HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeath Index 1913-1965, S Microfilmed by | North Carolina Department of Archives and History Division of Archives and Manuscripts Raleigh, North Carolina bperlpas GOR gia i Sy ase eA Sy MOL Bo. = TINTS Cent cee _-PAGES NOT CONSEC | FILMED 12 6 1965 - RED RATIO 161 | = * a “= =u —— se e n ek sa i e n n a i e a n l G i i e a e i i i a a a i e m m e i a e be a a ee Se ae ; ae ya n a Sh ee : : bs = - . we — — rm PT T PR A T wa e EL S T wi s e er e s an t . : ' , eT ” - ¥ ’ a oe eg y «< = ee n s a — =— > = - — yz = ~~ ry e = ~- - na i f _ 4 Me re ao a x : = SS T Se se s =t £ £ f_ . —- f + pn ae oa t Mo e n a co e om _ Sn a p he n p a n e e na p a ia p a e n i c o i g a e i : i , a er r m s g ay : = oS SS SS S ee - - 7 a &: en I 2 JO R ee —_ — ' . i a 6g a i on l . 4 pe e + “S e ‘ of Hi t n n A. 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In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e ~ di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p t i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . j Nw WN | 2 = — + } } | 1 9 ao a ee fa l | | me st } | \O } | | : t { { : ; t ' | —— — — jf —_ _ } __ _ _ } § —_ _ _ + } | | i | i | | | | | | i | } } i | | Be } j | i } } | ' ' i i } } j j j j | | | | fh e ee | } } | | } | | i ' i } j } | oe | | | | } ri | | i | | j ae d i i | ea t ft i i i | } 5 =. m1 te | ea a hi oo & t s > a) @ o a 4 3 3 & : os n - ey ¢ ee , | | | S Fs 2. 2 Se ‘ a o os n a 2 \ n n n D| ; } } } , si e oe Y) i i Ni i \ ° * - ’ i 7 a > r Ty { e i we y a on | ' j j } i } ¥ ct i = Ww o> ! | i | | | } + ; ' } } } t / i , : = |} i | i i ; | i i | | | i | | i i i i j i i | \ ; | ae ee oe a a ee | | } j } | 5 Po Pr a Po) ee | a pe e ee | | bi e | | A i i | : Po m e | te] | ge c e | | © 3} ga a } i } i | | i { Hf a 5} i ; ' t i } a me | op es Po — _ +4 = + ‘ = am e —_ as ee n En ne n a + + 1 = + + oe ~- + ® oa 4 | ai l an e nT 2 Dl Ol oo l i } * | | i } } | i i 1 . 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T5 % E s e " Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be gr o u p e d to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . Schn Scho Schp Schq a el ec enti einai sini enpemmmneginetmanemenmeneneen lj penne ee Schj Schk Schl Schm Fy j ad kon oo rarer ris oe yy evetin + Abii a por@ughn } t Scar Firms and Corpo- rations Shi to Shz Shuford Shulenberger 30 Shore 27 Shuping 2 22 Shoemaker-Shumake (s) 24 Shields 24 Shinn 24 Shives 23 Shock 2 ore) 6 She Shf Shg Shh | Shelton jahelley Shearin 17 | Shearer 17, Sheets 17 | Sheink - Shank el connec na a a Sha Shb She Shd | Shackelfora —16{Shakieford: ; | ee lf hi | 15 | Shamborguer 52 Shannon I Shaver } ¢ Page sans etal eesntenaniisnataeas rr nee rene anes —aeeenetenafemesnenenell ~Settlemyre “Ger to Sen—Sf Sg vi } a P| + —————______ — 4 s 4 4 Bu y i 9 3 3 0 1 Ye a q e y d i e « S} a 0 y 4 s qe , 41 0 *u r Z s e u st uo Su p r e e d d e “3 , 2 ‘s a e q u i n u 23 2 9 1 d m M 0 2 SA I (s j 0 8 en m e e n ) ” sv e c y e on Sh a n e oe pa p e p e e aa a , *S 3 9 S S3 e f d u 0 > s2 9 p 1 0 03 fe c r m o u c l y (S $ pu e W- H - 3 - @ 24 2 3 3 9 ] 19 p u n By s e p ) ai d s « a3 2 ; d m 0 9 dn eH e u r 03 oF $3 9 9 q G 8 43 9Z pu e sz a e y s yn g FO I @ Pe eU s i s e p ) se n F o y T° O N 39 g j2 ; d a 1 0 9 dn aq e u t 03 OF sy a e 0 q s qe : oz pu e sz e e q s yn q 76 (s 4 9 q u i n a Su y p e s a i d 0 4q pa r y e u d i s a p ) o “O N 38 aj a ; d u r 0 > dn aH e D T 03 OF sz a a y s q" 2 OZ pu e sz y a a y s yn g oP 0. AF I V A I G @A W O I 4 d AZ H L As n ag ee e . : a ‘ i et Fe w Se p Oi ac o Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be gr o u p e d to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e na g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . Sentman 113 jSenter 7isellers . ~~ i is See Sef Seg Seh Sei Sej Sek ° ted ate ne Page 12.51 sefears - Sebastian Seabrook Seagravgraves ~ Sebaston Seborn Sechler Sl Firms Corpo- rations s ~” 2 of ~ g } | ° j n m ” i | ' | } >| Pe | os o oO oO a | et rt - “” ow vy ] | * ; ; ; ' i ; } : ; : i - ¢ $ + + == = z ~ a ~ 2 wt wt a Sla to SIn Slayton _ Slaughter i Slane Slaon , Sloan 9 i a ° o £ | ' a | - ro gg | w~ i tt > + + + ¢ ; + ¢ + + i —— + ni moni m n e + a fn + + + + + ~ o> i 2 - = = 6 | | a wt Ww a : | | | t } ; ; ; ; + ; } a nines es neste seientienennsnnns | © i j | i j * i | | | | | ' mn ) j j } i i | | | j j | o | - i i { | | i j fu | | | ge e . eS « > | pa | | | | j | wi | i | | j | a\ % | ae d | Pd a | se ne s t e r s ca s e pa a + 4 } 4 } } i + b + be s | + i } 4 4 J — sa a pe L. + + + + Bu y r w e d d e “2 4 2 ‘s s e q u i n u sy e j d u i o > an i d Co r s e oe m Aa TF T S AE R 49 P I Q -U I S L E U T sI q a LO 2 (s j e s 8 Ue H o 4 A G ) Sy e o y s HQ e1 0 m 1 10 su o Zu p s p s o ue u M “S 3 0 8 ay e d u i 0 > 4a p i o 0} ye o t u r O U 0 l y (S $ PY W- H - 3 - a $4 1 9 } 3 2 ] 1e p u n 3i s e p ) wW d > g L° O N 22 g e3 0 ; d a 1 I 0 2 dn ay V u 03 08 S} 2 0 q 8 Ge y OZ pu e Sy e e q s yn g ro r $$ 9 P ) 4e I N Z 9 y LO N Je g sy a ; d u U I 0 > dn eH e m M 03 08 $3 9 2 0 q 4 % Ge a OZ pu r e sj o a u s yn g 7G 9 Pe I e U s i s a p ) O- o _ ye s e3 a ; d u U I 0 > dn ey H e w 0; OF sy a a q y s qe z y OF pu e sz a e y s yn g gp — NY O M YO G3 0 v 4 a g d G SW O 3 4 8 AR H 3S N Aq NG H M SL A S H S LN V L Y O d W I 3S S H L MA N Z Y le Mi a § Ca l e at g m n c w r e am at e n e s im e a e w e «m cn n St e e st e Fe n - t e o n e Ci e s e r s e r e n ee e Se e Ue ra t o e ¢ Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , tn s i a e Ow Te . 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Co Sex Mi To locate names, opea at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | NAME OF FATHER Color PLACE OF DEATH | W (Coddle Creek Tn |Jopley Wiggins W ‘Union Grove [n | - W \Statesville N CjGeo Gaither OQ W Statesville N CjLeroy Brawley } Ww Statesville W Cjc R Sain w Statesville N CjWR Sain W iStatesville N © Luther Sain w iStatesville Tn Sanders m~ ~ wo 3 Henry tlle — lredell County, N. C. > y C pa, Ohio by The Cott index Company, Columbus, ‘ Med oy Observer Printing House, Charlotte, Nn. ¢ NAME OF MOTHER Flora Bost Antoinette Wilson Mary Bost Emma Simon <t Ly 2 rorres creola - Reavis | RECORDED 7 620 ~ ue &» kK sO 10. (3174 20 451 lee 381 me e I _ = ee =e 1932, 5 1943, 2 4 1946, 10 } ‘1s|st Clair | 28)St Clair /24)St Cleir 1964; 10 1 St. Cieir AM Vinie _ John Carolton Fairman M F M M W \Statesville N C\iLeander St Clair W Mooresville NC |gnnis Mitchell W |Steatesville NC |James St Cleir w | Statesville tt a a h (Caroline Bently |wperdine Daniels | Adeline bentley Dr. Kenneth & StCha ir Miriam Preston 50 576 18 342 29; 41 32, 383 4 — e a e ; ' { t fe a rf 4 7 te | t- net 4. wet i Peau 4 Ra asin ORE - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. SOTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 Palade, \ Tos Sqnatare oo shoee insures theut corectsess Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer f ah. Potent No. 1637168--Conortaht 1900 Cée S& Pas. x ’ For Your Protection, Insist On It = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. 8—C 3 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. £9 Patent No. 1437168—Coprright 193 To locat Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ca “shor SuaNAMS aes. 500 and safer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ft tt TT + | _ bare oF ear SURNAME OF DECEASED | F FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER /—— pigs [cae o carn _| SURNAME OF DECEASED | | reconoeo | Ss j ASE 1] e a > ad en | Om aie Galan aOR © Ga Goa om | tom | PLACE CF DEATH | |= NAME © H Year) Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color ~=PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [o>] 4 i é o T | + § | ” ” ' a a I ied . i | j : i : | 11923. 2 (10)Saddler Ralph M C (Statesville N Cl/Andrew Seddler Martha Houston i 464 | 1915, 1 25)/Salmons Rebecca § F W /Union Grove tos |Thomas Minish Elizabeth Salmons 2 469] jj | i | | | 4G o - = >* nr py “> ; | > it j S e 120 5 5 ; | ; Wi | ; f i 7} 11934 1 14 Sadler Edner F C |Statesville Tns |B Sadler Mattie Sadler | 575 | 11915 3 50] Saimone Early William M W Statesville N Ci J i bene Bell Campbell le 386 | mn . 2 7 j 83 H | | ow c 17) cnAaal adrew M C Troutman NC | Andrew J oaddler Unknown $4 4 | : : : si : ¢ 1948 10 17 Saddler Andrew Jd | ! 1916 11 9 | Salmons John L v W Statesville N C/Elisha Salmons Luey Elliott 3 278 | | | | | i By : s a7) | Benry Saddler Opnelia Ba?nett 292 2 26| Salm R ; . - 194° 22 Saddler William M C Statesville NC | Henry Saddler } a | 39 oF | 11918; 1 26/ Salmons Alfred M W Union Grove Tns|Joseph Salmons Betsey Salmons 44 83 | | ' ~— 1 ! | | “Trt alee 1: ¢ sis rarer a ai Is ssville NC BC Saddler Jlara Starks 36) 45" 11918) 9 10) Salmons Bettie (Mrs) F W Statesville N c| ic is 44, 223} | ae ae yy rYY PYY LET ETE Ki a es, Ar. a) 00.¢ 6: Yodel ~ UK toads A RAAA ATA LEWASEX ES REA EXRALAAAAR Bis b LRA Ar foes “ty | | we) Ce on T f , ‘ ee 1 . © - 4 MOSEXXX AXXK RAK EEL E LE XN NAAN XK ERREX BRRSE QOOOIPOURS 4 CAN B: | 1918 9 50) Salmons William J M W Statesville N C/Elisha Salmons Lucy Elliott 44 215) 4 i een Beatrice Saddler 45 46 | hers YE 2% Sadaniler Robert Varl M U | Statesville - 116 ‘ S : : 5 nae = ls ¢ 130 O59 1 23 Saddler ober r | 1919 2 11); Salmons Joe (Mrs ) z W Bethany Ins Will Mayberry Queen 1D 436 i ii ; } : aia r € | ge 4 4h. 96! 3 Saddler Mort} F Statesville Mert Houston Unknown 48 <7 lig - eae ‘ : Zn WWE 1962 1 13 Saddler farthe . | 3 }1919 2 11)/Salmons - F W |Bethany Tns Joe Salmons Cora Mayberry 5 | 455) 7 . P 4 1042 ae ler lenry M ; Itatesvi e Wallace Saddler Unknown 42 64 ” 5 22 Harve w ittn4 2 | 7 1963 C ler Henry M Statesville : )1919 5 22) Solmons Harvey M W Union Grove Tns/|Alfred Solmons Lena Steel 5 , 219] ‘| 3 ; — ay oS lac : 1 . ; Fe = : F i921 6 6 |Salmon W Lee M W Statesville N C/Calvin Salmon Betsey Elliott |7 411) ; } 8 { 1 Wri | i of. | lvee 10 18/Salmons Rena FP W Olin ?n Menda Rach a is 184] | H y" Ll i Ht Pea "| | oc T ei c mm * . ~ . 4 ~ + : , | © & | i y }1926 7 50 Salmons Laura ¢ k W Union Grove Tn |Josiah Salmons Elizabeth Salmons u2, 590] § iit | 1928 2 16/Salmons W Petis M W Union Grove Tns Josiah Salmons Betsey E Salmons 11929! 4 6 |Salmons Ada Victoria F W Union Grove TX |Josiah Salmons Elizabeth Salmons 926 2 Safri Richard Ts ia Mi ' Moc os 1 7 iy Safri * : n° K ; ‘ - aaa ree BEN Sis I : i ‘ i a : 4926; 1 7 frit Richard Talmage; M W |Mooresville N CiH J Safrit Flora Davis ile 158 194s 12 10) Salmons ore Frencis Statesville | Samuel Russell tetia Hank | a aa eae ie : : : : oa : 3 » Pn Bas : ; i ek a : , |1928 4 30|Safrit - F W jMooresville N C|H L Safrit Annie T Mayhew 14 | 199 | (}1951° 6 27/ Salmons Lugene “ W otatesville NC |J \ Salmons Vance Murphey | Ai o ‘ | jan y Mooresville NC Pet, eY hi if ri i "74 TE De 128 ef ‘ Salr i . * Kr : j _ ler j | 1 ] Mooresville NC | Peter a Safrit \Marguret Donahoo | 28 171) a 11952) 9 21) ovaln.ons Mary Shore i W otatesville NC |Thomas Shore Melinda Pardue / 1( So fins a ‘ Sof f4 P St: svi Nc |Rufus CalvinBocer bllen Mjsenheimer’ | 37) 551 . | ciel ed, : We ‘i a 2 oe : 295)' 10 | 2h4 Safrit Mannie Soffie i W | Statesville NC hed ilv oge | j ser 1\ 55 | a 1954 8 7 | Salmons Vance Gertrude F W Statesville NC I‘ete Murphy Annie Henderson | ra : i : | oe be | rrit Margaret Cook jf F Mooresville NC finarey J00k jMargeret ann Holder 137/019 | | | . ‘ oa 9 | e | bs a 1 | | 11956 a: 2 ISafrit Hugh James M W oo reSville Lewis sarrti iJenn&éé Rodgers 2 5 | | | 4 i H fr =e f 1 j i i oe | 1" t 4 1 i | 1960 2 6) Sofriet Minnie h W | Statesville | Samuel Smo Ot | Florence Walker | 46 58 i H | \ | | * | 1963 5 14) Safriet lloxie F W | Statesville | nie afriet Laura Walker 149) 309 | y | ) a | M . ° ¥ : j m ! i ” | 1965 6 21] Safrit Nannie F W Statesville | Noah C Eagle ' Florence Shaver } 52 316) i | | i | , f ‘ i} | ; 1965 9 (15 \Safrit Homer M W } Mooresville | Hugh J Safrit | Flora Davis 151 520 f | i Hf f " 4 4 4 } { | i i | | | | | | — ~ _ (1923 11 19 Sacrang Robert D |M |W |Olin Tns ~ “8 LE IR . . | This Signature on sheets insures Reg. U.S. Fat.o. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. their correctness. ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet fer page reference. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL, INDEX No, 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 * r 1 | RECORDED |_ nee | SURNAME OF DECEASED | Sex Cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER a Yor | Meo | Ow AND CHRISTIAM MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN j - , : | | ‘ eae 11928 8 3 /Sale Turner M M W |Turnersburg TN |William Sale \Mary Ann Myers 15 | 683 | | 1934 7 28 Sales Elija Manless M W |Union Grove Tn |William Sale Mary Ann Myers \£0 646 | | oS T a ne y a? 1947 49 5 Sal Emma i. I W I 1c ir QO’ +1i9 iV ys Trivett € |Della Crater a4 165 / si | i = 11921 4 26 Sample Jim M C \Fallstowns Tns \Jim Sample ‘ovie Sample 7 167 | 1927; 4 16 Sample James Mack M W (Coddle Creek Tn |W A Sample Jane Berry a3 96 Miller | 3950 10 18 jSample Mary Lois Miller F w (Statesville NC | Col. James Sidney / Cora Templeton 36 596 | - - Iredell County} Dr Walter P Crave lartha Gloy | 24 196 | 11958 10 31/Sample, Sr. Wm Azmon M W/Statesville [Hugh Barry Sample | Harriet MeCoy [44 5351 | | | | | a, | | | 3 t i | } \ i | 11936 11 5) Salley May M (Mrs) | F W Btatesville NC | JK Morrison | Jennie Knox 22, 536 I! i! | 945 7 16. Salley Williem | M C Stotesville NG | Joe Salley Sarsh Selley Sl 446 ! ( | i i} Mee 4 i le é eo et He ated Alfred Jones M, W pStatesvilie Nathaniel Mi Salley | Emma. Mertin fe (27 959 4 8&7 Ball F | C/ Stat i , P y , Bessie Journey | | atesville liram Journey barolyn Edison 45 456 | i | } ‘ | | ee DATE OF DEATH Year | Month | Day nee ton 1914, 10 31 1914; 11 18 1915| 10 1 1920} 2 (22 1921; 6 |8 1923, 2 10 1924; 2 |8 aea0/| © ji} 1934; 1 (16 1936| 1 (12 1937, 12 (10 1938 10 29 1939| 7 /23 1939! 9 02 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sanders Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunders Sanders Sanders Saunders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders waunaers a J Saunders t4) ll (28 Seunders 7.22) Sanders ll 9 baunders 5 31 | Sanders 5 19 Saunders 9 20 | Saunders l 241 Sanders 8 17 Baunders Saunders Mag ‘William ‘Martha Fred Lillie a Victor Lee Willie Will Hii § Joyce Ophelia v o >t | teat t 71. f ,5el] & vs John andrew Martha E B _ Rose Etta James Franklin thomas Albert | Sex Color | iM ic | : F C | ! uic | M W iriy iM iw | FW | M W IM oc i M C [MW 1 F W | uw ls I + Ih il | F W IF ic M W M oW F F MER Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ne e Statesville | iStatesville | \Statesville IStatesville IBarringer | Coddle Creek N RY aN N Tns PLACE OF DEATH Coddle Creek Tn Tn C IMooresville N C ® IMooresville NC I zi IMooresville N C| ee Mooresville cs Morganton Mooresville otatesville Rf «74 NT Mooresville NC btatesville NC Mooresville NC NC Statesville NC NAME Earnest Vernon iGibson Goble N lobias Prince Vii ee tn enna OF FATHER Coddle Creek Tn}|\tobert Sanders Gene Crawford Saunders Saunders Josepn Saunders W_H Sanders Sherrill iJoseph W Saunders Sanders Beaver McDowell J I Saunders . Wade Saunders Preston Goforth DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold i Ghassuar Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Mag Crawford Nancy Oats Pearlie Chambers Peore Troutman i i iLowe jLeela Pierce Jane Turner "1 i iCathnerine M Linker | i iIMartha Sanders a. : : ifdattie Parrah i 1 : itva Mae Rhodes =) martha ann Sanders Priscilla omith Unknown Millie Willis Lillie Sherrill Shirley Sanders e- a yvonanna Sarah Byers 5 400 Ail dig se| 295 34 461 hO 262 41 204 Ll . 440 ee 3 RECORDED Vol. Page 1 104 11105) 2 61 | 6 74 lr 410 lo 308 ls | 499 li lay LZ lzo a lee” 178 yoo. 239 i 24. 206 | i * , or ah _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ' INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | cian — ee nae eee oe ae ee F z oa ' IVERS. . ile , ~ erampmanccnneccnn ss hei TOs ov a ade b Sol ndex Company, Columbus, Ohio 4 i i a las Te locate names, open at SURNAME BUTUAL TAD and refer fe hee 14S7168—Coprright tite — ee U-8. Patent No. 1437148 Copyrieht iss —=T tocate mamas, ouen at ae Barnes, TAR ond veler Bela dee Printing House’ Charlotte, N.C. 5 ; Reg U.8. Pat.ow. ¢( For Your Protection, Insist On It. ana . : =. aan sss : AE RECORDED a rua DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED si anceanel DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Coir | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) fe 2 AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Tao Yer | Month | Say AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | . eat | ; le . ; , - 2 6 23!) Sartin Annie Be | 3 wis >svil ic Q H Ella Martin 15 146) 1938 5 20)Sanford Charles D M . W [Mooresville NC - 4; 166 | 1919; 4 | 11 _ W |Statesville N C|Dr John Roberson S | : | 1925; 11 8 |Sartin \David Preston | y» W jStetesville N CiMoses Sartin Katherine Page ji 416) {i 1 | | | | | t+ } f i | oa | } | | 7 | | | | | | | ’ } . 1 | : “7 | | | | | | ] | i 4 f! i | | te i H | | | | é T | | | | | | | l : - | | + i il | ij | t ; ; | | | — ai ae | | | ee | ! | te | 2 | | | ne | | | | | \ : ty 3 I | ee | | | Bhi i] | | ij i | j t | it 1 i ; Tt ih ed i | | ' | | | Bt ae | 4 | rH id /1937 3 12/Sansbury Millie F W |Statesville NC Fichard C Sansbury Alice Harrison 23 336 " + | Tans Ait cw | | — | | | | tl } i Hi ~ i i i { : PT 11945. 11 12|Sensbury Reuben E | M . W |Davidson Tns _ |John Sensbury a | one ©” | i | . si i | BY i ey x : 1949 1 | 11 Sansb ry ~ | M W | Mooresville NC | hobert A Sansbury Marcile F Prekins 35, 416 | | i | 1 if il, 5 | 4 'T 4 Ta ae SR 2 Se eS | 4p } | oe : | ee | 1956 12 25] Sansbury Linda Gail |F W | Charlotte Robert A. Sansbury fannie M. Perkins 43 65 | ar ht 1 1 Fs | 19> >I ae 0 as bl 5 | eel i haaael ‘ 11964) 12) 10 Sansbury Sara F W Morganton Robert volly Serena “unnery $1; 63 | “ith i ; —_ sl | | THe 6 | | ' ial i i | — . ‘ : ‘ f ’ 1 ‘j cas wy af | a | i L { i | —_ i i | aT : Pd | 7 | r rT | i ag | ; | hi } i | 1936, 12 11}/Satterwhite Margaret ann | F |W [Statesville N ClJ C Satterwhite Jr Hazel Sherrill <2. 568 i He ) oo y He i] | ny sa |g i | ae | ay Gee i Lt i). | lt i + 7 ay bt | iy | | | Ne fi : 1927 10 26]|Sapley Lily F W Statesville Tns Weff Hice ~ 3 549 | ih H ze | | atte at Hy: yy i a | + j i | et ae eed | Ht i 419 4) ! 2 221 Sattifield Lena F C Statesville NC] anderson Murdock Lillian Knox 27 | 256 f ; i Ps 1953 | 9 29] Satterfield (Stillborn M C |Statesviile NC - Rub, Mae satterfield| 39 459) iB TRM) | ? aM $1955) Aa (15 Satterfield - F C | Statesville NC | Isiah Satterfield tuby Ann Jones 41 518 i i ij t ? t J —— ae — anh + t 4 we eet us j i , i tt oy i ih | | | My if t | —+—~ { i | ne \ t ' yf) | | | i | | | | HY —4 + | } a I: a a 4 es t } i Hh } a j { i | + } i Sn ental rena + j | | | | | } 4} | , } b ne tt | r . ae ee hae ‘ INDEX 70 VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — keedell County, N. C.. __INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ama Me onan meer 7,0 SURNAME ETIAS, TAB cad eb SCRE Hite ean De ses ett SURNAME INITIAL TAB and rater nda ne Gu inden Company, Columb, i Reg. U-8. Pat.ow. | For Your Protection, fos On It. — ee = : willie qe > diene SURNAME OF DeceAsED an inal RECORDED DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAMé OF MOTHER vl Pap —T i | oe AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME , Vol. Page ‘ Yor | Meath | Oay AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ’ ———— ar vai a 6 20/Saville Andrew M M W [Statesville N CljAustin K Saville Naney Richardson 5 | 140 1914 | 12 10}Secott Amanda Belinda FC {Shiloh tns Harry Norton plaria Ellise j_ . 387 : i | Saas 5 biiweste Ellen Glover F W {Statesville N CiJames Glover Mary Smith ll. 345 11916; 4 (4 |Scott ‘Bettie - , - JOlin Tos - = o . 217 Gl | 1916/ 5 10/Scott James Jr } MC [Statesville Tns|James Scott Sr Mary Morrison 5. $80 ih | 1917, 7 (27|Seott Henry Lewis | M |W jOlin Tns LM Scott jJessie Sherrill 4. 2454 oe 4) li : | — | l | | 1918, 3 (25|Scott Shella M .C [Statesville NC Eugene Scott pola Keaton 44, 306 i | : a 1918| 5 27|Scott Everette Eugene Ms. W_}Sharpesburg to_fveii Scott Jessie Sherrill fa S621 4 uu | | | | = 1918, 12 9 |Seott - lw C si bask N ¢ eugene Scott jola Newton aa 269 i pat | | i ” 1918) 12 11jScott Beatrice | i.e Istatesvirie N c [Lester Scott Mamie Springs aa. 333 4 ut | | ) 1920, 8 (5 [Scott - ei 6 Istatenviiie N ilecwas Scott | - I6 _ lily. di i ia | | | ae 1922) 12 14/Scott Margaret | F C Istatesvilie tos [roe Seott Izennie Tatum 19 | 267 Al il | ) | La 1924, 5 25]Seott - | M _C [Bethany Tns Wwittien Scott lannie Latten 10 | 16 Rr 1) Lie | | | | 1925; 2 15/Seott Rev John A MW lPurnersburg [ns Rev John A Scott = Carter wl. 484 i Mi | | 1925; 5 8 {Scott - : | Istatesviiie NC | ordon Scott bu tn Foard Li . 343 4h i | 1925; 5 (25]Scott Ollie B | Mu iW lorin Tas IG Scott ‘oneaesg Honeycutt Ll | 257 +H ii | : . 1927, 2 15]Scott Will ae ni tations Tns Jerry Scott Josephine Scott 13 . 148 Hi } qi x : S61 taws ne Nettie F Statesville N C |Walker Freeman Mary Montgomery 16.417 (3 1927, 6 5 |Seott Sallie Walters | F _W [Statesville Nc Hamilton Walters Hlizabeth Lawrence 13 | 432 4 I it ! oo ' 1 2 1927, 7 7 |Scott Bora Bell F C [Shiloh tns Julius Scott Wilma Morrison 13 326 | fh | | [a J1928) 4 11]Scott Lucy Jane | rift Concord Tns Nathan Tabor Lucy Barnhardt 4 | 79 1 | ie 1929| 3 6 |scott ‘Ollie : F.C [Shiton tn ‘ ‘ 15 | 349 4 | | bailar 1930, 5 14/Seott Essie Mae T | rift ear taitenis Tns Robert Templeton Nine Carlton 16 191 ‘ | Be. 1930, 8 16/Scott - | M _C [Statesville Tns |Lee Scott Givender Me - 16 . 608 i} | 1931, 9 17]Scott ‘Thurman | M _C |Bethany Tns John Scott Lucy Scott .7 | 87 u 1931, 9 (28]Scott James William M C [Statesville N C Clave Smith Be Scott 17 419 se 1932 | 53 (29}Scott Pratt M C Statesville Tns Pilliam Scott Nobie Griffith 18 550 ! | 1982 | 7 (20 }Scott - John H M C Statesville tTns Jerry Scott Josephine Colgans Ls 561 i 1932 | 12 11]Secott (Frank Julius M |M C [Concora tns Pulius Scott Eva Moton hs 160 a 2933 | 6 10 ]|Scott Amanda Fig Statesville N C Henry Powers Venia Tiller 19 | 326 1933, 7 (5 | Scott Willard M C |Statesville Tns|Lee Scott Guvender McWharten 19 | 449 | 1994. 6 1 |sexton Ogden u Statesville Tns ° “ ko | 590 <4 1933| 12 17 [scott {Arthur M.@ [Statesville N ClBen Scott Golie Carruth 12 | 420 1965 1 24 Saxton Cake M | G [Statesville Geo. Saxton Mat ilda Mob ley al lta : 7983) 12 11 soott \Teve M | C |Concora tns Nathan Scott Lula Seott leo | 76 _ = | 1934' 6 | 28} scott | Omer M | C jStatesville N Clwill Scott Victoria McWhorter leo | 418 Ake a a sthnrenins |1934) 9 {8 [Scott ‘Thomas M | C [Statesville Tns |Postelle McWhorter J/Elizabeth Scott 120 | 607 ———]1934/ 9 14 Scott tae F F | C Statesville Tns Moses Adams Mary Erances Thorton bo | 608 . ——}1985| 2/18 Scott | - FC [Statesville fns |gulius scott Zealia Scott | 1985/3 |26fsoote _ |Henry Y M | C |Statesville Wc hott Scott WWobie Griffith 1935! 39 Tsoott aie - F | C [Concord Tn Cleo Scott Bertha Wilkinson | 11935! 4 | 28] Scotts ~ F C |Fallstown Tn James Scotts fiery Moose oy 11935] 5 4 Scott John Henry M | C jStatesville Tns |James Ww Scott Diane B Ellis 42936] 6 2 Tsoott Jona M_| C |Fallstowns Tans |W C Scott jVictoria McWnarter 4936) 7 |1 Iscott Adell F | C [Statesville Tns jHenry Scott fBliza Griffin (CON) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.S. Paton. DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1937, 1 5 |Seott 1937, 1 1lljScott 1937, 1 18]Scott 1937 12 13] Scott 11937 12 24) Scott | 11938. 2 23 Scott 11938. 9 6 | scott | 1938 € 8 i Scott 199 | 1 24 |iScott 11939 8 31/scott # " 1940 2 28] Scott | i | 6H 5 : ya: 6 Scott i | f 41942 24 ||Scott t | | Bete 30 | Scott | | fie43. gz 7Scott | |1943, 6 esi septt i 4 | ; be z ] i ott | | h 41944 5 23 \scott | #1945 2 20 4Scott | | 1945. 7 1 |Scott ; 1345, 12 l1li Scott 1946, 2 11) Scott H |1946. 5 _ allscott 1946, 6 (26\Scott 1946, 10 12) Scott 1946, 11 14Bcott 1946, 11 16 Iscott 1947) 3. 16 Beott hour } 12 | 20) Scott 1947, 10 lijscott 1947, 12 27] scott 1948 6 23] Scott 1949 | 1 | 15 scott B949 14 D4 | Scott. b$2949 11° 123] Scott M950.) 2 . 20 Scott | 4950) 11 13 [Scott 952 | 3 16 Beott E A95U 10 | 3 | Pcott For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME OF DECEASED ANO CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Willie B Suejette Flake R Reid Vera JH Roy Lee I rtha Wilma Eugene dr George W Brenda G Lucy Waddell Jas Roy Ven Perry Jr Lula ;\Nathaniel Jim Lela Grace .JOnea Jr | Cona Joan Triplett i Nobie | Haven M |Rosmary King Allie “axwell ‘Ronald Calvin i | George helvin William F Clark Levoid. John Andrew Kachel Juanito Henry wo sanne =e locate names, open at SURNAME te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sex Color ng F C ! Meb6fFSW iu i.e Iiric lu oc |x. |r ic M C ly C | C pu; 9 N Cc M C Pets M Cc ris M iC M8 Fe F406 M6 F Cc rE F C M iC Fic 21:6 F ic bw ufc | M | C M C W F C yx y INITIAL TAB and refer PLACE OF DEATH Statesville Tas ptatesville Tns Statcsville NC Statesville Tns Shiloh Tns Statesville Tns Statesville Tfns . ~“tatesville Shiloh Tn Statesville Tn Chambersburg Tn Iotatesville iC Statesville NC iStatesville | Statesville Statesville NC Statesville NC Fells town Tns bethany fns Bethany Tns Bethany Tns Statesville Rt Mooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Stetesville Nc Statesville Nc Statesville NC otatesville NC wlatesville NC Statesville Nc Statesville no otatesville NG Stetesville otatesvilie Nu Statesville NC ] | i i ns | Statesville NC Ben 4a NAME OF FATHER K Y Scott L F Scott Not Scott Sam Scott Cleo Scott scott Unknown Lee Woods Eugene Scott sr Jerry Scott i | $4 e ott MAVIU MwUOUYU Charles Seott Leigh R Scott wo Dewitt Scott se Brown William Scott “umie Hunter Turner Cserroll Will Scott “Abe Scott Abb Morrison Matthew Scott Coddle Creek -nbJone Scott sr Joe Blackwell Conrad |riplett Henry Griffith Ben Scott Elmo Scott John Richard Scott Jerry Maxwell John Scott Henry Scott Cool Springs T? Harold Scott John A Scott Statesville NC Klmore Scott Statesville NC | Dave Scott Fora Williams Tdqa F Scott Emma Speece Nobie Griffith Flossie Gones Bertha Goss 7ala Carruth Gaia C Wihtars Mary Morrison Ola Seaton Josephine Mary Stricklyn Grace Summers Harriett tabor Ruby Brown Isabel Hill Julius anderson Scot selines Hunter Jen? Deniel ~a ateoda Blackburn Ligzie Tabor Liary Miller Nobie Griffith Virnie Lee Scott Bessie Brack Cornelia Smith Georgia Colbert, Ester Templeton Josephine King sally Blackwell Lule Mae Scott Lacy Allen bliza Banks #Lucy Waddell] dn 6 Soter Lorene Templetpa’ Mary Scott COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. 8.’ Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 NAME OF MOTHER Lizzie Irene Moten Victoria MeWhorton Georgia M Morrison Lorine Moten __ ~<f RECORDED =! Page bs | 503 pS | 502 po . 293 235. 546 23.|.279 a 24 494 a 2h, BRA | 25 237 | 25 495 | 26 29) ae oat a 27| 371 : [ 28 bk3 | 28 453| 28 | 339 29, $31 29, lig La 30 5 | 3 DO 182 (oa ol | 124 ie | Bl 447 Sl, 382 32, 109 32. 195 $2. 233 52, 366 32, 369 ol 423 33| 83 33,479 33, 555 33| 553 oe 2u.a56 4 34/565 4 35) 185 | 435.1429. — 34.139 | 7 Se AT} __f 37] 556] on en U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 <A os = ee a OF DEATH Year | ~— | 1954 6 BO Scott 1952| 8 111} Scott h952/11 | 6} Scott 1952) 11 (271 Scott 1953; 4 295] Scott 1953 8 14 Scott 1954} 10 | 3 Beott 1955) 1 Ji7iScott 1955; 1 20}Scott 1955 5 |28]Scott 1955 10 28} Scott 1956 | 5 |25} Scott 1956 7 , 3] Scott 1956 8 3 | Scott 1957 & 14 Scott Loss | 12 28 Scott 1959, 8 11)§cott ! 1959 9 19 [Scott 1960) 12 lijscott 1962, 2 (19)§cott 1964, 9 ld Scott 1965) 5 | 29 Scott eee tee | William C. Lela Mae Elmore _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE {S GIVEN Cleo | Ida William Ravon Geo. Smyer ‘Mary Carter James Belton Lewis Franklin Jack Kenneth Emma Michard _ Phillip Eugene | seorgie Mae Stillbo ri? Maggie B,. iF jc M C 1 | | M C M ow : - Nd |F w | M C f i Mic | F ( 'M | W] Statesville Nc | Edmwood |Statesville | Statesville NC Mooresville I tec jt man Statesville ISta esville Statesville Statesville Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF | | ert { j \ \ oJ C [Statesville NC | Will Scott | i I C Statesville NC RKichard Butler j C } Statesville NC4 - i | h cr + és — - nn ' | mi} ; 4t€sville NC Unknown 1 iM C |Statesvilie NC lWade Franklin Scott H " | | | F C 6} Mooresville | Ome cot 4 4 ae | Shims : nh i | F w yetatesville NC | John Aaudison Scott 1M \ |Mooresville NC | Lawrence William | s a My W | vtatesville NC ! ~~ - \\ . troutmar i nanie ot a Ky Scott | Flake R Scott Mose Brown David Scott Clayton Scott cr e e r er r r re t e es PR Scott Albert Morrison L F scott Henry Scott Tom Bailey FATHER YCco tt | Lucy Fayne Waddell { DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. i f i \ Jannie ” by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ayes Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Victoria Mc\.horter Hobrooks Agnes J, Scott Ara VOTO thy L Scott lDolleither Smyer | i} 7 4 | : ‘ 1 40a Utd ff it | “ { } | i f}oarah Schaves Scott | Leona Dishmon Annie Stinson Leona Dishman Sallie Morrison Rachel Speece Sylvia “ilkinson Phyllis Scott Mary Powers RECORDED Vol. Page a SUL ht i «eet i ¥ ib ie -4 4j2 ; cf th ita] ow 14h ie] } do n n e ; r a fi n he a ec a p a e “3 ra n g < seniils wanna etttg Sea INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. | 4 INDEX TO VITAI. STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. } This Signacure on sheets ineares tbeir correctness AEF Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe, 1-4 ~ <<< —— . te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 cn COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 : a . a U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 BRP locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio a ; eg. U.S. Pat.om. | For Your Protection, Insist On It te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. RECORDED ; ——— "aa -: se SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED 2 Yor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER _ Vol. | | npn DATE OF DEATH “1 DAY . SURNAME OF DECEASED — taer tan AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 913. 12 24) Scroggs nome’ 7 1919, ; 4 BE | Martha Jane x Concord Tns James H Scroggs Sarah J Stevenson 914 3 5 Secro "2g f a 1914 ! bE , Margaret Jane Fallstowns Tns | Jacob Thomas Ellen Murdock 1915 3 | 19 Scroggs - ae Ee ames | Mu | | Fallstown Tns | William Scroggs Elisabeth Holthouser 915) 3 51) Scroggs y oe I 1 | t 66 . Everett Wiley a Statesville fns/ Frank Scroggs Fannie Morrison Mary a Summers " i] i 1918 | 19 Seroggs Lillie augusta | ae N CIE D Wade Filed ) | | | 1921 ,6 | Scroggs ‘ary | ce | | ee . Mary ; F .W | Chambersburg Tnj John Richie jAnnie Plyler 1930, _ 24 Scroggs | | : | - safie | | Statesville N C/Col Jas P White | Amanda Moore 1932 Sero hed aaa | ei | | = mary Lillie | | Concord Tns | James H Scroggs |Sarah Stevenson | i | i H 1934 Scroggs Sarah Pre eee a 8s earan Frances | | Concord Tns | Sarah 7 Statednan | i | iy =| Seer x | | i Scroggs trudence kr | F iW concord. Tn 7 . coe bh > . Jaa 4 YT 4 "a e , ¢ 5 f — » +fs sph _ H Scroggs iSerah Stevenson f wOorlan ov Scro U ee ae | ; | ZEZs sula Slizabeth | Statesville NC J H Scroggs | Sereh Stevenson Sl 246 Scroges John Ewing | W |Statesville NC Hill Scroggs iMary Jame Stevenson |31. 352 # ao a ~ co T 1 ty wCroeess Joseph Hal? od cole he a | i iConcord Tr Hil] ah pa ses | | | sa thd bh ICTOR 2S ySarah J Stevenson Sl, 477] | 1946, Scroggs Hester B : jStatesville NC | JH Scroggs Ssrah Stevenson we, 176 | | ft | | | | 4 Sa c 1948; ; Scroggs rannie MOI rison| platesville NG | James Siuney mMorrisoh lsavella lempleton B4 . 372 : t : teas atc perien satesville @ce P Scrocera : ae eece crocgs Adeline White 45 556 ov) 1961} 11 Scroce cr | ee | : | | shee a _ | Froutman N ¢ James Scroggs Jane Thomas 47 597 196 29|/S , ; era ‘. - 1, 11 29)Scroges Althea Lodemia | Troutman N C James Scroges Jene Thomas 47 585 —— 1963 12 aL ocroggs Mary Hy Ma ckevi 11 : : scat 3 ¥ i \CK SV1 J > sey AMT } oy 14 t ¢ 5 } * | er ? tt es ? . VETS uary & +lneberger} 50 76 1964, 7 264Se | | ror gs | | Statesville Reece P Scroggs Addie White 50 43.4 12 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 co. _BMDEd TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. aaa —— COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 193¢ eee * ts Signature on sheets ectness. Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer mee > ene ate = eee to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg.U.8 Pat om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It, Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio BRP Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer dex : ‘ Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. to Buff Sub-indea sheet for page reference. DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day Schill Schell | SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Betty Lois _Gaynelle H, PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville NAME OF FATHER Charles J Schill Franklin L. Schell NAME OF MOTHER Josephine Stokes Carrie Cline Vol. Page ee 454 45 520 i@W@oahnn jv eaoro rn ly Ur Statesville Tns|} {[ W Seabrook Annabelle Mills Seagraves @ a - a verears Statesville NC Mooresville NC Leander Woody Andy Horton Betty Stringer Lilly Blackman 1930, 4 1940, 3 1943, 6 ; 7 |Sebaston _16i Sebas 231 Sebas tian | tein h | \Frances Mozelle , Rosco Couklin Statesville Nc Statesville Tn Ststesville Nc Archie Sebaston WC Sebastian C 0 Bestien Katie Smith Rina Rhodes Hazel Becknel) DATE OF DEATH ssaninanl acaaaneh 1918 | 8 4 1919; 2 (7 1922, 6 1923, 6 1933, 11 1947, 8 1947, 8 1962 5 1964, 10 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘Mollie ‘Fannie Ozelle ‘Frances ‘Harold John Phillip Stillborn Wm. | PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville Statesville IStetesville | | | | W : oe tetatesville NC | Wavia 4 NAME OF FATHER Phillip Sells John P Sells William Kyles Lee Sells Philip Sells meitS IStatesville ! CJ | | } otatesviile NC | 1 i ta ; oe | Statesville NC | ] ft Statesville ! i | t i | | i} HI | i] David H spells Puul kh. Sells Daniel B Sells NAME OF MOTHER Catherine Culp Fannie Leona Kyles jannie Irvin 4 IDola Sharpe Mary Culp I ducax'y VOMpUTON VeitsS 4 ary tyne VOMp von | Ola G. Deal Sarah Nopkins RECORDED Vol. f a o> = “0 nl — a * <a <- > Le a Lo Page 190 86 Statesville NCMWF Sellers s we . Sentell Annie M Statesville NC " J Blanton Wulia Gordon 14 DATE OF DEATH Yer Month Day 10 26 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg. U.8.Pat.o@. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Seamon Seamon Seamon Se amon wm ~*~ William A JH (Mrs) ate mames, open PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville N C Statesville N C Statesville NC Statesville iis ee p RRR Iyer er s NAME OF FATHER R M Seamon William F Seamon J F Winecoff Brady C Seamon COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. 8. Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyright 1936 NAME OF MOTHER Fisha Boger m Rosa E Sapps Maggie Rogers Margaret E Seamon Page , 61 _ 73 Wm George Statesville NC Ned Seats Nancy Brown 4919 12 Seborn Clara (Mrs ) Statesville NC Fielding Bailey Catherine Stenenson ‘4 LLiD be! R127 S{_11 17 Setzer {11 |20 pat 120) Sechler 2iSechler sechler Seckler James P iTimothy Joe , |wedmore Russell Penjamin Buren pantie Creek Tn Mooresville Tn Mooresville NC Mooresville knoe Sechler H L Sechler William Sechler Jerry Seckler Mary Corriher Nellie Allman _ jelizabeth Bostain | Harriet Correll reel ert steerer 37 37| _bi | ' i oe | | Tt | 45 2h Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer vetzer eetzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Setzer Set.er 3 | 14 Setzer » Set zor Le [Setzer {Set zer < aR Setzer __Setzer Setzer SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN petzer Lelia Mae H, BRR Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer \Deliah ‘Rosa (Mrs) Wa iWm Elis Ralph Sylvester | Orvil | Elma L Milton Elmer L Cindy LC (Mrs) John C Fitch Fannie Willie Heavener | iC L ,Della Caskey John Frank Henry 4a Ck \Mary Ellen \Cora Etta _Jesse ‘Maude Carrie Cordia Alma Norman Harrison) James Thomas Alford Lee JoAnna Clodf elt ¢ | Elizabeth F 0 Thed Durant t ; Orrion . Wm. Roy PLACE OF DEATH Fallstown Tns Statesville NC Fallstowns Tns shiloh Tos IShiloh Tas Istatesvilie N [Shiloh Ths lesatesvilic x c| Ishiloh Tn Istatesville IStatesville Statesville |! Statesville N Statesville N Fallstown Tn Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC olatlesvilile Statesville NC ~tatesville NC Statesville NC Fayetteville Nd Statesville NC. Mooresville Statesville N Cc Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Winston-Salem Ne wt on Statesville Mor gant on Statesville Statesville [Henry Setzer jCoddle Greek Tng#Pink Caskey to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER Elicious Connor Elijah Moser Oren Setzer { H S Setzer Henry Setzer John Setzer Glenn Setzer | Lawson Rinehart | D F Dellinger Henry Setzer Robt S Setzer John Setzer Gaston Heavener David Setzer Unknown M. W Clonninger James Campbell Pinkney Setzer Francis M Ostwalt Robert Tate Cline Noah Setzer John Sidney Setzer Don R Setzer William A Setzer Names S Clodfelter James Clark John M Setzer Wiban L Setzer Wm H Hunter Robert L Setzer Thos T Setzer Geo. P Setzer INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. AL INDEX Nov. 1-4 tt Index Company, Columbus, Qbio vu. 8. Ne. 14371 y’ 193¢ Made by The Cott In Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER lizabeth Hunsucker faggie Young heuae Ostwalt Statesville NC Martin Hoss lyane E Robinson Henry Setzer [Barbia Dellinger iVerdie Miller Robt S Setzer minnie Setzer Mattie Pope Mattie Pope Mella Travis sarah Rinehardt lary Miller Sarah Setzer Minnie Setzer Delally Conner Dorrie Canipe Bertie Lockman Elizabeth White Unknown Lotta Troutman iLliza Setzer Unknown Martha Jane Clark unice G. Setzer Elizabeth Dempsey Catherine Cloning er Vivian Blevins Etta Hags Isabella Gillespie } Blizabeth C Hughes Leola Lowrance Maggie L Shufora _j Julia Fa ireloth Lelia Hunter | Alice Lingle Callie McGee Vol. Page 1 | 216 3B 296 _ 189 40 384 hl 157 41 437 45 529 45 (142 45 628 46 (714 49 67 | | 5.1) 240. 42) 4031 441577 | 46 229 | 47 280 — 49) 533 ol oa 15) ) | i . 7 ~— ‘ 3 se e nn et I “ —— — oe i [ me m m e v e e r u t h ay oF . - a os se t ea ro Sr a ~ a ss RT aw a - 2 = 7 sae st h 2 ea t s os ME S S oy = Pr e e é ea ae Se e s on —— _ ~~ ca ~ aa n ai e 7 om e n 7 me g Se ee z pa n e te t ae , ca s t Se e eR ai o e at i c a ar : 3 at “ a “a ” er ce r e v e t s os a i “ - 7 : : | i : j i ee an Sa n a a nn se a t : ai e ai i ie nr re n ne —— — ~ et y ea m e s Pa eR mY eR a = ta t e ee l a — — <i t e m en w t e t i n e n s i i i n n ’ in u t i n a i a i m e s si l k se e m s ac c o m ee n n n n e n e e es 4 ret a ike / Pr #4 2 Re p e a t e d Sa t ed a re n n e Ss ee e ae 7 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEA , This Signature en sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.8. Pat.o@. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. Te lecate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1927 - 26 | sd > | met "5 3 § cettiemyre 41918 1 15 |Settlemyre 5 |Settlemyers 1 fettlemyr SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 12 Settlemeyer AM Robert Settlemyre Hawlt Florence e Lowrance P Sy? } r 7+? SAdtONn LIVUELe Sex Color |} PLACE OF DEATH Davidson Tns Davidson Tns Mooresville NC Troutman NC ) 1 1 | {j j Iredell | Moorecville | Statesville NAME OF FATHER Statesville N C Geo Settlemyer Statesville N CL P Settlemyre Chas W Settlemyre WH Barker Joun ocetlemyre Peter Little L,P, Settlemyre i James L. Settlemyer | Gary L Sett lemyer THS — Iredell County, N. cK a ae UNIVERSAL INDEX No. U. 8. Patent Ne. 1437168—Coprright NAME OF MOTHER iNora Brotherton ali Williamson Unknown Harriet Smith Florence Baker Viera S. Peaver Joyce P Elder 1-4 1930 a U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 pe e st a r 9 ener ee r Se e Se 1945, 4 1962 1 == " . yoo wars. te 2 Clarence Henry Statesville NC Statesville NC William Bburchette Clifton Settle Betty byrd Flossie L. Settle 11933, 1 113) | 25|Shakleford Shackelford | _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS ae re locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Margaret C Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Statesville N Ci/Young Shakleford Statesville N C|Thomas Carson — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER Nancy J Widyette Adelaid Chadwick RECORDED Voi. Page 12. 508 19 fige2 2 12] Shamborguer Mira Elizabeth | | Mooresville NC M T Shamborguer Fannie Martin >| Shannon Mooresville NC Hays Shannon Hattie MeColoh ~~ Seteearmaone: —dtegeedenpd dannelgtiiganaanenantiatanandsnmestereeer ee eT re n e p e n e r a a! £ it i c c e a n h e a a s code ao ar ap e . ee t a ah x a Se r e n a = — ou a v a t l g g e n 18 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ____ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 tag é nr UNIV TEX No. 1-<¢ This Signarure on sheers incu: correctness. te names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer “eo ight 1930 : ‘ is coTTco wESAL IN ; F wear eoean. tod On It 7" i to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. ee - _ : - : ; os an = en — Reg. U.8. Pat.o@. ( FO , * 7 “ ee i nnn a i a aS ee = ed =e Sat T Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio GMP Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Bede be The Cott inter ce Meuse, Chariete, Bt. C to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sen | Goler DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN ! pkteoer | NAME OF MOTHER PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page Ronald Dean Iredell County |Oscar Luther Skipper}|Shirley Faye Perkins 1914, 2 95 Julius Sanders Olin Tns lamos Sharpe ‘ary Sanders 1914) 4 {10 Sallie | _W {Eagle Mills Tns jwm Renegar Hannah Wooten 1914; 12 2 Jerusha Hooper Statesville Tns |James Hooper Mary Ellis 1915, 3 (2 George W (Union Grove Tns [David M Sharpe pagsiine Young | 1915 | 7 James Black Sharpsburg Tns lalfrea Sharpe Mehallie James | 1915 | 50 Statesville N C Joseph Newton Sharpe Sara J C A Dowdy | ij i] Statesville N C |Joseph Newton Sharpe |Sara J C A Dowdy 1915, 5 (2 ~ 1915. _ 30 Mamie |Charlie Sharpe |Alan Brown | | /Concord Tns |David Miller |Bethany Tns 1916. 17 Nancie Jane iSare Forscyth 1916, 5 (/27 Lois Mae Jolin Tns lwillis Sharpe Elizabeth Mitchel | i] [Eva Mitehil i} " 1916, Lizzie olin Tns [Robert Mitchel 1917. 1917. 19 1918 George Darsey Henry Abner Clayton Earn _Louisa Rosanna James Calvin M James Manly Hiram Wilson Sudie V Annie Bell William P Sr Rufus |Willie Marshall |Elizabeth | Wm Feimster |Buelah _ + | Polly Joma Theophilis | | |Union Grove Tns {| iStatesville NC lesacané Tns |Shiloh Ins Chambersburg Tn Union Grove Tn ee NC Concord Tns Statesville |Union Grove Statesville Union Grove Sharpesburg Union Grove Statesville NC Sharpesburg Tns Sharpesburg Tn Statesville NC Concord Tns Statesville N C Sharpsburg Tns Union Grove Tns Chambersburg Tn Sharpesburg Tn Union Grove Tra Bethany Ths iConcord Tn (Con) |Statesville Tos | aa | States ille Tns|Henry Sharpe |Thomas C Sharp Wm Sharpe | | jo A Sharpe Silas D Sharpe |Will Sharpe John David Wooten Willis Sharpe Silas D Sharpe Silas D Sharpe David Sharpe Lee Sharpe Willis Sharp C R Sharp David Sharpe Char R Sharp Alvin Sharpe Neal Sharpe Silas D Sharpe Mason Ashe Charlie Sharp William Vanhoy Ivey Sharpe Alfred Sharpe Earnest Sharp Dexter Sharpe [onaries Sharpe iMollie Keaton Mary Wooten iMary Sharpe i Sue Padgett Mary S Femister Laura Sipes Patsy Tharpe Della Farris Nancy Allen Mary Feimster Sarah Young Louzunie Sharpe Della Pharr Josephine Lackey Sarah A Young J Lackey Mary Cowan naeadi Sharpe Mary Feimster Miny Bwaks Martha Lackey Sarah Campbell Eva Hines Mary Cheshire Dessie Campbell _Minnie Yates _fAlice Brown ee . es e t en ma r t e n ee ae ph e a mp e r a e th a m e s RA . ¥ 7 x — coa t he cs a ni e s my re r = 2 7 So n n we r h e e r m e m m s n g e e c c h ae we po ae -* 4 ac a ee e ca e Se aa n ss ce : =< oe 2 nihtucen INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C _ INDEX Ne. 1-4 ames, open at SURNAME TAB and refer eleee so te ye rolerense. ; aa i k ere DEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. oo " COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 a ci Made by The Coit Index Company, Columbus, Ohio oT locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. This sheets lucures (hrir correctness. Signature on to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg. U.S. Paton. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. COTTCO UNIVERSAL U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 r RECORDED DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED SURNAME OF DECEASED 7 MO . ; AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex| Cole | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF THER | Page ¥ Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN a ss T RECORDED Vol. Page DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day Sex Color NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER PLACE OF DEATH gaa ale - ae 12 6 26) Sharp 7 {Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe | Sharp | 20/Sherpe i \ | 17|Sharpe | 16] Sharpe 12) Sharpe 19|/ Sharpe 16/ Sharpe 3 |Sharpe | 6 ‘Sharpe 6 | Sharpe _|Charles Walter ‘Mary B Margarette Jane Monroe E Nancy Elizabeth | | Della Pharr John Clarence Benjamin Charled Myrtle Mae EG (Mrs) ‘Wm P Robert Lewis Alice \Benr*e Oneal Mary A Mary | WA ‘Catherine jRuby Oneal _ ” _\usile J (Mra) |. Union Grove Tns Statesville NC Statesville Tns Concord Tns Statesville TIns Statesville Tns SharpesburgTn Union Grove Tn iConcord Tn Olin Tn Olin Tn Olin Tns New Hope Tns New Hope Tns Statesville NC _iConcord Tns Union Grove Mooresville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Mooresville Statesville Mooresville iConcord Tns Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Shiloh fns lin Tne hambersburg Tn W (Concord Tns | (Bethany tns ia 1W. [Statesville yo (G0H) Jeremiah Stack J A Sharpe Ralph Sharpe James Gibson Columbus Sharpe Thomas Hudson Clyde Sharpe Sam Sharpe Calvin Sharpe Henry W Campbell Hobert Sharpe Sam Holmes T P Sharpe T P Sharpe WC — C F Sharpe William Pharr Fletcher Sharpe Van Burean Sharpe C R Sharpe Harley Sharpe Lee Sharpe Fred Jenkins Freedman Sharpe Roy Caldwell Wilks MeLellana (Clarance Sharpe (Robinson Clore Earl W Sharpe Baxter Sharpe J Amos Sharpe 1 N Sharpe ist E Sharpe b aide Sharpe CM Sharpe pus Sharpe _ ooresville N ¢ Sea Sharpe _— +W. Statesville y ch C Johnson (Sam Sharpe s—t Deborah Robertson Pearl Dingler Holland Emaline Morrison Dolly ann Jones Adeline Fox Ethel Head Anna Steel Louise McHargie Grace Campbell hary Rosa James James Dora Speaks Dora Speaks Lillie B MeLelland Alice M Clore Magar (Hariet McNeely Emily Cobb Sharpe Etta Holland Ruth Morrow Roxie Pierce lroxie Pierce Sallie Allen Rubie Sharpe kconnie White Vina Byers Annie Mayberry | jArline Adams i Ce Dingler ancis Drum leo Byars Dexter Royal Sharpe Minnie Lee Yates _ fPearl Dingler _ Louise McHargue _ beinoie puntes i) -Konnie waite —flelia Powell fiucile Johnson _ 10 465 11 410 11 | 447 15 e , 326 ‘[1931| 12 | 25 1932, [1958 — ]1939/ 2 10 41941) 2943) 7_ $194 8 1981) 12 (12 1932) 8 (9 12 26 1934, 7 2 1934) 7 (5 1935 | 1935 | 1936, 1937. 1937| 1938 1938, 1938, 1938 | 1938 | 1939 17 1939 14 1939 | 19 1940) 1941, 5 1941 5 as | 10 ih | | 3 la7 | pA942, 6 | Ou 10 | 20 Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharoe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe Sharpe 1940) _ 20] Sharpe | 26) Sharpe Sharpe wharpe Sharpe | Sharpe Sharpe | Sharpe Sharpe | Sharpe | Sharpe Sharpe 125 {Sharpe Sharpe Sherpe |Hermond iE F Claud Simeton F James MeCoy Thomas Gray Donald Delane Roxie Aunie 4 Cora Mayberry ‘Houston Gilbert| Sarah Jane Roscoe L Eva L Charles R Zed Beard Bertha William Derrell | Dora S Thomas _Jane Hedrick James Wilson Betty Privette Mary Elizabeth / Dave © IPeggy Anne Thomas Monroe EF Mi F M _ Caroline wargarbtr | Jane | | Annie R |Maggie Wade _|Frenk Louis Lottie Houpe_ John Thomas vex _fKay Williem .,| Thomas .¢ Preston Thomas Walter Pinkney F F New Hope Tn Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville jUnion Grove Statesville NC | |Fallstowns Tns \ q Statesville Tns Statesville Tns haiti Tas Union Grove Statesville Statesville Union Grove Statesville Statesville NC Statesville Nl Statesville Tn Statesville NC Cool Spring Tn Union Grove Tn Statesville NC Mooresville NC Statesville NC ~“tatesville NC Cool Springs Olin Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC New Hope Statesville NC Statesville NC Union Grove Tns Btatasvilie NC Turnersburg Tn Stetesville NC Statesville NC | Hermond Sharpe John Sharpe Isaac Trace Snead ‘iW P Sharpe Henry Clay Sharpe H Sharpe Sam Sharpe Tns| James Sharpe Lex Sharpe H M Sharpe Shedrick Keaton David Jones siiJames MeCcy Sharpe Col G W Sharpe Q@ L Sharpe Jeff Wallace W P Sharpe Isaac Newton Sharpe Elam Cannon Robt. Sharpe Alexander H Thomas Frank Hedrick W P Sharpe Sr Woses Privette Clarence Sharpe k | Sharpe Bethel Sharpe Willis Sharpe York Ford J W Rimmer E D Wade Frenk Sherpe S a Sherpe Franklin Houpe William C Sherpe iiliam a Sharpe Francis Sharpe PIR ibis aie 4) __ fina Sharpe. —#fhristine Paylor High Sharpe... ___—siIsebell Privette _ Monnia Williams Zonie Summers Sarah Snead Snead Zena Patterson Isabelle Prevett Annie Steele iNancy Cook Gysia McLean ‘ada Teague Marie Keaton Mary Jones Cevie Hutchins Adeline Hooper Blanche Gilbert Alice Elam Mary Cloer Kauser Drum Carrie Sharpe Annie Brown Minnie Johnson Marrar Pope Mary B Stack Fannie sash Connie White annie B Sharpe Mary Mcliargue Minnie L allison Mary Ford Sallie parker Mary Wade Mery Steck pecile Murdock jUink Williams Sherpel, jSereh Jeane ckee 17 | 17; 18 . ee co ¢ yo n ga s e s ae c e e p e r me r r y ce u m t e n p io n s sa t e l pe o s n e n n n e n e n n a n t l p e n c o e o a s e n c n e l l - a e c s o n c i a s a o a e g e i n i s ia i n m me n t an g pe l l e — ” an a e s = - po t e : z se n mr ch a m i e s s m e v i e n te n e a m e r e : 2 ee e So n a m * ~ < >: ~ <a c = . we e k in n e rm s - + a , es . om hs ~ a : - ae =o neae ee . — SS ne a —_ ~ a ea =~ oa fs ee a oo oe . tithes 20 __INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C._ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. "7 i Thi Sais o hen i rene To locate mamen, gon ot SURNAME INITIAL TAB snd refer RT Fates He TesTiGa cnsONe Hike “Nae Couns Goprvight 1908 Acizanae TSP lente names, ep st SURNAME INITIAL TAB and rete mere eneuceer ” ( } a _.. Naw 8 ret. on. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. i == [2 —— = | - —— peer er I Je ' sn bela SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — ys ~ — on Dose anne | Sex | Cole || PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Yer | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, WF ONE 1S GIVEN | Page 4 oad Se | ae. : | | i t | | / | td ba ae hoosesviiie de be kta =— fs | 430 1954 5 a7} Sharpe Roger F | C | Statesville NC! General Morrison Dorcas Stevenson 40 204 | (I Ib |ro45. 12 16 |snerpe ‘Wayne MW |Statesville NC |Vence Sharpe Done Deal 31\ 540 395 | 7 | 2f Sharpe Mattie Deal FW | Statesville NC) Henry Deal Isabell Miller +O! 348 EL i 1945 12 6] Sherpe | Btta Neomi F W |Stetesville NC |Hubtert Norton Mery Yortner 51) 502 | 1954 il 28) vharpe John M M iW Statesville NC} S.A. Sharpe Sara McKay 140 484 | 4) ti it 11946. 1 13\sharpe ‘Williem A M_.¢ |Coddle Greek - . 52, 15 1955 3 2 Pbarpe Henry Clarence |M W | Statesville NC Quince Sharpe Blanche Gilbert #1 119 AW i | 1946 9 20 |Sherpe James Trece M W Statesville NC [Alpha D Sharpe imme Pedgett pe 43) 1955 3 17 Sharpe William Monroe |M W | Statesville NC WP Sharpe Mary Cloer BL | 123 | | i mB 42946. 11 21 Sharpe Bessie Mae F |W [Statesville NC |T M Phifer Margaret E Gillespie |33 110 | 1955 il 28] Sharpe James Edward M | C |Statesville NC | Earnest Carter Sharpe Mattie L. Parker 41 | 505 | 4 Hi} t lou? 6 26|sharpe Merca Gena | FW jStatesville NC IJ. C, Sharpe Minnie Bowling 33, 25h i | 1955) 12 oT snarpe walter vay M |W | Indianapolis Theophilus Sharpe vie Sprinkle 41) 562 t Hill L hoa 7 49 ees Odessa Caldwell 7i:e@ | Mooresville NC | Henry Valdwell Hattie Caldwell 33 . 300 | | 3956 t 5| Sharpe Emma Jane Stone|| F W |Statesville Rufus A Stone Sarah vane Rob 42; 8 1 Hi | ee a 2 | 194.7 8 24 Shar pe ~ iM oW Statesville NC | Gray allen Sharpe Jaisy Lee Parlier B3. 453 ! (1956 aa i § Sharpe Charlie A, M W Mooresville Newton Sharpe | Candtee Dew 42 402. 4 Lei | i L ‘ions 4 3 |sharpe Johnnie Frank M ._W (Statesville NC h Earl Sharpe Thelma Elder 34 213 | | 1956, 11 16) Sharpe Frances A, D, F iW |Statesville J. Henry Deal Martha I. Miller 42|515 Ai fer 7.1% = Annie Edith al FW |Statesville NC |G Harrison Brown Emma Penuix 34.311 1957| 6 18 bharpe Wade Leon M C Statesville E 3. Sh Mattie Parker 3 231 | | Ht a 129 4 4 { | rnest C, Sharpe Hite : lous 10 1} Sharpe cade: Subs | W [Statesville Nc |zeb Sharpe Margaret Goodin 34. 42h (1957, 6 14)|Sharpe Debra Ann F W = $Yadkinville Thomas F Sharpe Patricia 4nn Rash i143 373 it { I | 1948 11 1 Sharpe Leroy | M C Mooresville NC Clrence Sharpe Connie White Bd, _ 500 1957 9 13 Sharpe Martha E P W Statesville Frank Johnson Mary Anne Lackey 43 400 | 1 HH i ven 4 2} Sharpe Jasper Agustus IM W {Pailstown Kuffus Franklin oharfpe sueline oummers 35 83 | 1957) 11. 20 Sharpe “lanche G, F W ‘Statesville NC James Franklin Gilbert Susan Rominger 43 548 i Hil : | i et 4 i doug 713 |Sharpe Caroline F (W |Statesville NC Haz mott Caroline Hendrix 35. 260 1957 11 AS) Siarye Rickey O'Bryant| M | C |Statesville NC |Nathaniel Shar pe Gertrude Griffin 43 513 | i i | 1950, 1 5 JSharpe William Preston| M. WI] Mion Grove Tngd George Sharpe Rosana Wooten 36 13 | 1958 2 16| Sharpe Norma Sue F | W Kinston Glem W Sharpe Pauline Rhyne 44 181 i i i 4 t j1949 12 26]Sherpe Zebulon Vance M §W jStetesville Theophilus Sharpe Levina Sprinkle 56 25 |1958 3 29| Sharpe Celia Hutehins | F W Statesville John Hutchens a 44.172) f (il } i | 1950 2. 5 Sharpe _ Sammy Kaye MC | Mooresville NC | Clarence L Sharpe Christine H Wood 36, 105 1958 | 8 [24] Sharpe Robert Frankliw M | W /Olin Rufus Sharpe Lillie Somers 44 414 | | | | | | 1950; & .13]}Sharpe _Emma bailey eo Pees otatesvilie Ne} Louis Milsap Mary Milsap 36.205 [1956 9 21) Sharpe Thomas Howard | M W (Statesville Sufus © Sharpe Mary Hartness 44 465 | 1950. § 28)Sharpe Connie FC | Mooresville Unkn own Molisa White 36, 254 $2066 Lo 27 Snare |Earnest Eugene | M | W $tatesville | Chal Sharpe ! Annie Dowdy 44535 1950! 7 25|Sharpe Chalmas Newton | M |W |Statesville NC | Francis Sharpe Crittis Jordon 36.397 | 1958 10 14) Shar pe Neal Sumter M | W |Statesville Hiram D Sharpe ava tras Sumter 44502 | 1950; 7 (.26iSharpe ‘John Lee M_. W |Statesville NC | Davidson Sharpe Louise Scott 36) 398 - ! 1958 | 11 3 poe _ Zena Elouise F C | Harmony iFate Pattersa@m rrr Pattersa@ (44.586 1950, 8 26 |Sharpe ‘Alvin Curtis M | C Wharpesburg Dolphus Sharpe Mary Cowan B6 13 Lass 6 psoere eander W. M | W [Statesville \George W Sharpe Rosanna Wooten l45 315 1950 10 12) Sharpe Gwendolyn ¥ i¢ Statesville NC j-. Thelma Elizabeth Sha rpe 36 564 | 1959 @ 50] Sharre Pearl Dingler | F W Statesville William H Dingler Shseuks Honeycutt 45 415 1950 10 20/Sharpe | Fred MC |Stetesvilie NC |Unknowm Bbl1 Ettex 36) 507 | 1959 6 8 bare Myrtle Mary B.) FW ‘Butner, N. C. Hiram Sharpe |Lillie Prevette 45 377 | 1950, ll (26 |Sharpe Idwaze Thomas M._}| W} Statesville NC Unknown Unknown 36 Isao 1959. 9 (16) Sharpe | Comma F. | M | C |Statesville ie P She pe |Dore Speaks |45 458 | Hh; L951} 1..| 4 | Sharpe | Rubin Clay M_ iC Harmony NC David Lee Shar pe Sadie Louise Sharpe 34 4B 1959 ih (21 Sharpe Ada Frances | FiwW ‘Statesville _ James Mitchell | Adeline Yount 45 (595 | : ! 1951; 3 19] Sharpe \Carl W, M | W Union Grove William P charpe Mary otock 37| 140 1960) 2 8 Sharpe Lola Frances Mu. | F W) Statesville Orville Morrig | Ada S Williams ‘sale | 1951 6 2) Sharpe Andrew Mo Statesville NC] Hobart Sharpe Mary James 37} 370 1960, 4 Ft Sharpe Carrie Ip Cc ‘Statesville Lum Sharpe . ida | 1951; 6 30] Sharpe Ivey John M iW Statesville NC] William ees’? Laura Jane Sides 37, 38h] eet AGS 1960) 8 4 Sharpe | Sarah Jane | F W | Statesville Dan Dowdy | Laura Sneed ah | | | _4+952| 1 | 1p Sharpe , same: 7 M | W | Olin Nc Unknown _Lecey sharpe sf 38 28 RS ___]2961; 2 ‘11] Sharpe ‘Willis | Mj ¢ /Olin Rt. 1 - = ates | } 4.1952 3._|.8 | Sharpe | Bertha Readie | F iW 4 Statesville NC | Unknown | Ellen Chambers | 38 153 Ee bat 1962, 5 123 Sharpe Margaret Es 21:9 olin James M Sumter ‘Sarah E Petterson ee | i 11952 3 25] Sharpe Clarence Lecn | M |W Mooresville NC | ciprence Sharpe __ | Cordie White __ __ ps | aus ‘om - ! 41961! 2 E Shar pe Ollie C. | rly | stat — Lee oneeeeetate be ae | ate | ; | | rse i oe | . 4 + an i952) 3 2d Sharpe Janice Roberta F Le Statesville NG Robert Turner Share Juanita Bugenie/ 8|12,] 1961/8 (|25/Shar pe ‘Thomas Harvey | M | W \Yadiinville ‘Henn Shar pe Ser ah Reneger “7 491 I +12. a Sharpe 2} M_| Wii Statesville NCI William H. Sharpe _|sb irley C. Wilson} 3g 541} - ) 11962! 6 11]! Shar pe | prea F, M | w Ist atesville NC \John L Sharpe |zente Sharpe les \s58 | Si 1 [10] Sharpe sandra leigh | FP | W | Statesviiie NC} Everette Sharpe | Cora Munday _ oe | ieee 1962 9 |12)Shar pe Cora Lee F | W |Statesville George L Munday | Cewsie Dowell le 1482 | : A ay il iii i | - IS | | ! 1953 | 2 | 4] Sharpe _ _jHoward Watson | M W | Statesville nc William A Sharpe | Clelia Murdock = 70 GE ae —....} 1962 10 29 Sharpe Willis H. M | W | Statesville Hiram Sharpe Isabell Prevetts Ina 560 | 1953 2 | 13 Sharpe | Allie Cass | F W_| Stateaviiie no George Cass _ | Bnily Stanley 3468} ———~} ~~~ £962} 10 | 27 Sharpe en . M | W Harmony | Dent Sharpe Margaret J Sharpe lel sen W922 t 465 Share entre aPOE® RAAT. 338 idee Statesville my Walter a Sharpe _| mma Sneed co BO) ae oe . — 11963 | 5 9 Shar pe Lau ra F | C } Statesville | Lum Sharpe Dolly Sinica lao 312 1.2959 7 25] Sharpe == | William P. = |W ete ey ke WO dae. wad tee P. Sharp@ Mary Stack | 39 334 JH | | | | | a 7 ey inn ications tie oo nant Se. f 1956 7 ae epaves John Heary " Mic Statesville NC |Henry Clay Sharpe Zena Sharpe O | 104 | | Bia ss - Ee ha a ee e na p s ee ae ap n e ee e en +." C og ca ! eC. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C eat. a ____INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. : County Indexes Since 1888 Te leeate at oun INITIAL TAB and refer : = i Pat age he « ae a PS sc io Bel sheet for refi Copyright 1983 A~-12266' ; " oe mall OI ci , i a ince a IACbe Da dctipna Trade Mat + oT. ee a = [= = _ SR tent Neca —Gomreakt Hike DMFT? Yocaie names, open at SURNAME ae hyde hin Sharia: Se. The be Oe al SURNAME OF DECEASED | Sex | Cor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER va) Pen H —" gare OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED RECORDED TF | em Oe! OO CNSTEN WON, © OE 1S ent te | | , ee 8 a +- | 2 car | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 4 i hh Hi 3 ~ ec SS t wae i. 1963 6 10 (Sharpe James i M! Wi Statesville W M Sharpe | Laura Sipes [49 370 | ~ re “aT oT | i h i 3 1914; 11 |18/Shaver - MW is - Gh “ i as ” of) , ' t 3 S Brow 1 | 566 | ' 1963 6 § | “har pe Nobert M Ww | Statesville Thomas Share | Janie Head Ag 366 | ase eT eee re ' fl | | 1920, 2 (12)Shaver 1H G- | MW |Sharpesburg Tn/W E Shaver S E Jordon 6 | 315 Vi Tat 1963 8 24 Sharpe Herbert M C § Statesville “ucene Sharpe | lla Bradshaw 49 497 er P & — He . t ry 1921; 7 (5 |Shaver John D | MW |Sharpesburg Tns/M Shaver Clemintine Tucker \7 | 627 mn 1963 9 20 Sharpe Chester M W/ Statesville Hiram D Sharpe | Margaret Sumter 149) 549 HBL | i | r ie tt } 1922. 2 23 Shaver William 4 | Mv W In ew Hope Tn William Shaver — /8 315 tH 1963 10 & Sharpe Walter M W | Mooresville Richard Q Sharpe | Margaret Miller 149) 613 | | | ‘ | “TH 1H ¢ | ae : | 1922, 12 8 |Shaver Evert McCoy | M W Olin Tn lz L Shaver Icarrie Hollana Is 188 iat l e nnie F WwW | Statesville D A Mullis Celia Campbell | 49 648 3 i | ot ic 1923. 1 _18|Shaver Elizabeth | FW |Sharpesburg Tns lacie Reavis | - |2 | 136 | e Sarah F Wi St Sville John C Murdock | Janie Brown a0 97 “ | | er 1923; 7 (29]Shaver - | M | W |New Hope Tns jStaly Shaver jJettie Lunsford 9 | 35 frend F W Statesville Roy Lee wha rpe Martna Yo sey | 50 Re 4 | ' i | 1925, 3 5 Shaver Robert | M | C |Mooresville N C landy Shaver [Jane Pinkston [11 174 1964 8 17 Sharpe Della F W) Statesville Unknown Ledia Wooten | 50 472 | | | ‘. ; H | see 1927, 1 £8 Shaver Arch Monroe ; M |W |Sharpsburg Tns |Feldan Shaver lAmanda Mason 13 | 281 q 7 1964 9 19) Sharpe irne st © | W | Winston-Salem ivian Sharpe Isabelle Frivette 50; 6373 | | AT ‘ + oe “ 1928 5 (5 |Shaver EO | MW |Statesville N C|Melvin Shaver |Clementine Furches 14 394 Hit 1964 10 29) Sharpe SSpy M W Stat esville John L Sharpe Zenie vharpe 50; 610 a | | mts Ht ~ H 1929, 5 |£6|Shaver AH | M W |Eagle Mills Tn |J W Shaver iClementine Shaver 115 178 Bi ee 1964 10 = 29/\Sha rpe “spy IM W Statesville John L Yharpe Zenie Sharpe 50: 607 Tite 4 sie ee i Poe 1929, 5 _26/Shaver Rhoena S |; F | W |Sharpesburg Tn |Lester Harmon Rhoena Shaver 15 | 329 Hi aia 1964 11 29. Sharpe Martha F W Olin Alfred York Margaret Templeton | 50 692 | FT Te : . 1 i o ; 1929;| 5 30jShaver ‘Jennie E | F W |Statesville Tns|H B Thornburg Mary Frye 15 650 Ht HT 1965; 2 2 Sharpe Ransom M W) Statesville Thomas Shar pe Nancy Hudson 51 6&9 | | Fal diet i +——- 1930 4 13]Shaver J Stamey (Mrs) | FW |Statesvi 1 cir ‘ : bal id 19 4 19) Sharpe Stillborn McC. Statesvilte Lonnie W Sharpe | Sallie B Stevenson) 51) 258 og vitie BC ikdward J Luts 16, 878 He JE 4 E j | 18 2 1931, 3 (5 |Shaver John W | M | W |New Hope Tn John Shaver Linda Shaver 17 233 til Ih | ity 1 7 __ 1932, 4 (8 {Shaver Katherine | F |W |Mooresville N C Robert Shaver Mary Duff 18 156 Ht i] } | | ni J hie H 1933, 7 13)Shaver ‘Sadie I (Mrs) | F W Statesville N C /fom Hartness Lizzie Tilley 19 | 339 a i 1936, 2 (25|Shaver Robt Wayne | M |W [Concord Tas Graham Shaver Lois Dishman 22 94 i | ati See i tai } t 1937, 2 11}/Shaver ‘Sarah E F W |Statesville N C jJohn W Jordon Sarah Rhyne 25 309 Hh : 1988| 3 8 |Shaver America EH | F W jStatesville Tns Laws Harmon Mary Haines 24 501 |e | al i iad ee ee i tt } i | 1942 4 10 i 31 Shaver a ¥ Wale Statesvi lie WU iW + Shaver Troy Malcolm Shaver 28 i LOL i | i Be Hl tt ‘a S 2 S 2 Sherrill New M ¥ 2w i T W a iT | | I | | 1943) 2 20 iShsver isherrill ton M | WV jNew Hope Tns Willism Shever Late Mullis 29 494 I. | | Beal | eae ms ‘ef 1 | I | 1944, 8 1}Shaver i\Nennie T FW |®egle Mills Tn |a H Shaver Tressa Redmon 30. 311 il t \ | Bo a i i il i ms Pp iH Nn | | ~—. $1945 | & (13 She ver Eawerd M ._C |Mooresville NC |John Shsver Gertrude Porter 31 | 293 Ih] Li I | i j eri ; ¢ i i I i ian Th f | | I | por 4 | 8|Shaver William Erastus |M .W | Sharpesburg & Shaver Mende C Mason 32.156 i | i . { | a. 29471. 5 ee Pe » Dees vi chek Meee a OH a | | | ee ar \43 [Shaver Ernest Austin Mi W Statesville,NC William 7. ohaver Blizabeth Sprinkle 3, 206] ji | | i i | tt \ i | i ie | , ‘ — : : ee : = : | | | | 47| 10 ,5_phaver } Lonnie sira Mi} W sblatesviite woof 4u0mas Green olaver | alice Goforth coe a | | | | I 4194.94 2.4 Shaver | Iressa heanan F | W JHarmony WC George W heumon gettie Yonger 351 39 4 # {| r Vi , | — ee 8 13} Shaver | Thomas G M | W | Harmony NC Melvin Shaver Clementine (?) Ks | aos | | | | } + - b i t 1 4 \ iI erin g ; 4 ° . | i 4 Fs J j | | | | 1949 | a ee Shaver penne Furches Mi W | Olin NC J W Shaver Roena Harmon 351422 | Ml It | | | H ail sor 11955] 11 | 2q Shaver | John Samuel M CG | Cleveland NC Robert Shaver Unknown 4 561 | { | j | i] | : + - a t } ; | | | I ° thn | j . we ‘ my! | | | ; . 4 -——& {1958 | 9 | 7] Shaver i- F | WStatesville Rex Shaver Margaret L Moore 44 4°74 + | | | “ | ; oy { j |_| = n958/ 12 1/8 ic Ben hi | | | | H ne Se | 46 | 1] Shaver arrie © FW jStatesville nc | Columbus Mol land Mery Jurmey 44 606 ' eT | | nad 1959! 8 |30/S | G wis Tae | | | | , on 50 haver ee i | Paul Gaither M | W tatesville Vin « B Shaver Sarah & Jordan 45 436 \ = ed | ! — 1959; 6 (2 | rl | | H : | | | | | | | —F ali "| &: 6 Shaver fs Graham R. . W (Statesville John W Shaver __fRowena Harmon 45 331 : ad | | a 1963 | , . cca tei —. & {21 Shaver Crai M/W sha | | | | | i | Fe ere raig ms Statesville __ | Bobby E Shaver johirley Grego ry \9|258 ir j 4 | | | | : 7 - { | | | | | ne 9964 | 10 | 14 Sha ver Edward Pitta ee ee Annionette Harmon 50 591] i : seta seth estan ———-—- " a 4 yt j | | 1964, | 4+ ini es : a | y te —— 12 a . | : ; , at —F thine | 1 Shaver — het Fann ie wi Ww Statesville C, B. Jurney “11en Holland sd 70 4 Rss | a ; ag Ney “7 ry - ~ ~ bn tel onsets | , | i | | se een . —— | , || | ‘ i is " ai J ak ; e e a c e e i i e e e ai a . on 7. la si n c os ae o n s Pe n c e cr e m e a ar s e oe = Sa t e e n = a Se ae ee ne ae . OR N S oT DATE OF DEATH | ree fat 6 s 6 8 24|\Sharpe 10 1964 ll 9 & County Indexes Since 1688 An Identifying Trade 10 |Sha rpe Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN James Nobert Herbert Chester Walt er prenda:< Spy “spy Martha Rans om Stillborn x hy re r foe he eee sheet for page reference. Color | PLACE OF DEATH | Yi Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Moor esville Statesville otatesville itatesville Statesville Winston-Salem Statesville Statesvilie AME INITIAL TAB and refer I" oa wae ——— = } NAME OF FATHER t be W M Sharpe Thomas Share “yrene Sharpe Hiram D Sharpe Richard Q Sharpe DA Mullis John C Murdock Roy Lee Sharpe Unknown Vivian Sharpe John L Sharpe John L “harpe Alfred York Thomas Shar pe Lonnie W Sharpe ee INDEX 70 VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — !redell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 Copyright 1983 A-122559 | NAME OF MOTHER + | Laura Sipes | Janie Head it | lla Bradshaw i} ii H ! | Margaret Sumter Margaret Miller Celia Campbell || Janie sro wn Martha vosey Ledia Wooten Isabelle Frivette Zenie vharpe Zenie Sharpe | Margaret Templeton 50 692 “ancy Hudson Sallie B Stevenson 51 258 Se n e c a eo == em a n a t e om e s e s a c e a n s e n s e c n e o n l p si a n —[ — — — — — SS aa nn n di n e H9,9 | fa SS ee ae ———— a DATE OF DEATH 1920| 2 1921| 7 1922| 2 1922| 12 1923| 1 1923, 7 1925| 3 1927, 1 1928 5 1929 5 1929| 5 1929| 5 1930 4 1931, 3 1932| 4 1933| 7 1936 2 1937, 2 1988, 3 1942| 10 n943 12 1944) 8 1945 | 8 hese | 4 $1949} 2 4 1949) | 1914) 11 .18)Shaver |12] Shaver 5 Shaver 23) Shaver 8 |Shaver 18] Shaver 29] Shaver 5 |Shaver 28) Shaver 5 Shaver _26|\Shaver 26) Shaver _50|\Shaver _13)Shaver 5 |Shaver 8 |Shaver _13 | Shaver _25 |Shaver _11]Shaver ‘8 {Shaver \31iShaver 20Shsver 1iShaver 13 She ver , 8 jShaver 1947! 5 43 shaver Lisu7| 10 | 5 bbhever +4 Shaver | 13 Shaver 3,19] Shaver 1955, 11 | 2@ Shaver 9 | 7] Shaver 1958/12 1] Shaver 1959; 8 30 |Shaver 1969) 6 26/Shaver 1963} 4 |211IShaver Pn eset este telecine - fL964 | 10 | 14 Shaver Be ON ein ght 1964} 12] 17 Shaver ieee, peel eens INDEX No. 1-4 68—Copyright 1930 + 1 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN + |H G- John D William a Evert MeCoy Elizabeth Robert Arch Monroe E 0 AH ‘Rhoena § Jennie E J Stamey (Mrs) John W Katherine ‘Sadie I (Mrs) Robt Wayne ‘Sarah E America EH iSherrill Newton \Nennie T Eaward Williem Erastus lErnest. Austin | Lonnie sird iressa heanan Thomas G 'Fred Furches John Samuel + Carrie Belle Graham R. Craig Edward Fann ie So m e _W Paul Gaither Color W W iW Statesville Sharpesburg Sharpesburg |New Hope Tn | = JOlin Pn it jSharpesburg | q Mooresville NC cy nha om Sharpsburg Tas i iStatesville iStatesville | jNew Hope Tn (Mooresville Statesville Concord Tns Statesville Sharpesburg Harmony WC Harmony NC Olin NC Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville PLACE OF DEATH ____ INDEX To VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS - Iredell County, N. C. cece COTTCO UNIVERSAL — mee U.S. Patent No. 14371 BREF To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. W E Shaver uM Shaver (William Shaver i iNew Hope Tns Statesville NC |Eegle Mills T joharpesburg T Statesville ' Statesville NC New Hope Tns fegle Mills Tn Mooresville NC /E L Shaver | } ilAcie Reavis |Staly Shaver jandy Shaver \Feldan Shaver Melvin Shaver J W Shaver i (Lester Harmon H B Thornburg | Edward J Lutz John Shaver Robert Shaver Tom Hartness Graham Shaver John W Jordon Laws Harmon W L Shaver Williem Shever A H Shaver John Shs ver otatesviile,NC otatesviittle Wo Cleveland NC Statesville NC Statesville Statesville [ & Shever Geurge Ww heumon J W Shaver Rex Shaver NAME OF FATHER Edward O Shaver Villiam tT. ohaver Tuomas Green Shaver Melvin Shaver Robert Shaver Columbus Mol land Wn. E Shaver John W Shaver Bobby E Shaver Wm. Shaver C, B. Jurney eat lee Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold a Ghaereer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF Ottie Brown S E Jordon f i tt Mary Frye Mary Duff Sarah Rhyne Mary Haines hate Mullis bettie Yonger Unknown Clemintine Tucker Carrie Holland lgettie Lunsford Jane Pinkston lAmanda Mason Clementine Furches Clementine Shaver mhoens Shaver Linda Shaver Lizzie Tilley Lois Dishman Troy Malcolm Shaver Tressa Redmon Gertrude Porter wen da C Mason Wlizabeth Sprinkle alice Goforth Clementine (?) Roena Harmon Margaret L Moore Mary Jurney Sarah © Jordan Rowena Harmon ; Shirley Greg xy Annionette Harmon “llen Holland RECORDED Vol. Page 1 | 566 6 | 315 7 627 l 315 le 188 ls 136 i 35 11 | 174 fas 281 laa 394 15 178 15 329 15 | 650 16 378 a7 233 18 156 19 339 22 94 23 309 24 501 28 | hOk 29, 494 30, 311 31 292 32, 156 bs | 208 | 33, 390 | oN ies De it bs | 40s] 35\422 | 1M 4 561 a4 4°74 44 606 45 436 45 331 49 | 258 50) 591 | 50 730 | | | a << oe Rte. u.8 PAT. Office _ chsh uf at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. cep tipedttiente 5" mo res a COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Thastalote rn identitying Trade Mack , Copgeagas | ee ee = ff = ¢ > tt os ; 1 | ij NAME OF MOTHER i s : : i sce ete aed SURNAME OF DECEASED | sex | coor || PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER _ | Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE [S GIVEN | + : ; + + : + + = 1 —— # 1963 6 10 (Sharpe James Mi W/ Statesville WM Sharpe | Laura Sipes | +9 370 1963) 6 81 “harpe tobert M| Wj Statesville Thomas Share | Janie Head 49) 366 # i + oa] ; 1963 8 2k 'Sharpe Herbert M' C | Statesville “vueene Sharpe | “lla Bradshaw 49 497 ’ , Hf " ’ ' 1963 9 20 Sharpe Chester M W/ Statesville Hirmm D Sharpe | Margaret Sumter 49| 549 1963 10 & Sharpe Jalter M W || Moor esvi lle Richard Q Sharpe Margaret Miller 49; 613 1963 li | 13) Sharpe nnie F Wi Statesville D A Mullis Celia Campbell 49 648) 1964, 2 | 91] Sharpe Sarah Fi Wi Statesville John C Murdock | Janie Brown 50 97 + 4 14/\Sharpe Brend F Vii Statesville Roy Lee Sharpe | Martha Vvosey 50 224 1964 8 17 Sharpe Della F WW) Statesville Unknown Ledia Wooten 50 472 1964; 9 |19) Sharpe Erne st W | Winston-Salem Vivian Sharpe Isabelle Frivette 20; 633 1964 10 29) Sharpe 'SPy M | Wj} Stetesville John L Sharpe Zenie Sharpe 50; 610 1964 10 29) Sha rpe aspy Mi Wi Statesville John L Yharpe Zenie Sharpe 50! 607 1964 11 29. Sharpe Martha F W Olin Alfred York | Margaret Templeton 50 692 1965 2 2 Sharpe Rans om M; W! Statesville Thomas Shar pe Nancy Nudson 51 & 1965 4 j19) Sharpe Stillborn M| Cc. Statesville Lonnie W Sharpe Sallie B Stevenson) 51) 258 | | | | = # i} i i} ii H it + { f | | f a i i i | f + | 1 I ae | } } | H 4 } | bd ft tt i | | | | _ I i I | | I iH I i! | | | i I i f 7 t | | os I i | tt i i } | | | Ht i | i } cae | + t | ee | | t { | i i 4 . + | | | | 1! i it 4 | | | ! i i } | | i i | | | | | i - 4 | | y ; j I I 4} i | T ‘ Y ; | | | | ae | | | | a | | | | ™ ae ro % na s TE UNIVERSAL U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Cop OT Te Sa anRREEReTEne eo it DATE OF DEATH Year a= | 1914! 11 |18iShaver ‘|1920| 2 |12)Shaver 1921| 7 (5 {Shaver ‘j1g22, 2 (23)Shaver 1922, 12 8 |Shaver 1923; 1 18|Shaver 1923; 7 (29]Shaver 1925, 3 5 |Shaver 1927, 1 28)Shaver 1928 5 5 Shaver 1929 5 |26/Shaver 1929' 5 26)Shaver 1929; 5 30}Shaver 1930, 4 13)Shaver 1931|' 3 5 |Shaver 1932; 4 (8 |Shaver 1933, 7 (13|Shaver 1936, 2 25/Shaver 1937, 2 (11}/Shaver 1988! 3. 8 |Shaver 1942; 10 | 31) Shaver 1943 | 12 20Shsver ; 1944, 8 1} Shaver 1945, 8 13 |shover 1946 4 | 8|Shaver iia 1947 | ) 43 |Shaver _119,7| 10 | 5 bhaver : —_fioxg! 214 |Shaver [1949] 8 | 13] Shaver —_———J194,9 | 3 \19] Shaver 1955 11 | 24 shaver 1 958 | 9 ly | Shaver 2958 | 12_| 1] Shaver | —___]is59} 8 |30 Shaver —____]199/ 6 26/Shaver gt nin 2983} 21} Shaver 964 | 20 | 14 shaver ——___ 1964} 12] 17 Shaver non Pe iseaticihiericset wie Fk + pate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE “3 GIVEN * \H G- John D |William 4 Evert McCoy Elizabeth Robert Arch Monroe E 0 ‘AH Rhoena § Jennie E J Stamey (Mrs) John W Katherine ‘Sadie I (Mrs) ‘Robt Wayne Sarah E BE a America H iSherrill Newton \Nennie T \Edwerd William Erastus Ernest Austin | Lonnie sira dressa heanan | Thomas G {Fred Furches | John Samuel se r s t r i n n e e e m a r e Carrie Belle Paul Gaither Graham R. Craig Edward Fann ie =o | | ti Ee Sex Color M W MW 8 ee M W M W F W M W M C M W M W x 66bFhUW F W F W F W | M W F W F iW Ei FiWw Fi 8 F yy ee | Mi ¢ MW MW M} W F WW M W Mi W M C F W F |W M Ww M Ww MiwW Mi W F W PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Sharpesburg Ta Sharpesburg Tns iNew Hope Tn (Olin Tn iSharpesburg Tns New Hope Tns Mooresville N C \Sharpsburg Tns N jStatesville C jEKagle Mills Tn iSharpesburg Tn # Statesville Tns iStatesville NC New liope Tn Mooresville N C Statesville NC Concord Tns iStatesville NC Statesville Tns Statesville NC New Hope Tns Kegle Mills Tn Mooresville NC Sharpesburg Statesville ,NC otatesviile wwe Harmony WC Harmony NC Olin NC Cleveland NC Statesville Statesville NC Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville NAME OF FATHER Edward O Shaver W E Shaver iM Shaver William Shaver |Z L Shaver lacie Reavis Istaly Shaver lanay Shaver |Feldan Shaver Imelvin Shaver jd W Shaver Lester Harmon H B Thornburg Edward J Lutz John Shaver Robert Shaver Tom Hartness Graham Shaver John W Jordon Laws Harmon W L Shaver Williem Shever A H Shaver John She ver 4 Shever eee tf. ohaver fi.omas Green olaver George W Keumon Melvin Shaver J W shaver Robert Shaver Rex Shaver Columbus Mol land Wm. E Shaver John W Shaver Bobby E Shaver Wm. Shaver C, B. Jurney -~4- _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Convict i y o Columbus, Okio by The Cott Index Company, Co = i ee Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Ottie Brown S E Jordon Clemintine Tucker ! iCarrie Holland i 1 | i |Jettie Lunsford Jane Pinkston | lAmanda Mason SE Clementine Furches <= = |Clementine Shaver \ [Rnoena Shaver Mary Frye Linda Shaver Mary Duff Lizzie Tilley Lois Dishman Sarah Rhyne Mary Haines Troy Malcolm Shaver Kate Mullis Tressa Redmon Gertrude Porter Manda C Mason Wlizabeth Sprinkle alice Goforth gettie Yonger Clementine (7?) Roena Harmon Unknown Margaret L Moore Mary Jurmey | Sarah © Jordan Rowena Harmon ile sei johirley Grego ry Annionette Harmon b _ “llen Holland Ig 136 Voi. + 188 11 174 13 281 14 394 178 15 | 15. 16 378 7 | 233 18 156 19. 94 _ 309 _ 501 28 | Lok 29, 494 30} 311 Sl, 231 32, 156 33 | 208 335.390 23: 39 #5 + 4 561 44 474 44 606 45 436 45 331 49 258 | 50| 591 339 | 403} 32,422 | ~ a 50 ra m e n e c o a i e s ee n s Z 4- ro e oS =. t eo fa ns h e n e ne m . sp d p e e s a t i a 4 i se a t s pe e ee - é ’ 5 : ps = my ne a Le te n er ce Ce e or e Ha . Se e n e ee n Z PI ; — a . " aca 4 b : , i =~ oo ot : ~ i : ae sie i ’ , , or Re eS et m sea -alehebdaabaeee aL Sa 2 és nett + cee ] ‘ A 4 ie f 22 THS — Iredell County, N. C T “oT Bi, oe V O 5 a .) eee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ___ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a im a. aide TIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 —— = ~ mena ag ee ea pe pg ——_ Een | Peau sce ear To leat meson ot SURNAME OTIAL, TAB ad ve UB ates Ne Rta oprah Bok CBs Fate No HTC Crete ie BO ten ar SURMAME INITIAL, TAB and ree sad dat Pesta wets Shares 8 ah AB I ! : = SSS —— .- s | wave oF pears | ' RECORDED er OF DEATH RECORDED “ie SURNAME OF DECEASED : OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER DATE SURNAME OF DECEASED ve ‘ air . a las tee AND CHRISTIAN NAME, ONE 1S GIVEN om | Gor | PLACE OF DEATH KARE. | Vol. rae | oe AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex coor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [WoT pap iH i ; | I aceon + ; : 4 2 4 i so : | | | |i i: | ih 1927; 10 (‘22 [Shaw Lillian Jane | F _W [Eagle Mills Tns N H Conner Sarah J Ladd 13 143 | 1914| 6 (20]Shephera George Franklin | x y ae NC James Shepherd | Be n | 505 ea 1 | i i i 1 ee iH © | | ‘ js | I! i \ - : Sit i .1929' 1 10) Shaw Thomas A | MW |EBagle Mills 7" Jaugustus Shaw Heath 15. 174 1914, 8 (15|Shepherd Judie | F _C [Mooresville N C Mathew Shepherd Mariah McNeely n | 285 a fp | | | | | , rn | 7 : i | i | i | red] /1931 6 20) Shaw JL (Mrs) | F W Se a N CiJoseph Padgett Mary Harmon 17 364 | 1917; 7 5 Shepherd Nancy Victoria | PF W Moore ville NC jJohn F Moore Inlizabeth Huggins “4 | 78 H rt | | tl i = f vig) +o ' | | 1 | | | i i | i . a a i on a | vs il | : f 3 | 84 ih 11931 9 2 | Shaw Ellis M MW |Fallstown Tn | - 17. 148 | 1918| 9 .19}Shepherd ‘Bruce Turner iM eC Mooresville N C labe Turner [Bell Shepherd Ka 64 Ld | | | | | —s | | Hh }2951. 11 28) Shaw Nannie V | F , W jStatesville 5 CiRobert B Shaw Kate Van Landingham |17_. = 1919. 8 (l2jShephera Lucy C | F |W /Pallstown Tns lp i Saaune’ lannie Wade p | 333 | id | on a | | : | ; oe | | | | pisse 1 2 | Shaw LD | MW {Statesville N C\John Shaw { = 18. 295 | 11927, 9 (25 Shepherd George § |M_.W |Statesville N C George Shepherd jErwin 4 | 375 J 1 ie 4 | | Sage ta I, | | | & Hee j2933. 11 18) Shew Harry Augustus | k W {Statesville N C|Hugh a Shaw jOla Dickens j15 400 1930, 2 (5 |Shepherd Gus M ._C |Coddle Creek TnqDock Shepherd Etta Tellison pe) 69 | 4 ) | I | " " } = 4 } rf ae “as - r aap E | : | — is i : H i ” | : 11934 2 25] Shaw James L | M W |Turnersburg Ins |F Wm Shaw |Louise Tharpe ya 621 1932; 3 2 |Shepherd ~ | F C jCoddle Creek TngEverett Winchester Masgie Lee Shepherd {18 | 3d H j Filed | | | i } | | | | | 1 1938 9 23) Shaw John Filmore N W iOlin Tns | - | - 24 248) 1934, 6 « (Shepherd Malissa C F W (Statesville NC iW J Diamond Sarah Diamond 20 447 | i | I i | balding H 4 4 ' ' i ( Pp . r i I mn D P i C tAY | 9 6 5 | il 1 j ¥ a9 s se pr2ee) 2; 294 Shaw Julia Renegar | F . W jStatesville Nc {Thomas Renegar pSarah Wooten J2O. 432 | 1938, 5 1 |Snepherd - | M .C |Mooresville N C Leroy Shepherd Lucille Smith 24 232) (|) Ee | | | | ee | | | . I ne i194 a4 iSh iW Unri Lie eovecga F | Otate ille C | Hugh Shaw i Ola Dickens R28 34,2 i 1939 4 10 Sheppard ~ | F W Statesville NC Troy Sheppard WAda Ballard ip5 310 | \ Reet is pee |, | |. | | 3 | | Vit ee} pow Laura ee I rnersburg TN j Thones “augh i Jean Vaughn Bl | 135 3 | 1950, 2 (.2l1iShepherd fred William | M W Statesville WC | Lee A ohepherd i Unknown 136, 87 His | Rab peas 9 S}Shaw re {Fie |Statesville NC IT + Shaw |Doris R Donohue Sl, 316) 1952, 10 .15] Shepherd Sam | M C | Goldsboro NC | Dock Shepherd | Dore Musgrave | 58 631 r i | | } } | f | i ’ eee ‘ i | iI | : | | | | pees 5/205 Shas John Washington} M . W {Harmony |Henry R Shaw Julie M Kenegar $5.4 ¢ gE 1953 | 3 {LO | She; | | I | | 10% f ¥195] Lo} aw senith Dyson | F ' | kagle Milis | Alvin Dyson I rtha Gaither BY: 9 | aa : | — - ; | \ : | van BG paz 3 enit } | i } | 37} 13S | 1955 2 Shepherd Margaret Click F W Charlotte N C John Godfrey Click | Margaret Graham 41 196 ita a Viiiiam J | Mh | W otatesville NC | James Lee ohaw Harriet u, Tadgett 37 385) 1956 9 1 She phe rd Foy Semuel | M W | Catawba Count y I Eq She phe rd | Margaret Payne 2 | 497 ea 2 a = , Se ie . i pee | : i I . | 1H 4 t de jai i ff | Senry Shaw } vulia R Shaw 45! 286] i = Se | . i 4 t | | RI 1957, 3 | 21 Shepherd _Ada Fiorance | F W | Statesville | James L, Shepherd | Florence Adams 43} 142 t | x t | | Mar i | M Wik E 5 Mar: i arion | Harmony | lisha Shaw ary Beck e 388 EBB OKRA XXREAR Ben M W | Statesville James Lee Shaw Harriett FP Shaw 46 267 | 1959 12 Shepherd Kevin Lynn | M W | Statesville Arirl C Shepherd Clara M Lambert 45 654 I | i far | | f | | h " | | : ae B. ee ee : se j | fii ? ~ | M961 4 21 |Shepherd Jesse Serman | M " | Statesville Nv Wohnas Shepherd | “ema Wincler Shephend47 194 | joes ' ‘ ’ | i | og | | | Lae 1962 67 | 4Phepherd | Larry C. j} M Wi] Statesville Wm. M& Shepherd | Sancy Waddell 43 389 | : I j J | | Se \ oor Hy Hm A { | : 1963, 4 8 |Shepherd | Byla | F | W {Statesville Geo. T McNeill Mary D Miller 49 230 it | ee i} | i | ’ VER r | 2 | : iit if Bai 7 | | 1965 10 1 |Shepheard Stillborn ee Wi] Statesville Thos L Shepheard Mergie M McDanield@ 51 594 EW) (I Ht y i t f t 4 ; S73 it Si 4 Hit | | ree) Ba | | i | | | tha! | 4 ‘ i. ; 4 4 ii tr a ed Se e oe ed a SS a > | * 4921/3 (25 \ISnelton George Wesley M ._C [Statesville TngGeorge Shelton Cynthia Daniels ” 282 | a ry om 2283} ,25 |Shelton \Lela F.C Statesville N C jAmos White Hattie Patterson ng | 371 L a {271 Shelton |Joseph Glover M | & jStetesville NG [Thos S Shelton mary # Sherrill 31 i t | } pa . ina f.960 2 | 2 Shelton John William M W Statesville Alfred Shelton Leah Owens 46 128 i | 1 i | i : VW 41940 10] Shelton |Thomas Garland | M | W |Statesville NC |T S Shelton Jennie S Shelton 26 358] {ml } ci e s ke — eq Shelton 4 Shelton 47 368 . 6 Conrad J. MW] Oteen, N. &, Robert W. Sreiton Minnie “ ohnston | 2 i ) James | WI Shelby J G Shelton Mary 4 Hutchins | | <3 a Re i P ee } ' | | | j t | | Ronen n Keg. U.5, Pat, Om, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Thies Signarure on sheets {neures their correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. -—" SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 14 |Shearer iH i 1 I | j Nannie : Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH i i i i ir ic hooresville NC il Allen Blain | i _ Ine £ 7 WN He ye) y f . IMooresville N CiCharles A Sh names t CJRNAME INITIAL TAB and refer as Buff’S-b-Index sheet for page reference. | NAME OF FATHER Dock Shepherd \ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 NAME OF MOTHER Judy McNeely i | Spencer = jIrene Nance ! Virginia Shepherd COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ioheink Shenk | | | 1 Shiloh Tas IFallstown Tns Se e iJUlias Sheink IJOhn Shenk 4 | 4 H i Amie Sheink 1935, 4 1960 1 1963 10 12 o 297 John Wesley Parks “ockwell Sallie Concord tn Statesville Hidden ite ito LLL ete itr tea nema S_W Shell John W Shell Billy Weston Muh ee . Margaret Shell Sally Weston Sel inda Hefner year Month 1913) 1914. 1914. 1914. Day Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill | | | | H | i | | Sherrill [Sherrill eas | Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill re locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN _Edna May Hanah Elizabeth Christina James C Margarette Dr Everette a Aaron A Janie Mills Joseph Blanton Elizabeth Thomas Hunter Joseph Raunon Ivery James Arlington| Julia Cathern Alice Liaia Emeline Wwe Alice John W Mary Ann ‘Katie L \Hiram Walter |Thomas Jane ‘Hiram Brady | | | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH i | | |Coddle Creek Tn |Concord Tns |Concora Tns iShiloh Tns iFallstown Tns ft | NAME OF FATHER |P B Sherrill |Lonnie Sherrill iLonnie Sherrill IC A Aldridge Samied ~ Ou Valllic ls Josey iCoddle Creek TngPink |Davidson Tns iConecord Tns Istatesville Statesville N Statesville iStatesville N |Shiloh Tos |Eagle Mills Tns | |Fallstowns Tns |stetesville Tns i iStatesville NC it | |Fallstown Tns iShiloh Tas iChambersburg Tn iDavidson Tns Fallstowns Tns Davidson Tns Bethany Tns Statesville Nc Chambersburg Shiloh Tns Bethany Tns Coddle Creek Tn Mooresville NC Statesville Nc Coddle Creek Tn Coddle Creek Tn Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Olin Tns Olin Tns Statesville NC Davidson Tns (CON) ,idoe Mills |E Sherrill IR L Troutman }Thomas O Sherrill jArchibald Sherrill jWm Sherrill Aaron Sherrill | i — . |\Walter E Sherrill i /Lonnie Sherrill i ; !Eligah Sherriil |\Hartford Sherrill Madison Sherrill |Lonney Sherriil Logan Sherrill John Sherrill VC Sherrill Hens Cornelius William Sherrill Pearson Young S D Oliphant James H Sherrill Levi Sherrill McNeely Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Made by The Cott Index Company, Colussbes, Gitte Sold by Observer Printing House, harlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER jIla Gibbs i Mary A Freeze 1 iMary Frize Nelly S Baker Christina Josey Jler Gibb Ma reare t IMary Ann Western 'Jane E White iCornelius IM H Kesler ' iEssie Stinson i iMary Morrison i jAnna Cornelius } Susan Lineberger Little | Freeze |Elizabeth Moss |Rachel Barkley \ Mary Freeze rene McCall | Sherrill SE Della Cavin Katie Oliphant Mary Sherrill Myra Settlemyre Sadie Brown Mae Freeze Dorcas Sherrill Annie Sherrill Pearl Scott Pearl Scott Della Sherrill Bettie Summers RECORDED Vol. Page aed en niuiiinnaeiaaiaanial point INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEAT HS — lredell County, N.C. ___ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. U. 8. Patent No. 1487168-—Copyright 1930 " vy COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Qhio U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 193¢ URNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sald by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. names oat F ” ns pul’ Sub-index sheet for page reference. Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | NAME OF FATHER | 4 This Signarure of sheets tasures their correctness. hex. U.8, Pat. Off. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. ; | | ovr oF earn _| SURNAME OF DECEASED | sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH RECORDED OF DEATH NAME. OF MOTHER Ya " | eS... SURNAME. OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | : NAME. OF FATHER | Sex coir | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF MOTHER | Yeer — Month | \ ¥ } 1920 3 14 |Shearer Nannie i \ i ' il a | | F fooresville N ¢ Pock | | | { i i 4 \ } ii # ee —~ Allen Blain | i ine -o : \ ny iChar’) W IMooresvilile N C iCharl ve os ie aa ‘se = 7 aT W State SV1Lii€ Nc Shepherd es A onecus Oh oot er sneects Judy McNeely | Year Moath Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN \ t i] 1913, 10 1914, 5 1914, 6 ‘Irene Nance } Virginia Shepherd 20 ‘i j |Sheink 10 |Shenk | | — o te z es |Snhiloh [ns —_ & 1 :ilstown Tns a SS ei n e n en p e e m n i p e e n a m m s t t — jJulias Sheink Shenk —— = Amie Sheink | 1935, 4 1960 1 1963 o 27 10 12 John Wesley Sallie Parks Rockwell Statesville John Hidden ite Sint enbmemetpte eagachieti ad vam po pony oe Concord Tn s ws hell W Shell Billy Weston Margaret Shell Sally Weston Sel inda Hefner do Luba tt in. .2 5 ieee intel bk itoee TEC ae 7 |iSherrill 5 {Sherrill 19) Sherrill 13/Sherrill (16 Sherrill \ 8 | Sherrill 4 { 21) Sherrill 25) Sherrill 1 (Sherrill | i a 1 jSherrill i 3 Sherrill ij | 18| Sherrill 24! Sherrill } t 20| Sherrill 7 Sherrill 8 |Sherriil Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill aeeeee Edna May 1 Hanah Elizabeth!) Christina James C Margarette Dr Everette aA Aaron A Janie Mills Joseph Blanton Elizabeth Thomas Hunter Joseph Raunon Ivery James Arlington) Julia Cathern Alice Lidia Emeline we Annie iH B Lizzie Alice John W ‘Mary Ann ‘Katie L ‘Hiram Walter |Thomas Jane | Hiram Brady -— 1 " |\Coddle Creek Tn iConcord |Concord Tns \Shilon Tns i\Fallstown Tns iCoddle Creek ;\Davidson Tns Concord Tns Statesville sville iStatesville iStatesville iShiloh Tns |\Kagle Mills \Fallstowns Tns i\Statesville Tns | iStatesville N C Fallstown Tas jShiloh Tas oe i a }Chambersburg Ta i ; = 'Davidson [ns | ‘ j\Falistowns (ns \Davidson Tas Bethany Tas i “ i } Statesville N C Shiloh Tns Bethany Tons Coddle Creek Tn Mooresville N C Statesville N C Coddle Creek Tn Coddle Creek Tn Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Olin Tns Olin Tns Statesville NC Davidson Tns (CON) IngPink Chambersburg -1| iP B Sherrill (Lonnie Sherrill 5 Ih es iLonnie Sherrill iC A Aldridge iSamiel Josey he rriil a Nichol me.’ 4 aim William IB Sherrill isiR L Troutman iThomas 0 Sherrill jArchibvald Sherrill iWm Sherrill |Aaron Sherrill .* Walter E Sherrill iLonnie Sherrill lEligah Sherrill ij \Hartford Sherrill Madison Sherrill | \Lonney Sherriil \Logan Sherrill J ohn Sherrill ly C Sherrill iIHens Cornelius lwitaiam Sherrill Pearson Young S$ D Oliphant James H Sherrill Levi Sherrill McNeely Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill 5 lIla Gibbs Mary A Freeze \Mary Frize Baker Nelly © ‘Christina Josey Mary Morrison jAnna Cornelius \Susan Lineberger | ; jAgusta Little \ iMary E Freeze iBlilen Clark \Blizabeth Moss jRacnel Barkley \ ‘a IMary Freeze lcatherine McCall Sherrill \Della Cavin Katie Oliphant Mary Sherrill fyra Settlemyre ‘Sadie Brown Mae Freeze Doreas Sherrill Annie Sherrill Pearl Scott Pearl Scott Della Sherrill Bettie Summers 1 a — : j : £26 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ih INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | fh Fa | Pe ace se enters mene > Hocete mamen ones. ot SURNAME DMTIAL, AB on role UBT Pateat No. 187160 Copyright Ie SO gc UV LI BET secs one ST A SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Madr he Cutt Indes Company aad ts EL. ba | Ce. , i | RECORDED cin 3 | Loan J = ae 7a eu | os |e lp LACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Ts = = — = ee = one — Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH ! NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER aS ra | | i i \. a ’ l t i | l wen} i | 1922 1 5 | Sherritt Martha F WwW Ipaviason Tns lrewton Sherrill Martha J Robinson Rok 138 | 1928 9 S0}Sherrill James C | Mi Y Mooresville N os C Sherrill Jessie Arthurs ps 227 : Hh lugee 1 S \Sherrii1 May 8 lsharpesburg Tn |pavia Sherrill pL Dagenhar’s r 304 | 1929, 1 (iljSherrill Ruby 8 ane | asia Tn er T Sherrill ary A Freeze 15. 324 | UL. i} | | 1 \ | 4h 2 5S 1922 2 15 Isherriit JL iMic lstatesville N | : = 8 120 | a 1929. 3 18|Sherrill ~ | F w |Statesvilie N ¢ |Booay Sherrill Kathleen White js 414 i HHL lg22 2 27|sherrili Ella iF w Sousa tts N ol H Spaugh jiamie Hayes 47 470 | "ae 1929, 7 (10}Sherrill Hubert | MW /|Coddle Creek tn lz E Sherrill iChattie M Sherrill 15. 90 td i : sh] 1922: 3 15 |Sherrill Margarite C | F W |Fallstown Tn lHartfora Sherrill \lizabeth Moss le 223 | “ 1929, 11 9 |Sherrill Marvin Cress i M W |Coddle Creek Tn |clarence L Sherrill [Besse Gabriel H15 99 | | | 7 1922. 5 12/Sherrill ~ | M .W [Statesville N ¢ |Jn0 Sherrill Len hind l7 999 a 1929, 12 2 Sherrill Joe MC jShiloh Tn jJordon Sherrill Harriet Sherrill las 365 | 4 i uf y $2e2 | 6 15/Sherrill - rosy lcaminaiod in jLonnie Sherrill alae Freeze ls 261 3 1929. 12 7 |Sherrill WF (Mrs) |F _wW |Statesville nc David Shelton Pauline - jlo. 942 | aes 8 11/Sherrill Karl Jr M W |Statesville N C [Karl Sherrill homme Lindsay 7 = 590 | = 1929. 12 21/Sherrill Sarah Pauline | F WwW IDavidson Tm R L Sherrill lA Brun jiS 169 | 4 1s2ee 8 25|Sherrill L (Mrs ) 1 FP C IStatesville N Ci ~ lc Ranson In 598 | ie h1s20. 3 22 Sherrill - | F C Davidson Tns iTim McCorkle Epara Cherry iL6 139 | ae | 1922. 11 1 [Sherrill Catherine A Fi iStatesville N (jC M Sherrill bary A Laugenour 8 100 | [1920 5 6 |Sherrill Ralph E | M |W |Statesville N CM F Sherrill ‘Lila Sherrill 6. 397 poe | i ee ‘ 1922. 11 24/Sherril1 Lillian 4 F W [Davidson Tns Jas Robinson Sarah Crawfort Is . e219 1930, 5 9 }Sherrill Lola | F C |Statesville n c| : | - Pe. 3854 ab - 11923 3 $5 eeeess is Vertie Lee | FC |Fallstowns fTns |Sheerman Sherrill - ' 108 [1930 4% [Sherrill Cora | F W |Statesville NC |Jonn W Miller - Henton le . 426 | : 1924). 4 3 Isherrill Cansas I C |Fallstown Tns_ /|Bert Harmon lterriet Cowan ho 138 mn [1930 | 6 (il5sSherrill Alva Ransom | M W |Statesville N C Miles A Sherrill IElizabeth Brotherton /16 408 | iS ad ji924 9 26| Sherrill Ada Lee FW {Bethany Tas lJ D Sherrill lntta Pierson lho. 22 1930} 11 (21 Sherrill John andrew | M Cc IStatesville N c laivert Sherrill aia Long hs O77 | Uh. ° 1924; 10 (15 | Sherrill Dorcas | F W Istateavitie Tas [Daniel Sipes hioilie Shooke lo 415 | 1930 11 26 /Sherrill James Kermett | M W [Davidson Ins Guy N Sherriiiz jLillie G Thompson he. 150 | La es | | H i \ | } | .| & |1924 10 18 Sherrill James Claudie /|M WwW htooresville N ¢ [yon S Sherrill illissa Sherrill 10 216 | W 1931; 9 11 Sherrill - @ mer. IStatesville Tas [Robert Sherrill core Summers 27 563 | a _ | | | | | | | ok ieee) AL iD |Sherrill Nancy Catherine | FW Mooresville N ¢ Iceorge E Sherrill Iseran Lentz 10 | 220 | oe 11931,.9 (13 }Sherrill Charles Adams’ | M W Mooresville N c |yepha A Sherrill lRachel Robinson 7 £14 | LE f i i i I | i i lI RA; aah im i925, 1 4 lsherrill Lou | FW lraiistown Ins James H Sherrill norons Sipes a | 128 | | ee 1931, 10 3 Sherrill J Henry | B18 concord Tn la H Sherrill [Dellinger h? 98 | Hs HE ; j1925. 1 10 |Sherrill Iris Clyde Pw |statesville N ci E Moore ln Glascock 11, 312} ie 1931 11 10/Sherrill Mary Alice FLW Bolte N ¢ Icart W Sherrill lore B Mayhew hr 222 | ili 11925. 2 es|sherril1 Rachel Rebecca | ys Ipaviason Tns lrraa: Sherrill bi May Caldwell 11 | 93 La 1931 12 8 [Sherrill Julia Cie Statesville N c | ms . hy 471 | { \ i i i i i i i bi) ji92o 2 13 | Sherrill Harry | MW acre Nc B —£ Sherrill Sherrill 11 | 322 iecstda 1932. 1 (15 |Sherrill TL | MW lConcora ins Lafayette Sherrill | - hs , 71 | ti, | l | H | | | Hin 11925, 6 1 Sherrill Elbert & ren ICoddle Creek Tn a 4 Sherrill Judith D Cornelius [21 54 | f 1952/5 (11 {Sherrill Francis M |F W Btetesviiie tas Robert Sherrill Martha Crawford he 245 Ae I i i i | | ' liges 8 23 |Sherrill Effie (Mrs) | F W |Statesville N C lkdvard Loftin Dovie Newman 11 | 385 | 1932, 4 11 Sherrill Jessie L | |W Ista tesvilie N C John Wesley Sherrill Margaret & Sherrill hs | 297 i] i | | 1 | ] ‘ lisz6 l 26 {Sherril1 Margaret A | F W |Statesville Tas jJoe Sherrill i ‘i 12. 356 | 1932 9 22 |Sherrill James Waits | M W Davidson [ns pobert C Sherrill hartna Ann Crawford 18 93 | t jase 1 30 |Sherri11 Frank M iC Mooresville N C |Robert Shipp ae Sherrill a2 | 159 1932 10 25 Sherrill John Wesley | _W Statesville es ties Sherrill Fues Jones 8 582 12926 3 7 |Snerriii John A M ._C [Davidson Tns Elyatr Sherrill Docie Sherrill 12 | an! 1932, 11 27 Sherrill Garland Gray | M |W Statesville N C M F Sherrill Flora Sherrill 18 446 | 926/| 7 9 Sherrill Perch MC |Statesville Tns /Zlija Sherrill Eliza Sherrill 12 | ze | 1932 12 25 |Sherrill Thomas Osborne Mow Niesesitie N C Pinkney Sherrill Martha Parker n8 218 1226 7 16\sherriii Mary Jane F |W |Statesville N ciRoy Sherrill Callie Eagle nz, 512} 1993 | 2 (8 )Sherrili | ; ye paaanon the._fiee Roy. Sherri). __helua. Baas ae Be: 1926 8 25/Sherrill Katherine F |W [Mooresville N C lJonn Hudspeth Fannie Clodfelter he 204 | 19335 (21 |Sherrill Boyce Eugene M _C [Barringer Tns [Conor Sherrill Mary Bell Clemmint 9 | 2 1926 9 25|Sherrill - M W |Statesville nc Karl Sherrill Emma Lindsay 12 530 | 1933 | 5 (29 |Sherrill Ritchard Stough|/M |W Mooresville N CG P Sherrill Nancy Howard no 71 1927. 2 18 \Sherrill Coite Long M .W (Statesville N C \coite L Sherrill] fisry McLain h3 | 389 1933 | 8 22 \Sherrill James Elbert M ._W Pooresville N C Wepha Sherrill Margeritte L Johnstonl9 . 93 1927. 6 (14|Sherrill Lizzy F.C |Pallstowns Tns = Nancy Davis hs 167 1933 11 18 |Sherrill Willis Boyden MC a N C William C Sherrill annie Harris ng | 117 1927. 7 23}Sherrill Jessey Fay FW Statesville N Clyoe x Sherrill nora Kennedy nS 448 1933 | 12 #16 |Sherrill Mary 7. bratistows Tns Bilas Summers Zelpfjia Summers 19 183 1927, 8 10\Sherrill JC M .W {Barringer Tos Wy smith Sherrill Malissa Sherril] nS | 10 3 a 1983 | 12 31 Sherrill Jane E W F |W Btatesville NC § Alanson White Marcaret Barringer (PO 316 1927, 9 (9 |Sherrill Mary F.C fShiloh Tns Lee Murdock Ella Morrison 13 324 os — <n 1234 | 10 6 |Sherrill William Lee M_ .W ftatesville Ins Pavid Lee Sherrill Aili Dagenhart pO 611 1928. 1 3 |Sherrill Henry Leland M .|W jfurnersburg Tns [Leland Sherrill hristine Josey — bs | 680 = _fis3s | 11 9 {Sherrill Mary Jane F W [tatesville NC lec Sloop Judie sichier bo | 567 pane 1 (13]Sherrill Laure F | ¢ Statesville n ¢ Watt White Vinie Tatum | ha | 303 Be ~ hsaa 12 8 (Sherrill ~ M |W [Statesville N C Butler Sherrill Bessie Gant pane) $3. 25]Sherrili Levina F | W |Concord tns Henry Dageohart Polly Moser 14| 81 7 ~p 934 | 12 20 herrii1 Guy Newton MW Pavidson tng faits Sherrill Martha Sherrill 1988) 6 (27\)Sherrill Catherine F |W Shiloh tas Moses Raymer Coleman 14 | 602 1935 | 3 e Sherrill Mary F _W [Concord Tns Panie Cloninger i 11928; 8 ($0]Sherrill Hazel F | C jStatesville no Eliga Moser laura Setzer tad 474 L935 10 (21 Sherrill Archie Cambell | M \W Mooresville N C hitrea R Sherrill Margaret Sides | (Con) | | | (CON) orate ten Treerrerecneremer GATE OF BEATE SURNAME OF DECEASED eo Yes | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | lisse 10 24|sherriil William HA XL 11935, 10 25|sherrill - | F 11935. 10 28|Sherrill Charley Nixon | M 1936 6 1 jSherrill Mary Bell Green]| F 1936, 6 1 errill Lorts wniteieral M 1936: 8 3 Sherrill Otha h 1936. 8 errill Flora Sherrill | Fr 12936 18| Sherri John T 1936 6 erril Jennett F 1906) 10 ‘& errill Clarence Lester! &M 193¢ 1 erril) ~ M 1937/2 20 rill Martha E F 1937/4 1 err Ila Melchor F 1937 4 (14}Sherrill Mabel] F 1987: 6 24 rid) Dr Coite Long | 4 7 7 ii} Margaret EH | F } Poo% ‘4b Mary M Ervin F Li lose 2 rill Elizabeth Gale F it j1937. 10 4 ISherril2 Janie Louise | F i lho37 10. (18 {/Sherrill Henry Melvin | M | i L996) 2 28 Sherri) lary Barkley | F 4 iq 1938 4 ez\sherrill ~ | M — laos 7 13 /sherrill Mary Alla Freez@ F a | | . jasse 10 22|Sherrill Clinton A M 4 |1o88 11 30/Sherrill Murry Mi HH) lisse 2 22 |snerrii2 Frank C uM H 1939 1 2 |Sherril1 Eliza Howard F i 11939 «1 «3 |Sherrila John Osborn M ; 1939 2 2 |Sherrill Elam Ellington | M i 1939 2 5 |Sherrill Glessie Burnellg F i 1939 3 13}Sherrill Avery F i 1939 6 5 |Sherrill ° F | 1939 «67 «=14) Sherrill - M if I 1939 8 28/Sherrill Joise F i L940, 4 24) Sherrill | ~ F i. son fm 44940 4 | 2ui Sherrill _Flossie G Morri -F i i. 1940 6 30] Sherrill }Guaaie (Mrs) F | i 194.) 8 8] Sherrill | Chattie Mae F | 3 8 | 27 Sherrill | Evelyn Fr. 2 }Majsherri1. avery v it | | i Reg. U.8. Pat. Of This Signature on sheets insures (heir correctness For Your Protection, Insist On It. W ele ets ala aL eer et need perenne sree roe De, PLACE OF DEATH Davidson Tn Coddle Creek Tn jMooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville N C IMooresville NC Statesville NC i IStatesville Tns bess ; iBarringer Tns | iCoddle Creek Tn i ‘i yconcord Tns i Mooresville NC \ iFallstown | | Barringer Tns Tas | 5 : Statesville NC Mooresville NC ‘allstown Tns ff 1 | Mooresvilis NC f 1 | Statesville Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Sharpsburg Tns Statesville NC Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Coddle Creek Tn Fallstown Tn Coddle Creek Tn Statesville Tn Coddle Creek Tn Statesville Tn Shiloh Tn Btutesville NC Statesville NC Concord Tn Fallstown 1n Davidson Tn Mooresville NC Tns | Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER William Sherrill John W Sherrill Alfred Sherrill | } Richard G Green 1 } IM Whitfield |Charlie Sherrill \Jeptha Sherrill iAlexander Sherrill I ae ‘ iCalf Cathy JOllington Sherrill ss IN C Sherrill ‘Austen Cornelious iDaniel Melechor iBaxter Clemment IWaiter L Sherrill iIsage Harris I |James F Ervin i | [Ralph Sherrill 1 - i | Arlington Sherrill larch Barkley N C Sherrill John Freeze Franklin Sherrill Edd Sherrill W F Sherrill David M Howard J Nelson Sherrill Jim Gilland Gasaway Sherrill Baxter B Sherrill N C Sherrill Esby Clark ) F Sherrill William Morrison WW Sherrill John W Sherrill Louther Sherril) James Sherrill Sherrill INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 193¢ NAME OF MOTHER Margaret - jamma Eliza Rogers i Espie Collins |Rhoda Graybal Mary E Robinson jRosa Morrison i iRachel Robeson iHulda Dacoris I : jsookie Cathy ILettie Cornetious | iBess Compton lannie Cornelious | - Drye { . Mary Allison | HA Annie Long | 1 Mary Morris Burnes Isnaan Collins i jJessie Howard Louise Poston Judith Cornelius Louisa Moore (Christy Allice Sherrill jEmma Shelton Eleanor Austin Cornille Lytle Addie Sherrill Sally Grier Bessie Compton Mary Sherrill Flossie G Morrison Dora Morrisop Laura Dagenhardt Mattie Goodson Rosa Leng Bessie Compton Orren Margaret A Sherrill RECORDED Vol. Page | 21.179 21. 242 21. 118! 22 434 22. 461 ige | £52 lee 477 22 614 | lee 21 lee 70 lze 96 les 145 23 105 | 23 6 23 399 23 187 le3 115 23 204 23. 540 23. 464 24 303 24, 312) 24 256 24 420 24 271 24 465 25 255 25 130 25 97 25 138 25 461 25 154 25 490 25| 248 26| 363 26, 362 26| 100 26) 15h 26| 119 27) 1141 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1941 1 12\Sherrill 1942/3 .16iSherrill 1942! 7. (23 §Sherrill 1942. 10 6fsnerriia 1942. 10 26|sherrili 1943. 1 s|sherrill 19435. 1 al sherri 7943! 1 24|snerri11 1943 4 alsnerriii 1945 9 3 pherrill 1943 § 24 Bhevrill 11946 ° 27 bherri1 xs é oiSherril] 1944. 6 3 (Sherrill 1944.4 25 Sherrill 1944) 5 oSherrill 1944. 10 3 [Sherrill 1944) 10 i21 Bherrill 194513 8i Sherrill 1945.9 | 22! Sherrill $1945. 6 . 22/ Sherrill 1945.10 25 /Sherrill 1945.11 26 |Sherrill 1945 12 20 /Sherrill 1946 1 9 Sherrill 1946. 2 2|\Sherrill 1946 3 3 Sherrill 1946. 6 7iSherrill 1946 7 30 [sherrt22 41947. 1 27 | Sherrill no47 218 Isherrila 41947 4 7 Sherrill 1947.5 1 |Sherrila 19475 21 sherri n947 6 19 | Bherrill 1947. 12 | 31] Sherrill 1941 10 id Sherrill 1947| 12 |32}snerraii 1947 12/31 Sherrill 42948) 2 |26} Shervill | SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN be e francis Logen CUharles Lester Leroy John Alex Edell Charles Avery Hazel Little 3 wQaVeard Alexander Roscoe Austin addie Jganes T Rushia Hlizabeth F John Lewis _Syntha Diann Julia E. Charles Leroy _Minnie C (Mrs) Fannie Dr. Wau. Mirion _Lorrie Leroy Alfred M, Franklin lArthur Margaret John Carl Avery | yf ty M F ll 4 M to M | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 US. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1939 BH Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. v © W Cc “7 wee ‘ nm A C Ww © W _W OQ i Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH Wcoresville NC ’ * . mM. . ivOncord Ins iotatesville NC LaisStown ins ue bic ni ele) Cc 4 ‘ WOOrTESVIiJie NY iStetesville NC Mooresville NC \Statesville NC Shiloh Tns | Shiloh Tns Btetesville NC | She rpesburg IStatesville NC Istatesville NC | (Mooresville NC i | Follstown Tns Mooresville NC ‘Statesville NC Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Galistow Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Troutman NC. S tatesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Nc Statesville NC Mooresville NC ee te | ” NAME OF FATHER | ir jiivey Sherrill i herrill iT r4aAa } WwaVIgd wo! Wy « Sherrill " ~ Hy 4 ~~ ~ IR mah-« t ayn MODEL wie T bs +1. 3) 1mwO can Sherriil Ter [. aaad 7 ivames H Sherrill i Leoretz Sherrill ICharlie Sherrill James W Sherrill ii iW E Sherrill I i ii ~ ii 5 Joe § herrill ee | Mijeh Sherrill |}Henry Sherrill jvorinne McNeely Guy Grier |Willieam brcotherton John W Sherrill Jerry Deye William Sherrill Paul Sherrill Ivey Sherrill Albert Gabriel Jordan Sherrill Enos Sherrill U. Bb. vherrill Unknown Jeptha Sherrill hobert Pp vanes Robert © James A E Sherrill Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. : NAME. OF MOTHER if HI (Della Mayberry } ee itevine Dagenhardt i Bs a eae Ia Clie 4 mODInNSONn Crawford hnnie - i CVstherine MeJall | Dorcas Sherrill iSenie Sherrill intachel vorner IJudelia Cornelius j r te a4- Rosa Morrison lie rea ret Crawford ltAguste Little Sen re Thanmri7 Nancy Sherrill Liza Clark Floy Long Wancy brotherton Christine Josey Frances Sherrill Delileh - Miergeret £ helly merle ¥Vollins Della M Mayberry Harriett Sherrill Margaret Litten Fannie oherriil Fannie Brooks Jr James Arthur Sher rilh Maggie James Margaret Johnson Lettie Mullis Lettie Mullis Josephine Setzer Liiklie Mae Alexander Elizabeth Milligan " ‘ | RECORDED | } Voi. Page | ' f 28 118 | bs 355 los 112! [28 205 [29 176 ie 526 29 198 29. 14] 29. 70] 29 343 | 29. 50| |30 197 | 's0 150 | Iso. 242 | “oe Iso! aos | | | 31 148| Is. 397 In. 401, 31. 562! 31. 450) 31. 491| 32 44 32. 387 32. 62 32.250 2. 297 33-20. 33. 9b 34124 han le 33-206 Bs 198 34 45 34; 19 344.98 Dk | 95 | 34} 116 i iH. 4 1 i ¢ 4 i, i 4 : a we i ‘ + a ait Pe 4 - * g | ie i eh . ey) Rie OU ag a Wee } big ee te ere ¥; ie aie TI dat : hi vie fart Set Nee if wash id ail. ptt Hit | tH gh —— 4 sa m m e fe e + a. - ap d ee i za 2 ee 26 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County; N.C. | _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C- é ay coal 6 . . Ohio OTTC ERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 ; INIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, 0? L TAB and refer c ‘© UNIV ” coTTco UNI SAL INDEA So. : i f ane Wa ott oe ting House, Charlo‘te, N.C. de Ar _i4,, \ This Signature on sects inwares helt cureqemnant. = locate names, open at SUR tor SS pana. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1936 U.S. Patent No. 1437168——Copyright 1930 =" locate names, open, ot SUD fee agen Aina — Sold by Observer Printing Hi Caaree te . Regt Me Peon. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. si = ” : " : i RECORDED : ae : } | RECORDED || i OF DEATH “EAS i i . —— ||) | DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Let = Ae pf Ly — } Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH } NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOT HER vot Page |i r ‘or | Meath | OW | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | \ Yeu ‘Mon | | ) ! } | i Davidson TA William Sherrill Margaret ~ : : ISherrill W ic [Ivey Sherril Della Mayberry | | \ } ‘ } 10 25|\Sherrill Icoddle Creek Tn jJohn W Sherrill Emma Eliza Rogers t bhi ‘ Isherrill a oO is " + " { ii é ’ y \ : vu i } : era | ! it ‘i ‘ . * A i co 2% iw . 4 s 10 28)Sherrill Charley Nixon | * Mooresville N C Alfred Sherrill jEspie Collin 10 24|Sherrill William HA ' { 1 |Sherrill Statesville N C |Richard G Green Rhoda Graybal il | | 1 aie s eS Sherrill Lorts Whitfi i) M iStatesville C iM Whitfield Sherrill Mary E Robinson | | | oe IMooresville N C iCharlie Sherrill \Ros@ Morrison rerrill i i } Flora Sherrill } F iStatesville N C iJeptha Sherrill jRachel Robeson | | \ " ' John T | M Statesville Tns jALexander Sherrill Hulda Dacoris i\é ) hy: é iShe i Sherles Leste i w \iStatesvil NC |demes H Sherrill i Dorcas Sherrill \ | } | 7" | ‘ ii . 1 I : oo» +} i > , i : . ‘ : 2 { r ° * : Jennett IBarringer Tas \Calf Catny Sookie Cathy tl | Bi Sherrill Fred Ee M i || Coddls retz Sherri: lSanie Sherrill Nat : a wd maar wa oe gst aca ‘alhees le Bese af Nid i Clarence Lester] & iCoddle Creek Tn jOllington Sherrill jLettie Cornetious he iL‘ 3 Sherrill iin e x Mooresville NC i it } iH re, } } 4 1 \ { i} \ | NT " ‘hea 4 it > 5 2 A q a 2 } +} | »7 * f a + '. ars . * Qanrhal \ n IConcord Tas In C Sherrill Bess Compton i 11945 24 Bherrili 12 | M IStatesville NC Javery Sher \Rechel vorner Martha E oe V wlooresville N C jAusten Cornelious Annie Cornelious 2? Sherrill M w iGoddle Creek Sherril jd udelis Cornelius ; + i ; 4 “i . oe ee ‘ ile . “ae — i , los \e x } 7, ra ay ryt) ‘ ; Isline ; "oe a : ar CF gu ao n 4% Have vy ‘} mir? [la K Melenor | |Fallstown Tns ipaniel Melehor ae Drye 5 | 1194 |S I L ) ce: C 74 ic jva fan S P24 H My ce ‘ } Tie " a i \ : Mabell 1 F iBarringer Ins IBaxter Clemment Mary Allison i Bis iSherrill Edell i M Mooresville NC iharlie Sherrill jROS8 Morrison iI 1 ii 1 | ae | {| I Dr Coite Long 1M \ \Statesville N C Walter L Sherrill lAnnie Long We a9 | 23 Sherrill Charles Avery | W \Statesville NC |James W Sherrill ia rgeret Crewford | | | : cae | |. as , H I Mooresville N jisaac Harris Mary Morris Burnes Sherrill Hazel Little Ww iShiloh Tus \W BE. Sherrill JARUS LS Little i i} } i | i i | \ i} i : ‘a 1 } | Vd | Mary M Ervin 23 \Falistowo Tns |James F Ervin iSusan Collins rid Nebraske ike il » pioor , NO W T Sherri. Oo t 5 ¢ Ui " i \ } i} : i : i : si nA oa di ee aa ite H i; Elizabeth Gale | FW lnooresville N C Ralph Sherrill jessie Howard 44. 4 err. ny hd Moo! wild | I~ | i i i I i i { i i i \| | | \ Te es ' | oe a aeisis, ; ponies Se epee ee eee Sherrill Janie Louise I iStatesville ras ~ ILouise Poston 1945.2 3! Sherrill gduard He iShiloh Tns , Joe e | Nancy Sherrill I | \ \ 18 |Sherrill Henry Melvin ;M , Statesville N C jArlington Sherrill |Judith Cornelius | | 1945 Sherrill Alexander iM Statesville NC |Mlijah Sherrill Liza Clark | } } \ y | | } \ i } 28 Sherrill Mary Barkley i Statesville N C jarch Barkley Louisa Moore | 1945 { Sherrill Roscoe Austin IM ; | Sha rpesburg | Henry Sherrill a Mae #lexander} | | | | ce ; Statesville NC |N C Sherrill Bessie Compton Orren — 1949 . 25 Sherrill Addie UE ‘Statesville jvorinne McNeely } 22 \sherrill | a | | 5 7 . Sharpsburg Tas jJohn Freeze s okehe 56 | , 1945 . Sherrill Janes T bi Statesville iGuy Grier Floy Long | | | i. | H i : istatesville N ¢ lfranklin Sherrill - = 1945 | Sherrill Rushia #lizebeth 2 \Mooresville NC |Wiliiem brotherton jNancy brotherton | Fallstown Tns a W Sherrill “| Christine Josey \ i\ \} | : | | Statesville N CW F Sherrill Emma Shelton | — 1946. Sherrill Syntha Diao Mooresville NC i- Frences Sherrill . a \ S oa - y t { i Sherrill Eliza Howard iStatesville No |David M Howard Eleanor Austin ' 1946 _ Sherrill Julia & |statesville Nc |Jerry Deye | Delileh - — Sherrill Mary Alla Freez 1 i) 13 || | Sherrill Clinton A 2 I | 30 (Sherrill Murry } } 1 Shiloh Tns Edd Sherrill Allice Sherrill 1 = 1946 Sherrill John Lewis , 29 Sherrill Frank © t ae * Sherrill John Osborn | Coddle Creek Tn - - | 2 1946 Sherrill Gherles Leroy | *™ ae NC |William Sherrill Mergeret E helly | Sherrill Elam Ellington Fallstown Tn J Nelson Sherrill Cornille Lytle — 1946 . 30 ISherrill ~ Mooresville NG (Peut Sherrill werle Vollins ra | Sherrill Glessie purneii4 Coddle Creek Tn |Jim Gilland Addie Sherrill — ae? fd Sherrill a iM iW | cciaseishlto NC Ivey. Sherrill Sherrill Avery Statesville Tn |Gasaway Sherrill ss _ 947. 2 18 Sherrill Minnie ¢ (Mrs) Ww. [Pallstown Tns Albert Gabriel Elizabeth Milligan Della M Mayberry Sherr iil | | W |oodaie Creek Tn|Baxter B Sherrill sally Grier a 194747) Sherrill _ Fannie ’ C\| Statesville NC | Jordan Sherrill Harriett. Sherrill Sherrill Statesville Tn JN C Sherrill Bessie Compton ak 1947. 5.1 Sherrill Dr. Wa. Marion w (Statesville NC | Enos Sherrill rgaret Litten Sherrill Joise Shiloh Ta Esby Clark Mary Sherrill | — —— 4.1947 5 21 Bherrili _Lorrie Leroy Statesville NC | C. B. cherrill ‘annie sherrill 24 | Sherrill |= Pe Btutesville NC f F Sherrill fossie G Morrison a 1947 6 19 | Bherrill Alfred Me Troutman NC. Unknown Fannie Brooks son | Jr - 2u) Sherrill ‘Flossie G Morri-F Statesville NC |William Morrison Dare Morrisos all 1947. 12 . 31] Sherrill ae. S tatesville \C}| James Arthur Sherrill Maggie James 30 snerria \Gussie (Mrs) Concord Tn WW Sherrill Laura Dagenhardt 1941 1O 4 Sherrild Franklin Avery M w IStotesville NC |Jeptha Sherrill Margaret Johnson _8 | Sherrill | Chattie Mae Falistown !n | John W Sherrill Margaret A Sherrill | 1947) 12 | 3) ])Sherrili lArthus t | W IStatesvilie nc hobert * Fames tibet Mite do (29 suena | Bvelya Davidson Tn Louther Sherrill Mattie Goodson oe 1947 12 31 WSherrill Margaret ' W [Statesville Robert © James Lettie Mullis ps mers 28 2 \26 Sherrill John Carl | W [Moorgsville NC | A B Sherrill Josephine Setzer i i Key | lavery Mooresville NC James Sherrill Rosa Long | | i” | | | Titi lar kuscah daar baLd cole bat Mami iia ea Raa = ment een aon - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. " INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures t heir coriectness. ¥ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 MPANY, Columbus, Ohio names. URNAME INITIAL. TAB and reter 4 . ; ; To locate names, THE COTT INDEX CO. , Colum COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. as wate locate s mes 2 — = velerenee. Reg. U.o. Pat.o2. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It, " Copyright 1983 A-122559 > a Ct SAME WUTAL TAB ond refer Mére. Cott Patent Index Systems - B U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 19 4 ; Se = I , RECORDED —_ | DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME. OF DECEASED | | ee ae oa ; soe - PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER RARE OF MOTHER Vol. Page Year| Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN j} "| Celer || PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Month ae 7 ! | ' oT. William M Statesvill y tillborwn 7 ie AP Ltephade Pherrst[alZne A Saey (285 AS9| Elijah Sherrill Eliza Sherrill 341 150 = 11954 10 19 | Sherrill Still F whi A 2 a S i | ay . énariie & ooresvt1 11954; 10 | 31iSherrill i ; Sherrill Mooresville NC |Herman Sherrill Gaynell Little 35,508 | * 1954 12 14/Sherrill ha Johnston Mi W |Mc ville NC | Jar 21] | ee 4 ; : a4 : Sherrill Sherrill Doris Marie Moor esville Waitus Hickman Artie Brisson 1954 le 1 Sherrill Robert Pinkney / ner Sherrill Mrs. Annie WhitAF | Statesville NC | Veavid Whitner pli gabeth Arndt 2.536. 1955| 1.1 24 Sherrill / Troutman, N.C Marshall Sherrill Kkachel Ann Hager 41 13 Overcash - {| ; C ; Wr m i: c VT ‘ at 90, herril F .W | Mooresville NC} James Marvin cherrijl svelyn Lona arock@tr,~** | 1955 2 (1 | Sherrill Vordie Yvercash F W = Troutman NC ve We. 3. Overcash Margaret Florence / 41 70; WiLL ~ je Hi ee . Sherrill sherrill Lj W fMooresville lic | Wo oherrill Jeulah wvavidson 36.600] i 1955 3 23 Sherrill Karl MW Mecklenburg Co. Franklin Avery / Jennie White 4t) 299 TOKS - ay Sherri] ? al , = oe . . 1 - 3 } 5] i j I hoc ville homas hus Unknow 3¢ +72 ns = Sherrill nue ee > it Mooresville 3 siijie ercerson ovelestin Lssac Al 2 nrerri2a. MaTULLeG 4UuSS t ve MOOTECSViLLe NY snomas & Huss UNnKNOW QO . SvVvi > N a Mooresvilk NC Caivin cherrill heoecca btle Lod | 1955 ) | Sherrill ville NC i enhart Katherine Fulbright j41 Statesville NC }Otis Sherrill Gladys Pope Sherrill 37 356 | 19558 26 | Sherrill Luther Mooresville NC Henry Sherrill Harriett: Wingate 41 387 Se a leketeaeiixe 56 20(ki sheet os 37| 351 | 1955 8 I8 Sherrill Glenn Zollie M Mooresville NC J W Sherrill els | icek Donte eae N svi N6 | Alex Sherrill wary Brown B7 613 | ; is ; g 4 date Alfred Daniel V looresville N@ | Alex Sherri . f ai 1955'| 9 |12) Sherrill James Gilmer Irvaell daues Waits Sherrill Martha Agusta Sherrill Martha Sherrill Al 38h S vi Annie Bel I \y 1 : 1 } C . 9 | 1 ou Yherrill annie Bell i Mooresville Marshall Sherrill tachel Hager | “= | Mooresville NC | Louther Sherrill Mary MeCorkle af PSU | si 1956' 3 |10 ‘ ey 4 ’ lfrond at srry) 4? Lae * { € i} S i Har é 443n e So +7 A ; S ; \q Ls ooresville NC Alfre sherri dL yernice vlae t Sherrill Harold Hunter Statesville Alvin Sherrill Ada . 2llinger “herrill Lekoy Waitsol W | Mooresville NC} Otha sherrill Lula Kimmer ; 14790 Sherrill i T Lazenby Sr LaNella Zachery Sherrill . i }Mooresville NC | Thomas T sherrill Clafton Harwell 5 hard 1} Geviie Wenn Wf eae cine Shared?) Suite Carsativn B952 2 Sherrill Price ; Statesville NC |J W Price Lilly Claywell 4 15] Sherrill Statesville larpe Celia Hutchens hese 107/35 | snerriil ae Siete a Ae i Nery_Lauder f 8 20 Sherrill Otis Osborne Statesville Thos. O. Sherrill Margaret Stimson 1953. 1 161 Sherrill Franklin Mooresville Hiram Sherrill Millisa Johnston | 9 25) Sherrill Mildred Houston 2 Mooresville NC Omery Houston Vora Lynch 1953 1 71 Sherrill Gebriel Mooresville Albertus Gabriel Elizabeth Milligan 12 14\|Sherrill Troy Lee i Mooresville Thoms Sherrill Lillie Ann Robinson | ° i re 4 i ‘ 1962 12 Sherrill | ‘anaes. Roger W. Sherrill Joyce Ms Sloop ce '30)/Sherrill Sherrie Lynn Mooresville Baxter E. Sherrill Betty Lail 1953 2 Sherrill Fannie Troutman NC wharlie syers Laura Neil i sa 28 Sherrill Nay Clifford Jab evquseviiie Henry Sherrill $35. Mal quer ther Gabriel] i il IStatesvilie NC Herrison S. Gabrie Fannie Jones ate fl ual | 7 3 Sherrill - | J Mooresville Robert Sherrill Lillie Mae Davis Sherrill STILLBORN Mooresville NC | James M Sherrill Evelyn L Brachett | = | on, Sere samnie | oy Reatesvitee Sherrill H Sherrill Joe E, M W (Statesville NC Harm Sherrill Mary Jane Ritchie/ 39. 2356 a 4 Sherrill Julia Emma Nixpn FW Mooresville J W Nixon Eliza Spencer ar 24 > ‘7 . tM * ” ) | ) E . Sherrill Francis Lenah Ii} Mooresville N Gordon Goble Sarah Moose 39 249 ~~ 10 31) Sherrill Ernest "huford| M W Troutman Jason A. Sherrill Laura “huford Sherrill Lonnie Turner i W [Statesville NC } P. D. Sherrill Mollie Cloanninger [39 219 4 12 | 25) Sherrill i : Sarah Lander nets L1 ie | Statesville Roy “inney Sherrill | Jessie Uleo ‘eavis 359 a 10 242) Sherrill Bunk | | Morganton eR x | Bamptonvilie damned Fide Suet Francis 4. Sherrill | Susan Bradburn 1953 8 Sherrill Joe Green | | Statesvi le NC Cephas eherrill Fannie Sherrill 9 408 Sherrill Blanche Jones Bo : Statesville Henry J ‘ Vict ta Colt t | she PLATICYS J OF . il JOUNOOVLILIS \ a Jones | C UOT) vO er : : : : ae : Lk i 2953 10 Sherrill Price lias _\ Mooresville NC fAdam wlliott Sherrill] Josephine Setzer 39 |495 Sherrill William Webster] + *T | M W iStatesville | Nelson Sherrill \Selina Gillian se t a e n= ed 1954 1 27)Sherrill Stillborn aS btatesville NC |Edgar Sherrill | | } | Blanche Jones +0 |_10 | (10//Sherrill | Della | F | W |Mocksvilie James L Sherrill Ht 1954 2 11)Sherrill Clint Wilson MW [Mooresville NC Garry Dean | M Statesville Troy L Sherri11 | a | Sanford Adams Jennie Cowan LO | 79 " Sherrill Jessie Lillian | F W Statesville |Luther Cline T Sullivan Sherrill [Mamie Newton 140, 42 “ | Sherrill _ Nancy Hines 1954 2 Sherrill Sallie Elizabeth FC |Statesville NC ee Ell Cline 1954 1 28 Sherrill _Omelia F Mooresville NC | Charlie Sherrill Leola Sherrill LO | bh " | She rrill Walter Lee | M | W Mooresville $954 | 3.22 [Sherrill Ida K'arriker F | Mooresville NC |JuliusMiarriker — fAlice Kerr 40, 124 “a | 6 Bherri1l ‘Margaret b. P| W | Statesville L. Edward Hedrick Berean Sherrill | Lillie Hager —— | Dial |Etta Snuford | 45) 20 $1954 3 l10}Sherrill Laura Jones Mooresville NC Isaac Jones Adeline Disham Jones] 40 120 — se | Sherrill | Rowe “onroe |W | De ss te Miller 45/48 | | | | Seay ‘ i | ’ i I William P Sherrill [Eldora Stancil 40 254 wisn ; herrill, Warren 4oone | W | Mooresville | Wm. F Sherrill asset J L Sherrill | 45) 81 ae | Statesville | Lonnie S Sherril1 ae “= ~ as -- < i n l i n e m e p e r a p t h e ie t s t a a i l e s — le n s e s te r t a t m e s t n n n n i p e t n t e s t y : <e o n h i b i i e n i s t i c s ea a i g a a i a i e 1954 6 12] Sherrill William Lee | Mooresville NC 41954 6 |2 [Sherrill David Gordon 41954. 7 27 Sherrill Stillborn —— a Statesville NC | Edgar Grant Sherrili] Betty Yvone Stewart 40, 265 . ™ Sherrill | Rowe “onrpe w | Statesvirie /onnie S Sherrii1 | De as ie Miller | 45| 48-A | I 1 Harmony NC Roy Lennie Sherrill] Jessie Cleo Reavis ,0 | 349 | Sherrill Lillian 7. | W |Statesvi1le | 8. Mark Troutman Esther Kyles las |190 | \| ’ es | Thoms Sherr411 Laura Robinson 45 266 ! ' 2 I | I | | 1954.7 (27 | Sherril1 Stillborn \ ' Harmony NC Roy Lennie Sherrill] Jessie Cleo Reavis 40 |350 , _ Sherrill Clyde Graham Statesville ; } + i j ey i iF : 3 by, * Pyare en , ies, ‘ r . és ro) oN ee PEACE gH MA eT nah ON INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. = INDEX TO VITAL STATI COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 eerie eee eres wt tceeiten ee eee tt re ae 7 STICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ) mee. 8 Be ma latle County Indexes Since 1888 TSPT locate ames, ogen st SURNAME INITIAL TAB end refer Copyright 1988 A-122559 Se ae £ : > S Columbus, Ohio ori Made by The Cott Index Company, ¥ . " PAT. OFFICE 2 Aa id ing Trade Mark for : ref . ‘ Ts v. 8. P Ne. At IN oo ise aes Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott tndon Compan’: eine to. I 4 iH % B to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. DATE OF DEATH URNAME OF DECEASED | | NAME OF FATHER || NAME OF MOTHER pe | — garcen ay oa sian ie RECORDED SURNAME C we | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH 4 i ‘VoL Pp z DATE SURNAME OF DECEASED | REE ile 318 MOTHER Yeas Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN - ; Yor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF Vol. Page | ! | ' ' + : | } . nt esas — | | 9 vies M Stat lle Roy L Sherrill Cleo R Sherrill 45 368 = a 196 herrili i ¥ vatesvs y ft ee i . 1916; 6 | ©! Bettie ae HC llafayett Little Catherine IOSESSs 2 : j Wtehs : c c j | | 10 13) Sherrill Sudie Bailey FP W | Mooresville J. Hamp Bailey I Btha Collins 45 | Sle ) j 7, ie lTurnersburg Tns |James Shew Della Money 9 2 Sherrill viomas S. M W | Mooresville Francis Sherrill Mary Jane Little 45 444 | i ' ss 294 I ~ \ +tj Lvt 26 | Mooresville N C George Shue jBettie Lytle 11 25 Sherrill Jesse Glenn W = Mooresville Jom Sherrill Minnie Cabrie} , 45 587 hooresville N lJonn Shue |Julia Ann Smith j ij j i a2 Sherrill John Lawrence W Statesville James Hirem Sherrill Mary Darcas Sherri} 45 580 > r . | m U | * * i 1 _ o ® 2 Trea > 1932. B | W Statesville N ClJohn Cress jKate Trexler Sherrill Joseph Daniel M W Statesville Luther Sherrill | Marthe Ellen Pearsen 45 569 1934. | | W Jolin tns [Richard Shew lila Revis Sherrill Re W Mooresville Roser W Sherrill Lula 1. Brown 46 130 1935. 254s C MeCoy | Vv W m i iDella Shew 2@ Sherrill Maggie “A ¢ Statesvilie Jordan Sherriii. es a 11936, Laura Ann | F \ I looresville NC ih oieiae Marion Broom piary 13 Sherrill Timothy L. M W Claremont, N.C. Fred Sherrill Laura Miller 46 280 1937. | S} Vawdnn iu 1 Watce Sense Mee id We Inllen Coleman SS S 3 9 Sherrill Chal Lee M W Mooresville John N Sherrill Selena Gilleland 46 148 1945 , : Killis | M iStatesville NC Marthe Benton 7 L 5 Sherri 1? Thomas hlmer Sr M W Mooresville VC 4nomas vason Sherrill KNatnryn Cauble L6 628 1952 ) Albe rt Rowlanc i VV | Mo resvi Lle ‘CH x W i zzie Moore 46 788 : W Mooresville NC John Sherrill Lizzie Moor | : | Sherrill Dewitt lalmagce i L952 i vella | F WW i Statesville NC t luarshal Money o i ice Prin Mog ille NC Robert Lee Primm ai 47 z | | herrill Alice Primm Ww ooresvill 0 i 1952 | Lee I \ Pooresville NC |sandy shoe Sherrill Walter Stamey fl W Statesville NC Henry Sherrill | Maggie Sherrill 1953 3 2 | ie ed a are bail ee. Was 22 Sherrill Nichard L, M W Mooresville N© Marshall L. Sher: ily Rachel Hager De h956 12 W | Mooresville | Marvin L. Shoe | Alma L. Shuffler | Sherrill Charlie Leroy MW Mooresville Nc Woodberry Sherrill | Rashina Brotherton 12060 S Ay Mary Isadora PAW Moeresriiie. xc | tenry Potter. Burke . (Minnie tod Bead Sherrill Joe Cephus M W Mooresville NC Thomas Sherrill Heura Robinson 47 | | Ml | 1961 6 (18 Lizzie Ann } | Winston-Salem NM Theodore Holder | Lula R Queen Sherrill “harles Hall M W Mooresville Rt.2 Charles L Sherrill Bessie G Sherrill 47 | | | | ! j 1 4 | | Sherrill Larry Craig M W Statesville NC Larry S. Sherrill Ruth “eine Waugh 47 Sherrill Gaither George M W Statesville NC John PF Sherrill Mary Ervin 47 10 3 Sherrill Flossie Benfie Id F W Mooresville NC Julus Benfield Mary Jane Benfield 47 9 26 Sherrill Lula Mae | F W Statesville NC Charles A Sherrill | Barbara Sherrill 47 463 1l 20)Sherrill Dessie Reid F W Mooresville NC George W. Reid | Margaret Little 47 573 1 31) Sherrill Maybell | F © | Mooresville NC Adams Graham Polly °hipp 48 95 1 £0 Sherrill Vena C. | F | Wi Statesville NC. Geo. W, Johnson | Loretta Frazier |48 39 18 Sherrill Nora K, | F Wi Statesville Arch Kennedy | Barbara Ervin 48 (511 18 Sherrill | Margaret Ree. | Mooresvi lle Unk, | U ke ‘49 | 207 27 |Sherrill Lonnie L, } M; Ci} Statesville John Sherrill | Fannie Sherrill 149} 341 — o | ; . | : | 17 | Sherrill _ Bessie | Fi Ww ‘Mooresville Warren Gantt | Nannie Lineberger 49 (4.85 | oe I ge 27)\ Sherrill Flake |. W) Winston-Salem NC Jesse L Sherrill || Belle Greene 49 \481 3 || Sherrill [Alma | We kinston | James L-Shepritr tt —saeq—d Milts i507 14 6 |Sherrill Ural | M W | Mooresville Thos E Sherrill ee | 4 | “nna dtobinson } 29 2 5d 78 | } I] 5d 60 | | i | | i 1 40 Sherrill | Lonnie | M W| Morganton John Sherrill | Dorcas Sipes " aha) Ba cg vi yw. ; 24 Sperrill harles | Wj) Mooresville France Sherrill “usan Bradmond " | 1 ¢ 2 ¢ \ | I . 244 wher ill | Frank "| otatesville | veffrey F She rrilf Linda G Alley "# ie | 4 Sherrill | Mabel Statesville | Geo. 1 Sherrill Lot tie M Sherrill © 22 || Sherrill | Henry | Mooresville | | | Robert Sherrill Vane Broth erton i Mooresville | Sherrill Stephen Bobby G Sherrill Doris Hinson Sherrill | Lester | Troutman Hiram Sherrill Mary J Ritghie Sherrill Della Statesville | John Y Cavin Martha C Cavin Sherrill Lula Morganton Wm. W Rimmer America Plyler Per a cern This Signature on ebects ineures their correctness. Reg.U °.Pat.og. { For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. , open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ¢ Butt "Sub- = sheet for pege reference. | 1 6 > Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook i i | a} - WIWOOOK | Sh Ok | 17 |Shook ii 17 |Shook 23d 1 5 8 Shook { i Shook | shook i} HH | Shook 16 Shook 6 L951) 425i) 1952, 3 1952, 11 1954, 5 1954, 8 1954, 11, a 1955) 12 | 1 1955) 1956 11958 ‘]1958 1961 shook shook Shook Shook Spooke Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook | Jennie Bell Avery Wade | Lester Sylvs$7 Lester Otis | Hubert Columbus] | Lloyd Wulliam | SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Susain Anne J Morecus Philam R Katherine Calvin John Ernest Paul Andrew J George E Samuel Sloan Robert Jr Annie Mae Ruth Elizabeth Harold Russell John GLMOre Cullen M Sex | CSharles L William David Wharlie Monroe \Mary Ellen James Ralph well Thomas Clyde Mary Grant Charlie Calvin David Manuel Margery Duke Grover Lee M M M W | Ww W Ww = Te Seente amen Color PLACE OF DEATH Shiloh Shiloh ' Shiloh Tns Imooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC iShiloh Tns Shiloh Tans Istatesville N lorie Tons loin Tn jShiloh Tns i snnieeyiting:s Statcsville Statesville poaredvalis I Shiloh Tns Statesville Nc OOresvy Tze NC Shiloh Tns Statesville wtatesville Nc Mooresville NC otatesville NC otatesville NC Iredell Younty Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresvible NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Claremont NC Claremont Statesville NC Winston Salem Mooresville Trout man Coddle Creek Tng Charles Shook C C Shook Grover Shook Jacob Benfield H . . '‘Benedick Shook David Shook Frederick Shook C M Shook ) iElmore Shook 1 i | 1 - ny iJOhn Walker (C M Shook Q V Shook Bobby Shook . William Shook IL S Shook C M Shook David Shook ms 7 ‘ filO Mook Deniel Shook John Shook Oscar Vernon Shook Wavia shook “ Connelly C D Shook bdward Vavid Wade Lavi G mL Ol ai John Calvin Shook Daniel Shook Filo shook Rubin Shook W Harvey Shook Lee J “hook C T Shook Harold Grant Daniel Shook Floyd Shook Butler Duke Cole Shook NAME OF FATHER UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 6&—Copyright 1930 CcoTTco U.! & Fotent No. 14371 NAME OF MOTHER ~mma Pope Emma Pope Berdie Massey {Borbor Babra Thornburg Jamie Shook Callie Lowery Armanda Whitlow Jennie Shook musan A Benfield Louis Agnes Powell Delia Wilson Wennie Shook Exie Miller Susanne Benfield Himme Sigmon Cora Shook Nancy Violet Pierce wxXLe hitler Mary McRae Kugenia Shumaker Mary Summers Lxie Miller Susan Lawrence Annie Sigmon ousan Benfield Sally Hefner Lucy Kelly Emeline Huffman Mary Shook Nora Stewart Annie Sigmon Margaret Shook Shook Sara Jane Eads Vol. Page COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Nov. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH OETA, ates es es te ee =: ee ear INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. Year | ‘Month ne1 8 1962 4 1962— 1962 7 1963 8 1963 10 1965 9 h (39) poe, 11° Day 27 Shook 1 Shook Shook 18 Shook 22] Shook 27] Shook 221 Shook 15] Shook SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Jack Roosevelt Grover Vienn Mollie 1 . 5 he legs ) Wile LCoS ie Cyrstal Jerry James Sex oa Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Color PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville Clin Mooresville Statesville Statesville Statesville NAME OF FATHER Grover Shook Cullen Shook Will Cline ook Joel Shook Sa As 4 ° fFiio oOlmmons John C Shook Daniel Shook ny See Se »tt nie x Company, Columbus, Ohio - id bs Obs er Px NAME OF MOTHER Margie D Shook Jennie Shook klla Cline Mary & Walker Voris Fleming imanda o wma nN Benfield Lucy Annie Sigmon NNER AP tw ne ting House, Charlotte, N N.C i RECORDED Vol. Page ee er ae et = Se Se ~ a , | 28 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. i | 4- ee ee ee ee Pe ee ees Po ncn UR! Patent os 487166 Coprrieht ite ae ae ema US Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyright 1930 BHT Nocate names nee at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Suit yPomeerver Printing Howse, Chariots, ¥-€. ie a nee Ut Pat. O€. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. ailemaiiiiieni SSS eee i ae een } - DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED H | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER pot — ———— ae AME. OF DECEASED Sex color | PLACE OF DEATH ? NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aT i ia | ae ie Gana ae © a te Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEAT: : oe Vol, Page m: : Year| Monts | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN é Fa | 1914 12 6 /Shook Jessie F = W [Shiloh Tns [Charles Shook Emma Pope 2 | 388 | | nes | 8 2" Shook Jack Roosevelt | M _W | Mooresville NC | Grover Shook Margie D Shook 47 $10 4 ai an 1 1916, 2 (19}shook | - FW |Shiloh ?ns Ic © Shook | Emma Pope B | 403 ps2 | 4 | 2 Bhook | Grover Yienn | M | w [statesville NC | Cullen Shook Jennie Shook 48 195 mil i 1917. 2 (27 |Shook - F | W jShiloh Tns Icrover Shook iii Massey A 468 1962 “ 3 0 Shook Mollie F | W | Statesville Will Cline bklla Cline 48 267 nt : : 1920, 8 21]Snook ‘Susain Anne | Mooresville N C Wacob Benfield ~ | © | 32 | 5 | 1962 67 «616 Shook Charles D. \. | WT Orin A J Shook Mary 4 “glker 48 402 Th ‘i | _}ave1! 20 12 |shoox J Koreus M |W |Statesville n c Benedick Shook fBorbor M | 424 a 1963 8 — 22] Shook Cyrstal FW | Mooresville Joel Shook Voris Fleming | 49) 514 ohn i " ¢ , . ‘i ‘ ; ies i (esas 1921. 11 6 |Shook Philam R M .W |Coddle Creek TngDavid Shook = ft _} 64 Ee | 1963 i. bat FW [Statesville Filo Simmons Amanda Yowman 49. 610 HY Fe aks me ir | ai , ' n | 535 ee ho6, 11 221 Shook Jerry M W] Statesville Jonn C Shook Lucy Benfield 50 673 ia Li Ye2;| 3 #25 iShook ‘Katherine F | W [Statesville NC ! La ‘ + ; ny 7 { 1923 2 17 ISnook John Selvin M iW [Shiloh Ths Frederick Shook Bubra Thornburg 54 ee 1965, 9 15 Shook James M W i Statesville Daniel Shook Annie Sigmon 1 553 tii i fices! 5 artsnoox Ernest Paul MW IShiloh tas Ic M Shook Jamie Shook 66 | a HTH a ‘ P1224 | 8 {23 %Shook Assie May F | W {Statesville N C iRlmore Shook Callie Lowery lO 349 | Le + Ht | heza 20 1 Shook Mary E | F Ww jo.in tas _lJonn Walker Armanda Whitlow ho 253 | | Ht | lioee. 7 5 [Shook Andrew J | M W Jolin Tn - = Ae. 252 | ir rf | | a | AH Nie : ! 1928. 1 8 |snook George E | M |W [Shiloh Tns C M Shook Yennie Shook P| 64 i isi : ‘i 1929, 6 (16/Shook Samuel Sloan | M ._W [Mooresville N CIF S Shook Susan A Benfield 5 | 261 | i i =. | Muy }| |ae30, 4 6 Ishook Robert Jr M .W |Statcsville NC Bobby Shook Louis he | 357 | ah A m4 i ait i if 1933 1 (24/Shook ‘Annie Mae F |W jStatesville N C Milliam Shook Agnes Powell LS | £32 | Hf } ‘ . L 1935; 10 29]Shook ‘Ruth Elizabeth F iw hoorestilie NC iL S Shook Welia Wilson Ag 121 | ii 2 i 1937) 7 16 Shook ‘Harold Russell Mi W [Shiloh Tos C M Shook Jennie Shook eo | 270 At 4 qt 1939, 12 23] shook John MW |Statesville Nc [David Shook Exie Miller 25. 443 | Ha Hf | | 1941, 2 | 13 Shook | Colon Elmore M | W | Mooresvgize NC | Filo Shook Susanne Benfield 27|121) be 4 W | it | |, fasaa. 332 |shook Cullen M M |W |Shiloh Tns Deniel Shook uma Sigmon i: lg Hi) i 1946. 3 .21|Shook _ Gharles L M |W Statesville NC - — De led ip ‘ 1947 2 (1k Shook [William David M | W [Statesville NC [John Shook Cora Shook 331 77.1 Hel s | 1947). 3 15 [Shook | - F |W Statesville Ne (Oscar Vernon Shook ancy Violet Pierce |B3 | 272 , i | 1947. 9 (1 Shook Vharlie Monroe | M |W Statesville No fwavia ehook wxie Miiler B3 | 379 H 1948; & | 23}Shook \Mary Ellen F | W [Mooresville Nc JR W Connelly Mary McRae 34 | 195 | O49 | 11 | 3 | Sheok Janes Ralph Ti M_|W | Statesville NC |C D Shook Eugenia Shumaker a5 455 ~- 1 — «951 2 10] Shook hyrtle Waue Bage/ F |W | Statesville NC | tdward Vavid Wade Mary Summers 37 106 One | | 4951) 4. 14 | Shook | wuince § i} W fTredell County | bavid Shook txie Miller Shook_ 37 231 riety 1951, 10 | 14) Snooke | Jennie Bell es : W {Statesville NC | John Calvin Shook Susan Lawrence 37 561 o era | q 1952 3 | 23) Shook Lavery Wade M W | Statesville NC | Daniel Shook Annie Sigmon 38 122 ak. ’ Ati neentil liiaciied sien bia, We | 1 1 I | | } 41952) 11 25] Shook t Lester Sylvé $7 M | W..{iooresvidle NC | Filo Shook _ +-Susan Benfield (138.561 — 4 aera apneic +—-—— T . -| 41954) 5 | 28] Shook [Lester Otis M W [Statesville NC JRubin Shook Sally Hefner Io | 194 Sia ; ote | }1954, 8 | 3} Shook Hubert Columbus] M| W | Statesville Nc |W Harvey Shook ie) ke ee tt cae | 1954) 11 | 14 Shook +stoya Wullian | Mi W| Statesville NC] Lee J hook [Emeline Huffman _|yolsi3| = -@™me——_| | | | | Sabie at NS i : aze2| 12 al Shook Thomas Clyde Mjomgciaremont NO CT Shook © [Mary shook a6) aad | | | {! 2793, 12 | 5 | Shook Mary Grant _F |W} Claremont srold Grant __|Wora Stewart he 564 —— | | i | .7_{20) Shook Charlie Calvin | M | W | Statesville NC Daniel Shook ss dt Annie Sigmon ss 2.| 363) _ : Be oe “ — ! ; a x96e) 2 j84Shook | David Manuer | M | W{ winston Salem | Floyd Shook _ —|Mergaret Stock Shoo 44124 | --7/ ——-+__| | | _ | | lis | a ; eel eee | Meveery Die | | wplooresin2e ___ | Batter Dure_ ____| Sara sane Baas olere |. ae | me te: | is " | —~+41961; «= 25] Shook Grever Lee M | W [Troutman Sele Shook ea aD ee an 238. ' | | | ve ve she icoat Siena ieee ~~ namaste om paola ‘a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ; This Signature on sheets insures t heir correctness, Beg. U.8.Pat.o¢. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. _____INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 193¢ at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 14 To locate names, ae cok Ge an “ Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio U.S. Patent Ne. 1537168—Copyright 1330 te Buff Te locate names, oper at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day Sa y r e ar e a 8 a 7 Se r p m r er a s 7 gi Ge O a * bs es Se ee a =" ! iz im - SS S a = ee ee ee s ek e d RE T ph a g e s Sp r s e s e r at e ae r a Fe e a nl n sn e s ee d SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN sa g s > Se e SS S A ee e en e r fe e e e t e s e n s e n s s f p e e e n e s e t i o n a n i n i n e a f i o u e r s c e n e e e PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Vol. Page SURNAME OF DECEASED = AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘Mary Ann Della Nora Margerette ‘Napolean Verlin Dewitt Baby Boy Barney Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH Davidson Tns IMooresville NC Mooresville NC Coddle Creek Tn Coddle Creek Tn IMooresville NC Btatesville NC |Charlotte Nc Mooresville >} Mooresville i NAME OF FATHER Walter Shipp Adam Graham Ransom Beaty John W Shipp Robe rt J Shipp Joa Shipp Unk. Joe Shipp NAME OF MOTHER Nora Beaty Sally Ann MoNeal Maggie Connor iSara J Shipp Cassie 5 Shipp Mary Shipp RECORDED Vol. Page 3 186 11/172 11. 213 48 1931 | 1937, 1937 | 1955 1955 — 5 1a Shields 7: ‘ ; 23 3 ry 4 Shields ‘Susan Shields William P Jr Shields Nell C Rebecca Shields -- James Fredrick | Sharpesburg Tn Statesville Nc Statesville N Cc ptatesville NC otatesville NC Absolem Rhyne William P Shields Sr J F Shields Thomas Shields diley Morgan Mary Mostler Mary P Hollor Fannie Morgan ----Kilpatrick Joolsey Mary Elizabeth 7 = fo g ao o s n a s s n s e n a t l g p a n s e s a m s a a u d g p e a n n i a s c s a s i a n s i g s n a n e a e i c a a j i a s a i a n n i e a i e a y a 6 i | ee e te c ne m e r t e e n ti e n e s ' j ? Lawrence t Statesville N C Wm T Shermer Lena Robertson se b e c h s t e s : 30 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C._ -— mpaierereemern LMR EEN IS AAR gs COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 lll { Siguarure oa their correctness. To locate names, rithest for page feforence. U.S. Patent No. MaTISO—Coprvight 1830 iis ’ Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. For Your Protection, Tosist On It. Gdn “te Lead ama eee had eee aesaoeaes a Se. ee S atten Ste tence enesenentnnrenlannenenan : = = ‘ SV GATE GF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAMF. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = — | nt Yer Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 4 : | id i 1917; 8 8 }Shinn ,Paul Alexander | M | W [Barringer Tns_ |T C Shinn Bertie Sherrill 4/17 i 1921/ 8 5 |Shinn _ F_| W |Coddle Creek Tn|Pinky L Shinn Daisy M Powers 7 | 6) i 1927, 5 14/Shinn William A M _ W /Shiloh Tns - argaret Baker 13 314 ie Ss Waza a oston 18 §. 11932, 8 (19}Shinn laura Francis | F | W |Barringer Tas |James J Waganer Amanda P 16 tman 2 4 1935. 5.27] Shinn Laura Kesiah F_ | W (Mooresville N C [Wallace arthurs Dovie Troutma 11% i 1937; 1 ([|18%Shinn George Newton M W iCocdle Creek Tng@Frank Shinn Lois Foutz 25, 39 t : | : bite 7 r AL L 144 5 3 | Shinn Glenn Cleve land MW Mooresville NY jP A Shinn Ola Rowe 2123! L 1946. 2 14/Shinn Betty Leon FW jMooresville NC |John A Sherrill Minnie @ebriel 52 a | \ . . ABAD Kok ox eRESR NOR ox axe xox2 Bog xbmaxsxaxe xe koko n vie 48 ke tem she xcs Bx che xB AEKOR a xoxzxaxpxhxsxVROQTe kh xox ox 2kShe 2992 11950. 8 3 IShinn Pauline Hartsel] F W {Mooresville NC !R, R. Hartsell Beulah Thompson 36 |417 | 4 a 1 , ! i ser 19 oy Shinn Julius Calvin 1 M W | Troutman NC John Calvin Shin: Laura Waconer 40, ALL | | ander | ee ide ae Pea ie age tee 4 1 1954 12 9]Shinn Pinkney Klex-/ | M Wi Mooresville Calvin L Shinn Elizabeth Mills 40 555 | | 1960 4 30/Shinn Pinkney L. M W | Mooresville Pinkney A Shinn Ola R Shinn 46 256 | [2962 15] Shinn Bessie Ola Fw |Mooresville Daniel L Rowe Alice Bost 47 314 | i : | ; | | i 1 ! | | 7 t | H1 971915 8 5 |Shives Otis M . W [Statesville N CiJ I Shives Maggie Honnicut e | 421 l te 1915; 8 14iShives \Meggie F | W [Bethany Tns IGeo Honeycutt Sashiade Ie | 31 1941' 7 ji2 §JShives iJames M | © jStatesville NC Jape Snives ~ 27 | 325 H 1941 | 7 | 27 Shivers Uiles M C Statesville NC Esso Shivers Susan ae 27 | 438 | 1948 1 15] Shives | Ray Lee M oOW Statesville NC jT. L. Shives ?. Honeycutt 34.33 * i953, 1 5} Shives ,Christopher Leow M iC I|Statesville NC | L.n. McWhorter Jennie Shives 39,31 1964, 10 | 14) Shive Samuel MW | Statesville Wm. W Shive - Althause 50) 579 ! i | i | i : _ | | | + 1920, 3 11}Sherwooa John M W (Statesville N CW p Sherwood Mollie Simpson _ _|p | 205 | ; ; le aa ——F | | | \ t | | lied oe “7 | | ¥ | a, 1 ia m4 ee al i" i | . 7 = ie Ry re od ee | | | i) oe + + t “ sian | | | { i j i 4 one ; . ; ina ; | | . - Cee od Bid as Sich inedebcidip hn dnelcinall me ciate Mention staal | ra | | | | or TVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 1930 sy v.8. 8. Patent No. 1437168—C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sind Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN }1924) 4 27) Shoemaker Salas a 1914, 5 | 17] Shoemaker | Lessie Mae 1914! 8 3) Shoemaker |\Nargarett EF 11914; 9 | 16] Shoemaker ‘Lillie 1915; 1 | 31) Shoemeker Pinkney 1915) 7 | 19] Shoemaker |Hall 1916) 7 | 8| Shoemaker - 1916; 7 | 9] Shoemaker Coit 1916; 10 1} Shoemaker Delphia 1916, 10 | 29] Shoemaker ra 1917; 2 | Si Shoemaker Melt 1917: 3S 17} Shoemaker Doris Lee 1917; 4 | 9} Shumaker John L 1917; 7 | 9] Shoemaker Adaline 1917, 9 ; 28] Shoemaker Jay Mooltrie 1918) 3 27 Shoemaker iLula M 1918; 3 | 29) Shoemaker | Lucinda 1918) 5 21) Shoemaker Pervy Elmore a 11918) 6 | 3] Shoemaker _John 1918} 6 | 271] Shoemaker | Eugene 1918) 7 | 22) Shoemaker Polly 41918) 8 18] Shoemaker Morris Jr a. 1919) 7 | 11} Shoemaker 'Francis a 1919! 10 |13] Shoemaker ‘ 1920) & 10] Shoemaker Margaret hia 1920) 2 25] Shoemaker [lydia Bell —__]s20| _6 | 6] Shoemaker | * ilps of RO 7_| 291 Shoemaker ‘Lonnie V Filed rcs tN 2921) ij 4 Shoemaker | - —____fisea] 4 |2 Shoemaker - 4921) 4 | 23} Shumaker | Juanite " 821,626 shoemaker iprea — $1921] r\ 4 Shoemaker _ Ihiary i821! 9 |14Shoemaker ini 8821) 12 | 1 Shoemaker |Noah Lee | eee! 6 |21tShoemaker | Camilla a fh8BS| 4 211 Shoemaker = |William F ie ~~ 2s! 7 ile Shoemaker Mindie 831 10 |16]Shoemaker | Lovency _ Pes 5 j|11§Shoemaker | -« INDEX TO VITAL STATI pap- Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER F W |New Hope Tns Burrel Shoemaker F | W |New Hope Tns Rodger Shoemaker F | W jOlin Tas Andrew J Shook F | W [Statesville Tn George Day M A lolin Tns Reynold M | Concord Ins \Nethan J Shoemaker h W | new Hope Tns Rodger Shoemaker M I New Hope Tns Rodger Shoemaker F i\ jStates sville NC jJim Speaks F W |Fallstown Tns IR A Shoemaker M ‘ | New Hope Tas Bureli Shoemaker MW [Statesville fn | sack Woods M W |New Hope Tns Burrell Shumaker F W |Zagle Mills Tn - M W Cool »~prings TniC C Shoemaker F W |Mooresville NC [John Cloaninger F W |New Hope Tns Benjamin S3eckindl M W |Coddle Creek Tn/Gerland Sho&maker Nv. W |Cool Spring Tn - Ss. M W [Statesville NC |Lee Shoemaker F W [Statesville NC |Burl Shoemaker M W (Statesville Tn |Morris Shoemaker F W JCoddle Creek TniWilliam Watt M W |Statesville NC |Glenn Shoemaker F W fOlin Tns ~ F “ [Cool Springs TniWilliam Stevenson M W JMooresville NC |J Z Shoemaker M W Statesville NC |Jethro I Shoemaker M W {Olin Tns James W Shoemaker M | W [Statesville NC JJ T Shoemaker F_ | W [Statesville NC IT P Shumaker M W |New Hope Tns W_E Shoemaker F W jFallstown Tns ~ M_| W [Statesville NC Roy Shoemaker _M_| W [Statesville NC |Pinkner Shoemaker - LW New Hope Tns William Privette _ mu |v Mooresvilie NC [William Shoemaker _ rin jNew Hope Tns Lee Williams riw Statesville NC Bi igantias, |W {Chambersburg ToJR C Shoemaker (CON) STICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C Made by ‘The Cott Soden Cumpens. Columbus, Ghio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Kis Dishmond Myrtle Rupard Mary E Walker Susan Day Emma Jane McClain yrtile Rupard Nyrtle Rupard a¥ny vo ay 4 Hallie Hudspeth Sallie Hollar Rosa Davis Espy Conner Sallie Horden Bulah Cook Minnie Benfield Kis Dishman Essie Fox Catherine James Allie Lackey Mary Rufty Virginia Hodges Tobe Garris Dora E Barnett Nobie Garris Jessie Craig Mattie Looper. jOshia Dingler JMayberry _ aa i call Pearline Shoemaker RECORDED ih H Vol.| Page et 1, 315] jP eee 1 317 WEL " yotae 1 331 Lili ol Thine 1 542 Hii 2 224 “iH { 2,77) Thine | | Ue a 3. 208 We Bi 3, 209] Ih) a ry Utaga, 3. 295 He Sida i) nie 3,174) 4, 226] Hei | Win * 4) 290 iH hf 4. 233 4 ie 4' 160) [hie i | ne 4A: 329 in ‘ a) HEEER 4A. 377 Hu q li 44 504] je if 4A 463] (ail iH ! 4a, 172] Joe 4 | i ; 4A 184 ii 4 . a | ae 44. 207 FH " 5.414) Bae aE 5,178) GH ih i 6, 343 i ‘ | i 6477] 6)... 265-3 4 6, 106] _ _7| 2015 7 | 361) if | 1 1, 362) HR 6, 387] By 7| 170] a AL | 1 7 | 418) | : tii 7 | 46.) Bb 1 | 8| 320] By i 9) 29 410 | 235 a 0 BY ne Butale LG | DATE OF DEATH tn on 14|Shinn | x948.x ck zx 22 BR BKEKES 2X w e t lig60 4 30/Shinn lige. 6 15) Shinn t i a aa a — an INDEX TO VITAL STATISTI To jocate names, OP© Tie Signature on sheers insures their Buff , enreaetness. For Your Protection, Insist On It SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Paul Alexander William A Laura Francis Laura Kesiah George Newton Betty Leon BKLKLKL RRO XEMAX ZX ZAZAZEZRZE Pauline Ha rtsel} F . we JULIUS aynaer ana Bi. b — ete Pinkney Alex-/ g hr <3 ee to W ¥ way 8 cS— DE 4 i i it | | | iMooresville ne iJ | | ok 4S te tony keke xvaz i a aa me Pek WooreSsvias\ + 4) i ont as } 4 | Mooresville m at 3 Sub-Index sheet for pa PLACE OF DEATH Barringer Icoddle Creek Ta Shiloh Tns Barringer Tas iJames IMooresville N Icocdle Creek In oO |Mooresville Pinkney b. Bessie Cla Otis Maggie dame Ss Uiles Ray Lee ‘Christopher Leo M Samuel 3 Statesville N a + o¢ Stateer mn + ws 2” W Bethany Tns Q Statesvilie NO Statesville NG Statesville A THS — Iredell County URNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer ge reference. NAME OF FATHER tT c Shinn Pinky L Shino C |Wallace Arthurs | aFrank Shinn \ inn ohn A Sherrill gx che xO RbROR 2x ZK2KZE paren paneer WR « R, nartseit UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 193¢ NAME OF MOTHER Bertie Sherrill Daisy M Powers Margaret Baker J Waganer Amanda Poston Dovie Troutman Lois Foutz Minnie @ebriel i <2 xGQBGESB Kb x2x 2x 2k9h | oO o a Ne jBeulah Thompson SS = —— — "iJ 1 Shives Geo Honeycutt ADE valVv €S N S biaccie Honnicut pentane Esso shivers tT. Le Shives Honeycutt Lee. McWhorter Jennie Shives Wm. W Shive Alth ause Sherwood \Joha { Statesville NC ‘ D Sherwood jorie Simpson k | 205 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS ~“coTTco UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shumaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shumaker | Shoemaker Shoemaker |Shoemaker i Shoemaker Lj Shoemaker Shoemaker | Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Pervy Lonnie ~ ca t e n i n s SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Jane Lessie Mae Margarett Liliie Pinkney Hall it elohia Melt Adaline Jay Mooltrie Lula M Lucinda John Eugene | Polly Morris Jr _Francis a Margaret ‘lydia Bell <i Juanita | Fred ‘Mary [Noah Lee \Camilla |wi2liem F \Mindie \Lovency . al - | Fallstown [ns IR = i il i | | sh he i | Eagle Mills Tn | Cool »~prings ee er e * Elmore Coddle Creek Tn Cool Spring Tn Color | pace oF DEATH it (| i 1 i a i u \ i aot r i} Mooresville KC | { ' ; . I. New Hope ins 1B I Olin Tns Cool Springs Tn Mooresville NC Statesville NC Olin Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC New Hope Tns Fallstown Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC New Hope Tns Mooresville NC New Hope Tns Statesville NC Chambersburg Ta (CON) ay Tae a P Pamela Rae — Iredell County, N. C. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company. o Buff Sub-lndex sheet for pase reference. NAME OF FATHER i | \ i i c iNew Hope Tns |Burrel Shoemaker i | T al \ New Hope ins j Rodger hoemaker Bs _* 1Olin Tas | anarew J Shook |Statesville Tn iGeorge Dey | : Hy 1Olin Tns jReynold i\Concord in | Ne nd oemaker |New Hope fas lRodger Shoemaker Rodger Shoemaker IStatesville nc Jim Speaks a « noemaxer | New Hope tns \Bureli Shoemaker | Statesville ['n | Jack Woods one tT 1 t+. y . iNew Hope ins (Burrell Shumaker t Pn jc C Shoemaker \Johnn Cloaninger enjamin Beckindl Garlana Shoemaker Statesville NC |Lee Shoemaker Statesville NC {Burl Shoemaker Statesville fn Morris Shoemaker Coddle Creek [n William watt Statesville NC Glenn Shoemaker William Stevenson I Z Shoemaker Jethro I Shoemaker James W Shoemaker JI T Shoemaker T Pp Shumaker W E Shoemaker Roy Shoemaker Pinkner Shoemaker William Privette William Shoemaker Tee Williams R C Shoemaker Sold by Observer Printing tSallie Hollar Rosa Davis Espy Conner Bulah Cook Essie Fox Mary Rufty Mayberry Columbus, Obio Charlotte, %.- Cc. NAME OF MOTHER ~w 0S rn aa a Iwallie Hudspeth ae od Pearline Shoemaker Sallie Horden Ninnie Benfield vis Dishman Catherine James allie Lackey Virginia Hodges Tobe Garris Dora E Barnett Nobie Garris Jessie Craig Mattie Looper Oshia Dingler “i a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — Siguamre a Qeow eure fer cermocee. four Prezectier, least Ox SURNAME OF DECEASED a2 CARISTAN NAME F ONE SS GvEN iii Shoemaker 3]; Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shumake Shumaker Shoemaker Shumake wuo0emaker Shumaker Shoemaker Shumate Shoemaker Shumake Shoemaker Snoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker iChristy Colem ~ 5B Sr a Se SE ee es e gr e e i Pink —_ Emily Elizabeth} |Williem Floyd i\Monroe Adolphus ;Lester M Floyd | Eugene | | Joseph Vance i | John Franklin {Noah Hampton | Soha F (Mrs) John Solomon Robert Lee Monroe R Rufus Randolph Roger Myrtle Rupard Davis we Bud DEATHS = lee Comp, © ae sede naman, * SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ws Raete SP inde sheet for page reference. Sx Gar | PLACE OF DEATH : NAME OF FATHER i W Ww : : ic seowt 14 we batesviile | — ee oe ee yo veSViILIe resville N jFallstown fn i Chambersburg i Fina. « owiw 7 x #O UG tesvilile ld uatiovinie I Turnersburg Statesville N Cool Springs Tn New Hope Tns Statesville NC Cool Springs Tn Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Fallstown Tns Coddle Creek Tn Statesville NC Mooresville NC New Hope Tns Mooresville NC Statesville Tn Davidson Tns Mooresville Nc Statesville no Fallstown Tos New Hope Tns Fallstown Tn lew Hope Tn SP U N CE R N E — SL ST aR : » [niR C Shoemaker st Shoemaker = w oO Pinkney \ Shoemaker iWilliem Shoemaker on Shoemaker to % ee o” Thos Davis WS Brawley Monroe Shoemaker Is Williams | Frances Pope iBryson Shoemaker EM Shoemaker lJames Guy R O Shoemaker Shumaker Maurice Maurice Shumaker shoemaker John Goforth John Shoemaker Bryson Shumake John Shumaker Roy A Shoemaker Earnest C Shumake W B Shoemaker William D Shumaker Noah Shoemaker David Levan Thomas Shoemaker Bryson Shumake John Shoemaker John P Shoemaker Roy A Shoemaker Randell Shoemaker NAME OF MOTHER Grace Cornelius Essie Rufton Dessie Wilson Nancy Lambert Malinda Cloniger Ida Lambert Margaret Morrison Mary Ida Davis Daisy. Shoemaker Cass Mollie Honeycutt Melinda Cloniger iDella Goforth Martha Miller Mamie Reavis MW Shumaker Essie Fox Minda Shoemaker Williams Elzadia Money Rebecca Upright Sleedie Cloaninger Alice Le Vane Callie Hudspeth Julius Martin hertne McLean Lucy A Pennington Rupard plalisse Warren Nettie Guy Malindic Cloneagar ey : (Roseland Padgett Callie Hudspeth Janie Shoemaker Millie Privette COTTCO UN: IVERSAL INDEX No. 14 U. & Patent He. AL RECORDED Vol. Page | 10 | 10, 12 | 11.) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Year Moath 19h2 . 1945. 1945. 1943. 1944 | 1944 | 1944 . 1944, 12 1946 4 1946 3 1946, 7 1947. 8 1948 6 1948 5 1949 6 1949, 12 1950, 7 1950 8 1950. 1951, 4 1951 9 1952 12 e722 42953 10 43954, 10 19549 1955 2 3955 5 1959. 8 1955, 20 | 1956) 5 1948 10 11 23 1952; 4/1 10 24) 3h | 29] Shumaker 25) Day 5 25 13 19 1g LOU SI SURNAME OF DECEASED | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i Shoemaker Shoensker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemsker Shumaker Shoemaker Shunmzs ker hoemaker Shumake Shoemaker Shimak e Shumaker Shumake 1949 10 198 Shoemaker loemaker _161 Shoemaker _3 | Shumake . h | 22 17 | ‘ i 18 = 26 1d Shoemate ol] OF MaKxer Shoemaker Shoemaker Shamake Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker S§umaker Shoemaker _Shoemaker | 30] Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker tu Shoemaker -Rissie Roy Lee Mery Metilda Winslow F Lester Armfield | _luattie Looper William Burice Callie Isadore Jennie Whittin/ Janes Washingto _Mittie vison John Franklin BR Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Wile 0 Dorothy Moline Mary Bell Nathan Jonas Della | Annie Morefield Grady Pi “axter Martha k C Ada Morrow gton Robert Lee Thomas Nancy Pehcolia ry_K a py F M Henderson Lug eneM Franklin Elmore _Martha Caroline James Carter Rufus | Mary garet Rosell _Boldy L. ton Charles Ful-/ “antford M F Color | PLACE OF DEATH q ICoddle Creek i |Statesville i | iT Re i i i } amos Shoemaker Baldy Shoemeker Daniel G Wilcox H ‘ In, —Mae Gi + ? - maker AAS Stat 2c ho m¥v¥oY Mow then [a . bral stoun Tns | is t | | if | Mooresville | |Statesville | || Lio 0 esville N¢ | Statesville YeblaleSville Wh | Statesville NC ii | Mooresville NC .ooresville | i cisiicrenia NC | Statesville NC | | Statesville NC Mooresville NC vtatesville NC 42 Ede} Statesville N C Statesville Nc Mooresville NC otatesvi. miatesville NC Statesville NC otatesville NC Mooresviile NC Charlotte, NC Statesville NC Wilkes Co. Statesville NC lredell Statesville NC Union Grove OVER m et » K Thy yy - | 7 homas Shoemsker i ib2erl Shoemaker Meloth Goforth | Asa Morefield Frank McLain June 4 Morrow ester Shumaker Bruson Shumake Jake Looper Sidney Levan Ben Whittington . ” 4 ry shetty de dn hath hls ta Rufus Shoemaker Vavia A Levan UNak John Shoemaker Harrison Jordon J G shoemaker Thomas W Bryson Shumakee John Hemric James M Davis NAME OF FATHER Gisarence Shoemaker |Jecob Misenheimer movuert 4~ee onunaKe Salmon “hoemaker Burrell shoemaker Melton Shoemaker ~hoemaker Floyd Shoemaker Statesville, N@ Randle Shoemaker Pinkney Shoemaker Fulton Agustus Shoemaker Laura Freeze Rnadal Shoemaker | Wer the Shankle | Dovie byers DEATHS — Iredell ae eC 31 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio by Observer Printing House, Chariotte, N.C. RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Sallie rrivette Hzzie Rooper Sslins White ne cas , cr pi a ion nesver Shoemsa} fary Mason retrake +evan betty saker Alice hucks Willene Verbde Luiser M ©humake Polly Shoemaker Kebeccu Clemintin Kizzie Jishman Maude Goforth Rhachel Colvert CHG 6Frson Menda Williams Maudie Shoemaker jancy Warren Margaret Lazenby kllen J Dison Shoemak er “argaret Lazenby/ Cynthia Mae Shoemake Milinde Cloniger Mary Elizabeth York Beulah Davis Millie Prevette Mary lenny Nancy Hollar Millie Prevette b39, 500 39 603 | Ad 523 40) 546 41 15 41, 287 bl 416 1487 2 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. Fh ke et ie a a ae he eee OP ee lah | DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED a tis 1 Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Hat. ‘ i | HL | panes 5 11] Shoemaker - F iW ii | 1924 7 | 25] Shoemaker |Coyt Eugene j M W L, laezs, 7 17) Shoemaker ~ | Mi W if | 1025. 11 | 30] Shoemaker ,2alomon M W ea! i i lisz6 7 il sh emaker Rebecca : F Yi if love 12 al eianakas T Agustus | Mi W | 2on7i 2 el Snoemaker _Panthy (Mrs) ! 228 j le7 4 a| hoemaker _Eva Long M W | 11927 5 ol aichenieis Daisy F Vi Y | : | 1927 1) Shoemaker ~ | M W t bigot) 21 if tn aaa Cora Etta | F W ' | 1e28 7 6 Shoemaker |Carrie Pope | F W \ lis 1 tiles tito ,John F | M W rs | i | 19¢ 2 24] thnemeres ‘Alfred Curtis M Vs iW 1 3 12) Shoemaker Nettis F iW | |asac 3 zq| Shoemaker - M W Hi |190 ad 2} Stunaker ;Mary Elizabeth F W ah | 1930 11 epShupe kay \Mary Zlizabeth | F | w Fi [19 1 1 g| Shoemaker LRT. ~ W i 11931 10 26) Shoemaker ‘Marthe A ese lasae Oo. , 20 Shoemaker ;\Christy Coleman] mM W i lisa: 7 . 8i Shoemaker Pink MW i 11932] 8 | £71 shoemaker Emily Elizabeth W rR. i 1933 1 26! Shoemaker |Williem Floyd M W i 1933 2 | 22) Shumake \Monroe Adolphus] M | W i 1934, 10 ,11)/ Shumaker ,Lester M Floyd | M |W | iM 1935) 3 |15] Shoemaker | Bugene M iW i 1936; 3 9] Shumake - M {|W L. 1936, 6 6) Shoemaker | Joseph Vance M | W a 1936, 7 | 22|Shumaker \John Franklin | m | w iW 1936, 8 .|18}) Shoemaker | Noah Hampton MsiW i 1936, 8 | 22 Shumate | John F (Mrs) F W ' 1936 10 , 6} Shoemaker \Joha Solomon M | W 1937| 4 | 5] Shumake Ipohans Seas dill ge | N 4 1937 5 |18]Shoemaker Monroe R M | W HJa997| 5 |26}shoemaker _|rurus Randolph | |W ‘i 1938) 3 | 2] Shoemaker « Miw . in 1938 8 8) Shoemaker Roger MjiW i 1940) 7. |3 [Shoemaker Myrtle Rupard | F Ww ' | 5.22 BRoemaker Davis M L Statesville iStatesville iStatesville W flew Hope Tn PLACE OF DEATH Chambersburg Tn Mooresville NC Olin Tns New Hope Tns Fallstown Tns Statesville Tn | ne | NC | Mooresville NC Lie NC Mooresvi it no | | > < QO Mooresville Mooresville NC | qQ Mooresville N Fallstown Tn Chambersburg Tn Statesville NC Statesville Nc Turnersburg Tn Statesville NC Cool Springs Tn New Hope Tns Statesville NC Cool Springs Tn Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Fallstown Tns Coddle Creek Tn Statesville Nc Mooresville NC New Hope Tns Mooresville NC Statesville Tn Davidson Tns Mooresville NC Statesville Nc Fallstown Tos New Hope Tns Fallstown Tn locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER R C Shoemaker W Bost Shoemaker Pinkney W Shoemaker William Shoemaker Bryson Shoemaker Thos Davis WS Brawley Monroe Shoemaker S Williams Frances Pope Bryson Shoemaker EM Shoemaker James Guy R O Shoemaker Maurice Shumaker Maurice Shumaker Rash John Shoemaker John Goforth John Shoemaker Bryson Shumake John Shumaker Roy A Shoemaker Eernest C Shumake W B Shoemaker William D Shumaker Noah Shoemaker David Levan Thomas Shoemaker Bryson Shumake John Shoemaker John P Shoemaker Roy A Shoemaker Randell Shoemaker iCa Mio h u 4.€ ‘IDe Ma M. Es Mi Wi El Margaret Mary Ida Daisy CoTTCO IVERSAL U. 8S. Patent No. 14371 NAME OF MOTHER Grace Cornelius Essie Rufton Dessie Wilson Nancy Lambert Malinda Cloniger Ida Lambert Morrison Davis Shoemaker ss llie Honeycutt linda Cloniger lla Goforth rtha Miller Mamie Reavis W Shumaker sie Fox nda Shoemaker lliams zadia Money Rebecca Upright Sleedie Cloaninger Alice Le Vane Callie Hudspeth Julius Martin Marthe McLean Lucy A Pennington Rupard heiisse Warren Nettie Guy Melindis Cloneagar Rosaland Padgett Icallie Hudspeth pe Shoemaker Millie Privette INDEX No. 1-4 68-—Copyright ee ‘i, RECORDED S bead Page 10| 32 10| 202 11) 268 LL, 243| 12, 1s2| i 13, 369] 13 se! 13, 237) 13, 238! a4, 372 | | ere | 15| 227! 15 | 190 | 16 41) 17, aso | 18 494 | 17 | 588 | 17. 448! 19 | 143 | 19 | 191} 1g 415) 19 | 145 19| 54 20 | 231 21 202 22 81 22 | 444 ze | 245 ee | 307 22 | 258 22 | 623 23| 74 _ 23 | 170 Je | 382 l24 | 123 24 | 239 26) 1491. 267 — COTTCO UNIVERSAL IXSDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Sere Sti ake Cate cer ee ree ee el ts ee ade INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio BRR Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH Coddle Creek Statesville NC NAME OF FATHER amos Shoemaker Esldy Shoemaker Daniel G Wilcox | 1 ee arey | > ec; . oon te Statesville NC |@larence Shoemaker Fell stown Tns Thomas §) ker i Ste GC fll F Shumate Re f ibioores j DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED pot, mae Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | H | 41942. 6 2h)iShoemaker Rissie | F W 41943. 2 5 |Shoemsker Roy Lee | M Wy | 1943, 5 SiShoemsaker Mery Mat ttaes F Wi | 1943. 6 5SiShoemsker Dorothy Moline | F W | $1944. 2 9 iShoemaker Pearl | iv | 1944. 3 15 |shumete ery Wend | 1944.2 . 9 Shoemm#ker Pearl | > i 1944/10 | 191 Shuuekex J | | 1944/12 | 16 Shumaker Lextex | 1946. 4 .11]/Shumeker Mery Bell lr wv | 1946. 35 . 30} Shoemaker Nethan Jonas F W 1946. 7 15/Shumseker Della le \ 1947 8 3 Shoemaker Annie Morefield| FW | 1948 6 25] Shumake Grady “axter hy a 1948 2 13] Shoemaker Martha Kk C | F W 1948 10 19 Shamake Ada Morrow | Po 7 1948 12 15}Shumaker Les me | 1949 6 19 Shumake _ Winslow F | uM WwW 1949 10. 19] Shoemaker Lester Armfield M W 1949. 12 10) Shoemaker _luattie Looper Foil 1950. 7 .16Shoemaker William Burice | M . W 1950 8 3 | Shumake Callie Isadore | Fw 1950.11 23 |Shoemate Jennie whittin/ Pe 1951; 4 j|& | Shoemaker ies 1951 9 22] Shoemaker Robert Lee Miw 1952 12 17 | Shoemaker Thomas MW g1952, 4 11} Shumake Nancy Peholia 1952 6 | 8 | Shoemaker ry K id 1953, 2 16/Shoemaker Janes Washingto# M .w 1953 4 | 14 Shoemaker _Mittie Vison Fr iW 1953 8 | 10 Shoemaker John Franklin M WwW 1953, 10 2 _®hoemaker _Henderson wug eniph. Vi Bie 1953 10 33) Shumaker ‘Franklin Elmore| M = W —{1954, 10 | 29] Shumaker _Martha Caroline] FW 41954 9 15] Shoemaker James Carter M/W 41955, 1 18] Shoemaker Rufus MW 2955) 5 | 30] Shoemaker Margaret Rosellf F | W 4.1955 8 26 Shoemaker _Boldy L. M W 1.1955, 10 | 1q Shoemaker Charles Fuls/ M iW 2956 5 -41} Shoemaker Yantford M |W it Fallstown Tns Statesville Mooresville NC ville N Statesville NC olalvesSviile AVY | Statesville WC | Mooresville NC etatlesville NC wutatesvilie NC Mooresville NC vtatesville NC - dash Na Side de dL. Statesville N C Statesville Nc Mooresville NC vtatesvi mtatesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Charlotte, NC Statesville NC Wilkes Co, otatesville, N Statesville NC lredell Htatesville NC Union Grove OVER i) i i Thomas Shoemaker I He de Ad ASA we shel. nd rte da | | | | | |Jacob Misenheimer Berl Shoemaker Meloth Goforth Asa Morefield Movert tee ohumake Frank McLain June 4 Morrow Lester Shumaker Bruson Shumake Salmon *“hoemaker Jake Looper Burrell shoemaker Sidney Levan Ben Whittington Harris i eure ate whe Melton Shoemaker Rufus Shoemaker Vavi a &. £0 Ven John Shoemaker Harrison Jordon J G shoemaker Thomas \ vhoemaker Bryson Shumakee John Hemric Floyd Shoemaker ¢ Randle Shoemaker James M Davis Pinkney Shoemaker Rnadal Shoemaker 4 31 Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, Sallie rrivette Ezzie Rooper Hesver Shoems ker t 4 ‘, S > Nettie Guy Shoer 3 > wt tk Re } Fulton Agustus Shoemaker ov45 a OY " a Dovie |berthe Shankle By a e nr a Mary Mason Tetrake +evan betty saker Alice Hucks Nill verble ne Luiser M “humake Kizzie Dishman Maude Goforth Rachel Colvert oa hee Menda Williams Wwancy Warren Lind Ellen J Dison Beulah Davis Millie Prevette Mary tenny Nancy Hollar Millie Prevette NAME OF MOTHER Polly Shoemaker hebeccu Cicmintin laudie Shoemaker Margaret Lazenby Shoemak er “argaret Lazenby/ Milinda Cloniger “aura Freeze a} Nettie Guy Shoemaker | ~6HG6r son Mary Elizabeth York Uynthia hae 2shoemake RECORDED Voi. Page | i128. 40 | | 29.214 | 29.274 | 29.138 | | ie! O Pd 2 i | i 2 O i SS } | | 30 99 “ } 59 \ | 6bO 428 | sz 143 I 32 235 | tl i3s2. 294] | 33 330 3h 255 | | 34 299 | i dh 448 A 510 55 215 35 377 35, 485 136) 361 36.419 36 585 37| 2 38 | 107 BS | 192 BS 282 3952 39178 39 375 P39, 500 39 603 4Q 523 LO 54,6 41) 15 41) 287 41 416 bd. 487 42) esr ah a a na s a 2 en = ; a le ee ee Ms - LT ee e —— — — rd ae ns — ~ PY ’ oe eee —— OTT ll So eeehiamnel 32 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | 7 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C | —_ we SURNAME INITIAL TAB a ER Pen. asker Ise “ig “egTnco UNIVERSAL, PEDB ight te Ug locate naman, onan at SURNAME INITIAL, TAB, and refer This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, =r locate names, oper f . . i et for page re erence. vom Keg, U-8. Pat. Om, ; For Your Protection, Insist On Ik. to Buff Sub-Index ane » = se aati — i i 4 { EAS MOTHE on q DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED | | Vidi oh a RECORDED DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED PLACE. OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF R ac eel SURNAME Se Oa oo sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME. OF MOTHER cn a Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN vent Month Day . | Shoemaker ! Chambersburg Tajk © Shoemaker Grace Cornedius 10, 3 19h2) 6 4 Shoemaker Rissile | W \Coddle Creek Janos Shoemaker jSuilie rrivette \ i coy, w Bost Shoemaker Essie Rufton 10 | 1943 _ 5] Shoemsker Roy Lee as istatesville NC |beldy Shoeruker | | \ iDaniel G Wilcox Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference ‘ i by Observer Printing House, Charlotte N.f a i. at o n e na e . ‘ RO o> w Shoemaker ‘Coyt Eugene Mooresville NC = 9 Fi Loos | ‘ 7 co Jeg W 3 6. ia ‘ } n Sen G . Shoemaker 1 | W JOlin Tas Pinkney W Shoemaker Dessie Wilson % 1943 _ 5)Shoemsaker Yery Matilde / 4 | Turnersburg | ~~ © a wm = el Pe r m r e Ww 2 aa ee OT rn w we w a o O <a Shoemaker Salomon , | W |New Hope Ins William Shoemaker Nancy Lambert & j 1943. Shoemsker Derothy Moline ~ «0 r ! | i) 1 2) Shoemaker | 1944.8 yg IShoemsker ~ 20 r m CQ Shcemaker | Rebecca ; Fj Fallstown Tns statesville Toa jBrysoM Shoemaker iNalings Cloniger ai £4 | 1944 5 ishumete Statesville NC Thos Davis tl “" | [da Lambert o 59 | Pe 1944 . ' Shoemaker | ‘Fallstown Tns Thomas Shoemaker ; Shoemaker S Margaret Morrison | 2 | fh ; ae i ' | in - sm i ‘ i 44 oh k n ‘ l t r= i Ol + | | \ | \ | Tada Davis 13 | 257 | 44; 12 16 Shumeker axter Bug WM iM NC a 2h sh | Shoemaker # ong iw | w {Statesville nc jw S Brawley | | | Shoemaker Jais | F » Ivooresville NC jMonroe Shoemaker jhary f if " | 1) Shoemaker i M W Mooresville i i i | i i} Daisy Shoemaker H15, £58 | 1946. 4 Shumaker Mary Bell I | Mooresville | Jacob Misenheimer j|#erthe Shankle } ' "i H i] | | ces i, H oe : = > eu and ct 5] Shoemaker Cora Etta | F y IStatesville N IS Williams 1Vass j+% , t 1946 5 Shoemsker Nathan Jones W |Statesville NU peor seeks \ I | iy i } Voliie Honeycutt 212 | 1946. 7 SiS » ke Delle | ¥ ii joo esvil 2 Ni Ikeloth to f oF \\ \ 5} Shoemaker \Carrie Pope } F w Mooresville NC jFrances u : ih | { | John F 1 wv » Inooresville NC {Bryson + r Velinda Cloniger | ~ 1947 8 Shoemaker Annie Morefield F 4 | Statesville NC | Asa Morefield | Mary Mason } Pea & | | Mooresvil 1e NC RM Shoemaker ‘ipella Goforth Ob eee I 7 1948 Sind onumaKk e sPudy sayter Pa ee DvLateSvilse wd Hovert #ee ollUlliah | i i 1948 5 13) Shoemaker Martha K U ) F | Statesville NU i Shoemaker \ ia o . : tf retrake ¥eVal | Shoemaker ‘Alfred Curtis , 4 i i| | fi June 4 Morrow | Alice hucKs | {| , ‘ NY . : ‘ ' ‘ 1 - i | Se 948 12 L5iehumaker Wilite Lester} M Jooresvills Le er oh ar | 1 Shumaker Mary Elizabeth » | Statesville NC jMaurice Shumaker MW Shumaker y s 19 45 ae ‘4 H Frank McLain petty soaker 2 Shoemaker Nettis F \j |Fallstown [fn lJames Guy Martha Miller i Shi Hop oa ae a cs SUE ate eas 1948 10 19 Shumake Ada Morrow | k Wi Mooresville NO | Shoemaker fi Chambersburg TInjk 0 Shoemaker Mamie Reavis i i} { I i] \ illene Verbde | } | 1949 6 19 Shumake Winslow F } WV Looresville nc | Bruson Shumake iLuiser M °humake Shume ker r Elizabeth 7 W [Statesville NC |Maurice Shumaker Essie Fox | \ i t Polly Shoema «er C > lr ey f Lat 2 , P } \n Stotaat la NC Os Tmo why . lrarn Shoemaker IR L w ipurnersbure Vinda Shoemaker 1949 10 _ Shoemaker Lester Armf pM 'Statesvilie NC Salmon “hoemaxet | Shoemaker Martha A ee Statesville NC {kesh 1949, 12... 10 Shoemaker attic Looper | Statesville J Jake Looper | Kebeccu Clemintin Shoemaker Christy Coleman oe Cool Springs TajJoha Shoemaker Williams 1950. } Shoemaker William Burice W |Statesville Burrell shoemaxer Kizzie Vishman 1950. Shumake Callie Isadore Mooresville NC |Sidney Levan Maude Goforth : : a os ston : oe ca Shoemaker Emily Elizabeth] F Statesville NC jJohn Goforth Klzadia Money f ' 1950 | Shoemate Jennie Whittin/ | Utatesville C iBen Wnitvington Kachel Colvert } | Shoemaker | Pink f | iNew Hope Tns Y : . t i} e) / ! ” Y 3 oh Sakae tit. SL a ll Shoemaker /Williem Floyd { | W jCool Springs Tn }John Shoemaker Revecca Upright ( , S ft Shoema Menda W ams Shumake ‘Monroe Adolphus} M | W |Mooresville NC [Bryson Shumake Sleedie Cloaninger 1951, 9 | 22] Shoemaker Robert Lee Mh Statesville N GC] Melton Shoemaker Menda Walliams Shumaker ‘Lester ’ Floyd Mooresville NC |jJohn Shumaker Alice Le Vane 1952 12 17 | Shoemaker Thomas Statesville Nc | Rufus Shoemaker Maudie Shoemaker 1952: & 11} Shamake Nancy Peholia Pit wl wooresville NO fbavia Shoemaker | Eugene |} {Fallstown Tns Roy A Shoemaker Callie Hudspeth cs | . . ) wWiloe iaxer ww. |e Shuma ke | | W ICoddle Creek Tn Earnest C Snumake Julius Martin | te ‘ 224 0 | ry Shoemaker | Joseph Vance Statesville NC |W B Shoemaker Var tha e 2 | 1953. 2 (16)Shoemaker James Washingto yw |IStatesville NY John Shoemaker Margaret Lazenby McLean ae “ ao53 | oe Shoemaker _Mittie vison | W Stutesville NC Harrison Jordon Sllen J Dison ohoemak er Shumaker |John Franklin ; Mooresville NC [William D Shumaker Lucy A Pennington 1953 8 | 9 Shoemaker John Franklin Statesville NC |J G shoemaker morguret Lazenby/ | Shoemaker |Noah Hampton = New Hope Tns Noah Shoemaker Rupard Shuma te ,vohn F (Mrs ) Mooresville NC jDavid Levan alissa Warren 1953) 10 2k Shoemaker Henderson bugenpl a Mooresville NC | Thomas \« ~hoemaker Cynthia mae Shoemake 1953, 10 3}] Shumaker Franklin Elmore| MW | Charlotte, NC |Bryson Shumakee Milinda Cloniger Shoemaker {Joho Solomon | Statesville Tn |Thomas Shoemaker Nettie Guy a ‘ ss 1954, 10 | 29} Shumaker Martha Caroline} F W Statesville NC jJohn Hemric Mary Elizabeth York Shuma ke /Roker't 100.4 | Davidson Tns Bryson Shumake alindia Cloneager £22) | of oh } atesville m} ry \beth Yor | Shoemaker \Monroe R Mooresville NC |vohn Shoemaker 41954 9 15 Shoemaker James Carter Wilkes Co. Floyd Shoemaker Beulah Davis Shoemaker _ Rufus Randolph | Istetesville NC {John P Shoemaker none iene Paseatt 1955 | 1 18 Shoemaker Rufus Statesville, : Kandle Shoemaker Millie Prevette { 1 5) 2 S sme Marrs OY Yag \ S nT ear ‘ it; J 2S | })e ic vir . > 1 Shoemaker | Fallstown Tos {Roy A Shoemaker Callie Hudspeth 99>) > _30 Shoemaker | Ma garet Resell a Statesville N James M Davis Mary 4‘ enny Shoemaker Roger |W {New Hope Tas Janie Shoemaker 1955 8 26 Shoemaker _ Boldy lie Iredell Pinkney Shoemaker Nancy Holiar ton 1955 10 | 1G Shoemaker Charles Ful-/ Ww Statesville NC Fulton Agustus Shoeake r Laura Freeze Shoemaker Myrtle Rupard Fallstown Tn W sslitlidiaaeer a m how alle-toe li, gi . vi nef A956 | 5 (111Shoemaker Yantford 1 Union Grove Rnadal Shoemaker Millie I revette illie Privette ’ OVER ieee RIN AMIN 2° bin rl Gidea | or eae na rx 2 ae 3, Bias 2 ana Nasal er e Pe e s ee e r = — : —s ae Se ae re a p e r se t se nl s a: A Mg ta 32 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, ! ae { This Signature of sbeews insures their correctness. ___ Rew. U.8. Pet oe. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. ~ oO no Ta DATE OF DEATH Yer § Month Day 1924 o>: i233 1924 7 1925 7 1925! 12 1926 7 1926, 12 P a 11927, 4 11927 § | i 19% 7 ov i } J 1927 aT 11928 7 ~ ll as 10 &) Shoem aker f i ia syoc |} csnoeme i | | HI | Shoemaker i Shoemaker o| Shoemaker 6] Shoemaker «} Shoemaker Shoemaker 2) Saumaker ei Shumeker Shoemaker Shoemaker 1932, 5 | 20}!Shoemaker oe 8] Shoemaker 1932) 8 271 Shoemaker 1933, 1 26) Shoemaker 1933, 2 | 22] Shumake 1934, 10 11]Shumaker 1935, 3 15] Shoemaker 1936, 3 9] Shumake 1936; 6 6) Shoemaker 1936, 7 |22] Shumaker 1936; 8 |18)Shoemaker 1936| 8 | 22]Shumate 1936 | 10 _16{Shoemaker 19371 4 5} Shumake 41937 5 |18]Shoemaker 1937; 5 |26|Shoemaker 1938) 3 | 2] Shoemaker 1938; 8 | 8iShoemaker 1940) 7. (3 [Shoemaker nace r Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Sheemaker ker __jRobert Lee SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN |Coyt Eugene Salomon | Rebecca iT Agustus ,Panthy (Mrs) _Eva Long | Daisy Cora Etta ;Carrie Pope ,John F |Alfred Curtis Nettis Mary Elizabeth |Mary Elizabeth iR_L ‘Marthe A ,Christy Coleman | Pink Emily Elizabeth ;Williem Floyd i\Monroe Adolphus |Lester Mv. Floyd | Eugene {Joseph Vance |John Franklin | |Noah Hampton [John F (Mrs) John Solomon Monroe R Rufus Randolph Roger Myrtle Rupard Davis —** ne o Bult names, open at sheet for page Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH F | W [Chambersburg M | W Cool Springs Tn M W jMooresville NC | M | W |Mooresville NC M W |Fallstown Tns M , W jCoddle Creek Tn MW {Statesville NC M | W [Mooresville NC M | W |New Hope Tns F | W |Mooresville Ne M W |Statesville Tn -M_| W_ jDavidson Tns M | W [Mooresville nc M | W [Statesville ne M | W ]Fallstown Thos M W.jNew Hope Tns F Ww Fallstown Tn Moiw New Hope Th Fu Mo} W Mooresville NC Qlin Tas New Hope Tns Fallstown Tns Statesville Tn F W IStatesville NC h W iStatesville NC F | W IMooresville NC t | M W |Mooresville NC | F W |Statesville NC F W iMooresville NC Mooresville NC M . W {Mooresville NC Fallstown Tn Mi W Chambersburg tatesville NC br y = Statesville NC - | W [Turnersburg Tn Statesville NC Cool Springs Tn New Hope Tns Statesville NC Tn TnoiR ( et ate at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer seferense. NAME OF FATHER R C Shoemaker W Bost Shoemaker Pinkney W Shoemaker William Shoemaker Shoemaker Rry — ryson Thos Davis W S Bré awle ey Monroe Shoemaker | 1 | | | | i j iS Williams Frances Pope 1 Shoemaker i M Shoemaker Rash John Shoemaker John Goforth John Shoemaker Bryson Shumake John Shumaker Roy A Shoemaker Earnest C Shumake W B Shoemaker William D Shumaker Noah Shoemaker David Levan Thomas Shoemaker Bryson Shumake John Shoemaker John P Shoemaker Roy A Shoemaker Randell Shoemaker INDEX No, 1-4 COTTCO UNIVERSAL U. 8. Patent No. 1481100 —Coorrighs 930 NAME OF MOTHER Grace Cornelius Essie Rufton Dessie Wilson Nancy Lambert Malinda Cloniger Ida Lambert Vargaret Morrison Mary Ida Davis Daisy Shoemaker Cass Mollie Honeycutt Melinda Cloniger ‘Della Goforth Martha Miller Mamie Reavis Mv. W Shumaker Essie Fcx Minda Shoemaker Williams Elzadia Money Rebecca Upright Sleedie Cloaninger Alicé Le Vane Callie Hudspeth Julius Martin hiarthe McLean Lucy A Pennington Rupard Melissa Warren Nettie Guy Malindis Cloneagar _fRosaland Padgett Callie Hudspeth jJanie Shoemaker Millie Privette | 202 22] 81 ae 444 ee | 245 22 | 307 jez | 258 lez | 623 feo. 5 74 | fea | 170 }23_| 382 j24 | 123 24 | 239 | 26 | 149 Po | 2 RECORDED Voi. Page 10; 32 10 | 11) 113, 369! 131-4121 15 | 15 | 16 | 145 54 | 231 13, 237| 13) £38 14. 372 | 14) 212) > re qc INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 56/5. ibht DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1942, 6 _24)Shoemaker 1943. 2 5 Shoemaker 1943.5 SiShoemsker 1943. 6 oiShoemsker 1944. 2 9 iShoemsker 1944. 3% 15 iShumete 11944 2 9 Shoemaker 1944, 12 16) Shu ar 1946. 4 .11)Shumseker 1946 3 . 30) Shoemaker 1946 7 15]/Shumsker 1947. 8 3 Shoemaker 1948 6 25] Shumake 1948 5 13] Shoemaker 1948 10 14 Shwmake 1948 12 15fShumaker 1949 6 19] Shumake 1949 10 18] Shoemaker 41949. 12 10i Shoemaker 1950.7 .16iShoemaker $1950 8 3 | Shumake $1950. 11 23 |Shoemate 1951) 4 lL. | Shoemakex 1951 9 22) Shoemaker 1952.12 17] Shoemaker $1952) 4 |11§Shamake sei 1952 6 _&§ | Shoemaker 1955. 2 16|Shoemaker —} 1953 4 |14 Shoemaker | 1953 8 19 Shoemaker 4195310 24f Shoemaker 1953 10 33] sjumaker 41954, 10 | 29] Shumaker 41954. 9 _|15] Shoemaker 1955) 1 18] Shoemaker | 2955) a 50] shoenaker —_|isss 6 [26 Shoemaker _ —_|.1955 10 | 1q Shoemaker =e {Shoemaker -Rissie Roy Lee SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ae Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Fea eey Mary hetilds Sex i ft I | / tT = | M i iy 4 | | i Dorothy Moline | F ir) mnry Ford Pearl lL x Mery Bell Nathan Jonas Jella Annie Morefield F Grad Martha “axter RC Ada Morrow Winslow F Lester Armfield t ‘Be: 440, va _luattie Looper William Burice Callie Isadore gton Jennie Whittin/ Robert Lee Thomas Nancy Ly ad rence 12 “ 11a , | il? | on IM i i WT ab “y j M — E~ M ey James Washingtom M _Mittie John Franklin Dison F M Henderson LugenpM Franklin Elmore Martha Caroline + James Carter Rufus Margaret Rosell _Boldy L. ton Charles Ful-/ antford ah F _W Statesville NC Ww Ytatesville NC _W_ | Statesville Nc _W |Statesville NC ‘MW | Charlotte, NC ie Statesville NC M_| W [Wilkes Co. M W | Statesville, W Statesville NC W Iredell We Statesville NC Color | PLACE OF DEATH 4 W |Coddle Creek | it W |Stetesville NC Ww lturnersbure Tas! | iI | W {Statesville Nc | i | ee bY | letown Tns NG |Mooresville NC | W |Statesville NC 1 Wi j}4oo:esville NC W | Statesville NC ola W | i} Wy) Mooresville NC 4 | MOOresville Statesville NC f W a NC Wi totatesville NC W Mooresville NC W | otatesville NC iredell ¥ OUTIL y Statesville N C Mooresville NC + atesville W Statesville NC W |Statesville NC W Mooresville NC _Union Grove OVER “ i { | | Berl net { VESViLlile WU | | NAME OF FATHER f panos Shoemaker lEelay Shoemaker Daniel G Wilcox GClisrence Shcemsker Ir ot sker iy Shipmata bn wee the ~ | Thomas Shoemaker ho + 4d A hae heh ted nk ate |Jacob Misenheimer Qh Snoema ker me Mieloth lL Vx +\2 Val i | Asa Morefield Frank McLain June 4 Morrow Lester Shumaker Bruson Shumake Salmon “hoemaker Jake Looper Burrell shoemaker Sidney Levan Ben Whittington techicaiacloradleth ds nninhdeethed kee Melton Shoemaker Rufus Shoemaker Davia A Levan John Shoemaker Harrison Jordon J G shoemaker Thomas \ vhoemaker Bryson Shumakee John Hemric Floyd Shoemaker N@ Randle Shoemaker James M Davis Pinkney Shoemaker Rnadal Shoemaker Mmovert Lee Snumake Fulton Agustus Shoenaker DEATHS — Iredell —- N. C. 31 le by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio me ib »y Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Vel! Peas Sallie rrivette 28. 40 Szzie Rooper 29,214 | Seline White £2,274 4 Hesger Shoems ker 29.158 ij ++ 4 pe ~AOemA KA HVE TVIE rUY Ynoem: i . | ° : | - ; sie Woodie | i] ‘ 4 we » SA * tote Sede | | jtearthe Shankle 1 my 43 ‘ i} ‘ H | Dovie Byers | Mary Mason ¥ -evrak Ce +eVan betty saker Alice hucks le Willene Verb Luiser M -humake Polly Shoemaker Kkebeccu Clemintin Kizzie Dishman Maude Goforth Rachel Colvert date denen nL hf 2 CHiGer-s¢ Menda Williams Maudie Shoemaker iancy warren Margaret Lazenby Kllen J Dison Shoemak er Margaret Lazenby/ Milinda Cloniger Mary Blizabeth York Beulah Davis Millie Prevette Mary /enny Nancy Hollar +aura Freeze Millie Prevette it LL nie " ow ct ) R tO Nettie Guy Shoemaker Cynthia hae shoemaker 39 500 | 501. Be BO. 99 VY 009 at j rae eer Leg [32 143) 1) 32, 235) le | 1} ig hae yaa 132, 294] MEL 133. 330-441) D4 299 ii 34 299] |!) 34 W448 | Hd ~ ae = a) ‘ a —— — : - : -* = a nk 39 603 Hh MQ 523 \ 40) 546 | ih 4l 15 iit 41) 287 4l 416 ! 41 487 ae a v e v lag. uh. Pes. 9 om. _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. This Signature on sheets insures thei: correctness. {For Your Protection, Insist On It. — Le Ont oP onare SURNAME OF DECEASED ‘is laid Year | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN it 1924, 5 (11}Shoemaker - 3 IL, 1924, 7 | 25 Shoemaker \Coyt Eugene MW | 1925 7 17) Shoemaker - M W | 1925, 11 | 30] Shoemaker | Salomon M | UW | 1926; 7 | li Shcemaker Rebecca {| F | W 5 1g26, 12 . 2) Shoemaker ,T Agustus MW F 1927, 2. 2 Shoemaker .Panthy (Mrs) F iW . 1827 4 mp eens rcs Eva Long M W | lise 5 1! Shoemaker | Daisy | F W b 1927 5 1) Shoemaker ~ Mi W t 11927, 11 | 5] Shoemaker \Cora Etta FW re | [' lies 7 6] Shoemaker Carrie Pope | F W |, 11929 1 . 23] Shoemaker ,John F M W i 1929 2 :14! Shoemaker Alfred Curtis | M V _ 1929, 3 12}Shoemaker \Nettis Fiw t 1930 3 eg Shoemaker - M iW i 1930; 11 «| Shumaker ,Mary Elizabeth F W }1930) 11 é| Shumeker |\Mary Elizabeth F iW BE 1931; 1 8] Shoemaker iR_ 1 eo i= : ‘i _ 1931 10 26}Shoemaker ‘Martha A F iW i 1932, 5 | 20] Shoemaker Christy Coleman| M | W iM 1932, 7, 8)Shoemaker Pink mM iw : hi. 1932 8 _&71 Shoemaker |Emily Elizabeth WwW i 1933, 1 26)Shoemaker |Williem Floyd M iW re | tl 1933; 2 | 22]Shumake j|Monroe Adolphus] M | W | 1934, 10 |11)Shumaker \Lester M Floyd | uw | w i, 1935, 3 |15] Shoemaker |paxene MW i 1936); 3 9] Shumake - M |W | iL 193€; 6 6 Shoemaker Joseph Vance M iW l. 1936, 7 | 22]/Shumaker |\John Franklin | M | WwW ie.) ib 1936’ 8 |18/\Shoemaker Ioan Hampton M iW . 1936) 8 | 22) Shumate | John F (Mrs) F iW i oe 10 |16}Shoemaker | Jone Solomon M iW 1 | F 1937 4, 5|Shumake ; ponent toed a W [ 1937| 5 |18}Shoemaker Monroe R Tul» | m 11937 5_|26| shoemaker __|autus Kandolph | M | W F t 11938; 3 | 2] shoemaker - M | fy _]1938| 8 | 8}Shoemaker Roger M | W 41940 | 7. 13 {Shoemaker Myrtle Rupard | F Ww 0! 5 hoemaker Davis M iW PLACE OF DEATH Olin Tns New Hope fns Fallstown Tns Statesville Tn Statesville NC Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Statesville Mooresville New Hope Tns Statesville NC Cool Springs Tn Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Fallstown Tns Coddle Creek Tn Statesville NC Mooresville NC New Hope Tns Mooresville NC Statesville Tn Davidson Tns Mooresville NC Statesville Nc Fallstown Tns New Hope Tns Fallstown Ta Yew Hope Tn NC iv Monroe Mooresville NC iB John Bryson Sh t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer meno Bult’ ut sheet tor page seterenes. NAME OF FATHER Chambersburg TnjR C Shoemaker Mooresville NC |W Bost Shoemaker Pinkney \ Shoemaker William Shoemaker Bryson Shoemaker Thos Davis | S Brawley Shoemaker NC |S Williams Frances Pope ryson Shoemaker Mooresville NC |E } emaker Fallstown Tn James y Chambersburg TnjR Shoemaker Statesville NC aurice umaker Statesville NC aurice Shumaker Turnersburg Tn ~ Statesville NC jkash Cool Springs TnjJohn Shoemaker John Goforth Shoemaker umake John Shumaker Roy A Shoemaker Earnest C Shumake W B Shoemaker William D Shumaker Noah Shoemaker David Levan Thomas Shoemaker Bryson Shumake John Shoemaker John P Shoemaker _ Roy A Shoemaker Randeli Shoemaker _ COTTCO U Grace Cornelius Essie Rufton Dessie Wilson Nancy Lambert Ida Lambert Margaret Morriso Mary Ida Davis Daisy Shoemaker Cass Mollie Honeycutt ‘Della Goforth Martha Miller Mamie Reavis Mv. W Shumaker Essie Fox Minda Shoemaker Williams Elzadia Money Rebecca Upright Alice Le Vane Callie Hudspeth Julius Martin Martha McLean Rupard 8 lissa Warren Nettie Guy NIVERSAL INDEX No. 1.4 uv. & Fetes Ne. aE NAME OF MOTHER Malinda Cloniger n Melinda Cloniger Sleedie Cloaninger Lucy A Pennington Malindisa Cloneagar fRoSaland Padgett Callie Hudspeth paste Shoemaker _ {Millie Privette. a dT i RECORDED ‘| SS, = Vol. Page 10; 32 10| 202 11 268 ll! 243 12. 132! 12! aea| 16 369| J13 | 12| 13. 257 13. eae! 14, 372) 14 | cre | 15 | zea 15 — 1s, 190! 16. ai 17, 4s0| 18 | aval a7 i 583 | 17 | 448 19 | 143 19 | 292 18 415 19 145 19 | 54 20 | 231 21 | 202 R2 |. 8) 22 | 444 22 | 245 22 | 307 "7 jek | 258 3 22 | 623 23 |. 945 423 | 170 Si i jj fea | zea} —— : 24 | 123. ke ia 4 | 239 see 26| 149] -— COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 EB DATE OF GEATH Year Month Day 1942, 6 (2h)Shoemaker 11943. 2 | SjShoemaker 1943, 5 | SiShoemaker 11943, 6 . SiShoemsaker 1944. 2 9 Shoemaker 1944: $8 15 iShume te 1944 2 9 Shoe mak er 1944) 10 12} OD I 1944, 12 116i Shumaker 1946. 4 .11)Shumsker 1946. 3 . 30) Shoemaker 1946 7 15)Shumeker 19478 3 \Shoemaker 1948 6 25] Shumake 1948 5 13] Shoemaker 1948 10 19 Shumake 1948 12 15}Shumaker 1949 6 19] Shumake 1949 10 19 Shoemaker 1949. 12 10h Shoemaker 1950.7 .161 Shoemaker 1950 8 3 | Shumake $1950. 11 23 IShoemate BJo4, lL. | Shoemaker 1951 9 22] Shoemaker 1952.12 17] Shoemaker $1952, 4 |11]Shumake . 1952 6 | 8 | Shoemaker 11953 2 16|Shoemaker ——}| 1953 4 | 14 Shoemaker ___| 1953 8 | ih Shoemaker 41953, 10 24] Shoemaker ——.|1953 10 3}.] Shumaker {1954 10 | 29] Shumaker 1954 9 |15] Shoemaker _ 2955 | 1 |16] Shoemaker J 4955) 5 134 Shoemaker ———}.195$_ 8 26 _Shoemaker — 1955 10, 1d Shoemaker 1956/5 1a ‘Shoemaker SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN -Rissie Roy Lee Wilco Mery Metilds ? F Dorothy Moline Mary Bell Nathan Jonas Grady Della Annie Morefield Martha Rk C Ada Morrow : Winslow F Lester Armfield M _luattie Looper F William Burice M Callie Isadore F gton Pais ie Cate eee Pe eh oa oe See te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sex bj M be | +axter | i | F P? M _Jennie Whittin/ F Robert Lee Thomas Nancy ary K £enc James Washingto# M _Mittie Dison F John Franklin Henderson LugenpM Franklin Elmore o Margaret Rosell Martha Caroline F James Carter Rufus | Boldy L, Charles Ful-/ “antford MN = 6W | Statesville N C M W | Statesville Nc lial! I Mooresville NC F Statesvi W Statesville NC W |Statesville NC M_ W |Statesville NC W | Mooresville NC M W | Charlotte, NC W Statesville NC | M_| W jWilkes Co. MW RF |W | Statesville NC MW | Iredell ton M |W (Statesville NC Color i I | Lloo esv i i W | Statesville NC | W Wi iStatesville NC W |lotatesville NC | | ¥ |statesvi lle Hn} | Mooresvi iCoddle Creek ille ole Statesville Mooresville NC Jie Mooresville NC a W otatesville Ww statesville NC Mooresville NC red 4 nt 4 Ad SO ee WO otatesville, Nf Randle Shoemaker Union Grove OVER NC | iteSvilie wd NC \ PLACE OF DEATH = H a i | | | NC NAME OF FATHER amos Shoemaker [Baldy Shoemeker lpenier G Wilcox W lTurnersburg Tas I | a ne ae a __Wi_|Statesville NC |@isrence Shcemsker | H _W iFellstown Tns JThomss Shoensker | i a P oes wyetecyvil) NU fig F Shumate I | W {Fallstown Tns Thomas Shoemaker ! - i i} fe & i i fe W | Mooresville NC | Jacob Misenheimer il H i} ij il " W Statesville NC | Berl Shoemaker ‘ sa See, NU iMeloth Goforth Asa Morefield NMovert bee on Frank McLain June 4 Morrow Bruson Shumake Jake Looper Sidney Levan Ben Whittington ' 1 wey ll il lk he he cle ta Melton Shoemaker Rufus Shoemaker Davia A Levan John Shoemaker Harrison Jordon J G shoemaker Thomas \ Bryson Shumakee John Hemric Floyd Shoemaker James M Davis Rnadal Shoemaker INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell —_ N. C. bus, Ohio M by The Cott Index Company, Colum _ ib i by Obec erver Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. WnuaAaN& Salmon “hoemaker Burrell shoemaker ~hoemaker Pinkney Shoemaker Pee eee eee Fulton Agustus Shoenaker RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Vol.| Page Sallie rrivette 281 40 izzie Rooper 29.214 iSeline White 22.274 | liiesper Shoems ker 29.158 j tie UY S} r ae 19 |, . co 30 Bl | Nettie Guy Shoemaker 50. 99 j f | rs ig nson J 59 4 | i f 30 +3 | |“ertha Shankle 52. 143 i | 132. 235 | Dovie byers 52. 294 pare Mason 33- 330 | Te.rake +evan 34 £22 | j | betty Saker 34 299 | Alice Hucks 34 448 i | jf Willene Verbée A $10 j | Luiser M °humake 55 215 | Olly Shoemaker 53 577 Kebeccu Clemintin 35.485 Kizzie Jishman 36, 361 Maude Goforth 36.419 Rachel Colvert 36. 585 ke eed mara Jane Henderson aed Menda Williams 37| 502 Maudie Shoemaker 38 | 107 ancy Warren BS «6192 BS 282 Margaret Lazenby 5952 Bbllen J Dison 39 178 ohoemak er “argaret Lazenby/ 39 375 Cynthia hae shoemakek39 500 Milindg Cloniger 39 603 Mary Elizabeth York | 40 523 Beulah Davis 40! 546 Millie Prevette 41 15 Mary tenny 41) 287 Nancy Hollar 41. 416 Laura Freeze 2 487 das Millie Prevette n Cae? ea et 1 wil ¥ ce asd that’ pena Lt each ks Peeehaeeaaiaae eee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Baltes This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, ITTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 193¢ DATE OF DEATH 1956 1956 1956 1956 1957 1957 Qss 195 1964 1965 L965 1965) 5 1965 8 Year Month Day 1964 5 28 1964, & | 5 27 Shoemaker 10} Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker, Jr. 7 Shumaker Shoemaker Shoe maker Shoemaker 17] Shoemaker 15] Shoemaker 10 29] Shumake 2 24 Shoemaker Shoe make r Shumaker Shoemaker Bhoe maker maker, Jr, , bhoemaker choemaker 27| Shoemaker Shumaker Shoemaker 12 22 Shoemaker 2 14) Shoe maker 3 25) Shumake 17 | Shumaker fe Shoemaker SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN gate loca ius Mauddie Cornei/ William Edward Emna McLain Robert L. Wm. Franklin LOnanie Fletcher Laura Belle Sharon Lee Rome Spurgeon a , agate 16e8Ss3s1e ve Everette R. Cranford Clifton James B. ye Marie Roxie Bustle Delia Hs Lillie W,. Wm. Morris John B Sugene viarence Sarah Stillborn Walter Earnest Onar Troy Jay Jacob Stillborn edgiieitibena Rieter Lala is Statesville Statesville NC Statesville NC Ree. aoe TY statesv ille NC W Ptatesville Wi Statesville Btatesville NC Statesville Mooresville Morganton Statesville NC Union Grove 4C Statesville Ne i Statesville Nc otatesville Winst on-Salen Statesville State sville Statesville Hid den ite Mooresville Statesville Statesville Mooresville Mooresville Statesville } | ee rads hy vv tia en PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC j C 7 = ve Morganton, N. C te names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER Mark “humate William B Shoemaker Frank McLain Wm. F. Shoemaker Adolphus Shumake mn Edd L Freeze Bobby M Shoemaker Yavid sarnett Roy Lee Shoemaker Jonas Shoemaker tilford Jomson Rufus Shoemaker Shumake Winslow L. Burley Sheemaker Harold Williams John Hutchins Wm. 4. Walker Yohn G. Shoemaker John B Shoemaker, Sy “lbert M Shoemaker ‘or acey More field Carl Shoemaker Sr, “nk. John F Sho emaler Earn Sparks Adolphus ™ Shoemaker John F Shumake John F Shumaker Reg. U.S. Pat. Of. NAME OF MOTHER Laura Ann Staley Martha R McLain Emma Baker Mernevia Shoemaker Ketha Argabright Lillie Day Susan Swann Margaret Gregory “. Honnw Yhann fanny erry Mattie Shoemaker Emma McClain White Annie Morefield Selene Callie Levan Martha Shoemaker Amelia M Mason Jennie Hustle varolina Myers Annie Sharpe Marcoret Lazenby mous i Mutn otroud Voris a Mc*eely nhoxie S%ustl Mary Mason Bet ty Allison Dorothy Shumker Alice Levan Fanny Finney “illie Day Alice Levan Charles A. Shoemsker Claire V West Mary B Misenheimek 51 295 For Your Protection, Insist On It. RECORDED 2 413 42 495 42.476 51, 495 43 143] 43 301. 44 209 | 44 339 | ne a * SNA erent SF se | $1958 42959 _} 1969 2960 | DATE OF DEATH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Coepyright 1936 Year | Month 2 t 1916| 3 1917, 12 1 1950 | 1931 | 1935 | 1935 | 1935, 1935 | 1935 | 1935 | 1936. 1937 | 1937. 1938, 1 1939 | 11 1940! 3 1940| 3 1940, 9 1940| 12 Lond 2 1942, 3 1946, 3 1946 | 12 1955 3 1956 12 1956 12 i 1959 1962) lz 1.1.5 20 129 112 ,28 , 29) 13 1d ‘Be Day + 29 13 3 7 30 Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shufford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shufford Shuford Shufford Shuford 14 |Shufford Shuford Shuford Shuford Shuff ord haford Shuford Shuford Shuf ord Shuford Shutord anuien Shufo rd Shaford SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN aap te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Walter Margaret Poston Mary Elizabeth Ethel re er Mayhew Pinkey J Pinkie J (Mrs } Lucile James ‘Thomas Qsear Quince A Sallie Mamie Max ,Joseph Henry |\Allice ¢C Oliver _Leitha Wingate Richard James \Jame s | Mery Louise \Sheiley C _ Queen Tyler Jacob Johnny Bruce ‘wn Henry Margaret E. Lula Mae | Vallie Chambers | Emma Mae Jacob Henke] J H. ‘Es : le Wn. Dink g Color PLACE OF DEATH iBarringer Tns | it IConeora Tns iStatesville ! Tn [Barringer Tns 1 \Barringer Tn “ Bop aie bias itatesville NC NAME OF FATHER { | ; ‘ iJ L Shuford Edward Poston Alexander Shuford [Beltear | Chae aii enutord Jacob Shuford Ir f) fro nAaatw jd O Munday 3 J O Munday arringer Tns arringer Tns iStatesville Tns | i ae ae iIstatesville NC ic + aee4 r . RUB eBeSVvVilie N CC a Statesville N C| iCoddle Hl Creek Tn i} IS tatesville i | Tns Isnilon Tns [Barringer Tns Statesville NC lstatesville NC Concord Tn Statesville Tn Coddle Creek Tn Mooresville NC Statesville NC Coddle Creek | Statesville NO Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Mooresville Mooresville i |Winston-Sa lem orn Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville 2 atesv il. L tatesville tatesville Statesville ly it ID Pinkney Shuford y ii | ~~} oo > George w Shuford | 1 | Cunt Grey Will Shuford William Shuford Eli Summers Robert Beatty Sj Thomas £— Shuford McElwee Shuford D D Shuford Euerl Hunsucker Henry Shuford Freeman Wingate Will Shuford Oliver Shufford Alexander Shufcrd John Shufford Elex Cline Robert Shuford Walter Shuford ~~ Joseph H Shuford Wm Shuf ord Will Hershell Daniel Redon Abner Summers Daniel “huf ord Danie irae Faatond | Julius Shuford Elisha Shuford a Me DEATHS -- Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Obio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER Sallie Summers Elizabeth Poston [Rena Gray H Rolls lsallie Summers lsallie Sumers Lacy Jonnson Lacy Johnson | y Summers i , es - Halie Shuford | hary heard | Ruth Shuf leis Wilson imma Summers AMnie Munday Sulie Oakley Sarah Reatty Mary Huitt Essie Smyre Margaret Poston bella Hunsucker Sina Summers Ruby Smith Rena Grey Mary Murdock Amanda Lowrance Parry Angle Jane Shuford — Roberta Vickery Emma Simmers Hattie McCollie Etta Morrison Lavonia Mostener Mayante eaten” Queen Cline Caroline Ramseur ao ee RECORDED Val. Page 26, 26 | 26, 27 28 | 32. 32. 472 Ma 118 2 | 562 42, 59h 44 126 44 542 45 53 45 410 46 204 44 418 48.67 | wh Rs Aa) arr ¢ } i | N53) Py | sls 14.26 9] 246 i o e -_ - —— - = oe —, {. ee 2 ap a c e z an or Do d i ae ce ae t n a , ee ES i ae ce e ; st a c e y ’ 35. 34 INDEX TO VITAL ST ATISTICS DE ATHS— Iredell County N. C. | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DE ATHS-— Iredell County, N. C. s ’ i T ; . f oo ab he 3 ; co in a Ohio vi i I Made b The Cott Index Company. Columbus. 4 OTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 ~ saa ———— os coTrTrco UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. L-4 Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB ant refer “ by Observer Printing House, Chariots at SURNAME INIT! AL TAB and refer ob Patent Ne. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 see U. 8. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reterencs- r 4 palette: . Tae Siguatere oe shoes Semeres hes eueecenee — — Buf Sub-index sheet for page reference. — _— rn = 1 i q HER RECORDED he ; . Want Protecties, leat UF ie a i ol i‘ | ee - nog ta reece. ( Por Yoar tse“ ; RECORDED a 1 pATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED 1 sex | Coler PLACE. OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOT i 2 > NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER |? ; lcsoath | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN | \ : | DATE OF DEATH = SURNAME OF DECEASED tse Cor | PLACE OF DEATH } age l = | ' | | i ne ' AnD CARESTUA RANE, & ONE (5 GIVER : 4 | | e io 199) | Yea Meath Day < ‘ | ss } i ye : enulenberzer Mary A tur = y | ' ' | Ada Southern B . 148} 1915; 11 | 50 Shulenberger {William s | M , W [Mooresville nc |Jacobd Shulenberget mary ¢ i if : oY a 4 i i : q ' | fr | . ; } . Iearie Mills Tas daniel Shore | \ \ on aeaheth Bulinger 125) 5008 h0a16 12 17 ickore -O¥ate .. 2. 4 i Filed j oe sk oe (a mp Schullenburger Elizabeth 1 & ~ 1 ; if 12929) 22 ee 4 4 | 503 | 1929; 9 | 6 Schullenburger | Ide LF) Wis tatesville NC JT R ocAur- & i | . |. aeave Tos Wames Filmore " t t | | ine oo! seis: @ ,elShores Slizadseta - W pyai0n8 Grove Tns wanes , | : q ; is | ; : i eC, wha jnachnel [sennour yo Lest goes ee } oi alii Pegsy Huff 5 | 310 1933, 12,11 Shulenberger \Mary Bostian 4 ¢ W |Mooresville RY pAndrew oss ) | co ee al yx OW «facile Mills Tas David snore ee r | \ \ M_heis 12 isjpsners se Orge - = ; ee \ r t a ay oe a Southard ; 319 | 4 { ps ts ~sigore & ¥ 4 (Sazle Mills Ta iDaniel D Shore eda 20 r t : { \ 1 i | | 1319 7 £9 jonore -S2S8s* .* = pea | \ — \ | i | f \ . ’ if i - 5 ' i 4 t ; So ee) ee Ade Souther Hd , 113 } : ; 1 1 ' i i i | 1925 2 5S }Shore - x W Eagle Kills Ans ges ! — | | | | i f eee 4 644 | ' | | | | a ae - : is x wy TWnion Grove Ins jCaivin snore Howell | i \ \ 11926 ~~ = Es. SAAR ES ’ 8 \ : i | i ¥ i ; eas estas ae o Shaw 16 | 330 | i | ; : = F Statesville NC iCLintvens Shores lhogie was | 1 | gl ive é +& . 2 hh } , | i : - : ow oat E Anderson 17, 120 | i 1 ; i as a Ras Le ills Tn vee nor S pyelyn & 1 t i ih : - z a oe i 1 ‘ , 3 aA ows ue e - it | Be | i y | sey * fi D aU 639 i | } | : i : b w MWnion Grove Ins (Chester | whore Maud Romaine r i — | ! | af 19354 oO Pe . - . i} | \ i | 4 i ' lo « ‘ "i 4 + i j ‘ : wig | Rlizabeth Elmore lee 120 ' } \ at ole, Seats v4 y W (Bagle Mills Ins | - ioe — | | | jive. ¢ Fae eS a I. | i i i i son Stack n h Robertson Ie4 , 553 i | \ 10% ‘ 2 Chr } tea Teonil E W Mnion Srove [ns iJ ermiao Stack be borah - ] ; \ | y \ 1Q2ZR © Snores Vernaga.k aes” - " \ } ' } q jive . & | | | { i | i wer ge wT i it } . xy ere ee n cy te mire TL 4 440 | { i ij toe | =a te aces r yw Statesville c william C Shore t lnira Woodruf z | | | 1938 11 28 e Cora ' i i ye \ | { I ee G ° etty Lou Taylor 6 480 | | | me . ae one W Statesville nc Ptis Gene Sharpe B ? J P 4 | | 41950 9 27 pnore oo ; i i H i i Hh f et Huff 39: 351 | | \ 4 i \ ny, ‘ 1 ‘ Shor bh 2G 6M A a Pd i i \ \ | | | \ ae i J Davi ral i i i \ sti wi Harmon | Wilson Southard Nan cy avis 50 2 i | \ i é g |Shore Ada i _ | | | | | | | 11964 9 ponor 4 i . 1 | i | I 4 1) } i ; | Unknown Unknown 5 99 i | | i i 1 il 1965 2 12! Shore Novada r + Statesv2 lle i n no ; i ’ } \ \ i } yvnd at ¥ = i } " ! 4 Hl | i i i r t i | i} i | } ; } i \ | | | \ { i i i | 4 \ {| \ i } + 1 i i i tt f i i i} bad] , 3 N 4 4 | | \ i “ et | } ( | | \ 4 1 He i | i ! | i \ Hh \ | | | A i | i | 1 | LTT” | | | | 1a \ | ' i | Ty \ 1 i } UAE | | | | | | Hi ' } : \ | PR | \ \ l { | | hii | | i | | | sR 4 | i aa ; | | 1 | | | 11) r i it i bit it: | i i ‘ hi | ii | 4 | \ | H i} ii | tt 4 \ | ' bie | | | | Pa i | } i 4 + | { ’ i i | | : Hl! { | ii | ‘ | \ i \ wey } | Beil i \ i } —— . Pi { \ ij } 5 ‘ — ei ity 4 4 nm 5 Bi ha | m1 4 ; ' »>sville NC ry Shoaf Susanna A Sink 15 | 258 1929, 7 | 13) Shoat \Henry Elis uo. & [Mooresville Nc jMeary ie, cos ee Se nr an¢ if! | ge dere a ‘I ij Moo res i a > N C lien cy rh Sn 08 . gut ah wid + le > 50 i O70 ' ~~ 1944). 9 }15 Shosf lALStoON trabuin _— Ah - ape eet eee ; soresvi ¢ ( JOSNOVUS LLie2 ‘ ca Ox Bis 251 24e +4 195% 7 |7 [shoot [sarah hile: | i + 4 + ; gi ad | oun —-~. + ? ‘ | + , ¥ aa } ‘ ; + } ; | + } M i i igi a “7 . + 7 \ cs | | oy ~~ ‘ e + + | \ 1 | ania, j ' i, | 1 ] ’ t s | | i “ae | { } 1 1 | \ * ae ae seemeeen + | ' i | sail | 1 4 — “a } | | | | : | -—_ : | i pane fart oe oo ; . ? — is © 9 ; ory eee a “sieht aaa Set te er ee " ee , ms a aes mae . eR Se eee heer es er eee be Lae Lae y; | 34 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. o i | itll . eco re ee Mel CaS BREF To locate aames, SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer pres aA reat | 1-4 ae _— coTTCO U ENE ATE ONE ! : ! Bea alates Pte nomen crn nag On It. aa te Gull ‘Sahin sheet tor Sige eeeenen. a = - - — - — oe — - ae = Se ; z ere sees itis > - Fea ROMA ce ie ; = locate memes, ee INITIAL TAB and refer Scld by Observer Printing House, — N. c. leas" ' | a SS ay ‘ Fi RECORDED Sn DEATH : : RECORDED al DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER) /-———— : eats SURNAME OF DECEASED ; P | Yer § Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Se [Oe PLAS CP CEA Vol. Page : Ye | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER cal Gans ih b : . ' | 2 ad lbenno 1 } + lf 1916, 12 17}Shore Edward M .W jEagle Mills Tns [Daniel Shore Ada Southern © . 148 1915) 11 | 30] Shulenberger |William s uly | Mooresville NC |Jacob Shulenberger {Mary A Fur: | 2; 199 i 2 , Filed | | 7 | | 1917. 7. (12/Shores Elizabeth F .| W [Union Grove Tns |James Elmore 2 4. 508 1929, 9 | 6)Schullenburger (Ida | F | W [Statesville NC |T R Schullenburger [Elizabeth Bulinger 15, 500 1U ! : | ep < , 1916 / 12 (18}Shore Peorge 5 MW WRagle Mills Tos David Shore poser Hutt Pp; 310 1933, 12 .1lliShulenberger (Mary Bostian Fl wo daoerenyiiic NC Andrew Bostian achel Jsenhour #19) 122 |? ? i“ ' i ~ ~~ ») mAs - lisas 7 29 |Shore Isidore R M . W {Eagle Mills Tn |jDaniel D Shore “da Southard D> | 319 H | | “ | i | Hy | a: : | j i l1925, 2 5 |Shore - MW |agle Mills Tns [D D Shore Ada Souther 11, 113 | | ! | rf | : | | | i | oeeS hd | ! | | i 1928 10 1 |Shore William M M ._W jUnion Grove fns jCalvin Shore Howell 14 644 | | | | ia | | 3} ; | i | | Hh 11930, 2 (12]Shores - | FW jStatesville N C iClinton Shores Angie Shaw ne 330 | | | i te ae | | | ! | Hae j1931 3 30]Shore - | M W /Kagle Mills Tn [Dee Shore Evelyn Anderson 7. 120 | | | | | i Mind i | i i Hl i 7 | | } i | | i 1a 11934; 3 12 Shore Margaret R | F W Union Grove Tns (Chester C Shore Maud Domalue Ro 639 | | i | anuhag rs | i | | i i i i | ; i | | . = I | i i i} 11935 9 : Is hore Va | M .W [eagle Mills Tns - Elizabeth Elmore 22,120 | ! | | | | re i | | | = HH W1938 2 2 Shores Mahala Leonia | F _W WJUnion Grove Tns WJermiah Stack Deborah Robertson 4 | 553 | | | Ts i ge ul | iH | ceil it t " ij if t; ® ta | | | | | | Ait | 11938 11 lore Cora } F . W [Statesville N C William C Shore Eluira Woodruff [. 440 | a | I | | | I | r | . | | i i : 11950 9 re Rickey Gene | M W[Statesville NC Ptis Gene Sharpe Betty Lou Taylor 6 480 | ia | i | | | | f i | " i f 1 i il ope ; : ; : : ‘ ‘ ‘a . pei telah i | | | | i | Vaniel David hi ‘i narmony, Rt. <j David Shor marraret Huff SY) 552-4 ae | | hs } i ; i t t + # i iz { | | i t 11964 9 8 |Shore Ada | F Wi Harmony Wilson Southard ~— Nancy J Davis 50 511 | | | | “ r i H HN i ' 11965 2 12) Shore Novada F W i Statesville Unknown Unknown 51; 99 | ee mi | = | ia i | i | | ‘| it | | I 3 ! at L | | i | i Hj | | | —— | i ! i | P| F i i i| os a i | | + i | | | Li } 4 + i ra L: ’ | hi | hi | i at | Rhee | tH 1 ae i j 1 + j TH i Hy mu | | HIF H, tei | Ha l: a f 1 ' j a4 H fi y i. | a re i } ure ! fT i Whe } ‘| | t ; . ig ! Dh ¥ i i an i + 4 = — | a cf c ; ee ee m Cl t 1929 7 | 13] Shoaf |\Henry Elis M , W Mooresville NC Henry Shoaf Susanna A Sink 15 | 258 ih! | ue y MH | : , reo ” . a L ae a | ry . f i | 1944) 9 /13iShoaf jJAlL ston Francis Mi W {Mooresville NC [uenry ££ Shoaf Sarah Miller SO| S75] J 1} . ; 1 | | 195% 7 |7 [Shoat [Sarah Mille: Ff Mooresville \Cj Joshouy Miller ‘ary Correll 38| 542] 9 ith) i TH * | i ; 4 a 4 ; ieee t Y | y Hee m _ . —~— t + i A. | 1 ° | ; iH ne tt ’ | } YY) aed | ! | | romaine = | a i) | | P| URE r Rhee r} 4 } 4 | wala | i i : } i i | } aa ee 1 7 } + { } ae i . | a ey ' ¢ t } | al | i He I . + | ae ' } un | ; 1 | H | " 7 t | 3 1 DATE OF DEATH This Signature on shee ineures tbeir correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. «© ™m qn n o ws Le ) to nm Sn e l aa p er we e e 8 sc a r e oc e a n ee e a ke si x Shore Shores Shore Shore Shore Shore 2 Shores 30 ||Shore 1 iShore Shore SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘Elizabeth George B ce e Isidore R William M Margaret 5 Mahala Leonia Rickey Gene To locate names, Eagle Mills Eagle Mills Union Grove Statesville Eagle Mills Union Grove jUnion Grove SOtatesville harmony, Harmony PLACE OF DEATH Eagle Mills Union Grove Eagle Mills Kagle Mills | Statesville NC Statesville jeer hate alee eh pew gama) al INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C._ tt SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to oe sub-! Index sheet for page reference. Daniel Shore James Elmore David Shore Daniel D Shore D D Shore Calvin Shore N C jClinton Shores Dee Shore Stites C Shore Jermiah Stack William C Shore Dtis Gene Sharpe Inwand Shara JAVILC WrilOYre Wilson Southard Unknown NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Ada Southern Peggy Huff “da Southard Ada Souther Angie Shaw Evelyn Anderson piaud Domalue Elizabeth Elmore Deborah Robertson Elmira Woodruff Betty Lou Taylor iret Huff Nancy J Davis Unknown COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U. 8. Patent ae 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH RECORDED Vol. Page o 148 | 903 » | 310 P , 319 14. 113 14. 644 he. 530 1.7. 120 IeO , 639 e2 | 120 51; 99 ‘Yor | Mont Day 1933; 12 |11 ee e 50 511 | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS on GOFTCO UNIVERSAL IN INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1427168—Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH Shulenberger Mooresville NC Schullenburger Statesville NC Shulenberger iMary Bostian Mooresville Nc — lredell County, =e oy Te Site names, open at "SURNAME INITIAL to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page AL. TAB a a NAME OF FATHER Shulenberge?r Schullenburger Andrew Bostian | Shoat Shoaf Shoat ,Henry Elis Mooresville NC JAlston Francis Mooresville | sa J Sal i Aedes ak ae shoaf 1 shoat ‘iller Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Elizabeth Bulinger Rachel Jsennour « ep e e na n a n pe ie rs we g e n se e = ee es ve n e t h e p y a n a a m ac e 4 t at e = # wh a m se s s i l i s — si a l i c na t de c a n t e r ai e i ” pa ae me s s a g e po m s Pi at cl e o aa a h os ee ar e n e ea s e Se e Susanna A Sink Sarah Mi lle r _____ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. ' INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 Ei NIVERSAL INDEX nin RNID eeinneaRRERENERSINRTIRNTER This Signature on sheets insures their correctness To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Cepyright 1936 a corrco U Ho. +4 To locate nam Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Keg -8 Pat.ow. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. . U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ee i Sel se ae Saas, Tah and voter Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. 6. ———_— a aaa Saal eens —————~ RECORDED Vol. Page DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED oO 7 Te SURNAME OF DECEASED a pe is Ge ak oC Sex | Gor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER scpnaeiael utes | i | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sx Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ; a q . e - ee Fo e ca i ce m e e e s e c t n i n a Me e e me e e ae s ‘ aS aa a ) p= ee e i Sh “ ar ee ie m t r e en e de e m s er a n a e r e n e t Gr e si n e c o b er a l S- - 1913; 12 5 jShuping Howard | W [Statesville NC [George Shuping lydia Speaks = 1916, p | 21) Sides Carolina | ! Concord Tns Daniel Sides Esther Dry oe ag e n te e teen em e n t s re es e t ry a n te ag oi em or e pt s ma p a on eng 1916, 8 | 6§Shuping |William Fallstown Tns George Shuping } = ee 1916| 11 ,30 Sides \John L ere aaeeian a teenie Emily Lewis | 1918. | 1] Shuping \Joney Matthew [ | W |Statesville NC |George Shuping Lydia M Speece i q ! 1917; 7 (2 jSides ‘Sarah Matilda | Concord Tns Alford Lewis se n s e en a en s e i oo h : 1918. _ 8{Shouping (Magy Phebe Ann _W |Coddle Creek Tn JRowland Davis Mary Cotton | § a 1919; 3 (18}Sides James M | | Statesville Daniel Sides \Esther Dry 1918! 12 | 9§Shupi \Littie , W [Statesville NC (Wm Sheece Caroline Goforth , £6 a 1921! 2 (5 jSides Maggie | Concord Tns Moses Privette ae Rash ae z Sa c Sa e l i p e e a n en ee e em en z= a= — = Ra ge p e r y \Minnie , W [Statesville NC Shell Bysinger 5, z 1921; 6 | Sides | _W IConcord tTns A L Sides Izlla Lippard = ca n i n e da s a wh o s : pa n = Shuping William Howard i W [Mooresville NC [William Shuping Florence Frye 2} 12 = Sides Sarah £ w | Dani ; he pPhupi ag \William Howa | 0 ping 4 1922, 5. aren Elle _W |Concora Tn [Daniel Sides \Ester Doran PR eidao peti aie =i | | 14) Shupping _ George Statesville NC | Unknown Unknown 1927. 16 Sides | W |Statesville R W Sides Gray so m e ¥ 4 Shuping Julia Presley Statesville John Presley Mary Hughes he 1927. 28|Sides | ee a i kale tii aia ties = — Shini ne >t + Bog t F | Stotpayt an ¥ Bos ‘ J. a ; : i ae ore Beet ae eee Pane = = a 1969. 5 Sides AA | | |Concora Tn \Daniel Sides jester Dorre 1931 | 24 Sides \Elia Lippard(Mrq) F IStatesville n la H Lippard Maggie Kimball | | 1931 | £9 |Sides Lawrence Calvin] MW |Concora T2 Charles Sides hati1as Lewis 1936, 5 5 Sides ‘Daniel W iM iStatesville N C iJacob Wilson Sides Emeline Lewis 1936, 10 22iSides Ralph Hoover |M |W (Mooresville N ClW L Sides Alice Hileman 1940, 9 | 8 | Sides ,David Lee 1343 3 ge Sides _&lmer Be 50 Bides .Arthur Lee 1950/9 (12 [Sides Minnie Holder Statesville N Ci\Leroy Sides fnnie L Stewart ptatesville NC | Bphriam Sides Alice (Qhristie Statesville Nc yrus £ Sides Alice Yorgene ‘- T . Sire a Q wy 4 + A.G Holder 2usan smith 195] 5 20 Sides ‘ jue Kimi 1 Lewis Q 1953 7 |2O0% Sides holder ee 5 | 4 t t i t ? i 4 Wil if ie 1954 | 5 39 Sides Robert Thomas Mooresville NC] Cyrus Sides “lice Corzine 1955 | 4, 2] Sides Charles Edgar _W | Statesville NC | Jacob Sides Emily Lewis 1956 6 {LO | Sides Melvin Vaudry |M (|W [Mooresville Jv UD Sides Cora Lyles 1956 11 24 Sides Minnie Mullis Morganton Jessie J. Mullis Vienna R, Hayes 1959) 12 | 28] Sides Ida Mabel W Btatesville A. M. Johnson Sally Gantt + 1960/ 3 = 15} Sides - Statesville David W. Sides Betty C Moore Jee | 6 | 7]Sides Laure S. W jStetesville George L Bartlett Mary S Hoke } | 1964, 1) 17 Sides Arthur Vi } 1 Statesville Jacob Sides kmily Lewis — + ° + 7 Shiloh Tns Loy Shock ____ ]Ella Sharpe _ ae aa d }| 88 ___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS — Iredell County, NC INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. A 4 j | — te hae one acu Sux | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER | NAME CF MOTHER ee " ™ — 7 —— vi Sue anata, nod Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— | ' | . | | |1923, 12 5 |Sicelorr John C MW |olin Tns Alexander Siceloff . 298 ___}918| 8 ,218}Sigmon AL M |W |Statesville N C|Lewis Sigmon | - 44, 198 +4 || ]1935. 5 ea}siceiorr ‘Emily FW {olin ™ Bob Cowan ~ 21 253 ae : 1919, 4/27) Sisiman |Luella |r | w Istatesvitie x CJEli Hartsoe hive Hoffman 5 | 1131 § i - — al WEE 1937. 8 3 |Sicelorf Ettie L White FW {Statesville N C Woodward White Louisa Franks 23 416 " 1920 9 (5 |Sigman - | F | W Shiloh Tas Henry H Sigman Katie Wilkinson 6 . 301 4 i ie 1949) 5 | 29 Sic eloff | James Henry hi j{W [Statesville Nv [J C Siceloff Luley Cown b 5 1 196 4 : 1922, 4 (16)/Sigman .Belzaria | roe |Shilon Tn Henry Isenhour Sallie Isenhour 8. 136 HA L __|1959. 12 18] sice1orr Wektia’ tea? ” Le | © Istatesviiie Cornelius McHargue /Rowen& Rhyne 45 568 s 1923, 5 (11)Sigman larthur afton |y wy |Statesvilie N CiM L Sigman | - |9 . 603 4 H ' Wage Sa Tata. Mw a a bene ; | | Ha L p98 12| 12 Siceloff Stillborn | M |W | Stat esville John C Sicelof f sola Mahaffey 149/702 mae 10 10] Sigman _May Malinda : FW |Stateavi210 N cf} - = p 573 qi [ : ! 1928, 7 (30) Sigmon ! ~ FW |Statesville N c |B F Sigmon Mamie Bebber 24. 448 Hie, L | | | | 1929 2 20) Sigman Alice Malildia | | an Mooresviiie NC |sames Douglas [Rose Alexander j25. 229 44 4 | | | 1930, 8 9 | Sigmon Ruth | F wW |statesville n steas F Sigmon Minnie Massey fe 452] Ug | | i i | 1 ite : 1931; 5 (4 |Sigmon Carrie Lee | FW |statesville N c|z E Sigmon lverdie Miller 117. 352 dit 1h | | 1931, 10.26) Sigmon Miles H | x |_W |Snion ins |yoha Logan Sigmon lsaran Sigmon 17. 288 4 ie | 1932, 12 9 | Sigmon EClemitine | FW |chambersburg tn|W G Cheatham Amanda Thompson 19,12 | Hf Hi | 1933/4 .5 |Sigmon Walter Lee | M _ W |Statesville N C|Miles S Sigmon Louise Setzer 19, 283 fi ‘ih 4 ! | 1935. 4 (8 | Sigmon iJ 0 MW |Statesville nc - Adden Benfield 21 344 i i i : 1937, 11 18] Sigmon , Eugene | M |W |Statesville N C|John Sigmon - Massey 23 482 ull t 1939| 1 | 5/Sigmon Henry Perry M W |Statesville NC jLogan Sigmon : ae) AS | i 1941) 5 | 27) Sigmon |Ernest Oscar | M W [Stutesville NC }Rufus Sigmon Marguret Drum 27 321 hil | 1945) 10, 28) Sigmon .Jenes Harvey | M . W |Stetesville .NC |Joseph F Sigmon Lois Lenfield 29. 409 Hi : I 94s, 2.,.7 Sigman Parnett Alexan adr -W.fooresville NC jmarquis L Sigman x a2 | 42 Hl :) 4 L 1946 | 9 .29tSigmon Lanoch tloyd | Mk .| W Mooresville NC |Pink Sigmon Alice Douglas 62, S31 ih * j j a) j 1935. 9 24/Siegal I Max M _W (Statesville N CL Siegle ° 21 431 tates 1947 | 1 (23 |Sigmon = | F ._|W {Shiloh Tns Albert Ray Sigmon Kisie Mae Brannon eS > hed i) j 4 iid: BOF pls Sigmon , Carolyn Ann | FW {Statesville NC Albert Ray Sigmon Elsie Mae Brannon a 34 Hi ; if Sos 1949 a: 17 Sigmon \James arthur In W Svavesville wO wesley oigmon Liza Moose a5 \95 hil i) a _| 1959 4 | 10) Sigmon _- F OW $tatesville NC kulan Sigmon Marynell L Sigmon 36! 214 it : 1954, 12 3p) Sigmon | Fannie Elizabeth F | W | Statesville NC | Frank Abernathy Nancy Bum-arner 40, 564 H 1 3 bea oo gaa 1955) 2 | 16] Sigmon _Stillbern FW |Statesville NC | Henry H Sigmon Ruby Rogers Sigmon 41 68 } , a ess| 12 1 Sigmon |Steven Craig M | W [Statesville NC JM. Luther Sigmon Dorothy Mae McCoy 4 i 5p id | | ine 1956 | 4 [22] Sigmon [Patricia Colleey F | W | Mooresville Carlos E Sigmon Mary Reid 4a 184 ii | ——— ...__] 1967} 10] 25 Sigmon George W. MW Mooresville Will H. Sigmon Emily Stilwell 45 474 | | eo marr tme | ae | 24 ‘Sigmon | Loy E. M |W Statesville Nelson E Sigmon Martha Jane Rockett | 45 527 | i| ) 1928. 3 29 |siffora Nannie Fic a Tas __ George Siffora Hosier Reel b 6 sali ——_} 1958) 7 | 8 | Sigmon | | Genolia H, F W| Statesville Frank Houston Laura Johnson 44,545 | / | 242 6,30 jSifford Jame s Alexander | M W. Mooresville No William Sifford _ [sabell Little _bg SS RR ———___}1959| 5 _j10 Signon — (Janes Barnette | M |W Mooresville Barnette A Sigmon Lillie J Miller 45 243 | | | | | | el i959] 9 | 24 Sigmon Mary Ethel F W | Mooresville Charles A. Hudspeth | Susan L. Small . 45, 473 1 E [ | is a OO] |50 Sigmon | Albert Ray M | W jStatesville Carr Sigmon Minnie Bowman : 46 454 : | | | | moe 1.960 | 8 (9 [Sigmon | [Davia Bryan : W Statesville William F Sigmon Mary Sue Sumers «446 485 | ; | , ; ie ——._] 196] _ 10 | 24 Sigmon ih | Ruby | P| W | Statesville Emitt Houston | Pearlie E Dancy 47 see 1 I 3 —" Be a s : CASS ae ORL bi iaan ee 1961/9 _6 Pigmon Q Henry Harry M W | Statesville NC} 4enry P, Sigmon Ellen Mingus a 425 | | e . | : os wns, EEO _1_|2d stgmon TD kate F | W | Statesville W. P. Creedmore Martha Creedmore 4042 ms dal es ; | a el a 85 Btgnon Biaty Roy __|M_|w |Statosvirte [Albert 8. Sigmon | Biste Bowman He Pe pap a te ++. , | — Ge) 8 [27]sigmon =| Rey XK. M | W)Statesville Miles Sigmon _|_ Trey Shoem ler 48 (472 ewok | 6 | 6 Signon Cora Fi WH Statesville Geo Moore FrudenceSherrill 50 208 oa ee 11/14 Sigmon Mary F| Wi Mooresville Henry Washam Maggie White 5 i ‘ 17] Si. bas Lillie F | W | Mooresville Jases W Miller linerva Cook . 556 A a E hbidnsatthbnhnbtnn sinibiaaamamihnaheashid tins ddks ace ates ee, oe re ' ; : ” — - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 417 mevial COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND’ ; i , J IN Ne. tt Index Company, Columbus, Ohio a ESE | Por Your Protection, nnn On Te IR SRLS see tor page reference Pend Me, BTC —Cepyrigh “evr tit i ee Sa ae _ UE teat Ne STG Coprteht ih Ee oct ae SRR SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Wade Gietsver Printing Howse, Charloete, iC = = - —————— = = a = SSS SE === =. =< ET ; . T ] . DATE OF DEATH Saati te tiem hae ie bial Aide Ge None | Le hia — | aceon | SURNAME OF DECEASED i‘ : : : in ie ree Te > DE, : THE N | vr | tee | ow AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME val Pan wear | Month | oy | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN «Gor PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME vou | ae | i ’ " | — T ; | + « t 1920; 3 7 | Sills 'Jane Salina F | W {Cool Spring Tans - Ellison 6 478 Bago? 7 , 15 Simonton John NM. W |Fallstowm Tns ‘Julius Simonton Letitia Knox 8); 232) 1923, 9 28/Sills _Eli Washington | MW /Cool Springs Tn| James Sills Chandler 2 | 528 1926, 4 | 19) Simonton Robert Lee MC Statesville NC | sain Simonton Laura Simonton 12, 496) 1932 1 22} Sills Flora I FW {Statesville Tns|John W Postell Katherine Stafford 18) 53¢ 11926, 9 6 Simonton Wilkis MC Statesville Tn | Zarnest Simonton Odell Scott 12, 418: | , : | l 1.) 3 Sills anne oh eindinc 1) ; ‘to + omar 4 > Tn G F Robb Sarah kKobb o* 2 | a Tannen t 4 a - E ” ‘ Rade “4 82- , Katie “ane ro, UW | otatesvitie in mee Sills —— ~ Chandle x 1 bel, 1926, 10 30 Simonton Harriett FC Statesville un |Knight Morrison - - 413, 495) 1953 8 19] Sills Fredrick Reverg M W | Statesville NC | John Wesley ft Florence Isabelle/ | 39 400 '1927. 3 22) Simonton Bertha F | C | Statesville Tn | Jim Simonton Laura Norton 13; 512 : ¢ ~tatvesvi 4 2 AN Pf | | I 11956 8 5 |Sills Ollie Garner (M W_ |Harmony John W, Sills Flora Coggins 42 369 (1927, 5 | 29) Simonton Loma FC Statesville Tn Pink Norton - - (13, 518 fr | | | . 1927 9 26 Simonton Nelson Mo 6) «6Statesville Tn | William Simonton Caroline Rosbea 13) ..543 — i i | | | t =~ x { | | | | (1928 5 14 Simonton Celia Mae FC Statesville NC Jas Simonton Laura Norton 14. 392 be | | | ! } { | \ | | q r tt | | | 1929, 12 8 Simonton * F C ooresville NC | Dewitt Simonton Martha King 15. 288 | t | | | | 11929, 12 14, Simonton Annie F C Statesville NC /- - - - 15. 543 zt | | | i | i 1 | | | { /1930, 10. 5 Simonton Thomas Mo. C Statesville Tn |Andy Simonton - - (16, 611 ter i i i | ' I i {i | } i | | | 11931 1 . 31) Symonton Richard Conner 4M C Mooresville NC /- a Matrie Conner ATi oe ea | | | i ! 11932, 4 2 Simonton John $s MC Statesville NC | Andy Simonton Dovie McCorkle 18; 319 A | | | ; i! 11934. 9 | 7|Simelton Mary F.C Mooresville NC |Jay Burke Malinda Burke 20! 213 om $ } j 11935, 2 |17i Simonton William M .C Statesville NC Lee Simonton Annie Simonton a ie. 2 | 1959) o> [Simestes Lovella F © Statesville Tn Dick Bryant Clacy Bryant 25 466" a '1940 2 | 4 | Similton Martha FC Mooresville NC | James King Maggie Boyd 26 176) oe i | ll 11944. 16 .8 | Simonton James bee M - Moeresville Nc Frank Simonton Dorothy Cleary | 30; 486. [1945 | 6 Simelton Dewitt Lud M W Mooresville NC Welter Simel ton “ary burke 131 219 11945, 9 26 Siminton Clera Camilla F C Statesville NC /Milton McGell - 131, 420. 1919 8 14/Silliman Mary Alta FW [Statesville N ClJohn D Silliman Odell Stackleather 5 | 156 1945 10 8 'Simelton Addie King F C Statesville NC |Jeff Houston Martha Simeliton (OL 418) 11948) 10 _ 17) Simenton Mary Lee F C Statesville NC | Wesley Simenton Virginia Weaver | 34 445 is ; | \ | 11948 10 22) Simenton _ Donald Lee M C Statesville NC |Wesley Simonton Virginia Weaver | 54 473 1950 8 | 31 Simelton | Calvin Cy M C Mooresville NC | Henry Simelton Blanche Simelton 56 453 | _| | 1953) 3 {18] Simonton | Laura Eidson j F ! C Statesville NC Thomas Eidson Minnie Sherrill 139,103 | | 1953 | 10 | 8 | Simpnton Willie Lee MC «JSstete.vilie NC {Unknown ‘Cecil Simonton 139,516 | a i i | i i 1956. 8 | 14) Simelton Aaron M C Mooresville | Aaron W. Simonton | Amanda Heward 42 401 | | | | j 1958 24 31 Simelton Jim M C Statesville - « | 44 54 | + + f ; ‘ $ 4 | F T i Pad | | f 1962; 10 | 1]Simeiton Stillborn iM $C |Statesville | Lorance Simelton iMary K. White 1481536 i ; | t ' | 1 : ; ‘ ] j j | ; | ' | { | | \ “ P H, | | | | | 1930, 4 4 |Simmerson Nell Hartsell F | W (Statesville Ls | i ai ams : NC Rufus R Hartsell eulah T Hartsell 6 | 366 - ey 1 | H + | : ik hi | | Hint - | ee . [| | | | | | : am : ! ! | + | | | | | La ' i 1 | i t Hh | i | i i f i : | | fl | | { i | | | | || | rr + — ea | | | | Hi i | es ee eae —t—+ a“. | , AD | | a ek eR ee WB eae | | | a Nene _ . | | ~+ te I | i 1 i Maat. aan ae ee Biel erat eats reat bd ee od ee ad and INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. Siisnitootbinmataiatoit tice te me Se ae eee eee ad INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Cepyright 1930 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 nbea dokakel check foe. pane pelorenae. BRR Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ‘ This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. es ; to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Keg. U.8. Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. — 24 ll y me r e Pa w s f , i i | SURNAME OF DECEASED | Sex Gor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ———_ | Year = Month = Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Vol. Page ' : " i ! ec : ‘ , Elyia Sherrill f Lavinia Sherrill 1) 358 A 1961 12 i Ba Sipe s Yavid Wayne { 1 Statesville NC Eldon B Si pes | RECORDED da oo RECORDED DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Z 1 > AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ve} Pom ee ee Year Month Day ee ta ca g e AD . —o l e Doris Horton 47 632 4, aa a 1914, 2 16| Sipes Mandy 7 | Shiloh Tns Wins ton-Salem Jessie A Watts Eulola Copper 49 106 ha o = | Coddle Creek Tn} John Sipe | Ellen Isenhour 103/ =< gi 1962. 1: : Sipe | Shvetli 1914 10 19) Sipe S ipe Ss Kaj n& . Mooresville A Huff lan 49 | 249 5 ge pe ge A ie | Shiloh Tns Anda Moore | ---> Matherson 275/ a 1963. rs wi s ~ ” a :. * " oe sa c a m p n c a i g l i n n on c o n e k g . ca n c e en a c t s ca e l we ? : : > _ 6 | > 9 1915 10 26) Sipes Mary Susan & _— cm m p e s t+ ~; ra c t h n a n a s oo n on e 1917 19] Sipes i W | Statesville Daniel Sipes | Arpie Holler ‘ 1963 | : Yipes vem A M W WStatesvi lle idney Sipes a ea s a ne n t sh a t pe n n c a l l « m4 at s so o s ~e t t e c e en e ao t Br e m e r ve Bi |Zllen Genhour Sidney P Sipes Mary Massey | 1965 | \ Statesville Garland Eugene | ilooresville John Sipes so o o ee e 4 sa s h 1918 13) Sipes Statesville A Wallace Sipe Ellenor Teagu3 | 1923 | Sipes James Bryant | | W |Statesville } James Archie Sipes |Ina Yharpe 344) 1965; 7 (30 j 11923 Sipes Walter Sipes \Winnie Metton James Albert oo Tns } |Sipes Frank |Statesville NC |Coleman Sipes jo--- Sadley } ; ? iled 92 | Sipe Cain Barringer Tns lPetter Sipe ‘Linda Shuford Sipes Lester Fallstown Tns_ j|Loy Sipes iEva Cruse Sipes V Y (Shiloh Tns IR A Sipes |2ssie Burns |Sipe iM. W |Shiloh Tns William H Sipe Rosa Lee Stewart hg eo n s . Eva Earnestine Y |Shiloh Tns |E M Sipes Lucile Chambers Hosa i} M . W |Shiloh Tns | John Sipe JEtta Pope | Sipes Helen Chambersburg Tn|Coleman Sipes |Addie Eadn | Sipe Ray Allen ‘Mooresville NC |L E Sipe \Eva Crews William Sipe = me a p e n a n i e d an — ee | Sipe : 7 |Shiloh Tns \Dasie Kethin 11) Sipe James Monroe j M } |Shiloh Tns John Sipe \Hettie Sipe —— ol a HH ij i 25 Sipes Gray (Chambersburg Tn/Colman Sipes jAddie Eads } 'Fallstown Tn Lester S Sipes \Mable Hope 4 8 Sipes if 4 4] Sipves " ii Sarah Livina | Fallstown Tn John J Lippard Nancy Bost ii | ! 11 13] Sipes Sidney } Statesville Tn Joh Sip 1S Vary Tope i } |Sipes ‘Mary Ann |Coddle Creek | | 48 | Sipe Wilburn Glenn |Mooresville NC |jJohn Sipe bertha,tsenhour 29, 441 | ‘an Lucy Mae |Barringer Tho Edgar L Sipes |Bxie Fox Sl, 437) \ ks | . | Siper Press “eonard ) Shiloh Tns jLyn Houston Etta Sipe 32 492 Bettie Holler 54 38 34) 201 Millie Bolwin 3h, | “SS Sipe Marshall Lee | Statesville NC | Hart Sipe Sipes Mary Eugenia W |Statesville NC [John Sharpe Gq Sipes James Walter Statesville NC Hosea Sipes Mary Moose 34 1553 Sipes Roy Walter i . WI] Statesville Sidney Cipes vennie Sharpe B5 | 247 | Sipes | John Lee i, W | Troutman Jennie sharpe 37 412 | Sidney vipes Sipes | Bertha Ellen F Foe Isenhour Unknown | Harmony NC 16, Sipes , Carol = | Statesville NC J. W. Sipes Winnie Faye Miller 1954, 4 | 13) Sines | Ina F | Statesville NC | Chal Sharpe Wddie Dowdy Sharpe 1955 1 29] Sipes | Grettie Lucille) F Statesville NC Ladson Scarborough 1956, 5 6|Sipe 1957 12 | 9|/Sipes 1959 2 | 24 Sipe 1959 7 | 10|Sipe 1960 5 21) Sipes | Ernest M M | Carol Sue F | Ernest Lee Mark L.* Minnie 8. Statesville Scotts Statesville Statesville Buncombe County] Ernest M Sipe Kenneth R Sipes Jams W Sipe Joseph Igenhour May Sue Moose Wilma Yoder Elenore Teague Candus Mathews ie Bowman INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. columbus, Ohio Made by The Cott Index Company, Co us, OS ar Poot onl ver Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C.- COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, 1.4 = T locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL Fae and rofez U. S, Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page pane asses ; COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 US. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 BER Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Keg. U.8.Pat.on. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. ar cae Use a Sol DATE OF DEATH Year Month 1946 | 12 | | 1948, 2 1948 14 1952 5 41952 8 | 1954, | 1955, 1956, 5 | 1957; 12 { 1958 2 1959 7 (13 1948 4 | LAI s 1949 | 6 17 1951) 7 |56 | 4 1 heli 196 . 8 od Day / 16) Sipes 19) Sipe | 26] Sipes 19) Sipes 13) Sipes 8| sipes 9| sipes 211 sipes 211 sipe 10] sipes 28) Sipes 12) | Sipe 23| sipes 28) Sipe 21) Sipes 3| Sipe i\Sipe | a OG 24g 1 6 9 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Mandy ,Mary Susan Garland Eugene | _James Bryant James Albert Frank Cain Lester Eva Earnestine Hosa , Helen Ray Allen Cecil A James Monroe Gray | Sarah Livina Sidney iMary Ann |Wilburn Glenn ‘Lucy Mae Press “eonard | Marshall Lee [Mary Bugenia brandis Welter Roy Walter Bertha Ellen John Lee | Carol Ina Grettie Lucille Ernest M Caro] Sue Ernest Lee |Mark L.* Minnie 8. | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH nn F F ; F M P _WiShiloh Tns “| i Ww |Fallstown Tn Wi | Shiloh Tas W | coaaie Creek Tn W Shiloh Tns W | Statesville Tn W | Mooresville NC W Statesville NC |Statesville NC W | Barringer Tns W |Fallstown Tns W |Shiloh Tns W |Shiloh Tns W |Shiloh Tns NAME OF FATHER Elyia Sherrill John Sipe Anda Moore Daniel Sipes John Sipes James Archie Sipes Walter Sipes Coleman Sipes Petter Sipe Loy Sipes IR A Sipes William H Sipe E M Sipes W |Shiloh Tns W |Chambersburg Tn| W |Mooresville NC W |shiton Tns W |Shiton Tns W |chambersburg Tn | W | Fallstown Tn | Statesville Tn Coddle Creek Mooresville NC Barringer Tn Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Troutman Harmony NC Statesville NC Statesville Nc Statesville NC Buncombe County Statesville Scotts Statesville Statesville John Sipe Coleman Sipes L_E Sipe William Sipe John Sipe Colman Sipes Lester S Sipes John J Lippard John Sipes John Sipe Edgar L Sipes iLyn Houston Hart Sipe John Sharpe Hosea Sipes Sidney Cipes Sidney Sipes Foe Isenhour J. W. Sipes Chal Sharpe Ladson Scarborough Ernest M Sipe Kenneth R Sipes A. Wallace Sipe Jams W Sipe Joseph Isenhour NAME OF MOTHER Lavinia Sherrill Ellen Isenhour ---- Matherson Arpie.Holler Ellen Genhour Ina ‘'harpe \Linda Shuford lve Cruse lzssi¢e Burns lnosa Lee Stewart {Lucile Chambers intte Pope laaate Eadn lnva Crews Dasie Kethin |Hettie Sipe Addie Eads Mable Hope Nancy Bost Mary “ope Bertha, tsenhour Exie Fox Etta Sipe Bettie Holler Millie Bolwin Mary Moose Jennie Sharpe Jennie sharpe Unknown Winnie Faye Mibler #ddie Dowdy Sharpe May Sue Moose Wilma Yoder Elenore Teague Can dus Mathews — . ids tessis a ee a RECORDED —— eel DATE OF DEATH Vol. Pp t = Year Month | Day + } 1, 358 1961 12 17] Sipes 1962, 12 8]Sipe — 7 103 i 14, jSipes “15 42963 | 301 11963 | 4 | 3§Sipes 62 , 1965 3.28 1965 7 30] Sipe fret settee heen 40 11 42 43 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Yavi a’ Wa yne Novella Sipes PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Wins ton-Salem Mooresville Statesville Statesville Statesville NAME OF FATHER Eldon B Sipes Jessie A Watts Midney Sipes Sidney P Sipes A Wallace Sipe NAME OF MOTHER Doris Horton Eulola Copper Mary A huffman Mary & Sharpe Mary Massey Ellenor Teagu3 RECORDED Vol. Page 47 6352 49 106 | 49, 234) 51 188 | 51 451 | 49, 249) —— ee a Si g e : me t s ao e aa a aa a a n e e oe a i i u e n i i a a s ae : . . pa a e b e sa n e Sa r INDEX TO VITAL STATISTIC — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIV INDEX No. 1-4 ERSAL BAF Te tocate samen, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer This Signature on sheet ineurestheir corrcineas sas IN DEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — . Us . 1 Fen Your zs i Ta mi Mas Reg. U.8. Pat. Of Protection, Inciet On i corTrrco UN INDEX Ne. 1-4 — locate oa open at an euneeaann INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Bide Obeorver Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. IVERSAL = : WA en See U.S. Patent No. 143716°—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH cn —— ae apenas . = = Year Month Day SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER enemas Vol. Page ¢ DATE OF DEATH Year sane — 1929 | i0 | 4 + j | i i ee 1949, 1953) 1954 | 1960, - ; Month | Day : ae = ng 10. 127; 1 2 7 L960 | 10 29 1961) 11 2 1963) 3 1964, 1965 Sik 0 ‘18 2 31 ly 14 3 a Se ee Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson L2 ‘ Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson °impson bimpson Simpson Simpson SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN \Doreas Mariah Carolyne \Sarah Jane Eva C Rink Robert Edward James Webster Fred yames Mason John Dillon Hattie L, ‘Drumilla Bertha Mae Cruse Baby Boy } | 4 | Stillborn t 1 Baby Elizabeth Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH Barringer Tn Statesville NC Fallstowns Tns Statesville NC Barringer Tn jStatesville Tn ptatesville Tns wtatesville NC Statesville NC iStatesville NC [Statesville | Stateevilis NC Statesville NC Mooresville Statesville Statesville NAME OF FATHER Henry Bustle Statesville N C [Ma thew J Atkinson John Simpson iceorge Rink James Simpson John Simpson Sam Simpson James E Simpson J wv Simpson Fred Simpson John Sanders William Clark Cruse Harold Simpson Fred Simpson NAME OF MOTHER mary Ann Garrett, Bustle iBetsie Clodfelter Hattie Tate Dorcus Bustle Ida Aderholdt Marie Helms lpettiis simpson lula Mae Simpson Jinie Wilks Joann Simpson Mary tlizabeth Parke Joan Simpson Betty H Harris Ethylene Simpson Lula M Blackwell + ' i fugi7| 2 Sims 1923 12 Davidson Tns Brit Statesville N C Ransom Sims J Owens lge9| 6 | Statesville N C Kinley Cornet Mary Wright i931} 2 | FallstownTns [Leroy Sims hottie Poole | | i t , +6 t est jlila tk oe sw 945.) 3 Lartha Mi Jooresville NC i # Sims 4.2945 | 41949) Florida Collins Janie Statesville NC | Frank Goins Rose Marks | bugenia Mayfiel Mog esville NU | Taylor Litaker betty Anarews 11951 7 [1 | Si \Vivian Gertrude Mooresville NC] Allen Sloop Mary Wright 953 Jessie Oliv er Mooresvi i.e NC | Geor:e Sink Sims Pennant nr ns Sesannnananeed Sh ie ‘aie R954 | fannie M Hager Carrie Lee Troutman D. A. Ingle Nannie Payne _ o + nr Val & 2 A . a : We | 195 § i | Charlie Lester Mooresville NC} Will Sims Annie Janie Hinson a area - —— t , " ao | 1957 Arthur be roy Troutman NC Fink > ims | Fannie Hager Dewey Russell Statesville NC] B1i ¥. Sims Sareh “{1kinson teeters pn INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. agnamase an chnet tamnsre thele cxrvee ; SURNAME INITIAL te COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ; Mie cpa et This 06 their oss. To locate names, open at TAB and U. 8. Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyright a COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 . aia seh Mile Maile Sil Lt eee Veet Protection, fosist On It. = “ae —e ee eee = — U.S. Paten Lae _— eels = ane < . locate « Gell sce ee for page SAR ent Bald by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ee Le ee e t —— —— ee nr nna Ses =. i ‘ — - a - SSS SURNAME OF DECEASED i DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED is eek ee Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ' ) 7 SURNAME OF DECEASED sear dis ied tee oo Hil NAME OF MOTHER _ + te Simmons Lec Statesville N CjJ T Simmons Nettie Hodges i __}agael |31|Singleton |Donala |W |Statesville tasIw Cc Singleton Laura Singleton : € Pearly Sweet — Simmons Elsie Jane Mooresville N CiJames L Bumgardner ly ____Jasee| 1 j19iSinagleton {John C Coddle Creek Tn|Sam Singleton 2 9% Simmons |\Lottie Sherrill : Statesville N CiCartey Sherrill Nora Cashion 4 : 1939/ 7 | 20}Singleton ‘Sidney Dellon | | Coddle Creek Tn|James Singleton Lydia Edwards so t h g ee t Ae n oh Simmons ‘Weaver , W [Statesville NC jArthur J Simmons Ethel Ray i 3 : 1959 | “ 15 Singleton | Ralph Stuart Statesville Charies T "ingletoy Helen Woods Simmons Arthur H M | Chambersburg Tn - | 53 " | + we y - Corkle Simons | Mary Locke Mc/ | Wo Statesville NC | M L McCorkle Martha Jane Wilf onl 37, 10 Simons Albert McCorkle Statesville NC |Mr. ik. k. Simons Mary McCorkle Simons Eugene Roberson / Mary Locke McCorkle Ve Mooresville Geercianna Hancock Crisco Addie Mooresville pharlie Dennis Fannie T. Dennis 2 469 4 mnons Vernettie Jane W [Harmony Godfrey Emily Norman | Emily Norman 43 620} + : r fn f 274 ny pe | 3994 4¢ hoy le ~ Simmons reorgia Anne i Moore sville Arda Uraham Yulia *uc Key 441569 1963 8 iy Simmons Laura Statesville Robert L Simmons | Bessie Josey 49 466 Sissons John Herman | M |W (Mooresville N ClJonn Sisson Sophia Bryan 27 Minerva . W JStatesville N CiJno Pope i = Sisson Ernest Van | Mi W Mooresville NC Wohn Harmon Sisson “lara Irvin Lensaiiih L | ats mee | re | l@iarles D Coddle Creek Tn/William Sapp Ester Winecoff j Mooresville Cowan Gardner klizabeth Hobbs | } ES | 1927, 11 (1l2]Simrial John i Statesville N clpiil Simrial Bell Quinn na | 08 ere HS cies | Naomi | i defini , | rriett Gampbel) pL, gl “S58 19 Bineri =e a--1oog Pe omsile BEF ___ Emily Pugerson & Jisas! 5 ighsimriz | Williems i_{¢ Btatesville nc [ereen simriy, 4) 42 Ah 1 ~ | E eo ae . ae a en ee e ee itisidiaagait nen Haare tie ree ok INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C q INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. . — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 | wivEns. nn —— Statin ietntensintninsiannii To locate names, open SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer _U. 8. Patent No, 1487168—Copyright 1938 a U Ai SSX Be os Ll voforense. Lier oe iE Eostoctien, Insist On It sheet a | Pik —— No. 1487168—Copyright 1 — locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB pra sain Made by The Cott Index Company, Colambes, Ohio ca Bull Sub-lndex or page SE ~~ a ; hae to Sua Sub-Index sheet for page reference, Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. = . ~ oer a ee ee “Se = DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED —— SURN. Ane oe DECEASED Sex Cor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | ' — AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER P : Vol. Page : IE a ih sine ov i t ? "_ Simmons \Elsie Jane | W Mooresville N CiJames L Bumgardner jPearly Sweet ja929| 2 19Singleton Jona 6 | i ee 3 EP np Coddle Creek Tn|Sam Singleton i 15 | 76 my £ Simmons iL C Statesville N CjJ T Simmons Nettie Hodges 1932) 7 (31iSingleton |Doneld i : pas tne Statesville Tns |W C Singleton Laura Singleton Simmons \Lottie Sherrill Statesville N C|Cartey Sherrill Nora Cashion 4 _ $1939) 7 | 20)]Singleton ,Sidney Dellon | Coddle Creek Tn James Singleton Lydia Edwards > Simmons Weaver Statesville NC jArthur J Simmons Ethel Ray a of 1959; 2 |15|Pingleton | Ralph Stuart Statesville Charlies T "ingletor’ Helen Woods Simmons ‘Arthur H jChambersburg Tn 7 4. oo : MM kha Ta W as oo Simons Mary Locke Me/ | F | WI Statesville NC | M L McCorkle Martha Jane Wilfond! 37, 10 Se y ; “2 poe ac m Simons Albert McCorkle : Statesville NC |Mr,. &. kK. Simons Mary McCorkle )imons uw Lill / / s Si “+ ie 2S 1 ss Tire “ Statesville NC}]Eugene Roberson , Mary Locke McCorkle } il] immons Geercianna Hancock Moore SVilise ud Ww ol ion Geerrci Crisco Addie Mooresville Pharlie Dennis Fannie T. Dennis h2 469 Vernettie Jane W jHarmony Godfrey Emily Norman | Emily Norman . * . j ~ Qn f 4 ‘ Ps a re ner a Y4o wie } atr Simmons reorgia Anne F + Mooresville Arda Graham AL 1&8 “UC Key 1] Simmons W i Statesville Robert L Sinmons Bessie Josey Sissons \John Herman | (Mooresville N C iJohn Sisson Sophia Bryan Minerva W |Statesville N CiJno Pope | 5 ie te _ ps | 10 Sisson | Ernest Van Mooresville NC Wohn Harmon Sisson [lara Irvin pe r e n n e ee n s r e t n n n s n e n e e n s e f e s i e s s n e n e s s e n h i e e s n m n + ' me am oe <n 2909] 1 | ‘Charles D Coddle Creek Tn |William Sapp Ester Winecoff 1927, 11 |12/Simrial | | C |Statesville n clpil) simrial S Nh 2 Tol r s ny KY : ‘ . Oo | N¢ “v LC SVi U an Wa “d | ape h os Bell Quinn j ha | —_—— ~~ eateries Acted cd. } 20m. ooresville , OW r ner “lizabeth Hobbs } | .1945; 3, 135Simril 1] i ptatesville NC |Green Simril | a iatone Ganpbell 61) 1944 2 3 |Simerl . Statesville NC] - Emily Fugerson 34 —— — _ — 4” : ue | #6 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County,N\C INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. RECORDED = DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED a BATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER an | a rar AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER in 4 oa Tae tec AND CHRISTIAN RAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 7 oe ee. eee | Pom] . | —}—— eae : vol. a i a \ i . > } * . ee : ene . . 4 1 7 “4 ; i a | i. fH |1959) 12 31}Ssincleir ‘Matt te rF\¥ ... oe oe Ervin M | w{]Oteen, N. &. Wm. Sinclair Octavia Kerley 46) Sl 1933 | 5 (23) Slane jAnnie C Finley | Fw } Page ‘ ‘ ; ICoddle Creek Tn jHenry Grant Martha Gwinn eS | 212 1931 2 |7 }Slane John Edwin M |W [Statesville NC ~ - 16| 564 ; Statesville N CiElisha Finley Catherine Smith 19 | 310 : 1961, 11 1Q Sinclair 4 7 ul ; 7 | cence | o ti if : i 8 om | 19544, 7 | 25 Slane | Fred Thomas M W Btatesville NC John E Slane Annie Finley LO 358 i. if : : t 4 ccc i , “ , ; % ‘ 1962; 1 /14/Slane Zelma Sherrill | FW [Statesville NC Igonn W Sherrill Mar;aret Sherrill 48 7 ne . er Sala . + i } i ted! ; a if a shh 1936) 4 6 | Slaughter |Joe Edward M C iStatesville TnsiJoe Blackwell Alma L Slaughter | i : ny {oa ; 1948 3 |10} Sherard | Laura Johnston} F | W | Mooresville NC] Si Johnston Mary Neel 34 12) a ——________} 1986) 4 6 | Slaughter piames Edward . + -pPseheeritse Tas} ioe Bisckwei ee + r wae | a re 4 | ‘ sinners ia se ; t noc ptethenanaienasens bee $—— + i | ns nl + + a : | a | | oe fe | | | : | | | | 2s f | | | | | ae | | | | | | | CS | | A ——~ insu hieaal iz 26] Slough | Prank M | W |Mooresville N C]L M Slough Jennie Rice - | oa 10] Slough he rise Mooresville NC Leonard wlvin Slough Rebecca Ann Crwe _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 4 Paes 2 AAA LOLILD ™ ei 2 Selaisliiniie ne UNIVERSAL INDEX " a _ Lene {For Vous Fresections Insist On It. ee Sctcindex sheet for page refornce. oe a ek —_. = a” == oe . eee earns amie a nn : —— Sanne SS : | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED —— i Your | Meath Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee 3 ig i 1939, 9 9\Seaford ‘Conley Edgar MoW rocaie Creek Tn | Ralph Wilson Seaford Nannie Corriher 25 | 184 % : fl 1950; 6 | 23)Seaford William Maxie M | W {Statesville NC | John D Seaford Alice McDaniel 365.375 i iW 1955. 1 20]}Seaford William Floyd M |W ]} Mooresville NC} John Seaford Isabelle West 41); § i F 7 ‘ i | 1959 #7 # 2)Seaford Clarence Monroe| MW /Mooresville Caleb M. Seaford Josephine Goodnight | 45 339 i Yn T : — 4 a 1963 3 7/Seaford Amelia F | W [Statesville Wm. C. Wilson Josephine James 49 162 i 1963, 4 30}Seaford Lillie F | W {Mooresville David Wright Laura lodgers 49) 319 i. ¥ ’ , r i 1963 | Le ) 8i Seaford John M W Statesville C A Seaford filossie Dowles 49 629 i te ; i i i a te an 7 i i is | fi Hh a 722424 | 1 Senter Fred albert MW |Mooresville NC [J L Senter Beulah Shelton 28, 161 } | | i me :: : | | _ + he | j — a — ~ ii hRaandiial eet se nme —4 — a eS a oe | sl ” i encrpeimontguinnmealiiine witha she o INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS Sate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-index sheet fer page reference. = ate SURNAME OF DECEASED Yor | Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 11914, 10 | 4) Sloan ‘William 1915. 10 |26| Sloan /Ralph 1916) 1 26) Sloan Jennie 1916, 2 5. Slaon Mag 1916; 7 ‘24! Sloan Ingrah Green ‘1918, 2 | 9) Slaon Hoyle James sxe 4. 7) Sloan Robt J 1919; 2 2 Sloan Sarah 11919, 1 9] sicen Kate Adeline bigen 8 23) Sloan Mary Jane 1922. z 10 Sloan Bessie Gray lasai. il 19. Sloan Pearl ligee, 6 | 5| Sloan Mary 11922; 6 5| Slaon - 1923, 4 22 Sloan AC 1923 ° 32} Sloan : 1923, 3 14) sloan ‘ 1925. 6 ‘16! Sloan , Burwell ‘1925. 8 17 Sloan Alex A 1927, 6 16, Sloan ‘Lidio Hines 1927, a4 25) Sloan |Dorcas May 1928, 7 2 Sloan Annie May 1928, 10 /31/ Sloan ,John A Filed 1929, 6 8) Sloan - 1929 7 13 Sloan .W Reece 1929, 7 \15 Sloan ,Elizabeth Reid 1930, 12 126 Sloan - 4igs2| 4 |16! sioan |. pee 6 | 30! Sloan |Harriet E ~~ $1933)_1 1321 sioan | Flora Grace $1933! 4 | 6] Sloan |Sarah k1lis 44933) 11 |12] sioan | Thomas Marshall | ~~~ 1954) 2 | 1) sioan Mattie ~~ $1934! 2 [22] sioan WA ~~. 1936! 8 | 3] sioan Mary Bell nn A A9S5] 8 1171 Sloan i nn 4956) 3 | 8B) Sloan Dovie I 986! 10 125] sioan Emma Parks “Ton 0086) 12 | 71 groan Edith Gibson a }A® | 24) Sloan Noah Green aa wn ly ty Sex Color M Cc M W F W Fr W M W M W M W F Cc F W F W F Cc F W F W F W F W Mow M Cc M W FW FW F C W A W W | W , WwW | Flow iy ow .W Mow ric M Ww Fic FiWw FW Fow rw MooW PLACE OF DEATH Statesville Union Grove Tn Tn Barringer Tn Bethany Tn | NAME OF FATHER | (Tom Slone ik C Sloan Thomas King J P Grider Sharpesburg Tn |Jeremiah Slaon Sharvesburg Tn iF H Sloan Chambersburg Tn/J Sloan Statesville Sharpesburg Sharpesburg Statesville Sharpesburg Union Grove Union Grove Union Grove Olin Tn Olin Tn NC Tn Tn nthe aie Tn Tn Tn I G2 ? Sloan Barkley Gray Smith White inRa@ymond Sloan |Fieldon McLain coit Sloan ‘Louis M Sloan { Chambersburg Tn Veenie Winford | Sharpesburg Sharpesburg Sharpesburg Tn Tn Tn Barringer Tn Concord Tn iOlin Tn Statesville ‘Sharpesburg Eagle Mills lunion Grove \Sharpesburg Statesville } " | | ‘Statesville | ‘Statesville \statesville Statesville | |Union Grove Sharpesburg \Statesville Sharpesburg Sharpesburg (CON) NC Tn Tn Tn Tn NC NC NC | Codale Creek Tn NC NC Tn Tn NC Tn Tn i G Sloan |ptnkney Hines 1 M Benfield (Tom Sloan Istocxton Sloan lcoost Sloan \Azor M Sloan lable Reid \l | 1 | Lester Sloan \ 1 _Dorman Sloan Martin Guy ie | aapaton, Samuél B Ellis Joe M Sloan Will Westmoreland WR Sloan Preston Sloan Raymond F Sloan Martin Guy Capt John M Parks Webb Newlon Sloan Iram G Sloan — lredell County, N. C. The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio iw aan Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. RECORDED ‘ NAME OF MOTHER recone Violet Slone | Ina Huie _ Jennie King Martha Keever Harriet Wilson Mary L Stout Harriet Wilson MJ Barkley Susanna Harris Martha Reid Jessie Williams kmily Morefield | Mary White - Lackey Margaret Walters | Nora Parker Anie Sloan Mary Jane Sloan , Miro Jolly | Pearlie Smith Minnie Westmoreland | | wanda Lackey | Margaret J Sloan , Mary White Sloan Rettie Nicholson | Mary Friesland Kklizabeth Baker Jane White Pearl Baker Margeret Alexander Ella dAhyne imma Graham Evelyn Ellis Vivian McKee Cordia A koHargus Sarah Jane Guy Laura Emma Howie Ida Lee Goodin Pauline Williams i 4 4 i ' 4A 4A ee e 4 14. \15 15 15 | 950 478 18 5 426 357 529 280 326 588 536 (335 258 | 89 249 354 | 282 , 300 578 .108 $12 477 15 |334 16 164 18/613 18 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 248 * | 286 399 | 42 352 406 598 325 519 ¥ / ayy 636 4 * j ah u | ah 1 : t #4it it bee “ 4) - ai Li 4a i are He Hick ag Tie. | Hie | ie ie 4 itfae 4h in 7 1 ne rie i ihe gir on 4 ae ae ti résua if shu whe F 1 Hd it) eae a ie ih ei HiT } f te iy Hie i a He Wt HY at nid ih if 1m f ; 4. | in| J af) Sie ‘ ity hi iT Ag at if Hee | ie Ht i Wd 7% if} 5 Hid ite i i i A st e e l e a Se er e s INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. se INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. _ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 50 Pa nae | Pee tere see re et cre “sarees ee NN OF, DR Noss aa CT SE SURNAME INITIAL, TAB and refer is Bcl‘by Oberver Printing Howse, Chariot MoCo i eee EES sae a —, SS ——_ SSS — ee i “hs ee SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Colt | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ra) = a aa ial | wo ems me OMEACED Sx cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER : NAME OF MOTHER =] q | passa 2 |6 Sloan | Archbold M M WwW | union Grove Tn | John Sloan Elsie McClain 24) 557 hres} 6 38 Sloop Mary F | C [Barringer Tns {John Cowan Manda Houston 2 | 15 ti » |1938 3 26 bioan _James L MW Statesville NC | Azor Sloan Mary White 24) 307 L. __}ag26| 2__|32}S2oop \Elize ¥ 10 Beprtoces tus fs B | 19 4k iy | [1939 12 23/sloan Ephriam Leroy ) mM ooW | Statesville NC/ Hiriam Sloan Blizabeth Sloan 25 | 442 | ree 1917| 7 (7 |Sloop (Robert MC Barringer Tns_ [Frank Sloop = p28 14] h A i 1941 = a4 oe ALford : : Bnce ees Ee Fo See oe ¥ ot) 160 i we oes ERO 7 JSloop \Anno F.| W jShiloh Tns Alexander Sloop Julia Seclar AA | 357 4 4) . | | i 1945 2 ‘16] stcen ‘Melvin Gaston | MW | sne rpesburg Tns/irem G Sloan Pouline Williams Sl. 142) 7 Sa sis! 12 (23 }Sloop William Allison| m |W [Mooresville NC IW H Sloop Mollie L Overcash 6 | 54 Le | ri | 1945 ix 17)Sloan Albey Fulton , NOUS |Stateeville NC j- dsatell Sloan 31. 456. 3 Ts 1924 4 (7 jSloop William lock M KM Mooresville N C JAllison Sloop hiatias Creswell nO | 184 +R | r | 1946 8 16 Slosn Mary E Overcash rFiYy | wpanaastin NC j Rufus Uvercash Mery i Winecoff 32 349 ) a 1925 | & | 6}Sloop ‘Henry Cowan | MW Barringer 'ns Allison Sloop Nancy Ullis 11/1 LN } 11946 12 7, Sloan Charles G M | W] Olin Ins J B Sloan | tilsie McLain 33 49 | a 1926 | 1 _|22]}Sloop Iuisa Meriah | Fy Mooresvilie NC Danial Eddleman poles Eagse pe Aes 1 Hy “ . \ 19488 20 Sloan Mary Ageline F iW lStatesetite NC jJohn P Stout | adeline Gooain 34 384 | . 1926, 10 14)Sloop Richard Brawley} M |W [Mooresville N C [Hugh Luther Sloop May Brawley Re | 210 Hite ! | | 1949 6 18)Sloan ~ M W Statesville a William A Sloan \Faye Genevieve Washam35 232 : 1927, 12 /184Sloop Dovie Ann | F W Mooresville N CW W Shuford Margaret Poston 13 274 ipl ; 19149 6 23 | Sloan Julia Ann F uichansanbase TnasjHenry Loonei plartha J Sherrill 35.235 | oot 1928. 1 (8 [Sloop Edna May | FoiW Mieieeyts te N C fRobert S Sloop Viola Garlton 4 | 170 Nf i ii 11950 an i3 [Sloan Charles tugene jr MM. W |otatesville NC {Charles & oloan juille LOgES 56 528 | 1928 | 7 (3 |Sloop Martha Jane | F iW Mooresville Nc si - 14 211 + if ; JP f2952 6 9) Sioan —- | M | © | Mocresvilie NO} Johnny Sloan p seeeere sees err 71 377 | : 1928, 11 13]Sloop William 4 | uly Mesrenviaze:® 0 Ueesh Srens Thrensea Woods n4 | 240 i HI i i 11951: 8 27 Sloan sisal | F W Mooresville NC | Paul Jackson Sloan Wwinnde Aleene Stowe 37 512 ae 1930 12 (9 |Sloop \Emma Beaty PF W [Mooresville N C !Thomas Beaty Ruhama Mebane 16 264 tl H i 17 oL08R Pe ae i coresville NG} == uvelyn Lee Sloan p7 030 Sa 1931| 5 (30}Sloop iA Jerome } M |W (Mooresville N CIS M Sloop Bettie Bostain nh? | 195 i (i i if | 1952 m4 2g SAO f= . Pore Revere Bowes Shoes | Pauline aaa & ap . 1932 2 _|18 Sloop Sarah Hlizabeth| F |W [Barringer Tns {Elbert J Howard Klien Thomas a8 1 H. | A952 6 |26] stoan Stamey Guy | MW , Morganton NC J <<22 -- +2 |[erse ses 38374 et | 1982 4 |15|Sloop | F |W [Mooresville N CW a Sloop Ethel Upright ns 159 4, } i 1952 10 2@ Slom Harvey Lee Jr | M | Mooresviiie No] ‘iarvey Lee Sloan Sf Laura Celdwel2 e558 | ree 1932 9 _10}s1o0p lJ _E M .W |Stetesville N c lDavid a Sloop Elizabeth zrwin n8 | 400 ii tie | 1952 11 |3 {Sloan Wilma Faye F iW | Statesville NC | William T. Sloan Hattie B. Sloan 38,577 spa one é ls Sloop. x A M .W {Statesville N C iH A Sloop Sr Delida Matilda Sloop {9 257 i} | |, | 1952 9 | 24 Sioen Coit Lawrence| M W [Kernersville NC] 0+ Coit Sloan Margaret Walters 38 627 2 Asis| a \11 [stoop lPrea Mw [Statesville n ch G Sloop lcathren Elam Sloop ho 396 hi ! | 1953 (7 je7) Sloan | Mobile Amos a 8 sabesy tide 2s John A. Sloayg Della Crough 39 | 314i | i ee" gael aa \13 Sloop Sallie FC jChambersburg Tn Samuel Turner Dusan Clark ng | 22 i , 1953, 9 (33) Sloan : Hiley pocahontas] F WwW [Norganton NC | James W. Hawn Martha Deitz Bg | 535 iehaibiiiit. Beek | 2 ‘9 Sloop jLeon E (Mrs) F |W |Staetesville N C John A Lipe Hariett E Ochler kO | 367 Hy 1955} 5 {31]Sloan Ivey Lee M iW | Statesville NC} Edward Sloan Docia Williams 4d 296 ue 984] 9. 115 Sloop _ |\Josie Steele F |W Mooresville N C John A Steele wane Anay RO | 217 Hl : / if | 41956, 2 21) Sloan Maggie Isabella} F C | Troutman George Patterson Mary -Unknown 42, 72 ——___}1935| 2 21 |si1oop ‘Ethel Francis | F | W Mooresville N CW L Upright Jennie Howell Bl 59 A R956 8 12)Slean, Jr. ‘Harold Ray M W, | Statesville Harold Ray Sloan Wahtula Dagenhart 42 382 —-—_.___}1936| 7 |7 [Sloop Bobbie Lee MW |Statesville N C [Ragar L Sloop Ethel Hartman ee | 472 i 1956 12 | 8 Bloan Docia F W Statesville 0 G Williams Mary Jane Cheautt 42 570 1959) 1 |18/Sloop _ | Seaford M | © |Coddle Creek Tn/Frank Sloop Licas Sloop 25 | 124 | 4 1957 7 21 Ploan | . ©] my Teasoersiie Emme tte G “loan Bthe Ae Peeey a sey ——}1940} 10 1271 s1o00p _ ‘ , M ..W }Coddle Creek Tn|William A Sloop Hazeline aA Johnston |26 | Vc oe J | , 1958 4 | 6 | Sloan | Annie Mildred | F | C | Mooresville Ed Stewart Mamie Withers 44 194 “eS Bowl 4: |25|s100p ae a M | W [Mooresville NC | J Allen Sloop Mary Wright 27 | 131 si ; ; 1.969 | 1 | 4 |Sl1o0an | o F _W | Statesville Emmett G Sloan Etha M Woodg 7 45 22 die 119k 10° 12 Sloop _ lArtie Lovine F | W {Codule Creek Tn} - MoCraven Lula Lllis [271 38 pret 4 ‘oe oe Pere a bt 7 Pauline “ule ‘s i tenet hGL2 | 8 | 24Sloop _ Shenae R F | W [Statesville NC oa Sharpe Pearl Dingler _ we8 hci nn ii | }1959) 8 /21/S810an Reanna F C |Mooresville | Sam Sloan Delia Davidson 45 | 403 aren t eben LBloo Tine tue biooresville NC | John brown bsabell dare 150. | 4}. a 1959) 11 ES Sloen John ie P Shae MW} Olin Chas 8 Sloan Myra Huie 45) 591 | ————fisea |g _| one eee ane ei | uw Mooresvilte Nc fink Molel Lana ‘peieie besdiaaes bso sal i 1960 8 Bs Pro tm M | a Btatesviite Emmett Guy Sloan Etha Mae Woody 46 508 hte | aa le be con Abert Virginie | M | W_ Piooresville NC fi L Sloop Pury J Misenheimer [go aio} iil 1961 | 7 (17 Sican Eaith Warlick | F | W | Statesville Million werkiok Nora Grigg 47) 548 etl 5_|19Gloop Hettie Bell F \s Statesville NC |J E Honeycutt __—‘|Jente bostien _ 31| 251] ||| ee po vas ee =} My Stetoort tle = : cies ~atharine mole land “59 2 -41floop Leban aie MX W_jMooresville NC |Columbus A Sloop {Emma Jamison . _ 32. 253 | i st e 7 a ee Sherley P. #¥ C jTpoutman No Paul te “Loan Georgia Phiffer 48 |139 ee tiie! 5 QiSloop _ - F | W Jtredell County jGeo, David Sloop Virginia L Easterling 33 351}. j gene a Lillie W. F |W [Statesville Bill Weisner Susie Weisner 48) 510 42Bloop }D aisy bnox_..}- FP jW [Statesville ¢-} Johns hnox > Mary Graham aie} 2585. _§1963| 8 (12)Sloan — Bi Reuben M W postesvilie John A Sloan | Della Cro uch 4g 465 12 | 24 Sloop Hiriam Wilson M |W] Mooresville NC} J. G. Sloop ss Artie MeCraven _ 3 4| 515 | het BM he Fidel J. tate F | © [Statesville [Curtis @ Sican Mildred O Morrison 149/538 : 4 Ce <3 SRNR : o64| 4 a] Sion | uf staterrais | 2 | Dy Frattsste sep 1 foneto0e — Hat fBasztaees 2+ apres, seco —__Iyatnip rosin _fog eee a enn bBlee8 nd Nereies Guy [79 702) ga se 419531° 8 19 | Stoop ay Brevey bt 14S peck eevee SL eenenases peemeey laeate Wane | A 5 | # | [sean m/v |scataanite | yartaraasagtet® | yy, Aiton sinonece| he | aaa ssl 25 [27/2200 Poor | M| ¥ [Bunconbe County Henry c'stoop, persed" Shutord | 40] 50g, Site aides hii ese oi: ak i Bi 1 nue penenpers | 5} ube ae 10 | 19 Sloop Ray Frank um , esville eis * te | Buss ie Goodman 9 866 — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. Shi INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. sis Tae Samar tesaree chale corseenness. ‘To locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAE and refer Nap fe Mar Rae Xe. is , , 3 cortco WISVERAAL DEE Mo. is To locat ts Mac ie by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Hog U.8 Pet O@: { For Your Protection, Insist On It. — to Bul subi index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent Ne. 1487168—Copyright 1936 . U.S. Patent No. 14371$8—Copyright 1930 = ate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Charlotte, N.C. Sold by Observer Printing House, me ._ | — one z | SEE om : to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. = = SSS = > z —— t em : DATE OF DEATH ; : SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED DATE OF DEATH , SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN on Gee | PLACE OF DEATH me OF AEE nee SF MOTHER ic a To ‘AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS. GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [[_1 >a, 1940/10 6 |Sandidge ‘Albert MsW Mooresville NC f B Sandidge Mary Lee White Re | 247 1 5 | Shuga Nt _Antha Lafette Statesville NC | Dee Shugart Bet Woodhouse 26. Christopher Moo re sville Franey C Sloop Jrj Helen 4 Sloop 5195 Ta a ae as ae as ee Harry Mooresville Unknown Unknown 51 9% Wm. Mooresville Henry Sloop Unknown 51 87 Corah 4 WI Mooresville Martin L Sloop Mary 4 Misenhe ime] 4. 191 Joseph f Mooresville Hiram Sloop Martha J Sloop 51 502 aT ry ss weW Hope ins ud 2 aa a 2 pe e v e <a e p n s l l i n k he r o i n bi c nc e Sg a, 1945 10 6 Seams —__.Glera Stewert .F W Statesville Nc _Devid Smith Elizabeth Bonner sso. 411 1959 8 28/Sams Eva Lilly FC {Mooresville Bob Lilly nner Torrence 45 423 aa n Se e aR pl e a Sm om a om om my ww Go we Scant Olivia Bradley FF. W |Statesville No bert Bradley ee 1962 4 30] Scales Forter R, J, N C 1 Oteen, N. Ce Harrison Scales Mettie C Scales et as ii i o u s b a n e s i b o o n n n Sa 1940, 1. |13]Sergeons -Pernell Mitchel} M | C |coddle Creek Tn | } i | } | ad p e c e s s e s e t e n e m a d i n a n ' et i n s t a e n i i n i n n e n c i c e n d e e m e r e n n i n e Soe Atte Ene W 0k. oe ne Tee eee Re! ‘ a 2 ; 5 , ' iy - COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. of 68—Copyright U.S. Patent Ne, 14371 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1945 12 /29 1948 3 16 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN William Nancy locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer = te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH Coddie Vreek Coddle Creek NAME OF FATHER Sam Sawyer Limas Coleman INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. NAME OF MOTHER Moancy Sawyer _ Unknown This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, For Your Protection, Insist On It. RECORDED Vol! Page {51 | 479 3h 97 2246 —6.117 s li a l al a d d i n tc e Andrew Lester een ete ae ; —— + — _ } — _ } _ + — Mooresville NC Elisabeth - fata aa COTTCO UN U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS IVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 vee | 1947, 1947 | DATE OF DEATH | Month | Day 3 5 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN - . m ewes Te TE a ia i >t locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB ard refer hi |\Leure lrince | F Dr. Eugene Leon | M | S& cook! PLACE OF DEATH | to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. fi NAME OF FATHER i a W |Stetesville NC |Hon WL T Prince W Statesville NC Rev. Leon F. Siler 55 — Iredell County, N. C. THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Colambus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. NAME OF MOTHER 133, 88 | 33 185 } |Mery MCGil2 Mary Trotter { 1947, 1957 3.12 6 25 Sisk Sisk __p963 | 1 | 2]| Sisk Pansy Levna | F William Victor | M Guy M, | M W $tatesville NC | Obie Webb W Statesville | Wi11iam Floyd Sisk i vi ; \ ss W | Statesville Mlayton Sisk | -|Gora Rateliffe | Ellen Ran dall Lillie Horton te ee a eae ro UiestaneRteaateiettaloc at aacionj.s0raran sesscarnenienepeaieiaianadii ee —— = a en caer = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS -— DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. :_ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County NC. PEG. U. 8. , County Indexes Since 1888 Te locate names, oper at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Se Pewee Be tastes ee ws g Pr PR A, Seat Me 7 > PAT. OFFICE An Identifying Trade Mark ZS to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 aE Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Obio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. PN TOs PR Oe a Tha iT nt Ee ee sa ae : | | RECORDE 2 ’ et SURNAME OF DECEASED | Sex coLoR PLACE. OF DEATH | = NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — a mee SURNAME. OF DECEASED | | | reconneo | Seen al ee Sane simanten : | oi Be : Your | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN SEX COLOR PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER ct ’ i | i oe . - ; f i 4 t ; H iH ‘ a= % i t ) |. i ita NC Peter Shour Unknown B3 | 230 : - Adt 1947 6 _L. Peter | | Statesville } enous 1949 22 14 | Seigel | Joseph i Mow mm s »tatesville Unknown Unknown . z > = + ‘ on t _ fi s ~~ ie SI R ah as s al e e ca u s ar sa c a r me pc a s h h a s h e i t i c a i c o n s a a t i l a d i o n s s sO an e : : 2 : : Z : x “ wa y no d 2 to ar s * i = e e a ar e a S a o e r e 1948 9 27 |Shirley Barbara Adell N | Mooresville Nc | Hoke Smith Shirley Kelsey Pitts 2 = ae Ce ee e ea t e r ee Re e n a on c e ce e en a : A EY mS = = SS S Se e ee e i Se e n i i ‘ es _— os a T T a ¥ ¥ . . < co . pe ne a ap n no e eg le wa g e r so e ee + ¢ ¥ - eg Oo a “ uw w| § qt et ¢ : 2) ¢ a eS : Ro n e | | | ba : i 7 £ = 4 os J ~i s Ww OC ow = wy +t =* - — _ ~ = = = ee Se e r ee ed SS ag e ee z Sk ” ~ 23 x - a ua ) s ¢ 35 r 2 9 WO °; 5 ‘4 @ i v n a Zz as = fx , S o é rc 5 & : © = a. Oo S| Ee uw ) = @ NS a o Ss a o x = E S$ a @ «. Fy 3 £ “a wr Py ~t 3 Pi 2 2 Oo ‘3 + et . = —— — — — > — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ F gu m s ea e p e e e i sn a r e s "3 © ‘7 . 3 “ = ve n t z a = be o ? i ~s . 2h 5 NK © xt " re 4 § ts ) a § : | a |? = 7 as , - < a Ee 4a s. * 2. ce QO } _ % Z Se rt = a @s 3 4 4 - : n> = ae { 2 2: : = = = <= = + - - a er e pe e Pi t a s ) 3 Zz = z QC : 5 < v — am ® % w -t © ze Q a qo “ f | $4 oa of a “ > “ > i <4 oc a > Pi g ¢| & 2? $4 z oo & & cm a a ; Oo oO - | Be e t Be & a o 8 1 ae oo ae re — 4 ‘ ci a l i s ik ia e a c c a ea s S oe | 2 & = ; am e t : 3 ho i i * <— 2 — ue © “a (> ; : : ‘ — = = —— — — — — — == = — E <= ‘o O ° ~~ : ® —_ Oz a © A => i) = gq . = a: i. & wt “ r oe —) 2. © a Oe =< 3 Li e ut ed i i i | i. i sa se a | ii ws ty ) z =e OO 3 <5 Zi a if st i l oe ie Az z oS hy PP 23 eS & & as go @ 6 a: ”" «| @ 2s a pe e Zz as l Ge t 2 “ | é a” fa a ee e 6 = ' a = a 2 q Ol 4 ; j } i bc n c c i m ci a t e mo i c a e e a a e t me e n ee s ni k cc c i a t + 5S oo "1 8 3 5S ' - a va 4 ntl eee ee Bip Oe ei ral RECORDED INDEX No. 1.4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 COTTCO UNIVERSAL NAME OF MOTHER a tu ) on e e < ke La . © & tu ) : = 3, < a 9 G Fs <* ir e n e «e e e ca r e e r = = —— = SS S = —— — — j Ee ai Se l a 44 % é . <= . = ; zt Q ; 5% te $ 2 } i 33 : s ¥ fe ge om : ai = | 3 pd a ea ta e da e ee 2 3 a. " T ‘ * . + — ee ee ee e ee e ae 4 4 3 Ss 4 3 & : Q 7 Fi 5 » 1 (> 3 . Fe eer a tease Teer Set rates INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. CEASED SURNAME OF DE AND CHRISTIAN HAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN An Identifying Trade Mark County Indexes Since 1888 bi earner tent ee ee een Buatlote i Day | f \ | a i 4 | i | | i j " | Rte. Vv. 6. PAT. Office DATE OF DEATH oath a en ae rr oo t a — pr c — ac a ap o Ma a n Ro e ea s e pp re r e Ap e ee ge l s 2 = ~ 4. “ nt n t i e e e r n e l n e s t n e ie t e e i e n n i l a t i a i n a t i i n te k ni a m a i e e n t i e m m n a n n a i a t i c a t c a a a Re ea er r n o ~ 61 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. eal INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | a€0. U.S. County Indexes Since 1888 * 5 To loc ‘ t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL Bu talitt JS" Te locate names, open » re U.S. Patent No. 1437168 Goorin itch ee COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Columbus, Ob THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, . Ohio q 68 Copyright t ' = PAT, Orrice An Identifying Trade Mark | t -Index sheet f f 7 f o Buff Sub-index sheet for page re ce. 1930 U.S. Patent No. 14371 ; ht 1930 > locate mama™ open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer t " te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ences cere amrenes f 7 f eet eee ia Sa ag ia = =| DATE OF DEATH =| z- y i SURNAME. OF DECEASED | : Srannee | | | | | ro [om [or] in cae PERRNED sex colon) PLACE OF DEATH | — NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = Se = = SURNAME OF DECEASED | sex covor | |_ snes a: i e | month AND CHRISTIAN NAME, | ; se LOR : s : : | . | . | [Pe aon [oe me. © ONE 1S civen | _ PLACE OF DEATH | = NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER [7 + | eT] / | : | | | | . 0 3 24 Safley J ess hice % ; : . | : | is | } a ! : | : E 1950 | e Owen i M W Statesville NC Ww W Sarley | Mary morris 430 Lod + J RGR : i i 1 1 | | fi | | i : ; | i i ii BE i ia : ' i 4 ia | | | | . t | | | H i M 7 Hi \ { i i| a | | | | } 3 i | H i f 4 1 o 4 | i | ‘ i i i | | ik - 1 |} * it i | i} Ji ; i s i 1 I | 1 F a | i | | i i if 1 in fF | | | | ey air | | | | | | | aa " . | i i i i : 1 oi | | | | | Hine i | | : | i " 4H. he | | i Nie a. ij i { 7 ; i | | ta ome ae } I f I | | ll | | | ! | { : + 4 | t { | | Tale ; i ! ii i | 4 » sry od ; | | 1 | | Bi | i | | f | ae : | | | + Hes. ; i i} i | ij ; (ie + | | t t | | | | | | | | ier an | | | | | i} i | | | | I \ ae i W H | | | § 141 i | | | i { 4 ba . | | | | | mah i ii | i | mt 4 | i I i | i +a THe | | tae mt | j i I ; | ! ! $44 Phil | | i ae ft ih iY i lI | i i} | ) | : | | i 4 1} ii i i i tH ti u i i hae! | i i +148 Lh . : i | j 14 tl | | | Hii | \ H i Aa A I | | i Het i i WaT) i lj il { ti wy hi i | l | HW aE? i | | bial Pe | | | | | | ih j x "4 i | | | i ) | t | f i | | HH | | | | Hy | | i i j | i | r | | me H | in | — t ‘ i :y H } 1 i} 1 | | if | UW | : —_——_|— | i | | | | bil ! 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Th o Bi ag p si s e n e o n i i a a e i e ao e ca b a l Pi n i it s c a c d p e s c i k ce Be s ae ia t ie ea e fe | Sl y “ ° | i ee e ea s ae HW Fi | pa 2 i i i, | a ba i e ti d | | | neat atone nove een O. Ind INDEX N. 68—Copyright 1930 COTTCO UNIVERSAL U.S. Patent No. 14871 at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. pe a locate names, SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN t t An Identifying Trade Mark INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Batnlate REG. Vv. 8. PAT. OFFICE DATE OF DEATH A De er he e z 4 + + ph n n i n e g i a l p n n e i c a a e e a a x ue ) g © = em ° tx ] = < z m% td 7 < ke mB 0 ua ) = < = - = = SS — = = == = Sp a s te e = se s s o —— se e r ee e -_ ne < ti l Q em oO i) C < = a - _ se t e + 3 i he ii a bl e s oc t n c i e s s h a c s u s i c t n a b b e en as i a d s t i s J ao n 8 : i di y ae a” Month Day | na n i - San Aa R R E R E R E E E I I GR E E ao e Se ok t e ne m ap e “‘ = ae a x x f 6 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 > Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio U.S. Patent No. 1437168--Copyright 1920 Bat To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer : . J as : to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. WH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures their corr: Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. For Your Protection, Insist On It. a : COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 names, open URNAME INIT = >| : U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 = mans Buff se ietes. sheet for peas ohne ni eo DATE OF DEATH ae a | SURNAM i E OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED t ; Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ol | ¥ Lie | Vol. | v T ; Page . = Year | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE GF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Vel! Page 328 H t ; - — ioc Sherard I C i M » Wye : id : 1951, 5 | 28] S _ Rufus Calvin M W |Mooresville NC |Joseph P Sherara Margaret © Woodside | 37 si o n | ve a i an a | i __—}-——_ HF | a s | 4 im a 4 | | oT i5 le + L eect nerceencenese —" rT i gf eee ie £ Be o ia H i we a} 2 | { k a. r 4 5 oe oe * ? | f ah ? nian ” : | f ‘ me ~ F | | a : cake ‘ ie Rs OT ; i i é » ‘ ie | | rT | ; ; scaestiiie 4 | | so at { | | Z ; + , | 3 i EL | t | | | si a i i { ; s iialicnaenacnantien i | ws l i y sean me t n a c m n n n ci g s ma m l i v e s i c s sils i n in i t ii f in e e c i o n t p e a l i c e n n s e m t a a n p e ee s pe a s e ne a x = ae oe ad + 4 ajP i | sciusigiialadl heliigel ininininnamtilhtsen ai Mii | I + saiinalainceatiainnibeealiatelateiniaitieneeh { hit Vib + iad fe HA q ir + neem hentia sennase-cnspneresenannnnenerenene } q he + Be T 7 ae Hy mee : nearer enenennense pense a t be " ‘ needle nnentsncheeensentsenninernsef-neneee HB 4th f ee Abe wh. j - . ieee ee + - a f] P { \oemteenetneneensiinctninsatanenell en siotiiilniAisitintniiiitdl ¥ i cnteaniaienannaieiaill sng Rid j } ? eae nna id eee i | p———— + ' 4 i > - Ur 1 : ) si aes iad 1 \. — f, i * . . ee | tj : ™ = 4 — | ——. i ak -— q wae hana a 4 | | + . | ] i on er hceteienesad nt etna neon hb fi nalie = i Z | | a hn i re seas | 2's _— iene a siecle sila sa re or pe, &5 St a — cr 4 b enews ee ia + - + ~~ 4 | | ! | ; jlticacalbaie i : | | a a eae soiintinaiiadiiia a bs ee ee i _ nae t —_ = 4 | ut aner . — +—~ } + - - | 7 _ Sal aeons i | | isc pore 6s a del a nti > seen meee ~ + ; ; ’ penance aaa \. | 4 | | | | | | ; + ma 4 ‘i . stiecnion | ene elastance LS i iin tli) } | ae : : : B ; ‘ — | | | | SED EEOR GY MRO be | | heel analilsesaapta i A | si Ah A tas nays ts Oe a —_— i bg T nee 7 sail liniidbinn CC CCL NCC CCCI tttttttn tetanic stttll : a | lr earner iil ences iia 7 | TRACT ean a a | il ir i n i e n + ma e m o 3 2 en e | sake i er ! } ft AER, SE | a t ennai incites Be Premio | 4 “ ‘ Viel lneertisd iil eM Gils ikea Se ee . — ’ on | ; ¢ | | | y : itll ! is iiiibcashicncdliaidnjcscilibiseibisnshaadMltaniniciteoaaiesigil eeepc 4 ry t | ; ; 7 i —$ — _ — _ 4 __ ' ' ; ) rill a a oe Bie Lannea 1 Te | na neerenenans rte een ele ; i po l i t i i i eee ettesenn nents ett tte ree eerie ttinerancntneine | | ; a si e c e e e n t i n a a a i s 2 wi a di n e wh e ma n c e : ee e e n n n e t h a p e r e r c e n e n e e n ec t e t h y p e o r e e n e n e e n r e s a n e a y pa n e r a = hc c e e r e r e m m e r im m e r aa . ee a I< na s af n o n s nt - e e n e e n e e e n a e a a R n E as ss — 6 at s ns Se ET nn n ni e s ih e ti e n e n 2 c ee = re g r e t ee r et s aa a pa po s e s sl eg pe e i n g ca n m e s t g r a m e ai g a eS i 67 a Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Glovier Wwaniide etree ts eet ad NAME OF MOTHER blien AR trite eta NAME OF FATHER Andrew ™ Sanille te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH TISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell Coun =e locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer jAustin Kerney SURNAME OF DECEASED INDEX TO VITAL STA UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 Patent Ne. 1437168——Copyright 193¢ Sanille wu a ence tlhe i i their correctness, For Your Protection, Insist On It, This Signature on sheets insures NAME OF MOTHER Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. NAME OF FATHER to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH pe locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sere aan ta Ber Ler ene eee ee Ciuc os coche. ie ee anita aaah a aneieaiaee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ond i wedpeemesene em s i n d c p a e e l c i a l e U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ©COTTCO UNIV ’ : : + pean ernment ie oi s = ar c t a n . ee e nr g ho r n eo ~ =e ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. '_ INDEX TO VITAL STATS al ATHS- hedell County, N.C o | es eli County, .N. ei nindex sheet for page reference. Reesness aE: For Your Protection, Insist On o It ‘ Ee Tae! roo U Me ast ite Consent ke a mer sisosiiielihbiieiagsaedcinl ambiasade aetoaaden — nd comme raesanemaensamn — ee : u names, t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and Com Col Ohio Ne fer ce lie to Buff Sub-Indes sheet for page reference. —_ beeps pence Charlotte C. F ty This iieas on sheets inenmesshota Correctness, COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright, 1930 BP To locate , mamian, 08 ¢ SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer = SSS enn ts DATE OF DEATH RE . SURNAME OF DECEASED Sx cor | PLACE OF DEATH | | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = P28? _| 7 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED ie Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol.! Page , = | = 4 Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i ; ite ate ~ Vel. Page fe : ae i | 37 418] | Tala dice ee 29], Sanille Austin | | : 1951) 7 4 +n Aerney M | \ Harmony NC Andrew ™ Sanille tllen Glovier haniife ro | ’ 1. 4 sa t i s l e t a i o u i e Sn o t ra ; t } | ; a 2 } a 1¢ ra i = ? it ij é - es i ” i | I li q : ry i i | § } i é : sth f i | } fi { | | a ; t eu nen | 4 \ ook i a | | 4 a T | ‘ j ies i ie i see + i | ihe ui | hes HB } i i a dal . ie i ii f iti mt | | {| 44 . i tH | i | dj 7 _ ; | . i | | ; 1 a Ill ——_—_}+—+— | | i 6 by i aa : 4 } f i | ie al = | | | ue i ‘ E ey tn.” j | 7 = ad i | 1 i nk | ae By a i | A Ba H i } i i | | t | iiatlaiiaandiariie \ t - + i j bid | | ‘Lie ” Ut | i ; | i; ne ro ii at Ma aad | ie i We | | ak ig ithe iM af My ie if HUT items ‘ ii TA gR Hn j ie a aaa i ee t ¢ ' j i! 4 i i i i aig i ——__—|_| a te | i H 3 qf ee i nh | ae Hit f] i 4 } ” He at een nh 4 if% HELE | | 4 ; iH if ; ‘Sita ween neta enna t | | Ih i } tia nae Pon aaaatfncenintei j hearipnacipetinnsielin } — - ape + 7s i se | —" oN | | i a if s i. # J af iil crete! incense ' : | sitet ea ; | z | 5 7 a T ee . | t ‘eno ~ i — —" f Bh hy me Sal i - _ - ' + 7 | } foetal tenia : i Ae - + | 4 + 4 | | j aj + - ~ - + wnnil i + pn \ : . : =i | t scionaseneataste sella iii tl i sie ene | wonmeme — + = eietenstnctes rssh | } t i | — Se eee ttl ET ne dle, er ] “T -_ AA ata met a ifs saviinieielliieain . = 4 some ih | lial | | } i pi | ‘ fn ne siilineniceinansgiiciineil ie : f one ss } : } | ane . t : | | Pia a | ws ee Ee soe | 2 a | baa 1 leaner | pial i | rat | i i 4 2 aan | F F : | ” - - ans — v fe nninnaneiie | | llth vncnepenanecnea f e | ag - | ye : ri ro ae —onennarea a aioe a a i ete i tr RA re t r o : jy) _sINDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. P e if ene teria Ee sane eeeens : or ae ae — 10 VITAL STATISTIG - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. | * = + = a eee eer —. ee ad te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. DATE OF DEATH Lo nana SURNAME OF DECEASED | [eT met Toey AND CHRISTIAN NAME, F ONE IS GIVEN Sex | cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER e: me on SURNAME OF DECEASED it ; ; ' sities i 1 ii re | Your | Month | oe] AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER ie : a al t } j " i | ; 195d 6 j19 shuler i John H ry ca ls ; i ol t} tet ‘| 4 Biyrtle seach Calboun chule: Mamie Mevachene 37 |687 hi + — - po + —— ; be - Ps no - > sa a n en t i r e go Mg n t er e l e i c e e 28 h et t 0 eh li p a s e se s re a * + * + ey e ! a + + ~i n l i g n s me n t e Sh o e s ne ; i } } } i f ¥, , ; i ; j n \ T : | q Lge | f ' | a ; I j | ; :! + | i | | ef } ‘ | ’ j | } | | | | | ; } taj it | rp a i ; | i j ili | | 1 t ; i ' | ih} i } | Pha kt ' | i " | i i a; i - 4 it | | t j j f | | ‘ } Ad | i lian } i La ay ? } j v4 id I + ann ‘ He i, | | 4\4 +s ai | | | i ' 3 { epee pe + | | } i f ~ Te e n me e e Sp ti e aE ge e oe ial t r i i | Forme eeeenein ; | i j | | ' sha) Th ‘ ; | | PH | re | 1h a) _ —————+- + j t | I at i | | + “) | j i Ke |i : | | | } ‘ i j + ” ” ttt bs | | aed | : he { j | ‘ 7] r + if | q { mas § o fhe inane meemeenon = 4 + i “ 4 & + | ' ' + ee ea e Fu a G l e a m e e a e ex p e 4. 7 i i | ' en u r e n d f e m e o e m o m e n >= * J } i | | ¥ ie o, ; | > i + a > { | i in ‘i mamas 7st | : z Y { j t meee ee + 4 i “ i | - T ms vi 1 } i | rs a * mw ie — tines | ee eT —————— | i : : wc s ; — 4 —~——_—— oN os OREN ne | flies asi SS aa 7 <siencillinessisaiiaaiacal it ib ities i Hy ; ; é - b——+ }——+ f| — h _— cat eacieciistinecectiveinnitinasiaiedet once pitti t | - q . a “ i na ns 4 an 5 - + —a _. ca m al sabe i snare ladies ie niches ci ee ccc j — 4 + ieibisiRiiididitidiing ce Mate ew te }- ne | ie hls adel hinge gic J A | sas bi a + memes nhl aenipiabieesiniliinimeieisiinieantsipieitMailyenicciliciasciatisiiieingii M8 is : pp $+-—+4} ' i “f — titel a adi a sacl rrcanicanass eorn | i iiedsdllntdhaichesckcaed : | | | (te me -_ nd iA. rar poner a Bi | aac scliseiaiibasaiilbatiis 51.3 a j } - enchant entenneen till enntn ne i ! . be - a aisnetine - nea - 4 + comeennmeeedlienen | +-- a ~ 4 rain : ; _ a ' ‘ sai tatters | f ae - senha a olen | , teense rie ee - t + leenieieneineniie, a " j —_ — q Panne eailtinnenainb nse i Tc Ce raennet Ne sia itisas ities intl cipttea ln ler nacelles ee | : leh .. ; + s c oa _ nettle ii nh } pane si Miia ci She Me renee teeta acs the i ctecn ili al necestemnntn renee eneeianteatctte ienaael sin cctinith : ssi 2 . J. oe } fp mncernrvereeemiet : y + ‘ ¥ ae Ws i hi Shae , a ‘A f Fore ah n ‘ ¥ i | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 7" INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. \ aT eee eee, anemia caneasac tee Ph fo e ‘Thie Signature on ebeets Ineurcs their correctness. RTEHA | Fos Your Prvetio, fous Ove ae ED Sa ee et te a ee nag COFEGD UMIVINEAL, DMDEX ne 1 ot = U,B. Patent No. 1497168—Copyright 1990 - heitnaaiin: or i a A TA, at brides enorwese Seto fe Le : er ir ee Te oe = == a= = : — sac Se j 4 — = ee oo SURNAME OF DECEASED en = Se =e Year [mee (Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ' i |Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER }te? = DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED ae 4 Page Yon | Month | Day AMD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [Foot } | ——— : as iniisdicintiaoniaiasintentei ; : = a pn I | a= t} munuannad . . - abe ET cS AS ET A rl 2 ne l gy ee 1952 | 10 | 14 Scarborough | Monte FW | Statesville NC} Robert Scarborough Fannie Scarborough} 38 509} [ay Mc a i es : A ao e & 1 = =f — sy n t h e | 4. ies Searbore , > 1964} 3 |18] Scarborough Floyd nile a : : i fs oe i 7 . “ “otatesville A “* Scarborough Jary McDonald Lie Z [a s e | = nent a sh ye e r o s Ny s e - 4 4 ea u n e a s ao t i] a i , | . + ‘ | | \ eit : ¢ 3 i | mis ey cece Y 4 y i | 17% 4 ; f % “Ys | } } } i ; i nias % on 4 i eg f | i ‘ * i i yeas ¥ | % . i | te 4 4 a 4 ; i dhe 5 pe ! i { ites + IP | i Hi ; ! i i T i ‘ae # 5 j | i AE Hy 4 | | ‘ $ i enhancement + I ' i 4 —— i 4 ‘a ea ? i i E in : { i | ae 75 i | BS : y a 4, | 1 | ms ec | | 3s , } ‘I fe ih ' | i] i | pala Mois 4 ; : | | i i re t ; i | 4 4 ie ‘i | | | Wwe + i + | | ery iene ’ ii i i dat j i ‘ 4 , n “ie “ft aa i } i] | Loe wal + + ! an | j | | j | | j ? aie oa | r i | , | ie om 5 | * | | | ian 1 ! 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' ' x . 8 ig . : -. . i a 28 ‘ c a l n d i i a l o r e a d _ r ‘ i i = - i ; e e = a b p o r e m e h 4 4 ; witli a ee COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 This ' COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX —, names. m i BREF Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Un Post he 1457168—Comerinke is. ~ Copyright 1983 A-122559 > locate , pen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio ( 73 ) Signature on ebeete = —— sate : FN eeETEEE ce te Buff inden ahast fer page sefecenen. Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B a — Seto | Fer Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. a s en oe sae Se a ene nn 2 N os = r it SURNAME OF DECEASED | | |_ recone | sai CmEBTIan WA, © On 18 eevee | Sex Cole | PLACE. OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER — _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ' , INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ie | SURNAME. OF DECEASED | ¥ si SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | coir | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = "2 ) = tt < " ae | Seabolt Pred Mathewe ae e s : ee = " Mooresville David Solomon Seabolt! Dora Passmore Seabolt39, 289 | | | | t | | Dees | af | + ; j ; ' | , + + ‘ i ' j ? il rl j ij 1 iq i i i] | t—— | | h. va k i t + T 1 i] | 3 ! i i li i ij | = ' i 1 i * + + i ul i r 1 + i i | | i : 1 t i + ie ? t HK + i 4 | | Lb i . . 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Zz 3 Pa a g es s = 2 : rs at PS sm ~ me e — —r pr e g ge e se e n = : rt 3 = os Bh i , 6g - oe m Zz x @ se e s x = mh os | = a ° ” | © a i Be i WO , ee e ot a bo s 3 —— — — = = —_ = = —— — — —— — — — : == = —— — 2 no e is 3 GS ) : 8 = 1 } = a <t ¢ 3 “ A (> z= i = S — SS en e e a e e e a e t h o a s a s n n a s n e n e s e n t i e —— — — — m a s E | —— Qe 4 wr e wc a a n d = ¢ ra s 4 > o a t = r Lk . & a ©O et ee t : = w § f a p o m m f e n e r b n t t r t e n t + o «t z p e } | | Z e Gz ] x > = Ci s a z - s ra f 43 . O° om m e n d 8 of e+ > at w le aa a3 o hl - = —— o —— = Sp ea e a = —— = — = en e an c e s Sa n a a aa a —— — — oo SS — Sn B e ] | e ] % | a — a -~ — — —* MN | re coTTc INDEX No. 14 Copyright 1983 ance NAME OF MOTHER COTTCO UNIVERSAL I | t = — — = — = —— — — — — — — — — — — EE —— — SE 2S — — : : fs | | | | | ~ i ta } H ) a ' a. = oe ; & | ft 1 So | ¥ | i = | : tH < ee hi a i. + | + + a a —— — — S | - SS + == == ! | {| + THOM ee 2s, gr OE TAL TAD end mater | PLACE OF DEATH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | ; Sh | a | —j — + - + _ } | ff | ag a3 as di ) a. i if ] 5! be t ee H tb ch o e a b e c h ; 2 Z& ‘ ; ag Pat. ormce Rte.v.6 Ss +, os ‘. &; ‘ 2 ae a t : < s . . : SS S = ~ PS Sa ee Le e ee Ee e ot i re r t e r t a n r on ol i g e a i a i e r o n a t na v l l y e n e r e ee e tS A ig IS TT ig : AA R C aE gn 38 tI ec r c c c t i g we s ; Ne a ry re m a r r y eG ea 7 Ps 7 ; . : : ‘ va n e ne ro e : ag e ae on s fa t e ma t se r on s e n os gp a ns ae p h e i a e n p i e on 77 Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, NAME OF MOTHER | | + Myra Beal OF FATHER NAME James C Finger ; ee eres nocd cagnpnahebeby Seth entm beset set Ree ati nte mS sere rr tr trig eras STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. SEX COLOR W sr locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer 0 AR RAN ag a Dora Elizabeth/ F INDEX TO VITAL COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN SURNAME OF DECEASED U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 RECORDED Vol, SS S Copyright i938 A-122559 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 NAME OF MOTHER NAME OF FATHER ndex sheet for page reference. Ek OF BIRTH | | + | it i! i Te locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer TH™ eo es es ) PLACI SURNAME OF CHILD INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. County indexes Since 1888 An Identifying Trade Mark Batalate efec.u.6 PAT, OFFICE DATE OF BIRTH = sa i i e n i e n sa a n IS S O a pe gS po a w a p i i g r a n c e n n n n t e e r t i g e e n s — et ap s na e de l e n i t pe n e ns e Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio NAME OF MOTHER Myra Beal Denes Ae a hale STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. E OF FATHER NA’ James C Finger & £ 3. S6 me ne = : a = = — = po e so on e cS ee Be e3 0 0 oh E s ie z3 Q eo Ss 5% i “A si Si ] & a3 : n di ) 8) g ba z om on d © = = te Buff S$ Teo locate names, o S = 5 re ) or } - + = oe a“ fx , (> SS E a = x sh cS ci a a il i i a i i i e a i a a h e t s ee aa d ta m e n ] 2» < a3 wo a Qz Z => we et i S| ji gs ) ti e— Be ° Le st a >< O8 i a a Ni a ce Ll ) at ae CQ ii ] <§ Zz a 2s Sy 44 & 5 HE ag a 5 b, a| | 3 3 2s i ' az i e ; i ; : : - a — ae a : 5 | DATE. OF DEATH Year | Month | Bay 3 prevent = + a | be s . Pu s 4 . \ i } i i | } : : ; J! fn BE ae ’ f ' ' | ' \ Lf fb n bE ee , ie ai e ge e 1 ; i i lb bo l fo b pe os Pe pe e ee ee j ; i ; : } f | : : | : ee e cs a Se ee e & fp 3 ae pe ee i erent O scsmnaniee ainiuene in ee okonne cae | T ec r e r r e n e t s n g e r e r n e n n e So b — | | r— ' i } i é of | | ox 8 “ ; ; ; i : i zx a - : | ; ' i . : | t, tp t ff fo } | a) | | ii le | Bs | | | ' r r ’ | es | aw i ; : i : : : | tl ) = | ee ei a| | = La c b o a l ad | | >= ee . ! i i HL 2 PT a ee | 53 ; { : i O3 3 bs | | ZI E ua ] Gee ee ee ee j ' i ; ; i i : 8 < pl e a ea e a | 7 ae a = oo p a eb a ee CW | eS | | ; : = , os | rm Pa i Ph e ae i i i ' i SS | E Po d Se Se e o| || « | | be do m e . | | | | Sa t es 8 | ee ee SP E | Df ae al e l. 3 ep ee i N2 1 i] Zz i : ; ; T| 3] Po a | Bee ee aS | | | ae o Et : | : : : ai ) <= | | | ae ae ed e E* | ih | i ij YU | : i! ft ' an e ee i| ' : =a a= : Sh e e t : i} } a St = ia l : ii } 3 | | : be ¢ 2 e ' ' =) ed eh Si d em a d | | Re i Se s l i p i i l a n d a i c c t b i i a c l a i s s a l i a a c d l c c a k se a l : | nj | Po e ee . Ll i! i : ’ ' aa i | = i i : | | of ! | ee e =2 | ' > 5 ¥ | ae oO S* | 4 — w Z| bi s i h e n Ie c i e a n i s o l b i s t c t i n a | | =* | ne en io : Pe e s < F | 4 : Z& | da i l ' os Ss t ; | Si " me e e SS ee e eS oe re ¢ Pees te ae et ota r aL ad Past tie tiet eee tataki eae cathe — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. oro lg pe eras INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1487168-—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Mfrs. Cott Patent Indea Systems. THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. TS” 7e locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1 68-——Copyright 1930 U.S. Patent No. 14371 at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer sheet for page reference. open te Buff Sub-index To locate names, i County Indexes Since 1888 An Identilying Trade Mark RES. U. B. PAT. OFFICE F —— . > ~ rt ee by 3 ss —— — — — — — — — — — — — a = = = ne = So o r e m e e s = —— nn = « tu ) | — - < ke oa ' oe ~ ® © ‘ ta ) H oO = © 3) 2 ? ae * . = oo r : = = —— == Ba St eo < a 4 re nt tx ) ” QV @ < o ia d a ° on ” = = = —= = —— — — — — — — SS SS S = ~~ — °o o = j 5 d ca e ae co l e a a” Fr y De y = = = = = = SS = == <= = <= = © Vol. Knox Jane NAME OF MOTHER SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN T t ne u e pe m u m n b u e m m m a n c e n c n a p e r r e e s oe & jScofield an n h 4 4 i oa k ai c i Ri c a i ai h i n i s l l th o y ll c a s t i e h i a i a ni a l na m a n , ~~ vane anne ; ' j + De n o n + Se Le | DATE OF DEATH | Month Year 1956. 6 te ere etait owed ; J | i : : i ba a ee e | Be ge s | \ ee ee : | | Me a ee or ae ae d pf ts ee s . | | i { 3 <= = =e <= = SS —— — — SS SE E lS —t 5 i 8 ir i a h nia c t i a h Pe a s l i n a ak aa a ti ) = E ° = i. 6 il = < z aX tu ) x E < <a i. 6 tx ) = < z : sb s a s u d h t m a p n d e i n t i d s b e n i c e h s a i a c a b c c e , ! se e x < a a La 6 ww O < = : ae ee e ao e = —— — — S = = = = 2S a : bo n h e u r ee t me e n a 3 eA | SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | t t | = = SS SS Sg Nay DATE OF DEATH Month i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. oe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. “— Motte Scratch set TDS lenge ney at SURNAME INITIAL TAB gad rete CL TEP AMSAL, MRR. | Ee corto UNIVERSAL INDEX No 1 t -: eet fo je re . ™ D ver jo ' ° ” . yright 1980 . U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 I >t locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbas, Ohio ' to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. DATE OF DEATH | ; a SURNAME OF DECEASED - RECORD : see | ql Yer Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX (coon | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER npeeonaee DATE OF DEATH SURNAME, OF DECEASED i I i | onmnad , Vol. p, 7 ; i . ‘ i : age , ora Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GivEN SEX COLOR! PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER : NAME OF MOTHER ae ee | | " : 4 “ ' . * : ‘ i! { 1956 1 | 25 Service Lizzie Ann Ee Oe a | Speier : Do ue 209 Y | Mooresville | John Reid Service | Lizzie Huffstetler | 42 281] J bed “a | " a 4 Mie lj i Al | a | H ie | al | | i 1 a} | | | | mh | | | ! Dees | | 3 | | | Brie | { aR | | | | : nea in | i | | | _ ry 1 i j | § :| i i t Bde | | | a. ed i | i | { } ge | | | | i | | i i he HT | ft | | it wh it f i 4 { | bl a} ! i i | Dd tT | | \ a aan | eS 1} > 1 | 1] | i ry | | i Pe th HH | + } I | i 7 th H i ; | | { { nf 4 BJ fe | | & i Ps | t na } fi ij | a i } ‘ i { 4 Jai} | H 4 i it ~ | ' ; i} | “ Ha) | | | ei | | “af . q 7 J | vr > ; | i i Li | | ' | I \ | i 4 | | | . t tf | | s i: | } a sell i i | | 4 t { : 1 i tw f + 4 i ' | | itiinlnigiaiais i I | | \ | ' 4 ' : \ i is | | i | j ze sta li ig | I he r t } Ht ' i j | | I | Sl s 4 sine i I ; ] T + | i | J 5 . i ee Se ee Sy | | {| ; | + —— | a | | AHR | | | | | a 2 : acalte erratic nricinsinanieash, suenienpmnaa j iH | | t Lh 4 j | } | | | } wie j j i | - a mneeee lenient asus j i | | San | | | 4 ' | ; i + 4 —! | tT ; } i} } | - Tren een - seins | | | j | t tt i | i i t ae i | | { | | | —s- = “HS | . | ; | \ | | } } ] scpuintl - telat i i i bid | | ret | t ‘ | | 4 5 | | indicating ciate wmsiatiig 4 ae milion “eel. : 4. { | 4 i "i 4 — } en ~ — a asdiaiokt ine senate i, biiidibibitilaeGit tbs a aM Perce nbn 4 a ae wl igs | ' ~ - i feorme sl o—_—! pn a + ~ - “4 ~ on ne * May i aa 2 i ‘ i canner, iad Paha ii t | | | 4 i, ; i ernie Richi tis | j Li + 4 ‘ | ' A “ . anit eT teh : Saal ud i * =” | i s " memati | tad Pare pica icbiniglne \ j si baa Ss a iM ea a, Le a i ST ee on bie Ct A So SB. 5s a cas t Th iE er cnenenainandlianitilintinsliniie ilninaitisianunisans si i a omen } eRe et ady lteter essai nnd naessnnn, ones eller fee nies) a 4 ' j a 4 vm eC ee q i ts he i | eM Py e or | = : él ij INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. -_ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1 — UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, f He ate. uv. 6. County Indexes Since 1888 TS» locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright tbe Z ; Aal i Tel t " t SURN INITIAL TA d ref . dentifying Trade Buff ‘Sub-index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Z-S>T* locate names, open at SURNAME TAB and refer fre. Cott Patent Index Systems. ad PAT, OFFICE 1 rade Mask to - . to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. t 5 = i : : RECORDED " DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | aie ee aa . ! . * DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED sex coor || PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “ i tah Given Wie, © om a asm | SX /cotoR) PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER ; i i Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i 4 —/ Year i Month i ‘ : i i i f i i Me ' | ' . : ee " | ij i a ° ° . \ nN i ne . : i +layr ij mi if 1956 1 25 Service Lizzie Ann .* W | Mooresvil John Re ice zzie Huffstetler i " Pai i Le if HA | 4a. hi oi | | es iH i ae i } ft 1h 4 | i] 7 4 4 | i “4 na i i ’ ra HI | tee | af | i i i i fee i ae 4 i = i ind r f i : | | i 5 ca Si i t 1 Z a ya i i | | | vag | | ee | a ane |S ' i i ! + ae | | | i ee et | | | | y it M \ | | | | ee H h | Hh | | | | i ; i | I i i | t t i i i | i i i : H ! i } | i | Hl : | i a | | i A | | | 4 i | | i | | ji 1m \| ta | \ | i af 4 id t i : : i Tip ' j | \ | | | | +i] i | i | | q | ‘ “I ip i i | I | | i i j t i f ~ } ” ? i { | | | | | | mn l | a | | I | I i et | | - ~ i — erent + + | : # i 4 \ ~ ' j : i | i i | | | | i i 4 + Z i a ee ee ¢~ + + f | { bs | | | | . 1 j re i ! i i i... } + 4 os a i 1 — a + t | i ; ' 1 ; | " ‘ ; | | } ! : i Ls ad | etn | — a ee | 4 ; ! i } i be j i i | i ’ i — yin il cient si a } + be = + 4 + o fh ot - 7 T | i] i i i iil | 4 1. 4 + + a amici vt Sia i eS fone erent eet t | fl ! i | j | | | | | ' i S | #8) i | ieee ee 1. i a ; } j inti | } a) Resende | 4 i ———f$ |__| | | al | i o nn ce 9) $+ basi eae - a ai : ! | fe | q : ! } ct Tt is! ponenaneney aren a > _ ~ a mene | & as ei A ime Se a a ol A B a ee ae Sieve tances ny i h | tat i os | \ Sed i { . ce da a3 ie ; | i e | Ola ; r F . " 7 . - nae eg itt peveneninnatitiesete on nteemtoreenee Y ie aoe wwe aaaer re ; iad j ip panned i " Si | a 4 ws wn Bs! Petar richie cle ne | ; ; 4 ie as i ~ i wince Te retell men ribet | “4 a Oe q a thence ant anneal ctreteabahilhii iii ae i a ii | sf se ae: ye ae if wd e , t= pscuunienegeauendeccons Pe Sent ner nt een en eae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. -— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. . COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1 ’ as UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 sae aaieet Gaia dead mean ee Ton [> AOE RETIAL, CAR ond ooo aten 7168—-Copyright 1990 4 - GOFTCO TS Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref THE COTT INI onnaean 7 An Te indonns Ainge 10ND - nna 22 Pen for a reference. U.8. P, t No. 1437168- ht 1980 _ U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 to Bull Sub-Index sheet for page ee refer Mire. Cott Patent Index Syetems. 81 | RECORDED — DATE OF DEATH SU = OF ‘ASE i | | | ean DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED sex leon | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER , ae : . i lt, PRREMED | Se (cour!) PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | = NAME OF MOTHER = f= Yew © Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Vel, | 2 rear | Month | Dy | Page ; 1 | 1956 1 25 Service Lizzie Ann | W | Mooresville i ; t =e ie t e a t i n i a n l i i n en e th e n | Mi e di t i e t e de n ‘ ; i ! —- — - - 4- 4 Columbus, Ohio Cott Patent Index Systems. ro THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Mfrs. NAME OF MOTHER ancy GC, McLeod c iN | i | | | NAME OF FATHER ONE TT ter kL cee _Robert D. Gentry bas | 4 f Hi AME INITIAL TAB and refer PLACE OF DEATH | t for page reference. — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. W > Charlotte To locate names, to Buff SEX COLOR j Nellie Gentry | F = i ' INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN aa Se e pe e r e e s ¥ ©OTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 | Menth i £ DATE OF DEATH 1956 10 11] Sentman Year s Pennetta Nishhiniligllitieléh ioe | ee etn anta lt racanesheren ies ienens rth tiie 7 sel anne : ; ; ; ' i | ee i j i i : i ; ' ; i ; ‘L l ae ae i | i i j i i i | j : i y } i | | bi e | i i | | cen ete eee fennel hanna — Page 1nd 930 No. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX 68—Copyright 1 U.S. Patent No. 14871 NAME OF MOTHER NAME. OF FATHER reference. INITIAL TAB and refer at SURNAME = sheet for page Sub-Inde en ee aA ie enctrtaliaceittnse te Buff To lecate names, Sex cotor || PLACE OF DEATH i> Mo (Ot SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Paine ’ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. County Indexes Since 1868 An Identifying Trade Mark Batnlots — eee ed Par. OF mice Month Day ree. uv. 8. DATE OF DEATH i j > z 2 ‘ 4 | } } i + $4 _ ’ ; ; ' i ’ ; ! i : ' ; 4 i ' : : } | i j i ; j } ' j t : } i ; ~~ + ap a a ; | pm ne n pn ce n en o n s a n n e n n e n fi e a i e i e a n e n e i n n n a n d p e c e s + + + at + a nt lp i te n e t s it Ri aM cM ic o n _ 7 es s e DATE OF DEATH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C Pee. v.. County Indexes Since 1888 To beeat : at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1 PAT, OFFICE An Identifying Trade Mark p a eT te Buff ‘Se -index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copy: o right 1930 Year SURNAME OF DECEASED | | RECURDED ann law | AND CHRISTIAN NAME. IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX COLOR | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER pene i Vol. Page ee re PTT er eee ee ee 1625 Myo signees era nd Fert 7 tte" Pepe eee Es Cae tee bed Dd INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 coTTco . = Ohio . ‘HE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 I FeTTo locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refe q IND to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page aa sive Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. 85 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED { | i de n n e ao r e n e n e e f e i i n e e n i n e e n e n e t e n i e e s n e e pe r e n n e RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 4 SEX COLOR! PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER a e 09572 | 8 | Short Viva | F W Statesville Charlie Adkins Maggie Adkins 1957 1213 Short Mattie K. | F W! Statesville | Kreider | Martha Lowe 1 961 ae 6 Short Reuben Griffin | M W Statesville NC alvin short | Kessie Bradley fname ’ - ee Sr x - fn ro e se a £ oe ao e ee ee e * ; : ee , T ce e a r a f l h - « - x - e = - as i n nn di n r m e a r e t i e g e a t n e s ai e a e n i e e a a r e aa n na a co e sn or Se g a es e e e e a e ee e ee Se a n a i} : 8) 9) | | o. | ©) i i i | € ba t h | Rc ci a i s i o d L \ } } 4 4 } b i 4 j | pa s e in i la d d a ta c a e a d s o i d . | ca l l e s - i + 3 i >} i = =e = + se r oe + + ‘ ¢ * : * l ! | : ' ! i ti gl gl | | ii s i i @& H Ei s oo d : si e 2 a | fs 8 e i) i i i > i oO © i ' bo . 1 § . im a | ww ) | @ | | | ul 2| ° | Ow BS ii bm ; >> * i a o i aa 33 ! ¢ : mo 6 Bl . | = z Oo Ba = eR ii a tt ee e i ee = += x ‘ 2 = 1 ok ge | F « 1 3 : | | Ea > © | ) =| a : oa l e d Le 2 B 2 na : ; 4 si ) § 9 Pa “ ; i ; es Wy e si s es eee Ss 5 Si © re a <a ll * i i i 9 . 2 Sl = ot ee e + oS = > ls a t fo o oe — + i i i i i. Se | T ; | ' Z | i ' —| | ' pa i ; sO i = 4 23 | 5 “ | 47 a) & 8 | v © | i i i $s | <$ e i ) ae ) , & | S be F 3 | n” i | i i i z - sa l e i i i a e eb d i i a e i a b e i a b i a i a di s t i n in i l i h a i b i a i n i a p i n i i l e in l i n e ii a ai ia aN i i i : Z i eS Hi s | r ge e : 7 a~ w i 8 3 _— - ~ ~ ~ + + + 4 + + + + + + 4 + + / oi si l e n c e d cl i n i +— 4 : + i s ; ' } sa ] , 2 | * 4 | ee ac a EE : : : i | : ; Lr Ne ad INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS Q 5 | =¢ le Og Le , © es a a zs i ' x i z I = - — rT T T T i tT T pe g a ° ap e s , ae ae — ea — a | * ' : 3 i i i a. } < = i j i ws i 25 | at iB - s . @ an el | | | ag ) =) | ae , | | ae | j S| i | ' e? i | S | i i j j BH OC U ] 8 Bh o 4 ao | of | 1 | E th e Ls + “a i i + i i i j 8 il 18 @ | el t | | on : DATE OF BIRTH Month : pom 1957 RECORDED 3 ‘ $ Se + ; + + + 4 + + + ch in n i n e e r e n e e c n i n i n s c e n i n e s a i l l e t i n s i c e r n t e i n n i l ci n e m a s = ai a 12 $2 WE | BS a | fe e s , ee : a 2 | Et a | 3 j ; ; : : ; i = | be ee § be ! Pe e d : ) Es © : : ) s Ss : : < : z NAME OF FATHER g £ fi 7 #5 2 ri Ly <* = <= = = ‘a zi = Ss 3 : z? Q fs oe i x Oo a3 3 tx ) ia Oo al 3 « = a i ke : 22 = —= — — SS —— = —— — = —— — — ea 3 8 3 9 Pa (> 3 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Aan Identifying Trade Mark INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. i | Month Day seo. v.86. PAT, OFFICE DATE OF DEATH es a s i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. oo INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. * iH ( ) RES. u. 8. County lndexes Since 1688 Oper at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 nissan ‘ ae eae Oar, Gree An Identifying Trade Mark Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Copyright 1933 A-122559 4 re aciael COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 eas ok te ————————— ae iat ata Se , Copyright 1933 A-122569 nee at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ( ) | _— eghtGe Gener eee tet —— ee ; ere sie jame and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systems—B 89 a r a a Sr, 3 : = ————S — =—— = oe 7 Late oF sare a = _ oa Seomnuenenneas . TROOP so renin 1h) [= [en [oo PR og ag one sex |couor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER [sme | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | iH a ciepieideemiemumieniarianeeeermereumiaetnens Page , Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN SEX |CoLoR | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oa) a ee 7 mussenenien a . campeon = — ae See lions ' | T T + — ee ; ee — - a — sleaneed cleat a eee ae a . Pr 959| 8 | 246 Sangster, Jr. J 1 eee ohn E x W) Troutman i John B Sangster, Sr. Hattie B Rafferty _ 45, 408 ers sleweemeens +— =eviad ‘ coremamnnaoeennnecmeesn + ne a nn ar ee a a | | | \ \ ; i ee +——+ fh — ; i , i a ca t e = - < SS ro n me : \ | i i i po o * =~ < + %. + —- Te te n ———— | + == a = si i l e i n n e CO cy s : . 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C. = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C.” Bik ( ) ans. U. 8. County Indexes Since 1888 [EF Opes ot Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1~4 ss i : are : Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Copyright 1933 A-132569 - eer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Se —————————— =: Ree - cee oe Sees 80 BF Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ft 7 DATE OF DEATH [—=—=[=>=.. : to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. a i SURNAME. OF EASE —— a eee — : nd sex | cour] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = —2conveD | dl ‘Se DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED ca 1 ms Vol.| Page Yow | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1 Gan Fh ve ii = | -—s =< a's a ee - pee een as ; 4) i i Sy 4 sce EROS ee il | “— oe + coi eacheall cicecnecl orl pssibincs-cbeaicencea canted onda avaible has A aeienimhine ee ee ae ng60' 4 10] Samels Cecil Herb M | a | | -— a os TCCOC):~=<SrS:S t oxperd _W | Mooresville Rebert Samuels Hstelle Hubbard 46 219 4 a F if | I ‘ L _ te |__| : V4 ~ a is r eens * a he : ee + nee pil | i. Mi m } + b ne 1: | oe s.. vs ; ‘ vel 7 | —— ~ i | - eee + . 5 : jes i j re ae | t t ‘ > : | ; ——-f | ai | | ee | ES ee } } | whe j t aie Tian es j ie if, d } | | ee aka eit | a i He + t \ : | 53 Be i | ; bw i j | Bahan, | 5 ; } | + a ; ' sin Laie Re i | abs ie } } i i iP, | ; “ i } | | | ene a Aig} ' j nL | | | : ; | ' + ennai - $ { | i } ' ene + | | f | i AnD + t a ee i } + 4 4 | | i \ } ea | sncatseiisseibaiiiibail iia Aone + eon j i ‘ { } 1 4 W por | aa eo ae eae eee i | | 4 HS t ‘ | sciatica tainted ieetacnnt ae i i : 4 i f | iz 1 ow a A aoe - as 2 nears! aetna ett easteiieed ete cnntetntta prea nesnttemancentee i j Fy HL a 4 ode EE octileanschenehoned Hie 7 “ t + te Ha ican aki a a. Ge il if -— as Fel eminence | i (i maha 4 \ —4 ' i ' i: i = + i ae 4 | iff 1 1 meme — - > a senainereani r j j j 2 : “Hl ’ 17 . i \@ | r b ~ oi hipaa hee er. in on me hyipeMe see et te ‘ i ae pp i + 4 i { iirnlheliinnibiisi tes evenintincepennmesnat tin Raldaibinaahininsoninineitinpipaeeisihmeclh., “4 a pee — ee ah a esata ce natanaraterncaee en eens = eee ——teeatincenrsenensnellin nesearwteansertepinsetaihanmsinnenansanin ae oo al mene ademas - } . fg i nit hsettinnasiaanl Leieccnomnneen | ~ m I te to. - | | | t - ; Ah perenne _ os ~ | | : ; ; > | an _ - a Shot Ey ree ieee ee | : ! bs naetnsneiaguediulall x” | | ibid sinha vende ences teal ase enn | | ree Pte nniiNereeinest att eaiesitentelll tensiestinniasats initials ine a ee E J netic “— nn + - 7 + tl each itieetenrtille anne J a t siteteticcetinneralillR een alnoaalan | Sie pela or oe oe | ng ete | | —+ itp lt eeeymeneii " sates anette eee eee | nent snsnae Bi 6 —rarereereenietcetiantasonirnntaahllnesieneticamsimdanmutreinennbinninazesiohsee ; : Se re oon - et t raiment emer ee rnc ERT atten eel eet i eens teen ntettine stteanattinsits sl senrattatnans iveslinaanies enema tenetnte t tsine ett cana saeiieinnnhaaalicaeliiiieadytata ‘ contedinetemeeneeee i la (sialailaall ncenegenen r — a + _ t ~ — aN Cen amen ence ti perentemmavasanay oem ccna Rae ~~ ~ (omar | | L. a nee | pa cnn ny srneneam enn woah 4 Ferner enenteteriatearta tlle eenenrn ele ecpeetaleee et teninttennill essen | ee ee ee ee eee a da a ences tees if f ae q 4 ll om T 2 ce i } jetateneiecoeminianaanin SN ' 4 alle Se a . a - 2 ~~ - — . 7 4 " " " iene a me a ts eneaenetnettaedion { pan | + pone agin * ‘i 7 i t | a i . Arsenate gat ah 4 ; eels Tolgd nM ie vs my weet i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. —_— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C.” iy iL Y 7 Res. U. 8. County Indexes Since 1888 Yay oe at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 S emaame seseennnt A cOTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ( Copgeight S668 = A-tSEEES — UB. Patent No. 1437168—Coprright 1930 BP Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ie - to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. wis a ) ont, CoeR An Identifying Trede Mark Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. eceeiiek ae neeiteetiae-eteneant Sn —_ on = — -" an 2 — ee a r ues amocamecnas SN SENT re ep “We tel DATE OF DEATH . ‘ REC SSNS DEATH fi SURNAME OF DECEASED sex |couor| PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ma ed SURNAME OF DECEASED a Ve RECORDED i) | ee eee “7 gern Tae lee NAME, IF ONE 1S. GIVEN wor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [> i 4. ‘ ‘ —eeenren a — — pees — — — =a AY T SS ——— Se Soares eae eee CE ee eee ee —_ ne ae a " SS] a =. * ; eee ere 1960 (a ie 10] s al 1 els j Cecil Herbert M W sehen } i : : Moorssville Rebert Samuels stelle Hubbard 46 219 | 1} | at rrr ne so r ny + re er r o + —— — + \ * Dy a n n a , # _n--nenctomcaamenitiemaranasnvmse aie ia t ls a la a £ ‘ SE aa done: ; } + Spe ii n i i ' 1 ' i T es a nt o ea e ee e i e l s e e e s t a t n e e t e l at e s ca a m e n m a n a l i n s e s Pn mann ome 4 if j ’ j ‘ ae 7 % 4 ~ _ tetas Sa j selirerensbionniietiinetnitbipceiiiiaialec Mi tt Ot eM ii titel lesicadl crc | elke A asddd Naat ls | | — ; sll es | i ns tional aa faa a a si eal } | 4 4 - 4 be ene i sini : ae a a a. ———_ en + —>-———-J | peer cenreeerrse nape nro rll na epptieainantoccennninanihenpimessent viene Sipniaunien, dumenmetanninsenieeailiiinals - histidine iiaiiiicneee a elias a en : i Poem cee me eeescoe annie sailed a eee ne + ~ - “+ , al ichtsepeleniiili fancies mesinpetniaainian eeieatiinsininiegitiiaiicaiiaAmea a. a 4 ae * be ° i Pes. | waiien sn ui mn pecan . pei we | eens _ Evita Saleen sinatoldlenceiles ietsiehedlliy i a “an is aii pee i MMi iil 4 - he — i ont. iti ks Bi { asdeanee — . | a tition iteveiimsiiiamvail nn + — sovnignneseil | \ ' i i { i T i j i | i i | i 1 i i a j mene cane i ; } i 44 4 ecm neta athena etal sesamin - | Fa al perenne eam ei en ot lhe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COoTTCo UNIVERSAL ‘ D U.S. Patent No, 1437166 Comins isto SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN to Buff -Index sheet for page reference. Sex | Color This Signature on sheets insures their Correctness, REF Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. For Your Protection, Insist On It. RECORDED Vol.| Page + PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER INDEX TO VITAL STAT coTTco UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 | Sinica | 4 T anatase fenton SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN Scaif Wn. Burdine pen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NAME OF FATHER Jim Se alf ieee ad anal eect adn Sot a ek piste a ee iia cai ISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. US. Patent No. 14371683—Copyright 1930 Beer locate names, o; 93 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold her Ghaawear Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER Lue Scalf i" Ane i er ieee Sa ete INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 ae - US. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 BEB Te locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ; Fit Signature on sheets insurestheie correctness, a Buf Sub. shee page reference. .U. oe. ( For You i : TTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 : ° . Ohi : esl w dh anata thai seen ee en ee he i. a Toot Ne. 143716s—Copyeiohe: 1980 WRT» locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Met oe Peitis Neen ateae Ae. : Ses z een ESS = " r e reference. Sore BD; 95 DATE OF DEATH cor — SURNAME EAS Si AS Veer | Month | Day AnD aan a 2 oA . = Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = CORDED - SURNAME OF DECEASED Vol.| Page s ’ AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Coir | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Arrie Shromis | F w a John Chronister Louisa Stroupe i T | i ' ' ' i i ++ + be a u +. is i n il i a c ca p a c i pa o = =a ¥ f pe r c e n t a g e se o n e r a p e e r n o e n a g e r n n + “ he ‘t A ii n t a c i n n i t s e a t i m e n i i oe = ai e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL U.S. Patent No, ee ith DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day + SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN open at SURNAME npn TAB end wath To locate masa -_ Sn eens Seven One Gans Sam erence. Sex Coir } PLACE OF DEATH This Sanames an sheets insures their corn : ectn, i For Your Sens Inciet Os it NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Vol. | + Page 97 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Chio coTTco UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 = a, = ee _ ate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ee sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. SURNAME OF DECEASED NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN DATE OF DEATH Year Month | Day seerenseee reece Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER 961) 5 10jSivers Allen M, M Wi Statesvilne Nec 1964 | 3 9 pivers © ie G ms ey — + + VW 5 7 as NL Pe | “i Y SVilie Picea eds at ets rie ee ead aan INDEX TO VITAL = | : cai arenas STATISTICS — - DEATHS - Iredell County, N. c. INDEX TO VITAL ST ATISTI CS — DEATHS — Iredell Cae NC 99 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX UB. Patent No, rah ert 14 1930 = heats names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB ond ji This vical Sionameee vais, om to Buff a sheet for page reference. F oe ineurestheis correcenens — a — Reg. U.8. Pat. Ort. For Your Protection, 1 ~ _ ee = insiet ¢ On It. ; corTrco UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe. 1-4 Seen = om . US. SB. Potent Ne. ahaa 1930 aT locate name pen AME AR a come to Buf’ Sub- rr for a at ae jw nylon oe oe ‘an ae parecer Ss Dy serve in a, eae OF DECEASED TUM AME, IF ONE 15 IVE Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER [come —— = sca i E OF DECEASED Vol.| p : age : AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE {S GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER aii ir vecereain ee ; age + ' etn + Sizemore James A. enemas sa e es Se e si a n Si t s < pearson nnetinninenrnstdfsnnennssiliernenene Pen rn ne l Peenennhtennsieente ta e ac i n g | INDEX “ 7 : 10 VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. SEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. i ! COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-2 -. US Patent No. weaves eo. iste = ieaiie's mr ao at t SURNAME INITIAL TAB ona refer This Smtee on sheets i : sheet for foe rf ‘asures their correcmes ace 2 eee Sens : : — COTTCO UNIVEREAL INDEX No. 1-4 For Your cosootion Dp ‘ # Pe , I Sist On It. j i. , ts f Made by The Cott In vol i i < annem ete ae amarens c = = = = —_—- rer RE Se te Buff SSS uit Sub- Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED | Yer 7 Mont | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED J = - = i = DATE oF DEATH SURN . AME EAS Vol.| Page ! AND CHRISTIAN a ? pe ED Sex Color Racenses 4 Your | Month | Day IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER ae | age ' + HH th LL 1963 1 |29 Shealy Reba F, Ww , Sa | Wlall | F _W {Mooresville George E Ford Sarah Matthews 49 87 ] 1 4 ot bene + -- on | eel A ST | j . “1h i j td e + i eenereerercm cna an ang { it ‘ eee — | 7 enema cena % i } 4 a q oh. ; | aA . ¢ q j ,. uit & ee Pe r M i ra a Pit {! 4 ry j g 5 Mp oP 5 pi F ; ee : a | 7 ae ; af f “§ 1 | | i | - 7 | | ‘ ai pt he } | | rf we be i By | ii | : | i iin — —— i penis i | 4 : | neem i Tae hii i hie iY ae a = oS : | : j ; a thu a af? | i ye ' Li j fut ~f T a nent aan nnl e lnt — + i i i + ne n pe s a t i n n e n y i e r t o n e n n , r i a en g l + + nisl shsaliaae Ent et tatiana ere nn tenner ai iad } rtibioihatiil Nailed ceighetecstuisM ce Aa ce % | ' , | | | ss im —— nen Po ee. ee ee renee eee saree mereceenstr ene en tilt litirinetiaeed [nares aetna ' Pe i a 7 5 intense | : cereal iancscneneeishndneninsutissanene | pier as : ' | Li ) | Let tae deeaaneneneesl One en seca na ae | — nooner ene lt | | ok i 1. | T —_— | | | | Slee { } | | a4 | : 1 | a | | te ) | ob ned ! | : | hn enemas | | ; | | ae = =f ermal ‘ im sapien erste _ — + | i 4 . | | | | | — poncenincad } a le | | atoning hice . + vi cereal pease. | f ” + bee om is den oo , — re pest | ia : ) bbiiatinel Gk _ ' i : [Peer ncsnensceee, ce , oa oe enero pinnate - a = F a ae | | - ee a | Pie A ur AAA seN antares = naam 7 , : rt T i ri > ; : | endear cs Ln eiese ns ea times imn—89»!* ae : Be: | a fn | Portes etitennaas aeons a nettles | | =a a _ tt ~ - ° i iu all a enn enim, >... | , na ert lena ss tte a so | ne | ™ - -_ ii " = itl f te {i ] sin > Pet * (liabeisitbiliindeasiticninasuanitaas “ pecan iis uf ~ oan eee eens . ete tat ceeepreannananenttten | ) eereinliaieiapaiiigs | ~~ fee od Ac tates stele ~ + - | : : Ns * 5a : a i | LL tet ttt . | ‘ ’ 5 im / | B 4 a, yi KEY fs Sa ae oo t er e ee e COTTCO UNIV INDEX TO VITAL STATI =" INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyright 1930 to locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Reg. U.S. Pat. Or. ounty, N. C. For Your Pr } Fr Signature on sheets inures heir corecnee nh otection, Tosist On Ir. a » __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS ee GOTTCO UNIVERS U.S. Patent No. 1437 L INDEX No. 1-4 168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH ; , OE , a <= SS ——— - |e To See OF DECEASED Sex cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MO ef a GIVEN THER a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | Page Yeo | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GiVEN | — oo t , ‘ TaN SS RIS ical lg snd ey 1963 & | 14 Shimpock Jennie | — Ee ee na ; ' ; a r 1965 2 |26 Shimpock Lula ae ; vs a. ie 44 J co. | - | r . "4 “ i ' e T = aT | HI | So ~ f r 4 “— , } i * hr i j te Beetle 4 7 Ps b 7 i moti i eg el } i mar 4 4 +--+ coe. I bs : 4 : eee Te a - fo rere lente og Wimarioasinithiimi iii MS | | ih Fn da te rhe lll epost sition ees = salsa arc icins J } ——e Halas ci svaceas + ny 6 LE a meeneeeeoeerenecnnenensedl er naneseesnseesntnenteteneentgtnnerese el eens neantnnpineesssne. ae a ' ——_—____| ieepnomiatiaiilietiiasithideaiaita.. ori te : t H soe El niente cinnnishlmuhatineisiiiis 4 J - : -2 Fr arena ianie ener _ - b Seen 4 cranial i ae Bi | me ff 2 3 / : i ss 7 o ence lta a a a ' 4 ei | ee | os eae ee 4 t " — nite Sls ns! aie £ lr r Speneteprenin “ | sities ia qi 4 j _ alan Au mentee Reheat ees et i | — Fant esther cern i | s | s T “i | | | } i j i "3 } i + + os = | : ! | i } | ihren | | - + i | si siiibhiceinscllioiaia | j i | ia = | « | | | ' oeneete - nae | fovaiessiiiNl a | minnie eect” . | — att F — ' “Ae -y ‘ nig at ; x ‘a i ai i t te Buff > | ee Paaperasesnnapusmsncsshisennatemennteacts Mooresville ae locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH NAM H \ WM. r Morganton W peneennannnee _ — ern penance ee eens newest peenerenan ” — ~ E OF FATHER Shimpock m. Shimpock — lredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. 103 f RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Melissa Walters Melissa K Walter Vol.| Page 49 488 51 267 wa z penne mene |__| ; a \ f etait [nates eeneinatuee eee ee eons a Si g e Ss gt nt Se To feesto aagene, ante oh SUMIUAREE ENTIAL, FAD oud ecg —- to Butt ff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTcO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. ied as Patent + oe 1437188—Copyright co ES icin © on Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. For Your Pr PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER diet beneees heir f Correctness, Toe stection, a aes On It, _ ae RECORDED Vol.! Page US. Patent Ne. 1 DATE OF DEATH ‘Your Month |Dev 1963 8 1 1965| 2 26) I nn el INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — AL INDEX No. 1-4 ———— COTTCO UNIVERSA ight 1930 Shimpock Jennie F Shimpock Lula F DEATHS ~ Iredell County, N. C. — io | ed © locate names, open at SURNAME SUTIAL TAB and refer Made by The Ca tt In am x Company, Columbus, Oh to Buff Sub-l Index sheet for page r Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [Wo pay W | Mooresville Wm. H Shimpock Melissa Walters 49 488 Wi Morganton Wm. Shimpock Melissa K Walter 51 267 105 a cas ; COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 qrennees ee U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 gate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer INDEX TO VITAL ST e i — : — See ISIS — DEATHS = Iredell County, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS -- Iredell County, N. C Tis tieunes os anes Gamo — | ince ee an ee 2 ir a zen Rp ATI ‘Fe Your Protection, Insist On or ie co Patent ey: Seridh Comte 3 ar ase ‘ : : i TT s 1930 To locate names AB = pie » Open at SURNAME INITIAL T 8. sm to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page aa — Sold by Observer Printing Ho: mt Charlotte ie ae Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Rog. U.8. Pat. of | DATE OF DEATH [SS << = : ay = E = ne a cee an ee rane . = =. ao —— a 7 — | SURNAME OF DECEASED “Ti | Monts Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = P—~2R080 | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED } Vol. | Page Yen | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE I$ GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 4 ae HH 4 . a i { ih ma n g l e 7 . + T ' } i : i | i | i i ' i | | i | hw so oO w 10/11) Sidden John D i . | ———— pci — MW] Statesville Richard C Sidden Dossie "olbrook | 49 595% Jamun’) sl e n m m e n i i e i i j nb 7 } , i ; + i _ = | | j i | | | | | i | | | i j wo o s iad . 4 -——— _ - ceenennennainn m wy ar ™ ——>- + j { Wentiteiss | 5 —_en baie j My baa co ot | WH | | * . | 4 coomeenal oo fie oie NM st . 4 . : + 2 A i J a i dielscledelisienianss ohdsicmanin a ; ae ‘ a | a , ; a oe . / a 7 om Be ‘ihe ener moe _ r f f / i ‘ \ F an Whee if if ‘ Hee h - OD e ee ae | | ; i 4 R p a e e e , a H a I Me i LB» ied ts if | 7} 4 | ae | iV | 7 i i { - ht : | | a a T I i ~ te i bt Hw - — | | < i | ndecaoneie ited eo mimi: as SK einai ee eeepc oom renee | + | | | { + j a | és : i ert nn op - + | | 4 - soni one iain - | i niin ennai | | ~ etincapilintiteenen —+- | enbiiaida es shllveecnrensicitelyinnceitnetitnal tines ectamntantameua ‘ y | + — | pl emieie - —— _~ _ ~ | + es . ae : : ey ee isi am mineniesomneaninenenmecntaiaanill ious icine visible : | | z= le ili enh ec rans cta tenant tener ell cette i — —— fh a ~ “ —e ) oo | if een _. — ~ oq - + cormennaennce = anatrnintanniaie rs jontlieaes | | St - nnn eae Ss SN Foy Ly Spee nice co cease. | : ” bonne i icine tthe | ie | | : cent rele menthsein + - 7 ; + enn ae rnin nat | | ns | : i if a ba | t a — a nr ee i | a ofertas — | 4 snort nel eereneenesiensinietansnensveapennees | a nha eters enn | | | | nn enteecnstnensennncealll acs | ememasuierat sohnanaecieneneriin iii reicnsieteins : 4 LTT tsetse nents pe ce tne ee penne | | i ‘ = coe _— | ; Pe " ; oa T : 7 | — ene ne i oe” : re se er anne eesesinnentanmeesee | | — it incericcabeeniemaenielsiegieashiantemeapiii — — i | | 4 ected cet : | A | ee ter erence ! + | | | | i | if inf ! } - an tS giaiiiiiiiaieidsials _— | | ne sine | = | [entrain areata cnetninnsnnsalll en mms | + ee oe | | t ) Pte ee ii _— — acenend pean meant | | a 4 Perens | preteen etcaessteeenan ee A | : | : i nts nents — _ | | | a a | elms nae ea —_—- | | etnias santosh malcontent | | | oe 7 nareereeesianstonesseteasnnstisenteistensiiasnunttintineamesseens il. westnaneeduee a a af nen "i | | oh pam rel tpn one | vo a ie ae retaliated ern hei | | ak oe o i a ——ecenseeene eeanesnies - | | | , 4 iii IMR ich ial a as ee ee | j | et rr | | | fsssinteshnsennaneeetinnsiae ' a itt ——ecctictntrtnT etna niente: nenin nla rit dhliedinnnad i emer i } + } er oe ——}- - + My an . oe oe i we as al | , ee ae wes : 4 ne cee cee edprtnrencsent simsit on , | | | i t a eer ce en me eee " + | / | i an } * n enti eternal i } j em i. ee ol | i | + | | pn neue ee + 2 i | | nome | ae en ' > | | r Sinem ! | | ’ i j Se spenssianioabaianiia nn - - | we | | ~ | | Le Seas -—-—— wl ! j | ee ~+ + | | | 7 ee ce ce wirecinlnsesi c Li Det ) ! bcreingtie Mics So | _ dear iit LU i eel | | —e Ph be | | iL i ene tena — tell Re sininintheliigelcaa Giclee - | * meneniasencenmaitennecceat denne | ~ — ia i sinintiaaeipcipai th j _ : me & ve tent eileen aii eiiola | ee sible mi ks gta ; ae: ae Se nnectnenncenn tel i , - t t ——innenettaeineetit tas i fence tte acces” | bs cl aa . stall liciipmtieconeeenmeniitiihllinaian i ee Ae erect, | intl nine au i tl emeatnaaeniina wee ° — i i eather, wid fe nen - a Fe eetntenctnacialici \ 4 neil + 4 sect asteninnane ; | | | : | | | se pp oe ae COTTCO UNIVERSAL 8. Patent Ne. 14371 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day + boone sarees nm — SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN = —} + — : ak . me Se e 2 : : ; ; ; ' ' INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — D INDEX No. 1-4 68—Copyright 1939 te Buff Su Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH a | NAME OF FATHER fe eenettttenn Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. NAME OF MOTHER EAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer i F = sheet for page reference. For Your P [nsec etneeeenineipemenianams 4 This Signature on sheets insures their Sorrectness, rotection, Insist On It. RECORDED Vol.) Page + —— INDEX TO VITAL STATIS SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Schafer Crumey es chafer Jas, L Poneman teen -veranmtteeineenans ; ; ; a Sex Color ae ce as eae ms ee Tee tea =a io Ore ae toes reed ie ee ls ae ; wnveni TICS —- DEATHS | ee locate names, open at to Buff Sub-inde PLACE OF DEATH otatesville Statesville NAME OF FATHER " Schafer John F Schafer — lredell County, N. C. SURNAME INITIAL TAB and reier x sheet for page reference. 7 Chio Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ob pac wet Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER America Harmon America Harmon RI am e ha a n be De e Neds Si ba s a m a si g h e d ae s 109 se ac c e s Se e ac h Sr a a oe as <= ao an e ua e = ~ ae — ? z —t y . = wm a p e h e c e a g i e s ad sa t s cl a s ee at e n e p e n e s i e e s p e e i o e s te ae i ee ee eo . | | | | | ! * $ i i i | j | j i i j j l | es SS — HH } 4 WN ' i : ; i S| . ey ae d Ss ee ae | ae ! | 22 Il l eo ’ id e a l e ai a | j j j j i ; f iH -| z ] & | | | ' f H| 7 SE 3s t . = ee e og : i lh i ‘ és j i 5 | ' : j HI e a i rE ia i ii l _ at ' ' : rf 1 Oo 5 Ol 2) ¢ | He Zi n , |S éa | 2 a - | Q, aS Bp | < ® i} o S| ii ] 2 = | © -— — —— a Se — — = — — = —— — —~ —_ me —— — — o oe — —— $ _ — _ — — — + —— — OQ sa r e e s “O o os @ = 5 BL E : Se r e n we ke ~ = Ss = g Ai t si g me St = [2 ] $ +. = s i el —— — — — =— = — — = — — = —— + —_ —— = —= = en ee a SS Se ee mi t = Ji e i j i S| o °* Qa rt Q 7 e ze & Lj i 2 i gs |e WS ad | < % Co i c e n = | o ee om n e s ! 3 SS S _ ne e r s ee n e s r e e c e e r e e c t e ce n a ge e s e —_ 3 s = T ae oo Tt WY 7) os i 5 fx , ; +> } }— _ + + _ + —_ + n by << | ag ] E i} 8 ii we e n ll a . i ° i >| | ab i & | i a | i | Qe i © : De i ef | ! | ee & # ; et s ac d al i i al g a Ra e d St a a l ia | i fe e s : ! os i i | ' t + gi ] 25 | | | [a a y | (2 Ze pe a s ie Boo obo ea e ee Ho g g : i i if i] 3 3 - ' : : . 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Be | 18 bk ee | : | 4% 38 . / | | | i | | ’ f , ’ ’ : Fe ! 3 i Co b fe ee og ) 8 oS i et : | Fl y | ey Be ee os Se oe ey ye 1 ms ee e — i i : i | ; ; ; : ii Po ele pe e | | 4 } | ; : : : — | Ba ed = ow : co m ae te ty wa h A tn : J Ee z= L —— Se ca g e ag en pe tp e c e e e t m c a y » pe ee : j : ; : = —— — — * SR RE ee een ch a n d i n e n ca t e s a SL an ET na n t e e n ee e e e at e ee eS SS ea De h aie eo s Ra i ie Se er ee = : SS ee e SE R S : = to n ee s : T i i j | re tt 4 DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — ie tai oo Tab dn Wink hittin ant aie of Made by ‘Vhs Cott Inder Company Columbus, Ohio COTT FAMILY rs PR" No. 1-8plit Ie at Proper ~ Pal Sun Sub-indes chest for page reference. by Observer Printing House, (oe meas, Ob DATE OF DEATH Year Month | Day s RECORD SURNAME OF DECEASED SEX | coLoR] PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 2 tn CORISTUN AAU, FONE 1S GEE Nol | Page SSS ey: en t e r er n s t i n r t e e e n it e m i s e st n ee s e c e s t e e e n e e n l na s e j j ; ne ie e e i — So e tc a k s i corr . gr a AR PDI Me + Sptit Yor | Month | Day 1965 on e n e s s en e n o e n s c t e n n s s n e ws e e s n s e n e s e s t s s n i l h e s e a n a s t e s e t e n e n s ve INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — hredell County, N. C. Ee at uo nee Tab according to First Letter or Letters of 1949 A-141580 he ea and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference Sold’ by’ Oteervar Prinang Hove cree Ne Ne SURNAME OF DECEASED om | i cease: . AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN (COLOR! PLACE OF DEAT H NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER t Mary Johnson Statesville Joe Lofton Singletary Mar y a Se Sa m p an e s PS ee sa l i o e n = ~ . ee e COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Spiit Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index C sg _Copyright 1949 A-141580 CF pee and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing Fiokee’ CoetaabUs, Obie {.___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. I cor PAIL NAME INDEX Ne. 1-Split FP Oren at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Printing House, = 1} f ae eee ie ne = 0 See ——=— ~— pm oe ee and refer te Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Sold i DATE OF DEATH SURNAME ; eee oy . <== —————SS — a ; ‘ . neni : 1 } ME OF DECEASED : aes RECOR : i SEX | coLoR| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER nee ss TE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED or Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN a = SEX | COLOR SE OF DEAT A area. oa; b PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER - Se ent a ee it cena eee ao Seng a <a = Sh - ‘s Ves - ” : Seem a — c — . wae ! 4 an i on See an | | eee — | . 7 - an + it ee eri — —_—__—_—__}— ———____—___—— a Te 1965 | 4 | 6 | Secreast | Mrs. Nellie FW] Statesville Milas Moore | Aggie Phillips ae | —~ ee | —— + | | | | a | | | | i bi eeeer 2 + | Ht #4 ili | | | | | BHT _———. | | I I : | | m hon a 1 Hl I i ij i | Ue cela t . ky | I | t | } i i | ra ! = i | tt ry | | i ' j | i i i * fel > is i I | fy é f I | | f 4 j i j j ha f ' | j ' % } ; rar “tT | i I ' ay : F | i i i aa 4 be fr a tl i t i a. ve k ~ f a a 4 i i il a Hy i. a / | I “ i} | j i ; i y pif r | i rhe fi i } na +h = i i | | i i j # i ij il iH Ft | | | Abe, RT f 4 I I | i i i i e) o i ‘el + <aositlelleglunitlitbeaesiisianen i I Yl | 4 a r i | I i \ ae saison. ll i # i + 4 | | i ad ons - pies os ee kd \ io ! | gee j I i ' i | & i { i i 1 ie 4 eo ed | | | | hs ; | | i =_— 2 | | f it HH i iat ft oath + L 4 ee | | | | | ae HA by | | | i a wens | ———_ | | | a 7 i + + i ba era [ 1 : me : . aoe |= | ied a 5 | | | ft Pe . i + +— nih kL oe : ! | | j | i | eS ae _ i “ i Poe ae Peer et ’ ‘| | j : a Diora tens ee — erie z lin | 4 | | j | ij | m i . on 2 sil 4 < i aie | | | | : _" — — }. ieee ee es io at } | | | | | oa | i +_— + : | | Hy S : a a | | | — San See eee ‘ e | SE fF | oF ce ae ce ecient sre ans iy | | | | uameneinen wentemnemeeeens seta ceenectnne - — m i. i } cel cia if i | is ee ih Ay Pee Verena ae | A or 4 CP te neem t incall iia | —f—-—+—_} ne : pee | | | _ Bee 3 piceusk L as ia alaialsnc tigi es Ri aise cinaiininbininemMis aber ae emia Mia ge Matic iit Ce ea mm | rn pm se —. nome a orm 4. besseseinsnstrtnannetleeensesnsneet rihanna gM Sarees Rt ee a we tn | t fa epee lg ig CM namic Se ae | pines a ee Reena sinetiattenansdiennnesinianenne eininsneaA since liens palaiibeensalictih as Eo | | “rh —— | — Heart bivcaal Liam Feeanennteessnesinstesinnlene ” wv 3 apnea eee ein ect Sielidscthcapiie res ———— sree tanta etemdnteeeitetnieseteinis shania a fe ae eee niente ! ' ee tn ee ou serene ceaeeesnnan ~~. pees Sie eterna ween = 4 4 =e ctl tenet aoe ee a ee ee ee conceal ee soem me en io - _ _— ane in _ } + + nae idles = ae cree ~ ~ ~ ~ b _ - _ ~ b ode ~~ Hi | aa 1 Se Ea sinisaittianairietintiinaane —ane ean tai dlrs sad 5g nen. tia i : q — | ee citi a et sey Mild ne sisltil itches. Se MP ot yer i Benes — - eens _ ll INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Copyright 1949 A-141580 CP Nemes Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of : “ ae Name aad refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for Made by The Cott Index Company, —. SESS SS page refer — ——— aes shat fo ence. Sold by Observer Printing Hous, “Charme, Ole it COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Spiit Open a! ecae Sans ? — T ete a Copyright 1949 A-141580 refer to Sub t to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index © Cohant Ons —=—————— Name aad r wn Gull Index sheet for Page reference. Sold by Observer ae House, Charlous, N. Cc. S| —— VWVW——————— = a ope IC SURNAME OF DECEASED at inde veined ote | == ———— SSS SEE ——— F Sub- | Month AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN “ACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED co mere meena SLR =Seen . : nd DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEAS , seni E Wa] Pap CEASED aie tail as ie de i ; : fe "Too lew AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GiVEN ACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ' | | | i i j 2 asiieeaaiieaianian : > > =a L- aridirlenmenenaiinria tiene Se er a ee 1965, 7 | 27 Sappenfield Eugene MW | Mooresville R M Sappenfield | | | Pon ae —t Radetich cian : 7 " —— = = $ } j / si e n e i i i n Unknown 51 430 ar e $ is l e s et l | i ha t i n St a ii r 4 pa i r ni e e l e e e i e e s e pe == me s s i e n r e m e e ee So m e : ri e a c i n i e — re y te y é | Le § - ie } if ayy 1 | in i | i Msi lodiiinirsaiuiir an iehicishirisidipiir datas axe ok elt cba! yi eg 2 can MMe MS na Le auk eee ie aM an ORR Nd kG iG rt ci Gs het Os MeN MAR ac ke ioe GSS A SAC AMON cae 20), SSN) ae f ly Bae | { | : Ba i | ie ; | | ij | i a t i ag | | a | id i H | ii } TH a } | | ie bay ! 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U. S . Pa s . Of . a ~~ Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be di f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p } Th i s Si g n a r u r e on sh e e t s in s u r e a th e i r co r r e c t n e s s . Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , In s i s t On It ‘T h e Co t t In d e x Co m p a n y , Co l u m b u s , Oh i o ro u p e d to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . ca t i n g th e na m e in mo r e Co p y r i g h t Ne . 10 3 6 3 2 In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . SS e ce e Ce ee e ee ~ | 7 Z Ty ee ey ae | : } } ; } ' } | in Pr e TE | | oe | | j j t j } | 1 | | | a & & | | | ee © i j | | | ‘ ; sg | ae Po ak c | ° og | ms n 4 a nt o8 ¢ oS «w f « a | Pa e s oo ee Se e ea e e e | | | hy ll ga a t Si m a S 3 | | | , o ° o oC } Q °o Oo | | i i i ad 2 ce t ce t t e te e ta l e ! | | So s ea T T g | a i j Smithdeal Smyer (s)- ' q | | | : a | Pe e a | qo ci ee g 2) ae f 7 a) a 3 4 ia i n ow of of S sc 5h ! 4 i Es fa l | 4 i i i | Pd | ae | ) cb s | Pa : | ae Ss ea ae § | Pp te s | : i 1 | } i oO } ro | , | 9 & et i; Sm = ™ M S esvertidishipsicnccitiiagliog | 2 “p o pa p e 4. —— — pa o— | 5 | & | 3 } | : ee at a0 2 os | 2 f eo ] | a he m e s Fo i c s h e n d i c b i e a s e n i i i e t p s n e i b i i d s i i n i t l 1 i i i i i ed a i | i i | | | ' « a g «4 ae ca aed pr = = Ss t { } ; { ; ' si c h | } ' i ee | ; j 4. ‘ 4 T ¥ + | j i j j i i | i j 4 + - | j j | j | i i i ; ' | j i ' j j ' i i j i ; i i | | 1 { | i | } | i | ' | | ' i i | i | | | } j | } F “i = Ta e 4 L 4 2 : i —— — — = = _— — — 3 Sh e r e et ae F ‘ “4 io e n t i n a e y s (a e aa a t x <r x 7 A x XW . ~ A An e > ° ' 7 ' ok et r e e ee i eh a P a 2 | | | ; ; ; ; ; i | ! ; ; ' + & + + ~~ ~ _— — — a | | 1 | j i i } i f i i | ae os i | i { i be e | i ~) | | | a | Be | | | | @| | i o q j j | i i j i | ° j | i | 3 & | i? 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Ga t e a Sa r Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l ad sh o u ro u og e t h e r a ~ di f f e r e n t wa y s th e ma m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c e t n g te n e r on d si v e n ie e e ca e ch i n e ah s Se m e e a e om Wi l e - t e t i e n th e j e : i ' a ps 7 ee ee e —_ — ' T + be e i o t s _« | co er os | ba d j i i | } - - — t— -- — — eo | Bi Bi d e | | | | . | ; 1 ' i i i i : | si e ; | | | i 4 w j j i | i i : oO j | | j j i } i 3 § | ' & o i | | | i ” we t j i i } } ; : ‘ n a i } : hy wl Ry et i i i 2 o o n q a a a & ie a © rc ) 2 Y 2) % . 8 3 os = a 19 ry | = ° ° ° ° g ° o | = | wm a n wy mR i mw | | j i : — te a m s fa p et i = = : bh = i i i i - | j i i r é 7 ' | i } j } i i i i | | Pt | | | | | | | | | = es | | g | | | | { | | | | a) 2 @ i | , & | i 3 a | : ' | | i i ‘ - - oe + — 4 $ + + + ,. 4 i i i i | : | | di | | | | if 1 7 7 t ’ po ' wa of | a " <j a ! 4 ‘ ' + ; 4 + ; ; } | 4 | ' | i i | ' | i i : { i | i i | | i j | | | | 4 i ' | | & : : i i | i i | ' 4 | i i j | | | : i i i | | | Pe g ae | | 3 i § 1 n! i j i | j i . 4 | | Pa s a ! - ie | | | Po S| ox a a S i i i at e he Ps - j ‘ i | i i | i “" y ' ; a 7 SS SS SS sr e e + po k e $ fi e a wn a a ld el — é Po a ie i i ; ; ; } ; { ; j i | i i | i } ~ np n ne s e ne e m i ' | i j j ; | i } . 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Sa a a ga di s h i do 2 | Pa | 4 4 vy 2 SO el eS ? os ; t t Se e n Lo w | | | | mire 2 Cc + a \ ies eneieaenantrmnpamana Stocksdale Storrs iets ia. i Stoude : = i ; 3 a ae i c , Sw y s w e d d e “2 3 0 ‘s x e q u m u eg i e s — a “e 3 9 8 MO F AC P O OF Pw o y m o U e s zy 84 s “E S k e s e Ge Se e q u e n e = «a q > 8 s, 0 0 4 8 Ge y eG PU Y Ss ee q e SS g a n n t Te t aq So S e. e o q e qu a Of PM T he t e n d i l h e n e n e l i e c h e n . oo d oy = au Sy w e t os om ss e u t e ac t Se Su e 1 > “L O W 26 GO S MG AS E A we E m Ac es JA A S Av AM O W E aS e *A E N E S Bo i n g PR E D LE Se g . U. S . Pa s . Or . sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be gr o u p e d to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n Th i e Si g n a t a r e on sh e e t s in s u r c e th e i r co r r e c t n e s s . Th e Co t t In d e x Co m p a n y , U. S . Co p y r i g h t Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , In s i s t On It Co l u r a b u s , Oh i o No 10 3 6 3 4) e | Te e "t po t e oe To e ee e § so m a co r s e ee ar a m a me a n e r a 3 ee e ey Ty Pe To h ad er ee ee Pa d a | | | | | | | | | | | j as : si ee ce e | | | | Pe ee Pe d Wa e l a 1 j i i | i ri } q ee a Pu t 4 ea e ea i} 3 el 4 ee oe a i & j } i | | | { te k | Se ga a a . | ‘ i i j | i j a | | Ba t | 2 Pa | | 4 | £ | a | | | Pe e s ii a i —+ t- i to so = 7 6s ) wo oO | h i at si 2 ef Sv oe OO 9 e' s ca r i of * oa o < ol oy + st oa ] a " nN a) 4 oq 9 J wy ya = be s | 4 -— — — — > _ a > + | - > ae 4: | | | | oo j | | 2 1 | | _ pe | 6 5 oO wo | a & | n os “ ® | ES ON S Se ee ee . a Pr e p a - 2 a i (a | oO 2 fe @) 2 Pa ao e qs S4 8 i i a Sg a8 : ti 3 og J] go e d pe e 3 S Z z 3 ow ¥ oO ed A QO ov a) c — ag or fa t a: = gi = ad - rq g S hy oA oa sa i s ¢ 98 3 3 ae og a) 4s t 4 a 8 8 sl Sl e = Ht ) - = - : $s = ai n t Ga o n ne SS E - = pe e a ~- i | | i | Pe e p | | t Pe | | } fk + 3 | | Bo g | i } | j = | | } : | 3a Boe | Pe e | 2- a a | | (2 A se d | | | | £ o | } i i | i j } in ti i i F ") | | | | | in » 07 | 3 no e SS S p+ = aa a a2 + + + + po o f 2 hs ia ie l e a l ” a 4. so s o ' “ in d i e cl e a n s e j ve iq ao fs N oS a: ae ee ; = - 99 9 4 44 + “| 5 4 4 Qa & B Ss of fe ° $ i | NO } Q | co | \ } t ? } } j ; @ = } j 4 Lo bc c n iR i c e c b i n a i p l t e n s : a se n i l e if i i j | | i } oi i e sn i e ad . ia an ca t e s & c e w e k . a“ * ~ . * re se n t et e c t e t n s t h se n a e m e s t n t i s e nt ND ra t t e ae n i n c r e n e sd magm n n ‘ = - SS : i Fs el e ae > - = : f —— —— ee e a sy = <m m c h a a = ic i n c n e s d d i e h a em a - er e e © : x ¥ : x ~ re c h t e n = on t h e . , ea t e n on y Wi e r er e aa z ek e ic a = a 2 Si g e ig Se a ae ; - % i) ae a 1 Si s 2 .q | i | i | i | } ee “7 i | | i j } 1 ‘ 4} — = } + ; ¢ } { ; + : , } } t | j | ; | i | j | i } } i ; j | i i i | i ; ; j i } i i i i i Pa | | Pe n d a} | i | i | | | 1 & : ' i | = i | | i | : i Fz } i j i i | | ES i ' i | ; | | ' ae . i i i | i i i a a ae | | Pe e 5 % 3 | Pe s | | : Fs | ” | ! | i ; | 4 | | | } i = ae +4 + = pa t h o + ‘ ' ¢ + t ; t t ; ¢ t + ‘ t ¢ + + + + ¢ —- — + + + ~ = + — “ q = iw fe om om oe a RQ a wt LP | a sy 9) wv tg 9 —t ~~ i ; ; } ; ; t ws “ ; } ; } ; wo t t | | j ; ' i j j i j ; | | pc p eee a | Ce | | fo e | or a i i | i i i | i | i | i ' i | i | | i | | | j | | j i ' | j i = j j i i i j i j n | it . | | } i | | i } | j i || g | g | | | ai e a By So ' ; Qa Oo i a 7 an oO oO j | | | i i | } > = 3 Ss > 2 Ss a + & © | i a a 2 2 oD ao e S b> og | | | | | 1 os O} o Oo 4 m4 P ra os hy | ' | fe £4 ha fy a a i £4 3 i re re ' + P re # r= ) oo d ba d + ~ i i i i i i | an nn ny cn n oy ny on 2 ” oY | | | | | 4 4 fa e hi n t f+ ‘ pe t i ff re r ee + - + - 2 ; - or e j ° i a j | | i j j i i | ; Pe j j j j j j j } } } } t t } + : t +- t- — - ~ - + 4 — - ~ { ; i i j i i | ; ] i | i i i i | ' : | | j i ' Be ! | : ii o | i | i i i i i o | | ' | i | 2 | | ' i | i | i j a i i | | i =~ | i i i | j ” i j | i | I 2 nN i | Pi a i | ie “h i s at e + + + + + —+ ‘ + + t + 4 © + ' + +: ~ -— i | j ; ; | ' i ' 2 Pa i 3 st oO mS @ ee ) ™s so i l oy ne d S| = 4 % n% v4 > ty i) ny wy 46 6U W N oe ) al | | 1 eS aa n : ” + } + ‘ ; : 4 _ _ _ — — = | | | | | | | | | | ee be a be d | i | z | | i a | | | el | | | 4 | i iz & i rc i | is ' | i { ® te ar | | | al s ; i | & | it s - = 3 i ® i oo & a i ; Ss 3 3 pe gh k a ee 1 = °o 2 Oo a se s i ES ae oo m bo d ; 5 \ é » ro d 2 = as o se ia ee ee e . Eo ce } : : i } m an n me . F re n Se e - a . en . ¥ et f BR 3 ey a S iG ve e ee oe s ma y S; = eB § Ga t e Co n i e e Se Ee Se ee = se ea ec p a e e at i n , mo h n e ib si n g h pe r s i a ic a l E Pe t e Re ee ee e ea e ao e “e K “e e s Se TS S Ss e Lo t a s e e n Eu ex p e c o8 se u s Gu s Oe PU T sy c e n e ro yee fa St a c e x Ca i t e n e se t a e An e eo a e t e e SS M SS S ca e t t u e s ae St e e n os om ss o s a e Gu s os Da s sh e e t s SU S po t . A . J Bu y p e s e s d @ 44 po r : > a BE Oe Se e t d u a e s Gi n en w e m ©: SB sy e o u s Gu t OE Pe w ss e c u e En d SS sa e a oe SS O V A E G SO om e AB H we r A SA S EM S 2N V I M O A W I BE S AS N : 3 ae f fi e Pe l t : ; Th i e Si g n a t u r e on sh e e t s in s u r e s th e i r co r r e c t n e s s . Th e Co t t In d e x Co m p a n y , U. S . Co p y r i g h t & 4 Re g . U. S . Pa t . On . Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , In s i s t On It . Co l u m b u s , Oh i o No . 10 3 6 3 2 Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be ee s te g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e —— nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e a di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n oa e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . = Go n e 4 - so r e — - a ~ - —— SS SS a SR ee ee e ce s ‘ _ : oe - € 4 oe , : i j i j ! j | 2 | | } | i | 7. 6+ . i | | j | j | | | i tf j i | i j i j j } i j re 1 i j i i t t t ; ' i ' } } Ki e e d a e t i | i | | i | | i | | i | : } : i j j % | f | | | | i | | | ; } | i j j j ' j j = ii f i i i | 2 +i j j | | = | i | 5 4 —€ | pa Ste to Sn—Con } — My * ey P. 20 | 21 las 23 31 46 23 25 46 46 27 24 29 24 41 24 24 30 31 32 32 69 103 109 Pe ; wenhisid ) ' 0 ¢ | n a ' | : 5 oO a bs ) | | 2 fe - o 4@ “ | o = 3 rt _ PS s 3 H bm a od be ie re ae 2 4 i i) > a f = nn - +” ' 4 a“ 4 ”n } 2 | ~- ' 44 ] — &0 = 7 8 e | a * #8 ce a 44 - a . & a @ h + 4 oa on n 2 a we xX a 4 oO } st a a a a ty © o oO } e rd a o b) st ad = on iM a. a = ow = ad 4 4 4 5 o $4 od a ; © g q q oo oO or t of oe = - oe wl © © 2 # 4 # Pp - rr re 4 4 rr # » +» = B. Y} a on * Hn WY . ak , ae es . of wf tn u n “ a se r e n e fo e s on § — — ey Z Ce | | i ‘ j 4 - rT a | - } ' ~ | - —— a ee e p c = =@ | ‘2 £ | Pe Ax 3 | fa a | 2% 5 | Pa d | 3 Br i e 3 sf : | | i | ; 2 | | | $ ” i | | } a pee | 4 = ' | i | 3 = 4 Ss | j — n j | j + = | j j i 3 = = To a d 2 aa a - = Su a n soe -$ + sa i n t = + ae SS a — = <a = — =e oe =p - ™ 4 oa oF Or rc ' . 7 ro m | oO < te , Be e Ge e ae ae oe ae % 2} J » es 6) 6S 4 | t { } 1 j i | Si e t e ce e —— ~ 4 - ée me ae ~ | | | | | 4 | ae Pi d bed Pe | | 4 Kr Pe e Pd | | | § a fi o 4 @ | | Pa n e ee | Bd ee e el ime | | ae ne | Se Pe e t Po ii a | 3 os | i | t ; i i ' a — j oO j ; p9 0 t ao a | 0 3 al | ry q ; 7 @) a a. i] Ad u } ot | ; S O| p> gy ; | » 4 ¢ | 5 i w | hd a > il t e ( t c | ae oe i A se u e a n e m s n a n s e m b c e n s t c u e d e a e n e n in s n a i e s e e n i e n " = er e c t a de c e e e e c c e e c e s ee e A aa h 5 ti e - wy wo , * A on e = = ak * = = em 8 ‘e r ¢ eS =— as , wa e a eo ae a oe 3 ie ae ’ J bf a) Ub ¥ Is 7 i ai Dea iv Corporations and Firms q Rea Ruut rr ee aa Th —— _ — _ — . eee nn nt } ow + | | wi » ct pene fii neonate —+ arena SeEN REET Corporations and Firms j | ' ii d hi d 4q *e e y q s se p . “w R a w u r ey e . wo Su m e d a e “s p e ‘s a e q u e e ey e y i u m e s sa e to u e e Ma s a b a d y we d g e pe Ae ey ~ ma p a n p o e SS 4 A A °8 3 9 ° S2 e j d u r e > ae p s z 0 0; ye o p m e w o s q & we e 2s 24 0 3 3 0 1 se p a r SN S P N T SY T a s s Go SA s q e m e Bu y m o n e s © <q pe r e u oP ) sa g TS M 32 5 Se e r d m c s dn eq e u m 0; of e3 2 0 q 2 qu e s oc pu s me e q e gn q so r « S S A H e s £4 pe w s ie e p > — LO N 3S Me d e s dn ee u of of S2 0 4 " Yi OF Pu T Si e 0 e q e yn g ca Sc n g u e p m a n t e s Sm i v e r e s e © £4 ST U B iS 9 — ) O- O R se u sa e y d i m m e s dn sa e u : os ow Ss 5 e % S GS OF PU T s3 e e q s Br a or MM O M MO GH O V A R a =N O S E S Aw E A we n Am ME H G4 . 5 5 u M S s an w a w o a w t BS a H i ma n a u | eer ne Xh i e Si e n a t u r e on sh e e t s in s u r e s th e i r co r r e c t n e s s . Th e Co t t In d e x Co m p a n y , U. S . Co p y r i g h : Se t s | Re g . U. 8 . Pa s . On . Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , In s i s t On It . Co l u m b u s , Oh i o No . 10 3 6 3 WReey TTreme ean Swisher women neee 43 Swanson —_t Swing 56 [Sweeney ~Swaney fe serene meetin Page _98 —Swicegood N of si m l l it ; . im fl . s ds @ gr o u et h e r an iv e n © sa m e i di f f e r e n t g Be m th e na m e is ‘w a n k pH na r oo n we ne o n — ta s e me e on e ‘s a l u d Ce n on a ne r oe — se e u s b n e n c t b n s i n i n i c e n t n e m e n s Sa re s se e r en a d N e b e s t a i c e t t n s t u e e ee m e e e e e n e n e s - s o s et e - - - | | Me e e Pi t it || | | Pi e r ee e ee e 7 I } t t ; ; ; . | } ; + } } } 4 j | i i j } | i } | | ' i : + he Po e rt tat | | Pal Po r : | | | i i j | Pt s ia | | | or i | i i i i i | | | | i | i | i i i i | | | | | | N j | i j i : | i i | a Pe e Pa Es ia | > : wn ) ' j | | i i i | i / j i | i | i i j ! | | j i ' i i j | | Pd ot e ea e oe Po p e s i | ' Bo ee a : a i J ai 1 1 Bd e : 2 = ee ) a at ar e n i uN > | j : a As DD ) ; i i i ! 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S | Be mp l oS | | ga g | t Fe a 3 ag ai Qa ) f A; & ' i | i i b i | i | | i i | 3 | | ; | j j j | rs ; ; t + + } ; + ‘ ; ‘ i “ 4 + + | tf i | i | j j ! | | | j i | ; ; j i j i | j ee e a | Pa ed | pe e a ae | Pe do eet Bee a | ai s er e Pe P| | ci g | 7 oa | ar i l | ye Pi a o 7 2 ee r ee ey | Pa | a ea a | | | fe b | i | | | | i | et ee Ci t e ee om e te | po e t a ae i | ; j i i x | a 3 | ie fea a | oe ae | a | } + ‘ + | + se c c r e c l e m e n c h e s t e e c n r c t n e s a fh he e 7 i ase eee ee ere eee ne INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 14 Te locate names, m at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus Ohio U. 8. Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ae to Buff cde sheet for page reference. ” Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. come ane = — aaa naesneneea 7 - — DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED eS : RECORDED ith Gaitin Gila, © Gx o oe Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER al eee it Wilburn E Coddle Creek Tn/J R Small Pearl Lambert » | 84 \Mary Matilde _W [Mooresville N C/Adam Hagler Ruth Hon@ycutt , 95 |Frank B i |Mooresville N CiJ H Small Ida Nantz Ruby Beatrice Coddle Creek TnjJames R Small jPerline Lambert * ; Foe ~ . James 4torper Coddle Creek TniJohn S Small Carl Etric W Mooresville NC 1954 7 12 Small Ida Nantz F Wi Mooresville NC Alexander Nantz | Cat ; 40, 302 1955| 7 2 {Small John Suell Salisbury James Small da 41 411 1957 11 29)Smal1l Charlie C Lumberton ‘erry Small (Carrie Furcesor 465 644 1958; 11 15 |Small Ernest Moore W [Durham NC John Small] Margaret Ma yhew 44 652 | } i se e n ni p no e l me —— + “ ot co gs ge . Smeates j _W jStatesville N CiBristol Smeates Virginie Shelton fe e ii c c e n a n i a - ce d e d ta t i a n a ee Statesville N CiW S Freeland |catnerine Upright ae ae or e m a a i ES RR R Se e ee on a n pe n r e e e n r e r i a t y Mano He sore + tad tice S ti baal ca pr ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ie a ____ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Tredell County, N. C. — This Signature on shoes lnsares their correctness Fe a Genoa |payernsam teres —— ars ST ie: RE re SLANE RPA Tk oe banty sr cic Seam — SSS SS : ' as q ) = =e SURNAME OF DECEASED ie as PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a , — . sa sme DECEAS =. | Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH : NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER wT | j HI — t ' / 7 : | cat : a | t ty i 1} } $1916; 1 (14 ]Smyre Iceorge F | W Statesville Tos (L Harwell — Parker i | $53 _|1923/ 6 | 6] Smith |Zarline M F W |Statesville NC lanarer Morrison Elizabeth Alexander 1 393 i | i li } |1926| 7 (19}Smyers |Ethe2 F | C fOlin Tn Fred Smyers Pinkey Rhynehart 12/| 254 a 1914) 1 | #/ Smith Mollie Fo¢ |chambersburg wie ie ick aiid 1 38 4 al He 1927) 6 (4 |Smyer |\William M | C fOlin Tns William Smyer Frazier MeLain 13) 201 = 214, 1 (14) Smith | Savanah | MoeW lEagie Mills Tn [mice Smith ia 1); 190 : 4 | AH 1927; 7 |9 |Smyre |Florence Mae F | C jBethany Tns Fred Smyre Pinkie Rhinehard 13. 30 ge 1914) 6 | 8) Smith | Anthony Mic Barringer Sin ! . ! = ! 1). e+ Wl Hy 1934' 2 (|12)/Smyer - F | C Olin Tns Fed Smyer Pinkey Rhyneheart 20, 261 pa 1914! 6 | 27) Smith - | KW ICool Springs tn | Ramona Smith lperi Summers t 2 | 82 ms 4. id i tL 1934, 4 (14]/Smyre F (Mrs) F | W [Statesville N C William Cline Ella Cline £0 | 393 acral 9 .11i Smith |Nancy Jane RB FW vee Creek Tn| IR S Brawley lnaney J. Brawley } 1. 101 | ue i mt tha “a | | | on i HI 1946/10 16/Smyre (Odesse | F | C Statesville Nc |- “ 32. 433 94) 10 11) Smith |William | M | W Cool <prings tal : | = 1143 | 4 i H 1948] 11] 19 smyre | Seceea 5 M | ¢ |statesville nc |Pink Smyre blizabeth Brooks 34 470 , —— 1915| 2 | 12] Smith Maggie May {Fol Ww Mooresville NC I M Smith \Peonte L_MeDonnala 2, 1571 i j 4h Hy ot 5 21) Smyre John Wesley F . Cj} Statesville NC, John W Smyre Louise Redmond 36 315) 915) 2 | 28) Smith Mary | Fic Se ins . | i | ee | 1) a 1950, 7 (26) Smyre | Ida Mae F | C_] Harmony NC | Robert L Smyre Hazel L Redmond 34 36 S| 4 18] Smith _Rebeckah | Foiw Sharpesburg Tn rere Price |celia Lunsford | BI 240 | 1 i] 1953 | 12 14) Smyre | Stellborn F C [Statesville N C) John Smyre Mary Louise Redmond 39 6 9S | | 20] Smith ‘Leola Beatrice | Fic a Tos lgonn A Smith beara alexander 2 £6 ih ne 1959 1 24 Smyre David W, M C | Harmony James L Smyre Norman J Wasson 45 _ 37 SS 1915, 12 (17! Smith ,Sarah Malissa FfifW lrurnersburg Tn [Henry Smith — 3 429% see E - i I i Hi, 4 1960 | 10 | 26) Smyre Shirley MC {Barium Springs ke Wesley Smyre Delia Fuller 46. 623 ee £5916) 1 | Smith ‘Hattie Flsie | Po4cW Ichambersburg Ta [Marsh Smith Is stikeleather 3, 102 | it 1961 11 25 Smyre, Jr. ~ M - Harmony N & Roby Smyre, Sr. Betty Chambers sel _ | ee Tete! 4 2iSmith ‘Maggie Lean FW lz agle Wills Tn lcorumbus Smith Ba Tharpe 5. 138 i 4 1963; 6 | 261Smyre lStillborn Mi - Cf Statesville John W Smyre Mary L Redman 49 | 398 oe 916) 4 18]Smith ‘Harriet | Fic iets Tn A 2 3. 376 ey | i | i f ie + | a 11916 | 6 | 8iSmith \4ouise Harris | F iy |stateovsize Tn lw R Smith iGrace Homey 2, 396 Pid | | Le | | | ______}avie| 6 | 26} smith William Ils Nie eh a, | Smith | ‘ 3 | 140 | l. ‘ HI | es 1916, 8 (17) Smith Mary | F | W |Sharpesourg Tn cia Millsaps Patience Johnson 9, 428 Vik. a e 1916| 8 27] Smith [Rupert David | M | w |statesvilie tn \gonn F Smith Lilly B Fox 3 | 321 tid | | : ; ~ | —_—_—_}1516| il L 6) Smith William Richara| MK. | W |Statesville Nc bce Smith iahaley Harris 31.2975 i ~ 1920 7 7 Smoot as L M | C [Statesville N CJA B Smoot Emma Smoot 6 | 94 3 has] lig ‘Smith | ~ F | W |Statesville NC Rex Smith Grace Homey 3, 300 } 4 F sii 16 ls ae | a M | W [Statesville N CN N Smoot Aquilla Allen 14 | 490 1916; 12 126 Smith _ | - M | C |Coddle Creek Tn|Karnest Smith Blanch Summers 3; 665 — iy 1935 | 6 le” Smoot a M | W [Statesville N CIF L Smoot [Viola Noblett 21 382 1917, 1 22] smi th Earl M | C [Cool Springs ?n|John Smith = 4,23} 1937| 5 ‘a? Smoot ‘Anderson B M | C {Statesville Nc - _fAmanda Smoot | les | 371 1917) 10 (30}Smith John M | C |Cool Springs fn - « 4. 204 Hs 1939, 9 24 Smoot |Hmma Caldwell | FC {Statesville NC [Julius Caldwell Matilda Rankin 25 | 384 ——__|1918| 2 |2o]smitn ! : F | jHegle Mills Tn John & Smith Annie Hayes AA 288 #1940! 5 L | Smoot iieeet B Newlank : C [Statesville NC |Robert Newland usan Jones — 26,379 I mm 1918 39 Smith _ _,Johnie Lee M_| W |Chambersburg Tn/R C Smith angie Hair 44. 526] | (1946 11 | 18 Smoot Margaret E F | W Statesville NC Lee Steele Plizabeth Doneheur 32, 464) bal 1sis| 4 (23 Smith (James M | C [Barringer Tns Amos Smith Mary Young 4k 566) _ 494% 10 | 14 Smoot Alma C F C Ptatesvilie NC Henry Carter : hina 3 430} 29181 4 |30]smith [Mary Ann Fi W {Bagle Mills Tn |Semuel nayes Bettie Barnard 4A | 393 | _|.1949 10 |19 [Smoot Nathan M|W_ | Statesville Ne Walter S Smoot __| Margaret Steele 35 | 376 4929/2 |11fsmith L - F | W {Beagle Mills Tn [Oliver smith pary Gee 5/ 31a} | 1957, 8 14 Bmoot Willie Bank M | © |Statesville NC /4ichard Smoet Eliza Holmes p08) 506 : ———]1919| 5 |2o]smitn _ 4 - F_| W |Bagle Mills tm foliver smith --- Gee 6 | 408 | ci: . plccs |_2 |28]Smith |Ruby. Irine H F_| w {Davidson Tas C Wren Smith Zannie Irene Howe]. | stant i cl ihe i faa ms a oe 1920 : 8 WM i ouiss J fF W jEagle Mills Tn |Seamuel Cain JELlizabeth Cain 6 | 405 | 4-4 is 4 ‘ 5 ee 2920! 9 |26ismith {Mollie F W.jFalistown Ins |Joe Smith - 6. 440 | oie ee ioek Bo aia ee A A ot Sn cis Ogee — 920| 10 /18)smith Anna V jr ¢ Statesville NC © —s 46) 129] | a one AE ce sali Se inhi tic ciee tian ge ck aCe Rk —— 2921) 3 |16/smith __._ __|Marvin _|m_| ¢ IStatesvizie wo [yon Smith Sinde Gaither —s_ [fy 2471 Je ga a Cheese ne. pti ibe iedaieiee inact RN Mul ~ 92 6 |10 [Smith __{Richard § —|M_{ W [Fagle Mills Tn — Richardson... (Blanch Smith —s_— 17 | 156 fl Cae ye A se tice it ic a aes a ae 2921! 6 |13|smith ___.__..___ Everett Mi W (Statesville NC [WR Smith adits —}rls 4 i ; ae ee si inl Perr iit pei ce ai a a SIE © 15 }Smith [Margaret Hazel | F | w Statesville ANC. unter Smith Lilly Whitlock = I. 9 | gay | Oe a | ae EN oman ae Nr BR. , +9 8 |12]Smith —______{Fred Ho J M | W. Mooresville NC os Smith _ -pallie Lambert [7 oS Re Lin a MON: SORA Bi fo ing pcre ey ‘ idan eatiiltenehil lett Mensnnasnhis sin arsenate sii ner i pr ntl ines riba ea dadepelaeicsitibt a : f b Ay i ; (Con) ’ ( 4 bi a i f odes i im italic tas Ld Me Poa ‘ae ap n ap r o n i ‘: 2 4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. = ah INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — ‘DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. ss . iy Comte {hep pens meen De ee Eee sates chet tar pace hana at UR Pet He SOc ily eco ee oe OTA, ee Bday oteeer Petts esas: Sharia tee P| : ; ’ ; , —$ SS nn eg — | 1 | = Ts ae tat I Ose su | caw | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a — S =o imo an son 0 Oh, Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae — aa ; a T 4 ‘- = a oo SR AR a fe RR SE eh rE : oa ) Conc Theory’ i aia? Ee A | ae i (hH 1921; 10 | 19} Smith | k Ethel F | C [Statesville NC JAllen Smith __ Etta McHenry _ 7 446] 7 ___ 2930}. 1 |28 Smith ities $3 M | C [Coddle Creek Tn|Louis Smith Annie Gibbs 16. 68 Ue 1921) 12 13] Smith | Espy L (Mrs) F W jStatesville NC |Washington Cashion [lula Gibbs ss "| 457 | 2 ~—__fis0| 2 (6 [Smith \Melvin Gray M |W [Statesville N cfc L Smith Naoma Butner 16 354 lg #1922; 1 | 13] Smith | Marthe J F | W {Eagle Mills Tn [William G Grose [C€ Harris Siem} nso | 3 |26]Smi th Fred Watson M |W Mooresville N C JRobert Lee Smith Dollen T Sherrill [16 207 ir 1922) 2 14! Smith lA C _j| M | C [Statesville NC all si ee i 1 7) 504 re ‘ a 1950 | 5 (6 [Smith ~ M |W Mooresville N Clalfrea Smith . Plollie Brown 16 214 AH 1922) 2 | 22] Smith |Wren P M_| W |Davidson Tns Calton Smith {Lizzie J Archie _—|_ g/ 20g : . o pa os 1930, 5 _|23|Smith Wm B M | W Eagle Mills tns {thos A Smith Louise Riddle 16 156 i LH fi922) 2 | 23) Smith +Elato Wrenn | M | W [Davidson fons [Callis Smith =| | 48} 194 gg ae 1930 6 (9 {Smith JM M |W |Zagle Mills Tns|eligha Smith iGranger 16. 159 iH 1922) 7 | 25) Smith | Dallie F.C [Statesville NC Tom Sharpe Mattie Sharpe 7, 580 | : ae 41932 | 4. (5 [Smith Mary F | C [Statesville Tns [Benjamin Bruner - 18 565e | “a | 41 1922) 7 | 291 Smith iB Arthur M | W |Statesville NC |Jacob Smith Lina Grimes 7| 579 | a ee, 1931, 4 (9 [Smith Sam A I (Mrs) F |W [Bethany Tns Johnson Campbell Annis Campbell L7 | 2s rh Hi 1923 1 16] Smith |Sarah Caroline F | W [Mooresville NC {Williams Rebecca Williams 9; 180] £ 1931; 4 (.19%Smith Martha J FW jCool, Spring TM iGeorge Sherrill Rebecca Payne 17 63 | i fi 1923. 4 | 5) Smith |Rev J Andrew M | W {Statesville NC Boas ile niicnka sca, 9, 339 oe ; ___ 931 5 27 E Smith ,Ruby Gordon F _W [Davidson Tns Otis A Smith Minnie Smith 17 107 he H 1523) 4 | 30" Smith Dora May F | W |(Coddle Creek Tn|Nathanial Fulham Sena Tucker 9} 160 4931) 8 11S iSmith George MeKey M _W [Mooresville NC]? B Smith Garrie McKey 17 209 q k 1] 1923! 5 | {Smith |Lee Roy i M_| ¢ {Statesville NC |John Smith Lucinda Gaither 9, $02 fsa oi Ismitn Al MC [Fallstown Tn - - 17 | 149 ia 1924, 5 | 29] Smith iMary Belle F_| W [Statesville NC |Fred Wagner Bettie Holcomb _ 10 | 328 ee po OP: OR RB ea = FW [Mooresville N CiLewis E Smith Lizzie Hamilton 17 | 213 i Hamptonville NC f [ 1924; 8 | 6/Smith _Blanch F_| W |Eagle Mills Tn [CS Smith _tida Reavis 10; 127 ig ee 1932 | 1 _j(17]Smith ~isauc N M .W |Sharpesburg TnsiJ F Smith Mary Ann Milisaps 18 | 239 i Y 1925, 5 | 23] Smith | ~ M | W [Davidson Tns WM Smith Lucy Settlemyre 11) 101 oe. 1932! 2 (2 IsSmith - M .C |Bethany tTns Chas Smith Addie Feimster 1s 12 HH 1925) 6 |14/ Smith |Willie B50 ER ORONNE a ie 11 436 _ oe 1932. 2 (28]Smith ‘Thomas Green MW |Statesville N C]Anderson Smith Ashley 18 | 284 eee 1925| 7 |24 Smith e | - | C [Statesville fn |Theodist Smith __ Qla Jones ee bah BOGE Bee ee 1932, 10 (20 Smith Louise FC jStetesville N Clamos Justice Nellie Howardton 18 | 478 Hi PUL tases! |a7} smith —__{celiie __| F | w |coo? springs ralwiziiam Braafora a ee a 1998 1__|10]|Smith he a MW (Chambersburg Tag W Smith Pearl Boss pe ae | Hh ieee. be | 2GaGmaty Margerette Bell] F | W jMooresville NC JT B Smith _—T —uarrie M MeMay 11) 231) <2 - ae | 1934, & _.17]Smith Bertha Louise FW [Statesville ns [Fred S Smith Beatrice Lipe £0 579 i i 4 1226) 4 | 29) Smith. | Frank M WjStatesville NC IR H Smith =——s_s Frances Jail tt 12, BS jetties RARBG | 3. 5 Smith \Newton J M |W {Olin Tns J Clark Smith Vallie Frazier 20 | 262 : 4 1926| 5 | SiSmith ade Catherine Bi F | W [Statesville TnslAndrew TOMO Ss i dhe) 420 oli titi t LIBS! 6 ‘13 Smith ,Bettie Lou F |W |Eagle Mills Tns [Manuel Smith Verlie Shaw 20 | 116] th —p1326) 7 (24iSmith {Blanch | Grace | F | w| Statesville NC |Z W Lackey _ oS Eva Gwaltney hel DORE es adidas, $1934 6 i Smith lFlore F_| c Istatesville N ClRobert Jonnson Viola Siffora leo. 429 H] _|agee) 12 (14 Smith _ : | Julias W _| M W_ {Cool Springs Tn|Caney MOAsh.._ ee eee lei iin 9S4) 6 len Smith | Emma F | W jStetesville N C [Marry Smith Elizabeth Smith £0 | 446 || azn 1 23)Smith _——s—-|Isaee “Kelso _—itf Mw Law prtatesvilie NC [Henry Smith ___—‘|Blizabeth Teague _‘fu4| esa) 41934] 7 la Smith Lela F |W {Statesville N C [Newton Smith pemson Sutth 20, 466 3 a lige 2 13 Smith Joho Anderson | M W {Mooresville NC |Jordon Smith __...._.|Ferba Broadway _s|. 13. £20] | ed ~~ 2904) 7 16 Smith |Billie King M | W Mooresville N C]Wm A Smith Frances Ruth Eubin 20 | 195 11927 ScienTI Be (u | w Ionebersbine TnjL C Smith __._|Pearl Bass 13/43 _ ails 41934) 8. lea ‘Smith - F |W Chambersburg Tn - Nannie Rue Smith 20. 39 1927; 3 |14iSmith ss [Barron Ps yy |W fBerringer tas fiewton saith Marceret lesbit a3 |_ BE silted i934) 9 4 ‘Smith | : M |W [Statesville N C [Dim Smith Vivian Smith 20 | 488 | 11927| 7 |291Smith |Adline F_| ¢ |Coddle Creek tTnlyonn Gen _ ni Mate Irvin 15 { 105) ___-@}__ 11934] 10 FC [Smith Hamilton Armont| M |W Mooresville N C [Samuel C Smith Charlotte Blume 20 | 233 2927) 9 | 8iSmith —«||Olin William | wv | ¢ 4Statesville NC [James I Smith snc URS ae et a | 487d 1934 | 12° /10| Smith |Theodore R M | C [Statesville N C |Jule Smith Beatrice Cornelious |20/| 546 12927) 12 | 2iSmith _—s_—s_—sw4| Ethel* | 7 | C [Barringer Tos [Ray Harris _.. Minnie Smith 12) 36) 1935) 1 lee ‘Smith Mary A F | W {Cool Spring T2 [William Smith Mary Swiner 22 | 135 _ 11928; 3 |31iSmith : pectin lucid Ain. 17a Statesville NC [Isaac Smith ~ i es... 119351 6 i20lsmith —>” Maggie F | C Bethany Tn Henry Stevenson Eliza Colvert | 21 | 5 11928 7 (15) Smith _|Chloe Ellen F W_ [Union Grove Tn MC Smith Chloe Mullis ae eS ie 11935) 9 Liman lw i M W [Statesville N C [Harrigen Smith Alice McLain | 21 428 | ll928| 8 |ez “mish _—________ Charles Green 1M |W Wwooresvilie nc lop smitn == Iuary zy pangon a 218} —___— 4235; 11 le7ismith Ss Josephene F | ¢ [Mooresville w ¢ : Minevra Morris f21 | 123 11928] 11 | 6)Smith = —-ssC | Eva w Fi W {Barringer Tns [Halden Hartsel) e sj} __ 40955! 12 |12ismith {Jake M | C [Coddle Creek 7 Henry Smith __—_—_—|Sarah Smith _ ok oe 11 | 17)Smith Cinthia E F_| = [Shiloh tos. _._.__._]Blizabeth Holaman {24! 607 i 1935) 12 | 26 Ae io i - | W_fStatesville Tos|J F Smith Lottie Hoover 22 | 584] Se A i ee Bel) ie See si “ 15.) 25) ____—— i 4936/1 |16ismith _ Dora Bell F W_Coddle Creek Ta jJohn Cagle _fAda Bonage #2} 55 * : g 9 {| 4/Smith [Mary Lois # F_| ¢ Statesville Ta |Isaec Howard _ Jenie Burke 415 | 653} ___— ~ {4936/2 |14]smith ss |Calvin M| 0 Whambersburg Tai W Smith pearl Bess ies | ash | 22 | 8)Sm 2 {-HMooresvilie NC JAlfrea H Smith _Itula Heaa ~=————sdas | eg} ~ 3/31] smith ___ |Mage ie jF_| ¢ {Statesville tne Berriaen Houston | =. dec: | re |W Bites) F_| W_|statesvitie no |¢ F uitcner Clementine Jennings (15 | 569) il $6) 4 (2 {smith ___|ceorge W | M_| W Mooresville N C\Richara smith | Ne Aecke | _ a Mollie Lela Rt Alexander Jannie Summers. 16} 24} > 6 |13]smith ___|tydia Freanpena | F | C |Statesville Tostorece smith __ JElizabeth Waldser fgg ' (CON) ok b, : SR ia Be (gon) - | ‘ ed iD aM es Ba : hae . ,' , ; : ee as ie e i d n a n e n g ae e a r sa c l e ss a ac e s = om n i a Al i a to m a s em a: A Ta i oe mi t se n d se n a n i c e t n i m e Raitport! ee i — _4__INDEX 70 VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Pamite |patrennemreeen SSC age nena en INTIAL TAB and str SOT UUBAL Mme me conc craven trpe xe. 1 BR" Nocere nazar open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sri'by Otrerver Printing Howse, Chariot, We" i a SEES =... ae ——— : ae =| sno CONTA We oar eum sex | cow | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF samen WANG OF MOTHER oa n — Ic Se a Saree Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— | ‘ ra ae | | a a | Barker | 1936, 6 |30] Smith Mary A F | W |Eagle Mills Tns|John Reavis Eliza Parker 22 | 130 11945) 4 22 1Smith ‘Martha Jane /. | F W |New Hope JN Barker bury berker £97 _.e8 “s 1936 | 11 |6 [Smith | - M | W [Mooresville N CjRoy N Smith Ruby L Donaldson 22) 285 1943, 8 | Sismith ‘William Shirley] Mc |stetesville Nc |Julius Smith ething Sobktin 29 317 iH 1957 | 1__(11]Smith Jasper Braswell] M | W [Statesville NC Jasper Smith = | 25 286 11944) 1 25 mith Hilizebeth Woody} Fw fPeiistoun Tas |- = po, 8 1937, S| 20) Smith ,Emma Alice W F | W jDavidson Tns Thomas White Nina Caldwel] 23, 82 N944) 2. 5 mith verrie Jsne FW (Mooresville NC [IL F Smith Mge Renkin £0, 6] | he 1937; 6 (14)Smith Clementine F | W jFallstown Tns George B Smith = 23, 108 ___ 944 | 26 mi th Gordon Lester MW Statesville NC [Phillip s smith wan cy A avery 30) 70 f 1 1937) 7 |13}smith Elma Fronia F | W Davidson Tfns Joel Curlee = £5 8? o 2A 5.2 14Smi th Thomas Jasper x JY hew Hope Tns Janes Smith Polly Millseps 30. 208 i ie 1937; 7 (31iSmith |Roseta C F | W JShiloh Tas J Sidney Clodfelter [Isabella Gillespie {23 | 271 hae | 5.12 [Smith Dannie Ross MW [Statesville NC IF R Smith fins V Tucker 00 . 195 1 1937' 9 (|23]Smith |Annie Margote F | W (Mooresville N C/Lee Kistler Nancy Lee Brown 23 201 1944, 8 17 Bmith - t._,l Blooresviile No Mmarl vid Smit arleen Fstterson 50, 5664 a 1937, 11 23)Smith \Neta F | C jBarringer Tns_ jAndy Young Mary Bost 25 12 , es | ST Smith 28 YW Statesville NC [IT anderson Smith = 80. 3804 Mi 1938; 1 (30}Smith |Roman Luther M | C [Statesville Tns|James I Smith Lou Justice £4 489 o ___})945) 3 (164 smith ,William lM Mi. WUStatesville NC Jadoms Smith Harriet Bost oj 87 1 1938; 5 (1 |smith Be a M | C |Coddle Creek tn|Leroy Shepherd Lucille Smith 24 232 oT! 9 30 ISmith Jemes Allen (MW |Berringer Tn {Glenn smith Mer the White 51438) {ff 1938; 11 4 ISmith |Reuben M §C {Concord Tns oe Letha Bailey 24 (74 4G 9 TS smith Robert Lee Mo. CG |Coddle Creek Tn jadriah Smith Fannie Bost Sl 443 1 1939) 1 16/Smith | Adeline F | C |Bethany Tn Charlie Dobbins Emeline Allison 25 10 94S 9 20 Smith Roberta (Mrs) iF W |Statesville NC [William Ford Elizabeth Miller 31, 389 i; 1939) 2 4 | Smith | Lawrence Lorenzq MW [Statesville NC |J E gnith Mary Lillie Clouse [25 268 41945 10 19 jSmith Robert MG Mooresville NC {Robert Smith Laure Smith a7 4 h 1939, 5 4 | Smith Thelma Harless | F | W [Statesville NC |Fulton E Harless Lillian Pharr 25 326 194510 25 anith Mery Btte FW {Statesville NC jo M Smith 4-5 Smith ae h 1939, 5 27 Smith ‘Bert je Quincie M | W [Statesville NC |sam Smith Mary Dyson 25. 330 ie ee6 | 2. i122 imi th Florence Virginier _W Mooresville NC jJohn M Scofords Lunda Litaker 32 6 i ! 1959, 7 |29| Smith Tames Lee M | C |Coddle Creek Tnjonty smith Josephine Morris 25 44 ees. 4S —_ : . James MC} Statesville NC | Charles Smith Addie Feimster pe | 167 1 __ 1939, 12 7 Smith |Louvina F | C |statesville Nc JAeron Renkin Adline Rankin 25 435 _ pe ——_ e464 _15]smitn ‘Secil Glitford | MW |stetesville NC |toel sm‘ th Hellie Thomas s2_iro| (i ' 1940 | 1 \12 Smith Mary C Casper F_ | W (Mooresville NC p20 Casper Catherine Aller 26 | 165 sie eit 2 | 1.35 Smith _John y M,C | Statesville NC} - Lucy Blackburn 33,26} 19,0 | 2 4h Smith Lana Sue F | W Barringer Tn Dwright Smith Rachel Bass 26 | 4 2947, 1 | 5 Bmith Wm Valter h Wi Btatesville NC Herman Smith Fannie Juncan p45, 62 tte t 1940| 5 25 Smith i M_| CG [Statesville Tn - flouise Smith 26 | 559 pLOK7, 3 9 Bmith — Flora Mi Baker Fj Wf Statesville N@ [in F Baker Nana Bowles B31 84. i 1940) 6. | 10 Smith ts M C |Statesville Tn - __ MarySmith 26 558 | 1947, 5 & [Smith -Robert Nelson |M W |Statesville NC |asbery Smith Ellen Beck 33, 186 _figu0| 6 | 20 Smith os M | C [Statesville -n |John Smith _ Annie Bell Smith 26 | 557 ; 1947/12 16] Smith s _Amanda Hill F.C jStatesville NC Isaac Hill bpsie Abernatny 23 490 _41940| 7 La Smith Louise Riddle | F | W }Eagle Mills Tn [Calvin Ri@dle _ {Susan Vogler 26 | 136 ee 1947, 10 | 21) Smith _Jessie Rooseveap __¢ | Statesville NC | Theodic Smith Lola Jones B3 408 | | 1940} 11 | 13} smith Mary Elizabeth | F | C |Statesville Tn |George Smith _|Mary E Smith 26 | 5 ly 1948 2) 5 | Smith _Thomas Branch MW | Mooresville NC |George T. Smith Amands Jamison 54 85 | 94941) 2 [21 ismitn i _{Frank Henry Jr | M | W_ Dita In [FH Smith | . Bary Hooks paces 27 | BAe ice 2048 2 2 mith . | Cornelius M _¢ Mooresville NC | Anthony Smith Josephine Templeton 54 68 | : $2941) 3 [15 9Smith samand Harris 4 é M plooresvilleNC [J Frank Smith _{ Mary MAL dee so! 27 | 139 lid A948 1 (i2smith James Ht | ow |Bacle Midis Tns [William Smith Mary Ann Hayes _—*434| 170 , $2942] 4 [28fSsmith / i M {|W Statesville NC | Rex Smith _ Porothy Gibson 27 293 1948 | 2 th oo... =s_—s (Dewey Elton | M | W IStatesville nc Iw pD Smith Waomi Cranfili 3h, 140 A941 | 5 |20]Smith potion @ FIA fsniton Tn é ii a ial 8 be? 215} ___— 1948|.2 |25 Smith ...__-|Ida Lamb ssf F | W [Statesville NC [alfred Lamb Naney “helps 34) 102] i9h1) 8 [1sSmith ee M |W Barringer ?P MiSmith __-- ‘Beohel Beas 27} 10) Ss a 1948, 229) smith ___Elva Catherine | F | © [Bethany Tnshp [David Swith Gurtrude Kinbrough ]34/ 92 fi942| 11 |22]smith _ _.._ {Marion Butler | M | W fSherpesburg Tn [MB Smith jFannie Bouba —s_——s«27| 2079 1948 4 127 Smith Arnold Van | M | W [Statesville NC |kebah Smith _ Nell Sowden GLI oF 22, 29;Smith ___1Thomas Wooten | MW [Mooresville NC |ceorge H smith __|oulse Bratton Bet. L948 | 16 [sastn | —=—}¥_|¢ Mooresville NC} = money Sue Smith 24 a9 fe dk Bere ge w.., re i ___|F_| W. Harmony N Gi poderson. Smith fiary_ Ashley _—_—_—sOWiR8 | 4,67 te | Rit i Brenua—uee——_| F_. W | “ooresville NC] Menus parle omith [Beulah dren Ridbiet uke | ila LO | 7iSmith ss ames Clark — — pi elin Newton Smith betta Le okey ea | 235 | Smith | ‘Wdward Flonzo | hw |_Mooresville NO} suward 6 Smith [Minnie Freeze Sonith 34) 32h |20 |12;Smith —_—Walilie Isadora Fim A. sames F Frazier —s Martha Gant ps | 296} —— Smith Lpateite 2 Ashbery F, W btatesville NC | John ashberry —____} Mary Troutman 3k 35d, 6. Bo ee Milles Me uel Smith Martha Grose ps SO ance sisi Maes ee panies! | Lr lw | | Mooresville NC} Frank Fortner ——jUnknowm _hs cet sad al Olina June | F | Ww Wille NC [6 Paul smith Cookman ...._- ba | xen) ~—S ——} 1948 11 (25 [smith _ Veronica ote [Fle # Statesville NC | vavid Smith Mary # Brothers | i 1942). 9. ovement F own. Ths Mati na: ee tht ~ 10.1111 Smith Lieut. i os a WHStetesville Nc bevi Smith Luvenia Nading sf “fisae 4|smith ee M 1% |Chombersburg austin smith Mery Bruner §= j29| 9 ee . cs i : aes aga 2-120 - Upright ...__|Tirceh Brosdwey _ | ah ee om 4 | 24 Smith ——Mary Hebecca _} F_| W 4+Mooresville NC} Van lL Laboon —f-lelila Byrom B35) 16) 143 | 2 |25}emitn hert " | "3 Hezel Cockmen __f29|_g07| | 7 eve ii ie ae ee esville NC |Unknown = nknown , 35 ‘ } ypabule : af : at « ah Dy i | bd ae NDEX TO VITAL STATISIIG — ‘DEATHS — Iredell ct, N.C Perea liavensmtortsece, For Your Protection, Insist On It by an d y Pe e eo em 2 ci p l e cae od e s x = ee e ‘ wh e Se e kg e ye 7 enone ea r n ar el i e ns n r i n e n s d i n m e a p A, i ‘ ; en —* = : ae th Fa t e ! ia i n 1937! 1 1937, 5 1937, 6 1937, 7 1937, 7 1937, 9 1937, 11 1938, 1 1938! 5 1938 11 1939 2 1939 5 1939; 5 1939, 7 1939 12 1940/ 1 1940, 2 1940) 5 1940 6 11940! 6 J19L0| 7 #1940) 12 fi941) 2 1941] 3 gi9hd |b 1941 | 5. $1941 | 8 aa a 29) Smith |30}Smith 1936! 11 6 |smith | 11] Smith ,£01 Smith 141 Smith (13) Smith $1) Smith ,23)Smith 23) Smith /30])]Smith \l1 |Smith 4 |Smith 1939; 1 16/smith (4 | Smith 4 | Smith (27/ Smith 29] Smith |7 | Smith ,LlLpSmith 414 |Smith ,251Smith 10} Smith 20] Smith 1 | Smith | 13} Smith 21 Smith 115 Smith [28 |Smith 20 Smith 22 [Smith A941 | 7 | A iSmith 9b | LO | 7 iSmith | 10 j12jSmith be 4 |. 8 | 34Smith 9 942; 2 | 4)Smith bi fe 18}Smith| SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Mary A |Jasper Braswell \Emma Alice W ;Clementine | Elma Fronia \Roseta C |Annie Margote \Neta |Roman Luther |Reuben |Adeline Lawrence ai |Thelma Harless \Bertie Quincie James Lee | Louvina \Mary C Casper ‘Audry Sue. Milism G jMary Louise Riddle Mary Elizabeth Frank Henry Jr Richard Harris Barringer _jMarion Butler pSharpesburg Tn- {Thomas Wooten | _jMooresville NC George H smith _Plarmony Nc _ James Clark s ____Wallie Isadora | Wi Biisha atin it ia Olina June | —... feaurea Tene PLACE OF DEATH Eagle Mills Tas Mooresville NC Statesville NC Davidson Ins Fallstown Tns Davidson Tns Shiloh Tns Mooresville N C Barringer Tns Statesville Tns Coddie Creek Tn Concord Tns Bethany Tn Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Coddle Creek Tn Statesville Nc Barringer Tn Statesville Tn Statesville Tn Statesville ‘¢n Eagle Mills Tn Statesville Tn Moaresvi lle Tn MooresvilleNC Statesville NC hiloh Tn t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer jtbindex sheet for page reference ad NAME OF FATHER John Reavis Roy N Smith Jasper Smith Thomas White George B Smith Joel Curlee J Sidney Clodfelter | Lee Kistler Andy Young James I Smith Leroy Shepherd Charlie Dobbins J E Smith Fulton E Harless Sam Smith Onty Smith Aaron Rankin Mooresville NC pase Casper Dwright Smith John Smith Calvin Rifdle George Smith F H Smith J Frank Smith Rex Smith _jD_W Smith M B Smith _poderson smith W Plin Be Olin same | Mills Manuel smith wton Smith F Frazier _ hooresville NC | town Tos _ Chamber pure, Austin Snith Upright. eet matte netaan vi INDEX Ne. 1.4 Ss 1 9h) 9 Sh a NAME OF MOTHER [ome Eliza Parker | 130 Ruby L Donaldson | 285 = | 286 Nina Caldwel] , 82 = ,.108 : 87 isabella Gillespie 271 Nancy Lee Brown 201 ary Bost i2 Lou Justice 489 Lucille Smith 232 Letha Bailey | 74 Emeline Allison 1G Mary Lillie Clouse | 268 Lillian Pharr | 328 Mary Dyson , 330 Josephine Morris | 44 Adline Rankin | 435 catherine Aller 165 Rachel Bass 4 poulse Smith 559 MarySmith 558 Annie Bell Smith 557 Susan Vogler 136 Mary E Smith Shh ary 4ooks: | 112 Mary Mills | 39 [Dorothy Gibson | 293 fisah Gilliam e215 _ffechel Bass sf 10 fFannie Bouba 207 ___ JLouise Bratton —s_-f/27| 192 __ Mary ashley _ PS | 467. tta 1 i A iy nn A Mal —partha Gant 8 ‘artha Grose RS. by Cookman _ __ ps | ase} opt ca pe | Luk Mery Bruner 29 seis cad dwey 429 | 207, . x ' __* fess | 10 |29 pase tern OAS |__| <li bee 2 | LL947, 1 | 5 Bmith INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ee Patent No. 1437168-——Copyright 1939 DATE OF DEATH Year | Meath | Day 11943) 4 22 [Smith 1945 8 SiSmith 11944) 1 23 Smith 944) 2 | 3 Smith 1944. 2 126 Komi th _fie44 35 2 Smith hioa4 5 12 Ismith 11944 8 17 Bmith K2 ct ry ! $1944 | 5 ji1 41945, 3. 16) Smith $1945. 9 50 |Smith 11945. 9 15 Smith 41945 9 20]Smith n945 10 (25 |Smith $1946, 1 12 ISmith re 5 1946. 4 IS5iSmith 13 Smith L19471 3.) 9 Bmith _ ie IK?) 5 ik I Smith 947 | 12 164 Smith 12947, 10 21) Smith _ 1948 2 | 5 | Smith |1948 2 2 bmi th _ Cornelius 1948. 1 LAS Smith ie eee one) 3 si2iSmith -s_— | Dewey Elton _ 1948} 2 | 29Ismith 1948) -2 25]Smith __ SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Berker Marthe Jane / -Williem Shirley dilizebeth Woady Vsrrie Jsne Gordon Lester Thomas Jasper Dannie Ross William KM Janes #llen Robert Lee Roberta (Mrs) Robert Mary Etta Florence aide _Janes Secil Glifford .John y wm Walter Flora lh. Baker _Robert Nelson _Amanda Hill _ Thomas Branch ida Lamb | ——__1948/ 5/6 Ismitn A2k8 k 127 Smith Elva Catherine | 4rnold Van | M Smith es am ag ihe —_________| Brenue use I | ‘tdward Flonzo Sex Mv F M F M F M M Mi + " ~ M F _Jessie Roose vel M. M N M _M Color <3 W Nt New Hope Statesville NC 1 2ete r) ne ph htt ~--adhrecnde Se Set Nh ae SY bn ~ o + € ~tst - New Hope Tns Statesville NC ae nmin ov ic | / iIBerringer Tn Statesville NC Mooresville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC to4 wille Ind ba Sa Sat Wd, a le A C Mooresville NC _W IStatesville Nc C [Bethany Tnshp iad 8 1 i Smith | A948 11 [25 ee 10 io Smith Veronica | +George W. | | _| Mary Rebecca | | Fannie J Ashberky Fw. Mary Elizabeth | F | Ww | LF |e ju | I iM. eM. PLACE OF DEATH et a a +. e 7 a2 YS LO SVL LS wf Coddle Greek Tn Statesville NC Statesville Nc Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Eagle Mills Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC_ _“ooresville NC ptatesville NC J | Mooresville NC_ Statesville NC +Statesville Nc Mooresville NU } ooresville NC are locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER TW Bart es 2eark er a Julius Smith +” ' he James Smith IF R Smith adie....toniceatln. Wlthaos ba Sni th Adrieah Smith William Ford Robert Smi th OM Smith John M Scofords Charles Smith Loel Smith I n mit ae > a + Dar er Asbery Smith Isaac Hill Theodic Snith George T. Smith Anthony Smith William Smith W_D Smith Alfred Lamb Davi d Smith qkebah Smith John ashberry | Frank Fortner Vavid Smith wevVi Smith Van 1 Laboon en Sh Ss Menus sarle omith. Mooresville NC] wuward 3 Smith Mote by The Cott Index Company _Cotumbbes. Ohio by Observer Fr NAME OF MOTHER brcliy Millseps i i i} ine V Tucker i ( Unknown iar the White lFennie Bost Elizabeth Miller Laure Smith # E Smith Lunda Litsker Addie Feimster Hallie Thomas Lucy. Blackburn Fannie Duncan Nana Bowles Ellen Beck kpsie Abernathy Lola Jones Amands Jamison Josephine Templeton Mary Ann Hayes Naomi Cranfili Nancy helps Gurtrude Kinbrough |3 Well Sowden Money Gue Smith Seulah dren wigenhouge | 27’ |Minnie Freeze Sonith] 34. }_Mary Troutman ing House, Charlotte, N.C 52.179 33,186 52 167 | 33). 265 cht neo po. Sh f a ths 23 490 B3 408 54 68 $34. 140 | 34) 54 85 | 34) 170] — 34, 102] Mary & Brothers Luvenia Nading Helila Byrum JUnknown ae en e et a " : ee ELIS ET ; Be ‘ ae a - ne : S __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ; ; ; t ' | : __Famoe {eeerpee reser Poe DRIFT Focnte names, opon ot SURNAME INITIAL: TAB nd refer Eo a LATPOO, UNIVERSAL, INDEX, No 1 Te eee red kde ee ae RETIAL, TAB ond reler Scld'by Observer Printing Hamer Charlotte, N.C” a reer nee | se cr rin | i on women «FP eels] amma rartee | m| maceorceam| saworsamen | nate or nomen fl TWyELa | | ) aT Barker i i | aan 6 (/30)Smith Mary A F_| W |Eagle Mills Tns|John Reavis Eliza Parker 22! 130 11945) 4 22 Smith Martha Jane / | F | W |New Hope JN Barker Mery barker | Ee i! 1936 1l 6 iSmith | ws M | W [Mooresville N CjRoy N Smith Ruby L Donaldson 22) 285 1945, 8 | SijSmith Williem Shirley| MC |Statesville Nc Julius Smith Adline Dobbins 29. $17 abs Ana 1 |11] Smith Jasper Braswell/ M | W [Statesville NC Jasper Smith = 7 23 286 7 PB hisal + 423 Smith filizebeth Woody} Fw tslistown tTns |- = 20.43 it f | 12957 9, 201}Smith \Emma Alice W F | W {Davidson Tas Thomas White Nina Caldwell £3 82 ee | eS mith arrie Jene Fi Mcoresville NC [L ¥ Smith mae tankin £0, 6] aT i ee fans, paca pfiementine F | W }Fallstown Tns |George B Smith = 23 | 108 ee eee am 26 $Smi th “rordon Lester MW {Ststesville NC [Phillip s smith po CY 2 avery $0} 70 ht ry 1937 | 7 (13] Smith {Elma Fronia F | W |Davidson fns Joel Curiee ~ 25 | 87 ise! 3 2iSmith Thomas Jasper M ._W |New Hope Tns James Smith Polly Millseps 30. 208 Lary 1937; 7 {31 Smith |Roseta C F | W [Shiloh Tas J Sidney Clodfelter [Isabella Gillespie 423) 271 ___fie44 5 12 iSmith Dannie Ross MW Statesville NC FR Smith Tine V Tucker 00. 195 | a HI 1937! 9 (231Smith \Annie Margote F | W (Mooresville N CiiLee Kistler Nancy Lee Brown 23 201 a 1944 8 17 Buith - ir iy Pooresville No tferl David Smit! arleen Fatterson 50, Loe } 2 ii H 1937! 11 (23]Smith \Neta F | C [Barringer Tns_ jaAndy Young plary Bost 23 12 pO A 3. _j1l iSmith Emme P| W Istatesville NC [Iv anderson Smith - 80, 580 i i HI 1938 | a 50) Smith |Roman Luther M C {Statesville TnsiJames I Smith _ fLou Justice £4 489 a Aes | 3 !16i Smith iWilliam M M W UStatesville NC Jadams Smith Harriet Bost ook Lee ; iH! “h | 1938; 5 (1 {Smith | - M | C |Coddle Creek TnijLeroy Shepherd Lucille Smith 24 232 945 0 Smith Jemes Allen M W |Berringer Tn Glenn Smith uer tha White Sl 438 a | 1938) 11 |4 {Smith Reuben M | C [Concord Tas - Letha Bailey 24 74 4 | 15 smith Robert Lee MC |Coddle Creek Tn jadriah Smith Fennie Bost Sl. 443 fi 1939, 1 16/Smith Adeline F | C |Bethany Tn Charlie Dobbins Emeline Allison 25/ 10 945 | 9 20 Smith Roberts (Mrs) IF W |Statesville NC {William Ford Elizabeth Miller 51. 389 iH HT 1939) 2 4 | Smith Lawrence Lorgnss M W |Statesville NC /J EB Smith Mary Lillie Clouse 25 268 a ess | 10 19 — Robert MC (Mooresville NC |Robert Smith Laura Smith ol 371 1 ihe if 1959; 5 (4 |Smith ‘Thelma Harless | F | W Statesville NC /Fulton E Harless Lillian Pharr 25 328 #1945 10 (25 [Smith Mery Etta FW |Statesville NC |O M Smith 4 £ Smith Sl, 554 i t if 3959! 5 ,27| Smith Bert ie Quincie | M | W |Statesville NC |sam smith |Mary Dyson 25 330 946 | 12 smith Hlorence VirginisF W (Mooresville NC {John M Scofords Lunde Litaker $2; ___6 hia il 1959 7 |29)/Smith Jame s Lee M | C |Coddle Creek Tnjonty smith Josephine Morris 25 44 | 1946.4 5 Smith — _ James M .C | Statesville NC | Charles Smith Addie Feimster 52 167 ie ] 1289 12 (7 | Smith Hourine F | @ |Statesville Nc jAaron Rankin Adline Renkin 25 | 435 1946. 4 I5iSmith , Cecil Glifford | MW |Statesville NC |roel smith Hallie Thomas 52.179 ih ry \ 1940, 1 j11] Smith Mary C Casper F iw [Mooresville NC_ Milo Casper Icatherine Aller 26 | 165 sane 2 1135 Smith _John y M,C} Statesville Nc} - Lucy Blackburn 23)... 2Bs | | : | 1940} 2 +h Smith juary Sue F | W [Barringer Tn Dwright Smith Rachel Bass 26) 4 (29671 1 | 5 Bmith _ ___,Wm Walter hi Ptatesville NC Herman Smith Fannie Duncan 334,82 ! ‘ 1940 | 5 (25 Smith | = M C Statesville Tn - fouise Smith 26 | 559 1947 239 Bmith — Flora Mi Baker Fj Wi Statesville NG [Wn F Baker Nana Bowles 33 i 8h tt 1 1940} 6 {10 Smith ls M C [Statesville Tn - MarySmith __ 26 | 558 1947, 5 4 [Smith -Robert Nelson |M | W |Statesville NC |Asbery Smith Ellen Beck 33, 186] t, 11940! 6 {20 Smith ~ M | C jStatesville +n |John Smith _ _jAnnie Bell Smith 26 557 947 | 12 16 | Smith ____.__| Amanda Hill FC Statesville NC_ | Isaac Hill Epsie Abernatny 23 490 | 1940/7 i Smith Louise Riddle F |W |Bagle Millis Tn |Calvin Riddle Susan Vogler 26 | 136 |1947,_ 10 | 21) Smith _ _Jessie Roosevelt M_|_C | Statesville NC | Theodic Smith Lola Jones B3 408 | $1940! 12 |13) Smith Mary Elizabeth | F | C [Statesville Tn George Smith Mary E Smith 26 | Shk }1948 2 |S [Smith _ _Thomas Branch M__W | Mooresville NC |George T. Smith Amanda Jamison 54 83 | aga} 2. [21 Ismitn Frank Henry Jr | ) W Pocoresvi lie Tn | F H Smith paty Looks - 7 112 aoe |le48 2 2 mith ; | Cornelius M C Mooresville NC Anthony Smith Josephine Templeton 34 68 i | : 41941] 3. [15 fSmith Richard Harris | M | W MooresvilleNc J Frank Smith _| Mary Mills _ 27 | 139 ae 1948) 1/12 Smith _—ijJames H _ | M | W [Hagle Mills Tns|William Smith Mary Ann Hayes” 34) 170 $2941) 4 [285Smith ale JM |W [Statesville NC | Rex Smith se i _PPorothy Gibson _— 7 | 293 tp one! 31121 Smith _________ Dewey Elton | M | W [Statesville No |W D Smith Naomi Cranfill She, LO §i9h41 | 5/20 Smith ___._ [Milism G F_| ¢ |Shitoh tn _ pep pa I ie pelle 27 215 aie 1948 2 |@5Mith ... -. |taa bem _F | W [Statesville NC JAifred Lamb Nancy “helps 34} 102 fi Jighi| 8 j18iSmith aren oe arringer itis nN MM Ss, ‘ci OOD: Bemis ow 27 | 107] sail | Elva Catherine | F | C_ Bethany Tnshp David Smith Gurtrude Kinbrough 34/1 92 § Bs A9KL | 11 j2e2iSmith |Marion Butler | M | W ~Sharpesburg Tn [MB Smith _...fFannie Bouba ——————s«27/ 207], - j4rnold Van | M | W [Statesville NC |kebah Smith Nell bowden __ 134) 199) _ me Se Saitek | thomas Wooten § M. |W [Mooresville NC. George H Smith _ {Louise Bratton = f27| 1927 —___-_} M | C [Mooresville NC J -_ —_____Jioney Gue Smith 54 197 i Mi Soe cle os lee ok |.w_Hlarmony NC \anderson Smith Mary Ashley Pe | 467. islamanaeiieertet 1 Brenua—tee——_| F_| W | “ooresville NC] Menus warle omith Weulah tren Wiaanhoude? |. id [poe] 20 | 2}smitn —jlemes Clark 4M iW Olin Newton smith ponent siete ddward Flonzo | M |W | Mooresville NC| suward 8 Smith piinnie Freese Sonith} 34, 324 }AO_ 112 Smith _____Waliie Isadora. F fae ames ¥ Frazier rtha Gant os: Fannie J Aabberty Fl w piatesville NC I John ashberry sft Mary Troutman _—s_—i ff sl 35h) - p 6123 Bo cule mail a ML e Mills Manuel Smith - Ona hier’ Skelton F_| W | Mooresville NC} Frank Fortner NN — bea lag7 ‘ 962) 8 th. @arolina June | F | W Mooresville NC Paul Smith x _Veronica Fie Statesville NC | David omith __}| Mary & Brothers [oa lass. | EB ia oa oneness ee town Tos _ suis paca peu uf lGeorge w_ iM oe Statesville Nc bevi Smith Luvenia Nading se Se ee ee LM & [Chombersburg austin smith ra Pe. | t = pata : NG{Semuel Upright ae ——— oT ER gS : Mary Rebecca | F al Mooresville NU # Van L Laboon. —$lelila Byrum 5-+161 ie ot tea er a ae . nn ae tt Pg | 7| Al Smith ee eee ooresyille NC |tinknown __—ttinknown gg os af ’ os lia ‘ade fg ‘ : 2 ‘ Cita X bcc i Aiihy : ge e pe n a a en 4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. . | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ; , i ii a laa lee ao Gaueua ile © Ga eo Se or | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | am OF MOTHER Ra pe arras Ton fam CHNESTIAN MammE, © ous 02 onvee Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Tae aE rit 1936| 6 /|30lsmith Mary A F | W jEagle Mills Tns|John Reavis Zliza Parker £2 | 130 11945) 4 22 [Smith Martha Jane /. | FW |New Hope J_N Barker Mary Barker £9 122) | iI h 1936 | 11 (6 [Smith | - M | W [Mooresville N CjRoy N Smith Ruby 1 Donaldson £2 | 285 1945, 8 | Sismith William Shirley| MC |Statesville NC |Julius Smith Adline Dobbins 29, 517 et f i 1937, 1 _(11]} Smith \sasiaiee Braswell| M | W [Statesville N Cl|Jasper Smith > 23 | 286 1944} 2 |23 Iemith Wlizebeth Woody] r | w Iralietown tas |[- iB 70| 44 : 1 ri 1957! 5 | 20)Smith | Emma Alice W F_ | W |Davidson Tus Thomas White Nina Caldwell 23 82 ee | eS mt th Currie Jane F Mooresville NC t : 301 6 a i! 1937, 6 (14/Smith ‘Clementine F | W }Fallstown Tns George B Smith 2 23. 108 hs 2.26 Smith Gordon Lester Mi. W [Statesville NC [Phillip s srith wan Cy A «avery 30 | _ 790 . at at 1937; 7 (|13)Smith |\Elma Fronia F | W jDavidson Tns Joel Curlee - 23 | 87 foes 3 2/Smith Thomas Jasper | MW New Hope Tns ‘ Snith Polly Millssps SO, 202 + f 1 1937| 7 (31}Smith |Roseta C F | W {Shiloh Tns J Sidney Clodfelter [Isabella Gillespie '23 27) ese 5 22 Ismitn nie Mase bi * Wintesvt rte we bo cette a 50 193 q ' Ht 1937, 9 /|23iSmith \Annie Margote F | W (Mooresville N CiLee Kistler Nancy Lee Brown 23 201 _31944) 8 17 Bmith fon F_fW Blooresville no fderl Dovid Spit! Arleen Fatterson 20/| 366 iF H 1937, 11 |23/Smith Neta F | C [Barringer Tns_ jAndy Young Mary Bost 23 12 es | 3 smith ma Statesville NC [ff anderson smith 4 30. 380 . Th? Hi 1938; 1 |30/Smith |Roman Luther M | C jStatesville TnsjJames I Smith Lou Justice 24 489 ees | 5 leiemitn \William i M W_IStatesville NC fadoms Smith Vavetet tisk 2]. an hy HT 1938, 5 /|1 ISmith ~ M | C }Coddle Creek TnjLeroy Shepherd Lucille Smith 24 | 232 45 | 50 Hmith Janes Allen MW |Berringer Tn Glenn Smith ker tha White 51. 438 ; ey 1938 11 |4 |Ssmith [Reuben M | C {Concord Tns - Letha Bailey 24 74 __ 948) 9 15 ismith Robert Lee MG \Coddle Creek Tn jadriah Smith Fennie Bost 31. 443 h 1959) 1 (16/Smith |Adeline F C |Bethany Tn Charlie Dobbins Emeline Allison 25, 10 a 94 | 9 20 Smith Roberta (Mrs) F W Statesville NC |William Ford Elizabeth Miller 51. 389 1939 2 4 | Smith | Lawrence Lorenz4 M OW |Statesville NC |J E Smith Mary Lillie Clouse 25, 28; #$$§F | 1945 10 19 lomi th Robert M_.C (Mooresville NC |Robert Smith Laura Smith Sl. 371 1959, 5 (4 | Smith |The Ima Harless | F | W |Statesville NC /Fulton E Harless Lillian Pharr 25 326 1945 lo 25 }Smith Mary Et te FW {Statesville NC |O M Smith 4 E Smith 51. 554 1939, S |27/ Smith |Bert ie Quincie M_W jStatesville NC |sam Smith [Mary Dyson 25. 330 ese. 1.12 ismith Florence VirginieF yw Mooresville NC {John M Scofords Lunda Litaker 32. 6 i 1939' 7 29) Smith James Lee M | C |Coddle Creek Tn/onty Smith Josephine Morris 25, 44 19464 / 5 pase ‘ _ James M .C | Statesville Nc | Cherles Smith Addie Feimster B2 167 i 1959, 12 (7 | Smith |ouvina F | C [Statesville NC JAaron Rankin Adline Renkin 25 435 nf 1946 | 4 SUS th -Secil Glifford | MW |$tatesvil1e NC |toe1 Smith Hallie Thomas 32, 179) i}! re | 1940) i Pel Smith — C Casper F W {Mooresville NC IMilo Casper catherine Aller 26 | 165 ete 1947) 2 1130 Smith John y Mig Statesville uel . er ae 33. B a || i | i} 1940 2 444 )Smith ‘Audry Sue F W Barringer Tn Dwright Smith Rachel Bass 26. 4 1947, 1 | 5 Bmith __| Wm Walter M |w Btatesville nc Herman smith ite ici dad gp | ‘ it 19401 5 \25 Smith | - M | C |Statesville Tn |. 2s ploulse Smith 26 | 259 11947, 3. | 9 Bmith — Flora M Baker P| Wi Statesville N@ | Wn F Baker Nana Bowles B31 Bho i 1940, 6 /|10]/Smith ls M C [Statesville Tn - MarySmith 2. 926} 558 ‘ 12947, 5 4 [Smith -Robert Nelson |M | W |Statesvilie NC |Asbery Smith Ellen Beck 33, 186 i | 1940) 6 | 20 Smith | - M | C |Statesville +n [John Smith Annie Bell Smith 26 | 557 AT de 16] Smith S| Amanda Hill Pie [Statesville NC Isaac Hill kpsie Abernathy _ 23 490 i 1940! 7. 2 Smith _ Louise Riddle F | W |Eagle Mills Tn |Calvin Riffdle Susan Vogler 26 | 136 $1947, 10 21) Smith ___ Jessie Roose ve lit MC | Statesville NC | Theodic smith Lola Jones 33 be t 1940! 12 a3 Smith Mary Elizabeth F C {Statesville Tn George Smith Mary E Smith 26 | 5d |1948 2 {5 Smith _ Thomas Branch M __W | Mooresville NC George T. Smith Amanda Jamison 54 i 1941) 2 jaa Smith Frank Henry Jr | M | w [Mooresville Tn | F H Smith ary Hooks... fe7 | an2 12948 2 2 buitn sr oo Cornelius m oc Mooresville NC | Anthony Smith Josephine Templeton 54 68 $2941) 3. |15 Smith Richard Harris | M | W Hooreaviiienc J Frank Smith Mary Mills 27 | 139 Lisi 1948) 1 (12)Smith oe M | W |Eagle Mills Tns]William Smith Mary Ann Hayes _ 34, 170 $294 | 28 Smith ~--- ; i fa > Statesville NC Rex Smith pPorothy Gibson fe? | 293 1948) 2k Mi siniiereiicdiainsiay A ee Elton iM | W [Statesville Nc Iw D Bot th Naomi Cranfill 4134) 140 1941) 5 |20)Smith Milism G } F C Shiloh Tn a wie __ Wisah Gilliam _ }27 215 etna 1948 | m6 61258 Smith _ ee _jIda Lamb _ tf 1 @ Statesville NC JAlfred Lamb Nancy *helps 34!) 102 Ee 91941) 8 j18]Smith si : : | M | W Barringer —W Sith Bache) Bess R77 | 20 — 1948 | 2 29 Smith —__Elva Catherine | F | C [Bethany Tnshp [David Smith _ Gurtrude Kinbrough 434/92 A2hd Ad jee tem ith ___ Marion: Butler 1 M |W. febarpesburg To MAB. Saith:::.. a ui Sannie Bouba:. 927) 207 -—- ILS | by 27 Smith Arnold Van | M | W [Statesville NC kebah Smith —s—_— eda. PowGen Ak | 199 | A | 12 |29jSmith | Thomas Wooten | M |W [Mooresville NC [George H Smith _ Louise Bratton 27) 1927 1948! 5 16 Smith | snpanitisdinng ci tO SMoopesvilie NO fi» Money Gue Smith 34 197 4 hh} 2 | biSmith Mary F iW Piarmony ug faaerson saith Mary ashley RB | 467. 1 1948-6 | 26 Smith Brenda—ee—_| F_| W | Mooresville NC} Menus warle omith [Beulah |ren Wicenhouda’| 277 | LO | 71Smith James Clark — MW Ody Newton smith ta lackey .-—s_— is (sx | 235. ala! Smith | edward Flonzo M |W | Mooresville NC] suward B Smith | _ [Minnie Freeze Sonith 3 | j2kh | bh} 20 112 Smith —Waellie teadora {F/M Pijn Dams F Frazier _| rtha Gant es | 236) Sli beeteh. Fannie J Ashberky FW btatesville NC |Jobn ashberry | wary ‘routman __} ay 351 | , |—-O_423, $________f Bigha 4} Mo} Ww Mills _ —flanuel Smith. Martha Grose sss | oh | -29W8 1.) | ith Mary Eligabeth | LF |W | Mooresville NC} Frank Fortner Diginesee i 3 ae 4g? | | 4B. be th. \@arolina June | F | W Mooresville NC Paul Smith Ruby Cookman ss | 18h | = -— ——fA9bG 11/25 Smith eronica File Statesville NC| vavid omith Mary & Brothers le 1488 ) ' ae | % bli pane Mo de town Tog MM i se ackey__ pa | ed ee - SD etiseiin loeorge w_ __|u_| whistetesvitze no Levi Smith |Luvenia Nading | oH : bs 243 oY 2 [smi tn laure tone eS dooresviiie Samual Tpabbia ) ~ Si wre 4 - B. re . . ; itll OO St | Mary Kebecea —|F_| Wo Mooresville NU I Van L Laboon —#Lelila Hyrum ss | ea od. fasfnsin fu shareii2] u |p die wo dp Paoitn | azer cooknan__ || 207} Bins : A}? iusoith __Bawara dato Booreavitie No Iaknown tenn 35 , ae ee ey ! | ei COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Eee aias INDEX TO ViTAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | 2a 21 1o 1951 1951. 1951) «< 1951 1952. 2 1952| 4 1952. 7 952.9 (14 1952, 10 | 21 1945; 8 2 1953 4 (22 $1953, 6 4 42953, 8 a093| 6 | 1953 | 4953 ll (2 Prcrieteti omhe — ene 1953 12 7 9 28 Smith omith 5 mi th Somith Omith Smith Smith Smith Smith omith omith omith Smith Smith “mith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith *mith {Smith 4 | Smith Smith Smith ponith _30 fs mith _ SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN } cs Bessie —=s—i| Cora To locate names, open — ss — to Buff Sub-Imdex sheet for page ref _J Moody _Morgan Kilmer Morgan E] mer Bert Lee _Charles Thomas Carrie Mae James Richard Venny Wayne Maggie Vora M omith Floyd Frankli Watson Rosie Gaither Zebulon Baird Henry Hugh John Thomas Sallie Rogers Augusta Dowell Charlie S. _Thomas Everette _Lemuel Rowan _Gladysweaver | William Fred M Lacy cast henene F Ernest Mary “lla Cora Hawks James Condon Booker T | Grover Glen _ Charlie Archie Lee , Charlie Spurge John Lee Jerry Neal oe oC Statesville NC |W Statesville NC i wW hooresville NC at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville Statesville NC Statesville Concord NC Statesville Nc Statesville NC Mooresville Harmony Mooresville NC Pinehurst Troutman NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Houstonville. Mooresville NC Statesville NC Stetesville NC Statesvil.e NC Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Mooresville NC | Mooresville xc Statesville NC [Foster Smith __ Kagle hills Tns piaiiiam Smith jitrom Smith Walter Smith barrie Smith erence. NAME OF FATHER John Movless Smith H D Smith H_D Smith W_J Smith Raymond Smith R_ W McKey Unknown Wiiliam A omith Ephriam Jordon John W Walker \ DU Smith John T Smith John Henry Gaither Kaleb B. Smith Henry C Smith Newton J. Smith Edward i+ Rogers This Signature on sheets insures their Correctness, Reg, U.8. Pat. Off. For Your Protection, Insist On It, Martina Grose Phoebe James Phoebe James Sallie Whitaker Kathrine Moore Unknown Kathleen Compton Maggie Stinson tmily Taylor Mitelda Miller riscilla Annie Kistler Leila Reid Sallie Faggart Linnie Neil Margaret Nesbitt varah M Rogers iS We Vowell Moses Smith krnest Wea ver 1: ¢ Smith C J C Carter Je We ee [Shirley Smith Unknown | Mooresville NC Robert L Smith ___,Nancy Clark _ Gelania Bell Moore _JMary Ann Hayes Betty Jones Rebecca Whilley Rena Allison rrie Renegar Lawrence P Settlemyrp Florence Baker Nora Biggs Carter Unknown — Unknown Unknown NAME OF MOTHER Annie Belle Waddell Maggie Stevenson } William David Smith penis. Jiatilda Miller . RECORDED Vol.’ Page 35, 278 35, 287 55 372 35460 36 84 36. 160 36.191 36,213 $6 250 37, 85 4} Statesville NC_ Statesville NC_ | Mooresville NC _[Statesville Nc nee a nar ed Unknown _ J] George W Smith | | Zack Gaither tn tn cset. el Unknown _ ~~ PORMOw -Thomas Luke Smith J$ Geraldine Galiiner |40) 2 -f William Agbury Smith | Martha Richardson Yannie Davis _—_——i | a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTTCO UNIVERSAL jw S Ne, 1-4 Copyrigh s 088 re nara a 25 | IE 10 10 ji a8 12 12 x. Pantene Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith t 23 | Smith Smith Smith Smith 13/ smith | Smith | Smith Smith | Smith | Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith 26 Smith | |8 Smith ’ 30/| Smith 11 las Smith 50} Smith Smith | 26 Smith 9) Smith [2 |Smitn [25 ||Smi th 21) Smith 6 |Sm th 24 |S mith 2 Smith 14 smith ad Smith a suten SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i Sex | John Wesley | Beal Ijames | John T Newton Monroe Retta Galliher Flora Victoria Debbie Yvonne Johnsie Fle Stillborn | Terry Clay Anna William Ovella S Stillborn _Lula Height Walter Frank John Calvin _Hattie Powell ‘Buie Hulen Larry he Janie Davis 'F \Minnie E Arthurg F |Mary Elizabeth F ‘Notre Dame | F |Dolin T S | F | Marv in W Earl Leon 4it 'Era Mae Flossie F. Charley M James Ephriam M Febia Brawley F Wade Hampton M Thomas &. M Grace H. Charles Lee | | | | | T Color || PLACE OF DEATH | W Mary Scie Fiw jStatesville, Statesville NC Mooresville NC etatesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville Mooresville Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Mocksville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC a Mooresville N Cl Mooresville NC Mooresville N C Mooresville N C Mooresville NC. Troutman / |Statesville Statesville |Mooresville | Harmony | Mooresville Ht i! | } | Black Mountain | H | Butner, Nc ¢ [sats bury nc W Troutman NC tatesville | G ooresville W Btatesville W | McCain W Btatesville W | Statesville NC 5 ee = A . Sisases tied dikes sicko ousid dhasad cic canentaeiaabanabnshahkiieiee: sauieciaaeabana AME INITIAL TAB and refer sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER NC |Will Smith Beal Ijames John C Smith Greene Smith JA Galliher “onald Smith Glenn Clay 2 + 2 NT OS pons o's .ewton Sharpe Smith Nathan Allman James R Smith Jim Smith Cass Powell W A Smith Glenn Smith Glenn Smith Arty Smith Cecil B. Smith Marion Davis Clavin W Arthur James Brothers | Elwood E. Smith | P Sherrill | Berl Leon Elwood “mith Everett Martin Lemuel R Smith WL JL Waugh "Denton Brawley Wn Smith John Smith ‘iomey Thomas G Smith Smith Smith DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. 157 lacate masses, open at, SURNA THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systeme -B } | NAME OF MOTHER 5 | Emma Royal | Martha Spry Sarah Medlock Nancy Allen Mary Murdock Violet Byers yl White Helen Pearline Wilson42 Shirley Reach Amanda Shaw Rebecca Ray ~ Candes Drum ie ie a tr, ae Urace LOULSe Narmon Unknown Vora Dellinger Mahaley Hartsell baat Jane Smith | Shirley Beach | Shirley Beach | Josephine - | Ruby G, Eagle | Louise Bryant | Jane Swann Jessie Allison Armecie Linberry | Mary Jane Plott |Amoricta Lineberry Smith Jr.|%ary Lorene Brown Dobb ins Sallie Rogers a Benfield Betty Mills Mary Sewingale Betty Reece Cora Meredith Carrie Renegar | van Ti adsl Cette trie TILREST TEAL Sa alee t creed besa get J PEPE er ht eel bere ‘ 4 ‘ } ohay Hs at ada 2 |42/ 19 9 £ ‘pe 2) | “42 346 WZ 439 42, 452 | 2 | 487 | 43 | 53 | ‘43/105 | j43/ 104 | 43) 136) l43|92 | 3 | 167 | | 43 449, 43 492 143/514 | 43/559 | 43| 625 me salnes i | i il a 538 | 44 594 44 Ty : THS — N.C ” i? i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS — Iredell County, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. So ie tie COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ee - — oe ae ui i ' ; ( ) pate ormece An Ideatising Tease Me Ss seats Set - ex thest for’ pase roferente [eee iiiissheanmtiienann .. ae SS —_—:—CS COTT FAMILY NAME PERE Me. 1-Split ce oe Siac ael Sub-intion ae oo nic Sold by aS ag by gy Noe ha 4 i ee me = ou ano ae mee mo — SS = Se == zz a a r _ eer — — - = See ‘ T tt = = = = i —— = es = = : : = 7 eal eee =f | DATE OF DEATH | i i NAME OF MOTHER 1 | air | | SURNAME OF DECEASED DEATH | — NAME OF FATHER DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED fala ea aati — + | a SS (as Ghai tte’ Gk 4 ae jo [om | PLACE OF | ee ° oer mas is le @ oe oe SEX | coLoR| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = >> 4am | i. | . + + " nee case Rie senna oo ee i sadernee var — LTH | I | | ‘Frank A Smith Jane A “sborne a. a = | I fw : Peed \F m ‘ } , i bil e569 | 2 62 ! Smith |Wi121 Borden ;™ | ¢ | Mooresville = Fran - ata 1965 | 4| 24 Smith | Maude F vl Mooresville | John Tevepaugh _ | Maggie - 51) 251 iba if i | : ! Alex A Lewis ao | } i | i jf |299 5 29/Smith Stella L. | F | © Pheriotes | — " hives | &| 5] Smith Nannie F | Wi Mooresville | Jas. W Miller | Minerva Cook } 52 201 Mt f } i | | i | I a Ae | f i 4 hj 4 La A959 10 27) Smith |Zetta Hill | F | Cc | Mooresville John Hill Linda ~ | 45 | 537 i —_— 1965| 2 | 7} Smith Pearlie rit Chapel Hill | Robert Knox | Hattie Knox } 51 199 att | | | +++ iH ! | PLE [2959 9 = 26) smith _ Addie Beaver | FW |Newton Edward Beaver Nancy Beaver | 45 | 561 - 2) Smith Isaac | M Wi Statesville | Newton Smith Etta Lackey | 51 209 ‘ae Pea ae { * f r 1965, 4 | | | ei iii | | ‘ I iM Milton M. Smith | Sophornia EB. Corlee | 45 652 ea, | eae ; ae : ls | a , b ha L959 12 £9 Smith | Thomad D. | M W Mooresville I ; =} i 1965| 7 17| Smith Avery | M C | Mooresville I Ruben Smith Janie - 751(433 | 4 wiMET TS aT i i | } Ht ! i “ ; a4) HATH | | | | | ee oe | f | = ie (1969 4 14) Smith (‘Charles Augusta) MW | Mooresville = John Smith ! Mary Smith j46 (238 | 1965) 7 22] Smith Roslyn | F | C | Mooresville | - Viola Smith } 51 432] 4 WEL a | i - yo Ga j ‘ + & + i « f ta 0 ‘ iu ('wis Jesse C Smith | Nancy Cabra | 46 200 = , 4 | . a 196¢ 4 65 |Smith, Jr Jesse Cleveland) M | tatesville jwess y : i 1965 6 24) Smith Charlie | M C || Mooresville Jake Smith Bertha P Smith ; §3 304 | + * rd i acy Aa i > 4 i it i ; ~ tT i@ : Peel g x paren ’ 51 , i | | H I F He peee| © Re (Smith Jessie Amanda i F|.% | Statesville David L. Williams i Elizabeth Foole 46) 585 1965 6 11} Smith Phlonia B | FC | Statesville i Thos Robinson Daisy Robinson | 54 326 | + 4 ' iH i sca } j # i } iH H 4 i ; > Bill Morrison - 46 431 wee tl N 4 ] peso | 7 “Smith eee Ee peteoviite iano | 1965 8 | 3Q Smith Hugh M W)] Statesville | Doud F. Smith | Lillian Huitt 151/506 | far ; H | W | ~ 46 | 422 —— os | ! ee ’ | fae [2960] 7 | 26/ Smith re ene gS ee ee t ‘See 1965/8 (9 |Smith, Jr. Wim. M) W| Mooresville | Charles G Smith Mary EM Fortner 1465. | [Ay He oP ee : i . i} re ee + 4 i ft | { | id 2960 5 30) Smith Katherine 4, | F GC /Black Mountain Ross Davis | Ophelia Foe aioe ae | fe { oh ey u J | ; | | Yt + i ; rT | 3 i { \ j L960 6 50 Smith, Jr. Charles Lee | M W |Catawba River Charles L Smith,Sr. iChloie Lee Anji ght 46 492 - ee \ i Ho i & | Mave B, feeelltC(‘iL lee lll Oe t : it it it H j E \.-|4f 2960 11 15/smith ‘Sephia S. F W |Mocksville Elmer Smith | Mary 5. Amon 46 776 | | | i : | i 1961 2 4) Smith William T. | M) W) Statesville NC | Wiliam a. Smith | Clemintine Smith 47 47 eee I | i m7 t H H t i 4 f | | | ak if 1961, 5 29% Smith Emily Cordelia! F | W istatesville Ne “*homas Smith | Lou Iza C Smith ‘47 (268 nee | | | | | | it. it to Oe { i 4 i —— tt | ] ] i a i 1961 4 17(|Smith | Hubert Lee | M/C (Statesville Robert Smith | Bertha Poole 47 | 177 | cd ie | | | hh. : Hrd * ; i ft i ae eee i | iW ie 1} | | | | Pe SS H 4 H t | (ace ee (1961 8 2 | Smith | Anna Belk | F | © |Goldsboro, N.C. Frank Belk | Alice Eckels | 47 492, 4 } | | Hi J |} 1961! 12 |9 |Smith | Mollie T. | Fw | Statesville NC George “ullis iJane T. Mullis (47 612 tl | eal | eyes a Pa | | | 4 f '1961' 12 26)| Smith | Henry W. | M W |Statesville NO Joseph © Smith Elizabeth Archer 147 646 nt ‘i } i 4 : i i| ij | HH i | | H re i i pone pens ; : r i | | | | q h | | wit n i} i bi ! a ; i i u ; pea 11962; 1 #28 Smith | June | M | W |Winston-Salem NG George Smith Nellie Grant | 48 157 | i | | ! ie ie | f | ee I | gee | | i | i |1962 4 1 |Smith, Sr. Wm. Rex | M §W |Statesville 4C Unknown | Unknown 48 197 esa t ; f | i ti P "I ii | j ii | | Ht i i ; “ | | i} \ ii i| I j cae Wee} | | | | A a'| ecient — a 4 ; it A 1962 5 7 (\Smith |Charles &. |M | W (Statesville | William Smith Mary Eller 48 (275 | | rt ie i a ree r 7 I | | | ie) | i 1962) 5) (22/Smith | John W. | M |W] Mooresville © Otis A. Smith Minnie Smith 6 309 oa i | | | Aan | 7 i | | |} | l if : : i ; i : i ; i - i} ey H | } | | Bad | Vi wae tL 1962 6 8 [Smith | Carrie L, F | Wi Statesville | Edward VYloainger Sara R Cavin | 48 352 ee eT | i Hh H q | | ! | t I HL t | | i ea aie } ; | | i : | | i j r it 11962 5 =| 24 Smith | John Wm. Mo} Wi] Mooresville NC | Otis A Smith Minnie Smith | 48) 309 | | iM oe ! ! ! $j ey | | i ® ek a ; & a a | = [ee 4 t i “hh |1962 10 (20/Smith Gladys C. ry W Mooresville | Wm. W Caldwell Lleanor Reagan 8 of i Lae , + H 4 re it } | i ray | | | | | | | ect aod Sisal , d Abe 1962/12 (13|Smith Milton M, M |W Statesville | Wm. W. Smith Julia L Hughes j48 664 } | Le | # : | | : | | | he a | | ti 1963 1 17 /\Smith Sideny A. M | W | Mooresville peers S. Smith Laura J Baker | | 29 | | ie 1963; 3/5 | Smith Rosa M, F | © | Stat esville Phank Smith Maggie Jordon 49| 160 | 4 j i j Ha | or at) tt 1963) 3 ag Smith Willie W, M | W | Statesville | Wm. B, Smith | Nora Walker 49] 158 | | | : it | | ae | | +| 1963 |5 25 || Smith Artle M! W| Mooresville | Charlie Smith Bes: ie McNeely | 491 339 | | | j { i silica 1 a } j | | | | ta ili a . 4 H ” 1963 |5 0 foaie Blanche F W Statesville | William Cleary Mary E Edwards 49} 344 j l | | 7 + + 4 - - . - wie wed " near - | f Pe : . : . ; a | 963 8 (17, Smith Woodford M| ©) Statesville |Frank Smith Maggie Jordon 49 | 423 pn fe t | | | ‘ = a fen acre cen t TB 11963 | 9 = [28 |Smith Benny M/ Ci Mooresville | Unknown Unknown 49 567 1964 | 1 (|18) Smith Kathy F | W | Statesville | Harold D Smith Barbara Carlton 5047 | ee | . + ; | 1964 1 251 Smith Geo. M W | Statesvi lle Joe Smith Linda H Smith 5D 59 a nel nena = ween | Ml 1964 5 | 7\ Smith Ora Lee F| Wi Mooresville Lee Barnha rdt Alice Benfield 50 | 288 et | a a a 1964; 7 |18|Smith Ollie F) W/ Mooresville Unkn, Unknown 50 424 | - | ; | a Bh 1964) 9 | 7 | Smith it, 1 ale. F| C | Statesville Lee Clark a _EBliza Murdo ck ___- | 50} 506 ote p96 | 20] 4 smith | Margaret, | F| W/ woresvitie | wn. smith Elisabeth Broadway | 5 5690 Mf} | D9 419612) ¢ Smith Lois F| W) Charlotte Marion © Shilliqgaw Bessie § Shilljngqw 5 66 | Miskin na ne Berra ree ee ee es MR INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTT FAMILY NAME The Cott Index INDEX Copyright 1949 A-141580 Observer Printing House, Charlotte 'N Seme and sefer for page reference. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED CHRISTIAN MAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER pa d . cl o n e s ae fs ee = j BS a ie s = ; " z _ “t h s re m e m mt g se c a n t . a sa y s a i r 4 ei n s ai e aa a me a t h e c g r r e r e m i n g r e r e c e t t e t n = = Py e i 1 A I fy . ‘ iy a } ; | es , i 4 f iy i i‘ ¢ Le i j Se a t a oe aa n — as Perens een ste Sera en leer aaa etme etiewninssve mannan ns serra os INDEX TO VITAL COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘Barbra E \T Macknight ‘Tisha James Vartin William Franklig James Augustus Mollie c \Sarah £ “sure Loyd | Charlee 1 VNnarlies DU Ida Josephine gap te locate teens aie at su te Buff Sub-Index —————_ Color Tab rb OL hatin eridtcad OM FT Ie STATISTICS —- DEAT PLACE OF DEATH New Hope Tns Fallstown Tns New Hope Tu Bethany Tns Statesville NC Sharpesburg Tn Coddle Creek Tn han. etheny Tns Mooresville NC Columbia SC Statesville RNAME INITIAL TAB and refer sheet for page reference. Union Grove Tns a ee eee 4 — Suuueineneenmenniammenemememmemes William Harmon WM Goforth ‘A E Parker William Snow Simpson Ingle James Snow DG Snow I M Snow Thomas M Snow Jam Gnn ames Snow Jack Loyd Green Center HS — Iredell County, N. C. oops Sega ioc NAME OF FATHER tar ee Dn ee i © on *.9 wWlLitiam ’. Onow by The Cott Index Compeny, Columbus, Ohio Paes Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Sarah J Stack Ester Brotherton Nelia Moore Masters Stroud Nancy Smith Verla Keller Sarah Goforth Amelian Goforth Nancy Smith Janie Shoemaker Mary Harmon Martha McCoy NAME OF MOTHER Vel. Page a ee 3 | 458 6 | 382 10 | 150 12. £29 14 | 15 19, 204 22, 535 | 25 229 25 176 £23) 493 32. 185 39 | 304 44 140 1915/12 |e4 1915 | 12/25! crite 20| 2 ILE ‘Sarah E ————41944/12 | 7 |Meredith Longo ‘ua 1949. Della “ge ts $1950) 1 16 |Barbara Jean ae $.195 2 | | Reuben Lee | Delle Mae “x Bethany Tns Statesville NC iredell Gounty Statesville Statesville Wttxiaxtxfxend Statesville NC Statesville NC e€inda Sneed Bethany Tns hersaus Sneed Isaac Snead Wiliie [ Snead Abel McLelland Ella MeLelland Ella MeLelland Sarah Snesd Grace Snead Victoria Sunmers i Gracgie i Christie Mary Sneed Sowles je | 34 oj 1 30474 35| 349 36/33 38,610 . 4 634 Mattie {2 |smithaeal Smithdéal _ Mary Thelma Mooresviljie NC Coddle Creek Tnai D T Litaker William Henry Smith Mary E Andrews Flora sell Smith Lisa | § Minctidnsiticiticidinia dinins tentstchitinmasuinncgas sesdaenaeeaee Riri: i i nn amen aM ‘ ; easel teas chk skal ccencheranbaanenaneeeeeea “ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ____INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. et ' ce COTTCO UNIVERSAL IN COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Svile anata wnbiaia Sacto: ceRiaianeats tant Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio eres ete soe st GU 2e bcos ney enn op SURNAME DETIAY, ZAR cad ste Uke Patent Ma Neat eee iy | Uhr Patent No. 157160 Copies Sik BOT tects aa TAL SURNAME INITIAL. TAB nd rele sage dn tt Inder Company elambes Ore ne cccraenas = oe 2 : vent : . Ss nnn enn — — = ; so Aa 7 = 7 a SAME Of OECEAMD Sex Cole | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 4 a =F — = ae cee ok, DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Fg) page | 1932 | 5 |1 {Snider \Ellen Francis F iw Mooresville N C [Henry Hedrick Elizabeth White 28) 145 | —__ fsa & | 4 | Sowers | - M | W [Chambersburg TniJ Sowers Moose 4 | 130 i j a 1928, 7 | &1) Sowers Christina C F , W [Statesville N ClJacob Overcash Mills a oat iL | | | | me __ 41935; 7 | 9 [Sowers | Jane F | W [Bethany Tn Cam Sowers Rosa Miller 21, 6 i fh 7 i bt ; | _41940) 10 | 3 | Sowers Alice F . W |Statesville Tn | Pinkney Sowers Miss Overcash 26; 5403 4 cu m i n i a 2 wa ™ ha 1. aa : = - ¥ . ° L. ie PT 91943) 12 | 30%Sower ,weorge Menry } W [Statesville NC [Richard Sowers iNellie Upright 29/5004 4 wei ll | ~, i | J | i ‘ ( ; ZA7 ; i 1949| 9 Ge Sowers Georceanna ? i F WI Statesville ) Pinkney Sowers | Christine Overcash 55 547 i oe + ; oo ; Saeeiae : ruil T shh to 1950; 6 .18] Sowers James Franklin] M. w Chambersburg Tq Richard Sowers | Katherine Upright 36 1313 id | 37| 52h lanl Sowers Annie Elizier e we tw \O nN ~ 4 hy W Rural --- | Mariah Atwell {| | t | | rx y = 1956 10 6 |Sowers Cora Sharpe | |Statesville Wash Sharpe | Adel ine Hooper 42 472 | a rh ¢ s : : | , i . 3 ( | | 196« 7 2A Sowers *‘enneth &, i M wi ivetatesville Lucene 2 rs | Annie S “pright 48 ALS i I 1963| & 3 |Sowers Joe D, | M | W [Statesville | James F Sowers | Annie & Atwell 49 | 233 ol Fi , Fo —c r r m r t a o e m m p o a g n e n SM ce r e ee ae | 1926; 6 (12lSoldat ‘Thomas M |W [Mooresville Ni C |Joseph Soldat Annie Mersner____ [up 193 SE : at h e n s se s e m r a t t e m p e a r e n ea s t e r ny sono ens ee e ee : es i ag ar e n t ee l ; ie e e = = =z . 7 4 >. ° - : - an c y «c i a n s i . ~o eo s i a = pe e S = z = ; ea ct cn e t cr a g s Southerland } | W T E F Southerland Vera Setzer Waion Grove Tns |Shadric Myers fiessie Windsor Soe TM lucucmu tum AA G re ee s Se e p <n . no e Sp e e me n e ca g : aa p r e e e =— en e i ast et Pe ; ‘ fh} oH ‘ ‘ a é hte # a | : iW i H i SS ie = = =a We & 1K | DATE OF DEATH Year ee we GS GS no Seneca foc: INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell count N.C. ho fen Re ae By Reg. U.S. Pat.o@. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It Spainhour SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ’ | Bertha Sapte loca! aunties, sous os Suabiens Mamean, So ent ne to Buff o=- ~tndes chest Ser pase reference. PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER W [Statesville N C]R A Spainhour AL INDEX No. i COTTCO UNIVERS. U. 8. Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyright NAME OF MOTHER Jennings RECORDED Vol. Page t 9 | 342 => ne 5] Spence ynenre wen CS Rebecea C (Hazel L W Statesville N CiSamuel Price Ww ots aLesville WV sini wYaUl en d e a r e d pe n e e n e c oi] | 938) 2 ice ee spd | 1938) , 20] Spicer | C |Statesville N ClRobert Spicer Connie Kimbrough £4, 469 1957, 8 9Spicer Robert Lee | © [Statesville NC Richard °picer Margaret Redmon 43 388 : | ie | | | om | | | | | _INDEX TO VITAL ST CcoTTCco UNIVERSAL 1 INDEX Ne. 1 _ Os Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 193¢ DATE OF DEATH oe Yer | Month | 1915| 9 fans 5 ee 1919| 6 — __}asee|_1 __fasee! 12 __}930| 9 ___}1931) 5 ___}agsa| 3 __]asa7| 8 ___|a937) 8 __|i9a7) 12 1938| 2 ipa t 1953 | 8 1959) 10 ommenceneien -# + enna 4 ~ et + ee a + anette 4 4 i tetra i ae + 7 | j j tht tresiee dll 4 z j i } eee i | ee + + j | ee + j } i ee t ee ll vinden ° } Bi. Fe \ i | | Be ee Sitdemetacsi ds nah | i Sint t a til nese 24 114 29 119 , 16 Le B Span Spann Spann 6 iSpan Spann Span _3 |Spann Spann Spann Spann Spann 8 Spann Spann opann 8 pann Sarah ee locate names, open a SURNAME INTTIAL SURNAME OF DECEASED Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN eee hm ’ |Cardea {Richard Marion \Mary Virginia Ann | Lonnie w } Yr iG pNaney & ‘Willis Annie May Clarence Lelia @ Mye rs James Luther Ww Carrie Belle Zera Dv Robert Perry Nancy Grant Letty And: Geo B, pe r e n n e rson tr y J .) 3, } ” { t i ‘Fr i. i 4 4 = “ oe .- M # Z ¢ + he ‘ a 4 } | : + 7 ; 4 if i i 4 * ” TA S RE I S NR T RS EE RR te Boll Suh-indesw chaet far 288 reformce f ? o> rc ‘ we + PLAC ¥ DEATH ‘ “ oe r ~Oe eS Babes «5 > r r "Awe r ~ > ~w ts ~ r r nr 1 wrOove ins year a j- +S ¥ ~ * -—- a ~4 ; : > - « iy aw vo eta ~ + ives'e Po - ,oGe 40 onreOo ,4HNSECSPLICY ie > - a w 6G eae wis 2 2 * oS fo re eS ; _— + ~~ ~~ ae ww ~~ ae Cen + 7 e Qf Tv ~ o YVLEtesviltieé A 4 ¥Gauc0s Rornon Pre Awin LUurney At AOS i2cwio + ; n . a T+, o yo wY¥UGsoSovialic - “ 2i Ve “ Se; ~ : = Datan YVVatsCsViil€ roevuc?z és - 27 o = povlatesviiile iw vam St ae & ows ~. * nin MVaALOCOVvs ttl NV Unknow ¢ 4 OF Dada aed “ ine + * ' + 7}? + - £ . t ? } ~ * * i ; 3 Ot nt Laws 22 iw v . wVl atk’ ; * * « i : : : } i - - | i ‘ { i 4 » ; : ; 4 { 4 é , + j & ; a 4 j ; 4 a i ER eb oe ee et ab TAB ead afer NAME OF FATHER ATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C._ Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, au Sold by Obeerver Printin’ House NAME OF MOTHER Mery W Spano Mary Spann % Hoole ann 44 i. = ue gweaiinda Lunstorda 4 7 i, - pNaNnCy wilisor Bin sia ae + 4 ral Vy vVrant . aN iver ooverts } e Selle Sales onnson EATERS Ree Charlotte, } WN. C. 14. 576 7 16 i 16 163 17 356) i t Oo A Lv 185 t 433 | ™m GS SE T . Aw oO o &@ wr » Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. DATE OF DEATH Spainhour For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Bertha locate names, PLACE OF DEATH Statesville epen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page refercace. NAME OF FATHER R A Spainhour INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ‘This Signature on sheet insures their correctness. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1939 NAME OF MOTHER Jennings RECORDED Vol. Page 9 | 342 Rebecca C |\Hazel L Statesville NC Robert Lee } | | Robert Spicer Stetesville N ‘| Statesville NC ichard "picer Connie Kimbrough Margaret Redmon COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 T U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 =r DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | Yer | 1915 11917) $1919) 11926)! 1928) 1930) 931) Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN epee eeaioash ; 9 |24 |Cardea S i44 |Richard Marion 129 \Mary Virginia Sarah Ann | Lonnie \Nancy E \Willis Annie May Clarence Lelia @ Myers James Luther Carrie Belle Zera D Robert Perry Neney Grant Letty Anderson PLACE OF DEATH Eagle Mills Union Grove Union Grove Statesville Statesville Mills iStatesville Turnersburg Statesville otatesville Dtatesville Namptonville Statesville locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER James Luther Spann Si James Grant N. Ke Anderson Spa mn INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charictte, } NAME OF MOTHER Mary W Spann iMary Spann Carrie belle Sales Nannie Knight Lavina Nancy Knis ee a 2 Johnson N. ¢ | RECORDED Vol. Page PE N A SW I st e l e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. fi INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. i OTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer c ston o. 1-6 Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1936 ae Sold by Ob: er Printing House, Charlotte, N. C Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. For Your Protection, Insist On It. BR Te boce to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. . U. 5. P . t No. 1437168—Copyright i930 oe U. 8. ted lesa ee th to Buff ~* anton sheet for page reference. Sold d server Printing =] 1 ome om : ; RECORDED aavenee SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [37> DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED : , Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aT ee , AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN : £8} Spainhour | Bertha Statesville N CJR A Spainhour Jennings 9 | 34e igi £4) Span ,Cardea _ W jEazle Spann |Richard Marion i | W JUnion Mary W Spann Spann \Mary Virginia Union Mary Spann Span ‘Sarah Ann Spann i; Lonnie tatesvi N . no Annie Spann Span Nancy E sle Mills iS {Barlet Knigh iMalinda Lunsford Spann Willis B Statesville Spann Annie May | | KFagle Mills Spann \Clarence | M Statesville Spann Lelia G Myers Turnersburg jZdwin Miye Spann James Luther N. Statesville N Oliver Spann Carrie Belle § Statesville N Peter Sale y Martin Spann era v Eg ) |Statesville NC | James Luther Spann | Carrie Belle Sales opann Robert Perry | M i |Statesville NC jUnknown Nannie Knight Rebecca C i |Statesville N CiiSamuel Price Spann Naney Grant W |Pamptonville James Grant GS rs ee ] m | Spann Letty Anderson W |+routman t i |\Hazel Ll P| W IStatesvi ic wyatt es ‘ Wpann vu SS pe Sa 2 : ¢ Spann W |Statesville 7 e ee s ee ig e n me n e ee ne s c e n c e de a r s i i - F Statesville N ClRobert Spicer Connie Kimbrough Statesville NC Bowes “picer Margaret Redmon Re a tr er e n c e i iilassitthit aeeied ech BRU hss 3} 8 nt RT eee wn ole : PoE a : . ES Seed 10 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. _____ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Ireckll County, N. C. ~ eantees UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 This Signature on beets insures their correctness. oa te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 — costes U No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 pate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL T. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Keg. U.8. Pat.ow. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Ba saa “Ss aes oe heen ; yright 1930 Bh 0. ~ om eee to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page A TAD ent voter See anes Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ia 11 hh —_—_—— oh ~ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED = - DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED on ag tap Gaui tele. © Ga 2 Gam Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fal ae or | tents | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS Given PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oT’ tan pnp t Sparks \George New Hope Tns James Sparks Suthoner eo 1916; 3 (8 |Speaks Richmond New Hope Tns Musentine Speaks Qlie Dacons Sparks Luther . |W [Statesville N C/M L Sparks Esther Thomas _j2927| 2 2 [Speak Callie Union Grove Tns|Preston Beck Clementine Templeton Sparks |John = Statesville Thos Sparks $1917 3 (19) Speaks NN iNew Hope Tns Sigh Redman Clementine Speaks Sparks |John [ Statesville Thos Sparks | 3B6 _41917! ! Speaks Callie Preston i [Vnion Grove 18 |Sampson Speaks Callie Beck 1 Sparks \Jane Statesville John Barleson Manira Phillips 2 | a 1917) Speaks Sampson I IMire Jane Speaks ie ! | One , »par Statesville N ClJohn Edward Sparks [Lillie White | 565 1920 | £6] Speaks |Alvin Speaks IG Mahaffey John W ae Statesville ' John E Sparks Lillie White 5 607] (1920. Speaks iJames Speaks Statesville Jacks Sparks Lillie White 57 1922 | Speaks | F 1 iNew Hop n William Nicholson Mary Kemp | H ich i ag a me : : es i ea 5 ; oS si r H - . i ‘i ; Nickie Gale 1 Harmony N C Ralph oparks lrene vules | ($1926 | ! Speaks | N H |New Hope |Garland Speaks jEula Brooks Blla oe otatesville NC | John sparks Frances srawley 98 | 1926 Speaks Frances Statesville N Ci Cowan Watt Mary Brawley 1926, 25 |Speaks Icerland Speaks Ben jamin Epos Statesville n arks lersia Hldridge 1934 26 Speaks Rosland iJerry Henderson q James Wi Statesville ‘ursey Eldredge 1935 le Speaks Sylvia be I T Speaks jJOlivia L Plyler | | i | | ‘ | | \ | =~ + 4 ee wT | ar a - 4.4 , 2 T ©“tatesville NC Jd W speaks iLillie Redman i | # i HI it il 1936 — 15 Speaks Garland D |) w is o + } nor oy lle f MvVaGaLeSvilile N CU v | | 1936 i Speaks tatesville N C Washington Redmon Bet ty Younger ' 41937 | : Speaks Jonas Edward Id Ny WUni n Grove Ans farehie Speaks Olie Nicholson | | 41937 | Speaks Wilson Alexandew M W [Statesville N CID W Speaks Midie Price | | 41939 | _ 5 jSpeaks Adeline Kamp | W iNew Hope Tn ~ - 1942 | | Speaks Charles Clay | M W [Statesville NC (Glenn Speaks Vallie Lewis $1942 | i Speaks Gillie Lutissen| Fy Waion Vrove Tns [Robert lempleton Julia Parker 1243/9 . Speaks Devid Williem | S13 tncostssig NC Richmond Speeks Wency Nicholson 1944 |) | peek jJoserh Wede I} W. tatesvill I Richmond Sresks i947, 8 1 (Wm Irvin | M lnew Hope Tns Silas Redmond Nellie Speaks 1969 | 12119 Leander | | Statesville NC | James Speaks Betsy Speaks 95117 1 ' Jiem l V Vilkes County ~- kKmeline Privette 1953; 1 | 26] Speaks _Zel _W Olin Ne Elihue Speaks Adli Camps 4.1953 11 17] Speaks ‘Asbury V _W [Union Grove G. 0, opesks wary Humpton | 1955, 2 24 Speaks Mary Statesville NC} Wesley Redmon Clair Redmon Rash >| 10 (25 |Speaks \John Peter ewe Morganton Elizabeth Speak/ _5 |10 Speaks lAlv in Mo} W fOlin Nc Edward Speaks Rose Ann Henderson | ; York ; 12 | 19 Speaks | Mary Catherine/ * W [Olin Nc Alfred York Margaret Templeton 10 | 9 Speaks ‘Artie ; W |Winston-Sal em John Moore Rebecca Moore — emus +t > 7 6 (28 |Speaks |Demer _W [Union Grove Richmond Speaks Linda Speaks 2 7|Speake Olivia W/ Stat esville WD Plyler Flora J Bass 6] Speaks -., Stat esville Ed Speaks Rosanna Henderson i eT oT TN SR aa eRe etninimenthitenienaiatnumme Nee a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. } Fi Seen deen tenet coer Keg. U.8. Pat.ow. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. ___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 BMBF Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ee a to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 14 pap te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.8. Patent No. 1437168—c, ight i930 | | by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio — — ’ a nes Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER aii 2 —n" SURNAME. OF : — | RECORDED DECEASED RECOR NAME OF MOTHER at ne AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page ' Spease Sharpesburg Tn Jane Speace Sprinkle Mary I Eagle Mills Tns 2 _.i18 Speece Jane New Hope Ins John M Speece J Joyner Sprinkle Cloe New Hope Tns Joseph Sprinkle Leola Mayberry 384 Spease Mary Lee Statesville Tns lrore Tomlin Sprinkle \Milissie J New Hope Tns iJ W Fowler 188 «= 4 2 + | SE E Speece Rhoda Concord Tn * — Sprinkle } ¥ . W |Stetesville N CM E Sprinkle Lucy Keller iSpeese lydia Caroline ! j Sharpsburg Tns [WM Goforth “ster Brotherton Sprinkle Eunnice Louisa Austin PT H co |Speece William M Jr h 26 |Sneece | ~ ee n hey 4 @ S ( in } | ‘ 7 ri \) Union Grove Tns Wm M Speece Sr Goforth Sprinkle Lincoln lA P Sprinkle Lula Millsaps i i} ! r ssan}) | t —_— | i % . 4 Sprinkle Joseph = j¥220 jJOhn Sprinkle | jFrank Sprinkle Phinia Isabell Union Grove Tn IN J Speece Hula Mae Souther ‘ 91 | ___ $1924 | Sg Sallie Reavis Hi | . 11 |Speece Th S iM i a : S , ‘ sa ia on ae yoP Thomas A | M \Concord [ns WWohn William Speece [Carolina Goforth 56 | : 1927. Sprinkle Marthie Malinda Woodward if j I W } t 10 Speece Ed a ws * T) } Ny R © i] ; Herman Marshall Speede Dorothy Mae Brow 8 2 | 1929. Sprinkle Joseph Jr Sorinkle " John W Speece ~ 15] Speece Amelia Melisg#a | | Lydia C Goforth 7 | 1929 | 29| Speece Mary Ann | F WwW iNew } g ; aS * 2 . <i Sprinkle iFranklin Sprinkle Malinda Jordon Charles Kent Statesville Zeb M. Speece Betty A. Little : ‘ee ga is ; : : 1930 | Sprinkle I iFrank Sprinkle Sarah Woodside Treva McDaniels 1931. Sprinkle Robert T iu i isiarpes il , | _ i } > Cn j ke S John pprinkle | Careline Ruth Bryde Statesville Williem Speece 21) Speece SS E Franklin Sprinkle Malinda Woodsides 41931. Sprinkle William Sallie Rives 1935 | Sprinkle wdargeret Mae |} F | W jOlin' Is R Sprinkle plary Lambert ‘$1937, 1 41940 | 10 $1944 | 3 1948 3 $1950; 1 Sprinkle Sprinkle Sprinkle Sprinkle Sprinkle (Mrs ) Ida Belle adams/| Ins Tne W A W Ooo dwa rd Charlie Adams S Rk Sprinkle William Sprinkle Julia Woodward Elizabeth Woodward Mary Lambert barah Pharr Malissa Fowler i 1956 1 Sprinkle | Statesville Walter P Sprinkle lenn Brown Spencer |W Btatesville nc Wm Albert Spencer Sprinkle Sadie S Bell | DBs ; 1959 9 + 1961, 12 Wn. King Statesville Charles W Sprinkle Vellar M Millsaps Spencer i _W Statesville tns errol B Spencer Sprinkle Martha “u Statesville Franklin Milsaps Amanda White jLueile Mann Spencer |W Mccrenvitie N C Wonie E Spencer Harvey Edward 1 Oprinkle Sprinkle ech ee Statesville Unknown Mary Wictoris Fox #963 | 5 Spencer ‘Roy F , W jSteatesville Nc |z J Carpenter 42964) 6 Spr inkle Joe Sprinkle Unk. bors Miller Mattie Victoria ct | Baptiste Ce a line tiniate Myra Fox “prinkle Oden a} W “ Drum Candace Fox W Mooresville NC iii Payne ot “herrill Statesville Wm. Sprinkle Unk. 2965 ee q Sersoine a4. 4 oem 10 | 2% Spears M |W Barringer Tos i F Spears Hester Collons P | 18 Sis Bost 8 ,L2 Speers | MoiW. [Statesville no lz 4 Speers 29/ 195 | W Mitilda Deaton 12 1G Spears Mary Alexander | F parringer Tns Abraham Lipe B21 493 epears Louella Lae otatesville Adalade beshears 35 | 154 thomas south Spears Edgar Madison M Spears am Mae F Wf Statesville NC | Louis Spears Bertha Cornett 36| 329 Maggie Madden 39 | 556 Collins | F Minnie Mills 42} 36 W | Statesville NC anderson Graft iW Spears Movresville ester Senthelia Sohn Collins Baker &. Spears t | i | Spears Fred Wm. M | W |Mooresville Mary Lipe 47| 620 mn bitte ah en ee Se eee - _— es s 4 lis BL INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ____INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ' 7 r correctness INITIAL COTTCO TVERSAL UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. aliens on a | Pamuk | tec Tour Pretection tain Oe ly FT ieee Bull Scb-laden shect for pase reference. | _ USB Patent Ho HB7100 Corte fide _U:# Patent No 1487168 —Coprriane fide Be ee ca pet STL SURNAME INITIAL TAB and reter Sehr ee hin cowes Sore Pe i : rer — - — — . ae ™ — 7 oe reas aan : e s a a OF DEATH ; sii til ons @ cenee SURNAME OF DECEASED : RECORDED on SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED ay at be ‘ ’ : ‘ _——— + ‘ . i i ' ; | | | Hite | asis| 4 (10|springs ‘Sam M,C flooresville N ¢ - Marrah Craven 2 17% __}2915| 7 __/10[{Statfora Bartlett 1 | MW Statesville n cla & Staffora Hattie J Stafford 2 | 323 aE 1917/ 7 (27 [Springs ; . M C [Statesville Tns [Dock Springs Sallie Coleman 4 339 _}2928 | 10 22iStafford Margaret Alice } FW |Falistowns Tas |James c Lambert Alice McGee 4A 452 Bo i 5 ' ' ; | . rs ; | | i osteo, $2918) 12 (12 ]Springs ‘Sam M | C [Statesville N C [Dock Springs Sallie Colman 4A 246 ee | 9 14[Stafora Lewis C | M |W [Mooresville N C lames Staffora Norah Litton 8 | 60 ao | | i : ern 1 ‘ | ! | i 1920, 2 12|Springs Lilly F | C [Coddle Creek taqvohn Phifer = P| 520 __}2925| 8 (11)Staffora ! > | MW «Mooresville nC lJ F Stafford IColean Cook 11 208 tL k wi { « — | | | q thy) 2924, 1 27/ Springs ‘Frank M _C [Statesville N C ffhomas Springs Sarah Itson 9 | 429 ___41926/ 3 6 [Stafford Martha Nora Fin Mooresville N C|? B Liton Ruth Holtsclaw ji2 168 Ht ; ri ae | i } { | wb lade, fige4, 2 104 Springs ‘Thomas § M |W [Statesville N C |Sam Springs Bllen White 9 497 ____ 4926 | 11 | 20/Staffora - [Fiu Iconcora ai lr L Starfora “tn 13. 57 a ‘ f | re | | | : mt j1931 é 9 jSpring Pink M | C jFallstown Tn - = 17 | 130 | a 1931, 3 (5 [Stafford John Franklin | M M Ih oresville N ClJames F Stafford Senie McKenley j17 180 ia ‘ ? || 1 ” 7 it ' I : | i i i i | TU }1932 9 (4 |Springs - M _C (Davidson Tns Ralph Springs Bertha Mayhew a7 | 114 | J 1937, 1 e4iStafford Owell & { M | W |Statesville NC IBartley Stafford iartha Martin l23 302 ¥ | 5 nn a 2 Mrs . m i ae a : + nT + oO . T fay ~ a > mW? : | | | | - Bt past 2 26 [Springs Willie Franklin] M | C |Mooresville NC Ralph Springs Bertha Mayhew 4O 203 ____ 1945, 11 | 9] Stefford Bloise Sloan iF W I Stetesville NC | Welter P Sloan Sallie Usmpbell Sl. 355 ; -i1O4k * Be a a D a ne pata ai I. nee ee a et ee a ; : ; ok | | i { i i} Ls ll 19) Springs | Lydia 248 Mooresville WC | George Young Unknown 41 54,8 | Ps 1968} 7 | & Stafford hristy Leroy | M | | [ot fille Ne Sick paca i | Se i 34! 259 i Z LejaB] [1987, 7 2 Perings — m | _% [ecreevitie 30 jJukien “peings mene Seees rie 4 1951) 2 19] Stafford James | | ; | ne Brookshire [37| 1581 If ‘ 5 5 [ | | i t a ~ 4 4 id .? i A { Lif ia ) NRolla t i eo a tai RS} B . F M - Merle S : s ie Po | | . | 1 | pS ee ee [_perenrte a nee | 195 | 7 Stafford vamuel Lucian |M |W | Eufola NC | Not Obtainable | Not Obtainable 40 15m jie = ll . ae ce | | | . ! if it 54955) 7 11 | Staffora Victora Dernice F WwW | Concord | V.B. Howie Ura mith $1 | 413 es A th il | | eee | 6 14 Stafford Ma et M. | 1 | Statesville | Joseph Mc Peek - 45 297 a ae | : o ni ‘ : ! | _ 11%2) 5 117 Stafferd Luda Pope | F W | Statesville | J H Fope Tina Icennour 48 270 I i ea j 1962 7 | Wetetford | Vera R. 1 a Mooresville | Re rt h fty Sarah v Fox 48 588 Tita | ee 1 | | HAT 1965 3 2} Stafford Mrs, Hattie | F| WI Statesville | Marcus Stafford Leah Idol 51; 116 eset ik. a ae | Ee die i | i i it ! ‘ | t ? ; } ici aad i 4 i { I j am | ; iq “4 | 4 ron ei tht | iH Bini ee 1922; 5 |? [Spry William a M |W {Eagle Mills Tn Noah Spry Peary Bowers i8 277 | | ih Y ahs Ht / r i t Anat + up i PM |iige22/ 11 (e7ispry IDC M |W \Statesville n clip c Spry Eliza Jane Creason b | 104 | it. me ee : es | 4) i | ie } i Bi 21935, 1o (2 |spry Mary Ann F | W |Statesville N C [Pennie Foster Margaret Veach 21 449 ual | 1h | ii) i ‘iq i | | j tT “a i lH i i ' ee + : ; | ae t | iy i ——} ! ite : | A M , | | | eee . j tb a C14} int {0 ~~ airs f ' | | i i BY . ' 4 a id i Lee, | i th 4 4 , , | —_}1923/ 3 8 |staley Maude F |W |Statesville N C Robt Staley Alice Harris P | 331) (fh \, ae |} | ‘ai ll a 42919 7 (27 [Sprouse William a § M |W Btatesville nc ~ Sarah Sprouse Ip | 154 1939) 22] Staley Charles Marin MW |Statesville N CijCharles C Staley Mary Lee Wiles 25 398 j iy iH 4 et tae % ed psaneeneneoutiine ~ > 4 : ie . iy B 1927) 10 28 Sprouse Lizzie F | C Btatesville nC - ~ 14 | 503 1954 | 8 |20 Staley Coy Ransom M _W Statesville NC | Ransom Staley Maggie Long 40 |373 . iy | Ht |. | 5 i: ea | od Sr. nd “Ta Hi i + | 1954, 8 14 Staley Dewey Williams|M W | Greensboro NC | Dewey William Staley/ Etta Shermer 4O 547 il i) o- cpa - ; i ‘? , -~ | j Hy i / 1958) 2 | 14 Staley Hattie We dd ing t@n Fo W Mooresville N G@ Tom Whitt ington - 44 87 | ii §i | : + " il i | se 5 ae cl ; ; , ne : ' 1958 | 4 6|Staley | Eva F W [Statesville N Ci'Thomas P. Combs Darcus Frevette 44 184 I Te | a | 1, nl Mt | | ae | : bh | Adsl 10 /10}staley John /ewis MW] Mooresville ““| Sam Staley Julie “ouck 47 514 i 4 he . } ' a 7, Q val i i —_————- mem as 1965/ 1 | 5] Staley Odell M W} Statesville Edw.rd Staley Emma Holland 51 57 ; | i} | | le : ie, — dr . i 1965 ee 23} Staley Lloyd M | W | Statesville Clarence C Staley Bessie Hackett | i menace SE ms os ge r n ed oe ee stir ee e s h t w e s k Ge s e e n o e e e n an n e ai g as se t e e ga n nn . oe ed ; : ; ; : : : ; ; , - ee Sergeants # 3 : :, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL EX Ne. 1-4 ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Te locate mames, opes at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.8. Potent Ne lash IND Reg. U.8. Pat.ow. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, atom: 68—Copyright 1936 DATE OF DEATH — RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED ATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae Fo re jap Guarven > Gn 6 ae PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF F Clee 1914, 5 (12 |Ila Irene Olin Tns David S Stack Cara B Gatton 1. 329 7 Rachel Belle Eagle Mills Tns/E J Stack Sallie Jurney | 127 26 James Madison i | Turnersburg Tns|Jerannah Stack Debia Robertson 14 ‘Mamie Irene Y 7 tatesville Tas iHarvey Stack Claudia Chappel | 267 11 Sallie Lou , W |Eagle Mills Tas|Thos 1 Jurney Annie Morris ——__ NDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U, 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 PREF Te locate names, open at SURNAME I TL Je by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio me aaa to Buff Sub-Index sheet = — ae at a pine he Ghaarent Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. 6 Martha R | Turnersburg Tns|Fredie White Pauline Crater j15 684 | ae 25 Charles Rufus f i |Mooresville N C/Pinkney Stack Addie Osborne 24 167 | 4 iae Tobitha Dobson | F Turnersburg Tns] Offie Campbell Kkebecca Minnish 35 L469 | i 12 14 Minne Lee Mooresville NC | William Beaty | Jane Knight | 39 635 | Ephram James Harmony N C James Stack Martha White 42 465| 4 i | i fi 1917, 1 19/Stellings \William Pp M |W Mooresville N ClU P Stallings Elener Bush 1930 | 5 | 9|Stallings Hannah Jane nue Neeser. N einai Lee Jane Whitning bridgett Breslin 1951 12 | 14 Stallings | Bridgett Breslim F | W | Mooresville NC} Dan Breslin | | SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN j Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “al fa Stamper RA Statesville TnsJab Stamper Polly Stamper 4.285 Stamper Gilbert Hoover W [Mooresville N CiEarnest Stamper Carrie Beaver 8: 18 Stamper Rebecca lolin Tm fj jAdam Whitley { Stamper J Melmoth [Statesville | e } “pe oe. , . 4 F | ; ° Stamper Flake Eugene } otatesville N CiGrier Benfield Mabel Stamper ns i " # | 4 Stamper ' fe m e a i a r e e n c e a p en a —— _ £. na p e we e an d gr : 4 a | Statesville Tns - Daisy Lee Stamey ml} 512 Minnie Parkley _ “Mooresville NC Milas Barkley Martha White 47 399 John Plyler C Statesville N Uj} Rovert Stamey Beulah Sherrill 47 588 Hefbert Statesville Charlie ™ Stamy Flora Brooks 49 448 Beulah Moore svi lle John She rrill Kosa C Sherrill 50 236 : : : : ; ' ' i : | ; ; er a t e s hi n e r a ; ‘ Eo f A i i cd e ci n e wa t t mn Ke ne m e s n s Hue 7° INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. 7 ___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. - & “ ; iat Heat - cae : COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, 14 aie i Hy Abe Sete etree rot 8 ee SLES ree __ oe a Ae Terra ik - ES i Se eae SRT SRN TIAL TAR ead ret Sty dice Fisine Won: Chrie, 8 ©_p ; : * : = ~ — = rence ns : 7 paves = = - — mo See aa —SSSTE SS 7 = a “s : = mate —— ——— eee eens = ry | Th DATE OF DEATH . e DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF D | RECORDED Hat SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED ECEASED Hi Pa ‘or | uae | om AND CHRISTIAN WAME, © OME 15 eivEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fant oat Yor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER sal’ Gn i ; a ’ +n ba + + . 5 ps or armen , ; ¢ + a " Pad adi i el, i \ its 5 5 a i] i i t wees 1914) 5 |12|Stack jtla Irene F | W [Olin Tos David S Stack Cara B Gatton 1| 329 _ pe 25} Stamper RA | MW [Statesville Tnslab Stamper Polly Stamper 4 285 si j } " | i tj L dbtiih} 42925, 11 | aI stack /Rachel Belle F | W [Eagle Mills Tns|E J Stack Sallie Jurney 2, 129 _4ede | __1 | 8)Stamper Gilbert Hoover MW |Mooresville N Cizarnest Stamper Carrie Beaver 8.18 eH re | a | | | iF | ri 1916) 8 26/Stack James Madison M | W [Turnersburg Tns|Jerannah Stack Debia Robertson 1 3) 445 pe 8 25) Stamper Rebecca | Fy lolin tT Adam Whitley 1 15. 314 + } i de pi 42917, 1 lalstack \Mamie Irene F | W jStatesville Tns|Harvey Stack Claudia Chappel 4. 267 __ $1936) 9 18) Stamper .J Melmoth im iy le eehnant tts rns | @ ~ 22 619 id Pa en | + ; i od! I tly } » #4918, 2 11istack \Sallie Lou F |W jEagle Mills Tnas|Thos 1 Jurney Annie Morris 4A 386 __ 987, 9 30S tamper Flake Eugene | mu w Istatesville 5 C|Grier Benfield Mabel Stamper 23.3744 1h -}i7] [1928) 11 | 6] stack ‘Martha R F |W |Turnersburg Tns|Fredie White Pauline Crater 125 684] pig42 | 1 | 14 Stamper Annie Hoover Fw do icord Tn | _ cma P7 | kh? ee rf | [ nT f I ee AS f ath sLQOV EC] eo Mii EY a Ae Kad i | 1938. 5 | 25 Stack ‘Charles Rufus M W Mooresville Nc Pinkney Stack Addie Osborne £4 167 _ pg95l | 12 je? WE mper 3 ufus Lé naey j i te wi lis WU k imes * tamper h thel “aynev 2 P 7 Hy re ; | os f Ps 3 otamper rt} ry at me 1 ‘a 5 . j 4 . y eV Is 20 | t ata 1949; 2 ee Stack ,Tobitha Dobson |F |W furnersburg Tns} Offie Campbell Kebecca Minnish 35, 469 | aes 290% | : val | a Sville J tam | Martha Ann Aliey 30 | rg bed i { i 1 ee H i Hi } $1953, 12 14 Stack Minne Lee |} F §W | Mooresville NC | William Beaty Jane Knight 39 635 | | | | ry} ie i f t ' i oe } ; i i i | Bhd i 1956 10 13|Stack Ephram James m ow {Harmony N C James Stack Martha White 42) 465 | p> | 1 | ot i ; H t ; } i Pa i i ! 4 i Hare ‘ ui i i| i a, f inal | 4 He f | i ! nea tee : etme t \ ' | | | a i fF — : . te | | | | | | % a4 | f 2 ; ae | : 5 i | Fo i i i ; | ai 4 bo | % Let | | | Luh \ i Ree j ' t ! pe | i | 4 | H igs | | | i a | | | 1 rid] eke | | | Hit | i} ee a | it aa Bi cccnadel | | it} Aa Lm) | Whe] — Os | | | } ' : wlcitetecinnal | -. 4 : A \4 ¥i | | Ae Se bi : | We | tir 17) eae ' — = Ub | et + ee eer — ie | dt | q t + ae aoat 1 (|19}Stallings _..,|William Pp M W.MMooresville N Clu p Stallings Elener Bush 4 | 46 1935/| 9 _|30 S tamey | ~ M .C Statesville Tns 2 Paisy Lee Stamey et +12 $f i ie io 1 1 “Bi 1930 | S$ | 9}Stallings Hannah Jane F_| W Mooresville NC icobren Lee Jane Whitning _ he | 202 eg 1961 8 \14/Stamy Minnie Ferkley| F_ W Mooresville NC Miles Barkley Martha White 47 399) jf) i ' cialis 4 * - en —— Le |) 51) | 5 sa rh ) | M CWBtatesville N C] Robert sStame Beulah Sherrill 4 ie A265 11 1q Stallings | Bridgett Breslin F | W ] Mooresville NC } Dan Breslin Bridgett Breslin 34.632 pee] | 11 14 Steamy : seme syier ; xt otha : - aa = il q | ee! : oe 1963 7 26 [Stamey | HePbert M W/(Statesville Charlie M Stamey Flora Brooks LO he Wy | | ; ' eens . ah as z ee - —_ | + aoe eee - mend . sie : 4 # 1964) 4 14 Sta my | Beulah F Ci] Mooresville John Sherrill Rosa C Sherrill 50 236 Tae HI | a RR) : | Tae ty : k | | bd | Hy - + a 4 g] | } $ A Hl! 4. { Bs ec, i 1 — + i ie ii F — | + i ~_ Pete iki ‘i \. - me | ih e b [oneness tinea b. T } + ft 7 - _— T 7 baal heerlen itsamnntasnannsnenans ' . | aoc tienen + iil } A a : ca ie ahs | ie ——- + | ‘ig on es: | VERY LiguT rex . = ee ae ee E ei INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. oe INDEX TO VITAL . STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C 19} ia i : i}; Reg. U.8 Pat.ow. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. —* to Bull Sub-lndex sheet tor page a> hee Aaa ate U. 8. Patent No. 1aatiee eee ies re. a Ube Potent Mo 1tatiee ee ia —— foe een eeetestseenetstnnaenateneseencenmrrenmernsnnemnens ’ : ™ 7 . th SS eeeaoaeoom——eeeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEe———EeEE———E——EEEEEE SSS ec <= a te Buf Sub-ledes ee BETIAL TAB end refer Bade te The Cutt Boden Company, Coleuban, O04 iL. hi DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED = Z DATE OF DEATH | = = ——== ———————— © on : : RECORDED P Ss | a ror in Gate walt © tae @& Gee Sex Gol | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER _ To ae = DECEASED Sais ack ona RECORDED i ' o. Page | | VEN ACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) aan a | r oa | 4 | i. ) 1916. 1 24jStancill Muceo XM C jFallstown fns B Stancill Emma Davidson 3° 150 1932) 3 27) Stark bien | | | Fy 4 ig . i ‘ oti... t \ i M C | F 1 “ : B: if ; 1958 9 25 Stancil Bertie Sue i F W Mooresville me J Stancil Lola Ann Taylor 44 477 a | 5|_5 eal stark ' eiistown Tn i = 18 116 | ij | a e | MC |Fellstown Tn |Williem stark zetta Mae Reid 21.212 ae 3 | 8istark ‘ | wal | eps 8} | . Mic | Fallstown Tn |W C Stark Zetta xeid 122,171 ia «a r 1} 7 ‘ ‘ 3 5 a s r re ms : | i i } iii | pet panenaaene pA sred_L j-M}¢ t¥elistown Tne fwiiiiem c Starks Zetta M Reid 1301100 ; re ft ca | | } ” "i és mH) hae 7 ‘41946| 7 (26|sterks ‘Rey © es | ‘ ie | | | —— | - ; M,C {Stetesville NC |zey © Sterks Anne “lexender I32. 373 ry i Pe 3. te |! | | —— t fl { 48; 1 21 \Starks Matti | a f || | a _— ; e D | F. Cl]! Statesville ne | John Willians | Lule Williams 134. 16 | + i a tit be i | 1 i; + ae Le) Ct | 11 ptark iola Mavfi — va : ! HW i 50 11 24 Starks : Viola Mayfield ; #,C | otatesville NC | Ornge Mayfield Hida Hill BO 586 +h Hi o iH $950} 11 24 Btark 2 ik ie Re ae cs | |. | 4 } —T g ; + Y pebatesville NC | Clyde Stark | Viola Mayfield 6 1592 % ma ae a wot i j 1953, 7 29) Starke Sallie i w lw . Re | | : ee 4 ' : ee , 793| i 7 llie turnbul 1 F "i Mooresville NC | Robert turnbull Mary Harrison | 39 368! P if I H t t { u j i te f 4 i nL 6 | 2 S | | i { f i i i tarks i 5 i | et . | | | | 7 ee me _ Zetta Mae |F C | Troutman NC | Sherman Reid | Lula Kimbrough 2 355 | ; ise | | a | | | | eT i \ mee id | | | i H f . ei ia , hess al a Sh! | | | | Baila | 4 Pern, | ) | | | cht j ha i i oe i 1 } TH ; |] | | Re i ‘ ; ' q 4 - | | i 4 : He | ae | | | . ae | | | 4 : | | i | i nln | | 1 hi tint i i i ae i | ra i Hy } | i HT] r . if fae | i i ; i] | 7.) eae r \ ) | | | iil a) | | 4 | | i. Ry ih: { | | ny —— ee | | iL 1 : | { i ae i es - i | | ee ql ote (1926, 12 19)Stanley Lucy Lee FW |Statesville N CjJohn Wimbish Mary Norman 13 342 | | | i it BH ! E F J44 2 2 f- e i ’ T ’ | = + i be : t | ee v., BiStenley (Poul Clifford Mj W jStatesville NC Is } Stanley Ida Combs 50 76 ; j ij uy 4 sy f i” 1920, 7 | 29 starling . Lucile | F.. W|Shiloh tn luther Starling Madie Aldridge 6.206 | ih... Pe oe 1946 12 | 7|Stanley Stephen Carson | M | W |Statesville NC [Conley M Stanley i 32. 479 | | S| mh po } 11965 8 20 Stanley James M |W Statesville Irwin M Stanley Mary E Dobbins pi 479 | | | | | Tl | : | . | tl s ie iit) ued | | | | | | et | | Ph. ylh phe vain | Hi * i | | | } * } i + 4 L a fy y } 4 ; a | i a ' ~All dL | 4 aN | aq j a) f f ] t 1 d :. }) { | | Ean + 4 ; if ; a | | | ‘ae Te Hi E ™ 7 | t t i ° ‘ ra = ] ee , } imei Me i t j | Ve Te i's | Ht i. | | —}+— tL | | Ai ] = a i re ; ' j ; ‘= | om — = & = pa n e e p e t i n m n e n s a n s e l s er y | | piibiien Statesville nc |C L Starr Lennie Horn 15/528 | ' } 1945/7 |24\starr Mey Binghem F | W |Mooresville NC |James B Bingham ~ 31 (302 —$ $ — > — _ _ _ i | : bem a 1951) 6 12) starr Clarence AlexanferM, W |Statesville Nc} . Martha Ann Starr 37| 363 1 r_137| | | | f } + PASTEUR MHP tet peat KA ‘ Vee ; : be = | 4 Siem Da i TRL. - De ea eee __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. = B + Be J ee 7 : H j ; je i 2 i a Pa ay : «f r ; ' et fe 4 . _* nt } i pit ihe r By 3 | t ' ' 1 * { > bast il 1 12 | a ' i 2 ee f ' i baw ; ; : | “ob 4 h > + ie { i ql ' > bt e Pit ry bh be ~ , 1 %. : ‘e ; i ; | Ee ae s —— — = — Ha : > — > : Sa r s iz a Sa g e t 7 = . Pe = Sg eg a .- ee i * | | = na n - wa l l I aa ' j | ' : : - i : : ca ; : Reg. U.S. Pat. Of. Sorter ae Tosist On It. =" a Buff Sub index sheet Se Sees ne ent eaten PR ORT IYERSAL, INDEX We. 3-4 = — eee = a SEISIEERARERSS Seer eee TRENT Sear eeSN DATE OF DEATH ‘EASE : SURNAME OF DECEASED rer as Gas el © Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — ; ; ' mejevcenlion a OL Page 1916, 1 (24/Stancill Muceo | C {Fallstown Taos B Stancill Erma Davidson 3 150 a. 958) 9 25 Stancil | Bertie Sue FW Mooresville ™ J Stancil Lola Ann Taylor 44 477 | | | 1 | i } | h i | I | | i i | | 1926, 12 19}Stanley , Lucy Lee F | W jStatesville N CjJohn Wimbish Mary Norman 13 342 1944) 3 | Bistanley (Paul Clifford M |W [Statesville ne fs xy Stanley Ida Combs 50). 76 1946 12 . 7|Stanley Stephen Carson | M | W [Statesville NC |Conley M Stanley a 32. 479 1965 8 20 Stanley | James M _W Statesville Irwin M Stanley Mary E Dobbins pl 479 ' ¢ | ben +— = Z nad COTTCO UNIVERS. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 AL INDEX Ne. 1-4 DATE OF DEATH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — ap Te locate names te Buff § » pen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB. ub-index sheet for page — wee DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C._ Made by The Cott Index Compeny, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. SURNAME OF DECEASED - oe | oe Day D CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE. OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER ical die sali RECORDED — ' ] ae : Vol. Page n Hi i i | f : 1952; 5 | 27) Stark | Oscar A i. | _ + 40 lFallstown Tn | - - 118.116 $5| 5 | 28) stark ‘s | | pt t }MicC |Felistown Tn [William stark Zetta Mae Reid j22 212 ; | i | { | 19 3 + ol stark i @ i | | fi a a6 M oC | Fallstown Tn iW C Stark | Zetta seid \22 171 1944! 3 jIS5iStorks Jerel I ca a |. pe | | nr 7 ge w {£ellstown Tns [willitem ¢ Starks Zetta M Reid 430,100 41946| 7 (26|sterks ‘Rey 0 is | | | | — ; M,C |stetesville NC Ixey 0 Starks |Anne slexender 132, 373 48| 1 21 \starks Matti | | | | | | — | e D ie 3 C | Statesville Nc | JOhn Willians | Lule Williams 34. 16 N9s50 }11 24 Btarks Re Bieibee Ee by 4 a | | __—— 950. | Viola Mayfield! F ¢ etatesville NC | Ornge Mayfield ida Hill B6 586. i i 950 | 11 24 Btark | oe b, ea | sei ; aa | is | Statesville NC | Clyde Stark | Viola Mayfield IB6 1592 | arke Sallie T | te. . ee | | i eat) ee Senbull FW | Mooresville NC | Robert ‘urnbdull Mary Harrison 139 368! 09567 23 | Starks Z i | | i | — p | , 6ettea Mae | F C | Troutman NC | Sherman keid Lula Kimbrough 2 355 | me | | | | ee | | | a | i | | | ——_}— | | | | | | i | tla \ | | | | | | a | | | | — b+ | i | | ; | | in ds 1920 7 |2 | | aweae Sterling | Lucile | F . Wj Shiloh tn Luther Starling Madie Aldridge 6, 296 fe \ bi. | | | | ee ee hind. { | | Be oS | + 1 { oc | Pc Bt = oT t a oH . —+— Starr. William MW jStatesville nC jC L Starr Lennie Horn 15 528 7. |24 Starr Mey Bingham F |W jMooresville NC |James B Bingham - 51 Ison | 6 |12) starr | | j i 4 | } t | | Clarence rexanhesit W Statesville NC ate eer eeneiinennie Martha Ann Starr a j ee - we) | pit) °° ___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. SO VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS — Iredell County NC) Pi) enoe (evrnsece tice ws hark SEE ene SS wt te — lO —— ee Sa SRT NUNN IRITIAL TAB ond ot Bars sear Bi TSS SS << —= ii . EON ; i | — ates ae ok barat Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— ; =| = Day sno comsTun ae, vena o Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = hee ! | bC ae 7 Starnes | Edgar James M_._W |Mooresville NC |Andrew Starnes Lola Stewart 6, 3 : piel 4 | 7|Steele |Eli t 16 deeaseanists & . eki en keke 1 454 . at HE 1930. 10 a Starnes | Eliss Leander M . W |Mooresville NC | #llison Starnes Annie Kisaih 16 244 __ a £2015 teele ffesie Bel) F.¢ \Chambersburg Tn|Dan Klian Lizzie Steele 1. 39 +4 i nh Lh 1940, 2 (13]/Starnes , Rebecca Gabrilld F | W [Statesville NC |Herschell Starnes Rebecca Coley 26\ 333 anal 10 31) Steele Dora Montgomery | FW [Statesville n clwm Thomas Montgomery /Elizabeth A Crawford| 1. 561 a i ay _ 2 21 Starnes Mary E Johnston | F C Mooresville NC [Phristopher Johnston | Mamie Sanders 27| 117 y= 11915; 2 27) Steel Fannie | Fic [Statesville Tns my ‘ £i 285 ry : gal | jr94s, 2 | 27] Sternes Jerald Luther |M (|W |Mooresville NC | Marvin Sternes Neta Stillwell a9 x _— 4915 | 10 | 28) Steele Buck KC |urnersburg tas| 2 Doug Steele 2. 461 . HHe eas. 12 $0 | Starnes .Fettie Little |F .W |Statesville NC |Stenley Little Harriett Hefner $1,515 96) Steel Sadie | Fic union ee aa heed Steel [Emma Holmes | 3. 452 a i 11947 | 2 4 jStarnes | - Mo, WW Btatesville NC [harlie Edward Starnes Hazel J. Stevenson po 268 39h! 6 '301Steel Lee | Mic vation fetid tnt Mii hein a avian 3. 454 i i HE jong 8 28|Starnes Kenneth Loy h Wi $tatesville nc__|Loy Hugh Starnes Mattie Cora B Ritehif 34 10 | | _____ 497, 8 | 2 steel James Burlie |u| c Joasor Grove Tns|John Steel lcarry Dalton 4.507} ie | net tt i }1949 12 og Starnes Mortha Ale xande} F |W | Mooresville Wm L Alexander Catherine Jordon 36) 15 ____}agag| 11 | 7|Steeie Jno lL | uM iv Istatesville nN ¢ |sames ke levelyn ee We 245 i) 9 I i} H i [1950 1 24 Bternes Jane Barrett | F |W | Mooresville eer eee rk Seat pe | a3 | ___}1918, 11 15]Steele Diana Elizabveth| Fy [statesviiie N CID S Miller Icarolina Forester (4a 242 ti } | | i } ceoal 7 7| otarnes _ Jessie Hipp ) M WY] Mooresville Hugh Starnes Mittie Starnes 37 425 | SS }1916 12 24/Steel Daisy FY leege Mills Tas ltre Steel pe een | 5 312 the { é I ie 1956/1 19) St: res Martin Luther | M § W | Mooresville Bliz Starnes Mattie Hassiah 42 19} m __}1919| 2 26/Steele G Boozer (Mrs) | 7 Istateavi2ie N cls Pressley Boozer Lella Montgomery S| ge i i \4 1956. 3 21)]| Starnes John Issac 1M |W | Mooresville Eli Starnes Mattie Kassiah ei 135 a 1919 8 24/Steele ~ M OW Iconcors Tns In F Steele Ruth White 5 394 ' in’ I srk = ao a te Cevelang M | pout ten he ae ae a i ‘hegendor cee | 9) 9 17] Steele Lucinda C | Fi YX Mooresville N CjJack Alredge ~ 5 | 495 oe i pan ee forth ter aretha nett arene Serres — hat e-e— ese 5 | th x i | 1924, 8 29) Stearnes \Nannie Eagle |F | W |Stetesville NC |Daniel a Kegle Martha M Weems 10 351 | ___}1919/ 10 | 1jSteele Mary Caroline | *_,W Coddle Creek Tn James A Quary Caroline Alexenger 4 .5'| 683 He 4 | Het 1927, 5 24) Stearns _Mary Jane FW |Statesville NC |Carrold 4 Stearns Elma Watson 13424 | __} 2921 | & 15|Steele Eliza Mills F i jCool Springs TnjNoble Mills Amanda Mellend 7| 3203. ii. | H- | eree, 5: | Pe earnes | Mamie Church ioe vst Aap pats P segs a, boa | __]ig21, 7 13}steele James Columbus | MW [Statesville N Cluohn Steele Elizabeth Bell 7 390 4 , i Bill |e | Filed on eet | 41922 5 | 8) Steele George | M,C [Statesville N ¢ [Pinkney Wallice M Wallice 7, 541] i. Bit: HI , oe 7 (23|Steele ! - F _W [Statesville N CjH T Steele Dotson ssa] § i! fe: | lugz2| 9 19]Steele ‘Thomas Lee | M W [Statesville N C]Jonn A Steele Martha - S| gle + }- i bit 1 , | __ frees) 2 | 6|Steele ‘Emily Elle F _W [Statesville N ClWilfrea Turner Docas Tomlinson 9) 358} ] is q 1 ; t | f ee Waal a ae Steele Stamie Parks L_ | MC |Statesville N C/Stamey Steele Ethel Click 9 430] ie, | | | | | | —_|rses| 3 25 | Steel lee Rhye M _W [Mooresville N C/L N Steel ic M Nantz 10 182 i i Pip | | | | | fisea| 22 ‘11isteele ‘Henry A M _C |Statesville Tns|Pinkney Steele Mahaley Waddell 10 426 I Wi rh | | u925| 1. |28|Steele a F C [Eagle Mills tns |claua Steele Fannie Campbell 11 115 \ if © , ee | SiniliAll 1925; 7 23/Steele Millie FW jStatesville Tns Kerr Chambers zelma Chambers Al 455 | ia 5m | | it) a , 1926! 4 27] Steele ‘John M MW [Statesville N C James F Steele Bettie Clarke he 478] dhe, y a | | | io : | . ue —~s 1208T 3 j11 Steele jLuther Hersly M C Statesville N C jJohn Steele jCarrie Daulton 13 405 | " P Be . 1917, 12 ee | Harold M W_}Cool Springs Tn|Noah Starret Ella Nantz 4, 51 i927, 8 | 5] Steele |Thomas B M W |Cool Springs Tn Richard Steele Lightell . ns a7] i 1i ii i. 1944 7 28 Starrette hartia Ann F W Statesville Nc Allen Starrette _ Lula hartness | 34 288 accel . 928| 5 |16lstee1 ___._ [Roxie (urs) F |W |rurnersburg Tas arrison Felts Elizabeth walker he cea} a) V i | _p.956 | 3 13 Starrette | James Robert | W | Statesville Richard H Starrette| Jennie Davis _ M2 | 106} __— 1928| 6 | 9\Steele _ \Victoria P F |W |Statesville N C [Frank Padgett Hanoy MeKinsey _ ha 456] | ! i Hn i pat te Sp Sessa. au, [Pomme temp eSports Be] Ue Pre tt, Mieke t eae Se ces os | et it! / | : Sesion nina . + tren oe nih iH : ii i | } wisi k ctidss MNS Sd een ——4.1929/ 9 71Steel |\Phomas Duke Jr | M | W [Statesville N C/T D Steel Mary Steel Ss as | 509] ia | t oa | } 4 allie i binactniial hie : 4930; 5 [17]Steele a {elen Lee F_|W |Statesville N C\Geo C Steele _———_—|Neoma Benson owe We & j | j : | H 7 erecta —— tence nee einai aie : 1930/ 7 |24/Steel ___|John Morris | M | W |Coddie Creek TajJohn Robt Stecl _ _flary Jane Sharpe fie | a7] iL | i | ae a ee : : — ree acento ve Sy $1930! 10 |14/steele | ° F_| W Mooresville N C|Fred Steele jaddie Shumaker | i | i | 4 oe i Steele __ : lg F M Shiloh [n Robert R Steele B Martha Steele Bi i | Steele -—_—| Bennie . ,-€_ {Statesville N C jarmst —_lertha Pearson _ iE | Steele ___|Pless Walter _} M/C [Statesville 3 CiBligh Steele -Binegie Forsyth if Steele _—_|George Franklin| M | W Cool Springs To}W M Steele | (CoN) se a : LE *° INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. Le cs vam DEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. =e AL Gemoa} iar tree D7 bees Sea sahclades chet ar pase tolenen et CR Feet Me itn Oereaat fe Ry ae pees ee oe we nema pene Semi ve ae wl. | 0 SS ee 8 == . | Lif z . a7 Day "A GST Nae, I OME 1S ee ee ae oe MONG os = 7 3 ino cman x DECEASED Sax Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — | ie ae | | Y | a ’ 4 “Th " : 4 [i L - 44920, 1 | 19] sternes | Edgar James M ._W |Mooresville NC |Andrew Starnes Lola Stewart 6: 3 __ pre) 4 page eeene +Ei4 MC [Statesville nc ° Millie Steele 1,494 } 7 er ae sae | ik, 1930, 10 .@ Starnes .Eliss Leander M |W |Mooresville NC | Ellison Starnes Annie Kisaih 16244 2A 1 4) 4 30jSteele i\Cosie Bell F.C |Chambersburg Tn Dan Klien —_ Lizzie Steele i. | ae he! Li 1940, 2 13] Starnes | Rebecca Gabrillé F | W [Statesville NC jHerschell Starnes Rebecca Coley 26) 333 So 1914! 10 31|Steele Dore Montgomery] F _W [Statesville N Clwm Thomas Montgomery jElizabeth A Crawford] 1 561 fa LUE L242 2 21 Starnes Mary E Johnston | F | © Mooresville NC [hristopher Johnston | Mamie Sanders 27| 117 ~—__hasas| _2 27)Steel |Pannie | F | C IStatesville tns ae ie 2 285 | iu LHe ies. 2 | 27! Starnes Jerald Luther IM [|W [Mooresville NC | Mervin Starnes Neta Stillwell 29 436 __}915|_10_| 28} Steele Buck | MC |Turnersburg Tns ‘i Doug Steele 2. 461) | HE 4 1945, 12 $0 | Starnes .Hettie Little F .W__{Statesville NC |Stenley Little Harriett Hefner $1,515 , ps ALiSteel Sadie Fi¢ hinton Grove TaslLee steel cia Seta | 3. 452 He i i tHE hou 12 |p iStearnes | 5 | M |W. Statesville NC [harlie Edward Starnes Hazel J. Stevenson B3 | 268 42916} 5 30} Steel Lee | Mic [vate Grove Tnslabner Steel Rissie Steel 5. 494 Hi +4 hf ous. 8 .28|Starnes Kenneth Loy hy W.$tatesville Nc [Loy Hugh Starnes Mattie Cora B Ritohif 3h 403 ae 8 &\Steel James Burlie }M oC |Uator Grove Tns|John Steel Carry Dalton 4507 ear) | | 1949 12 2 Starnes Mortha Alexander F |W | Mooresville Wn L Alexander Catherine Jordon | 36 15 ! ___}2918/ 11 _ 7)|Steele Jno L | uiy | tatesville N ClJames Steele [Evelyn Tomlin 4A 245 i J he 1950, 1 pB4 ae _ Jane Barrett | FW | Mooresville Newton Barrett Mary Barrett 56 2s | saci 1918, 11 15|Steele Diana Elizaveth| ie Istatesvilie N CD S Miller Carolina Forester laa 242 \ mal i | — | | hos. 7 7| otarnes | Jessie Hipp | MM. WI Mooresville Hugh Starnes Mivtie Starnes 37 | 425 - 11918. 12 24|Steel Daisy | FW |Zeele Mills Tas{Ira Steel can Steel 5 | 312 i | 11956 . 19| Starnes eee oe | : freee chsh eee [ 19 ____ 44919) 2 26) Steele G Boozer (Mrs) ae be cadass ioe N CS Pressley Boozer Lella Montgomery 5 | 92 het i thc} | hos6, a2 tee | Starnes , John Issac } MW | Mooresville Eli Starnes Mattie Kassiah be, 135] ue 1919 8 24)Steele - ues Iooncore [ns N F Steele Ruth White S 3594 i i th ‘i | pean a a sible rover Orevelang ae sindbis il ete | Cy uibi eek ae 1918) 9 17]}Steele ‘Lueinda ¢ | F iy htooresville N ClJack Alreage ‘ 5 45 b. mers | 1924, 8 29 Stearnes Nannie Kagle FF. W {Statesville NC |Daniel «a Eagle Martha M Weems 10 351 | __ _i9id| 10 | 1iSteele \Mary Caroline | * W [Coddle Creek Tn|James A Quary Caroline alexander 5 | 421] De Ht ti | Ma I | ht a i 1 Rt 1927, 5 | 24) stearns ,Mary Jane FW |Stetesville Nc /Cerrolda A Stearns Elma Watson 13 424 | deg 982 | 2 15]Steele ‘Eliza Mills | ie |cooa Springs Tn|Noble Mills Amanda Mellend mee 5 ae he ., ie | 1960 5 28 Starnes Mamie Church F \W Mooresville James A “hurch Verdie Vannoy $6) 7 | fiver, 7 13]steere ante Certckwus i | w Mstetepeitic & 6 Uekc stesie a ihn die take 7 390] | HL le | Filed pe i 1 Hee | eee i | | | ie 3 1922 | 5 8)Steele George Mi C (Statesville Nc Pinkney Wallice IM Wallice 7, 541] § rs id K 1 , | ___Jige2| 7 (23]steele ae | rw |statesvize s clit Steele Dotson 8, 83} i He -f agee | _9 (|19]Steele \Thomas Lee MW |Statesville N CiJohnn A Steele Martha - 8) 81] fh... ey | | | Btls | : 1924/2 | 6|Steele ‘Emily Elle F |W [Statesville N ClWilfrea Turner Docas Tomlinson 9 358 i i ‘ i | | 924) 2 .12)Steele _,Stamie Parks L | MC {Statesville No Stamey Steele Ethel Click 9/430] Ha : ia “ft gee! 3 (25]|Steel ‘Lee Rhye MW [Mooresville N CJL N Steel C M Nantz 10162] fe. ; i 4 ' ' | + | = i924) 12 (11 ‘Steele — ‘Henry A M | C [Statesville Tns |Pinkney Steele hianaiey Waddell 10. 426 os Hi ed | 2925 | _1 (28]Steele 4 - FC {Eagle Mills Tns /Claud Steele Fannie Campbell 41} 115 4 Hh | “ pond — 1925| 7 23)Steele _ Millie FW [Statesville Tns Kerr Chambers Zelma Chambers _ Pl 455° Ba } hs | ‘ 1926| 4 27/Steele ____|dohn M M__W [Statesville N C James F Steele Bettie Clarke _ 2 | ars | Uh i ae I t | fis + bea ~— é ; site: Saas g27| 3/21) Steele ‘Luther Hersly MC |Statesville N CiJohn Steele (Carrie Daulton _ nS | 405 i ‘hs i | 1917, 12 18) Starret | Harola M W {Cool Springs Tn|iNoah Starret Ella Nantz — 4 51. 1927 e|s Steele ___|Thomas B M W {Cool Springs Tn jRichard Steele Lightell tee hs 87 | i 2945 A 28 Starrette per ene Ann = | M_ptatesville No Pilea starrette ——}tula Hartness a Pees 33 Ree c : 1928 5 | meeeees Roxie (Mrs ) | F W fTurnersburg Ths Harrison Felts Elizabeth Walker [4 | 624] , 1) - | th TL P9596 | 3 jie d Searret te James Robert | M ,.W_} Statesville Richard H Starrette| Jennie Davis __ e2 | 106) 1928| 6 | 9|Steele «ss Victoria P F_| W |Statesville N C [Frank Padgett Wancy MeKinsey _ n4 456] | * } [2960 12 og Maneatis... pres Miheaee © |. a eee Reuben Davis idee a ta ae a ae fe eS coat 1928| 8 si Steele | ceils tj > Foneord tas _ Bi F Steele uth waite e486} : a 1 1 - ——_——~—f-—+-— | | 1929' 9 | 7ISteel — oe Duke Jr} M . W jStatesville N Cif? D Steel Mary Steel sta | 509] ry i Riis} . el eran te il aa i SI ase SR _ 1930/ 5 |17/Steele __ ___|Helen Lee | F LM Statesville N CjGeo C Steele Ss [Neoma Benson —s— sit | 403 : i = + rr nent ee ret ena nent a renee fineereliinaensnhalpinaiinncleetuenenl near é 1930; 7 le Steel ___|John Morris =| M 4 W [Coddle Creek TnjJohn Robt Steel __ Mary Jane Sharpe _ 2s 87] Hy + | casas +—+——— : ene fniereenttetnnticiinniulianmal— nen claninanisilienvenshnostseeert wii 1930! 10 |14/Steele eu Mes tw _F_| W jMooresville N CiFred Steele _ Addie Shumaker _ifug | 246 | : ae /- one : Ely ee - ie ¢lsistene lat ___| 4 | w Jsniion om Robert R Steele Biartha Steele _—_—ifr| 29; | or; la ee | f - ~~ moc flop 9 | 6]/Steele | _—_—s|Bennie | F l¢ Statesville N Cjarmstead Pearson tha Pearson _jj17| 426/ oo nieddiintiiinibibilenincnstacaneaecicty tcnisatl id ee Mw sham tak a a ws ee _ 5 | 2iSteele § _—s/Pless Walter M | C {Statesville N CjFligh Steele —s_ ie. Forsyth 32. Roe settee tl rte tte a ne lbatenenniee — ~ “te 1932/ 6 |25|steele | —_ George Franklin| M UW Cool Springs TajW M Steele gst Bi ie es iad 4 alla, | (CON) “ This Signature on sheets insures tbeir correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. pare a SURNAME OF DECEASED Bi) i 22 Pn donee . ite pill i DATE OF DEATH if UG Yer | Month | Day Ta es Baik 1933; 7 119 PE 1933, 10 9 ; Le 1934; 3 | 22 | i 1934, 5 29 HAE] tases) 5 ja ihe 1935, 5 (22 a 1936, 2 22 : ie 1936, 10 21 PLUEL Iasse) 2 | | : I 1938, 9 15 [ RL 4 1939, 3 20 PHBE {aes0 12 |e He ty | 1940, 6 (2 it ee Hh 2} 1942, BHT fiona! - I [+84 | Filea Be 42942, ae 1942, et 1943, Bie BL | 194s , oe i Ma 945 | bee! | 1946 | : 1946 at wat 1947 i Ht ' i 1947 HN He 1948 re) 1948 Nhe | 1948 7 | 1949| Vee | SY 1949 pa ,) ; f |} 1950 | i i 1B} pos0 ae | i 7 BE 42950 i ai a 1 | 8 Bteele 3 14 Pace ie 2.116 a 2 kteate Qo | 4 Steele 5S 23) Steele 7.116 3.1 22 5 44 8 3l1jsteele 9 12]}Steele 3. 26 |Steele 2 3 (Steele 8 19 bteere 11 5 , 18 AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN |Henry T ‘Anna Stockton ‘Maggie Woods |Porter W , Ethel A Click , Glenn Grose 'Henry Oscar i\Norris F |Frank Richard | Rayford Lee ‘Clarence Mont- = pe = | Thomas H, Leura Phelps | Lula hate se | Verminia Johnsoh F | aq | Harvey P =o lhary Lucinda | Martha Lk Mary Lelia Margaret Reid Steele 16 IStecle Mary Stroud 1g 4“nnie Parker Baby Girl Hester Lillian | Statesvible NC | _| Steele _ft8 Bteele — _ th | Steele | Stillborn l18|Steele ss 6jSteele —s_—s | Statesville 12jSteele | Rebecca Mae ite names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer re te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. aS SSS PLACE OF DEATH Statesville N C Statesville NC Statesville NC otatesville NC Houstonville NC Harmony vtatesville Nc Harmony NC 4iredel] County Henry Virgil Stroud. [Statesville — | Charles Steele | [Mooresville - ee eal aediente asl INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. NAME OF FATHER Statesville N CiGeorge Watson Statesville N CiJ H Steele Statesville N CiB T Steele Eagle Mills Tns/B N Steele Statesville Tns|Sandy Gross Chambersburg Tn/i0O S Wood Statesville N CiThomas J Steele Statesville N C\iNewton Steele Mooresville N CijJohn Steele Statesville NC jAndy Click Statesville “C |M C Steele Turnersburg Tn | Garvie W L Steele James C Steele Concord Tns M K Steele Harmony N C - Statesville NC James R Steele Ststesville NC |James | Chambersburg Tn) - Statesville NC |- Mooresville NC | Thoues N Steele Union vrove Tn J Abner Summers Statesville NC | Isrsel A Johnson Henry Steele Lonnie Stecle Vaviuson heever Charlie Cox Statesville NC] Matthew Reid Mooresville NC | Steel Teague — Statesville NC |James R Steele Harmony NC Richard Steele Rev. LA Parker _j Mooresviile NC Unknown _ fatisbury nc ¢ btatesvinte no S&S Thomas Newton Steel Charles Steele _ _| Hubert E. Steele — Sam ¢. Alex Nancy Johnson COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Conatky i. NAME OF MOTHER Cary Young Elizah Mills Louise Wooten Caroline - Mary Patterson Louella Pilson Mary Querry Nancy Sims Ossie Eidson Millie Chambers Mary addie Stroud Dora V Montgomery Ella Turner Mary James Dore Montgomery Wary S quincy Phessie oteele Martha Morrison uva Wilson Lula Patterson Avaline Tomlin JMary Sharpe Polly Reavis Lollie Hood unknown Mary E James } -liary-Addie Horne — —|Rosa Anderson _} Dorothy ae Steele | Rosalyn Redmond JElizabeth Walker | Rosalyn Steele Mary Q@ery ‘tiles = | Page 19 369 19) 386 20. 369 120 415 22, 132 21. 539 22 39 22: 522 Iga | 305 24 195 | 25 290 25 419 26, 569) 28 26al 28 68 28, 469 28, 353 23. 209 ol 311 Sl .314 52, 164 se! 296 33, 61 33, 316) 3h 384 Bly ebsO 38) 331 35| 189 BS laa 36 | 80 po 4.25 bo 588 137} 233 137/564 37| 592 39 |502 40 | 408 | 41 363 43 [242 4,3 |286 43 571 seanen ees memtitny etic Fore wr oer 1959 | 11 1959| 11 (6 1960 3 P6 1960 8 to r ea i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. z Copyright 1983 A-122559 > i TF Opes at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Gompeay, Coteasban, Ohio ame and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent } . ] | SURNAME OF DECEASED | AND CilRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS SivEN } SX coor} PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER | 4 } 2 Na lena i} T;) ‘ i * 7 varrie Dalt on j I G , Harmony pasts Dalton | _ Steele, Sr. Alexis P, | M yy iStatosville James C. Steele | Dora Montgomery i ? ft 4 # | | | Steele | = -~/iMic |Moore sville | Arthur Ray Steele | Gloria Gean Mills | Steele i= - | M,C} Mooresv 111e | Arthur Ray Steele | Gloria Jean Mijls 45 555 : i : i |“rthur Morris: ni M W { Statesville jJames KF. Steele Vermina Johnson i ; | | | - | MW | Mooresville |Joe Arthur Steele |“uby Mc Vlester 146 (290 Steele Grace We bb FP iW i Statesville John L. Webb Annie “yerly | 46 529 turdock/ | i I i ; i\Annie Brandon Mj F W |Statesville | John W. McKenzie | Mary Pruner |46 474 Claude A. (Mo | Shaper Hill,N.C) Lee Steele | Emma Holms Nancy ‘lars | F | W |Mooresville NC | T. N, steele | Mary Query , 4% 342 | Garvie “ewis MW |“inston-Selem NG Frank Steele | Victoria Padgett [47 323 John E. M W Statesville NC |James F Steele Verminia Johnson |47 316 i { i | i i - Ma .; \Y . ert i Rohert toa le “ H : . heehee Bisctaaeos celine t e ele | Meé rave>y. A Wie | f f | i Steele Lula FC) Harmony | Bob Patterson | Unk. | i ' fl H i | i t i | i i 4 I I | i {i 4 t | | fl I : | | | | | | | i “ ; | i | | i { | | t BRL Ue INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. = _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C sd a ee les ¢ -U. Indexes Si ” fe, i . sii = Wile ()aietta Aa Taconite CP Ree See ee ee Corre OMT EEAY PIRES Ms 1 COFTOO VIEVERSAL, INDEX Me 1 : a : iloaaae 4 ee | ae : - vU. oe. yright 1930 pape Fe locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL 4 ine « ; € | = : = = oe a eer : mason : = — —— . —— _ : a : . to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page eee and veler Seater ty Zhe Cott Sates Cxppeae. ere 1 4 ie DATE OF DEATH 2 . sat i ; : = a Po , = <a : a Te RR ‘ i SURNAME OF DECEASED s f = ge TE OF DEATH — SS * i | ; fw (am ie iis Gadde aie 6 Ge sex je.or} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [L_SSCOROED a 7 ino tea ME OF DECEASED : is Ta | sam | ae ee a - , : oe sia lieielaiinatan ra iia ees ase eee et eee Io ____— YH) Pom Voor | I ME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | lor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER hae Py t ic 4 + : vn — t i \ | Vol. Page ite a #7 r i. t ; | oe ts 6 10 1d Stegoll J Y “iy | 1 re ! | {192 James Mack tlw | ; Hi Bt Le | i a ge | a 8 Davidson Tns | P Stegoll Lou Byrom 12; 122 {i El A ahi ie Pi } 1935) i | 21) Stegall Addie Bel : | ae | b | { ' _ | i 17 iw | Davidson Tas | Duck worth Rogers |Sarah F Ellison 21; 167 ih. i y ” ' | } | Hy : A 4 i i | | id | | ! — tt | | | ne jn | j r j | | | t it * # : j j | | i i | | ane i i i j o i ii 4 f+ ; ft H j | | i i"? Hh | —+—- | | | i Hae | | | | ih: r ‘| ema + ! i ; 4 ; 4h | | ti f imi | | | | | ae | | | i i a. | j I | “s i 4 4 + e | a | — | » had Hod | ‘i fj nr Ht. THT AE | i } ry iL | | | fi if i »- i Hl | i ie. t nn t 1 i | 7 ' ae : & ? | t i | | er | | a i | i ' 7 Fe i a t | : nome i | | i | | i hae | ! 1 " it | | ma Ts my | 7 ae wn | l He. ied | | i Bl | | | | | | i thie? po i E+ ey, | | | if ai )lUdn ape | | | | 2% bt Bide 6 4 i I 1 FT ~ S Hh ] ; j | f : : ret AT | nee 1 i | ' ties) 6 | | fi yo : ie | | | eid ——— ' 4 eet | + Mihi o | | ) He: 4 va i. 4 { ae Wis | | | aH Bit} t ' | i i | j “ y | i fA |) | | | t ae Wh) He t — l a tie Becks ; ; | ae | | | —____.._ 1926 11 | 10] Stephens George W | MW | Statesville NC |T E Stephens Mary 1 Winters 13) 356 he es | i i | | | ii : Hes t t | . 1 i ay 5 Fl | ’ | : | ities kPOO! 10 | g Stevens | Curtis Lee } M . W |Coddle Creek TnjJ L Stevens Cora Hawks le, 89 es. i 4 fi i i | \ rh) ee a ' t t } | of a 3 . ig me oie a cal Fe j i i ; - 3 bonis he Plt... ’ x | 2g wtlevens L Veorere vi | i WW Mooresville NU James vtevens luary Graham 33 i 64 a | tie OL | 7. | 9 Stephens | Charlie C | Mi tb Mooresville NC | Willia K Stephens Amanda Allen B7 | 427 a Pi | | t haa | 1954 3. |27] Stevens | Vallie F | C | Statesville NC} Alex Nichols Margaret Waddell 38/134 a i | | | ee | | ; g } f 4 7 1 : ary . 2 . i co 1952 | 10112 _Stephens | Marie | F _W {Statesville NC G W Stephens Grace Slane 58 508 at ’ rat oie at ‘i oe mas | | 41952) 11 +44 Stephens ' C.nthia Ann FW Mooresvilie NC | John C. Speers Melinda Painter 38, 553 i | | 1955 2 = Stephens | Baby Boy M |W /Harmony NC James Wylie Stepheng Ella Mae Fox M1 | 1321 iB | ‘ 1 es —.._} 1961) 12 | 19] Ste phens | Grace Slane F W | Statesville John E. “lane Annie “inley 47/630 we! t 7 me itt i | }———+ ei fl | es ee } | my | a | | 1 | ih Seat | | i - - t \ t i ; cdl Ba x 4 } ili h ) j a H ote | Fonensenctene rier eee neers + HY { h | Hi bina * " ws Pa ee sce ise T P \ | { j es : bu 4 _ . | Q ! i 7 s fname nin sl + | ai, } A iit saith ieiiiciinliinnteeinaiii siiihtialiia iii eae va | ; ; a | ir - — a an eee cee " al Ls _ Pett peas | | j sidan ealieitiliiniiitanelidiisiaaiidittetinibdiabnisimins i. ns ae | ™ i 1 ; . hn se | i pn ear ena, ee Rf _ m Fete cetera i a Me oF ; Se = sistas identi sieacelldterdcnaieashiaeliiiaine a ea siisdisalendlllsitpallaiiiehiailamtiia een a a Precise reel stn retnptnsinnnnin } ees | slp secrnncetinleatalbeiin ad im saan bee j sethantes igs Me ix. aaa ae Ma anal cae P : i a di: | i }) ep °*_INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DEATHS —redell Coun, NC arama 1? VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. 23 IR eee) ULMER | For Your Procecton, lnint Ont Bei iets Bull Subd shest for page feforonce Stn, li os cee a LS Te ic | Hy ) | ) aac Ds ae mia ee eee ee ry __DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED | err a pens Billi [wr lumen Tos ee oe ee Se tor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = >= ior | tt | AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE 1S ciVEN Sx Gor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — [;>-——— | ; LF 1924, 11 15] Stewels |Bettie F | C |Statesville NC [Ben Sadler Liddie Tompson 10 | 382 2924 & £7)Stevenson \Theodore R MC |Coddle Creek tniwm J stevenson Hager Phifer 1) 92 4 4 yo 5 | 15] Stevenson Mattie Lee F |W [Statesville Tns|Jonn w Stevenson Catherine Lippard 1, 472 wee ta | | __ pe 6 _| 4) Stephenson Annette C |F. W [Statesville N Clyohn crocker Van Gelder 1 490 : i Lie ty 6 17) Stevenson William Robert | xy Statesville Tns|James E Stevenson |Elizabeth ¢ Alexandeq 1 502 | | LHe pe 1914; 6 29) Stevenson ,Perlina F W Concord fns Auther Neely Perlina j 1, 124 . : Ue 49s | 8 8 Stevenson Eliza | Fc |chambersburg ta bicHenry | i 2. 48 : if " | ee Le | £54Stevenson -Deomster | M iC IStatesville Ins David Stevenson Mary Westmoreland 2. 368 Me ip : j Ue | | ____ 4496) | 6) Stevenson Mary Jane F | C |Bethany tTns a Stevenson [Sallie Belle Watt | 3 3 i. ; H | i i 4 | len | 4 15|Stevenson Samuel W | ¥ IMooresville N CiSidney Stevenson Elizabeth McFarland 3. 69 Lh ! } Lt Ly | eee 6 24) Stevenson Virginia Pe coo oprings Tn|J Stevenson f Reele 3. 43 L. } i 4 1935. 8 lo|Stikes Troy W | MW {Statesville NC jJim Stikes Fernil Foster No 368 ARG 12 24 Stephenson Mabel | PO i¢ eee Nc nave Stephenson iweggie Summers 3. 305 tee : i \4 i : AT) 10) Stephenson Jane Selinger . FW aon sville ndeces Stephenson Isumpie 4,265] ge) i Heil 1. ! 918} 1 | 301 Stephenson Adeline Bone . F iW Istatesvitie ¢ |yames Bone Eliza Gunn 44 | 117 H ! th l 8!) 2 LL 7EStephenson Sarah Jane . 3:8 |statesville Tns Peter Stephenson Nora Canady 4a, 294 I it Te 41918, 3 13) Stevenson Maggie | F.C |Statesville N C|Farlate stevenson - 4A 145 it 4 | . 41918 | _5 26}Stevenson Louis | hi. C [Statesville N CjLee James - 4a 159} He > | i219 2 |19}Stevenson Dan | C [Statesville N C Dan Stevenson - 5. 247 I 41919, 12 .291Stephenson Caroline F.C {Statesville N Cc iBen Tuck - 5 | 2115 - . - 1 | i { 11920. 1 /13)Stevenson Sam | \. C [Bethany Tns Mike Stevenson Mollie Beard 6. 554 Uae | | | $1920, 5 | 4)Stevenson Troy i C jStatesville Tns [Will Stevenson Queen Sharpe 6 272 tn ‘ 1927, 12 13/Still1 ‘Thomas William | mM Statesville NC jaAllan Still ~ 14 331 1921, 4 10/Stevenson ‘Lewis F | M W {Concord Tns Thomas Stevenson L Harris 7: 226 A 1961 9 16 Stills | “arl McArthur Statesville NC |Cerl Curtis Stills Cora “hipley 47/ 436 11921 | 9 241Stevenson | ~ | F . W Shiloh Tns W oJ Stevenson Nanie Moore 7.1273 ne i ‘ i922 2 .10)Stevenson Quincy Adams Vv W Statesville Nc Adams Stephenson iLecetta Miller 7 | 532 ‘i , 4 | aeee | 4 9}Stevenson Alexander M_ _C [Statesville Tns |Julice Stevenson Robina Alexander 7 300 Ki Y | i lig2e | _6 (30 Stevenson James A kW [Statesville N C |James Stevenson ig Samphe 7 569 1 iH | nee 7 (29Stevenson |Elizabeth C FW jConcord Tn Levy Alexander Hannah Lewis 8 270 | 4 2 \ eas! 3 ,20|Stevenson 50 M,C [Statesville NC - parah Stevenson 9, 405 Ar } t } ' } 1923. 6 lan ti sanann - M W Concord Tns Cloyd Stevenson Mildred Hedrick 9 | 240 4 ty _ t | 1923 | _2 | 4\Stevenson \Mildred H F | W [Concord Tns iL E Hedrick Ktta Shuford 9 | 247 i 45 | Bit ai ~ - . ; 1824) 2 113 /stevenson Joe Lee MC Statesville N C Wohn Stevenson wcquila Colbert 2 | 48) 5 bi ah 1935| 7 29 Stillwell | : ui hooreaviiie Ne biesiey B Stillwell Peer Nadine Yolick 1 | 226 : 1925! 1 113 |stevenson (Catherine F |W [Statesville tas Lippara Little i br | aas | ih r - | fou | 2 {4 |stillwell Ewal Alexander |M [w Bavideon “o JE A Stillwell Adéa Thompson __—*.27|_ 62 - 2 Bx ii aan ly R M_| W |Statesville N CW C Stevenson Sallie Matherm _ hl | 326 A i | | | ‘ : L $1942) 11 \17 Stilwell Marvin Wesley [M_ \W Statesville NC jJohn Stilwell Charity Wilson 428) 410 at. 12]Stevenson taste Elizabeth | F | C [Chambersburg Tn |W M Stevenson has Stevenson Dl, 38] 7 Rt ae * 946 2 /S1|Stillmel2 Williem Henry Iu iW flooresy ile NG | John Stillwell | Mery Jeckson __ 32/| 210 i 925| 12 | 9lsteveson ie Mike M | C |Statesville N C [Fielding Bailey aroline Steveson hi) 399 | Hy f 41981; 8 16 }stiiwea2 Addie Thompson | F | W |trede12 county | Walter Shompson | Mollie Grahem __|37| 445 ites! 1 las|stevenson [yon wittian |u| w [Statesvinie tn penn Stevenson. Sorg_——______hz j 350 | f ___ 952 1 13 | Stilwell _j| Lillie Bureta | F |W | Davidson MC _Frank Mayhew fj Mary Hart | | 38 27 1927) 2 | Sistevenson Junius Gustave |M |W istatesville Tns Wohn F Stevenson aroha Hoyle _ h3 | 500 | _ i J+ 960) © {8 [St ilweli j. romet Pocose 1% 18 [otateovilie:. ‘Hie, 2. See eels Peres te 1927| 3 |20|stevenson _|Martha A White | F | wW [Shiloh tns lvohn A White Plerissa Danner _—ig | 309 wen 64 § St anal ee MLW | Mooresville th Sti iwel. Sadie t Staltwedl}51[322_ £4|Stephenson _|Baxter M (Mrs) | F | W Statesville N C Mumphery B Lazenby #lizabeth Tomlinson | aaa | er Por ae 4 ———-—---— 3 LO[Stevenson _—_— [Hattie A F_| C Statesville Tns felix Stevenson _— Mary Kestier 3. 52 ’ Pe et Me ee ———~ - m icles ‘ . a 17 IStevenson Inc M W btareoviaae NC ames Stevenson —_—. idei 8 Ss bi: wal ze Re te rth. Stentor tate eer ety SRE ITNT LAE 9 So linginBa ty rete cy 7 et F ¥ = paensoeonetiecesaiasaniocaoali Se TE og eile 26 _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ eee —_ ail a ___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS ~ Iredell County, N. C 7 eT Lt Baal | Tt tts locate » pares COTTCO UNIVERSAL, INDEX iia fo "Pateat No 1saTi6 2 ie Te icate samen, open — Mae by The Gott index Company, Cab, Ohi a |! - " iL i a cm | ga x v ove 1s ave Tee eee en ee — “y “3c Ano CaN Mie "1 acen Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — ; it Ti 1928; 1 |11)Stevenson [Maggie F | C [Statesville Tns iLee Simonton Annie Bell 14) 551 ee wee) 12 | 27] Stevenson Baxter Francis | y , W |] Statesville NC {John w Stevenson Francis Austin 26 483 I la 4 4 } 41928) 1 14] Stevenson | - M | C [Chambersburg Tn |John Stevenson Pamie Hayse a4) 27 a “2 @psemeas ‘aces M.._¢ | Chambersburg Tnl William Stevenson Sarah Steele 20,40 i dt LL fl 1928, 1 |25)Stevenson Robert M | C |Chambersburg Tn |Sam Stevenson : 14, 30 oho 2} Stevenson -Mittie | F.C | Bethany Tn Henry Stevenson Eliza Calvert ay ih : ra i 1928, 4 | 6|Stevenson Queenie F , C {Statesville N CjPomp Sharpe Mattie Keaton 14. 385 2h 4 | 1OUStevenson George Henry | i ¢ Ista ville NC [Noah Kennedy Nora Kennedy 27: 283 de il 1928. 4 |30]Stevenson ~ F | W [Statesville N C iEarnest Stevenson Alice Smith 14 405 eo 2 1941) 7 | 2eiStevenson Gilbert | \ C err in io tek aaa ee le 27. |: i Hi 1928) 11 3) Stevenson |Henry M §C [Statesville N C|Charlie Stevenson Mary Barkley 14 495 1942 6 17 [Stevenson George W Mi lon amber sburg oe Stevenson Ellen Clark es 19 | i Hi 1929) 1 | 231Stevenson ‘Henry L M W {Concord Tn James E Stevenson Elizabeth Alexander [15 107 ee 942 10 (29 Btevenson Ellen Clark | Cc Scie urg | ees 5 bg 28 ia 4 i | 1929' 4 | 6/Stevenson Joel F M |W jShiloh Tn Fargas Stevenson - 15 | 352 __f9k2 | 5 __27 Stevenson mac zie | ro be icetcichd st Tns |Luke Campbell : 28. 149 | ie | | ih Ll 1929, 11 11/Stevenson 'Wm Anderson M C Chambersburg Tn jRichard Stevenson Eliza Henderson 16, 45 a 1942! 7 |6 [Stevenson Edith ! ric Sesdiccichiss a ee isi wc Se acuie bg 3.6 | \ 0a L Mil 1929 11 14/Stevenson \Wm Anderson M _C jChambersburg Tn Richard Stevenson Eliza MeHendren 18 . 20 | es 28 | Stevenson John Wesley | Mic betisiatt iis nc {P Stevenson a 29 242 1, | i | H | 1929; 12 }22)8 stevenson |\Elizabeth F |W §Shiloh Tn J AS MacFarland Caroline Sumpter 15 367 me 1943. 8 (31])Stevenson Deve M oC [Stotesville MG Pao pence den Rene Lazenby 29 353 7 | H | 1930 1 3 asaveinaie Henry M | C |Bethany Tns Frank ,Stevenson - 16 23 | a 1943.10 11 Btevenson amey | F ic [onomorebure Tndalfred Stockton Serclins Gsrr £9. 424] mest) h 1930, 7 liStevenson ,Roumania F | C jChambersburg Tn /Charlie Alexander Amy Summers 16) 54 P1944) 2. 19 IStevenson Harvey Leonerd | uw ly Olin, N.¢, Seorge B Btevenenn Laure Tyes 30. 99 h 4 f 44 | 1931 3 16/Stevenson ‘Ruth r F C jStatesville N C|Julius Ramseur Julia Boyd 17 349 aaa op 2 IStevenson Mamie Blvire | FOX | Statesville Nc Lz & Presaly L eal med ih. i WT Ma ; tt ss | 1932, 1 28/Stevenson 'Caston M | C {Statesville Tns Charlie Stevenson Mary Barkley 18 533 _____fie44 12 30 Btevenson Mary Lucille | zi | rreae1 County Charles Stevenson Miary E barkley 50. 483 i | i 4 | 1932, 2 16)Stevenson AW M | W {Shiloh Tas Jas H Stevenson Mary McFarland 18 | 260 ____—____ f1945 | 9 (28 iStevenson William B iM .C [Statesville NC [ohn Stevenson Jessie Dunlap ol . 386 {i i | a J i rit Bp oe Stevenson Sarah 4 #48 adi oh tee pia therson - 18. aos | So Bess | t0 | 6 beteven con John M .€ [Statesville NE fest Stevenson Iieggie Simonton Sl. 412 | il ‘ hte 1 1 1932 5 |28/Stevenson \George M | W [Statesville N C |Walter Stevenson Blanch MeLein 18 | 343 —__—_——41945.12 29 [tevenson Florence Leigh | FW (Poncord Tns WiC McLelland Blizabeth Morrison 1. 476 il Li , 4 || 12932) 8 (31) Stevenson Maud F | C |Statesville Tns jRude King Emma Lackey 18 | 573 —__—__}1946 7 | 28) stevenson Cordelia F | C [bethany Tns Henry “tevenson Hliza Colbert 32, 261 i 1! } . 1 | 1933; 5 ‘16 Stevenson lesentte M | C [Statesville N CiJohn W Stevenson Quella Colbert 19 | 314 —______41946 9 11] Stevenson _Martha aveline | C | Stetesville NC | Lee Clerk sliza Summers 32, 370} L 1 1934, 4 20/Stevenson Laura Lee F | W jOlin Ths Wickley Tayes cassie Clare 20 | 264 ite h949| 7' 91 stevenson Edna Ruth F .W | Statesville NC| John A Hedrick Pattie Williams 33.325 | i i, | 1934, 6 | 7|Stevenson ‘Mammie F | € jChambersburg Tn Quince Houpe fina Morrison _ 20 | 31 1947 5 31] Stevenson Annie Belle FO ffredell County Wames Stevenson Virginia Horton 23 1339 i Hf 4 1984 6 |10)Stevenson ‘Benjamin M | C [Statesville Tns |Fielder Bailey (Caroline Morrison 20 | 591 ———}1945 12 | 6stevenson ibe Co MC WStatesvilue Nu foam stevenson nena Lasenby 331594 iH | II 1934 | 12 . 1)Stephenson ‘Baxter Malone M | W [Statesville N C {Richard Stephenson jfAmanda Patterson r° 531 —____} 1948 12 & Stevenson tie ptatesville NC John Caldwell Mary Setzer #544 i i | {| 1935, 7 25/)Stevenson | - M | C {Statesville NC Rodney Stevenson jKelen Hardy jel 500 = << 1949, 7 19 | Stevenson _Clarence JVonald| WM W | Statesville NY TL C Stevenson Mattie & Stevenson 35, 284) i se ih ‘ 1985, 8 tae Stevenson Leonard M | Bethany Tn Daniel Stevenson paliie Belle Watt EA. 8 ~~ $1949) 1 116 iStevens:n 5 M,C} Stetesville Will Stevenson Vera Sharpe $5 1554 Ib ie — 1935 | le {Ad Stevenson a Jane F W jFallstown Tn Billy Moore aR ea 218 951 | 3 25 | Stephenson _dJanice ee. otetesville Nv | Joseph W otephenson fideline Sone B7 175 4 ; r.. | _ $1936; 1 | 7iStephenson Joseph Clarence! M | W Statesville N C Joseph Stevenson len Bone _ a ke | 359 L952 | _ 27 | Stevenson Sallie Rayle F W{|Statesville NC | J A Rayle Rhoda M MeMicheal B7 345 a! i uy iE 11936; 2 | 8|Stevenson Bill 4M C |Fallstowns Tns Joe Stevenson Zulpha Stevenson ‘i. 138 1952, 2 _ 2 | Stevenson _ George Rufus M_| Ww Ulin NC William stevenson mary Rufsy 28| 2 i i i 41936) 2 {34 Stevenson Alice F | C [Statesville Tons} ~ selec sidb cig glia pb did ee | 589. 11952) 4 [12 |Stevenson ‘Mary Ada F | @ |stztesville Sc [Hope Barkley se iites al sill i ; i 1 || 1936! 9 128 Stevenson Martha Eleanor | F ! W [Concord Ths Joseph Mk Stevenson Margaret McEntire | lee 95 1954, 1 32 | |Stevenson Alfred M © |Statesville Unknown Mary Jane McKee 40) 9F uy Tl } 1937) 2. 29 Stevenson jeary. Henry _ Mi | ¥. [Stateavinie N. ¢ Henry 41. Stevenson fiaven Baker RS | BOS | 2954127. Stevenson Martha Ann FW [Mooresville Thomas Hourie _ Alice Pennagar _ hO| 46 | | ri 1 , 1937) 1 0 Stevenson Eliza volbert | F | c [Bethany tns _ elson Colbert Harriet Colbert ea | 14 ~~} 1954 8 br Btevenson | Carnelia F (.C | Statesville NC | Henry Stevenson Eliza Stevenson BO | 205 si it i; | , 42937 4 |21)Stevenson _— {William Jr_ }-Mj| C [Statesville N C [William Stevenson [syivia Stevenson _ 23 | 351. hos, 6 | 22 Stevenson _| Maggie Dean F C | Statesville NC} Henry Dean Unknown | 40 287 it i i T He { a 42997 | 28 120 }Stevenson Walter A | M |W Statesville N ¢ wing Stevenson _—« [Elizabeth Alsen ee 23 | 490 | 11954) 6 | 1g} Stevenson _| Margaret Amandal| F | W [Statesville NC | Joseph M Stevenson © | Margaret McIntosh |4a 268 th i He | 1938| 1 |28/Stevenson __jHarvey Leonard | M | W [Statesville NC jurel R Stevenson | bettie Hedrick __-B4| 291 | 19549 _| 24 Stevenson | David Lonnie M {|W |] Statesville NC | John W Stevenson M, Catherine Lucky [0 | 425 i I; | | HF $888) A 480 iStevenson John & 4M} © Chambersburg tn beorge W Stevenson — fiden. Cham te pa | a 2955/5 | 20] Stevenson _ Amanda F | © [Statesville NC |Hiram Allison Matilda Clark 4a, 208] {| i | Hf _|1939| 1 |a}stevenson __|rache2 gana M -FjW {Concord Ta |W BMoLeliend —_|utzzie 2 Adams 25/57 | 1955] 6 [10] stevenson | Junius Leroy | M | W | Statesville NC] J Harvey Stevenson MMar y McFarland — 4} 272 | it : t i | 1959| 6 15}Stevenson |Maggie Mae =| F | W [seatcansiie tn fa F Stevenson _ __|€ora Lee Harkey 25 | 485 ae ) oes. a Stevenson Thimothy M_ | © [Statesville NC [Henry Stevenson Eliza Colbert | | Hl it aan 8 ocovenees Rovere Hoyle | ct ne Frank L Stevenson JAliee MoLellana _‘|25| seo] -* Sea, bak ie | Baby Boy _@ | Statesville Nc vis ES illite occa |: il Gi | ead sea ta tad )cSAaa Tt ion} v4 sI8e4 Ash mth " Aa un ern COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day . 1956 2 5 | Stevenson Mm 0956) 4 |24 | stevenson | j ia ‘| 2 24 Stevenson | Hai i. al 1957. 6 19}Stevenson bi | 1957 10 28/Stevenson i thd El 1957 10 28)Stevenson ant 1958 7 4 Stevenson hy in bib bet | n9S58 10 ?8 Btevenson Ly | ; a | ; ‘ * |! ee +h 1958 12 5 |Stevenson eT , i | 1959 6 1d Stevenson : ¥ ; ha 1 1959 7 14] Stevenson j lJ 1959 8 28/Stevenson ii io 1 1960 2 19} Stevenson a. 4 1960 5 10/Stevenson ee W . f : i n ' | j se. Hi | L960 12 30] Stevenson Pike yy | We | 1961 #7 '31 ptevenson mii} ed We ~Bi| P961 5 19 Stevenson nae 4 1961 9 2 Stevenson Hie) b he 1961 9 211Stevenson He + 1962 6 2 Stevenson 4 ils 1962 6 16 'tevenson atte FB aE . + } ‘ >: : i 1962. 12 30]Stevenson OH ae | mist 4 ae 1963 1 5] Stevenson et } te iL 1963, 3 10}Stevenson eH Ue ; I ae 1963 9 22) Stevenson 1963 10 10 Btevenson 1963 12 2 {Stevenson 1963 12 |30] Stevenson 1964 7 2]Stevenson ¥ | 1964 11 | 244 Stevenson oe Pp - encwemente: IB}| f2965 10 16] Stevenson + | i, rw ‘ qf, ee ene erase . ; \. iiacialaacit } iinienaleiding -+- $F ~ f item entishhieeinnian wr ig SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Margaret Reid Stamey Shuford Amanda Robert R Lewis W. Thomas May Fay Gearge Robert Jacquelyn L. Martha Charles ¢ Clay Wesley Aquille Mary Lucille William Angelo Robert L, Lorne C. Del} hia Jule Bertha Mae Michael Janie Lucille John John Ralph Glenn To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH a W ptatesville NC Mi W | Statesvilie FW | Statesville FW [Statesville M W |Statesville FC | umersburg M _W } Statesville M Wi} Statesville M ¥ Istatesville nc Fi C fOlin Rt i M _ Wy Raleigh Nc F C |Statesville F C | Statesville M C Statesville M W | Statesville F C/| Statesville F W Maiden, N. c, M C |Statesville NC M C | Oteen M | W Statesville M W Stateeviile Fy otatesville M C Statesville F W Statesville M Cj Statesville F | W | Statesville F; Cc Statesville M W {Statesville M W] Statesville M a2 Statesville M | Ww Statesville i | \ Lee ha W Me NAME OF FATHER son John LC Stevenson James A. Reid Frank Stevenson J L Stevenson Louis F Stevenson Uhe Will Stevenson Robert L Stevenson Burgess A. Bailey James Stevenson Geerge R. Stevenson Jessie Star Junius © Stevenson Unknown ~“tevenson Charles A Stevenson Joseph C § teven son Geo. W Stevenson Unk. Rufus Patt erson Car] Garner Abner W ~teven son Midvers L Stevenson Wm. Stevenson Henry L Stevenson | John D. Stevenson hargaret P, Carriker 5 This Signature on sheets insures t Reg. U.8.Pat.o¢. ( For Your Protection, NAME OF MOTHER William = Catherine Lippard he | 68 Mattie E Stevenson [2 /| 192 w3 | 31 Caroline Ward 43 280 Candas McLelland 45 482 a 43 561 Amanda Stevenson 44 366 | Fauline E Cheshire 44 530 - - 44 628 | Vera Sharpe 45 517 | Ccra L Harkey 45 454 Sallie B Stevenson | 45 414 Dovie Keaton 46 114 Eliza Stevenson 46 287 Laura Tayes 46 768 Anna Reid 47 375 Margaret A Stevenson 47 324 Mary Stevenson 47 430 Georgia Stevenson | 47 562 “nknown 48 355 Kathleen Munday 48 353 Isabelle Litt le 4.8 | 677 ‘llen Clark Ww 19 Unk. 49 148 Sallie B Stevenson [49 552 Deliloah Alexander 49 587 imma tickert 49 |675 Martha A White 49 | 741 Hae Campbell | 50 | 384 Sylvia Chamber s 50, 685 Mamie E Pressly 54 590 iii aie Ce < sail alepuncniiallasihtien | P +~ i heir correctness, Insist On It. RECORDED Vol. Page ee INDEX TO VITAL STA NIVERSAL INDEX Ne. a u.5. Patent Ne. LESTE —Chpeetens Z —-ao Yoar a Month | Day 11913; 11 | 7 Stewart a }igi4: 5 (10) Stewart ee i 11915) 4 |20)Stewart a 11915, 10 15] Stewart —_— peat 2 12)/Stewart g 1917' 3 Si Stewart : $1917, 3 1l2iSteward . $1917, 6 . SiStewart ; 11917) 6 91 Stewart eo 41917, 6 l1iStewart gs) 6 Stewart 32929 | 6 22iStewart 41919, 9 17/Stewart 920) 2 1a Stuart i920} 3 17] Stewart ____}ig20, 11 3)Stewart ___faser 4 15)Stewart ___fasea 4 (23|Stewart Filed _____ $1921) 8 13]Stewart 1921; 10 18] Stewart g22| 1 30] stewart ji9z2| 3 22 Stewart see) 10 (15]/Stuarda 1922, 12 (24|stewart — 1923 10_| 4]/Stewart 1923 11 [27|stewart 1924/1 |18|Stewart 1924) 11 len Stewart | n925| 1 |30|stewart 2925 9 |26 Steward 1925) 12 31 Stewart _ 926/ 1 {17|Stewart _ 1926! 4 (23 Stewart ee" 1926. 5 | 6)Stewart . 1926| 6 (22istewart on Jisz6| 9 |zolstewart £7) 1 |24|Stewart 19 |Stewart i 21) Stewart ae ~ 928| 6 | 25/Stewart pickin MM td. | i ao } } { SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 'Jane _Emma Sig Bernice Revere wary Pauline Mary C iGeorge \ Ralph Eugene Thomas a id R Charles 3 James F Obey Ruth Carl E Boney ‘Mabel Eddie Ernest L ‘Thomas Avery \Aparnia G iWilliam W Aveline |Sarah Elizabeth _|Nevada |Mildred \Sarah Elizabeth |Dupart Flake {Sallie jThomas D Jr Berri ett Byers SW A Emanuel ~~ N. - 4 W ) vi W oO W o to Buff Sub-Inde PLACE OF DEATH t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Shiloh Tns Davidson Tns Mooresville NC Statesville NC i i ih t a 1S ooresville N hiloh Tns IStatesville N iShiloh i Shiloh Davidson Tn Shiloh Davidson [ns Statesville N n Davidson Tns Statesville N Shiloh Tns m in IShiloh Tn iDavidson Tns Shiloh Th Mooresville N Tns Davidson Tns Shiloh Tn Shiloh Tn Shiloh Tn Shiloh Tn Bhiloh Tns Shiloh Tns Shiloh Tns (CON) n oO C Coddle Creek Tn C Statesville NC Statesville Tns Statesville Tns Statesville Tns Statesville [ns x sheet for page reference. U iThoma § \Bonna iC B Stewart | | I |Charles A Stewart i} H i | \Hewey jBenjamine Stewart iT om Stewart iCharles David C Silas Thomas NAME. OF FATHER Milton Waugh James Stewart B Stewart ls R Stewart J Stuart Richard Stewart Mose Stewart Bonnie Stewart T Fry T A Stewart Ross Stewart Hewell Stewart WM Miller Moses Stewart T D Stewart T D Stewart M L Gantt E P Stewart i D Stewart S J Stewart jy F Stewart IHenry Harris ir D Stewart Sr Hiram Byers Benton Stewart __ William Stewart Stewart Stewart Stikeleather Steward Stewart Stewart mw fAlexander | mot, ee TISTICS — - DEATHS — lredell County, N. 2 si lnonte Rames, open at 28 ee M di b "The Cott laden Company, Coinun, Ohio Sold b De Gianeear Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Louise Honeycutt Ida Holtsclaw Ruth Wooten Ella Moose jStikeleather Martha Wood jada B Young Ada Belle Young Mary Alexander Rosa Morrow Eliza Noose Ella Yount Calie Sebastian Adda B Young hit nnice Nail Lula Stewart iC Stewart Stewart Bessie Stuard Betsey Allen Mary Watts Lucella McLaughlin Linney Neill Jessie Dagenhart Jessie Dagenhart Ida Steward Malinda Fry | _pessie Dagenhart Florence Rimmer _ susan Plott Wessie Dagenhart tenis Knhe :.: _ldohastor-_ L0ra Breve 5: Francis Sigmond RECORDED Vol. Page 1. 351 1. 268 2, 106 2, 354 4 50 | 4 455 | 4 375 | 4. 462 | 4 463 4 464 5 268 5 269 5 | 274 6 254 6 291 6 138 7 138 7 139 7 402 7 293 8 131] 8 135 8 217i 8 159 9 166 9 224 10. 90 ho | 391} a1 | 474 | 21 | 108 | 12 | 284 | he | £86 | he | 374 | h2 | 301 he | 412 he | 312 bs | ise 13 228 4 a An n e fe o ez en ivi di n o e n s d i p a as ; \ _ ae s - r — a 8 eB STI, uneciael —- a COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ‘ei i ies ik ices : at SURNAME INITIAL TAB 2 ref COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 : : U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1939 Tr locate pames, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB end veler THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Obio Keg. V.8. Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. sete enone S&-Copyright 1930 a *e Bull Sub-Index sheet for page reference. eee ‘ : eave OF BEATA SURNAME OF DECEASE | DATE OF DEATH a RECORDED f . DECEASED ‘ | RECORDED laa To oe o Deceamn Sex | Gor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME-OF MOTHER = === og gre AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Ss COLOR) PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Tp] vali : 1 % M i ii # ee i * $ , a 3 1928, 8 17/Stewart |Benjamin i | W IShiloh Tas J Ross Stewart Betty Allen 14 p95 +116 | Stewart ; dohn Preston \ Mooresville NC | William Stewart |Eana Waugh | 37, 40) Pa g et e z + a a= 2 ha n g e r s 1928. Stewart |Naney C ! Turnersburg | Elie Sebatian Wood . 14 | eg 19547 30) veers h etatesville NC Melvin Stewart \Bertha Collins (38 426 | 1929, 23) Stewart Madge | C |Statesville WA Stewart Lula Cuminghan | ss fngs2, 12 21] Staart Flow Eliz. W \Mooresville NC John Le Stuart Cora Mae White 58 621 cewvillea Ne Lesville NU 5] Stewart \V_R (Mrs) | IStatesville Jas Miller Laura Hartsell 5 i 46 1953, 4 15 ‘ otewart vamuel J m1 8 iStrts Benjamin Stewart Eliza Moose 39 164 — ea d g e e e s oe ies aie Statesville N Ee is 1953, 10 6 | otewart tharles Burgan etony Foint NC | Hosey B Stewart Bacra Addlia otewertp9 508 | p) Stewart ig M , | Statesville N CjJ H Stewart Ellen Plyler | 42 41955, 12 19 | Stewart Harry Glenn Mi W Newton, N.C. Janes k Stewart Hula May Bynum 41 58 Stewart Florence B Shiloh Tns J M Rimmer Sally Parker | 2 41955, 1 8 |Stewart Robert J C Swannanoa NC Robert J Stewart Sr Ossie F Holman 41 | 1535 RR « Stewart William x i | W [Coddle Creek Tn|Will Stewart - | 1955, 5 il Stewart baby Boy MC Mooresville NC wugene Stewart Bernice Beatty el 227 4 1955 6 26/|Stewart lella Felt: in i | Mooresville NC! Thomas Felts Jane Howard 41 253 Westmoreland / Stewart \Blake H | W [Statesville N Cig F Stewart Lola Byers 0 467 | : 1955 9, 6\Stewart (Stillvorn) / Mooresville NG audrey voris Stewart Pauline Cerolgn/ 41 428 Stewart _Matoka Caleen Statesville N CiChas F Stewart Renretta Honeycutt # Stewart ;Ruthie Bell _W [Mooresville N CiRoss Stewart Vassie M Sigmon 1956 19 npeet® : - o ee ford stewart ee <4 Stewart .T Dalton i | W [Statesville N Clavery Stewart Dorcus Stewart 1956, 18 Stewart OYCO ANN i M40 \ G Brady Lee Jtewart |Shirley S3rown a, 82 Stewart Eliza M |W |Shiloh gp Pink Moose Mina Parker | a 8956 | pert bessie Lee C Moores C James Stewart Ida Holtsclaw 2, 78] Stewart iMary & _ W |Shiloh Tm A F Johnson Betty Hodgins ! | 1956 34 Stewar b3 FC} Mooresville tucene Stewart Bernice Bailey 21 2735 Stewart 'John F ‘| Fallstown Tn Elehue Stewart a 1956 9 {3 | Stewart kmah Alvin M W Statesville NC WH Stewart Sarah Gant (42 kek | Stewart |John Anderson Shiloh Tns William Henry Stewar{ Johnson | 1957. 1 9 | Stewart Wm. Walter M §oW Mooresville Robert Stewart Mageline Owens ) 43. 21 | Stewart |J Henry | W [Statesville W W Stewart C Stikeleather i ; 1958 83S 30 \Stewart ] C Mooresville Audrey Stewart Pavline Beatty 44 156 Stewart | Peggy Ann | W {Statesville Chas F Stewart Henrietta Honeycutt 2 | 58 me. 988, 5 |S | Stewart Ora lbricht F : reanton NC David fulbright | Sarah Fulp | 44 250 | | = Stewart Caroline M | W [Statesville Carl Clark Edith Stewart | cs ese C6 UC 13 Stewart W Mooresville Glenn E Stewart Harriet B Rhodes 44 S25 i i Stewart |Emily Powell | Statesville N CjWilliam H Powell Sallie Ijames i a 1958 | | Stewart | Willie M, C Salisbury - Bessie Stewart | 44 492 | i" ti i a t a i e a a a l e | Stewart [Meek Glenn | Statesville Nc mM M Stewart ones McL ee 959 Stewart Relph Odell { 4 Mooresville _ Tom Stewart | Cora Walker a die Mitchell bon 11959 Stewart , John Clayton > Mooresville Bessie Stewart Stewart Doris Rae Statesville NC b A Stewart Stewart | Edward Fletcher, Shiloh Tn W W Stewart Glemmeon Stikeleathe 2 $1959 | _ 9 [Stewart | dda Gertrude | F - Mooresville | Rouch Bailey |Bessie Stewart Stewart | Nannie Cool Spring Tn ,Emmus Carson : Harriet Hayes _ 0. ead p95 9 Stewart Conrad Eugene | M W Statesville J. Henry Stewart | Tda Eller } Stewart |Abner Roscoe i | W |Statesville NC [J H Stewart Ida Eller 322 * ps9 Stewart - |* |°.| Mooresville | : ee rr i Stewart Lora Wood Mooresville NC Walter Wood ____] Anna Patterson 42’ . 1960 | Stewart _ Vassie Sigmon | F W Mooresville _ Jacob Sigmon | Fannie Abernathy 46 350 ] 22 14 Stewart Jessie Dagenhardt F | Statesville NC [Emanuel Dagenhardt | Elizabeth Carter | a _f960 Stewart Linda | FC Mooresville Audrey Stewart | Pauline Stewart | 46 420) f j I} i Stewart Fannie Elizabeth] F | Btatesville NC Mohn Wilhelm Wary Jane Steele __ ; _p962 | l= 6 Stewart _ Oran Avery _ MW Statesville | Thomas A. Stewart | Yerceas Stewart 47 21 | Stewert Evelyn Bisher | F Mooresville Nc |- “ae | | 1961 2 20 |stewart Willa D. FC Mooresville Nc_ - | “orethy J Stewart | 47 73 h 1 j ‘i | 1962 5 16) Stewart Robert S. W Statesville | Frank J. Stewart | S&lizabeth Manypenniy 4B 271 Stewart Ruby Dene F en el l a e c a h e m r e ce n a ee ee ea e ae Stewart Pe iM pp #Statesville NC [Williem w Stewart _ pothleen Teaster. Ce e Stewart _—«sfLemont ——™ LM | ¢ [Mooresville NC Edd Stewart _ ___|Plirtie Stewert __|31|_15¢ san 1963 | 2 112 IStewart Robert C. | W Statesville | dYohn Stewart iNaomi Watts 49 92 2 10 Stewart Bertha Mae | F | W iStatesville | Unk «| | Unk. He | 48 25 6 pa p a es e ate t e se a Sa n i aa Stewart Carroll D, | M/ W | Statesville |} vames A Stewart Cora fulbright 49 i ' } ee a e e t i e e e ee ' es x = 1 — | t | ae B {Stewart —..;Augustus G | M | W {Mooresville NC /wlihew Stewart we searesinaencnnnanneey sellers Ceroline Kerr ee 1963 9 11) Stewart | Thomas | W | Statesville | Ben Stewart Liza Moose 49 528 p3 Btewart | Charles Atwell | M_ W_Bhiloh i de fiiilian W Stewart Sila as cabs pe | 1963) 9 8 Stewart | Geo rge | W | Stat esville . Ben Stewart Liza Moose 49 $23 1963 9 | 7| Stewart | James _ W) Statesville | Jones A Stewart Cora Fulbright 49 521 #5tewart | Naomi Watts. IF potatesvidle NC fwitiian watts | ia] eikptc alae ae c e a i e n l i t t e e r m a e s m n a n e l i e : ea nn ne a r n e s s -Prewart.___| Mary J Lollar | F |W [tatesvilie Nc | Jacob loller di Uabisen 35] 146) -—/—~_ 1963) 12 17 | stewara | Gary oot b= eo ean Camere Fee 238 Shiloh Tos | Avner Stewart Busan Goble aero) Rf 2965) 22 | 27 ccewart Bertie Statesville | Lee Travis Irene Byers 69 752 liana } 6.) Stewart. imothy Marvin [M/W I Statesville NC sna | Stewart Ida | Statesville nen Ee Selena Stewart 50, 527] pticneessteial = rr " Frente ee i i ’ | __Busen Darcus oe ame a re oe el tants Aisi Dasrentiaennedifeenondae ae?) tie Be 28 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. se reuseng APEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — redell County, N.C . . a DEATH | ; ie i : h Le —_ oe ee SE EAD Sex Cole | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oe 3 — — re son comnat aae ee a Sex cook) PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER =| — NAME OF MOTHER | ae ee | | ae eT | I ‘ ‘ ; f : ' he ft 1926) 8 17/Stewart | Benjamin M | W [Shiloh Tas J Ross Stewart Betty Allen a44' 605i — 2 #951 +116. | Stewart }JOhn Preston | } “ |Mooresville NC | William Stewart |Eama Waugh 4.27 Le ii Le 1928, 9 | 20) Stewart |Nanecy C F | W /Tarnersburg: Ins|Elie Sebatian Wood 14. 628 : 325.1952 7 30) Se |M | W | Statesville NCiMelvin Stewart lpartha Collins 38 426 if if Hh it 1929, 5 23) Stewart \Madge FC |Stetesville N CjW A Stewart Lula Cuminghan 15 | 455 : 42952) 12 aa Staart Plow Eliz. F W (Mooresville NC |John L+ Stuart Cora Mae White 38 621 dH 1929, 6 25) Stewart .V_R (Mrs) F | W jStatesville N CiJas Miller laura Hartsell 15 | 469 : $2953, 4 45 . sence samuel J MW (St: tesville Nec Benjamin Stewart Lliza Moose a9 164 # al 1929, 10 | 29/ Stewart \Mar tha F | ¢ |Statesville Nc - : 15 | 523 | po 42722| 20 | © ~roers pharles Burgan |M | Ww | Stony Point NC |Hosey B Stewart davra Addlia otewartp9 508 | i : | H | 1931 9 2p) Stewart iJ M M | W [Statesville N CiJ H Stewart Ellen Plyler 17) 423 = 1955; 12 19 | Stewart Harry Glenn M W Newton, N.C, James k Stewart Hula May Bynum 41, 58 u fl i ha Hi 1932, ¢ 211 stewart _Florence B F | W [Shiloh Tns J M Rimmer Sally Parker 18 268 41955, 1 8 [Stewart Robert J M C . Swannanoa NC Robert J Stewart Sr Ossie F Holman 41, 153) \ i qe] 51932 11 20] Stewart ‘William x M | W |Coddle Creek TnjWill Stewart - 18; 49 2 $1955 9 , 11) Stewart Baby Boy M C | Mooresville NC bugene Stewart Bernice Beatty 41 227 | | i Ait EH |1934, 4 | 1ailstewart \Matoka Caleen | F | W IStatesville N CiChas F Stewart Henretta Honeycutt 20 384 | 1955 6 (26 [Stewart ella Felt: F Mooresville NC} Thomas Felts Jane Howard At 293 | . | teal - i, sors Westmoreland | “ i. bag 1934, 8 3 | Stewart Blake H M | W [Statesville N C/E F Stewart Lola Byers £0 467 & 1955 9, 6|Stewart (Stillborn) M C Mooresville NG audrey Doris Stewart Pauline Carolgn/ 41 428 Li. i } H 4 | $2934, 9 | 23] Stewart Ruthie Bell F | W |Mooresville N ClRoss Stewart Vassie M Sigmon 20 224 1956 1 La Stewart wavy M 4 | Mooresville Ford Stewart Bessie Stewart 2 17 | fe : Hh 49 1 | 1934 ll 22! Stewart 'T Dalton M W |Statesville N ClaAvery Stewart Dorcus Stewart 20. 526 ! a 1956, 2 1g Stewart Joyce Ann k Mooresville \ @ Brady Lee Stewart |Shirley 3rown 4a 52 | i Hei i | 1999, 5 _10/ Stewart Eliza M F | W |Shiloh pp Pink Moose Mina Parker 21! 270 1956 | 2 3 |Stewart bessie Lee » \Mooresville N C/} James Stewart Ida Holtsclaw ‘42 78 | i, i He |1935, 5 17/Stewart ‘Mary & FW [Shiloh A F Johnson Betty Hodgins 21 271 4956 | 6 13] Stewart aby Gir Pe Eien a Ba ae ee a tie 42 271 I. Biel 1] 1935! 61 alstewart |Jonn F mM | w [Fallstown tm Elehue Stewart i 21! 211 1956 9 3 | Stewart Emah Alvin M W Statesville NC WH Stewart Sarah Gant (42 42k I i i) ils i lisse. 1 1}Stewart |John Anderson M | W {Shiloh Tas William Henry Stewar{ Johnson 22 331 ees, | 2 | 9 Stewart Wm. Walter M W Mooresville Robert Stewart Mageline Owens , 43, 21 i i i Hl 1936 9 16] Stewart \J Henry M | W {Statesville N CjW W Stewart C Stikeleather 22. 502 | eos | 5 SO Stewart - F C Mooresville Audrey Stewart Pavline Featty 44 156 | it ik i b 1 i 1936, 12 29) Stewart | Peggy Ann F |W |Statesville N CijChas F Stewart Henrietta Honeycutt 22 555 m_ > $1958 5 31, Stewart vora Fulbricht ee rganton NC Devid Fulbright | Sarah Fulp | 44, 250 : |. ‘ ‘a {| | 1938; 4 15] Stewart Caroline M F | W [Statesville N CiCarl Clark Edith Stewart 24 329 ee eee 66 13 Stewart - M W Mooresville Glenn E Stewart Harriet B Rhodes 44 S25 | i : i! 1 +828 10 8) Stewart |Emily Powell F | W jStatesville N CiWilliam H Powell Sallie Ijames 24 416 = hess | s 1s] Sane Poa é ie aie : et aoa | a ‘onl tL “ i 1 1939 7 9 |Stewart Meek Glenn M |W Statesville Nc MM Stewart eee McL 25 353 oe pe6e! 2 | 24 Stewart Ralph Odell MW Mooresville =| Tom Stewart | Cora Walker 145 75 | he 4 4 1959, 12 19)/Stewart _ Doris Rae F |W {Statesville NC lo A Stewart ddie Mitchell 25 | 452 99, 2 15 |Stewart John Clyyton | M ¢ Mooresville 2 | Pessie Stewart pss iS tL. ' i he : | 1940, lL {2 |Stewart | Eaward Fletcher; M | W {Shiloh Tn W W Stewart ___ |@lemmeon Stikeleathe M26) 288 Do (L959! 4 | 9|Stewart Ida Gertrude eg 4 Mooresville | Rouch Bailey |Bes sie Stewart 45 212 i. : mn 1940) 9 |16 Stewart litannie F | © {Cool Spring Tn | Emmus Carson : Harriet Hayes 26, 90 “ 95 9 9 24 Stewart Corad Eugene UM W Statesville | J. Henry Stewart | Ida Eller (45 465 ( . Hie te 1941 | 6 (29 ]}Stewart jAbnez Roscoe M | W [Statesville NC | H Stewart Ida Eller 27 | 322 a 295 9 9 3 Stewart | F ¢ Mooresville oe | Maddie F Stewart 45 439 | { Lt @ m : ii A7hd | 11 +39 Stewart {hora Wood F | C [Mooresville NC [Walter Wood Anna Patterson 27 | 190 fis B960 | 6 6 Stewart _ Vassie Sigmon | F | W Mooresville _ Jacob Sigmon Fannie Abernathy 46 a : Lt Be j ] E 1942 | 12 | 14 Stewart Tessie Dagenhar gt F | W Statesville NC [Emanuel Dagenhardt Elizabeth Carter 27 | 413 —-_ 2960 | 714 Stewart Linda F C Mooresville | Audrey Stewart | Peuline Stewart 46 420 | i sy, ‘ 1942 8 27] Stewart Fannie Elizabeth! F|W ptatesville ic ohn Wilhelm ery Jane Steele fea | 375 —__ 961 1 6 Btewart , Oran avery | MW Statesville | Thomas A. Stewart | Percas stewart pt 23 P Le | ho43 | 8 laa Stewert Evelyn Fisher F | W [Mooresville ne |- : hin ee 08 iit, P96) | e 20 Stewart Wille D. i mt ws Mooresville NC d - | “orethy J Stewart | oe Th ii { | } $1943) 9 25 Stewart Ruby Dane F C_ jDevidson Tas - Ide Stewart | _-_ _f29| 346 _— | 1963 12 | 4 Stewart Robert Aenry M W Statesville | Co *. Stewart | Addie B. Young \47 591 i iT | $1944) 1 po fatexart = XN WM jStatesville NC [Williem w Stewart Whathleen Teaster _ iSO | 28 “rg $ 2962! 5 16) Stewart Robert S. M W Statesville | Frank J. Stewart | blizabeth mnnypenny 48 271 | ' i HH | ; : 1945! 3 |20 Stewart mo Lemont _M_j| © [Mooresville NC Hdd Stewart —_— __.|Flirtie Stewart 431) 150 = 1963 | 2 12 Stewart Robert C. ri rare Bo Stewart juaomt — ts 49 92 L | ‘I i | | fiess| 4 | a|stenart James aubrose} M/W Mooresville NC |John 7 stewart Varthe ¢ Neel _}31.| 100 3883] 8 |as|secessr” | “Giroli 3. iH i Statesvi ile | James A Stewart Cora Fulbright 8 486 iii Hh 41946/| 9 (17 | Stewart _.... |AUgustus G | M | W [Mooresville Nc Elihew Stewert _[Ceroline kerr —s_—s«}32| 335 ics | 1963 9 | 13) Stewart | Tho mas | Mi w | Statesville Ben Stewart Liza Moose 49 528 ia i i i 1946| 11 23 Btewart phar ae Ata MA eboh WD iem © Stewart. bieneting siritaneatifer lao - ub —_]1963 9 | 8 btewart | Geo rge M| W| Statesville ery nt eee 49, 523 | j : | | i| 947) 9171 Stewart plaomi Watts __1F_}W_totatesvirle tic Iwitiian watts Wialinda watts __ 433/385. _- ~~] 1963 9 | 7 | Stewart | Same s 712 ae sie BB eee = atch i ' | i (ae 4 (5 [Stewart Mary J Lollarn | Fj W [Statesville Nec | Jacob Lollar jMcLissa Moore _—*435 146 | Racer ics. -f 1963 12 L7 Steward |. Gary M | C | Mooresville | L FP Steward Ophelia R Steward 49) 738 i} | , i I} hss0 S| 24 Stowers ___ Basen Derowe | 4 W]shiioh me | Avner Stewart fpusan Gobie sq ero} 2963) 12 | 27] Stewart pects eee rr rd i i fh It} pA 6-8 | Bhawani _Rimathy Mervin 4M W ~‘Mtatesville NC 1 CM Stewart i Bertha Collins sf. 36. 373. |. ~~ ~.}1964) 9 b Stewart Ida F Ww Statesville Tobian Eller Selena Stewart 50, 527) {i i | 3 } i he tices allan ncn nan wn + | | ‘ ry : | | WETier tt tee HURT, to , INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. pe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 SY SREAL INDEX Me. 3-4 renee meres ' nel REG. u.s County Indexes Since 1888 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Co U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 193° PERT locate names, AME ; c , Columbus, Ohio PAT. OFrice Batalate An Identifying Trade Mack ~~ te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. a pyright 1930 shee to Buff ee ee - EMTIAL TAB end refer Be Eee Printing House’ Charlotte, N. ©. seeeeetpneeennemeneetrenennaseanenrnseneencnemennsmeenereremmemener peseen _ rt = wh . se e RECORDED Vol. Page : a DATE OF DEATH RECORDED | SURNAME OF DECEASED i SURNAME. OF DECEASED | | NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER #}——~ | AND CHRI “ Sex : ; Per Teun tat in ee Deen eeD Cc co | wert | CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS Given Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER # + — - ee i el l eh ‘ me , | 1964 10 Stewart David M W Statesville | J A Stewart Cora Fulbright | 1914, 4 Stikeleather John Preston oo , + 1 i " i i Chambersburg Tn|Lee S Stikeleather |annie Benfield oo 1964 10 24 Stewart Hubert | M W) “ooresville | Augustus D Steway Della Felts | 22 6); 9 | Stikeleather Bruce | | ! Barringer Tns {John Stikeleather JH E McKay | 23 | | = | : rf U | i | 1964 12 18 Stewart Janie FF W/ Statesville | Wesley Turbifill nknown | 4 11918; 2 |13]Stikeleather Lydie H ‘ Concord Tns ' Stikeleather Jane Cooper ee ge pe e | 1965 9 10] Stewart Ella | F W)| Statesville | John F Moose Margaret A Eades | | 1921. | Stickleather ‘Wm R Barringer [ns John Stickleather pickey Stikeleather ‘Mary Jane jotatesville Tus Henry Stikeleather Stewart ao c Pe o n t Stikleather Shiloh [ns IW E Stikeleath Massey } | Ss . W414 Vite Rise kat Hay ; : \ i z ‘ ae Stikeleather Willis Blanch iChambersbure ) | ~ ~ 4 k wre 1e lannie Benf jeld 3||Stikeleathe Temverence ¢ wee | hid 1 se 1924 | i ikeleather ,4emperence G | i |Turnersburg jJames P Godbey Elma M Johnson | iWOhn A White iC Sommers 41925 | Stikelether Lula Jane __ 41926 | Stikeleather Robert Flake IBruce Stikeleather Florence Sloan 41.930 | £8 iStikleather GW \ ClJohn Stikleather JAda Gunn 41930 | i Stikelether | M 2nco 'n LR Stikelether Frances Stikelether gi e s : me r a s e 1951 | _ 91S tikeleather | W [Statesville N C |G M Stikeleather I C Stikeleather 1931/11 10|Stikeleather Glenn (Mrs) | W [Statesville n clo c Currin Alma Hobgood 31934: 6 | Stikeleather Theodore Martin | Mi W [Statesville N c lJohn Stikeleather Rhoda Martin 1936| 9 (|l2IStikeleather ;Lillian J | F ’ jBethany Tns William Mills Cook 2S — ae : 419536 12 15iStikelesther vohn T |B Wi |Concord Tng & Mu Stikelesther frencis Stevenson 1945 7 Stikelesther Minnie Kinder | W |Stetesville NC IM S Kinder Serclins Gsither 1943 | 10 2] iStikelesther \Laurs Lyles '_tW[Iredell County 29. 5 26 Btikeleather Laura Alice | Btatesville NC |w E Massey Louise Warren 30. 5 27 (Stikeleather \Theophilus Lee i | W [Statesville NC Ippeoiore u StikeleatHYer, Amy S Stikeleathey32. . 12} 1g Stikeleather Margaret C Leckje FW |Statesville Nc Ic y Leckie kvelyn Summers a2 School 10 | 27 Stikeleather = Robert Reid i W | Celeste Henkel fl R Stikeleather Frances Stikeleather 37, 604 j . ~ ‘ ov i ‘ ‘ =a - : , = | 1954 12 31} Stikeleather \Vitus Blankenship | Statesville NC W. A. Blankenship [Mazcie Keever 4Q 567 1958, 7 | 9) Stike leather Fann te Statesville Fielding F Gryder Betty EB Gant 44 338 1958 i4 iStikeleather Susan E. 4 Statesville oseph Miller Emme line Lackey 44 560 — lo7 S tikeleather Margaret C. ki W Btatesville Win. Stikeleather Cynthia Waugh 45 276 ne 95 9 eterna 196 23] Stikeleather | Ronnie A Statesville JN Stikeleather Laura Lyles 46 757 Porsenna mendes 2960 29|Stikeleather | _W [Lincolnton Helton Stikeleather |Willie Johnson — 46.779 1961 & \“4[Stikeleather ‘Henry Clay Statesville NC Woseph Stikeleather [Sarah Massey 47 205 2. 961 Stike leather Lee Sylvana | Salisbury John Stikeleather Harrett McCoy 47 278 + 1963 231 Stikeleather | David \ v [Statesville “ufus M Stikeleathef Barbara Christophehy9 419 | . +— - 1963 Stikeleather | Judy W Statesville David © Stikeleath@ér Sara A Levan 49| 730 se entra ? Stikeleather Minnie _ Statesville Wm. Smith Clementine Smith | 51 185 Herds ‘i in i} a WM Liilisstieitesuashi aii riiirnay err i" Saati RUTH Suu aH ; tte ee E cae sk fee ee Shea cincmnmenenneae _ ate Pee shshe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. . i sete 5, Sn adens Se te SST lcs meng at SURNAME INTIAL, TAB pod rte Co TRY REAL, DIDEX Ne 4 eT NET fy ee Sa NAME INITAL TA ad tr enechoeemere r DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME. OF DECEASED | i Ti | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Lee era Feet = eeD Sex | coor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — " ‘ Yer § Month Dev AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN t || Page Sacre ee : 7 Binal a id 1964 10 6) Stewart David | M W Statesville J A Stewart Cora Fulbright |>° 957 [il ,+6|Stikeleather John Preston MW [Chambersburg ta ltee S Stikeleather bis Benfield i2 40 dliat 1964 10 24 Stewart Hubert | M Ww) “oor esville | Augustus D —_ sale Felts | 50 eat 1926 | 3 |29|Stikeleather Bruce Soe Boetie on. [one Ee be lie ls 22 {ft att 1964 12 18 Stewart Janie F W | Statesville Wesley Turbifill | “nknown | 30 72q pes 2 (|13iStikeleather Lydie | F |W (Concord Tas IN Stikeleather [rene Cooper bea 472 1 1965/9 10] Stewart Elle | F W/ Statesville | John F Moose | Margaret A Eades | 51 549 | figs! é | 3iStickleather Wm R | M_. W [Barringer fns lyonn Stickleather hexey Tie | : ! | | 82 6 |19|Stikeleather Mary Jane | F |W [Statesville rns Henry Stikeleather stewart 7 288 ia Ai | | | | | ; ead 1923 | _8 (l2iStikleather | ~ | MsiW Po [ns h E Stikeleathner ae | 5S; $9 fi ae tiat i i | | | i ____$1924) 36 26)Stikeleather Willis Blanch | Fi W IChambers burg In Iz S Stikeleather lannie Benfield ho i gs oi F (rey } } age | i . i i | | = 1924' 8 SiStikeleather Temperence G i lrurnersburg [ns [James P Godbey jElma M Johnson ho 449 2-4) Hl N | \ | | ‘ Hh } | ed | SOUS tikelether Lula Jane FW Iconcora Ins [sone A White iC Sommers Pe 70 ! i i | eed 41926 | 9 . 41Stikeleather Robert Flake | i W beaitrhinves tn suas Stikeleather ee Sloan he Ad | ' ‘eat i | | i i ; tt an | | m ___|1930, 1 28)stikleather GW | MW [Statesville 1 ¢ IJohn Stikleather lade Gunn 26 317 1 aa i aca liaind 1950, 2 .13)Stikelether - | WV W |Concord [ns lL R Stikelether ec Stikelether [16 | 109 j aii a | } | \ i i 1] i | | | | 9S) 1) | oO iStikeleather ~ FW Statesville NC ic M Stikeleather i C Stikeleather 117 463 4 the 7 } | | | | ee oe 11931, 11 l0/Stikeleather Glenn (Mrs) | F W lstabeastlie N ¢ Io C Currin laima Hobgood 17 462 i. Ao | | | i Re H | | | ____—__ $1934 6 |251Stikeleather Theodore Martin| M |W |Statesville \ ash Stikeleather Irnode Martin eO | 442 5 i | a | | | | i | i aa | | | _.____ 1936, 9 (l2iStikeleather iLillian J F_ | W [Bethany Tns Willian: Mills Icook ec, 344 ih | | | q 1956) 12 15iStikelesther John T M ._W Concord Tas la M Stikelesther Pee Stevenson 29: 97 Bi ii | I i ' p45 | 7| 41Stikelesther Minnie Kinder | F | w |stetesvi lle NC i S hinder |Cercline Gaither 22, 159} fe. . ° | | | haas | 10 \22 Stikeleather \Laurs Lyles F |W jTredell County |- |- $29) 4597 t | : / | fess | _S 26 [btikeleather Laura Alice F .W Btatesville NC [w E Massey Louise Warren 20. 126 | H | | i —_}1946 | 3. 27|Stikeleather \Theophilus Lee Mi. W [Statesville NC [tpeoiore u StikeleatHer, Amy $ Stikeleathew32. 224 | i | ; i 12. 16 Stikeleather \Margaret C Leckde F W |Statesville Nc lc W Leckie kvelyn Summers 33) 1229 Br. ! t t i ee bail : | | 19 il se a School Bee ke ; | | L2951) 10 _27 Stikeleather Robert Reid M .W | Celeste Henkel fj. L R Stikeleather Frances Stikeleather | 37, 604, fae. | | | Fiwt 3 . [fi | $1954 12 (31 _Stikeleather [Vitus Blankenshdp | Statesville NC W. A. Blankenshi; Mavcie Keever 4Q 567]. bes | | —__ 958 | 7 | 9} Stikeleather | Fannie FW Statesville Fielding F Gryder [Betty E Gant 44 538) jt | 1958 11 |4 |Stikeleather iSusan EB. F W iStatesville Jose Miller Emme Line Lackey ‘144 |560 | ; : —<$————— i J oeea | 1. 95 9 5 [27 B tikeleather | Margaret C. ¥ W Btatesville Wm. Stikeleather Cynthia Waugh 45 276 aieiiacinenincrttteeilbnldsihcaaaslll sssiepastiiamasaapais j 4 : + ——- 1 ' 12960| 12 (23/Stikeleather | Ronnie A M W | Statesville JN Stikeleather Laura Lyles 46 757 1 1 ; 4960/11 (29/Stikeleather - MW [Lincolnton Holton Stikeleather |Willie Johnson 46.779 = 4961; 4 (24 Stikeleather Henry Clay Le | W [Statesville NC Woseph Stikeleather |Sarah Massey 47 205 1961 4 #18 tikeleather Lee Sylvana My Wi} Salisbury John Stikeleather Harrett McCoy 47 278 — 1963} 6|231Stikeleather | _44963} 12 | 29] Stikeleather | Judy F | w [Statesville David M W | Statesville “ufus M Stikeleathef Barbara indice al’ 419 eccntdeiecd David © Stikeleath Pr Sara A Levan 49) 730 Stikeleather Minnie | Statesville Wm. Smith Clementine Smith | 51 185 j omecsnemwie et PH RN haba) r30) fet e nc t a i g e p i a d : Se m a n a or e s sa e s T q # 4 ; A i ; iq if igi - fi FFE =i Hl 1 F i bi ig ut . aS , | ig ¥ Hs iI 5 i Ld j i} wean PORE iii "ea an eh td Lay Path. i I i Ait eae 3 { ry “ ii Pa al BI Pe Hal ; ii ne “i ant i i ‘eso hee TT # lll we i rr eae ¥ us ; ' Le al bea ro t i r i | i 1 Pet heb Ht HG Hii oy ee i ae A ; edit Hie | 16 (3 i“ ey aie: | ie f Lae 4 my iJ fe ae 1 Hd ~ he i Thi * HM. | i i % > * nN if y an : i ni “i Aa Rida | f + eet oi a | m | ca Pai iigMte: | oi i I i Hh This Signature on sheets tneures their correctness. Reg. U.8. Pat.ow. { For Your Protection, Insist On It. OATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED a | as Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1914; 2 | 9fStimpson | Davia Holman MoeoW 1916, 7 5Stimpson iL T M v 1917 S$ . 7iStimpson |Lucy Jurney 3 1919 6 21)/Stimson jisabella Colverq F | W 1920 1 15}Stimson |Elizabeth Ann FiuW 1920 5 4\Stimson iS Wilson M W 1922, 3 13]Stimpson ‘Columbus W F iW 1923, 2 15]Stimson John E M iW 1926/; 10 2\Stimson \J@an Anderson C]| F W 1927 5 | 24Stimson ‘Royden Alston M W 1928 9 201Stimson | Logan M W 1930 4 25)Stimpson \Edith ri Avec LO 8|Stimson Mary F W l1930. io 26(Stimson \Willieam Jasper | mu. w 1930, 11 l2/Stimson Wiley MC 1933 1 .28/Stimpson ‘Richard W MiW 1941; 2 |15]Stimson |Katie Knox i W $1942; 3 | 164Stimpson {Nannie L MRIS. 194611 (25 IStimpson Salomon Oscer M iW 1948) 2 e2iStimpson Clarence Sr M | W 1950, 1 |30}Stimson = Baxter M iW $950 | 11 (22) Stimpson |Sallie Glasscock F | ¢ L951 | 11 2 Btimpson | David Ples M iw 1954 | 7 133 Stimpson | Ella Gaither F C O54 12 | 19 Stimpson Sarah Kathleen | F W 1959 6 | 2 Btimpson John Wiley Mj ¢ 1959} 10) 4|Stimsa Julia Rebecca F; W ae Turnersburg Olin Tns Olin Tns Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Turnersburg Statesville Statesville Turnersburg Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville otatesville bagle Mills Harmony NC Statesville Statesville N To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL = to Buff Sub-Iadex sheet for page ref: PLACE OF DEATH Tons NC NC NC Q NC btatesville NC Statesville NC Harmony Rt. 1 Se ee Natt Hy ssh aalid sed i Rl nS INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. TAB and refer erence. NAME OF FATHER Soimon Stimpson Peter C Jurney William I Colvert Erasmus.B Stimson Erasmus B Stimson Solomon Stimpson Theophalus Stimson Samuel W Stimson E B Stimson Henry Gascock Delanson C Stimson Delanson C Stimson iS W Stimpson DJL Knox Daniel I Rutledge David H Stimpson L T Stimpson Saiuel W Stimson Henry Glasscock Stimpson Robert Alexander/ Perry Smith Sam H Stimson Wiley Stimpson Logan Stimson Hoke sm at lice ade ba wt at LR es ies Mei OTTCO NAME OF MOTHER Rachel Holman Sallie Keeves Elizabeth Gaither Elizabeth Wilson Hlizabeth C Wilson Rachel Holmen Jane Wilson Winfred Pratt Roxanna Stephenson Hlizabeth C Wilson = 16 | 622 Wane Clary 16 4so | Ona Philips 16 | 324 - 16, 629 Stevenson 9 | So | vane Forsythe 27 | 249 Martha Heath 28 | 288 tte S Stimpson 2, 416 Lilliam Gilmer Stimpd3y,| lo clizabeth R Stephane 36) 75 June Powell B6 154.0 Nancy Rebecca Kérr 37, 606 Mary Gaither 40, 311 Roxanna Stephenson 40) 493 Mary Stimpson 45 518 Ko therine Knox | 45/503 } U.S. Patent No. 1437168 Comings tafe RECORDED =| Page 1 | 592 S| 220 4 240 2 | 142 © | 158 6 69 7 | 510 g $12 | ne see | nS | 404 14, 469 i ' ; COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, 1.4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — ae Te locate names, op. te Buff Su’ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. em at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer b-index sheet for page reference. de by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio oe Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED i | recone | ver | Month | Bay | AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE 1S Given Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fot >] iil ——— ro! ‘ j ‘ i. 5 | 8| Stine . pee ae | = Bi 1916 j Martha Alice Z " furnersburg Tn |William Ford Eliza Miller 5, 4350) | 9 | 28] Stine ; Pie Be sl 1919) ; @8 }Paniel Ir} MW Statesville nc |G L Stine Susan C Whisenant | 5, 109) 9) Stein — ; A | ! 3920) 7/1 Leon 4 (Mrs) FW |Stetesville nc |g a Templeton Tina Tomlin 6 100 i S } er ‘ a - ges . | 1920) 119) Stine “illiam R MV, w statesville NC /McKane Stine Louise Bowman 12 439) | 7 5 Sti | ' 1933) ° ne James Meurice ie 6W Statesville no |W Clyde Stine Fannie Fox 19, 363) jf poet; Spe tein Maurice M =6W Statesville kc |Clydce Stein Fannie Fox 20, 334) 13998 i NA Mt W Statesville NC (Cana Stine Linnie Bowman 19 356 i ‘ H94l | 8 [24 Stine : ae oa 1941} 11 [25 /Stine a 7 ie eae - 3 U9 | O (23 [Stine = : U rj Jonas Stine mary Ani Brown 35.1 264, i fs 7 re Ja i ‘ ! eT | ih | H TT sli. 4 i 3 ane = ih. | ] | Pe | | wig i I Hi A i | i \ | j | rae a 4 ’ ao Hl | — 1 | | fenew | H { } a in opin | | | ewe | t | | hey hit | | Bai r | r — | fee } I | | f ‘ ie | = s- | i ; Ie RQ ee) 8 § 11934 | 4 |15/Stineil |\Helen R _F C (Statesville NC Harrison Stincil Maud Grey 120 | 392 | 1 AULT ieee NTT Terie ree tent Merereverene NIHTTS Uo Bibs. ; Pets MIR EM HL vee bki ad shir anti bils Sita 4 if Nat a uaa panes — ee RE pa Mag eee ae - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. F = TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 - ; U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Cepyright 1930 BREF Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Se 7 e : te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 14 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ez § This Signarare on sheets insures their correctness To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer wi —— Reg. U 8. Fat.og. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. Se Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio te Buff Sub-lndex sheet fer page selwenee, Sold by Observer Printing House, Chariette, N. C. ll f + | RECORDED | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER : DATE OF DEATH | Year Month Day | , SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ea e in s | SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED oe Se ORR Pe AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE. OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [7 i t : ‘ i a thee f ' A ' ; 4 Ht » i }1916 3 24) Stinson Martha dane 11922, 6 10)/Stinson |Statesville NC |Jonathan Stinson IMartin Stockton Pauline Statesville fns Wohn Stockton Charlie Beaty _ 417 qp o r a s r a c s ai g su c c e s s e s ceed oe r ei a p e n e r a e e a ee cn el e a ha ME S is ot a a “r * 4p as + -— - = —— Je s Se e s : a a aa a x i SS S ‘Susan Lucinda \Mar the Colthayse |Statesville NC |John D Hunter Stockton Henry Statesville N C George Stockton Emeline Stockton | 418 (1927 10 7) Stinson MeKemie D |Statesville NC |Jathenson Stinson jMargaret Wilson Stockton \Caroline Statesville N A 195 1928 23|s is t Watson Stockton isda Rae ee ae | 6 2&3) Stinson Robert W | |Statesville NC |Jonathan Stinson |Watso Oo Gertrude IStatesville N C Henry Stockton | te ee Pr Fa rs t jo n e s " 5 as ei s ‘+ Xe to y te . ‘ a ae sa g r o n r t en s op Ma g e r s sa g e — Sai Ge. se sh o n e be s n e e n e n e a - th e g e o n r e r n s ci n g ac e s s et i n a t n e c i p e ¥ i + 3 2 ca . a Oe ee | I: ; 2, 10 1 .dlis Stockton _ AN | well | ! | | ae 1939 2 16 Stinson Margaret Rock-/ | Statesville NC | E B Stinson | Elizabeth C Wilson 7 bo r e s ke c . i Stockton C sta | ed "7 ee a" Calista | Mtatesville IRev J W Blake paran Crosby _ 454 pm en t n e i g i a t i n a i i a t e i i re r e z Statesville NC (Sam Stinson 1939 8 25 Stinson Jame s Stockton Imogan | Lizzie Donaldson a a | jotatesville we s : es pa g a n s et n a tn g p e n c e m n c a ns Mill Stockton KOoctavia Stockton fll 482 1959 10 5 'Stinson William (Rev) | Lizzie Donaldson Statesville NC |Sam Stinson S mog » Ic in ae Mii Statesville | Stockton Tmogan | jStatesville | y Will. Stockton (1947, 3 2h | Stinson Nettie Violet Satesville NC hk DL Stinson | Susan Hunter ) 1926) 12 Stockton << i i y ‘ ; a, poctavia Stockton pe 549 Statesville > Will Stockton flary Jane Chambers | | <— Stockton a 4 ‘ns Wim Stoekton \1951, 8 8 | Stinson Mullie } F W Iredell Cowuty M D Stinson Susan Hunter fe 466] 41934. 4 (an57| 2 1958 #7 2$ Stinson nm Hara Lurner Mckeniy D. Stinson i | Thomas Watts | Statesville Stockton 9 Stinson John Wm, |Susan Hinter | 11934 |) 12 | lAdlin Allison Rebecca M. Statesville Maggie Westmoreland | : g | | | i i 41959) 7, 6 {Stockton # # | C [Coddle Cree} Pn Robert as Stockt Rosetta Johnson 1958; 1 S5l1iStinson Janie | # Statesville | Greene Grier ~ : iH i 1961 9 10)Stinson Winnie 5 has l Oe nee a” Ps . so es ae : ‘ \ ss ‘ $1936, 3 15 |Stockton Clarence £ | W. > (Sta ille N C angus Littlejohn Amy Stockton nt Butner, N.C. |McKannie D Stinson | Susan Hunter 4 : 1 | ,26 Stockton ._Bugene lStatesville NC jHenry Stockton I 1962 5 29/Stinson Sam Statesville NC jWm. Stinson Janie Grier | 46 ; ° om a | : 1 " { - 41945) i 3] Stockton Willie J | M C | Elmwood NC Leon Brawley | Bertha M Stockton ol ‘ 5 Uuia 4 ocHreges #49 30 954 | _ 15) Stockton Roosevelt Jr 6 12) Stinson Nannie W | Statesville John P Lawson Roosevelt Stockton | Eruenia Leach 0 $1955\11 26 [Stockton Alfred Stockton Carolyn Kerr 41 1958 a1 29 Stockton Pr ; I , Ih ‘I rille [o3 ~tockton ‘ rt | mer 44 § | { | 960 | 9 | 3 | Stockton | William , | Statesville NC | - - | Frances Stockton 6 1963 in 2 11 iStocton todney | M u Troutman Tate Stocton Julia Little 49 c | i i} {| | | i } qf ii HI i \ | ee | Mooresvilie NC |Charles L Summers (Elizabeth Murdock | Zllen Goodman |Stirewalt Ella Summers iStirewalt Sarlie ada |Statesville NC Mose A Stirewalt | Mooresville NC jJacob Stirewalt lizabeth Robinson | Mooresville NY | Volentine Stirewalt Barah Hampton | Stirewalt Julia Ptirewalt Bynum V j | 4 | Statesville N C [Noah Hampton 4iStockner Stockand Callie Hampton | Mary Knotts Mooresville NC John Knotts M Tripelette Mery Bennett TEM TERE ” rl aint ME tiie Merit ™ ba SO TCL ieee INDEX TO VITAL ST ATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. F ; INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. - ai COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 = 2 7 ae . s hey ; 3 J Teo lecat Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio COTTCO UNIVERSA*, mp. ‘ ; U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ae * Bames, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref Made by The Cott Index c ; Fee Fees Fn tt ana Te tesate oqer care of SinmAass aos aye TAB end reter U.S. Patent Ne. 1637106—Comseteke i. . oe to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page aaa refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. or Your Protection, Insist On It. o . hoot a ewer eee — nent - aT sare oF vex | y RECORDED [ae __t SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED es | bins 4 Rw Oe ee NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Yer | Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Gor PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER * Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. Page ' + . 4 ; ee | % _24) Stradle ves Lor 10 | 2} Stokes \Johoie Ervin A | [Statesville N CjErvin Stokes Matilda Pinnux 7 | 432 pee er 1955 12/11 Stradley fe Statesville Tn lw y Burgess Mary alice Cook y - ] rn} e ee ilsor YY T vr ‘ A44hin ae QS “ ~~ . vame L Jura ey . 4 | Stokes Gus Pi Statesville Tns j/Alfred Thompson Adline Stokes 12 | 327 3 18 Stradle Lelia Kestier a ae Stokes Guss Statesville Tns jAlfred Thompson Adline Stokes 1.958 | z Lex 7 Wames P Kestler Mary A Benson Stokes |James Thomas { |W {Statesville Luther Stokes Americus Shore Stokes \Sallie Leona | W [Statesville Taylor Swain Elizabeth Brown Stokes ‘Thomas Allen _W Statesville Lene Stokes Stokes Dollie B C |Stetesville Wiley W Stokes Pearlie Thompson Stokes Walter Wiley {| C | Rural - mattce srokes i | Stokes Murtie | Fi CHI Scotts Unknown Lacy omith | Stokes Harrison Luther] M Htatesville NC Jim Stokes Caroline Shores Stokes Infant | | Taylorsville | David 1 Stokes Annie May berry de a 1929, 2 (16 street Statesville NC Waits Harrill Elizabeth Blivens Stone i | W jConcord Tns Elijah Stone Annie Donelson Stone Wm A | W Statesville ! Sarah H Tally Stone ‘Nannie Ann | Concord Tns R A Stone Sarah Robb Stone Carl Robb Concord Tns Carl Robb Stone blsie Messey Stone i Mooresville NC {Cecil Stone Edith White Stone Betty Lou |W [Statesville Nc [Ww B Stone Minnie Shoema ke Stone |Pearl Marie | W [Statesville NC Thomas L Smith Mattie Kk Hoover Stone |James Rufus a Morganton Rufus Alexander Stone Sara Robb Stone | Stillborn Statesville Jonah Lee Stone Hazel Dean Jones Stone William S W [Statesville NC [Lee Stone Mamie Kelly Stone Garl Robb | Statesville Rufus A. Stone Sara M, Robb i Stone | Arline Donald BPtatesville Arlin D Stone, Sr. Paisy Avent | | . o7 | Stone | Morgan Statesville Berry Stone Margaret H Stone | | Stone essie Statesville Alonzo K Joy Melissa McKown a | | t | Carr ‘ Nc Jim § i | c Stone | Carrie . Sroutnan <n" venone tla Graham 7 |22\ strong Emanuel N i M Davidson Tn |Peter “trong Stone WrITTan 5. Statesville John’ Stone Mary 0 Torter | ae Stonestreet Julia | Mooresville N C lyancy Peacock Bettie Murhey tenn | | 4 } \ | Stonestreet Sarah Elizabeth |W paeyeaas N C Fred Stonestreet attie F Wagoner — i | a | | Stonestreet Wilburn Sunford | Statesville N ee B Stonestreet Martha R White ye e s u t n e = ca e Se ta l a en ce i Stcnestreet Mattie ¥rances + {Mooresville NG IS 4 Wagoner Margaret Skiner Stonestreet Fred Volphus ar Mooresville NC] Jeti Stonestreet Mary Cochran Stonestreet Mary Foster Statesville NC ] H. Mm, Foster Hannah Hendrix Stonestreet Ottis Columbus | Moore sville Joseph H Stonestreet| Mary C Hamby ek ke sm m c a b i a i m e e spill i n i c h e e e t e co se e an Stonestreet Hattie Hingon Re. NC |David M. Hinson Sarsh Rogers § Stonest reet Fred Durham Fred Stone st reet Julia Peacock ga a 36 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. - __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. § This Signature on sheets insures their correctness Te lecat ‘an = at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 coTTco UNIVERSAL INDEX ae. La Reg. U.S. Pat.om. | For Your Protection, Insist On It Re Te boxe “es Bell Galton cast tor page reference. U. & Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Us B. Patent No. 1437168--Copyright 1936 og Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohie , : SS ns ——— ss to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. if DATE OF DEATH | a i i \ RECOR DATE OF DEATH SURN oe i SURNAME OF DECEASED f 2 e : DED | AME OF DECEASED RECORDED > in oe ee | Se cole | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER “a To mn CanATUR Wal, bor ee, x | eae 1 PACE OF tkat: dak op tei NAME OF MOTHER } Se i i ‘ ‘ oa * s qi | | it Ni i H | 15 424 | 10 (31 }Strange Wider Statesville NC Bob Johnson Carrie Johnson S .26|sturgil L ¢.dr i Statesville NC!’ L J Sturgie | Julia Shives |s ls ; | Litia Lewis | | Strange Wit ce ; : 10 17 \Sturghill William | Statesville Rayford Sturghill 15 660 | ; $4) 22 | & Will | a Statesville N clrobert Silas aici dahlia 8 (28 |Sturghill | Mi Statesville Grover Jordon | Homegell Sturghill | 16 607 | 36 | 11 Strange Julius Delois | Fy Statesville N c| ; Lona Patterson \ 3 q Yt es : , { , 1s iO Pat _ 4 24 Sturghill Cleophus |W , Statesville NC | William Sturghill | Georgie wilkins | 19 302 ai 8 i Strange 'Lizzie asa oe ete \ “ | : ‘cene veawalile 7 25 |Sturghill Georgia | Statesville Hudson Wilkins | Julia White | | £0 [Strange Hubert C IStatesvilie h ilas Strange Charlotte Bowman ij } oe re i ; H HIV, 5 « g ar : t i 22 | turghill Clarence : Durham Unknown t Unknown i Z Strance ‘ | : ee ‘ vturg | } - i & _ boner Viola | jStatesville N CiWm. J. Patterson J lia Waddell hill | | | 10. Sturghill Willie Clyde i Statesville — Conrad Sturg/ Lizzie White | 958 | (24 [Strange 4mnos J H | M CH Stat wvtite Wélder L Johnson 15) Sturghill John Wogs ley Cc svil WAL} te Sturghill ‘Lixgie (White i ‘c= f 4 a! ¢ & ee > Vb , : oO} col 8 Sturghill | Willie C. ¥ Statesville | Willie Sturghill,Sr.| Ceorgia =< i i i 8 Sturghill Willie Conrad M G (Statesville Willie Sturghill, oes Georgie = 24 Sturghill Lizzie F C Statesville | Wm. White Janie Teasley c i . £ i ’ oO} i os es ) . * ‘ ~ 4 $ Stout {Wm R 1 ~nharpesburg Tns Jno P Stout deline Goodwin 6 (1l6]Stout Jo P | M " (Sharpesburg Tns 1 (|304Stout MA | F W |Sharpesburg Tn PS t setty Goodin | 12 | S|Stout Dallas Franklin | M W |Sharpesburg Tns largaret Shoemaker 1_,13istout Nosh Freston } i | W IStatesville Nc #John Stout #ddje Gooden 2 11 4Stout Wm. G | M W {Statesville Wm R Stout Cora & Barkley | 6 lsiStout Wi Stony Point Robert Rhyne Eliza Weisner 1936 2 14 Sturgis Carrie »F .C | Mooresville Nc | Larie stephenson - 22, 187 | i ii i! | 953 10) 7|>turgis |baby Gril | FY | Mow esville NC} Unknow Ada Mae Sturgiss 9 503 | } i ' 1960 11 26 |Sturgis | Bub | M c¢ | Mooresville John Sturgis = 46 687 96h 5 13 Sturgess | Theodore | Statesville Unk. Unk. 50 272 | | 3] Strause { |W Btatesville N C Pulius Strause areah Liby ta iaistancinsteemndac cesnannsas sees oe He - es mene Sn ae a }°8__INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. INDEX T0 VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a _ Fees | evernacice taxes _ eee RE i 8 en SET ESN INTIAL, TAR a tr ee i DATE OF DEATH Hs t : Rae : See cen —— : : aa a —— +] i You | Month | Ba ae eee toe, be ee Ser | Gor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER sete = ro T Day ian cameos um, 0 Oh eon Sex Color | PLACE. OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | ee : | — a. ay : | Lt 1925. 12 19) Stowe |\Margarette Anne! F W iMooresville N CiD L Benfield J A Waugh 11! 229 ee 1913 | ll |22Stroud ‘Laura F W |?urnersburg Tns es 3 1. 590 | 1928, 4 | 22] Stowes | Joe M | ¢ |statesville N CjWilliam Stowes Manisa Thornton 14) 409 F ____fasa7| 2 27]stroua INE bi he ler SEE Aaa Sic gill eke em} | H 1932, 7 23) Stowe |Robertus A M | W [Mooresville N Ci Jacob Ruse Stowe Jane Porter 18 184 o 1918, 5 | 9)Stroud {flare FiW Si diaalas Tas jD A Stroud Nannie Holmes af 228 it | rien 1950; 3 | 5 | Stowe kverette Thomas M |W Mooresville NC | James W Stowe Minnie & Stowe 36, 340 ye 1918, 11 25|Stroud Giles P | W Fis satainiie Ins Jandrew Stroud iancy Livingston | 5 232 b | I it 1953, 7 31) Stowe (Franklin Wilkinf MW |Mooresville NC | Franklin Stowe Elizabeth Sherrill 39 421 922) 4154 Stroua Pinkney ! Miy nagie Mills Tnslandy stroud INancy Livester | 8. 282 {. . 3 2 pad | i | ; | | 2S | 6 LS tS troud Allen | MW lrurnersburg Tns ls V Stroud ke therine Horne 9 | 133 : i : nn 1925 1 24) Stroud Elizabeth | F W lrurnersburg tas feri or Mason kai tr ier ha 487 = f : WH i | | ' | anti = : GEStroud John Burgess | M W [zegre Mills rite Stroud | ~ hi 129 | , Han ! | eo 1925; 8 8/Stroud Henry Virgie | y W [Turnersburg Ins |G P Stroud houisa Mason hi 491 | H if | | i : i 1" | 1925 9 10)Stroud R Ellis | i W — Mills diane Stroud Mary J Snicker ha 126 | A. | ate ‘ | | | : 1 | | ’ ! ee 1926, 3 (23)Stroud Betty Jane W | 38 [Statesville N C Harrison Walker Sarah Anne Chaffen le are | i if Th Yr | __fis26| 5 lojstroua lElizabeth x he frurnerst au leita Shalt ca berths a L, 571 | ! aa HH : | | . 1927; 9 (18}Stroud ‘Mary Jane | F W lrurnersburg Ins [Matthew Swisher Polly Clodfelter 13 573 ! ii x : Hi 1 | ee 1934 | é | 1ijStroud flva Ennis F \ Istatesville N ¢ Ir H Dickens Susan Johnson 20, 337 a. ip | a iy i | | | a. 1934, 9 (28)Stroud iHenry § | a W lstatesville N C William Stroud Jane Walker 20. 490 He H i ee 1; 1923, 1 8 Storrs | Lillian F | W [Statesville N CiJames Calvin Lillian Moore 9 a92| 1937 6 141Stroud Sarah Sad ? ¥ a > Tns |Pi nev Strou Wlizabeth Mass b - t Ho) HT ' a ee | 14 a aj 4 W |Turnersburg Tns [Pinkney Stroud iwlizabeth Massey 5 557 + a i} h j : | eee 8957 | 12 |11IStroud ‘Elizabeth I | F |W jfurnersburg Tns G P Stroud Mason eS . O61 i. Sue LAL Ai : i i | _ ee: 1938 | 4 28)Stroud ‘Mary K Horn FW jfurnersburg Ins [Davidson Horn Elizabeth Turner R4 539 i ‘i r ‘4 1 ae 1938 | 9 | 1jStroud Mary Olivia M | F W {Cool Springs Tn Franklin Mason Tomlinson i | 65 I ' | i ( 1 | 1959} 12) 1 fstroua John Austin |M |W |Turnersburg Tn Giles Str. ad - Mason 5 520 | 2 Pit |e & if ¥ | : iui 1940) 117 [Stroud |Earl augustus M_, W |Turnersburg Tn {Pinkney Stroud Elizabeth Mason 26) 565 i A at | i } ce at i } : cine 11940) 4 jl jStroud |Nannie Mary F | W |Turnersburg Tn [Dave Campbell Nancy Feimster 201 572 i. b J ' i i gees 1942 | 2 {1 Stroud Martha Louise F | W (Cool Spring Tn PPinkney Stroud Liizabeth Mason 27 40 h.. it it H t , : | Cadel 1942 | a 17 Straud {Daniel Alexandew# M | W Turnesburg Tn {Pinkney Stroud Hlizabeth Mason 27 | 455 : be | mn 1942 | 7. (21 Stroud Rebecca F - Cool Springs Pinkney Stroud Elizabeth Mason 28) 65 i : , +s S mM : ia 11943 | 2. |28iStroud \Howsrd Clarence] M | W |Turnersburg Tns|E A Stroud Ledia Feimster 23. 280 i ty | / ; 1943! 7. | 8istroua ‘Mary Jene F .W |Turnersburg Tns|Jiles P Stroud Louise Meson 29) 273 bh. | AY i ’ 4 , --——__11944) 6 | 20 Stroud | Vanola F | Wi} Statesville NC |G R Meson Ollie Msson_ - SO , 525 hi, ie " i er ar ee eee nee . | o_jStateaville H . = 22 | 223 } i 19 he 3 25 Stroud {Sanford E dr M_ | W [Statesville NC [Sanford 2 Stroud Sr Avis Victoria ae 34 143 rH a | nahn 129 Btowers aline wa Fi C jStatesville Tns|William Stowers Lottie Morrison “ 432 4.1949) 11 | 2q Stroud Harry St Clair | M |W | Mooresville NC | Charles F stroua Jessie & Click 35, 506 i soe { x ‘ ; a i oe ; rs oe vn Alexander : | C anaes NC = “-Lexander Lula alexander 28 345 —4.1949 - 10/9 iStroud Minnie Florence} F .W Harmony NC Wulis.. Harkey betty Nichols 364.93 4 | i | 3 . sOwers “ara C }Statesville Elija Blackwell Slattie A Jones 48/397 1952@ 10 [14 Stroud Floyd Sylveste# M W }Harmony NC Pinkney Stroud Elizabeth Mason 58 523 fl i lf i| ; 1963) 2 |? Stowers Isom M | Ci Statesville Unk, Unk 49 122 2 At [ ws | : i ‘ il il il | ) Dial te 11953] 5 as Stroud | Dela Quincy F |W {Harmony NY John Feimster Sallie Godby 39 |210 Bil | | ih i ¥ | ? 11955) 5 \9 Stroud | William W M/W Harmony NC Burgess Stroud Clementine Forcum ha 238 L } iH I i pee | 2956 | 4 2 Stroud Nannie Klizabeth FW] Statesville Glenn Stroud Kkmma Horne M2 | 227 : r | | I; i a | - 1.957 | 9 | 2]8troud N Wheeler Me W }Harmony NC John B Stroud Dercas Forcum 45 417 | ; i (i i ie Bess . anitdieal 9517 li | SBtroud © Giles Franklin] M | W | Statesville Pinkney P Stroua Frusie Maso 43 498 tt ; ib iil Btroud, Jr. Claude D WI Statesville Claude D Stroud Betty Rumple | lf it 29 [Stroud Amanda S. W |Hearmony Thomas F Smith Louise Cain ais 111 Stroud Henry W. ‘ Harmony John B Stroud Catherine F Stroud 48) | 18 IStroud Laure St at esvi lle Shields Marlowe Mary Richardson 50 24) Stroud Robert iat RW porend Ninner Cashion 54 een, eee ty tere eye, " rereray 38 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. , + EATH ere _____INDEX TO VITAL Statistics — DEAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. | UME | For Your Procections ast Oe Te bon Bud 'Subvindex sheet tor pose reference. ___ UR att ears enrrahe fide SAB Patent Na Taare Hie Rie aa Sade URNAME INTIAL, TAB aad roe "Bahra ein Sommer Selene ge ae a een Ce re a ——_- —— : = = = =a ——— — DEATH - | i SURNAME = DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a Tas ro ae = DECEASED iit il bei Oc ha, as pila sas dal, sahil me ' ' . ; ; os as ' | ; + iH [id faves) 12 | 19] stowe |\Margarette Anne] F | W |Mooresville N C/D L Becfiela J_A Waugh 1l| 229 __}a23| 12 _|22]stroua Si Ee dee aoe a i i + | wa : ality, hi 1928 4 | 22] Stowes i Joe M | C [Statesville N CiWilliam Stowes Manisa Thornton 14, 409 oo 1 (|27)Stroud INE | M | W Istatesville tnelRicnarda Stroud Mary Jane Swisher 4 e71 i. | i 1 Hh t 1932, 7 | 231 Stowe |Robertus A M | W [Mooresville N Ci Jacob Ruse Stowe Jane Porter 18; 184 os 1918 | 5 | 9iStroud fata ! F |W Irurnersburg tas {> a Stroud lnannie Holmes +4 ! 325 i} 4 4) Hl 1950,.._3.;.5 | Stowe | Everette thomas MW }|Mooresville NC | James W Stowe Minnie kL Stowe 36; 340 es 11 |25)Stroud |Giles P i} M/W \Turnersburg [ns ai Stroud —_— Livingston . 5 | 252 i | : a 1953; 7 31} Stowe Franklin Wilkin/ m | W |Mooresville NC | Franklin Stowe bli zabeth Sherrill 39 421 - 1922) 4 134Stroud Pinkney 4 M ih iagle Mills Tns lanay Stroud INancy Livester 8 282 a Ma | __ 6 ,19}Stroud Allen MW lrevaarabuey Dns |i V Stroud or Horne t 9 | 13% + | | H I ages) 1 24) Stroud Elizabeth | F iW lrurnersburg bes ckee Mason bai ther pa 487 to : | H ! ene 1925 6 6}Stroud John Burgess . M W lnagie Mills Tns |Andrew Stroud | ‘i pa 129 ey i a5] HH : : es 1925; 8 8}Stroud Henry Virgie | Mi W lournerstexe Tas |G P Stroud = Mason hi 491 | m m i i ’ | i i |, it 4 ‘id | | | | : m _jis25| 9 10}stroua R Ellis [uw |Bagie Mills Tos \Richard Stroud ary J Snicker 2 126 | | 1 HAH | 926) S23 Stroud Betty Jane W | Foie Istatesvilie N C Harrison Walker aren Anne Chaffen he 472 | L ei) tT Bae | | | | I ; HEE 1926, 5 l10jStroud Elizabeth | F W [turnersburg ty Sonn Tomlin Martha Summers pe 72 | hed] i ae 1927; 9 18]Strouda Mary Jane | F A Turnersburg fns Matthew Swisher [Polly Clodfelter hs 573 : t Hf. J H | a 1934 2 | 1yStroud Elva Ennis F \ |statesviite 220 lr H Dickens “re Johnson eO | 637 | h- i | | | ie Ae i i ____ 41934) 9 = 28/Stroua Henry $ M |W |Statesville N C William Stroud lane Walker Ro 490 ki ie ik 1923, 1. 8Storrs | Lillian F | W [Statesville N CiJames Calvin Lillian Moore 9 | ase mm «=—S—ti(‘(‘zwqL9S7 66 14 Stroud Sarah Zlizabeth Fi tee ae Ins [Pinkney Stroud iKlizabeth Massey RS 557 4 if 1 i lr 1937) 12 (11/}Stroud Elizabeth I | F |W |Turnersburg Tns G P Stroud Mason EO | SOL H 4 i | ii ; ae 1938 | 4 28)Stroud Mary K Horn | F _W |Turnersburg Tns [Davidson Horn Hlizabeth Turner R4 | 539 | i n it i t | es 1938 | 9 1ljStroud Mary Olivia | FW {Cool Springs Tn /Franklin Mason Tomlinson p4 65 H | j | ae 1939 11 1]Stroud John Austin | M .W furnersburg Tn Giles Stroud : Mason pS | 3a 1 i) q A i t ' | ee 1940) 17 Stroud iEarl augustus M W |Turnersburg Tn |/Pinkney Stroud Elizabeth Mason 26) 565 a 4 : Wh | ) | T i ——_}1940| L jl [Stroud \Nannie Mary F |W |Turnersourg Tn [Dave Campbell Nancy Feimster 261.572 te, i ; i | ae 1942 | 2 /|1 [Stroud (Martha Louise F Cool Spring Tn [Pinkney Stroud Llizabeth Mason 27 40 Bui a. mn | | ] f | j Oy 2942 | 2 17 [Stroud {Daniel Alexandeqw M | W Turnesburg Tn {Pinkney Stroud Hlizabeth Mason 2/7 | 455 B.: : a | oe ia vi 4 | | | i i 1942 | 7. |21 qStroud ; Rebecca F | - |Cool Springs Pinkney Stroud Elizabeth Mason 281 65 fr Nit | | ‘i 1943 | 5 | 28) Stroud ,Howsrd QClerence| M . W |Turnersburg Tns|E A Stroud Ledis Feimster 23 280 be, ae Pi {9 | | 1943/7 | 8iStroud Mery Jeane F .W |Turnersburg Tns|Jiles P Stroud Louise Msson 29, 273 . a RY. T ; | | ——1 1944! 6 | 20) Stroud | Vanola F | Wi Statesville NC 1G R Mason Ollie Meson 30 | 323 he Tl I ne 10 | 20} Stowers Luther x | C_jSteatesville NC} = - 22 | 2235 ——_ J D948 3 25 Stroud |Sanford E Jr M | W [Statesville NC [Sanford 4 Stroud Sr | Avis Victoria ee 3h 143 i i] | | I 1942) 1. 29 Btowers _ Aline att. F | C (Statesville Tns|William ~towers Lottie Morrison 28 | 432 11949) 11 2d Stroud Harry St Clair | M |W | Mooresville NC | Charles F stroud Jessie & Click 35, 506 ql ae |. “ : : ii | ! ea , Si cee = a : | : oe NG }Feter slexander Lula alexander _ 28. 345 —H1949 10 !9 jotroud Ninnie Florence | F. |W jHarmony NC Julis.. Harkey neh Nichols 36.93 i Bik } eg : atesviile Elija Blackwell | Slattie A Jones | 48 | 597 1958!) 10 |14/stroua | Floyd Sylveste} M | W [Harmony NC Pinkney Stroud Elizabeth Mason 58 523 A i 4 It 1963; 2 |24|Stowers Isom M| Ci Statesville Unk. ca. sh aan ee ‘ or, aie! Hi f i 5 Midi A953 ae \25 Stroud Dela Quincy F iW {Harmony NY John Feimster Sallie Godby 39 |210 a Me i : | " ’ el . r / | 11955, 5 | 9 | Stroud William W M/W Harmony NC Burgess Stroud Clementine Forcum ha 238 i Hi 1 | 2) ; i te a i ee ee wii 1956 | 4 laa arte bias blizabeth F | W] Statesville Glenn Stroud Kinma Horne 2 | 227 : | iy | ; n957/ 9 | 2 |Stroud N Wheeler M W fHarmony NC ohn B Stroud Dorcas Forcum 43 417 i i ii 7” aia a | Bs | : : 1957/11 | sistroua Giles Franilin| M |W | Statesville Pinney P Stroud [Frusie Maso 43 498] | ‘| tia |. Bel a i TT ba Hi i | | W958 | | Btroud, Jr. Claude D M | W Statesville Claude D Stroud Betty Rumple +4. 03 L iH HI i | | 29|Stroua Amanda S. | w ftarmony Themes F Onin Louise Cain 56 | | | | | i 1 | 11} Stroud — Henry W. , | Harmony John B Stroud Catherine F Stroud 48 653 |] i | t Dia os Statesville | Shields Marlowe Mary Richardson | 50 264] Mim ae 24] Stroud Robert ies 1a RY Ptroud Ninner Cashion 51 49 Hi tae) si Tis, ro 2 IO a te et 9 Tn i ql I 9 g wiabdiibbeitattiaks io... tee? eee t T ; i " ie Er ¢ E : aes INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C 39 | i This mS ms - ~~ - —_—— _~ — - NNN - . in eet tt i a sae : 7 - sii mm a : _StMES | Por Your Prowection, nist Oe DF "> toca mazes, ont ot SURNAME INITIAL, TAB and roler TTR AY MASAL, INDEX me. 1 EATTCO UNIVERSAL: INDEX Ne. 4 —— redeli County, 1N. \. ssh : ~- aaa = : = SS SS 1830 ae <2 aoa Clo aia avenane =" locate samen, ones - SUMAN, EETIAL. TAB and refer Made by The Cott Indou Company, Columbus, Sito ‘ DATE = ——— aT ~ingex sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Ton SURNAME OF DECEASED re nacéanes DATE OF DEATH me ae Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER - SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED ' ' baad Page Year | Month § Day CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN j Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER vel Pos SS $ ‘ j 1925; 12 19) Stowe M | ] , ' ; ‘ ar. . A 7 . NT , j | | | | garette Anne| F W [Mooresville N CiD L Benfield J A Waugh ll) 229 ‘f1913| 11 |22/stroua eis | " | 1928 4 22) Stowes J ; a | | | ~ +“ ,furnersburg Tns * = | 1.590 : | Joe M | C |Statesville N CiWilliam Stowes Manisa Thornton 14, 409 _}1917) 1 | 27)Stroud NE ! i a ber cice 1932 7 | 231 Stowe R oat ; ; pre.” “" jovatesvilie Tns jRichard Stroud Mary Jane Swisher 4,27 ; |Robertus A M W iMo ’ i | Mooresville N CiJacob Ruse Stowe Jane Porter 18) 184 | 41918; 5 | 9] Stroud Clare De c. 4, 10 19501 3! 5 I Stowe a sai si , ne ' " jturnersburg Tas iD a Stroud Nannie Holmes 15 | 22 | : i kverette Thomas M | W | Mooresville NC James W Stowe Minnie & Stowe 36; 340 3 1918 | 11 | 25|Stroud ‘Giles p | M ly b / | | : : ; : ——T j w jTfurnersburg Tns lAndrew Stroud Nancy Living > | 252 sith bi 953, 7 (31) Stowe (Franklin Wilkinf M W |Mooresville NC | Franklin Stowe slizabeth Sherrill [39 42) | ane SE AESS ancy Livingston _} 5 | 28 HT | fig22| 4 13]stroua Pinkney es |. - | : Atay He pee ee " eagle Mills Tns jandy Stroud Nancy Livester | 8, 282 mee Tea a | }i923| 6 19}stroud . Be lied : : H aw : te Allen H M W }Turnersburg as hy V Stroud Ika therine Horne | 2 133 ru + | 1925} 1 24/stroua Wid enikie oe ee | PU | | ec lizabeth | F | W |furnersburg Ins [Prior Mason Gaither 22, 487) fo Ted | 1925| 6 6/Stroua Fein Sekeke Rae Pe Be te agen ae | Paul Ky | ee oUPEess | " jtagie Mills Tns jAndrew Stroud i - 11 119 | oe ae | | | Bi) | a | : 1925} 8 8/Stroud Rie Uinet iow | | | | i : i l] | | ae ' nenry Virgie | M W \Turnersburg [ns |G P Stroud [Louisa Mason 21, 491 | ~ i Hl i | | 1925. 9 10/Stroud R Ellis eee ee | | | 4 | | 4 4 | a | es {MW |Bagle Mills Tas Richard Stroud Mary J Snicker hi | 126 | | set =: 1 \ | i ¥ i i * PT i 1926; 3 23]Stroua tke tee ede tw ee | | 1 E | ila ie | i Betty Jane i 4 = n |Statesville N C Harrison Walker Sarah Anne Chaffen le . 472 i is . j i { ; j | H i i f , i | ; {| i | ' 1926 ° 10 |Stroud Elizabeth } l a w im, aaa pe ee | oe i i i WoL | j ' —— os c[e eer ears ——- Tomlin Martha Summers me 571 | Bi THT 1927, 9 18|stroua aera | oa | | | bi 4 i} Mary dane F M jturnersburg Ins Matthew Swisher [Polly Clodfelter nh 273 | a a 1934, 2. ljst ud hikes roe | | | i th {4 | ee i i roud Hiva onnis | F " IS ta tesville NC IF H Dickens ‘Susan Johnson PO | 307 a rid Hy I | | | Hie | ta i 1934 9 23 Stroud Henry § 1 We w lebae bees wo : : ‘ | t ma + ~ ' aeury » | M | W |Statesville N C William Stroud iJ lke 9 i Heels de r am $ u jJane Walker 0 | 490 I Fi Pa 1923, 1. 8|/Storrs Lillian F | W [Statesville N C]James Calvin Lillian Moore 9) 3521 1937; 6 |14/Is¢ | rs i PMP | BP . i ve | ] Sonal i?) 4 ws et m + she : : wi i | ] on } > roud saran Hlizabeth| F w jlurnersburg Tns [Pinkney Stroud Hlizabeth Massey co.) BSF + mi | Hi : Flisabeth 1 Ci. . i he i | | 91937) 12 (11]Stroud \Elizabeth I | F |W |furnersburg fns |G P Stroud Mason 25 | 562 He ale | Ha ; 9; ¢ a Seow oo a 5 | Hi 4 _._f1958, 4 (28 )Stroud Mary K Horn } * , 4 Jturnersburg Ins [Davidson Horn Hlizabeth Turner 4 539 im Higgs dd | | ' it | | e Hi pel | | 91958] 9 | LEStrouad Mary Olivia M | F W |Cool Springs Tn |Franklin Mason Tomlinson D4 65 . Pie) aa I | 1 é ae 7 | nlite. a 11 1jStroud John Austin | M W Wurnersburg Tn Giles Stroud - Mason FS 520 i ee of el t | | 4 J zs 1940) 1 .7 |Stroud ,Earl augustus | M | W |Turnersburg Tn |/Pinkney Stroud Elizabeth Mason 26. 565 ii. ri i ' ‘ | | t ; | "i . Ait r : i + I 7 Wann? xr > tar * } I -{ | ; -_——___ oe 4 (1 [Stroud |\Nannie Mary F W |Turnersburg Tn [Dave Campbell Nancy Feimster 26. 572 Bhs), HH | | : ae : : | q i 4| | | t motte $LIbL | 2 11 [Stroud iMartha Louise { F * (Cool Spring Tn [Pinkney Stroud Liizabeth Mason 27 40 i. i! g | i aa JIA | 2 17 [Straud \Daniel Alexande# M W Turnesburg Tn Pinkney Stroud Hlizabeth Mason 27 | &55 1 R | | hi mane 7 (21 iStroud Rebecca | F | - Cool Springs Pinkney Stroud Elizabeth Mason 28: 65 i off | | 1943 | S. , 281i Stroud \Howsrd Clarence] M . W iTurnersburg Tns|E A Stroud Ledis Feimster 29, 280] ku 1 i ti me ai - 1943/7 8istroud \Mery Jene F . W |Turnersburg Tns|Jiles P Stroud Louise Meson 29| 273 .. ae + t of i i | i —~ . : Yi i ; ——___ 11944) _ i } f. Bj 1936, 10 | 20] Stowers | Luther M | C [Statesville N Cc mi eo ee a Le ee sea Seeaiiys 1 nae rie ie | | = ~- | 52) _e walt a it!) il | | Be | 0&9 ——_J11948 3 25/]Stroud [Sanford E dr M_ | W JStatesville NC [Sanford % Stroud Sr Avis Victoria “sg 34 143 : Hi Bi 1942) 1. 29 Btowers aline wt! F_| C |Statesville Tns|William Stowers ak a ae | aye. ! oo Le | | | ¢ Morrison a8, 432 : 41949) 11 | 2d Stroud _ Harry St Clair |M |W | Mooresville NC | Charles F stroud Jessie b Click 35 506] & iH 3 | oe 7,4 [Stowers Lula Alexander | F | C [Statesville NC [eter alexander fi aoe : s : ; ey ie | alexander | 345 19 . ‘ a AM | e 1962! 7 [12 Stowers “ara F | C {Statesville Elija Blackwell Slattie AJ ——f 1949 10 19 jotroud Minnie Florence} F ,W |Harmony NC Julis.. Harkey Betty Nichols 86 | 93 at i) t ¥ attie ones 48/ 397 ; : ie AnH 1963 | 2 |24|Stowers Isom M! Cc Statesville Unk 1958 / 10 (14 Stroud | Floyd Sylvestey M | W |Harmony NC Pinkney Stroud Elizabeth Mason 38 523 He it Zee el } + i NK Unk 49 122 | Me Hi an : . ‘ | | . a aye ta . i] i ————_}1953 | 5 15] Stroud | Dela Quincy F (W jfHarmony N¥ John Feimster Sallie Godby 39 |210 if is ¢ | rH we | Oe : | i i | : i| | ; 11955! 5 | 9 | Stroud | William W M/W Harmony NC Burgess Stroud Clementine Forcum ba 238 1, ; 14 4 { i i P . - ’ ‘ : | | | *' a | 1 _ t a aN 1.956 | 4 [21 Btroud Nannie BlizabetH F| Wi] Statesville Glenn Stroud imma Morne 2 | 227 i ey a | | a ae IH Hy ° —____1957| 9 2 |Stroud N Wheeler M W |Harmony NC John B Stroud Dorcas Forcum i a U ae a a . % 4 HH I; ——_ 297/11 | 5 (Stroud Giles Franklin] M | W | Statesville Pinkney P Stroud Wises Mason ii qh wea | i i f ! A - . pili ose : - U i He 1 tan a ae 58 | Btroud, Jr. Claude D M | WStatesville Claude D Stroud Betty Rumple | | eolstroua Amanda S. |W [Harmony Thomas F Smith Louise Cain | | if ’ | : panne ne oh one lene it , | j{ilp Stroud Henry W. i | W [Harmony John B Stroud Catherine F Stroud a 18 [Stroud Laura St at esvi lle Shields Marlowe Mary Richardson 24] Str R W Stroud 4 oud Robert St@esvill A iy plant Ninner Cashion Ri e933 ty cae ahi oa tae Ree eee inintaiebiennaainae: i hae hae ale Sales SGT nee in vsinigexintins 7 1 | Bin 40° INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ea Si ee eee ee ae COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND ‘ if adel PU Be U8 Pat on. Lo oy tet Insist On Tt Be oem ed Sab-lades shed ter page tolaemen a, Ne. 14aT165 Copyright tite e + i : = 2 ears ectccmedien ais IC a ~ aaa ee ; ee - £250 i { § sale DATE OF DEATH : RECORDED 7 PRS SURNAME OF DECEASED AME F i . fs axrte BSE Sf became Sex cor | PLACE OF DFATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = |=. e i +r t t : ane of 4 a H it t Pl ibibhy $2914) 2 Stutts - F | W [Davidson Tns Thomas Stutts Vassie Sherrill 1 | 157 i aii hy 42919) 2 Stutts Cyntha Julia F | W [Davidson Tans lathew Gibbs Lucy Daton 2, 347 iF ' | eit 2 ‘ | ai “HH 1920; 2 Stutts Martha Emma F |W [Coddle Creek TnjJohn Stutts jCecelia Smith 6 515 ae I ik 1924; 8 Stutts Alfred Grover C]} mw W ICoddle Creek Tn {George Stutts Julia Gibbs 10 | 67 Di a Bahan 1925 10 Stutts Hazel F W {Davidson fns Y J Stutts Vass Sherrill bat aot At) a : Ait EH ,927|. ® Stutts - F W {Barringer Tns Brooks L Stutts Mildred A Houston 13 | 3 Plott RBH aac He f2230, 1 Stutts ‘Bettie E F |W {Davidson Tns Ritchard Washam Ellen Cashion 16 134 ‘| ‘td i) $1936) 12 Stutts George M M |W jMooresville N CjJohn Stutts Elizabeth Philips 22 286 | f Ab 1939 «1 Stutts Mildred AH F WwW |Barringer Tn S EH Houston Mary Edna Spears 25/ ji i) | Meal, F j : nici ‘ ' : as Bae 4tt4e, Stutts Camilla Gail F |W |Statesville NC [Howard Stutts Mattie Moose 281 290 if PET ih? 17 Ee 1946 6 Stutts = M W |Mooresville NC |John T Stutts iWelen Childers we, 187 Po | i bt LK 1947) 1 Stutts Leander M W Mooresville NC ~ - aa. A2 | | r hh Sele 1948 1 Stutts Alfred Brooks MI W |Mooresville R 1 ~ "= 54/ 55 - +e) | as 1950 5 Stutts Maude Walker F W |Mooresville CG L Walker Unknown 56 255 c { if i 1 iki ane “Bi 1950. 6 15 | Stutts James Fred M W Mooresville NO jJohn L Stutts Maude W Stutts 36! 321 moi} RAL ae , f te 4 44950, li Stutts Jennie Vassie F . W Mooresville NC jd W Sherrill Martha Sherrill 36.545 |i: + ; A952 | e. 40 fStutts Kbliiott Houston M Ww dMooresville NC John otutts Martha kmily otutts] 37 122 miei |b } i | Tt ; i “Bi 1952 1 Stutts | John Law M W | Mooresville NC George M Stutts Julia Gibbs 38 40 hk , iu bite “ai 1958 12 28/Stutts Lucius Kelly HE W [Statesville NM | William Kelly Stutts! Jesse Mack Thompson| 44 635 Pile | i 1965 1 (16) Stutts Mary F Wi Mooresville A. B. Stutts Eliz. Washam 51, 49 1 ae ik 1965, 8 29} Stutts John M W} Mooresville Elliott H Stutts Mamie Finncannon 51 509 i “Oe iu mi If | ae di tae | i WT) Ih an | < | ‘hae. Late i ol | | | | fo Ul | “* } + SY ik | | | fr min j2914) 5 (26) Stroupe | Loy M | W [Statesville Tns ~ . 1 | 482 t | 1964 | 8 | 26 St ro upe Stillborn | | M |W Mooresville Melvin L Stroupe}| Elizabeth C Harwel! 50 494 if i — i : i | | ie) ane ot - rae fests thie i } re ‘| | Biden teal L We | Bl ee —— i i L | | _ oe U. S. Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Meine kisi, DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Seld by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ea 1 t acer am SURNAME QF DECEASED ‘oan nt AND CHRISTIAN KilS®, IF ONE 1S elven | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ied 1914. 5 28] Styles Rin i. W |Statesville N C lJake Styles Margaret Fisher | | : 7 1917 5 (|21] Stiles Thurman Mi W |Statesville Tns| ~ - é 1920, 9 19 | Stiles Marcus Otha MW |Mooresville N CiJ R Stiles Susan Abernathy 6 33} 1930, & 24) Stiles - MC /Chambersburg Tn [William Stile - 16 37 | 1932, 3 20) Stiles Ja M W (Statesville N C|Williem Stiles Natlar Stiles 18 310 H H io . hia acme ioe | 1935 8 .28) Stiles Fannie £ F W |Mooresville N CjJohn Stiles Sarah Fisher 21 93 50 1i Stiles John Conrad ). Mooresvi MO sti on 4 . onre M4 ve MOOTESVLlile Wi 1 Ba Feri ee rt Gé@ pr V JO af Ey X $ | % ‘. ! te | | | | | I | ) | : ! | | | | i ! | | | | | | | | | . | | : = | %. | i | " | | | | | | | |, | —~——{1932| 1 [21] Suggs Joyce Evelyn | F | W |Statesville N C|B E Suggs Frances £ Walker }18 495 | | eed Be scl 1932; 1 (21) Suggs Joyce Evelyn | F W |Statesville N CB E Suggs Suges [27 500 | diliiiinn 1937, 1 | 3) Suggs i\Charles L | M C |Statesville N C jaquilla Suggs Adline Turnage 25 | 291 i | | | —._ 957 | 1 | 14 Suggs | Wm. Clyde |M |W [Concord Bruce Suggs | : e387 ey | | | pa i { } | | ee | | | | ee | | | I | | | | | Ae. | | | | | ie’ =r = = tn a i wh e — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Z INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 41 a coTrTrco UNIVERSAL Dex | porte re PRE Me. a8 BER Te locate n t SURNAME INITIAL TAB Index C Columbus, Ohio ‘This Signature on sheets jusures enebecinems open AME INITIAL TAB we refer Ne, — , U. & setent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ames, open at S and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohi Reg. U.S. Pat. Le . t ti oder On It. = = Buff Sub- phe for page reloreace, _& 8. » Fae = Set ok ht, pee to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C . 0.8, Pat. Off. rotection, Insi D i eae a iia eaave # = , ATE OF DEATH | SURNAME. OF DECEAS : { veo | DATE OF DEATH RECORDED [sare of extn | ECEASED ; : oer eet } RECOR SURNAME OF DECEASED OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN j Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yer © Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN RRA: OF Snes — Vol. Page ; ~ = _ ; Se ee ee e ee 2 ae <n ad = - s i Sn oS i ee ae — " “: - 4. tr - a “a wn s sa l ss a a on oy =p : . oe = ba fe e “ i ao a 5 1914, 5 £8) Styles Ruth W |Statesville N ¢ Jake Styles Margaret Fis! | 1. 489] Stutts | W [Davidson Tas Thomas Stutts Vassie Sherrill sa g a T Lucy Daton 5 | : 1917 | Stiles ,Thurman Mo 66 6W 6(Statesville Tns/ 313 | Stutts Cyntha Julia , W {Davidson Tns Mathew Gibbs uc t s A 3 5 Stutts ‘Martha Emma | W {Coddle Creek TniJohn Stutts Cecelia Smith | §15 ____ 44920 | 19} Stiles Marcus Otha i _W (Mooresville N ClJ R Stiles Susan Abernathy 1 6 33 | Stutts Alfred Grover C/ M | Coddle Creek Tni|George Stutts Julia Gibbs } 1930, } Stiles (© |Chambersburg Tn |William Stile le 37) i t eS Stutts Hazel i {Davidson Tns Y J Stutts Vass Sherrill 11932. | Stiles JA { W |Statesville N CiWilliam Stiles Natlar Stiles { 310 | ¥ ro n la ne r ee e es e t en s e n s s t a n t i n 2 pt p a t e n r c i n i n i g r i t e a r e n i s ae 7 si l i ao e T x ae Stutts i |Barringer Tns Brooks L Stutts hisiarea A Houston ¢ ee | Stiles Fannie | W Mooresville N CiJohn Stile Sarah Fisher f Stutts Bettie | |Davidson Tns Ritchard Washam Ellen Cashion 5 | 134 | otiles John Conrad M = W | Mooresville Stutts George M 1 M i jMooresville N CjJohn Stutts Elizabeth Philips Stutts Mildred AH Barringer Tn S EH Houston Mary Edna Spears Stutts Vamilla Gail W [Statesville NC [Howard Stutts Muattie Moose Stutts { Mooresville NC /John T Stutts Helen Childers Stutts | Leander yl W | Mooresville NC Stutts Alfred Brooks h Mooresville Rl - “ Stutts _ Maude Walker : Mooresville C L Walker Unknown 1950, Stutts ‘James Fred Mooresville NG jJohn L Stutts Maude W Stutts T 1950; ll .25iStutts Jennie Vassie | W Mooresville NC |iJ W Sherrill Martha Sherrill 1951 | 3 otutts Klliott Houstom bk Ww [Mooresville NC John otutts Martha emily otutts 1952. Stutts |John Law : Mooresville NC George M Stutts Julia Gibbs 1958 12 2s/Stutts . Lucius Kelly Statesville NM |William Kelly Stutts! Jesse Mack Thompson 1965 1/18] Stutts Mary Ni Mooresville A. B. Stutts Eliz. Washam 1965 8 291 Stutts John Mooresville Elliott H Stutts Mamie Finncannon 2932; 1 {21 Joyce Evelyn | Statesville N CIB E Suggs (Frances E Walker 1932; 1 {21 \Joyce Evelyn | Statesville N CIB E Suggs Suggs 1937. ae Charles L | M iStatesville N CjAquilla Suggs \Adline Turnage + n957 | 1 | 12 2 | Wm. Clyde | M Concord Bruce Suggs | - Stroupe Loy | W [Statesville tTns i | peesere Ls me |. St ro upe Stillborn | | M Mooresville Melvin L Stroupe| Elizabeth C Harwel] ee e a ee e n n a e e n n ne r s . an c e s “a = = = a SA SO R , Toe Ea Mau nian ty Tene wer i This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. aa Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 : COTICO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 7 ATl STICS ae D KATH S as Iredell c County, N. c ae Reg. U.S. Fat. Off. For Your Protection, Insist On It. te Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 : U. 8. Petent No. 1437163—Copyright 1939 st locate names, o 42 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. PS _INDEXTTOITAL ST pen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page oe then la outer Sold te Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C aaa aga ' re — = ean aes — SURNAME OF DECEASED i : RECORDED | DATE OF DEATH SURN COR ——| | sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHE ; AME OF DECEASED — AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN R Vol. | Page Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER onl fen i ne | ! _ | 1926 7 3} Sullivan |\William Roy } M | W | Statesville Tns |George R Sullivan i\Dorthy Nelson 12 | i 11913) 12 .4 jSommers Saninws Willi S G Gilbert 112 | it ; , ord Tns jilliam a Sommers race 1927, 3 18) Sullivan ‘Walter H W |Mooresville N C/John Sullivan - 13 ii t j j f { f , 1914! 1/8 |Somers lizzie i944. 6 5) Sulliven /Leeh Ellen | W | Statesville NC |Scott Green |. 30 1914 5 (3 |Somers | : Sharpesburg Tns |Dick Somers Hessie Jane More _ 342 | Katherine Hayes 34 | 1915) 4 27\iSummers Blize Statesville Tns |Hawood Somers Adie Somers _ 414 (1948 1 7 | Sullivan George Burgess | W | Statesville John Sullivan a nine ae Be i otatesv ée Tans 10omas McClellan 1915; 7 (2 |Summers Haywood 1954 7 &) Sullivan George Nelson M . W |Stateeville G R Sullivan \Dorthy Lee Nelson 40 i Statesville N C [Haywood Summers Addie Clarke | = © t : _$1915| 8 (2 {Summers earah Elizabeth Sharpsburg 3 Willis Gray Morrison | : ff } i Frank Summer Moore 41915, 8 (9 {Summer Martha Lou Blled 5 d 8 1 Henrw T I ‘ ae j i 1916, 1 (15]Summer Wm Henry H | M NW jBethany ' Geo Summers 4 & ¢ . 1916; 1. |15)Summers Nancy Summers ties \ a a " ‘ ‘ 1916; 4 1 jSummers Lenie MK | C |furnersburg Tns er Summers Jennie Campbell 1917, 5 19iSummers Willie May | F » WStatesville tr Florence Summers 1917; 10 16]Summers |\Perry Melvin | Mi W {Bethany j [ns Summers Nancy Tomlin 1 $1917, 10 (27)Summers ren | Davidson Tns Summers Annie Summers i Hh i ! i | 1917; 11 24]Summers William Franklig h Olin Tns Dellia Summers | J . | 917) 11 117] Summers Janie Cool Springs Tn 28) Summerell Elisha M MeOW Statesville N CiDr J J Summerell |E11en Mitchell i | I | | : ! __|a9is} 1 25) summers Harvey 1 | | . . : Statesville Ni ( Pane Hedrick H t ! 41918; 3:3 [Summers Thomas 1 W [Statesville NC Elizabeth Summers } i : i j1918) 4 | 25)Sommers R Victor f |W [Concord Tns Martha Sommers 1918 | 4 (28]Summers Margaret E W Statesville N Hial Guy Margaret Morris j1918| 5 (18}Summers Martha ; Cool Springs Tn 91918) 10 19}/Summers ‘Quince f §$W fOlin Tns Hiram Summers [21919 | 2 (16]Summers ‘Herman 4 Fallstown Tns [Henry Summers Annie Sherrill 11919! 3 (22]Summers ‘George F f |W {Olin Tos Harry Summers Brawley } J1919; 5 (1 [Somers ‘Mary Jane _C€ jConcord Tns Dick Somers Hazie Sharpe fisig Summers Richard {| Statesville Tns}JAb Summers 1919 Summers Estelle Statesville Hogan Byers Viney Harris $1919) oS Summers Nancy E _ W {Bethany Tns Sam Brawley Nancy Rumple | Surratt | | ra Mooresville N CjJH B Surratt Rosa Mc Clamrock #1919 |3 |} Somers ‘Marther E Concord Tns John Somers Liza McLelland Surratt ,John Monroe Voddle vreek Alven Surratt Sereh Monroe | 11920) | Summers | Lilly Statesville | Wash Evans Matilda Crop | 11920; 8 Summers Pi J Bethany Tos Sarah Cowles 11921) 2 | 2} Summers |Annie Statesville Hilliard Summers Gertrude Feimster 11921) | 21) Summers Leber a Bethany Tns C J Nicholson Adeline McCorkle 11921! 7 |15)Summers Bettie Davidson Tns Ben Summers Sussan Tucker jAs21) 7 | 22] Sumers Chambersburg Tn /W N Sumers pic Chester 11921 Summers W Reid | W Statesville N C Henry C Summers Melisa Ervin 1921 | Summers Garfield | Statesville N C f{Lize Summers Emma Coles 1921 Summers Herbert Statesville N C Martin Summers Summers |fTabétha Adline jfurnersburg Tns jSolomon Summers Susan Summers Summers BE Cool Springs Tn jBert Summers jSummers. |John B | JShiloh Tas H C Summers (CON) VR . se t a e rey 44 Pe Mm i. i hen ent eres eg ——____——s INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ro INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell C NC 44 | rf) Hats This fignstore 00 shout ee meet sega scaey: See it A eee Ravers Protection, Init One Ore ee eae aes nee ot te TLL MRE <n ERLE ll ve nr ort el County, Nw. <mes | pF " ij DATE OF DEATH as oe ee SQ SS ——— = = — SS . —— __ te Buff Sub-Index sheet for INITIAL TAB and reler Made ty The Cott Index Compas, poe ery gue : rin | ‘ie ~ SURNAME OF DECEAS <<a DATE OF re si , ee = aaa SE ee ee a ee eee eee ener a : DLL eT eee om fn Ge ae, TEAMED sex | cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER }SS22mmeD : Tae oa, ia: aa RECORDED i ipa | Val, | Page Year ik S GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a OED Tag 1924, 9 | ; BithaH ,1 {Summers |P M (Mrs) F | W /Bethany Tns Jonas Lazenb olland © 1935 3 2 | Summers = af pl ¥ 10 i 21 ae + + j F R Stat aus ee ie “RTT eh 1925! 1 iis i = — ge batesville N CiErn Summers Mary Leach 21. ait “rah | unm |Elge M | C jBethany Tns Andy Summers Lucinda Crawford ri | 34 1935; 5 | 29) Summers a v = i Hall 1925! 4 wala oa 3 aS t — t | © [Statesville tnsicarlee Summers Lorena Chipley 21 | 507 one aut aan Maggie M F | C jShiloh fas Alfred Morrison - hl | e292 1935, 8 12) Summers David uicls : ml iba 1925, 9 (1ilsummers P or} Statesville Tns|Heywood Summers Addie Clarke 21| 556) (i abt ean ‘Paul M jC JOlin Tns M S Summers (innie Mitchell h1 | 273 __ $1935; 8 | 16) Summers \Stella oh Ml Mi a: ra seis a sf ~ } 1926 | 2 Sa SE ticiiiasas ‘wanda ; i “ jtagie Mills Tn JW S Summers Etta Wyatt 21. 194 vst tae id | n M .C jfurnersburg Tn Isaac Summers lary Dalton n2 | 565 1936; 3 (3 [Somers ‘John Newton i . ee ' i aa 1926, 3 15] Summers J Wat ‘s 4 + = " {Sharpesburg TnsiJohn N Somers Eliza MeLain 22 324 i Wt nn | } att M |W [Statesville fns |Henry Summers Ellen Ervin 12 | 415 1936, 4 |7 | Summers William Jr i ow a ee : ; Tay 1926) 3 19 Riis wn ie | a. - V [setrany Tas Wild Summers Hattie Stevenson £2;\ 30 va ; Ha att M |W {Concord Tn Henry C Summers Ellen zrvin he 9] ‘41936; 5 | 12] Summers Frank i aa aaa ae a pean dit 1926: 4 5 |Summers mm , : a = 4g SE USSVLL2O N CiSmith Powell jMadie Summers cz, 428 wah en ,Tom (Mrs) F . W jStatesville ns |David Price periods Stonebird 2 | 377 41936; 9 (8 | Summers Bert Peta ee 2s. ee ee hehe 1926’ 11 1l2/Summers bao : eee = ¥ O01 Springs TniJim Summers Adline Stevenson 22| 88 i eh ners Zilphi , , : “t 4 Hit phia F | C [Statesville Tns jalfred Dalton Sallie Dalton m2 , 419 __ $1936; 10 24} Summers John Warren 1 , we ; | | Ra 1926) 12 5 cil | er 4 A " jsnarpsburg Ins IT: nomas P Summers sarah E Gray 22, SEB Fp ; ("7 i ® {Thomas P M | W |Sharpesburg TM [Hiram Summers - 12 | 268 1936; 12 27) Somers Pegey Kethesinel mn zs : S s | ' a hie 27 1 $01 Seneve ees i ——— SS ne | _ m peu esviiie NC i" ance Somers Ethel Owens ee} 56) eH ' i 8 FW |Cool Springs TnjL R Tuck hary Holeman 13 82 1937; 3 10} Summers Alice Gray | F | - | | Mii, 1927| 2 191s — ) + “ Statesville vifnomas P Summers Sarah Gray 25 3350 i ii: a } i ; } umnmers |\Addie F ig Statesville Tns iW E Clark Frances Dixon 13 503 1937| 6 13] Summers RP - oe is | HT HAE 1927! 6 sht 6 mere | * i Ww |Jstatesville N C]Henry £ Summers Ellen Ervin 25. 394 “< Hii umners ‘Kizzie Fic “S gf | | 1 ins f | Turnersburg Tns - - 13 570 1957; 7 (1 Summers Jennie | x o | ee - | ma 1927, 8 15/Somers Roy A u w istics ce ar = v4 tatesville Tns|James Patterson Pamelia Pondexter 20 | 525 i BS Me | atesville N CA A Somers Emma Stikeleather 24 311 41937; 8 15}/Summers Viola oA fo th eae - itt Bt 1927, 12 27] Summers ‘i F ic {ralist oe | { v |stetesville Tns|Pete Summers Odessa Gamble 25. 929 ae met) fi Filea allstown Tns James Summers ary Vanderburg n4 | 147 |} 1939 3 16] Summers Henry C | ov w IStatesville NC : MeSH J1928) 3 | 10}summers \Sutrel F aC fee Net) Summers Annie Frye 25 298] |. ed BE | | C olin tns Walter Summers ‘innie Mit | | | Hie Ly } ‘ Summ { Miteh © Pee vi | He eae ae i : ell 14 258 a poo 6 5 {Summers Charles Henry } MW [Concord Tn Henry Clay Summers Elean Watts 25 63 i. ae i ' ' mna Moore F | W jStatesville N CJ Frank Moore lary Tem | sum i lr ¢ | | Hi i air i928 8 ne Pena Ps f y pleton 4 439 af 2959 6 28 mers Ida 4 | f C |Statesville NC |W C Symmers Ida Roberst 25 355 " Cie js anes te F | C [Statesville N C [Flake Summers Fatie Ste | unm | | | I eee ~ el i 4 | ay Wie | ‘aa! 0 N4 | 457 1959 7 ~~ 27) Summers Cilla | FW |Statesville NC |Franklin Summers Elizabeth A Summers 25 361 iB! |! , 11] Summers \Vallie Ruth Fic ist | | HL | atesville N C Louis Summers Rosetta Summers n4 | 465 1 6 We 1928, 10 |8 | Summers | i ie es pf 1940, .3 | Summers | Mabel L | F | C | Statesville Tn | Henry Williams Bessie Young 26, 524) Be west) | e + ¥ povatesville N C (Bryant Summers Roxie Shive ta mM f BI r 1929) 3 . Seis | Ss 14, 489 = 9 | 1@ Summers | Sara Louise M | # | W | Sharpesburg Tn | Theopolis Marshall Clarice Moors 26 2821 pL Y. | = F | C |Chambersburg Pa faves Sommers kena Holland 15 | 54 0) r es ee ee me t. qi one! s | 2elsummere ass ss i ; 1940, 10 | 1OSummers | Mary Allan Hillj F |W [Statesville NC | Robert R Hill Emmer King 26) AIG) Be We ES 268 M | W [Bethany Tn Claude Southers Lillie Summers h5 | 36 | | Tie BK if 1929| 5 esis ee a | } —f 190, 12. | 25 Summers - F C | Statesville NC | Frank Summers Hazel Summers 26! 486) Ea Tae | ¥ F | © |Barringer Tp Olih Summers Susan Okland 1519 1910) ih AA |e ee se ee fe 7 | see titdah 9 by 12 29] Summers a M W | Statesville NC |] T L Summers Myrtle Lloyd 26 488 HH LH i t | C [Statesville Tns|Dick Summers azel Sharpe | Hi + i fe P 6 } 571 ae BI41 | 1 | 1 Somers Marvy Elizabeth | F Ww fetatesvilie NO | Sandy Cleary ane ivy . 7 1930} 3 5 | Summers 'Eth i | Vy eary vane “oore 277i: Bar i. | | |Ethel M F | C [Chambersburg Tn [William Summers Irena Hollin h6 | 42 1 | | ; a : ; e bo 1930| 3 6 Summers Harold M C Statesvill a F ~—eidlianLe? 4. Pe | 4 f Summers | Mamae Keavis i OW Statesville WNC James teavis Mur y S Weldon b7 241 rh e Tns |Frank Summers | f | Thelma Ramseur 16 | 981 L941 a a | 2G Summers James ‘Lhomus Mi W Statesville NU I Jumec 5 cas a ak we aes! pes : sel = k 1930 3 1g Summers Nc ue | | a +. 5 i ame S oumers Ellen Summers 4£/i\ 278 Biri | t = W jCool Spring Tns |Franklin Summers Elizabeth Ward he | 98 : 1930! yee orn as on { moi ik ae | Summers | Elizabeth B ri Mooresville NC | Sam Slack Laura Osborne oT) 1268 t - F C {Bethany Tns Abb Summers Etta Morrison 16 | 34 ; | 7” t 1931! 1 '9 5 | . - ii 2 Ly Somer s | Louise ec en Statesville NU JN H Soners Beulah Moore 7 358 ti umners Sarah P F W Statesville N ClJ R Morrison Piary Potts he | 566 Lanna 1931; 1 |9 Summers Prudence F | w ist h 0} 12 9 Summers Rosa F {|C [Shiloh Tn 4 B Summers 4tta Morrison a7 oye | f : | ; atesville NC aj J S Morrison hiary Potts he | 543 41942) 2 16: Samers ‘Doris Jean F W [Stetesville NC |Charles Somers Leona Smith 29' 226 Hi F 1931; 2 |4 Is a 1, Sates , AGK2) b (2h tSuamers lalice Beckham Fi W folin Walter Beckham Feurl Bowles 28 Bie 1 |4 }Summers Margaret B F | W {Statesville n ofc S Soneeen eats ae eg 220 ri : josverta Bowles 5 ; i 44931) 11 |9 | Summers - F | W [Statesville n cir vt gs oan ae a 942) 5 (26 [Suamers iRobena y |W Btatesville NC WC Suomers Ballie Tuck 28| 336 ‘i = nnd aie +e No Summers argare 2 i r938|. 4. 16) scaene eS if pargaret Keller —sfL7._ | 465 — i |: Beane [Flake M |W [Statesville NC [NY C Summers baliie Tuck od aad . i pp SESE) S. rs ! on W {Statesville N Cfamilton C Somers ffobiether Campbell 18 | 322 | | A : eT ee ~ 42) 12 (10 Summers Hester Padgett | F |W [olin James Padgett f ; Rll 3 2888) 11 24}Sonere Minnie Garner | F | W [Statesville N ¢ Robert N Garner ary A Stall 18 | 380 2 Te | . | | a : pee a5 tile fi | vo oe * oh MB ‘nial ea. Fs vtalley se iM yi if ne — tate Clarence Summ Tt | 1932) 7 | 24)/Summers — {Francis Emma | F | W [Statesville ncly 4 aed sce 7S ae Pe 1945! 6 |14/summers Hhettie ee F | W jStetesville NC ere Ide Roberts _ 29| 346 ~—-4 Morrison | Bary Potts he | 390 ca Oe a ck | HK le |5 Is A eee neem — 1944! 2 4h mar Mary Lizzie / F | W [Stetesville NC [Thomas Hunter Leura C cary | ihe a ae ummers ij Blizabeth 1. of Fo! OW [cool Springs To lJack Summers heobie Cart bs | sae a Summers j y | arr go| 9 | ~ +8 WPhe@obie Carter _ a! | | yam rapeenenine i Bc - MW lesataasiate W Vance Somers p$2908) 12 {15}Summere ss ipettign = (§_ sdk Statesville N C [Wash Clark iid nso | eS 4 +2 aamers the] Owens 130 | 148 | ne Colbert =. hg | 4e5 Sli | Concor 1934; 3. |18)s ers. jMarilyn ss P| OO. IStatesvilie Tne ene Johnson : : LO | 135 Summers AB Mic Concord Tns Jim Swuners pdeline Summers o | 399 | fant. *n8 Hugene Johnso: ona Summers __ 20 | 582. =. . 42904) 716 jSummere____|tuther Neal. | u | w |relistowns tas fr c a a iss | 5/13} sumers Tiezen FG }Betheny Tas _}Wes Smith Hattie Devis 31! 24) ft. ab Tn ttn i O | 134 , a a ‘ : ers eM ee eT eae + 12 M (|W. | Statesville NC j- ane Sipe. he “e ae ee oe th les eT Te eins x Peet nse ws Statesville Wc M Summe ) a -_ : a. - We de f v ‘ Hedrick eee bs a an a we Rebecca Herp sea. | 26] ' N ; Is a Te ts aah ee con (con) ’ * m5) 12 2 James. iM iC tetesville NC [Jim Summers rh i ie sd e ba i i ; es ie wy ; : ; Bw ; ey, 9 pi i ck 4: coats | hh mei di roo ee * : * art ee : ‘ “cit ws r oe tit baie ce ri, tte tee seit eter yf Y i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. F e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. se se 2 — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1.4 COTTCO UNIVERSAL EX No. a. . a; ee U.S, Patent No. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 z FPTe locate names, oven at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. Getumban, Obio U.S. Patent No. ate isse “a ca to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference Mfra. Cott Patent Index Sys ‘This Signamure on sheets insures their correctaces. pape locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Reg: 0.8. Pat. Om, For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page aeneese > —— ~ =e DATE OF DEATH : egg - eames RECORDED : — a DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED | ann [ : ; SURNAME OF DECEASED AME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN SEX COLOR; PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER ' NAME OF MOTHER : | | Vol Page | Vol. Page : a ' i tt # Fs ' - 1956 3 28 Summers Walter Alvin t il a - si t l l - in d i a n a si g IR , as o : PA S E 2 a os : ee a: i M % sa es hak aa i _ | 2 y 1946; 1 |16/summers jJnoO Augustus Statesville NC /Pinkney Summers Jennie Nesbit S2| 32 “ etatesville homas Summers | Margaret Guy 4 42, 98 fl “ i HI H 8 6 Bummers William w ; : | 2 387 | 1946; 1 |20/summers \Ollie | Chambersburg Tn jJohn Smith Luvenia Gray S2/ 15 oe 1956. m Wesley 6M Statesville Jim Summers Adline Stevenson 4 1945 | ,24 Summers Rob ena Cool Springs {WM Summers Rena Holland 32| 58 1956 | 27 pomers vc M Statesville Gaston T, Somers Annie Bass | 42 574 | 15 |Summers Charlie F ' Bb eas | Sak si | 1946. 23] Summers Grace B Statesville NU [Dellas »eiley Synthia McWhorter 22 | 3: 1956 >| arise £. , Oteen, N.C, Wm. A, Summers Mollie M, Summers 42 607 H : ; 7 7 Somers A; ; ad 1946. 19 /Summers \Margeret Morris Stetesville NC |John Morris Polly Leezer 32 | 4 180 =e Statesville NC uincy R Bass Hattie E Combs AS 599 7 1957 22 Summers John 1947, 4 (17 Summers Zollie W. Statesville NC | Zollie Summers Odessa Garner B3 - | | Statesville NC Pink Summers - 43 290 | 1957 30 Sumers, Jr, William Keig Statesville ‘C Reig Sune “uth L Lacke 43 394 1947! 6 (lOlSomer: James Clinton MV i gStatesville NC |James Clinton Somers {Emma Johnson Carlton 33! = mort ke y | i 1957 29 Summers harnest 7-1-3 Statesvi ‘ Abb Summer: st o . 43 546 1948 17 | 22K |William L | Elmwood ollie Summers Quessa Garner 3A ratesville bb Summe Etta Sunmers | J : i 1957 23 |/Pummers lary Rose 3948 12 | 4 | Summe? W Statesville N Henry Clay Summers Ila Stikeleather i or f Mertha Sherrill 43 62 : ; 8' Summers Bessie Ee ’ ) Elias M C statesville NC} Eiias Summers Emma Cowles 34) 54" 2 2 1. 958 i = eathey Duncan ae . c 26 is mers ‘% 4 . 1 . 4 I ‘ ‘eu ‘ nt oO . ayt 7 oe oe i 4Vi ALBIN) DS Lummners LWarOY O17 750n Mi Mooresville WU Hen VULMAers Amle oherril) 5 | 56 zulla Chambers ; f 25 Summers eter D. M C Salisbury Alvin Surmers Joan Campbell vummers Todd Alexander ee ee otatesville NC homes P oumuers vara kb. Gray » | i -+8 J +Viun nme 5 , IC M Wall N {nol - no | 9 | Summers John Wesley C tesvi S C Summers |Margaret Walker | W [Statesville NC James M Walker Nancy Lineberger 351479 | : ©” ean Noah Hosney Mo OY ie oa ville Ayo s 7 apes. . faite cron ore fe P £5 a esville William V Somer 3 Petty E. Combs 146 93 4 z a wi | 21 |Some ae Urner Te Ee Summers | Amanda Elmwood NC Bella Patterson 35. 465 se | i Pere 24 |Summers Y“oseph Esker Mi W Statesville lom Summers Marg aret Guy 146 115 Summers , Marven L ee Statesville NC | John Summers Ella Clark B6 | 141 I esti t i ‘ | | Ww “3 . | 46 2 oummers | Robert Barringer Tns Eli Summers susie Oakley BO | 144 Scilla BS Summers Eva Julia insten-Salem fim. Clint Pondergrasq es. 2 - sa | 2 th Statesvi Summ | Zilphat Dalton 46 330 2! Summers | Lorena Statesville Anderson Chipley Lizzie Chambers 56.219 | tae 6 [Summers we eee meres Viaehere <n i 1950| 4 /45 4 i ’ 5 i ht W St at ea’ NCO e 3 | ¥ | | Summers |Willdam lomlin Statesville Preston B Summers Mary Tomlinson 56 235 i 24 Summers Mary Eleanor : W | Statesville NC J. E. Sumers | “Fudence Roprisen } ee i | i 1950) 5 23 | Summers | William M Olin Tns Quince Summers Bettie Lazenby 36; 310 , 16) Summers Ella L. , C Statesville NC Wash Clark | 47 75 i ' | 1950, 9 | 4] Somers William Newton M) Chambersburg - William Vance Some#s Betty Combs 36 477 | i ert < | . | John W. } 1s tesvi N G@ Jas. W. S rs | Bettie Clark | 1950} 10,13] Summers Grace Mae Gilb/ |W {Statesville NC |Rufus Gilbert Virginia Roeminger [36/502 ine. 7 jPummers cn we eee a eee ce ae Pe Gofortl | Ce ; ie a ie Ala eh ol ) Vneaten eer lag 1950 | 11 18 | Summers Salona Jane | etatesville NC | Thomas A Goforth Sina Goforth B6 561 :.. © [fomers ro ease : Picietcakenr oes ee ee rs a 14 Summers © Lewis M v Statesville N& Ben Summers | Susan - | 47 175 | 7 H v | | as | ‘ bs ec ; Tag re ee ae ; pee Henry C. [ C Mooresville Unknown | Susie © Summers 148 48 |48 194 | ' | } . ‘ , Ss Mottie mM, W i Statesville (WM Harris Dollie Summers 1951 | 5 16 | Summers Ms Statesvilie NC I James Summers Unknown 3%. 322 _f 12) ume rs avtie mac . ib lt | | { j 1951} 8 (7 |Summers ‘ F |W [Trede1l County | Green L Kellar Sarah Elliott 37| 446 3 30|°ummers mennis | F © [urnersbury j obert Mitchell | Unicnown ieee $9911) 9 |28 Summers | Statesville NC| Paschall Summers Mary L Summers B7 | 512 _ [2962 25|Somers Beulah Moore W Statesville John F. Moore | Harriett Miller [48 298 | | | Bate a vs ) F Babiw Le 687 | | 3 T 5 C | Statesville Unknown nkno wn uy 1951| 11 |6 Summers | Statesville NY | Frank A Summers Loci Haywood Summers 37 584 : 2 27 Bumners RROMEE << eee } | j } 2 6 16 Summers Charles Sam I W [Statesville Nc J N Summers Louise Marshall 381260 | 1l etaas Etta M, ! C Statesville Night Morrison | Unk. 49 96 ren - sient . o “ E i 2m \ 1. i} | 4 James Summers | Lillie Rankins 49 72 | i a | ' x | ’ a * 1952 11, 2} Summers Rosa Jenkins Statesville NC | William Jenkins Delish Whitlock j38 —+t ere a ae I fence 1953 9 | 15} Summers vharles Moran M | Wi Statesville NC |] T P Sumars “arah Gray Bg | | 4 | + W iStataayi * labnes M risc¢ Laura Har 149 2 2 nine dons | W [Stat sville iAbner Morrison aura Hart 49 |} 201 } | é 41953 10 ab Summers James McDonald | Statesville NC jChars. i. Summers _ Mary Alice Tomlin 9 . @ Summers Donna | C | Statesville C Margaret Summe rs " i { ft t | \| ; J : hs | | I . . $1953) 10 | 15] Summers Florence gh Barium Springs} Manless Gaither _ Harriett Gaither _}}.39/ | 2 hos | 24 Summers C Statesville | Roger Summers Thalbert Rankin A | Somers Stillborn — ooo Statesville NC | Mack Somers Pearl Edna Lambert | 39 Statesville James Sumne rs Unk. — | 2 Buse re | ugene bie | eee Ro W. Stat esville Lewis Pierce Unk. Robert. Summers _ __ foveada Johnson ._—s&O F 704, (29 | Summer s xie | , atnatadleetaee see entne \ ye ui | f 5 | Summers -—s—i| John Ervin |B C [Statesville NC John G Summers x: BERR Suave 0] 198 | ‘ | Summers | Cora | C); Stat esville/ Enos Rosby | Osie Rosby L$ |Summers | Brenda Elaine /|F Statesville NC ee to | C] Statesville John Summers Rebecca Allis 21 Summers jf Wilde MO fiecon County John Summers | Ella Summers 1 299.4 | yp | er wee | _ se - | 2G Summers | Thelma. “a “ | | John N Summers L Beatesriize No kalph bias are ree Batiey Sy | Sumne re | Henry | Stat esvi lle_.. mn Ouise Marshall Statesville NC Isaae Summ rs 27} Summers Carlee Eliza Summers 8 5: 4 5 aie Julius | Oteen Wm H Summe rs Lula Walker _ ee nanan eT - oem mn 14 | Summers Sylvia Donise | F |G | Statesville NC | Frank Summers Rillie Hamilton 41 Me 3) Summers | Melissa iin erent “argaret Sume rs 42 Summers pipe OE © |Turnersburg fs re SOphor Dalton = fal ene Ee A aiiive ia a | es Cn Bi Unknow ; aa C |Statesville - Maggie Mor ee & a . 4 1 29} Summer's Mattie gz orrison Statesville Alfred A Hines Rebecca Hooper EET TTT bi HANIA . waa . * oy Me ee. Coes eee ne ee eee ee a . rm Leite a “3 | Aenean ae ied on cs oa ee Pe cn on a ae ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. : rs INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. nema 46 § ee ~4 : UNIVERSAL IND so pe — % ts ——- County Indexes Since 1888 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 : wa Poe t Ne. ale =x > i ote locate, oemnam: one ot SURNAME METAS TAB and refer Made by The Cott Indes, Company. Columbus, Osi = oa ax a erence. So y Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Pega Bumlot An Identifying Trade Mark i> to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 . a = Le —————— = [ | . DATE OF DEATH SURNAME : “CEASE i fe RECORD . OF DECEASED a RECORDED keer eeteett anol SURNAME OF DECEASED | Sex cowor |) PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = }-— — — ion Gaubten tiie, © Gin wt Geom Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [[a7 >a i . e | . it : GIVEN ee Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE IS E | iodine f ; | } 1965 8 13) Summers Mary F W | Statesville Alfred H Hines! Rebecca Hooper 51 475] y nal a | | : | | | __ 41921) | Steelman | Helen _W [Statesville N CiJ W Steelman Holden I i | | i it | } | ; c | | | i pesos 5, Steelman : Statesville | Dr S HEH Steelman tLottie Barron _ Sam Statesville N Charlotte Steelman | i eee ; 1 | . ppeeee| tt Steelman ; } Me Statesville N CiS H Steelman ottie Barron Steelman | Statesville ) Samuel E Steelman lLottie Barron 9 ? q : Steelman : iStatesville N CiAbe Steelman harlotte Steelman Steelman i M | W iEagle Mills iJ H Steelman iJennie Steelman 1932. Steeleman | MW jag] iJ H an jJennie Steeleman 1932. Steelmin _Shermin W etesville N C/John Johnson 1 iH i | 1941) 9 jl Isteelman iG Wil n i Ww iStat vilie NO [G | ' } wt 1945, 9 |17] Steelman JH | MW |Stetesville NC |G L Steelman 1946 | . 9|Steelman Wm Marshall | \Statesville } [Sanford Steelman [Mary Jane Martin | | i l 41947. i Steelman Maude Reavis | : IStatesville jJames C. Reavis lSamantha Weldon i if i Qk2; 2. +» ‘ ee SET eee eae et ee 1a H 19531 ; re wtee tman ,ASEEC 1 | iG \ ar i i] | 1953 Steelman George Lee 1 MY otatesville Nb | Jack Steelman | | i | Marcie Steelman 1954 9 | 9 Bteelman I De | 1955 7 {11} Steelman 1958 |10 18 Steelman _|1959) l | 25)Steelman ‘Mattie _ © Proutman iAlex Nichols Margaret Steele lis | 51 * 1961 11 2 |Steelman Pearl Beatrice Statesville | Frank Baldwin Sarah J Sbyrd 47 547 1962 |10 Lh Bteelman ¢ 19 Steelman as i c aa n i n l i c i a c i t i n a a a t . pe o ee t i TT TN. indeed intl ekd halleh od. tx’ bot ndneah cc eels ee hd ee ace tek hee eae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ’ = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 4a oe ee rene a oe De I, County Since 1888 ls’ names, opem at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N. 4 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1.4 To loca ieen a SURNA ME NIT IAL T a = ae ce aa “ | ' : ' 1 . a ; ot i a it INI AB aad refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio raegpitr . 7A td capone. ae ‘ ” rn oe nS 8 sheet for — ne ee U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Ei U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ead ter Gansu Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. PAT, OFFIC a entilying lrade Mark ope pact ge SSS RECORDED Vol. Page " i mee ‘lian | Z| _oare oF eat SURNAME. OF DECEASED ae eine SURNAME GF DECEASED | sex coior| PLACE OF DEATH | = NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = f— ae | ! aT a | ow AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, 1 | . age || ; Year Month i i * t it 8 ——— r ’ ‘ 4 H q i i | 1965 8 Summers Mary eo | Statesville Alfred H Hines} Rebecca Hooper 51 475 | i ; \ 12914| 12 31) Steelman _Sam L | Statesville NC Charlotte Steelman | 587 | il ii 1921, 3 21) Steelman Helen _W_|Statesville N C|J w Steelman Holden _ 346 11925) i Steelman Statesville Dr S_E Steelman Lottie Barron | 453 (11925) | Steelman i Pe Statesville N S FE Steelman Lottie Barron /1925) | Steelman ! _W_|Statesville N CjSamuel H Steelman |iottie Barron \ 11930; 12 | Steelman i | M IStatesville N Clabe Steelman iCharlotte Steelman t p1932. ! Steelman 1 M Eagle Mills Tas|J H Steelman \ iJennie Steelman 11932) Steeleman | M .W |Eagle Mills TnsiJ H Steelman i Jennie Steeleman 1932) Steelmin _Shermin | F | W [Stetesvil N CjJohn Johnson |Elvie Harris \| intiVvic S t | Steelman ! + I} Steelman iJ H i M W |Steatesville NC 1G iMrs L Steelmen Steelman \Wm Mershall | 3 iStatesville iSen ford Steelman [Mary Jane Mertin Steelman Maude Reavis \Statesville I James C. Reavis |Samantha Weldon tee lmar ~ . \ = & : i Tee , : ‘ wlee man { t5a&C ¥ LLam i t | U , ii yi , 4 4 : Steelman George Lee otatesville NY | Jack Steelman i Marcie Steelman Steelman | Salli ‘jee Hamptonville N@ John Shor Dellia Shore 4 1955 7. j11] Steelman 1958 10 18 Steelman “ermen T. (1959) 1 i) Steelman |Mattie _ © Proutman Alex Nichols Margaret Steele Y961 11 2 |Steelman Pearl Beatrice Statesville } Frank Baldwin Sarah J yrd 1962 |10 24 Bteelman Dennis J 1963 | 11 19 Bteelman Warre M W WWinston-Sale Steelman Lucy Ledbetter pe erent: anpeenafhennenenn — . a + - eevee PUM NER uu uAthi it + , BAM to) SR Reg. U.8, Pat. Of. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEA a= te local This Signarure cn ebeet insures their correctness, For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME OF DECEASED — = —t : x — + ~v on c e “ + 5 ; ~ 4 7 on a wn th r n y e e r e e v e e n h o m e e e me e th e e 7 na s e m m a n e r e r e y e l i i n st n i s i e p d i t b i n n i a i e c c n j e i s Po c o Sa So a r er e re e n e n e e n e n e i r e e r e e n s c e r e n r e n e n n e t e t i a n c e t e r m e n m i n e s i o s o e . AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Stephany | John Stephany Rose Sex te names, open at SURNAME to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville NC INITIAL TAB end refer NAME OF FATHER Israel Stephany John Stephany TTHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND) U. 8. Patent Ne. 1437168—Copartoke inte NAME OF MOTHER Yora Van Leer 4 RECORDED Vol. Page ’ 7| 355 48) 527 PE ag e Pe n i an n a a a i i e t i n k c e c ee Matie J Shiloh Tns Jack Aldridge Laura York 2 Stetts Concord Tns Thomas Stetts Vassie Sherrill Year | Month Day | 1915, 1918. 1920. 1921, 1922. 1923 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 | Sumpter Sumpter Sumter Sumter Sumter Sumter 11/ Sumpter L' Sumter SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Miuuiindicis: DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Colembus, Ohio BP Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sarah William T Clyde (Mrs) JN Belle John Petterson Mary A. (Mollie) F Statesville NC Shiloh Tns Statesville NC ss Statesville Davidson Tns Statesville NC tA , ville Morganton Statesville NC C iJames te Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Sex = Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER H i | | { + 1 { | | { t JM Sumter iT L Blankensh a } |Jemes Martin Sumpter James James M Sumter Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ¢ NAME OF MOTHER Robert Sumpter Martha Morrison iWm Patterson Margaret Kerr Sara Patterson Sumter Elizabeth M ‘lizebeth Fetterson ratterson Sarah Patterson = — mc g . ew w = Eo s So s e r we p om e = —_ 5 a mae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 49 anne 7 » ‘ ; “ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 5 lumbus, Ohio c 7 Dal § This Signature on shcets insures their ofrectness. SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer CoTTco UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 J, & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 pare locate names, o t SURN. f Made by ‘The Cott Index Company, Columbus, ats ela: 5 as Vane Protection, Saaiet On It pa Te locate anes, case op 2 — for page velovence. U. &. Petent No. 1437168—Covyright 1930 be 7 te Buff deb-leden ii oa vc Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ( a % i | DATE OF DEATH i = iced a i RECORDED ' DATE OF DEATH =| ; nile | RECORDED | j SURNAME OF DECEASED | oe I iar ee ! SURNAME OF DECEASED ‘ : ; i 5 i ’ 7 > : AG TAT : ; 2 ; | veer | Month "Tact | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Year | Month Dey | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [vot Page | ' | 4 * # # ft f 7 ‘ { | ij | he . i e F | Swai ; ‘ ; ; ey 3} : j 4 | Suther | W |Mooresville N C/L B Suther jAllen | 2915/20 )17) Swain Kagle Mills Tns|Curtis M Swain Nancy Sharpe | | x Suther Janie Louise | W | Fallstowns Tns |Perce Suther | Delia Clodfelter — 5 . 1917; 2 | | Swain { W |Eagle Vills Ins |Curtis M Swai Nancy Swain i S i] : } | i Roach Souther |Tichie Speaks aq & 1924) , &| Swain nile Geor, Mi N ‘Statesville \ C!s T Swain Elizabeth Brown a { Souther Sarah | W | Statesville N c| " 1 ; i i, : Suther Joseph Mason | M |} | Statesville N CiW A Suther | imma Ostwalt Is. 6 | Swain h (Statesville N C/C A Swain {\ | } { 2 9 ' | Se i a3 i legs : : ; = a & i ; my i ee i a i _ 2 ~ fat la Souther Mary | |New Hope my jHenry Brown \Marion Lyers i 24 | « | Swain y | Statesville N CjHenry Sharpe Sallie Renegan i] } , ‘ i m= 4 \ - i . 1 % m 2 Owe 4 ; n es * | a : . a \¢ Southers aac 1 M i |Sharpesburg TnsiL C Southers ‘Elizabeth Holler i 77 | 2 Swain M Fagle Mills iC M Swain Nancy Sharpe i] | ' ! 7 t —~ 2 ih e ee ge ¥ Southers Lewis C "A N | Sharpesburg Tn |Henry Southers ~ ¥ ee ia t o a e r t n nn a ye Souther Susie May Olin Tas l | $16, 2 l John Cornelius Statesville NC # N Swain Kizzie Kolter | wy ; ne ’ S 5 Voganh Frankia Mi j or 4 Fk ce ee < : Neanew Janz Ranacanr Suther HL i Mv W | Fallstowns Tns /|Kaleb Suther Wagner 1 ie 4 Osepn “rankie M W Statesville sepn f- ows * al ane Nene gar Souther William Wilson f New Hope Tn |\Earl Souther iMalgie Nickolson Th Southers Mary i |Statesville N CjL C Southers Elizabeth Holler Souther Annie Gregory | |New Hope Tns 'Rufus |Emma Everidge Southers Laura Wilcox d W iNew Hope Tn iOscar Wilcox Nancy Speaks | Souther John Lenard Mi New Hope Tn joseph Souther annie Dishmond Cuther Lillian Ann r W {Sharpe rg Tn jKelup Suther jlamanda Searhill I h i i | Joel Southers Jann Vishmun 25 Sout hers | |New Hope Tns Cleve Southers | Ma bel Hayes 1) Souther Jehu | M i |Statesville NC Henry Souther Mary Alice Livington| 23) Souther Kenneth “arold | MW Statesville NC € L Souther Mable Hager i i 13 |Suther ‘Ralph Stewart | Statesville NC (Worth Alexander Suther Euanna Qs twalt 16} Southers Charlotte Ann | F i | Statesville NC |J K Southers | Betty Lou Tims " | Swaim { W |Mooresville fns|R J Swaim Flora Launah Ozment 1 eee ae te ; : = ae 2q Southers John Keith i M W | Statesville NC John King Southers iBetty Lou Tims i | i i ti } i} i i 28) 5 2 Me f i i V i U i *¢ I ; Li 4 oes 3 I c 3 i 7 : . ny i o : : : 28) Souther /Mary Alice W | Union Grove Larkin Livingston | ar i. i |Statesville N C| » Swate Caroline Mecimore | John Souther | Sara Souther | @ Swaim W (Statesville N | | } i Swaim EB ( W (ChambersburgTn |E D Swaim Lizzie Phifer | 29/ Souther Noah Sylvester | M W | Union Grove Columbus I 2 | Souther |Christophep / | } W | Union Grome Henry Souther ay iNannah Lewis Swaim CM f W \Statesville N C |Joseph Swaim Nancy Renigar 32} Souther | Bva Lee ! | Union Grove C C Souther so | ‘ 10 | Souther Eunice | Statesville We F. Johnson | Vynthia Moyberry | Statesville Jack Southers Petty Perks 1 ] | j 4 | | | | | ve : , Wilcox | 291] 3 | 18 |Swaim Sarah 5lla Statesville NG | Jesse Hemrick Sarah Sturdivant i 12) Southers | Jacqueline Sue 7. Mont iets Betty E. | Statesville C M Parks Ina Jones i ’ iB} » rT ot 7 is } i Bi a bat At | : i i Lee } i T ; 4 f s hw i a fg ii ; ; 4 i c ” F ‘ ; ia , 3 e i ; a mes yh - t if 6? i is i i ' i & ri 3 i tie i F A ee i ( fi mn ; ; s fl i a) B43 if } | ' 4 | 19 Souther | Phillip Mm Wi] Statesville Mather & Souther Johnsie “ Godfrey Souther Pearl Statesville Harry Kemp Mary Prevet te D ea e e i n e m i e m e n a e ee . ea e ii l e k e m e n i e ee ai c i ea e —_ — - - ea r n e r eo n en n eT et UL ee EM aa a EER a ; si = oe BI | | selenite ia INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. , INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ‘ This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate names, o COTTCO UNIV oe COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 , : = , open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 S. Patent No. 1437168—Coperich Ds ter : Cuisine Ohh U.8.rat.om. ( For Your Protection, I oO: U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—C U. 8. Pa * opyright 1930 © locate names, open at SURNAME INITIA. Made by The Cott Index Company, eC =~ : : . an, Senet Co he to ee Se eees chest fer — vemeeense, z ~—thoreighs 1900 ges = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for aan a —_ Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. - DATE OF DEATH j > i i { ' DATE OF DEATH | : " Ss siagateamates eae SURNAME OF DECEASED f RECORDED | cE Tel SURNAME OF DECEASED | Year Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE [S GIVEN Sn | Goer | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER > ee : Year | Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN f Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i # i i] | | | " Vol. ' | mt +a Swann Martha Cora Ann| F (Mooresville N CjE P Rodgers Sarah Jane NeCall 4A | 55 | 1927, ! Sweeney ii { | + ~~ om e ~* ~ i. si s Sh e n on v e n t h a BE an y RS si UE B A T T ts pa Os ee Pi t a s Sa g e e a y «= x Ta =. oa - Se 8. Statesville N C William a Sweeney Pearl Wiley Swann ‘Margaret a Hill | F ICool Springs Tnjgames A Hill Sarah C Steele 1934 | | Sweeney Mary cn c he m e ne e c i e h Shiloh Tns lJ M Moose Mary Bostian seen theese 3 | M jCool Spring Tns |fus S Swann = 5 | 1938 | | 5] Sweeney William arthur Statesville NC |William Sweeney Elizabeth Tate 24, 282 Swann P Wilson i M Cool Springs Tn jEneas Swann Macy Holman 1943: 10 | Sweeney John WV W |Statesville NC |yonn 3, ney isther Griffin 129. 408) | i ft | # j iifi woeene asctne ae ” ' ne 7 op e n Ss i Sw L = I f ; 7 * ‘ woe ns J fi4 S i 2 | Swa N a i 7. + i ; i : = a ; . ¥ 5 oes ann Hurschell L | M \Statesville P W Swann Margaret Gill 1853 10 | Swaney ary Etta W | Mooresville NC | Unknown Kachel sisner Kwing B9 493. 3 eo + Jas. M Swaney Rachel E Lewis | 51, 202 Swan Rachel | F W {Cool Spring Daniel Eaton Jane Brandon é ; 965 4 | Swaney Mar M W Mooresville - Swann William andrew | | |Mooresville Sidney W Swann jCatherine Christy 6, 229) i 1965 Sweeney z W Statesville John A Wiley Cora E Jones a1 459 Me e t s * se r e h o m p e n r w s e r s m m e r s n i h e n g e m n re t e + Swann Martha Elvira | / |Statesville Ni William A Blaylock Nancy Ward re s o n nce e n s 2 ex q e m c e t e s 24 |Swann Nancy Holman W (Cool Spring Tn /Tf E Swann Ada Weston + «> + : wi%3trta Avr ‘ Ly : nay icine ison Mant hs oo oo > sa Ras pbtatesville NC wv MOLMSsen owann Mart ha DLoCY LOCK 16 Swann Lou Estell i | Statesville NC | |Pee Swann (Margaret Hill 30 Swann Nanie Alma Statesville NU | Wilson Swann | Margaret Adams Hill {396 abernathy 8 Swann Pearl Abernathy F W Iredell | Fred Abernathy | Mary Maiasen © Ewanr 1 os dete & pWwann io VOEASS ci n e ae : x co e 9: acac l n a c i e Se a a i p i n i s Ss j a m a a i n n Aa M l s a a a e y ae s Z Ne a 5 fanr q ; aad. Paes ; ee Borg ees i “ve ial ee ea Se. Hypo - | ewann Edward Potts |M = W Mooresville | Will A Swann pMattie Nocger: me Ge 14 Staples Lucile Thompson W Statesville NC | J W Thompson Sallie Wooten 8 Swann James Lytie |M 'W | Mooresville William A. Swann | Mattie Nogers 24 Swann Vertie Reece i W | Statesville Augustus R Reece | Caroline Blalock 44 527 | 1 iH Ht it | 9 | Swann Ethel Parke [F W Mooresville, N.c,h Thomas A. Parke Mary Jane White 47 172 | {i 4 i 25 Swann Elia Hill F W Statesville NC | PF. w. Swann Margaret H. Swann “7 363 3 Swann Nancy D, F Ww Statesville Holman Swann | Martha kK Blaylock 48 319 i] 1 f i 4 19 Swann Margoret oe Wi Statesville Senry L Fleming | Marg ret Ramsey 50 (231 1] asc > i G I wy Hl as Hy B eo & | Swann | vertrude i Wi Morganton Nolman Swann | Martha Blalock 5 15 Swann Mattie | Mor ganton Holman Swann Marthe Blalock SS S a eg =— \ i. ” t if i it i | fi me bee i } I i os tow ° ‘ . ‘ ‘ * r o : 4 ri } ny Thee a Cc 1) r A941 ) 15) Strickland Magzie Tuck C iStatesville NC iLOrance Tuck Ozelle Knox \ ge e s I | ‘i s | 1952 3 18) Strickland Zacharish M CC | Statesville NC | Will Strickland | Elizabeth Kennebrew /28 | 163 | H 4 { | | | ee a b 1952) 11 | 5 | Strickland |Willie Luther (1 » Statesville NC | Henry Strickland Janie Tate | 8 543 { 1954 | 2 /23 \Strickland |. Stillborn | Statesville NC Essie Mae Stickland j40 | Swanson Juanita Bell IStatesvilie N c Joayae Swanson (Belle Swanson gui 954 | 2 Strickland | Stillborn | _C [Statesville NC | | Essie Mae Stickiand {40 Swanson uanita Bell Statesville Nc payee Swanson Bell Swanson ee 1954, | ae] Me sok Tana | Essie Mae Statesville William Strickland | Lizzie Kennbrew 40, Swanson |Nora Vickery $tatesville NC J W Vickery ‘i Margaret Gibson | 1960. 1 Strickland Harvey Lee | IStatesville | - Ozell Strickland Swanson _. oe | | Swanson Sidney Horton M | Statesville NC Richard Calvin / Myra Triplette 4 1962; 8 Stricklaid Lizzie E. | iStatesville jElijah Senebrew | Unknown 48 | | | ' } | | ee eee ba Ree ath il Pitti. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. P INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Ha: This Signaturc on sheets insures their correctness. To locate s, o 7 'N ¥ J VER . names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N. COTES UNIVERSAL TNBRE No. 1-6 Keg. U.8 Fat.Om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. ce te Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. U. B. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright tebe U. G Potent He. 143716 pyright 1930 = eeat, oe ear at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company. Columban, Site eae © Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, riotte, N.C. ‘ 1 4 7 panes DATE OF DEATH \ ” i | _oare oF per | SURNAME OF DECEASED | i | RECORDED | r eal SURNAME OF DECEAS : | | Sx cor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | > i pa DECEASED | Saar oT ia AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN | | NAME OF MOTHER wal pee Yer Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER si Page o i : ; ; = ’ y i i | i | I en sae * Davidson Tas G W Sweet |S R Davidson 98! 1250. 3} Swift .isash M Statesville Tas |Seaborn Swift Laura Maxwell ie 588 | , 4 ie f e 4 : . " i | | ii | i Sweet Hazel | W | Davidson Tns G Sweet | Julia Wesmoreland 454) | 1935. 21| : | or | : | Swift | Beatrice , Statesville Tns|Will Swift lary : 531} Sweet Wilson 4 | W | Statesville N C/ Leander Sweet \Charlotte Baker 1935 | 1] Swift Mary Parks Séetaneit ie het nee Maveavet Bedment 544 | i i : q - i| sad 2 ins i 4 4 aa K s se "eu m q * — 3 Sweet Margaret t | Davidson Tns Luis Davis |Hiley Webster 1946 30) Swift Della Mooresville NC Ir * Senie Stricken 4 z svi NC iJoe E Tat a! St ¢ + Tn ne e gh e e en e ma n a n a ta r e Re ce cemte - : eo all Q * aa 9 | 235) owift Marshall c¢ xs : ons v il Sweet George Rayford | M | |Davidson Tns_ | | Clementine Sweet 1949 Sweet f W | Coddle Creek Tnj Pless E Sweet | Ollie Mae Bracket f 4 1950; 10 14) Swifr Robert Irvi ar pe we c e m e a t e eo s i n ? ¥ 2 Owes Nis ~ She 2 me i ye : aa a 3 Bin ‘ eat fl ve i - “a ham 25 \Sweet Mary Malvena 1 Fallstown jJ « Riley |Rachel Westmoreland /{2: ‘ 1956 12 10 Seift Betty F, Cockér/ : w Mooresville Pleasant B Cockerham Martha C. Hamby a ! i Hh | at wweet Jjavid Lee y Mecklen H . 4 i . | wee HAV i C 4 ‘ “4 tLenourg i Barton & Sweet idJune kKoverta i 11960 2 24/Swift P 4 | i i i i eter C Statesville Yeorce twift 4. ‘Swift Tonv R , on ee } es rare aw my Re i otatesville Berthina Swift 235 Sweet "Leander Nichol M Mooresville NC | Payton Sweet | Margaret “avis { 17 Sweet Ollie Ellen T. F Mooresville | Lawrence Teague |Ellen Teague nn n ig e n cr e e ie ip l om n c n g ea r e p o n e e aa se o ve n t e a ag r e e s we e t tt e ae c e te a g a n s 7 Ww : ° = — . « . i = Swicegood ; Phil 1; f W (Statesville N CiCharlie F Swicegood |Flora Bell Green 461 | sa n t th e ' fe is ee : : se “Se ae i a : . re . } 2 OA 11938, 10 , 5) Swicegood ssie Rober W iStatesville N CiWilliam W Roberts ertha anderson i124 4183 ac n e en n a —< eg }1960 2 22 | Swicegood arolyn * —W WStatesville | Charlie Galliher Ada 4 Galliher 5 «6109 1 i i 11960 3 24/Seicegood Sam Vernon M W “inston-Salem /|Sam Seicegood Nora Holt | 46 281 (1961 4 30 Bwicegood Kelly Andrew M “ Statesville ,N. “harlie B Swicegood Mattie C. Yountz 47 198 loi Strider WM eas, Sick As nz m n4 , i : | Wi W \ | | }M } Mooresville:-NC {T Clayton Strider |Flomnie Frazier 271.129 | 2 1961) ii 2&7 |Swicegood Lonnie *. W Statesville NC} Yharlie B. Swicegood Mattie “ountz | 47 587 H H if I i fl 1 y } i # if . if Fy Hi it , a ‘Martin Oscar jLaura Tucker |Eliza Anno S _W |Statesville N CijJames Stewart jtlizabeth Bradshaw Pe : : cis : l : William Vator jOtatesville NC William henry Sykes |jzliza Ann otewart i ee ne on ee rn b rn e e e n n n e ENTS FT RR eee goa 5 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Pm INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. } This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. i alee i T COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N er COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ‘ . > , © . 2 : names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer : ; X No. 1-4 i 37168—Copyri BR Te locat SURNAME AB ade by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. ; For Your Protection, Insist On It. SS to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. S Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 te Doll Sub-lndex aie alo “ Sold by Observer Printing House. Charlotte, N.C. r i i gos > 4 DATE OF DEATH ° i | Z : ee Tae a] SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Year] Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN | | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER 9 ogy 7 cor | Ment | Oey AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 7 : ' ‘ ; ‘ i | RECORDED Vel. Page ! Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | . | » | | Eagle Mills Tn [Caon Festern ! ani 3 | 11942. 9 (17 1Swing 11926 3 8) Swink 'Cressie 2: vames William | | 1932 4 13) Swink Rufus Lee | Mi IStatesville N CMichial Swink |Martha Wagner 18 | 11948) 12 3 | Swin Tc Henry i ) } f | ~> —~#WLID BOnry Ni i “oor 2sville | | ee t ju t e OQ c i \ | | | 1932 10 6) Swink Charles Hunter | i; Chambersburg TniMichael Swink |Bertha Wagner 18. | 1.950 . 3.19 owing Roy Alexander ' | fi 23 wo | c y Na . ~, | Mooresville NC] James W Swing karnie Beaver Rachel McMahan f | i | ’ * ' il i i : y < ! | am A s 7 | m 1938 10 22) swink Otis Lester | M . W |Mooresville N C|W F Swink |Mary Swicegood 24 pee | | 24 Swing id saan p Seasesvatte- Sahn T Eeduon 1940 ll. ji2h4 ‘Swink - i(Coddle Creek Tn parvey F Swink [Daisy Brinkley i} 1956 11 2 | Swink Mary S. Mooresville \- | * —— S E bia Sronce _Benjemin L J Statesville NC IU A Sronce Mrs UA Sronce | 1] i i i ib - - Switzer |Edward Tiffin : Mooresville N CiCharles Switzer Elizabeth Warren INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Te lecat COTTCO UNIV a 2 lV ; IDE 5 . ; names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ERSAL INDEX No, COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Reg. U.S. Fas. Of. ; For Your Protection, Insist On It. se © loca as mee fuene f = : o U. 8. Patent No. 1437168 Cop ow ae US. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 aT locate natan, sect af SUBNADEE BETA, TAB and refer Made by Bho Cott Endiex Compone, Colnuciun, O5he - x she r page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, tte, . { DATE GF DEATH i 1 4 = — on | SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED | DATE OF DEATH | | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF | SURNAME OF DECEASED i : RECORDED Year | Month jo | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN MOTHER vot] Page) Yor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1926 3. 8) swi go's a © ae " i nk Cressie Eagle Mills Tm |Caon Festern S } ar W : wine si } * | Hag 11942) 9 7 iSwing James William “| IMooresville NC } | 11932, 4 (13) swink Rufus Lee | i |Statesville N C/Michial Swink | | | 11932! lo | 6) Swink Charles Hunter i | |Chambersburg TniMichael Swink |Ber tha Wagner | 1950. 3 19 Swing Roy Alexander } iT ' i = = ae i | Martha Wagner i 1948 12 3 j Swin: _J0hn Henry : | “ooresville } | Mooresville NC | nes W Swing Earnie Beaver ‘ eo r e r s a a d TE SN L A” AO N 1938 10 22) Swink Otis Lester | MW /Mooresville N C|W F Swink jMary Swicegood | 1964 6 24 Swing Josephine | | Statesville | John T Redmon | Rachel McMahan A940. 11 24 |swink | W Coddle Creek Tn Harvey F Swink [Daisy Brinkley } i (195611 2 Swink Mooresville | | - ee as e se ee e Sronce Penjemin L Statesville } U A Sronce srs UA Sronce Switzer Edward Tiffin Mooresville N Ciicharles Switzer Elizabeth Warren CENT — PEenienukaei te INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets ineures their correctness. To locate names, opea a e ore fo t t , t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer t v x pe. cO UNT ERSAI INDE Ne, 1-4 COTTCO UNIV SAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No, 14371683—Copyright 1930 = 1 te n s, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB [ : Ps f hac y The Cott In . y,.C to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page ref rence. s 1 by Ghose or Cc , tte, ? oe Reg. U.S. Fat. Of. ; For Your Protection Insist On It. ae — > : te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page refer PUR see bs im ze! 1939 { \ SURNAME OF DECEASED | | "7 DEA AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN j S| Over | PLACE OF DEATH on eee NAME OF MOTHER ;ocRDED | ws ma SURNAME OF DECEASED oe Vol. Page | Yer | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae i | Swink | Cressie |W | Eagle Mills Tn |Caon Festern | - 12 cial f ee e - wa i l - y as fe sp c n c s s a n e c i e 7 - tr ti e te x a i =f = a bo r = +. ” Ce ra e | | i Swing James Willis Ww WM sville N | { ames William i IMooresville NC t pi a l si g ER M ‘ So p s e s m a s e a n Swink Rufus Lee } |W Statesville N C/Michial Swink (Martha Wagner 18 303 | é “Win | i 5 int 2WiIr _JOhnn Henry M! ioporesville NC I James Wileon Swine 2 1 i S “ | a i ee i wink Charles Hunter |Chambersburg Tn|Michael Swink | Bertha Wagner | gel Swing Roy Alexander WM, | | r ! . i} Mooresville NC | James W Swing karnie Beaver 36.153] Swink Otis Lester r | |Mooresville N Ciw F lu : i } 1 F Swink iMa S ‘ Swin * | | lary Swicegood | 204} : 8 Josephine | F w| Statesville | dohn T Redmon | Rachel McMahan 50 353 | i . . . + ag i a n a pe n s e t 3 i di 24 Swink | W iCoddle Creek Tn Harvey F Swink [Daisy Brinkley 7h _ | | tt i | | al e e ta i l a t ~> | 2 | a 12 Swink Mary S. | Mooresville | ~ it i} 4 Sh a pl i n i e t i n i a n a i a e a ho w z ~+ + - Sp r er e r e e a s t e n r a e r a n s s e e n e n s e l i v n i g n i i n i e n m e n n s s e h e t e se r e n e = a ea e = = Se an o et e r ae * : : _ r Sa i d a t i c i b i i t i l i i a c a r a R a e a i i e a m e a e Dn a aii Sronce Benjamin L Es Statesville NC |U A Sronce irs UA Sronce Switzer uae Tiffin Mooresville N CiCharles Switzer Elizabeth Warren i Ba a is iN i ro r ge e n = ¥ tg cm i g e r a i e ee 5 wh y r a o e s a ar <= = g s - a = et “i t i ea i a i n i a i e e l i n l ai e rs ie SS E Be s e ea e e s i e i n t s . ‘ ; ' 5 | j 12 8 1m be tf eid ; } tnd : - ' +. _ a i He hfe ; } ; Pe ty ' 7 : 7 % : le 5 Ad Pores rt ah : ; Pt ib Piha f oh i } i J eS | 4 a EY . eae we . 4 EH 1 ry ; | ? es ie f if 4 ra it Pha ‘ an A: aie) ; YR + fe , re: 4 | 1 i ‘ nai ei 4s 4 ; ie | 5 a i di 4 i | | : ( ‘ , et t Y i : | : i e —s ce a a oa n ee e ST S AR oe ha e ti a Si e si , ts Be : H 193 4 13) | 1932 10 | 6 1938 1940 (1956 1 Bec talatés ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.8. Yat. On. ; For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH J ~4 » 11926 3 gl i q ii 10 22/ ii 1 Pd —-” INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. = SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Swink Swink Swink Swink 1l (24 |Swink 2 | Swink Creesie 'Rufus Lee |Charles Hunter Otis Lester Mary S. SS S i i Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH * F |W |Eagle Mills Tn | MW |Statesville NC i Wi W (Chambersburg Tn | M | W |Mooresville NC Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet fer page reference. Caon Festern Michial Swink Michael Swink W F Swink F W |Coddle Creek Tn|Harvey F Swink | | F W Mooresville j i H tt NAME OF FATHER COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, U. &. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 130 \Martha Wagner Bertha Wagner [Mary Swicegood | Daisy Brinkley | f | {| 1 } 1 |! i om + | | f NAME OF MOTHER COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1936 DATE OF DEATH pn Month Day {17 Swing Swin Swing Swing SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN James William Roy Alexander Josephine Mooresville NC i Statesville ace. PLACE OF DEATH ille iile NC | Mooresville NC | De hgt INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER James W Swing John T Redmon Se » — lredell County, N. C. ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. t + Q o harnie Beaver Rachel McMahan SS Ee ee RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Vel. Page Switzer ‘Edward Tiffin Mooresville NC Charles Switzer Elizabeth Warren Sronce sin _Benjemin L Statesville NC UA Sronce nay ih Bata ita ? Hi ; i! a i 34 Mrs UA Sronce Re u s e eM ee Fm PE T G [b s o RR Age Ne ee Ut a s e n e - i e e p r e te r e s * Si n d e n : Se an a ne s e se n d n e g m e p e r g e ca n t a na s a l on is t n m sn n r e i n y s Se e 56 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Jennie #stelle franklin Lock Harold Grey To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Imdex sheet for page reference. _W iWoddle Greek a tar 3 95 ’ } vi rOddie VreeK W Mooresville NC PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Jemes Johnston Grier Sumrow . ; This Signature on sheets fasures their correctness. Reg. U.8.Pat.o¢. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It, NAME OF MOTHER Ssreh McKnight warah NecKnoght Johnston Franklin Locke Sumrqw Jennie Estelle / 29. a 40 385 RECORDED Vol.! Page 73 7183 Pili FTA i ' COTTCO UNIVERSAL ; i t U.S. Patent No. 1437168 Coneticke isto ; } >: = =—1 ee DATE OF DEATH a Hi Year Month | Day is i ’ J ; Pap) ee ee = de 1945 2 2) Isumrow ie act eae MUTA fags) 12 : alih H Ans. 32 eH Sumrow Te 954 8 12] sumrow i b aT ‘ ; on | Het ahaa if ea f Nie eT tii i ' aoe en Taal et + Ht q ; + | d ¢ ;} + Re sbi) a : hi] | 4 obit baie Hee HT en Pe t hott fi eS eh ; Vaal) bi} bu me Ei i ae thf mn i ras : jw i ; i e 3 td Pe eed et | | ; Pi be 7 4 i | mr te Ci dd Hl f } i | ‘ E 4 $ i fe) if ; i" i WF Ue PTH * ——_—_—_ ett e wide 1944.11 .15])Suther se ae it wt 1958 8 11S uther H ' i 7 an; | 1 le 1960 5 18/Suther i ; 1962 11 3) Suther § 1963| 3 20] Suther i 1964 12 22] Suther t i ; 1 1 dias j ii | mt oon am - seen moma 3 lila lisliipgcllnsiionk eiastehesiescidasii i | aan ; Ree ie } i a a oa aa j | | apensienepentipaniionlieies Hattie J Clauzell W. Edna F, Barron E,. Martha Arthur F M M Ppt M en c a n t a W_ fiIredell County W Btatesville W Statesville W i Tro utman W |Statesville W | Statesville + William Lipperd H L Suther Geerge Henry Sowers ‘Orth A Suther C L Shinn Hazelius L Suther Mergsret Lippard Harriet J Lippard George Anna Sewers Euanna J Ostwalt Mary E Hoover Harriet Lippard en e d en n a i pe n c e sh debehs INDEX TO VITAL STATIS _ ‘FS ... 7 6 : | s TICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. i} oe a 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copstighe’ 108 To locat SURNAME INITI bus, Ohio Th “s. a : cate names, o t de b dex Co i. . Pee v _ 7m erstghs 1880 = to Buff foie sheet for page ao — Bod Not vate or he oon Charlotte, N.C. ; == = DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED = Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol.| Page | ' ener t | : = Ee * a } Ure ” R ___1945, 12 | 1}st.Jonn Sve Ells FW {Statesville Nc [Steve st John ssie Privette 22, 476) “4 nn “4g T T > aa - “4. oe unal i Th a | 4 ene | fl ft | | | | ad, | ae | . | | | _—_—_—_— + i + ‘ | | | 1 { I ia | | | | | | | | fe ft j | | | ‘i \ i | | | econ iH Ct + ~~ 1947.11 (197 Stogner Jennie Yvone FW [Statesville NC [melvin » stogner bLiszaveth Joines 33} GOB thi ee i r + a Cee ||| ie = instead ee “" “Li < u he Micaela. alademi 8 7 i tel nealnenny aah cath ‘ | | K | eee gape ee ee P oe ha | nt Dd 4 ‘ T i hewn | } t | | =o —~ #8 = _ soon ancem .'S | fe : nn mirinhaanseninpnsnnt ira e | | i i bi fen ¢ ' nr nd a | | ake " : 4 2 ‘ ‘ ¥ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ag INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer This Signature on sheets insures their eornecons - GOTTOO UMIVERSAL INDEX Ma. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 14371683—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg. U.8.Pat.og. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 lst locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer TEN COPS TONE GONE AS. Seen, oe . ' : - * x ee or page reference. ° ' DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED |_nEconDED | _—e SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED c | Serer in wae tale © Gas 0 Coe PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = | a tio | oe AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN ) SEX coLoR) PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER =| = NAME OF MOTHER >= on 1949 11 Smi thw ick Mery E} F| W | Statesville NCI Joe B. white bales meatier 1943 11.24 iSperr Wash Mt tredell County Ru e E t i n a r s t e a n u n e m n n e p e r e e cc c ee oe oe r oe bo * " ; ee n ee e ao e or e o To n s a ser e n t s e r n e ye te r s e m t o n s ei n e n ee ab t n e ma n c e ne m a ae ere Re e s e ee ee e Surelling avid J. or. ; elatesviile NU Juavia oJ. ourellingsr| Geneva burch ace > mr ah a a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. “ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ae i Giver tefeons Sse me Ts locate women, ones at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 F Fe COTTCO UNIVERSAL I oO. 1-4 ae he mm pa, im A tifying Ti Mas! © Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1437168--Copyright 1930 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1939 aa Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and Made by The Cott Index C ny, Columbus, Ohio » f « yy oF ndex ol . . - ey to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page cae - Sel I by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. | H ———— nom SURNAME OF DECEASED ti TH | A H NAME OF MOTHER eee Ee | | | CEASED DATE OF DEA "EASE Sx coLoR|) PLACE. OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER E OF E RECORDED | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASET | RECORDED : Year | Month | Day AHD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Ve! Page — Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN Vol fon | P | i i a 11949 p+ 34 wtory lad nnie HOd~6 MOOEeCSV¥i+tt+e NG Act »~ MOUL VEL VI UOOK 4 | 1 1949 2 18 | swearingen Mary slizabeth | platesvilile NC ? swearingen briine messick 32 94 | i | i 1958 pe | 19 Story Donald R: 4 13} Sto B: Gj ' , ; 41955. } ry aby Girl M Mooresville NC | Leonard Thomas Story] Novella Barnette your f4+nnie i Story Y Linnie 4 gtvory J . n965 7 3G) Story F ence i oO Gs: , : L9 | i lorence : : ,2S) Robert I Harris Heneritta Litton ty se m e n . em a i en o u s +9 : gh e e se c e r n a n c n e m a n a n i ¥ se . wi g se n at n r n a c e d h a t n st tn t a d h e t e n e < Tr e d EE R ne e ee © = es Se e s Ra p c o a a g e eS e Sn ¥ Pett teas Mah Shs ta a Maree Midi tee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. or INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. lumbus, Ohio F pe COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 - $ P TH COrTfes. Cott Patent. Index’ Sys eee eens — . U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1980 “S> To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COoTT For Your Protection, Insist On It. - Patent Index &: SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. five. Cott Petes COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Bate locate names, open at . U.8. Pat. Off. U.S. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 te Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. a ee : — peaTH RECORDED DATE OF | - | : , | RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED | I Page | Yok Day | | f | : " # i Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN a LACE OF DEAT AME OF F ; AME OF MOTHER DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER cy a ver | Month AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX COLOR! PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FA’ JER | N | | ‘: 36, 319] { : 1950. 6 5 |Standord M W Mooresville NC | Cecil N Standora Pauline Rogers 3 - : h > ___—-jMary Lee Koontz 35.256 ! Southard iu | Statesville NC {Rufus CSouthard ; ST I T T A ca s Sa ? 96 S se r e pa s e an o n e i s ee n ee ee -—— > ; — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL ag ? 3 E 4 - - - - —— _ _ oe | ; i : 2 sa g e oy od e sa l a = == = —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ = —— — — — — — S S S o o S E — — — — — _ — —— S S - _ SS = = = 4 a ea a5 =. Os e os ws S 3 as = by a. a 3 £ ‘ © ca l ; ? G = a z < S om y | Be ee oe 7 os 12 fe ® x o = Q, ek e 7 fe < x se i. de w C © g ua ) S : = ov }. < ay a¢ - m¢ 5 <a ho ye F SS S ee as i i 1 <* & & on Sa a f Za _ = os t wi l e ! « z3 oO ol ro r4 gc ) 3 <3 © > a a <2 Na e v = Ss ) fs gt a e je Se sa an de = of oe " = e m7 fa . 2 S es " »< ha s < Se o YU S @ Qz ; ws y HS <e a es 3 Us E Ww Ss an ) oO be d ie a fe uf E~ i i S pn s a b i n i c i h v i n c i c m e n n i i l si e se i i i n c n a d a a ea ae s aR os ti ] << e 13 <5 Sy Zé £2 as 2 Ye Hs AZ as ” ‘ ET 5 33 ® 2 B mg se c e n e r p e e c s e e n f e n e e s c c r n a e m a j e n c s r e n c e n b c a c e i il li n e n s po h c e n r e n e n a n b e s i n a e a t s a N "i & nN } | i | i | fg te ee e os : E ~ a 35 Month DATE OF DEATH 1950 | 4 wy —— — — — — — — — — — — — — oe = SS S ee = = == z= AN 13 § f | i i j i Se ek e fe ae yf k —— < — — SS SE S E LS SS S Ay i i | ag = E E © a = : ss gs 6 Ea ta ) op S < z mw x} = ~ < ty . i. : 6 = tx ] : > = < af é. sf < Sa = =2 = = Ee zi 0 gs te } a; ° Se ) sf Me s- ai < 5 . = —— — ee e i“ om a ‘i i : Pc i e ii i e i G i eR e ee ts i 3° S 3 8 | ; - - (> 3 QO a gE $2 m8 On = + = - ~- — — = O# 23 s 3 =3 ae <& 3 Ze qi ) ss 3 i ze i % < : = - - > -_ 7 to. u. 6, PAT. OF FICE DATE OF DEATH Mebtco te ces STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. mth INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. U.S. Patent No. 14371 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. mames, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Te locate = 14 68—Copyright 1930 COTTCO UNIVERSAL U.S. Patent No. 1437168 Copiane sat at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer -Index sheet for page reference. te Bell Su Te locate names, i> County Indexes Since 1888 Aan I deatilying Trade Mack Batalate “te. vu. 6. PAT, OFFICE : “ DATE OF DEATH Month 9 Year 50 eons os os : ; 2 , he a |” i $ © ee ee i. . . — ee ae a — —- - - — - — — — x a " ‘ Ra c i n e “ ® be } o 8 - ot oO rf ° 2 Q ue ts ul < = <t ow ” “4 a] S be is = < i a fs t. a oO (Q wl a oS < 4 7 a eo vt ; o i ‘ E ps a © e! 4 ae Le © > 29 ” _ © O » <£ @ ~~ » sa a n” =e S = ao a a4 = Se y t+ ? ) c Ag es a8 ¢ cs tu oy Ws a Le sa t > Oz ti ) = =z <I Z& i: » a Nn z g ws oy re ) “” = a = 7 = = <a SS = a & N - SS <= = = = ae So te —— — S S S — — — — — — — — — — — —— — = = = = = == A 3 |. x 3 7 ~ nm = = o 2 = o ww = < z x ul x = — em ° a = < Zz a = <= ee e es —— SS — = sr o e r e s : o < aw a oe ° tl Cv < ~] a « = = SS le ST 8 ai a 4 ~ 2 mg = ‘ — - > oe ~ = a3 a8 2 » - EE =a a DATE OF DEATH Month ee t a —— —_ | . : aia ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. REG. U. 8. County Indexes Since 1888 To loc ames, ope SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refe: COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND oe PAT. OFFICE A tdeaiiis © locate names, oper at a r INDEX No. 14 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 n identifying Trade Mark > te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ” U.S. Petent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 oer locate names, o: at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ri ade by 7 Oo" idex « \ » Ohic “ = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page —— — Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. DATE OF DEATH . : : i it SURN DECEAS . S rey nore Coe | sex coor! PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = }—c2RDED | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED RECORDED - : | va | fear | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ate n951/2 | 8 stirgkill Pinkey Statesville NU | Green \ilkins ousie M Hamm O71 79 | ae ee e a pe eM Se Ne e r “ we * : 4 Ne m e c ee Me ee ne ne a r ee n ag e - Sr ee e gr e e c e ” mag ~ ee ia p e t e te he i s e eecc t i n c n : ee = : — pe “ - f " _ = ‘ A Se r e n e t i g e . . — ee ia n nc s n a a l g e n s c s e r e n c o e o o n d y ia d = « “ : 7 7 ‘ ge e s e Be r e fb t e c s e r r e s u p ta n i a a : = oe : ; ; . oa se t t e e en e oe : : ; : ee e pe e s al i e n i a i e e m a l a n e a | ee re r e ’ Sl orien neceeenertimenn deanna wi ee et ne e on e e a t i n e e ws e r e - y e s ; ‘ aa a ma s a ao pu c t a m t a m r m a r s t a g e a e -a a s r t g e c m e e nc t on a n : en e Fi : mers coe 3 iit tay i a te t e g —- ; = wv t i a g s ee s oh mi e b a r o a i e s . = ie |e ‘eo tHe , ties The | A tb] Lig i}d in ~ ead i} ei iP Ha , i a = Ne at. 3 ra n e s n a g l k c a a s ac e = ee e COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day + 4 +~ + = = + + ’ : = snoreutponneneveassnanunnescndh ioeneenllipsnen tuna tanendi * penne mates dprentmenaesenenfinensrenned } ' i i + OTe 4 Lai te ee ne. T saan | j BR i kis + saline s mone = = be di t SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ia t in e n i m n c i l e i n e r e —_ — _ - — ++ , PLACE OF DEATH © locate names, ence a6 SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer o Buff Sub-Imdex sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. { INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER This Signature on shorts insures their eOrrectness. For Your ' Protection, Insist On It, RECORDED Vol.| Page : v.8 Patent No. 14871 UNIVERSAL INDEX } Ne. “=a 68—Copyright 1936 DATE OF DEATH AE 2 Hp b eemeaecnanenc el 11954 6 | 7 aasalieniiilondeesinsn + sid 4 eo + i i eet emn t ee - } oo + bereseninesne of j — ~~ + ae — ‘ae > ~ ' a hit leamnceetile neces i aren sie» ; tl cemmmapct sine a hi oe i we Mi Prenat nenalhnanrercae 4 4 - Peele spnnnnsdfannneren ; ; bik big be sag incliineieleeicanp dle 5 hh a Springfield SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN + | Mo: ris F i pe r c r r e n m e a s e e a s e e e o u m m n n n a n pa n s i e s INDEX TO VITAL STATISTI CS— DEATH = hie Rames, open ai te Buff Sub- et sheet for Sex Color M W oa SS S — Sa nl i c e n r i e n e i n n e n i a i n e i e e e e li e s SS PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NC t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sage Satarenee, — Iredell County, N. C. 72 T Cott I dex Company, Columbus, Obie nie lode Co House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF FATHER Thomas Springfield aad NAME OF MOTHER Mary E Phillips ‘ 37 329 Vol. Page bit 7 +. ~f, ha +e ae ae 2 “3 A a a ae a a I i i i ; i i i 2] 2 | RECORDED Vel. D7 BLS 46 465 + | + + =F . SS S . Sa pe e r s 73 ac ii ad | ef ty le e i) uv Si ; & ai § 2 “ 2 2 = . oO + i > = Si H 6 > s 5 $s || =| = Zi a ) =| 4 2 ei << 8s @) 4b || oo ot Oo BY ) e | we } S i! 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C. i | | Vi : | | T e ll ee e ee - i S ) Hl < % 3 ) Bi : — Si p ai ; be Al e a | at | =f . a ag = $2 | =| || a f © [s — Po t Ee ae en a ‘ ; si i ze | fe l 2 8 ) | B i s ) as | re ! | | ie | ee e wi & ee n s t 7 ; ; ; . : + : ; i j j | i oe Da c a ee ' ) a c a ta bem —— Me “as . Sed . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. _ eee 3 . COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 eee eeterenneeeeeneneenn aii vin Ere INDEX eee 5 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright } = Te locate name: URNAME Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ghio eet iss se oe st _ to Bull’ Sub-lnder skeet ter SMITIAL, TAB end veler Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. a ____INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Te locate names, et SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright Res. U.8, Pat. Of, For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. = —— —-- oe Srenenceemer eaten aie = r > P F E OF ATHER NAME IF OTHER Month Day RISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN AT NAME OF AT : A i Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE [S GIVEN ie LACE OF DEATH Vol. | Page ; ™ — Ms : + a * . + J es eee aera —— ——— —— | RECORDED Vel. Page t i t SA lint . . . _ 4 oe ee z f | l | | $951 6 pO | Stovall gosephine M Statesville NC | Peter Montgomery Linza Mayfield p7 BLS i Rr aC 6 |17] Stovall | Grady Statesville Benjamin Stovall Josie “ontgomery 45) 466 ea lh re n n e r ai i i n n e n n r e n s c e e n e e i r a e en e na p e an e s se n s n a n n i e e n c e et c ti n m t i n e n i e n l n n n i n | } vViline NAME OF MOTHER Wanc y Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B Grace Love Styers THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Obio O = o = & = in l 5S a = = Se =— — = — - Ee e — of rs ) Ss } ve l i - < » 0 wd = a o | Oo © ey ti ) = Qo Mi a i z i 5° Ty ; L : = $ + 7 (x ) i as a Q a - Mm a Kw at + i . . = ii z n % Q «= SA OO S cb s b i i c i a l ti n a l po e t 2 ; z = se e Ot pe e —— “3 ! j e/ 4 i) y ea s Sh e ee “ ; ig al e e uc t < a 8 ns ! : = $2 4 a O# 3S Os : OO : s7 zi 6 a ga l mb e s al ke k i s i u a l a h 2 Ea | od z Zz . 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S| >| 13 ) ) 38 co o | Fs ! | pe e r e d 3) : j | Ld ae ‘This Signature on shoots insures ¢ lt cl £ an a e s po m nc ca Ee SE I 8 te a an ma tl l on 1 = ah a h a . se s ae oe ee ii s —f viine NAME OF MOTHER THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio a e n 2 by s © 5 a a +7 O i “ . 8% a = xt 2 ~ © > 49 e & + § °o e S& 36 3 - 5 - £5 se b we e fe e fe = x ee J = ai "4 St e } “O o << > Ww o li Hs , ou l d a“ wa o ta ) Jd = oO s < a it l ? |g : IE : = at ; + = = =l — — — — SS } pe C < zs st 8 re (x ) 5. 5 oa a Oh ) « | 3 ec li e i a l a: 4 dW ) ie SO Q 8) «& ga es WJ =— - : sc c i l c a d a t i i l i a a d ad i e £ ce l i a a h e Ge n g = ; i 3 a = CG 3 es wn t ca i n be c c a ee ee e oe : & fe . fx , <o e —— — — — - aS 2 —— - = —— oe —— — — = ee Oe !: : Q . Ex Sa = | gg § Ee ) fa s ] |: > Os » Os = oe oe | t © : ha g ee ee ee ee e pe 2) 33 z = we ) <5 pa Ei ) 28 QO 2| 28 | za i n i | Ua ee t F | % ® i = o > ' oe | gS | ou | ce » li a ae de . i 5 = va = — et a : +t : = : 3 ii e4 ti ! Ba Ra d e ee oe s j ii n e t ns d n ai c i ga I se s s M i e e s i n i a i i s l i n l n n i s i i g a l i a4 __—f953 | 2 | \ ' & | | #1 i i i i | Le o e v n c u l i n i s t a b i a i 2s in t e | | i ia 2: : i i : i: i i | | | i | i | ba d | | : = fom ne teens ef aeeered n ar t e i i | | i ' ) 3i | = fo ca ee eee ge o ' £/ ) ae | | | | | ge ) | i i ; ; ' j r | i | i i i | j ' i ai i < 5 2 i | i i ; i : | i i } | i i | i j j i ' i i | i | | j | | i j j | | ' | i } ; i ; | : | ; | i ; ; j i j i } | j i : | | } j | | i | : : : i | : NAME OF FATHER at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Te locate names, = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. i Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH nar annem meena VITAL STATISTICS TO SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN T | | | | | | ; , ¢ + } | | 4 sheets insures thet: corrvcmness. ‘otection, Insist On It. INDEX This Signature on For Your Pr | pe i c e me r e c e ol e a e sp o n t e po NAME OF MOTHER tyers Line THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Colambus, Ohio zs f . a OS i ‘ a © > a § > Za < aa > 3 a. 3 od e a d gE Q a &s z 5 o wa t a l i b i i i t e ri e n c e d ii a OY — os a vo = - Z < b> w u a & — Le > | Oo a > ta ) al JJ s °o SN § < 4 el y 1 @ H é - e ' + + + = == $ = fm SS tt se < 3: - o a pi gs ) ss 3 a a 4 Al l s | 23 i _ 7 8 ul a Li g 2 £3 iz © £ a te Buf T | i] # F fx , Te locate names, | Sex | Color W W ' | | | | = | op ) — ne n a oo Ys pa v e d = — SP = = O6 8 3 es fe — 4 po m m d to or d > ms 3 QO & © 5# z o . : pj ? |} og Pe t e z | = SH el m C2 3. / | 28 Zi t a — FE | be 2 5B | ae e | UY ee [t e ; j & i —— oe —— — — S — —— t — = ce en e r er a n ae o n s SS S Te t = 3 aa y = = = i 3 | co o l ei ‘ ' ; = | £ ++ . si l a si e s a c a l h cn l b e e a n a i c n a e e 4 j a | 3 Pa e s | | & i ' j : i) a Sa Pa | t— + — 4 Wi e | bed od ok ed | ba Ba d ; +. = : ; : i ‘ : | i | i j | em ee he d be a d s bo d i e d oh be l aa d s e l | \ { \ ‘ } ' ; \ \ \ \ \ | \ | { ee a sb | He ca s t , | 28 ) lt fa r ep en me n e er i e pa bi a l Sa k ae f : Le s a s u i d h i n i e s i b e l e n i h i i t i g |: aa a ba ee ai ) S| a ee e 5 : i i i i = 5 ) E g Ed Pe s ee OH I d t | e e : a] = e H | ee fo ee ea e - +a | | | pe a 5 bc e Pe ie : | 5 |. L t d ta ] i ' ; = _ | aa a < pb ee ee 2 . be e ee - S ae BE a H | Mi ) § | | 1 # 4 = z ae d ef E | : , <a li a l ) | 6 | Q\ ei ) 6S | si a | | || < Sh e e 4 ee 3° || | | : > Be a d Bn ct o ta r e ae : = ; | t = | | — = TN ) | rr r rr r en e r re n er l p t e r e t st a m e n s - . ee e na s s e r he n n e r ee e + ne SURNAME OF DECEASED INDEX TO VITAL an nr ee oe —— SS S vline NAME OF MOTHER THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio = : o { g 5 bs . ap d C ) : YY Zz . * oO a) s - 4 € «| 8% 1s & gE 92 S& $2 — ‘ af l © = at e me e e == — — = —— a = ao e Gu d — a n S BE "D < Bo = 4 a §& Be m a c m e e t ik i oO @ = ta ) = = en ND 3 = — } z < te e | 7, E _ 3 ' 7 + = sa a ne Se e = = ae co _ <x 4 ee Zz ts | i: Pa o gs ) ee % & Q 4 4 Oe «| ae < ai oO > Bs > ta ) ve Be 3 | rs Oo © ; | ' ou on 3 e' —— = = 3 = a an 3 i- 3 ad = i si i ee e ee 2 as fr y _ | | odorn 1 “r t » SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN } t INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1938 A-122559 Ot = $ se a t s nn se n g r o s s r s s s | = on — + = —= = = Na na n a he e —s . i = et | gz 4 t | 2 e ~ oe ii } ¢ - 1 7 7 + = oo n ; a = — 4 a+ ; + + | 4 3 ' 9 (Y O } > a oO A et ct | | t T T Se eo ne e ee n s Sp o o n og e e a ‘ ES i ‘ +. i \ j , ; : } i i | : i bi e r tl t | ea e re re bo d s ab i d e pp bi a s g pa n ap n a ne g ns e e ha Vol. | Page + + | I | | | ki | i | | | i f if ij ' | ' H I } ; 4 1 t | + + 4 j i j :| | H) 3 io f $ Pp HS H er e =e 3 | et s gg ' = : . 3 r | I : ; : | Ly = 5 | Pe e l i g | | 1 2 Pi s a SB te Sr 4 is ) 5 al i i ! 2 2) 1\ 4 ) ) 3 3) f= : ai 3 — ib 4 = es ! | 2) | | Wt gg | = | 3: | =| | a. BE E 4 ai i a | ai n * 8a . ) This Signature J For Your Protectio si n n i p i c a s i b b i e e e s a a d t c d s ce e te a k Pe e a 32 —— — — — — - F = —= 5 a == = —— SS S Vline NAME OF MOTHER THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Obio SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN = “ . Be a 5 | af a @o > : 8% Z yt § > o 8 | cc ay cs ee . e &5 s a ci a l i s em si c se a oe > Sa s oe ”n 5 ro 2 = Fl as fl ig i ge mi e i z |] 44 ig i | is ® = & _ ai + + + == —— — z eh a < i _ = os ie a! ss Al s |) 2¢ mi ° a Li cy 8 a i s o 8 ie : | 8 pe e w e e a = —— —— — — — — — —— — aS = 1 | ie fe e ae 2 i 3 Fe . of , co e fr Se = i a a se e Gs ) ae f me {4 pr o e n e t — _— » > el te Z. om e Copyright 1983 A-122559 otyers \Styers | + | " 4 i | | } Hy i | i| | il + i i + i] {i i} i ' | it i} 4 i i | * | | be 4 | COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 2 = id DATE OF DEATH Year 419531 a = PP. ail 7 ctl o a Page . . ee e ne s t e r s me e e et h no e en n fn s e n e e s e e f i s i n a r e n n u o e n e RECORDED | 28 ) 2 pe e | ga ) | ; | | ; [ gs | . Hq ee e Ol e 6 | | | Zi e l 2 | | pe p eg ay Si oz i : . oa Po h pe e d I 8 Ha e S : : | | 1 = | | | “| i =| | ) a — | | ao ha y | | Mi i } ; s | ot | H i Ee fl FE ne e iw i 3 | sa ) Pe e r s Ay ! © ra e d . 8 | B < Py 3) Bi — Es i Ba ! ed . | | | i | i t ' , + ct a | i 8 | SE =| | © rE sf st SE Se ee on , , B pe c m i e s ie j st ) | SE D | Sl i | el | RY Se ae ee at aeciemaanabietnain INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 + ' (77) Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbes, Ohio z rT. locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL T ' te Buff Bub-Index shect for page refereree Copyright 1983 A-122559 = —= — tw 3 os 3 » & fx , te “ me ~ = Se so e © or t no a © mM SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Page LO 142 / ' Vol. > ag NAME OF MOTHER hie rt dogie Eller mn = tt a —_ a a —— — = oe s CS & ps oi — < ’ ke , e es w 6 a ta ] a 2 a 1 § a5 oo — = _— — —< > —— - = 8 - —— — — S = = wh e = be < ® ba ] rc a - s | & tl © ww Ee wl e= ou . Ww - a hm e r e e r n e r e n e a n - h —> - — — oe a ee eee Se. 14 Copyright 1933 COTTCO UNIVERSAL I Speman Sty yl 888 Merk Ccanty Indexes Since | An Ideatifying Trade == = Rte. uv. 6 PAT. OF MCE j | + —— — — — =e SS Ee | | j ++ ‘ _ — ee ie e - , - _ ae — = —— — — = —= = + = ! = = Sf rn s == = + = —= a SURNAME OF DECEASED AMD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN | | | | | Sa r s e r a s e e = == = = $ = pi a s po t e n e s e i mo t p r t e m c r m m s e SS —— + m a | | a | ie e e ; | of | | | | ) 6 | i ' : | 2 | | | : | 8 | | a | ae | | | | ) : | | i i ; ' a Aa | | | | | | | | | i i i i ' : | P et : | : f a —: = = t —— + —_ + —_ = + —— — = _ a ++ — -— — | i ee e ee oe ee F pa t o s ) | i} | | | | ca ; wl | | | | | pe e | | ; < | | ) ik i 4 j Le Es | } i) | « Pe Zz : J re n e e : di c m m e e n h ha c e PLACE OF DEATH =o Se e s —— — — ee } (79) Ohio NAME OF MOTHER i. 3! 1 O a2 * 8% Zz . Ho az @ £8 E> pe & 2" 2 = . i 4 ee s Ba e eo s Bs ee s i n i e c e a l i i e n n n i t e n i s i n i i a i a n i a l oF — a wv < -o - v a pe r e m e e n i O s s i 5 ~ at —— | Pe Be sa i ic a c s l l c d i a h i i l h i i a t s il e n i t a g d t a e at —> f << ES = z z (x ) z tj = 3 3 a PA 6 ti a ei §& OQ ff «| 2 i Ie ds 3 © ‘ 3 co n | 4 5 | fe : 2 ee e <i & —— _ — 3 I ae h i li n t e l s oa n aR as ii io a Ss ou l <f ag = Se ] ¢ > Se ) = OQ & = oe 7 s y 2) 31 Sn ee e x = = Ps Hy 6S 4 & S c a f BE | ~ ge | 7 Fr —— — — — — — — = = x — —— ~ 3 - > po p i tb a i 3 & oF i. 4 ‘. Re ee e im ' Lo u s ie | \ ' | ee = — ae Se e pa n n a ae SS S ee et : — == ; t + : ; i ' | | : : : \ \ i \ \ 1 \ | | : | \ ie n e } \ cS j ae Fa ao a ‘ a Lk . cE oe oe eB ee e ea e ra e 4 | H om + SE —— — = | I Bi 2 aq | fo a l i 4. 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COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND ie uo COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 — aT locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Jaden Ce mpany - Goauinn, One Seld by erve ting House, Charl , N.C. ats. uv. 8 County Indexes Since 1868 locate names, SURN Copyrigh PAT. OFrics Batalate Identifying Trade Mark prte at AME INITIAL TAB and refer $1988 AS ‘ — - t Putt Sab-tndex oo for page reference, 122559 ’ U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1939 = si came to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. RECORDED —_———— pe NAME. OF MOTHER — ' DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED i Page ra Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page Ht } SURNAME OF DECEASED | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH | NAME. OF FATHER ii | + — eas . elisa = r setae * } | | 957 7 16 Snelling 3 L. 23 te" & Annet ta Venise _C Btatesvilie uther Snelling Gloria Chambers 43 315 sa e t i e r t i p e e i r e e e e r s n r e n e se e ee ; 7 ' : I! ic s n t n i n n h e n i e n a i t n n i n a l i t e e t b i n i n n i n d i b i i n s i n a i ea r s ra t a " : ; = we , a g as ‘ - - we r t “s vt % ma n a 7 oe > - mi l te a m s ea p l e p e n i v i i a n i n . sa e e s —_ i 4 : — - ee 3, as _ as ee e ea t s : = = : am n i o n en e m a it l et m e h, - - on e - co m e n p e n y = “ : % = ST E . Sk e a = la t e r r~ ~ . : ~ " - o “ "1 “ : an n d i o c e m p a a p e i a i e l i o s ca m e ac a ee Tatu oT i ae ; Suan Haat tala INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures their correctne ye ' COTTCO UNIVERS a »TTC AL INDEX No. 1-4 Reg. U.S. Pat. Of ere Protection i 8. Patent No. 1437168- paeennnnmn » Insist On It, . . a ae BER Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ; : to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. ~ *: te = COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 ’ Uk Peta es Tah Enoch SO 0 rey se Ee Seat oe ae manouncens a an ners so oaesnstogreneananenendinanenesensstsneeonaecaae 7 eee =: ” ene —e oo h He 7e i ii ied DATE OF DEATH - Bilt iby \ SURNAME OF DECEASED : a ie Be-we ar in Ge ok bao Sex | cole | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — ee ": SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED 4 + . ' Pags ad Yoar | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER wal fem et) ee eo | hy oy) iy ‘ ‘i in i | 1957, 3 i 8 taton : ~ F C ° Nc Ho . Ss Rk ae L : MM oresville NC ward Staton Betty “ Davis 43 398 abi Pe . Pinna | 1961 7 1 Staton Eli aera ; ie sia si sitet Me a i - it Seek j zabeth A F HT ae ‘es — nitd FC Mooresviiie NC | ohn Staton Mary L Davis 47 338 } iq , weep i ; : ’ "A Tt a cf ie 8, eh \ i ——— tt +} - ) , + — He eee | eo ; wu) 3 i j it I , te a + er he ‘ } i if ih ae t : + ——en ie i ne i b> be a i i Land, ss = 1H i Ae) if H : ane ty a hid 7 i ae H ‘eas gnier 4 ; | — Fi a by ! 4 41 ' ie LE Ba ae ead? ; ee fae Pee bad |b * tit | t —— HU | } my | i | ; + iniencdilbiiiln mel th oe y T ; ff l a ie - pel epee asten hy a . + 4 | T = ~ - - ‘ ! y ae I a. 4 7 1 7 t + - : } ial j — - + en . sacl ennsiooennineis + . = den 1 + ~] - ceeemenenistanbasentnes ws jst nein gan ' . 8 s + + 5 al ve ican sill + or interna ne: 4 4 i een te eae eee = aes a LC Le CET Attn tt ran wtittttanttnsenninetetll rss ee nen oh ae : Gelso | iL i on CN aetna ett inte tte cn eon nent scenes seeesbenasieeaaiiaiani shecatcennilil sls | | SSS Trin antssas ans teatsesssiesinienenpteenaasieniniineememnntes muenneneicieailiiaetens weep cee - ms titling (oa ia: teatime cetinetemti TTL eatttetetitittiestentt ll enansinnistertntasnsane 1 os A a Sd tiles a. | cs Set eligi ect bape ee | , feed penne anesthe: sd + j T Fr: ‘s aa eens Se Eg | | | es | iden ' iC | / Nth na i sill eessisnnenealaaninain aan | | } ‘ —_— nh _— + + , an - } j t team i india ss " bs lh | | ; | | Cn en ote oe SS a | erential peasants alae + >. o. | | | viii “i ai ~ : ay ee na et rnnsernesessininc Bs ee ae i : j Ee a . ae by | | em o r y ap e n e ? . a . yee PoMPag est oe ay rats ¥ Yr o F 7 ¥, 7S ‘ f ? * 5 Be or , > a See ok SIC 7 itt i ieee i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. * INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C Thi COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Buatalates This Signatare on sheets insures their — : U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1 aa o mee J e : : , Snttoctness, aon COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND : v ae te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg. U.8.Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. , Coprright 1933 Avlaaseo —— JES> Open at Proper Tab accardi to Fleet L woos = acne = De ti ng to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbes, Ohio ( ) al e e Saas - ee = — - ——— niemamaes 7 ee ea > Saat SS > - — ne Se - Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systems— | Year Month ODay AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Voi. | | = Your | Mom | Day | __ AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX color} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER | + i DATE OF DEATH pa j SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ponent? OATE OF DEATH still tie chtiiien i ’ , eaeepeenettccnenesto: mere ann r —J bi $$$} 1958| 4 | 5|Stoudemire — |Arthur Thomas ba ere ‘ w | is ae M |W | Statesville Same] Stoudemire Pargaret Wingard peé 1189 4 if i i yl | " ; a i f ; j i i —} | | | ee t + pnd * t j T HI I ‘ ] i " | t f " # t # + mai | # + + re Bi + i i | | i ; i ai ial | : 1 ee | i CS + . + tr # 4 i + ° eit i i \ $B} g 5 i k matt ei oe + + t | } | | j Gu iv | ff tt Ht # + 4 “ 4 By} it i | i} ri { } | ih i] i t | | " ; i i i i ri ~ + +t it ; Se ii ” H it T | H | wiiiiniinaiine + + i j i i 4 a it 4 + + - - ; i | if 4 | | iL i i meena ores + } il ~ | t Ht tt t -—t i i! i { _ + ' i} | 1 ' i i | | | ad —_ en ‘ H | | " ' t | # i j - + + . ij ii | I 4 - =" ij fi | | | + i} i, | i | i — + + } i i i | " i { 4+ me ‘ 4 a pinion anal ae 4 ' Z i 1 | te ; : : ke | | i | | | “ Pia eenneneh + { \ | bad - 1. re q 1 + : : 4 bs ES 5 i} | | i - T i \ i i i shelisel i iA b t + i 4 H = fe + } j j i + i 7 ' + + “ j } | | } - ee aoe i | i 3 j i i i eee ane $= + $ t Y fe 4. ss M i | 1 i + a4 i — oe _ 4 — —- > { | i —f--—-- 4 4 + 4 ? it , . 4 4 J ee | i | t 4 : . _. 2 + | i Eh ae oe + ‘ t t | + ' ‘ ry + | + | ' j | i a + + | ? «a i ~ > pi a d l i n i t i v i i n e n i a5 , rfc nnn pennant nwetstl fl enneneeneensp ee a ecenteareseiemseemoome LSA te Sessa tstrsehsdlieeeeneinnsssseesteentshtiensaensatensaiiehnss sasrosenasunnipentiassenmnecsesnenael nr edhe r i ' i i | + i i + i } ee de e iii ltitemiiemcnsnasnedcsitiinemaniiicend + ines ce aanbacieeeiiinappeitetiibialieiie ae aoe ~ aa oie a idl ce ceeteoniletinteadegithsbinansse PA tsnneat teeta etnies aaa eats bane arene | its | i dace Ge ewee ea “e | oe Oy, See ee a: | ——-~ ——- — —— | > ; i fi | enc mmened Pr ee ah — ——— ~ - . HF ae jeanne ecintidlniaeiniielsd asain ieee is } ' — ne ae ee en —-———-— + —- a i j ae ie - + ns | +> nn | a B66 44 ais cepa y ‘ a SS es nnn hae incites a j ni c h | nearer eects pene - in ae 4 mo n i e s i ' | i i ’ ' i t | ' ' i i i i i i ' = | i } ' i Bo e k e | \ ss } } i } | i a nr nema te —= ee onesie T WS Se ees a oe strana a | | | sti ++ : i “a dinidieienan iataeeneaeeieiininaniniariigeanmameeiniais is iioierentstesdninantectietneatliniehinninicinamnahei So —— 3 voici aie dieting seillinecnailiee as a — eeeeeeeeee ee nf anes | : iain an aaa a ir ’ q ty a ae MONE EMC te ence I sien renctcentnptiieetienianmernasiverttaineniasenemuntiliisinevaiieeammanlinct vnc sicialliti aihiaaatciia ieee al leat : ¥) : =| 4 ut Mn im ' 3 so c i a l e x mii: ali i Hi i ta oat i ft THER 5 i - t ei Biting nu a ol l i n i m c v a i t n i g a n a d a u n a g e l e - : 1 75 - Pa rey | Theat be} odd b> fe i " iv) | ! » itt te eh " cee Tt ee ee eo do n , ci n o m r e c b a r r e e a Se n a eA pe e me t e Sa t e e n Be e r oe ee e ee ; Y t 3 4 é | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — ll County, N. ; DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. nea. v. E ee County Indexes Since 1688 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNIVERSAL ee c ) or as Ac Identifying Trade Mark Name and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Copyright 1983 Aninasee ~~ = T SS F = — lle i DATE OF DEATH fe ier a Pe iy i aa ot. ie k SURNAME. OF DECEASED i ; peasy 2A ; . - RECORDED ‘i Yeu co ] oa | coe cums TAN ont * da & ale SEX | coOLORE PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER me ———— ——— HS i AOE BA a Ol.; Page | See | pee = ——s eo Sena aa ae eR NN a IN eed . 1 | + F = Fone + _ <= | | ; ~ > t 4 — - | | ea 1 | | | | | : | | | | — ' ; t \ | { , | T i + | : |! | Po + ¢ { } | , | | | | | iT ' i ; i ! | a | | | | i " HH] . + + | + , | | | | | 4 i i fl | t # } i | | | | ; ‘ aaeme } | | | | ——-} oe eae : | ft i | i : | i | i i % + | ij ! i | y it I Hl / ; | | } | i i I ne 4 i j | H | i i ! t + be ’ 1 fi e y t t | | i | t + | + t + i | +--+ | i t + | t | | t { | ! | | T } 4 { eee rtiemerenmenccemmmereel od a i — a — a ~ — ” 7 & I ccclahniitapsneheteniheiiannitiiainensalbantenesaaieliiiatiiointt ee ee ete ~~ ~ _ - =e p———-— — aie _— neem ane een aaah wean - ws ee ail are ai) so ‘ : ' errno ~~ — rset npc COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDE Copyright 1933 A. nase sa ™ = DATE OF DEATH : SURNAME OF DECEASED Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN _ = Sa ~~ - - — i i 2958 | ad a |22 Stanf ord i She rry A nn 1964; 4& |16}Stanford ellie serene ' : t } ms i een ————-+ diem’ f ft ple + | eo 4 + t H a1 | | pou § Ee é | ij | 4 fe ] i ae } { aa i ie ! | ——— } i ithiiesiiiinadlapiaiincas + + ao i ae i ! ‘ai od i a + + eel has i | j | Ge _- - + + 4 hes cnenn } ¢ | | j acai + ll eid | Ce 4 { ec, thine } | | — t | Ditiahicsiniail sadn { — + stain | j | seiniliinai bic sien Una re ——-—-+- illite aan ep — al Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Ex p o s —= = — SEX j COLOR PLACE OF DEATH aptetg? iis. iiist INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DE ATHS tS = ° oO 2 bh i) }~ ® ee = = Ss e 1 ie heen 0 5 052 2 i id i i Stanford t i rn [Cecil N a | “ne rr i | i| | i f i i | | | H | 4 : j | | # | i} i i 4 tT | i H it / ij 4 T " 4 " i | ij j i i 4 | ij i i" Pauline Kogers s6L1ice 87 — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systeme—B i RECORDED NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER [| Reed }50 |227 SS e S SS se og Sa s ( P. lige li a n a s ic a b i n c i n e ce e n a s e e e n t e l f i o m c e n a n a t i o n s a n t l i p e n c e ) Sa ea x SS a n p e s : SS G ee ee ee fee Su e s ete 4 * r a ibid i ; i Ps Le INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ( ) aes. U. 6. County indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNTVERSAL INDEX No. 14 = COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 > ¥ J PAT, OFFice hart wright 1933 A = mat P T _ rade Mark t 1 -h . -O = — an ae ; Copyright 1933 A-123559 pen at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohic Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systems—B 4 ——————— SS ———————— — es sine deme r , ee : = = = SS SS —=—=—— es “ ee Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED | —, DATE oF veaTH | ee ee ' ;coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER SURNAME OF DECEASED CORDED . RE yh en e r ur i n e 2 - —J AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN " : | ee wm cr a — rm AND CHRISTIAN NAME, UF ONE 1S Given SEX | COLORE PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER al a is ——— ERR - | = y : ny | et Year | Month | p A ‘ . — —oenens = _ ———— ——— a ; we a Thoma sSimons Georgia Simons 45 1158 ee ooo —f +4 pasha i i + te een rear neeeneeettneerenmeeomme ; Mae Bell F C {Mooresville j Sg = a en er n je } ‘ 4 mer ie — | ~ee tt ies 4 | | ett iy ay t isl + ‘ j | 7 i t - 4 a) Hy ! T i ! q | * F . | | | peed Het t i i ' i t een nace ~ } + i 1 1 | j ' . + i} i } | | | | { a re a p ne a a a ee e so m e ac t e g e n a s ro t + - + ns = = 4 ? ry i { | 1) ee oe | | i b+ bw 2 1 oe } | | wa bt } ‘ | j ey PT pea t ; t | i hd | | | | | fi --4 | | | | | | a * | | aeting +———f i t i i Ms Oe i ] + i it i | | ah | " i i 1 : ' | ! 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' | { _ Psi + + + ep t ‘ | | | | i tf ' { | | ’ | | , te | | | " | ——}—_+ } sda _ a oe | : ‘ | | | | | | | oe | | | sii poeta hn - ~~ ia - pacenntinineivebiilltnetone | | — - me mesic Ss j dernier cians a a i | reenlistment sedan ll siete ‘ , , ‘i yee | | | ‘ ‘ . eo _ * Ae eran. sae a ae — - be 4 retinas ten - oa f ee te eee ae fp nseenllisarereniner a fo tts ttn enuresis ipsnslilinnchetelbilbaientins “sy “iy aie eeitcpe ain ee a neater tesa renee ' Spline erin aan snsettil aniline - " i, deren dhessneeennceelntscereta a / ‘ neat i al anna - insntannnanse= secrenseseenlipecamrenenelpemnnnenmannanan nesters = siniebaininietaieenbiinnane ineiennions ‘ ans ‘ salons inti . i wi sree lis a satpeanenen te iat enccl can lactams ipresaenilenmnintninenpnninontinitincinas . = i 3 peed . ——— teen : ieee wy by apmirneanensel anne coneasecats se omrenneenm one a wall — nmnmenetings i ( ne ome i i COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDE INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. XK No. 1-4 is COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N. C. ra p t i Hi ) PAT. OFrics fo eee ee tr eat ee Se enn eet meee - Copyright 1933 A-12255 ) 7-0 , i i i : Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Copyright 1933 A-122659 TS an at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ( ) - pureetenmenee: =a a ee ; ea aii mt = an . ee ame and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systems—B were OF OESEAMD sex | coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER SURNAME OF DECEASED dailies | Diemciniieee ee Vol.j Page Yeu | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Coton | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER T i — oo > — Cee ee ees " SEE = = ee ——=4q Es = a - ‘ t ! A + 4. 4 = : | | | | 3 em | | ii 1958/2 Spilman : : lp G - | i t ~ Wao eerie nd Lila Dunavant/| ! Gastonia | Lite Dunavant 45 |235 hi | i r "1 t } ailolin t > | t | i! i ; ' ' j i i | ft H 1 i i i | i i | 1 | } i | j i] } i T Y f l ‘ i i] | f i i 4 | j i! | i| { | " ; t i | i | t, : ; — it } t H i ; f ‘ ij if i b bef ; | oh fe i® ; | | { i , | - i i t — t | Y + ' t H # # Ast Pane | | } min ie t 4 il | | i i rT He | as | — | : | 4 4 : : P y + wn + 4 i I j | : . . — ff ft # tf tt qa ie) fl | | | | Abs | | : ] | > ‘| (7 j | | if} } 4 | vn T I i i 4 4 ti Ha | r i i ij 4 1 { J if | 1 t H T eermenencnmen r T + 4 4 ees] " i | i i i i 5 FE ' f | | i} i} a4 : | y | | H ii | | | \ 4) A — | ‘ fee's is he ee! | | | | 1 We t , i i | | | i at Bore ee Ee spe ee fe ene er aero Men gece fg Ba ahs, Ok Pere nn oa | l f { I r He? i iH { | i | 7) ii | i) { | j | { ; He J i + a + i i i i i aL. HI \ i ij | if ; i ; Hi t + | | i ! ee i > | i Hl | f ms Be a | | | at ne + ii i | | i Ae bi a ' ¢ eee i | | i tei id | I t t oo Bt if t | | Le | - | | | iia j | | i j i | | ss | | | H \ tia | i | | oe i H ] i i Pid > , t ? t | | H hd id i 1 val ? ? , i i , 3 j HI | } i| hd 4 } j j i ij i { | | ——__} + — | | | iz + ; | t j | | uy } } i i i | \ | | | i | | + Ht + 4. i + | i i ; | i yf ; | | | } | | | | ‘ otitis | H | | H + } | j | | i fl i 1 | | ft t | See: 7 4 T i { ; i i i t ' i + —_— 4 — } ' t ' ' | | j i j paleo i | | — pane T + + 7 tt i ¢ | } | | ped | | — | | | i | | j } | | t ag | | | esha al ae | is . | | | | | } oceania 1 } + | | | eo ~ : ; | ~ 4 | | | | | ; lecithin “ i | t 4 i | i ood | el pineal | | aa, * fo ct een i | Be a 1 oe | a i - “ ° are mctencentnnstlnn nates _ - . : J es eS + nmr = a — . = ote i q i , anna ee a ~ oem eames _ — — Li s - . ~ hee stall acanateantsaessneedlictinesve-wiyioasielmn stesscsecilapoanneneaniee —nneeeeatenmernteerntn me - 4 ponnesncnsnlli sie me ie at o eerste elaianntsisnarcimitinalainstaaniisesanuulilus Prt etenesrnennenhnninenssnslersnienneecnni r een nied om _ eanatenanaiat aati ineatianbei fa ae os ener b : iaienhanininsiin si ee ncn | pwe s \ LHe Ce Mey bs is saheiliapceieaaal + i i neces “ na bia a + -~ +: a 3 de ns Hah : se a r ie e e oe ee ~s =: = : ; : bbudaiashs oie ais Mae Tt! tet Tihany ? BO ty ; ; ie ; me * g ne -~ ‘ : 2 ee 5 F INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C , iL a O VITA ATISTI DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ; INDEX TO VIT ATISTI 95 | : . , wee. ¥. 9. County Ind. Since 1888 . AL ST ST CS _ C : rahe PAT. orrice Buamlite lentif oe Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of ERSA —~-~ — i ames ; | a —=__—_ a eee ce on ei Trade Mark Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page ilidnied, pears «S 103 res Me, tn —- cortco UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 'e re D KA H S Iredell County, N. ° j ; r _ = === a aa SSS ESS = TSS ————— = - SS 7 ropyright 1933 A-122659 pan af Proper Tab accordi to First Le’ ; ; ’ a DA ——————SSSSSSSSSS=S==ah9B9BAA»AZ[=—_____ NT aan *S rding irst Letter or Letters of : ea: Y —— SURNAME OF DECEASED Po ee ; mee 2 S555 Mae tnd refer to Bult Sub-index shoot for page reference. weirs = ) Fe [oe | to mst nae eo ev sex jor] PLACE OF DEATH | — NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER |_RetoRoeo DATE OF DEATH Sieitaaae cr beresmin nnn. j if i i) ie ee ee SS rer aes ai Vol. | Page Year ‘ $ | i wae | r F 4 —=——— pet iii Palme hom ___AND CHRISTIAN HAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN (COLOR | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER } Ld Be wi i tT + } | | 1 ¢ : 1, ih . T - - ellaiidnsistinianinsdhinaicincatasaes asennad ereuenaeerieiesanetuallenatietnebeencinenberp euiisenninenestenansnnasee Sheena Kita j 1959 ; 8 | 4 Pooks Annie P. | hy) Het | TI +—_-—_+-t-— i earl | F W Statesville Willie Parlier Wanie Smith 45 385 eri f ; i | | " he . . oo oo ry Uae! | } | } | | ] i ] er BP t | tl i He aes, | | | oo ++ ania) ' i pen | | | | b bn ri a | t fl f iT # i v oe i | i i i Pel hii ao | | | eee | t+ ey | =o = | | | ut ree ' , + ij i T tt + 4, 7)] Ha | | H H | I | ya | HH , | | | ro ib "1 ii} ; 4 | | t t a ‘ + 4 q i} ee EL Ba | | | | i LPR TE t —-——+ t | H ae 1 1 | | | 4 tt } 4 b. re if ~d i i i Ah eee [ | t " 4 i¢ | f i | + a 4 i it } | ae ! | F | | | | | | , Jue mens Ht I | i i Pe | i i i j ' eeu i ij i ij He | — | | | | hae i | | Py ae | a 4 | os | Ly dea | i } | ' | T _ H j | i i qi i fl | fl i i } ae oe | | | | | oa Ee fui | ! & ' Hi i ; \ i 1 | i fe H i j + ii 4 i tH | \ | | | } ait fs ‘ i i | f tt t ‘ i i | 1 i | | i i 1 | | + | | nn { t | t H i ; ; | | | | i | } ne a + a i i i i i i 2 i + pe Sp e == hi. we a h | | t | i i | | i | | { t i I i i " at siitaeiialcilecebes i | : i i } : eg | : } T t | * t y ; + | 1] ’ ; i | | | He } i i i } ' ! i ii t | ecard | | af 4 + } | i ¥ fi “ \ j j i A i i | | | i | ; | a. Sad | | | eee aaa ! H t | ' + } A ; } 4 | 4 ; i om - i i | i t tired penesstensaniel | | ia | | <a ! L— | i | i 1 } | 1 + b- 4 j : | . e j | | | ce | | 4 t t j | | oe oe ee T T { | | ] ] d j . si | j iH j j T i | “t + ae - + 4 | | ; i ‘\ + “4 4 " | | t a a | rT | | : i | j ‘ j } | | | | } 7 | i t | j eee oe + } | + f Ls i ba d i a i i a d ca s s ; tp te n n ah a i i 1 : ) | Sihdlabcliccsil dibinsenibespaeismnmnesdll + | ' | | gs i | | | 4 | < ee | be | | Esmee ce | Perici slp eRe ar | io ee AB | ; PUTED RS et ee ee ——4 cece ened _— mentien _ 1 stellen tater estictencntttpiitlcctrvnn mie Sidiieieismmaetalininonastil ne ” ™ “ sot mmemct nd ohana wi iiditiccnel T ” erent enna irs nadintrseitiiesebnibitistes “ ao Ni i 4 a as —— Presenter ene af ere ara i — ey ae + a 4 = _ (aii tihintihlisvinsietchilaucicd im he ‘ 7 a ee pe ieitlinidlaaiieeMe he ee an eens er a pt am see ee ae emmmec: earn , | ics oo ‘ ieeilielhibiieliciligidhciinnantibacaitiiiMm aia Ae Mm ope jt ane te | nnn * li 4 = ¥ divas a iil iain lenin ie J —— - ernie neon nee eeree nd narnncen a emcee a Porn nem — ~ —— - nr nec cncicceniee ee oe neem easements sna cnc ellen eer sensi ae ites. 4. - Ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. RES. u. 2. County Indexes Since 1688 ( ) ee Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of co 2 UNTYERSAL oa Ma, IH = COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 rs ‘ : | Pat. orrice “{ i eat An Identifying Trade Mark a Name and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. wright 1933 A- Se ae a a Seas ee a ec Copyright 1933 A-122559 Open at Proper Tab according to Fir. st Letter or Letters of ie Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page referecce. Meee fs Sees. Goate, - ( ) = : ——— nmecnancnaimennne re —~ . — — == F === —=== _S== _ SSS Sees St SS — ae oo aera =————S=—=_=_==-_-—._.. = | 2 us} DATE OF DEATH PRGA: DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ' j oT i) 7 i i] Peet Yea | Month | 9 SEX | COLOR : . ‘ | j iy Treen ane se eT ene Pees SS rr and fs rte | o ifoeedbe a AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX coLoR | PLACE OF DEATH NAmE OF FATHER | NAME. OF MOTHER — thy i a | >=... | ’ ; catalina 4 bee | ' | 1959' 8 | 4/Soots A Pee 5 4 it} ’ | . wii a oP - ! n P Me | ' : -—— ae ieeeanitiss | nie Fear] = | W Statesville Willie Parlier Wanie Smith 45 385 ' - - — —_ -— - mee + aan arene I ab e | | ee n e t h e t i e n c e s e n n a e e n e t e n d m n s e e +- - + . St t r y a i e a t n s | | + + ; + al i e e i i a = Ss — 7 -+ - : i Be e oe os Ra m a a Se r i a me l e e tl = t sa a s a n e ve e p ei n e n pe n a t i n e e p e c h a c s c g e c t ma = = . ac m e e e s mg ca ; 4 1 ; : | ‘i j = oS ba r e + $= - 2: ey te s ap e ow n a a c b e oe | i | T 1 — Se e = $a —— — —- —$ - = se d g e s ‘ : + | j i = ' } + + == i os x so a p e c n e == } i + SS S + + + — =a oe ag e re m m e r e ra n g pe e ra < : ee sc m a n c u n e n d i g r o m s co r n e t sn e s * pe e r a g e ba m n p r r m e e o n c c s p e n s e m n d b e n e a ot oe - — } ; + — t = — = Sp E er a n j si l i c a i i | | i +> + — —— - — . SS = > Qe ae ih e an <= + } ; i } = Se r e n o — TE = es ae } ; ic a s a n d i i ee >= | + + SS S ~ eg = ST i i i + ea g e r em e e c e n e ee e —— j 4 + + ee ap SS N = ra n e se n s e th e n e n s e a n e st e je n n ns e or e o : no | or e pn c e e n s e e n p s e c e n e ee n s j i si a a é i | } i + ss i + ss i l h a i n i i t e i t e i i e a r i i b i m m i i i n i i i n a i i n l + } i ; | ; ; i i i i } + i * sc s i s i a i e g n i e a i i o n si n e n s i e s i n i n l i en n e n i o c i e n d n ne i n ; ln c fe eS Re = | 7 Attn tate ————f z _ = . ; ] ' { _ ~ a 4 ee = ” 4 é . viniia - bition wie RA ie — 0 illic, me i + 4 ee reenactment acento enceedlnnaiernnnenfessnceteseenemneneil nemaeensenr me ¥ mr neencenelllnan seetheseaneneceaseatianaeent teeta intimate lrsalntitheitpencinetinistaianain Mi anascei - eo vw ree on _ — —— nem = ” on _— ‘in - arena - " ' iniilitonnaleel = eae - . <a ententenneni — wihinanail —— LLL LLL TTL tntietiestinentned = me as il ml ce ccrepecene tetnteaneetacetnpest anc tne ee silicate eistiteiasitinina ais my Free er ae re eee nae enna nn _ . Lc rTtt centennial es sia as a secielinianercctncannerne 1 + mee nena iitneitniirstsitenasisaaisleiaruder...M. ‘ LLL LLL LLL ALL LLL LCCC NCCT ate - - He ssichaeilneeainttnmain ee satel . i lial eae on mewn! ne — ~~~. ae _ ee — Z ee ee ate inlaid initia N ; cnn “ a ere ace Wa be) ae . ” - ~ ee | i. See i ie sii io dite iat Uc pect nae eae age Cds hs i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C i # * ( ) Ras. U. 8, iii Gciibncatea tae aa of Nasi aa ' 4 Pat. orrica hie a Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N ——hteie a) ——- corrco sdenttiping Trade Mack EP Oven and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Copyright 1933 A-1a589 Coprriget Inst Disiee mm ie Open at P 7 Nema ng Per Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio === Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systems—B ( as ee oe pe Vy SURNAME OF DECEASE Bal ee.) em | Ow AMO CHRISTIAN NAME, 1F ONE 1s ot sex | cook] PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER {| —“ecoaven =—— SURNAME OF DECEASED ! cR [wee [om | ___—_ ano costa nae, oe 1 a at Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex coor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = i Vol. age QQ SS a een peered erecencnaeensnnaasasnenacncnmrceseaeaeeeaeeaeeee ——— os | SS — ' it , ¢ + . = | 1959/ 9 | 4/Swisher | @ ee i —— | t ema _— js over S. , x |W Statesville Caivin M Swisher | Martha J Colvert 45, 419) | - | 10 |1 | Swighe h Dae eee a Stee we ort 1 fl sher Marshall s, | M | W iMocksville NC iMilas Swisher iMary Stroud 471637 ES ae | | | | t H | i — - Benguss om en nj ene nnn +4 . pesepunsmitnaseseneeneeeprurmanemnsnasestnsiinindenenllietseetiareen — — :siesrceheneeenenennanenns i - } SE S 4 ' " Se c h g e e m p e n n c e c n t i n g e s a T + de =s | | | “S o t o ri a g e ea m at ; = a + 4 + ea l Ag e r e = re a ii n in t i on l “= ic e ee i ’ + + = ~ + =: | + + 4 | ; Sk e ps i e s t i h i l r e n i m a t i t i e l l i i n a a di v s t i ' + + sa n e m n e h e n n e n == = os i } + + = + — + ma s d e n e m a n n e n n a l i a s i j i + + + + + * » ~ ’ == : + —— t = = + ~ +. te 1 | sh o t + == ar e n e ° ad o r e s we : i + + SS + > + ' ae x ea + + + + Se + Ze SS S + . ra c o m e r e e d b s a e e e s e t e i ; | ' | | | ' i | ~~ + + ' ’ | | ss ne c t a r cr e a t e d + re - * el e s ee ¥ mn n n n a m a t e g o w a s pe c e n b e n sr e e + a + = ~ + he n * =. <a am ° + =e Sp e + + ; <= = - == = ce r e m o n y . et n + + Sa | i ? + + a ee ee e + + Se e m a n | + + ’ + te + So SE am p e r e do e en i eS oi r ; | <= = = so n r e n d p e n e s e m e s s s o n a s e s i p r e n p n e r n e e n a s e e n | iF j i! eis —~ + ‘i je ss rama = 5 | i oy oan EINE ~ ae ance i i i Pa Hl ' +t i sindhanllliiaiianencowel + \ i { i iM, i ij i it ¢ 4 + 1 } | | i | i } i | | Soneetniennataiitgectliac niga) Seren oe a eS ee | I sctarhintinetaiasaiaisastiaebiciiantte ll asain af a a i | Y 4 r + " ¢ } i | | + | i Fi i. | | i ; | a I i j i } 1 i + i | i i i } i i i | i i i ocean erecnersneeer flares see stnennetes he entnisnensunmeee i j + | j i ee i j i i i ~ ~ = —s 4 4 [0=S i a oo ~~ + | | ned tentnincniliiianee mn nina nf er slate + ; Ssaliiaiagear tad ‘ j | | | | iH ene neers orca _ ne RL tent ee eines | | —_ re ent i pe — _ — on rer on | GEeeeeteeeeeeeeeeaee eee | CS SLCC rte ett nuit tettrretmiittmmenctnasiniinasaussaal fn ne see er oe | 7 | TT ] | t , eS sree sienna estates ae emcee conan: | coer | | | T net lp nee arn — a ener ne ee er (Se — | : : | apf +} | | | | | accra: Tt f | | remote ae ope tT men nes eee a eee nee - > | | | : | | ae aoe ear | | | | eens ee a pan 0 i | ee 7 | | | | ioe “ei ts | | | a pee one j cep | | + Ip sisilllabeihieisipe ith ii a Me ! Sileiiiapabestihes Macc ee alae | | | | ‘ : | | | porn ene pene ~ t baa * + t sale A ent ntti nsec tlscae dh <a t einienceneseind | | 7 Py | | i aa — pemnmanee | | si | | = | | siete vidal + t SE itn ce a | | | — uae sicaihaialaialaienid + t silliness intubated tits os | | : nents ii smaihlienseidbaiietoadi | ida } aienibiabaaai aa Seneikaiicial ws eelpcnliieeieeiasandiaagl sili | | ——-- oe ty |. | ! eat | Bs - | sec —— oe ect inate een so Pee he one en - - - aren — tT —- r ieletiinegaioti —————— a sina statiesieee bis ‘sihiliiinaihdbbeiiuiaaiias _— ain iia r j ; : een me sie Baa a I . ei " i. ‘ ca seni _ . - - rr : % re me Sw a eee eee samen annie } ". — i Eee a a } ‘ adpews . arenes: a ” eee F : r we ei me ee eee pain ’ $e re ‘ rowan ey ae a — A ~ Oe - ae re T =) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C r A ( Rte. v. 6. County Indexes Since 1888 ing * e 3 es SF Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of co 2 Uusy! BEAL PIDEZ Me. 1-<4 COTTCO UNIV L EX No. 14 => ' Pat. orrice Aa Identifying Trade — : : opyright 1933 A-122659 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of by The Cott » Gel . ( ) Sy puree Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. HE i i t Be - ares ee ed = SS ESESESESESES]SeS]S]SEEEESEE||||—EEEE—E———————— = SS oe : i = seen Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systeme M IE OF DECEASED sex |coor| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED aon DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED , : F ee Yes | Month | Day __AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ' . - _ ——— Se eens enna ne Soseennanancnaseasnnalicamneeenmaneeer + = aneeaSaananS Tan angDanonaneRDSeeEeS eee eee — aocn-coarsioasenatennanenaliemannsteeaneaseeeeeee + a on sspears 5 i... . | + Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol “| 1959; 11 (17] Stacy | Robert Osborne! m | w | | oe op e on im ee 10 0 a ve ee Sha . Teeter. | +——_}. ——- poe sville ODSts ¢ | Martha Morrison — | i | h t I Se | { | Pd ! ——— on + ’ po t ma n g o e s x. - - ee cr e te e n nn e r pe + i te H ze) ; 4*) § T / i | 1] EY ; i] } } } nag t y ’ + | j ii ' : | | | : I , t 4 | | i t i] i t id | | | Pn D I | ) | | | | V7 i ; Sst ~+ + H 4 | | i | i} i = i | it Tt H # 4 oy (i + } i i j | i | :* | | | | ; | ‘ } neces + + 4 | | t t + # tt q x 5 [| — “ li e h i d a e n i i i i e + sa r e e + > ; ; A a i t i j Ba | 1 H | | T H oer ee + 1 ft : | | | | , J Hi 1 } | | f | | : | ' T | i i i ai + + | { ii ii | | | | | | } | | f eae: t H hia | 1 —}+—++ i | | : j J | | | | “7 + it j i | i i fi (8: 4 | | | | ) + | + i |! | i 1 re i+ | | | | | j 4 | i \ | | i es | t | | | i i ' } | i | | | | ; | i i | i j | | | | | | i f i ! | | Hi | | | | i i ii ff 4 4 i hi | Binsin | | | hi i | | | be bn fl i _* 1 t ‘ i i i er + i | | Hi bi + i i pila | | os i — T t | | rey ' | | i i k f | | | fl ; F | | | | | + i 4 t 4 4 i Y t i | | : ! | i | } | j j j i "i ij j | | pin eis 1 i 5 p } ' } T # + 4 / : t t { | | i ; i t i { i | } ; | 1 ij ' { i i # # " T i} an i ta g ee = wi l e a ab e * i ; i | 1 —_ — + - — — + pc x + pa s e a l p e a i e e e s > se m e nc e pe th ne r n e n d e e e e n e n r e n ha c e ne e d en e e r n n n e n i d h n i n e e n e cu e s al l i e + + . ee s na t e s pe n | i | i +— | + 4 | j } 7 H | j | q | ! | | ) + eee | | | | | ; | —— | | t ! | | | | | i | i i : | | | | | | ' ‘ { iH + | “ | | Pontes esterase +- an - - + t f | j | | eter nents + t | — 4 _ | | | 4 : Pa tenner. awn ~ + t _ 4 | | | ht } t | | | | | | ma i | neste ie ations = j | fe —-+— | t | t | | Dasstietatatbers siti ieasibainatis 4 a | = a - | 4 +. Fa | sition nance - 7” ei sei nenneceine niles cred tame anna beeneno--nnoni “ “ me ‘ r - elisha ltiintntiiancaenel me Pibisinein < vali pibcdiai —_— CL CNH Nettie, snes heehee stein eaaaaliaenssagstceasacicealtaniasnantsciicessantt re , i. . het y - - meee “ - + o eee ent a er nie one nent ean ‘ cline! oe ee iain sasanli escalates ws eo tne ij : iS an ah nn hen enn ebiiaeeninanaresaitianine seeaoiinies - enn mane . “ alleen a A Neate a fener ee eae ee af ne ne _ _ aaron _ - ~~ vo slices sin soccer - Ae camneell fi JP . el lt sna ae at 7” a ti a s i i e i e n i i e ai ag h a s t ee sa b e n sn l ev n . Se b ec o n ee e ag e ea nf ¥, ia bE nat | 4 TE ant rigl ae d } rep Rf i Le ny Le i i Loan cee) a # ‘Ft Sat 4 beat Bl <> : Bey re ie 1; 4 ' mse ms t y r e n c e n : ar m le e ne w e s t = no d e na c r e SS INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Proper Tab according to First Lette SOTTCO UNIVERSAL —— Lag ee 3 Seekers corre naa DIRE," DATE OF DEATH ee ‘ ES ee nr ———————————— —————— a SURNAME OF DECEASED co a ius [em ler] ae amen ome, o ono oom sex | coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — ee SSS caine alien - age ee ee Penne — —— Sa ee Bee es eae iicpiaceahcie tina Meco sistas ae RO A ie eR j .. j } i | | + | | a t h fase | | | Hl | | | i m= { | | | Pod | ‘ i] } | i i | iy { f + | t? I | | | Bn io + + l } | | 4 | | I | | | | ae | Ped 1 as t{—— | | e ; { 7 os | ' j j i t \ | i | I f ae | i | | | | | | “7 t+—} | | | +—| | r pais | | | | | | | | ese | } etal + | =e | | | : — ee : 4 | | | : | | ; tke af \ anti pnatna e -4 sence sce — - amen _ = ei a zs ; F sible ~ a ~ innate cichdivsicinn cil iiaiaitiihannied ak ptnesllliraeerete aera onanseseaib 1 neserinee ieee ans ibaa ames _ on ~ naeemeliisens i f PRURTSANGNESER pamwe coon i ° blll ct doibhaildcasabiiasiliesslhioussicieollly ; ee ia t T Le Serra eetietettaattiil itn ————-— , weileoteecsilninimensnert nate LR CE NE DATE OF DEATH Yea 1960} 2 oben + — os + T | perenne ms Month | Day (12 cesar aici in e n n l i p a c e n i n e n i n n en c a n t a rd ete a Pantene Pia naan aeninensiis om e n s ih i n i n a n n e t e n e s n n i d l l i p e e e n i m n a n e n r i t s in i n i o n c l l i i a e t i Sontag —— — allie § } . Ab or EX No. 1-4 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN MAM ] (Mary Holton T + ea e i p o w i e e s ee f p e n c s e n n n s i e n n e E, iF ONE IS GIVEN Open at Name 1 | SEX | COLOR F Ww | , 4 i , a su m e c u e n i p e n e n e n e e s he 1 t i y i i | f i | f + + ii { i} j * > % i i! j 4 "i 4 i. 1 i | ii ” # } { ’ i 1 { i | 1 ti i ii + i j i i | { t t it i | i! j | . | j | | i i { , # Boris od j i it j ii 1 i y i i Eo { i + * + q | i i + ‘ + + _ i t j } i | 4 | \ iii i . - — ™ elie seascrctnvelpitnnennasinnseilnantieairenlmuimcasnsaniiinet EE oe PLACE OF DEATH Statesville eto las == = SS E Sa c == Se e ee ea e io e e an a e s —— — . ee hiconbitdied Ua take INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND Copyright 1933 A-i22559 Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of s and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. hisishis NAME OF FATHER pmnleein + Holton 4 5tt> 40595 21H Sh \ i — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbes, Ohio Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systeme—-B ; NAME OF MOTHER \Octavia Knox T | fj | 4 i i # ea e n s n o c e l c e n n r e n n e n c e e r m r e n s t e c c a n e s n t s no m e n a e — ———a= as joo + + 1 4 + + + 1 { ee j i + + 4 + + i dn g Sr a m o a s = a e pi e ke mi n e . e - abeudioaps 2 7 ® Sac ee MALTESE eee Yee! Sa iar teeetsieyseeta Peso te de> MEH eat Wty reein pee Wiese i Tit Pee : beg 7 ¢ * - i. ,.} fe rt S64 Pirisae eo eat INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. % ; Rese. ¥. s. ‘ ; i ( ) out nen Bua talate County Indexes Since 1888 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N As Identifying Trade Mark Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Copyright 1933 A-12t859 ** Corres UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 oO =e = serene meeenenaseenceremeennmeateecemeeecmerenn opyvight 1933 A-125569 pen at Proper Tab according to First Lett ? _ - i eee oT Ne nad colar Bal Sane ses ie Lato ot 1. | oe Bis , SURNAME OF DECEASED — ae AME OF D i ‘ i = , ——— senaaa | a gy an ween as, © a sex | coir} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = ——— SURNAME OF DECEASED | | <: = roneninenemiatin +| Page Year | Month | Day _AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S. Gnven sex |coor| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Wi as ——————— = = —— Se —————z—£kzxz&z~i~as=s==aese = aan sem | : = ——————————————E———— a _— e eee ee t e a. ne oe 1959) 12 | 13) Southai2- + —+——_ a ores crema = . SiesSecaonenenessmennemasavnamnsoenenaanan eas emneene —— SSS ee perros ; i ; i ; j i j j ; =o j } scene mn “4 R i ay 3 { A wh o venjamin F, Marable! Octavia A. Faison al Octavia A. P. — W | Morganton —+ ! marand ea e n e n et pe r e r e m a n e n e a n a c n i p a e n s o n e n e n m a == : SS S + r - ~- oe n e n e i p e s m a n e n e s ne ' = + te + nh ne r en e an n e } i + = ~ ha a r ap e s = — =: += © =o > ca e r = + ¢ Ew ay +~ + ~~ - A . <= <- - ee e = == —. t. —— — 4 her Fi : | 4 RL? | H + + a ' + ’ * + = ee + = Si ge e < sa we n d y mt a r n te dp e i n e mi n i s ci m i me e e m+ sn ae a s ae os ~ + SS ke = ea t i n wi l e ss = + + + } i i $2 mi o ' ' = = se n i l e : se n s i i e l pe n d p r e p i n t a n i s pe Sa a s | pi s t e s ao a ci c h a i n i i i e ar i a n ti r e in t s eA ne n i ro r ra e z St ¥ ie 4. : Eg e pe n e or n in h me e e ti p e e n r e n e e Srl eanettheettennbonenenl | | ne fe i : ‘ j } i ; i —+ - — aR + ' ; + = *@ i a 4 ot 4 7 Dili cccacedecisaasl a “4 -— ~ | coil i ; | j 7 + adh | j | — _ nee meet - ~ | + i a a | } ; + { . tre te SF isae Suto ae | | | | ese enorme ~ + t ' | | | : : \ i am : ; ‘ 4 j : t t | | | . é i | on aes i idl tecninianenenierionnninniillinenatieenainetenmnsalibinannsin sereibelbiaialeenicaiaiie onthe as a a ai sii iialia dine! j head ee | } +t eailipieniiccoati tl etaieiaiciinie tea glai s | | | —}-———— + | r ~~ } nlenchentine- neha ; odin eibeieliatediian tanhcaieds ‘s ans a z 7 . ' : menses atm a aiines * ial A Sidi sel | - cs | 4 : : i i. a ee inatiadiianemeeiaeiaati alee diies pelgniiitanbhca im. - _— ne ww cL ete tte tte st eeanmaenaiin iaiiiteaiiiniaianitiiinansiiil F he > | ei c le LL mand snes A cseemenesm 4 om — is cnineiiabimscheicetstinepetiictceliliiineaiildliteninenicieil i ' t- } ennnacnseetanansee - es | ee ae “i eng eee areas nemnteinsieeiiatiensnetiaaitiaaeiseaesninianie 4 4 : S : s: , 4 | - Re rere teeth ste tte allies et ici eet il lie on sities icici ini SE rc creel anneal tesettncteistamenes as ; i snamreerennenensteanstiedltis ca - ae P , Z oe ili iil j . : L onal econ ea ay i ATT tin enc Stiinta ete ineetai —4 el mm ti aiausiadaine eichiad iil a eranccectattinetegnninee a > A iabcnaincliaiuiil a i ee al y, 1 _ 1 oy it i: we i Te BUC ew nro Rae Me a pe it id ik a i e as ; ii } rT t + : = p | aa a om i ' — So + eh i n n i e n i i e n s sa c l e ; " 7 —— ee ea r | BI E ) w t * = ca i i | t ; no e _— + ; ; Ne e |i 3 © j ; 2 a | t t + + + + 4 Bi c > fe ; i oh > ; ae So t s ‘ pa + + ” r ’ t , r * + fe e ca n e ee 7 i ct , 4 d e d | 3 a & i i ° i i S Ci él = 2 ' u . i zi s ) : a | tl oO pu l 2) : Hi l * i & 5 4 2 oe — ee mc i n e r a m e c e e b e r e e s a on i i i i i n i & PS S — 2 : en mm & i a Y ti ] © - a Q Fi s pa s ~~ © i =i . ; ul c Qi ) Si + sf $s ot Mt i a3 z oA o a ¢ . _ $ z SS pe ie | < 5 3 x | + + _— St —— : + t+ ) | 2% z i we El Ql ® 3 L, c | SZ te ) + 3 ~ o 1? 2) aa s we CJ i e s e = . = i h | ba 3 . je e nn ee e en e mn en e es s en n ne t a | TM *z 3 7 wo e ee | . +a c u n { Ge - ei s mh di e ‘ j mt ce »Z y T : mt s j 8 pp <i é2 —— — . ak c b e n e d l re i ia l i i a i l j i i 7 ' T f : * ee n ep e e re e c e ' : CS : i i i ] a : | a “ | < Oe ) - He S fo e <e 2 | © | > Oo ¥ | 3 uJ fy ' Q | ' is 2 es cn e w e . 2 we t | + t - + 4 ir a e a oe d in o i t l l i o i t c t p l l d i i e n i n l h e n t e i e g wz | 3 ai s. l + } id “a - ; ’ + +) , 2S ] © [o e ee 2 2» ei ¢ i ' i am 23 “a e ; of ; Zz , 23 ; >! ' pe t ZE i a | of i “a | | | E | z | o —— Sa h gr 4 it z oo m + si s e i b l a d l c i n d i n i n t n a p i g i l c i i i 2 | ; t ; } iH } i EN 1 T 7 7 > = | 4 : i + ; 2 | ag ) 3. Pe o ee ee e e s : ' 3 ; i i ; —_ — > i i ' oe at TT +— — + - — + _ + — 4 | — | ae 7 i Si a ) 2) fp Pa ae s Si o| Ce c . ee ee e p+ + Bg ee | - ee i ! ' | | i 7 - ; i : i j i j : t : ; j | | i | i i i | ae 1 % i i i i : ' ee a | — e Sp ak g | bo o n ee e ey ho t a oe fe n e r co m en BS eR ak e Be ss Meng: ai a | Dt ai e ae Da e \ \ { i ; i i | £S ea ge n s ee ae | i ee e : i } ; ig po Ta ea e I ! i ; } } : ; i i= ? + j j ' | | . ‘ ; fF 3 | t + + L i j ic a l | T Po r t pr r e t n r t ic e d h e s n i e e l e s e n s i n n e l s r s s ih T 4 r +} } i | aE oe Y t : i Ii ew | = : ‘b e a t é uw | i + Om ] = | | ae a. | ti ff i } wi i ° | | | ey sp e r | = “ 2 a8 ; i p> 5 < i i ' ; i i I | i i | i H i i i i 8 ~ | | a l : 7 Pe g em t if | + j i i ; i @ H & | \a s i s i e h i d i i i l l i e n i s l i ke n a i - ij i | | i ' T "S s HH ] = i | af i fF =| | po e be e Se Ht i | i ; | ; ; | iz e SY | . : HH if | em i a s i i = | Pd ER S ee NK = 8 ii a. j i ; j | 33 i} < i i ' j j wt ae = | : ' si i } | ar ie ee e : ' i j i | ; 3s ' ' ; i i i i oe ii ; | ' ‘ 2 oo i i i ' i i <x 4 ; & [ i i ' i ix ) ae UK I i i i i i | i : a ij ! | 7 ; : . Q 3 . & § i | | i i & | | | iS . ey : . | ae ] 8 | ee La g HH H | ro a d ft we 4 { ; i pa w sa i s | px ee Be o n a ee a | is is i eS : i | e y + : — | Be s fe ii r ei l e : i WN | | Ae ge | os ' : © + — | ap e <— < 9 8 : 4 E ys ) i i t i : i j i O& ) : ; Ht , | | ' . ei O en s pp p ak e ) ey i E ' ; ‘i i) = i r 2 a r nn e r fe n s no k | ) - ze ) T + ; 2 we 3) i i ' ' it 2 eo } ! ae Xi 73 ) 4 a i] Pe ed | | iI I eo i ) -& i | *s i e } SS St e i ; ; fe | a SS ca ‘i e- — - + — - + + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ | a | Bl e | pr si c h An c e s d i i u s a m e i e oe k k s | i ’ a ~| 3/ 4 ) 4 + H t og Po e | | e— — + - + + + + + ] + } { +! | Ps pe t a x j T T + +. - ae ; i ! i ' ee i] » T Sr e e me r e s et e r n a se ' ' in n e ' ; + . i ; 1 il Ce | | Ca e op ep e e a | | Pa d | SR me r e c e ae = ee ? os ae o n s o a oo ‘a e t a d i i a i l i n an i l ab e Sa i i | i i i i ‘ cr e e = om — om e r —a l e r e r i n e t e r e s ' i j I ; 7 : = me e sa r e e as n a g i e m e a d i a m e r e e e e n “ am a : ei n e : 2 at ba i i i ' ’ ’ _ _ > Se e me e n a : ; ~ : oe Pe a aa = - = pe iz - 4 * £ ay = = : By m w c n o n i e Sa a p e e n e e ae a pp ee a £ ; 3 : St e e ag e n ne So n y ne ss 4 Wanered i tiggs iat tees airs cS athety tetas Te eseae bie Teeel TT seit rest! iit i diviys eS ba) ott pete +"? Pg aig 4. P83 aS a INDEX TO VITAL “<ATHS — ie STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATI pe x mam iH ( ) om ane Sete tebceee Same 1686 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1} ag STICS a D EA H S lredell County N C en Sane hradrnncarsenonh mend Name Copyright 1933 A-122559 ” COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 ? : P a Ft — ———S——_ SSS sao aa: a Pease Copyright 1933 A-122589 TF Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of by The Cott Index Columbus, Ohio ae ee SURNAME OF DECEASED | — >= SSS Sa ame and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, C ( ) 1] Me Yes | Month |b ne sex | coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FAT = OF M RECORDED sey DATE OF DEATH i. oe rere 5 ’ j = Sh CHRISTIAN NAME, 1F ONE IS. BIVEN | HER NAME OF MOTHER at —— —— SURNAME OF DECEASED | is Vai | | ¥ Tue SSS fee Me . ge AND CHRIST A | * i Se | | ) ee seecnenrteit-steenmcemeeed ‘ 1 ae Yew | Month | Dey | __AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH | = NAME OF FATHER | | NAME OF MOTHER Sith 1 Tt | | | ; ie 1 in f | 5 r z nen nc Serre ee F ee, iis }1959/ 12 m 26) Stock sdal 8 i Arthur Lee i M W I M i i, i w ‘i E i \ Hy fh | ne ——— en on t i : y ooresville iTheodore St ocksdale { ome Eright , ; i i) Hee ’ I ci sili it | i } get | oa i—t—+ natal os | | | { ea \ i j i Hl i Oe | se | | ade Vee | | Pe a | ae tee bd :¢ ; | i i *. : BRE if i | j i j ari ie 4 | —— | t ; i i i aE 4 | | | =e 1 | 1 | | | actin UHM ‘ $ | | f f i ql Hoy ji “a | He | | | 5 1 ee i 1 yi Ft eee a | T ! ii H I t THA , , | | | | ‘i 1 ? iu | : it + ] nt rn : i | T + } | | i 7 iH | } 4 sacar area + + t j ij Be + ' i i i tt “i 4 | Hea: Pe i / ert es SS | oe" ' “ i | h T 1 i t | tT # ; ia | ii iB| if i + cinemas + + i eee) ae } ; | } f { " i i TELE ! | ' t | | Se i i j \ Peel (ttt 4 | | } ae —_ { i iat i i i EAE } | | | ae | } t t | 1k) | | | | ae tf} ! | | a | i I " { d fi t } j | i i | } i ij fit ; ! $ 4 + { ii i i i ime to } | i | ij ee | pm | | | : Hipp. | i T i 1 i i i ia } —_—_}-—_-+ tf i I Ae Hi t 4 + # i | | ibe i | | i t tt | i |b | | | } | | | SMR TEE f i t i peti } 4 | | it i 4 q | / + ' | ' 4 A 1) i ! | ! | ae |. | | | | | a Oa | | i | ; H H neo: | 1 t | 1 i i ee l | } f 48 t } i i I i fie 4 | fl t i 1 ati T t - | | pied ae i | 1 - 1 — | ql ‘ i : ? ‘ j } i i f eee fn + | | | | 1k e + i | | i b . : | | | . Pe t fj} — + i | | { 4 E + | f fi H j i | —— | | iil — 1 i | — | eet | | eens ae vililieiduail . | | | : | 4 eT oh j j | | | Seen ‘ ' | ~$—-—- —+— L { | i t P arr ciha k | | od ; t- - t | | | + | | enero } t pile on ‘i 2 é + Rieteteenalinntinnipsinnd ae omeeatamn ae neon = ae — wa a ™ aw - ae . | | | iaesaeaeeie te aun 1 ae see | — lini i | ess 1 — + t be : Bad 1 eaten teehee scene erase sage a ~ oe ——— a ee: —— ~ | ed Poot . : li I cpr : peererentnen PM essiscancd Sele inibilicctidion ia Mains i 1 ae t en a amen escent Nl eetttattnttie a a ~ Rasa liao [ oe ila ee BI : ne ee ; a lita dM acne es nbiecplecaiaisieaal iicidbicaabieg CMe i ln nsenteeeenetertine Ei ccinsceinaniliisnlecnetinanennstat ce imehe a YiR es ae : ae citciakicucte: Se +--+ 4 scala ilesiteiAlniemnieniapisici Mihai iit dicisdiacal ; i chi nuit | , - ~d > eetncenceendie ee ce nt en: aepna nean anon fe meme canteens nef om suites f 5 eviteenninisiiiig ii acai i a ee foe — —s a ne 4 & silane ne ae Pi eal ic a eee ‘ vi ei n 1) ae } : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. sn r i ( ) ane Bumlite Cony iafewns Since 1688 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1~ —— : dentifying Trade Mark Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Copyright 1933 A-122559 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 leeicitaiaiiaiieaticia ‘ , U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 BF Te locate na a mes, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref de by The Cott Index C . = o to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page “eae, er om fe enen comes eS SS —SSESE_E=z —SSSSSS=—== =a = t SSS. ee [SSS = ——SSSSS= oi e sf DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE I$ GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER : Vol. age SURNAME OF DECEASED | covon ME O M MO | Reconoen conc . AND CHRISTIAN KAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ” | AGE OF DEAT i oe Ore ee bia v 7 — escrstmr oo 5 ees | ae ’ ot} P Year Month ae —————— - net r = | | sa c i : a ov e an e a a. © C ct Cc mn s ¢ ra Sa a d ro @ John Stam; w 1963 5 2lj Stamps John M Mary Falls 49 328 sr a r e n s e s e s e m e i i h c s c o m m n i n i a m n e c t e ie e e =a ae : me on 4. ih e nn e r se n c e pe n ma t e n e fi fy ei ren if i it aE ; " + ; mete a . F 7 i 3 “ti iM ; ee eiii igs ry | ig ‘ait hin fe | abr Ups i ‘ue 2 j ma 4et AG ! ' } 1 —_ + j { i i " i . 4 t i | + bel t + ! Se ere iy) a aN j } “aay | eee ib i E ail) bane | ; H ' oS hel Bie ra nt i ¥ | | } i Pet is ig 1) RBS (3 | | | k ae 4 — | : ; | a Ht e , + | oe b ; | i v : f i t | take } ? 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Wii | | Bits uf j | — Lenehan + 4 | i i } apeecaanas paladin: one j — ‘4 eee + ~ + - ne ry Wt ee 7 ; pa — eownssntnenaianses + A a 4 ' areca vB e — i elaneiapividleencenetl ents ene + + I : 1 | 1 by | BA ; ay | | : | | eet eet) eee Doak nas ciaesenneneaicennticaissoflcuenn dite : inet: «SEFHES tot SERRA TAR RC elon oi ni | a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATH S — Iredell County, N. C. i 109 ; eres This Signature on sheets insurce che COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 » Cott Index Company, Columban, Ohio COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND! ames, open IRNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ; ~feres (Deir correctness, i : , Made by The Cott Inde pany va be U.S. Patent No. 1aBi16 Cometic Fry = ante 2 Vas = for page reference. Reg. U.8.Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On Ir, U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1939 ere ee ype py oe —_ Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. te = eer eee nummcenenmemenaneezes : somo SS 4 3 ASS bate oF seaTe SURNAME OF DECEASED tt ‘: DATE OF DEATH RECORDED i SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER pe ay lan lao AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “fe Year Month Day AND GHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS SIVEN Vol.| Page ; rt e se m a n a Ss ” 3 . ip ee e ae i ; i * ai s » ee z we e en a es i ti n v e - - a m e t e s wr t h wo m a n 5 — pe e Ra hi bi ag Ma GR D ES R ga a a ma m a ms a sk e m m a e a t n Re t n a n n i i n e n i i c n e n e i n n n n d e e in c i ea l a n i e o s a t e c u s i c i e ae ee n ’ : mi I oa 1963 9 7 [Stell Wallace M W /Statesville Wm. A Stell Emma Jackson 49 522 rp e e n t i e e n e o n i e i n s t t h n a n n a n t o r w i i Oe ee Se a r Se s ra r e 3 ’ (P o a ai o e as c i t e s a r we e t ae “ me n a g e te r em n g n e - c w r e de g r e e ec o m r n a p e m m r n no c o g e s gc aa a po r e er g a et y on e A fo n e : | it ae | Bae | — - piece a a [ ‘hi i | | ‘ieee See apa $ ei Wl ee be th cesta ie . ta 3 \ | iW ee ie ebailieiiiem ie MP 8 A | els | . lH | i | : a errs, ——— ‘any t ae ce - ad ae. si dlliisansiaieihiacdiNas cae ulin Ss | | | L | T | PMLA INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 eee Se SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref et it aieith, b Uhisiiedinds onde ae 7 Ft —_— senna - a oe ee * ™ wns Bott " Sub-ladex sheet for page ana, sed eg’ 0_8. Pat. O88 { For ee Dentenah a oy ttt DATE OF DEATH a rPt SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDE ei Cine Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER : d i NAME, Vol. Hn i ‘ ~ “eo ts ! me ib he T Biss ‘ L / ; ia 3-7 iy - + “yj #: i | 7 T y + _ +—— - enertiintaaii | Li oo e ae Tr - " " Phy ees ait it . i se me . 4 4 be) Rea met - ; a 1 | be Hi T ’ t p : Lie a i - » 5 ' - a ea j | ae belt bi Lie F : ait ioe 4 era Ai r wis He } - - 4 He. ae feet - 4 + elt tT f+ es * wa — - lH ied i cA of a ~ _— we e : o " r ae - oe _ RR eects ne casefencinsied : ‘eenetneenneeetmneaaen ~~ tp -4 en ere — flip an ene f eae ee aneeshatti Manion celitiaiaigesteptbeppaoasstthsjaninisu-aamnurid eisaliaalbiccce J — . * + jetta aS i j ; i CRC cei asecnsnantee te OO OO giinahciciek hs oid Aaa taah Riya Merinisddsiinslpiaait Ma eM SS llaliiibs 4 sills iii 4 a f+ L a a oh ids inatolalieainsipansncin a doestnthilbaiiiin | i T Bot oT 5 renova santindtieaipennatig pen Or | | | | a gies SI SI i rl ena sa r i | a Ae Fe a laleimindonaah in oeenncpenemencesensnesnerete = ive cai } i | BEC Ls meee cane Ane pene —4——+4+— . res | : | | j j | | } COTT FAMILY NAME Copyright 1948 Arlaite INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — No. 1-Spiit = pa ao 1964 8 | Snipes SURNAME OF DECEASED AxD CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Gert rude ' i | i a t ' | | | i ' sect | | i } | ' ies it | comin tT — { eee | | | | a i i | Hi] | ee mam 1 | | | Leeman on ii | ala | pa elihinnainaniah seiner | | ! H ! j ' | | Paptaniapsnlinne [ lb 4 i | j i | seen einen G } | i ; i | j cinoma nde 4 | { i | i | plats sieieiiolion 4 j | oo + + | ; ae rlieninainees one wi 4 } j } | entree - ~ | | peneetnietncnnnsctine fone | leeds nieessncak, iit { | | | ba + j | | Fp na anne ~ _ ~ 4 | ie alc . ; a Hester osctnlen om & “y, eee 24 Sau " a r - Aig % a ee eae ? Re rig! min etter aie 4 aa es Be mane Rae ee Ni -4) rae i, ’ opti nena . b i iP ihe ‘ YFP Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name aod refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SEX F =a Se e St ee + COLOR W SS | f \ } — 1 } | PLACE OF DEATH Cool Springs f NAME OF FATHER Frank M Ross =$ 4 Made Sold NAME OF MOTHER Minnie E Keever by The Cott by Observer DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Index Obito Company, Columbus, Printing House, Charioue, N. ©. SS eT ee dp e ce p ee e ae o n s lll $c Se ee — Celunabus, Ohio ing tiouse, Chariowe, N. ©. The Cott Index Company, Observer Prints b-index sheet for page reference. — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Su CS INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS 3 SS S SS ea e St se ee == SS te SS S ae hi & @ - > _ ® 2 sd im 3 Oo o ww = c ¢ < “r t = z. = ee e c Be < be s a 2 = u = = | 2 2 i 0 ca t i) Ad = < o z hy fx 4 - < a a oo s s f rt —_ Se © Q, * ” ’ + s | 8 ve © ea e ee e ee e = ne t s ei m n i e e e t e i n i n sn e p c s i n a m n e j e i a s t e n s n t e l Li s i t c i e n i i i b d e n i i n n | = = Si el i e . ‘ ib o a t s 3 Fs SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | aca ' Gertrude he e n insist On It. RECORDED sures their correctness, COTTCO UN U.S. Patent DATE OF DEATH Day ape eee } ! i a a | i | } ' ei ) | ee i) ' i | i + i i i ; = ii { i i i : j 32 i = i is i id ie ac o | Se r e ae ej as i ) = Be a t a 5 Ft ee d | Lo Pe a s e Os ) | be t a 8 ad Po e a Ea |! 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T + t —~ — — E i | i i i i i ; / be g a | S3 2 | ee | | 2 <2 | ) : tS Z7 & i i mo #8 ) De | ae | Pe e t ea l we ) 63 me d | 8 || i ay 4} j i } i qs fj i : <= || fa l rc Eg | - State of North Carolina Department of Archives and History Raleigh CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this reel are true and accurate reproductions of the records listed on the target (title) sheet preceding each volume or series of records microfilmed hereon; that the records were microfilmed on the date and at the reduce tion ratio indicated; and that on the date of microfilming, the records were in the custody of the official or other individual listed on the target sheet(s). It is further certified that the records listed on the aforesaid target sheet(s) were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of Sections 845.1 = 845.4, General Statutes of North Carolina; and that in order to insure archival quality and authentic reproduction of records filmed, they were microfilmed in the manner prescribed,and with equipment and film approved, by the State Department of Archives and History. “ss ( Signed) Hee Wa Camera LY Len _