HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeath Index 1913-1965, C-D (1) at taaiteL. Mirrofilmed by North Carolina Department of Archives and History Binision of Archives and Manuscripts Raleigh, North Carolina ae R aa L @ ere 0 | U \ oe B13 tome) Data -INDEX TO. se STATISTICS — Ft 1 Ge Sara een = = OW Gls: Date YEARS 1913 1965 _ PAGES NOT CONSEC fe Fy aes eee bee (2 fot SCPE oH (Gime oe eae State of North Carolina Department of Archives and History Raleigh SPLICING AUTHENTICITY CERTIFICATE This te to certify thet the following reccrda of 7 ere oon tY smite ile Malad tatuhes (Pras) + fel Op a ? beginning with ce = PASE / and ending with ___/) i PHYGE <fHes- _ WV of i: _ ik > Lume se o LSES Not _ Lo ofS ee _ have been microfilmed to correct an error in, or to improve the quality of, the original film. The error or the unsatisfactory image or images will be cut out of the original film and the retake beginning and ending as indicated above will be spliced in as a replacement. This is further to certify that the microphotographic processes were accomplished in accordance with Chapters 8-/,5.1--8-5.4, inclusive, Genera) Statutes of North Caroling, by the undersigned on the date and at the reduc- tion ratio indicated below. Date /2—~—/— 4765— Reduction Ratio Lt SA Phe. wi FU p44, __ (Microfilm Camera Operator En e 1/ 8 ae ) co e Re ee Ca Ce-Ci | Ch . Cl Corpo- rations } Page | 2! uw Ni : ; ys hren ¢ 1-Cothre) ithen-Cauthorn- Ce 2 i 25 25 | 27 22 ——+ } ’ j 4 ’ pee oe L + a a Cau to Caz—Cb Ce Cd 21 Caudell-Caudill-Caudle ._281 O1euet ner > v} oO } x mG a wo ) » > “4 4 | 72 6 8 8 9 | i oe } oO -- oO oO 2 oO ve ‘ ; ; ' ; ; + ; : ‘ ; ; . am e n - — - a ns 7 ~ a O O © wo - — ‘ ' ¢ $ + ; + t + + oo e oa a? co o s Mm uN ou to c ae a2 @ @& fe a “ 7 = § So w a Be ; ; ; ct ; ; ; : | | i | | | 4 | | oO wo ) i ~ oO } } 3 a) | Ad j = my | 1 n a 3 oO } ® » “ | ' i > ry ) © \ : S| 4 ws 0 > t | i o| ? ct a sd i ~ > a . 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In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e oa di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . ee ae s aa ee EE is SE eS EE SS eo ea ae ea e PS S SR aE oO a om oS Co i LO i j j 1 } ' a 0 . e l e e e e Po 4 i { j } i | | | i j j = —— — — — — — — — rm a n + j _ _— — t + t + t + ; * + + T + | _ y 4- — — — fa p —— — — — } — | a | R a e | i . B u n e | ey i | ' } | | i i | A e | ot e | B a e ] Pt e | | } } i i ' j a i i ' i } } i i 7- 1 i i | { } | ; i i | } a ‘ i i } ; ; : | : ' aS | i i j | ! i s i ' i | i \ | ' } Be ; am io | ® | | 6S ] s oi 7 1S $4 | ° Qi & n or t a m Dp } | i ' S 3 PR , & | c a) i ' } | ! : = 8 + ia | @ : oo oS a CO } oO | | ' | S 3 . ee ee pc a n pe e r pe r e n n e ne m a Se a + ft _ a a ha hl ce d | ; a ge a e s e a S$ ys 3g | po eee | 3 ! 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' e} 3 | | ' o a ow ay a ) a So 7 2 : | a a a x q rs g 4 os a & a | | al e e 2 oS o Oo o = Gg g Oo Q 0D , & | ! ee e fe ar e a —— 4 +- + ~ + m4 + + }— + + —— - — y —- - - + 4 + +- — _ + — _ + ae a re er a t e t ; j | i i | i ; T i | | | sl a b 2 | | — i | } } ' } ; ' ; ; —— — f — ‘ ' | ; 4 | | i } | | | | ; | i ' i i Ly | | aa | | | | [T e | S | ae | ae | is | | | | : | | ae | fe j } | i i | } § | j | ; ; ; | aa a eR i i l i d e d t mu t a t e d ea e + + a - a 4 ; | re t s c a n e d i e r c e r e e i e n c e n t b e e n e n t e e e n e a l + —— ~ $ - + ] a < —— = Page Corporations and Firms rae] 4 ee | 7} | 1 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS -- DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. 1) (siamese abinienie-asibbain ia | ies . oe a | COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1< d 1 | oe RT Rt Wer asthe opti ite Re eT RM INTIAL TA and tr Bind dibs Cott Indes Company, Columban, Obi | si vcore ibe SoS ——————————————— aa aaa eT 4 +t ec DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED PTS a gee Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ‘hte dhe aca at CTR a r + SAC 2 t | Vol. Page 43 i 4 | f if 4 ‘ 191.5) 6 20} can |Ruby FP. W |Eagle Mills Tns/ Ance Cain Allice Joyner 2, 124 | 421917, 6 , 11) Cain | Daisy Vv F_._W {Eagle Mills Tns! orfie Cain Mary Evans 4. 153 ih na : | | | ‘ : ‘ 1917. 11 , 254 Cain ;Tno Lafayette | M | w |zagie Mitis Tnsl Davia Cain T Hutchins 4,166) 43) - 1 Aho i r Poona 2 ______}1221}_ 10 | 27 cain Carey Thomas M.. W}Statesville NC | wm Cain Mary Wilkins 1 1| 425 it ste a keke. 4 ____ 1923) 6 | 141 cain | Jno Manley M. W {Statesville NC | Patrick cain Susan W Cheshire | 9, 4784 | ie i as itis ——}| @ da 1923| 11. _3| Cain , Bonnie Gertrude} F |W |Bacle Mills Tns| Robt Cain . Minnie Reavis 9. 82 l it " ‘. ees aa y seks Ky gad 1925, 5 , 10} Cain rs | M.OW |Zagie Mills Tns| Coram Cain | Laura Gough 2, 1a8| I, He | | aa 1925, 10 | 4) Cain Mary Jane | F. W {¥agle Mil1s Tns| James Evans Emly Wallace }12 125| | ra I ae = | | | a ae | j ' | ' | | | i } i 2i Cain i | | 1927, M.W |Hagle Milis Tns| . - |- ~ |13, 130] a : 1931) , 13} Cain ,Gladys Lee + * ..“ |Eagle Mills Tns/ P D cain Rethea Wallace H Dewey Cain Reatha Wallace ———_____________ — oa ——| 2s 1932, 9] Cain Dale | uw |magie wi21s tne! A ~~ sa i s * ——__—______ 1932, 6 ,19} cain \offa Lee 1939; 2 18] Cain Jeane Mi. W |Eagle Millis Tns} J L Cain Sallie Harpe 118, 103 | i ie w oO w . 22} Cain Lula Eloise } * . W {Statesville NC } wm Elbert cortey Margaret Kincaid 19, 306 W Factlea Mills 7 | TO! Rach Kati S} We ) “i Larise M l a ¢ONnn nash IavIise onors av 95 bh | 4 | | | 1947, 4 | 26] Cain Ad | M_ W|Eagle Mills Tnsl J L Ccein Sallie Harp 33, 513 | 4 M oy etatesville NC] Arthur Cain Klla saton 38 492 | 1952.6 (221) Cain | Wesley errant eee ational | 3 | — + ios a aed | —————}1953,_ 16] cain | Alice Joyner | Hamptonville NG J. Cc, Joyner ballie Thomas B9 = 207 mn Te s ; | ' i ~~ A aehessssistsanuneuieryentieenmennmasmemeemenenees = ccm sereepemeiaas oo — 1956 | 6 13 vValn + 4amner Dewey Nj i" otatesville Lai ! alice Joyner 42 | 311 ial ¥ 1956; 9 | 2/Cain | John Jasper M C | Statesville Unknown | Unknonw 42 423 | : a * 957 9 a fcain Minnie V Reavis F W! Statesville Wames W Reavis Jonettie Mey sn | a 1960) 8 s|cain | ss M WY} Statesville Thomas I Cain Ollie Cline = | | | | | i | | oe ——-+ ) | | a | | } tC | ee ats | | i} : + | r | | | | hi ! fi | | | : | ie) | _ + | 4 | me | | | ' | ) 4\8} bs: | | | ee ee . | | | ) i ——— | | | raed de + | ' elaine al | | ‘ B 8 ’ edd 1 | | | oo ee m + | a Oe ne tL , ee 4 t ia tetededaill fence cet — Ss - | Be ey: 1 | ‘ ie ttt [scenes pd Pecans - : i oft | iF : oe voli j ; wh hg, | deta ‘ ( soit. if ict ‘ae Beat Paden awit Rid wie aad Didi Wee asi Alsat ‘i / (ae , Bilis ates st iy Aba an hy De Sia 0 i zs iy ea y fe ai ayes mene ‘i, Stel i Se ibe iy iu 4 " Pe i - ro N mi ew a oe SO ae? x ’ dy eee WN ita a inate: : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N.C a eh | ia ; et COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 a. This Signature on sheets fnsurcs their correctness. names, ope at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ¢8—Copyright Reg. U.8. Pat.ow. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 14871 , ight 1990 “ PETTOD CMIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 itis Sideas Se U8 Pe Oe tS haan Sr NSE sooo : SSS U8. t No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 PER Te loca Sana oben at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio caleieceis = 3 ; SS == premier a eneeeS SNe SSNSSSeSaSneenesensesorese Sas = - Sup-lnden sheet for page reference, Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. esa EAS RECORDED a eee = — tee SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER wal Pees ee DATE OF way SURNAME OF DECEASED — ' Yea | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER : sienna Voi.| Page AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN T f | ~~ ial Eee en 4 ~~ + ~ b - t } Cagle | Alice Mooresville NC} I Monroe Potts Annie Auten 22; 261 ais 2 | 18] Calaway e ie Davi | { avidson Tns Jno Boyd Calaway Minnie Teasler Mooresville NC_| John Cagle Fish Conner 23\. 212 ' a 1911; 6 | 23) Calaway |Tilly L | . | Davidson ns W412 Calaway Addie Fisher i : 2 # . 2 : 3 ee e 7 ri a2 sa e Se r e ee n s ser < 5 ac n e . Cagle iWM Pa Cagle ,Landella Mooresville NC | William M Cagle Hattie Spivey 24) 133 “ae ‘ i 1926, 3 +19) Callaway oris Louise | W |Mooresville NC JJ C Callaway Emma Meadows ma a : ; Sh we e s o< Pagle | Stamey Monroe Statesville NC |Dave M. Cagle Mary Ann Williams 43 | 239 : l 28| 24! Callowe | i 720) oway | Bettie llooresville NC |John Alley Mary Martin oe 1934, | 29} Calloway Marion Worth |M iW [Mooresville NC }£ Daisy Meadows 1937 |B} Calloway }Ralph silly ‘ear E v 4 pve Hope Tns jDessie Redmond Q | ~ e i ek ’ 1933! Calloway Jno Thomas | W |Statesville NC let teabeds attain | i | i ae 4a 444 < i f < oe ge t= in n aa a z az Ss Ga e t a 1 | }Mooresville NC | - 1940 | Calloway iCelum ee pe _— — bm n oa - em m a * 1957 | £6 |Cal loway Boyce Edmo | wom | we . : y ond Mooresville \Cebron Lalloway Betty Alley | i 1957) | Cal loway i James Clay | Vi yy i More: nt i Cot gs! ipl ie a Hn Ar 4 I ee jeoron Calloway Betty Alley QD wae | ii t 960, ‘5 |Calloway John Boyd | |Statesville | Cebron Calloway b etty Alley 2 f C j NN , ie : | 196 | alloway Shunice N, | | Stutesville | Joseph L Nicholson i Vorcas Cass i | " i} i Fallstown Tns a | — +o yl |New Hope Tns Avery Call Lula Walker | Howard \.ayne pe. | N vtatesville NU | Isaac Jason val] hastin | Willi ie | [Sta illiam Robie W |Statesville Nc | David Call Marie Bullis : | | Sally Combs B. | Statesville N C/Lumle Combs Carolina Combs | Danny Richard é Statesville NC} Wiiiiem B. Cell Stella Sue Moore | | \ ‘ ie |\Clarence Ricca Statesville NC |James Calahan Annie Bell Doser | | | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer on sheets insares thelr correctness, to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. a TVERSAL INDEX No, } UOT Perens Ne tattiee—Copyeteht (oe Protection, Insist On It. This Reg U.8 Pat.ow, ( For Your DATE OF DEATH Your | Month | Day SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN T | | t PLACE OF DEATH a ao NAME OF FATHER ‘emiienieeeneeee acne em eters sane ecoerreeemal NAME OF MOTHER > nl _ eT csenetatnte NOTA a i SOO cease meme TE ST ea ees eS easra pos DATE OF DEATH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. CO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 oe Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ee L913 | Caldwell Caldwell | Caldwell | Caldwell Caldwell | calawelt | caldwell | carawell 1) Caldwell }} 12) Caldwell , 27) Caldwell | / 18) Caldwell | 27| Caldwell 1) Caldwell 1) Caldwell 201 Caldwell -24l caldwell 29) Caldwell \ 3 Caldwell i 9| Caldwell \ | 4 Caldwell}. i 21) Caldwell | 31) Caldwell | 144 Caldwell | 30) Caldwell , 23) Caldwell | 22) Caldwell , 30} Caldwell 2 Caldwell re Caldwell , 29] Caldwell | Caldwell 1 Caldwell 19} Caldwell 26] Caldwell 6| Caldwell 5) Caldwell 23| Caldwell 23 Caldwei) 3 Caldwell SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN | | John S | liartha D | Ruby Mable Caroline Cicero Davies Hoey Gray Thomas li Forest Ethel Summers Gilbert Buelah Claude Zugene | Phil) Ellen Smith Tary Jr Nannie Howell | Susan William G | Work , Addie Francis | Minnie | tule | Kitty Flowers | William oa Franklin Carrie Bell | Harold | Wiliiam R Mary Thompson Jas Layfette Milton it PLACE OF DEATH | Davidson Tns Davidson Tns Davidson Tns ‘ Mooresville NC | Davidson Tns Mooresville NC | Mooresville NC Davidson Tns 7 Coddie Creek Tn! Statesville NC Fallstovwm Tns Statesville NC Mooresville NC % Tiedt Aemn ¢ . YJaviason ins Statesville KC |} Davidson Tns Statesville NC | Davidson Tns Davidson Tns Davidson Tns Barringer Tns Barringer Tns Davidson Tns Statesville NC Davidson Tns Davidson Tns Davidson Tns Statesville NC Mooresville NC | Davidson Tns | Davidson Tns | Statesville NC | Statesville Nc | Coddle Creek Tn ‘ | Davidson Tns | Statesville Nc | wooreavilie NC | pevidson Tns Davidson Tns Fallstown Tns (CON) To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER John Caldwell Andrew Caldwell Wm Mf Caldwell Henry Lee Caldwell John Caldwell John Caldwell Roy Caldwell James Caldwell Odell Caldwell 1 Caldwell ,John raldwell L C Caldwell Mark Caldwell L C Caldwell} John Torence workman Caldwell Alfred Smith John Caldwell John Caldwell D B Harvell Abe Graham Marcelious Caldwell) Monroe Caldwell Max Osborne C B Caldwell Vaud M Caldwell Alex Davidson Julius Caldwell Jas F Caldwell S Bronson Chas G Caldwell Jerry Caldwell ThOs Thompson Henry ¥ Caldwell ,) Home: Kilpetrick Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER [ay pas | Florence Clark Esther White Carrie B Brunson Hattie Campbell Florence Clark Hattie Little Mamie Holcolm Mattie Sherrill Sarah P Morrison Margaret Zaton Etta Sigman Hattie Littles Edna Love Mattie Sabrell Maggie Young Anne Torrence Mattie Gabriel Polley Zagle Bula Ransey Bula winindili Fannie L Kale Lillie Long Rena Gardner Julia Brawley > ro te © rw es Se ES Julia B Templeton “ oe rh Julia D R4gley Oo Polly Houston w Joe Ann Kelley Martha Lodeman Elizabeth Honnor Julia B Templeton Sarah Reid po e m p e n a l y a ll e e e e a e n e n e t i e n e e m e m n e n n d i m e e n e t i n e n n e e l Ww co ew : « - ee ood ve a » m ee to, SER in Be tea i Cen Ie neti eee ; INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — ede County, N. C COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 ¢ . t SURNAME INITIAL T. and refer on diana = Fy Fy SM i This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. -U.F atom. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 i attr eee or Your } » Insis v. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1936 ate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Ba Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. See eeieeaimeenereamenees - = aaa =" I RECORDED <== —— = if = > coe — ~ a - see} oon ae oS eee Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fp a = ere DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED — | oo oe | Yer | Month is AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — r | oo _ because Res ST cS RATT | ‘Filed | cae | i 1927, 1 | 4) Caldwel2 | } MC | Barringer Tns | John Caldwell | a | 939| 9 |16/Caldwe1l lr | | | 2 | ‘i Coddle Creek Ty Perry Caldwell Rebecca Caldwell | ! 11926; 12 | 9) caldwel2 |Mary Adeline ee | Statesville Tns} David Caldwell } = 12} alt 939! 7 13 Caldwell ; aoe 1 a pomands Coddle Creek Ty Doe. Shepherd Judia McNeely 11927, 8 5) caldwell | Julious | M | C |Statesville NC | _ - | = 13} “ie | : f | i 3 1940} 2 | 1iCaldwell | Coddle Creek Ty Paul Caldwell Netia Troutman 1928 | Caldwell LG | M . W }Coddle Creek Tn! Grady Caldwell | Dora Vanderford 14) | | | | a 1940} 6 [22 {Caldwell {Ray “| © | Coddle Creek Tq Lewis Caldwell Ethel Bell Wilson Caldwell | F | W |Mooresville NC HS Caldwell | Gorden Anderson 14, | a + | | e 1940; 7 | Caldwell | | Statesville Nr > a ‘mate | J ; + Statesville N Ralph Caldwell | £ssle Mae Cowan | i | | | , : Caldwell Laura | F Statesville NC | ! 4 | j * | | if j V é r Ray lw Y ATA + i | | 2 1940 | | 9|Caldwell | Larry Ray Statesville NC] Everett Caldwell | Verlie Walters Caldwell Winifred Pratt | F w |Statesville NC | Martin Pratt | Hattie Reeder | “3 La | | | i iis 1940 | a Caldwell 1a ic | Mooresville NC} Work Caldwell Hannah Cauldwell Jas Henry ) M Barringer Tns | John Cauldwell | Beulah Ramsey : y ean i -— 9 Caldwell mt W |Coddle Creek Tn} 1 Grady Caldwell | Dora VanPelt i } | | Caldwell M 'Davidson Tns | Paul Caldwell | Effie Conner : | 211 calawel} | 7 TT ices Caldwell Annie Statesville Tns| Mayor Lynch Della Davidson . | | ; ee i | , ‘ | alaqwe ale Caldwell Welber if Coddle Creek Tn} Odell Caldwell Neomie Burke I a 41 Caldwell } | pe | +Owe ll ) Caldwell] I W |Coddle Creek Tn, L G Caldwell Dora Vanpelt | 2 ies 5 | Caldwell i bs a. Gweil Jaldwell Ivey Elizabeth || Fr W |Chambersburg Tn/ G G Caldwell {| Elizabeth Clyne 116, . 2 |201Calawel? 14 | , | | - S } | 3 3U a Lavwe 1] Bi : 1 i , 44 vi)" ww 4 Do loh Caldwell Dee Statesville Tns| Mitchell Howard | Hattie Stokes 116 SS 2 ais i i | | ai 1942) Caldwell | F > Mooresville NC Wohn Caldwell Beulah Kamsey . Saldwell Fannie Marie , Davidson Tns | John Caldwell | Florence Clark | 16 = | | | | i 1945; 5 | Coldwell | M | W [Stetesville ne | John Caldwell |#emeL ine Csaldwel | saldwej) Chas Louis i Davidson Tns | h is Vi j 3 t ] fe | 2 Na a 3 Ss ! Chas Louis Caldwell) a=ppie UConner ime i = i ; H | ee 1946/7 1s ld ll ibark iz Cea | : cx 4 5 a a es es a an - 2 Ca we ‘ } ae V8LESVillie NC weliLert vald Well jtiurriet “@8lidon W | i Caldwel Hit}_l_ Statesvi NC_| © 9 Calawel2 Mitty J Bumgarner [17 ; | 4 - ae v. Umea gos, : 1946 (8 19] Caldwell i —-to0resy i | es — t : i ¥ Ville NC j- i Caldwell } F . W [Statesville NC | za L calawe11 mi er ‘ in| <i ; Seda ve - -” j y | Hatti / a 1949 | 3 |3 }Caldwell qi | Statesville NC | Altre vigmon | Unknown 35} lO2i Caldwell | * . W | Statesville NC | Za Lee Caldwell | Hattie Drum 418, 459, xz | Caldwell | | | | C | Mooresville lic | Jeck Johnston Unknown 35 51] 1, Caldwell Wm Mason } M. W | Davidson Tns } Frank Caldwell Mattie Munday 18 a Caldwell | F | | _ Caldwe i V | Mooresville NC] Carl F /aldwell Jenn j | r Caldwell snny Ann Hearick 35,514 ) Caldwell Edith Statesville Tns| Amy Barker | Perry Welmond 18 } a Cal S | Caldwell | \ | a Valdwell | Greta Maz oz. 1G Mooresvi James Caldwell Joseyhine Nelsor Caldwe | M ooresville NC | Parks D Caldwell | Mary E Stonestreet |18. igi 95 7 [Caldwell | > in 1) , | isi } Mooresvill] sLara lh aldwell Caldwell }Davidson Tns | Don Conner | : | Emmer Conner 18: | Caldwell \Deborah Leah j , W [Statesville NC [Kenneth c Caldwell [Vivian Earnhret Caldwell | x Davidson Tns Jane Caldwell z | } Zppie Conner t wy | Caldwell ‘Mort MM Ww piocresrilie NC |Jim F Caldwell Ellen Smith Caldwell , Bessie Henr wis | Bessie Henry , Statesville NC } James L Henry | GS Caldwell = Caldwel) base Bi. 5 Tae a Si ; ” i = + aviason Ins ailen Caldwell Sylvia Balmer Caldwell Herman William | yw Mooresville NC a | = = = ~ | Annie Caldwell and ’ — | Caldwell | - Moor esy | Caldwell Curle I | Moores | a | rlee | ; Mooresville NC | Henry Caldwell | Hattie Camble - Caldwell illiam Wheeler |M |W [Mooresville NC ° , Caldwell , Mary | Coddle Creek Tn c ! a | | : Andy Knox Dora Houston _ | Caldwell | Sherman Mooresville ic Lee Caldwell Phonie Compton , 11) Caldwell Mary St a ; ! Statesville nc | xobert Kno " | | | ‘ x Hattie Waddell , Caldwell | John eS Mooresville Nc John Caldwell Amanda Kemseur 6; Caldwe) William M Iu y | Statesville Ne | | | 8 ' John DC { | ; | hn aldwell Martha Abernathy ™" Caldwell 1] LB Yi Wei High Point S dgar Brown Annie Charles Wa: Luft) ee { | Caldwel F r las a 4) Caldwell , Florence : )Mooresville NC | Johnis Clark Violet Clark Caldwel} Le! i ! I i = LOY met Ooresviiie NOE James L Caldwe} bllen Smith | sa | Theodore j Mooresville NC | John Caldwell Florence Clarke | a i ss Caldwell Ola k,. Goldsboro NC Will Coldwell Ethel Corry { 16) Caldwe12 Gurtie : | Fallstown il | Tns Milton Brotherton - 1 | 7% i a Caldwell Richard sarl Mooresville NC} kichard Cc. Caldwell | Mollie Hinson | Caldwell | Curlee Sita { son Tns Pa ul Caldwell Epie Conner “ ; Caldwell Baby Girl F Mooresville NC Bonnie Clemeas Ruth Caldwell | Cauldwel1 Lois Emma Berri : nger Tns | John Cauldwell | | Beulah Ramsey ik Caldwell Stillborn | Mooresville NC | Craven William Caldwe11 S®reva bsgabeth 0 30 | 28 Caldwell | Melton Mo 2 Vv | Robt W Caldwel) Bolivia Burton . q Caldwell Sallie States ille NC Cooper Smith Nancy Meichem 0 18 | - ; 1 | 20) Caldwell John P 7 Statesville no | John 3 ¢ 1) : aldwe Elizabeth Drum 7 . | 4 |30}Caldwell Stillborn | © [Statesville Nc Joseph Warren Caldwpa Betty Jean Jones $0 | 149 2@ Caldwell Charles Gray i | David son Tn 0 ? | Sed is tein ithtta Baas i ingle 8 6] carawe11 John Mooresville NC | Unknown Unknown 4) W3% | 6 | 21) Caldwell Billie C : oddle Cre r 4 reek Woodrow Caldwell Geneva Graham ee ial 55! 316 | calawe2l Baby Boy Mooresville NC ian: ttne targa al ‘This Siqnatare on sheets insures their correctness. dct ba Protection, © ban! On i. e | 27 29 hose 12 {i }1960 3 15 |1960 5 |16 { | 196¢ 5 18 | | 24 27 i Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell |Cal dwell baraw i Caldwell | | Caldwell } i veins | Caldwell 4 | Caldwell le 16 t 5 14) Caldwell | 9 (22 i a 5 2q Caldwell Caldwell 7 a ldwe1l | Jal dwell | ca1dwe2 Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell ee Weta tet a Berrie i sto a eS al INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS ~ Iredell County, = — at SURNAME ell iecate wee to Buff Sub- ie-laeox sheet tee page Seeronse. pT ER aT ee eae ae ai Le Radin AME INITIAL TAB and refer = 5 = rm SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN aa Nora Reagay ! } | | David | Jonn Edd | Stillborn Ernest Warren | Ervin Quitman Lewis McClure Mary E, Claudia M. Odell } Loig Lenora jj * tt “ } James W. Molly inson Lawrence Victor Summers Kichard Carl Willie Russell Amos James Harry | George Connie Baby Girl " M 7 M PF /W fn \ C ¢ C sem cement a PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NC Moore sv ille NC Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Statesville Mooresville NC Mooresville N Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Qa Mooresville NC Mooresville Statesville Mooresville ae w |Statesville NC W Mooresville NC Mooresville Statesville Mooresville NO Statesville old sboro Moor esville Mooresville Mooresville Mooresville | Mocksville NAME OF FATHER Henry Reagan Odell Caldwell Paul Caldwell David Lee Caldwell Joseph Caldwell Sidney S. Caldwell d John C. Caldwell C L Phifer Roy B Parker Delph Caldwell John Caldwell William Caldwell James “ingon Thomas Caldwell "N C Caldwell James Caldwell John A. Riley George Caldwell James L Caldwell Joe Caldwell os Uv Caldwell Henderson Willians Robert Caldwell Harry UV Caldwell Jessie Russell ——Per Rechel Westmoreland NAME OF MOTHER Fannie Dellinger Naomi Burney Netia Troutman Annie Elizabeth Reid Betty J. Gray Laura Morrow Iemma McClure Lizzie Reed Rachel Cakwell Eva Bell Colems Alice - Beula Ramsey Susan Anna Graham Fronnie Honeycutt Addie - Ethel Summers Elien Smith TTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 a las m TET | 1930 U 46, 51 ? Vol. 46 744) 1915, 11915. Ions. (1916, 1916 11916. 1916 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — se To lacat Cambell Campbell Campbell Cambell | Campbell | 16) Campbell HI 31| Campbe1). ol campbeli 21] Campbell (12) Campbell 191 Gampbe2 , 21) Campbell 2st onmned 19) Campbell 23) Campbell 14| campve12 2| Campbell | SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Thomas i Oscar | David Lauvina Columbus W William Payton Marshall Hix Sarah Emily Camilla Isabell Mary £E Emma Sheddie Ma \ \ { * @ names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. \ | PLACE OF DEATH Concord Tns i il Statesville Tns Is ,Turnersburg Turner sburs Sharpesbure Tns Turnersbure Turnersburg Tn Turnersburg Turnersburg Turnersburg Statesville Turnersbure¢ Turners burg Shiloh Tns Turnersburg Coddle Creek Coddle Creek NAME OF FATHER i i iThomas Cambell anford Campbell tns| David Campbell Tns| Pete Cambell ya.iiam Jordan TnsiLewis Campbell s| Daniel Campbell Tns| Jim Campbell ns! B aine Campbell s|Thomas Campbell 3|Leandren Campbell s| Board Campbell ‘ns|Pete Campbell ‘Alexander Sloop 'ns | Thomas Campbell \ Tn gurt Johnston Tn/0del2 Campbell DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Baa be Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. i Be 1 4 ) Bs ha +) a Fs ‘ { P 4 . al RECORDED } t . 4 t H j i i 741 NAME OF MOTHER Fannie Cambell Bettie Crawford ‘Jane Gaither Myrtle Steele Iby Barkley Louisa Smith Liza Dalton Nola Hix Hannah Brandon sthel Alexander Summers Steele Sedaler Brandon Ida Shuford p 4A mms LmMmMa Johnston Sallie Smith Rosie Sherrill Callie Sherrill itvle- Ma Pee L, John Sally Williams Kay F “erndon Ruby A Caldwell Té Weatherspoon Mooresville David Templeton Harry D Caldwell} Margaret McNéély Ruby A Little F W Statesville James Crouse Nancy Drum k7 Poe 47 326 47 452 48 116 49 | |218 liad 50 549 _jiveo 1916. 11926, Lioi7. 11917. 11927, 1917, 11918 | 1918 | 2918 | 1916 | agi8 1918 | ' | | 1919 | 1919 1919 | 1919 1919 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 Filed 2 2 10 il 1 2 1 11 9 Campbell 14! campbe13 5| Campbell 4 Campbell '10| campbe12 4|campbe22 | 1 |campbea1 '20|canppe11 (27| Campbel2 \21 Campbeil 1|campbel2 \12 Campbell \22| Campbell | 5 Campbell | Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Burton Maggie Napoleon Casey Martha Gaither Lizzie Luin Augustus Andrew |Joley \Eva Mable \Schofield \Alpha R \Geo Hughes iMary E Rebecca C™ Lucy Turners burg Eagle Mills Union Grove Mooresville Mooresville Statesville Olin Tns New Hope Tns Ths vames Campbell Tns|Jake Campbell Tus iC W Campbell uf | Ne |Joe Hall NC pashack AN | TnsidJ B Campbell Andy Campbell : I~ Archey». Turnersburg tns |Robt Gaston Campbell Statesville Eagle Mills NC jAlex Campbell Wm Campbell Statesville ‘Turnersburg ‘Turners burg { ‘Union Grove ‘Turnersburg ltagie Mills \Mooresville shiloh Tns statesville Olin Tns Union Grove Olin Tns (CON) iL Allgood John Campbell Benjamin Weisner George Campbell John Gaither Watt Dennie R W Campbell Avery Campbell Jas Privette Jim Campbell John C Minish Pete Campbeld +. x ad BUVUL Valea Emma Angle Maudie Nitchell Sallie Smith _ Tilly Nenderson Silla Gaither xedman Hattie 9 Richardson Fannie Cheely \Lydia Jackson |Ellen Renegar Bettie Parks White \Georgie Sharp { ‘Pauline Jacks i] i} - - | Lonie Huffman i | --Elliott Anderson + eeeneMinish Mary Steele GO INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 14 e—Copyright 1 1930 ite names, open at SURNAME INITIA*. TAB and refer U. 8. ‘Patent Ne, 168718 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —~ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, 1-4 DLATHS S — Tredell pat locate names, open at SURN. AME INITIAL TAB ant refer County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Lute | Foc Vour Prececiion: niet Oe ar en Bed Sate sea tr pun rene = meres a to Bull Subdes MAME INITIAL TAB Sa . mn i ae) oe REconnen | ————S I ' ify S| Sur oe | nn a oe Se ee co name or canner | vane of worven - sme TT I a f ae T f " Ta ‘i lig20 7 16| campbe12 | Bloomie | MiW een Tus} Robert Campbell Hattie Richardson 6, 259 1929, 12 | 24 Campbell Dorothy Zlla F . W | Statesville nc | E W Campbell Oder Allgood | | it 1920 9 4|campbel1 Tno Wesley ! MC \statesviite NG} EL Campbell cree 6, 116} 1929, 12 | 25] Campbe11 a FW | Statesville nc | W P Campbell | Maggie Josey las ssi | th 1920 11/16} Campbel1 ae ! a |Segle ne eee _— eer 4 — ‘ 1930; 1 11) Campbeil Ransom R Mo W [Statesville Ne | L L Campbell Catherine McDowell jas s72| i | 1921 2 1) campne22 Lilly V : iH |statesville NC | David Renniger Nancy Wooten 7 333 = ao 2 118] Campbell - F Olin Tns | WE Campbell Magsie Stamper [a6 275 | AH T | i | | — + i | = : a id f | 1 ea 1921, 2 | 1/Campbell Fanny P48 \Turnersburg Tnsj} - - - - 7} 603 3 1930, 2 19] Campbell John Ben Mo. OW |Statesville no William Campbell Mary Daywalt Ihe 339 | i i pared 3 3/Campbell Mary L F W |HZagle Mills Tns| John Heath Hannah Cain 7} 153 = 1930' 2 26) Campbell Fannie F W | Bethany Tng | James A Campbell Linda Campbell las 27] ral i area 3 ;23) Campbell Margaret es wSbi2.eb:as | secpe gr sic tito ee +P a }2230 ie 116] Campbell Hugene Coit Mi W | Cool Springs vl D V Campbell Carrie hentia 57 . : fT 921 ? oe =| Mfiathany:2ne ene | sSpieitesaeet = - | ( ; 1932, 2 1] Campbell Mary Magdaline! pr C ‘Mooresville Nc vOble Boger innah Bost . 176 ia if 11921, 8 8)campbel1 Janes MC |Mooresville NC | Robert Campbell | Caroline Alexander | 7, gq a 1931-728! Campbell William W [Bethany Ing | Lew Campbell =—«dtYyr .--__- teed 117, 25] | t iL, 1921 11 | 6/Campbel1 Lucy L ¥ C |Zagle Mills Tas} Julius Parks | Amanda Gaither 7| 159 3 1952. 11 4] Campbell - fF. W |Statesville nc | J A Campbell Clara E Bebber Ia 568 a | : a. Bin" lig2e 2 4/Campbell Carolina F.C {Statesville NC = - - “ | 7) 514 | }1932 5 12! Campbell Janie Redfern F o Mooresville NC | Shad Redfern Menery ls 165 Leal 1722 2 12 Campbell Lola fv W jStatesville NC TW Zllis } Neuna Zllis | 1) 475 | - 6 ,23| Campbell Catherine ¢ F Wi (Mooresville nc | c w campbell Jamie Larthurs {18 174 ite | | 1. | , , 4 1 4 922, 17 | 1\Campbell “ ¥ W |Union Grove Tns Jimmie Campbell Brucie Harding 8 | 338 9 yy Campbell William ¢ Turnersburg Tns} Alex Campbell Fanny Chela l18 602 lh 11922, 7 20/Campbell Archibald M .W |Statesville NC Robt Campbell Mary King i 7! 586 935 2 (24] Campbell Carrie F | C |Mooresvitie ‘xc | Robert Initiey Bethe ter? in9 56 tal iy 2922 8 21/Campbell * W [New Hope Tns | Roby Campbell Zera Hardin 8, 322 11933 9 118 | Campbell Thos Woodrow i Turnersbure Tns | 2 EB Campbell Onie Albea a 473 | 4 | | | | | | ji gy 1 4 |Campbell Epsy F C {Union Grove Ba ~ - ~ - | 9; 257 11933 12 * Campbell Robt Thornton | py Jharpesbure ins | stobt T Campbell Mary Kine |20 26 | Hh 5 i Pe 6 | 1 Campbell WG } Mo. W Shiloh Tns Roy Campbell | Zama Shook 9; 69} 934 | i 7 Campbell Thomas Hf / \Sharpesburg Tns| John Campbell Amie ‘ampbell j20__ 278 | mi om 6 28 Campbell - 'M |W |Bethany Tns Leonard L Campbell | Lillie May Rowe 9 546 1934 1 29 | Campbell Liza f}—c—-"TuePobure Tas | Sauk: Tannin aa leo 620 Hy aaa 8 12 Campbell “dna }# C (Mooresville nc | Charlie Campbell Jaunnie—tanes 77 -2OF . 11934 2 2a| Campbell Donnie li W (Statesville nc | C F Campbell roy L Bell leo 350| H # j , P 2 27 lCampbel2 AL Saret— it »* C Mooresville Nc ~ - io - 10; 186)| 2 1934 | 5 20| Campbell Robt Lewis C |Mooresville Nc ) ~ se s ss * “ {| Hi j | | | | aia 11924 7 21 Campbell Catherine iF iw ne NC | Joshua Dowell | Morinda Reid 10; 331] _ 934 7 2s] Campbell Emma Rose } F Statesville NC | Franklin Padgett Naney LieKenzie 20 455 | I i i oe 1 (21 /Campbell - M _W (Olin Tns Henry W Campbell Grace Sprinkle 11 247 | “ 1934. a | Campbell Chas ldward C ‘Mooresville NC i ‘i Annie Campbell [20 212 Ae t 1925, 1 (26 \Campbell Richard ii |W (Bagle Mills Tns| Oscar Campbell Mollie Shore 1, 114 | 1934, 9 122 | Campbell i|RE Li Statesville NC | C S Campbell Lelia Marlow 20. 482 | H i 1925, 1 29 \Campde11 WM (Mrs) F W Plin Tns J Lazenby ~------ Summers 11 | ve 1934; 9 130 | Campbell im Tilorow li. C Bagle Mills Tns @sly Campbell - - loo 117 i} t { 1925 3 | 1\Campbel1l Robt Zasly | M o6W Btates Sville Tns! A B Campbell , Jula Renegar | 188 | 1934/12 | 1 Campbell Carrie UC F .W |Cool Springs tng WD Crutchfield - - 201 995 i | ye pres | 2 (14 [Campbell Jno Pierce ju W Union Grove Tns | John R Campbell Lucy Williams b | 497 | 1934/12 |4 Campbell |; Sarah Goforth |F yw Jharpesburg uns | Andy Goforth , Hattie Dowell 20, 291 ; peed)..@ 12 ‘gopeecoe pelle C Statesville tns| - - i J hi | 427 | 1934/12 | 9] campbe12 | Bettie F iw [olin fins A L Campbel1 | Grace E Campbell eo, 270] || | — 7 epee Ruben Obedial MC Mooresville NC } Odell Campbell Tiny Young La | 206 | 1934/12 |18 Campbell | Celestial } F |W {Cool springs tn! Alpert Council | Etna O'Kelly 20, 14 i pone atte eaale |? x Fallotow Tns William Campbell - h2 | 144 1935!) 1 j21 Campbell | Eva Mae Ir oiw Mooresville NC | Sam Campbell | Mammie Farriar 21, 105 | 1927) 7 2 Panpbeds Edna nde Btatesriiie NC | WD Linley Mary Knight 13.| 458 Fited 2 12 Campbell - fF |W Btatesville nc | zp Campbell | sottte Wooten 21 wr f 1928, 1 Fe tees - | Fe Ree NC |C H Campbeli Effie Maberry 14 | 319 235 7 | 2] Campbell @ lP "Wy Statesville Tns } Jas Avery Campbell | Clara Eliz Bebber jp1 510 Hi 1926; 2 | 6 |Campbell ‘ieee Webb cia | Ool Springs Tn]| J w Webb Lidia Long ha | 271 1.936 | 1 ‘2a Campbell | Alice | W Union “rove Ins | Lee Campbell g - 22, 660 ii uses) 5 Pr Semphal. prea ¥ | @ |Turnersburg Tns Harvey Campbell Luler Bruner 14; 622 1936 | 4 | ? | Campbell | Zool L ly C btatesville NC } Julius L Campbell stauias Frost ee | 424] 4 | 1928, 6 | 7) Campbel1 fees M | W }Union Grove Tnsl c w Campbell Maud Mitchell 14] 643 1936 | 8 26 Campbell Jerry } im) Eagle Mills Tns | . - Fannie Campbell 22 | 133 1 | 8 |15]| Campbell |Charlie mM MW |Statesville Tns} J B Campbell Ella Gaither 15| 615 L937! 2/8 Campbell | Harold I Wf btatesville NC |G Irah Campbel1 | Myrtle. a1 bs re j | ' es a ‘ke F | W |statesvizie NC | WH Anderson Sarah Smith 14! 480 937) 5 | 9 Campbell | Grace Sprinkle F W Falistoun Tns Joe Sprinkle v 3 P3 | 103 | M | W |Union Grove Tns} A Martin Campbell Carrie Bonge 15; 713 1937! 6 hé Campbell | Virginia Mae F iW Lharpesburg Tns | Barnet Cc Campbell Helen Lundy 3 | 257 1929; 5 | 5) Campbell Charlie M | W jStatesville no Davis. Campbell Mary Lawrence 15| 444 p.937 8 | 7] Campbe12 | ~ M iW Btatesville Tns |R G Campbell Dorothy Hal} 3 | 534 1929/ 6 |20/campbel2 George Ww M/W {Cool Springs tal 7 y Campbel1 Mary L4 731} 10 | 2 | R | 11929! 8 |s: }campbera i uel» lease ¥iizzie Tharp [15] 135 Campbell Monsen M .C Mooresville no obert Campbell Caroline Alexander 3 | 209 Saville NC | Lamar Cambel1 Carrie Lambert 15| 494 #237 | 10 Campbell - M |W Statesville nc |W P Campbel2 Maggie Josey 3 | 463. ain Ni (CON) ; ail Ah gs eran Yr S RUM sine ae Oe ee ea x INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. “— INDEX TO VITAL ST 'ATISTICS ~ DEATH S—Iredel Comy,NC | INITIAL TAB and refer corre Mt We Labbe Coneake ie This Signature on sbects insures their cor, ectness. To locate names, open at SURNAME | an U. 8. Patent No. pyris , COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SSH nieeniataniaeenepennenammesae " U.8. Patent No. 1487168--Copyright 1936 Sap to teste o Butt’ Scents, SUR AMe DUTIAL TAB and refor Made by The Cott Index Compony, Solumbas, gue . “ = = a Same ee marco a i. eet for page reference, Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Keg. U.S. rat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. omarang ; ae ae Soe eee | i RECOKSED I! {i _ , — — Sea z SURNAME OF DECEASED | sex coor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = 7 — _ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED a | ! a Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER cal be AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN % * H | ae me i —— a u | Campbell ‘Lois Robena |} F | C /Turnersburg Tns} Harvey Campbell 4 Lula = i amp 4 & ca | = 1245 | 10 Campbell |Paul Albert M.,.w/Concord Ths Zohn 1. Cempbsii iat thn Mees ay | as Frank Campbell | Betty Ann Denny | 444 | | f | | 51 | ‘oe mn am | W [shiloh Tns Chas B Campbell Ester Miller 31: 375 |Turnersburg Tn | RA Elam Flora Anderson | 513] = | | j u 234 1945) 12 | Campbell |Margaret L . . W {Mooresville NC |Thomes Watts Annis Watts 31. 384 | Buleh Clore , 228| Campbell Stevenson Jaspey M W /Statesville NC | Campbell Bessie Elam 1945/9 | 2}Campbell Lewis | M,C |rurnersburg rn |zim canpbell Mlize Delton 32, 46 | I i Campbell Eugene Edgar { _W |Sparpesburg Tn | Espie B Campbell 945 | 10 ee Julia A ! Turnersburg Tn ptagheey Summers \Elvire Summers 132 . : si me Se a | Garo M Campbell Dasha P Shore | Union Grove Tn | James Shore i Carolyn “ethes i | Campbell Mandy Benfield F ¥ |Fallstown Tn | 7 ! ‘ 2 a i | | i jaa Nn946, 11 . Campbell Ada Algood | Wi} Statesville Nc | Ivey Algood Elle Renegar | | Campbell James William | W Statesville NC | Paul Campbell | Helen Drye y25 4 = | | | \ | al 1946, 7 . 9)Campbell ‘Samuel | (Concord Tns jandy Campbell iDovie King | | | } \ Campbe Union Grove Tn | Mooresville NC | Worth Campbell Jannie F Arthurs | a ‘ | i a ¢ | GCampbell James | inald | ] Ww Jotatesvi Li LI 1 iLue Campbell Espey Spann 126 ‘ | | | i f ay 1946 9 Cam bell bperthna | tT! Qo hos. oak . : es i} ; ; | | P | , petatesville NC jJames Gaither | Bella Gaither | | " H gia Sharpe sburg ‘ | William Pope Rebecca Pope | ansintun® ine t Pe 3 | : amp t 4 Jelig | 4? Olin Tnsh iWil } Eli Campbell Martha Shipp , <6 2 29 | Campbell Sisads Glinen. iv 3 | | : ‘ i | Mooresville | 4 rris } ooven " | | H , I P vi i I ; it MOC ~Vitete NY pV¥AHleS Ue a2lipoelt i Nettie MUP LN | Union Grove Theoplias Campbell Rebecca Minish { 4 a ' si | _«<f Vampbell }vonn Franklin | 2} ‘liza Crawford f27) 42% ee ; | i - | . 5 Cam bell Sé iri j i ai ‘ OY > . | ' Pp Susan Viriginial F | Mooresville Nc | Haimp elton j Nancy Allen | | dc mnhel) tec , f aw } ‘ 4 ea + i « ‘ 19 Campbell 1G O01 walter | 4h i~taetesvill | Jule enpbell —— rosé 12 7 Campbe’ Kenn t-} Qu | tH. 4 » $ ’ | ) sa Foe . ‘2 ampbell nmneth Kay od State t ; iClarence F Ca bell | Sarai L Johnson ‘ty/ , ——- ere eee sa ee at = — 1949, 4 | 14 Campbell lames ill et | és 4 vid ‘ vUii i a oh . SP ae Se i cee. eee ie Pe a a la. . ; Parah Cutherine | F W Mooresville Ne Martha C Ervin ; ; i | in 1849— 6-44 Campbell Estelle B NC} & I | Nancy Brawley camnpe Sarah Yane ¥ Mooresville NC ‘Pinkney Kyles Annie Ostwalt + | tl : 1949 7 ,7 | Campbell Robert Wm iM ~ ee Pie aes : : | { ; ; ; , a 3 , wo } i MO > ] J iRo t Camry »9 Caroline Campbe}} ) Campbell fienry Kut M Coddle Creek Tng; ‘ CQ, ' I ry en voddle Ureek #Robert Campbell Caroline alexander | a. 1649 7 20] Campbell eerin Fa: | as ae | | | i Lu ‘ mw gotat A4LO NG TL F Campbell $4ULa Mae Neaton 2 Campbell Sarah Lezene Fr OW Sharpesburg Tns lwm Henderson Martha Shoemaker ‘ia 1949 beth | _ | | al 949) 10 (11 ]}Campbell , Carolin Elizs/| F Coddle Creek [ds Henry campbell jChassie Hall ) Campbell Bruce M Mooresville NC |0dell Campbell Emma Johnson 4 ‘ bell 141 i | “ 1. a Campbell | Maudie \ Statesville NC | Dock hitchell Fanny Myers vampbe a , vtatesville Tns/Lewis Turner Hannah Turner f i | Ss y<° ~s 1950 | § /2) Campbell , Jennie Turnersburg | Absolom Smith Laura Lewis Campbell Mildred Bell W jtate lle NC jH W Cz Pe As el Statesville N jHarvey W Campbell jalene Combs | | 1950 8 (16] Campbell | Enme L. C_Btatesville nc | James Ramson | Rachel James | < t hanh hd vampbell Wil iam Buxto 1 “A i 1 ns L al p a an rg Zz E B L959 2 6 b ria tf a (¢ b ] 7T 1 . r 3, Campbell Lucius Lewis |M W |statesville NC Jalvie Campbell I & | amp la Campbell | 1950; 8 29 ampbell | Thomas M Statesville pcye Campvell Unknown D6 | 473 yempbell Louise F W |deegle Mills |Zlijeh Cemnbdel iMery Gumpbell ¢ 09) 4 | | i |Mery Qemy . i i A960 | 10 21] Campbell | Mery Elizabeth ' Statesville | Earnest Campbell Eva “se Campbell 56 511 Campbell I e G MY oe, ce} Mill Ya . a ; vic Mills v 9 vempbell becsie dlem 196 y ; orn | 4951) 2 17 Icampperi | Sylvester M | W [Statesvitie no | Lum Campbell > i| | 7 | 1943 Compbell : looresville NC [James c | 2 ;\w8 S abe i - | ate resviile i emes VUonnor | C ‘ \ ; ~4 : jLillie onnor | | , 1951] 8 113 Campbell [Claude 5 h W Iredell] Roy aimnpbel Julia Summers 1942 5 Cumpbell peorge Rone) iu iW Fellstown Tn ‘ervey W vempbell le Jomb i | | ipb jAlene Combs — 951 Campbell Grace Elizabeth] F W [tatesville NC | Charles Luna Ferguson 11943 Cempbell ime | M Oli | j ) : 4 j Jia es we n os - , ae . ‘ 942 iSempbel] Mary Gevnit w lenan bure T - $2951 Campbell William Joseph “ " 7 Mooresville WC fkobert C “Margaret Thompson i o : a é 7 io rps 1 re ns Dr. Robt Caemntk 11 Mi - Ki . ; ; 1944 I Curpt 27 eorvge Rre i ow on ltt rs oo = yee } “Or » a0) 6” \ ! ! La By iM “N.On Yrove Tn IJohn bp Cembell \avelyn M | | : i evelyn Mullis : 1952 Campbell |Nicile Parker , W IStatesville no [Sidney Irene Barrett fv} } 4 ot j iT , riouve NU Claude oe ee sm 1943, OO [(Gampbell William } “Sate ae ' " L i pte amp be af 4 di j>Urnersburg Tns [fryson Ganpbell . plery Goither | + 1952| & Campbell ev 1943, 12 (11 loorppell Mery Geroline |r iy lo | i | mer t t : wierpsburg T iF Jamp ce ) P 6 4ns Robert Gampbell ry King 7 1952 Campbell 94 ; 27 10 Lo bell Ge c 70 Hradiliayw 1 ’ vy , 4 ere meorge Lradley pi, [Union Grove Tns John p Gamp bell lyven Mullis hos2 Campbell 434% ¥o 3 | on be} ae natin : Plurne reburg Tns jFred Gan pbell Pennie Keelie ~ mpbe | 22 | 3 “ /Turnersburg Tns |Fryson dampb ; f é y empbell Mery EZ Geither ——41952 = | Campbell Linda Sue ,W potatesville NC | Roy L, Campoell Beulah Mee Cline | 1944, 5 .10/Campbell John Achilles tat Statesville NC Williem F Ganpbell Betty Jane Foster 31952 Campbell « / |Mooresvilie N@ [Sylvester L, Campbelf Minnie 4, oprings | John Hubert | Harmony NC Milas Campbell Jane Luzenby rine Susannah Cathe/ platesville Nb fiilliam Campbell barolin Houch 1944, 7 15/compbe11 [Charlie Mw - | | | ‘ 1953 1 19 Campbe11 Earnest E Mw iW Hiarmony Asbury Campbell Roene Weisner 1944, 10 | 20] gampbe12 hig ry) yY Maude | Statesville No Thomes $ L_ Koontz Minnie Mosely - ——~- 4863 Campbe 11 Margaret Lorraine { W {Statesville NC JJohn H+ Sampbell Muriel B+ Bumgarner j | | | | 4944, 9 {28 Campbell (Mert in Bvens Mooresville no |- Mery Gampbell Campbell Laura F | C Btotesyille NC Van Kedmond Martha Williams 1945; 9 2 Campbell Lewis i Turnersburg Tne! Jim Gan pbell Hliza. Delton a _ 772) 11] Campbell Gale FC] Statesville NC Klizah Campbell Hdith Flemming Lec a an RT eT ee eee tg ee ts et __INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS —redell County, N.C INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX leg : 5 Patent . O UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 _ a Es! ae 18 : = : ‘ US. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ae To locate names, 9 age TAB "| This Signature of sheets insures their correctness, To locate names, it GURMAES: BTIAL ’ Pec ..tiae UR Petom. | For Your Protection, Insist On It, sili to Bull Sub-Index sheet for page reference ast = pen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. oe, —_— | pure oF veaT# SURNAME, OF DECEASED se | = Page eB rae len AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER GATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yeor | Month ' Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | erro ia au + 4 . } } . | ‘ 1953! 7 25 | Campvell | Smith Armfield Union GroveNC John Pierce Campvbel} #lizabeth Mitchell 39/475 hea 1962 11 | 4 {Campbell < Z 1953! 9 '30/ Campbell | Lee (Noge) ¥adkinville NC} Francis Campbell Tabitha Redd Campb/ 39 | 596 4 62/12 | 5} 1954 | 4 Campbell | Byrd B. Statesville NC | John Campbell Lela Turner 40 | 137 “es | 1 28 Campbell Coite S, Statesville Solomon Campbell Alice Wilson 9 L954 | hk | 1954| 8 Campbell | Tynda Burlee | Carbarrus Ivey ‘Lee Campbell Ethel Rolston 0 | él, 5 a 27) Campbe 11 , +> Campbell a Squire Campbell James Arthur dr Troutman James A Campbell SH Mrs, Virgie. Kerley 40 383 | : 96 10] Campbel1 totvatesville ai Lowa vampbel | | heats ea i ( Mon ny tT os AUD ey aM 4 moO0resville 9 1954; 9 i ampbe - : Statesville NC] Harvey Campbell, Jr] Grace H Smith 40/429 : 76 7 | 3] Campbell 1955; 1 13 |Campbell Barnett Clyde | | Statesville N.@ Alec Campbell Kmanda Ladd 41 37 ; ; ; ; dr 11955 3 9) Campbell ‘Linda Louise Mooresville NC} James Edward Campbe]l Mary Francis Postofhl 141 | 11955 3 19] Campbell Adelaide Statesville NC/Frank Frost Adline Morgan 41/125 | | (1955, 3 29) Campbell |Hattie Murph Mooresville NC] Daniel W Murph Amanda Carter 41) 172) i 11955, 4 (9 | Campbell 'Emily Jane | Mooresville NC} Harrisor Campbell [Martha Meadows 41/167 | | | | { 8 | { ' jCamp bell Mary Catherine | W Statesville Ni Harrison Jordan Blizabeth Mathafey 41) 5h9 i ’ , 2 in , gy ( » i ) 30 TC Rowena Weisner >| bb 96 é “ } Hv : VG Ue . raise a aaa | Statesville m} iva Mae Campbell 21 | 1964 1 i 4 9} Campbell | | Mooresville 2 Unknown , 1964 6 6 26 Campbell | Statesville | Alex W Campbell | Minda V Ladd | Campbell | Har mny | ames Campbell | Eliza D Campbell 8 btw Bae spas en — 196. Campbe1l | | Stat esvs Fre , cs x |1956 6 Ic mpbell James Lossie [M | Stdtecrti ie lurcess Campbel Sainte. Osten 2 | >| : 9 d 29 pb | | Stat esville Fred Byers lary d Byers 50 37248 | | i I 4 - - = ate 1195610 7 ; Campbell _Evelyn Octave Hamp tonville G W Mullis Paroline Hamrick : 964 11 30) Campbell Fred ; » | Statesville J. ©. Campbell Je: nie Rudsill 50 694 | | | 11956 10 a9| Campbell | Fred | Statesville Burgess Campbell Jennie Campbell ; 1965 1 4] Campbel 1 wml e } “] Mooresville Lewis A Campbell | Lavina Jordan 51 19 , -- | : 1957 3 | 8 [Campbell | Oscar M, |W Statesville D S Campbell Lillie Renegar fi 1965 3 5 | Campbe11 Dock ——__| ee A957 , ly Campbell | Paul James 7 Ynion Grove Rt./ 1 Martin Campbell Carrie Benge tMooresvitte— Martin-Camprer1 Minerva Shepherd 51 ms 1965 & 14 Campbell Wm. , W Statesville Steven J Campbell Mary J Bussell y i j ! 9 1957, 1 29 Campbell Maude Haneline |W | Morganton Doc Mitchell Haneli Martha B. Armswor ; 965 22] Campbell Jas. Ci el l i e Ti e (/ | Statesville Jas. T Campbell Celestial Council. 1957, 7 (11} Campbell — . Statesville Floyd Campbell — Ruby Bennett 4 1965 6 25] Campbell Nancy * WY] Mooresville John Shoemaker Lucy Wise 1957; 11 25/Campbell Marshall Matthews M W /Statesville Oscar M. Campbell Evie Allgood | 1965 7 20] Campbell Maye l FY , Statesville Loyd Barnes Julia Mayberry 1957 10 Campbell Bli Nathaniel | M Mooresville Martin Campbe11 piles ogres 1965 61 24 Campbell Charles | M_ WY] Statesville Wm B Campbell Louisa A Deal 1952 1 | 21] Campbe11 | James Arthur i outms Arthur Campbell Mattie Campbell ; ‘ ; ‘ 1965 8 16 Campbell James Statesville Joseph J Campbell Becky Dunn L958 9 3 Fampbell 5 f ’ k | Sam | Statesville ~ Laura Campbell 44) 458 ‘ C Statesville Ottom? C 2869) 8 {8 [Campbell ene at ee Susan E Steele 45/114 | | 1959] 2 |231 Campbell Statesville Eliga H. Campbeil Edith Fleming 45 98 ' 2969! 5 18 Campbell John H. | CT Statesville Jule Campbell Adlaide Fiost 45| 26] 1959 7 | 1 Pampbe1 Lula W ptatoaviiie Zachariah Gaither Martha “ichardson 45| 359 , 1959 6 | 21 Campbell Ezra Wilford W | Union Grove the opolis Campbell 1 Rebecca Minnish ks 541 ; Statesville John Campbell 1960; 3 | 7|Campbe11 William B. W Sil tei 7 nda Hemric 46/153 : ! 1960) 6 (|26) Campbell 'Tecsie Morgan ' Mooresville Charles Morgan Fannie Stiller 46 | 387 1960) 6 /14] “ampbell Ruth Johnson Goldsboro James John gon Laura -* 491 19690 12 (11 Pampbell Karen Suzetta W Btatesville Roy Lee Campbe11 Yarrie B Lemert 694 962 | 4 50 Rampbdell Julia 0, M, Union Grove Dallas Moose 961/10 | 28] Campbell Arthur Bethemw Sta esville 1961) 11 | 6 | Campbe11 “aymond Statesville 1961; 11 | 9 Vampbe1 1 Glenn Oteen, N, & coe me hr ee oe Orpha Sipes 214 Douglas 8. Camppel1 Lillie Reneger 523 Thomas Campbe11 Lottie Wilson 549 . Eli Sumpbe12 Marthe Beatty 24 Campbell Sertha Ss Oe) | 28 | 24 Sone a fp Reteavitto | Fevers Mitt oner2 Eva "harpe 1962) 2 | 16 Campbell Martha Mooresville Walter Shipp 1962) 6 | 1% Campbell James A. Statesville Avery © Campbe 12 prime ffman Gj Bs i hi Ba 30 656 * a tad Pe ae Lee ah ae ae At BOE AEETS PRIN LRT SFT Hee Whe nied ata re A ___ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. TAB end voles a SE Ti. 2-8 a NIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Ee ee eee rane 1980 petsce Y 1 _ To locate names, o; rl . x Co! », Columbus, Ohio . . t SURNAME INITIAL T. d ref Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Oh = U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Coryright 1930 ae eee se! ie oe Al. TAB an refer ae i. Observer Printing Hause, Charlotte 5.C, en ——— Ri . ae DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED bi { Page oa | Geom | Oe AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER - This Signature on sheets losures thelr correctness. ate locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL pa toe U8 vat.om. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. NSS eee ee oe eee eee ——SS AARNE cnetennereupenrorenenavenese-amremete - iF \ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED FATHER NAME OF MOTHER we lin | te AND CHRISTIAN MAME, 1 ORE 1S GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF ; 4 5 ‘ | j 1953/7 25 | Campvell | emith armfield! i | Union GroveNC John Pierce Campvel} #lizabeth Mitchell 391475 a 196211 | 4 {Campbell | : e ile 1953; 9 (30) Campbell | Lee (Noge) ¥adkinville NC] Francis Campbell Tabitha Redd Camoby 39 | 596 i 1962 12 5s Mamphell ri lle + Solomon Campbell 1954 | 4&4 | 9] Campbell | Byrd B. | W [Statesville NC | John Campbell Lela Turner 40 | 137 ae 1963 28] Campbel 1 Statesville N95), lL i, | Campbell | Ly Burlee I Carbarrus Ivey ‘Lee Campbell Ethel Rolston * 1963 27) Campbell . Campbell : }2954 8 9] Campbell James Arthur Jr Troutman James A Campbell SH Mprs.. Virgie Kerley/ 40 383 1O} Campbel | | tesville al loway Campbel] 17 Le -_ dln , a a oes arel ou ps te ane : P1954) 9 | 24] Campbell - | Ff Statesville NC} Harvey Campbell, Jr] Grace H Smith 40) 429 | i] | i] i 13 [Campbell Barnett Clyde | M |W | Statesville Alec Campbell tmanda Ladd Ali} 3 I i dr I ; i P ; 9) Campbell Linda Louise | F | Mooresville James Edward Campbe}l Mary Francis Postoh, | ! } | | | 19) Campbell Adelaide | F | Statesville Frank Frost Adline Morgan pon} 383 | eS we e s : Nn 4 | 1 29| Campbell ,Hattie Murph | N | Mooresville Daniel W Murph Amanda Carter 41) 172 4 7 G | Campbell Emily Jane | W | Mooresville Harrisom Campbell | Martha Meadows Mary Catharine i } | + < uw } N¢ H sey en T ] -) “14¢a9) k ath- OA) ‘ res) bel 4 ‘ i » I I Mary Vatherine | W fotatesville NC nharrison Jordan Siilzabeth Mathafey ‘ { i I l 1 ! i 4 i | | i | I | ae | R _ £ my ) ] hen Q 4 Camcvbde tO ey i i Sil QOreecy la i Rowena Weisner ,2 r: BOL 7 vee) ee i Tan | i } j 1 | | | + fe e 5 | 50 234 { 50 al Mary J ® Byers 50 3724A i i| Je-nie Rudsill 50 694 | Minda V Ladd , , : | | \| iva Mae Campbell | 2a | Campbell | W| Statesville Alex W Campbell i . Eliza D Campbell er ee | - in eo a | ae ° nA } | cae { i 11956) 2 | Campbell } M |Martin Campbell Unknown ! . Campbell C | Har mony | James Campbell H \| | ! ay / i i i ak . : | sie : ; - bf wate | ‘ | : Campbell } | ; . io s 1° 1] roel] ames Lossie 1. i Otatesville jurcsess Campbell Jennie Click 42 | 2} - | Cf eran ree Seen | | | | | | } | i 1 ; i | | ,2956 10 7 | Campbell , Evelyn Octave Hamp tonville G W Mullis Paroline Hamrick | Canpbel 1 ks | W | Statesville J. ©. Campbell t ln [2956 10 19} Campbell _ Fred | Statesville Burgess Campbell Jennie Campbell j 2957 3 8 [Samphell oscar NM, _W Statesville DS Campbeli Lillie Renegar 1 ' 1957, 14, Campbell | Paul James | Union Grove Rt. 1 Martin Campbell Carrie Benge 1965 & 14 Campbell | thy | a957| 1 | 24 Campbel 1 Maude Maneline | _W | Morganton Doc Mitchell HaneLide Martha B. Armswor/ | 1965 6 22] Campbell Jas. ; M WwW | Statesville Jas. | Campboei+— WT. } 2 | Moore svi lle Lewis A Campbell Lavina Jordan | | Campbell Doc | M C} Mooresville Martin Campbell Minerva Shepherd : | Wn. ) W |Statesville Steven J Campbell Mary J Bussell = ti e li t e m Te y T Campbell] Celestial Council ia. : $ nr . ane ! 4957| 7 | 11) Campbel1 i= Statesville Floyd Campbell Ruby Bennett “ 1965 6 25 | Campbell Nancy | F W | Mooresville John Shoemaker Lucy Wise 51 361} re | 1957; 11 25] Campbell Marshall Matthe W iStatesville Oscar M. Campbell Evie Allgood | I } ae 1965 7 20] Campbell Maye Pi Wy Statesville | Loyd Barnes Julia M i a : ' « ‘ u iM) j 1957' 10 21/Campbell Eli Nathaniel Mooresville Martin Campbell Martha Archa q = | H | noe See mAh | | | | 1965 61 24 Campbell Charles W | Statesville Wm B Campbell Louisa A Deal 1958) 1 21} Campbell | James Arthur i WT Troutma Arthur Campbell Mattie Campbell 1965; 6 | 16 Campbell James W | Statesville Joseph J Campbell Becky Dunn hy | ose 9 | 8 Pampbell Statesville a Laure Campbel1 959; 2 8 | Campbell Statesville Ottoml C be | 1 , 8 | p 7 ampbe1l Susan E Steele 1959 2 23] Campbell Statesville blige H, Campbe 11 bdith Fleming 1959 | 5 18]/Campbell ohn H, 1 C} Statesville Jule Campbell Adlaide Fiost 1959 7 | 1 Bampbel1 | Lule |W Peateovinie Zachariah Gaither Martha “ichardson j 1959 6 21) Campbell Ezra Wilford W | Union Grove he opolig Campbel 1 Rebecca Minnish | 1960 Campbell | | William E. | W / Statesvilie John Campbell Linde Zouric 1960 Campbell Tecsie Morgan Mooresville Charles Morgen Riidie aei13 er 1960 Campbell Ruth Johnson Goldsboro James Johnson L | aura ~” 1960 Mampb ell Karen Suzetta W Btatesville Roy Lee Campbell Carrie B Lam t . 7 9 amer Couphei a Arthur Be thouew “t@esvilie [Douglas 8. Campbera | 4121. Renegar Thomas Campbe11 Lottie Wilson Campbell Neymond Statesville 9 | Yampbe11 Glenn Oteen, N, . Eli Campbell Marthe Beatty 24] Campbe11 Sertha Statesville ee ee eee 14 Campbell hertha Mooresville Walter Shipp 17 Campbe 11 James A. Statesville Avery Campbe 12 see , Robert Mitchell Eva “harpe N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS = Iredell County, Hey { Tele Shenae on shee Ingres tht corrernen. BT teens ose Tadoe sheet tr page Peforence li UiB. Patent No. 14st oprriche 3 ee ERRATA DET Ne iste ET cate oa sehetaat SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Se ne rie ogee Seen i Reg. U.8. Pak. Dit. For Your Protection, Insiet On It. = —_— ; Se Nm - a = oo a so = F =F Se , f Nees on zs Cee ee RECORDED He . OF DEATH _ tae Se OF Cee Sex on PLACE OF DEATH |. NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = == ‘ ae mm fie Gaetter ak, DECEASED Sx Cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTE” lr aaa Year | | seeientesieenianianes SE SAL IR OE Aa RRM st | , 2 ; t i . t ah eng va oe ; il + $ | ac | am a Edith R ay niet Ss oe ler 48 1953 | 7 25 | Campvell Smith Armfield] |W jUnion GroveNCc John Pierce Campbel} #lizabeth Mitchell 39/475 1962 | tl | 4 fCampbell | “dith B, F ( Pooresvi lle Samel A Black I r 1 1393 | > e _— ‘ e amnhe Shelia Rr C ISt at newili- Raith pamnobel) 3 4,3 1953| 9 30 Campbell Lee (Noge) M | W | ¥adkinville NC| Francis Campbell Tabitha Redd Campb/ 39 | 596 (#2962 | 12 | 5 [Campbell | vhelia s petatesville " shat: t Miiohecans N954| 4 9 | Campbell Byrd B. M | W [Statesville NC | John Campbell Lela Turner | 137 1963 1 | 28/Campbell Coite S, M Ci] Statesville Solomon Campbell Alice Wilson 49 56 [ | . = “ : Y i 4 NO5h | L | | Campbell | Lynda Burlee F iW Carbarrus Ivey ‘Lee Campbell Ethel Rolston 4,0 245 *e 1963 2 27) Campbell Squire M W WStatesville Calloway Campbell Unknown 49} sbi t ' i | Campbell , d | ive ill Lh 195). 8 9) Campbell James Arthur Jr/M | W {Troutman James A Campbell SH Myrsy. Virgie, betley) 40 383 1963, 6 10}/Campbell Aubrey M C {Mooresville Odell Campbell linnie Y Campbell [49 374 1954; 9 od Campbell - F | C } Statesville nec Harvey Campbell, Jr] Grace H Smith 40/429 1963, 7 | 34 Campbell stillborn Ls “+l “ooresville ubr rampbel ] May ‘et + Brown 49 4ed | bo we ~ mic ; pea 1955/1 , 13 {Campbell Barnett Clyde M |W | Statesville N.d Alec Campbell Kmanda Ladd 41) 37 1963 ? |9 [eampbell, Sr. . | ¢ Le | | | dr | ; , rose 50 7 1955 3 9) Campbell Linda Louise FW | Mooresville NC] James Edward Campbe}l Mary Francis Posto 1/141 1964) 2k J 1 Campbell etta svill k ros 50 i : i | eps Fay 2 Ames ony =) Jas e i’ ie a oO k 0 a4 |1955| 3 | 19|Campbe11 | Adelaide F | C | Statesville NC/Frank Frost Adline Morgan 41/125 a 1964) 2 | 23] Campbell me Hempt ony 111 _— ' cone _ 1 = 9 wm} Carrs r ; oe a y t ri ne J Loe 50 91 i 11955 3 29] Campbell ,Hattie Murph iF , W | Mooresville NC} Daniel W Murph Amanda Carter 41; 172 ‘ 1964 2 10 Campbell varrie V os ville I t rine V Cloer oie . | | | = ae | 1964 1 £=4& Campbell Chor | M loc € ~_ wa Oa he | 11955; & 9 = oe |Emily Jane F W | Mooresville NC] Harrison Campbell | Martha Meadows 41) 167 | . | —}—— | | — of Campbell | ] , Papen # 1955 1 8 [Cam; bell Mary Catherine] F | w tatesville NC Harrison Jordan &lizabeth Mathafey 41 54,9) 4 1964, ; 7 ita | t | | +> Patrici yam € sO 1 L6 ; ee in ; : Ba ce hO6L 12 ] Cempbell Rodney Y Mooresville Se a ee . 50} J 7] , eisner i} ] W [Statesville Soury Campbell Rowena Weisner 42) hh ae Hy | | | Mig it 11.95 ] 2 Ic ampoe bric Nelson M C Statesville “rnest Campbell] iva Mae Campbell ne p22. i 1964 & 24 Campbell Lamer M W} Statesville Alex W Campbe11 “inde ¥ Ladd 4 236 } 1 f | : i | : ? ! H if? | J Eliza D Campbell 50 329] ji |1956 - | Campbell Robert 1M! CT] Mooresville Martin Campbell Unknown 42) 8&5 1964 6 8] Campbell Har vey M C| Harmony ames Campbell iza p | el a ; 1964 6 29|Campbell Eloise F Cl Statesville Fred Byers Mary J 4 Byers 50 3724A || I p1956 | é 5 I" mpbell iJames Lossie nm IiC¢ Statesville Burcsess Campbell Jennie Click 42) 312 : - | M sé6W tatesvi ae bel lj Je nie Rudsi}}——_J 694 ‘| 1195610 7 { Campbell .Evelyn Octave |F WwW Hamp tonville G W Mullis Paroline Hamrick 42) 462 a p964 11 “ad Campbell Fred } W | Statesville Campbell} Jer P50 69% | i { fi all . oe - ine cota Se j } [1956 10 19] Campbei2 Fred M/C | Statesvil1e | Burgess Campbell—jennie—Campbeli1 1,2 +527 ; a. | eed oo ae nS Senior 1 devia 20h Oe } i } } mf ; i f ! I j tr : | * o 7 Vid» ‘ _ } 1 j 1957 3 & Pampers Oscar M, M |W WBtatesville D S Campbell Lillie Renegar 43 122 1965 3 5 | Campbell Dock M ’ | Mooresville Martin Campbell Minerva Shepherd d1 150 ht i | | ! - | 5 WA, 1957 ae ly Campbell | Paul James M _W | Union Grove Rt.J1 Martin Campbell Carrie Benge 43, 186 % 1965 4% 14 Campbell Wm. M W [Statesville Steven J Campbe1l Mary J Bussell d1 225) | Hi | | thy ie | ee me oe re ih | ' Pd iM! n | a . . r MI : oO} ure a i ; meer, 7 i) Campbell |= M | C [Statesville Floyd Campbell Ruov Bennett 43/319 1965 | . lake Gempb11 — : acne ee ne ae es i ; an mai tia e 1957 3 25 Campbell | Marshall Macthefs M’ W /Statesville Oscar M. Campbell Evie Allgood 43/551 ‘ 1965 7 201 Campbell Maye F W Statesville Loyd Barnes Julia Mayberry 51 42h er : | N M § C [Mooresville Martin Campbell Martha Archa 43) 487 i 2" . hee ie ae ‘enon ere cone . 4965 61) 24 Campbell Charles M WI] Statesville Wm B Campbell Louisa A Deal 51 3664 it 1958) 1 | 21! Campbell Jams Arthur {[M W 7 Troutman Arthur Campbell Mattie Campbell af 57 1965 8 16 Campbell James M W | Statesville Joseph J Campbell Becky Dunn 51.478 Unie ' i i 7 958 9 | 8 Pampbell S | @ , | | Sam M Statesville - Laura Campbell 44) 438 — C w M C iStates: 0 Cc 269) 2 /8 amp bel] atesville ttomY Campbell Susan E Steele 45/114 | | 1959} 2 /231 Campbell ~ M | © [Statesville Eliga H. Campbell Edith Fleming '45| 98 i ; i | i | na | Mh ee 5/18} Campbell | John H, M | CH Statesville Jule Campbell Adlaide Fiost 45!| 261 i . . { 196 7 | 1 Pampbel1 Lula F | Ww bratenvt2i Zachariah Gaither Martha “ichardson 45) 359 1959 6 21) Campbell Bzra Wilford ¥ | “1 Union Grove ©opolis Campbel 1 Rebecca Minnish ts bai ] 1960! 3 | 7/Cempbe12 Wit340m B. * F dest . pi liam 3 W | Statesvilie John Campbel1 Hinde Hemric = fae 153 ia — hen 1960; 6 /|26} Campbell Tecsie Morgen FiwisM j | “ ooresville Charles Morgan Fennie Stiller 46 387 oe i 1960! 6 | 14) Campe2i Ruth Johnson | F | ¢ |Goldsboro eet ee he: eee 2 James Johnson | Leura -> 46| 491 am ———— | 6g 12 fife 1 K F . ae | BSS MP2 Benet a mete fi] "Pieteartite [ier tee Ganpoeiz. [smite tamen to br eames 961/ 4 ampbe11 Julia 0. M F | w]Union g a ae | -wO_{ Dallas Mooge _| Orpha Sipes 47 214 |__| O | 28] Ca 11 Arthur B MieWw 982) 10 | 8} Campbe: = otnemy ~{St@esvilie [Douglas 8, Sampber2 | 141116 Ronegar 47| 52s - 1961; 11 | 6 | Campbell “aymond Statesy ee oe ‘ta | “4 nf 2 |S [Staton tlle hoe | Thomas Sampbei1 ial Lottie Wilson 47| 549 ean | 1961; 11 | 9 | Vampbe1l Glenn M | © | Oteen, m, ¢, NR we mx, | b Ranimentas saniail a anemia ft e. ek Blu _Sampbe11 ivi) |Merthe Beatt 40) 30 tile 4 c / a 961 | 12 | 24 Campbell — a te i Le Stateaviiie | Robert Mttoten. Eva “harpe 47| 656 ae | 1962) 2 Campbe11 Martha i : C | Mooresy ia le Walter Shipp lei ieee ae ad | | yy a poe 11 4 A WU Stat A ce 196 uF 6 nu Comptes 4 ‘ us. jh Z oe j a : Sea: Lovey Hor rman : , cl i io Pu ts Wie, on 4h ai tl He % 4 (ey 4 r o a) d eiiiesdaeal sd al _ Pe tet nee Si sisbal ahdsodisascacsdcaassstedsd Loa citans madia ainda Se nttees sesca eeae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, os INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS \ ogrice UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locat, URN. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Seem aaa U. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 oe ‘to Ball Sd tedie a USTIAL, TAB and relew Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. RECORDED ee ; SATE OF SeaTH SURNAME OF DECEASED AME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [>———~— ee DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED ; RECORDED Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVE Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH . | Paw Yor | Month | Bay AWD CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE 1s GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel. , canersracmancaeaisti oe a cfs ' - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 ‘To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB 8. Pet OF U.8. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 ee a to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Hog. , 1918) 5 | 4] Knupp | Mattie |W |statesville Tn 3 4A. 1920}. 5 | 28] Canupp il | Chambersburg Tn/Chas F Canupp 1920} 5 | 28! canupp hid Chambersburg Tn/ Chas PF Canupp 1923} 7, 221 Canupp +411 Calvin MY ‘Chambersburg Tn. - | } 1925 | 22] Canup ;Gladys Bell il Mooresville NC IChas A CVanup Liyrtle Blackwelder | 1933, 4 Cannup 7 fMooresville NC |R y Cannup [Ruth F i I} ' i 1935) Canup WoW Iu iw sooresville NU {William Canup | | i 1936, Cunnup ;Valvin Richard |, |Mooresville NC |- “ i { 11938 Cannupp im | Mooresville NC |Richard A Cannupp Canupp | IM iW [Coddle Creek Tn /Relph A Canupp . itl : i B Canupp | * WiStatesville | T.- C. Canupp Susie Denton =I ¢ Sa g a : é * qa —— = Vi ie be l tT ee r re a |Robt Franklin ‘W |Statesville NC |Johathan Canter Richard i jStatesville N Charley Canter Loula Yates 14, 398 'C_H (Mrs) W {Statesville William Parlier Rebecca Allison 17. 363 Odessa Statesville Iram Sloan Eliz Reid 9 A54 + } af = sCardwell] /Dixte Scales y Statesville NC IJos 4 Cardwell Caroline Scales — | ; | 11 10 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. : INDEX TO VITAL L STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. etna eens ————— COTTOO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 i a COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 = o_ renreenntiteearitil ; Lomoee | parvo fceion soo Ee a cet ce Caan a SET IURNNS Si ah Hina oes encom Seton gow pemesiaee wee SE Ta == aaebiies . a an SEE s om = ee nenensionennoreanneneaeaaneseinldnbaninenm tiie SSS ? DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF r Hi DATE CF DEATH CEASED AME OF MOTHER me + DECEASED RECORDED i Yor | Month | Day = ae ame pect 1S GIVEN ” — PLACE OF DEATH. ane OF Paivene " ee =i Page y Year | Month | Oa AND CHRISTIAN nal, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER aT ae | ne ee ee T aah + aR | | , | nf ek | oT tha Slusher | 4 ¥ ’ ‘ ~ ; i | 2 1921; 9 | 301Capps Edith Hathway Fj We jMooresville NC IJ H Capps Ber — a 1916) 6 | 24] Carlton = C M {|W [Statesville nc John. Carlton Annie Atherton 3 260 i hy + ’ jJAnnie Parker 211.491 a Py pers “ ce 1 ab 1935, 12 ,18} Capps Alton Mw jotatesville NC {J R Capps ‘ 4 —~ 1917, 8 pp Sariton ;ansum Russell {M iC |¥alistown Tns {Russell Luckey Willie Carlton 4, 193 te iy - es Mam our 22| 2 ’ | pons tee 1936, 11 , 3) Capps \farl Glenn M | W [Mooresville NC |oland R Capps e Isenh 20 = 1924 11 el) Carlton ;Annie Margaret F iW [Statesville jc #Chas A Carlton Helen F Stinson 10, 380 ier aie ’ 26| 222 i. Pee esln - W |Mooresville NC fe- Etheleen Capps { : loz : ; 4 1940, 7. |26i Capps { ris ~~ 1926 3 | 12) Carlton ; OZell 7.48 Fallstown Tns Fred Carlton innie Alexander }22 128] KEG | Carlton : ts a | | i | 1926] 6 | 2 }Mo.C fsalistowm Tns [Freda n Carlton Annie Alexander }12, 139] i | | | | | ae 1926, 11, 6} Carlton , Annie iF ic i Fallstown ‘ns }George Alexander ; Roxanna Young 112, 150} / | | | i oS | | | H i | 1927, 1 | 12! Carlton , Catherine }F .C | Falistown Tns |Fred Carlton jAnnie Alexander 113, 147] 1929, 8 | 2) Carlton ‘Madine Poston |F |W [2 fooresville NC | John L Poston | Josephine Lambert 115, 262] Siva }3] | | | | ft hoa : 1932; 4 10} Carlton Fred 1M iC } *allstown Tns [Sites Carlton a ary White 118 121] I bia dl] i I | nA | | | i I 1 Tes { } no R4 . ur : H i ery : aa 1933| 6 | 2 Carlton /Geo Richard |M (|W |Mooresville NC |HC Carlton Annie Barnes 19, 72) 4h ie | | : A | | | | | | iar i aa 1935} = | = | Carlton ,C W(lirs) Pls Statesville NC |. a | - ~ 34 357) | i; Bi 4 i] il ee i I 1 | mY Sale. | | | Be 2 ‘ me | t | i i Hot jiReT| . . 1935, 4 . 21) Carlton ,Loulsa Gibbs |F id aoe NC I J Wl Gibbs |: lartha Triplette 121 365 a ¥ 5 mii | | | | } int | ! 1936, 7 14) Carlton fannie Belle |F C | Fall m Tns |Fred Carlton | Annie Carlton #22) 153) Ue ‘ i Va < Oe ra ww | | | [ | { t + ; | chest ! 1938; 5 | 30] Carlton Mary Gage W e W {Statesville NC |wWaldo W wWalton |Meriana Cook $24, 355) - mat fsava r y } a | 7 a ‘ mm , | C < } i | | i | 11934 ” 25}C annon ,Alice Grier : F | C {Statesville Tn Iyoe Allison Jane Falls 20 | 600 | 1942; 10 | 10] Carlton Sallie iF C |Statesville i. jLogan Sherril) Ic vatherine McCall 128 389 i Hy i i 1 i } | ' ia #192 ‘) I nne r sy TW awit wry 4 fj 2 | & t¢ ‘ - sai ati li >> ' i . | I iB | $1755, 10 174 Cannon j\Mary = tf. w jmooresville NC Jd P Cannon Minnie Yost 21) ae 1943) 3 (g1iseriton iJsnes Fleke [2 W Ist tutesville y He erles 4 Oerlton |e ee en 29| 24) f I rr 11946 3 2 frennon , Robert sylvester M.C [Mooresville NC |Joe Gannon Fennie Enungin 32. i hoo 6 18 Parlton | Arther Fenory + Mic be tatesville NC_| Josep & erton Hattie Saddler | 55 2268 i 195) 4 17} 10n Lawrence Pinkney M W gStatesville NC |Willism Cannon Clementine Stevenson] 37/270 saan n eo | | t o~ 1950; 7 | 6 arlton ._____@sston Arthur + M iC Statesville NC | Fred Carlton Annie B Alexander 56 385 tb au | i — ” i | i | y t i 1952 11,21) Cannon Minnie Yost ¥—W#—_t Meoresvittie Ne Toses Levi Yost Mary Miller 58 614 - 951} 10 29 Parlton William Luther |M .6W {Mooresville NC lenry Carlton Sarah L Whitaker 37| 575 Jer | 1964 7 28 Cannon Stillborn M W |} Statesville Thos. L Cannon Georgia M Beach 50, 4k _ ae Se | | | | | Seats - 82} 5 | 1d Carlton | Yenzule IF ic } Troutman NC Fred Carlton ‘nnie Belle Alexander] 38, 245 ti j | ' Sat : 4 | 4 1953 | 4 \23} Carlton |Almedia i F iW otatesville N Franklin Parsons Elizaveth Griffin 39 185 vB | j ; } t hile ; | C i a fa i We a 1850! = {26 Reri ton | “actie saddler] * | Ci Statesville Andrew Saddler Martha ouston 45 196 1 ii ' | fee 2 | | P P 1959 6; 2iCarlton Wm. Burns M W Statesville | PS Carlton Mary Borer 45 |\273 t | , 1 ie? - i 1966 | 4 24 Carlton Ben jamin M Cl] Statesville Clarence Carlton Sallie Sherrill 50 245 Wi pee | viey 1919. 3 14) Capehart LAs ii} W sStatesville Nc Henry Capehart Zlizabeth Sweeney 5,100 r ; | ‘ae + ——e } Y a i ae i «| 4 — ; i i i 3 i ; | Li Bed | | t — t | i i | {if ' wei | | | | t Ts | —_——— ie a tesla | b a | ee | | | . | | } + , | 4 | eee egg TT ‘ees a — aonb hee — wr - ’ | + a ‘ | j . E, See ii j ; | wf Son — wilds . sil 7 1 | | a bei fe - a eile iM et a a + ce nn ne PINAR iii pect iil rT ne er tent wn ; a ae rm a ee te ieee ili iti ene a Ptcicindanacelinnsyesiiel sna ; a th ‘i 12 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. €. _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. en n= ne COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 see en This on sheets insures their correctne2s. BREF Te locate names, open at nee BTA, TAB and veler U.S. Patent No, 1437160—Copyright 1830 es os re SE es Fes eet a ee Sr fe ne Pinned nk ch —ee TeeF Rate tnd hee aoring te Firat Letter or Latter of Made Lie Cat Inn Company, Cet, be RDED " eS SSS ; siiiaie DATE OF DEATH SURNAME = rig gig Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =i. . ¥ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED / ff 7 Year | meow | Oop ; | aa lisa ciihemneres winnaguiteisire ah ee * Yew | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GivEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ] s a “aaa iad Se aa a iain ieee i] 6 arpenter Frances 5S F |W jStatesville NC | Forest A Carpenter ; : ae f ' 1914 | 16 jCarp ; 1965 | 6 | 5 | Carpenter John | W | Statesville | Wm W Carpenter || Mildred Frazier . ' C 1 Emerline Gibbs | 202 et 1 4 if 11922, 5 | 1Jcarpenter lLester M | C (Davidson Tns Wallace Carpenter t : ‘ie 3 | I i | | 1965 7 | 5| Carpenter Elizabeth | F | C |Statesville | Moze A Carpenter | Flora Summers 151 404 } | 1923; 4 | 6/Carpenter |= MC (Statesville NC j - _ - | Janie Lee Carpenter | 9 + £23 = ! iF eka {| | j i ‘ I | i i 1924.10 | 2iCarpenter |= M {| C {Statesville ‘i'n | Lester Carpenter Ester Conner HO | 414 = | | | ii) a ; — l i | t] 924. 10 2 Carpenter | = | F | C (Statesville Tn | Lester Carpenter Ester Conner 1O | 413 = | 4 Ie 1927, 6 (|22/ICarpenter Mattie Lou iF | C (Statesville Tn | Geo Carpenter Anna Caruth 13} 530 | at t bil | } | i I Hil rn ey tl i - ™ “ } it —41928) 3 .L0 ;Carpenter Nola Sherrill | F |W ‘Statesville NC | WF Sherrill Emma Shelton 4 | 378 | ——r : | i { if | | i i | r ia \ | i i i hoes 11 1jCarpenter Jvannie M | F | W [Mooresville NC vohn V Melchor Mary Kelley ‘ERR LL, | | Wf lk 11930, 2 2|Carpenter ‘Hattie | F | C |Statesville Tn George Hudson Lore hudson 16 | 580 | a ii { 1 i| | | | | — fh 41930 3 § \Carpenter ‘Allen Jr | M | C [Statesville Tns/ Alien Carpenter Flora Summers 16, 602 | a | } \ | | — F 11932, 12 23 Carpenter Fannie Mae | F .¢ |Statesville uns | Mose Carpenter Luvinia White 18, 590 | | 11934 2 10\|Carpenter Bessie sula F iW IStatesville NC | Henry Little Emma Frazier 20! 397] 3 | 11935. ? 20/Carpenter Jas Milton 1M | Ww IStatesville nC | Jam Carpenter Frances Carpenter [21 439 | f i | | | | Hl 11937 3 27 Carpenter {Laura Ann IF iw Mooresville NC | Marcus C Shufford Martha C Houston 23 | 149 | } ; | | | : 11937 8 14 Carpenter Alfred F i | W (Mooresville NC J H Carpenter Annie Hatley 23,191} i } | i} Ii | ij $1936 a 10/Carpenter im Plato | Ye WwW Mooresville NC Phillip Carpenter Camilla Forest 24 | 213 ! | i I | lj || 1] m || \ I # | tay L940 , Lt Sl jcatpenter George ; M,C Chambersburg T | David Pullen - 26 39 { i ii I | t l t | Hine pose 621 Carpenter Mose 1M |c [Statesville NC | John L Carpenter ° 26 401 | | i | I | | “i | 1¢ 1] 10 ; rs | Cary c ' ] uU 4 Cary + > Nes» * tr. : 7 RIO i ji I | : rpentes Ponste stndsos L572} | | ae —_— 2 | 2{Carpenter Bertha Gaynell |F (Ww |Mooresville NC Im P Bowles amanda Hager 28) 129] | | i ee | i! t | i} | 4 ; ; | 14% i ‘A rNA ar . ? ~ Q+ at = ATA we44 - T 4 i] j Ny i 1943; 7 aro penter Janne HF 2 Stetecville NC |Willie Cevette = 29, 320} | | [ ie i ' hee te i | | dee }—#2944/ 11 (25 fer snter lose Allen M |G {Stetesville NC IMose gerpenter - 50} 471) | | | raf } \ i ! thik 4 LY 7 2 ‘i Hy: ) 2x j \ oO s+, ew ’ ; | | f | i | i 4) t 47 | ,7 {Carpenter John Wesley M C jStatesville NC] - bliziveth Carpenter|33| 429) i | it ‘ ' | } ht 4 1948 4 llfCarpenter Ollie Mae F C IMooresy 1 AC a} ce } t 1 H & iid pente }Ollie Mae “4% §Mooresville NC [Cj arence Sharp Carrie ? Sharpe 3hj 134} | | | | be i | i + € c i ( . " " | i} ¥ peas 9 | 5 Ps rpenter R. C 1 | COC] Statesville Moses Carpernter Anna Carruth 55) 354 } | | I | fl ‘ | 1949); ] 22] Cerpenter | Rayford Lee M/W North Wilkesbo#o Barney Lee Carpenter Winnie F Chilared#® 55 a ; coe | fe | j Ls | | i } 1 1950) 8 A2htc Tohr ; foores mis ‘ : i 2V) irpenter | John M/C Mooresville Nc John Maxton Otha Chambers B6 | 4.23 * | } I ii} c ve Hear > ¥ oF ‘ en . . ‘ T 7 . i I | i] i " } 1950 9 | 1] Carpenter |- mo o|C ooresville NC | Arlen Carpenter Bertha Mills 56) 456 _ a | | f i 195] 7 | ; i | | 1 Zoi} 3 i111] Carpenter jJimuie Lee “1 f otatesvilie NCH D. k, Larpenter Luna Matlock 37| 167 | | | | | | 1952} A 14 Carpenter - F C M svi] Na k . Cowan | | | | ooresville NC George Franklin Carpehter Rosena Katherinel/ 3B 168 J j 4 | | + | 1953 11 3} Carpenter |Dorothy Genesar t Fi Wi State: ic : | | | j y | t tesville NC a B, Taylor Matilda Wiseman 39] 542 ee | | {] | | Suddeth | Re | , i S 1954; 6 |2] Carpenter | Linda Jo F |W | Mooresville NCI Ceci} Carpenter Martha Elizabeth / 40) 251 5, - + ty } . ~~ . . z nes . _— | j ' 1954; 6 (14 Carpenter 'Ruth Anne F |W {Winston-Salem E.S. M . + x ; i 7 ! We cDanie ’ | t ‘ ; (Sti11Birth) “ aniel Belle Chunn 40) 403) _s | | iF 1956; 3 | 2i) Carpenter James Luther C [St i f - ; = atesvill ~= ; . —j #lizabeth Carpenter} 42 134) 9 | i 1957| 2 |13 [Carpenter Jane Allbright}| F | W [Mooresville 4 . + | pee | Seo. Allbright {Amanda Farrar 43 | 44 ~iieil Re | | 1958; 5 9 farren ter Glenn Lee Mis WwW $¢t . ae ee ’ " i‘ oe ; | ate sville 4 Sam Carpenter ea. Minnie Jaque g 44) 245 1959) 3 |10}/Carpenter Sallie “ussell{f F | W | Mooresviite Wm. Russe) : ie oe | iit scadle 45/139 food L960 4 1 |Carpent er - u io Btetosvinie - Blizeb c | cr +s cadeth Sarpenter!| 44 251 ee 961) 4 £5 Perptenter Pat erie Welborn] F) WI Stetesviiie Tsaac Welbor Tranter }-$9 85) "eee at ee et Fem Broynti. 7 pos | J | 1962] 8/19) ' ease 5 bert lecnisciater Le eeeeeee W. W. Carpenter Mildred Frazier | (48/117 | 00 tee eee on | DRO erent lita SB Ms asia | 965 5 1 Carpenter Wm. M Wi Mooresvilie Geo W Carpente ; : nt enianeeal sansa | , Hettie Caudle 5 28 i | j 12 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS To locate names, SURNAME INITIAL TAB and reter Te Pe eae A LORE Ne. 3 Se rs Iredell County, N. ©. mS ___ See | RorYour Proce toute Ooe aoe ee === moe hd ll Sa ae pa etree reform Reh de So ate Orme San, oe DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED sex | cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — -—"e papas: 8 ALES eisai [Cf Bes ay ter [eee |b _ ee ee oe ee | . | dl tor | Mon |e As® CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S. civen SEX jecen PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER wa] Pass : 41914} 6 16 feaxpenter rr ey 8 23 TP nana Te -| Rangat 4 Cecpantan | Babe ANOneaa 4 3. — So 965 | 4 | 5 | Carpenter | John M t W | sce y Wm W Carpenter l Mildred reste: | 511340 4 1922 | 5 , 1}Carpenter pene Mfc peeranan Sed] Malinda: Sapentoms: + Mane toanihane ©. 4.8 _ Ti ae 1965 | a | >| Carpenter Elizabeth F | C |Statesville Moze A Carpenter Flora Summers 51 40% 1923 | 4 | 6|Carpenter - M | C ptatesville nc} - | Janie Lee Carpenter | 9 1.293 7 ome | | | | 1924. 10 | 2 {Carpenter j= M_ |-¢ _ptatesville iin | Lester Carpenter | Ester Conner __ e 414f - | | i 1924 | 10 | 2/carpenter |. F. C_ ‘Statesville Tn | Lester Carpenter | Ester Conner _ LO, 413 ao ; | | H ih 1927, 6 (22\carpenter Mattie Lou EF Lo {Statesville Tn | Geo Carpenter _| Anna Caruth _ h3 | 530 o 7 7 | | | | iF | 1928! 3 |18\carpenter Nola Sherrill | F | w [statesvilie nc | WF Sherrili Emma Shelton 14 | 378 - i) | 1929) 11 | licarpenter Nannie M F_| W Mooresville NC John V Melchor Mary Kelley 5 | 279 wll . | | i J) 111930; 2 | 2icarpenter Hattie F | C_ |Statesville Tn | George Hudson Lore Hudson 16 | 540 a | | | ih | 1930, 8 | 8lcarpenter Allen Jr Mic Btateariie Tns satis Carper.ter Flora Summers 16, 602 ! | A : 1932) 12 (23 Carpenter Fannie Mae F_| G {Statesville ‘ns | Mose Carpenter Luvinia White 18 | 590 3 | | i 41934, 2 1.0 }Carpenter Bessie sula FW (Statesville NC | Henry Little Emma Frazier 20 | 377 Z | | | Ae ; t 4 ! f F 1935, 9 (|20/Carpenter Jas Milton Mj “ {Statesville nc | Sam Carpenter Frances Carpenter © 21, 430 | | | i | 1937, 3 .27|Carpenter {Laura Ann F_iW hiooresvilie NC | Marcus C Shufford Martha C Houston 23. | 149 | | | | | 1937; 8 14/}carpenter Alfred F M_| W Mooresville nC _| J H Carpenter Annie Hatley 231191 | . i 1938; 11 ,10|Carpenter im Plato ij W [Mooresville NC Phillip Carpenter Camilla Forest 24; 213 2 T | 1940; 1 31 Carpenter George M.C.Chambersburg Tn | David Pullen =~ 2639 ul ! + f 1940; 8 2 eacni Mose ul C tatesville Nc John L Carpenter - 26 401 a ——T | 1941) 10 | 14 Carpenter } Saruel Jones ji! Btatesville “Cc JimCarpenter Beste Windsor b7 | 372 iia 2 - / | ! | 1942, 2 | 2) Carpenter | Bertha Gaynell |F (W |Mooresville NC M P Bowles amanda Hager 28 | 129 acoell ae | | | . 1945, 7 |17|Cerpenter Lanne F Ie Stetesville NC [Willie Cevette a ‘ 29) mete, | | 1944/11 |25|derpenter P Mose Allen M_i¢ {Statesville NC IMose Gerpenter = sof- dso! 472 -. ke qT ] $2947) 2 17 [Carpenter John Wesley i C {Statesville NC} - }-tblizabeth Carpenter|33/ 429] ies te 7 1948) 4 |11) Carpenter [Ollie Mae F_| ¢ |éooresviiie wo |Clorence sharp. Ncarrie ? Sharpe 341 13, ee ed | poay 9 | 5 Berpenter R. U h | C | Stetesville Moses Carpernter Anna Carruth | 35) 354 wit | age: | ag | | a 12491 1 +22 Cerpenter | Rayford Lee M | Wf North Wi2kesbofe Barney Lee Carpenfe er Winnie F Childre aii 55 aa CT ee | } tte 1900 8 12} Carpenter John M | C | Mooresville NC John Maxton ] Otha Chambers tyes} : agian, sabe atic | F : 195q 9 i | Carpenter © M_{C_ | Mooresville nc | Arien Carpenter | Bertha Miljs 36 456] _ Ae eee | A951) 3 ji. Carpenter Jimuie Lee M | W | Statesville nef p. ts Carpenter | Luna Matlock _[37/ 167] | ts ae, or | 2952) & | ly Carpenter : ae de Mooresville NC | reorge Franklin caspepter EE 3B 168 _ Sa are : | i ae —y" ence 1954 11 | 3] Carpenter Dorothy Genesarge Tj WN} Statesville MC] J. 8. tayior _| nataage Wiseman 139/542 i | | | 6 |2] Carpenter — _indaJo sf, te WO ce Mooresville | NC} Cecil Carpenter Martha Elizabeth / 40) 252 aos | 2956) © |2bjCarpenter ee Teeny pte inston-Salem [E.S, McDaniel Belle Chunn 40] 40 ae oe aa ee ee ; i 1956 3 4 Carpenter | James Luther -iC Statesville |. Bisesbors Carvanter 43 | 927} 2 {13 \Carpenter | Jane Aliprigbt| F | W [Mooresviiie Geo. Allbright Amanda Farrar or er —_—_—__——++ | 1958/ 5 |9 arrenwer —is« I Mhonn Leo ui W ftatewvii Sam Carpenter Minnie Jaques 44| 245 ara teae ene: aummaammens } ‘Fisse| 3/1 Carpenter — a Sallie 4usseli} F | w | Mooresville Wm. Rus sei) 4 sl sae —_— we helanvenae : 960) 4 1 rarpenter came Mic neha af BT Wee eee oe | | & 25 Parpt enter stelle Welborn] F/ w Statesville anc Welborn wey Jane Tos yhil1 ‘ hie, sneer . , et 2 |19 farmeteen, Robert B, Mj} Wi Statesville W. W. Carpanter Mildred Fre Pracier | “taal? ys a TE 4 +. "4 i” ver nh {™ | WH Mooresvitre b Boe oy + - ball 5a a MB INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- hr ao t ‘Oe Tab entecling to First Later or Saher a We _Name tad refer to Buff Sub- Index sheet for page reforenc ey DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made Cott Index Sidi ihatien Ohi ye —s House, Charioite, N a COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX Copyright 1949 A-141580 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER SS S eg DATE OF DEATH ¢ 1916, 1917, 1917 1918 | 1918 1918 1918 ‘igi 11919 1913). 211 13) co 4) Carson | co | 14) Carson | 16) Carson (11 carson | 30) Carson Carson " ‘} 2) Carson 30) Carson 11) Carson 16! Carson 2) Carson 3, Carson 3| Carson 29| Carson 2) Carson 29) Carson INDEX TO VITAL O UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Ey No. 1437168—Copyrigh: 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 29) Carson ‘ | Viola May | Norah | James P Ton Chas William Amy Cornelia Mack Woodard Novella Lee Pauline Mary Mollie Bettie Jd James j Otie | Sex Statesville Statesville Hagle Mills Zagle Mills Eagle Mills Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville N Eagle Mills Coddle Creek wagle liills Tns!Tomus Carson fagle Mills Statesville Statesville ~4 . . uagle ddd Malinda Wm Long M NAME INITIAL TAB and refer eet for page reference. Color || PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER ” | i Ne | J T Carson Tns| - i} Tns} Andrew Cowles i | Tns}/ Alford Carson ©2 Tns} Alfred Houser fen > thes ‘ Llyhu Carson Ins|Alex Carson Statesville NC NU JOtis Carson nie Dey ( s_ ‘ §28C0 Carson n | 4. An wl vOnn Carson STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. =: To locate names, open at SUR! de by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, , Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sh Made by The Co Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotie, iv. C. | | NAME OF MOTHER | Janie Carrigan Lizzie Fuller Jincy Carson Elsie Campbell Fannie Carson Dillie Chapman ~ Perioe Carson lary Houser Bertha Horn Edna Allgood hMiary Thompson oO Cc . Mm 125) 437) em == = = =¢ pe e p e e §p e c e r e e e e d f e e s 1926 10| Carson <32Tr ‘lorcarson 11928 11|carson 11928; 5| carson 1928 24| carson 11929) | 24| Carson 1931, 3|carson 11932 2| carson 11932) 10 Carson 1933, 117] carson 1934, Carson 1934 | Jarson 1935) 1 Carson 1935! 9 Carson 1936; 5 Carson 1936; 7 Carson 1936 | 11 Carson 1937! 5 Carson 1938} 2 Carson 1940) 6 Carson 1941) 2 Carson -1941) 2 Carson arson /Remale F Sallie May F ‘os F Laura Fr J iM li Jno Marvin Zlizabeth Ann F Nancy Ann Fr ‘Annie Mae F | Sue F - Mi Robert Lee f |Burlough Mee | F \Mary Williams F j7ubsan F Turner | M | - |? ‘mug h Monr o e ly P pM Will i a m | M Statesville Q Eagle Mills Statesville q2 Statesville Statesville Mooresville Statesville Statesville |] Statesville nN Statesville Statesville |Statesville |statesvilie Statesville | Statesville Statesville Nc Statesville NC \Fallstown Tns a 4 1 esvil | . I Statesville NC | bte: tesville NC Tr bs wC |David Carson NC NC NC NC Le NC Tn NC IR Carson | nsidJay Campbell nsj.soosevelt Carson | Jak NC id M Carson a | koa NC ome V Carson ns {Roos sevelt Carson s E P IF O Carson | lPerry Hunt T W Carson T N E Carson Tns|Herbert Carson Mott Williams Hdwuid Carson Hubert Carson Victor Carson John Carson John Carson jtatesville Nc hatred Carson vid McLaughlin enold Mayberry C Elizabeth Morrison] ima Parkes cath Z1liz Morrison Susan B Rector Minnie L Kemmons jlizabeth Morrison Mary Zllen Suiter Amanca Shoemaker Bertha Horn Vinie Carnicheal |Thelma Henderson jNancy Mayberry \Laura Hines Elizabeth Willians Nancy Mayberry Laura Carson | Jettie Cerson I Nancy Carson Mavbelle Harl +} us 362 | 125) . _ * ee a =e el t ab n — + we + I 14 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 i eee sare J 6-0 3 COTTCO UNIVERSAL 0. este Bae Dra the \ Tris Signature on sheets \nnures their correctness Bene *® Seente enenas, once of SURNAME oho cue Oe ee eee oe U. & Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 oe locate nam es open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio aoe = ee a = ‘3 pete tT hi TS uff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold ty Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. = — ’ j I | RECORDED es DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASE =F —— | | | AME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER |-—— | ' D | | . - : " — ——— sicatacsatiiliaiaitil N | Veer | Month / Day AND CHRISTIAN = IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i} — + ; | + | 1 i se : { “ i i] ; IPED eet € ‘ nv 1.2 ’ . I 12 (13 (Carson [Mort i jEagle Mills l4lfred Carson Fannie Campbell | 4 1913/12 | Carter jeatie Lou , W (Cool Svrings Tn/P Lee Carter L Lou ‘harpe oon HH} | | ifezle Mills Sem Holmes jvertrude es 1917; 2 (24)Carter JD ' W 'Turnersbure vn | ates i re S "T * J k I 4 we ‘ . . | Mooresville NC |John © Curson Worgeret St Clair / v | ae 1917 2 ;Carter wm [ W /#allstown fn . i ia ie iC D Carter annie Morrow 4 | " i - | aville Nt i EB Garson i\Neney Ligham i 1918 18) Carter Delia : W : -esville N . wT ihe . » Ma ia» Jarson Erski rie M Statesvi aN Morris MmONneY Mary wyers j | | Statesville NC Icolumbus McLelland (Mettie Crawford 19 4 | 1920. 1) Carter Benjamin Lee 30 Carson Mavle Mills Tn | Aicolas Carter Sallie Johnson . Lula Hert a 1928 29) Carter tvahe 4 Baveen Gladys Louise F Coddle Greek | Dennis Qarson * i | ¥ranem Statesville NC |H P Carter sulah Tharpe 31) Carter Clyde . ' woy n Zz | 3 a 1928 ih hth satan -Dwnic 17'Cerson John Ms Union Grove oo Statesville NC |Clinton carter addie cotharpe eae | fae inda Carson 34, 162 es Pe . arle } ills ins Lee yarson Linda Varsol | + i i a 2 Carter Van ) . es ae = ha a { H nie Uttes Ui Mooresville NC /3 E Carter brady 9 Carson Laura J Carrigan F W Statesville NC Julius Carrigan Lula Alice Mayberry 34 221 i) | 192 29) Carter Robert W State sville NC a D Carter Unknown i OU “ i Carter aPooh Mmartvia ,AAnNLe I u oG LESVille vu ALEX Varson 10 Carson Henry M C | Hamptonville NG Lee Carson Malinda Vestal | 38 161 a ; Carter rf . T s $y : Oo Lumberton John Tomlin | 59 9e Carter . irs Pink Carter Pearl A, F W | Statesville NC} Unknown Josephine Hubbard (39 218 a | | Carter frank Pearson Frences Stewart John William C Hamptonviiie NE James Pinkney Carson Mary ktta Hauser 39 hg McLaughlin Mable W Statesville NC |Thomas Andrew Carson) Elizabeth Ann / 40 352 | | 1938 3) Carter Mary blizab«t} Carter Laster Lettie Levis A ih W Coddle Creek Tniv # Carte aalje Huberd ‘ y tlle NC | J°’W Garson Ada Mae Carson 40 461 « 4 Carter oaral Jane Susan Emma W Mooresville NC|/ Rankin Carson Betty Carson ‘kl 177 & 192 | Carter Minnie Lee W . Mooresville NC) Hugh M Kimmons Sallie Cope ‘41. 165 a 1193 26) Carter Millerd Finle . Dury aes Ae 47 { \! Walter ¥ Chambersburg Tn William G ll 6 Carson Ralph St. Clair M W Mooresville Henry H. Carson MarjorieE.Rankt G2 533 : i " Carter John ultman hi “ Chambersbure Tn} William G Carte Elizabeth Spaldwin 1 ° | Ot Gesu Creole Scott | F Yedetneitse Richard Soy Scott Ossie Hall | 43 402 ER ea e in arter AC Ar t ao . . . ny _ Madge Ann “ | Statesville NC | Frank Carter Lila Mallmore jon - i Statesville ~ “osa Ann Carson Aa 6 i i a | Carter forw i * ie Karle Mi Nan i a | 7 af . Mary mma Kagle Milis Nicholas Carter Sattie Johnson florence S. ir Statesville | Abner “ummera &tta Morrison 3 |Carter Fannie Elliotte W Shiloh Tns Lee Elliotte koxie Elliotte W 17 Carson Otie Redmond W Statesville | Arch “edmond Zettie Pharr 146 $11 ” ns | = | d 10/| Carter Mary Lou Mooresville NC /Durlin Herne 12 21 Carson C Mooresville J. W. Carson Ada Mee Sturgis | 46 765 Carrie Dennis 26 |Carter Ann F W Statesville NC | John Lippard Sarah Lippard ’ e Te re it ae “oO! Yaergon Liz y i 4 atesville |! Lob eherrill Mary Rhinehardt 148 16¢ 4 4 4 ; | 23) Carter Littleton Calhoba MW &tatesville NC iB F Carter --- Crouse 12 Carson Robert L, W Mooresville Robert Carson Susan E Carson 49 112 } y i ' 4 i} 2 arter Martha tlizabeth F W (otatesville NC |Kichard G Phillips Mary Jane Dickerson 14 Carson, Tho mas } Statesville | Thos S Carson §$ | ‘ynthia Barnes 150 |661 2 \ . 7 | 21! Carson Fannie C Statesville | Unk. Martha Smith 51) 152! | i | t 5 | Anderson 17) Carter | Mary Jean / F W |gtatesville NC | | Harry M UW »wannano® NC | Henry Carter Mag,-ie Price | ; | q | Addie Mitchell | Carter Jesse Watson Mooresville ¥ Lema M. Petrea pea Carter Carter | Mooresville NC! Carl Sruce Carter (Gertie Walters/ Carter Statesville NC | Wara4s M. Carter Lou Jane Hatcher Ss ee Carter | Statesville % 7 Willis M Carter Lou Jane Hatcher Carter Minnie M, \ atesville NC] James H Morris Mollie Greene eo ae | | Carter ' James T. | M W | Statesville ms Carter iBetty Unknown . } ! | { | Fannie L Herbert 49 109 Carter | Espy | Morganton Newton Carter Elizabeth Brawley 50, 323 arter | Kat ie W Mooresville Johnnie Herbert Carter | Mrs, Lois I Statesville Geo. A Stowe Essie Watts 51 135 ; | ' we ere MMe Sic ol a hese te io ae be cca ‘ 14 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. oa es i ; DATE OF DEATH i Year Month | Day i : i ; 4 | 11940. 12 113 /Carson ee e ee ae Cerson 25 Garson 13) Garson 30 Carson 4 Carson 17 Carson 9 Carson 10 Carson arson Carson Varson Jarson 7 Carson 12 6 Carson 7 20 Cargon rson 17 Carson 2960 12 21 Carson 1962 $$ 1.963 2 12 Carson | 1964 11, 14 Carson, 1965 3 21) Carson | t This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. U.S. rat.or. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. = locat SURNAME OF DECEASED a AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN iMort ate iG] enn ienry tavelock Tvs »@ Nant oe Erskin Grier Ide Gladys Louise John Laura J Carrigan F Martha Jane Henry J Mary Lee Pearl A, John William Mable birth Susan Emma Minnie Lee Qn me ae v 4 Ralph St. Clair M Creola Soott F t’loren ‘8 S. Otie Redmond Ligzy Robert L,. Thomas Fannie mames, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | Color | Cy Ww i ' "IT i C C W W WV C \ y C W W La 7 W C C W C 77] iH | i ft PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Eagle Mills Alfred Carson jwertrude Carson I Gates lidargeret St Clair / Sem Holmes Mooresvill Statesville Garson |Sency bigham Mattie Crawford Statesville NC |Columbus McLellend Coddle Greek | Dennis Garson Lule Mart Union Grove i. le Mills ins|Lee Carson |Linda Carson Statesville NC Julius Carrigan Lula Alice Mayberry otutesvilte NU] alex varson Unknown Hamptonville NG Lee Carson Malinda Vestal Lumberton John Tomlin Statesville NC} Unknown Josephine Hubbard Hamptonviile NO James Pinkney Carson Mary ktta Hauser McLaughlin Statesville NC /Thomas Andrew Carson, Elizabeth Ann / ¢ ne a i i . . . “er 1 Ce Wy tog iy ULarson ida ssia' arson Mooresville NC) Rankin Carson Betty Carson t Mooresville NC! Hugh M Kinmons Sallie Cope © eon 2 Vvarrssiry am cae " Mooresville ‘Henry H. Carson Mar jorie E, Rankin Yadkinville | Richard Coy Scott Ossie Hall Statesville - "osa Ann Carson Statesville Etta Morrison Statesville | Arch “edmond Zettie Pharr | Mooresville J. W. Carson Ada Mee Sturgis ul Statesvil NC ILeb &§ Statesville NC [Lob Sherrill Mary Rhinehardt | Robert Carson 4 W Statesville ! Thos Moo resv ille Susan E Carson 4 _‘ynthia Barnes Statesville | Unk. | Martha Smith f 4 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 1930 | RECORDED | | NAME OF MOTHER | | (Fannie Campbell 28 | 22 | 1913 | 1920 | 1928 1928 1917 | 1917 1918 | 1929, COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe, 1-4 U. &. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 '12 2 2 1 4, il 29|carter 13 Carter | 23) Carter 17/Carter 2 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — | SURNAME OF DECEASED | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE is GIVEN | ‘Katie Lou 24/Carter f [ r ic D 124)C JD { W |Turnersburg ‘Tn iC D Carter il | | 18) Carter Delia | W State 1) Carter Benjamin Lee 29) Carter Graham 31) Carter Clyde Carter Vannie Uttes | Carter Carter Carter Carter i W Stat: | Carter Carter Laster liz Carter Blizabeth Carter Carter parah Jane Carter Millard Fi Walter wW , Carter John juitman “4 Vi Chambersburg Tn “illiam G Carte Elizat ‘Carter 6 | Carter Mary 2mma Fannie Elliotte | 10/Carter Mary Lou 28 \Carter Ann F W Statesville NC Littleton Calhoth M \ | Marbha plizabeth F 4 Carter Carter | Harry Anderson Carter Carter Jesse Watson Carter Carter Carter Carter Minnie M. Carter ' James T. \ W arter Kat ie Carter | Espy Carter en locate names open at SURNAME INI ’ TIAL TAB to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page wae _ hagle Mills Tn | Aicolas Carter State Robert W M W i State Chambersburg ann f Madge Ann Wi Statesville Nc Kagle Mills Mooresville NC Statesville NC B F Carter --- Crouse etatesville NC |Kichard G Phillips Mary Jean / ry | WW ol@tatesville NC Mooresville Mooresville N C} Carl Bruce Carter Statesville NC Statesville Nc W Mooresville W ) Morganton Mrs, Lois | W | Statesville DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C Vol. i} t | { W (Cool Svrings Tn|P Lee Carter L Lou iharpe oe annie Morrow € Ia \ " | (26|/Carter Wm { W allstown fn i= sville NC iMorris Lioney Mary Myers Sallie Johnson > ae 1-3 we tM (| ( n 1 |’ Statesville NC |x FP Carter oulah Tharpe sw “ oe ‘ Sville N Clinton Carter addie wotharrpe c nen a ae Mooresville n S KH Carter liza . % m" ‘ sville?} D Carter Statesville wv iG Carter Mooresville NC | F Jo eph Carter esville Sta*esville Mooresville nc Coddle vUreek Mooresville | RECORDED | nn | I H Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER p t | | pos 408 t 7 m, Inj William G carter 6th Spaldwin |: Frank Carter Lila Mallmore Nicholas Carter Sattie Johnson Lee Elliotte Koxie Elliotte Darlin Herne Carrie Dennis John Lippard Sarah Lippard Mary Jane Dickerson! 38 ‘ ‘ 4 | NC low spy ‘tar uM , , VU 1 nenr sarter ma ioc rrice | anderson — Luther Houston / Addie Mitchell | Lewis A. Carter { Lema M. Petrea : Carter Gertie Walters/ i lWi114s M. Carter Lou Jane Hat cher Willis M Carter Lou Jane Hatcher { | M { {| | 4 ] of “a rove” Jam i Morris Mollie Greene Jarter Betty Unknown Johnnie Herbert Fannie L Herbert Newton Carter [Elizabeth Brawley Geo. A Stowe | Essie Watts | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. * INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — dell County, N. C. ; [0 UNIVERSAL INDEX N i > | This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. pate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer oe Pahet No. 1437168—Copyright i COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 Keg. U.8. Pat.om. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 EF Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. 1! DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED i . AME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED I | " AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH N . ee ep ee | . " a ee ae ae | 2) Carothers Wm Spencer | M W |Statesville NC | Olin E Carothers | Pearl Tyler Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. { " i ie be - Te nae z : RECORDED sis | | RECORDED [ NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER 1 | oth hod | 1929, 11 | 20 cartner |Emmiet E \ ea wae Be pital 7 i Statesville Nc | a J Cartner Florence Yates { 1934, 7 | 18) Cartner ‘Richard s | 1935, 9 | 25/Cartner Clayton B (lirs) turnersburg Tn | Richard C Cartner Lois C Boger Statesville NC | William Boger Maggie B Boger ma n g a te sm a t i i p SI S oo 1940 3 6° Cartner Patton Monroe ete as : “wh "3474 | Statesville NC} William A Cartner Elizabeth Thomas N951/ 1 7 (19 Cartner Joseph ‘pantc NC p Morganton, NC Woseph Curtne: Fannie syerly BS 498 9 22) Cartner Baby Boy MooresvilleNC iOldie KR. Cartner ertha Keller 68 527 £ Be ok + , AY >: } pe 2 31} Cartner tired alexar I) / jMooresville t | CusyY bL11Zapve |1955 8 31 | Cartner Flérence Lippard F \W Iredell Julius Lippard Levinia Lip.ard 11963; 6 (25 Cartner |196, 10 20 [Cartner Perey 11930. 1 _25)Cartrett Jesse C | e A A Cartner ph i ; Coddle Cr Cini JS Cartrett | ‘ 4 A ete th eet tes ~_— 11923 4 19) or} ames I . m o 2 9} Cartwricht James li Union Grove Tns! Thos Cartwricht Mlizabeth Fleming 1942; 5 |20 Cartwright annie Laura Union Grove Tns Newton Barron Elizabeth Johnson 1964 1 27) Cartwright Jasper Mi Wi St Sville Jas \ ortwr i VY ’ + wrest —} ‘ LI By4 ; rirh aura S Cartwri cht | | | | ‘ be i 1919; 11 |26 Carver |\Caroline W ,Coddle Creek Tn Olinstead Little | Sophie Little 1930, 4 (|27|Carver John Butler | M Coddle Creek Tn| Logan Carver Caroline Little ¢ 20 |, ‘ seavill od ' 1945! 1 (22 \cerver Janes Logan ,™ , 4 {Mooresville NC fLogen Surfer } 2urcline Little 2 = Se == = 1946 | 8 |30/Cerver |Tony Eugene | M Mooresville NC |#ugene Cerver | Doris J Griffin 2 1946) 12 18) Carver Mattie L Bradley) F WwW | Mooresville NC |Wm F Bradley | , | | er 9 Carver Albert “impson ir W | Charlotte John Carver | Annie Osborne i —— — ea e pr x u n ’ So n e m n e n e a n hy p e r e m i a Re e t — = ae 962 | 6 Carver Allie(Craven) | W | Morganton Timmothy B. Craven | Mary R. Isenhour | | Si e oa | | | | . "3 i saTaniebabainenctadosatecosneer POR mrs ce Se INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 7 . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 ; L~ } This Signature on sheets insures their correctness eT locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1920 es COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 2 Keg. U.8. rat.of, | For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. : aon : U. & Patent No. 1437163—Copyright 1930 BPGRR To locate names, open at SURN “ AME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index C any, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Raid be Gitar Sehotiag Hanae’ Gaasiena’ bi c. RECORDED oe a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ! | ay ne | Ths Tic AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S Given ) Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER } i + } i i i | | | | DATE OF DEATH | 31) > OF ; | _oare oF earn | SURNAME OF DECEASED r i NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | Year Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Whe | PLACE OF OBATH | * 4 " 1] i} I ! | RECORDED | | Filed | | | 2 | | | f | s 4 jannie Orren 6 | | 1920 8 6/Cetes | M W /|Fallstown Tn t S cates A | 454 | es 1918) 5 | 23] Carrell D W(Mrs) Y w | Statesville NO iG & Sechler tlizabeth Sechler | atoardys a Wt i Vv Statesville Vo f= 2 | ra | . 7 a |1921 5 10/cates John C |M W = |Shiloh Tn i + 286 | eal 9 | Carrol | James Mog lige29 ll 6 Cates Connie | F W_ /Fallstown Tn |Jacob Orren |Nearul Day 15 203 | Fred # | | | | 4 % igicarrol) ss Fr [i wis | | i Sf +—ts_.__il_ | Mooresville Nc i Salvanns Carroll | Margaret Wilson (1931 1 19 Kates Deliah ‘F W (Berringer Tn Lemuel Compton pucy Scott prt. By : 25 Icarrell | | er a a —L Arrs John Knox MC Statesville Tn, William C Carrell | Amanda Lucky 1933 2 20/Kates Bessie Pope W Statesville Nc |J K Pope Janie Webster 19 4 | 5 lCarrol f Sia | | 1l ” Schyler Colfax M W Stetesville NC Sidney Garrol Nency Green 1944 22 Cates Fallstown fns Roy 0 Cates \Mary V Upright 50 a i (1945 16 Kates Alice Blizabeth| Shiloh Tns Jacob Hefner Alice Bost | 1945 5, Kates Rock Williar M Statesville NC J C Kates |*lice Bost 1948 28 . Cates Aua Pope N Statesville NC | Mark Pope | Mrs. hark rope Sa e e d { <e ] po m No ) —— — — — _ — 1961 20 Cates Euphia 0. ' W) Troutman N C James Overcash Lottie Hartsell ~ BI i 11963 20 Cates John W Statesville | John C Cates Alice E Bost 1963 § 12) Cates James A { Oteen Thoms Cates Yonnie Orren 1964 1 Kates Brittain M Stat esville _ dohn A Kates Alice E Bost > ee iS An D By a 4 - 15 Cathy Albert M Statesville ne Henry Cathey Verice Careslep 1 4 4 Carrigan Yade 21 Cathey Lester M Mooresville NC Kenry A Cathey Lavenia Cornelius 1olc i : ! | Carrigan Tirzah Abagail Concord Tr iseorge Burtlette l“ury Hoke 2 i vt 7y | |16) Carrigan Addie Bell T sy ‘ a ' e . | x3 4 vathey yamuel Lee , etalesvilie NC He Ae Vabuey Nancy Lodd H { 2) Carrircan _ Catherine Moore t 17] Carrigan 6 17° Cathey Nannie McKey 1 Mooresville NC | Robert W McKey | : jlsrel Carrigan iMarthe Stamper 18 | Cathey Archie BEucen MV Ww SF on $7 ; n | | ” J irchie Eugene h Mooresville NC | Lester Vathey | Mannie Mackey 4 iC S90 ‘ f "7 | | * ,¢/) Carrigan J Mi / |Statesville NC |Isracl Carriran Liartha Stamper Shiloh Tn Isrie D Carrigon * = - - ; C= Ss ei ep e e nn le n + - Oo 7 | i Say ee iT Mar | | . 5 flan my’ | gr > Ww 7 t \ HCY) +> Y¢ yt y . i a Car rigan iGlende Derlene MOOt | JOrrl par Ruth Mullis Varrigan j dyin Jean i" vtatesville hoy VCarripran willie Hefner ~ | Carrigan \Jennie Sloop) | F = W |Mooresville lic paste a SLoop 4“lizabeth Irvin | | | . a I gg =k " Carrigan Mollie Mayberry W Harmony Doc Ma yber ry Martha Brown } it e m ce e e i e r e i t e e t ee ae 7 . Pi t i e = + d t u e c d c e u _ c t . we i ee a ae es ee e “ * Di hee - ‘ 4 a 21 |i THS— N.C INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C a 20 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS Iredell County, N. ©. : S t redell County, N. C. ay te : 9 Lae fe COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 ‘ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate na mv » The Cott Index Co ~~, Calaseen, Old ' 4a The ( heir correctn pee Te Boats names, open at SURNAME matali. and refer U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1980 i 1) &. Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 1930 BBR To locat Daman, open at SURNAME USTIAL TAB and refer a er pen S eeny, Onan hi. c at Lee Aho § This Si re on sheets insures their © Pee. uff Sub-Ind eet for p » — A ah é keg Oo rat OF. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. oe , | ae : ' 7. : ' | | NAME OF MOTHER i DAME OF OS on | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEAT | HER a 1a ae } DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | | is | | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ATH \ NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOT [vo Page | abd | i ; | Year Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN } { ib Ee | | | i ii ali % t \ i} tal i \ 1 1 r ita " “ i { : A, } | 4 MW MW : Hi c 1ag } . ‘ , . pore iN : a ee; i . { nT uo. OC | Statesville N lRoy. Carruth |Richile Mae | {nor 1919, 8 | 3 Cascaden , dames A M .W | Shiloh Tns William Cascaden Marry Lippard Lie eee iE 2027) 360 ) 3h Carruth [= i pha ane sr { | | | | by } i 774 é ° { 5 | i Cageas Vi ys tay 14 mn lan A r yy os 4 ' 20 { ‘ ve } } 4 ~ CG Statesville Nc | Arthur Carroth i Lizzl1e Deacworthy i 15! 979} 1920, a el Cascaden J van i ai Shiloh Tns Gus Gascaden Moll ie Rent jeld | 6 290 : 1 1930 2 1) Carroth Neliie - | } Bi ; \ iRachel Mae Minon 117) 5621 1 1) Caskaddon Margaret I yr iW Seat i Pr iae ie | | ¢ MC | Statesville Tns|Roy Caruth a Pe | " " 1929) pes , —— F We | Statesville Tnsj - - - ~ 115, 396 Me 1931 6 25 Caruth - ” 6 | | i - ) | ml | . uw OG: «| Statesville Tnsj steve Carruth | Addie Porter H 18} 532 4 11929, 1 4) Caskaddon Mollie F W {Shiloh Tns L D Benfield Acustus Stewart 15, 346 a in| 1932 1 23) Carruth Jenvan - a | cali | ; eta! | : | | skad C NM i : * NO a ) ; : . “AQ ! ; pee : f ue a oO | Chambersbure Tn) Billie Carruth io ee 4 19 15 " | 1930 10 | ee Caskaddon Vananda M il Statesville NC | A A Caskaddon Mollie Benfield 116. 500 hi { 1932 12 28) Carruth Steve ee ie | es i (r ie } i nt fn e s mn a, “a ¢ mae 1 ub: > C \Statesville Tns|Steve Carruth Addie Carter 21) 940 1945 10 6, Gaskaddon Othe Clayton M W = Shiloh fns A & Coskaddon Reba Benficld 31 350 1935 5 12!) Carruth sudy . ’ | site | a) an Unkr “ 3 1 1¢ ; 26 Caskad Jer Wavne Cy oe Tae ' 0 } ae t Rober t M C Stetesville Billie Carruth Unknown og 46 1947, 10 26, Caskaadon verry wayne M . otlalesviile i John Henry Caskauuoy bana 5bost Jd 40% Ad dy 1950 1 20 Carruth Robert Nt eS : eS et 5 aville Steve Carruth Addie Carter 45, 657 Caskadd A Aurustus M wW Stat ‘11 Rin ates + ¢ di 2| 422 1 lao59 12 20 Carruth Reece Statesville Lev 11956. 9 , 5|Caskaddcon mos August atesville Amos Caskaddon Bell Caskaddon 4 we i} Te - ~ ” i i <i et «& var ae "| rs C C+ nt abville 1 Koy L Carruth Annette E “ills L9 | O81 y ; 14 j 3 Le f Jarruth Victor , t Lt 5 | | } . ; c 3 nmi ' Be th. be fl ' , ‘ eed > Pail cott nxenes La or DY © 4 _ i’ LY 4 1 rut ( t i L Vv ; | | ij sane us i ; i — | 7 ‘ | be td a4 | ; | 1192 ll 13) Casey Fannie Fr Ht Statesville NC j- - - a | 6 284 pt | | * a) Nm tbhhe , wr ‘ 74 ath 4 , ’ \ s f . . ~ " 1 11934 8 13/| Casey Chas Gaither uw Statesville NC |Ralph Casey Ollie = Benfield 20. 473 if a ' j i} \ | | (1936.10 17, Casey darren L M l Statesville NC j- - - - 122\ $18 i | i | | ' a Te 459, 1921 10 16 Carsey Dora Howard | q 5 } ‘2 | ‘ } | “ i ' ' 3 | 4 i ‘ ! i 1 | ; = i | | } } | | S il i \ | i | | } 4 * HY ‘ 4 y } | fi | | : | | | | | | t q i | | i ; { J I | | \ i { , i | } | j | | | \ = | \ t | i | \ | | 4 ; | 4 ; " ’ ’ ! vr | | ’ ‘ 4 j ; f \ 4» \ | \ | | { " | Sled | | 2 La } | | i t \ i hi | | h ao i f | } | | { | ‘ | | | | | | ! | | | bee | | t t ' ; | ! ? 1 ; i \ | | | | | ’ i | {! | | | ) | | | | ) Oey +) Tagen era Dice vse See toch ce atone INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. % __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATH S — Iredell County, N. C. Signature on sheets correctness. siatoes RNAM refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 —— es — - - fiom, In oer dex a w page reloreece. : » 1437168-—Copyright 1980 e — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Pe z on, Ie ac 2 el ses es = = eee ae a a SSSR " ‘ U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Cepyright 1930 eet locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Compary, Columbus, Ohio aarmemnmenmrnnmnemnemmenannmelnanats 7 alain seen te etaiiabiniaianmeieaeaearn es . ne 1 seresanepes semana to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. oun Mteg- 0-8. ¥at.on, { For Your Protection, Insist On It. | : pangs DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED Voi. Page DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME. OF DECEASED Year | Month joe | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | ; 7 of ; + . ' ’ T : ’ oe | ae | | 1913, 12 |22| Luna |F | w | shiloh Tns John Cash Annie Cash 1 | 386 "4 eer = 12 | Seehton | Sotus ? M [Statesville Nc] J W Cashion oe ee { eee ae ale | LA MOTHER Sax | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF ae i he I Page a ; "Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GI Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “ ae er §=—|- Month VEN j | 1914 31! Eliza J Mason | Statesville Franklin M Mason Salena Current 1| 423 _ 2927, 22 | ah Cashion JB (Mrs) Chambersburg Tn Sumpter E “oover Elizabeth Freeze 4 146 | 11918 Aron Gauge | Shiloh Tns Wm Cash Polly Tharp 4A | 343 | iN 918 Lee J 7 | Cashion _James Harris Statesville NC | Austin Cashion Madge Harris 4A B 1923 | 4] Martha Lorene |F .W | Statesville T E Cash | | | a ‘ " i924 Carroll Moore |M . WwW | Statesville NC| James M Cash Mary Jane Moore LO | 374 | 1919 12 15 | Cashion Thompson E 1 W | Davidson Twn. {John M Cashion A May Thompson | “Filed | Lewis Clodfelter jorenana= Kennedy 443 | « p.921 8 BO | Cashion BA (Mrs ) if Statesville NC | Mathew Gibbs Harding Nora York 9 | 395 | a 918 9 pé Gash ion Alma Madre NW | Statesville NC | J pD Harris Sarah Ann Harris i1925 Emma Clodfelter | 1 | Statesville 11926 Annie ; Statesville | W F Cash parah L Furches | 443 | re 1923, 20 Pashion Ross Harris W Pavidson Twn, Oscar Cashion Addie Morrow 495 | oe z 11926 As) James W fi y Statesville i aster York | 487 | 1924 | Ly Cashion Nancy P N Pavidson Tns, Mose Mayhew S I i | | | oH “ (1928 27 Cas MW | Union Grove | James F Cash Mary Mullis es 1924 i mashion Lee Edward MW [Statesville NC | John B Cashion Sarah Jane “oover ra . a: a. =a = - af so y nt ne = — *s Ee : aa p et t ee ee e er ae —— < = a ee eo 11929 Cas ls 7 Shiloh Tns Gales -Cash Hallie Dowdy 5 | 28 1925 | 1 Cashion “nnie ij V Chambersburg Tn J R Faine May Calman 7 Jno Winford ¢ W | Shiloh Tns | F G Cash Jane Mason ho27 aT camhton Ada Fadgett B Statesville NC | Wm Meachel Padgett - Hendred =e Sarah Lillian row Statesville | Thomas Furches Mary Furches 1930 R5 Cashion CM (Mrs) W} Statesville NC |] * T Westmoreland Alice Washam Joseph Finley ‘13 Union Grove ; James Cash Rebecca Trivette 1931 _ 22f Vashion George S | |] Chambersburg Tn} Joseph Cashion -Mayhew 1934 9 fashion varah Blanche W | Mooresville NC J “Cashion Annie ™ Thompson an a m n m e m e d a n e e oa l o m Se a r s at e £ : ee ee ee Millian F MY Statesville | Gage Cash Jane Mason a oc Union Grove | 5111 yjaiden jwury Bagley 29 | q 1934 26 Pashion James | I W | Mooresville NY | James F Cashic Sallie Mayhew Cashion Martha Ellen V Shiloh Tns Green Smith Mary Jane Keggle eke a te ae | " n Statesv Le Ny { WF Gesh jauguste wezenby | 21) s O34 4 { t ; ; ; 17 Cashion James Thomas “ Btatesville Tns J W Cashion - Yibbs ae - “ ee ee e | be - ; 15 Cash Garry Hoyce W | Statesville ne | C W Cash | Anne C Lippard | ga 2935 | | Bey | NC} dames Cash jkebecca Trivette 137; 222 a 1938 2 Pashion &lmina A Lyons } F W Et tesville NC 5 3B Lyons Maottts + L € ee ae 3 {5 !Cash Bina H ; Statesville NC | Zeno M Heath | Ann Lindley Heath il 1938 23 Pashion dno Ber jamin i W Btatesville NC Henry Cashion Mary Mayhew | } y “ae yr Ae Vv ‘ . | ‘ae as tes IC a i t L } - Cash i 11954 & 30)Cash | Tony York Statesville NC iT E Cash | Ester York | e 1939 1 | Cashion “usustus “uston | M W vhambersburg Tn} Joe Cashion Sallie May Few ab t ee ee e a ee oe | { A . ; | 2 me 444 Geek punere te 7. Pargonten [Gage =e | _Setty mses | - 1939 1@ Cashion Mary Ailene W Btatesville NC GS Cashion Lonie Lowthardg 1 | saa + 1957 10 30 Cash Mary Nola W Statesville | Did Mullis |Demie Mitchell 4 ; . 4 ~- 1943 _ 2Q Cashion _Mose Benjamin W Pool S rings Yoe Cashion May Mayhew a - : hc c i t n g wk d : ‘ 7 a= SS A pi n y i n re r e ln g o e n — e ae 3. : 1 2 13 Vash Marvy Jane M, yg WwW S ¢ 9 7 | r ' : ’ . : ‘ 7 it vatesville penne) Moore | Yorcas Ervin 1943 26 | Cashion Henry Clay ll Mooresville NC Joe Cashion ‘“ {! | | { { 10 21) Yash W Statesville Jam s W Cash | Elizabeth E Benge i L946 23 | Cashion Ralph tusene W | Mooresville NC} Burns Cashion iudna Pope Sa n e — ee =< = aa a - vy W#| Statesville Wolphus Warren Mary 4 Payne 1946 7 | Cashion “has Cleveland W Statesville N C} James " Cashion Frances Little ee oot ; ete H | lyerly W | Statesville Aaron Gore Ca i | 5 sh | Eliza J Mason , 1946 19 [Cashion Kathleen / W Mooresville h © Lyerly Pearl Winecoff | | i 4 W | Morgant | ganton | Wm. H Boovey | Eliza L Hoover . a 1947 19 | Cashion Oscar W [Davidson Tns James Cashion Maggie- ~~ 947 | _Mosses Edward | Vavidson Tns Wm Cashion Nancy Mayhew 1947 6 Margaret Lou Statesville NC | Geo. S. Cashion Lona Lawford Cashion PIs | Annie Mae W [Davidson Tnshp } Alfred Thompson Mitt ie Munday 48 pb 12 [Cashion Henry Pressly W Statesville NC | “enry Cashion “nknown 2950: 12 8] Cashion Margaret Jones F W Plooresvi1t¢ NC Wiley A Yones Sarah Cagle 72952 1l (11 {Cashion Carrie Lue W Mooresville NC WJ. S. Cashion Mary Jane Barnett | 3 ee Beaver tl ‘ teks 1953' 8 |2 [Cashion "lorence Beaver W] Statesville ae pm demin C Beaver Martha Lowtharpe/ fara —— 1954) 8 | i Addie Morrow Poor svitie Patrick Morrow Mary Reedie aed eane | 1929| 11 | 28 | | | enh ee Statesville NC} John Doris Ada McKinney ea - —$1957| 11 | 2 Cashion Belle Ss. Mor gant on - Mary Shoemaker | i | | | | a 1 a a 1958 | 8 (26 [Cashion Clurence Otis ooresville John S Cashion Mary Jane Barnette | ter | 41959 | 6 [13 Cashion Lois Hethcox Mooresville William A Hethcox Nancy Hur/ Cashion Albert F, Statesville G, S. Cashion Lonia Lowthar pe Cashion _ Wiley E, Mooresville James P Cashion Margaret A Jones 5 ae seebonbad Tare settee \ ioats Sasi eeeomey oe’ © INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ~ = one as mee: - eee ~ . - Tr le 1 ‘a ene s = i ee ™ = wil io ; Te COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ne Cates im : co Pa ictien, ee ~~ a 2 calaiee i Garsumnah, ane we a U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Seg. U-8. Fas. OF. ? te ~ U. & Patent No. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 SAR Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ~~ _ arn a i a x EAE Gran ean en nan DS EDD nDEENDE nn ert eo nore aneeNecRSERERSERTERODSEEA SORE Sa ere SS. : as a et es ae Se - - RECORDED 5 Made by The Cott Index Com » Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ait be Ghaneeas Printing ee Charlotte, N. Cc. " DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED . T NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —~ - SURNAME OF DECEASED | | Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH Vol.' Page | | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Wash Cashion Espie Gibbs 47) 653 1961 12 15 Cashion Austin Davis j Statesville Cauthen John W en nee : Poe io mt Coddle Creek TnlJ Z Cauthen Sallie Wallace W A Honeycutt Susie “ortner 46 275 ‘all i . id Se aaa Ci gee —~ Cothren Lucy Sethany Tn = NC | James Thomas Cashiof Laura “ullwood 46 632 oil : | ' SM See See eT m 46 529 | — | | 18} Cauthorn _Pettie F Statesville "1c |Hipam Cauthorn ni i iC Lambert - ¢ ts | 1960 9 3 | Cashion Daisy Lambert Mooresville NO Noah 4a oat , i : | +961-—}—--20} Gaskion -— Lee - -W HSratesville Henry —+—ceshien —} 4eien—omith 50-40 0 oe | 34) Gouthen Beulah Sullivan F W Stetesville Nc | Robert J Sullivan Kmme Williems Margaret A Jones 48 124 oe H , a oe 13) Cauthen Scottie M " Julia E Simpson 49 134 Piierin * | 1960 3 27 fashion _ Lillian W} Raleigh NC 2.960 11 5 | Cashion James Robert V | Statesville ' | 1962 2 26} Cashion Sara Etta W |Mooresville “C | Jas. F Cashion Sete oe + - ° + “tatesville Nv | Russel] YVauthen Gale I'reeman 1963 Cashion Mary C, Mooresville James E, Coone 1963 Cashion Morris V | Statesville Moses B Cashion Belle J Shoemaker | 49 517 AY Lester [ W {Statesville John 3B Cashion Sarah 4J “oover 49 649 1964 Cashion Wm. Charlotte Jas. P Cashion Margaret Jones 50 324 1964, Cashion Statesville Charles W Williags Lula ™ Coone 50 676 1965 2} Cashion W |Statesville Juincy E Sipe Emma Kayles 51 223 1965 < Cashion M Bx F |} |Charlotte Jefferson D Cranford Elva L Steele Sl 32) | } | | 11917! 2 £9! Causey Sallie summer ° W N J 7 ré 4 368 1925.10 31) Causey Joseph ls oi sivas! as tua | | 1986 6 i ' C Statesville NC |} Sill Cauether Lucy ann Dancey 122 440 a } } | Se ce Vauthey | Blizeh ° C |Statesvills NC | James Carson uageie Vauthey 124 317 ar e a t a gdb keriginistab ise aeirene nays. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 a a pyright 1930 i COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 aT Joont INDEX TO MITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Obio © names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Rh Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Se UR inal ahhh | ie AB and refer 8. tent N 7168—Co e names, open at SURNAME INITIAL. T. a U. 8. Patent No. 143 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 - 5. Patent | ee ee to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. = cs sn a RT ; This Signature on sheets insures their correctnese. Ls To locat ~vvveltee. U-8. ¥at.on. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. u is RECORDED Vol. | ~ ie DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED ; : + - Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol.) Page _ ~ will siiceeabuauamaial DATE oF oeaTH | SURNAME. OF DECEASED sox | Coter | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year Month om | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN sdbevasanacait mR | J W Carswell Fannie Bentley 18 542, =o T pien F. ll Statesville pn | ‘ 13915 6 lo Fannie Bentley 21 504 i | 2) 1g Carswell Fallstown Tns |A 1 Cavin Nannie Foster | 14) Clara D Starrette | 189 | | Pe | M W |Statesville Tm J W Carswell ! : | luooresville NC jJ P Cavin 8 28] Carswell - 1915| 8.6 | = M w| Statesville No| R, Waits Carswell Martha “ildebrand 47 445 bi | | 1918) 12 | Mary Elizabeth Willie Hammons , 434 e Ss | i , | { ir: : | 1920) 3 21 | Mary Jane 9 lc J “illerd st arswell ames a Paid siiiials tie Mt iia Statesville NC | Willian Ostwalt Jane Rimmer |... Fallstown Tns J M Cavin Mary J Ostwalt 1921) 10 | } Albert L Fallstown Tns | Joe Cavinaugh Nancy Johnson 1922, | Joanna ¢ 1923} |Ida Gertrude Statesville NC IMy1las A Cavin Laura Freeland | You a4 Pi 1924: ; John Young “allstown ‘ns dm Young Cavin Rosa Cavin 2 Qos) ian 7 i i +4 . ty 1925) ,vane J {Fallstowm ns |John Cavin Nellie Hammons Ze) Pence | j =i sls : 1925, ,d0hn Pressly : #-OOTCSVille WC IW L Cavin Barbara Ostwalt 1937, , Jllen iallstowm Tns {John Cavin iNellie sammons Addie W }¥allstown ins [John Cavin ellie Hammons , Ann it | im Tns jJohn Cavin Nellie Hammons Henry P Sherrill Sereh “ane Plott | | } } .Jas wonroe iM }allstown ‘ns |John Cavin Nellie Hammons | | j | Rhodes E Jane j Wellstown Tn Mery Jane Ostwalt Joe Bidger | Statesville NC |J M Cavin ‘Pamle Rose | Statesville NC IR Glenn Gevin —— Q Wilkinson |Wade Pascal i M Wi Fallstowm Tns | Miles A Cavin Leure “reeland - —— Statesvitie ner tavin vr vOleen Lavorn-Gurter Minnie sost W |Mooresville N. Calvin Bost hose Bost » Vv MOOlTcoVilic | Glaays vaison Meta Ald ine | Stillborn Julia ‘. Statesville N WiStatesville Statesville Ni Bf29 ae ‘ ° HiLLasg savin ’ryson Shoemaker A. D. L. Moser Leura Freeland Gunter | Robert Glenn Cavin Sr Coleen Laxon i Melinda Cloniger \Lillian Moser Mooresville Melissa Suber 46 322 Margaret E. L. | | Statesville John J. Lippara Nancy Bost 46 340 Roy Lem Troutman John W. Cavin Carolina Cavin 46 753 ‘Pred Glenn Troutman Rt. 1/ R. Lem Cavin Julia Shoemaker 47 309 Elizabeth Miller re 506 = Wm. C, i W | Trotman Wm J Cavin > | a Fe . fg SURNAME INITIAL, TAB and role U:B. Patent No. 407100—Copyrteht 180 Fe SS Na tarde oprah ih Ree Sa San URNAME INITIAL TAB and rt Scid'by Otserver Printing Howe, Gharittes MC. el ee This Signarare 00 shout lneares tbeit correcmest. ae ee a ee Be cee. j SE Re i eeneagpeenceane ei sn UA ORO. For Your Protection: least On tt sas ST | RECORDED | nT pase OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | : | Fi. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =| ta Year| Month | ay AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex Color || PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER a lus Tac AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN a css a anaes | wie: — | } j | , ei ees al ses 1914/1 11] Chembers Rena Victorie | F | w | Betheny @n | Jacob Deniel Resh | Mary Ann Speaks lH 1921; 7 |18] Caudell {Richard Bayne M |= Statesville NC } Ss G Caudeli Chamber Al | } ' 1922) 11 20! Caudle | Jane i! | w iStatesville NC | John Hinshaw Sarah Menely 8} 103 u914,6 (1s embers ; &1me FW | New Hope Tn | Angus Chambers Ila Bell lt j i : 7 be ; es ‘ “a i Ah i 1933; 8 | 2f caudate er pi | ow otatesville Nc | T J Caudle Mary Jane Andrews 19} 349 q — a es a rs ae MW | Fellstown tn Allen Chambers Meria Chambers i i 1934, 10 . 3} Caudill ,Sue M F | uw |statesville nc | Jno x Long — Te 4 ea a | a a deter | —— e Hl i sce i tet -eaiaein Leen y | w Istateswitle NO-| Jackson Caudi22 Jo Anna Grippto 211.395 1915 3 P| Chambers David M _C | Chambersburg Tn Doees Keason Bettie Chambers i | ne % od bicntss Ss 1M |W Btatesvilie John K Caudill Martha flevins 45 | 166 neis;9 |7 Chambers Julius M C | Fallstown Tn Isaac Chambers Sallie Chembers | i - 8 = ar _ Nancy Ina | F | W [Statesville Martin Johnson Frances J Long 45 416 : om 1 1| Chambers WM M .C Chambersburg Tn! Pink Weddell Rachell Chambers if la964 12 19}Caudill Bessie ! F W] Statesville |Thos. Byrd Mary McBride 90 (739 ! pers | 14 Chambers Nell Bell F @ " Gool Spring Tn | D Keton Smma Allin ‘Hl | | | ‘ 1916 5 | 9! Chembers : M W Betheny Tn | Wm B Chambers Memie Montgomery S| 9 7 1916 5 29)| Chembers Arthur M C Chembersburg Tn ~ Mery Jene Chambers | 3 109 Li | | | a oe 6 29 | Chambers Sereh F .C | Cool Spring Tn! L Chambers Luvenia Freits Ss, @ i } | 917 2 12 Chembers - M C Chembersburg Tn RA Chambers Mery Cemel 4.135 | hei7!s (51 | chembers Alice F C _ Stetesville NC - - 4 316 i] | | +84 6 27! Chambers Birt M C Chambersburg Tn John Chambers Susen Herlyrey 44, 533 F i | | | n920 10 11 | Chambers Lettie F Cc Statesville NC - Cornelia White |6 124 / |1915, 7.15] Caston luartha adiine | ¥ | w |uooresvitie AC | Samuel J Caston Mahala Smith 2. 182| . pet — : Chambers Aline F © | Chembersburg Tn - Adeline Chembers 7 39 | 11937 ll J Caston \Lewis Franklin Moi sw |wooresville NU | Samuel Caston Mary M Smith 23; 2A | , n923 8 26 Chambers Anne Belle F Chambersburg Tn Alvin Shurpe Mery Cowen \9) 44 | | : 1924 4 6 | Chembers John Pinkney M C | Stetesville Nc - L Chembers 9 501 bn cul t I 4 | | bet | | 924,11 Sl | Chambers Elsie F C Eegle Mills Tn | w Campbell C Morris /10 119 | | bi nees 7 30 Chembers Mabel F C | Stetesville NG! Frank Chenbers Lizzie Oakly | 11 364 | | | n925 12 6 | Chembers Joseph M C Stetesville fn | - - 112 319 | | | ! | 1927 i6 as | Chembers Gilbert N M C Chembersburg Tn| Samuel Weddell Noemie Chambers 13 49 | ! pees | 1 ps Chembers Annie F C Chembersburg Tni Curt Nichole Maud Click 14 31] | | , 9283 |6 Chambers Mille F C Stetesville Tn ro Chambers Louvinie Fruits | 14 546 | ef | 9261/6 (2 | Chembers Emme C F W Bethany Tn | Williem Bass Merthe J Rumple | 14 17 joes DL od Leek wii iain y | w Istatasvizie wo | u 4 Castes ital Borglengedl2 532 pe29 1 17 Chambers - F C_ Mooresville NC Dee Chembers Ide Chembers | 15, 222 i { |_[1926, 9 |12! castos | Barbaria F , W |Statesvitte nc | ¢ x Castos Bernedette Borglenged2 | 532 o89 | 7 a Chambers | Midi pF +0.) G00) Spring tn : o£ Chambers | -*--meahey 16, 95 | | , | tr | 4929 10 4 | Chembers , Mergeret | F CG | Stetesville Tn Mennuel Chembers Grecie Cowen 15 658 : { ) | 950 | 6 25 | Chembers - M ¢ | Chembersburg Tn) Bil] Mexwell, Josephine Chembers lis 61 i ; ' 931 | 10 he Chambers | Hildred M C Betheny Tn Clerence Chambers _Lessie Chembers | rt 32 il | | - 931 | le 6 Chembers | James iM C Stetesville Tn | Burton Chembers | 4ANne Murdock | 17 576 | ! i | { | | | | site 931 | 12 ea Chambers | Ire \F C | Stetesville Tn | Robert Wood _Annie Petterson | 17, 571 | ! , j | | | 932) 4 pa Chembers | Frank Celdwell M ,C@ | Statesville NC | Jordan Chambers | Lettie Moore 18 321 th | a 932) 11/1 Chambers | Voya a C | Cool Spring Tn | Will Chemberg Sere Poindexter 18 62 ! if | | | | én 41932) 11 [11 Chambers Sereh Cerr Fic Burringer fn Green Carr | ry Guiles 1s, 6 | | 4 A 1933; 5 51! Chambers | Williem Rufus MG | Betheny Tn Clerence Chembers Lessie Click 190C i 8 | we 1934; 1 28! Chembers | Mex M Cc Stetesville NC|Welter Chembers lse1iie Steel 20 | so | 7 | / al 42934) 10/23 Chembers Sellie A Fic Stetesville Tn hack C Steele Millio Steele 20/ 613 en ie © k fe { 2 1 934!) 12 le Chembers Betty Fie | Stetesville NO/John Chembers = Tuok o| 54) cd bi pe aig Bi ~~ 934/12 N18 Chambers Ennice Mic ! Cool Spring Tn |Rolend Chembers Burnice Roseby fc 75 ard | ( CON ) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 we Parent No. 1437168 --Copyright 1930 _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C COTTCO UNIYERS ‘To locate namas, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. 8. P Ne. 14871 ia, = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. f atent €8—Copyright Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio To locat : = ocate Bames, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. This Signature on sheets Ineares their correctness. Keg. U.8. Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. am co ees = - | RECORDED a HER es SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOT Year | Month | Day AND CHUSTINN RAE, © ONE 18 GivER oe ae oe ee | 1\ 392 { SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED ss AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1 Vol Page | | ” # i ie . " | {i j ha | Chambers | Rena Victoria | F Betheny Tn | Jacob Daniel Rash Mery Ann Speaks fi!] as) Sue M Long ; 1921) 11933. 11935, i 1 1959 iy ; | o4 Caudell 11922) 12 Caudle 8 | Caudle 1934, 10 Caudill 6 11] Caudell 3 2% Caudill | 11959 8 28/Caudili j1964 12 19/Caudinl [Richara Bayne | Jane to {Sue M | Vera James 4, Nancy Ina Bessie Statesville NC Statesville statesville Statesville Statesville Btatesville Statesville 'l Statesville SG Caudell John Hinshaw T J Caudle Jno x Long Jackson Caudill John % Caudill Martin Johnson Thos. Byrd Sarah Mcnely Mary Jane Andrews Polly Absher so Anna Grippto Martha flevins Frances J Long Mary McBride 8| 103 19) 349 20) 500 21). 395 45 166 45 416 50 739 Caston .uartha Adline \Lewis Franklin | iA0oresville iC Mooresville Nv Samuel J Caston Samuel Caston Smith Smith | i A | | I | j 1926, 1926, len 9 .12]) Castos 9 12] Castos 4 | Bernett | Barbaria Statesville NC Statesville Nc UH Castos C E Castos Bernedette Borglengegl2 . 532 Bernedette Borglenge #12 | 532 4 | 15 | | | ‘17 | i 18 | 25 | 7 | | it Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers | Chambers | Chembers | Chembers | Chambers Cusmbers | Chembers | Chambers | Chambers | Chambers ' Chambers | Chambers | Chambers | Chambers | Chambers | Chembers | Chambers 6} 2 | | 17) | 4 Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chembers Chembers Chembers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chembers Chambers Chambers Chembers Chambers |, Alma F , Andy M | Lueco M Devid M Julius M WM M Nell Bell Arthur Sereh Alice Birt Lettie Aline Anne Belle John Pinkney Elsie Mebel Joseph , Gilbert N Annie Mille Emme C | Millie , Mergeret | Hildred | James 'M | Ire iF | Frank Celdwell rr | Voya | Sereh Carr | Williem Rufus | Max Sellie A Betty Ennice | Bethany Tn | Berringer fn | Betheny Tn New Hope Tn | Angus Chambers Fallstown Tn | aaden Chambers Statesville S| adden Chambers Chambersburg T! Doees Keason Fallstown Tn Isaac Chambers Chambersburg Tn Pink Weddell Cool Spring Tn | D Keton Bethany Tn Wm B Chambers Chambersburg Tn Cool Spring Tn | L Chembers Chambersburg Tn EA Chambers Statesville NC * Chambersburg Tn’ John Chembers Stetesville NC | * Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn Alvin Sharpe Stetesville NC | - tegie MIlIs Th! W Campbell Stetesville NG ! Frenk Chambers Stetesville Tn | Chembersburg Tn) Samuel Waddell Chembersburg Tn) Curt Nichols Stetesville Tn | Ludeor Chambers Bethany Tn Williem Bess | i} | | | | Mooresville NC | Dee Chembers Cool Spring Tn | B C Chambers Stetesville Tn | Mennuel Chambers | Shembersburg Tn) Bil Mexwell. | | Clerence Chambers Stetesville Tn ) Burton Chembers Stetesville Tn | Robert Wood | Stetesville NC | Jorden Chambers | Cool Spring Tn | wi11 Chembers Green Carr Clerence Chembers | Statesville NC |Welter Chembers Stetesville Tn beck C Steele Stetesville NO|John Chembers Cool Spring Tn [Rolend Chambers ( CON) | iH Ila Bell y 2 Meris Chambers Bettie Chambers Sallie Chsembers Rachell Chambers Emme Allin Mamie Montgomery Mery Jene Chambers Luvenia Freits Mery Cemel Susen Herlyrey Cornelia White Adeline Chembers % Mary Cowen L Chambers C Morris Lizzie Oskly Noemie Chambers Maud Click Louvinie Fruits Merthe J Rumple Ide Chembers Rosbey Grecie Cowen Josephine Chembers Lessie Chembers /AMne Murdock , Annie Petterson | | | Lettie Moore | Sere Poindexter | ery Guiles @ssie Click ISallie Stee) asi Steele | sry Tuok Burnice Roseby Fe na ae “30 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — kedel County, iN. C. = a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, 1-4 . oe ne rae COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Te AB J t No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 ; Copyright 1988 A-122559 > This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. pete locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL T. and refer v, * Paten se be , ove locate names, San at SURNAME INITIAL T THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio ihr Batt L TAB and refer Reg. U.S. Pat. Ort. For Your Protection, Insist On It to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page refere ie soon: LAR anaes " : Sonate ay = ~ rnaninenenineenitiiirmmsine ms te Mass Index eg. U. . Off. a “ : : = , ars —= for page reference, Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B Se = —— : RECORDED SS DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED aoe | | H { ° | | j | - | SURNAME OF DECEASED | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER FF st ai: ST an Te fam CHNSTIAN WaMHE, W On 1B erven j S™ | Color | PLACE OF DEATH | = NAME OF FATHER | | NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN i pi 5 « ft “ | 1 a crn, aes mama ev ROMER or eras + $ tt = + | | | | — ; '28|| Chambers Willi alex: a as ee erie i \ Annie Osborne | ™ 1953| 9 | e “lexander vtatlesvilie NC Unknown Unknown b Arttie W | Mooresville NO | John Corner | | " | | | } Shes ers | i ft 4 | | e | Shanbone |" Chembers - Stetesville Tn| Elbert Chambers =| Ester Culbertson | 514 | 195 [8 | 2 | Chambers | Stillborn IF |C | Statesville NC Ethel Elizabeth / ! i fl linn ne | Mery Etta Bennett Chambers Roy Fleke | | Stetesville NC | John Chambers 1955 | & 26 Chambers ‘Stillborn 'F Statesville NC Mute Shin @xiiiiaiie Cool Spring Tn - | Alma Chambers tl Chambers Myrtle Ptatesville Nc Dink Shuford Callie Wilson 1955| 8 | 9] Chambers | Lucille i Fic | | i | | i i | | Vie ; ; - . : } ] Me ”y Chembers Leura Herris | Fallstown Tn ! jo j Sottie Harris ie 1956) 3. |2 ||Chambers ‘Mattie gine FC /Statesville Henry J Chambers Margaret E, Moore : ! a ocker Chambers Burton Chambersburg Tn) Alexander Chambers | Adeline Chambers Re 3 /1956| 5 26) Chembers Clifford Knick/ M W = Statesville Nc { H Co | | | Chembers Henry Burgess M Bethany Tn Cowan Chambers Elizabeth Kilpatrickes | si 11956 | 9 26 |Chambers Wm. Burette M W | StatesvilleR 4 H B Chambers Imma C, Bass Joseph A Chambers Emily Knickbocker | | i 4 } | ; Chambers Fred Cool Spring Tn | Roland Chambers Bernice Rosboro PS 1 | 1957 2 11 [Chambers Annie Mae | F | C Statesville NC | | | j | \ — les + : : Chambers Mery E Bennett Statesville NG | Joseph Bennett Suzanne Moose 4 & | 1959) 6 20) Chambers fvan Bradley M James Yellock Elsie McCadden Statesville ieaorce H lambers Mary E Chambers } “er i I Chambers Gussie Emiline Statesville NC | John Chambers Delia Nichols 4 & R960 6 | 27) Chambers Mary Jane C Statesville John Chambers Mary Tuck | “ / t 7 Chembers John P Statesville NC | Amos Chambers Emaline Clark . 11960 | 213 | Chambers Mary Montgomery W Morganton NC John Price Montgomery Lou Vency High i | Chambers f Statesville Ta |Clay Chambers Bessie Garner = 1961 Le | Chambers Solonia R. C Statesville NC John Rhineharat “osa Alexander Chambers Bessie Statesville Tn /John Garner Annie Chambers 12 wi 2961 9 13, Chambers Jose ph C Mooresville Hattie Chambers | i} 111i i lw sr Chambers ie Stee | Ch ber Jerline E,. ° » Winston-Salem Vunnen bran Ly t Brys Chambers Clay Willie ia Statesville Tp |Walter Chambers Sallie Steele | . }1961/ 7 7) Chamber s reli inston-Salem Innen nett Bryant Chambers C Fallstown Tn Buck Chambers Lillie Rosebo JES | 4 | 1962 5 4 Chambers Stillborn M ¢C Statesville - Gloria E Chambers ‘al Yn 7 Ww Var Chambers Alma Cool Spring T | Bunk Chambers ‘Lillie Rosby | a | 1962, 6 Ly Chambers ‘Robert R, M W Winston-Salem | s | Chambers Dollie A Statesville } Curtis Allison _ Katie McAwarff Chambers Hallie Stack 1963 | 3 2 Chambers Dora F; Ci Statesville ! line Redman 2 + Chambers John Melton i W | Statesville NC | Cowan Chambers Jane Kane 26-349 = 1963 & | 19) Chambers Roland © Statesville Sarah Chambers ( + a | 1 | 20} Chambers Gilbert M | C |Statesvil B C Chambers Lillie Chambe Chambers —statesvilie NC | Loca Chambers Maggie Pearson ins f | dl : . . shestnsiidialle iiiie Vhambers | - {i , | } i Statesville 2! i Thomas Allison Thelma Allison | 27, 426 |. 2.965 5 | Chambers Lonnie UM C Statesville Burt Chambers Annie Murdock H a | i | 7 , . Statesville N }Yordon Chambers Tishie Chambers | | 524 | i | | | 7 Chambers Susan F Chambersburg Tng Ben Hayes ° | | tateg¢ille Tn {RX & Chambers Elizabeth Tuck Cool Srring Tn J Wi11 Chamber Sarah Pondexte~ 19! Chambers Johnie Elizsbeth F Statesville NC Willie Jones thel Chambers {] | HI ¢ a4 aw \ 23 |\Chambers Manuel i M Miooresville Nc |. l_ \ ' | 1945 12 16 \Chembers Annie Louise | F .C |Statesville Nc Charles Blackburn \Sthel Chambers 4 | } poss 12 27 Chenbers Miery “egelene | GC (Stetesville NC |Sidney Murdock ennie Murphy .1946, 10 15 Chambers , Mery 4 Cc Statesville NC |Welter Allison Ole Brewley 1947, 7 9 | Chambers ! : C Iredell County | Unknown | Dora Chambers 11947 11 30 Chambers | Uva Mae Imes CG | Statesville NC | Unknown Mae Etta Imes | ! | 11948. 9 28) Chambers |Gilbert i g | Statesville NC Beulah M Roseboro 1949 6 , 1 CHambers a. ec Statesville NC Ethel Chambers 1950 ac 6) Chambers | Frank Edward _C | Statesville NC John & Chambers Sr Loretta E Gaither | | 1950, 8 | 27| Chambers ‘Faanie Evone | C Istet rr 95 | Statesville No - Ethel Chambers 10 {2 Chambers Jessie Merie Pool Springs Ta} Thenon Chambers 10 /2 Chambers Themon James Pool Springs Tae -Rhewon Chambers Ethel Rogboro tne Rosboro 10 * Chambers Robert Louis Pool Springs Ta] Themon Chambers Ethel Rosboro William Chambers Lizzie Haines _ 6 |9 | Chambers _ | Adam i | Statesville Nc L 2) 12/15) Chambers. | Julia Ann | Mooresville NC |Soogs A. Chambers Ester Cowan Wl vt CfA ho hth PRD ats asc NNR iri seas oer nese, INDEX T — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — eh Ne RT AR eR ey INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS ~ lrede Qo : oe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C — EE eat NEM ie EFT Locate names, open at SUR "oe , County Ind ‘ i ) REG. v8 Butmlote ii a enon Ringe SD Ts —_ to Butt aheet for page reference. Ni oh PAT, OFFICE 1 ft = Ss aaa ee eee es ea T cece | ie pare - a oes |__DaTE oF pear SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER : DATE OF DEATH F SURNAME OF DECEASED | , = Year Month Day a | AND CHRIST | | | | Ae Your | Month | Day IAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sx Cor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF | el ' } FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER aT | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN f ” NAME INITIAL TAB d to Buff Sub-Ind and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio - sic cont for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. se fe + : t + | | : | | | | | | ; ot eo } } ] i I } i} 1 | | t '. ] : ] r | | N | im Frazi 1915, _3 | 11) Chamberlain | Conrad ‘ ‘i Statesville NC | J H Chamberlain Bertha Lindsay 17, 7 | 13) Chamberlain a | 1917, | Beatrice Statesville NC | J H Chamberlain , Bertha Lindsay 1920| 2 | 22) Chamberlain 1 " | , John W “ Statesville NC | Joseph Chamberlain 11929, 12 2 Chamberlain ‘ ; | | - ‘ Statesville NC | John Chamberlain Sarah Windsor 11945 4 i Chamberlain Saresret ads eu 1 i i Aas m aaa e ) ! SUCSViLte NU | John iiiller wary Lipperd | 3 89) 1950. 10 10 Chamberlain 4 | , Statesville NC | James cg oN Jame , Opry Amie Banks ‘3 4983 lain 1954 12 17Chamberlain . Mooresville NC ~ | dames David Chamber-Nelda Wilwn 40 560 a4 11958 5 (20]*namberlain Robert he 1 wi Sec, ; e i j i} ‘ A ‘ ,atw4 . 7 , ‘ : : 1 , r ao V . J7OoOnNn ié Vhnamber ain Slizahbe Y jindsor | 44 Once tee eet aeeeteneeen ee ee oe A En eee ———m I $f. Mooresville NC /John Champian Annie Champian l10 193 | Chanbin 3 r | ree Phifer Zliza Chamber = J ft i ee ee ee e Chandeer |Catherine D ! © Concord Tns |Clarence Dobins | Julia Brooner | = =p 5 i! " i H INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. oo INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 coca re : SAL INDEX No. 1-4 ’ iat psi t No, 1437168—Cepyright 1930 i COTTCO UNIVER Reno locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB d Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Oh be se Se ee ee ee — teonte, waa subel ee. oe — _— US — - : U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-lndex sheet for page falpeaace. one Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, r o Waar Poa i i to Buff Sub-Index shee F ‘ ¢ On It. Keg. U.8 rato, ( For Your Protection, Insist | | RECORDED | iy a. | ER | : : DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED : RECORDED | DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME. OF DECEASED pa | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | stiles tet a | e. Yor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE. OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | 1 bs | | } ¢ “ ] | | Dare | | Vol. Page |Barringer Tns Jeres Drantly ee ES a : 1936 | 6. 14 Phapman ,tucy Castner Ptatesville isaac Castner Jane Ballard 3 |Chandler Martha | F si e s u g e d i n a l i i e s 1 lohapman _ Auth Hobbs Statesville 7 Thos L Hobbs Isabella Waller | Se eit | 150) ) 1939 | 9 | 28 Chandler W411 | M ‘Bagle Mills Tn | - sinaannall aN Se r ee i 1} I i SS Ione oma. \ } "ac 7 oy ’ , he we ow . . 16 Chandler Daniel Samuel { |W {Barringer Tns Robt Chandler ; n940 1 6 P | Mooresville Vewey Chapman bdna Bowers 12 /Chandler Cleveland W |Statesville NO j S11 ¢° andler } Baldse BAAhARE AOR 1940} } 12 IChapman _ Edna Bowers Mooresville NC | A J Bowers Lillie Sloop wd Chapiian Yrrie Oliver 15 /Chandler Daniel Harold | M Barringer fns | Jas Alex Chandler | Minnie © Brawley | 940 2% {Chap.an +-8ub_ Lee 4, W. potatesville Wid _ ft | “TT } | | | | John Chapman tebecca Brown | | J Bodwell | = 6 IChapm -chie Br \ ‘ sj anmnenenen Manche Meriun Statesville NC | John G Chandler | Blanche | ! 2 1940 | 16 Chapman Archie Brown otates ville | | | : cdaV1lS . - Wnknown i] a i ae at 56 as Pte ss Vieira + / : : eo ; y : Statesville NC | - Unknown | ae 1941 | _7 {Chapman Mary Viola/ vbtatesville Andrew neavis blizgveth Lowe ee. 5 ' Martha Brantle: ——— At oon . ' . ; se Troutman Chandle: artha Brantlery L944 . 7 {Chapman . Walter Scott Mi otatesville wright Chapuwan Jiiumie bparnes ar m me e Fo e an ‘ie . i : ; lunar) : Blanche J. Statesville 4 be 1947 18 Cha pman = Y eletesville frank Leonard Chap/fagnes bh Gainer wh e a t F 1947. 26) Chapman | ’ W I Statesville | © Ah Chapman dma Jeon /ervus 1947.) 13 |Cha pman eanura Jem W Jotatesvilile | boar i ‘ ; aa Chapman | ‘ | Statesville Nc porothy _— Chapman L949 2 13 f Chapman _ Vorothy Lee Chapa r : a r aS ao la a a aS vlalesvilie NC | Duve Uiapian Mevba Ways 7 | 2Y Chapman YYiVia la ene je" ’ oT Les l Le mOOYV 4 ie tires @| mL VyYoVUil 10 25] Chapman Kittie M F W {Mooresville NC ashineton \Winto Martha Winton 1953, 1 28 I Chapman Uanny Lane “ Mooresville NC Juanita Gilliland 1957. 2 le Chapman Edward W, Kittie Winton 1959 4 1 Chapman sarrie Sipe 1.96 5 6 (Chapman jnnie maurner 196 3 114 Chapman Fre | V | Statesville Lucy Costner fe b d o d a d a b a a e : | | ,20 Chapin Aaron Wheeler Mo. W (Statesville NC | Alonzo Chapin | Katherine Freer PS S er ge r ee —— 2 6 ma a Fe c w ag e r s —— — = = ae wh e : oe e ea e po r e s > = a ee ee - ’ + COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.B. Patent No, 1437168-—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH ES : Year 1919. 1924 1942. 1947 1959 Month Day INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer “ Bud’ ‘te sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Chappel Chappell Chappell Chappell Chappell Matilda _Wm Sanford Edd Hfred Carson parte loca PLACE OF DEATH Statesviile NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville N¢ Statesville NAME OF FATHER Chappel Cephus Chappell Cephus Chappell Cephus. Chappell Edward Chappell j This Signature on sheets insurestheir correctness, Reg. U.8. Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It, NAME OF MOTHER Delilah hay Mary Chappell Matilda srotherton TildaBreotherton Myrtle Tharpe RECORDED Vol.| Page A} 7 10 390 28) 332 22 507 45 519 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 Chester Chester Chester Chester Chester Chester Chester Chester Chester a ad Chester 4 15 Chester no e Chester 5 Chester SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | [Ruth Wm Lorane | Daisy Nola ;Miartha M ,Ogleson L James Bar) , Bertie Fowler Maggie Cory ecda Walter L, ‘Robert Ear] | a locat Sex ® names, open at SURNAME ff Sub-index sheet for PLACE OF DEATH Coddle Creek Tn Mooresville NC Statesville Tns Chambersburg Tn Chambersburg Tn Mooresville NC Mooresville NC etatesville NC Sv Via i Morganton NC iMooresville NC INITIAL TAB and refer page reference NAME OF FATHER EB Chester P A Chester WA Williford John Bush izekel Chester » iames Morrow Frank A Fowler WF McMahan L. UG. Chester James Grey Chester Ye — Iredell County, N.C. 4 f i fi NAME OF MOTHER Daisy Williferd Prudence Bash Mary Dower Melisa Hart wamane Cline Annie Chester Lucy Sliwell Margaret Holeman ann u Martha bush Jean Plott RECORDED iii a Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Vol. Page a4 11) 13, 14, wr ; Ey SS & pe Ww ~) nh % ww © OD a mB wv © Se L- ae ? = = -~ 3 t— . oy tr = < he i r — o —a d i p e e s te JH , Ernest ,.Jodeph Henry Arthur Robert Be rtha E. , Statesville NC + Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Statesville Labon Cheek sree dmore Ca-oline Mary Bowers Tharpe 20, 382 26. 453 44 147 45 |321 r Peete got Ps Ce ee ae reer inten - : — , “on : 7 . . ’ . ' a oO ¢ " INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS ~ Iredell County, NC INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C 37 i aihan: lean ia eer Te leans naan inten shet or pase eerencn _Ue Ta ie ar ra hy | U8 Pant No. 148 18O~Corvah fit a i ae eel pate references "4 acre iescomeee Charlotte 86. HH AE bcc Me Uslh Peh OM. | For Your ewes one , sc ¥ ieneeeaee ; a ae _ coneaetnenestnnrentpnenn npn ee i. i c ST : a SS ansian ———— ” a . sana icinaa — ; aan saci arene SERS sh % , bi — | RECORDED | —_ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED Ma hE BATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER wal Pax eats | Bay AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER t | H ¥ | Month —D AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN i 5 Year ll ae Vol. Page ai | ‘om i jay ' 4 . G a cht wn | j ; 4 : | i | : 7 Davis 4A | . i ae Hii ny 1918) 9 (12icherry ‘Lawrence Adria | M . W [Statesville NO } Rankin Cherry — — ____}yg14| 5 | 20] childers | Huldah Nancy P| W {Statesville Tns} £14 Childers Sarah Jane Meadows | 1, 477) 41008 Ti ; t v qQ o | + i 1 ai 1925, 7 \21}cherry \Harriet Clyde F |W |Statesville NC | Geo W Sheek Camilla F Kimbrough jl) | 36) 1914 B aie anisdane ‘i M} W }Concord Tns Lee Victor Childers} C Selma Blankenship] 1, 126 Abe at Hie} | | aa i) | i? Hi) |1938, 22 10/cherry \Joe M | ¢ shiloh Tns Joe Cherry eee ere 20k | ____|1911, 6 | 29} Childers plames Floyd M_, W{Sharpeaburg Tns| JR Childers LM Sloan 4) 480} | i el ; ‘ | { | ae a al y ddie “artin 28 | b2z Pi di | Hh 1942, 11 , liCherry \Eva McCombs F W Statesville NC JR W McCombs addd hae ts _4$1920| 2 | 27) Childers ; Mo OW Chambersburg Tn Roy Childers Lula Sloman 6, 538 {} i { at Bi ° . ; ; , : | } 11943, 12 | 30fcherry iJemes Bdwerd M,C [Mooresville NC |dZdward VJherry U'Nell Lee Allison |29, 4a, 3 fi92l) 3 | Lei Childress ; Maggie I | W |Sharpesburg Tn | s 1 Willson Lelia Hix 1,623 i . rn | : Pig ke | MMi toss! 2 (2s Cherry ‘Rose Lethia F .C |Berringer Tns |Zdward Cherry Omie Lee 4llison Sl, 30 o ___41922| 4 | 3) Childers Floyd M., WjStatesville Nc | Spurgeon Childers Nettie Beatty 1, 519 HE " ‘ville NC > R Kelly Matilda Nixon 37 | 34 . | | tH Wy 950, 12 '25 Icher: Connie Kelly ry iw eh sville NC jf ; 1924; 4 | 24) Childers , ugene | M | W |Statesville nc | s c Childers | Nellie Bently 9)..502) aie ee 7 : . o6bhear a C Mooresville NC Unknown Unknown 39 6 386 cai Rit on 7 iH 1953 12 25herry Charlie M | 1932, 4 | 6} Childers HA M , W |Statesville nc | Franklin Childers Jane Daniels 18, 338 bE ; ' | \ 7" 1 amass ai sa -. Sp Pa He Sue Elizabeth Cherry 42 89 . . Boch a Pit Hh 1956 2 2 |Cherry Baby Boy M C | Mooresville nae t4 4 1934, 11... 3) Childers Leonard F | “ . W [Statesville NC | wiiiieam Childers Lina Hendron 20 7 , i 4 g ' { f i. ; i *y ' rn . , ‘ c : > fai S$ 3 E iz; beth Cher 2 88 i ~~ | Lie ‘ i it 1956 2 1 |Cherry ‘| Baby Boy M C } Mooresville ue Elizab ry p42 | 4 1938, 1 . 28ichilders , Judie Elane + . W |Mooresville NC } Ed J Childers Mae Reece 124, 134) nat i a} | 3 a ae eee 2 2 ge ns . 2 ei . aos | ih er | 1956 2 1 Cherry Baby Girl Fr C Mooresville -- sue Elizabeth Cherry 4, "4 67 : I 4 pe 1959; 4 | 6§Childers | ¥alsy Ann i FW {Coddle Cree} Tn| I Hampton Baker Mary Brown £5 145 i 0 Bh v4 I " | ' >} pag i | 1 i cick aid . - 4/517 d a in ie salle 8 i. eed ‘ipa ie i : =O . are a 3 f4 | 51 1941) 5 |SO}Childers games Reece fF } ¥ fStatesville yc | R D Childers Elizabet. Davis 71276 i Ut | - Hinton Mollie Sherrill 44 648 | | i] nr S| | 1958 2 9 Cher Flossie | F C | Mooresville J ohn n i ” 2A WChilde reer - ns ed | {2 258 1 | rry ‘ 945 | 1 (24 iChilders ‘Louvenia } F W [Stat 1] C #li Child | 4ullie Mesdows ay} 165 ‘ I , rrr a Bee alien a ‘ Wi Mooresville - ~ 46 96 | . | A i Fi) [1960 2 14 Cherry race H. : Fei ' 1947, 4 (18/Childers ‘Solon William | M | W [Statesville NC [Donald Wm. Childers | Evelina Wike 33, 181} ait | 5 231 Cher pai ep | wi Mooreevi lie Ira Howard Nancy J. Nantz 48 689 | | | A; ] HW) [3962 a “3 Cherry Hazelean Er rena ‘ 1950; 2.27] Childress (Mary iva | F |W |Shiloh ‘Tns John Gilreath Vina Hendren 36, 259 if W 1 herry ettie F Mooresville “ucker Selly Matilda Unknown 50 1 ! 1 | rh J 1950) 10 | 14 Childers Hertha Elizabeth F | wy Statesville NC] J Finley Clanton Jane E Reece 36 598 a TE : H | 732 | 2 | 8 | Childers | Tressie ‘liz bd h F WI Statesville NC | Thomas ¢ .aldon Cornelia Medlin 38 57 Ee } | i i f | i a Jam : » ' Cte : . [enna ; | | | 1952 2 | 25) Childers | vames Kandy MW iStatesville Nc James varnell Ghildbre Marie Miller —}3¢-—7” tnnieniall [ | ; ' ¥f : ) a eaiciganena ns ! : 1953) 9 | 27 Childers John érvin M |W [etatesvilie NC [| hobert w Chilaers [Amelia Hutchins b9 450 Le eT i if ; . shilders 7, f t 1 if | | | : 1954, | 8 10] Childers <tillborn M W [Statesville NC | Frederick Robert / Pauline Martin 0 365 Ae! y | Pa Ba : a ‘ , i | 1955) 6 9 Childers on MM fom Mooresville NC Fred Chi lders ito lie Trul] 41) 255 H : y | . | | 1956) 1 | 9 Vhildreés rred R, Mi W i State: lle J. M. Childress Matilda C. Caudle 42) 24 iJ . i | ’ ; ‘as tt 4 , | j ’ ’ . Mh 1914, 3 .26Icheshire Mary Elva F W [Olin Tns Nathanel Holmes e a 1. 327 1959 | 5 ie Childers Carrie Mm, PF W iStategsville Albert P Matlock Bessie Viilders 45 110 i | | 5 Yh ” a 1931, 9 ,20|Cchoshire . (Sherrill 7 KW Statesville NC | Windfield Cheshire | Anna Blackwelder {17.412 . pose | 10 | 6 | Childress |_ “arg te 4», oratoertiie nanfrey “olbrock [Mary Ann Caud122 45490] Dh } ie r H fr 748, 3 | 200Cheshier , Winfield L. & ,W [Purnesourg NC welton Cheshier ousie Johnson det 274 oes 12 [15] Childers | Alice Aust in PM [Statesvitle Lorey Austin Wennie Endsley 45, 619] | i } | | iM vay | . of aoe _|88 Childers |David Milas M W [Statesville James A. Childers Nancy Childers 46 385 it | H | iat 42962 | 1 2 [Childers James Lawson M W |Steny foint William Childers Levine Hendren 47 lz i i ] | $ % a 1962 3 | 24 Snilders Minnie Lesa 0. F Wi Mooresville NUJ Grier Orbison Unknown 48 164 i i t ' nea eee, ' i inde i | ; | ai ao 1963 3 9] Childers | Joni F W] Charlotte Charles C Childers Janice Stutts 49 282 f P | 1964 . } ' ’ ; , ; : i r | | i i ial nn 7M 4 | 17 Childers | Boyd M Wf Statesville vernon P Childers Ula Hubbard 50 225 ip j = i i 7 Fe Oe i} j | } ' { hy | : j ‘ . . , i ; $94 | 3 nee Ss oan ice ee “merson Childers Nannie Kerr 5) 184) jel | . | ; wt | ; | | rine - —___} 4965 9/26 Childers | Sadie F W Statesville John Hoyle Unk 51 256 Bi) i | ‘ — io —— a = ; j . j i | | | | ” } | | i { i . witli 4 it j ' + 4 } | j 4 ‘ ; - cil | if ai pete | | ; ; | a ee eects if | ] ; sania — va sted Pater atenentinenneal 4 | i) ' oe 7 ell he ' | sy onsets cna Peale nang lia | | a , | & et as | | nent . - - , is a — feared ati i w . | 38 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. hy ee ee caper eae PO TRATION Ba, _ SETA i BRIG ots nae cgen af SURNAME INTIAL TAB maa wine eae an te apn ea ed Keg. U.8 Pato, ( For Your eee! a ee ae Seton Saami ——— ee ee econ we NNT Printing House, eae c. asin | me _ Sie srotare yrieume aca DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED ae DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER : AND CHRIS Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEAT : tet = mx Tee ee oe ae Sm | Cole | PLACE i etic Si ca fox | Mont [= eT a, On 18 H NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Foto Oot ii ; : ’ T eet | t $ s i Hi } WH} eid x Ls bea Lele Bailey vy iw | statesville md Thomas Bailey Mary Lazenby poe: ee | 20) Christenbury | Jas Young M.W.{ Coddle Creek Tn} Luther Christenbury | Mary Alexander 2} 59) hid sp 8 a) ht 1920 3 | 5hipley Rosa Lee F.C | Statesville NC | Anderson Chipley Lizzie Chamber 1920 7 | 4 Christenbury | Vernie F__.W | Statesville nc |L F Christenbury Mary E Alexander ae i. ed ; a | HG f | ‘ Hite 1929 5 (8 bhiniey Ridicke F |C | Statesville NC | Joe Chambers Susan Hartgrave _ ____fge4 6 | 5 | Christenbury js F.W | Mooresville No | Marvin Christenbury | Lena Nantz 10, 192 Hh ie —_— ; ? w t ; i Ey it; 1928 12 11 (hipley Mollie F .C |} Statesville NC | Peter Cows ———— eae laa 1925, _4 20 | Christenbury | Mary Eva FW. | Mooresville no | Marvin Christenbury | Lona Nantz 11, 183) § aie! Hee | ae c a ] ne ie f 1935 7 10 Phipley Simpson D M (|W | Statesville NC | Simpson Davidson ee 926) 4 5 Christenbury | Peter smith M-_-W__|Mooresville NC | Wm Christenbury Mery Auton 12. 176) 4p ‘ | Ss 1 | i | 1942, 10 21) Chipley James Lewis M | C [Chambersburg Tnjancerson Chipley Beulah Chambers 26/294 : oc ae 1926, 46 }Christenbury | - FW} Mooresville nc | Marvin Christenbury {Lena Nantz 12. 177 yh | i i 1942) 10 (21]Chipley William L M | C |Iredell County Janderson Chipley Beulah Chambers 26 | 463 a j1928| 1 22 | Christenbery | sarah Eliz FW {Mooresville NC | Marvin Christenbery |Zthel Leona Nantz’ 14, 175 I! i a aie ‘ | » Rar ol ig ie ene ; os Boule? * © Btatesv! NC Woe Chambers Daisy Hargrave A8 196 : jaas M in iy oa ths 11962 4 4 fPhipley | Peulah PC Ptatesville ae 1931| 6 28 |Christenbury | Haas Miller }M..W Mooresville no |z p Christenbury Daisey Bost 197;1994 fib ae | | Pie’ | f nm o r var « ic | Ht Fa 1931; 12 | 5 | Christenberry , Sidney ato MW Statesville Nc |Rouben Christenberry| - - 17. 467 wt ' ‘ ie Be hs Mil | ) ; 1934, 3 27 |Christenbury preston T jM .W [Statesville no | Samuel Christenbury | Jane Johnson 20, 376 ai’ | E x : be HI) . | ba 19490 6 15] Christenbury oe M__W | Mooresville no] B iiley Christenbury | Mary Runfelt 26, 217 ai ! Lh | 1941) 7 /llichristenbury Nii?) fem Cranford a —ooresville Ci L F Christenbury “ile alexander ] I | | 1 I | j i - I " °7) a 1 Hef | 1947 4 3 Phristenbury | M |W] Mooresville Nc | Joe ‘rank Chriatenbury Grace McGinnis B3 . 145 qi | 1949 | 2 43} Christenbury | Sama Powers | r WwW Muooresville WC Unknown Unknown 22|. 20 i) H H | | * i i . as 3 >. s | i! 4 i ; | 4 1949 | 3 j 6 Christenbury j mOvert Le e : Ii | & jotates Viiie We vaily viristeloury mal y huontfelt 32 | 4S rh | | 1950}. 3.) 9iChristenbury , Hattie F ._W |[Butner NC Kobert Holder Mary Lenty - $36, 274 HE | | oneness 21fhristenbury Alice Bernice Cabh FW Iredell Co HEC Jane Mason 37, 621 | | a . 1955 | 11 |16 Christenbury | Sallie | FW {Troutman NC J. IF. Lawson Lula Se rores ea) oye | 1959 | 6 i4 Vhristenbury Mary Ella | ¥ ¥ Mooresville Jeorce W Alexander - , 45 214 bury Yi | j1960| 6 2 |Christenbury uther Fletcher| MW [Mooresville Reuben F. Christen- - 46 573 bi Pied Toad r +f 1961 | 12 13 /Christenbury Leroy MY W}) Mooresville Wm. 4. “hristenbury] “mma “owers 47 665 it | e | a) ? | | 1964 12 29] Christenberry John M WI] Mooresville WD Christenberry}) Emma Powers 50 747 i i | ' rie | | Pt ¥ 1932, 7. 21] Chipman ; Nora Magdalene |F .W | Turnersburg Tnsl T 1 Chipman Fannie Cook 118, 600 | | it 4 | I ~s > 4 t j 4, ee | {) Or np at i} ‘ re _ i ’ { dh f | ; a + ; | + j — —— _—— a a 4 J j { } i i ie ilgili Ds |; rt | i | re | | | t | eee nn cel state ae, 4 j + 4 | | | — ei rt ecrtielles lies Be | i } } ‘ : ; | —— x a ee ee Some + { | } | gS a beats " cana Pl etait senile ; perv an ; acer Se natnesl Rie a ‘ | | | | | a ee | | | | | | ! rence t ial ta Pith ena Ce Me! Ra a } | : oe ae aes ae MP || | a — eee 0 —t—~—ti~i~—~i~i‘(‘( ne natn wn nants ttt aay ale a a —_—" ———— - iM a Su ere 7 ra eat ea e . we ui ut isdiiasabibhi kasama sia Gan ath sates Pt ae Shin had bani __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredeil County, N. C. : * ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. * COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 INDEX No, 1-4 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio a locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer bu f 40 | _ Kea. U.8 Petom. | Fo DATE OF DEATH This Signature on sbeets insure their currecmess, Year © Month ¢ 2923) .22 Day $ LL r Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Y Choffix Te locate » at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer = “or to Butt Sat-indes sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Eagle Mills Tn] John Choffin UN U.8. Patent No. 1457160-Copsrione figy NAME OF MOTHER Sallie Myers 0 eer aneeere RECORDED Vol.| Page | 1 | 188 Christian Coddle Creek TH John Christian Lizzie Jones U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 spre REN ANCES DAVE OF DEATH | ' 1914, 4 | 27] christopher 1915, 6 | 3) Christopher 1916, 7 | 26) Christopher 1916) 10 | 3] Christopher 1917, 6 | 14) Christopher i 1919, 3 | 25| Christopher 11920, 3 | 3] Christopher 1927 10 | 30| Christopher | 15] Christopher 11) Christopher 1931, 7 [19345 | | 11936, 6) Christopher 1937 28 Christopher 1937, (1940 7 | 15} Christopher 17 Christopher 1941 12 28 Christopher |10 Christopher i \27 |Christopher \ 2142 7 bhristopher |27| Christopher SURNAME OF DECEASED | Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex j “ F | Roy Preston Clifton Andrew Annie L J David John C Otis H Adolphus C Mary E Cockrell Fred Nap°lean 50n Thomas Jeffer-~ ub-Index sheet for page reference. I il Color | PLACE OF DEATH | Statesville Tn , Statesville Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER | gang | NAME OF FATHER | = Julia J Ross Roy D Christopher | Julia Rash t Statesville Walter Christopher | Anne Cockrell Statesville Roy D Christopher Julia J Rash Statesville N R D Christopher Julia Rash Mooresville George Christopher Zllen Hedrick Statesville B 8 Cockrell Cockrell Shiloh Tns John Christopher Sallie Williams Statesville N | - ia mn Mooresville ! AM Jhristopher Flossie Sipe Statesville NC | zp Christopher Rebecca Stikeleather| Chambersburg Tn} Daniel Christopher Lucy Hefner Statesville Nc Benj R Cockrell Martha Montgomery Qe. an s “+ wr : $ + Statesville | ‘illiarm Christopher Bessie Rash Statesville Tns |John Christopher Sallie Williams Coddle Creek iC J ricstopher Lorene Christopher | otatesville NC [J Heury Diniels Martha Durmire r4 inte | . ‘ ‘ ; +} “tate@vible NC | *illias stewart Clementine stikeleath Morganton NC t ~ Laurea Stewart ie +. 2 20 Chronister 1H B Statesville nc John Chronister + Louise Stroup | -1959 4 | 20 Christopher | i 960, § j961/ 11 5 |Chesetopher 1963) a 17 Christopher Chalmers John M Jennie Bost F Julia F + «+ av? 7 mn «a ] : rtatesville |} 4homas J Vhristopher * . Statesville N C} Davia Christopher Becky Stewart Statesville “UV |Chalmers Bost Mary M. Rimmer Statesville i ttev John W Rash Mary J Templeton ~ r ot: ete eget pyre? Nats 4:9 T t N.C | 2 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Kredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N. C | at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Ue Patent No. 1as/ibee Conair ise § TTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. i : ? = = LeeGe |For Your Protection, loin On i wn eB Tat set fr vagy reference. ewe = — BPN natalie TF Nee for Bat Soe stot Ltrs of ite Sad Pte Indes Senaase pms OM F RECORDED —— . ; EN ae, | ee SSS =I — =o P : . ss : : aes 3 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color || PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER mY tel _— DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | a Yon | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | coor? PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER i NAME OF MOTHER r f r J rt eS eee Scene ere oon Soares —_ ~— + : - ‘ [ a r ettis Pools a re ae : 914, 1 |10} christie | = : M iW | Mooresville NC | Lee Christie L } 255 a __}2959] 6 {7 [Snristy aa Van Buren | M | W |Mooresville George W Snristy | Mary Jane White i } ae ee 7m ane Brawle ws = ! 1914, 8 |10/ Christie , Thomas George |. . W | Davidson Tns Geo W Christie J y 1, 180 1961| 12 119 Christie | George W, i M | W |Mooresville NC Lee A. Vhristie | Mary 8. Hudspeth Hit | | | ee ae | i : j | | } ; r i He (1915, 5 17) christy oo M |W | Statesville NC} - 2 Carrie Christy 2; 400 " 1962 [1 fl | Vhristy | “da Be (FF jw Mocksvilte, N. “p Dolph Beaver | Sarah Beck wat | i | | —__—_— ce we I H Hh 1916 6 |14] Christy = | M |W | Mooresville NC} Jas Luther Christy | Maggie Hendred 3} 14 | be! Nn 962 4 5 pPhristie | ‘ohn Lee | M |W Ptatesville NC | ‘i omas Vhristie lc arrie 5. Christie i | ‘ ; I | jas As: i } + ; " | | 143 L 4 & s HE 1918 4 |27/ christy pe |r .w | coddte Creek Ti H Grant Christy Sallie Eller 4A. 499 on 1962 | 11 | 26] Christie Harvey Le. | M |Mooresville NC |Rohert nee | | y i | H _ + | t ' { 4 } l1921 6 | 1] Christy | Margaret L |F |W | Statesville Tn Henry Dearman Nancy Goodman 1, 284 1964; £ | 2e}Christie arne st | M) W |Mooresville | RW Christie Lola De | 8) 257] | | | t t H i fi922, 2 | 9/ Christy Nancy E | FW | Concord Tns Neil Christy - ” 7 435 | } i i 4 T # HH l1922, 7 .19| Christy Margaret L F .W | Barringer Tns } Phillip Sommers | Elizabeth Overcash | 8 298) | | ie | | i f tt aH 1925; 3 |12] Christy Mildred May | F |W | Mooresville NC| William A Christy | Inez Aldridge 11; 177) | i | | i | He; «11925, 4 19) Christy Wilburn M W | Barringer Tns | J M Christy | Ada Beaver 11 2) 24 tl \ | f { 1930 l j14] Christie - M W | Fallstown Tns WC Christie } Inez Adams 16 | 179. | | 4 t i i f i 11933) 4 21 Christy John Pink M . W | Statesville NC} George W Christy | Jane Brawley 19. 288 ts |1933 7 12! Christie a F W | Mooresville NC} J H Christie | Edna Lee Brown po, 81 ri }1934, 12 (29) Christie Ada Rosa | F . W | Statesville NC} J Beaver | ------- Deal 120, 955 | rt; {1935 6 12) Christie Lewis F |M W | Statesville NC! Neil Christie | - - $21, .399 | | | | 4] | i | ! —j—4 \ } j r 4 }1936 8 21) Christy Nettie | F W | Statesville NC| James Donahue | Margaret. Donahue 22, 506] | 1 | WS | | | + Ai HH 11936, 10 10! Christy Mary Bell F _W | Mooresville NC] wz Christy ! Roxie Arthurs 22, 269) | | i i '' | | { hl | i | 4 4 rf wu | | i i 4 Hw re ,1936 12 (29! Christee __Va Louise , FW! Davidson Tns | John Christee | Sarah Donaldson 22; 116] f ait : : \ | | j | | Hi : f t = t i 1 = == He 611939, 11 23 Christy ,Loula A Sowers | F W | Barringer Tn Rufus A Sowers |Marie Beafille £25, 7 | } | i rit | i | i i I | j vill ee | t " f f i 2 tf | l $1941; 2 (25 | Christy Rome George JM | W | Davidson Tn Jolin Christ tiairtin Benrisid eet 57 ‘4 | | ii : -— ! t—+-— | = ta 11944; 10 6ichristie jMargeret E IF W@ |Chemtersburg Png ios es Beaver qh Cvercash 50; 377] ‘ | | | | i ! i | j i | | bd } Lime | 1945 5 10 Christy - |M .W \Stetesville nc | J a Christy Cordie Upright Sl 204 | | i | wi . (1945 8 (30/Christie Martha | F . W | Devidson Tns lawson enfield , Addie Weugh 31, 299| | | | Hi. I | | T + ; i l ! i | 4 he > 1946 ll , @\Christie Jemes L | M . W |Mooresville NC /Williem Christie lcora Sternes 52 | 558 | | iT | ia ial , | | | ‘ 4 : eee 11947, 3 | 26 Christie William Lee | M. W|Coddle Creek inp Wm Christie Cora Starnes B31 95 | | | j il | i \ i H | t one 11947, 5 | £2\Christie ‘Robert William M |W |Troutman, N. C.] Thomas Curistie Margaret Sours 33 | 196 i | f | i | | | t T ; | | \ | it 7 1947, 5 15ichristy , Marshall a MowW ‘Statesville NC | Wm T. Christy - Ritchie 33 307 | | | y cn t . as | ! f 4 bh 4950; & |29 pobriaty | Minnie Josephine FW (Mooresville NC charles Overcash bartha hogers 36) 249 | | | fi i € | . | t t . oa 1950, 10 /24/\Christie John Andrew ;M iW Statesville NC [Thomas Christie Margaret Sowers 56 509 | | | i f Sioa A ' ae . . ag | oe CS ee uw a t ; ; | is 2950} 10 | 14 vhristie arthur James vj} Spencer Lewis F Christie Setty Gantt 36 |645 af : | ii 1951; 7 |25] Christy jSamuel Preston M iw Moores ille NC] Jim Christy Clementine Bustle 37 |444 | t “ 7 ( | ! | | ; ‘ ‘ . ' vw ta a eas x t { is 1951/11 (3 |Christie | Paul Edward M OW | Winston Salem nf Will L Christie Ona Holthouser 37 682 | i | ‘i | ty 952, 4 |9 |chri ae ! hy 1 19] sty oe Adams M , W | Mooresville No George Christy Mary White o8) 247 | | ‘a 1956 | 3 28 Christy [Raymond Lee M W | Mooresville Tom K, Christy Betty Duke 42| 104 + 1957; 11 | ap Christy fm. Albert MW /Mt. Mourne Thomas G Christie Carrie Ballard ap 547 apa | ‘ 1957} 11 | 22) Christy Kary Margaret /F W | Mooresville - Senna Nanny Goodman | 43) 538 eatin | ii | acini | eet... aq eee Bthel AS — |F | W]Mooresvitze | George W Christie | Martha Rogers 44 369 ee | 27) Christie - M : enterica . 1958 Q i i W Mooresville Perry D Ber ry : ferel D Ber ry 44/481 } 20) Christi fia Mamerd 81) 8 i Bsteesas Fgh a | 195 3 tie Carrie Cloanin. atesville Lew a ae P 2 ae | is Franklin/ | Betty Gent hs 151 i is 1959 5 | 25) Christie — | Betty Gantt r W | Statesville Pink Gantt - 45) 254 oe a Pe rene . ai nc Le ea Bis at i | nena a ‘ — + moneredill bah : : , } By ‘ INDEX TO VITAL STAT! This Signature on ° vets insures their correctness. Reg 0.8. Pet.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. mamma ! TICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N.C COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N U. & Patent No. rte t tate Ra A'd ° _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, AC. —— Ct eras pee COTO OT artes ' BAL pam No. 1-4 fr EP Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer 3 Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. -indes chest for page OCS eee . Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio re neal eee TL sittemetiiaiens Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systems--B pcan = me = wee te Sc RECORDED — DATE OF DEATH i 7 Year | Month | Day ' { 1914, 1 {10 Christis 1924 | 8 Christie 1925, 5 17) christy Christy 1926 | 11918. | Christy l921. | christy 1922 | Christy 11922 | Christy | 11925 Christy f 11925 Christy 11930 Christie 1933 Christy 11933 | Christie 1934 | Christie 1935 Christie 1936 | Christy 1936 | Christy 1936, 12 | Christee 1939, 11 Christy 1941; 2 15 | Christy 1944; 10 6ichristie 5 10 Christy \ 8 (30|\Christie { f i} 1946 ll | ae 1947 1945 1945, 3 | 26 Christie 1947, 5 , 22\Christie 1947: 5 (15 (Christy 950; & |29 10 |24 hristy 1950. hristie ; 950} 10 | 19 Christie 1951/7 j25] Christy | 1951 11 |3 [Christie 982, 4 9 Christy 956 3 (\15| Christy 1957, 11 Christy 1967; 11 Christy ese 7 Christie 1958; 9 27 Christie Christie Christie SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH { | - i Mooresville NC i | Thomas George Davidson Tns Statesville NC i Mooresville NC id | Coddle Creek T MVergaret L | Statesville Tn , Nancy = } Concord Tns Margaret L Barringer Tns Mildred May | Mooresville NC Wilburn | Barringer Tns - | uo6€6©W.) | 6Fallstown Tns John Pink | Statesville NC i | | Mooresville NC , Ada Rosa | Statesville NC Lewis F | Statesville NC | Nettie 4 Statesville NC Mary Bell | Mooresville NC | Davidson Tns I Loula A Sowers W | Barringer Tn { .W | Davidson Tn | v7 in i\Margeret E a 2he Rome George mbersbw’g Tn - iW tatesville NC Merthe _W |Devidson Tns iJemes L | ¥ William Lee W | Coddle Creek T ‘Robert William i _W |Troutman, N. U. | Marshall A tatesville NC | Minnie Josephine F resville NC John Andrew M A rthur James M | Wi Spencer |Samuel Preston | M | W Moores ille NC | Paul Edward M W John Adama: M | wi Mooresville NC Raymond Lee M |W | Mooresville — « Albert M ooWiMt. Mourne ary Margaret F W | Mooresvilie W | Mooresville Ethel A 8 PI | aime MiewW Mooresville Gor » Cerpile Cloan WY] Statesville Betty Gantt F | Wi Statesville Wibston Salem N NAME OF FATHER Lee Christie Geo W Christie Jas Luther Christy H Grant Christy. Henry Dearman Neil Christy Phillip Sommers William A Christy J M Christy wc Christie George W Christy J H Christie J Beaver Neil Christie James Donahue W E Christy John Christes Rufus A Sowers John Christy Moses Beever J A Christy Iguson #enfield oresville NC /|Williem Christie Wm Christie Thomas Curistie Wm T. Christy harles Overcash tatesville NC jThomas Christie Lewis F Christie Jim Christy Will L Christie George Christy Tom K, “hristy Thomas G Christie George W Christie Ferry D Perry Lewis Pranklin/ meena cate tat Pink Gantt ee eae eet ee emer E OF MOTHER en Vol.) Page Lettie Poole 14.255 Jane Brawley 1| 180 Carrie Christy | 400 Maggie Hendred | Sallie Eller | Nancy Goodman | Elizabeth Overcash Inez Aldridge Ada Beaver Inez Adams Jane Brawley Edna Lee Brown Margaret Donahue Roxie Arthurs Sarah Donaldson Marie Beafille Marthe Benfield M Overcash Cordie Upright Addie Weugh Core Sternes Cora Starnes geret Sours ~ Ritchie a hogers Margaret Sowers Betty Gantt lementine Bustle Ona Holthouser Mary White. Betty Duke Cerrie Ballard ‘TSenna Nanny %oodman Martha Rogers ere] D Berry a eee sagittal Betty Gant DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN NAME OF MOTHER a ————————===—— PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | 7 {Christy Van Buren = = George W Yhristy Mary Jane White _ i Mooresville _ 1961 11 19 Christie _ i George W. Mooresville NC 1 Lee A. Vhristie Mary SB. Hudspeth at = x 1] Vhristy Pooksvi lie» N. GL Dolph Beaver Sarah Beck Joh ns a ohn Lee Christie an sh e e n 5 hristie Btatesville ; Christie 1962| 11 | 26}Christie Mooresville aati we F iy Ritbii Maat stttea taunt a; INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 43 | OTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ee a oe Open roper according to First Letter or Letters of ooenee ~122659 hee. manual CO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 at P Tab ote 4 “Ne en core Rete locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio { f U. & Patent No. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 : ‘ura vapor cerns . to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page refernnce, Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ( ——_) ia tetie Camas Sevety Inionos Since 1008 Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. . riba ms ae Pm fo ae ili’ or nortan ’ 1a —- GATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | neconven | |) ™ i : CE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER eee os | : ih io | ban 1 ix Uniide ae a ee SEX | CoLORE PLA = t aie ~ z Paw ' ter | Mont Day ; AND CHRISTIAN IF ONE IS GIVEN | or PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER } NAME OF MOTHER Vol. | Page Ps i merlin eof lees PF enema ] t | | ii ia I . i : Ep ua pe heidi sania ond ts ee a a a eet do ——— ft 1916; 12 | 17} Church . )F iW | Statesville Nc George Church ___| Carrie Mary Bell 3}. 311) we ae] rr | | | | : +———— ae 1916) 12 | 18 Church jMattie Virginialr ow | Statesville Tns| George H Church |Mary Howell 3, 345) : i } | | Bice an nn ffl nee cee ~ — ne 1918} 2 | 5) Church | Bara \M .W | Mooresville NC | Samuel B Church | Edith Miller p44; 15} } | | | } | i | ie —— — 1920, 2 | 26) Church | Everett ‘M oW /Olin Tns ;R L Church | Frances Harmon } 6, 352) it Ra. ieee i ; a 1920; 3, 17 Church |= Mo |W | Statesville NC JAlbert Church =s=s/______. Knight 1 6, 206) > I a a 1920; 11 | 5| Church | George M W /|0l4n Tns }R L Church Frances Harmon i 6, 375) | 4 1921; 3 2) Church Mary F iwis ely | } % y " | Statesville NC | John Grant Catherine Templeton | 7, 338 | i | ae 1921; .7 | 26) Church \P H M W | Statesville no |- i. - - | 4 399| 1923). 2 | 10 Church - M WW | Statesville Nc lRobert L Church Mary Jane Woodruff | 9, 391) | \ | is (1924, 1) 4!Chureh George Moei.W /Olin Tns ‘EP Chureh Mary Church [10 239 | | 1925; 6 | 7} Church Mary Dalton F W /0lin Tns | James Church Macrie Ball Bal 261) 4 | | sss a 1928) 4 + 24) Church |, George H M W Statesville NC | --..... Church jn - 114 510} { | | > W | ! tH 1928; 11 | 26) Church ,Zuranie Zliz F W ($Mooresville NC |Thomas Duley Annie Tripplet 114, 242) 4! | | ; 4 i nae 3 9 Church Wm Washington Mw Mooresville NC | Alex Church Mary Ella j15, 233] # lj i. H I i Hl ii I r 1931; 9 | 30] Church \Dorb (lMrs) F .W (Davidson Tos /F C Johnston Tilda Anderson 27, 122) A ' i 4 Le " i 1932! 2 | 20) Church Robert L IM .W /0l4n Tns | Harvey Church Mary Grant j28 228) i i! ; | | 1 | + 1933; 10 |12/ Church ,George Henry Mo WW | Statesville NC | Henry Church Malivina Buck |19 384) di} } | , | f i Wis | 1933, 11 | 9) Church Glen iW (Mooresville NC jZverett C Church Leona Miller 19, 110} ik | | ia 1936-10 7—2t Ghurch = a” W Olin Tns | Soyce Udell church |Jenettie £ Mitchell | 22 316} | | iJ i a + 73, _ > “ ow . m i ‘ . ‘ . ° | % 1941) 6 | 11) Church Lillie pul iF “/ Btatesville 1c |» an jar Bullis Roxie Curti 27! 313) | 1941; 10 | 5| Chureh |Bliff Woodroe |X W pilin T | Cétinte Churah | tilt Meseiads °9 200} 19h2 3 | 30] Church |Frances 4armon |F W Olin, Tns | David tlarmon Elizabeth Weisner 28 ‘oll | | \ 4 | | ‘ } | y | sy 1942! 7 | 17) Church }sames anderson [q (|W Mooresville NC Wilson Church | Mary Griffin 28 | 182 5 | tl 5 | | 1945, 9 | 1/Church ‘Core Ette FW |Stetesville Nc /tom FP Winkler Mery Germon 31 393 ; | | | | ! | i j i LONG 5 de Chur ch Delila Kate M |F W [Statesville NC Jessie H. McNeil | Nancy Ann McNeil 33 183 i | | | | | | { be 1948; 8 |9 {Church IR F (MW |Statesville NC /¥14 Church jCelina Fletcher bi, LO4 I i bial | 1949/ 8 | 27 Church \Margeret Ann Bajl FW /Olin ns E.igh Ball ‘Critis Fleteher 35 |325 ae F po | | me | | | | 1951) 3 {22 Church | Grover iM iW |} Statesville WiC] Billie Chure! hianda Churel 37 228 ! ! 4 37 | 228 $e ‘. e 195 6 251 Church Ella S | F Ww | Statesville NC | Andrew M Salmons | Fannie £ Sparks B7 | 381 } | | 4 t ! | ss 1953 2 28 | Church | John W {M |W | Hampton Va, Harvey - | Mary E. Grant B9 305 { H i i! | 1953| 8 11] Church Verdie Vannoy | fr Mooresville NC |Gordon Vannoy \‘immaline Linderman 39 376 | : r t ' | | | i * ee 1956 4 | 6 | Church Reley M | MW | Statesville NC | Sidney Church | Mary Church 42 203 4 ; Ht i ; ; | " 1957) 11 | 8 Fhurch Worth Ben MW Statesville NC | Sem Snurch | Baten Miller 43 524 | : * | | . }19 5 116 [Phurch George wark M i Misnddiiawe Jamos Church ~ 44 252 " ill mame ’ i 1969 1 | 28 Church Nellie FP WYStatesville Hohn We Lborn Nettie Besheare 45 47 5 Si a tae a. as 959 | 12 | : ; | — ; a a as Baines ik Bd ee b oj 42 | 14 Church Roy Clay Mow Beatcavitie Edward Shurch Vada Watts 45 | 617 : wicliutile ee i ae BS kl A Sisne oe 1961) 12 | 2 hurch James H. M W/ Statesville Harvey Church: Mary Grant 47 603 + aoe Sueianiiii titre 3 er | 2962 2 23 Phurch ‘| Cora Miller Fo W) Statesville Franklin Few Biddie “11ep ‘ 89 ae alas 1963 12) 19 Church Richa rd M |W |Statesville Harvey Church Mary Grant 49/1720 licen ald pe Sate a | Be ei aks AS aa INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS = bed Cont, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 Siac DE mppate, somey open at SURNAME INIT U AB and refer & Patent Ne. 16011 166—Copyright 1880 Ths a re ety ae Inewres thelr correctness, Bond "To fo: a, @ reference. . eames a BA “ omen a a Pat + } For our Protection, Inaiet On It. Buff Sub-index sheet ¥ pag Sa asa sai eee sear mamarties wacuistote naa rt Dan : i ny aac dete. ae s ae sca anasteeunennnaneneeeceserenet ett ree ee s eee ean MOTHER : DATE OF DEATN SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED DATE OF OATH SURNAME OF DECEASED LACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF Nec i we — . — ; 7 ix cae io om 18 een PLA ee | Page oa Day AND — nn ne ONE I$ wen ex PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Page | ’ ae oe g iiss 1935 Ciroular | Laura Fallstown Tns ” 210 & | 10 Clanton George H “| sharpesburg Tn | William Clanton Rebecca Daniels 6; 320 ax OS: i To locate names, aici open at SURNAME INIT: ¥ Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Uy. 8. BT Pott Ho. 1aatie No. LabTi6 Gensrioke 1930 = o. Butt sub in tox sheet for nape aa - and refer astdvyromeer Price mpany, Columbus, Ohio Sen ; a en — ames 18 | 10 24 | Clanton Me Sharpesburg Tn | A ) Clanton Alverda sarlow 6, 321 918|10 26 | Clanton | a ii4 sharpesburg Tn | A D Clanton Alverda Barlow 6, 323 918 | 10 a8 ¢lanton , Sharpesburg Tn | A D Clanton Alverda Barlow 6| 322 929 1 13 Clanton Sharpesburg ‘i'n | John C Clanton Ruth Hartness 15; 4 23 | Clanton | Dorthy Mae y Concord Tns Alf Clanton Ina Sloan > * —e a e e e n e t n s t e e n p e n s r e n r e n v a f i n n e - $ . . +e ag e * =% ~ re n e e —m e e w r s t i n n e e r n m s e e e n s s t i o n m e e n e o r e m e r s o b e c ne 2 213 |} Clanton |}Alverdie Barlow, y Statesville Nc | ‘Uhomas Barlow Laura Coffey 10 | 19 Clanton | John Andrew { \ Statesville NC | John Clanton - Bowles 11, 14Clanton | Victoria © 1. Ff W] Statesville Merion Knight S |19}Clanton Jerry Alber H dvi ii ate; 2tatesville Katie Cla nton aod Clanton | Dora G " ; Wf Statesville NC | Baxter P. Guy Nettie Sharpe i Mabel Lackey f { { f if i Sn ee e ee e {Annie Maude | Statesville NC |alex Lylerly Mary Bass |Z R |W |statesville nc |w T stroua Catherine Sparks | William Age iy tatesville NC IWF Cleary samontha Reavis | tae Silliman |W oddle Creek Tn | John p Silliman ary Lynch Esther Mae |W Btatesville NC ~ RK Cleary Beatrice Reayi | Sam Mi ; iW Eagle Mills Tns/D Rr Clary Beatrice Reavis |Hettie Rodie P| Iredell Younty Joseph Harris Mergeret Danner o tatesville NC Richard Paul Clary la Fay Moore Statesville NC | Unknown erna Cleary 36, 577 ural Baseborn Ann Cleary 38 | 203 24 Cleary y,4,, | Thomas Frank sarmony NC = |Johm Cleary yoiq | Sarah Cunning Voi 2 Se : on Page 15iCleary v [Harmony Alfred Glenn Cleary sen adye Le L Sneed #318 7 r |28/eis Cleary bi State sville Hertert H Cleary Sara Joh ns on leary ‘ Har no ny Samuel Cunningham Elviva Reavis 43/341 } 9 | 1} Cleary | W [Statesville Maxie D Cleary Patricia A Bulla 43/393 ah | 7 ito Clary yThomas Frank Mooresville Thomas F Clary Hattie Harris 46/39 1 27 [Cleary Gertie Iona Statesville Elisha Blevins Frances Caudill 4@)49 | a i 5 9 leary Samuel C, W | Harmony John Cleary Bessie Cunn ing ham 49| 173 et tine ro ~~ a arr er . Piast NAL AR RBA NRE Miss os 5s oes: Reid npblaiates Se INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. oe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. Se ee ne $ . aan ba Ca IR NRS it y acts PA IR EMA NN AR R Mia O Year | 1916! 6 | 2/claywell |\Braston | 1920, 2 | 6\craywe11 |. |W} Statesville No Bicctalotks | Tole shenarare on shoces tneares their correctness. Bee Te toate Bal Schlndex skeet tor page volcan Be UcB: Patent No. 1487148—Coprright ie | eT" CPR TEER ese se 1930 BH To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and reler Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Ai a wa r in er ce ‘4 a, & sama on usT¥ or ENR - aeons pn enna wt =] Seen —eeemeeeice oe —— | dtc ee | | | 1915; 4 | 6iClaywell {James | Ww. New Hope Tns | ii | wew Hope ‘'ns James. Claywell Mamie empleton ae 1913 l2 a4 Clark | Lusane Vance | Fallstown Tns | John W Clark | Deny Caldwell ame a ct ge ee i 1914 ; r viata } Anne | Statesville Tns} George Stacey siaiee England Keg. U.8. Pat.om. | For Your Protection, Insist Or it. AG Ee rane a a eee so U. & Patent Ne. 143716 ‘e Bull Subctodes URNAME INITIAL TAB Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ot DATE wr wn.. ii . D | SURNAME OF DECEASE. Sex [Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER viniaad ” —we = Yor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN y Sex | Color : PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER eT a or | : | | Ed Claywel) 4 = _______ - eet 1915 12. | 4} Clark ; Lill |- | Barringer Tns | Abe Clark | | ida Y Garrison § ! | ss | eae 1915 4 0} Clarke | Hardette | Fallistown Tns | Chas Barringer Elizabeth Arraye 1920 | Claywell Rachel Mae ii statesville NC | J Z Cyaywell v A Claywell Sara Grant a | 1915 8 22 | Clark ; Pearlie D | Davidson Tns | Robt Davidson ‘Ella Patterson 1925! Claywell Robert. ‘1 i W Statesville NU 1927, 6 | 1iclaywe11 ‘Ida V Garrison |W | Palistown Tng | John A Garrison Mary Ann Hall — 1915 12 29 | Clarke * | Mooresville NC | Jim Clarke Ida Jetton 1930, | 1/Claywe11 Jno Edward M| Statesville NU | um Cyaywell Patterson * 1916, 3 31) Clark Anna | Statesville NC | Sam White Alice Noble Clark Mell ik Davidson Tns Fallie Milisaps ig 1916 7 28 | Emerson Clark Julia Shipp 11932 | 22 4Vlaywel) Stella Mae Statesville NC } John M Jolly | 1916/10 16 | | | i il | c r | ) Clark _Kaly Barringer Tns | Jeffe Westmoreland | Nannie White | | | | | 1 ) Clark Minnie £ i Fallstown Tns | Alexander Clark D C Hicks 1917, 4 | 8 1917, 5 218 | Clark James Calvin l W | Fallstown Tns — Clark Caroline Clark ; | 1918 2 26 | Clarke | Doris Chambersburg Tn| John Clarke Lee A Gaither 1918 5 )2 | Clarke Minnie Coddle Creek Tnl Patrick: Jetton Mary Clarke | 1918 7 29 | Clark , Sallie H Ww | Shiloh Tns ! Alex Moore - | } { we ‘ . | 1918) 9 18 | Clarke Mary J Statesville NC | James Clarke Agnes Allison 1918 10 he Clark ‘Nora W |¥Fallstown Tas | Js Troutman Isabelle McCrary | 4A ie a | ! 1 ed. 1920, 1 28 | Clark |= W | Fallstown Tns CL Clark Lissie G Booker | . i} i | 1 1920, 2 12 Clark Julius Alex | _Coddle Creek Tn] Emesson-Gierk———-rutte Shipp 1720, 11 | Clark , Augusta | , Mooresville NC l - | o ou. . 4 iodine. 1931 | 7 Io erawson , wp mooresvilie wv | Christian Moretz Fannie Stirewalt 74.200 “ 1921, 8 | 2 | Clark |= l Fallstown Tns /|C L Clark | Lizzie Brookshire 1934; 8 | 2 Clawson Chas William | uooresville NC | George Clawson Alice Mosley 0 | 206 a 1921/10 | Clark | Isaac N | i | Mooresville NC | Robert Clarke | Mary Hedgepeth i —— a = F —— — — — oe . ee e D ee l Oc) , awec | - alle ~ Hy ur “ eR ” Ce ” acne . " | 1954; 9 |18]Clawson |Claude Johnson | W [Cooleemee NC seorge Clawson Alice Montz 40 | Se 1922) 2 Clarke | Zlizabeth t Barringer Tn3 - Adeline Hobbs si e r r a —— — — ~ st } a 2 or = ee ne : . - ~ 1957, 9 1 |Clawson ‘Mary Margaret Mooresville N CiLuther Smith W Ls | | | ry uther Smi Sarah illiams 43 | 397 ies 1922 Clarke | Clara F W | Statesville nC |Capus Butler | Elizabeth Huben 1922 Clarke | Cleo | Statesville NC | Amos Gray Sita Gray , 1923! Clark |Lisie Booker \ | Fallstown Tns |T M Booker Clark ) Albert Percy | | Statesville NC | John Clarke | Charlotte Avery \ | 1923 i | | Clark | Avery }M (C |Falistown Tns | Tobias Clark le * | | | | Clarke | Amy ' | Fallstown Tns | Job Clarke Adaline Houston 1924 1.1924 ~— —— * : - 1 P9368 | 12. 27 biayton arthur c rtw Ty | f E Moorasville—uli} Joe Glayten | Martha Stoker - + ' 1924 Willie Davidson Tns Julius Clark Minnie Jetton 11954) 11 |2 {Clayton Annie Crater Stony Point NC Sandford Crater Sarah White 4,0 1924 cacti teeetantensacanestlneteninclhe 3 6 L 4 1923) 6 Clarke | Aspasia j | Statesville NC | James Clarke - ; | 5 8 8 William Davidson Tns - Violet Bryant 1925 | ‘ Mary Annah ! Mooresville NC | - Cathern Clarke se e m e d 1925 Phyllis \W | Statesville no |p a clark Lula J Slon eee Fb | “ | Statesville NC | Sam Clarke - ee a ee en cr ie esnnente nani in wn Jane '¢ | Statesville tns| - Anna Graham Colman | Shiloh Tng Tom Clark Bessie Clark Theresa | Statesville =e W111 Tatum Lela Gaither Hester | Chambersburg - ~~ =—me Chambers Jno Worth | Fallstown Tns | John Clark Charlotte Avery i Mooresville NC | David B Clarke Mary 2 Miller (CoN) oe ‘a8 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS aa Te locate names, o; to Buff $ a tereoe {For¥or Provera insist On Tt Re Bait Sates re at ee a mtb ee __ are fog i enemas : eee ee sagessesmemee nis —= peers Ser ET 6 ay SURNAME OF DECEASED sen | tote wei OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = == | - DATE. OF DEAT Ye | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN en ersten fete Yer | Month | Day bicndli F eakeiani bento —. | a —_t 7 1927) 8 |29\c1arx (Washington MC | Bethany Tns {Charles Clark pane See 13/32 ross | 3 25 feterk 1927, 12 (29/ clark a F.C |Davidson Tns Tom Norman Eliza Norman 13/125 ee aaa a 6-28 fark 1929, 1 28/crark ‘Lee | M | ¢ |Bethany Tns Charles Clark penn, ED 15/33 —_ fapas | 9 | 7\clerk Ih inane | 2 |12/Clarke AM +M |W jStatesville Tns}|Christopher Clarke |Rosa Moore 15) 646 | tein 10 | Liclerk i 11929. 10 sloene \Mabel Setzer F W {Shiloh Tns T T Setzer Alice Lingle 15, 360 ____sfe4e | 1 26 fclerk i }1929, 20 olcrark John C MC (Turnersburg Tns |. - - . 15) 703 nese, 4 | 4 ielerk Hii 1929 10 25|ciarke J Mel | uw \Statesville ee eee Pm aes 1946/10/17) clerk ll 11930 2 ,10\Clark J Ceasar | C [Cool springs Tn]. - I- -_ fre, 96 | Tioid 2 | 2 I clark iH l1930 10 11/Clarke Pansy | } a EE shiloh Tns Peter Wall |- - 18, 254 h947 | 12 4 | Clark 1 11930 11 16 Clarke Julia | F.C Statesville Tns|James Lackey Sophie Lackey 17 527] 1948 2 = 2} Clark I 11930 12 | 7/Clark Jno MeMilton | MoW |Statesville NC /---~---- Clark Amanda Paluos of s80| 1248, 2 23_| Clark i l1g32 l . 9/Clark Lucy Anderson F W |Statesville NC |------- Anderson |. - 17; 488} 1948 6 | 9 Clark a lig32 2 17/Clarke ee | M C |Statesville Tns /Henerd Houston {Sarah Clarke 18 540 | 1948 8 j ig Clark ‘i L932 3 .29\Clark Pearl Parker FW |Coddle Creek TniJesse Moose pary K Camler 18 34 _}1950 5 22 clark | lio93e 5 18\Clark Carrie Belle F .C (Shiloh Tns Lee Clark [clara King 18. 263 | 1950, 10 | 290%Clark | (1932. 11 | 4/Clarke Frances Ff Istatesville Tns jIke Dixson Itancy Bryant 18. 587 1950} 12 [24 bie rk 14933, 1 1 crark Violet F .C [Mooresville nce |. ~ - . 19. 43] 9511 2 poor uj} j1933. 1 6/ clarke Jane lr ic Statesville Tns |. am 2 : 19- oe ——9512--2 6 Ic + td 9553214 Clark Robert lv Cc | Darringer Tns [Charley Clark Hazel Harris 20 3] __J4951, 6/14 fClark 11933. 12 |29/clark James MC [Statesville NC JAbe Clark Laura Knox 19, 426 | 4951 16 | 248 Clark peoei. § | 2 clark De bbie Caldwell | Bisak-e \statesviiie NC Jack Caldwell Sarah Johnson 20 409 J 1952. 4 | 18) Clark 1934 11 19 Clark ‘Daisy F .C |Statesville NC William Reed Alice Turner 20) 521 ‘ ew l 2 beckeen 1934 12 | $\clerk David Anderson | Mic lralistom Ts David Clark [Lizzie Morrison 20 139 ed ee? ~ l 11935, 4 | 1|Clarke os | MoC |Statesville Tns [Lee Clarke Mattie Clarke 21; 509 _____]2958) 22 | a3) carte 1935, 6 20|c1arke = FoW |Shioh Tns Hal W Clarke Nettie Mills 21, 284 | 1959 8 (14 Clark | 11935, 11 (30 |Glarke lAda L pene FooWw looresviii6 NC [Wim 0 Cornelious Elitha E Sherrill 21 | 124 1959 | 7 | 19 Clarke | | | 1935, 12 10/clark on Reid [ui w ee NC fRobt H Clarke Sarah Hill e 410 hi a) a8. oe ee . 1936, 2 | 1|clarke Lula 7 -@ {Statesville NC [Lawson Rhinehardt |Sarah Rhinehardt 22| 386 ——_p060/2 | 6[orerke “41936, 4 ‘30 \otarke }ohn Mj ¢ pati Tns Ponroe Clarke Dora Morrison 22 | 605 41960] ¢ |ue|creme 1937, 5 (21 |olark Hottie Trotter |F iw Istateavitre NC feutus Trotter Hanah MoCal) 23| 385 J2s6d aa | a er. 1938; 5 | 3|clarke Pennie ostwalt | Fy Fallstow Tns er A Ostwalt Saran Clarke 24| 113 peg 8] ee 959 | 1 | 2 | Clark Christopher © |M | W|Fallstown tns Christy Clark Rosa Moore 25) 96 —_19%2/ 2 peere 939 | 10 |5 | Clark Leroy M | C | Statesvilie Tp | Jonn Clark Lula Huggins _ | 25 500} me ——..__ 4. 1963 3 3 lark ‘pose | 10 i Clurk John David M |W} Statesville No | christopher © Ciarx | Rose Moore _ pS) 455 2963) 11 | 27] Clark Ca 41940! 3 | 4) clark Barbara Ann F | @ {Statesville no | James clark Ila Mae Conner 26 346) — p04 | 1 [2 | Clarke SR ASs0) $18} Clack sera_luna P| .¢ |chamberburg tm | rank Wadkins ister Watkins | 24 25] ee 2 2h lee 1940! 7 |23iclarke Maggie Hampton jF. | ¢ I|statesyi2ie Tn | Pinkey Murdock Eliza Murdock 26 583/ 11965) 1/ Cl ark 41} 3 {1 fRoble Lae r|'c Barringer Tp Glark fesure Chane —~f22} 4} — ope) 6 2) es 4 spretie-Ranghen.- | Pocresvitie we. ~S-Ojank |} Fannie wapuee. boo |:a99)—— Ne woe r ON i eee | : E iy. hin, a hi ks a 7 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN lJohn Zsther Frank Cherles L Eloise R _ Laura Mona _Monroe Frances & (Mrs) _ William E J Will Rebecca .John Aalexanuer Nolie Roseman Daisy ph ile ee ae nica eM | Dora Morrison Joseph Caldwell | Thomas Roberta Regina David James Mary Jane _ Wade Hampton Artist Joe ’ Jot Linda Wade ‘Mildred Bewles Vernon &, | Duke Kimball Geneva Chalmers Martha Dernice Rosetta cu m s er a n Annette Rome Sex | Color 128 Mig MW te ris ea MC (7) F C Cc F C ly F W Ris ll hte F N Mew Mic F W M C M Ww a i mM Ww a+% F iW FP _W uw Ww M C P| C M V Fi W F| a Y C F C M iW PLACE OF DEATH imoersburg Tn 1b Seth de Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville Nc Mooresville NCG- Statesville Nc Mooresville NC oarringer Tns Statesville NC Mooresville R 2 Stony Point NC MOOreSvilie NU Salisbury barringer Tns Mtatesville ic votatesville NC vlatesvil.e NC Vinston Salem NC Statesville NC Statesville Statesville Statesville Mooresville Statesville Btatesviiie Statesvilte Statesville Statesville brnicerdaz0 Statesville Statesville Salisbury Statesville Mooresville Statesville Mooresville Statesville Jone s. 44g pen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER 27g oe Isaac Clark Christopher C Clark Deve Romsul andy Leazor John W Clerk Tobe Clerk James Sherrill Wme Ciark Abe Clark Fred Clark Harnie LLark ptatesville NC pwar H Koseman McClain Abernethy Elliot Morrison Percy Clark Monroe Clark Jonn W. Clark Jacob Clark Fred P Clarke Wn. Ra sey i1.tem Clarke E B. Vlark Hal W. Clarke Ernest L. Bowles John Clark Jim lark Robert ler pleton Troy Clark Rufus R Clark J ” Lowery Jake Smith Carl R Clark Albert P Clark — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold ie Gaaeer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. “aura Gillespie Sereh Gey Nore Troutman Alice Miller Vinnie Leszor Debbie Caldwell Julia Cornelius Jane Davis Laura Clark Lellie Smith beSSie pvneily Fannie Abernathy Laura Clark lla npn Katie Caldwell Dora Morrigon Debbie Caldwell Mary C Stroud Sally M Clarke illie Mattox Nettie M Clarke Sarah Drye Carrie McCall Lottie “il1iems Maggie Woods Ada Cornelius Nolie Roseman Frances Lowery Mattie McCain Mary Caldwell 47 RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Martha Davidson westmoreland Plea | Caroline Morrison Mary Woods Ramsey Jessie C White Vol. 5Q | 30 | 51. Sl. 82. 52. 52. B32, J3., 54 34. 56 36, 4374 37, 38) 40. 43 44 45 45 45 46 46 47 48 51 46 49 49656 50 +t | © Page 426 67 34. 247 | 208 34 351 401 957 a7 123 372 53h 243 78 224 594 ih.) 354 45 566 ‘651 6 240 672 [608 78 283 3 0) 493 1) 93 } 358) * 3 . —$ ~ pe a ne e a> a a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. RA gol INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS This Signature on sheets insures thei correct; . seein COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Fo locate names, cue o¢ SURNAME INITIAL, TAB and refer Bg-0.8. Paton. ( For Your Protection, Insist On ty COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 eee et SURNAME INITIAL TAD ana ‘shld testis Guidi ond etna debi, 8 -Index 6 h irae pean a aoa ae ; Patent 68—Copyzigh< . —— - i " U.S. Patent No, 148716 copyright 1930 ; i * -™ semen 5 . : = een nee een ene neneeeoee eeenceaneemneneeeneineee aeeaectgeenereetemeeememeereee eee ee ahem ie vu. pare Ne. 14871 : : i000 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page fiercaae. ad Sold by Ghonrver Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. — Iredell County, N. C. RECORDED a. - ue , DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED H NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER) = -}—————_ is DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED een a Ts om Camatan inet, © eas 8 cone Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEAT | Page " = Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page a Ge | | 4 . . + ~ sist 4 | J1928) 6 | 244 Clemment | w42145 ie Coddle Creek Tn} Jim Clemment Caroline Clemment [14 61 be 11931) 2 6] Clement pialter Raleigh iu iw [statesville NC | John M Clement Mary Jane Hoyden 16, i 1932) 8 5 Clement + Baxter Statesville NC | Sam Clements Emma Hargrave 418, 4.1932) 12 s| cLonent }Charles Albert Wl Statesville N JA Clement Malinda Nail 18. + ii s s 41933) 5 | { Clement | Jesse Frank mil | Statesville NC | BC Clement Lina Barber 19, vle 27 |_10/271 Clement ICornelia Boger |F W JStatesville NC H Borer Mary #1941 , + ’ 41952) 11 .9 10le ment ; = A | ebatesvil le NC} Wiliie Clemert Grace omyre [2955 9 22 Clement ; Willie | ) Statesville Walter Clement Mary Chambers an l a g e ya a ac u s s a m a a m m r m e m a i o e a i a ai aa 1964 ee. [Pienent | Dewitt C, Statesville Vewitt C. Clement Emma Holman + MN Sg Bt ee Clemmons | Flora | Statesville Tn Cal Griffin Zimaline Cain Glemons \Horace i Statesville NC | ; Clendenin \Wi2J4am s Turnersburg Tn Jno Clendenin ~ 10, 446 | Clendenin Mary Lois Statceville NC [weiter B Clendenin ary Ruby Pinnix bs | 415 2 | len den in James Fielden Statesville James Clendenin Susan Hodge le n t e ee RE re ee ee 50 __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DE ATHS = Iredell County, N. C. Oo villain oo te8 thelr correctsess. jocaty names, SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ‘ Ho aoe eee i AL iNDEX Ni ———__.. ; iiediiceideiiaithannaindencmciamnc MdbiemE a ore oo in okt —_— fen [Foor Proveion, Soe cap c.cnumae m Tame le ae Se Uk Pat Ne. 1T166~Gonrte fe NS RaTIAL Ta ad rte Bday Set nes Company. tambun oti ECORDED : ein ae eee a yesientes: cairo . 7 GATE oF oeaTH SURNAME OF DECEASED NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED 1 sa Tans tee ie ee on AED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH A a oe Vel | no "Tian | oe AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = fFyoT— f = a ' | * | | | Tns Jessie Click Isabel Tucker 4A! 54 be i 2918, 2 26} click Henry J | © }Bethany + 347 11936! 6 +4 Clendine Chambersburg Tn| S K Clendine Lelia Johnston 22; 43 4 2.| 4 I esse Tn | Jesse C Click Alice Maxwell 13 | 562 a 4 1927; 2, 4} Click | Henry Jess ;-O—furneraburg 1936, 6 | 14} Clendine Chambersburg Tn| S K Clendine Lelia Johnston 22, 44] jit } } j ! | - i Rid 7 iF hy 42930 | | tesville NC | C V Click Margie Owens 16) 4 Ft te ee. 93 | 10 {26} Click ; Mary .Sue |W ita 95 £3997 1). 22 Clendin ; Susan Hodges Cool Springs Tn] Sam Hodges ~~e-ee Connley 231.33 ‘ ki i 1936; 5 | 9] Click | Caroline , © ffurnersburg Tn | Barry Joiner - - 22) 650 _fe6o| 7 | Clendenin \Yoseph J, Statesville Jinen Chantents Susan Hodges 46 437 Lt 1938, 6 14] Click , Andrew Thomas ,C (Statesville Tns/ Jessie Click Emeline Sharpe 24 | 515 1960} 11/22]Clendenin Jessie Pade ia A eee oat ie i nn + ; at ¢ * itl o ; *t fv 4 jn 1939, 12 26] Click , Phenix Earnest , W. Davidson Tns Wyley Click Louise Barnhardt 24. 93 [1960 | 10, 17 Clendenin Jesse Click Morehead City Wi itis Ciendeete Belle Click 46 781 Hie 1939 9 291 Click Ossie C {Statesville Tn | Peter Eidison Betty Eidison 25 498 i ; ; j ; j i / Hn 1343); 6 64 Click | Greetle C jStetesville NC Jandrew T Click Ussie Mdison £9, 14) 1 rh Hid [2946 2 14 /C1iok | Alma Klutz , W |Stetesville NC |Luther Klutz Nency E Gluttet 32. 19 1 i t Lb Hi 1952, 1 (23) Click Nancy C | otatesvidle NC] Pink Norton Unknown 38, 35 ty i i ‘lotte NC ’ ‘g t Grah | ri | {ihe rea. | . i} | | 4 $ i | Hie A Pesca | iif | ; 1937 8 15] clifford , Henderson W Ki | W Statesville NC | Jno Wells Clifford | Louisa Wiseman 23, 431 | ! t} + i aye a Hk | i | OM es — Te a 11.19] Clipper Matt Shiloh Tns - - 4} 352 Li t ' : ; | | | ° | i} : ) | t i) 1 } | ord N935, 4 | 3] ciinara | Hattie J | | it Tre /C Statesville nc | Eleox Works Maggie B Wood | 341 a | } i R k R Qo 4 i | ’ ‘¢ _ | =a Mj “edkinv ile NC | in, “linard Fheobe ©. Brown 48 69 | | 4 | | | Cr ‘ | | ee | of + [nti nee - | i , , | ; “ateeres Jgmaees <a ’ . | | t feats eects a t ' ' | | ed }——t | a ental ane i | ¢ b | li et si Ws | ie . maf ; | | fact Jae at | ; : co t e ~ at * Li lee cule ee eine tae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. er | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Manatare a0 aheees ismeres thet! correement, FRG Te fovate names, SURNAME INIT vein ] ooo. = The © to — ~ per : ’ c UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by ‘The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ok! ae - : , & Patent No. 1437168—~Cepyright 1930 naan, ones { Forour Protection, Insist On It . to But Sub-lodex sheet tor page Teh anne ; ae u 2a ‘ © Bull Sub-Index sheet for page reference. a da saa = ~ a e 7 ™ i 5 men, ™ Sold by Observer Printing House, Chariotte, N. C. BRON ren —— )§ = a j I | ' | , ” | SURNAME OF DECEASED : | : : SURNAME OF DECEASED | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Pm oe AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVER | ee er shiineieiiasinaenaeeancitedbaseatenantenaniaiainionivenen a bs 4 ae Dt i lceetelln : ' j : i { j 7” i | i Caricho i _W [Bethany Tm George Lewis Caricho| Callie Mae Caricho a | | | John H ‘MW |Conoord Tns | Millard Cline | Mahalie Cline Carico Minnie C Henkes Gool Springs enders Senkes July Jones. a | | » W Mooresville Bob Cline | Stta Parker 2 a0 rico Charlie alien ,.W fj Statesville NC | Johnson Carrico Americus Payne ate 8 | | io W (Mooresville | J C Cline | Mary E Moose Rexania | N Statesvilie | David Drum Mattie Reynolds Woodrow Statesville W F Cline Annie Martin Zeb Vance 1 W Bethany Tns | C W C1ine Zelda Nicholson Perry Monroe It W Statesville | Cleero Cline Settlenyer P M { oW Statesville | Cheero Cline Caroline Siltenyre Thurn Harding ui VY Bethany Tns |C W Cline Zelda Nicholson Wilneta Elliott “4 Statesville NC |S E Cline Della Elliott Carrie itta W Mooresville N | H Barker Margaret Williamson Alexander Bethany Tns | West Holsclow | Tillie Frank - W Mooresville NC | Jc Cline Mary Moore Hattie I “ Statesville |C W Cline Mattie Cline | Reuben F w Statesville NC | Mathias Cline - | Symtha Alexander 24 | ~ i W Chambersburg Tn | J C Cline Pearl Brawly kooresville NC | Early Williams Cline Myrtle Howard Liooresville NC Harl im Cline ._Myrtle L Howard Zlsie May W Statesville nc | WP Cline Dellie May Reed | Mooresville NC JOseph C Cline Mary Etta Moore 4 | | Charles Jr : " Mooresville NC | Charles Cline Sr Perthe Webster William H W Statesville NC J P Cline Nannie Fish | ie i Statesville Tns = F Cline 4dith Johnson jannie Bell 7 Mooresville NC | J W Ciine Carrie Propst Chas Winfield | M W Statesville Tns | Me Ricoul - ~ t Statesville Tns |M N C1ine Edith Cline L Chambersburg Tn | M F Cline | Edith Johnson | 50 Arthur Hubert 7 Btatesville NC |AH Cline | Dthel Troutman 435 WB | Statesville NC | Davidson Cline ,4maline Miller 4 | 3545 ; ! : |Mary Joan ,W [Coddle Creek Tr Guy EH Charles a Flora Fostér : | rn |Carrie C Smyre |Statesville NC |Wm.P Smyre , Sarah Ann Beader 25, 335 aan i. i a de a eae : ’ ! | | ni charles Fr Fseter Jy Mt W Door: sville No [Frea iz Charles, sr Loules 6 ae | fo i | |Statesville Tn |L Roy Cline | Louise Boovey 25 1126 Charles William Mc-/ M _W fooresviiie NC John Charles Laura Crotts ‘ Dollie Mae Reid F wy | stat. ville NC a. 2 Ried | Victoria Brown 2 317 coeucen acini . - i | | | | | | eee Charles Flora FW [Mooresville Horace Foster + Sarah Thompson i Lilie Susan W |Concord Tns F OQ Robertson Mattie Custis Howard | Chel Blmer |Stetesville NC |F D Cline Maude Holdsclaw | ; ' ; Tce ee Sal ie ’ ia Joseph Coskie | Coddle Greek Jems A Cline ®esie Little | | Petricia ann IStotesvilie NC {Bleke Daniels Lours Nell Gline Cerl Lee Mooresville NC John Pinkney Gline Eppsie Glerk Jane Alice K Statesville NC jSenue1 Killion Frances Faye . Everette Glenn | Statesville NC | John C. Cline Mar tha Arthurs Mary Pearl Hayeb F iy wlatesvilie NU | Gaston Hayes Vornelia Marlow 54 ir es e = = ut e =e Sa t e ~ _ mm a A + Mo d . ap e $2 is I a ae ow e n . gr e e n = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — lredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — D (corto UNIVERSAL INDEX No. ba Nag. U.S. Yat. Of. For Your Protection, Insist On Te Bla i is a. pease o Bul a set br pace core cancaenamuaanamanaaasiaeedeemmeaenetn ———— — — gihut ——— —— eee ame ca SURNAME EP ‘Grn om Sex Color ie PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = = 1 i ~ 1950 ad il | Binghem M | W_| Mooresville Colemen Cline Ellen » Cline 56| 20 1911 4 as Clodfelter | 1951 5 gia Cline Charlie C M iW jiteteavilie NC Daniel Cline Adeline Deal ee 512 1927) 9 | 13 Clodfeather 11951 5 |5 Iciine | Charles Websten M iW IStatesville NC James Lawrence Cline] Dora Ila i’ox 57 |276 1920, 3 12.5 Clodfelter 195 | 6 6 |crine | William P, M Wi] StatesvilleNC { joinn Cline Olivia Plyler 39) 278 1920, 4 | 5a Clodfelter 1955, g, 31 Cline Robert Honey M W| Iredell John H. Cline Fannie Cline Hd 418 1923) 3 | 8) Clodfelter 1955 10 | 2h] Cline Stillborn | Fiw Btatesville NC | Frank Shelon Cline | Bonzie Delois Cook h1 467 1923; 1 (211 Clodfeiter 11956 5 weces Stillborn r nl Seatesthie NC] - = * Faye Sebastian Cline 42 26g 1924. 2 21 Clodfelter 1957 11 7/Cline | Mary Etta FW Si John A Moose Margaret Eades 43 517 i925, 2 1 Clodfelter | 1959 3 1p Cline Marvin Love M W [Statesville Chalmers O “line ! Fannie B Valligher | 45 a 1927, 1 ua) Clodfeller - a | ol Gee 3 | priv Istatesvinre Dallas D Cline | Bettina Marable {46 | 498 | ‘1927 1 20) Clodfel ter 1960 11 12) Cline, Sr. Earl William |M Ww | “11mington NC fharles Cline i Webster | | 778 | ail s ‘zal ett nee ‘aia 10 28 Cline Charlie Wilson) Mow | Mooresville NC | Colie “. Cline | Marie He ss | 47 529 2 el 5 ‘el Clodfelter | 1961 7 12) Cline Gery Stephen mM 6€«W ! Winston-Salem /Glenn E. Cline | Carolita Summers 47 448 ! 1933 a.jah | Clodfelter | 1962 9 12 Cline Anna Belle Marth nF W | Statesville Pagan Martin | Ellen McCombs 47 446 11935; 2 1| Clodfelter | 1962 12 21) Cline Charlie C, | M Wl Statesville | Unknown | Addie Brown 48 693] 11935, 12 6! Clodfelter [1963 4 14 Cline Robert P, M W| Statesville Arthur 4 Cline Ethel Troutman AD 237} 11937, 3 26| Clodfelter 11965 4 11) Cline Robert [Mw Statesville R B Cline | Laura C Yherrill 51 217 1937, 12 as] Clodfelter 1965 5 ie | Cline Eva F Wy Statesville Wm G Fuléer Martha A Stanfield 51 204 ‘ein 5 a| Clodfelter | 1965 6 28) Cline Lillie MH * Ww Statesville —|—_ Jamies -w-HoldsclawRitta Harwell 5X 371} Per 10 Si] GLedtelver ei. 1 4. }1945| 2 |21| Slodfelter | 11945! 2 | 6lctodreiter | 1945, 7 |17\|clodret ter | 1947/ 8 | &4iClodfelter 1948| 6 (20\Clodfelter | | 1950 | 11/11) clodreiter | 1951| 5 \12} Clodfelter | | L953 | ll | 3 | Clodfelter | | 1956 2 |27 Clodfelter 1956 4 | 4|/ Clodfelter | 1956 12 3 Clodfelter 1958; 6 |27 Clodfelter | | | 19588 | ed Clodfelter | | h98 | 8s |i Clodfelter | | | boos 3 14 Clodfe1ter | ; 1960) 2 | 20) Clodreiter | | i 1964 10 | 14 Ciodfeiter | ; 1965 2 4s Clodfelter ‘ } ‘ | sll ii ~<ipl et . a @ re ; i SURNAME OF DECEASED a AND CISTI TAME, © Gir 1 Gove = locate names, open at SUR \) T 4 | Daniel | Glenn \Jane Rebecca Alice a2 Margaret Louise Maggie John L Ethel L Catherine V Belva Uster Amanda Keith Josephine Ruby Lee Brown Thomas C Sex to ae Sub. todos chest 6 for page reference. | Color | PLACE OF DEATH ii ” | { i W | Fallstowm Tns | W | Barringer Tns | W |Fallstown Tns | W | Barringer Tns ! W Fallstown Tns W |Fallstown Tns W Davidson Tns W Fallstown Tns_ | W |Fallstown Tns W Fallstown Tns W Statesville NC W Fallstown Tns W Statesville Nc W Fallstown Tns Fallstowm Tns | W | Statesville NC | W Pallstown Tns W Statesville Tns | Yevid wetter }Georgia anna fletea Ann “ary Jane \Thomas Cullen (Margaret Jane | Elizabeth iMrs Ada Roby Adolphus | Stillborn | Thomas Iasiah | Troutman / Martha Jane / t 1 " if | Minnie Sarah Otho Andrew | Cletus M. | | Ulyses Alpa Luther Ine z | Henry NAME INITIAL TAB and refer NAME OF FATHER Daniel Clodfelter L S Clodfeather Cullen Clodfelter T I Clodfelter Richard Carscaden | Milas Clodfelter | Sidney Arthus Gilispie Woodsides | Daniel Clodfelter Luther Clodfelter Joseph Clodfelter James Cristy David Goodman Ira L Clodfelter Clodfelter | Jd L Brown DS Clodfelter | t H 4 EAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. de by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Seid’ by Obeerver ne House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER | Katherine Bustle | Ada Parker Lillian Hethcox Annie Bailey sebecca Scott Fannie Clodfelter Kallie Jones Nancy Troutman Jane Cascaddon M Lillie Parker waren Arthurs Clementine Bustle Mary Ann Goodman Lillian Ervin Daisy Ostwalt Sereh Clodfelter Jone Gascsedden ances eid Julie Ervin Martha Troutman Jane Caskaddon ‘Jane Cascadden Jane Ervin | Mary Janw Martin Alliene Brannon Joseph L Clodfelter | Margaret Arthurs F W Falls n Tns ) Us id Vlodfelter Ww | Stat le NC I @ Clodfelter F W Coddle vreek Tn |Williem A Martin MW (Iredell County ff L Clodfelter WW (Statesville Ne [Daniel Clodfelter F Statesville NC Ipanie) Clodfelter } Statesvills NC |Jacob Parker /M W Davidson kural bavic W Clodfelter | M_ W/ Mooresville | witris Jones Clodfélter \M w Statesville NC fiwl Statesville John J. Troutman FP | W /Statesville Daniel Clodfelter MW Moore sville Pavia W Clodfelter M wl. Thomas © Clodfelter M ow Btatosvinie Daniel Clodfelter mM WwW |Mooresviite Kress E. Clodfeltor M Ww Statesville Joseph Ylodfelter F 7 Moo resvi lle Wasson 4 Wilcox | | ‘Eliz. I, Waugh Jane i} | | Mary J Martin “ascaddon | cs | Fannie © Hethcox I Jane Cascaddon i Nancy F. Ballard Margaret Arthurs Marg ret Sparks i | a i | iy 4; 178] Hi 6. 424 I 6 571) Lf 9} 97] 9, 100 |10, 96! jl 132 a 162 113 163 LI 14 390 ue | I; 15, 198| i 19, 244) ‘h jaa, 196] Ii |2a 211| i 23, 335] | |23 120 li log. 492 if | | 51, 147} hy 9 52, 225) J) | 33 36 | i Isa 376 | Hi ‘ 17> 271 it lan 2s0 | |i b7 607 | hh 42 ist {lh \42 210 42) 586] |) laaisei | || 44408 | || he 589 I 45 134| 46, 129 50.593] | } + 54 2 4 } d z ta xt re =e wg e r a u b e n e pt e pe s c u m e sa g e ee . Seas tis tt tee eee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — kredell County, N. C. eso woex to viva. STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 — — 2 Signatore on sheets correctness. —" |AME TAB and refer Patent No. 1437168—Cop f OTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 “ This re on ingures their To locate names, open at SUMN. INITIAL U. & o yright 1980 Cc To locate names, o at SURNAME INITIAL T. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohi Reg. U.8. Pat. Off. F or Your Protection, Insist On It. __ te o Bull’ Sub-Index sheet for a NSN {censuses ——— saree U. & Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyrigh ht 1930 Bee Sey Pag ‘t Stade theet ‘ a pose reference, and refer ee ae Fodeg Commans, Selveeinen, Ok wa somrane _ me — sity T — anaes SS ee 1 RECORDED a DATE OF DEATH EAS OF MO ™ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED SURNAME OF DECEASED Sx Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER Ae THR AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 18 ivew Sm air | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME. OF FATHER E NAME OF MOTHER We oo Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN i SR Mise ee Nau ae) : i on — s | Neabliaiiegat ea a! sclleni tails inal pe Se oe ; l I sed eensesamtccecccn ANAS | r | ‘ | | . | | | Mooresville Colemen Cline Ellen & Cline 1911] 4 |18 Clodfelter | Daniel 1 W | Fallstown Tns Daniel Clodfelter | Katherine Bustle pea | 1950 1/14 Cline | Binghem M |W i] | } | {13; Clodfeather | M.. W | Barringer Tns L S Clodfeather Ada Parker { i Adeline Deal | 1911] j } | mm 195] 5 20 | Cline | Charlie C M iW Faia iebiek ts NC Daniel Cline f | 7 1951 5 (5 |Cline Charles Websten M iW iste tesville NC jJames Lawrence Cline} Dora Ile i*ox 2 1920) 3 ft | i | : 7 | v | |15) Clodfelter | s “ W |Fallstown Tos | Cullen Clodfelter | Lillian Hethcox | StatesvilleNC Jorn Cline Olivia Plyler | H |31] Clodfelter Glenn i W Barringer Tns | T I Clodfelter Annie Bailey 'y 6 té tons William P, M ; 95 | Gite ' 1920, John H. Cline Fannie Cline 1955; @ | 31 Cline , Robert Henry | M W| Iredell 1923) W atesville NC Frank Shelon Cline Bonzie Delois Cook re ny : i F Bt tesville = } ; " 11923) oe Clodfelter |Alice W |Pallstown Tns | te Fannie Clodfelter Clodfelter Jane Rebecca Y Fallstown Tns | Richard Carscaden Rebecca Scott {] i I i] ' 1955 10 24 Cline Stillborn 5 18 Cline Stillborn | W | Statesville Nc| - : | Faye Sebastian Cline| 42 | i. 11924, 2 |27| Clodfelter gy = W Davidson Tns | wiias Clodfelter Kallie Jones lo . | w te nA | . ad 3 =f | 11 7/Cline _ Mary Etta “ |Statesville John * Mocse | Margaret Eades 11925) | 7) Clodfelter Margaret Louise ¥ Fallstown Tns | Sidney Arthus Nancy Troutman I - : ny ; - | 3 Cline Marvin Love | W | Statesville “halmers O “line | Fannie alligher ! Pre | | | i : ed | 4 ' ge 11927, .14) Clodfeller Maggie ” Fallstown Tns | Gilispie Woodsides - ‘ ” | | ; Be | a | | S | 8} Cline x |Statesville Dallas D Cline ettina Marable a (1927, |20) Clodfelter John L iW Fallstown Tns | Daniel Clodfelter | Jane Cascaddon 1l 12 Cline, Sr. Earl William | M |“iimington NC fharles Cline | Bertha Webster | i 1928 | Sines tern tient -¢ ob iiaideee oa no aap er sg sia el 28 °line Charlie Wilson) M | Mooresville NC ee * §6Cline tai He sg a ‘1929 | | Cloafelter Minchin & en ii tania pitas. 12 Cline Gery Stephen MW) Winston-Salem | Glenn EB. Cline j Carel tte Summers | | 11933 | | Clodfelter Belva W Statesville Nc James Cristy Clementine Bustle 12 Cline Anna Belle MarthnP W | Statesville Fagan Martin | BLien McCombs 1935 Clodfelter Zster Amanda W Fallstown Tns | David Goodman Mary Ann Goodman | i i 4 t 21) Cli Charlie C, | M W! Statesvi ; U | Addi f | 1) Cline harlie C ' W) Statesville nkno wn | ddie Brown | 1935. | 81 Clodfelter Keith . W Fallstowm Tns | Ira L Clodfelter Lillian Ervin 14 Cline Robert P, |} M Wi} Statesville Arthur 4 Uline | Ethel Troutman 371 | : | | 11937, |26) Clodfelter , Josephine W Statesville NC | Henry Clodfelter Miller i | 4 11} Cline Robert i | Statesville R B Cline | Laura C “herrill ne | { | { } = “ 11937) Clodfelter Ruby Lee Brown W |Fallstown Tns | JL Brow Nola Deal 5 i24} Cline Eva Statesville Wm G Fulé@er Martha A Stanfield 9u) ie | : | ais : { | ; as 1938! , 8) Clodfelter ,Thomas C . W | Statesville Tas | DS Clodfelter Daisy Ostwalt 6 28] Cline LillieMH | Statesville | “ : | atesville James W Holdsclaw Ritta Harwell ! lio4s! | | clodrerter Devid Welter u ere pase i aiid i Nae aan . pac : ; ie nS ! >. ' " vlodfelter ;}Georgie anne Fallstown Tns } svid Clodfelter Yone Gascadden a ~ a 1 + 2 ir" ¥ Q+o+ . | » WNW 7 . - 5 sted+e- er Trote va ccitit : muatesville NC I sre dfeitep TTSMces Axeid Y i! Clodfel ter “sry Jane Coddle Vreek Tn! |/Williem A Martin Julie Ervin Clodfelter ‘Thomas Cullen Mi W |Iredell County F L Clodfelter Martha Troutman | Clodfelter Margaret Jane Statesville Neo Pantel Clodfelter _ Jane Caskaddon Clodfelter | Elizabeth W | Statesville NC |Daniel Clodfelter | Jane Cascadden Clodfelter [Mrs Ada Coe states © NC Jacob Parker Jane Ervin Clodfelter Roby Adolphus |M W Pavidson Rural Pavia W Clodfelter | Mary Janw Martin Clodfelter | Stillborn | M | Mooresville Willis Jones Clodfélter Alliene Brannon Clodfelter Ss M Statesville NC} Joseph L Clodfelter Margaret Arthurs i routma | Clodfelter ‘Martha Jane / f Statesville John J. Troutman ‘Eliz. I. Waugh Clodfelter | Minnie Sarah | i |Statesville Daniel Clodfelter \Jane Vascaddon | | | ed Clodfelter | Otho Androw | Moore sville bev ia W Vlodfelter | Mery J Martin | 1 | Clodfelter | Vietug M. - Thomas © Clodfelter | Fannie » He thcox 14 Clodfelter Ulyses Alpa Baa Daniel Clodfelter Wane Cascaddon 20) Clodfelter | M Ww | Mooresville Kress E. Clodfeltor Nancy F. Ballard 19 Clodfelter M w/ Statesville Joseph Ylodfelter Margaret Arthurs I 7 Clodfelter Fl | Moo resville Wasson A Wilcox Marg iret Sparks | || 56 DEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS = Iredell County, N.C ___ | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C 5% This Signature on sbects insures their correctness. oar Te locate names, open at SURNAME BaTtAS. TAB and refer U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ita t — — LTT. — Ae a ? c : ee ee e—eyeE>>—E——E—————— <i Uk Patent Ne. 1437160—Copyright ite ie Re ee eens aa Tats SURNAME INITIAL TAB and reer Bold by Observer Printing House; Charlotte, Se. ; 5 RECORDED = an re ' SS SS Ss ' ee oe Core Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER f— ~ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED ig enti 2 ay | Bie iccpeiaeeii ila i a a be: sine se cr | oat | Oy AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GiVEN | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ve.l Page Te ee ~ aa T ' fess oer | | | | sy | bel | ie . gemia 1921) 5 " 27} Cloer - W M o6W Statesville no William Cloar Mary Bush 11.365 He ; + { j } | i j i 1) hile a J {---# : i | hii abt lit ces 934+ FH Cloer _ r J Herman M_.W }Cool Springs Thi John C Cloer Mary Hall Cloer 16|._99 He at HE i ! | ci i : HE 4 i | ____—_—_ 4930] __4 | 2244 Cloer 7 PW {Statesville Ts} Sherrill Cloer Bell Brown 16;}..587) i i i naif bc oa ie i | | | ete , 13 Closer + Jacquela FW | Statesville Nc John Benge Aweli Hamrick 16,422 +} 4) ABE: H i ‘. | i \ i e 1 a hi q | ee ail 42222) 8 | 31) Cloer , Sarah Martha FW | Sharpesbureg Tn Robertson Cloer Lavina Byers 18) 249 a) a (od ae } 1 \ ES | iy y i; ie ‘| 5 | | -— 4.19331 1} Cloer | }Robert M M | W.{ Chambersburg Tn} Thomas Cloer Addie Vaughan 19) 16 i 7 lI j | i 5 | ts a ‘ieicliuaisliaasal 1234, —1_, 19} Cloer }_s F,W | Bethany Tns Roy Cloer Ellen Head 20, 14 | | | oe | 1937, 6 | 9} Cloer ; Chas Lester M iW {Stetesvitle nc | John I Cloer Bettie Lambert 23, 390 | } | | £ Qa Waahi + + r ter ~ * | | sr8so | 9 | 5 loer james Washingtod M | w | Statesville Nc| Flake Cloer Media Sharpe 26 420 { ‘ 3 a : Nene Pe | 945) 2 | 2icloer wlohn Ivey Aj} UoStatesville Nc |¥ Cloer almeda Shurpe a2} S30 ti j " i 7 t t : a wr | 94% | 6 12 lancer 2 Washington } Mo. W Moncord Tns Whit Conrelius Nartha Gloer SO . 244 {| t ' ‘ nl : © t i | 1945, 12 (50 |Cloer ‘inoch Livingstod MW Chambersburg Taga M Cloer Mollie Ellis Sl, 475 | 1947.10 12,Cloer | Robert Burton | Mw IStatesville NC | John Cloer Mary Clodfelter 33,504 | I \ . ‘ ' | 4 GLY | 2 \13 Cloer | - “| Ww narwony wu Nalvey Vilay UVioer mMOLLie Lee peupge +5 YR Hi ‘ ' / d } L a | iy I | | hous | Jl 24 | Cloer Jerry Glenn Mi etatesville NC | Vance Glenn Cloer Nettie Heua 35 | 128 ‘ | sine 1954| i 19] Cloer | Fannie Benge F |W [Statesville NC | John Benge slmete Hamricks HO | 101 | | Lambert | 7 ci 195% | 12 | 5] Cloer Mary Elizabeth/| F , 4 | “ooresville NC] Bill Lambert - 40 557 | 2956) 5 14] Cloer Elizabeth Brom| Fw Statesville NCj Alfreg M Brown —_} £i-ste—M-Brogn——__ H i i 957 3} Cloer_—__—_——wnorma Faye F Wi Troutman N C ~ Kachel Poole 43 215 if — — ~ + , ; I Maa baseline ae 1958 j ) \28 Cloer a hi State sville A} fred WU loer Fr once es f, Lingcle 44 214 ; ' f | edie Hib) f " K | i 1964 2 7 loer Varrie bell HH, b W Statesville Hence ae Myors Hannah Harris 46 63 | i | j - ' + + . E { ~ i i | a | { | : e : : : ; an | | lal goer 8 19] Sloer | Stillbo rm M | W [Statesville Archie E Cloer Yoris A Casper 48 465 | i a | : : f # " | | g | pected tl } { \ ; Y ‘ f | f ; i ; | I j ¥ I | | Pers oo i whos | | | 11924! 10 {251 Clontz. Ethel Lovaine |F |W {Mooresville NC | Calvin Clontz Jennie B Hunsucker |10/ 218 | 1 a a | r i : ———44921) 8 +4 iClontz {= M iW |¥allstown Tns WH Clontz Cora Minish 13/172] He | | : : 0.943 | 9. John Wesley MW Dovidson Tns John Clontz , 29; 347 i 4 I T 7 ' ci . | } HANGSey Yee m 4 W [Statesville Nc John S Clontz zynthia Freenen 5O| 464 } \ ' ; ; ; | - : ub | Louise Catiwering F | W | hooresville NC] John Collins Louise Coilins 23) als til | | James M W} Troutman John slont z Cathe rine Collins 4G 75 | ! | | | : i | nen oan nein ———— | | | ; i il | en penned 4 | t | | —-++— ! | | — — : | Sead. ye | finesse since ‘ ie ' e ae “ j i 4 P + ii attained | ——— | Ne ae a i ‘ bb he ‘ 58 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredel! County, N. C. ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. - f This Signature on sbeets insures thelr correc-nese. BREF Te locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COPTCD_UNIYRRSAL, INDEX Me tg ——~_ te BS aaacinicemealinenneneicennin bcos Net Vad Pat, Off, For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page MNO a a ie ____U.8. Patent No. 1487188 pyrig’ iste ™ Pi eckacmiil COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 i ee ee —_—— — aeaeaEeaEeaEeEaEeEE Eee ee, U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 EH Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer sik ta tinc eneaaaer Cdlcie duce tae : eee era | i = = ee eeeeeenasaeneee ese = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. aa = ‘ ™ en - - - nage RECORDED Hee no Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a DATE OF LEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ee Moa sess 4 ne a | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1940, 4 12 | cassei1 Walter Judson iu iw | Moorasvilie no | - Alice Banks 26, 200 2a Vol. Page Si i ER SINE Le a tae IO i el ni j Yeu | Month | Oxy AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 4 1919, 8 | 3] Cloninger Robert L ea, ' j | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED a + —4 — Statesville NC | © L Cloninger | Sarah R Loyin 5 159] Mooresville NC | Jas H Clonigar | Jennie Morrow _—s a 23] ' hid Ja9221 2 22 Clonigar | Robert _H Tt = = . | Ht 1923, 6 13] Cloaninger | Jennie ; ; | ; + | > sa t i a t e aa d < = . LW 4 Mooresville NC | Robert Morrow | Rachel Rankin __ 9) 198] | Mooresville NC | Henry Cloaninger | Lucinda Rankin. 11, 161} | : \w | Statesville nc | LF Clooninger | Le Nora Frye 12) 536 = | {i }1925 1 22] cloaninger | Francis Alex es | I 1926, 9 |23]| Clooninger | Thomas G | 3 Fm & & wi e — } SS | HL 1927) 22 | Cloniger | Sarah Koon LW Barringer Tns John_Y Cairn _Dovie Henry 13; 4 oe | ate 19315 | 3 Cloaninger | James Henry ,W | Mooresville NC | Henry Cloaninger Lucinda Rankin 17,189 ni | HEL he | ——-- 1 Pt eh TH 1931 6 18} Cloanninger | Eliz Morris F |W {Mooresville NC | Samuel Morris ~ - 17) 196 ae i i " ‘ 2 ———-— " T ’ j ! ' i i : , Hi 1932, 8 5] Cloniger + Henry Alfred M |W | Statesville NC | M Clonniger Anna Sigmon 18) 44) ! | hh das Ht pecs 2 17 Rloaninger ‘roy Rankin M WI Statesville NY | Francis Cloaninger Fannie Haithcox 4s hos J i i : | | u r Me R964 , 4 [le | Vloaninger Jettie F |W b tatesville “urner Ost walt vallie Clark 50| 197 ; | aah a ' +4 ; 1964 11 3 Cloaninge r Edward M W Troutman Edward L Cloan ing er Sal ly Cavi n 50 639 1 ax 4 SSE SS selenite -— j t | | ; j ‘ j r as 5 ‘ amnat arr pon To Fr vor . | ‘ | a 1941 i i il2 Clampett At} ar Ley Li i J rallstown Tn 1} ora Cla 1 tt Kan lary Sneaks 2” 66 i A i j — a si m a en : c wa hy p ne h pe e n e e e g n e r e : iy r + A r as is a ~ : an p N e E = 2 tS ee s it ; it ih 4 { if y iv { ' s > Ye + oar - | | Hk ns - - . ——+ + ne + | ; } | | - - + a een f + * | ; i + ani Seat Bi asce = * . = + hihiilemafeiael eet. | | : | : 933) n 1933, 6, 84 Clyburn Henry Blease/ jM iW | Statesville nc | HB Clyburn Jr____| Gracie Parker 19 321 ' 1954 6 19] Clyburn IN V j | | ora Whitehead |F W | Moores, ' 1 | resville NCHA, J | - J. Whitehead j Unknown pc. SASh we. lel f | | | | | | a od } | ’ Bihindussd | + ny a sai - _— ee _ + ! + t oes ae ol bi tees + 4 errs, 7 on s as | ; | Tn tila —_————_—_ —q oo , | | | | | rane } | a —_ Am vidintasiiatit es ba es si — —_ ne —- = a + ~ -— — j | | winds l ae miesilie nl Daa ini ai bats Neti eemnticrenel ecceneinieeal anes, T - | ee eed - - _ | | neater Pee oa ee Po neeeaee —_ > — | : ee ee Arnelle "3 Fad MI i MS tis bala triad Pence wtie s am eal eieniiees — a ete oe oe _ | | 4 % ee a } ™ tlt ne ] 1 ones a t + + nal iii Misaidiilidaicale” a ._tini—n ——nl oe frases 4 | in Bh | + i eae Pte eatienertcnina aera id | i | i an neniet antictannenienitiie, E bi Peta hiiiesesassalin | — _ ‘ a b " t - oe. peat MEM a si) ta Le i Ba s , i Hed Lbs w/e * 4 Tr e s ie m e s . — ss a . at e = es e g i n e e He CEM Ret ht ahh a — eee 60 w- INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. eee Sor INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Ired . y — Iredell County, N. C. 61 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14. * To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Aadéy { Tole Signature on shorts insures thei a — U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 = sto Buff Sub-lndex sheet for page reference 8.Pat.of. { For Your Protecti oe ees ne? ait. ° . <A ; vctio ~ een sslasaieeaesieiitteasiiadichieacreaemnania ss Ce ic ee ‘on, Insist On It. VT ence COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 —— “oe oO atent No, 8—-Copyright 19390 Bae To locate names, open at SURNAME genni! Le alae mnil . INITIAL TAB and ref. } Som to B: SS refer Made by The Cott Index C , Columbus, Ohi mec cre . © Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, Sold by Observer Brigtias Hones Charlotte, NC. A ea ao ee Te eta nae iu He acinocenennoverwe” te \e emaee nwt nae en oot vereees sae SURNAME OF DECEASED | Te fi T Sex Color} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER iccuchtrkoed re eee ase : fe ih Deca Vou) Page | a ie aE OF DECEASED | | res ee Son er oar morc eemenediens | cat ; Year Month | Oay AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae 4 'f. —41943 12 (16 iGlouse George Fisher | M -| W iMooresville NC J- GU NaS ges tl OS aa ds cat en tele ae ko 29! 464 ed ie | —_ 7 41932! 9 (2k4iCharton ,Sarah Jane F C iStat il hy | { } ees } waleSville NC Lee Calfer Sarah vane Calfer 18 mat Bhi foils cata leeches ost Ok ee Ye oe pee ctl acco 2 S| 4220 408 | TT: eel Hh i ‘ T anaes : a is ional mr rae a if ae ela Bsc oe rg { H / ™ en mele r on ATCT CLC C CLOT ALT — nie ~The Ah an eke pee 1 NY i | | ra s | ; i ; i / j ; j | | ’ ’ + ee Pe a s e j j x ~~ e * Ie e e me Pe s ea n ot Le s . zo n b ~« = se . i cy 2a eennaninenrse —— Carden Gorin eOvdnetpe F C [Statesville Nc [PF Cc Garden I i ) the nn db ob iy “vy vVaraen mMAaLeILE Lovd 3 z 6 ) ¥ 4 2 +4 $1944 6 13 ehunn Sallie KlizabetH P yw ie £11 Sallie wiizabet F 6W Btatesville Nc Matthew Locke Chunn p therine Ford _ P a4 $ - —~—s = + a 3 | ty — | + — ~ | | > noeen cee — — + + } _ - ee ~ aia + _ a = - ope | + ———- + _ - | + _ - > ceeeemmasneliees cena : mi 3 7 , i _ ba Se cr nl ene, 4. | seen - Z - on | ee eeeeeeeessesesaeeesallssessesetsenssinennetesnimnneemenens | ete ee — Rata | ? + | a sonenteentibane i eet enter ~ ioe ee | ae nen pee | ; { i ; ——— rete _ i eee panel ereenae eee eet ateetleseceststensrsnnee - on eset | : | | j j | ee | roll ieee | ri dee cece * - pe — | | | | j | | | md ! | 1 pee staal sentaaaen Pr fe is | ro is : —] —+——— bape ae | | | snicesicadie gia Mer | | | . | | ; ee i I | ee m ’ ~ = - + * ¢ —— ee p——— — Peo eee - - > T ) 4 + —~ | j | _—n See a een ene aeeeeeseneetnsteeseenensine ' _ ~ = a _ ~~ + T + --#-—~ | nee aceasta ere cenissteseesseetestsnsinsnsnenann $$ | | ' a tenes — +> | | Ra nodes rae ee entice aan inioaresenaetatiescnneenpedeenmarsssclticendene | 7. + . ener fn lee | ee pe neerterernstsehaana heen —_ | | sae By Peele tl teeta a ee n s : : : ee e eS ee e pe Cass . tae , Mbidethey se ‘ ext on . INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS —lredell County, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. a ~ ere This shies on sheets iepsieeiiaaiees correctne ee | . ; INITIAL TAB ond aie ff. f For Your Protection i. a nO LRTICO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 a Ne il Batt srinden same F hcanahs i ss) ion, inate It. NY — “corTco UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 om . . : iad ; a a seamen Cee a aera SSS, ea ’ U.S. Patent No. opyright 198¢ ll © locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Seem - ; oe sae wo a a Se ae ae Naa —— Sse |=, | et TO 2 coeSeS = ee to Buff Sub- a. sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. RECORDED Sy er =sz3 at DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER iol ha ra 1 DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED x Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —_— fe Vol.| Page it ¢ Yew | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ' | 2 oo uoen ' f Se e ‘Stutesville NC | James Chatham — ) Mosley 7,38] | 1948 | 12| 1} Callette Robert Wes] we a ca 948 | tHe ; esiey MW Statesville \Q J w Cellette lizabeth Ijames 54.53 4 ha | w._| Statesville NC | Ben H Carrigan | Mollie Sweet 24278) = 31945 6 | 1] Chatham _ Delvine Carrigdn Fi Adams 45 173 Union Grove Wm. “hatham elem hee _ 1921.7 | 1M Chatham Lula Ff Ww RE RO T om a h a Pi n a t a i, n959 3 _1 Phatham Sarah F. F W ? ss l e a d a l s i o i t i l a s a i o a t s so it e m re Ri c c i n d jf is = Do Fr c s o> ee | | i | + A) } Fe c e s am p s pn e n n t a n i n l p i e n RE S I N E E 8e e R Pe n a aa gh § oe ad —h 67 dp ma c e i. ia te s pe e r re e r ee e BS U S ce ee i rt rt : | i 4 1 fe | i Se = = ° re n e g e ep ea e e r s y = . ‘ Se e aa h er e n c e ws | 1942 E 30 } Cameron dames 0 Mi W otatesville NC | Harding Cameron - 28 294 : 1948 2 11 [Cameron James Walt V } coe” | , j vo i 7am mes Walter M J Looresville N oO / M { zs UW C | Joe Woodward / Minnie Mobley _ eG Bo oe 1041 C as ie | | 3 aaaiaints £96i—2 27“ aneron——__———Delie, # 6 Statesvitiet— w—t._Compbel} _] Lucy—Parks AD 94 i | | an . _— - + i a | . Ton | cellist paisa 7 1 nae +4 -+ ec ca - - + ee re oe - _—- + , seeanterethnnieieneeinttienialinapill esac eee ie op hk - Diccseeleresnniinatincnae (rit rricteethntttessbeieiall ss | | ~— b siibihiaieadianiiai — a + en ee 2 ee ee ” - aie <element fee Tana tree — - od . + > at | | i om soseialiidiaianM aii aide ices al thet, | ] ies gis A ae: bl ethane etnias. lace 4 | | | | ; Mibicdiactiiiasiiites con me be — a | i] | ies ili “aoe —— on rar ee t— -——-—_—_— —~ ~ + ? ; } ee —~ —— af este | | stl eel eee ae lt simeaemamees wom on + + re r e a d b 4 ideal Pietttaecenienisee ane ponies 4 } op l e c u n e a p h u a e m m n g h o n e e e p i o e e t sa c a r sa t p r o ? or ae s er 7 wi p h e St a EE ee e oo DEX T — Iredell County, N. C. - INDEX TO VITAL STATISHCS = DEAT HS. — et == INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. y . This Sigeenare on ere tonates thelr a correctness, Wii. ; enn a reeeetnensneeenest ‘ SURNAME INITIAL “TAB and veler j For Your Prot ~, COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Te locate names, oom, cant comn-06 § sheet for pase reference, ane Bag PS OF. ° ection, Tnsist On It, " COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 - a _ See U. 8. Patent No. 14STIGS—Copyriaht 1980 aay Neaitbe techie SURNAME INITIAL TAB at to Buff names, open at $ veler Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing a Carats, N. ©. ; U.B, Patent No. 1437168—Coepyright 1930 si ™ = ee RECORDED um . ee ae — SS Ser eee —ceeerenneeenen Se ones DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED tex | cow | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER maT ee bare OF veaTH | iatiokiie OF DECEASED | nn ==" ¥ AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ’ EAS er Month Day f :, Year | Month 3 ad E AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME: OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae t j Ee SE eT oasis | ; Vol.| Page Lt f . __|Corinia Kichardson oe | 1 LA ee J9OL9 | 7 11 Iohgerin Abner Columbus MW -fiatasriile NG _|James L Chaffin Chaffin 35,261} on: ae 1952] 7 [L& | Calhoun | Wa ymon utc he | ) 4 0531 6 Cheff3 ahem ne : sion Greve. 8G ames Chaffin Cornelia Richerson/ Bo | 2. i. eed a iv tatesville NC George Calhoun ba S| et ee ial eich a f 2953, & | Chaffin John A. _ pM |W [Union Gro ve, NC Memes COREE / BS | 252] 1965, 5|1@ Calhoun | John etl eorge vatinoun Mary Jane Calhoun 36}385 Seri in, a tatesville Waymon T Calhoun Sf. Lillie Harper bl | 289 ey ae | ee Ae iktiical diesen tact. ie | Bo etait in Hip I a aided dena i i | ; sap sailiil ‘ , “AE ee mee | al “ | tj : 1 ' a i | : a Yi ‘ } t "S Pa | i " * i t + iy lia + + } i Pa Pe i ‘ a | hl: 4 | + ie t ; j i F : | i — + \ | ‘ ee ae f T t f {P| — i . — bischead h | ' dae j 4 + + ey Ly T a : j % | a7 ; i eae am t Me + qi : A ees ed | . | — ceed + —— inseam . es - sremiesineil ert eatiertietinctintitaeniaaiti i Rail -——- - + | | | Salad | ¥ T 7 T } % i iiiaaiaaieli lie ii ee a) + j —— reeset nn ee ee isseeetiniiese o 4 | \ ad j ; | iP aren - ——_f+-—+- ee i cn. ech eee ; i : 7 — ~_— nil einen | went | t cesses penn riences ej ese eesti ht eee ities bat i | el eneesesnensiestiaeeineeeeal sence. ——j¥— } BI a ca “es - | el ttt ma j lta } = Ss i nee | | nt bi Reed + “ | “I naan | | Oe acid, -* Presta sandal | tracert eae sae cute ———— soa s "7 } Bde or A ican eee ae: — niet Prete cine sites se ieee inelenasimten KE id {h * Mi pe e ei n e n ca ti n t s Ee e ee ™ Pa d ee en e “S e a = * 2 A. i -. - - . Sr o v e n a r p e c e e r e e e ie 78 142) 162. | 146 Burton : Mfre. Cote Patent Index Syetems -B ar NAME OF MOTHER || Ella B Partee | Dor othy A. *imonton 1 rz | Wilma | fl | THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio a ~% tl a " _ a = oO @ = “4 © Le e £, 3 6 a we e ta } ? s = 3 = a oe z Zz 4 © i. 2 = A w« i =: = = —— — — — — — = —— — — — — — — — — — —— — — — - = URNAME i PLACE OF DEATH | | Mooresville NC | Mooresville Mooresville i I | | SS Sex | Color C C | ! $ Fic F M | j | | i } | STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | Mary Louise Robert Daniel SURNAME OF DECEASED INDEX TO VITAL | | | COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1988 A-122559 Carr | 22) Carr Carr Day 2k j | | | | } | | Month | h | | | os DATE OF DEATH 1953 1955, 1960) 2 » >i. LAAT RN NAME OF MOTHER en in ANY SN i NAME OF FATHER A a a sheet for page reference. naa at SURNAME INITIAL TAS and refer Index andes nin Cor | PLACE OF DEATH | | Ee ee Bell Sabet ee n s ee e > t.' ar ~~ ae 7 ~ wi So - _—" m i p Ded ar tt er eee kaa seaieedinios ete INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | die i ¢ — ! i | For Your Protection, Insist On It. ‘This Signature on sheets ineures thelr corrects ess, rf Ba talotl: ‘ail Meg. U.8. Pat. Of. DATE OF DEATH : : 7 lp s an na t —— es ir a AE ER ie ea t gt i ie . - ee e ep t i n n e e cn cr e d na m o ap h s i b a e s s ne a t =n c s n a e e m a i o e a s sa c i : ey r e n w t e r n p m e n b a e m c e c a d e Sa p t e lr e r c n e n e n c n e n e a n c e r e ee e e m e m e e n c e n s a m e s n s n a i e u m m a n p s n t i n n s b e e n s s = aE a an g i ae a aa d ad i p i c — == = =? - =— = . - — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX en ‘ » a¢ SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer oa PRORE Ne. 1-4 a eo i reference, ea vj arene corrce UNIVERSAL pNDEX No. 1-4 " ~~ ; meas mapets opyright 1988 66 > loca: by De® het £, SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio ( 69 ) . eee Ka Identiying Trade Matt } niet x cheat fer pase ee a | | | as | See | : ee ” =. 3 ee Fae eas cana —= = sheet for page ref. a " DATE OF DEATH | S ee = = : a erence, Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B ; SURNAME OF DECEASED E OF MOTH q a : é cs cil ! Sex | Color TH | NAME OF FATHER NAM ER ‘| aon Tom | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS SIVEN ae On ee ’ tees SURNAME OF DECEASED | | % siisinaieiaiaiaeamoncicci shinsies — = Set | : Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Coter | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER ———— if : —<— erreeateeeeee se iy li { | i Vol, | Page 1 ; Poe im ' | t é 4s INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — ——— ee = eee = SS SS ee — ro oo wn ereemene mone spceessenretuannnsienenseumnee oman eseeerguennaneereeonasnceensaupeneesannemen — me tee ] + = += —= 4 a eft a mn a a teem —_——— i ne — t } + j t | p W oes : i Jetton | . t | Mooresville NC) William Franklin Jekton Lenora Sifford/ |39 381) + ¢ # <a Se eS | | t | eee EC | | a Laie | _[1953| 8 | 22] Canipe Edna Viola i I I | | | hd | Ed ee | | | | | | | | | | ie | | 1 SS 4 + | t | } i } i t ‘ | i} re tt bia | | | | bie | i of nid i | + has) a i i | eH re i] i it ) PRRs 14 + iI ij i eet | | TH Ghee | | PERE) | ee). mt | etm tsa tt I ee ee ee i | | 1 ag eid a4 } I i OUR ET | i i ie SBE | | re | I i i 1a hi | | | | er WEP) i i ij \y | i | {| eB i 1H Bde i 4 i | + ee | ” i t | | | | | f | i I | We — ab e ~~ ee e + > ah Sp ! i | j j + om « v Se — ee s et = ; j +r < —= = — 2 —— — > —— — — — = —— — — — _ — fl | | ah Pee ss 1 I f | i“ | = | ™ ss oe 3 atten a eee | | | == = ~ —— — $F +- — _ ~ J } | | io } | “os — nn | | | * |} j——}—_| J | T ‘ | 1 —etmee : | ee pee a . 4 soaps «<< cf nai nena | | t ee | I | | ae F | | | , | | | | | | ! } | | | | | . - | p iio erica | | | 4 actors | | ! | " i i 4 | t ~— | I i na | | | | : ea ‘ | oi | | — —- | | . | 7 aie waited niga 4 } eS eset cadh a Me il —+_| | | | I eee tree ee Pe : | rn Kit een Posten prensa -_ ee ee sehen An nee ca aeeeaetttenremnseer omnes reed enseiao - Me, a eee ses ut e Se e e e e e t i o n ta a l ( 140, 60 | a | St —— tl s ig ei ww or E ii s or t 8 E is a 76 1 ; O oe ) ‘. Ey = As © 62 ) Oo 2/ 8 9 ] ; ° « 7. ba | Ss Z 88 ) 2 | & _ BE hy = $5 ! 5 S i p e n c e e e c e c e d es t SE S = - $e =< ¢ sa s n i u i n l i l b e n i n i n i t a lh ie e n e d i a m l i m i i a c e Et a t « (3 8 > —— “O o es in t 3 Ei s a < IO a ne t ce pe O 5 s | : © XN j | 3 3 i < = ai te ae s < 2 e t —_ = <= ng (x ) Et ) < a bl a im La Q wy 8 | & © Pi d ) @ | z =e US 2 GS &3 a. w~ S a— — | fl y ] = Ac h e ze Ee - | § = on i fc c i a n l i n sh i b i l c c i n e a t e ce r e <t & =H = —_ e- « p> ae s eS — Sp ) ee e AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | | SURNAME OF DECEASED INDEX TO VITAL COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Chilton Copyright 1983 A-122669 oS — (2 Day 1954. 2 | | | | be e s ac e Be ee a ee = SS S + i 3 | i i gz i lg Po Be a | | Bi | ) E Tt a | | | | | | 2 Po be e s | | i k | ) | | | ce © : ; EF oe | oo | = | | | | | | i E i < | | | | | | | iE |} 2 ee Pe e | | 8 | | qi | | | | | Si e a s i n e e a n e i e i e i i e a d i e s l i at i n Ri n t a | | | | <= = a to s s = —— —_ — _ — — = = | ‘ ' +> oe D EATi I a Iredell County, N. c : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - NAME OF FATHER } Sex | cor || PLACE OF DEATH | Se e +- — _ — - INITIAL TAB and refer THm% tease meres, open of, STEAM MOTIAL, TAD! : | ' | ; i j ¥ | | | : a i | | MN : t ot vs j i ; i | | =+ + = —= = — — = > ; j i : ro i -— _ — — + + 4 si k ai l P 3 | i Ee ) i & i iH ; os —— + — _ _ _ _ _ . = j a3 == = — — — —a Ce | re : — —— — — — _ _ . _ _— — —S — — — —— — = : | —— —— = = : re d | <a i = County Indexes Since 1686 An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Batalate Pat, OFmcEe ney nee.u.s Si “d s s é el en = L— — — LT TT . Se ee ee e me e : ee e ee e NAME OF MOTHER Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systema - B Mary Bryant Unknown Pa : + ssiiieieiieain | THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, NAME OF FATHER | Henry Cape STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 2) i Ry 3 | © se = s] g 7 S j} - — _ + — _ — > . o © es a a oa NS |) = as | Le 9 2 ea s i} ® ® $ i Oo | ra l § 3 _, = : 3 i tp + = == BG T ic li i e t te e d j — ap ei * | = = oa ae : (> - ee ee e op e Ss = —— — — — — — — | 4 | g = 1} os | £ & Ee } | as | 3 & mm Fo e i a 8 5 | Os | — co | 68 +- — a j | ee e ne l se e n ai l es ie | Pa 2 & | oa 28 ) ‘m m Copyright 1988 A-122659 = == = | 6 || Cape COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 DATE OF DEATH hoe Day 5 1962| 5 | 21) Cape | | | | | | | 1954 | eo Copyright 1988 A-122559 NAME OF MOTHER COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1.4 NAME OF FATHER | Sees —— — S — _ as = Teh bee ees 9 ee eee | PLACE OF DEATH ne e ms County Indexee Since 1866 An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Lee ee eeo.u.6 PAY, OFFICE a - “= ac e se e n eG ee e ie rh e Se l an INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. TS enw mew, INDEX TO VITAL COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe. 1.4 sists SURNAME INITIAL TAR and refer 55> Wet Sieh Tabindas shoot for page reference Copyright 1938 A-128669 NAME OF MOTHER Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systema - B THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER PLACE OF DEATH | INITIAL TAB and refer | sheet for page reference, at SURNAME SURNAME OF DECEASED - | Color i + | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN iners “ 2 Joyce Lorence / f | | , Virgil Lee Cleghorn | # W v W | Statesville NC | M | Lamonte Lee Copyright 1988 A~122559 ree Year | Month nomennrnapenneneneenpemernee } <= n954 | 8 = ES E —S lb Cleghorn —— } | \ \ \ NAME OF FATHER | PLACE OF DEATH | oF | Sex | Te 2a | Loss | County Indexes Since 1688 Au Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN "ee. u.8 Pat. orrice —— — — S S S S Se ae m4 $ e ect a ogee a 3 —a ' e3 fa x ae = 2 . ae l i o n s Do rr r tt t ee ee ag i n g ' ; . . ee e te e os - _— Se i v i n n se an e ee ee oe os , sd SS S ee e er e d ; mx ~ <= . <— ~ = SF Si a l a = aeee a = Se ce oF ea ca ~ Ye e eg e t y ia l ee lw ae ig s ea t i n g es ie Al y Se ne Mitre. Cott Patent inden Goeteme-@ LE) NAME OF MOTHER | Almedo Dowell + i | THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio AME 3] s S = e dQ < ad ke = be i o = ul ] se t 5 2 = } S$ Ec b 3 {— — — ~ . 33 — —— 3 — — . en — —— — — — — — = T S BE 3 ¢ SURWN, ndex PLACE OF DEATH | vtatesville, NC jabe-T, # W hig Hip | | | | } | | | F i} | | STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Ts" locate Bee open Minnie SURNAME OF DECEASED INDEX TO VITAL | COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 Copyright 1983 A-122659 1955| 1 E Clonch | f | } { | | | | } | | | | | | 1 i] t | Copyright 1988 A-122659 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, 1-4 NAME OF MOTHER — = Sr NAME OF FATHER SS BURN. INITIAL TAB and refer SF FPh eee ee FE a Te pane velo f | > : : 3 — z = = > 3 -— So = ne n a County Indexes Since 1668 An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. © le 7 tre Hq Day ee it | f b {| i | | | f | | a eK | ) | | Obto RECORDED Mfra. Cott Patent Index Systema. THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, NAME OF MOTHER OF FATHER NAME “Sugene Munday INITIAL TAB and refer ndex sheet for page reference. 2 NC} — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. n at SURNAME ub- | PLACE OF DEATH | tatesville i ¢ ¢ ww c * to Buff S$ To locate names, o | SEX coLor Ls» , | { Munday Dorothy Lee / | F INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE is GIVEN —o o o o o — — — — — — E E —s += == = —= = s = —= = = —— S — s S — | = = = Ss = = = ll = = = SS S Se iy Carico | Day U.S. Patent No. 1487168-—~Copyright 1930 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 DATE OF DEATH | Month 1955 11 County Indexes Since 1868 An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ats. v. 8 PAT, OFFICER tT i} 2 |i S a} gS ws ) & es i ) = En 5 z = Ht ls ° | 1} E | 2 H : z ii 3S | | | e | = i | i ' = { cm a. 7 | = at = | z) | it — ey Ee | A Ss | [a i) a = A) a i no —— — — — — S S | = 4 4. - ss + : + == = = == —= = = + - = a = = => $= = SS =< ~ > re t e s t e d ie i e e e e m e e e INDEX TO VITAL ST — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C = O VITAL STATISTICS € \ | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 81 ee COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX N = Sedan ue er ieee Se a Ra ante ae Ae he — ace GRIVMRDAE DE Be ; sii U.S. Patent No. 1437168 © locate names i - = = ee Late! ate Ball Sok takes ee peas ee ate velar Te Tien veer ae ee , Gate @ Conte SURNAME. OF DECEASED ‘ CORDED F’ . Hl Fo 3 NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 3 ios ee lee AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN = i PLACE OF DEATH Vol.| Page cr 2 smal SURNAME OF DECEASED I | | ; j - | ay s Voor | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | SEX | CoLOR || PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER — i = 7 am te | i : f ii } r # i | ! { 1956, 12 28] Chuber Theresa Prit | t | ritc and F W (|Statesville | Albert E, Pritchard | Theresa Hall 142 564 | i | | | | | i | | " i i | | | | | I ' i i x t 1 ' | | i ei | Pa | Rea | * | fim \ " | = j i ; i \ ; a | | | | ' | ii } Me i i | i if | iL ; ay | " Bas 4 ‘ i 3 1 | | + ie | } : a ni t: | | | " iT | | i | ble i | | i} | i I 5 | | t i 7 1 | | | 4 | qi | i { 4 My” | | | x fi # I j 1 H . % i | | | {} i js » | fo 4 | | | I i 4 A h | | i | i } ! * i | l I f " | | 1 i ; | | | | : t i i | i | f ; | | { So t | | | { 4 . 4 i | : } i . | f f | f 4 i “ i | | | | bh 4 | " ! | | 1 i t 5 # ” \ : i | 1 ¢§ | { 7 | 5 I | | | eh i I i i | | I I or | ' | | . | i | - | | I I 4 " i | 4 + Y i (| | 1 {| | ¢ ‘ } ! | | | y i | | i I | ; | | | | | , re t { | {| = i Bot | | | ‘alah : | | ; | | | } : | ail + + + j i t ” } | ! ? ) + le \ i j r i i 2 | os neti ; t } i gone b- ; ee t q | ; en ; wien - ve o is i etl nn awe eat a tes wc a om ntti. ’ attest Lane Pe tcenanrenanat } i dg 4 ‘ ; bat vf a ? INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSA ie County Indexes Since 1888 at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.S. Patent No. 1eBT168 oon Ne sat j " To locat , An ideotilying Trade Mark BOT ene Bull Sub-index shest for page ee. = “ + | RECORDED Se SURNAME OF DECEASED sex covor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER | : . Vol.| Page SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1 . SI ate erensernepen 4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1933 A-122659 nec. u. 6, PAT, Orrice * Open at Proper Tab accordii i ing to First Letter or Letters of re ame and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Mtg. Cott Patent Index Systems-—B ( ) NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER DATE OF DEATH sa a9 PLACE OF DEATH ef 1 Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 5 | d Your | Chavis IL4114¢ Williams {PF Joseph Williams Lvcinda Kearns Statesville Q Se ne | i a j } | + + SS = ee i i | + = + pa i n s 7 SS re | j ms Ab tH aed | | | aa f i. _ es | j 1 ; i EE! : mig: | I | | | t iI j ; bd inte: i {| acne ot rT t t | ; 4 ' | i i | | : i { H { foo a ree ' , | | | | tome ee it i iI | | iH i | | | i f 7.) oh q ee rat enema ~~ T + 1 HI | i | i OH ; Whi} | | | | =a ' i f 1 ha PBL ete t | | | | | oa rs Md te i | af 4 { i i i Ht i | — ee { Diino oo 1 met \ i | | t | = a a4 i | | | H i} i | asi!) ge i | | T [ I { t. i I i zs any I i 1 . w iL veh } f | a } } H i oa i He | | | | tte He | i | i | | | , y | . hh == : = a. Re = at Ri ce n OE ag ae ae on 3s ne sa r g a p e a w i a a t a ™ E aa . i a - a oe SO R sp e n t ca t gu e n : pe p e p r e n e r e st e n t - + = aE . ee e — oe OS om e . ee == —— — — S S ee e ee e Cn ae + i. Se l e s + a do e n Sg eg eg pa t e : = ie ie M2 , —— — SS _— ha s a n se e n Pr a . Sy r e n ia g o e a = == : eg } nc e + —s { t " | | ; | | | } | ” SN Tne ———— + = is ~ 4 r | j j ] { f ae een nse + i —- — + + | i | 4 — A —— == ee ee ——+— a = | | | T ' ' ho u s : ' pe e > SS —— = - | | i ’ i ee terse = os i | i pa t e ie i a s ce | | | ed e n —_ — _ - _ _ _ + — = ' | i | . i == i | a = ference ate eet ee l s ; ’ i oe si % ene ere aaeserenstenseeedhe oi ; ~~ MR Bh et eI a ee 8 SS ene gr ca ail ile ee | it cna an ia | om aes | anal ——— ies rl se oan , + . ‘ | 7 th tine _ > _— P 4 - 4. = ee ee a a a sm cecemeneeemnnenoreeairuoe ererersnen renmsapet ae — - ee ee erences 85 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ——— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. | COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 ~ 122559 tg nee. U. #, Indexes Since 1866 ; Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of N ( ) Bumble Te Trade Mark > Bree and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Coprvight 1993 A i COTTCO UNIV L . li cogent Tre ERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1933 A-122669 EF Oren at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made Gets laden Canteens, Oilambes ame and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. See isis Systema—B ~ ( ) PAT, OFFICE = == —SS ee DATE OF DEAT : ~ z : = * SURNAME OF OSL EASED sex | couor] PLACE OF at NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = j|—ScRDED TT eum | —_—_—S=====—= See j Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SEX | COLOR] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ceed f 1 Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN v eee ieee ern _— ee eC eT = % Month | —— d Yeat 4 P t is 7 6 58] Cass tevens | Myrtle s — r yrtle F W [Statesville James Sparks jAmanda Sparks §-_—s_—sXWXw' 4133 | | ' T 3 | 24 60] Casstevens Anne Mae F Statesville Hamp Wiles pu zabeth Brewer 46, 186 ee t ee n s "| ; Wee ' y | 7. | i | | | { | _—_—}—_—_— | | | i | | " ; * | | | | ; | | { | | : | il | | | } | i soiishiiiiacii ace t | i! | > i t t i . f | | | | a f | | | | | e | 3 H + == = == <a 5 Se e s == = p= = Se + ec c o a me e n a te r t e t e s i c e i e r r e nee : = SN Ri e t i ip a er e n c e + ap a l i e e ce r n == = = SS ee r i e + - > st — ae al en ~~ SS ee aE a = == = == = SO M le * 4. So s : —— = —— SS S == —— s — — — == => = “e c t et y —— Le | | ' f | | H | | | | | ) | | + + + tt t | if i t { } t i | | | | { . { i | | | f f ; Hf t | | ; . k | t | | | } | 1] | 4 i 4 ‘ | % ' Ht ; ' | | | | | | | | | i i \ f ps i, Tt it | | " | : ; | | | 1 H 1 | | | | on ; ‘ | ] f t i | Pi; oie i | f i oe as | I f | ! i | " t | | : . “u ¢ } | | | ' | [ j | | | | | | H ‘ : | | | t ; ; + i ; » | | | : ] I + rT ! — oat : | | . | } + } | | ) | ! | 1 t . 1) i | eS | | | ———}—_+—+} | | 4 | t } | | | | . | | | | | ) | | ant | | | , t | t | | i ! | ; | : : abit a j ' ) | he enn | : 1 t { | — | | | | ; | | | | j | | eee ee re i | | | | | | | | | | | | | | iced | | | ner a a cones —_- _ | j t | male | : | ! | | | | a i | - | | | . ' | | | | | aeeentete — sien _—— ” a — - | ay | | ‘ a 1 | J ae ee : i es _— ee ctnnetinninlieinsesie <cnees 7 een rica — + —— Bits 3. nee 4 | alia sl ghia ee ty + are a a ial tT eee” atid freelance csr eens | : 4 fe ge } z a ae ee ee ee wenenietnhaheimeettttamaaait hp , ae ee _ aT Tt---— erates E a | 1 atalinaliailaiee olin ome ee ee ee cece ; | | | nl =e * eee > } + oe a, a ; ‘eaieiiitiaipailaias igre sleet = ee tt teats menceme iia inemenneidilne . B : ‘. pe sieinaratneeliniimiitaidlniai fn - a emcee eral hiliinati sentnnsnensesenetemasmensnemasrennesiertleetenasemenereieaemeuneretl et —— ne sa ee Ritu i ; ‘i so e = Soa ie a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredeli County, N. C. | } eS). INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. wos Open . at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of aaa © ee a ibasee oe ie I i COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 Copyright 1933 A-12265s {E> Open at Proper Tab azeording to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ( ) i : = \ ) eatvornice Bamiot As Identiying Tendo Mack eee and rafer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Tel | iia ? 2 -. ee nite Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference eee Te mons | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — |_S2conoen | ~~ nha | a ga == — a ee seed anata ianiabaaiik ECEASED one — SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | coor} PLACE OF DEATH Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE 1S GIVEN NAME OF MOTHER Year i 1 |3 |iCabe | 1958 / 1 )tvabe _—__—sj|John Thoms M Ww Morganton NC J D Cabe Elizabeth Southards /44 |653 oes i b r norte ff Vol. Page ' a pro AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE 1S civeN SEX | coLORE PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Scene pene af eee <= | ; | | sae laf ; nal wf re eee ae 7 | | " + 4 | ' t 7 Sr c i e s g e ae ae a e 1 coild ie | oe i | | | | | : | | | t | | i | | | : oe | . " 4 ! : : , | LW | | | r - I | | | | q | : | | | ft : i | 1 H i i : i | | | bie | | | k | | 1 + i } is | } Soo o ac a — = ia i n - Ee n SO A Sg == - . me e e e t e l s i t i e n 7 — 7 at a co e "S p A : + = SS + == -y — —= = = De . = ~ =p == = — = — — = — == = ar e : ae Se s <= = } + + - (g e ma e me n e oe —— ee —= =— F = — ee ae " mh me Sc na g ts °F . Be a , = ma s == + Se pu r e a m m e r e s — ee = = oe = a So oe + = $= SM 6 — FS ae = en + > = — - oe my en n or i e n — . + == - Se =e —— — — — . — — 4 } — + =+ : 4 j | i j , | ’ ei a ed ; Tt | i rp ee | in e e r e r e s i n e m e n e n n i n e m e r e n t i e n e e ie r ne e a | i ; } ' i i ' ' ~~ +> —— > — os i - ne ee n e c e e e e e e e n t e = + ; j | gy r | | | | | ee PH i" | a= ccmeeneer rE mE TS | — He £ ome TAT t a } | ; a ae e | | | } a —«<«, i. Bis. a: ati s | a lesen en tc Teese ee aoe C i Pf _ a eines i —_— — enseninnsenttli 7 _ teenies te ee ee a ee ae rT ini een - i Ter emermesnseenransdignnnestnnsest ee cineca e nd | ee <_< ceetieesensatetseeiesenen | eee P etree , amass ee ~_ ” tenet te streenn ecareaneneecemeeed ia —_ a i BB a i I said Tr — asi ne at ar settle nena ce i, —_——— a ail >. = Arla a va ene ; rf oan | ake en . nee —— nl pete ess ia - ,. ~ — =e eo sitinhanmesneniananenstccsal ae + }- = a meee cennencenaee Ss na = i nee sii psstsenenscten senate stesso entitle tensne a es stein coatmeeee ll manne enna oneal ata, - — _ sia = mes Nit Nitti ata on anaes ee eee : a mee one | eet tenance teases Pale ' 4 eh ‘ : am e s « SE Sa m ag p se é ro . oe Fa os x : Se n e s u i m e e = St i 3 tS = Sl , os at h RL ‘ en d it > 4 ti e n e se r e e n n e t h n n e t r s e e n s e e s r e s i m e n e r a r s e e s m e e r e n e r r e e n e e en e r : an me a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — amon INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredeli County, N.C. 7 > Oven at Paper Tab a acco to Firct Letter or Letters of COTTCO UNIVERSAL pee Mo, a PM a a ~ onsite COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 aodies yrigh fr > Open at Proper Tab according to First Létter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Obio ( ) Ha - Se if oat. comes Bia alate fe deanna Tre Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, eis ‘3 a Copyright 1933 A-122659 lL, if a i Name and refer to Bult Sub-lndex sheet t for Page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index Syteme—B =e ree = SSS EE — Pare msm at eee aevecsinnerenaeeineen’ Sona DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED sex |couor] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — [SCORED | DATE OF DEATH SURNAM Vol.) Page | AME OF DECEASED =| Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | COLOR} ~PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER wt] Page ann SE Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ' ee T Sy 3 T i + —=—=—[—S>S— a = ae ee eee [pean renee _ == - oceceanapecen en emeeeneeeen ne nee Sa i ' ; met} nme ae tie a ait ake earn Scie ltl LE 1959} 1 |18]Chamblee - + 6 h EY Btateavitio __] Frederick G Chambieg Ann Upchurch 445\50_ | ff i j | i | ‘ 1 T ” eR e a re ow rn ne ca n e Bo ee . | “a _— ot eh: 3 etl ofp ——— | | + er e ce e ~ H t } : | : ~~ + = en e — == a? ea e oe ae RR ee n s ME R E To = . ea e + + - — = —— — — al m a . —— me m e = = - ~ _ - Se eS sr e y ne r s 2 ot a | i pe r pe n e e e e m e m e n s l _ - - —— — = ao oS PS | | i ee m e e h e m e c e e s i OS i } ii n | i ; | + —> + — _ _ — _ _ _ + — _ Te ax } { j | | ' ; Lcicipatl pee i Ls. ae a | ; | | —_ —_ celle ceceanen nena —-~ — mre | ea —| | — aa ew _ae ceeeneceemtnenemeenans mmeee om 4 sat poaeneee i [ene cl eens pe ete <p eect teense. Atte este Tc tritiated alcatel a iiall isaac camamrtaarain aot resoresemerantnsemennceeecememenes eect eheneettiteseeneantienees Penne etna EF Oren at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Lactors of ! penne: COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND SS : Sx Saat SSE rT ss EF? Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters an siutaitis Chemin ene RECORDED S f anaaeciee = =m = AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SURNAME OF DECEASED | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ian ian ino ee = vermte mecca oa + hes | DATE OF DEATH SSS SS se pant nt LS “ore 2 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. seiniinas - ne = 5 wee eee eetenstnsierscecenetnenee 7a ie prec aa SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | cour]. PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | — Se ‘eee 7 fF af = Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN. Sex | ColoR | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Be ce ae Cee Tee a : aes S [15 : a a | Thomas 0 1 in ton M | W S tatesville C harle 3 Ca rper Fann ie Bos t | eae t " | oe mm @ t | f Hl el } eA ifs al | | i’ ! t } He | m ™ —_— es 4 re | i | | $ ™ a eae a IP s se g a 7 i } } | so n y me d i c a ~ — a L. ms a | a i | - sees | | f | \ i | 3 | a + | ! | } i = SS S — a un .s - —— SS E — . == = + + - — > == = i ; i i | j + + ee e —= = = == ee n —— — — mu a i m e p c n e t e r n c eS Ts Se r e r er Se e t } | | i | ae | | } | | ' | | wanes eaten ans i ’ i | | | | | ” | | | - sal | | | 6 i | ; i | j i | - cee ; 7 + | ’ ! | | | sass —— en | a eh te ‘. i } } | | } t ; | " — | L- — Treen ~~ — aii uy < ” ce ee ee — aon ———$f-——-4 ; —_— ; on ——. : nas chinensis \ 4 a. a —- a, ve leans | " ~ : 4 - | nll atcintaiisiielcinsiia cas — ane ' Sa : Ces ‘ i arte wrt eenanancennnentlntr nme a eer : F a : eo : 7 Y - ~_ ~— — ! mY a cen ‘ macnn oie i t Ease eect : ett ec een sateen cel pea eee ae ce tei —— aumannan a a oe — ————— teste teste mininien 2 “4 kts a heen ~~ cet asennad a oe | — pliant ij ee ee - a ne - a: ; . een _ _ ~— + - — ee Nt ener a = 0 permeates mame ome = odpenreevemmnonmnencnes a i ‘ie ae ee ee mre sateen <—_ a ah oe f I j 1 1 ¢ comune 4 ‘ > + ; — ~~ ; s \y ap ee r e e ae ai t e r ae TK SR nA a ee en e d aa p ad ac e ee Ac a aa e m e e a m e n k INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | ' ye = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. YP Oren at Proper Tab according to First ‘Letter or pore of r = f bi. ‘ <saceinenvit Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ate . rm ———— ; e a — Copyright 1933 A-122659 KOS Oren at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Staite hin Wan hain: Sadia Gere a lame and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index Sempece. Stemi, ( ) — Pea, ' , meee. saeaeaereeeerentinaeastenrin a = RECORDED = ; —_— ( ) hire. U. 8. County Indexes Since 1668 PAT, Orrice An Identifying Trade Mazk _ T ~ a — Senna — ] RECORDED ; } es SEX | coLoR| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER - ] : RRL — eee - = oie ~¥ q 1 -~aenatewtneneateareanne aman eens cnetmene-oscmnenneraeenntmnesreamenaeon — Saar ereneeeerere — GATE OF SeATH SURNAME OF DECEASED sex |coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yea | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN j SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN DATE OF DEATH ie Yea | Month | Day SS a oe: 14/Cansler eel tt \ \ he © a © a SS } t = 4 Statesville _ | John J. Cansler Rose King Censler 45 |2099 age ~ - = 7 = noes oes nce - po nem ne nee —_, ‘ 4 — + - + i ' i } | i i j | j i | il ii a t e i a i b a n a e l s i e n e a e a i a t a n Se e s a a e Ce es en e ~~ | [ | Te e j j i | i id ro c r e c e i n e l i e c i a e i t l ia n q i] | ul | yf ; + ; 3 i j ] 7 en, ey | a tt | ¢ + a / } i + ; | | ——. bi ata toes —-+ + T | | I ‘ \ *: j j j } i i i 7 + we e n i e i 1 ? t t : ? oi 1 | — ; rel 1 j | { i t i q —= s —— — —— — — — SS == = == = =— = — = = = == =e = fi f a Hi i | a i | : Fi f | | | 1 7 " Ai | ! i | A -" + + } i i | j | rt Hy i Hl | | | } | { | i i i 1 r I i it | | | | rt then | | | | } i | . ii —— S — S S 4 ay ‘Ba | igi = —— — — — — = = ; 1 i j | I in { | i] ij } / "i + ; | | ' l H I | I | q H | ] j i! ! * > == de + * + es + == = j | ri a j i | i i fo + + ae <= j | | i | + + ee e + | ' es l s c e n e m e n i n e ; ; + + + * a j ' } | { | > ’ { | | | ' | ' ie i iualiabies nia | ir > _ + i i | f 4 ? ! | } | | | span eminence | : } ! | | anneal _ ’ ras as ccntnnnnsnn 7 les aon a — +—_——_—_+_—__-+ - one 2 . ial : ee aod Tet aye eee ene eee ll onan ne ‘ys " ee oe eee ee — _— ——— — 4 5 —— / a Pon Re. ~~ A nel ta a i faecal ” ene tees ee Serene eesti —— nee ee ane. “cts -f-— $4 E — - aeeneeema 95 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. oe County Since: oO at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of n | ( ) eatvornece Aa Identiying Trade Mase C= gabe and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Copyright 1933 A-122559 .. —8 i — ——— — . : Coorviahe 108 A-is8ade : EF Open ol toe Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio be mae a - refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index &: vf ( ) liane ent s “TAOS Ps dl AERC iA ER a RE cian ~ a é, NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED " = = WoL) Page . ere SURNAME OF DECEASED ) | et ane & Ste SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | cour} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Vol Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN SEX | coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER ae ee | —_ | oe AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN z —" Page rs , T SS ea = = jt 3 kee NAME OF MOTHER vot! Pea i “ pn nant | F i i : . a ‘ ; : € Mc 2 Se j ai : r — ne a nee ances = SS —~<~-~---. =4 ee a ==@r=vw”<xxx--.2-ree 2. ee — es a wo 1960} 1 Cantrell, Jr. |Xov g sti —— {Re lima lil M W Mooresville Lee Cantrell Fannie Mae Cantrell 46] 14 Sn e s co ee SD | | — ~ —— 1 i + > $$ $ j j ’ i | i J | | + +. ~- + ee me e n a Se + i j } ee =f = —. SS == — =: SS al 4 + + j / + . - 2 a —— z = = —— — S + + * ne + —— 3 = = —— SS —— — — S — — _ — _ + + —— — ae —— — — + pi s s . eg SS S =— — — — — — — SE S ca r a g e s x em e n t s oe an e Ps : P —s = 2 oo r ge r s | a tt cs + ; + ' } j | } | | Pied | td | | | maw | | | | | H | | | | qu e e n ~e - | i | ' i | j | - j ' j i ; * -— + 4 + - - — _ - - ++ ’ ’ ' j + — pe j i | | ' } i i j i po e e f f e e n e r c e e e — > ae + | —+ — + + — + — so m m e s tn ctl i = eS er e n c e ee pe e s i | ee ae | i | +. ee fle : j ep e e 7 j | ; i | i : ' 4 ' +- — | = ee e pe e e e r c e e n e n e r e s e n e n pe n n e sl teeta ee penieneemssasellmennmnened seen —{ a “ t pees ap acne te lll aetna etl nt i a weaned ne - - = ane i . a seeaeaceaeeermie 4 aa a | - teen rete —_ ates pe : Pe = —_e a recite aes: amma. 1 i nasal teens 4 et a eee een ee ee ee A cel tc fl nreaencnenedlnenan ad eg ag a — eo wn s eee tsa, a. | | | | - i _ oe — = - we T ro TLL tttN ttt tensile esas a 4 nessa LLL LLL LLL ALOT ee eee a a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — edell Couniy, N. C. a ____._ NDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ee indexeo Since 1668 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of mi Hemera ewe eemeneieen ro ot el cs duet quniieton chant tor gegen eee gaa 7 pe eae COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 om a Tt Copyright 1933 A-122659 seen at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made Company, Columbus, : | lame and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Gees Paseut Index Sys-ome—B Bee ( ) i County = An Identifying Trade Mark eT icine ian on eb [ NAME OF MOTHER ! =I wo [Sy "ear aT kta TC SURNAME OF DECEASED S sex LA % COLOR AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol./ Page : ais coeniacreien . " r | ‘ Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN coor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a | i | ; ; —ee 1960) 4 4) Carmichael Ss ia jet isaac - ‘ allie Sharpe F W Stat esville Jim Sharpe Celia Hutchins 46) 221 i enn nee learn tnnntriannmnener nna a aE: & nr Pr eee nescence a ona 11960} 10 |13] Carmichael Walter Alonzo | y W Statesville Nc William Carmichael Lydia Ferguson 46 | 596 | UA f 4 + + om c | | | | - ip lene | | ~~ a —" | ¢ | ‘ | | y AR 7 " } 4 | | | | dial | | | | ' | r i ff = SS S > + =t - - te r > —— at = 5 - + ? j a + + + > = == SS S = as + oo > = —— — ti a i i i i n e d ca s SS 2 == = > —— = — — — — — S S = _ — — — —— — SS S oe + ue s ta — Se s ea e = 5 Se i } + _ = = 2 5 = SS * . —_ : . = ae — et e he e Sa t e e n ie + — == = 2 | al l e +. == 3- == = i | i } + —— — = == - =e SS =— — — — rs ef pc e m e n e c e e e r e n e i e e e e n n a s Se + i | ; | | j i ee — pean +~ — > _ - —_ — — oe a ap r me a d e 2o Y G e e s s =} . —— $ > - — _ _ _ _ _ _ } . ao a j ' | j tt HS H lh en e qu s e i l i e o m e n > + + 2 sa c s ge es le e s ne ee ’ | rene Pestle ca n a et n o m e s t n t e r n e r t e c e e t f ne 7 ; \ i ' i j i ' t | | —— _ ——-. —— —— ttt : | si ss Bee [eee ecteneel 7 _ i ~ a | oe ner cca = ae ae ee — ae a | a + + 7 nent neces es bs deb | i : r : aa * . i enema — ee Ries waa oe : i = sutoveininceidhtiel easel nei —_ sanilnie = cerns cesta , tna io at a ee — Ltd ce a lenin - i i = ei eee - - ” ot . m 7 ae " enema a — tetera ene eeeerqaneenseeselieese raeerenenereasinmananielasnasemntinnesceansfines . oe cane ee nt — 5 —_— a ecenrn ene. ena eel ects nennanneecite - soem . saeneeeene a nn oo ad sn ee ett em (lee — ee ea s x So i n ie ae th a n ye 99 j INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS Iredell County, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DE A'THS — Iredell County, N. C Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or ras : coreg aera PEE, ean iSite eee conten aceaaa! P INDEE No, 1-4 EF Oven at Proper Tab — 1 ef) Ramee TET rw a Bh oe ees : ie pnnennttneeceeene ete n a Meemenuimemmepemon («YS BATE OF Gente | SURNAME OF DECEASED OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER aT pate oF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED a == SS eo Year | Month | Day AMO CHRISTIAN NAME, 1 ONE IS OVEN oa Yea | Month | Day AMD CHRISTIAN on A, w oa ONE 1S GIVEN cook} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER er ee YT or t ne araanen sia a PONE es rere === Tr. s : 4 Oat h t ul . MAS te sate ral vo os Page + 5 | Siri seca tneiipngin . 5 | 3] Casbier Neel i i ia Ceca pee peso © Sekt inwtaeone ee1 Elwood r Mooresville | S. te Cites Ties & 46/151 | A =e ——_ 7. CY — | | | . | Pod | | | ale : | ae ! | a a | | i i | | | | _— | | { - . re and | | | | | | + i i } Hm | i | i j ! | t + { 1 , } # } 4 i} i i n | { ' i T 7 = 4 + + ih | f t + a i | | | I i i i 4 i, + | | j ; | ! | — | | Ss ro. | | 1 f " “” j + ccd ! bie | | | H | h = {| i { i! i fl ft — : | | | L at esis | | | bad 4 ! i \ t f * | | " t } \ ‘ ia | | | ae i! ‘ i | | i 7 | | | : | z Sse tt i! . I, | | ! ise | | j i | a | rd ' ‘ t ; ; { | s | | nt | | +] = ce ne | | i 1 : we t | t " ft : ‘ iF | | Deere dS | | | 1 | t Ht " t 1 t sa | | | | | 1 i i cae f f + ; b i | c cs | | | | i , | —— 44 | | | i | ss | ! | a | | ae 1. | E pm ae + - | f | I | | | oo | +--+ | | | | | | i H i ( | ; ———— ne } | i \ I } i! 4 | 1 | 1 . t 4 , * ! : | | j | | ee et b+ ! Ld t | j i | i i | | ‘ a ae | | | | | | : ‘ | | ] | : , |} — ——| | | oe : 4 ! | t | oa ; | ! $ ; | | 2 : tI } ; L i i ss | r - —- | - q er ee here Ppa eneiinnon i , t t _ | | | " att | b-4 | b —_ " a: ee ee isi ial / a= P “ } cry |) | rH } Ail aise tL | ret | | | i = ' D e ha nore ~~. iiemmanicniinaii ier iis cae Sle a A en da Peles | _ ‘Sea ae - t bd iM esc is ‘fi a pe enamran j —— ial dh c Sa l Pr . wr k ac e re ' — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. -_ : ) ' ~ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — D redell \ Sareea remem = 7 ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C ‘i COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 BF" Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer saan area lai of 0 UNTV! County Indexes Since 1636 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters ot RRSAL IN : Name b-Index sheet for page reference. yrigh 182825 ti Ramee ont —* eee = —S—=—==== i U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 it. a : 3 = = an ae sneer : to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ! = ~ sapaepeeeveetnnenenmeoane F RECORDED ) ames ateniiinneeuenia ee cia — SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | cour] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = |—“eConoeo : SURNAME OF DECEASED ltt) Asc : | AND te x CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER " Voi. age a | Month | Day 1 ‘ AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN eee ae siiaeeeanbentinpeeriteatntetie yan | 2 — 1960) 10 |20] Carlisle Thomas Wesle 5 {2 70V | | y M | vtatesville NC [John B Carjisle Elizabeth Satterthitp46, 603] ¥ as = 24 Carlisle K 1964 5 Cart ath leen F | Statesville John F Allen Ada B Mintz 50 342 Diidiiiiscdideriaidccca ot te ee T | | t hisdeidtacnrniniias oaks. Ghat aittea sl wares een ae meee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — D COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent Ne. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Year | Month | SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS SIVEN aioe | locate names, Z te Buff -oo T PLACE OF DEATH EATHS —Iredell County, N. C. SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Es sheet for page velerenee, NAME OF FATHER } This Signature on sheets | Beg. U.8, Pes. On. NAME OF MOTHER Henres their correctness, st On It, For Your Protection, In ER RECORDED Vol.| Page 0 eee eae erate a COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ee U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 BREF To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer TESEE te ncnaanenlaiahas aman 2 = to Buff Sub-Index sheet fer page reference. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. RNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. | Page Mooresville Cashier Zella Beaver PF W Aucustus B th SUstus Seaver Sarah Misenheimer 47 263 =e a ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ' a COTTCO UNIV INDEX No. 1-4 This Signature on sheets insures th Mee BF neat SURNAM TIA, a wn eter SLeaIaSE {For Pour Proteton ta oe a LTS a Rt Dsist On It, “em _——— a anne sb aacI aca me 7 - ee e in t c u n < -- — ~ — RE TS “ . se c e d e z + ° ~ ge e NP R ae wa e su o w e re e <= ; ee e AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ' | r os 4. SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Day | 7 nln tea se a l e d - i | | T tt HF i i ' T i _ x COTTCO U INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS Ra To locate names, open at SU NIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent Ne. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 DATE GF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Yes | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN sence 1961 5 (161 Cashier Zella Beaver peeneancen princes n e fee atten Sex F to Buff Sub-Index 5 Color W PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville heet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER Augustus Beaver — Iredell County, N. C. IRNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER Sarah Misenheimer RECORDED Vol.| Page 47 263 | 105 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. | __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a Te en nn es com apaniam # This Signatere on sheets { a el ae locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer } insures thelt correce ~— i Sear to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. manera _ Bag. 0.8, Pat. Of. { For Your Protection, Tasist On : TN _ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 To a naa x = oa a Soa — U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 es ° — > Bur’ open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio = Sonor: cme © Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. COTTCO UNTYERSAL INDEX Xz. 1-4 UB. Patent Ne. 1437166—Copyright 1539 : a usta aaa pay aha a a ire sa SS serene Ca — coors “sane sameeneunmnanmmennrmaremneaeen nn 2 7 . : a ee SS EE EEE ee ~ - =—.. les sree 4 j CORDE = V — = zt NAME OF MOTHER recone | ee DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED aiiaied ‘ DATE OF DEATH | ants baa Caroee Sex | cor! PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER _ P | | Fae en | = toar_| wont [ey oe Sex Cor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = Fo ie 7 & : | ' | an e s es en t s BE I T : AM At a — ee, a 961 12 5 | Campi Sara D. N. : - 12 5 Came ee FW] Statesvizze NC] Antonio Nattes Maria D. C. Nerey | 47 594 ceric nemesis om Sg ¢ Pe l t Re a camnnensnsssnnannsnasnseetnanemeanesnentes en = j / ae Ba t ag e . = se t a ’ + + ~ 7 - _ nee —e aero Tp LTT non ccrninmmaned i | . — i anonym pe ae T ’ a eee ee + —. oer | ~| } we T “s " pee ey Y a ee + { {| A .) 7 aid a p——— 7 ——__+—__}_}-—__ 1 : | 3 — A “ ay q v i 2 i a! + ——__—_—_—}—______ ae iW i Bb | ; ae 4 > i I ¥ _ BS wae H T ssiuiisliasuintihant -_ - + ' M ‘ ; wha | KEP vy lig an | 7 ie / Py ik 1 5 { | we ™ r : H 1 cieinasnti ‘ it T| + ~ 4 ae , | | eal sieaaiiiall pemeenaalmenesate eee | i | | | + ty iH iy at) T cana iaieaicieel vanities 4. 4 ' a} ~ att j T arene _ poole 4 | i ‘ r ee " t sineiciniiiiaiciiniaiaiins (iii ad . * Ti rt | I ’ | = + sisi -eenatenrasninetlleenientenad | > | iki ‘ ete itieiiaes = ssniaieeniiilieaiet acai : | + -F-— ~ a —- bp ne ge — _---— i + si T + - - — cinema . nee etn —— eee esse enastenendpsteteenetennesepeeeeecne ee ee eee ; _ an eee ae — . 7 | . ——— + ! : ae ’ j i zi _ et - mt j a eters ernie a i 4 + ve Pa ere T > * > ! | : etter sts il endeinitesaicenentdeendein seis er : | - — = + | + | | ; + ? — a | | | : + | | — —— — eee eens hd . —aheeeaeeseneniee = svsanecisneninionsisitninoeeesa puieinttiaieinnicisiaiel tent 2 ies ° o 7 ~>— r ee si T | | | + i i vt Se seeetssestenesssseteeeiststinseteiatincamemnene 4 | | UES oe = 4 + ee en + 4 A ct ne tassel ee ee “ teenie oe <.eeeeaeeeteeeeteentnes ern cesta, esheets eteeens . + brane ; ; i i ; j ' pi n d ' | ' | ' Se a k e a a e > ita fa ee 105 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. y COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 14 = locate naunee, at SURNAME oa renee. Hag. U.8. Pat. Of. | Fer Wour Pacer On Ie ee ee COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. ah BRT locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and set Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio and refer 0. s a : ; : Ob U.S. Patent No. 148T168—Coprrighs 1930 eens Sea een se ae - US. Patent No. 1457160—Copyrigm to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. a om in i ch NOR: ~ ae : -—— - = as aN <chaaeieneaanrtnamrrrteresn seen er ae ~ oer en os 2 See ee eT ae t F: RECORDED a a ie : DATE OF DEATH . : | FATHER NAME OF MOTHER or DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF a oe AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Veu| Page Yer | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ! Page or tia lw ! i at : = ¢ - ear \ i pa Campi Ss D8 : 9 : iH | | } ee er en pment + a. 1961 12 By 5 | Camp: | eare . F __ WY] Statesville NC Antonio Nattes Maria D. ©. Nerey 47 594 1a sit __aeeeneninem A + 7 , t oe oo) Sane 4 | a ai Me he i 1 ih ; + . a _ + - r » a 7 t a ce ie 4 Be fe ie T F | ry y ' itt 5 ; si s He — * Hie ih bay i ‘ at, > - seen + - r * i a ae] T * a ee fovea denemunecnenel ‘ } rl 4 4 a | ‘e 2 | | | | ' i | j 7 pelea + + 1 | t ' J j “s id eaten - + > i . 7 i , Lal + -———— ——— lili + + } , ¢ t + — a ma FT | | | | } } a + + | | | een + + ° . + y e Z be | ae : ) | ae =: Ae : | +—— ee ee oe oe ? | iz . os — | aii elie E Mi + 4 + . | | ar — ee enna _o , | ie | 4 + . * a : Se le a ian es - if 2 j is } —7 —$ p—-—--— ———— 7 3 | | : q + + b + + Z -_- aT | anes one Ties felling SEE + - nee = — ey T | ¥ i | = + ; | : + 4 = . - a —————-__ - a | | A tts ttt eee netscape —— ve Pe aoe “ I | j . | P rn ES | ; Ty . + + : } : + nition en eee ee : Dil ne me 8 MSCS as wee: AAS sa Ea oe ae ’ ~~. - _ T | oa — = + ‘ — — | > pe — | | —e ence —— — | | } ee - — a Paes oe | | ih —_—- | | a + ~ + iol — a anes a - +. | —— ener —_-— | | ' | 7 . ener | | | : | cat Somenes = . + + t — | “a . a a | —— a eee —— —_~~. SEE a a _ i si 7 | | | pd + + | + — me ) hi . i 7 a lnmuiiblbeeai chbiidcacie, neil ps ae = —_ — = + + + a + ; ' t i ae | | | siemeaanastine ip eenantasatteeaetiieenemen earliness wane eens ] a ea | | | | | : : | ; + ; | t . 4 altel ts : as le De, A: ai | y | ae —tnnaettateeneiancsal aE Te scam —— = NP : tT | 4 ' " d 4 aeons | an . | = cena tettethaa | | scene ete Fi at 7 ye | | : wiht da td h af i ¥ hi ti ‘ eee oo INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ” Reg. 0.8. Pat. Of. { For Your Protection, Insist On it, i ere coTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 = Sete U.S. Patent Me. 1407100—Copyrighs 1930 aero ioente noses, net ot SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio * sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 et nee names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to -Index page, . ———— ees ae = Soccer negensn noo senna canamearaeneeenennesnanmecaeecsesamnen <_< de, U.B. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 One OF OATS SURNAME OF DECEASED E OF FATHER NAME OF MOT. —— Si_a-—T . a error in Ger a ¢ Oe Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAM HER reo - DATE OF = SURNAME OF DECEASED ~~ on ascones | i " | Month | D STIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN a ACE OF DE ! a BS | Yemr Al | ay , ATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol.| Page 1932 9 hk Clamson Robey c (Mrs, ) Stat esvi 1] Nc ane eemaeeanternemnsnmnnmn tennis - 4 ~ULATe Svi > NY 1 Gr: o I } By lle nh urage annie Disnor 18! Lid - rn +s o AE ER S A RA T ett a : a aa ee i 109 — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. r INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEA eee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATH 5 hedal Comay HC. - Fe caskets, Detailer muddy | Tis tigen 0 dove lene ? COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer } stures their correctness, ea, ammmncuanil ee a, TREC L VERBAL, DNDEK Ho. 34 a locate eames, nee oe cbect fer page reference. Reg. U8 Paton. | For Your Protection, Insist On : ia ae COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 i Z ; kona ca ace ecco " canara scaerenemmemeneneees 7 srs 7 , U.S. Patent No, 1437168—Copyright 1930 Bato! ames, open at S AME enter oad MOSS TINSEL : ae Bel Seb-ladee cee fer SUvIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio paye reference, Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, =, ae . OL erereareres: - an OF DEATH Fe ee cme a : eS SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER _—— a | aa ee aaa SURNAME OF DeceAsED | Page - v ee lr % AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER teed ey Vol.) Page ae ie: Yo | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1963 | 2 22 | Clinkscales Sandy Mek - ———— _— , + > g ao ; 7 a ‘ t : tatesville NC Bass Clinkscales Lucy Thompson 49 119 tat Y + ~ i i fe na oe iM be. - | AEF ae ~~ . 1 | Kae BH b ae} | | } ‘ 2] -% ~ * a” Me e e PS 7” t} a a i ; a iy \ Sal i = t . hs i = . + _— dence ee a | + i + — a | seceeall emcee ell 7 } tttaae } j — — ws —— + | a i * a C a pa a wiles ee Sens lieneeeee 7 a : -_ eee teens . =q - ; | | - iicindliiiininaias ee = a" i ee eect eee enemas ab ee = + iliiniaipeain 4. | } : | be | } HY satan is ’ _— } + ae me oie } ; mn Pare el eeeeateenies lala sd I hice neat aaitninta tina, cinianntiiisiaieialincanceaspannnieiten el Penne mm a i panto wll i — iii iil ~ + siaineneinatiaain siinilada tenement otitis J =< eels ede sible —— Pete i I r phn es | + ; by i . Pe ee | noma ici is a nn — sid ae | a 4 sate ‘cil , eilaels?) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Seg. 0.8. Pat.o. ( For Your P This Signature on sheets lasures their iteedinais oa rotection, Insist On It. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — O UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 CoTet 8-—-Copyright 193¢ aa To locate names, open at SURN. AME INITIAL TAB and refer DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 111 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. i - LR SRRSNRIED. WaNeeRNeNASSNANR 3 UES. Patent Nov TalTies Copyright 198 Ze ioceyg Bull Sub-index sheet for pags reference. ee US, Patent No. 14971¢6—Coprng co att seRetatt SURNAD Te cere = SSS ; meena a x sheet for page reference. as i ECORDED ee } DATE OF BEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER at's SURNAME OF DECEASED | Hl Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN é | age ‘ AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — : | t a scenes Vol. | Page 1 t 2 | ; 4) A lacs ——~ J 22 | | 17) Cass Nat ha oe 4 ' | 1 a re me oer coe or a nna eo ozo | » ae 7 : | han ¥ M __W | Union Grove T Daniel Cass “mma Stanley 8 | 330 oe. aisle diliaa acess Pe n922 5 17 ass Alice 0, r —_ et a j F Wi Union Grove Tn | Jeremiah Slack Peboran Robertson B 334 ; saced — i 7 | 1 | 74 Cass Ez oe | " Sauces + oa as 1923 | clack eal once | “zeke l F M | W ew Nope Tns. James Cass fouise fletcher 9 25 ill undigested aan: fs 923 (1 8 | Cass Bazel G a | es Sf ee Anos MW [Sharpe sburg Tn Archie Cass ‘ p (139) 4 iu : : bad . 28/2 | 6] Cass R | / eee € —. os <ee 8 | nen t ufus M ! W | New “ope Tns & B vass Amanda Williams ly 256 i a 24 Cass Virgini ie + HF hh tr HH i 4 as 1928 7 | 1 2rginia F Wt Union Grove Tns John H Cass Pearl Rash la 641 bel ‘ seas a 1930 2 9] Cass Harriett ae Eee a ee | Tt oe # at Moo } “harpesburg Tn | J W Harmon Rebecca "olland 16 290 26 Cass C ; - a Ht, : bt 3 Olumbus L MW Wew “ope Tns Leander Cass aay eva 30 201 iq - DA. a 1947 5 25 | Cass Odis My Mis cin i ee | | y - t W Union Grove NC RE Cass Ida Moore B 3 | 197 C J ba , | | | Pere ed eee Nora Rosetta FW New ope Tns, Phrone Williams Katsy Nicholson 36 96 i i 9 Z C } 1 ts) ., | “f 1956 | 3 26 aSS Randy Brent M Ww ptatesville Joe J Cass Evalene Lunsford 42 96 9 2 C J?» fa an WW : . ' rt 1956 | 5 27 Pass, John Marvey M _W WPnion Grove John Marvis Cass Lessie Gregory 42 216 a | y 1957 2 2lj Cass Ida Moore F W [Btatesville Jeti, Maria Na Hise 4373 | } fl 212 C w ih . rh ss 196 | 11 | Cass Lou Ola F W 6Btatesville Elijah H. Miller Nancy Mayberry 48 93 + 1963, 3 21 | Cass Chris Edwin M W|] Statesville Marsh Cass Mary A Mitchell 49 185 1 fut a f2964 5 29 Cass John M | W} Union Gro ve Unknown Rachel Cass 50 4 HH I 4 | Sm Bee £3 i a an | “8 p Sal 4 — ——— ---— | 4, a+ at ck | Be tea a. H . A +” ied ‘i oe a aes eile | \ bY | MC eee oe ee eae i | +} ee eilntsnecdeseenenessnstenescnsensnesendl sidlsinicsalinisessisontal a en Ener nrenead —_——— + +1. j | | Bons Ba ee ccd eee 2 ef ' + eee ES seeetassereestnaeetineneetee creep 2 ee hd | r - + | 7 eo ee + nn eatin eteteereeeaserecuneenes hb} . + ; t os | a >_— + - sneeatibnetetitenatintseal oa | iis ee A on 2 oo a wilh enh heniel ce 3 | Be i ee hd | ae T = cere rcentl Tiree a penalise | ad et AR. 4 | ee _--—+ i ? _—— a cia ae eon Eee ~ a Be ———— es ——4-— + , pa aanernagly | T —— rt dee a) aren ie i ae oO eleieicad = | — a erecnal + j | | > _— << 7 bam —— Tc diately sis J a ides a Pinar tical} i i 1 | — ls i i T retell tiie nae | ee i | + So n e e n e d l , ee ES ca e hh pr o n oe 113 ATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ait : —<pepeeeeeens INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature oa sheets insures their correctness, more ce ee - : a ene COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 68—Copyright 1930 a oN se at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and re' Reg.U.8.Pat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It Pili “a. COYTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference, tale se PSS i y ena en ae ee SURNAME OF DECEASED color | PLA NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — F . | Yer | Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ” PLACE OF DEATH Vol.! Page DATE OF — SURNAME OF DECEASED | | . , ———— hv = : You | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF F mnt i | —— eek soe ATHER t —+ J NAME OF MOTHER a ait ¢ To locate names, open Bae To locate name: to Bull Scelanse aman: INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, ee e et aa BE : oe | i Fas . ; Bt i ae a pecan NG 21] Cashw a 2 [19263 | 24] Cashwell |_Mary Evelyn |F W Btatesville NC | trom ; i : ae at. e homas “ Cashwell Sleanor Summers fA 139 He | one Pras —_—$<————$$— | || 1926 ashwe Chas M l Tet esta, seh Twa: Masten coed ° W 6Btat Nc oe | | esville “C {Cc | = S Cashwell - teary 3 BL7 a | a sibs wasiasecigactaeecheoeanages ai obat — —— ashwe cs M ‘ | | pg. sciineienimanes i i W bDtatesvi N Y i . | lle NC ohn Cashwell ~ 1A 454 hE | ae eee : jaiacaieeseitala —————}__} _ ; 251 Cashwell Martha E ; ce = Ressthice eA doa mma F W St * ~~ | at esville Thos J Lea ih (i ) | : o C - es f Ss ary Mollie 5unch Leary BO Bhe ae —_-—-+ we en : i 4 P + ws ee bs a F i m. os aianiiaiis a el perenne -_ ne - + wi : _ ol ape T : 7] MH = a — — St tte es te 3 ; | ae ’ Chae ie as . sg ae fat ce aia i‘ 4 ak bas Fe , | 2 a ~ +] —-}—__. eiceebidae ry - = = —_ | : | , kai | ~— 4 ———-+f — a pa ete ——--—__——_-+ 4 + --—-———— : a : nest sain Lt seein pena ee ene oun § . ~ mene: els a ma — ee " ; - - ceeded eeeesesneeeicetenestensnentaees -———_-—____}— laeeaieeniniataees as jini msuaden —— nn _ i _~ EE call eer encase anenes + H | oH + i LL Se eeenseeeeestrtaesteeeinetaentiesenedliems | i | } "nt tiemesesl He oars a ee | ee ssesrestseesseenensestsienensinenstentnie! Dee | | Hi anes , ; Fo nnee eaencnlrenensrlllindenecnatteenneiamensenenesnecasee. = | | ee | \ ua | . One Soha nnn . + | | ) ba ea te | | 7 | | | wares r nna insia ene oo — _ _ ei | eee —— setestaenceanaeetrenettnt rs > > | | ' —— cet cern ar t + + oe i Praha Lee ee ee + 7 : | i} 4 tite pa eR ON! « | . i 115 : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Te le 8-—-Copyright 1930 ee © locate names, o at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ness. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Peek age ead an yaa -anae IMETts This Signature on sheets insures theit correc rf te names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Reg. 0.8. Peto. ( For Your Protection, Insist On it US. Potent Nor Leathers is30 = _ te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. a Ao _______ UH Patent Ne, 1487166—Ce ae ———_—_—_—_—___ = — PEN (thang th eins to Buff Sub-Index sheet f , ee a = = sheet for page reference. Seid by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, — om == RECORDED = Yew | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN ; me Year | Month |e 7: ¢ 2 * 4 : PR E S S E | 2 lad c : Lo Annie Elizabethl * W| Mooresville NC|E J Dobson Anna Jewett hl 165 4 + b a _ ’ > “ dl . ae a ai iain sa staan aa irietiasstrnaiaitaleinnininainineiesainiianmnimmnine scininiammninlisientaitinient isin eae 4 ae ee al Ce ske ia : ts 3 I ee a 1927, 4 9] Caskey _Mary Elizabeth | F |W Btatesville Tn | David White Nancy Mullis N31 515 4 a 7 . tee | J , sinc Neral lames tres ntllnianeinliianinineniiieichniinancedhitnleenentathetensncinoilpinii dd 8 | Cask iferd F “PH oo a p40 | it | 6 | Caskey _Biferd Forrest | M |W Fallstown Tn James L Caksey Annie Dobson 26 159 | Ht tai OU | t t . one eaaiereneeinie lei iangnesanneenneneniatnesnteseenn rene nner nee eS ee tr een narnia a s O44 | 8 2a Caskey William L tel : | ee Se hae § —j : ee Basso. ewis! M Pg s , cain ae es | 1 —— | care _ WY] Fallstown Tns, James L Caskey Annie Dobson 30 383 | i i Dae channels ceded enti ee | 1) | 2 Caskey Margaret Eliz/ | F W]Coddle Creek Tnb. Wm E Caskey Hazel E Thompson B5 428 ae ; - 2 2& Cask Wi oe , ——— p954 | 1 | ony | William Edgar M : W | Mooresville Nc rinkney Caskey Mary Elizabeth White’ 40 561 i t He : 1958 2 ah Caskey _ Nathan Clark M _W > Mo rgant on Joel P Caskey Mary E White 4k 229 1963 8 | 30] Caske H ’ . : i ~ L9 i } y _ Hazel F WH Mooresville samuel D Thompson Gertude Howard 19 519 { diag ‘ i 4 api i : if j 7h: a ‘ae ee a i 5 a T er i — re 7 + | - sie ca = a = + -— a 5 = , ~ ~ —_—~-— ~ — — - = oe * {} ° + mf 4! Hq | ae mes + _ | -~ ——____+__ a | or i ‘me eee ee ——$- . aes - | | + ae 4 tense —~ - ————_——_+ — Te Sala sr i icaiamie | | , + | ome ogee ail aceiieailias ee tac a reece Sy —ay _ ~+ i + — paren | | Ve sommes me - ea | cement <-nenietenee es ; | rH 2 oe eee ———+. ph — - ~~ | nll ence — | ) i f + _ Piper ceeescernenernennieidpestennsnnti <a e aeeeenenecemnes - <n eet 4 | — 7 lt oi a aes _ ee ee ences —_ + } a a a ew i + letiileilichcea lactis j | ed i aie i } ee me , a lca —— mane + ’ ee meet . + a ia | i I 4 cere nee —— eRe a ett, a | ea +--+ i . | a ST Tri iieitirtiill ieee i ee Ts a , sitninsinntlnentamnael Be ee . amnemmnati en + ’ ~ | . : | He | oa , - — _~ + eee ee ee | ial a aaa I ea | i at | anaes Riedie i eee | | | a ntti fete ee | | ft erin ao | | | " BE feat ened asi — ~ | ] + N. C. Columbus, Ohio Charlotte Elen Lowen YnKNC NAME OF MOTHER wn Made by The Cott Index Sold by Observer Printi S — Iredell County, N. C. NAME OF FATHER ters of erence. ret Letter or Let heet for page ref. | Hl ng to Fi PLACE OF BIRTH — BIRTH per Tab accordi refer to Buff Sub-Index s MT SEX | COLOR | + | Open at Pro ; Name and SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN a SOE SR sa Sasa INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS 7| Cleveland Day 4 } | | Copyright 1933 A122580 | Month 2 | | | t ' | ; COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1—Solit Year Page RECORDED Vol, | ‘ectness, On It, ema es Stee $ sheets insures their corr Otection, Insist This Signature on Reg. U.8. Pat. Off. For Your Pr sheet for page reference. Ba Fi de onc a ne a ee NAME OF MOTHER NAME OF FATHER at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer index Sex Cor | PLACE OF DEATH ets un ee — arta en 7 iia ek Td : | pememeen A nee trae sen ee j ot INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN — a U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 jennliitilvinnnaii COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 of - «y e “ 4 2 —— — — - - vz eh oe ga p e ai g ns hn Ee a a Ty di a p e r : + - = : ai n aS 2 he on ee e SE a ER ER B ai is te > a og r a a 2 f— * c * x i = : : ae $e eS = ap an g l - —— NISTICS — DEATHS — a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS —tredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 U.S. Patont No. 1437 wes —Chevetate = to Buf Sub-ladex sheet for page reference. Reg. U.8. Pat. Of, For Your Protection, Insist On It eK : ae any NAME INDEX No. 1—Golit r= = —————— ne — a . ont coTT F. Copyright 1933 A122580 Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of See Ste “ peremermnsnene es aa i aaa ys = AAR AEA NO a lbs ness Dakss nui ee DATE OF DEATH SRN ~ , ono SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = PRED - TE OF BIRTH SURNAME. O DA F CHILD ‘or en Ow AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN Vol, | Page ‘ as. " Your | Mowth Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS. GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ee la Name and Sal Made Cott Index ‘ohumbus, peas as Es om = reser te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold y aa Printing House, Gotha. N.C SEX | COLOR PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = te + j | Ui 4 ee sve iRS ve i dlipesa asics aieasnccaasadub achat asda chasis nO Cl | J f I en ene j | j , ; : | | i 1964| 2 | 7] Cleveland | ohn MiiC | Gtateavitie © | Mid Oressieas 3 7 eect sh ie lilac interrelate MM on ca | | ! F | “1d Cleveland Unknown 1 59 70 HB een recs | | | {i i} ‘ ; § era | | | —. | } ] j | | eee nena oars etmiennentNtetinneeaesad Ee | | | f z —___ i I | i nna | i j ' " Es se ih a na i i { Te . — Re, i | i i hs ee {| } | { a ae i | 4 ita, Se | ib. ini ie | | unas |? —~ 1 it | | ee | ' ™ o? 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COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. | a i a ara ‘ : a Sf aee —— ! Sd a ae No. 14a 7168 Copsrione iss - iene mee oe SO a wie Reg. U.S. Pat. Of. De Protection, Iausr grt eis, i TS ee ee: annie INDEX No. 1—Spiit = ——S——————_— SSS = SSS EE inte COTT FAMILY teat 1933 AlZ250) KF Oren at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Tie GAYE OF GEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED eacenees | ceo nah Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by’ Observer Printing News, Ceatlotte, Ne C Beat i RDED See STE - ws c by aver tn i une, _ sins re SP Se ‘ ! Tae Te a Gea sak Gir ie ee Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER pears DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME OF CHILD eee Te | ' * ¥ ‘ . os Ho i age ra ; SEX | COLOR P eer "a } r : 4 } . - Your | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN LACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | i , : oe iid leaded ttedinbdarniniastan | NAME OF MOTHER ii | ae i 7|| Cleveland John Mic ae 2 7 ars 9 Ytatesville | Mid Clevelan tL Unknown | | 4 + a . spmenennems mona " scien a eesenesenllleeseneesesenseeiesenptnarenesnceneesaanenenssestaanenesassansesissseshellstesenssnesssnnsestsetseearseneeeanse ee a rr etme 1964) 2 | | | | { | | ‘| q i } | ij | * 4 . 4 - ofp eee = $$$ $$$ — $f ______] of | H | : 28 i i i. } a i | Te nee ia | | 2 L. ( as i 4 4 - te 3S ‘ aia sesrereneelpeensenenectnnneset oer tmanerecassscnase i ctnetneneaseiensaastiaaen a ne ae | | ii . en | { | } I ili ta >+— | | iy dey | | ta | } | | © he, ; l i i. : | i ‘ i ‘ s ‘ae j | } i| i i a 4 in | [ | \ | | : ¢ | ae t \j ¥ ee = ss ap s ee a me . > wo n t en e r e n e n e r m n n e s s e n t h r q e e e e s n s ae e - — t e a e o n e n e e e n a g e e d i n e e e r e s e n s p w r e n g e r ae , pe ss o ° TS ER S " Se e § Se e : a ca h a i p c l e m 2 ~ ea e : es ee e i | ' i ~ Se me m e a p c i e n od e s a : ~ ae + ! i + j j 3 eh — oe ge g e n | + | heat | : : 4 ee i " ee a it Far eat sk ene eat = E oF e MRerenss ab | ' 4 : , - | | - | fc i ) = nee —sineeeinieasisnanennl ne etaeniaainttceancameaaiaei een }_——__as a | | T | | - | + ——}— - 1 ia | - a = Hs | 7 '% at | © _— | saaneshensenpenienenenens a enum apiece ssinainartiemmigambaaies ——— a | —4-—___—_ —--— | | * - | | | ; i | : | | 7 — a ee nalts pnamananenioniiatee - \. = - +o \ aa | | t is + + | | | } } | ita silt iecaiiciainiarinaniaiinistina a | | , — oi | | 4 ml | | 7 + } } ; | i I ea ae cee | | | | | | oath silethinneidiaimnem — ee j | | Mh ‘ | | P yaar | | Slee cae " | | : oem hp — —" | | ear e ba i | i peeeeneiane ili sieleeesiiiiiaiitbiat ai | i | | | | fosters nenennsedlnnese | | : es: ee | die | , | : _ : | lj i] ui | | 7 | ! ! | —- — - ¢ areas eaten | —~ | | —— soem | s ee | én — ac cette tts besa setae | ; : nan ~~ ee | | } Pe | | | we ees eet hie ae ir a e Sa r e e ge t N a m e gr e e A ra m e n ag r a ae of e ee Sa m p l o a n p a n e t a l t g e s s n s e k e s So e a 3 ~ 7 = FS i rs v= nn a lg en ag e ne n ge e aa a x i Ca p ee p i n e n ee nn = —— Se s = : fa e r er = ee n an ed e s n r m r e n c i o n ea t e n ee : . - : at i an o n a pa r e n ne g : : rs = > = Zo ac rs t o y 7 (x = 4 — : — ne n u l n e e n e i n e n s i n e n e n n i n e e m a e e n e m e n a e n ee s i e a i i t e e e m t a a a d e l ae a ES S ee SE s po e t : , sg t de a n tioeness ee : . — . ee ee ae * a ; = : : - = ee - — aa a we g => . me n s ia n ‘ = = . ’ ai — = ’ ee eS a Be r t i n Page 50| 293 Vol. | on et et 8} oo ee e a ° z o ; os i f i =] & Se t S| ad 23 ) = ™ > Bp ) < 4 ' 3 " | oO —— — — — — — — — ea ‘> ee ee s = = © 5 i =] 3 kX | a ss = sf GW ) Es ) <= 6 my 7 | - © fo a m y | $2 a li a c k a e l s c d «a 2 6 - =— So == = wi s t l x Se — Es fe in ox m4 re a2 ee a = ~~ 0 li g ge | 3 Ri a l Ss ) 3 Fe 3) a. a hh el es i « = SS S . Ba oe Di t . 3 Oo RE E L ee e ee ee e oe si j 8 ar t i e @i < é: 3 ro o 1- 2 ) ea e oe fa n s i —- EE ie + —< | | ee ee oe -— > | | oe ) g oO if ee e 8 fi ut | Be | ge . } I ee a i t n i l it na i Gi oS oa t h . : <5 ) | os aS | | } i j : Sa l 3 | re n n e t E { 3 | wf s | 5 o ; | Re | a | i Pe t t s hl T po d 2 = wn Oe ae ae Ps Se t cd ea 3 — ig i : i 1 ee ua ~ ie n e i ee k Fe + = : : ; on = 3 7 - —_ —— ee e sr i p e e e c e s s i s e a e m n n p e n c e s t i e n e n e s p e n e s t e e : : So | 2) S| i + +— : : : j : ar e za : | is i Sh — | Be aa Ee os ; 7 = ; ; ; : ra e \ fp pe po e ar e ' \ ' f ; ; eo Fe e / / / j / | | al e ] ee e li d a e i & oe fl f} — — #3 } | ; : Pe a s ae ie r ie 7 SS —— — S S — 2s 7] gf = | » Oo Q2 | = | z : o as 2 a \ ©} ee r re e r r , pe c em e n t s se e ae s s e e e e l ee e > = =. oD < 7 i S &) on ) it Z t mt eZ Ei & SS SS ee . me CS ea s y ) | 1 Hy | 3 at ] Z | ee n at fi : Ps m1 fe e t pf fo ] ja n e ea e = i q i s > | yl iw y f ba n e } ga y t 7. 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Co l u m b u s , Oh i o ro u p e d to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa €; ce nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e e ma m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i So c n e s wh e n ne c e s s a r y . 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EB E S S B H S . ME N S SS U P R T E T i Fe e ou s Pr o t e c t i a n , to s k s t On he Co l u m b u s : On i s ra n ” Wo . Ta s E s e ™ Ne m e s of sl Gi d a r e n t wa y s th e na m e le ap e i l e d : Sa p f i c e t i e s SE N T EI T BL E S Ma p s : En s i g g t s om Su b -t n d e n an e s; yf FT F F ee e ee e ) oe ae | Pe e eae ae ia = Ce et 4 | | Py iy ee + + + + ’ + ; + 4 . sv c e i n i a n l i c e i t l n oe s | et | Peo on | a a oe i i | i | i 7 | | i | j | | | i } | a 1 1 | | } | i ; 8 ; | i 8 | | ba ioe pi f 3 | | | | | | | j i i i i fi 6 ® i i | | | | | : 3 a i | j | ' | o » | i i } | i | > n oO Sy j i i | } S © oO wo | i i | | | 3 w a ' = = = < ° } So ° ie =, o oS . : f= So e = xp + +: Pf + sl e s am i e a . & /W oO tt ) i i i T T 7 , as s ' & oa a § am & | | | | | | i | fh +— _ - - - - — — 7 + + + $ + ; j + +— - — —} — _ _ — — $e | } 4 t | | ph o n o | > | | | i | | 3 ty pe : | a, i Oo } i | | | i } oO SS } i j | i ' o i i j | t4 . a j i o a m2 | Se s oO Se et | j } | i } | | = ee J | | i _ 2 a. 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C. | | PRT saa lik Be cnn eae mena SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ale ey eGo nen Copeny- Galen, hi Le Las sooo a cs ee case | 2 " BATE OF DEATH SURNAME, OF DECEASED reconpen || i) | ae ; ——{__ rT con on AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol.| Page | i H li cece eT TSS t { Vea Hy cen fi iH “ren 7 Ni } | ‘ ie : if 1920; 7 |10/ Coble - M . C jStatesville N C|John Coble Sallie “ason 6, 97 ( HT | Ua! or ~— —— eter riled i) i i hi el |ig21) 5 | 6{coble : - | C |Statesville N clJohn Coble Sallie Mason _ 7, 357} ie, a4 - aie _ — al 1923) 10 |17| Coble Albert M | ¢ |Statesville N C/Charles Coble - 9, 416 Hy ih | He | aes y + OB i iscsi nansnitlinsinniiniiiaeensincalii tetanic ft 1925| 10 |17| Coble Albert M C |Statesville Tn |Charles Coble ° 11| 480} Ji tt si | ly LY ; : | Ene ea te 1928, 2 | 20} Coble : | F | ¢ |statesville N C|William Coble Mary Lee Lynch 14, 359 fh | i L : ; oy eee ae, os |1929| 12 12} Coble Matilda Cc | F | c |Mooresville N cleobin Carr lvira Eloie 15. 289 ee : 1936, 7 24) Coble © | MW |Chambersburg Tn |Fredrick Coble lporecus Stevenson a Sl Wii 4 i: T Le ee ee eee eee eee setae gon | | | | +e | 1948, 12) 33 Coble iGeorsis r/ | | Mooresvil.e George Patterson Ida Milier | 354 516 Wasi || + aie sj ‘i < adeilbiisailiahintecaiiclunpndabiaiianaibate i tabs 28 | | | h life I 1 BB 2h. 1951 9 16 Coble 1 1 | tatesvi | : oi 71 Wi | 4 H f T fies | 1956, 8 , 20) Coble Nancy Kerr \F .w |Mt, Ulla Rt. 1 |Samuel W. Kerr | Mary Ann Kerr 142, 367 es 1a | | | | mi ' saa i ili a a a SE a So ee 1956, 11 9} Coble Rita Maria iF C {Mooresville | Jacob A. Coble IMatilta Carr 142 5 32 4 ih — j + 4 } iH " t ; 7 tm.) Sing | eh a ical ais a aaa . aia 1960, 12 7 Coble _ Scott Brown | MW | Statesville |David I. Coble Nancy Kerr L. Tee eae mi | l ball 1962) 9 | 20/Coble Arenus A. | MC | Mooresville f Jacob Cob] Matilda C Coble 48 507 Lie —_ — — — — ee oni i 1s t | 1 I] i t hn nm 1962} 12 | 3 | Coble | M ‘ | 3 4& ' Hie | a ee eee a | ! om AMS r ss —— | , il | | \ ahi iinet stoi teil ta + | | hint | | | | hi | Lilo ee 2 gem | vi ; | | | | tt | ‘ +——_}-—_—__—__—— dinintenniniiibeaiibelasaditil gies oe L | | es eee { i | a Rascal cok sire So ah | | | | | wy | brewers ii aol oin-ce a prone e , | - wy | | I : - — aun Se ae ek as 41923! 2 |10i cobb Lois | F .W |Statesville N CjH R Wells [Alice Whaley 9! 309 + ips + | - | imme | i 1] Ba ied ae eee ees oot a x ____}1929) 11 | 7icobd Minnie | F . C |\Turnersburg Tn |John Cobb Feba Payne 15, 708 » ih H 4 = | | } mii | | | eM ei ai i en ; i " 4 | T | | | Bini | les i a: <i : ' ana | | Bie ie Hi | : ‘+ tk ie {| ARTS +} sihiainibibxtncenigi : i : | Hine ie - Lr i + i } t 4) ——_—___ Rees tet ii i. } 1 i I a oa rt | hi { “ a vm er | an : ik ij te | ie it k He | ee i oe | | Mp 7 i t it ~~ jaa gaia ah ie | a } } ; wet ' hie | ; i | menumenei ee | } | 4 i 5, eon Pra aa | | i 4 | ont a: | va | ! | | | satis | es | if ) | + | | : _ iw till | } wl S| | | | | | ol is ne | ‘Be ie i, * :y “ hdited igh Vy * . y aaa my v INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Tredell County, N.C. re metas: ali tail eit corrco U: NIVERSAL INDEX No, 14 AL INDEX No. 1-4 ,. § This Sienarure on sheet insures their correctness. PAS To locate emma oe reference, U8. Patent No. MST —Conreaht ine COTTCO UNIVERS. a = locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Obio to > Bull ‘sv mnt sheet or page _U 8. Patent No. 1437168 Cop: it 1930 to Buff Sub- Index sheet ter page reference. ane eho sehr perso House, Charlotte, N. C. Hey 0.8. Pat.ow. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. Ba . ; cE eS eee eee am ; sone GATE oF ORATA SURNAME OF DECEASED | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOT DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED naseneee —— Tee Ne rr eee | - [rss or veans | ee oe a women | | SC jap Gamitin ak, F Go Gam Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [Gay pa, _ se onan T | | ousinda e 2 11915] 9. 2 \cochran Jones Meredith | W} Statesville Tn | David Cochran Lousinds Reece 142) 11916 10 | 24} co | Evaline _W|Turnersburg Tns| Alix Baily Lovi Beall 3, 447 | ‘ James A Moore Kizzie Setzer =. | 8 | ee poner ry ee ; es ae ee 11928) 7 }30 | Mitchell Tumeraburg Tal 7M Cody i aaa ‘a cae ‘ . ai i a ai - =e ; Si ei na l > 1921 10 10 |Cochrane Mary Barnhardt Mooresville N GJ A Barnhart Adeline Mélchor ee 11959, 7 30|Cochrane [Robert | WI] Coddle Creek Ty W L Cochrane Susan McCallip fi 12948, i Cochran Robert Baxter Statesville NC |Jemes D Cochran Sereh S Cochren <4 | | 5 ee Iredell County | Lloyd Cochran Virginia Bassinger | 1946. 10. 23! Cochran _— — e en e i i | 11948, 6 9) Cfiichran James Davia | _ W |Statesville NC |Robert L Cochran Mary Rodgers i rentine ; : ; }1950 4& 16 | Cochran _ Catherine Ture | Statesville NC | James A Turrentine | Catherine Sanderson =< . ee == : ai e pro er e ie e e 2 ee gu r e ae * i - 7 11951 11 1 } Co@hran Dena Query iF W Statesville NC | Elam Query Linney Cochran == ms g E : NS E ie tc ph Mooresville J. C. Hendrix ne n ¥ . : 11956 10 28|Cochran Ophelia Hendrix_| ra t e * eS ae ne ni g e r ae —— — = - —— — ro s ee n y c e s c n c b e n i p i r ea ti r e ea ae i | | H ed oo ae se e ee e Se n c o L -_ — a oe i : ~ ns a ) m s 1916; 2 21) Coe , John wWeslie | i. W iStatesville NC | Jno P Coe ! Statesville NC | Jno Neill Mills Maude MeLelland ot t e r s , 41928) 6 , 20}Coe Julia Clay Mills| ai e se e P9b2) 10 (19 iCoe wary Irene iF iW Statesville NC §W J Wileox Della Smith be a m ~ =e pc x at e s mu r m r a g te aa a >» == = SS S a heze 5 27 \coatney Statesville Tn + Coffer | Bessie May Pi Statesville Tns] Walter Coffer Zura Hunter 13; 550 |Coffer Lucille Fic Ytatesvilie NC JvWalter Coffer harer hunter bu 106 tc Actin eenetihetctetseeactetieie ee a b ey se sn wa - _ § ‘ ee _ ™ a — A “ ' rm ; 2 in Wh INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. _ Mt eee - locate samen sore mene saath ae 4 a UB Patent TAM LY St Ti, 28 Patent otis “ervet tote BHF Te locate names, stich tect tor pene tforenens et Btn Sp’Oteerver Printing Howse; Charlot Ne Ge . i | id 7 q i i Reg. U.B. Pat. Off. For Your Protection, Insist On It. : ~ = aaa oe -ancneetnneestnnanmnasentane erent SS Sere SS A — Sn aaa ALS TE aS ee aO ea nn nn Eel Se ae i - ' ® ee : | — SURNAME. OF DECEASED —_ a a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME, OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page AL ie i rae a | ome lew AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN I sinaliennanee ee - t 1] 1H Mi] * | 77 v r A \ ; : i 1915 9,2 ycochran Jones Meredith M| W| Statesville Tn | David Cochran Lousinda Reece | Cody | Evaline PF} .W{Turnersburg Tns| Alix Paily Lovi Beall 3, 447 T°) Bea hee | { : ‘ = pe ae i i ian Hy | 1917 12 (24 |Cochrane Margeret L F | W]|Stetesville N G James A Moore. a 3 11928 7 | 30} Cody ; Mitchell F_| W |Turnersburg Tns| J M Cody Jane Foster 14, 627 'f ‘ | Hit 5 Dt ea cule A. i meee ae i | | | [1921 10 10 |cochrane Mary Barnhardt FW] Mooresville N GJ A Barnhart Adeline Mélchor oa | | | eT aI { ’ ie | Y ‘ t nt ! t | | fai iol , er oe W Susan McCalli } tien) BA Hit j | 11939 | 9». 30|Cochrane [Robert M| Wi Coddle Creek Ty W L Cochrane us D ae ' le Pi Lei sia oe 4 '1946 12 23) Cochran Robert Baxter M | W |Stetesville NC |Jemes D Cochran Sereh S Cochran 52 415 ee | : ee fat ‘ae | H | : 5 We | ‘ ai | 1946 10 . 23] Cochra: re M . W [Iredell County | Lloyd Cochran Virginia Bassinger | 33 347 ut nr?) ey ; | oP HO} fu JI, Aral ; “ : . F i i> H | ] i | ‘i | | a, i } | k | i bh nd | 11948, 6 . 9/Céchran James Davis iM |W [Statesville NC [Robert L Cochran Mary Rodgers 34.231 ae ' A tH a + 1” it } | 1 . i ry i } J wane 7 i} ! i i rentin | | aan m : ie ‘ : . ‘i ; wei a | 1950 & 16] Cochran Catherine Bie | F . W/| Statesville NC | James A Turrentine | Catherine Sanderson 6 , 263 an ; | f | | ees en | | e oe | | i d f i Wf |1952 12 1 | Coonran Dena Query ae h. | Statesville NC | Elam Query Linney Cochran p7 | 585 : | fe H ai | 0 | | | ey to: | 1 11956 10 (28/Cochran Ophelia Hendrix] F W [Mooresville J. C. Hendrix - [+2 (53h * I it haet 0 mi | ar | | | | + i | | | | | | Pa u | | te rf | | | | |! | | | | | Li | i | | | I ne | | | | f | | Hi t i | i | oe. + EHS | | | | | T T hin £ | | | pa ae a ti da : W 3, 237) beet { | t f 1916; 2 | 21)Coe , John Weslie Mi W iStatesville NC i Jno P Coe. Bsenesesnes Wood ie at 1 4 | | ie iy hi i i | | | | S ‘ - a ee Fe | | { 1928! 6 .20/Coe Julia Clay Mills] F We Statesville NC | Jno Neill Mills Maude MicLelland 14. 441) jas) ; | i | | ae | fh ) i | | | : NOL2 | 10 19 Coe suary Irene | F 1 St ate svi lie NC | wij Wileox Della Smith 28 ; 392 i % t| | | | | | a ti | ‘eI iy | pee | | | A Hi 4 \ 4 i vs | 4 aia | | : | i} ' i ; : \ i | | a> te) ' ge | | | iF | i i I 4 J + 1 , aii AD ge] hoes 5 27 oer Etta F. CG] Statesville Tn 2 e 15. 62) iin | em i | | | i} ' | | | $ f i 1! { ° " i | | mt ia aH eae | | i li | | eA ; Wt . Tal i hail | et ar | ” oe r | | i f . i | { iat Pee | “ | “| | { i} j e a > te 7 I f ° | t | | ————}1921| 10 | 4}correr |Bessie May F | C |Statesville Tns}| Walter Coffer Zura Hunter 13, 550 we | } tH oe t% . 1 wo Welter Cart a ’ 6 rt - : Lt —$___ 11948 rr | 27 Coffer Lucille Fic Statesvilie NC jWaiter Coffer Sarer nunter Bi , 106 + ; 1 ; } | i ] t r — 1 —F- = + T ie re ) r | it 4 iP | | ee ri BE 4 i | | oe attic | + nin | | or ee 8 re | Lad / I, i | i ’ th ? ; c } = Ol mone | i @ | zg he ! | capa = et et Pett | at | | | | | eV) Hee} | i ei eae |_| 1 a. a | a T ses neers + " fi / ae | | |. | | | | ey iat Me Hs | or Me . : 1 V2 | sxouncaneadiii pi h cnn | A 4 ” T 4 | { 1 t | L' S — | |__ ae 4 | ell ten hdlaiidiiniiin ein ae fone - T = . seni aiaeealhinesrtsesensieesieensnnnntnmeonstaiiennel eam er - -- j | | ; ' | —~ / INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. dey —OTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 Ltt COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND —_ U. 8. Patent No. MeO ee i, Bs al f anne U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 — 3 : DATE OF DEATH RECORD Sa DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | | RECORDED | emis Se an. 6 are ile Sex | Coler | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a | — ! ap CUNETON Wale, © Gon 18 Gomme Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [oT] | i $ ' a ee © hi 4 “ ! i ener” | i | | | Elva Lee Mooresville NC | Will Coggins Katie Smith 4A, 22 _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. geet locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Te Keog-U.8. Pat.ow. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. = toe Buff Sub-Index sheet fer page reference. Mooresville NC | L A Cockrell Nannie Litton 19! 53 | 1918 2 |27| Coggins 19331 Cockrell |Jno Baxter 1933 1936. 1939 1943, Cockrell Cockrell Cockrell Gockrell Cockrell “AC |Benjamin B | Lucy May Mary Bffie Pearl Ellen Mooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville Tn ee Nc Statesville NC 4 ‘ er nooresville Raymond Cockrell Benj R Cockrell L W Reavis George Combs John Chamberlain Jonn Litton Faye Brewer Martha Montgomery Roxana Parks Meggie Sharpe Elizabeth Windsor Nancy Kirkman 19 22. 25 | 0 | 42. 1918 | 11 1920, 2 11936, 2 1947 6 19) Coggins 1934, 1 | 8| Coggin | Coggins Coggins | Coggins Grady Geo Clark James Lee J Christenbury Julia Ann William Sidney Statesville Mooresville Mooresville Coddle Creek Tn C C Coggins NC | W H Coggin NC | Will S Coggins ne | Clark C Coggins Mooresville NC Sidney Swan Mooresville NC | Clark Coggins Mollie F Byles 4A Katie Smith 6 Julia Swain 20 Julia Swann 22 Katherine Christie Julia Ann Swann heel, 317 Cocgins Lee Andrews Mooresville Ben Cockrell Martha Montgomery = ee e GS E lu925, 11 .17}co mi s Coddle Creek Tn]| Percy Cobler Sr i) | ; . 7 | 916 | 11 21) Cohen Mary Elizabeth Barringer Tns ‘Henry Upright Margarct Claudfelter 3 Cockerham Sallie G Mooresville NC | Pp B Moody Cockerham Vertie Talley Houstonville , i ’ Cockerham James Arley Houstonville NC Ne Co James Talley John D. Cockerham Fannie Weatherman 7 oe | ‘ Mirkie Wadell Anna Mariah , Statesville NC Jno J Summerell | Ellen H Mitchell co n g u e os t ss pe s k y — — =a t n e n n i i e n s - RT E es OE : ee _ be c Se a a Ae s ni m e e g e t i i t n $ _ _ re NE we e : SS = ap —= <= = a > sa . ee ne _ fe , aa ee e » ie e e ne m a ma e = gh e e ~ = oe 2a ee e en e n s e s ie e e £ se r e n i p e n s a o e s on i “ 4, * : . _ — + . . 4 ee en ° : : 4 « *e < Reg. U.S. Mas. Of. DATE OF DEATH wy ay INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copsrigie ibty This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Coffey |Hary Cooke iCoffey Josephine Carr iCoffey |\Mary Elizabeth Coffey Rhodessa Gail os lr \F To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sex Color i! | W W wr “i W | | PLACE OF DEATH |Mooresville |Statesville i Statesville Statesville N C | NAME OF FATHER Jno Reese Coffey Thomas S Coffey Thomas Grier R. Ray Coffey NAME OF MOTHER iva M Gregory | Mary Ray HI | Patty Eades RECORDED Vol. | Page | 4A; 18] 8} 85} i! i 12, 516] a | = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 2 4 | 12 8 11 18 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN { Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Colemen Coleman 9 17 Coleman 1 - 24 Coleman |Clarence JD Lillian Mae Fe ‘Charles Monroe Noah Wilson aap To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ee Clinton Charlie Rudolph Annie Long wad lossie Theodore to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sex Color Mooresville Mooresville Statesville Olih Tnship Istatesville istatesville Mooresville Hav. -esville I | Statesville | 4 | | ei ec +7 wld Le PLACE OF DEATH Statesville N jStatesvillie NC Nc | New Hope NC Robert Coleman Chas Coleman J T Coleman Henry Coleman Sam Coleman ~-s-Witt lg D Coleman |. na Ho ohn D Coleman |Robert Long jJohn Coleman | | { | Lonnie Mahaffey Be iH Menon vole man ii 1 | i] | | | { i NAME OF FATHER — DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Mary Jones Victoria Jetton Bertha Smoote Margaret Coleman \clemie N Harris Amelia Clayton laAnne « Douglas T rm} 7 . annie Douglas | |Martha Collins i | Nancy Jarvis i *.13%6 2 { | Mattie Privette Carrie VCobb: RECORDED Vol. Page 183 , 201 341 267 347 w oO 393 | “h ba —— _ — — to ~ 477 | nm « ne n a ~ wo oe no S ven 1914) 7 1920) 1927/ 11 1932} 2 1935| 10 41941! 10 41944! 3 | 1949; 4 1962] 12 ,27 1 (10 ; t + {1S i16 t + 7 14 14 3 18) ‘Jno Martin James B Julia Pain \Minnie Isenhour) JC wi) lism & BLVy bUryess ry a Pre? Ve | iStatesville | Statesville Concord Tns Statesville Statesville joLateoviite 77 | SV ar IC C C | } | | { | iGreen Coley Thomas Coley jNathan Coley James M Smith Wm Isenhour Harriett Heilig Minnie Isenhour Marther Hux mary AL1Ce VOUK Lia wmith | 48 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. @ |) PTT Wh Geena | rasroarertreioe tasroe' BP sn MR ate we eee ra = Soe i vs CRTTSRA RS RA area it CTF en SF SLATS RETIN TAR et vl Rei aaa fe! ; Rs neg. U-8. Fat. CS. bs : Bice te z a eres naan = SSSTTtt === ———— aes Sr a a . Aen me aes a ti 3 a i t + Ti TT co see 2 een we a . PET nomena ~ " ne a ee ~ _e eT = Pe ees tem = q q A Th warns th SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex «3 PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER recom Si et = ae ee ae Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER E OF MOTHER _— a my. rear er AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN : Vol.| Page Year | Month | Day a ; teas Vol. Page i | ay i : s , | se —— lp : scuusasans mes FD Son oat ae saloon ; i ; Weare) | ee ea. | | 5 : - | | nm Ht 1924| 8 l2/Cole \George M | W [Cool Springs Tn 10) 51 1914| 3 | 3) Colvert |Amos Augustus M | W |Statesville N ClRobert $ Colvert Caroline Gaither 1, 457 dd, j : | “ j i Wet ; hs ne | % ee “ elle ’ “ ss Sa . | | ‘ ; Hi p 41951) 1 /16iecle } Sarah J ane F_| W | Mooresville NC} George James “ 7 2711.6) 1915| 3 | 27} Colvert | Low M | & |Statesville Tn ~ Rebecca Colvert 2, 293 +, B weet He i ; , al w C oe ol he meee 960 C ‘William Henr M W | Mooresville NC} “m. Henry Vole da >rockwell 46 3 mo WEE ie. is et. ee | : ' [1915| 5 | 26) Colvert | Becky F | C |Statesville N ClJerry Gray Lettie Gray 2, 403 i. A. en , i 1 i » | LH | , 1915; 7 | $0} Colvert Sarah Ann F . © |Statesville N CiGeo Stockton Emeline Watt 2.335) i) a ! mee | Ny Hee : 1916) 10 | 7|Colvert Selina Eugenia | pp ¢ Statesville Tn | John Colvert Adaline Hampton 3, 289 ae | i | pt er. ; | | . 7 a ee ie | | : MAL Bl ie 1917, 5 | 24) Colvert ,Raymond Tice | M | W |Statesville N clz E Colvert Angie Gaither 4, 451) pay iy i a | i i! i i : I | we Aaa oe \ | = \ | ie LLL | { Die Recagoue 1921, 10 | 6) Colvert , Joun | M | C |Statesville N C|Walker Colvert |Elvia Gray 1 7, 438) Hoe as Ait | ; | | , i, | ' i! | j | i MAL Jed : a f 1921; 8 | 7) Colbert _ Lonnie ; M | C [Statesville N C|Ezekle Morehead | - 7, 403) sh sat Hy ie | | | | Filed | | | | HH Hetey | t | : Bs , 1922; 5 | 8icolvert Gus M iC jStatesville N C/Gus Colvert |Mary Allison } 7. 536} +11 | iy | \ i i i j | | | i meee dn i I i | 1 | i | | RL t ft 4 " { 1923, 8 .21)Calvart Milas } M | C jStatesville Tn | Robin Calvart - a) 296 | qe i! | | "7 | | | | Ha Hed | : :. | 1925, 5, 9) Colvert iJ E 1 M.W {Statesville N CiWm Colvert | - 111, 355) ead ri , | | | | | | | j | | pita een i | i | } | | - i I i | i 1 1926' 4 21!) Colbert _ Laura | F C |Statesviite Tn |Noalie Sharpe j - \ 22 370 | >a } . “ | | | 1926, 7. 2) Calbert _Edward W | M W IStatesville N CidJohn Calbert lsusan Clarke }12 509 | a | | | { | | | 4 | be 7 t 4 see . | | 1930; 10 | 23) Colvert Lon Walker | M C |Statesville N Ci John Colvert jHarriett Nicholson lis 512 | i ™ a e i { | i i | | 41929. 10 lili Collie _ Dennis L i M | W | Statesville N CiD L Collie Elizabeth Troutman /15. 12) 1932, 9 18)/Colvard Thomas R | M W |Statesville N CiCicero Colvard | ---whittington l18 429 | i 11945 8 ih vollie _Deniel L MW (Stetesville NC Wames M Collie “erthe E Kress SL ie 1937, 4 5i/Colvert John Walker | M C |Statesville Tn |Lon Colvert | Josephine Dalton 23. 517 i ae : \ oe man |) : a | 1946 4 4i Collie | Slizeabeth ia EF W {Stetesville NC I?.%. 4routman vherlotte iustle 32) 272 1937, 5S 16) Colvert Martha Hair | F W {Statesville N C|Harland Hair |Ellen Hair 23. 384 ij | | | | | : iT i f | 1940 3 4] Colvert | Adeline H 7. it Statesville NC Horace Hampton }Myra - 26, $59 4 I | | } i! I i : {i | | f fr, t f peter 1941! 3 | 6 | Colport | Bruce | [Statesville NC | John Colbert | lliams 27| 262 7 1 i | | i ; | | | : | | 1 : by | ' i ‘ 1942) 7 (3 |Colvert i\Mary gane hale \F W Statesville NC jPielding Hale Euma Lomlinson 28 | 347 | ei ; ' i i 1954, 2 |19)Colvert | Feater M UW Mooresville | Claude Colvert |Cassie Mae Pledger 4hO, 45 (ep 1 ; : ! 1957 | 3 29 |Colbert Addie Lou H. |F C |Statesville Jim Howell Nancy King 43 227 "*) | ’ - | ; ; | ’ ; 44 | ! | | ’ } bata 1.958 | 11 6 Yolvert John Ervin | h i | : fil t laud ] t Mine Plegeer 44 556 i iN ; ; i ee 1959 1 | 3] Colvert | Geroge R. M C |Statesville ~ Lillie M Colvert 45 49 Hi 1962 12 | 13) Colvert slaude S. M , | Statesvill Johr lvert innie Watkins 48) 665 at ! : | | iN ss 5 ] | | _ + ot | ; } Ih | i i 1 a eee } ; 1936 86. Colverton Annie Johnson ; : | i} 1 t FC |Statesville n cl pert Johnson Farber Watkins 22, 475 —-——} | N ; ; | | | | t fn LN | | hens | t ; ' i 5 i ; i | : | - lide + =“ Ta t { } ™ + ; | ee ) | | | P Fi ; + — ——— Vhijees oe “lier 8 j ; | | | | iii te e. - ames Poo, bi i } ; | ~ & } } i Y ce | | nee 4 | em ‘ ¥ i pe } } | , el j — | 1 | | - iA +—— tt icc. | i thee hee ~ | | " i - ee ee a a ee ated a aaestenestaacminentill anne | sfivcerencn ciliate nsidetlbadeplnnaaenencit deste. sss ‘ Me ERR Ie __anillhioee J ~titatd Fetters neil * phat. + are ivy ¢ 10 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. - Fi a COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND BR aeerenr TYCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 . ar bio AME INITIAL TAB and refer EX No, 1 . , co — © locate names, open at SURNAM Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohd This Signature on sheets Inoures their correctness pate locate names, at SURN. IN) Ge Potens a 1437168—Copyright hade U. & Patent No. nee 1930 to Batt ono oe = — ant refer ae pag ads Teinting House, Charlotte, N. C. : . s ference, Keg, t-8.rat.ow. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. ~ os onanond es tor Uae enemies SN SS SS. = “ ? iit = 1 SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED GATE oF SuaTE SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER hee pele | aay | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex | Cor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page | on | am | be AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ee m4 fas 7 | | | 4 1915, 10 , 4/ Collins: | Earnest Haywood! M | Fallstown Tnsp |P H Collins Wilmurth Bass 2) 149 15 | Combs | Btte | |New Hope Tn | Press Combs Alice Shoemaker - _|John Collins _ Klga Linch | B70 | 24 | Combs | Nellie Concord Tn | F L Combs _M Jane Reymer {2, 72] 1 1919, 12 2]) Collins | Pleasant H | Davidson Tn 1922, 9 6)/Collins r E Statesville N Ciw I Wyett Isabell Barnhardt | ge (15 | Combs Alvin i Concord Tn William Combs M L Ross 72, 78] 4 { 1 1923, 4 17/Collins \John GC __ M_. W |Coddle creek Tn - Mary Collins 159 b | 5| Combs Rufus B W Concord tn ‘| Billy Combs Betsy Ellis la, sel 1923, 14] Collins ‘Annie L | Statesville N CjWilliam Troutman S Waugh | 1 9 Combs M ¥ Statesville NC| Wm Heec Combs Marthe Lois Ross | 4 11950) , 254 | , | 5! Collins Ts | Davidson Tns I Bass ---Gilleland | j 29 | Combs Herold Newton M Concord Tn N H Combs Florence Stout Collins Margaret Sue | | Fallstown Tn Wn J Lippard Margaret Little | 21) Combs Sereh lize ° Concord Tn ' Thomas Guy Betsey Cummins | 4 | Collins _Rebecca Statesville N C/Hugh Collins Elsie May Nichols | Combs V Elizabeth * W Concord Tn F S Combs Jennie Reymer 22 oe * t _— 5 4 ‘ < 3 3 a ea i oe 5 ja e x « « : < = “* ‘* ty , 3/ Collins _Rachel | _ W [Barringer Tns |A D Collins Callie Clark ! : 1) Combs Mery Ann ' W | Bethany Tn Luckie Speeks Sereh Cass I | | 5| Collins Mary Comelia I 4 Coddle Creek TnijA W Mills Elizabeth Mills | ; Combs Mery Melinda W Coneord Tn Daniel Moose Whaley 5| Collins Florence __F | W |Davidson Tns __|Redford Jones Annie Dishman 22, | _ Combs Lee “MW Stetesville Tn | John Combs : 20] Collins Grady Calvin | M. Mooresville N CiJ C Collins Daisy Kincaid | Combs Bernetea F W New Hope Tn J P Combs Viola 55 15| Collins Jno Pinkney | |Fallstown Tn Henry Collins Margaret Lippard | 1924 | Combs LP M i New Hope Tn J F Combs Viole 10 231 t 25] Collins _ Homer James iM | Fallstown Tns_ | P H Collins Wilma Bass 3 | 1925 _ 8) Combs .NH M W Statesville Tn} C W Combs Elize Guy 11 449 Ht 111 [Collins | Sarah Lee | Mooresville NC | Mylas Clodfelter Sarah Clodfelter 1927 28) Combs Leretts I i Concord Tn Milton Alexender Jamims Hendren 15 66 Collins | John Dayis i | Wi t Mourn John © Collins pouisa Lynch 36 11927 | 22) Combs Julia Troutman F N Concord Tn | Miles Troutman 1135 64 ' ‘ i Collins | Fannie Laura F |W Btatesvilie NC John v. Cook Sarah J. Sherrill 78 1926 23) Combs M Elizabeth Concord Tn Rufes Sherpe Hertness } 14 89) | Gs 5 ‘ z Collins Wi V4 f c } | J ‘ e eu > nn + T14, oS ¢ ) 17) ba] } , L | h j | ! | a | Wiitiam Augustupg fi |W jytatesvilile onn VOl.ins susan Lippard 7| €0) 11929 . | 2) Combs Cynthia E Coddle Creek Tn Jesse Moore 115 86} i Troutman Troutman i | 1905) 9 ‘Ollins ace Ianhel? fi Wi Teantma Ne ‘ nd Aven) } f- : 3 5 ! | F 1 ! 11954 10 29} Collins Grace Isabelle | F | WY] Troutman NC Yacob Caldwell / Margaret Louise / WO 522 11930 | 13) Combs Sophie Brown Concord Tn 2. 16 115 | 7 Lippard ven). 3. ie collins |Albert Lawrence] MW [Statesville NC [John Pinkney Collins|Margaret susan / 41; 214 1930 | (30 | Combs f Concord Tn | Clifford Combs Peerle Broyhill 16 128 | | 11956. 9 21)/Collins Ethel Holcomb Mooresville John H. Holcomb Mary Ellen Prevette 42 hf 1951 | Combs Eliz s J W | Concord Tn E E Combs Magy Guy 11% 94] 1957 5 & | Collins Bessie Long Mooresville J W Long Blmina Poston (| 43 222 1932 Combs Alexander C Mo W Stetesville NC! Clerke Combs S P Combs | 18 293 1957 8 13 {Collins Mark Vernon Statesville f. Shelby J. Collins 44365 1932) 5 | Combs Merthe J Nentz W Stetesville John Nentz Elizebeth Alley | 18 349 | 1958 1 26 Collins _=—_ Bessie May __W | Mooresville John Collins Minnie Mills 44 55 1938 12 (25/ Combs Bynum Mi Stetesville NC| Hicks Combs Gircie Brown | 24 459 | | 958 c nt eg ee sia Mk a 5 A | 1 5 | & ollins I rank Edmond Bcf WM. oresville Mohn Collins Minnie Mills 44 251 1940, 12 |3 | combs WE LW ee Rufus Combs Melinda Moces 26 103 | 1958; 9 | Collins Effie Mge C Statesville ohn W Summers illie Evans O61 O00 8 i 1940 12 | 9 | Comts | Susie A W |Concord Tn E E ( 3 Payne 26, 104 i \ | 9 c | 1958 | Collins {Espy J ohm Mooresville NC John Collins Minnie Mills 44 626 | | 1945, 7 | 1/Coms Nency Ann F W Betheny Tns Gampbell Anderson (@lma Anderson Sl 1960 z Collin \Johr A "c } Mi 7 ou 1aY R I ; . , | | t 3 eo sroutman Rt. 1 | P. H. Collins Wilmath Bass 46 674 setae 1945, 7 |23 Icombs hienley M W Concord Tns | Rufus Combs mary Moose JS | Collins Linda Ha . ’ i | | | | roony Jonah Collins Ann C Yollins 49) 305 1945 | 12 {30 |Combs [Myrtle Mozell F W (Statesville NC | William R Dey Annie Lou Lyerly | 1947| 7 |117\ Combs |Fletcher Steven) MW |Stony Point NC | Rufus Combs | Malinda Moose | | 1948' 11! 4) Combs |Flossie Ethel F WwW Concord Tns Vance Hendren _ Dora Williams 1949 301 Combs | Ronnie Lee | Y w | Statesvilie NC {Marshall Henry Compa] Lettie Muy Taylor hous 28 Combs | Martha Jane iF |W | Concord ‘Ins Peter M haymer | Martha bustle 35, LAs | | | | ° ar? | 1948! 3 | 23) Combs | Etta May W | Statesville NC Press Ladd | Vena hobertson 36, 81 | | 1949 BO Bombs | James Frank | Wl West Jefferson | Willy Comos | ----Bryant 36 162 1950 18/%ombs \James Arthur i} M , W | Stony Point NC Rufus Combs Malinda Moose 36| 609 19561 Combs | Tony Lee | M |W |Stetesville NC |Ramsey Combs \Dora Lee Deal 37| 277 | | Combs Herman Harold | M W Statesville NC } Robert E Combs Flossie D Troy fa | 8 8 “ 9| Combs Martha Lois R. F |W | Mooresville NC |J, Arthur Ross Lucy Grady m2 hb5 f | Statesville N Ci Hicks Combs Bb Combs, Fetaeaddapeaat r, “iy Sergeavitie” “lonrce oose Mares o7RUPy 4) a8 13 Combs Robbin Dennise | W. Statesville peohey &oubs Betty Shephard § Pps F 28] Combs Amanda Le Pj B preusmen Mary A Speaks 3 Combs orace Clyde M W | Statesville Reid Combs Julia Troutman 313 Fae ar 7 ~~ et ee See see 12 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. re INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — redllCounty, N.C Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio a; COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX aan To locate names, open at SUANAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. 8 Patent No. 143 Be. 1-4 eee COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe. 1-4 fg es &. & nt 2 ad Li © names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. { This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. 716 . Rog. v.35. Pat.or. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page references. he saan 2 Saar : cece _ U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1936 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. - - Soe g SRDS SE ETT a ; ro : = : ee = : ~ | 3 So ; i | 3 | RECORDED |__DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME. OF DECEASED ae eS . ris) as Tat , : | OF FATHER NAME OF 0 2 SURNAME OF DECEASED | pe Perret Z | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME MOTHER amen AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH ; NAME OF MOTHER — AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN f Year Month 8 i | | | ; | ! coemenene i W | Fallstown Tn Robert L Hertline | Serah Culberson | £2 | Compton beuve 7 ! 3 1913| 12 Conner ‘Rebecca W |Statesville NC | pavia Burton %| Susan Boston 4 | Compton ~ W | Falistown Tn R B Compton | Isabelle Hortline | . | | 1914; 5 Connor Ellen | Davidson Tns | Henry Henderson Mary J Henderson ” G Compton | Macy Lewson | | Compton i | Barringer Tn Williem M omp I y Ss 1916. 4 | 26 Conner ‘Isenfield | Statesville NC | Wesley Abernathy Mami @ McCorkle i | | i npt ' Fallst Tn | WM Compton | Marie Lawson ao s ——- | ae | ? ! : : 1916; 10 | 2)Connor Lucy May Coddle Creek Tn} John Conner Mira Me@erkle | | 5 | | Cerry Do | F | Compton } Barringer Tn | Meade Compton | y Dougles | 4 1917/2 |25/Connor Davidson Tns | ain Common Emma Gonnor%, } Bes i ~ Gonyton Berringer 7 & Compton j ey Sanry 4a 58) | 1917, 9 129} Connor Coddle Creek Tn) Pink Rocknan Anna Stema Compton . Berringer Tn Le G Compton | © & Henry | . 11917, 2/ Connor Davidson Tns Geo Connor Lizzie Williams Compton Aaron B W Berringer : Lemules G Compton | Lucy Scott | = 11920 |25/ Connor Shiloh Tns | Henderson Connor Mame Morrison Compton Hayes NM y Berringer Tn | A B Compton | Elizebeth Rimmer . j1922 | 5| Connor Shiloh Tns ro saat & Meaetenn Compton Elizabeth Hva ? W Barringer Tn |} 4 A Rimmer Polly Nethery i : ‘1922 26| Conner 4 iStatesville Fredrick Lineberger | Nancy Wilkinson Compton M .W | Berringer Tn D W Compton , Lelia E Lipe : 11922 31/Conner Mi Mooresville | James Conner Dora Lockman — = ¥ . . — “e a m e s : ee s re r e | : > a a ne n Sa an e re t i * . < : ‘ « * = * Compton W Stetesville NG | Roy L Compton - Vicke , : 1922 2 IGennoe ln dais ; Philips ar ee en e m a Compton Grant (Mrs) F Burringer Tn B Sane Martha Dulin 1924 18 |Conner Shiloh Tns EG Conner Mamie Morrison Compton ~ { ‘ i Fellstown Tn 'T B Compton _Mezell Lipperd 11924, 24! Conner { Statesville Tns| John Conner Josephine Barnes Compt Robert G MwWis svi iy | ‘ — a oe eer pane en Fannie Troutman : 11925 14) Conner Maxwell Wm Andy Davidson Tns A E Conner Bertha Sherrill Compton RW { c : | : mae eiys fe ars banka: Sea | Mergeret Franks Re ; 11925, 10 19 Conner Dora Catherina Davidson Tns —- Robt Conner Emma Beattie .aAmn T © . s } F i | Compton James Garfield M Mooresville NC 4 B Compton , Elizabeth E Rimmer j F 1927) 1/ Conner John Albert Wi Statesville NC a Linedebioesr 1941. 7 . 2) Comrton Glenn Albert 7 id dine Seg ee ern,” Senta ie } | | : sa Beha / “| Sarringer In lames G Compton #lizabeth Henry 2 ; 1929 /15| Conner Mary Davidson Tns - Dorrie Conner Re i . 19k2) 3 9) Compton Carrie M W Mooresville NC |W . 4 es | ‘iin i i | r . ' - coresville Will Douglas Julia ann Gant 1930) _28/ Conner Charles Mooresville NC James Conner Harriet Beaty | | | | $1942 6 0’ Compton U Grant M W (Fallstown Tns_ |aaron Compton Elizabeth Rimmer | 06. 1931, /11/ Conner Nora Statesville NC | Charlie Cockran Pansey Jones i] ! j 342 10 25) Compt Dar Race i" Ss oe es 8s i | | 194 -2| Compton Daniel Edgar a |! Fallstown Tns [Grant Compton |Lucy Sain Compton | 28 1932 4) Conner Davidson Tns | Cam Conner Betsie Johnson os > ‘A 9 , . ear ici a _ ‘ i i} \ + 02% - - a von an mChinliey as ’ wiQVQOl’C §s Vi le IC Ls gC somptc 1 TI 4enahkeo hy I ~mea | A j a 7 ~_ : a joiizeteth Rimmer : 1932) 4|conner Statesville Tns| Ernest Conner tmma Donaldson | | \ pore Compton Phomas Jefferson M Stetesville NC 3 H Compton Lucy McGee 1933: 1 15) Conner \- { Statesville Tns! John Conner Creola Little ' 1 i i} ‘ é ID . o {| > rn lan \ i | / 1946 Compton John “enderson | M Statesville NC |Henderson Compton Mer geret Campbell i 202) 1933; 4 /27/ Connor Isaac { Mooresville NC | Lafayette Connor - - ! | | 1934, 4 |29)\Connor ‘Minnie, Rebecca Mooresville NC | Will Potts Maggie Patterson 1948 is iodan f ; 3 4 Comp ton Thomas Blaine NM S ta tesville uel T. J. Compton \Mary E. Troutman } | | { I 4 1948 Compton r | , pazances 5 Reet | _¥ Statesville NC | Riley F Bost _Condace C Hefner By , 208 | 1935, 6 .12\Cornor Coddile Creek Tn, Gage Cornor | Bessie Gamble H ta 11950 Compton Mary imma F Statesvil IC 4 1 ow : etatesville NC [Robert L Troutman | Margaret A Kestler [36 85 1936, 6 |28)Connor | i Coddle Creek Tn| Gaye Brown Connor Bessie May Gamble 1952 5 | Compt ; , ompton “ffie lrene FW | Statesville NY | Henry Jacob Lipe | satiate Pethel 38 kk | 1941 6\3 (Connor lSvivie Joan . Mo neset lie M rer ee 1952 i Vompton N . i \ | ! P Mozelle Lawing W | *tatesville NC |Charlie A Lawing | Carrie Autin 38 3 | 1941 Zl ig Connor Jane E Btatesville MN hcLain Abernathy Fannie Lorance | | ott | John Compton Estelle Benfield 40, 102) wwe $1942! 10) 10] Conner | Nathaniel | M Statesville NC |Monroe Conner Sarah Cline 1954 3 19 | Compton | John Vaniel M W |Statesville NC 1655 9 3) Compton Flossie Elizabeth FW . + | | 4 ) , Statesville dacob Troutman Margaret lroutmag 41 434 1943 | 22 (Connor _ | Mooresville NC John Connor iiire MeCorkle SSeS Tee ueman | Louisa Morrison h3 | 223 nf 1 943 14/Conner \fethicen | C |Mooresville NC [- Seatrice Gonnor | 1957 3 16 | Compton Catherine Ze | F Ww \ Troutman H 1958 2 19 Compton Lela Ester Lipe | | + oF pe | Troutman Whiffield Lipe Dorcus Cook 44 75 ak 1944 | ee | Mooresville NC [Aleck Davidson Polly McNeely 1962, 9 | 8| Compton Wm. E. 24 Connor Stetesville NC|Henderson F Conner (Minnie Morrison \ i | looresville Wm. H Compton Levie Beaver 48) 81 1946 24 |Conne | | | r RV . | m pe ~ p n | Statesville Aaron B Compton Elizabeth Rimmer 50 346 ye h H a LT 29 Connor James A | C | Mooresville NC} Mayon Connor jstta Connor — a Compton | Estella Statesville | 129 | - | N | Statesville NC |Bert Kay Conner | Mary Beile Spann F W M W 1963 8 2 \Compton Leona rd M WwW M OW 1964 | 6 11)/Compton | Dan iel John Benfield & lien Mart in 50 467 nee 91,7 1@ Conner Paul Ray | | Statesyiile NC | Bert Ray Conner } wary sell Spann | 1964 | 10 Compton Neva ei Statesville Irenius Lippard Clemintine Ostw41t 50 643 Me hiss 13) Conner Thomas Farnkl | W | Mooresville NC |Charles T Connor =§ Mary Jane Sherrill él Conner Nancy Ann | Statesville NC | T. N. Craig | Fannie Lanier 3 jConner Chattie G Davidson Anderson Keid hosieé. Gamble A C TL ai l r Pate ot INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. .. | This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Reg. t.5.¥at.on. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH nme { Year Month Day | + ' * 22 Compton 4 Compton 2 Compton 2 | Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton 25) Compton pton 7 Compton 13) Compton 29! Compton 3 30 Compton 2 16) Compton 1 | 6 | Compton x 1% | Casnhen 3. 29 | Compton e | 3 Compton 3 16 pear 1958 2 16 Compton 1962) 9 8) Compton 1963 8 | 2 |Compton 1964, 6 11) Compton 1964 8 |12 | Compton 1964 | 10 is Compton ji a Laure I \F W - F W F | F Aaron B Hayes Elizabeth Bva Grant (Mrs) Robert Grant RW James Garfield Glen hart Albert Carrie Mae U Grant Daniel Edgar im Mckinley sa CY Phomas Jefferson John “enderson Thomas Blaine Margaret E Bost Mary imma iffie lrene Mozelle Lawing | Fw _ John Vaniel M W Flossie Elizabeth F W i | Catherine Ss } F tt | bela Ester Lipe| F - Leona rd M | Dan iel M ’ ; | Estella Neva “ “Statesville 4 W W } Wm. E. M wW | W Ww | Statesville 3 SURNAME. OF DECEASED eae | PLACE OF DEATH AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i Fallstown Tn Fallstown Tn | Barringer Tn Fallstown Tn Barringer Tn Barringer Tn Barringer Tn Barringer ' Barringer Barringer Berringer Tn Statesville NC Berringer Tn Fellstown Tn Stetesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Barringer Tn Mooresville NC Fallstown Tns Fallstown Tns aa locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER Robert L Hertline R B Compton William M Compton | W M Compton { | Meade Compton | | J G Compton | Jd G Compton | Lemules G Compton a B Compton |A A Rimmer IDW Compton | Roy L Compton _B Sane |T B Compton | Rey Compton Louis Compton A B Compton ane G Compton Will Douglas jaaron Compton t ] it |Grant Compton | 4 | 1 Tr iT Any alla NC [Isom Compton Stetesville NC ly H Compton Statesville NC S ta tesville no | Statesville NC | Statesville NC | Statesville NY vtatesville NC |Statesville NC | Troutman | | ‘Trout man | Mooresville | Statesville Statesville | |Henderson Compton T. J. Compton Riley F Bost Robert L Troutman Henry Jacob Lipe Charlie A Lawing John Compton acob Troutman | Troutman Henry A, Troutman Whiffield Lipe Wm. H Compton Daniel W Compton Aaron B Compton John Benfield Irenius Lippard COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Le | U. B Patent No. 1437168—Copyright ipso NAME OF MOTHER | Sereh Culberson I | Isabelle Hertline | | Macy Lewson | Merie Lawson | Carry Douglas | wey Henry C & Henry | Lucy Scott Elizebeth Rimmer | Polly Nethery , Lelia E Lipe - Vicke Marthe Dulin |Mezell Lippard Fannie Troutman _Mergeret Franks Elizabeth E Rimmer i> » + mlizabeth Henry RECORDED Julia ann Gant 28 ‘Elizabeth Rimmer 28 jLucy Sain Compton 28 ie | iZlizaceth Rimmer 130 Lucy McGee 32 | \Mergeret Sampbell 132 ‘Mary E. Troutman |34 69 | |Condace C Hefner 4 208 | | Margaret A Kestler | Sallie Pethel ; Hatelle Benfield Louisa Morrison 3 Dorcus Cook Levie Beaver Lela Lipe Elizabeth Rimer “llen Mart in Clemintine Ostw4lt 136 85 l38 4 | Carrie Autin 138 3 40 102 Margaret Treuteed 41 434 44 75 48) 481 49 4,63 50 346 50 4,67 i h f \ 4 i . " " _ 123 ; 50 643 41946 41947 pee ATI DATE OF DEATH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Ir , UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 en Savent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 eee Year 1913) 1914 | 1916 | 1916, 1917) (1917 1917) 1920 ‘92a \1922 1922 1924 11924 l1925 11925 1921 1929, 1930) 1931, 1932) 1932, 1933, 1933, 1934, 1935) 1936 | 194 j 1942) 1943 1943 1944 | 1946 19,7 hou? Month | 12 | 10 2 ? wee re locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer eS to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED Day AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 125 Conner 4,Connor 26| Conner 2) Connor | 25) Connor | 29) Connor ! i 2| connor 25|Connor 5| connor 26| Conner 31) Conner 1/ Connor 18 Conner .24| Conner 14) Conner (19) Conner 1/conner i 15| Conner |28| Conner 11) Conner 4|Conner 4| Conner 4 { ,15| Conner . | 27| Connor 29) Connor 6 6 i 10) 2 5 .12|Cornor } { \ ,28|Connor 1941 6 13 ee 14 Connor 10} Conner £2 iis 14/Conner 24 (Connor 5 4 Conner 2 il il 10] Conner 29 iConnor 14 Conner 13) Conner 6& Conner Conner |Re becca W i\Ellen Isenfield Lucy May Maxwell Wm Andy Dora Catherina John Albert Nary Charles Nora Annie Ola Isaac ‘Minnie, Rebecca Sylvia Joan Jane E | Nathaniel (desse ‘Kethleen ts Enna RV | \- James A Paul Ray Thomas Parnkd ih M, W | Nancy Ann \P ‘i Chattie F Davidson Statesville NC Davidson Tns Statesville NC | Coddie Creek Tn| Davidson Tns | Coddle Creek Tn! Davidson Tns Shiloh Tns Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Mooresville NC Davidson Tns Shiloh Tns Statesville Tns Davidson Tns Davidson Tns Statesville NC Davidson Tns Mooresville NC Statesville NC Davidson Tns Statesville Tns Statesville Tns Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Coddle Creek Tn Coddle Creek Tn | er 2495 nT BOOTECSViIiLLe NC ~ Statesville NC Statesville NC | 1 Mooresville NC Mooresville NC : Mooresville NC | | | Statesville NC| Statesville Ne | | Mooresville NC | | Statesyiile NC! , Mooresville NC 4 | Statesville NC | David Burton | Henry Henderson Wesley Abernathy John Conner | Dan Connor Pink Rockman Geo Connor Henderson Connor H F Connor Fredrick Lineberger James Conner HG Conner John Conner A E Conner Robt Conner Charles D Conner | James Conner | Charlie Cockran Cam Conner Ernest Conner John Conner Lafayette Connor | Will Potts Gage Cornor Gaye Brown Connor - . Pimen 1 reoree Vonnor Piclain Abernathy Monroe Conner gonn Connor ‘ Aleck Devidson Henderson F Conner Bert Kay Conner Mayon Connor Bert Ray Conner Charles T Connor [. N, Craig Anderson Keid Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. edelf County, N. C. i q Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio NAME OF MOTHER Susan Boston | Mary J Henderson Mami @ McCorkle Mire MoeGorkle Emma Gonnor\, Anna Stema Lizzie Williams Mame Morrison Mamie Morrison Nancy Wilkinson Dora Lockman Philips Mamie Morrison Josephine Barnes Bertha Sherrill Emma Beattie Line burger Dorrie Conner Harriet Beaty Pansey Jones Betsie Johnson Ztmna Donaldson Creola Little Maggie Patterson Bessie Gamble Bessie May Gamble Mannie Lorance ‘Sarah Cline hire LicCorkle i\esatrice Connor Polly McNeely Minnie Morrison | ar) Beile Spann |Etta Connor | mary sell Spann | Mary Jane Sherrill ae Lanier |Kosie Gamble 14 INDEX 70 VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Se: INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ‘ COTTCO UNIVERSAL IN Lom tere any : : t.. | This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. AME TIAL TAB and refer DEX No, 1.4 7 f To locate names, open at SURN. ina U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—c, TVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 a OF : 6 ti cdlesuaaa. hho opyright 1930 COTTCO UN: Md pap Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL T. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio camantmnee or Your Pro ent Insist On It. : i Bult Sub-inden shoot a ee eae ea i i eS A A : on nee sescaes . U. 8. Patent No. 1487168-—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page a el Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. 1 - RECORDED | DATE OF DEATH : RECOR SURNAME OF jue NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MO = = SU EO SNA | PLACE OF DEATH me | i aes Ge en Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER) [Rot — ' 4 : - | “7 ce 1951 6 |26| Conner F. ( | Mooresville NC] Walter Wadell Conng@r Nancy M Stamey ao Pe | | ft ' +433 es ae Connelly | Maggie Luella ¥ Statesville NC | J W Connelly | Ora Una Brewer 4, 363 4A, 239 11951, 6 (23] Cornor # |Isabelle Moore | i | Mooresville NC} Lawrance Woof |Annie Stitt 37) 432 a | 10 129! connelly _ | Columbia W_| Statesville Jno MoLelland a ‘ 214 | | 11951 9 23 | Connor Haves I} ’ | Mooresville NC | Hayes Connor Laura == : | | . 4 @ pay | 4 E ) | Connelly | Sallie R Statesville W.K Connelly Clugean Lackey 2, ( } i | i 1952 21 | Connon yla \ iM W {8S ille NC | Charles W. Conner Mary Lineberger | ; [ 7 ‘ - : Clarence W. | M | Statesville , " —— : Q 937 | 3 Connelly | Witcher King }M |W | Statesville Harvey Connelly | Ronay Lowrance |_ 334 i] ? - G@nner Joseph Hi | w in rmony George J Conner Is rah Elvera Shull 9 | 7 osepn ii H JM i jnarmony UGOTEnS : ree : 31 a | se | : a : ‘i r ; J i | E ho38) 3 1 Connelly ,|C Ann E Lackey Statesville i Joseph Lackey 1! Adline Shoemaker a 313} 1953 12 3° conner Henderson F- Statesville NC /Hayes Connor | Unknown | oe Bie. : Ri - | al ‘ 4 | ! F jLgsg | 1 22 | Conley Albert Hoe Mi. We Ut New Hope Tn | Marvin P Conley } Mamie Lou Marlow 954 5 29 Connor Milas Other j ( j : Ic as C r | He iet Beatt ia - | | | i t Vilas t i ille NC James Connor arrie ea ; : Wy low i Mooresv : 4 y 3 . | Conley | Wayne Lee | i | Statesville NC i John C Conley | Minnie Madison 11954 11 25) Connor Bozzy M Mooresville NC Que Connor Unknown + Connally in 1955 > 22 Connor Matrie * Ci Statesville NC - | Betsy Connor 203 | j : is De , a aa Sn . : bid r | P 3. 1S [Connelly ary ickee if i @ Mooresvi 2 N WWevid .cvee Ls 1955'12 10) Connor James William M Cj Huntersville N@ Dowdard Connor Gracie Howard Wd, 3 | | l t | i \ ; | Connolly isaac Shelton | ,W Statesville NC mWilliem F Connolly jiLucy Stacy 1956 11 28 ¢ otis | Tho i. 5 he 2 r , | | | | } 199 vonner Charles Thomas | M Mooresville |? mas F. Sonor | Sase8 al dwel 1 { ; ot | | Connelly , sarah Alene i / $tatesville NC | vock Wm. Connolly Wolly Gregory i i ,1958 2 17 Conner Lucy Gai nes F Mooresville j *ohn Gaines Sarah = F- | Sloan q ; 4952) 11 } 26) Gonnolly ,Jerry Rayford | M .W | Statesville NC] George H. Connolly | Foda Hope 1958 2 4 Connor Charles Wesley/) y Stattesville ae Sarah Mae Connor’ | | { 1956 10 7] Connolly | Ada Mae | | Statesville Robert M. Ingram Mary C. Frye F > Mooresville | Doris H n e Whooper | 44 566 | ee | ! 4 { : | Suds 1957, 1 2 | Conley _ Johnny Ray | W |Statesville iJohn Conley |Anna Matheson “ | + | | } Vharlie “oore ula Wilson las 60 | | ps9 11 8 inst John Wade Statesville Yohn Wesley Connolly | Ann Bunton OT aw A Marthe _— | ane : - | te ramble prartha Sebster | 46 665 | XOHAKXXAFXKAGEL Sx | 16 Conner Harmony \Joseph Conner Mary Childers , | | 4 16 \‘onner W Statesville 1 Burt R. Conner Mary Spann 3 Comer I er W i Statesville i} od P Myers Eva Goodin ll} Connor a F Wot avd Sville | Unk | Unk. 9 8 Conner | Cl Statesville | - I Mamie C Conner 8 15) Conner C Oteen Henderson Conner Mamie A Morrison = ): scene 2 | 7 and + 926 | 3 17 | Conger | Thomas J .W | Statesville NC |Nicholas Conger May Cordon | I __}o33 +41 23 | Conger | Fred H 1) | Statesville Tns|T J Conger | Janie Tomlin = an d s — ee ge n e r a t e - - sa g e n \ i onetaihitiijinicaial dela 12 1251 Conger lary Virginia IF 1 Statesville NC JIG tL Rankin Margaret Mills A953 | 11 {23 | Conger Ella Brow Statesville NC | James Hanes srown Nannie Woods | . 1962 | Conger pattennmeens ph —— — — — — SS SS SS TT RE =: ia 2. ae na l . #. Zz = es ai m e e pe ee Se ne e ee —_ io na g o s m b o r s a m e m e t i s me n g “v e + 15 Bin en + SS E , =< om e pe - = se a g r a s s Fr a SE ge e ee oR ya a ta oe m : i che Lae | | ae |} 14 INDEX TO VIFAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ae w : & D - § y " pen oe oe To. ae ee a ns cea te ve NG Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio i ae [ q » } This Signature on sheets insures Tuco On Ie r : aap Te agente, a aut Sebl * SURNAME liye mr A refer UB: Patent No. 14S1165-Coprigt ss Pe ree No. 1487168—-Copyright iss = ; ’ to Seas SETA, FAS ent es . Bold by Observer re moun, ama 7 a. woe = a ~ Reg. U.S. rat.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. © Buff Sub-Index sheet for bet 7 SR RS : i cea SSS eens re : - j ae ai ‘. RECORDED fh wy be } q } | ; ‘ RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED . . -ATHE THER ob a * ‘ GATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S Given Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTH val Pau i ' | Year | Month | Oay | AND CHRISTIAN NAM@, JF | | P ; rt rs lj i : gees i i i ul ai | | ij i ‘ i | | i 6 j ag : i ; ; son ow y ; Nancy M Sta i . r ‘i ? \ Q a 1 | "\ Ina Brewer 4| 363 5 ry i | 1951 6 26| Conner o IM .C | Mooresville NC] Walter Wadell Conner y tamey 37 | 433 | 1917 | 1 {16 | Connelly | Maggie Luella | Fj W | Statesville NC }-JWWConnelly | Ora Una ct i | — iy ble | Hs : \ec8 | } M : ” i 2 ar = 4A) 239 .4, 2 tt ‘ 11951. 6 231 Cornor @# iIsabelle Moore | F.C | Mooresville NC} Lawrance Woof jAnnie Stitt 37 432| 1918 | 10 \29 | Connelly | Columbia }F |W | Statesville NC | Jno MeLelland = nia ; : t i * ; , . i | | i ee | | } | « ; 5 { i | | | : ’ oe De ewe) oo ° zi agi | is | “ : i 214 eis ci +4°F- ( he 5) | « 23 | Connor 4 Hayes 1 hi C i Mooresville NC Hayes Connor | 2a ura j/ | 226 | no19 | 11 21 | Connelly | Sallie R ip iw Statesville NC } WK Connelly i} Clugean Lackey 3 a Peaiig {. i ero | | acaeig | | | | bal { et j | nt . liaw ; > i 1" . | a : at i a T "ye 2 2 4 4 i 44) ae i h952 9 pil Connorg Clarence W M W_ | Statesville NC | Charles W. Conner | Mary Lineberger BS 487 1937 Lo 19 | Connelly | Witcher King MW | Statesville NC | Harvey Connelly Ronay Lowrance | a Oy) seein | Pe i | me = — | | | | | | Pat We gk ak ora Be Be ‘ a . a nite | 24, ae) eet Ai Phe . 195 5 22 Catiner Salah. id I) Harnony George J Conner jo.rah Elvera Shull 39 263} : 1938 | 3 | 8} Connelly ,C Ann E Lackey | F .6W | Statesville NC i Joseph Lackey | Adline Shoemaker | me at thar) f ; | ' { { . vena " I , \ | i 4 - aa: ae | i | | © 2 t 5 i rH | i] i f a | ‘ | Unknown ] a A ne: Bh | ae ss Maia Sina nn | nn tn 2 Cnet oe | M 4 e + ou Marlow e- 5} « 14} ‘ie, tay (Ty | » 1953 12 3 Conner Henderson F- _M C Statesville NC Hayes Connor | 39 613 | ; 939 1 22 | Conley | Albert Hoe pA. iy {New Hope Tn Marvin P Conley | Mamie Lou M | ‘ +d aaa % * } } \ rc — ii eu 4 ‘ei! ee ca . ‘ a a ' = | c ‘ a ge ss l ne Ct nh amet 1a NC 1 Tahn ‘anlar “4 nnie fadison | 26 370i “et Wns TT i! toss 3 29 Connor Milas Other /M © Mooresville NC | James Connor Harriet Beatty |40 168 1940 4 12] Conley ayne Lex " M 4 Statesville NC | John Conley Minnie Madis 4 a i | i | | | Iso| sor) Ba ry 11954 11 25) Connor Bozzy M _@ (Mooresville NC | Que Connor Unknown }+0 909 | 1944] 12 | 7 Iconnally “4 7 | i +4 i ; ns a : ao | ei 3 , i 9 ‘ c on ary ee whic [Ds e yo des | + oe Ye Hes i aii b 1955 5 22 Connor Matrie F C| Statesville NC] - Betsy Connor jd £03 | 1945; 3 15 Ieonnelly LY s.Chee [ | | : # | * r { } , es cia !} ray t, £ | + Bi i wre di cg Som FT *ONNO IT St \ [52 22 Wi ye HH 1955.12 10) Connor James William M Cj Huntersville NQ Dowdard Connox LSEeese. Henan jot | 586] 1946, 1 . 8 |Connolly isaac Shelton | M _W |Stetesville NC #Williem F Connolly |Lucy Stacy re | au ; |} f 1 4 i | | | | iy : : Jb i 1 . = 1 2 1 ’ L Tal n r Hof G is 38 9 ” ; “ M } : eee. | arah Alen Ww Btat N vock Wm. Connoll Wolly Gregory ” Lint ih iy: 1956 11 28. Connor Charles Thomas M_ W_ Mooresville | Thomas F, Connor Ellen L. Caldwell fr 591 | 952 | 1 | 14) Connelly , sarah Alene aad pee esville NC | vock 2 ' | | i La lg ¥ od S - | 9 : | cy ea 138 58 ei LL fy 1958 2 17 Conner Luc y Gai nes P C Mooresville | id i — i. 1952; ll |26] Gonnolly Jerry Kayford | M |W | Statesville NC] George H. Connolly | Foda Hope 136, 588 Pena $1 ' 2h) | H oo . ' Sarah Mae Connor |44 67 : iF iw | Statesvill Robert M. Incram Mary C. Frye b2 488 “ Ht 1958 2 4 Connor Charles Wesley/ y C | Stattesville | i | 1956 10 7 Connolly _ Ada Mae | _W | Statesville I . i . i a i Hl H —— T } | i i i Hh ! f DL ' 158 10 2 § a or = F . bi C | Yoris G- nnor Annie Le e Who Ox er i 44 566 1957 1 2 Conley Johnny Ray j M W |Statesvi lle ! John Con ley | Anna Ma the son 143 4 ~ ~ { 4. 1 4 4 i 4 i j 45 | | | H | (3 Se . a , 474 te Manne Lula Wilson ls 604 J Wad | MM W Statesville J ohn Wesley Connolly | Ann Bunton | 45, 558 | 1959 11 30/)Connor Sudie Bell F U | Mooresville } Yharlie “oore pula “ilso “hae 4 1969; 11 8 Connolly John Wade | s atesvi I ; y : : | 196¢ ll i8 nor Sus.n Tressa N | St ille i4ee Gamble 1 artha Webster | 46 663 XRBZKXXFAAG (hax i I \ \ t el. | | | eee | | } | i ’ 1961 2 16) Conner Frances F W | Harmony | Joseph Conner Mary Childers a7 65 | i ! ; i> irc Q i i . eta | { | iT 1961 4 16 |“onner - Mm =o W Statesville j burt R. Yonner Mary Spann i“ 190 j t i aia iia + 1 Ls be | : 5 ‘ ‘ | Yo i | bu : 11963) 5 3 Comer Minnie Lee F Statesville J P Myers Eva Goodin L9 BlS | | ! | | | | ; ' -——————- ; | | | | at 1964 1 1) Connor Nica F WW | tuo Sville k, Unk. | 50 18 ; | | | " i ' » iil | ] | ( | | || ij i Lis 1964 9 8&8 Conner Baby Boy M C Statesville | - _ Mamie C Conner | 50 516 | t I j || | { l { eee ee i i] i i i | | | i | | } (1964 8 15) Conner James M C. Oteen | Henderson Conner | Mamie A Morrison /j| 50 565 | | | | j | | | | | i | | | tf | | { | { mii 1 ! “eee SiaaeEEEe * | 1 ! i | i | w ie cane IC : o May Gordon 12, 475 hi We | pci mee | 5 be bee | Thomas J pL .W jStatesville NC |Micholas Conger {May i fl | . | | 1. | lz 19, 459 : r ow ie - al Janie Tomlin ; 1] 4 d —__—___$933 |11 23 I Conger | Fred H yA W } Statesville seme i J Conger | ae | | iS ie a | “ I} \ I ! | tidied abe | 12 125 Conger [hary Virginia d F , wlateSville NU ICG L Hankin Malparel iui iis A5i LSS ; r LN | | : : i. | | | , W Statesville NC] James Hanes srown Nannie Woods 39 554 + : | t | ia 1953 | 11 |23 | Conger | Klla Brown F |W | Statesv ™ : a i | ; : z a ce . a ala ic ! binni * Mchean 48 392 | | : 1962; 7 |10i Conger ~“enyjamin ie ~ Lh ee eh eey Ass ’ | ” “ 4 | i : ee ee | inti i mm 7 a) : i | He | ! | ' t i i " i | | ; iF | =i ++ : | | | i | fart in | aie a ! it ij | | He ; “4 : t ee i _ + | ; | | | L | tlle peer } | ™" 1 ' | " ' j | : iN t q ht Vato } | +> T 7 i ™~ \ — sttnceensreisononanaseasenantns — —~4 \ | e ‘ : ee oe a ; } ‘ } . + 4 ; | lh annliphiedningull j t peed | i a | | 4 on a 4 { nea eee et - a - - - j ‘ | — “ sii wotin adie t Lica? Im INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ~COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 COT ee ele. 1437168—Copyright 1939 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. = COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Neo, os ocate names, open IRNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ’ Petes 1-4 meen | This Signature on sheecs ineures their correctness. pate! a’ - on cnn ob BURIM for page reference. U.8. P t No. 1487168—Copyright 1933 ig. U8. Pato, | For Your Protection, Insist On It. : a ——— een ————— = a one | — Sao ATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED | | | RECORDED Oe OF ATH SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [J cROED or er | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [val pase | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN aiaiala Vol | Page Ce oemed ' { | | j re Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref , = to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. — Fallstown Tns | J R Cook Mary E Shoemaker Statesville NC ja - 4 384 : 1914 Hattie Robinson 14 | 28% . 1914 | 27 | terehe Copeland | John Copeland \Mirte Statesville NC Lewis Sherrill Eagle Mills Tn/| - : s Pearl Poteat 16. 38) ; 1915. 3 | | , Julia Jane Mooresville Tng J L Brawley Statesville NC {Phil Koplin Statesville NC | Ephriam Robinson Koplin Reeves Isabella Brawley , Nellie Augusta Statesville NC | Eli L Cook C Ostwalt Fannie Robinson B3 | 129 . p915} 7 popeland | Harriett af 2 nt g p e r r o n e : et e cr e e . Sp e me a n d e r s . t S . % SS ee s : x * ma e “© Y : po c e n s a we e n hs sa i cm s Sc t te le > > ne te . ai i e r e n ~~ wh + = < - ou Henry Hamilton Martha Ann wary Bryant Eulah Proctor “nd rew Mooresville NC jJohn Cope Mooresville NC Mathews Gibbs Turnersburg James Bryant Mooresville Kichard Proctor Statesville Wn, Cope wonwe Misenhamer hucy Deaton Martha Lexton Sina Shelton Mary Nodige 1932) 7 | oF 1956 12 3 Statesville NC Mooresville Plementine Copley 41935) 41938 —.. LLese 1915, 10 p98 4 ngs) 6 ag18 8 1918 10 ho18 10 } n919 2 n920 4 1920 6 ng92o0 8 920 10 1923 , 9 1924 12 1925. 5 1926, 7 1926, 10 | 11927) 3 | 1927, 11929, 1930, (A931! 49352) 3 | 1932, 4 1932| 10 | 1933, 3 | 1934 | 1935; 1935 1936 1931 1937 1938 1940 | Pred Holton | Rufus C Jas Rockwell/ M John W Bertie Annie Udna LW Andrew Wilson Mary Eli Thomas Nannie Smith Horace Gray Sarah Catherine Lilly Lee Mattie Masa Jane Francis Ruth John D Burton Robt Jno Alexander Paul Rockwell Edna Rose Biddie EZaker Sarah Emma John Wilson Joshua Robt | Lona Mitchell Margaret S Callie Hayes | Cleo Jenetta | Mary V Brady | Ennis Eliz | Jas Howard ge [F |W Tobiha C Ostwalt F W | (oon) Statesville NC Statesville NC Barringer Tns Statesville NC Chambersburg Tn Barringer Tns Statesville NC Mooresville NC “tatesville NC Fallstown Tns Statesville NC Chambersburg Tn Statrsville NC Barringer Tns Fallstown Tns Statesville NC Coddle Creek Tn Mooresville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Shiloh Tns Fallstown Tns Mooresville NC | Mooresville NC Statesville NC Concord Tns Statesville Tn! Coddle Creek T% Mooresville Ne] Mooresville no | Statesville NC | | Statesville we | | Statesville NC| i | Coddle Creek Tr | Statesville NC | Shiloh Tn | i Z1i Cook Robt B Cook J H Cook Isaac Cook Thomas Cook J S London Finley Cook William J Cook Robert Cook Thomas M Cook Robert B Cook Geo R Mills Jacob Overcash J F Cook Finley Cook Thomas Cook Welborn Cook J Rockwell Cook R B Cook Jessie EZaker George Travis Andrew W Cook Thomas Cook G H Cook Zeb Mitchell | Daniel Shufora L Press Hayes F L Sumrow Furred Brady Jno Henry Johnston Z1li Cook B C Cook John Cooke Rockwell Cook Rufus C Cook Henry Ostwalt Emaline Anderson Minnie Blackwelder Christine Stuart Mary Jane Overcash Bell Jones Mary E Hamilton Mary Cashion wnnnne Ritchie Julia J Brawley Mary Rash Regina Hoover Mary Jane Overcash Julia Morton Mamie Gabriel 21 4 Margaret Ritchie 12 140 - “ 12. 534 Camilla Brawley 113 95 Minnie L Blackwelde?l3. 230) Mary Overcash (15, 556) Sallie Morris 16 255 Iner Moser 17 289. Holder Margarette Hudson Lucille Freeze Tinny Mitchell Margaret Poston Mattie Lester _ Jennie Johnston , Augusta Deaton | Nancy © Luffmann | annanen Ombus | Jennie O Bost Pearl Johnsm Mary Ostwalt Pei AR ne ue 5 ee * ; t rs ie ‘ns oa Pi . pan ue a 18 TAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS dell C NC i INDEX TO VI — DEAT! one i — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. ©. { on er COTTCO UNIVER N * 3 a » by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio . ? a | Gebietes ss eee “a Te Rates tant fr pose veer UB Pent Ro 18TH pag ih ez “EQTECO UNIVERSAL, INDEX e-Jf, OBI F> lone, meme. open ot SURNAME INITIAL, TAB and refer Maine ee Ft Rca: Charate r = 7 =36 = Se NTR IST — oo rma ? os eee = =o z é " ne | | — ———$ | RECORDED Pa DATE OF DEATH : RECORDED = a Tt SURNAME OF DEQEASED NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOT £ OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED : , : i! Month AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF Ae 1S GIVEN | Tee ee +n vet | Page] i _ ane GuRMSTION Wade, © Ghee 10 enen Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER ee i } | F Your | (h | i * us — iy se | , " Wa) Iso42 2 28 | Cook Herr@#fh Watts uilw jMcoresville Nc IJ R Cook Minnie L Blackwelder 27/lis | ? 1961 2 9} Cook James M, M W | Harmony N C James H. Cook Annie Hogan 47 54 | fe ial si re eee e ’ : 5 ae ‘ : s | 0 Ba 82 41941 8 281 Cook Annie Estelle | # 1% |Barringer Tn FP Hobbs Minnie “ogers 27| g 1961 | 4 16 Cook | Harrison Ennis | M | Wi Statesville John Cook Emmaline Cook 47 1 } | ie ni a kan i ee bral 11942, 9 | 5/Cook James E | MW |Statesville NC jJohn Cook Elizabeth Arian 27 | 355 r 1961 10 23 Co ok ‘uns Sherrill] F W |Statesvilile Cortez Sherrill Catherine “ Vashion |47.519 11941 10 7 |Cook Vernie 1go/ | F | W [Mooresville NC #W A Yonaldson Cora “ee Wilhelm 27) 174] r 1961 9 18 Cook Jay Gould M W Mooresville George Cook Nancy Brawley 47 460 } i ; eee - I | ata” t T ( le iNelia Hox on i ‘ oe MI { b a $1941 1) 24 | Cook Rover L i |W Statesville NC JR 4 ‘oo! pelts SOx 7 414] h961 12 91 Sooke Wm. Pinkney M W |Mleveland Andrew 4. Yooke Mary A. 4older 47 626 H | 19ka 1 31 ‘Cook ann Hogan F W {Statesville NC James Hogans |Martha Fisher 28 271, | 1962 3 19] Yook Annie Leona *%, £ W Mooresville NC | Charles “. Rappe Julia Valdwell 48 1635 1 } 4 » oS { i : j ee, 4 Wb. 4] ri | | i Rh : | “ry . uw a, » 1 . ¢ " Cl wc ;arm f W looresvil] NC sivd ; Cook hnn Bass 48 157 1 ie | } | 1942 2 2k Cook Dollie Luphene F W Mooresville NC ~Wwacob Crisco Melinda Cagle I28 140 i 1962 3 7 Cook, Jr. lyde armi M ¥ Mc oresville | ULyYd@ “e YOOK “nn bass ia. 1 {| i “eas 7 i F Bow i j1942 6 13 |Cook William Johnson] M . W |Mooresville NC |Johnson Cook itrudence Benerd 129 B09) 1962 2 18 Cook, Jr. Jesse Eli M W | Statesville NC] Jesse E. Cook, Sr. Blenche Duncan 48 112 mH \ i | y P ’ 0 Paes 19441 3 15 Icook en we Inestdann Sie Wm M Cook IMergeret Frantley iso 98 | F 1962 3 20) Cook Daisy Ann F W | Morganton Robert B Cook Mary J. Overcash 483 256 HF | | Gin 1944. 6 27 ‘Cook - M W Mooresville NC [Ben F Cook Willie Faye Alley 30 251 1962 5 10 Pook Betty Johnson F W | otatesville Unknown Betty Johnson 48 31 Bt | | 7 hee | | ‘ ' t 11944, 10 |30|Cook Slyde. Carmi M .W [Mooresville NC Jz 4 Cook | Dollie Uriseo 130! 409 192 6 14 Cook Ricky Rome M WI] Statesville Alien R Sook *na ™ Speaks 48 |549 i. \4 i \ 1 ' , T " £ ’ _c ) 7-7 j y rH } $1944, 10 ,12jcook Phillip Thoms | i W |Statesville NC [J A Cook Sr Lona Sherrill Is 1962 8 29}Cooke Jack V. M W Mooresville Johr oke Dollie Uris co 48) 477 | | Wi Ht } rv Utd) } | | } | aha. 4 f i ft Lis (1945 9 19) Cook Adem A M W (|Coddle Creek Tn) John Cook |Résie Walters 131 427. 1962, 9 27 Cook race li, | F | ant 48 513 | { a i | Wee i} i ~~ ~ is Tae, NO O Kee nk L! 1 ‘ ij (1945. 6 29 Cook Williem L _M W > (Mooresville NC | Williem Cook \Julie Brawley 131. 254! 1963 1 224 Cook Roy Youglas | 1 | tevil Keenar +9 195 : iil a‘ | . | | : " ss et i ua ae | s : ( ) j fat at ,1945. 11 14/Cook Horace Lee | M W (Mooresville NC |Junie Cook Zelda G Cook }51 368 | 1963 4 10 }Gook earner te | ae eee arenee beter Dene ee ua 1s bo . Sr | | 964 1 14 Cook Paul M Wl] Statesville | R P Cook “amie Rash as (3 iNT Ty 1 (1946 6 24)Cooke Edward Micheel/ M W (Statesville NC |James Cooke iMery Hodges )52 213} | be >i 4 | | | - } | Zz 4 . , ‘ | é 2 Ln Mamie F W | Mooresville im. P Gabriel Amanda Parks 50 86 af it 1946 10 14 Cooke berbere Elizabe$h F W (Mooresville NC |Meses I Cooke |Selma W Gemble 432. 355 boss “phe nats moan hk ; Sanne : A, i] on7| ve 144 lees le oh ea ee Fe » Wil] Mi t le Jas. ) Nancy I Jones 50 63 ef if t p94 12 |11/Cook Vertie A | F 7 |Harmony NC «1 Anderson }Samilla Reavis 134 164, | F Pee 1964 oa a ether : ' } * ; i] | 1948 & 8 Cook | | 96 Ol Cook Juni M W Troutman i John D Cook Sarah Sherrill 5U 554 a ae | Cooke Sarah E Sherrill] F W ‘Troutman NC Joseph W Sherri} ‘Cardace Byrum | 3 2uh | oe | ae oo : | wy ty | 46 2 1 H | Rober M W Statesville Albert B Cooke Mary J Overcash 51 280 i wy RY | Look ~~ ; * | Mooresville NU} waward J. Cook +kebyle oteppenson Lod 273-1 : = 1965 > ! a Cook Robert e € y i at ee | il H 1 ‘ mii as. 8 larvev Jone: , i ei ea) ; iio ca i POR o: i { i 28 Cook Har vey vones ; Ww mooresvilie NU Anarew W VOOK jMariah L Nnoover 135 267) - ve | 14) Cook Vavid J j \ W |Mooresviiie NC | Alzred Cook jSaroara York 35, 273) il} | : at 26 |Cook Andrew Francis M W Statesville NC} C L Cook | Nancy Grose 36 136 | i A | i oe | iy it 15 | Cook | Nancy +tsabelle | | id Mooresville [Thomas Jongs Pe anne Klutz 56 178 | oat . i fi Li 28 | i ' f } i + {26} Cook Estelle Love | F . W | Mooresvilae NC} John Love os “4 36 1347 | ae iat 4 4 i iF \ nl a | ee Ag | Cook Catherine hweind@, F W Mooresville NC} Lewis wm arvin jLoucinda Payne 139 469 | oo 28] Cook P ie Woo | t es ss 2 | ) {4 a) | | ennie Woods F W |Mooresville NC Sidney I Woods lElenora Brawley 40 507 bese ui ; ‘- Oo i { q & jC annie tke | F W (|Clevel: . @e : , ; ooke Fannie Lock Be : | leveland NC [Marcus L Sigmon Ellen McKengie I 402 vous | i 5 13 Cook Cliff | | | ; | § Ls ord Conare | ! svi H i i M.W ‘Moo resville Joseph S Cook Mary Rymery Cook 42 84 penniilvnaie a | 4 | Cook Stillborn | i ‘ * | PF ow Mooresville J D Cook Edna Louise Thompson 42 177 ne we P i 1 17 Cook Robe t Percey i M W | 5 P : i i. i | ; = , ee |; otate 514 : / esville Eli Cook Tobitha Ostwalt 42) 305 | | : ' , +i (24 | Cooke James Marshall|/ M wW | | : ae : : Statesville Moses S., Cooke Asenath I, Ervin 42 559 ee | | it 7| Cooke Malcolm N ' i orman| M W } Statesville John Cooke Mary M, Alston 43 118 P 29 | Cooke Charles Linden] Mw oa” | , ae | Statesville Andrew W, Cook Maria Hoover 43 Lb Sibel Loe 20 Cook dames Edward M W / Mo Ree | | rganton a 1a g Charles B. Cook Jane Alice Kay 43 uy | | i 2@ Cook John Floyd M W | ' | ] | MAOOTe SV , i | | ille John A. Cook Dollie Crisco 3 | 245 a | | | 112 |Cook Dirk Randall |M w t I t Statesvi Hi ee ‘ lle NC Marry Lee Cook Sylvia Steelman }.3 274 a ; 00 harles M Ww Palisbury a ‘ ‘a 927 ~~ I , Cook Pearl John | : : son iF | W iSt | | atesville Leander Johnson Bet tie Hayes 44559 | Cook James Albert s riM |W istat Overcash } esvill a ‘loa Ee NC | Robert Burton Cook | Mary Jane Rebecca/ |46| 597 Coresville J , ; | oseph S Cook Loretta Williams 46 | 682 ) f q = ot % : Py = ty This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. = Reg. U.S. vet.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH Cook 29) Cook 14) Cook 6 24 Cooke 10 14! Cooke | , 5 77 ’ . 194 12 tt i VOOK | | i L946 6 R29) Cook 1948 & 8 Cooke 11949; 7 28} Cook 14} Look 26 |cook 1S | Cook 28 | Cook 15 | Cook (281 Cook 8 lcooke 1956 2 | 13 Cook 1956 4 | 4/| Cook } 1956} 6 | 14 Cook 1956 12 24| Cooke p95? | 1957 3 |17] Cooke 1957 3 |29|Cooke 1 | 20 Cook ; 1957, 5 | 24 Cook 1957| 6 12 |cook (1968 3 | 6 Books 7) Cook es & SURNAME OF DEGEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ‘Herr@n Watts ‘Annie Es James E aldson Vernie g n [Ro p i ann Hogan Dollie Luphene William Johnson] XM Iimey Adam & Williem L M Horace Lee | M sr Edward Micheel/ \y Berbere Elizebeth PF Vertie A Zz Sarah E Sherrill F Harvey Jones Vavid J i kh | Andrew Francis! M ‘Estelle Love Catherine hveind a . Jennie Woods F Fannie Locke | F Clifford Conare | | Stillborn Robe t | ercey | James Marshal) | Malcolm Norman Charles Linden James Edward John Floyd M Dirk Randall M Charles M : Pearl Johnsm [F t James Albert Sr t Brenda 8, | Spot’ PLACE OF DEATH ! i fooresville NC |Barringer Tn | 2 W |Statesville } i i " | IMooresville N " W W W W ' Wd iW W W W w W Ww. W ville N i Statesville I Mooresville NC i\Mooresville NC iDevidson Tns Mooresville NC > I ai ayy —— . t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ™ ee Bult Sub-lndex sheet for page reference. 3 NAME OF FATHER J R Cook PF. Hobbs John Cook W A VYonaldson a! T in tie R L Yoo! James Hogans Wacob Crisco Johnson Cook Wm Ni Cook Ben F Cook J & Cook i fo A Cook Sr | ‘Coddle Creek Tn/ John Cook |Mooresville NC Mooresville NC yStatesville NC Mooresville NC Harmony NC ‘Troutman NC Williem Cook lgunie Cook James Cooke Meses I Cooke iF Anderson Joseph W Sherri}. mooresville NO} wuward J. Cook imMooresville NU iMooresviile NC Statesville NC Mooresville ,» Mooresvila&e NC | Mooresville NC |Mooresville NC | iCleveland NC # niesiedsson | Mooresviiie Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Morganton Mooresville Statesville NC alis bury Statesville Statesville NC Mooresville I Andrew W Cook Alired Look C L Cook mm inomas Jongs John Love Lewis Wm Arvin Sidney I Woods Marcus L Sigmon Joseph S Cook J D Cook Eli Cook Moses S. Cooke John Cooke Andrew W, Cook Charles B. Cook John A, Cook face Lee Cook Leander Johnson | Robert Burton Cook | Joseph 8 Cook INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 U. 8. Patent No. Minnie “ogers Eligabeth Arian Cora *+ee Wilhelm IDelia Fox iMartha Fisher Melinda Cagle | i'rudence Benerd \ i, jwargeret Erantley Willie Faye Alley |, i Dollie Uriseco |Lona Sherrill |Résie Walters \Julie Brawley |Zelda G Cook iiery Hodges | ;Selma W Gemble iCamilla Reavis \Cardace Byrum u ;hebyle oteppenson Mariah L Hoover " joarvara York | Nancy Grose Rosanna Klutz Loucinia Payne Elenora Brawley Ellen McKengie Mary Rymer; Cook Tobitha Ostwalt Asenath I, Ervin Mary M. Alston Maria Hoover Jane Alice Kay Ollie Crisco ylvia Steelman [Bettie Hayes Overcash Loretta Williams er) 68—Copyright 1930 NAME OF MOTHER Minnie L Blackwelder |: Edna Louise Thompsory 42 177 | Mary Jane Rebecca/ _ RECORDED Vol. | Page 134 ! | | Bk 2bd | D4 21/5 35 207) 35, 273) 36 136 56 | 178 36 .347 39 469 40) 507 44I 402 42! 8h u, 2 | 304 42 559 43 118 43) Lb 43 15 M3 (265 has 27h 44 227 44 46 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Cotumbue, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, C harlotte, . a NIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 egtsco Ne. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 U.S. Paten' Cook Cook Co ok Cook Cooke 19} Sook 71 Cook, Jr. 18 Cook, Jr. 20) Cook 10 book 6 16 Cook Cooke Cook 221 Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook 30} Cook @ Cook SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN James M, Harrison Ennis Luna Sherrill _ Jay Gould ! Wm. Pinkney Annie Leona “. Clyde Carmi Jesse Eli Daisy Ann Betty Johnson To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH Harmony N C Statesville Statesville Mooresville Yleveland Mooresville } Mooresville ? Morganton otuatesville sr 7 Moore sville Troutman Statesville Charles Statesville No NAME OF FATHER James H. Cook John Cook Cortez Sherrill George Cook Andrew W. Yooke Rappe esse E. Cook, Sr. Robert B Cook Unknown John D Cook Albert B Cooke NAME OF MOTHER Annie Hogan Emmaline Cook Nancy Brawley Mary A. Holder Julia YValdwell Ann Bass Blanche Duncan Mary J. Overcash Betty Johnson Nancy 1 Jones Sarah Sherrill Mary J Overcash RECORDED Catherine ~ Cashion Vol.| Page 47 54 47 182 47 519 47 460 47 626 48 165 48 1357 49 112 48 256 48 312 48 349 48 477 48 513 oe St em g a g e po a t e q ; ‘ oa t cn e l i a e a m m m e n e m n e t l i i n n t a 2 a a ae i : ; il go o n s se g a p a po t s co e ae ee e Wy e fa r e —— _ ma r a re e = Bn Ea t Pt e ae ep e e . ee —— =F a — = -$ - ee ee rs INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures thei cee, Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Obio names, open URNAME INITIAL TAB and refer i : F correctness, te y COTTCO UNIVBRSAL INDEX No, 1-4 gap Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer bee! inting House, Charlotte, N. C. iS. Pate No 1aatige—Copyat Vy isso se a Dutt’ Suo-index sheet for page reference. a eee a Protection, Insist On It, ' U.8, Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. % none ay Crnareer SNS Seer az U.S. Patent No. opyrig: . _ en eee ee a — . Some Se = SS ceca eee RECORDED | REconoe> | DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ; , oe eee SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER AME SE MOTHER eno mee is eatin wale, o Ga ae Sex color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHE, NAME OF MOTHER [aT pape | | Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN +) Page f Year Month } Day ii aia sili, “o : 7 | | 3 a em a 1210 117 | George F | W |Mooresville NC | Hugh Coone Margarette McKenn + 1923| 1 | 20} at, | Ruby Pearl | Mooresville NC | Lester Coon. - Nanie Ervin 7. iene : ie 11928) 11 | 4 } Julia Eliz Coddle Creek Tn} «---. Simpson.» Darcus Bustle 14 a . 12 | 30 ,Zelma L ll |Mooresville NC | JM rrving Nanne Kerr 14. @. 1931} 10 | 30 |Ella Jane Wi |Mooresville NC | H A Sloop. *__._ {Matha J Harwell _|aeai| 3 1958| 10) 24 n962| 9 15 — es — co n s : ao s — Gr a n e § —* : ee a a ee a * « © © < « © ‘€ Se ee e eS ae 21 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. = INDEX TO VITAL = DEATHS — hredell County, N. C. mparitt is QUT tnt eure, ceva a) SURNAME INITIAL, TAB aad voter” ee ee _eenemememenntnemh eSB SS AT COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 en OU aaatiel beerver Pri use, and U. 8. Patent Ne. 14371 Sf Crriekt i U. Patent No, 1487168—Copyright 1938 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold wy < Observer ae Ho Charlotte, N. C. ‘is Signature on sheets insures their correctness. at SURNAME INITIAL Fe Pr “ But "Sub- Se: sheet for page reference. Copy: . U8, Pat, For Your. Protection, Inset STE To ictecialliaeiall See SS iat Tf, Pat. Off. a SS —— [SS ——— ; , RECORDED DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEAS, RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED ‘ = a Ta AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS a PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER val na AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vell Page ' ; t nammangemestmctit + a : Precedence pecsarsscane _ f i i 1 1| 526 1914, 25] Cooper | August, (us Durand Statesville NC | John A Cooper Julia Tomlin _1).| 11} Cornachoiane | - Statesville N Guy Ccnachoine | Wim Syme Mooresville NC William Cooper annnnn AGAMS Sarah L Bostian | : ; 45 1 Pornacchione | i Ptatesville Nc Antonia Cornacchione| Maria Anna Iova 1,440 x 1914, , 30}. Cooper |Cornacchoine | ,W | Statesville NC | Guy Cornacchéine 7 ~ 35, 204 1916, , 24) Cooper Cowan Leroy * Coddle Creek Tn]| Wm Pinkney Cooper 1920. 12 | 20] Cooper {Delia _W |Statesville NC | --.-- Karriker | 1923, 12] Cooper Wy Pinkney 1 | W |Mooresville NC | David Cooper D P Karriker 1926, _ 2] Cooper 4garah L |W |Mooresville NC | Jacob Bostian . 1930, 12 24! Cooper i Julia Tomlinson Statesville NC | Notley Tomlinson Rebecca J Sharpe Cooper \Wm Alexander Union Grove Tns| Thos Hugh Cooper Martha Albea Cooper - Coddle Creek Tn} Dewey Clinton Coopef pjora Smith Coovser Statesville NC Turner A Cooper Bettie Fleming rn nA Vy Ho} ais VOODEI Aan inde MEADPOE lt r Ww > ner i | { , JCooper Frank Pitts i M Y !Shiloh Tns William M Cooper Bertha Drake | 22, Cooper Pattie Brown — | _W. Btatesville NC | Mills H Brown Martha Sweeney J Ben C er Thelma Wineskie Attn Wi Bertha Drake William f. Drake Mary Gill L| 470 on ; Be ; | ee _4§1915) 10 | 29) Corbin ‘ Thomas A ae }Statesville NC | James W Corbin Lucy A Barker Walter Arthur oe Mooresy ille William S Cooper Louise Langston Joseph W | Statesville Wm. M Cooper Bertha Drake Cornatzer \M E (Mrs) | W |Cool Springs Tn] «Howard - —_ — » - — — — _ - — _ _ 4 — Pes ner anrntneemeticiners ag, UB Pat. 08. { DATE OF DEATH _ INDEX TO VITAL STATING = DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. This Signature on sheets {nsures their correctness. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. Year 1930 — S2 st e r Ap AM I E L ec t be g e t ae oe m pe r d v e r 2 . po e m s se s m e d i b e n s e n en c e s q . ic a t e e e n S 5 pa r e Ee an c ne ea n ne y ts me n 2s al p e n we . ‘ e . \ - . - : . . ' 1914, 1914, 1916, 1920, 1923, 1926, 1936, 3 3 4 , 25] Cooper 50] Cooper 24) Cooper , 20] Cooper 12] Cooper 2] Cooper 24] Cooper ,22}) Cooper 241 Cooper 14 Cooner On. nr sf 14 |Cooper 22, Cooper Lj i SURNAME OF DECEAS Ep Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS gyyey | Augustus Durand | Wm Styyme1, Cowan Leroy ili Pinkney bSarah L 'Julia Tomlinson \Wm Alexander Alexander ‘Frank Pitts Faltie Brown Wi INITIAL TAB and refer at SURNAME sti ee we Bull Sub index shoot for page reference. COTTCO UNIVERSAL U. 8. Patent No. eran Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Statesville NC ,ayi 2 v sville 4 re tn The Shiloh Tns Statesville NC | Mooresvi Statesville Mooresville NC Coddle Creek Tn Union Grove Tns Coddle Creek Tn W 3 Ll . i am M “illiam § NAME OF FATHER John A Cooper William Cooper Wm Pinkney Cooper wonee Karriker David Cooper _Jacob Bostian Notley Tomlinson Thos Hugh Cooper Dewey Clinton Turner A Cooper Cooper Mills H Brown T J Ben © er Villiam !. Drake vooper Wm. M Cooper Coope NAME OF MOTHER Julia Tomlin ie Se oe oh ee Adams Sarah L Bostian DP Karriker Rebecca J Sharpe Martha Albea Flora Snith Bettie Fleming say) 4 in amin} 1] tet te sertha Drake Martha Sweeney Thelma Wineskie Mary Gill Louise Langston Bertha Drake AL INDEX, No.1 he 479 49 499 UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4, WE Patent No. 1487168—Copyright SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN t Cornachoiane \- Cornacchoine i. Pornacchione | Guy INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEAT To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref _ to Buff Sub-Index sheet for r page je reference. sod Sex Color Btatesville ‘c PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville NC NAME OF FATHER Guy Conachoine Guy Cornacchdoine Antonia Cornacchione -HS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Bold by Observer Pr yee © House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Maria Anna Iova RECORDED Vol. Page 1915) 10 | 29 + - — Corbin Thomas A i |Statesville NC James W Corbin Lucy A Barker se r i ae i n i e p n e l i n e n s s Cornatzer IM EB (Mrs) Cool Springs Tn wone= Howard _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ie INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C._ ; a 7 ie a ae it es The Signarare on sbems insures !3e1" sormeemnen. ocate eames SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 -- ee, ee eenassiinna } penta = ee eS cheet Len U.S, Patent No. 1487168—Copyright S54 corrco ‘iis Sone: dihieis anaes ah Shtonannts top kay. (-8. Pat. o8. | For Your Protection, Insist On te ___ scenic een aetna eee — eee ee _ UB, Patent No. 1487168—Conyright 1980 ie = aan ohen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Odio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. ©. ee - ead = SS - : wan A GATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ER RECORDED — SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED ‘ ; ‘ 4 ae ee .| er ‘ ws f | | penin iM. Statesville Tn | «--- Corpening 4, 284) : i _6 | 2} Cornelius | Johnsie Bud Davidson Tns Askew Cornelius Margaret. Sherrill 1, 173 penin . wis nc | £ H Corpeni - ee ‘ le " P ? i | Statesville ecag cian 15,496] © 4 Cornelius Davidson Tns Walter Cornelius Maggie Thomas. 1. 181 W | Statesville NC] Thomas Jefferson/ |Margaret Boyd 39, 217 - 1 ha | corneiius us ! Davidson Tns | Walter Cornelius Maggie Thomas |_ 196 W $tatesville Charles F Wheaton jida A. Wagner f | ; aves 45 58% Cornelius ,Chalmers Edgar 4 ,_ WI Mooresville NC WO Cornelius | Blitha Sherrill - f wa | , ; . Cornelius ; Maggie Thomas _ | | Davidson Tns | King Thomas | Katie Long o Man W . a thnat} | ™ var | . : nT aA) | T i j Cornelius ;Mary Elizabeth | ,W_jStatesville NC | 214i Lineberger } Nora Rutledge | | Cornelius , Will IM |W | Davidson Tns | Alburtus Cornelius | Isabella Sherrill | | ral line i y i ~ : Cornelius C |Davidson Tns | Ivy Cornelius | Tiny Sherrill 4 | i ae Cornelius ,HZlitha E { W {Mooresville NC | Silas Sherrill | Sarah Sherrill a+, | , e bs : | | \ Statesville NC a ; : Cornelius , Lucy Rebecca __W |Mooresville NC | Houston Johnston i Etta Dillinger | | | | Stat ant¢yds WY Tey > . . H | ; Statesville NC }|Zugene Correll Cooper Miller , ciieae Cornelius | Clarence H }M. W |Davidson Tns | Birt Cornelius | Bell Sherrill Mooresville NC | Jerry Speck Laura Fulker aes Cornelius , James 4 Lf ;Mooresville NC | L W Cornelius } Bertha Stewart j | | am. David iM W oddle Creek Tng@ sabrahe rrel Sal] Sec} ; 0 : lar st cei atte Je q | L dle Creek Tng abraham Correll Sallie Sechler ( ed | Cornius | James iM I Statesvill e NC | Ches Cornius | Laura Carson EE nr 4} + John Mitchell \, W. [Mooresville NC F L Correll Ali Johnson é 4 I BM las na | : | 0 ° ce vonnson 115 - i Cornelius Henry iM. Mooresville NC | Elmore Cornelius { Ola Long SS S Se \ Mollie Reading F W | Huntersville N@ ~, | : Qh ee. { “ i ha R % o 7 a - o 7 wr ee ° ny oes : | Chase Re Readling Jane Carver 38 625 = | Cornelius | Elisha Levy ;ii , Wi {Mooresville NC | W Osborne Cornelius Asbury 14 Correll Stillborn Mooresville ichard E Correll | Betty F Booth 50 31¥ i Cornelius , Hazel | C {Davidson Tns ° | Ivory Cornelius ndy Sherrill | Cornelius ,Jas Franklin |F . W |Davidson Tns | Cel Cornelius | == Cornelius , James R iM. C jMooresville NC | Elmore Cornelius. | Cla Long | Cornelius |Elmore Jr |\Mooresville NC | Zlmore Cornelius 1 Ola Long | {| Cornelius {Lester Wearn iui jMiooresville NC Burton Cornelius i Cora Lee Mayhew " | Statesville LF Cory Elizabeth Porter i ae 7 Cornelius |\Mary Elizabeth | W. |Mooresville NC J Russell Cornelius} Sarah Patton Statesville Burr ell Corry Viola Reid Cornelius i Mooresville NC | Elmore Cornelius | Ola Long i] Statesville 4C |4onn Wesley Corr Elle | y y n Smith Cornelius Whitfield ji. W {Chambersburg Tn} Foust Cornelius - - Btatesville - Mae B Corry Cornelius |Alburtis iM, Mooresville NC | Acque Abernathy Margarette Abernath| Statesville Samuel Jackson Ma | Jackso | o r I ie | Cornelius , Niner | {Davidson Tns | Chatt Fillhous Julia Cornelius Es jCornelius | John iMooresville NC | Dave Cornelius —Banner Cathey Cornelius Therkield Warren _|Mooresville NC Lester Cornelius Emma Heath - - Cornelius | Frank Statesville NC - Mary Bangen by Cornelius \Ola Long Mooresville NC | Frank Long Mary Snerrill i i i i —— - >- — — - 3 — or : - rs . a ee Se SE i ; ry ; % ' —— - 4 -- . L : i c i : i ma n e “> . eg am —e -— € wm ~~ re n d “i oe Se 3 a ses on mi e n ~— ie : oa i ae pe m e n s a oe ee = ad , Davidson Tns Frank Cornelius Mary McLelland 19, ——4- al _l25 cornelius |\Margaret A Corriher |Robert H ’ : : -- - : . ee e Moor ‘ . ooresville NC |. Pa Mary E Corriher i | Cornelius \Walter Theadore Mooresville NC James H Cornelius Nancy Cathey 19 | Corriher Sarrah Harris \ —_— | Coddle Creek Ty Hubert Y Corriher | Ella Allison — ee ae Cornelius Donald | | Corriher _Bverette Daniel Moore ; sville NC_{John ¢ Vorriner | ¥annie darpenter — , ee Lae ee Corriher Nancy Lee | y | Mooresville Nc} Henry Corriher j toils Kistler Cornelius ‘nome Lee “histler 7 “ooresvilie NC} Henry Locke Corrihef Lois katherine / 2 8 é " Cornelius _—s G0 Statesville NC HV Cornelius Ella_Kale 194 a = = r= —t 7 : Mooresville NC John A Steele Martha Grey 20 | IMooresville NC | Demon Byers Caroline Mayhew 21) en n an e t t e Vorriher Henry Clinton - Statesville NC | Wm O Cornelius Epps Sherrill . 22) Corriher Marshall Lee Mooresville NC] H -“enry Corriher | Clarice Beaver _ ee Corne)iua ____Laura G o | in [Sor rther Mary Mo eaghisg F | Mooresville NC William Mc“aughlin [Christine Mcaugh1lin Corr iher Bmma Vergie F Mooresville N CiL , | . Coddle Creek Tn] Sherid Redfair “ 22) (Cornelius Ruby Kale Statesville NC | Logan Kale Malisie Lineberger 23 | Mooresville NC j. - 28). B Yorriher x ” Ftieeleheen etn ndovcthonas ly Margaret Yost |= {45 citi . Cornelius Junius austin @ Sorriher ¥ See ee ery Jane Ena Mooresville NC} Ben L - rheasitrnehaenstineeninenpenanieh Co ihe on . 3] Corriher Mose ee er____| Margaret Yost _ a4) Cornelius __—|Feauline Mooresville ——*_} 988 7 Corriher =] Sareh Beaver : ~ Yornelius _| John William ee i. - © » Davidson Tns Balter Uornelius vor a Graham heme 4, ptutesville NC [George Y Cornelius pBaruh Mcklwee sone ae cant cae oon if ay % A TT; vai | opt eye INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a aw a COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND; Be aman ERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 'o locate name = : a : . “a « Company, Columbus, HE {¥en os ne srt cos To Soente somes S00 2 Re page tehecnen ‘ U.S. Patent No. 1437160—Coprrteht fide pee, SET Patent Non 87160—Copyright dite See hee ate aa Sean Oe ae INITIAL, TAB and rotor Badri he lett later Coppens: Selene ae ad He aaa Reg. U8-Fot.08. a : — , SS ee : SS - : . ; > > = SS ‘ “ SS f : a SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED wi pee net DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex| Cater OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER tt da Sex Color | PLACE O : OTHER : i 1 : i el aan ten jm CORSTIAN WANE, © Gon tS COVED PLACE OF val Pa AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN E OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF M va! Page | tl | i en i ; ; } ‘ : } | ' ~ | eed , Hs “a | | i yeu nf | 1949. 8 23l@rnelius George McElwee M | WI Statesville NC |George O Cornelius Barah McElwee B5 Bas _fg918 | 6 {11 Icouter Nannie Lee | F |W | Mooresville NC | Hay Couter | Jettie Brooks 4h, 46 173) iI be de ne | I | j ; 4 Pail as if - " . i r Che } i f 11949, 12 121Cornelius \Etta srantley F | W jCharlotte NC David H Brantley Marcissa McNeely 36) 155 fi25|_5 _13 Koulter - 1M | - | Statesville NC lg P Coulter Pie os 11; 381 es Lil if rt iy Ma Ket ; ge. os dg i P i ili a s r etchie e : ; il 4 (, [2950 7 30)Cornelius | Mary Bernice F|W Pharlotte NC [leva Corneliu z Pe [669 __fig25| 10 | 7 Boulter JS z W | Statesville NC | £141 S Coulter Sarah Ann Herman 11, 394 os Mid Hit LH i, £95112 13 Cornelius | William Henry | M |W | Statesville NC | John Henry Corneliug Harriet Rickert 27 \646 te 928 | 221d Coulter = ;M | C. | Statesville Nc } Hubert Hunt ; Lucille Coulter 15,405 " a iy ; r | j 7 " ; ‘ r “| wwe T fn 2 NI ‘ ‘ —s 72 | ? iL 951 | 12, 24) Cornelius Had Mic Davidson NC Bert Cornelius Nannie Cornelius B7 | 679 929 | 4 125 Coulter Mollie } F |W | Shiloh Tns | C C Post | Adeline Hudson 15) 355% ion, i REE 1] errill ee cil | | ti 4 | 1953, 4 | 2G Cornelius Cornie Alda | F |W | Mooresville NC | William Francis Sh Mary Jane Sherrili | 39 165 934) 9 | 9 Poulter R_E(Mrs) iF .W | Statesville NC | Robt B Bruce | Ida Brown , 20. 489 1 je, hss eae iy | | 7 : , | | | lo 200 | 1 | it 1953 11 10 Cornelius Elmore M C |Mooresville Nv | Jonus Cornelius Unknown 39 579 h940 8 14 Coulter | Robert L § | M W | Shiloh Tn | & A Coulter | Darcus Lollar | 26 292 | uo ie ret yd | ; gas - Ree | | H i Ut i }955 1 29] Cornelius Myrtle Francis F W | Mooresville NC. Osborne F Abernathy Sarah Anne Lewis hl Da 1944/12 |15}coulter \Robsrt Eugene | M | W Statesville No Is t. Coulter IMollie # Foole 130, £60) 1 fa ret Te | oy cea | } i Ty Maa. b } . Oe iia 4 We114 = \ o : ’ neli ; | | i { a HH | 1957, 6 Cornelius William Loland | M W | Statesville NC Ben. F. Cornelius Mary Lineberger H3 282 - i yeeg 2 14 Coulter John Jay | M. WBtetesville NC [Henry Coulter Lavia Pitts Be 384 * Ala}: be | | it | 1958 3 14 Oe ee € M ee i Flora “ae Yornelius 44 145 195g 9 28 ]Coulter erman Clarence | ¥V Mooresville NC |John Summey Coulter [Sa rah Ann Herman Pe {® OS ia ia | | nc | | | | { ti eh 1958; 11 14} ‘ornelius reol | e | C Wt. “ourne - - 44 571 | | | | ee | | | ae : | | | | aL | 1959 & 5 Pornelius Mary Addie W. | F W | Statesville Wm Givens “hite Martha Ann turner 45 68 | i } ! [2960 12 22|Corneiius Anna L S M W | Mooresville Frances Sherrill Mary Jane L Sherrill| 46 769 | | | | | i} 4. lc ed . : | ad ' 1961 9 15) Yornelius Ollea Amelia F G | Mooresville Brice Cornelius Virginia “ong __ | 47 461 | | { | | | IS us if — | | | pis | illbor ' scoe Comelius Virginia L Cor/ |e 4, , | | | | | ame | ; re! Charlotte Valter © yrne lius ureusta Cornelius | i hy | ti | | 4 i i F vill ave Vornelius Banna Cathey . 54; | | Tt : | s | 4 s . noe | i | | i rare 9 15] Yorn elius Stillborn F Was sville viyde E Cornelius Marie Wingler 49 363 | | Papel 1 ale i 4 t | 11965 ) 30] Cornelius Sarah F Wi] Statesville Wm. H McElwee Bess Cranor $1 571 | : oP ' _— I i 4 rilt I | | i oes i | | i He oo ed : | j | | | | , | | | | iy et =i | , ) | | u ' y t ‘ ij 1 abet? —— | | i j i | | ‘a | i al —— ~ - “ — a A + ey ————1925 |11 | 8 Bommings Estelle }F .C | Statesville Tn » Andy Alexander Sarrah Moose 12) 335 }— ee a | | i ’ | eH | | ea | — ; + 1 f i I | | | iN ene an nel pace Ik dL : : 7 ' | | : ny ae | | | - ) ———— if \ | ¢ +) a | | } Hy ; ‘ — i | ‘ ll 2 + > | t r me — wae aa : | Be a t e -h ‘ ’ ; ; ; | i ~— 4 _ pe palit iis - + nr fp ——-——-—- oe + ~ 4 | | 4 j ; | | | : | ———}__ z Hee i j | } hy —4-- | a _ i oe | 1 — — sid Nee a | 4 — —_ inn + ; + i i j Tt i ; 7 _ ——— + + - te | | _ — pontine cettiieilatl a ~—— 4—— ; } | } sens — — chide cea ee _———— nr + T Hn 1 a nal - - ‘ | dime en nlite snelee ' } A fl - el eran atresia ttnintntiemaiicdisubriilic Lise ts a: cael —, an teed nel etn | P ; i y sal bia I tt ; om f haere cas tastiest i Pa eel eee ecient nearest ccnissnelatretenenennssncntneet 7 | T i : ~ ae ao fs } | [onan etaianaasettiiienatanatinceinnll sine jE ial nnn ian wen | rf - ™ & 26 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. lt locate n. , open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to ‘Bult *Sub-Index sheet for page reference. DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made b The Cott Index Conpene. Columbus, Ohio Bold by Observer Fi Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. INDEX No, 14 COTTCO UNIVERSAL ‘U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright yright 1939 COTTCO U AL INDEX No. 2-4 UNIVERS = ocate nam aten' 1487168—Copyright 1930 @ locate es, Open & ¢ SURNAME INITIAL TAB as U. &. Patent No. 7’ to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. reer = — —— —— ™ - ae — eee eeenemnenneemees ann a a —— = - Re aed SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | SCORDED ase Ee ae ee DECEASED — tos | Cate “ae lame lao AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN vou) Pao cc [= t f r . Soa re Lae a ' a rire ee j This Signature on shoets lneures their correctness. Reg. U.8.Pat.om. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. RECORDED Vel. Page PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER MRR 10 | 25 | Cool Springs TnjWood Covington ‘Tyler | 334 Coddle Creek TnidT H Covington wonee Carter 18) 55 1932, 3 .31)Covington ‘Mamie D 41913. Sharpesburg Tn |James Cowan D Cowan 1235, 9 ,17) Covington Wm Benjamin prexse..1.Comingten 1914) 2 j14 |Ruth Elizabeth Davidson Tns Ruth Creswell 160 Filed _j1915) 2 | 5 115 Ephriam Templeton 1935, 9 .17} Covington |Henry Taylor Davidson Tns J_H Covington Roxie J Covington 7 | Chambersburg Tn|clide cowan M Cowan 39 h950 7 ~~. 12) Covington | John Henry Mooresville NC | Elizah B. Covington | Lucy Abernathy 1915 Lett Statesville NC Mahe} av 28 1915| 11 (15 anton ht Crouch Bowman 1960; 10 |7 | Covington Matilda Crouch W iMorg Gilbrig James Elmore Davidson Tns Robt H Cowan Ruth Eliza Templeton am a p e c e a d rp m s —— |Letha = “ pr e d * = — * tn Nc ac ap er ) Fa m ) a —] Fe re a a Se : me ec n m n i s c g p e e ic e ! LT E AT E RE Re i ee ep > a — sa d . = 2 es Ss ¥ + . ae - — ae ar ] se t e _ cr e r g o e n s n e e ae s » _ eS Sa e n n e n t e me n e ne e Pe r PS he t 4 4 4 i] 44 a, —— — — — Cotril Coltrell Cottrell \Mary Elizabeth \Mary (Charles Irwin Concord Tns Allen J Romingar Cool Springs Tn]. Barringer Tns = W Cottrell jBalinda Walk Roa 4enner ~<a 1951) 1917 Filed 1917; 12 1918| 12 1916 | 12 1920) 1 1920, 7 1920, 12 1921; 4 | 1922) 1923) 1924. 1924 1925) 1926 | 1926; 3 | 1926) 11 | 1927| 127 1929) Jises) 1929) 1929) 11930 1930 41931 44.933) 1954 | 1934 1935!) 1 (13 1917} 6 (17 William ‘Peter Branch John Laura Jane Maria James Leonidas Lary Martha C Sarah Carrie Rachel | Pink Mary Alice ‘Mary klizabeth | Clyde ‘Maggie |Erah Webb John |Crewford \Henry |Margarette t \Margarette Charlotte ihenry Espie E Maggie Doris Vell Leonari Cora Octie q — Statesville N C | Robert Cowan |chembers burg Tn | iConcord Tn ne Tn | |Chambers burg tn| =— Tns | lchambersbure t| IStatesville N c| | |Statesville Nc {Barringer Tn |Bethany Tn |Palistown Tn | coddle Creek Tn iBethany Tns | |chenbersburg Tn} j | | Selec Tn |Statesville NC Statesville Tn jShappesburg Tn Sharpesburg Tn Statesville Tn Sharpesburg Tn Statesville NC Olin Tns Statesville Statesville Mooresville Sharpesburg Statesville Stetesville NC Chambersburg Tn Statesville N C Willie Lee Cowan jJoe Cowan Onws Cowan jAlex Young Bob Cowan Robt T Cowan |Robt Lawrence Iviles A Cowan jAlfred Hull John Doe lRobert Howard Dock Cowan Sam Ramsey Burgess Allison Loyd Cowen John Cowan John Cowan ‘Alfred Sherrill Ned Cowan John Cowan Monroe Cowan James Rankin Mitchell L Cowan Julius Caldwell W A Cowan Statesville N c Isteney Steele Jim Summers Statesville Tn |Geo Keaton Chambersburg in} = juaggie Irene Goodin Dovie Sharpe IMonoh King il alice Davidson beg Cowan emianaiail C Knox Icaroline Gill Gus Frelland Phoebe Weaver j allie Howerd Rachel .ohnson Octa Chambers Mary King kmaline Al) ison Lovie Kiowan Etta Adams Ette Adams Haley Abernathy Margaret Cowan Etta Edmans Maggie McHenry Willie Rankin jAlice Allison Hattle Caldwell] Jennie Connor Flossie Henry Adline Stevenson Liny Johnson ee t : a 3 85 "e e =e =F : 7 ee et a fo ® : see re og hater E x ~ bg ‘ a 29 1 1 28 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ae ; ——— (QT TCO UNIVERSAL iste lagdtn dei re near i as ae saeeiniiimamn deiaeaes AN A {tere amie es —* Seoats eres ee a a te Bee re tbe ~ UB Patent Na aaTieO—Copreigne B89 a eee URINE DETIAY, TAR cad oer tayamncer nisms Seams ire a ik pi Reg. U.8. Pat.om. ( FOr TE .- SS <= — SS a << See RR AR Se Se zs , ih . ] RECOR —— —— TE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DE a He DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ~~ - T AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF — aa Sex | Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vo. P. ite Hi He Yor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ae Vo. | Page Yer | Month | Day age bel nt i af | | : i < a sesso cana si Ri i SS AP i — en # eT xm - | i vi n me peso | 6 | 14} Cowan | Dock M |C |Statesville NC |Dick Cowan SRSESZSS See 25| 352 {1914| 2 | 14] Cowles |Hemry Clay M | W |Statesville N C/Josiah Cowles Caroline Carson 1| 416 Hol na ha | : | — Rg i|| 1940, 7 | 3@ cowan l= M | c | Statesville NC} Ralph Caldwell Essie Mae Cowan £6 498 | 1914| 6 | 16| cowles |Margaret K F | W |Statesville N CiHugh R Cowles Eliose Neely 1, 501} bi. bt i] i iF Ah é i ¢ ‘ w | S j Tn : cen \ fl ; i 4 | Peak 1941! 2 |221 cowa | Leary ul Cc }| Cojdle Creek 4 Lewis Vowan Emna Bailey 27) 32 1917) 4 | 28] Cowles : F | W [Statesville Tn |Grover Cowles Myrtle Day 4} 306 by | Bus} I i eh | fae bond > bad teat io ee | - c : ieee ' { . 1 | i : 1941! 12 |17] Cowe liftchell L Moi C Statesville “C | Richard Cowan Alice Allison 271405 ; 1918; 1 | 15} Cowles | Juliet Moore F | W [Statesville N CiZJ M Moore Mary Huggins 4a, 120 fh ‘ HL ii BE lai hic nclalighnedhnsh Ovi Shi + + : g ei | emery } ‘ 7 } fs | & ii | i 19421 6 | 8{Cowan liary Lee Kerr F |w Statesville NC Watt #err Elizabeth Watts [es | 336 ‘ 1923} 7 | 19] Cowles , Eloise Neely F | W [Statesville N CiNathaniel Neely _ 9/ 890 m i th = eae } | | 4% 5a ri \y ut , Wain 3 31 |Cowan iBenjamin allen | M |W |Statesville NC /Thomas Cowan Annie Knox KS | 306 | . 1932, 5 | 26 Cowles Ida F . C (Statesville Tn |Ambrose Cowles Florence Keaton 18 554 iol a etary | | | en , ee i ia Ht toa 3 |b Julius A | M iC Btstesville NC Peter Cowan enentine Wesver eo! 329 | 1934, 3 | 24] Cowles ,Hugh R | M | W |Statesville N CjAndrew C Cowles Margaret Reynolds 20, 375) ia net mr [ i} | | © | j i | 119043 5 23 bc wen Hattie Gilbert IF C Btatesville NC [George Gilbert Meggie Dickerson 22) 269 one 1934; ll 20 Cowles _Ambrose | M C |Statesville N C) John Cowles Zella Cowles |20 524 | $4 vee rind |!!! | | | | | | Cae i Hi | i a4 6 {21 ICowan pesse Lee tu , Wi (Mooresville NC Joseph Cowan Sue Poston a2 | 64 | 1935, 4 | 26) Cowles Frances | F C omer Tn | Pink Keaton Martha Keaton 21, 534 ij a me od Yoa™m } 8 iCowens svion | F C iChenbersburg TnlElvert Cowan Zereather Turner 30 1e/ 938 6 | 13] Cowles Margaret R | F W |Statesville N Cij/Reuben Reynolds Laura Sanford 24 348 Eg a t ! mi bh be ft LO we |MVOVWSNS i 4 * a 4 wt wus TIDE PS bur oy Lah 4 10 i 7 i ‘ i ' A qT ti } | i i | | j is 6 Hy . | | aye " | > Shanberahure _ ‘THe Sindsr Graham 30 15 | 1938 8 7) Cowles Mary Lura Bost | FW |statesville N Ci Joseph M Bost jAnna C Ramseur 24 393 Bt a Me bbe . een —— nee ee + ' mal | | i > ee he : | ee ee, ee er a 5 Ce | | i 1946, 1 15 |Cowens clench Lucille | F | W [Mooresville NC iis jor Lynch itta Conner 32! 54 | 195417 | 3 | Cowles Sarah McRorie FW | Statesville NC | John Salmon MeRorie | Sallie Anderson tO | 335 | oe Li mie) | | | | | | Poe F Pb) + $1946, 6 . 131 Cowan Jesse McNeely M |W |Devidson Tns IR H Yowen Ruth & Templeton 52 260} | | | ! | at. Li. | | | | l | | it Ce {1° 47. 5 -2uf Cowan | William Lee | M | C [Statesville NC [John H Cowan imuua Griffin 27, 293! | | \ \ ' F Wea) | | | 1 sy Fy 1.947 Le 24 Cowan Wm Alexander | M_ Cj Cleveland J S Cowan Cornelia: Cowan 33, 305 | | ay | ee | Bi ia | 1948 1 6] Cowan David Octavuis M WwW] Statesville NC | David Stokes Cowan Octavia Watson 34 8 | mii * 7? ; ; i ‘ + ‘ + , uy i " f i i 4 - K | 7 ia , } i i i} ‘tidaivmme 61 1950 2 g | Cowan | David C | M |W Statesville NC William Gowan Mary Lawrence 36,90 i 4 i { ; it} ee i | | He -& 1949 12.11) Cowan James kdward IM | Ci} Charlotte NC Thomas Cowan Hessie Meeks 36 156 | ! a | | | | dels ee 4 1950, 12 | Cowan | Enoch Alexander! M | C Chambersburg Th unoch Cowan Sarah Chambers 36 258 1 foie ' ; : i : b i } "8 ‘ ! : Hi t 11952, 2 161 Cowan Charlie M © Mooresville NC | Charlie Cowan Margaret S Cowan 38 104 4 L . i ‘ ; + + > , ; h ff wis’ 5 ht : 5 ae i ‘ i 1952 h 7] Cowan 9 ohn Edd NM C Mooresville NC} John Sylvester Cowaqd Lillian Adams 38; 167 ati. ve | a. | | | | se j2953, 3 28] Cowan | STILLBORN F | © | Mooresville NC} Walter L Cowan emma Bailey 39,151 ‘ ee | i + py H i | ‘ Bit 4 i 1953 8 17% Jowan Mitchell M CY] Stitesville NC | hichard Cowan Margarett Hanna B9 4h ii Ait | f I if | fe , | ‘ 4 | if 1954, 12 5] Cowan Stillborn _— M | C | Statesville NC |Willie Carol Cowan Margaret Barber 40) 571 on | | 1 iat) oe y Mills | 1 i | 1955, 2 17 Cowan | Mary Elizabeth F | W Statesville NG Henry Mansfield - Anna Martha Robinson 41 65 : iA, : H ||) ie ol ' i an l (|) mo : | { ee) et 1955, & | 10} Cowan | James Willie M | C [Statesville NC | - __| Annie Bell Cowan bil 190 5 ee | fT } i 4h Va | I | 1955, 10 (14) Cowan \Mary Etta F | © [Statesville NC |Unknown : Adline Webber 41 46k | ee ee | ‘i+. + i Z 2 C an F aie i . " . . ee mis ' \ | i i : | 19561 2 Owal Augusta - | C_ | Mooresville Kdward McCorkle Unknown 2 | 33] —— | | ete | } } . oo | 1958 5_ j 7. Cowan - M } Cc Moore sville Clyde Cowan : Frances Cc Cowan j 44 254 ss niutisceais ‘ | i | | “ : i] ) | 1958; 7 15)/Cowan ‘Sarah Lledo F C [Mooresville Richard Pearson Evilla Chambers 44 568 1} i ft +9 + ' T 4 ; nena a a i } ; o ' _--——- en 2 enipilaticiiais ka iui Aha ol i + —+— _—— + ; ; | net i | rae Cc n rie { I ho60 ¥ } ou owen po ice V. P j c Statesville Sam vlemons — cas se lary Bradshaw a 46) 466 al a { | | | } 4 + ; j I. __41960 he + 17] Cowan bilmer Gillespiel M 4 Ww Statesville NC | Richard Thomas Cowan} Bettie Knox _ ak 46, 600 00 | eel rs | ' } ar iz } i ; i | j penceeensnenatcenentemnemead saiiilibetamea ; i GC j . 4 i j I. 1 1961; 10 ji owan Anne Elise F W | Statesville NC | Increm H. Yowan +4ell Gwaltney — 47) 474 ia a i} a " : : | —~—-—- sttinmasennnessanintsnlteeneenpeadianaamnniaananamnlal ibid : , —_* — ew 1963 3 | 1 C B r ean lenceria aamesiansectnnestanneencseeiSenees + ee Tel tenreeen ; j | 1 | | owan aby “irl | 7 eee 1 eee | Baty ts | F| ¢ [Mooresville | Unknown =f iadzabetn A Cowan 4g |269 | ———__t | ai eB! | a 11} Cow | 7 18) | | Rt 1964| 3 ee se Bessie ee P| W Kings Mountain _ Ben jamin E Arey Mary Davis 5Q 280 lta i : + : 1965} 3 | lu Yowan Wm, ee at nn - er er tans | i | : Hl 9 he Satie m M/ C | Mooresville Tom Cowan Sarah G Cowan 51 ne bs te i et tts | | | 1 | : ) tt sa wtih! | a " eo | 4 ‘ i | r * SE E S ra p EN SB S Oe ie al Di e t Re a sa e ge te a pe r r o . ‘ — . =— ns ec i ue ee e CR C se a r 30 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 3 a : OORTCO UNIVERSAL, tte thnsrioth ae a Bea ntodts | Fe four Protection, loss On Te ee cate ate for page rtrnen -” er thane bh eae oma U8 Faint a aac lite — IT a Ta SUN A mar cat ot sat Sart isis ssi we DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED AME OF FATHER NAME OF MOT RECORDED a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED : seers iced operate a ieee tame © Ga & eal Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH N HER val pant — wn | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE I$ GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER me ; + ge T a ae sess Cinna ole re - 1 j : i | ‘ } t | i | jett ‘| € | Statesville NC Je af of 1 — | cah2 | J. 1914, 12 | I vox paar e gl Sta +213 4 us jh] Crean, (Mary Ann F_. W /Turnersburg Tns/ Gideon Cranfill Sarah Malisa May pe : a ' ' yu luhos J. Gooke sidney noyner ea ! ee i. | 1919; 11,12) Cocke | George W M | w I Statesville nu jushos y. 54.186 i 95} da -16 Cranfill Nancy Caroline | F | W |Turnersburg Tns Elijah Smith = = 2) Hl , , vu_|nomas J Cooke |oidney naynes os ad " as |i rota 11.12] Cocke | George. i M , WW |statesville Nu jl a 5,219 2 ie _ 6 \27) Cranfield |\Sarrah F_| w |tagie Mitis Tns| Andrew Baggarly Sealine Andveies 4! ii ‘oor e . 6 ‘ y ig r “ Cocke Sidney Ha 8 be | iit $2920, 5. 7) Cocke George W M |W {Statesville NC }homas—4 — 3.56 _}ugag| 2} S)Granfield {TA M_. Wi {Cool Springs Tn| Gideon Cranfield Malisie May 5.4 i | ’ f ; wou Caroline swink | | as t | 11922; 10 | 6] cox ,#’'ranklin C M | W |Statesville NC |ueorge Cox 8) 89 pe. 10 |25)Cranfield le ! M .W IStatesville NC | MZ Cranfield Cora Bell Pierce 8. : : Sarah Dumas , | | I i p 2723 10, 3) Cox | vennle ¢ | w [otatesville NU | voseph Vox - 11,423 eee 6 |16/Cranfield js | M |W [Statesville Tns| ME Cranfield Cora Bell Pierce 11. 462 fe) Ghd | ial | a } { | | { ; nf 9 mes I i y ig IU : oo--= Dumas ' i as ae 4 . | ~ | . > i | | 1i 5 I, = 1924 79 , 13} Cox = i M | w Istatesvillesn: |xred Cox od eee nee utevenson 10, 347| ___ 4927) 4 | 4 Cranfield Emma Louise | F 1. Statesville Tns| ME Cranfield | Cora B Pierce W123) 5169 Bhatia 1 | 20h ' | , Caroline s Iho| sel 2 | ad | | | an Hh | 27 j 6 204 VOX ;JOSeph W Mi U8 Uhambersburg +n} Georges UOox aroline Swink pe 35] : a 11930 | 3 (24 Cranfield ‘Maude A Foiw |Statesville NC | Salmon Everides | Martha J Messick {16 359.4 i fi ip lige 6 6 | C o | F) WiCoddle Creek Tn {Lonnie Franklin Cox jfLorena B Burcham 25 54 Bs ill | ft ah Hh mt 99 | cS |e = oes 41935, 3. | 4}Cranfill jiinnie T 42 WW (Statesville NC | Jasper A Cranfill | Nancy C Smith pol | 333 | 4 ae ; ; i I } i i | : ij j j i a ae bs 1 wr het a 4 9 SoNe Aik on a a: ae a 174 en ( a | | { | | i ta i W) 94° ] yc X inie F is Fi WiStetesville NC [Robert J tsgens Julis Melsughlino | e0 | 140] Bs 1940! 9 |19}cranfield \Marshall Elijah] M 1 |Fallstown Tn | Jasper Cranfield i Nancy Smith lee 156 ~ ja i Ti | : i | | | bt Wai In945 11 (12 |Kox John M, YW pote te esville NC [- 4" ol | 343 | ___ 1940! 10 |10/Cranfield Cora Bell Pierce F iW [Fe listown Tn | J P Pierce | Emma Pierce | 6. 157 a. 14. ! rd | ij 941} 6 (10 \Granfill IG G I | | | | A mW oh. ! | | | H 4 P9594 8 29 ! cox _ Thelma E |F |W Statesville NC} John V ‘ox Polly Sams 140 | 566 | ne6o| 2 (14 Cranfill Guy | ™ IY. dkinville,N. Levi Cranfti3 K « Cina | 46 103 | ila | ! a le I los | — : Cae im | | | | | i } | ’ j t | Statesville NC yhert Moody Rosie Miller WY, l | } 1963 2 9 iCranfill Stamey Gis | M W | Statesville | Andrew Cranfill Mary Reavis 149 ls I | | | | __—__f+-—+- | ++ | | }1961 1 6 Vox _ Debra Ann | F W |Statesville Howard Jemes Cox betty Jean Karriker|47 13 1963) 12 |6 | Cranfill “a ttle | F | ile vurrent J mpbell 49 69k, Hy | | | ; ’ ccenannteaamimmananedmipncate + + ‘ 1 4 t t i p 962 5 1 | OX Daisy “cercy | e W Mooresville NO Samuel N. Scercy Myrtle Lewis 48 13¢ | | H | ete oe . | | i b | } cae | | i | | ! | | | ia [ | | | H t | | | | —— ! , { } g | | | | | | ; 1 » “ | | | j I 7 ae —+4 it~ ) ‘| | | | | { | ft t —acindliind | | 4 ! and tab | | | a i i | | | ee i > | t——- —_—_____ 1923 | 1 |24iCraig iS H | M .W [Statesville NC | HL Craig - - 9, 398) + | ii ! j | | il J i! | : | | | Hu i | | ; _f1926| 9 | 2icraig John Nelson 1M} Ww ica esville NC | Jasper N Craig Bertha Patcliff 2) 521 T | i | \ | | mY ; ; } i! a | | t | — 2226 | 6 \11iCraig \Dala May | F | C Mooresville NC | Tom Rankin Ada Carr 14, 210 ee? f j { ° ca it 4 ti ; , —_——}1940} 2 | 15) craig | Eliza C | F | © |Mooresville NC | Gaple carr Harriett Rankin 26 181 At H | it H it 1.943) 12 l14. Grai lannie amends F iW (Stetesville NC J) L.¢ Shell fllea McCoy 29, 469 i t & | 1945 | 10 1/31 Jaraig \Charity F W Mooresville nc |- - 31, 378 th F 41960 | 9 (12! Craig Mae F W [Statesville NC | John W kobb Harriett Morrison 46, 545 it j | | a [ — 1961 519 Craig | Doris Doyle M © |Mooresville NC Douglas Craig Janie M Thompson 47,120 Bt , | | T : + - eT: ed nee nl + , $ 4 + : j i - ——«~ me | ‘ ; | i ay ‘ : + + paar ~~~ | 1 eaciutiats + fleets = b + _ ‘ inal ‘i | | : , + j ht r Re y oe > | +- 4 —_— ' } ; : ee | 5 } —_——— steel tecennestinenecteecanceesimemimneee sti 4 + — wali i + + ccteneaendhmene 4 } | —_}—_—_____ Ee ——_— ! - | + + ‘ j b eet fo neneeecen | f “0 ” + - , a i r rere it neat sean + nce ie + bas ; F a ; - re + — as onsen eeuanpantens ‘ili lated seni i ut — Le iP SS a a o P nod iii Mc meee y 1 faethe. ; : Leen ee } — ae _ eee | 3 om we : ETP rR RE —— . Seen nee Pr aa ; ‘ ree » Cc ’ 33 ri a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. or SC”S:”:”:””S*C Ke i BA, A wd U.B. Patent No. 1487160—Copyright fate PRT UN ity RFT locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Hh ae fig th Fen.o8. {For¥our Protection, Tneist On It, a — > SS = a a ——... 3 ee ——= a ees — Ne r , ee | RECORDED ho = DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED ra ine | et SURNAME OF DECEASED | Sex | Color | PLACE. OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER F=— Yor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sm | Cole | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [Galea] | Ne 1a i ven | toh | Be AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN sat CE chenhinmnd mayb 2 ve ' Pei aa a | ae at | x rr i ! ' i Li bas 1920: 3 . 1] crater Jacob J M | W Union Grove Tns| Jacob Crater ” - 6 | 235 193. _12_| 6)Cranford Ruth F_ |W |coddle Creek Tn| J D Cranford Elva Steele 1.2514 #5) 1 if , ae | ay ee 1926, 1 | 2] Crater J Williamson MW /union Grove Tns} Sylvanus Crater Enily Campbell 12/579} __ fags} 12 panpeantond r ; * .W [Coddle Creek Tn} J D Cranford Elvelne Steele 2,65 | i ba | i | maa ee it 1935, 6 (17) Crater Ida r | Ww |statesville NC | - - __} Elizabeth Comba ___421{ 389 __}ig28| 12 |27}Cranford fathan © | MW {Mooresville NC | Dowell Cranford | ------ Russell ha, 250) fia) ii) iF 1935, 10 (11] Crater L. Roy M_| W. [Union Grove Tns} JW Crater Clementine Trivette}21 | 594 ____}931j 1 +29 Cranford fae | M | W (Mooresville NC | Robt L Cranford Hattie Freeze 17,1704 ais) 1 Ly 1935, 11 | 4] crater John W M., WJUnion Grove Tns| Jacob J Crater Nancy Campbell 21\ 599 __}ug32| 1 130}Cranford \Hattie P | F |W |Mooresville NC | Jerry Freeze Bettie Albright W17 | 272} peel ; . Tf 5 ; ; eel | | i I | 1 i | ' C Ola Johnson 22 | 2 .28icranford \Jessie Clandinal F | w h: resvi no | Handyi x re " ne. 144] pf { 1936 4 9] Crater ~ M .W /Ragle Mills Tns} GF Crater c+ 124 ‘ oe ya ~ VLAaNdInG | 2 ut (Mooresville NC | J C Hendrix | Amanda Bantwell pS t ral 936 | : — | | | | iff WH Py | Elva § =a | | | HATE t937, 4. 8] crater Della Jane J F . W_[Union Grove Tns| Ellison Johnson Sue A Jennings Re = 6=—l a i. eee. 2 | © 3 Seentord pears Seeeig” Fe | Mooresville John A Steele | Martha Jane Gray pM, Sh i |g ie i | | } HeeHS TET 91937! 4 12] crater Nora Vanstory F . W fOlin Tns John W Vanstory Susan Brown 03+ 243) ye { | | i 4 tte] | dats Hil ty ns | | | oe HH Lit 19431 3 Is. I Greter Ren W ul. W 4|New Hope Tns Syvanus Cruter wily vampbell &9, 120 ec { -- 4 ra? i Wb aa pea | } j | Bae Laug Bath “oe : ~ inten ¥ 0 Tacoh Grater Nancy Gampbell 53... | i | | | __ Aidesl, 9 le rt Hi | | it 1944. 7 14 2rat er ; sie did i oe Sd Sk Aeolian JBCOU Vo ts J ’ 1 - 1 1 iF | | | \ Wi < Ht i 1944 1 (25% Crater Augustus J Mi. W |Tfurnersburg Tns |Sanford 5 Crater Sarah White 32, 186 a | | i I | ! ~ ey AE | | i \ ’ | , ae ht i} .947 3) 24 Crater Etta F W| Union Grove Tnq James A. Reid Missouri Edwards 33 512 4 ' i + a Se in| | \ } \ i \ 1] i " : 7 mnhe | I \ lI i| i i i 1949 11 30] Crater Newton G Olin [ns Jeke Crater Nancy Campbell 56 11 : va 1 4 | { i ma | j 1] e hosa 2 5 | Crater Martha 5 F \. Harmony Nv George W oharpe Rosana hooten B7 82 | | if| : | — i t | | ‘e ' | | | 1952) 4 | 1 Crater Agustus Franklin M| W Statesville NC | Sylvanus Crater Emily Calpbell 38 176 | \ | t +t Ff | | | 1 hy ff 1952 7 i268 Crater | day _F. M!|W Statesville NC JR. P. Crater Martha oharpe 38. 414 Bieter | j { 4 | i} | | | | Hi } 1954 6 28] Crater Ross P M W [Statesville NC {Sanford Crater Martha Sharpe 40, 295 | \ | iri ai , ; ; i { ‘| Bl : a | | if » 1960 9 10 | Crater Vaisy F W [Statesville NC [Jeff Wallace Alice Elam 46 542 ‘ | | { i Pe Th oe . | ! | | i [ | | | a4 e \| 4 | | | | Seeen a | | , " 1 ' : | | 7 i aie , | T | + + 7) 1914. 4 . 94 Craghton Mary F.C Barringer Tns wnee= Gray o--- Chambers aa —_____}1926 | 10 (29 Icrawley Martha L Oliver|F .. itatesville NC Pinkney Oliver | Louise J Anderson 13 | 355 hi | | ' W ey 1926, 3 .30] Crayton West M | C |Chambersburg Tn} - - EL ie ‘ 959) 7 | 2] Crawley | Annie Leake | FW | inston-Salem | James A Leake Drusilla Lackey 45 452 i | | | } i 1928, 7 14] Crayton Chloe Fletcher | F |W (Statesville NC | Dicy Fletcher Caloway Fletcher n4 , 435 —n ‘ | ih | | 1 1943, 11 . liCreyton [Millie & Arndt [F | W [Stsetesville NC | Bill Hinson dmeline Jegle 29) 411 social } | : N | | ] ——- | | | LN eas hi ae 4 a i ‘ : } ne = + i 1 ’ ’ + eee * ; 4 : ; , ? a 1 4 4 oar le nnn + ; if i : | | it | t } ed _ } } f ™ t 4 r i , + er oo an ma ‘ + t , re | | | | ee | | | | 4 | | - | 7 * a. Tt + } : wen es } +— ‘ no ra tI -4 ee, atti nth ! } | r 4 " ~ snallinetiiinienassnihiblasednis ci m ms i pene i ——__ ee aceite i. | | — | 1 eer scant ean wiilisieiicitcihe, leila ih —— wi nnn biniamentniomememnncnemamemnennee nnn ST BR Ee ae hy.) i 4a : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a i Ansa eerie To tet sat tt ter poe torneo ht 2 Sees DRS nn ce a SURNAME INITIAL TA and ree asia ase pes Soman Sam ot E Le Se ES —i-!, , ae | ; hi — ner = ea a eee Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a a » oe = 1 = Day ano comisTan ne , Ge Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER —— 4 | | | . mem) : , ft 1} | H 1918 95] craven Ls F |w_| Codale Creek Ta Oscar M Craven Sallie Knox 4A) 51) 1915, 8 |22 Grawford \Ole | F ¢ |Cool springs Tn|Floyd crawford | bliza xosbro tu i 1919, 6 | eh craven | Oscar Marvin M |W | Coddle Creek Tn} RP Craven Sarah J Summerrow 5,412 1916) 2 14 Graytord Malinda |F © |Cool Springs Tn|jEbenezer Nisbet Darcus Nesbit ree eS TT HH i 1921, 12.12] craven | Sallie E FW | Coddle Creek oof G W Craven Elizabeth Pharr 1.65 een a eee oe h Wee | | iL ii 1924 12 29] Craven | Kate Knox FW | Coddle Creek Tnj RB Knox Zuphema Poston 10, 74 1918, 2 (15 |Crawford wuden M Cc |Fallstown Tn - | Jannie Crawford hee ia) | Hi , 1) 1927, 17.18] Craven | Henry Baxter M.W | Coddle Creek Tn} George W Craven Elizabeth Pharr 13,102 : 1922 2 es John £ M W (StatesvilleNnc jvert Crawford Elizabeth Sherrill | 7) 517 ot i 1929,..3.. 3) Craven | Sarah Jane F .W | Coddle Creek Tn} BF Summerow Margaret McKnight [15 8) . 1922/5 (24 [orantens a F W (Shiloh Tn Witten Crawford | Mebillede Morrow , 8 146 | Pi a Hi i. | 1930 5 .20] Craven |, Rowland P MioW Coddlie Creek Tnj Henry Craven Elizabeth Pharr 16, 82 pres o4 3 Poors James B M W Mooresville NC yee Crawford Bertie Sherrill | 8 a6] J) i hb | 1932 9.11) Craven . Annie Morrison | F |W | Coddle Creek Tn} Oscar M Craven Sallie Knox 18 40 * 1923 3 9 paantor’ Carrie ea icicle lw & crevtore aaa | oF | i | be ee | 1933, 11 .10} Craven Ella Mary F_ .W..| Mooresville NC | B F Young Isabella Deaton 19.109 1924, 1 27 \Crewford James M M W ‘Concord Tn John Crav ford - - McClellend 20 77 i WA 4 {0: Hil LI) , i} $1934. 7 31} Craven | Della Louise FW | Barringer Tns Arthur F Craven Kate Knox 20, 7 924 | ° 7 crawford adeline F WwW Fallstown Tn lJ A Dowdy . loose lio 144 | i li | i | i 1941) 1/419 [Creve jJohn Agus’ pv esvilie NC | George W Crave - - 7 98 ive4 10 | 4 lcrawford Wm walter MW Stetesville ‘Cc Was H Crawrord * Pennuel jl0 372) J (4 | | I 1945, 10 3 raven Willie Elize/ F W (Berringer Tas ¥@ L Poston hattie Johnston pl. 436 rt : porn ane ey a - C ae HF | PH n945, 11. 7/reven Margeret Cox F M [Mooresville NC [Williem Cox Serah Moffitt 31, 366 nez5 4 | 8 Crawford : Mm W (Concord Tn B W Crawford Blanch © Shell es hs . ft | 950 110 4 feraven Clat Winfield Mi“ Morganton WC timothy 5 Craven Mary K Isenhour 34 65) hez6 12 6 icray ford Darcus F C Statesville Tn }- - Bs 494 | i 1 ; aye + 1957, 6 11 Craven Odella Smith F iW itboresvi iis NC Wohn F. Smith Sarah S. Irvon 43 270 heer (4 27 (Crawford - F C (Concord Tn I- - Crayford xoso Striedies hs 6S] ih a i. i } 196i, | ll 6 {Craven Mary F W Mooresville Pinkney F Somers Catherine Toston 50 657 lezs 1 2 (crawford Eugenia S$ F W Betheny Tn Will Simonton Sarah Murdock ha 11 | \ i / Lb \; fH ! 1928 2 10 prewford Flora Wiggins F W Statesville NC b F Wiggins malice Fope bs 516 | ti ; 1h , , he2s 10 9 crawford william Mi C=) «6Statesville NC oe Crayford ellen sherrill ji4 493 | ‘ Hf Hl. i 1929 1 ee lcray ford pert } C Statesville NC ames Crawford i las 595 Li Hi sl 4 1930 | 7 23 crewford Johnie M C Statesville Tn bienn Crawford Tda Mae White jie 601 q H y 4 t | | § Lie i | ! nes0| 7 \2¢ crawford Sarah £liza F _W Statesville NC a Bridges Louis Meubrick ls 448 : iH tH He | 2S 1931 12 23 crawford Glenn M C (Cool Svring Tn Floyd crawford Eliza Roseman h7 59 i i) | Bi 41932 5.4] creason CT M |W | Statesville nc | same) Creason Katie Hillara 18335) 1952/11 [24 bravtord peaaeee 8 Ln seer eee oe lernest Crawford LBaeneh Sho22 pr 454 14 1] i N | 1955 2 24 Creason _ Lilly F W [Statesville NC | Andrew Johnson Nellie - Ao) oe i932 2 (4 brautord Ss M uy oo W Bhiloh Tn hi ME Crawford | mary «nn West 18, 257 | i | aii. | i H 1960 «12 “f Creason _ Thomas S. MW Btatesville John Creason Melinda Hutchens 46 752 1934 | 6 23 | ravford Mary Lois |F C (Cool springs Tn fricet Crayford | vellia Holland 20 67 | i ; + i nt | I Wn 1956 | 3 30 | rawford svelyn Mullis ¥ W (Statesville NC Wesse M Mullis | Laura Orten 22; 401 i if 4 : It ! | 1936 10 25 rawford Faye F W Statesville NC Irhomas A Crawford oe Hudspeth 22 529 ne h H 1 Lh r ' t t ; 1936 12 25 Crawford Jeff Davis M W Mooresville NC #enry Cravford | Dimaris C 22 | 296 i 1 i i iM i | 19386 | 5 ae rawford Geo Lowrance M W Statesville NC Crawford | Mary « Weston 24 338 i H 4 ee” f ae | 193916 , 29|Crawfora ‘William Meek |M W |Statesville Nc |J T Crawford | Mary Whiteside 25 348 if | Ly | ' ' ; | aed 1942! 2 ha Crawford |Martha Ellen |F W | Concord Tns Jay T Crawford | Valley beath 28 67 Lie i : h a | , Be Bie os 19k2 & 26 Crawford | ada B Freeland F .W | Statesville NC Pavid Freeland . Margaret Hart 28; 324) u ; j P | | ee : 1942 12 he. Crawford | Pink | M w | Statesville Tns] William Crawford [Mary Crawford 28, 427 . 7 i i 4 | — 1944) 2 13/Crawford | Beckie Beatricel F W | Concord Tas T.M.Crawford | “ery £ Hefner 30; 95 | | I He | | | | ail ' | ! | | Tomas : | in ~ #944! 2 |22 Wrawford (Thomas M ; W om rd Tans . - 20; 96 i : | r Tt | a 1944} 2. |13}crewford panes Beatrice : rif [Concord Tns T M Grawford Mary & Hefner 30| 95 | i] i l i | | | i eas} 5 | 8/drawfora \Bthel Louise | FW [Stetesvitle NC |7 P Heyes Mittie Lester sz, 76) : , | | sours ec roo aia i Poe 19) Crawford |Mary Rebecca |Cool Springs George Niblock Leura Coven { | | | 2g Crawford | Sarah Sides | Shiloh Tns. Jacob W. Sides Mary Lewis | 25) Crawford |George W M6} 6 Cl | Statesville NC jAloertas Crawford Vorcas sai ley | j ; | ' INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. _— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX —— _ — Ohio This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. ae locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. & Patent No. 14371 No, 1.4 [TCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ete URN Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Reg. U.S. Pat.of. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ; meemenenmmemmannesnn oon ces S&—-Copyright 1930 us. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 HF Fe locate Tes AME SRTIAL TAB and veler lotte, N. 0. zm ¥ a = Taos scohmnnsanteetts - “ : s i al nani to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing onannoaunere ss ena rf ie ss = <2 Cre ens Bement RECORDED T rf fi | So | Sa —_ = a : neler | ———} SURNAME OF DECEARED | sex Colo | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER }——-262 | pATE OF DEAT SURNAME CF DECEASED | Year = Month == Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN I | ae 4 4 4 , | JI 16 | Crawford |r | wi Iredel2 Thomas J Crawford /| Margaret A Waldron | 37 475 | ae 5 | | | i} Saeed ‘Rincnaadpiie ates p/ + 2el | 4 |28|Creedmore \Caroline | W |Bethany Tnship Mery Tharpe |= — 25 ee e ee Se n a y ee an y ‘ 27 |\Creedmore Sarah A Statesville Tn |Bennett Holloman Mary Holloman | 585 aT rar ' ae ro AND CHMSTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER |e | = | | | + . pie | ford Miary kd n HefnerF W | Statesville NC | Jacob Heiner orc e f' nik h il | | | (1951 10 |23) C#awfora Albert )} MC j}Rural Bert Crawford 37 565 | i 11 |24|Creedmore : Bethany Tns M B Creedmore Ila austin | Rena Couthen bs 171 | Se r 1952 kL | 2h) Crawford Nancy ey C | Statesville NC | Tut Chipley 5 17 creedmore \N Clingman rt Bethany Tns | { i} rose 7 \|9¢ » nin ediiase Fletcher David) M l Statesvi NC} William aw : | Kati ema We) a9 | ‘ iS 1953.7 \29]1 Crawford Fletcher David} M . W Statesville NC | William Crawford Katie Roseman 41) 328] 1 |20|Creedmore ‘Mery Lule Statesville N C\Jas C Brown Sara McClure * pe nr pee os m ay e 7 : : oF i i * i] — 1955, & e7 Crawford at ee M W Statesville NC 4s Granters ; B yg pt 358 | : a 17 Creedmore | Ralph Aus tin JX Mv | Statesville NC | R. A. Creedmore Sr [Ruth Daniels i ce Vo { | ?' Strawford | | | —_ | (I958" 12 "20° Crawford ~Ftreet ———_ it —_€—Statesvitie He Foyt trawford ——_thizer Rose boro, —__—_}44-432—4 ; 1 L BO Creedmore \Ila Rozel | F i] (Statesville NC J L Austin ‘1958 12 20 Crawford Fleet M C > Statesville N q Floyd Crawford | Lizer R Crawford ‘45 61 | ga r s a ; 5 Creedmore oa tp al Be s o i960 7 17 Crawford William H. M W Statesville Rte Everette L Crawford Ethel Hayes | 46 416 L| FE Creedmore, dr. ¥ 1960 8 Crawford Mary Josephine F W |Statesville Rt. |S John W. Vickery | Margaret Gibson 146 456 : po=G. o e . a oy ce c e 1960 Crawford William Burton ,M W Statesville NC William Henry Crawford Eugenia Simonton 46 616 4 SA D E EE RE T R Ro -F 1962 Crawford Lucy “oupe ¥ C Statesville NC |Andrew “oupe Unknown 148 198 b ' 6 € ' anil . wi ’ es 1 s New i ] Hy ’ + oy ~ e 1962 6 26) Crawfor< Eugene M, M W (Statesville Nc | Wm 4 Crawford Bugenia “imonton 48 367 t i] 1963 8 15 Crawford Roxie F W/ Statesville | Augustus Elliott Scenie Combs 49 468 (1964 6 28 Crawford Margaret F W_> Statesville Wm. R Crawford Nancy Ro semand 50 370 | | y 1915; 12 Sichreswell William N | M | W |Mooresville N C|David Chreswell Catherine Nantz 1964 8 23 Crawford John M W Statesville | Wm H Crawford Eugenia Simonton (50 488 i | 1927, 5 ,10) Creswell \Williem xichard| M . Mooresville N CD M Creswell laud Lentz 1965 5 10 Crawford Augustus M Statesville | Albertus Crawford Domcas Bailey 151 273 | | | 1944; 7? ,25)Greswell Maude Lentz , W [Mooresville NC |W M Lentz Edna Frontis 1947 3 29] Creswell | Mary Adilade | F || Mooresville NC | Rufus McPherson Jane Templeton 1963} 3 {11 } Creswell Wm. T. 1 M WY] Mooresville Wm. Creswell Mary Robinson ; ; ; ’ ’ 1963} 12 |8 Creswell Mar ion F W | Mooresville archi Houston Mary McKinnon ' ' | at ar Crews | Charlie Shiloh Tnship [Henderson Crews Mammie Morrison Crews | Pauline Union Grove Tn |G Marvin Crews Lele Chambers Cruse Statesville N Cid hugh Cruse Elmer Qwens | Cruse ‘Claude C (Mrs) | W |IStatesville N CiJoe Smith Cc Gentry Crews Kenneth B Statesville N C/G M Crews Arey Ann Hewn A A A A EH $ > _— — 5 | Cruse William Clark i |W |Statesville NY Unknown Nancy Cruse 13] Cruse Coy Arthur | Mooresville Harry C. Cruse Ada B Edwards 4 {15 Cruge Mary EP Statesville T. Benton Parker Martha F Reynolds 14 Crews Dalphne W] Statesville & H Crews Eps ie McCollum 29) Crews Terry | Statesville David L Crews Shirley F Waugh ' eS INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. taal INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX y, eo sfeegeirnenereeneeronnesinmemennmrementeae The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U. S. Patent No. 14371 lo, 1.4 "a UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref Made by The Cott Index pany, N.C. Sap. V5. Fen. ce._{ For Your Frotection, Toast On It < to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. _ si hth nr Rene Mts acl UPR" Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 m= to Buff Sub-Index chest for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, zt ) ! + aa - es eee aN a _ seaman aaa enERRNENARRSRTEEN i | | a La 18 POE ee ke ene RECORDED ‘DATE OF DEATH > | RECORDED : me | rae Tee SURNAME OF DECEASED | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = [>——~_ F | SURNAME OF DECEASED i cl ala aad wine ce Patek NAME OF MOTHER [ot AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN U + “ f ; : ; , ' | JDe | | ; cect metre | | crawford | : w| Iredell Thomas J Crawford {| Margaret A Waldron | | Creedmore Sarah A Statesville Tn |Bennett Holloman Mary Holloman > ae : : / Q. | oO ‘ is "ie fe Pee i. T- ry} Hefner | Mary Ann Bo e re a | a" AA Crawford ir} on HefnerF |W | Statesville NC'j Jacob Heiner | sary Ann post B7 | 521 | '28|\Creedmore |Caroline Bethany Tnship Mary Tharpe } I satin | { \ | * 4 ee . | i a | sy | I sa [49521 20 23] Cuawford Albest pe pure ® tah Me eh | : ' 4 | | Creedmore | | Bethany Tns M B Creedmore Ila Austin as ae aa r p te r a 2 4 —— ; oe - i - ‘ a a. = 7 ei F 11952 4 | 2h) Crawford Nancy C | Statesville NC } Tut Chipley j Rena Couthen | | 5 creedmore \N Clingman iM | Bethany Tns ! i a 4 —— pa os 2 = car e7 Crawford “pne t, Wat iM W Statesville NC jet Crawford ie i a 171 Creedmore | Ralph Austin Jy Wi Statesville NC | R. A. Creedmore Sr uth Daniels iO. Up { | a1 trawrord ie | i ; : iIv5s" 12 20°Crawford ~FPreet —————_ Hit —€-+Statesvitte -ti—}ftoyd trawford———_jbizer—Rose boro —___}-44-432— : Creedmore \Ila Rozel } & W Statesville NC | J Austin Maragret Lunay 29| Crawford Fletcher David| M .W | Statesville NC} William Crawford j Katie Roseman M1) 328] - Creedmore ‘Mary Lule | Statesville N C|Jas C Brown Sara McClure | | I i ed | 1958 12 20 Crawford Fleet M CC) Statesville NG Floyd Crawford Lizer K Crawford | ghia Ceci easids 1960 7 17 Crawford William H. M W Statesville Rte Everette L Crawford | Ethel Hayes , 1964, 1 6 Creedmore, dr. 1960 8 9 Crawford Mary Josephine Statesville Rt. 5 John W. Vickery Margaret Gibson 8965-- -2---24---6_ a Qu i n c e gi x c 5: ; Se y RS PR E TR po s tp pS te oo a 1] 1 Crawford William Burton } Statesville NC William Henry Crawford Kkugenia Simonton - aa ap e o a e n e n e e 4 12 Crawford Lucy “toupe Statesville ‘% Andrew “oupe Unknown —— — — 6 26) Crawfor: Eugene M, W |Statesville NC | Wm 4 Crawford Eugenia *imonton ee ee -- - a | ea t i n OS Se 8 15 Crawford Roxie W | Statesville Augustus Elliott Scenie Combs an e a eg eg se ep ae r a ea e es ee s = Ta l a it i is 28 , z 6 28 Crawford Margaret Statesville Wm. R Crawford Nancy Ro semand | i. 1 1915, 12 | 5jchreswell ‘William N i W |Mooresville David Chreswell j|Catherine Nantz H x = A n i t a . 8 23 Crawford John W Statesville | Wm H Crawford Eugenia Simonton | ., Mi | 1927; 5 .|10] Creswell ,Williem xichard| W Mooresville DM Creswell Maud Lentz 10 Crawford Augustus M @ Statesville | Albertus Crawford Domcas Bailey | F j 1944; 7 | 25)CGreswell \Meaude Lentz | Fi ¥ | Mooresville WM Lentz Edna Frontis 1947 3 [29] Creswell | Mary Adilade | F. i | Mooresville NC | Rufus McPherson Jane lempleton 1963} 3 1 | Creswell Wn. T | M i | Mooresville m. Creswel Mary tobinson 9 1963; 12 (8 Creswell Mar ion | F iN Mooresville Archie 4 Mary McKinnon | Charlie Shiloh Tnship |Henderson Crews Mammie Morrison | Pauline Union Grove Tn |G Marvin Crews Lele Chambers i Statesville N Cid hugh Cruse Elmer Qwens + |Claude C (Mrs) Statesville N CiJoe Smith C Gentry Keuneth B Statesville N C/G M Crews Arey Ann Hewn William Clark i |W [Statesville NO | Unknown . Nancy Cruse Coy Arthur Mooresville Harry C. Cruse Ada B Edwards Mary E F Statesville T. Benton Parker Martha F Reynolds Dalphne | WI Statesville E H Crews Eps ie McCollum 2 Terry | Statesville David L Crews Shirley F Waugh + a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. a Sateen dkoomgume : _* oes AL INDEX No. 1-4 “ tt Index Company, Columbus, Ohio OFTCO UNIVERS. QF Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by never Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. ——. Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright it ma! Fi SG. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 seen ee seat recta nace cee: P eaten = - 7 Se i wY i Sea ec = : ; Ea — : a a RECORDED to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. -_—~ g 88 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. _ 4 This Signatare on sheets insures their correctness. pape beonte naman Reg. U.S. Pat.om. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. pee re recone | e OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEAS | : = AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS pi Sex Color } PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page DATE OF DEATH ' SURNAME OF DECEASED PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN . : hae : Year | Month | Day bi nits ei + ne = | . Critcher |\Jennie A Ward i Statesville N C/A P Ward Roxie Cooke 19 | 356 = 1914! 3 15 Crouch |Mettie Statesville NC |- - -Kent Mery Johnson 1 445 1917; 12 | 18} Crouch i | Ghambersburg Tn|R H Crouch 4,144 Ble Deveult 1924: 9 | Crouch |Meggie E fF W |Concord Tn Williem McHargue Jane Wooderd 10, 87 Ailsie Oxford 12 1926. 6,18} Grouch {EH 1 |W |Concord Tn E Grouch Lottie Shoemaker 1936, 3 | Lj Crouch . Louise # | W Statesville NC |H H Orouch 1943} . & < r ah $A Am 7 | 7 1 , 1944 ts c Ul Ch , 4 l rs CE | i ‘ \ | i } | . ’ »} y°? 1 { + + : Croucn mene is. vavia Hd, i §Rtatesvills | | St : i ‘ | oes jie Crouch Richard Harman | J} W | Statesville NC (Carter D. Crouch H Martha J. Stroud j | | Lula Ann Sale Fit lHugh Sale Alice Stimpson i q Crouch i? . + : uch YY ot m / I} i 5 maile Y 44 as =$ = we r e eg _ £7] Crowell Hlesnor Glenn | F W | ville NC /@ L Growell |Bleanor Lamberton 7 | 4 . 3lcrisco Margaret Lee _,30] Crowell William W i M | tesvil NC | Watson W Yrowell Emma Jones [Mooresville N c |B A Crisco Josie Sides | ie . } . Bass Manna evt 71 re — os pearsall ie ahs OOOO wristo LESsic =p Welter vrowell Mary G Sherrill \ : Icrisce King Devid sere Beene 1936; 1 | 20) Crowell Sylvie Maxine i a oe 3 Marshall] hh w |Statesviile NC {Thomas J Crowell Margaret V Garnian } ; . 12. 28 \Crisco Jay Sarrison fbarxt nger ins jAdam Crisco Mary Whitley f 1947.11 . 2|Crowell J ; | | ‘oe Martha Laurel Btatesville NC | J. H. Crisco Pora Lee Beem | | | | I j ” SS t- , Se t |Minnie Wilson F YW Stetesville NC |Tom Wilson CGetherine Seagle | Dalles Jerone MY en NC Andrew Crowe Ellen Thompson : | I Gordon |W Btatesville NC | Isaac Craw Julia Edgerton > Mooresville NC Jesse P. Crowe Bertie Fowler \James Edgar , NW jBagle Mills Tn Hanon Gritz Elizabeth Frost | a - |Frances hLugenia Mary E W am pt i 5 Mary £, W fHamptonville thomas Johnson a Mary Vestal | ; | y i ne e i a ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell nae. ee a a TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C. ao Be a oh NE ATI TA at meee acres Smee es PASTS ERS SS 7 1e Mae _U, Ss ee F Ne. TEA eaniohs 1936 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. = This Signature on sbeets insures their correctness. wt locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. : oe oan 1930 — — ——SS nme ——- a ae Saae : — 3 - . - —— RECORDED a Zemete | any Ot RIOtect oh Semester oe | “= aT ocare SURNAME. OF DE % ae ae PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [oT >, DATE OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED FATHER RECORDED PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FA NAME OF MOTHER Nel po | = Gdn We, © G's ham Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘ ” ™ _ ; = a : ee | * + t Crowson i\Marie Louise F | Statesville WB Crowson 0 }¥atherine Cline 16.174 Louise Sieck 1930; 3. | Croker | John Davis M | Fallstown Tn Ira Groker Crowson |\Laxander L | tI Statesville Henry H Crowson Emma Cobb orowson William Eub Henry H Crowsen Crowson iIls@ aA Mattie Howard ae sa i n t : Crowson , Joyce | Btatesville N C DP I Beaty | Statesville Walter L Harbin Clarissa Mills Crowson Blanche Statesville Tn Joseph Grosby Nency Herris SS se 1933, 12 20)Croxdele i\John Henry | M W (Mooresville NC | Joseph L Croxdele Mollie Ryane i] | eg g du n Or \Crotts |Edmond C | M | W jUnion Grove Tn ]|F F Grotts Vivie Templeton 7 \25idrutchfield \Bleanor Stetesville NC | Cherles Yrutechfield oo = Zeague 25 (423 d Crutchfield Bessie Cleveland NC Wm. D Crutchfield Mary E Forsyth 8 25 ’ j ! T | Ae 22 ,NOT | Stetesville NC |Noeh Crouse Sereh Beal _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEAT HS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — : . _—_—_——-"ForTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 wu. 8. Patent No. 1N6—Capy = ty ee ‘ Po" Patent my 1437168--Copyright 1930 ae locate 2 names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer : ; to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. DR. locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL L InpEx to Bue "Sub- Index _shost for page reference. _ Bu ialoter This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Kea, U.S. Pat.om, { For Your Protection, Insist On It. 4 by ‘The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Made by The ¢ rver Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. | =< a ee = . cacao “i ee nn mom - ———_—— sO RECORDED DATE OF DEATH | SE = SURNAME OF DECEASED | ; SURNAME OF DECEASED LA RECORDED ER Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATES NAME OF MOTHER vat. | Paea | oe AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTH Vel. Page t imamate nal pesaneshanin sieeanaciaildancenneenatianeanmcaiaintatinies | j thease, i i wi 1960, 1963, ne39 | 7 18] Couch | ; Couch | Ida Cook Couch Arthur W. Coddle Creek Tn Mocksville Statesville Edward D Couch L C Couch Rebert Cook Golden C Pruitt Sallie Windsor 25/17) 46774 Mollie Snipes 49) 42 |} Rachel Cornelia | James Ray B i; Fred McCall | Rockwell McL Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Mooresville NC dames Johnston MM Culp Minur M Culp Mery Wegoner Rachel Johnson Rechel ¢C Johnston Rachel CG Johnston 1, 289 10,1835 15, 17, | Coddle Greek Tni MM Culp | Dorothy B Nannie Steele | rae ae cs aaa oe ae Mooresville NC | A B Culp ! ‘eal ee eee an na ae ee i John A Steele Mertha J Gray iW i | | H I | Chambersburg od i} | 1 ? —— ae ee e a | Stetesviile NC Welter Cuffer Era Hunter —= = 1931} 11 | S ouffer ah en ne a eh h ma r e ee +- - + ‘ ow =< ro e se d -* s us e s : - . 9 ee . : ; A ’ = . i ‘ =e . 4 os = ee ee ae ns ty e s i st a a t ca e ) me e e Conway | Dewitte Senter Statesville NC | Joseph Parter Conway Susan Senter 5} Gulbreth Statesville NC Frank Culbreth Blenche Coffin | 11) Culbreth Statesville NC - | Frances Croker 9/ Culbreth | Walter A Statesville NC John H Culbreth Susan Clarke hea _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell ae NC ee INDEX TO wii = DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. om Capea ge Came Desens ee, aeteaenee ae Te leat sages, ope at SURNAME INITIAL, TAB and rae it No. taste i COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 — To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Reg. U.8. Pat, Off, } For Your Protection, Insist On It. o Ball Sub- index sheet for for pase veterence, : asin re — U. 5. Patent No. 1487168-—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing hraschasnner hs DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sia SURNAME OF DECEASED Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN = PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER wal et AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ve.) Powe r atm sscnamaismoes dian lata iiacceliiaiaialadibiocian ee | | | a | 1917) |\l2iKerley {Stilmen May | Statesville NC |Sherman Kerley Serah J Brantley 4 | |11 jCurrent { | Cool Springs Tn| Charles S$ Current Minnie Bell Pelier 7 131 + Pa g a ca n a 3 La i a c o a : » So e , _ Ee ee al e e s 1925 | 11] Curlee \Lereder Merle Statesville NC John Freeze Stella Rives ‘S14 | a | 10 |29 |current eae pcan ef aes 2 . te .15;Curlee |Rebecca | Statesville Tn | = \22 |Current = i Olin Tn L J Gurrent hoary ie re pu , £5) Gurlee |Robert N bY Stetesville Tn jT N Curlee Martha Mershel) : (14 |Current Marge ret M | N Turner sburg John Current _o ET eR as a | | - .29| Curlee |Edna Louise Stetesville NC |W R Gurlee Gellie Lambert : (12 |Current \Sersh Jene Turner sbyrg | - ar ee H , 25} Curlee Mergeret Louise | Statesville NC |R N Gurlee “Annie Brown 1/5 __ hese | 9 Current JW | ' Olin Tn | John Current | 231Curlee iGerry Russell | M | W |Statesville NC |Caramel Curlee Florence Brewer Current William Eubanks | C3 Olin Tn &ifred C Current Eliza Kubsenks Current Jose h |v W Rete | Cherles King Mildred Current | i Bteresvinie NG _Heorge Kerley Fey _Eorlow R9 | 239] | 31 |Current Ruth W McD | Statesville ne | John W McDonald Adelaide Hopkins l { i | \ } | i |S Statesville N Gi Wm. Claucae Kerley Addie urnestine Lands 33 275 | | é | lps leurrent ore ‘ inion ae | John man ecer bi is Sais \ . ! { tie || | statesvi Lle NC ..* Ruby Marie herley 33 207 | i f i | | i Current Avery Sylvester|M | Statesville ic | L J Current Molley Wooten | | | | | ch Inerley lira Gwyn ce jotatesville NC | James kK Sirby Lena Bell sLinvelt 5 3 463 i] t i | i t - rr om . a. - ae i t Nien Current Robert Marion iM Stet tesville Nh | W Current Mlia Bruce . 10) Kerley = i\Statesville NC |William Claude Kerley Addie Ernestine Land 34 1kl | Current \M W Stetesville NC | Robert M Current Mery Myers } nT 1 | | i | | i i i] { ji ' { | | | Hl 6 | Kerley Thomas Wilson | M . Mooresville NC |Tillet Kerley Elizabeth McBride oe 241 Current Flo RC |F |W Btatesville Nc | 4 - | as | i | i I e4!' Curlee !\Alfonso Co rnelits Mi W (Mooresville NC | Unknown Unknown 2) | Current fea An 1 } ”" ISteatesville NC | Paul Current | Edith Harris 4 99 Ij «7 Curlee {| = = 4 MM __W Statesville Henry Curlee Shirley Curson ! Purrent Blizebeth ams Ricatekebhiie NC | Hinson Myers ‘ ‘ : | | : . ‘ ‘ ' } Ofeurrent 16 SJ JUNE Y } ave ' batLesy e iN { OD 1s Ur: ent Jane Vampdetl | 30] Kerley | Green | \W [Statesville NC | M L Kerley Mary Kerley IKor lites 2) ai ie ig ny ; , . id p> at2a2 | Terry samuel vtatesville NC |Samuel L herley Nellie Ustwalt 1421) See 952) | 20 Cubrent | James Howard Current] Elizabeth Howard == iStatesville Wm. E Current Mary A Howard 29) Curlee , Betty Ashburn Mooresville NC | Wm L Ashburn Matilda Key : 3 Current tf t on -o g t t g e = = r ee 8| Kerley William Dewey Statesville NC|EBlisha E. Kerley a | = il 17) Kerley Tina Dawn Statesville NC | Buford Don Kerley Katherine K. Little | a { 31] Kerley Silly Lynn | W |Winston-Salem N& Samuel L. Kerley |Nellie © Ustwait 20} Ke W i " | | erl ey Kimberly | W | Mooresville Thomas L Kerley Shirley C Serle | ! h ee e eg na —¢ a aa n g ~ sp e e m e r e r s e e n b e r e te z > a3 —g oe pn ge 4 —— , eg = = ” TT A sa e R e R a g h o n mi m e o aa h — * = . = ; " = : 5 Sn r ar e er m e n g : ‘ ‘ « *« — 5 to 14 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ata, | Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio 4 a COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No}, i ——— noTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Wo. 1-4 -~ Columbus, Ob iB Signature on sheets insures the!r correctness, ete locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer EX No, 1.4 pee coTTC ; : = © locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. i _ ue Talat | ee eee Pemection lie Cat ee Sub-Index sheet for page referen Nr = &: Eotent Ne TOTISC—Conrright 1989 ‘ _ UB. Patent No. 1487160-—-Capyrighs 1600 to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Fp | RECORDED ; i NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER are i i ’ y A DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED _ a Te AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex = Color | PLACE OF DEATH eet SURNAME OF DECEASED | color ATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MO RECORDED Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN -” PLACE OF DEAT THER val ae ow] Month | Day eS “ ; sc $e llc ait 7 nai ES ARES asia . sia ieaims ‘ a j : 5 . a — oo ac A AR A Sm acesecnsss 2s pracanaennci ti cE RRS SSR SOT acest pat Baad 4 tj sha ¥ ~ my rel i eed & Mandy Sharpe 26 419) 9.00 wi Mi W Mooresville NO Ig T Gurtis Alice S CGhurep WU | Ole ~: 3] Cutting lMargerite F |F | # |Statesville NC |Walter L Cutting Margeret Rouche 2| 324 1940 9 | ® | curtis Carrie F |C | Statesville NC | Robert Mitchell ~ i 2101..7 N94] | 1 | 44 Cutting |hargaret Rouche] F | W |Statesville NC JJ LF Rouche Mrolilia viark 27! 238 1944| 10} 7 Curtis |Jermon Summer \ bw te “a 1956. 8 8 /Cutting Walter Lee m _w |Statesville NC} Douclas M. Cutting Kate Owens ~ ‘he 397 i 945, 1, Sfcurtis Mca aii a, ie rere ene rr Gasy Gruse 31. 27 se (41947, 7, 23)Curtis Harry Clay M ._W |Mooresyille NC | Ray Curtis Cousey Cruse 33.302 #75) Se { i Sa - an e 2 « | ™ iain i , : : i 3 si ‘ J : gi - 5 | | 4 ' i ; | 1952. 3 15] Curtis Jerry M C | Statesville NC Jerry Curtis Sr Katie Littlejohn 38 132 Hie | ie | i —— | | i | { | i i fos Wal i I | | | | | { # ” i i I t ‘tas ioe | ea i | i 4 ti \ \ | | i t t t t | 4 i. a} - I i ! ; Ht | | i | | i} i} i} ‘ it t | i ter He | Rob fo | | i ae | i} | i | | I ip. f I | i i 4 ' ' t fin if H i i i | Ml if : | | | | | | | | | i i | 1 l H “a athe de ; } y fl oe i I | {i 11, £0) Cunninghem i wee | Statesville NC |William Cunningham |Mabel Hinton i __ — 4,434 | ! sesamiae Me iio acca Ma cee i, 7 a = at i o n — pe n t a co t e r i e mo m e n mm m oe ap i] | | i | s | or ‘ +. 1 ‘ i nm hae ot <e ee : ss -s , ; T i 1941 + iL: ohn ted Lostner ao MOL Ly it U motaLlesville NG i Marvland Costner Ldna Ransey | eA Mi i | | 7 } = I I | | } H i} } I j | i \ ! ' | + if | ; | i | i I | : H i i | i | i} 18! I | | ii! if # Hy yl f t aa iI 1] ij iis 1 | i} 14 i , == = = é —— ~ =e he c s i e s i i e n ar == pa y e e se t t e e + = go SS pe r i i ! | ! oi -“ | + ie | | | ” - cumenpeminememonenaellie + + : | : 1 + th ee ee PP ; | 1 pee) 2 | 2i Curry | Lloyd iM | C iStetesville Tn |Jumes Curry Ora Scott 24 490 sidings f +e | | | | i ae a Wy . 1940/7 | 14 Curry , Lula RM lF ,C__} Statesville ™ | Tom curry Willie B Grier 26.531 | . wo-nitinoe , { 4-* | | | j an rs Re ciilies ia }_, ; , 11945; 3 (20 ICurry Ellen 1 iC Ghambersturg Told Smith Susan Smith 21)118 a 1 i 19655 6/>4{} Curry Jr. James | M/| C4 Statesville Jas E Curry Sr. Ora Scott 51 311-f | i | t t ‘ ; | —--— 4 PER Sx G0 i Race ax x | i | a i, ; —_—--—— i : t Sarasa ene a Ns Pini alicia SS SSS EL AEGEAN EEE a * mn ” nm 1 ee . } | y ’ ‘ | is se Loo] ‘ 6. 1 Cranor iLois. Frances Pr i Statesvill wiv F C Cranor MNellic tar ier 2 . aLe ‘ | | ; fs eee 2948 | 12 | 19#Cranor Huch A M f statesville John I Cranor Sarah Taylor 54 550 | San ~~ ese | 2 3 iCranor Hugh Armfield || M W |Statesville NC uch A. Cranor, °r. Jennie Hackett 48 21 ~ ol } a ern -~+ 1938| | | 956) 7 |12) Cureton . lle } - ingen Adems {F | C (Statesville NC [Richard Adems Hettie Roseman 24/371 | ——— a = | | | | } iiihitamecnttiih ncaa | | ; = t EE eee nea pennant 4 * | | | | i 5 [_—— tial ae ‘ | Y & — es } i 7 | ; J nna nates i J ———— ie + } wil * | ct ne ete m . — ra a a et ne INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ___ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ee ecemaneeneecncant . hio Hi COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX a 50 UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 T Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Oh { ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To iocate names, conn at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.S. Patent No. 14371 me led coTTc 1437168 state’ 1980 pee 'o locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Mace Obeerver Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. i; . * Index sheet for page OSTA MAT m Bt 68-—Cop 1936 US. Patent No. opyris to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ‘ s csseccnllage U8 Paton... For Your Protection, Insist On It a nner nese ee Sub lates Oe sos SS Se ee vot — ee SS ™ —S—S=—._ ee pe —— RECORDED DATE OF DEATH = : SURNAME OF DECEASED sex |cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Tecosven ee oe oe eer Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [> pas | Year Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Vol.) Page Year | Wonth | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN yal DAS te nn lis RII a Bi iN BRE Sara aM lin ann ae ne soul senmens pos as tl iS ST AAT TS TLE CNT ne i IO ART Both I 0 a " = mamnslibconmes 4 mata i Blas | : ; | i | | re se atl ranges 1 1940 9 | ®} Curtis , Carrie F |C | Statesville NC | Robert Mitchell Mandy Sharpe 24 419 j | | | 1915; 2. { 15} Cutting |Margarite F F | W iStatesville NC |Walter L Cutting Margeret Rouche 2/324 leld } ne ‘ . aT. ‘i 5 gains my 472 1944 10; 7iCurtis Jermon Summer/ M Ws Mooresville NO fj Alice S Church aA 1s 944 | LU) | © , ; f. 4¢ slark ‘al Margaret Rouche] F w iStatesville NC {27 L P Rouche Mrollia Vilark 27) 232 t . N94. | 1 | 4 | Cutting pt e e r e n c c n c m e n p n i e n g e m e n n e n n e Walter Lee m | w [Statesville N Ci Douzlas M. Cutting /Kate Owens 42 397 1945, 1. Sicurtis Doris Moore F .W |oddle Vreek Tni|dJoseph R Curtis Gasy Gruse i aa ; q 1956, 8 (8 |Cutting 41947, 7. 23Curtis ; Harry Clay M . W |Mooresville NC | Ray Curtis Cousey Cruse 33.302 $s } ' } i : 1952. 3 15] Curtis Jerry M C Statesville NC Jerry Curtis Sr Katie Littlejohn 38 132 | dns} | a | | | i y i I at | 14 Di | | Fag t } i f 4 mahi Me: | ! ie Li | j a ah | | | | ie | ' mith Oe | | sa a ‘ a : I | } j 1917/11 | 20) Cunninghem i iM | C |statesville NC |Williem Cunningham |Mabel Hinton | 4,434 | | Ld | fl ' ak : ee ee itera nrangirrarr aetaprerprerrarsemees tt Lee) | | | | | ae | } i a, " i| ry 4 . \ 4 f | 1941) 1 (235 § Costner uae Carolyn | C . tatesville IC Maryland Costner Edna Ransey 7, 416 4 oe H | | } 1 a i i I | | | . ! . | | i | i | 1 ti | | | | | 1 1" t i | | it | | i i t | f | | | | == Curry Lloyd Q Stetesville Jemes Curry Ora Scott 24 490 ———— 1940) 7 1 tuls ; , 14] Curry | Lula RM F iC | Statesville tm | Tom Curry Willie B Grier 26/531 os —__—_}_—_-- i+ } } i n945; 3 j20)Kc \Z we A Rel a | ry o @) urry jéllen i jka WOELUSLSUUPe Joie Snith Susan Smith Sli 118 panmracionshlili ial i i i it 1965, 6/4] Curry Jr. | James M, C | Statesville Jas E Curry Sr. Ora Scott 51 311-A iit | deenmepctzrs a re ee ee re ee ce ee cn ee ee een ee een seesiens ell — a ee + -— we nm 941) 6 | LI Cranor Lois Frances F.. yj statesville NC} F C Cranor hellic bariier 22.1312 eee + Cranor Hugh A M VW Statesville John I Cranor Sarah Taylor 2% S55 |crenor Hugh Armfield | M W |Statesville NC fPiugh A. Cranor, Sr. | Jennie Hackett 48) 21 Georgia Adams iF }-G. {Statesville NC [Richard Adems Hettie Roseman 24/371. deciles eee tame DATE OF DEATH Yoar Month 1942, 10 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Cushing hol 1 25} Sus hing ‘Minnie McCrary | Che ssie W, -— lseied “oe Color ames, open at t SURNAME INITIAL TAB ead Poster Bull oe- modes penta ter: pase eaterenee, Statesville NC Statesville NC | Rudy Whittington PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER ( This Genie ou ‘ae tneures their ¢ (2 ) For t Your Protec t correctness anions Tosist On It NAME OF MOTHER Franklin A Sherrill [Jane Elizabeth White] | Btta Cheek : —— —— — ep e e ce m e n t om e n e n e n a m e d i t o m m n a n e n —p o t e ee erin ees i943 3 962. 8 wAe) Cummings Mery Frences W Iconcord Tns I G Green Cllie Moon Cummings William Warren W potatesvilie NC | Warren Cummings valley Peinick room —lwurea C Powers | F | ¢ [Statesville Nc wers. Croom James W, q Croom — _Sames W. .- Btatesville mporo Croom Naney Ynknown ee - a ~ = shicinailaniouiaiall Bosses Oe race UNIVERSA TTCO Us. Patent No. 143716 lade L INDEX No. 1-4 i 1936 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — = locat DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ¢ names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville Nc WW Neck Herrison DEATHS — Iredell County, N. i. Made by The Cott Index ‘Compan Sold by Observer ye House, NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Frences Owen = Tam [be AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Ea id l oa o43| 7 [25 ress =| «Ide Harrison pas | 728 Be ! | Laci genie se aT | a | a ee =e a F erences enorme = _ ee Sree ek eT ici a 01.945 | 7 iCastevens \Jemims ms Tes nee ent ee . | intense | ee t | x} +— _ _ + wEstevens Emily Csstevens ny, Coluabus, Ohio Charlotte, N.C. a ees —— ees ——" " we r a a a SP rs - oS DATE OF DEATH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 Year Month Day )tCalhoun SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘Lillie Herrer gap” T° locate, Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH le NC + . + 2437 ne mbOAVeESVILLIE Nu reference. John cence tn Fredrick Jno Jones NAME OF FATHER Harper Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. NAME OF MOTHER Nettie Paylor Nora barry This Signature on sheets incures¢ a heir corr For Your Protection, Insist On It Vol. Page RECORDED 7 - ee ~~ A ee =e ‘ . ! Chas. Washington _ Benjamin F. _— ater Statesville Nec tatesville Mary J Culler Lena Bumgarner Pollier Jerry Frenklin Statesville NC R_P Collier Edith QGompton —— 1946, 11 (7 DATE OF DEATH pneinaemeenacaneenenry Year | Month Day INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs, Cott Patent Index Systems. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168--Copyright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Crazier Danny Lee sr locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | | | Sex cotor| PLACE OF DEATH i i ! nt : | M W |Statesville NC i i il f NAME OF FATHER Willie P Crazéer NAME OF MOTHER | Hazel ploise Babe RECORDED Voi, 133 | } Page INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. JSP Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer THE COs INDES CONtY ein’ tte : rs. or COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. REG. U.S. , County Indexes Since 1688 Par, OFFICE An Identifying Trade Mark DATE OF DEATH ! SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1 1948 9 11) Crooks Year Month Day i] iH i i i To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. [ sex coLor || PLACE OF DEATH i} f W | Mooresville NC NAME. OF FATHER Jospeh © Crooks Jr NAME OF MOTHER Annie M Goaginan U.S. Patent No, 1437168--Gno 4 ight 1939 RECORDED Vol. Page 34 455 U.S. Patent No. 1487168--Copyright 1980 DATE OF DEATH Year | Month | Day ss 1949 | 10 1954.8 1962) Le SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Colson | Thomas Allen Colson Arthur Weston Volson Bllen Sloor i H i] SEX COLOR | PLACE. OF DEATH it W | Kinston NC Morganton NC 1 279 Mooresville } { i ” i Thomas Colson NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER A Colson | Ellen Colson | Cha rlotte Blaigdell | i I! i ij om ao n —- 4 . a i ee n t n a e s ie t i c i e i i n i a i s c e a l l e ns i g e d i l i c e n e a d t h SE Zz ee e ne > —t | ze ty INDEX TO .VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. bt INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS _ edell cule N.C. To locate names, opem at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Coxtoo UNIVERSAL INDEX N . tent No, 0, Inf eee UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio REG. U. 8. Butmlte County Indexes Since 1888 > PAT, OFFICE 7 An Identifying T: entifying Trade Mark ~” to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. 1437168—Copyright 1930 — CcOTTCO U.S. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 SPPTe locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Sys DATE OF DEATH | << SURNAME OF DECEASED a den talethin tae. © ek le sex covor || PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = RECORDED | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED | | i | = Page a | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | SEX coLOR|) PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — | | sd oc Year Month Day Yer | Month | Day po ¢ t i # i 8 1948 9 11) | Crooks i | Mooresville NC} Jospeh © Crooks Jr | Annie M Goainan 34. 455 si | I i | | i 5 Col | 3940 | 10 | os80n | Thomas Allen | Kinston N C | Thomas A Colson Ellen Colson 1954; 8 (25) Colson Arthur Weston _ Morganton NC |Thomas Colson | Charlotte Blaigdell j 1962, 12 | 8}¥%olson Ellen Sloor | as | , 9 | | V Moores i lle J: av, Fig 7} D0 } 1 M ry Iri > ht - - se - t z 4 on * co n t i n - pe w e r t c s t e n e e s am g p e n t ve e at a pr e c s mn ; 2 : oa : a n e eS — Ti e > aa n : a ee —— eu n g n s ¥ — ; aS = en a me n n d we a r me ar o e o o m m a m e e e Su p i n e = | i | il i {| fi | Eo ne s a —— — — — — — i - oo ae s I Rts. u.s PAT, OFFICE DATE OF DEATH Year Month eed , County Indexes Since 1886 An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE. OF DEATH Moor esville NC SS INDEX TO .VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. To locate names, opew at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME. OF FATHER Jospeh © Crooks Jr COTTCO UNIVERSAL | U.S. Patent No. 1437168 Coen if NAME OF MOTHER Annie M Goagman RECORDED Vol, Page 34 455 = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Colambus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Sy ‘tems. OTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 os. Patent No. 1487168-—Copyright 19380 DATE OF DEATH Year | Mente | Day 1949, 10 | 5 1954, 8 25 1962' 12. 8 Colson Colson SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Qn 4 , Volson Bllen Sloory > Thomas Allen Arthur Weston | | SEX COLOR | t I i] i | | Kinston To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to “ff Sub-Index sheet fo. page reference. PLACE OF DEATH | Morganton NC | Thomas Colson NAME OF FATHER Thomas | NAME OF MOTHER Ellen Colson iCharlotte Blaigdell iv yu y sacar” y Ss RECORDED Vol.| Page 36 62 — ae i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Pe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. County Indexes Since 1888 ls" locate names, opem at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer gosteo UNIVERSAL EX No. 14 enennnacee COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 I> ™ND . , , Columbus, Obio Farry tahones tine 00 9 ease eee ot OT, ter page relovenas. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright’ 1}34, U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref : ndex Systems. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page ralasaaan. or arese. Cots Potens 5 : DATE OF DEATH > o ASE | | ; : RECO = Te OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | | \ SURNAME OF DECEASED > OF FATHER NAME. OF ROED Da | ECEASED | ; | ao {an tie AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ee | sentscwsiicniixt de pte teacak ee Ce | mem | Oar oe re a, © ONE 1S eee | sex coon! PLACE OF DEATH | = NAME OF FATHER : i $ 2 id ; | r " | | 1 |16]Courry Emeal i Mj,C | Mooresville | J W Courry Elken Courry i | i ES = St Ci t i = —S =— = = =— — — = : > = = —— — SS = = = — 3 * > s . . ci a ea m p e i a i l l ae : a ~ a a é - op e r we n a a . . . . o . 3 : 7 - “ a i ; . ; ; ; : : ; : 4 — 4 — a - =. ~~ od ae ai e — me a ow e to w gh Se e et e =~ \ 7 ar o oe = —S - =— s : * ~. . > . oe ee F : ep a r t s p e r m n e n n s e y o y = ~ oe aa me ne ee — 0 ae - et i Pi n e s Ea s ar e a aa ~ S : ~ E 6 "7 . + . se a r s 1 ai d a n cl l ae ae pa - : er e ee e ee > a . . ss s as t is Sp e c t e r ea e “ rT ms i e n t i a m e t e d i m e m e e n a m m n e s e m n ma n e n t me e n a - ~ . et a i t aa a am e = oe : : Ng a t i ot ga b o n ‘ “a ca p a an e on e p e i a e t i n a g e pe a n re e 7 sa a n ’ —— ee pe e an Tay ai 7 ac c a ca e : Se ee Ee BE ee e ea e ~ - P - be . - s o> = . a 2 + 3 = 3 - ci na s i =. ¢ : : : ‘ JS é * . ag l p c e ac o n ae a ni a n — . b av e S - e - - “ . . = . —_ ws % 4 ae s 3 => al 3 o . = : : i . - = a =x ; =x Sx ca r e r ee e - ee es ; : ot oat a 3 % TE an a oo o ie TC TL cE Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio NAME OF MOTHER ken Courry ) NAME OF FATHER lg W Courry |! Hi} PLACE OF DEATH | | 4 m at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer -Index sheet for page reference. to Buff S # To locate names, o; SEX coLor | _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ub- SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN /16|Courry ; U.S. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1980 COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 month | Day 2 = Year 1950 | se a RECORDED Page Voi, | NAME OF MOTHER NAME OF FATHER sa a t SS S a sn ge e s PLACE OF DEATH =e SEX COLOR t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ~ ane Ay pe sheet for page reference. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN i An Identifying Trade Mark INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Batnlate SS S ag #6. u, 8, PAT. OFPICE " be es Go e s fe ~~ we s Sh e ae e ty 2 So a 3 : ne : 4) al ! 3 8 ar y + Oo be s “l z 3 S& = SO S oe = oo —— — — — = ot 4 o 0 | at = S5 2 ) & ¥s / > as Mo a Be i ) 2! & it < 4 ay i| 2) § OO 2 ao e — i pe o — — — + = eg = = = = Sa © "D ot fo n t de e ar m e n = co E be i! ii #! 3 : 3 a 65 = ii i g! ) F = i) 3 S 2 a > SS a a ee | Se a ee i} ip za = >) Oi s) * a ° 1 4 Pi . ) 4 aa ~ is Qe a = ii i <| 3 fe ie x > TS a a — A ee 32 = = = = a = SS S oe |i || € | = 3 ht to m a s } av <t on ae Qe et Az -t > as | « 5] il gs ) i ws g od ei ie s | & ae Og ; + + 4 it e si i s e i c a b e c l b i c i t g a s i l l fd Sz CA 1% 6s =< , \# 3 | | ZE | o Po w e r 2 be we na g ° ae < gs a S JE oe st i t e a h i n s e n e c e n s i t e n d e n i n l f e t i e s n a e o n e Ss 2 Ss 3 = a si e [t t e e tp - + + ~ - — + —- ; ; ; oO ; : i - i : i i j ji i ; | : ; ; ; Bg ca || 4 pO ae er e oe } } Pe : 3 # ne e = se a l i e n m e a i n m m m e m n e n e n pe } 33 g _i 45 3 Sa k oe ea e g — Ee —— — — _ — _ = = OE i so e s l a a b i e d i a l l ze 33 = S i) ; é oO Zz B- | | = , of be Us Ee © o% a! m (5 % 5 | PY << | > , > 1 = an s 7 | x : © fa } A em a CO ‘ Ds 5 2 KR 3 5 Oo im < ua ) tu n e d z = a: DF i <* = = - Ss e SS S Se = a Zi - oa ee e Se i o #3 < ta < zs Q s4 (x ) zy 9 Ab & 3 < te on d 1 f= c —— — — — — — — — — at = x 32 = ‘ . hi e a n i n d t n e t i a l i i i n i e t i a i n i d i i t So o k eo i i || s Pe Rs nf A ee po or g Se ee e | ee e 7 ee TN Og tJ ‘a 4a “ - wi ” <t O# Be | 2. i i m = la a OF a3 ) 3 j © di ) 2: . es i 22 47 ) Ss Fi E Oe = Day i { ji t l {| ! I / } | | t i f " | 4 | K I | 4 | { 4 | i] | I ! } uv. 8, PAT, OFFICE DATE OF DEATH Month 4 Sg pa n e Pe e a NS NG he n Pe r e fe e J a —— - ‘ . ® % % RECORDED Mannie?) 4 VOILA HE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. in Elizabeth Kerr *y Louise NAME OF FATHER H Perry C 1 James F Anderson + to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reicience. | sex cotor| PLACE OF DEATH W |Statesville | F \ PS locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1980 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Cornell 219 9 17|Comell 1 1964 | RECORDED COTTCO UNIVERSAL U.S. Patent No. 137168 Coen at NAME OF MOTHER NAME OF FATHER -Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH to Buff S SEX | COLOR Pr locate names, on at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer ity SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN County Indexes Since 1888 Identifying Trade Mark An INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C ‘« Batnlots PAT, OFPICE a en ee _ ue INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. n°. TB pap ye, County Indexes Since 1888 JF" locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIV < + ou We ERSAL IND mes An Identifying Trade Mark to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U.S. Patent No. 1487) EX No, 1.4 th : ae enn OTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 68—Copyright 1939 oe Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 1930 1 y-Te locate names, open at SURNAME Ohio . . INITIAL TAB THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, be nse to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page ae —_ Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. DATE OF DEATH — ms SURNAME, OF DECEASED RECORDED eS ; ce | le AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex (color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = }——DE® | | SURNAME, OF DECEASED | Vol.| Page | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN a hon a rn aki i a . ore eR ! | RECORDED SEX coor; PLACE OF DEATH | NAME. OF FATHER | t ‘ i t j NAME OF MOTHER bertson Frankie Le _ ala i oe ae ; ‘ Cul e sO j Frankie Le c i vi | vVievelanda WY i Ler Cult ertson Agnes Lyles c Culbertson | STILLBORN Agnes Lyles { | Mooresville NC! Lamb Culbertson Culbertson Bertha | Statesville NC Joseph Culbertson Had lie Krider 1962; 10 31] Culbertson lallie J | c st nh no So . esville er s 9 nr ny 1} ~" e 1964 | 2 24 Culbertson ipok en m a eT ap er e c l s e s e n c s er e he e r ss ak e a5 aa a I Ca l bs ea p o n e n l i l n d Te e : en t nc e ga t a se e n Oa ah ee e a sw t ~ Ra g e RECORDED Vol. 36 ; COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio _— Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. NAME OF MOTHER 1e TT Cor: NAME OF FATHER 4 | Y | Reubon c NYU EATH | esville “ t te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. ii Sta SS ee To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer SEX COLOR PLACE OF D | \ ley VicKin: wT 4 J ohn INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ? | | | ’ ' } ' 1G Cornett | Day | | U.S. Patent No, 1487168—Copyright 1930 12 | | we | h9s50 | Page | | 4 i f I 1 i " } RECORDED Voi, > U.S. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 | 1 | | I | | | | 1 | | | i} i . COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 14 NAME OF MOTHER NAME OF FATHER at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer dex sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH to Buff Su —— s To locate names, o; COLOR SEX 1 1 i] " K | ! { || | | i ii | 4 | I \ | 1 ! } + Sa s a — z= a et —— — SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN An Identifying Trade Mark INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Day { i it i] 4 i i) q | " | { | H } | ! 1 i REG. Uv. a, PAY, OFFICE DATE OF DEATH Month | t i ’ i | nee. u. 6. aT, Orrice DATE OF DEATH , County indexes Since 1868 An Identilying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED Your Month AMD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SS Ss ge == me e e == <2 - == = Ss == = | = ne s t e r s INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer To locate names, «Index sheet for page reference. to Buff ‘Su SEX lt PLACE OF DEATH i | INDEX No, 14 U.S. Patent No, \437168—Copyright 1980 — TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell Cony, N N. C. ore curvensAL Oo Te locate names, open a! t SURNAME INITIAL refer te Buff Sub- is sheet for page — Cott Indes Company, Cobunbes, Otte etet : jotte, N N.C. NAME. OF FATHER _ pave OF DEATH NAME. OF MOTHER ee r ee r e n e e i p a s n r n e n e s i n e n e n f i o r e u n e e e n s e n a n t h i e e n e n e e n e s a n s s d l l In s es 3 | Comer 13} Comer 22] Comer SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH Judy Ann Statesville NC Stilborn Statesville NC Statesville qu e d a NAME OF FATHER William T Comer Jr Comer William Thomas 7th Wm. T Comer NAME OF MOTHER Stella Dagenhardt Stella Dagenhardt Aley Howard ok . * * - .- - = ae Ra t o m n a d a d e a i ae s ee a ee e — _— — — : ¥ 2 = te n ei i e r e t t ce n t i m e t e r - ' ee — So M a : co n a n ce n t a g e ow = 67 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. '" INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. —_— ete —_ ages INITIAL TAB and refer 0g oa sans correo UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Te locate THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio ( This Sigasture on sheets Ineures thelr correctness. 7 i locate memes, Bull Sub-tn es cheet tor oobor ae ie st ee eam INDEX No. i. a right a aptaaeee Be ss tobe at st tht Hor pe and refer Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - “Bo ni ) __ Reg. U.8, Pat.o. ( For Your Frotection, | Insist On It, acd tae Bu , pe - -= | ga DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | | DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED Sex | Color | a | in Tow tab CaAGsan ide. © Gb Goa Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — | ae | ie AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS. GIVEN | PLACE. OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER * Wa RE ha ij % wt ee i " sew ARs NLA hin as Diet nil ia ab DREN a SORT RTE IOI | + en NAME OF MOTHER se en Ce ee ees eae ' - " - + t = t } | | be i RRS ITE RARER NIG ER TARR Ire 19521 12 16 Coxey | Kathy Ann | F | W Peres: no.| Cecil Coxey ‘Annie Lee Kistler $8 617 ers | \ 1 + : ea so ! pa a n e e s i n g l e a m e a c n a n a l Pe o n ee ba a Se e r —— dp nc e m a n e n e n m e e n t i e n s e n en o n e iT He i ; a8 E | Lie] — {an .% 4 ‘ | a Sn 4 = _— ee AN es au e c o s e n e ; se r g e ne — z tee { i if y | ' j as i ' ni AMA 4 i | | \ ii HH ¢ 4 i H j Ea “3 f j rine i iH . | ' i pe e ea e ah j j Hba | } f up | ji } | : ft i | tl if i} i i i I Pn te h { | } vt itt ‘ i} ij hae 1G F i ti id | f ! 4 ; 4 " i i | N 1H) 4} ! | | | i | t H ' ; hit . | | 7 H | | rai | | a) i i ] ] ; t f t ) i | t | ’ ' + ' q c + + ) | | | ’ ‘ oman i t of Y ) : | ii i ? T. i ! k ; 4 j ' L j ante ‘ ’ My , ; ; ; stihl el * q ’ ; | } | } T i - +--—~ ; _ ee ' * , . sso | | ) } | a 4 ' \. 4 ‘ + +, iy ‘ r } | } ‘ ] i 4 a - + > + ” #, 7 | | } } hi i Me } ’ i + | | } } : i | ; Si -— +-- + " ; + ; cy M r i | | | j | i } } t | i i ' ae ' ' t Hi t : . | i | | # ; j iH | : ee t ft tt . | | | | | i | ; | ; | | j | | | ' ; ee } ee | 4 ts J ; L } i | | fl + | rs mene op = " Y | ” —_ | } ij i + " | | i j _ my eter ne r ; fT T ir + ? | saan iY ; | ae eee | | | | I | ! ae I ’ | | ed | | icbliiike }__— tt | |__| | | | vr \. ait | | | . Midicihichietminacaiau’ — ee cae | | | " j —_ —p— \. } | i i | | "7 i — ‘ slams ee a ~ | i | } eee tsa + a tion freee cteasiineeenlirsmn .. ‘ f 1 a j j u aloo = = 4 - | e be | I | iiniinhdlinciiiniie soe a ta Li | id | cae Re ' f | " lds ae e | | silica }— 4 | i iiiinieeiiniidlincitiibiae tiie . i a on i an ptr diiatnaliig a acide ial i 7 er PA a rnelhennee seaman e ne ene nano ~ — sony adi iealinisil 7 Pe a " sities oll ee Lala Fite lassen ane aya ” ! ' * <n ten as ne bn seintliailaiii aca Lk all —— Bp et ic ce e aa a ee e ee op ae oi e ac t loop SUENAMB INITIAL TAB and refer TSP” We Spek Babinaen sheet for, page Telorence, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 County Indexes Since 1868 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Chico Te locate name, COTTCS UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne 1-4 Copyright 1933 A-122659 Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B 7 at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer sheet for page reference. te > Copyright 1988 A-122659 SURNAME OF DECEASED | NAME. OF FATHER | NAME. OF MOTHER Se | | 4 ' iN F ft | + | | | t | i fo t sa a n cr e e fe ce Re e 2 se e he SS S es — == — — SS E \Lucy Miller \Sylvesser Corner AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN I$ a a a a eRe anaemia aaa | SS —— E = < a ul ec Q Fy ts *~ ae ud a < 3 o ou . | ke << —— — — — — — = — _ = = + aa SS Se = I] ¢ ee c t a ae de n e n & | = + —— — — a ae r a —— > — —_ — ll l ll ee e a n | a) a Month | Day | nena |e4!| Corner | | | | j 4 | ! | | | i + ~ Year +> nines efile on be | | a + | i + t 4 fa ee ee pe fee pi, crt dl ee | Rep |1952|-9 Pane wenn Batnlote nee. uv. 6 PAT, OFMCE Aan Identifying Trade Mark } i i | se + = = [S s = > ry = = | —= = —— S — OO S —3 — Po m e | | a4 ! | Ez | | | i Q | | = 5 ! ' it i 7 | Oo | ; ” wf | 2 l | i i ' | | ce : eS | H = = = = —< — = —— < — — — — — = + SS +> J ‘ i —— j | t ; | T r & eo | : = / : i ; : ! si e | i i ' E | Se e : ' i | KR | | 5 | ae ee : uJ i : | | | <4 | ; < ) : | ' ' | | | | | © i + +: SE E + + a ' = | | ia | | | bs | |g | is | Pi e | == + | i 3 i t SS S SS ca 2 a 5 : : | { i | } - + j | ' ; | a i ee e ; + St —— = —— | i | —— ee i SS S = i | 42 | } | af |; Of | ‘i i o¥ Ws | pe Sa k =2 } 28 ag | j ) - ; . > > : ; . : 2 —_ — bg 4s — a, ti , —l _ , a Bn As . a: as a p e c a r e a a n i p e . ut ~ * ¥ 7 ’ * : = 9 Se Ca n od aa n aa d 2 = ee e en e r ee pe o r cawr h " a , er so k s "i Se ee e - a el l Fe en g i n e e r AB S 4g FR R st e n n d t i t e s i e n d en e m a meee = me Se ce n e m e r r e e e r a s i s - co re e e e e e s eG o TR A <a 4 —— — — 2 i — — a = na s ba r m a n he e e e n t na e co n e e e t a e e e t e e s en e m a nn e e n c t e e n n e e e n e e e e n a e Po ea an n oe wa e Pe nok i Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio sp NAME OF FATHER 204 Claude PLACE OF DEATH | | Statesville NC._ii — — — SE S S SS | | | Color | ' Sex a ! M i . pPTe locate ITIAL _* Bett ‘Sab-lndex = porn a aad |\Charles Edwar SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Copyright 1983 A~122659 He ao $$ $ $$ +. — 4} _- i } ; ' i } i bee = ' il s is t a n d c i e s e a i a t a n i a l l es ao tou | eth i | i i =o 2 hy d Copyright 1988 A-122559 NAME OF MOTHER COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 NAME OF FATHER Sex TPP ee 5s BEN ae neon PLACE OF DEATH == -_ = —— — — — County Indexes Since 1688 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — iredell County, N. C_ Rte. v. 6. PAT, OFFICE So S | 46 89 bus, Ohio NAME OF MOTHER yllis A Rogers Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - Ph Jane Craft f | | THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Colum Vraft - E NAME OF FATHER Cluster T | Unknown = tl st SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer PLACE OF DEATH | ane C Istatesville NC |Mooresville te Buf Bab-Index sheet for vege reference, W “| >" locate mames, SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Copyright 1983 A-122659 i J. de a n s ee n s ha i ie d 2 i 4 PE SR ee ee a ee e ee = =— — co e a oe aw e ta a l r - Te ' . +) COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 <= e " Copyright 1988 A-~122659 COTTCO UNIVERSAL neex Ne. 1-4 ; NAME. OF MOTHER Se a nn Pi c e a Bo , ea d . pe e k © 5 RE gg an n a Si e aa a ta 3 » ~ 4, —— — — — — — - —— t a —— —— — — — S S S S S - — = TE = = SS S ET - _ = —— — — —3 - — — —< — — — — S — = — — ee : | | - — — -- — — —— +- + —> 4 + + pf ogee ~a r a i e i e a m i | } ' : ; : + t— + — — pt t tt t ; ; ' ; ; ; | ' } | ; ; ; j : : j i | j j i j j Po t oe ; | | ea e Pe s | i i } ; j j j : / NAME OF FATHER SURBN. INITIAL TAB end sofer See ee Seana | — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. PLACE OF DEATH Sex | Color An Identifying Trade Mark County Indexes Since 1868 SURNAME OF DECEASED INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS REG. u.s. PAT, OFFICE sa c i pe a e i a n E d i e i s s c i e m i a d ; | + a + i _ 4 ’ ; ; ; : ) : ; ; ; : ' ; ! i } ' ' | ; ; ; ' i ; i ; | i j ' ; j ' ; : j : } i ; j ; : ' | : ; : ' | : ; ' ; i j ; : | ' ; : | | i ; ; i ' : i ' ' : | | i | ; a + ee n s i ' oo an pt . i i i i $ : : ' ; | ; : j ; : | } i ; i | : | i | ; | i i } | ; j ; ; | i i j i j j i | : ; ’ + + a + + - et ’ [a 2 + wa l i i i n n i i c n d de s t e Pa : ee e —— So S —— = F — — 3 —— — —_ +> — _ i ~ SS — - De n n e n i i i l i d h i n a : - re m e n i i r m e n n i n e l e p i a p n n e i i e i n i a t i a i e i i t ii n ii l + = = a <= = = = ic t i n e t Sn n a i e e ca s Oe OS ee —— — a a * - ee . =. = —— — ae Se r e st l A iR Se l e s 2 4 a = = ee e eo s ap SE T S ap e +- - + - - r- Ee n x -- - - x. dn ~~ A al e z. in : Se o sa l a -— ‘ Pe ci e n t ee ee SS Se ST ee ee ee eS ee ee = —_ = oi e es i cr e g r e e n c e m r g e e e s nn La 7 me e e - Se p p e ae pi e s ee e ee a ai = oe se A ng en tn ge . ° _ — i i ie Re e s ha m ho e i : _ oe = i ¥ + . ‘ 8 ‘ * to e = + ca n e ie Ze oe — ~ an g e r s ca r e n : : “- r ' a ¥ ¢ r ¥ 7 * - = ~~ ae : = = ce a a — sr o ee - - ay ua e Se e e S, ~s me t e Co o t e ea e ” — sz — oe = a E i. np n e u n c i t s l q a m a a m e n t e in n e an n n a m t b e e e s ng co r t e ge n et we e n oe 5 we e tn S sc n n u n t t se yo r e me ee ~~ — 7 = a x & * x Si c es i s . :: £ : > on . 2 ES ag eR te Pa > > Pi n k 2 Bw 2 as a De r m n e ce a A bo n e 75 || RECORDED | Wol. | Page See a 35 | | ‘41 -— = + > —= ? = ? —— — — —— — — — — — — — — — — _ _ — — — — = IE > | + bus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems a NAME OF MOTHER | Loula Cowart THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Colum! | NAME. OF FATHER | 4 | Amous Cowart tT | t | | | | j | index sheet for page reference, | PLACE OF DEATH | | Otatesville NC | + —— — — — SE E S 1] i | Sex | Color W Ss == = Se _ | # | To locate nam Ss Ee ~~ gen ot SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Jonah SURNAME OF DECEASED INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. pa l in e Be Re a l = || : 3 = } By ) " | vw ~ i i = BE | | oO | Oe Ri e k j ; | | — Pi ha k te Sr e e id anne = & bi bets Ln = = + =. + t = = = = —— — — — — SE E t \\ | | j | : \ | i i ; } : . =a = = Se e —— Ee e ee =< + . i : } } : ' ; i i en Copyright 1933 A.1225659 NAME OF MOTHER COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDRXx No. 1-4 —— — — e e e e e — — EE —— — — el a ) = a eee aetna Cee tate ti ttt te | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER ‘AB and refer T Soh eet Gch Babsindanshest fer pase reference INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS -— Iredell County, N. C. | 3 } Ce e | 1 T i | , 1 , ’ a - ee : | gl > OF tH a _ : SS e S eS : | > = = = = — = z —— e —— _ — SI ee | 4 5 2 ' 2 tt tx ) ; 33 ) Oo = ii 35 as i Os ol ) iw if 53 ) | 3 + 2 | 2 8 | ; a § | 2: | 1 | : - ; 5 —— — — = —— —— — + = z i | ‘| 3 - TT ++ } | | = i gs . —$ — jf } . eT ee c e e a t l i r s e r e c c h b e c n e c s e e t Se : — — sa c i - —— . co e rm a n - = ~+ a Sa = =. a = oe SO T ES ae a ri t e : Sm ee % %, Ry bs ES > - s a an s aa a : wa : = = $ Se t j AS Se aa p re p en n a gr e e c e 7 = — - . - . ° oe —— — = ~- . me zs 7 — se —— —— — i —~ —— s. oq = — = — : - = _ se a t s Ai g Ma p a i lg ig Na g Ng tN ea r a 2 - : i — -" . v' a 2 . — - te Se ie 7 * na t ah = - : we en e 7 Se e e a i e n a i n t a i e m e m e n - Se = Su n o l : <= = a —_ a ik ee n s se s s pe e m r n e g e r e a n e e e d i n a n a ~ - a p s s r a m n c h e e sn p et s RECORDED a — am e n * * a a wa l oe Sp e e d y me l y eg o s v7 2 ig = Se s s a “8 =~ ~~ Columbus, Ohio a E Hi s | 3 | = t O8 = o 72 Oo 2 ! cs l e s i i « | & 2 5 7 e rs oO Z. \ 8 s > : I < L ee =] Og 4 = < 4 = —= = = = =. —— — — — — —— F a = = = = — — == = — = — 3 o ‘3 om S B —— t = ° ce 4 t Se a ) wo n t 5 ‘a ee | ta } 5 : NM ¢: z = 5 #5 o Pa = =r eg = = — = —— <= = = ; = — Zz ia t ) & a ea r e d gs x A ri i nt , Pi 65 6 Be ta ) 0 1 | ce < t SJ . 3 rm o Si g n | * i es a“ aa n == = = sp Se es s e ft ds = oO la t a |= SS > — - = a PT . mm < = £ to e AG So — =v <= > oH ) a UO os ve d Lk . & eS > Ow ] 2 ; : va n wg r + a + a en e i e t n i n e n ne ai a i n e e — <z >< Ze | | Cz d i z | xe 7 = ! Ol e ) 3 | a a. = fj & ' Hs 4 ' ; om e n & 8 Q ' a: } ee .2 ¢ | <3 i 2 ii } . Ee Hi = <= To o p ge a el l = (2 4 ee e ts e ! Co b oe | == 1 o> il i i ; : is il & ie / | | & i % [ _~ i ' : \o i w he m e at t e n or t o n + —_ } — _ _ _ ; _ _ _ : + + ; i < i | | PI \ + | Li t id er onan No. 14 VERSAL 1 t 1988 Ee Copy: NAME OF MOTHER COTTCO UNIT NAME OF FATHER TP as ee County Indexes Since 1886 An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. PAT. OFFICE te. v.68 + Se e —— — <= ; = ? => > —[ — _ — _ — — —_ — _ — — — — — —S SS : | j : ; : : ; i ; : ; ; i : | | a | | : : | : j : i SS — = | ; | | oo —— — — — — — — — == — < + ; ; : i i | } : ; ; : ae ! : a ' : ; : : i ; : Po a an e s tw ; ; — —— Se s + ae ee : = ; SS S == = = => == —— < — < — — — $ - > -— —= — — — — 3 —— — — — — — Ss —— >} St e ts a r <c e n l i e r oa d pe r i e n c e =" <p ae = = oo on . a ~ ac k - dn ‘a a = 3 = pp ee ea e a ‘ sp i n e wn ee e ea e 2 SS ee ee . : ee s =a ey e Re s s ee e ee he Se om pe a ee ge e se e ee ee Sa a s ae | ar s 2. =e > = o a Sa p E a c a a e e e b e e e t e a e ep e n i g i a n e t e ce n e p e n e r a c a N a S nn a st a e e e e ee Bo s ea e rz Be = he — ae . ~~ L na i l ee = == — = = = —— — — —— — — — — — a ES E —= — — —— oe —= — = — _ > oO £ 4 \ : = | we i | Se |} —— f h ; —_ oe —— 1 ZB oa 4 2 jp a b e a ot . = — —— - - ow — ” r ee sa i s ! se c a ca e 1 & | | fe ) es . - : i & E 78 | ° Q a Ey 1 = Og ) 2 2/ 8 4 ) , © | = Ae 2 | 4 ey 2 | § £ e ES ! s —- o i — — 2 —— — — — — —— —_ —— —— — — — — Oe — —S — S Si f y i x o™ aa . os s ov f= q a < | & Oo oO fi fa l WM i i l si s a” 2 3 g o a sp a n + , = = —= — = < a E 4 (x ) Ei Ps Ba Cs i Qa = i cs a a] Oo a ay | _ | zi ee . 3 Q ii ) =z | 2 QO s+ ‘ 4 ce i i i a e Di n i ee e BE is | 3 = Qs | Fs u h e s i R a i e oh n e Ee - 3 fx , <t & —— — — — — — <= = — —— — =< == SS — —_ — — — ES SI ; = ag a § be n e as | ov uj | — O8 | O & i 2. ) se t de a l s al , tl i et = tH a || os af Ze | < |) | a BS | | © fe e n e e d i } 2 a} | 2 Pa ii i i as Hh ' Oo t —— => = : E i zg ) , © T nd . z a me ee fi » | \\ \ 2) 3 RECORDED Vol, rll ennenen i at SS S et : — —... i ne ee 8 —— — e — E 2 Z. i wr e “ +m == = LS ae —_ z | < ji j = fF i uw «C o } ee | iH | as it e i ; A lf e - i ] O ff ' i: le e ) = | Qe & | ie ii f Hy i <\ 8 i 2 | ee ij i : ' = il | : — Hi ee e ee ee ee ee e me St i © tt i i i a ee 7 on l fw ft oo l U8 eI =~ ' < fi ® | | | 3 | wl ah s . AF ) 2 | pl y | Si h | Bs ) j at i i — Es ¥ a a na n <= = ma r g e —— s Se g o e al k aS |) ~ Se r e 3% oO aa a4 ii - os = La i 8 2 z OO } a} — =| f} — — _ _ _ _ _ | _ = } s i es wz a _— > SS S Ss —— — = _, Wi i } 4 Pe & be <i 3 ea s = + —- —— + = — —— — — =— = = WV ee e an re a n e ] <= . 3 Ke | os , o m n ! =o cw ck . & Ff ©) o q <z = on e <S Z& = z z mo n t County Indexes Since 1868 An Identifying Trade Mark Tamim Res. U.8 PAT, OFFICE DATE OF BIRTH ' ST E E R Gi n i «c e es —— — = — — — — — — —s —— — — SS a ae oe ce n ab an SS umbus, Ohio B Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Syetems - NAME OF MOTHER ret McCall HAT oy WAL} THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Col e, t ° staff Biggers moa” NAME OF FATHER C Lee + | u | ille NC| at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer PLACE OF DEATH | | Mooresv | | | | } i] { | | Color | l Ss” locate nam: I | i " | | | Stillborn SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | | : | } INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. NIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 corres ON 1983 A-122669 2h Copple ' + | 1955 6 fe e gr a f + - L ro ae | | ee e ee | a ha e z ff er r s i hs e os Ne if . a ee e | da ] = | C5 ) Fe | be je r i ) ° Z. 2 8 | , § BE } 2 7 = | a Tk ® = os c i n n i s i a e n t n i g l s i i a e l l b i p e n i h e n e n m n i i s i n n i i r i c i i a n i s h ia te h ae SS EE Bs | QO ) ga n g | a | “o O | a : = | oO ee ft we sa t a | S | ad 3 | NK ce i) Le fi t —+ — bl i n d sh e e ig i ] é | Pe a e a e s i Hg Q R| 1H ) g MN pi 2 > ) es jo o n t i + SS — be s ffl ; < Dd s —= + = + = gp ee u — es os A) | aw e < a§ — i 42 | Hi l l 3: Oo —— 2 8 SB a ma ti Ze pa 42 ) 28 Di g ! 28 va j we e t PAT, OF MCE ete.uv.s6 ah gh Ag i + es a le ai e ac e ca l i t o oc a l a at e ie m e e n t n e e i a d l ne e ae ee ee . ee a ee e ae = [a c h sn e e e a l l om e be e e n ee m r e e n e e i n t e n te e di e m e m e n m e t n e n e n i e n a m e m e i e n e en e l n n m e n i a n e a n e e a m n e a n a a a l UC A N I R R S sa t e e n . Pa w s m2 * e2 5 3 2 + as e y ~ . ee —~ A Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems, | Mattie Saunders THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio o YO n pe = * m si a i i d i e n c e a i i s i i i 3 eR e il a aE ) M J i -o Ba Be e = a or ae OO a < Lv la . > =_ Oo en D at 2 So t = c ae 7 i Pi , i i zi & ny } = a a Ee , = as oY <* om @® Es - qt ~~ za Ee “é ey 5 = a < O © ag ) = § | ig a 2 pt ee iE ae Ra a t : SI 33 g ; i 4 i al i Ra e :s oO de 3 = Se n t HE mi e i F | & tm e n t g ii c e d b i b i l i e a h a l se a s i " ‘ si n n e d Ee ; <r 5 Es ¢ SI fe =z » az E — ‘ se = hd . —— Vz o pa n e te = -_ o a Ss ] | | | Lf 2 22 ) .2 er <z = 2% ~< > Lx ] 2 Re n e Day ¢ No, 1487168—Copyright 1930 U.S. Paten OTTCO UNIVERSAL: INDEX No. 1-4 DATE OF BIRTH Month 1955, 10 19 Cone Cc _—_— Year Ph ntl anne a nen eet vo ag salt | ll en _. metre tea + + t + + = i SS S ee + » h a —— - + ~ — Pe ee ae i | = = re a —— OO S : 3 |) oe UF | ue i | ei x | | =e it Ee if de / S| | # Hi = ii | ee l ) 9 | eo ) = | : ei 2. ee eH = | | So ii | | ; ' = —< — < — < — — — Si p e — —— > SS ae —— — — — —— — — == = Sa } NAME OF FATHER : i ft il l : t + = mt + —— = i | | i) i os Hi | i i oO a i — s & j —— — ee —— . — > = = = es 5 : : : : ; : = z t = z on 3} | | | pp —— = + =m + + + St e = County Indexes Since 1888 An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN ; | t | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Basrnlote ere. v.é Pat. OFFICER ft i! co t Day | | iH al i { | | i il t —— _ — _ + - — _ _ _ . " ) DATE OF DEATH Month t Yoar ; } ae SE E ee e ” ee s = Fl e a te n n RG Ot ee e Reo. u.s, PAT. OFFICE DATE OF BIRTH Year Month Day INDEX £0 VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND U.S. Patent No. 1497168 Conriane iiss County Indexes Since 1686 An Identifying Trade Mask SURNAME OF CHILD AMD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN tr locate names, to Buff Sub- SEX | COLOR PLACE. OF BIRTH n at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Voi. Page + OTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 c Us. -— + — + "= BO No. 14871 Sopyright 1930 TST locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref P 68-—-Cop: to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. oe SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GiVEN | S& (cotor |) PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER i | | i i Craver | Florence Bell| F W | Harmony Shade Bell Craver Luther Garfield|M W | Harmony John Craver INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. °” THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems. RECORDED Vol Page | | NAME OF MOTHER I | Alice Wiseman 43 78 | | Sallie Hoots 43 149 {| | i Ne e ee el su n t Sa , a ii s , ‘i , ‘i a l , ii a ii rd . Pay = : Bo Se od - P cs oe im oe wa px . es £ - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ; pain aA ‘ Meh hio C 888 UR AB COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX oo COTTCO U Co! ius To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Oh aS, anne Batlote A ep Sefones Sine SP Te — “Bult, Sub-I > F witty ae te ae oe U.S. Patent No. 1497168—Copyright” 1b30 i U.S. Patent We, 1607168 cnt _— to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page a _ Sel by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. PAT, OFFICE a atilying Tra to Bu ub-Index s r fe fc ! mane Se TS siti orl SURNAME OF DECEASED : RECORDED = AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel | Page | Page cereratgRTET ent ' é } m2 GATE GF SEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Your Month | pay AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN sex coton| PLACE OF DEATH Wiley Preston Mooresville Marion Cooley Maggie Bentley 4,31 379 3 Mooresville Will D None yeutt Agather E Setter 19 B81 Mary — Be e . _ —— — — == at rm a n a ed ee e ee : Se , { 7. : H : | | : : 3 my INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. mq! wai Ae TST ena ad ee ee te Ua ln Hn oe RFit Nar rE ik We bee SD SL ARENA BaTIAL TAR wos ete sas ica aes ora Setar | | i ‘ : n yi re o Bu Index sheet for page Fr : Sees : ae eke welarenne. | maces | ee TC et ee ee ee Ee TE re Ah Uli RSet hc’ imam ce opi (fod Mercere cen mma MM Ca er atid | et 4) RCS, Nae MR cdc a am a DED | | | i —" re iui ae Fee sex couor| PLACE OF DEATH NAME, OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER oe Cues 7a ee Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — \ hi) | i vooley _Wiley Preston M WJ] Mooresville Marion Cooley Maggie Bentley 43) 379 : | i) | ti | — Doo ley Mar y F W | Mooresville Will D “one yeutt Agather E +etter 19 381 eh We | | —a | : 1 i | o —_ 7 1) | | ha 4 i he ok i } A . i | _ aT a i | | Jen: He i iil 1 | en | A st ite | | |} Hh een! We Hie | } | | babe MMT TH | | | a | th eH i | . | oa ne { I) | | + cad | : 1 I i | I | : H Ht | t h i —— t | | f | iI | | | Hi \ i atin: i fe i| Hh | | lis | i a | i j il | : <1 HM a | i I I I | | I on a aT | } si / i Hy i i I if | | HW ivat Es t i ‘ i iI i i i} | | ; | Mk, “ r Hh i I | | I { —__t} t i yt | | | | np | ri f H | t Hl i { pa : easy | fh ! | | a it | ; | I i i to | | | | r mn tee i | ii aya | , , Bid a | : : : | \ i i ae , y | { | i | | | j I t f 1 { ustinalaiiiieilltin Be | ei! | 1 i I i | | soi ee nehemnsenh ! 1 13 a" semanas — — =. ~~ pe e ¢ So he a d = ne s SS j ; -€ i é oa as t a al ee e ae Sp e e r s es ca r n e : = ’ t . < ge n 0 Ha Re ‘ no n e ai eS ] * | | | ' + j i T " os i i pt ey ar e in 0 , me : li : oe —— = = —= = S on t a n i e n t a t a n d a i n a i a n a e n a e = i i | ‘ | Pp —-——- —+--—-- ---- + pe s =$ o = = = = = SS ea ee ee e ee oe i. ~ == = i + i j ‘ ? < = ea L. i. — ee e ee ac s | . ial + : = ; + * P ee ee . rm ee va n e i " ae aa ow n INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. This Signature on pre t _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. nsures thelt correctness. ‘ 50 UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 : : For Your Protection, Inet Oo ie corre: Oran 1933 A-122659 EF Oren at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Reg. U.S. Pat, Or. Cott ae : Pl ade i Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Mfg. Cott Patent Index Systeme—B COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ete Seante aunts at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1936 —" mn ‘Sub-index sheet for page reference. Si i iy Se —————————— a - Se # SS a a DATE OF DEATH a‘ . - RECORDED —ay DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED SURNAME OF DECEASED NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOT DATE OF : ; ae 5 ane ao Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH HER ie ~ ie distil Wilh. © Oak 0 erm Sex |couor} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER t ss Sn . FE i i i aa la, mean 1958| 4 [27] Cosby _—Ss_——si|: Sarah Estelle Mooresville Abe L DeMarcus _| Mary Jane Vanfelt —— ) + +— i : ; | — —_ — _ - - — — _ -- - — ; —— — | T } ' i ' : ; ; j j rs a ra t e s i 1B | 1 4 s iM i ‘ iy | He iy ry ij 4 5 \ % 4 iN . } iy oe te t a DATE OF DEATH You | Month | t 7 4 i pa Hh | 7. t | 4 { i F i i i | it ’ ’ } | | t } > , pana mod ee. UW. 6. PAT, OFFICE Aa Identifying Trade Mark t + ; | id j 1) i] | | tt te ” 4 ” i i ” \ ij {! i ; | fl ! | | Hy | i ; | | ; + } t ; * _—— SS a INDEX TO VITAL County Indexes Since 1868 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | | | i } 4 + = “ _ _ “4 ~ — ee aaranansnniie - ac S e s s s — = es oe = ae : Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name and refer to B COLOR Se si g e ap e ge Se 2 aes —— ———————SSS SS a PLACE OF DEATH —— — — — — — uff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER enna ancncend ln — _ a —_ pe centers CLC ta eaten ~ STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1.4 33659 + Copyright 1983 A-i NAME OF MOTHER — eeeeneremaee ne = oe t t t + ; Wy SS —= = : i eenneneee — mevermaitihe 4 beeen si INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. . » Ohio Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, a Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, * geese VERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ee we correo UN 1437168-—Copyright 1930 Us. | Day mcndppemenerectc S. ee ————— ~— eel ce heen eee a i 25 roo Cross SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Nellie Poe Sex F aa te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Color W PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NAME OF FATHER Davie Poe NAME OF MOTHER Unknown 91 RECORDED Vol. | ; 46 308 Page Hd ie “ { a . i o® uae aj a ‘| ’ “ht ty 4 iy ‘ af ~~ “ +. bt ual «iW + ta} # ] i 4 1 ; v , ; tn} ic ss u i Sayer Hy TA 4af if eT , ’ i Hate ;u ta i) it ‘ x ‘ fj 4 ¥ . + ty mY a ‘ he ‘ i. ¥ er } iv J Ar i" 7 : - P ips ' F ¥. | ¥ i al + -* « ea s 91 Hl L C ae Connty Indexes Since 1088 YFP Open ot Prone Th eoeneling to es een COnTeR preinkt 1048" Aninanay 8 a ERE NY ests prea sh eee ee Eel alee cee ne RADIAL, TAD ond rate Madey oe Cott ates Come See ; i I = T —[SE=—_—_——__ — —, a " | i we —an ss pine are. sex | couor| PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee Te em ne comstan ws vos om Sex Color | PLACE. OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER =| Li | ae on Se neencee ener enannenennennoes +necmeasaeaaneeaamnamenelpamemeaeemeene eee eee _ Tn ae : j i ia | T | 4 | Eile tantonei Siesta een lecisbepiinbiseeleoicioabninnnsiicnasineinnisde —— 5 25 j.9q0 Grees | Nellie Poe F | W Statesville Davie Poe Unknown 46 308 = | i i eR ] ———-s~—«ds i te i ™" + 4 a “ i } HEY | | eT We “ ALD Ladi a . se ea | ——— = . Hama ae | | a mn | - oe | Lah a | ° bea ia it Sd AI x a= —— >. 4 a * 4 a i i } ‘ == _i v e n e = en 7 2% | | | i . ? Re m n q n e t y e s ni h + = == . -~ i em c s m m a p i o m n n n a c a m n g l t s na s oy . 7 ; = = = Re * a lS | h | | 4) ' | | | 4 Bm Pee 4 i ! | t i i | } ’ ; a! ; | ! } ‘ } : | } ¢ + | aeerter recension ¥ i Bie He Pe | if ‘ H Ad ry k | | - i | i} \ | ; , elie mnnmned i . rt t pone ‘ rf . | | 1 i I] | 1 i | f | + + | 2 a - w 7 ‘8 4 ; i | oiled 2 i | | | | ; ; | { cashguliaianitabad . | t rt be | | | q 7 i LE ; ; ; t bee at “ » i | , ‘ | as _ i | —_ T 4 * : ' t | | a ba i J a | | 4 " ‘ + ; —cnsnenteel a / 1 fh | ; " * ; } _ sb sessile eee } | — 4 * ‘ } ; ; | — i ; Ty ; ; i 4 + j | —~—ssiibiseciall {a } | . some ae ee kt | ; T | cnet —_—-— ~ . ~~ i | | | Pd | } 4 ——¢ —-— a te ' Hh | ee ' “4 el —— ‘ ’ t ' re on . ms | eee F ; . : | Ta tel eeeeeneaf | j ; i j | | ~~~ | 4 + een — t * | vik = + — “4 — - _ _ a ~ = - = pretties i Nd a e ol -_—— il - + ’ — ny ll - i si apne eee _ — ; —" nent cnatenne sceanntnniimmuaniaiimnmcnaiinndl --4 - ™ " Y ies me Me Si ait See taal iii kT Bi ; + ad ee i : ma ee nacccemmeneett —4q be fate taal tense nantes ov + + ' el | Pete. beacuse Be i | i ; ss | ‘ ae” a , r arene « a ce ln spn + + | i } te ‘nN Bereta latle § This Signstare on sheets insures tucir, retin TCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-1 ; Bog. U.8, Pat. Off. .. one coTTCo DV ee te Ceovstahe 1930 eT locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ‘rr castes nites Sold by Observer Printing House, Charictte, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 7 qt to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne 1-4 : ames, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer a : UB. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1939 EF Te locate mamatt’Sub-index sheet for page reference. For Your Protection, Insist On It. — U8, Patent Ne. es room Nee nn nnn eennenall aceon a neater N — —— a = = = net ————— — mepepencmesercecareas P : eee Si RECORDED i DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED } ai n ar e s po a m e n r e m nt gm r e n e n s e r c p e t l n g p s sc a n to te Ng ne Sa y e d AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER cal San hile : | DATE OF DEATH # SURNAME OF DECEASED NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yew | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Coir | PLACE OF DEATH i : ¢ + t Vol. Page Year| Mont | Day Leta a TE lil ; \ \ \ ; i A erry ‘if ii Wit noo. utises , sd is} a) bE 43H it peabey —— RS 4} t)} ga 4 Phe + 1 r enim panemnenreenenent + | | 1 i Senn - - nal ee ee T. + ae rt ! — J oe + , tT i ty cniaielpiaeesinaiigaineill ‘ 4] ac taDdc ciciecntinnellaeninssisninnneeh. rE | i f q al a a ne heen dive ee ‘ 7 a + | r i. lle { , — eee —-— —— —o + | \ i - nll | ; — al : oe Sass stesteshteesseneanenseceei 4 . 4 + . ” + + bh | 2 . ‘ ma ee acetate il ences r * i] + * i 7 A. ni + ”" --—-—~— - - . T —? : _ - + a -- - - t y + ws ‘~ il nn - - : + — | | + * a | | j - | = i # - + 4 4. | _ ~ neem _ 4 o- P 7” - ae ? + + - } Pontes ieee ei i 1 SS Ee . 4 . + ~ oe. 5 oe —- + es 7 eo are ene flee a — -_—_——_-—--— - si sities — apres — ; 1 > i | | — * a soe = + ponerse eeprom + _ . a - _ _ Ss ippamnanmemnaavonis - SE a 4 . . . sell sceniilatareiacntiain lacie “ —_ Fi -— E AC CNet ttitiaitattat teil tts atau ta ences caiman T —— - — — _ — +- _ _ _ ' i LN eet etna eset tiated apna COTTCO UNTV: DATE OF DEATH Year | Month | Day ¢ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell Co INDEX No. 1-4 ERSAL U.S. Patent No. 14371 yright 1930 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN To locate names, f PLACE OF DEATH t SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-lndex sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER unty, N. C. This Signature on sheets in: Reg. U.8.Pat.og. ( For Your Protecti NAME OF MOTHER een eee sures their correctness, on, Insist On It, ee RECORDED Vol. | Page eer til a ed locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page ai moe <p UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 CORTE ON Ne. 1437168 —Copyright 1939 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER i —— a ; spesieraiac ss { | Corbett, Jr. | Mooresville Nc | George W Corbett | Ralph S. | Mw tT lj i} T ee Se = —+ > — — - —_ — _ _ 4 — _ — _ - — - — _ + -- — _ _ + = ap e n a s _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C, NAME OF MOTHER Ellen Moore RECORDED Vol. ? 48 302 4 ‘ —— ‘ ; — | en ‘ 4 . ‘ ‘ . “ te e a “ 5 : as - ne cn oh ne ee ee n r n e n n a l i l i n e t e m n s n m e n d i m e m a a m e n n e m s n e e n a n e n m i n n a t i a e m m m m m e n m e a t 3 : é : I ae c e u i i e m m n a i e m e m e h i n m e m m m e n e m e m e m a m m m e a n m n e m m m m e m a n e ee s ca n t e e n s an i e m e e m e m m e l cm a n tn i a m n n e n sd ee = re ee t , a - Es - a ee | — = » Sa a l se n n a ) sd rn gh oe mm 4 s ’ ma p h i o n 5 en ee —— a ce r ’ = —— —¥ i = : ae s ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County,N.C a ____ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredel! County, N. C. SPR re See ie eT eens ee SS URNA TRTIAL, 148,004 “7 Z am os { Porvour Proaseulnn’ mene : eer ~~ cgrrco UNIVERSAL, INDEX Ne i BR Te locate pamen: open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Compeny, Columban, OO . : ; ‘ : ; ; Bi a a Sct eee et st — sl eames ° ub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by server Priating House, Chariotte, aii neconnep | SN eee a = a —— — BUBNAME OF DECEASD sex | color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Cape —— is ae on boo oe Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER me " , t , , | | | OA ee 1 ‘ . | i | - 1963 8 7] Coulson Martha F W] Statesville Thos. H Elliott Martha Poinsette #9 456 eT , | esbese cs be SS es = ee EE = nT = en ai i d er s nt s ra e i e si n e Si e t e > fg St e Pu y ap : INDEX TO VITAL Sees DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 7 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ESTP PRA DEE At To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer iP aoe — = Seri ee __!NDEN 5 | SEIT RE ee . eneunme erie sity ice te pe | | cae rm SS ed NS mae pi i : ened ere SI i — . DATE OF DEATH ; SURNAME OF DEC ED Sex | Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee ZA i dare Ea rh em =r = , Year Month | ay AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | ; ve Page Your | Mowth | bay AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN OLOR|) PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME, OF MOTHER ae See Se ss sve Sots > ors > : boot renee rea ES b screen perce ee, 2 nae | | | ets ca oe ae og i ill | | a eT | . is wees ie | | a | | Oe j : | | ‘ | | | | | | | f i ‘ | : re \} i | i HI] i ene + | | | i ! | t | | | aa - | | | | | | : | | oe aT ay | | | | i | | : | | i H 4 4 i | | i ia | i | | | | | i Bo | ) | | | - | | 1 | | i} | i ee | | | | | . a ) i} it | | | | > - - i | | | | | Jet | | | , 2 l iI = : > 7 | | “ae | TT ! | | \| i | a | | | | SRR teen i | + | | | ee i | | etree fe | — 4 “ 1] | | | + + + 4 lca | po -— _ NES a - ~ j | | | | te ne lalate | ' | | — - + — — — = — a a - me = ed noe Sendlliaiibin ._ H | \ 2. + + o- _ cue hn -_ — _ _ > aa —~—ntisttniceal eed sntennerensshnens ae aia Sa, NE GE a a ele ak i St eae | | itera aeentenenieere eel = | EE ee ——— — HO ree ee ee — + — + emniasemniiieeiiiall . ee | Ssesieeieunincsneiiisipenainineisidemacan nia si A perenne essen neeesnasenenese il ! pa nn jo ee el ieeieidiiees aie ] I cial a ? oe Mana amen “tities ; ee - } fe an a ee | a en Re a ee bee ee en ee _- a sncilinnipiteailiaag sd ee | cS eel stent eceeeeeeeeencnaen a O ‘* fees eceeeieeeneeneetsnnnet See apie ee dant etna Be Ae ra 3 | a | inne - | | ce a ee ee alpen mire HoMeam Annan: CUR. Ory: Ta eae | eal ad i c i i l i i e s i Beaten sxe eet hee NN Cite - cease i a ——«,~,#, an ent ea rsa ‘ie 2 " nese Ray or eemeenemenemeendpeee name an ee e hy i ry ih a i , Ht Ag e po m e r a n i a n * St 2 re ee n >. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS —! Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMII AME INDEX Cina t Pr ee T ab Cie? First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index iid wi es A Copyright sobad Aiei500 ee re we a Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, ‘one nag Es become eee _——-- oS soe ——————————— ——S=- ee SEAS ‘aunts ame: me wa ™ Re oe eer Pe a er Ti ——SS== ——S==___ DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDE eg J ECEASE] sex | coor] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER . a Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. | Page apes — PAS I. z CoSeeen ere: = ST Se ae RR Sa a ro re ° Sa PR Tt | b, | : ; | a” | i i “ | i att - i | | i i | a i ait | i r ft ? it 1 ee 1 | | i i | : ! i i i t i | | Pa 4 i i tt i t i | | i I | | | | | i 1 i i i i | i | i | i i t H ! | | | " it # y | | i ; | | | | | i i f | | | t 1 I | i 1] | ! 1) | H t | f ' | | i I | i } i t i| i i i i i he # i \ i i ij || | i | | , + { i| : 7 { nl | | | | i | i | 4 4 } ” / ’ i fe 5: ; la | > > + 4 | ; ‘ TT r bs } fh 4 + | ’ + | 7, 4 + 4 4 I | | | ma Lan | 7. y ] 7 j , ee 5 a | | | Ramee ‘ +. j | ‘ | —§— si dtiipieiecein aa a de, J clglaaien : | | aeeennelihe —— -+ +---— 4 meomendibe 4 J ba he sa nnn a 4 | Sooo | } - | - —_—<4-- -- _ = — -- —— -— — —- =e —_ i _— nou —_— ll ean oe lie ———. _ fe —f pcnesinislicimnistenntalicsssncei lia ilaendineehioekeiineenamt:, re aes a i. — Ee — inet ecitesiinasiiaielianiisthe is eee meen ———— }- . | 7a nosaineementiesientnaantnteinaapieamnieaneniemasinsemnangtananeanisiniaibiatinppanatnnmmmneinmattets - nln senna ——— t+—~ i —— crac encanta neteenuenteenstniiainsenames us as I p Oe oF ee i éuilatnsindis a ae oe nn ma oo meee Le ttt ants atest scceateteeiateaa iat I iRile ae ee nee pens He. 1-Split mt 1940 Act SURNAME OF DECEASED AMD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Month {o | pane uose tin ment as | | n965 | 5 | 5 | Crowley | Mary Ella c. | cern | nen | cot eT ements bene ee + . 7 ae | — + 7 a a aidiliiiheiass re eee ae ih = i aa TO an ee nonin | ca | i Ieesnensmeeennnee -_ - + a Penn i ‘ug — - ++- - laid — a a 2 ~~} - r Siaeeeeeeeet TSE densi nae f a, iS 8, if fi i ee eu r o s Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Name end refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. SEX COLOR eu p e n a e r e n d i e c w e n W dn a Se ee s PLACE OF DEATH Charlotte Se _ = pe e NAME OF FATHER Elisha Boan in e ane TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Ie Made by The Cott Index jurrabass, Sold ws Observer rants House, Charioue, N. U. NAME OF MOTHER Company, Col Ohio ener mentee eS Mary Mills RECORDED Vol. Page — pa aE 51 383 | i j ; { f " i \ f _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. ~ _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — hedell Cony ee 2 COTT FAMILY NAME No sim Open at Proper Tab rdi Firet Letter or Letters of eed ii . per Tab according to First Letter or ers Made by The Cott Index cea ndex Company, Col a cane INDEX No. 1-Spiit t P. ; ra cee aod refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House. Charlee, Obiio ~ al corr FAMILY Ae A- 141580 EF Oren al ee ye a or rato of Made by The Cott Index Company, Cohumnbus, Cite a = : " a . page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, rlotte, NN. \. i Copyright 1949 A-141580 = P ee er LE i 4 T ; = en . re OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED pA SEX COLOR!) PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Se n Sa t e s ne a ag a i n s 5s SS S = SD = ph r a s e SU * OF eCEASE RNAME OF DECEASED sex | covor| PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER CHRISTIAN NAME 1VEN AND $ IF OWE IS G Ss g na s e Year | Month | Oay AMD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘Wot | Pare] iis na = SS = prose $2 ese 2 . sai M issishiieaiiaaaaidiaiel nina SEE Ts ee Po ; 8 Set ere ener SES ERR SE Sane ae sta see eee ere SSS a Rcerne r 0 pe Mary Mills 51 383 | | Mary Ella F W | Charlotte Elisha Boan ai i i ee ence \ i Bal i * | | | et | Oo | | | | | | | | | i | | | | | | ie onpowee | t | en | | i + ‘ a | | | i If & | i i | | ! 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C. __INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. i a ~~ ai : Letters of Made by The Con Tnder Se eater ae ——— itera, : COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-8plit Opea at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Company, Columbus, On: a a corr FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Open at Proper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of [ear and refer to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charioue, N nto ‘ a Copyright 1940 A- — : Ba dei WE Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold*by’ Ooserver Printing Howe, Chariotte. N Cc. Copyright 1949 A-141580 Fay —————SSSS——————————————— 3 Ses === —_.._________ nee ——. SST oe c — ne —— 4 DATE OF DEATH i = 4 te ‘ a ei me 40ah | SURNAME OF DECEASED a iia THER NAME OF M RECORDED DATE OF DEA SURNAME OF DECEASED ane eee | RECORD Wy SEX | coLoR] PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FA OTHER SEX | COLOR 2 ce ; a Wn Year | Month [e AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN " “Vol.| Page | Year| Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER nerd SS SSS ET I | : - ae a so a ! ‘| as | | : = [ , ; ca oe > ‘ i Se See _ i | = Sa - | | 1965. a 12 : sks | Dallas M | C Harmony Alexander Cuthrell | Mamie L Cuthrellj 51 411 Payer | + - 7 - anceneneemmceneninetcantiatcettt ttt A CCCI “ as us i ae — | + —+ “— | a : we | | | j as i | I ) | i i] it | } | y i —— y 1 it 4 . | | i| Ht f ! | | i 1} | } } | vn f | f bd i i i f i i I | | 4 t a I | th i] } I} | | | Y f i | { | {| | i { } { } | | 1 | | i ' i | | i 1 } | | | it | i f ~ i 1 “ H | th ! | t i | ij t | { 4 \ || | i ij iH i " ea s e s SS S y i | | I i 7 i | | | | sniiaialhtiedilled \ | | fl | i | ! ] | i : | | MR OM ra ee ee mm rere ee named a nr erelerh + . it ' | | 4 i } a cuniacigiaililssaiihaiiaanenmendpsere i | i \ s | = —S S = = + am o s 7 ' | H be —$— * H : aa : pe r e n n e a ~~ ! ap | = at h e ne l ’ . =i — ’ a ’ me + = ws aa . - t - +-———+ we << settee = nunca nanan a 4 + — aon | —4 — _ + name a > t iy + 4? | i i| fi . | 2 | 1] 7 ; > - — — —_—— _ | 7 — — —4 ne —_———— ssl _ sramasmemeneliibs + 4 4 — + * t i} ; r | | | i j bh tp 4 - te ad ] : | a —_ — — _> a _—_ ‘qameteeeneeiene ee a - - _— mr _ | | . } eS | H j | | | r i j id j | i | * reel \ 4 eh teehee + — ; EE | ' ' Se n n e i T | +— _ —_ + — _ _ — _ + pe i en es T | ' ft dg i ? i i + i + i So n a m | ; i | ; | | Sp e t m n e n e s i | — a amnoweemal a _ we ae tee ae oe + — 2. a | a -s i a ti A -_-—— ———— — | Nn T ae La 1 | : i Di cseneenes ibe 4 4 4 - ” i | i ee TW: i | pw rental 4 = a ame ee TT ieee eters Le ee te Wg | al enc ee ee pee — T : -. — ewe een —-— } | ——— . — | P - -4 . Mae | | ~~ ocancremremmnsencamnenemmsencini anes <emnnentsa Br (Seem seen ee _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIR’'THS — Iredell County, N. C. 14 clebneanaaandietia ; af or Se ee pe is a tters of Bede ty The Cott Se eens a INDEX No. 1—Solit ro nat P Tab rdi Fi Toss, & ' COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX No. 1-Split Open at Proper Tab coieedion to First Letter or Le’ by Snes a bilan a coTr FAMILY NAME pe roper Tab according to First Letter or Letters of Made by The Cott Index lumbus, Ohio ; t a Sold by Observer Printing House, | Galina, Ohio — “ een 1933 A122559 _ Name and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold oy Observer Printing : ouse, Chariote, oe say Copyright 1949 A-141680 home and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. rlotte, N. 4 " fea ai eae = = = ———————————————————————_—=__—__—_—__ == Se 4 Ne === iia, _ eo ee ee ee ee r = a eae — —— | DATE OF DEATH STIRNAME OF DFECRACE 4 BIRTH SURNAME OF DECEASED SEX sal PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | DATE OF SURNAME OF CHILD ex jean) PLACE OF BIRTH sale Gk cuwnma Yea | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. | Page Yoas ~ een eee ee | t peso: or SMe. note home SAT SS TET — Saree ‘ sarmnr = SS SS sosme NAME OF MOTHER —— — | <= se s n° a = ;' = | 3 i 1 a Creasy | Walter M W | Winston-Salem Curtis Creasy Sadie Johnson 51 536 ? i j } ie! i Oe eae ee NESE —- = —++— — { Hey } ! =— | H | m J | | nit | | | | | | i | | | | | | } t | | | | H ’ ' | | H | | | I I | | | i i | | | 1 + | | H f | 1] { 1 {| " 1 tt | i | | i | } | | i i | ! | | 1 i| HH i i I | | | i | | | | | | i ft . i | I i 1 j i " i 1} | it | | q | | | | | , 4 | y } | i f i f i} | | | | | Hk | | | 4 ) iv | | ; i i} +) ts i] i 1 | | | ‘4 ¥ || ay | I" 1 | hl | 1 f | ; . { | ' El i) a | i | | —— ‘ e x Sa a s x4 - ae ue ms | } | i] "i i! 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Bo r e Pe l e LE Th i s Si g n a t u r e on sh e e t s in s u r c e Re g . U. S . Pa t . Of . Fo r Yo u r Pr o t e c t i o Na m e s cf si m i l a r sp e l l i n g an d si m i l a r so u n d sh o u l d be up e d to g e t h e r an d gi v e n th e sa m e pa g e nu m b e r . In d i c a t e on Su b - i n d e x th e di f f e r e n t wa y s th e na m e is sp e l l e d , du p l i c a t i n g th e na m e in mo r e th a n on e co l u m n wh e n ne c e s s a r y . th e i r co r r e c t n e s s Th e Co t t In d e x Co m p a n y , U_ S . Co p y r i g h t In It . Co l u m b u s , Oh i o No 10 5 6 3 2 ou — cu | | 7, f op e ao ee e a st ft {l y Po e | Pl go ) ee e ) a ee Bn j | | j j i | j j | i } t { i i | j i | | | | j j i i ' i ; } 3 j i i j | i : | er y | | | PT A ri { j i j | i j | | ' | i ' | a o| | | . a| 4 oe | i | | | i ; f= ) j j i i | j | i | ' : g | 2 | | | i ! re ° 4 | Pr | | | | | | | ia l H Bao eet | | | Bh d | 4 as , © G i ® S cg i j | | i i j | a € & 6& 6 Pa pa r t | ee | | e ic c t i n t i n i n s ae ne en en e ee ee ee en g nn wa n g | rs rd ee | r 1 T i 2 - + } t + + + + + + + | } - } +— — Se 3 | i | | / } j | | | | | | | | | | | | | | { i | | | '& Boa | | | | Pt 3 | | 8 Ba | | | | a | i | | | | Ps d ae Ei BP S | j | j i | ; i | i | ; | } | j | | j | ' j | | | } = sh h a eg | Se Ae ae ae , oe —- - 4 + 4 + | + 7 + — ~ j j } i i i z | | | | | | oe j | } i i j + j | ’ ’ ; ; ; ; ; ; t ; - — ; é 3 | os | | 3a = ca e | a = a Pe e r tb 4 | z <= Se e ee | ee | ae a i | ! | é Po e | | | fi eo s = — at a —- + =a ay - ; } t ' t + ¢ : $ ; ; { + ; ; ; ' + + 4 -- + — at + i ; : a, = a rT oS ! ! 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' cies stsbeailaieiaeint alittle deities needa oka icine anemia ; = - snpnsepematananenenpennnetamanennes anaes o — — ee italia oi eutilbegaiietentits - +4 - _ _ -—— -—--— - ee a ase pt ae i a iad a citnisiatammiaecnnmnennt ——————— — ——— a a = = ne _ —— -_—_— - lala Lihibsdiuslarietaciiesiinshenegeeasiiieinibisenieildighiinegnieaih sceibiiipsiimecticeietebiiininihings tai as ig ee a eee —— ———— wae ee ~ — — en nee Eee eensenmenenemn ee — a ve — a a cceecneerccaaincste ATO prem a OOD, ays fi t + eee ——— | nee) | a ba aes = ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 enema DATE OF DEATH Year | | | dagi4| 3 412 916! 7 QO} 11 {1920 1923 2 41924 | 1 1926, 3 1926) 7 195k 2 $1951, 5 Bees | 3 1954 | 3 1956, 4 1961, 2 1962) 4 |1963| 12 1964) 3 : | 7 + | Send | b -_ — itintinenteaeen promt, _— = 4 = 7 % 1941}. 3 2. AZ 4 tw “ 1960, 11 2 pap teo locat SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Dagenhart Dagenhart Dagenhart Dagenhart Dagenhart Dagenhart Dagenhart Dagenhardt Dagenhart Dagenhart Dasenhart Dez grat aeecnnarat Degenhaert Degenhart IDagenhardt Vvagennarat Dagenhardt Vagenhart Dagenhart Dagenhart Dagenhart Dagenhart Dagenhart Dagenhirdt Darenhart iEtta iJacob D ‘Catherine fy } i 7 2 ‘Charlie L rn ae ee vey Veoree w YT D wv 4 1e] — haan ~~? ee ' — innn a } . vOhn Dallis Lole Jene Riley Fredrick — <= Se a Mery B Childers | T } Hubert +68 lus. ru Addie Ale xander | Ethel ! Mary Alice Carrie Cathering F | Lawrence McKinley M_ W “ichard Curtis Marshall ve Sgath: ati ic | 4 | —— = — — — — s = 9 IShiloh Tns | IShiloh Tns Shiloh Tns W Statesville NC @ mames, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER Adolphus Drum Letta Dagenhart iShiloh Tns | Daniel Deal iConcord Tns ishiloh Tns | Will Sharp ‘+ aot one $4 NY A ) 11 iIstatesville NC. j CU A Drum “ T ; 1 4 th ¢ 174 > Th Jarenha iStatesville NC. IU Dacenhardt ay oe . aTn Sica dmenws = Statesville NC | Craters Dagenhar ‘29 nd Bs Wind eniin ths ei PNLLON i nS BMmaAnuUel JarennaY } S Dagenhardt Shil Tn T ~ 4a + : + + 7] + r4 le nr 2yrt ~ | ama k Btetesville NC Brinson Shoemsker iShiloh Tns Y“ecob Decenhart Statesville NC iJ M Childers Statesville NC | iwell M Degenhart T 1 Coy Lint ahew en. 4 = LT@ecei i vounty AGOLDnNas Vrum \ \ L Catawba NNO iA J Alexander i q Morganton | Welburn Levan ” “ Barium oprings [Frank Gantt John D Dagenhart | | | Statesville NC | John Robert La enhart ” | | | art | Ronald “oward Dagen \ | \~ y *oint 1 <a D Verenhert ” | } H 7 " Vj Stat rille I i er Sr “ = Made by The Cott Index Cor Sold by Observer Pripting a = SS S | Catherine | Pearl Beckam \Catherine Fulbright \Merzie Holbrook == = Sa ES — \ lSarah hoxana Veal mpany, Columbus, Ohio ; House, Charlotte, N. C. i RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Irene Dagenhart pac akei- 7 o at7ea — oe ae DeLee wade ? kc Pa eo catherine Deal as t | a 4 toh Veo Maa ~ \ : i A > a — a ” ij meaude Cloaninger | Zvelyn Elder Jane Carrell Ki i Deal 9 | 227 131 417! Jane Warren Laura Johnson — © tr e ~ o et ~ hw - ’ lAddie Alexander t Ida Alexander Doris Marie Martin jatherine * ulbright 47 67 Vol. Page 1 | 362 Rae. 3, 41e 6, 308 high | Emma Johnson m2, 506 | 369 4 i . = P. * i ‘y = oO yj | Malinda Stines 7 , 394) ae | 9 508 | c an Of He er ao ase # | i ) , 2a | ~~ aie j \ U a o n i re Ne L S w e s c ea t s w t Ww N C ke A} 42 190 a a 5 ; ks ~: ; at a . fe w z 6 629 a @ nw ~ nD ae 49| 693 143 a 4 Y - i ir ; - ,. , } | i i + 4 4 » cm a c r e e n g h r e s a t + . po r n a i e e s m n g s n o c a s h s e n a q u e s e e n i n a n c e e p c n t e e s i e n n c a q g e n r e r s i o w n e n n e s m s r a s te ro n if s se -a c a r ca o n s n r g i c e ga n a s = co i e a a m e t i i e e as a re e - sc s e a a n e n e e i a i e n a a e e s mo n e Sa r e p g r a s av Se g u e pa o ae = so == . = - = : z > RE T SE s rs ‘* = ~— . - : — Sp a ey INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. ie! ; ; Reg. U.S. Pat.omt. | For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH Year ‘ 1916. 1916, 1920, 11944 | Month Day 4 4 | 141 Dakens SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN oo 8! Dacons |Reona | Veno Viola Dacons \Evaline pap te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH New Hope Tns Statesville NC New Hope Tns S+atacyille TY mLATLEGSVIILe ive James Dacons Dacons NAME OF FATHER Gouldenary Dakens COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne, 14 U. 8, Patent No. 1 Reona Williams Effie Brown makita ee Evelyn Smith 437168—Copy NAME OF MOTHER Vol. ; right 1939 RECORDED Page | 207 245 , 380 Vt 131 a Ce rea eee ae eee Rn ciel NAAN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C__ COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 VU. &. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 DATE OF DEATH Dalton Belton Dalton Danahoo Claude Allen Statesville NC Charles W Brackens Mattie Danahoo Dalton Dalton Dalton Delton Dalton Dalton Delton Delton Delton Dalton Dalton Dalton Danner \Zllien Denner Lewis Frederick Danner Jacob Asburry Hagle Mills Tn Statesville NC Turnesburg J.P Mayberry Alexander Danner Fred Danner Louise Hayes Susen Sherrill pants Reavis Delton Delton Dalton Dalton Dalton Da. ton Dalton Delton Dalton Dalton Delton Dalton Daiton 2 P2 | Dalton RG Dalton _B4 | Dalton po | deiton ed Dalton Dalton 4 Dalton Delton 25) Dal. ton 12] Dalton _7 Palton _5| Dalton SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Roberte feane sn Rw AA _ John Henry |Glossie Ree ,Jas Edvard _ Johnnie Gus | Fannie Brock | Annie B | Lessie | Ausborn | Robert | Larry Dean | Victoria | hehe Holmes rime lpeasie Annie Kugene eto Sat ¢ names, open at SURNAME INITIAL. TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Color PLACE OF DEATH Union Grove 1 | Regle Mills ° | Turnersburg } Statesvi.le Union Grove | Stebesville ! Turner sbure q | Statesville T tetesville | Turnersburg lurnersburg Statesvil i | a | Eagle Mills | | i Hi} | | Statesville N¢ | Eagle Mills i Statesville | Statesville Bethsny Tn Stetesville Eagle Mills Tn Fallstown Tn Wagle Mills Tn Coddle Creek Tn Eagle Btetesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Eagle Mills Tns NAME OF FATHER andy Dohbins Earnest Dulton i dohn Delton i Frank Houpe i Osborne Dalton IT A Delton i : | David “alton a | Bert “alton | alfred “alton | Bill Carson | Jim Kelly | Nick Delton Gus Delton iINick Dalton } , Jes~ velton Green Brock Lee White Bob Patterson Msrimon Dalton E D Dalton Eugene T Dalton ugh Belt Tim Holmes Sem Holmes vOrnel Finch Frank Parks Frank Carson A Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlo Ivy Delton Malie ¥slton Beil Delton i | Mery L Delton 4 | Cary Parker 1 | Carrie Dalton | Carrie Dalton | Carry rerker | Wetilda Hall Julia Dalton | Lessie Span i Martha deumes i Leone Pster | Dells i Wmalineae Armet rons i Emeline Arms son i Julie Dalton Nichols |\Msggie Adams 4 iM Vine Delton | Phileas Velton iCornelie Valton \ t Julia Dalton j Sums Allison Blench Allison Emms Allison Lizzie Delton Gerolyn Johnson Jennie White Eve Nicholson - > - > Reece Sallie Dalton Viola Clark ° Sellie Holmes thie ry Delton Virginia biscoe Adline Dalton i, NAME OF MOTHER tte, N. C. enn —— tele RECORDED 1 seal HP Vol. Page ii ; oe Ps PRE mate : Ld ay y he : ~— j 4 + : —— _ t - ‘ a a ip eg ei g e n ca m i st e r Ne e n Re en e r = “— —— s = —— — — ) ed ao d ed ts — = on op me e t i n ag —- - — Each ete eta CAI ALMA ALLL AL IID TEE i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C_ Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio This Signature on sheets | Tectness, Pr eese ae : Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Lutes COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX ae __keg. U.S. Pat.om, { For Your Protection, Insist On It. ent 3 168—Copyright 1930 fap to locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, U. 8. Patent No. 1437 = re to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, cae ~ cosa cea eraeinanananenetanantesse=airementnneatasstitanteaeenitne teenie tenenentsn dieaeenenantearsenanpemeameasipret SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN - DATE OF DEATH Y yeor | Month | Day ' DATE OF DEATH RECORDED Year Month Day SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Sex —§ Color | PLACE OF DEATH PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF MOTHER NAME OF FATHER Vol. Page e > . * . &, = . 7 x 5 hg sa m e n c e d a n — : : . ° * = : ia i n ins na c e cao o n e s pe g Ma a c i e s a a ati . ~ q SE I T ee e 1916; 4 1916. 1920, 1944, a = = am Dacons Dakens Dacons |;Reona | Veno Viola \Evaline New Hope Tns New. Hope Tns Min dnsilnahosten o Priest enganee otlates | i. + Statesville NC rt hind James Dacons Gouldenary Dakens Reona Williams Effie Brown 6 we en ee ate coe Smith ivelLyn Smith 207 Danahoo Claude Allen Statesville NC T Charles i Brackens Mattie Danahoo = SS <= = 1927; 10 (23 1946, 5 13 1959 8 (30 Danner Denner Danner \Zlien \Lewis Frederick Wacob Asburry Eagle Mills Tn Statesville NC Turnesburg J.P Mayberry Alexander Danner = Danner Louise Hayes Susen Sherrill betty Reavis ny — — | pale | L914 | —_—n _p915 — neon Nos. 1916 hos nen ere | fo17 O17 | _pelg | ng2o | 924 | eed | 1925 | L925 | rr ..| ____ ie26 | oid 12 Dalton Belton Delton Dalton Delton Delton Delton Dalton Delton 4 | Dalton Delton Delton Dalton Dalton Delton Delton Delton Dalton alton Dalton De. ton Dalton Dalton Delton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Delton Dalton Dalton | 24 Dalton | Dalton 25] Delton | Dalton 1 | 7 Palton ed Dalton | Roberta 1 : peatrice Rosa Bell , ALZenNe ! Lon Cleud Andy William , Belle , Cass | Ernest _John Henry |Glossie Ree ,Jas Edvard | Johnnie Gus | Fannie Brock | Annie B | Lessie ,#usborn | Robert | Larry bean | Victoria | be bod Holmes ame ‘Bessie Annie Eugene 1 | } Union Grove i } | | Beagle Mills T | Turnersburg i Statesville Bus i Union Grove | Stefesville | +urnersburg 1 | Statesville | | Stetesville | | Eagle Mills | Turnersburg | furnersburg i 'Esgle Mills Tn | | | | | 4 | 1 i | Statesville )C } iStatesville N Eagle Mills | | j | fl | i Statesville | Statesville | Bethany Tn Stetesville Eagle Mills Tn Fallstouwn Tn Nagle Mills Tn Coddle Creek Tn Eagle Mills Tn Btetcosville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Eagle Mills Tns ‘od Delton Tomlin & Vdd 14d John Dulton | Frank Houpe Osborne Delton T A Delton | David “elton Bert “alton Alfred Valton Bill Vaerson Jim Kelly iNick Dalton Gus Delton Nick Dalton > |des- Delton Green Erock Lee White Bob Patterson Marimon Dalton E D Dalton Eugene T Dalton Hugh Belt Tim Holmes Sam Holmes s9rnel Finch Frank Parks Frank Carson <A atin nies | Ivy Dalton iMaelie ¥slton Beil Delton [Mary L Delton | Cary FPerker | Carrie Dalton | Carrie Dalton | Carry rarker alton | Lessie Span |Marthe dumes | Lucy Rankin ij Emeline Armstrong | Leona Psterson | Julie Dalton | Dells Nichols | Meggie Adems | i ae , + i Vine Delton | Philees “alton if it | Cornelia Valton | 4 \ i {Emma Dalton | Julia Dalton | tmma Allison Blench Allison Emms Allison Lizzie Delton Gerolyn Johnson Jennie White Eva Nicholson 2.2... 2__2_RBSOS Sallie Dalton Viola Clark Sellie Holmes hie ry Delton Virginia biscoe Adline Dalton MLR Rea o ae ee ee t ; So m e TR we t es ae =e i] DATE OF DEATH | | Year Month Day nh H Dalton lton at 11] Dalton | > 21] Dalton 30) Dalton 14 Dal ton 10) Dalton 31 | Daltor 3 Dalton 3 Dalton 3 | Dalton pate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN + ¢ Pisa aise vOora | Henrietta | Andy Horace Blanch Beatrice | lillery Lodi Hattie F, Tammie R, C | Houstonville to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC} ~ iStatesviile NC jStatesville NC | Si nNoustonvli£ | 4 |Statesville NC rove 1 NAME OF FATHER atesville N&@ Cass Dalton Henry Dalton Millard Dalton | Ralph Odell Dalton C |Statesville NC | Vance Allison 0 iS+ at evil ~ }T LESVvillsé C | Statesville W | Statesville C Hamrptonville e iHenry Dalton | Jay Lynn Dalton Elisha Fox INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. } This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, Keg. U.8.Pat.oc. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. COTTCO UNIVERSAL U.8. Patent No. 1487163—Cepsrinny tof, RECORDED | Vol. Page | H 33) wi Milinda Dalton ke Azy | Hh * ‘Zu i t | NAME OF MOTHER Maggie Steele iials eae } Ja earah o Dalton 135 482 Lessie Spann | 36 227 | i | ary # i Silt Se B? | wlizaberh Aculee nedh: | ay) i iFrancis (Unknown) 37 | Mareie Dalton Al Elizabeth A Redmond { | Bliza Turner cee " - 1 'Molene &. Torrence Mollie Corbin | Betty J Dalton rks Dalton INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — © UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Ue. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Daniels Daniels Daniels Milita) 0 Deniels Daniels Daniels Daniel Daniels Deniels Daniels Dani:ls IDeniels Danicls Deniels Deniels Daniels SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ; Alvie George 7? ¢ Leura H err locat eee De Went ee tee eT duiebababseiieeeoned @ names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. lew Hope Tn I- | 1} | | | | | (Olin Tn i 1 Woe Deniel PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER Woncord Tn j4llen Daniels jStetesville Tn [Wilson C Daniels jJonas Harmon IStatesville NC JE W Deniels DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. | Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Bae aire Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. | i Rebecca Holland { } \ Nance Borus i ~- RECORDED Vol. Page NAME OF MOTHER - -Hollend iC. therine Jones William Holland Daniels Wency beker iClememtine McGolpin Myrtle Sipes NMourt } Snines “yYrtse onipes 1 ‘ ™ a Jal } | rerald ine Whi ec _ , Myrtle Danyels Patsy uth | } W State NC 1H 1 Wmenaa as Thos. | M 27 Dalton Statesville J. M. Dalton |Margaret Boyd Ni i Denyels INichols Durmire Matthew Algene Dalton 11) Dalton Matilda Hall Mic Btat esville { it iH i Bd ____ fess | 1934 | Deniels Roby Tucker SS ¥ Q | Steve Oerruth Deniels ' i ! 1 John H = 1935. Deniels Wohn Deniels Sr | Laure J Harmon | {i 7 oo 44 2a bs 3 ; Jemes Williem Wii Lom 1958, 12 . 9jDeniels 19359 11 1) Waniels Lou Mixson ii s ee r ay st (> — ; i 4 Thelma Hix - 1940; 1 .23]Daniel = t Katie — So n e —— 1941 | 9 (23] Daniels : Pee Filed | 1943) 1 |4 [Daniels William D raae 11947) 2 |25 41947) 2 5 So u t i e n se o = v St a l =e in p ne me e wr eg 4 - =" ; Olin Tas Mary Meadows 7 i 19 . Ithar 4 nnd bn od - vESVIids' NY i AO» oJ Map lu ANNIE Vaniels = St “ | oe Vaniels | Larry i - I Mooresville Nc | - | jotavesviile NC se ] Daniel Murgie Viola Gregory unkuown Luch Janiels 34.488 SS _ - 11947 12 19 11948} 3 47 Daniels | Arthur Daniels Statesville NC JJohn A Austin Mary S1lLizabeth Lieut dh 1446 f r lStatesville NC A948 | 8 17 |Daniels |Ellen Milnnie Frost 34 405 otlateBVilie WU w ow Janiels 41949) 2 17 bli hoosevelt ourna Vista vowles p> 22 Vaniels Swannanoa NC w S Daniels Home Iredell County/| Unknown 11950) 1 Pearle omith 36, 159 22} Daniels | Clifton + 11950! 5 | 23) Daniels John Vallas Unknown 36. 229 4950) 4 | 22] Daniels B950 | 10 | 2 paniels | C_Waylorsville lic Poe Daniels Bune Vista B Statesville NC {Unknown Delaney Bowles 36, 262 Eula iijekman 34 642 Taylorsville n¢ Joe Daniels Bula Hickman 4950] 10 12h Daniels 1951 36] 64) Statesville NC King Martin Hannah Hickman 37 [202 39 | 416 eee Daniels et Statesville NC jJohn Daniels Dora Willis ay Daniels a4 3141 PoC eae a bg nd Sa l e c e n e n t e e e e ca t h e = Si e fe e : = ao ne l l ns e ee e di e ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Be nlatls This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Keg.U.8.Pat.o@, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Daniels ‘Rom L | Daniels 8 19] Dan iels Bertie Lee 30} Daniels Fiake &. ‘ | | | e6 Daniels I i| a |Daniels Stillborn et Danyels 15] Daniels ieis Ci Stillborn Mark Columbus A. pap te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. | sex color ‘ PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC | Statesville Statesville Statesville | Statesville , | Mooresville | Mooresville Statesville : 4 NAME OF FATHER Emerson Daniels Thomas G Daniels Adolphus McLel land Elijah Daniels } | 'Oscar Daniels, Jr. i i | Willie J. Vaniels 1] joel L Snipes Joe Roy Daniels ' no ime s Carol E Daniels Dorald R Daniel | | ” ! 4 4 : . 1 7. Sle “nipes COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Copsrighe fay NAME OF MOTHER fe? | Vol, Page Vista Bowles 42 193 Nency K.Deal 45 wn | Mary Marshall 474 Florence Holland 146 598 Pearl E “oster Mildred L Bliison wo Eula Hickman yOallie Summers Lela M Flyler Nay Boyd = == = —= = = — _ s —— — S S S COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 Darty Daughtery Darty Daughtery Darty Doughtery Darty Doughtry Daugherty Daughtery a 2G Daughtry 1958 12 9 Daughtery £2 "7 3 Jarty f “ 7 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Theogs John August Christine Charlie John Jack Rome SAR I OO LEAMA AL LAA AALS EE INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. eet locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. y PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER " Turnersburg Tn | Murdle Coddle Creek TH John Daughtery Bethany Tn Murdle Daerty Statesville Turnersburg Turnersburg Concord Tn My le Darty * Concord Tn Tom Meyberry Floyd F Daugherty FP oO 2) Orrye wv iredell County Daughtery Mooresville NC John Augustus/ en . hio Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohi Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ' | RECORDED — i | Vol. Page des Se NAME OF MOTHER q * Mary Fisher Jennie Filhour yrtle Dixon Margaret L Beck 1918 9 (24) Dernell 1930| 11 | 2) Dernell 1936) 12 19) Dernell 1958 | 1 | 7/1 Darnell “ Statesville NC! J F Darnell Stetesville NC} icKage Fhylis Statesville NC; J H Simmons Mooresville Lon Darnell Letitia Miller Rechel Johnson kmery Bolden M ay “eilly Prin Py r be — femme _ ‘ Ay oe ee ea a ek ee ea leat ee a — : 5 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ais INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. pA § This s b ire ; , COTTCO UNIVERS ; e kine PAlates § This Signature on sheets insures their correctness, To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer [0 UNIVERSAL INDEX No, UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 "he Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Reg. U.S. Pat.of. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. es to Buff Sub-index sheet fer page reference. U. 8, Patent No. 1437168—Copyright x. oe he No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 aT locate names, ogee at SURNAME padnigene Mincnwed and refer Rie Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ' ascent | i SS rr 7 i : | SURNAME OF DECEASED | - | RECORDE: TE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED : | - | Year Month — Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN toler | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Ter ro] ae AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | oe | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER , | | / Vol. Page | | 4 i peep | q f f } DATE OF DEATH RECORDED 1918 16 Dency Shiloh Tn | / Essie Dancy 46 } | | i} 345 | | 26] Davis | Flora Inez | | Concord Tn iThos W Davis |Ella Stell } 1928 11 Dancy J Houston { Fallstown Tn Enos Dancy Sareh Millhollend 14 - 19] Davis John D is tesville NC |J T Devis [iui Gaither | | 1M W iStatesville NC jd MOVI ft ; r 28 Dencey Monroe F M ii Statesville NC | Enoch Dancey Sareh Milholland 55 | 1 25) Devis | Helda Monon iii ea NC i W Davis | ether Abbot 15 Dency } | Coddle Creek Tn _ Annie Mee Dancy 7. 4) Davis | Wh on Aa M Lecéteavtite iene tevie 22 Dancy John W \ Y Richmond Charles W Dancy Mary Pithell 1 él Davis Mary J © litsaceudt Vie 8 lA nr . 4 4 4h +r tn ate SP AN i Gillies a 15 Dancy Gwyn Allen M W Statesville NC} tam vancy Nettie Perry re on rLOe w I 2. 6) Davis George Abbot | M W iMooresville NG |C W Davis LE e NC = J T)- 1 © 7 a (nn , NC |James Houston Dancy | Laura Jane Cook 5 6) Devis Qsro | C | Barringer Tn 'Wesh Devis |\Sallie Davis esville Jim Dar cy Nancy Weaver " . : ‘a 6 , 28) Davis M W |New Hope Tn Richard Yavis iBetsey Williems W Mooresville Nathan Darnell Betty “Yingler ; - oe ; 7 8 . 21) Davis g } Mooresville NG |dames Douglass Jane Jefferson “lice A Yoston 9°, 28) Davis Minni C |Chembersburg Tn Artin Phifer {Obena Phifer | 12 24) Davis 1 M ,oncord ' | John Davis |- - - Dennst 1. 6) Devis Minnie A F W |}Stetesville NC | F L Flemin |}Serah Campbell "7 2 | a Devis Virginis F C | State le NC Houpe i Victoria Davis 3 | tel Davis I W Le ek Tn!G A Abbo |Gertrude Rides 3. 2 Davis 4 23% Devis 8. 4] Devis M Statesville NC |Jomes vi | Geroline Henderson 6. & Davis Sarah F > | Barringer Tn t |Rohar Allison 7. 21) Davis Willian I | M . W |Statesville NC j|J M Davis | Minnie Jennings 1 Williem Albert M 1 Fallstown Tn WA Derr Sareh Murdock 9 Sol Davie yeoline ; y I Re eer ea = Albert L I Fellstown Tn Henry Derr Selome Gocdmen Se 2 9 Devis yraten E i M W |Mooresville NC |]Gilliem Dsevis j|Levine Dockery Mary Gal | e x4 N ! ble tatesville NC’ Unknown Unknown ie a eae , ‘ i P = 1l 14) Devis William | M | Mooresville NC | Samuel Davis ,Mary S Mason => ™ y +- . } } + ’ } 4 | | Wm, M W Troutmar lbert 4 mr “har lotte Lippard . ‘ | 6. 4 Davis Clere G F W |Stetesville NC |R L Veughn |Memie E Stredley —— = | | ; ~ i ' ‘ io 7 Sl i , dennis i M | Stetesville NC | Ernest L Davis } Ethel Thomas | } | em e n e t n e r n o a e n e d l ee e ee ee » . . a 9 . 9 Davis , Kate | 2 C | Fallstown Tn HI \| | 5 7| Davis Howard Kenneth | M W {Mooresville NC |S C Davis 12 |, 26) Devis | F GC | Voddle Creek in} Jumes Davis | | | 3, 10] Davis Violet | F | C | Bethany Tn is 2 © |Lizzie Robinson 3 . 80) Devis John Minor | MW | Cool Springs Tni- - - | i 7 | 101 Devis Cerrie ae | Goddle Greek Tn|Suel Withers Mery Massey | fm } 10 | 25] Devis _Evea Oleene | Statesville Tn |C M Davis Bethina Green 12 16/ D | | | ele M W | Stetesville NC _ Eliza Miller - 11) oe , Grace Scott 1 M | Mooresville NC |Swain S Devis Vic Westmoreland 12 19] Devis IW | Statesville John N Davis 1 | 14] Devis _ Jes Mooresville James Devis Sellie Johnson 4 | 25] Devis |Ketie Adems a Mooresville NC | Robert Adems Mery Welker | @l Davis oo Statesville Eerle M Devis Anne Simons 9] Davis | William Herland Mooresville Kenney Trint Blizabeth Selby | 24] Davis | Edee Bethany Tn Charles Davis Mamie Roden a | Frencis i Fellstown Tn Cherles Davis Alice Glerke __9 | esl nevis | Mooresville NC |Gleude Davis Betelle York | | (con) ast ™ tare aL mm oN ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — aaa ome INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. nInEEREE - eelaga ee JNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 Made by The Cott Index Ce pany, Columbus, Ohio This 8! " refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND a sil coTTco t To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refe en ; Pp Cc. nature on sheets insures their correcmess. i locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and Xv 8. Patent ‘No u4aTi INDEX Es i reine U.8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 — te Bail’ Subcinden ahect for noae iow Hele li refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. Keg. U8, Paton, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. to > Butt ‘Sub- Index sheet for page reference. ae none ———— = er RECORDED DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED i 2 AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER | Page DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED ’ RECORDED Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH a OF eee wane OF MOTHER Na pe Year Dorris B |W | Mooresville NC | Williem H Davis Gatherin Wilhams _tigu2. 6 - “aes | Month Day 331 Duisy Steele | F | Statesville .NC George Steele Susan Flowers Ada Vermina | Mooresville NC | Weiter Etchison Lula Beaver ‘41942, 10 é ‘Thomas William | M —W IConcorad +ng Jonathan a Davis Elizabeth M Davis Mettie King Statesville Tn | Washington Wadson Herriet Lawrence | 62 11.945 | \James Anderson | wy | w IGoncora Tns John ft Haute Slizebeth Be x1 Bethany Tn John W Cowen Maggie Davis | 25 | 11943. Mer tha | Statesville NC | WH Davis Mary Johnson | _ji942. 8 Solumbus B | | | Coddle Greek Tn! George Davis Peggie Harkey 116, . _ 1944) J M | Statesville NC | Newton Davis | Lydia Henderson } 17, 331 | | hgo44 |= 1) om : i a a A a ; i | Emory Mervin I | Fallstown Tn Jemes A Devis |Mery Pervey H 1945 | Davis i | IStatesville Rt | i | | i | i] | | i | | | Velvie Davis Carl IM | Stetesville NC | J P Devis Bessie Meinus Ho?) __41946 .26 |Davis 1 » (Statesville NC |}/athaniel Davis j y \| it . : | | I St eS I | | Statesville Tn | Will Davis Grace Patterson | 17, 558 | 4946. 28] Devis | C |Stetesville NC |Geo Duling ny i ww I i} on ' . | | 4 ‘ : tre : | 7 h : wT it 2 7 | Statesville Tn | Will Devis Grace Patterson 117, 55 1947. 28 Ipavis hate Williams | F .W [Mooresville NC [Pave Williams | | i ams | | | , \ | i ee ae be | Statesville Tn |- - - 118 537 | : Bas 1947. 9 | Davis Lewis Ff | M ‘| Mooresville Nc | James W Davis Kate Adams ft Ww a ee t | | | Statesville Tn | John Davis |Cora B Reves 118 552 | . hee) 25} Vavis 1F .C | Statesville AC qd | Statesville Tn | willie Davis i Grace Patterson i | 1947, 7 | 22) Davis Sertha Lavinia | W | Statesville NC W Fodie Privette } i Maudie Varruth ae \& = i} 1 i ii ‘“ ms : bk nino Vf 4 il ag » tle e tea v4 n cant P+ Mac L$ ne Mery Watts | | Statesville NC |- - - Easter Watts 1948 2 [Davis smomas Sifongo | & : Cas woe viiie NC ok eem Bae Eng t Bellma Dishmon 54 526 | Mrs Gleyton C ! | Statesville } | chariie Bishops Minnie McEween | ( i I | I I | | = _W. | Stetesville NC | Frea A Davis Mery Frye 43 | j1949 4 16 Davis Willem Franklin | M Btatesville NC illiam Gattis Alma Williams 1 } ns | ij ' | | I | iH Emma L Conger Ps j Parr inger Tn | n |Geneva Tomlin | 20, \ a 11950....2 .10i Davis William Lester | Mh. \ | Statesville Nu i] \ Delia J VW | | Stet esville NC JE Susan Gunn | | om 11950.).3 . 8 Davis Elle “sethison i | Statesville NC | Jas P Matheson Theresa McGinnis | 21, | ~ L295) 4 12 }. 1949 1 16] Davis 35, 219 | Columbus 3 Davis Elizabeth J Glenn 36. 83 Merthe E Tumersburg Tn | George P Devis QOsroline Brown |21, 252! 3 131 “Helen | t Stetesville NC |Henry Knox Louise Donolson | | a ia954/ 12 [5 avis Luie Steven 1 Wi {/ |Statesville NC fiiuie Davis auline Harris Davis we a on ee Er pie Statesville Tn | Bud Lee Davis Reba A Troutman 1 | Davis oe ngeto Flossie ae Statesville NC |“enry Stockton Alice McKee £2,493 | 1952.10 13] Davis Robe rt Washa/ | W | Charlotte NC Henry Davas Nancy Marsh Mee tatesville Tn | Charlie Lewis Alice Rhinehardt | ~ 41952 19 7] Davis Alma Wes Eat Raleigh NC We Fe Williams - Davis Minnie Torrence Theodore Y } Mooresville NC | Jno RC Devis Fanny L Alexander | _}1955, 1 22) Dayis Doc Statesville NC | Tom John Melvin Turnersburg Tn | George P Davis Geroline Brown }1955| 2 11} Davis William Labon | Denese Ve tee EL eee ee at Minh Lucille ; Mooresville NC | Mchenley Davis Isadore Cornelius 11953. 1 5] Davis Marion He F © | McCain NC “ililiam “Ge iakbaniae Emma &-e Allison Una Agusta Darringer Tn R & Williams Tovfelia Lencey | 1953, 3 28 | Davis Addie Mae McCain NC Roy Bellamy Mattie Carruth W422 Statesville Tn Green Davis - 25, 11953 10 10 | Davis Willie Beam WwW | Mooresville NC | George Beam Regina veam Mabel P Webber W Statesville NC | Geos Thomas Webber | Mary Jane Holland 1954 1 9] Davis Ollie Jessamine Moore: ville NC} Cicero &. Davis Camellia Byerly 40 Rioherd pS PSteatosville NG) Mark Davis Rae Smith Davis | AAs pps! fetes hit ‘is ae avid F Davis 7 =adnnee 40 193 | age . ) ’ : SO fv 0 Dt ) Sienda Rherie Mooresville NC Sidney C Davis Theresa Clanton Pook ne Soxander a on cova te et Pon pavis : [Narcy Turner Davis Johnson A | Statesville NC] Unknown Unknown LO) 446 Robertson Davis Merriman / ! Mooresville NC |John Robertson 0 41.160 Thomas Iseral Lig New Hope Tn Alex Davis Eads Martin | Statesville ™/] Young Davis Mary D Hartman | Statesville NC, Geo. Hartman Delila Cornatzer . | Davis James W Statesville NC | Lawson Davis Josie Wagner 1 293 8 eee a — ail i > 0 3 , H 3 \. nN , ; iy bie S (Green) Statesville NC | Richard Davis Cordge Dalton 195 Davis | Etta Mae mos Statesville NC | George Patterson Magelene Allison 41, 330 Hines Loudema Wj Fallstown TN David Melchor ud ond) te Dry 1 Tt s\é 5 |Davis Avery Erven Mooresville NC |Jeff Davis Hattie Moore kT. 390 Davis _8tillborn Statesville NC | John Westley Bavis | Katie Belle Morrison| 42! 266 Samuel U W jMooresville NC Iienry D Davis jNancy Davis J27) 186) . 1956 5 | jMary Mason | JMooresvilie NC |Wylie Mason _ Iijlije Cash... 128). oe « 1957) 11 Davis Nora Relieford Mooresvil® N O Will Reltefora Jane Allison 43) 545 — se n y b o r c a s m n s g b o r s re ea e r c e g t e = Se er i e ae _ — di n Se r > ee Pe a a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. of INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. nh : . SOTTC ; NDEX No. 1-4 ‘he C c ny, Columbus, Ohio ' f", his Signature on she “ coTTco UNIV ERSAL I To locate names, AM an Made by The Cott Index Company, 3 at SUBMAME INITIAL, TAB and voter é ha TH ates j This Signature on sheets \asures their correctness, oa U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 pee te Buff Fi tar he ages wits _ oe d refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Pipe gbde bigp ee Ad tHE Be a ts t te memes, & , : ue balint N, iit Lipitiald jaan = wen tw Hull ah adew hawt far page relevence Hew. UH, veton, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It one pene Za DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED | | RECORDED ep TT AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN j Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER { | WATE UP WbAT SURNAME GF DECEASED bos bol | OPLACK, OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Vous dunt AWN CHK TIAN HAME, 1F GWE 16 GIVEN Vol.| Page q i ' | \ Moaoveaville Will Davis Amanda Sparks 44 255 | 1914 | Walter Henry lv, NV |Fallstown Tn | Julius Day Martha Mills 1 218 aha} y i oreavil® Havwen Davie Nora Cathey 44.270 | 1917) I Annie Statesville N C 425 427 fobeart *erriaot Mary C MeFarla d 9 Mi j f ' Robart S“orriaon ar’y eVarland 44 294] 1920, Marion | Fallstown Tn 21 ley sya Eaton ; E lias | pe : , i ag ord Do 44 485 | 1923 115] Delia Davidson Tn | Rufe Hilberts iua Dav is 1928) 28) hl Barringer Tn Henry Day Cudy Westmoreland , : } Dasie + 6 oon Pe m | : : ss a om eane ” 7 a ach Ww jtateaville Ne bert Beveen Emal ine Brawley 11929 | Dasie L Davidson in William Stewart imar “Wash | 5299 ve " ‘ s R411)v 1 ; a a Bailly Na ! Oh l GS Day | ; ; ' jibe 4 | W ittaleaville iNobert L Davis Luna Thompson ) 11930 + | 1 4 | i | , Lu ‘abe r ( hi mies tte Robert § Ds is i WM ry ' she ri 1a 4s 1934 | dv Alexander q Baik : ; 1936 Prudy Ann “" Statesville 4 1936 Lucile Lyerly 7 « “tatesvil! Mibebite Jennie ‘ork Nora Sipes 145 617 ; 11950, % Lilly hw Statesvi.le Mary tilen poston Nancy Johnson 195k | Blandet | | | j | » . Se proe ville . co “MAP Peel AMG we 1958 Mooresville | Nodert Mary “herrill vland ery G 47 26 } no 1961 Amanda M. b Ww Harmony = Warr e0 Ben « | — 1963 Lomie Statesville Agusta Daye 4O 52k SDateavil se Youreavi lle ae ae e 7 pr e c i n a e qu e e n s 1 ae 3 Vt iT ie) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C , _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, NC. 2 IN Pe ne QUES (For Your Protection, Inst On lt E70 becots gail Sub-inden sheet for page reference. UB. Patent No. 1437168--Copysig thy | ERT Fahea Na Harite conte Hse DAG" Yeats name operat SURNAME INITIAL TAB and rr matedinoes nicncrmer ceiemmegie UIA fp ; DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED | | ! | RECORDED > SURNAME 5 ane ‘ 3 | 7 ay : Ceara a ~ | nsconven 1) | | | [ver | wnt | ow | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER one | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE apd | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel.) Page “lh Lia HT | t | 11.930 ll 14) Dayvault Barbara Lee | F W Cool Spring Tn] P M Dayvault | Ethel Harmon le 105 £ fais | 12 | 5 Davidson | Minor ' iC Statesville NC | Pink Collins Willie Davidson 1 391 tite eo Beh Ge — | | Hi i! i i i P 734. 7 28) Dayvault P Max M W | Statesville NC P M Dayvault Ethel Hammer [20 454 pers | 4 | 65] Devidson , Catherine | | MS Statesville NC Chas Davidson Vistoria Belt | 2 299 Tat IE | i }2936 2 23) Dayvault Lenora Fleming/|F W Statesville NC | Lytle Fleming | Nellie Gabriel lop 379 # a ng15 4 (23 | Davidson IRI | M ooW Statesville NC | Joseph Devidson Selina Hart 2 392 on lf | I i 1938 4 15, Dayvault James David NM W Statesville NC Alfred J Dayvault | - Prather lo4 319 | F ee ng15 8&8 _ 4] Davidson | Ketto I) C | Fallstown Tn | Gus Devidson | Anet ta Byers 2,145 . i ii | | I | 1947, 9 26 Dayvault John Allison hb W | Statesvitie lic batrea Dayvault | Malinda beck 32 382 __fgis 12 24 | Davidson , Annie FM | Davidson Tn | J & Duvidson Fanny Gebriel | aa 458 pid Lie | I ' Lite x xx 2x x 2 Dawe XX ZX ZRZX i x 4k 2% teatuscnnizbdax aie — XZXZX ZXZXZXZXZ demmambdawe donovan 3bxkieny ___pere | 7 17} Davidson _ Nancy nce Le Barringer Tn | Wesh Ysvidson , Sarah Turner 5. 458 | i | Li 1957 5 @4) Dayvault, Jr. Samuel L. M W ‘Statesville lSamel L. Dayvault Virginia C. Boger 43 250 hg19 | 7 30 Davidson Roy iu GC i Pelieatius Me idee Devinane s Byers i 5. 332 | bd ne | } | | I H ng2z0 | 6 11 | Davidson J Vandore F W | Statesville NC | Winslow Keaton Jane Moore | 6. 281 | - | ) | 1 I ne2z0 | 12 10} Davidson Rose F Cc | Fallstown Tn | Dewey Day | Rose Day | 6.446 ' : | | He | ne2z0 12 26 | Devidson Henry Conner W |Mooresville NC | William L Davidson | - byers | 6, 45 | i ] | he21 | 9 20 | Devidson Florence \F |W [Olin ™ Siles Deel Mergeret Phillis | 7.196 | i Mo No2) 10 25 | Davidson Robert Clayton | M W {Statesville NC | Robert « Davidson = Brown , 7, 469 i 1 p921/11 /1 Davidson Rebecca C iF W |Mooresville NC |Geo R Wi'liams iMery C Beamer |. 7 308 i] | : ne22, 2 13 | Devidson - = M ie voddle Greek Tn) Bil)4en/Dayidaon Memie Parker | 8 2 7 i ; | | | 923, 4 1.8] Devidson Juliet K F Statesville NC | Franklin King ! Dora “lLlen | 9, 468 | | A si 923 | 9 29 | Davidson Lonnie iM C | “hambersburg Tn} Lee Devidson | Becky Ms yhew 9. 47 | HI : | 2923 ,10 25 | Devidson Hazel iF .C j|Statesville NC | Dolph Caldwell | ALice Johnson | 9, 415 | i iH __p925 | 7 24 | Davidson ,Cherles C iM .C |¥elistown Tn | Gato Devidson | Herr et Young {22. isl ! ) i Ll | H | | _.._ 2926 | 5 $0 | Davidson ,Isle Johnston |F (|W | Bethsny Tn |!Noel Johnston | Rena Moore jie. 19 be i ae | | hogs | 9 24 | Davidson -- F C | Fellstown Tn \M Devidson E == lie. 143 Hes | i We | | a p926 |11 14 | Davidson _-- F C | Stutesville NC | Jas Devidson | Zula Geatriel | 18, 419 ; bes . i ! on - $927 | 2 215 | Davidson JA iM W |"tatesville NC \- Davidson |- 22 lis, ces es: i | pee! Lon | Saeiens Mary F © | Statesville Nc | Hayes Dawkins Mary B Huitt 23, 410 —_____$927 | 5 |6 | Devidson , Finley IM .W | Statesville NC ‘9 -- MC Devidson lis, 427 at WI | 11938 7 11° Dawkins Stoy M66 C=C} Statesville NC | Smith Dawkins Mandy Daughlow 24 363 : | 7 7 | |. ‘ q b \ | | | or 7 tT gs r , es , oe ——. 1927 | 5 | 6 | Davidson |R Elizabeth F .W / Olin Tn | Herene Person ;Ruth Brown 15,199 ioe '1951' 12 |9 | Dawkins - h C tatesville NO |{Theatis Dawkins |Lhelma Clark 2¢ | + H | } | aad pin? 9 24 | Davidson _Mergerette £ 1? iW {Mooresville NC | Janes Coleman Mary Smith 13, 257 i : | 1952 3 7) Dawkins . F C Statesville Nc | °- _ Jacqueline Vawkins (38 129 ———fine7 | 11/5] Davidson \T MC 1M Ww | Statesville NC | Joseph Devidson Celina Hart 14 504 | 1952 8 24 vUJawkins Hazel M C Statesville NC Smith Vawkins | Manda Dawkins 38 443 nif hogs | 8 | 2] Davidson | Robert Lee | MoW Betheny Tn J A Devidson Fannie Gabriel 14 2 I | 1962 9 Li, Dawkins Blanche Pie Statesville NC | Thomas Hewitt Mary James 48 503 hoes | bat} O10 ous neon | pene 2 iu ic | Statesville Ta | Frank Devideon Azile Swift 15. 590 \ 1 | | ——— 1.929 | 2 11] Devidson | Eva Olean }F . 4 | o1in Tn W & Devidson Ruth Ellis 15, 508 | | | —.._ L930 | 9] Devidson | Flossie | Fic Voncord Tn John Gri:tfin Blenche Ellis 16, 130 . : | ——.._.930 | 12 | s I mawt denn | Alice iy ic Chambersburg Tnj Thomas Dickerson Evely Smith 16, 64 | | | | 6 | 5 | Devidson | Mabel F ,C | fallstown Tn Lewis Thomas Mollie Jefferson 17,143 i ! | | | a | ——— isi | 12 iso iit ain | Jennie E F W | Statesville NC | R Osborne Brown 22... Srasein 16, 560 | hose | 7 leg Devidson | Besie F _C | Statesville Tn | Henry Nicholson Mollie Campbell 18 562 | | | De bee Peiettoce | Lucy Benna F ,W | Mooresville NC | dames C Sherrill Lucey Ann Sherrill 19, 79] | 4 | | | 1 . | Lan | ol mestaccn andrew Augustug MW |Stetesville NC | Augustus Davidson | Gelie Brown 20, 523 14] | | _ 955) 1 26 Davidson Blench B Gowen|F |G | Chambersburg Tn Glyde A Cowan Ida West 21, 13 : | | of | | + {18 | Davidson | Jane F ,C }Statesville Tn}- - = 2 2 21; 530 |} }._9_ 27 | Devidson | Thomes Lee M |W | Statesville NC }TM C Davidson imma Powers £2) S11 | | ~ baat | ol testers a F |C | Stetesville NC |Glair J Davidson Florence Fraley ._} 22) | b | (cow) 1 DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Syotems + B INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — COTILQ UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 } Satie locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer 14 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — = DEATHS — beled County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL Si, __U- 8. Patent Ne. USTs Cope 10 (uy ) ey | Copyright 1 ie A-122 ub-Index sheet for page reference. =a sonecupmsiomasniannsaraianenemcamammnnsiatnen tt a ff I RECORDED | Voi. Page as locate names m at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to > Butt ‘su ‘This Signarare on sheets insures their correctness. nee sheet tor page veterense. For Your Protection, Insist On It. Keg. V.8. Pat. O®._{ | DATE OF DEATH Month § Day SURNAME OF DECEASED NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER I | sm Color || PLACE OF DEATH # tt ' + , 7Devidson 29 | 4 jen ill 19 19 8 13 28 28 I 5 | 193 12 Be! 2 1 oe 11 | 23) et pe ES Devidson Davidson Devidson iDevidson Davidson 'Devidson | Davidson | Davidson Davidson ! Davidson Davidson Davidson i | Davidson | Davidson | Davidson | Davidson | i] itscvidson | 4, 26! Devidson | 9, 21) 12. 24 Davidson Davidson at iy Davidson 6 | 16) Davidson 12}.7 | 7.\20 | AL j 1 3 42 16 af 3 Davidson Davidson Yavidson Vavidson Davidson Pavidson Davidson Vavidson Davidson Davidson Davidson |10}Davidson | Vavidson Davidson 2 ane acer a ot ae mtn —— Davidson | Carolyn | (Claude lLee (Ollie Mergeret Helen \Alfonso D Sarl Dwight Garl Dwight | Alice Sues Joe E Hone maps VS William Elm | Irene Emma | Juhulee Sylvester seed ; Lucia Turnip- |Ross F | Bettie Mae | Mary i ; | Will \Floyd Jr. Julia M t i ; juillie Jr {ene Azile | ponies Lee | Gussie Lupgene Guss Roy | Jessie Clay ‘larence Sallie Leona Edward Bubie {Willie A Psa | © Chambersburg T Olin Tn “tetesville Tn | Olin Tn Qlin Tn I statesville Tn | | | Chambersbu W | Mooresville NC {Mooresville NC [Statesville NC | Shiloh Tns |statesville NC !Concord T'ns |Chambersburg Tn Concord Tns Mooresville NC tatesville NC Statesville NC Troutman NC Statesville NC Btatesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC wotavle.ville NC vtatesviile NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NU otatesville NC Statesville NC Charlotte NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Statesville Nc! Statesville NC | Coddle Creek Tn rg In Statesville Tn Charles Davidson Chambersburg ‘hia Davidson Mm Grant Devidson I Moran Davidson Glarence Davidson T R Devidson fT R Davidson Jake Clark lRoy D Davidson Grant Davidson i | Edward C Davidson Davidson James N Davidson Is ilas henderson | | Lee Houpe s Grant Davidson Everett Davidson Jas O Turnipeeed Daniel J} Roosevelt Davidson J A Devidson Tillman Reid Thomas J Davidson Rayford Davidson Alex Vavidson Floyd Davidson Clonzell vavidson Witiie vaviason or Capt TMC Du vidson Floud Da. idson Mitchell L Cowan Claude “avidson John Davidson L.A Davidson laxton.L. Crowson Lee Davidson |John Vavidson Wil Davidson — Minor Davidson —_—- Harriett Davidson Blanch Cowan Gladys Grant Golie Heath Dura Morbray Dura Mobray Adeline Day Emily Mills j|Sailie Henderson | Julia Sharpe alma Davidson Bessie Davis Frances Williams Lest Dry Holdren Paggert Lillie Dougles Jane Wilson lida Mills Dessie Wike Pauline Wilson Alma Wallace ITleane Sherrill Celia Syers Emma Purvis Alma Wallace jAlice Allison Ola Chambers Jane Withers Mattie Davidson | Blanche Harbin. Alice Sherrill ksther Scroggs . [Celia Byers | Nannie White t 4 ee Davidson Davidson | Davidson Davidson Davidson ] | Davidson | Davidson Davidson | 12 18 | Davidson | 2 ‘1963, 1963 | 964, | 1964 1964) 1964 n964) @ 1965 1 4, 10) Davidson, Jr. 7 16 Davidson 5| Davidson 3 27| Davidson 0 6 4 2 Dav idgson 25)i Davidson 8 | Davidson 24) Davidson 2 || Vavidson 3 Davidson 21) Davidson 13 | Davidson 23] Davidson 10 15 Davidson 1 3 16 p 1 12| Davidson ” i] avidson 21) Davidson ek | Dav id son 2 3 | 17| Davidson | 23|)| Davidson 6 | 2k Davidson 11 34 3 | 26 6 30 Davidson 1964 | 10 | | od Davidson hoes | 1965) Davidson Davidson 13 Davidson Zola Lowe | F Alexander iv _ Fannie Elizabeth F Adms Lee F Miriam Smith Wayne Latrall Girl Baby George Thompson Keto Charlie Celia Byers Alston Pre Aw U scley M Elaine Mary Elizabeth Vlayton W. M Emmett Jerome M M Carol Frantine Doctor Pauline Rebecca Bar| ara Jose;h Columbu s Kathleen Thos. Stillbron Alma Joseph Statesville NC C Statesville NC W | Statesville NC. eC Statesville N6 C | Statesville NC Statesville W , Mooresville W Statesville Mooresville Statesville Troutman C |Statesville W Winston-Salem W Mooresville C Statesville W Statesville Statesville NC Statesville NY Statesville NC Statesville Statesville Statesville Mooresville tesville C iStutesville C Mooresville W Lenoir G Concord Statesville Statesville Statesville Ba ter Robert Wash Davidson William Gabriel William A Davidson Robert Lee Davidson Henry C. Davidson Davidson Charlie Davidson, m fhomas Davidson Robert & Davidson John Q Davidson,Sr. Joseph H. Davidson Franklin Vavidson William Davidson Will Vavidson Unknown ' Re ed Tillet C Davidson Wm. Davidson C H Galliher Hoy Davidson Claude L Davidsan | “avid Gaither | Joseph ADavidson Mary \Woodr SURNAME OF DECEASED Ki RECORDED ee — AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER at | = J aes I +t i ‘ing Lowe Nancy Turner Amanda Parks Nettie C Smith Estelle Davidson Virginia Robinson Evelyn E, Davidson Sarah Thompson Ade] ine- sr, Harriet Young Rosetta Davidson Rebecca © Williams Alma © Turner Mavis &@ Stewart Mary Carol Wasson Y“elia Byers Celia Byers Rebecca Mayhew Ferguson s Little Florence Deal Clara 2avidson Mary Donaldson Ada Gardner Betty Reid | Isabelle ljames Ida Douglas “ } |40 211 49 202 41 186 | hl bd 41 567 42 58 42! 148 42 524 kai S30 3 85 43; 191 43 307 44 170 46 263 46 386 46 583 47 207 47 496 49 43 = ; 50 100 50/162 | “50 366 | 50 564 | | 50, 717 Nanet ta ™ “eonard) 50 675 51 174 151) 327 ‘ | | == = —— — — — — — — + + Year Pte. vu. 6. PAT, Orrice DATE OF DEATH | County Indexes Since 1888 SURNAME OF DECEASED Month AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Day I ' + An Identifying Trade Mark — > > =F Sex Color SE Index sheet fer page reference, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. I>" locate names, open PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER tt | COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 14 Copyright 1988 A-122559 NAME OF MOTHER et —— — _ 3 — mena TTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 ue. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VI SURNAME. OF DECEASED | pes-T° locat i‘ Color - | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS SIVEN | ——— | : hors | 5 24 jDeal Ette Ingrem | y % —_hora| 5 24 Deal be | ‘ # hers! 12/15 Deal Eunice lr , pals |_3 0 peo. Nosh I lu ow bass | 5 15 jDeal Mehsle ngl5 | 12 | 8 |Deal Agnes ‘ 1916 | 10 27 Peel Carl | 1917, 5 20 Deal Peul Jeremi 4 1918 | 9 21 Peel Ren Q fois} 11 . 6 peal L ' pgie8 | 12 ,1 Deal b ho19 | 7 | 2 Peel fo19 | 10 23 peal E 1920 | 2 16 Peal ; 7” 924| 6 | Mary dene i 926 | 11 6 peel | Sallie 1 F WW ‘ 1 29 Deal \wr 1 Mi « i 927 | | Robert A iM | W | William M | Karnest J Jr | Clere Lou | Marthe Jene | Johnsie reer | Marthe 'Merthe Sue + | Jes AL Nency Delieh | Addie ee ) iid F W M W F W | } | | si e u e n —_ — — Shiloh Tn Shiloh Tn Stutesville NC Boddle Creek Tn i Snilc nm i Shiloh Tn i“tetesvill 4 | Margarett OF Od ¥ | Shiloh Pan de de We de Tn Stet - re ¢ .* are Mooresville NC Shiloh Tn Coddle Creek Tn Shiloh Tn Statesville NC Concord Tn Cb adhd i TAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C._ acsal . Qt ‘ i Pee a eae cet © names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. y ba sae tale | NAME OF FATHER | lj i + } James Ingram | | RC Deal | I | Sis C White Jacob Deal . | George Deal Wi2, X ny, MILES MCvOoYy + Williem Des = = My Crs rt 7 menry vear RA Leal —— — — — E E w J @ Pege Willisem T Deal bevid veel Jacob Deal i # Deal G L Deal Reuben A Deal Statesville NC | John S Desl Coddle Oruek Tn} Aron Deal Shiloh Tn Chas C Deal Shiloh Tn Allicon Deal Statesville NC Statesville NC (CON) G Lee Deal Perks Jolly PE ae Tae ake ae SS | Lettie Po eg Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Obio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Etta Ingran i Lola McLain inary & Compton Sherrill Scer Miller Mey Beever r Tucker Mary Compton Jene Fulbright Qatherine Warren Zula elliott “ula Cashion Mery J Seaver Luole Gray Llizabeth Barnes idene Miller Mery Stewart Zula Cashion Mary A Daniels WH suai sa ta RECORDED ar e a t a ep e e , Vol. Page 1 367 1 566 1 589 4 A 27 i} tA, JIL te Es 6, 288 | 10, 10, 286 13) 13, 218 13, 307 14; 50 16, 307 S29 65 , 805 else Hs RE ER eee gd ir i pichianhebanalebalaeliatanr ad INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ott Index Company, Celumbus, Ohio Made by The C se, Charlotte N.C. __INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 QF Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB end refer ee ie Obeorver Printing He pase ——— . i: to—Copsrieke iste eee i US. Patent No. oshdenastniarantae to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. eS coe RECORDED Thle Signature on sheets insures their correctness. REF Te locate names, open at SURNAME _.. Rew, V.8. Peto, { For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for DEATH . aE ; DATE OF ee a, are PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [fo pas DATE OF DEATH Di ee i SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDE | a? ” alo CHMSTIO NAMM. © ONE Ib Gn PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “al : Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN t | Byyie ee | ooreuvilie Me tiesvin © Desi _| Blizebeth Seunders 23/121 1.962 | 2 25 Foy Allison Statesville NC | James A Deal Sally Watt 47 91 de | oe a Fe a bs | 1961. 2 | 8 Clarence “J oyd | W IStatesville NC : James A Deal Sallie B. Watts 47 48 ial Mie cae, em ae noce 4 5 Mge &, W Statesville 4“ m. 4, Hemb Margaret Dula 48 241 | rr, ‘ Y 1.937 111 ga | eal | Hetty N MM |W | Statesville NC | Augustus Marlow Moore 123, 479 | ‘hall ee = wa Bel saps Ee pose [12 26 heel | Jes Larry \W p Shiloh R J Deal Zula wlliott 24) 272 | 1939, 7: ie peal |Mamie Baness W | Coddle Cree} William Roberts Zetta Johnston | Berry 48 457 1962 8 14 Deal _ Mabel W Stat esville M ) 8 525 Mary ¥ Deaton To 2" y 1962 9 28} Deal Sarah M, 7 | ns es ae : asl j ) 6 3 5 Deal Lizzie Vi Statesville ICoddle Cresk TniWilliam Sechler Martha = Bostian 29 2 | . | | ORing. a. | ae i . a _ 29! Deal |Alda Burns t IMooresville N Flow Deal Kathleen Bost Victoria Glasscox 51 136 9 Peal Mattie Lou i 20! Deal i\Mary Katherine | F | W {Statesville Nc |Walter 4arold Deal Viola Campbell i tussell | ll |W Ivooresville ' Kathleen Bost 4 [John Deal | W | lReuben Deal wgery J } i Wid M. Deal Ids Treutmen I i , i John C Deal Delis Wike fl } Wiilliam Deal Sarah right 1 & } Hi | || i } Vere Solene | | Statesville iC C Deal Vere Gelliher | 31 | | | i , Jeane 1 P| |Statesville =e Deel Mergeret Neal Sherril32. | i i | i | Fi | Shiloh Ins iT Deal Geroline Morrison 32. i aa a ea : a ; | fAdaneGaither | M,. | Mooresville NC | Fred L Deal Narah Mae Denny t 33, i li : i Anderson Monroe |M | Concord Tns. | Ruben Deal Mary “ane Beaver | _Charlie ill M Stony Point NC |Edward L Deal Mammie Garrison a j4eaura omith | FW pShiton township] 7.4. smith Harriett sost | Samuel Foseph Mi. | W [Statesvills NC [W A Deal Salamon Lingle ry / it iP ~— * wo w ny | Julia iF | W fOstwalt Nec vanuel Youn: Lovenia Jlhott Ur uanonmaes a heriey Charlotte Fondexter'] 3 Cleo Gant 1952; l2 | | William Henry Statesville NC | Reuben Deal Mary Beaver 38 655 1954 | 8 | |Stillborn Statesville NC |Lonnie Wade Deal Wilma Dean Troutman]|40 | 374 1954, 10 |7 | Dea Oscar Thomas M | W [Statesville NC JJ.A.T. Deal Sally Belle Watt 4,0} 4,7: | | ls ele 40 1954) 11 Stillborn Statesville NC j James Espy Deal Peery Elizabeth Russpll 4 Oly ¢ 1956) _ 3 | | Wilma “thel Mooresville Marvin C Dry Minnie Isenhour 42) 140) 1956) 3 | | Bynum Carl Mooresville Willian Deal Martha Deal 42) 99 , 1 1956 9 | Harriett Jane | Statesville Robert A. Deal Laura E. Smith 2 | 4,28 Lucy Catherine Statesville John B, Towrey Saphorne Wall 4,3) 60} eng 44| 199 Jay Lemard Mooresville Herter M Deal Cora Bostian 45 |87 Maude Johnson Statesville Wm. Johnson Serah Reid George “enry | Statesville R, a. Deal Laura EB. Smith 46| 66 Ida ET tatesville Charles Troutman Margaret Benganees 44 576 , | Retha Marie tatesville _Alvin Lunsford — [fordie M Money _—|#6 588 Kenneth Allen M | Statesville | Bspie Alien Deal | Virginia A Caldwell | 44 462 | Chain Unni Miami, OTIC 46 | Ye? INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. : wee — » Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio ‘ i sl fier INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS Iredell County, N, K. Tete ee. coTTCco UNIVERSAL INDEX He. iste wae Te locate mama, nen o SURNAME UTIAL TAB and refer Made by The Colt Inde Se howe Charlotte, N.C. —— § 4| Signature on thetr correctness. jocate names, SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX ae nna US. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. sk : = ! { | jeceeee ae POO } Fetter Fine Tosist On Te es Nee on “te Bu’Sub-index sheet for pase eeferenee. —————————— 28S ce x Ne LTC Conreit tele aa ne RECORDED it 7 f | PRs SS seats tetnereenee ee es T a = Ee eT eT me . re SS n y ME OF MOTHER , p ie . ; ; eee SURNAME OF DECEASED ja coe PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER © [| SECORDED pn | pay | AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN om | oT PLACE OF : AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | IESE: ES aE Vol.| Page ed eee e792 fee Se RRR. TNS BR IS a BR RI Ri SSN CR 8 CIE TS TART iS TROIS AR RN RRR SOAS I een eee acc ae eed ons-cncameccadl ‘ ‘ | ! i | | | | 1 i eh ae 2 25 |Deal Foy Allison M = W Statesville NC | James A Deal Sally Watt P= 937 | 1 | 4 Pee twyle Kelrine | F |W |Mooresville NC | Marvin V Deel _|Blizeabeth Seunders | 23) 121 —— | 48 ! ; | : ¢ 1 y. a $ 5 9 : e Deal a 41 oy d M W Beateaet lie NC James A De al Sallie Be. Watts 47 | “a it ie | p.ea7 ea] | Vera Massey F {|W | Shiloh Tm J_E Massey _ Lillie Glodfelter | 25) pe4 7 i | ie 48 241 t ie | Moe © W tesvi NC} Wm. H. Hamb Margaret ula na | Re 962 | 4 5 Weal ae *, F Statesville m amby a ipl te | 1937 | eal | Williem Mertin |M |W | Stetesville NC | Williem Deal Hlizebeth Dee) - | 23| 377 ———t | | l Laura Deal 48 406 Ne , i 4 | Db lhomas E, M “ Dteen “ulius Lea aura 7} i ni 1962, 5| 6 eal _ *ho ) tee: fi a iM = } ‘. i@ 1937 eal Hetty NM F iW | Statesville NC | Augustus Marlow Moore 23) 479 el a 18 457 4 wh es | | | : | 62 8 14 Deal Mabel F W Stat esville Jake Laugh ridge Laura Berry — an | i _ 2.938 | eal | Jas Larry M iW | Shiloh Tn Rd Deal Zula #lliott 24\ 272 at anh q | a siecig 2 Cceken 4& 525 F 4 if ! Guweah 1 7 WW Mooresville Marcus 4» MCANIENU mary v vedavt ; tne +i : 62 9 28] Deal Sarah F W | Mooresville Marcus } ' |1939| 9 |8 Deal |Mamie Baness F |W {Coddle Creek TniWilliam Roberts Zetta Johnston 25.165 qi i: Ventonte Giecceee | a te im : Ja Te 1965 3 5} Deal Lizzie F Wi} Statesville A A Moore ictoria ass i bike - Bd + = ; | a 1959, 9 (9 Deal |Mattie Lou \F |W |Coddle Creek Tn] William Sechler Martha £ Bostian 25) 185 OS elidel c ; i | T me “rhe *. j i 1 ay 1940; 1 |25/pDeal |Alda Burns F (|W. {Mooresville NC |Flow Deal iKathleen Bost £6, 168 —— Wt ta 4) s | F re Th } i 1940; 12 20/Deal ~ |Mary Katherine | F | W |Statesville Nc |Walter Harold peal viola Campbell 26 | 491 | aie ' i | a A, | I om Send iT | 1941; 3 |17}Deal |Huit Russell M oiw Mooresville Tn |i. F Deal Kathleen Bost £71 3 of m t i f , ; ‘ he feihe | | ry 1941} 3 |28}Deal |Arthur Clark M IW ‘tatesville NC fJohn Deal Mary Echerd }27 | 269 | a Hi : : er Po } i | “+ " ‘i + : + ij j | \ bj} $1943) 4 |lOsDeal {Robert Clinton Mj W@W §Shiloh Tns Reuben Deal worry J Besver 22) 126] ie : ni ; { i “i mea $2943! 5 (18Ipee2 \Jettie M@izebety F | W (Stetesville NC JH M Deel Ids Troutmen 22, 271] el i ie | Abe : 1943; 11 | 3] Deel | Shirley Joe FoiW IStatesville NC [John ¢ Deal Delis Wike 29 | 400 | a | 3 } a 1944} 7 /21 peal William anthony] M | W filooresville NC [William Deal Sereh Upright 50} 330 i Ba. i 1945; 6 .11/ Deel | Vere Golene F . W [Statesville NC |C Cc Deal Vere Galliher +) 225 | _—_—__}__-. ; Fy |) | | i ‘Yiwts tin ! 1946; 2 | 25] Deal Jane — F | W |Statesville NC |Bverette Deel Mergeret Neel Sherrijz2 75| wiki f f Hae ty | +—$1946!. 6 | 3) Deal | Sallie Belle F , W {Shiloh Tns iT Deal Gsroline Morrison 52, 264 —— fe | | t ia f } 1947; 3 | 25] Deal Halane Gaither M | W | Mooresville NC | Fred L Deal Narah Mae Denny 33). 139 —_—_+- ' ; i i 1947, 2) 29 Deal Anderson Monroe |M | w! Concora Tns, Ruben Deal Mary “ane Beaver 33,153 prema | . 1 : 1948) 5 | 30) Deal |Charlie Clarencp . Stony Point NC |Edward L Deal Mammie Garrison 34, 246 = | " ' ' + ' _ | | 1946 | 2 |2 veal} [Leura omith Fi W [Shilon township] 7., Smith Harriett sost 4h, 2601 v + = t Mi 1 | | ee | 1948! 9 |27IDeal panama Foseph Mi | W [Statesvills NC IW A Deal Salamon Lingle 34, 408 Se rEenerm mW | ; " j ° t ’ H * r} | ; 1945: 5,1 fveal jJulia P| W fOstwalt NC eanuel toung LOVenia hott 351155 eens wet) | ; i 4 | 1949) & | 20] Veal | Abbiv Pauline “|W Jotatesville NC [dr Thomas a herley Charlotte Pondexter] 35/177 ————— ce : ! 4 | N ! | y } [ 1952! & | lA Deal Fred Jynior MM | W Jinston-Salem Fred Deal Cleo Gant 3&| 303 Wy | | ' ; ; , . " ; _— T Pe " | i Meat | | $1952! 12 |30]) Deal William Henry| M | W [Statesville NC | Reuben Deal Mary Beaver 58 655 dk ! Ht h | Lb $1954) 8 | 2h Deal Stillborn F W [Statesville NC |Lonnie Wade Deal Wilma Dean Troutman|40/ 374 ais} | nT i | | ed | ; Heb {| 1954; 10 17 Deal Oscar Thomas M | W [Statesville NC [J.A.T. Deal Sally Belle Watt 4,0) 472 ad : nt | | _ b —_ — ? A eva 7 r A | | 40 . j . 1954; 11 | a2 Deal Stillborn | F | W | Statesville NC | James Espy Deal Perey Elizabeth nuospi 49ly Peck: | 8 | A : P ee a ; 1 41956) 3 | 10! Deal Wilma *thel F_ | W | Mooresville Marvin C Dry Ss | Minnie Isenhour _‘[42 ud , * Te oe ! Het | 1956) 3 | 19 Beal ; Bynum Carl _|M |W [Mooresville | Willias Deal _—_—sm\df|/ Martha Deal Oe Rae ee 1 ee te ae hh | | 11956 9 | & [Deal Harriett Jane | F | W | Statesville Robert A. Deal Laura BE. Smith 2) 4267 eee te Wi 1957| 2 | 7 Deal {lucy Catherine [F | W [Statesville [John B. Towrey Saphorne Wall : Be ! ; 1958; 4 5 | Deal Maude Johnson /j{F W [Statesville Wm. Johnson Serah Reid 44| 199 - Ee —-+}——- .. - - Sc Steins acerca ienetsitiniisttlniaiaanis sittin icsiialies te ee , pe nl t a —— - 959; 2 | 2iDeal Bay Le mard M Wi} Mooresville _freater M Deal Cora Bostian 45 |87 3 i t Cs cammneeneenttienveadipae CCE A CC tt Nt tees nett titties tata itt i eli ncencinnsl ecient a r a — a 1960; 1 (|27] Deal bie li George Benry 4 | | MY ‘W [Statesville R. a. Deal Laura EB. Smith el ee | | 6 /|15)Deal Ida ET an | Ipveseoriiie Charles Troutman Margaret Holshousey 44 576); ae | wis elect alps lh nenertene he Leake ’ +—-++ " biti. 6 27 al Retha Marie rif Statesville Alvin Lunsford ordie M Money 46 62 | —— oS | é Bo ae . a oe ‘ k P a, ees al Kenneth Allen | M |W | Statesville | Espte Aiien Deal Virginia A Caldwell | 44 462} or | | va P og ie Ritch Maat pay | irs ¥hoth a Ha a as i ; t re y C ny ut 4 TAR ee EUG ca ss lahat sane sh a cae aie INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. =o NIVERSAL, INDEX Ne RS ae ELEN TAY Tam andi —SSSCS*S*«sm SS This Signature on sheets insures their cor ; ¥ Tectuess, ot Patent No. 1437168—Copyright sean to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. i coTTco locate eamana, onen \ME INITIAL TAB and refer UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 GE To locate, names: nviades heat for page reference. Reg. U.8.¥et.0n, ( For Your Protection, Insist On Ir RECORDED U.S, Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 3 DATE OF DEATH in deeiahen che epee sane : | ee ff os NAME OF MO i — a: "aa Fatt OF DEAT SURNAME OF DECEASED m R OF MOTHER Sex Color LA AME O THE 1AN NAM x Color | PLACE, OF DEA NAME OF FATHE NAME age Year Month Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF DEATH ' R al be Month | Day AND CHRIST E, IF ONE IS GIVEN TH va P ; t ‘ ; { } 5 14 Jim i | C [Fallstown Tns i" RAR eee ——m — 12.145 10 {13 Rachel \C Statesville NC || James Dean 15,235 a {20 (25 Julia | C Btatesville NC | Newton McRorie - 17, 430 2h. Sylvia Statesville Tns | Joseph James Adeline James 20, 606 “+ we n n rr ew ye ~ =" Vera Thompson Davidson Tns Butler Deank Sary Anne Zades 4 er cimarranesnnacinancatetnansamiamsel = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. RL Gece teerrscciire mms eee Ce | a 7 | or : barn “aibacsile OF DECEASED ¥ i ' comm | . : a — ino someroat wan ye | oe i wae cr re AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | olor | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ver] ri te a | wy § , GIVEN we 4 | | ee ON | Fi | HU / $1916; 3 | 4] Dearmore l- M |W | Barringer Tns | G W Dearmore Alice Parker 3| 20 _p4sio 14 | Deston | Willism P ps W HA. 1917!) 4 | 59 Dearman = F | W | Barringer Tns | Geo W Dearman Annie Parker 4/43 1915; 8 BO || Deaton Gussie i y 1 E | I ; 12919 1 |23] Dearman Cecil M |W] Statesville NC | WO Dearman Carrie Nicks 5| 44 1916) BO | Deeton | Jemes } as W wae qi —— i. a n919, 4 1] Dearman Amanda C Fw | Barringer Tns | John Richy Anie Plyler 5 455 png | 6 | Deeton | Leckie Lole lF . HL. ih 1922) 6 (24) Dearman Margaret F |W | Statesville NC | WO Dearman Carrie Nicks 8 128 psi 1 |. 8} Deston | Adline Dovie P W WE ne 1931, 1 .23] Dearman Carry Nicks FW | Statesville NC | Everett Nicks Laura Cashion 6. 552 aia 1 BO } Deaton | Vivien 1 W | | i 1943! 11 8 il\Dearman |Franklin M | W [Statesville NC |George S Dearr.an amanda Ritchie 29; 420 pals) 1 | 7} Deaton , Robert A IM W | rt 1945 10 (31 |Dearmen lanne M Perker F | W Statesville NC jJecob *srker emandea Ervin terker |29 4g2 ___hasig) 1 $1 | Deston Flake Spencer |M _W } A 4 1947. 3.27] Dearman - M.. W | Statesville NC | Lawrence E Dearman _|Maxine Troutman B3..118 ena) 5 25 | Deaton , John Spencer MW 1 Ht h949 li Dearmen Bessie C F_| W } Harmony Harmon cane rr Unknown 35, 297 | _—— pe 6 15 | Deaton ; Burton C M Vi LH ie 1953) il | 2 Dearman /Claudius Augusths M W |Statesville NC Henry washington/ Ann Catherine Mills | 595 540 | ___}ig20| 9 20 | Deaton HC Mrs W i I 1955 11 1] Dearman i. F |W | Statesville Ne | Lawrence Savard 7 — Troutman 4 524 a 1921! 2 8 | Deaton ier “tin | , 1959 12 17]Dearman Ralph F. M W Statesville Franklin B. Dearman JHattieP. Denny 45 625| —__faseel 2 go | Deaton J se ty N961 10 30 |Dearman Nola FEW (Statesville NC Henry W. Dearman Ann Mills 47 524 ___|igee) 5 3 | Deeton Anner Levine rF W 1962 ‘the Daca | H rete Dy, F z. Mooresville Smith Denny Vora Messick if 59p | __}avesi 1a 6 | Deeton George L h W | | | ____|y9e8112 po | Deaton MLW | | —_ figs0) 5 21 } Deaton dames McNeely yy W ; , : _______ 4.1930} 7 29 | Deaton Harriet Nency \ W ‘By | | | { i | n920, 4 . 3} Dedmore Stella M Wilson | F |W | Statesville NC | WZ Wilson Elizabeth Smith 6} 58 —_—}1950, 8 |9 | Deaton WB re Wi | ! ' : | __ Jaen 9 pS | Deaton _Cherles One Ine} B i | ! | | __s_ }agsz'! 6 | 1] Deston |Edwerd Glerence|M |W | i | WT | | 11934; 2 | 2 | Deaton | Bobbie Lou iF W | : tt I; | | a 11934, 5 p3 | Deaton | I Mery Bell |F 1% F | ; —___41934) 4 | 8 | Deaton | Mary C |F JW . : | | | i} 11936) 4 | 8 | Deaton | Thomas Jason {x W ! 1} 11938! 8. 18 | Deaton | Dsvie Gotherinel F WwW | } nese| 2 {27 Deaton lRuby C Sherrill |F W | id ' | 11940) 6 le Deaton |Minna Blanche F W : ve 4 dunia | enim | 1942!) 1 i Deaton \Jessie adelaide|F |W | p33 1 19 Deane Sarah Jane F_| W | Mooresville NC | J D Champion Sarah Craddock po, 48 na43} 2 j12lneston | Relph Klutz M jw ) r iz \ | ' ; | 1944) 41 2) Dea ton |Meggie Miller JF W 1 | +t i " + 10. Deaton. Harry Preston MoO : It |. _/28 Dea ton James Hdwin ux oe | + a HS4s} _6 | 84 Deaton | Hiram Claudis |M W : — id 1 ~ | wil . : i iS ita me | 9 | 3) Deaton Mary Megedline NT ik al | | Desist Rin Mk i ellcspletalaaasgsvncindapocond 1/7 |4 [Deaton William Emsley | M | W el , bi acl 962| 10 |17|Deaton siieebsth 7 | | ™ -f ; 1953 8 |18] Deaton \James Marshal | MW we Lica inidlin ; i all hail ~ “= 2 | 19 Deaton Josephine D. | F ra - iit a ll sila alalminnaimlncarinr ey 4 sm ee ry ’ eM gg ‘ii tf hh 4 | ¢ names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. = cae aan RnE SERA PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Mooresville NC | Stanhope “eaton Davidson Tn Jus H Brotherton Mooresville NC |Jasen Deaton | Barringer Tn M L Robinson iMooresville NC | Wellece Arthurs | G Deston | Barringer Tn | Thos | Mooresville NC | Jemes | Barringer Tn | |Devidson Tn us Deaton | 4Stetesville NC | William Deaton | 1 ii ~ 4. 2s ~ are if < oe i Statesville NC |C A Shuping ’ | mm } > tn iThomes Yeeton 1} #FG6listown ne ‘ Ty _> he Y Yeaton l , Vhombersburg Tnj & i : i i “svidson Tn bellard i John H : ' | Dbevidson Tn Deston ivsmes | i < 1 BiG mek? Sa rm Of ihiooresville NC iH | ' Robert C Deston | Statesville NC |J C Deaton : - 7 at , s j}Mocresville NC | John Upright } Olin Tn Dison YVeaton i | ‘ he e ’ | Coddle Creek TniJumes Deaton | i . . ra . iMooresville NC | Enoch FP Deaton NC JA R Moore Mooresville Chambersburg Tn/ J L Deeton “hemlersburg Tn] Andrew Barringer Mooresville NC | Robert A Deaton Devidson Tn John Beard Statesville NC Nay C Sherrill Mooresville NC Albert A McNeely Mooresville NC |Pinkney S De.uton Statesville NC jf Lk Des ton Mooresville NC iJohn Miller Mooresville NC (Pinkney S Deeton a Tns L L Deston ooresville NC John Deaton Statesville NC | Robert E Cook Statesville NC {Burton C Deaton M tlle No Lin ee }senuel Rankin Hebau Mooresville NC} John S Deaton Moore sville Alonzo Douglas ee i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS = DEATHS — Iredell County, Sci : } by The Cott Index Comnany, Columbus, Ohio Suid by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. Mergeret Cook Hilla Litton -- Moore Maggie Little Dovie Troutmsen i Luckie | Sarah Goodman i} t H | Leckie Robinson | | Mary Cashion | i + | ' i i i iNancy Muil [ }4nn Windoff | Mary Knolls |Sereh Goodman Gery A Usher Martha McNeely Nancy fFoston Sarah Goodman Mery brown Bona Steel Lucinds Plott Polly Morrow Jean McKewn Annie Howard Mary Moore Mary Deaton Min» Stuck “erthe Hunter Mary Alexander Minnie Srowm Nancy Crobby Tobita Ostwalt Robinson NAME OF MOTHER | Mary E Barringer Mary C Barringer klizabeth Veaton SONRO « « « « Katherine Beard Harriett Keller RECORDED nai Sn OT ro ) Oo er e s Vol. Page ‘ 1, 292 2,112 3, .84 5, 452 6; 91 6.118 7 1635 8. 168 bh SN t~ e bh “I 17, 18,167 20. 20, 24 20, 28 £2,213 24, 90 25 279 26|\214 28117 22164 30\139 31 433 32 100 35/202 las 38 | 39| 379 72 +$—— oq ee ee e eS == = = —= a we s i n a d l — 37| 386] 551 | le —— - — - ~~ » : == z ~~ —y + , “ > 1 7 + ir } i { | { i 7 ¥ - ee are ee ae ee Mere yey AT Lek ik Po kd 2 Toe ch ol ok chachtahdibe hioihe ie elaaiatitindlaaaladaiead INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 7 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. peenearer nantes onmena ne inesenre ae enter e neercces een rn ee et enero ~—Corrco UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 SaAD inno aie ica eluate ea sk cag Se ele oo. “7 a opyright 1930 Printing House, Charlotte, N.C COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX - U, & Patent No, 1487168—C to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Seid by Ohecever Priating Phe } This Bianature on sects ineares thelr correctnees. oe’ locate names, at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer U8. Po N. Ne, 1-4 : m pag ; ference. . tent Ne. 1487168-—Copyright . # —— 0 ee ee eee cera area aan TEED tan RR 1986 — . er ae = a | RECORDED Hew, Uh Peon. | For Your Protection, Insist On It, Se : SURNAME OF DECEASED | | | ; AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Voi. Page ’ | * “ & | Dellinger | Annie Mee | Statesville | H H Dellinger Ore Drum BATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED — | ion aaran cae F Ea Go oe al PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER L968 | 20] Deaton [Jame 8 William Mooresville Charley C Deaton Sarah Ballard 44/516 1959) 12 29) Deaton | Jose phine B. Statesville John Ballard Mary Ann Moles 45\8 Dellinger Willism Statesville 1960) 12] Deat on | Sharlye Ruth Statesville John Walker Carrie Mae Dellinger] 46) 442 | Delinger _Mergeret A Concord Tn | Milton Alexender 1961) 22) Yeaton | Pleasant L K Oteen James L. Yeaton Mary Barringer 47 561 | Dellinger | Statesville NG | Coby Dellinger Clara Mitchell 1962 Deuton Theadore S. Mooresville John S Deaton Katherine Beard 48 314 | Dellinger Herriet C K Stetesville Tn | Henry Koontz Elizabeth Hefner 1963 5 27 Peaton Adella W | Statesville John A Haynes Amanda Sumers 49) 340 | | 1 | Dellinger Stutesville Tn | Clyde M Dellinger Ore Rena Beaver | Dellinger Dorothy Mee £14 Stetesville NC | L R Dellinger Effie Horton 4 | Dellinger Donald Albert i W Shiloh Tn LR Dellinger Bffie Horton | 1 } 17 | Dellinger Katherine I W Statesville NC C P Isenhour Letha Goble 19 | Dellinger John Calvin MW Statesville Tn |Salomon Dellinger Rachel Winsberger 16| Dellinger Martha i&lnora F Wi Statesville NC |James Newton Vellinger Margaret alexanuer Malinda Lowrsence — al 12 | Dellinger Henry Carlton MeW Statesville NC | John Dellinger —— — 19 | Dellinger Fannie vernice F W Troutman NC &A C Dellinger weary hidd | ‘ ¢ hd B.S ok de “ eee wd av ue 10 Dell inger Geo rge Statesville | Wm R Dellinger Carolyn A Whitaker 50 39% SS == 25 | Dellinger Sr. Vharles “ |} Mooresville LeeR Dellinger allie Dellinger SS Se SS =a =e SR E GE S == —— SS =e ° ee e = m ee ee Metthew Julius §! | Stetesville | Deniel Deitz Polly Cline Deniel Deitz Polly Kline a ne ee Deitz Luces B % Statesville Deitz j Stetesville 0 C Deitz _ Serah J Deitz | | | | | | | AR E TR E E Ho n e NE eR e § Deitz Nore lice Brady SQ ee ) oe an ee e oo ee SS Deitz Statesvilie N tho M Sar 31 Jane “ve Deitz tl veitz Julius nagar otatesvilie NC | M Jule vietz mary aALice praay Deitz Noi Alexander fF Statesville NC | John Stanley Alexand@ Sarah Johnan Deitz Bessie Hill W Statesville N C | Thomes M. Hill Addie Lowrance SS S Se e r : ce m n e e e e t en e — - et l et es ad ne n a eS a i Si l e n e ie e e | at e . ce r n pe e r e n c a n n a n n t em e e e e s n e n m a t p m e n m a n e FC er en el ee le INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. STP eNNNREnHtIN name rises vanrernmeanenemens amren : = a 20) tie INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS we DEA | HS ia Iredell County, N. C wey o a UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 at Columbus, Ohio ~ ral i lia aie eee Sistas wikivunad rece 177s Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 © locate name omen at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Colombes, DIC" rna eT Stes tr or Your Protection, Invi 4.00 It. _ Dee tne Bat Sate sent fr pose rfernee. ee a i are eoreah Hik Se a a q — = — ; 1 — =< T ahi |__OATE OF DEATH snes ‘ SURNAME OF DECEASED ie |e | ween : | ire | is | RECORDED | | | Yeu | Month | Day io COmSTUN saNe, bane ore Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — er ict salt ecleadhaoa | aera | ws lint, hens ‘ull Mews * 4 : seeremnen: a3 " " , * be nels q ' ‘ +¢ j . : — . ae pe 5 i] f * 1 Ve he 7d y | 4 A : | 1 ii ii if 4 i us © | ja M 1 ws | fl 4 —o 10 20} Deaton j\James William M W|Mocresville Charley C Deaton Sarah Ballard 1919 12 |14| Dellinger pees Mae F W Stetesville NC | H H Dellinger | Ore Drum 15) a5 J He. : 1 samcvtasil eaimullinigicniinnmtineunasseineutmaesavatsrtenetismadlusisetinnsinetiinan amined Eninnnninnett—-”& toe ft 4x \ | Hany | | | | q ss 12 29) Deaton | Josephine B, F | W |Statesville John Ballard Mary Ann Moles | 1921 | 5 26 | Dellinger | Williem M W Stetesville NC | . ~ | 7, 364. Het \ j i! | i i e | ; ,2960 7 12] Deaton | Charlye Ruth | FW |Statesville John Walker Carrie Mae Dellinger|46 442 | eee} 1 Sebinger ~ereeres 6 z | 4} Sensors ‘ta | Mitten. stesences p AS 208) ie i 1 eo , ; " 1961 9 (22 Yeaton Pleasant L K M W | Oteen James L. Yeaton Mary Barringer 47 561 | 1931 , ii 28 Dellinger - MW Statesville NG | Coby Dellinger Clsera Mitchell | 17 566 | BE | | | | i | tf i be 1962 | Des ! : ; ; ea, | | a i 5 9] Deaton Theadore S. M | W | Mooresville John S Deaton Katherine Beard 48 314 nos4 | 12 16 Dellinger Herriet C K FW | Stetesville tn | Henry Koontz teahetn Maines 20 618. : Vie 1GA3 © ory | T ' 4 m ' on 4% ice po oi 4 a i " j r ni erie beaton | della ofc e Statesville John A Haynes Amanda Sumers 4? 340 | . 1936 | 5 1 | Dellinger “ M W Stsutesville Tn | Clyde M Dellinger Ore Rene Beaver 22 654 4 | i i | {| | { ( if | i { i T m f , | | | i 1936 4 28) Dellinger Dorothy Mee F W | Statesville NC | LR Dellinger Effie Horton 22 415 ao. Ht i | i # 1 i ef \ \ | | on 1936 11 4 Dellinger Donéld Albert M W | Shiloh Tn LR Dellinger Effie Horton 22 347 : i i [ | i} | 1 i] w I | 1937 1 17 Dellinger Katherine I F W Statesville NC | C P Isenhour Letha Goble 25 295 | | | | | nos9 1% 19 | Dellinger John Calvin MW Statesville Tn | Salomon Dellinger Rachel Winsberger 25,491 | \ 1943' 6 16! VLellinger Martha ilnora k Wi Statesville NU |James Newton Vellinger Margaret Alexander }37 151 | | | | 1944. 6 12 Dellinger Henry Cerlton MW | Statesville NC | John Dellinger lislinda Lowrsnce SO 205 | ij | i z i] 1 i > . 7 | | | | 1946, 4 19/ Dellinger Fannie mernice F W Troutren NC A C Dellinger mary Kidd 52 211 a | | | \ se ; Feta ' | | | 1964 7 10 Dell inger Geo rge M W_ Statesville Wm R Dellinger Carolyn A Whitaker 50 394 4 4 | H | oe | | | f | | : ae i : ina eo pe ye 7 c 1965 1 25 Dellinger Sr. Vharles um W M“ooresville LeeR Dellinger Sallie Dellinger 51 ké i | \ i : Oe bd San \ " i ; | | | I | Bl | | } i. = 1 j | ; ; 1917, 10 30) Deitz Metthew Julius M W Stetesville NC 'Deniel Deitz Polly Cline \4 , 427 | | 1920 6 1s Deitz Luces B M W Statesville NC | Deniel Deitz Polly Kline | 6 & ! in | : | we 1950 10 24) Deitz Eerl M W_ Stetesville NG 0 C Deitz _ Serah J Deitz | 16 498 | rt 1945; 3 20) Deitz wlfred Roy 7 M iW ‘Statesville NC fu ° Deitz | Nore #lice Brady [32 74 a 1948, 2 | 27| Deitz baten Pearl Bark? =| Statesvilie NC oo M Sari ley Jane ove \7* 101} a ) | _ hag | 3 19 ee Julius sagar | WwW | otatesvilie NC | hi Jule vietz mary alice praay | 35 103} i | —..41954| 12 (27) Deitz ‘Noi Alexander (F W (Statesville NC [John Stanley Alexandg Sarah Johnan 40) 586 a }1957 7 31] Deits Bessie Hill F W Statesville N C | Thom s M. Hill Addie Lowrance | 43, 332 ’ | | | Se mnt eee GMa ee Ore ra A asa a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. «al INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. nee . Columbus, Ohio i Ee COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Ne. 1-4 ee locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, < lotte, N. C. This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlo U. & Patent No. 1437168—Copyright Reg. U.8. Pat. Off. i For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. : a Saaeneatee ; Fe egrag see TEE ITE a pom | I | ECORDED : ! “a DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | -- | | | | MOTHER SURNAME OF DECEASED | sex color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER AMD CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN pe ros pee oe eee | eee cere. he ene ee i AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN I i " ' I. nomen ] 1 . . ” | Y + I q s | | t | | | |» | w | stexesvilie Ol Zonn Joyner | Nency Head : | | | | Bertie Blanch | Mooresville NC | Celven Sherrill | Rebecce Little +5} 6 | | |_Elizabeth B | Statesville Tn} Thomss Haynes Susan Evans pe | | Sylvestia $ Mooresville NG} Williem Denny Betsy Huffman j25 Hi { i tt i | i] Roy Franklin Jr M Mooresville NC| R F Denny Hattie Cook i? Cornelius H { Stetesville NC’ ~ Lydia Reneger 19 Isadore A | Mooresville NG| Lewis Messick Mery Tulbert Baby Girl #1 C | Mooresville NC enry Denny Minnie Lee Denny Lynda henagar W | Statesville NC | Jim Kenagar hose Ann vampoell Octavia M. i W |Hamptonville NC iSteven Denny Elmina Denny ; ¥ < “ r 7 ’ a " itha a ‘ } } 2 o- ” mY uu inns 'eSsi Roy *. Mh Mooresville “4 |Sylvester 98 Denn isadora ssick 1922 10 21 Deitrick Mery Lou W Statesville NC | Mordis n a oe . . a : m ma n e n t << - * 7 ; - s Ro a t i a s i i n t e m e l i r em i s . . ao i 7 ‘ ia l hd . | a | = x ~ ose v ¢ fe * om ™ me s ee : = = = oo n ; = - * ra e Se a ~ er ON ae = : .. i 7 po n e a an th | | { | > sa e oe | i ; 24 ne25 9 13 DeHoro Elizabeth J F W Stetesville Nc | | '30| Dennis Mattie V Mooresville NO) Roker’ Tord vommine Siaue | * | | i | | Dennis Elizabeth 0 i Mooresville NC| Jack Owen Mery Wilson | 193 | 1942) 1 Dennis ‘Harley i |Mooresville NC |iselson Dennis Edith ‘wens »*8, 120 | 1951) 3 Vennis Jesse vicero Is, ‘ Mooresville NU| George venuis Martha omart \ | 25 i | | ; 1962} 9 | 28) Dennis | Harrison | | J moa | I W Ss c t e Ss vi - 1963 | 12 6 Dennis Yames 9t av i | ; Mooresville | Nelson Dennis Edith Blalock } 48) 514 ‘ iran Gace “ le Che rles W Dennis Nollie howell } 49 680 ! Mooresville NC | Arbin Dehert ea t i n 4 “ . Z oo o Se ni e —- in e ee e ig e ti e n e me m c l eR e ed oe ; a cn e t u a a e d sp p r G a n n s e l i e c a n a n a n m a l i e t e t y - SAE RR SS Ga Re hua eal ce ole EATHS — Tredell County, N. c — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ate: } ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL, TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 j “et COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 d : meenennnnnetes Rag. U.S. Pat, of. ? For Your Protection, Insist On It. = rate Buff Sub-index sheet for page’ reference. U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 U. 8. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 =" eee py wy m mA a DOTIAL. TAB and refer Made by sue Oats pi Coypeer. See we = . 3 ie een, rok eee eee Oe ence eee r eee aici xia ° sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ome cae ear SURNAME OF DECEASED i ia tamtten ean. © can 6 Goes Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED me DATE OF + SURNAME OF DECEASED a | RECORDED wats «| Yo | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN x Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel Page * « 4 ; recs cal Pe ce aa ‘ ; | ' 4 7 I ; ' ; ale | i a New Hope Tns — Dickens Delphie Williams | 1918| 4 |12) Dickens Finley New Hope Tns a Dickens Sallie Howard 11919/ 12 /15)Dickens Kimbell | M_| — Hope Tns _|R L Dickens \Verlie Jarvis | | | pore 2 i185 | Dewey | Harvey {M W | Stetesville NC| S S Dewey | Isabella Messick 6. 169 | 1917| €& |27| Dickens ‘Thalons i i | | | 1 I i 1927, 6 |26}Dickens -Robena 4 iNew Hope | |Topley Redman |Lizzie Massey 1945 4 1 Dickens Ethel Viola R W Statesville N Foy Rogers Nlla Whitaker 11945/ 4 1 | Dickens Mrs CC | |Stoveoviite Nc | Toy Rogers | Ella Whiteker bow | 1 26 | Dickens _ Louvenia [F | C | Statesville Nc | John Fruit Millie Wharten | 11950) 8 29 || Dickens | Jay Homer am | | Gainesville pe ob Vickens Verda hiae Jarries 5 oO E 3 jig ee ee Wil A da ft H] ae ee . | MTs. 4 ° 24 1959| 4 (24 Dickens mas sley | M > | Troutman | Jake Dickens | Millisa Millsaps 4 ‘a l e meso, 5 15} Dickens | | Harmony H R Johnson Fannie Crouse _aeed 21 | 7] Mickens _Minda Clementide F Wl] Statesville NC| R A °hoemaker | Milley Privette 1965 | 10 13 Dickens | M| Ww | Union Grove | Leve Dickens | Rebena Redmond i ” | | 4 | 4 | } |1937 12 17 Denhem Lewis Ervin M W | Mooresville NG} C D Denhem Louise Lowrance | | | — H i i | | | | 1914/12 .12| Dickerson _Amsnde | iStetesville Tns |Welter Hert Herriett Brown 1916) 4 | 9) Dickerson \Willias Dames 1M | > |Steatesville Tns | 1922) 6 | 9/ Dickerson Angeline Stetesville N C {Dock Gaither Wandy Gaither | | | |__8 11 | Dickerson |= i, W Statesville NC | Alex Dickerson RS Welborn aparecnanars 1941 12 | 3/| Dennison |Jasper W iM 6 Wo! Shiloh tn i i i Ne e ae ai n t ca n t e r ar a e aa a it e c h ti e ? a a : > : ga En g om ? oe —_ ; Sy —- — en r i = yi i i o BE <f at a c a n d : ee = : ee -_ fonfi re + + el. .___ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell Connie, N. C. | |= Sone {Reverses Fre ieee Dell scb-lalee cht bor pase heros ULB. Patent wearer ent ite hea _ Ea ae 1830 eT ee eS ae alee ee te SRTIAL, TAB cod toler Mode be ee Cott et heen Geen DATE OF DEATH : ie, DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED nasgnee? i | cre oe tee oe Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —=— Tha on AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE iS. GIVEN Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = [o> pa t af + 4 6 } a : fon Pap # “Vis + + i D 4 sh man - M ‘al Ce n4 a a wh | } m Saw . 1916. 2 .14|Dingler ‘Lee R M |W |Stetesville N CIJ M Dingler | = Jefferson — 3. 235 1923] 12 —ie_j Statesville NC . slien Yishmn 2_{387 1918. 5 .12}Dingler Malinda A F_| W {Mooresville NC = {Polly Gatton _ 4h, 40 }1914 1 | 1d Dishman Bettie FW | Concord Tn, hillip Lambert Sessie Mortin 4A | 470 | 25 | Dishma Wva Lee pty eal m 6 ‘ 2 i 1918,.11 .12/Dingler Dora C P_ | W jStatesville N CiHenry Dingler ~ Carrie Honeycutt 4A 2535 | 1919 1 ‘ z —— al . W Pavidson Tn. eorge ™ otu “ zLO0S 2.332 , ie “had | 2 4ishmond Elizabet Yiw Ne ; t Lr is 182 ie 1919. 8 10/Dingler Oscar MW Istatesville N C|H S Dingler Qllie Sanders S155 eee 2 ee een ws F W \New Hope 1 r Y 718 LA 7 ° 21) Disnman - F ts } = Lee an 7 9 i} | Mi 1920, 12 /23|Dingler Jno Lafayette M ..W |Turnersburg Tns|William Dingler Malinda Dingler 2. 602 ee ‘aia ae | ; ; le NF na Chere ve ip | 4 | 1928. j0 23\/Dingler Sarah dane E FP. W {Mooresville N CfRobert R Nesbit Annie Kerr 414. 233 eo J oe : eee eet - : = fe ‘© i | | a T anh & Dishma “ M a : es . eer 7 46 i H I- 1952. 11 .15|Dingler Cynthia Carolin! F . W |statesville N CiIra Wooten Tilda Current 18 460 = ao “ _——— : =. SOE OS san) |e an t c am Va Lan ath I H Oy ‘ ] > ) 1 Te 1933. 3. liDingler Lillie B F . W |Coddle Creek TnaJ B Davis Clara Culp 19, 29] ct 192112 21 | Dishamn ~cyd Gaston ; 7, on : a : 6 (303 H* : % ; : me ; ms ; : - i | i L942) 5 Be essns William Henry M # [Statesville NC |wyj)4am Dingler Avoline Gatton 28. 317 192k 2 | 10) Dishman 7 F | St ay ville r 9 357 H ‘ ' + nena + | a 12435) 12 ,/29iDingler i svis iY OOo: io PWilliam Dingler javeline Getton 20 60 a924 _¢ ao y | oI : : x LQ 271 f i i “A T 7 ’ . = ‘ | 3 2 8 “ishr iy 7 ) Yr ] Wie | | 12345 2. ,10}/Dingler ama F W iMooresville NC [William Dingler Malinds A Gatton ol 155 | A ‘isda ie : | : ; Be We tT " | | | | t + 1945.12 31|Dingler Harvey S MW jMooresville NC [William Dingler Enns Getton Sl. 494] as 1927, 11 14 “ishman ; : | a heal | . : | | 1 i 1951; 4 |% igier iorrow Mooresville NC [Stephen Morrow Isabell Fortner o7125 | — 1928, z t poe senmen : ee | r ay ans ‘ pe pe a i a Se i. Pe a ! 1955 | 2 (22 Dingler Della Doster FP. Ws Mooresville NC] William Doster _ 59 83 | 1929 6 | <9 Vishman a . d : 2 15 160 1953) 4 5] Vingler kmma Jones F W Mooresville NC U..known Unknown 39 141 1932 12 30 Dishmond y & F : i itsie Vaniel 9 188 ; 4 a - om } ; | i 1953 7 1] Dingler | Gilas Pinkney |» W | Morganton N@ William Dingler Malinda Gaiton B9 430 1933, 7 1llj¥ishmn elia Jo: F State svill Mars « Nane r 19 337 q aoe] 5 13 { Dingler | Roy Adams W | Mooresville N @ Lonnie Dinecler | Emna Jones LO | 222 1934 3 19 Yishmond llie ly é ‘ ‘felbert hmo nd ney 20 258 | } 1955 25 |Din-ler ina “ae K. F | W Mooresville ) Lee Mennede Mery 3e11 Nesbit 44 31 1935) 6 | id Dishman Villiam H h rpesburg Tn. n Nancy : 41.265 1958 7 12] Dingler Carrie Honeycutt} F W lorcanton es larriet Honeycutt I 455 1935 10 64 Dishman Nat rden J Davi ) ne Tah Y Jishman Nanc} d el 179 4 : ! eek i ; . ! 192 2 6 = ef ae Jackson E. FY Morgen tony. qames, 3 Heya pckson RAVER SPAAse ~ 1936 7 6 | Dishman Lorene ry F >t at rille NC HL 3 n Jvetti elborn 22 L468 : ngier dite s 2 4 F Wi Mooresville MS II3 | j | H ae} if : Lie er ‘Os va Wi o= : mpf4ys, PRAT Ry *Y. sto ey = 422 The 2% — + 7 i t¢ ri ¢ Frank le J ; err 2 > ! | 12 16] pilien ‘Sarah Fw |sherpesburg tas|amos Dobson” | wea shGerh ht Heréué-, 2, 250 me > | Se Oisheen ee ees a Lars = EY =a 2s 1915, 12 .16/ Dillion Sarah =. W_jNew Hope Tns Amos Dobson et eee aes 2 222 1937, 3 | 19 Yishman Burrie M lope Tn. - - 3 236 1953, 10 7] Dillion \Williem P M . W [Stetesville Nc Henry C Dillon __—_— [Lucy ann Akers 21. 441 1940 1 1j Dishmond Daisy Lou F New Hope Tn. dU nd larling McDaniels 26 266 f L, ‘ r yo | 1940 6 26] Dillon | Jasper C M |W | Bagle Mills Tn | wm. Dillon | Mertha Stack 26 135 1940 12 21) Dishman - F | Statesville NC | Foy Lee Dishman Emma Yishman 26 499 || 1941; 5 |27Ip ps we fe os iiion “sStatesville NC | Thomas E Dillon Dorothy Lambert £7 |504 1941, 9 | 17) Dishman Thomas Pres: M W {Statesville NC | Press Vishman Isidore Wilcox 27, 365 | ! j McNeer | | , ' . Ms44 , ; 1955, a a Dillon i Ruby Mae Pi | Statesville NC d / | Laura Anderson 41 126] 94) 11 3 Jishmon Slam Tilbert M W |New Hope Tn James Dishmon Mary Millsaps 27 194, + + ; Z * i aah ol ‘. 194.2 5 29] Dishman a4 M ] iNew “ope Tns. James Dishman Elizabeth Millsay s 28. “alr | Fe : oe. Lr ae | 1943 11 1] Di shman Bessie Chapr ah F WwW Statesville NC JArchie B Yhapmn Mary V Reavis 29 425 | | | Coe ee i a | 4 ea : 1945| 2 271 Dishman Luphelia F W Statesville NC} Burel Shoemaker Martha Shoemaker 31, 169 | ee ed mr. || | ton oe Stine | dee Va ee "1 194.5 | 8 |24)Dishman Romie Melv in M W |New Hope Tn Pressly Yishman Isadora Wilcox ba Abs aumeereral Te nibsanetdintemen a s watt 1 sie i aI Ma ere ae , i : ‘ Bl 1947 | 1 | 27 Dishman Wm. Gaston M W {Shar pesburge Tn.f dames Vishman Elizabeth Milsaps 33) 45 ence eee pment coe eee al 191.7) 11 28 Dishman Thomas Carter M W Irede a Co, Thomas A Vishmnan Nancy hades 33} 421 | | T oer baryons leila ‘ \ iC IN Yoyd “i shme lary Sti e 5 a De initia a te rill ai me Pes: ill 191491 £19 Dishman Ansler Elzy M W Moores vi lle N } sy hm in M y ti lw ll man 2 2) 167 ! ws $f} f pe ie 1953! 12 10 Rhea Toy Lee M | W [Statesville NC [Park T Sishmn Lizzie Medows Dish/] 39| 606 arene ancestral ee a eas Ww 1 Uni ( , Felbert Vishman Nancy Eadees ; a 1954, 4] 7|Dishman |Harvey Lee BY ooeen See — sand ein = {154 ; eel iar it eenrenesnencnieenentsll estan m a . : : ss lapel bo 1954 7 21 Reine Stillborn MiwW New Hope Robert Junior Dish/ Ruby York 40! 346 Ponerinae tennant i la ihe a) 1956 2 | ll Dishman Hiley Hartness M | W Stat esville Jim Har tness Anne Kaziah al 128 ; ayy ane t EE ay, ‘ . Wi Statesville NC] James Stone Julia W tale wm 4.1956) 7 lah Dishmond ‘Estelle Stone F W} Statesville ° a Word wi Jey oY iy a aan | . | iene ul 11957| 8 22 Dishman \Lazzie Lou F | WJ Statesville NC] James A Meadows Ktherine Meadoes [43] 392 é Pe a ; Thomas G Dish slizabeth W ——— _41959!| ¢ 81 Dishman ‘Willie M, M W peer esy 2220 homa s jshmn Elizabeth Wilcox 45 387 : a ol Dishman Daisy FF’ W [Statesville - Amanda Dishman L6) 467 “4, : 3 71959) 11 29) Dish | James Monroe | M | W [Statesville Silas Vishman Adeline Dishman 45) 588 lila ANNE BM wi | “9 tia is 960, 1/1 rata | Martha C. F | WUStatesville Daniel W Dysoman | Elizabeth Lambert 6 AP ON ; ; — - so r sa p ei n s ws t a c i g e n - = - s - n a l e p e c i s a n n o n a a n ame 1 ; o6 t fet U) ‘| _.___ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. M EARS | Perec Bate tai Set One me hee SE SURES pee, i Patent Ne. an7iG0Coprieet fide ir tremens aE Se DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED las tee SERA OF DECEAED Sex | cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — + + pens tench ccc ean npmeneemnasecel ncn neice eresesacee cena ecreamemcammamacre asc r axe 1916, 2 14] Dingler ‘Lee R M |W jStetesville N CiJ M Dingler | - Jefferson — _| 3) 235 1918; 5 12) Dingler ‘Malinda A F_| W |Mooresville NC = _froliy Gatton tan! 40 1918.11 .12/Dingler {Dora ¢ F.| W jStatesville N CiHenry -Dingler _jCarrie Honeycutt 44 253 1919. 8 .10)Dingler Oscar M..W {Statesville N CJH S Dingler JOllie Sanders 5 155 1920, 12 .23/Dingler Jno Lafayette M . W {Turnersburg Tns|William Dingler Malinda Dingler 7. 602 1928. 40 .23/Dingler Sarah dane E F_. W {Mooresville N C jRobert R Nesbit —_jAnnie Kerr 414. 233 1952. 11 .18jDingler Cynthia Carolin! F .W |Statesville N C/Ira Wooten {Tilde Current 18. 460 1933. 3 .1l}Dingler Lillie B F .W jCoddle Creek tags B Davis Clara Culp 19 29 L942) 5 | J Dingler William Henry M W [Statesville NC [wsjj49m Dingler AvVOline Gatton 28! 317 1943) 12 29% Dingler Lon ivis i [Mooresville NC [William Dinzler aveline Gatton 0) 60 aon Eons tete, —_——— ——— Sienintodh acd, a4 IAF ‘ THinel er ne ry wr ‘6 24 a vere . “% | 1245 2.,10%Ding1 er ums E a“ Mooresville NC [William Dingler jMelinds A Getton ol, iss | . 1945, 12 31/pineler Hervey § MW [Mooresville NC Jwittiam Dingler Euma Getton Sl. 494) 19s ] 4 if} Morrow M resvill iC . } M | g orrow mooresville NC |Stephen Morrow Isabell Fortner 37{;25 1953 2 ‘ eS Inge 7 T QD ™ ‘ | ° « Dingler Della Doster fs W | Mooresville NCJ William Doster . 59 | 83 | GS j | 1953 & 5] Vingler _&mma Jones _W Mooresville NC U..known Unknown 39 141 - ‘ - i. A954 .7 1 | Dingler | Gilas Pinkney | M W Morganton N@ William Dingler Malinda Gaiton 39 430 i R954 | 5 | 1] Dingler Roy 1S W | Mooresville N @ Lonnie Dingler Emma Jones WO | 222 i Qs On De. a ¢ 2a " 8 ’ . i pare ig 19: ‘25 Dincler Ina “ae K, i W IMooresville enry Lee Kennedy Mery Bell Nesbit 44 319 Dine C to H : F aan od neler varrie Soneycutti F W hor zanton ket | _ flarriet Honeycutt na 455 Bis - asa 7 oe " Mitieca nw yam A a ABER 1 te kage S| F Bi [Morcepy ope fames:Azigpekson | heapra dee ter 967 Dye fe Nossa 3 f, YW, | Mooresville , H Sande A ti2 D n Serah ; F. h one Bie Ber Fei ORK at t 48-4 2) e .W_|Sherpesburg Tns|Amos Dobson JE abeth _ 2) 250 1915. 12 .16/Dillon \Sareh F.W jNew Hope Tons lamos Dobson ss” = 2, 222 1933, 10 . 7) Dillon \Williem P Mo4Y¥ | ! ,W_[Stetesville NCiHenry C Dillon —s_ Lucy Ann Akers __ $21) 441) 1940 6 26 | Dillon Jasper ¢ MeiW E Mi V | P |W | Begle Mills Tm |vime Dillon _ _[Mertha Stack | 26135 1941) 9 |27§Dillon - L W ie | i : Statesville NC | Thomas E Dillon | Dorothy Lambert {127 |304 195531 Dillon Ruby Mae F ile ae | | \F .W J Statesy NC Laura Anderson [41126] | | on : ss ae : oe | a [o_o bn + — T +4 - tT — — | meme ue eens tesestessneenee: NT 7 ad 2 — ] 4 — t— —- ee ae ‘ | : % ee. ver } | ; —_— a At teeta _— a ninbommemens ene Ei i Wied iat PE y é INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright 1930 ‘ie OF DEATH ai | Month | Oa 1913, 3_| 3] Pishman 1918 1 _ 1g Yishman 1919 1 (25 Dish man 1921) 5 14 Yishmond © T 19211 7 21} Dishman ce 9 20] Dishman 1921 12 13 Dishman : pi9el 12 21 Dishamn ae 1924 2 1d Dishman 192, 2 13] Yishmar ; © [1925 8 31] “ishman —__(f.1927, 1 14 “ishman —__f.a928, 5 | 10) Yishran 41929) 6 20 Dishman 1932 12 30) Dishmond 1933 7 1lj Yishman p2934, 3 | 19 “ishmond 1935, 6 17] Dishmn 1935, 10 64 Dishman 1936 7 | 6 | Dishman 1937) 3 2) Dishman 11937, 3) | 19) Yishman |1940 1 1j Dishmond | 194.0, 12 | 21} Dishman — 41941) 9 | 17] Dishman ony | 12 (3 JYishmon | Pe 1943 | 11 | 14) Di shman 2945| 2 _|27|Dishnan 1945, 8 | 24)Dishman a 1947| 1 | 27|Dishman 1947, 11 | 28 Dishman _ 1949) 5 9} Dishman 1953} 12 |10]Dishman _ me J 1954) 7} Dishman — i 1954| 7 [21 Dishman __ he 1956| 2 |11)Dishman a. 1956) 7 | 27|Dishmond ~ 1957| 8 | 221Dishmn _}1959 8 8} Dishman 41900|/-7 | 27] Dishman $2959; 11 | 29] Dishman 1960/1 | 19} Yishman SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Bettie Kiva Lee I os J , iM att “m 4 ‘ ee 1 € ‘ Ls - —n ‘ Uy id i 7 we 1 1 vn 1 se Lorene Fa Rebecca _Burrie Daisy Lou _Thomas Fress Glam Tilbert J fF Bessie Cha pratt Luphelia Romie Melvin . Wm. Gaston Thomas Carter Ansler Elzy — Toy Lee Harvey Lee Stillborn Hiley Hartness + ‘Est elle Stone |Lazzie Lou ‘Willie M. ~~) Dai sy James Monroe Mart ha C. Bust le Vo locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH M W | Statesville NC F W Concord Tn. F W Wavidson Tn. F W iNew Hope Ty F t lle NB Mi Statesville NC Sharpesburg Tn Sha rpesbure Tn, F at »Svl1 ‘ n F i Wey : r on Tr ) isor “ F ype F St svill ; F ] pe : M Sha rpesburg Tn. M W Davidson Tn, F Statesville NC F Statesville NC M | New hope Tn. F New Hope Tn. F Statesville NC M W {Statesville NC M W |New Hope Tn M W |New “ope Tns. F W [Statesville NC MW WY] Statesville NC ML W |New Hope Tn M UW Shar pesburg Tn. M | W | Iredell Co, M W |Mooresville NC M | W [Statesville NC M W | Union Grove M |W] New Hope M | W [Stat esville F Wi Statesville NC Fi W Statesville NC M | W {Mooresville F | W [Stat esville M | W [Statesville F | W Statesville NAME OF FATHER Phillip Lambert Ors Stutts R 6B er G wv ¥ . “is ) j Or Zk Y Jordon felbert Vishmond on “3% n he rt YVishmar nb “is n Fr tle Edword Vishmond Foy Lee Dishman Press Vishman James Dishmon James Dishman Archie B Vhapmn Burel Shoemaker Pressly Vishman James Vishman Thomas A Dishman N Yoyd “! shman Park T Sishman Felbert Vishmn mond Robert Junior Dish/ Jim Hartness James Stone James A Meadows Thomas G Dishman Silas Vishman Daniel W D4 shman Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N.C. BE) A J: D: Emma Isadora NAME OF MOTHER len Vishmn Bessie Mortin “ae : Jvula 1LO0S M yemaker Lee Vishm ni Keziah Vishman - 4 © per M J Loo rE t .ooper r y + ] uCcy tts Ji I i l 2 oh Patsie niels Nancy Green Nancy dds Nancy Eades Nancy had Jettie Welborn nie Mayberry irling McDaniels Vishman Isidore Wilcox Mary Millsaps Elizabeth Millsaps Mary V Reavis Martha Shoemaker Nilcox Elizabeth Milsaps Nancy hades Mery Stilwell man Lizzie Medows Dish/] 39| 606 Nancy Kadges Ruby York rne Kaziah Julia Word K therine Meadoes Elizabeth Wilcox | Amanda Dishman Adeline Dishman Elizabeth Lambert —— 45| 387 48) 45) 588 6 R9 RECORDED mat ei Vol.| Page ah | ont 2 387 | Sl mii 5352 | Sih] 7 182 a 7| 397] Bil 7/42. | Mees 7 463 i 8 303 ah 9 357 mes | 0 271 ad 11 107 qi n3 295 | fe hy 98 Li 15 160] Wy no 188 . ~ 19 337] i 0 258 We 21/265 | i 21 17 ij > 9 we R2 468 Bd 23, 327 ee 23 236 aL 26 266 | Be 26 499 er) 27, 365 alr f f 27, 194 HL 28) 227 } 29) 425 " 31 169 ' | ; ‘ ( BL Alay } i 33/45 33,421 tf 35) 167 t P pO 154 | 40, 346 ha] 128 42| 324 43) 3921 OA ee eT an oo Ce - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS TTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Noe. 1-4 ue Patent No. 1437168—-Copyright 1930 This Signature on sheets insures their corr, To locate nam 2 ‘ eeties i For Your Protection, ncn 9 = ames, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. ate locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. DATE OF DEATH RECORDED Vol. Page SURNAME O RECORDED SURNAME OF DECEASED ms ude ee ar PLACE OF DEATH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = Fo & uae ae ee. Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH ¢ nue erccmsites z ' NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | | Dishman Daniel Vishman Amanda Dishman Dishman Dishman Sf fie Dishman Harvey Lee "Davie Lee Martha Jane Stillborn Dishmond Dishman, Jr. Statesville Concord Statesville Stat esville Statesville Rufe Gregory O H Looper Carter Dishmn Roger ° Dishmond Ui shman Lee ~ Dis!mond James H Dishman Elizabeth Wilcox Minnie Marlowe Martha Jane Sherrill Margie L Wileox Betty L Lishman Betty » Mc*elland Patricia Pace 5 593 477106 1S 471 47.159 49) 725 50) 157 51; 62 51 492 __p952 | 11 | 6 Debbins | iDobbins Dobbins Dobbins Lafayette \Lee \Emma, ‘Sallie Davis Dobbins Dobbins Clarence Dobbins Debbins Dobbins Vobbins Vobbins Dobbins Danny Lee a y VV Statesville Mooresville Statesville Bethany Tns (Union Grove Htatesville Statesville in Union Grove PmeLALE OVI LS iW {Hous ar V de oe eS 4 | | | i tatesvilie WU | j ‘ | Statesville NC Charlie Dobbins Laybeth Dobbins GW Clegg Cliff Dobbins Gus Dobbins Ins Robert Patterson | Lena Patterson Sallie Clemons i Mamia Dobbins IEva Nicholson ‘ va} } vampbell LC fi rai er Soli Milared vVobbins Betty Joe Dobbins f + 8| 34 23. o 174 18. 211 Dobbins \Junius Walter Dobbinf Mildred Smyre / 7 41955! 3 | 29) Dobbins iM C |Statesville NC | Statesville NC] - Nettie vVobbins 1955 | 5 | 9] Dobbins | iric | 1957, 9 4 Dobbins _¢ itivbiicrthts . 2 az | Ruth Dobbins 1958 3 Dobbins 1m |C Btatesville . Betty Joe Dobbins 4 } } ; 4 : n959' 1 = § 3 Dobbins Fate Dobbéns he60} 1 19 }2obbins Robert Browner t | 2 (28] Yobbins Doctor | Ruthie Mae Statesville Tns | Junius Doctor Gladys Glover ee l ee s t i ee n s e n t n e e n an 30) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. __ fe taco For Your Protection, Insist On Te GET Nooo iad Sat-lades shoot fer pass teleemen U.B. Patent No. 1asiieb Ce iake ty = — = SURNAME OF DECEASED sex | cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = ‘a : ee | Hh , | 1923, 3 , 241 Dobson | partihy Helen F_|_w |union Grove Tns|_J_F Dobson Tobitha Campbell 9| 256 1 if 1924 7. 41 Dobson | Margaret C F_ | W |Sharpesburg Tn | Franklin King Dorcas Allen 10! 266 HL ) , 1927; 4 | 21i Dobson {Eula Mae F W {Statesville NC JB Dobson Silva Shoemaker 13| 400 WH Li 1928) 12 24) Dobson , Sillor jane F_| W |Statesville NC | John Shoemaker Margaret Lazenby 14, 520 Mt i f 1930 5 30 Dobson , Pompey M,C [Statesville Tns/ Louis Dobson Caroline Dobson 16, 598 IL bi 1931, 6. 3) Dobson |Rufus B M_._W | Sharpesburg Tn | Benjamin Dobson Sarah Ham 17! 263 1B ue aan 6 . 281 Dobson |Mary B F | W |Sharpesburg Tnsi Frank Wilson Vera Webber 20, 286 ' 7 ri ,1937 4 .11) Doban . John B M . W {Statesville Tns} John W Dobson Mary Greenwood 23. 519 he I Hl 1969. 7 _8 | Dobson Helen Elizabeth! F . W [Statesville NC | Baldwin C Mamn isabel Johnson 25 357 I , Hi — 7. 221i Dobson - M| W_ITurnersburg TnsjHal Dobson Lola Wall 28 | an i | i 11942, 12 li Dobson \Margoret Plumme# F W jTurnersburg TnsfiW¥illiam Plummer ~ 28 472 Ta 1 F 2242 8]/ Dobson Frank M_, W jUnion Grove Tns|Joseph Dobson Dorcas York 28 | 473] : B bson Charlie Jr 2 iTurnersburg Tn [Cherlie Dotsor: Ijane Stevenson 29 | i ! }+--41946, 7 29 | Dobson Nannie F | C §Stetesville NC jJRobert White adline White 32) 279 4 1949 1 19 Dobson Benjiman River M W | Harmony NC R 1} Joseph Dobson Dorcas York 34 57 1948 _16] Dobson Robert Green w [Falistown TashpJJoseph Dobson Vance Dobson 34| 177 1950, 2 13 | Dodson John Wesley M _ W [Cool Springs John B Dobson Cella Shoemaker 36,114 | 1950. 2 13] Dobsen John Wesly M ,W | Ccol Springs John B Dobson Cela Shoemaker 36, 303 1950, 190 | 15} Dobson | Martin Vance M W | Fallstown Tns Joseph F Dobson Dorcas York 56, 514 IH |a951 1 2 |vodson z CG |Statesville Nc | # Mildred vobvins 37/ 109 1957, 2 (13]Dobson |Flake Evie M W {Statesville NC |James B. Dobson Celia Shoemaker 4,3 5| 1957, 8 9} Dobson |Rufus William |M W [Statesville N CiRobbin Dobson Rosa A, Shaver 43 363 1959 8 20} Dibson |Hubert B. M |W [Statesville William A. Dobson Lucy Flinchum as laro 1960) 3 | 29 Dobson |Mary Sue F C | Statesville H. M. Mills Eliza Morris sala 1962) g 251 Dobson Hanna W, F | W [Salisbury Andrew Whalen hmanda Hedrick 48) 542 1963 | 3 |25 Dob son |Floyd & M| W | Statesville James F Dobson Doris Grose 49 200 | | ; i canpaniathaiiaieebiebions Liane 1963, 3_| 24 Dobson Jame s M| WY] Statesville R W Dobson Mary Wilson 49 |202 _ 41963 | 3 Re Dobson [Carole F) W] Statesville James F Dobson Doris Grose 19 |202 p94 2 2@ Dobson Lee M | ¢ Btatesvi lle Pompey Dobson Unknown 50| 125 fag or ae a | | | | " nee ~ vi dpisnestthieemeliieemnenih _ llonserninigiantaimcinill a ~_ | : onl riirnenne i pce callie ies a Ce dl alaant ean vate Cit eee tilicinthniiichiidM lis lini an : | Be z Pairs “— — Wiibisieiiailldiinaiapa Les ale al INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. rn Segre IRENE Se ll hess | 1 20 Donsldson a : as | 6 | 5 Donaldson See | 4 | 7) Donaldson ~ piled fod 1922 | 12 |28) Donaldson 1923 8g el Donaldson 1924 lo 16 | Donelson 1925| §& cy Doneldson 1934; 6 | | Donaldson ng39, 8 30 | Donaldson 1945} 4 | 2| Donaldson 1947) 8 13 | Donaldson 2950) 5 16! Donaldson 1951 §& 27\ Donaldsor 1957; 5 '15| Donaldson poco 2 les icine 1965) & 6|Donald son | te f , ae Poa | | | ] —— | 5 | ch 2 a. ae} | aon GBF To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Tobe | Elle , Carrie May | Charles L Isabeller Pet Frances Kell alfred Willie Lee Earnest Lillian Jane John hi | { 1 4 ee Ss | ) Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER | Davidson Tn | - | © L Donaldson | Mooresville NG| L Donaldson Mooresville Ne | Davidson Tn | L Donaldson Davidson Tn _ Tob Donaldson r Fallstown Tn Willism B Donalson Coddle Creek Tn Peter Donaldson Davidson Tn | Earnest Donaldson 6s oa ‘ iia 2 Ws anaes, a ovatEesvill inj Laywood Vonaldason + « ? o ‘ 7 > ~ "3, Y } ‘ wEEalLeESVIcile NY vicero VYonsiagson Iredell County |Crawford Donaldson Mooresville 'C | Harry E Donaldson Mooresville NC Mooresville Yulius Regers Mooresville Jas T Donaldson ' | 4 | | { | | i | | | | | | | 4 | | Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER | Frances Worsham Julis Gill Julia Gill Jane Dorten Louise L Anderson Jene Torrence Jennie Kelly Mary Heath Sadie Connor Lela Patterson Minnie E Lipe iCharles L. Donaldson Francis Washam Mary 4olsclaw Laura Torrence 8 . 214) 9 2 10 159 11 56! 20 95 25 496 31, 73 33. 335 36} 327 (43 205 (46 136 51 216 oe ne me en e me pd el == > = — —_ <= ee — tm , . — a a a ; Hs Semoun ahaha tu ba Scan wae ee ae eS INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ts j This Signature on sbeets insures their correctness. , ITIAL TAB and ref: COTTCO UNIVERSA ‘ UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 va wee near renee anlar — —- won gate locate names, open at SURNAME IN an er L INDEX No, 1-4 F ' ee bo O Patent No. 1437168-—-Copyright 1930 pap Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Rog. U.S. Pat. Off. For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. U. &, Patent No. 1437168-—Copyright 1930 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference Sold by Obse Printing House, Charlotte, N. C . ae - * sae PARAS IE a recs pies ons eS RS EELS ETT WRT SS Se SNA ae e - y ghioliniviansiom —_ ae rie ; = ! mes . SOOM ETS = i = = - = | DATE OF DEATH I : = | SURNAME. OF DECEASED | RECORDED DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED Year | Month — Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN = | | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ya ; AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page + * } { * 1931 5 . Donner R Freddie MW : Statesville NG} R W Donner Medge Hinson 17 340 | Dorsett Billy Allen h 66 { op hl Mooresville NC Mamie Sanders 4 Dorsett ot D | Statesville NC Jim D Dorsett Sr Fanny Hackney a ee Dorsett James W {| Mooresville NC Henderson Dorsett Eliza Rodcliff } +-—-— 19377 | 6 10 Eliza Jane ,.W Boddle Creek Tn | Anderson Smith = 2946 | 11 18 Jemes V Sr i | jj Mooresville NC |Jemes H Dore Elizabeth Dore <= 4 + =< == = SS 5 om _ ~ —— — 24) Doneld James Leggett MW Mooresville NG! David Donald v . > 4 , onald Eva Beach ie}. |Salisbury N C | George Beach | Harriett Albright + pe a t pe EE S * . os oo Margaret Leggett | t . —— S S —+ : ae i wa n g h o m n e m : = SS = A . ty -4 $ = - —t = 7 — Chambersburg Tnj Ed Dotherow es me e a te ln ie n e ee Lee WTC eH RC en ett rae Rite ve ree Feeaeres sy Urant cotun itunes eMntt read iter core cs epaial cits te .#te btm beh MORO TRAA GS Hy 32 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1.4 we COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 This Signamre on sheets insures their correctness. 1 TAB and refer | Bae te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL an U. & Patent No. 143716 poke lh ; vw? te Myer ay emarteht i900 pap te te Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. : DATE OF DEATH =| . | | / ae a ai Dee oe SURNAME OF DECEASED i | RECORDED DATE OF DEATH ar Tae Tae is Gaaeee wee C Go ee | Sm Gol | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER ! NAME OF MOTHER = f-——~- — . Bee ce, Ue ae Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [> { | i le age \ Month | Day , je age f t . » j19s2_ S | 1} Donner _R Freddie MW | Statesville NG| R W Donner Reg. U.8. Pat. Off. } For Your Protection, Insist On It. coe s locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. RECORDED 4 ives 2 | 1} Dorsett }Billy Allen MC [Mooresville NC | - Mamie Sanders 19 | 66 | | { 2.936 |. 3 joa Dorsett id D | | W [Statesville NC | Jim D Dorsett Sr Fanny Hackney | Medge Hinson : 6 17 | 340 | | se 1.936 | 10 (25) Dorsett \James W | € |Mooresville NC | Henderson Dorsett Eliza Rodcliff | Eliza Jane ,W Poddle Creek Tn | Anderson Smith _— — ‘o O Ww ~ \Jemes V Sr {| Wi] Mooresville NC |Jemes H Dore Elizebeth Dore EE | | | | | | 11936, 7 PB4 Doneld James Leggett MW Mooresville NG} David Donald Mergaret Leggett 22 244) ee n ee n s ; | i961 3 4 | “onald Eva Beach | F W | Salisbury N C |Georce Beach | Harriett Albright 47 216 | | ; cu m m e d pu n m e n m n e s m e n l i m e n e s s i Winston Chambersburg Tnj Ed Dotherow er eA ey iia rd? Liter oy 32 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. eg INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. s = U.8.ret.om. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. us oo ae hide opyright 1980 to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. § This Signature on shects insures their correctness. EEF To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 ; . COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No, 1-4 BREF To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio RECORDED | | i . = nen DATE OF DEATH i > - \ | i SURNAME OF DECEASED | RECORDED =| , DATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED . Year | wonth | Oay | io Guava tale, © Gaz 6 Game Sex Color PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Poe “ [= ib Gaetan tae. © Oe 8 Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “ao , * . i Hy Month ; a i f | } | 1933| 5 | 7] Dorsett {Billy Allen MC [Mooresville NC | - Sanders 19 | 66 beresaracai sic ae [ [1951 5 1) Donner R Freddie |M W | Stetesville NG| R W Donner Madge Hinson | 1 it | | | | | n936| 3 \31) Dorsett iJ _D Mo} W IStatesville NC Jim D Dorsett Sr y Hackney | | 1936 | 10 (25) Dorsett James W M,C Mooresville NC | Henderson Dorsett Rodcliff j i | + | | + + Sa n e an n n ea r Eliza Jane ,W Boddle Creek Tn | Anderson Smith - \Jemes V Sr so Mooresville NC |Jemes H Dore Elizebeth Dore oni 4 —— £4 | Doneld James Leggett | M W Mooresville NG! David Doneld | Mergaret Leggett 122, 244) ee ” 1 | q 4 onald _ Eva Beach Fig Salisbury N C /George Beach | Harriett Albright 47 216 | i | i | | " f 4 1 Dotherow Winston | Chambersburg TnjiEd Dotherow 34 DATE OF DEATH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ‘This Signatare on sheets insures thelr correctness, t Reg. U.8. Pat.ow. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. ib Year To t e at en o n e pe e m e r h g e e e —e ae en p i a e d l i n c i n s = dg Re m ee aa z = a | | 11922, #11922) yw! la96, in be | Day ; | 4) Dorton | 4 Hay [2923/11 | 23 HW) 61959) 10 | 27] Dorton t 1964 3 ig Dorton ” Dorton Dorton Dorton To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page ref > TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL U.8. Patent No. 1487168—Copstist stp INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN r | ~ T lCalvin C Charlene Vickie Vharle s Marion in | W | W W PLACE OF DEATH Mooresville NC j Grady Dorton Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Charles W Dorton Dur ham Mooresville NAME OF FATHER Grady Dorton Grady Dorton Marion G Dorton Wm. C Dorton NAME OF MOTHER Lois. Long Lois. Long Lois. Long Elizabeth Barnett Lois M Long Georgia Carriker 1939. 1948) ex c m n e m e e n e d pe a s e ee e pr e m e n e m m e m n e t 1922112 120 1930, 110 6 i121 2112 ; ce c e ei n e s Dotson Dotson Dotson Dotson ‘Martha Weems \Portland Vance ,Luola Houpe |George Weems ' j | De fe he se m e n ee e m e e t e t a s e l pe e s nee nen |W iStatesville NC | W Statesville NC | W UStatesville NC Statesville NC John Weems J_¥ Dotson Jacob F Houpe son dames Franklin Vote i d Rhoda Munsay Mabel Gray Marthe Cox Martha Weems err ar emcee Pee een esr. be pe t e = - ge T SUTRA ADEE hl LS Dougles 1918 4 | 2] Dougles 1919, 10 30 | Dougles 1920 5 10] Douglas sail 7. Sl | Dougles | 1922, 4 28 | Dougléess 411924 1 17 | Dougles 11924 2 | 7} Dougles 1928 12 13 | Dougléess 19291 1 | 3] Dougles 1931) 9 13 | Douglas 1933, 5 #1 | Dougles 1933, 7 87 | Dougles 1954 5 | 6] Dougles 1934 5 21 |} Douglas 1936, 1 22 | Douglées 4195 9 _ 3] Dougles 19341 10 18 | Dougles 1937, 7 50 | Douglés £939 | 6 20] Douglas [1941 3 19] Douglas $1943) 11 8|Dougles Jigga) 6 | 1} Douglas 1945 7 | 2) Douglas 21946; 3 (14) Dougles 1946 | 4 (17 |Dougles nosy | 2 | Inougias 1956 | 12 |11 [Douglas | 1957 7 | 24 Douglas 1958| 8 7 |Douglas 968 | 10 Douglas 1959 17 (Douglas 959; 6 |15}Douglas 961 | 2 | 8 Pouglas 963} 1 [17 Pouglas 1963 10 |27 Douglas ' tT SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | Willie Sherpe | Julia | Clyde | Margarette S Mack | Elizebeth Margrett , Bessie | Baxter W Bettie Eisne | Mills | John Alex | D Sharpe , Medore | Will | Ette Cornor | John JI , Joseph B dr , Robert Rey | Lillie J R | Mary Lucille jJulius Williem | Bobby 4 D MeCorkle/ Deborah Clemen/ \Benjemin Pinchey Claudia S. Henry Stephen J Al ice s H ‘ Cicero K. Arthur he s ty ty ] i= & Annie E. _ Concord Tn Concord Tn Shiloh Tn Statesville Concord Tn Shiloh Tn Olin Tn Qlin Tn Statesville Statesville Rt|8 Julius Douglas Hiddenite tatesville Statesville Statesville Statesville ‘Statesville PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC OQ <= Mooresville } Mooresville N Statesville N Statesville NC Mooresville NC Stetesville NC Coddle Creek Statesville ! Devidson Tns Statesville NC Fellstoun Tos Mooresville NC Statesville Te locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. oe > cceinen =a naneraereegnemenenneaeneeeeete NAME OF FATHER DS Dougles Caembersburg tn, Guss Gray | Clyde Douglas | | 4S D Sharpe | Peter T Douglas i } i James Douglas | | Devid Dougles | Williem Clark | | Aden Douglass iT J Douglés i Mills Douglas | > jdJemes Douglss i Julius P Dougles | “ ; | stephen ¥Yrezier i | } John ~ouglés | | | Henry GSorner Julius Douglas Joseph B Dougles D Sherpe Douglas Th} Vi M Robinson R Douglas John a Lougj ses Dewey Dougles J M Davis Joshua Miller Statesville NC | Gein Dougles Mooresville N O Ike Douglas J O Steele Dav id Douglas Charles Raymer Dou/ David Douglas Arthur Douglas, Davison Sharp Dougla Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER Martha Reid Della Queen MS Feimster | Zudie Dougles | Ree Alexander i | Bvelyn Gant | Frences Dixon { i | Mary House i | - Parker t i t | Casper Mable iH 4 . iRoss Alexander i | Mergeret Sharpe i Hlizebeth Fulp Mollie Current | Sebecca Little = Sherpe Effie L Holder Alice Halyburton Martha Sherrill Effie Summers Jettie Douglas Mary Penny Sereh Meeughlin Harriett Young Margaret Sharpe Lila Ewell Tula Keever Madora Frazier Thomas © Halyburton [landas Hall ela Mary H. Wilhelm Madora Frazier Thomas C Halyburtory Candace Hall ~ adr. Etta Gray RECORDED 35 Vol. Pages Mery A qalyburton _ 474 uo _278 , 566 _ L190 , 167 , 505 , 271 | 412 25 158 27 266 Mary Alice Halyburt¢ 78 3553 es 14 70 486 170 36 | 4 so ee ene ate semen ne INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. i This Signature oa sheets (nsares their correctness. Tol names, SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSA! oe Latte’ Kcom For Your Protection, Insist Ont. RM TUG Sailer hoot for page references wana U Patent Mo tC Crore le : — ~ ————— rr DATE OF DEATH om . SURNAME OF DECEASED Reconoee — AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1 az 5 i q 7 + 1 “ wn i AS RO Ni ST i RR Tl oe ate ee a | RARER ikea la RE Lm iT 2 Serle eae + en ae . asia ieee oars. 1, | ai } 11929, 5 | Be Strady M iC |Statesville Tn |Thomes Dover Fannie Gibson. 15/608 a bal | | HH Pp 12982 | John Heary M |G |Stetesville Tn |Thomes Dover Fannie Gibson 18/574 Vk jf 42958) |Fennie F (GC |Stetesville fn |Thomas Gibson Amelia Slosn 2) (552 bt iy 1 i : . | ey 11953 4 | Maceo (Mack ) M |C | Statesville NC | Thomas Dover Fannie Gibson 39 | 195 ed fi | | : i | Le | i | ia | ae ee | meee | it ite i i i ue | | | / ne | ae | | ; | ! . Mae) i wine: = | } i { : i ft it i fi Wie | | | mi | ele | , | j | i } i f HT j } { | | | aN | 1949, 3} vearon | Mack Andrews M \ Mooresville NC vam Jeaton Nancy render 351 .§5 } 5 ? . | j | | | | } j | | | Ninna eonsceiniis ofa | t i aa ee ai ime ; paciate ME TORS I. HS eli oe oid ee Sales + Tk —— ee _ — aleremmenaiil dilantin an penn — ne see ne ~ om ip cecindcetnencennpel as oe pee ctl can atenie caster ee, soihiiiennsssianl helisidddii ciate te ~ cena o erate ee encase retell ei acetapaaae eli ve a alt eaaliaiitamenciinnniiel =o iat ee eel i Ni ; ‘ uf Ay be ; 5 i . ; hy ‘i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERS. U. 8. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 AL INDEX No. 1-4 PATE OF DEATH Month | Day ed he 8 po nie 12 17 + 11947; 10 | 11 ea s i i i m e e n n e m n n a i i e e m a m e s Dowdy Dowdy Dowdy t | Dowdy Dowdy Dowdy Dowdy + SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Dock K | Martin Luther Minnie Daniel J ‘Addie Lee Susie Yarolina M. ee a p e t p r e n r e n e e r t r e m m n e r e g e se @ names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NAME OF FATHER John Dowdy James A Dowdy John West R M Brown Joe 2). Hoover Catherine Moore Annie Moore Ethel +entz Unknown Jaroline Eller rlotte, N. ©. 37 ee Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio Sold by Observer Printing House, Cha NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Vol. Page 4 a 1. 445 14; 4917 16, 454 16, 501 31, 512 33, 5117 46 1% i Downs 7 eoleenientiittitinnantie ne po — ae | Margaret — + - 3 ener —4-- _ seme nanenecnnerenmncnenenn te a Statesville NC David Howard > > i aa 7 : ‘meats + Emma Coles 23; 339 re n d me e n s m n m e n a e i p m m n e n m n n e m n e l i - ca p e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. ‘This Signature on sheets insures their correctness. Kew. U8. Pat. om, ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX Neo, 1-4 U.S. Patent No, 1487168—Copyright 1930 Made by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio a" nam @ locate es, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N. C. to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. To locate nasaes, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer COTTCO UNIVERSAL IND: BRP Te loca to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference, ___U.8. Patent No, 1487168 EX i, RECORDED Vol. Page SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN DATE OF DEATH 7 T | Month | Day SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN NAME OF MOTHER PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1926) 12 | 1930, 9. 1938. + an Dowell Dowell Dowell Dowell Dowell Dowell Dowell , John F - Twas A f 14 wewls STrenkliin t ‘None Peerl Wil/ \Mary Alice Ellen Myers i i }Alice Vv |Emmie son Union Grove Tns Statesville NC Mooresville Statesville Ni Statesville Statesville N Statesville N C Frederick White James Prevett iMark Dowell Josiah Dowell Lee Wilson Spencer ?rown Partin Myers Polina Crater Linda Fincannon Zlizabeth Heid Martha Jame Hines ao Madison Drafton | Robert ee Mooresville NC Sylvester. Drafton Mattie Jorden 11) 182 Drake | Mollie Jane G =e ne a e s i e e a i b a t a t a a u a ce r n s aT Be Statesville NC |W | 41929) 7 i210 1933) 12 | 2 t it i e s ti e n an | o~ | > | Susie Sarah George F Turnersburg Tns Turnersburg Tns Richard Downum Wilson Tomlinson Ciarisa Rose Clementine Summers | Florence B Statesville NC George Barsheid Tlizabeth AG Everette B John Clark 2. Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Eli Draughn William Draughan Martin Draughn Ellen Reed Carrie Steele Huley Walker a e a —— Se r e er a l te e n g i e r a a e i e n e —— - 5 ee —s a as ‘This Signature on sheets lagures their correctness. { For Laeee, Erovectine, Insist On It, Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. DATE OF DEATH T | Month } Aron _9 1939 8 | Lande} at3n._.12.1 1937, 1938 L939 | 1940. 1952 9 2 1956, 2 1956 7 1958 3 1960 1 a963 | 1 1963 «8 1965 8 Day 1922 10 /3) | 7 pre 1965 7 20)Drum 2 6 8 13) ¥rum _ 2 Drum (13) Yrum 16) Drum 1 prum siDrum 14% Drum INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL to Buff Sub- Index sheet for page reference. TAB and refer INDEX No, i. COTTCO UNIVERSAL U. 8. Patent No. 1437168—Copyright SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN | | | James W | Julia E | Keziah Ann , Chas Woodrow | Roby Wesley | Martha Stine | Salin Quincy | Thomas Jeffer- Emma Edwards iCharlie Baxter M |Clarence Finand@ M | Charlie Henry Fred A. Grady Wilson Nancy Sex | Color ‘ son Thomas Allen Mary Alice Luc ille A. Clarence PLACE OF DEATH Statesville NC Olin Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Fallstown Tns Statesville NC Statesville NC Mooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville? Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville N C Mooresville ie Statesville Mooresville Statesville John A Cline Gentry Drum Thomas T Drum R_D Stine Joash Drum Thomas Drum T F Drum Perry Edwards Charlie Drum Chafles A Drum Francis Drum John A. Sherrill yf? Abernathy Fred Drum Thos. J Drum Unknown Roy E Drum A A Withers NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER am ee INDEX TO VITAL — COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 U.S. Patent No. 1487168—Copyright 1930 Dolly Julian Minnie Campbell Sarah C Wilkinson Elizabeth Bowman Mary Drum Sarah Wilkinson Lois Smith Sarah Fisher Edwards Yount Ada Joseph Pope Julia Ann Bost Mary Loftin Sallie B. Drum Grace Hartness Beatrice Kale Martha Stines Cora A Drum Daisy Drum Susan Detter vat | Page B| 96 18, 234 21) 402 21, 465 21) 487 23, 449 24, 104 25) 411 £6 501 37 |579 SURNAME OF DECEASED AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN t | i i an t | Billy Titus Whitfield | Rosa Kerr | William A Geary Wayne ’ Lom ~/ y J Blt locat ‘e names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and refer to Buff Sub-Index sheet for page reference. Shiloh Tns Sharpesburg Mooresville Statesville Concord Tns Statesville ~ PLACE OF DEATH iStatesville NC Qn Vv esville N NAME OF FATHER Fred Dry Clarence Dry Neoa M Dry John F Kerr | Daniel u Drye | |Deniel Drye | ! ] Lewrence W. “rye i | i DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. je by The Cott Index Company, Columbus, Ohio nna Printing House, ae. N.C. Nora Fulbright Min Carr Ruth Moser Mary Fleming Lou Eagle [Ludena Hegle yey sy ‘ “Ad / aS Zelma Vye NAME OF MOTHER Virginia Campbell RECORDED Vol. Page 4 461 9, 11 198 14 424 129 o5 pn oe eee one 42 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N.C. Reg. U.8. Pat. Off. ec Sous Prasseeion, Tan On It, —" rts Buff see sheet for page toloreace. we _U.8. Patent No. 14St16e—Copzright iste ant ] SSS DATE OF DEATH oe SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED , ‘sine | ments | Dey AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “g He } J i } - i EO AB Rims x 4 i 1 | | | Ff . | | | 4 |1927| 2 22 | Drummond |Ruth Annie M F_|w | coddle Creek Tn} John A Cook. Dallie Chrisco 13| 93 be : 4 i ? , Ta | Be i ih ei | HI ‘Bi ' F, sl iq i : rt H : 1926, 6 (14]Droeyhair pautus Martin M | W jFallstown Tns Michuel Droeyhair ~ inka | a aa eae e pieidicenii | Besincs + t én evae a i } | / | + a t - } | | | | ] — + 4 $$ nt eee 4 i | | = ' } a —-~ —_—— ——— ene SESS 4 — o———— | | scale cer gis Med eee ee ———-— 4 + ew iss oa a a aa Nk 2 Me i — pe a ] . — iaiediniom icicle es ence nen net Ons ii islllslniibodviinend - sacl il a) kde - 2 = - -——- acelin siniitieaiin em ae neaneenesinlniesehniitidseseel naninisnnsne et el thrall an - ee ee ——E— — ion lanl aia aid Lr all lepine haelnbieieetdinesinienttiinel ee a i a ae ii oi ae 7 lee s ay ™ i A : b eS bereressensnuneenl ns i) 4 a , omer e a ie ‘ 4 a fer i ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. SSRN ti dees nt ant ine te ee Saat OF DEATH | | et oa Be oe AD | Sm Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yoar ’ | \ | | es , . “ . y 1914) 4 2 Duckworth - i W | Davidson Tn | Shuford Duckworth Martha C Pope P (166 jhe | : i } : i 1911 3 |6 | Duckworth JS (Mrs) | F | W | Statesville NC | Daniel Shuford _ Margaret Poston 14 313 | —— i | i i Hl i ant | = j i i i a : : i > if 1918! 4 4 Duckworth Thelma “ope F W | Davidson Tn | G A Duckworth _ Martha Pope i“ 449 eee ] | i q e oa MM i ! 1920 6 5 Duckworth - F W Davidson Tn | G A Duckworth Martha Pope 4 461 i 1926, 7 if | Duckworth Elizabeth C F W | Davidson Tn Shuford A Duckworth! Martha C Pope }12 20? | | 3007) 2.121 | Duckworth Simon Elick M . W | Davidson Tn Elleck Duckworth Wary A Hager 43 ah? ea ar a ic hen de ical 9 1933! 6 10) Duckworth Tommie Wilton M i Davidson Tn S E Duckworth Martha Pope 19 13% ; ‘ ‘i 1934| 2 1 | Duckworth Joe Shuford hi W | Davidson Tn S A Duckworth Martha Pope }20) 94 1937, 4 16/ Duckworth Samuel 0 W ooresville NC} T W Duckworth Willie Armstrong 23 163 a “Ae a ar ts a a a Denny P lio5 «6552 1939| 12 |3 | Duckworth : Mj W} Coddie Creek Th Webb Duckworth aren \ ; gr ve "8 1 Varga lag 2 86 1942!) 6 .30 |Duckwor th John Sidney V. Davidson Tns Simon Duckworth Margaret Hager \28 | ms lag | 1952 & 115 | Dyckworth Maggie Elizabeth F NV | Mooresville i@ Cabe Goodnight Betty Yost 38 lyk I | i r 1%9 8 4 | Duckworth Robert S. MW Mooresville |S B Duckworth Laure B ‘ortner 46,379 i ; : Ww — eee Ai ieee Elizabeth ng 1/45 611 1959' 10 28| Duckworth Claudie A. S. k W | Charlotte John Mce. Stowe lizabeth +ngle 4 “* or | | 5 i | | . a ' } | i j \ " ; t i | \ a + H | i | | 3 } | | | | | = ror | | | ns i | | | | | | ! — +— | | ‘Sa ! e | . | | aan => T } | 19381 6 5 a John William | M | C | Mooresville NC} = D Dubose ! Lavna Rhinehardt 24,171 i e } , vere © 1939| 11 laa Du Bose Ephiam im. co |Statesville No | Aurial Du Bose | Hattie Steal 25; 417 - ’ \i (} W | ; atin {| j ! | _ | | | ii | | 18 He | j } J } * } e Nas ai ‘ i Woe “ awe “ - “. “ we] - “ “4 he Wag a Fs ' 4 a J at, on t- ™“ ; wy hi ae i i te ‘} , i ti { i , ; i er) Fill mer 4 | | babs tt | pa n e pm a n n a s c i p e a —— = A2 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. x INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. a : Sa a g e c e e —— : ea aa y eer i ee NIVERSAL INDEX N 1-4 ocate ames, 0 oa er ade ne Lo ndex Vompany, umbus, ; it » Bonde | Pac teme pe ceee mma sree BGT» locate samen oer ot SURNAME DOTIAL TAB end refer POT TLOATNIY REAL, INDEX Yo Tse, aR TBatnt Mev tunttsmconre toe SAF pen sa EN earns aD Mad bin Oot nde: Company, Galen Ot Ly ee er ———" — _ ms Ree i , 1 i i i DATE OF DEATH | =. ATE OF DEATH SURNAME OF DECEASED | | necoroep | I SURNAME. OF DECEASED | R Se | | THE a Your | Mout | Day ae Gauntan Gat © Go te Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— Your | Month | Day ee | ae ee ee aetna ae Ne ee ee (ot) Po | i Duckworth - | F W | Davidson Tn j Shuford Duckworth Martha C Pope 1 166 hue | 4 1927| 2 22 | Drummond | Ruth Annie M F | W | Coddle Creek Tn} John A Cook } Dallie Chrisco _ 13| 93 24 ‘ 12 ae me | i be | 1917| 3 16 Duckworth JS (Mrs) | F W | Statesville NC} Daniel Shuford Margaret Poston 14 | 373 : 1 + 4 os bi ' } ; 4 | i tei : 1918; 4 |4 7) Duckworth | Thelma + ope | FW | Davidson Tn G A Duckworth Martha Pope [4A | 449 LA 1920/ 6 (3 | Duckworth . F W | Davidson Tn | G A Duckworth Martha Pope 6 461 | fie 5 } { I } ’ he 1926, 10 |9 Duckworth _ Elizabeth C ¥F W Davidson Tn | Shuford A Duckworth! Martha C Pope )12 109 f | | ot — 99291 3 11 | Duckworth Simon Elick MW | Davidson Tn | Elleck Duckworth liary A Hager 231223 eT 1933) 6 10) Duckworth Tommie Wilton MifW Davidson Tn S E Duckworth Martha Pope 19 139 j i | | 1934 2 1 | Duckworth Joe Shuford MoOUW Davidson Tn i S A Duckworth Martha Pove 20 94 1 i i pe 7 os. 1937; 4 16| Duckworth Samuel 0 M W Mooresville NC | T W Duckworth Willie Armstrong 23 163 ii f 1939| 12 |3 | Duckworth - M vi Coddle Creek TW Webb Duckworth Pansy Porch 25 SSé 4 4 Es ee : f “ 1942; 6 30 [Duckworth John Sidney M W (Davidson Tns Simon Duckworth Margaret Sager £0 86 i 1952; 4& {15 Duckworth Maggie Elizabeth F W | Mooresville NQ@ Cabe Goodnight Betty Yost 38 1l9n if | ' : ' 19%9 8 4 | Duckworth Robert 5. M W Mooresville |S E Yuckworth Laura 8 “ortner 45 373 13 1959) 10 28| Duckworth Claudie A. S. F W |Charlotte John Mee Stowe Elizabeth ingle 45 611 i ij | | ‘ 44 | 4 4 i | « | ‘ i | - a | 4 ae | | | | i f a teen | 1926) 6 /1 | | Hi |141 Droe s 1iwh ; | il yhair paucus Martin | W jPallstown Tns Michuel Droeyhair = #2 | 137 wil oe \ | eH | | i fat ¢ 2 4 ht | | | ; + } \ j \ f a | ap =e : | | iT | | } f i i j | ; “— T 4 aa | | } | : ' it | | | | i 1938) 6 | 5 Dubose John William | M. C Mooresville NC} E D Dubose _ Lavna Rhinehardt | 24 La 4 | | j ht . } ; | Ba a ita ad Te Ja 1939| 11 111 Du Bose | Ephiam | uw ic \Statesville Nc | Aurial Du Bose Hattie Steal 25, 417 ot | | | | | | a} | % 7 j | ‘ arr | | j I if t | : . | in i | i ' | { '} —- — _ en ; ah d + 1 sili Nia ie ae _ ~ if dd sia it] ile y ar ‘ si ie \ He) ] 4 si winiieieiieiiAl ai eee bs ke ' | f | i | ef ‘ | | ETS NS “SG saiunsiec gaia Ud Baie eR | i | —- | satin iaiainanstittill nassau ‘i il ill a Sa Se demnsmcieomle el fh } | TN . m a ei iralinienarenneciniatantetiineinemantaal MATER MOOT eT: OL Oh Ae Meme: ahem ies ne Mayes Dice "7 ~ ~ ie | eae eevemenaes x ance he ee re TT te Ltien and aaa ie - , Peres nsrnnene e Y fis | | eri |— oe | a . . i ; s —— ae | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 45 | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. PA Let Set| Pes voeescceoe sro DTT ir ema SUNN pageant en Er a i waa ck a mnrcecwhemower cme I — ee So eee Sex Color | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER }——’ — — = ae ce Sex | cor | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER op i ] 11918) 1 | 28 Dulin | Julia M FW | Statesville NC |L M Miller - Parker 4A) 280 | 5112 20 | Duncan Ida F | Wi Statesville fn | Nosh Turner Rechel Proctor 1 401 u. | | a7e1| 3213 | Dulin Susan Emma | FW Mooresville NC |Alfred Riley | MaTearet Kestler 13. 267 | ee ee fics . | 6 Piiieaaaie Weta ee oe “| 481 rr { | | 1928 2 15/ Dulin Charlie A | - + | Statesville NC ° 2 Miller 14) 368 | “ene Senan ¥ u | ¢|Stotesviize no | tse Duncen Luay Wille 10} 344] | | 11931; 10 31 |} Dulin P P(Mrs) | F W | Statesville NC | John C Lentz Jennie Ghean 17) 441 | 2 6 | Duncen | Alornia F | C]Stetesville Tn | George “ucker Lizzie Maxwell 15; 600 hi | H | 1934 4 15 } Dulin George |_M C | Statesville Tn foe Dulin | Vinie Dulin 1 20 584 | . % e Duncan | Dessie F W | Stetesville NC | Cherles Smith Isabelle Cruise 17) 341 ii ul a 1 | 1949 5 | 28 Duke Mary Ellen _F W Statesville NC John M Duke | Nancy Dowdy 65 205 | __1931 | 12 R27 Duncan | Leura F | WI Stetesville NC | Sim Neighbors Eliza Netherine 17| 476 hi | I H | 1957] 2 | 24 Dulin . | F | 6 [Statesville FG Mary E, Dulin Y 38 1939 | 12 a4 Duncan Lonnie Shank M | wW] Statesville NC| F R Duncan Ida Hoover 25, 415) 1). i i | 1957 3 1 Dulin Sarah Elizabeth F W Mooresville N 4 John W. Dulin ‘Susan Riley 143 103 | _ sez} i 3 [Duncan Gertie F | wiStatesville NC |Jesse G Duncan Mary E Canter 28| 265) jo. : ih t | er eee wea St chee er cals oe | ee ‘ 946 | 2 22 Duncan Noah Alexander |M , W] Statesville NC efayette Duncan Hessie Mesdows 52, 107 ek | i | i a & 21 Dulin Baby Girl F C Statesville | - | Onetta Dulin . 50 234 __ i946 | 12 [13 fpuncen | Lonnie M | W]| Mooresville NC | Thomes Duncen Johnsie Souther 32 443) fi pth) 964 & 20 Dulin Stillborn M C Statesville | - Onetta Dulin 150 237 at | | can | if a 1947 12 |27}Duncan | = F iw Statesville NU] Isaac Privette Vun= Jann Coifey Hartley b3 , 205 fi, L | ae 1950. 6 9,Duncan | Walter R M |W } Statesville NC} John Duncan Laura Nabors 36 296} 4. ; : 7 950 | 12 he Duncan | Joseph Fredrick] M| W |Statesville NC [Joseph R Duncan Martha Weibens 3O 635 hE). Df j | 1953 | 9 +0 Duncan Ralph Lee M |\ pbt-tesville NC | » L Juncan wosie Hartness B9 | 439 ‘| ; . | | ed | . | | oa 91955] 12 l25 Duncan [Luke Alexander [| M | W [Winston Salem ‘toxcoe D. Dungan - Patterson 42) 49 aa | ! | — pee Bap Ramee ios ieee Te tiem | i | _ 41960) 1 |15 Duncan | Avery L. M JW Statesville Yornelius Duncan Yyndia “inton 6 12? ii 1963 7 | 151 Duncan | Annie F | C i Statesville fhump “obertson wher sateeditiatesull i _ ee Hel] | | | | | 1963 11 | 30] Duncan | Wm. Mi W | Statesville theo ‘i Duncan Margaret Crowell 49) 672 it . | | Th ; | __~917 | 2 23 Dunlep |- M | C | Stetesville NC | Andy Dunlep Anne. Dunlep 4, 369 Ht : | : | i927 | 6 4] Dunlep Elle Stinson F | W] Bethany Tn Wm Stinscn Ellen Harris 13 29 Hh | __1931 | 7 23] Dunlep John Crewford M| Wj Betheny Tn Williem A Dunlep Cutherine Crewford 17, 24 ° | 7 | | fies9 | 12 [24] Dunlap - M | C Concord Tn Mason Dunlap Ruth Witherspoon Ht | i om ; | | 1. _J1948| 9 |4 [Dunlap Hubert Harding M W | Statesville NC] Hubert H Dunlap Sr jAnnie Ruth Marlow A. sl 7 mi Sign ote | ; | : | ae NC} James A Dowda Annie Moose 3 | 261 949 | lo | Dunlap e Mj C }Statesville “c }Bllen Dundap kdna Dunlap +! . tatesville NC] John Duke Calarinda Dowdy 16| 334 (1949) 10 |2] Dunlap Robert Lee u | c | Stetes 411e Allen Dunlap. Kane Dunia p Hr | 1959, 2 | £4 Duke ie MieW Barringer Tn G A Duke Naomi Benfiela 25| 5 _p965 | 5 | 24 Dunlap Forest M W] Statesville Wm. A Dunlap Kathryn Crawford 51 301 i _ }1957, 5 | 11) Duke ‘Charles Alexandgr M W Mooresville | Sutler Duke Sava dine tats 143| 209 _ | | {i 958, 8 | 4 Duke Cleo A. FW | Statesville J L Anderson Sarah E Lee ha | 398 | | | 1965) 5 | 18} Duke | Lydia F | W Statesville Charles M Ainswokth Lula Salter 33 285: | | | | | eee tarennee 1965 7 a Duke Sr. | Thomas M W | Statesville George T Duke Joan Taylor 51 | 393 | ; | ~ \ + | } i t - ; ) | --&_ 60} Duninger Leure Selvin F | - |Statesville NC | Semuel Moyberry Seilie Reiding 9; 503 Shi diel | ae is, aa ir : : — e~ i la i d ci n g g i l a a s ee n ar s e i i we n n ae ze : ~ te ro b e s . y 44 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. 7 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. i Aye | Pec Four protection teas Orie BA To toca yuit Subcloden shest for page reference. a Patent No, BTI6tCopaetahe tate os : ce Potent No. 1487168—Copyeight 180 BOTT been Ball Subclnden shot fr pase iformnces Boll by Obeerver Printing Howe, Starlotie, N.C. | j DATE OF DEATH SURNAME. OF DECEASED | THER RECORDED rm OF DEATH | SURNAME OF DECEASED ee ee ae RECORDED i f Month | Day | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ) Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FA | NAME OF MOTHER AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER VoL! Page ¥ ——s , ' , . caicnliaeamaaiiae i i : i ee . , ae | } = 1918) 1 28) Dulin | Julia M | F W | Statesville NC |]L M Miller ~ Parker 4A 280 | Duncan Ide F | ©. A Btsteset ita On | Mosh Turner Rachel Proctor 1/401 } I i | 1 4 | 1927;' 11 | 3 | Dulin _ Susan Emma | F W | Mooresville NC | Alfred Riley Margaret Kestler 13 267 ie Dunean May F | W|Sharpesburg Tn | - Bess Duncen 4 481 ii | ! | i | | $ ho 5 Statesvi N | ~ i - Mi i ) D Hee | 1928 2 15 | Dulin Charlie A _- 7 | Statesville NC | | Miller 14 368 | Duncan James W M | C | Stetesville NC | Isesc Duncen Lucy Wills 10) 544 an } - Y : ee e . one i " 1 + _ | | i : H il 1931; 10 31 | Dulin P P(Mrs) ee Statesville NC | John C Lentz | Jennie Ghean 17) 441 | hoz Duncen | Alornie r| c|stetesville Tn | George Kucker Lizzie Maxwell 15 600 ney | | a | | ey xi c Hy a a wo ok ae any re eee” cn a ‘ Vini i . Sie aedee vat $1934 4 15 | Dulin yeorge MC Statesville Tn Alex Dulin | Vinie Dulin | 20) 584 Duncen | Dessie | wi{Stetesville NC | Cherles Smith lssbelle Cruise 17\ 34) ven | | | 7" | | | A | re 1949 5 28 Duke Mary Ellen F W Statesville NC Mohn M Duke | Nancy Dowdy 65 205 | _f931 Duncen | Leura F | WI Stetesville NC | Sim Neighbors Eliza Netherine 17| 476 ; | ij i een | | : } 1 1 26D i id Z | in ° | aiel 1] | 957 6 Dulin F C Statesville N G Mary E. Dulin (43 38 Duncan iLonnie Shank M | Wi Statesville NC] F R Duncan Ida Hoover 25) 415 | | | — | 1 i | 1957 3 | 1 Dulin Sarah Elizabeth F W Mooresville N C} John W. Dulin ‘Susan Riley 143 103 __fisaz| 2 | 3 founcan hertia 7 iti ciietehs Ue Eteeed 1 tisene Mary E Canter 28 | 265 if | igez 2 29 Dulin Margaret Lo F W Mooresville NC | John W. Dulin Susan Ril | 4 | | Al coon ss sn atts : eee oe ot 946 | 2 |22) Duncan Noeh Alexander |M . Wi] Statesville NC Jefayette Duncan “essie “esdows 32, 107 ff} 1964 4 21 Dulin Baby Girl F C Statesville | - Onetta Dulin : | | i! ie | v | I O23 __ 946 12 |13 jDuncen | Lonnie M W | Mooresville NC | Thomss Duncen Johnsie Souther 32 44m i] Wi poé. 64 20 Dulin Stillborn M C. Statesville | « Onetta Dulin 50 237 can Lite | | | 41947) 12. |27}Duncan | = FF iW otatesville lh Isaac rrivette Vun= Jann Coifey Hartley 33 1 205 ty | "ee | i} 1950 -6 9%,Duncan | Walter R M . W } Statesville NC] John Duncan Laura Nabors 36 296 > 1 ack ip t | > 1 nnran Tnasenh Fre. + At Vv .+ 5 + willie ’ Josep! t Dunca! Mart weloens Jun Oo 7 a Bs | 12 26 Puncan | Joseph F: ick] M WV | Statesville NN )§ R Duncan ir th | 1953 | 9 10] Duncan Ralph Lee M . [St-tesville NC DU L Duncan besie Hartness B9 | 439 i s 1955 12 \25 Duncan |Luke Alexander M | W fWinston Salem ‘toxcoe D. Duman - Patterso! 42) 49 | | | | . s cat 5| Duncan Ral ph MW |Statesville | Jessee Duncan mary. Canter rege | | | 1959) 4 122 Dunc an ia Belle F | W | Statesville - - 45) 601 | 1960 1 15 Duncan 'Avery L. MW Statesville “ornelius Duncan “yndia “inton eo |17 1963 rt 15) Duncan | Annie e C | Statesville Thump “‘obertson Sallie tNobertson 49) 416 | TT | | | | an | i 1963} 11 E Duncan | Wm. Mi) W Statesville theo / Duncan Marrearet Crowell 49| 672 | { 1 | | | RG Sx Grd Fx Bx | ii | | i a | i t : poL? 2 235 | Dunlep |= M | C | Stetesville NC J Andy Dunlep Anne. Dunlap 4, 369 | i] ' | | 0927) 8 nM Dunlep | Elle Stinson F | WI Bethany Tn Wm Stinscn Ellen Harris 15, 29 { | i | | 2 : Se | t | —_fi9s1 | 7 [es | puniep John Crewford Mj W] Betheny Tn Williem A Dunlap Cutherine Crewford 17, 24 | | | | 4 | _f1939| 12 [24] Dunlap ~ fe | CI Concord Tn Mason Dunlap Ruth Witherspoon PS | 146 on | . ~ 1948; 9 |4 [Dunlap Hubert Herding} M | W ]| Statesville NC | Hubert H Dunlap Sr jAnnie Ruth Marlow 34, 361 1916 6 27; Duke Nancy C ae I J | : | 7277 | | 1 el Z | Statesville NC) James A Dowda | Annie Moose 3 261 949 | 10 | 2 Dunlap - u| c |Stetesville ‘c Allen Dunadap kdna Dunlap 35| 3B 1930 2 19] Duke John Clayton | m wi st iol g | | i | | ’ | = 4 ~eatesville NOl John Duke ! Calarinda Dowdy 16; 334 | 11949] 10 |2] Dunlap Robert Lee m | Cc] Stetes 41le Allen Dunlep Hine Dunia p 55/ 5a 1939 2 24) Duke - 0 cn oe “ ‘ | ' M Wi Barrincser Tn G A Duke | Naomi Benfield 25, 5 | L965 | a 27 Dunlap Forest M | Wi} Statesville Wm. A Dunlap Kathryn Crawford 51, 301 11997 5 (11) Duke Char les Alexander M W | Mooresville Sutler Vuke | Sara Jane Eads 43) 209 | | 1 ? +4 — , , tf iD a ‘ | | 1958 8 ‘ uke Cleo A | PF | WwW Statesville J L Anderson Sarah EB Lee 4|398 | $1965 5 18 Duke Lydia iF : pt ed | | y jf WY Statesvilie Charles M Ainsworth Lula Salter 51) 285 | 11965) 7 Duke Sr / Thom ! | i . | as iM+ wis 1) Revseillt tatesville George T Duke Joan Taylor 51) 393 4 Lease a { | ’ ; », : | 4. *- | i | ; | | 4 80] Duninger Leure Selvin F | - | Stetesville NC | Semuel Moyberry Seilie Reading 9, 503 ; f . ie + be om ; 4 em ae . pam nae _ ae eit eae E -- . a —_- ae —_4 fs —: _ INDEX TO VITAL STATIS - DEATHS ~ bedell Coy, N.C _ a Wii2® = =—=———_sINDEX 70 VITAL STATISTICS — DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. Ba OREN RIN COTTCO UNIVERS ck neni Rina COTTCO UNIVERSAL INDEX No. 1-4 =" locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB and ref es Made by The Cott incre Stone oe | j | ie? Reg. U.8. Pat. Off, Tm te ae On It. at oro ae ‘sub Tadex sheet hd page ielereoce. — ead Ente ieee aie ene RENN like ro : a vu oa omen ee —e TENS - - an hh aes cestauen aeane : : SEES eeneeeiatenmen ~ rd —s ——— Ss = mrs = = ; ees a | i i enero * sons vavenrenecrnnesieapwene aeRO . ‘ a - Re ~ a ene RCN ERE NNun Renner ne ar ce a Sacer NS aera sesso — aay . . 7 - ome , om fi " — , | = Sree = RECORDED tT A | SURNAME OF DECEASED RECORDED Sex Color |} PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER . . Yer | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Ser | om PLACE OF DEATH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Al he Yor | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN = IF ONE IS GIVEN Vet | Page hea I j ' piss t . ob septnammminammaniiaees sp RN A IAIN ROCESS SO A SS AER EO NSN NC eh che + eines ec $ ! i | | ie 1919,12 (27) Durhem {Celie Lambert F| Ww Isnerpesburg-Tn |L G Lambert = Shoemaker 6/317 hg18 | 6 e Dyson | Sylvester M.| W | Coddle Creek Ti John Dyson Flossie Pigg 4h 505] aie i) } | ' 4] = ih | | fr ‘ wT 4 ks ' hh 41936) 8 | 30] Durham i= M | W |Fallstowm Tn John E Durham Mabel Stewart 22/172 1923 | 4 | 9} Dyson } = M |W | New Hope Tns Tomas Dyson Ellen Jordon 9} 3 need - 11956; 8 | 30) Durhem |Mebel Stewert F | W |Fellstown Tn Jacob Stewert Fannie Dulin 22/159 n928 | 4 | 8 | Dison t= M |W | Chambersburg TniR S Dison Almedia Shoemaker 14, ..33)-—4s 4 Fl i | ‘ “ ie 11943) 2 1 Durhem itstricia | F | W |Statesville NC | D } Durhsm dr Hlizabeth Setzer 291190 1930 | 3 13} Dyson | Isabelle J F .W | Coddle Creek Tni John Dyso Amanda Panneil } 16) 76) i i i] H Le | i ’ Hi 4 pa ots \Durham William T. M W (Mooresville NC |Thomas Durham Martha C. Durham 47 155 1930, 7 (17 } Dyson , Lonnie Alex M |W | Coddle Creek Ty John Dyson Manda Pennell 16, 86) 1 q if } lI — | | | | 1938 | 7 16 || Dyson | J. Pinkney iM. Ww | agile Mil1s Tns| Perry Dyson Emily Beck 24, 21) .. ti | i i ey il i | | | if | | | ___ 946 | 2,1} Dyson Missouri Pennell|F W |Statesville NC Ir = p2, 74 i i \ } | | | ih | | | | t | 1948 | 11 28 | Vyson | lishie | F Wi polavesvil Le WC Lawson Laws oaraii Lovett J 2 LU 5 i i i i | | —— ‘ | | | | a Bi } i | | ! : " ane tlle | fa Lnow q 449 | j | | , ! ____}949 {10 | 20} Dyson Liles : 7 | | | | | | ; ‘a I. 26 , tt | | 1955 6 4 Dyson i Le \ 1 I a Vy r3 ¢ Y iCKey 4 205 | | | | | — | apa i | ji i fs 1. te Ww tt a <4 a Tahn Valeo iv S pe 45 24 * t ! | , mS n959; 4 21 Dyson Minnie at GAGE reise: adie. ille John Malcoln am pe 2" | | im | | i | i | 96D, 6 14 Dyson Kenny Lynn | M W [Statesville Flake S Yyson Janis baniels 47 293 a Hi \ i I | on | , ie a son Jansas Whit ) 4 35] n 4 | | { 1962; 6 (|18}¥yson enry A. is Bab. esville UR “yson Se ee . - @ | | f cont ; — oa \ | | | | 1964; 11 8|Dison Ellen F Wi Lumberton Harrison Jordan Eliz. Jordon 50 754 j , ' i 1 | ) ; | | ! | : i . | i | i 1 ' \| H | i i 4 4 | | | | ‘ i I 4 i H | | i . . in | | 4 | ; " rs “ | r | ) \ } ted nT i | | aaa 6 7) Duvell | Semuel L M ,| W |Stetesville N° |J B Duvell Elizabeth Gentry ——————— | | tf] : | | ! | 7] | | | a HT { ; | iT i} | 2 fT ; ‘ | i | t 4 i | s | 1 i | | | | i t + ! | Hf } \ ; } | i of | — | | i re _ | | | i ' | i | r{ en | rd lit ee , tl ” ee ; r cil | | | ~_ — wi + besmemcenadilion ; | " ++ ~ ip dice ic ial ; : | | i if | mip epnilial mena } lia 2 me ” wilinseln , — 7 at " = ~ fh. irahnids ieanitadil sinned ieee lel aii - ba —T * a fea ane 4 i } i om ~ + memmenane ral inns nlite hisaasiasannania mf m Li ig — ee “| " nee q tiie incense wannabe ‘ iim et a My We) hie: if % 4