HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeath Index 1913-1965, Mrae a SNS es aici wit l as Page | nanan nccntienaineelat i } U. & Patent No. Ne aeeaeersanenseseTTeT DATE OF DEAT Month Year Day i at pet } | 1914/ 10 27 t 1930, 3 [14 me r e { { { 1941) 8 /28 INDEX TO VITAL STATIST] COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 1437168—Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN McAllister Berry H McAllister \Carry Young McAlister whelby Gene eT em s m 1954| 12 | 20) ha n t e i a n i > - d i l e s a d i n e e 1959 11) 2g id Se e re p e a t SR N He A te s Og 1957 | 1962, 5 11963 1 3) Sn | 1963 11963, 6 (1 ee t 4 | 30) ta g wt 11963 SS ss 1963, i z Si Re ay ae $$ —___—__+.—____+fj 16) McAllister McAlister ~allie Jones McAllister Joey Dean McAllister Clarence Lee Thomas Lee McAllister Alvin Pp McA] ister McAllister McAlister it | Color | PLACE OF DEATH | * W | Davidson Tos Statesville nN Mooresville Mooresville Mooresville W Mooresvill a W Mooresville Mooresville CS— DEATHS ee locate names, open at S URNAME INIT to Buff Sub-Index sneet fer page : ‘ NO Harold IAL TAB and refer reference. NAME OF FATHER i iT S Mcallister Clarchibala 1 Young | ia ft MeAlister rn Ww NC} Thomas Smith Jones ’ eT tu siC .tLister weo McAllister Nevin L, McAllister a eee Geo. W McAllister — lredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ( q | RECORDED NAME OCF MOTHER Eva Hinson Laura McNeely Virg3 mcAlister Cora Noles Jones Betty Jane Stroupe Marcie Hager Isabelle Chester Macrie Hager oe am e n be a t sc a n s ot 11929 | 18 M 1936. 261M cAnley Mattie Willians3 cAnnalley Robert Alley Statesville n U Robert L Clem Williams Mcannally | 1 | | | Mary Hambright Jettie Brawley, ‘Ephraim Ranson M W Bethany Tas — IE A MoAuley il | { Alexander ad Pe er (osc Soe Sr a . : ii sc eceaenciiiaiiie INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N. C. : " ie INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 ‘ Tt To locat > J °; . \ , 7168-—Copyright 1930 e names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB The © ‘ 5 : AB and refer U. &. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright U. & Patent No, 143 ‘ and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio AME INITIAL T yright 1930 ee : to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N, C . { This Signature on sheets insures their correctn2se per ete Se cree ot SO for page reference. vil ‘ . ¥ neat ) For Your Protection, Insist On It a { | en a I ' wt. OF, ; | ; RECORDED ar SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Laer To AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER | DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED ) sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | | | 1 | Oay | RET ves veer | Month | Dey | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN I r | fa | | | [va Pa As % H | | | | | | Statesville N C/Joha Hutchinson [Sidney J Brown |16 MeCarn Maude F |W Mooresville NC \J M Hinson Martha Gillan po | ite 1932 11 12|McBride JM (Mrs) | : } | Statesville N CjJohn MeBride i |Blizabeth McBride (1933 10 20 McBride Edward D lronn A Ward | Jane Lolin 1935 6 26| McBride Amanda W (Mrs) Statesville N Cj Joha A Ward | V4 W ‘Lela Gaither 2 McBride Bessie Wilson Turnersbure Ins !Will Wilson J g Brid Charles Thomas Mooresville NC j- Ruth McBride Martha Hutchinson | 32 Rev John L Statesville Nc | Joseph Martin McBride LS v 4 12 McBride Willie Statesville NC) Unknown Unknown i 7 McBrid Jecsie Statesville Sandy Allison Mary Jane Samton icpridae ess : Statesville GC. G. Pilley Elia °. Yates 23 McBride Annabel T. | } 1957; 6 |6 McCarter Granville M W Union Grove Tns John McCarter Della Johason ; } | | 11955 9 13 McCarter William Carl M W Iredell Lester Carl McCarter eva cloan 1.959 3 8 | McCarter b 1962 4 10) McCarter “ 26 MeCall Statesville Tns Michael Huffman Mary E Reynolds <O A 10 MeCall Statesville N C ~ 31 MeCall Barringer Tns |Robert McCall Ila MeCall os » : Tey .% ~aAMmANnEa laley Fieming | | | | } * is : 1 Renkir 29) 26 | | 17 MeGell Mary Ruth f Tas J B Mc@ll Joanne McGell 1936 3 23 McCarthy Lydia R (Mrs) F W Statesville N C Miram H Rooker Margaret Coleman Ww mee & Clerence licCal jarjiorie MeCell ; | s VALI Ho G losp , ; ee Frmy/willia m C Mevoll Lucille vawmon y le dlliam Clyde hs W Statesville NC jJohn &B. KeColl Joanna Salmon » 38481 ~ xt i 1 f D x . 4 wo ea, r tl. . a bid L : 18 McCall Laura Lola f W |Mooresville KC j Samuel K. Harriel | Mary Hall ‘e 4,7 f i : 28 McCall Baby Boy Mooresville NC | Evans F McCall Betty Hartsell | 42 229 a | | 11 MecCa_ i Margie Sue , Statesville NC | Frank Laney |Georgia Stevenson 43 56 | | 54 133 i ut be i bl i Be Bl Hi n is “ : 4 ee \ ‘ rn) . a j | “ { | | { a — 31, McColl Lucile F W) Wilson Arthur Damon | Mary Ellen Baker = i Hy | ‘ | i ne n i = = ey { 8 McCalluin Pauline F W ‘Statesville N c lrovert L MecCalluin jAnoa Farrar | | cec e ee s } | } { H y =e | \13 (McCland | F C |Bethany Tans \ | en im Ne e en ne n en e ee n ee n a “$ - a aE TS nessnsnesnn INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — ‘Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 14 — UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 ITIAL TAB and refer U. 8 Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 103 COTTCO . - » te - a i To locate names, open at SURNAME IN : is 0 U.S. Patent Ne. MsiIta—Copreiht 1930 ® ecate names, open 4 at } SURNAME IN. INITIAL are . | This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. se fave ‘Buff Sub- Index sheet for page reference. — 2 <a : cee ea aaa to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page AY TAR sad rer Sidra teconen -Splumban Qh Reg. U.S. Pat.o#. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. — SS SSS a r -E RECORDED a a opps DEATH SURNAME OF DEC ; — = DATE OF DEATH : | | . NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee | EASED J SURNAME = Ee \ Color | PLACE OF DEATH Vo. | Page | = | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED | | i ee _ a — T Vol. Page ! : ws it j | | | eer dit Sins Lee ag rad (vat hile sith nas, a " ~ C a eats ain _— a eae a ——— a Resa Day i iH Marion McCombs 923; 6 | 27/|McCornell Gora Elizabeth Barringer Tns Allie Gant ll, 315] John Setzer Delila Conner 9; 536 4 McCombs Mary E | W | Statesville N ¢| Coddle Creek Tn} Clauzell McCombs | Hossie Connor 11; 51 | 23 9 | 41 MeConell |Eliek C IFalistov; Tns | I —— t nad 9, 324 8 | McCombs Ginnelia L a . Mary Smoot | w | Statesvilie no} “alter Smoot ‘OR Giaieeeees 11; 3}MeConnell Rachel Irene P| W |Mooresville N ¢ | | | A L McConnell Lillie Sigmon 14, 235 C | Charlotte NC ia Frank McCombs / Lucille Young | | | 7] MeConnell N | | ar 3 : : 1929 — onne ancy Barringer Tns Sas | | 27 McCombs R C McConnell jMinnie Marsh 15 | Frank MeConnell Elizabeth Miller ! 30 McCombs Frank ¢ t L McCombs | Elizabeth Smoot 148 |3 | : a oe | ; _}1937| 11 | 6] Meconne11 Milliem Wade | v | w Istateaviiie yc . M Wi Statesville rn && * ‘ : x rem + + MeCom s “ayere gt . le Unk, i Everette M W | Statesville I ; | 1/12 21 Meconnell Francis Sia ae i Evere 1 | __$1940 le | acConne yraneis Sidney | } i | Moor J Emma line McCombs 1951 | 2 214} Mcvonnell | Betty June —— — — Ns - ry , ? ’ on a } 1953 / hicConnell tO be 2 10) McConnell M i1} | y | rm : 1953) - [see eis | W | Mooresville NC | William P, Wilson | Addie Mae Pipin bs 654 | i i i i AEN XK RYE MAL GLEN BXZ KZX 2X % RAK ADD HHHZY 2) KZ) ch We XZ if Moox DRENARZXZ KOX 4: L LX ZRZX ZXZXZ K2KZKz fee wz Mae enex2x2x7%) Re xa zexd | i deae anal Lizzie Burton 5§ ' 21} McConnell Wisp C | Statesville Tns| | 5 ayaeto | el Mary Hall FW] Mooresville NC] William S Haj1 | Sarah Henderson Ps L2| | 1914 10 10 MeConnaughley Emm eatcy McConnell Minnie resville NCH Hy New - mat | ,* | I if ee = ) 1963 McComell Jeffery | 49 s + ' McCorkle ! | F | W | Devidson Tns Richard MeCorkle |Fannie Hill 25 McConyhead M C Coddle Creek In| Albert MeConyhead Emma Witherspoon 22 54 . 1925; 6 MeCorkle hi | F | Barringer Tn IR MeCorkl i ; | | ? 4 + +08 4 OS8a mM or e ; Is, th i 3 f ead = = > = M ; My 0 : Ss i NC c m 2S J 4 1 a vs fj ’ _ x | \ ‘ t | 7 | heConneyhe ¢ Mooresville NC |James McConneyhead (|Kozella Morgington |38 394 — 44957; 12 | 15] Mecorkle | Statesville N C{Mitchell atkins Carrie Gray 7 McC onnehead Floyd ; outman cConnehea . $45 156 Feel a «S oa or Bae z Cage {63} Pant 6 Pw ee 1938, $.;. 3)MeCorkle | } Statesville N Annie Mae McCorkle . rr I Ly an. onnd tH nf, | Minnis aucloneyhe: id j a5 } { , : j mma v Mcvonney hear | $1942 sr 27 McConeyhead Merthe Jene * .C Mooresville NC j- Renkin Rosie Goodmen Is 52 , 352 1936; 10 |18]MeCorkle ites N CiCall McCorkle MecCorkel Vera r | @ [JFallstown Tns Edd McCorkle Julia McCorkle McCorkle (Mack ae Coddle Creek Tn JE McCorkle angeline Beatty | | | | H a ~~ 1945 | cGorkle ‘Kenneth Herold ooresville NC paces McCorkle Werms Carr P9511 | ‘ Mecvorkle Alda Ann | 4 Mooresville NC John Mevorkle wster hae sost $2954 | 271McCorkle Stillborn W |Mooresville NC Mary Magalene 1961 |12 [McCorkle | Baby Boy | Mooresville NC] Hubert McCorkle Yreola McCorkle et e r n a Sville “enry Saddler Lizzie Sharpe (1934 1 12 McCord iuiw , Mooresville N Clalbert MeCora | Telitha Johnson wily 1963 | McVorkle | Elizabeth C fF Stat McCorkle, Jr, Wm. Statesville Wm Mcvorkle Sr “nristine Daniels ’ | McCorkle | Mit chlett { ) | Mooresville Hubert McCorkle J# Cora M Mills McCorkel re | Moor esville Joseph L Mills Sudie E C Mills So a eg a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell Comiy, NG INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C COTTC ERSAL ; at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1980 ‘This Signature on sheets insures thelr correctness. ere locate mie cde index sheet for page reference. aha es : So an ne : cal ia laiesey to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. . : - oes > — SS SS i estate Seis ITT OEE AS e Sold by Obssrver Printing House Guim : SSS en j Reg. U.8. Pat.om. / For Your Protection, Insist On It. caneneeradimamnetemneneareremtemmmene - eaepennennmaaeente a , | oni “= = | | ee ssoerninalbaaiats salle. 9 AMD CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN | sex | cow | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTH | econoes | x maces = " ee T c | | s | g.:| | — Page | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH Year | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 4b pe : — ie . 3 . T | D : ee j | | ? jMeKay |Mary A | FP Bethany Tns John S Mezary Susan Chappel f % 4 | | Mooresville Tas |George McKay Margaret Robley 2 | 156] 1914) 11) MeRary 1915 | 12 |25/MeCoy |Agnes Caribel | F ‘Statesville tas ft A Allen _|Susan Chappel Dishman 12 367) Statesville Tns |dohn McCrary 1916. , 20) McCrary 17| 12 |20/MeCo - 19 y \Neoma V (Mrs) F Statesville Tnos|G W Sharpe Jorusha Hooper 4 358 | 1 i o R| Statesville N CiJohn McCrary Susan Chappel 1918) | Li MeCrary i\John Raymond \Minie i Davidson Tns Angis McKay Mary Brawley 4A 493 1918 1 |15|McKay Daniel Lafayette x Coddle Creek Ty! 1924, , 12) McCrary 4 |McCo 1920 | t= y Miles Thomas M Chambersburg To|J W McCoy M Josey | 1923, 2 17 |MeCoy Valley Christen F Statesville N C/F D Mccoy | " P J Statesville N C|P C McCrary Carrie McGlamery (1925, 20|MeCrery | McKoy Carrie McGlamery Statesville N CiS C MeCrary 20|MeCrery | nts nie 1923 |21 |MceCoy Martha t N | Statesville N C |Green Smith Mahaly Barker Statesville N C|William W Teague W A Redman jAlma Tucker Burlie Moose 29 1923 6 McCoy Annie %: | } , Lee Shiloh Tus Will MeCoy ‘Ela Moose (Willie 1923 £2 McCoy Mar tr W .- . a Statesville N C iGreen smith Mahaly Barker \Verlin Redman | F Statesville NC [| |Statesville NC JJ # McCrary i 1 y oe a ‘ Yt a hes | ‘McC ¢ ieakeset iia. ue Adeline Forcum 1924. 14 |Mo oy Martha Ann } Statesville ong RG MeCoy Allie Haith | : * a cox I ig bs S She 11925 30 iIMcKo ee , Sam Columbus 1 Wj W (Statesville NC | J S mcCrary Susan Chapel y Robert Concord fns James Pp McKoy Annie Warren Chappell | Pi ad Susan Paes cad 4 | Statesville ne | William Chappell klizabeth Grose 7 1925 2 |McCoy Thomas Garland Shiloh Tns W J MeCoy Ola M | | f loose rete were w 1023 James R Ellis Mary C Pritchard | 49 65 | ; 1930 27 MeKa Josephin , Lula Ann E, | | lin | Bee y ose phine Davidson Tns Hugh G McKay Louise Johnston | | | 1931 4 McCoy a oe | | = | | Statesville N C Woodrow McCoy Lillian Litaker- | | 11932 21 /McCo w ye 4 } ——F J John Zlmore , Statesville NC M F McCoy Mary Simpson | 1935 £4 McCoy Milas Franklin | | Statesville Tns |Jonn MeCoy Cora Shooke Sg — > } 7 { : = 193 22 BicCoy Omer Esker Statesville NC Angus McCoy Martha Smith . “ ie ie | | (1938 1 3 Paar Daisy BN } Statesville Tns /J C Wilhelm Nola Hair 1938 11 00 BicCoy Rebecca S (Mrs) New Hope Tns James S Parks Suther Ann Bryant t % 4 r ver a t 1939, 3 19 jMcCoy ett C 2 “ Statesville NC. |Wm Crawford Mary Ann Weston ho40 7 Moxa ie i ee te ae | y AAlbe monton | M “Looresville Nc | Hugh G Mckay Loui | = —— — + at t e n | 4 i i. m+ “#} fi i. + a 1941 8 | icCoy a eae / C Me r ar 4 } } t<..& Bicvey war.’ f wurdock . SS S = | 1944 6 (15 [McCoy ig ] | Statesville NC /Fulp Myers Jeane Harris 1945 [ ? UW iStet tile Ne |B 1 eS McCoy ’ iStetesville NC 1 L hicdoy frences Fortner } Davidson Tns __|John F MeCravin Bertha Meyhew 1945/5 {16 jeCoy (wor Lafeyette {KM | W |Chembersburg ‘ai H 1945 | 6 | 3/MeCoy jLee Roy i © Coddle Greek Tn/Sam MeGoy Hsttie \lexander MeCraven 1945, 8 |11/Mecoy John Williem | M W Chambersburg t™m|{Frenk McCoy Mattie Skinner 1948) 1 McCoy | Barabara | FP W) Stetesville R 2} James VeCoy Annie Warren L948 La McCoy |Fred vavid ! | W | Statesville NC | J w hcCoy hargaret Tony 1 | } we Ds : ra) i , } . 94,9 | 3 | Mchay | Muay Alice Wl) MOOTESVildic WO rranuklin “eury juli caveln neese 1 | ‘ : . : r 949) 12 | McCoy | John Preston } M1 lurnersburg irvin Ww McCoy | Nora Steele ‘ - < 1 ars : Pi } . | 250) 1 Mcloy {James Willian | \W jotatesville Unknown | Mary hicCoy \ | {i | | J ! _ 95 ' :, . 7 f 1/8 McCoy | Jasper Vaden W Iredell County | D L McCoy | Maragret Parker j | J - mallee McCullough \ledzzie Statesville N UlAllen McCullough [Mery Cline ’ . ‘ | 164 ' is s i ; | | {i MeCullough pest -—prstesvilie NC |Jotm Henry Hamilton | Lula Grubb _ 1952) | 26] MeCey |Mary Tony +2 ! Statesville NC i Joba Tony, Julia Weaver | | Undon Grove William/McCoy Rebecca Sparks 38 | 76 _— — sd de d : ; ; © : : : i- i 2 ' . 4 4 Mc Cull ough Thomas cranford Mooresville NC | Samuel McCullough | Julia A Williams 6) 440 | 41952 McCoy | Royal C |W i | | | 1952 ll McCoy | Stillbirth ptatesville NC | William F. McCoy Nelle Preston Clark bé 479 | 5| McCoy Danny Charles _W |Statesville nc | J C McCoy Vera Dean 42, 360 McCullough Derr F | Moo resville Amos Johnson _| Frances Derr —— : re 23 |McCoy Carrie W, ! StatesvilleNC /J A Murdock Jennie Wilson 42466 | 13 McKay James Worth __W] Statesville N Thomas C, McKay Christian McInnis ho 12 : : : 51 McC - , ’ McCoy Omer : eee. Penep 5 " coy aa. aie eee) #7 14 MoCoy Paul E. Statesville Arvin 4 Maloy Nora S MoGoy 48| 398 12 [McCoy Carrie Viola M Statesville Hrhoma s B Moose Margaret McCrary 8 i443 11} McCo David G, Statesville JJ Will McCoy Viola Moose ‘| 48/480 id i e m e n e n i a i e m m m e m i n i a m e m i e e n a e d INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — ede Couny, N.C =D PEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. 8 Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 : sCOTTCO UNIVERSAL INDPX No. 1-4 3 t. \ This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. ee fo: reference. : ge ; Reg. U.s. ret ; For Your Protection, Insist On It. ; Wee. = Buff Sub-Index sheet for enna eS ae Sg . U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 | a locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB niche ; ; = sir eer kant to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page referen 7 ae refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. saps { H i | 2 z SATE OF OEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER _ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | ; ae | ee | Oy AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex| Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 9 Ree? | i ; ” ? il : e J + + ! | my |Grace Shoemake | W | Concord Tus J F McCurdy r 1962, 7 (16 MacKesson | Louis W. Boge _ fis uv Vera 3 ret ite tt on 5 30) McCurdy 5 4 | McCurdy Lucille W | Statesville N Cj J W McCurdy | > Green —— — ea e ae es su m e n d e n e d * na e | | 25| McCurdy W | Statesville N C|H H McCurdy peSi sh Milsaps | r . Miller W Winston-Salem NCQ blam Miller 20 | McCurdy Dora De r e a r e r sm e ee 3 - ' i} 2 aT Wy an » Sucene | MW $herrills Ford | Bruce McCurdy Jessie M. McCurdy Horace 4. McCurdy jNaomi Bowman . McCurdy Lula McCain <= = . 4 \MeCurry William Casson M W Chambersburg Tn/T C McCurry 11 McCury Rodrick M C Statesville Tns|Monroe McCury Leora Jordon 2witt Mi C (Statesville NC jMonroe McCurry Teroe McCurry ‘ : . : ee , ae es en er eg th n aL < = ’ 31 MeDonala ‘Plorence | FW |Statesvilie nc e3 yicDonald Frank Otis i C Mooresville Nc ~ - 11) McDonald Walter Ralph Mi W | Wesley McDonald] Wesley McDonald 17|\McDonald | Maggie Jackson} F C [Mooresville S W Jackson H | | ' I! ' } i H ! | ’ | oe p ow aoe ae tetieneimeene cee on eres sony ge iia anNRaNIORARNARS cH ES TISTICS — — Iredell County, N.C. . | | ch ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. ( : DEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS ~ Iredell County, N. C : . sone ' : ; so CoTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N - ; eee This Si sheets i b e To locat 8, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer , 1. 366 an suit | Foc Vous Provecsion, facie On > sets ore SS ates tt er pags coleman Patent Nes TIO —Cenrsigh i . SET Tats EE Hes = sam spanepenticnasteaesinnaneian ann See enna SENS SSSGSNGoRseeeierseeen ne ee ee ae open AME ne ; eR Aaa ee perme aaa _ Toot, nasten, om inde SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Ree R ‘ a ee eer : " x sheet for page ref Made by The Cott Index ¢ nee Sold by Observer Printing ian teens nee ener: sepia SCARE LTA, Oe aati oe onze ne EE Te RT SURNAME OF DECEASED 4 AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN . oe RECO SN | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME .OF MOTHER aT . « DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED : : ; Page | | Yor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF D peer peeen=f EATH NAME OF FATHER aBCeneED NAME OF MOTHER rane y # i i W |Concord tus 5 30 MeCuray | | | | ' J F MeCurdy Grace Shoemaker 8 259 = MacKesson Be | Jor | ic | ouis W, Statesville ies hae cits |1932 5 (4 | McCurdy | Lucille Py; | Statesville N Ci J W McCurdy - Green 18) 356 ace sdon rear Walton 48 596 W | Statesville N C|H H MeCuray Edith Milsaps 21, 487/ /1952,9 20 | McCurdy \Dora Miller | FW Winston-Salem NG blam Miller | Ellen Marshall 38 537 | I : | $ e RB ” NieS lJ ° 5 M fa Crs . i | Bradley Eucene M W $herrills Ford bruce Me Curdy Serta tile Mc Curdy 46 |'715 { a aoe q >. MeCu WN i B Y ol [1960/10 (14/McCurdy Bruce | W | Charlotte socvlasonieice eam cM? shabieinliatabedmcss [46/711 | | i i | i} ! i i | | 11963 5 13 McCurdy Charles W | Statesville | I N McCurdy Lula “cCain 149) 293) 1935 1 25) MeCurdy | F | it 11960 10 «9 == = 1 a —= S = <= s —— — = = — (1923 6 4 MeCurry William Casson M W Chambersburg Tn)? C McCurry | - | i (1925 12 11 MeCury Rodrick _M _ C | Statesville Tns/Monroe McCury ‘Leora Jordon i Monroe McCurry |Teroe McCurry | 11952, 10) McCurry Dewitt 4 .C |Statesville NC } ' } i ; | | | | fi | \ fi | " i} di m T ws I pa088) 3 $1) MoDonald | Florence FY , Statesville NC 1936, 10 23 jNicDonald iFrank Otis iM C Mooresville NC - - Reid 4 ! 11954, 7 (11)McDonald | Walter Ralph M OW | Wesley McDonald] Wesley McDonald Lola Patterson 1957, 6 22 iNeBonald | Maggie Jackson! F | C |Mooresville S W Jackson Creacy Saddler t i I + eke tinal a a Du ey eee DEX 70 VITAL STATS “DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a SEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — hredel County, N. C. “. . feleans ; Sa INDEX No, 1-4 ae MN ‘ This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, tt coTTco UNIVERSAL. Copyright 19 ee locate names, open t te names, opea at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Reg. U.8. Pat. Off. For Your Protection, Insist On te . U. & pane oe meneneen . ~ to Buff § tbeind COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 BERT locate oGull Sub-lndex sheet for page ee > Resets — i res — x SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ub-index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charictte, N. C. U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 . ROME) | “=e DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ] RECORDED ray | Sex Color | : NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER A ie Month | Day - CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Celer | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aT ee caster SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | coor | PLACE OF DEATH Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN saiegsieallnieiianeaana T * ‘ 4 i i ' ' 1_;MoDaniels ;Alanta s | F . € | Statesville tns a Harriet Simonton | 286 4 3 McDaniels | Zoula | Statesville N C/ thomas MeDaniels |Hariet Simpleton | 391) EsPaniels +Zone ‘New Hope fons alvin McDaniels | 223 ! | MeDaniels iR 1 \Statesville Nn C/ Benj McDaniels MeDaniels Ade ! Statesville fns| “ Dareus Matherson | 8 |MeDaniels /Ada M Statesville Tns| Tim Wallace Darkes Matherson | , 13) McDanial Harry Dewette Mooresville N C/J D McDanial ‘Mayfield Fleming | |2 | McDanial _Joseph Myrtle | |Coddle Creek Tal Joe Johnston Maggie Bliggard i 8 |MoDaniels - W Olin Ths |John MeDaniles Nettie Smith 25|MeDaniel Dallas Statesville N C/Robert McDaniel Clara Wilcox | 16/MeDaniels vs (Mrs ) |} |Statesville nN clo B Koontz Margaret Snider ‘16! weDanter ,Almead New Hope Tns iEnach Holland Irene Holland 19 |McDaniels Rebecca E Statesville N C/ John Mayberry - | | 20 MeDaniel | Mooresville N CiJ H McDaniel Minnie Wilson { { | £3 | McDaniel Joyce W Mooresville N CiJ H McDaniel Minnie Wilson | |4 |McDaniel Samuel Gustainia tatesville N Ci James 4 McDaniel Martha Ann Burns 4 |MeDaniel Samuel | Statesville N C/Samuel G McDaniel Florence Ruth Spry | 12) McDaniels ‘John Gulpen Statesville N C| Lewis McDaniels | | | i oni . il - ‘ 491.2) 1 | li McDaniels Sadie Eads ' W {New Hope Tns Gilpin Eads i 1943 8 | @ MeDentels ery Jane F i | Ststesv3 NC [Cellup Rupsrd f 1945, 11 |22/McDeniels Rob Lee New Hope Tns jLouis McVaniels ‘Roney Bedes 1948; 1 |9 | McDauiels | Ella | } |Statesville Nc | - ‘ 1948 7 |2 |McDaniel bb | W Statesville NC | Alfred mcUaniel jPatiie Welleams t | i i | | : , ' 1949 2 R3 | Mcvaniels bZeikel “!W (Pailsvown ‘Ins 4eWls meVaniels | tainy wades ’ 1949] 4 '21 McDaniel Cecil Wayne |; M W $tatesville rec | George C “cDeniel | Della Carter ae ne e a ’ 1949 | 2 j1 (McDaniels ‘Leura Brown | W/ Fallstown { « " f 1 i ' | 1949 12 25 McVaniels Artie Levada , W | Statesville NG LuGene hcDaniels | Margaret Lambert | | oy e <t p 2 i = = A ee c t ct * ee lt le t t tl i ' } H | 1 $1950) 1 |22 McDaniels \George bli l, W | Statesville NC] Lewis McUaniels jitainie wads 1950 5 |18] MeDanie2 Gery Frank | M | W! Harmony NC John F. McDaniel | Pauline Taylor | \ , $1954 2 ps McDaniels | Clara Victoria _ W] Statesville Oscar Wilcox | Nancy Speaks | | 41954, | 33 McDaniels |Ethel | |W} Morganton Klgie McDaniels | Lola Snow | | ! i 1956) 8 | 28) McDaniel |Annie Bell(B) |F — W | Morganton D. A. Beam ju: A. Beam L957 | 11 MeDanieas Barbara Ann W Durham Talmadge McDaniels [fona Church 41956) 12, 21) Mc Dan ie} Benjamin Frankl tn MW | Statesville NC | Alford McDaniel Sallie Williams | 1961 | 19 McoDeniels Georgia Ann ie W | Mooresville Aan Capps ° | 4962 9 |McDaniels Jonn M 6 W |Statesville NC /Alrred McDeniels Almedia McDaniels ‘ 1962 14 McDaniels Richard L. Statesville NC] H. T. McDaniels Betty Starrette ae 1963) 5 McDaniel Samel D. Mooresville Oscar McDaniel Mollie Singleton 963 15} McDaniels Jettie Mae | Statesville Ben Richardson Henrietta Smith 965 9 | McDaniels Elma Statesville Alfred L Day vault Melinda Beck tle ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County ee Be rarecasen nO TAL STASTICS — DEATHS — fredell Comty, N.C CE ug Aten ble \ Tle Sienanare on sheets insures thelr correcmens sa Ceo nen oa ea See So pnenenieens Rae a ence ) Por Your Protection, Insist On It Be ss TE rE IT a Sa Sem —_——-, ” —~ : RECORDED a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | | { f — DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED oe ae | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER al fo] Month [> AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN } Sex Color || PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED t ter | Meee | oa | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN {| | | | ek leds | © names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Colambus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C t+ # , ~ im } - i # | H ! a i Rainey Eads aah ek ' | 24 McDaniels Elzie | M W] Statesville Lewis “cDaniels ¥ |? ps8 mepowel} }Reuthie _F © (Chambersburg tn/Rafter McDowell Julia White 19 65 3 : Ci . t i! | Carl W Murdock Ruth Moore D1! 477 | 25|MceDowell pemeeneusdihe : + Hayes /M C (Bethany tas McDowell | Alonzo M F W/ Statesville ff DO R I S SS RS oy 1965 & 13] McDaniel Helen C Statesville Tas|Fred McDowell Mary McDowell 8 4 McDowell + “Melvin Thompson jh Neat an si id 5 CLiVin 4hompsor MM U MOOreSvilile NU | George © MCUYOwell isabdell Mobley | Mc Dowe11 | William Milne MW /Statesville |W B bieDowell Lizzie Milne McDowel 1 | Avery M C/ Statesville | Aitonzo McDowell Gertrude Knox Fs = as s se i ec h t AR E S pe s . pa m = & Pe eit pe e a : Sa ne y a ce p ph e . ee ma h i f fi l l ee se c s . To a t e he e n ma e , ec t s ga t eo n c a s sp l bi a l , —— - = So e e g R E K Se - ~ —< Se <a on s . : - ai o l i " Bic ca p a x ba n a l ii p n e e d l b n c s wp e o a t i d s - a ae Be e as — ma e i | il ee r es + al a | i | HT | | tt gO ee s a — = = mt ~ ee _— i 12 119 fteDougaia za Statesville N C Neill McDougald Mary Gilmer | ee n i b e c s e n i oa : s tT | 4 ‘ a r. 7 MeMight Margaret Gibson F W {[redell County | Blgeva Atwell } 2 (24)McDougald Mary Statesville NC jT A McDougeld Carrie Morris a 9 M6 Dougald | Carrie Morris : otatesville NC /Thomas T, Morris (Catherine Rankin “cDouglad Stillborn W Statesville | Jason T “cDougals Sylvia J Lippa ay se e a en h z pa c e : sa e Si ip di e t nc e e s i a e t l SE a a ni e t ar c t a n ap e ce r ta d en ee a |W Statesville ns - é | Mooresville N OG Samuel McDurrie | Josie Strange | . | tl So * 4 —— a ci v e i c a n a - re e c e ee d oe an e oe ak e ' a Mer ncn ert ene INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer G ; This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. es to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page referen: ° up~ aeuianiagl Cs et. : . Keg. U8. Pat.om. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. . ane DATE OF DEATH | Year | Month — Day e AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | 1965 3 | 24 McDaniels | Elsie R96, | 8 = 13) McDaniel Helen f 7 icMight Margaret Gibson SURNAME OF DECEASED fee | | PLACE OF DEATH # M wi Statesville F W | Statesville ice. { : H f | | \ | | as q F W redell County i 1G S MeMight Ek ASOT ATI a a Raa PENS NAME OF FATHER Lewis “cDaniels Carl W Murdock COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDE U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copsricky i NAME OF MOTHER Rainey Eads Ruth Moore | Elgeva Atwell rn cleat CRATE TS ERE wean 2 ; tf Bperesereers ot Ss oe —— ey INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — fredel County, N. C. OE Patent No. 1437168—Ceprrigst 188 aon - . tent Ne. 4 t 1930 ee ee - sea Bail Sete SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by Th a sheet for ie by Cott Index Co . page reference. Sold by heneven Printing en enn fle ij T DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED i i Month - AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN | Sex Color i PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER i ” | | - i | 1914) 10 |14|MeDowe11 Reuthie | | | rte Chambersburg Taj Rafter McDowell Julia White 1925, 1 | 25!MeDowe11 |Hayes x C |Bethany Tns C |Statesville tos! Frea McDowell | C8 “esv4 “ion mMooreSville NU | George 5 mNMCUowell +Sabdell Mobley | 1936 | McDowell | Alonzo M } \Mary McDowell Melvin Thompson 1948/6 (§: McDowell 1949! 11 |9 | McDowell William Milne M W ‘Statesville ‘y B Me Dowell Lizzie Mil WB > zzie Milne 2) McDowell A , 1963, 9 | avery M C Statesville | Alonzo McDowell Gertrude Knox | a we oO o 1924; 12 | | |19 McDougala M W Statesville N Cc |Neill MecDougald Mary Gilmer w Carrie Morris eS oo 1944! 7 |24 \Mc Dougald Mary F W Statesville Nc 7 A McDougeld | 1952 9 M6 Dougald 196%, | 6 | “cDouglad | Carrie Morris F Ww |Statesville NC IThowas T, Morris Catherine Rankin Stillborn W Statesville | Jason T “cDougals Sylvia J Lippa | f " || \ i { : pg y 7 a iF iG Statesville fns - - | M Ww | Mooresville N a Samuel McDuffie +. | Josie Strange i = et h ge m e e = ee n 4 = _— + : . Vd rer osscscss Bib aul acAebEA cette bade touels heme cence AE INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STANSTCS - Dear | - : , , ‘ inal ounty, IN. U, ‘Pp ‘ their ° alin mes, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer +R ee TN EAL, INDEX Ne. 1 —. er COTTco ERS hag dilate f Te ae «tue = Sean | locat \ o Buf’ Subcindex sheet tor page relerence. se sis a RR a omen ene e fe sorviens wee ee mee Ue & Patent No. 1431148—Copyright it, ate santo. — wan at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and f a aeanaen anna : oan nan rete ————— ane mit Salt Tie etaeaeanmeemumeannneenens . © Buff Sub-Index sheet for page referee! "er Made by The Cott Index © r i I i met — cinerea pag forence. ade! “ae t Index Company, Columbus, Ohio | REC See " Ody Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. aw oe SURNAME OF DECEASED | Sex Color : PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — es emt or eae SURNAME. OF DECEASED | | \ | Year | Month | Bay AND CHRISTIAN oe IF ONE IS GIVEN t lh Oh | Page Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | 7 { a | | Lenten 7 ; iene 1925 7 NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER * Tt i 25 McElwee Mary McKee (Mrs) F | Statesville ne 8 slquaaser pay — } Ys | _p9i9 t + NoGee | - | M W \Unian Gro / ve Tasty G MeGee Garnet Mary McElwee - M2 | 451 j1925| 12 [6 |McGee ‘Harriett May Fw | : i | | it 1926 2 4 McElwee Jz | M ‘Statesville NC 3 | | Fallstown Tas | Joseph B McGee Margaret J Rockman 1926 9 9 McElwee John N |M |W Statesville N ¢ H McElwee Mary V Alexander a2 527 1927| 2 |9 |MeGee |Zilpba Chambersburg TndCha lie Br ‘ rlie Brown - Allison Statesville NC Pathan O'Berry Estelle Moore eS | 473 ; 1930 | 5 |25|MoGee |Roy Talley | |} | Fallst | sia | | | &iistowns, Tns/O R McGee 1937 11 2 McElwee Estelle O'Berry | F | Pearl Wilson 1948 9 8 | Mcklwee Ross cemonton | M Statesville N C | John H McElwee | Mary Alexander ; bh | 372 | : 1933| 7 | McGee Stanford Lee | | b7 | : | ae sg Statesvil i i do John Harvey hculwee | Mary Victoria Alexa:fier 172! le N C/Clifton Simmons Mary Emma McGee 11951 3° Tau do Mary Martha | 1936 | | +. y | : 6; 1 McGee Robe | A Tinea aia Martian avlen | : rt Turner Fallstowns Tns |Jo Blei : ‘i | F W |statesville ohn S Yran i. ; \ Seph Blair McGee § Caldwell 1196] 5 1 \McElwee Sarah E. | 1945} 1 {30 [McGee Luna Belle | | Statesville Nc IS 1b Si ‘Fannie H. Wilder i : ge |47 28) 1955 3. | 6 McGee Jerome Mooresville NC Sammie McGee Sarah Brown Mooresville Ross S McElwee | Doris E McElwee ' 5] 421) P r M C Ie R b 2 a M W » to peti iii 11955, 4 |15 |McGee Rose 1964 10 1) McGee Myrta Mooresville NC} Coley Beatty Jane Harwell Mooresville | Jas H Brotherton Ella Lytton So a Se co g e r ma g e , pa d l a c a a i p a k e s i a c e ie e e - 7 : SS ib eal Se e Sa t e il e ae fe ~ 25 | McEwen Martha A F W Concord Tns woseph Scroggs Wennie Davis _ pezo 9 4 | KeBuwen Margaret F W Statesville N C pByrum MeBuwen Myeri McEwan t | | | } ibe M =W |Stetesville nc !william licGimpsey __Evelyn Connelly | | | { } 1933 5 23 | MeFalls John Cicero |M |W [tetesville N CH Gil) MoFalis Elmina Harvelson | i + | | } MoGlamery America J (Mrs) | |W Statesville N C Davia McGlamery ‘Susan Eller McGlamer w Is ( v | Pannde M | M | Statesville “CO iJim G MeGlam ry | Americus Nichols P : i a | McGlamery | Finley Eugene | mM W | Statesville NC] Ye A- McGlamery Tatas McNeil f —S as , ed Se e ee a ee s ad PACA SLae Sia PEs SEE AISLESGLE UiSoBiy. esedig cer ctestuncet Scent uc RLING Paty TOS NE tel af DaDUN a nha NEE Ih Jeu SATs titameat ha leea onan rch tol ieee as eee MaiveNE tC ANt™e Te NMI tN, I INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — — DEATHS — ~ Iredell County, N. C. IAL TAB and refer U. 8. Patent No. 1437108—Co tent COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INIT: rence ae a ; pyright 1020 No. 1487168—Copyright 193¢ Te locate names, names, open at ne enh ean faa to Buff Sub-Index sheet tor page rele ene a eeeeiemmimnieememmrcenes sew js oetesemcaa = o Buff Sub-ind SURNAME INITIAL INITIAL TAB and rel refer Made by The Cott Index Company, leah Ohio This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. ; ff Sub-Ind. oa ( For Your Protection, Insist On It a a el RR A A SI ' Sn eran ee — a ee cm oo for page reference, Sold by Chaevee Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. 5 Se SSS wine Sai ace SURNAME, OF DECEASED er ee er fa Tn Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER man a i Vel. Page c INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Beg. UB. Yes. Of. acne a i : OF DEATH DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED tes | te | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER #|——"_| — — Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | + 1919 1915 5 9 4 |11 McHenry 23 (McHenry I 6 |McHenry l ‘McHenry 10 |McHeary 17| McHenry 22 Mc"™enry 20 MeGlaster 4 cGuire T Willie \Albert Ad James D Gregory G. Stillborn Willie | F i | Ii |Zagle Mills Tas |Geo tt i |Bethany Tas Jim i i |Bethany Tas | Troutman Statesville C ‘Statesville Tas tatesville Nc |Eagle Mills Tns/|Giles Gaither y McHenry McHenry |furnersburg Tns |George McHenry Heary McHenry Dscar G Metenry rstall McGlaster James McGuire Nellie Gaither Myrtle Knox Beulah Gaither Ann Alexander Willie H McHenry | ii Brenda A McHenry rucilla Bonds ane Eccles _1 | 10] McHargue i 3 MoHargue | McHargue MecHargue MeHargue McHargue cl McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHargue McHar«ue + #6] McHa rgue tia IcHargue _|12 [MeHargue | | McHargue —_— } s Th McHargue McHargue 12 | 6 | McHarhue 0 McHargue 9 McHargue ei e 2 (McHargue | 2 MoHar 19 McHargue 13] “cHar gue 11 McHargue a | 5 rgue 11 /McHargue + | Amanda a Corrine a + | Jas Kerney ! | Mary Jane | Flake | William iJas F |Wade Richard i, Joe | James E |Helen Pauline Mary Frances | Wm Forest ,;James Pressley | Adolphus C | Nellie Frances | | Betty Lou {Cornelius L Mollie Johnson i }Calvin Lavfette] mM | Charles 5S Sarah Rowena Kobert Wayne Boyd Forest Wade Robert John Wm. Etta Harmon _Maggie Rhyne Rraeet Baxter Newton Lillie hf. John M New Hope fns Olin Tns Sharpesburg : Olin Tns Sharpesburg Sharpesburg Olin Tns lolin Tns Statesville } |Sharpesvurg |Stetesvilie iStatesville Nc n J}Olin Tns | Statesville iSnarpe 2s burg = Olin Tns Statesville Statesville Sharpesourg Qlin Tn in Barringer Tns Statesville NC hed v tesvi L le Statesville Statesville Statesville tatesville tesville Hiddenite "Statesville W] Statesville WwW Statesville W Statesville Jonis Harmon C IL McHargue Ernest W McHargue C Layfaett MeHargue Ernest McHargue Richard Woodward Henry McHargue LC McHargue Neal McHargue Ernest W MeHarzue James McHarsue Se Se ge e ' MeHargue Lafayette McHargue John MeHar- SS S C L McHargue E W McHarsue i John McHargue { Geo Allen McHarwue | i Geo Allen McHargue | ‘ I Ray McHargue Robert Jurn ~ John McHargue Robert N. Rhyne ly hy + 4 As LU Vide & J. William McHargue Henry McHargue PW MoHarg ue William Harmon Robert N Rhyne Richard B McHar gue “ichard McHar gue cL McHar gue Mike Swink John McHargue Hannah Jurney Ina Sprinkle M Hannah Jurney Ina Head Myra Wallar Magzie Rhyne Hannah Jurney Rena Bryan Ina Head Janette Waters Mary Ellison ©UuS& A Lank Mary Tomlin Mary Minnick Annie Baker Wilson Jurney Ina Head Dorinda Wilson Ann Link Ann Link Madge Byrd Clem Lloyd Eliza Weisner vuanita Nchar ue McHargue Etta Susan Harmon/ McHargue Dessie Green j Sarah J Woodward Sarah Jane Stack Bliza Weisner Mary Jane Johnson Moliy Yohnson ow en a Rhyne Martha Wago ner Clementine Loyd rm © © bs D fe oO o == ee en = ww Kw ; a © an ? ww o r = ~) < 39 605 41) 485 45 |182 46 (339 7 389 aq 45 90/403 50, 60 4 83 94.511 * Cd "<a vn RRR SO NPY cer ' nae oT rm re INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ei oe: INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND NIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 INITIAL TAB and refer U. 8. Patent Ne. MasT10b Comte i, _ 3 Ne. 1437168—Copyright 1930 WER Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio : to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page referenc : ing Hi ’ Te names, at i illic sremramiceass naa i i sen eet TTI ET : ® Sole by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C For Your Protection, Insist On It. : : SS , = Ba —_— | SURNAME OF DECEASED | | i | | | peconoen | ME. OF DECEASED vou PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN } Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER SURNA ae 9 goer cas — s “ " = | | ia : sie +eighton McArthur Johnsie Caudill a MeIntosh {Bedford Statesville Tns/Elija MeIntosh 14 y 713 ! |_Yerald Statesville—=s bi - | LOS | | LO} McAurther ; : | Your | } ! t McIntosh Ae thur Lee | ‘Statesville Tas |Arthur MeIntosh Carrie L Clarke lis” | 2; 3 MeIntosh | Bischop Statesville Tns|Bedford McIntosh Carrie Dye 18 | 5 |1 |MeIntosh Carrie : Statesville N C/Jones Dyer Caroline Dyer 18 1 : 6, 11 {£8 MoLatesh Mattie Smith Statesville N C)Will Smith Hedy William Smith (22 } | i 1937) 11 111. |BekSaureh Pete Statesville Tns George NeEntursh Patsy Wall 23 | i i Ht 1943). 8.1 a leIntosh Florence ¥ > IStetesvil 1 | 1944/9 | 5/McIntosh \Virginie Lou Sta mG UC. ¥ 1 ? ° 1957 | a1 | . ponte oa oe C | Statesville NC Martha Yoneg Norman i , : 1959 } 12 } 19) MoIntosh Janice Renee W Mooresville Verolyn Hager EE SS SS a SS S = _— ty e sl l i MeIonis iD H Jr | M | W (Statesville N ¢ Davia H MeInnis Olla froutman McInnis Daniel M M W Coddle Creek Tn |Neal MelIonis Flora Martino , 7} \ rf nn y \ ! i | | | ; : ; ' i | | <p einieanered i | \ j 4 ; ii} ' +4) / i} | ‘ i ' t mit -44 Hi me ; . : i ; i ‘ rs We | } jeg iY ; ia | Gi ee ee e ne en e d | Vi C Mackey Wo McGidgnis | Hazol Watts Mooresville NC jJames Caldwell Mot indis Irene E Sansbury |Mooresville NC | Wililiem McGinnis Margaret McFarland Moo resville Lonzo K ™cGinnis Bessie Harper se non row VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — pelt eC a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — ~ DEATHS — hredell County, N. C. coTTco UNIVERSAL INDEX. mica 1-4 7 i - UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 -—— snes ‘ane pa er Sicementactione emer ee . ae Patent ‘No. 1457166—Copyright i830 — locate nee, open at SURNAME DIA — This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. hem aa ae for page SALE RR ES eommrarn tee comma aetna Pisa - reeset to Buff Sub-Index sheet for ben ~— unter Made by ‘The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Obie ee ce ie ae eee se Ores — a nares wens armen ~ ; a See : mae Sold by Observer nee House, Charlotte, N. CG. eres For’ Your Protection, Insist On Ie : oe Sa RRR rE TE CCE TT IL — ee ae SSS ee SS A aR 5 Pb nasa ORO ACTS ME mas a aRRNE SE IAT pi i na a e. Worle mie Neeare ht 19 cS - ae — ay - ——— arene nore a —— NAME OF MOTHER [-CECOROED Se DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ; ER : DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED is Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATH Vol.| Page & eM AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER eereee AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | is iaiigeahi aig aati mane a cil ia niceties . a) te | | Neel | ht Martha A Nee 10; 68 | 20luexnight iGeorge Lock M |Coddle Creek TagG G MeKnig 1914 | pans Bell | C Statesville No iley Bleckburn @roline Blackburn i \ |Coddle Creek Ta|John A Kennerly pe -enee +78 ____fr927}-20-| Samuel R M iW F lwexnight lzi1240 amanda | F oddle Creek Tn jAbreham McKey Nancy M Brawley i i ; 4 L Margaret Estelle F [Mooresville N GlWilliam A McKnight |Lillie 4 Kennerly | biel 8 Nellie i i 7 ooresville N C Henry Marlin |p [Mooresville N C|William Myers Pertie Burrus | | ___fngeo | 10/14 fwekee ‘Katherine i (11/McKnight Statesville N C vt cry 12/McKnight Ershulia (Mrs) i | } non Nancy Paker Eppie Roxie | F Mooresville N CjJ T Fincan __ eal | 8 creas Robert W Mooresville N c [abraham Mackey 22) McKnight Nancy Brewley NC |William H McKnight | ee a ommie Bethel 6 | 6!MoKee Ja i Mortimer Thomas] ] | |Mooresville N / — 950 nee ees Statesville N c iw T W McKee - Pe | iMargaret Douglas 2 ee 1935 | 1 MeKee c : | Pearl Harris * W Mooresville NC jim Harris Margaret Johnston 1956; 5 |10 [McKee Govenor Crowell) | Julia Luola | Coddle Creek TniJohn McKnight ve ULL i A J vi li \ AV ~ oP Coddle Creek Tn jDewitte McKee Dora Caldwell Statesville NC e114 McKee Ellen Crowell 15 McKnight | Statesville NC {Levi McKnight (Cerolina Elliott | | 1946/ 4 |14]ucKee Anne | Cenats Whi ci a c d i a e b i n b s e h d i t e b e m e i e e s ae e e e t e ae ae me m e a n n e + ~ bob Pinkston - 1 McKnight Elliott John ; | tte 5 | : | ; . fac McKnight | Janie L Banne ' ; McKee Rlle isn sa mo vas o 1 | McKnight Mooresville NC Mason 8 I M eKnight \ : peal 4 | 8 Ellen | Statesville NC | G C Crowell Lucy Crowell s Bee ee IC | Mason N McMnight | Jane Loretta # 23y ; | 13 | McKnicht M © | Mooresville NC } Maso : ; t ‘ 1948; 6 | 1 MoKee Louise Mooresville NC | a ara -Knicht H Margaret Dourclas : | 5§ | E — , , | John McKnight a ? ; sith 1948 10, 8] McKee ;Wiley £E / | Statesville MeKni ght Phyllis J Shumate f | | 19 McKnight Tracy F W. Statesville Wm K McKnigh | | | 3 ital tn a tae | c se Or S ij 4 i ene hic: ea Bessi Smit) @ Mooresville | Mason McKnight | Loretta Barnette rae 4 oe o mos > 7 i. i. . _ " _ 3 okr 2 WU y VOVernor McKee Mary Bell Blackburn ? 22, McKnight Stillborn | M 1952) 10 |25] McKee Voreath Mooresville NC-| Dewitt Mekee Vora Caldwell o - [4y,- ' | | 1953 | 2 LO} McKee Josephine Winde F, Statesville we| John Winder | Susan James 1956; 3 |8 |McKee |Carol Ann | F statesville NC | Johnie McKee |Anna Vell Steele 1956) 3 McKee Stillborn C }Mooresville NC | - - bessie Lee McKee 2 1956 3 _8 Pokee Carol Ann y | 1 Btatesville N C} Johnnie McKee Anna Dell Steele Mooresville NC Eugene McKee |} Bessie Smith 1956 2 164 McKee Grayland D, T | i 1969 | 1 9] McKee |Annie B, Statesville Nc Governor McKgg | MaryB Blackburn ' Se ae - Campbell scipidloensiii 1962 | 6 |24/McKe y James 5, ! W {Mooresville NC |Robert W Nickey Kstherine Moore ‘ t ; i : 1929 6 25 McKinley _ Leroy 195% 2 "7 l cKen ey Th yma } M c St ites vil le NC wCye Thomas rm i Mary McClelland L 56 nae 962 9 19 McKee Baby Boy M ; Negev NC Sterling D McKee Virginia A Wilfs bp athe + 1 —_ 1963 2/9 McKee Raymond Lee ¥ Mooresville | George L McKee Adeline © Beatty =. 194, 9 | 121 McKee Bessie Moor esville Alex Sloan Vharlotte Sloan + 9 6 fieKinnsy 3 B (Mrs) Ae | Statesville N Cic J Leonard Ora Bell Kenedy 1 2. |W Ptatoaviie NC fevers D MaRee Sareh Phillips iene ’ a i ] 38) 9 | 19 McKinney , es - FW Mooresville NC | Hyatt J. McKinney Nellie Lurine Hill iced | | ! 8 (13] McKinnis ' | Cora Belle FW | Mooresville NC} Marlin L. Moose Lulu Sherrill 4 || 7 |11)McKinnis ” Frances C rFooW Charlotte NC |JH Huitt Unknown ' q 11 | 8] McKinnis M Wi) Statesville Lee McKignis Cora Moose | Yar " - er - ag Bm bn ak ego WO ae aed eas ee ae eg ae ea an INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C_ wae * as TO VITAL a ATISTICS ~ DEAT HS — lredell County, NC scant coTTco locate names, URNAME INITIAL TAB. and refer U. 8. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright to Buff Sub. te Buff ee ie for page reference. seemememessemammitaeett nrnnecnmincet —— acon we-mnden aheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. Se ee 2 eS — SURNAME OF DECEASED | | ; ATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER val Pas AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN |) Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH tae of beeen |} Gee or were | RECORDED | ete ee RAN SSS lhc cmsssnieanenstgestnansi isa 4 i { t Vol. Page { ait rr rere ee See Peart eat et Pee ee ET ny] FE ea hale santa Se : . i\ T ‘This Signature on sheets tnwures their correctness. = . For Your Protection, Insist On It. j se _.. eg: U.8. Pat, Of. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DE AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE {S$ GIVEN ee a aie ELE Laer RTS america - Lucy. Sootte mE oo ‘Roy ican eee ot | elain ohn Franklin | M : Statesville Tns htuch MeLain Susanah Woodring MeWhirter |Phinney , , | | Mooresville N ¢ Robert L McLean Beulah Johnston il } MeWhorter _. 12 McLean fstatesrille no ¥42i nanen- fue er a a ps | tha | m | | | | MeWhorter Williem 0 | | | cLean I ! Janie Sanders is _—_—_paas 12 hk i Mooresville N C Wm B McLean Melissa Kennerly | | | - ] | 1930 | \17 McWhirter ' | | | 6 [McLain | _jDrucilla Bonds a ae 925 | 2 — LF Chambersburg Tn Walter McLain Ella Elder Cc uo Statesville N C|R O MoWhirter- c istatesville Tus Postelle MeWhorter | . 5\5 |24{MeLean William Alex | tt McWhorter Reckie McWhorter | 541 __fa9is | ! Barringer Tns |B Mele |G |statesville Tns Wya Filed an Jane Cocran Willie A Scott : | 2915) 9 {18 =— | peeerines Mee We a Mecican lakes -" 1931. i MeWhorter 1935 | i MoWhorter Wade McWhorter Statesville NC t is i | 1937. MeWhorter ‘Memph t 1916 | La {9 MeLain ” Statesville Tn ‘J L MeLain i a 1987: 3 | MeWhorter iCharies Shiloh Tns | hicwhorter | Willie Ann | Statesville Tn { ' : FS + r +oacrs lie N ho41 [12 | 7 KeWwhorter jiade S 1 |¢ Btatesville 8i2 /9 cLain Flor E . ees ioe : 1918 . | pe ence Elder Statesville N C John Elder Isabel Dagenhart hesg 3 | | ais = eS Joseph Cochron i Mooresville N C Wm Burton MeLean Jane C Cochran Viyatt “clfhortor Har iett McWhorter Statesville NC j\aae L Saunders Lilly Sherrill > | 1918 | ll 25 (McLean Martha Bulah i Mooresville NV Agustas M Johnston Sallie E Gantt Filed Jane saunders | Lizzie Alexander 1920, 7 21 MeLean Susan | Barringer Tns Joseph Gudger - armons 11950 10 30 MeWhirter ss re i -F C statesville NO} samuel Barnes | fh t ¢ aie 11953) 3 112) MewWnorve: } U8 2© i } Statesville Wade McWhorter Willie A Scott 1921 | a vanes lee eal co vamrer a 11960 5 7|McWnorter Crirf | Postel eee Dructiie Memomer 1968 | ‘6 MeLean Gazell Mooresville N Ben MeLean Annie Torrence 1961 3 31 McWhorter John Walter Statesville | 1962 3 7 | McWhorter Statesville Wade McWhorter Ie ~ sd i I ; | | : { i ; = Wm. McWhirter Lilla Brown 1923 6 16 McLean James L | } Statesville N C H C McLean Dore Johnson 196, 7 13 McWhirter Stat esville Willie A ~cott 1923 j 22 MeLein John A Statesville N M Ly MeLain Sarah F Kilpatrick 1924 5 | botate RV ) Statesville M L Mclain S F Kirkpartick 1925, 4 6 MeLain Zebulan Vance _W Concord Tas John T Mclain E Jane Adams 11 i sa 1927, 7 112 Metein Isaac abnee Statesville Wm McLain - McLain a3 H | ; 2927 | 12 7 cLean Samuel W Statesville William McLean Margaret McLean (Mrs)| 14 | } } { 8 McLein Benjamin Shiloh Ths - 15 1929 oLain Jack P | Statesville NC | - Rebecca McLain 15 1930 | 7 9 cLean - Statesville N Rufus VeLean Lillie Mae Glover | } 1932 | 2 |21 McLean (Thomas Pressly | _W Mooresville N k E McLean Alice Collins 18 | | 1935 1 /14 MoLain George Walter | Davidson Tas J C Mclein Sarah A Woodfin 1935 | 1 (15 McLean Laura Eva 'F W Mooresville N C Webb McLean Velma Ludwig | i : ‘ n935/6 7 cLean William Agustus | Statesville N Joseph F McLean Mary Rosa Swann 50 MoLeon Annie Mooresville N taney Torrence Caroline Graham | 2m i aa ee Se m e n se m e n 30 McLean Rachel Neill Coddle Creek Tn ji J C Mclean Ruth Neill 9 hiorean ji Annie V Hdwards | W Mooresville NC Ellis Huffman Ponie Ellen Reitgel | | | | 21) Mc“ean Annie Bradford | iStatesville NC | R L Bradford Florence Hedrick SS 5 : = = - -- - am ¢ ag e on e a l nn a a r e e g hp r e a e s n g e n y he r e > ae es = 20 ita John Ross iM (W | Fallstown Tn enry McLean | Katherine White MeRorie | | M | W j[Stetesvilie N O thonaa Hugh Matoria Merah Selenea———- L pees ae a | i I es 7 se Isiatosviite 1 ofthos H Anderson. i m har tina Lena | F |W [Statesville NC [ezekial Mc“elland Mary Mooney McRorie | F | WY [Statesville | = il a teint Riinmeenee= “ . Jesse Clyde lu | Peaneeeeies NC Percus KcLeen jfrences Kilpetrick | Ben |Fallstown Tas. j- - 1! BR | ¥ Statesville NC | William McLean jelizaveth Adams Julia Walker | w [Statesville Nc | William M Walker Louisa Barkley w| MooresvilleNc | John Buster McLain | Frances 4 Vorneiius Statesville NC} John Munday Sa Vaniels ‘Walter Geofge Statesville Jasper McLain Elvie Bunton Mabel Guy Statesville John W Guy Rebecca E Guy re a ey eels on P et INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEAT HS COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 U. & Patent Mo. 1437168—Copyright 1930 —y : , SURNAME OF DECEASED | | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN |S Golor | PLACE OF DEATH | DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 14 — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing Hovse, Charlotte, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — ' . & Patent No. 1437168—Co ht e names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. &. Paten ree Mathaba erent | et locate names, “pea at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer oar te locat to Buif Sub-index sheet for page reference. AR SES Seana seer ceememanreremeeerere 2 9 te Buff Sub-Index sheet for Page reference. This signature on sheets insures their correctness. LATTE TINE. * Reg. U.S. vas.Of. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It a ca pores a a — DATE OF DEATH NAME OF MOTHER oe DATE OF DEATH wo i Accum 1950. 23| McLean 1950 7 |McLain i ae 60] MCLEAN 14 McClain 0951 ‘1965 11956 5 30) McLain 1956 11 11 McLean 11957 2 26 McLean | 8 17)McClain 958 10 14, McLean | b958 ~-10--24+Moboan- -- 11959 3 24 McLean | 6 16! McLain 30) McLain 27 McLain 19 McLean McLain McLain 6 McLean 8 McLean : Se d e es e t SURNAME OF DECEASED AN CHRSTAN HAE, FONE 1S VEN | Henry sarnest 1M , Clarence Walker |i Lester G iM Willie W. 'M |F Ronald Allen M Parks Andrews M Buster Kenneth! M 1 A Onna M rread Crren - ~~ 2 Red. — sar] +e Villie Geprge Kenneth Knox Angus Peterson | M May S. J T vonn b&b i Color PLACE OF DEATH 1 W | wasabi NC W Ist tesville NC W | Statesville NC W | Swannanoa W Mooresville W | Statesville W \Statesville W |Mooresville W | Statesville W Statesville C | Statesville } Mooresville Statesville Statesville iotatesville Troutman W | Stat esville W! Mooresville NAME OF FATHER Marcus McLean Wiiliam P. McLain Marcus L McLean J.V. McClain Billy E. McLain Billy Gray McLean | Geo. E. McLean June Vance McClain i Win. A. McLean | H | Jonn Allen Mclean | | Ben jamin McLain be i ! Eddie M McLain i 4 [Morgan McLain i | Archie 2, McLean , iJames F I, id \} n Smith R MeLain Wm A McLean Aleck McLean ~) Page Sarah Kilpatrie 36) 283 Julia Walker McLain. | 36/433 37.| 9 41 403 Fannie Kirkpatrick Patricia K, Carter | 42 270 | ! l Doris Jean Goodman | ‘Elma Honeycutt 42) 537 | 43 249 | f 4 43/368 | @4 523 |Sudie Mitchell | Sue Yudger if Lou Ellen Bowlin 48 156/ iMartha Reddick 45 295 \Mary Frances Gabriel] 45 280 H | Nellie Little 46 399 Laura Sessoms 147 3 48 1517 a 4 MeLelland 449 | Mary A Millsaps i | Martha 405 | Sue Guiger 49 526 | Sue Gudger 51 218 1920 1920 12 1929) 10 1932) 11 1935) 2 1938 1 1939 5 4940 | 4 1940! 8 1943 ¢ 194-7, 950 | h9s50| 6 Ihosa. 8 1957) 5 1958 (7 113] oe ie Pap 2 4 3 ll 25 7 24 122 113 1 | 8| f 17 McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin | McLaughlin McLaughlin |10|MeLaughlin { McLaughlin i i McLa ugh li? IMcLaughlin MeLeughlin 5 de | McLaughlin | 1950 | 6 26 | McLaughiin 7 | 16 McLaughlin | McLaughlin | Me Laughlin 4 ' | McLaughlin | (McLeu ghi in | 16 McLeughlin McLauchlin |McLaughlin | } | Jennie |Richard Burton |Dovie Melissa Robert Henry ‘Ralph Duane Rachel E£ Julia E Murdock Ruth Allman We Ir Naw? WwalCTeEr Yewl1 William Frenk iZilpha Louise by Girl Minnie Kerr William Maude Robbins toopert 4“ F F | NAME OF FATHER { 1 C |Statesville y Ci I N Statesville N Cicen R 4 McLaughlin W |\Coddle Creek Ta | Frank Johnston Coddle Creek Tn/Samuel y McLaughlin Cool Spring Tfa/cc¢ McLaughlin Mooresville n C\William Parson Statesville NC | Wms “se Murdoek Ow shia ) AT (A > ~ 3 (OLIN elatesville NC | Fred N MeL Mooresville NC Hugh S McLaughlin Mooresville NC wy Mc Laughlin Barringer Tns Cc Trede W Mooresville C Mooresville NC - W Statesville Wn M Robbins W Mooresville John P Brantley | RECORDED | 4 Voi. Page © % “ NAME OF MOTHER - 16 155 Mary Jane Murdock 219 Susie Moose 98 Margaret C Carriker 48 Margaret Lomax Caroline Lowe Jerusha Crawford »a HMOCA Ra a0 L & adie Kay Lee Brown Idora Housten Freeze ces ann: —innan lvl ee thilin NeLau 43 44 546 Martha Montgomery 44 396 5Q Alice Cline McPherson McPherson McPherson \Lucy A Sallie T | Russell | F | F wr * W Mooresville NC [William J Brawley W Mooresville N C Robert McPherson * Morescille N o | Robert McPherson Nancy Cornelius Jane E Templeton > ana ‘ Vans ae Templetor et SS a ee en s ee a te ie aaa 4, ~~ Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. i } DATE OF DEATH i | Year Month Day | j | ‘INDEX 70 VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C._ oencas This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. * | hoe 10 19 MeNeil1 h942 10 15 McNeil | 1948 6 Re | McNeil 11954 1 26 |McNeill SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN JB Andrew heeves Roby Rosevelt be Mike Franklin | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH \ M MM M : d refer t SURNAME INITIAL TAB an yy ‘Buff SiS teden sheet for page ee. fh a i NAME OF FATHER W (Statesville N C |James McNeill w Statesville NC George F McNeil otatesville wc} Ni ley C MicNeil | W | Statesville NC | John McNeil | i 1 { | 2S SSE COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 NAME OF MOTHER H * | 1 Fanny Dula i wmelia Triplette | Mertie Green Hl | Frances Lou Ellis U. 8. Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS ~ Iredell County, N. C. ¢ UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 — Ub. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 = 1 ees oe © locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for Page reference, Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee 11933 12 12 MeLemone | | e258 | 11952 l 1951 5 /1958 12 6 McMullan fod suis 8 + McMullen 29 McMullin Wm Cephas Adline Jares j W Mooresville N C Warren McLemone r Statesville N C Chas McMullan Wes sm 9 NC # Ky oc ott Statesville NC Wames. Oglesby Statesville NC | Hinton MeMullin Sarah Wields Addie Hart | Atholia Wiliiams Myrtice Starks nves | 6 942.7 20 MeNabb 21 McNabb So e So Be SS ee Elsie Beatrice Samuel C Statesville N C 5 B McNabb jotatesville NC (Samuel C MoNabb peeapc encase. 5 7 1 Month | Day 9 | 22 | 27 + 5 | 29 8 | 24 | 30 McLelland MeLeland McLelland McLelland McLelland MeLelland MeLelland McCleland McLelland McLelland McLelland McClelland McLeliand McLelland McLelland McLeliand McLelland McLelland McLelland McLelland MeLelland MeLelland McLelland McLelland McLelland iiMeLelland VeL elland McLelland McLelland iMcLelland McLelland MeLeliand iMcLelland MoLelland ?|MoLeliand sjMcClelliand _ MoLelland _ MeLelland | Pannie | Rocksy | Regine | Charity |William a | Janie iM A | Maggie |Burette |Rachel \John Nelson jAlice § ,Alice Rowena |Frea Junius | Junius | Tommie Atwell | Elva | Violet \Minnie | John Henry | Dorcas WA |Carrie § |Mary |Julie ? | + | | ; |Isaac Mary | ‘Elle |Malvina WD jJohn Lee Leander {Laura Odell _|Columbus {Concord Tns Concord Tns Fallstown Tns iStatesville NC I ii - istatesville Nc [Bethany Tns | Bethany Tns iSharpesburg Tn [Statesville N iStatesville NC iShiloh Tns roesou . Woharpesoure Tn ic + +. oo 5 ) jotatesville Tn I Ons \ bin a $ONLLon ins i? i > ar 4 wr iNOOresville N¢ jotatesville Tn i) |Statesville Tn \ H iState s v i l l e Tn iSharpesburg Tn New Hope Tns Statesville NC Sharpesburg Tn Statesville fn Statesville Tn Statesville Tn Sharpesburg Tn Bethany Ins Statesville Tn Shiloh Tns Concord Tns Statesville NC Shiloh Ths Concord Tns Concord Tns (Con) ! Alex Statesville NC se : : Will MeLellend ,Orner u Vat ee LA Wa WCLELland 4 iat 77 1 w A LCLELIand William Elliott laney Morrison henry MeLelland 1ve€ V.CLelland ee — E ed W MCULELiand I rT T L_we elu dL AUW | Monroe McLellanda | Alexander Turr — ¢ AH McLelland | Thomas McLelland Tom MeLelland | Lee McLelland 1 Anagerson Goodwin , | Wilson } Clelland MG loan Thede Marshall Jake Tatum Tom McLelland Tom McLelland Sharp MeLelland Jordon Sherrill Loyd Lackey Ogburn Feimster Ezekiel MeLelland William Abernathy Shadrick Keaton Ive McClelland Isaac McLelland Ola McLelland Judy McLeland Roxie Seott Viola Turner | Mary Marshall ulena Mason attie Deniels vu Ella Lackey Elia Lackey Harriet Towns | Naccy Clanton ‘inga Myers Harrie Tatum Ella Lackey Kila Lackey Harriet Sherrill Mary Hunsucker Mandy Sharp Mary Mooney Betty Sherrill Marie Keaton - Morrison Laura Keaton eee Te er NES Tt LLLSEIL Lik Geek tLea REED aL INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ; INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 ae BREF Te locete nas, at SURNAME INITIAL, TAB end vebw ___U.&, Patent No. 1437168—Copyright iste Copyright 1933 A-122559 f EP Open at Proper Tab according to First Le ero Reg. U.S, Pat. Om. For Your Protection, Tncist Or Te to Buff sub inden eheet a Oe ee ; <a a a Sc ante sa refer to Buff Sub-Inles ae fe race ae Mig: Cees Poses Lakes Semmpeny, Columives, —_ ( ) pt RGN: RECORDED es T Conte ov beat ‘oekea DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED sex | coor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = >=" - pg caro OF DECEASED sex [coor] PLACE | I | aie | a tae Tee AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Wena | —— 4 age Yeat — : " ch msTINN Wale, IF ONE 1S GIVEN CE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER el | | ] po aes ee : DO ee | | 4 i Vol Page | Letha McLelland 18 | [_ 959! 12 |19/Mc°lellana | W472 | | i H ' ‘ ‘ M C iStatesville NC Bert McLelland | 500 1 1 [19] Mc¥lel1 M a pee ee . : } ! 1932; 11 | 6|McLelland iW P os ; ie ml fa ee fs | i | tesville feats McClelland | Roxie McClelland | 45/638 | 32 2 | 26iMeLe lice Mitchell | F | W |New Hope Tans ~__B2 VCne, +489 1960; 6 | cv¥lellan ‘Herbert | | | 1952/ 12 | 26|McLelland 14 ' ‘ " hr t Mig |Statesville Henry McClelland | Charity Garner l46 367 | ar oser | i fl 1933, 5 | 7|MeLellena \Polly Moser | ¢ {Statesville HC } Silas Moser " Aa} 228 _hs60 eet Soke } Mj © [Statesville [Isaac McCleljend |Laura Keaton 46/481 | ? | ; _ceeeecentta en j | + t i ¢ | ‘ » | ei Adeline McClella | oe | | | 7 4 1933, 9 | 3]McClelland ‘Monroe M | C [Statesville Tn | Berry McClelland land {19 | 455 oe = bas fone {May .2- 1% i|Mooresville NC |Jonn R. McLelland Mary Renkin 4793 | . ' : “ or 12 ‘ | t I 1 —— i 193. 11 | 7|MeLelland B Annie Fi W jFalistown tn a Ae psc 1271.80 heer: ao hee ri dancin pemite 7. | F/ C¢ |Statesville Nc |Robert fempleton Mascie Woods 47 203 | | . 7 i 7 € a F = M . wi . i. T * , ” 2994) 22 | 265MoLe1 2000 {Roy M | C |Statesville NC 4 Henry McLelland Charity. Garner 20. 550 ; eee > 1 94 “eheliena | Sohn Howard {| M| wBlooresvitle Nc Ponn x, McLe lland Haven - Raitebn 48 8 i . - ' : 2 : = , rm 2 M C 2 , n t \| 5 I | f 1930, 4 e/uczellend - M | W |New Hope Tas E Carson Molelland | Brady J McLelland {22 | 308 _ “ae: civicomakcseanen a FC Statesville Unknown Unlevaen 48 96 a ‘ a ni 5 esvil N Bert McLelland Charity Garner £2: §13 1962) 5 1 |McLelland Sti . 11936 10 6) McLelland Henry M . C Statesville NC Ber Stillborn M = W) Statesville Bobb \ ' i i OO T T t ' oo i U. MeLelland Haz arker | I 1 $ Sh 2) € > : | 9 Z WM L om © } . > i . i " e1 =. Ker | uf 222 /1938 6 4iMcLelland Marsh M C §Statesville Ta Gus MeLelland Mary Sherrill 24 512 1962) DER AeoLelland Hockwell esienand ate — : a i t ; ; ee + i Lar ti V re f i | | ~ ss a i , M pe . lsss, 9 30/czeliana Billie M | W [Statesville NC : Vee Anna McLelland {24 , 407 | 1963) 3 | 19 McClellan Gene Arthur C | Statesville Port i i ; i Te a H | ‘ Bivens eee Reed. EVE = I rt ruc ¢ ot e7 } “5 i | : | L. ; . i 4 | J1941, 4 12 IeCle1land Ida fucenia | F | w |statesville Nc |Z 0 leGlelland ry_Ann Stone 27| 296 | 3 1963 | ed 9 |McClelland Emma F | C | Statesville ames Graham Rena Bennett 49 574 7 | | - Pas vill Charles MeLelland ny Truesdale 27/ 310| ; 65; 6 |2k|| McClell hee bE . lie Nc aril cLella Rub 1esdal 310 1965 4|| McClelland Porter Pe rae | p7941) 6 ro : : ' . ae —t Bice pj % yetatesville =| Unknown Dodie McClain 51 3¢ 4 | A " 11041 a 26 IMcLel and Yictoria unmerd F W §Cha-bersburge Tn |Pinicney <ummers Janie Nesbit ori 26 f 1 i ae 2 + + i Hi i ! ' | {| | | + ; 4 : : [2942 1 13 cLeliand Mary S$ | F |W Statesville NC hezekiel McLelland Mary M Mc“elland 28 . 270 | 4 1942 3 15 IMoLellana Mary Berier | F | W Woddle Ureek George Berier Harriet Rankin es 138 i I is a +} + 1942! 7 18 hichelland Mary | F .C Concord Tns 1lfred Morrison Frances Houpe eS | 7h | | Pero | | ra 194% 10 .21 IMeClellsnd | John Ive M | C jCéncord Tns Pink McClellsnd - 29, 43 ; _—- | | Z hoas 2 16 ‘MecLelland Williem M i Ii | © |JShiloh Tns Meander lMichelland Mielvine Feimster ol | .149 - 1946, 10 6 |MeLellend ‘Elizebeth Adems| F W [Statesville NC [Wilson Adems Elizabeth White 32, 387 | | “4 sannasstetatnsescansiieepsiiciienelipeane + + ; # ; * # i . 1 : f 947) 1 20} McLelland - F U jotatesville NC | Carlton B McLelland| Laura E Gra 33 | 260 f | y | | : esses + ; i 1 ; i Ht 1948' 1 15) McClelland Della E. Fi C¢ ptatesvilie NC |Lee Houpe Julie Sharpe 4 59 | y t ' “ i 4 4 ae Ps 1949 1 25iMcLelland |William paxver [mu — W |statesville WNC John U McLellana Jerusha otone 35 4S s i A 3. 29 | McClelland | Lillie Annie F.C | Statesville NC | Milton Clark Unknown 36 167 bs | | # 1950 7 27 | McClelland | Adeline F.C |Stetesville NC | Unknow Dora MeClelland 36) 367 } | 4 iii 4 " 1950; 8 (27 JMcLelland | Otho M | M, Wi Pallstown Ths | Adolphus McLelland | Mery Marshall pe 478 zi eee | | i 1950, 11 (7 JMcLelland Wilford 17 M_. W Jotatesville NC [Carson McLelland | Kathleen Mitchell 136 |567 west | ! | AIL 1 18 | McLelland Clarence Aol? [M |W Boncora Adolphus E McLelland | Mary EB Morrison 37 | 60 " aoe | | ! | | | | | 1951' 4 MeLel] Annie jC | Statesville NC Mason Conner Hattie Fooney p7 | ei i | | | | | | | | i 1952 | 2 23 | McClelland |William A M |W Chambersburg Joseph McClelland Tempie Lackey 38/60 Le a. | | | {| | 1952| 6 | 12)).cClelland | Nole Fj C [Statesville NC | Allen Sudderth Unkn f x 9 a | | | | | | 4 | ; | i pF SneSn oudcerth __4_ Unknown 361 294 Beis | | hi | _}.1954 9 11] MeLelland Margery Murr Fi W Mooresville NC | Willie Murr | Bessie Martin ba 466 —— wii | | wi : 4954 2 | 54jMcClealand [Geraldine F{C_ [Statesville NC |Auther Lee NeCieatanp “arie hamsuer 79 4205.7 _—— ie [3 | | | ! . ]1954| 3 |2u|Mecietiand [James _W M | © | Alexander Co. |Issiac McClelland |taura Keaton __|uo| 234] oe : 1954 | 5. |20}McClelland Stillborn sf M W_jStatesville NC |John Nelson McC ellayd Ruth Clanton 440! 192) | hose 2 | 24 McLelland { William Davies | M Ww |Mooresville | hetiat Re chad Lel4 Mary Rankin Metelia) 4495) 1957} _6_ 12 McLe1land Poughass M. jM | W | Statesville [David 0, McLelland |Evelyn Speece 43/295 | 10 | 14 McClelland Millian | | | o[Statesviize i McC) e11land | Fulda Tetum 6 er | 2 S2]McLeliend —_—| Baward Carson 4M | [Steatesvitie | wa. Mole lland Vickie Summers ee el Sep ag Neneilend | Mettend Me 1H | WPtatcariie [WA Motetiand Mary Matignana ppt te of 4 pdeleriant | Mite maeed? | [sarenvitie | rus Manmey | tetia tadonate fs fon | Ossie P | ° Btatesviiie Pink Neeley. ena “uckey - 362 Cer rie ett te Divi ibee tit teens INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 30 UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 on Potent No, 1437168-—Copyright 1930 BI ssi sscasnsssnanas suiibhiaesbnioii ibid ShshLadadsis ihn. heap basidagtbcalll INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. TTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1.4 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of CONN Copyright 1933. Aviaz550 ete 'e County Indexes Since 1868 t eB N and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for ae ——————EE_E__SE=EE==E RES. U. 8. Burmlote i ~ lame Catal lalla aie ) An Identifying Trade Mark ala Par, OFFICE alll ———— —— SS | Sea f | 3 or eater = nn _— re ee rea sn eae a ; RECORDED =. , or * SURNAME OF DECEASED i | | q RECORDED ~ - : = cae i Bea eae ee NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH fl NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ——— DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECE SEX . . { = | ‘Vol. Page monn neme ae ‘cones Seen ‘ | Y | | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GEN ===} | OP 4 = ene + ve = adi Sees wee oe oon ~ — gat locate names, open at UURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-index gheet for Gams valeteen: Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. t ————— a SI ik ! ' a enone | | 4 = ss i j MoNeely ‘Martha Lou Mooresville N C Davia McNeely Elizabeth Creswell Statesville N C Robt McNeely James Cowan | cate . -_ 7 |16 |MoNeely ‘Stokes Cowan | | | | McNeely Mooresville N C\c p McNeely Lucy Thurston | . | McNeely C Kilpaterick Mooresville Kelsey McNeely Margaret Grey | i917 11/MeNeely 11916 (11 /MeNeely Adams Eagle Mills | Shiloh Tns i 1917 j199 1919 1919 27 MoNeely (12 MeNeely 23 McNeely 5 McNeely Clarence Pharr Clarence Y Luna Adda Mooresville Statesville Mooresville Mooresville John C MeNeely N C Clarence P MoNeely N C Robert Y McNeely NC Albert 4 McNeely N C P Bruce McNeely Statesville Nc Minnie Morrison Lucey V Thurston Lula Kinley Mary Jane Moore Fern Johnston 1920. 6 McNeely Commie lag20. (17 MeNecely E Newell Chambersburg Tn Earnest McNeely ~ i —— — — — — — 11921 So McNeely Susan Eliza Mooresville N C David Creswell Catherine Nantz ee | 11923 25 McNeely G W Chambersburg Tn Ebenezer - Moore lees 18 McNeely Joseph Alexander Mooresville N C James archie MeNeely Mary Overecash SS | 11923 | 7 MoNeely Davidson Tns Jim McNeely Carrie Forrest Julia Elizabeth (1925 11 MeNeely Mooresville N C Ezekiel McNeely Matha Creswell 1925 _ 13 McNeely Minnie Graham Mooresville N C Roy K McNeely Ruth Barbar 1927 25 McNeely Alice Debora } Mooresville N C J F Johnston Margarett A Troutman 1927. 10 McNeely Mary White (Mrs) | Statesville N C John White Sarah Brown 1928 | 2 McNeely Hattie Isabell W Mooresville N C James Brantley Jane McNeely —— — — — — — — — — 1932 31 McNeely John Davidson Tns Charley McNeely Mary Young i 11934 | 4 McNeely Lawrence Lee Chambersburg Tn J R L McNeely Mollie Sherrill 1935 | 12 McNeely David Kilpatrick Mooresville NC CK McNeely Agnes Kilpatrick n9gs | 9 6 McNeely William a Chambersburg Tn Geo W McNeely Roxanna Robison 1938 10 28 McNeely John Robt Lee Chambersburg Tn John McNeely Tensie Auberts 1942 | 7 [21 |McNeely Thomas Rex f W \Mooresville NC (Joe NeNeely wlice Johnson > ee e te i ge | r 1942/2 2 | McNeely \Ida Chatham Mooresville NC |J.mes Chatham Diana Wesley | . ar : . + we 1943 j 4 i18 iMcNeely ivnerlie eo nor hi ACOresvi i } {| { Sey (t+ i: 2 Co vr . i IMcNeely McNeely | Oe ee | eatesville NC 4 2he Lic Ly Sedie B Lit tle at Yo | i McNeely iChelmers Theo/ |. M | W iStetesville Nc iG W icNeely Roxanna ik son | 50 McNeely Donn ie M Statesville NC | Uhel Mceely Sadie B Little 62 McNeely Roy Kilpatrick |M Mooresville NC | David McNeely Annetce Johnston Sl Sr McNeely \John Thomss M Mooresville NC jBurges W McNeely Sereh vane Williford 31 | . | | McNeely \Clerence Pherr | M |W |Mooresville NC |Robert McNeely “ene Moore 13 | i ! &'McNeely {Minnie Morrison) FW |Shiloh Tns Thomes Morrison “erthea Smyre I32) 12 ee ey ee e ee r er a n ia n i e e e ri e d | | i 27 (MoNeely 3 lsey Grawford | M | w (Statesville Nc | William # McNeely Harriet Lentz 32, 193 li lcNeely | Ada Mae FW) Mooresville NC | William Creswell | Mary McPherson h2 453 | | I i! i 6 | NeNeely | John Cowan Sr M/W | Shiloh Tns Stokes McNeely Mary Jane White B3 | Ob | | | “ | . 23|MoNeely Sadie Belle F | © |Statesville NC | George Walker Pauline 4ittle 34) 205 ¢ i | we el ea shin bse saan dba Eetbe Athenehad shader Aeiee dee eet INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS ~ Iredell County, N.C. — NDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. RNAME iNITIAL TAB and refer U. &. Patent No. 1437168—Co ee — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 . t | This Signature on rheets ineures their correctness, ae lanate enns, sine 2 OO for page reference. Sa A RCRA RRS AAR UR RE OT i aR —— “ye U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 ae Te teeahe wastes, Sate at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Keg. U.S. Mat. Off, For Your Protection, Insist On It. Pere ater ora eee NESSES sci eames taerentmenteT DenRA COE TAREE EE i en rt a ub-Index sheet for page reference. eateiilamien eR , ——— ial it = Sol by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, _ ne | neconoen ~~ Sy \ ( : f THER NAME OF MOTHER -_ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED | tor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATH | : ) . ine eae wate ver | month | Boy ' AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN | - | EE ~! Page | Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ri ii * “ i 7 , ’ , ij W Cleveland NC John Shinn Laura Wagnor 36 228 | _$19h2) 8 12 [McElroy Claude Carlyle 23 McNeely Alice Lillian Statesville NC [Tom 3 McElroy Lula Stevenson 28; 36k i: I : oe : , oo ; | Mary Neel sida ok 2 31] McElro Mattie Ech : | 1950 ll 9 McNeely Mary Annette w Mooresville NC pene Johnston | BO | 553 | . __fiese | 1 y Ma egies ec | | | McNeely Luola Kennerl | Cowan Watt W | Statesville NC | Robert Young Me ¥ y B7 284 neton | John Thomas MeN ely | Emma Freeze Beé 311 ii 4 fi James Echerd Clementine Meadowg at . f1951l 5 20 McNeely 195] ( o7 elical ) ma , | i | Mooresville NC | William McNeely | Berniece Torrence 38 548 — / 1952 10,23 McNeely William James {| M .W | M W Mooresville NC |Henry W McNeely Nancy Lipe 39 470 + 1953 9 24 McNeely Arthur Gilbert | 1954 2 17. McNeely Corrie McKnight F W | Mooresville John McKnight Margaret Douglas +40 43 & ; ; : : ‘| Dentdalt MaNaa ta Martha Cresswell l 263 | McNeely h McKessick M iW Mooresville NC Ezekiel McNeely | _— vress rl 263 are ee 5 i hn ie avid W. Krider Martha Lowe 2 \2 a | | 1956 6 25 McNeely =| Carrie Krider _ | W_jStatesville (avid WW, rider ____jMartha Lowe 442) 302] : McGaskell amma Frances | F |W |Mooresville Nc een + eeatllnenne one Thomas Eugene W Statesville NC John C McNeely Sr Minnie Morrison 42 323 a McCaskill, Jr. Charlie | M | i ISecile Ann Vates 1956 7 2h McNeely Wl) Harmony Wm “cCaskil] | Lorenza Deaton | if { 1957 1 28 McNeely Ethel C Mooresville N C John McNeely Maggie Brice McNeely 43 40 FSSKAXKIG xXxxtK rhax " i 1958 7 16 McNeely Lucy Thurston W Mooresville NC Thomas G Thurston Alice Gaskin 44 371 1958 9 15 McNeely Martha C. WwW Mooresville E M McNeely Martha Creswell A4 461 Se 1960 9 18 McNeely Mary Knox F W Statesville NC William L Knox Klizabeth Gillespie 46 544 O 11961 4 16 McNeely Erma Lee Warren * W Mooresville John C Warren Harriet Hedgepeth | 47 188 a ae r a : (1961 7 21 McNeely Emna "reeze FP W Charlotte Jacob Freeze _ Ann E Woodside 47 449 ee : ea m di a ti te l n e t sn T E I na s a ac e e e n d e m m e n n a n n n n m m e m a n m e c e n e s r a s e d e m m c a m e t h c s a 2s Si b i i in n oy an o n $e ee e = q } ’ 2 2 ‘TY, rc 1963 4 9 McNeely Jane F C| Statesville Llijah Thomas Lueisia Thoms 149 | 250 es e 1964 5 2 McNeely Hazel F Moor esvi lle Clarence Lambert Mary J Mackey ‘50 255 t= oe (1964 7 14 McNeely Cyrus M Mooresville David “ McNeely Mary A Yohnston }50 417 aia EE _- eeeteee-etentaeeasetentnaeepeteeeetenedlpeen ante oR ee a a ed aml nf Sandy Monroe MW jJShiloh Tns John MeIntyre Harriet Walton 1964 8 20 McNeely Eula F Statesville Linden A Pope Estelle Morr ison 50 482 a. _ 6|MeIntyre 0 1964 1 ) a ee e oe . » 4 cs be 24 McNeely John M W)| Statesville | Geo W McNeely Roxanna Robonson 50 614 McIntyre Jams & | Mw IMooresville ne fallen MoIntyre Polly Youe 4 ‘ 4 . ‘ aaa 2S\ nae a pare \ 10 5 Ww Mcintyre valvin uwdwalau y 4 MY“LaALESVille Wer YOULL meCLiLyle Harriet rreeman ; eIntyr: MoInty: ~ J +© gePUsuP wus ‘ bi : nL GSVitjle is mMarous i Lbyre Elia UeGi McIntyre Fannie Frances | |} |Mooresville Mary &. Atwell _ Ww ee . or n e a tl l o n on So n e a e c n e l — —— _. _— we ae d od ~ 3 " ‘ ; ; re ee , St Peet enh - is cisadnehmhasl t0}aas ohne cisAbhaba bana MAARi treba roe oar ete ey evtiy Daa eae eee “e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. bas INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell C y, N.C names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Bata late: ) For ee Br shee lneares thet corectnes om GB. Patont No. 1437168 -Coprrign: 1004 we Tuas L -U.8. . ¢ our Prot COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Bs ve tenet Dott Scb-lndex sheet for page reierence. named ieee ion, Insist On It. ; U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Tore locate names, epen os SURNAIER iar Sc U.S. Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs, Cott Patent Index Systema, RECORDED : DATE OF DEATH SURNAME, OF DF +9 | | OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER) }-}———"_] . ‘CEASED | | | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color} PLACE OF DEATH NAME Yeh AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN } SEX cotor| PLACE OF DEAT . a wae a ia RECORDED Yor | Month | Day | ATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER) }————4 Year | Month AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN on | | rm | R . MaRiMAStaMsslinkidca N¢ £9i_: f fcAdams He i ea steeville N Pe 1948 2 2 /|Mc Henry ra Be P " McLoud lhos Morti more as tesville NC b Pith eis intks oe en a. 2 2 14|McAdams Felicia An: : 6 : be ae 196 32nn F u St at esville Nw *homas 1 “McAdams ,dJr. De i 5. Not erson 48 23 |McGraw Peter Thad [ .W [Statesville NC jP T McGraw Pauline Williams be. 181 171 McGraw James F. tf! W pobteectnts 44 386 Sana RAE Kee hoo: 42g Emma R F W Linwood Phillip Adolphus Louise Eddleman rt e ea e ae e ata ms 1? Garah Clark JUUCS WCveamp cel 1 mod Ol) Veo a A ag ee e oe te 5 Nee Me arene Wi $e Bln sr sepabsistj Toupabreiabeeeiscniraa tenner nest retannetanty pitta ecw teeters INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | | a at , ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. To locate names, opem at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer UB. Patent No. tae eee : ae o STs —Copyright 1980 al : COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyrigh cs z Se aananes a a ayer’ pen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and o Buff Sub- - an ef ub-Index sheet for page reference. refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. . eg at eee ae : neth s de Pnihsidiahasthackbsbaisnnil ileal dilettante ae County Indexes Since 1888 veto. u. 6. pa PAT, Orrick Buanlott An Identifying Trade Mark ° | |_eate or oeaa | SURNAME OF DECEASED | sex jeouor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = CORDED | — BATE OF DEATH SURNAN | Vol IE OF DECEASED RECORDED | te hee | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | t | Page : ; AND CHRIS : ae Year | Month Day TIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER 1948 11 28) McKune Frances | | Statesvilk NC Unkiuown Unknown oh 476 nl . NAME OF MOTHER ct ao em | sh ; McEltee Tom 4 ila . .Wtatesville NC ee ra e te a l AY Unknown Unknown 13 te ) w be Sp e e Se ee e se e n me p e s pm : <= = = oo so | so n g == = == = Se m e n ra r on e s Se ne e er = Po m s = a Sa s Pa Se 2 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED A ti a) deo) tn cient tRtea verge Coa Recs ea INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures their Correctness, name SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Reg. U.8. Pat. Or. } For Your Protection, Insist On It. And = ae oe hes sheet for page reference. : COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. : doc pen U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 RECORDED E OF MOTHER PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAM Vol.| Page ee * ¥ ce € s . a aa e a a g e na e Ra en En + na TIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Month | Day AND CHRIS PY 6 Mamucnh nie Mss Clithahi aula ie Cia tee een INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168--Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Month Day | noo 730 | i | | { iy i t AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX COLOR) ~PLACE OF DEATH It ste locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Gdeien Gain to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Pan) ae . age Hola B Harris statesville NC Reddick Harris Mollie Luther 25 363 Year a ees REG. U. 5. County Indexes Since 1888 PAT, OFFICE An Identifying Trade Mark DATE OF DEATH Month SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN etme ae ew Me mania ee ER _ | | SEX COLOR | i | i " i W ' PLACE OF DEATH To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME. OF FATHER INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C COTTCO UNIVERSAL IN U.S. Patent No. 1437168 Connie +} NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Vol. Pages ~ my m pes MSC tcrsat icity i tT Peat ere ” Aesth) MMi a hhusc ot Ga eet A AST oes meee eee — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. é COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U.S, Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 me Tol Ss nate mamene, ones at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref ndex sheet for pane ine refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index’ Systems. , DATE OF DEATH 5 | SURNAME. OF DECEASED Se e s —— — — S T i | AND CHRISTIAN | I Year Month | Day NAME, IF ONE IS GivEN | SEX COLOR PLACE OF DEATH | | | K NAME OF FATHER || NAME OF MOTHER |-—-REcomve” | 1941, 6 16 | McLendon | Eva Mae Co pri ol Spring Tn Claude Alexander | Bettie Bruner 1941 6 17 | McLendon | Tommie Cool Sprine 1 i Pring In | Jessie McLendon Eva Alexander eS tS ee e ak a n —— — . a ae nn e r ee r i e in e et t hd d ae nn ee ee | ed — — Batnlote ee e County Indexes Since 1868 An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN tt ; | SEX COLOR | coos otal st tctiie Ch Siaeg cabs aa INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Tyre locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB ard refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH au e s u e e s Oe e ee NAME OF FATHER COTTCO UNIVERSAL ‘ U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—Gonmrign? ot NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED n a eee | TuSTLih as tt shete ee Or pe : ha stl i aA Sibbald abs. sdasalSbas ev dea, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 Tt locate names, open at SURNAM J § E INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub- ndex shee Or page refer . t f pag 7 ence . tT INDEX COME ANY, Columbus Ohio Mfra, Cott Patent Index Systems DATE OF DEATH 5 | . SURNAME OF DECEASED Vot, Page ? | | 1940, 1959 AND CHRISTIAN pis i Year Month | Day NAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN | COLOR | PI _ACE, OF DEAT ; I ; igs | | : NAME. OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER |_ RECORDED 9 9 | McDade | Charles hufus Statesville NC R St oo obert F McDade | Cornelia Beam Latvtesy ille NC Wr oe MeDa de bi } ' ade Blizabeth Mars a a ay . wo e ee ee a ee ~ Ra t e d tS se d eA ge e s an ep e e lr m e n c u m s r a h e om e n s ye c c m e s et n ) , . er “= i ee it i e s ca e —— — — Se ee e ee ee od Rec. u. a, PAT, OFrice DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day ae ’ 7 SE ete att ee tee County Indexes Since 1888 7 An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — _ SEX COLOR | | To iocate names, PLACE OF DEATH en at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME. OF FATHER DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND U.S. Patent No. 1487168—Comenigns” 1900 NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Vol, Page a SE eee smrere INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 U.S, Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 aa Neal id aden et ts DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C IT locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, eaviiaa ca, tems. Mfra. Cott Patent Index Sys . DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED a tik len AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE is GivEN | SEX (COLOR) PLACE OF DEATH i k i 1940, 6 17] McClung f i f W | Statesville NC Keuben N McClun; RECORDED | cna Vol. Page NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Anne V Setzer 26, 449 | be wa l d o on l l s a . . eS - a - < ea pe t e r p a n en e “9 es . = EE e — — E — — E E E E O RECORDED ls EL E Ee e ii Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ftutn Mcenteuch37 ile NAME OF MOTHER Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. Made by The Co r) #\ai ea ohio cieaey — Iredell County, N. C. ee e a NAME OF FATHER d refer oae~T locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB an PLACE OF DEATH a —— — — — — — SS S SS S to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Color Sex SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 US. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 | 26) Mcenteuch DATE OF DEATH ov f oa Ds oy a U.S. Patent No, 1487168—Copyright 1980 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 NAME OF MOTHER NAME OF FATHER a | PLACE OF DEATH [ | | SEX COLOR | fer ¢ SURNAME INITIAL TAB and re! a7" eens Se doe eden sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN An Identifying Trade Mark County Indexes Since 1888 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Batanlote Reo U.8,. PAT, OFFICE DATE OF DEATH \ a eee verre . ‘ aah she ina te oe oad Sail ss sili dM taal INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — ; INDEX 10 VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets { COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1 te ; at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ; # insures their co ‘iaioie SAL INDEX No. 1-4 To loca : ome Fs Se ee eee reference. Reg. U.8. Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It , ui bo UNTVERSAL. INDEX No, 1-4 - lial ae : . 8. Patent No, 8—Copyzight 1930 To locate : ae BEEP Te loca “to Bull’ Subsuds oO RNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sosthosupanisiensimoniiiiesdns or page ref % Made by The Cott I v 5 eeamemenieenmeiemeereene: renee Sold by Observer Printing Hous; Goesan we U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 : ~ omen a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i mal ne T AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS Sex k GIVEN Color | PLACE OF DEATH . NAME OF FATHER NAM a ! E OF MOTHER DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN a (11952 |24] McCranie \William Marvin otatesville NC| David McCranie Mary weeks SS SS S tg pe e SS eS 2 St e en e e c t a s ea e he eR . ma t e n e oe = *- - s aa y le This Signature on sheets inocres their correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. =< = = = 2 = — = eg Se oe peperen Ltt TE ei ao a otansicy Rint tie penne Sit secre ibe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. pee te benate magne, TAB and refer at SURNAME INITIAL . Buf’ Su bend Ls sheot for page reference. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — INDEX No. 3 3-4 COTTCO UN _U. 5. Patent Ne. See erties 1986 ue Patent NIVERSAL INDEX t ie Nomi He ws 198 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN f | | | PLACE OF DEATH Te NAME OF FATHER sao ATE OF DEATH NAME OF MOTHER Month | Day SURNAME ¢ OF DECEAS AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE Is a 1d MeCloud | Thomas ; ’ Se nae — Iredell County, ie a! INITIAL TAB ‘aaa ‘eke ec. vathinbiiatabhiatedti le - DEATHS Open at t SURNA Sub- ara sheet ter ae locate names, Made ss The Cott Saline Oise Sold by Observer Printing Hl PLACE OF DEATH pany, po rareny 0} . Charlotte, mete RECORDED NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page Pe <p oe e e e n s a > ot e un Te e < * te io u s Fe d £ SS , re t e FT SE ee e as — ¥ # = SS Se oe : yn th EE RE cr i pe c ti n e ne ee t t e n a 4 — ci n g ce e a n sn es ow , ae i Seams kh BN % 7 f : ts . 5 , a wt ae Sn eee a a : * ' ' ' Mba a ated ch a es ale ei annie ee Te 4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. oe Ea INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1988 A-122559 is locate names, RTT cE ee at ee ere i ieeieepemeemanieen Reg. U.8. Pat. Off. 1 For Your Protection, Insist On It. - — - . ee sesicceaaprs _— nn - ae ee —— ae ” — SURNAME OF DECEASED | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) car | Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 4 a ie i he {ARRAS PRR RRR a Re Eee es hay. i ile sat be <== % 8 So — + ears z ME INITIAL TAB and refer i jab-1 for page reference, Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systeme - B te Bek Qin st SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio ( 49 ) Il ~ | ij RECORDED Sex | Color PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) s | | age Year | Month — Day . : | | | ; i | | . 1953 | 8 uy McLaurin Daniel Archie SrJ » | | # + win an tn Laurin y o- FeSville NC | Archie Meil McLaurin Mary Meatcham Mc/ 34377 1954 | 6 (13) McLaurin Joseph James | M | w | Mooresville NC) Apchie Neal McLaurin Mary E Meachum 4O 255 (1964) 11) 2% McLaurin _ Cassie | FW) Mooresville Wm. A Cagle Lillie White 50 684 aS Pe a in o na e ce e er e r e e e s e n e e t p t fe e s pr e g ae ee e po e : ir e n e rr . 2 ES = Se ee : om —— — — St : PS nn se : Sa g e s SS S en e r — es : ms ee yer - sch ibhd uhisb he tanaka bhi haben bars a een te EERIE INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX w, 1 SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Copyright 1988 A-122559 °° To locate at ‘ County Indexes Since 1888 PS >" fe Balt Babindex chet for page <= See ) pat. ormes Bumite s ‘Aa » Identifying Trade Mest ee SS SS NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ke WAR Ret SRA NG: AREA Mla DATE OF DEATH Laem. ear Month Day | | an | | | } re DATE OF DEATH COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Coprrians | 1983 a ae 15 1953) 12 se l e n e SS S ee Day Michitthaiai utter Le eit ene SE ee ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATH S — Iredell County, N.C. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF OWE Is GIVEN | me 7 | I] McAlbee Charles Floyd | To loente names, at SURN > = Ded Senn SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer / tolr || PLACE OF DEATH | Ws! Statesville NC | R. H. McAlbee THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio ( 51 sheet for page reference, Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B RECORDED NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER tt _ Gener Scruggs Fe er aa at i Scat ee led INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. since AME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1.4 ( ) Rage Sa Tend tae Tends Met T_SP% Wee ite Tebinaes short for pase reference, : Copyright 1988 A-122559 | = —_ mea See moines moumanieeenaan Laaieee oi ane =. ee aceeen ae A ree | ra pam anasto? INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. “Febnaen sheet fo INITIAL TAB and refer cortco UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 opyright 1988 A~122559 > locate nam Sea = ae me ; PTO oie Rts — Se en tae THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio \ 7 renee Rs Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B ( 51 / a, r Se oo =- be oF EAT SURNAME OF DECEASED Year | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE Is GIVEN | | GAYE GF SEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | coor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | | | i | | itr ongcg ' Bcc eal od | ca Ee 195312 | 15] McAlbee | | a. | _ i x ' | Sex | Color i | ] | Bas | PLACE OF D i . a | EATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER mone? | MS i —H Voi. Page wt ue SS ome meneame mero os = = EE ee ae as + ; + Charles Floyd it i | j Im iw | | Statesville NC R, H. McAlbee Gener Scruggs 39 6 20 H I | | | | i i "i 1] ft ae — an e ee e a th ye r n r e r r e p e m e e n e r t h g p r e n c t r e s n e — ” — - - < ~ =. a ee c t ae 7 > *s j - So e a se c o = > —— — — S — ie e e oi e e c a c c l l i a a a t = : = = eee: ze zt ae = 5 s “i e = aq a d i n e ya n a l i n e n sa n e aa n a ne o n —— + ee ee s i a ; ae > ~ sa n s a Pp * “a g - — = ea e Se c t c i o s com e t : a <a ry ar 7 Py le et pes Angee eke aE ap taptn dba gydag pote dt rees gar nctietetaes INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — INDEX TO VITAL inenre : Dire fredall County: N a. — iredeii County, NN. CU. a¢ SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer eee apeTieht 1a ee Ne 1-4 Be : An122659 3 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 . opyright 1 A-122559 To locate o een > fe Bow “$2n st SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref amen Buff Sub-Index sheet er THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Rte. v8 A on Catt Canty tadenes Sige 1886 p locate —, sheet for page reference. ae eee ——— iene ar . for page reference, Mark Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B PAT, OFFICE YT i SURNAME OF DECEASED sex Color || PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | es DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED - j H] | T AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH | } Bn aan ee | | md NAME OF FATHER coe | NAME OF MOTHER t AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN sae i oe NA a TOTaet news ee eee Sere eae Se ————————————————— = Se mettle | | i —t+— $1954! 2. 1241 McClure J | ee | —_ p “ames—Robert i MW ; Mooresville , Joe McClure Nancy Moore pibd bd oh od od kd iahibnAs phic ial aibbaduahitas tals tere a bk ta | 1956 | 5 14 || McClure Caroline Beck | p w iy A= t = 2 DECK | F ‘ | Mooresville Joh acl oe M | om. ke wie ¢ ‘ ‘a £4} h eck vane omith 196, | & | 2 McClure ime Be ys | ! | Carmel | M| w | Mooresville James R “cClure i te ee e st 3 = as : = ¥r = = ne w on e ee n er ca s s a ei ee <= = —— — : SS S to o et t e r Bee en rr ten Te tet a ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 we County ladexes Since 1888 eat evans Ao Identilying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 4 | | — — — — — — eo —— — S S INITIAL TAB and refer TS fore Sith Babisaen ebeet for page reference eS j Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | naan Sf NAME OF FATHER —— — — So e ee it 1983 A-iz2669 NAME OF MOTHER DATE OF DEATH Sa Sal MMU UL Cane ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 a FIST locate nares, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and rater Index sheet for Sales ecien THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbas, Ohio ( tT T Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B SURNAME OF DECEASED 1956 | 1958 96), | Year | Month | D cea desman 1954 | 3 RECORDED | Vol. Page % t | | Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH # : +t NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN n ‘22 || McCann Edna Me fla =e Union Grove R D McCann tlsie Buncham bO! 126 Ll '29 || McCann M iW lun . mapa t 4 nion Grove LeV1 McCann Fannie Thompson 42, 102 tC 12 26 McCann F W Harmony ins Darlene McCann 45 115 3 26) McCan: ? MAI nacmuns deme TT INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a a. summa 10 VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 4 AME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND: SURN Copyright 1983 hie — copie COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 : ms aft Ps U.S, Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Ls “Pro lo z © lox ee ean etee at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref wb-Index sheet for page reference," THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index’ Systems. F County | Since 1868 lerate cine? ~~ te Bef sheet far wee rference- "- ( ; ear ornice CLeasIRCDUS Ko Identiying Trade Mack os ; Ps | PLACE OF DEATH | DATE OF DEATH a } fn SURNAME OF DECEASED l ! : | | RECORDED | NAME OF FATHER | : = | | Month p AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF i a cece Sod bos mn oe | “* om0n] PLACE OF DEATH | = NAME OF FATHER | NAN i | ve TER AME OF MOTHER | TT j | Vol. Page 8 7 | SURNAME. OF DECEASED | f) | Year = Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN } + ! ba ‘ ts : : | Sex Color Aine # 1957, 1 28|McGaughey -_ | ck ;m Ww Statesvi lle RA McGaughey Eudora Rutled 3 i & u edge 4 Een re sn Te eee ee : ° —————— oi : ’ bai eM MialddMbibtedsiuiiutia. " " AUS islbsisabisiaMsadihieasedec a eT Ta INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C AEG. U, 8, County Indexes Since 1668 To locate names, m at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Oe. ere TIVERS I> i aren ance ot OREN Case axkcesee U.S. Patent No. 1497168 Cone NS Lot COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N . i , ; 0. 1-4 U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 T 1 US. Potent oT Ocate names: open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ub-Index sheet for page relorence. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. PAT, OFFICE 7 An Identifying Trade Mark DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED ; . RECOR a T he ia caates Wace 6 ke cae SEX COLOR | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ——— DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED Page t = | Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEA’ | ioe Bane ll DEATH NAME OF FATHER —— ora NAME, ‘ E NAME OF MOTHE MOTHER rs Year Month Day 2 1957 8 — 20}McBee Catharine e . : Statesville Charles } ie wta’ 3 36 ; } agelie Brandon 43° 362 SS —— — — — S S =< Se c a l e = sa s e t o n i n s i n e sa a e l i a n i n n e n n i i n s s e l it i l i n e n i e n i y « Betnlate DATE OF DEATH INDEX ‘IO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. E TAB and refer County Indexes Since 1888 AME INITIAL : An Identifying Trade Mark t for page reference SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN To locate names, open at SURN. to Buff Sub-Index shee PLACE OF DEATH SS S Ss NAME OF FATHER COTTCO UNIVERS U.S. Patent No. 1437168 eee Ne bot 71168-—Copyright 1940 NAME OF MOTHER Pia UNL eae ee tn ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. POTTCD UUIVERSAL, DNDEE, te. 3-4 oe i U.S. Patent No, opyright 1930 Tol t SEER = : ve ‘te Bull Seelnke ee See AL. TAB and wefer Made by The C I . Sar fae ce Made by The Cott Index Company, C s iO page reference Sold by haaoean: adeno sikces, ‘au ee DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED b= | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ON Sx ¢ Your | Mone : ME, E IS GIVEN x | Golor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | 1957 8 | 20|McBee Catharine aS i aveoviise Charles B. Houser Magrie Brandon Vol. Page <= = == = == = —— — — er es a - a ta te e at i n DATE OF DEATH TR ec CUE Uc ht oa INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sh, Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. For Your Protectio CO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 oe aa US. Patent No, 1437168-—Copyright 1930 NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH Year IF ONE IS GIVEN Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, eects insures their correctness, n, Insist On I;. Vol. | RECORDED Page Ca peer ~ aa citi asi! inidistaehe kanes ete _______INDEX TO VITAL statistics — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 14 U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 GREP Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio a eae to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C, DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME OF CHILD | SSS Ke AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Color | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER ' qf Me Swan Pauline Blackwoo 1 oe Ce , NAME OF MOTHER SS S Sd el ee Py : Distal OA WdAnaAabaneec.Aitieit a italic) C Ener Malliiciriaice, ert eee ene Ft aaa aris oc eaate Sam vane Ser ere INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS —Iredell County,N.C INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS —hredel County, N. C. ————————__—__—_-— COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 n at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. 8. Patent No, 142716%—-Copyright 1930 . e names, ope Dee or cee Silla ng to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Index sheet for page reference, Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systema—B ; — - icuat pe eel COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 => ZZ Al nly } This Signamre on sheets insures their correctness. =r" oT to Buff Sub-Index sheet for eae Ceeeenes ecomemennrumemaenmmemmmenmanemmmeseasts re 2 — ———— Copyright 1933 A-122559 : , Saar .%. Pat.om, ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. Open at Proper Tab accordi ~ is Name and refer to Buff Sub- ee cn ae ee RECORDED oe = a ea eerie SENS aa — — — : - ne ee oe OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | = DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECE ASF ! [ ] } DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME OF CHILD Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME . Vol] Page | . rpc DECEASED ments AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN area . ' Year Month | a IVEN Year - $ ons — ee i + f | I EEROTRO Sem MO om ine ie ee ee tet | RECORDED SEX co.n| PLACE OF DEATH | NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER va:l tat ' | | } Vol. age | t ¢ 4 : j i f r ; | |! 3 |23] McCraw Virginia Sloop | p | w iy 8 8vi es . o 1958) : ad } =réinia Sloor | W |Moore svilte | Hugh Luther Soop |Mae Brawley Sloop | 44 159) 1959) "7 |6 McCraw Vole Blease W [Mooresville | Clare Mecray Minnie Jones | 45 336 | ' a =e = ee Sg = <= on t o a pa n e : SS == = 2 == —= — t == | se SS e S =e >s = g —- Se a re n e e r F fe Spear eatinays Seavert aero ria! INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. CO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ae on ame Ob. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 ames, open at SURNAME INITIAL T. ; en i ference. xm =r i This Signature on shoets insures their correctness. te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page ea ~ aren SS Reg. 0.8. Pat.om, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. i aa CE ae spams ~ | = on Een : weciee! gcemmmcnenes RECORDED ———————e : NAME OF MOTHER eee DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME OF CHILD PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Vol Page AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN oe SS SS 4 iH ' | : ee e 3S = — Ss Ss a == = : wh aBUREMMGOCG UA Uluuulbcee ie INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 >¢ Copyright 1933 A-122559 pS - ame and refer to Buff Sub-I | i y DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED H | | re : | na AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GiveK SEX / coor} PLACE OF DEATH | ii Mco ‘Viswinta @y = tl ue ins cUraw jVirg inia Ylo p I W Moore sville " t McCraw |Sole Blease W iit dines ville ’ Se —— — — SS he e n - ‘ ne pen at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of ndex sheet for page reference, | Slitf McCraw Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systems—B i NAME OF FATHER | NAME. OF MOTHER ti Hugh Luther “loop |Mae Brawley Sloop Minnie Jones Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio | recornen | ¢ | Vol. Page | # # 44 155] | 45 336 | PE = dribseproneeersee rine. cr er ° a , . ASEM wate Gaon aT INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — . "a ‘ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 an ding to First Letter or Letters of . we COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Open at Proper Tab according Copyright 1933 A-122559 Copyright 1933 A-122559 . t ference. Rea. U. 8. County Indexes Since 1688 [FR e and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page re : . Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Bamlote An Identifying Trade Mark ame ‘ eniiiiaiainae — oe a eee ane Se = ee oe iS Mfg. Cote Patent fm ious s _ . ( ) PAT, OFFICE _ gtr eee ern an = a - . Sen eevemecarerene - —_— ae ; T — s i a RECORDED SSS = : | | i ir a . : . NAME OF SURNAME 3 i | | DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME, OF DECEASED sex | coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER A MOTHER —$$—$—____| OF DECEASED enables } ” | Vol.) Page AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN NAME "HE | ; + Year Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i eal | , anes n —— SSE —— | ft aa en rr rn —= — i ! NAME OF FAT HER | NAME OF MOTHER t Vol. Page 1 I + + 6 i Wilhe im McCo]) um ' Mew ; Statesville NC | James Wilfred McCollhm Lucille Dem / | 44 353 McCulien M Wl Mooresville D L McCullen McCollum S i | otatesville Jas M Wooten 2 ti p ee Sa l i g e n a t c h a a e l g a n i s : Spe si g er n ot e te r e Sp r a t t 4. o ee n e a l i n a g : : —— — — S S —= — a] im) i | | | i { “9 . 7 eS ee == en = eS oe SS - =) = == — SS de n n e d Pema a can eat ad my HelebeRn shige teeta Mote Te riri ere tetrrees : ‘ ‘ iE 5 3 ms ; . : ot " ee) ae | Uaasabekadh eee eat Mea mr one ’ ‘ aid dc Core INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Open at Proper Tab according to First Leiter or Letters of oo 2 right 190k Anisaten 24 pe pe opyright A-122659 acai \Csaa | ; il COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1933 A-122859 SE nat Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letter f Made by The Cott Index Com » Columbus, Ohio B .U. &. County Ind: Since 1688 Se ont amen An Identifying Trade Mark Is Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ———— . © and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mig. Cott Patent Index Systems— 7 aaenee <ageeeaandipensarseneenaneenatan : ee eel aS , SURNAME OF DECEASED a NAME. OF FATHER N i RECORDED Se S SEX | enue PLACE OF DEATH re hoe Be ee OF MOTHER wT me] s Fa 7 SURNAME OF DECEASED ; 3 ee | PO AWD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | coLOR| PLACE OF DEATH | IAME OF { — === j 7 _ NAME OF FATHER | RECORDED | NAME OF MOTHER |}-————_1 ff AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEE a | . settee semana sneer ee siaamantaii += eevee emmenmmmmnen ne eens (lot tm ee bese _— oo : | ' <= ; <= saps eee i} a = | | y i i 4 | Vol. Page | Brice Alexa rT ' nderjy M/W / Moor nf ; y “|W | Mooresville NC |i Jonn D a ‘ i RY ie aniel McCauley Amanda Bel] Al | . © xa | | | J} xander44 650 + | » ; f ’ ss a a rd i i me r j | it i. any ll l —= s = re — == SS tS ge e = = t= ee ee ee CASPRU TAPAS OMB tAR Ep rept Ata ey Eade eats citia pc ke se ne , ee 7. 7 BMA AT Lite) ihbAbdhokhal ititevetnedon ees oar tes INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. neo. v. 8 County Indexes Since 1886 r [5 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 PAT, OFrice An Identifying Trade Mark a Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. epyright 1933 A-123669 er a Ne lebtiee teen = i _ z = —— Cee eee seen eee eee eee ere era 8. Paten' 0. opyright 1930 To! Per nee mee : Se Cae tt. ni . —=—<—<—= = bi ieee = ” eS ee et at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ’ eae a “index sheet for page reference, ade ty The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N( | — 7 2 7 SURNAME OF DECEASED sex cover} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = |—TesoaDeD | SS — DATE OF DEATH sith AE daca ies Vol.| Page . , i ; Ye Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN |} Sex Color || PLAC yh | | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHE | | i ! - OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTE RECORDED | : OF MOTHER Vol. AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ee i i Ce re oe 4 = bidietin ——————E | Page ci 1962 12 24 McKenna Sherene Statesvill.- | | tatesville | Oheridan J oe eee Pa ae i McAenna vallie 4 Mathews [48 695 } 2 SS = =p EE ES 4 . Se e g =. he s oe po r e as = SS ee ae r a Se e oe pany, Columbus, Ohio ouse, Charlotte, N.C Sold by Observer Printing House, C NAME OF MOTHER Made by The Cott Index Com — Iredell County, N. C. er NAME OF FATHER to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference PLACE OF DEATH Color ISTICS — DEATHS BaP To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref. T Sex E IS GIVEN SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ON INDEX TO VITAL STA COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 i. McKenna DATE OF DEATH 1962 12 —— — — — — Se en d a EX No. 1-4 Copyright 1933 A-122559 NAME OF MOTHER COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND NAME OF FATHER PLACE OF DEATH SS S te % Sta cera INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — iredell County, N. C. » issaee i Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page scare SEX | COLOR he n n a Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of = County Indexes Since 1888 As idendiivies Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Baralote SS <= = RES. UW. 8. PAT, OFFicEs Day ten | | mapa ae DATE OF DEATH “via Rr) oma ereonicresietieg Erber co INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 SFE Te locate names, once ot SRA age reference. U.S. Patent No. 14371°3-- Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED a oo n 9 fo r c e ao e . ee i. Se a — —- >— | i Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Reg. U.8. Pat.of. | For NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER PLACE OF DEATH Signature on sheets insures tbeir Correctness. ection, Insist On Ir. RECORDED Vol. | Page COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX Copyright 1949 A-141580 SSS SS SS a socaeting to First Letter or Letters of er to Bu ub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, ‘Charlotte, N. « 4 c narlotte, I . DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASEN AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE Is GIVEN McPhatter Baby Boy Sec tn _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — D KAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio if PLACE OF DEATH | . TE RECORDED [ nd | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | Vol Page ® ' # | { A “MolThatter Betty J Gibbs aie a a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. , ' f Made by The Cott Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters 0: ’ Index Company, Col ; Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Soid by Observer Printing House, Chartonte yoo aoe GHG LAM e eet a ; INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Spiit Copyright 1940 A-141680 [ORF Open at Proper Tab accordi — N it DEATH S — Iredell County, N.C 73 COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split coca opyright 1949 A-141580 alpen SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | ctor PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = |—"&CoRoeD_ eens cea Sub-! f Made The Cott Ohio ndex sheet for page reference Sold oo? he Pwr Company, Columbus, . rver Printing House, Charloue, N. (. | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED 7 if i | SEX om sagt PLACE OF DEATH ! it Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Voi. | | Taman deerme apnea cee ce tc NITE a Se : | - = (| | AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ; | Re a rns af | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER i 1964 | 11]| 7] McCleave Jame s . | r | REIT. ied waders + ’ | sirelig WV Ci Gina ‘ ai “(> — | . Yj} ovatesyi le ’ " vt ; Is a VieC = » 1 * i H | I! ec McUleave “ary 5B Robertson | 50! 642 | he —— — ae a —— = = gE SE | : { | } ti I i i \ | Fe } I i i i s — — hf , | i i I t ‘ # r ! } | | | a | | i t é | | I 3 t i i i ; | | t - i é' | { ! | | os {| | } { q i Y Pas | I i i 3 i i | 4 a H i Z 0 i fie : ‘ ! | é i tl | f g | ‘a * —— — + : G tt | — | a | Pe $ : ; i | Cs “ J it | ft é - * el ne j i j j i St i | | | | i \ | | 1 . ] I | | { fl i | | | — j | i " ' | | + | | | 4 i | Sear ea le } | i iH | : i - | | j | | --4 | | | il 1 ia — - snes te | i | | + - - \ ee | | | | + | | 4 += ad j | i i tT eincabiicliat Minis yin 2 | Peal | } = - | ‘ se e e e e p e n e e e e n e e e s e n n s n t i e e aa a , " ree ere sta RCT IRAs P on INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — tredell County. N.C : L 5 — Iredell County, NN. C. at Lett r Letters of Made by The Cott Ind ‘om Co rt EF Oren at Proper Tab according to First _ Sold er is Se Pm Houet ce hambus, Ohio 0 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 —— Charlotte, N- ; Copyright 1933 A-122659 FP Open at Proper Tab according to First Lett L etter or Letters of COT? PARSLY a Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. 5 - ne we : 0 Name and refer to Buff Sub-Indes shext lev das cae Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ) : B Copyright 1949 A-141580 mo = Se : se _— = = = ; ‘ a eae sonmnaas Somcsoacannannoaanenaa 2 i : - — = Mfy. Cott Patent Index Systems—- DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED SEX | coLor| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAMI lOTHER — ; N IAN NAM a ACE OF DEAT ME O Vol. | Page AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | CoLoR] PLACE. OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER x . | bye - # - Year Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN . { a viieemeiliemniaiaci posers cumin oe | er ; 4 i NAME OF MOTHER { McSween a | ohn J, | | Ww jStatesville reorce } 1 | | W Magus Wi ; | W MoS we en I Mary Williams | f | i | ‘ " ~ == = eg ek z Sa l a IS S ee ay + ~4 —— SS - A = a SS S ee —S S S = St en e r i] 4 MMe hah RECORDED MOTHER Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Phillips w pad) Sold by Observer Printing House. Charlotte. N. C NAME. OF Made by The Mary — Iredell County, N. C. NAME OF FATHER it | | » Md. | Arthur § MeGreedy rding to First Letter or Letters of b-Index sheet for page reference us PLACE OF DEAT} | Baltimore ] {| | == —— — — — — — — — —— — — S S Proper Tab acco and refer to Buff S COLOR | W Name SEX STATISTICS ~ DEAT HS re Open at ARD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE Is GIVEN SURNAME OF DECEASED INDEX TO VITAL COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split ll} McGreedy Copyright 1949 A-141580 1965, 1 | | RECORDED || 122559 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 Copyright 1933 A ference. ATHS — Iredell County, N. C. —_ ¢ A INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DI sccording to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer te Buff Sub-index sheet for page re Open et Proper Tab er DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN County ladexes Sime 1583 An Identilying Trade Mork SURNAME OF ‘abetaaenapnn te alnncnitba neettieveintedy pave eT MP. I Ree. U. 8. PAT, OFFICE DATE OF DEATH So n a l i 2 = ~ md ng na r nt i e e g e a s e e n e n ma on ea e ca n ec c o ee no e Ne i te li e ae ee e ey Le as a i n or e na a n Pe e ON eT ee — ee tn g ee “ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Spiit Copyright 1949 A- 141580 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN + te a Se Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for pa ge reference. SEX | COLOR] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Made The . Sold by Oren index Company, Columbus, Oh Tinting House, Charlotte, 'N - RECORDED Vol. | Pags j $ | NAME OF MOTHER oy MMA di iididiiacsci ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — D KATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Spiit Copyright 1949 A-141580 tre amt i adn ss t pas & Freper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Name and t 5 refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference Sold b abe ¥Y Observer Printing House, Chariotte. N. ©. SURNAME OF DECEASED | ” ee | | NAME. OF FATHER i NAME OF MOTHER ae i i DATE OF DEATH Your | Month , Day li | PLACE OF DEATH | AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE is GIVEN i COLOR | j 1965) 11 | 11) McGreevy | } l ee | MW | Baltimore, Md. | thu NM a ' , I v | ) i1 « Ar I MC reevy Mrs Lud | I y 4 icG ee y HH 1 5 | ij | | | | i i} } i i i} | St = == . SS —— = = 7 == ta LS S Sg 151 591 cGreevy | N. © age ! : + 1 i i 4 | RECORDED {ER NAME OF MOTHE Ruby M Mrs r i Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Cbserver Printing House, Charlotte, 7 + t — Iredell County, N. C. J Arthur McGreety NAME OF FATHER Baltimore, Md 4. | 1 | i] Si First Letter or Letters of Index sheet for Page reference — DEATHS MMMUMMM ict per Tab accordi I PLACE OF DEATH | | | m4 refer to Buff Sub- SEX COLOR M Open at Pro Name and ne ft re e f e r EX No. 1-Split SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS + SS — Copyright 1949 A-141580 11 | 11) McGreevy FAMILY NAME IND’ ] 1965) + DATE OF DEATH : ; ae | RECORDED an me i Ee e Columbus, Ohio ndex Company, moting House, Charioue, N. 1 by The Cott i by Observer P NAME OF MOTHER Made Sold oo o NAME OF FATHER dex sheet for page reference. ing to First Letter or Letters of PLACE OF DEATH COLOR +- - + oe -_ — _ — =< Name end refer to Buff Sub-In SEX Quen ie Proper Tab accord: SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Copyright 1949 A-14159% COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split DATE OF DEATH SS S SS ge — a ao es a a an n —t ai a a nen ae — : ee = = > ea e ake a . "3 . - . : Fa S e r ih oe es ee : ce ~ ee ee ee : —s : 7 7 — ty ed inate yr Cie te Oe ” , . me Po ‘ , : 7 ; aa : si rabsinsiadinadibnbdlethabbintbibhiinhabdnhrnsiuernineoacsacce ci 7 Mal M : eo, , . Mar Page | ’ Por Clee cg pee : Mas Mat Page Mau to Maz—Mb Mc Md @ Ve ww Seed : 10 Mauldin : pao 13 Maxwell ; Mastin 16 _ Mayberry {Matheson-Natherson 15 Wayfiela BO 2 ey ow PO m e OZ ? ts | Mathews 16 i Mayes - | Mathis Madison 15 wayhew “p e y e d s *; eu r e a eq ; e4 e m s u e s e g T p | Mackey Matlock 17 mo d eq pi h o g s pu n c e sa e p u r y e pu e Za p p y e d e se q p e p e go eo u r e n y 29 2 ) SO I N E E ! BI S S Y ® CO os M I S U P rE OF _ 2 . Iw o p d n p E | Matney wd cu r e s oy ) We a r e pu e s se q i I e F oy Pp uO we u y ‘U O T I 2 9 1 0 7 g AN O A 10 g Maddox ue ry Mi ~- mA Y See Mooney ve s u s n e u s e > 7 h ~~ _ Mabe , Mattock-\attox ie co es c u r Uy ] eu r e w eq s OF F O “e n q u n o D "A U C R M O D Te O p U u y 33 0 D UL ~ co py > et e we y : ~~ + NJ we y e n ou n 4e q u m u © *y % =e p u r - q r g wo e: e o r p u y ~ > a cn GW nl p sc n i n t s n s p i c i n i n n i co t a t i “A s e e t o r e a ao | it Firms and Corpo- rations sooesosenatesnnl ited : Me aa sec i A ad PMH "A s e e s e o r e t us e y e s ou r ©) Xe p u l - q n g wo e3 " o r p e y ~s z e q u r n d @. me A CEA rE 1 ane —— SE AE 2 e —— - : ° Bee Mal Mam Page Mea Mab Mac ‘Page | Mae Maf Mag Mah Mai Maj Mak Pease hawunste fo Man Mao nd Map Maq | Page ; 4 . } Pcie ~ - T q . | ' i ; } | Macimore - Mecimere | 1. | Mahaffey = 8 Malcanb (¢)-Malcom (e)_|—4 Meme . e 4 | Mack _|_1_| Maiden ____|_ 3.) 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Maguire | Mash = | ' Mackins eu o We g } e1 0 u r UF em e U eR YO “e n q u i n j o D | Mat tox ‘U S A I D Xe P Z ] 33 0 D e@ L te ena 4 \a Lto ‘a s q u i n u 2. *A s e S 8 e 3 e T Ue q A uu r ®y 3 xe p u r - q n g wo e3 8 > ° r p u y Firms and Corpo- rations a ceenpenemennennennnnnenatennina emanated Smee titres rere rc cedcchi sek bade 2 edie ada . at 7 pe rr é : > Py a a r ee Firms and Corpo- ations Me. Mex Mey Mez—Mf Mg ssdlin iithcinacaaldailnbindncdih on aatak sce eee Page 30] Meyerhoffer cn es ae eam meen ecemmenns oe + | } : Meu Mev PM lola lies GLL itt AMA Lee ARE Cuan Poa pike - Menius Tes 29 50] Metcalf 30} Massick ~ Meridith a id ‘B a a ea t e n so f se e Ee : Sa SS F Fg . A WE S AS R O V AE A Br o s s AS M A Be n ag _ AN V s é ue St g u a t e r e on sh e e t s in s u r e s th e i r co r r e c t n e s s . Th e Co t t In d e x Co m p a n y , UL Ss . < ce r n s Re g . U a Pe t or n . ? Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , In c i n t On It . Co l u m b u s , Oh i o No . 10 3 6 3 Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be ae te g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e ma m e in mo r e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y | j } sl uw _ ce r e Re n e e te e n i e s Se a _— an e . . —— — + t “ Or endaloff Imaanmesnooenen 4 | i | } i ' j | Melville So ae ne e nn fe t t e r + gf Melton i } | Page t “ as aR nonemris F Mee Mef Meg Meh Mei Mej Mek Page 25 Meekins mere amas al Mea Meb Mec Med A DED \Mecimore = Maci & oa 0 5 ' ap : z : a 4 " or on e =" VS a | . a : ? ie a ~ “z ha — bo n n e ic c m n m a n e n e l i n i n i m i i a i a i e l l 7 ee ' ge e é z 3 a : am e e m e sa e ‘ , — ca b a n a ea e pe - —_ * , - a —_ — ® Ra g i n . » ag e d w 4 c = = ib s a a ° 3 ae hg © ° ae s ° a 2 ca l Ce : ON i | | | ; ; } i 2 re is = . = | 2 | | a ' > z= | = O | ve “ : ° : : ;| $ | a mi e ) : i ; ' | ae d } ‘ ; + ' ; Z oO ) ’ : ; + + i + en e r o 4 4 = a ! 7 ? i : ; ; j +— i : ; : ) oe ; | if ; 2 = : |i ; a 5 © | | | oe j | = = ; ; | | a | | 3 | | 4 | | : PE R N RA E I oe a E SSS St —— — + + - ; + + + ¢ + + | | | | | dh e i s i t i i i o n t s de e u e s d i e e e e i p e i a n i i n e t e r i n e n i e e e t ie e e a ie me be s) a 9 fp te | Be | | i ' ; i | 7 | i } ' ' i i | i ' | ‘ ; + + t + wi m a a n e r l -+ - in e t l n a e n t i l i j : i : i i ' - i } s ; | ; = | | | | et i : ad ) i i | } o} | i i w j i | © | i | - i ; ' ; ' i er e s + . + +— ee a en e d n n m e n p m e n e d e a n s te n t i a l aa t i ! e o OQ On } i rr tr e n t e n “O = + + + + -¢ - + + i i if “a n ey & | . ? + ~ 4 , } i } : i i | | | | [- ) ) Po e i i | ' j j | | | ! 4 | ! | a Bo r ee | | ee ee ee ee ew we bi i i | | i : sc i i Z | : | ! | ts ! | | | = mI Pe g s aia ft | PO E Be e r s Pe ce e ee Li s e i . i j } | i | i | i ' | 1 | ed bo | ea e | Pa 4 | | | i ' j ' i a i | j : ; : a | a is ae | ee e an e Bh d - © | ’ ; * 3 3 | i = ; oa! | i | So k eS De p m e d d s “m e ‘e r e q e m e ep e q e n e Ja w s se e q s qu i : ; . " 4. al o o j : ee er e e q s Ey E L e s e mo : , re ae - a | a4 SS S Sr Sr e y ee e 8 ok Se eS IS T SE S Me e os : SS O BO Gu o v a a a au o v a e au t me n SS S WE S LM V i w o d s e r su e a oo Be Q oF So v c m c e s t 18 6 : Fo u r Br o t c d o n fo i s Oo k . «= ER S E E S E O ON Sa s a Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be go r pe d to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e — di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . = . . a ti i e = — a Sa i n t e me e e en e re b e r n r e e m e m ta t e - - pa > : : “ | i : i \ i mo Pa PP E ea | = | . ; ‘ ; + ; ; ; ; + ; + + + + - — — a —- { j i k j j i | i i } i | | { | } i F | 4 j j i } j i } i j g i ' i i | | i ! ; j > | i | | i i i } i i | | i j ; ; ; i i | i | | ' | : i i | i g | | | | ie | i ; i | i i j = 7 8 Pe bd | ae eee | | ' ' ; s 5 6 | we 4 86 } i = G | 4 @! i ! 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Co p y r i g h t Co l u m b u s , Oh i o No . 10 3 6 3 . Bi e Pa l a t e § Tr i s Si g n a t u r e on sh e e t s in s u r e s th e i r co r r e c t n e s s Re g . U. 3 . Pa t . Of . {F o r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , In s i s t On It , Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be co n e s to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p ca t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . 4 4 4 8] | | PC E ee ee pe e d + { | Page ' } } ' } ; ; ' ; } { ; ; + ; 5 ; ; ; } 4 4 i j i I ee eeepc ; ———— q 7 4 i p e r p e | | | i i i j j i i fi Be j i i j i 2 & & i i | | : a 2 = 1 = | | | | pk e y ) 2 h e e p s | | | B e e a k = 8 a y e bi g e d i o n e s © Hi @ | oe a » |} i | | | a -o a d e e | P e d po ko e = = | L = : ee at + = + ad s ty Po sc i tn . — : pa t = te + + + + + ~~ t + + o a . § v4 ; oy — i 2 ~ 4 - m 4 a | | | | = af —— - - - $ - . : + + . + ‘ } + | } + + 4 - 4 Ja n a e 4 we — aa n g — } j | j | a | | | } i | | | | | | i i } i | i | ; i j j = } i i | ' : | a | | | Pr } a | = 7 | ' «s j i i | t i i s | ! 4 § 3 s | | i : © 4 a On a o | | : ot P| et of o ! | on d ei rd = ot a 7 3 = = s = | oe | } | i ; i — am e ea t e n - + tt ee pt + a + + + { | i manele 1 meen + ——_—- 4 —_—— —-—$— nstnnianaialciiemmneinell scveneemasaamamatiieetittes APA ence + . - aera pennant + tun ~~ ; — a es ‘Page ‘mi Mif Mig Mih Mii Mij Mik Pease { i § ih MI cecalilnctialsiion \ | t i + t Bo + | { 4 + + ~ ~ > + + 7 ‘ j + i ' ; ' | | | | i i ' i i : = i } i i ; ae | | ' . i Si if | | = pa t | | ee ae : 3 4d of gy | : a b= Si ! p @ er t } i : <a } “| ' ; aa a ee e ' wa t | i pa n t s as e pe e p e e am * se c r e ad e ba o zu 4 - - 4 A _— i 3 } ‘ a a li gc ey ai e x x ‘ a i : br e e d aa at a = = a ao e 5 . ‘ ~ ; 2 -- - iz b < a > = wa m n a a s i n i y = oc so n s De e r e ee a e e e c e e r e r e e l aa ea s ae : ee Se e ee So o n vo e m e s e e e — , . te = - ii a id = Sa Cn a ae a ne a ne e ea e ; in u n m e s er m m r e e e r Bi p r o n r e r e r = e m c e c o e t i n s = n Se EE Rn n g SN E ST Sn o em en n a “> A po i + ten 7 - e 7 ow e s - a 5 ea sa d e . ‘ : os 7 = — I _ I : ' ’ ie s se r e Ma ne t i es e ec c o a ; Di a s e c x a ae += 7 “ = =a ay ts ot h sc e p t i c s inden ecaa : . —_ + pe t ee e r e e r n n t e r s n s t t he n wm ee n s , a La ha g al ge e ee n na p e na e af Se = oe ad oe se e SR G ae ee a x == = ar e s S co n t e n i a e l i a e e e i m a n e n t e n a m a a n n d i a t a d i n a ti a d e a t i e a bi e 2 f re ge o c i e > en ra i m e s , + 2 BA N S at e r SS S ao fe n ES — in op e sc a n = a Ee ee s ae et t ea l ce e ae ee ee ri ai e : ; — — 4 : > Se =i = = Ae Ee e E - ‘ th ' - ; : _ is i ot Et a . ta a l ei s oe So m e an i a he = ci a aid a ne e rs a re m e r o n ’ se a m e n o— Be t a . SR P ST ce r o oe . ne ao 7 — = ee e ~~ Re a a f errr neces rane oni Acai ah a Hea =e an o a 1914! 12 1923) 12 1950, 11 1936 6 1945, 10 |1956 2 196, 8 ! i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — CO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 ia Penns No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 each att ron “retiree Pet t Visited cen teghie a vetita welaieanieighee Grid ddisidabedtbalicsilonddeietam ee aie ore a T° locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN sex Color |11|Mack 113 |Mack 27 |Mack 21 |Mack 19 Mack 29) Mack 9| Mack Clarra Bet ty Fredie Assaf John George Tabetta PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Mooresville N c|siae Mack Mooresville N C/Charles Mack Fallstown fns Parrest Sharpe Mooresville N C/Shaker. Assaf Mooresville NC . Ma ck Charlotte, N.C. Vharles Mack Mooresville Kassar Ikall 18 Macimore 15 Mecimore S |iMecimore 17 Mecimore 8 | Mecimore 9 Mesiemore Ophelia H Clarence Katherine Grace W Statesville NC WD Macimore Statesville NC Rac Mecimore Itatesville c ° Stanly DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ¢ ¥ | RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Page Tobida Iakle Rita S Foss Ren& Sharpe Salene Francis Nora Anderson Lredia Assof' Kaepha Majahiz Dovie C Watt Mary Keever a 4 ue acomson Howard C M W Mooresville N C James Macomson Mannie Bonds me e ee ee 2. | Year 1916 (1921 (1931 .1937 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS - Iredell County, N. C. - ‘ This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.8.rat.om. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH Month © Day | 4 Madison 6 Madison 3 Madison 11 Madison 8 Madison 1” 15 Madi ‘4 7 Ma yn oO Ms 3 OF 6 Madaris SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Lessie Regina Ferry Minonie White Mary Molley W 74 a M F M Statesville tas |Thos J Madison Olin Tns Statesville Union Grove Union Grove on 4 x la S ille “lLetc “ Union Grove L Y w A page reference. at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer eee bed Sabteden sheet for Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER ' - N c |Charles W Madison Tns [Burgess White Tns |Burgess White Nc iPrank Madison i ‘ Y Aa ae . >, + J M Preratte Franklin L Madison Franklin Madison W Statesville N CW A Madaris — | i t iSherrill Madison COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX . U. 8S. Patent No, 1437168 —Copyrigne iste Minnie White ‘Ruby Douglas ila Prevette ‘Regina Crater Regina White Margaret Hampton rs Amanaa ire Lena Harris Margaret Templeton Pecey Templeton dies Emma Duncan = NAME OF MOTHER en Vol. Page | | 359 204 $45 572 561 20 469 ——T OF DEATH 1 24 19 8 | COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe, 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 poe |25 Mahaffey | i 6 linha they 30 (Manaffey 26 Mahaffey 26 Mahaffey 21 Mahaffey 7 | Mahaffey 13) Mahaffey 3 |Mahaffey SURNAME OF DECEASED i AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 13 banattey | Mahaffey Mahathey Aviat Dorethy Temperence N Paul Franklin JC JC YQ; an ] ~ f “Obert Joshua Jri Uleveland L INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — eT locate names, open at $s to Buff Sub-Index a bith ihe Adehaibddreadriiodluul i Te m ene, sheet for page reference. | | | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER a4 Statesville N Cc E Mahaffey Union Grove Tns Cleveland Mahaffey Statesville Bethany Tns Statesville Statesville atk. : si Union Grove Tns Statesville Statesville Mooresville Tns Walter Smoot Walter L Mahaffey N C Martin Mahaffey N C Martin Mahaffey Abraham Money oseph Yones Maf 1934 | 1951 & 7 1 25 Madden | 28 Madden q 4 4 1 wWames Alfred K Raymond Revere |M_ W W Statesville NC WJ P Madden Statesville NC Oscar Madden . = Lovina Saunders Myrtle Allen be c api 7 loo | 331! 30 Maiden 21 Maiden 19 Maiden 26 Maiden W Statesville Eagle Mills Eagle Mills Tns [saac Maiden Eagle Mills Tns John Gatton NCW A Maiden Tns James A Maiden hte Dds Vicea dbs ubakh Geta DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. URNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C NAME OF MOTHER Lonny Pearlie Mitchell Mary Dwiggins Mary Lu Holland amanda Myers Amanda Myers r Sr } imie Lemi leton , ‘ ; Mary J. Dwiggins Mariah Cass @ “alu dl “Onns = Jemperance N Smoot { { | RECORDED | Bevel ) Vol. 3 16 LT 18 30 42 571 44 195 Mery Johnson Lula Bell Gatton Nettie Albea Doris, Harpe RO re e n a c t 9 | Majors Jas Ashly M Lula Belle F ~ M Raymond L M Elmas M Norman Lee W Mooresville NC | | M = 6W) Winston-Salem Nc Webbie &, Major { Addie Cornwell So = es pe LE E R GE R a ey ee ee e ‘ ' . ae : — = Jo e : =— 4 pa s e fs s So r e — —— + — ss tm er e te ac a i sa eh . = Se e n So e ee t Se e rae ne = iat ts Tyee ~*~ a = ite : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N.C 5 te HS é; : Te tect amas pen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer CoE eA VERE INDEX 4 ee SERS UNAL Ds Pacis cas ty, N. &. Re SS Pe eee a tBu Stn ter for pan trent" sty tat company Sant, on Pie oe satin iti | | — a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED i ) ry f pena 1 | | | \ : f i RNAME OF DECEASED | DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CH 5 . | =) Rh ee, H bo cusittes ius. © ako Ga Sex Color PLACE OF : | toa a je] RISTIAN — IF ONE IS GIVEN x Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Leite Pour i : , + tt L | eee + iH | | P= Page Hi. | | | s |Will Malcom [Lottie Gant | 19; 4 |13] Mann Johan Foy ' oils Se PT ae | | Hattie | F |W /Fallstown Ta | 1917) | * Wo {Mooresville Nc /Witliam Smith Sarah C Morton a1. 29 Py | IN L Kirkman | | IM 2 F W |Fallstowns Tns J Litton I 25) 3 |10)Mann ‘Paul Elli » te eee 3 | [1918 8 29 Malcom Tossie | | : 1925: ont MW Mooresville NC |Ben s Mann Robbie Z Swann 11. 175 ; | H own Tons (Charles Ward Ceommelilla Brock | 1930; 11 | 1/Mann Cicero , ole he ‘ ; i 1919 10 13 aleom Crowley Lenior r anaes | i , = ee Mooresville NC Davidson Mann Martha Carter 16 250 : 11924 2 8 Malcolm Williams Francis M W (‘Statesville N Cf W Malcolm Martha Hobbs lg 263 L942 | 1 21 !/Mann Mona Dale F W Mooresville NC |arthur D Mann Mary Jackson 2 } + 1927. 1 3 Malcom Eugenia F W (Fallstown Tas R C Plott Sarah MoFadden a3./ 2 }1947) 9.) 1 | Mann varolyn Louise i is l ! rte Malcomb Lottie Gant 3 | 2 8, 8 | 8! Mann Saré isaveth |F | 1927 6 5 Malcomb - F W Mooresville N ra 244 194, vara glicaveth | F wW Mooresville NC John Franklin Manu wily Miagett 34 528 | |1932 8 24 Malcome Mamie Blanche F W Mooresville Tns George Stamper Sally Alley 18 189 j1952, 3 23) Mann - M iW | Statesvil ela hiner. ee ; | ; : ee : ts dl 4 tl VOrOTns June Holder 3 19% Hu 1933 1 22 Malcome John C M W Mooresville NC Henry Ma lcome Ellen Ervin 19 | 50 pee 11 |13} Mann Jon {I Charlotte uc [sem ba | it 1937 10 27 Malcolm Zettie Lucile H F W Statesville N CC! C H Howard Mamie Prim 23 462 | 2953 5 23 Mann William henry M W Mooresvi I iel Webster it! BY 12 ae ; ; nos 6 14° Man Jaby Boy I ' 1 1938 10 11 Malcomb Levi Washington M W Statesville N C [Levi W Malcomb = £4 413 952 * i, ¢ 26) Mooresv : I wt | 194) ‘ 1 Blalcor ‘Mien M F W Mooresville NC Ve ie Irvin Mary Ann Irvin ae }1965 3 14 Mann John M W Mooresville Daniel « “ann Jo Ann Smith 51 148 wh t : | i 1946 2 28 Malcom Linde Kay F W Mooresville NC @lerence E Maleom Mola Heannis 52 8 : Ts ty 4 = maan “ry i ‘ t ! 195] 9 | Malcolm Adam Washington! M W | Mooresville NC jWashington Malcolm Katte “reeze of! 456 wt 3 } ! 1960 5 $31 Malcolm George Henry M W Mooresville John C. Malcolm Mamie B Stamper 46 324 I; 1961 4 19 Malcolm Evie Hager F W Mooresville _ George Hager Mary Jane Hager (47 193 bois PW S+ atesville Irel W TFlyler Linda hill 50 191 | i ; roa | | } : } ( ee - : - ia ~ -) , ee | | | Lr i _ i 1 | 1914, 9 (16 |Maneum Thomas A M W Statesville Tns'G B Mancum Mary A Settlemyre 1 543 fo | | 3 | = ib oe ‘ ' : ; 4 ] ‘ of r ; ; £ eke: 11914. 1 27 Malone Andrew MW |Shiloh Tns | - : | 356) es | | : | Poe eyeg. ; 1920 8 1 Malone Walter C _M ._W (Shiloh Tas William Malone Matta Deitze 16 | 297 | : i I i 4 1921 4 29 Malone - MM C Statesville Tns |Wm Malone /Gussie Moore 17 | 294 ‘ | | mu x i j co 7 ii) \ it i ' j H : i 1922 12 9 |Malone John Robert |M |W /Shiloh fTns William Malone Martha Deitze Is | 157} ae | Hh ld 1 i fj I | i | | 4a] na : B (2938. 5 11 Malone Martha | F W |Shiloh Tas Daniel Dietz | ~ 24 | 263 | bia | i a i | | | | | | Ha ' it ‘ { ; i {| a (i : i a : } | i 4 ; , } + 4 eas i + ! t | | oe ah , a ‘ 2 t— HH: i FP | | vy { ' “ t ens | { a4. Be I i | | | {I | i ‘ ie | ny I i I i ' i {| i | i I i iste’ 4 ie | ES + ; ' ha} i ir i | i i i tt ; oy _ j ) iH Ph | it i | ; ola | | | a | i i ; | | a | i ‘ tis i } dd d é ' | ha | | | 7 ae Z i | | meas = | | ! ! | | te | | ; a Sid i | f 3 i oe ae ire | i! } Sat, | | | | | ae | | | } iS . } | | | ] sabi SRadtE lel Aigda aca uuacec te ete Cee ee Abe ee ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. is . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX in oT COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe. 1-4 id refer No, 1 i = ne ‘Buf’ Sdbclndex cae —i, ah a No. 1437168——-Copyright 1930 . U. & Patent No. 1437168—~Copyright 1930 aT locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. to Buff Sub-iIndex shee ‘ Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio t for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte N.C Keg. U.S. Pat.off. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. cis Bg we r ne e ll e ae n > se RECORDED | —_ | SURNAME OF DECEASE | | | 4 NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S a | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | |_REcoRDED I | __ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED is | hes | PLACE OF DEATH , > Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. Page | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ns a i , | i & iu | } . age | | | ' t | .4/Marlow |Henry Clide fi , | | 1917, 9 | 22|Marlowe { ji | i , Ig ' Maltba Zlma Hodges 1934 10 il maitba Mary Frances | Statesville NC | Russell 20, 499 Turnersburg Tns|W W Marlow Mary M Stroud 251 New Hope Tns | Lloyd Marlowe Myrtle Gregory | | i | | | i i | @ |e Iterioe 1918 \8 | Henry D Mooresville N C/J A Marlow Gay Barnes | i iM 1922) _7 |Marlow Kelly Hampton Mooresville N CL E Marlow Emma Shoemaker 22|Marlow f 1922) Mar elver Turaersburgtns Phones Marlow Mooresville NCILE Marlow Emmer Shumake ‘1923 17 Marlow 1925 30 |Marlow ; ms New Hope Tns iM L Marlow Myrtie Gregory 1927 24 Marlow rs i Turnersburg nae peenes Horne Frances Johnson | H rf 1929 14 Marlow oe fae oe ie Se ! Mooresville N C Dewey Marlow Nora Baker 1931 3 Marlow ae )1 Statesville N C!S C Marlow Eunnis Privette 1932 ‘Marlow Shield f | Eagle Mills Tns|Wm Marlow P Thomas 11933 Marlow 1 ae ee ; | New Hope Tas L A Marlow Essie Jolly a Marlow Lc W Eagle Mills Tns|Wm Marlow Leona Daniels f | 1934 Marlow Emma Jane Mooresvi l i e N C/Wm Shoemake r Bessie Gregory [1934 Marlow Eva Nell W Sharpesburg Tng4 C Marlow - Shoemaker 1936 ‘Marlow Margaret Almeda Statesville N C William F Marlow Delia Almeda Sloan 11956 Marlow W Sharpsburg Tas |John Newton Marlow Nancy McLain 11936 -2 |Marlowe Athene M Statesville N C |W P Millsaps Bertha Rupard ee = = = ee { | a £1 w iim. 4 Le sa ae 11937, : Marlow Senith tagle hills [ns William Trivette Fannie Wallace 2 Ri p a = = ae —S — .29 'Merlow William Washing- MW Turnersburg Tn |Shields Marlow i 2 cr c pi o 1923, ll , 24) Mannis Frank M W | Union Grove Tn | Martha Lamb 19 Marlow ; 714 | ? one 17 Me rlowe 20 Marlow am o eR CM E } | | 9 | Marlowe Dora Bells BS rs ea e Re g t : ae 2 11) Marlow Lodema Ever W Statesville NC} James Souther dary Brown | | ; ° : ; a i me i i 120 Marlow Mary Stroud Y Harmony N burgess Stroud } | ] ‘ | 27 | Marlowe Joseph Edward M W Statesville NU Melver Lloyd Marlowe Rebecca Hayes ip td i m i i n w me n t e | , 7 | Marlow Melvin Loyd W | Statesville NC | Melvin Marlow Rebecca Hayes 39 157 “arlow Elisha E h} W | Statesville NC } ollie Hub rad Marlaw39 270 ’ ? rn 44 ’ r292 98 + vtatesville Ag William Marlow l Marlow Marlowe William Franklin M W_ Iredell | Howell Marlowe Marinda Baker ‘hl 419 = | Mar lowe .M W | Statesville | Newton Marlowe _Nance M. Marlowe 142 516 Haill Marlowe Maranda Baker 44 391 5 Marlowe John Rufus Ww Statesville ! | | | 30 Marlowe Mageie Susan |W Statesville Wm Marlow Lee A Dm iel \44 469 . | ' “ Se i a d i ar er r en ne t h e r be e e n an rp e r a r n s e te e n s e SS 539 20 Marlow Pavid Lee oy (Harmony WA Marlow et él Livingston lag ¢ | i 10) Marlowe Iona HS W M oresville Philo Simmons Kan dyce Simmons (a4 550 * a 2 | Marlow | i John w | Harmony Meiver Marlow ‘Rebecca Hayes 146 50 | | j | rry krastus W | Mooresville NC | Byon Marlot | ennebalt . Wo 531 : Tes Medi | Wi Statesville Eyhiram Sloan Betty Guy 51) 23 11) Merlewe Ethel Gertie | Ww | Statesville NC “oby Marlowe Viney Parker 47 18 H, W | Statesville NY | Lee A Hubbard h And 7| 66 5 ak can lee Roby Marlowe 9359 ene A a { if } i | —— — ee L5} Marlowe John Dewey W | Statesville 8/Mer lowe Bdward D, | W |Statesville NC |william B Mav ove Mary B Ball pais |W |Winston-Salem [ohn Marlowe . Tnknown 48/499 oe : . - 23 [Marlowe Marsh a Res ak ae itch, wish ilten as cen Ss a COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ni 2 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 aap Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. & Patent No. 143716 nee a “ U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ae To focate, sass, once at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index C Col sconsneprermaenmeeacenantiat ccs sieht REN SST EES a ee ise she ade by The Cott i Co a . pene ara ao = ndex sheet for page reference. old be Glearear Priatier Maca, Guba Buc Brlatler This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. w e reference. Reg. U.S. Fat.o. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub Index sheet Sey pepe remrenee. | apes ans prea ceeac aa i i | nny ar TH % rT = : : | | | RECORDED | a DATE OF DEA SURNAME OF DECEASED | | DATE OF DEATH =| SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER ual pes } Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GiVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | fe ix at ii Wi t Yer | Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN F- fa : | | | | 4 i | RECORDED | | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. if t . fant ah | | | | | | 1921 1 12/Marsh Milas Giles _M | C |Statesville N C|Wash Marsh Lucy Kerr 1? | 30g} 1921 | 1 2 Marshall | Will | | 1927; 1 |5 |Marshell Millard Thomas { | Statesville Statesville N cly F Marshall ~ | | - | : Statesville N G) 4 113. Tns/C O Marshell Dessie Parks i | | 333 | 1927' 11 26) Marshall Mary A jl922 12 (2 |Marsh Washington [Mi ¢ | | | ; (1923 4 16 Marsh Major Neal M = W |Statesville N ¢ jwoah Marsh - Bare Turnersburg Tns'E C Browning Mary Elliott 26 Marsh Susan | F C jStatesville N C Gaston Marsh Mariah Marsh | 487 1928} 1 30)Marshall i we ; ny t Ste ‘tesville N Coyt © Marshall Dessie Parker 11928 9 ‘1961 8 18 Marsh Wilma Virginia F Ww Statesville NC | Albert Troy Morsh | Isabella Jane Flowers 47 397 1928) 2 17) Marshall Mary Jane (Mrs ) . W IStatesvilie } ee | | | ate Ailen Henry iHlizabeth Moore . 1 Ny , ! 1OQK«5 Mz Geo. M W! Statesville Noah Marsh Susan Bare dL 239 28: 12 (5 |Marshall Tx ' 1965 4 19 Marsh | ° 19 h. Sharpsburg | Theo Marshall Clara loore 1931; 2 | 10)Marshall Benjenio 1 se ! d n W Turnersburg Tos Nelson Marshall Drusilla Childers 5b |5 |Mershal b Vernc f wooly 124 1954; 4 | il Ralph Vernon Mooresville N C John Vernon Marshall Margaret S Hallman : QO. |29' Marshall Gil R cae 1924/10 23) vilbert E él Statesville N C/M T Marshall Mary Jane Henry ] 4 Marshall Wm Me wd Se : L949 9 4 wad “io Marlon i \ Mooresville NC John 1951 | 19! Marshall Valeria | 1952, M a Th i a h’ . 11953 Marshall inelma irene Statesville NC ooresvi ‘ dee | 17 Marshall Ye ail as 8 : , = satesvi “aymond Marghall Mary Anne Stevenson 1919 6 11 Mars James William M W Bethany Tns ‘Ben Mars Florence Brotherton 5 1935 2 15 Mars Basco C (Mrs) F W (‘Statesville N C |Edward C Cooper Ella Powell #1 Marshall Bb. W. Marshall Mary Ann Browning 1936 3 18 Nerse John Samuel M W Mooresville N C J F Marse Della Carell 19 Marshall | 10 Marshall Odessa Lowrence | 1] | | | al i ii , i 1917 11 = 14 Marlin Elizabeth |F |W |Olin Tas 11926 4 3 Marlin Joel Penry iM Ww Olin vena Marlin jAnn Henry 11952 10. Marlin J, Samuel IM |W |Statesville NC | Joel P. Martin Martha E. Nolly 3y 1962 5 22 Marlin | Roberta | F. W/\Statesville NC |John F, Holland Mary L. Rickert | | ! 1 4 i i i i i ! i f ! H } ' “ ; } Of —— aA hh es patria tne acne tetanic eT » an ~ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX t 5 t SURNAME. INITIAL TAB and refer 7 i is es en cy Butt Sub-lndex sheet for page reference. sieepenimiieimemaen a bid densa a ae PTHIEHE 1990 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCG UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. 8 Patent No. 1437/68—Copyright 1930 BR Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Che lade: This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Reg. U.3.¥at.om, { For Your Protection, Insist On It. " ” DATE OF DEATH = SURNAME OF DECEASED NAME OF FATHER _ | | Page ne age my il i e s PE R E a. SS ea a r a r t a y s e Monti | Day | .10 |Mason 21 Mason 3 ‘Mason 10 ‘Mason 8 ‘Mason 24 Mason 6 Mason 27 Mason 24 Mason 18 Mason 28 Mason 2 Mason Ea =e ne aN <a ee v e e ri e r ar e n a si e e m m m e u n n se r i n e ee ie ee e 14 Mason 21 Mason 10 Masson 2 Mason 8 Mason a 28 Mason ad a a of eS i 0 6 26 Mason J. | 1950 10 17 Mason =e et wr e n ea e ee ee r ’ 4 j21) Mason a en o n e ll 5 Mason a. 18 Magn 7 2 | Mason (2 Mason- 6 Mason 12 Mason " 7 Ma son 21) Mason | { AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN t Marvin arthur /| M ‘Elethia Angeling F ‘Amelia F Mary Isabel F Mary Elvira Ida Bergess M Nannie (Mrs) Lula Millsaps Walter M Bettie Jean Clyde William F Dora Garwood Robert Rhyne P Harvey Martha Jane Mary Jane Dobson JOhn A Florence Lucille Lizzie White Charles Emory Bennie Edward Bub Wil Doris Elaine |Dalphus W, |Wm. llenry | Franklin Jerry | _Estell Jordan Reuben F, a Lena Bell Gladys F Newton | M | sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH ” W Statesville W iStatesville W Leiaaidii yee W Statesville W j\Eagle Mills W Murnersburg W Statesville N C|Wiley Thomas Mason Tos |Zacaria Goodin N © lim Cash N c |tee Shaver one [tre Wooten i fos Daniel Griffith N C |Franklin Mason W ‘Sharpsburg Tns /Jule Sloan W Mooresville W Statesville W Mooresville W Statesville W Statesville W Statesville W Sharpsburg {ns W Olin Tons W Sharpesburg W Sharpesburg N CJR H Mason NC Mihai a Mason NC} “ N ci F Mason Tas paates Mason N C Rowland Garwood J F Masson Franklin Mason ras byle Jordon Tns [Robert Dobson 4 + + ‘ s s95- aT on ™. : vetesvilie N°C Jackson Mason TY te on en eee 2 1, Th wv pteatesville No W Cool Spring Vool Springs W (Mooresville E Mason W Pinkney White yW , “7 , iFrve iisson jor y HH | W Sharpesburg Tns | John F Mason Statesville Statesville W | Statesville W | Mooresville W Statesville W | Statesville W Ot een F W |Statesville NC W | Statesville W) Statesville # I Nu f 4 j ne NU | Wade Mason 4 NC | David F., Mason N C| Wi11 Magon | | David B Mason Rt2! John Jordan Pe rry H. Mason Prenklin Milsaps Arnold Erickson W¥”’ Mason Ng Charles Emory Meson T lamerie E Cash | - Sloan bary Sharpe Elizabeth Reavis Current Dovie Holmes Salena Current Fannie Woodward Lena Millsaps Rebecca kirk Sallie C Mason Dora Garwood Mattie Jones Lizzie Mason Fay Grider Drucella Tomlin - Johnson - Shaver Matilda laude Renegar Adeline Daniels tebecca Kirk _ Unkitown aye Gryder Lena Helie kjlsar | Cecil O Gregory | Martha Jane Jordan )}Geneva Brock | Adelle Millsaps | | Sarah Rhyne | Enna Bennett h pede White 4 , ! i 4 Susan E White *| Pom | { i ii 444 1 | 578 | 14 436) 444 257 [12 1ee 13 13 kg 177 h2 511 l44 34 | | 45 399 | te 480 46 720 | |47 607 | \ 49 | 220} 1915 | 1915. 1916 1918 1921 see 11923 | 1923 924 1924 [1926 11926 1927 1927 1936 1926 3 4 1927 1928 1930 1931 1933. 1933 1933 | 1934 | 1985 Ss. 1937 938 | L939 | ' | i 1915/2 |11|Martin 30 |Marton } iH (15 |Martin i 4 13 25 12 22 Martin | Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martino Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin a Martin bartic bate Martin bartin bertia Martin Martin Martin ‘Alice C King Margret Frank Grover § Wallace Clyde Pinkney Russell Harlon Graham Essie Lee Andrew EL Ralph Mary Grace Mallie Charles aS (Mrs) « S (Mrs) Sarah R (Mrs) Earl Alexander Vera FA (Mrs) Thomas Joho Robert C Clyde H Thelma Harold Jean Lee |Mary Lula yoe Alexander WD (Mrs) Margeret Ann \John Lee tary Julia Stepto |Basal Dale | ; Margaret Smith Ernest Morton 1 Barringer Tns Sharpsburg fns | Barringer Ins Chambersburg fn Fallstowns Tns Statesville Nc Barringer Tns Barringer Tns Barringer Ins Mooresville X Statesville N Statesville N¢ Sharpsburg Tns Statesville N Statesville N Statesville Statesville Mooresville Statesville N Cc Chambersburg Tn Fallstowns Tns Sharpsburg Tns Mell Martin > A Martin WH Martin W P hartin Earl Martin Rosco Martin Roscoe Martin Allie Martin Osborne Martin E F Martin William Chandler Mallie Martin Lewis Martin Thomas Drum Joe McCombs » Bennie L Martin Roger “artin Hobert Martin George W Martin Mooresville NC) Mooresville NC Chambersburg Tn Statesville NC Statesville N C Statesville NC ptatssville NC Bethany ‘n Davidson Tn Mooresville NC ‘Statesville NC | m iSharvsbure Tn | tatesville Tn \Fallstown Ta ra Statesville N | ote te iMooresville No ! II | i J H Martin R L Martin kaney E Martin Paten Martin = E Martin TA Martin p Alexander Robert McClura bys 330m Mart in jd : ifelter ' Martin Walter Martin Basil Martin John Smith w J Mertin | if f a | : RECORDED =| a SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | ] NAME OF MOTHER oe month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH / NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER rt! — . | Vol. jThorah Franklin King Albertine G King King Mary Grace Chandler Lovie Jane Heath Wagner Mollie Overcash Cinda Day Cordie Daye Mary Green Ida Druin - Dorough Mary Green Auplin Foster - Wilkerson - Smith ada Rose Margarett Tomlin Cora Gant Margaret M Bennette Annie Martin June Hazlewood Eunice Turman Mary Fox Margaret McClove Miss Sigman | Julia Ann Geble Julia Ann Irvin Bennelle NMarcaret i ue inut} . jut} 3teelm a n ancy Rash kittie Fisher Perkerlt: | Lou Cdell 1 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — > eee pep ee goes Sree ak oe Pee ee PT aa INE RE Ot Cle talatls This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, a nated pera Keg. U.8. vat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. ec nik Re —— voecesemae TT om Reema seubenseiaeneneeaa ; ame : a eenemsacces = — ara one 2 wm gg or 1H ; ’ i RECORDED Y oat SURNAME OF DECEASED NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Reet locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GivEN | Se Color | PLACE OF DEATH | “ " DATE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “a e ar + Se —— — _ ee iy ri c c o t p e y na e . Sp e a Se e pc a n i = ee ee n + Day | 4 , * 1943, 11 |27|Mertin mt 2/Me rtin 12. 3 \Mertin 1 9 Martin 12. 28 Martin ll 10)/Martin 31 | Martin 8 12 Martin 2 26 Martin l1& Martin Martin 1956 9 ll Martin 1956 12 14 Martin 1957 2 1957 14 , Martin 14 Martin 1958 12 29 Martin 1960 3 30 Martin 2960 2 23 Mertin 2960 3 21 Martin | 1960 8 22 Martin h960 9 2% | Martin 1960 10 7 Martin /1960 12 28 Martin 961 2 27 Mertin 1961 6 16 Martin (1961 10 22 Martin 11961; 10 |S |Mertin | 4 1961) 11 -7| Martin | 1962 1 2 Martin ' 1962 9 30) Martin 1962 11 4 Martin 1963 11|Martin, 1963, 10 21/Martin ; r 1964; 2 (29 |Martin } 1964 | lg Martin 1965 2 | 2 Martin | ; 1965; 9 (13 Martin t |Donna Ann iBennie Ray James Bftird Madge Glenda Ann Adline Laure Mae Davie Alice David Henry vis. ATL William Pink Pennie Ma Frank L Etta Dowell Alfred Earl Mary Jane Basil Burdus James Homer Lula “line Gustus A. Paul Edward Francis Octia Mollie Overcash Grady Robert Stanley Edmonia R. Walter Martin || ra | PLACE OF DEATH — Istetesville NC Istetesville NC ‘Troutman NC ‘Statesville NC Statesville NC New Hope NC Olin NC Rtl Statesville NC Statesville NC | Mooresville NC | Statesville N@ | otatesviile NC Statesville NC C Statesville NC W Troutman C Statesville NC C Statesville NC W (Troutman NC C Statesville » i Preston Martin George W Mertin t 1 | E E Martin | Ned Graham | Ingram Sloen Curtis Patterson Henry G Martin Jacobo Clamb Mell Martin | Joseph J Martin Martin ’ > 1 } VamMUe I | Henderson Dowell Thomas M, Martin Gilbert Martin bilbert Martin |5 8 martin H | John Martin W | Statesville Rt4) John H. Cline W Statesville W | Hiddenite W Statesville NC W Statesville NC C | Statesville WwW ‘Statesville | Wn. A Martin i | B, Fred Martin Yonas Gantt Locke Overcash "Robert Martin F W) High Point, N.g. Roger Martin MC |Statesville Nc Charlie Martin Martha Ellen | F Mary E, N, Jessie E. | F wl Statesville NC Harold | C | Statesville ” iy r . ur i Lmory | i; Jj W | Statesville jj Statesville Statesville Charlotte Statesville Mooresville Statesville w Statesville NC/Ambrose Mertin F W | Mooresville N ClJonn Nantz E. Monroe Byers Jumes Martin R C Martin Joseph E Martin John R C Martin sdney E Martin Avery Kale John C Martin Billy R Martin |Imssie Shore | iiattie V Leckey | Pas | James Washington White - | Mary Fox }net Known Mary Jane Barkley | Dovie Clory Eloise Poole Unknown Alice Martin \Maude Estelle James Sophronia Gilbert Nancy Hickerson |Alice Cook |_Elizabeth Perry | Mary E. Perry Rosa Marrison | Betsy Anderson | Roxana Drum Cline Julia A Ervin ‘Mable Johnson ~---kitchie | Francis Hughes Mary L. Martin Frauline Simmons | Margaret A Tomlin |Adiine @ Martin |The 1ma Church Sally Lipe ! orinda Stewart Minnie L tucker Emma Freeland. Kosa L Harrison Lillie Adams Mary Fox Lena Howard Francis Johnson Gaffelia Myers 39| 514 (41 596 42 477 ‘42.579 43 80 43 82 (44 650 | 46 193 | 46 177 | 46 176 ! 46 501) 46 563 46 586 i 46 789° \47 95 len (on | 47 518 47 480 47\ 555 | 4818 | 48 523 he (597 49 |407 49 | 603 50 |2l4 50 |209 51) 123 | 51 550 higs6| 12 (5 |Massey 26 [Massey \16 Massey il Massey lve Massey 12 Massey is tenes (10 nee 24 Maseey 18 Massey 10 Massey 29 Massey 6 Massey 29 Massey 21 Massey 31 Massey 9 Massey iil 19 Massey 12 22 htasey 8 £2 | Massey 5 ba Massey 7 |9 IMassey |Massey ‘4961; 12 | 13 Massey 196 | 4) Massey _p965 | | Massey Julia William Mary Mary Viola William E Aaron Benjamine AC Levine (Mrs) Medora (irs) Joseph E E McLelland EA Lillie Josephine Louise Warren William alex/ wid 1. alii Robert Emmett . Minnie Culberth ‘Annie Wade “dward Stillborn Charles Ma W Fallstown Tns Shiloh Tns Davidson Tns Shiloh Tns Statesville Nc Concord Tns Shiloh Tns Mooresville \\ C Shiloh Tns Fallstown Tns furnersburg Tns Turnersburg Tns Shiloh Tns Shiloh Tns Shiloh Tns c « iloh Tns Turnersburg Tns Shiloh Tns 4 Alexander | “~ ‘Loyd Massey Watson Massey Watson Massey R E Massey WM Massey Abrom Massey A B Massey Kerr Massey Jas MeHargue Emme t Massey MC Gel Ebenezer Massey ES Massey A C Massey Geo Clodfelter Coddle Creek TngPink Marsh Shiloh Tn Sville NC ; 7 bh rn 4@n in ? , MLALESVlile WU i00res vi Lt W I Warren ait MaSSey ’ Unknown | Otatesvi. e NC} Qn Boone, N C Statesville Mooresville Statesville Statesville | | BH Culberth |Edward Wade Vim Massey 4 Douglas W Massey | Watson E Massey Moose Ada Massey Ethel Brunton Annie Wade Annie Wade Anthea Massey Victoria Gilespie Angeline Bost Sallie Eliott Mary Walker Jonett Waters Anis Irene Jenkins - Setzer Haley Allen - Moore Lavinia McHargue Kattie Massey Siney Marsh Jane Alexander , CiiaPrgue “ary moore Unknown Julia Moose Velia Brown Mary Summers Mary White Brenda J Hodge Annie Wade | RECORDED | Vol. te mY Mal te tet ada aseL irene, ate ey amas rin a _ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX . ny - ae locate names, open at SURNAME UGTIAL TAB apd refer U. & Patent No, 1437168—Copyrighe is ii vU. 8. Patent ie. 1457168-—-Copyright 1960 | ae locate names, open at SURN. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page re tna SEN OO — st ALARA . aN . aor : AME INIT to Buff Sub-Index sheet ae page eae and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C aT are OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | fi NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN | Sow | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 4. 5 ; edfmaneancoeee pe t } “ 1 : . | Vol. Page ‘ | 4 | | 1917 | 3 21 Matheson Mirah C | F uf This Signature on sheets insures their correctaess. La tnlak ; For Your Protection, Insist On It. i | RECORDED en _BATE OF EAT SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | Cour | PLACE OF DEATH | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | | Sa | ’ ‘ ; oo : / : ! | | | | 'M §W |Statesville NC |Henry Mash \Nancy Patrick W (Shiloh Tns IGeo W White Martha Morrison 4 458 | : . | | 8 (|28|Matherson | | | Colonel Lee | li | W | Statesville, N-~. Noah Mash : noes | oi W Coddle Creex To {Henry Matherson Katie Allen | ee 1926 12 |12|Matherson | 4 { i Jessie Susan Bare Fallstowns Tns ‘i 1930/ 3 (11/Matheson i! Statesville N C Carl L Matheson Lula Valira Uzzell 1930 | 11 /Matheson Statesville N C iCarl L Matheson Lula Valira Uzzell 1933. 14/Matheson William Shular Statesville NC Franklin Matheson Susan Pierce 6 16 |Matheson Rosco Witwas ales a se 193 eJ Statesville NC Eli Matheson Minnie Marlin r i f 1937 28 Matheson J Eric Statesville Tns|/J W Matheson Mary MeCoy 1937 7 |Matheson James Arthur Ins |P L Matheson Mary Blankenship 38 27 |Matheson Rebecca H vil N ? lin H ] 1938 { C& hood Statesville Nc John Franklin Hood Pauline Annie Pearse | 16 Matheson Alexander 16) Matheson Nettie Marlow otatesville Tns flarvey Narlowe amanda anderson a : : a ie P ey Kyles Annie Ostwalt 1 ‘ m a oe re 1939 11 27 Mackey Eva Charity K Coddle Creek Tn | Pinkney Ky | | : 29! Matheson Edgar Alexander Statesville NC (/Richerd “stheson Mary MeCoy Statesville NC 4/4113: ranklin / Mary Bell yher | 39 336 . ha} Statesville N | illi i 3 Mary Bell | e 7 32 12 28 Matheson 10 19 Mackey John Samuel \ Ww Mooresville NC} Samuel “ankin Mackey iva Kyles | 11953, 5/10 Matheson hum ay J - od T 1961 1 28 Mackie Jonah W Statesville | Alexander Mackie | Rebecca Payne | R953 | 5 10] Matherson 11953 5 21) Matheson Kathy Lynn F ) Bt ille ober Matheso Mary he n Bass i J yi ; NU DE J sab ll@son sa Dy v4tCil DGASS | Matheson 1954 5 3 |Matheson Deborah Lavone F W_ Buncombe County Robert Dewey Matheson Mary Helen Bass / | ers 1956 | 2 _28|Matheson Geraldine Childf F W Statesville Vernon P Childers @la Hubbard | 959 | 1O 24 Mathe son Calvin Keith M Statesville Calvin “ower Mathe son Per sy S te venson 1960 5 14 Matheson Wm. Jaceb M "tatesville | A. Hall Matheson Amanda Bolick 1960 8 27 , Matheson Alice Spence * W | Morganton NC John W Spence Kebecca Price 1963 11 15 Matheson Edgar M ” Mooresville dgar Matheson Lillian Gant ; i , \\ a eh ag e n t e == = r a. ee a Se = a _ i \ ee Se e Mathis |F C Barringer Tos (Jonnie Mathis C Westmoreland { F C | Fallstown Tns Johnnie Mathis Virginia Strickland | | | | | Statesville NUTR YD Mathis | Nouesta Hayes Mathis Essie Mae Mathis Brenda Joyce Fy WY 24, |\Mathis ‘pantel MiwWw iStatesville NC | Andrew Mathis Mary Cury ; " SS | - \) | , . (Stat N Cf} Johnnie Mathis | V 4 | Matnis Jather1ine Fic Statesville n | Virginia Strickland #) Mathis Delight Anne F | ¢ Statesville Johnnie Mathis Wirginia Strickland | | 4} Mathis James Edward M C Btatesville Johnnie Mathis irginia Strickland |W. Statesville N Cj Pink Mathis Mollie crai Blase irs IP praca "<] atime, belie Sh, LaF i ' : ££ } ‘a niu oy. i 4 4 = } ao < bi nag $ an H q ‘zi 4 4 | i ei ; 4 i \ Ht i bh it Oe 4 if til # et a he f ' | a i | ' ey Se e l a m ee il ye —— ~ —srmrapereenene . | This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.S. Pat, Off. } For Your Protection, Insist On It. — SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN T DATE OF DEATH |1930 11 1 |Mathews ‘Columbus W ‘san 2 (|15 Mathews OC {1944 5 19 stthew ise 11960 4 17 Matthews | 196! 9} Matthews James & 7 VY Pomelia Jean to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. gap te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TASB and refer i | | Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER t | t T MW ‘Mooresville N CiStehpney Mathews |M | W |Statesville N' C/M E Mathews : iia a aie eae W iStetesville NC dames Matthew ‘Catawba, N. C. |James C. Matthews Mooresville | Jas. T Matthews INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyrigke 1930 NAME OF MOTHER Mary Fox IThelme Degenhart Virginia Gilliland | Nora Cochran 23 Mastin Elizabeth 8 ‘Masten Nancy Robert Lee . } * Vaat .) JO Mastin | ‘ | \ . (1914 10 27 Marstall Herman | { | } | bh Statesville N C/Carl Mastin Statesville Tns|Sherley Elliott Statesville i C B Mastin M W Statesville N C|Henry G Marstall Annie May Phifer Sallie Sammon Florence Childress Rosina Hessling i i i lh n ry Pa Tealaer tel es See ee a ee | x Mjitadchih hala diehbrads es Sched ee Lich Ll ih th harvcuke etrodaLieeh tae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 BER To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED voor | Mont Dey | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN a t | i 1920 | 6 26 Matlock | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH 4 Algernon D 26/6 2 Matlock is W Statesville NC hee Matilocx | W Statesville nc Jas Hughes n959| 5 24 Matlock Sarah Lacke y F WW 1962 11 5) Matlock ~ 4 4 s 4% Cc > ji ataey lle ao . + - MTa otha a 4 omas Lacilea Mary J, C | Winston-Salem John Lambert NAME OF FATHER Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N Cc { RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER #+—-———~ Mary Hayzood Rev James Finley & W Olin ins Rev Thomas Matney tT FB £ i Susan Wilson ae ay 1934 3 12 Mattock CA (Mrs) Statesville N C Smith Watts 1947 | 10 (23 | Mattox Statesville NC Wiilie Mattox 1951, 4 28) Mattox Mooresville NC /Olen Mattox 1953, 10 le Mattox Lula Stete. ville N UNKNOWN 1956 2 5 | Mattox Willie Statesville C aw ‘ ~~ wang Mattox i 1959. 2 13 Mattox Ellen Amanda Statesville John D *attox 1962, 7 | 4 Mattox “illie ib C |Statesville Alfre 1964 7 24 |Mattox John C) Statesville /Oscar Mattox i] ; Luna Childers Juez Harris Annie Ree Dalton nicnown Cora McCollough Doretha Stinson > “ot i rs) L Lillie McIntosh 1924 10 10/Marcus ‘Bernard 1 MW /Statesville nc Asron Marcus ’ Idea Rankin 10 | 357) 4 4 | | Martino W §Stetesville NC | ae re ee ates ° sas erm , iehate Miatbdaks Acad dd sedate ee ea et eee ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 7 oe é INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe. 1-4 COTTCO UNIVER : ee = wee 3 ee a U. &. Patent Ne. lastidenne Neovane 1930 i U. & Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 oat locate names, open at SUR NAME INITIAL to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page io refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ‘Tis Gignatare en sheets insures thelr corvestnans to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. . TR SSS EES . Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ¢ Reg. 0.8. rat.om. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. . : seu dandpalimnamibidemaanannandanaans anminineduaiauasns ‘ : ae 4 ——— ontar aoe oe Re | : i s DEATH . - | : i | | RECORDED | DATE OF SURNAME OF DECEASED | \ | —eme SURNAME OF DECEASED i Color | E OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE | Sex Color || p sii ro for | teh | be | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN co or | Pvt | Paar] : rae | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER /———— - - | i : ¢ , + . a i ‘ + cena ~ I “ Hl i Vol. Page | | | | | | | r + i ~ 116) 251) 1920 | 6 126 katiock Algernon D M i | | 1930. 11 1 |Mathews | Columbus W | M Mooresville N C|Stehpney Mathews W Statesville NC lee Matiocy Mary Haygood , | \Mar Fox 1935 2 15)Mathews oc M ‘Statesville N 5 E Mathews y | . ™ a + . 7o WN iJamne Matthew Th elm cl & har 1 azar 959 : no944 / 5 19 Msetthew - Vi Statesville NC peres Matthew Thelma Dagenhart 130 | 350 | i | 1962, 11 5| Mat lock Mary J, c | W Statesville NC Yas Hughes 5 | 24 Matlock Sarah Lackey i Wiis totpaawt 7” ? wf wT A 188 rille ad YY 4 | : | 121! 322) nez6 | 6 2 Matlook Dene ‘ |Jemes C. Matthews Virginie Gilliland | 46 332 Winston-Salem l1960 4 17| Matthews Pomelia Jean Catawba, N. C. i tes fee Narre " »} ‘ .£ ICK , he ty] LS ri : Jas 1 Matthews wora vocnran i 50 150 1 “ . Fae nial _ YHyecyv | e H ak cA ‘ i 104) 2 9 Mat the 7. vames i WW Moor esvi1 1 \ ” | ae + JOH, 2 0935 7 7 Matney Rev James Finley M | w Olin ins | Rev Thomas Matney Susan Wilson ' 99 3 20 Metmey lal 14 F W Statesville 2915; 6 23 Mastin Elizabeth Statesville N C!/Carl Mastin Annie May Phifer 1924 10 8 Masten Nancy j Statesville Tns/|Sherley Elliott Sallie Sammon ~ ' : } mn M 4 "us ae A MMI laa 50 |/Mastin Statesville C B Mastin Florence Childress 1934 3 d2 | Mattock CA (Mrs) F W Statesville N C Smith Watts Luna Childers 191.7 | 10 '23 | Mattox m ¢ |Statesville NC Wiilie Mattox Inez Harris i " i Hl 4 i ] j | 1914 10 27 Marstall Herman MW |Statesville N C/Henry G Marstall : 1951 4 28 | Mattox F C Mooresville NC jOlen Mattox Annie Ree Dalton | ana ae a Ss e s a b e l i l i n e c e t e e r e e e e te a l 4 *i a i n n g i n a i r e n d i t a i n y * i : | 1953, 10 ue Mattox Lula : G | Stiutesville NC | Unknown nknown | i | | f 1956, = 15 | Mattox Willie M C Statesville Sang Mattox Cora McCollough | | | | | 1959 | 2 | 19 Mattox Ellen Amanda F C Statesville John D “at tox Doretha Stinson | | | | lat tox i111 ‘ Ci @tatesville Alfred ™cintos)l fatsy “all Mattox M C Statesville ‘Oscar Mattox Lillie McIntosh Martino \M W Btatesville nC {l 1924 10 10 Marcus \Bernard ! M W ‘Statesville N CjAaron Marcus Ida Rankin * Sa r r er e er r a n t —r ey fi | \ ! oo om e n : te a l De on Teron erry rien rere MATT Hk rH sdadaadeda ia eatatdda eH a a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. A, Cates This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Chae 2h For Your Protection, Insist On It. Meg. L Pat. Ont. DATE OF DEATH =| Month Day | , * 27 |Mayfield 20 Mayfield 17 Mayfield 21 Mayfield 25 Mayfield | 1946 15 Mayfield 1949 2 .25\Mayfield 1957 9 10 Mayfield 1959 57 2 wayriers 4 Mayfield 20 Mayfield SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Lula B " m at SURNAME INITIAL, TAB and refer = ” wer Bult Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ad 1 Kiang an | anaes cee | Sex folior | PLACE OF DEATH \ NAME OF FATHER i , + ‘Shiloh Tas Orange Mayfield \Shiloh 12 |William Mayfield William ‘Statesville Tns|John Mayfield Odessa ‘Statesville Tns|William Mayfield William Vi Statesville Tns James Mayfield Willie Statesville NC Steve Morrison George Jr Svatesvilie NC [George ow mMayfiela *] B sville NC | John Bratcher se ticd Stillborn Statesville NC |Wz11 Williams \ 7 i. Sallie irre > Li ~~ T vanes “ryt tera George Edith C Statesville James Mayfield Vlinton C Statesville Orange Mayfield Orange C Statesville John Mayfield Statesville Sweet Williams Troutman Orange Mayfield COTTCO UNIVERSAL, INDEX No, 1.4 U. S&S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 , NAME OF MOTHER |Ida Mayfiela |Ethel Hill | Nancy Little /Ethel Hill Willie Mayfield 4 10a wOuisana williams 35 2g Li llie Keaton HO 415 Dorothy Mae Mayfield|40 483 Qs Catherine Mayfield hei he Lo ma Etta, re 1 CTITtS NrtrT A Lillie Hill 45 455 da H., Mayfield 47 642 Unknown Ada Jones Ida Mayfield 27 Marvikis Statesville N C igus Marvikis E Vaselaki " i. aa 91g, 3 11 |Marvin \Statesville N Clwm p Marvin | Sallie McDowell bat se Wadia le stan tans bs Mba ha be sbaled stadahauead delete eee eT ‘ain blanca Lannea acre asencecchetaenecucta etme LL eeeeetentenstetterntsennenmaseees INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — fredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U, & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED | AMD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONF tg sey “= | Gee | PLACE OF DEATH | Name OF FATHER 16 Mayberry 10] Mayberry |14¢ [Mayberry |22|Mayberry 7 Mayberry 16 |Mayberry £8 Mayberry 20 Mabery £5 Mayberry 10 Maberry 28 Mayberry 5 \Maberry £5 Mayberry 50 Maberry 50 Mayberry 4 Mayberry 19 Mayberry 20 Mayberry 23 Mayberry 1 Mayberry 29 Mayberry 29 Mayberry 5 Mayberry 2 |Mayberry of Mayberry i eli Mayberry Mayberr Mayberry Mayberry Mayberry Mayberry Mayberry Mayberry Mayberry May berry Mayberry oat locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. tT | RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER or Voi. Page Della Statesville y CiWM Mayberry Laura Queen Eagle Mills Ths Marvin Mayberry Myrtle Bruce Statesville y C ‘Alfred hayberry Cass |New Hope Tn M Ms | p s RM uayberry Doomie Shoemaker iNew Hone Tns Onn Mavberr | I Ss John Mayberry - Hallace |Statesville tng Walter “ayberry Jennie Tatun Jennie St 7 7 RT ‘ ©tatesvil] C IL T m +16 N C iLee Tatum Lelia Morrison “ar na Th ro rsb a> Bob unter Sinthie Hunter } t n 1 ; : . . - 40L5 ur es 40 + +4 4 +4 4 John Milton New Hope Tns Ahad att Yr Sg A0e€l Mayberry Louisa Shoemaker Sharpsburg Tns Nellie Cc Maberry Statesville N Cio ] Hallie Smith St ‘ » tatesville S Me . . Tn Mary Ann Maberry Statesvil N } 5 Ville N Cir Myrtle Dancy Cool Sprin; T ) B f prings Tn 0 RB Martha Queen Statesville NC RC, Mary Barker Catherine Statesville Nc Talmadge Mayberry Ethel Norton Myrtle W Olin Ths Walter Mayberry Perly Jolly Hattie Sharpsburg Tns |p Hartsog - Wike quincey R Cool Spring Tn William Mayberry laura Queen Laura E B (Mrs) Cool Spring Tn William queen Adeline Nance Statesville NC Ernest way berry Juanita Willburna Harry Jones New Hope Tns Boston D Mayberry Mable Williams Ralph Raeford Statesville NC RR Mayberry Jessie Thomas James £ C Statesville NC James C Mayberry Bessie Mayberry ae WUS L Mya;i sa DY sryances ; St Minnie Lee Jarvis Grace Marlelie Stetesville NC ht Lee ay berry iery Keaton ‘ . | Mabel B _F New Hope Tns lHerry Williems , John , M Statesville NC /Gus Maberry * Aiice wueen Melvinie Bernard Polly Shoemaker | F Statesville NC | John Nantz F Houstonville | ne Holmes John Mayberry + } ‘lossie Nantz abt Holmes Walter | M , Statesville NC | _= Younger 4 | New Hope Kt. 1] Washington Redman Statesville NC | Charles C Mayberry |Bessie neavis | Isabell Kedman | F Sarah “ee F bates Fay j etatesville Nv J & hayverry borothy veagle i ‘Lester Allen |Statesville NU Howara Mayberry wlizabeth sranton | Unknown i | Statesville NC | Randell Mayberry | | | Noah L ' | a) VOra James iii Marlow Kebecca Haves Narloy 37 Loy | Pa | ~ | M | Statesville NC Green May berry ; James | ; | Statesville NC | Melver Marlow i Sp ee e me e e ne i ne r pr e Se ee se me m e a DATE OF DEATH pe 1951/6 3 11953; 1 (31 11956 2 109 119561 2 (18 11957' 1 |32 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. U. 8. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright ipso C4 aD } This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, For Your Protection, Insist On It, Rog. U.S. Pat. On, Vear Month = Day | Mayberry Mayberry Mayberry Mayberry Mayberry 1957 6 1957, 6 1958 7 22 Mayberry 2 Mayberry 6 Mayberry 1959 5 2 Mayberry 1959 §\ 22 Mayberry 23 Mayberry 22 Mayberry 30 Mayberry 1963 1963 9 1964, | 1964 1l 18 May berry 28 Mayberry 5 21 Mayberry 14 “ay berry 905; 7 {13 Mayberry SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Katie Henry Lee Z tee OB Mozelle Edmond Ennis | E fer r t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and re sis ee ere sheet for page reference. Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | Statesville NC Statesville NC Houstonville Harmony R 1 Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville NC Statesville Statesville Statesville atesville Statesville Mors anton Statesville Long Island Statesville NAME OF FATHER | | Noah Le Mayberry [Pinkney Mayberry John Mayberry 'Hildred M, Mayberry R. Cleve Mayberry James C,. Mayberry Nev. Stevenson J vampbell Mary Jane Jams Mayberry Green May berry B Mayberry James Wm. Mayberry Malinda Jarvis Louisa Hayes Polly Shoemaker Frances M, Deal Mary Barker Dorcas Harris Mayberr Elnora Elizabeth” Deamie Shoemaker “ollie Edmund Mitchell Rebecca Howard “ustle Bessie “orrigon Cora James Kem p Carlas Laura Queen Cliffood L Mayberry ‘S4llamaye Martin Bob C “entz Margaret Rufty ai) 3 39, 29 42 73 42 110 43 30 43 293 43 296 * 1913 | 1914 4 19157 1917 1917 11918 1919 1919 1920 1/1920 lig2l 11922 Filed 11922 | t | | pee 1924 11926 ‘1927 11927 | lus2e 1928 11933 1934 hos” 1935 hose 1937 1937 1939, hese 1940 | 5 1941, 12 1942) 5 1943; 5 1944! 1945 | L945! 1946 | 194.7 2948 | Month DATE OF DEATH | RECO 7 NAME OF MOTHER Ls : [FE i 5 age i zi Day 6 29 19 12 22 25 21 5 14 15 27 22 5 ll 26 22 13 1943) 11 6 23 26 y 22 6 24 19 25 7 1 /10 7 127 | 8 \26 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DE mre COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ff 4 ll 15 /Mayhew (Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew ge yhew { a | |Ma yhew | Muyhew i iia yhew Mayhew Mia yhew kee Me yhew Mayhew Mes yh ew bate Se acaba tet absh ated hi cA oink bak ad ok ok phak shat bins ober bhelek eet eee oe were . are yee ae locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer i ; | SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ie Carolina Byers Fredrick Lee Della Grady W Camille I James Bona E Mary Marjory Joho Jefferson Robert E Eliza E William A Martha V L James Lathan Sloan Fred Ney Carrie Maluna Carrie Caroline Barbara Lee Johnnie May Kenneth Wilman Vance Houston Walker B Edmund McGruder Helen Victory iGeorge W Clar Henry Taylor |Jemes ilayes “ery Sherrill |}Garol ann bd ,Cherles Quitnon | M | William Henry M John B ;Johnsie Mae Nancy Cornelia) ¥ } i | ; Fee eae a NLA RAN ka he to Buff S : Color W Qn vy W W ub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER Davidson Tns Davidson Tns Joseph B Mayhew Mooresville ' CBR Mayhew Mooresville N C William Shoemaker Davidson Tns Geo Mayhew Davidson Tns Fredrick Alley Coddle Creek TngSam Mayhew Coddle Creek Tn C Q Mayhew ['n George W Baker Davidson George Mayhew Davidson Presley Mayhew Davidson ' Pressley layhew Davidson Andrew Jackson Davidson Tns John J Mayhew Statesville N C M W Sherrill Fallstown Tn Luke F May Davidson Tns Mooresville N C Geo W Mayhew Mooresville N C Fink Sims Coddle Creek TnsDavid Snyder Olin Tns Cecil Mayhew Statesville John Harris Mooresville Samuel Mayhew Mooresville N C George W Mayhew Mooresville N C W A Mayhew Mooresville C John Mayhew Mooresville N C John J Mayhew Coddle Creek Tn | Everette K Mayhew Coddle Creek Tn | J A Sherrill voddle Creek Tn lJoe M Davidson Tns John Mayhew res . Je 4 ‘ € r) nie e ( ~ VawuwVa in wv liam Sherrill } Wo 1 MooresvilleNCc . . ; . ‘ ‘ Mooresvill NO §° Coddle Yreek Tn/- | | Rufus Lia yberry Devidson Tns | Davidson Tns jJoel B Mayhew | | ‘Mooresville NC |Johnie Mayhew i} | . Bo es Mooresvilie Nu | Sdaney Linalora tage spsie..doneycutt \ i i A’THS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N, ( | RECORDED J svenaitesnaientaninamnsensd NAME OF Vol. Page MOTHER Camilla Alley Myrtle Brown Rissa Grigery Florence Elkins Elizabeth Hobley Annie Adams Mary R Kelley - Liles ¢@€nnie Work Work Jane Mary Harding Bettie Honeycutt Elizabeth Robinson Lottie E Settelmyer Florence E Elkins Fannie Hager Caroline Ryles - Goforth Florence Caldwell Jonsie Brown Carrie V Sims 251 Mollie Holthouser Elizabeth Honeycutt 124 Blizabeth Honeycutt 135 Helen Sherrill 25 545 Fannie Hilderbrand 25, 161 B6 86 Elizabeth Honeycutt { {32 “ery Hart | 31 Vamilla Jane alley le 12 424, Minnie Torrence 33; 147 bj) Loy eh Xs | Y ee : a os = ee Se ee e te e n am e he - . ba ee e ee n ee e is s SE INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ln ‘= } This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. keg. U.S. vat.o. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH Day 3 , Mayhew 7 | Mayhew 28. Mayhew 28 Mayhew 12 Mayhew 2 8 Ma yhe 2WwW 1 Mayhew 3 Mayhew maynew 29 Mayhew 27 Mayhew 26 Mayhew / Mayhew 7 Mayhe@ 29 Mayhew 5 Mayhew /1961 7 Mayhew 1961 11 Mayhew 1962 3 22 Mayhew | 29 hayhew 1962 5 | 1963 4 | 15) Mayhew 11963. 10 26 Mayhew 11965 3 13 Mayhew 1965 9 28 Mayhew ga T° locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN parah Jane Lelia Ann John LeRoy Florence kmma David C John Lottie Settlemyre F Frances Karen F J ames Albert M m |} - Geo. Washington M Charlie Lew is Annie Pearl William M Cynthia Edna J. m Clarence T. omer Baby Girl COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. eoudnsuntenevunensities emer | | 4 | ' | RE [ color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER vee | YOu. Page T 4 ’ W Mooresville N U | J Mchenzie Morrow Panzy Shumaker W Mooresville NC jizly Lyles jvancy & Griffin, W /Turnersburg Tas |Jack Mayhew Unknown W | Mooresville NC | Willis Elkin Mattie Misenheur W Statesville NC |James Mayhew Nancy Hager C Mooresville NC Weshington Mayhew Mammie Lowray Mooresville NU May hew Klizabeth Wilson Mooresville wY |) gonn C Mooresville NC |Monroe Mayhew Epsie Davidson Mooresville Alexander Holthouser Sallie White Morganton, NC Unknown klizabeth Hurt Mooresville NC | William Howell Alice White Unknown Mooresville NC Lawrence Settlemyre Florence Barker Kinston NC H T Mayhew Mildred Poole Mooresville NC | John Mayhew Mamie Lowery ; :4 m ' , recy mac ] ur} MmOOreSV1s ALiOMas i Mo ynew ana Johnston Mooresville Thomas F, Mayhew Margaret Fish Mooresville John Mayhew Mamie Mooresville Names Hayes Maynew Nannie Hacer Mooresville NC | Pleasant S Torrence § Jlia Krider 44 220 looresville James F Mayhew Fannie E “ilderbrand 45 2 Statesville Henry Pressley Cashion Mary Bllen Smith 45 541 Morganton NC | Jack Mayhew kliza Gibbs 46 523 Mooresville NC | Houston Johnston Etta Dellinger 47 229 Mooresville NY | Walter Mayhew Ada Howell 47 625 Mooresville NC |Laney “underburk Magcie Dellinger 48 177 Mooresville NC | Diggs Mayhew Alice Mayhew 483 322 rlotte \ W 4 May hew “ollie Holtshouser | 49 361 Moo resville James R Smith Alice W Smith |49 617 | a ee : Mooresville George W Mayhew Florence Elkins 51 149 C Statesville Wilson L Mayhew Wanda S Woods 51 576 | | | 4 \ —a ft _ DATE OF DEATH | Year Month | Day | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1.4 }, & Patent No. 1437168—Coepyright 19 U pyrig 30 Rae To locate names, Open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Char lotte, N. ¢ Fn OF DECEASED | IAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | | FATHE | | ACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee 1923, 7 (14/Maxwell Ruth B Concord Tns R E Maxwell B Ramsey 1926, 2 10/Maxwell Jerry Statesville N C Bill Maxwell 1926 | 10 125 ‘Maxwell Sallie Chamber bu m wers re. in Va , 1934 7 6 Maxwell John Leon St — Statesville Ezabell Maxwell Josephine Chambers Cora i 7 ae Statesville 11934 12 14 Maxwell | Mattie Wood Henry Wood } f ‘ i’ |1937 20 Maxwell Ezrabell § Statesville Rie] otatesville micnard EF Maxwell] Berrettie Ramser * 11937 26 Maxwell | William Maxwell George Albert Mooresville Parthenia St i] I statesville N C Richarg Maxwell 11938 21 Maxwell | Binettie Ronsy Statesville Tn 11938 27 Maxwell | Josephine Maxwell } 11942) 2 3 ‘Maxwell 1 > Min seu; 9 MAaXwe 15’ Maxwell Jerone 4 Maxwell Richa | 1959 5 26 Maxwell } | 1965 9 22) Maxwell Flossie } ' | \ f | | . i } { f ' 1 | ‘ i] Coe ee eee nace UO aia DATE OF DEATH Se g = a st e p p e s : ar e s Se ee Se e p ee WOE IS me ai g Sa s s INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. GZ lates \ This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Chit 4 Keg. U.8. Pat.of. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME OF DECEASED Day 3 , Mayhew 7 Mayhew 28 Mayhew 28 Mayhew 12 Mayhew 28 Mayhew l Mayhew 3 Mayhew QO, Mayhew 29 Mayhew 27 Mayhew 26 Mayhew ayhe w 7 Mayhe@ 29 Mayhew 5 Mayhew 7 Mayhew ll Mayhew 22 Mayhew 29 liayhew 15! Mayhew 26, May hew 13 Mayhew 28 Mayhew AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN parah Jane Lelia Ann John LeRoy Florence kmma David C John Lottie Settlemyre F Frances Karen James Albert mm inomas 4 JING Oo - Geo. Washington Charlie Lewis Hall Annie Pearl William M Cynthia Edna J, Clarence Ethel F. Samuel & Claude Homer Baby Girl Mooresville PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville N C Mooresville NC W Statesville NC Mooresville NC ao Mooresville WT ft Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Morganton, NC Mooresville Rt. | ’ moore SVi.ite Mooresville NC Kinston NC Mooresville NC Mooresville Mooresville Mooresville Mooresville Mooresville Statesville Morganton NC Mooresville NC NU To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER J Mckenzie Morrow W Mooresville NC |jbly Lyles Turnersburg Tns |Jack Mayhew ‘Willis klkin James Mayhew Washington Mayhew John Mayhew Monroe Mayhew COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N U. S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1949 | RECORDED | NAME OF MOTHER _Panzy Shumaker Wancy & Griffin, Unknown Mattie Misenheur Nancy Hager Mammie Lowrey wliza “ardin Delilah s3ostain Klizabeth Wilson Epsie Davidson Alexander Holthouser Sallie White Unknown William Howell William Long Lawrence Settlemyre H T Mayhew John Mayhew mas H, Thomas F, Mayhew John Mayhew James Hayes Mayhew | Pleasant 8 Torrence |James F Mayhew | Jack Mayhew Houston Johnston C Statesville ap s e Mooresville NY | Walter Mayhew Mooresville Nc Laney “underburk Mooresville NC | Diggs Mayhew ! rlotte ] Ww 4 May hew . i T Moo resville } James R Smith Mooresville George W Mayhew Wilson L Mayhew ee Klizabeth Hurt Alice White Florence Barker Mildred Poole Mamie Lowery a Johnston Margaret Fish Mamie Nannie Hager lia Krider Fannie E “ilderbrand 45 2 Henry Pressley Cashion Mary Ellen Smith Eliza Gibbs Etta Dellinger Ada Howell Magcie Dellinger Alice Mayhew “ollie Holtshouser Alice W Smith Florence Elkins Wanda S Woods ~~ i p4 . 390 36. 147 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 1930 oat locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Made by The Coit Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte. N c tt a > OF oe Toad SRNAME OF DECEASED s | | a Year | Month | Day | NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN * Golor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER ——— i Al NAME OF FATHER NAME OF I : Ee 7 | | IF MOTHER “a | Paes 1923 (14 Maxwell R uth B Concord Tns R E Maxwell B Ramsey 1926 10 |Maxwell Jerry Statesville N C Bill Maxwell 1926 | 25 Maxwell Sallie Chambersbur m 4 & in 11932 9 \Maxwell Hele : Qo Mooresville Ruth Maxwell , i MM. > 119 6 axwell onn a e 11934 M John Le 4 On , Statesville } Ezabell Maxwell Tiana sca ) a 1 Maxwell] Josephine Chambers 11934 14 Maxwell Cora Mae Ss ille ' Statesville Tns Henry Wood Mattie Wood i K - 11937 20 Maxwell Ezrabell § Statesvil Ric] | f tatesville michard E Maxwell Berrettie Ramser William Maxwell l1937 26 ‘Maxwell George Albert 1 W Mooresville | Ww S R /1938 eL Max ell Parthenia Statesvil N C iRi } M“ULaALESViile jy C Richarg Maxwell Binettie Ronsy /1958 £7 Maxwell L / Statesville Tn Josephine Maxwell 3 Maxwell esville 20 iMaxwell 11) Nexwel] 19) Maxwell 15, Maxwell 4 Maxwell 5 28 Maxwell | 1965 9 22' Maxwell fi " f MA HE NUE fy aa A mat ey a an e — ne m i n n m a i e e m e n n l a ee ) 19558 3 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. h } This Signature on sheets insures th cir correctness. Keg. U.S. Pat.o, ¢( For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH = SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 3 . Mayhew 7 | Mayhew 28. Mayhew 28 Mayhew 12 Mayhew 28 Mayhew 1955 16 Mayhew 1953 1 Mayhew 1953: 9 1 | Mayhew 5 g a. | L9 Mayhew 1954, 1954, Mayhew 1954 12 7 Mayhew 29551 1 Mayhew Mayhew 1956; 1 10 Mayhew 29 Mayhew 1956 9 11957. 6 | 2% Mayhew 958 3 26 Mayhew 27 Mayhew 4 7 Mayhew 10 29 Mayhew 7 5 Mayhew 5 7 Mayhew ll Mayhew 22 Me yhe w 29 lhayhew 15! Mayhew 26 Mayhew 13 Mayhew 28 Mayhew yarah Jane Lelia Ann John LeRoy Florence kmma David C John Lottie Settlemyre F Frances Karen James Albert mr imomas Geo. Washington Charlie Lewis Hall Annie Pearl William M Cynthia Edna J. Jlarence T. Ethel PF. Homer Baby Girl F M M M M F ’ To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER W Mooresville N C J Mckenzie Morrow W \Wooresville NC jwly Lyles W |Turnersburg Tns|Jack Mayhew W | Mooresviile NC | Willis Elkin W Statesville NC |James Mayhew C Mooresville NC Washington Mayhew Ww T de Nc Te rl] x > lal JIOOTESVILLEG WY VvaCRK dfica Y new do 5 omith Mooresville NC} John Mayhew Mooresville NC ‘Monroe Mayhew Mooresville NC Morganton, NC Unknown Mooresville NC | William Howell Mooresville NO! William Long “ooresville NC Lawrence Settlemyre Kinston NC H T Mayhew Mooresville NC John Mayhew aK. *75 mn te . at . MoOOoresvils LnNomé n ho ynew Mooresville Thomas F. Mayhew Mooresville John Mayhew Moaresville Names Hayes Mayhew looresville NC | Pleasant S Torrence Mooresville James F Mayhew Statesville Morganton NC | Jack Mayhew Mooresville NC Houston Johnston Mooresville NY |Walter Mayhew Mooresville NC Laney “underburk Mooresville NC | Diggs Meyhew syharlotte W 4 May hew Moo resville James R Smith Mooresville George W Mayhew C Statesville Wilson L Mayhew Henry Pressley Cashion Mary Ellen Smith COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N U. 8, Patent No. 1437168—Copyright isa \ NAME OF MOTHER }—"0)_| ol. = Page Panzy Shumaker BL . 390 Wancy & Griffin 35 Unknown Mattie Misenheur Nancy Hager Mammie Lowroy wliza “ardin Velil:< ti ostain BKlizabeth Wilson Epsie Davidson Alexander Holthouser Sallie White Blizabeth Hart Alice White Unknown Florence Barker Mildred Poole Mamie Lowery Johnston Margaret Fish Mamie Nannie Hacer 44 161 lia Krider 44 220 Fannie E “ilderbrand 45 2 45 541 Kkliza Gibbs 46 523 Etta Dellinger (47 229 Ada Howell 47 625 Megeie Dellinger Alice Mayhew “oll ie Holtshouser | Alice W Smith '49 617 Florence Elkins 51 149 51 576) 4 Wanda S Woods ~ | pave OF DEATH Year Month bey | ¢ 1923, 1926. 1926 | 1932 INDEX COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 it | ” 14 {taxwer2 2 10 Maxwe21 10 25 Maxwell 10 9 |Maxwell 7 6 Maxwell 12 14 /Maxwell 20 Maxwell 26 Maxwell 21 Maxwell 27 Maxwell 15 Maxwell 4, Maxwell 28 Ma xwell oe 22) Maxwell oe Sa teeta ger betelrt aeAshabLisbbinaheecasi stot a. ea} , onanay A Se aaeRRineReRCR sue ~ SRSA A 1 cA I SATE SS TO VITAL STATISTICS — D KATHS — Iredell County, N. C. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref | to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, wr SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Ruth B Jerry Sallie Helen John Leon Cora Mae Ezrabell § George Albert Parthenia r Flossie Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH | Concord Tns Statesville Nc Chambersburg Tn Mooresville NC Statesville Statesville ° Statesville | Mooresville Statesville } Statesville Tn Stacvesville Tns otatesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Statesville NAME OF FATHER R E Maxwell Bill Maxwell Ezabell Maxwell ‘Henry Wood Richard E Maxwell William Maxwell Richard Maxwell Wilson Maxwell T Jerry ! Fay Bailey Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C | RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER B Ramsey Ruth Maxwell Josephine Chambers Mattie Wood Berrettie Ramser Binettie Ronsy Josephine Maxwell amanda McCorkle e Lee Fortune Vorothy Maxwell 7 je ; Sallie Blackwell Emma Milsaps a a abst! SuLieathicnetae ee ie ne = FST Sa Ce ee . pa nase INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Tt INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a “ ere : acme SOTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 hiatal atl: ; This Signature on shects insures their correctness. BER To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 ‘ ean Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 BRHF Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Reg. U.S. vat.or. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1936 i asc ' : aes i SOE I | foaua OF DEATH =| 5 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED DATE SURNAME OF DECEASED | | RECORDED | | \ | RECORDED , , | 5 | f a cca ow Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER i NAME OF MOTHER Year | Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ex Color || PLACE OF DEATH _ | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Te or | Vol. p : . i f+} _aaoinaio Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ¢ i913 15 Mays Bessie | W Mooresville N c lo S Teague Fox 1 239 1917, 1é 24] Meadows 11915 22 Mayes Richard D Hall W Chambersburg Tn Washington Mayes | 2 37 1920, 7 | &6)/Meadows Clay Mo OW | Olin Coddle Creek Tnic 2 ‘ Ella Potts Ins L P Neadows Laura Wilson { i 9 / 1 gS Bs |1915 5 Mayes Edward Shiloh Tns ‘Lum Mays } ‘ (1ge. 10 6] Meadows vara Jane Mooresville NC |Jason Pierce kebecca Campvell | ‘ | © © i " ‘ 1918 50 Mayes Washington L J | Chambersburg Tn |Washington Mayes Martha Hall | 532 1922 1c) Meadows Leroy Parks Sharpesburg Tn |Mariona Meadows Savauh Price " a2 : , 4 zie N "OV ‘kee " v t : 1921 21 Mayse Lucy S Davidson Tas Larkin Landers Nancy Mayhews & 1c Meadows Leroy Parkes Vi New Hope Tns Marion A Meadows Sarah Pierce 40 ;vames h.eaacow 1922 Mays Statesville N C Washington Mays Hall 20) Meadows agustus | f W (Coddle Creek Tn Mayes Chambersburg TN WC Mayes Estell Cornelius 1192 5 5 Meadows Vary Catherine . “ Mooresville Nc Mayes Fletcher R Statesville N C Richard S Mayes Lucey Sanders : 5 25 Meadows Ollie Guinolda ? W Statesville nc 1933 6 30'keadows Caroline i ‘ | »3 7 ih a] = aa : | on O 2 CEA OW ee] W1LLiIlens | 4 | | h > Maye Katie Redecca i Davidson Tns J A Davidson Jannie Gabriel Mayes Octave W Chambersburg Tn M Starkes - Cox 11936 12 3 Meadows Annie Bell | laura Jane right | Albert Frances W Statesville N CD R H Mayes - Stack 11939 4 22 Meadows Shirley Raymond Nt4 | Mitchell : : s Fe ‘a \ m ; Lelia Josephine/ F W |Statesville NC iG F Mitchell Silvenia Jennings S 41945, 9 22, Meadors 4rimble Cgsey M W Statesville NC Sharpesburg Tn Shirley Meadows Nellie Lambert a John Meaders Marthe Lambert t | Gray Wesley M W (Chambersburg TniHerman W Mayes Bera “ayberry g . |} 1945 5 31 Meadows Marthe Sebecca Statesville NC James A Mesdows Sens Merlow i ¥ . ° 7 y . bs $ — ‘ ‘ ~ i Awe T os Tohn Durent “OY : rebure I PB Meaves suline ouch ll 4947 7 .31, Meadows John om Fallstown Tns John Meadows Sr. | 1945 5 4 Mayes Statesville NC /c H Meyes Gledys “ayes Sl. 170 11950, 6 24) Meadows Eva } Statesville Nc M R Meadows | } F Saeed 1949 12 22 Mayes Statesville Noy RayMayes Naomie V Brown O05 499 11951 4 18 Meadows ttuth Gerldine Charlotte NC Marjorie Leyon . ’ an . : j M N 3 ee b f Ly Herbert Revere | bv ‘ otutesvilie NU | Jefferson Mayes varah Little 30, k3 | 5 4 eadows Nevada Naynes Harmony Polly Renerar Julia F W / Morganton H D hay Sarah Wilkins Sh, > | 9 | Meadows Aprie “hitley + + . ‘ + 9 rn ee a A lat k 277 ; 11963 10 28 Meadows Letha Pa VUPLant 1 “ 2 f y dante sal ee , mavVE UVlE otTark é ! 11956 3 12° Mayes Fannie Beron F W Mooresville NC Richard Mayes Lucy Sanders 1957 7 26 Mayes William Claude |} W Statesville N C/R D Mayes 1957 4 28% Mayes Oretel L. [| W Mooresville | 1958 10 21) Maves Bu ls Lanc he [ W Statesville 11960 6 26 Mayes Lola Penfield W Morganton Daniel C. Benfield Cynthia A. Moose | 1960 aa 14 Mayes Will M } Statesville Pran a yes Jane ~ 1963 3 26 Mays Nola F Tay lorsvi lle | Unknown Patty Poole 1965 6 § 2! May Florence F W Mooresville | Unknown Unknown 1965 5 29 May Fletcher Statesville | Louick W Mayes Rosa Mayhew Se e ag = a Se a l | | 1924; 2 | 8 Medlin Eliza Ann - Mooresville NC WT Curtis td —— — ed Suzie «~ Church hese | 2 | 22) Medlin Jeff M WW Statesville 4U | Henry Medlin Framie "huler —— — — ee “ ~ = ‘a m l aa + —— _—T if ’ | 1932, 8 (27 Mauldin JS (Mrs) FW (Statesville N C/|Chris Hennie Margaret Swain | 11940; 6 (17 )Mauldin \Martha L , Wo Chambersburg Tn/l ose Hinson iMile Howard il } | \j 1963 10 10 Mauldin Letha | W | Statesville Newton J Gaither | Eliz. Henley } ' i i ER t t ao ae TPEOEREPEEDSRRE RATA PrP UN tk eetregtity BMAMMbdhh atta tr Tt iY a. Near neeRA me <\ LAr ENC CRN RS INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C or INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. io a Hee § This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 enn ee in 1aatideCenmrione it aa T° locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ] H] 7} ~ . . > i e , , 4 : I Keg. U.8. rat.om. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ¢ | : DATE OF DEATH ' . ed } | | | I a fF DEATH = OF DECEASE | RECORDED geen SURNAME OF DECEASED | : oe | neo DATE 0 SURNAME OF DECEASED baat aa eg ie Se eee CoE ars iis Gitte wie 5 a Oe | Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER — vox | Mont | Oa | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =; —— = # # # i ! ” f 2 Hh Re : | | 1924 4 23) Neacham Lose Coletrain | MW | Statesville NC | Fletcher Meacham Mamie iol 1916, 7 6 Melchor Julius W Coddle Creek Tn Jacob Melchor Slough 19 t 1 4 1 ont | 1930 17, Meacham 7 2 { Statesville NC Daniel P Meacham Julia Christopher lie ‘ 1916, 10 |13/Melchor George David W Fallstown Tns David Melchor Leah Dry "i oes : | | ‘ Ete } 2935, 9 | 1) Meacham Mary Elizabeth | F W | Cool »prings Tn|Milas Renshaw amelia Henley leq 1917, 7 (14)Melchor Charles Kennerly MW Mooresville N C\gulius Melchor Mary E Kennerly AS ee 1 7 1 | 1954, 11 1 |'Meacham Effie Barnard W iStatesville NC | Hicks Barnard Jane Burleson | 5 (8 |Melchor Mary S W Fallstown Tn - £1. Melchor Martha Jane W Mooresville N C/E L Kimmons Elizabeth Kennerly 18 Melchor Dawn Leona : W Coddle Creek Tn G M Lowe 2 Melchor James Freddy fi | Coddle Creek Tn Turner Melchor Dawn L Long Melchor Adolphus Gibson i W Mooresville N C ‘Julius Melchor Mary Kennerly Melchor John Valentine [ W Mooresville N C Daniel Melchor Laura Dry Melchor Walson Whorton i W Mooresville N C Julius 4 Melchor Mary E Kennerly Melchor Mary Ellen P W Mooresville NC Cyrus F Ludwig Mary J Blackwelder Melchor i W Mooresville N C A O Melehor Jennie Byrd arthurs Velchor Harry W Statesville NC Wa Melchor Lillie Melchor | 2 7 oat ea a 11941 1 2 |Melehor . M Fallstown Tn avian | t 11945 : ll NMelchor Lillie Johnston! F Y Miooresville NC iC A He wary Neel 11947 18 Melchor Tony Lynn W Mooresville NC - Nell Melchor 949 12 24 Melchor Hugh Koy M ' Mooresville Adolphus Melchor Eugenia Kistler 55 510 | | 1952 11 10)! Melchor Flora Sechler FW Mooresville NC Benjamin Sechler vatherine «wlder 38 556 © y 1953 5 29 Melchor Charles Floyd M W Mooresville NC | Charles K. Melchor Martha Jane Kimmons | 39 1954 5 31 Melchor Florence Irene W Mooresville NC Elias Smith Virginia Bostian 40 250 Millie E C | Davidson fns Sam Byers 11957 10 28 Me ichor Otis Archie w Mooresville Nc Harlan W “e1chor Mary ®llen Mudwig- 45 476 | ose 5 15 Melchor Mary Jane W Morganton NC Souston Johnson Etta Dellinger 44 331 t 1961 7 16 Melchor, Jr. Hugh Roy W Charlotte Nc Hugh Roy Melchor,Sr. Mae Smith 47 451 tesa dS Wiles ‘Flay Roark — No ooo a eRe titra errr Zz. WAladter ; This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. Reg. U.S. Pas. Orr. DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day 1” 28 13 12 14 23 16 26 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEA'THS — Iredell County, N. C. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Menser Menster Mencer Mincer Mincer Menser Mencer Menscer Mencer Mencer Nenscer Mencer Menscer Menscer Menscer Menscer ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Neoma Monika James Henry Roy Rexie Amanda White T Jacob Jacob Rachel Vermel Walter Albert Richard Wm Della Lodema John Mack M Clinton Marvin M | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | u \ Concord Tns Fallstown Tns_ | Concord Tns Statesville N C| Statesville NC Fallstown Tns Sharpesburg Tn Statesville Tns Turnetsburg Tn Fallstown Tn Mooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville Statesville Statesviliie NC otatesville NC Charlotte NC | NAME OF FATHER William F Menster Thomas H Mencer Walter Mincer Walter a Mincer Pinkney White C M Menscer John Mencer T H Menscer Allen Young Mencer Jake Menscer Jacob Menscer keece W Johnson Jake Menscer T J Menscer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyrigny’ 1930 i | RECORDED ————————__ — NAME OF MOTHER { Vol. a 4“ Tilly Blackwelder Frances Cruse Ottie Lee Millsaps Lempie J MeLellana Adeline Daniels Effie Cline | | Ottie Millsaps Hazel Henderson rthe Mertin Neoma Blackwelder 32 Neoma Elsckwelder S2 396 Almeaa Moore dbi 314 Naomi Kuth Blackwelder 37 544 Neomi Blackwelder 4L0' 601 babe bishihenehthtatiias htt ses INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — pet locate names, to Buff 30 UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Oo Potent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN (Messick Steven Florence (Mrs) | (Messick ||. Messick Ruth Messick Nance Messick Henry H Messic Martha Jane Messick David Floyd Messick Jas J Messick Messick Ruby O'Neta Messis Antassias LH T Messick Joe Messick George Messick Celia Messick Johnie Ff 28 Messick John Wm, 4 . 17 Messick Arvhur Lewis 1 Messick 19%1 7 2 Messick 196), 1965 8 | 21) Messick 9 17) Messick ete te Sex Color W open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER “ Statesville N C lIra Messick Statesville NC Eagle Mills Arthur Messick Mooresville Joe Messick Statesville Finsley Messick Eagle ills Tns John Morefield Union Grove Thomas Messick Fagle Mills Thos Messick Union Grove Wm MeKinley Messick Mooresville N C Joe Statesville James M Tarlisa Mooresville Steve Messick Statesville } William T Messick Robert Holnes naries h wessick Houstonville James hessick Statesville Elder J. B. Messick Troutman James Messick tonville - Statesville NC Chaples H Messick Statesville James Sharpe Statesville John W Messick MULT Loni tm tte DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ( | RECORDED unnsenpumanmmmenet NAME OF MOTHER saat Wells Dauschka Smith Bessie Sloop Mary Hicks Jane Morefield Godfrey Sarah Godfrey Margaret G Harbin Bessie Sharpe - Nicholson Arlena Burgess Laura Barnard Odessie Daniels Marah Moorefield Sarah J. Leonard Martha Morefield Basa wo 4 Nancy & Daywalt Celia Hutchinson Delia Pyrq@ a nr MMU eee Meivaiickii ake Rear ahh autre eet sey G4 “bis 8 TTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio A ts ve: ' This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSA IDEX ee corrce U 1437168--Copyright 1930 = "oth ne eee 30ld by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ( Keg. ").8. Vato. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. ~— to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8S. Patent No. 1437168 cee Ne 1930 U. & Patent No. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by any | pave OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED | reconen DATE OF DEATH | ne ; ; | | ; ] en i aul, ae t-——___——__| SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED | ——T wee | Oa | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [a Page | Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE [S GIVEN I i \ \] | Vol. Page q 4 ” # 4 + Mf u am | I | | | 11913 12 17'\Menser Neoma Monika Concord Tns - Tilly Blackwelder .. | oe ' 1918 | 9 20 |Messick Steven | Statesville N C |Ira Messick 44 1914 9 Menster James Henry f Falistown Tns (William F Menster Frances Cruse 1 | 215 1818, 11 8 Messick Florence (Mrs) W Statesville Filed ‘ 1915 2 Mencer Coneord Tns ‘Thomas H Mencer Ottie Lee Millsaps ' 1919 5 24 (Messick Ruth Eagle Mills Arthur Messick Dauschka Smith 1924 Mincer Ashland W Statesville N C Walter Mincer Lempie J MeLellana : 1920 6 &8 Messick Nance # Mooresville N C Joe Messick Bessie Sloop 1924 Mincer Roy f Statesville N C Walter A Mincer 920 él Messick Henry H { W Statesville } Finsley Messick Mary Hicks Menser Rexie ; Fallstown Tns rie 1920 Messic Martha Jane j W Eagle ills Tas John Morefield Jane Morefield Mencer Amanda White SharpesburgT" Pinkney White Adeline Daniels > 1922 Messick David Floyd f _W Union Grove TN /fhomas NMessich Godfrey Menscer Statesville Tns © M Menscer Effie Cline , F Messick Jas J f \ Eagle Mills Thos Messick Sarah Godfrey ) Mencer T Jacob } Turnersburg Tn Messick Union Grove 1 Wm MeKinley Messick Margaret G Harbin Mencer Jacob f W Fallstown Tn John Nenecer | g Messick Ruby O'Neta W Mooresville N C Joe S Messick Bessie Sharpe 23 Menscer Rachel Vermel | Mooresville N C f H Menscerz Ottie Millsaps Messis Antassias LH T/M W Statesville NC Wames 25 Mencer / W Statesville N C Allen Young Mencer Hazel Henderson > 28 Messick Joe A ' Mooresville N C Steve Messick ~ Nicholson | i , ; ey img ‘ . 7 - Tohnson Eertha Mertin 29 Rae § Messick George Claud f Statesville N William T Messick Arlena Burgess 14 Menscer Walter Albert Statesville Jake Menscer Neoms Bleckwelder 32 360 Messick Celia Holmes W Statesville N C Robert Holes Laura Barnard 1 Menscer Richard Wm M W Stetesville Jacob Menscer Neoma Elackwelder 396 9 Messick Ww Statesville 31 Menscer Vella Lodema Statesvilie NC kKeece W Johnson Almeaa Moore 314 henscer John hack M iW tatesville NC Jake Menscer Naomi Kkuth Blackwelder 37 544 P1947 él) hessick Menscer Clinton Marvin \ Charlotte NC T J Menscer Neomi Blackwelder LO 601 7 Messick Johnie F hj W Houstonville Jam earah Moorefield 28 Messick John Wm. W Statesville Elder J. B. Messick Sarah J. Leonard 4 17 Messick Arthur Lewis Troutman James Messick Martha Morefield 1958 i LO 1 Messick Barly Crous Mt W lamptonville - Yulia Sessick (191 7 2 Messick Statesville NC Chatles H Messick Nancy & Daywalt 1964 9 17)Messick | Statesville James Sharpe Celia Hut chinson 1965 8 21) Messick Statesville John W Messick Delia Prd eecememnmmememna ene se rn aneresnorncepeaneetnen a ‘ arrears peeing e Deu dik! | AuTi ME Maney er Tit INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEA’THS — Iredell County, N. C. c Ze. lat: § This Signature on sheeis insures their correctness. . . . To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Reg. U.S. rat.or. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | DATE OF DEATH : : | | ! SURNAME OF DECEASED | : | Year Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | 9 " a f (1934 4 26/Meredith Martha Broyhill F. w Sharpesburg Ins |Elish Broyhill jJim Meridith i Meredith otlatesvilie NC | kev Jacqueline Nicholas M 1934 12 14 Meridith W Concord Tns l19%8. 8 1948 7 4& Merdith Rueben M Ww 24. Meredith Frances Rives F Ww Statesville NC | Thomas hives Metcalf Leliva (Mrs) F W Chambersburg Tn Phillips Spakes 4 Metcalf James Monroe M W Chambersburg Tn Layfette Metcalf COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX U. 8. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright’ ish || | RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER t———_ | Vol. Page “ Emely Davis Spears #ilen pbankhead Margaret White Mary Hill 11 14 Meunis Annie Ruth F W Mooresville NCS E Meunis 6 11 Menius Cordia Myrtle F W Mooresville i C W P Goodman 2 17 Menis Laura Alice Hair F W Statesville NC WW Hair 20 Mennis Lunda Msrie PF W Statesville NC |Lester Mennis « 16 Menius Brenda resville NC Johnnie F Menius 11935. 9 1 Merrill Mollie B (Mrs) |F W Statesville NC a —— — — — — ss Carrie Earnhart Julia Wilkison Margaret Gillespie Lulie dgyes le » . . ; lp . Vartie Lee Linker Margaret Brady a ee + 1918 | 1926 | 1926 11932 11932 (1937 11939 | | 1954 | 11954 | 11955 DATE OF DEATH ot Year | Month | Day | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS ee locate names, open at SUR to Buff Sub-Index sh UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 OS Potent No, 1437168-—Copyright 1930 tl | “ 7 9 Millholand 1 28 |Milhollana 10 24 |Milhollana 2 3 Milbollana 3 |Milholand 28 Milholland 16 Milholland 25 Milholland 14) Milholland 20 Milholland WC arl Mi ; eos UME Maiin anil oie te . SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color Junius Clark RA Robert Frank Catherine [I Catherine I James Lee Creola Watt W John Locke M M William Alexander var y PLACE OF DEATH Concord Tns Statesville Statesville } Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville W Statesville NC NAME INITIAL TAB and refer eet for page reference. | NAME OF FATHER * Milas Millholand iJ F Milholland Robert A Milholland Nathan Harwell Nathan Harwell Robert A Milhollana Milholland Robert Alexander 7 — lredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. | RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER 1 Vol. Page Dovie Woods AA 485 Alexander he} 462 Catherine I Harvill & 646 C I Milholland - Sloan Cornelia Uowan Harvel vatherine Isabel , LO 495 Harvel Catherine Isabelle/ 4I 373 12 29) Milligan 7 7 |Miligan 5 | Milligan Eliza Roxie Ann Alexander L Concord Tns Concord Tns Statesville Tns Thomas Milligan ‘MeCany W Miligan McAmie W Milligan Ann Stephenson 1 40° Margaret Mcfarland 3 McFarland DATE OF DEATH Year Month } | | | | \ i | | Batre we Reg. U.S. Pat. Of. 1945 12 1947 6 1960 11 1962 8 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. | SURNAME OF DECEASED | DEA'THS — Iredell County, N. C. OTTCO U ERS J - gate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer A a Patent Neo eAk INDEX No, 1.4 Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE [IS GIVEN 11) Milstead 12) Milstead ll Milstead 27 Millstead Rre gy 20 pili Sucad 8 Millstead 23 Milstead, 28 Milstead ll919 12 «7 «(Millius Bessie (Mrs) Carl Maggie M Martha Elizabeth F James Norman, or. M ~ M " nN to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Color | PLACE OF DEATH 68—Copyright 1930 R NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER —— | 1 " Statesville N C | James Gryder jJane Sipes H Statesville N C|Frank Millstead Elizabeth Pearce i Statesville N C|Mack MeDonala Malinda Pierce Statesville N C!William Millsteaa Catherine Bass Statesville NC otatesville NC Taylersville Statesville C Davidson Tns ICherles 2 MWilstead vecilia Eiji \Jay Pierce Serah Teague | Franklin , Milstead Mary kliz. Pierce Howard L. Milstead Mary A Holland Henry B Thoms Mary E Miller nthe we lJohn Wesley Millius Tersey Knox ' " | ! | DATE OF DEAT wa en Year | Month ‘ 1913, 1914 | 1914 H INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — D © UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 fn No. 1437168——Copyright 1930 | 12 (26 Miller 4 5 13 Miller 13 Miller 24 Miller 20 Miller 28 Miller 8 Miller 28 Miller 3 Miller 20 Miller 25 Miller 25 Miller ll Miller 1 Miller 7 Miller 50 Miller $ Miller 9 Miller 6 Miller 19 Miller 17 Miller 5 biter 7 Miller ll ‘Miller 21 Miller 1 Willer 28 i lier 22 hutiier 13 Miter 4 hitler 4 hsra0r |? hitier ae | iller 12 Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Maan aAUaMi eal, Gaia Ghats aac ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED | ub GuaW tae, § or eee Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER 4 James Charles Statesville Nc J AP Miller Lester f Shiloh Tns John Miller Shiloh Tns James Miller ~ f Statesville N C Rovt Miller Robert Sanford Sharpsburg Tns Robert Lee Miller Shiloh Tns C D Miller Estetta Sharpsburg Tns Jsac Melelland Andrew Allison M i Statesville fns Vonhn Miller Statesville Tns Hc Miller John Wesly f Davidson Tns Robt Miller Statesville N C Robert Miller Statesville N C Robert Miller Statesville Tns peyard Miller Turnersburg Tns Robert Miller Shiloh Tns H W Miller Chambersburg TnsJ Ww Miller Statesville Tns Harry l.iller Sallie Henderson | W Statesville NC Joseph Henderson Isabella Coddle Creek TnsJames Gabrial Concord ?fns O L Miller Mooresville N C R W Miller Robert [ Davidson Tns J W Miller Elijah W New Hope Tns $ Martha / Shiloh Tons Archie Bost Marshall Shiloh Tns John Miller Rufus C f i Statesville NC Phrelding Miller Mooresville N C Robey B Miller Catherine Naomi Sharpsburg Tns § G Miller Peter T Statesville NC Lee Miller Alphonso Shiloh Tns eee Miller Shiloh Tns by L Miller M Hubbert i Statesville NC ' H Miller Chambersburg Tn porip Miller Elmer Lester | Statesville NC boseph M Miller Henry W Statesville nN C Henry W Miller - | Statesville N C/Will W Miller \Margaret Amanda | Statesville N C Davia Lynn \Statesville N C/will w Miller istatesvilic NC 1} 4 aa Tns JG Miller | coon ! TR EAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. 33 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ¢ q | RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Susan S Lackey Effie Sipes ‘Rosa Weatherspoon Essie Martin Prudie Mason Daisy Fox Laura Keston Annie S King Stella May Rhyne Eliza Miller Hester Morrison Hester Morrison Seinon Mary Roseboro Minnie Stewart Nervie Cook Mamie Sharpe Margaret Wood Cinie Killion Etta Moose Sallie A Qwens amanda Howard Mary Crawford - Sipes Bettie Doughton Ollie Story Kate McLelana Laura Lackey Illa Byers Lovenia Green Doris Mayberry Christine Shuping lannie Phifer lSophia Conell lanne Phifer | |Ethel Sipes } aia Sioihddeh bn stiddahat sais bi vee et bebe es Dah bes ihe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — D KAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. ee cael COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ams DEATH : r i DATE OF SURNAME OF DECEASED pS | DATE OF DEATH . > ; 5 | | neconoeo | LK | SURNAME OF DECEASED | ; > FAT | {_ RECORDED ich a a Tae ee hain CaaYa Waihe, © bie i Guam | Sex — Color cet a NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Tal pa} Year | Month — Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER faa Y'san Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio BR Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. M- 5 This Signature on sheets inaures their correctness. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, A To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ees : , : » open a Keg. U.S. Yat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It, eS to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ; ; t ’ h1923 5 14 Miller Pauline Concord Tns é? Miller Walter MeEwin W Statesville y CiA A Miller Mary Jane MeEwin 9 | 385 i Anni e Elli o t t 9 438 1933 | 1933 17 Miller [Linn Miller - Moose 9 238 , 1933 10 1/1923 a2. 188 Miller Martin Luther il Miller Ralph Thomas W Mooresville NCiR Ww Miller Sara Owens ‘ 123 i 5 a | Statesville N C /F M Miller Davidson Tns Marvin Miller Bertha Mayhew Carswell C Statesville N C Warren Miller Anna Cochran 9 411 11923 12 esimilier Ed |1924 ) Miller Martha Ellen Statesville N C Hugh Tillery Elizabeth Blevins 11934 16 Miller Nea C Coddle Creek fn Richie Miller Miller Caleb & Mooresville N C William Miller Matilda Readling ‘1934 £9 Miller Sarah Ann W Mooresville N C Tobias Miller Ellen Turner Miller Emma Shiloh Tns Zohn Wellman Mary Morrison £6 Miller W New Hope cn Pleas Miller Lucille Millsaps Miller Harriet ’ W Shiloh Tns Frank E Yount Deborah Gant 26 Miller - W New Hope Tn Pleas Miller Lucille Millsaps Miller Thomas L Sharpsburg Tns David Miller 17 Miller Joseph Lynn W Statesville N C Joseph M Miller Mason Miller Ida May Shiloh Tn L A Stewart Stewart &6 Miller * W Shiloh Tn Eugene Miller Rosie Poovey Miller Francis Statesville Wallace Miller Sarah Haskins 1 Miller Randolph C Barringer Tns James Miller Lonne Call 5 Miller Thomas Dalton Statesville Thomas Miller Nancy Patterson 9 Miller + © Mooresville N C Henry Miller Mabel Johnson Mooresville ! 9 Miller C Mooresville yc Henry Niller Mabel Johnston Miller Mary Jane 95 hia. ler M | Shiloh tn D A Miller Addie Stewart © f $1 Miller Julius Marshall y W Statesville N C William G Miller Margaret Freeze Miller Russell William Statesville Daniel Miller Ellen Shuford z ; 13 Miller HE W Statesville N CLR Miller Rebecca Hendron Statesville | Daniel Miller Ellen Shepard 28 Miller Will C Statesville Tns Simon Miller Miller Viller Miller Viller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Russel § Rosie Abernathy Anna Barbra Roy Edward Margaret C Statesville Shiloh Tns Statesville Tns Sharpsburg Tans Statesville Tns Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Shiloh Tns Frank Abernathy Jake Miller Milton Miller John Elliott Robert W Miller R W Miller Hunel Miller Laura Clark Lizzie Woodring Rosie Abernathy Myrtle Miller Mary Mclain Sallie A Owens Ballie A Owens Sadie Morrison 20 Miller 25 Miller 50 Myller 7 ‘Miller 5 Miller 14 Miller 22 Miller Robert Walter R William Lucene Redmon Jerry Ben Anderson Lois Rebecca C W Mooresville NC W Mooresville N Cc C Barringer Tns C Sharpsburg Tns ¥ Sharpsburg Tns W Mooresville NC W Statesville Nc C Mooresville NC William Miller Joe Miller James Myller A Redman Jonn D Miller John Niller Jessie F Crouch Susan Long Sarah Benfield Sarah lMicCoy Lavinia Hall Bessie Bunton Mary Ann Denkins Ida Dagenhardt Rossie Miller 6 Miller Charlie Lillian Cline C Sharpesburg Tns R B Miller Pruda Morrison Miller Statesville Tos H R Miller 3 Miller Curley Martha Miller & (Miller Lennie A W Mooresville NCH A Neill Delphia Templenton Miller William Charles Statesville N C Jas Williams Elsie Marlow £2 Miller Modie Bell Wg Mooresville N C Guy Miller Eunes Wilson Miller EF i Statesville Ng \Joho Miller MS (Mrs) Shiloh Tas rank Houston Leura Johnson George Allen W Mooresville N C H R Miller 8 Miller 21 Miller ee wv re 0 © WO oa So rw © oO © Richard Earl Shiloh Ths Eva Campbell 12 Miller 22 (Miller W Statesville N C John McKinley Miller Nellie Houston Deal | Hobert £ Miller Coddle Creek Ta John Douglass Caroline Torrence 19 Imilier Alice Litake e+ r 6 28 Miller Nancy Jane W Statesville NC John Miller 8 17 Miller T E (Mrs) Shiloh Tas jJohn Alexander Ada Johnson 8 IMiiier W Shiloh Tas Renry Miller Frankie Lee p 1 : ouglas Statesville NC lAllen R Miller 10 5 Miller poselia Grove ; ‘19/Ma11er Colin F W Statesville NC John Miller Alice Litaker Allen R Jr \ | 21 Miller Robert Statesville Tns John Miller '20/ Miller William s W Shiloh Tp |Adolphus Miller Elizabeth White Hareit Deal Fallstown Tn [Neb Miller d 11) Miller W |Statesville NC /Robert Lambert 6 Miller Jim ,Ida Mae Lambert Mag Tays |19 Miller Brintie Yount | ; - Miller - C |\Coddle Creek Tn | Leon Miller { 20 Miller |23 Miller ‘15 |Miller Ted D ‘Statesville NC R Miller Teddy i Susie Whitley i W |Shiloh Tn |James Edward Miller | Zoe Ella Pierce W |Fallstown Tn | James Miller ij i | Shuford E Statesville Tos [David Miller | | | 1iMgller \Williem Wallace Joe Sidney L Mooresviite NC John W Miller M A ary Ann Patterson artha A Hunter ed 6 | Miller lea | | ticia Orbson nay 8 /16 Miller ‘Willie 1939 9 4 usaies 1940! 1 | 22/Mijier Jans Margarett 1 (Chambersburg Tn |A C Overcash | | ° A C |Coddle Creek Tn/Charlie Thompson \Bertie Sloan uluia Johnson ~ 13 |Miller ~ |pnsron Tas Phones Miller : | John Floyd W / Union Grove Tn | John Miller | Biddy Miller | ller ‘Lula Thompson Statesville N Cig w 18 |Mi 2 | Thompson ancy Thompson W |Statesville Tn {Caled Miller i , | Ruth Bingham Miller manny W Felletowns tas Broan Miller Boah Miller (Mrs) 1940| 2 al Miller Hattie F | C |Statesvilie Nc |Ben Summ : | y pow ers (com) | ed | | | | H as : | | peek odak td bb ubadubaliabie, nu Lf or NI ih — lredell County, N. C. or INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ____ INDEX TO VITAL nig t. § This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, . em COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1 Keg. U.S. Pat.om. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright lose — ~apnoasoegurnemens astetapienaemnesesseennn STATISTICS — SPT locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref re to Buff Sub-Ind ndex sheet for Page reference, Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ¢, f ( | reconven | a DATE OF DEATH | NAME OF MO 1 : SURNAME OF pDEc | THER a ECEASED il | 1 DATE OF DEAT | i - a ka DEATH | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER es Yi AND CHRISTIAN ! I ; oar NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Color | PLACE OF DE T agi DEATH | NAME OF F ’ \ T | NAME ATHER | SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | i Day | | \ | NAME OF MOTHER [252 { | Voi. Page i y i " ' “ 4 : secede | 1] | gat | { | | f Mooresville N@ |Marion Gant Jennie Conner 185 1951 Miller | f i 25) Miller Mattie Ellen | | ‘ pet \HOward Alexanded m | tatesvill | : ‘| W [Statesville no IJoe nii1... | : r eee MOAhG) eusan heIntosh + 14)Miller Mary Bell Davidson Tn |Osie Femister Fanie Femister | 951 | 2; 19 Miller Vonnie Hiles ra MmPUATE Vij ge 3 | ; 14 4 t i : —.f. weel?e Lee Milley | Louise 24; Miller Sharpsburg jJohn David Miller Bessie Bunton Miller | f | w |-tatesville Nc | Unknown 17, Miller Mamie Curlee Statesville NC | Thomas J Curlee Rebecca Marshall i q 6/5 [Miller i fay 74,5 Parkan at 36 Nesbit ee Miller dob Miller Miller S Hayes Minnie Simons Miller : 3 - i a i Jessie Dean I W Statesville NC j{; Edward Shiloh Tns adolphus Miller Henrietta Deal 8 26 4 29, | M1. .er Statesville N iJ H P Miller Martha Beckham 1953 8 14 Miller ate le 2a i] | | Unknown 1954/ 1 25 [Miller ,tatacyi 1? : Lucrede Demmer 29; 34: Z 1954 & 5 | Milter 4 a atc SVilie NU John hil aI mary Danner ) r | P1lé ’ » } w/v ~ + 4 Statesville berchie # Vickers , 412 a 1954: 5 26) rresy I i { 5 | sy . ” ¢ - + ~-* Miller ‘“ " : 4 ’ 1 D Miller Bessie Mage Bunton 1951, 2 [Miller 44 1943 4 20 Miller Miller 1943 3 Stetesville 1944 7 Miller W ‘Shiloh Tns Jd F Miller Annie Travis 1944 20 Miller Sara Etta 4204 pap Miller Luvinia Turner 1955/1 mss. 2/ 1¢ 1945 2 Miller Virginia Ruth @ Mooresville NC Pames Miller Miller “edora licGee Charles Monroe W Statesville NC (Shuford E Miller Julia Ann Fulp Miller (leisy) Liary Florence F 1945 Miller e | “Ooresville NC | Ma A1} | 1945 14 Miller W Mooresville NC Wenes F Miller Sereh ann Goodman 1955 2 6] Miller | poareha Albertine | 41 106 : vtony Point | | James }Mary Ann Fatterson ‘41 93 “4 - 1946 23 Miller John Wallace M W Sherpesburg Tns #enry Miller Maggie Price 7955 7 25 Miller { Statesville Nc | Simon Miller | 43 377 | ‘ris Marie Mi ler {4] liadie Johnson 52 285 i ie 10 4 , Susan A Long 11946 7 17/Miller Lizzie C |Statesville NC |Bverett Ades Miller Mooresville ; < i eee 1 ‘ : é 4 ( ‘ Baa « i ; dy Lil 1946 4 Miller Kerr Lynn M W |Steatesville NU |“enry @ Miller Amanda Lynn 10 ie hs ter Mageie Mateldial F | State oe + 44 Oy 2 “ | etatesville Nc i 9 ne * y m00Se Laurgene Redmon | onic _ <4 Miller RB M C Sherpensburg Tng John Miller meker Maergeret Shoe- F v /1946 14 Miller 11946 10 22 Miller Stetesville NC /Theaphus Shoemaker - ~——$1955) 11 | 4 | Mar t)r D947 1 2 Miller Pearl Brown F | Rater Voss +4955, , 34 Miller (1947 }1947 6 f W Statesville NC | John Brown 1a iis si eal ; } er bein . | Statesville NC , -amue 1 Clayton Milley Mansci | Margaret Eleonor F Sarah A Goodman Miller 4 20 Miller W Mooresville NC | J. Frank Miller | . | Mooresville } > I — | | Cecville NC | Widliam F. Fre y w Is | d Lee | Statesville : sa . ie ’ . sal : | Oner Wilso eer 21)Miller luem Mayfield otavesville NC /|William Mayfield Victoria Kirkpatrick) 33 Miller j Sanna “dller _ 947 71 27 Miller Llona Jane W Mooresville NC |J Frank Miller Sarah Ann Goodrun 33 301 Miller | . Le | bas Bi aig i Wm Howard | Biisa howard 33, 427 earah Miller } i { C |Mooreville NC | Wesley Miller | Amanda Howard 34 5 | 1947' 12 lb! Miller Awanda * .C@ | daviason Tncohp Miller ‘ric bugene 1948 1 212 / Miller otatesville Nc William Miller Gertrude Westmone? & Tossie Dalton M Miller Miller Roby Baxt ° y er Troutman Charles Miller Harriett Sipes 1 M W Mooresville NC [34 131 frank Cicero Louise Robinson ICicero Miller | | |} | Statesville N G - | lErner Miller 11948; 3 [20] Miller Ross Edward Sto D6 4 ‘ n P c co ; Y Foin James Miller Laura Hartsoe 1948 1948, 9 1948 11 _26/Miller | 8 18 Miller .M Louise Miller | 3 57h | Miller ' Statesville Wayne W Miller 1 34, 413 Annabelle Stewart i. : ‘Statesville NC Margaret Sipes Miller 14! Miller |William Clarence M * ; Statesville Ada Mae Mt lier tatesville NC IW. C. Fields 134475 Mooresville Beula Fields | F Jennie Fields Miller Charles W: ; a es ilson John Frank Miller aii n YOo dman placvesville Nv Seph Miller | “argaret Backe 3580 | 5 43 489 apts . ee ee | al . ' , 16/ Miller Minnie Warren Btatesville W fewton Dorcas Ur } F Wm. Ira Warren Jane Bost ! | n949, 3 (13 paaiae R950 Ne Rw, | Miller , John sdgar M/W | Mooresville NC ] Dk Miiler | Bettie i 5 | 22 | winecoff JO 18 Miller | Maggie Jane s, a " H Stewart Be t sy Gen ¢ | Unknown 44 79 1950. 7 4/ Miller 1950 11 24 | Miller 1950 11 8 Miller 1.9.50 | 12.| 3 Miller 4955 23, Miller | Laura Jane | Wilourn Henry kfLfie Sipes | Robert Lee | Dora Welborn P| Cc W W W | Statesville | Statesville | | Shiloh Tns Statesville NC W | Statesville NC Unknown John G. Miller — fiosea Sipes DUulijus Miller Davis Welborn | | \ Lffie Mae Sipes biary Moose Paroline Curtiss Aldemedia Dickens Bé B56 36 570 36 536 | Thomas Alexandep M Curtis Har rie tt Sipes {Same Clement | ‘ i F |W W W Statesville M oc P tate svilie Troutman Statesville lenry A Miller Bobbie Miller Ca mnie S ipes Harriet Deal ese te Linney Mary A Huff man Sally Lumsden 44 46 44 56 44537 45, 78 EE INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 7 This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N —— COTTCO UNIVERS ne - Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. For Your Protection, Insist On It. a to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 U.S Patent No. 1457168—Copyright 1a30 Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sse by Tivo Cott Patter Commansn Cedenbven 08 ai ve aa te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference bobd be Ghasrver Petntnn Poe Ge ae a cemmnmene SoM br ¢ t Printin tow “ Mh, N ¢ ' tt j em es . {| i | | ' 5 Se F . . DATE OF DEATH i - me 7 — | \ | I ia ea | SURNAME OF DECEASED | a ; RECORDED | oe | BATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED : iis Wade ie, @ Gk 2 ee Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — —} Te ARD CHRISTIAN MAME, ORE IS Given | Sex Coier PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF NAME OF MOTHER mei { lo age for | ah ; Mi Ut 1 \ f “—_ nny Vo. Page | " # ‘ “ . * _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | | 25) Miller Mattie Bllen | fooresville NG |Marion Gant | Jennie Conner 126 185 Hy 10 14) Miller Mary Bell Davidson Tn | Osie Femister |Fanie Femister | 121 24) Miller ~ Sharpsburg | John David Miller | Bessie Bunton 1/26. 287 17, Miller Mamie Curlee Statesville NC |Thomas J Curlee Rebeccu Marshall 126 466 7 ma PS Nesbit Saat me ar ee = : : Sea ge x i 1 (10 (Miller Ore elle : VJ ir ‘er T Willia arkel rere ville NC Statesville NC |J S Hayes Minnie Simons Shiloh Tns adolphus Miller Henrietta Deal Statesville N iJ _H Mi Martha Beckham 28 3 1953 8 14 Miller 19 2 3 tot seville aTry 1943 J 20'\Miller : i W |Statesville NC {John Miller Mary sanner 1943 W (Statesville NC |Relph F Miller berchie & Vickers a {Miller 1944 Sara Etta ¥ Shiloh Tns iJ F Miller Annie Travis 54) 11] Miller i ,1945 2 Miller Virginia Ruth Mooresville NC WPames Miller Luvinia Turner 5! 17| Miller bertha Rebs F W tateayi om hen oe Pie) mae 1944 Statesville J D Miller Bessie Mge Bunton :1945 } 6 Miller Charles Monroe W Statesville NC (Shuford E Miller Julie Ann Fulp 1955 2 19 Miller Ernest Henry MoOW Mooresville NC | John Mil] Martha Al i | ( ; 7 | I v A NY ! On “ i Ler ica 7° lé \Loertine } Pressly ' ; / | ~vLOn 4Ud u » A. Mary titi AULE rson Henry Miller P | (1946 23 Miller John Wallace Sharpesburg Tns, y Maggie Price 4955 7 25) Miller / David | | Statesville NC/ Simon Miller | Susan A Long pa n s t u i n e g a i e n e a e e | : : {i (1946 17 |Milier Lizzie G \|Statesville NC |Bverett Adsms wadie Johnson ~ Z £955] 10 | 4 Miller (1946 & 4 Miller Kerr Lynn [ W |Statesville NU /#enry w@ Miller Amanda Lynn a2 | ___ 2955, 10 12 Miler 1946 14 Miller RB Sherpensburg Tng John Miller Laurgene Redmon 1955 11 24 Miller | meker | f \ |1946 22 Miller Mergeret Shoe- F Stetesville NC |Theephus Shoemaker - | 41955) 11 4 | Miller Leroy ” bile eer 4g re i } : j -\ . aa | me L J ¢ .U ‘ meese Viller | is h947 2 Miller Pearl Brown F Statesville NC | John Brown | Ester Vess 33 —__1}955,11 | 30 Miller Harry Clayton | M ' | Statesville NC faint Clayton Mildep ; . ’ : 2 4 ‘ ALO 20 1 , | Wo 4 | | 1947 20 Miller Margaret Eleonor F Mooresville NC! J, Frank Miller , Sarah A Goodman 33 1955 Miller Emma Jane FP | Mo vi wo | | i tena | | -& & vane I’ U “Moores Lie N |; Abner | | | I i | 1947 21) Miller luem Mayfield . Stucesville NC |William Mayfield |Victoria Kirkpatrick|33 2 : 1955 ‘Miller Jilliam Frank es tesville | | | { | ' j ail arian | / i t Vi 1947 7 27 Miller Llona Jane W Mooresville NC | J Frank Miller Serah Ann Goodrun B3 301 i 1956) Miller Fred Lee | Statesvill | 1 —— + ‘ j - 7 VMVUGLESV Le Widliam F, Maller — - = ee : oe ee ae Se e f° e - = = In a v e r s t q p r e s e n d i n n g u m m s n g u c s m h e n m e t m n a r a n e n e e e e n e n A na c e Miller es t e G j r \Mandé Lace aviason Tnshp | Howe jLiaé r H 4 iii Ss 1947, 12 14) Mille Amanda Vaviason Tnshp wm Howard , Hilea noward 33 4e7 Miller kric bugene Statesville NC] William Miller | Gertrude Weataane? ee ane >. PE 4 Mabon Fossie Dalton | M | | Mooreville mo | Wesley Miller | Amande Howard 34 9 Miller |Roby Baxter | Troutman Charles Miller Harriett Sipes = em t Ae " 4 11948) 3 20) Miller frank Cicero | kh W Mooresvill@ NC |Cicero Miller | Louise Robinson ‘ 131) ~ Miller Ross Edward Stony Point James Miller Laura Hartsoe 1948 8 My Manor .M W | Statesville N CG Louise Miller 1 34 57% | ~ Miller /- Statesville Wayne W "si, or Annabelle Stewart, I. ' | ‘ ia | 1948 9 (14) Miller William Clarencé M . W |Statesville NC Erner Miller \Margaret Sipes 34,413 | , ied Statesville Ada Mae My) 1ep ae — ee —— —— — = nee | 1948 11 26/Miller , Beula Fields | F W |*tatesville NC |W. C. Fields jYennie Fields 34475 | ~ Charles Wilson Mooresville John Frank Millar 13 Miller orcas Ur | F W Ptarvesville Nu aren Miller “argaret Buckey 35 80 | . 250 Minnie Warren Btatesvilie Wn. Ira Warren Jane Bost : t —+—- j | . ' ane st 44 92 ii} “ | Miller |} John udgar 1M | 1 i Mooresville NC | D k Miiler Bettie winecoff BO | 22 ; y - y Maggie Jane S&S. Ww Hewton i H Stewart Be t Gan t | an } sy Gan 44 79 re ee e ee n ei n e — Miller Laura Jane F | Statesville Nc | Unknown Unknown be prs é 1 | | Thomas Alexandof MW / Statesville lenry A Millor Harriet Deal 44 46 ' " ; 4 - ; - > l ‘ i « S I t ’ \ 4 £ i q 6 0 i . | 1950 11 24 | Millex Wilourn Henry |} | Statesville NC | John G. Miller — | bffie Mae Sipes JO 57 : 68] 1 eee wile bate avitie ee i ; Lessa ie Li B6 536 | “ | | ess nney 44 56 1 195 po -99 18 | Miller kffie Sipes oi | Shiloh Tns hiosea cipes Mary Moose arriett Si F T } wt. P08 , WE Trou tman vammie % ipes Mory A Hurfman 44/637 i} i | © , “ a) i 1950.|..12 | 33 Miller | Robert Lee M | Platesville NC Pulius Miller Paroline Curtiss p7 | & Samel Clement MW ] Statesville Sally “umsden ve 29511. 5 \2 Miller _Dora Welborn FW] Statesville NC ' Davis Welborn Aldemedia Dickens i i | H i | | | | o } ‘ te sath) Niet steel Soi udliss dial sree th Usb Lat Saar tern tk te me ee ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ug __INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — hredell County, N. C. t- § This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer CoTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 Te locat Reg. U.8.¥at.om. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It, ee to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U, 8. Patent No, 1487168—Copyright 1930 i U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ae y ‘to Buff Sub-lnde SNA ME erat, tan end veler sai te’ Prlacing Wenn?’ Colombes. Ot is — Sa ' Sok or Pr ouse, rlotte, » if | {| ti | eee ' : ; |__DATE OF DEATH =| ; : ; | | i : | RECORDED or DATE OF DEATH SUR . | | | SURNAME OF DECEASED a A | om | NAME OF DECEASED ee ae sail | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATH | NAME OF MOTHER my he Ths | bo AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN |} Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER | i ; | , | t i Page | Ww | } Year Month = Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN { | « * ” # fi | ii ti | 1940 25| Miller Mattie Ellen Mooresville N¢ | Marion Gant ) Jennie Conner | 26 185 1951) 10 5 |Miller | Howard Alexandeg hy Is 5 tatesville NC Miller fousan hLicIntosh 1 7; 5&2 i 14/Miller Mary Bell Davidson Tn | Osie Femister 'Panie Femister 126 é } Miller Vonnie Hiléa t ¥ , btatesy rille NC ff Willie Lee lille: |} Louise Turner j “ i | Hy { 1 24| Miller Sharpsburg /John David Miller /|Bessie Bunton 126 . F im | | Statesville NC | Unknown | Unknown t | 17; Miller Mamie Curlee Statesville NC | Thomas J Curlee Rebecca Marshall ca as p ‘ 1 i ° 2 : here a7, i a aaa pps Maehs+t an pe ee AN 10 |Miller ora Estelle i W irringer T Willia arker witie Nesbit 3 Miller + 4OOreSViile V4 lle : — ‘ Miller Iotatesville N Miller Shakes ae Jessie Dean F W SV > N J S Hayes Minnie Simons 2 au Miller Z James Edward M W $hiloh Tns adolphus Miller Henrietta Deal 8 260 1953, 6 1 | Miller Mary Ruth F iw NC [J H P Miller Martha Beckham 28 36 1953 8 4 hie Thoma s ‘i; ° | NC | Unknown Unknown i i 1942 1954; 1 25 |Miller 1942 21iMiller rete bert M . |Stetesville NC iiFred Miller Lucrede Dsmmer 29| sae 1954 4 5 | Miller ae ; 2 ie : : = 2 ao oo . . | if 11943 20 Miller James Sherwood \ W /State ille } John liiller Mary panner yee | : = ae 2 Ary ea . ae a ; ~Z20 are 9 1943 S\Miller VOrls ann ¥ |Statesv 2 NC mealph F Miller fcercnie i Vickers ad 1954, 5 26] Miller 1944 7 Miller Statesville NC J D Miller Bessie Mae Bunton 1954; 7 (2 |Miller Turner 1944 20 Miller Sara Etta Shiloh Tns jJ F Miller Annie Travis 2 1954! 9 | 11]{Miller | ,1945 2 Miller Virginis Ruth Mooresville NC Pames Miller Luvinia Turner 1955/1 17) Miller Bertha Hebs F y 1s atesville NC yp McLelland Massey wedora McGee 11945 6 Miller Charles Monroe { W Statesville NC (Shuford £ Miller Julia Ann Fulp 1955 2 19 Miller Ernest Henry |} MW | Mooresville NC] John w Miller Martha Albertine (leisy) | Pressly i | , . Pp 2 fs) . L | re 2g tT : hres 11945 14 Miller Liary Florence Mooresville NC’ James F Miller Sersh ann Goodman |; 1955 2 6] Miller James Henry / 4 “| stony Point | James Miller Mary Ann Fatterson (1946 25 Miller John Wallace Sherpesburg Tas Henry Miller Maggie Price : 1955 7 25 Miller if David | | Statesville NC H Simon Miller Susan A Long ; se : Mad? ; ms 926 , rs 1/1946 17 Miller Lizzie Statesville NC |Bverett Adems “adie Johnson 1955, 10 | 4 Miller [ris Marie Miller | 1946 4 Miller Kerr Lynn ul W |Statesville Ne “enry @ Miller Amanda Lynn 132). 2 i 1955 10 12 Miiler 11946 10 24 Miller RB Sherpensburg Tng John Miller \Laurgene Redmon 1955) 11 <4 Miller meker 1946 10 22 Miller Mergeret Shoe- | F Stetesville NC \Theephus Shoemsker - 32 1955] 11/4 | Miaier _ Leroy 2947 1 | 2 Miller Pearl Brown F Statesville NC | John Brown Ester Vess 33 $955) Miller | Harry Clayton 1947 & 20 Miller Margaret Eleonor F Mooresville NC! J. Frank Miller | Sarah A Goodman 33 1955) 6 | Miller | | Statesville NC,| Samuel Clayton WillefPManse mi d Emma Jane | Mooresville NC | Abner a iw 1947 6 él) lhiller idem Mayfield F otucesville NC |William Mayfield , Victoria Kirkpatrick|33 $1955! 12 Miller lillian ville KC |Wealiam FP. Maller i | ’ t i | 1947 7 27 Miller Llona Jane | Mooresville NC | J Frank Miller Sarah Ann Goodrun B3 301 41956, Miller Fred Lee = ie ; a i tS pte 4 l¢ fot itesvi 4i@ iJ & Miiier vara Miller a = . ‘ s mn 1 { t 18 . i e q | 12947, 12 14! Miller , Amanda /Yaviason Tnshp | wm Howard | tiisa howard 33, 487 boss. Miller bLric hugene | / | Statesville NC] William Miller Gertrude Weatanea? kK | | | 1948 1 12 Miller Tossie Dalton! Mm Mooreville NC | Wesley Miller | Amanda Howard 1 34 5 1956) Miller Roby Baxter | Troutman narles Miller | {Tre irle lle arriett Sipes SS = em 6S 1948 2 |20} Miller trauk Cicero | M §W Mooresville NC Cicero Miller | Louise Robinson 134, L351} Bei 41957) Miller Ross Edward Stony Point ames Miller 1948 8 18 Miller | M | Statesville NG Louise Miller | 34 57k | ——__} 1957 Miller | 1948 9 (lk Miller \William Clarencs My | Statesville NC /Erner Miller |Margaret Sipes 34,413 | a 2967 | Miller | | p wy | ! fi 1948 11 26)Miller , Beula Fields | )Ptatesville NC |W. C. Fields \Jennie Fields 34 475 ~ _p.957 | Miller Charles Wilson | m1 looresville | Jenn Prank t : : | LOLS | 3 13 Miller Voreas Ur plavesville NU Woseph Miller Margaret iackey 35 |66 | — _}1968) e (1d Mir 16r | Minnie Warren | F W #Btatesville Wm. Ira Warren Jane Bost aura Hartsoe as ee eg = Statesville lWayne W™slier Annabelle Stewart Statesville | Ada Mae “4 1ier = li : ALllar Sara} 950; 1 )17/| Miller } John idgar }-M iW | Mooresville NC Ip k hiiiler Bettie winecoff B6} 22 | — 41958! 9 24 M21 Ler | Maggie Jane 8. F W Wewton H Stewart Betsy Gent i 1950 7 4/ Miller Laura Jane C | Statesville Nc Unknown Unknown be S56 | ee 1958) 2 | 27] Miller | Thomas Alexandep M _ WY] Statesville Henry A Miller Harriet Deal 1950 ll 14 | Miller Wilourn Henry f.iy vtatesville NC | John G. Miller , Lffie Mae Sipes 36 570 { mits 1958) 1 264 Miller i} | i i . > : iviz | 6 3 6 es , Shiloh Tns Hoses Sipes Mary Moose BO 5 | —.J1958 | 19 22 Miiiep Har rie tt Sires . ia Pall Bt at nana) || + i } i 3 . _ p950 | le 3 |Miller | Robert Lee M |” Btetesvilie No Pulius miller Paroline Curtiss Pi ble , _ paee | 2|9 Hiller |\Sanwel Clement _W I] Statesville Curtis Cc B tate sville Bessie Linney 1950 11 18] Miller Effie Sipes FW : ’ i on + an + Sally “umsden ; h195u 5 | 23 Miller | Dora Welborn F | W/ Statesville no Davis Welborn Aldemedia Dickens 7 . 313 of #7. - : | z yey 4 ne u e r am a r e & oe aS : : — , ; iin nh at booed : Tr. ia 34 A — ceca 85 78 iii . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N. C. P INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | Wh Geter: a Ea EEE mar senna a . : : < ss a ———— Se i | ee ie a i : = , oa “I Day ino comers ume, vom is even : Sex (Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER es ian coms Tua om, ro = ove Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER co ie | | 1959 5 af eiller Georgia Boltok| F | W [Mooresville Edward FP Bolick Mary 4ngel 45 141 | 1913 9 30 Mi21s Jane Emeline F C Mooresville NC Ben Johnston Jane Addie 1 244 Th I fl | i | 1959 3 7)iia aor Henry W. | M W iStatesville ~ - 45191 1914 7 18 Mills Mary F - Mooresville NC Moses Mills Byers 1 279 A | [1959 10 3 ' Wi ler | Charlie Roseoe| M W {Statesville | John Henry Miller Belza Isenhour | 45 505 1914 8 10 ills Ralph Fulp M W Statesville N C WJ Robert Mills Annie Fulp 1 od i los Sty [winter Jr. | Bailly Charte | M W| Winston-Salem Billy Charles Milbrj Barbara E Babb 45 42% ! 1914 9 (50 Mijis Jim M C Mooresville N C William Mills Janie Johnston 1 | 290 iq hose 12 23 Miller | Nellie Moore | F w | s tesville | Pongamin W Moore | Amma * Haskins hs | 639 | s14 12 25 Mills Lottie Martin F W Statesville Tans - - 1 580 { i R960 ea | Miller Dora Emily T. F iw p atesville Wonas Teacue | Sarah Fox 46 20 hes 2 2 Mills Laura Matilda F W Chambersburg Tn David Hair Margaret Taner eS | os af ri ho6o 1 4 i221 or Bessie Jane | F W jStatesville | Cherlie Cartner ! Sarah Jane Steele [46 | 1 h1s20 2 3 ‘Mills Hester N F W Statesville N C Jas Rankin Cherry 6 185 Hl Ur |1960 2 £8 Miller Mary S B | ® W | Shelby Wm. Barksdale | Lucy Giles | 46 208 l1920 2 16/Mills ~ F W Statesville N C Claude Mills Etha Alley 6 188 a4 A i ! f | l Hi 1960 5 4 /Miller Nannie 5S. | F W |Statesvilie | Thomas $ Shelton | Mary E Sherrill | 46 274 | [1920 te paras . PW Statesville NC EE Mills Poovey P+. 208 i fi | 1960 8 5 |Miller _ Susie F | C | Statesville Logan Long Susie Long Te | lig2l 3 19 Mills Laura A F W Mooresville N C Jim Brawley Littie Brawley y+ i | 1960 8 9 Hiller Prudie F C | Statesville | Reace Morrison - 46 47) Perse 6 12 Mills WR (Mrs) F W Statesville N C A P Murdock Margeret Crawford 7 578 i | 4 | | Ht ; | | 196 8 29 | Miller |Charles Dickson} ! W | Statesville NC | - - | Ann Miller | 46 514,| ln92i 6 25 Mills Nannie Williams | F W Statesville N C Henry M Mills Anna Robinson 7 385 | i | 11960; 10 26] Miller Henry A | M| W | Statesville NC | William Miller | inate Haynes | 46 615) 1921 1l 24 Mills Grier W |M_W Mooresville N C Charles £ Mills Cora Witherspoon . oe ee 1961, 3 21) Miller Lillian Null . be | Statesville Nc | Rufus U. Null | Binkie Bller Null | 47 126 heer 11 26 Mills Vernon Graham x W Chambersburg Tn A G Miller Vernon Cook v7 | 464 | 1961, 3 11)Miller John Spencer | MW Seiiaae aun ke N C/Ben Anderson Miller Minnie Ada Towell |47 11s | hoze ll 26 Mills Graham M W Chambersburg Tn A G Mills Vernie Cook » | 271 lage. 5 25|Miller Walter Emah MW |Statesville | Bman A. Miller ! Maggie Sipes | 47 257) hoes 12 21 Mills John Henry W. W Mooresville N C Vohn Mills Charlotte Cook 8 70 |1961 8 7 |Miller ‘Thomas Eqward M W| Statesville o | Sally Miller 147 386 jlg22 12 29 Mills Clyde Martin M W Statesville N C Clyde M Mills Lena Norris B 125 1961 Pes “Miller Madie Mason |? W IStatesvilie Remus Mason | Lena M Mason 47 333 | hises 4 @ Mills Richard W (Mrs) F W Statesville NC - - 9 300 3963 11 15) Miller Martha Kincaid F W se ille WF Kincaid | Nettie Harkey rT 537 —= 11 5 IMilis eevbhe) i W Statesville N C/Chas Kills Mary - 9 451 | 1961 12 9 | Miller James &. Mv W | Statesvinie Nv | Tas. 4, Miller |}Marcaret E. Lail | 47 613 | 1924; 3 14) Mills Lottie F Ww '¥ellstown Tas Stamy Mills Sarah Small 10 133 |1962 1 e|Milier John Monroe M | U |Statesviiie NU | Reece “tiller Ella Yohnson |4e 26 | BS el 21 Mills Vella Dean F C Statesville N C|Shadrock Mills Dora Kyles 10 352 . a | i | 2962 2 hs | Mitaer eon Arthur M | W | Stetesv inte Nu koe Henry Miller | Marcaret isenhour | 48 66 isos! 4 20/Mills - uv W ‘Statesville N CiJames B Mills Grace ¥ Small 1l 335 | ; | 1962; 1 {12 Miller | John Monroe . M | © [Statesville NC | Meece Miller | Blla Johnson Ke Ps 1925 4 20 Mills Grace Small F W Statesville N C!/J H Small Ida Nantz 1l 331 i | Po = ie i | | | 1962, 5 (15 |Miller | Marcus D, M WiStatesville NC Abraham Miller Minerva Stillwell [48 50% 11925 5 1 /Mills Geo R M W Chambersburg Tn/|Geo Mills Nance Steele 11. 33 BL. 1962/5 15 \milier | Hessie F c| Mooresville NC| Thomas Haynes Lena P, Haynes ie 268 | 1925 7 16/Mills Francis F W Statesville Tns|Leland Mills Etta Allison 12 332 ! Lia | 1. 1962 | 5/6 Mirier | Martha 5. “| Wi Taylorsville Julius A Peckham “ovey White 48) 412 | 1926 1 31/Mills James Henry M W Mooresville N Cig L Mills Willie Miller 12 160 | | 1962) 8 | 20) Miller | Ola C. | F | W {Concord Robert L Cochrane Mary L Barnhardt 1 48) Sle ise6 5 |3 Mi21s Sallie F W Fallstown Tn John Mills - 12 134 + 1962| 10 | 9 Miller Robert Tracy } M W #Statesville Ira L “iller Olive mes [ue] 535 | 1926, 7 16/Mills Francis F W Statesville i Vills Etta Allen le 411 | 1962 | 11 |29 Miller IB ter F is etatesville George Feldkirehner| Sarah Baldwin * | 3 | 1926 12 ‘29/uirie Ollie Bell F W Mooresville N OR M Nanney Mary Christie 12 224 1963 2 ie Miller Sullivan G. * C | Statesville John Miller Mattie Jones f° ea | 1927) 1 ‘aa/utaae George Clingman M W Chambersburg talR E Mills Rosana Kerr 3 39 1963 9 14) Miller | Mary F W Statesville Nathan Sheets Elizabeth Voldiron 49 545 , 1927; 7 |9 lnsia6 Frank A | M W Barringer Tos ‘ M Mills Sarah Ann Mills lis 8 ' | 1963 | il | 29 Miller Mar gie F C | Mooresville Odell Sunme rs Lucille N Summers a9) OO 1927 10 golusiis Henry Thomas M W Mooresville N cle Webster Mills Annie B Campbell 13 266 ' t 4 1963 | 12 2} Miller Harrett F W {Statesville Dillard Pearson Dicie Abercrombie 49 | 717 1928 1 ee Jossie Elizabeth F W (Davidson Tns iW P Mills Emma Shook 414. 93 t | bf | : 1963; 10 | 8iMiller Devo lia Fi Ci Newton Elmer O Miller Lillian Heaggans 49 | 712 1928 | 3 (10/Mills John L | M W nin ansit bi N clo R Mills Sarah E Baker 114 362 i | it 963 |12 R9 filler | Stillborn M W | Statesville David P Miller Carole E Soott 49| 740 1928 | $ 16/Mills \Margarett C | F W |\Davidson Tns William Turbyfill ‘Mattie More lhe 96 | | | 1964 | 1 | 34 “iller ku rene M | W | Winston-Salem Ju “jller Harriett Yount 134 1929, 2 15/mills Be1le ry .Y \Fallstown Tn J W Arthurs \Dovie Troutman ho 187 I i oe ' | | | | H oy 1964 10 4) Miller Lawrence . W | Salisbury James W Miller Minerva C “jller 60) 714 : 1929 | 6 17/Mills wr mM OUW ‘Barringer Tn William Mills lana Minoer ls 13 | it 1965 “ 4 Miller Daniel M a Mooresvi lle “ussell Miller Clarcey Fhillips 5u 96 Wilaia 1980 i | 26/Milis ‘Nathaniel M C !Chambersburg Tn /Joe Mills | a lie 38 : } | | \ f 1965 | 6 23 Miller Columbus M | W [Mooresville Wm. C Miller Eliz. Ross ‘ 4 496 eel 190 6 1 Mills \Margarett Lucey | PW ‘Davidson Tos John Collins lElize mn 16 142 | ed aed ?~ 10 28 Mills \Chatmus ve | MW Laila To |? C Mills urea Hair 16, 59 | t [ Cate \ asi | | | | (ER) | \ = oe py l e ti r n e ar on e = Pe PMMA idiincar nr ies Lila abated INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. = This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX 8-—Co ht 193 ye To locate names, open at SURNAME, INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio hee 0-8. Fen. Oe Por Your Protection, Insist On It. ae te Buf Sub-index sheet fer page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyrighe i, U.S. Patent No. 143716 pyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. agree eon — | Tl i : a Senne | RECORDED | ST pare oF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | i ~ snd al SURNAME OF DECEASED : | 5 TH | ae Tua Tent jos tear dime © a ae | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER | vee | Month | Day! AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | | | “ 4 i ‘ { ; ’ , ceeeonet 4 a ' aw: a | NC aa NG 1931 29 Mills Glenn Edward | |Statesville N C\Gleng Mills ‘Nancy Shields | n951 Mills Baby 5oy M C Wins ton-Salem/ Grady Mills i LUCY Parker | | i ! vy | t i Mills marris Db Jr dy vi /Olumbia S¥ jHarris D Mills Sr |} Edna Brawley t 4 i i i a (1934 9 |Mills Mollie Waugh ‘Statesville Tns|Franklin Waugh Rebecca W Waugh | 7 jotatesville NC |Fate Mills ioodman { ti | | | , 14 1936 Mills Delphena C | | Statesville.fns |Samuel Brawley ‘Barr | Mills , Stamey ve i! > + | 11937 Mills Kathleen | Statesville N C|Edward Mills Elizabeth Harwell] | _ 3} Mills 11937 Mills Margaret Bowie i Chambersburg fn/T C Mills Laura Hair (3 a *~ 1938 & Mills Samuel Jr Barringer Tns jSamuel Mills Lorene Heggins 1938 29} Mills Laura H L (Mrs) Statesville N C |\William M Lawrence Octavia Hill 2 > , | 5 Baby Boy i i) Mooresville NfNeale < Mills Miner Mooresville N C ~ Mariah Campbell srrnene detheg ee p Peapeaye tle ma Henry K Mills anbe Peps eis 22 Mills John W |Coddle Creek Tn |Joseph Mills Lottie Bass 2 etilloorn M / Mooresville NC John urvin Mills | Kose Lee Mills Gillie Neble W (Statesville Tn Marshall Mills Hester Rankin Ce ie Walter Brevard] Mw | Sbatesville NC} John Mills Margaret Mills Mills Ora A > |Statesville Tn |Eii Adams Amanda Adams 2 19 | ydia Goodman F W (Statesville NC ohn E Goodman | Mzry Kezia Holtsh Mills Synthelia K W ‘Statesville NC Noble N Mills Amanda McLelland Mille Elmina Poston | Statesville NC /Heil L Poston Eliazbeth C Gay Mills John Pinkney Sr W |Mooresville } Noble Mills Clarissa McLelland Mills Noble Bloomfield M Statesville NC Noble N Mills Amanda McLelland é é 2G Mills Mills Lula Johnston Statesville |John C Johnston Jemina C Gillen ‘ 1955 Mills | 41 57h 1955 ) Mills Albert M » |Mooresville NC | Walter Mills Sarah Morris 143 312 Mills Thomas M f W | Statesville |Henry M Mills Mary Dickson 6| 35 1950; 3 | Mills Laura Jane | F jetatesville NC | Thomas Christie | Margaret sowers 2 116 4 _ | Andy M4116 Phoebe Vat: , 5 1956 Mills Otha James M C | Mooresville NC! Otha Mills Annie Louise Allison|42 339 ; | | | | t nderso? Mt ambersbure Tn j Andy Mills Pf 1956. Mills Floyd Triplett M W |Statesville NC | John Henry Mills |Emma Brawley [42 348 22 ‘Mills James Benner M W Statesville NC ly M Mills Effie Evans ! 3 1956. Mills Walter Harrisog MW |Statesville | T C Mills Laura Haire |42 375 | | | || | | Mills Marion Wood M W (Chambersburg Tn [Tf C Mills Lora Hair Re 1957 | i [Mills James Edwar | W | Troutecn | John A Mills Margaret C Turbyfill]} 43 494 | i | } i | Mills Euma Lee "” Mooresville Nc [ohn L Brawley Tsabel Brawley ! 2956) Mills terry Joe | Ptatesville [Miley “oe Mills jSnirley Parlicr | 44, 91 | t | | | {lls Louvenis Grece |F W Btetesville Ne Pherlie Mills fexie Pruette Pe |: 1958 5 |S Mills Bdna "ell BrawldyF |W [Mooresville NC [Willie rawley fancy Cornelius | | \| } |Reubin Davis \Elizabeth Pressly { i] | w | 1946 1 4 Mills Cora Micoresville N Ison Gla sky ,Katie Wilson (52, Sk 5 1958, Mills Bettie E Davis | |Statesvilie R 1 | | 1946 12 5 Mills Birds I Statesville NC h | Burton Mills | = | c 1959 Mills James Edward M / (Mooresville \Josen Cowan Mills Flora Ann | ills WR Smith belie S411 Smith a 1947 3 11) Mills George Clinton » Mooresville NC | James A Mills | Lillian Fair : 1960 | a 14 Mills Lelia VS Statesville i | t i | Sherrill i | | f } " (1947, 11 16 Mills Viola ! C | Mooresville AG oli Steel pargaret Forsyth \ 41960) 9 _ 25) Mills Anna Lee Sherril} FW [Statesville NC | Wiley Washington/ | Laura Vagenhart } 1948 3 3 |Mills Veruon Cooke “ (Chambersburg 1ug Andrew W Cooke | Mariah Hoover os 5 ‘ 1961 1 27 bi1118 Benjamin Fiakd M Statesville William T Mills | Sareh Jane Loftin | 1948 5 19 Mills Rosemary | W | Statesville NC/ Stamey Mills Jr Blanche M Bumgarner 34h 23h. — 1961, 7 27 Mills | Emma Sloop F oT Kt.) 2 Hiram Sloop Emnaline Graham i \ I | 1948, 7 | 20|Milis Maria Hlizabeth/F W | Statesville NC | AG wmllls | Alice Cook Mills 34, 540 - 962 | a 14 Mills Elizabeth J. |F C Mooresville NC | Rev L B Ramsey Baran E McIntire | H : : :, Ik Ww | otavesville NC | J Marcus ohook | Catherine bell 25> 3 | mati 11963 2 3 Pills Myrt le F “ | Mooresville kdgar lodd Pearl Mertin | | | | | pes y bos AA 2a Mills John Myerson | N | Olalesville Wh Midis |! Hester ann Hankin A584 ~ 1963 | 7 | 17 Mills, Sr. Osear 4 W [Statesville i i ‘ 1 (FP oW , Statesville Gaston E Horne |Mary Jene Foster 355 481 | ai 1963 | ! | } F 1949, 12 |3 | Mills Jay Will UM | Statesville Wm. C Mills Sallie A. Cook $5 481 | —~ ‘42963/ 10 (16}Mills ie Mooresville Floyd T Mills Lillian Pope 1948 10 19 Mills Florence sr: 5S | i] i H 6 | 289 Mills tay C M ‘| Statesvill Jose h il] Charlotte Bass i se 1949 12 (27) Mills Otta Horne | | i i | | | : 1950; 5 |8 |Mills , Martha Isabell| F \Barringer Tns R Lee McLain Beulah Johnson 36, 231) a 1963 11) 24 Mills Stat esville Pink Mills Ester Douglas + | | | hoso 7 |3 Mills , Robert Henry M | Mooresville NC | James Mills Lillian Fair 36, 3386 2 | 1964, > 2 | Mills : | Mooresville John PF Wille Elizabeth C Harris 1950, 8 4 Mills ls ‘Mooresville NC |Grady Mills Lucy Parker Mills po 420 —__ 0064) 5 | 23 Mills Stat esville JC Mills Dora Williamson | | | ; ‘ ; 1950| 11 (15 |Mills ‘Lum Colombos | © |Mooresville NC {Unknown Sarah Walker 36|5¢9 ' 1964; 9 | 2) Millis | | Statesville Wm M Mills Hester A Rankin | | | field : | | 1950 | 12 a Mills peated Bloomy Bnd Ptatesville NC | Lonnie Neill Milis Jk Wi llda-Dean wana oP? | 12 1964) 8 26 Mills Statesville Robert Mills Jane Thompson He ja952 2 |20} Mills brnest kdward vtatesville NC | Robert Mills Clementine Brawley 37 gl " av 10 | 11] Mills | Mooresville Lum Mills Minnie B Mills 951 & (18) Milis Baby Girl | W | Ctatesville no Clarence Sidney Milds Lettie Marthe ‘ice 7 igi | | Aids ha ale h aia itis ac} i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — ‘ 50 UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 £°s Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer CcoTTC : : = to Bufi Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.8. Patent No. 1aa7hba ee, Ne. i, Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C wae T° locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Keg. U8. Pato, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. ; pgeereess a | I | — : eer 7 = iy " |__DATE OF DEATH | SURNAM | i ia a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED | : teh a ie | RECORDED x re or io taaeees as eee AED | Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER are] : im AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fo | ol.) Pp " “ ! t fh | age | ! ae ‘ ft | i 11965 7 | | Mills Roger M Mecklenburg James Mills,Sr, 11 (21/Millsaps | Lillian F Mills Washington New Hope Tns (Joseph Millsaps Nancy Martin 221 it — Sa s . es ¢ er . - ; 4 = ae . SEES 5 S % os a oe ee e i a ar i a - ss i a d i n a n a i i a i e r n m t a e m e n oe " ~ ~ ai e n d i n i e n a m m e a m a i a n e ei n e n - —— . " . _ > ? ‘ = Se r g e os oo ee ; =p . a, = 2 oa oa ‘ aa on ee = ae ~ = > + mo n e Re FS ea m =: ~ ~ + a ao - — on . - —— — - —~ - —_ — _ an = = m = = $5 , = =. == = me : ¢ ae ie A s _ . © - = 7 ~ > - pe e ca o e e s po ne e a c n p e r a n t o e e ee 4 ee s 2 ; ee e = a : = | | | | 4 | | | | | i i 4 | | f i | 7 (18/Millsaps 4 9 |Millsaps 17 Millsaps 29 Millsaps 10 |'Millsaps 11/Millsaps 11 pill saps 29 Millsaps 26 Millsaps 11 Millsaps 4 Millsaps Millsaps Millsaps Millsaps Millsaps Millsaps Millsap fil 21) Millsaps /25)Millseps 8/Millsaps 23 Nillsaps 7 | Millsaps '26}ni11sap 28] Millsaps 18 |Mi21saps | Intaasape \ H \3 D Lum Malissa Gussie Prudence Belle Delia B (Mrs) Clarence Jr Cromwell Lee AE (Mrs) ES Susan Jane V Mary E Ker . eG. Walter Lee Wency Ann F Nency Louise F Meadie Lunsford F Nettie Wargie lu woodrow Harper! M Concord Tns New Hope Tns Statesville } Statesville Statesville N Statesville Sharpsburg 1 Olin Tns Statesville | Sharpesburg Statesville !? Statesville } Statesville } Statesville | Sharpsburg Tns Statesville NC Concord Tn Statesville NC Bethany Tns New Hope Tn Concord Tn etony roint WN vu otatesville NC vtutesville otatesville NC John Millsaps Frank Eambert Loss Millsaps Harrison Sharpe & V Millsaps Hesikiah Millsaps Alvin Summers Elam Brown 3 Baxter Millsaps C E Millsaps J C Millsaps Sidney Smith Jas C Millsaps Arie T Millsaps E H Miller Luther Millsap “a4 lssps £llis,Millsaps H B Millseps \Joseph Millsseps James Lunsford i miah Sloan jFrancis Wellman li b Millsaps Eo J James illsaps JA L Millsaps i] " Emma Griffin Rindie Lambert Mary Wasson ussie Osborne Sarah Evans Melissa Locke - Tomlin Mary Lipe Minnie Lackey Fairie Gross J Hendron Mary Jane McLain Jane Hendron Mabel E Millsaps Nancy Mayberry 126 £54 115 18 £2 ca ec 554 Catherine McClelland 25 65 Harriett Jordon Florence Gassett Nency Mertin 30 Sl Llizabeth Pendergrass 32 Lola Lackey 73 3h 385 Minnie Bell Millsaps) 37 382 male LoOen Gertie L Beckham 1“ 137 543 lilsap Kalph M W | Rural |} John Mklsap kmna Campbell 137 614 Sarah Lackey Fayetteville Ng J. washington Lackdy Mary Lackey Lackey 39 2024 f Statesville NC | | Washington Millsaps | Roxanna Bartley | 42 572 | 144 ig Millsaps 1g Millsaps Bonnie ue W. T. Millsaps Carrie Marlow 39 552 ; | 13] Millsaps Wm. Dudley | Statesville ee ee Ida Dishman Ww ‘Statesville lw G vishman (14 /Millsaps Martha Bustle 43 229) i} | i Hugh Redmon | Angeline Barker _—| 44 100 Nettie C | Ynion Grove _17) Mi \lsaps ee ae ~ | W | Statesvilie ae 4 Wm Parks Millsaps | Sareh H Millsaps ha 475 | bj = | 4 bsaae0re Dossie Hall | | 1 | W/ Statesville hrthur Millsaps | | i pacts Smith | it Lain Den 44 441 MMusasdtbad adAsihiedsnaestiuaih le, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ies Lake tl- § This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — D KA'THS — Iredell County, N. C. " Chae Da Cahic \ Tris Sgnarn Protection, roche 7g ew locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer coTTco U veer — . UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 NIVERSAL INDE a coTTco % ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL T os Wait Gadadue chase ta beak teleaaen, U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copsricksy xs U. & Patent No, 1437168-—Copyright 1930 pen a TAB and refe to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. a - — 1 DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED | Pe | | E oe DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED Bice ae i Lady i | RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER | ~ — tat AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color || PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “ " | i ” age } 4 j nt ' " \ | , i | ai ed | 4, Millsaps Frances Dye Statesville | Thomas Dye Elvia Robinson }45 71 1930 2 \Minner ue it H i i Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C j | iW Cool Spring John Minner Lilie Minner 1 /Millsaps Clarence E. W Statesville | Cromwell L Millsaps | Susan Miller a| 1934 13 /Minor Statesville | Ellane Minor 2/Millsaps Rebecca Carson | PF W Statesville i Robert Cars Lucretia “endren 1935. (10 |Minor 7 16 Millsaps Fred Raymond W | Statesville | Walter L Milisaps Martha E Stevenson | Statesville 17 William Minor Eva Lou Adams 1936. 27 Minor Statesville Tns Wm Minor Eva Lou Adams Millsaps Charles ¥ M Statesville | Billie Millsaps Mollie Tomlin | g 1940 31)Miner James WW f Statesville Tn |William Minor Evelene Adams Millsaps Ellihu King M W | Statesville Robert Millsaps Lounet tie Sloan Ne] 1 1952 3 17 | Minor Pervy Statesville Millsaps Margaret A. , W Statesville | Lafatte “ill saps Margaret Summers | 1953 25 Minor bloise Julius |] M C Statesville Voek W Ni lisap Ss Hannah McCurdy rt] 1 y 15 “illsaps M W Mooresville Cromwell L Millsaps Susan Miller 11) Millsaps W Mor gant on Wilsin foole “ancy Smith 23 Minish Jd Statesville N C John Minish Margaret Salmons 6 Millsaps CG Stony Point “nknown Rachel Jordan | 5 10 '‘Minnish Ezra Warren f 4 Statesville | N C |Preston Minnish Amanda Henderson 16 Millsaps Statesville R A Millsaps Rebecca Carson 18 Minnis} Minnie J Hic , . ‘ . oe - J Hicks \ otatesville NC Dera Hewitt 17] Minnish 4 Minnish Roy Phillip Statesville NC Amanda Minnish 27 Minnish Amanda Jane otatesville NC Jim Henderson Mary Hutchins 1931 2 ll Minton Bly Statesville N CT I Minton Laura McNeil 1931 2 1l Minton Elizabeth Statesville N C/T D Minton 19440 12 17 Minton Statesville NC Ezecor Minton abe Linton | 12 Minter Mooresville NC Jim brown Mary willis 13 Minter . resville Nc Jessie Hughes Minter tta Brown vw ve (1956 11 1 Minton Dossie Agnes Statesville N C/} Wm. Bishop Annie Parsons 1958 10 11) Minton Jiany Dean M W Statesville ” im Clayton x 44 509 1959 5 id Min ton Grace ; " Statesville C hoes | a2 | 4 Minton “acob harlie Cannon Dorcus Pargons 45 152 Statesville | Wm. Minton Delpha Joines 50 709 1965 4 29 | Minton Sti]iborn , \ Btatesville | Jerry F Minton 1930 5 1 |Misher ‘Coney Norma J Alexander 51 304 | Fallstowns Tns Ruben Misher Josephine Horn 16 176 | | 1945, 6 24/Misher Joe Horace Berringer Tn ‘Reuben Misher Peuline - " | NC | Henry Misher Vella I | 1955 3 | oq Misher { ; | Statesville NC { INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Bhutnlatle ; This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. Reg. U.S. Pat. Ort. | DATE OF DEATH = | Year Month Day | 12 10 Mize 12 7 | Mize 3 11) Mize 25) Mize 10; Mise 13 Mize Mize Mize Mize Mize 3, Mize 27 | Mize 27 Mize Mize 3 31 Mize 1% Mize 5 22 Mize ei n e CR Se m ae —— — ' cc i l i t e t e e e e n s i i e an SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Willie Owen J Milton Mary Padgett Lola SE Henri Etta Martha E Gertrude §S Jerrie Oscar Annie Lapish John Nelson George “ames Vardie Connie Barker George A. = i } | 4 | To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | Sex albert wv M F M Color | PLACE OF DEATH Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Turnersburg Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Stutesville wvlvar tesville N NAME OF FATHER Milton Mize ) Milas Mize N dh iiss Padgett N Cs O Mize } Tn |Nelson Forcum N ols V Mize N ¢]sonn Gaskey N ¢| James Stewart N alesse A Mize N c\Milton Mize Tns |George C Lapish N CjRay Mize NC jRoy Mize ic |George a Mize Sr Statesville NC | John Wm Mize Mooresville Salisbury NC 3B T Barker John Mize COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 930 RECORDED | Vol. Page \ # NAME OF MOTHER | Annie Lapish 397| | Jordan 439 | |May Jane Frazier 137 i Lapish 134 { 606 Gertrude Stewart 428 Sarah Estes Janie Stewart Mamie Bible Sarah Cashion Martha J Kurfees Dorothy C Carson Katherine .Mize Bible Mamie B Mary Padget Mize @ueenanna Williams Mary Padgett eee ge INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS CO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 1 e. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 aaa pena we | eee Ow — 4 ' T ~ Mitchell a2 pussenena 13 [Mitchell 12 [Mitehe1l 14 [Mitenell 15 ‘Mitehell 12 29 Mitchell 10 30 Mitchell 12 29 Mitehell 1 17 /Mitenell 3 Michel 2 ‘Mitchell 14 Mitchell 23 Mitchell 27 Mitchell 23 Mitchell 23 Mitchell 25 Mitchell 6 \Mitehell 6 [Mitchell 23 [Mitchell 21 Mitchell (19 Mitchell 13 fui tene22 9 Mitchell i 27 Mitchell 23 ws tehel de kitenel2 14 (i tene22 1 Mitchell 25 (Mitchell 2 (Mitchell ; 11 [Mi tene11 ‘19 fui tene12 (13) Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell tot pAChaAASAARIMLALA So habe eas 4h 50.4 0, ashi} a ‘ ee. wh A eS ate ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Thomas Jackson Eva John FP James M Jas Nancy a Mary Ann Martin Minnie Ernest Pearl Mae Silvia George vr Jas Mollie E Richard P Sarah Ann Gabriel F Gabriel F Cennia A Thomas § Tally E Dorman Cooper Maggie Deemer Joseph Fae Alice WG Edward Hovis Mary Robert Preston Robert , &dmond Franklin. ,Dorthy Peggie Lou |Ruby E /Thomas Pinkney Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH Eagle Mills Tns Union Grove Tns Turnersburg Tns Statesville I Statesville Union Grove T Statesville Olin Tn Olin Tn Coddle Creek Statesville N C Bethany Tn Statesville Olin Tn Statesville N Union Grove Statesville N Union Grove © S.atesville Statesville Sharpsburg Tns Statesville NC Sharpsburg Tns Concord Tfns Statesville Union Grove Fallstowns Thos Statesville NC Statesville NC} Union Grove Tn Mooresville Statesville Union Grove Shiloh Tns W (Olin Ths ,Union @rove | Olin Tn ‘Mooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC ! t ' NAME OF FATHER i 4 c M Mitchell bia Mitchell Wesley Campbell ranklin Mitchell Thomas Mitchell Edmond Mitchell John Taylor Shelly Ellicott EHdmun Mitehell [TndJohn Cash Joho Michel Jake White John J Jennings George Mitchell Eli A Mitchell Alfred Rash William D Mitchell Joseph Privette Edwin Mitchell awin Mitenell Joe Bradshaw iA C Mitchell G A Mitchell Phillip Redman hoses Mitchell \zeck Mitchel F L Mitchell | | ‘Edward Mitchell \ W Mitehell |Abner Stephenson Lanes Mitchell | Robert Brown | Martin Mitchell A H Money ZC Mitchell Arthur a Mitchell Gabriel F Mitchell Robert Leinster — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C | RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page Nammie Pempleton 9 Amanda Templeton 4 Caroline Morris Clementine Jennings Charity Tucker Sallie Mayberry Katie Csborne Marbray Sarah Murry Eliza Pettijohn Carrie Harris Susan Felts Hester Loyd Mattie Orton - Dowell Mary B Robinson Betsey Dowell Sallie Mayberry Sallie Mayberry Nancy Looper ~ Mela Fox Lessie Hackett Maggie Graham Ollie Speaks Tine Beataher Bessie Sowers Maxie Missick Lucy Turner Hattie Stephenson Tinie Templeton Rachel Lowrance | \Mary Ann Elliott IMarie Cass | Myrtle Cash } \Ella Vaughn \ | \Sylviry Jennings bornelia Kelly i} | } bi ‘at 1g 4395 101148) "CERRO RU aren ch eA a 5 deed ahd: bs ba Ae] S try elite! aia cao Ae re! re . ad Pi ” el MMU ca INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. CO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 wan Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEA’THS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. U, S. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ae To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. = to locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg. U.8. Yat.om. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Tv | Pee | r I | I \ eee! SURNAME OF DECEASED Pa eo | Year = Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN os DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED i ' \ | ee : i | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Po E year | Month Day | en om © See Gem pos [SM] PLACE OF DEATH {| NAME OF FATHER i i I 1 it 1913, 12 (1917 12 1g1s | 1920 3 }1938 12 11940 2 $1942; & 1947 3 11953 4 }1955 5 a Pe h n i n n k i u n s t . . . . . . . . . \_ . to am ee n s ~c a e s a m e n s h a n e -a s e e n m i n e n i o n s ee e = = = * 10 Mize 7 Mize 11) Mize 25 Mize 10 Mise 13 Mize 27 Mize 29 Mize 1 |Mize 9 | Mize 18/ Mize 27, Mize 27 Mize Mize 31 Mize 18 Mize 22 Mize Yn se oa VwEOree k Willie Owen J Milton Mary Padgett Lola SE Henri Etta Martha E Gertrude §S Jerrie Oscar Annie Lapish John Nelson albert Yanmes Vardie Connie Barker George A. " Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Turnersburg Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville W Statesville Statesvilie W | Statesville : . Mooresville WN W valisbury N N N N To y N N N N C\Miltoa Mize C|Milas Mize Ci James Padgett Cid O Mize Seekonk Foreun cls V Mize Ci John Gaskey c|sames Stewart CiGeorge A Mize CiMilton Mize Tns Georges C Lapish N C i\Ray Mize "> jyRoy Mize : : : es = NC iGeorge a Mize Sr i John Wm Mize B T Barker John Mize |Annie Lapish |sordan IMay Jane Frazier | Lapish Gertrude Stewart Sarah Estes Janie Stewart Mamie Bible Sarah Cashion \Martha J Kurfees Dorothy C Carson Katherine .Mize Mamie B Bible Mary Padget Mize ueenanna Williams Mary Padgett Se eed t 4 - beitoner2 4 111 hts tener 1 [3 htitoner2 2 12 hut tene12 1 14 Mitchell 6 15 MMitene22 12 29 Mitchell 10 30 Mitchell 12 29 Mitchell 1 17 ‘Mitchell 3 {Michel 2 Mitchell 14 Mitchell 23 Mitchell 27 Mitchell 23 Mitchell 23 Mitchell 25 Mitchell 6 Mitchell 6 (Mitchell 23 Mitchell 21 Mitchel} 19 Mitchell 13 Mitenell 9 Mi tenel1 le hua tone22 23 hui toner ‘az hut tenen2 14 ee au itchell 19 Ass son012 |13) Mitchell | 16/Mitchell (27|Mitcheli 6 |Mitchell ; 8 |24/Mitche11 12 | 29 Mitchell Thomas Jackson Eva John F James M Jas Nancy : Mary Ann Martin Minnie Ernest Pearl Mae Silvia George ¢r Jas Mollie E Richard P Sarah Ann Gabriel F Gabriel F Cennia A Thomas §S Tally E Dorman Cooper Maggie Deemer Joseph Fae Alice wo Edward Hovis Mary Robert Preston Robert , £dmond Franklin. ,Dorthy ‘Peggie Lou [Ruby E \Thomss Pinkney hhimtha Eagle Mills Tns Union Grove Tns Turnersburg Tns Statesville N Statesville Union Grove Statesville Olin Tn Olin In 4 ” a lo M Mitchell Nias Mitchell lesley Campbell Franklin Mitchell Thomas Mitchell Edmond Mitchell 3 John Taylor Shelly Ellicott Edmun Mitchell Coddle Creek TngJohn Cash Statesville N C Bethany Tn Statesville Statesville N Union Grove Statesville N Union Grove : Statesville Statesville Sharpsburg Ins Statesville NC Sharpsburg Tns Concord Tns Statesville NC Unico Grove Tns Fallstowns Tns Statesville N C Statesville NC} Union Grove Tn Mooresville i C Statesville [ns Union Grove Tns Shiloh Tas |Olin Tns ,Union @rove Olin Tn |Mooresville NC W | Statesville NC Statesville NC John hiichel Jake White 3 John J Jennings George Mitchell Eli A Mitchell Alfred Rash > William D Mitecneil Joseph Privette } Edwin Mitehnell , (Edwin Mitcnell Joe Bradshaw A C Mitchell G A Mitchell Phillip Redman Moses Mitchell Zeck Mitchel F L Mitchell ” W Mitchell Edward Mitchell | | |Abner Stephenson James Mitchell Robert Brown IMeartin Mitchell A H Money i1Z C Mitchell Arthur A Mitchell Gabriel F Mitchell Robert Leinster Nammie Yempleton 9 81 Amanda Templeton “ Caroline Morris Clementine Jennings Charity Tucker Sallie Mayberry Katie Csborne Marbray Sarah Murry Kliza Pettijohn Carrie Harris Susan Felts Hester Loyd Mettie Orton - Dowell Miary B Robinson Betsey Dowell Sallie Mayberry Sallie Mayberry Nancy Looper Mela Fox Lessie Hackett Maggie Graham Ollie Speaks Tine Beataher Bessie Sowers Maxie Missick Lucy Turner Hattie Stephenson Tinie Templeton Rachel Lowrance Mary Ann Elliott Marie Cass iMyrtle Cash Ella Vaughn \Sylviry Jennings | Cornelia Kelly Lee MUMMMULM Gia ik INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168--Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX U. 8. Patent No, 1437168—Copsright 1980 This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer For Your Protection, Insist On It. = Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. a locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ; H : ogg OF; by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, = ° to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold NAME OF MOTHER [val pam | Sarah band Rog. U.S. Pat. Off. gare of CEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN RECORDED | || OATE OF DEATH : Pas | SURNAME OF DECEASED | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Color | PLACE OF DEATH I es " NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER 11947; 2 22 | Mitchell | F | WI Statesville NC.| Donald Mitchell | Edith Daniels Marley Selle 1942. £3051 2 otatesville NC 4 vefferson Marley Sena Myers Marley Adice Voffey Fannie Summers | F. W/ Union Grove Tns. Adolphus Summers do James Loffey sarah Coffey y 11947 3 | 24 Mitchell 11947! 10 |7 {Mitchell 1 ¢ °% 4 . We i Arat ore ‘ Ralph Turner ) My otatesville, NC}iL.Koy Mitchell )Voraie Lee Lurner la Mitchell Statesville *C Silvane Fortner 17) Mitchell 1948 6 1948 11 ion r LOLS ar i dL i } JVAavVia & lkitcheil James Williams §™ Mooresville NC | George Mitchell | Fannie Gaston } 1948, 11 26 Mitchell Dora Belle F W |Statesville Biola Laws tt Richard Goforth 1949 : Mitchell M N |iStatesville NC | James W Mitchell Cecil fincann n 11950 5 14) Mitchell kudocia Bradshaw F Statesville Nb | John Bradshaw Mitche)l Mary Barker Mitchell J Gaston M Union Grove Nl Dock Mitchell Fannie Summers 11950 5 8 1951 5 15 | Mitchell William Lee M Union Grove Jim Mitecmell , June Templeton ss “ Ss ies a a ,1952 12 Mitchell Delia Money Lumberton NC Abrom Money Mariah Cass it - , . SS .- ’ ‘ e ee ’ aA ss ‘ i atc 2 4 inn % 9 = $m tay ee 11953 6 7 Mitchel) Troy hi vv Union Grov NQ@ Dock Mitchell Anni umnme rs + 11953 ) 8) Mitchell ployd y, W | Statesville NC | Martin L Mitchell fary Ann é£lliott 139 509 Mitchell William Kinley | M Statesville NC | Pink Mitchell Mary Britton Mitchelli 40 99 : ; | os BLLaA Wi L1a yg ‘ 1LO! rove # © inKnN Ue yYwuUusan i ’ " 1 28)Mitchell Aurora R. Statesville |Alfred Rash Nancy Dowell SS 11 13 Mitchell Lorrie M. Union Grove |D ’ Mitchell Fannie Summers 1 1Q@ Mitchell ioward “onro hi W 'Statesville | George “itchell “ester Loyd 23 Mitchell Zeddie Varr Statesville Dock Mitchell Fannie Myers | 44 120 4 | i Statesville NC |44 324 ! Ls | Nancy Myers 45 257 25 Mitchell Jack Dowell Mitchell Shirley Ann Hall 18 Mitchell - | Mooresville NC | James Mitchell | Doris Mitchell 44 370 28 Mitchell Dovie Myers | Statesville NC T fe | ille NC E ] { 20mmie Lee jo Lat ESVIILE NYU BLver LéEée adams Ernest Lee C | Raleigh ~ ° | 45 204 James J. | M W |Statesville | 46 21 ) William M Mitchell Sarah J Stewart 9'Mitchell 19 Mitchell C |\Mooresville ‘Barbara Steele 46 320 t h Ernest Mitchell 12 Mitchell Ww North WilkesLorgd James Mitchell Amanda Templeton 1! Mitchell Lee Deamer i M W |Statesville BE. F. Mitchell i Pearl White ” } i 15 |Mitchell 16 Mit chell ” 8 Mitchell ia Mitchell 29) Mit chell 8 Mit chell Odis A. |} MW {Statesville Daniel Mar y sally Doc tor Augus tus Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville M. C. Mitchell Robert P Mit chell John Shoemaker T M Walker Troy Mit chell W. F. Cass Unkno wn | Lonnie Mit chell Ma garet Lazenby Louise Weisner “innie Templeton Rena Shep he rd 4 ; 50 743) 51. 88 | a LURE Dann ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 to Buff Sub-Imdex sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER (L944 6 4 Mougens Mary Juanite F _W Statesville NC | Thos W Nobbett Sera Summers Ae TT TI E a an t in c e n s e en h e e r n e n e m m m e a m b o n m m p e n n s e n i o n m e n n e nt o a =o i . } This Signature on sheets Rog. U.8. Pat.om. ( For Your Protec NAME OF MOTHER insures their correctness, tion, Insist On It, RECORDED Vol. Page fsa | 172 Lena Greene Eliza Garland Statesville NC JJ F Wilson Statesville Wm. Hutchinson Elizabeth Wilsor Cerrie Lucinda Michsel Michael INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. €. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH _ Year | Month Day nate $ 1946 12 #1 Mingus SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Amande Roberta SU MAMMA nt Uisnieantisuudaru ee 45 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Tete locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Mfrs, Cott Patent Index Systems. to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. i | | RECORDED | nt | SEX Color |} PLACE OF DEATH | NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER i i | | Vol. = Page } iH tt F W/Shiloh Tns Semuel Brinkley Selly Morrow S2 446) | { Bi ° i A "ha: i . ¢ . oH i i p , { be 1 a a j a A" H ba: ag ‘i | ; i F i rm, i i i ; ; ¥ i ; i tei ie i i : F te 1 4 1 | eit ¥ i ti oY ih i a igh a i ie i } f i 4 | f ba ; i) q i i ; : oe eu oe t ] i P j ; ‘ ; } , | } ; | i | fb ne Ls ‘ i | F h a} i 3 i ; ’ i. } ee j j : ‘ t i | | rh : i } | } Hy } i i 1c ; } i H b i F . ’ H an i | 1 } } ; ; { i a i | -) 2 > i Fr ' ! } ie 1 i | j b ' ft 7 H H | | | | ’ Chester E Statesville NC |i .4. Middlesworth 5 l2iMiddlesworth 5 Se e TS an e or pe an e re , v y - M W Troutman Jacob N Menster Roxanne Crews i‘ ana aaa ad eababeete tet COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No sal — i x 14 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Tse loc “ty wanes, ene at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio To locate names, opem at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Index sheet for page reference. Mfrs, Cott Patent Index Systema. REG. U. 6 County Indexee Since 1888 PAT, OFFICE Baaalate ha bas Trade Mark LL to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1437168—C pyright 1930 RECORDED | rogue Sam | SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | \\ RECORDED | | eee SURNAME. OF DECEASED nee lence t > or | F FATHE ; | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = f}-————_ | | "E DEAT ac lua la | ANO CHRISTIAN WAME. WF ONE IS GIVEN f | 4 vor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX COLOR!) PLACE OF DEATH | NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i a { | | | | | Mar que tte 1948 1 22|Marquette John Fredrick | MW |Statesville NC | William Edward / Martha Costin 34 32 | 1949, 3.14) Manuel | | | | | | i ” 1954 2 .15} Manuel John Hen W Be a aaa | | . 7 svi! Pearl Caudill } | | | i] t l it } i i} | | i | | | | | i | | 4 j. qT Se Statesville |Uscar Mavtox |viilie Mclntursh | | eS ee =— e r en SS ee = - _ ae Te e n a nn n RASA SRA LIAAS ad EL 4k ed ae TT) d hee add Pee eT EL GEECAdeL Tra tee r LG i 2: Bia EU aa an ana nt TARE al MabARAShie bh Lash hi ths vt csc, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. FP ——__INDEX 10 VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. Tol te nam open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 tS locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio © locate n es, he ; 4 888 4 to Buff Sub-Index sh t for —— oa So -ate > eat ae Butaletls Seige tetenes Rees OS aa to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 x sheet for page reference Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. , PATE OF DEATH =| SURNAME, OF DECEASED RECORDED | RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS CiVEN SEX COLOR! PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER +--+ | | win noo SURNAME, OF DECEASED | sex couor| PLACE OF DEATH | = NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER : | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | ie Vol. Page | - ee | | | | Vol Page y it || | I Year Month Day j | | ve I i f - | 1 Bis | ~ O| 4& |13)|Miles Rhetta Lynn ' W |Statesville NC /p Miles Ais: tlaoah BAS Le 14 Means Ada iF C Mooresviile WC | wash Alexander | Rosa Woods 35 209 | B 1950 | | a . Bruce Miles ‘Doris Hamby ile Homer Jo} ’ ee ease Vials dae ; 960 1 : pee a a ? “Aarmony Willie M. Miles Mae Royal ii | 1961 «8 24 Miles Ava Caroline F W Statesville NC James Pendry Hannah Hinshaw | | | i} tt i ae am i e ie n a e i a c e a r ot ti bets iad! $ HSU TL t Mo Yehw INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ro INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C reo Burn latly Woiny Indexes Since 1888 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Te lecat ' rarcorrice An Identifying Trade Mark yam ey U.S. Patent No, 1497168 —Copytioks 123 ee ceeeceermet ns re vocate atl Soke sae SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer Beli by Otacsvee Printion House’ Geerieeee’ See DATE OF DEATH =| : - , | ss [DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEAS SURNAME OF DECEASED | | RECORDE ED ; a | is eer ck ee | SEX cowor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i F Fon | Monts | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ear Month = i i 4 . et | | Maddox | Sang otatesville NC ‘Ogers Maddox i So a p s y { } \ | | or | 7 a | | | a Hadcdox i} \} of t | | ' | | ' well Sane Maddox | Sarah Lou Black/ Maddox Willie | Statesville Nc = SS SS S I aT iM Se e e e t t e c a e na n d o a he e r c s e e n ea e ea te n e t s ee a ie e e Me ee ee e Se ee ee d ie ee l ee ee Sa MUL LUE LULU ec RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Mfrs. Cott Patent Indez Systems - B THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio E INITIAL TAB and refer — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ub-Index sheet for page reference, m at SURNAM PLACE OF DEATH ‘Ba te Buff Color Sex To locate names, ” | } | SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe. 1-4 arion c Copyright 1933 A~-122559 M Merion = Ht i 6 aa 1955, 19634 Year | Month SS T ee ge AL IND: Wi No. 1437168—Comrtnne ii COTTCO UN U. 8. Patent NAME OF MOTHER — lredell County, N.C. NAME OF FATHER SS ap g to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | Color | PLACE OF DEATH T Sex ere locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer he s e SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS ae alee eee ad ‘This Signature on sbeets insures their correctness. Keg. U.8, Pat. Off, For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH i 7 - ci a a e m e e e n i e e n ~— er rr e e r e n e e er e n t se s n e e e e e n a n e a ic e s aa y ra s p p a e n d — as t e r s ep ee SS I E S a SE S ST aa va s e s ci a m e m a s e m e n i n e s me e n a = a oa r ee r i e li n e m e n ; — te co n c e n | ce e e n c n i t i l i i i n i s i n i i i a i e be s a m a s i e n d i l i n s du t e n e s i l i n i m e s a a n l i 2 sc a n i t e c t e e e i o i e a e n ne ee Se r e n eee <e a nw meer gt -~ . ar e n au n a g i e n ni n os - r I Ss Bd i n aa —, — = Sc e n e li aa ar e a a s s e m a a i i r s we y —— ee ee sa l Th x . at ag p e ES le e ij | ' = Ww nN | ii i DATE OF DEATH Year Month | Day ‘ ia 1 1 ; ; i 4 ou it ; eh ' . 4 es ft Wy 4 FF Hi i i re e r ee e . - : Se ay e a em ee e = ~ —— — — — — — — ee e ee al l l ci n se r e n e ne e te r r a n e : ee e a : ’ — This Signature on sheets inoures their correctness. Reg. U.8, Pat.om, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN f iialiesdabatediniaadietiess ctananin teienseeenineneeiedticemes nee pap te loca’ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. te names, PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER SS So e COTTCO UNIVERS. Ex we 8 " 68—Copyright 1930 NAME OF MOTHER 7 aay a eT ee Gubsibiehabibab ict aa ae od INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 < 3 Copyright 1988 A~122659 T_T? locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio SS = ew oe sheet for page reference, Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B t ” SURNAME OF DECEASED | | a | RECORDED on ConeaTOn alee, © Om i ene | Se | Cor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER tt Lfimothy (TTR ERR RE REAR a TR PE, eee ee on - , " cud Bras tre ’ MAMMA th aidedis Si ist ree ea INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. F . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. z i COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names t SURN THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbas, Ohio ) ih i County Sadenee ioe tebe r ro COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. a Copyright 1988 A-122669 ls , open a AME INITIAL TAB and refer N : — 55 a: Btalote <2 latin Yorke wae is" focate =, HSS a ree nt er Copyright 1938 A-iaseeo °. i ie Mm —rw ee te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems __ure Foca | | | ia Oe 3 : SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | RECORDED DATE OF DEATH i| pe | | i y ' . | | V . “ | : SURNAME OF DECEASED | Color || PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sm wer | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Month Day) AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | | | { | tl i s EE # ff + ff : ‘ 4 en | * io hs j hf ¢} iy | { > ’ T ; lu } r I i 4 STILLBOKN ‘ || Mooresville NC Lewis H Medford | Zelma W Mabry Sa et i a ' , . : ‘ ve a? lodemi: ye lagr GS 466 11953, 9 (16) Misenheimer Jacod Levi “ ' Mooresville NC Jacobo wilson hiesnheimer Lodemia Bla ck, 39 466 ling» ‘ e — ’ ii Be os hes T D OO a fanned a ee a _ 12 |11)Misenheimer Susan Beatrice outman I. Dow Harris rrie Vwens }1960 12 (3 Bisenheimer 4 eRe z rO OVY 1961 oe. +e Wisenheiner Ellis ugh l W Statesville >» Misenheimer Katie Thornburg i | bt i} / | i ee ee n ee gy li a s et e ee e ae + ar i - o c i n a e i n s i e e s i e e i h i n n e e n t e a i p e m e n i f o n e s t e n n i a n e ee e —— - re e Sg ee re n e e de e s | ~ cm e ; ow ee e ee ee a | aa DR a oo Ua aa ; ie THA Dehai Lies tas aM Aea Tabet Te tices t ota f) = Si h i c i i n i t s ai k t e ce et e ee Se e en o n e 8 ao e | eh | I I oo ea : r INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Rea. v8 County Indexes Since 1888 To locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. ) PAT, OFFice Buinlute An Identifying Trade Mark is te Bat Bub-Index for page reference. Copyright 1988 A-122569 = iesninilieeanipianitnhaiintaaninianaeeenntices DATE OF DEATH | i} i SURNAME OF DECEASED | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | Your Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ff f ; i # ; + | ao n Ra a b a eo en s AF A i iN ra ee , a — SS —— RAB INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 . Copyright 1988 A-122659 | > © leeate bag nt SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio ( 57 ) mdex sheet for page reference, Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Cor | PLACE OF DEATH me NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fase 1953| 3 27 | Melton | 1956 5 | 22/|Melton George Clinton | Rik ek 1A ts ™ e mooreSville Ni Thomas Melton Betty Steen 34.135 C harles Delber$ M | W Statesville nc |Charles David Melton Ruby Rosenkrane | RUT L CD ait i ng ME an Th en s ae © 0 Ne p e i c at i n no t e me RS CC I E se } anee.u.8 PAT, OFrrice oo” INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Ind Since 1888 Te lecate at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Bastards Farr ndenee Stine 1008 _ to'Bud “Bab-index sbect for pane reference ie SURNAME OF DECEASED | sex | cor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | i} AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i} § NAME OF MOTHER COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. Copyri: ht 1988 A-122569 mer a | RECORDED Penne || Vol, z t Page ¥ R eS pesca MMMUMMILAM Ma ii Prot ator INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1983 A-122659 DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. st locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ee - i to Buff Sub-Index sheot for page reference, THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio { Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B \ Re i f ; arene em _ SURNAME OF DECEASED | Your | Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i Sex | Color || PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oe I | Vol. Page | , |Madalia i p ur e 1954 6 4 t Irvin Herman \M |W | Statesville N@ Nat han Madalia Jenny Madalia 4O 274 | i} | i } wa e , = fi d e ee Sa i n i ci c i e e i e n e e s d i c e s t i m e c i e m t e a n s T o n n i t i i n s te s a di n ee an n e : : ’ oe EE E er e ma ne 5 x L —C i t t — i r lL . Lo o oe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ca eg COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 PAT, OFrice Batalate An Identifying Trade Mark Ls" locate 3, on. at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Copyright 1988 A-122669 Index sheet for page reference, # i Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | — NAME OF FATHER - eo Ps ee oe f NAME OF MOTHER = }_M2CORDED_| HI | Vou. | Page H | SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN — a] UMMM IGGL acin INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. coTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 Zc ‘ : bus, Ohio Copyrnsbt 1943 A-122669 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus. To locate names, t > a wh mn at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Mfrs. Cowt Patent Index Systems. b-Index sheet for page reference, + j ; + SURNAME OF CHILD a a en . } oN as sis AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i Sex Color | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER 1 TY | || RECORDED | t % a # Michaud John Wilfred | mM w | Statesville NC Wilfrid Joseph Michakd Anne Lahuniak | } —— — — — — — SS 2 A AU IND INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. rT EX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 I FSTo locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer YHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio . cOTTCO v to Buff Sub-I : ; DEX RES... 8 ,, County Indexes Since 1888 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Rc a INDEX No. 14 ' um Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systema, Pat, OFrice An Identifying Trade Mark _ te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ae eee | | Pepe ae | : : DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED bart Peat | = OF | } a | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE is | SEX coor! PLACE OF NEAT Se ee eo DATE OF BIRTH | SURNAME OF CHILD ey Ta | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER RECORDED a | GIVEN | ACE OF DEA TH NAME. OF FATIH IER NAME OF MOTHER ——-- 1 | || Vol. Page Year Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN | | | | ¢ # ' " ; i } . | t eae lj . : | 1957, 1 i Sarah J. Ervin FW sTrout man John T. Ervin Annis C. Smith bi it j i i i : . 6 \ laness Christo er C, M vy ee ik % — | ] | 4 fi iI j = = == = == —S —= = = ll — ag a — : pa i n Pe e ge t es ee DATE OF DEATH | | Year Month Day = = —— = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. REG. U. 8. Bumlate County Indexes Since 1888 PAT, OFFICE An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN _s SS SEX COLOR | f | | PLACE OF DEATH To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDE U.S. Patent No. 1487168-—-Commrigne’ 1500 NAME OF MOTHER iY SS S SS RECORDED Vol, == = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. pap To locate names, open at SURN DATE OF BIRTH / 1954 1 | 14 Miaxirr coeneenend pre r ee | ee ey T a nnn Kg 1: en T nt | | } | pot. ; | ot i } i se I | at ft i —_— Z 4 . i i il idle i iii t eS | ! a + . ee —, 4 ee ee + + ee ee —— + 4 a ae Pt ioe ered Spencers cassette on | | Pn inten + aida te } | Pe ert | ~ 7" _ - Prroeeer T a —+— P| Ss ‘ ‘NR uae [esteem lla COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ee e cl i n e SURNAME OF CHILD ’ Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘eneva | ee to Buff Sub-Index shee Color —— S AME INITIAL TAB and refer t for page reference. | } | PLACE OF BIRTH + i I ¥ —— — = = <= e— : NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER 69 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. | RECORDED | " ? {| | 1) } 1 lad > 1s > 44 * eo } | { i t | | i | i } 1 | + j } * | OT f | 4 1 ' “ | | i “ Hi | 4 “ | ” " \ 4 ” ff | ft “ | “ ” | | | | —= ; } fi f } ; , + Vol., Page he e n =a == = == == ii | } | — Se e <= — te Sa ne ee a + DUMMMERMK i i =) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate names. : , » open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTC “d - Rog. 0.8. Pat. Om. Pe Your Protection, Insist On It. ay to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. oat Patent Ne Teena Es ie. 3s ‘ _ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 nT sam sme ts nen opyright 1930 lO Copyright 1938 A-122659 KF Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Lett f : Ta IN lame and refer to Buff pear, ay etters o Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio cea eet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systema—-B DATE OF BIRTH : Sr SURNAME OF CHILD p ; : : Year | Month — Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER PooomE?_ : DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED | | | snc rae ; Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | SEX is PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER i I ; Ihovetta Nance t may -— | am } a a r ae ” T | wwe Solomon Wesley/ y Sa 7 4+ a ei. Se aus 1958 | _» +10 Mitcham Hiarvin Wesley 1 MM W |Statesville i] tT iH] | 58| 7 | 2 | Mitchan | Sole | is | | | 1958) | mon. Wesley ; MW) Statesville NC |Lewse1 Mitcham ,Sareh Young is j : ? f i 1963 1 115 Mit cham Luetta N, i BP wo Statesvil le v4 n 13 : 8 t t ; | | Ylalesviile ; vonn v& “ance Smeline M Smith —— — — — — — — — de e s =e —— — — — — — SS =S S ee ae e e p e ee e <= = = es c OO ae be e a ee —— — — — — Pe n a es a Sa r lc s ee e in e e e r a e n o s ei e a n e e s r e = aa ee = os — a —— nt ad ne ea e ee e ae "HR RR AES er RRMA | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. cnn County Indexes ive 188 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Lators of COTTCD UNIVERSAL INDRE Wa 14 — Orme nkr a Sate * UF Nee tnd velo tn Bult Saban en at tatoo Kener ( PAT, OFrFice Aan Identifying Trade Mark Soul Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Copyright 1933 A-122559 f na oo — P SS ee 3 SE a <== ———— - | DATE OF DEATH ah ieee ae OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECE ! SURNAME OF DECEASED st Se a aa ; RECORDED pATE ASED i RECORDED i — | sents a Glidtin tua & Ge wae SEX | nae PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ras | meath | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS. GIVEN SEX | coLOR} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER —— : —t t- ne smsanianneemans shiiaiiaaeaadiate oe cB ahs 2 i Sa ae) de (ud : ne hn Nr _ : . | | | | : 4 + = ems <== —— | = er r F j | | {| i 9 | 18 Mannin iF | id , : lig : = " | cE | 959 we ks a mann ing 1 Aogman teas C bate svilie i James Mann ing | El lene Hot ergo n H ae 7 o).% > fe dani ky abo Upid | vars | | 1959 |_9. p+epitenn ing |} reeman tM -—+- S-+Statdsvitte tS omnes Manning es+erre—Rot-inson | ) | | pe | -—+—+ : : ptten | | | | | | | | | | | | | _— | | " i ! ; | 3 + ? i 4 ! | t H ee 1 | | | | | | | | ney | f — | | i | | itn | oe ifm | | | | = | tI i | | i f 4 { ' ne ] j ri tH | I i | " | Hy | | | | | | ty} ' + i i } it *] } 1 1 t t nnn gn if 1 I vet | | r | f i # it ‘ i . i 1 i | i meme i} ‘ | HW | i} | | | f " 1 I y i * - I | | | | 4 » H 4 | i | | I | iH | | i] } i i | Poe ! aa | 1 | | ! | | seks | } ij | | i | | I | | 1 t f ft t ft { ; | i | | | | | — | \ Ht " i H i { nas 1 | 1 | i] I | i | | i | | | 1 ft 4 j + iN i i I j e t | I | i i ; ‘A | i { | | i | { h ! i HW | —— * t ye A t \ | } | } | | i | i | i | i | } ; M 4 4 | } i i i j | if t ' 1 tt b ; i tiie le , T i | i i | | | 7 i | | i | f . \ “ \ ~hiiioan i ' i i i | i ! : i | i f | \ | t i i i [ j ft ————_} , — \ f i BE | | | | | | | | - | : | | ! = | | | ! | | . f ; ; H { j j i \ i 4 ; | | | | | \ ; i} f I Hi fi ' , H f | i j} | i! at | . ep a | a : iH I | | Th ' 1 | | | . | ' ah 1 , , “ . 4 i > | i | . | | H | | | | i H j | ] 4 nln + j a - 4 " | | | ; ; | j i | | | | =" | | | | | tl ; ; i ! i ” , , } i i } | u : | oe t ee | | | | | \ | i | | 7 + | 7 : : | | | } | i | | , nl | j \ Hl { ‘ | | | ht | | - ; ’ | | i i 1 | | | pees _ + ? 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Copyright 1933 A-122559 Bhs ee ee cee cceeien to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. ne <= = : ; = = — ee ST Se ae , se; ah 3 | DATE 0 ‘aa T m TE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECE. . are F DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED RECORDED P m : : ASED * . ne coLor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOT ———— AND CHRISTIA Sex Color cE OF DE AME OF FATHE ‘ aed | Yew | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN soars Vol.) Page Month — Day N NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol.| Page | fern p SSS a in sli len 7 ‘3 et ; ol. Page | | | f{ iu my . ’ fT | | | eae aeee Alonzo _M M |W [Statesville ic 13 B Mabe ——sS_—tmmes 46 535] | t > . me Vu +e) lg L : | | Pf | | aa | | —t ! 1 i | I | | i j il | | : | | = at | 1) i | | | | i i i ij | i] mtd : : ae | pe I . \ 4 Hy i} | 1] y Pe t i i } I i | | 4 H i I I | i | i| 4 # 4 i , | : | | ii | | | | | | ae “— | I t A | | | | | | | | | | H t i | t : , l I 4 i j | } } | 1 | | | | ' 1 | | | | | | | | | | CF f {fh ; | t H- } ‘i i I i : i ay i : ! H i H t ; , = | 4 4 . 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J 4 L tl t J bet ~ L. ' | SEN J Se Fe | } 1 ~ 3 y ‘ ‘ . ‘i al oo il . + ~ _ a - empanadas en on a = il —— — ~ ee " 7 . ] a " =a -——- meee —— oe +-- - il oe tts esses henson - - ae a P + 4 -———- r } > | 94 i } e MURS aad ica ae yey ert tee rea er INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. = . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. é SBT Falat Nes Anionic 18 Bre on ar ahah SURNAME INTIAL TAB and rt ede out Foi, Sopra, Soman . 1437168-——Copyright 1930 U.S. Patent No, 14 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ed locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ; This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, 2 te Buff Sub-Inmdex sheet for page reference. Reg. U.8. Pat.or. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. i . U.8. Patent No. 1487168—-Copyright 1930 RECORDED a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER et i ; Year | Month | Oay . \ 47 643 i uy q & ' . ; on 4 1961. 12 31} Melville onald 4, Statesville NC |James BE. “elville Florence Magrath RECORDED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER VoL! Page pe 4 f i N i ) : ! ; RS S rt e ee e re at e TPR RR Mir Reet re eee ea monsenannenitned Narre esr SO AAR AAA Ne em 79 eee re RET IRE I INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — INDEA TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX name: AME U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyri a ke ’ 7 Bate locate . pyright 1930 . to Buff =° = for ee ae ant refer } This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, : t é pate BN 1asttee—eopre mn ii : : . Beg. U.8.Pat.or. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. U.S. Patent No. 14 Copyrig = 7 see Bull Soha NAME pe al — Stith dmerver Frnine Home, Charo, Ne —_ = : ere i or page reference, Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, " DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER > Vol.| Page DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN en eer acini re . | Vol.| Page Ben _ 7 Merucci c t i Lbo \ oh ob r’? i ae s 1] i rm ry ‘? 2 3 ; Moor esviile Oonrocco xn Merucci Wo nd aa cst tutts 4 O 4 / , ce ha ee —— — P ie 5 te * 1 MET ni i Wt {iad 4 RP uit adh ute Ue ny « ean es ed ih akbah na st ee M Lbs Pek uL cet beaks Aes ieee aed INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. -__INDEX T0 VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ; ~ To locate names SURN. $-—Copyright 1930 o> , open at AME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 QAP To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer insures their correctness. U.S. Patent No, 1437168-—Copy to Buff Sub-index s ’ U.S. Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, Reg. U.3. Pat. om For Your Protection, Insist On It. } s ; Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio heet for page reference Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED mag LL SURNAME OF DECEASED LA ’ THER 7 oT Sere is dies lk F er PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FA NAME OF MOTHER oT ) RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel.| Page n Meekins : fraa Eo abc be ian eek eaten kia te eee . me 4 4 5 , , : . . =. o “ i, , aa ta fe o : LeeLee oat oO Ww ae i ee oh COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. : . | 4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—C > is ' — eed E 68—Copyright 1930 QR To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer _— DEX N eG ; ms to Buff Sub-ind h f E This Signature on sheets insures coTTco UNIVERSAL INDE. 0. 1-4 F : } f DATE OF DEATH ' i , . ee = ————_—_—_—_—_—— ; : eres a Tr page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. Hy | j a al SURNAME OF DECEASED J ‘em, meee |) Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF RECORDED part OF OeATE SURNAME OF DECEASED nine woPayy ; Bh MOTHER a low AMD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAM : | RECORDED _| i ; Te - Vol.| Page Yor | if co E OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER r| Pp Pore _— Leese of eS a \ +) = Vol age i i ts ‘ me, ' of 14 n963, 4 25 Minter Jessie wl lw “1 oH aca, | ; EZ Le . ‘ a“) WV MOOresy 3 “ > Pier ry > “ i pose % if fi il) ville 4 int er Nita bLgeginston 19} 275 | ahem! : 4 i ij ye ; P| 4 | i pm Pa n ‘i a i t i c e a i a t c i n Sa r e e aa y s ey l] i ai Be i i ihe i i I ai f i i Hl if i >) TR i} it Ht i te i i , Th) BY | : i ij > i | re | H | | | hele | H | | | | | ae iT | | { ‘ £3 - ab ~ {| | | i a { | | | : oa : |) ij a i i i a f hae j i f t ' ’ i . 4 { i {| | | i i ee ' + 7 \ i —— { i | | | } i ra . | \ ; | | id 4 | | a i Tae H = fs a co - < eo E 4 es | } i RE aT ae te Pi te wa t i Re ar Ba e a a or g — = a ge n r e ha g be e : = * j ' ' ; i i | ‘ i i = —— S — — S S S _ sy wy \ > 1 a) st * f qi ences | ; i tr f . siatithinencalln i | Wa cal aime i bt | F ! it | | | l yd " . } | a) ie 2 ini 4H f | q . — + Li i | | | a) | | - ; ; i J} | . ie a] sift | i | if Le i et | He | aw | 4 ah if + | 4 | iH , ———2———____._4 + L hep : | sm . ! : a ; }. | | | 4 | | : . Hah { 1 | ee EET TTA ate ae 0) ] - teat _ a ° didi le ve cree 5 a HP xt a ee ee eAibihid Man ORAaa Miahkes cinshhalad outdated eke hbk Agee ed sant» INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. re INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. “id : VERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 . ae ee is Si - COTTCO UNI Bis To locate naines, open at SU Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, an U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 to Maar ook URNAME BATIAL TAB and refer aS Cheater Promian tees Ghanian ee Reg. U.8. Pat. Ox, For Your Protection, Insist On It. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 14 Sate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1926 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. = © oe SURNAME OF DECEASED oe ‘ | teconoeD | y DATE OF DEATH SURNAME, OF DECEASED iat RECORDED ae ee Te sam comenTianl tame, © con 1s erven Sex Color } PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Oy ‘ | meets | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER wal fa a t 1963; 6 | 29 [= == = = == Re Sg + pr e : Eg r e s s ee e ee ee =B e + Sm e e ee e Sa Se e s ee e i : + Se ge r s =: ieee errant tne at se ee Ltt teeta iabatals ar tte ee ied od eee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 87 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ’ meen L INDEX No. 1 ie by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 GAT» toca oped sckelnaes sheet for ae - Kin Ue Fak oF For Your Protection: Meier mon a Us Patent No. 1407166—Coprrigh 1930 BERT locate» Bed Gab-lotes chect te pope die gaa Baia bo Ovesrver Printing Howry Charlotte, N.C. Padi DATE OF DEATH . RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED * Yer Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER al ae vor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Ve! Page 1963 8 28|Marks, dr. _ James Kay M t Mooresville J R Marks, Sr. Mary “uffin 49) 510 7 en SE E eR e ee d sa m e . | | I . | | i] | \ } Hi | | | | i i 1 : f HH | | | | | 4 i i H i | i | } i i ! tl t | i i i i I i i i I | i i | | i i i l { fe ' | | | | PF i i } i | I fs ! 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Cc t No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 © locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, ¢ bus, Oh U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 = sas to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg. U.8.Pat.or. ( For Your Protection, fault On It U.S. Paten = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED : RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel.| Page DATE OF DEATH ‘ — SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = 2cORDEO_| _——— Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol.| Page Marks, dr. _ James Kay Wi Mooresville J R Marks, Sr. Mary “uffin AQ 510 se e SS SS == [S s Hid - Hl - f 4 ' if Sa a s ie e e tt t ee EE . ed am e n d ne ; —m i t i i t G ’ - . a. . . = ee ee an e Ra LH i Ti Nh EAE Senet Ledeen iesibath of ol caeake at aelaeh ttt atleast tthe at aaah aman ane INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 QPF To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Onto This Signature on sheets insures t heir correctness, U.S. Patent No. 1437168——Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer PP o Reg. U.8. Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. ; r : U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. RECORDED DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED as > . AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol.| Page DATE OF DEATH 5 : DECE AGE ‘ ye SURNAME OF DECEASED . RECORDED Yea Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ay aa Yeo | Month | Day is Te Lobe lackins France M Alexander 49 | 678 1963 11 I Mack ins | Baby Be Ci Mooresville : n964 3 1} Mackins me r s te ge — io e bpeseneenneessnrenpeomenensnnes eames {jeanne ee wd er an e ot ee e : re a r go t ee d ie Re ee —_ Ht TPM TEE SOT cachet hhehna ia ak en bell oak tok od INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. 7, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 rag te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer This Signature on U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 som} correct ‘ a FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Split ty to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg. 0.8. Paton For Your Pr eets insures their correctness, i coTT ism “$= Open at Proper Tab according to First Le an. 3 | mI c pe per according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, jo Otection, Insist On It, 2 Sai none _— : oe ; ~ Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Chaar Printing House, Charlotte, N. C SURNAME OF DECEASED TT I 1 T r | | '} i] RECORDED DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME OF CHILD Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER >#——~_ | : oe | RECORDED | ar : lan lin 0 CHRISTIN HAMEL, w Ome 18 even | sx color} PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = >> DATE OF DEATH S # 1964 2 | 8] Meyerhoffer itoy Trout man HDL aL som eSaivedL Thoda iG INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locat U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page eens GATE OF GEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | cor! PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, e names, open at SU'RNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Rog. U8. Pat. of, For Your Protection, Insist On It. RECORDED Vol. Page 1 et saat DATE OF BIRTH pinks Miche re Creed ok eek cadcia e ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — B] R'T'HS — Iredeli County, N. C. er ¥ NAME INDEX No. 1—Solit Open at Proper Tab according to First Lett Lett f ——, corr sm 1933 A122559 re _ per ccording to Firs er or ers © Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Yeu | Month SS ae 1964, 2 Day or Si} — 1 ae | SURNAME. OF CHILD aR Aa i A os ki are AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | SEX | COLOR | PLACE OF BIRTH H NAME OF FATHER | Meyerhof fer toy } M \ Trout man Made by The Cott Index C: y, Columbus, Ohio : Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C YT W i NAME OF MOTHER ‘Vol. Page | MGMEN NRTA Coa Rae Moki nS SNE ee ee a eae eee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. , INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C COTTCO UNIVERSAL I Ue Peony NY ERBAL INDEX No. 1-4 BREF Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ‘™ Signature on sheets insures their correctness o WAM TE n 8—Copyrig to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg.U.8.Pat.of. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It, " PAMCopyright 1988 Avzassp '° rer sppeptaatame aS r a pen at roper Tab accordi to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Com: y, Columbua, Ohi . Oo P T ~ ng ’ a, © Name and refe o Du u ndex sheet for page reference " : fer to B ff S b-Inde } f pag Se. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, - DATE OF DEATH 3 : . SURNAME. OF DECE bine ri = | | | | Ye Month | Day ian Gaiania tk, © Oe be Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee | lili SURNAME OF CHILD | | | | | Vol. Page 3 Yeu | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | S&X jcouor! PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER = K——— i I ; cn eer : , | Vol. Page || j { ee SE r= + : "4 " 196))| 2 8] Meyerhoffer Roy I M Trout man ‘ eo ak a gee r e m e o st is os i oe Bo co e ne se e pe e s ge ca t s : a3 ye a r ji gr s e n t en # . - = ae é ae “ a = | 4 | i 1 | * ey a MTG Hace edited aneitaat A aeuiater iti Miei | Mae HPht a) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No, 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Year Month Day SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN o Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. pat locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer t Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Reg. U.8. Pat. Off. For Your Protection, Insist On It. NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Vol. Page VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS cort ILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Spiit ne 1933 A122550 DATE OF BIRTH Year | Month | Day erecta $2 - | 1964; 2 | 8 eset aay , SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Meyerhoffer oy Le | | | Open at Proper Tab according Name and refer to Buff Sub-Ind tT | SEX COLOR iW # | i" } | i} Pia ce ae wren ve’ Be a eee kaka bak oar? | PLACE OF BIRTH | i Trout man Meta t ia r PSS tae Tn rT) NAME OF FATHER — Iredell County, N. C. to First Letter or Letters of ex sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ; Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C Il | | RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER be | Vol Page % 150) 67 TUL as MARI LOL ics aa Ta = Asse nsdANAId ASG EA SLA ae ee he el INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ‘ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, a COTT FAMILY NAME PEeEE Bo. 1—-olit fy DoS Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 d at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer { . ; ight 1983 Al: U.S. Patent No. 1437188—Copyright’ 1930 BER Te locate nasnes ELS; chest tae gaan vabwenee. Reg:U.8.Pat.om, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It, Conyels ae Ses "£3 Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing Ho:::c, Charlotte, N.C | Sex a PLACE OF BIRTH || NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER i} } eee se ST euncnmme et So Sea : U 2 ~" gee ae | RECOR y BIRTH ‘ : | OY DATE OF SURNAME. OF CHILD | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. Page _ Year Month | Day fener a j ft - W tt | } ii | | 1964 2 8] Meyerhof fer oy ¢ | H | Trout man j t ea t e n et t ta i n s —— ER E na y + aa p al s ~- I —a r ms ai m e ge e se an t e s a —— —- gu e > ei ie es on L i i —— ee es an n a a NTs Haase tus ea suieas deed distean 93 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. "i COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Solit r > Open at Proper Tab according to First Letier or Letters of — aa Copyright 19383 A1l22559 Red in aor are S40 , _ County Indexes S; ce 1885 corr FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Open at Pr Pek cnoedll Fi ae i = mats ; = 3 a a Se oe “d ad boon = bond Speed — — La ot Seen BGS So wmentiiniinni Toe a ioe io me ee seaiemumaian —— == Le Name ond reler to Bulf Sub-lndex sheet me av Soid"oy’ Oerver Printing Howe: Sartower N.C Le DATE OF BIRTH | SURNAME. OF C } j | f | Se ae | $ ME OF CHILD | ; g OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECRacr | 1 sex |couor|} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER || ~— NAME OF one SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED Year Month = Day || MOTHER ) -_ ye ele ae : 8 / | ay | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | | man | Ow AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE 1S @Iven SEX COLOR! PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER a aa i ¥ : Sa ee mor —— =o a SSS SSSR i + i ee mre 52 | i mt j | i| 4 aT | | # east agp aoaaad tH | | | | | 65| 8 |20] Mendaloff | Pauline | Fi wis ; | H | } ! | apes? | | | statesville | Geo. W Josey Cynthia M White 51) 485 | | | | | | | a | f t ors | i i | | | i j i | i] | | | | | | i | | | a i H i Ht | i | i | i | | ee | fo Pee | | Ps a | } | i —F— i f 1 4 | | | | ae | | | | im | | | | | | | TW i i —— I t , t i | . 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Se e r Se b i m u e e s Gm ew o m os 02 si e c q s au s os mo o g e wm a so t * s = oS = se =, —w w T e e ae ES sa e = tt ma e : e s . ‘ . U. S . Co ; é Re g . U. S . Pa t . Of Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , In s i s t On It . Co l u m b u s , Oh i e No . 10 5 8 3 2 Na m e s of si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be gr o u p e d to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e en Su b - i n d e x th e di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n on e co um n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . Bi e Bi t l n t e r j Th i s Si g n a t u r e on sh e e t s in s u r e s th e i r co r r e c t n e s s . Th e Co t t In d e x Co m p a n y . 2 $ : oe s = "a a ee n a TS T 7 5 i 7 ' T ’ ae Tt ) a ee PO P E S RS be r er er / ie i i j i ' i ' ' ' } 5 | j io j | j i } | i Ba s e n Se l e c ge e ai e ‘i : +t ¢ t ~* ~ ’ ' tT ’ j i i j i wN i | ' | : Pa h | 0 bi pvt A al a n Sale | ; i | | -t ' | ) Me e t tt Be ; i ; i | by ' ' ; ' j ' j } | i i i ' ' 2 |. © : | : i jj i i ! : j j | i os i ; i ; 2 ao ” ee e fi a | | fe ea s t i ; i ; | } i . : = i | i a $ j i ' j } Se ae . 2 6 | | Poo ea e ee a oo oO S | | : ; So g Q | 3 = | | | 4 a 4 | | ea e : ; ot t ‘ * fn ga h 3 + + + + ¢ + ‘ 1 BP aS | | te a | Z i i | i ! ‘ it oi + t } } } : ‘ + 4 Sf p ee l 2 i i | | | | | ' a | or 4 | ea e . i i ' i j ' i | i ty 2 Pe e | PY bed : a = i i J i = ; i j i ey i i i i ' =~ | | | hd | | . 4 i i i | | | | : | | aa | | cd Ss + + rs + “ te s . ah + =< + un ee s 1 ¢ Se e o 1 | r T T 1 7 r ’ t _# " : a aS | | ee s | t f ee en n é ; i i i is ' | = i om i i ; i ' i i ‘ 2 : l- s : | | + ' ; |= . : : ! i «4 i | = | | ' is Bee 4 | ba b e . Be g _ j j | ; ; 3 e | j | : i | : _ Pe Bo d pe toa i 3 : oe oo f + $ SS S SS aa pe a r a ge e ee e e a r m e n i h a n a n t a n a d e : + oo + + : 4 + #F a : | & Sa y : et tH | | Bi g s se e s e Pe e ts | Po l e s 3 Po Be d | | i ! ; : i : a | pe t 2 | Pe t e | : ; > c i i j ' } | | ! i Pe e oe Eo | | | | : a | pe eR Ch r pe u ] q 3 re | bt 4 | Me t h jo | he e | Ti e d ii t h c s a i l i c e d ili a c h te d ee is. 4 : ‘ + Sa s Sabbah halide ba bd iat oh waked dhchaeshaaine ’ % 2 a ‘* . & % ai s e ~ i cs : : ; 4 — be e ai e n t e v i n m t e in n a . = a ny —a g ae = ’ = 2a =, F 2 @ a : . 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Th e Co t t In d e x Co m p a n y , U. S . Co p y r i g h t ~~ Re g . U. S . Pa t . Of . {F o r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o n , In s i s t On It . Co l u m b u s , Oh i o No . 10 3 6 3 2 5 Na m e s of si m i l d sh o u l d b dt th e r an d gi v th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e ai e —= on i o n te sp a l i e d , du s h e n t o g ae na m e in me e e th a n co ‘o a t a n n wh e n ne c ca n n e s ee ~ Rt ie ee - + — —— - — —_ a te e ~ ‘ - 4 } | i ; ; i j 2 i >: j } ' if ae eres Pi d bk Ree s a / oe | | os | : — st a l l - - | ¢ ' ai ; + + + + + + ; + - T } -— - 4— - — _ - - — _ _ + 4 — _ + -— — _ _ 4 - 4 | i j | | | } } j i j j | i | j | ; | i i i | j ; | | j ' j i i j ; 5 g | | i i | | ; i j | | | i j i ; ; i i i j j 2 | i i 5 | i | ; | i i j i } i j } | i ' j = Po e t ae | | Pe ba e a s h o b a4 | 3 ce pe | | | | | | | i ' j 2 | | 3 i i i i i j i i j j ' i i i i i | | j 5 | ae 5 Pe r e eg | = | | i i i i i i i i i i i | 1 i i | ; i | | | | i i | i | i | | | i i | i ; | j i } ' i | ; et ' ' + ' pp + - « g w T ; 4 ww | | i | i ' i i | | i ae — 7 “ t i ¢ t t + + ; t | —— _ — } — _ _ . _ _ _ a i i | | i ‘ i | ' | | i | | | | i | i | j | i j i | | | | | j i j po | | | Ro b Bo m a n i i ' | j j i i i | | | F i i i ; i i § | | | | | bot AC toe ee d 4 | ; = j i | i ' ig | i = j j | | } ' } - i i j | i | } j | i i | i j j i | | i j j i i } j j | | | | i j | | | | | | | | + $ + Sp + + + + + np + 8 } i i ; i i i ' a mo j i i i i = i } ; ; } } ; ; t + + + Pa c e n c n e p a t i o e l an n a . i | i } i a - = = i j i i . 33 ‘s j j | i = = | re j i | ' | | i | 4 j i i ; i z | | i i i ; = | | | | i i | | i 2 | i i | i j 5 | | | = i j j | i j ‘a i i b d i i d i n an + os 4- 4 t 4 ! ¢ t + ce x + : & ; : _& | + t + + + ; ; ; ; t ; ; ; + t j — SS — 3 ' | j ' j j i ' i i | q i i } ; ; 8 | i i i ' : i | ' } i ' i i i i } ! : 4 3 | | i j i i = i i | 3 4 i ' i i i | i | | = i 2 | b6o 4 | | | 2 18 i = i | ’ : q § i ' | i ' me t ! pi | | | : i i | | ' ; ; i | | } j 4 i | | } : { | i ' i ' § j i | i i ; j i i i | | j ; ‘ re n e a + i an sa k e sh i e d + ~ } *. 4 2 : - + a L a j + pi n d il ee iL b- : ; ea e ea e ae ‘é i m e s =— —— So n y = oe in a a = - at nt oe ee e on s pe a n a ne r o 4 a am e s an y —— — a . 2 a ee — gh “ ne e n n a t i n a i n n i an a l ee e “ aa a n i n n e e r = SS bs ae ; ov e n : = “ = — — a ai : 7 " . 7 - ee AE 1 A A AAO a ae teal ie = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ’ r ‘ q t 7 : ee a } ¥ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Te lecat 5 j a 5 © names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ee U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ae to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, oe S« sd by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ( a os eee q 2 teens é ote: | ) DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | eee tio | oe ) | , ee Top} AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE 1S IVEN Sex Color ~=PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page ee a aia a ie ce ilnsaas a ed ore salen | | ¥ “ 1 cy + __ 2914, 11 |18)Mock Davia M W Shiloh Ths Fredrick Mock Elizabeth Mock 1 384 : ee EEE Ea eee eee 1923) 4 (|11)Mock Caroline F W Shiloh Tns own Goble ~ 9; 63 | i ree al oe 1926 10 14 Mock Catherine Eliza’ F W Shiloh Tus Abnee Stewart Sallie Alexander 12 306 EAS ond casi a i wicca ait alee an aN (1926 10 (14 Mock Catherine E F W Shiloh Tns Abner Stewart Sallie Alexander le 313 { | - rs sl i a mene ~_ te — TTT ner paints ween on a | +— — ; +. > | | | | i e TO hate 3 / cancion ‘ einai | | + _ ~~ - - —_—— a ~ ae ~ — ne a | | —_—_— oo — —s— a me rr ee oe 1. . “ “ poe eenenemomaneiieomenn a —_——__— - — —— — nnn siepiataiaitiaaiitaia i alte a | 1/1938 1 7 Mohler Beulah Reid F W Statesville NC Quince Adams Reid Martha Reid 24 275 | ' Senin sic we as Als F . 11940, 8 30 Mohler Ida B Argenbright W Statesville Nc G@ F Argenbright “iss Forbes 20, 41k | } . Ot i ie Re gt pe EP eee Ree ee are Tee ee ie ee ee, eee ee ee eT ed 11947. 5 28 Mohler Howard Clark M W Statesville NC (Unasnown Unknown 33 | 207 | " a ee eae soit ds ia een eainaeil eimnaieainitiansinaattones pcipsitetabianeiaeainnsia mcicennemne lien at iii ial r | - ns pee - sie se nh ET eeceamenae er enero emcees — pence — — sstnetnnnneensstemanmemsestndiatinmmnenieanemanasssssile t j ' | ; - — + + — ee | : a _ co aaa ee rn et -— _ nn ne ee — _ we eo i, | | eo -- - - - —— - ——— ——— ———— — i ree ee | | f ie iad h f ae a a haat ‘ * ee meth —— ‘. i 1 mihinii 1914. 11 18 Montieth ‘Martha A F W Statesville To (Charles Montgomery -- Barnett 1. 569 — 1951| 7 (24) Montieth Virginia Anne F C Mooresville NC /Jordan .ithers Anna Belle Headen 37, 430 . “4 } + — a | «4 ~ 4 | one } H ; | ‘ r 7 | we } ; I H| j i a { | Womens } " | ' ’ ” | j | | | J | ti, a } } | ‘ 4 ; i i { | i \ | | | i] i — “on. | | | 1 4 1 | } q j 1 fi | | | et 1 — | \ ‘ | 1 ic | { t Se \ | ; 4 ji Ther MORN TePe NE Taree ner TT eT ia Tine THALES GtHHHe Tot Sea sPeOSaTATaBH Tea cHveAHapoid UAC RAPA NS RUMAH ON UN BUI tT UT ACG a Or a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS -- Iredell County, N. C. - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCQ UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio sali to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. te iw Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Keg. U.S. Pat.orf. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright ad a . . je “om — | DATE OF DEATH Z : | I | 4 DATE OF DEA SURNAME OF DECEASED { | RECORDED Paar Tae Te] rt ae Tae ee a Cire | sex colt || PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER /———?_} lan [om | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color. “PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = >> | | | | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | vel | Pass +} | I | ' , | * vw oe | Elizabeth Barnard 4 163 | | if i i a (1917 10 29| Morefield Sallie L f | |Hagle Mills Tn |Nelie Hayes 1914, |18/ Montgomery Elizabeth A W (Cool Springs Tn|James Crawford Zsther Allison 142 if | | |Sallie Hayes 44 396| 4915} 15! Montgomery Shiloh Tns ‘Sam Montgomery Ella Brown 253 h (1918 10 3/Morefiela Hall Geo | |Zagle Mills Tn |R C Morefield 30) Morefield Mary E | |Statesville NC |J Franklin Mason \--- Baggerly 1 9 428! | 1911, 28 | Montgomery Liza Jane W (Mooresville NC |William Cathey Jancy Beaty 69 li | | \ | 17) Morefield Callie Myers | | Eagle Mills To |E D Myers |M A Roberts 111 120 i ar ; c 11917 11 Montgomery Statesville NC |Wm P lontgomery Lula High i i oh H 17) Moorefield Robert Frank Eagle Mills Tn |R H Moorefield \Ethel Tolbert 117 = }1918, 5 Montgomery Rockwell A M W Statesville NC [Geo Montgomery Magalene Montgomery | 9 | Moorefield Robert VYolumbus ! M W Harmony | i Elizabeth Mooref 1e1 d46 ; . 1926 17 Montgomery Victor C i iW Statesville NC iWm T Mont romery nizzie Crawford 11927 23 Montgomery Lillie s F W (Cool Springs Tn John W Stevenson \Filed 11929 4 Montgomery John B M Statesville Tns Steven Montgomery 11932 19 Montgomery Ma Rockwell FW Coddle Creek Tn Rock Montcomery Josephine Houpe 1 Montgomery John Ralph NY Statesville NC i F Montgomery Lillie L Stevenson 15 Montgomery David William M W (Cool Springs Tn ‘Nicholas Montgomery Jane Phifer 13 Montgomery F Statesville Tn ff Montcomery Fanny Lucky 12 Montgomery William Price Mo oOW Statesville NC \Edward C Montsomery Montgomery Edward M Coddle Creek Tn Montgomery Martha Jane Y (‘Bethany Tn Clark Ellis Isabella Keaton + yey “ 28 Montgomery Mattie Angeline F W Statesville N Edward Foard Nont- Lilly Stevenson 54 47 13) Montgomery Mattie Ervin F W | Statesville NC |Col J GB Ervin Jane Matilda MeLellahd 34 422 ol. ’ i 26 Mongomery Katie Witherspoon F C Statesville Jim Witherspoon Ellen Witherspoon $5, 472 oa 29 Montgomery James Thaddeus. iy, W ocotatesville NC Willism T Montgomery Llizaveth A Crawford36 581 J /1938 4 8 | Moody | ‘Mooresville NC |Charlie Moody” Mary Jane Jones 31) Montgomery nice Lrutcn/ Y Jleveland filli wiv Of} th 5 ~ \O Wi Ww 11945 5 5 Moody Nancy Iona Statesvilie NC | Joseph Garter dr | Mildred moody ew ‘o O Ww w 194 2 | Montgomery idenry Oscar j Statesville Frice hontgomery Lou high Montgomery BY 433 i i y 4 ; 11 1 | Montgomery Mary Abernathy | F W Statesville N C John L. Abernathy Cornelia Moore 42 521 ~ pe 12 31 Montgomery James Floyd M Statesville Wm. P. Montgomery 1 Hitg 42 620 10 19/Montgomery John Allen Statesville Wm. P Montgomery 43 464 Davidson 12 21 Montgomery Elizabeth/ F Statesville NC |R Q Davidson Elizabeth Brown 44 615 8 22 _ Mont gp mery Mar garet 4 Olin Rockvell A “ontgomery Amelia Houpe 48 458 | 11 28) Montgomery Emma L. Yr; W Statesville Wm - “ontgomery “ouviney Haigh 4 HH] ; : | | | { 27) Mont gomery ‘Statesville NC |James Scott Amanda Ellis 1938| 9 | 24|Mooney ‘Sallie Scott 20 |Hont gomery | | 1950, 5 (27]| Mauney Essie Scott | Mooresville NC | James X Scott Amanda Norton 1950 6 (28); Mauney Eutrilla Ann : Statesville NC | Thirksell Mauney Flora M. Miller 1951| 2 .|14| Mauney baraie bsper , |Statesville NU | Allen Mauney klizabeth Morrison ; ' t : Thirksel1 Statesville NC [Erdie Mauney Essie Scott 1957 | 10 24 Mauney } 1961 10 24/Mauney | Ellard Statesville NC /Allen Mauney Mery E Morrison ; } : Print Pry ’ my Nal Aaa } be ay ea e n r a n n ei e i t e n e r e d i a e m e i a e c d oi e ok ae . n ne et e Sa m e . a So e pe ee as ee ee : Mi g mi t . . . i. . t ~ t a | | } i ' { } 4 This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. = Reg. U.S. Pat.of. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH | Year Month web 1916 1916 a l1916 1917 1918 1922 1926 1929 1932 }1932 1933 L935 11936 11936 1939 11950 11950 }1952 bs hoe: Mm w tH Ww 1953 8 1956 10. 1959 EE 1013 Money Money 2h, |Money 11 |Money 23 |Money 25) Money | Money George M | | Money SURNAME. OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Monnie \Clarence K Money ‘Coyet | Money Raymond Elree | | Money Almeda | Money (Twins) - Money Madie (Mrs) Money Mary Monnie Lizzie Norman Money Donald Monnie Levi Pitts Monnie Edith Money Lilly Money William Money Nancy 4 Money Glenn Willis Abraham Richard F Wiley Martin Royal Gregory | M 18) Money Betty Mae \ j 17| Money - 9 | Money Lula M | 30} Money Ernest Burner Money James Turner | 1 Mary Jane == Sherlyn Rachelle F W W W ter ra) i Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH t join Tns Istatesville NC Istatesville NC htew Hope Tns \Statesville NC ‘Statesville NC Union Grove Tns Olin Tns Statesville NC Olin Tns Olin Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Turnersburg Tn | Statesville NC | Statesville Tn Union Grove Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC | statesville NC | Winston Salem Winston-Salem | Statesville NC |Statesville NC INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER D C Monnie Jim Money J T Money Joshua Dowell D C Money | Lewis Anderson Samuel Cass | Isac Norman | J T Money | Wade Monnie Wilson Wyatt | John W Lawrence | Mode Money | Lewis Harris Elmore Honby e : i Money Moses Money Hardy Money William Money Levie Money James Turner Money Vernon Eades Garland L Money John Keller Garland Money Statesville N ¢@ Wm. Money ‘Statesville Statesville Green Brown COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 i NAME OF MOTHER | | Lula Keller | wwee Keller | Matilda Reid | Effie Leonard | Betsey Nicholson | Mary Collins Lula Keller | Nancy Poe Betty Shaffner | Nancy Gray Dare Money lbzei2 Edwards Mancy Ball [ring Messick Mary Money Lissie Norman Peggy Louise Har | Dina Goodman |Betty M Hades { | Alice Kilpatrick /Annie Lee Kilby |Elsada M, Goforth Dora Money | | Martha Madison RECORDED | Vol. | Page | 5| aI 3, 310) | 4 236) |4a 296. 8! 121} [14 637 las 316 i18 330 119 197 19 201 19 364 \22, 378 [22 654 | 25 337, ky 429 l2s 47h be 352 l28 395 128 413 | h33 277 | 36 162 | 1356 271 | | 38 580 | 139 406 | 42 599] 45 597) ho 45 | a oa 10 er e s Pi k te a ee . - os Ee ci, Lo ated Ln SS elena fo AO At pele Be ain Lee be IES Chtet bt eke de ie eth Le INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. &. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Moore | Moore |Mary More Mary Elizabeth Moore Christine E Moore Margarette Lee Moore Rossette Moore Ruth B Moore Ruth Moore Charles Moore Dennis Moore Nicholas Moore Samuel Moore Iza Moore James |} Moore Euphemia © | Moore Elizabeth Moore Berls Moore | Moore Della Evalena Moore Curtis Pressley Moore Magvie | Moore Frances Ann | Moore ‘Sarah Frances i Moore ! Moore Alice Melvina | Moore i.e : Moore Moore ‘William A | Moore | Elsie | Moore Wm M Moore \James Osborne Moore \Mary Thomas Moore [Luther Moore ' | Bllen Moore Clementine Moore Fred Moore Adolphus R Moore Moore Grady B F Moore Milos Patterson br y ty = F& F = Color | PLACE OF DEATH ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. n \\ i i ¥ Concord Tns Fallstown Tn Mooresville N C Mooresville NC Barringer Tns Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn/}\ Statesville Tns Statesville N C rv Statesville N statesville N C Statesville Tns Cool Springs Tn Concord Tns Sharpesburg Tns Sharpesburg [ns Statesville N C Sharpesburg Tn Concord Tns Mooresville i C Statesville NC Mooresville N C Davidson Tns Mooresville N C ‘Statesville N C VC ad Statesville iMooresville N C on Bethany Tos ‘Concord Tns \Shiloh Tns |Statesville NC | Bethany Tons | iStatesville N C | Barringer Tns Chambersburg Tn | Fallistown Tos Statesville N C W |Mooresville N c| pe | gaakeon Harris \Coman Harris Oscar L Moore Jas L Moore H V Lonis William Moore CiJohn W Moore T ee | "onre James W Moore John Moore William Moore Feimster Morrison Mix Montgomery iDaniel Moore Charley Moore iClemmons Moore panes Moore Jilliam R Somers \Thomes Moore | jJames L “oore will More Joel Lumsfud lirick Moore | iJames L Moore \ |Lewis Moore William 0 Moore | | jJohn Moore Lewis Moore Thomas Moore Charles Moore George Ridding Ed Wade A R Moore Robert Moore J M Moore Benjamin Noore NAME OF FATHER Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C NAME OF MOTHER Bessie Moore Carolina Barker Hanna Clealds Cora Lee Moore Eva Sherrill Nancy Marsh Maryesta Barnhart Lizzie Barnhart Elva Lou Gill ile ™ + M4 hh HAPrLare’ Gibdoon - Reaves Becca Cass Carolim Feimster Jane Knox - Bailey Hester Weber Maggie Somers Sarah Jane Miller Haze Sharpe Nancy Eidson Eva L Sherrill Mattie McCrary Jane Phelps Era Lee Sherrill Mattie McCrary Sallie Anderson Mary Vaughn ‘Nancy Nicholson iGrace Stillwell \Betty Overcash | lAnnie Miller jAnn L Steele Ann Leonapay i Ada Bost RECORDED | Page 425 204 G A ne s —«3e9) SC! on t, 263/ | Lh 121} | UF | 450} f i} & 199! | | 563 544 37 443 155 181 957 | si t e t a t i e i a a i n i a e de . ee pr e t e e n s - ai e a c t i a a i e d i t e d e dl e ne e e g Se r e ee n er ns pe np np am ae s —— A oe s : on e n e s s —S ae d Reg. U.8. Fat. Off. ; | Year 1926, 8 | 1) 1926, 68 |22 12 | 20) 1927, 1 | 3 1927 ? | 1 1927 7 | 6 1ge7| @ |10 9 |i 2 DATE OF DEATH H Month — Day | ; “ 1920 6 28 20 8 | eg) 10 ~ wo nm ~ nN @ 1921 6 | 29 @1; 11 | 20 2e| 11 | 25 ee Le 5 23 1 1 1923 5 /\14 1923, 5 | 23 1923 > 125 23. 8 | 31 19231 11/| 2 lisea) 2: 9 | Filed 11984 2 12 10 14 fi924 12 6 2412 13 12 Moore Moore This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN John Minnie pate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Moore James Ralph VM Moore - M Moore B Lem M Moore F Moore ~ F Moore Barbera Ellen F Moore Fred M Moore Moore Noore Moore Voore Moore V.oore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moors Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Charley Daniel M Mary K John Clarke Marie Housel J John P Harriett McD John Wilson Charlie | Sallie _James Lenard |Mable E | Beatrice iWeA Ralph Galone | Vincient B iMary E |Harriott |Eunice Pauline |Mattie , Nancy Cordelia | F | | Thomas H |Mary Treadaway lg Clarke Lonny F Lewis os "y j = = KF color | PLACE OF DEATH u Ww W * Shiloh Tns Davidson Tns Barringer Tas NAME OF FATHER Lon F Moore Newell Moore S L Moore | Statesville NC 17 L Moore Statesville NC - Mooresville NC la L Moore Mooresville NC | Amos Moore Mooresville Barringer Tns Statesville Statesville Statesville Davidson Tns /Williem A Martin | mney Moore Ip S Moore NC |Will Moore NC | Dill More NC iJames A Moore Coddle Creek Tn|Billey Combs Concord [ns Sharpesburg Statesville Statesviile Statesville Statesville Statesville | John S Moore Tas| Clements Loore NC |Will More NC I pave Voore NC | Jessie Moore i NC | James A Moore NC {William Simonton Coddle Creek Tn) James Moore Fallstown TIns | Statesville i iE J Moore Tns|iBob Woods | Coddle Creek Tn| Jesse Moore | statesvilie | Statesville | Statesville | Statesville | statesviiie [Bethany Tns | statesviiie lMooresvilie | Statesville Statesville Sharpesburg Shiloh Tos Statesville Statesville (CON). C |jJohn A Gibson = fTns|Richard Moore Andrew Moore Martin L Moore Lewis Moore Tns Miller NC Amos Moore NC - Jones Coddle Creek Tn ~ In jRight Moore Tos|Eli Treadaway John Moore Tnosj John Moore TnsiJoe Moore bi 2 “s dite INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1530 NAME OF MOTHER ~- Cascaden |Isabell Moore Flora Freeze Eva Lee Sherrill Lucy Menius Letia Starnes Julia Ervin May Edmiston Bertha Parker K O Setzer Elezebeth Moore Harriet E Moore |Mary Banks | i | | i} ! {| Gussie Moore Willie Laurence Julia Johnston Carolina Rosebeam Lillie Lowery Sallie Moore Liza woods Kessie Combs Margaret Wilbern Emaline Cowan ~ Miller Lula A Sherrill Polly Vaughn Lelia Starnes Kissie Combs Anny Cready Ruie Smith Nance Mock Annie Benfield Jennie Watt I RECORDED | | Vol. Page | “ «C c 10 «O <O ao © i S21 389 106 527 293 328 639 | f reer a 3928;—4; 11 4928} 12 | 2! 1932 1933, 1933 | ia {1933 | eae 1935, a |rsa4 ___}1924| ae 1934, i 1934) ~~ 11935 ~~ 41935 m 1935 1935 1935 1936 10 12 ll 12 DATE OF DEATH | 10 117) ll) 14) ~ ii t 16 12 12 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Moore Moore Noore Moore Moore Voore Moore Moore Moore Noore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore NVoore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore | Moore Moore Moere Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN r Ola Annie AA Augustus Osborne Victoria G Flora Clenia J Gibb (} rs) Mildred I ettie Clarence L Wade (Mrs) Effie Lee Emaline Anna Lavinia John Wesley Amos W Julia Ellen F W Billie Hugh James \J Robert iMary Edna |\Nola S |Roxie G | James (Mary Howard (George E |Stephen Elihu | ‘Robert G Sarah Jane John N | to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | Sex " t re F a M Color W W “ Wi W W W PLACE OF DEATH 4 ee . <¢ ' Shiloh tns Statesville Concord Tns Mooresville NC Statesville fns Shiloh Tns Creek Coddle a : yee ie Y~oprings In ins Barringer Shiloh fns Chambersburg Tn Statesville NC Olin Tns otatesvilie NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Statesville NC Barringer Tns Statesville NC | Ad | iss TISESaS a4 by | 4 } | I'nsiWilliam C Moore 'ngJohn iGeo W iJ L Yates iINiteh Cowan | John lLewis Moore i Sharpesburg Mooresville NC Statesville Mooresville N Statesville Concord Tns iUnion Grove Statesville ‘Mooresville [Statesville NC |Statesville NC Icool Springs Tn Mooresville NC \} Statesville Tns oe New Hope Tns New Hope Tns TnsjAlex Moore iNelson Johnson | i a? jSteven I Moore iG F Moore iJ W Moore NAME OF FATHER 4 eS ’ ,; a Tv’ r W A FOX John Moore Jas Glasscox Frank Moore Archie Glespie T SHA aAan v Varrie e wicney LOrrison John F Freeze Frank Jesse Austin Claton Moore Thas D Moore }.oore Davia Moore iH L Harper Steele Wright Moore William J Harris Thomas G Sharpe James R Godfrey Richard Moore - Howard | | Stephen Elihu Moore i i Carrie sarah Elizabeth Voore Jannie Ella Lizzie Liva Elizabeth Leila DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ae T° locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer NAME OF MOTHER R MeLendon anderson Nv 1 1 sta Houston nood Alice Allison Jomer Gray Voore Stevenson Harris Chlore Davis Annie Kennedy Margaret Guy Ann Wagner Elizabeth Hudson iatincy A Messick \Emiline Cowan | Margaret Indall lBlanch Small ~ Malissa Moore } i { } \ George Hayes Wm Moore i } i i i HMR Ra eR - Riddle ica aa ty % eA a a ck Williams Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ¢ RECORDED Vol. Page 147 596] a 1 a < z 3} 3 631 ) z 4 04 17 2 -T 77 1h? 45 71 620 7 248 17: 489 18; 473 17; 518 18; S20 18; 891 18; 150 18 404 18 7 18; 472 19: 209 19 86 19 362) 29} 107 19. 460 20; 61 20); 643 20, 432) 20 236 | 20, 530) 21 290) 21) 138 21; 57! 21, 538 21 | 246 22) 301 / ‘ ee ee s . Wo e ; ee t é ‘ be _ F oy . 1 ce n °: ; ~ = ns | * tc asteeeesenettennmenn en a ee 6 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. = _____INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — SiianRMMRAE— Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 pan 8. t No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 To locate names su . : i # BAL dle \ Voie tenants on eects ineuien theit carteetnens To locate naines, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL IN U. 8. Paten pyrig » Open at RNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio is 17 eee tb Your Protection, laces On lt oo ocate na » Op INDEX No, 1.4 ssrnictt oi se to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. | | ) | | : . DATE OF SURNAME. OF ED : DATE OF DEATH de i ii | | | : oiled sliniennanartperiopeenineull SURNAME OF DECEASED i ip . AS mar RECORDED | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, | Sex Color || PLAC ° | ' ; ° , i . agen [ie ieee rs oie CNRISTIAN Hanes, © One 18 even j Se | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER — Yes | Month bres F ONE IS GIVEN ACE Of meme | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ' 7 * 4 i } i j i | 11936 Moore Kichard f Statesville NC | Julia Houston | 373 4.6 ore William Vester | i; W iScotts Nc Janes Wilson Moore Mier garet Guy to Bull Sub-index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 eee i] \Statesville,NC lalfred Moore wlle brown SE L E S } i ees 2 aS L986 “| Moore Silvia kllen | F Coddle Creek Tn! Flake M Moore |Hattie Griffin 122 senha Willison Henry | i 64) oore Addisor led ; | .ad1s0n flle ! i Silis Moore iMary Howard il & Lid i OLA 35S V y > Giae . i} i i Moore Co A Ine Pome Lys? ! | Moore Mary C J Coddle Creek Tnj Edwin Willeford |\Nancy Lowrance 40 Calhoun Lock Mooresville NC j\Cicena Moore \Kate Leazer i| i| i ij ts * ~ ~ * o J 5 SS T \ . ( , ' a . : i | mMOOre \ wi a+. ena ‘ vol wOore Milas Davidson Tns | Sam hoore Emma Jant ie +“. Wi Statesville NC| J D Moore Jr | | L9au Ee) Moore Lula Catherine : i | Statesville NC |L W Knox Elizabeth Knox 12 > iz Moore » Minnie Templetqn F Wi Mooresville NC iJames & i | L936 b Moore John Kapte f ¥ | Barringer Tons Adolphus Moore Anna Steel ¢ ee Moore Daisy Jennings | F W | Statesville NC | Chirles E, Jennings | Effie Be rd Maggie Ww ro —— . | u | ' Templeton joiten 4emplieton LyY4t 5 Me Jay J 7 ee re Walter Hiladreth|M 1 aa ie nee a | iia Luckey f A Cool oprings I'n Alexander Moore Mar raret Luekey 5 » es i ‘ Q Walter ildre nh i M vi ij oOlaleSviile WU | lnomas moore | niijarevun J & M4 2 | . ne fy loore Wiiliam Claz ende M C Statesville NC le! ns W Vj re “war 5 > Boats | L946 d Moore Ruby V / |Statesville NC |K C Moore Ruby Lee i! — = 2 ee, eee erg ene s . Moore James Sidney 1YSu Oo | Moore vusle Anna A , | Statesville NC |jAustin Anderson Pollie Moore rtis Moor j sara Jane hiller Moors Lyon ( re Wilitam \ f W Mooresville NC = Moore Robbin } W | Mooresville NC | John Moore | Sallie Anderson 1946 ra ay wh = ifs De nas : e Moore Woodie Twedel? Carney 1 os : Y5U ; y vo Ralph § M Statesville ! R Moore Esther Gillespie 24) inal ; ; (yp t Peace UNL | PLiti¢ iydu ‘ 5 Moore William Vance furnersburg W F Moore Grace \icLean wo Moore James Monroe I | otatesville NC Wm Moore | Lidia Sumuers 10450 Pf £8 Moore Amos Franklin ‘ W | Davidson Tn ‘James Moore Margaret Gibbs ae ; Moore i - | ptatesville I dé Andrey 1 Worothy M Miller S ta tesv tlle 7 10 Moore Bobble Bethany Tn Join Moore Beulah Graham hed Noore : moore 1l 164 Moore ar } { W | Statesville NY | George C Moore Nagcie Marsh Pa Moore Ivey L Childers W | Statesville NC | Wilburn Childers Elsie Henderson 1 eV} moore ePUa t » IMooresvilie NC |Ben M j lia 4 Le Moore David { Statesvilie NC A 4 eee , Moore Annie Laura Btatesville NC | George Moore Lula Knox “4 Moore Harriett E Guy i Statesville NC Frances Moorison OS | 7 | Moore Davia hervert , | otatesville NC |Wavid moore or jkKossie ohives Moore Jessie Bell p Mooresville Lutich Misher Le , Moore Billy wiison , Piooresville NC , Lhery moore { viariolvle Jvetton 00r ry ¢ h S lL} . ' +} f Kobert Samue I Mi \ itatesvil Frank Moore ™ Moore Mary dane Statesville ! iGeo E Moore Flora E Glispie 1948) 9 | 144 Moore LxObe ue) | ptatesvi 28 -— we ' meee Jr M ee Moore Kiffin Cloaninger Statesville NC /K C Moore Ruby Mae See 70 | 749 | 2 | & fmoore Wattiam f vj Svaleevidle wef Milas Moore ‘es 1 | | ; - | G49 1 22 ore Sallie u. bp wi} OlaveSVILlEe wt ;9OHN Lt Siown | AuLiCcCa messick ‘ + i ' 1 j ‘ ‘ ; t } i . I Sherlie William M W |New Hope Tn |John N Moore Beckie Cass ) H49 3 | Moore ene eee — pee pe 2208S — Mae wpeEece | | | : ; Sawyer Willis | M Statesville jJohn Scott Piccola Moore 7 1949, 6 Moore | Eugene M Btetesville NC |Robert Y Moore- | Mattie A Blankenshi Moore Walter Eugene M W Stat sville NC jJames 0 Moore Clementine Wade | | 49 | 7 | 2 IMoore games Lee ; Wt Mooresville NC} James S Moore isscuri Barnette | eee * : ie " Coddle Creek Becky Moore . 33 1949 | 9 118 Mc ore Nargaret Anne Fo) OW \Mooresvilie H James A White Margeret Barringer | | Mooresville Nd William “ Sloa Maggie Patterson ti il | Vool Springs ] F XM Harriett Miller - 1949 10 14 Moore i\Emma Lois FF} W Statesville ames K Moore 7enola B Benfield Mooresville iThog S ee jwargaret Hobbs 12 ] 1949 | 9 {20 oore Mary Eliza + \uzeie Wegner 123 ZA 1949 | 19; 22 Moore jcobert Sumner ui Wi stetesville ames ( intine Wade Moore Q|. 8 | 1liMoore | dJinnie Darnell | C |Mooresville NC |Emory Moore Charlotte Jetton / 16 Bloore Willits | W Mooresville NC [yoserh F Moor Susi reser 29; 3?) 50 | 9 26 | Moore | Brenda Marie tatesville NC | Peul Allen Moore Mildred Williams Moofe 56 48 8 Ricore sorde} rf t iStatesville N Richmond Nai iBlizeleth andecson 23| 366, 1950, 10 | Moore William Lackey tatesvillie NC Jay L Moore Elizabeth Steele 56,495 | 12 Rice re eo Le | Mooresville ats at 3 19 10 [2 Moore | Belle Powell | C | Stetesville NC | Unknown Hattie Campbell 6, 506 (22! Moore i Phom mth , i Pelistons tae Mesve . 1950 .10 | 2 Moore | Amanda Mooresville NC | Louis Anderson Unknown 36)| 532 | [Linda Lou Statesville NC |John W Moore Fairy Lou Vishman 30 627 23 Jinmie Lee M Statesville NC @eneva Rucker | : 11 re F Grenner Mooresville Ne > ma Moore : 1951) 3 2 IMoore Jenuy k V Morganton NC Rufus Moore 1 : ‘ ‘ane Blirebeth | F Zool Springs TnjJohn Guffy jLenire Senley * ~ 1 | & |141 Moore Sandra Faye _ ,W pStatesville NC JJohn K Moore Ji | 4 Moore Noah & | Statesville NC |Harold Moore barba Rose Sherrill 1951; 10 |6 |Moore Nickie Epsie/ routman NC ames W Sherrill Aneliza Abernathy Julien Cochren tesville LC R Moore Junie Hodges . ) 1.7 M Mellie Jane a teaville MC Bridges e@ Reid x Joba Freaklia . e Mc C Moore Sravenees : 4 mud 3 1 |7 | Moore ~ raham Lockhart oresville NC [Playton B Moore Wilma Lockhart ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correetness. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1 : COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 —— La talates pap Te ) Ramee, ence ah SURNAME aos Plceee: U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Conigke if Copyright 1933 A-122868 re Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ( ) ‘ Reg. 0.8. Pat.on. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. ‘ a esc ameenarnemmmmamaos emaarcraee mn se ame and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systemsa——B | eo ED a > - as . = SURNAME OF Pages si RECORDED DATE OF DEATH SURNAME My [ ! Sex | Color NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTH OF DECEASED ! AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN oe 7 pobeipols ER ; oT man | oer AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS given eo NAME OF FATHER || NAME OF MOTHER /——— wogefo I | | Vol. | Page | a f ff | f f ; : oi aL | 31 Moore | Lillie Mooresville N@ | Will Lowery Anna Shipp | 19 2 9 Moore Hat tie eimenpemecemes | 1) | | | | F |W Mocksvilie | James wood Moore lMargare | Guy | 44 176] | s 1 | i i 4952 2 24 Moore | Mary Brooks Mooresville NC | James Brooks Lucy Tedder 440 | 1954 | E! 5 [Moore | od WY Moore sville | Jack Edgar Moore Barbara Jean Sheilds} 44/144 | 95 o } "e R 3 F Inion Sam Ca atsie Nich . ao} | : 2952: 5 18 Moore | Rebecca ae Union Brove Samuel Cass Patsie Nicholson oS 238] 958 | 5 /|14 iMoore 1A| 239 renames Pick jamin i. ( Tro an William lioore Jane Blair 328) 208 ; - : LY \ | + rOUCMe . -O} 58/|} 5 (24 |Moore i | | ] Als 12 We | | £ a E ™ : ie i | Moore William Wilson | _W [Statesville NC [George Moore Flora Eliz. Gillesp| 3| 5 (28 Moore Bessie Elva . om ieee ects rh i yvoM f rn | ; moore Ella uae i I Scotts NC | Je W Moore Margaret Guy ie: 1958 8 30 Moore 11 Edward i | | Bits . | li . i / ; | ; i | ‘ 10} Moore Sanford Lee | | Mooresvil.e NC| Jessie E+ Moore Julia Johnson 1958 9 25 |Moore Emma Heath I a aa i a i ; f “nim at} 19} Moore vane H. } M C | St:tesvilie NC} | 4 1] { a 8 ee a S| Mooresville George Moore “numa Hageans " @ 4 27 A "W jetatesville Annas Cascaddon | ° 1 1958; 8 3 |Moore Martha Jane Scena ‘ tt ’ 29] Moore Mary Belle | w | Statesville NC | Henry L. rope Lura Yount 1 35 | | Wicd ! |! H | 1958 | 11 50 Moore Thresa Lynn | aM Statesville NC | James Moore Tuyla Benfield 5 | Moore Laura | | Statesville NC | James Gentry Smith Lucy Catherine Dixon40 275 | 1959 7 7\Moore Susan Lynn W ‘Mooresville | Jack Moore Barbara Srields 45 10 | i] 21] Moore William Robert | } W | Statesville NC} Burl Jakson Moore | Cornelia Ann Dixon 140 390 | 1959 2 20 |Mo ore Bar i + H if 4 baud H 1} 60an a ; Ya ay WA e e 25 ‘ TY as . Vonsler | W Statesville Mack Consler laura Turbyfill 45 85 26 | Moore William A iM W | Statesville NC | Janes Kockwell Moorg@ ister Gillespie | t 199 8 20 Moore | Mooresville Joanne Moore 45. 437 20} Moore Johnnie Howard | M C_ |Statesville NC H Henry G Bailey Charlotte Moore i {i 195 9 | 9 2 [Moore ed | * . Clevelan | Brawley Overcash Margaret Chandler 45, 445 It i ‘ i - i 9 |Moore Stella Margaret | N |Statesville NC | Robert Leonard Margaret Lippard | . i H I i 1959 10 16/\Moore rrace M. I Wi} Statesville Christopher C. Mi W. Steen - ’ . : u i Li il ¥ - os A “t We ss @ VV s | M Alda Blanche | Statesville NC| J R Stiles usan Abernath | | i i pomrore “ i - j Y # 1959 10 8 iMoore da Mae Bost W Lisb Wi lliam A + + " ‘ i i a ul - abeh | =f4 | Mooresville NC} - i | | i | 1959 12 15 | Moore Nettie ‘edder ‘ Ww } Mooresville William Tedder Mary Riddle y1960° 9 24 Moore | Clyde Edward M | W North Wilkesbora Nathan E. Moore, Jr. Helen Mahaffey 46'772 | 1961, 1 20Moere Mary Elizabeth F C | Statesville - ~ 47 33 “> eee EE a ores eeu E Geminis Southnen er ak | 12 267 oore Edgar Sloan M W Statesville W. A. Moore Mary E Morrison 46 747 | . poesgan : 1961 | i § Moore, Sr. | “homas Fletcher M | W Mooresville | Jim Moore Martha Gibbs 476 Mooresville NC | Clyde Jetton Lutell Campbell / | George C = 45 613 William David | Troutman NC | James O Moore Clementine Wade Ruby Evelyn ] : _ Jetto | Moore Willette ; a f 191 4 17 bMoore _ Elva Gill _F | WWinston-Salem,N.C. Thomas A Gill | Katherine Foster 47 275 i ! \} 3q Moore Maggie Marsh | Mocksville NC | Houston N. Marsh Amanda Uvercash _Sarah Kathleen) F w_ Winston-Selem,N.C. W. H. Miller _ Bessie Jane Cartner 47, 322 << 21 | Moore Paul H. | Fayetteville nd William R. Moore Edna Harris L961 8 5M ,Alice Nadine | F.| Wi Charlotte NC j|J. Relph Martin ‘Mollie B, Beaver 47488 = Sm 1} Moore Edward Wade | Statesville NC | James Moore Clementine Wade 1961, 9 14! Moore William Millicah M, W |Statesville NC | Patterson Moore , Nancy Ann Moore 47 433 | 955 . Moore Julian S. W } Olin Burl Jackson Moore {| Cornelia Ann Dixon = —— — _ — _ _ 3 = | “a . | ’ 1961 12 15 ore Huch B ’ (Statesville N © | David Moore | Elsie Patterson | 47 631 | 956 Moore Acla Knox W | Statesville William Knox Blizabeth Knox | | Arron Yash | Jannie Mason 47 605 | 1961, 12 19 Moore | F | W |Statesville N C 956 Moore | Grace McLean yr 44 Harmony NC WA McLean Sue Gudger l is a | 7 ' ; f 962 1 6 Moore Daisy V W “ i Statesville ‘wv | hi Nelia I. “ox 48, ll i - + ; ‘ ‘ " ‘ 4 ; i 1956 5 10! Moore _ Stillborn M C | Statesville NC} Arthur Moore Jaculyn Dawkins 42 264 | %2 3 24 Moore Wm. Young W | Statesville NC iJonn S. Moore Herritt Guy 9 | \ 4 i} ; z 1956 ---5--30+4-Meere- _ Sbitdborn- M---C-| Statesvilie-NG | Arthur-Meeve- JHouk yn - Bewkins~--- 49-264 j oe 1962; 3 (3 |Moore Stillborn | M a | tatesville Nv} Herman G. Moore | Mettie A. “lynn | ' j 1956 7 16] Moore | Myrtle Harris | F | W | Mooresville NC| Sherwood Harris Nancy McLean | 356 | + ? | " 1962} 5 | 21) Moore ‘Margaret R. R. | W | Statesville NC | John Raymer | Ann Null 1956 9 7| Moore, Sr. |Sam Alex, M C |Mooresville Frank Moore Maggie Daniel 2 6 | | | 196 5 Moore | Beulah J. W | Statesville NC | John T. Johnson | selena White oresville essie W. Moore Mary Combs 2.470 , | Moore Marearet &. W iStatesville John Raymer tatesville Vincent B. Moore Cordelia Nail 21475 | i oore Wm. “obert i W al isbury I bin % Moor Net? ie tedder Statesville John F, Moore Harriet Miller 42) 561 i oore Fred A. t | W [Statesville | Fred L Moore _ ’ Overcash 6,10 (5 |Moore |Olih Leanda 56. 10 (5 |Moore ‘Corinne Lacy 1956, 12 2h|Moore | Francis Neil Morganton J L Moore | _____ |Biddie E, Steele 42, 610 —— — — — — — — — — — — 1956, 11 5 |Moore ‘Lonnie A. ? | : | | | Moo re Walter W, MooresVille Jessie Moore |'Mary Combs 957 | 1 | 3Q Moore | Samuel Lee : | Mooresville N CG James Moore ss Harriett Moore A2.....3 > | | 1957 5 12 Moore | Lela Starnes | | | Th mas Lee | Stat j James “oore Margaret Gu Mooresville Elias Starnes Mattie Kisiah 43) 21 -~ a = z | Wm. D. f John * Moore Rebecca 0 Moore Moore wy «C S St SE E Go ce a ai s i * i < « i . = Mary 1957, 7 |7 foore } ca Lula Juanita Thomas Dixon M | W JStatesville Surl J Moore Yordelia Dixon Statesville 7 Pleasant B. Hodges | Sarah © Cochran | Sel Sia al | ! 3 Mauri ce esville Herman Moore Vinnie Torrence | 49) 501 Moore Bo one Oliver Moore Martha Marlow ot 404 me 4 cs 10 | 24 Moore : re ms ha t i n ie > ia ~~ Moore Grace Emma _ Statesville Morrison R Moore _|Sarah Webb 43 | 574 Franklin M Ruby Lee B 44 98 = Grace ro ut man John P Ostwalt, Emma V Suther Ag 459 tatesville | *ran ~core. fj Ruby See Pall at « — : Byllis. Susan Milam _Serry Franklin Statesville S M Moore Sarah E White 49 | Shel vs I Ai aan emma eee ie me . rr . et ae ~ Me HARRIE eee ee Socata or - enrages = memes on r COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 ae T° locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer il [ (date amen Sorat mt ar mane ree See come MTR DRM ———— eee —————— ) = ; en Se ae eee <p DATE OF — SURNAME oF DECEASED bi | dana Die eal tins ae | RECORDED a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED SEX | COLOR} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year | Month | Day ) » IF ONE IS GIVEN ; TH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) hes , tL Yea | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ee a eS ERs) ke, —t pre | | ‘ =e icsidieiiealeniaiibiatanmetel Ss i i sin a ’ sesaieeeaetaeeaiealiane . ny SESE : : portomtorte 4 _ ——— 1914, 1 29!Moose _ Joseph Westly ui Wx ; : ss ae oo 1963 | 10 31 Moore | ae F |W Statesville David W onegcutt Sarah MeDeaton 49) 616 | ooresville NC Jacob Moose Nancy Holt 2) 257 | so6s | 3 ee | Harry M | W {Statesville Edgar S “oore Daisy White 50 | 160 5 41914, 10 4) Moose Ada F W Shiloh Tas Adolphus Moose Elizabeth Edison 1; 378 | 1964, . | 1 Moore | Maggie F | W | Mooresville Pierce Gatton | Martha Dingler 50. 289 1915, 11 |10/Moose WA Jr KM W Statesville Tn (Wm A Moose Mattie May Rayle £2 359 h964, 7 ih eee ois tas e | C | Statesville Abney R Graham | Rena Bennett 50/421 1916, 8 6 Moose Myrtle Lucille F W Statesville NC Walter L Moose Nellie Holler 3) 277 | oo : es ane | i a | evar Point Jas. S Moore | Lillie Morrison | 30 | 409 1916, 6 31)Moose zenith P-tip leibbeasaise- ee: Lie tetnan ‘ities Cniee «| in | | cial ‘ on ae eek rl W : Statesville | Amos Cascaddon Laura » oaneaies T 428) j2927 12 29! Moose George D D iM ¥ l\Goneerd: tae Jerry Moose Katie Moose 4 44 | | 96y, | 9 ‘23 | Moore, Sr. Charlie | | W] Statesville James R Moore | Ester Drucilla “| r ~~ 11918 7 5' Moose Walter Lewis XK. W Statesville NC Walter L Moose Nellie M Holler 44 176 | 164 | 12 113 |heore Semis? | M C hick Conds Unk, | Unk. Pe | 719 | 1918 8 8 Moose WA M W Statesville NC David Moose Sits tities 4a 197 1964 12 8|Moore Dewitt | mM | WwW | Statesville | P H Moore | Hessie Glass "¢ ws 1918 10 | 29/Moose Thowas Boyle iW Shiloh Tns David Moose - 44 346 _ ais 2 | stile Anna | Fic State svi lle henry Harris | Virginia Sumeers 5 n| ee a ae este Simonton MW (Fallstowa Tns . - . = 9 | 23| Moore Sr. | Charlie B. | M| w : Statesville Jas. R Moore | Ester Druscilla | 59) 542 | peat) 2 | 5) Moose Theo Roosevelt | MW Mooresville NC |John Moose Fershewa. J lee 3) .29 l rT f | | | | | peace 6 8 Moose Paul Sherrill My W Shiloh Tns J Will Moose Nellie G Moose 8 149 i i | | | | jsez 7 .11 Moose Lucy May F W Statesville NC Lee Moose Evie Lackey 7 582 i P | | | | ' 1923 3 4 Moose Sarah F W Shiloh Tas Robert Stewart Cordia Stewart 9 68 i | | [ 1924 2 1 Moose Earlie F W Turnersburg Tn - - 10 433 1 ! | : 11924, 10 | 5/ Moose Feimster MW Fallstown fns - ~ 10 165 2 | | | 1926 1 23 Moose ~ X W Shiloh Tns J T Moose Ola Fox le 288 j | | | : 1927, 5 29'\Moose - M. W Statesville NC WL Moose Martha Hager 15 436 | | | 11927, 6 28 Moose Shirley Jr M. W Statesville NC |Shirley Moose Sr Elma Redman 15 453 si | | i | ) | | | | 1928| 3 12)Moose Jacob Henry MW Davidson Tns Jerry Moose Catherine Noose 14 103 + | i h } | | f | 1928 4 31 5 os @ - 2 . ‘ Shilo a ‘ WA Fox Wr 14 5 7 & i@ " | | 1928, 7 16 Moose John Dallis M W Bethany Tns « - 14: 20 , rt | | 1929; § 3 Moose Edger W MW Statesville NC |David Moose Sophia Liessenhimer 16. 460 | | | 1929, 6 1/Moose - Mi W Bethany Tas John Moose Cora hoore 15 38 a | | | | | 1929; 9 0 Moose Jack Pattion M W Mooresville NC |John W Moose Therissa Lee 15 271 i | | ey 1930. 4 9/Moose ~ - W Bethany Tns John loose Cora Moore Lo 26 } H| } i j | Hi | | | | 1930 12 4 Moose Lynn Atwell MK W Shiloh Tons J F Moose OQlie Fox 17? 269 | | | 11932 | 6 27 Moose Margarete F W Shiloh Tos - ~ 117, 283 1 | ! : | | = 41921| 8 |20]noose Daniel Wilson | MW Statesville NC | - - pe ae i | ntl i 52982| & 28 |Moose Joseph K M . W (Shiloh Tas Davia Moose Adeline Crawford ne 256 iT | wide: 1932 | & |28 IMoose Joe Donald KM W |Statesville NC |J Moose Bessie Bemnett 18 412 Hf | 2 1934 4 23 |utoose - F W Concord Tas Isheriey K Moose Elma Redman i20 82 : i } | \ | aoe 1925 4 ihtoose |Russell M W Statesville NC ID W Moose Dora Bailey lea 352 ; ae 1935 | lz | 9 |Moose | Thomas | M _W (Shiloh Taos Boye Moose Margaret McQuerry 21 279 - jisa6 | 9 laa Moose luyrtie Maxine | F W (Statesville NC lg Will Moose pessie Bennett z 573 .. ——._ 11936! 10 /29lMoose lsoeesb William M W (Shiloh Tns Lonéeh Moose ary Boston 22. 346. - - i hese 11 | 8/Moose lzane Le Shiloh Tos David Moose ladeline Crawford 22, 348 | ears = fava 3 | 6iMoose Martin. L | MW ‘Statesviiie To jJohn D Moose Adeline Crawford 23 516] : ee va ) | | 41987! 5 | 26 /noose Blair Ferguson iM WwW 'shtion Ths J C Moose Nola Teague 23 | 268 ert ee 2 0 Peed oe, ee : Lee a 1937; 8 |13\lMoose David Lee : MW (Chambersburg Tn |Frank Moose Elizabeth Honeycutt /23, 38 itd gsc. Li a ee oe oe oe 41936! 8 | 7Imoose Sylvie ann _F |W |Statesville NC |Dempsey L Moose Elizabeth Nash ; ea 3 e (com) aici ; erent co r e g q e e ~ h e e m e n g n e r e fememcenem mie + DATE OF DEATH REG. U. 8. PAT, OFPicE es 1965. 2 965 9 Moore Year | Month | Day diceomabenctnete 1963 | 10 [31 1964; 3 | 20f 1964 5 15 1964 | 7 | 15 ’ | i 1964 | 7 | 19) } 1964 20) Moore | 1964 | 9 23 | Moore, 1964 12 13 Moore 1964 12) 8| Moore 5 [Moore 23) Moore Sr. ’ ve —— — — — —— — — — — — — — eS — So SURNAME. OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN l t ! | Charlie B. Su n e : a == = ee SS S COLOR W Riscgui W W Wi Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. County Indexes Since 1888 An Identifying Trade Mark COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1933 A~-122659 NAME OF MOTHER Mooresville Statesville Stony Point Statesville Statesville | Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Ss a eS David W “onegcutt Edgar S Moore Pierce Gatton Abney R Graham Jas. S Moore Amos Cascaddon James R Moore Unk. P H Moore : henry Harris Jas. R Moore —— — S S — — — — — — — — er s | | a | | I} t Sg — — Sarah McDeaton Daisy White Martha Dingler Rena Bennett Lillie Morrison Laura 3 Cascaddoh 50 432) Ester Drucilla - | 50 54 ad [50 + Unk. Hessie Glass Virginia Sumiers Ester Druscilla —— SE == SS ee DATE OF DEATK | Month | Day | t # aE | 50 409 | | 1935, 12 9 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 7 | “ 1 | 29/Moose 10 . 4)Moose 11 10, Moose 8 26 Moose 6 31 Moose 12 29'\Moose 7 3 Moose 8 8 Noose 10 29 \Moose 10 15 Moose 5 3 Moose Moose 7 11'/Moose 3 4 Moose nm e Moose 10 5 Moose 1 23 Moose 5 29 Moose 6 28 Moose 3 12 Moose 11 Moose 7 16 Moose 5 3 Noose 6 1) Moose $9 30 Moose 4 9'Moose 12 4 Moose 6 27 Moose 8 20 Moose 2 28 Moose 8 188 Mooge 4 23 Moose ma 1 |Moose | huoose 1936. 9 |11|Moose | 10 |29|Moose 8 (Moose 3 | 6 |Moose 5 26 Moose 8 13 Moose 8 | 7|Moose | | gate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Joseph Westly Ada WA Jr Myrtle Lucille cenith George D D Walter Lewis WoA Thomas Boyle Simonton Theo Roosevelt Paul Sherrill Lucy May Barlie Feimster Shirley Jr Jacob Henry Ola John Dallis Edgar W Jack Pattion Lynn Atwell Margerete Daniel Wilson Joseph K Joe Donald Russell Thomas Myrtle Maxine \Joseph William lyane Martin L Blair Ferguson David Lee Sylvia Ann 2 Op e Color W Vi W Vi v W W W to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NC Shiloh Tns Statesville Statesville Statesville Concord Tns Statesville Statesville Shiloh Tns Fallstown Tns Mooresville NC Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Shiloh Tans Turnersburg Fallstown fns Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Davicson Tns Pe) 10! WS. Bethany Tns Statesville sethany Tas fooresville Bethany Tns Shiloh Tns Shiloh Tns Statesville Shiloh Tns Statesville Concord Taos Statesville Shiloh Tas Statesville Shiloh Tns Shiloh Tns ‘Statesville ‘Shiloh Tns Chambersburg To | | | | \ | (CON) Statesville NC | TRIE NAME OF FATHER Jacob Moose Adolphus Moose Wm & Noose Walter L Moose John Walker Jerry Moose Walter L Moose David Moose David Moose John Moose J Will Moose Lee Moose Robert Stewart J T Moose WL Moose Shirley Moose Sr Jerry Loose WA David Moose John Moose ‘John W Noose John h.oose J F Noose David Moose lJ Moose \sneiiey K Moose ip W Moose Boyd Moose 3 Will Moose |Joseph Moose David Moose John D Noose J C Moose Frank Moose Dempsey L Moose ui Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C NAME OF MOTHER Nancy Holt Elizabeth Edison Mattie May Rayle Nellie Holler Sarah Waugh Katie Moose Nellie M Holler Perthewa J Lee Nellie G Moose Evie Lackey Cordia Stewart Ola Fox Nartha Hager Elma Redman Catherine Moose s« Cora hLoore Therissa Lee Cora Moore Olie Fox Adeline Crawford Bessie Bemnett Elma Redman Dora Bailey Margaret McQuerry ‘Bessie Bennett Lary Boston Adeline Crawford jAdeline Crawford ‘Nola Teague ‘Elizabetn Honeycutt ‘Elizabeth Nash h ohia Messenhimer Vol. Gi % o) 44 ‘ 4a. 4A 13 13 14 14 16 15 1S lo 17 17 17 | RECORDED Page 165 288 346 | 348 | | 616 | :. re a er e ea 1964 9 , if} ae it thes Eien... _f1963 | 10 [31 Moore 1964] 3 | 20} Hoo re 1964, 5 Fil teiave 1964 7 15] Moore 1964 7 | 19) Moore 1964 7 20) Moore L964 12 13 |Moore 1964 12, 8 Moore | ! 1965 | 2 5 ||Moo re 11965 poe 23] Moore “ i | an c e r i n s t s e l i p e e m e r e n t e m m e n e l l —— — — — — == ee SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 23|| Moore, Sr. oO or. County Indexes Since 1888 Aa Identifying Trade Mark Loria Harry ee ep s Maggie Hat tie Harry Laura Charlie Samue 1 Dewitt 4nna Charlie B. rs ee ee n e n e n e —~ PLACE OF DEATH Lt P= cot eS Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet fur page reference, NAME OF FATHER INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. = COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1933 A-122659 ——=== RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER W Statesville W | Statesville W | Mooresville C | Statesville W | Stony Point t | Statesville wih Statesville 4 Statesville W | Statesville C.J tatesvi lle W Statesville Se s Se e s SS S + | | 4 t | { | ' | 1 | t \ David W “oneycutt bdgar S Moore Pierce Gatton Abney R Graham Jas. S Moore Amos Cascaddon James R Moore Unk. P H Moore ; henry Harris Jas. R Moore } Sarah McDeaton Daisy White Martha Dingler Rena Bennett Lillie Morrison Laura 4 Cascaddoh 50 432/ i Ester Drucilla Unk. Hessie Glass | Virginia Sumiers Ester Druscilla Vol. Page 49) 616 t 50| 160 t | 50 | 289 (50/412 + } | | of | 59 | 409 { x t I | i ~| FO 544 ++} oT } | 54 7} need 15 > | 4 4 | | | 4 == SS = ee n s atta cere eae i ~ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 sae if | TE OF DEATH | | i ® 1914 1 | 29|Moose Alitdene 10} Moose 26 Moose 31) Moose Moose 3) Moose 8 Moose 29 Moose 15 Moose 3 Moose 8 Moose Moose 4 Moose 1 Moose 5 Moose Moose 29 Moose 28 Moose 12 Moose 11 Moose 16 Moose 3 Moose 1 | Moose 50 Moose 9 Moose 4 Moose | 27\Moose 20 |Moose i (28 Moose 28. Moose | | 23 |Moose 1 |Moose | 9|Moose [ew x _| Year | Month Day | 1914, 10 1915) 11 j1916, 8 |ien6 6 leit 12 ligis 7 1gis 8 |ioie 10 ‘119 10 lisze 5 ligee2 6 lagee 7 lises, 3 lisea 2 1924 10 liseze, 1 hse”, 5 leer 6 1828, : lise 7 lis20) 5 1929 6 lise9, 9 11930, 4 1930 12 lass 6 }1931| 8 1932, 2 1932) 8 1934 | 4 1938, 4 1936 | 12 1936, 4 1986, 10 1936 | 11 1937 | 3 1937 5 19391 & 41938; 8 Moose Moose 8 |Moose 6 |Moose Moose Moose 7 \Moose U. &. Patent No. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Joseph Westly Jack Pattion Daniel Wilson Myrtle Maxine ‘Joseph William ! ; Tannen weg ai Ada WA Jr Myrtle cenith C o George L Walter WA Thomas Simonton Theo Roosevelt Paul Sherrill Lucy May Sarah Earlie Feimster Shirley Jr Jacob Henry Ola John Dallis Edgar W Lynn Atwell Margerete Joseph M Joe Donald Russell Thomas Jane Martin. L Bleir Ferguson David Lee Sylvia Anno Lucille Lewis Boyle Sex Color |= PLACE OF DEATH | M Nv. yj & M W W ver Ww W W W W vi W W W Mooresville NC Shiloh Tns Statesville Statesville Statesville Concord Tns Statesville Statesville Shiloh Tns Fallstown Mooresville Statesville Shiloh Tns Turnersburg Tn no NU NC Ins ay NC NC To Fallstown Tfns Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Davidson Tns Shi [ws . ahiloh Bethany Tns Statesville Bethany Tns fooresville Bethany Tns Shiloh Tns Shiloh Tns Statesville Shiloh Tas Statesville Concord Tns Statesville Shiloh Tns Statesville ‘Shiloh Tns ‘Shiloh Tos ‘Statesville Shiloh Tns Chambersburg Tn NC NC Nic NC NC NC Tn Statesville NC oat locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER Jacob Noose Adolphus Moose Wm A Moose V Valter L Moose John Walker Jerry Moose Walter L Moose David Moose David Moose John Noose J Will Moose Lee Moose Robert Stewart J T Moose WL Moose Shirley Moose Sr Jerry Moose | ' | | ' ) | { ee e v 1 WA OX David Moose John Moose John W Noose John h.oose J F Moose David Noose \J Moose Shelley K Moose D W Moose Boyd Moose J Will Moose Joseph Moose David Moose John D Noose J C Moose Frank Moose Dempsey L Moose Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ¢ NAME OF MOTHER Nancy Holt Elizabeth Edison Mattie May Rayle Nellie Holler Sarah Waugh Katie Moose Nellie M Holler Jane Crawford Perthewa J Lee Nellie G Moose Evie Lackey Cordia Stewart Ola Fox Vartha Hager Elma Redman Catherine Moose Sophia Messenhimer Cera Moore Therissa Lee Cora Moore r OQlie Fox Adeline Crawford Bessie Bennett Elma Redman Dora Bailey Margaret McQuerry ‘Bessie Bennett ary Boston ladedine Crawford jAdeline Crawford \Nola Teague ‘Elizabeth Honeyoutt Elizabeth Nash | | | 1. 257 1 378 2 359 3. 277 3 323 4. 44 44 176 4a 197 4A 346 5} 340 8 39 8; 149 7 582 y 68 10 433 10; 165 12. 288 13 436 13 453 14 103 14 596 14 20 16 460 15 38 15 271 6. 26 17. 269 117, 283 17 402 la 256 lie 412 lzo 82 len 352 en 279 jez 573 | lez 346 lee 348 | log 516 | 23 | 268 | 23, 38 | RECORDED ' Vol. Page “a DATE OF DEATH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. REG. U. ae. PAT, OFPicg ee ar r se h e n si e g e Se me | Month | pea eS — i 2963 | 10 [32 ; . + 3 3 7 1964 9 2 peers | MOO re Moore | Moore = —— —= = = —— | Moore t 20) Moore 4 1964 12 8| Moore 5\\Moore : 11965 9 | 23! Moore Sr. qf + + 4 County Indexes Since 1888 Aan Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | ] | 23 | Moore, Sr. a 12 13/|Moore Loria Harry Maggie Hat tie Harry Laura Charlie Samue 1] Dewitt anna Charlie B. COLOR so pee iW ptatesville Sa p o a de e s + SS Q Sg C w | —— — — — — — Se Se Sa eee eee PLACE OF DEATH Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. Copyright 1933 A-122559 sale NAME OF MOTHER W # Statesville W | Mooresville C | Statesville W | Stony Point W | Statesville bs wi Statesville j t { i “ ee SS S — SS S = ae Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville David W “onegcutt Edgar S Moore Pierce Gatton Abney R Graham Jas. S Moore Amos Cascaddon James R Moore Unk. P H Moore ' henry Harris Jas. R Moore —— — < — — — — SS Sarah McDeaton Daisy White Martha Dingler Lillie Morrison Laura 4} Cascaddo Ester Drucilla =| — 4 Hessie Glass “ Virginia Sumiers ee Ester Druscilla = SS S SS S Sa o SS S So e = —— — ei i c m e a n i n RECORDED Vol.) Page a ee a at gel 50 | 289 50 | 412 or b 50 432| i | | 50 542) 50 | 719] 7 i 50 703 | | | | | | a4 71 sc o n e s a es mene INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 acon alae ’ ' T DATE OF DEATH | Year | Month | Day | f 1914; 1 | 29!Moose 1914, 10 | ian 1915) 11 10) Moose 1916 8 26 Moose 1916 6 31/Moose (1917, 12 29) Moose 1918 7 3 Moose isis 8 8)Moose 1918 10 29 Moose |1919, 10 15 Moose lioze 5 3 Moose lsze 6 8 Moose jasze 7 11 Moose l1923 } 4 Moose l1se4 é 1 Moose lises 10 5 Moose nn 1 23 Moose Fer 5 29)\Moose hoe 6 28 Moose 11928 3 12 Moose } 1928 4 11 Moose 1928 7 16)Moose 1929. 5 3 Moose 1929, 6 1)Moose lige. 9 30)Moose 1980. 4 9|uoose i930 | lz | a|uoose 11931 | 6 27 |Moose 1931; 8 20 |Moose 1932, 2 28 Moose 1932, 8 '28 [Moose 1934 | a 23 Moose 1935 | 4 1/)Moose 1935, 12 | 9|Moose 1936 | 9 ha Moose 1936, 10 (29 |Moose 1936, 11 | 8|Moose 1937! 3 | 6/Moose 41937) 5 +26 Moose |1937| 8 (13 /Moose 41938| 8 | 7|Moose SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Joseph Westly Ada WA Jr Myrtle Lucille cenith George D D Walter Lewis WA Thomas Boyle Simonton Theo Roosevelt Paul Sherrill Lucy May Sarah Earlie Feimster Shirley Jr Jacob Henry Ola John Dallis Edgar W Jack Pattion Lynn Atwell Margerete ‘Daniel Wilson Joseph WM Joe Donald ‘Russell ‘Thomas Myrtle Maxine \Joseph William Jane Martin. 1 David Lee e = to ] = s wy «O C Blair Ferguson Sylvia anno Color W W W W W PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NC Shiloh Tas Statesville Tn Statesville NC Statesville Tn Concord Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Shiloh Tns Fallstown Tns Mooresville NC Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Shiloh Tns Turnersburg To Fallstown fns Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Davidson Tns Shiloh Tus. Bethany Tns Statesville NC = Bethany Tns fooresville NC Bethany Tns Shiloh Tos Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Shiloh Tas Statesville NC Concord Tns Statesville NC \Shiloh Tas Statesville NC ‘Shiloh Tns Shiloh Tas " | i ! Statesville Tn ‘Shiloh Tns Bat locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER Jacob Moose Adolphus Moose Wm A Moose Walter L Moose John Walker Jerry Moose Walter L Moose David Moose David Moose John Moose J Will Moose Lee Moose Robert Stewart J T Moose W L Moose Shirley Moose Sr Jerry loose Aa David Moose John Moose John W Moose Jonn h.oose J F Moose Ipavia Moose lz Moose |sneliey K Moose lp W Moose Boyd Moose iJ Will Moose \Joseph Moose David Moose John D Moose J C Moose Chambersburg Tn |Frank Moose | ) (CON) Statesville NC Dempsey L Moose Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Nancy Holt Elizabeth Edison Mattie May Rayle Nellie Holler Sarah Waugh Katie Moose Nellie M Holler Jane Crawford Perthewa J Lee Nellie G Moose Evie Lackey Cordia Stewart Ola Fox Martha Hager Elma Redman Catherine Noose Sophia Messenhimer Cora Loore Therissa ee Cora Moore Olie Fox Adeline Crawford Bessie Bennett Elma Redman Dora Bailey Margaret McQuerry Bessie Bennett Lary Boston Adeline Crawford Adeline Crawford Nola Teague \ELigabeth Honeyoutt Elizabeth Nash | RECORDED T ssesnsisligetingsiienstaonl / Vol. Page 1! 267 1; 378 2 359 3| 297 3. 323 4 44 44, 176 4a 197 4, 346 5 340 8! 39 8; 149 7, 582 g 68 10 433 10 165 12 288 13 436 13 453 14 103 14 596 14 20 16 460 15| 38 15 271 16 26 17 269 17 283 17 «402 118 256 1s 412 lz0 82 lea 352 21, 279 lee 573 lez 346 | lee 348 | [23 | 516 | 23, 268 a 38 24 3 7 a | 2 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. eo INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. i L : Bree |TecFottroretocs mek 8 eee aed SINS Bi adores Be CE en CEN aINDER, Nes ee tll inabail Mane N* COM ef tm hell behind Eexinetkea em (Cl) — | } i | a aga ; : F ; cacy sno CHMSTIAN NAME, FONE 15 VEN i | PASO ee Se | eee ee MOTHER ae a a [om | Ey sense ia eau six coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER | NAME. OF MOTHER an 1.1936 9 10] Koose Annie Jane | Fy) Fy | Shiloh Tas Pinkey Wall - 24 267/ 958 | 12 ae Moose = “i mM W Moore sville NC | Lonnie Moose | Loutse Cook | 44, 611 1938 9 | 261 Moose Lula Sherrill Fi W IStatesville To |Z B Sherrill |carolyn Douglas 24 ses| _}2959 8 6 Moose | Iwe Roy Mow |Statesviiie | ites 6 dai | ay eee 45 396 | | 1938 12 _23|Moose Frank Roosevelt | uoW Istatesville NC |Carl E Moose | vente Mae Elder 24 467 __}asse| 9 | 11)}Moose | Owens Monroe | M iW IStatesvi le | Daniel W Moose | Dora Bailey (45 450 | | 1939 j hi | Moose Linnie Ella H ly W | Statesville NC | William Helms \Nellie Moose = 254) —__|a950) 11 22) Moose _ Joseph D | Mow IStatesvilie | ee bie iad 45 592 | 1959 1 24 | Moose Marvin Franklin) M W | Bethany Tn | Flake Moose Pee Combs les 9 eS el 7 ee Sarah Susie | F | W /statesville i'w, 4. Bennett fea 46 425 | 1939 9 21 | Moose - M W | Coddle Creek Tn} Thomas M Moose ‘Ola Maude Murdock |e5 189 __ 4 4960) 10 13] Noose |Emma Rodgers | F | W |Mooresville NC Solomon Kodgers klizabeth McLaughlib 46 612] | 1940 4 13] Moose Artie Missie F W /|Concord Tn lsonn Rufty - | 26 98 -. }1960 10 5 © | 1940 6 16) Moose Walter Lovett M W |Statesville NC | Thomas B Moose Bi cs alia McCreary | 26 450 2961 2 (17) Moose Vharlie |“ | W] Union Grove NC | Dallas Moose | Orpha Sipes 47 66 Hee | i —_——F H } 11941 9 9 Moos Walter Gre; Mo W [Statesville NC [Bucene Moose \Vera Steward }2? 36: eu! 5 ae ee cee i F 4 Mooresville NC | *ainey Lee *lora Jane Lee ee )19k2 2 15)Moose Evey #ackey F W |Statesville NC le D Lackey Clementine Meadows l2e 320 po 5s0el | 6 15|Moose Sarah Catherine} F W Mooresville Rt@ Shillip A Blackwelder Charity Lowdermilk, 47 318 | i hose : € Moose Dorces elizebeth F w Statesville N¢C hie ace Edison jangie weston leg 247 age 2968 | a 13 [Moose | Addie Mae Statesville w. &. Fox Ketie “hristopher 48 24 i | placa : aap moose ™ M WW jStatesville No ILloyd F Moose Mozelle Frice Moose {s0 87 oe 1962 |4 11 too se Stillborn | F W |Statesville Sle C Moose Vircinia D Warren 48 23 i ,1945 4 11) Moose Nola E Teague F W Statesville NC jJohn Moose Catherine Montgomery |31 171 1962 | 9 2, [Moose lavid L, ] tatesville oe i i ee, | ; t i | al ; 11945 8 31)Moose WL M W (Statesville NC \Dellas Moose |Qrtha Sipes Sl 521 | ae 1963; 1 | 19 Moo se Margaret | F| wl Statesville | John D. Moose | Asenith Walker “ol 4 1 j r 1946 2 14 Moose Claude Bugene M W Statesville NC iJ G Moose Nola Teegue (32 73 __42963 | 10 16 [Moos e Hubert || Statesville | Marti l, Mosse | Lule Sherri 1} | 49 58h | ! i ' | 1946 4 1 Moose Troy Mex M W /|Statesville NC lp H Moose : |\A Clera Roberts |s2 129 1964, 8 26 | Moose Bessie | F W)| Mooresville | George Griffin Jane Ramsey 50 498 i | 1980, So To] hie eiligiiiat a CR Ba —4—+Statesville 1c-}si1ee iat se er y-tlowerd. | 32 287) 1964; 9 13| Moose sckie Mj Wh Burke “o. Jahe D Moone Oppha Sipes 54 634 | ; | 194.6 12 3 Moose Nelda F W jOlin Tns li L Moose |Martha Ann Hager 32 487 | | | 1947 1 24 Moose ~ F W | Statesville NC |p L Moose | Elizabeth Nash | 33 322 | ey | | eB ¢ i : | | HE | j19.8 «65 7 Moose : F W Statesville NC |D L Moore ‘Elizabeth Nash 134.223 | | | 1949 5 9 |Moose - F W| Clevelan | J Lee Moo. Mery Upricht Iss 159 ae | | i | ; 1950 8 14 |Moose Judy Ann | F W Statesville NC | Glenn D. Moose Itva Cline I36 LL6 | | i | { 11950 8 26 |Moose Ralph G, iM W Barringer Tns | Carles F. Moose [Tdah Kistler Moose [36 411 2 | | | i 4950 le 20 Moose John Andrew iM WwW |[statesville NC | Gamilton Moose ary otewart [36 610 | rT | | | | | | | 1950 10 15 Puoose Ivey Lee ;M | h opencer D L Moose ainda Helms 36 649 j I | | ! te i | | ie oD ee ka cS Bt as = | | | | i & 1951, 1 11} Moose ‘Carl E M OW } No untadn Home/ |J W111 Moose | Gertrude Moose 37 482 | | Ht |1952, 1 115] Moose James William | M W_ |Statesville NC | Meadews Moose | Maggie Moose 38/ 11 | | or | | | | tt | | | | a aad | : | { J 1952 6 4 Moone George } NV | Statesville NC | Unknown Unknown BS | 32 | | | | 1952 10 aE ia Peggy Sue |F W Btatesville NY | Eugene Moose Mary Stewart 38 514 | P | | | | | | | | | + 4 | ry 1952 8 | 11) Moose _ Ernesb L ’ | Salisbury NC John D Moose Orpha Sipes 38 608 | t | | ) a | i f 1954 9) 6] Moose Dora W F | w| Statesville NC | Nelson Bailey Christine McRary LO dy | 4 | | | | | " 1954, 10 | 23 Moose | Margaret Eades | F W | Statesville NC] Joel Eades Sarah Reece 40 4,66 | —+4 | | | | | 1955 6 12] Moose Clara Louise F W]| Statesville NY] Fletcher Bass Lillion Chambers 41 268 : 2 1 | ay | | 195$ .7 17 loose ccefalll M Wi Statesville NC] John R. Moose Nancy Lee Summers {41 (341 | | ! 1955 9 3 | Moose John Leroy M W/| Iredell James Foot hoose Sarah Jane Chapman 41 426 F t | | | | | | b $.956 6 [15 | Moose | David Foster M W i Statesville Thomas Bogle Moose | Margaret McCleary pS F?? ce] | 1956 11/|1 [Moose Dort tT. M W [Oteen, N, C, T I Moose Elizabeth Waugh 2 613 Diahidteinercinmdne | sal 2 |6 Moose renee Wayne M W ftatesville N C | Eugene Moose Vera Stewart 4d 4,3} ee r | 4. 2987,_.12 | 24 Moose Mattie Mae Rayle| F W Btatesville “C fA Rayle | Noda McMichael 43 555 ma eo.) od - 1956 gf 20 Moose Walter “enry M | W |Statesvilie § Cj Jonn D. Moose Josephine Sipes 44/107 tliat Aeceeted einepes ) ‘ | ‘ : | ‘i | | | ee cae SUA MMASAA ARRAS ELS Edd Lat La tksd ania aknttddenen Saktuksdticcee eee erin abt teak eee oe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEA’THS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ( ) REG. U. 8. County Indexes Since 1868 r EF Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U, 8 Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 eT locate, memes: once at SURNAME eee TAS ent a Bala be Conan fades Company. Columiven, Otte Lard Hh PAT, OFFICE An Identifying Trade Mark vb Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Copyright 1933 A-122559 cat ; Pe & = a : : : : Sacneneaee et a are o : emenrrerrraaae = SSannaeeemneOee = —_———~ a ee | \ i ; li TO ] é ee arc. Oe eee ee 7 Oe lll SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER -——— io - Se = oa sex | cour] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER |—~n?_ | | Se a : nen ~~ YMoh, Page ; car on ay A , Vol. | Page a } : ® ’ a mM * e af i v= re ne . . cannes + ieeieetaniallicieanainsin ee — " | : Oe | | ) 1914, 8 11) Morgan 'Lou Ellen F W Statesville NC | John Cranfield --- \hitlock 1. 533 | | : ly a : 1915; 7 | 2|Morgan John N M W Statesville Nc |John W Morgnn Terzal H McLelland | & 320 + H + + | i 1917, 6 |17)Morgan Jack MC Fallstown Tns - 7 4 185 rt t ' H } 5 } j | " 1918 2 23)Morgan James McHenry F C Statesville NC /Henry McHenry - 4a, 301 iI ae i } i} ? t t “i | | m 11921, 5 7) Morgan Lorene F W Statesville NC (Will Morgan Pearl Snow 7 560 t 4 | | (1926 7 #£«9)Morgan Albert M C Statesville Tn - - 12 402 “ { i } \} i! | | a. : t i I i 4 }1928 12 28 Morgan Jack Roddy Mi W Statesville NC |U N Morgan Mareta Steele 14 509 i | i} | i il f | 4 1 tf ‘ H 1 # 4 iH 1 i | i 1] | 1) i o ie + > f ‘ a ¢ o tf i i | 11929 2 25) Morgan Rose Lackey F C Statesville Tn ‘Lee Lackey Anna Powell 15; 605 le 4 i i i I i | fi tl i i | ‘ ‘ Pm pe oe . ’ “7 i | } i | 11929 6 17 Morgan Nancy £ F W Statesville NC Jas Morgan Ethel Morgan 15 | 476 i | | i} i | ! : a | } | i | i | 11935 12 9 Morgan ~ M W Cocdle Creek Tn! Jack organ Liyrtle E West 22 04 j 4 i { ; 4 | {| Hi i i] i} } { ‘ vu 5 — ‘ * , : 7° | | | | | 1 | / 1956 9 21 Morgan Viola Benfield F W Mooresville NC (0 C Benfield Pearl Hunberger ce, £72 ! , H H { | | ql i 1 ! f i i] i i i| i] iH | . . ms & | ! | | | : po41} 1 19 Morgar Pearl Nanc i] : N = | | | | | | | | | heal) @ 13 Morca ; 1 , i ; iq 1 | i f f 1 ft ft | a | i | | | | 11942, 6 (16 Morgan Douglas allen M .W Mooresville NC Fred Morgan Edith Brown 26) 272 ee | : _ | Eo I | i | | | 11943; 7 (14 \Morcer inme F F | © |Statesville Nc |Frenk Holman y Scott ee) 10% ro f * + \ ft , i i + } ine n r i i | | | f i e as _— Ban : Ps P | ! | i | | pt 947 O© (5 |jMorgan - I Ww (otatesville NC jherwan aloertus / Milared Marie WilliamB 33 28@ te _ H ' t f ; ee i ! 4 11948 9 29° Morgan Charles Edward Jr M, W Statesville NC | Charles Edward Morgan kunice G Ingram BL 432 ype i | Hi . r By ' f i] j t } | | : ad % oe | | | H | 2951 5 31 | Morgan John David h W Statesville NC Thomas J l.organ Lena Hicks 37 352 ie \ i iH | “ ; o P ; H f tt ‘ P | {| - . a a P j 3 i | 11956. 9 13 Morgan Savilla C. F C Mooresville N C} Wm. Cantery Susanne Witaker 42 468 1 i i H , | € ti i , ° 5 + : ££ a, T M 2 S G 1a ¥ 2 L, ( i i | 1956 11 6 Morgan, Jr. Harvey Louis m c¢ Statesville N C| Harvey L. Morgan,Sr. Gwendolyn Young 540 et 4 } | b | H | “2 E Pi y | | | n960 2 28 Mergan Lacey Calvin M W Mooresville g#fJohn C Morgan Minnie 5 Smith 46 155 pa ; & | j | | . F th | | 1969 11) 14 Morgan John Rome Mi; Wi! Statesvill: Yohn ¥ Or ; - tt : : . | | R oz t 4 ; " + . . J ly | 1960 11 26 Mergan Ural Nicholsen M W Mocksville Arthur N Morgan Sarah Jane Carter 46 775 an RES } i ; | Pa hk ea ! ess ae P C Chanel Hil Wright Nichols veiia Ynambers 147 20: ig Hi) | 1963 | 4 | 21) Morgan Frances V. i vy “Nepet Nils : | af Ha \ + ; } ve ot , ie ee ‘nm <I Mv x LQ 5783¢iex: i i | 1963 8 | 30 Morgan Ken zie M W Durham Join 4 Morgan vamila Myrk 1, S76 } | i ; ne ie ee H ¢ ‘ ; | — 4 . ir : -7 it 1965 | 3 12) Morgan Jennie F W Statesville ~enry Barringer aneee Saree eae } | } 1 ——-——— Far SUA A nbn hte eh Bk see aaah ook EE ol eda ee aaa INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 1 . NIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 he Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio coTrco U QREBR™ Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer mode oy Ohcerver Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. | 10 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Wl tls § This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refe ? : Reg. U.8. rat.or, | For Your Protection, Insist On It. = . COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, :1-4 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ; U. & Patent No. 1487168 Geese sity ees nated setlist to Buff Sub-index sheet fer page reference. - ' | le | “unas Grr pecans | | | pave OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED | | _ | | THER | reconoeo_| me | a a Saree Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER = | Yer | Month | Day | Se en ee eee ee ee | = ne ioe | /1920 il 6 Mortin o ! FW |Chambersburg Tn/J A Mortin | Lucy Echerd 7 oe a 1915, 5 (27| Morris Milton M W (Statesville NC r W Morris Mary Farrow 2, 405 }1920 11 7|liortin . xy | Chambersburg TajJ A Mortin [zuey Echerd : " al | 1918 11 (21/Morris John M C Statesville NC |simon Lorris C Holmes 4a 265 | | aa | os 11932) 12 11) Morton Norman § M W |Statesville NC |Roland Morton [Neely Rumage 11s. 489] : | | 1920| 3 | 22)NMorris Beatrice F W Statesville NC Bard Morris Edna Redmon | 6 53 i pf 1940 10 14 Morton Walter P Morton! M W |Chambersburg i'n [Frank Morton Raat ann McNeely Les 47 11923, 2 2 Morris Leta Elmira F W Mooresville NC |Houston lLLayhew Blanch Long g 185 a 1943 11 3 Morton Vera + | 0 besetesshins wo lieracte Gokeret “leertvees Beeeaa leo 453 | a see, 3 24 Morris — FC Eagle bills fa /Frank Frailey : mine re : | 1951 8 [10 jMorton Nadama Arthurs is W Iredell County } Winkfield C Arthurs | Jane Locke Swann bs? 469 | a '1926 9 12)\Morris Jackson G MN W Union Grove Tn |Bevlen & Morris Mary Campbell le 991 tH ye [1952 12 | 221Morton ok William ueoOUW Mooresville NC lwitiian Morton \Carolyn Seagraves 139 622 : ‘1927 3 2 Morris Sarah Jane F W Concord Tns Zackarieh White Amanda Barns 13 9 2 | 1965 3 26) Morton Allie F W | Harmony Wm Callis Jennis Green 51 182 1927 8 10 Morris Carrie Bell F C Eagle kills Tn |Lon Norris ~ 15 158 ne yy % “a ™ : aN 5 . | lioze 7 12)Norris - M W Statesville NC |William G Morris Margaret \. Bryant 14 456 Mattie Cohen Mooresville i Nathen Cohen Morris 41 od * See: 11932 12 23 Morris Mary Geneva F W Mooresville NC George Deese - cc A ee ot On iss lll — y Tr) es . © "oS Henry MV i \Statesville NC LQWIN Oe MOPTIL Annie E. Fowler 25 289 Morris 3 19 oe oy . —— — ee ‘= ra, Ty) 4 1 1] Pai 942 10 6 Morris Mary Sell F Vi iConcord Tns s Sell Julia ann fell Me f | dustin Mery EB Littl $2 «79 a (1946. 2 23 Morris Leura Alice / F © Statesville NC John 4 Austin ry EL e S Lo alg \ | ' a ; | i124 10 19) Moses Marhew L Jr M W |Statesville NC |x L Moses Vamie Webb 110 366 ous g 8 Morris Thomas Clyde IM w Statesville N C | William Freurick Morris alice austin 3% | 373 Me oy | j Weatherman Pap ‘ ce 5 on i | Xs P aon io ae ‘ie , SE erage nh Charlie Llovd Laura dane ’ 4 387 p Pi | sey 6 14/ Loses Bettie Louise F W Mooresville NC pPan L.osis |Pearl Milain j15 249) 954 8 16 Morris Nancy Elizabeth, F Wi Statesville NC} Charlie Lioyd / O ( - ; | 1 r | as a a ‘ | ‘ —— 4 tatesville NC | Charles Morri Marraret Yuest 47 61! het fF {1931 12 .15) Moses AT MW Statesville NC |James M Tarlisa - }17 483 | 1961 12 11 Morris, Sr. Jeorge CU. M W Statesville har le rris area e . = a 2953 9 26 | Moses Della Feimster } ¢ hw | Statesville NC Kichara w Feimster _Mary Nebecca Gibson | 29 448 11964, Lh i114 Morris Ep i 11964 6 19 Moses Ivey 'M W “ooresville | Willie % “oses Louise “arman | 50 376 - | f H { Ya | r “@ | Ps \ | t i t \ wo | | dé } | | ho 5 t a ~ “ j 1 os a i i f e | | ’ Z | | \ . q # 4 f | 3 | | | | \ { ; ‘ {{ | ‘ 1 | | i j t i! ii, i. i ] ~ T T ' | | I \ | | \ 1933 4 12) koroney James Fenly i M W |Statesville NC | James J Moroney \Cora Lee Harbin jis 285 | 4 1] i } f a 1 ‘ ; ’ | \ | h | | 1934 9 19) Moroney James J iu | Statesville NC | Patrick Moroney Anne Dunn 20 485 | | i | \ re | q a i i 1943, 5 | 26] Moroney goserh #elsend 1 M..W |tatesville NC fJsmes J Moroney vores Herbin £9. 267) : | Lh | \ i | | | { i “ } { | fh t emma tent nate m ‘ ! ei paul “s . i bs . i . - . . . eer na Pe Te Lark ‘ * Fatal acta) . eure centre teens ot nnmemmemaanens oo seg . - " wee , vi 4 - ns . anions ea] ed ey: “ — li , - Mca nha GR ui i fits Buu Hh 4) A a Ca Fag DATE OF DEATH 19264 30| Kowbray 11937! 6 | sinowbray | 1939 ir 10} Mowbray 1948 1 28 |Mowbray 1948) 1 | 21iMowbra SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i] /Rachel M I Edward Clarance| 4 i James Nicholson| George Lee > JoSle Lousia Sex F M M M INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insurcs their correctness. _ Samet } ferten hance mee WEIR To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Color || t W | Statesville To i W | Turnersburg Tn i W | Statesville NC WiStatesville NC W {Olin Tnshp bit Aa caSS NOTES: | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Joe Pagett Henry a Mowbray Wme Mowbray Henry A. Mowbray Lewis Harpe COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 RECORDED aoe | ‘al. Page | NAME OF MOTHER |--- Harmon |Polly Gill | |Mary G41 Jane Barnard | Willie Belle Kestler 12 23 25 54 4 34 379) i! nan an me MeN oesyte Me rake id ie ea | 1916 S 17\Moyer Henry Charles M C Statesville Nc | - - | 3 239 | & 1916 8 22 Moyer Donald Shaw M C |Statesville NC |Henry C Moyer |Henrietta Henderson | 3 275 (1918 3 9)Moyer S | | y Luther Scar i Mi C Statesville NC /Henry C Moyer Henrietta Henderson (44 146) i 1951, 1 ll Movex Henretta L F C jStatesville NC Frank Henderson Rebecca Davis 157 7 it | | We, f : Hl | : ie | i cc; \ a | mf | a) i 4 ie | , : . i | | | ' . - ] { j | t i| + ! { | | " | Pe | | ; 1 | { 1922.) = 6 18] |. | 18) Mowrer Nancy R h i i : y ri jMooresville NC |John Oeheer , Jeannie Shields 8 40 | tae | | ] | 4 { i al | | : — j | | | Re i i en... a 44922 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 1918, 1919, 11919. lis2o. 1920. 11920) 1920 | 1920) 1920 1921 1921 1921 1922 1922 on ~ 10 10 ll 1 3 3 5 6 10 ll 11 / 16 , 18) 13 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison | Morrison Morrison { Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison J Pinkney John Cornelia C Anna Adell T 5a vames Ti iien. seorge “i Beaula Ros Emeline D Math dat | | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | ell Mimaki INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. pa locate names, open ai SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Shiloh Tns F W |'Davidson Tns M W | Bethany Tns M W .Cool Springs F W | Statesville F W |Bethany Tns ki n e oO ,) 9 Frank Morrison iJ S Morrison 'J Morrison [ni Jack Morrison NC Henry F Daniel Johr J Bradley 7 y ; LOn MOVTIL son QQ 4 *rison NAME OF FATHER Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER cor Riss Morrison Gabriel Margaret Beam Adline Morrison ry mons Lucy Crawford Lucy Crawford Porthen Sowers ar) adl y - Moose Rena Stephenson Mary Bradley Cornelia Combs - Gun Lottie Houpe - Hoke Lottie Houpe Naomi Turner Annie Henderson Jennie Wellman Maud Goforth Isabel Douglas ty 1 é 4 4; 4; 13 oy os aa i . #2 353 159 26 to o, P| 6 IFO - 3 is AP $3 nc al fo é gre es 79 oe 4 : Ps 346 P 371 id qr 28° gic 30% Fa PF 324 «a ot “Ae 5 54 i. vk 244 277 | a 316 y 489 491 493 275 137 i 248 aa 200} iii 59 Cora I C 'Statesville NC Henry Nesbi lossie k Concord Tns arrison r n Harvey Lee F C |Concorgd Tns Harrison Morrison Chas Grant } C Statesviile Tns/|Victor Morrison - M W Statesville NC |Jno R Morrison H OQ Nv. ¥ | Statesville NC /Sid Morrison Mary Lee F W |Statesville NC /J M P Morriso: Clifford A (Mrs) F * W Statesville NC |Walker Allen K C \ C Bethany Tns John Morrison Catherine A F W Statesville Tns|Jno R Morrison - NM. W |Shiloh Tns C C Morrison Victoria B F W Sharpesburg TnsjJas Bone - F W ‘Concord Tns iGrady Morrison Addie F W Concord Tns william Hall Jessie C M W ‘Concord Tns Ib Gradie Morrison ‘Melvin M C Statesville Tns |Ed Morrison Frank S M W Statesville NC c A Morrison - 'M | C !Shiloh Taos Herbert Morrison \Bessie |F | C |Statesville Tos |West Hines ~ ;u | f ‘Coddle Creek tn |Reia R Morrison Alexander 'M . C |Shiloh Tns lsoe Guy \Nancy Carline F | W /Concord Tns lnavia Hart \Bertha | F W (Statesville NC |D F Wilson - PC |Statesville NC /Odell Morrison Margarett | FW Ishiton Tns W E Morrison imaney | 3. ie lsnaion Tns Daniel Morrison Wessly | M C (sni1on Tons Sidney Morrison MM iM iW Istatesville NC |James Morrison Wwe LT waits - Petty Rosana Keller ‘Mamie Nash ‘Archey Harris \ iFrankie Morrison 4 i | Isabelle Templeton | 7 262 ul | 7, 121 A ‘i. | | 7/| 408 | 7\ 467 | 7 274 | 8| 130} a | 7 en MAEM bead ak hd Seadhs oh kit bi ia ei ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. eal INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 4 we: § This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate azmes, o ae j : re rf COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 : . : : . 7 : . ! \ » Open at SURNAME INITIAL, TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSA . we U. & Patent No. 1437168—C ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref Made by Theo Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Reg. U.S, Pat, Off, ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8 Patent No, MaTIeB Cee ibe : . . : vopyright 1990 to Buff Sob te den sheet for page vos liga — Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. I i W i] DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED oie pe Your | Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN few “S s | o———s|_eare or pear | SURNAME OF DECEASED | rs | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER : NAME OF MOTHER Poe?_| Yer | Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN et er a sr OF Cae ee ae | Vol. Page | ae al \ Page ! 4 Se > ; ! i ' 4 ' i ii 1 % 4 r a a t * 4 | ki ' i | I oO f y eCu..2? 1 r 50} Mowbray Rachel M F W [Statesville Tn |Joe Pagett 12. 379) Morrison Shiloh Tns Frank Morrison Riss Morrison 6 5) Mowbray Edward Clarance) MW |Turnersburg Tn |Heaory a Mowbray | Polly Gill 123 5 | Morrison * | W | Davidson Tns J S Morrison yabriel Lo s ry) 1, ama NT 4 ah a f w T way, f ! wre . i , Wi ri , . ’ : 7 10] Mowbray James Nicholson! M ” | Statesville NC | Wm. Mowbray ;Willie Belle Kestler 25 : Morrison J Pinkney [ Bethany Tns 2 Mabet aon Margaret Beam a) ~ ae : ate v7 We \ i] 9 f " ~ } 4 1 28 |Mowbray George Lee 1m W [Statesville N Henry A. Mowbray Mary Gill Morrison John M W |Cool Springs Tn! Jack Morrison Adline Morrison 4 eli Mowbray mrs Josie Lousig 7; W Olin Tnshp iLewis Harpe | Jane Bax cals 9 Mes Morrison Cornelia C F W Statesville Nc be ni g 6 my Morrison Anna Adell W Bethany Tns Norrison ui » | Shiloh Morrison st ee e ae Morrison Morrison Norrison Morrison Morrison Vorrison 5 17 Loyer Henry Charles C ‘Statesville Nc | i 3\e | | Morrison 8 22 Moyer Donald Shaw { Statesville NC Henry C Moyer [Henrietta Henderson | 3 3, Morrison Luther Scar " Statesville NC \Henry C Moyer Henrietta Henderson | OS Morrison L a NC | Frank Henderson Rebecca Davis 3" . | : TNS ! , ‘ | Morrison Mary Lee % Norrison Clifford A (Mrs \ Statesville N Walker Allen Morrison K fi Rethany Tns John Morrison pe Morrison Catherine A I / Statesville se s Tns Morrison f WN i Shiloh Morrison Victoria B , W |Sharpesburg ee e ee ee a Morrison ' |Concord Tns Grady Moz Morrison Concord Tns William Hall - Hoke Morrison Jessi f W \|Concord fns L Gradie Morrison Lottie Houpe Morrison ‘Melvin f Statesville 3 |Ed Morrison Naomi Turner - 1922 5 18/Mowrer | | W |Mooresville NC |John Oeheer |Jannie Shields | « 9! Morrison Frank S Statesville NC /c A Morrison Annie Henderson i | ) ) : Morrison | Shiloh Tns Herbert Morrison Jennie Wellman | | .| Morrison ‘Bessie | Statesville Tns |West Hines Maud Goforth Morrison | \Coddle Creek Tn/Reid R Morrison Isabel Douglas \ | Morrison Alexander Shiloh Tns Joe Guy | Morrison \Nancy Carlina | W (Concord Tns David Hart - Petty | Morrison |Bertha Statesville NC Ip F Wilson Rosana Keller Morrison Statesville NC |Odell Morrison Mamie Nash } Morrison ‘Margarett | Shiloh Tns iW E Morrison Archey Harris Morrison \Nancy | ‘Shiloh Tns \Daniel Morrison Frankie Morrison \ | | Morrison Wessly | Shiloh Tns ISidney Morrison 1 - i | | Morrison MM ! ‘Statesville James Morrison isabelle fempleton a TARA ute OeMadiaetitt rc 5 eee ae ey wie ee re poe aren ila beld heidi) Benoit nn SOT Taree Mae eT eet ' . ' - " Ut » eee ne 9 RR OLE" ER EBRE eer _— 7 - i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Chae? Cade FB eee nn tee eee ton cen aa T° tocuto sams, onee @ ae SIAR TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 Ue. Pownt Ne. 148/160 e eee it ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Pat. Off. ection, Insi ; o Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Bae ; U. B. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Oe =. to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ; | | t T care of oexta §—| ; ] " , SER a “a = SURN, AME & DECEASED | ie | ae - ACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER ee Your | Month | Day | in - ja tom | Sex Color = PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— 2 | $1922) 7 |18] Morrison John Osborne M |W |Statesville NC /Blake L Morrison |Vallie Hux 7 578 | : fb: 1928) 5 | 6/Morrison Katie P| ¢ Isniion ens eee ciiact a Maiti lie 594 1 | s i | 1922 7 29) Morrison Dwyght M C (Concord Tns Frank Morrison luetissa Thomas 8 268 | | eo 1928; 4 paaenesane William hi W Statesville NC |Z K Morrison Sita Mii ‘14. 379) (1922. 8 7/ Morrison ‘Robert Hall | MW (Mooresville NC |Robt H Morrison Mary Graham a 4 ___ 1928) 5 | 1/Morrison Wesley MC Statesville nC |Joe Guy Si a 11922: 10 3) Morrison Carrie | F C Statesville NC /Bill Morrison Isusan Poe | 7: 601 As 1928 5 6| Morrison Harvey X. C Cool Springs Tn Alonze Morrison Bettie Morrison 14; 274 , $1923. 1 23, Morrison Fred J | M - |Concord Tns jJohn Mack Mable Morrison 9| 237 | ct ™ Merrisen pf KC Statesville NC (Odeli vorrison ee eee 14 452 |1922 4 12) Morrison ~ F cC (Shiloh Tans |ton Morrison lElla Morrison 9 67 : 1928 12 | 22 Morrison J Sidney “ie Statesville NC aes . wibbhans 7 ae sid 15 a 4 lises 4 13) Morrison John Amos M W Concoré Tns laitora Morrison Betsy Millholland 9| 236 a 1929, 1 4 Morrison William Elias MW Statesville To ‘Thomes Morrison Martha Smyer 15. 589 l1g22 5 29) Morrison Lucille F C Statesville NC joaera Morrison Mamie Frost | °| 470 1929 6 15) Morrison John F NW Coneord Tus Abner Morrison Mary Feimster 15; 116 1923. 6 5] Morrison Margeret F .W (Statesville NC [yes E McFarland \Caroline Sumpter l9 473 e l1g29 7 .16)Morrison talda Juanita F | W |Statesville NC IL F Morrison Maggie Cook 15 483 1923. 9 17) Morrisor Mary Bell F W Statesville NC lJ L Bell Mollie Moore 19. 276 iM (ige90 8 4 Morrison Jas Sidney MW ‘Statesville KC /J a Morrison e=- Guy 115 490 | ; 1923. 12 11] Morrison Ma.-gie F W |Statesville NC |W F Watt - Morrison 1 9 442 ca 11929 9 ,/11)Morrison Dora Fidcelia F W Concord Tns JO Morrison - Potts ] | Falistown Tns Scott Lizzie Toble j10 141 q pi929 11 10 Morrison Fannie £ Rog tatesville NC ilaes od stelle Morrison & 1924 4 28! Morrison ~ M - (Statesville NC .C 4 Morrison Anne M Henderson ‘10 308 1929 11 15)Morrison Reece MC Sharpesburg Tn - 1 15 337 Pe 11924 6 .22) Morrison Minno M C |Statesville NC |Hawson Morrison jLucy Crawford }10 327 = 12950 | € 1o Morrison ellie F C Olio Tas Logan /asson Louisa Keeten 16 276 ae 1924. 8 9) Morrison Clemmie Hayes F C |Statesville NC | ~ | “ 110. 343 |1930 $ #4 lorrison lollie Cornelia F W Coddle Creek Tn John E Fr M Villholland le| 75 Pi (1924 $ 11! Morrison Frances F C |Statesville N lsianey Houpe |Rachel McLelland 110; 355 1930 5 41 Morrison Henry a h # Statesville NC /|Zigh Morrison Angeline Cline lo 402 Pee i | a PTs 1924 11 23! Morrison Margaret Lois FC {Shiloh Tns | Dump Morrison jIda Reid j10, 301 11930 6 25 Morrison Hubert XC Coneord Tas Lee Long Zora Morrison 46) 119 Pye lve4 12 e4 Morrison : ve oC |Statesville tns| - |Florence Morrison pi. 479 980 8 7 korrison Pascel } Ww Bethany Tns George i Morrison Mary A Bradley lei 22 I i ivé5, 2 13 VNorrison Alfred L Mo OW «6 Falistown Tn \A T Morrison \ - jaa 143 of, 11930, 11 |14) Morrison David Augustus kh W Statesville NC (Thomas i-orrison -- Smyre 116. 527 i 11925, 4 5/ Morrison Lucy Reed F W |Coddle Creek tn [Rufus Reed [Isabelle Torrence faa 48 i 1931, 1 21/\Morrison CB x h statesviile NC |Jas Sidney Lorrison Isabella a Templeton|1e 557 aa }1925 9 «& Morrison Julia F W {Shiloh Tas A E MeLelland | - McLellana ju 295 mn 1931; 1 | Lester kh 6©C 6Concord Tas Frank Morrison Clara Thomas 117.87 Ce [1925 8 13} Morrison John /M CC (Statesville Ens iReece Morrison - {22 451 J 1931, 3 |29|Morrison Eugene Kk. W Statesville NC {Julian i Morrison Jennie horrison ae 395 ta 11925 9 4, Morrison F Adair | F W |Statesville Tn Is C Morrison iMary E Jones j2e 546 * 1931, 6 24 Morrison Baster L F W Shiloh Tas Manay liorrow -- Blakely 117. 282 y liozs 9 . 9| Morrison zeb | MW |Statesville Tn [R L Morrison ,Mamie Love Fe 547 ak 1931, 7 24\\orrison Harrison Kk C Statesville \C |Eugene Lorrison Odell Lorrison i117. 387 ,1925, 10 | 7) Morrison - FW {Shiloh Tas jHerbert Morrison [Reba Miller pa 500 | oe 1931) 10 | 7\Morrison - M W Statesville \C [Eugene Morrison Jr Jane Gardner ns 424 me | i | A | 1926 1 $i Morrison Emmet N iM W \Statesville NC |James S Morrison [Isabella Templeton le 438 | uk 1932 #1 26|Morrison Louis Grady 4 W Concord Tns J F Norrison Mary l.urdock 118 67 1926, 1 14) horrison ora FC |Shiloh Tas Abb Morrison mary Miller jaz 285 | iii 1932; 3 l13 |uorrison James Collins KM W Statesville NC ‘James horrison Martha Hall le 282 | ' 1926, 2 110) Morrison |Robert A MW [Shiloh Tns Abner horrison ! ~ 12; 290} do 42932) ¢ | Sines ‘John KC Concord Tas ee as ne 0” | oe 1926, 2 (21) Morrison - | M,C | Fallstown Tns |J P Morrison | veraie Shuford 12. 131 eae 1932, 4 |21|worrison ‘David Brooks K W Concord fns ‘Henry 1 Morrison Caroline Hart lie 73 | | 1926; 4 | 2a} Morrison Victor Maxie | 1: | Shiloh Tns Please Morrison lruie Houpe 12. 299) a? 1932, 5 |28 Morrison ‘Delbert MW [Statesville NC IZ G Morrison == Houpe lie 3a6| {ob 1926, 9 | 9 Morrison |Thomas Roy iM isW | Statesville NC jJno A Morrison ~ Rickert 13) 357) a 1932 | 7 |20|Morrison wyette Preston kX W Concord fns Abner Morrison Mary Feimster lis go | ue | ' | | = : . sees 10 23 Morrison ‘Ina Mae | F | ¢ |Shiloh tas Ples Morrison Lela Houpe 12) 08} a 1992 9 |ealMorrieon eaeean i? Pe abner Morrison Mary Miller 28 2671 |kb 1927, 3 a, Morrison ~ - | C |Concord Tns Oscar Morrison Blanch Feimster 13, 58| sie |rvse | 11 |16 |Morrison - F W Statesville NC 2 F Morrison Maggie Cook le 474 | Lh | |aser 4 ur Morrison |John Lewis M . C |Statesville NC - Maggie Ruderson 13| 378 1938! 4 les Morrison ‘John T | M ._W Concord fns \Newton Morrison Jerushe Feimster 19 104} Lee le 6 | 4] Morrison . | Florence K F | W | Bethany Tns Milton G Morrison Emeline Nicholson 13, 27 jisss| 5 | 4alkereivson ae G |M_ W (Shiloh Tns Thomas Morrison Moretha Smyre 19. eee | | $1927 “6 . 6) Morrison Willie Sue Fr | C |Statesville Tn [Will Morrison Susie Tobar 13 | 524 11933! 5 |1elmorrison Mary Caroline | F , W Shiloh Ths James McFarland lcarcline Sumpter 19, 223) 1927; 7 {|11) Morrison Alfonzia M | C |Statesville NC |C R Morrison Nellie Waston 13| 459 1933; 11 |10|Morrison Daniel Thomas | XM W Shiloh Ins John khorrison Margaret Lem b 19, 231 i 1927, +7 (12) Morrison Alonzo M | C |Statesville Tns|c R Morrison Nellie Waston 12; 60a 41934; 2 |21)/Morrison Graco: Fi ¢ {Shiloh Tos Lee Long jLou Johnson 420 | 296 | 6 | 28] Morrison Hillen F | C | Shiloh Tns Blake Morrison Grace Watts 13| 325 1934/ 6 |14/Morrigson Wd | MW ‘Statesville NC jWm Jackson Morrison sien Gibson 20 420 | i Morrison . x | ¢ _}Coneord Tas Charles Morrison Mable Griffin u 4 4934! 8 |30/Morrison Margaret E |F iw [Statesville NC |Pink Johnson Vina Sherrill 20. | (CON) (CON) PeeeTTEVETITTETIT TET Te et Ty ey TAN anon tii i A Sei ny) he a aa WAALS baah ct Snare Ciara tar ori cert ee cn Mt senses resin ene INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. as COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Fee eet He ete ae ad A Bal ade \ Voie Bignarate on sents insures theit correctnees. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. 8 Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 U. 8 Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ae toate, pames, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer hog 08 vet.ow, | For Your Protection, Insist On It, te Buff Bubsindex sheet for page reference. y ; : sees ‘© Buff Sub-iudex sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Obeerver Printing House, Charlotte, N. ( agg ! | DATE OF DEATH | ] . tee ee — = ie Gatemas inte 6 Ee Gee Sex Color : PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a _[™ - =] som ya td | Sx Cole | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee { . | | | | Pe , gi 28, 3 | él i : | | | rae Lees 7 18] Morrison John Osborne MiW [Statesville NC |Blake L Morrison Vallie Hux 1 ome) 1928) ges aO8 Katie FC |Shiloh Tns Jack Lewis Fannie Lewis 14. 594 | ‘etal. § 29| a Sorin : “i Iconcora _ Frank Morrison Malissa Thomas 5 268 ee 1928 4 + BE} Marri eon William M . W [Statesville NC iJ K Morrison Jennie Johnson 114. 379 H | jase) 8 7} Morrison Robert Hall | MW [Mooresville NC jRobt H Morrison rr Seenee 8| 52] 1926, 5 | 1|Morrison Wesley MC |Statesville NC Joe Guy petherica Wovisnen teal aan I | } f1g22; 10 al Morrison Carrie F C iStatesville NC pia Morrison oom Poe | 7; 601] : 1928 5 y crema Harvey M C Cool Springs Tn|Alonze Morrison Bettie Morrison 14 274 | 1923 1 23) Morrison Fred J , M - /Concord Tns | John Mack Mable Morrison 9, 237 ‘ 7 oe eer MC |Statesville NC /0dell Morrison Mamie Frost 14 452 . | | 3928 4 |12) Morrison ~ F C |Shiloh Tns [Lon Morrison jEile Morrison | 9 67 4 pees a8. 33 Kiorrison J Sidney i i srkusesits WiC oftie T Morrison ; ei | 15 406 J Beg i ba higes 4 18! Norrison John Amos M W |Conoord Tns lalfora Morrison Betsy Millholland | 9 236 see . 4 Morrison Williem Elies u © tbiiieirt) be lence wie en fe ; | | Lv23 » 291 Morrison Lucille ie C iStatesville NC joaen Norrison Mamie Frost 9; 470 1929 6 15/Morrison John F M W Concord Tns Abner Morrison Mary Feimster 16| 116 8 | | lion 6 | ail ia Margeret re w Statesville NC sas ® McFarland \Caroline Sumpter \ 473 3 11929, 7 | 16) Morrison walda Juanita F W Statesville NC |L F Morrison Maggie Cook 15 483 ch mney BOS P |W [Statesville BC ig 2 Bele Mollie Moore 9, 276 4 pove?| 8 | 4{Morrison Jas Sidney M | W |Statesville NC |J A Morrison ou. ede 15 pe f 1v23 1 114 Morrison Ma gie F W (Statesville NC |W F Watt - Morrison 9 442 1929 9 |11/Morrison Dora Fidelia F W Concord Tns John Morrison --- Potts 15 125 v3 lgn4 4 5) Morrison Agnas F C Fallstown Tns [WC Scott jLizzie Toble #10 141 se ll 10) Morrison Fannie E F C Statesville NC |Miles Wooa Estelle Morrison 15. 324 eG | Lopa : Teel Mewwsenn ks Mi - /Statesville NC |C A Morrison Anna M Henderson 110 308 x | 1929 11 15 Morrison Reece MC Sharpesburg Tn is 3 15 337 oP Se | , ‘ orriso Minno M C Statesville NC pHawson Morrison Lucy Crawford 110 327 11930) 2 16/Morrison Nellie F C Olio Thos ‘Logan \.asson Louisa Keeten 16; 276 i ey | | Lg24 8 9) Morrison Clemmie Hayes F C [Statesville NC - = j10 543 [2880 ' $ #4 orrison Lollie Cornelia) F W Coddle Creek Tn iJohn H Fry M VNillholland lo 75 Pig ae a | Lye4 ¥ i|1l] Morrison Frances k C |Statesville NC iSidney Houpe Rachel McLelland j10, 355 11930, 5 31/Morrison Henry aA M W Statesville NC High Morrison Angeline Cline lo 402 pines . on ie | | 1gf4 ll 2&3!) Morrison Margaret Lois F Cc /Shiloh Tns | Dump \.orrison Ida Reid j10, 301 | \1930, 6 25 Morrison Hubert M C Coneord Tns Lee Long Zora Morrison le 119 ei i, Hl | feel 4 ‘ siete . \ C Statesville rns o Florence korrison ph 479 1 11930. 8 7 korrison Pascal Mv W Bethany Tns George W Morrison Mary A Bradley lo b2 . Pa H | | 1GP: ‘ 13 Norrison Alfred I] i. W \Fallstown Tn lA . Morrison | - il 143 11230, 11 14) Morrison David Augustus M W 'Statesville NC /Thomas h.orrison -- Smyre 146) 527 Po i L19e6 4 5| Morrison luey Reed F W Coddle Creek Tn}Rufus Reed jIsabella Torrence jill 48 (1931, 1 21)Morrison C B M W Statesville NC |Jas Sidney Lorrison Isavella 4 Templeton lo 557 | ne Pen il 1 } ue | ) lases) 5 22} Morrison vulie F WwW iShiloh Tos la E MeLelland i - MeLelland [11 295 1931, 1 (30\Morrison Lester kk C Concord Tns Frank Morrison Clara Thomas hy 87 4 Ce He | | 72 i lioes & 1351 Mersieen take uM Cc Statesville Pas |Reece Morrison - jill 401 1931, 3 29)Morrison Eugene KM 6OUW «(Statesville NC Julien I. Morrison Jennie horrison 17, 395 es if | Pat 4 logs . ak dimes » Adair > w iStatesville Ta Is C Morrison iMary E Jones plc 546 1931; 6 (24 Morrison Easter L F W Shiloh Tns |Manay Morrow -- Blakely 117? 282 a bom : al worstnen zet iM w |Statesville Tn Ie L Morrison ‘Mamie Love jz 347 1931; 7 (24 \Norrison Harrison Mi C Statesville NC |Eugene Lorrison Odell L.orrison ie 387 , : | | | y | lees 16 | 0] Moreiece . | FW [Shiloh Tos jHerbert Morrison 'Reba Miller jl 300 2 1931, 10 7/Morrison - M W Statesville NC Eugene Morrison Jr Jane Gardner 17 424) 1926 1 $! Morrison Emmet Xk | M W [Statesville NC i sation S Morrison jIsabella Templeton 22 458 a 1932, 1 | 26 [Morrison ‘Louis Grady | M W Concord Tns J F Vorrison Mary lurdock a 67 ' 1926 >» |.al Korraiece imme : C |Shiloh Tns Abb Morrison \Mary Miller 112 £85 | 1932; 3 13 |Morrieon James Collins M W |Statesville NC lJames Lorrison Martha Hall hs 282 | 1 1926 £ 1101 Morrison Robert A h. W |Shiloh Tns abner Lorrison i - [iz 290 | i 1932, 4 | 2|Morrison John | M | © |Concord Tns - - ne 771 = |oe \ | | | 1926 © £1! Morrison - X C |Fallstown Ins J P Morrison Verdie Shuford 12 131) er 1932) 4 Sh Meredeon David Brooks | M W (Concord Tns enry L Morrison Caroline Hart lie 73) | oe | 1926 4 24! Morrison Victor Mexie : X C [Shiloh Tos Please Morrison jLule Houpe 112) 2o9) ai 1932 5 28 |Morrison |\Delbert | M | W |Statesville NC It G Vorrison '-- Houpe las 346) | .oe it | 1926 9 g Morrison Thonas Roy b W [Statesville NC |Jno A Morrison | - Rickert 13 357! o 1932 7 |20 Morrison i\wyette Preston | Xi W (Concord Tns jabaer Morrison Mary Feimster 18 80 | a Morrison Ina Mee | F ¢ {Shiloh Tne Ples Morrison | Lele Houpe 12 08) ting 1932, 8 24 Morrison |Thomas | MC Shiloh ns labner Morrison ‘Mary Miller lie 267 | | eh | Morrison - - _¢ [Concord fns Qsear Morrisoa |Blanch Feimster 13. 58 | a ae ll 16 Morrison - FW Statesville NC ix F Morrison Maggie Cook le. ana | Md ! i A 1 , ipa Morrison John Lewis MC /Statesville NC - Maggie Ruderson 13, 378) ta 1938 4 |29/Morrison ‘John T ! M |W |Concord Tns Newton Morrison \Jerusha Feimster 29 Lod | iy | i | a Morrison ', Plorenee a FW [Bethany Tos Milton G Morrison Emeline Nicholson 13, 27 ~——~—..$1933/ 5 | 4|Morrison Heary G MW lshiion Tos Thomas Morrison Moretha Smyre 19 | 222] tr | | Morrison ‘Willie Sue F Cc |Statesville Tn [Will Morrison Susie Tobar 13 524 ~rtcenen LISD 5 |16!/Morrison Mary Caroline | FLW [shiloh Tons James McFarland Icaroline Sumpter 19, 223 | 1 \] | Morrison ,alfonzia MC | Statesville NC [C R Morrison Nellie Waston 13, 459 ~~. $1933) 11 |10]Morrison Daniel Thomas MW IShiton Tns John Morrison Margaret Lem b 19 | 232 Morrison Alonzo M . © | Statesville Tnsjic R Morrison Nellie Waston 13, 530A e.12934/) 2 |21)/Morrison Grace Fi¢ ‘Shion Tos Lee Long |Lou Johnson 480, 296 _ Morrison /Hillen F ¢ |Shiloh fas Blake Norrison Grace Watts 13. 325 esta 1934! 6 |14!Morrison Wd MW (statesvinie NC |jWm Jackson Morrison = Gibson 20 _ Morrison ; M. GC |Coneord tne Charles Morrison Mable Griffin 14).._9% , 1934) 8 |30/Morrison Margaret E F | W [Statesville NC }Pink Johnson lyine Sherrill 20 ; ade f (Con) (CON) Pha e Rais be aiaaabalg tite Me erer i? Tee Tea tT INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. na wits OE 10 VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. " COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 she waineltetentdemtitine cm ctedated U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 pasts er pests ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer N i to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold be hanes pains Company, Colemniven, Ofte Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER \ oe | Vol. Page 1 7 “ k | ! ‘ # t ir Signature on sheets insures their correctness. oa te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer _ Reg. U8. Pat.om, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheec for page reference, GATE OF oeaTe | SURNAME OF DECEASED Yeu | Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ! f f DATE OF DEATH RECORDED I SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color esi OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex coor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | | Vol. | Page ' | 11922) 10 | Morrison 29/ Morrison | Morrison | Morrison | Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Vorrison Morrison forrison Morrison Morrison Morrison lorrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Jorrison Vorrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison | Morrison ‘John Osborne | Dwyght Robert Hall Carrie Fred J John Amos Lucille Margaret Mary Bell Masgi-¢ Agnas Minno Clemmie Hayes Frances Margaret Lois Alfred L Lucy Reed Julia John F Adair | Zeb | Emmet N Emma |Robert A ,Victor Maxie |Thomas Roy ;Ina Mae ; ;John Lewis ‘| Florence A Willie Sue Alfonzia Alonzo Hillen [Statesville NC Iconcora Tns lMooresville |Statesville Concord Tns \Shiloh Tns Concord Tns Statesville Statesville ! Statesville Statesville NC Fallstown Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Shiloh Tns Statesville Fallstown T Coddle Creek Tn i|Shiloh Tns Statesville istatesville jStatesville }Shiloh Tns \Statesville Shiloh Tns | shitoh Tns |ratistown Tas lshiion Tas |Statesville NC Lie sti Tas Concord Tans Statesville Bethany Tns Statesville Statesville Statesville Shiloh Tns Concord Tans (con) Blake L Morrison Frank Morrison Robt H Morrison Bill Morrison John Mack jLon Morrison jAlford Morrison { | Bell ° Watt Scott lc A Morrison |Hawson Morrison Sidney Houpe Dump Morrison iA T Morrison i eae Rufus Reed i ‘1 } A E MecLelland jReece Morrison S C Morrison R L Morrison Herbert Morrison James S Morrison Abb Morrison Abner horrison J P Morrison Please Morrison Jno A Morrison Ples Morrison Oscar Morrison Milton G Morrison Will Morrison C R Morrison C R Morrison Blake Morrison Charles Morrison Vallie Hux Malissa Thomas Mary Graham | jSusan Poe Mable Morrison ‘Ella Morrison |Betsy Millholland Mamie Frost Caroline Sumpter iMollie Moore Morrison Lizzie Toble Anna M Henderson Lucy Crawford ‘Rachel McLelland |Ida Reid Florence Morrison jIsabella Torrence McLelland \ jMary E Jone s \Mami e Love \Reba Miller |Isabella Templeton Mary Miller Verdie Shuford lula Houpe Rickert Lela Houpe Blanch Feimster Maggie Ruderson Emeline Nicholson Susie Tobar Nellie Waston Nellie Waston Grace Watts Mable Griffin 1928, 4 1928 5 1928, 5 1928. 7 11928; ll | 1928 12 1929 1 1929 Fre ‘ses 1929 1931. 11932 41933 1983 41934 | 1934 | 1930 11930, 6 1930 8 11930, 11 11931; 1 1931, 1 1931) 1931. 1931, 10 1932, 1 1932, 3 1932 | 1932, | | | 1932 1932, 1932 File 1933 1933 1928, 3 | ’ 6) Morrison } 4 26/ Morrison 4 1) Morrison 6) Morrison 23) Morrison — ° 4 On 7 MOPTISON 11) Morrison 4' Morrison 15) Morrison 16) Morrison 4'Liorrison 11/Morrison 10/Morrison 15 Morrison 16) Morrison 24 Morrison $1 Morrison 25 Morrison 7 Lorrison .14) Morrison £1 Morrison 30!) Morrison 29 Morrison _€4 Morrison _24/horrison 7 Morrison (26/Korrison |13|Morrison | 2|Morrison |21)Morrison | 28 |Morrison khorrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Lorrisono »|Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison |Katie |William Wesley Harvey - ‘7 3 + u ake ban UY Sidne William Elias John F walda Juanita Jas Sidney Dora Ficelia Fannie £ Reece Lhellie Lollie Cornelia Eenry A Hubert Pascal David Augustus C B Lester Eugene Easter L Harrison Louis Grady James Collins ,John |David Brooks Delbert iwyette Preston Laing John T imeary G Mary Caroline Daniel Thomas Grace Wd Margaret E Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Statesville Nc | Jack Lewis |J K Morrison | Joe Guy Cool Springs Tn/Alonzo Morrison Statesville Nc Statesville NC otatesville NC Statesville Tn Concord Tns Statesville Nc otatesville NIC Concord Tns otatesville NC Sharpesburg Tn Olin Tns /Odell Morrison Offie = Morrison Thomas Morrison Abner Morrison Morrison A Norrison John Morrison WVilas Wood Logan \.asson Coddle Creek Tn/John H Fry Statesville NC Coneord Tns Bethany Tns Statesville NC ~tatesville ! Concord Tas Statesville NC Shiloh Tns Statesville |! Statesville | Concord Tns Statesville i Concord Tns Concord Tns Statesville \Concord Tns Shiloh fns iStatesville \Concord fns Shiloh Tas shiloh Tas Shiloh Ins lshilon Tos [Statesville NC Statesville Nc (CON) High Morrison Lee Long George W Morrison Thomas h.orrison Jas Sidney Lorrison Frank Morrison Julien I. Morrison Manay l.orrow ‘Eugene Liorrison Eugene Morrison Jr J F Norrison |James Lorrison \ @ iHenry L Morrison | IL G Morrison Abner Morrison | pAbuer Morrison ly F Morrison Newton Morrison Thomas Morrison James McFarland John Morrison Lee Long Wm Jackson Morrison Pink Johnson Fannie Lewis Jennie Johnson Catherine Morrison Bettie Morrison Mamie Frost Martha Smyer Mary Feimster Maggie Cook --- Guy Potts Estelle Morrison Louisa Keeten VNillholland Angeline Cline éora Morrison Mary A Bradley -- Smyre lo 40 lo )L0 Isavella « Templeton /le Clara Thomas Jennie h.orrison -- Blakely Odell sX.orrison Jane Gardner Mary lurdock Martha Hall Caroline Hart -- Houpe Mary Feimster Mary Miller Maggie Cook jJerusha Feimster Moretha Smyre Caroline Sumpter a i t Lamb ILou Johnson icon Gibson Vina Sherrill Ee 117 a 117 a 17 18 (18 ‘18 \18 | \18 118 dice i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEA’THS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ee ee PRN EP RR ERE INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX U. B. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright tee pec psoeragg. t= DATE OF DEATH aT locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Ball Sabclades shast for petty Romo Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. | Recorven | NAME OF MOTHER _ | i | Vol. Page ' ‘ | This Signature on sheets insures “cir correctness, -. ; : To locate names, t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer __ Reg. U.8.vat.om, { For Your Protection, Insist On It. ee od sub-lnd to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER * DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN NAME OF FATHER Sex — Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF MOTHER aa | |18] Morrison John Osborne |Statesville Blake L Morrison | Jack Lewis Fannie Lewis | I 29| Morrison | Dwyght 4 i} ' ae ta iin : 2. 6) Morrison |Katie F | ¢ |snilon tas i | i | y : lccnoora Tas i te iil Ma igne Thenas | 26) Morrison William i. W (Statesville NC |J K Morrison Jennie Johnson i |Mooresville I 1} Morrison Wesley Be ‘ . , 7) Morrison Robert Hall Robt H Morrison Mary Graham Statesville NC |Joe Guy Catherine Morrison | ‘Morrison larvey (Statesville NC /|Bill Morrison Cool Springs Tn) Alonzo Morrison Bettie Norrison 3] Morrison Carrie |Susan Poe 26|| Morrison Fred J 'Concord Tns John Mack |Mable Morrison Morrison = Statesville NC /Odell Morrison Mamie Frost } mOoOr’TrT1isoNn d Lat 7+, 2 ’ ATTY : : : 5 . Mi es IG a vee 4 vo 4 bd i : a Lon Morrison Morrison eldney Statesville NC |Offie Tf Morrison 12) Morrison Shiloh Tns Ella Morrison Morrison John Amos iConcord Tns jAlford Morrison Morrison William Elias Statesville Tn |Thomes Morrison Martha Smyer , 4 Nomaes or so dv. bna omye lBetsy Millholland Morrison Lucille Statesville |Odell Morrison |Mamie Frost Morrison John F Concord Tns Abner Morrison Mary Feimster Ty ia > oO > ‘ 3 . Wa © j , . ) Y > 5 h is © c Tia 5 ~ - VNorrison Margaret Statesville E McFarland |\Caroline Sumpter mOrrison walda Juanita Statesville RN L F Morrison Magezie Cook 1 “42566 Mollie Moore lorrison Jas Sidney Statesville Ic iF n e see > R > : Morrison Mary Bell Statesville Bell J A Morrison — - be + = “e e ae a is z Pee ee sec ote : Be ai , | m | f i f j D .A ; Morrison Ma-gie Statesville NC F Watt Morrison Morrison Dora Ficelia Concord Tns John Morrison Potts O|Morrison RE N a te »? Morrison Agnas i\Falistown Tns iW Scott |\Lizzie Toble Fannie E “tatesville Ni Vilas Wood Estelle Morrison Fw a Morrison Reece on ~~ Statesville NC /C A Morrison Anna M Henderson Sharpesburg i Ht Statesville NC |Hawson Morrison Morrison * Ee r Crawford b. ‘e114 , jLucy Crawford orrison ‘ellie Olin Tns Logan \asson Louisa Keeten Morrison Minno le , * wh e n , ik ”, A Mo n 4 . 72 Morrison Lollie Cornelia Coddle Creek Tn|John H Fry . Nillhollandad a Morrison Clemmie Hayes Statesville NC - i - Morrison Frances Statesville NC |/Sidney Houpe |Rachel McLelland Morrison Henry a Statesville NC |High Morrison Anceline Cline 2 Morrison Hubert »~ ia 7 . , Wr | } ’ f Dump Morrison jide Reid Coneord Tns Lee Long Zora Morrison “4 Morrison Margaret Lois | Shiloh Tns ~~ /Florence Morrison korrison Pascal i \ . State ; ; } } y Morrison Statesville Tns Bethany Tns George WwW Morrison Mary A Bradley a =. *' e te , * 4 |Fallstown Tn jA T Morrison - | /‘horrison David Augustus Statesville NC /Thomas korrison r Norrison Alfred L _ > . ie 7 a ~ = if « ov ‘ rt + %, 3 tm . * ea ; eo s t x rs " ; . r ‘4 : Morrison iLucy Reed |Coddle Creek TnjRufus keed jIsabella Torrence Morrison C B “tatesville iJas Sidney Lorrison fempleton |Shiloh Tns A E McLelland McLelland Morrison Lester Concord Tfns I i i] Morrison Julia Frank Morrison ; "a Thor a ee i} | . nm > a 2 tT . , nA : . : . : . ‘Statesville fns|Reece Morrison Liorrison Eugene Statesville |! Julian i. Morrison Jennie horrison | a : : | 3! Morrison | John Fi ' i i a nS B q % F fs} ‘| My Nj bf ‘i j , t 4 | | ; | a | | | , Hl ; Se I aS <i n e e n t e e i i i l c n s i i e —— | Morrison _F Adair iStatesville Tn Morrison Zeb Morrison Morrison | Emmet N Morrison | Emma Morrison |Robert A Morrison Morrison _Victor Maxie Morrison | Thomas Roy | Morrison | Ina Mae Morrison Morrison ;John Lewis Morrison Pechen A Morrison Willie Sue Morrison Alfonria Morrison Alonzo Morrison Hillen _Morrison |Statesville Tn | |Shiloh Tns iStatesville i W | “ Shiloh Tns ‘Shiloh Tas i shanen Tns Statesville Shiloh Tas Concord Tns Statesville Bethany Tns Statesville Shiloh Tns Falls town Tns Statesville Statesville Concord Tas (CON) S C Morrison R L Morrison Herbert Morrison James S Morrison Abb Morrison Abner Morrison J P Morrison Please Morrison Jno A Morrison Ples Morrison Oscar Morrison Milton G Morrison Will Morrison C R Morrison C R Morrison Blake Morrison Charies Morrison | |Mamie Love | [Reba Miller Mary E Jones Isabella Templeton Mary Miller Verdie Shuford Lula Houpe Rickert Lela Houpe Blanch Feimster Maggie Ruderson Emeline Nicholson Susie Tobar Nellie Waston Nellie Waston Grace Watts Mable Griffin Morrison \horrison Easter L Harrison Shiloh Tns Statesville 7/Morrison | |26|Lorrison | ,13)Morrison Louis Grady James Collins 2| Morrison ,John 21|Morrison | ‘David Brooks 28 Morrison |\Delbert | |20 |Morrison £4 /Morrison | Thomas | Lo Morrison ' 29 |Morrison \John T 4\Morrison jHeary G 16/Morrison Mary Caroline 10|Morrison Daniel Thomas 21/Morrison Grace Morrison wd Morrison Margaret E \Wyette Preston Statesville | Concord Tns Statesville | Concord Tns Concord Tns Statesville | ‘Concord Tus Shiloh Tns Statesville (Concord Tns Shiloh Tans ‘Shiloh Tns |Shiloh Tas ‘Shiloh Tos f i |Statesville NC Statesville NC (CON) Ma a en aun . iManay Liorrow ‘Eugene horrison Eugene liorrison Jr J F Norrison James hLorrison } } Menry L Morrison | It, G Morrison Abner Morrison |Abner Morrison IL F Morrison Inewton Morrison Thomas Morrison James McFarland John horrison Lee Long Wm Jackson Morrison Pink Johnsen Ge -- Blakely Odell s.orrison Jane Gardner Mary lhurdock Martha Hal) Caroline Hart -- loupe Mary Feimster Mary Miller Maggie Cook Jerusha Feimster Moretha Smyre i) Caroline Sumpter hargeret Lam b iLou Johnson j=-- Gibson \Vina Sherrill ee Se PRORYN ” ie ‘ pak BOMMUMNMERAMERL MUCK a eT Sicdiniihd & ne a RRR HR NNER BRN st aries INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. -— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 3 ; " . U, & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref a Gs ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. pep Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 o* ss oboe ee ee Der Ay TAD on refer Bold by Clee Fens Sreaans Colemiven, Oulo __ Reg. U.8. Paton. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. hae U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 pee EDIT Ro . j | | | I a —e a SURNAME OF D | | | | ' DATE OF DEATH | \ ECEASED t i RECORDED i SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED | AND CHRI | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | > ; > OF UE 4 i oT ae . AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN : Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | Year | Month |e | STIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN EATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Tat) Paes | _ | 1928) 5 | 6/Morrison Katie Shiloh Tns ‘aa Lewis + ' i i | 7 18] Morrison John Osborne | M W |Statesville NC |Blake L Morrison Vallie Hux Fannie Lewis i 1928) 4 } 26} Morrison William Statesville NC ig x Morrison Jennie Johnson 7 1&9 i | 1928 S 1) Morrison Wesley Statesville NC |Joe Guy 1 \ | | Morrison | Dwyght i M C |Concord Tns Frank Morrison iMalissa Thomas | Catherine Morrison 8 7] Morrison Robert Hall | W |Mooresville Robt H Morrison Mary Graham i | | oi : 3) Morrison Carrie } = Statesville Bill Morrison iSusan Poe 01 | 1928 5 6/Morrison Harvey Cool Springs Tn Alonzo Morrison Bettie Morrison | i] HI i | 23) Morrison Fred J i Concord Tns John Mack iMable Morrison 1928; 7 | 23 Morrison ~ A » Statesville NC 11928 7i Morrison d Glint ] W | Ste : Odell Morrison Mamie Frost ] € 1 Os oe = Le oa 11928 11) Morrison J Sidney { i Statesville NC : : | , i Devi Morr! L 12) Morrison \Shiloh Tns iLon Morrison \Ella Morrison Offie T Morrison it a " ‘ae i r4 4 4 i . : | § fi Vi : . ee a g wes . a a wont son Fohn amos [ 1 IConeord Tas lalford Morrison |Betsy Millholland | i 3929 Morrison William Elias [ Statesville Tn |/Thomes Morrison Martha Smyer H i : ; .© P f Ae ~ © Morrison Lucille F Statesville |Odell Morrison [Mamie Frost | 9 1929 ‘Morrison John F f Concord Tns Abner Morrison Mary Feimster Vorrison Margaret W |Statesville N Jas E McFarland jCaroline Sumpter r | ‘ 2 ,1929 Morrison walda Juanita F Statesville X . » Nowriass tecctes ‘Cook ai ; oe “ ai a ial cee 1929 Liorrison Jas Sidney ‘ Statesville i J A Morrison --- Guy Morrison Mary Bell |} |Statesville NC | Bell iMollie Moore Worrison Ma--gie , | istatesville N Ww F Watt | Morrison 1929 Morrison Dora Fidelia Concord Tns John Morrison Potts Morrison Agnas Fallstown Tns |W C Scott |Lizzie Toble j10. 7 j a ) Morrison Fannie E statesville NC /Milas Wood Estelle Morrison H 4 i Morrison i Statesville NC |C A Morrison Anna M Henderson | t 2 | Morrison Reece , Sharpesburg ‘ i ; ae 5 ; ; i a ; ’ : : Morrison Minno i M Statesville NC |Hawson Morrison jLucy Crawford | N . Morrison Kellie Olin Tns Logan iiasson Louisa Keeten H \ 7 a o14 ‘ is 2 " abs oe ae Morrison Clemmie Hayes Statesville NC - kiorrison Lollie Cornelia Coddle Creek Tn|John H Fry M Nillholland Morrison .Frances F Statesville NC |Sidney Houpe |Rachel McLellana 8 Morrison Henry a f W Statesville NC |High Morrison Angeline Cline t q | Morrison Margaret Lois | ‘Shiloh Tns | Dump Morrison jIda Reid £10] 2 Morrison Hubert Mi Coneord Tns Lee Long Zora Morrison I | Ce W ' Morrison Statesville Tns| |Florence Morrison 7 korrison Pascal V W Bethany Tns George i Morrison Mary A Bradley Norrison Alfred L f Fallstown Tn A T Morrison { - : 14) Morrison David Augustus Mi Statesville NC /Thomas h.orrison -- Smyre = Morrison |\Lucy Reed | N |Coddle Creek TnjRufus Reed jIsabella Torrence : 2 ‘Ol <1 Morrison CB { W Statesville ki jJas Sidney Lorrison Isavella «4 Templeton Morrison Julia W |Shiloh Tns A E MeLelland { - MeLelland j11, 295 ‘i | ,30 Morrison Lester i Concord Tns Frank Morrison Clara Thomas | ; 1 'Statesville Tns|Reece Morrison | OL, oie | 29 Liorrison Eugene V. \ Statesville NC |Julien i; Morrison Jennie h.orrison i F Adair t | |Statesville Tn |S C Morrison \Mary E Jones | a 24 Morrison Easter L ; ij Shiloh Tns Manay Liorrow -- Blakely Morrison John | iL i | ] ee e ie e e te ae ee ee d pe r e n n e ai e “- Morrison Morrison Zeb | |Statesville Tn |R L Morrison \Mamie Love 2) ' . i 24 hLorrison |\Harrison n Statesville NC |Eugene i.orrison Odell i.orrison . : | ‘ I. Morrison | |Shiloh Tns Herbert Morrison |Reba Miller | aay | 7/Morrison Statesville NC |Eugene Morrison Jr Jane Gardner HI | | | t , | Morrison Emmet N | : i Statesville James S Morrison jIsabella Templeton , i iid _26 Morrison Louis Grady f W |Concord Tns iJ F Norrison Mary hurdock Morrison Emma |Shiloh Tos Abb Morrison pare Miller | © | rs | 13 jMorrison James Collins | \Statesville NC {James kKorrison Marthe Hall Morrison |Robert A |Shiloh Tns Abner horrison ~ 2|Morrison John f Concord Tns | | | | | Morrison | | Falls town Tns |J P Morrison Verdie Shuford | ~ : | gn Ineneteee ‘David Brooks Concord Tns ltenry L Morrison Caroline Hart Morrison Victor Maxie | shaion Tns Please Morrison Lula Houpe 12 % | | oe Deceit ‘Delbert y (Statesville N is 6 Morrison -- Houpe | ' ' \ | } | Morrison |Ina Mae Shiloh Tas Ples Morrison Lela Houpe 12) i |24|Morrison Thomas | Shiloh fns jabner Morrison Mary Miller ! Morrison | Thomas Roy _W | Statesville Jno A Morrison Rickert 15 | ¥ '20!/Morrison ‘Wyette Preston W |Concord Tas Abner Morrison Mary Feimster Morrison - | Concord Tns Oscar Morrison Blanch Feimster 13, ‘ 16 |Morrigon | | a? a? ee Masia Cook Morrison | John Lewis Statesville Maggie Ruderson 13 | —.{18 leo Morrison \John ? | _W (Concord fns Newton Morrison Jerusha Feimster Morrison . | Florence A | Bethany Tns Milton G Morrison Emeline Nicholson 13| 27 wo, 41 | 4\Korrisona Heary G iM Shiloh Tas Thomas Morrison Moretha Smyre | | i | Morrison Willie Sue | Statesville Will Morrison Susie Tobar 15 | 524 a » Morrison Mary Caroline | | W |Shiloh Tas James McFarland (Caroline Sumpter li | 11) Morrison Alfonzia ) Statesville C R Morrison Nellie Waston 13 , i | 459 — Morrison Daniel Thomas |W |Shiloh fns John Morrison Margaret Lamb | 12) Morrison _ Alonzo : Statesville C R Morrison Nellic Waston . 13, 550A ne : Morrison Grace iShiloh Tos Lee Long jLou Johnson | | | 28) Morrison Hillen | Shiloh Tns Blake Morrison Grace Watts 13; 325 ; Morrison wd | Istatesville NC Wm Jackson Morrison \--- Gibson | | _Morrison : | Concord Tns Charles Morrison Mable Griffin 141... 38 | Pe Morrison Margeret E Statesville NC {Pink Johnson \Vina Sherrill (CON) (CON) ROR Man SU A hi ih INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. aa T° locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer - \ This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.S. vat.o. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH i .24/Morrison | 28 |Morrison 30| Morrison 8 |Morrison 8ikorrison 24 |“orrison Morrison «|Morrison Morrison Morrison M.orrison Morrison )/Lorrison Morrison Lorrison juorrison hiorrison Morrison \Lorrison | Morrison 3 12 | Morrison 4 | Morrison | Morrison Morriso n | Morrison I | Morrison | |Morrison q Morrison ihe Morrison Morrison Morrison 22) Morrison A es e n t n e n g e e e e t n e e e n e en ea t i n 7 i i \28 bo rrison 14 Morrison —— — e e e i e 22 Morrison 7 16 Morrison | 3 Morrison Morrison oy Charles Richard | Demas | Naomi 'James §S |Alvih Harry } ' : ‘ i Martha Hall pazous Polina John Laura Adelle Bessie James Marcus SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Ralph Watt Florence P Irene W Fred Chattie Miller Dewey . R Lillie Belle Rebecca E Lester Barron William Hardt Charles Clyde Salome G Conner | Florence M Ellen Willie Sue Maggie White 7 P Ae Yiessle - Minnie RKoslie Lonnie Daniel Lona Sides Albert L + Clarence ‘ Mary Murdock to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH iStatesville NC |Shiloh Tns ‘Shiloh Tas Statesville \C \Statesville NC | Chambersburg Tn | Statesville NC | Statesville NC a | i] } " | | t 1 1 i \ { | | | Statesville iC iShiloh Tns Statesville Statesville Bethany Tns Shiloh Tans Statesville Statesville Statesville | Concord Tns ‘Statesville Statesville Betnany Tns Statesville NC Statesville Tn Statesville NC cOddle Creek Tn Statesville NC Concord Tn Concord Tn Statesville NC Statesville Tn Statesville I'n Statesville NC Statesville Tn NAME OF FATHER IM M Morrison J Alonzo Morrison Jas H Morrison John Parker }D A Morrison iHenary Miller | } } I | \Hunter L Morrison jWalter Morrison 1 q \Falls Cloer |\D M Morrison |Forest Morrison t Be |Jim Allison i iW Preston korrison jAbner umOrrison iW Pres Morrison ‘Henry Conner jHarvey xasby Alex Lorrison \Wm Edward Morrison Green Morrison Knight Morrison Nancy White JG Morrism Rube “orrison Jules L Overcash Richard Morrison Sidney M Crawford William Morrison C D Morrison Mike Morrison A T Turner Alvin H Morrison Statesville NC Statesville NC Shiloh Tn Cool Spring Tn Shiloh Tns Bethany Tns Fallstown Tns eece Morrison B Morrison drew Hall Knight Morrison Milton H Morrison John Murdock ee ett .. att kane COTiCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 RECORDED Vol. NAME OF MOTHER iaggie Watt 20 Magdaline Sherrill l2o ; { jamanda Guy | i] \Dovie Wellman iH I jSaloma Conner ‘Lara Lackey Ora Lee Templeton Caudis Harmon --- Sharpe ‘Ida Reid Florence Morrison Lina Nichols jlara B Fleming Laura Hardt Bryan 3rawley Rebecca Bostain \Ella Turner caroline Wood ‘Helen Blanche illis | Odessa Thompson | Agnus Lawrence | Jane Miller i | Mamie Chambers | Juri Ledbetter Reba Moose I iSarah Sides ! puattie Morrison Lois Caudle Vera Morrison Lucy Ann Turner Nettie Houston Rebceca Allison errie Hartness Mary Morrison P? | luney Morrison Rs igbel Mills 28) 13 Nancy Boyd 28/103 $1945 . DATE OF DEATH | Month 1944 | 3944 . 1944 1944. 10 194% 12 1945. 4 41945. 6 11945 7 41945. 7 11945 8 41945 12 1945 11 41946 4 41946. 5 1946. 6 1946 8 411946 8 11947, 8 97) 7 1948 | mel 31) bess... 22 13126 20 12 21 _29 23 Day Morrison 0 fom MOTT Son. 2 Morrison Jorrison tes P Merrison Morrison Morrison Morrison hy Bes 3 Morrison Worrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison 8 Morrison Morrison | A a son LO 12 112 _R4 12/1 31 .1948 1 = 1g Morrison 8 26) 948 ) Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison 2 n946 10. 30 Marrison J1946 | 2947, 3 30 Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison | Morrison af Morrison 1948 114 Morrison | A949 3 47 basletins Morrison Morrison Morrison nee ot MEN Asda Luli, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 193¢ To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref a to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page lec.” vo SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN _Dorcus Faye Alice Lula iige Sarsh J Moose Leroy Fatsy anne Francis J Carrie Bell Reid Rufus Lynn w“ergeret Fay Kenneth Lee Ore Alice Bertha C AS Jemes Lismie Minnie Mattie Lembreth _John Rufus Lee Reece i Sex | M I " i} i| it | i q i | fi | | | | | | “4 | | Color ¥ PLACE OF DEATH Shiloh Tus | }Shiloh Tns | | Statesville NC ym? ¥ i 1 iStat esville NC | Meri@bia---~.- VoTdemie-Uiee)---- Wb Ip-- 2 Wetintecviagel ac | | F.C |Stetesville NC ar M Alice Louis (Mr$) F. Fletcher Mary Bell Moore Mary Stewart James Tilaen Ollie C Victor G Mande \Lula Belle M F F ‘al a 4 rT ’ w a WV i Statesville NC i 1) "Tt i |Shiloh Tns i | Ste esville Istetesvilie | Statesville ‘IStatesville Statesville NC Statesville NC 'Statesville NC Statescille NC Statesville NC Stetesville NC Statesville NC Concord Tns Concord Tns Statesville NC Iredell County Statesville NC Scotts N C Statesville NC Statesville NG Statesville NC Concord Tngs Goldsboro \ {| NAME OF FATHER Ben Campbell jLeander Tatum | | yCoddle Greek TngJunior Morrison il i+ +. tJ =i) MOOSE | | ] \} | itt \} = Ga 8 } | i i . " | | / dorrison Barnes McWhorter |Frencis ikorrison abner Morrison Rott H Morrison John Morrison Luther Morrison J Galvin Morrison Lex Carlton Henry Morrison John sorrison Henry L Morrison Jesse D Lembreth W E Morrison Henry E Morrison Amos Morrison Sharpe Morrison M J Moore John P. Bradley Kobert «a Morrison John Morrison Adjex Morrison pooresvilie NCO Koy Morrison Lee Houpe Elam Morrison Alfred Morrison DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. an Morrison gsret Johnson | : puary Lorrison | iMerie Grier \ | iat He rt Lucy Reid ens Cornelius — Curlee Mertha Hell Dsisy #lexander liargeret Johnson Caundsce liorrison wargaret Srown Jurusah Scroggs Amanda Miller Mollissia Moore Jannie Walker Mary McFarlana Candance Moser patilda Goforth Julie “harpe Unknown Keola wood@rd i aL) NAME OF MOTHER Elizeteth Holnel Margaret McFarland Maggie Morrison Jenena Calawell 130. 480 Hlidiold- Mote ---- Yor d Genomes Ruckedl /--¥odqd Modes | I31' 32} ! 191 ) 27 5 | 24 9 | 27 9 | 325 | ” 449 | 66 446 | 128 | 32, 214! $2, 237| | 32. 290! 32. 538) 32 sod 32. 49h! 33.104 33.328 | 34 360 | 34; 26 3h 380! 3h 43k b, | 480 25 | 65 3 if. 351142. ; 3668. } ie COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Beare loca SURNAME OF DECEASED ee ee e Pe eg L 1954 pe r e n n e -l i e n s e r n a e e c e n ti e n aa p re n Sc r e e n Se e n r =e ao e ee k ee e | dt le s s Se - 2 Month Q 1951 10 2 1952 3 2 7 oe 8 195419 (9 11 (2 AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Color | PLACE OF DEATH Morrison ‘Robert Lee Morrison Laura Isabelle Morrison James Monroe Morrison Adelaide Scarr Morrison Charles William horrison Lynn Guy, Jr Morrison | Morrison Cora Lee Turner Morrison Morrison Newton Neil Morrison Morrison Morrison Joseph Henry Morrison Morrison Susia Anna = om Morrison William srown Morrison Virginia Shuffo se Morrison Morrison Baby soy Morrison Winslow Fiemster M W Morrison Betty Stevenson Morrison ‘Stillborn _ “4 | 281 Morrison Morrison Stillborn Morrison Mary Archy ji Morrison George Wesley | | Morrison Walter Lee — i= Morrison Walter Newton | Statesville NC 3 18 Morrison Willie Mae - en d Morrison Morrison [Statesville NC Stillborn Seeeranon__.., Domne. Devdane | Phillip Arthur te names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville N.C Statesville WC Statesville NC btatesville NC otatesville NU Mooresville NC Statesville NO Statesville NC Mooresville NC Winston-Salem Iredell Ccunty otatesville NC Statesville N@ Statesville NC oO Mooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Charlotte Statesville NC Huntersville ic Statesville NC Statesville Nd Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Mooresville #C NAME OF FATHER Statesville NCj Henry L Morrison Statesville NC} John Fleming Thomas Morrison Francis Scarr Samuel Morrison Guy Lynn Morrison Jim Feimster James M Turner Calvin hkorrison James H Morrison Morris Morrison Morrison a Vavid Brooks Morrison Lewis Morrison J C Davis orrison John Morrison Mooresyiile Ne Oliver Shufford John Morrison Lewis Morrison Unknown L. C. Stevenson Thomas Nolan Lewis Morrison D F Harris Morehead City Np Milton Morrison J. A, Morrison — Wiley Cobert Eugene Morrison Sr, | ivory Adams Statesville [Morrison | Stillborn ‘| Statesville hillip Morrison unior Mor INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. C i lates § This Signature on sheets insurest heir correctness, Reg. U.8. Pat.o. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. NAME OF MOTHER Margaret Brown Sarah krvin Martha Smyre Lydia Tiddy Mollie Thomas bddie Mae Hamilton Lucy Houston kKmeline Gaither Nancy Moore Sophie Buy Amanda Guy oylvia « Ingram ‘ena Clark Un known Morrison Virginia Moore Rosa Wesson ie Lholland idelaide Scarr Margaret Wallace Kuby omith Rumple Mar-aret Morrison/ Mary Morrison Virginia Moore Fannie Morrison Katie Ramseur Bessie Mae Morrison Margaret Murphy Virginia Moore Unknown gmery sone Bbller James Calvin Norrisfn _Martha Hall i Jannie Allison Adelaide Scarr Callie Moore ary Summers Mattie L, Griffin ) 3} bugenia Ann Woodside we y | Bessie Mae Morrison | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH | i | ! 1956 11 9 | Morrison | i 1956 7 8| Morrison 1956 12 22| Morrison aee7i > th | Morrison 1957 3 21/1! Morrison 11957 8 27 Morrison 1957 6 3) Morrison | 1957 8 27 Morrison 11957 6 3+ Morrison }1958 2 6) Morrison 1958 3 3 Morrison 195 3 3 29 Morrisor n 958 5 261 Morriso 1958 8 11 Morrison 1958 11 12 |Morrison j1958 12 16 Morrison 1959 2 1)Morrison 1959 1 St Morrison 1959 6 6 Morriso 1959 6 7 Morrison | 1959 5 22 |Morrison 1959 4 27 | Morrison 1959 11 18 | Mor rison £959 |11 22 | Morrison wa 1960 2 8 |Morrison 1960 3 26 [Merri son 1960 4 10/Morrison 1960 3 6 |Merrison 1960 5 10/Morrison 1960 4 3/|Morrison 1960) 7 7|\Morrison 1960 10 2/Morrison 1960 | 10 19] Morrison 1960, 10 23|Morrison 1960, 10 2 |Morrison p.960 12 31 Merrisen 41961 | 3 20/Morrison SURNAME OF DECEASED Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Eva Robb Addie Mae Charles Pinkney Mary E Jones Blake Lee TT Dadie Me Lome Yornelia Sadie McLean William P. aha siete hilletiabinees xxx xieecenysRemex: 1958 8 24 (Morrison Ivey - Rowel C Morace Earl Mabel Willie John T. Rosa John Elmore Mel inda A. “Effte Beota “p¢fie Leola Mollie Thomas Lula Lizzie Emma Lucille _ James Richard Neil Erskine James UJurwood a ’ /Murline | James Durwood | | Paul Emma Corneli C2 ‘Phyllis Millsaps F AERA eatnlant oie trina eee ” PLACE OF DEATH W Statesville W Statesville W | Statesville Statesville W Sta tesville es et eet hh PtTatvesville rs es WINSUON—valem W Statesville Winston-Salem ie t : Barium “prings Statesville -Ao Need Statesville a a ci statesville Statesville NC Loray Trou tran S rille R Statesvills Rowan Younty Statesville Statesville Statesville ‘Statesviite Statesville Statesville Mooresville Statesville ‘Statesville Statesville Statesville \Statesville NC ‘Mooresville NG \Statesville NC | he rnaet tte NC Moma he \VDaniel T Morrison \John W Morrison \Statesville NC Statesville NC ZL To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB d f to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page releseana: cael NAME OF FATHER John Wm. Robb Harriett Morrison Charles W. Alexander | Harrett Johnson Wesley Morrison Alberta Mauney John F, Jones ne i\bner F. Morrison Laura Jlarke Combs Loretta Al Kathey Clarke Vombs Loretta Alexander Shuford © Miller Katherine lliott Mike “Morrison Dan Morrison Jeneva Moose Morgan Grif fin Albert Maw risa A Jwmior a. George F Morrison Alice John Biggers Alfred Morrison / 118 Mi es al Vat Hs ine Ri William Atwater | > William Atwater Mack Thomas Lettie Clark John Tate Iulia T. Tate Joseph Sherrill Fred Hall Lottie Summers Keece Morrison W. Preston Morrison)! Iseabelle Flemming | | | i | | | TL Wa ia NAME OF MOTHER Vera Patterson Betty McClelland Morr ison _ Rebecca Allison Jennie Bell Moose Christie |Robert Lee Morrison Jr Patricia Jane/ Willie Mae Davis Daniel T Morrison j|Jennie Bell Moose Thomas Merrison Ola Merrison Emit Millsaps | Lucy Cook- THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. RECORDED | Vol. 44 420 44 400 > 45 345 45 45 596 45 618 46 46 | 46 46 46 46 46 14,6 530 ; i ir TANTEI TAT LET aT yee et ee eee ee inn ° oe —— Sabbbh iui tet Magen tiie te Aa rarity ‘ \ : Ae tk nel a hen tld ae ht be bt badd INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. od INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 15 t RES. U.S. , County Indexes Since 1888 ‘o locate names, open a , and refer r i . 7 a 4 if PAT, OFFICE Batnlate An Identifying Trade Mark 1 : co Buff 2 See Se — UB. Patent No. nase DEX, No. 1-4 : — Une Perea Ne ate it ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio i 1 ce ; a to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C J : i. i seen ; Az ie Fa : ™ | * . : i= BE = DATE OF DEATH | > AC * > 20 | | DATE OF DEATH | i = &, “? SURNAME OF DECEASED ; ‘ : RECORDED SURNAME. OF DECEASE | RECORDED | = EX C : : : OF € 7 ; [at D : ; | ae | es Tie AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN sex jcotor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Wal Pass | Year | Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER — | oa) tas ¥ $ 1 | : ; I 4 i ‘ol 1961 5 isl M M F G emma | 4 4“ " “ ” He. i | Morrison ary Jane | Statesville | William Miller Emily - } 21 Morroy yf | ) | | y : 47 256 | | 2913) 6 |12] Morrow liary F | W |Mooresville NC |Reedy - 1, 234) | p92 8 12) Morrison Charlie A MC | Statesville ‘John M. Morrison Annie Mor | | gi } | i ° } | | ° riso | f NM Sarah Jane PF , r +45 . La : i fl t i - 47 400 | 2e26) 425) Becton Sarah Jane E F W |Mooresville NC jAlexander Morrow Catherine Ready 1, 264 it (| | | i & 961 6 5 Morrison Eugenia Am | P| Wi e R 6 Jaw Dovie A W | : std : p M & ! , Statesvill t | oodsides i oodsides | 47 289 | 3 1914 5 |10) Morrow Lee M W |Statesville NC |James Morrow 2 1 468 1961 9 #£=21)/ Morrison Mary Lacke | Pi wi tesviile Nc | Robert F Lacke Mary J McL | | : - leat: oe = ; y y | | Statesvill I y y evel land | 47 470 | 1914 5 26) Morrow Feba F W |Shiloh Tns Addison Rimmer -Brooks 1 368 | | | 1961 8 27 Morrison Jams Lonnie | M C | Statesville NC | Ike Morrison | Nancy Morrison | | 19 © a : : i y | 47 447 | . }1914 9 21) Morrow Mery E FW |Barringer Tns_ /Cowan Harris Hanah Walts 2 1 $1961 12 2 | Morrison “orinne Moore | F wW | Statesville N° | Wm. ™. Morrison Mary Bel | ! , > |: t | ; aed. 1 1-47 593 1914, 12 (|31) Morrow Minnie Eugene F W |Barringer Tns J Wallace Arthurs Dovie Troutman 1 20 11962 1 8 | Morrison Lucy Yibson F ’ | Statesville NY | Bert Gibson | Unknown | 48 4 | ; ; } (1915, 10 15) Morrow Gaither M | W /Shiloh Tns James S Morrow Minnie Caldwell 2; 278 i}. i1¢ ’ u nston-= re0 lorris or Hanna bradley W456 587 | OF , t t : \ ? 1 | 1916 4 25) Morrow Beuna F W |Shiloh Tns J B Morrow - Compton | 3 406 * 8 a ; ena y * : : 3 i ; ee | 1963 a 17 Morrison Walter D. | M W | Statesville W. &, Morrison | Margaret “cFarland [49 23 ae ge = ; y : f tl I I , 1916 4 25! Morrow Fannie F W |Shiloh Tns J B Morrow - Compton 3 407 11963 2 19) Morrison John M C iOteen Charlie A Morrison Mabel Yornelius W49 243 5 _ i TT! tl i | 1916, 5 8 Morrow Susie k W |Shiloh Tns Carson Compton Bettie Rimmer 3 408 i 1 ro) ‘ ] a i ry is yn Ke tnryn | r W vtatesvil le Ale Xan ager 4 Re i a mary / feid | 49 345 : 4 tl | oo {| 6 | } 1918 ll 0) Morrow Mary Elizabeth F - |Barringer Tns W M Morrow Joly Anne Gantt la 579 ’ : * “orr wy Y I| ‘frances Noupe | ms 4,00 | { | 1 jMorrison Pl ; ; i} ‘ fl | | | | ligie 11 | Morrow Mary Bell k Fallstown Tns William Morrow Julia Ann Yount ' a up 1963 6 11) Morrison Lillie | PF W) Morganton | Arch Kenn edy | Barbara Ervin 49 48h, | ni i i i i 1919 2 14! Morrow Della " Shiloh Tos D M Wacner Maccie Troutms Onn # F I i} ' - ve YOON iOS DM Wagner h.Ge 1 lroutman . ao ft SHEH | Morrison ilosie F | C IStates le | Wash Clark } Mary sla rk | 50 205] | . ‘ | i Ht | | / 191% S 12) Morrow Julia F W |Barringer Tns iF M Gantt S R Deal 6 154 Hy 119 4, 3 23 Morrison eo. My ‘i looresville vidney sorrison | Unk. j 2U L&e} | f ett t | i 11919, 10 26) Morrow William arthur M. W (Statesville NC |John Morrow Margaret Hart 5; 187 aL 1964 9 25) Morrison Dorothy | F W, Statesville _ HE Morrison | Lona Chappel | 90 539) ie 0 20! ¥ \ 5) v ipe: DW F | { i i | H 11920; 10 |20) Morrow Mary E F \¥ Fallstown Tns P W Benfield Nancy McRey 6 442 + / . ’ : 1 \ ’ c . 9 | - . | 1 . 7. ae i} 5 | i . 1964 11 2] Morrison Ma ry F, Ci} Statesville J. Sherrill | Maggie Thomas | 50 662 if i | $1921, 3 17) Morrow ~ M C |Chambersburg TniEverett E Morrow Luola E Morton Pi - 3) : ‘ | , : ; ; \ | | Te 1964 12 20) Morrison Willard | MW) Statesville Jas P Morrison | Nettie Bolick 50 7h0 || ae | b : H ft i Hi 1g2e 6 29) korrow Steven «lex M W jwMooreSville NC |James \Wilson Lary Morrow 8 40 | a See H 6 21 Morrison Green | M C Mooresville Wyatt Morrison Dellie B Morrison | 51 23 ae. | 42% 4 7 = 2 5 " z + 1923 2 27) Morrow Celia £ F i (Statesville NC |Henry Cashion - 9] 321 | 965 5 25) Morrison Carrie | F W | Statesville l Richard Q Sharpe Nancy Scott 151 298] lin | t i i 1923, 10 12) Morrow Mai arline F W |Cool Springs TniH S Morrow Jonn Mae Yount 10 49 to | | r ° . ° I a tht 1965 6 12] Morrison Lolie L | M C jOteen John Morison Amie M Morrison ; 2 43 . | P : | ‘ f t t H 11923, 12 |10) Morrow GW (Mrs } F W Mooresville NC |jWm Baliard Elizabeth horrow 9; 225 r i} i | " | Att 196 11 1 (Morrison Joe | M W | Statesville |} Wm. P Morrison Byran Brawley pi 562 | 2 905 h i t t H 11924| 4 (27) Morrow Mary Dawson F W iStatesville NC {Geo S Gant LLartha Catwell 9; 513 ¢ 1965 9 10 |Morrison James | M C | Statesville | Tommy F Morrison | Peggy J Simpson 51 552 | F ae . f ft t I i" t ; 11924 5 2| Morrow Carrie May F W | Davidson Tns iJ M Brown Mary ££ Brown 1c 99 t we iH i. \ 1 | : * +94 ee i . iH { t 1924; 11 (|23! Morrow - k W |Shiloh Tfns IM A horrow Sara horrow 10; 302 | HY | | it t t f p eee | 7 |21) Morrow - M W |Statesville NC §jW H horrow Catherine Morrison aii STR Hi | | ' i. 4 : 11926; 5 (15) Morrow Catherine L W F W |Statesville NC |Silas Wiyke Malinda Lowe 12) 498) | ij \ | i i } \ { | ' * " 4 wiih. jd 11926. 6 15) Morrow James A i M W \iMooresville NC {John Morrow Marvaret Hart 12, 194 Ll nt | | | | . ve oa ta ; ‘ } tT f | a. 11927 3 4| Morrow Minnie Rowena | F W |Mooresville NC iT P Thompson Annie Barkly 13; 225 2 at | | ' 1 | 5 5 | | | i 4 “ 1928 7 |30] Morrow iJ M M W |Fallstown Tns |J Geo Morrow Bettie Powers 14; 154] if Hl | \ tas | | | | Sa H daa 1929| 4 a| Morrow ~ | 4’ |Mooresville NC 1 Wi F Morrow jNancy white 15, 236 F iH} | | i , . a 1g29; 6 112) Morrow - 1 M W |Mcooresville NC |Stamy Morrow |Fannie Brown 45.|. 248 | ht | | ; | 17 496) div 1929, 12 (11) Morrow Betty | F | W |Statesville NC JA P Morrow Mary Keever 18, 488) |i \ | j | | i s 4 ef ~~ 1930; 8 |13] Morrow i - 1 M W !Fallistown Tns |R Guy Morrow Wurnie Nesbit 16, 182} it {| i | { i 1} | 7 i 1 7 ; “Sethe 1931, 10 |23) Morrow - | F | W |Statesville NC |W Russell Morrow Mary Ramsey 17. 451| Li | | | | | it | i } " e * © : r E : ; ~~ 1931; 12 | 4) Morrow ‘Harold Sloan M | W |Mooresville NC |J Mack Morrow ‘Beulah Christenbury [17 223 + j { r } | | ! i : | | | - ae hi ; ‘ 1932, 3 180 Morrow - =? |Statesville NC jGuy Morrow I - 16, 311] | . ; | | fi i fn 1932 6 7| Morrow Robert Barnes M W Shiloh Tos H M Morrow \Min Rimmer 18 266 | | | | j | | | ij ‘ ee i, wie ae ae i. 1932; 9 |20] Morrow Zonie Mae F | W /Cool Springs Tno}R A Yount |Jeneva Brinkley 18; 60 | e | | | at . 18} 132 : ap i — 1932| 10 (31) Morrow - F\W pap ievern fns {WR Morrow | = Ramsey - 8 iit ~ ni ie 1933 @ |22!) Morrow - F §W |Mooresville NC |W Fred Morrow ian White 19| 55 ’ | ‘% Ma ' cM , ; | ——_ | | (con) 3 are 11952). 8 a | f 1933 8 1933 (1946 a 19471 1947 1947 1948, 1948, 1949 1 This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.8. Pat, Off, For Your Protection, Insist On It. TE OF DEATH pt Year Month | Day | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 } * 5| Morrow 6 20 | Morrow | Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow 2 iMorrow 5 Morrow \Morrow 3 ‘Morrow 21 Morrow Morrow \Morrow 2 Morrow 29 /19 15 | i i Morrow | Morrow | |Morrow | | 12, 9 Morrow 26, borrow i! 1949 11 |20}Morrow 1950! 4 27) Morrow 1950 7 | 1953 3 1951 fhios2 | 2 1952) 6 1953 1953 7 1953| 4 cpm peice Aan 29 \13 19 ll 3 A 17 28 Morrow do 9 21 | Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow 5} Morrow 14 Morrow La Se ec Morrow jj 1 ‘Virginia Helen ‘Arch WM H Garland Lennie Paul Thomas Ellen Bost W Clyde Sara Ellen Joseph Albert George Ansel Albert Marvin mer 1 Ann Rim/ Gant Faye Georcia / Mory Kimner F Burton McCauley | M ‘Patricia Ann iF Adcie ‘Priscille hay Rhoda Jane William Minton | June A Luther bievard jh WW iPeniy Gail |Robert Calvin | M ! i William brevard) ‘Lillian H | F _Reginia Bost FP Allen Reece George Lee Mattie Nash | Bruce Hampton j Tom Hiram Nathaniel Walter Lee Jerry Wayne D Lee Julia Christie ee locat ¢ names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. iI ned | SURNAME. OF DECEASED | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH i iStatesville NC ‘Cool Springs Tn |Shiloh Tns Mooresville NC ia icavad ta NC Shiloh Tns Shiloh Tns Mooresville NC Statesville NC Barringer Tns Shiloh Tns Mooresville NC Fallstown Tn shiloh . Tn itatesville NC |Statesville NC Stetesville NC iStatesville NC ‘Statesville NC ‘Statesville NC ‘Mooresville NC Statesville NC i each NC mooresville NU IMooresvilie NC | hooresville NC hooresville NU | Mooresville W | Statesville NC | W | Mooresviiie NC 1 wl Mooresville NC i | W | Statesville NC Mooresville NC Cleveland Statesville NC tatesville NC looresville NC Kannapolis NC St: tesville NC Mooresville Robt C Morrow Robert Morrow i Joe A Morrow |sames Deaton |Wade A Morrow Irom N Morrow | John Bost lrau2 B Morrow I C Morrow lAmos Caskaden Robert M Morrow IJoe Miorrow | Wm O Morrow Samuel Rinmer ine nn ‘ Wy b Gant i |samuel Rimmer Robert Morrow lrorrest Morrow hs cae Brekefield (Forrest Morrow iStokes Murdock M S Morrow | Patrick Morrow Jonn Mack Morrow Onlan & Morrow M & morrow otephen “orrow A O Morris Jay Dagenhart Cleveland Morrow John Morrow M F Nash Joseph Morrow George M Morrow Samuel H. Morrow ugh Morrow Archey Morrow Eugene Morrow J A Morrow is Christie NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER i |Alice Swann (Martha Ann Rimmer ‘Sarah Goodman Julia M Christie Gertrude Moose Eliza Overcash Crosby Hager Morrow Alice Swann Bell Freeze Mary Blakely Rebecca Ballard Martha Brooks luticia Ingram Elizabeth Brook: P Rimmer ‘Violet Johnston ester Grant ‘Violet Johnson | \Sereh J Williemson |20 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 RECORDED | Vol. | | | ft 19| 345 | 20, 64) Mary Elizabeth Harris) 33 tha way PD . Mary Morrow |Beulah Chnristenoury i i at, ite len Surratt 1 i i \ Mary & Harris | | Hosa paliard |Jennie Welborne 4 Unknown \ Lillian Morris Carrie Mae McLean Soleta omith Mary Mayhew Linnie Deaton Dorothy I. Lippard Fannie Parker Sallie Benfield Betty beck Morrow Martha Rinuwer Cora Starnes - 133) 134 135, 35| 3 35 412 36| 278) 4 be B46 37| 149) 37| 500 38 43 38 332 a 39 | 209 319 39) 364 39/478 40 | 109 4 Paliabasahiblass tit Pay Crt Weare ott , eRe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. Copyright 1988 A-122559 "a Index sheet for page reference, SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER % ; $ To locate names, t > a ae, Bee at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ——- Charlotte NC 1954, 10 49555 Infant F | a 2 i Morrow Robert McCubbinls M 1956 5 ii | Morrow i Calvin Morrow Robert Guy | M Iredell County LOCkKWwe 1956; 6 3 |Morrow Vireini aroling/ F| W!/ Mooresvi 1957 10 16)Morrow Hugh Ray M Statesville RM C Morrow 1957 10 26 Morrow George Allen Mooresville Geo. Mack Morrow | hess 8 1959 + |1959 15) Morr ow Alice LH 4 26) Morrow Viola Stewart P| \ tn taevii le 12 |Morrow William Thx h ! Mooresville ee 10 30) Morrow i G Spri | 1959 “o0o0] Spring 11959 10 30) Morrow es ae 5 Morrow Senry Solon { N Statesville a l1960 1 [L960 7 50 Morrow Mooresville Otha Morrow i 1961; 9 |8 || Morrow (1963 Howard Slayton Statesville Halbert I. Morrow 8 19 Mor row Dupree Statesville Floyd E Morr ow 10 3 | Morrow Vora Jim Perkins | 1963 |1964, i 10 13 Morrow Samuel Hi, Nathnel Morrow { | CE a a H Ste mn te 3% va Ww } t t : vtatesville N@)} Hush Morrow Fannie NAME OF MOTHER THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B Pema Page t Phyllis Irene Morrow,40. 549 Parker Alice Swann Viola Stewart Linny Deaton Mooresville John Hucks Eliza Weisner “uth Morrison Ruth Ostwalt Sally Lail Mary R Morrow 4d 243 45 456 43 475 46 458 47 429 49 478 49 569 90 713 os Pe —— 9 ; gp INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. gall INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — lredell County, N. C. pen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio 4 “ COFTCO Taal ENPES No. 1-4 Tol a aie ae ea sl celina aii Malek ie co 20 UNIVERSAL INDEX iin ‘ei 3 Wie U. aten o. 8—Copyright 1930 = © locate names, o ) Pat. orrice Butnlotle An Identifying Trade Mark > to Buf Bub-Index sheet for page reference, sah Copyright 1983 A-122559 : eee to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C s - _ “ rr alent - al ———— ae — s on ert RaTIT f | | I f ie = DATE OF DEATH ' | DATE OF DEATH | “a it SURNAME OF DECEASED | | RECORDED |_wse oun _| SURNAME OF DECEASED | Se Gor | PLACE OF DEATH | — NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | "bay | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN j Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER | anes Year Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i iF | = — : — | t f " . ' i | lj i} | . | | | i i 4) Moton R t Leler Emma Chambersburg fnjArthur Moton Annie Gaither je Page 8) L.oton Cordie Concord Tns |Joe Moton Margarette Sharpe 117 | 11) Moton Mary Helen + £ | —— ee d t " - + di o n e Coneord Tns Tom Moton Louise Rankin | 22} hoton John Henry Chambersburg Tn/Shirley Moton ‘osa Clark 10) Moton Mary Lee Cool Springs Tn) Author Moten Annie Moten 29) Mot on “rthur A Statesville NC | Cherles Moton Emma Lackey 1Q Moten 3 31} Moten YVLaALESVILLE 8 24 Moten Henrietta L. ©“tatesville Clarence Moten Virginia “obinson i § Mot en ; se Ni Sten 6 13 Moten Charlie Moten Erma Lackey RR ac a ae er er sa t a n ah i G 27 Moten svi NC} Milas Colbert Vinkis Williams 3 9 Moten Vers i St atesvi IN A larence Koten *irgini "2 , + «af Ani e oovertgon 3 9 Moten tatesville NY | Ylarence Nobertson 10 26) Moton Mollie , C | Statesville wan — el ek oe M C Statesville iC | James Loto Dessie Chambers eS EE ad a e e e n e e m m a s i g u s e n n i e Lac Se ee . BS eG oe DEERE as Seite CLT K Ta Men She tt ys) AN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ______ INDEX T0 VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. F s COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ; The C : + This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and reter i U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyrigh pate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Reg. U.S. vat.o. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. me » Patent Ne, th Bs opyright sete : scenmnenenes —— . —_ ia eas to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ss sin i nS | RECORDED | ro DATE OF DEATH SURNAME, OF DECEASED DATE OF DEATH i RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED | THER | il a Tae Tae] ce isais wae © cad a a Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FA NAME OF MOTHER | to | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH | NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee | i ! | {i ij }1916, 6 | 8|Mott Millard |Chambersburg Tn|Charlie hott Jr \Retta Hegons oy os Be 12 | 5}Mullis | David M { | W [Union Grove Tn lceorge Mullis | Jane Tutterrow " th { i i l 1, 618] | 4, 96] i | | a de ia i ae ! (1922 10 | 23|Mott Walter Baker | ‘Davidson Tns |T S W Mott lana Phillips | — 2937) 11 | 4 Mullis | Ruby | F | W [Mooresville NC [Herbert P Mullis Ola Nole 1 j | I Filed i t 1924 14| Mott Henry Gorman | | Davidson Tns j|Thomas » Mott Susan Phillips 2 | | a 1920) , 10] Mullis | __W |Bagle Mills Tn | William Mullis SS 4 —e E E p o s | i | : \ | m SO } 11923. 5 | 8iMott Mary Xoxanni | W |Davidson Tans {J M Smith \Hettie Rudisell | mm 2919) 6 | 25) Mullis George {| W |Union Grove Tn [George Mullis | | } | | | i | : i ‘ s a} . Peep eine 28) Mott Charles D Chambersburg Tn|Jas Mott | es 1923) _ 3 Mullis |Sarah Jane | k W [Union Grove 12/\Mott Jas Smith | i |Davidsono Tns |Walter B Mott Margaret White | . 1923) | SIMullis Mary Ann | Fiy {Union Grove Lula | Chambersburg 1 Heseza Cambers Harrett Miller yee é i. oO, Mullis ,Horrace i & i | Mills Oscar 'M 1 Chambersburg Tn Charlie Mott iLouritie Haynes \ . | 15] Mullis Grove an ne SCM salle Wiuic ses White margaret vYouglas 429 4 ea 928 | 6 | 20) Mullis C | Grove | | - } i y + 7 i Yh ¢ } l . is | ’ of J io f h4 he val : _—, * ~ 1942 2 g Mott Robert i iredell County jvherles Mott Loretta Mayes : aa |Mullis i To us | Union Grove " b f we sy p “4 Marci > Wi . . 4 Sidi m | | Charlotte | Walter 5 Mott pater oe ei Mullis | M W |Statesville NC | 1950 29 | Mott Henry Moses i T 3 4a + 5 | } | : a ies eae Nise “ ae : | James ““aymer Jennie “ethcox 652 oe ; : - ue Bh ey a | 1950 8 | Mott Minnie Victoria | r Charlotte | vanes 7 4 wr j Mullis Martha Caroline! Ff W [Statesville NC 1956 9 Mott Charlie D. M C $tatesville | Charles Mott ‘Lula Chambe rs 142 389 | js 132. 21) mulli Daniel asbury | " i [Union Grove Tn ' } ‘4 ¥ ry 1 : si eae x ciw : i Jot Patterson Matilda Chambers | 43; 568 a } | 1957 14 Mot + Rosa NV 4 | \) Uw | Mooresv ille H Jo in U | A | iL C | iu W | Turnersburg Henry Clay iUnion Grove | "| Laas : Perse = ee ous b |47 648 | 1961 12 16 /Mott Janie W. F W | Mooresville | Feencis * “hitioy | wsdl cl ta | isina ae a wi Mooresville | walter >. Mott | Margaret “hite 48 46 " 1962 1 26 Mott Nancy Elizabeth] F W {Union Grove iH | ‘sy Jane Whitlow 1 50) 81 | ! | . oe \ Mt. “orne | Sen ry Mott ane whit low , | O% ; | | + ? ava a aay @ 1 « . ‘ + > .> £ ’ ~ -« ’ ‘ ’ } o Z rn r 1964 : 4) Mot t waiter : | a a 14) Mullis “Bobbie Neil i M W |Statesville kh | | | | | | | QD D . 4 ¢ NS A MMI OO " } + + ie . } iTurnersburz Tn JL C Mullis | { 24} Mott, Jr. Charles Mooresville | Charles P Mott Sr | Minnie R Mott 151 | Mullis ; Paul Mullis - Mullis iIsrael Green attie Fr v r ube Loo Ye Wm #lexander {| Union Grove Tn |George W Mullis lVarrie Hamrick f Sereh Rebecca Union Grove [In jGeo liullis |Jene Tutterow \Katie _ W jUnion Grove Tn |Frenk York Hebecca Johnson { Iredell County j Jack Miulli: Rut Edna bus iMullis William Solun-|M “ ~Harmony NC Jame < ties 1934, 7. 5 Arnold Lee W Mooresville NC jJohn A Moss Maude Moss . | 13 [Mullis Mary Adeline ‘| WwW plin Ras Hor tman Betty Holmes ‘ | | 1955 10 16 Moss Levi Palmer C | Statesville NC | Rev. Henry B. Moss Etta C. Rickert a 10 | 8 Mullis Susan Carter Turnersburg TnsiSylvannus Crater Emily Campbell ; | 1953 11) 10 Moss Henry Durant W Troutman, NU Julius Moss Vaxnown — | 31 Mullis John W Union Grove Richard Mullis Jane Tutterrow |_ 2 . hose 5 51 | Moss lassi” W | Statesville \dam Sherrill Elizabeth Jones 2 | 5 | 8fiuiiis | Kethie Lee me. Sincnavitiie a0 Lika: ; ‘lis Ss ba cated | | Stateaville David W Moss Rachel Ina Ostwalt | | | 5a — | | a ae ? t a oe | Arpie Alice i Union Grove NC William Mullis 0) ementine Jahneon Mullis Stillborn W Statesville N James Ralph Mullis jJulia Talley 4O 135 Mullis | John Wilson Mooresville NC} John &£ Mullis Jane Kushing Mullis Richard Sylvany Union Grove John W. Mullis Tabitha “rater Med 415 Mullis James Harvey | Harmony NC William C Mullis Susan Crater r | 109 | Mullis Gail Sandra Mo oresville NC Bhar ite Jackson Mull ds Vera Mae “elton 45 163 18 Mullis Washington Mi Winston-Salem D. A. Mullis Katie *ork 46 411 6 | Mullis Maggie Salmons Statesville *° |Joseph Campbell Blizabeth Duna 47,296 | ; 24 Mullis Andrew Morranton Abel Mullis f irtha Cam beil 2G Mullis - Sara E Lee FP 1] Mullis Ernest Rk. M Statesville NC| Pudale Mullis Ida “olmes M M Char lotte /Paul P Mullis i i LL ccu a sa t h - es rs Oe ee ee —— — SS ne ie e e _¥ INDEX TO VITAL STALISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. NIVERSAL EX No. 1-4 u. o Pe Patent Ne. AB7168—-Consriokt 1930 This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. leg. U. U8. Pat. Of. LFor. n Your Protection, Toeist. On It, DATE OF DEATH Year | Month | Day $ ‘ 1931! 10 | 7/Mul2 1935, 10 |16)mul1 1952) 2 13}Mull 1958 6 1 Mu] =" locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to » Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN (William lAlfrea iLula Elizabeth | Henry Washingt¢p Me W PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Mooresville NC NAME OF FATHER Pinkney Mull Pink Mull Joseph Caldwetl William Mull NAME OF MOTHER Margaret Mull Margaret Casee Clara Patterson Margaret Forrell RECORDED Vol. | Page 17, 436 21) 447 38 99 he | 313 SaaS OL \coe as Bcnurrnieats eran Mt a ten INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. 8. Patent + Ne. _M437168—Copyright i980 SURNAME OF DECEASED ‘Alberta Mattie Houston pecil Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville Wm L Goff Unknown John * Mulkey Malissa S Holland Unknown Namie Collie Mullinax |Margaret Louise Mooresville NC Joseph F Mullinax BE a al el on Carrie Cotes AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN + Munalee Sdvar Lugene Munson Klizabeth ub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NC | i Mooresville Nc NAME OF FATHER Mi Munalee DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Te locate names, t = names, onee & SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. RECORDED Voi. Page NAME OF MOTHER Maggie Cleaver [S e Coleen L Charlie Edward vooresvil] ooresville Chas W Murvh Henry “urph Sarah Raker | William & Mooresville "Cc FOULS EAR i William Murr ey ee se 22 INDEX TO This Signature on eheets insures their VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — Sao Pat. Om, { For Your Protection, Insist On It. = ™ —_ Buff Sitedes sheet for page —— -_ U. 8. Potent No. 1eatiee eee is. —_ ee a SS = i “4 4 SURNAME OF DECEASED LL eT wee oe hab Gulosvan iim: © Gr 16 Gee Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER eee rn i ; i j Vol. = Page es | | 1915) 1 | 14}Murry |Melissa Adline | F | C | Mooresville NC] - - - Cecela Faucett 2 154 1915_ 3 (18 Murry Leonder M C Mooresville NC] Chas oore Daisy Murry 2 166 | & © ’ | | $2935) 4 (27) Murry | Lorene FW | Statesville NC} John M Murry Susan Caldwell 21 373 I 1938 6 18] Murray francis Louise F C } Mooresville NC] Samuel Cranford --- 24 173 ti) 1s38 10 15 Murray gJohr General McC | Mooresville nc} Josevh Murray Sarah Murray 24 201 1959 6 29 Murray - M C | Coddle Crsek Tni Fred Murray Marie Smith ea) nae] y 9g fy £ r OAR) x | 1940. 5 2 |Murray - M .C Mooresville NC [Fred Murray Marie Smith 26 | 213 1951 10 siMurray Frances liumphrey? C Statesville NC [Raleigh Humphrey Unknown 37 |661 Ls 10 5 a rt ‘ PSone ne } \ A952 | 10 | 23] Murr San es F ¢ |Statesville NC | John ienry Murray Srj¥rances humphrey 37| 660 4 4 f i, | Pod irr Nose Anni Pr C ted@vblle NC Jo} 3 ie 0 ur ose Annie i C Stated@ville NC jJohn ienry Murray SrjiFrances Humphrey B7 | 662 L951; 10 3} Murra John Henry dr M Co Statesville NY [John Henry Murray SrjFrances Humphrey 37 66L | , dv ; ~~ A i 1951 10 WPrr Tatar ie vo ( ; 40 2 ir helen Beatricr : C Statesville NC John henry Murray Srifran 3 H 3° . I ville ohn Lenry Murray Srj¥rances Humphrey 37 | 663 | 1954: 4 16 Marr ay Geo ge Wesley M _W [State-ville NC [William A. Murray Harriett Rabb 40, 141 | | ly .3 | | jae9sea i 29\|\Murray - - M W |Statesville NC |John Russell Murray/|Joam Robin Hensley [44 624 1917 lz 26) Murphy |John Jr M C | Statesville NC] John P Murphy Julia iturdock 414 447 1920, 5 15 Murphy Lottie L F C Statesville NC] - - 6 72 1937 11 25) Murrhy Julia Emma M F cC | Statesville NC Sidney Murdock Jane Chambers 23 476 19k2! 4 113 }Murphy ‘John P M iC Statesville NC} - “a 4urphy 28, 302 h9L7 1 8 i25 sal | Minnie Nora F iw predell County | Wm Milsaps Carolina Nantz 33), 366 1947/12 16) Murphy Harvey Lee aM iC Statesville NC | Jonn Murphy Julia Murdock 33489 19523 31 4 Murphy | William Daniel|M |W | Statesville NC | Unknown Unknown 38,128 t oa T - - + | a + - | | | | | | | F Co. pee ce om + | i | - te ee — a Ae eer ee ‘ — — — — - _ a + _— | } ot { i : 2 a, a eT : ; ot aalhvnas i \ athe we mae St mA iL J irs on sete een > nea 4 ~ olin - a si eatiiiiiaaiil Tie ss e —_~4 eh a = iene —+-— ~ +— ™ ‘ 4. ithe a ale cal (ii NR data calh icicrdaiedi pie diileditned Capit: ror t ys INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. 8 Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1920 DATE OF OEATH | 1914; 4 | 27 Munday 1917, 9 . 8|Munday 1917, 10 14| Monday 1918 5 26) Munday ‘isne 10 19 Munay 1920 5 15 hunday (1921 1 17 Munday 1923 11 12) Munday 11926 9 4 lunday | 1928 1 17 Munday lisee 12 23 Mundy 11929. 6 25 Munday , 1929. 10 15 Munday (1980 3 <2 Munday 1932. 9 o Monday laoze 3 13 Munday 1982 10 13 Munday /1932 10 26 Munday L1s82 12 20 hunday 1934 2 2 Munday | 1934 2 11 Mundey rom 4 16 Munday | 934 7 14 Munday re 4 15 Munday (1936 6 3 Munday ,1936 11 7 Munday 1937, 4 13 Mundey 1938 6 19) Munday 1959, 4 Ae | Munday hese | 4 5 | Mun day 19L0 | 6 22 Munday 1941) 4 |19] Monday jA9K2) 9 1,| Munday | ! 1944, 8 ‘ilelinos 1948 12 | 6 Mundy 1949 | 6 | 22] Munday 1949 10 iu Munday 1954, 6 (26 Mundy 1955, 1 /|19)Munday 1956| 1 |15|Stgllporn 1956! 1 27 Baby Munday To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref — to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. oe SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Juanita Jenkins William A Howard Hattie \. Lucia John C Rufus Benjamin Benjamin Logan Paul Lenn hargaret liza Ira E Ralph Garland James andy Bettie Sue Ww B Sarah Marsaline Doris Maxine Charles A Hayes William Carl William David Lilla Mae Julia Marie Ida Mi Wallace Garlend Fred Jr Reathy (Mrs) Mollie Austin Re George Lonnie jagnes Watkins | Osborne Henry Earl Edgar iLaurea German Sudie Gabriel | |Lesia Kirt | | Sex F W Bethany Tns F W Mooresville NC M W Davidson Tns M W Statesville NC F W Statesville NC F W Statesville Nc Mi W Cool Springs [n) M W Statesville NC M W ‘Statesville Tn M ‘4 Statesville Tn F W Statesville NC M W Statesville NC W. W Fallstown Tns Mi W Statesville NC M W Fallstown Tns MN W Statesville iC F W Fallstown Tns M W Statesville NC F W Statesville NC F W Statesville NC XM W Statesville Ta M W Mooresville NC XM W Fallstown fns zi. tatesville NC F W Statesville NC F W Statesville NC M W Statesville Tn F W Mooresville NC F Wi Shiloh Tn M W | Statesville Tn M W Stcutesville NC Chambers bur¢ ! | F | W (Statesville NC Iu | W |stetesville NC | M {|W Mooresville NC hi W [Stetemrille NC W Strtesville |F | W| Mooresville NC lr w | Mooresville NC MW Gtkesville M ! Color |= PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER # W |Statesville iLester Munday j\Oscar NVunday W C Monday Cleo P Munday E S Shoemaker Ira sooten --- hlunaay C P Munday Rufus h.unday W B Munday Lewis Keller J A Munday W D Munday W F Munday Claud Monday Rufus W Munday C G Munday Rufus Lundey ‘Fred Munday G Fred Munday Rufus Munday Logan Munday ‘John Munday Jake Shoemaker \Robert Munday R W Wallace G Fred Munday | \Joe Westmoreland | | Tilman Austin | | Sam Munday \ . oe Munday Oe : ‘ : as on enjaman Lion v ee Wm G H Watkins oe Burgess hiundey Albe:t Mundg Ben L Munday Ed German John Gabriel Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER ' Ola Killan Vennie Jenkins Nancy Levan Della Templeton --- hLofield Matilda Current Della Templeton adeline Herman --- Sells Saran Elliott Margorie Johnson --- Russell Ella Conner Mary all Adeline Harmon --- \augh --- Herman Elva Reavis Elva Reavis adeline Harmon Marcaret E Keller --- Daniels Bertha Durum -~--- Edwards Elva Reavis Minnie Westmoreland + 21A4 Jud ith Brown Ruby Campbell Maggie Kelly we iran Eliza Blalock \Betty Senfield | Julia Ann Aspoury \Margaret Keller )Ld a Craig Mary Sherrill {{ Grady West Munday | Dorothy Burke James Richard Mundgy|Neberta Hoover Kenneth David anes Peggy Mad line ohnson mmc nanincitnne-siiSansiretis.timmnctstnbusiiny ican etter tinn eee | Vol. » Sw Page 4 3 et me | 4| 9 4 224 4, 161 4n 248 6 7s 7 | 287 9 4357 12 430 14 554 14 519 15 466 15 201 le 344 17 152 18 299 18 128 18 435 18 455 20 soe 20 576 20 175 20 135 21 349 22 4436 £2 9383 23 520 124 175) 125, 24 | }25 47 R6 393 127) 22 les 3793 (0 | 339 | 34 50¥ 35, 251 35 441 HO | 316 pal 2 Ke 42) 38 | + Ste, mt Be cto, This ieeiin ial bideles ih scteeen _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. en, Bs V8. Pat, Of. ( For ‘Your t Protection, Insist On Tt. a pp ~— srr aun page Sh ga —_ vu. ‘B Pete Patent Nec asThee eee 4, ae ii ai rienenenmneeiimeranee aaa ahamaainranetirnetintn an ater ee eer eee <peeneeeeneereeeneeneesmnerer enero ~ - SURNAME OF DECEASED Ta Te ie alae ae oo ee Sex color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =—_ i Vol. Page 1915, 1 14}Murry felissa Adline | F § C | Mooresville NC] - - - Cecela Faucett 8 154 | 1915) S| 18}Murry Leonder MC | Mooresville NC} Chas Moore Daisy Murry 166 A i 1935) 4 | 2?) Murry Lorene F |W | Statesville NC} John M Murry Susan Caldwell 2, 373 i | 1938) 6 (is Murray Francis Louise F C Mooresville NC] Samuel Cranford --- 4\193 | 1938) 10 1d Murray gohn General M C Mooresville nc] Josevh Murray Sarah Murray Ba 202 | fi | 1939 6 29 Murray - M C JCoddle Creek Tni Fred Murray Marie Smith an) aT i 1940: 5 i5 |Murray on Mic pyre NC |Fred Murray Marie Smith 26) 213 1951} 29 {23 Murray Frances llumphreyfF C Statesville NC {Raleigh Humphrey Unknown 37 1661 4 95 7} 29 yrnatwv —_— . a is : nist . ‘ ‘ | hs 51 10 | 23] Murray Johnn y triad € F C Statesville NC {John Uenry Murray Sr]/¥rances Humphrey 37; 660 : 4951; 10 | 23] Murray “os nie F S Stat i s NC | John e lle 7 ie otatedvblle NC JJohn Lenry Murray Srj Frances Humphrey B7 662 1951 10 23} Murray John enry Jr \ C Statesville NY {John Henry Murray SrjFrances Humphrey 37) 661 1951) 10 | 23] Murray Helen Beatrice ly C otatesville NC |John henry Murray Sr}Frances Humphrey 37 66 , lane : f ' 5 t 1954: & 16 | Murray Geo ge Wesley M W JState-ville NC [William A, Murray Harriett Rabb 40) 1sAl : j Jr , |2958 12 29|Murray - - MW |Statesville NC [John Russell Murray/|Joan Robin Hensley 44 624 a5 i 1917; 12 26] Murphy ,dohn dr M C }| Statesville NC} John P Murphy Julia liurdock 41 447 1920 5 15}Murphy Lottie L F C | statesville nc] - - o|: 1937.11 23) Murrhy |Julia Emma M FC } Statesville NC Sidney Murdock Jane Chambers 23 476 | | ! | 1942, 4 113 ]Murphy \John P Mic Statesville NCj = A 4uur phy 28, 302 aga? 1 6 25 hurphy | Minnie Nere F iw [redell County | Wm Milsaps Carolina Nantz 33) 366 1947/12 16 | Murphy Harvey Lee bM | C | Statesville NC | John hurphy Julia Murdock 33. 489 1952 3 31} Murphy | Williem Daniel |M |= W_ | Statesville NC | Unknown Unknown 28, 128 | | ae is i | Rina + i | | | | tr] | | : a sastlebiace t + ons ae J ievasacieiinnnem vioniian a | | = ra pr Se ao | j | - } | | | nies . a 7 ie i. i ra r INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. > | CE Real N MOR ey = 7 DATE OF DEATH Yer Month | Day | cae 4 1914, 4 27 Munday 1917; 9 8 Munday 11917, 10 14| Monday 1918. 5 26 Munday |nsis 10 19 Munday / 1920, 5 15 hunday /1921 1 17 Munday 11923 11 12) Munday 1926 9 4 Munday ‘1926 1 17 Munday (1928 12 23 Munday '1929. 6 25 Munday : ‘1929 10 15 Munday 1930 3 <2 Munday 11931. 9 © Monday lose, 3 13 Nunday lisse 10 13 Munday ‘1932 10 26 Munday 1932, 12 20 hunday |1934 2 2 Munday | 1934 2 11 Munday | 1934 4 16 Munday | 1934 7 14 Munday v | 1935, 4 15 Munday | 1936 6 3 Munday 11936 11 7 Munday “ 1937) 4 13 Munday oe 1938 6 19) Munday —~- 1959; 4 2 Munday a 1939 4 bs | sunday — 1940 | 6 22 Munday 1941) 4 19] wonday tan 1942 9 114/ Munday — 1944 8 solaiundey —— 1949) 12.) 6 buna ~ LILO | 6 22| Munday 1949) 10 aa Munday —. 1954 6 26 Mundy > a 1955, 1 119 Munday A 1956| 1 [15 Stgliporn ‘ . 1956) 1 |27 Baby Munday |agnes SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Juanita Jenkins William A Howard Hattie V. Lucia John C Rufus Benjamin Benjamin Logan Paul Lenn hargaret liza pp Ira E Ralph Garland James andy Bettie v B Sarah Narsaline Doris Maxine Charles A Hayes William Carl William David Lilla hae Julia harie Ida M Wallace Garland Fred Jr Reathy (Mrs) Moliie Austin Re George Lonnie iGus A | Osborne Henry karl kdgar Laure German Sudie Gabriel |Lesia Kirt sue Watkins oat locat Color vi W W nt ¥ W W W W W W W | W w | Mooresville NC W Wj W PLACE OF DEATH Bethany Tns Mooresville NC Davidson Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Cool Springs In) Statesville NC Statesville Tn Statesville Statesville NC Statesville NC Fal’stown Tas Statesville NC Fallstown [ns Statesville ic Fallstown Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Tn Mooresville NC Fallstown Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Tn Mooresville NC Shiloh Tn ‘ Tn Statesville Stutesville NC Chambers bure iStatesville NC iStetesville NC Mooresville NC | Statesville NC | | | Strtesvilic f |Mooresville NC Giger svilie |Statesville ¢ names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref to Buff Sub- Index sheet for page a 7 | NAME OF FATHER \Lester Munday losear Vunday Ww C Monday (Cleo P Munday le S Shoemaker Ira sooten ~-- llunaay C P Munday Rufus l.unday W B Munday Lewis Keller J A Munday W D Munday W F Munday Claud Monday Rufus W Vunday C G Munday Rufus h.unday _Fred Munday G Fred Munday Rufus Munday Logan Munday | John Munday \Jake Shoemaker Robert Munday IR W Wallace iG Fred Munday jJoe Westmoreland | | Tilman Austin 1 | Sam Munday a Munday | . ; . i enjaman ..ona a } I |Wm G H Watkins bul & 338 MUNAS Y Albe:t Mundy Ben L Munday Ed German John Gabriel Grady James Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Ola Killan Vennie Jenkins Nancy Levan Della Templeton Mofield Matilda Current Della Templeton adeline Herman --- Sells Saran Elliott Margorie Johnson --- Russell Ella Conner Mary Wall Adeline Harmon --- \augh ---~ Herman Elva Reavis Elva Reavis adeline Harmon Marzaret E Keller --- Daniels Bertha Durum ---=- Edwards Elva Reavis Minnie Westmoreland Judith Brown Ruby Campbell Maggie Kelly incy Decker Eliza Blalock i Betty ld Julie Ann Aspoury ‘Margaret Keller ILL a Craig | Mary Sherrill West Munday | Vorothy Burke Richard Mundgy| Neberta Hoover Kenneth David Munday | Peggy Maes ine ohnson RECORDED { 4 ' eS ca e Vol. Page 2 30 4i¢ 8 4 224 4, 161 4n 248 6 1 *| 127 9 4357 12 430 14 554 14 519% 15 466 15 | 201 lo 344 27 | 208 18 299 18; 128 18 435 18 455 20 352 20 576 20 175 20 135 ei 349 22 436 122 953 23 520 24 175) 125, 24 | }25| 47 b6 393 | ot as { ! {28 379 pO 359 54 50 ¥ 35). 251 35 441 %O 316 pal 2 4h + 42| 38 ss ‘ete th i hd bce tet dnt Dh techn ce INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, U. & Patent No. 1437) 68—Copyright ese 22 ge Te ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. 8, Patent No. 14371€8—Copyright 1930 sgh aR aieacahs cnc eaaneaeen tee eastnaeseteeeer mene pat locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, id a w Signature on sheets insures their correctness. pap te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Reg. U.S. Pat.o@. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet fer page reference. ron ‘ — : = TS Se SSSR —— — : DATE OF DEATH | | 7 Ba he SURNAME OF DECEASED . RECORDED | Day | i aad ome 6 oe | Se oer | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER a ~ | ar co poe [evs SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color ~=PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a DATE OF DEATH | Year Month ws | Vol. Page a i i | | | Della Templeton|/F W $tatesville — poet + BOF Murdock Amos Sam M, Templeton |Martha Rash Templetoh43 117 Shiloh Tn Candus Murdock 1957 3 13|Munday oe ‘ wile 3 958 1 20} Munday Sally ©. : W | Statesville i : I | (1958 4 14] Munday Harrison & Compton | Berte 44 pe 44 41 1914. 4. 9 Murdock Rila Leroy Shiloh Tn Lee Murdock Ella Murdock il Vi il i| 1] | if i tt (1914) 6 4) Murdock iio i I i Paul Ransome | M_ W/| Mooresville William C Munday Nancy Levan 44 207 | Statesville NC) James Murdock Emiline Smith WB Munda 144 393 | / 1914 14 Murdock y gi | : Olin Tn Floyd Murdock i it iM Ila L. | F Wi Statesville |Reliie Sells 1958 2) Munday a is | ot i 145 534 | ee ; 50 Murdock | Julius Lester ; M W) Statesville J. Andy Munday |Morgory Johnson Sallie Enma Shiloh Tn Alison Deal Mary Stewart 1959 25 | Munday 1960 29 Munday Herold Blaine W | Statesville W. Bronce Munday | Relie S. Munday | 46 252 | s ; 11 Murdock Albertus p Anne McKenzie Statesville Tn); Thos © Murdock C Mooresville | Alfred Shipp | Stta Long ryer W Statesville NC | Jame s R. Munday 8 Munday James Shiloh Tn Ella Morrison 10) Munday Joseph Tyler _Hazeline Bentley | 47 19 | #6 Murdock John McKenzie Statesville NC Thomas C Murdock Annie McKenzie Rellie Sells W Statesville N¢ |Phillip Sells Murdock Cora Leona i] M Catrk .* ) | 2 11 Munday , vatherine “ulp 147 54 gtatesville Tn A A Murdock Mary Bumgardner | Barc ry)4 1 ate wd a | tat I nx Lessie Daniels : : 28 |Munday Bia Fa i M V Statesville yvyonhn Mund ay i sie Vaniel Murdock Nancy L tl Vhambersburg Ta Joel L Kimbal] -- - Lentz 4, Munda Cleal P, { W Statesville Ben jamin L Munday | Margaret Keller y Murdock Ella Fallstown Tn Knight Morrison Nancy Morrison (*} 25) Mund Rube M VJ harlotte | Usborne H Mund Minnie L vherr ill Q >) Munay uben Lnar Lotte | * : y Murdock Statesville NC Will Murdock Ola Morrison | | | | 1 1 | | tesville Mund ay Margaret vonnson Murdock Albert Alex Barringer Tn John A Murdock Eliza Hotluae cuigueh ink; <4. Bites © Beth es | Meme eta’ Mooresville inkney ti nson ry 4€ Y Murdock Bertha Statesville Tn’ Jas Murdock Lewis Dowell Emily Privette 3 Munday Ss W Statesville 17) Mundy 7 | Mundy 26, Munday C Statesville W Mooresville W | Winston-Salem Wm. Gabriel Rosa M “4undy James L Fleming Nancy Potts D A Jordan Hattie Brown 14 23) 31. 22 14 i 21} {21 , 30! | 8. | ) 21. \ \| i 12} | | 25) ,17 \ | 26 Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Mur dock Murdock ,Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Murdock Walter May Thomas klmina William R All Ella Lee Nancy A John Franklin Bessie Bessie James William Eernest Pinkey Ellen Ada Milas ,Mary _Knox Ollie Lita ‘Mary Caroline Mary Jane |Roy | | Mabe | | Anderson B | Herbert G _ Shiloh Tn ‘Andrew Allison Statesville NC’ Lee Murdock Statesville W Murdock Statesville ! Geo Gray Statesville William Murdock Shiloh Tn Lee Murdock Fallstown Tn Kenry D Murdock Shiloh Tn Robert Boyd Concord Tn Jemes Murdock Vhambersburg Ta Joe Mills Barringer Tn Fred Murdock Mooresville NC, John Murdock Shiloh Tn / L R Murdock Cool Springs Tn Andy Summers Chambersburg Ta R A McLauglin Chambersburg Ta - Statesville NC | Ben Tuck Shiloh Tn | WW Murdock Statesville NC| F A Shoemaker Statesville Tn| en {| Turnersburg Tn) Andrew Grey {{ i , Concord Tn | J A Deal | \ t Bethany Tn James Murdock Ernest Murdock . Cool Springs tn Rufe James | Mooresville NC} David Murdock l Statesville NC! James Murdock Ella Morrison Ella Morrison Ola Morrison Ella Morrison Geneala Lippard - - - Houpe Wancie Richie Charlotte Ross Bessie Mills Caroline Hartline Ella Morrison Adeline Murdock Mary Jane Murdock Silva Tuck Florence Lackey Laura Freeze Mary Robertson Mary Stewart | Carrie Sherrill imma Allison Addie Nichols Amarella Hoover | Mary L Stinson | t i Laue TEE tahoe Poe a nan INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, U. & Patent No, 1437168—Copsricne 1530 This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. hog. U.8.Pat.om, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. os DATE OF DEATH rt | Year | Month — Day | | | Hi | 98a 12 es Murdock fies, 2 21 | Murdock rH of lsesea 4 a Murdock | (1933 3 20 | auraock | 1933 5 20) Murdock Filed | | 1935 4 17) Murdock | 1935 9 23) murdock 1 | 1935 11 19) Murdock ‘i \ | 1936 3 6) Murdock t | 1936 4 11 Murdock | j | f || | 1936 9 27/| Murdock j | | | 1937 1 29 Murdock i | | | a9se 7 19/ muraock ih | | 193812 5) Murdock i 1 |1959 7 12] Murdock | }1959 9 13 | Murdock | |1939 12 2) Murdock | houo 12 3 Murdock j1942 3 7 |Murdock | | Jaa L |19}NMurdock | 1945. 9 27 Murdock 1945 10 23 Murdock 1945 12 5 Murdock 1946 3 23 | Murdock | }2946 5 13/aturdook | P9e6 12 2h | Murdock | 1947; 2 |16| Murdock | J2947, 42 27 [Murdock 1948; 3 12jMurdock | |.1948 6 10 Murdock 1948, 7 27 Murdock 1948 11 | i. 1950, 5 ,5 |Murdock sai | ll PM Murdock 1950, 12 3 |Murdock 950 | 8 2 Murdock 1951) 10 | 2 | Murdock }1952|.3 | 9 | Murdock dh 16 [Murdock . on , sony: e SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | J Walter Elizabeth Watt Hattie Joe Willie Jordon Betty Jean Mary Etta C | F Oscar Alexander) M Elma Margaret C H Lola Calvin B Beldona H Jen ie Wil son Joe Lqagar John Harry Burns wamie Lou Joserhine Thomas Jay Mery Hlizebeth William J Hester Poole Jerry Wayne Charlie L ;Walter Scott Srenda Joyce Ruth James Rovert | Bddie Lee |Louise Myers | Bumgarner \Mary Susana / Wilmer Aileen pynthia Gwyn Robert Flake Walter Scott So eS =e ww iF Su E F Moffat Alexande# M M Sex = = © = Color = W 1 PLACE OF DEATH \ | | Chambersburg Tn | Statesville NC | Statesville NC | Statesville Tn | Shiloh tn | Chambersburg Tn Mooresville NC Statesville NC | | Statesville NC Cool Springs TA | Barringer Tn | To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER Wm Murdock James A Watt John S Smith Will Murdock Sidney Murdock Fred L Murdock John C Murdock James Clodfelter Albert A Murdock Lee Feimster | Archieball Hoover it Statesville NC 1 Andrew J Bass i Statesville NC | Statesville NC | Bethany Tn | \Chambersburg Ty Statesville Tn Btatesville NC |Mooresville NC ke rmony NC \Statesville Ne lchambersburg Tn Biooresville NC |Stetesville Nc |Stetesville NC | | \Stetesville NC Btatesville NC | Statesville NC MooresvilleNC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Troutman NC Barringer Tns vtatesville NC Kinston, NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC m Burette Gus Borders Michael A Hartline Robert Wilson Prodan A: Murdock Paul Williams Murdock William H Evans i McLendon John Murdock T A Murdock Feter N Reymer John T Murdock Zeb Vance Poole Grady Murdock Thomas A Murdock Guss Murdock Freddie burdock Robert Berry otatesville NC hohn F Murdock Jesse Stockton L W.. Murdock Sidney Bumgarner Alexander Osborne krnest burdock Harvey G Murdock John Lugene Murdock Gilmer Letchco Mur/ Thomas A hurdock dock Sr. NAME OF MOTHER |derush Crawford | K Milholland | Marie Parker | Essie Mae Gaines (Mattie Mills | Anna Overcash |Velma Hartsoe | Sec ebkinnts Arthurs | wary Burgan |Link Wilhelm ‘Sallie Turp | Sarah Hoover , Lucille Murdock | Frances E Poole Hlriah Nanney Naney Lou Kimbal Lena Murdock | Lo1a Bass joarah Duberry McLendon Nan cy Lou Kimbell Merthe Bustle ‘Lele Beiley inay Moose Alms Wagner Nancy K Murdock Call Tuck Freda udwards Naomi Murdock Nancy Beyd Waomi Murdock Pearl Myers Sally Clodfelter Martha Stack Carrie Sherrill Hester Poole piacie Pearl Sides Mary Sally Keller Nancy Lou khimball nena as neem ene - ___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 RECORDED ae he tems Vol. | Page ! _| | ae | Be 16. 60 | ____}.1954-9_|22} murdock | 17: 300 TN ioe — 5 \L4 } Vurdock 18 304 Be 1954; 8 3 Murdock 19 430 | ee 1954, 12 8 |Murdock lis 225 | = 1955/5 24} Murdock }22. 21 | a 1955! 9 20)Murdock | 21 ‘ies | Z 1955| 12 23) Murdock j2a 467 { : 1956, 8 31)Murdock | 22 398 1957 | 2 20 Murdock a 86 1957 9 4/Murdock We 19 s 1957; 8 7! Murdock les 306 1957, 9 1% Murdock 24 475 . 1958/3 = 41 Murdock (24 450 : ness, 7 14 Murdock ps 15 Re 1958 12 17] Murdock ks | 34 = 1959 8 8 [Murdock les 508 | ys heso, 2 4 Murdock p6 62 Se 1960 3 27 |Murdoad log 141 oa 960 3 26 (Murdock \P9 ary a 1961, 1 2 [Murdock leo, 202 a n%61 8 7 Phurdock 31 440 | 1962, 1 ey Murdock 31 367 | 1961; 12 21 jMurdock 51 452! Ss 1961 12 16 |Murdock 32. 150) 1962) 1 | 21) Murdock 32, 199| 1963. 5 29 Murdock B2 473 | 1963 6 e Murdock 331 al 1963} 11, 14 Murdock 33437 : EPG 34| 152 1964; 4 28 Murdock Boiss)... 965 1 | 2} Murdock bh 290 ag P65 | 9 14 Murdock 34) 534 ss | 36, 247 ee | 36535 3 | 36| 605 i a 36 650 dl | b7 | 539 | | ++ 38 116 “i | 38| 335 ~- a | a | SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN iGrace Feimster lenry Johnson | + Stillborn |Norman Alexander 1 oa +? bertna Mae \ | Lucile | | red Lawr c | Annie Bell Ruth Moore Marsha “ianne J Fred \ Lillie Ann W } | | _ Harvey Goodman | Mary Bradburn Naomi ‘Thomas Costin Herry Wallace | Henry David James W, Walter 4ynn Michael Rey Hafvey Robert Carl Rheda Mabel pe t er e e e e n e e e n d e n m e c e n c e n m n e e n a m e d p e n t e n s e s jap te locat e names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer 26 — lredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ; ; RECORDED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER vel P . Page F W. |Statesvilie NC James Feimster sarah Gibson 436 | 4865 iW Statesville ? Unk IN K i 59 114 FC | Harmony Ferg Monroe Murdock | Mary Lee leet fO 392 \ : . | ] M W Statesville NC}F L Murdock j annie Uvercash 40,579 | hy tata vi ee i ") | m7 \ ‘ i I i s Va 4. i i ++ i I. is eae 4 assis Micali | ISte s\ PO 2rson Murdock , : ' | | C jstate ville N.U4¥ Andersor ° Léetie Knox 41 441 | | i | ! | j | i | i lroutman 1 Burt Murdock bij y ur ‘ner t1 O | # ” " " | | | F C ‘Statesville lHenry King ‘Roxie Wasson 42 432 | 1 t t i te a ii lh F W Btatesville Burrell J. Moore Cornilia Xor 3 | 95 | i | PsiW [Statesville IRussell Vavid Murdoc Kathleen Powers | 43 396 | | M W |Statesville |J mame s KR, Murdock Mary Jane Deal 43 354 Hl | { | | . | F WwW |Statesville NC |Thomas White Martha Ann Fotts 143 419 H i F WwW [Statesville N ClJerry Mack Murdock |Betty L Summers (44 14 fl f f i i i | M |W tatesville NC | Will Murdock | Mary McConnell 44 3561 OW «(Statesville NC | Thomas F Bradburn [Margate t Setzer 144 618 I : | CG | Harmony Fery M Wlurdock | Mary Lee Feet | 45 401 | | { I i W iStatesville | Robert Iisd it Sherrill] | 46 87 | { 4 i 4 P © |Statesville James A. Murcock | - j46 212 | | MiC Harmony Pinkney Murdock | Blicza Brunner 46 197 | ; tt t ' { i M W |Statesville John C Murdock, sr. | Mamie ©. Wallace 146 Te | ‘ ' } fl ; i t M W] Statesville William 4, Murdock | Alice Lambert |47 367 | ' | | i lik. C | Statesville Unknown }Naomi Murdock 148 37 | i \ ft hi C} Harmony Ne Mloyd M Murdock a ither }47 639 | | M W Statesville NY [Jen Ray Murdock 2 Pea 147 649 | M C {Statesville NY | Unknown | Naomi Murdock , 48 37 I , is | | ae t F C Statesville mKnown ,biien Moy son | 9 336 \ M Stat esville Thomas 4 Murdock Louisa Kimball | 49 3 M W | Stat esville Albert A Murdock Mary S Bumgarne d 49° 646 ' M Wi Salis -ury Unk. Unk. 50 326 F C Statesville John Tomlin Florence Sharpe $3 2h F W | Statesville Ulysses A Ostwalt Hattie Collins 51 552 ' | | } , | ‘ | | ; | | i } i | Paes S8 autsh haa Sng aaa a RSLS ga L111] ii <a ; mY NOTE OR SL oats Vibe bye coe k ROR REE EL i F a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell C N. C Bi inc | PALL I APNE EAA rece Vounty, IN. ©. e LA redeil County, NN. ©. This Signacure on sbeets ineures their correcmess. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refor call Widbiioiheie soc. oid ey a COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 *, ; i H Y COTTCO 8. io. er Made by The Co vdex Company, Columbus, io = Keg, U.S, Pat. Om, For Your Protection, Insist On It. al to Buf Sub-Index sheet for page reference. a U. 8. Patent No. 1iatiee eee i eee en ae =" ee aa - Said kee Pr : co Ho mane Charlotte Ne e —— = ee a Se ——— 4 pss DATE OF DEATH ' | —— SURNAME OF DECEASED DATE OF DEATH > Year| Month "Oy AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aT a Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER P hig T ; :, | Page i , | P i j t ene mt , ‘ 4 fi | | 1915 3 9 | Myers Marth e | F EUR GE a cane fo an | | t ; NN eee : I rr 7 ' i} ; oot aaa | | i i + + 1s 15 le 29 My ers - | at ,urne ire y { Atay y i 7 T + pie > . “ ‘ At 4 \ 4 i m+ f ! Ht i + _ nee 1 | 5 | 4 : ryt) e | | | t I t i 1916 8 17] Myers henderson L | M i }Sharpesbure Tr Andrew Myers | Nellie wiles 13 427 | m4 t mee 1 a es fl : j | ‘ a. | | | 1917 2 18 Myers ri: | F | St . 5 | | | } es H ay | L 1917, 5 21 | Myer . iP | | | ; | | - = | | | | i H } | 9eOr 2 5 y ) ee i | \ ae | | 1 ( 7 i i Ay | i 1 “ | I 4 | | i | | | | 1923 1 19 Myer | | | / | f si | i - . : oe | | | | | | ht ij ; f i 1924 9 Lt My ss | wp ‘ : | | - ; fe “ | | ; | | | s | rs = | 1924 10 1+} i , , ny : . | | t : " it i\ i! | m | it ’ i i 1 i 1926 oe dj | ‘ | | | ! | a } i } | i | i | | 1926 11 I Myo, | | | - ! | | | | | | | iat fe | | i} 1 i] {] i} ¥ oi | i 1028 ee ml H . i | yi f { 4 , ' H eo i i is Pr * | | bE f i ee is + | | | | Lat | | aa ot aie | | | | j ; : 4 ; - * eed ] n | i K & ee | | ! | 193: 4, Ma Y ’ i i ‘ i i i : ! . os i} | i | | | | t | 1932 f ) r ) i or | he ko : i : | \ : | | ? m2 i * ! \ + — { { j 4 + nw c | | } 4 | iff | | 1933 )} Myer s Johr Is | i — i { | . f | | i | | { ; | o a | | | q a 1934 4 lye i | baal | -— Z ' iFiwi n |. | | i i f } ] i i Wi | | 1937, 1 (5 |My nj M | , | i j wee Se. a i | 7 u 1 | | i race t ? ; J 93 7 5 My tor | . r : i | é ; — 4 4 ” | i L : j | | i | 1938 L C Vey - | , . y roy < , | | : —— « H | | | | “‘ ‘ 1939, 4 8 |My | ie | I I | . ae } | HF 13 ; a. ' | ; | 1939 8 3 = | , , — _ 4 : ' 1939 11 239M; Marg F ; e (C1 . . | ao \ | 4 — f ‘ i a : | . i : + + i i i 9] O g - 3 Vv Y ] ” = + r ¢ y i {| | | i + Z J J 2 i . 4 ‘ | a \O > © wn ~J . yt rs my 2 i ' { i | | a 1941 | 9 «179 Myers Bliza Fallst i | Rt } j | a 1943' 12 2 [Myers Allen Hamilton} ™ i Statesville NC > R Myer: Lul rit 29! 47 | f an j | i! Sy + * - oy ee : 1946 & 151Myers David Austin M W [Statesville NC [4ender: y naa vorc j ' | ol ' } ' | : 1947. 10 17} Myers Hubert Grady M W EShiloh Tns. Yillie Sines Myer: Sarah Anz te 3516 | . ’ : ” aa ie n i e n c n e l s i n i n i m t s i t i e l i n i a n re ‘o O => > ; a 4 sosilebiieadiliil recent 28 Mvers LC M Whe Ur ! rove NU sle ywers Patsy Mayberry ‘ 0 T - - — - — a a = — - : _— —— — — tn | F - . >. . , . , ’ ' a 3] ~~ - le 1948 7 6 [Myers Rebecca J F NV #Statesville NC Vliver Moore velyn Nantz me Te pital | ~f i 1950 12 12]Myers Royal Wakefiel@ M = W |Statesville NC [Guss Myer: Amanda Lonebottom 436 637 L ennai 5 ‘ lied 1950; 11 /|18 Myers Vharles Burnet#e M> W [Barberville Fla Unknown nkno wn 37 | 183 iii aia “ a ws 2 seiah Mie eieaaaslt: ha i ‘i + . 7 } | ’ | T et icant i : ‘ Avos| 7 18|Myers Rex Burette M' W |Statesville NC Frank Myer: “ue Forrester 37} 393 ) > ee ee _ > a _— — * ' | . | ke Ee 5 1952) 2. 24)/Myers John Y M| W [Statesville NC “enry Jackson Myer§ Minerva Massey 8 | 70 ’ | : ek Ed Be . 4 . Be i Bie are . a 1954 6 7" TMy ers Marie Gatton F W Harn ny Thomas L Gatton Freddie Moore LO} 292 i . . } — ciniblininihens i vada Boeo! ¥ 2liMyers Pearl F W [Statesville NC William McCoy KSVE CC Petes 41) 340 bit ee ; : in 1 a | i i Mayr ers ’ nf i c ‘ ° + iC rie 5 syre Hohe ’ . yy / 3 ! TN canta ‘ = mat Shines , i ‘ . / : 1955! 8 |22IMyers | Burlie W M | W [Statesville NO | “ugusti Myer: Rebecca “Moore / 41/376 ‘ia . - | . + , +, Se TT ea ITTY FRE rye $ T ‘i ; es ] . ih vy ty) 4 ey i ; ts His ; ‘This Signature on ebevts insures their correctness. Keg, U8, Pat. Of, For Your Protection, Insist On It. Jh b DATE OF DEATH me a ) Year Month | Day t t = ee = == —— — — — — — oe ee SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1 | } | + i i } To | BUG Fe Focats Sex | Coior te names, at SURNAME Buff Sub-Index sheet for INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C._ PLACE OF DEATH INITIAL TAB and refer page reference. NAME OF FATHER Cc. Si aie oe a OTTCO UNIVERS U.S. Patent No. LabTide een RECORDED a Serta eet Ries attr rt enteritis eer ab oye . daddies te i) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH NAME OF MOTHER Vol. | Page 4 | | j tT | t 41955) 7 1915 3 5 ~& 1937 1938 1939 1939 1939 1940 1940 941 1943 1946, 1947 194.7 1948 | 1950 1950 | 1951 1952 1954 . 1955| 8 Year Month Day 9 18 18 21 oe Cs Myers Myers 4) . , Vivarc Myers Mye Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers 7 Thy ers lyers Myers pate locat SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Rebecca Jd Royal We: Vharles Burnett Rex Burette John Y Mar ie Gatton Pearl Bur lie W ETRE Has aad F K efiel@ M e names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH Grove NC C+ otaay il otates\ Statesville Statesville Statesville Harnpny Statesville Statesville H i) sists ' beperarerrrererereperereverrrears reer iets T Tee Miaidied TPheet iy i shade ; NAME OF FATHER Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER forrester erva Massey Freddie M ore i rks 4 .& Pre py ct on j RECORDED Vol. Page z ~- _ Pr e e mg p e ro r s ane ert Maurras ail Warren tee " oh _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ee 3 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. oe gnahere on theam ar era chest ta ea Tene Ue nk ner re ee emanate, COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Be techie nidihi. ‘a star Wr. dint Neches Gamma, Hakan: Obie en +e , open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, =m, OF Fd - ineares thelr correctness. gap te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, i US. Patent He. 166716 opyright 1930 = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. keg, V8 Paton, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1980 ——_— DATE OF DEATH RECORDED DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED ‘ : os aaceennened +, SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yea Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Ve | Pane | — ; Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN f ” t 1915 3. 9 | Myers Martha E * W Pnion Grove 7 Thomas L Yennine: ° ampbe 1] 471 | | | 1615 2 291 Myers 1916 8 Myers 1917 al Myers 1917 § Myers 1920 1922 eS —— 1937. 1937 it e s 1938 1939 1939 1939 19] Ct) + 194,0 7 Myers 1941 Myers Bliza pa n e r a he m m e d i e n p i m e t i s e n 1943 2 Myers Allen Hamilton 1946 Myers Vavid Austin 1947) | Myers Hubert Grady ' $$ $ $+ —_ _ _ _ + 1947| 6 | 28} Myers + 3 1948 Myers Rebecca J F W |Statesvi Oliver Moore 1950 Royal Wakefiel@ MW [Statesville Guss Myers 1950 Vharles Burnett Unknown 1951 ¢ Rex Burette W {Statesville NC Fras WwW j ‘7 a . t Nay, ya anal ¢ V yy 1952 John Y | Statesville enry Jackson Myer 1954 | Mar ie Gatton | Harmny Thomas L Gatton i Statesyi Villiam McCo ebecca oparks 1955 Pearl V Statesville Wau voy Mrer's i + Statesville N 4yeusti Myers Re} ca Moore i ‘41955 Bur lie W LT UDA Sch rat i aL ts __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. inaee oe Dee nn a ae ene tee fe een cre eee eens on petites re COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ; : fe Ohi ee Tol t : ss Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ‘This Signature on sheets Ineures their correcmess. gay te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 - ; U.S, Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ree © loca » Somes se Se —, and refer ~ or Som — on eee se arlotie. WLC. Reg. U.8.Pat.om, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. oh to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1487166—Copyright 195¢ : ae aceevanihartieeamatierenaieemnainderaneaeieentpntinmmmammmanime mare peepee eer seen opener snort oeeyecereseeneenenenereagmenmnrss=nersme=meemmeamtieee ee ne = SS — oe ee om + tie : DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED " : vs a Sante SURNAME. OF DECEASED Sex | cour | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER /——— AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Year § Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vel. | Pals Year Month Day T , | RECORDED 9 | Myers j i My er S | } i h RTARe ay € rs ne a t e r ee n s n f e e n e n e e n e e v e n s s a d Myer: Myers Myers Vavid Myers Hubert Myers move Myers Rebecca J Myers Royal Wakefiel@ M State svil 18|Myers Vharles Burnet 18|Myers Rex Burette i; W [Statesvi ee 24 My ers John Y 7 W {Statesvi & of. |7 TMy ers Marie Gatton i Harnpny lo a ArKS 214§Myers Pearl | {Statesville bh ae oon Te oo tans ) W "i S ewil Myers Burlie W Statesville ee scepemunenenamiempamnmesnenieimmieamamanera ee or ~~ ceemeeme a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer a PAl able This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. U.S. Patent No, 1437168-—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Reg0.8. Foto, | For Your Protection, Insist On It, ! RECORDED INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 oT locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. mart eae SURNAME OF DECEASED eee DATE OF DEATH S 4 - SURNAME OF DECEASED color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vel | Statesville NU Andrew S Myers Janie Harris Uy Union Grove L-C Myers Myra Cass Statesville J Burlie Myers Ennis Jolly Statesville im Gilbert Myers Ramona Nope Cash States Jesse G Myers Lottie Lambert esville Cufe Harris ‘elia Yodfrey Moore Vovie rutman Stillborn Moor esville Johmy R Myers Laura Yo Hall Grady Statesville David Myers Victoria Crotts Statesville David V Ball Mollie K Kumple Stat esville Wesley fuly Mary R “ishman Stony Point Zeke Myers Sarah W Myers James Statesville Jas P Myers Sr Lily Moore Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1944. .12 (Moser Lundy Stetesville NC /Zachsrish Moser 1944. . BiMoser Ruby Nell Statesville NC [Robert L Moses Jr Willie L Morrow 1945) 35. |23 Mose ‘ w las : _ ' ee ees i r John Statesville } jugene Moser Dollie Li Holler a rod hein, “Sot tee Swe 1948. 12 18} Moser ie sak a ‘ ooresville aGuy Lyn Oser 6 " a 1965 9 24 Moser Charlie M | S,atesville 20 E Moser Dollie Hollar Si s Hi t e , <a es | ee Se s . er t ie s Ni l 8 La a m oT Ne a ee Se ? . Hy %. ot at : - } “e S a i Se te Y C3 + “5 . x s a oT N at t a | Th AS s John Hoke i Wi W[redell County W@harles Mynick Sarah London TT TIT MRO ie ; MY das RSTn eg tag CLT LAMAN = eee aT Te She anaes INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a ____INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. eo This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, 9 UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 US. Patent No. 1487162—Copyright, 1890 er Soe ne eee LG | ror four Praeton as ont . elceeteenemmeaniee eee ee omnia 3 oy my pe Bade eae eet Peles Commpasy: Goletaee Me. i" ooo sc ee soo = a a —— SSS so ee : : —— cs DATE OF DEATH DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED RECORDED — SURNAME OF DECEASED : a iat a RECORDED ee Tee ian cone > aur is ee Sex Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Ye) Pass Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) fn 951 | 11 | 3} Modlin r i|w [Retetoh ne ciel dem yal awd . Black 371 68 1944.7 25 Moreheed Lole I FW ste tesville NC_Tohn Patterson horrie M Hefner 10. 289 aoe “i ™ PRaleigh Ne Raymond Modlig Mariom G Black 2 | | : | | | | | | —— \ { H _— | | | | | | i | os ' 4 \ | | — i f i i | | | — 4 \ | | | ! ewe 4 i h | | | — } | J ; H | | | us Hy 4 H | | | I | ee I { i = / | | \ | | ao | ; t | | | | i ! | t tine | | | ci ! ' | 1 i | a 4 H | ft | | | — | t | | | i i ‘ ‘ T + i \ | . . : ; | | 1947 5 10] Morket, _Charles Craig |M = W_ | Mooresville,NC | J. C. Morket Dosie Perkins 33 . 19% | | { i a i | i ; | | \ | I 4 + i } et + | ——t— ——_ ' ———~ ' mi | | | $1947, 4 .6 |Mort | i. MW Jotatesville NC IGeorge wort. jiary hort B3_ | 370 i? | | ~+ a4 P 7 acne peoeecneneee-onnd henna + t + | . 7 4 + t ee -_ s + anf + + t= soredpncenrenaenes - + . enema ens een . - cence nena ————~ — - a pan eaesesnsemaedie on + t | _ + + — =f - . panned pane a + 1 | | + indies } ’ ; j + | + - : + 4 | j j CC t | | | | a | | 4 ‘ob by } aay" ; ; rigs oa ‘4 i j ’ pees | | i | | j aE - 7 : : Miata chK hat i See eee eee owl PEL bin albania ntlat amet dain th alive th ented _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Ss a _ INDEX 10 VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Copyright 1983 A-122659 Te loeate ae Bak doe SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B " i . Index sheet f: eference, ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Te locate naman onan of SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 ~ ee STN eS x or page refe: Keg. U.8. Pat.om, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 | = ; : De eee oer, P — SSS. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | : | al | Sex | Color || PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN I tee Te See ST Oe | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oe Peat | | 1953 11 13) Motley Jonas | M | C | Mooresville NC) - Lizzie Motley i 1958 8 26||Motley Vass ye 4ong F W Moore svil le WW Long Elwina P Long iI i} pa oe e n e e e e c e n n e i n e n e n s n e e e a l Se e Se e es So o m Sa te = oe ~e . np oo . ee e se m e n — on u s : ; F / 4 : me c m n r e n e e m n e e e n oe r ar e e s Se a re ee Qu e al l ce e ee | i} | | a Gs ahaa ae rai Cee e Nee na ae Geet ae PiisaieiiMiiteuui Gata ML eee ae eee Pee TT ree ee on eee ‘ blade Wael MARA edhe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. re INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Se ne ae THOT ee ay En ENE TEAL 2A oot te mn eee (7 REG, v.86 County Indexes Si Copy 12265 ( ) PAT, OFFICE Aa Ideotitying Trade Mark ~~ — te Balt Sat-lndex og oy ey “po tuoanad heer piste 7" Copyright _ & 122659 aus Index sheet for page reference, | | : econ | SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED | | NAME OF FATHER | ; Year| Month | Day | ik aiden tlle © Gk tee | Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH | —= NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER) i} ‘iG a 1 + | =p i ae — i ] # ; + ; tt t a ad ll i hl sth tha 35 ; J 1 __ Save oF eaare SURNAME OF DECEASED ie PLACE OF DEATH | Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ry } ‘ : nti : eiinieeitaliaains 4 re + ceertenrattiaiiiainaaaii eaters ania $ | H | I ij KY e "2 » - os | 1954| 5 (16 | Monday Minnie Sherrill]! F | W |Mooresville NC Martha A Sherrill | | | H | it i | | | | | i ; ae | - | | | } 1} | So Sg ee ee ee d ' ’ ' : : ee a ee lr THT) eee aries cuentas te dae ‘ 1h RRR NT a IE ere AR Mii uaa * aay Pert . at oe Pret Baigeii roe i RE AAA ha ie TAR hb URL A hbk abled Le Lob ont wees “ - “ nina decd neat enintels cates INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe. 1-4 a COTECD UNIVERRAL DIDEX We. 1-4 Ts locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio hy pyrig' 122659 to Buff b-Index sheet for page reference, Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B i County Ind Since 1888 To lecate it SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ) oar, ovveen CAastnl Fave cat ainoe 1008 Ss fo Bok Bebtndes chest See poms ecdeoenes: Copyright 1983 A-122659 | HH] | | DATE OF DEATH ips sees ei DATE OF DEATH | s ME. OF DECEASED : ee |v warn _| SURNAME OF DECEASED i : pak ha eke unre URNA | Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | — . | Year | Month | Day | ah Catebtien Waiie, © ene 12 teem Sex Color || PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year Month | Day || AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF GNE IS GIVEN } i <<a a ' 7 we i t # tt . He ¢ Fe a 2 oO . ~ ’ ” : 4 ar | hionday Minnie Sherrill} F W | Mooresville NC + # 4 t = —— — — — — + —o + SS —- = Gas Raa; Aicada badd i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. r | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. . COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 * si ai zc NY, Columbus, Ohio 37 ( ) gat cee Saray tetenes Mice wane TS Te Weate ames, open of SURNAME ENEFIAL TAB and refer ComTae UNFYERSAL JNDEX No. 1-4 i ___Gopyright 1988 A-122669 aon te Bait 2a Aye mer a Mitre. Cott Pocnt tans ioeums -B ( “ | DATE OF DEATH , | | | SURNAME OF DECEASED | | RECORDED ! | SURNAME OF DECEASED > i | Sex | Color || PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER er Sex | Color TH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MO bee ie ee ‘3 | Year Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | PLACE OF DEA THER | : AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i Vol. Page # ; # t : ; = Saat F SSS ene Need 7 4 | Mounce || ' | —— — — — — e e =— — = == er se h oe ry eyeryyyry sg ret *y RMR Rte a ear rer aoa caieiaeitiaaaarasa incites atria Hee aiid! a pat ; So Bae SSeS aka Se Lia a ED pen e814) “ , vi INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a ” lumbus, Ohio COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 [sr locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT IND%X ra. B te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. stra. Cott ’atens Sndes S 1 tT | REG.u. 8 County Indexes Since 1888 To lecate t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. , Copyright 1988 A-122659 ) Pat. Orrice Batalate An Identifying Trade Mark > . to Bait Bub-Index sheet for page reference, Copyright 1983 A~122559 ' eee — oo = : 5 : a | | ay , | | i |_OATe oF veaTH | SURNAME OF DECEASED Dia as : OF FATHE \ > MOTHER : SURNAME OF DECEASED on | Oe | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | Year Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHE AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | ee I ra _ a a a —¢ — — — — —— S — — — — — — == —— — = = 3 — —— S =e <= Pee ae r INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 39 ee Te ee SAM tesa aR SURNAME INITIAL, TAB sad rote om og ms, comrym oe tt SS 1 = = SSS 5 = nan i Sasa = : : = = . + DATE OF DEATH =| . . | Lge | SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | recoroen | DATE OF DEATH | 7 | Peon | aoe Tae | Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER }+————! oe eed SURNAME OF DECEASED f | Bees. eV EAE, i eal se | RECORDED | ear Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, . ONE IS GIVEN | | Vol. Page | K Year © Month Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN } SEX coLoR| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ra) aus iam 7 - + ' age He 4 Dt 1 ! Ra hy ft ; $t | i he rt k { | ecm # k j \| | | : i} j iat pre ' | ii | HH] 4 / i oe LS * . , ‘ | | | | | | 1956 5 31) Moxley John © I W } " or | | + | | i fn I ra 5 | + - ato. County Indexes Since 1888 = per locate : CB palate ade : at SURNAME INITIAL T COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDE \ | ‘ ( ) Pats OPmas An Identifying Trade Mask to But ndex sheet for page ia" ud Copyright 1983 A-i22809"" ” ae : ct is ee I tt es oe commas = = +t + tt i i oe ae a! i F f AY te | lie | t i . eS : n f ie | Hi ie a 1 Bi i ] | Sg Sie | * { ma I at) et ae {| | | ae Lb Fi / | fie. ; wer leh | G } { i & ai) ig , | br : | | Pr | | | rae: : f ; | oF nD , | i ik 5 i le | te | a | i | | | lt | | | - ia | Ht | i ] r i ; i _ +) | } ” * | al ae , i | 7 rea be } f Bisa t F i | 1 | 2 4 i ; f } si I i} | \ fe ' ? t 1 4 | sill i] P 1 / im | | ! | , i { } | | . } 4 i | - | | | | oe 7 > | Py a f : | | j \ | | 4 f i | { } 4 Mee | 3 | | +f i | | I | | a \ | | if At y | ee | | | ; e ’ ; H 1 . H rid | ' i “ ne ) a ) ; i } } , ih l i ie | 4 ~ i | | | | \ | } | | Dae | | | | | | J | om | I ” | | , | | | Oe | | | | ee | | | { | ee | | | | ' f i | | is a i | | | | 1 | | i | — ' ! f | Ty er | mg-8 - | | | | Bi : | | | | | | ‘ / - 4 : i thai, } i 1 i f oe rey | | 7, | ) ) | | H | a | - e | ' | - = en oT aia), ee UMEDA AMAM tak eee —— none ee ee Fre am eth Acta OR il lh hh lta Ss ba ls i nc at el mei “ 4eetb ie sa Donte Reet inci nl ow hte dent INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. J j | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. : ‘8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 193 BER Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Mate by Ene Catt eles Coen Soaee ve U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 aoe County Indexes Since 1888 JP Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 ei. vistas An Identifying Trade Mark to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1487168—-Copyright 1930 ee (i RECORDED } ei OF DEATH ; “CEASE vice i > OF MOTHE ~ SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ve! Page oe , Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | | DATE OF DEATH oe chee | | SURNAME OF DECEASED i sex coor | PLACE. OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Marie Batolia 43 484 Year Month } Vol Pais ! t 4 | | | | ha i 1 | 1957 10 24 Morani Fred Statesville Anthony Morani- | | | | I i | | | | | | | i ed i t e d = i i i H | co h e e d — e ee ee Ee ee ee e FLL aie asia INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN gate loca Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH te names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Imdex sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER } This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.8.Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED SEALERS TAOS ER DATE OF DEATH Vol. Page Year Month Day 1927, 6 28 wax 13 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Myricks Bayete locat ¢ names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER MP AG ere ; . RTT eT eT ‘ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus Ohio INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. _ Si US. Patent No. HT—Copyight 180 ee i 2 but subrindes shest for pase raference. trie imoueen Printing Mowe cherie: Nc This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 a locate names, opem at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, Reg. U.8. Pat. Of, U.S. Patent No. 1427168-——Copyright 1930 RECORDED aie DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ; ory om ' Ef Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ia Year Vol.| Page : - Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN a 1945. 3 261 Moncrest For Your Protection, Insist On It. 27) “oneree . So a h e l i n i i t i e t e di e s 22 ) _— ee on g io e n e s ne HAA a ii ahh , Gini ie Caachi ot Matauri oc Renta Te Ti eee eee bed bh ie 47 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Chariotte, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 = to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Reg. U.8.Pat.or. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. . RECORDED OF DEATH a $ ves = SURNAME, OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER) = [o> pa, DATE OF DEATH ; RECORDED | SURNAME OF DECEASED : Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aT ne S q Year § Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1943) 5 1lj Mobley Pattie Mae 11] Mobley — ut h e n t n a n e e s Re i n a ms : 4 iL : Se t t e — a a } a | | —_ ; ep Tr EEA gS eT oT . ree ten a ECL ec Tobin cu ame : Mea " ee ee eT Pe ee Te . . > . weed. sad aca lh td et eked it INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate name t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 BR Te locate n al dek-inden cheek toy caus pases. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 This Signature on sheets insures t heir correctness, Reg. U.8. Pat.or. ( For You 7 , ; hio Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, O r IAL TAB and refer ’ U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 wee locate names, open at SURNAME. INIT aaa 4s, ir rence Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C i i to Buff Sub-Index sheet fo: page reference. tion, Insist On It % oe = =S=S <== oe DATE OF DEATH DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED SURNAME. OF DECEASED : N > MOTHER | szome_| RECORDED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF te | th | Ow AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER vel Pass ; be Year § Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN Vol. Page 1943; 5 1lj Mobley Pattie Mae 1948. i ] 1 Mob | ey SS ae ee ae Se EE S ere rer oH Oe a PM iget eh eee Tr , paces aa EC idit INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. F —_ INDEX 10 VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 xXX 49 > locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, ¢ columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ‘This Signature on sheets insures thei U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 ee to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg. U.S. Pat.og, ( For Your Protection, Seat Ge fe RECORDED DATE OF DEATH Sg e RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE. OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER oe DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED foe” Pres ES aioe ua Fore ee PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER = = Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN G2: 2 ii OR R Fe en n a ee e nt t e me r e r n t e t y i = pm ey ey ar e { | on | - Sicilians | | I ’ i | im : =— " 9 : ee ' oa Fi s ao e SS R —— - ~~ sg —- — - n e w r eg hi e e a s m e n m a a a i n e e e ~ ’ ; J ET RE RPE r Priel edie aa eae ashi esitinicst has. cit shy at eri TT tere eee te sities bade INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Pp ——_INDEX 10 VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. * To locat Mad és eet nee te aan he a, U.S. Patent No. 1437168--Copyright 1930 S SET Re Betty Tas Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte xXX 49 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright i930 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 (BMBF To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Loee Palate § This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg. U.8. Pat.om. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. E am = = ee : 7 Bee a ce : , DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED : ia : | neconoen _| ce | tes lan AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME, OF DECEASED . . RECORDED a man | bap AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER al ie "9062| le |1 Museraves Dorothy Se r e FS F = ag e en ep g ee _ SR ENE EOIELAS ec i e n t ee a ee e I re en eit Riba sh hd f tant 4 i Hf init at HOPE ii ETE ; ‘ Rag ay . " 4 iM eee eryr ey hi tbs ahd as PETERS bebe ibid oa! a ee en s o> er aa ea a a r . sl i m e s ba mm | 1 | } | a — ea e se ; se oe. £ ae oe i ee DATE COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U.S. Patent No, 1487168—-Copyright 1930 OF DEATH Year Month Day SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN eae Te loca Sex te names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Color PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Reg, U.8. Pat. Or. NAME OF MOTHER This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, For Your Protection, Insist On It. RECORDED Se MUA ee auld 51 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Vol., Page Year Month 1963 9 Day | 15 Muse SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Donald m To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NAME OF FATHER Thos L Muse i aH Gali HEA Le Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, LRxx , Ohio N.C, RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Nannie Anderson eee cielamie Vol. Page 49 536 SS S a gp so r e ee r y t e se n o r te n e t it h e en e ot e it e n n e t i t n i e e me on e a i a n e , 7 = = le e t ee e J DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. te names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 gaye te loca U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg. U.S. Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. RECORDED Zs ition tea et VTE OTST LS ONT RETR INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio U.S. Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 1930 To locate nantes, cae ot SURMADIE rr sehen and refer Sal gh Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. Sl ae RECORDED DATE OF DEATH S SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER wo | Pam Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. Page 1963 9 1 Muse : Donald i | Statesville Thos L Muse Nannie Anderson Year | Month | Oay AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 49 536 LLL om e n pa — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ; 2 ms —+ $5 Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, Reg: U.8.Pat.or. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It, NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Aaah each} Citra y at (ty Tt i i bee eae 2, adadadetad bia ts addnd INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No, 1437168-—Copyright 193¢ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Vol.’ Page Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1963. 10 29}Monroe Amanda ae locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH tesville NAME OF FATHER D,. Lone Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER Elnore Long Cae aha RECORDED Vol. Page 49) 614 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. § ‘This Signature on sheets insures t heir correctness, tion, Insist On It, te names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer oat loca COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Reg. U.8. Pat.on. | For Your Protec to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Me er COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH RECORDED cue SURNAME OF DECEASED NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH Vol.| Page Year Month 1963 10 29 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Monroe Amanda ee To locat PLACE OF DEATH names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Obio Sold by Observer Printing House, ¢ harlotte, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER Elnore Long RECORDED Vol. Page { 49 614 si i t e e ie e t i s ee iS ea m e n a s m e n n a n d e e ni e aan A ly Re l i i e t i b t i a t i n m e t e e Ce n ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN pa t i e ie d i i e l i e t n e i e m t e l i e w a i e e s s be To locat names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER '. This Signature on sheets insures their correetness, Reg. U.8. Pat.o@. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split EF Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of a —_ 1900 A. 461500 : Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page ret erence fi : Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charioue, N. C ” j qT | | | DATE OF BeATW SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | — SEX |COLOR| PLACE OF DEAT NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF THE ao len’ lac paseo llega PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = Fa | pas mt + + | | W A Mullen 1965 | 8 /17 | Mullen Jacob | M W | Statesville Helen Hedrick ea e re t =e a 2 SS EE ee oe mm? ree 4 UE ORE Tear SoS ots INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. —— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, ‘ COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split ¢ EF Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. © W if COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1939 = sete Butt Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Reg.U.8.Pat.om. { For Your Protection, Insist On It, Copyright 1949 A-141580 RECORDED } Vol Page ‘ DATE OF DEATH RECORDED a DATE OF DEATH , “ ‘ a 5 | SURNAME, OF DECEASED FATHER . SURNAME OF DECEASED lak ck ae ee ea ape aa) wee | oe AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE 18 GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATH NAME OF MOTHER al eee laa Ton ae tasoaa ie © Ga ee SEX |coLoR|| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER || NAME OF MOTHER cope nore ot $= —s W A Mullen | Helen Hedrick 51 486 #1965 | 8 17] Mullen Jacob ! | Statesville 4 } i | i | ' | i i Fr e e l re t i c a l ie e e tt n r e m e e n o e c e m n e e n t i e e e n PM et Y State of North Carvlina Department of Archives and History Raleigh CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this reel are true and accurate reproductions of the records listed on the target (title) sheet preceding each volume or series of records microfilmed hereon; that the records were microfilmed on the date and at the reduc tion ratio indicated; and that on the date of microfilming, the records were in the custody of the official or other individual listed on the target sheet(s). It is further certified that the records listed on the aforesaid target sheet(s) were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of Sections 8=4.5.1 - 845.4, General Statutes of North Carolina; and that in order to insure archival quality and authentic reproduction of records filmed, they were microfilmed in the manner prescribed,and with equipment and film approved, by the State Department of Archives and History.