HomeMy WebLinkAboutM.E. Olin Cir. Minutes 1914-1918 Mirrofilmed hy North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History Division of Archives and Manwusrripts Kaleigh,North Carolina LREDELL UOUNTYMETHODISTCHURCH,OLIN CIRCUITQUARTERLYCONFERENCEAUM/TES YEARS:41918PAGES+NOT NUMBEREDFILMED:NOVEMBER,itdREDPANO:1/1CUSTODIAN:MR HOMER KEEVER4DBOSTSTREETSTATESVILLE,MC. A LIST OF THE CHURCHESWHICHATVARIOUSTIMESCONSTITUTEDTHEOLINCIRCUITSTATESVILLEDISTRICT,WESTERNNORTHCAROLINACOVFEREMLEUFTHEMETHODISTCHURCH EAGLE MILLS OLINHOPEWELLPISGAHMALEDONIFSMWCREEKMOSS”CHAPEL TURNERSBUrGMMWUNTBETHEL=-ZIUN OFFICIAL ROLL J -—”=Quarterly Confive nce Roll of Members Jor the year 101.3 i -Cf.<c C ChargeRaa " SMa Cz 14 (Ky istrict,Chke tGe.22...Ll AE ;Conference. y KL hhc 41ony rot.-ASSt. ES OFFICIAL fer Qn.|200R.|300k.|aTw OR.|SPECIAL |SPECIALya.RELATIONS 4cote’O27 DATE DATE DATE DATE PATE |pate soaotkwrt bh.Fo GUd>TN),b+40r¢EXPLANATION (hk).9 COsxLA heleVln,We peasirs,providing for sixteen Quarterly ,2 “i .:Le (1 4idedblanksforOfficialRoll,Four Min-Z o Y Ks cL ERGreaddedspecialblanksforrecordingTrus-af”Y &C}an adjourned session of the fourth Quarterly ;ath uy ax?as la 2-2,this record may work out as it is planned,it is ya Fas Le,‘ae ‘f :af,Z t.aoe a.y,When beginning the use of a new book,shall q )t]ly Cc *Pe ME OPtplace.If it be a first Quarterly Conferenc: |Supplement blank in the book should be used:LY.“th Fae e A -a-tor a second,third,or fourth Quarterly Confer-ff Ay ke ¢4s IrfourthMinuteblankshouldbeused.The first );ra 2-¢-¢used for any other than a first Quarterly Con-“i €Le rConference,etc.Yt,eeeTHEPUBLISHERS,lv TF”fe.oryLU"lb,OEEFkdyaha Je yY fh Guat CLro 7 V “7 VA LAS vp #o ca;Jorg ey oe a ie A’Yo Le 1/| LA second Ouarterly bicr+eh hin,A tes SL Cc os Yollos, ?,(en, / SLL,nik A Te f Wa Co #0?or, LL Wr tecerers tH.CHG . 4 fAe+4 eh 2 /Fo ti ff i ln lwOlt w (3 Catia ¢..eSis o Le) slbevelf~ Ap th dec OFFICIAL ROLL /fs IT (\}CA be €f "4 tea e. District,(#Lig Ce.ke 4]C.held -Ah &3.Litas.P.( 2D QR os wececccece Ch arge, at “Conference. puttes |£8 the chatr. Asst. we>mber S were present:Ist QR.30QR.4TH QR.|SPECIAL|SPECIAL »OFFICIAL RELATIONS DATE DATE DATE DATE \ DATE DATE |i|UW Vou.|Ay,UU flaMhNh.M044: k Ny FHL OC? fa d i.CAE Bodine be ni.Is there writtenshi Paragraph go.) Ques.2.What statist Local preachers Removals by death and othe baptized /Zz Indebtedness,gfU4t ttt c hurch proper ly,$ Par sonages damaged or sld ci Premi Missionary me cary ted,pH ¥ Leagues)na or fon e¢ special,$ 5JromLeagues,$ all departments 4 o§ classes Amount 4 aised for (OTE.—The ni valsealle~a.’a in the mSessionfollowing. time _.We a£774 After Mee 0.Kbrilhe., ‘7+ rt¢ have WISE iVumbey of Churches in charge_——_ \eis parsonages Total for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2 Members Amount raised League Anniversary Day,$ Members in Home Depariment Number of Wesley Bible Classes missions, question indicated for the first, MINUTES Quarterly Conference for the cur rent year,LILY. Charge,Lain Conference,he District,ro JZ. SAIC zs wT a ¥7«doe See ee 7. conducted by Ls ’ The and the following ?elig tous servtce $5 ~~was elected Secretary.roll was called, FL, , ~ Church? al report from the preacher in charge on the general slate of the (See Discipline ofog been (See Suppleme nt 1 reported to the Annual Conference? STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 Additions on profession of faith 2 7 Present total member ship GY Y ? 7 Zz: E-xpendedfor churches and parsonages, the Infants certificale and otherwise Value, Additions by Adults baptized J s7see e°Number of church buildings 0Indebtedness,$Value of other~gosd3 Churches damaged or destroyed ¢ Tusuranc € of members shY ore‘ali“e, am Amount of damage,$Loss collected,$destroyed ay o .,.Nusnber Woman's Missionary Societies...Number ae aGeneralorgan ae gan TICAL REPORT NO.2 um paid,$2.0 collected,$4 Church papers taken:ney s STATIS Amount raised for missions,asse ssment,$Amount raised for MISSIONS, Amount raised for other objects,$Total ”Number of officers and teachers i r E-nvroliment in ¥Number of Sunday schools Children on Cradle Roll Number of tr aining Number of pupils received into Church .ing year..Z de sal.” questions embraced within the respective but unanswerable at that session, assessment,&Amount raised for missions,special,Amount raised on brackets are to beinindicatethesessionatwhichthe may be called at the ir second,or third Quarterly Conference, .rae,v {,,-r ,Z for Sunday school supplies,$44 tS.for other objects—2.e.: om Sunday schools,§7 0 FEL e&reported,Net total of Table No,2 ‘and2 (carry to Table No.2).$i),4 STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3 a?.;‘ee 1 Fo 8Ased,$7 ¥Paid,$7 Church exten,assessm..j &«.*=y7e best =SPec tal... ‘sessed,$ American Bible Society |Education | | |StGrendel ‘«|General Cons.expenses, |For For For Objects not else where reported...G 2 ‘G 2 )7 Total from Table No.2 Grand total for the year o GF?:-:€stewards for the support of the preacher in charge (and his tflo Y ¢oFthsq>)the Bede tus .oathischargebythedistrictstewards?For presiding elder,$ shops’Fund,$Church extension assessment,$Church ex- e <‘aimant AenceclaimaniLducation,§$General Conference expenses, Home and Conference missions,$Special for missions,$ erannuale Endowment und,$. Q_— One Fla 1 Cha lead,I‘Wve «urch lay leader and th low ,i "Ss 7vdyandthefollowingcommitteesbeeneletedforeachChurch?(a)Lay leader(6)A Missionary Commits 5 :)fissionary Committe,(¢)An Evangelistic CommitteeAndwhataretheirreports?fe vive ze 1 wnillce (d)A Social Service ¢‘committee a a eLtbka,>(eh GE oe YL ‘¢at Cs cX*4 (See Supplement.)Ques.6.Hlas a Miss ri p 1a ¢y (ues.6.Si Ssionary Con »be ppot ver /t ‘c ocen appointed in every Sunday si hool,and does every school observe a monthlyVissionaryDay? a Ques.>How i F ‘ ,7 |: %:we many copi f the r °Org : y copies of the Conferenc organ and of the general organ are taken,and what has been done to in-crease their circulation?,‘culation General organ Conference organ luce ©yVues.8.Who are appointed 7 7haed19examine Church revistters and Sof onfurcnregistersandrecordsofChurch(onferences and reportat the nert QOuar-te los a of~~rem }j.fer(y\C onference whether they have been faithfully kept?)/VY :‘~{v Total from Sunday schools Ques.9.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let the preacher in charge make a written report.See Disci- pline of 1914)(See Supplement.) Ques.10.Have the General Rules been read? Ques,11.Are there Church registers and records of Church Conferences for cach Church in this charge,and have they been faithfully kept? Ques.12.Is there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Society?(See Supplement.) Ques.13.What is the report of the Sunday School Advisory Committee?(See Supplement.) Ques.14.Who are the trustees of Church property? 44 Ques.15.Are there reports from the trustees,and what do they show in answer to the Jollowing questions:(1)What isthenumberofchurchesandparsonages,and what has been ea pended on the same during the yer?(2)What is the value ofthesame?(3)What amount of insurance is carried on chur hes,parsonages,and schools?(4)What amount has been paidimpremiums?(5)What amount of losses,ifany,has occurred,and what amount has been collected thereon?(6)Do thedeedscontainthetrustclauseintheDiscipline?(7)Where are the title papers kepi?(8)Whereare they recorded?(Giveoffice,book,and page.)(Special form is provided for this report in Supplement.)Ques,16.How many societies are there which do not own houses of worship?Ques.17.Who are elected stewards for the ensuing year? ¥ Ques.18.Whois elected Recording Steward? Ques.19.Who is elected District Steward? Ques,20.Who are elected Sunday School superintendents? Ques.21,Who are elected Sunday School Advisory Commitiee? Ques,22.Who ts elected Charge Lay Leader,and who have been elected Church Lay Leaders?(in stations the charge Lay Leaders should act as Church Lay Leaders.) vistry,and how has it been applied: iding elder and the preacher S.J Orph Reliz S of f OF Sunday school:Birthday offer v. “c Ahildre n’s Day . Superannuate Endowment Fund Other purbose 4 \\ ;i he Qi Og,0-264 ion Se Kallas ck kKcy os ¢ \UL AY J iL U/Ose rlo-Lees my eae |toYOwes tec Th °(er :ens JleeyN4WwMalklorhbiUlcteLYMW ‘Leet£lt 9 Pe onl (trre le2 te Fer thee2rH ‘read and apptoved,and the Conference at journed, \&a r/Aaf res iding Elder; fe CETAN Ot"Ce/.3 de ng/seipcbary. shguyd be taken thalnoiiem be reportedmoreAhan¢once i Sleward. MINUTES Quarterly Conference for t Te es CC 5 Di strii #tgwasheldat P.£.,in the.chatr. ‘i-¢Xv tl. members were present: 4 hd ¥ conducted by elected Secretary. ca /A<{ LL } ape0 Ss h thd A un repor Le Z io the An»M uf Cy afore? STATISTICAL REPORT NO 1 Missionary mon lotal for 7 LAR special,$ Jrom Leagues,$Num ll depariments Membe classes during 2» Imoun?+Che numerals in th t whi nt ‘i n tl ‘ve brackets are toAnyquestionindicatedforthe>a,or thi }i ,i '‘Sout n tu 1sWe le ¢ay be Calledattheonfoilowing Amount raised for Sunday school supplies,§for other objects—i.e.: $s Total from Sunday schools,$Total from Sunday school Less amount elsewhere reported,§Net total of Table No.2,¢. Total from Tables Nos.1 and 2 (carry to Table No,3),$ STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3 Assessed,$Paid,$Church exten.as sessm,.Assessed,$Paid,$. Special,. Education American Bible Society General Cons.expenses, For J For For 7Objectsnotelsewhere reported... Total from Table No.2 Grand total for the year.......:unt has been estimated by the board of stewards for the support of the preacher in charge (and hishi:A<cg L Aa 4 2 "hy ,hae he rots of #Pp . What amount has been apportioned to this charge by the dist»tcl slewards?For presiding elder,$im 8...Dh?:».Py =/ish °K 7bibleSociety,$Bishops Fund,$Church extension assessment,$Church ex-shecial.&‘onference clai ,:;$ pecial,Conference claimants,$Education,$General Conference earpenses}.ie ;¢P.-.“oretgn missions,$flome and Conference m rsstons,$Special for missions,$—’‘rinting Minutes,$Saperannuate Endowment Fund,$. pe aot)\ Mw#Wues.§.Have a Church lay leader and the following committees been elected for each Church?(a)Lay leader(6)A Missionar ¥Committee ©)An Evangelistic Committee (@)A Social Service CommitteeAndwhatarethetreports? (Se Si fe )See upplement.Ques.6,F as Wission ae ppoi j y rve m fas ai Jissio ary Commitice been a pointed in every Sunday School,and a0es every hool observ,z Mo uthly G 7 s ve ¢Missionary Da V Ques.7.How man ¥copies of the Confer ENCE O rganand of the general organ are laken,and what has been done to in-crease their circulation?(eneral or Z ‘:J-?. lation:?ai organ.Conference organ a i e “Ee L t .“yf é + es ~ »yWhoareappointedtoexamineChurchregistersandrecord. Ques,8& y sSsOf¢hurch Conferences and reportat the next Ouar-terJy Conference whether they have been fai fully he f «t V'C ee .>“; :J tte.kf ;; 7 Lb W je 2a YYW watKKH¢-iL 82lat J jy f%4 fats ze Oues.9. 4plineof1914)...>J J se we J 4 i 4 D,2oxa/a aeQues.10.Have the General Rules been read?d..dhgfe Aagd—4 Z Cg What are we doin g for the cause of education?(Let the preacher in charge make a written»eport,See Disci- (See Supplement.) Ques,71.Are there Church registers and records of Church -Conferenc es Jor cach Church in this ¢harge,and have they<j /f 7beenfaithfullyeel?os A ae m x x Ques.12.1s there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Sock:‘ly?(See Supplement.) Ques.13.What is the report of the Sunday School Advisory Committee?(See Supplement.) yQues.44.Who are the trustees of Church property?f j A.7 ,x ¥ r Ques.15.Are there reports from the trustees,and what do they show in answer to the Jollowing questions:the number of churches and parsonages,and what has been e tpended on the same during the year?the same?(3)What amount of insurance is carri.don churches,parsonages,and schools?in premiums?deeds contain the trust clause in the Dis.ipline?(7)Whereare the title papers kept?office,book,and page.)(Special form is provided for this report in Supplement.)Ques.16.How many societies are there which do not own houses of worship?Ques.17.Whoare elected stewards for the ensuing year?ae WML, Ques.18.Whois elected Recording Steward ’>j 7 ;Slewara:Ques,19.Who is elected Di i ,:i)la ine tihaiaQues.eof Who are elected Sunday School superinidndenfs?. f a .—~oo \e\, Ques,21,Who are elected Sunday J ” Ques.22.Whois elected Charge Lay Leader, Lay Léaders should act as Church Lay Leaders “4F :;Ye J he a >,¥ A (1)What is(2)What ts the value of(4)What amount has 6een paid(5)What amount of losses,if any,has occurred,and what amount has been collected thereon?(6)Do the(8)Where are they+ecorded?(Give Ls AFo a0 < A Ques,23.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applied?(Lettheanswertothisquestionembraceonlythesumraisedandpaidonthe,claims of the presiging elder andthe preachers.)=a ET med eth py 2!|pany 67.74 Pet Witt.410.leefax.ne Lhe ,8.9"Bitte.Mitte 1 ceGALdtmet«gj a?KA XAMMA”One 24.What has been raised the present quarter for other obsects?* America hible Society Ep.League:Missions Orphanage Paice ‘ai "”Other objects ‘<.Printing Minutes.»repatring,or furnisn-churches..General Conference expense Relief of poorpairing,or furnish-parsonage ee Hospitals ;Sunday school:Birthday offere. vlension:Assessment Incidental expenses Children’s Day. Special .Insurance ..Ciel Missions... nference claimants cvecke Missions:Foreign bisa s wel oan eis Supplies.. E-ducation....Home and Conf Superannuale Endowment Fund fe Pati .=Special...:Other purposesNicGirewyue.LE M7 r f ,,"hy bar -°..Oues.25.What has been contr thuted on Epworth League Anniversary Day?$ Ques.26,Ts there any mis;ellaneous business?1.Appeals 20 Complaints yA ? District Conference(a)xeof Delegates Z FA focet _a KX).f#eu LA. (4)mmendations forliceconsefo Breacft Uke On pate ce Ca Epworth Leagues:¢onfirmation Sindee nts of Senior Leagues a gE-vhorters:-.c -(@)Ipplic ation for license sa st oo C (4)Reports of exhorters L ‘ake fi a (©)Renewal of license 4 0 Trustees:Vacancies in boards to be filled a di Vi 2777LR;Other miscellaneous business M4 «ef) KHt net Aos aTheMinuteswerereadandapproved,and the er rence —s ne d. Ue we U fib oe Presiding Elder; 6Jf—-g 4 baéHP?“Recor ding Steward,EOE)Secfetary.Jong.a &ign.oe*NoTr.-Care should be taken that nhitom be reported more than once. Ques.27.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held? Le hi (7-4 f The Be ofl was held tn the le Uw members wereA) ee 4A ) 7 |MINUTES Quarterly Conference for the current year,1914.9 73 ~ Chagee,SLA‘Te daniths District,(Ustat Al Conference, aoe 24 tt ee Liliterr 7 4chatr.After a.shrrkces,cohducted by ZT a ; Aisa re Mh on He Ieee CO .=#EeationKAL«9 e ,O ts O74 ie: was elected Secretary.The roll was called,and the Sollowing 58" Onn Question 7.Ts 974,Paragraph Oue 5.2. Local pre Removals b carried,$ Leagues Spe ‘cial,$ classes "NOTE The burcalled.Any questisessionfollowing. 4 Liescial a <jachers.PAI PA ——thdditions on profession of faith On baptized /t Indebtedness,$Y ,°AChurchproperty,$f 9 4.”Expended for churches and parsonages,$ Parsonages damaged or destroyed from Leagues,$8 Number of Sunday schools all departments \Amount raised forr_missions,assessment,s there a written —~ort from the preacher in charge on the general state PD the Church?(See Discipline of 90.)Oo Q a)Pe ces “)}(See Supptement \Q /What statistics have been reported to the Annyal Conference? STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 <Additions by certificaie and otherwise = Wi Ah}Present total membershipL}Ux Adults baptized aa Infants-,,J @NumberofChurchesincharge...Number af church buildings...Value,$ vy death and otherwise.é4 Number of parsonages....Value,$Indebledness,$Value of otherarLe Churches damaged or destroyed Amount of damage,$Loss collected,$/nsurance Premium paid,$Number Woman's Missionary Societies Number of members Missionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ....+Conference organ Total for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2),$ —STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Members -Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions, Amount raised League Anniversary Day,$Amount raisedforother objects,8 Total Number of officers and teachers Enrollment in Children on Cradle Roil..Numberof trainingMembersinHomeDepartment Numbcr of Wesley Bible Classes Number of pupils received into Church dur ing year. _Amount raised for missions,special,$Amount raised on nerals in the.marvin‘tadle ite the session at which _the questions embraced within the re spective brackets|are to beonindicatedforthefirst,second,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at that se ssion,may be cal)at the ;‘ ,Oo See Dis d jor Sunday school supplies,how other objects Ques.9.What are we doing for the cause of education reporl,.Disei ,/folal from Sunday schools pline of 1944)(See Supplement) *;DosVellolalofTableNo,+,&Oues,10,Tlave the General Kules been vead?F :( (ditd »ti v¥fo Table No,da Ques,44,clre there Church registersandrecor ds of Church Conferences MERPORT me cach Church in this chargpe,and have thes .od :4 ;} been faithfully Aecpl?.)/ Church cvten , |A ducation Ques,14,1s there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Soctety (See Supplement.) |Imevican Bible Soctely Oues.43.What is the veport of the Sunday School Advisory Committe See Supplement ) OF,ORPOCHACS Cues,14,Who arg the Lrusteen vf Church properts Ours,15.Ave there veports from the trustees,and what do they show in ans ”lo the following questions:ly What és the number of churches and parsonages,and what has been expended on the same durin he year cS (2)H nas ts the value of the same?(34)What amount of insurance ts carried on churches,parsonages,and schools?(4)i hat amount has been patd in premiums?(4)What amount af losses,i/any,hat accurred,and fe had amoutl has been cotlected thet ear (6 )La the deeds contain the trust clause in the Discipline?(x)Whereare the tille papers heft?(8)Where ave they recorded Office,book,and page)(Special form ts provided for this veportin Supplement ) (rand lotal for the year Oues,16,Slow many societics ave there which do not own houses of worship 5 /‘‘0 he ensuing year?wards for the support of the preacher in char e:(and his Ques.47.Whoare elected he wapds for th wing 9 where veported fotal from Table No,a (Or tt ; “ar ;F this char by the district stewards?Por presiding elder,8 hops’lund,#Church extension assessment,&Church ea Siducation,3 General Conference ¢tfPenses, enfervrence misstons,&weial Jor mission waperamuale lndewment pu nid,é Oues.18,Whois elected Recording Stew Ones,10.Who is elected District St committees been Ones,20.Who ave elected Sunday School superintendeytelectedforcachChurch?(a)Lay leades .6 4 j‘, Social Service Commitles '4/Want ” vangelishe Committee (ft)A j é (See Supplement.)/lasa Missionays sry t hhesiw ty j 7 Sunday school,and does every school observe a monthlyF /ee,Che,%‘ ,di |flow many ¢pies of the Conference ov gan and of the pedeval ovean ave faken,andawhat has beg dune to in Oues,24,Who ave elected Sunday Scho Cast their civcu/al Crtherad «+an Conference organ Oues,aa,Whois elected Chavge Tay Leader,and who hate be d ‘vy de /the charge pislers and vreaprdé i onferengesandvepertatthe newt Onar Oues Who are appointed lo examine Church ve Lay Leaders should acl as Church Lay Leaders.) «ferly Conferens¢a hether they have been faithfully hepl? ./ }4 )‘}; Ques.23.What amount has been raisedthe prese oO r for the support of the mini‘stry,and how hasit been applicd?(Letembraceonlythesumraisedlionudpaidonthegaimsofthepresidingoeangthepreachers.)oP oiciaal Riise te bs SAA bbe thir a.a.2 9 ram C7 2:asMoyteoy4020VirtdDoves«ci LP.14%«?sy ‘POY 3 featet 7 ?2 PB rtt 3 z0Wellgo enl guawWler for other objects? Orphanage.alawheves Other obj,y Printing Minutes..<<;canals the an ,,2 Ep,league:Mission Keneeeewan JNerval Conference enSE...ReliefSof p 07 Sunday school:Birthday offer "fs y Children’s Day. “=e Wissions . /fome and Con/Fd Superannuate Endowme nl FundMMs.Other purposes Daten.../ been contributed on Epworth League Annives sary Day?§ “laneous business? diet é. f exhorters Of license Ss Vacancies in boards to be filled a c .aa aesos tainas SA.2.Mia LongLbe.2 vA oy San.CALLE Dn aActoaTf4gateeef{ f- »~~ 3 5 5<P 3iF Sues,27;Where shallth oul aH r //e next Quarteriy Conferencebe held?»SS eee AtvTheMinuteswerereadandapprored,and the Conference adjourned.Jf?-/1» Mw.:Zz £€2 eret Presiding Elder, Li/}oe a a LLe U C “dh c Cx ge e A =2 Re ording .Slewar a. ¢ea L4 AU &re <«St wmetary.s a a 5 »fF 4 s*Norse.—Care bhowle 1 be taken that no item be reported more than once.5 Es (“i - 1 poont pe Ce Yuted Pe es 7 «OM au € f ‘pe /aoe=Af es —~WeA —Se fle,©¢€ef f tee[otdthens ~ipa celle .Lk 3 ee “Vb te ie ae iho vetlsty =f Lil,f oF—Lc ofp bY,‘aG-es 5 | Vt ye een al otis on for V/.Ae Cen?2 Fire uae ee %"a /fFte Kore Zerll hep i Fehal veeleCL,as Ce workChard*,H A V7 ,a OW fe . MY.7,[0 Oe Chom, J Ce lo “24 €a.pas my fA is 2h or oo CT |a —.£2 ae Corgeney i vA XfCtsPVOCFincall ee he br lel ovr isa Sa ? PE Eiet ane £0 To pn A a ; 7 biiche ts!0...P Ron chon- ;a..Pa ps is o 2 aes fre ce,Ciclo Da ey —Z wy 2 | /‘“~-2-JL4 ge AAm,or ch ‘ ye Ot.A Cho -z Jor Cots.CLaeix 4 Agee. C11 ea.~\fra — p 7 fllViclby, dl MINUTES The.a fp baad -we was held at eeeaad Carica P.£E.,tn the chair.After religious lv)Lg ld art on -.was elected Secretary.The members were present: Matoon 4 POU Question 1,Ts there a written report from the preacher Local preachers Removals by death and otherwise Number of Churches in chargebapli:ed Indebtedness,$Number of Church property,$Lapended jParsonagesdamazsdordestroyed Missionary \,Tolal for @ No.1 (carry forward Leagues Members special,8 from Leagues,$Number of Sunday schools all depariments classes.Number of Wesley Bible Classes Amount raised for missions,assessment,$ *NoTE The numerals in the margin indicate the s¢ called,session following AAT24 Service Ss, 1914,Paragr %90.)f 43 .hehe (Ques.2,What statistics have been reported to the Annual Conference? STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 Present total membership ,Amowgit of &pma;BP $ByEP collected,${; carried,$Premium paid Nay man’s i bein Societies ‘~Church papers faken:General organ ; fo table No.2),$ STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Amount raised for missions,assessment,$ Amount raised League Anniversary Day,$ Members in Tame Depariment Amount raised for missions,special, ssion at which the question Any question indicated for the first,second,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at thet session,may h? Quarterly Conference for the current year,LIL MM Fm ‘District,4 ha ;a Conference, 1919—,VL datos roll was called,and the Sollowing conducted oy itz in charge on the general state of the Church?(Sce Disc ipline of ff ,aff,..i peAe {See Supplement.)qq Additions on profession of faith Additions by certificate and otherwise Adults baptized a Lnfants Vense MP —"gad pp Bokeh de stroyed. Npembert/chure buildings insurance Number of members Conference organ feAD ae eoo<WP WUMGS Amount raised for missions, Amount raised for other objects,$Total Number of officers and teachers Enroliment in Children on Cradle Roll Number of training Number of pupils received into Church during year. Amount raised on s embraced within the respective bracks $are to be .alled at the “Amount raised for Sunday school supplies,$For other objects—t.é.: Total from Sunday schools,§Total from Sunday school Less amount elsewhere reported,§Net total of Table No,2,$ Total from Tables Nos.1 and 2 (carry to Table No,3),$ STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3 c uA Assessed,$Paid,$Church exten.asséssm,.Assessed,$ special,° Education American ible Society General (“ry vpenses. . For For For Objects not elsedhere reportodee Total from Table Grand total for the What amount has been estimated by the board of stewards for the ait of the pane in charge (andhis current year? a ls aWhatamounthasbeenapportionedtothischarge by the district stewards?For presiding elder,$ Bishops’Fund,$Church extension assessment,$Church er Conference claimants,§$Education,$General Conference expenses, Foreign missions,$Flome and Conference missions,$Special for missions,$... Printing Minutes,$Superannuaie Endowment Fund,$f La 5 Yi Fr Ques.5.Have a Ch lay é ,;itteg@ been elected for each Church?”(a)Lay leader. (4)A Missionary Committee (d)A Social Service Committee --f ‘And what are their repor yoo :(See S lement.) Ques.6.Has a Missionary ¢epicteebeen ap,rm ev p‘y Sunday AS does every sé rnobservé a Amenthly-M_UTA_A i “st :ee f U A ;Selene Day?}-:i.r=cel Ques.7.How many topies of tite aference ee he :me ane has ove n done to in-ot crease their.circulation£..Ce onference organ ee&J EL SIR, a acontin en<r’>°ry\.:Ques,3G Ae are ointed to examine Church registers and records of Church Conferences and reportat the next Quar- ™, terly Conference whether they have been faithfully kept? P 7 ,re a cortite An Se Pierd.Ques.9.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let the preacher in charge make a written report,See Diset }oe aea ,oe ~ue 4 >pline of 19/4)Sor he j a ©tcct é bak -(See Supplement.) Ques.10.Have the General Rules been read?a CaN Oues.11.Are there Church registers and records of Church Conferences for each Church in this charge,and have they fae ,2 A|deen faithfully kepl Ques.12.Is there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Soc tely?(See Supplement.)ju o H, Ques.13.What is the report of the Sunday Si hool Advisory ¢gee co?(See Supplement.);-Me Ques.14.Who are the trustees of Church property ate Mfpdammentt-7? Ques.15.Are there reports from the trustees,and what do-they show in answer to the follow ine questions:(7)What ts the number of churches and parsonages,and what has been eé vpend don the same dus ing the year?i.(2)Wha -_thet alue:of the same?(Gi)“‘hat amount of insurance is carried on churches,parsonages,and S¢hools?(4)What onene has be ua fom in premiums?(5)What amount of losses,if any,has occurred,and what amount has been collected thereon if ),0 the deeds contain the trust clause in the ise ipline?(7)Where are the title papers kepl?idee Wherg are they 1s ecorde (Give office,book,and page.)(Special form is provided for this repo rt in Supplement.)/«© Oues.16.How many societies are there which do not own houses of wor ship? Ques.17.Whoareselected stewards for the ensuing year?Uy (<7? 7° Ques.18.Who is elected Recording Steward? Ques.19.Who is elec ted District Steward? Ques.20.Who are elected Sunday School supert tftWeftes atemen toe.Fi KAYaidesOrt-i+7Quekot.°"ho areCa FheSchool Advisory Committee ie é 2 Ss re r na b el.{hur ty c ¢(/n stations the charge ues,2 Who ¢.have been elecled CAUu th Lay Leaders!s g Ones,.OTS elected Cha rge Lay lL Leade:,ana &tho have ve cle 3 hd C4 Onn a Lay Leaders should act as Church Lay Leaders.)o2)..c VU Oues,2}.Wh vd amor has been raised the present quarter for the api ort of the ministry,andhow hasclaimsofthepresidingelderandtheanswerto|ton embrace only the sum ratsed ani 1 paid on thi ae oe 290.tmestea #**Mehe Well 293 Qleer 32 bI-Mha.dene TO.jutpth b 7?Lovwrrvacty P22 LV draw UehZ7d?nvatsed the present quarter for other objects am Ep.League:Missions "”Other General Conference expense flospitals Incidental expenses insurance Wissions:Foreign... Hlome and Con/.. Special... nee ty Oe SeWhat has been conts thuted on Lipworth league 6,Is there any miscellaneous business? mplaints »omZ lrict Conference: (a)Election of Delegates ommendations for license to preach ‘pworth Leagues:Confirmation of Pre sidents of Senior Leaguesf:XHhOVlCV S$; (4)Applic ation for license 6)Reports of exhorters Je a (¢)Renewal of license Lp Ad £2 6.Trustees:Vacancies in boards to b A2-24 [tie@ 2 Other mise ca ous a SSSeaigShiN11then 7kd)a zee June “fw .Abagabid.sa nd all ngul Duaphor'y aa be held?__+a ©TIS ne (Anrenrce Kl aL lace a. Anniversary Day? SAAW 17 2° Orphanage Printing Minutes Relief of poor Sunday school:Birthday offe w£. -”Children’s Day. Missions si Supplies.. Superannuate Endowment Fund Other purposes 2> LaelCrtrea Ld gs GA ee“Vy ie fi Gosden sy!KJ iut4t-a id W KEKetionSf C.4VHOK ug CcA,tA |eadwrRecording Steward.Seesefetary. *NotR.~-Care hes be taken that no item be reported more than once. it been applied?(1 the preachers.) bn ld cr Vaan eee tT In Go A444 ==> erefry}and approved,and the —rence —ned, Presiding Elders TRUSTEE’S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 191 Wee tite INSURANCE Station or Circuit AMOUNT EXPENDED PREMIUMS PAID Loss (L200 |400 |1($toO VA Ce |area 209°)yoo 2°yo 2:f eee 12°Guvre fe «bli deo //§-0?"!|p bbb)dub 15 hryeePnicteClan, nbd Maite “«7 4 : yu LAA L.l Ses.= tftp COLLECTED 7 Churches /Parsonages A Schools LO ..TotatsZ So Cees Kove Deeds to the following contain the trust claus: a ae ~u o” meee tht nth}As Z otthan’Ue ollowing have tobthe thw lange:Pa;ch.J glafHethck Vnarus Hops KO d acd — é an The litle papers are kept heed Ath BOOK PAGED.07 |.7.0Me 2 A/a - 7 643 OFFICE The titles ave recorded:A aC14 nre-R ah atinrth,re [Note One s Ques The MINUTES OF ADJOURNED SESSION Fourth Ouarterly Conference for the curvent vear i /‘tS sii ies y- _to complete answers to Questions hf. Conference,was held a ,in the chair and acting as Secretar-t-pe <9 Ld the following members were enrolled as present Y ~eee ‘Lv ave zt ,ae f ~--—4 tien report from preacher in charge on g reneral state of the Church?.(See Supplement ) nal)amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of ‘the ministry,and how has it been pa f ts been ratsed the present guarter for other objegs ? Lp.League:Missignsy.g Orphanage Printing /%.Other pacts...¢‘ Beliefef poorf General Conferencd qr pense.4; ~ Hospitals ..%.iia Sunday school:Birthday offer zg. Children’s Day.ension:Assessment Incidental expenses.4. Insurance Missions . Misstods:Foreign ...%&--A ‘™Supplies:ives > A "Home and Con)... jdnniversary Day.“Speci Other purposesSS.eee ener »4 ;er a ‘¥ eo ‘ee”7 ,L A got?€C f...J cai oop ,£¢v v £Casafk....44 act(e-z >cldimants Superannuate Endowment Fund r -5kKCMTAYT..Cat If the above figures reprogent the whole year,state the fact here;Yes pr no? A ft Ow be yp?‘1 T4tprpts :‘ 214.Ae G5 *(oda LUG (Seé Supplementivmp (See Supplement 4 ;‘;>“e bs . Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. (See Supplement , Recording Steward. Secretary.CwyRaczyerrOESefOFFICIAL ROLL Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 191 J4 /&ju hacecl ¥District,i Vl wer ist QR.20 QR. _Charge, Conference. PC,a j Z <Asst. 3DQR.|4TH QR.|SPECIAL|SPECIAL OFFICIAL RELATIONS DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE yy LEY T+¥arZ TPZ‘|SNOatet eingens miiSOeeewpe ~ .ee &om:cssernamepeneevensMee_Beer eam ee All "a Yo —_—~ }fo 5 -‘hpncctiaatiautteaamattiass _OOHSNS4 hetMtPorin onLv cyOK & FYNos$8Ne Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year ror 1G ’ o— > OFFICIAL ROLL OFFI RELA cet i rae. ...Conference. <nuilia till 4TH QR.|SPECIAL|SPECIAL DATE DATE |DATE MINUTES Quarterly Conference for the current year,191 éThe.t.4 a“ rfcdart aateM bl District,2wet-r27 ha @ ..Conference, Ls.1916.,Mew ble WOK, P.Ev in the chair,After religious services,conducted by hy P.ao : iv.cf ee eh was elected Secretary.The roll was called,and the Sollowing members were present: View |@ Jnecte ge ged LZ |Kf : was held at D Cx EL Lf=er?/ 4.Vosatax,:nye Question 1.Is there a written report from the preacher_in charge on the general state of the Church?(See Discipline of ~. 1914,Paragraph 90.)RA.J Di re aa ena nF A See Supplement.) f £2. Oues.2.What statistics have been reported to the Annual (‘onference?;& ¥,A STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 Pa rr / “4 .oe”:r ele &€. Local preachers th!”Additions on profession of faith 2 7 Additions by oértificale and otherwise z Removals by death and otherwise [L Present total membership 4 2 /Adults baptized /Ps Infants t . baptized /b Number of Churches in charge 7 Number of church buildings 7 Value,$7 ¢& Indebtedness,<acr Number of parsonages./Value,$Sy.*Indebtedness,$...-Value of other 7 ec. Church property,$Expended for chure hes and parsonages,sf 6)°°Churches damaged or destroyed. Parsonages damaged or destroyed.Amount of damage,#.Loss collected,$insurance carried,$4.3.©Premium paid,$Number Woman's Missionary Societies Number of members > Missionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ J ;Conference organ G ,) /Zz Total for Table No.1 (arry forward to table No.2),#at +ssa STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 “ Leagues...Members..2 ?Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions, special,$Amount raised League Anniversary Day,#Amount raisedforother objects,$Total from Leagues,$Number of Sunday schools J.Number of officers and teachers Al.fnroliment in all depariments 2 #27 Members in Home Department Children on Cradle Roll...Number of training classes Number of Wesley Bible Classes Number of pupils received into Church during teria o* ions,assessment,$&&Amount raised for missions,special,$Y 2-Amount raised on |Amount raised for miss *Note.—The numerals in the margin indicate the session at which the questions embraced within the respective brackets are to be called.Any question indicated for the first,se cond,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at that session,may be called at the session following.. OFFICIAL ROLL Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year rorya 1b.‘:Ang,ee.Charge J T ¢CA Metréc (f istrict,Le poo a eae _....Conference. FE:oll AA Le oo.ae MA Sst 3p QR.4TH QR.|SPECIAL|SPECIAL.;s le jeaNAMESOFFI~ee: L :~AT?°fee‘oa:D DATE DATE DATE |DATE _#WA 1 Dec -_ MINUTES Quarterly Conference for the current year,I91 é EES The.*if rhe err Charge,Pi,ae *District,Wrrtr0 ha e.Conference, was held at 44 /s 191 4 m heer.la 1 AaP?L , P.Ey,in the chair After religious services,conducted by Shy ¢,ZS : ae C ileALeek was elected Secretary.The roll was called,and the following members were present: View ¢Jneohe..¢ 2 ag |_a 4 @ Coricaf.nol 4 -a “i . Question 1.Ts there a writien report Jrom the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church?(See Discipline of =—: 1914,Paragraph 90.)RAD.fi Y tae Cee FA See Supplement.) j ) Ques.2.What statistics have been repor tod to the Annual Conference?.x x b 4 STATISTICAL REPORT NO.!1 fs,a deg A D> Local preachers Vane Additions on profession of faith 7 Additions by oértificate and otherwise Z. Removals by death and otherwise /i.Present total membership 4 2 Z Adults baptized /ie Infants t . baptized /b Number of Churches in charge 7 Number of church buildings 7 Value,$7 de ,o ., Indebtedness,sere Number of parsonages./Value,$Ss .Indebtedness,$Value of other :oe. Church property,$=Expended for churches and parsonages,$7 63 .°.°Churches damaged or destroyed Parsonages damaged or destroyed.Amount of damage,#Loss collected,$Jnsurance carried,$4.3.£©Premium paid,$Number Woman's Missionary Societies Number of members , Missionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ x2 ;Conference organ g > /Pa Total for Table No.1 (arry forward to table No.2),s ;4 tee STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 “ Leagues.Members.2?_Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raisedfor missions, special,$Amount raised League Anniversary Day,?Amount raised for other objects,$Total om >-,. from Leagues,$Number of Sunday schools J _Numberofofficers and teachers dh.Envroilment in all departments gz #2°.Members in Home Department.Children on Cradle Roll.Number of training classes Number of Wesley Bible Classes Number of pupils received into Church during oe ae \Amount raised for missions,assé ssment,s &Z Amount raised for missions,special,$Lf 2 Amount raised on *NoTE The numerals in the 1margin indiicate the session at which the questions ¢mbraced within the respective brackets are to be called.Any question indicated for the first,second,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswe rable at that session,may be called at the session following.» 7%tbh 4 Fea Discé.on .P BES ee Weer .-¢vce make a written report,See Disci-Children’s Day,§f e*-Amount raised for Sunday school supplies,sd/..Kor other objects—t.e.:‘Ques.9.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let the preacher in charge make ‘p J ei -eo?.,;(See Supplement.)|a?a 1 Merwe sii =Total from Sunday schools,§.£2 Total from Sunday schools pline of 1914).YIA wl and Epworth Leagues,$Less amount elsewhere reported,$Net total of Table No,2,$:i Ques.10.Have the General Rules been read?oe j ae ir “,»for ca h ;is charge,and have theyTotalfromTableNo,7,$Total from Tables Nos.1 and 2(carry to Table No,3),$i Ques.11.Are there Church registers and records of Church Conferguces Jor ea h Church in this charg“:;+7 Si «ulft 7 4 STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3 j been faithfully kept?Viet :J 4 7 .a ce |J YPresidingelder........Assessed,$x?‘Paid,$TY |Church exten.asse ssm,..Assessed,$s ih bet ¢-é Ue chcokleei=:CoPreacherincharge.....,Cyr:.J 7/ae "mi special...:es 4 K-04 /x.o.70 e ..en »Sand ?ee oS lement.Incidental expenses ’oc Education :by :¥fee (Ques.12.Is there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Society?(See.upplement.) ~~baal ioe em te,“2 ©lementBishops’Fund.‘ia?"é GO .°°|American Bible Society “Ques.13.What is the report of the Sunday School Advisory Committee?(See Supplement.)bishops’Fund,.......++‘.4 3 ‘A :7 , <:J e :°Church property?Con.claim,-Sup.fin.tl :4 yee ©&4S”|General Cons.expenses.‘J ~-‘o Ques.44.Whe are the trustees of Church property: =Ras o iad :‘a _Foreign missions......“QL2°V9"*|For GrtclheeMeme «§JOP*«GEES |i re7 }4 4vi»‘‘yer “i °=+obee “—specia J 4 OME ONE COR:IN 0 ,d ?as ;x ‘:F Ques.15.Are there reports from the trustees,and what do they show in answer to the following weioet 2.ae s¢@o the number of churches and parsonages,and what has been é vpended on the same during the we a m “)-eee =‘_fot :S208 the sameP GG)What amount of insurance i carriedon churches,parsonages,and schools”4)What amounthaebeen podinpremiums?What amount of losses,if any,has occurred,and what amouni %;,pain i?(GiveHomeMissionspecial..i a g Total from Table No.2 ‘ok es ‘eds auido awe acD clause in the Discipline?(7)Where are the ——_—(8)Where are they recorded?(Give 7 office,book,and page.)(Special form is provided for this ee of morahiei.ty ~~Grand total for the year “SILL Ques.16.How many societies are there which do not own houses of wors;:oie:a 3 :‘:ie ues.17.Whoare elected stewards for the ensuing yearWhatamounthasbeenpstimatedbytheboardofstewardsJorthesupportofthepreacherincharge(and his £.:;y )e current year?gb eel.Ss 4 Conference special.....‘Objects not elsewhere reported... for ti a Ym,Liccin 5 7hWhatamounthasbeenapportionedtothishargebythedistrictstewards?Foy presiding elder,$_— 47 :ee :ok¢Society,$G&ct Bishops’Fund,$A a Church extension assessment,$4 6 Church ex- /,i..;.a .oF a2?”}aint Me ‘.,wade+==:sfensionspecial,$Conference claimants,§2s Education,$General Conference expenses,;>¢aes 4 «<}—uo_LA ’-bf Ae -§1h ;~4 aPrintingMinutes,$Superannuate Endowment Fund,$.. Lageh,,$vel;=\ a >°Sahat°'‘e®:;os?,eos >,/eT.lorcign missions,$74 Home and Conference missions,8.19_:Special for missions,§oe. ul .t Kaoe JbhC 4:ee .oewtaeKi0x.#6.s C yy Pe 7 4 f ;4 Ques.18.Whois elected Recording Steward?Z -Yepfs)d F 7 A 7 -A -Clee -Chet cae FIALL,ki ¢.f 4 dohay a tnt -ce :WtQues.19.Who is elected District Steward?$;.;;‘-Ted ‘4 Ques.20.Who are elected Sunday School superintendents?..(imal c tleQues,5.Have a Church lay leader and the following commitices been elec ted for each Church?(a)Lay leader ie da 8 WW OL,SsO22aJIA1\LLGS(4)A Missionary Committee M ¢(c)An Evangelistic Commiiige 4 7...(d)A Social Servite Committee mn d DAK And what are their +eports?J srendesivcsssiicates GO annette (See Supplement.)A 2-+-oF LIS.PeQues.6.Has a Missionary Committee been appointed in every Sunday school,andfdoes every school observe a monthly -Who are elected Sunda¢¥’School Advisory Commitilee?vy ~Missionary Day?A a ,7 oJ —‘a ;aio j g letQues.7.How many copies of the Conference organand of the general organ are taken,and what has been done to in-:ee F AS >:Ataogme.crease their circulation?General organ Conjerence organ }<“firmgg ]7 w z re lecte h la é ws?(ln_siations the charge22.Whois elected Charge Lay Leader,and who have been elected (¢bay h y Leaders /"A!tt charg}_..y f~le ~oe Y cot)J ft >7 a aa Pane ~y ae ,1 Ch h Leaders.)L/LE UH c O-*¢cx ~4 ."a é $”-:i A CadETS.®,a “Ques.8.Who afe appointed to examipie Church registers'and records of Church Confer énefi oftd repori at the next Ogar-Lay Leadegs should act as W/©,~*a al an J G4:;j :ss a ,i fy LAS a Z BELL%Zz r et :eo ae Aik “LAS 0¢terly Conference Uicther they dgve ear kept?é a cal J pet AAEM Amres7carci:“Casey vegeta ||MT Ih Bin?foe ae 23.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applied?(Let arto this questv mbrace B the sum raised and paidon the claims of the presiding —vy and the preachers,esggagSeesootPEae:Lt aieaefrtatAcs A.€7/ Migs laitdd “&2.2.8 Pawo for eee FI net)bzsh 4?es raised the present quarter for other objects?.What has been Ep.League:Missions ah.Vii.Other objectss.... Tlospitals. Incidental Printing MR680s.-600 6sessce Se Reliefofpoor Sunday school:Birthday offer g. DI og: Home and Conf.Superannuate In o SE fbnep Tf A ?WiAviWitrti27ccAACA LOR UfEll... Ma Siiass been contributed on/iy worth League Anniversary Day?§.... expenses...Children’s Day. Insurance Missions .... 6.Is there any miscellaneous business?)5 I.Aj is -< s mplai ?ta District Conference (a)Election of legatesé (6)Recomme ndations for lice ¢.Lpworth Leagues: .Exhorters (a)2 ipplic ation for iii 6)Reports Of € (©)Renewal of license 6.Trustees:Vacancies in boarits to be flled 7.Other miscellaneous business Ya,77IQ Ge?og ~ ire ORCI ts Gesell CO.0?Le Les A vse ee by lias Fas arherc.Jer A fF henceory Chi~higeeeeeeee.eeSe esoe Sisk AN *Va 7Kafe 1N20 heach ¥oe I).Ga fHG#e ofa %xQues,27:Where shall the next Qu Conference be held?bur hEcltk sry —~ The Min were read ana ved,and the Conference adjourned.AS Vo Row #War,OZPresiding Elder; Bon A Clecéze-“4.Recording Steward. te OSAMA LI),ld be taken that no ite e249 atl (taex °.Norg.-C ate repor ted more than once. t bograg Ae flew or As rae forme Con bhteor ALvV fr“2g Sv a tae @ktr —_FF Cee y* ee ibe Gow =Cot 6.tb Pee: eh,ee ae Jer ia ae tod Cette Lae eee og Za Caz,ners CG att oY Pre Foot Ltor Che +2 Ld KN vec ethidle,» tlhe thu GK A ee ; Veae Oe oe.Orr¢; fe ae ¢—2c k Ee tne Cig,ae ,I mer Cv een oe oe we eMail «det bee ella Milne dt maa nat? a eae <&@ Oprs sete tloO aw Oe JePree. _the —Oivrrate, £7 ford 2 wae Jtctoce Coco ha Vv Ohaw Ww a Poti }Aw . OL,1 ef Cheadinec.ee Lie ©, af ”a OL ”&&CA we ty iis Ca. ay Olan,asain Ca olnum <<,CLteo —-“@Crrece aie v4 ode Lae An Sir =<ft ot a.ea &DetinnmegherciSeCK,<a <Cleor Oat fan -€Cer,i Are Virog Ch (oe ‘“is nie ee oak <e_yS for.SAE Ee Do euat,DP aecg Leger.Louz—-SFwr:erase4) rs Ci.ae «aT ly Cz oz. a — GM batt Chante “we ,ce fs Cir thee&Z cw ee Ctr ox r TR : / Pe t7o_ aaa (“) y- ic Az tee) =Hay 9 (ebb os oA ty Ve , O ay —_PYericl kL MINUTES The ashen Lk AA Lf Coaterly Conferencefor the current year,191 & ahe dee te Whores,ated eeHH District,Litatlen A.C.Conference,was held at fl arr LUttr<Veet 16 10,lie Lele Wor, P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by Stu o oS a ht ep Alaht ie oo was elected Secretary.The roll was called,and the following members were present: Mees a Jha th. hoe 44th- Gone -: ers I-A Coe +te ‘.Zz -OL La ae eo =Me CU tH P27 ageoo Ly ~-de A44 D |/|et oelLGerag.,ae oe Fe PMKS,Li V7 ws 2 rEf ‘7p.&khan Cf JsSsoe:TT7cn—Oo’“tA ae,|AttedEssa|P Pd 7 Question 1.Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the Jeneral stathof hre Church?(See Discipline of <_"1914,Paragraph 90.):YP)(See Supplement.)*< (Ques.2.ta&s/ics have been reported to the Annual Conference?V/«ACA te STATISTICAL REPORT NO./{/ Local preachers Additions on profession of faith Additions by certificate and otherwise * Removals by death and ofFtswise *‘Present total membership »Adults baptized Infants baptized Number of Churches in charge Number of chur .Value,# . 4 Indebtedness,#....*%)Number of parsonages Value,$Value of other ~e -,Church property,$*)Lapended for churches and parsonages,¢Churches damaged or destroyed. "arsonages damawrtd or destroyed ‘Amount of dam Loss collected,$Insurance carried,$:Premium paid,$Number Woman's Ovielics..Number of members Missionary moncy collected,$Church papers taken:Ge®eral organ ;Conference organ Total for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2 STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Leagues a Members Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raisedfor missions, Amount raisedforother objects,$Total Number of officers and ‘1 Enrollment in Children on Cradle Roll.«Number of training Number of pupils received into Church durity year. special,$Amount raised League Anniversary Day,# from Leagues,$Number of Sunday schools all departments Members in Home Department classes...Number of Wesley Bible Classes \Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions,special,£Amount raised on *Note.~The numerals in the margin indicate the session at which the questions embraced within the respective bra ke 8 are to becalled.Any question indicated for the first,second,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at thet session,may tz \alled at the session following Childrews Day,8 Amount raised for Sunday school supplies,$for other objects A.¢.: Total from Sunday schools,$Tolal from Sunday schools Leagues,Less amount elsewhere reported,§Net lotali of Table No,2,#orth Table No.1,8 Total from Tables Nos,1 and 2 (carry lo Table No,3),#from STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3 Paid,#Chuvthtvien,ws sessin,.Assessed,#‘Paid,$ _ special.. lvesiding elder Preacher in char ge 'Fducation American Lible Soctély up.tin.Fad General Cons,Fh Nes. For ys sie Bor roe Objects not elsewhere reportal j Total from Table No.2. special pectal special Grand total far the year.. What amaunt has been estimated by the board of stewards for th support er the preacher in charge (and his v the curventycar?Five eel oa fGen ff Qucs.g.Whata mbunt has bebn ae tioned lad this held by (he"Ba /slewadsP For pret ng elder, Church cxatenstonassessmen!,$Church @a : frenexal Conference eax penses, American Bible Society,3 +Lishops’fund,¥¢:‘ pecial,$Confarvence \laimants,$/-ducation,$ j forcien missions,i Nome and Conference missions,8 Woree tal jormissions,$ ae “;Printing Minutes,#s Perpunuale ndowmenl Find,8 my itn,:x jji}j i AAA ,o af : .Have a Church (>at He follwing compet es |me ted for cach Church?(a)Lay leader 4(4)A Missionary Committee pZ4 mat Poupeliatic mite 4.) PLA STTN VXeywl i+ yh A.Social Service Committee /And what are their reportg?A j j (See Supplement) Ques,6./las a Missionary (omditite dew rpointed ie y Sd school,&Mi Woes every school observe a monthly j, Missionary Day?\jf if!Ques.7.How many copies of the Conférence orcan and of the general organ ave taken,andwhat has been done to in- evease their circulation?General organ /Conference organ l Oy AM toyle ky Vy,;y ...::Ques,8.Who are appointed to examine Church registers and vecords of Church Conferences and reportat the next Quar- lerly ¢onfere nce whether they have been failhfully hepl?C a 4 aalia ud lv fi Pe a A fe Z /cecer Late..@.“t/)fH ae en e Le Cf,nie wilf..6 MEce e Po ie Oues.9.What are we doine for the cause of education?Let the preacher in charge make a written report,See Disei ree Supple Me nt.)pline of 19/4) Oues.10.Have the General Nules been read? .j j J hy ‘this j dh ,napOues,11,Avo mee Church registers and records of Church th Church in this charge,and have they been faithfully kept? ¢ ;,7 J /Oues »Es bhevea written report From the Waman Wissiona suet?)(See Supplement.) re -,a Ss sJ , Oues.13.What is the reporloft the Sunday S hool Advisory Gann ©?SS8ice Sipplement.) Oues.14.Who are thebtrustee of}(perek properly”:wn ny”-ve Ones.75.Ave there reports from the trustees,and what do they show in answer to the follou ing que stions ()H hat is the numbe ,of churches and parsonages,and what has been expended on the same during the year (2)What ist value of the same?(3)What amount of insurance ts carr ied on churches,pr -“sonages,and schools?(4)What amount has been paid in premiums?(5)What amount of losses,tf any,has occurred,and what amount has been collected thereon (Deo the f ,Fi > deeds contain the trust clause in the Discipline?(7)Where are the‘itle ppapers kept?(8)Whe re are Lhe ydwes office,book,and page.)(Special form is provided for this report in Supplement.),Oues.16.How many societies are there which do not own houses of wor ship? Ques,17.Who are elected stewards Jor the ensuing year? a 4.I Sil, e ~- ‘i Bi A Oues.To. Oues,20.Who are-elected sunt hoot fuper ih mafPry Wt ” j x hag pe when nnglh ‘ s/ Ques.21,Who wd eleded Sunday Schach NTT Commitee?coccimmvemnenssereclitee ;‘Saal A a Ohes,22.Whois elected Charge Lay Leader,and who have beeu eleoti r ys “Ae:lffitler s —ions the charge Nf .\t ”Fa Lay Traders.should actas ©ea .,‘4 ncn ~ ;\\\ye,ae |Ne Oues,23.What amou heen raised the present¢-arter for the the gnswer t ln hethel ce:20 Mar Jf M2 e. rans ||Prech Ld :ar the pre nl guarter for other object support of the minisiry,and how has il been applied?(Let 1 paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.) Fan af Ly 2.7 a:I :z SS 2 0 Jn atl /7d?yp a/b f 4 bettl at fat it unt FAILS Cut rx ip.League:Missions....Orphanage Other objects..Printing Minutes.....;J , Gener onference expense Relief of poor Hospital .oeey —Sunday schoc n YOid,Oe Es.“Incidental expenses’.4..%.4 1:Birthday offer g. Children’s Day. ”Missions.Insurancey AM Wal POEIR,60s.0 ““Supplies.. Jlome and Co Superannuale Endowment Fund Other purposes n contributed on Ee pu X Ee : orth Leagyg Anniversaty Day?$ S - f Deleg tlds wv f misedlanevous busindss™ i (Weed . .SeendationsforlicensetopteathAF th Leag :Confirmation of PresidentS of,Sphisdtey Application for lice es <th.f/ Neports of exhorters 7 fom <\\;,f4. ense a 4 / Badly by:Vacancies in boards to beOil ther miscellane usiness EES wee ee lu ta hie x tas be Ath ACTExr fe Le 4H Where shail the next Quar MSZ hare Ceok ethene F is Ci,UxnA~et@henfbTeeee AD #.&one (Jues,27.44-7 The Minutes were read and &Sttward,we 4 lI CA —7CUCL.CL Lee Faevs 4 Ach rela se c MO?7 ot es Maggy gad fs CLt “ oeageaaii/ee,os Maer clare €y Le 7 PP»?S FY t ZL.ba ~+2 @#teg 5”Saab:,4a Mec#.,Fey LM J ee Aas Cha «B tvY¢“tty eet cla Prfivrly CK a tf - PHI ACh wee Le ferol4e Gre fe the Cc haz Chas:c+ a th,A /\Pr2270t L144 re Lex SClPf+4a(cir oir al I_4 ,{3 ‘4 (ol 9-s7eee. Lt Atle (f 494 4, Une OCsx- i ena HOwerk f th - la ts fu A\¥Yt ——,gamer YC ret.ia)anny fo ec te oe EO OO.Oo fAit /om >. fA=ootfo Mit cst caiad aorZayyAcr.V G :,A]-‘4 few, Et ¢Fat 18r “La Lkb~b/odie ff ar ey eee, eyC«> JE-LV —.=(gpl AXMNat af ~tr 2 ee.4ST -we Oz Clr €fff y ft >AfO~w o ‘sagld ,°aefaxb,A fares Lt bethViege ARE CL ou Ze p"Lz cv Ose ae pe ae Jaw UZ bie,—MINUTES The NP xr Quarterly Conference for “acurrent year,191 bj apieLf Atl Charge,Af tls.itt District,Conference, was held at bras."ao ‘ec c &y om...(Kew ‘So Ml faces P.E.,in the chatr.After religious sé Pafegs,conducted by 4 ¢{)[1 Lh Lit ti MeaAdernh __hP Fae Seon b sbety woas A members were present: or Cig i f‘€Ma r MX ff 3 Lveth WwWoofhag(fit ot HUMbophef- PPV ay Wh ALF emalehLs,a Oue +i :there a written report from the preacher in charge on the gene j }h ‘hn?(See Discipline of 1ot4,Paragraph 90.);(See Supplement.) Oues.2.What statistics have been reported lo the Annual Conferen STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 A 2 «. Local preachers,Additions on proigom of faith...“aid by certificale and olferwise f +3¥Removals by death and otherwise da Present total membership =d¢Adults baptized Infants baplized 3 gee Number of Churches in charge Number of church buildings...Value,$ Indebledness,#Number of parsonages../Value,%SS.Indebtedness,#Value of other Church property,8.unum LEapended for churches and parsonages,$Churches damaged or destroyed,. 7 ,.——— Par sonages damaged or destroyed.Amount of damage,#Loss collected,$?/nsurance i.a carried,$A.set Lp,emium paid,$..4 hago Number Woman's Missionary Societies tf.Number of members :/,a ;/ ae Missionary money«ollected,&a >Church papers taken:General organ.4 ,Confer ence organo~ .Total for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2),# STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 \ ‘ of oeLeaguesMembers...Amount raised for missions,assessment,8.40)Amount raised for missions, special,$....j-14 Amount raised League Anniversary Day,.....—<<—Amount raised for other objects,8 Total from Leagues,£Number of Sunday schools "ovtiendanvollment in all departments Mem betcbedi ri Children on Cradle Roll.Number of training classes Number of Wesley Bible ClassesPa Number of pupils received into Church during year..... \Amount raised for missions,ASSCSSINGNL,Spina raised for MIsstons,3 raised on ne meeeanammpmanm bie.soos omens The numerals in the margin indicate the session at which the questions embraced within the respective Tackets.are to be called.Any question indicated for the first,second,or third Quarterly ©‘onference,but unanswerable at that session,may be called at the session following. *NoTE —_ 4 a) Amount raised for Sunday school supplies,$For other objects—4t.eé.:/: Fotal from Sunday schools,§Total from Sunday schools Le amount elsewhere report d,s Net total of Table No,2,# Total from Tables Nos.1 and 2 (carry to Table STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3 Paid,$Church exten.assessm,.Assessed,$Paid,$ a 4 f Spec jal.; American Bible Society ;|Education .; || b.Fn.Fd.General Con),expenses.|| For.. |For For A Objects not elsewhere reported....* Total from Table No.2.......~ z —|Grandtotal for the year....Po a ¢ it amount has been estimated by the board of stewards for the support of thé preacher in charge (and his 7 eee current year ~.‘ye Whal amount has been apportioned to this charge by thedistrict-stewards?For presiding elder,@ Church ex-side Society,$Dishops’Fund,$,Churth extension assessment,$ Canferthce claimants s Education,$General Conference expenses, Moreign missions $Hlomesand Conferencé missions,$d Spec al fod missions, Printing Minutes,$rannuale Lndowment Fundy}| r Ques.5.Héveja Church lay leader and thé following commitices been ected for each Church?(a)Lay leader (6)A Missionary Committee“(c)An Evangelistié Committee.”(d)A Social Service Committee And what are their reports?A ovens (See Supplement.) Ques.6.Has a Missionary Gfnmitice been appointed in every Sunday school,and apes every school observe a monthlyffssZ ,~, Missionary Day?i ,a J Ques.7.How many copies of the Conference organ and cf the general organ dre lakeh,antitihathaQibcen done to in-ps — crease thein circalation?Conference organGeneralorgan oe 4 oF -*e aan |)4dalee GUMurch Con Oe repor #Quar-Li, f /LA ’eermnnae Oues,§.Who &re appointed to examine Church registers and recs:$ terly Copfer ence whether they have been faithfuily kept?s /J tus ll \ Ques.°9.What are’we doing for the cause of education?(fet the preacher in charge make written report,Set Dist iplineof1914)(SceSupplement.) Ques.10.Have the General Rules been read?ry, Ques.11.Are there Church registers and records of Church Conferences for each ¢hurch in this charge,and have they f 4 Mf Af “ebeenfaithfullykept?;it nO f-foe?Lh kf (1.4.24 Y |Lt |h¢.tthe f4 Od rd A hoes tL a é f/r 3 Pie ,‘ ---#5 bee,i ..~-th «pe h,yf ae BF ogoQues.12.Is thevewOritten report From the-Wgoman's Missionary Society?(See Supplement.) Ougser3..What is the report of the Sunday Sthool Advisory.Commillee?(See Supplemeni.) /'¥ Ques.By Whi Mhe 7 Of Ch pre,rT i Le.a ossOn9hoargiyustedofynGZ,i Va yy x Ki tf Te AJ 7x6\Cpl be ahh.(an 4 ,i o ’\--“«+.—_ew “«-<naee ee ee ~7 '¢ Ques.15.Are there reports from the trustees,and what do they show in answer to the following questions:(1)What és the number of churches and parsonages,and what has been expended on the same during the year?(2)What ts the value o/ the same?(3)What amount of insurance is carried on churches,parsonages,a nd schools?(4)What amount has been paid in premiums?(5)What amount of losses,ifany,has occurred,and what amount has been collected thercon?(6)Do thedeedscontainthetrustclauseintheDiscipline?(7)Where are the title papers kefl?(8)Wheteare they recorded?(Give office,book,and page.)(Special form is provided for this report in Supplement.) Ques,16.Flow many societies are there u hich do not own houses of worship?| Ques.£7.’Who are elected stewart as for the evisuing year?J ’ Ques.18.Whois elected Recording Steward? Ques.19.Who is elected District Steward? Ques,20.Who are elected Sunday School superintendents? j x Oats.p1.Who areelected Sunday School Apetlery Committe #o ;vA -_wre 4 ‘oe<2 ' Ques,22.Wo is elected Charge Lay Leader,and u ho have been elected Church Lay Leaders?(in stations / Lay Leaders should act as Church Lay Leaders.) df been raised the present quarter brace only the sumypratsed andp Ln V7 90°XA AOa Jie LAA Lilas I,7o uarler for other . ague:Misst Other val Com . oa279°sthepital ,1la7 expenses Wissedms:Foreign Flome and| Special. ntributed on Epworth League ‘laneous business? CTC CHSE f exh wlery of licen -.wanet?s in beards to be filled s 2 —"ba}Ques,2;Vhere shall the nex?Quarteviy onference be h@@l? The Minutes werevead and approped,and the is 4:$3 %A401 -ofeer for thesupportof the ministry,sip how aid on the claims of the presiding el. (rah has it been applied? er ania.»preachers.)/qt =GPTy5yoS---2 Wu od 2objectsf* “~ Onswt> Reliefafpoor Sithday school:Birthday offer g. Children’s Day. Missions . Supplies. Superannuatle Endowment Fund OcOtherpurposesa Anniversary Day?§ . J1 CLoe.,4re onference adjourned.} : j :ar.ld’‘Ore ; feops Sy TO EIS oer a NOTE.—Care shou, F etdine Elder; Steward. °e taken that no item be reported more than once MINUTES Charge allie t ae ass in the chair.Lfter religious‘LW Re mepibersW beynt: Quarterly Conference for the current fran,19 te District,Lilettx 47 h Z.Conference, 191b.,Me.wwtl Workf..2:-L2. od was elected Secretary.The roil was called;and the Following J O Ltt was held (~Ax4 A he GO SErVICE Hy €nducted by ARSyyQSaoeNSTRSNSe~yWY<3&NSxXQ4x4 Question 1.Is there a written report froye the preachey7 1 ,athe general sta 1914,Paragraph 90.)£4 a Rl“tz APIA PO alll >onferenceOues.2.What st@fistics have been reported to the Anfuaf{ STATISTICAL REPORT NO Local preachers Additions on profession of faith Removals by death and Otherwise Present tolal membership baptized Number of Churches in charge Number « Indebtedness,$|Number af par sonages Valpe,¢Jn’ndebtedness,$ Church property,§tExpended for churches anfl pdrsonages,$Churches damaged or destroyet J Parsonages damaged gr destroyed Amopnt of damage,F 0.Ollected,§$ arried,$Premium paid,$‘Number Wowtan's Missiovary Societies Missionary money collected,$Chetrch papers taken:General organ Total for Table No.1 (carry forwagd to table No,2),F~7 STATISTICAL REPORT NOs2 Leagues Members i Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raise special,$Amount raised League Anniversary Day,8 Amount raised for otherobjects,$ from Leagues,$Number of Sunday Schools Nimber of officers and teachers Enroliment all departments Members in Home Department Children ott Gradle Roil Number of trainin classes Number of Wesley Bible Classes Number of pupils received into Chir th during yeas Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions,special, *NoTE The numerals in the margin indicate thecalled.Any question indicated for the first,s«session following lmount session at which the questions embraced within the recond,or third Quarterly ¢onterence,but unanswerabie at tuet sé “Amount raisedfor Sunday school supplies,$For other objects—i.e.: Total from Sunday schools,$Total from Sunday school. Less amount elsewhere reported,§Net total of Table No,2,¢ Total from Tables Nos.1and 2\carry to Table No.3)9$ STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3 Paid,$Churchealen,asse SSMspahtGOSSET,$ es wn “™Special Laducation ., American Prtle Sociély General Conf.eapensés. ' For. For. | For, ; Objects not elsewhere reported..: |Total from Table No.2....)0. Grand totalYor the year hat amount has been estimated bythe board of stewarlls Jor the support of the preacher»in.char gé and his the current year wount has been apportioned to this charge by the district stewards?For presiding elder,$ Church ex-iely,3 Bishops’Fund,$Church extension assessment,$ Conference claimants,$Education,$General Conference expenses Foreign missio Hlome and Conference missions,8 .,Special for missions,$... Printing Minutes,$Superannuale Endowment Fund,$—_ :=‘ §.Have a Church lay leader and the following committees been elected for each Church?(a)Lay leader... (6)A Missionary Committee )An Evangelistté Committed 1)A Social Service Committee (See Supplement.)And what are their reports? Ques.6.Has @ Missionary Cotamitice been appointed ia every Sunday school,*» Missionary Day?:wn Ques.7.Hom man Yaopies of théCon ference and does every school observe a monthly organ and ef the gentral organ are taken,andat as bcen done to in- crease their circulation?Ceneral or gat Conjererie organ i . -~Pal +pmentQues,8.Who areDapporated to examine Church¥egisters and records ofChurch ¢“nf ences and report at the next Ouar- terly Conference whether they have been faithfully kept? the same in premiums? deeds ¢office,book,and page.):hich a — o£ho:Mor fo.pip Gort]// Ounces.15.Are there reports from t the number of churches and pr ursona ,wha cd ?(2)What amount of insuran (s)What amount of he Ss,tf any,*;,.:.¢bom{it ,.7 ,,a»tain the trust clause ao ms i a Ee vie ae /.I de (opectas form #a ;fer athe x “4 oe ,tf oe) ...t??on (iA if o-n0t.otCoryomlolwblnferksSCTerie li .F lwbl hr lu bn he i 7 A SAI Jyoors »S 2 fone Pgx: d E ply lv F/illo SpA 0b)KALA Oues.16.Flow many societies are 7mOues.17.Whoare elated slewara en oe—<=;" ; Ones,MA, Oues.BN Whe is elected Dw Pa = v0 Wh »ave elected Sungay Schoo howe vlectet Necordiy toh Stey - Oues, »sf,VUCA FuPr Tee al linn Vio CAs ae ne LevacafsaborefeMY |S y ce YAS .Ed «wile »yRieeuseetneaSSSs :n elecled ¢burch hay teat?SI\(dp-ottiions the charge [7 /”ww iadQues,21,Who are cletled Sunday S«dvisory \ Lay Leaddy,and uIT hawt be,bd elon S 2 Sf Ques,22,Whois elected Charge ‘Lay Leaders should ai tasChurch Lay Leaders “lmount raised for Sunday school supplies,$for other objects—t.e.: $Total from Sunday schools,$.Total from Sunday school. Net total of Table No,2, mo fo } Paid,$Churchexfen.ASSESSIM ppb OST,o*Paid,$:lh j 7"Special 4 " Less amount elsewhere reported,§ Total from Tables Nos.1 and 2 (carry to Table No.3)¢ STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3S Laducation ., American Prble Sociéty General Conf,eapensés. \ )For. Sup.Ein£a. MISSTONS For. | For.} Objects not elsewhere reported..: Special |Total from Table No.2...“"v |Grand totalYar the ye parr What amount has been estimated bythe board of stewards for the support of the preacher»in.char gé (and his assistant)for the current year? Ques.4.Whatamount has been apportioned to this charge by the district stewards?For presiding elder,$ Bishops’Fund,$Church extension assessment,$Church ex-American Bible Society,$ nsion special,$.Conference claimants,$Education,$General Conference expenses Foreign missions,$Flome and Conference missions,$.»Special for missions,$... Printing Minutes,$Superanptuale Endowment Fund,$..gheeva ’>”-é i Ques.5.Have a Church lay leader and the following committees Sos elected for>ae Church?(a)ie adhe: (6)A Missionary Committeé )An Evangelisté Committee...(d@)A Social Service Committee. And what are their reports?/(See Supplement.) Ques.6.Flas a Missionary Cotumitice been appointed in every Sunday school,and does every school observe a monthly Minhas Day?».\~ae --Ques.7.How many copies of UthéeConference organ and of the gentral organ are taken,and wat fas been done to in- crease their circulation?General or gas.Confereste organ... _wn nn years é Ques,8.Who are appointed to examine Church ¥ewhiners and records oftChurch Confdr ences and report at the next Quar- terly Conference whether they havebeen faithfully kept? i F :ber in charze make a written report,See Disct- Ques.9.What are we doing for the cause of education er in charge make a written repr y :F -li a (Se Supplement.) pline of 1914) Ques.10.Have the Génergl kh ules been read »in his charge,and have they fQues,11.Are there Church registers and records of Chi /4 |been faithfully kept? f ;the We rp Wissiona tetv?(See Supplement.)Jio Oues.12.Is there a wrilten repor!from the Womans «in fapot (See :8 ment.)Ques.13.What is the report of the Sunday School Ad — ft Cero Ques.14.Who are the trustees of Chu h property t j eo 9 tions:(1)Whadé iswhatdotheyshowinanswertothefollowingquesii15.Are there reports from the trustees,and 3 oxi nied on the same during the year?(2)What ts the value of,sbthenumberofchurchesandparsonages,and what ha ah urches,par sonages,ani ¢schools?(4)W "hat amount has been paid*sAomthesame?(3)What amount of insurance as corviee*occurred,and what amount has been collected thereon?(6)Do theifany,has oc vecorded?(Giveinpremiums?(5)What amountof losses,2 he tit s kept?(8)Whgreare ptGeekscontainthetrustclauseintheDiséysreeeasort”mle:fe ’ie Le ZZom1sprovidedJOef a en eee)esas there whic A do |miyet ow n houses of worship?Ques.16.How many societt HiQues.17.a elegted steward.a ansUuing Lie fn ln _(/e sa Ligon m0 are YH lw ae,e -baa .shelf a.Y Jn0-071 a‘We ee 7 CH We f-f-lo TH mhorr7 Lt Kw ty a J ‘Z iid f.wf ;Ke Px L.SP:47 7 ¢+ ne 8.rit ‘ho ie elected Recording Steward?-7 ich Ste war.DhQues.1,Who is elected Disiri ars me ngert,o\ Ques,20.Who are ele ted Supe sce)Rupevinteydents?... alt F Zé idvisory emmys ‘tk - J poaeennetinnrmnaeenatsNogQues.21.Who are eletled Sunday Si hool Lp P fe Ong A d ¢ZApf 7 oabeek the charge " C Het /J]Ques.22,Who is elected Charge Lay Leadex,and whe tee.been elgcte Lay Leaders should act as “hurch Lay Leaders.) i * ee t Ques.23.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applied?(1.Ly answer to a question embrace only the sumpraised —T oe on as of the presiding elder and the preachers.) adi deni 4 &bo Yauaw Ace J2 7b but hkthe ¢27 30 sees =eG 4 Y (0 171.¥¢ Ckin of UO neste.Yige :EPi cig iat~%os J .£Ques.24.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects?* yAmericanBible Ep.League:Missions.........£OrphanageSOC.00 fh. Bishops’f =-Other objects.....Printing Minutesiilding,repairing,or furnisn- ing churches, Putlding,repairing,or furnish- ng par Onages relief of poorGeneralConferenceexpense... Hospitals Sunday school:Birthday offers. Incidental expenses..........7 oe “”Children’s Day.“rch extension:Assessment Special /nsurance Missions... nference claimants Missions:Foreign =NER,5 0 io m Home and Conf.Superannuate Endowment Fund Special,Other purposes Ones,25.What has been contributed on Epworth League Anniversary Day?$.... Ques.26,Is there any miscellaneoms business? 1.Appeals 2.Complaints . J:District Conference: (a)Election of Delegates (6)Ree ommendationsfor license to preach 4+.Epworth Leagues:Confirmation of Presidents of Senior Leagues5+Exhorters: (@)Applicationfor license (4)Reports of exhorters ()Renewal of license ..wf Mts ~e a 6.Trustees:Vacancies in boards to be filled ./n ~24 Z.(«ce a AS Lin Per, Dre BolOthermiscellaneousbusinessgAven@TZcHuATicg ds at Mat Le Z N ry fant eet At Yn lay ;Ques.27.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?.. The Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. ld.4 tL Ort Presiding Iilder; G UA,if ec Fo2 2 Recording Steward. ary.ies ;Se *Norr.—Care shéuld taken that no item be reported more than once.J A * t Uh per 27Li W4t Mhaue Bry re fe in ee Cher fo iva Zo )temfreShiMeii,thon doy sAhtthonk or the Cig dl bee f tw tu ath OL is ont L nati «CG ut pr 7 c Uecae eeeecee < wpe =M4 ALiiek hoe Kx.-Chor ;’ c A“~+yjT14 Atty for ordin .lie i ent hat fiw lla.ce 4Rgorta|7 .of VWWire i++Ti C A~t448 C fr te ae 7 7 wt Li anal he Fo Lh a ig feat ms.ho 2e denen dt vert Co re Co rs Da ANtres trv oa bi eae.te-ec-of 4:tute Toe ¢ca an :acpestee=(CAT hh ao J &Z eae 7 ed ofb-pet cad OSs 12 X“Tr o-n7 ctety :Z Ah Pad fof ont C ax <<We bor Ch ate hades aphese L Naren,Flach lVtk ter (a bus i winters /V finviid . 0 Flatlee (Paohue Cf lt £pha fled hf 1 oh 7 Katlos,KK Gli os K oie _V/UAAM,C:ORG Se Bishops’Fund.”"Other objects MINUTES OF ADJOURNED SESSION sston Of the Fourth Quarterly Conference for the current year oe ogDistrict.:d frict,Conference,was held a ,40 complete answers to Questions ‘-':.im the chair and acting as Secretary. ty So .After religiouss the following members were enrolled as present: ten report from preacher in charge on general state of the Church?tie Supplement.)tonal)ammount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has tt been )>Uhat dh .—.°Oue ~has been raised the Present quarter for other objects? Imerican Bibi Ep.League:Missions,Orphanagé Printing Minutes....0c.cceeeesBuilding,repairing R t ( / Relief of poorsvhy7churches...General Conference expense... uriding,repairing,or furnish- Hospitals......Sunday school:Birthday offer g. hurch extension:ide °mS,hi4éSteIncidentalexpensesChildren’s Day. Insurance Missions ; Missions:Foreign...Suppliesonferenceclaimants “,;ducalion ’7 ;i )cad Home and Conf Superannuate Endowment Fund 'Anniversary Day.:Special Other purposes [Note.--//the above figures represent ihe u hole year,state the fact here:Yes or no?] tbeCues o .(See Supplement Oues =i)Me ae (See Supplement nesaMe ,(See Supplement Lhe Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. Recording Steward. Secretary. MINUTES The forat :Quarterly Conference for the current year,191 «i AneAeQP Charge,gS talgans Lf o.District,LiLeddure eh it tiaiinies,Olas :Seb,3.wit Revo,de.Woorg After religious services,conducted by rahe.&:&.‘ The roll was called,and the following is was held at P.E.,tn the chair. ‘‘in was elected Secretary. members were p4:8,meer pr. Ay dz teeVe_a a acks,| WW.Br Qa,| g ?..6peng. e §,eL£ext! §QL ‘a!fy SVVLAAS NU :Uw,he ort Vand. Kellan “TIL aot l. | ‘stion 1.Is there a written report from the preacher.in charge on the general state of the Church?(See Discipline of 7 ;ce SiParagraph90.)“fA (See Supplement.) Ques.2.What shatistics have been reported to the Annual Conference? STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 Additions on profession offaith I 0 Additions by certificale and otherwise atinLocalpreachers Present total membership be a =Adults ae /a.InfantsRemovatsbydeathandotherwiseys= baptized /0 Indebtedness,# 2 °:ry oo Church property,$2 40,"EF upended for churches and parsonages,$1a Zi ”Churches damaged or destroyed Number of Churches in charge iz Number of ghurch buildings. -mi e Number of parsonages...i Value,$18-2 0.”Indebtedness,$Value of other -arsonages damaged or destroyed.Amount of damage,$.Loss collected,$Insurance Number of membersNumberWoman's Missionary Societies °* carried,$L9O8.*Premium paid,$. Missionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ........;Conference organ -cz Total for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2),%2 seh STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 3 a,Amount raised for missions,assessment,$. Amount raisedforother objects,$Total Number of officers and teachers >¢Enroliment in Number of training Leagues.i Members Amount raisedfor missions, special,$Amount raised League Anniversary Day,$ Srom Leagues,#Number of Sunday schools 7 all depariments 4 24 Members in Home Depariment Number of Wesley Bible Cilasses Children on Cradle Roil... classes...Number of pupils received into Church during year...scone 4 Amount raised for missions,assessment,$.I se ~Amount raised for missions,special,#Amount raised on The numesrals in the margin indicate the session at which the questions embraced within the respective brackets 1are to beatthe*Notr.called.Any question indicated for the first,second,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at that session,may be callesessionfollowing. Value,$YF00,4° ...f 3 sAmountraisedforSundayschoolsupplies,sf =.Y for other objects—t.e.: sF$Total from Sunday schools,$13 7 Zolal from Sunday schools Less amount elsewhere reported,$Net total of Table No.2,$ Total from Tables Nos,1 and 2 (carry to Table No.3),$ STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3 oo”~or of Ave<.Af 20Paid,3 @ 7 Church exten.asses sm,.Assessed,Ho ~Paid,$s =.é 626"“‘ E-ducation Assessed,$74, :° od 17 *Special...A 39? 2.0.0 4.00 132 ©.30°|fei3 x oY American Bible Society 33 ?General Con}.expenses, «AA FF op. ‘‘a ; yy poChiaBinnh Aieivis Objects not elsewhere reported... Total from Table No.2 |Grandtotal for the year What amount has been estimated by the hoard of stewards Jor the support of the preacher in Z current vear?lo <"7 ge. charge (and his “es.¢.What amount has been apportioned to this ¢harge by the district stewards?For presiding elder,8.a.3 - ty»in Bi S ,:og2 .sae ized :ae<imerican Bible Society,$Bishops’Fund,$J 2.2-=Church extension assessment,$.°}3 ——~Church ex-6.o>aie ve .-e b-:osConferenceclaimanis,$a Qe Education,$6 as General Conference e.rpenses,fOnSt mm ,"7.0.0 hecial,$&Special,3% $ },Past .eo?o*°i jd g oforeignmissions,$Home and Conference missions,$-Special for missions Printing Minutes,$Superannuale Endowment Fund,$2.9.RB vand to OT e Wuldotene Newnie b>.7 3 D ak,iad +Mas -—ie ou Ques.5.Have a Church lay leader“tnd the following committees been elected for each Church?(a)Lay leader fio (6)A Missionary Commitice (c)An Evangelistic Commitice (d)A Social Service Committee A w},.hed “oo ,-.ind what are their reports?.(See Supplement.) Ques.6.Has a Missionary Commitice been appointed in every Sunday si hool,and does every school observe a monthlyAroLLfrenodbredyMissionaryDay?.Yuec *--;of ow ee:...oe _.Ques.7.How many copies of the Conference organ and cf the general organ are taken,and what has been done to in- crease their circulation?General organ Conference organ eee 2 ’,.fwied foe y _wetulons nin -y .Ques,8.Who are appointed to examine Church registers and records of Church €onferences and report at the next Quar- rly Conference whether they have been faithfully kept? ilk IY Ques.9.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let the preacher in charge make a written report,See Disei- pline of 1914)...(See Supplement.) Ques.10.Have the General Rules been read? Ques.11.Are there Church registers and records of Church Conferences for each Church in this charge,and have they been faithfully kept? Ques.12.Is there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Society?(See Supplement.) Ques.13.What is the report of the Sunday School Advisory Committee?(See Supplement.) Ques.14.Who are the trustees of Church property? Ques.15.Are there reports from the trustees,and what do they show in answer to the following questions:(1)What is the number of churches and parsonages,and what has been expended on the same during the year?(2)What ts the value ofthesame?(3)What amount ofinsurance ts carried on churches,parsonages,and schools?(4)What amount has been paid in premiums?(5)What amount of losses,if any,has occurred,and what amount has been collected thereon?(6)Do thedeedscontainthetrustclauseintheDiscipline?(7)Where are the title papers kept?(8)Where are they recorded?(Give Office,book,and page.)(Special form is provided for this report in Supplement.) Ques.16.How many societies are there which do not own houses of worship? Ques.17.Whoare elected stewards for the ensuing year? Ques.18.Whois elected Recording Steward? Ques.19.Who ts elected District Steward? Ques.20.Who are elected Sunday School superintendents? Ques.21.Who are elected Sunday School Advisory Commitiee? 1 Church Lay Leaders?(/n stations the chargeQues.22.Whois elected Charge Lay Leader,and who have been electes Lay Leaders should act as Church Lay Leaders.) uarter for the support of the ministry,and h Summ raise aa id on the ow has tt been applied?| iding elder and the preachers.’s2nit,laetheh heOUUneer claims of the pre yn atedeusa FrloQ O24, Y>Ttal 87 0,14 eo C3.(KF--@L%.00.) Orphanage .. Printing Minutes....... Relic f of poor Sunday schhool:Birthday offer xe. go Children’s Day Wissions Supplies.0.0.0) Superannuate Lendowment Fund AnOtherpurposes*f-,!{ Jon f pworth League Annivers: 4S Ousiness? of Sentor Leagues 8s to be filled7.Other »'eaWik.NetlamG echeoted 3.8.aseml Ox>-'COL: ;s ,7 7/9 ,>¢«J ’7 ‘NOLL @ vac <ke C tout C He a tecwad“nck GTi jVRL.Ae.220 be Bpatti ::.x “3 A pret 4 7 he Los 4.aWw.a,PY.<cea ee “TAL zeQues,47>Where shall th oa eae iy ELSE,}SGA ‘SLLseeeo :The Minutes were read an d approved,and the Conference adknsait a i,I ”ae Za SOA @.Presiding Elder; f by S Let Le "Nore Recor ding Steward. Secretary, Care should be taken that no item be reported more than onc 1 (Ad &- “Uee ert 21,0 oO wha.Hy fi oN ~f g,g Lot _— |at dicovrden ms Cows VL 2ANCR for Jrehell 5 t ob.3 tid 4 Tt ip Qnrral.Be Gree Pranve ao B39 Dh Leomae MT Dene.CX SOR, freer Qaew es of Prot,cy t ,ea eee 5 é Prat an a —— ,)LAB rr e i-stade 3fs ck Lore «LA LAANALZ.ace (2 A. Yeas ‘aes )TV Litt,of CArce.doa Ltenecl.LS CACO 12 =o b p atey Qs “ gLe.£24 40 LQ ArianshowledRAS,QW.¢Vi.Gar Pe OLAp°Chavet a CAYO K i he y J Pt ALA VAT.‘2 ¢+0 |Pix mr at by Cir.ba Wn.~feuth Qtecl Rui 4 Conde’be Th,t,t,Ctyveme Lork A.— MINUTES =tO a:The >,0.COV Quarterly Conference for the current year,LI1 7 fn é Aell canes,Stattewmlle District,Weeline KL atin was held at Vb).Cree,frst Ad —Hes Ue Wore P.£.,tn the chair.After religious services,conducted by £3Frs...%9+E. WwW Lt Re€2:eee er Secretary.The voit was called,and the following members were present:Rew 9.C Yuck Re. wW.Welland, C.a.Thomar | 71 ‘es Stine dews dake how wa feott Lawraner HE DL Crowder HRro § =,TF,bea cteert-+,Andere CU 214.|we.rUkk front aud.adda WU dt.KHoltA ruceh,to the intrrect Arnd'RP opt eo" Jetattow ”b tysins hl pes ¢adr.4/rLay ’ Question 1.1s there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church?»Dis ipline of 1914,Paragraph go.)(See Supplement.) Ques.2.What statistics have been reported to the Annual Conference? STATISTICAL REPORT NO Jo al preac hers Additions on profession of faith ;Removals by death and otherwise Present total membership - baptized Number of Churches in charge Vumb Indebtedness,$Number of parsonages Value,% Church property,$Lixpended for churches and parsonages,$Churches damaged or destroyed Parsonages damaywed or destro)ed Amount of damage,$0.collected,$insurance carried,$Premium paid,$Number Woman's sstonary Socteties Missionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General orgar Total for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2),§ STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Leagues Members Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions, sf cial,$Amount raised League Anniver sary Day,#Imount raised for other objects,$7 otal from Leagues,#Number of Sunday schools Number of officers and teachers Eenvoliment in all departments Members in Home Depariment Children on Cradle Roll Vumber of training classes Number of Wesley Bible Classes Number of pupils received into Church during yeas Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions,special,%lmount raised on *NoTE Che numeralsinthe margin indic ate the session at which the questions embraced within the resy tive brace are 16 be called.Any question indicated for the first,second,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerabie at thet session,may Be Salled Ot the session following Amount raised for Sunday school supplies,$for other objects—i.e.: $Total from Sunday schools,$Total from Sunday schools Less JScemhere .rhe .y,/amount elsewhere reported,§Net total of Table No,2,$ Total from Tables Nos.1 and 2 (carry to Table STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3 Assessed,$Paid,$Church exten.assessm...Issessed,$Paid,$. Special, Education. American Bible Soc tely General Con}.expenses. For For For Objects not elsewhere reported... Total from Table Ni Wh |Grand total for the year “al amount has be ;sas “a 3 <-:S Oeen estimated by the board of stewards for the support of the preacher in charge (and his the current year? ),‘5.4.What amount has b >/é ount has been apportioned to this charge by the district stewards?For presiding elder, ee can Bible Society.$,,or ‘i As’7;Bishops’Fund,$Church extension assessment,$Church ex- Confere ,,..uference claimants,§Education,$General Conference CXPENSES Forei rn Dh s -.=os Home and Conference missions,$Special for missions,$d Ss »F.. Printing Win 5s,¢uperann ¢n wimwen unda,$ I a 4 Pi 4 7‘2g inute 8 Superannuale £idowmenl F ‘by Cues,5.Have ¢."ie ‘‘ss s “es.5+Have a Church lay leader and the following committees been elected for cach Church?(a)Lay leader (6)A Missionary ©‘He :be ee ,sstonary Committee (¢)An Evangelistic Committee (4)A Social Service CommitteSerze And what are their reports? (See Supplement.)Ques.6.H1as a Missionary C iltce ,,,.onary Commitice been appointed in every Sunday school,and Missionary Day? does every school observe a monthly 4 ues.7.Flou many copies >,Pr Conseren 4 «€©£e en,QNad wi 3 Ot c of the (ference orcanand A renera wean r aken,and 2 hat h been do:fo in- é E Z Si:le g are ft.wha as nm ne tk.tw crease their circulation?General or gan Conference organ ues,8.(,inte ]Ques,8.Who are appointed to examine Church registers and records of(hure h Conferences and report at the next “t teriy Conference whether they have been faithfully npwtdal :We ay,bie)-s ly uy N a0 e oi ce we vs<i A Me»of fe ,Sheets.»Ph ak R Upother (L.A s Qhexar Ques.9.What are we doing for the cause of education? pline of 19/4) Ques.10.Have the General Rules been read? II Ques,117.Are there Church registersandrecords of ¢ been faithfully kepl? Ques.13.What is the report of the Su nday School Ques.14.Who are the trustees of Church property? Ques.15.Are there reports from the trustees,and w the number of churches and parsonages the same? in premiums?(5)What amount of losses,tf any, deeds contain the trust clause in the Discipline Ques.17.Who are elected stewards for the ensuing year? Ques.18.Who is elec ted Recording Stewar ;is Ques.19.Who is elected District Stewara °unday ol superintendentsQues,20.Who are elected Sunday 5 hool superi»Ci Ques,21,Who are elected Sunday Scho Ques,22.Whois elected Charge Lay Leader,and who t Lay Leaders should act as Church Lay Leaders Ques.12.Is there a written report from the Woman's Missionas dvisors ,and what has been expended on the same during the year (3)What amount of insurance ts carr ted on churches ,has occurred, ?(7)Where are the litle papers kepl?(8)Where ave they recorded?(Git office,book,and page.)(Special form ts provided for this report in Ques.16.How many societies are there which do nol own houses 2 (Let the preacher in charge make a written report, ‘hurch Conferences for cach Church in this charge,and have they Society?(See Supplement.) Commiliee?(See Supplement ) tt do they show in answer to the following questions:(1)What és P (2)What ts the value of ,parsonages,and schools?(4)Whai amount has been paid tf and what amount has been collected thereon?(6)Do the Supplement.) if wor Ship? > caders?(in stations the charge Ques,23.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applied?(Let the answer to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.)i ‘ Luu cased 4.L Se.ee eOtcWeeSYU.45 4 2 ozeC-o th.(ack eh 16.4”oF GE.TS2 as °Le FT UAC OLRAANAAG S457 os :of.l4co0 1 Uad &Co :;WALA £0);Liz Da.[ab =e She geval:.Pot.Chegrr ely,ae.Ue rwQues.24.What has been raised the present quarter Jor other objects?*J ;L 6«/ octety i op,League:WEE,ob cin seet :Iphanage 0 Hes ‘es XY eSocietyEp.League:Missions s Orphanage s \ay EY.ve.Tanna rAAQ__aa =.hore ¢excaie tupAmericanBible .=..7Bishops’Fund.......--Other objects Printing Toh - .:a.rel ARBuilding,repriring,or furnisa-y ‘hx f 7s wy b h =~nee WN ‘.Lr Ak a ing churches..:General Conference expense..A.eelicfof poorge UW)Ann oS+pe (,rg ine~aPuilding,repairing,or furnishs 7 ing parsonages Hlospitals.....Sunday school:Birthday offer g. ed ne -—_—HPr2 a Changeextension:Assessment.Incidental expenses...’s Day.: ‘Special ss Insurance ceevakee Missions..../**.|3 Caer”oe oa SS Reweeved c‘MCL Claipian Ss 4 SSIO ."¢ts °.eee ..Conferen timant Vissions:Foreign Supplies S/Le Hy UL wv AAS Education x Home and Conf.....Superannuate Endowment Fund «Renwunsre.d_é deall’.ns Ww ,fuAPe ae yt Special Other purposes 4 Fx CYwh ad m~ON 2.t »R A 'Sy oct ne Chenin Vu ok fe &2 i tv\ov ~2 a ae.DVD DA26,Is there any miscellaneous business? saTs there a written report from the preacher in charge on the gener al state of the Church?(See Discipline ofAppeals‘‘ £97},Paragraph 90.)c s (See Supplement )Ae Ques.2.What statisticMhave been reported to the Annual Conference 5.What has been contributed on Epworth League Anniversary Day?$ Complaints District Conference: (a)Election of Delegates STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 Additions by certificate and otherwise ? (6)Recommendations for license to preach Local preachers Additions on profession of faith ¢.Epworth Leagues:Confirmation of Presidents of Senior Leagues Removals by death and otherwise Present total membership .Adults baptized Infants Jb.Exhorters: (a)Application for license y .;,r .ai Patan ibaptizedNumberofChurchesinchargeNumberofchurchbuildings.Value,$ (6)Reports of exhorters Indebtedness,%Number of parsonages.Value,$Indebtedness,$Value of other ()Renewal of license Church property,$Expended for churches and parsonages,$Churches damaged or destroyed Trustees:Vacancies in boards to be filled.Parsonages damaged or destroyed.Amount of damage,#.Loss collected,$Insurance Number Woman's Missionary Societies ‘Number of membersOthermiseebusinesscarried,$.......Premium paid,$ Ths£fa é L MILA,t UG.elected t dizi Missionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ *Conference organ aie rd *6 mest Q a?Thaw 1 QA ‘Ww,d 'm ;§:Total for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2),# {:f STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 (n i Leagues.Members i te of 4«‘Bisa . ‘ Cheeamd :-ts es ah *}special,$Amount raised League Anniversary Day,Amount raisedforother objects,$:Total Ques.87.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be heldt (22 ¢hed from Leagues,$Number of Sunday schools Number of officers and teachers Enrollment in Children on Cradle Roll..Number of training Amount raisedfor missions,‘ Amount raised for missions,assessment,$ The Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. all depariments Members in Home Depariment :WwW £he :Warr Presiding Elder;classes Number of Wesley Bible Classes Numberof pupils received into Church during year Amount raised for missions,special,$Amount raised on Steward.eae nists Megane a me ind 'ate the session at ertlach the questions embraced “within the respective brackets,are to beRecording..eN TI |the r ')A J TE humere it mare é,:.secretary.called.Any auestion indicated for the first,second,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at that session,may be called at the semen -“;session following. ,nt ,..\Amount raised for missions,assessment,$ *Note.—Care should be taken that no item be reported more than once. Ques,23.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applied? the answer to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.) Ce ao SUZ Lmmerebrrrg ee Ss Wy.(3.4eth ah.16.90 a.STS2 IAGeh Orns Ores PE.»S4oe A ual &Maree ca),Lier?PL LBRAEQues.24.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects?*J ,LG ix”~7 La American Pible Society.......8 Ep.League:Missions.........8 Orphanage.p 4 a ‘Bishops’Fund.......a --Other objects Printing|Hithtes Building,repairing ,or furnisa-’a i pingchurches..gyTomprat Conference expense...ALM.,Relief of poor ng,repairing,or furnishes 27° Y PATSONAGES ...seeeees TRAE i 65 ix skspe Sunday school:Birthday offer g. Church extension:Assessment.Incidental expenses Children’s Day. Special ‘Insurance .Missions... Conference claimants Missions:Foreign ;Supplies...SA E-ducation....FHlome and Conf.Superannuate Endowment Fund sinssaeeeeke ;Other purposes >5.What has been contributed on Epworth League Anniversary Day?§$ Ques.26,Is there any miscellaneous business? 1.Appeals Complaints District Conference: (a)Election of Delegates (6)Recommendations for license to preach ¢.Epworth Leagues:Confirmation of Presidents of Senior Leagues J:Exhorters: (a)Application for license (6)Reports of exhorters (¢)Renewal of license 6.Trustees:Vacancies in boards to be filled. Other miscellaneous businessthe.Dllntiinn ded Bb be SG LAS 01 L :Bo a ¢tt ens Thurvvi aw thd.F,yuA.C.still? ARebt..darsrnree FNC,(bond.Nin M+A»Stine Ques,27.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?.me (30 ¢Bal The Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. A :W t fe ;Warr Presiding Elder;7 u AJ Pm diathcin-th a Recording Steward. ;-vasennubvsiuecteeemeee COUT We *Norr.—Care should be taken that no item be reported more than once. WE Have ho draque Thee OULU USE Qasrd 7 An1AeBan.1 sees ac«Toe feral.4 Dae Visi ef,,aes Ue> %\em ra HY 2 |e —rAQ__AL ger “he ¢wate| m.Maaaas.,~k he MUNA frag n ——eo Wn =vl oe Wn “He Charge ‘ee np We ONnR ae <Og te ;a ae ett|UN We»8 hominy Nhe hitdn CA.“Lata 4 W.pe a pps\ f3 1 written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church?(See Discipline of ae Poragvath 90.)La,>.(See Supplement.)Pe Ques.2.What statisticMhave been reported to the Annual Conference? STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 local preachers Additions on profession of faith Additions by certificate and otherwise Removals by death and otherwise Present total membership Adults baptized infants baptized Number of Churches in charge Number of church buildings Value,$ Indebtedness,$Number of parsonages.Value,$Indebtedness,$Value of other Church property,$Expended for churches and parsonages,$Churches damaged or destroyed Parsonages damaged or destroyed.Amount of damage,#.Loss collected,$Insurance carried,$......Premium paid,$Number Woman's Missionary Societies ‘Number of members Missionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ..,:Conference organ Total for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2),# STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Leagues.Members Amount raised for missions,assessment,#.Amount raised for missions, special,$Amount raised League Anniversary Day,$Amount raisedforother objects,$»Total,«-< Number of Sunday schools Number of officers and teachers Enroliment in Members in Home Department Children on Cradle Roill..Number of training Srom Leagues,$ all deparimenis classes Number of Wesley Bible Classes Numberof pupils received into Church during year............ \Amount raised for missions,assessment,_Amount raised for missions,special,$Amount raised on ..:,_— aaa =‘ease the respective brackets are to be,Tk.—~T umeral he in in 1 cate the session at w hic h the questions embraced within cal yoTR The numerals in the marvinfirst,indicate #or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at that session,may be called at the session following. Ones.26,1$there. Appeals Complaints. District ¢onference: (a)Election of Delegates (4)Recommendations for license to preach Epworth Leagues:Confirmation of Presidents of Senior Leagues Exhorters: (a)Application for license (6)Reports of exhorters (¢)Renewal of license 6.Trustees:Vacancies in boards to be filled. Other miscellaneous business Jooha ian.thaghed.te Lo Bo qe 1C.Qe.»Fhamaw WF.Ma ttl (Rott.OR rmnie ¥.°C, icbancd-js iL.a.Sis WL Ques.27.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?nee /32 ¢B,a The Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. W £fe ;Warr Presiding Elder; v4‘7 oy fio-tte ila etary.Recording Steward. Notr.—Care should be taken that no item be reported more tharan once. ee MINUTES The..r-Pus.,--QuarterlyConference for the current year,191 7 Vv od ehh,&bctstl ctor “ge,St adererAQQ istrict,Largatan-naw WSs Conference, wus het ot ee ees :Ou1ig La...pe s Bs .7L e P.E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by Ue 2 2...: ¢;'Ov .2c AMM OLE was elected Secretary.The roll was called,and theSollowing members were present(eur.af rock Pe. Rareteontcines pi mr lee hid aieghl Li Uihhivare OLE here + 2.Cs Whowcee e.F CL .Stim. written report from the preacher in charge on the gener al state of the Church?(See Discipline ofrea 7 le) Paragraph 90.)¢Ld s Ques.2.What statisticMhave been reported to the Annual Conference? (See Supplement.)> STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 Local preachers Additions on profession of faith Additions by certificate and otherwise therwise Present total membership Adults baptized InfantsRemovalsbydeathand« baplized Number of Churches in charge Number of church buildings Value,§ Indebtedness,$Number of parsonages.Value,#Indebtedness,$Value of other Church property,$Expended for churches and parsonages,$Churches damaged or destroyed.Vs d Parsonages damaged or destroyed.Amount of damage,#.Loss collected,$Insurance carried,$Premium paid,$Number Woman's Missionary Societies.;Number of members Missionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ.‘;Conference organ *Total for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2),8 STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions,Leagues Members special,$Jmount raised League Anniversary Day,$Amount raised for other objects,$»Total,é < +-o .J,-or ;C fe,o tp 9 .,,from Leagues,$Number of Sunday schools Number of officers and teachers Enrollment in ail departments Members in Home Department Children on Cradle Roll.Number of training classes Number of Wesley Bible Classes Number of pupils received into Church during year Amount raised for missions,special,$Amount raised on |Amount raised for missions,assessment, rae 1}the session at “which the questions embraced within the respective brackets are to be®.e in ina ate ean OTK,The,nem indic ate the mary first,sect yond,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswe rable at that session,may be called at the session following. sed for Sunday school supplics,$for other objects.e..Amount Total from Sunday schools,Total from Sunday si ie Net lotal of Table No,2,$amount elsewhere reported from Tables Nos.1 and 2\(carry to Table No.3),$3 STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3 Church eaten.assessm,.Assesse d,s special.. |Education|| |American Bible Soc tely ' General Con}.expenses, | For For For Objects nol elsewhere reported... Total from Table No.2 Grand total for the year }imount has been estimated by the board of stewards for the support of the preacher in charge (and his current year What amount has been apportioned to this charge by the district stewards?For presiding elder,$ an Bible Society,$Bishops’Fund,$Church extension assessment,$Church ex-’q ’ pecial,$Conference claimants,§$Education,$General Conference expenses, missions,$Fiome and Conference missions,&Special for missions,$ ,,.,,.Minutes,$iperannuate I-ndowment Fund,$ Ques,5.Have a Church lay leader and the following committees been elected Jor each Church?(a)Lay leader (6)A Missionary Committe:(c)An Evangelistic Committee (d)A Social Service Committee And what are their reports?(See Supplement.)Ques.6.Has a Missionary Commitice been appointed in every Sunday school,and does every school observe a monthly Missionary Day? Ques.7.How many copies of the Conference organ and cf the general organ are taken,and what has been done to in- crease their circulation?General organ Conference organ Ques,8.Who are appointed lo examine Church registers and records of Church Conferences and reportat the next Quar- onference whether they have been faithfully hepl? ll Ques.9.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let the preacher in charge make a wvritten report,See Disci- pline of 1914) Ques.10.Have the General Rules been read?fb 4 v_F £t (See Supplement.) Ques.11.Are there Church registers and records of Church Conferences for cach ¢hurch in this charge,and have they eS AS aft -been faithfully kept?—~7}v1 rz <. Ques.12.Is there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Society?(See Supplement.) Ques.13.What is the report of the Sunday School Advisory Committee?(See Supplement.) Ques.14.Who are the trustees of Church property Ques.15.Are there reports from the trustees,and what do they show in ansu er lo the following questions:(/)What isthenumberofchurchesandparsonages,and what has been e tpended on the same during the year?(2)What ts the value ofthesame?(3)What amount ofinsurance is carried on churr hes,parsonages,and schools?(4)What amount has been paidinpremiums?(5)What amount of losses,tf any,has occurred,and what amount has be en collected thereon?(6)Do thedeedscontainthetrustclauseintheDis<ipline?(7)Whereare the title papers kept?(8)Where ave they recorded?(GiveOffice,book,and page.)(Special form is provided for this report in Supplement.)Ques,16.Hlow many societies ave there which do not own houses of wor ship?Ques,17.Whoare elected stewards for the en suing year? Ques.18.Whois elected Recording Steward? Ques.19.Who is elected District Steward? Ques,20.Who are elected Sunday School superintendents? Ques.21,Who are elected Sunday School >ae i b Ja py cP »»>Ques,22.Whois elected Charge Lay Leader,and who have Church Lay Leaders?(In stations the charge Lay Leaders should act as Church Lay Leaders is been»i the present quarter for the support of the minists vy,and how has it beidandpaidontheclaimsofthepresidingelderandt/iMeera.He sk ry aneshs 7 f 6-00 ¥¥,18- n applthesumraisereache+on 14-16 rvimsy Creede 22.8 mM wee deni ap lo.3 x mk.(Ach d.»Qh a G.,7 +~ t the present quarte 363 PudLPe.7.08 Pe 191ee Orphanage Printitig MigmEses.6 occ cick s Sunday school:Birthday offer eg. Children’s Day. Missions .. Supplies..... Superannuate Endowment Fund Other purposes wv {7 Oassiaten a AS a heen contributed on Epworth League Anniversary Day?§ ellaneous business? sidents of Senior leagues 0 Yroaewd otaTheMinuteswerereadandapproved,and the Conference adjourned. i UW _f-Wane C.a.©ROAMVOWNE Srcre? *NorTe.—Care should be taken that no item be reported more than once. ues,97>Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held? Presiding Elder; Recordine Steward. 7y. } Rip a nw CP idivce Tie (raw Hoe Aonwuswa FH ¢Bris rea ke ue Low Preann Qreacehesd hvates re CLA yyw no. 4.Adar Chlduns ~~Upterra,Waren 4d rs Cherrehea,tar, Gitrse,Cia -e-_— Net Vik one a. Wihoopin4 oe a.ae: 2;Sb cBis nal.Sl,a 0 “atk = no, 4,Row :iZimnal.Cao-thsslicn~ 7 O Riw « Us Pal.yhir.danrtkr One Senet ya @biwreth Schools 7 Tene CelQactieus One Yaainng ASA 9 ~KY .LOA)« Vs 2 RAA “—~2eeLawotARtAn~‘ a ove ow ~b =<Paine =“Kcuhi saa.td Kolrtw ° Wwe fark JE.Barn “hus ER Ra ro hn.tao ‘wUw-Feaqoc,t he CA he Thats Onc.A Sez ewe &.:AWARE decng prrorns Le 2d &»tae eeOe ee atic eo Prose QAw R.alent»Ur Rae nAnt Cough /rn pnt _eaeCRrUa.U3 frweR,Aw Congas —bh oa Sata Chant =OnAm aA.{WY,7.A...ia Reuse “nek Aad Thar CPutdrrre OAL Ling | ee ee ee ae.hee itech 3 page Loe on wed eo 7 ~-tn ‘:SAS.-GAAAAAA ae Vewws.Wow a a rrr $paine C the fe 4 'r t f ‘V ha may eas.oo ae ‘is MINUTES e Lhe 1 eur,Quarterly Conference for the current year,191 7 IwedBe.Crue ‘ina Charee,DP Baath.District,TW sadiann VL Coons rence, was held at Moeedowrea ,Ol 27 191,Raw WW FR.UG fF,Bs in the chair.After religious Service S,conducted by he CP.&,* R -_:OL wan sey was elected Secretary.The roil was called,and the following members were present: °&° neval state ofQuestion1.Is there a written report from the prea her in charge on the ‘o14,Paragraph go.) Oues.2.What statistics have been reported to the «Iinnual Conferenc STATISTICAL REPORT NO 1 on al prea hers Additions on profession of faith death and otherwise Vumber of Churchesbap Indchledness,# «hurch property,s yr churchesandpar lestroved Parsonages damayved or Imount of J/nsurance uwricd,$Premium pat Number Wore Church papers lakeMissionarymoneycollected,$ Tolal for Table No.1 (carry forwar STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Leagues Vembers Amount raised for missions,assessment,$ions, Amount raised League Anniversary Day,$Imount rai 7 otal from Leagues,#Number of Sunday Number of officers F-nvrollment in departments Members in Home Department Children on Cradl Vumdl flrainin Bibl.Lasse Number «f pupils ,Anvrch duviv Imount raised Jor missions,Ss)‘lmounl raised om.ane numerals in the margin indicate the ‘,it wi t es t «ithi ‘ect t s are (©be.nied ;nat ‘i ,te alled at thestionindicatedforthefirst,second,or classes Number of Wesley i for missions,assessment,& Amount rat *NoTe Thecalled.Any ques session following Children's Day,$-<Imount raised for Sunday school supplies,$for other objects—i.e.:;(:a Ques.9.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let the preacher in charge make a written report,See Disci- $.Total from Sunday schools,$Tt row hool .:‘J MU 4 .Total from Sunday schoo:pline of 1914).(See Supplement.) and Epworth Leagues,$Less amount elsewhere reported,§Net totalof Table No,2’p .vf 28 Ques.10.Have the General Rules been read? Total from Table No.7,8 Total from Tables Nos.1 and 2 (carry to Table No,3)p P .me +3),B...--Ques.11.Are there Church registersandrecords of Church Conferences for each Church in this charge,and have theySTATISTICALREPORTNO.3 been faithfully kept? Presiding elder ..Assessed,$Paid,$Church exten.assessm..Assessed,$ Preacher in charge.....”‘5 'special... Incidental expenses.....Education Ralicbaleeiacuies :,eat s :noQues.12.Is there a written report from the Woman's Missionary Society?(See Supplement.) Bishops’Fund.........‘American Bible Society Ques.13.What is the report of the Sunday School Advisory Committee?(See Supplement.)TH Rap~UL _lat ote re 5 ‘‘ey .iene ..n.claim.-Sup.En.Fd.General Conf.expenses.Ques.14.Who are the trustees of Church property? !Foreign missions For.'Cae —}’“Ree ee ‘|For. Hilome and Conf.mis...For .Ques.15.Are there reports from the trustees,and what do they show in answer lo the following questions:(1)What ésConferencespecial.....“‘Objects not elsewhere reported...the numbe r of churches and parsonages,and what has been expended on the same during the year?(2)What ts the value of the same?(3)What amount of insurance ts carried on churches,parsonages,and schools?(4)What amount has been paidHomeMissionstehedTotalfromTableNo.2 de premiums?(s)What amount of losses,if any,has occurred,and what amount has been colle cted thereon?(6)Do the;?deeds contain the trust clause in the Discipline?(7)Whereare the title papers kepi2 (8)Whereare theyrecorded?(Give Grand total for the year."ee ee)ee ae ae ee ae oe ken apr Newas|++Ques.16.How many societies are there which do not own houses of worship?.Ques.3.What amount has been estimated by the board of stewards for the support of |the pebtalen in charge (and his Ques.17.Who are elected stewards for the ensuing year? ,assistant)for the current year?e : ue ,4 ,°7 ,;,‘,Ques.4.Whatamount has been apportioned to this charge by the district stewards?For presiding elder,$ ‘py >A 7.°2 >--+American Bible Society,$Bishops’Fund,$Church extension assessment,$..Church ex- fension special,s “ane fa.»clai:=..‘;i u‘al,§Conference claimants,$FE-ducation,$General Conference expenses, >.y ;s -....-..Foreign missions,$Home and Conference missions,$.Special for missions,$... i ‘;.,Printing Minutes,$Superannuale Endowment Fund,$. Ques.18,Whois elected Recording Steward?XA _=AWA GALQin & Ques.79.Who is elected District Steward?s.&,Mtoe ake, .=oo --,M4Ques.5.;ae et ,.:Ques.20.Who are elected Sunday School superintendents?.Ww.+t 'rukhe,Have a Church lay leader and the following committees been elected for each Church?(a)Lay leader.aTheen Ow TaKranckhe Las TYt oO Pinas ORians™)A Missionary Committe.An Evangelistic Committee (@)A Social Service Committee C OQ S ,R-7.9 ".©weed.i Saks as $..C@....DKache,oe Tarnnralnng KW &Ws A tuoQlern,OM W e,and does every school observe a monthly Ques,21,Who are elected Sunday School Advisory Committee?“WAS ov . And what are their reports? Ques.6.Has a Missionary Commitice been appointed in every Sunday schooly Missionary Day?tieSeedues.7.How man 7 “sep foe a aQ7(any copies of the Conference organ and of the general organ are taken,and what has been done to in- crease their circulation?General organ Conserence organ Ques,22.Whois elected Charge Lay Leader,and who have been elected Church Lay Leaders?(in stations the charge ues,8.Wi ~‘ate rani n .bi ~Ques,8.Who are appointed to examine Church registers and records of Church Conferences and reportat the next Quar-Lay Leaders should act as Church Lay Leaders.) terly Conference whether they have been faithfully kept?.:ea i argc.-Steele ,a traLewipensheerasees:e :yah Aut, Ques,23.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how hasit been applied?(Let |TRUSTEE’S REPORT FOR THE YEAR‘“191theanswertothisquestionembraceonlythesumraisedandpaidontheclaimsofthepresidingelderandthepreachers.) Dann...ba 3.°LHbd-IV.canare,L bm Cab ae oe Station or Circuit a ;—7 |aha aed —"a eanid INSURANCE |PREMIUMS PAID COLLECTEDMacadena\1.3 o i IuA.5y 0 EXPENDED Swen Smaak.4A ChurchesOne.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects?* American Bible Society $Ep.League:Missions,:Orphanage ciewalccnkvee -Parsonages PR ios ans ™"Other objects Printing Minutes......00cccess Schools deuce ica “15-0,2°General ¢onference expense...Reliefofpoor Totalsrepairing,or>Arata Hospitals Sunday school:Birthday offer g Deeds to the following contain the trust clause:Children’s Day. Missions . Missions:Foreign ....)"Supplies.......3 VY ai Home and Conf.Superannuate Endowment Fund Special.Other purposes ]Al Oo Deeds to the following have not the trust clause: What has been contributed on Epworth League Anniversary Day? ls there any miscellaneous business? ippeadls Complaints District Conference:(a)Election of Delegates The title papers are kept )Recommendations for license to preach Epworth Leagues:Confirmation of Presidents of Senior LeaguesE-xhorters: (a)Application for licenseZd (46)Reports of exhorters (c)Renewal of ti wet Ww Cy.'s Diteonne,Ro OyPenal wae RKancrured,OFFICETrustees:Vacancies in boardstobe filled ed,Rriehkerl ooe cQeeked Writer Por )The titles are recorded: 7.Other miscellaneous busines erepanath eee luca pinay iCrratedrawnOaic10.GaBtie Pelrieel nS , Ques,27.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference le held?O Ruan.Dikiaes The Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned.’ -w Ve w ARR Presiding Elder;oe de <Q R .Q Ww Ww Jae2tran2.Recording Steward. Secretary. *Nore.—-Care should be taken that no item be reported more than once. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED SESSION “in adjourned session of the Fourth Quarterly Conference for the current year Char ge, with After religious services conducted 6) «es.1.1s therea written report from preacher in charge on general state of the Church?. District,Conference,was held at e ‘ 191 .....to complete answers to Questions. »2P.C.,in Tee ere aoe acting as Secretary. the following members were enrolled as present: (See Supplement.Beenues,23,What (additional)amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been American Bible Society Bishops Fund. Luilding,repairing,or furnish- ing churches Building,repairing,orfurnish- ing parsonages Church extension:Assessment. “6 "Special Conference claimants... Education Ep.League:Anniver sary Day [Note.—//the above figures represent the whole year,state the fact here:Yes or no?] Ques Ques Ques. The Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. Ques.24.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects? Lp.League:Missions, ee,rr Other objects General Conference expense... Hospitals Incidental expenses Insurance Missions:Foreign .... tg Home and Cons. vevcscceeves . Secretary. Orphanage Printiaig MiMUtes..66cccisecess Relief of poor Sunday school:Birthday offerg. -”Children’s Day. Missions .... SPDT.6 voss Superannuaie Endowment Fund Other purposes... i (See Supplement (See Supplement (See Supplement Recording Steward. OFFICIAL ROLL Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 191 =] a aa Ls (Ket LUA Viewer.tr. 4 A Jb Oct tll —Diswict;LE LAA LAA ALE Podlete ist QR.OFFICIAL RELATIONS DATE 6 SUS Seff $o Vv SUS deff¢ c Ss tefl PG. 2b QR. DATE 30 OR. DATE ._Charege, Conference. Asst. 47H QR.|SPECIAL |SPECIAL DATE |DATE DATE MINUTES The.Quarterly Conference for the current year,II1 & Quarterly Conference Roll of Members for the year 191........‘ee a |Desdaoe rane Charec,Teor aaasWa District,WranVsnns VS.SrConference, was held at ORinnwr VW Wah 2a IS,AD.Ou.Weari E.,in the chair.After religious services,conducted by g Ma : Pit.wii me SEE.-.e,.Sytaehe was elected Secretary.The roll was called,and the following :members were present: OFFICIAL :2D QR.3DQR.|4TH QR.|SPECIAL|SPECIAL j RELATIONS >x 3 Q DATE DATE DATE DATE |DATE ¥-e :YY SE @& I |Yr.Ro -_“LASABQ Te Se tiinnse 2 We Bins OFFICIAL ROLL WetesrDistrict,genre ;Conference. ,pengoy 4 Wye ttonr.fd e.Strrhe Question 1.Is there a written report from the preacher in «harge on the general state of the Church?(See Discipline of tor4,Paragraph 90.)(See Supplement.) Oues.2.What statistics have been reported to the Annual Conference? STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 Local preachers Additions on profession of faith.4 ¢Additions by certificate and otherwise 2 Removals by death and otherwise 2 QoQ Present total membership a7 7 Oo Adults baptized G Infants sf@ oebaptizeda.Number of Churches in charge g Number of church buildings 7 Value, Indebtedness,#Number of parsonages.rf Value,%~0 O¢Indebtedness,3 Value of other _i -—se Church property,§Expended for churches and parsonages,$..4 :Churches damaged or destroyed. Parsonages damaged or destroyed.Amount of damage,#Loss collected,#Insurance ")4 °,,»°> carried,$weg es Premium paid,$Number Woman's Missionary Societies Number of members Missionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ :Conference organ Total for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2),8 STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Leagues.Members Amount raise d for missions,assessment,$Amouni raised for mission S, special,$Amount raised League Anniversary Day,$Amount raised for other objects,Total ,acues,$Number of Sunday schools :Number of officers and teachers 3@ Enrollment infromLeagues,¢ all departmentsol x 1.Members in Home Department Children on Cradle Roll.Number of training classes Number of Wesley Bible Classes Number of pupils received into Church during year \Amount raised for missions,assessment,£Amount raised for missions,special,$Amount raised on —jicate the session at which the questions embraced within the respective brackets are to be*Note.—The numerals in the margin inc called.Any question indicated for the first,sec ond,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at that session,may be called at the session following. Amount raised for Sunday school supplies,8.2 *for other objects -",,o ¢y VO ...Total from Sunday schools,§¥Total from Sunday sch s amount!elsewhere reported,s Net lotal of Table No.¥ uw from Tables Nos.1 and 2 (carry to Table No,3),$ STATISTICAL REPORT NO Church exten,assessm,.Assessed,8 ~Jd.Paid,8’’ special..||/||i Education /American Bible Society Vv ¥'General Cons.expenses, |Ss 6 For For For *Ce hb fos ~taal'win iObjectsnolelsewhere reported..= Total from Table No. 7Grandtotalfortheyear........é % amount has been estimated by the board of stewards for the support of the preacher in charge (and his current year?Fou Goarlore Palany QAoo0,00 Oreading CLAen 160,060 0 ORanrr 230,00 ME Rethrt tws-ro OT.20-0 6¢ WMecedonn ||0,00 “‘WreeaArvna 337¢-0 Srnew Crank 3808 0? ),‘a .viesWhalamounthasbeenapportionedtothischargebythedistrictstewards?For presiding elder,sd or c o?4 =:.—i "°.Qo °?.Bible Society,$4 Bishops’Fund,8 /%Church extension assessment,$4 ¢~.Church ex- pecial,$G 2 Conference claimants,$8 44 ~Education,$G42 General Conference expenses, ten missions,$G 7.2 Home and ¢‘onference missions,$¥v2 =Special for missions,$ Printing Minutes,8 Superannuate Endowment Fund,$ dA hess Gof.of Kee Salowy {00 (!eked tucd Sty tite Lex -(0 %e .%4Ques.5.Have a Church lay leader and the following committees been elected for each Church?(a)Lay leader“gan (6)A Missionary Committe:(c)An Evangelistic Commitice (d)A Social Service Committee And what are their reports?eniien (See Supplement.) Ques.6.las a Missionary Commitice been appointed in every Sunday school,and does every school observe a monthly Wissiona»y Day? Ques.7.How many copies of the Conference organ and of the general organ are taken,and what has been done to in- crease their circulation?General organ Conserence organ Oues,8.Who are appointed 1o examine Church registers and records of Church Conferences ana report al the next Quar- teriy Conference whether they have been faithfully kept? Ques.9.What are we doing for the cause of education?(Let the preacher in charge make a written re; pline ef 1974) Ques.10.Have |¢!Rules been read? Ques.11.Are the hurch registers and records of Church Conferences for each i i re,and have they been faithful) (See Supplement.) (See Supplement.) Ques.15.Are there reports from %trustees,and what do th how in answer lo the following questions:(1)What és the number of churches and parson s,and what has been expended on »same duving the year?(2)What is the value of the same?(3)What amount of insurance ts carvricd on church ges,and schools?(4)What amount has been paid in premiums?(5)What amount of losses,tf any,has ocet f,and?Lamount has been collected thereon?(6)De the deeds contain the trust clause in the Discipline?(7)Where are ttle pa kept?(8)Where are they recorded?(Give Office,book,and page.)(Special form is provided for thi Ques.16.How many socteties are there wh Ques,17.Whoare elected stewards / Ques.18.Whois elected Recording Ques.19.Who ts elected District Ste Ques,20.Who are elected Sunday School s Ques.21.Who are elected Sunday School F h ‘nm slations the chargeQues,22.Who is elected Charge Lay Leader,and who ha s the e Lay Leaders should act as Church Lay Leaders.) Ques.23.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applied?(J the answ :n embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the presiding elder and the preachers.)u &-) oe Ms Yo hrierrsea “19 a A..0drowCreche12.09 Maerderia ilo.(P..&.-1.90.8 wk Bethel 7,570 muncaneatesy 2 5S S)7—0 n raised the present quarter for other objects?* Ep.League:Missions.........s Orphanage Other objects.....Printing Minutes Reliefof poor‘Zs General Conference expense or furnish- Hospitals......‘Sunday school:Birthday offer. Incidental expenses.Children’s Day. Insurance..Missions... Wissions:Foreign....Supplies... Flome and Conf.....Superannuate Endowment Fund NN i tose ca Other purposes What has been contributed on Epworth League Anniversary Day?§$. /s there any miscellaneous business? ptAppeals Complaints |District Conference:Craele Alo Pn Confentnwrer ak.~~(9)Ploction of Delegates89 Bog gar,RX ALayarnBan spot.Wi‘mmendations for license to preach VW pO es ‘Qaaker anrabrvelad Be Epworth Leagues:Confirmation of Presidents of Senior Leagues AcReet ahternoleas ¢E-rhorters: (@)Application for license VU. (6)Reports of exhorters (©)Renewal of license Trustees:Vacancies in boards to be filled Other miscellaneous business Ques,27.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?.woth Patdoh— The Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. Cy QU;TrsrwcQ Q a Presiding Elder; ~*~e,wisele Ww =.JalLanrg Recording Steward.;Secretary. *Nore.—Care should be taken that no item be reported more than once. Sevete ae!a. :-hee GQiorken, x!One Mehecok Cenlinuel Ro anu Gseccktin,Dax ’&kKnan.Wwe Ria i ~ine ocths ,3 4 Fron meeerssred 7,00 ou -Huw Qias conden ara Gaaker ~~. “VVUA ae eA) -A GU ‘>)OaikrcRNRreo , V ,Se i ‘the Ch >Sie Titeibele al Question 1.Is there a written report Jrom the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church (See Discipline of ‘See S cnaragraph90.)aor AA (Supplement.) Oues.2.What statistics have been reported to the «Innual Conference? 1974; STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 Local preachers Additions on profession of faith Additions by certificate and otherwise Removals by death and otherwise Present total membership Adults baptized Infants baptized Number of Churches in charge Number of church buildings Value,§ Number of parsonages.Value,#Indebtedness,$Value of otherIndebtedness,# Church property,$Expended for churches and parsonages,§Churches damaged or destroyedVsJ .a -arsonages damaged or destroyed.Amount of damage,$Loss collected,#Insurance rem m re $moer a”S issionary Socielies umber o rombers,ti aid,.Numbe Woman's Missionary Soc ViPremiupe»¢Ly . Church papers taken:General organ 'Conf *£¢or.‘can carried,$ Missionary money collected,$ Total for Table No.7 (carry forward to table No.2),8 STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Leagues Members Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions, Amount raised League Anniversary Day,$Amount raisedforother objects,$Totalspecial,$ 7 °a rs ;Number of officers and teachers E-nroliment infromLeagues,$Number of Sunday schools d ¢} ali depariments Members in Home Department.Children on Cradle Roll.Number of training 6 -lasses Number of Wesley Bible Classes Number of pupils received into Church during year.....classes : Amount raised for missions,special,$Amount raised on Amount raised for missions,assessmeé nt,s ‘braced within the respective brackets are to behemarginindieate‘the session at whic h the questions em :org Te peers.in the ihe first,second,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at that session,may be called at thecalled session following. What has been contributed on Epworth League Anniver sary Day?$ /s there any miscellaneous business? ippeads r mplaints °Sr ::mwDistrictConference:©Mmele d-Ro P.-L Confenrwnrnrer act.Vy Or . I /tion o ele rales i .rof D 0 Ww -™|M Bo y &-|ALRay andar ’otinn olen’ ‘“ommendations for license to preach WY Ow -thinns.‘(Pasler anradrwretad “Ue /)fy ,.fr 4 ypworthLeagues:Confirmation of Presidents of Senior Leagues AeQeat aller clea e livhorter (4)Application for license VU. cports of exhorters Trustees:Vacancies in boards to be filled th of ,}CHHEM MIiSCOMANRCOUS business Ques,27.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?wth Awat heh The Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. Cay QQ.-Trier 20 Presiding I:lder; KO SteeRe ar BW eRRar&trortine stoward ew ’Nort.-Care should be taken that no item be reported more than once MINUTES The Doeaow A Quarterly Conference for the current year,D1 x Gnrede®®Crnencb Circe,STaleavMe district,Veale WN &Conference, was held at wh —Mothel,Qpnkl 13 P.£E.,tin the chair.fter religious services,conducted by yy “US : ‘&Sreele ’was elected Secretary.The roll was called,and the following members were present: ?&CPoaKete (Ais.Hee ar~d_ Onestion 1,1s there a written report from the prea her in charge on the ge neval state of the Church?(See Disc ipline of so14,Paragraph ge.)“Tioee.Ae Oues,2».What statistics have been reported lo the Annual Conference? (See Supplement.) STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 Local preachers Additions on profession of faith Additions by certificate and otherwis Removals by death and otherwise Present total membership Adults baptized Infants Number of church buildings Value,#baplized Number of Churches in charge Indebledness,#Vumber of parsonages Value,#Indebtedness,&Value of other Church property,#Eaxpended for churches and parsonages,$Churches damaged or destroyed Parsonages damaged or destroyed Amount of damage,#Loss collected,#Jnsuvance carried,$Premium paid,$Number Woman's Missionary Societies Number ofegne +”rs wal Cann Ee Vissionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ :Confapence organ Total for Table No.1 (carry Jor ward to table No.2),# STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Leagues Members Amount raised for missions,assessment,8 Amount raised Jor missions, special,$Amount raised League Anniversary Day,$Amount raised for other objects,8 Total’4 from Leagues,$Number of Sunday schools Number of officers and teachers Fenvollment in all departments Wembers in Hlome Depariment Children on Cradle Roll.Number of training classes Vumber of Wesley Bible Classes Number of pupils veceived into Church duving year tmount raised for missions,asse ssmeni,&Amount raised for missions,special,#Imount raised on *NoTE.~The numerals in the margin indicate the session at which the questions embraced within the respective brackets are to be called,Any avestion indicated for the frst,sex yod,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at that session,may be called at the session following. wi&,Wa.Qu “Wassrel&@ wm hAA? See DiseiQues.9.What are we doing for the cause of eds lmount raise in SCHO Su «:y IOPECEStforSunday}ppl »?hor other obje / Supplement c y ,.,MNTAV SCROOIS,§$i row eH ine ¢otal Ss :’fi Ire eu 5 pil €Of 1914) nmreaNetlotalefTableNotlofTableAQues.10.Have the General Rules been 7),#.|Ques,11.Ave there Church registers and record and have they from Tables Nos,1 and 2\(carry to Table No.+ STATISTICAL REPORT NO been faithfully kept? Church exten,assessm,.Assessed,8’ Special, (Ques.12.Is there a written report from the Woman's Missionar |ducation. ldvisory Committ | American Bible Society 'SupplemQues.13.What is the report of the Sunday School Ques.14.Who are the trustees of Church propertyGeneralConf,expenses Ques.15.Are there reports from the trustees,and what do they show in answer to the following questions:(1)What ts elsewhere reported...the number of churches and parsonages,and what has been expended on the same during the year?(2)What ts the value o/ the same?(3)What amount of insurance ts carried on churches,parsonages,and schools?(4)What amount has been paid/,and what amount has been collected thereon?(6)Do theinpremiums?(5)What amount of losses,t/any,has occurres »(7)Whereare the title papers kepl?(8)Where are they recorded?(GivefromTableNo, .deeds contain the trust clause in the Discipline office,book,and page.)(Special formis provide d for this reportin Supplement.) Ques.16.How many societies are there which do not own houses of worship? Who are elected stewards for the ensuing year? ;aé Grand total for the year Ques,17./stewards for the support of the preacher in charge (andhi CR.PoWacn.Snow Crack, Cond ro!WMeaesdenwid , DG.Conw dn Drew Crerck , n apportionedto this ch ;hw ychargebythedistrictstewards?For presiding elder,8 hLishops’Fund,$.i nd,$;-»?Church extension assessment,$Church ea F/lio ::Educ afion,$General ¢onfserence €rfre AMSES, Jlom ‘:.:f 2 onference missions,$Spec tal for missions,$ owment Fund,$ Oues.18.Who is ele ted Recording Steward? Ques.19.Who is elected District Ste Ques,20.Who are elected Sunday5.Fla rch A i.t;are Aurch lay leader and th lowzthefollowing committees been elected Jor cach Church?(a)Lay leader(cat A(As Fics .)A Missionary Committee (¢)An Evangelist 7dvangelisticCommittec (d)A Social Service CommittA.‘vice Ci ceIndwhatarethei»reports? (See Supplement.)O WZ /Oues.6.Tlasa 4issionary my tif ph n ery unda »N /,z monthly ‘.‘y Commillee been appoin t :Ys ,“i a “e's cr rve a fe “Ppotnte im ever S away § « «7 sche i,nd di every sé hool observe ¢onthly Ones,27,Who are elected Sunday. i [Vissionary Day? Ques.7.How many copies of thjne Conference org fof th‘kan and of the ger i ?h6generalorganavetaken,andwhat has been done to in-eréase their circulation?General or gan Conference or ”7 aference organ Oues,22.Whois elected Charge Lay Leader,and Cues,§he are ap ni.TTD Ch /4 j j )Chur ty caaer )u pointed lo exami We Church registersandrecordsof |hurch ¢NOV EON sand re fat . /A ‘?‘CVENCES QNi vi tf ti, ’ (i portat the nervt Quar Lay Leaders should acé «J Ad )LendersferlyConferencewhethertheyhavebenmfaithfuilyhepl? Oues.;What amount has been vaised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applicd?(Lettheanswerlothisquestionembraceonlythesumraisedan1paidontheclaimsofthepresidingelderandthepreachers.)h x ‘0ALRHowl.J (mat *attr,GOA,~hKe ce 4 yorAesDRnrMe...2S.wk AsPint 331IF GR-IF00AnowCrasf©1-S$O Moarrnr lb Xo g-&-164.30 a Seheela,TFea m e&ioehkar ~Ta 2.4.,.0.0 Cae a “UD onAew Vie<a pete A HD “Tie Chak i nik Siedad.inmatbuwetidsf.tal has becn vaised e present quarte or other objects ?* Imerican Bible Society Ep.League:Mission Orphanage lie q He Qs t CetKe nw ,re .;rv.;SL | re ‘vinting Minutes.eee ape “IM oration Re.—MNanrahal® Gencral Conference expense...Reliefofpoor nN Ga ox O ~—ead a ou eee:ere eee:AA “Te atu —~t alerrnn.Ratyreniptrs Wie AND ee oo Canam “to “He drnrenrl “|,s v.00InsurancevivianencesMissions. fp {ooo CarnWm ,LAD.Qra Gia yw “~~ he.Worates —“Wwrehic Cw Cs moron RQ Onn Missions:Foreign...Supplies.... /lome and Conf/.....Superannuate Endowment Fund Special.Other purposes eXe ca te ale C m0 ¢«ee a) aa CwVtsbeencontributedonEpworthLeagueAnniversaryDay? pany miscellaneous business? Juestion 4.Ts there a wrilien report from ined z >..1914,Paragraph go.)Jry _»toe poet |J (See Supplement.)Ql, flection of Delegates (Ques.2.What statislics have been reported to the Annual«Onjer bnet STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1‘)Recommendations for license to preachdfi”preach one : f Local preachers Additions on profession of faith Additions by certificate and otherwise 4 ,‘-pPworin ague Confirmation of Presidents of SeniorJalr?‘of Senior Leagues f ,P ul,ize“Exhorters:;”Removals by death and otherwise Present total membership Adults baptized Infants (a)Application for license %Pplic ene baplized Number of Churches in charge Number of church buildings Value, b)Reports of exh .j t Of «L0”V1ErS “‘ r Indchtedness,%Number of parsonages Value,$Indebtedness,#Value of other C)Renewal of licen ;: ae —Church property,$L-apended for churches and parsonages,$Churches damaged or destroyed. 6.Trustees:V /;/.:twancies in board he fille.wads to be filled Parsonages damaved or destroved Amount of damage,#Loss colle ted,¢InsurancevyOthermiscellaneousbusiness:\‘t eJcarried,$Premium paid,$Number Woman's Missionary Societies Number of members Missionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ ;Conference organ Total for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2),#% STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 leagues Members Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions, AmountraisedLeagueAnniversary Day,Amount raised for other objects,Total : special,$Ques,27,Where shall the next Quarterty Conference be held?%YAS eQnoehe,$d iy ‘<¢held 4 <<Number of Sunday schools Number of officers and teachers Enroliment in"[>eoree we ~from Leagues,$The Minute Ss were read and ap prove ,and the Cc onferen €adjourned.:“22 .,.all departments Members in Home Department Children on Cradle Roll Number of training UY.CL.Tissuehe Presiding Elder;classes Number of Weslev Bible Classes Number of pupils received into Church during year‘;: Amount raised for missions,special,$‘mount raised on<D }g Oo Amount raised for missions,assessment,§&.t WW om i TOLL AwW2 Recording Steward.:—- ;7 2.ee oe ”*Nore The numerals in the margin indicate the session at which the questions embraced within the respective bracke’s are to beSecretary.called.Any question indicated for the first,second,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at thet session,may bh?(alled at the session following rN.>ana »Nors.—Care should be taken that no item be reported more than once. Ques.23.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applicd?(Lettheanswertothisquestionembraceonlythesumraisedandpaidontheclaimsofthepresidingelderandthepreachers.)DRnnwrw MH o.2S7 ME Asthat ISIS GP&-AFDanoneCrate1-3 Moararn LAO g.&.164,30 “Maanoanmosana,2.9 ,O oO Wa edenca,(Sc HIQues,24.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects?* Ep.League::Orphanage “ss Printing Minutes. General Conference expense....;Relief of poor flospitals Sunday school:Birthday offer g. Incidental expenses ™"Children’s Day. Jnsurance <Missions .. Missions:Foreign....Supplies....... “Tlome and Con/Superannuate Endowment Fund Special :Other purposes What has been contributed on Epworth League Anniver sary Day?§$ /s there any miscellaneous business? Question 1.Is there a written report from ine, +oyComplaints1914,Paragraph go.)’otis AL ~~District Conference: (a)Election of Delevates (See Supplement.)Qa, (Ques.2.What statistics have been reported to the Annual Vonser ence STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1h,,A —s s sa J ;ie(6)Recomme ndatlions for license to preach ;Local preachers Additions on profession of faith Additions by certificate and otherwiseLipworthLaagues:Confirmation of Presidents of Senior Leagues Present total membership Adults baptized InfantsExhorters:Removals by death and otherwise (a)Applic ation for license baptized Number of Churches in charge Number of church buildings Value,$ 4 P ese F re -fe ..We Ss Vals ,vf th rT »)Reports of exhorters Indebtedness,$Number of parsonages Value,$Indebtedness,$alue of othe ()Renewal of license 4 Church property,$Expended for churches and parsonages,$Churches damaged or destroyed.y Ly,i 6.Trustees:Vacancies in boards to be filler >..”*stroved Amount of damage,$Loss collected,$Jusiweuee (:Parsonages damavsd or destros } Other miscellaneous business srried,@ Premium paid,$Number Woman's Missionary Societies :Number of membersPed,$i“ [Sst y t then:Gener ,,‘on ferenceorgMissionarymoneycollected,$Church papers taken:General organ ;Conference organ sTotalforTableNo.1 (carry forward to table No.2),$ STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 ,,.J oo 7 w .7LeaguesMembers.Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions, .fone ,,¢ised for other objects Totalspecial,$Amount raised League Anniversary Day,Amount raised for other objects,$oleQues,27-Where shall the next Quarteriy Conference be held?%WNT enoe le,The Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. ,«s ,;;;:Paid oa.from Leagues,$Number of Sunday schools Number of officers and teachers Enrollment in all depariments Members in Home Department Children on Cradle Roll Number of training‘d ,r Pf ’,ri ,.ved i Church during year.*te y ..Y sley Bible Classes Number of pupils received into ¢a-Uy.cu.Ttgrwe22 Presiding Elder;classes...Number of Wesley Bible Cl pup =x.}i (Imount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions,special,$Amount raised onxlw+bHWeonleoan R a .Amount |a tinattle atone :ne Recording Steward,T 3 he c indicate the session at which the questions embraced within the respective brackm#'s are to be,.i.°Note.~The numerals in the margin indice hi Resouces ,ssavalde ak ek akamioc:tuna te cated in iinSkaele:Secretary.called.Any question indicated for the first,sec ond,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswesessionfollowing *Nore.—Care should be taken that no item be reported more than once. 2 MINUTES The..hee AL Quarterly Conference for the current year,191 -: :©Qann_Charge,STaleanrQQenisirics,Lap.Vu :c<,r....Conference,i was held at Qanew Cresta,?(3 191 x,Aw)Qu VAR ArsQR | f.B.,8 the chair.After religious services,condusted by Gs 2...aiindicmnasilbealy SP Ist .:was elected Secretary.The roil was called,and the following members were present: &.Poatarhle.pie. C..4 PRraler | q.‘(Pome WF WuklacgyBwa Rr —@ Be Question 1.Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church?(Sce Discipline of 1944,Paragraph go.)Jay»ee (See Supplement.)Ql, (Ques.2.What statistics have been reported to the Annual Conference?zeSTATISTICAL REPORT NO.1Recommendationsforlicensetopreachae Local preachers Additions on profession of faith Additions by certificate and otherwiselrpworthJy.tivmrat fp /¢*aoe 7 reser a men ?/" “pwort eagues;Con mation of Presidents of Senior Lz "s n VUMISE 4 Z j a a agUe f ’. Exhorters:.é Removals by death and otherwise i nt total membershi oantts os y .7 s (a)Application for license re ;sie Su Zi :baptized Number of Churches in charge Number of church buildings Value,§ b)Reports of exhorters .rat .ladebt <al,Indebtedness,#Number of parsonages Value,$indebtedness,$Value of other ()Re newal of license Church property,$E-xpended for churches and parsonages,$Churches damaged or destroyed. 6.Trustees:V.;in b /.5S!Facancies in boards to be fille a ; ‘0 be filled Parsonages damavsd or destroved.Amount of damage,$Loss collected,$/nsurance7.Other miscell,sus A .4 @ MSCEMANCOUS OUSINESS yr r ’;y,Zcarried,$Premium paid,$Number Woman's Missionary Societies Number of members Missionary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ ;Conference organONPEAapA:RIaiiTotal for Table No.1 (carry forward to table No.2),§ STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Leagues Members Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions, : ,4 special,$Ques,27-Where shall the next Quarteriy Conference be held?%VN enoele,S’Ss were Fe..‘from Leagues,$The Minutes were read and approved,and the Conference adjourned. Amount raised League Anniversary Day,$Amount raisedforother objects,$Total Number of Sunday schools Number of officers and teachers Enrollment in all departments Members in Home Depariment Children on Cradle Roll Number of training ARSE...Tarek :Presiding Elder;classes...Number of Wesley Bible Classes Number of pupils received into Church during year. (a)<D i 1 La (|Amount raised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions,special,$Amount raised onaeOo+o€§A_AA ; >.+,cian ,solastpapuleswwayaeaiaitealiinaed~. x.,©%s ‘s aoQe S Record:ng Steward.*Note.—The numerals in the margin indicate the session at which the questions embraced within the respective brackes are to beschemesecretary.called.Any question indicated for the first,second,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at thet session,may t2 (alled at the *NoTE.—C;;session followingNoTs.—Care should be taken that no item be reported more than once, ..:.yer ,/\rch}ry,2 y written re f..P Dis.«lmount raised for Sunday school supplies,$For other objects Oues.9.What are we doing for the cause of educa y Li /har g f ‘i on .=.vee St cement BTolalfromSundayschools,$Total from Sunday schools line of 1914)7 jJ:’p f amount elsewhere reported,§Net total of Table No,2,$Ques.10.Have the Total from Tables Nos.1 and 2 (carry to Table No,3),$Ques,11.Are ther STATISTICAL REPORT NO.3 been faithfully kept? Church exten.assessm,.Assessed,$ Spec tal.. Education Ques.12.Is there ,~,)>"hhath aAmericanBibleSociety'Ques.13.What i General Con),expenses,Ques.14.Who ar For For For ;ing questions:(4)What tsQues.15.Are there reports from U S wrts gir patil sone decode evear?(2)What ts the value of°,/.r arson ‘€ev}.5 ot ry toe i .eo)Objects not elsewhere reported..._——r O Wh oe id insur arrt CRUTCHES,Pars ee haus 7 =/r oo :;5 (6)me a‘eae os in premiums?(5)What amount of losses,if any,::‘1?(8)Wherearetheyrecorded?(GiveTotalfromTableNo.deeds contain the trust clause in the 1)ts :’ office,book,and page.)(Spee tal f :Grand total for the year Oues.16.How many societies arry,1 -°ry Vue -ho ave elected stewasWhatamounthasheenestimatedbytheboardofstewardsJorthesupportofthepreacherincharge(and his Ques,17.Who are ele current year? 4.What amount has been apportioned to this charge by the district stewards?For presiding elder,$ American Bible Society,$Bishops’Fund,$Church extension assessment,$Church ex leon *ton special,$.Conference claimants,$FE-ducation,$General Conference expenses Forcien missions,$Flome and Conference missions,$.Special for missions,$£’a Printing Minutes,$erannuale Endowment Fund,$ Ques.18,Whois elected Recording Steward : Ques.19.Who is elected District Stewara ’ues,20.Who are elected Sunday chQues.5.Have a Church lay leade?and the following committees been elected for each Church?ih Ley lender:h (4)A Missionary Committee (c)An Evangelistic Committee (d)A Social Service Committee And what are their reports?(See Supplement.) Ques.6.Has a Missionary Commitice been appointed in every Sunday school,and does every school observe a monthly Ques,21.Who are elected Sunday SchooMissionaryDay? Ques.7.How many copies of the Conference organ and of the general organ are taken,and what has been done to in- crease their circulation?General organ Conference organ ions the charge :a re xy Leader,andQues.22.Whois elected Charge Lay Leader,¢ o 2 ’,re ae Se »;~ee é ‘»»LeaderQues,8.Who are appointed to examine Church re gisters and records of Church ¢onferencesand report at the next Quar-Lay Leaders should act as Church Lay Leaders terly Conference whether they have been Saithfully kept? Ques.23,What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applied?(Lettheanswertothisquestionembraceonlythesumraisedandpaidontheclaimsofthepresidingelderandthepreachers.)Sinn.28.02MXATak 19-44baneCreteSSESmo*ye. WMoerdenna 3 a..*%S-dues.24.What has been raised the present guarter for other obsects?*L 4 -7 "y 1300ILHS3 American Bible Society Ep.League:Missions “Bishops’Fund. Building,repairing,or furnicn-ing churches Relief of poorGeneralConferenceepense... Hospitals Sunday school:Birthday offer x. Incidental expenses...........Children’s Day. Special .Insurance ~,Missions... Supplies........ Conference claimants Education... Superannuate Endowment Fund Other purposes -What has been contributedon Epworth League Anniversary Day?$ 6.Ls there any miscellaneous business? 1A1.Appeals >.Complaints . -District Conference: (a)Election of Delegates (6)Recommendations for license lo preach ¢.Epworth Leagues:¢onfirmation of Presidents of Senior LeaguesE-xhorters: (@)Application for license (6)Reports of exhorters (c)Renewal of license 6.Trustees:Vacancies in boards tobe filled 7.Other miscellaneous business —_——;Ques.27.Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?..}egTheMinuteswerereadandapproved,and the Conference adjourned. B®+WY y «iHoe Qo Recording Steward.2 Piewy Secretary, *No#k.—Care should be taken that no ftem be reported more than‘onc e. Presiding Elder; Oy errenro®>Lat of “He @Chirela,S Taacak she An.Onsenoge Pre g_ere -“Lise SikneswntA viekt.Qo Qs :With eur pee ,the ,“in Ep orleyr Renaqua->rin dioxwWel.Q a as Ae AQ RA —eo ‘h waa re ar .CHLRAninww -aL OLAAdaVekA h b,ho Ceo ae ehies ;ae ee)Cree Ag,Meatkkrwu< =ie xa! Cotrtried “LALe Qcv2-R Fricnre anas.e.e ee ,Cotte eh ori he Ore P Ranranwe 1 to °te Caw pire neo Ly ath Q CRe More my1 I OV pe ~Cer (‘t a Ppoalet dc % F 7S Rese Nel Groeked ——apreral |Atuwre ew Cdhucalrow awChorckOn-Ke ex.,Re OakBane,mae RawOt.ORacsSaa eeeRoy» g Proue Rr PR SP al x Gra_ are Retr sri wel Cd S.of vernal, Waraecd.fene.a OD Pe three, bh "wT.is»: MINUTES Quarterly Conference for the current year,I91 f A .. |District,L e ES €:Conference, B held at i‘f ¢f 191 .se Li AN Vb emt he /;Bea @i:.,in the char.services,conducted by j 3 4,:JfCA)ws ;vas elected Secretary.The roll was called,and the following members werg present: K_eA4-Li}FUb Pod in charge on the general state of the Church?(See Discipline of Question 1.1s there a written report from the prea , ed (See Supplement.)1Paragraph90.)ai alsWhatstatisticshavebeenreportedtotheAnnualConference STATISTICAL REPORT NO.1 1914, Oues. Local preachers Additions on profession of faith Additions by certificate and otherwise Removals by death and otherwise Present total membership Adults baptized Infants baplized Vumber of Churches in charge Number of church buildings Value,& Indebtedness,#Number of parsonages Value,$Indebtedness,#Value of other Church property,E-xpended for «hurches and parsonages,$Churches damaged or destroyed ’arsonages damaged oF destroyed Amount of damage,#Loss collected,#/nsurance carried,$Premium paid,$Number Woman's Misstonary Societies Number of members Visstonary money collected,$Church papers taken:General organ Conference organ Total for Table No.1 (carry for ward to table No.2),# STATISTICAL REPORT NO.2 Amount vaised for missions,assessment,$Amount raised for missions, Leagues Members special,$Amount raised League Anniversary Day,&Amount raised for other objects,8 Zotal from Leagues,$Number of Sunday schools Number of officers and teachers Enroliment in all depariments Members in Home Depariment Children on Cradle Roll Number of training classes Vumber of Wesley Bible Classes Number of pupils received into Church during year. Amount raised for missions,special,$Amount vetud on ession at which the questions embraced within the respective brackets are to he may be called at the Amount raised for missions,assessment,$ *No"he numerals in the mar a indicate the s i : called hay question indie sted for the first,second,or third Quarterly Conference,but unanswerable at that session, session following. / Children’s Day,§-mount raised for Su nday school supplies,§ $Total from Sunday se hools,§and Epworth Leagues,$Less amount elsewhere reported,§ Total from Table No.7,8 STATISTICAL REPORT No.3 Presiding elder.........Issessed,§Paid,$ |Preacher in ,harge....¥| Lncidental e Upenses...Education Bishops’Fund, |Con.claim -Sup.Fin.Fad. }Foreign missions “‘For Special «‘For Tome and Conf,mis....For Conference Special... flome Mission Pecial,. Total from Table . Total from Tables Nos.1 and 2 (car ry lo Table Church exten.a SSESSM,, for other objects—2.¢.: Zotal from Sunday schools Net total of Table No.2,$ No.3),$ Assesse d,s Special.. American Bible Society General Conf,expenses, Objects not elsewhi re reported... Grandtotal for the PO eiciss Support of the preacher in charge (and hi Ques.3.What amount has been estimated hy the board of st,wards for theassistant)for the curr:nl year? ate “a .; What amount ge by the district Slewards? Church extension Education,$ ,& Hlome and C.nference missionsal.Pri nting Minus,iperannuate J ndowment F und,$ Ques.5.Harm (0)A Missionary (ommittee (¢)An Evangelistic Committee And what are thei»reports? @ Church lay leader and t¢t€following committees been elected for each Church? For presiding ¢lder,$ assessment,$Church ex- General Conference e.rpenses, Special for missions,§ (a)Lay leader (2)A Social Service Committee (See Supplement.)Ques.6.Has a Missionary C miniilee been appointed in every Sunday school,and does every school observe a monthlyMissionaryDay? Ques.7.How many copies of the Conferen e crease their circulation?Genes al organ Conference organ Oues,8. terly Conference whether 1 ley have bee a Satthfuily kept? organ and of the general organ are taken,and what has been done to in- Who are appointed to ¢ramine Church registers and records of Church ¢onferences and reportat the next Ouar- Ques.9.What are we doing for the cause of education pline of 1914) Ques.10.Have the General / Ques,11.Are there Church? been faithfully kept? ,,he WomanQues.12.Is there a written report from the Wom :ee sabtariis Guabe SsQues.13.What is the report of the Sunday Ques.14.Who are the trustees of Chur Ques.15.Are there reports from the ts uste rady ad ~the number of churches and par sonages,an d u -o_o the same?(3)What amount of insur ane eis carri in premiums?(5)What amount of I sses,tf ¢ya deeds contain the trust cla use in the 1 iscip ee iOffice,book,and page.)(Spee ial form is pr de Ques,16.How many societies ar ,naresQues.17.Who are elected stewards for th for to “aing Ques.18.Whois elected Recordi Ques.19.Who ts elected District Steward. Ques.20.Who are elected Sunday Sch¢ w d Ques,21,Who are elected Sunday Schoo /,Who is elected Charge Lay Leader,and uQues,22. .walLayLeadersshouldactasChurchLayLeader hat do they sh n expend AUICA if any soccurr ré ho have Disei (See Supplement.) is charge,and have thes eyear?(2) en collected thereon (8)Where are they rec , (4)What is re walis th (4)What amount has been paid ryaineof] (6)Do the 7 ,(Give Ques.23.Whtheanspertothis questio Litn.,J &SOWaced«;2595 , bs -ig $~t wo,” n raised ‘the present quarter for other objects?* rf amoun har ‘cn va ip.League:Missions. Other objsects, General Conference expense... TTospitals Incidental ¢UPenses.... insurance Missions:For in Jlome and Cons Special... been contributed on Epworth League Anniversary Day? llancous business? Sentor Leagues (c)Renewal of license 6.Trustees:Vacancies in boards to be filled 0 4]Other miscellancous Proust...uUSINESS €AN wltl4 -i if : rae.LO cee LA I QansJL. Ques,27:Where shall the next Quarteriy Conference be held?The Minutes were read and appro // a a A 0 py On as *NOTE.~-Care should be taken the Secretary. vised the present quarter for the support of the minists vy,and how has it bnembraceonlythesumraisedandpaidontheOCen appli claims of the presiding elder and the pr eachers,)os )j Vv g°3 t mew uv pP tA ftite 1 4Ad Orphanage .... Printing Minutes. Relief of poor Su nda V Se Ae x i:Bi ,thda Y Over , Children’s Day. Wisstons . Supplies, Superannuale Iindowment Fund Other purposes s ved,and the Conference adjourned. rte {~ Presiding Elder; Recording Sieward. at no item be reported more than once. PUTA CVE,.,ing churches, Luilding,repairing,or furn img parsonages Church extension:Assess 67 oe Conference claimants Home and Con/E-ducation.... SpecialEp.League:Anniversary Das [Note.—//the abov Ques Cues Ques. a v ,,u F c ;th }rence adjourne d. 7 1 P 1 nt approved,and lhe (d q 4 he 4 fi MuLES WEE cad an Pp ’ Secretary. Visstons Supplies. g 'O suscrannueie Eadowmedt Mund purpos See Supplement (See Suppé cement (See Supplement Recordi nx Ps ©. Steward, mplaints District Conf (a)Election of Del , I ,—Lefinne fae I,I,(6)Recommendatii ws Jor license to preach ¢.Epworth Leagues. Lexhorters: onfirmation of Presidents of Senior Leagues (a)Application for license b)Rep rts of exhorters (¢)Renewal of license 6.Trustees:Vacancies in boards to be filled J 3Vher7f,},CMHe?r miS¢ellane OuUS OUSINESS 4':f et./Lo ILA ia oe’? Where shall the next Quarterty Conference be held?j L/a € The Minutes werer stiles oeerereadandapproved,and the (onference adjourned. Mf {t Secretary. 4 0 1 ie ot YiL-LA A ~~.y bi y )Lead a.L 2: t-OO CG eur é O-~oe oe Ques,27: Presiding Elder; LK)df Ae Py On as *NOTE.—Care should be Recording Steward. taken that no item be reported more than once. Ouarterly ConfereiyrmedsessionoftheFourt/ igious services 's therea written report from prea her in i What (additional)amount has been ratsed hat has been raised the present qua ,ole SoctetywoorUN Other Rishops Fund. Building,repairing,or Jurnt sh ing churches... Building,repairing,or furn ing parsonages sh-Hospitals... Church extension:Assessm Insurancech,insura7 :.Wisstons:For Conference claimants Tiom Education Ep.League:Anniversary Das Incidental expen 7g Ay ee and Cons Special. tate th[Note.—If the above fig Ques Ques. Oues.s 7 }ved,{the (or .,pproved,alaTheMinuteswerereadandApproeeey¢ Secretary. M j as Secretar} (¢d as frese ni Orphanae Jad pr Vissions 67 oo $¥so Superannuate Endowment Fund ‘eppltc ‘. Wh 1 hOLES(r purpos fact here:Ye rence (See Supplement See Supplement (See Suppleme nit adjourned. Pet? Recording Steward. State of North Carolina Department of Archives and Historp "Raleigh CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify the >microphotographs appearing on this reel are true and accurate isted on the target (title)sheet preceding each or series of records microfilmed 'hereon;that the records e and at the reduc-~ tion ratio indicated;‘ilming,the rece were in the custody target sheet(s). It is further certifie hat »records Listed on the aforesaid target sheet(s)were mic ..j )>f j ,.”:©Sections 845.1 =—845.4,General Statute id that in order to insure archival quality and authentic repr ion of records filmed,they were microfilmed in the manner prescribed,and with equipment and film approved,by the State Department of Archives and H wo(Signed)Lie Ld amera Operator Date