?? Olive McKnight Olive McKnight Janice Cain Mollie Smith Imcinda Bicknell Angeline Walker Lelia Hoskins Bessie Smathers Dosha Bell Gosnall ae Ann Bridges ee 431 Vol. | Page : nm w e t o <3 44 7\ 319 10} 121 11) 320 13; 230 523 409 532 12) 13 14. 13, 121 13, 122 14, 491 ol 160 421 , 490 , 489 45 245 46 359 46. 6h 48 ble5 5G izez 51 32k 52 368 53 210 55 157 B5 459 55 52k 56 806 b8 329 F 555 9 610 62 388 BF ab G6 This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a ys pat locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Na, 1-4 Keg-U-S. Pato, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It, Bio : to Bull Sub-lndex sheet Ser page veterence. e = ba ee es _ a —_ - “4 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED RECORDED — oun lie AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER cal pans 1938 5 |1%5) Work | Jannette FC |Mooresville N C]Marvin Works Mannie Phifer 24; 164 1944; 11 | 6) Work | Josie F | Cc |Statesville Nc I = 30, 402 Gf. 1959 11 | 2/ Work | Paul Vieque MC jMooresv ile William York Carrie White 45 556 / — | | ; J 1928 1. 5 Worster Zella F C i statesville N CiElbert Worster Ola Moten 14, 290 | | }} i & D ik | | | | | © | & 4 : 5 1919. 8 9) Wrenn George W | M . W |Statesville N C}Henry Wrenn - 5 160 949 8 | 20) Wrenn Caroline Arnold | W | Mooresville NC |Dr. Creighton Wrenn | Charlotte Martin 55 3508 1 965 12 24) Wrenn Sadie Earle | F Wi Mooresville F M Earle Mary Wallace §2) L7i 1966 8 2¢ |Wrenn Crei ghton | M W)| Mooresville Calvin L Wrenn Martha H Young 52 |513 | I }} * | | . | | H aol | | | — | | ol | : | | | g INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 67 : rte Cia nas Sse it eee SAnceres esi DATE OF DEATH : [CE : RECORDED ern es ake pains fe SEX | coLoR}) PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = f--——— 1916 5 (28 Wyatt Ellen F iW Turnersburg Tn | Tom Wyatt Lacy Mayberry 3 437 1917 12/15] wyatt Wilson M|~- | Failstown Tns Richard Wyatt anne 4 | 198 1928 3 (27 || Wyatt Katie Lou F iW | Statesville Thomas F, Wyatt Lacey Mayberry 14| 356 1932 4 |17]| Wyatt A.M. M Statesville ae oe 18) 348 1933, & |16'] Wyatt Marish F Barringer Tns Mfhomas Wise Sophia May ho 1 1945 6 |11] Wyatt Aiton M |W ]j Statesville Con Wyatt Hester Wingler 31| 252 | 7 1954 1/10 Wyatt Nancy F |W {| Statesville Slader Call Emma Shew 40) 56 1961 1 (27 || Wyatt Etta Mayberry Fiw Statesville William Mayberry Laura Queen 7 42 1961|_ 2 4 | Wyatt William Thomas MW Statesville Jordan Wyatt Nannie Dancy GTi. $7 1963, 2 | 14 Wyatt Hilton Le M| wl] Statesville Wm, W. Wyatt Nancy E. Poe 49 97 1963, 4 (21 | wyatt _ {Lillie W || Statesville Lonnie Lunsford Media Pendergrass || 49) 256 1965 6 (2 | Wyatt William M/W } Statesville Will Wyatt Liza Wyatt 51} 320 # 1968 4& 24 | Wyatt Thomas F. M iW Statesville Wm. W. Wyatt Nancy Wyatt 64| 266 | 1970 3 [11 || Wyatt (Claude Newton MW | Statesville Wilson Wyatt Pansy Poe 56| 178A j j i | ¢ 1971; 11| 26 Wyatt Nora Elizabeth || F | W_ | Statesville William Mayberry Laura Queen 57| 7h9 tg/e) 2 {31 Wyatt ‘Roby M. M |W Iredell Co. Walter Wyatt Nancy Teague 58, 89 1974 & {10 Wyatt | Baby Girl F lw Winston-Salem se Linda H. Wyatt bC1 542 L 1975, 1 |26 || Wyatt | Lacy Mayberry |W Statesville William Mayberry Laura Queen D1 72 1977 8 | 3 || Wyatt | Raymond Lee M W Statesville L.D. Wyatt Cornelia Lawson 63) 435 | | i } 1977 12 | 2] Wyatt | Estell Feodor | M |W ] Statesville ---- Ada Wyatt 3 | 687 1977_12/5 |Wyatt | Charlie H. M_ |W |} Statesville Alexander Wyatt Plina Woodie D3 | 694 1979, 2 | 26) Wyatt Iris Maxine F_| W | Statesville Sewell Roberson Verna Lambert 65 | 113 ' ’ j | } 980, 6 | 25/Wyatt William Tearl | M | W || Statesville John Wyatt Fannie D Gryder 66 | 331 1980| 8 | 12) Wyatt Fred Lester M | W |lStatesville F.T. Wyatt Lacy Mayberry 66 | 417 1980 10 (28) Wyatt | Raymond Austin] M Wi) Statesville Alexander Wyatt Emma Goforth 6 548 | 7 | | | | | | { dni j oe | | | r iy | | } oe 4 or sear an TE Saath an | | — — anaes r ao a ir socal nese Ss SPS | | | is 1 } INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. coTTco UNIVERSAL INDEX No. t 68—Copyright 1 U.S. Patent No, 40071 =" teoeas, amnes, omen INITIAL TAB and refer at SURNAME Sub-h tdex sheet for page reference. 69 y The Cott Index ‘eae Calenahen: Ohio Bana’ y aaa Printing House, Caaziotia, * Cc. DATE OF DEATH Year 1942 Day 11 258 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Waters Bain Lee _ PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC NAME OF FATHER PL Waters NAME OF MOTHER Lillie Sneade Vol. Page + 29) 3196 1950 § 15 Waters 1957. 1956 2 132 Waters __Doctor Perry | Thomas Wilson Johnthan Waters Mooresville NC Statesville Hugh Waters Wilma. M Lippard Esther Biggerstaff 361422 42) 253 13 Waters 1965 9 R6 Waters __ Milton Jak son Statesville John Waters Glenda Reid 43 184 Phate Statesville Thos L Waters Ellen Owens 51) 565 1965 12 16] Waters a Timothy M W | Statesville Hugh Waters Wilma Lippard 51 720 1966 6 Waters Effie Wi] Mooresville James A Walker Sarah Jenkins 2 372 i Waters _ | Waters 9 30) Waters __[19%, I inn bs OE, a. 1979 8 5 Perinat Waters Waters i ile sdicdisineeidl tech, Saami ciscaiepeeniad ictal bennett secession cla ice cli lat eahg lacie aeaitae ] hi = A Nc A uations a 1 iieipleasenint si saplitisem dint “i 4 -_ — ——————— ‘ = as 0 (tanememasenilanensctnlinecniceinoeaiiial i so _ —___—_—____— + —>--——--_—_}—- é 4 + a Cs ean pivinci sini alent lecadeenpsamsaiaicondapon inten = am —" —_ ai aT — shllessineenscerculisdaceennedelisisechiasmeeninaian a a il 4 a ha eit ere " inna satin son oaceaulincie amin adie aie incisal a ape nensninancnteninm Ma sical elas cehtaeceiidis Siu taal a — a — _ 4--- anes ‘ ‘ Be aE 4 + + + f+. — (iandensiaiinisl _ Mary Snead _| _Albert Roy a _Hugh Wilson Chester Allen_ Naomi Brown ih cael moe x See 2 Mi W |_Statesville | | Mooresville __| \Statesville _ | Statesville |Claude Waters ‘Phillip Snead _| \Mark Waters == iP L Waters _ Statesville (Thomas Newton Brewn | Susan Long — Elizabeth Luckadoo 59) 27 59.397 Lillie Snead “Sele. — FF FT tT 60 492 j63 142 s° 416 nl eeerecee pnreeemenneacommeanl INDEX No. 1-4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. locate names, INITIAL TAB and refer Reg. U.S. Pat. Ot. ; This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. ___ RFP Nor Hinson te Re oa Sibades shone for pase refrenen For Your Protection, fost On — ae BLAME OF DECEANED Sex | Cor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = re Booed ; , : _f391l4 6 il watson |... }@ewse M_ .W | Stetesville NC Wm J.Watson _—s—sCdt Jennie Austin tL. wos i Ne -_C | Chambersburg Ta} Will Watson | Viola Watson _ 1a}. 33 1925 6 | 24Watson _ Albert K M Wj Statesville NC j John B Watson _ Mary R Dunlap La 35a $1926 9 | 2 Watson Lovetta Cook | F Wi Statesville NC | John D Cook Mary T Mijjer. sa S28 §. 11931) 9 | 7 JWatson _William T M Wi Statesville Ji¢ | L_P Watson et ee MS Sime 11932 8 2@Wetson ._ Arthelia | F WI Statesville NC |] Jjm Watson... | }Bney Britton. ___}18 405 11933 7 | 7 $Wetson .|§ |Joseph W .-| M | WI Statesville NC | Wm Moore Watson | Nancy Bargert 119 327 1.1934 6 | 1@Watson LE he... a aan bee Bee Somme Setane .... £ riers Seeiae ae 1943 2 20 Vetson | Helen May 4 Fi Wi Stateowsile NO | Ted M Watson i iu Greens. 280 _—_}.1947 4 2 Watson - | M/W] Statesville NC | James Alexander Watgon Miriam F Reavis | 33 274 _|ione 6 uwatson Susan Mills _| Fw Statesville NC|F LWatson __‘| Linda Bailey. 34232 _f1948 9 2@ Watson _Frank Hampton M | W{ Statesville NC ] Frank Hemgbontia ton / Jane Shackelford 34 416 — $1950 8 (14) Watson Charlie Manst/~ W JStatesville NC JAbron Watson Harriett Day 56 | 458 4951 5 27 | Watson Nogeph trovtam EM 1 7 Stee ee eee ee ee Watson W951 5 27 | Watson Albert sauncer/| ), wi Statesville NC] Albert 8 Watson Sarah Troutman 74.250. aS L952 Ih 2.1 Watson Olin Lawrence Mie. ptatesy ‘lle NC BamuelWat son peste Valdwell BS 164 A954 9 |12]Watson Willie M{| Cc |Mooresville NC {Arthur Watson _ | Isabelle Rice 40 439 _ $1956 1 _ 24} Watson Alfred MW _|Hamptonville NC} Thomas watson } Unknown 42) 79 __ $1956 11 8] Watson Joseph Martin M_ W | Sharlotte Albert B, Watson Sarah Tro ut man 42 605 pisss 1 ayy Watson _Maude Land F _¥ [Statesville James R Land Alice Branson 4424 _ 2959 10 2i Watson _ Bessie Day — F W | Olin Joseph W. Watson | Maud Land | 45 525 | peel. 5s # ae Albert 5. M W {Statesville NG Joseph W Watson Maud Land 47 247 4 31963; 5 Watson James M W | Statesville Samuel Watson | Descie Cal dwel 1 LS 301 ad __ $2969, 2 25) Watson Robert Murray | M : W } Mooresville James Kirby Watson Mattie Jordon 55, 150 {1972 7 14] Watson _Harles Eugene | MW | Mooresville William Watson Alma Williams 58 429 __ 1974 6 . 29 Watson Sophfoonia Matilda F_ Wj] Statesville efferson Walker aroline McNeil 60.331 eases 6 | 1} Watson Joe Ted M | W Mooresville Thurman David - Mattie Gosnell | 60 396 ___41980_ 3 9} Watson Mary Juanita F W jStatesville Wilmer Wesley Watts} Grace Rrnestiaes” 66 118 cy | : cin i ] Sf _ : @ | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell = N. a > corrco “UNIVERSAL INDEX No. Ma —" ma ate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB aan ales Made by The Cott In aie Coane, hci: “Ohio U.S. Patent Ne. ene ight 1930 to ) all Sub-Index sheet fer | pose reference. Sold by Observer Pr: = House, Charlotte, N.C. GATE OF GEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED wa | teh lee AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee $1924) 10 |l2iWay == |George W MC {Statesville NC |- ~ 10, 363} asennad ened ern nee stn meee nesses $229h47' 12:9 iWay |Sarah EB Bryant bah Htatesville No Peter 0 Bryant unknown 133/682 | Dict . ivi laicltnaseiliiedd i esieininioi ie iiag CL overeat eneneenite casein tertacin tata taethenmteiseatiesineteseemeimectbininitonmatenianatstdpidibiiiiicial lel asco eldailih Sel aLAMI swdeedeienll Scseablbiab aks ck icicles DSAU hans Mg aa T isis an ittdh absaidii Weck slide adits ici cadeIn inti diaonscasidialcaas ilhitiadeanbnilciibehisciticnMings itm Ciaicla J \. +. wii she oe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. UNIVERSAL INDEX No. COTTCO 1-4 Terr lecate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbas, Ohio "4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. DATE OF BEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED " RECORDED a aia Tow AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX (coLoR || PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER vat] an 19H, 1 (19 | Willhite | Lizzie F | Cl Stetesville Unknown Unknown 56 | 49 @ en r a g e s ee eg 75 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. U.8. 00 UNIV aRSAL, INDEX, No. 1-4 oer ne Bas cm at SURNAME INtTi AL TAB and reter bap ay 7 yey om a c= Onto BATE OF DEATH RECORDED SURNAME. OF DECEASED | ea a tae Toe ine Unless S ae om SEX coLOR| PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER val Pas | : $ — 8 hos. 1 (5 whiten | Betty F | C |Statesville NG Andy Milis Phoebe Mills 27) Se + + | H i 1 | : ? | E | { | | @ | : | i 4 zi = H _ ® : | y | | = ! { & + J ) 4 i f | =p = = re | 1 l | t | : COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 pert locate names, wr at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. 77 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME, OF DECEASED nsognnee ae ah Tbe AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aay te + + + = } Bee Rete. }1951 12 7 | Wal Yo ia ' John sochaeffer} M W} StatesvilleNC | J G Waldron Florence Schaeffer | 36 630 — +f} ___— a | ee: L er uaa Be iM ice soe i eee > iad eet sibaliiillenicicbsecueaccadaaitcebai ie sila aia cle wcsihplanaad —] fan Tis ae ae —_ —_ sunt ee _ cums mae, arr — _ — ed Leila ae s as a ae iP Pa oe \ wis iw 3 i ie 4 sali E t fi a iesicncisdciacbaiall iia . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell | County, N N.C. 79 nnd acmrnatit he. amine tin. til =" Sinko at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ae Mais be Kes Cok inde: Consens: Glace thle ‘i US. ‘Patent Ne. » 1687 168—-Copyright 1930 ; to Buff ¢ Bult’ Sub-index sheet for page ref erence. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, Nc. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED oT oe To on Came ea W Gok ie Gam Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = [yop ; + ; + 1 : = : 1951 2 28] Whiteside - M; C Statesville N@ Bradie Whiteside iva Steele 37| 176 Sissies piemnconinonien a silane _ ae ~ seu anil niaiaimmintinimm i = satel INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. =o a = = Be: eR a RECORDED Vel.| Page Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN cE co reat x a mapa ea pence sen saree epee ine reece ran sees ea een a ; i DATE OF DEATH } SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex le PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1952 5 (27) Wilkie George Herman MiHiW Statesville NC | Malachi Wilkie _ Ionie “hook 38 |241 i + & | . + a areata oe a i ven illite aa * a sabchisiccicesbli es leche sie Fa te tape ec eeenee tS clnineteaillee i & rom ‘i a wal | Sieciieninisaniticis oi o* i ih i‘ ea UB icici aeinacicnicsilnnbtaiieiiispeisiniti eb isnilitninraininiittinianetitnisasnaisisitseseaiiniliined an natnapitinnsaanheienncine secnimtls aii si sl nalicionlnceseinell — - —_—_{—_§-___ —_—_—___— + — — OE oo —_ pecan meanncneam = wo + a ae ———E beens - once a eneceasnilmenncenetaseansannenrs en pia | es aan _ an Linen sinmadi wi . ——_-—_--—--- + a = a a seielirnniasanan he — _ — —— ———_____— —+_______4 iia 4 all add sala chtlibiniiiniialaamiteiiaieial — — _— + _o a le ———_-— —___}—— +— schon sieve 4 — ES —— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ' COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 To locate at GSUBNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio ( ) Copyright 1988 A-122559 _> e Bet sheet for page reference. Mécs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B DATE OF DEATH RECORDED noeemanaeienatee- <i SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Cor || PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol, Page t eeaceaaes Fe SSRs Sessa ENS — Sa a SEES ‘Saas ptr ian <= a a 1953. 2 (135) Weir _ | Estelle. io F | W Mooresville NC ||James Ratterru _i| Rachel Dixon __-159|' 80 _ 19692 | 44 Weir —=Srund Robert |M |W | ew York City © = Weta _—_—_—si|| Laura Spielman || 55) 293 | B Siisaaimcabiaebuceh ead teen faiikioe seine : dennceneirnt j | — j aS = i wo o s pe =— — =+ 6 1953| 4 [19] wnittenburg | - Ss Fic INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. NIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Te locate at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio ( ) COT TC operight 1988 A-122559 > fo Bult ‘Bub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B 85 a See ee aa SS E>=_>_>>_S>S—SSSEES= Ce = a cmemmennain om : nanan RONEN aes SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE IS GIVEN | Vol. Page SS a SE ed eee a eae eas a 1953.4 |17|| Whittenburg _| David Lee | Mc |statesville NC_ Lewis Whittenburg || Rosalee Stevenson 39/196 || _ 1962 4 |17\)\Whitenburg John M! C |Steatesville NC | Dalles Whitenburg Statesville NC || Lweis Whittenburg || Rosclee Stevenson! 39 197 Martha White 48 214 | . a | | | a 1. ite 4+ | i | ical 2 Se nes feaeecereenneenencneanend | | | ; i —— — — — — — — — SS 4 4. he v e m m e n e r e e i m e i} | } | H | | i} | | i tt | | | | | 1 y 4 + = +- | | — $F =— _ + ss l i e a c e a c u i i a a n i n i a i i a | + ha l | Sp r e e —= + —— SS ee == = + ee r eg + ee + en t i L | oe } Se e s =e i + —t pa l e n a t e n e n e r a c r e l l pe a e c c n n e m e m a s n i n n d | | COTTCO UN! INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell TVERSAL INDEX Ne. i-4 Copyright 1933 A-122559 ere wes County, N. C. ; THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B DATE OF DEATH —— — — er e Year Month Day SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee 1954 | 7_ 25 Wilmoth | Beatrice _ _W] Statesville _ James M Blevins i oe Bethie Brooks / —— — — — SS ee } e as COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyrigh' _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C._ Tn ho Baek at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer “Tab index reference, mn Sow eee THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Staten, Ohio Mfrs. eres seen eee 1954 t 1988 A-122669 —— SSS SSE SE DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Year Month | Day oe ee ee Bo a ee a fo 6 BO Witten son | Susie Tomlin-/ | | Color W Bn SSIS PLACE OF DEATH Charlotte NC —— — — re e r se e s —— — —— — — — — — —— —— eS Seer eee ae NAME OF FATHER R H Yomiinson == = —— SS NAME OF MOTHER Ellen Triplett 4h - rh i ; = COTTCO UNIVERSAL Copyright 1983 A~122569 INDEX No. 1-4 > © need) - ~~ ye ~ ¥ “Ey DATE OF DEATH = Se Year | 1980 % Month | Day wp Hh 1954! 10 (10 7 Worthington Worthington SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘Lillie Baker 1978 6 ad Worthington Robert Odean Carl Schulte I¥ == INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. PLACE OF DEATH |. Mooresville NC | Mooresville Forsyth Co — > — = NAME OF FATHER SS Daniel Robert Baker | George Worthington Carl Schulte Worting —— — —— Sp e e r s ei Sh Jan e Murphy Lillie Baker ton/Tammy Moorefield THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio 40 | 464 | Sp e e pe e ee l s DATE OF DEATH Year Month — Day 1956 3 16 Wooden INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S, Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE {S GIVEN Lydia Viola _ SEX COLOR To locate names, PLACE OF DEATH Statesville at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER Unknown 93 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index en NAME OF MOTHER Susie Kemp RECORDED r Vol. Page t M2 122 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. eee 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. names, open at ¢ SURNAME “INITIAL TAB ans ae to Buff Sub- Index sheet for pase ae ence. = Sahil’ Ma ry rt abe Gott In dex Company, y. Columbus, Ohio « Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN HAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol.| Page $ 2957 _10 14] Weikle ____| Annie Barker | FW] Statesviiie | David R Barker [Blizabeth N Barker | 43 454. e | iniieieiaal sihuniiacal gael ay a nei ee ene seni eerie nse nsensetenenersn ieee ene seee ve = rieneliecnseal ie a - caine oe cs ee ie wil ae aed won =m ae meitecinaesinai iciiiadeniiaiicmecs vehibitiyinieaamei culate sie jie sia wien a percniniecinmceai pe ol os eit a = i ae rnaelieiiiilaac sai ‘lcs oveiiiiaitiibattenniiaie siriaeniral csiicsilniciintinnniil a - — 4 a —#- me fh ee si L = ie sinc _} i r i i onions lsieesnecncioneosilaiiadl INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. _ correo UNIY UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 KEP Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Copyright 1933 A-122559 Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systeras—B Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ORE IS GIVEN DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 959 | 11/18 Wensil h Marsha Mi| WiM Mollie McGuire 4 1966; & | 28 Minnie F Wi Huntersville ose Lowder Mavina Blackwelder | 52 363 | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. CET FaeaD RL TE EEE OO one sete emer smegma oe ww ate cleat Pr Grapes Seen on = ~ > . i —~ = en ae DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED , nacenses — aa Tho AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color } PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) on 4 . 4 deren 1961 3 14 Wingler ; Robin Anette F ooresville “C | Glenn Wingler Faye E Measmer 47 141 a 1971 & 14 Wingler James David M W] Statesville Unknown Betty Wingler 7 569 eink a a oe | Wingler ss Dora Mitchell FW | Statesville | Iverson Mitchel] | Margaret Nichols $9 263 | dics ‘iain ciliates asl isis iii ls tenga Mccann ls a a | : ig t nthe tniiiaed deceit ncatoe same 4 acta i hipaa aa + see se REMC e or eile! eerie @e a = nee bs e 5 ' pelican. “f Die Bar a ce _ ae i: i aoe : a oi a ees + . - — esl onsen cee sneecnselaiemaiaemmsniill Beinn | es 4 | ‘ vidas TI sic Be | y a ae Bek ia one a sonia oe - - -" —— -_ — eons —_ peeeniatninndinll « | | ieee eae a eennemneannenniibies & nani -_ — — a — aaa aetna lane senesnenanenetamsouendiibanats wt ee ~~ _-— — — ~——— fr — - — —-—- _ a i ee gg aii si = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~— DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 101 peers inaaelanenn—tenen riiune wactiianas Cae ae. tox EF Te locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company. Colman, O60 CS. Sas SS. Sena nee ne hata ne ciesaamthwed ca athansmeauadl SUS nlrb meh etna atame ee a eee SURNAME OF DECEASED come — aux The AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER val Pass + + . + ‘ | cperemeemeneenesiiaentens ' | } T soe ss 1962, 1 (3 | Wayne Jessie E, M Wi Statesville NC] wm. Wayne “ouisa Lyall 48 22 e 1964 3; 5] Wayne Martha F WH Statesville Alfred Sheets Mary Osbome 50 142 0 eS . Sg Poe cy ‘ sic . ll aiiscihce atta poneleennene sipnisihdieniniiatiamnnenets vivian attach iiaagitichie — can inion eiicianehnatadlineiaiiials ides ciliata listed deinen ieieenntini eat —_ ome _— se <esesesenfllsespessesenenensujpeen ses af nea a enema eee enseeemor —————- — —— i em ein ‘ Tiina ech rei ca ao a ——————— a oo eee “7 ba —— —_ — — — een —_— es ee —_— ee ——— — _ _ ~_ a 4 = om —_ a arfilpeonen — emmene ace. See a — jalan eaanidaligicnensiici ' sins caneaeneiiipicinilien soul - aii ideale elena suesseaieiceasieiiceelieibiatuaeiiehedieniiiaiiteieaibiaanaiaiiatiatees deem aaa tala te salina ——$ $$ _— ne — percentile —— tne indenter —— ne _ nnn = pn — isesninate ae seomnecenseenenenenesseannavneceansnsiiensens aenfpesece eee _ onsen —_ eee — ~—- — iat ae 4 * + soll ae am ~ si ft 4 a di "= ra . diiiss sisal Seine a a iieceseeERineciaish : ek ia i one zs bi IL eis isis eit ——— — = t _ iliac —}— eiiriatetioesiteiaseewsenee atl _”. & Fatans No, 14st160-~Cepyright 1 1930 DATE OF DEATH ail Your | Month ee 1962 7 1973 a + ne "Day 7 1 iu Witte — jh ya (Al 24 Witt nummer, open at t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer | dex sheet for page reference. SURNAME, OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE {S GIVEN —-- _ Stillborn _| Stillborn ee fovea ne seceeeenemneetaniemaseal _ Gladys Morgan | M cl Dcncsetapneinreensitiens Mi W Fin PLACE OF DEATH | Statesville NC | Mooresville po Statesville _ — SSS = Oe Rebert | Le Witt — Robert E Witte —— NAME OF FATHER _ TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. —" onte, names, r 103 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio. SS Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. ee NAME OF MOTHER __| Gladys L. Morgon_ _Jane K Alien Vol.| Page . } 8 51/401 ce! a! 20,1 Hurley Morgan = _Frances Nichols _ | 57 502 — i sicenbeiaislielaiesilical = + sian natainiiitnisceniael niieisigigia aa b= - — we fh nee inne men nails ila os 4 fees nlaeevoncn cae - —f + bt = eee = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT PAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott : : Copyright 1949 A-141680 Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold oF ee eee Soe Sonn SSS ee Ea Saas SS SSS —— == ee Oe _ SS a = Ee = SS | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ia dete . RECORDED Tan ie ie cals oes 6 Gs PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = |-— | Mary V sane sd 75 | 1965 2 33 _ Wins low a Tho mas M | W | Statesville Allen U Winslow Cl ee | | i —H Re siadhnivieililbesciesanciall 4 | L —H— ae | bo caine | Se koe | + —_——_+ bial pinaviciilninneninains Si aesinenitieeeily A i mi - ae nile patois srcehioe = iinet fan isdsinenaieeseaiincinanel pecninnicnnaian sini biaatinstceesnennaitnsnninasionsl rommesica A acsarerceoreeniisine —_s ica eomeviipllinin — he mae seinsiioionie 1 pmrectilincanctensinnelidciil ae 107 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS ~ Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ‘Bo Wéciehal niin ¢ SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ” Silgde tig She Cath Sade Comuene, Gebumiveen: Obie UB. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 yn ta eee needa haar dec ouae onerense. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. SS = SES Seana eee nae ae aaa eee eee eee eee DATE OF DEATH 1 RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yor | Mon | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol.| Page Salma M, F W |} Mooresville John W Arthurs Jennie Graham U8 529 1962 10 1 Whitman eeemidiiasnnnnhainiincpeeniieen soeeenianligeliitiiasiacsis a SOIREE | tea 1972 re ____ Ross Wellingtoy M W) Iredell Co. | William Walter Whitman Selma Aruthers | 54 84 | h idbialineenat + 1980 4& 27 Whitman Ada Broome F §W {| Harmony Lonnie L Broome Mary Funderburk l66 230 2 4 aii, on i sbi sche onion in ; soul ile inhiiied a i a . Senne pesilasahintae 108 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. area Ne Ts BEET Ne ty BA oe ie Et PERITS RS 8 ete ieMOk | Pesos Sroscetices inasr Oo fe : © aw SURNAME. OF DECEASED aenaneee ca | mak lou AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vell Page 1981 5 17} Whitmore Verna Gertrude} F Wi Statesville _ Walter Creveling Mabel Gerber 67 275 sae SS ——— — a ara Je SS Slides Aeailis ee va Saas | ileal i sada ca a a so as Ratiatcias ER tien Alenia sonatlinicliipiartctemenseie sue cin ccc eae Ih sh am sins aiid alii aaa cca oa ae es fi ‘nie id 3 bli fF ~- i a a + no a E — He Ih le then ~~ — _ sae a ap culiindiake baie Sinisa dete ate Mees ies ae a a a * acl : sauna om piensa sletilianmsintaiamnbniiiniiihi See sisi alia — —— ee — eeu ———— a ee a ce — — Sn -~———- --— —— i san eee yonininltpoce - ssa angen saleseeeieeceatdlcemnietomi _ aes ——e mesons — — =~ abelian villi silen Lilet >} —__ —f}- — —_______} _______ nih ili ileal lanai Ne liliaeiciclig a acces se ——d ° ia +— iaesiilinhinceaaaa in iit ciapiiaiien uit 6 eee iditulshacih aliens Magione ase sleet ianceiatdancetin i hii allie +--+ ie li soll cosines aed cco vincscitinlnphelnaiike MR ce iat amma en cs ssciinialbcsaddgebelicacdacicn ata ana = ] mee be 4 ‘ esti 4 is os ces aca ese nigh leila agua one Waaeree eae by Miele Maine ianIG ohh teleg taco oar eerie aot 2 — ame ps — nats re iene aaecietaes eiscsemenelie ba . r . 4 snail li sstetpiensemsneiagitihil | eae eli nicl nial + ae ORE, AE cane ld sills nbteieleLAlpreennryie geinsnnaatnacensisninnsg wiih esl sani inepthiiaildeckaits oii ii vais iad en on Mi sonsiniinceiiiiiaiss linvsatmileliatl INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Copyright 1949 A-141580 = Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. lll Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. T = — an a _ t — ee ae > ee ae <a a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Yoar Month | Day AMD CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ee + SSS SS oe 8 1965 6 | 9} Woodring Stillborn a wl Vtiisianemenesiliee inal een * enasln ee wanes a - gg ee nie 7 ea i - Bo cme i as - ss ae coe 7 SEX | COLOR PLACE OF DEATH NAME, OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | ae eine sient ace ae : Mi W Statesville Ralph A Woodring Zelma G Foster 51/349 -_ tt ae eae +— fs) i Ty — —- -—— —- ee . sre 72 : Fi is ocktcaubiceilgcic, ane ee a -. pene. Stee a a2 lcaucunaeaal ~~ asians ee as Mae J puis pc clined gees Se ie ea a sams aS Salas as a an a pena sa - bt _— 7 po sone a a Ee ian ieee t i, as coe 4 ‘Ss t- ‘i ie +--+ eo. Sng ss i eS $$ —__$____ ee: a nae be posi a sini i ee pail - een ee — L sciaiea ceil ane — bo — Denese - 4 ~ aad vase nd IL LL <iclhvuliainia | adi 113 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made Cott Company, Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ee COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Index , Columbus, Ohio Copyrigh’ Sold by Observer Printing Houss, Chariotte, N. ©. it 1949 A-141580 na ee aE RRS en © Om SURNAME OF DECEASED — emnenees = ae ee iss Ge eal © ss le SEX jaan PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a online ciel lau eS ae Se nea ae i. re 1965 10 | it Wold ; | __ Roscoa ‘ MiW Mooresville Johan Wold Anna Thompson 51 581 NOD eae . + ol os | a. t Saas A | i tt ne 2 ae SY cenpetinntoM niente volando Bi si iene rn on cinta ieee inaablbchamstiiia te cdennnllcialieaadc aa ws aids nes - +4— a <dppamenmanen ane eo AG -4t i sai eu idl iirc ™ seinen mae ais Avukasiae 6 Ecnditeniitaiie Lprescincadesoabcadbanniel ae Jt aM eae apie etinciecaiias ii ie seo il Eee asl A baci Silica te wile Ei ae + cis cascosiasii cian tacit nS a amen r em aceon oe SEE OO ene oe si maacipennsiccteiaiiiamaatiles “0 JESS om a 4 { —P —— a oa Ree : a ns oes a oe ra i eh a a ae to —_}-—__—— ‘ ease aoe = a - — r me — al = — — —-—— ee 4 phates eo ris ; a ‘nition t “a ae J adpesininansiallini ~ a's — +H _ _ _— A ik —}———- fe ed ce a sincian ies i +— —}— 4 hi islieinammeee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —-DEAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. 115 COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Copyrigh: it 1949 A-141580 Open at Preper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. DATE OF DEATH Year | Month | Day = a Cog SS cs ieee 4 e- silat icc SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | PLACE OF DEATH SSS ——SS]l—S===a===a=a=aa====—= NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. | Page —— es aS ES Be SS ——————————E SST a ——— Whirlow Virginia profes Fi W Statesville Prince W Brown Mary Jane Klutz 52 172 visi neiieiaiitaiilali tlt eee eeearerna tee eee ne cen - F _ | : i —j—_}—_—_} - 4 _ mE +t—- a - = acini fj} eal +} en Se “ 4 = +r es ———— a a euiniinepecei + 4 il il sins Iisntoneheandiantenmenssianiiil a adver + i wile — i 4 wn enema — + — ssiiseeneinii eee ome ~ r eis pile spesiibiaiciccecamea ee novell 137 _sSINDEX =TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio PANSeyciaht 19 A-141580 ” Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing house, Charlotte, N. C. = = = === : === nae ———————SSSSSRSSSSSS S==S=== a SS [SSS RECORDED so SURNAME OF DECEASED sex. | coLoR PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN | Vol. | Page SS a SS es = SS = aoe pasacn SS er ee al SS nd SS + 1966' 12 9] Wiltsie | Ralph M Wi Statesville Fred Wiltsie Unknown — 52 \730 anil cacti | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. 119 COTrT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Copyright 1949 A-141580 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Waynick Ea: ti iiesiiiibeinsnenisnielcasecdpacniaicek S 1967 7 | 8 " | a. Sina a sates enieeenemamamniennae s tomas . ae See iain ji tia, 4 ; | -_ aa —_}—_—. siti alin ili LE. i _ ane seneenieclin + —+— i a tailletliinsi i | ee ee Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Ohio Ri? eS eer Saat SURNAME OF DECEASED ie RECORDED SEX | COLOR i F as eee + ak wae PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER he SSS SS <== pt eg SS ee <= SS (2205S Ete pa | } ee os Roy ee i ™ | W Statesville John L Waynick Lena Moore 53 | 436 | i A fee L 4. | | | +- | si acces ancl alot do ened Shade caucnctsieile a _—f}-— aga en ~ +— sii —_ +t- _— cm a comes — or enamel { oe ha aes i a on +—-—_—_—}-—— 4 e 9 es a omerten ete - sii _— eis paneer = rr § sais oprah acces cate) ic iil Seige tt —— mance nd hrenmenmedpenecrtenmmemmnnsl ae cinta » & a isles aiiacice — — —f}-——______ csi tinnilaiiliosclenessihinisaliadeiinMoatca eMail ‘iniieaiita ila oe ses t wits * le lI I ra Ps ye is willl —}- ‘ t " ahi itn — ee a ——f-—~ L - id eens ae Ss ccttinali }. L dlbibidimainaiia 1 y ii act Sal eM a * is sal Joe | ba —~- iis | oc diliia ae | | : +. vaio Mi a a st nid ie Sens i ; oer I ia one INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Solit Copyright 1933 A1l22580 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of 121 , Columbus, Ohio Se uk ee Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sed" Y Rete eS. Chariotie, N. C. i hoe wt SS aed = dex sheet for page reference. md ty Oe mae, | DATE OF DEATH . ‘ ‘. ‘i - SURNAME OF DECEASED i ta he Ce me RECORDED SEX (COLOR LACE v i] <a ta Giese ada 6 a ke | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER noe seit “f Sho . ' : suman on a ae r ane . pessoa be 1968 6 21] Willard | Agnes G. F | W | Harmony Paul B Willard Pauline Plant 54, 402 4 4 : ; | | | { { ' { i { ) | ++ | } | } COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Solit Copyright 1983 A122550 __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — DATE OF DEATH You | Month Dey 1967 & |3 1967 4, 3 ART 38 14 ayir so tee Cie ak Medias teh qnientinn te Vantabn olan Name and vefas to Bult Subindes sheet fer page eaferoune. SRS eS lredell ene N.C. Sots Saher Rca nes: Sa 123 SURNAME OF DECEASED ge aa She RECORDED hab Cetekven wsibt, © Ok te Goes SEX ir PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) teas se ee Scot oecneeece of a sicliliiadibiibie sill ius side Whiteside Stillborn F| @ Statesville - Jeanette Mae White/ | 54| 702 | side Whiteside Baby Girl F, Ci] Statesville ~ Jeanette Mae White/ (54 '733 } Whiteside Fred M B Statesvi lle Lack Whiteside Janie Whiteside 63| 393 o Whiteside |Larry Lavon M |B | Statesville Broddie E. Whiteside Eva Steele 63) 497 } j t COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Solit Copyright 1983 A122500 1969 8 1971 & 972 | 12 1978 | 9 ein oa — ———<== -" a a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ox | Quan PLACE OF DEATH Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. SEF” Nate nod sefr to Bult Subtaier shoot for page releronce _ bay Se se Mose, Seas Re 29 || Winford | 1§ Winford 19 Winford 1975 5 (7 Winford 19] Winford Harry Truman |Larry Vincent | Lenzie _ Theadore H. Vernie Eugene Mooresville Troutman N C Mooresville Mooresville Mooresville Vernon Winford John Winford John Winford Willie Winford / Miss Virginia Winfo Dora Ramsey Gra Dora Ramsey Winford- Harri 5 Lhe hnnie Lou Westmorelant 58 716 5 61.277 6h 475 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. pcan Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Solit Copyright 1933 A122550 Made by The Cott Index , Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ere anaes asa nga Spec: neo SURNAME OF DECEASED SEX Nea PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = Yea | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Vol. Page I = at a es: fe Se — FSR 4 . ae SE a SS SN SET SSCS Sena a = & 1919 10 | 25] Williford | Whit Alex M | W |Mooresville N Cll William Williford Rachel Williford 5\ 50 1978 3 16 | Williford | Carrie Hobbs F |W! Mopresville Joe Hobbs Julie Christie 64.157 + | | T 2 | | | | | | | 1 | set nan eneesseanientesenate sid naw a armen a r o + INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 12 COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. i1—Solit Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index , Columbus, Obio Copyright 1989 A122560 CAP an cc akc is ton ean aedecanos aan Sold Re Printing , Chariotie, N. C. Year Month Day phd DATE OF DEATH $s 1971 8 9 | Warr SURNAME OF DECEASED +} AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Baby Boy SEX coor || PLACE OF DEATH Se cesefeens W | Mooresville NAME OF FATHER James Alton Warr ee NAME OF MOTHER Vol. | Page Elizabeth Levine 57 | 565} INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Svlit Open at Proper Tab necording to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index ; Calnasions, Chie Copyright 1933 A122559 Ce deans cash abi ts ar ncicavbes chest dot ug satereace j Sold by Observer Printing Chariotie, N. C. Ea pe SSS aS AG Se SL ER EF ASSES en ee ae Te Sant ae DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED SEX “ coLOR JACE ° ot oe | me |e it taienen © Gk te tm PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER epeeeceropeemsocoe nas acerbic spe fle cer RE > wom a : : Se Sere cf cece hee | 1971 | 12) 4, |Wimmert Gertrude Louis¢ F W | Mooresville John Nelson Florence Swenson 57 767 _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY pores 5 INDEX No. 1-—Solit Copyright 1933 Al22550 Dien an Pointer Cis melanins ta Pieintbes enlanane a 133 = sat ane Ss Name and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Body’ Obverver Printing . Charlotte, N. C. | DATE OF DEATH TT . . = oy 7 RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED sex [cover PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN Page = 4 Z = = =< A — = —= oon eS ee SSS eae on tee == —— ag 1971 12 | 26|Winberry Sr. | f er e re e c e pe r e n n e pe e r ene Charles Bryant f= en } M|W Statesville James Ernest Winber! ry Hepsy Kellum Vol. sre fees creas = 57 135 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Cohmnbus, Ohio Copyright 1949 A-141580 Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Beit ae” Goarser Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED SEX color} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. | Page sae | 1971 6) 19 Witherington | Harriett ice F |W | Troutman J_V Riley H 57! 392 : Patrick i 1977, 21 | 1 Witherington Mildred foulse 7 | W] Statesville [Moffat L Patrick Clara Faser b3 | 25 ae | a oh ok See gee POR ‘ | : e | } | r } an Paina rinnenfaim cal rinvdl pecans d . inl ila “ a i shina Miiblodedemesich nifiocmncll 1 " 7 somes aes ees : | ; —__—________4—__} sole { sn . . —_————_—_}-—_|__ 7 ee ‘ iis iene tshnesclan alte sscdinteilae Meta es et eM ae | } | r e@ a ~ _ ~ + | + 1 — ~ — - a — | siaienatenninnicinte saan I csisliiieesisliaiiase wien inition st nett _onererncenetansenasetense onsen nasser emstattetelleesannaes nese she aint sips emcees icin ikae silicon i a ereeereeaguicee eneionenn —— eeeneetnreaneenrceneeesneeeitl ll nntnainae om + ponerse cepa enieeeennanee seme _ ~ a ingens rg re hk 4 " 1 oe ioe ease shes addled ap atciatceean theca ee Fh SH ca n c i n t n c a n e l e a r n = een eet — pestestchwionicntoeninesanaii ween 208 seethcncienicntli a eaeniemeingrenaniniieainnmnainel ape inact i | soe a ea icscsealigel Mi es ie Ms a a ae a | ] | a ——— é T a Hh ee fa et : iiss initia sneer senile gies i eB | a — —— —— 4 -—— —- + 1 o- ~ — ——_———}-— _ —_—— ~~ — — — - —_——_——. $$ Sei diiadadisichdisisaicnvensinc airtel ental nisl ieneneneemee serenade catnimnensenivsiatui stole Sissies dink | ihn cei aeaenceiiahcetinttnthntcittselihcanatdtiiainlsametisietitinliaiuaiial Sinnsaainnilal sinha ial snasesuaeacsestiepuieedsttinsndasomthan entra cfiisanneuihnstsssemancetie 137 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTT FAMILY MAME INDEX Ne. 1-SPLIT ant ons c« Beas hlate: ‘sn denying Trade Merk Saana anil sales to eld Geibdaten hast Gor eave eedebanen. Sold by Comma Danvelsy, Raleigh, MC DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED a ai : RECORDED =. Taek ton ins thins eal. » a wk SEX | coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER eye Wiebel 1972| 8 | 31} Wiebel George Fechtig |M W | Statesville Augustus Frederick 58 518 i | | + — a | | | | | | | | | | | T r | | | | | | | | | ; | } | = | | | 1 t ~ | | | | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 139 S54 Soar art NEF” Rome Sa ster tn att Sdniten sent or poss store Sepia acts Mie — ao = By cites cl oa ae sex | cover} PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ai 1919 112 7B M |W Statesville a - 5 as 1929-4, Le ee Se —_——| Zeff£-Walker- 15. kl | 931 - F | W [Mooresville [ W Webester ddie Brooks IL7 216 1940 |10 William Tripelete M| W || Statesville Rah, Webster oaham Howell 26 | 4,3 1940 31 Martha Legannie| F | Ww | 194,818 30. S Lois Rebecca || F 950 |7 3 Webster James Robert M s§W oi 1950 110 15 Webster: - M WW lensaneenate Paces Odell Webste Jenny Lucille Rabin/ 36 | 534, | 952110 |28 Webster Mary Carson F W oresville brant J Carson lizabeth Carson) 38 551 956.1 120 Minnie Wyatt || F iw _|Mooresville ictor Wyatt ler +t 26 1956 10 Webster iIla c W P W_ |Ssatesville oseph Wright Forcum 2 48h 1957/10 120 Riby F | W_|Statesville Burl Bowman is Sherrill {43 ae 1963 ik 133 Webster: Dorothy F | W_ |Statesville lEffner P Webster ae Bowman 9 260 1963 lg Fr Webster Bertie F | W Mooresville John Thomas Sa Cranford 9 473 1963 ly 117 W. r Marcus M | W (Black Mt., N.C. |Charles Webster a L Webster 9 534 1966 '9 |2u Webster Carl M W |Mooresville James R. Webster hare Carson 52 \568 1969 | RoR a Webster Annie Tomlin F | W |Statesville eorge A Tomlin Farrie Sharpe 55 |700 1970/3 19 Iwebster Etre _} M | Statesville Emory Burns Webster /|Lillie Woodward 56 173 1971 & | 5 |Webster Clarence Maurice M W |Mooresvile Unknown Addie Webster 57 \22h 1972\1 _|21lWebster __—|Wiley Spurgeon | m lw |Statesville _|John Webster Sarsh Laws 58 159 1972/2 16 Webster Carl Amdrew M | W |Statesville John Lee Webster Cornelia Sally 57 \137 1973. 4 5 Webster SamuelTilden Jr| MW | Statesville amuel Tilden Webster! Cora Lee Smith 99.232. 1974! 5 | 20 Webster | Melzie Nora F | W | Statesville Doctor John Webster evannah Hasseltine / 6d 250 1976 | 9 j2 Webster Addie Brooks F_|W_| Mooresville Unobtainable Mary Brooks Moore 621462 1981. 5 lae Webster Thala Robinette F W i Mooresville James Robinette Unknown _ 67|.278 “ee si d l i s i l b s e i oe <c i e l i b m t a l c c n e n i i e a n e e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell Coun 141 nts Canta: Tamia Pa Sa RAT iron sscler hbtaretion aon teraseaeed SARSShioa ees — =] _ i cua as are nes SEX | COLOR! PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER aya | 5 13 Webb - M_|W (Statesville |B B Webb jiadie Lewis 1916/5 8 Webb Emeline Jenett || F_ | W |Chambersburg Tn ~ ~ 108 916| 7 | 20/ Webb Robert M_ | C (Statesville Sam Webb - 266 _| 929/}, 1 BL M |W |Chambersburg L Webb Nancy Nicholson hs \er_| 1929/10 /5 a - F s lle ° Webb _ L Lancefort [15 |518_| 1934 | 3 9 ||Webb pe Edward © M | W |Statesville eorge Webb Ollie Sherrill 20 |355 193715 6 ||\Webb Bertha Fleming | F | W Statesville Brice Fleming Lelia Steele 23 |360 941/21 13(Webb =| Lydia Long — F Mary Caudél 7119 1944/1 114] Webb | John Thomas M_! Nancy Jordon 30 1948/10 |13)Webb John Washington | W_ |Statesville Daniel Leonard Webb |Jeanette Mayes ky \4&2 1950 20)|\Webb Samuel Pinkney | M | W_ jFallstown Tn Noah Webb Mary Parker 36 | 260 1953110 | 30/\Webb Billy Wayne ale | Mooresville _! Unknown __||Hazeline Webb 9 (521 1955112 * Webb Pamela Marlene |¥ W. |Stateaville |vi11iam Solomon Webb|Geneva Leona Marlittd b) 55h! 1960 6 19 Webb \cometia Ww F | W_| Statesville - - 46 (370 1962.3 au Webb [Patricia Ann F | C_ Mooresville Unknown Hazeline Webb 48 |162 196) |8 122 Webb. |Wi2diem M W_|Statesville _|Alexander S Webb Annabelle Moore 50 1483 1965\1 | 13||Webb Pearl F | W |Statesville T V Bailey Carrie Bell 51/31 1967 6 | 26 Webb |\Carrie F | W | Statesville James D Elliott Jennie Morrison 53 |uae 1968 4. a Webb Jr |doe M ra Statesville _ William Webb ._—-—Ss_—sNancy McCall -—s-_——s' 54 1232 1968/5 | 22|webb (xgith click | F |W |statesville [Manuel ¢ Everhart _{zliz. click 5h 330 1969 a 8 Webb Rufus Moore M | W_ |Statesville \Richard Stanford Weby Jennie Clegg 5 1970 2 i Webb Joseph Edgar _| im iw! Charlotte L Webb 156 233 1975 | 6 | 17 Webb John Henry M Ww Statesville John W Webb Lelia Long 61 | 346 1976| 9 |12]}Webb Ernest William | M | W |Mooresville {Unknown Unknown 62) 448 1972 | 7 16 Webb Joseph Wade M 4 W High Point hn Webb Lydia Long OC} 24! 1981/1 | 9] Webb Bertha Irene F ¥ Statesville 1 Perry Reavis Maggie Brawley {02 10 pe r e i l f i n s n m e n a n n i f i n e r e t a e n t s Sm e a r s INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. REG. v. 5. County PAT OFFICE Batnlate: Aa Identifying Trade Mark Indexes Since 1888 re Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of FAMILY NAME Wo. 1-SPLIT © 1948 Made by cowl inden Ea. Raleigh, N.C. Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Soid By Comma DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ae : RECORDED re ids alibi weak, © ak 6 Gees SEX |coLoR| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER vo | oe 1928/3 |19/Wedington ____|Robert Lock i 193213 2),\Weddington ___|Floyd B M |W 1 19394 | 10lWeddington ____| Susie Lurlie F W__}Coddle n9a J 1941/7 12iWeddington _ |Clif@6rd Eo || M | w b51— 950112 | 22\\Weddington _| Sallie McKnight! F / WwW ea ht B72 196412 |3 Weddington Amanda W_|Morganton C Overcash arriet Campbell 1/164 | 1967.3 (Weddington _| Crawford M 63 223 | 1968/10 /15\\Weddington _|Walter Shaw || M |W |lfroutman ._—-_| pl 633 | } , 44 | | | | | | | | | | ay | | ea | { | a | | oT | | 1 4 | 1 | | T x | | | — | | | | | | | | T : T 1 r | 4 as 1 | | | : | | | 7 | —— | | | | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Copyright 1949 A-141580 re Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. 145 Made ‘The Cott Index . ee a —— = — j= mn a DATE OF DEATH ; SURNAME OF DECEASED sae RECORDED SEX (|COLOR| P. — cm’ tun sh iin ie, © th tres LACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =i ee 1972.11 10 | Waldman Phillip V M |W | Statesville | Tsaac Waliman .__ _|iGilel - be 553 | | | | j catia aie oe pe. oe se et | ve oe Pr ee ‘eaten ae + "Be seas oye 7 a a ani an actin Be ae 3 | | a ae ae gone a = a “ noe! ae = wa oe et ce Eee ec ae mem ct Se ee a eligi gare lance f~ 2 ae a ae | ee eee ed ode i tae a <a igs mel ac oe sy i i | | as = Bees ah +— a Ss i i rl eS ic Se pis Bont a er he ! oy Aiea 8 2 : a a ae be a — nee ten —_ aetna = 1 _f Bl ia 4 a ee Bi Sica ns HRUOEE, See caret S| jp Z és es Sa _ om ——— = _ EE a a Redhcacti > ess > p- St ae aR eM eM aa a oe Bes oi sane ia —— a Bs a Bo adpuceditiaencininihiias illness al *s i Lp ae. | enemas s ,, Ea Co ee ‘ ccieneliiie ‘kl pincnimiiia @- $—__1____ ne oe janine wee “— sensei 1 wielivsieiiinccsniasnamnaiai oo _ = - Sa _— ii —~—— . t : ae woe al satel * aS senso jaa ncaa . + + i correo “UNIVERSAL "INDEX Neo. 1-4 To locate names, open a’ SURNAME INITIAL TAB aad refer Ma de by The Co ott In ndex ‘Commanes Columbus Ohio cat ee US. Pe tent Ne. ee ene 180 = e to to Buff’ Sub- index sheet fer ones ¥ velerenc ce. — Sold ous Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 147 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE iS GIVEN le, ee ea ee econo 4. eee ca I aa oe iettiesiinsihecsinenata alli Shea iactenineannnnice nia ceil ue Sk Ba ace ta Lhe, ind aliases ee io a 4 Wblecnn bi eeu paaee. e s i —_——+_—_—_}— satel Beas 3 Poe ae ghee . cilia Micon cee cs +— Es ae pe ee es ed | 2 ae a é iz Ls ‘ Be aici dal ¢ : ++ Sa eed = a ~ | eee cS | : So ee 4 ie ] vi saree . e@ é i in eelaiatincema a 1 + -—}— oi i + a Ne a ry cia dL : ao — Sex Color ae PLACE OF DEATH pean oaeceentas NAME OF FATHER EEE nnieniitconcoaed NAME OF MOTHER |_unknown. Vol.| Page Be | 59 328 148 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — ‘coTTco UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. EHTS Copreiget 1930 a ¢ SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer sT ans errs: sheet fer: page reference. DEATHS — Iredell a Coan N. C. “This Sesueee sen inate | inensest heir correctness. Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. For vou Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1980. 10 18] Wynn Rachel F 5 | Statesville PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Monroe Holley NAME OF MOTHER Laura | Mebane Vol.| Page : 66 529 1 sicieeermnniinnntebtabenincnnins an aren ened pesrmemiieinee — af peesemenonnemn arene oe 4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 149 County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of CONT FAMILY NAME INDEX Ne. 1-SPLIT © 1848 An Identifying Trade Mark Car os ahakratnnbain tect nee fiaoe by Goel index Ce. Conumbus. Gre on @ enw SURNAME OF DECEASED : RECORDED Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE {S GIVEN SEX | coLOR} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i) mae 1974 1 {9 Worrell Gary Daniel M |W ] Statesville John B Worrell Gloria Hedrick 60) 12 i | i : hi | Ba | | + 4 bee | i | | | pee | | | ; Ty | i . ~ len siting isle icinindilia tad akeitndiiabsicambainiabiass + | | L | | | T i — | | | | | | | | | | Pay | | | } | ‘| | ce | | : ~ r Bs | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. rar orice Le Pheliatec ‘An identifying Teede Indexes Since 1888 Mark Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sl.cet for page reference. CONT FAMILY RAME INDEX Me. 1-SPLIT Made by Cott index Co., Cotumbus, Sotd By Comma Danieley, Raieigh, N.C. Smo DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED kaa RECORDED — = smb Cuesvi wom, © Gm 6 wen SEX | CoLeR|) PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 7 1974! 4 | 1) Wimberly Peggy Jo F |W i Statesville |Ray M Wimberly 188 | 1 | | { | | 1 | + + j } } | | | | { i i T | ce | | | | | | i | | | | j | ae | | | | | 1 | } | a j = 9 + | | | | | | | | | | | rT | oe j | | | oo | | | | | | | i + a | snmniiets + decieninsnans iil linn bi ces canines seaman ii ia - | i Be + a Te 4 is + | } 4 153 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. AG. v. 5, B “ County Indexes Sine \atp 1686 > Oren at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by Cott index te. oa Oe PAT Office Mrsnatinutistiiats Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index clieet for page reference. sold by Comma Danietey, Raleigh, N.C. DATE OF DEATH j ; >CEASE RECORDED aa tam fee dio oa pte woe SEX | COLOR} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae 1922 1 | 4 | Weisner Susan F |W {| Olin Tns William L Patterson |Emily Tomlin 7 203 1928 | 2 | 18 Weisner Frank M |= |New Hope Tns Espey V Weisner Etta Myers 14| 2564 1931 5 ul Weisner David Franklin | M W || Union Grove Tn ||/Benjamin Weisner ---White 17 1599 1.933 8 | 31] Weisner Margaret E F | WiConcord Tns Thomas Jennings Sarah Campbell 19 172 1950 coe 4 21) Weisner Espy Vance M! WiStatesville N CiB Erastus Weisner Emma T Williams 36 394 1965 | 3 27| Weisner Etta F | Wi Statesville Rufus M Myers Disa A Madison $1; i738 1968) 9 | 6 || Weisner Carrie T. F | W | Iredell Co. Wm H Weisner Susan Patterson 54 | 561 1973 | § | 30; Weisner Theo Lavonne F W | Olin Paul Feimster Bertha Smith 59 | 288 1977 | 9 12 Weisner Raymond Jenning M W Olin Frank Weisner Margaret Jennings 63| 491 1974| 9 10 Weisner Rex Campbell M |Caug. Winston Salem | Franklin Weisner Margaret Jennings DCii 534 * —— = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. RES. U. 5, - 7 ‘ ai COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-SPLIT © 1949 rr tn A ido Tre Mark KAT Neves end solr 2 hall bebchaion chat Oar bags someone ere pen tay Rass Me GATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED a RECORDED | vor | toh [Om AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | COLOR PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ort hess 1926; 3 | 26|Wiggins Flora Diana F | W |Coddle Creek Tn| Elleck Bost Martha Walker 12 | 52 1937| 8 |10)Wiggins John Francis W |iCoddle Creek Tnj Lopley L Wiggins Flora Bost 23 45 1939; 10 |6 |Wiggins ~ F | W |Coddle Creek Tn] Roy V Wiggins Pearl Mae Jefferson] 25 550 1961| 7 | 28] Wiggins Mary Alice F | W Mooresville Rt 4% Jonas Pope Margaret McKay 47 377 ; 1963| 2 |1l4iWiggins Joe A W Mooresville John Wiggins /? Whitsides 49 95 ' : 1976 | 2 |10/Wiggins Garl Bell | W {Mooresville John F Wiggins Alice Pope 62 | 69 em: | | I t | 7 1 | | r r t — | | | | — t 44 | | i | EC | | I f () | ; ae | , ’ 5. a ao ij t } | | | | | ’ i : —- | be a te ft ae — a ! ; | | is ‘s | | | | ee + ~~ { ae 4 t r’ ar 155 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. REG. uv. 5. County Indexes Si Open et Proper Teb according to First Letter Letters of COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX Ne. 1-SPLIT © 1848 rar ornce {An Idendiving Trede Mark ee rd ik epee nan toe nea tet . : seid wy Comma Denicley, Rateigh N.C. ace SURNAME OF DECEASED SEX | coLoR|| PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE IS GIVEN , rene 1927! 2 2i Wideman ‘ M | C |Chambersburg TnjjJas . .vidson Elizabeth Wideman 13 42 | | . + + | | } j | j | | | ae | _t + + | } | | | | | | | | | | } : | + : t | | | | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. m6. v5 County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Pa At gg a rat cornice An Identifying Trade Mark Ca ronan met oe wcomin Sold By Comine Danietey, Raleigh, Wc. GATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ae 7 x q RECORDED eae Ton iis tells aod 4 ob ta SEX | COLOR! PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER ee 1916 6 | 1] Winchester Jim MC Statesville Ty __-= -- 391 | 1923 1_| 3] Winchester Ann F Fallstown Tn =< * 105 | 1963 1 | 14 Winchester Alexander M ic Mooresville Unknown Julia 28 - | Fin | ill . 3 ooresvi s 1978 | 8 |27]| Winchester Elminor Westa@ig” F | . ® Monroe Westmoreland | Katherine Cowan __Il 64! 432 4 | | | | | | o t t i { ms He | 7 4 & | | eee . 4 sas Minit j 4 Bi + | - | | | & | | | | | 4 | l | ain IS eet acetic eects atari tt { saa a lis i sPiadick, | 4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 158 REG. U. 5. Indexes Proper according Letter Letters COTT FAMILY ay mee Ne. 1-SPLIT © 1908 rar omnes fn ldantsing Teede Mark Ce aronecteceeasian ibiivedass terenecematice Sold By Comma Ingen, Coutm don. Caunmman Oe SATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED > eco ; RECORDED [won| de tale wa 6 Ot SEX | CoLoR|| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER or + “ 1917 5 |26]| Windsor --- M |-Turnersburg __| Andrew Windson Nettie Holland 261 3930! 12 | 24 wana E A wil Stat 51 Sitilhen intense Ellen Windsor 16 532 1933 10! 249 Windsor R. W. M |W | Statesville Elisha Windsor Claris Johnson 19 389 1952 7| 3G Windsor { William Andrew] M/W | Statesville Mat Windsor Rebecca Windsor 38 425 | 1956 | 5 |9 || Windsor | Jettie Holland] F Wi Statesville W_D Hol2zand Letha Fowler 42 256 | | 1963 | 1 [29] Windsor | Herman M/W] Yadkin County || Loyd Windsor Lela Gough 49190 | 1964 7 |18 || Windsor... or Mary Milzer FW | Statesville || Luther F Miller Emma H Miller Sd 52 1971 | ___10/27 || Windsor Howell Cain M | W | Statesville Riley Winfield Windgor Della Howell 57, 694, | Johnson holson 1972 | 10 127 Windsor _—|_—~ Pearl Virginia F |W || Statesville Gurney Vestal J M 58 628 sor 19798 30 Windsor __ | _Iuther Morrisdn ¥ | Wi Statesville Riley Windfield Winhi/ Della Howell 65,476 1981 7 127 Windsor | Ira L M_| Wl] Statesville || E F Windsor Ida Powell 67| 394, ~ r t | - T onseeeiilee —— ae a $$ — i | —t | + | | | | | hcg a asa meal ala Mcleod | ee t | } — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. RES. v. 5. County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Onn) PANY AMD: MEE: Be. 160217 eer ahr Tanai: An Identifying Trade Mark Beer Nome and refer ta Buff Sub-Index sleet for page reference ke ee DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED . ee ; RECORDED io | A deh cilities tank. © G's tad SEX | coLoR|| PLACE OF NEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = fF =——— | 1930 8 | 30] Willman e- _M | c|| Shiloh Tn Aus Willman _____| Nannie Rankin 17! 293 | | fad | ' | i } } | | | ' | | ti a p d s i d i i a a i e l e i l e —— _ — _ 4 + — _ _ _ _ + _ _ _ ‘ i INDEX TO VIFAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. sts Catt Tess Se Ca eeeeele chpnatoeae nn ee See =e ie i ae eek G cre sex cour} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME, OF MOTHER a j + 1967 7 |1lj Willis Margaret Jane | F | W | Fallstown Tn Robert J Willis Mary Mathuson 13.169 1931 & | 9} Willig --- F_ | C | Statesville John Wi Agzie Lee Swift 7 | 338 1937 | 5 |\28} Willis Clayton M |W | Statesville NC -- -- 23 368 1939 | 9 |17] Willis | Barbara Gene F iW Statesville NC Edison Willis Pearl Goodin 25} 451 1961, | 3 |31] Willis | Charlie M | W | Mooresville Monroe Willis Eliza Stallings 50 | 194 1971. 2| 7} Willis Theron Weaver M| W Statesvillge | Rev. Walter Herbert (Willis Berniece Bagby590 74 1971 | 8 | 2]) Willis, Sr. Edison Lonzo M | Wj Statesville Tim Little Zera Williams 57| 518 1973 | 12;12|| Willis Doctor Alvin M iw Mooresville William Willis Alice Hartman 59 634. 1979 5 ‘16 Willis | Bernard Matthew) M | B || Rowan Co George Willis Mildred Albert C2 | 428 i | | | | | | | | | | | —— 164 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. is. v5. at Tab according to Firet Lotter or Lettirs of COvT FAMILY NAME INDEX Ne. 1-SPLIT © i948 be one ee oer Name hah ts Buff Sub-Index chest bee pee valevencs. ‘ . Sota By 7 Comma Dar ite Raleigh, Wo. ener SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | coor PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. Page aoe 975 4 | 25] Worley John Alan M | W || Mooresville Unknown Frances Kay Whitaker}/61)| 262 : r | i | | a . i aE § —— . | oi | S Pe | | pp —______} ___}_}_}___ + + t * } } | ee | T t | | y T ee sone nein anemone : | | t + | | | | | } ‘ | T | | | | + | | i | ae | “Tt T 7 | | | 4 Pe estas telat pennies sini 166 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COT? FAMILY NAME INDEX Me. 1-SPLIT ove Made by Cott index Columbus, Aa Identifying Trade Mark a ee een dee cere Sold by Comma Denietey, a - Saal _ - — —. - - = —— - — a = 5 = ~ —: ae ms _— : al | RECORDED DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED cae ‘ oo tae te saab Ghai team, @ cut 0 Oa SEX | cotor] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF ne | ee 1975 24, Winebarger William Roby M | Wi Statesville E B Winebarger Karoline Trevette iba 363 1981 2 | Winebarger Naomi Alice Koch F Statesville fwi224.am Koch Kathryn Unknown 167 |260 | | | | | | j | +} - -—— | 1 | ae : fue ce eee ue oe | a | e | a | | | z j i } } ‘ ; - il | | | | | | | | mee | TY ae By ve n c i t m m n e s e i e l i n a n s i 168 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. ne. w. 8. County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Gott FAMILY MANE INBEX Wa, \-S2UIT @ 1000 mr crnss CLiaaPtCatl: ‘a deni Tends Matt i KF Name and refer to Buff Subviader sheet for pass reference. oa: Seid By Comma a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED aes : : RECORDED Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | COLOR] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oT a 1976 | 2 23 Whitehair Charles Perry M | W |) Mooresville Harold Whitehair |Navedal Long 62) 8 ev | | | | | | | | | 169 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a Po e Rts. v. 5. PAT OFfrice County Indexes Since 1688 rer Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of e ae sane INDEX Ne. 1-SPLIT © 7 ‘ott Index Co., Columbus, o An Identifying Trade Mark Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold 8 by C Gomme Danieley, Raleigh, N.C. } | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED } sie = ao | te lee ANO CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN SEX | COLOR PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ca me oa aetoaronocs ie SSS ES <<< == Sa ST 1980) 5 |2 Workman Coleman Carneg: le M! W Mooresville John T Workman Martha Martin 6 271 | { T } | fi | r he +. | | — : | | | | | | } } } i + - - + j | | } " if | | } | j | 4 oo + } j i ie. } i | ' | j } T r | t Po 4 i i i ' | +. : | l | T hi 4 | } ae. | L t | | r 7 | | | r | 7 | ¢ . , a \ t r ee | ) | | | | on cs ae ig RIN eaten 9 aaa ie | | | | | +. : 4-4 — + [ | : bad | | e o | | i 170 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. RES. ¥. 5. County Indezes Since 1888 Beer Naoe a Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of sade by Cott index Cex Cotumous, Ome PAT OFFICE Bos Dilatl: Ro Wdentibying Trede Mark Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. oh sold by Corame » Rateigh, N.C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ne m RECORDED > ac NAME. OF MOTHER a = AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | COLOR PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | we 1976; 5 |21)Winders Ida Mary F W Mooresville Sylvester M Winders |Annie Monrge 62 255. + | | | | | | | | | | : | | i | | i | j i . | } a t | t | | | | ! | | i COTT FAMILY N. Copyrigh 172 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. AME INDEX No. 1-Split it 1949 A-141580 Cam Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ey ee ee oe Las c. : a + sense SSeS on ge So a DATE OF DEATH ; RECORDED ; SURNAME OF DECEASED COLOR : ae ee uk "ay ie Caran wile, © Gk 0 tn PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ‘wa | fom | | i h976 | 6 15] Weeks ,Sr William Thomas | M W | Statesville Nathaniel Lee Weeks |/Ellie Marie Martin {62 |284 | | | i | BI es ese bs wo pee eR cM. i a MS re i a ees | | | | ia Perr cr eet pe ante ee | : oe i i aera — diprvieredaeae saci ail peso delle coh sal osinehtscns ahah meio aon ; i iaikistcceons anaeente Ba seat amet eee ee lta a | a a Picccia lace aia cacens apace iiss sess Ma ih js scabies sitesi eteiiinindiaiiioaaliai aati i ts a ae al [ale ae Bs seis + oi: sisi ales i ~ ENE eee See: Sees ‘i de é e bikes -¢ fe aa } Rei let a nd Die a ae ili iecdinca tel lee as is | de tk a 4 sie i UM oe iia aM se alee aie Eas { . a ss ala le rete | | et asa aaah Se Sa te S _ — — oe exenpsemnammanes — — — Pe a nen Wen ceereenerenmenserr ennai en seesenae gO a Ae beta lat eee aa ea | | | a a er ee 8 ‘ilk Maid escola a “a scabs bi ee / | | | aed penerenesenenmnnsencene dfpnsscnnsnrlhtesepnnaniiincgttilli 4 sap nepstnereneenenentineniscinstesinllin | ae sical biuisintilad oeidiieal cial ‘ Sek ciliate iinet = nn ee i fo a seeiaaiillaiaiieisiiitt telileaicd pig a ia ie sie i a solid acdielicdisaa de i aeeln ib | | 7 | | — nanan ens — — is ee a , en | | | | } T _J | | é " : 2 ne 2 ; Se ee SS | z fe SSR ae SS STEEL TE INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Spiit ar ans Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index , Columbus, Ohio Copyright 1933 A122550 Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing » Charlotte, N.C. = DATE OF DEATH . . . ia . RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED sex |co.or| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Vol. | Page > = = = ne = =: " } a aa pee Sa F ee oo = = = = = = SS SENS + + = 1977| 2 | 26)\Wardo |Charlotte Novothy F W | Statesville Anton Novotny Emilie Novotny 63 139 + + | + T INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C." nis. v. 5 County Indexes 888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of GOTT FAMILY MAME WNBEE Be. V-SPUT @ J00 PAT orrice Ba tnlate: {An ldentinne Trade Merk SF ee cancies ov ued svaihar dina tas nan rebeoaaie. sore br cent inger ce, Coumans Gi DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ve i ; RECORDED st aa tae am ComsTIt ; oe 1s GER SEX | COLOR PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ai ta 1972 12)| 19 Whorton Sally F |C_ i Morganton Unknown Lettie Dalton OC} 256 | | | f | | i | | | | | | a. Pd | i | j } INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 178 oF Ne Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of PNR ee ett index fa. Me. 1-SPLIT Conucnous, Gre Came aul aanir to Rall Suibteden dines foe page valerenes. sold by Comma : DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sas ie RECORDED Your | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | COLOR PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) fan | | 1974 | 10 |28] Wyles Lillie Cathering F | W jj Charlotte Daniel Clifford Shinm/ Bertha Stewart DC 1) 543 os c i l INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. OU ® &, County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of SOts FAsY Bale ene oes PAT oFFice Bae eCake: or laentying Trade Mask a Name and refer to Buff Sub-lndex sleet for page reference SARS ee DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ie ai RECORDED a tae tee in Ge ink © on oe ek sex | coLor| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = jp é 1978 | 2 | 16 Whitener, Sr. | Sidney Ovha M |W {i Statesville Walter David Whitener Laura Edwards 64,| 106 | | 4 } | i | | | | | | | | . | | i | Poe 4 | | | | | | he | | | } i | ! | | | County indexes Since 1888 PAT OFFicE Ba late: An Identifying Trade Mark INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of et Hb Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Danieiey, Raleigh, N.C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED CoOL EB ; ATHE? MOTHER | — a AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX oR} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF oa | fam 198% 1 |9 |)WiBiReken Cleone Boyd F | W } Troutman Backstrom B Boyd Ina Hobbs 67| 8 ae | » i { } } ‘-. —4 : q- { rE r | | lank ' E: i | r T | | | } | } ' | | } < | | | 1 | T | i | | | | | 4 | | | Poa eee ne T t | | ! i j 4 | | r | | | Gs | ' | | { ' j | | T 1 = 7 } Rey er T wT @ 4 { | ] | adn | | | ! 4 | 1 v T T | ; oe | i i | | | ‘ee | } . nr ' + 4 ai ssi t | - + se +- t | | “ + | Pract asks eee | ses | ¢+——+- pos + + reece nealea eae ae i roe t 4 | | | sii mbetemmeti 1 — | r | ] | | + + t T ; + ; T 1 | i | i | ee | } | | | eee : } | } | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX Noe. t—Split Copyright 1983 A122589 DATE OF DEATH Year Month | Day 1939, 7 (10 = semper a SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for z 3 PLACE OF DEATH page reference. NAME OF FATHER Meade by The Cott Index Sold by Observer Printing STS See ee es NAME OF MOTHER 182 , Columbus, Oiio . Charlotie, N. C. RECORDED Vol. | Page Coddle Creek Tr Harmon ‘erley imma Bowles 25 166 183 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTT FAMILY NAME DIDEX Na. 1—Solt Copyright 1933 Name aad vefer to Bull Sub-indes shoot for page velerance. eS Se a County Indexes Since 188% PAT CFFICE sen : Identifying Trade Mark So Sessa 3 | SURNAME OF DECEASED sex |covor|| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER "NAME OF MOTHER mn Your | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Vol. | Page | T See SS —— : ==. 1980 & /|13] Winfrey |sonn B \* B |Statesville John Winfrey Willy Deadwyler 66 214 4 } | + }. - - moo + | i 1961 | 1 17 Winfrey | Allene Scott F B | Statesville John Hamilton Scott} Ida Adams 67 46 er | | = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTT FAMILY NAME Me. 1-SPLIT Made by Cott index PAT OFFice An Identifying Trade Mark Name end refer to Buff Sub-Index sl:eet for page reference. Soid By Comma ——n SURNAME OF DECEASS SEX | COLOR] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN . Vol | Page 3937) 3 18 Wyant David C, M Statesville NC]| Pinkney Wyant Jane Brittan 23) 34k 197 1 (6 || Wyant Bryte Goodman F Statesville Arthur L. Goodman |jLewinia S. Reep 63 | 16 | i | | | | | r Lk | - ' i ae | a | : | | | | | ! ! | i & | | | | | | | } | | | T | i | | | | | | r j | r | | | | | i | os PR eee one mi a | | | | | Sto. uv. s. PAT OFFICE INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Open at Proper Tab according to Firet Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sl:eet for page reference. County indexes Since 1888 An Identifying Trade Mark 186 Gove Castes Male MBSE Re. +-erUly 1945 Made by Cett index Co., Columbus, » Raleigh, DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED 3 , RECORDED | Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | COLOR PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee e 1917, 9 [10 | Wycoff James Emmet W_| Mooresville NC || Lem Weaver Florence Bartel 89 1917/10 BO | Wycoff Jacob A. Mooresville NC {John W. Wycoff Sarah Eller 95 1918|12 24 || Wyckoff Ellen F. r W i Statesville NC |William Frizelle Miriam Patts Weisign 72 1957| & R6 Wycoff Mearle Glenn M W | Statesville wane abies 43172 — earns pomenvee: ec e e e n e n e f h n e c m n e r a e n s INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. *** Core tadenne Since 1008 An identifying Ti rade Mark ar Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Masse anil cater to Giuil Sul-laden chest Sar pape ealevenes, GOTT FAMILY NAME INDEX Me. 1-SPLIT Maden Cs. Columns Bie Made by Cott seid by comma Danicley cere: Siena See DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED a : sia) ‘on | oan lowe AND CHRISTIAN NAME, If ONE IS GIVEN SEX | COLOR PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ca) ous 1940 | 8 {1 | Welson Janie F |C {Mooresville NC | Sam Welson Maggie Torrence 26| 226 | * 1 | | | | i | | | | + | | | | | | | | j | | | 189 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. REG. v. 5. County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to Firet Letter or Letters of Ot! FAMAY MAME WOES Re. OPLIT © woes aaa An ldeatifyine Trade Merk Sls onih ven ins Wall Gtk: telien tani Han taoes sehen on, Seid By Comma Denielsy, Raleigh, N.C ; DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED x th =i iss cena eal. » ae a ee sex | coLok] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER = J--———— ; F i__.1979| 2 17 | Winn ne W Statesville M.E.P, Lineberger || Caroline L Kirkland|65/81 j 4 5 } 4 I t ‘1. ) t i —4 cet | | | | a } r } tc eed 4 ; ] | | } | i | Le . \ | | } eS t rn 1 | | i ey } | | | () 1 4 } | j | | | ] + t + | ~ fone ---=f-— + } | | | | + | — a — | en — —e | | t | j | : + + + | | i i i | | 4 i ae t 1 } | : | ‘ - ee 4 } T | ‘| | } 1979) 8 17] Winburn | Ruth Landy F | W || Moeresville Coyt L Winburn Leaterr Brown 65 | bbs | | | | + + + - | | i 1 i i i t i | I j ] | 7 | ] i | | tt + - | ! | | | | | } 7) | . : ’ . od | | | | 4 | | 4 ; | | T 7 | ———— —_ sia + + : | | j | : wt ! . - : En | r a peony + t + born —— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. 190 mE. v. 5. County Indexes Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of y taney OAs WES Be. Lee Oe rat ornice ‘An ldeatifying Teode Mark RA tee Sua che os Gt katt cane ars ore finde oy cer ingen te. ¢ Raleigh, N.C. on SURNAME OF DRORAEED sex | couor}| PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Yel | Pas Pressley ly 1989; 1 (|5 |Wofford Catherine Luciife F/| W Mooresville Warren G Pressley ildred Taylor 166 | 17 1 } | | | | | i | i | | Be | | i i | T | | near - | | | | i T } | | i ! | | | | | | j 1 | | | j } 4 | | | | | | | + | | 1 191 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. nes. v. 5. County Indexes Since 1888 Open st Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of SOT, SAY BAAS SOREN He. 1-057 @ sone mar orice Leap Dtladkes An idantifving Trade Moe Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for cies aelinainy. Sold By Comma Danicicy, Raleigh, N.C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED — — cm siciien unk © ae i Ce Sex | coor) PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = [--——— 1980, & 14] Woerner, Sr. Theodore (NMN) | M/W j Statesville Theodore O Woerner | Elsa Bauer 66! 206 1980; 4 22 | Woerner Marianne F |W | Forsyth Co Emil Ney Magda Strueven MC2; 518 : + | } | + i | , T T 3 t | | j } } | | | A | | ea | | Py $ | | | | | | | ; | | | | + ’ —_— ° 4+— ; ' | | 7 r + i i ee | ei T T r i i j | | ee | | | | eT) t bd | jaca T re | | | + i i i r Tt t