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M.E. Olin Cir. Minutes 1930-1934
Mirrofilmed by North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History Division of Archives and Manusrripts Raleigh,North Carolina TREDELL COUNTYMeTHODISTCHURCH,OLIN CIRCUITQUARTERLYCONFERENCEAUMUTESYEARS:/950./93PAGES:NOT NUMBEREDFILMED:NOVEMBER,19LdREDRATIO:U/7CUSTIDIAN:Me HOMER KEEVER140BOSTSTREETSTATESVILLE.WC |Rf!4 wats shemeneh ie aaiarinsmumaetun.toca |X A Vurd Ratt LVPAMAAA tf i OFFICIAL ROLL nt ' ,Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 193%...-193/......ce ty Kx i Siasend Charge, /‘ /~A ‘,i ~~x ‘v sill ‘ (ZA Lotwv-¢(te.District,Mrigtonrr AVAL eretomra “ff Conference ;+sn;AAV ‘B-#Q),[ho Aa p.Bb,LA [dk Aue P.C Asst. oh F an |}i Pe ATTENDANCE ’ lle |j ‘Sle iD _; lob}lalki |ie ‘glee $3|3 314 He)alF £)28 ;Name HElAT Al El ele]o (alee la @ t 3 pia Gio ele BiAg ' |RIGID)BL ||Beal bel Bo 823 i A |-a}a);aleld |&% sci _——|-.een . ‘Y x /4 Reil Kh >P.¢ “~r ove §’ EXPLANATION 7 x||x x o LT -et f 7 ~ ——_——K ,aa se ae (Barely etodfresdfares |x This book is sufficient to last four years,providing for sixteen Quarterly }}7 |x ‘-.3.+.:yUrv0 Re id.AVAL AY : Conferences.For each year is provided blanks for Official Roll,Four Min-|x utes and Supplement,to which are added special blanks for recording Trus-U-i.Wi o-lle ef tees’Report and Minutes of an adjourned session of the fourth Quarterly j Am,U~fe A”of |XIX|A ; Conference.In order that this record may work out as it is planned,it is im->“L .K i .:4 t d : portant that the Secretary,when beginning the use of a new book,shall be careful rv Sted.v Kin Tivo , to begin at the right place.If it be a first Quarterly Conference,of course the oe SY AAR a A.A Li first Minute and Supplement blank in the book should be used;but if the book Jf SM os YL is used first for a second,third,or fourth Quarterly Conference,then the :ne i |y 1 second,third,or fourth Minute blank should be used.The first Minute blank j uy 1 AM he re *x t should never be used for any other than a first Ouarterly Conference,the 7 VAX LF s .™’ee : second blank for a second Quarterly Conference,etc.if ‘y 5;Uv (A\A } ".y ...La *|rHE PUBLISHERS.my «|>Of.Aes.payacrars{“A 4 i }| Coin :‘CONESv-;|A vt Auc2Y PN : “saan |. XK,ioe.4 Nx ,Ae dy 'i *h a...Ry oP MA f ; |4 e ‘i tA ‘|A }PoP og FA ss |i r *Z CD oorge bdo IAT TTL EL po awe)M4 .x : Nn De-~ / ft A 4...KET MN Jeicondhenendiaionnitaiere Eeeore emo ee ee / Z f ie ‘ An Bonk HE4--Nowe ‘e ia ”wt |x peeneese LR AFH |‘ &re ~“s Z A we e/hh ax As | | .==<>= {|‘ P A hi |¥ °WAL ¥yVva Wk i Ae be |M xX ot Shia ..uea tt ~ ~> wh As.id a |a WU.@..Qarnpcde |hd hh N Wry Wea ad ||iy fevenect |.slfetivveen OFFICIAL ROLL |FuruseatFirstand Second uarterly Conferences Methodist Episcopal Church,South Minutes.$«.2-4 _...Quarterly Conference,1930.....-193.1._. Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 193)....-193|.....Charge, District,Conference.’scot The.t-r8t Quarterly Conference for the year 1939_..-193]re t Charge,dos her =tl Pr.Pc a!f/f ;oy);/; iS eh ll cl ee -s es Asst.District,2 finnr herth Ore hs —Conference,was held at f 44.20.Osc _..HLM €Z 1932. =—————oat ee 8 ———————=——————=oc ene }//) ls e|fo ore z|&L 2 }ATTENDANCE ai H _%_..»P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by.<5 Lt U7 ie Ogi j i ies .a eeeeepeeeeee oeleo!e|2|Se}14 S Soll,:;nici 6 is]eo}3 ai =e >as ogee |CIPO oococccesttererenrereeeee.Was elected Secretary.The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: oe BEL S IS El cl ol .(Peleeleeiisl gel egiesfee)=SIE |2)E]elakiselszlesl be sell se |@ rf Lf JBo)a)o]o/4]El leape Es IES a5 EeISE cea ih it ceed ye pe coe h je laAlAl als a &jO 10 JH Ss ,fl ~ee ee eee,eeeee eee ee :;“Fv A moo PrC.uv "i al I?:LOYD,cocecececcfencoveceseress .sot cenesereeed-eeene-corcccoee losers x ;y‘Gaui /LAL.Aa)K v 4 f x Dee oeoee aoe pn MEK:alt seks Lschisiangneonenenonebnanenensennasyravenrbonenennnuelntnes _ 4 ‘v ’Wy,PAratiHf ,)SIM Cech |me /7 se Ch/2 q AgetLeapdlod.Jat.pee a /UNA }?(“A l A tf 447irs./Nee oe ee A JL Apron x ;ji?ae DG pu g nA AAV |ve aL. |ce i oot (-ate werse <ul lael tt leiaiemi icepa ie lake teh oreeendeeweeelveereedoneeeed ccccckeveccsfeveccnionesecdosececlesesce |ee FanocL.Z ov Le De Fc ccismsuubriupennsnssesnsanevscecinsitnsasegneetneniiaelnitaleiiserpeeitersrrntassecedeusentebedesstesnenninneniniiimnntien f , |Sencaclaveccel etereeloscccsicosessenesecoescecdccses Be Le...AGM Jsannservversececes|ovce-vosereereernsnevane+sssesrenenetesetnnenneuesensuseuacuprenencoantencsenssniesinvestetvenensceetetssweet teern tOnTrewcteseseettesireTTteTtrtts.i eet STCCie. ;|1;4PeFh ocean eceersencevingneeneevesessoveresenensvsonccsenencnanongiel se or | |ie i a “&F |é LD «Le A.Lk (GB KGallpigan|encensseenvenvenesnseeneseees-sesvensnsennensemmecenscsaaualioseoranerescessewersssctesnesnsenseeasenasesenreneaanmaumntn naceneaaneneterenssmneeeranessrastnessemssuentangananenane 2 FS eeek i Question 1.(a)Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church,as required by Discipline,9109,161, 629-683?fads eas (b)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Sunday schools (4464)?$9...Presidents of the Senior and High as Epworth Leagues (§109)?...4A4AL.....Lay Leaders (4587,588)?...X\A_____..Presidents of the Woman’s Missionary Societies (109)?“0 ___.: Exhorters?..............Missionary Committees?...............Stewardship Committees?........asin Wesley Brotherhoods?........Temperance and i. ilies |Social Service Committee?................Director of Golden Cross?a.(For these and all other written reports see Supplements.)(At the ;i oe eeenaemnnan -Quarterly Conference succeeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year’s work.)ia oil Eee eM ARd ==-—SSS —S——if.FtpariiahlinilLae!Oe Eel Ques.2.What statistics for the charge have been reported to the Annual Conference?({689,690.):1 (For detailed statistics of each Church see Annual Conference Journal.): a ;e STATISTICAL REPORT NO I (Charge Totals)iz sili ’Members reported last year ;H#..Bee SO 6 ae im 4é....\Indebtedness ea el he i aeasiLocalpreachers...»smmsmnene|Infante baptised ©...mememnnees|Valuscafother Church property ©Procccrocon ' sibuaiiaie ee ere i =anes a ee |Additionson reise Jie.ecnueeJ....|Number of church buildings . .......Me...|Insurance carried ...$2544 i niewvnieeiis welled aok wig Bs |jitions by certificate and other-.s }Nailin enced hsnnderceidaiacdiianenr es 6 eee eb a eee Value of buildings and equipment $4390 9 Churches damaged or destroyed .a \oe ee ae re Siocnseate by Saath ond ethorwies ot Indebtedness o 0 ts tt Ginntemmen |Ferecmnges Gamaged or Gelivenet oe{fewe ees Voehronsee]eccceelesesecboossen eneenefvoesetfies sos ererafccese wasedfousoes “resent total me:a ‘Pp vere é eeccoutcousce:sveeee sevesedoressalemnene ‘ing local preachers .|..£2.29.)Number of parsonages ©..eveedh.....|Amountofdamage.....Value of parsonages and furnish-256 4 \Numberlicensedto preach .Lines mee 4 ers .we eae Lees collected ...«4 Ce STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II (Charge Totals)"6 Ques.7.(a)Has the Christian Stewardship Committee beenelected?....Adrn.........(b)Has any other committee been elected?(97)........-.-- mb -eae ;;niiustaieatseemeemeaacnieain ONE OPE AS ee ee a2,“at “—"“ee —wee atl ]Be Number in Home Depariment .bay Ques.8.(a)In what Sunday schools has a Missionary Committee been appointed?........-----c--eonseeeseneennnennnnnsnanannnne -./O Number inall other departments 36.6 ‘Be 1 IR so dncnentbricbeniatn a slnb Rene Pniateniaeiset inteConferenceorgano.WM 6 eT eee Pubs Garcia ta a depart ;Fe ee I sews tcntsotenbanencunsoraeounteion Number of Woman’s;Missionary Raised for Missi o£oo aan.SHO |Societies ..1 ..4 ee ee ee Ah "1 Number of pupils who have Soined "(b)What schools observe a monthly Missionary Day with program GND Off CTING?..........-----0-----a0erreseroenenncnssenonnsemnearasaseatnenrenseeeseeeerwweetaeeeete |Menibere Hye ae ee 2 Raised on Anniversary Day .@........----the Church =.«++weennenneade. |“6 *~«~p0|Number taking training Courses —..ncecenyeece,fn|weweemeenswnnncccenennenernsnnnnrnsnnenersnenccnnncoonores Number of Wesley Brotherhoods .__|Raised for all other objects..$240 enc Wein tt /|;‘;iis |BMembe Number of Sunday schools eS wee ee reer aD (c)To what “Specials”approved by the General Board of Christian Education are the offerings being applied?............-.--.-e---o---on-eeeereeens ey at 8 ee tas “.7 st ser "1 Raisedon Sunday School Day .$.v.&2>sn~.(Number of Stewardship Com-ee ee et ne een ee)es <<MgA un eMyoeg 8 a leRaeSa.leit AE IR CER MIR Eh CER BS HOSFM ee en aoa aaa ' mittees Be Officers and teachers....ee Raised for Missions ...$405 fe aN ala i necswecessnneereneeusseaneneseneneenens senna eaeracetin or Se eneeereremnee re eT tT en Number in Fellow:ship of Steward-VET,Bie i .We SME ee wee :Number on Cradle Roll...cneececececeesee Raisedfor allother purposes .$25.23.(Ques.9.Who are appointed to assist the pastor in the circulation of our Cirtetion literature! ee \STATISTICAL REPORT NO.III (Charge Totals)Wo ei wor ‘yo Appertiones Paid T.l is ke Bieth os rt ar ve Senvnenctul sensoceccessereenacee |scoscoossnecnecsecosnesossouseunseses &-i hn Denne)ee i,a otal amount raised by Brother-=»|==,mntnnentnsntnnsannennsnannnnnnnnnsene i caideeetionone En Presiding elder ..$iro $2 ne $2 hoods SD ccesthitnininen | ye Superannuate Endowment..$....b..Total t rais d by E,BR ic aeabldeidabnloesnncinciene|Preacher in charge shl10.8 13 r ho $7 6 aaa”rai =pwor Po thas eM ae asta —________ General and Conference ee 8 See ee Total amount raised by Sunda ee ee d to report at the next Quarterly Con- Work .:-$..ao Incidentals and other objects $schools :v a.ee a!(f Ques.10.Who are appointed to examine Church Registers and Records of Church Conferences and to repo Q District Work p Je gue Oe a ference whether they havebeen faithfully kept?|District Work ..Pn PaerrnnnePacrnnsrnnnsee-|Churches and parsonages . . Geocecseenn..|TOlQL .«6 6 ee +Beaencneennees |Voluntary Kingdom Extension |Be eae Offering ..eer le «alae Insurance premiums.cmsase Mee Lessitemsreportedtwice ..$.............a a sacclpinnenenanmenmransesines wore ic nacceniunenen armenia en ‘sf ee Oe a aa ee S :Total amount raised by W oman’s {| Golden Cross.$=Missionary Societies...$..............Grand total for year iba ei wells Il iin ii Simei a the Temporence and Social Service Commitee? STATISTICAL REPORT NO.IV (Superannuate Endowment)| |anniek oft Che Cues Maile aieNe eal a Re ee Ne see)MRR NAL wh)!IM OR ee es ee cE a Basson ercineeniibneeeninete cenntnlinmnpitnsiaginenhanmcmntnca “ nuate Endowment unpaid quota |i balance,as adjusted at the First |Total amount paid by this Charge eee |-snecsceseersenererceeessseeseeneareee i Quarterly Conference of the Con-on the abovestated obligation since Amount this Charge has yet to pay Se |ference Year,1930-31 .#F the adjustment was made ..$.............|on tis obligationfor this cause Nhaaecen sae icnniuaianecene cotminonieeeneisitabni ;eae i Me saa sntveteneenenienments sooo eae nen :saa i Ques.3.What amount has been estimated by the Board of Stewards:(a)For the support of the preacher in charge for the current year?j ————————”' 5 J ;2,(Questions 12-32 are for use at the Third and Fourth Quarterly Conferences.)# ‘a (6)For his assistants?$2000.00...ne Bae ne -——=j the ministry?(99717,758-755,757,815,816.)(Let the wer t d the present quarter for the support of 4Ques.4.What amount has been apportioned to this charge by the District Stewards?((9752,757.)For Presiding Elder,$1:3 Ques.33.What amount has been raise iding elder and the preachers.)f—to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the presiding - General and Conference Work,$Ee District Work,$a‘&.f i y |:’wovwee 1 Pvnvvennennenenneeees i eaSi NOM sears Se Ducecansdnndaatiiiinn oni How have the amounts in questions 3 and 4 been apportioned to the congregations of this charge?.................-c--e---seeesmeeeeeeeneenneeernnneenneses *f :F PT ordi c eataa trae MC cee TS ea :-ssieiiabiiadial iin .sean!aDcpr |Asp —]rete ea eeeo |@iiiteieninineoentasianiassidSnReaODParce+|Ee ifOGoeongregations;.E.G.and C.W.||Dist.Work |Total a fi t t ste AME ee re ee eee ie i § i “1 aessgas .6 o ; :/t QS me Total amount raised...................---.--ao AlF ue viii Le.1 | e r~eee cvccoup]censnnesee|seresecel |csuusscces)cacensee|]|eoequavetelq-couccse}|eoveeneewefoccenees Preacher in charge,$Zv-iceasuren Lw)AOAMAMNG,Bon .cccressosovoccresensorereenons § tht *How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,$..he.err } la Ah f odd _Bai Sd ISA a I ee Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?$.....-----------+-----Hes this amow ve Tee ; aI sec cd ci cs ed Ms e ae a i i to the General Board of Finance,St.Lowis,M0.P 0 '| .:objects?i a Ques.5.What amount does this charge agree to raise during the current Conference year for Superannuate Endowment?$..................Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other o%'} (the purpose being to have the charge raise annually,during the quadrennium of 1930-34,a part of its unpaid quota balance as adjusted,General end Con/Work e3 Building,repairing,orww foniing,Sunday Gehel Dep 2.sk Bien | looking to pay the entire quota balance as adjusted within the quadrennium,and also to give charges that have previously paid their ima as parsonages a re Sunday schools,Missions ©©6B oecccseeseeeee in full i iti :;District Work $oneevenneeeees ;aaquotasinfullanopportunitytopayanadditionalsumyearly,if they will).Voluntary“Kingdom Extension Of-Insurance premiums $Sunday etecle,herded...tec Ques.6.Who are appointed a special committee of this charge to have in hand,together with the pastor,the raising of money during Jering porn:Woman's Missionary Society 0 Becnnecennee Printing minutes og ogg irr the current year to apply on the charge’s Superannuate Endowment obligation as stated in the next preceding paragraph?;Golden C;rae genni ete ee sug ala ceeA ae ee a.a tics aa Wesley Brotherhoods ©©©©Bev Relief of poor ial ey 5 eee iiceehiieiscnaisinisiciiiniineaccsvce lciudbassiccneaseadieihcnsulinicslavgeseiatssbiell bciipioceaansilacdadassslicsuasanticnictesosaall plodck Saepgneoninnditisdiietobussiunnicalipic ee es Oe Epworth Leagues,Missions ©©Beever Pa,$Orphanages .0 Beccereeerens oa sites &’AN iaptnsiscntessichimiipiieipicles lions iditiciassicabessIM chet i Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $.........-reecer eeeliesched$.------sai.ee ding,repatring,orfurmishing Epworth Leagues,ctherobjects.# Ques.37. Ques.38.Is there any miscellaneous business? (1)Appeals.(%%709-711,805,807)ry (2)Complaints.(%%711,712)....t (3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to (if more space is needed,record as a supplement) | ||| rUDb)Recommendations for license to preach.(99703,708) || | (4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues. (a)Applications for license (765)........<01 (5)Exhorters. (6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(4 9758-760)ve|| (7)Other miscellaneous business?(758-760) Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?BW ee.S The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned. fy A —_~ we Kn,tag JF G.....Recording Steward.kaos. Mf bs Renewals of license...... Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter?“YP. ! | | | j|| || —Cnch& (If more space is needed,record as a supplement). “4 A ..‘£A é 3 oi cacedcnooueescih ppaicisnceoaeacomenelsniinesineeeinintiennnnnnnan mnmMa! lane Be .: hn .£tig aul A f t r A silaLe,ere ‘+V 4 ¥ oF r 7 r >,J A >y 4 z 7 j T nro6ohkw >pA L é mwefferrernners 7 zg /yranLt 4 ,pee ii g yo ”c f .4 /+1A /.it Ay .40"=“port ow nAEton >é enneccesenannee oe %in rf 4 )7 y 3 gt C 4A agiOFA4;eae::4secsivertancliiebinaicstsa“ay 4 ee AA 2c]for vo ft Fa/Fd ais Pennie oth ne Fe Fee er sene anes .|1 as eeVpa_ACie402+A ffn==Ah coccweecen:a Tene ‘aA a ¢i 0 Ax /¢:.weeny A (oy vf tt’ei Pf f rp 4 ZR -4 4.”Z AFFF ~Aha eu mactarmenseouiows k ‘“ht.rewnrn’i ~~a:4~eee?residing Elder. co-seneseseeee SCCTOAQATY. For use at Firat and Second 1 and 2 Quarterly Conferences Methodist Episcopal Church,South Minutes 2“¢¢-o Quarterly Conference,193 -193)... The Quarterly Conference for the year 1934 1931 _Charge, ,/ Diatrict,....¢F AL f :'Conference,waa held at Seed Ot U.S t:LIME me)ag wan elected Secretary.The roll was called and the following members anawered to their names; P.E.,in the chair,After religious services,conducted by 7 Y.‘WJ i ot Question 1.(a)Ia there a written report from the preacher tn charge on the general atate of the Church,aa required by Discipline,19109,161, :4 A .:—:: 629-633?or A4)..(b)Are there reporta from the Superintendents of the 5u nday achoola (%464)?Yyerd dL Presidents of the Senior and High i Epworth Leagues (9109)?uM”Lay Leaders (9587,688)?...4 _Presidents of the Woman's Missionary Soctetien (4109)?A 4A,i Exhortera?Missionary Committees?Stewardship Committees?................Wealey Brotherhoods?Temperance and ; Social Service Committee?Director of Golden Croaa?(For theae and all other written reports see Supplements.)(At the j 4 Quarterly Conference aucceeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year's work.)TRTRIES Ques.2.What atatiaticn for the charge have been reported to the A nnual Conference?(%9689,690.) (For detailed atatiatica of each Church see Annual Conference Journal.) STATISTICAL REPORT NO I (Charge Totals) Membera reported laat year Adulta baptized ee le Indebtedness ’fT Local preachera .Infants baptized s+ee Value of other Church property :j |Additions on profension of faith Number of church buildings .Inaurance carried ve Additions by certificate and other-;:.. wine ':Value of buildings and equipment Tesanveios Churches damaged or deatroyed . Removala by death and otherwise Indebledness Se ar ke)ane Parsonages damaged or destroyed Present total memberahip,inelud- ing local preachers i Number of parsonages ._.sie Amount of damage...66 Boece Value of parsonages and furnish- .Number licensedto preach .one a ‘Less ccliettod 6g 1 tt Green STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II (Charge Totals) Number of —orth —-Chege General organ ters Cee a Number in Home Department . r : Conference organ Members Numberin all other departments,ee Number of Woman's :Missionary :oie Total enrollment in all depart Societies Raise d for Missions $|ments |Number of pupils who have joiined |Members Raised on Anniversary Day $the Church |Number taking training courses:.ia (sesNumberofWesleyBrotherhoodsRaisedforallotherobjects$;"Number of Wesley Classes Members Number of Sunday schools |Number of Stewardship’Com Raisedon Sunday School Day .§$.. miltees |Officers and teachers Rai bas_miltees i l aised for Missions Bee os Number in Fellowship of Steward-|:oeship.|Number on Cradle Roll |Raised for all other purposes ooo STATISTICAL REPORT NO.Ul (Charge Totals Apportioned Paid ||Hospital $|Total amount raised by Brother- Presi y elder $$||hoods Bi. ;s Superannuate Endowment $|Total amount rateed by Epw orthPreacherincharge$g |Leagues $a |sd Conference Orphanage $|(.and Conjerence ‘y Total amount raised by Sunday ’5 7.2 :.s.Incidentals and other objects $schools ‘$ istrict Work ¢$is .T::,;oe Churches and parsonages $Total $ Voluntary Kinedon Ertension Offering $Insurance premiums $Less items reported twice $ ::|Total amount raised by Woman's Golden Cross $|Missionary Societies Grand total for year 6a a a||STATISTICAL REPORT NO.IV (Superannuate Endowment {mount of this Charge's wt phew nuate Endowment unpaid quota balance,as adjusted at the First Total amount paid by this Charge Quarterly Conference of the Con on the above stated obligation since Amount this Charge has yet to pay ference Year,1930-31 $the adjustment was made on ils obligation for this cause $ Ques.3.What amount has been estimeted by the Board of Stewards:(a)For the support of the preacher in charge for the current year? $b)For his assistants?$ Ques.4.Whe yunt has been apportioned to this charge by the District Stewards?(©9752,757 For Presiding Elder,$ |General and Conference W ork,$District Work,$ How have the amounts in questions 3 and 4 been apportioned to the congregations of this charge? Congregations P.C.P.E.|G.and C,Wk.||Dist.Work |Total We ae esa ee ee eehdcyalcdbiiaceba ei atiahekeeSaeedPOPCaeee|Shans eePeESaee|o |}|\||‘|||eT Cag ene had |be Ques.5.What amount does this charge agree to raise during the current Conference year for Superannuate Endowment?$...............-- the purpose being to have the charge raise annually,during the quadrennium of 1930-34,a part of its unpaid quota balance as adjusted, looking to pay the entire quota balance as a juste?within tre quadrennium,and also to give charges that have previously paid their quotas in full an opportunity to pay an additional sum yearly,if they will). Ques,6.Who are appointed a special committee of this charge to have in hand,together with the pastor,the raising of money during the current year to apply on the charge's Superannuate Endowment obligation as stated in the next preceding paragraph? || Ques.7.(a)Has the Christian Stewardship Committee been elected?............... Ques.8.(a)In what Sunday schools has a Missionary Committee been appointed?....—(b)What schools observe a monthly Missionary Day with program and offering? I ials”approved by the General Board of Christian Education are the offerings being applied?(c)To what “Specials Ques.9.Who are appointed to assist the || Ques.10.Who are appointed to e xramine |ference whether they have been faithfully kept? usr froUve C4 |ot \y }hur?ies)4 | }| ll Ques.11.Who are confirmed as the Temperance and Social Service Committee? ||||j |j (Questions 12-32 are for use at the Third and Fourth Quarterly ¢ Ques.33.What amount has been raised the pr to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid ont \|ij ~.‘|;ait on 14).o~;4a.$7)Vv “> | PY Ar oAAof : f K ]““~/% ;|9 ] on —~| |.} S11 p-in3 Luts |“a / How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,$Ls.(b)Preacher in charge,$d. Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present to the General Board of Finance,St.Lowis,M0.?...-0---c-------- Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects? Tork $3uilding,repairing,or aeGeneralandConferenceWork$E enng.SF : District Work .$;‘ Voluntary Kingdom }Extension Of-Insurance premiums $ —oe Woman’s Missionary Society ae Golden C Beas)chs Mee ae Wesley Brotherhoods $ Hospitals ba Orpha $Epworth Leagues,Missions $ phanages Nar VIR Wee Ue ae Te weccnanmmaged Incidental and other objects $Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $ o 0 ee in a uaahaeadasorfurnishing Epworth Leagues,other objects pastor in the circulation of our Christian literature! esent quarter for the support of the ministry?(49717,753-755, he claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.) quarter for Superannuate Endowment?$ Picts.; ? ynferences.) ,(CGur4P9 ll, Total amount raised ig DK S (c)Assistants,$ Sunday School Day Sunday schools,Missions Sunday schools,other objects Relicf of poor ' Printing minutes _(b)Has any other committee been elected?(997). *%Church Registers and Records of Church Conferences and to report at the next Quarterly Con- 757,815,816.)(Let the answer Has this amount been remitted “=&es te i et ment era sevewesoes Ee ae eta NSITso5IEPeAPE hr .How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?nk aadWhat is the report of the Church Conference Secretary? Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter?...¥\o~.......... A Is there any miscellaneous business? (1)Appeals.(%%709-711,805,807).1 2)Complaints.(99711,712) (3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to.(If more space is needed,record as a supplement.)............0.----ee-esercnesceeeeeersoreet °fre :FB td a rf,Picadinrernaiy }L Se t 7 sy ee ‘-RO Arve NO =MeN aR 0 - tn Me s LU A t a Y ep (b)Recommendations for license to preach.({{%703,708)...ss lkaeatiebsainhemensiiiiaiivaniinlieicun i>iii lecinenliea iia hleseariiigiereleiipsinaiien||. 4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues.(765).LEAKS.L.atte oe lec LPO?ke :Vv(5)Exhorters.(a)Applications for license i i oreScere a INI.cia aude (6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?CIiaiciccelniieisiieniooscelfoeeeeea *==7 (7)Other miscellaneous business?(9758-760)(If more space is needed,voverd as a supplement)... if ‘‘hf 10sictaak...Catles 9S 2S waa bp dackly ke wyi weg wy. ’4 ?/a.boa hfp.Pog th Ape Ril ri?0 ADL}- ,Chrofth BA...Aasmtrte» 4BoabA®Qo O-rthn.berg.Grordindg.Grherterr hn... Leela o17c essai 2 toe iat Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?Wor dee Mao Re mi ¢approved,and the Conference adjourned.iil =e .Tr ~~{ose Presiding Elder.EE:emcaneff~=wReecordiing Steward.nesseslene he GED MAD&ey a Tisesevee cease sereneCOPGOTy. Fiot), YL les Eee Peccsun =|At LA”AA <hoe 1.bo weFe.Ay ae iv.i canoe :, hee M AMO CLONE.ito Lanne ALA, if,a eon..44 :2LE?AH C7)...4 MOM,\.F702. ‘a“A 7f--oe ee!Lhe tk.‘La /5 FIGALLOALAenhdAhALGO a ™ 4-4 -_a._ta eo <»~* deinen Lu e =i.ots a &Ae r 2 :sa<A eM NL GO 2 wemA o vf oO af ,4 fsacahortgtrzHAGBrfKsostae, ~s",:x.AO I...AN neg RO Done CAO Sh 4 E £.’n AA /ti.ee.AcéCOk CoonTRAM MY aan a¢tpn Woo tf LVL , P ft af pF 7 t.. /Reinc SV.AL wt Ly 7 oO a. — V tf s ?iefoHAMA...Orcrelerdiarcehe..PB rf. jZNMA Ae 7 A ,iA 4 4 ;Aa y LAD 24 othe B® 4 7mesifhBDeA”AsO AZ aonsa bio —*~,R ee Al. 7 é 1-4 ant Tea f gq Lt r.é ~~ oe aa jt “ss»of Ca AY» WA,~F a® Ce xAA_f in-line=F Ping|| fe Ques.36,How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?nt .What is the report of the Church Conference Secretary? 1Ques.37.Has the sacrament of the Lord's Supper been administered during the quarter?..}* Ques.38.Is there any miscellaneous business? .Af1)Appeals.(9709-711,805,807), 2)Complaints.(9711,712);consens (3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to.(If more space is needed,record as a supplement.)...........0..cesveneees j j A,K ,(>. ‘onA JPA if!pj Lh, f Ary AA (b)Recommendations for license to preach.(44703,708)|||fee (4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues.(9765).£42 “<td L.7 Renewals of license hoy hth,forrnn (a)Applications for license Vir An (5)Exhorters. Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(4758-760)ooo...1 On ssvocecsoooserseesseseeeeee (If more apace is needed,record as a supplement).. wih,ly CALOAS a ¢Fs tacky And Va rial uw AA if iF A pf 6 f .behead dbowws ALANVC f ~ (6)Trustees. (9758-760) frYe (7)Other miscellaneous business? of { Lt Ms.Pp Fr | s ia 4 10 Awd Cron.oF portend Lee olit oY Qe fo2.AGP .| ~Grfirt wee MorrieWhereshallthenextQuarterlyConferencebeheld?Ques.39. YO e approved,and the Conference adjourned. ALP Noni ..Recording Steward. Presiding Elder. 1 Lyot)ue BE,Ay 3 j .fp Ot 7aaAAA readerdo-—hat vote be LOA Khe ty wating AL Veto afr AKCL...@ A ACA t ad ee £7 |x :7 «finilcntbiosdoaiti 6 re wv aA CAs Charckh HALY PCY A ity,TAL.}/ow ee ae ; AARC LTHA f LS MA f lf?a ges a f,“wee kU /2 }0,$244 iret YVAN 2 i yy Lt-+7110 Ahdoen r r A ;AO #4 f , %ae fd #2 .A [pre ¥7 ,,/Popovic PAA en hares bm.PB...Gy-nottrc Mana...Crrcrdfas 1 ba.4 /‘i ,.'>al he om SF.Li MANERA Net j €£x i“e 4 FA as oO ot r Z tA é ,7 Yq FLo«/b ,tA i Lee p a —4 A Kf C4 ¥‘“7 * 4 fom, ‘.é -¥J ,AIM accel t ee Hcg a ya :-L i ht GA.Gy ike:«ihe:A y ee ’ce 4ethersh(OV oust <Q Eso e®62!)7 ¥one secees n ae <>bea TAS ~~M A Pn “Ofer a14>i,‘pee7bofOnnTRAYnmeneIo-COJ ‘ ¥7 a /a e 4 73;{f?*»yw ry tie, o sv rfiAO‘aA,t ry 4 KEMARO vt a wt nA 4 *tJeer, Lon f J '*4)Yd >.e é WIL Bo gvr-all ‘/Ltymaed 1,Le tog gl uewleg Jp /Reina Ve on 7 fr }Ratio ns y rr dV4PSfLyOA»4 0 Mz f ant y a3 ¢/ ns i att Fi Lor / .yV ..J >"?Cave Av the mute tay 4 ,7 Mec AANA (A 2 ofa Ano “s aoe ’+oo ./daaAj.f /y Ln ~-t ALA |®¥ar ‘4 ty “!¢y/,¢a ia & Ane}4 /~a - nid,Liirctot POLO a ~OF a A»:A MAAN A a nN.Dscracbtctes tenn”she 4 ,.tn wr C4 7 Gq f d ¥Ltiak --peen,art.lla,Lenn~,d 7 , 4 ¥"A L.4 ,yh rt>Le nore tnt r Ss Mh wt °g CLL ¢a med WL .2 LiA_f a t cy BA Y we an en a jin Jtaseaaatu,CC rttn¢Wa.nahatl POD)Letnf A.Ue Cate 4 ” Lk va Sy hd Aer Arcanell Liddle...oak,YUL t iP...Wt.OMNA...MF Aira.Velaro Yu poo ‘nie Aneelgia,<g,Pe»Lidbe-aoi Bk Fi Adres Be, ASS OS Fd etrvchee te ad OS ¥ Ae Fér use at Third and Fourth Quarterly Conferences 3 and 4 Methodist Episcopal Church,South Minutes |__Quarterly Conference,193.4...-193/ a fs rn y : ill.anette Conference for the year au fe Anae€;....Charge,af Or Re aeytt en District,......M1 a:iy al Conference,was held at JA eX ba P ;Peisteisgaiiet rir 7seal pega ef “f-_..P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by fh lite Ge ae COit~a #f.:&z a oe _-seeeeee...as elected Secretary.The roll was called and the following members answered to their names:dw ht mbPr .| Question 1.(a)Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the gene ral state of the Church,as required by Discipline,$9109,161, J Ca 629-633?ZN...(b)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Sunday schools (*464)?“9 Presidents of the Senior and HighIP9f Epworth Leagues (§109)?...4144 .Lay Leaders (587,588)?Ww Presidents of the Woman's Missionary Societies (9109)?Jar)aL, Exhorters?Missionary Committees?..............Stewardship Committees?Wesley Brotherhoods?Temperance and Social Service Committee?.......Director of Golden Cross?(For these and ai!other written reports see Supplements.)(At the Quarterly Conference succeeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year’s work.) (Questions 2-11 are for use ot the First and Second Quarterly Conferences.) ‘Ques.12.Who are appointed to examine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannuate Endowment and to make a written report at the fourth Quarterly Conference? Ques.13.How many members have enrolled in the Golden Cross Society?ee wit a LA S84 Ques.14.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let report be made according to Discipline,{109,Question 14.) Ques.15.What has been done by the pastor and his assistants to put our Christian literature into all the homes of this charge ($139)?Mt)Avdredhhrs ly THA @absenell Ques.16.Have the General Rules been read?+A) |Ques.17.Are there Church Registers and Recor:’s of Church Conferencesfor each Church in this charge?0 ...Have they been |faithfully kept)PVP ed anne Mertrd sinbissitiplauaaan IV Hoard of Church Eartenston,Louiaville,Ky Ques,28,Are there ve Ques,14,La there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Sootety? Quen,19,(a)Who ia the Chairman of the Christian Stewardahip Committee? | “a report from the Wesley Hrotherhood?(See Quea,1,b.) Who are the Trustees of Church property (C764)? porte from the trustees,aw provided in U1007 (Nee Ques,1,6) (Give name and address of chalrman foreeach Chure) (Special forma for reporting can be secured from tu tema to be included in reports of trustees:(1)What da the number of churches? (2)Whatlursonages?'twagWhathasbeen expended on thene during the year?Churches?&Parsonages?@ is the value of these?Churchen?,i larsonagea?¥(4)What amount of insurance ta carried on church property t 4)What amount haa been paid in premiuma?§(6)What amount of loan haa occurred?@ What hu heen v4 kept? this Hlected thereon? (4)Where are they recorded? question should be recorded in printed supplement,) wards for the ensuing year (UU760-768)7 Ques,24,How many soctetion do not own houses of worahip? Ques,th.Who are elected Nt | {= | | ’ Ques,245,Who ta elected Recording Steward? Ques,26,Wha ta elected Diatrlet Bteward (74 a)? (4)Do the deeda contain the Disciplinary trust claunes?(7)Where are the tile paper (Give office,book,and page,Full anawere to } Ques,#7,(a)Who are elected the Miastonary Committees of the Congregatlona?- (b)Haa the name of the Chairman been re ported to the Presiding Mlder for the Hoard of Minsiona? Ques,24,Who are electe d Sunday School Superintendents? Who are clected Church LayCues,20,Who ia elected Charge Lay Leader? Leaders?(ln atationa the Church Lay Leader ia aloo the Charge Lay Laader) Quen,40,Who are elected Golden Crone Directora? | Ques,a1,la there a written report from thoae appointed to examine the books of Nhe charge treasurer of Superannaute Lndowment? Ques What amount has been raised during the year for Superannuate Hlomen?6 (U%7%a18,410.)(Let the anawer7,Tha-754,767,What amount has been raised the present quarter for the anpport of the mintetry? id on the claima of the presiding elder and the preag hera.) en le.02°DVOFAAO Chafb 3\00 Yi r.0oyr OA |2400| Fe ee || Jk Be 4h-At |4p | DORA MOVE.|3%Ko||yagi Bs Total amount rateed | Hiow has it been applied?(a)l'vresiding elder,#Jd (bh)Preacher in charge,#o5 (e)Aawletanta,@ llaa thie amount been remtited Quen,a4 to this question embrace only the eum raised and pa MK:4 What amount has been rataed the present quarter for Superannuate Lndowment?$Ques,44 to the General Hoard of Finance,St Louis,Mo? Ques,9b What has been raised the present quarter for other objecta? Hiuilding,furntohing Sunday Sehoot Day pursonagesGeneralandConferenceWorkrepairing,of |Nunday echoola,Misstona é Diatriet Work f Voluntary Kingdom ertension Of fering Z ? Jnanrance premiuma Sunday achools,other objecta Golden Crona livinting minutes_=ss&Weasley Hrotherhooda | |Woman's Miestonary Soctely |Relief of poor | } !-_*.**&&&&Hospitals Orphanages t Epworth Leagues,Misstona é Tnetdental and other objecta #KLpworth Leagues,Anniversary Day & Buliding,repairing,or furnishing churches ¢Rpworth Leagues,other objects Ts ve sespisininsnsalobcs ciuwsaaiic)Waesaeselesiiieaimi eannnnannnn Ques,36.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?94D What ia the report of the Church Conference Secretary? Da.fees.fed.at Olin,Cbuith Adult lik vs of hgh A.gunpvoly wrkQues.37,Has the sacrament of the Lord's Supper been administered during the quarter?|di ; Ave Ques.38,1s there any miscellaneous business?CAL.bef Dawal 44)Ant L ?gaolWesatel . 1)Appeals "709-711,805,807)Abtntor Lo 18 o~(1)1 p42 bank Fr Cangohen.(2)Complaints.(©9711,712 en at fas 4 A buwmneok conta rth.purg }wh.Aw aa Lt.aA,SO a ARSfarrdw+Act frke 2 Crvr fete Goatthat Ourth..dM jut DR.BB aMALE@4At-...| $710 Ldateenn pow hr+141—Gf ie vfs MS ey MG ond.posed ructocelecd)bf.Lh ET LeeagailyDhtainnArr.cored Utica.ty Leas oo iw elcttrrnA C-—of,i—*EAS::BF toad ae Rack.who (b)Recommendations forlice nse to preach.(949708,708):GAA 2A oT ‘e $ear af fe_.Jt:i Pan bs ss uv &mt|a |a Lb a pis alr .:,."',/-‘¢Ko A r.(4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues.(4%765)....................7 j LAAN a JS?ty KI7.G a 2 Lv 20 i4 .4 eP-t-4|||‘:eteeceeees os Secewsrovenesorescoserscesceseweceseseossesees ene o ar x J2 . . o ;(5)Exhorters.(a)Applications for license sreenvemnomioseesnieninapuatueiansusiniiemees Renewals of license é ofp fy ee a CEL r es }rn $a Se 7 i /J(6)VAALVacancies in Boards to be filled?(449758-760)...aa eile ~aaa Ar 20f,F ~-vo b t é ace ERLE ERED prordIthelr|f ardeg col off Atrrmarv-ek,...: /Jd tA f haw 4(7)Other miscellaneous business?(44 758-760)(If more space is needed,record as a supplement).7,™Metior~7 #-’/a Zz y =Ahiupcd#—hAAnnrter ..Oa China aheacn Ons a §O oOibvhnteglieninpewepeeensiasicnen,}q Enctin,J 6 Om otto @ fo ce i 0ater a Cot yr h OAS .Ae...7 NO ec ec®iA Essa t so.i.gers Mpraiel Parheeu Of ec ld AMA...A enaidaaias ine “A aang borg AZthatk.coe!w1tth ts ae ie ore fori ng olliria_.*4 Co —4~tly pile lag Lhve J, ‘itiscaiels AO Aha Ko hee v C4400 %OL pares, icndeindinie D4thn.Aaa cleo ct dhbakn-$204)LOT bsfos:badia ™ caaets of fa a Ato 4,TA f cee Fi fJete.kon ~ oomeer soot a ee tt2-AXh.4 s Oda 4th4+ foe takeéesas a.wi Place iPadhe. cat af ef rr O..yee titart-or I ypt 5 3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to.(If more space is needed,record as a supplement.) i Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?|sane ae Lk—were approved,and the Conference adjourned,al Presiding Elder.ASPiacenteREsrREi5ceosathesosiLTi] ..Secretary. ‘om,AA Te.én acid...UhhPhSOere 4A BAW fpr ,a ae ls.leg oy I,ih yr relay ARunter,1 meade oea OOOncaafedaiaeld|LC.ok!CAA lf -, bef fs 64 :7 wd Ha:3H.SG LA ——x, eed For use at Third and Fourth Quarterly Conferences 3 and 4 Methodist Episcopal Church,South Minutes.47 AA.Quarterly Conference,193.0._.-193./i‘ 4 a 4 ,a ‘! The de Monarterly Conferencefor the year 1930 -193};ils Cnarge,—tor ee }:te_ District,b —©mM '“~Conference,was held at__.saé%.on vw Lé3 “=le ¥V 4 -OF 2 Diosl. ,P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by et ee Ma |Y 2 SY at was elected Secretary.The roll was called and the following members answered to their names , | a | || | ' | }|Efe /Question 1.(a)Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church,as required by Discipline,(9109,161, YU «ii ha 629-633?...f=“J (bh)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Sunday schools (©1464)?Préridents of the Senior and High £ Epworth Leagues (§109)?M44 Lay Leaders (%587,588)?"Presidents of the Woman's Missionary Societies (9109)?ra Exhorters?__............Missionary Committees?Stewardship Committees?Wesley Brotherhoods?Temperance and Social Service Committee?Director of Golden Cross?(For these and all other written reports see Supplements.)(At the Quarterly Conference succeeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year's work.) (Questions 2-11 are for use at the First and Second Quarterly Conferences.) Ques.12.Who are appointed to examine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannuate Endowment and to make a written report ea .at the fourth Quarterly Conference? Ques.13.How many memberas have enrolled in the Golden Cross Society?7 ow Ques.14.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let report be made according to Discipline,%109,Question 14 ‘Ques.15.What has been done by the pastor and his assistants to put our (hriatian literature into all the homes of this charge (4139)? aa ce ee nsesennsecansennnennesussenueennents senententusenvestusreusseneessutnansvnuetusssauassussentenens uerutnennncnteetnsesnssstnectusetsnatseneeeeesuensnvestiustinssntessuneteueseuuetneesuveesenetupereeeecsesccc.,Ques.16.Have the Generel Rules been read?ea 6: Ques.17.Are there Church Registers and Recor.'s of Church Conferences for each Church in this charge?‘Have they been ‘ \ faithfully kept?........ [Ques.18.Is there a written report from the Woman’s Missionary Society?(See Ques.1,b.)yw Ques.20.Is there a report from the Wesley Brotherhood?(See Ques.1,b.) Ques.21.Who are the Trustees of Church property ({758)?-@ e«_ Ques.22,Are there reports from the trustees,as provided in 9109?Yen .(Special forms for reporting can be secured from th:3 Board of Church Extension,Louisville,Ky.)Items to be included in reportsof trustees:(1)What is the number of churches?.............. Parsonages?What has been expended on these during the year?Churches?$0.cneall AOU Bc cies is the value of these?Churches?$[AP SF Caea eTINERT Baer ee en sia (3)What amount of insurance is carried on church property?*”4)What amount has been paid in premiums?$..........--.--(5)What amount of loss has occurred?$....................What has |been cc a ‘te :ieencollectedthereon?$...................(6)Do the deeds contain the Disciplinary trust clauses?.................(7)Where are the title papers WIE citeiccsintencscocinsiamiisiieiedibieaeth (8)Where are they recorded?(Give office,book,and page.Full answers to IV this question should be recorded in printed supplement.) Ques.23.How many societies do not own houses of worship?.............. Ques.244.Who are elected Stewards for the ensuing year (9 9750-752)? ir (| 7 :4 -’;4 A af 4 i Ad ~AF \Wj Ba ;t tt ET . foto =,ar Bh ntungmnrw ||Aq Teor Ww h*, 2 4 pas)a Foot linden!\ }YArgevrca rss \ Jif BAbi|~*}has wont|eo “as iinet ||iu eee pV a 'Stam S$-Seean—— | |Ques.25.Who is elected Recording ret = Ques.26,Who is elected District gard (75%,756)?_.<.5 }{ aISn ae Ques.19.(a)Who is the Chairman of the Christian Stewardship Committee?(Give name and address of chairman for each Church.) ...(2)What eeee (b)Has the name of the Chairman been reported to the Presiding Elder for the Board of Missions?WA.70.a Ques.28.Who are elected wed School Superintendents? Ques.29.Who is elected Charge Lay Leader?........46il... Leaders?(In stations the Church Lay Leader is also the Charge Lay Leader)...Bcchd eee”uf 7iA ,cal a .a KG ¢_a2 In trv,\J LF.) Ques.31.Is there a written report from those appointed to examine the booksof the charge treasurer of Superannaute Endowment?ho Ques.30.Whe are elected Golden Cross Directors? Dh~Yrhoor.J Aektetep: ny).biteete Df AO |brorsclt ron.x *«PF ‘On “”ee ~ Ques.32.What amount has been raised during the year for Superannuate Homes?$ Ques.33.What amount has been raised the present quarter}for the support of the ministry?(99717,753-755,757,815,816.)(Let the answer to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.) bn |Aofthi..t-dd \|L&3 | I |oO!|0 |?|9/2 o||LZ SF ;nee caselecl reticle.as ‘B.71lo O||Total amount raised l,BALE How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,§...0.75 a>(b)Preacher in charge,$12 =&,Ze)Assistants,$ Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?$...........-...-.-----.Has this amount been remitted Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects? General and Conference Work =.Pemex»Building,repairing,or furnishing Sundep Schest Dep ....Gall parsonages ae Boi -90 CMe oe :Sunday schools,Missions..,t4 =....lo Insurance premiums tie >iii “ae Kingdom Extensionom OF,{ace ‘.Sunday schools,other objects..$B oiccccccenesee ms Woman's Missionary Society 5 leads ie wy”Piao Printing minutes 6 Woe 2 eons Wesley Brotherhoods .... Breceseneeae-.:Hospitals .‘aideeisaonat Relief of poor Bog ae VE gi ae Orphanages :::R ‘2.Epworth Leagues,Missions $MARI EN ka SE a 0 Incidental and other objects :Beas Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day 8 nnecesn |oc eeeneeeeavecewvensnernssnrvnnece Bet B hi'nereniny a1 farnie®ing ate Bpworth Lougues,etherctfecte 5 Paccivccennes |.snsscnniipinibinmesbieisnittstnienyeatbesboonilaemvontel Bisa icine ; rtif a.aaNN:¢RNARRRIaBTemeryBoer How mony Church Conferences have been held during the quarter? f the Lord's Supper been administered during the quarter?_& ny miacellaneous business?y 9 a)Election of delegates to.(If more space is needed,record as a supplement.).... a | | | }i Recommendations for license to preach. Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues. (a)Applications for license Vacancies in Boards to be filled? (7)Other misecllaneous business? Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held? The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned. What ia the report of the Church Conference Secretary! ewes htenewals of license (If more space is needed,record as a supplement). nti Cthliiirn~+ (howe.shen Tto-4e af.EDK Fa =chat hots,400 pro td ="&AgeeOltnePafaaeeSea | #lie Qha.Ae.i piotf =Presi CA hiding ot Snioeccespeetieencgisgeel TRUSTEES’REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1932...-193....... Bsfon usm erbrenmmor Circuit AMOUNT.VALUE |INSURANCE PREMIUMS PAID|NO.|amounr |Loss |COLLECTED nee toVl hiengcontainthe trust claus i :annul Comilog ( aan acnak ‘Sietetd esCO Ce nails aval @Ceri —ee Deeds to the following have not the trust clause:seinen sierraa2|||ska a row£.oe ala prentenalgystcn hack |biol ie eeeee sig 4 O.povrved forfondLtheb eh *ss remapeoeoePe .a ae Leckl ah loll tx OFFICE BOOK |ee Drurwe—Crrcd Chek lon deny Dictate 72 :VJ 3 Survey (ol mutt.(fr e LKG.ia _C4 Cheah i»| ,2-tt wkLeng : _Pre2t leromet k ew GZ.at eS q \bs3- :vic te (¢hafitaerackcoeteensanRinnaiZhao corearenemnerea=quereremrenncrverenccen an meneneeneeneeeeeeme core orem |<,geeeff MINUTES OF ADJOURNED SESSION OFFICIAL ROLL x “ g LL f ChargeTheadjournegdypegsilonofthealle”Conference for year 193.0 -193.f...oesL-ee ee Mh,eh an pscicdes senecscaneroneaiadiiod Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 1934.<tOR ae.Se CIN icin -encersseneeersenennpeenseeenee ge, ‘/ Charge,Y Ae ae vet District,.oFsax’.Batcaiace ete Re es Conference,was held at sacl /(—}f ¢*;{f ies yu s :Conference.Po Z J)lean AL OO._.Dink ffLnwOLaatMef..5 41934 ,to complete answers to Questions...:Z i We eee Se erty c ry : ;-ith Lane.LiF Ky,pe es P.@>,in the chair and....ff ade ary.Kian \fb >lL.J£=Cc»At-P.E.Ue Ure.Mnostenutt IIe Fo -rater i —'Tiis oe isuminediahifterreligiousservicesconductedbynt.=|=.|5s elk 3 el aglag38s|3 Zs elzelive Masee eELS(S/AlElE|glee Se|a3\celaelalslBlel¢aS (FS£2 §5 =s =Cl.ov 8 1 Six isis =izedemaG|Alsalalejaje Cogan .P.CC.)——|J a 4|on K|A| |{“A A A x Ques,33.What (additional)amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applied?Aa|||A||;8 is bebe x|Xx «j |1}i||en ae |A|womans .sna shniteiaeateetis ||}|ALA A|eenes ‘i eanuedenaetian sccecsesepeccssons 1].|-==|||A 1a| H [he |.A -:|]cs :“4 |x A es eek 8 eeeewiTotalamountraised$--x x 1iHowhasitbeenapplied:(a)Presiding elder $(b)Preacher in charge $............-...(€)Assistants $!x A BioiniaQues.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?§.......Has this amount been remitted &ee RE ee Bee to the General Board of Fn:Te FON TONECnet8 ee ee a i ek _ee ee ae a eee x r=7 Ques.35,What has been raised the present quarter for Other Objects? A f i — 3 ? %|Building,repairing,orre |A A 2GeneralandConferenceWork$j Parsonages..sees Sunday school,missions . .6 Qoccecsee--- A XjREEMoiee.....|Insurance Sroemaams.....J :Sanday schools,ther Objects..§......-7B PE Oe,(AAU.CaGCSLCCdLC es1}Voluntary Kingdom Extension Of-|’XN x docuiffering$Woman's Missionary Society $ere Wena oe eg Bh ::ai ponGoldenCross$..|Wesley Brotherhoods $eo a ee Xx sees|Hospitals $|Epworth Leagues,missions Ditins Diccsinoviiencs A eet;!Or phanages $Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $.....Pine A A r 2 { i Incidental and other objects a:¥Epworth Leagues,other objects.Wh sissstiiicnesain::1 Yeiinanlldsmnianalaiiti Tiare 4 ing4Building,repairing,or furnishing |iA Churches...ewes!gow eae PUI Ce i a ee .[—A aie."/A||Note.—If the above figures represent the whole year,state the fact here.Yes or no?......het AOEfas &\Ques oo A y :Sa iemacdoaiies -..(See Supplement.......nsnenhitalieniiclncitsical)Xx 4 ‘H xifQuesae;“i ra iicrnios (See Supplement...tinccceacabaea tall )on;Ques ;sischariowsnwetee wm daclcieniy inininintnenays .(See Supplement......nice.A B }-j|oe ee TS CRGTEUEE,ORE TOE COERCED CUNO,nentcnpnrnttieteinrerreretavmersereenyvreeninesnonnenrh senses.P.c x senseii:|||.-oecclecerndfjoosesefon sonal[-meccneesicutieaiihdienaeaheadRecordingSteward.sii *seeeeansanansasencenasraaumrncsesenesntivenseseensseefts,SCCPELGPY.}7 For use at First and Second Quarterly Conferences OFFICIAL ROLL f i °° intidly Cuttin bd ttudiiietime ik a ee a0 Methodist Episcopal Church,South. \—-harge,‘; FX ha =fi 'Minutes _.f.rT bie Quarterly Conference,193 FR Bes: Yen eV MAL.t -/r ’}!Conference |>OP /:C iesAva’ us —2D e.“a a TheIX.........Quarterly Conference for the year 1934 198%...<<F<(G7 ©OO cece OE I Ser En.....42.-ee 9 -E : g e P.E.at wk Asst.District,......YA p }t.C Brien ob Conference,was held at QO Ban...ee K 193.44 -:=,‘’ZF ”—TT e —:ere Ba <R j A:mee‘_,P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by ages 4h.fk.AI ee ee |im = =5 |SE I:BAGO.See was elected Secretary.The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: NAMES le Bs oe > &4 -HE +> 5 Bi £16 7 :23 peneesSIS|Blalelaje ie” r :.ik Fok Pceeee se |)a fo Rego ee Omen ———AA &y {a>s...4 DO x nici tr.Ks ee ee A x ads )}od 4,i V x -t jy odes |CS.hl fit{K K ail :ee)eeeTSe ki ena...t£ns Al. YAN tA 1 A ialeANSIalaeeaeaeee Question 1.(a)Is there a writien report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church,as required by Discipline,(109,161, 629-623?..4.(b)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Sunday schools (464)?Otek Presi tents of the Senior and High Epworth Leagues (109)?2A....Lay Leaders (587,588)?JiA.......Presidents of the Woman's Missionary Societies (4109)?Oe. Exhorters?..VQ.........Missionary Committces?..4.alii Stewardship Committees?.£72...Wesley Brotherhoods?iO Temperance and Social Service Committee?.......Director of Golden Cross?})*__.(For these and all other written reports see Supplements.)(At the Quarterly Conference succeeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of te year’s work.) [Ques.2.What statistics for the charge have been reported to the Annual Conference?(689,690.) (For detailed statistics of each Church see Annual Conference Journal.) _£27 STATISTICAL REPORT NO I (Charge Totals) Members reported last year Adults baptized..«+exemeeethen....|Indebtedness :ey Infants baptized ...«asada Value of other Church property Number of church buildings .......kL. Value of buildings and equipment $lanJ-0 Localpreachers . |Additions on professionoffaith Insurance carried Additions by certificate and other-7 i eee,ce Churches damaged or destroyed .Ne ee kw wenn Removals by death and otherwise w...20..|Indebtedness se ee nell Parsonages damaged or destroyed Present total membership,includ-Lint ‘ ing local preachers ttI|Number of parsonages .ii Mesmes|Bweunief damage...«)Geuninmel Value of parsonages and furnish- ici ee eece ee Number licensed to preach Loss collected STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II (Charge Totals) f Ques.7.(a)Has the Christian Stewardship Committee been elected?A een (b)Has any other committee been elected?(%97)............ a ;J Number of Epworth League Chap-|nae 8 seeemamleme OR er Pee ee ee alone £:Number in Home Department.ia ,Ques.8.(a)In what Sunday schools has a Missionary Committee been appointed?....QuesRenessesensnsnensnsnnvensnssencnsnsensssncusaneneConferenceorganrearMembersAp.Le.Numberinall other departments ALE.|Number of Woman's Missionary 1 ;_Total enrollment in all depart-2SocietiesiRaisedforMissions$Ms Peo Oe ea er ys £24:|N umber of pupils who have joinedMembersRchee.age }¥Raised on Anniversary Day o.the Church.wt. :|..os Number of Wesley Brotherhoods ee Raised for all other objects .es Number taking training courses ...............f ps ome Number of Wesley Classes ..}Members oR Number of Sunday schools .i 4 a i ”Number of Stewardship Com-’,Raised on Sunday School Day $~MS gs ee es Cee .....|Officers and teachers.aw wel Raised for MissiNumberinFellowshipofSteward-mene Jor saetone ..»#..aidshipNumberonCradleRoilpiaatslidaesRaisedforallotherpurposes$rb $22 |STATISTICAL REPORT NO.III (Charge Totals)|Apportioned Paid |,|Presiding elder $120 3.£&Hospital tial Mein cy stain >oe ¥&i =e anon raised by Brother- Preacher tn chore 3/220;£3 o Superannuate Endowment..$.........Fue amount raised by —= |Ge neral and Conference .o |Orphanage sb3...T 4 peo “rai d b S da asWork$33 3/2 |:;Z otal amount raised by Sunday ee ]:é :|Incidentals and other objects J¥S schools oe eo we ee Se Ques.10.Who are appointed to examine Church Registers and Records of Church Conferences and to report at the next Quarterly Con- District Work 3 $o fe hether they h b faithfully kept?.‘mi e .iv”erence whether they have been fatth{ully kept:Volu ntary Kingdom Extension ne ee A ee |—o -:||Offering ;igre ge a Ra Insurance premiums .. $idepn...|Lessitemsreportedtwice ..$..||Golden C Total amount raised by Woman's .;savvdens senewectanensseeueesen nee me Pie:‘es de Ceo ad re,te Teeworden©ross....5,eect Missionary Societies. .$...0.2 Grand total for year iS .II Ques.11.Who are confirmed as the Temperance and Social Service Committee? STATISTICAL REPORT NO.IV (Superannuate Endowment)]||Amount of this Charge’s Superan- | |nuate Endowment unpaid quota ere “:..sestteeteeeeesceteseneseneees sesenensensseeseneserersearessecseuccseccesseeocooeesbalance,as adjust d at the First |Total amount paid by this Charge |Quar erly (onfere nee of the Con-s on the above stated obligation since Amount this Charge has yet to pay |ference Year,1930-31 en the adjustment was made .on i's obligation for this cause $ Ques.3.What amount has been estimated by the Board of Stewards:(a)For the support of the preacher in charge for the current year?;: o a Nee —————————————————Sa EEaennEnaeinail ————— i $vi 6 b <(b)For his assistants?$fe (Questions 12-32 are for use at the Third and Fourth Quarterly Conferences.)j “nies eee aie os "eee SSS re Ques.4.What ;;/dg—)i for th t of the mintstry?(99717,753-755,757,815,816.)(Let thie|-4.What amount has been apportioned to this charge by the District Stewards?(*9752,757.)For Presiding Elder,$.................---\Ques.33.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the mintstry?(4717,753-755,757,815,.)(Let the answer'|on 26 ‘to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.)i General and Conference Work,$4 30 Npistriet Work,$....f_#8.yr .i]|||\|'|Wf SO)Fetotang Chogee€lig.—.‘How have the amounts in questions 3 and 4 been apportioned to the congregations of this charge?0.00.00....ecee-n.\|f lo Od ||Be ote Nie 7,RR eeeTR On Ar os ee I re ty at on ch Rg eR aee ee iosnistesdpapaliaituhaiiian|cc ec |ce Congregations P.C.P.E.||G.and C.Wk.||Dist.Work |?i /&fg oSaaeor7teneta a ae i nou f Se ae .eee i 4 ages =og aiAnasCetk.et |po ee |See i \|a,x x |Total amount raised $8.J Ee {it NV wm"A4-ur6 (|abaina,aole ae “ae EEE eee °|eC How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,$22 (b)Preacher in charge,$9 SE (0)Assistants,$i 7 .;se cater Guiles ME cel ON ip fc scAcasa srvo ul é «.+:.1 ;,ex s |ree ”Ff ns |weeee saeenenswn]ooenense Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?$.................Has this amount been remitted]i iciccsikaill-caiveianl biptealbilbeéiiiilllWiincs Lieowwul4aosieaed¥Bt.to the General Board of Finance,St.Lowis,M0.?.....0.--00-0--—+ t‘i Ques.5.What amount does this charge agree to raise during the current Conference year for Superannuate Endowment?$2.00...Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects?:(the purpose being to have the charge raise annually during the quadrennium of 1930-34,a part of its unpaid j;,]$8 unpaid quota balance as adjusted,site i.‘ee ~:::-eae hs ;r 3uilding,repairing,or furnishin pemtey Coheed Dees.ks kk Sicai:looking to pay the entire quota balance as adjuste!wit vin tre quadrennium,and also to give charges that have previously paid their General and Conference Work .$........|‘sareanneee .eo pee “72°.,:.|4 quotas in full an opportunity to pay an additional sum yearly,if they will).t es ene Sunday schools,Missions ©©.$-...essccssonseS,p .Voluntary Kingdom Extension Of-|Insurance premiums $...s|Ques.6.Who are appointed a special committee of this charge to have in hand,together with the pastor,the raising of money during fering Be lee ey Naame |Ww ’s Missionary Scciet $Sunday schools,other objects ©.Boeeeneonvee,~.:..MU .ecccccccenccsthecurrentyeartoapplyonthecharge’s Superannuate Endowment obligation as stated in the next preceding paragraph?NN ee noe .Printing minutes Ccscsiccsionig j |Wesley Brotherhoods $..:1HospitalsAAiesaeeOeesceeeei Deiat oc he oer oe 0b E rth Leagues,Missions $‘:{oo)es ret eau =fIncidentalandotherobjectsEpworthLeagues,Anniversary Day $...... |Building,repairing,nishing . care aaa i me a Epworth Leagues,other objects ©$eee... *n fQues.36.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?....oO -What is the report of the Church Conference Secretary?{*e fart /}7 c La Ques.37.Has the sacrament of the Lord's Supper been administered during the quarter? Ques.38.Is there any miscellaneous business?res .+1)Appeals.(709-711,805,807 40 ssseeeictae ;paces mance .a br.cy OO”aK ZH A Ms 2..P naeONE...neoplastic dias;./TComplaints,(©9711,712)...........YY ,Stil ot Brak pf 1 4 J /4 fete Jn--.ip ;~viene;ee :i i :;.-oe 3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to (if more space is needed,record as a supplement)....j ‘¢i A 7 f | ..ease oa a pawl Lan Gang L®......KD...AAAAD-<Nipeg,<<.eas P Dre “y LPtne shes ciaos Rlssean 53 ke =a afore LAMrF a ee ae ater F- 7 oe,b)Recommendations for license to preach.(9703,708 +2 Q ;pte at Q.ta daolof CAA ee =Gx aBug|||othr Church?o “I QL MEAG...PandLovfe.thier dd as,at Sd.(4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues.(765)tls ce Siewee igi ‘:wee win.Sf ,wt|||7 AG La"AR,Lk len i Men”od wv OT he %/2 of -‘;}s +f .-°it~°x -oo.oo no WesGe -.somesN(5)Exhorters.(a)Applications for license +0 Renewals of license Ex 0,a,2 é.i -Site AY nk fat 0terw.e*:.=a Ai6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(9758-760)++vente :‘fa ”—_—4 sage ras :a :|||La —Mea aincllieal “fox FA 422...£ELPAG......! [HK A—L...._fibanck ($1.ae ide Lo !A.niege SL,:(7)Other miscellaneous business?(©©758-760)(If more space is needed,record as a supplement)oh -,—/x F ae.i Cte ee ee eeee Mia gerig dads Phe.tm loreal.ffi at é fg.~be Rne A.A ;4.2 ;x fs soe oa Ke Mk .La C --“¢¥»< ii /a zi$A Denham factoring <4 (hb AAO.MOS Aad.> ij Ca.=a L Lt 4.4ak ee 7 tr~~é 4 ZB a o<Oa M é == id Oe V/\’é <£Po rccssy A ~,Lif ta .i o YS i ~¥és WU int A Vv a S- "i :tit ae LAAN Cn >Z x ne P.p f 4 Cent d..BeisoeeLoeiieB|einen cla»|f q y qt ’i |No <:c ;—.;3 +}‘a “vt Se bd.fe yy :al ‘i "weonne ’ f vonfe dS Mae Cree f )Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?st hoe eer ee :ie Or ae Sere Maia ee The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned.Cee yy at Hodt=»Presiding Elder. ;( ~-Reverding &Secretary.iiciaidcctisies oi ea ie :i es ;EEE i seeabinecnendeabsnnalusitaei ee Ques.36.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?.._...~.What is the report of the Church Conference Secre‘ary ee [4atn<pos AAfeod et Pe te tre Aha. z r Ques.37.Has the sacrament of the Lord's Supper been administered during the quarter?Padddensinie Ques.38.Is there any miscellaneous business?ams A a A i al --&"-’i AodCUTTING...MOE SNeann Rares Denti ee ll nah lets caarasantomencigifaneesersanthnesinacinsenallicnnon -4 +1)Appeals.©€©€709-711,805,807 40 Z i a rs “fr F’iainbinass sviideseneainiien on ;.A —art a ~‘4 ;<<ve A.ec Son ofgleaned a"esis i x -Ft — ’.eer *bs f f »Complaints.711,712 +22 ;sirieeaietheasted |n/t “Arc.aX pf /4 f f A:/-¥---_*~ »3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to (if more space is needed,record as a supplement)J| Aa er dnVr ne te long 42 ttl s -<—o ee wut AE -An Gosmncllg|tt AL thar fw0b,0 gth Ap pit Montieg,,.coef 4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues.(765)420 i ;.:toed 4.tthe.Gein meg «ke A KodaotSaraFADferrayd.haope!aA.Clon 19.Ling pare (5)Exhorters.(a)Applications for license +0 Renewals of license “oO HA bg ae b)Recommendations for license to preach.(4703,708)Ae—J L Aut es »Vv ¢4 ‘ff &S :at ‘6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(9758-760)+40 oa j A —¢U-nwseG ‘i ton...A ~—S ’4 |Leno t hal pond...tt bn.eK: }7 >:ow a eFHI—kK A J BHA ,me i i y .:-a,°ene i...wef re 4 .*we nnet ele;(7)Other miscellaneous business?(%758-760)(If more space is needed,record as a supplement):j .>*_—.%-y ¥+om 7 fe EO :onsets 4 Ky --2 Kher .Ld if ¢BL.‘+A _—eae :I A t ;os °J i.;’‘ “of «J fs 7 e.d 'Rect oot .-f.=-»;«a y. :}j <*et d L £0 Vhe lt ted CL. 4 ‘si }:ye ¢7 j a=ww...Me...Mh ath cXbkek LLC.ch PA deOne;”q : Yt S24,a*LAD LA db St 1 yy a fo ZA ‘i Bea Re OE doi_Voaatnenarentnreneetenpecenrcerenensenenereee ee ee ee en oeee reen ee ee »7 ing t ne Zz D fe -i C4 Cen g...cbl ‘LL ~ 5 Y5,' Hl j e x a ¢’ |seinett ALAAT TRAN rial tani nmntei ~»po (2::3 :=.Wwe Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?.J naw OL,So Ty The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned,gface f -Le.=Mond Presiding Elder.\a ene i a cdionirncdaennabeeobeielialanetloiinenlipiebjetaadiaiii sovmpscenmeaeuneenavcceaaistenihieintnnitite .&i...Recording S si iiniies “A .haga6G |im ;pe sdieanotiiilpnasiissiabiieeaioilciliiecipiia oiuadipe ace ae Rae aes ;4 pt ceeunapaanicessscenmecr eNOie <ecevndlai .rinieailicehininininresniiipeee i Ques.36.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?....oO -What is the report of the Church Conference Secretary?4A4den<e f-+,fi ;;é .‘4}poets:2 openne Seta Net Ques.37.Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter?jn =ea ,=seseeeeestansennnseceae ;“-ving siconcissenustiat Gichunmianeaees ssrsesnsassnnenanannernneenanaceensennerenerenaneananeneeaees::;1 wi a 4 ‘izQues.38.Is there any miscellaneous business?ve A sea :SA ]p .3 ‘‘2-_eae’ee aan WIi4...0-1 LOS ,.....F Sent...heer Mer atl Sh dbo.ir LO na. *4O f ?-4 y f1)Appeals.©709-711,805,807 iis ac itendaintdeiieae chelan Gamma iedsiaiaal pean.steele i :~An»J 4 ~x 7?U *[>2)Complaints.(711,712 ib ‘mi ies sas ga f.aX ff A /“ é ““~ (3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to (if more space is needed,record as a supplement)....|¢.A 7 i;nila abe,;whorata Astrea.Mbae,,errant,06 lhawdt b)Recommendations for license to preach.(9703,708 ’?:‘s ;":Z|:ak lie lla a 4A"Se hel obtrrn Cfaroh10 om gthh My pt Meaty Ame.ad b : (4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues.(765)is 20 iced ‘0 A soneeeovill LhM..d weet f-¢f wan IE a (5)Exhorters.(a)Applications for license yi ..Renewals of license Oo :;7 >;=: .LoD sella Y WO V2 te ue IA LAA ‘od :K(6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(4 9758-760)coves .v 7 :p 4 8 a ~+]=oe : 1 Z f -é VV «4 he ||LO oihastes AX t CP ot phe 2...LL PALER .i@ i ‘7 )asta 4THI-ie LA tat (o-ain ci.Lo SO Aceh wAN -LY d fe 'aa ‘Z Lox 2L._LH a 4 a bn -<-LSC I}|,hc a OY.AME off to-Me.pf CLOGOMha.A B.uche repeat :Le (7)Other miscellaneous business?(©©758-760)(If more space is needed,record as a supplement)™~XNx&~;XA'A%\\|Sa /Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?dt enw Crd.le Dae oe ihe acca ie ‘i a ae ea The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned.Cae ri AL.Vim Presiding Elder.ieee ne ree se aea Sd aa punnaveveenseqcumeiinniieaveasnnaiiietmaneencliiipaiilbiii }, sis Recording S Ste,Mr.Gabaron)|.iia a a sietianneinisaivtasstitiinisei aa For use at First and SecondQuarterlyConferences 1 and 2 a :Methodist Episcopal Church,South Minutes.:Quarterly Conference,193_/_.-193 A ;ee s j j The.&..........Quarlerly Conference for the year 193].-193 snine -t ti yr.a ,j day District,4 oh t t Conference,u t 2 re oe,WAY.:4 Ay if ,7 he °Sew os .”© :i 4 fy [fx é ,P.E.,in the che 4 fle comdu y Z os A -phd 7 _—ee was elected Secretary Ther J led and the foll ing membera anawered to their names ’j =e 44 f pi LG APN es ¥4 “'+Tt Sacsiccei)ie ’a nan ald oJ ‘ aa . . r ':j v1 os.Le KBCLhveLieGehedAs‘Jd LALG2hk PUN L.\sfiwe34-Can,A ee f. i ly ? a Fhin§...4 te KS Le i p 7 f a-,ff “"<.<> ;i . i,iA;; 7 | 4 ¢;;j r sf wer stale 4 Church.aa required b \yiecinlinge€47 at ;Question 1.(a)Ia there a written report from the preacher in charge ¢gen e “,“tre ry istactpiine 109,161, ‘ |;629-6337...'f «AJ.th)Are there reporta from the Superinte ndenta of the Sunday achoola (464)?Presidents of the Senior and High j ' Ad i .’~.>Pee te ,fe iu"»q,‘er > i Epworth Leagues (©1009)?Ld Lay Leaders (©5837,58%Presidents of the Woman's Miasionary Societies 109 ji]a Exhortera?Missionary Committees?Stewardahip Committee ?Wealey Brotherhooda?Temperance and i) Social Service Committee?Director of Golden Croaa?4 For thease and all other written reporta ace Supplemenia Lf the y ’j fe i ma?1 Quarterly Conference aucceeding the fiecal year of each cauac,let there be a written report giving 4 summary o @ year'a work e Hi ...,;;ict f,?"te , i" }Ques 2.What etatistica for the charge have been reported to the Annual Conference 639,6% Ps .| j (For detailed sictiatica of cath Church see Annual Conference fournal ;STATISTICAL REPORT NO I (Charze Totals t | | |Members reported last year Adulta baptized Indebtedness t |:|Local prearhers Infanta baptized Valueof other Church property $ a } |sibteileaiieti ccna daisies |||Additionson profession of faith Number of church buildings [naurance curried :oe i Additiona by certificate and other-|wtes Value of buildings and equipment $Churchea damaged or destroyed ™ a i ,|Remooale hry death and otherwise I ndehted mesa s Paraonages damaged or leatenyed we )wile is usin lini dealabasiicadiaallalaiAitiassubialciieuieiiabasaliiatinns mn |Present total memberahip,includ- i Tsetatneneeeeunnnsusseanansnsnnea -ing local preachers Number of parsonages Amount of damage te a |Value of parsoncges and furniah- ay on Number licensedtopreach inge f Loaa collected 1a ereotaar 1 and 2ForuseatFirstandSecond Quarterly ConferencesMethodist Episcopal Church,South Quarterly Conference,193_/._.-193. J rhe lle - Minutes _~ ¢~~. The Quarterly Conference for the year 193 f..-193 Charge,2S F.C were ee »[;/ District,....Ma ~.¢-th.:ae Conference,was held at J ke $i /193.-é ‘al eedffftf,if ta.th.....,P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by r a Lf!*i¢: x ao ;phd 7 Hees...was elected Secretary.The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: é 'A ° Sg ofthe I onsecennvenose nennnsnnenvansesweceenaelnnemecsesseneatsndersenrecetenessvashae:Sarntneetaneaant .. ooggias old acnsianes soos] iJ | f..wo ahead.a sil sna ninietimeesliamaieeneoten | ‘| -~Mew jon (wes...ff...Ae CA.dL Pe f P;+ft dh...tim Cast Question 1.(a)Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church,as required by Discipline,©%109,161, Sunday schools (464)?“-Presilents of the Senior and High629-633?...\f 2X)(b)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Epworth Leagues (9109)?..£2.4 Lay Leaders (587,588)?<242@.......Presidents of the Woman's Missionary Societies (%109)?t<2f Exhorters?._...->.......Missionary Committees?.....0.....-..Stewardship Committees?Wesley Brotherhoods?Temperance and (For these and all other written reports see Supplements.)At theSocialServiceCommittee?....}.........Director of Golden Cross?...4.......--- Quarterly Conference succeeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year's work.) Ques.2.What statistics for the charge have been reported to the Annual Conference?(©689,690.) (For detailed statistics of each Church see Annual Conference Journal.) STATISTICAL REPORT NO I (Charze Totals) Members reported last year.-seeveee----Adults baptized .Indebtedness ;$ PE I i ace ik eens Infants baptized be &ee |Value of other Church property $ I Additions on profession of faith,.......----Number of church buildings.pihiaios Insurance carried .«Cae Additions by certificate and other-:;. OE hy Sk eeeemeneneete Value of buildings and equipment $.............|Churches damaged or destroyed .sista Removals by death and otherwise Indebtedness se ge Sst aa Parsonages damaged or destroyed esses Present total membership,includ- tng local preachers nig Number of parsonages sr ai male Awmountefdamage .-+»+Cees Value of parsoncges and furnish-Number licensed to preach ......wae ings .ig th ete Tia capella Loss collected Coviacsaiinsal cesaRDNNR peaarenereen Members STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II (Charge Totals) Number of a ——_; NT a he cs |Sai ters ; Number in all other departmentsMembembersTotalenrollmentinalldepart-Conference organ ‘ Number of Woman's Missionary Socielies Raised for Missions Se ee et Ee a eeef‘Number of pupils who have joined Raised on Anniversary Day .$.....the Church ice eww Number taking training coursesNumberofWesleyBrotherhoodsRaisedforallotherobjects.. $.......-.----.Number of Wesley Classes Members Number of Sunday schools . Number of Stewardship *Com-Off a h Raised on Sunday School Day .mittees Se GR a UN eke ._ Number in Fellowwokip of Steward-Raised for Missions shin :Number on Cradle Roll 66 ceeeeceeseeeeee Raised for all other purposes STATISTICAL REPORT NO.III (Charge Totals) Apportioned Paid svi Total amount raised by Brother- |Presiding elder $$Hoapttes .tee hoods at Superannuate Endowment..$.............pwissihaideieseerPi$bm raised by Epworth a |General and Conference Orphanage «21 «1 +Baseecsonsnsnce Total amount rateed by Sunday > Work .ork $$.Incidentals and other objects .:schools oe -+£ District Work $F...$..Churches and parsonages Be rcccsinns Total $.....Voluntary Kingdom Extension Offering ‘Paes Tnourence prominme .gg |Benctcaeenns Less items reported twice $ 3 Total amount raised by Woman'sGoldenCrossee8SeaeMissionarySocieties...$............Grand total for year eis Amount of this Charge’s Superan-nuate Endowment unpaid quota balance,as adjusted at the First Total amount paid by this Charge Quarterly Conference of the Con-on the above stated obligation since Amount this Charge has yet to pay reas FO,2ST Cw RK |the adjustment was made .$on its obligation for this cause $ Ques.3.What amount has been estimated by the Board of Stewards:(a)For the support of the preacher in charge for the current year? ..(6)For his assistants?§....................0c0.--. Ques.4.What amount has been apportioned to this charge by the District Stewards?(©9752,757.)For Presiding Elder,$........-... General and Conference Work,$...................-District Work,$............ |How have the amounts in questions 3 and 4 been apportioned to the congregations of this charge? Congregations STATISTICAL REPORT NO.IV (Superannuate Endowment)| Ques.5.What amount does this charge agree to raise during the current Conference year for Superannuate Endowment?$............... (the purpose being to have the charge raise annually,during the quadrennium of 1930-34,a part of its unpaid quota balance as adjusted, looking to pay the entire quota balance as adjusted within the quadrennium,and also to give charges that have previously paid their quotas in full an opportunity to pay an additional sum yearly,if they will). Ques.6.Who are appointed a special committee of this charge to have in hand,together with the pastor,the raising of money during the current year to apply on the charge’s Superannuate Endowment obligation as stated in the next preceding paragraph? Number in Home Department .4 Ques.7.(a)Has the Christian Stewardship Committee been elected?...............-..-----(b)Has any other committee been elected?(997)............ Ques.8.(a)In what Sunday schools has a Missionary Committee been CE NIOIE .ansceisccertnintasvnenieninnsueiteminatnaiatetesaabeaasndaianaamiii (b)What schools observe a monthly Missionary Day with program and offering? |(c)To what “Specials"’approved by the General Board of Christian Education are the offerings being applied? Ques.9.Who are appointed to assist the pastor in the circulation of our Christian literature? f Ques.10.Who are appointed to examine Church Registers and Records of Church Conferences and to report at the next Quarterly Con- ference whether they have been faithfully kept? Il |Ques.11.Who are confirmed as the Temperance and Social Service Committee? || a (Questions 12-32 are for use at the Third and Fourth Quarterly Conferences.) 753-755,757,815,816.)(Let the answer What amount has been raised the present quarterfor the support of the ministry?(({717,Ques.33. to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.) SIVA : a Vi)een:f Pi gl |f iEy 2 |Total amount raised How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,$-......L0c........(b)Preacher in charge,$...2....£%c)Assistants,$ Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?$.Has this amount been remitted to the General Board of Finance,St.Lowis,M0.?..........-.--0----—--. Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects? General and Conference Work —«$---..---00----Building,repairing,or furnishing Sunday School Day $ parsonages ai iy ae Si District Work Peitcckiineecsin |Sunday schools,Missions .$ F ,y Of-4 |Insurance premiums $| ’a 5 ingdom |&tension -$6,.Sunday schools,other objects $ Woman's Missionary Society $eel 5 eG 5 lk le 5 Riecienianis pies deeaanaiicoms ,Printing minutes oe,a an Hospitals ee ee ee |Relief of poor $ Orphanages $Epworth Leagues,Missions $|$ Incidentalandother objects.ee Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $|oid Buildi iring,or furnishin :\|a.::0 esineliiie Epworth Leagues,other objects $ree 4 wee meets Ques.36. Ques.37,Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter?¥<<\............ Ques.38.Is there any miscellaneous business?4d 1)Appeals.(%%709-711,805,807)sitll ie |SAM ec Et!Gat ae pia.8 ASL |os gn What is the report of the Church Conference Secretary? (2)Complaints.(%9711,712)............chsemnanniiiniiniecaaninaie Mee »(8)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to.(If more space is needed,record as a I an csiisecceteeeceis “> fr hi pamnile £<o--sid. /’ ‘:-Y ‘4 A Jf - LAs E SrA,re ,>yCaeaa.$A, 4 Gn Bo 8 (b)Recommendations for license to preach.(99703,708)...........Sa eh an siddieane (4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues. (5)Exhorters.(a)Applications for license.....................nr88Oe fe (6)Trustees. Bao cb ncesieed....f-...02. ne(*)Other miscellaneous business?(9758-760)(If more space is needed,record as a supplement)... Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?......)» The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned.PRL Meat ferns SMe 4.BIB rorting Ste; Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(49758-760)......0.2aLL ecneep.Seve Menitl bul Moca ..Presiding Elder. ....Secretary.TNgEINE oo wR"7Th ee.lad. ai ek ee ——t- Com fiasoe.iis hagre _h A.anttad tL eae fa Mogg Vour4t ly LC phon hadlareth bea A Or...hee Bao i Cp OD...AOE.Ot.EdtAk Ran.CHL YY U9 \y .7 . phosLynde a 1RAtOC7 hacte ae S .~aROPSAISAR ec oad wg AABn.brcorrnPm.2 dlp.Arey egrd Merk Phar,le Sd Foal other E Lo bAtiu,haar Pith AZ.I Ady Arh.es ud Othe nove Ch...Mitel Af Creche ith,JO.LIFEa:ae gk,oh :bon ’(A+le ~. tnddalAr~ef _Ae..2 ob L&AAR frig -Cher hen comney! ee4 FILM Ga~zy -—BA.AV eo og Aa WLP.BAe Ne 2M Cl An...Yor tebe.Dot tA wetthiecd Goss=of fac nay Neer actae WA ff Tak GU “~uw la ini TAB DAB ALAS ha Wray necaeeinn we #only SHO baci icfsUneAAAS.UAE ho 7 -i <hr«..OF.Are lane BLOT 4.cif aa A424 taf ~LAP F5--yf / 7 SF Ty ©Newo2Anactacctgadacad-ap dt hn Aha 4...if 1 a 7 pe..bi ie ;LignAd.é sebechc Me Ts | enw a~—~z a nt Lr Os ae lich 47 A Vin hfea 5 :BALD Ang the (lacs a ae bon.Ne ges:MOA btw,onbleal x fhtnrdcfi thts smh bole.Aeittnbahd Addr Paco~/oi .q.“‘ Lachb $f FO whten jf fart i >Z a dh Sf Pe ne tlealiceq #i. PctAcaSETStstiifireere Fér use at Third and Fourth _Quarterly Conferences 3 and 4 Methodist —Church,South Minutes ~__Quarterly Conference,193/..-193.*-.. foe beg,vtZL ‘eZLYirrCharge,The.ie Conference for the year 193./...-193.Bick District,..ee:atFees.ve vseeeee Conference,was held at Ln4#Gx.thi 4 tn of Zo L1982- A»RB =uu»P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by 4 '&4 oA oeSee eae : The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: | | .A =wan Ff =..was elected Secretary. Question 1.(a)Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church,as required by Discipline,(9109,161, om _(b)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Sunday schools (464)?¢°O”..Presidents of the Senior and Highoe n@ _Presidents of the Woman’s Missionary Societies (9109)?..EL9 a=pworth Leagues (4109)?J...Lay Leaders ({587,588)? Stewardship Committees?...14/V....Wesley Brotherhoods?LO.Temperance andBechorters?£00...Missionary Committees?..0.a ......Director of Golden Cross?ghd (For these and all other written reports see Supplements.)(At the eding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year's work.) (Questions 2-11 are for use at the First and Second Quarterly Conferences.) (Ques.12.Who are appointed to examine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannuate Endowment and to make a writien report at the fourth Quarterly Conference?| Bocial Service Committee?. Quarterly Conference succe Ques.13.How many members have enrolled in the Golden Cross Society?)¢oxprisienouibintagnaata Ques.14.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let report be made according to Discipline,{109,Question 14.))Porter Ques.15.What has been done by the pastor and his assistants to pul our Christian literature into all the homes of this charge (4139)? |Re,sade...doth...ai <aLtaras IA...Dee.BLbRn.. Sve @ £44 ate we...AZ ore.we Om hab al canal Ques.16.Have the General Rules been read? Ques.17.Are there Church Registers and Records of Church Conferences for each Church in this charge?oi 1-2)...Have they been too Orcs Aid Ort jettl Baa \faithfully rept ALLAae cate Ques.18.Is there a written report from the Woman’s Missionary Society?(See Ques.1,b.)Y -— Ques.19.(a)Who is the Chairman of the Christian Stewardship Committee?(Give name and address of chairman foreeach Church.) || ||| |iemoaidiioiia ei Ques.20.Is there a report from the Wesley Brotherhood?(See Ques.1,b.) * Ques.21.Who are the Trustees of Church property (©758)?Ps: £ Ques.22.Are there reports from the trustees,as provided in 9109?(Special forms for reporting can be secured from the |" >7 .. :Board of Church Extension,Louisville,Ky.)Items to be included in reportsof trustees:(1)What is the number of churches?ninionnennaill e Parsonages?What has been expended on these during the year?Churches?$........___.Parsonages?$(2)What is the sal se?Churcevalueofthese?Churches?$................resent 8.ie.(3)What amount of insurance is carried on church property?© |$(4)What amount has been paid in premiums?$...............(5)What amount of loss has occurred?$....What has I cted there iveencollectedthereon?$....................(6)Do the deeds contain the Disciplinary trust clauses?..........._.(7)Where are the title papers kept?| :pei (8)Where are they recorded?(Give office,book,and page.Full answers to i IV this question should be recorded in printed supplement.)| i Ques.23.How many societies do not own houses OF IOI icetirctikes '7i|Ques.24.Who are elected Stewards for the ensuing year (9 9750-752)? a i |mi |oes eummaceneuucoornne ' a ;y ||7 |SET.>~~|*remrentniapatmmtuseceremnnsrscsmnaenpnsiinaiilntnemnmiammanstnensceipcai ities Sil Ste tial omar glace teician Ne acaa aai||i |:F q apunpeubeotvnssocesucesuscoussesenssseesoutdunibasbooeubesssbebounets Ques.25.Who is elected Recording Steward?........eels tnriatdthsieclubaciitirstineescvensnnscinmuaecesiesoss 'l Ques.26.Who is elected District Steward f Ques.27.(a)Who are elected the Missionary Committees of the Congregations?:we si Sradosc’a (b)Has the name of the Chairman been reported to the Presiding Elder for the Board of Missions? Ques.28.Who are elected Sunday School Superintendents? Ques.29.Who is elected Charge Lay Leader?Who are elected Church Lay Leaders?(In stations the Church Lay Leader is also the Charge Lay Leader Ques.30.Who are elected Golden Cross Directors? |fn nnnnn | Ques.31.Is there a written report from those appointed to examine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannaute Endowment? Ques.32.What amount has been raised during the year for Superannuate Homes?$. Ques.38.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry?(("717,753-755,757,815,816.)(Let the answer to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.) sno eatd ef taff (l.de g f sarees tees ww edtawnn i o ||mk G44 ls [sel | i| hr LA4AG.....|ig ?r|| J7 | ‘_M.AAALAC.bee Vo {/|.20 Total amount raised lls 43 &JIS " V ‘0 Oo?/¥k How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,3103 (b)Preacher in charge,$4."7 ..(c)Assistants,$ Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?$Has this amount been remitied to the General Board of Finance,St.Lowis,M0.?_........seo-+ Ques.35.What has deen raised the present quarter for other objects? oo os General and Conference Work 3405.Building,repairing,or furnishing ‘)4 Sunday School Day $.6.~——~ parsonages Mee ee oe if ‘ District Work ..ba dca ea onl :Sunday schools,Missions . Voluntary Kingdom Extension Of-Insurance premiums i WN Fate Sunday schools,other objects - 0 |Woman's Missionary Society a Golden Cross 3.£5 .Printing minutes bo ee eeWesleyBrotherhoods.2.Bescesms Hospitals sgn cesar ‘Relief of poor $ Epworth Leagues,Missions ..$........yOrphanages|t ii Incidentaland other objects ..|Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $......$ Building,repairing,or furnishi yp"Ine aoe |Epworth Leagues,otherobjects Rois si siete ncaa. ;I|q ii!}4]itHi Ques.37.Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter? Ques.38.Is there any miscellaneous business? (1)Appeals.(9709-711,805,807) (2)Complaints.(9711,712).... Ques.36.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?........-What is the report of the Church Conference Secretary? (3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to.(If more space is needed,record as a supplement.).......................... (b)Recommendations for license to preach.(99703,708)._.hihs eS 4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues. 5)Exhorters.(a)Applications for license... (6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(99758-760)......... (7)Other miscellaneous business?(©©758-760) Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?. The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned. a Qage iinRecording S ae ttn ohne ante cthcininntastianiennnl OE WIR (If more space is needed,record as a supplement)...... ‘A Panter2.:Lia fend..gio oy rn Akg oe en 3 eyMA Lh os é fora...10)__.9r NAS ALAAAop tasAe ey.ssm2 Me ‘ .Aho hvalat bo cin AevtVadd “ns ad 1 &toevel nil Rober Aamgr Crormrcla._troae atin anf El.dragDann ADadded eeePete:oa fing oe 7p:a FP a.ebhilTh 2a Peto,th.“i.bra prot a ,Coben hag ahh Barn natypAooefpoownsaSHors Chaz Wer?Lac Lt 4A Lvl 89 NAA en ALASLAY ne D Pichon a act tg A omtr rs peed Aon-2..teltral ana mill pad.bf---0 7A).+4 1G.» os ihe oe Sore re AtO Cau. oe Quod An it ;6 AAPA Ar fl Tid aff Dh. apt 07.os CASKrossA.JOO pA KKbbefC"ho :frorvernecok >chuMonn Of tha.Chiwsch..AY ite nd nce iA a A)A hews :bomen bal trarr Ath “1 Lara Mar Che... ,=.Ad or te AALY A422 boo aie on QL 21mee-tf 7 ne , “t V2 A A yn)*Gr See Cea . AA2. niles »™ i had... OM AL. PU :ri it 4 SererSe REUracmeSI imcianinetower For use at Third and FourthQuarterlyConferences 3 and 4 Methodist Episcopal Church,South Minutes 7 th __..Quarterly Conference,193 /...-193-2... The ¢AK Quarterly Conference for the year 193 f...-193 a Vs Tear ;;---Cnarge,... District,....N-.yee f Conference,was held at Bro thor,i oH eal 2 J 193.2 Uae.UY,apie _P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by../faz>rae f IFbce ; A a A &e J f=...;_was elected Secretary.The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: (a)Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church,as required by Discipline,§%109,161, ,a 629-638?fA ..(b)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Sunday schools (%464)?Z.W..Presidents of the Senior and High Epworth Leagues (4109)?..ThA.Lay Leaders (9587,588)?.........-------Presidents of the Woman’s Missionary Societies ({109)?.$4 Exhorters?...............Missionary Committees?...............Stewardship Committees?................Wesley Brotherhoods?........_...Temperance and Question 1.rae Social Service Committee?.Director of Golden Cross?................(For these and all other written reports see Supplements.)(At the succeeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year's work.) (Questions 2-11 are for use at the First and Second Quarterly Conferences.)Quarterly Conference (Ques.12.Who are appointed to examine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannuate Endowment and to make a written report at the fourth Quarterly Conference? Ques.18.How many members have enrolled in the Golden Cross Society?i Ques.14.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let report be made according to Discipline,4109,Question 14.) Ques.15.What has been done by the pastor and his assistants to pul our Christian literature into all the homes of this charge (4139)? Ques.16.Have the General Rules been read?pr a yon ‘oceescnnueinnnnissaninineninenneiiiiel Ques.i7.Are there Church Registers and Records of Church Conferences for each Church in this charge?<ccoevee ooee Have they been \fatthfully kept?................~..------ —— |Ques.18.Is there a written report from the Woman’s Missionary Society?(See Ques.1,b.) |Ques.19.(a)Who is the Chairman of the Christian Stewardship Committee?(Give name and address of chairman for each Church,hurch.) Ques.20.Is there a report from the Wesley Brotherhood?See Ques.1,b.) Ques.21.Who are the Trustees of Church property (©758)? | >p >>}Ques.22.Are there reports from the trustees,as provided in 9109?f+“@...(Special forms for reporting can be secured from the Board of C.extensi isville,K ivardofChurchExtension,Louisville,Ky.)Items to be included in reports of trustees:(1)What is the number of churches?ser ars es FParsonages?{What has been expended on these during the year?Churches?$ae... is the value of these?Churches?312.3-gv .Parsonages?$.25U0 | $L580. been collected the |$7albanien,(6)Do the deeds contain the Disciplinary trust clauses?..sffa...(7)Where are the title papers |kept?<2ag \W|-(8)Where are they recorded?(Give office,book,and page.Full answers to Llqr a U A AAD |this question should be recorded i i )ed in printed supplement.)UCorclal 5 ’-DUEL |Ques.2 nor>,;,;,3.How many societies do not own houses of worship?.... Ques.24.Who are elected Stewar ls for the ensuing year (9750-7.‘utr ably<|.S <A.eeepe 7 af.kamtur J be LAL fr ar 4 i /U-Yeorsh_he fd scalllilecatre.deeel aael ...(2)What (3)What amount of insurance is carried on church property? (5)What amount of loss has occurred?$ Vnocinlprrror, .‘Hee ==eee enw een ne Td ike.4 Ppiacsag Ques.26.Who is electedDistric 00 ae B 3 icaiiRSpise hee:ceaaaaRSTaesalesaa Ques.27.(a)Who are elected the Missionary Committees of the Congregations?mt BBL Lh mammidd: F ;tort Onn ~fs —i -Cin.A,¥Ur,brew,4 y,L fs (b)Has the name of the Chairman been reported to the Presiding Elder for the Board of Missions:a Ques.28.Who are elected Sunday School Superintendents? jesnee ~~[tors ad omen=|7 OO Lrr»avrg |;prddat WwW,Ques.29.Who is elected Charge Lay Leader?Who are elected Church Lay 4 Leaders?(In stations the Church Lay Leader is also the Charge Lay Leader)LIL od .Wn...Gf LCA MA ;:‘ .4 r .Z )-“’ Ques.30.Who are elected Golden Cross Directors?/¥*™*As a JIA V of A.n Ltr snouchlli cle Vr A (14s oo Me.ferc|hetdnbbiudhd._lla Sposaatey Ques.31.Is there a written report from those appointed to examine the booksof the charge treasurer of Superannaute Endowment? ;Wuroe -i pte wWtA,.ff lu Lhe t dps 44A/“~Toman 4 0K AD Ques.32.What amount has been raised during the year for Superannuate Homes?$. Ques.33. to this question embrace only the sum raise d and paid on the claims of the prWhatamounthasbeenraisedthepresentquarterforthesupport of the ministry?|717,753-755,757,815,816.)(Let the answer ecsiding elder and the preachers.) Obn..MEL Chaflecd war.Lrxtt Lo oa] Ind Beth LK 75° naceidericn Z25'75)| ian /\e:I S228 rs 46 ge +bPresidingelder,$ Ji104AL-O Total amount raised Ath L. been raised the present.quarter for Superannuate Endowment?$ )Preacher in charge,$re AssistHowhasitbeenapplied?(a) What amount has Has this amount been remittedQues.34. to the General Board of Finance,St.Louis,OF vvincncstnitnnnniaiasionni What has been raised the present quarter for other objects?Ques.35. | General and Conference Work Building,repairing,or Sanne,Sundeg Ge Dey.st st Baa ,arsonages .°..wone District Work $ee Sunday schools,Missions..5 Becceeeccsenree ado'Insurance premiums Binsin ;‘ae _—Extension Of 5.a ,:Sunday schools,other objects . .$ecccccsececeee Te ee |Woman's Missionary Society Bic eae : Golden Cross s..Printing minutes ee es ’esley B hood ii :cctiale we Wesley Brotherhoods $Relief of poor ee 2 Epworth Leagues,Missions ..$.........Orphanages $0.|sfueettan sf atid:Minnis Incidental and other objects Epworth Leagues,Anniseraary Day Bonne |ia csececeeecereseeneneneveccttttiats Didasaamesemnae Building,repairing,or urnishing 3churey!ic .Epworth Leagues,otherobjects ©$B ve-seseeveo-e-snotussinineuidinnnsenaianesikhovenetsiiveinenssaliliiaimi |munisiia §5 Ques.36.How 1 «ny Church Conferences have been held during the quarter? @ues.37,Has the sacrament of the Lord's Supper been administered during the quarter?yA ws wv Ques.38.JI there any miscella neous business? 1)Appeals.709-711,805,807 2)Complaints (99711,712 District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to (if more space is needed,record as a supplement)r ol | | | (b)Recommendations for license to preach.(4 703,708 |i| 5 (4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues.(765) | .(5)Exhorters.Applications for license Renewals of license|.,ii(6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(4758-760a i ‘/iv Ok £ALA Ww -=“A:L “Ar 0...JfA4 CF| i (7)Other miscellaneous busine 8s?(%%758-760)If more space is needed,record as a supplementiié;FL Grok bnfrerer .pt lie “m Clatd ©,Ang‘4 psstoaate.Getthe.Onfiametfoohe.AG 5 AN)....ahhbtatd...4 ata~VMaharvetle.Se0,>Ques.39.Where shall the nert Quarterly Conference be held? The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned, teward. What is the report of the Church Conference § P«OOe fecretary?en...Presiding Elder. ...Secretary. agsoeal .“aad.Lh hot Kes Ah forordsdy bucda wath.Oth 28798 :2 ai dl fe AMO.tdn,..Ocha gx.i 4 weeeccorovecsss ::ps ee AL.rel é sf Lhe dian g Ll...-f of Gartlitrw x Aj Of Lh.1 aa 4 p.t.veWd aa AX pea 2 A ae wat.2 rl,he Me ”tA a ly.Gtorrad.» i>alt AAs £20,Ab <i cle there dacedooherSAbe7tee-7G 7 coca ee,IK AMBALA.VALS As eaaaial f tL nA.(¥Z 1.im :he &bed .-pa +o"a ,c yf “’a aia >4 i-,“oyvoileions¥C44 etl :ot =:Sg nee EO hee te aot.?7 heccxceohaed,..ucoehne OX...UL D4.AD ecrnabtactor bate L-2 capri.That.L/O-L_A a ——a CARk At Pray Jems hay -pets tA Wns :;;.a y Pe ¢Z Pt estiRenisniins °y het.¢oa i Zen v —(_.>.Cay ko 42... 4.ru i.tr AA 4 sL-.fe ia if.4 Bole t Lt,ra 2 MaBLA Lg : r <ty Lt ie all J ¥se A A,af 4 F ath 74 2 a bro fei 4 " i| SEicitesisSt TRUSTEES’REPORT FOR THE YEAR 193....-193....... Station or Circuit AMOUNT EXPENDED |VALUE |INSURANCE |PREMIUMS PAID Loss COLLECTED fh :aaa ig ho:-W/25 WS B/S 60 4AM 2.CPD,tame (70M GOP | Schools Totals a Chunk Arnel Ce a gcse ae Laretro-*Deeds to the following contain the trust clause: Deyn Burg ,Prosigferin Cheech me PUY 8 —hrgnt BAMA anal te veto “am 114-WW rs £-Lion /ao af f 4) ,ae:An ba Ap Zz.to-e Ce tof Ir lathe fe Aff2X x ; Deeds to the following have not the trust clause: The title paperBs £24Gnasele AAR.ty eo &Je »—ewe we ae .RL Minelia.“Verarentd stig 4 go.Af,ae. Sass Ay te fe Off ccs a — 4 La ees Ltd ye (fo fee (C01 1c thick o >itles are recorded.Qt of fodiry the &L welt YW i 6 0 BOOK ill QI aay Cyr nettCease lOnt Branton t A L 2k herpes Byrg,L por \2¢9Secq ) Jonata ns Ctinch&F Covmedoney G iks MINUTES OF ADJOURNED SESSION OFFICIAL ROLL The adjourned session of the Fourth Quarterly Conference for year 193......-193 /f Jf‘Charge,——e {Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 1932.-1933...x C114...argCharge,ad a ‘ti District .f a /~ “> perien sontg Ciadecmceeh cadence seas teoics Conference,was held at 3 dathe District,ap AL i Ly :Conference.in tee :aa aga ',£0 complete answers to Questions *.‘ith »P.C.,in the chair and im bimicptiaiiiaamie Rte oct e ..acting as Secretary.©Rw,Lora /hf t.cor,Asst. £After religious services conducted by. the following members were enrolled as present.| :At TENDANCEaeSci28 * g osot Ss — electors seidsoiniineniclinciib te ascetic §Names 4 S1 &ei3a|§20_la a ag aEBetta;iz fi seria3P.C.]|x-&|||ae |:=\x ||2 |'|ite ciatecoeictia |=Xx xQues,33.What (additional)amount has been raised the Present quaritr for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applied?|x x.i ||x 1XTyf™4 |-;Glo».Yton |,#08 Le |y :‘.\\| | i;Proatrichtr7r Ly ||x |{ |/Np44ro |20]||Als |tro Cy p2k Px ||vx |.|PR ||7 x;ae”|--|i Shaw (|ZI Oo -I A\X|conneorgye ao 7 Total amount raised Ig |:THAB.J/I*%|ytHowhasitbeenapplied:(a)Presiding elder $(b)Preacher in charge $.......(c)Assistants $....x x 7i |L Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?§........Has this amount been remitted x A on : |A(.to the General Board of Finance,St.Louis,Mo.?. x a y |pecvetlievesicll anne Reason dseinelieatinaiitei}Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for Other Objects? |A Xx ; |‘|Building,repairing,or Surnishing A7t;General and Conference Work .sLl&|TON se oe eee 78.Sunday school,missions a |a se:og 6 5”|Insurance premiums .7 Sunday schools,other objects .$&7..x : Voluntary Kingdom Extension Of-eins ALK te OR ae ee fering ;a $2 Woman's Missionary Society $SS Printing minutes $..“ty xrarerSw.CS a ee af eer ne.5s Ss Ee Be Relief of poor iin —-A “<|TR vitals $Epworth Leagues,missions BPinncigsuciian’F ccprcigunninreniionsiececuctmnel shubsisuocsatehtic a <6 kl ;x :Or phanages $70.Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $j |IIncidentalandotherobjects..§Ag .O.|Epworth Leagues,other objects.. $..............$}Building,repairing,or furnishing " |xeeeiselwene+O.sho ices castes caig TARR UR eS MURS EES IR ll Z..“z{|Note.—If the above figures represent the whole year,state the fact here.Yes or no?..fin ssi ||R X }Ques...«en Supplement.) . : |Ques (See Supplement...Sue K iscsi deasidaleMedbuatad||kfQues......siiioulie pene antec ee nenenweeenewscessesee eceeeuneeeenewrnue Hasse tweeseeeeweneenneaseeceneceeneeeee sire eeteereeserenecce .(See Supplement io cian )|ypu i ;y vnasainheihi K;The Minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned,2 a EN aw PS Wessicccstsicdiacceaia PC.;||;x el:ste ||-.-oncferaesafeohciemulaalaoaBaggesvevseree~s-nsspgeuemm@ording Steward,0000 ‘'2 }| shies ‘renpaiilinnsedhemrsioneratthiaanels viens wut...Secretary.§ .si4 Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 193 Paes ..-193 District, j NAMES nhs Sik [Alb MG alwLe...Carrhhsrtt a 4.1 7-2 C4Art/ “«¢Ag See BAS RE Af]Llive~ THAD FIOVvO .ay et ME a Ch tbo /25 .,“buna :i.®WA We i +.fl tT T :;. tfti |LocalDeaconacher|LocalPreOFFICIAL ROLL |Steward |PresidentW.M.Soci||» Conference.} Charge, o Asst. 4thQuarterlyConference For use at First and Second Quarterly Conferences “7District,.....-4-,2.4 Cont Question 1.(a)Is there a written report from t was elected Secretary. Methodist Episcopal Church,South le A esa sate Conference,was held at....or *. ,P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by..«.oe adele ie preacher in charge on the general state of the Church,as required by Discipline,(9109,161, The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: ..Charge,.....Litas ee As ‘Lich 193-3 Y fir uperintendents of the Sunday schools ("464 )?.kee®Presidents of the Senior and High 20-6337.Yadd |...(b)Are there reports from the S Epworth Leagues (4109)?...ea O...Lay Leaders (587,588)?....Presidents of the Woma =e ,das-Missionary Committees?*_...-.........Exhorters?...bo.....-- Social Service Committee?.....0-~..-. Quarterly Conference succeeding the fiscal year o Ques. Members reported last year Local preachers . ««++seresneasasasane |‘|Additions on profession of faith. ......mie Additions by certificate and other- ee gw (hee eho caer Removals by death and otherwise 7 Present total membership,includ- ing local preachers vo 4 J _Number licensed to preach 2.What statistics for the charge have been reported to the Annual Conference! (For detailed statistics of each Church see Annual Conference Journal.) of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year's work.) ,(44 STATISTICAL REPORT NO I (Charge Totals) mS Adults baptized’. Infants baptized Number of church buildings Indebtedness Bo i ae ol eoenneenal Number of pareomages 255 csceecsetsereensValueofparsonagesandfurnish-soe ee eng es eg,Fuaeamaiaaton Stewardship Committees?.....22%.Wesley Brotherhoods?*U—Temperance and n's Missionary Societies (9109)?he. (At the 689,690.) Indebtedness Value of other Church property .$...... Insurance carried Churches damaged or destroyed . Parsonages damaged or destroyed ........... Amount of damage.... Oe a eeaehiateasaeMNEstc[STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II (Charge Totals) }Number of Epworth League Chap-||General organ ;ters ,iG ag ;!Number in Home Department .Conference organ Rta ae Ls”Members Rha taices JS "Number in all other departments 2/¢|Number of Woman's Missionary }Raised for Missi $}Tetetenrolment in all depart-_42|Societies aised for Missions |i oes aw ai|rene ;|Number of pupils who have joinedMeeeoe./g Raised on Anniversary Day $icin sige eee ae eae 4ce.:Number taking training courses qNumberofWesleyBrotherhoodsRaisedforallotherobjects.$|c C '/i an Number of Wesley ClassesMembersiNumberofSundayschoolsB.S 5 i ‘Ts 6NumberofStewardshipCom-|2 |een yx Gundey omeet oe ;.7 nitlees :|Officers and teachers....=|Raised for Missions $Number in Fellowship of Steward-es :a ae 0°ship ;|Number on Cradle Roll Raised for ail other purposes $S# STATISTICAL REPORT NO.III (Charge Totals)Apportioned Paid |os |Hospit Total amount raised by Brother~Presiding elder 3(06 $7o Hospital a:hoods,ee .eyePreacherincharge$Jo o $7 OO}Superannuate Endowment $Total amount raised by EpworthGeneralandConference.Orphanage Leagues ae $6WorksVBOs/p0 |.|Total amount raised by Sunday ,[co $ Incidentals and other objects $schools .oeistrictWork.:jDtsetWo.,.:$Churches and parsonages s/10 Total sla /?|Volu ntary Kingdom Extension -Sogo e Soe 4 Insurance premiums.ae 134 Lessitemsreportedtwice ..$a Z Total amount raised by Woman’s|Golden Cross.oe oe Missionary Societies..|$..-$<37|Grand total for year sd 7 STATISTICAL REPORT NO.IV (Superannuate Endowment)Amount of this Charge’s Superan-{nuate Endowment unpaid quota|balance,as adjusted at the First Total amount paid by this ChargeQuarterlyConferenceoftheCon-|on the above stated obligation since4JY Amount this Charge has yet to paytheadjustmentwasmade.ference Year,1930-31 on its obligation for this cause $Ques.3.What amount has been estimated by the Board of Stewards:(a)Fi1«F008| or the support of the preacher in charge for the current year? (b)For his assistants?$ Ques.4.What amount has been apportioned to this charge by the District Stewards?(€9752,757.)For Presiding Elder,$a General and Conference Work,$4 6d District Work,$ How have the amounts in questions 3 and 4 been apportioned to the congregations of this charge? ||.and C.Wk.Dist.Work||I}| Congregations }if ||||ee I |, |tt -os y a eo Eds “foe Ques.5.What-amount does this charge agree to raise during the current Conference year for Superannuate Endowment?$(the purpose being to have the charge raise annually,during the quadrennium of 1930-34, a part of its unpaid quota balanceas adjusted,looking to pay the entire quota balance as adjusted within the quadrennium,and also to give charges that have previously paid theirquotasinfullanopportunitytopayanadditionalsumyearly,tf they wiii). {Ques.7.(a)Has the Christian Stewardship Committee been elected?YA¥(b)Has any other committee been elected?(497)8.7.(a)G a :.Yan.Ques.8.(a)In what Sunday schools has a Missionary Committee been appointed?*Ui+<.., :ors PIN,|(b)What schools observe a monthly Missionary Day with program and offering? ::of A?wD).2cI|(c)To what “‘Specials’’approved by the General Board of Christian Education are the offerings being applied - Ques.9 Who are appointed to assist the pastor in the circulation of our Christian literature? a Yoho x)eta’—tential Q 10.Who are appointed to examine Church Registers and Records of Church Conferences and to report at the next Quarterly Con-ues.10. ference whether they have been faithfully kept? i Ques.11.Who are confirmed as the Temperance and Social Service Committee!lI Questions 12-32 are for use at the Third and Fourth Quarterly Conferences. >ministry?Ques.833.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry?(; to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers« ©9717,7538-755,757,815,816.)(Let the anawer ls S00 ij\s>|| 3 3\/b LG || lle &bls _ Total amount raised i Se :How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,$....(b)Preacher in charge,$J feo 7 (c)Assistants,$ Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?$Has this amount been remitted jects?Ques.85.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects! aa —soe oa ,Ss |DayGenereWor$&!Building repatring,or furnishing Sunday SchooalandConferenceorkil,Sch :|F Sunday achoola,Missions ||ra | Ques.6.Who are appointed a special committee of this char the current year to apply on the charge’s Superannuate Endowme ge to have in hand,together with the pastor,the raising of money duringntobligationasstatedinthenextprecedingparagraph? | District WorkVoluntaryKingdom Extension Of-Insurance premiumsboié $ $;ae =|Woman's Missionary Society $ Golde ee | aoe |Wesley Brotherhoods $ ea Epworth Leagues,Missions $Orphanages . I ndother objects Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $neidental a ee . $———a magento Epworth Leagues,other objects Sunday schools,other objects Printing minutes Relief of poor areecan-aamne t it7} Vee23eeLeEICRROenen Ques.36.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?*%QD Ques,37.Has the sacrament of the Lord's Supper been administered during the quarter?ov 0 Ques.38,Is there any miscellaneous business? 1)Appeals,(709-711,805,807 +? .,y(2)Complaints 99711,712 cul (3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to.(If more space is needed,record as a supplement.) (b)Recommendations for license to preach.(449703,708)||| G4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues.(4765) (5)Exhortera...Renewals of licensea)Applications for license (6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(9 9758-760) (7)Other miscellaneous business?(If more space is needed,record as a supplement)("©758-760) Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?. The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned. g Steward. What is the report of the Church Conference Secretary? Presiding Elder. Secretary. ; “Lt.a 37 f abr Ripert for 7 Gevorter.WO nh Sin Lbs 4A Anchot ainifCagrnrdvtheworkdoritaAhoneydakAthe.poor’ntivtg -hapotnor,port oh a Vax @Gugalpaner, —ed Vote A -f$-ria Le wa?aA 7 2 i tp ¥,ci es a antl Fe a oth Z ttAvm fLarvwn sa4 Cn o Meth .Le mo fp a :lir uth fiw sihyfOr Alas | at Dean mt.AW Lt.-Ass 4 “ ara P An tac.AO ae bo edn.GAs Lo wy ae ape yy jritm & Frc A oe te hiro Jar C07 f...ho fir Ab ;eg bMtr_.2.16 a jim etc ee a bo ae dy Pas?f |Mh. 7 S .;)¢signipreaeof.A narperk ed Olona 40...4 adhere Of flasas a %a Me wt (Ad,joao:Zo Zz a"2 |.tro 4thZL}dol vet dacnnell pach (A+‘af “f i L-»ve Pas: Pbk pad t-uf =F CCL2.CaN tla ini GPe tr nee a yt a good w-—WAL He fesy ang f a i a @,gar te ee Pighs.A TA er »R J Iiianetin cee XZ LOA , o-mggreceenen |i btft —_—iee 1 and2ForuseatFirstandSecond Quarterly Conferences Methodist Episcopal Church,South _..Quarterly Conference,193.2-....-193S...... hl Hhateaviths re A¥Blarterty Conference for the year 198.2..-198-S.fe a Charge,... Tar Z ¢dns.193.24 ve Conference,was held at ruid ' After religious services,conducted by......./22.44!Ss,YX .ae ha.a The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: Minutes Ahead _P.E.,in the chair. was elected Secretary. m the preacher in charge on the general state oft perintendents of the Sunday schools (9464)?....~“Presidents of the Senior and High jp...Presidents of the Woman's Missionary Societies (109)?.........-.- Question 1.(a)Is there a written report fro he Church,as required by Discipline,9109,161, 629-633?YK)(b)Are there reports from the Su Epworth Leagues (4109)?Lay Leaders (%587,588)?.. Exhorters?...Kid)...Missionary Committees?.£20...Stewardship Committees?402... tor of Golden Crosa?.XU..(For these and all other written reports see Supplements.) ..Wesley Brotherhoods?AO Temperance and (At the Social Service Committee?..442.....Direc Quarterly Conference succeeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year’s work.) f Ques.2.What statistics for the charge have been reported to the Annual Conference?(9§689,690.) (For detailed statistics of each Church see Annual Conference Journal.) STATISTICAL REPORT NO I (Char,e Totals) Indebtedness | Members reported last year ©eee ]Local preachers..-+=*=m Additions on profession of faith.------------ ea :Additions by certificate and other- wise ......ecceccoorsseree* ship,includ-inglocal Removals by death and otherwise Bad resent total member: .Number licensedto preach ©©wisn Adulls baptised .©5 ++anentnsnennns i Infants baptized Number of church buildings .-..- Value of buildings and equipment $...........-.- Indebtedness eg |ee Malina Number of parsonages Value of parsonages and furnish, ge6se Value of other,Church property . Insurance carried Churches damaged or destroyed . Parsonages damaged or destroyed -...........-.-- Amount of damage . ee ;byi TIES STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II (Charge Totals) Number of sone —one Re SS areeece sani Number in Home DepartmentGeneralorgan Number in all other departments Total enrollment in all depar!Conference organ Members Number of Woman’s Missionary|Raised re ments .|Societies et ee ,Number of pupils who have joined |Members Raised on Anniversary Day.$..00..........the Church.ss cnseeeeen |;P Number taking training courses|Number of Wesley Brotherhoods Raised for all other objects .Beans Number of Wesley Classes ae |Membera ‘ea ey aoe .|Number of Stewardship Com-Raised on Sunday School Day ©$-.ccccveNumberofSundayschools. |mittees ;Soe te A Ce ON OS2 Se ;baal|Number in Fellowship of Steward-Mateet for Miestome «|Suna :MW 6 ee Gg)ee aes Naweer on Crete Men ke cee Raisedfor allother purposes ©$e..cmm STATISTICAL REPORT NO.III (Charge Totals) Apportioned Paid :Hospital .e:Total amount raised by Brother-|Presiding elder.$$hoodsSuperannuateEndowment.aia Total ciel valesl by Epworth|Preacher incharge .$$Leagues|deat cel Orphanage a1%Wo k ane Lonerence Total amount raised by Sunday 5 ;i =f Incidentals and other objects $..schools. ) |District Work :$......:$Churches and parsonages 2.Total £J oluntary Kingdom ExtensionOffering3 Insurance premiums $Less items reported twice $.....-o:somms::Total amount raised by Woman's ;Golden Cross...See,eetraute Missionary Societies.$.Grand total for year ae STATISTICAL REPORT NO.IV (Superannuate Endowment) Amount of this Charge’s Superan-nuate Endowment unpaid quota balance,as adjusted at the First Total amount paid by this ChargeQuarterlyConferenceoftheCon-|on the above stated obligation since $Amount this Charge has yet to paytheadjustmentwasmade.ference Year,1930-31 Ques.3.What amount has been estimated by the Board of Stewards:(a)For the support of the preacher in charge for the current year! F -....(b)For his assistants?$ Ques.4.What amount has been apportioned to this charge by the District Stewards?(©9752,757.)For Presiding Elder,$ General and Conference W ork,$District Work,$ How have the amounts in questions 3 and 4 been apportioned to the congregations of this charge? aaa 7 ===Congregations Oe ne P.E.—||G.andC.Wk.||Dist.Work ||||——Total £2 ae ers Ques.5.What amount does this charge agree to raise during the current Conference year for Superannuate Endowment?Bocerrnsovei (the purpose being to have the charge raise annually,during the quadrennium of 1930-34,a part of iis unpaid quota balance as adjusted, looking to pay the entire quota balance as adjusted within tre quadrennium,and also to give charges that have previously paid theit quotas in full an opportunity to pay an additional sum yearly,if they will). Ques.6.Who are appointed a special committee of this charge to have in hand,together with the pastor,the raising of money duringthecurrentyeartoapplyonthecharge’s Superannuate Endowment obligation as stated in the next preceding paragraph? on its obligation for this cause $......0—-—"7 (b)Has any other committee been elected?(497)............Ques.7.(a)Has the Christian Stewardship Committee been elected? Ques.8.(a)In what Sunday schools has a Missionary Committee been appointed? (b)What schools observe a monthly Missionary Day with program and offering?...........ss asthausiecedcunsaiovaicdieaaseananannas b accietiseaeiaeiabesetansecMaaninindaceccacan sacgectiiaat |(c)To what “Specials”’approved by the General Board of Christian Education are the offerings being applied?onl piece, Ques.9.Who are appointed to assist the pastor in the circulation of our Christian literature? Ques.10.Who are appointed to examine Church Registers and Records of Church Conferences and to report at the next Quarterly Con- ference whether they have been faithfully kept? (Questions 12-32 are for use at the Third and Fourth Quarterly Conferences.) Ques.33.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry?(99717,758-755,757,815,816.)(Let the anawer to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.) VA vc10~ned...oe[ales]Lenten, |Total amount raised 0 ,a"‘How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,+LOS (b)Preacher in charge,$//3 —~(c)Assistants,$ Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?$Has this amount been remitted to the General Board of Finance,St.Lowis,M0.?.....0.-..-------. Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects? General and Conference Work $.Ll =Se*or ns Sunday School Day ¢.. District Work.a ;Sunday schools,Missions .$ “—Kingdom }Extension ons*or?Sunday schools,other objects $ Ace Woman's Missionary Society $ee . OTT ey ig iactaaes Printing minutes $ eee Wesley Brotherhoods ....#Relief of poor x Age. Orphanages Se i cestdine Epworth Leagues,Missions ‘OT OL cei Oe Incidental andotherobjects Bapererls Eateng BION ONG Dinesh iciccoicsciistiisrnninidainsetcntin.iy 0 Mtacuteien ook cee orfurnishing Epworth Leagues,other objects icra coskics ¥.wcsassiktecrsenssisbossse'esaieeauemiel chun leases 5s Aan Sonanacre ORCnyhte a.M..oar = Ques.36.How many a Conferences have been held during the quarter?”1 a SF the report of the Church Conference Secretary? Ao.AY fr "4 :scm“F {[hx fare “J }—a .ax)ok 1¢ALA LAoAtuo 4 a ;A La}L \AZ.Ques.37.Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter?_..fT.|asia ar aninned t/le .f i na f Qutay Ly thx Ot ,MAY...KAAQues.38,Is there any miscellaneous business?{q Lb “y Sed f .—,—GW //gjHtZ,Z ix K L IS Mtacth itrl-/‘LA bgt a?>LM hec Adhd(1)Appeals.(%%709-711,805,807)Heyl ITA 2-4 hk if fa neetnny ,3 a f é Y ‘4 ¢--:i"+“Fr:.a 4h Be tein,4 )C Jf yf owt(2)Complaints.(49711,712)....KUL ae Rae ee ae Sve he AMY AGA e ».’¢F se |i-n f 4 .-»v —(8)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to (if more space is needed,record as a supplement)...;wean --e .a PB.ea a.oo ae‘#/od @ ~/,4 ad n Z tA -oo otal .€/fj ae ”4 2 Z 4 »’é cy *.‘4 m i,“Cc A ;/.&py a %~AbLand|a’LYMM ha VE OTN a ||- “UY a :.‘2,4?an .-m ey LA }-,/Pi ptHaitltar.Dt 4 evovacbitiivonseliometntcees sndethel:SHie,4 ?|Fit LA per fhe Pofrvg &,etictone ¥f---.iin ccabcecteenisanll 5 :7 ,j .y 4 5 4 ‘dK —_e “3 %aFyShay.cele:nalias sbi issiddamteal eineasededbcisdsencdlace .§ey dee Ta ee j 7 ;eg y . eA f.2 Tr (fp RNY f f E pe Rincngcl Lon snsiicetemmighsh aetememeauniemci rink ies OR miesS|AS ‘eats ,’ (b)Recommendations for license to preach.(49703,708)4 0||a! (4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues.(765)......Lk.wisn C4| A. (5)Exhorters.(a)Applications for license vit Renewals of license........AOE he A lig (6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(4758-760)tt insti saiolaateeeteanteiibsauiaaien Cc...7||| (7)Other miscellaneous business?(4758-760)(If more space is needed,record as a supplement)(#0 &4-44 :Sidi Acgisitytsapiasnanind :eatNg.g bt,xo c ‘:J ak se pn Aha AON...a0...NAMA...0°AA,alec Ya oe a Ligh 3 honcho vi.LW ia Y.4s=Presiding Elder.| y Steward.im.ee 5 (G-2-re Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held? The minutes ue approved,and the Conference adjourned. eebtLehgAyelotemWag bth,als parr hast ffede -~A Ze .ite.Was ee Nore hd.Joe 2h)ne ee |Tha hatn 1...bo aAG Loo.-AA.Oba ty...MON al 4 lar-<.KA i Y saee KeSs aie PO eae ai.ft woe7.AY Lek.a te vO hi 4.Adt a Fér use at Third and FourthQuarterlyConferences 3 and 4 Methodist Episcopal Church,South eee.a Minutes 3/4..._.....Quarterly Conference,i193 -1933._. o Pi _...Charge,'AA tle Z.3.1933 ,P.E.,in the chair.Afier religious services,conducted by...t2¥—F >fAO4 co rig BA Quarterly Conference for the year 193 2-193 = pista as ea bie et ant —-jr.do le _ccosesissecseueseeesconference,was held at Ona CAAL 4 a “ a sccccccecesens HH - ) The roll was called and the following members answered to their names:_....was elected Secretary. xLitaNS savecepecenoseneessososseeseeseseses ‘Se SE a oteiei es | )ee —— |ne enmeneninnseneennttessmennnoeenntieesnssennseincontained nas elt fa Nn PUR OE Question 1.(a)Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church,say by Discipline,{%109,161, ceaitlamnceds i)Ua ieee 629-6337.Wr ..(b)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Sunday schools (%464)?..WA Presidents of the Senior and High tea ELIE ge Le LO ee ee TROT eTea er eaeeineneeinaeeacoanee Epworth Leagues (4109)?.....FA.Lay Leaders (587,588)?£4.Presidents of the Woman's Missionary Societies (1109)?fES. ee nretaosueneotowacpneniuennsitieinnsutasntnnnssivetesmenttinlsetubunnantncietisbitubiaiiinideumsin-scecesecccesecesue :Exhorters?.“2.Missionary Committees?..“2 _...Stewardship Committees?....-2ani Wesley Brotherhoods?2<O-_.Temperance and sia |Social Service Commies ¥....Director of Golden Cross?a ..(For these and all other written reports see Supplements.)(At the |mae erent ccna tins caiatdilitaitine teadeS incite“|Quarterly Conference succeeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summaryof the year’s work.) :;:ie cbtiieinaii placidacanaehea |(Questions 2-11 are for use at the First and Second Quarterly Conferences.) |vosanasihaveeeitinbiisiowmshareweianentewbclioestiocessatuinbencadesdaao :f Ques.12.Who are appointed to examine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannuate Endowment and to make a written report Se |fynrcre ennae Se ee nae ena saatiedealialicueediaeneisiasenliediki2.5.|7 the fourth Quarterly Conference!sa i ecard <n ee Po rna.eee Ques.138.Howmany members have enrolled in the Golden Cross Society?seeeweres &seacemennenenenane ee Be. RO ae ens Sete Ques.14.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let report be made according to Discipline,4109,Question 14.)“*4*‘fen ll Ques.15.What has been done by the pastor and his assistants to pul gur Christian litergture into all the ho of this charge (€139)? 4 mecca cilities ee ee etek ky ae aac Gem Ques.16.Have the General Rules been read? es cananebeenbnibiilninssiieieesii Ques.17.Are there Church Registers and Records of Church Conferences for each Church in this charge?.... \faithfully bert fee...ic i I | |sickcaeesbigulpsiiatelaiaiiiedeaiebestamndiantait RMR ce a)-<ctitiala Ques.2 ls there a re t 4Juez.20 there a report from the Wesle,Brotherhood?(See Ques.1,b.) |Ques.21.Who are the Trustees of Church property (%758)? %||* |Ques.22.Are there reports from the trustees rovt in §,|,28 provided in 9109?_................(Special forms for reporting can be secured from tht ‘|BoardofCh ox i isvi Cy.)i |of Church Extension,Louisvill iLville,Ky.)It t i i ||lems to be included in reports of trustees:(1)What is the number Of CHUPCHES?.....venreeeeeenenne |Parsonages?PjgesWhat has been expended on these during the year?Churches?$.........Parsonages?$(2)What is the value these?Cevalueofthese?Churches?$..........Parsonages?$...................(3)What amount of insurance is carried on churchproperty?-c $—ee4)What amount has been paid in premiums?Bo oe (5)What amount of loss has occurred?$What hes been collected thereon?$ Ques.23.How many societies do Ques.24 | | -(8)Where are they recorded?(Give office,book,and page. this question should be recordedin printed supplement.) not own houses of worship? Ques.18.Is there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Society?(See Ques.1,b.),2% |Ques.19.(a)Who is the Chairman of the Christian Stewardship Committee?(Give name and address of chairman f -Who are elected Stewards for the enswing year (9 9750-752)? ir each Church.) (7)Where are the title papers Full answers to weeerceerecenecscesesenmoessocecessesssesone:seoreaneneernnn . Ques.30.Who are elected Golden Cross Ques.32.What amount has been raised Ques.33.to this question embrace only the sum raised and How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,$.. Ques.34.What amount has been ra Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other obj General and Conference Work District Work .ee Kingdom Extension on Golden Cross a OUI seg ee ay eee Orphanages Cc ie Ineidental and other objects chanek reneeor furnishing (b)Has the name of the Chairman been reported tot Ques.28.Who are elected Sunday School Superintendents? Ques.29.Who is elected Charge Lay Leader? Leaders?(In stations the Church Lay Leader is a Ques.31.Is there a written report from thos What amount has been raised the present quarterJ ised the present quarter for Superannuate Endo 40 the General Board of Finance,St.Louis,Mo.? f Ques.27.(a)Who are elected the Missionary Committees of the Congregations?................-- he Presiding Elder for the Board of Missions?. Who are elected Church Lay lso the Charge Lay Leader) Directors? e appointed to examine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannaute Endowment?..........---- during the yearfor a Homes?$ for the support of the ministry?(99717,753-755,757,815,816.)(Let the answer nr elder and the preachers.) paid on the claims of the Total amount raised é0 (b)Preacher in charge,$--=~(c)Assistants,$ wMeENl?Foo eevneeee--------Has this amount been remitted jects? Building,repairing,©or ae Sunday School Day tore ee =~"1 Sunday schools,Missions...Besewnnnne‘ Insurance premiums _—Sunday schools,other objects .iD ccsnesiail Woman's Missionary Society $e Printing minutes boar . Wesley Brotherhoods .; Epworth Leagues,Missions .: Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $............- Epworth Leagues,other objects $.n.------000 aaa emt pea. Ques.36.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?OL What is the report of the Church Conference Secretary? Ques.37.Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the evant LA... Ques.38.Is there any miscellaneous business?VA (1)Appeals.(9709-711,805,807)..........YY)...eee. (2)Complaints.(99711,712)...mn a hp Geulnsdibadudedechemwiaia waked. (3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to.(If more space is needed,record as a 2 eg ocean en (b)Recommendations for license to preach.OF Riaitaiiricendiaccite ee i et sae (4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth me”SREPAE SERENE RCE (5)Exhorters.(a)Applications for license Renewals of li (6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?Fe Fe ieesibesesishseccsatcien dire biinbitlg sional asl iapnousiceniancasusnbelae (7)Other miscellaneous business?(9758-760)(If more space is needed,record as a supplement).......---.c-ccccccseccssceccseeoeeceov00™™ Ques.39.WhereshallthenextQuarterly Conferencebeheld? The minutes were approved,andthe Conference adjourned. oe.Ce Wot ade Dntadincely....s.. we a ci --eco Lalas toylies -_AOD.“ft VAA AA haga fo 4-O-wei—f¥....5 D J site ;|—- ijl nin od-60...FLIP :2 Sane é =o 4 we a —?Keferk -W004 AD ro- KiWad Iayron,bi doe Uns...ti,OAD Los in,JWwWrtaa.rae | aanpreb ord Aha rales ane eee a A.2 froflonaf 22seereegrancccecccecceacsoessasecesconeensoessecsenscennenees ¥)fp Conf 4k ae a OER thd negai ead be 8 e ;-asians as rl saatGa WX,tow Ateevnad fan. aeeJ.nose ane Kho e (th AA ee LLL.ian j ZA ABR.AAola-Ct PEE M2,Mew j PW...4 a ‘xmohay2oe@.-TOovwe Ge teritowrmj-_-—_—Ldeaokdy brs.seeae hte asinact¢4 ; i i44 iil |Ques.15.What has been done by the pastor and hi Foruse at Third and Fourth Quarterly Conferences An {iL vVre The....7.........Quarterly Conference for the year 193.£>.-1938 =... _....Conference,was held at A...P.E.,in the chair.After religiou uestiQuestion 1.(a)Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the 629-633?437.4 (b)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Ss Methodist Episcopal Church,South was elected Secretary.The roll was called a unday schools ( -193./I i cisonene Quarterly Conference,193...as a {?ALe Charge,’ -°z corecovees C3 L a...AAS CA.ee e982 Uy Lfs A.fA 2.. 1 and the following members answered to their names: s services,conducted by | | | general state of the Church,as er by Discipline,(1109,161, ©1645)?~~,Presidents of the Senior and Highi, Epworth Leagues (9109)?ae Lay Leaders (4587,588)?...£20.......Presidents of the Woman's Missionary Societies (4109)?$a. Exhorters?.«OQ...Missionary Commitee?2.Stewardship Committees?.....-----Wesley Brotherhoods?...“*O-Temperance and Social Service Commite?...Jur.Director of Golden Cross?.Bh wn (For these and all other written reports see Supplements.)(At ihe giving a summary of the year’s work.) Quarterly C,Yonfe ; v Conference succeeding the fiscal year cf each caus (Questions 2-11 are for use ©t the First and oak 12.Who are appointed to examine the books of the char fourth Quarterly Conference? ge tr Ques.13.How many members have enrolled in the Golde Ques.14.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let repor Ques.16.Have the General Rules been GIOEE eceeseceverersemennrnene”” Ques.17.Are there Church Registers and Recor ‘s of Churek e,let there be a written report n Cross Society? ‘3 assistants to pul our Chr Conferences for each Church in this charge?..........----- Second Quarterly Conferences.) easurer of Superannuate Endowment and to make a written report t be made according to Discipline,$109,Question 14.) istian literature into all the homes of this charge (9139)? __.....Have they been ee AS——reeeaQues.19.(a)Who is the Chairman of the Christian Stewardship Committee?(Give name and address of chairman foreeach Church.) /MeeCA (FAK)len OL Crak L :| yA US Wt YA),fp Ht-<ehh mprethek brak0a.acorn.Sth direncarc | Vesley ed Peg ord2 Ques.18.Is there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Society?(See Ques.1,b.) fj) Ques;20-46 there a report|from §the fir AQ Bu ig wf Mynad 'f Lfan as yeeQues:2t-—~Who ardthe Trustees of Church property ere 2),a L )A Ré 4 3 pt ttn:“J fy ,. LHe -'4 -4 uwOuwm,BeGT Cs fo a3 +t"We hea TL blk bAB ALK am’Adanna bk lege kde LloroSe. ZA Downer oF ont—2e i otal Ques.22.Are Mere reports from the trustees,as provided in 9109?(Specialee ee reporting can be secured pristhe Board of Church Extension,Louisville,Ky.)Items to be included in reports of trustees:(1)What is the numberof churches?.....1 wsenseill Parsonages?{cccuee What has been expended on these during the year?Churches?$....................Parsonages?$-.......-----..(2)What is the value of these?Churches?ARSOE Parsonages?st ID (3)What amount of insurance is carried on church property? /veeyee(4)What amount has been paid in premiums?oLua se!(5)What amount of loss has occurred?$404 21A.W hat has been collected thereon?S VENA...(6)Do the deeds contain the Disciplinary trust clauses?.£Qial (7)Where are the title papers kept?2 :nat Pasiaditryscinibcsiiaaiimieaciaisessnaaicoien (8)Where are they recorded?(Give waa”book,and page.Full answers to 4)7Vthisquestionshouldberecordedinprintedsupplement.)Bgintn Of Aol Ohb-ch Lta oy tll Ques.25.How many societies do not own houses of worship? Ques.24.Who are elected Stewards for the ensuing year [9 9750-752)? 0.(\A C An wt GZ AMMA PAMVASA)Ou? /e foaaeol2Leyesp.O fhrergent -.. {+L.fal mele |Vilpok Muce yn fed. |‘\v ,o~»~ff Y ¢j .“E&<1~4h IiA457 bt AvV me VIM Cx L A,@/“Hj vu“ UMOr_|-;:ie)—1...of.Sie ;i ty am IA pv fe ||Ce IE OM GK NAI4GAD sovatbedl.‘MAtrw~Ane \})Lot Lelf LrA Ye,KnerMart JL 1Ma Wehr D a e .AL Si rtp.|4 Jt af er Ques.25.Who is elected Recording Sieward?.ae & l Ques.26.Who teelected District Steward (752,756)?..at.&.. {Ques.27.(a)Who are elected the Missionary Committees of the Congregations?Olin Wwra 7 Y ur PIAAracerCUfaaitaMeoryuhbile....|saat dia Ahsh bbe fh ome~iboowed .i| |(b)Has the name of the Chairman been reported to the Presiding Elder for the Board of Missions?y f fy7 Ques,28.wie are elecled Sunday School Superintendents?LOA of YY,Avy ayae —raAndedt” =~ae hs oh ityRA|Vn,(LA x A fh fio ffs sty.Vv lh d '| IV VY ie Kon v y 6.4.41D 4 gO pi :¥:1~my ;tet OIC Gas (POG Foti GfK, |‘‘'; JF MO E.G LAd Liev ot “a pa to c j 2 # fy |Ques.29.Who is elected Charge Lay Leader?A is ace 7 Who are elected Church La v iMepety‘7LjfLY x Leaders?(In stations the Church Lay Leader is also the Charge oALeader)J Re ALT A VJ aeetf nae KA al Ques.30.Who are eiected Golden Cross Directors?Chye |Iilt,roche PF eeBhihinr(fr ag ‘a Doe Ques.31.Is there a written report from those appointed to examine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannaute Endowment?a Ques.32.What amount has been raised during the year for Superannuate Homes?$..../"4) Ques.33.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry?(9717,753-755,757,815,816.)(Let the anawer to this question embrace only the sum raised and 7 on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.) j 00 |.og.ptotr ge192. nd L then leg Total amount raised (b)Preacher in charge,$SY.bk 5 ¢ nw How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,$/ik Aasistants,$ Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?$Has this amount been remitted to the General Board of Finance,St.Louis,Mo.? Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects? General and Conference Work $2.AR ming eepetrene,or sarang Sunday School Day $parsonages $..District Work.Sunday schools,Missions $ Voluntary Kingdom Extension ope”|Insurance premiums $AS fering .fg eae Sunday schoola,other objects £ Woman's Missionary Society i;ainas.Meena Printing minutes $ Wesley Brotherhoods ....osHospitalsoceania’eth ti ',Relief of poor 6.33 Orphanages slEng0!Epworth Leagues,Missions ..$; Incidental and otherobjects |Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $...3 ~ee repairing,or furntehing .urekre |Epworth Leagues,other objects .$......Sadccmsiun psi‘natnheminss»<0Maeaeahareca Ques.36.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?MAL What is the report of the Church Conference Secreiary? Ques.37.Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter?YAO -Ques.38.Is there any miscellaneous business? (1)Appeals.(%9709-711,805,807)le A)sab cipasidesliamsstacndlbu f)(2)Complaints.(§¢711,712)........cull ME tic atatpeaiicastanaaste tacos (3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to.("f more space is needed,record as a supplement.)..........0...--------- (3)Resouumemraiions for Woemne te wvoialh:COGIOR,FOU (4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues.(9765)q.ccceccccccscovccececoceccecceececsecov-vveceecuesueesesseenee (6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?ae vf,LEANWy;WA...MILTA.....he tyr Mis lp|jre oeNenk 0 Lealeal anca..frctercr®,bfTL lalla|or deka y of (eos.el (7)Other miscellaneous business?(9758-760)(If more space is needed,record as a supplement). ‘see near hy AX)eehd yg Ap ——A-.ALAN fd CEMA frei wee dire ie ee .Aenae ::——7 mes a | sami UE.AB.fh batt Raf 0 :sounssorcensenentapenoboan ‘ Adri.ard..ghaevy....YAAK ee 7 f ;fi is<—.ihrer...Ale On.YM L4AD o i Chk £4 AY OHI.i —,CA2.Fh croc At _towsate tA Sdn a :vo Mec:Bn ke A.»AERIS OM Ge uh.ke...8 |“..wy ra, Af?dint Lie Dhl Ventre.erat.ktheth.s a | tA.Lid. ae,i 5 ::‘jiesitearesiiannienmnsinaetat °.Ax Adams wd.4 |:leh |oe tA.A,Berge.4 i.a Ae A dicerae Mantra Kk <te GPOIAte J s /f 7 4 a ee -i On.“to fotr.42e ob,_i regeneyaNTES seach449 anef OPce.q acaiat aafedAsJoiyFad SooparestennretorsemneerenseceramantneneteF S71.soon 7Se,/v =teFengrorsstimer :AM Fe wb LABZBAALY Gv ft 4 é : i“f f L Af as :i food... we 7 é .yp ~*~ ,}V 2gAaksensedLOA AA Abd.“Ae4 2 al : Aeritia4s f.4 pe fi -a Cavipbin Bf209 22j,‘:Mreriinee — ME.we?aes 4.2.3--255 ean dedi:Genik Aese F.2d r cM...Ob.LAA«Fh.as C92 5” BeheMMty...hedaatcat fbr.ps ie Ie a LfeiccA rx.Ca aansAordy...638 ,f:JOR4 - Pa oeVOMdeLL.....Kote i heenIOayPeénat LK,"Tos.Fw ere /* a}(hac Lhens-y Ana2 £Churches 4 Parsonages Schools Totals an the following eid Deeds to the following have not the trust clause:eikThe title papers are kept._......‘coe SO ne ———____—__— ir titles are recorded.ada uh Verh rAWVYMA)i ry Bscinatielt lh eA SI |o Cn (Aw J uv AEAAiA j o.¥.MALO bhagpsX hv AMOUNT /E.4u ant Ajakg—aa eo Lan ty oo.:|EXPENDED Hatin / ~~or Circuit 1 :-,;|:|INSURANCE |PREMIUMS PAID|Loss |coLLecteD[ILS ORMISPRGF /7e || 008 ||=a VALUE i 0 ~Lor ,»vw 4 LD Bet SA7 7 ;MINUTES OF ADJOURNED SESSION OFFICIAL ROLLnmfs: ';r a otiTy ‘;cTheadjournedsessionoftheFourthQuarterlyConferenceforyearWEAoaaDerdiccammalecsMesacssaceeiinieatl|Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 1034 .1039 SS.ee a"i-Re..:eeeraCharge,.SAL.MO isco a Yr...jg C4 sea eeaiactadiaialibeabmictbel Conference,was held at i fy ni a ;bs ol ALMA Li Mu:AAA.;District,ii icici en .Conference.'Le AAMAx os opens iscnioarennasauunaeen eo ,to complete answers to Questions...cceceeeeeoee wovsneoutth ;j .7 yf f a eae é Ps ,a /T3 oo =Qe ;+)¥oe a LA >:yA “w~Q 4-0a——.P.C ‘ite dulaconibanihe Asst.with J G4...PA Be ccceconececnacneong Penny 68 Ine Chely nd...Los Ls aaa Sisciiibaiiaxine ecce-eee.----.ACting as Secretary.Wet v Ley ete -Se ein P.EB.banter AV.!v pie ©.ones terete .. {fier religious services conducted by.......~7hm..,2ach 9 IAL Ban ....the following members were enrolled as present.or a a ;iy:|cone al .z|§;a4 i ||__ATTENDance ' e 33|§/7 Fel Zell >'1 4 et]cle |=[aeldgleejagiegive+e 8 HEletleml3./s=esies SEeciesiccniesanonsiciesiecalbanasopticiaionesideacsceedNEaemenessicabuaeipciegRiaicleMaiciesiesceedMiedoeaSecocensinteNamesSlOlel]el aBSlES Sela S|Seles ssl/Seis Siaa/=|€]£|2eteeleg]selsesileglasiasies, a %PLE Bich)sa PileSEMI.sxmesceyateesensesisniiehiesnopsnsenbusasbeescieaa iid talc casa ite Mc dd MRM nae Ons gt S{djaleja jf |[Slo [se ela is isa-BleeerieinnnaaSeieaeeeP.-C; |sijuieciakioe ¢ I AA;nn LL eaeSaaSSeaTae OTSTTTTS TST C COTTECe CHOSE ESRTSCNSeeeStNebeaNbensheneeeeetneesennensedeseennennnnseeseneesnssseecnsscen serene |.,|LAL AQues.33.What (additional)amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applied?A|2 f ]f\,doctliens cus sbisienivisdlbesstbbaaaies Rca cosbamsisabivunsesudioaniie diaiiie-ncsti um cieaches casoiesttines niles docks $|Xx raggewwvecsnrensoncsssonssomecencesevaltucesne oy a ie X X A,‘Jy a eg A 4p—-:A A aA.Yoo £.REET)<<aRecadBrnceeropeosteyeneli ainesan:scesesconsditoaseussattiesssaisbenansbaniosetnecsechecestnesooseetoess0 |AA A Sel en Ricca~~athena ||Tx]Li LeeEeVomAlla.—x xertcielPiccanseanendineMesasoienibeTotalamountraised.................eestilbciDncciminie NGL ceeeeeeeseee!soneseneenee |—. .hel d >x Xx anomiaenenHowhasitbeenapplied:(a)Presiding elder $..........cdOcwd........(b)Preacher in chive 8...iudfd...2...(c)Assistants $....“x i Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?§............................Has this amount been remitted x :f——itR|ifi3totheGeneralBoardofFinance,St.Lowis,M0.?coccccccccccccccocoooococoee |;A A “ne x seeeeeeess: } |Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for Other Objects?x A aSthneaas7?27 AO HB |a :.Building,repairing,or furnishing A x A i}:General and Conference Work..$a-d-2w Furs.6 oe Ee Ba Sunday school,missions . .6 $oeve-veeno :i— ’!ee We gs Os a ea Insurance premiums ....7...Sunday schools,other objects .§....-x ape }t Voluntary Kingdom Extension Of-c bs ififeringoN(fe ee se aaa Woman's Missionary Society ‘ee.Printing minutes $fanaa orrne ann nenferns re enn nsne deers }|Ce VOM gk a VS ae sessile wreeey reese a ok SB Relief of poor a AA A weveeferees Pewee Perens Powenwel enmanamnns;Hospltals ..«sw «WB pers Lengess,aclesions =..$...K.siositne nsiiascaien teacina indie wes Gis ebedibebinnieesessaieee _ee i x Me 'a:gg ON ee ae §....fh..f...|Bpworth Leagues,Awwiversary Day @oocicccsccn |cisesesssseectcsencevestonssosersctsatedncses,........,$......!sete efenene:Incidental and other objects ..$.C22.Pre IOP RIMINI,55 Misael ics ccdsnlisectalgsieiicipetenticuaie:Biccicntintal .as be endlinonnsnsitiseiBuilding,repairing,or furnishing 92 .cnevemewssiietce —D-geMGt eeeeeeees .:{Cee Siu AOR re ab...SPO PONE ROWED 6g 0 i p-adic ©sled tasenepeblinsbtanemcnmscnedcocigisse.ii 5 $....--.---0-0-+a “ofeseefen se fps Pome Poneee Peceenenens Tics seencticicncternnniniin xisaeusiirsnmtinstinivenitisiininrstinstunbiininslinionbinbaaecendwistichoeceoutenteiicbnsiibiupunsaniatnibeninasustienbinteniaesicnis (See Supplement...ccccecesecsoeeeneo)| The Minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned.3 LA:Copp...Recording Steward,.. ..Secretary. For use at First and Second ' OFFICIAL ROLL Quarterly Conferences 1 and 2 i ..a -./Methodist Episcopal Church,South | Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 193~-193.SA.at asso lA...:..Charge,AX &s ee Minutes.../~~'_.......-....Quarterly Conference,193 ~......-193.2.....ifaeLAoey-A @&conf tf-!bhp Of,LS...District,........-:Conjerence.kK ae i dad ae .¥4 Thef.anced Quarterly Conference for the year 193=...-193 }hos os Charge,itn eccssnetres acct ‘4|/i)QV D Ap i " {9a nN /n Ae AAA P.E.JLaAp \“.—:h+psaseoFc.j cndacccmmoas wie :Asst.District,....YW ‘isc i.Sie ceaen Conference,was held at...2it Gs Z :cA -aw.<x 193 ¥* y f ‘’2 e - .._=—=—eae SS S<—a—a _a>aea>ne at —|a A.~.t £1 Corerdooact Ssatinn ,P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by ar Lu .tn wow hr ~ar ae .ee”i «3 s :oninfebeles:°-f ( }=E e|%$y §4 &os 3 y i l>y a ~Cor ANS RL was elected Secretary.The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: i Belsl gi 3 58|SIE le |42|Cglite te7NameszezlelElele].(2elgtee sel gel gell ss 55 f?2 Send od i eee |i lal el e|Slssieaiegige Eelselee a8 ry -&ree poe Vis JF AAU Qed nb LEAD ‘8a]8)§g £|&|2 |5a|fe)$a)24/80)90]20/5 20 ;. a i8|8|slala 6 \a|&|&ojo js 2/5/38|mR otYD FO f bh ie<i eenaschseplii aaa ae lions le Satsieiiee |st L ‘|rc |Cie Ime.Khe Aslan ;*=ee A :Kee Neh!LAMA K %|Sf tein he at Yr OF A.Ahern?” ‘wu.Gi S x 3 on y x w.ew.Ae AI ad A...4 OT 1.htc omar ;ViAn <j PA.VOAGawt.......Re ii S S }‘oe .fBAAL.Ad)Pas ca Rtn iA A itl onal lade A FEA} ’+.4 .i :WYA c 4 «ac4eo Ue A t4 AY eA!RAickittneiabeiesd-sincsesy<nocneneesssneiavaenensabindmnuypecentebaaaistse.nss-suniusnncnsioradat esseasaieeeeaaiante :yw 0.’ i -WL +a I LAA A SF tonne At MOAR eG ;_uw A x y es Cr.etl Je,men a 2 nh V ‘a :CO Ay or '’xX |Np ~~Monn ensearee Nien teens —?tT anaessnenmnseenlpnnetnoesncrenntennnaisnawessate aneest ante e eer '—poner nats i 2 ai eee a ~-Z-OK MENA Re iininccesenetnnieins<anyensxsoseinceacioonvacesnsoamnampmecnenersenaqantas seh"watt Teeh siacilinasssdpodese pacorcdpwanodunin 47.nnvecifl lace NORE a nech oats Ce ee |w~;abo if ea:fminionsf(D;M.ION Cae Ande... oosse Pocees9.-o+s-fesooee }J ' 4 oat \JN “wv Fe. edtnisekaenciuncceennieennel &4,é save onnenc ann nee nnnnfeneeafontencf oven fonnnnsf ones :Sale MO NOE ' f ut waa]eeseneee v}ae cd ; I 5Ss teleostslasersnes tneererncneoenlnnitaniedhonoel ieee Ten ee ee eon nee Question 1.(a)Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church,as required by iNogigaie,1 $100,268,f '5 She CAE tae me 5 4 ee ee oS a 629-6337.L2AL.(b)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Sunday schools (464)?pf €<)..Presidents of the Senior and High f RN eet te aea ee cnei ae de ee |So rama.et saiaaae sienna oS ae ree Epworth Leagues (§109)?...£12.......Lay Leaders (€587,588)?..£22@.......Presidents of the Woman's Missionary Societies ({109)?.-<-%. ak Pe =ii aks =a Exhorters?.id...Missionary Committees?...©_Stewardship Committees?....si Wesley Brotherhoods?...*~"Temperance and ei Social Service Committee?)Director of Golden Cross?_~*©(For these and all other written reports see Supplements.)(At the if MT sccccsncocsacb\vcvedreartueenasoudeu obscetiosssuasecqeaenbatshitaboriwuntsenmtnwendatiidiiattntiaspsiiios.isliassihlbptant leesiainoamsanagpnonndspiemaansanaraeenaecinmsoannmeeT"Aaa rT a e i i BB I chet Quarterly Conference sueceeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year’s work. :=——aii ———ree merece eee,' [Ques.2.What statistics for the charge have been reported to the Annual Conference?(4689,690.) a ee ee ek ee ee a ee ee eae (For detailed statistics of each Church see Annual Conference Journal.)\ Fe ——__(_cccasusinetonsbnsvscavennunesersscenessseunsinsuebnensuseunsunsgiavenunensuncuuneain,souepe‘ceubestegavecasteninageapenann ioccmatees wenn cfennePereee Peveee Pons Posen Peeeee famnees feos safewnn.foonnnefonorer STATISTICAL REPORT NO I (Charge Totals)| ii ; :f :g ;etarenes eens deseneaececeseeesees seed eves otecfeseee see se ef wees Po nee ee avec Pewee Peeee Pe ceee Peewee Peace Pe nee ae “..Members reported lastyear :KL _|Adults baptized .‘.ew |ecennlon Indebtedness ...‘oe ij ;tie eats eeseeuengencecsonessassveenaneeeeneseseunnesaeasaneall onesefceued antes:Poseredssnesfeeesedenwee Pees efesee Peeeaufaceseal saves occas “|Local preachers .|Infants baptized 6-6 weet |Value of other Church property.$ BS eerie |Additions on professionof faith Number of church buildings .me |Insurance carried ....§£899 '‘itio i her-i‘}"2 tka pepermeintinrteeemtetninianoee wee ——and other-—4~|Valueofbuildings and equipment $Line 1c hurches damaged or destroyed |.--.s.cssom iti |oe cl aislaatn mpm atid pedi nnifdicheledhosad sit ocd bt hl Removalby death and otnervise _..f..|Indeblednetn =Prove |armas Oommen ii satel wah}ig resenttotalmembership,i ,ue isin deceuaewistnewnsenenseeiseureuanimeenicitntileuey .nro govvsvenensnnetewensavsnllvansnelansrnefeccnen|asactefscnussfiserssfeceneafvesseafsnncwafersnnafasessilecssesleeecseffessnuetereens ween beeeees ing local preach ship,—h/fo Number of parsonages pe iiehe fa a Amount of damage...+Sanctum i a1 ate ne Value of parsonages and furnish-0 ' ‘Number Nn EE ee le ee shr7 Losscollected Buciiiaiulicas peleadinnese-s=SonestasepeometsaasacmpMORALUaeNeeto:AoeraraabiiePapSaweeiipltyi aeeesAGeneral organ Conference organ Societies Preacher in charge Wee AS as ee District Work TD iccretcanna $ Voluntary Kingdom ExtensionOffering.a eee,3 ss eS Se Amount of this Charge’s Superan-nuate Endowment unpaid quotabalance,as adjusted at the First Quarterly Conference of the Con-ference Year,1930-31 .; Number of Woman's Missionary — $4.J 0220)For his assistants?$ Oi te ae t ~. | |Number of Wesley Brotherhoods Members ee ee eeNumberofStewardshipCom-mittees asa ae en eam Number in Fellowship of Steward-ship a ge glen peat eas Apportioned Paid Presiding elder ‘oes &.3.$22.9 33 Fb G l and Conf )eneral an onference 4 oC :rep .Orphanage ee |~Incidentals and other objects STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II (Charge Totals) Number of Epworth League Chap- SR ek 8 RP a a. Members mt oe Rates far MeN Dec Raised on Anniversary Day Raised for all other objects ..$...-fa... Number of Sunday schools . Officers and teachers....0... Number on Cradle Roll STATISTICAL REPORT NO.III (Charge Totals) ee Sr as Ee Superannuate Endowment..$ Churches and parsonages Insurance premiums ...$22...Total amount raised by Woman’s ;Missionary Societies...$64.4... Number in Home Department Number in all other departments Total enrollment in all depart-ES ee eeae 2379Numberofpupilswhohavejoinedee.a a.kl Number taking training courses bho Number of Wesley Classes weRaised on Sunday School Day . Raised for Missions ...$2 }Raised for all other purposes Total amount raised by Brother-hoods.Se See ae Total amount raised by Epworth Y Leagues talOeas eee $a.nccoedlieea Total amount raised by Sunday °he ..Se P ----cencencces Total (Ody 76% Less items reported twice 9.ue Grand total for year si O2 STATISTICAL REPORT NO.IV (Superannuate Endowment) Congreg tions Total amount paid by this Chargeontheabovestatedobligetionsincetheadjustmentwasmade. x GO.o0oGeneralandConferenceWork,$249....District Work,ct —~ Amount this Charge has yet to pay on its obligation for this cause Ques.3.What amount has been estimated by the Board of Stewards:(a)For the support of the preacher in charge for the current year? -~46 Ques.4.What amount has been apportioned to this charge by the District Stewards?((9752,757.)For Presiding Elder,$....2.I~ How have the amounts in questions 3 and 4 been apportioned to the congregations of this charge?.............-..----.-0--.s0-0-eseneenenneennn™soveenene ——— P.E. ||G.eniC.Wa.||Dist.Work |||‘Total\|“ Ques.5.What amount does this charge agree to raise during the current Conference year for Superannuate Endowment?$....---------" (the purpose being to have the charge raise annually,during the quadrennium of 1930-34,a part of ils unpaid quota balance as adjusted, looking to pay the entire quota balance as aljusted within the quadrennium,and also to give charges that have previously paid their quotas in full an opportunity to pay an additional sum yearly,if they will). Ques.6.Who are appointed a special committee of this charge to have in hand,together with the pastor,the raising of money during the current year to apply on the charge’s Superannuate Endowment obligation as stated in the next preceding paragraph? Ques.7.(a)Has the Christian Stewardship Committee been elected?...........-_(b)Has any other committee been elected?(97)...-.-.---ma Ques.8.(a)In what Sunday schools has a Missionary Committee been appointed?peste AN a i (b)What schools observe a monthly Missionary Day with program and offering?.. :,.- I |(c)To what “‘Specials”’approved by the General Board of Christian Education are the offerings being applied! }(ec)ow i i in the circulatic f Christian literature? |Ques.9.Who are appointed to assist the pastor in the circulation of our Wn :y :t ly on- re e ine Chur degisters an cords of Chure h ¢‘onferences and to report at the next Quar er f Ques.10.Who are appointed to examine Chu ch Registers a)d Records of ¢ |ference whether they havebeen faithfully kept? nial Service C ittee? Ques.11.Who are confirmed as the Temperance and Social Service Committ (Questions 12 32 are for use at the Third and Fourth Quar erly Conferenc*s uestio és ar B ;se oat ce support of the ministry?(99717,753-755,757,815,816.)(Let the answer if t ‘gq elder and the preachers.) Ques.33.What amount has been raised the present oes ol =of the presidin to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims 0, ;||og LAZg bie ae e 43)\22LVOLMAMAh\s-4 K |ad vache Mo | eee ee eneee Neh ma nk f f ||en OePSE bs at cue Mn |i IF»|Total amount raised............vncceeee 8.fh.LZ: _(b)Preacher in charge,$L034 4D.(c)Assistants,$........ How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,$.—--—--—-—-- a uu Has this amount been remitted..pment?$....-.-.0----- Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowme to the General Board of Finance,St.Lowis,M0.P = «ote? Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects! tohé day School Day .««+Breescerermees G Building,repairing,or en,|camel ne von.oR parsonages Try te ene :Sunday schools,Missions .©.Bense-sne-sneee 2 ote:SEO ine Insurance premiums ’|Sunday schools,other objects.5B ecnv-c-eeveve ee ae a it Feemeemee Woman's Missionary Society B ovnnnneen Printing minutes A a a ee ee Wesley Brotherhoods $..Relicf of poor eeae ee 5eeEpworthLeagues,Missions $,..‘ Phanages .61 ww Peccesnnnenene ;me ees Incidental and other objects ;EpworthLeagues,Anniversary DEG Becccccnccsnre |csscicnreeeeresctncerenenticnntamineat : J i ..,fh fu i.ht ee ae ;eeeer eer wesersews o0 +H6 00 Sem eEeeSSSTesenerTeee Building,repairing,or furnishing Epworth Leagues,other objects Diente vena meena io ater ene sees eereeeereeereneserersseresernee --mea.$6.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?............What is the report of the Church Conference Secretary?»ee j :s.87.Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter?ae.r :y 4 L.arr~thFOAr 4 bane;,Yb Pr oA...PAK...2G :7 .>fly|.88.Is there any miscellaneous business?eee ’-U if ¢——tTy e i fUAYO”ii>f c PQ i~t “t -tf 2 f :*i 1)Appeals.(%%709-711,805,807)in Maes ct,Mem a ‘}z +X 4 ‘A.a &gi,}-Wher ¥tka i 7 £.‘9 »t 2)Complaints.(%711,712)...ies oi bale sel cove .-A pp at io ‘420“...‘‘tO,(-3 ?-_4~/,:iS $2.~0 :oe ."‘°}o vvo ke 15 t *< ;(3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to.(If more space is needed,record as a supplement.)‘ae F 7 &,RQ,f ALASL tu’-“i {J £:=nana 7 a =*‘v 7 ;¢d ,4 ‘ffi LpyenwvtY ty Z,:~toe ve ‘~a cone *¥/>t £Uv : ry ws i i uM x } ¢t2 e-C1 f ~-nA texi ,i,4 f tok v e :ogee ee OE one :~,ry%Por 7 :.A j d <t ..|fhe pini *me 4 'wv"v tA '||ahh hte).ernaCb ote hed;|7 “np .—-Backes fa<4 y a :j Y nie ba Be ad 7 a a tm < b)Recommendations for license to preach.(%49703,708)..scticossninsinseentiiinstidilotbenaten er-ssese ‘.=¢4 Lo Q;|||wereen ene Droge Snes =ae ,zr <.«<ot eveccoe H+00sseen ewer eneneee 7 “@ f .¥.oe } ¥4 *AaoromLtYCELL '(4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents Of Epworth Leagues.(9765)......cc.ccecceccecscecosessessseseeoes “>4 ¥ararmintn:||Sherreese Oh c .r .7 re .Lur-o —>/+€&:*¢4 AT a»AA, t (5)Exhorters.(a)Applications Sor license one i ;~~—ta mpl of KVAG at :oo Feo wee :2.i .ns 2 ta a wen” (6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(44%758-760)...eclectic AL 4 IO ter:e.i _won Soci onaretahsnesasineupilamstipelincitcsil iesnce Gasetiiete eae :—+Lt ‘<Abn ASooo ‘(7)Other miscellaneous business?(9758-760)4 a 4f;j é (If more space is needed,record as a su pplement)...F' AJ j ?ere;|:CLAU9,_OrenA.Gy Peer |g fd 1 rs.2 ..j i 7 i f a rh /34 4 Y x Hf “j :.:nt A po iJ 1;we 7 i fried?oa eed é i ,Sue —ie ’4 j oC d fe COA Air.': Ef Q nu)4)m“\AY “.ELA AO.es <A aiepeas =,a |naan gated AE.he.a:)(dd (Aa a ail c -;pf_a—AAR tAt—~y Etafe {i Lhe ‘An th kel -f iH _; d ve a ove ‘tee :L .’‘«2 Pee?wert ' Wi |-~tbhea..AdacaAn..feeb sdf...°A rg; :4 4 <0 ¥7 tj Y¥/>.fz - A 4 *“a id ,“/-oe a sage —».hs LO CLOme Mor serch:a 4-94 k ;th =--hurt.time bsrhrsc :!“,c :i '1 $405 he...ea wee 9 Bin fi~li rf LAS,aa A >.bhQld J 12g LA =teen.©©?>«Fig.4 ma >|iG SUN Ps aR bartli ig.peuntee ..-a i i i Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?2 he it 7 :yy,wy’:We Panne GA F—GFP..Oy OpjTheminuteswereapproved,and the Conference adjourned.Or.anin.ae Presiding Elder.J::F “>;2 WAPeee eeseeseneee:°:"me .a :EEOFYA..nwortin Steward.eciciveness a:dad~...Secretary. For use at First and SecondQuarterlyConferences Methodist Episcopal Church,South ..Quarterly Conference,193_5__-193_4% Minutes cle cask, IR TsceeNO A MONIa a2ant.mptnincce maresoe ERIN “~2?d:The.9.....-....Quarterly Conference for the year 193_.2..-193_¢@—Charge,..a2 .4.084+£¢R Bho :‘1 j ,=ADistrict,Lit:fled stein Conference,was held at...fa (the Bihes fll Ae welds.ae om “193.46 yr nrreeroeere-rennatontents iniceeaaiennniarn nssedaereeronbeetates svmewnlinn elatesdibltaisiaebad daddlsbeniinibaicltunelacario Af,G7.(aAtrArie4 ,P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by...(70,7224 p Bint Ace hat dasfv/ra Pd,=~of g ,was etected Secretary.The roll was called and the following members answered to their na me a ;'q;f Or 4 @ tho an}V7.$e.<A2...2 (Lhe ya sired wr Rep V/A : 7 :|ae i |.|Be A Fd i ay44 tle f Lily!-| a “J Harkin i on WW.Lal ALA C..2a)_HLlawd.3 ||if Ly.by ad | ‘1 LA.C 0 Pett Aa | 3.fa Vousa, rau.Wyten ur ‘| (9 +4 Lharp H.«<Eben Sp aanagy.. Mas.Mapa | VO»CA de “14 IV ON ; :Question 1.(a)Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church,as required by ae »99109,161 ;:11 Ore t 629-6332.|(b)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Sunday schools (464)?4hae Presidents of the Senior and High aura j7tal;>,ie i aEpworthLeagues(4109)?2 _...Lay Leaders (587,588)?Z.+22.....Presidents of the W‘oman's Missionary Societies (%109)?Head .'/as ij (ei Exhorters?...........Missionary Committees?.........Stewardship Committees?................Wesley Brotherhoods?Temperance and :Social Service Committee?................Director of Golden Cross?_...........-.-.(For these and all other written reports see Supplements.)(At the if ‘st ,‘:Quarterly Conference succeeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year's work.) {Ques,2.What statistics for the charge have been reported to the Annual Conference?(689,699.) i} (For detailed statistics of each Church see Annual Conference Journal.) ‘STATISTICAL REPORT NO i (Charge Totals) };Members reported last year a ye eee ae ee |I ndebledness }d :eS .;Local preachers .|Infants baptized |Value of other Church properly $j q |Additions on professionof faith.2...Number of church buildings...2.......Insurance carried $.fC meneaanuentnenniansvmiecnnssnintanueetvecsey Additions by —and other-4 ee P .&wise .Value of buildings and equipment $__.....|<hurches damaged or destroyed .}panicles,ibibiiiesincsilemabibiadlsiileisdseectsics sci ‘|ce NNN,slenriCamemnnentharatemitenusieeeetsenenneniassueednasswntvetbindsnshsisileicid thimeavchdabiicinuleseubcsns uo Wibod cl acesta os Removals by death and otherwise at Teens Fo |Parsonages damaged or destroyedPresenttotalmembership,includ- svteveande ‘;.PEP aaa 3 ing local preachers..sii Number of parsonages .sit Amount of damage...,.§$Sent 'Value of ee andd furnish Number licensed to preach ..saeboiai 1”)Len et:eee ae STATISTICAL REPORT NO.II (Charge Totals) Number of Epworth League Chap-ney sg oR ee Pe ata er ean Aa Number in Home Department Conference organ Sie erent Members ze -—a other nario nt |Number of Woman’s Missionary Raised for Missi i oe ment tn all depart-Y,helie ase or sions .«>..eSocieties,':Number of pupils who have joinediMembersRaisedonAnniversaryDay$the Church i;.;Number taking training courses;Number of Wesley Brotherhoods Raised for all other objects .Pannnenenoe :;Number of Wesley ClassesDANGeeeeNumberofSundayschools.:Number of |Stewardship Com-re aa Raised on Sunday School Day .$cc=milttees PN owen cetera pain snc 8 ficers and teachers..a)|Number in Fellowship of Sieward-Rateed for Missions ww Se:ea ke oe Number on Cradle Roit Raised for all other purposes ©Bvcecemem7j}STATISTICAL REPORT NO.HI (Charge Totals)5 Apportioned Paid ;|—Hospital .Total amount raised by Brother-Fi remem din ..8s.—é..hoods .ea ee;3 Superannuate Endowment .$...Total amount raised by Epworth;Preacher in charge .@.............f....Leagues Saree se.$nGeneralandConferenceOrphanage$.....Total amount raised by SundaycMoer..;'’:ork Fonnesneeseee Bocneenesee Incidentals andother objects $..schools ee reais 0 oe tt Beene -$.......Churches and parsonages e.Total ieee er wee mw)hw}|Voluntary Kingdom Extension;Offering We Ue)fee iecaeenaats Insurance premiums ...$....Lessitemsreportedtwice ©.$ii:Total amount raised by Woman’sjeeeSegeeeecercaMissionarySocieties.is |Grandtotal for year is.+{“'STATISTICAL REPORT NO.IV (Superannuate Endowment):Amount of this Charge’s Superan-;|muate Endowment unpaid quotabalance,as adjusted at the First Total amount paid by this Charge|Quarterly Conference of the Con-on the above stated obligation since Amount this Charge has yet to pay|ference Year,19$0-81...¢$the adjustment was made .on its obligation for this cause $........ Ques.3.What amount has been estimated by the Board of Stewards:(a)For the support of the preacher in charge for the current year?} |Bi (b)For his assistants?$.................. f ,.‘.sin|Ques.4.What amount has been apportioned to this charge by the District Stewards?(4 752,757.)For Presiding Elder,$ |General and Conference Work,$District Work,$........i }i?How have the amounts in questions 3 and 4 been apportioned to the congregations of this charge? }= Congregations ;Ques.5.What amount does this charge agree to raise during the current Conference year for Superannuate Endowment?$.........--.i (the purpose being to have the charge raise annually,during the quadrennium of 1930-34,a part of its unpaid quota balance as adjusted,it looking to pay the entire quota balance as adjusted within the quadrennium,and also to give charges that have previously paid theirquotasinfullanopportunitytopayanadditionalsumyearly,if they will). Ques.6.Who are appointed a special committee of this charge to have in hand,together with the pastor,the raising of money duringthecurrentyeartoapplyonthecharge’s Superannuate Endowment obligation as stated in the next preceding paragraph? Ques.7.(a)Has the Christian Stewardship Committee been elected?.(b)Has any other committee heen elected?(497) ’Ques.8.(a)In what Sunday schools has a Missionary Committee been appotnted? b)What schools observe a monthly Missionary Day with program and offering? c)To what “Specials”approved by the General Board of Christian Education are the offerings being applied? Ques.9.Who are appointed to assist the pastor in the circulation of our Christian literature? +,6| |.,an | Cid \AWA DOr rP\Ks CVX £s Via \ J Murw ;A.At - mine Church Registers and Records of Church Conferences and to report at the next Quarterly Con-Ques.10.Who are appointed to exa ference whether they have been faithfully kept? 4 ia ;’}KA Lt AJ U.ped1bbphlh...d:...4 il k sal ;e (J)C \,aa i asAn.Nee.uA An SA TeV Ae’ Il j Ques.11.Who ae confirmed\as the Temperante and Social Service Committee?; | .Be Rakfybrhadinn LL hat (Back. rth Quarterly Conferences.) Ques.33. rler for the support of the ministry?(99717,753-755,757,815,816.)(Let the anawer What amount has been raised the present qua 4 ee 4 ld ¥es / O74 AAA AAA AA Aah eh “jé-b SALMA Ahk ya ,Jo g 7 Total amount raised $6.5 6 ; ot r J:oo :K ;How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,$ay b)Preacher in charge,$)¥fle Assistants,$ hoc at td bh ceded |AY .,+for S 2 te Endowment?$Has this amount been remittedQues.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowy lo the General Board of Finance,St.Louis,DID sce Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects? <2 ildi iri f ishi Sunday School Da $lant -Ruilding,repairing,or furnishing ‘y Se yGeneralandConferenceWork$.@ |E Suen ::& District Work $:‘Sunday schools,Missions $ we Kingdom Extension or,6 “|Insurance premiums iil dabei,hia ahieis ‘ aoe ee Woman's Missionary Society r nee Golden Cross $Printing minutes £‘Fe Se ’Wesley Brotherhoods $Relief of poor ¢ ospitals J Orpha Epworth Leagues,Missions $pee ees Phanages Incidental ndotherobjects $Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $a ec oc ae Atlin —a eT,Epworth Leagues,other objects i Ques.36.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?22.....What is the report of the Church Conference Secretary?;P,Pp 2 " /,.7:of 4b i...KheFQues.37.Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter?<ALQ/......‘‘ :Sa cs c A ins?4 Ques.38.Is there any miscellaneous business?Cle..ok iécl,am or ot.nA ee oe /ic ,,‘4iljhkPe.i tn B ,Ve 7~-Appeals.(709-711,805,807)....Od?Bt Bar nth I 4 alll 7 G7 ‘i s Py at’A Z £4 Z Lif x C ><a es Lax AK...vi.:>4 fie ~uw t wy 4 ie;Complaints.(711,712 -j é.‘6 .bdr -<j L or i c;(3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to (if more space is needed,record as a supplement)enone /e _‘i .:Cie LA.4 a ee at AFA DBL NPs «ne AF rhe o ee ne : |,rn <i f uiWU1..rs fo.praca nh ertWh Ooret ig/i tz a A 4 4 a ss fee . :4 ’*Fike =J ‘¢go 7 th »hay +i a 3 La |oP Chay Fi -—os 7 —s .3t172,it_A?7 Mal edh £wn i /F v4 4 Price»OKRA Why hEi |OL Bet Jie t ~<s.9 CALs /;,\£20 £..Ae AAA)had —.;/ee s )£at J 4 oe sf 5fl}4d d .;)2 Leateaks =f ot 4 orrrolis ab vacwitieal 4 “gy yA MASA f-‘bi :(“7 ,>4 |¢{Peon,-:ot-ANZ,,,.ah il ae ail kg,ae rif Rn.2 ‘,<o “oo t 4%$4 ®4 E “-ue Ln .:5 c}b)Recommendations for license to preach.(%%703,708 "f r -Z oad CA de..CaS $A Bon otk )v :aoan |VKhbmn CALS! : tearxl Lea e ‘y ,& ;(4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leaques 765)“i :So od thet,AFD...Stee, {Z yt ky t 20a *-»Ath A.Sdot Ad Se~LVE Ore 7)290.124 J Ww 7 s 'Zé4,=he Ae ace hha,Ltt lp.heb thy.FR_f LshAAet.LAU x ,;5)Exhorters a)Applications for license Renewals of license J :‘anil te mM Lett Mts .NAO ha eK Sf tw to /—F 46)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?("©758-760);?4 5 {Ca we i c/4Oo OR aleeer a els pate wit Lue,OU...Fil.iLes oscar }a.yp«-;/WA 7|F "1 7 r (tea LE)C Ras a CA.ot AAG any a{_24 a Albee AMAA r ¥+A,4 § ii :/7 -A A+.hood <r AF*LAL, ‘.anal :?(©Orr Og .:or a )if.the Cégatt C4 4A ie,i (7)Other miscelianeous business!758-760 If more space is needed,record as a supplement)AIF AC fn Ha.-4),2 8 -, §i ,fti =fs 7 ‘Pp yy ;{a ae O°bth ot A.Z.the hs ”.sith:(ktyAg,AFLB-P41-02..,Cte a L2AL whe ey -a+,i LAmet Cates.»f>ate ‘sak+‘‘7 /“7 /a v V2 Kita 8-2 Me.lade Ck MA Pannayv£&(tk.£*2 ptac.Clyde L#Ais RVI MAL bh)eheeaass :/4 7 s U4 9..‘*s U (*a YL <A AL.AE CAAA eh (nny once +'y :i ; =;/a )?iQues.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?rAd.CO.Reet ven :Hi :aj d 4,din a ae ;}it The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned.Aut LOL AAML /i-¢4.....Presiding Elder.4 /}/:io {Fi |ed ddedeen 4.3 pin Recording Steward.oo A .“1 ‘tox ceeteneesce nese SOCPMATY: i} :osneticrpenanier oeemrnely RAEetintORRTIREIEera Fér use at Third and FourthQuarterlyConferencesMethodist Episcopal Church,South Quarterly Conference,1933-193 Le ee Charge,2 pLafraneell ye ,Minutes DLhenk The 3 selon ..Quarterly Conference for the year 193 s3..-193 a f ;j ?/*District,VAs ML.Skt Conference,was held at J nei...CrAF€C#an bench bofos a 2 RQ Mn.C co we vy _P.E.,in the chair,After religious services,conducted by (7%...VY.41.faorAterxe ae :f :LZ.${Secret The roll was called and the following members answered to their names:C745 .was elects |} g 7 4}ear peal YAY)7 AA RR.bts ” preacher in charge on the general state of the (*hurch,as required by Discipline,©€109,161, Are there reports from the Superintende nis of the Sunday schools (464)?FP Presidents of the Senior and High +40 Question 1.(a)Is there a written report|from the 7 629-6332 fa.(b)J Epworth Leagues (4109)?Yf-AO Lay Leaders (587, 588)?Presidents of the Woman's Missionary Societies (4109)?‘tO — Temperance and Stewardship Committees?Wesley Brotherhoods?Exhorters? Missionary Committees? Social Service Committee?Director of Golden Cross?(For these and all other written reports sce Supplements.)(At the let there be a written report giving a summary of the year’s work.) Quarterly Conference succeeding the fiscal year of each cause, (Questions 2-11 are for use at the First and Second Quarterly Conferences. »eramine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannuate Endowment and to make a written report «_ rc Ques.12.Who are appointed t at the fourth Quarterly Conference?| enrolled in the Golden Cross Society? i |Ques.13.How many members have (Let report be made according to Discipline,(109,Question 14.)Ques.14.What are we doing for the cause of education? Ques.15.What has been done by the pastor and his assistants Ques.16.Have the General Rules been read? f Church Conforenase for each Church in thia charge?3 Have they been to put our Christian litegature into all the homes of this charge (4139)? Ae eIIte Ae Ques.17.Are there Church Registers a nd Records 0, faithfully keptr...XO (-~AAGMAM 1 , |—see neeeeeaeeeeeae eajocerenaceunetartenSeAan IV ; \ Ques.18.18 there a written report from the Woman’s Missionary Society?(See Ques.1,b.)ha Ques.19.(a)Who ig the Chairman of the Christian Stewardship Committee?(Give name and address of chairman Sor each Church.) Ques.20.Is there a report from the Wesley Brotherhood?(See Ques.1,b.) Ques.21.Who are the Trustees of Church property (%758)? | | (ues.22.Are there reports from the trustees,as provided in $109?(Special forms for reporting can be secured from the Board of Church Extension,Louisville,Ky.)Items to be included in reports of trustees:(1)What is the number steleeiiies am ||—_—S mBison -What has been expended on these during the year?Churches?$ah eb Parsonages?$ee (2)What is the value of these?Churches?$ Poe -4)What amount has been paid in premiums?scsi (5)What amount of loss has occurred?$me[nn ne eePOREOm prommiumnel 8...(5)What amount of lesshaesoured?$-. A.been collected thereon?$....(6)Do the deeds contain the Disciplinary trust clauses?............_.(7)Where are the tiile papers |kept?..._....: |:PRE R Bet Uh aor ucso patient ©~~vvvssnevee (8)Where are they recorded?(Give office,book,and page.Full answers to this question should be recorded in printed supplement.) Ques.23.How many societies do not own houses of worship?............ Ques.24.Who are elected Stewards for the ensuing year (9 9750-752)? Ques.25.Who is elected Recording Steward?.. Ques.26,Who iselected District Steward (752,3 f Ques.27.(a)Who are elected the Missionary Committees of the Congregations? | wee seewees nee nnn ee eheeesseneeeeeree residing E ve B Missions?...(b)Has the name of the Chairman been reported to tle Presiding Elder for the Board of Missto Ques.28.Who are elected Sunday School Superintendents? Who are elected Church Lay Ques.29.Who is elected Charge Lay Leader? is also the Charge Lay Lede)-..eoc.0.cn.usececessnsncsvenesve-senectererncasten nannsiuersaranenesentnynsamameasenet eoeeays Leaders?(In stations the Church Lay Leader Ques.30.Who are elected Golden Cross Directors?| |i| Endowment?.............. itt rt from those appointed to examine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannaute Endo Ques.31.Is there a written repo , Superannuate Homes?Pisces een raised during the year for Ques.32.What amount has b ini "717,753-755,757,815,816.)(Let the answerisedthepresentquarterforthesupportoftheministry?((4717,-755,757,815 tes Wines emenet hee Dern vee a paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preac e738.) to this question embrace only the sum raised a ':. .|we bo Oo. ae = i}ge r i|os //|73 |Total amount raised i#él |oS. 2 eS ad H Presiding elder $~.(b)Preacher in charge,$JL ~(c)Assistants,$ ow has it been applied?(a)Presiding ’. for Superannuate Endowment?$.......0cc0--0----000+Has this amount been remitlea Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter to the General Board of Finance,St.Lowis,M0.? jects? Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects ishi :S eeBuilding,repairing,or furnishing Sunday School Day General and Conference Work =.$2 parsonages eee Geren ya Sunday schools,Missions..6 Peesenccsoone District Work ee ae oe =premiums 0 Geecereessien :i eeee Voluntary Kingdom Extension Of-err $Sunday schools,other objects .. $....... Se 8 Bm ‘Woman's Missionary Soctety —-—Penvw--e---~Printing minutes SS Golden Cross 2 www kt Buceteee Wesley Brotherhoods ..+-Baas Relief of $ 34 ee KEI Epworth Leagues,Missions ©©Bomevnmeme |eennnneneneeennnntnensnceanennnanecss Pooreeereee nages Lts.4- a cee Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $..-.....-..$ Incidental and other objec Poneenneeen : EpworthLeagues,other objects.1 scateintceinesPeie an rere ese $ i iim wo wiSeaeewaineen: ,¥/.oS isi ha (“pa fi thetRAQues.36.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?YO...What is the report of the Church Conference Secretary?Apiarna Wifor Lo kt of ?J :/i bin tte A deedQues.37.Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter?__.WD el.ei,a walk oe ee lh as :/.¢01a wr ¥Ques.38.Is there any miscellaneous business?CAAAL &ty eo ns a al A t+Ltnffiae~}j ee ae 2 AMAL orvefite throf eo op1)Appeals.(9709-711,805,807)(a he A Lee°,:-At |)eel 9 Tan,4 ws /4 ,@ ees{(2)Complaints.(94711,712)ae A,Hrs.i?a ~~i }(3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegate: ,&7 se #as «dee A.Cf faints tugAOsOYLD-.8 lo (if more space is needed,record as a supplement)i ones ¢4 ‘Lot TOs 7 :hei "Ve6)¢Kor.T£-3 ot xf.drBPUs-e wr FA.f at :oO asc ir**y)| ||:ee had Af vendeAo 3,Bl..Mectect LP dle Pm =4 an ie -Ctet Ane lalate;E .Z,fy oA Leas “~~Dg nee CO a _ how \AS_4 :::.| || p .a ly 2G ue Fiat tently weet ied.pont Lady b | f (Z die ,Ye us ¥v mermens 3 j ‘yy ©de f f Som -Pap,a T nAAW %i ee ENA :¥no JmMAWKY.rm :/-. a a €o ¥»¥A 4 ere44LVADiA v Sie 1 a J ;(b)Recommendations for license to preach.(4703,708)f cA,,‘fee i ‘m ee 42 LA AAD .Jv he ee ee,+¥os ‘*7”|td AA em _+..?¢ :-.a >.:mo A ‘‘i -ioe ‘|viigt Go (OFxaor(4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents of Epworth Leagues.eneCIEEoaenaesantlcnc.eee°fs 7 “j-o »OM....,4 “y Fr¢.(5)Exhorters.(a)Applications Jor license Renewals of license 4 L ¢*f ‘f ,_—:“f‘-x,%af ae)mm,,af :-LX ’!(6)Trustees.Vacancies in Boards to be filled?(4%758-760 “i_X J SAA Prine ao|ung (7)Other miscellaneous business?(€*758-760) :i PRA hut.bhitrir~...Gon d LQ)fran tLe ::(If more space is needed,record as a supplement).fk XY &P Kf Os (A Uv:as /,.:')‘LyHi1M©ow,oho PP OL MMawrod nA at ,ae j if.S'o*Shhe Lod Ab ‘tA Aidennili7:é UW U :.f 7 j si F ili «aud Lod i +weve 4HHFeCdLunaPlaceoftreSEExapallaiidACA?AA hit dt.5,tehedtiracte4¥/-a|AZ Leen arey 4 —.Oy LEP J ern A ..Se O R—, j :Olt +"LA bc tt Ovi tA.9 rtf ade.<<-Sen aR ~t re:Ser , 55 i ‘Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?2 ,Onn thunk e BI The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned. Hi aeNeeneeeeeeeeeeeeTNSAAT |’~®ft¢geS~'~~_~2*&.*x;~~-=™~{«4.“—\Presiding Elder. ...Recording Steward. .Secretary. te ne f LnAgeé :A hMauA pemctict O-F.ufp Lo Idd MRAM Oo oec e $FF .* f MA ~~POS.pf “«c3f)°MaAEteaOOS:3lle.thee.dy Ab.pnd AL © Atte me lorn—~thea,fp tihkogh Ac Orang...ON Ged .oe ae Gs LB,.s fan éf Att >eS 0.2.awe %“oeaaae 4iocenebeDInennEeSeReREeSERtESASOSSIwEHIeNInEERmECCNNnIESSeNSesbeeneSeebonenSeUisenapesobbentoesecnndsenbbeeeteneserontetscsneasernseceesoensesccoseseesesx& a: Setnenatn eeSe Ema nenSTeneCenelnNs einen miiNEGetiEleNidihh tere anheenebneeendaiinnsenianmebubesitesinenenentehsubieibinenesuuabninndbestbansaboniaencesienbersaseencseuss®4ad wrocwsvscouenbeunsereesseuersorebwensonseeeseuisieececcnsiconsensecsnce "Vicnegeninkebeseceinhhineeasensensconteeniadetteettbhsensbinneunasnsente a be ++:eneewerecveenecesenccescsessreeerew Vue Maral eth | 3 and 4FéruseatThirdandFourthQuarterlyConferencesMethodistEpiscopalChurch,South MinutesZOwLe _Quarterly Conference,193..7_-193.¥ eres Conference for the year 193.3-193 of OLAw Charge,am, if.Conference,was held at1 Chea ae 193.g The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: | was elected Secretary. |na.7.wide) Question 1.(a)Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church,as required by Discipline,€%109,161, 629-633?.4hie.(b)Are there reports from the Superintendents of the Sunday schools ("464 fit «J.Presidents of the Senior and High ~-éikate Temperance and Epworth a(9109)?Ye.Lay Leaders (9587,588)?$=*—..Presidents of the Woman's Missionary Societies ({109)?. Exhorters?.............Mtestenery Committees?.Stewardship Committees?..............Wesley Brotherhoods? Social Service Committee?.Director of Golden Cross?(For these and all other written reports see Supplements.)(At the Quarterly Conference succeeding the fiscal year of each cause,let there be a written report giving a summary of the year’s work.) (Questions 2-11 are for use at the First and Second Quarterly Conferences. f Ques.12.Who are appointed to examine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannuate Endowment and to make a written report at the fourth Quarterly Conference?| Ques.13.How many members have enrolled in the Golden Cross Society? Ques.14.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let report be made according to Discipline, Ques.15.What has been done by the pastor and his assistants to put our Christian literature into all the homes of this charge ({189)? ©109,Question 14.) Ques.16.Have the General Rules been read? ..Have they beenQues.17.Are there Church Registers and Records of Church Conferences for each Church in this charge? \faithfully kepi?....... f Ques.18.Is there a written report from the Woman’s Missionary Society?(See Ques.1,b.)I -[Ques.27.(a)Who are elected the Missionary Committees of the Congregations?ial 2k Vanakeng.icc iciieasaubilek |,,-*..2|Ques.19.(a)Who is the Chairman of the Christian Stewardship Committee?(Give name and address of chairman for each Church.)ciliates tialee cdlete Se Etaealchespancrccdesislaleacimonale aon :Seopscadereinsnlac d Sof Soe aa hsOlrai ane A ee a (b)Has the name of the Chairman been reported to the Presiding Elder for the Board of Missions?....Ys Be secenneah i ;Ques.28.Who are elected Sunday School Superintendents? ;Ques.20.Is there a report from the Wesley Brotherhood?(See Ques.1,b.)Oe a ee ee AOyeasWwhoyetheTrusteesofChurchproperty(758)?Snel ‘i !i ‘)4'Aye 4 dt ee Sole at |x W4t.Bitheh Ot,insist as asec acon saan caer enc aele caaeinecnaisaddae ivspeseascopenninesabeaas sl ea ataucanaiz.Zz Lf 5 ae aera oe G EeBeensticnimennnn sctiddhcdenoniabaniaacettiaie .‘ 4 IV \ahamhlenin’.®.aeBEETi|tttteneerontneennnene eennaneconmnaneseersassvereannesteleernssnenssennaseesenneevecesenverdaneestrentsecs thetveiffenueensuevesanceseuenseceraounsememunensconettes 4.4P naeC A «Var:Ques.22.Are there reports from the trustees,as provided in 9109?et .(Special forms for reporting can be secured from the y 7 “44 |Board ofChurch Extension,Louisville,Ky.)Items to be includedin reports of trustees:(1)Whatis the number of churches 2.ere.oe Rw OPT ad ;2 Ques.29.Who is elected Charge Lay Leader?.(/4.4-8 tet be a Who are elected Church Lay i |Parsonages?f What has been expended on these during the year?Churches?$..................Parsonages?$.............--2)What 2 Leaders?(In stations the Church Lay Leader is also the Charge Lay Leader):;iiccdasiecmaal {|is the value of these?Churches?$_..................Parsonages?$22.......(3)What amount of insurance is carried on church property?i $55.0 008 .Ques.30.Who are elected Golden Cross Directors? ee CUCMete OSE (4)What amount has been paid in premiums?$....................(5)What amount of loss has occurred?$...............--.What has :|LeU4NaraCMoanMAL.a.BA Anta ote Asa ei ces al ate otis eed ee j been collected thereon?$............i:Sentalt ,;y |:|BP onccscrcencnsnnenion (6)Do the deeds contain the Disciplinary trust clauses?_.................(7)Where are the title papers Warn.IIA.i ae ht a4\WHAe &,a FAA AL 5 NN sitedkegee 4 .7 4::|ssvernnnnneernnsorenmmnnneeesennseneess (8)Where are they recorded?(Give office,book,and page.Full answers lo Ques.31.Is there a written report from those appointed to examine the booksof the charge treasurer of Superannaute Endowment?............-. ':ie |this question should be recorded in pri 5j'[IV .TOnOTENy 0 SOURIS augunonneNe.)L Ques.32.What amount has been raised during the year for Superannuate Homes?$ :7 j |Ques.23.How many societies do not own houses of worship?..........Ky Se ee ee ee ee ee eee Ques.33.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry?(99717,753-755,757,815,816.)(Let the answer }to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.)Ques.24.Who are elected Stewards for the ensuing year (9750-758 |/,.| ::¢ |1 -nerveestaeemenes pe cg —i Mbde Caapacd.|heule ¢ i vicaaiit lila ie 5 ican ae see ae a ll a nd.BLIALA.Fa ll bok §2G)|| | ¥ i aj tS eee y |]i| <,|io..eo (asian,eo CA...Res Total amount raised Sedna.|7 ll|a lr ae Gonslieahininimeboetse os .me OT Ques.34.What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment?$...0...00....0.......Has this amount been remitted How has it been applied?(a)Presiding elder,$A 22.(b)Preacher in charge,$we af.Z¢(c)Assistants,$ to the General Board of Finance,St.Lowis,M0.?..........-csee--* i ::coal eee i ae as .re rt SO em cee re ert ee ee a Ques.35.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects? a Bc a inside Matinee i nc eesata 2")General and Conference Work .IEife parsonages 0 Peaiewtmenmns t::Building,repairing,or ee"Sunday SchoolDay ....$ |;owe ntevetnenegeeutenseneneesnnnetnieawesno nats panne haencieclituntaameni pereremutactunseetuerseous wovovevmibownt intel niniitincateiireircebeseenes :on District Work .$:Sunday schools,Missions...$ Insurance premiums a ara oe Sunday schools,other objects ..$‘a Voluntary Kingdom 1Extension Of. Woman's MissionarySociety 5 |eticecbiian Printing minutes ae)eoHhiYeltasSiolaaiaeaees!By ee anes em a Sg Cube a une es eo hee ate at ne a. Ce|ae ie,rence Relief of poor Ce ee.ieee i }i ME aca hw Orphanages ..ge GRE EAT Epworth Leagues,Missions..$..........saiskisealeissepheasiaiidiniiiacaitadciacac A fi Ques.25,Who is elected Recording Steward?.aLtr .a on ae Incidental andotherobjects .Soc...|Epworth Leagues,Anniversary Day $..............ssi encdinsaliicatia ipbdlatshelcbingia ie “l an repairing,or furnishing Discs 1 Bypworth Leagues,other ebfecto Bit cnn icciieons Doccinissiiilinil i |Ques.26.Who ia elected District §WOO sesceistitteaia: Ques.36.How many Church Conferences have been held during the quarter?..................What is the report of the Church Conference Secretary? Ques.37.Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter? Ot eee wenn ccoerecsececons & ;Ques.38.Is there any miscellaneous business?: fi /nnn -aeé1)Appeals.(9709-711,805,807).oa 2)Complainis.(%%711,712)... (3)District Conference:(a)Election of delegates to.(If more space is needed,record as a supplement.).................-......eeUs¥&mIa PsLESSeercgbigesVPmoa_nnthsseycaheeeeate(6)Recommendations for license to preach.(49703,708)c sauilsitilidieiniaaiiniadiaciimd ie acer ee a BS -nseeceuunaa a (4)Epworth Leagues:Confirmation as Presidents OF BT Ts CI ii SreeeeFe, (5)Exhorters.poomesireosstacsaleesCa (a)Appreeniiann far Mnrwit i leaieidenannsaerel “i y :ee cD i FeZA./Mh tern a MATL...ME ow 4A wcll-i ;(7)Other miscellaneous business?(9758-760)(If more space is needed,record as a SUP PLEMONE)a caeennerrneecneeernsecnesssmnneeeerecee aHi;SES TE 5 1,coertrtirrrtetesnprerrernaensnaeeetsonrienentersuannsdtnaueteveennnsneweenenedresenecaresalsstnmrsuesinelinuntinaivestetisinwesdirov aren iesstonanaiodanssiselaeneiehaiiaslobaecmieniginie 4nt)4 SE,emnmemmnmmmattimnnniceontininsinecaniecintiinenintanticline sspedgs eeinidlliils —-@ _f 4 }fe aottOCCOSSSeseceesccsess‘eneceeeeeesseesecossees® : ii} :}.Ques.39.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?mM.iia sip ieee8oO a :oe zg.Ml...The minutes were approved,and the Conference adjourned, Recording Steward. M.A!...heer 4g.s eeeric Meiasiberg pte Ahad if Andbect wien—eachen......thheboac en ucertedead....dl Pace.Tak aenh —<f i t..heel sal1 rastA daMedd...ae daleds C hentai = fe feed,Cth the fhe ne Artem Ieee ttePoachers aca all yc Ah Seromet pices y ¢ ona gt.det uc.a20.iiandeolwed ae ed:ale -,i|ee ne ee ~ AMwhwatahetbeif 4 ;Ae...LOL.tenet shagaset ht Ghd hehe "cecin face MS S hhh.fell cctionicsedlle HA ditch.susesnsthne . :4 om A Bote 3 ,Reece ee...aaioeLoe EE...da...SA hen "A hecheve Fobuch nc p-Mle borer...gé}‘;tB-Yorwthe oe be hac Abate halla)act ea!ad7 p ’4ROE,at LAhethght =<A besSok:Peete.polagoo has LoMoT hacei ecale:ep ad.Coda Ries ‘!Aimee Le ae 4 :. _bLibcaang.de vase “- edhe ba kone a Sel. 4,AHPPro.hed...MMMM hoodies led+.ocahe hg bah Beco os De hii che,ihn diaries <oeateehs get oe :Soy Be an C /,.PL lhe.pbs ot hit LL etaltheate ee,-eheeeclattlas “Chaat ; a.hg A *,e et co ee iene eeee ee t i aii woescmeeilitiicmatinaneetbeedeansonunncandnandtaaeeantareastaeamenoeNeounROARED“ROSLEEENCACEONTAt Station or Circuit i NO AMOUNT |||\y EXPENDED VALUE INSURANCE |PREMIUMS PAID Loss COLLECTED *1 0 (3S 5A Aci yi,7 ui :fe -Churches 8 |OO O@ 4 ~WL 7q; 3 Sana 44:j Ci 0? a /Parsonages fa Jo A A 6 O _#6 a }e.Schools | oo = K2s5o4+8?Ae 8eey|Totals Hy?«we BO 6 a ae }<= et /:on }Deeds to the following contain the trust clause:#20 7 4 ,.Pasta 7//Lae A <<A4epe<:P Vit...4244 MM Re NAA MLK 4 Deeds to the following have not the trust clause:3 u SSE > 1 Ie The title papers are kept rs f {ted AA MALY i one nea =-— a ;4 'OFFicEe y BOOK PAGE ,°}Va 2 f a |~.oO aot.The titles are recorded.%eae ee HAA hk hd Set Ainge.Mortis.de t rt <';| v7A.TAet *f ‘‘/|“ a s ,: T/\as \Ahyta :/nS 4 A /“7 -/eA RMA 1 i /a Y ; oil H ee saeeneepentinenensinnet Iiaienlatahatitinecliieiiecinsincieneestineiclmnnenteinsiisnenen ~oeceeneee lesen a ae ouNOTAState of North Carvlina Department of Archives and History‘ Raleigh CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this reel are true and accurate reproductions of the records listed on the target (title)sheet preceding each volume or series of records microfilmed hereon;that the records were mi tion ratio indicated;and were in the custody of the official target sheet(s). It is further certified that the r s listed on the aforesaid target sheet(s)were microfilmed in conformity with provisions of Sections 8=45.1 =845.4,Generali Statutes of North CO 7 +.Carolina;and that in order to insure archival quality and authentic reproduction of records filmed,they were microfilmed in the manner prescribed,and with equipment and film approved,by the State Department of Archives and (Signed) Qamera Operator