HomeMy WebLinkAboutBirth Index 1913-1981, P-Q (1) Bat t ‘ se 3 > ee r - 3 o ? ea e ag ea r ae “ = G ‘ he é . a as . Pap Ad : # = oe , : ad eS ‘ 5 , ee ? i se et -— ea e - 5 te ee e ea or se t ee ee Ce e ee en n ee Page ear i oh Be mS : f % i . ‘ j ’ ; | : : ’ q a j es ' : : 7 i ‘ 5 Ry na k a ‘ i ee ot e , |. . 2 eo Se Se e fd bp ey 7 3 e ax S ar é te i oe cs 4 £5 an e : ; r ; Ca ‘ i = _ 4 ae d g : 2 ‘a =. == oa 3 3 ; 2 . aa Se er F a ¥ "4 | es 7 a if et “ la n t Mi e l e y 4 ' ; e = VE Wi t t Pi n e tg > : + ee : Es a : Ae . , <> ¢ «a Y aA pe t : § ee ‘ S5 0 A ee ee 2 i, : = a ab e : -t . . -* ‘ "" g ae ra e * = = Fa m1 x - ei . { . 2 i * 7 . my re ; i : £3 a E - . Fe ix & te Pa lwes Th Page | Pao Paf ag Poh Pai Paj Pak | Pave oi CH 19 1,6) pair jj : ~~ Pas Peb Pac Pad e Pack ~» . a s . . . : ee at a c a n d wo oe ee ae to bs e n s e n f e e e ~4 inital itp “iy ee ‘ty E A — —— Po r e S ; ; i ! | 12 | e y a ee k . : i j i | + | a “ ; jo s | ee e te be s “a e + rR ’ 7 | T | i f . ee . 3s ! 3 , ea e t ! : ts j : ; = | . 7 . oa ti d : ; : is | | ' ! 4 } : : : 4 Se e Q ; oN ; | ; ss || a5 : lo w ra n e | bo a 8 ; ; cI be si . . : - ‘ ; ee : : : ; 2 83 3: ee ee : et || = . 43 eT ii fe | el | Ta e Te Ta ws , ei Te : ; ; é | & +2 4 -— _ - _ } + — _ + — _ } - — —+ - + - 4 —— } — _ + — _ _ + — — +f _ S ~ — - - + : be t ae d em g i } = . at ) . : 1S . | = i ® hb a0 ca m | he e d : + + _ — - > : ' : | ' ; 41 : ) | | ' : a i : . | i : | ke ; en ; fl > a & : Be - ; Po n i i | } » io i ; ; N od Z| | pe e ft i ae 5 ae 18 . RE g2 | i a » wt : eo ' Bs | ® © | ' ™ jo t . s2 ' a : “4 _ . : : em S| i$ | | | 2 si is | B@ a e c ™ > . 4 ei | ‘| : . ; bd Pq Pe l Mm . ) ) . . |. fe e Pea Peb Pec ___ Pia Pib Pio Pid. _ Pletageh-t-}-k NN he llieedbiaccniheraeoonertd iigreen — +l : 2S RE E T 6 RE Y YN PE O ER L E oS TI T ae d e t | | ow - | | | L | ; ; / | } ik { Peiffer a j » { ; } + - - A } i t hy ' oY a { : | . yy Me o> a ae +S a 7 a *; } 5 oe pe ! , : en 7 eA a ‘ amg oe , — lige : " md “ ee ie | : y some poe. ie o ; 5 : ies aE 2 ea c "hae eo my hes oS. x ‘ ie rn — ‘wea ’ pa ae ~ 2 wer i em 6 7 “cs _ an = nn 4 4 " ~ 7 — —_—— at a Smeenieniiliignene in cticaain scansncasiieieas jin tadannernitnenetnegitl ions wliiinasitinadl e . | i sali Sialic 7 " : ; + - t ; ; : | s sc c l a c p e l l h i l e s i a i i i m e c i l n ~ ci n t a . - tine ti onthe tr ta aw: senee 1 aie J ' a a ~ satiate een teen een ip tl fone acca hihi cn ne tin tm “na pment emer mrecdtenaeneillat ate \ ~ om meee ? ennai se Pevteie ' Bes Pet ae Pou Pev Bow Pex Bey Per |r| Pf Pg Ph Pj Pk Ke ih , 4o Perkins _ $1 Peyton 82 Pharr Page 52 | Perry sg fPethe] _ 35 phifer-Phipher 41! 43 | 44.) OI ii sii inns _Perrin 1 87 Philbeck Pernell 23 petty -_ Petti 37 Phipps 82 126 Phinx 99. tH . Re gi v e co m p l e t e nu m b e r s , et c . , ap p e a r i n g r sj F Phelps 2 “3 ilemon ff sh e e t s (b r o k e n by al p h a b e t e - AR Y a oi e ak e 1 bu Peterson 8 Philbrick Se t le t t o r s mo r e ta b 8 ii, i Pete 317 he ‘ ee +f Fettegrue - Betitigrew e j i j ee a: BF Peschock 19 : | . j — Pittard 215 3 ea | | ; : Pettway | 235 : } 3 | - ii Pestlin | 2hA | i. ae } Rt 4 3 : } wrt “ 883 Pettit |_26 ‘ 4 co Peters 273 | taal f | neath yt . ip , teas Bed os page x Fe =. ; e deat: ° } : <1 as : ~ —- “ ths ¢ ‘ Gas : : , | See + es ; oe ee ty ii £2 ' ' . : bbe 9 oe weet 5 4 em PS : as ‘ 4 x] - : ; he } - 4 ; | “4 j T ar : a . o : " | } oe . ; i ; + T ru ter | A oe bg | qT en. Sa ° Yt ay FE j : rg “| * # { ‘ ti = ; A has be Ga ae ; Sse. —_ ce Fi e iW de * aE a Oh j 3 ‘ i f oft: PI Pm Po ‘Page Pate | Poe Pof Pog Poh Poi Poj Pok Pol Pom Pleasants 2 Poague 57 ” edgées- r 47) Pockette 176 Polson 143 5 Polk 208 Poirier 2 Pollock 225 §1 Plowman 237 Pletcher 239 Player 270 Plyer. 51 je s t si l l i t T : i j ql r so n s t ; | 4 oar i i - : ; | mK - 7 | ’ a, ) 7 * : 4 ny } b= a | - ’ 7 cinder te a Pa pe, 3 oy Me sl Reb Ape z 4 Pais L. # ae ie alee “4% 7 pr a c ta n c e » Na s = su r p e d s Te r m a y e jo eo m r e y : se y E y s pe w E UO Q wa y *w o p o 2 2 0 7 g IN O , 10 g } BO SR E MT R LT S *A d e 8 8 e 7 0 " R Qe o p e y ee a ee < = : . @ on e et n pi n e ds wi e AG Re g a ni s ia i n a ee a a2 as ax @ 257 oore Posner B e e i e ‘168 ee n ' } } | ; | 1 i T | | : ; ' } } | ’ | i ~ ae ( ats i he : ' rs i ; " i Pini a ' i pe he —+- t i ; } ' ; | | | don j | | ; | j si 7 ime i f : : L } * “4 ; | ee oe } ; Pe * L i i ‘i 7 rt ; ; } : ; ; ; ‘ - 4 7 7 ! /~ ‘ aot ; ; oe : M ; | S + | ' i ’ ; L i - } ; ! : : ' | 4 T 7 | | « i + — | | } } : | t | | oe - ’ oe Te ' HN ) ; t pra : Be 25 | Sh + + ~ oe + : | 4. — r | ; i , . ; aw : se FL ae ee OE aay? ~ ' “f } oo Phos iy” % — pees i. : 4 pe ee ae i ig sk : mT ; are ae 6 te 7 % @ i i a > ; * | wee aie pee Sie i by AS ; a wee oy a eee Pore: a a ou tS Phe ads : de a tS ti ait de 2 Pra to Pri Page Prj to Prz Page} Ps to Pz Page | Bi Page i Prather 09. , Prosperi 2 bh. — oe Sieg Hear ‘ Pratt 112/ Propst 26 x1 z B35) Pressley-Pressly _____| _saiProotor 76. - 3 Price 7ijF.yer-Pryor-Pryar _ = AL Prichard 107 | Pruett-Pruist jPrevett (e) Privett-Privetta a qgiProfrftit i eh es pe Preston rinzing 156 y 137 78 Quackenbu sh 202 Prestwood Prosser "H y UO ww u y “w o W I 9 3 0 7 g MO K 10 g ) BO s “B e e Presler 8 Qualls 229 So p sa n i a pe w se q u a n s s po l w e c d og py a s y pe m o e se g m y e pe w Se r e e s qr m y s 70 se e r e y FA O ‘s D q u E N : O iPrimer i On Puett 19 nincy } “ost Pulliam 2 _97 | | Pullis 263 <a n p e n s ob o e 99 | 3 “A s e e s e o e s se q m Oo Re p u j - q u g ve ey e n p a y 250 | Prescott 184 Pridmore 1233 “w s ee | em em é Primus 267 oe s & % 4 i pie * ee ¢ ~ Be f - " i i . a | 4 Tr ; ; : i ' é oa } | : ‘ t 7 ' ; oe b Osi Te ; ‘ | « ) sa 1 + ' | ‘ rs | f ie ll in . ee su wid $— BIRTHS = nel Gan, NC Ura Patent We abe Copprign 180 —_" sera se ed ‘Scb-lodes chest for pose tolecsocn Bold by Observer Frinting Mouse, Gharlotee’ SC. melee a EE SMD Sox | Gow | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = 1913 9 ____5{Padgette ~ ‘ ¥\W |Magle Mills Tn |Wiley Padgette _—_—s| Flora steel 1) 370 isia_2_| af eaacers . -,W {Eagle Mills Tn |John Padgett —s iw Stroud 1367. 1914) 10 | 25 Padget - _M |W_ | Union Grove Tn [Charles Padget Bern Steel 1/1262) 1915 9 9] Padgett - MW le Mills Tn |Wyley Padgett §—»s—“|| Flora Bell Stee] _ 2) 36 1915/10 | i | 'Turnersburg.: Tn} John § Padgett Jennie Stroud | 2. 1916) 2 | 9 Pagett - elie Tibia ond James A Pagett Mary Moore 3 1917/12 | 17) Peagett . MW Eagle Mills Tn | John Pagett Jennie Stroud 4| 357 1921) 7 (11) Padgett ie W Eagiée Mills Tn |Wiley Padgett Flora Steele 7) § 1921) 7 | 11] Padgett - u iw Eagle Mills Tn |Wiley Padgett Flora Steele 7 1ezz 2 | Sl Padgett ? FW |Chambersbure Tali c Padgett _——‘4disaiiie delle Kyles | al 192212 4] Padgett - F iw Gool Springs Tni Chas A Padgett _| Bernece E Steel Qa) 51 1924 2 tt a uly | petnany tn Ivy F Padgett _]Mary M Riddle 20! ___} 1952 10 - Mary Lee FW} Union Grove tn |Norris Padgett _| Pauline Hunter 16} 1282 1934) 9 Padgett anna Lois F |W |Union Grove Tn | Wm Norris Padgett Anne Pauline Hunter {20/1169 -Paggysun____| ¥ w |coadie creek tnjAvery L Padgett _|Selma Mae Lovelace | 22 Ls Shelby Jean FW {Olin Tn orris Padgett Pauline Hunter | Padgett Marie annette | rw |petnany tm ___|dames A Padgett _|Jessie Witneim _—*425 Pedgett [Richard Gleveledé™ |w |coddle creek Taltiomer R Padgett _|Lorene Welker 26 1941/7 ___S} Padgett _____|Petricie ann | F W Istetesvitie N clWiliian J Padgdtt [Haver Huntiey _ fen | 900 | 6 24 Padgett __ ha Foe rd F Wj Bermony NG Charles C Padgett Bernice Zz Steele 22 910! 5 |SliPadcette Flake Absalom Me} W idlin Nc James A Padgette Mary F Moore 28H 025 ——_ pase a4 Padgett —__iPaggy Elizabeth +P _M_atatesrilie wc Has Albert Padgett 1942.9 SiPadgett ....\Jerry Wayne [MW Istatesville Nc | ; ——$1942. 10 1S iPadgett (John Ronald | MW |Turnersburg NC 194312 (1 [Fedgett __|pmight minora Ju w |eegie inte | a 1945' 9 (1 [Pedgett _ _,Serolyn Ruth | F W |Turnersburg Tn | ee 244 yt #2 Padgett —___‘Richard Renjaniq Mw 4Purceraburg Tas, i u 30 125 ___ 1946! 5. es izebeth ann 41M ¥_ Murnerebung ™alhohn Dewey Fodeett ottte ines ___ fe 1948, & (28 fPadgcett James Hendersom Vv | W [Statesville NC- JeamesCarl-Padgett- [Hannah Glen Hender- [34/ 719 —_—__—_ji2h3| 6 {3 [Padgett .._—'Kenneth Parks [Miwi eae Joseph Parks Padgett [Gwyndolin Campbell 3h | 776 948 7 8] Padgett “Carolyn Estelle| F C Harmony NC _—s«{| Wm Thomas Padgett | Leota Gray Allen ba 1169 ees | 7 D2) Padget _ __ Jimmie Flake | M W Btatesville lake A Padgett Cfaudia Shook 4 : 4 Sidhe hous 8 6 |Padgett Jo Anne FW {Statesville iC {Coleman H Padgett [imcy Miyles > 1.34, iia ee 24 Psdgett ——+Bavbere—Ann—__}F___W4 Mooresville __| John & Padgett __| Meny J Bogt $1950; 3 | 14) Padgett _s_ David Colemen| MW [Ststesville NC [Coleman H Padgett | Toy M Ke les ——.---§.495)| 7 | 2 Bedeste | James Larry M |W Btatesville NC | William T Padgett [Leota Gray Allen 41 SOR a ore F |W [Statesville NC [Joseph Parks Padgett] Gweyndolin Campbell} 3 a 7 41952, 8 (14) Padgett #8 | = = - | M. Ww |Mooresvilie Nc | | John Rarl Padgett | 1952, 8 1s Padgett David Shook | MW | Statesville no | Plake A Padgett Claud | ; 2 ‘INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS = BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. at On It. Fo Sdente mipaan pgee of SURRANE ETA TAS et rte He is tstite Consrtghe 1506 GATE OF GanTH SURNAME OF CHILD RECORDED Te tee han castes ao Ge Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER tna 1953| 121 Padgett ° W | Statesville Ralph Padgett Ruth Pauline Hilli 1 20 |Padgette Te Dean W [Olin NC ks Padget¢e Gwendo Campbell} 41 | 1608 ette W NC jJohn E. t i3 9 ett Michsel Lee Ww | Statesville NC Jack Padgett ia Mae Byra 47| 614 22] Padgett Carolyn Diane W [Statesville mC | ° ‘| Bthel Mae Barker 47 |1406 2| Padgett Scott ie | W | Statesville Wm H Padgett Bonnie J Creedmore 984 30} Padgett Luin Todd W] Statesville Jimmy F Padgett Shirley Ann Tomlin 12 Padgette Karla Deneese Statesville John Ronald Padgett@¢ Irene Rupard 857 © John Statesville W. t Roberta i151 421 John Robert Statesville Robert amie Lee Statesville James Lee et M | W [Statesville Benjamin B Eva Dal ett ‘. tesville P F W | Statesville Coleman Padgett] Gloria Kaye Cash F tsville David Coleman Gloria Cash GOR Patent Na. nabtidenCoppetane 1800 BATT» foes ee Ee es elo Badri cee risa Sonpess: Sean ee | DATE OF BIRTH RECORDED a BE oscil tie b Gees Sex | Goer | PLACE OF BIRTH: NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — o> 1915| 1 | 21) Page . W_|sharpeaburg Tns| William Page | Marw Berkley 2| 66al 1915) 7 | 4)Page .ielen Virginia [Ff Cool Springa Tn| Ralph H Page _—- | Mageie Moore — 2) 236 | 1916; 1 | 4) Page Loyd Rdward IM iW iSharnesburg Tn | Wim J Page |_Maty Lou Barkley 311.028. 1919, 5 |13i Page = W__|Sharpesburg Tn | das Page | Katie Barkley 5 1921| 9 | 18) Page 4 nS 2-2 manana ee 1 ai S ce Mort) Os or925 ——— 2 Puge =. ‘nd bh creamer RUE Page ads 1932| 17 | 25)Pege ~ Wallstown Tna | . a Janie Page 8 | 328) 1933, 4 | 8iPage Rr ee eee ee ey ee 9 | 702 | 1935) 3 |16)Page W IStatesville NC | Richard E Page _j Nell Hurley 11.798 > am 8 | 27 Page | Edith Marie F_ (|W | Statesville NC | James W Page | Annie Ide Haniekine | 25) 915_| ont). A ay William M |W [Cool Springs NCjRalph H Page Maggie Moore 374. | 240 ee 6 19 | Page etherine Danette 2 |S PNeRER SUNS Ae SR _ji 10 | 25) Page im Stephen M_ | W [Statesville NC [Turner § Page .___| Anne Tucker 321135 1948 11 23 Fage Linda Lorane F | Wi] Statesville NOj Jay William Page Lois Lorane rorter | 34| 191 1949| 3 |3 Page Cherles Turner M W Stetesviile NC|Turner 8 Page Anne E Tucker 35 | 307 2951) 2 23 | Page Cynthia Joan F |W Statesville NC] Jay William Page Lois Lorrance Porte 37 481 + Worth 1951| 8 19] Page [erry Franklin |M W{ Charlotte, NC William Timothy Page |Mary Lucille Duck-/ | 37| 1673 a | Bragg 1954, 10 Bd ii |- Timothy BdwardM |W | Mooresville NC | keece Edward Page Margaret Lectie/ 40} 1612 | - N d P. t L. B 2\41 1956.3. 2 | Page M | Ww pooresv thie C |Reece Edward Page Mar gare ragg 42|417 ae 1956, 6 | go ee ~ MW oresville NC | Japtha Henry Page Eleose Franklin 372. me fiess|2 | 4fPace =| Patti Angelia | F | W | Statesville N° Pey Wm. Page Lois Lorane Porter [4 | 181 se 1969 9 | 19 Page —s_ anne Laurel Jeneal} F | W Statesville Charles Turner Page | Deborah Jencal Phailjlips 55 3978 4 |17 Page ___| Phillip Turner M W | Statesville Charles Turner Page Deborah Jeneal / 58 |\416 } +4 | $$ ——_—__ +4 —____ “t-- baie ad sean ag MR il 2 cite lintel cihenciniaildlondaieniamnaanl ——__--—--— +} —-— —+__4—_- - -__._—- _— + — — — — 4 = — —— — — —j}-- -—_— _——_— ——$—$—<——$ = ———- uecalean - — _ - } — ----= -——- - + -- —f-----— a a — oo + ae _— See | seninncnmeenpccinaased pa senendlltieneses naan alii —nencennNT _——t aed eames - a eS —————_— oe — hs. 4 a aiid — iccaiiti s diilbeb intact soot sasluise i een ; ie Se Pe ‘ ae isin iste biata iltada am ehclndiiasaiealih asiigibanalian rk oe Ai el Shh SM lik a et toe tit cs oo _ ---—+ ———+--—_—_- -—___—- sai ee -— aah + a RR ee ~—--—=- ae — -— #- —--+ —+4. — —f-—_____ — a 4+—_—__§- —_—_ —_— — —_— —— — — + — + + + — ce —— — —— —-——— — —_ _ahicreremarenceannanaacs i ionemseneen cca _ pence oem an mies — a a atone sei | iia Ed cand mate i ghee Rea ee 4 + + -# a ors cece de dehliner stint lacie ———— 1 - t fa = — —- -_4—_+— ~ —_— sl a —+—-—— sied ee esti + | eat wid ie ays yh ePers i 193 1965 ~ Painter Jr. George Cj} Richard WIM |W IJstateswiile NO) W Mooresville Geo. M Painter Sr. | Houston = Painter | Grasa Oullar | Jewel S Lineberger Eb b 51 1913 a am e r e n r e s i p r e m n c a —— — —— 4 — - $f } —_ _ _ _ — > {5 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIR'THS — Iredell County, N.C. UBT Feteat Ne tustiteCemrrighe Hobe Ts tente eee lates saeos bor pegs eles Bady’okeecver' Printing Hidenc, Chesowta We Oe — ee = ne a Sux sh iene OF BIRTH | “NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER sees 914| 5 __ |e iw |sntieh ton __| Weiter Parker __| fannie Sherrill 1 914 5 | ¥ | W |Stetesville N C/#ill H Perker Lule J Maloomb e147 Py |W {Bevidson Tnx #|Chelmers Perker |Memmie Phompson “| 352 gis| a || . =. u_| ¥ |eoncora ms _|Bohert Parker Buleh Dishmen z dca : _M_| @ |Mevidson ts |8i11 ¢ Parker ___ILuoy Meyes | 256) ! 915 3 (24 |Parker - M | 6 [Stetesville NC = Lens Perker 2| ea : 5 = x ; G Pearl Garria ..__| @| 685). 915| 8 | S\Perker Robert tee M |W |Berringer Tons jak E Parker fils 1 curieer a| sa) fies ie inhi: Ate ek ek Miia ie — ___| a] ses. 916 | 12 |18 |Perker - M | © |¥ellstogn ms M Perke: - Bumgsrner 3! see. a i @ - m_| w |coaaie Greek tm |Rebt E Perk Lule Gh: 4| 1m] _ 1927 8 (|2#2 [Parker - mM | ¢ |dhileh Tas lam Perker Peerl Wellman 4| 950 hhor7| 9 | 1 pPerker - ¥F | W [Glin Ins Alvin Perker Julie A Gregory 4| svel en? 9 16 rker illiem Dalton M | W {Bevidson Tns ‘Lucy Leola Mayes 4 2927 | 12 |19/Perker Minnie Mee ¥ | @ jBevidson Tus Ghes Lee Parker Neney Lembert | 6 _hsi9 2 |11 |Perker - y | c |perri Tns Parke Delle Brewley _—|_:'5/ 2095) 1919 s pf Perker -.. M | C iStetesville TusiJohn Perker Brevie Perker | 5) 500) _jisi9|_6 | 1 Perker = m | w |coadie Greek jn Sernest Perker {tule Christie _| 5 1919 7 ae rker ohn Vernon M W [¥ellstown Tns [J M Perker Grece Bumgerner | 5) nels 10 2s Parker - M | c¢ |ghiion ts —_|am Perker Peer) Hellman Ss. ngl9| 1 18|Perker _ - F | C |$tetesville NC - s _2 Perker : M_| W jBevidson Tus jWm C Perser .._jLucy I. Mayes .__} 6 hess 2 ? [Perker - r | W jfelistom ms {cL Porker ale Sherrill _| 6 - ¥ | c¢ |shiloh fms _ jJemes Perker ._—-—-—s [Billie M Glark _j ____|lMlellie Gathering 2 |W )pavidson Tns_jchas Lee Perker ___eney Lombert ——__} 65) - M_| © |co02 springs tm |deraon K Parker ___|Paar? Garris 6, 996 - F | c |sniion ms _|Monroe Parker __| Charlotte MeLain _| 6. Mertin Ven B | M | W |Devideon Tus _|Ghes Lee Parker {Nancy Lamhert __} 6: : Fy | w |peviason tas | B Parker __—__‘|ifwa Gollina __| 2920 7 (23 |Perker - mu | C ishiloh Ts - Lena Parker ssi 6 920; I | 2g Parker Ellen Pauline F | W [Statesville NC | Robert Otto Parker Beulah Dishman 6 2.1 1921 5 | 7|Perker Opal Lee y | © |sherpesburg Ta |Jesse Parker _| Death By. 1222, 7 | trene i | c Npetietiomm™m zs Parker __——— owie Parker _| 9 ___ 392] § ,15 jPerker ° Kw W [Statesville N Cjz 5S Perker Elizabeth Williems) 7 1s22 2 (16 [Parker - M ! ¢ |Shilok Tus Robt & Perker Lillien Parker © _jusez| 4 ES Parker Amande Peerl F |W |fellstown Tas |J M Porker @rece Bumgerner 8 froze) ss |r0}perxer 2% - F | 8 |porringer ts -__© | |puish Porker ne sez 5 3s Parker - F ¢ |@hiloh Tas Monroe Parker Charlotte McLein 8 ee Parker ___|@eorge M_| © |Mooresville N GlAllie L Parker __ a ns22| 6 | 4|Perker Harry Lee M | W |Sellstown Tns [Geo L Parker _|Baula Sherrill ___}usez,_9 | 7[Porxer - M_| W |@ool Springs Tn|Gerson K Perker __| Peer) 4 | ( Con} “4 rs 16. “INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County. N.C. adadts | Por Pour Protection, fasist On Tt FT ented oN Tatios chet tor tage rele UR Potent Ne. TaSfiteCopriiane tose ns a cee or oe Sex | Coor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | ae 1922) @ 1|Perker = Mic Aom Perker Peerl Wellman 467) 1922/12 |26/Perker -|Bevid Jones M | C |Mevidson fn _|Sacod Parker, Mattie B Gierk 667 922} 9 | 2li Parker Jay Garland Mj W{ Bethany Tns Robert Otto Parker | Beulah Dishman 9 | 1261 1923| 3 |30|Perker - u | w jotan tas Garson E Parker Pearl Gerris 239] thoes! 9/25 |pprxer en “es y | c |pertstemn Sas _|J L Perker Sevie Sellen: 9 ae 1e24| 4 ?|Perker - FW |Devidson Tns tn C Parker i ae 24 4 _|16| Parker eee 83> u|c|snizon ms |p t Perker _| Peax Parker _ 79 1924 & (|10)Perker Thos Robert M W |Mocresville N CjAilie L Parker Birdie M Sherrill iG} 585 19m@4| 9 | 8|Perker Jenie Bell ¥ | c |Seviason tas |Z B Porker Mettie B Glerk 10 2984/11 _|27 |Perker = K | ¢ |$niloh Tus __|Rebt Parker Lillien Pexker _|20) | * 1s _Jesse-Cicero dr] M |W |Sherpesburg Tns|desse ¢ Parker _| Xe E Brever 1i| 095: 2925 5 (10 /Perker Frank Lonis min \Berringers Tus |— L Parker _____| Flossie Novis i 12 |w |Devidson ts [R B Perker Bell Gollins 11; 274 ‘Berringer Tas j|Alonzo B Perker _ | Bessie Merie Rogers i1) Yi Statesville NC | Robert Otto Parker | Beulah Dishman 1 1038 oh Tns Robert Parker Lillien Parker 22) 745) Derringer Tas |Jecod Pa 1a, 32 Goddle Greek Tn/Ghes Lee Parker y Lambert Perker/135| 1 Devidson Tns Williem C Perker Lucy F Mayes |235| 268 Olin Tins Lonnie Parker Luzine Mitchell 13| 452] 928 1 6 Perker | Roy - qc loch Tus Jey Perker Jessie MeLellend 24 | 1265) boss | 4 as rker Betty Sue FW {Berringer Tns jAlonzo B Parker Bessie M Rogers [34 _16 on 5 | 6 Parker | - * Jovetesriiie x )monert Porter __}iainien Perker __haal esa 5 _15 jPerker Bessie y is 928 | 6 19 Perker ‘ * se Mooresville N 5 ta A Perker Gre ons | 7? \29 ker - M W@ jBevidson Tuc sell J Parker dys L Balbert 4 . | ge Fc Tas = therine P 928 (LO Parker - ns | 096 nS | as 25| 625. LS | AP? 2 2B? Ce | wo mi FY ¥ i S14 Perker * FW jBevid G Parker i hore | a 4 ara Jessie Lanse ure Tus Wesse © Parker = |8 shectee F Templeton u resville N.C hens is | rker Mevid Glsrence |[M_ © eee Tns s Lee Perker _ ___ 5 | fee. 9 | 8 Perker | = Tas Neo 950 |5 9 Parker Robert Mo $$ ____—_ Perker | maittp _@ |Devidson Tas |Jecob Parker — _.__ 9 29! 0 Jem | Biase et \Megeie Parker _- 931| 2 | 7 |perker 0006 ies ew jotin ms panne — . 215 |Perker : M_|Berringer Tos {4 & Parker _____}Bessie Mae Rodgers —j17! 7 = He rvey_Ray— M_._4_1Geneord-tne——_|fersen EK Porkop—__{Fearl Gerris 17. 2. | - F | w|concarams |J P Porker __|oude muttaana __{a. L 4. Yeidine | Jesse Melelisnd _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS = Iredell County, N.C. SE Rade He ase ees stab FP TLS S a tee tote Reid by Obornvay Pristine Moves: Chariots St Ses AME OF ABD x | Gr | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Fo 931, 10 | 4)Parker aul C_|Davidson Tna | Jacob Parker ____| Mattie Rell Clark 117) 293 1932| 1 | olparker * Z F | wfolin ms _| ton pelte Parker | 1 uitenerr 18| 571 1933] 5 |18}parker | |W jstatesvilie NC | carson z Parker | Pearly Garris. o| 44 1933, 8 |15}parker " M|W Iparringer Tne | py wParker _—s| wargaret Troutman {19| 15 1933 8 | 26} Parker James Rdward | M |W Jolin Tne | gohn p Parker _—|_ salute Mae Taylor |19| ssl _ 19 4 |14] Parker M|w |?elistown Tns | Jess. Parker _| edna sweat 20) 286) 7 19 8 | 29 Parker——_____}= ___________} M | W \Goddie Creek Tn| Everette A Parker | Pear) v Greanhii1 |20/ 462) ae 10 | 2)Perker | Bubert Thomas Mj W {Falistown Tns | T T Parker st. Maggie Rass 20! 310 1935) 2 |13)Parker Jemes Cliffor A [Statesrille Nc Lonnie_B Parker Luzkna Mitchell 21/953 Raas “s 24 eraee Jimmy Lewis wane Statesville ea Clyde James Parker [Hessie Benfield ae a <i 935| 8 | 23iparker RE |W {Statesville Tn | RE Parker Si. Julia Moore - 21 ahem 1935) 10 P ‘ lex _Lourens ___| M | wW [Statesville Tn | Hoyt B Parker _| annie 1 Bentie1a. 21/1054. _|1935| 10 |15}parker ~Ponald Frank | 4 |W |perringer tas | Pred B Parker | Wargaret 1 Troutman 21| -24| 1935! 12 ‘Parker Bettie Ruth F {Eagle Mille Tns| J D Parker --—Ss§s_—ssd|¥ys .414e Mw Taylor 23 | 246 | _______}1936) 4 |13}parker = itoutse arenie | F -W_{Statesvilie NC | Charles Parker | Perry Mackie _—ifi22! Stel Aladin: Ameen untae | 1 C_jShiloh Tns ____| Jacob Parker ____| Mattie B Clark _}22) _______}1936| 5 |10}Parker _ {Jackie Keith | y | w |statesvilie nc | arthur 8 Parker | gana m Gienn _|2a etal ae eee —Peegy Louise | F_| W }Falletown Tna | Jassie L Parker | Edna Mozelie sweet {22! —_—__—_____}1936| 11 |14}perker _| Henry Lee |r | w fetetenettie xo | Willie B Parker | Bessie B nenfiela |22 ———}1937,_1| 6fperker ___{z1izaneth ann | P| w |stateavitie No | artie u Parker | mianche u portox fos! he $2937, _3.|18}Parker {Helen Louise | ¥ | w |stetearii1e Nc | tonnie B Parker | rite Lusine uitehel425, is 1937, 4 |11}perker ___|shirtey o ___ bp w [eer reten tne 1 2-0 perme | wannie tenmneees 23 11937, 5 | 44Parker _|wary catherine |v | w Istatesritie xc | clyde tan Parker _| -Hesiie A Benfield |23 i 41937, 6 | 30}Parker +: —_________}| # |W _|weoresvitie nc | ceorge 1 Parker | maggie cerricx _Jaz. 41937, 1021) Parker fe ——} -M_|_W_}Goddle Creek Tn} Everette A Parker | Pearl I Graanhii1 |23/ cg 41937, 12 | 27}Parker: ] eo ______|¥ | W Mooresville NC | Russell J Parker | Gladys Iue Talbert [23 stishas 2958) 2.) 9iParker Billy Ray —_____}M_|_W {Statesville Tn | Elmer B Parker [di ap-oesinineemajcieseni Sic NN a sa | M |W [Meoresville-NC | Fred B Parker __ _| Margaret L Troutman 124 | sipsnenomsieesnceel aR ee ys RU A . 4 4 _|i_{ Statesville Ina} Woodrow Parker | Helen C Perry __ 24! —_—__— 1938) 9. | 29iparkee {Jas Raward_ —} MW {¥alistown Tns | J W Parker ___} wi114e Tsenhour _} 24 | 729388 | Sfrerker |. ____+_ty|¢|sntion tne | Norman Parker _| ciara ut Parker loa i $1938! 8 |14}Parker | Jean___} F | WjStatesyilie NO } Jas Ray Parker} Haze) Cashion __|24/ _}ig3a)_ 9 | 3iParker eR Rss —_|-F | i [Mooresville NC | Robert tee Parker | winnie u Teague | 446. be 1930, 3 |19|Parkor ___—_iaarthe Jane -F |W {coddie Creek To} Fred Brown Parker | Margaret. L Trontman|25| $12) de __}rese| 4 \15)Perker +Janice Deen __} ¥ | W \Coddle Creek Tn|~Charies W Parker | Blanche EB Knox _428. 41959! 6 |26)Parker jNency Ann _ F_| W |Coddje Creek Ta} Russel Jones Parker| Gladys RT inbeantn 2959! 9 | 9}Parker Earnest Eugene _| Mw Jooade creck a, Charlie Lee Parker | Pauline Walte ae p92! 106 barker y lee M |W | Statesville Tn | Woodrow W Parker | Helen “ eso | 2 ji} Parker | Sue Sylvia __|F |W | Falistown ty | Russell Parker c W ne40| 2 ho|Parker —_—| Jerrio zdward [mM |W | Falistom ™ {3 w Parker : eile 6 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell Couity; NC. ' teen pteeeoeratt BF Te tents at LR tadas eheet tor guar telweece. BRT Patont Mee 1860 Copyttghe 1908 - ee = ce RNAME OF CHD tex | Goo | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— 11940 8 ol’} Parker Evgene Mitchellj M W | Cnhambersbu Lina M Lambert ke 54 #1940 10 21] Parker Samuel Max Wj Coddle Creek Howard B Parker Jessie L Troutman 6 | 500 | 94) | 4 115 [Parker Ivey C_JConcsord Ta J 142 | 1941/7 (15 orker Johnnie Ray iM James Rey Perker 906 n941 | 7. 110 Parker Helen Rebecca | F [Alton B Parker | 419 | 1941 | 8 | 5 Perker ames Russell M |W Pallstown Tn Soe Russell Perker _| | 21) | 194) | 9 E Ered Brown Ferker 490 | __1941 | 9 | r icherd Wayne {M_ | |Allen Nance | May Blizabeth Parker 27, _)941 (10 5 erker Glende F Cherles W Parker | Blanche Knox 27| 531 1941 (12 1 Parker Billy Doughton [WM | William D Parker | Pauline Starnes 27 903 | 8 Pa Thomes Theodore | M | omes Feter M Per Sereh S Murdock ‘BB 783 __)903 10 Parker _____|Lonnie Bell u | W |Turnersburg Tn /Thomes H Parker Lillie B Kilpatrick 890 1912 4 8iPerker Woodrow Wilson M_| W Shiloh Tn . ae 613 11903! 8 les ‘Parker Thomes Theodore] M | W |Berringer Tn M ag | 783 | 1903! 10 |2elPerker Lonnie Bel) _| M | © Jrurnersbure NC | a2 | goo 11912) 4 | 8iPerker |Woodrow Wilson M W jStiloh Tns Welter Ferker annie She rv | 613 pons | 9 | S| Perker __|iiverette dugene |M 1913| . 2 1@ Parker — eit Lynn ter Parker n She | $37.) 1940; 1 4 paren Mency Louise Z wv neord Tn ubert M Perker bel E Stemper J oa 1942. simian PC 227 | “| ________{Patricia Lillie | - . OU ——e———E | 5 {Parker _______(Sharon Marie __} F rt Lee Pa innie M Teague | sachin nose| 10 16 )Perker lec __Betiie Lou r ce nose 12 20 Parker ee ee is | ia Jioa2| 12 14 ;parker bi ai el inger Tos L Parker | Meveher Normen _ | oe 1945/1 (68 Perker he Mey _____]| FW Btetesville NO e £ Parker ___ Bessie 1 Benfield ees 945 l4 igs enka funterey. Eugene {| M_. B esville NC P mae ft 9 (ise | ph iss daoecaal 9435 0) Berker _ Williem shite a | oresville NC illieam A Parker a be | ee | eee _@erol aan bia NC Pemes R perker _Hezel Cashion .___B | i innidialibaeld 316 9 Berker _kheries encone iM | resville NC [herles # Parker Blanche & Knox _ aaa} one 243|7 6 Porker __——_—‘Nency Slizebeth |r eee ae eee embert bo lesa} 943 \8 jo erker De Boppy y Deven [M |W Pooresville NC Dalton Ferker -euline Sternes | e97 | eas ear aa | | 948: 6 29 Porker ___ een derol FW ptetcavilie Nc _ficrcld & Forker Rosa Witlien ___feo| 0} __ 19_|2* ___| prance Marton | _F Ww |statesville NC [Howard B Parker [Jessie Lee #routman {22/107 sii | | MW |Goddie Greek Tndfred Brown Farker ide rgaret, Le@molitmen 129) 112.$ a are NC [Hubert Lee Parker Bestrice L Shumeker | 29/1438) ci eee \Theaford B Parker [Grace 4 Johnson __450) 294§ __ iusivV atesville NC [Clyde Ernest Parker a Iso Lee Be sail Fis esville NC iTroy Farker _—---—«4fO dessa Morrison 3O| 445) mibcateel C ___Iaay Parker ___. _|Seanie Mohaliand _fan| 544) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. L i e Rial Sahin se BR ** loves Siteal seclades skeot tor pose etersase Mid’ bearver Printing Rowse; Gberlotts, NC. ae Tae en ENA OF OE Sex | ¢oior | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [yoy ______|saran Bell | FP | Wisteteavitie wo |R B Parker jfile Gui) ____|s0| 758) 9 |ea9lPorker =| Rerbara Kathlees F | Wistatesville NGO (Jesse Willerd Perker Willie K Isenhour 150 |122). 30 r |M |. WiStetesville NQ IJemes Gar] Parker jMergaret L Blliott §5017555. 24 \Parker E_| WjMooresville NG (Russell J Parker sGladgs L Talbert Sli 24) | 1 jParker M.| wit mn Pr De P md 1 | 172 | 172 ____,fhiphey fnn | F | Witemony b Henry B B Q purheam (31 | 770) 1. r jel ton Lee por ox par Helen Ruth Mullinex 5) | @41 ra tin baantenctidh. .Apidigsiinin-...eemabe tinea a lg Linde Lou F sville NC [yc Parker ! i embers ol 1.259 J L945 | Thomas “eid iM _ lle NC | Thomas C Perker ____ Hielen Grose Bl S22 | ers _hoas | 12 ler Kenneth Byrd IM | ssville NC | Robert Lee Parker |@adye L Godfrey 31/1552. ' hers hroas| 2 lee tporker Martha dane Fr Mooresvilie Nc Herbert Lee Yerker |Beotrice L Shoemaker|52/ 65. ___ rn | ” ___ dl immie Lee | M_| 6 [Mooresville NC Johnnie Lee Parker ee 1 | 7iParker | iG A Parker = —-—s—sMaggie Grimes _‘§52/ 225 o4ge| 2 |1a|Perker fread williem | Williem Perker _|Wanie Lee Sigmon _|52/ 204 5. ____| Bobby Michael _ | John J Parker si. Virginia Gorrell | 52 59s <cacinsieeriensi alee ian sdha e NC Berry Lee Parker Jettie Sue Morrow \ 1946 9 — Mitchell Beorge Parker ester M Honeyoutt 62 116 1946 | 9 2 arker hrtate Carol — F |W Mooresville NC Wm D Parker Pauline Starn a 08° _____}roae| 12 |20 parker ____|zoyee pienne | F esville No |Robert Lee Ferker fiinnie Merie Tesgu ___djaga6 7 ba dperker =| Domala tee iu | | Daniel Eagar Parker | Maggie Lanos Hughes 1946 12) 1¢ Parker | Julie Ann F |W Btatesville NC | Clarence Parker Dolly Benfield 33 598 ie oo i | Berbera Diane [F |W | Stetesvilie NC | Robert Lee Perker Gledys L Godfrey 28 | Sienna arker ___|shonda a Marie FiO {Statesville NU} Ernest Lee Parker. {iiary Alexander ___B3- 156. ______non7| 3 | parker wierd sugene | _|c |statesuilie tic [charles Alfred Parke Maggie Cremis 33-373 nga?) ag | ad parker =| Linda ‘Mec | FW) Statesville NC | Walter Parker ___| Dorothy Mae Weaton { 33 658 ________} 1947, 7 | 29] Parker .___ Larry Benson ___| M | W |Hermony NO____{Thadford B Parker _jAgnes G Johnson L138 | ____] 1947, 10 | 2) Parker ____—_—| Elle Louise _| F | © |*ooresville NC | Johnny Lee Parker L732_| . 1947, 11 20]Parker ss |adrein Bruce _ u_| w |wooresviire Nc |Charles Warner Parke# Blanche Emilee Knox} 551096 | a: _ ae © ee i Be iat } W [Stetesville NC | Willie B. Parker Bessie Ie Benfield {355,198} ra 41947| 9 26 [Parker |Betty Jean __| F | C [Statesville NC | Troy Parker ..__J Odessia Morrison 33) 210 a Se 4.1947) 9 16 [Parker _ __{Katherine __]| F | ¢ | Statesviile NC [Troy Parker .._._JOdessia Morrison 33) 2105) en ae ey. ___|Kermit Lee M | W [Statesville NC es fie Ella Parker 3h| 497 1948. 6 (|lijParker | James Monroe M W {Mooresville NC | James David Parker [Nellie M Blackwelder] 34/ 1006 1948 7 25 Parker ls M | C Mooresville NC [frtrue B Parker stella Mae Watts Bh 2088 siebiiaieemane 41948, 8 3) Parker _____jApnie Lee F . c | Statesville NC} Charlie A Parker _ Grimes 13 ___ 41948) 1 ee... _;-Lonnie George | Mi, W jovatesville NC } Jesse W Parker | Willie 4 Je@nhour _}s4 i fe jpig4s i 12 | lParker __ |zames Ernest ae ra 5g Mooresville NC | New Haven Parker Annie Lucille uosei ‘ feds | 2 | 25 Parker __| tarry Eugene | Mw |Statesviiie NO Cx rence Lee Parker {Dolly Ore E _______} 1949 2 _, 24 E iiesiehiniail _{aabert Dennia | | w NC__| Harry lee Parker jJettie Sue p4e.. ate Parke | Homer Michaei MfiW Btatesville NC [Clyde E Parker oy Co | } | — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell ( ou sheets ingwres (helt correctness. err: Hecate ansaes, ones. of SURNAM at ‘This For Your Protection, Insist On it. NC. BOR Patent Mer 1antibe Copyright 1980 TAB und refer SURNAME OF CHILD Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER r Parker Magie Lene Parker Roy Lee P Vickie Beanne iR r Ga Parker Parker rs Parker | Mitchell Lewis 9 |\24]Parker David 6 12 lg Parker Dianne Nevada 4 ceca pee Stee ene — Parker David Lee a1 6.12 1'6 #£=21 | Parker - 1 Pa om 10 ker David Eugene 1951, 4 15] Parker 1951 16 12] Parker Parker Str. Kay ai seemed 1l 22] Parker _ - 1 (22jParker ss Say Ruth — Parker Lois Frances + ——-- Parker Parker __ ~ Parker Wilma Louise Parxer Parker Jeffrey Lee F C Mooresville NC}=- Sv Mooresville KF Wi Mooresville ed L Perker M Statesville Jessie W Parker J W WStatesville NC on int Parker W ooresville NC J Parker W iMoore sville NC] Maurice E r F C | Mooresville NC | John Lee Parker Char At NC} Jey G MW F W | Mooresville NC { Llo G Parker Statesville NC lter Parker lorsville NC ew Haven Parker Mooresville NC fe a sville ey a a7 Par Mooresville Nv tatesville NC James Kay Parker Mooresville NC Phillip Lori a Q uy tatesville NC F |W Btatesville NC | Harry Lee Parker | W [Mooresville NC |Fred Lee Parker David Jones Parker Parker Mooresyiile NC} Joe Erskine Parker vid Jones Parker ele Zawrvenr.ce Par NAME OF MOTHER Mattie L Barker lla Mee Shar Minnie L Wagner llie K Isenhour ellie M Blackwelder J ie B Parker 2 eld Odessie Morrison th c Nevada Norman t Reba Evelyn Ha:riel Edna Mae Morrow Mae Weston Morrison Annie Lucille rot 37 |1685 Elle Mae Shar 3 Martin Suren Farker] Martha Helen stutts 21 Hazel Cashion 72 r Mary Geneva Jettie Sue Morrow 3 5 Minnie Louise Wagner] 39 | 9¢8 COFre8 che ta isan I Se eee ee ae ee Ree 17 eek SURNAME OF CHILD sex | Cur |) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — You | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN wa) Pass - 1953 .7 5 j Parker Janet Faye F |W | Mooresville NC | Lloyd Groom-*:rker || Edna Mae Morrow be 114 ef 1953| 8 |21| Parker | or ¢ Mooresville NC| Jessie Lonnie Parke} Mary Lois Wilson || 3 ____4$1953| 9 | 7 Parker Glen Allen MijW Siemedie NC [Martin Buren Parker [Martha Helen Stutts [39 1953| 9 |21) Parker Barry Edward |M |W /Paul John Parker __|Martha Ann Creason {139 1953; 12 | 5] Parker Phillip Kelvin | y oresville NC [Phillip James Parker | Alaa Mae Mills 3 race ) : 1953 |12 5} Parker -Jemes Melvin M/C | Mooresviile NC] Phillip James Parkem Alda Mae Mills 1 | Godt're 1954 | 7 1 Parker Donna Pernette | F | W] Statesville NC | Lee Addis Parker Dorothy Pernette / & Parker 1954| 9 | 26] Parker Richard Lee M |W] Mooresville Ni Maurice Eugene/ | Parker : to 195u) 10 16} Parker arbara Lee F_|W | Mooresville NC | Phillip Loring/ Mary Geneva Coving/ 0} 45 echiashich. — 7___|20 | Parker ” M IC Taylorsville NG Artrue Brown Parker tistelle May Watts 0 | orrison 95h '11 |5 || Parker Regina Rene F C | Statesville NC} Roy Parker Margaret Louise / 4,0} 1883 1954/12 |4 | Parker John Wesley M |C ‘Mooresville NC | John Lee Parker Nevyade “iigon | | 40! ‘ 1954 12__|10} Parker Donald Ray Jr |M |W |ooresville NC | Vonald Ray Farker || “ancy Carolyn Joynes| 40/196 Parker = 1954|12 | 27] Parker - M |C | Mooresville NC | Phi James / Alda Mae Mills ly parker oe 1 (23) Parker Mark Laws M |W | Statesville NC} Thomas Columbus flelen Grose Laws 1| 90 1955, 1 | 3} Parker Patty Lou F | W |. Statesville NC} Harvey Ray Parker Virgia Ann Moose 41) 48 —— Parke Whit lowe "i ___ | 1955 3 30] Parker Phil Mac Rae M| W| Mooresville NC | Henry Kimbrell 7 |Sarah Juanita / 41 Shumaker 9955 | & 30 | Parker Wanda Fay _—s| F_ (|W | Mooresville NC |Hubert Lee Parker || Beatrice Lenora / 41) aa 1 1955; 5 | 1@ Parker - M | W | Mooresville NC| Zewis Justin farker|} Dorothy Mae 4 745 eo oes | fo 1955! 6 |13|Parker _ _|-eC M C Mooresville NC | Jessie Lonnie Parker| Mary Lois Wilson {41 Elliott iii 11955 6 \6|\Parker _—s>_—| Betty Jane = || F.| W | Statesville NC j James Carl Parker 41) 999 ____—- 95s (8 16| Parker Rita Yvonne F (|C $tatesville NC WadePerlane Parker | Maggieiye Rankin [41/1256 _ $955 | 8 | 20] Parker | Susan Neal F |W {Statesville NC |Carl Rufus Parker Rargaret Nell Price [41/1259 | | ___4955| 3& 12] Parker deffrey Lee M | W { Statesville Lee Addis Parker rothy P, Godfrey 2| 470 i | 1956 5 Parker Gene Calvin Jr MI W_| Mooresville NC | i Parke 41956! 6 | 2] Parker David Richard W__| Mooresville rtin Vanburen/ 1034. 2 }1956 | 7 19] Parker — - - __] FW | Mooresville MC | Billy Gene Parker | Margaret A Floyd | | . a ates }1956 7 .14 Parker ______| Teresa Gayle | F' Wj Statesville MC} Rdgar Ray Parker — _| Gionia June Goodman | 1956 | 5 | 7] Parker - - F | C | Taylorsville NG Artrue Brown Parker jEstella Watts | _____}igs6| 9 | 24 Parker S| Anita Morri F|c | tredeil County | - : Garrison ‘i __ 41956; 11 5 | Parker ‘Mary Jane F| w |Statesville NC |David Benton Parker | Betty Brinklen/ 42|1898 ae __41956) 11 16 Parker Larry Elvis | M | C |Mooresvilae NC |Phillip James Parker Alda Mae Mills 42| 2000) | . MOGh! 32. iReader Mooresville NC |Jesse Lonnie Parker |Mary Lois Wilson 42| 21 5h aoe 1957, 1 11) Parker __- dF | [Mooresville _ [Maurice E. Parker [Mary lL. Davis }43| 67 1957. 3 2 |Parker Emily Stella F | W |Mooresville N CiCharles W. Parker Blanche E. Knox 143| 338 eam ep et —_ — oe ane | i 1957 3 {25 Parker Michael Leslie | M | W |Mooresville N CiDonald F. Parker Sandra L. Sherrill 3} 410 we — aan " stint ation a I cneectmennetiatennet acemneeanmmnenensnemcesnd lbenno aan en - . . _cpichateennaniinitnnesenmnatenenslienaneaneammnanasts haem i, n957 |4 27 Perker _—_—si| Paula Diane |F |W Btatesville N C Paul J. Parker Martha A. Creason | Sie 1957| 6 28 \Parker _ _{Reginala___| | ¢ batenriiie x cor Parker ____| Margaret_L. Morriso | - Pm i 1957) 12/20)Parker _ Ruth Renee Fic Statesville NCi Join Lee Parker _ | Nevada @ ‘tool 1957| 11 |2 Parker ss | John Me u | «| Moore sviiie clGene ¢ Parker Blizabeth D WoCor/ 946] is 5 Gals ona 3 basi - ere ina ae Ae RE ee MidB oe Bias nated is ie as Ws, ae ae a * ‘, re ¢ ry js od e af a = aL ‘ v on « ons j ‘he: cae one otnn CRiastialde Sari ane, Snes tome hla este SURNAME, OF CHILD Yesr | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, iF ONE 1S GIVEN 1957 10 ed Parker ‘is C} Taylorsville Artrus B. Parker | Estella Watts 44 253 ] uaa 2 iq Parker i C | Mooresville Jesse Lonnie Parker Mary Léis Wilson 44 243 1958/ 3 s | Parker Tony M | C IStatesville Nw |- t Bonnie Jean Parker |44/5% | __ 1958| 2 | 26) Parker Douglas Lloyd M | W | Mooresville NC | Lioyd Groom Parlwr | Bdna Mae Morrow 44/280 _ }nese| 5 [53 |Perker Trena Faye F_ | W | Mooresville NC] Jesse Willard Fave Barbara Allen Little 44 799 2: 5 'Porker - - wt ficoresviize xo loraa Eugene Parke ba wer 44 | 796 | | $2958; 6 /29/ Parker Norman Ray M _ nc {Edgar Ray Parker fonia Jone Go odwin 44/996 |) 1958; 8 | 24 Parler Tony Wayne M W Btatesville Max L Parker Shirley Ann Horton | 4 & mess | lil barker Pamela L. Ww Rises otis Hubert T Parker Ruby N Nance 44| 1768 958 | 10 sk Sanat Jr. Robert Fa M C | Statesville Robert F A Parker Willie L Jones 44/1622 EP 1959; 1 xf Parker - | F Mooresville Jesse Parker Mary L Wilson 45 66 1959) 4 of Parker Mark Smith M} WStatesville Charlies ©» Parker Mary L Smith 49 685 ' 1959; 7 | 19 Parker Scott Franklin| M | W [Statesville j#m. Franklin Parker jue E Gentt 8 11 _ 2959/11 | 14 Parker b Stephanie L. FW | Mooresville Fred Lee Parker Minnie Lou Wagner lee) 1960 1 | 3@ Parker Michael T. M |w | Statesville Nebae't T, Parker Ruby N. Nance 4@ 165 2 1960 64 | 9 Parker ‘itchell Solb M W | Mooresville Grady Seni Parker Reba Colleen cae. a6 600 | 1960, 3 Parker Donna Rena F| C/ Statesville Robert P Parker Willie L. Jones 46 450 960 5 4| Parker Keith Sylvester, M | © | Statesville NC | Philip Jemes Parker | Alda Mae Mills 708 | eco | § he | Parker James Clayton | M | W | Statesville NC | Jesse Clayton Parker) Faye Mhited 46| 774 1960| 7 (|12/Perker ____|Sreighton Brown | M W |Mooresville - Nadine Nena Parker /463061 | 1960) et 25 REE? | Rocky Lee ins W |Statesville Johnny R Parker Evelyn 8 Wilkinson /46 | 973 2 u960 6 28 Parker Barbara Nell F | C {Statesville : Margaret L Parker 46 (1025 1961 3 10}Parker Sandra Kaye FiWw Statesville Mex Lauren Parker Shirley A Herton 7 | 456 4 n961 | 4 | 21) Parker eres Carolyn Louise | F tateaville 7 Dorothy Mee Weston | 47| 684 961 | 5 [5}Ferker Rodrick Tim | M | Wdtatesvine —_| Roy Parker argeret lL. Morrison 47 845 1961/5 /17}Perker : Lisa Dawn PF tatesville Paul John Parker bertne Ann Creason (47 |801 r _ fee 6 _|10) Parker aes. fey |riw Statesville Jesse C Parker Laure F Whited 47 |972 : 1961 9 | 7|Parker Kits Charles Todd © M|W | Statesville Charles » Forker Mary s Smith ai 1518) 1961/11 |24 Parker =| Ivey ‘Ray e C Statesville Ivey Ray Parker |Carnette Neils 47 |1992 ' 1962, 1 (21) Parker A Relata Ann F | W |Mooresville Phillip L Parker Mary G Covington 48/116 ey ERE ——-— -—- bf} - ; 962 2 ; | 27] Parker ee _| Bteky Lane M | Wi Statesville Johnny R Parker a Evelyn S “{licinson | 48) 299 psee | 3 [a pancen er Margeret Cc. | F | | Statesville es a | Thondle M Parker 48| 361 11962) « _|0 Parker __——(iveffery Ae «4 M | W [Statesville |Jesse W Parker, dr | Barbara A Little | 46) 565 |1962} 3 | 25) Parker Cmthin G. | F | W|Stetesvitie | Hubert T Farker | Ruby N Manco [4] 405 | P pees 6 lljParker =| _ Carol DF | OY [Statesviiie Henry L Parker _—ijlinda J Little 48|912 ss 1962) 6 |11] Farler Paul B. M | © [Mooresville Paul G Parker Mary} Devis _—s_—j48|857 | _}1962| 9 |23}Parker | Balina MM, | F | W [Statesville | James © Parker || Shelby B McCotum [48/1524] pOnhs;. 2-1 0G Ferber 23g... Ei Seeree ie: ekvet © Rerker:. 2.5 Menke ieee s:: 1 963; 7 | 2}Parker Dianna F; C] Statesville Ivey 2 Parker Cornette Neils 49, 982 a dt pee tits ah ile oa cajliciadhlaiveisaitianiadal ES - i isicieihmeriga INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. ey aaa iam aus telor ts Boll Schices chest for pose referonen sity Seacee iS: Sia Be ae SURNAME. OF CHILD sex |cotor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fj Your | Month | Bay AND CHRISTIAN RAKE, IF GRE IS GIVEN Vol | Page 1963| 9 |12)Perker David M | W /Statesville David ° Parker Betty B Garrison [49 |1430 ee hems oab | Parker carol é F | W | Mooresville Lewis 4 P arker | Yorothy M apshecis, s 197 ie | dae 30 Parker teal aie: Mi C Mooresville Paul G Parker Oe Mary L Davis Sie see | > [2 Parker, dre | Bally LM | W] Mooresville | Billy D Parker, Sr} Carolyn ¢ WeCarter | 50 402 a Boe | 4 | Perker | -Badnobonh fF || W ]Semogethae |] “Rdger B Parker. | Oionta + inetee a Bi aa fp964 | 11 | 4 | Parker Lisa ss | F | WJ] Statesville | Worth W Parker [Carol R Ballard _ 50) 1660 - __ P2964 | 12 | 2) Parker VirginieeAnn | F | Wj Iredell Coe a | Shirley A Parker | 50 19 6 1965 | 2 | Parker Jamie | F | W [Statesville | James C Parker | Shelby B McColl um}57 |227 —___fses| 5 | af parker | sam | | w | Mooromvsate | Donate F Parker | Sondra 1 sherrtan Jot [372 2965 3 |3 | Parker Michael M Wis Statesville serry E Parker | Gertrude F Sells— 51 29% 4 |2965, ¢. 1201 Parker | beter F |W | Mooresville | Dwight J Parker qr. Ruby A Digh _| 511 466 eg #965 | 7 | 30) Parker - M C | Statesville oe Thondla M Parker | 51. 2 8 n965 | 9 16 Parker Mark M | ¢ Mooresville , Paul G Parker Mary L Davis Z 51/1284 1965 | 11 26 Parker = M W} Statesville} John H Parker _Evelyn ¢ “ambert 51) 162 ce 1966. 5 | 1 Parker games a c eA Lord Parker Jane pa t 52, 571 1966, 6 | 27] Parker les M W) Mooresville Donald R P arker Nancy C Jaynes 52 863 ie 6 27) Parker F Wi} Statesville “enry Lee Parker Linda Jo Little — | 52 854 Ci tae SE ee 1966 7 27] Parker F| W| Statesville James R ‘arker Norma M Bebber 52 10g8 1966 7 30 Parker Lori M F | W Statesville Paul J Parker Martha A Creason | 52) 101 : 1966 9 11] Parker _Terry Lee M W | Statesville Jerry E Parker Gertrude F Sells /52 |12 ; @ 1966 10 20 | Parker | Dwayne MW | Statesville Worth W Parker Carol R Ballard | 52 150 t 1967 7 | 11) Parker | Linda Faye C | Mooresville Paul Gray Parker Mary Lois Davis 53 |952 bi @ 1967 7 | lj Parker Edward Lee M \W Btatesville Wm. Herman Parker Gwenda A Turner 53 8135 2 : 1967) 8 26) Parker Pamela a F | C | Statesville - Betty Jean Parker 5? [106 bi | 19622 sa tL Rinse —> doth teres dee Sommers 1 Parcer —}5?-827} 1967, 8 | 7] Parker Leon M | C | Statesville Leon Parker Mary B Baily 54 972} 1967, 10 11|Parker Thomas M W | Statesville | Thomas R Parker Norma J Johnson 53 1268 _ ‘ 1967, 11 Parker Marcus M W | Statesville Jesse W Parker Jr Barbera Allen sh uh ® 1967 12 2 Parker Darryl M | Ci Statesville Dennis Parker Jane C Scott p3 1647 1968 2, 1] Parker Timmy M| C] Statesville - Thonda M Parker 54 149 +x 1968 8 16 Parker sori F C | Statesville - Katherine Parker 54,| 1009 ; 1968 8 23 Parker Chadwick M Ww Mooresville Billy D Parker Parolyn C McCarter 54/1091 a 1968) 12 24 Parker Tracy Elaine F | Wi Statesville William Herman Parkef Gwenda Ann Turner se 2039 a ; : > | 2 | 26) Parker | Ginger Renee F Wi] Statesville Albert Dennis Parker Stephanie Baret Heg/ | e 1969 & | 30) Parker Reba Jill F C | Statesville Leon Parker Mary Belle Bailey 55 | 12 a 1969. 10 19 Parker Tracy Denise F | W |Mooresville Robert Wayne Parker| Peggy parties tT 55 |1346 : 1969 8 | 3@ Parker Reba Jill P C} Statesville Leon Parker Mary Belle Bailey 5§ 11 a Folch ae Tees John Stuart | M| W| Statesvitze | Worth Wayne Parker | carb] Ruth eo | | ; Fr coTr AA RANE eee Bo 1S INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIR’'THS = Iredell County, N. C. Open at Proper Tab according to Fixat Letter or Letters of REF Nome ned volar to Bult Sete sheet for pegs referonon, ate, U8. Pat oFFics Bratalatt Ce ee ed on e ; = <n = an ae. sex |onon| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — }1969; 12 (29) Parker Lisa Barnett Ps Fi ¢ Statesville Troy Junior ae Gloria Feimster 1979 1 | afrerker | Regina tynn | F |_| Statesville | David Bugene Parkey Peggy Ann Johnson | 1969 12| 2) Parker Jr. | Gene Edward | M | ¢ |Statenrille | Gene Edward Parker| Clara Jean Branch | 1969 12) af Parker Jr. j Sempe Renees.) 31) oe Le ee ee ae 1970 3 | 19 Parker Ree OOS EF 1 AE NE NO te Serge: Re ee 5 een Se ee eS 2 ere Seeks Bieri i ee a ee ee eee 1970 | 26 [Parker Denise Michelie| F| C| Statesville |Willard Eugene Parke} Brenda Lorene Mil: 1970| _ 6/14} Parker Kimberly Ann | F | W] Iredell Co. | William Rermin Pare Gwenda Ann Turner 1970) 7 |8 | Parker Tamera Jane | F | W [Statesville | Kenneth Lee Parker | Mary Jane Neely | 1970| 10) 4 {Parker Jay Ross M | W] Statesville | Billy Joe Parker | Helen Ann Talley 1970 11/11) Parker, Jr. | Thomas Reid MW Statesville | Thomas Reid Parker | Norma Jean Johnson 197 q 12| 19 Parker Tina Ann F | W | Statesville | David Eugene Parker| Peygy Ann Johnson 197, 1 |21} Parker Carla Delois | F| Cj Statesville | Carl Robert Parker | Sandra Kay Gibbs | 57\ 69 | § 1971 3 Parker Felicia Ann F | C | Statesville Roy Weldon Parker ¢r. Barbara Ann Roger 57 370) 1971 5 Parker Clint Alan M| W |Statesville Sanford Ivan Parked Linda Lee Darnell 57 610 1971 8 Parker Daphne Paige F | W] Statesville Worth Wayne Parker | Carol Ruth Ballard | 57/993 1971, 7 Parker Dale Houston M | Wi Statesville Lanny Dale Parker | Judy Ann Sherrill [57/937 1971, 7 Parker Sandra Anette F) C | Statesville James Ernest Parker) Sandra Sue ait 157 853 1971| 12 |# Parker Christopher Tod M.| W {Statesville |Albert Denriis Parker| S,ephanie Bétrettt ae} ; 1972) 1 Parker Jr, James Richard M chamen James Richard Parkef Norma Mae Bebber 58| 70 1971, 9 \19 Parker | Anne Yvette F lw Statesville Kelly Eugene Parker} Sheila Yvette Swink §7 |1193 1971, 9 \3 Parker Tyrone nigtasniee F Statesville - Peggy Jean Parker I’ yikes 1972) 3 8 hoe Kevin Maurice | M C } Statesville - Betty Jean Parker 58/271 +# 1972, & 13 Parker | Laura Elizabe F W | Statesville Thomas Reid Parker | Norma Jean Johnson /58| 426 1972 |-6 | 1} Parker | lisa Michelle | F | Nj} Statesville John Albert Parker | Carolene Williams |58| 592 § ; hore | 30 8 Parker | Steven Edward M | W | Statesville Barry Edward Parker | Suzanne Wilson 58 | 1086 1972! 10 15 Parker | Tonya Dale F N Statesville Alonzo Dale Parker bertha Faye Wellman [58/1091 1973; 1 25 Parker |Anthony Dean M | N | Statesville Troy Junior Parker | Gloria Peimster 59 | 76 1973. 5 |28) Parker Jr ane M | Nii] Statesvilze Stanley Parker Connie Mae Houpe 59 554 1973; 6 | a Parker | Michael Todd M |W | Statesville William Herman Parket Gwenda Ann Turner | 59/594 p 1973; 7 7)| Parker hens Renae F | W } Statesville David Eugene Parker |Peggy Ann Johnson 59/701 4973 | 7 | 14 Parker Done Michelle F |N | Statesville Clyde Parker Doris Jean Adams 59\-740 1973, 10 |3 | Parker Kevin Douglas | M | W] Mooresville Michael Douglas Park@r Judith Faye Estes |59/1081 1974 1 125 Parker | Angela Carol F| W | Statesville Lanny Dale Parker Judy Ann Sherrill ico 35 1974, 7 | 7} Parker Carlis Santana} M/| N/ Statesville Carl Robert Parker | Kathy Ann Conner 60] 674 Parker Gary Lamont Statesville 1975 1 25 Parker Shonda Delores | F N Statesville Ka thy~Dedace Kathy Dolise Parker | 41975! 2. |191 Parker Gregory Ray M | W ] Statesville Carrol Ray Parker Brenda Kaye Crider | 61 |deremy David | M | W | Statesville Jerry lee Parker Rebbin Lynn Harris INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIR'THS — Iredell’ County, N. C. ostiorrice CReasIMCOSS Sa Wenticins Toots Mask UEP tte cakes ocbess tasshtion dies ts pone enon nase heen ingen eaeeuamie eae a Te i SUSAR OF Se sex | enon} PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER I NAME. OF MOTHER = + == 1976| 1 |16] Parker F Statesville Carl Robert Parker! dra G 62 | lode | 1976 | 6 11 Parker David Wayne M Statesville David Eugene Parker | Willie Mae MDeniels 62) 499 1976 | 10 | 4 | Parker omas Craig M Statesville | --------- Carol Sue Parker 62 |888 n976 | 10 | 13{ Parker Bryon Tremain M Statesville | -------- Anita Morrison Parke#62|935 977 3 | 27) Parker LaKeisha Shaneilj F Mooresville Jesse Rayvon Parker |Betty Sue Ikard 63 |291 1977| 5 | 27] Parker Cheree Dawn F Statesville |--------- Lisa Dawn Parker 63 |480 1977 6/14) Parker Richard Ryan M Mooresville Richard Lee Parker [Carol Janice Honeycutt 63 557) 1977 6 |27 }Parker Bradley Charles| M iMooresville len Allen Parker iKathy Elaine Stafford) 63| 580 1977| 10) 134 Parker Brandon Lee M Mooresville Russell Lee Parker [Karen Charlene iiurlo}63 [2026 1977 4 | Parker Marquitha Dawn | F Statesville Wade Edgar Parker Patti Jo Stone 63 | 1185 1978 | 2 |24] Parker Melissa Carol F ooresville Mitchell Lewis Parker Rita Gail Hicks 64| 164 1978 | 3 |20jParker pana _hattann F t NMN_P | Jane Carolyn Scott | 64) 249 | 978 | & | 26] Parker Wendy Gail F Statesville James R. Parker, Sr.|Judy Diane White 64| 259) 1978 | 10 Parker Nykywan Ramon || Mooresyi lle __| Jesse Bayvon Parker | 957. 1979) 1 | 20) Parker Statesville ___| Kelly Eugene Parker 1 -$6— 1979| 1 |27}Parker Justin Corry Mooresville Russell Lee Parker en fected 5 92 1979 | 4 21 Parker Allen Dejuan M Mooresville -- Kathy Elizabeth Parker 65 35) 1979 | 5 | &| Parker Adam MacRae M Statesville Phil Macrae Parker | Wendy Ann Carpenter | 65! 394 | 1979 | 11 8 {Parker Charles Everett¢ M Statesville James Earnest Parker | Sandra Sue Price 65 108 1979 | 11 leg Parker Virginia Beth| F Statesville Jeffrey Lee Parker | Sandra Kay Skeen 65 $1979 |_12 26 Parker ____| Holly Annette F Statesville | Wade Edgar Parker Pattie Jo Stone 65! 1245) 1980; 1 8 Parker Melissa Dawn F | |Statesville -- iNancy Ann Smith 66| 45 1980 | 2 ‘21 Parker elissa Ann F Btatesville Tony Rex Parker Kathleen Pruitt b6 | 190 | 11980 3 | 17] Parker Mark Lee M Statesville Mark Laws Parker Lori Lee Rufty 66| 291) 80 | 5 h Parker James Corey M Statesville James Franklin Parkef/Linda Diane shage* 4&5 1960) 5 5 Parker | 421 Janese F Mooresville Richard Lee Parker | Carol Janice’ HORS} / 66 | bu 198d 6 ‘29 arker _ Nason Lynn a ktatesvi lie Norman Ray Parker Donna Gail Stamey 608 1980, 6 | 30 Parker 4 --- un | Li aaah ----- Lula Octavia Parker | 66) 632 1980 9 BO Parker | Justin Mitchellj M L Mooresville Mitchell Lewis Parker/Rita Gail Hicks 930 198) 3 46 [Parker __ ee F | Statesville || David lynn Parker | Cathy Biane Hopkins | 67, 212 RA ae Me e s : ___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS = Iredell County, N.C. GU Ratabe RS ati Dopreiahe 1806 Mente et AS a ed ter Sar Please, “et oA ELay Obeeevar Printing Howse, Goeritee 6, alia wRE ea, ore =| PLAGE OF BIRTH] NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MoTHER~ |e Ya 1s) 7 idk ne : rio tolintn Jima Perks _-__|wargaret negéon | 2/9 1914 8 : ‘ uM iw |New Hope Tn ré'C Parkes Mapdio suéeie jai 6 Juliue Barrisont M |G Jolin tn ie reendh: Rehan: 3 ° ogy harlie Perks __|pe11e Prevette _| 4. i 6_| lili parka John Grier Parks _/Elizeheth Ghera | 4. P2918 4 Arthur Perks .___jLessie Steele sss 4a. l 7 WH Parkes Ijessie Ostwelt _—sf4a! 1 % Perks Dan Parks Meg Redmon | 8 1919 3 | 12) Parks T! oon. Pavks hiag Redmon 8 1921) 3 Matt Parkes Maud Jarvis ? 8 921) 4 | & John Parks Gertrud 2 1924 1 _ | 165 Parks - Jesse _ uc [Statesville NC | Daniel G Parks Mergeret Redmon 7 (1%) 1922 4 Parks _ pene Emeline F jC [Union Grove Tn jArthur Parks _hiessie Steel 8 | 1923 5 | £21 Parks . - F |W |New Hope Tn Mont Parks Maude Jarvis 2 stead 8 5} Parks Frances Jane B.|W_ | Berringer Tn W_H Parks Jessie Ostwalt 9 AGlyde Wm Chambersburg TnjDeniel Perks _—*siMergarette Redmond {30 | . Eegle Mills Tn | Jonn Parkes _____4Gertrude Carson _ [10 | Hanna Louise _ Wj Barringer Tn _{W Hubert Farks _IJessie Ostwalt — il | Clarra May Fic Hagle Mills Tn {AG Parks _____‘iLizzie Steele fu. : z lw iew Hope Tn ___{Mont Parkes ___‘IMeude Jarvis re {shinier Morine | 7 iw |statesriiie wo |raurte 4 Parke _|rose x snareita foe. ~ FC |Statesville Tn Jp A Parks 23 | {Dora rc |stetesviiie m |p a P fas | Ls r +2_|atateariite ne friiiie lee Resta —fousta crictin hia nie setty ean} r{u Jon nape-ta _[rassar marca fants te stnania 13 Siuiuns Hubert _ Mooresville NC {Wilburn Perks _{Tde Mey Loyd sna | pire ——.. heten die Gotiee bet ee 14 | 647 1929 F FW I|stetesvilie mn |- - - “_____IMery Parks sg 1929 Marylou __| |W |nisw nope mn _Ioetter turks —_—faitea uitenera __has | 1929 5 | 2& Parks _Leon Little Statesville NC [Leon G Parks Edmone Little tahoe 4 anee, ! —___———fames_Thoma__| M/W |New Hope tn [ont Far Z om __] 1930 5 — Rw. ule |e c a ek P as 1930 6 | 17 Parks - FC iStatesviile NC [Nethan White _ re 1951 8 | 12] Parks ohn “lexander K iW ‘Statesville NG IJ H Parks ? 1981 8 | Thomas McKnitt | MW [Stetesville NC | —— ise 2 2 : |New Hope Tn 1932 6 | P ete __| 1932 8 Nancy J F\W |Berringer tn jw H Parks ] 1932 12 James Willie | M |C [Statesville tn | P on 1932 Minnie Sue {2% |W |New Hove tn he : (Con) ve si hina 8 ‘i ai nA ie INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. For Your Protection, lasist On It ay" locate, Steal Sada’ Ulla tor pass rater GEE Patont Mes aN Somemregee 1G ee tee ws RRAME CF GMD Sx | tor | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aT 5 Parks Cerrol | M | W ID | 572 | 4 | 3 Parks __- | Dorothy Jean F_| W ike bl | 456 | > 9] Parks _| Doris F | C jStatesville Tn 046 4 | 21) Parks — --- Fic {olin Tn fRayford Parks 689 ‘ 7| 6 |24iPerks | _—s| Bertha Mey~ sf F | ¢ |Davidson Tn enry Perks 222 216 Parks Ruesel Vance | M | W iNew Hope Tn jJetter Parks 665 | 937 | 9 | 6] Parks Jimmie Lee “| W [e001 Springs Tn|- - - ss | | 29] Parke ____|Sames_Leuis__| M | ¢ |moores cj. - - - 279 s6 ii) | 4) parks ‘Barthyene F |G |statesvilie tm |- - - noze | 959 | 7 7) Parks - F.C |Statesville Tn | Charlie Parks Beatrice Murdock 25/1127 939 |10 | 50} Parks ___|Katie Jane F_| C |Union Grove Tn |Rayford Parks __—s4| Dollie Cowan 25/1279 1940 | 2 | 9 | Parks _ atrice e | C | Fallstown Tp [}Henry G Parks _| Mary iia 26| 192 1940 | 7 O | Parks Charles Edward Mi Cj Statesville Tn idle Parks Beatrice Murdock 26) 1072 13) 4 J|26 fParks | Bs __|pobert Rar) M | W_ |New-Hope Tn M. C. Parks Maude Jarvis A} 215 2 Woodrow W Perks : 0 ohnson 7 | 774 | ies Ri Py 2 £4 , B26 es : Rob P ail = 18 | 778 we 9 eR ________|Gmendolyn Marie | ehn H Parks [Bennie L. Alexander {26 | 855 | 4 saa 620 fPecke ___|Fetricie Jene {| F | W [chambersb Woodrow W B /-flovella ¢ dobaaon 26.7} _6 (14) Parks ieee. _____4F |G [Barringer Tos _| P, ___}baure Parks 13 — nea2| 22 7iForke __{Slyde Gery _ | | W |Hermony NG _IClyde gawin Perks flora Dell bottoma J29/ 705! ness, 3 |20|Porke cee eee ee) LM | CG |Stetesville NC [Charles Porks __—-_—*sJBeatrice Perks ._ -j29/ 680) ass| ssi ein harry allen on Sana Cool Springs {claude £ Farks __|ffie lrene Houston 29! 271. 3 x noha a oa {Mery Christine | Statesville NC |Wiliiem H Parks a ea | 13944) dade bh mk ieee... Ue. ee State sv nc [pot Bugene P ors _C 5011357 1944 Mery Louise PF CC [fellutouwn Tons Penry @ “erke ry Petterson S2\ 394 —_____|Jdoyselyn ____}F | G Union Grove Tns | Reyford N Perks Mery Dollie Gowan _[5 ee Joe Lewis MC /|¥ellstown Tns - jLule Mee Ferks B2|; 2 | 2 la sacl June ___|M | SC Waliston Tne | Julius Parke _____ Jfuby Freemex 1_|_978 | : | 94510 | SiPerkg = si 4ile we jab ur ma fie7, pats 194520 || ___\Gerolyn Irene j F | 1 tesville NC leude Biwin Perks ji rene Houaten [s: 2 :. 1945; 10 |22] Parks ‘Baward FM M C {| Statesville Harrison Parks Annie Murdock Teer _ iPass. | Batesville no | ciyte w Farks __ on 32 780. D947, 3-9 Parks __ Otis James _} | ¢ Wellstown Tas _ p —fiuby Lee Proeman | 332664 __ 1947| 9 (20}rarke ____|Walter Nathaniel M\ @ |Statesville NC ____ JBeatrice Parks 3 (L643 1947/ 11 | 15[Perks == | Jenlyn Parks F [os W iCpneord a @ | Arnold Eugene Perks/Sarah Ellen Wagner [33) 1997 " 1947) & | lfParks > ee Geneva F | w Sharpesburg Tas {Robert Eugene Parks [Elle Zara Cuil _ i 12 [14 [Perks — ____|wiuaie tames Ju |o |stotearitie wc |ruia Parks Freeman 3 ein § 1948) 4 | }Parks Steven Wayne M ie ___JGlaude Edwin Parke | weeie Inene-Housten|3%-+—bd ‘3 1948) 5 j|1 }Parks Joyee Kay Fi Ww Mooresvilie NC Walter Leon Parks Martha Naomi Propst {34| 772 es 6! 2 e F |Mooresvilie NC| Henry G. Parks | Mary L Saeh Se eae a as a ae SRE ES Mfrs. Cott Patent Index = 4 1948 7 211 Parks _|8Sandra Kate ip | w [Statesville NC | Stey Carpet Parks |Katie Lee Johnson — fe : ss Aihasaeadag, NY Wa Harold Parks Fegey bye err 3 : cacao ve; Ts en ae, er. UL e joo 6/9 |Parks on talie Yvonne F|¢ |statesville NC [Charlie Parks _—‘([Beatrice Murdock _{35 oa 1949 12 1 Parke - ulia Shirley /| FC | mux ara’? ___Pules_Parks — | Ruby L Freeman BS : 1949, 12 | 16 Parks ee Pw | Stetesvitie Ne | Julius E Perks fren 8 Franses 35, 19 ae 41949 | 11 so] Perks ——|arece Adele _ {r W_|Mooresville | Murray P Parks || Sybil E Wray $e eo 950 | 2 | 1d Parks. . i uit srg opines te Mo slannde Parka ____| Louise Coffer __}3 “ 950. 7 19) Parks | Williem Hubert | Mm |W | Statesville NC | William He Parks,JRe| Agnes A. Puttman ae eso, 8 5 | Parks | Viekte san |p| wl] Mooresvii1e ne | w1i14am H. Parks | Peggy Sue Kerr 1950 11 27) Parks | Larry 4 | © Mooresville NC falter James Parcs Mery Cann Torrence 1 a $2950 12 30] Parks _ pa widest {MC ptatesvilie NC alse tte __..____| Ruby Lee Freeman 7185 a $9523 15] Parks | Gary Lee |M | ¢ | Statesviize No| Robert Berl Parks | Clara Merie Young _ 507 | pose , 5 | 2] Parks | Joan F | C |Statesville NC | Jules Parks Ruby Lee Freeman _ | 58/873 | rn 1952, 7 |2 | Parks | Hlarold William} 1 | c |iooresville NC |- _j Margaret Farks _ 38/1229 1952 8 7] Parks | - M lc Mooresville NC | Walter James Farks | Mary C Torrence 8/1 1952 9 Jl] Parks | dane Marie F W Mooresville NC | walter L. Parks Naomi Martha Propst. pe ea 1952. 9 10 | Parks Michael Thomas |M W | Mooresville NO | William H. Parks hileon-Agnes Pittman | 38! 158g Bi 1952 10 27] Parks _Naeemoa Jean | F | C | Statesville NC} James W. Parks |811e Louise Redfear 138) 41953) 2 | a Parks | Kathy Elaine | F_ foaresviiie no | Arnold £. Parks || Sarah EB. Wagner 3 1953 4 18} Parks i - F | C{ Mocresville NC - Rosa B Parks 39 65%). 1953 4 20] Parks | dune Gail | F |W | Statesville NC| Stoy C. Parks | Katy Lee Johnson | 39 oe 1953 _ 5 16] Parks hunse Yevette F | C_ | Mooresville NC = Beverly Ann Parks Pe 750 e 1953.5 - 27 Parks Randy Harold M |W | Mooresville NC | Willaim Harold Parka Peggy Sue Kerr __ BP | es 1953 8 9] Parks |Terry lgnn x UW oresvill Raymond ;Lee Parks |E£lizabeth ween) “tt 3G 123 an a ee vane) | - oo eee pace ; 11954 6 25] Parks se isan Statesville NC} Jule Parks _ | Ruby Lee Freeman _ ae 1954 8 6] Parks Clara Mae |F | C | Mooresville NC | James Parks | _—ij Geneva Burch 40\ 13 i 1954 9 11)Parks _ {= __{-F_W_| Statesville NC |Stoy ¢ Parks ____| Katie Lee Johnmn }401 1. a 41954 12 22} Parks : y_{¢_jMeorepvil2e BO iieueg Sutgie Porno theese. a0 Ci. Se 1954 8 | 30j¥arks | Sylvia Eiisabets F iC | Harmony N-C - Alma Lucendia Parks | 41) p.955 329 Parks | Rhonda Lynne | F | W | Mooresville NC} Raymond Lee Parks | Elizabeth siaaee /j 43 4 va 1955. 4 6 |Parks a | M_|C |Mooresville NC |Jules Parks Ruby Lee Freeman 141 - 1956. 2 18 | Parks { Laura Mae Fe u Mooresville jJames Willie Parks JElla Louise Redfear : 1956 7 25| Parks Joey Warren | MW | Statesville NC| William Warren Parkd Odions O'Neal Hoffednsd 126 1956 11 3] Parks l= - F_ |W |Mooresville NC |David Hugh Parks Katrina Ann Cartner [42) 1956 10 31) Parks |Walter Early {|M (C |Mooresville NC paid tacte | Ruby Lee Freeman _ 1957 1 : 14 Parks | Virginia Jo F iW Btatesville Nc Boyce B, Parks Va. M, Sipe | _ #3 | 92 1957 7 1 Parks [Bia Diane F 7 aa Robert B. Parke |Blla Call = ss, 7 1957. 7 J Parks _ pila Diane sf F ra Ptatesville N C Robert BE, Parks = | Ella Z, Call ie poss 1 (14 Parks Be es cea tt _|z le looresville N ¢ Aifred Parks Martne N Williams ea 24 Parks ~ F | @ Mooresville N C Billy ¢ Paris Nancy Lou Chambers se Pe Sees ORR, “INDEX [0 MITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell Countys.N, C. oat atidh, Catone Sari, nas Se ee pS de. ES eS TAR oad OS Peteat No. tide Gopretne bse — — ne COSTA WAKE, WOE EE sex | coon) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ie 2958; 4 (14/ Parks — Se ae F 3 Mooresville NC |Jamms Willie Parks jElla Louise Redfear | 44 | 608 M9 ta 1958, 4 (2)) Parks ile es = [Mt iw Mooresville NC {David Hugh Parks _|Katrina Ann Cartner [44/599 | J 1956 9; 13 Parks Winton Leno Mo66C¢ Statesville + J. Parks innie L Dalton 44 1562 e ; 1958 | 11| 1 | Parks Julie Ann a F ly Score sville is Murrey P Paria Joye & Way it “4 1778 “| iose | | >t Forks Ray Mario |? | © [statesritie [Ma Werren Parke | “Odtone ormeat Hort a4 (1797 | 1959 . | 2 Parks on gtk - oe i/ oe Mooresville Billy Parks ise ee Nancy L Chamber s 146 ee [p29 5) 2 Parks | ee [3 Bana Mae : PF | @ Mooresville — Walter J, Parks Mary © Torrence _—:|/ 45| 759 1959 8 | 8] Parks, Jr. _|James Willie _j¥)°¢ Mooresville “hi Jams W Parks | Ella L Redfear _—‘|/45|'727 D 959, 6 (22 )Parie Karen Paulette _ P| 6 Permny jAlfred Parks fartha N Williems 45 (911 | sol : 1959) 7 | 4)Perks Norman Clyde | M | Plooresvilne Mule © Pars [Ruby © Freemen Baad ie ; . 1959 82g Parks Susan Loui se Fi € Statesville Mort H Parks, Jp. Mery 1 L Dobbins 45 (1357 cas aki mot Satchel elec Ai Ln fats lgnb SAC ash eed snag lM aba allgt bi eaemne korea Sa al baiddeats ( }1960_ ‘ z ti Parks, cre | John Carrol © Mi ow Statesville pera John Cc. Parks ae | Frances | L Souther a5. 103 3 (1960 1 | 2 Parks | Unice Carol iF Cc | Statesville _ | Billy G. Parks _] Nancy L. Chambers _ | 46 15.3 11960 4 418 Perks - MiwW | Statesville ee . | Fatricia J Perks ‘s| 531 | > 60 § ay Perks Richard Ray _ | W | Statesville NC William Warren Parcs] Odions o'Neal 7 46, 789) j1960) 9 |27 Parks,Jr. ‘Samuel Dean M | W [Statesville Samuel Dean Parks Joyce M Joines ___- 46) 1592) $960 10 [17% Perks _ ‘Lile Deana F ¢ |Hermony Alfred Parks [Martha N Williams | 46) 2760 i } 1960, 1 con Parks oe | Jessie ‘Dean : * 18 teens Jule Farks —— Ruby Lee Freeman +e see] . , $1960 11 (2 Parks Roger 4llen uose6€W | Statesville ugseld V Mash wan te L Stinson 48) wcla| ve | | 2961, a | a arks, Jr. Billy Garfield | M | Cc Harmony Pilly GPa Parks : Nancy 1 Chambers a jena 168 | t t | 1961 2 16) Parks Vanessa Rebin | F C | Statesville James W. Parks | Blie Leuise Redfear 47 500 | fice 8 5 | Parks Sonya L. F C/ Statesville | Wm. J. Parks Winnie Lou Dalton | 47 1293 [1961-89 7} Parks Tracey Monette | F | Cl Statesville jErnest mie Top sea “4 4 | fige2 1 | 22 Parks Cheryl Annette} F W | Statesville John ©. Parks Frances L uther 48 84 ppm | 2 : a arks Gary Oliver Mi ” Mooresville nc neg P, Parks hypsa E. mray | 4 ese | 9 pees 3 3 Parks Joseph Allen M Wi} Statesville NC | Bewin H, Farks Re besea J ox 48 516 j oe | 5, ‘of Ft : _ Ronald W,. | MW [Statesville NC [Russe12 V Parks |Wende 4 Stinson | 48) 802 | ” Be a p62 | 6 “las Parks Terry D. = «| M | C [Statesville [Billy G Parks _—-_ | Nancy L Chambers | 48/918 | uci aiuadiicea a | 41962 10 28}Parks Noah A. W. M C } Statesville Jule Parks Ruby L Freeman 48 |1765 pies > | 2) Parks Lorna Ann 4 “eT > Statesvilie | Da mee “Tg 330 - p29 6) 9 Parks ron 4 8 Ree | et ee eee ae ee eee | pees) 8 (Bl Parks Jonathan MW Mooresvi lie Geo. H Parks Margaret O Beckham F 1.332 | | 1964; 1 3 Parks Alisa Faye F' Ci] Statesville David L Parks Josephine Gaither 50 169 , a | 2 23 Parks | Phillip M | W ‘Statesville - Edwin H Parks _Rebedca J Fox 5d 318 i Ran ign nail wa Said ee . 1964) 3 27| Perks ho bin F | w] Statesville Ronald L Parks Kather ine 6 5 Murdo ck 90 |482 / 1964, & lh Parks ‘Kiseeely, F Ww Stat envi Lie i “herri 11 V Parks : Va. L Davidson 50 |586 3 1964, i 7| 3) Parks Juliet Pc Stat eaville ‘|oure Parks | Ruby L Freeman 3 om] 1964 8 | 2 Parks Alfred M Cc Statesville Alfred 3 Parks Martha N Williams | 50 1274 ~~ nota __12) 17] Parks Deborah F Wi Statesville | Clyde G Parks Proncis L Maha ffey so 1883 g 1965) 1 |2u Parks Timothy MW Statesville Larry A Parks Martha A Wiley 51) 111 11965, ay | 29 Parks Laura : W Sta tesvi lle Laurie A Parks, Jf. Mary F Hager 5} 390 p65) 5 [ag Perks | Sharon F |G] Statesviire | Avid L Parks Josephine Gaither |51 6 : 965 9 5 Parks | Shenetta P Ci] Statesville Alfred Parks | Martha N Williams 1965, 12) iG P Clyde M| C] Statesville James W Parks Ella L Redfear 3 iff SURNAME OF CHILD AMD CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS ons Sa a= — Iredell County, N: C. 1967 1967 1968 1968 | 1968 | 8 19689 121 T 7| 2 135 A 2 2 | & ed Parks | Farne _ | 16] Parks Parks arke Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks 1 | 24) Parks, III Parks Parks Parks 1968 12 | 20| Parks "1969, 3 | 22] Parks 1969 8 1, [Parks Jr. 1969 10 |18]Parks, 1970 1 7) Parks 1970 6 17)Parks 1970 9 30) Parks n970 «11 | 23] Parks 1971 7 30) Parks 1971 7 18] Parks ge 12 | 14 Parks 1972 6 | 5] Parks n972 10 26} Parks 1972, 11 (21) Parks 1973. 2.22) Parks 973 | 10.7] Parks 973 12 23) Parks 1974; 2 (20) Parks 1975| 2 | 1} Parks 1975 | 11 14 Parks 1976; 6 |17}Parks 1977, & | 17 Parks 1978 5 Fe: Park | Eddie Darren Richard rien Stephanie fodney Audrie Randy Michelle Deborah Kelly David Lee Marcus Lamont Serafina Laurie Alexander Thomas Edward “David Lloyd Creig Gary Marvin Doravon | ' Faye | Angelette Le/ | Willie James | |Gina Faye ; | Tracy Yvette | Sandra Delores Mark Bana Lois | Tamara Lea Tonya Lavon | Michael Shannon} Randy Douglas | Stefanie Roe | Margerst sj, \Kimberly Michele F| N | Corey Dion Bi Shaundell M Allen Christo John Martin ] | Mary Renay Derridk Raysha Rodney Lewis tm DeWayne Dennis Jin a SEI Nome ond refer to Ball Subrloden sheet for page rterenes Mi Race Bites, Seas Bo SEX (CoLoR| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | — m/w] Stateariiie | ""ENin fans “Ratease DBS" | 4 88 F | Wj Statesville | Laurie A Parks Jr | Mary F Hager _—‘15369 | M | WI Iredell —s|._—Larry Allen Parks | Martha A Wiley — [53|7_ | F| C| Statesviaie | Edward F Parks | Judy Ann Tuner 3 1176 M |C [Mooresville | - ____s~Brenda D Parks ssf. §3| 264 |F | © | Mooresville = Linda Faye Parks | 53 460 M| C] Statesviile | Alfred Parks _| Martha N Williams | 93) 335 | F | W] Statesville | Robert Lee Parks | Marjorie A Behle | 53| 48s F | W] Statesville | Sherrill Vv “arks | Virginia cole | F | Wi] Statesville [| Ronald Lee Parks Katherine J Murdock 53) 8 x C| Iredell Co | Melvin Nelson Park Grady L Lawrence | 53; 1289 M| C] Mooresville Wayne H Parks Marie Stoan 53) 149 F | C f Statesville Joe L Parks Willie M Clement /| 53/158 M |W Statesville Laurie Alexander Parks Jr Mary Frances? | 54| 120 X ” Statesville James E Parks Joann Lunsford - M| Wi Iredell James D Parks Patricia G Lloyd M | W | Statesville Clyde Gary Parks Frances L Mahaffey |?*| +: M | C} Statesville Edward Franklin Parks Judy Ann Turner] 54 16 F | C|Mooresville | Jerry Wayne Parks | Judy Ann Butler {55/359 M | c} Statesville Willie James Parks Mamie Lou Morrison j 55) 1039 F, Wi] Statesville _ Woodrow Wilson Parijs Jr. Mildred iar 95 |1329 F | C | Statesville Jule Ray Parks / Lucille Morrison 56 18 F| cl Statesville . Linda Faye Parks | 56 858 M C |Statesville James Willie Parks | Ella Louise Redfer | 56 136 F Statesville Willie James Parks! Mamie Lou Morrison | 56/1652 F_ Cl Statesville | - Sylvia Elisabethy [57/929 | FC |Statesville Rat Allen Parks Betty Lou Wilborn 57 855 M Nj Statesville ~ Lavender Ruth Parks | 57/1493 M_ W/| Statesville Larry Allen Parks Martha Ann Wiley §8 | 605 F_|w | Statesville Beephen Wayne Parks bheile Rae Davidson 3125-4 Statesville J ule Ray Parks Lucille Morrison 58 (1230 M | N} Stetesvilae © bytwrie Elizabeth Parks 59 | NJ Statesville James Matthew Parks ma P n OD vat B | Seszeerans [Alles lente Farka [RSGEte fe Pee [asta F N | Iredell County --- \Linda Faye Parks 62 100 ™ | N | Statesville Jule Ray Parke Lucille nmn Morrison] 61) 100 M | Statesville | Allen Lewis Parks Mattie Lou Ikard { 62) M Statesville wooeee Sylvia Elizabeth Parl M Statesville Karl Yang Park In Soo Kim a by NC nee. ¥. @ pi tela 2 E % OATE OF GIRTH Ri es a) hr | low NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER al Pee |10jParks __—-—s_— [Yashica Danyo2 | | # 10 (Seatesville weerecenerese- rgaret Léutse Parka 64) 493 1978' 10 |) | Parks Joy Elise F Statesville Ss Deborah L H ah 979 | 7 (6 [Park Matthew Gregory} M Statesville iregory Scott Park {Deborah Karen Gatton] 65 602 cs 1979; 9 |20)/Parks Sunday Yvette | F Statesville — & | Bigeye i i 11/24 Parke F Jule Ray Parke RB os J | $1980) 2/1 | Parks Jonathan David | M Statesville {David Stephen Parks | Deborah L Hemilton 66/115 1 b i 1986 | aes. 8 : Erica Hicole F Btatesville a Eunice Carel Parks | 66 633 3 1980| 11 |17! Parks ____ | damaica Yosamige F Statesville — Venessa Revin Parks l66 1110 | hoe. |e hp | Parks | David Jermone | M paheavhiie: | ee ncone * Barbara Jean Parks 7 |155 -| fres1| 7 | 3} Parks ___Kisha Lashonne | F | B | Statesville Wayne Hollon Parks fiarie Sloan 7 623 OM ee Ea teeatoks Leciitlapeepaisetsareica > senenrriettanctinenameriemcasanstnacanaliine bi — ae bulvicissnanaibbicsdiabuilies sivwidheistnahenetiinelsanidiiaisiaanpaainl eosin | ~~ --++- +——--# 4 — = + ++ — — ~ - — ———— — — a ~—— - nh © a =e emo — * + + oe — ——~—-—~— —_—— = _ — ~ — my Betis ee Tae Gert . : i: iertheidkgies eter dee i Aili eee Sle ibandia —~@ a oo hese — - 1 a dipoe sitncneenert ealivan anti a pee eenmenenei somali -_ _ — — ——_—— nore 4 tii nye eet came vie me }. “ a ou-nennieesil Ss aiadaasitel inti sinaniiabaihiatianingmn —}— sates eunpteateavemeaitignnienienvnnaeiasitieaninaniiensninie ssid + secenceiciee ee Css ce r sedesia eal ae ae L | 4 _} od sia : | aa t — r T — a _ ——— + _ | ‘ez fs eae Ree — et : ; bi —_——— _ ae | ¢ ' ; _ $$ — | : | | | | ; ae Bees Ore : | -_ i 1 = ~<a st | : ll ++ - be aes J bea | ee ee ee i i Ea —4—___|__ + | 4 4 bined 1 = 4 \ a} — “ _ Ea eee eee ud Slide 4 ia Re | ——< l - _ t dt ~4 _ + — ner — — — pe 5 / ee a | ie: : pinion i i area , — ~ Spence “4 — lei ion . Se oil (iiihnieppsiat bein | wodiencinaihiaaall , i —_—-— ~—— a ~ — —_— feces een — Tt — — —— —4 -— ' +— ~q a ——— tiles al cetieani 1 Lisette ised rene Seanad hie a licattesiciiliiicadiwiethahd — lit ei sll seit msamenspliiinetiill henisnhisteincialiesgalclbaiiaimninbowonaccl a wi tlio ss adiehhioeelatt tilings iiedindnae ~ | NAME OF FATHER | i + Bs INDEX TO SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN © 1951| 10 |3 | Parlier es2'2 \5 953 8 1953! 8 Parlder Parlier 1954; 10 |30] Parlier Parlier arier Emr 19558 3 } 65/12 |18 Parlier P. er arlier 956, 12 31 7| 9 O Parlier 1958) 5 9 | Parlier 960\ 9 | 7\Pariier 1 9 (2 Parlier 9 ih | 14 Parlier Parlier 1962) 1964 | 2 1 ‘1/| 6] Parlier 1970 1| Parlier 21 6; 8 (28 | Trudy Ellen F iW Tra Donna Ann : Ww BOF Te tent mame ee Tes wet oe Sex | Goer | PLACE OF BIRTH Betty Jane Jan M |W | Iredell Statesville NC ; © Wo Wi Statesville NC atherine Ann W i Charlotte NC Jody Barr i | W {Statesville NC W {Statesville NC Statewille NC (Paul Bentl Joseph Ashle 'W tatesville NC f Mh | = Teresa Diane F W Btatesville N C W |Statesville NC ee or Vickie Renee W i Statesville NC Betty Jo | Randy Lee W} Statesville 4 | Joel Lym W | Stat esville | Stephen W | Charlotte Todd | W Statesville Brett O'Neill Statesville Shea O'Brian Statesville ther Nicole Statesville thie Yvonne Statesville Cecil GPE Patent Me. 1esTi6s—Cepritehe’ 1900 NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ul Santford Parlier’ Ruby Nell Privette 654 cille Combs }37 |1722 Campbell illiam Hen Parliew Ellen Ruby Joanne Hartlin Sherr111 Ellen(Bett izab Billy Worth Parlier Herman Eugene Parli Paul Santford Parli by N Pr Parlier Thomas Fra Joe Donald Parlier ty Aileen Billy Worth Parlier } Ru Joanne Hart Parlier Cecile Joanna Bell Wm. H. Parlier Ellen L. Combs immy Neil Parlier Marion lL Marlowe J ad Parlier Be Aile I M Lee ers Edward L. Parlier Joe D Parlier Betty A Ingram Herman E Parlier Ellen E Sherrill Donnie G Parlier Velma L Shore er Velma Lucille/ er Velma Donnie Garland Par Donnie Garland James Clyde Parlier | Joan Ellen Bri Parlier illiam Dowthard- INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIR'TH ~ Inedell County, NC. i LRT Potent Me Taathts ncenesiae fod BN Sees ie bal dub-indes vant te page vedo ; Eid Wy Obecrver Printing Hocse, Charlotte NG! rere — <3" ne EAM OF OD Tle] rac OF BIRTH | sane OF FATHER Pp NAME. OF MOTHER wane ga 12 | ope | adie ce ae | 42 |, 14; 6 UZ tterson - x etesville BC - egie Pottérson To ‘| 9 ,onde Igella i 9. = | | Ree z ie i 915| 7? /|a? Peterson @ e Mills @ns K.ce Paterson da Fo 2 i 9 terson ~ @ Mille Sns Clerence EB Paterson tie 2) : 10] a | 16] - 2 ‘ 1 | 2 | ie a n = M sville N Cc Pe Ha +-969- | eo sis mpage i 1 . }3 zen | _ -— 8. | £vaens-—_ , 8 aon | 2! 4 | gan | 7 5 a Bet torsos bert Bornes | u dle Greek Tnd Robt mon__} 4 | 228} | ” 2 bas 1 a7 | 8 sterson ter vidson Tn - = 4 bib | | fabbei bichon | A. ; 917 | 12 x tterson WRB 20 4 + ; fee! 1 23 tterson = 218 918 | 7 7 . terson Thomas... Harry aand 918 | a2 | 6 Petterson | Emme Turner F 8 nersb - 2 £08, hors 1 1s Patterson Hohn stexender | u | vidson Tus orge ¥ Patterso 5| 06. ha | | —fions Marria 32 , 6+ 834- | a | b itis | 8 inl a Ma . Pre | S| ser | etterson r leh Tus ohn H Petterson ttie Alezender 6 | 562 | 5 tterson *illiam M " tesville N C Bes Marvin Petterson 2 Gamprain ra | - mide: tesvilie N C Mohn Patterson sie Patterson 7 | 671 a tterson ~ ly c sburg Tos - ina Patterson 7 | - ry b Pa 12 ? tter Patterson _ jaa bs : s ie ik we Le = m my | (Gon) é Wig ieee 12 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS ~ Iredell County, N.C: Loyinrtes | Por Moar Procection, tit On BFA" ° Mee Se jabctaden shast for page etorenae UE Femat he. 1eN7itoCoprrighs tote eee on AE OF CED tm | cow | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Pos —=— \Harl Fov _ | Era Rey Patterson | Bessie Borg .._| @ | 994 | ‘Oliver ¢ Patterson | id) bien Byereg 168 1 335 Zohm Patterson - 79} if mbersburg Tn - Bule Patterson @ | 98 M ¥ dle Greek fm | Robert L Patterson i Govan Oo | 173 B e Davidsen Pn: - | 5a8 | M b lalistown Tus Peo W Patterson Menie J Patte 399 | . G fied. |Geo W Petterson £28 | _| hens | 5 ns atterson _iuiliiest Glenn |M W Bherpesburg ns | Ire R Pettersen Bessie Fora 740 8 | tterson = EF f tesville NC | George Patterson Bertha Allison 9a) | | —firscis Fr o listowm Tx WM Patterson Mattie Patter 456 | terson _Liitie F & evidson Gliver Petterson Lillian Byers 225 | | | _Erizahbeth_| | t j ws iS. W. Patterson : 926 1 Bs ins | Zohn Petterson — as | a _heon c Davidson Tus | George Petterson __j 220) ! r kimer B_¢ Pevidson Tns William Petterson eT 269 | 926 | 6 ! tterson vie M € Ppevidson Tus Williem Petterson |Mettie Byers 268 926 8 he ‘atterson : u OY Rcsenianin Ne.) OC} Bheo Petterson S15 | 26 Lo ls ee C Mey Young {F ¢ '_ Pevidson Tns - j 289 | 221 808 | | 2A6 | ; 235 j— le by e Beaver 65 | 7 & Patterson (Willie Brenk c idles N C Bohn Patterson Elsie Petterson | 903 | ! | ‘ | on res! vid |Metthe Byers BI tects | Hoover | = m : | BcpES Patterson | | ‘ : 929 10 atter —_} $66 + — } j 22 | : = 1 | S Petterson ~ on Grov tt Pat o 953| 2 | 2 (Petterson ul Bugene c atesville N C Mohn M Petter P : ; r a5) hat ‘ 1s (Con) on: oa ge INDEX TO. VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. EIT ES fie FP eee Sa AT RET ee Being oT. rsa Soman Seen oe DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME OF CHILD rt ] a er ‘ie in» a oe tex | Goer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [aT hag | @ |G] Patterson __ Robert Phomas | M | Doris Bryen __} 191 | & (27) Petterson Ruplus u ic en Grove Im Bennet Patterson Herly Mertin 7 [1208 | 1931} 6 (25] Patterson - M iG j@egle Mills fms Hunter Patterson Sereh Weaver nh? | 320 | 8 |27) Patterson _ JohnRobert | M (6 _ | Rose Patterson. ?| 322) 1951 24] Petterson Neomi May BG jstetesville N C Patterson Berthe Patterson 27 | O47) - 19s2| 2 | XL} Patterson Mery 4nn F |W |@oddie Greek Tn oe C Patterson Mergeret pradfore nS | 202 __S__|18| Patterpon = F |e = 1a | 252 | ee I9sZ 7 (|15] Patterson * F @ jStetesville N chtewis Petterson Bilma ecatiatine Le | Pee | 1932, 9 | 7} Patterson - F Cc fUnion Grove Tn [Bennett Petterson Herdy Mertin 8 (1128 1935 1 9! Patterson Marthe Ann F_(¢_ |Devidsom Ts J Patterson Matti | SPO | 13335 5 | 5} Patterson Anne Jane F ic tetesville Tns Meiney B Petterson | Mary Kimbrough , 228 | 1953 3 20 Patterson Mery Ve Hezel | F (C_ [Devidson Tus Beniel Petterson Burniee Patterso | 5ae | ‘ 1933 6 a Patterson Jones delleds/ M _W etesville N CWemes W Patterson Peye Foster | 9 | 758 935 7 Ls Patterson Mary Jeane & le vidson Tns lOliver ¢ Patterson | | Lillian Byers _ha9| $90. 1935, 7 Las! Petterson Jennie Lee | w ic |. Amgeronee Holtsclaw iia! 305. 1933 8 ! 4] Petterson - Mic jst | titte Mee Austin {19 1933, Q | 8] Patterson Jemes Kiuwerd Bob Mott _____j Bose Patterson —___19./ 802 1934 5 8}. Patterson Freé Ir ic ambersburg tagFrea Patterson Rennie R Gowen j20| 68 ball \27| Pottereon | Stimer tao _| » ¢ Ioeeidson-tno—|llalter Petterson | Jina Vanderburg __{20.| 808 1954/10 |26| pattorson _| damen Mugene |u| locadie droek Taste ¢ Patterson | Margaret Brodtost—{ao|288 19351 25! Patterson - ¢__|chembereburg Tn|einey Petterson | Maxy Kimbrough {2 5S | 5] Petterson | Pinker | M iC I@tetesville N CiJohn Patterson ____| Missie MeKee —__ja)_ me 1935 4 {a2 Patterson mes Frenk lin M Le Shiloh ?ns R Howerd Patterson Goreen Degenhart _j2) | 1955 4 27 Patterson James son | M CG, iS$tetegyille N CiGeorge Petterson P hs et Ste Wade) Voill es ee so | peseerson——|-pricetsiis——1-F-e— ile - 1955 9 |16] Petterson Jeen M_¢_{Magle Mills Toa jHunter Patterson} Sereh Voover 182. 420. 1955 11 23] Patterson | Allie Mee F C |Bevidson Tas |Henry Petterson | Angerdna Haltaclam j2) | 452) 1936 5 | #] Petterson | mir wenn __| = \o Megle Mills Tns |Bennett Patterson | Heidy Merkin _j28| 252. 1936 5 25] Patterson | - F C [Statesville tns [Reiney Petterson Mery Kimbrough 22 | 966 1956 16 20) Paterson | Gherlie Mex |M (C Oliver Paterson _j Willies Byers — i956 12 18 Petterson Lp z le Devidson Tne _| Dovid Patterson ___| Bernice Broutman _j 22. ese! 22 | xe) Petterson - Felistown Tos [Geston Bevidson hilly Patterson 22| 305. ______fass7_ 8 | alpetterson __| Gomner Gromwel| M L Statesville N G|John Petterson P 240 le 1957, @ (26 \Petterson Sereh Anne [Statesville N Cidemes @ Petterson |feye Foster . 1957, 8 |S51) Petterson Larry Hugh Ghester D aioe |Mery L Beek hese. 4 is tterson IBtora M ae sila | ere 5s 1938 a 2 #1C |chambersburg. iia ae _hese|s | tterson _ Curlee M ic vidson Ta 1939, e 7) Patte Frances Fic ate G : ei : | i ‘ 3 ie z ! mete Chet = re For Your Protection, fesiet On Ic APRESS RASS 0 ERNAME OF CHRD ta | cur | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER |. NAME OF MOTHER Foe 939; 2 |17| Patterson Dwight M | _¢ | Devideon Tn Walter Patterson | Edna Vanderburg __} 25,182 ) __ 1959; 7 |13) Patterson Robert Preston | M| W{iStetesville NC | Julian P Patterson [Junia Stewart 25| 835 1930) 7% | 16) Patterson ee cp ong Fic rsburg Tn |- ys { Ruth Patterson | 25| 1239! 2940-e—i2gl Patterson __|Wilife' féwis M | C [Cool Sprtrg-tn-— oe 1940 | 6 24] Patterson Eric Fakoery M | C {Statesville NC [John M Patterson Catherine M Watson i26 | 805 1940 | 6 (25] Patterson ° F | C fCoddle Creek Tn j- Beulah Patterson 26 | 360 241 | 2 25 ___ [Bobby Alle |\M |W | Stetesvilie N te Kathleen phaso b? | 76). rota | a: _| ol eatteranc —-leeante MoPnacend 2 |e | pesseneniae : vor _fe7 | 2 941) 4 8} Patterson Jess: 2 iy fooaae ‘ Gilb 7 | 239 |. 1941) 5 26] Petterson Robert Merz jf M | W iNew Hope Tn ise $0 27 | 626 | 1941| 6 |17] Patterson _[Claude M_| C |Devidson Tn ons Holtse 27 | 170 1941) 6 29 Patterson Lerry Brown Mi | W_ iCoddle Greek Tn [Sho : sor 20 91 8 11897) 8 alrarterncn ___ |monort Danton | wt lo letateavitie B Olteravette Patterson laments Summers. re $09 11912) 6 Imeshaneon..|Danana adeneta/ | te:|- desaata. tte’: ilhrulish sch Seeceiies: Ieemebetadeeeiali Sam 782 __.897| 8 | 6 [Patterson ____ Rober e Lu ic [totesviize te rogayetie Patterson lanande sumare lag! sos: 1912) 8 Patterson Roneld Alexende# M | W Iredell Go Tt L Petterson |? ie 7. 1919/ 12 | tterson : Curtes Lee M | C [Proutmen NC liver Patterson illis e 8H 19 1907; 6 (26 jiPetterson Edwin Lemuel M |W |Stetesville NC bbemuel B Petterson pee Webb 28 1895!) 10 son John D M_| W [Statesville NC jJJohn D Patterson Mary Elorena Watts 11896 8 6 [Patterson Ruth Vera F | W [Iredell County M. Patterson Dora Rumple : 1942) 2.) 27 George 4 Sst wt | c Nstateavitie Toslo L Patterson _|Neliie MMilie noge| 9 2s{Pattaraon ___|tvan Ray _| | © |Goddle Greek u4Ciawie Patterson |ze11e Desher {nl 96 1942, 12 _ 9} Pethersca - | G [Statesville Tasi- ‘ 26 | 1575 |B __ Parry Gai) 2 r Fatte 400 | Oe . tterson - F_ |W Pooresville NC m P Patterson reh & Gilbert 9 | 220 | tterson athy Irene F iF resville NC Ra B Fatterson 10 Anna Bell] | F 6W% jCoddle Greek TniCisude G Patterson Sie 5. ‘Lonnie Louis | M | ¢ [Devidson Tos Henry Patterson __| | Mor y Lee pis Mg bel Fetterson __429/2274 | Clate Lois Er NW fataterviiie Nc joste Butetterson hiary 1 Mogundy . 4221209) Leeda ‘Herold Gibson | M | W isherpsburg Ts |pen) © Patterson jfuby Mee Meson _ 450. 1944; 7 (|22)|Patterson Flora Girl F | G [Statesville NC jAlbert Gaither Lorene Patterson 30| 828 Georgie Earen | F | © | ville Millard L Patterson |Jennie I Mebelland 130. 194 3 | 21] Patterson David HM} C | Mooresville Fred M Patterson Fred M Patterson 31 : GC Mooresville NC j= |Aileen Patterson | 51) i ¢_|stetesvilie Nc |- ue ee EWE ay ee TO VIA. STAMSTICS— BIRTHS — ell Cog, C. O° Patont Wee 1datiGaeCepyelant 1808 CIT» eee PLEIN RUG Tee on te cid by Obwerver Printing Mone; Gbariotte: 6 ee tm Pi ox | Cole | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER f= 2 2 Bar bara Dean. zi Ae 8 Re. Patterson 1947) 1 erry Normsn | M tatesy S23 1947 | isaac McK Patterson | 947 [shotwell B: Patterson} Margaret E Poole | iz 947 ee EE ea 947 Cc pe . inca. the Patterson _| Fannie Ruth Cowan 3 2u7| 9 [29 C Mooresville NC Ds Lee Patterson | Nellic Mills _| 47 | Fic |} Rosa Mae Beatty B3 12165 947 |12 | & Patterson ohn Thomas Jr Mi W ooresville NC Pohn Thomas Patterson Ethel tilda ¢ ie 1948 | 7 25 Patterson Patricia Elaine| F| C | Statesville NC Wiley Mc Patterson | Lillian P Cowan 3h |d222 aie 1948 12 33 Pavtesson Gary Millard} wii Jove | Millard Ree Pate ‘ 1949| 3 | 23] Patterson ~ M | _¢ |Mooresville NC {Lawrence W PattersoniSadie GL Burton | - M,C Pooresvitie Nc uivin Patterson Nellie 7 Tucker 5 2 Mj C |Mooresville JC pamcancd W Patterson) edie parked — oa Patterson __lAnn Biackeei1: |p | w Icharintte __| pacer P Patterson | Louise ¥ Payne _I36 | Walter Perry M | WI Statesville NC f | ' Tereas Claire PF W Statesville Nc Woodrow W Petterson Lei la K McLain 36 Wiley McKee Jr | M| Cc |Stetesville NC } Wiley Patterson | L4114en Cowan 36 -. F | W {Mooresville NC | Robert B Patterson |Ruth S Moore 36) 52 - F_| © [Mooresville NC [| Fred M Pat Fannie R Cowan 48. John luther [M | C }Mooresville NC | Lewis Stevenson sa Mae Beatty 36) 554 ~ M Cj Turnersburg Tn Hover Lee Patterson cille Mge St ‘Ronald Knox M_| W [Mooresville NC Pwurray G Patterson [Helen C Knox 6 cesta 1950! 11 | 29 Patterson _| Anne Renee Piw Statesville NC \0wight A Patterson jNellie A Sharpe 6 oe 950/12 18 | Patterson vatha Sinclair JM |C Jj Statesville NC] - - Mary Anna Patterson } 37| 189 1951) 5 (7 {Patterson | - M | CG [Mooresville NC jAlvin Patterson Nellie Tucker 37 | 804 + ; + + S| ee Patterson - FC | Statesville NC | James Iserel Patterspn Berdean Parker 58) 374 | | Baggarle _____.9s2 | 2 | 7 | Patterson William Charles| M/W Btatesville NC | Frank Willis Patterspm Florence #lizabet ) eric fos2 a 4 125] Patterson William Ray M | W [-tatesville NC [otto Burris Patterwo Mary L McCurdy 38 638 } McKee 1952| 7 |14] Patterson Jeannie Elizab HF | C Btatesville NC Jil ey/Fatterson Lillian Cowan 3& il 1952 | 7 | 2@ Patterson ll M C | Mooresville NC George W Patterson | Ruby Lee Burgin | | | son 852/914) Patterson __#i 14am ldweron 1M {6 Cleveland NC | = sali —_—___} 1952, 10 _ | 10] Batterson Peggy Ann Fic C | Hoover L Patterson _ _____J2952| 10 (26] Patterson William Semue] | M | W [Mooresville NC [John T Patterson JEthe1 a pan Riaaeenie se aS " Alvin A, Patterson 4 4952/10. + 2d | _M. | aonncinen hE, Mitt Patterson Roger Dale M |W [Statesville NC Rahert_1e_Rathapacn. se _ 3 REAR --- Pees L t 7 - : atter ay tae + Az Patterson iA eter ‘ } os | oe | =a INDEX 10 VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell County, N: C. Late | Bes Yor Pectction ta DOF on ee Se ARS Merah Tee at STN RN SS BATE OF BIRTH SURNAME. OF CHILD RECORDED tm ws kine ain 6 ae a Sx | tor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER” [7 1953 | 5 (18]} Patterson ~ F C | Mooresville NC Fred Mulege Pattersonj Fannie Ruth Cowan 9 (752 Patterson L 1953, 8 | 25] Patterson Jemes Carroll [mM | Cc resville Was to by Lee Burgin _—si 2 1953| 9 | 10) Patterson Terry Michael |{M |C jHoustonville NC ~ Martha Anne Patterson 39] 1611 son 1953| 10 0 | Patterson Gary Lee M |C Wnion Grove NC |Hoover Lee Patterson} Lucille Elzie Steven/39| 1613 1953 | 10 71 Patterson ugen-Moore F Wi Mooresville NC Robert Barnes Patterspn Suth steele Moore 39 1704 1953| 1l_ | 27] Patterson - M |C {Mooresville NC / Alvin Patterson Nellie Tucker 39) 1827 1951.| 1 12 Patterson Daniel Burris j[M |W |Statesville NC |Otto Bernis Pattersog Mary Lizzie McCurdyj{40! 107 | 41954 3 |7_ jPatterson _Essie Paulette F | C fj Statesville NCjWiley M Fatterson Lilliam Cowan 40 [415 1954 8 | 1 | Patterson Donna Lynn F_ |W | Mooresville NC | Frank James Pattersoh Rosella Wade : son 1954; 11 | 12) Patterson Beanna F is Statesville N Cj Hover Lee Patterson |Lucille E s 40) 1839 Patterson 1955| 3 (4 |Patterson | Dorothy Ann F | C |Mooresville NC | George Washington Buby Lee Burgin 4} 505 1955; 3 |19] Patterson | Edward Lee M | C {Statesville NC | Oscar Lee Patterson| Jr Jeanette Allen 4d 458 11955; 6 |17] Patterson ee F | G [Statesville NC j|Paul Eugene Pattersog Stella Day 41 |986 1955| 8 23 Patterson | GaryLavaughn C [Houstonville NC Peggy Bliszabeth / 4 1324 : : a Patterson 1955, 9 |26|Patterson __| Jacqueline Louse Fiwls NC | Jemes Qu a 1 10 |28] Patterson ~ - M | C | Mooresville NC] - - Delina Patterson 1 |1718 ‘ Jr n955 11 (20] Patterson Guy Stephen |M | Wl] Mooresville N@ Guy Wertz Patterson/| s 18141 1955 | 12 ii Patterson Kimmie Lynn -M | C | Hamptonville N@ - - Martha tter ' | : ’ . : n956| 1 21] Patterson Joe Anthony: afd 2 | HO | Statesville rank Willis Patters Florence Eliz Baggarl 79 Peer sat Tes verve + a + Patterson—— 189 056 3 |2@Patterson | oc | ++ C j Statesville Wiley M. Patterson j[Lillian P. Cowan 42| 532 . . 1956] 3. | 271 P —__{+_________4{M¢ Statesville {Wiley M. Patterson {Lillian P. Cowan 531 | _§1956; 3 | Qi Patterson _| Vanessa F C {Statesville - eg ___ | Emma M, Patterson [42/455 | } Patterson Campbell 11956 5 | 1) Patterson | Bonnie Sue F W | Statesville NC } Robert Edward / Gilmer Kathleen/ Stevenson 19561 9 | 5 | Patterson | Kathryn Sue F.C |Statesville NC |Hoover Lea Patterson} Lucille Elize 1593 : : Patterson 1956 12/1 Patterson | - j.- Jj Fi Wij Statesville NC Clifford William/ ris Ellen Shoemaker%.2 2124 : 957; 12 | 3 IPatterson | Sharon Kay F Statesville Oscar L, eekaiieniine Jeanette Allen 3; 29 corel lpeecarereneeme cote ee ep a cone —_ _ } n957|3 2 Patterson oo itn a i oe be scseuitis NCi- ; eline Patterson 3 | 405 957 7 1 Patterson | Muria Monica | F W Pharlotte Arnold L. Patterson |Meria J. Sileo 45 158 L hos7| 9 | 6 Pat ter son Le ; u6hUWF Rooresville NC Guy W Fatterson Jr. | Goldie O'Neal Adams | 43 1480) SR 2. ee ‘MW [Statesville NC | Robert Lewis Pattergon Mary Ann Walker 43 1834 ee 196s8| 1 24 Patterson | Sharon Juanita | F ¢ Btatesville NC} Faul EB Patterson Steila Davis 44 151 a aaa eee mmm - ~ __$958 | 3 20) Patterson _—_| Lee Koy Jr M | W|Statesville NC |Lee Roy Patterson |Linda Carrol: Hutto | 44) 381 Hatchet 1968 5 (| 27] Patterson j= sss = 4 M | GC [Mooresville NC | Brin Winslow Patterspn Jennie Louise / 44) 447 | 1959! 3 | 20) Patterson _ tT Darione Elise F | © [Statesville nC | Hoover Lee Pat tersonf Lucille Blizame/ / 44) 426 | | 1956) 2 P27 | Patterson _| Gloria Bvonne [F (C | Statesville NC | Oscar Lee Patterson |Jeanstte Alien 44 285 Re a Camp bel.i 956, 5 | 26] Patterson David Lee _—'| M | Ww [Statesville nC |Robert Edward Patterfon Gilmer Kathleen/ | 44/771 sil , | 1958/| 10 | 17 Patterson Barbera M oi F | WiStatesville | Frank W Patterson [Florence B Baggerly [44 /1704 — 7’ a a rr — Sn etcetera i eS ee en —- mae 1osal12 (26) Patterson | Timothy G. | | M | | Statesville [Ray D Shumaker | Patricia M England | 44.2 87 st } - 1958| 12 | 24] Patterson Timothy G. JM | WIStatesville JOthar G Patterson | ssid comet 1959| 11 (14) Patterson Joyce Ann F | G [Mooresville Johnny E Patterson Jean A Caldwell 45 1855 “OEX TO VAL STA sa ’ — BIRTHS — Iredell Coane N. C. Fee TS GS et pe ope at ae COTTCO UNIVERAAL INDIET Ma. 1-4 INITIAL TAD end reter THE CONT INDEK COMPANY. Colsmies, Obie ( += “oe = ee ee sex PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Pee 80m 46 203 960; 2 LO} Patterson,Jr. Hoover Lee M | © Harmony Hoover Lee Patterson Lucille Bliz M Stevdn- ng60 | 3 4 [Patterson Alfia Denise | F |G lvaireunate Brin W Patterson Jennie L Hatchett 485 1960| 3 (|18} Patterson - mic Lenin aviesi . | Mary L Patterson 46 | 459 1960| 4 | 3¢ Patterson Bren 6® F ial’, p= Connie f 1960 | 4-81) Patterson Ae Ls =a | (See Ao/m es) 1960) 8 |3 } Patterson Teresa Anne F | W {Statesvilie Othar G. Patterson | Jo Ann Millsaps 46 | 1355 1960; 11 |22% Patterson Cindy Dee PF | W {Statesville Kenneth T Patterson {Rachel Joyce Mooney [46/1928 1960) 11 [17] Pa terson Donna Gail W Mooresville Murray G. Patterson|4e1en ©. Knox 46/1911 961) 2 14 [Petterson Mary Etta F Me cresville Jehn E Patterson Jean A Caldwell 47 330 1961 | 4 6 |Patterson Floyd M Mooresville - Alice Jo Patterson | 47 &® heel | 4 (22 }Patterson Christopher lee} M Harmony N C George Patterson,Jrd Katie Lee Williams #7 712 962 | 4 jaa Patterson Angela Maeke: PoiW Statesville NC Frank W. Fatterson Florence B. Beggarle 47 659 1961 9 | ew Patterson - M | Wi Mooresville N Herman U Patterson | Linda » Brawley 47 15 1961/ 12 | 10} Patterson Reginald Dale | M | C |Mooresvilie N Ci} Lawrence 8. Patters 5 Elle B, Alexander 47) 210 1961, 12 |15 {Patterson Lori Jean F | W Tees eoviate thar Grey Patterson} Jo A. M41] saps 47 2078 1962 1 | 3} Patterson - M | GC } Mooresville Johnny Patterson Jean A Caldwell 48 30 1962 1 | 7 Patterson Carle Marie ri Statesyilyy _ Jonn M Petterson anh itp fee pe aa Po js ei neha .1962+— 2+ 2-4 Fat teraon———— Mic 1962 & | 23] Patterson Cathy S. F | C {Statesville aa Eric F Patterson Catherine J Baily [| 48) 627 1962| 10° 38 oe ema Sécaed mrs F.1 OF Statesville “wade prergia. Pave rpon phiclay, Ane sate 48 | 18 1963 3 \2 atterson | Shiela F | C Mooresville Johuny E Patterson Wean A Caldwell 9 (365 1963; & |20 Patterson Diwatha F ic Statesville John M Patterson Lillie L Hamilton [49/581 1963) 6 17 Patterson e | Bry an y! M | W i Statesville Gale F Patterson Sherryn L “ibson | 49) 892 1963) 11 | 24 Patterson Mark M |W Btatesville Steven P Patterson} Carolyn J Cook 49) 177 1964, 2 | ad Patterson Ty F | Mooresville ~ Joyce C Patterson 0 309 1964 5 | Patterson | Cynth ia F C | Statesville - Betty J Patterson} 50 77 1964. 5 | 2] Patterson Sandra Fic Moo resville . } Betty J Patterson 50 772 1964 7] 7|Patterson Richard ~ Wi Iredell Co, Wade Wellington Pengencen Martha $ lode 50 101 1964 10 | 18 Patterson a Lisa F | Cj} Mooresville Virgil B Pattersoh Shirley A Rice 50| 1563 Rai __B3Eb | 1d | 2 fatterson = i Kerep, a é Shatesviite eee wads ee 3 1 ae | 1965) S4M. Patterson a Donna Fwd Statesville y Florence E Bag/ ei 635 | 1965 5 | 7i Patterson | Tina F W | Statesville Robert E Patterspbn Gilmer K Campbell 51! 574 965 9 2m Patterson | Lisa F W Statesville Charles B Patterson} Shannon R Galliher {51/1313 1965) 92 jl Pattesson . | Marty M | C | Mooresville Lawrence S Pattergbon Ella B Alexander | 51/1293 965 11) 19 Patterson | Lilly F | C | Mooresville Virgil B Pattersoh Shirley A Rice 51) 156 965 is 29] Patterson Kelvin M W | Mooresville Herman U Patterson Linda L Brawley 51, 16 1966 | 1 /|15}] Patterson Adrian M | C } Mooresville Thos M Patterson Ronnie L Wallace {52| 97 1966) 3 {13 Patterson Darius M| C f Mooresville Calvin M Pattersoh Barbara A Potts 52 2% 1966 6 18 | Patterson _Linda F | W | Statesville Dale W Patterson Ma | | Nei INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell Coutty, N. C. itl | ( ) cite Casall Seg lasenes Sess ie, TOT toate panier, open wor ANE TAD snd rater COFTOD UNIVERSAL INDEE Ne 14 : a2 en SURNAME OF CHILD feOORD EO ' toe ca lin sao Giliavinh wae, © tat 10 tives Sex jcoLoR || PLACE OF aT .NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER fw roe 1966 9 |20] Patterson Tracy F| Wi] Statesville Thomas L Pattersor. | Pat Ann McCurdy 5 | 1 -—-Qregory Wayne M+ 4 —-Mooreavitie e é " 1964 12/ 14 Pattergen James M W) Statesville ‘Othar G Patterson Joanne Milleaps 54 177 ER 1967 2 |17] Patterson Rosilyn F v | Mooresville Thos M ‘atterson Ronnie L Wallace 53 233 ; 1967 &| 2 eee ai ’ \ Virgil vA 4 en Npreil\ B Patterson — . ao 53 503 ; €¢ | 1966+ +6 : —— i -Statesviliee— Aneyy —...._ | Jeannie B-Pattersen- 54 $7 | 1968 1 |15}Patterson Eric M | Wi] Statesville Bobby A Patterson} Judith G Warren $4 5 cinta Tg Mee ; yetedbine licisk } . 1964 2; 44 Patterson Traci F Wi Statesville Charles B Patters@n Shannon R Galliheg 54 141 r i CORSON entre ean Paulett ioe ae 1964 1! 3@ Patterson Angeja / «sd F W Statesville | ae ee Shelby Jean Patters 4 13 rah at Gauaaaa Y 1964 5| 16 Pattersen Michael J effrey M | W _Meeresville Yaney G Patterson Care] Ruth Messer 54 62 1968 5 | 2h Patterson Allie Viola | FC | Statesville Bynum Patterson Ida Drue ei I Seas oe : ee as, S err 1968 6 ib Patterson Christeen S F jc Mooresville Rush Sherrill Maggie Heuston / 398 ; | t t __] 2968 7 | 2a) Patterson = Greta Marie | F M| Mooresville [Herman Ural Patt Linds Louise Br $6 9% hola dias ; 1964 8 |28]} Patterson | Barry M | Wi] Mooresville Robert S Patterson Betty J Jones 54 112 ; er eas dD | ; 1968 11! 4f Patterson | Chrissetta, . Fi ¢ Mooresville Calvin Monroe Pattfrson Barbara Ann 3 1418 i 4 heals “ — +--+ FFF anit Sa Aa tence aoniccileatiiidittblneitinimassnanisiliil 196 t 8 34 Patterson | Michael anthony] | 0 j Mooresville Virgil Burgin Patterson Shirley Ann a 5 1116. 1970 2 11} Patterson |Jacquelyn Roche}le F Cc} Statesville Thomas Jerry Pattergon Mildred Davidson | 56 213 Fin Tre Ti talcavinachrensstlciaggen aT ta laatsaseahinagaagilldaaeeidtbiadeRbanatinpis adeceoae ; 1970 5 | 19 Patterson | Tricia Ann . F| Wi] Statesville Thomas Lee Pattersqn Patricia Ann MeCurtty 56 67p T Se a Ree ee Lee etn nT ee me ee eee ee ee on Furn 1970 5 | 39) Patterson | Andreas Connelly M\ Wi Iredell Co. | Andrew Stevenson Patterson Margaret Lucile 56 7 a. | ee tH aS SSE mie thesia 1970 9 | 1 Patterson | Russell Lynn M W] Mooresville Herman Ural Patterm: Linda Louise Brawf 56 126 pt ——n x ‘ | : snanineniaeieeae 1970 9 |18|Patterson Carol Lasheron | F| C [Statesville George Washington Patter/ Nancy Carol Gra/56 Dh a % pt ees tt ene acta en eet aa ein el tg chcnccnssnthomsne 1970 Patterson __ Christopher Allln M W| Statesville | Bobby Allen Patterson J i 1970 10 | 14 Patterson | Tiffany Gayle | F, ™ Statesville | Harry Gayle Patter Oa acted 1971 | 2 |16] Patterson = Gina Gale F Wi Mooresville Iven Ray Patterson | Margie Ann DeHart V ! Huit }1972_& | tterson | “acqueline Ree | F | W} Statesville {Gary Millard _ Rebecca Creig/, _ 57 404 | sthes tials 1971, 10 | 2] Patterson Crystal Lynne | F W | Statesville Harold Gibson Patte Hasel Janette 59 : +t - | 1972, 5 | 151 Patterson | Chelsea Chanejle F | Statesville Allen Patterson Brenda Kay Mille |58| $39 ++ — +- ltteers decsesen a nameneninaseel +f ste etisenineneestiot usenet hy] ++ ne enn 1972 | 31 Patterson €§ | Kevin Russell) M W | Statesville Walter Brown Pattefson Haydee Maria? 58) 314 SS a 4 | 972 | 12 | 2] Patterson Angela Michelle| FW | Mooresville a | mas 1973 5 | 14 Patterson Shelley Paris | F W | Statesville larry Gayle Patt Elisabeth Paris gee] saint ' O73) 5. 1231 Patterson Dimitra LeFahn | FN | Statesville atterson 9 1531 th 19 5 | Patterson | David Royston | \M |W [Statesville alter Brown Pattersoh Ha ° isis | | | : | 4 | Ad Patterson: Eric Willie MM Beateavitie t | iiss will 974/12 |Patterson | Michael Ralph |M |N | Statesville f}--- ----- Patricia Blaine Patt@r/60 1 Par eae : on | Patterson. __ Patrick Eugene JM |W Btatesville Larry Norman Patter@/angela Mary Gregory | 60 227] — od net Tele & _NeTIuLL) | sere renrant iaAso He-Ne MLA 1 geetet MP i i aH ! oP ee 60-469. 7_{10] Patterson {Kina Lavonne | F | Nj] Mooresville | = - _ JDiane Patterson, [60/669 Silla Does) | | son 61 1975, 1 Patterson _Amande Dawn F | Wi] Statesville j| Frankie Conway Pattpr/ Connie Blaine Lo ee an cong | | gon | 1975! & (27) Patterson _ Gary Seott M | W [Statesville Gary Millard Patter] Rebecca Crein Muitt 1 390 | on 41975, & |b [Patterson | Tracey Wade }-M_|_W_ {Mooresville | Ronald Knox 1 eeceeane = erson 6 ——Tremayne Nicolap MN Mooresville | Robert Lee Pat Patt/] 61 52 ee Pg ned giorno to |u| eLack oF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER “Y AME OF MOTHER 9 | 2 | Patterses Willie Patric | M | ¥ | Statesville |Rebert Rarl Pat Jane lee Marlin |62,/902 | is P Willian Charles Patth/Deborah Ann Moose ‘ 6| 1 |10}Petterson Sherrie Monett4 ? |W | Statesville Roger Allen Patter Kathy Diane Hi O | Patterson F ¥v Patt a 01 See ore Ds See VWreer i 1976| 4 |16] Patters | Samuel Wayne M | « Samuel Wayne Patt, : i. 976 | 7 |13]Patterson Trudy Denise F tavesville Larry Norman Pattersdn Angela Mary Gregory 64 5915 977 | 5 |18) Patterson Chantelle mitipnie. Mooresville Seer eenene ry Etta Patterson 6 460 977 | 6 [5 | Patterson Samithia seciiaall F s Wi 1977, 9 Patterson Jennie Lois F Statesville Robert Earl Pattersof Jane Lee Marlin 63 | 965 78 | 9 | 6 | Patterson Dlint Franklin | M Statesville Frankie C Patterson||Connie Elaine Lov 1979) 7 1} Patterson Daniel Scott M Stat esville anny Sdward Pattersqn/Ameana P Thacker 64 6035 | 19863 5 |12] Patterson Susane Elisabefh F Statesville ames Lee Patt et 1981/6 |12}Patterson April Michelle | F atesville Danny Edward Patt /ameana P Thacker fp aceemaenneenaocena TICS — BIRTHS = Iredell County, N.C. Se mv r my Ha 14 oThe corr newmy. m, Ohio ( ek SURNAME OF CHILD - sex PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Your _| tootn | boy | AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIven ‘a | ve! Page 5 19} Persons | Margaret Hof Pj Ww Ada Hawkins 628} Parsons - - W_ f, | Nancy A Hawkins _} 2 | 1__| 2] Parsons - - M_|W || Mooresville NO|-C C Parsons S| Ada. Hawicina - 920/12 [11] Parsons Rache2 F_|w | wooreuville NC} Chas © Parsons Nenoy Ada Hawking. | 6. 92 9 |21) Parscns irginia F_ |W i Mooresville NCIC C Parsons _Nancy Hawkins 7 923 5 |28} Persons - - Foiw resville NC | Chas C Pargons Ada Hawkins 9 | hoes 4 5] Parsons ~ - PF ooresville NC j Chas C Parsone Nancy Ada Hawkins 1 + 4|12 | 1] Parsons Joan Moody P tatesville NC Mack F Parsons _ | Bonn ie 940/ 7 /|7 § Parsons __Wijliam Gray M atesville NC James B Parsons poss 5 |28]) Parsons Mellon M ooresville NC | Wm James Parsons Geneva Lowery 29177 19455 (|29]) Parsons Shirley Ann P Be a lie NC | Wm James Parsons Geneva Lowery 31 239 948, 5 (|27] Parsons iter Brenton _ M _j John Walter Parsons | Grace Myrtle Speaks | oss | 9 50} Paraona __| ven || M | Dolph Parsons ii Bya Irene Kanipe _| hose 3 |7 | Parson ~ ~ William E Parson Birtha E Williams 6s | 2 949 | 2 4] Parson Nancy Fairy F ohn Walter P, M Ss O| 7 | 50 Parson > - PF William J Parson Geneva L Lowery 1950| 8 {174 Parson - - | M |C ®Btatesville NC | Wm B Parson Bertha & Wellman 6 1726 951| 4 /25] Parson Patsy Dianne Fic Beside lle NC | William Parson Jr Mary Eligabeth Pottal 3 Parsons 2951 11 29] Persons Harold Thomas M iW cle NC j Willie Hamilton/ Bessie E Bowlin 7 | 22 952 + 25} Parsons * 2 M_|G (Statesville NC | John w Parsons Grace Myrtle 8 79 psses 22] Parson ee ~ Pic William P E 1954 11/13] Parsons Ss = ‘ u iw Willie H Parsons Bessie Eliz. Bowland 34 2 Parsons 1953 | 7 | 6} Parsons _ Robert Glenn M | Btatesville NC | Robert Alexander/ | Janice Am Summers [69 11049 a: L. : Parso Bowl in ho lp 54| 2 17] Parsons _|Br@nda Kay W Iyooresvilie NC | Willie Hamilto Bessie Elizabeth/ 97 eee 6 {107 Person Richard Wayne M C ooresville NC William H Parson Mary Elizabeth iia 41, 88 955 | 7 | 25 Parson odd Lee Mic oresville NC Vergie L Parson Helen B Torrence 1958 5 | 2q Parsons ~ - M| © | Mylorsville NC] Gus Edward Parsons | Myrtle Sue Gregory | 4 958 7 | 3 Parsons Tony Lee MiW ati sville NC | William Lee Parsons iL e F w 2959/11 | 1) Parson Don Allen 4 oresville NC Wictor J. T. Parsm | Judy Carol Livengoo 17 1960) 1 {30} Parson Kathy E. F | W [Mooresville | James H. Parson Martha Blia Milsteadj 46/179 960 | 6 7 | Parsons Debra Ann Fiyw Popand Parsons 2 oe Deborah Ann F Ci Mooresville : en r 1962, 3 |12}Parson Teresa Gail F C |Taylersville Gus E Parson Myrtle S Gregory 962 | 8 i, Parsons ony Ray M| W Btatesville Donald M Parsons Nancy C Goforth 8 1262 1964, 8 19 | Parson Jeffery MC Statesvi lle Gus E Parson Myrlte S Gregory {50/1223 964/10 |4} Parson _ / Vie ky Fiyc mnenertiie j yer: if. ee A Person 50; 15 + ns 7 Ce 7 a7 41965 5,29 Parson a Robin am Seensdnather T =— : 1967 6| 1] Parson Thomas M |C (Statesville Gus E Parson Myrtle S Gregory 53| 154 1967} 12 4 Parsons Charles Dwayne | M| W Iredell Co. Donald Martin s Nancy Claudene Go 1969; 3 | 13} Parson Timothy Wade M| C | Mooresville ~ | Hilda Mae Parson [55/326 Parsons Jr Larry Edward |M |N | Statesville Edward P, nee, 4 2 phen Tina Laverne Fi Ci Statesville Te one Parson diorie Sea Beam errick Lemar WN | Statesvilae 197 .: 12 7) Parsons James Lee Jr. M Ci Statesville James Lee Parsons Althea ‘io Little 173 1971) 12/16] Parsons Shannon Marie | F | W/ Statesville | Larry Wayne Parsons} Helen Marie Robor/ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS en TAP he as pe ec A, Rare OF Oexri SURNAME OF CHILD Year | Month | Bay ANO CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 18 @tvER - PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Edward ParsonsiJudy Evelyn Blackwe William Jame M W seville J Carol Parsons, Jr. Bobby Joe M |W | Statesville Bobby Joe Parsons Carol Lynn Robbins 843 2 7 | &] parson Jennifer Rose | F Statesville Mary Ann Parson 62| 573 11/18} Parson Chadwick Eugene __ {Statesville Thomas Michael 5 |29}Parsons Johnny Wayne M Statesville Bobby Joe Parsons Carol Lynn Robbins bey5 Ava Jean Walls 1051 1 Parsons Jennifer Gail F Statesville Robert William P Wanda Gail J 63) 4&2 5 | 16! Parson Melissa Mae F Statesville Teresa Gail Parson /63 437 8 (13 } Parson Robert Pernell | M Statesville Mary Ann Parson 767 M F ‘ Dontrell Omar M Rita Melinda Phi 1 |2] Parsons Ww Brenda 1979. 12 | 28] Parson Marcus Brent mM P. 980 | 10 | | Darren James Statesville Lindsay Roy Parson ]j Rita Melinda Fp | | oo ! | i | | a | ———$ ie oS ae 23 Se area ae Es cy a Nae en ae anh ane eT ae in <n | ee of Se ee | ata RACE SaERTTE “NAME OF FATHER , |. NAME. OF MOTHER a a ee Ea n | Pete ss | Bonnie Sue = | FC 1966 | 9 [25 | Pate _| Melony F| wl] Mooresville | Clyde © Pate Jr. Nina E Jones 52 |1376) _ 19890 4 (|21] Pait Kristina Nicole} F Moorecville — Melissa Diana Pait {66 |S [25 | Peton die Mey Fic tesville Tns Frenk Paton Bene Moore Ls 1954! 3 112] Patton |Deyonna Lee Fw | Lorene Scholtd 1974| 5 |17]| Patton rystel Caroline/F Statesville Billy Norman Patton Gail 60) 2976 | 12 | 31j Patton Jennifer Lee F Statesvilk Billy Norman Patton | Linda Gail Rupard 1171 ‘ ” INDEX. 10. VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS = Iredell Coutity, NC” 4 4 Io n SRP AS eee LETS nn hae Body clossver Printing Rune, Onasatte MO : see eee tt = : ~— = eS Sie tex | Coe | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee | 10 |89 Payne - mie [Statesville NS! fm1) Payne . Itmoy Wooag 25| 7 | 7 iPeyne S eT +8 916| 7 |1? tPeyne i. FW j@tin Tne Leonie P 647 jie17| 2ie Mary Beatrice | F | j@hilob Tne | Re) Pajme igPayne it 4) ean. 1929| & | 2 [Payne ~ M |W join tus ra | 5) 658 1920; 7 B89 [Payne - “| PF en | Pay Gene is i he20 | 12 (25 [Payne - F |W (|@tatesville N Cj J C Peyne F Mose 7 t922| 5 (|18 Peine - ‘W [Bethany Tans :t | al PAP hiosz| 6 * SES James Clifton ue jStatesville Nc | Jams Clerk Payne ‘Lora Irene Moss 239 6 obnive - FW jBethmy Tne Wn Perks Payne lures @ Moose | 8 | 748 neze | & sashes Myrtle Bay FW tesville N G/ Albert iin | | moa | - a! oo N Gi J & Payne ose ___} 8) 888) - Mw tetesville NC | JC a. Otis Payne Annie Leure L Qscer Alb Pe « Lonnie P Peyne _ ie 2 austin _ Glerence Grant o RG Peyne Pe |S M Peyne Wm Perks Jr i ersburg Tns| Wm Perks Peyne len Geneve Moose as | | 10 Ls lame - uo base Tne C C Peyne ee Sigmon hss | 10 20 peyne - M x aston Thus G C Payne Sigmon leo 954 | 12 ie mee Peggy Rthel |F © te UP Peyne len Moose Jer 356 LOSS | ras ot | - uN iene N Cj Dwight Peyne nie ess | 5 be hisses Martha Joan y x iloh Tns CG C Payne boss | 12 oa Bobbie Frenk |M W atesville N C/O R Peyne | reh 18 1 Peyne Richerd Bugene|M WW le Mills Tus |T S Peyne zel Grews 956 1) 28 Peyne - us Tus Lonnie P Payne as $957 | a 8S e Fern F W (j@oneord Tne 1938, 5 Si [Payne | Key Francis | F wv |concora ms hess - PF |W |Stetesville N C| Willys H Peyne 938 | Florence Lee | Grove Tna | Less | lenn Thomas M x loh Tns Oe icine ness 11 | - F | esville NG 1959, 7 10 ~ rs | : | aaa 7 T eran Sty —pis4e.10__21 Payne : o-+ : , INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell Coy, NC. vt Your Protection, Indl On Te IT Se ee ERE peas dco ee a SSRNAME OF CHILD tw | ow | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER |. NAME OF MOTHER foe poem 1946) 9 M 225 William Gorter iM Loge 4946) 10 | 3))Payne ..._j|Allen Keith IM JW [Statesville NO | 11407 1945) 3 31 [Payne Sandra _ Lynn F_ | W [Statesville NC 1947| & | 10i/Peayne | Doneld Gene W [| Statesville NC | 194 4, 19 Payne Ronald Dean MW Statesville NC 947 | & | 29) Payne Linda Kay ¥ | W |Statesville No 41 Dale Payne ildred Lee Lackey |33| 626 el. 6/14) Payne Donna Jo F |W Btetesville NC | Willie Henry Payne, | Frances Louise Day | 33/1106 OG ~Lfaou7) 20] 15} Payne Jennie Evelyn | F uw |Statesvitie NC |niias Garter Payne [Nona Pern Ghilsera 33,1785) _ mor 4 1 Payne at Ni. Ie Aa Ruth O ula L219 19,9! 9 (30% Payne didward Michael Ki i _Istatesvisze NC charlie P Payne _|Ruth O pula 35} 1607 | s9ap-18 les] payne | tchaet nate | MW Btatenvitze _|arvia Dele Payne | Mildred Lackey _| 51 1967 6 ON ici sitilniicnbgenal M | Wi Stetesville | John H. Payne Betty Sue Ellis 36 898 § 950! 10) 2] Payne Robert Clinton | M| W{] Statesville NC | Sloane W Payne Ruth H Brame af 169d, | 11951. 5 27 | Payne amela Jean F | W Btatesville NC Paul Newton Payne forene Wiles D7 | 933 952 | @ | 2& Payne Becky Louise F W aa ct ements NC | Willis Henry Payne | Frances Louise Daye | 38 3550 52; 3 (|21] Payne Kathy Lynne F_ | W | Statesville NC] Stamey Carter née} Lois at Combs 38| 518 11952) 7 ; 5 [Fayne Terrie Yvonne [IF | w Statesvilis NC fArvil Dale Fayne Mildred L Lackey 38| 110) 1 11 \8 | Payne oe IF (|W {Statesville NC jNewton R, Payne Mary L,. Pharr 48 1953 4 | 15] Payne Karen Denise F LW Statesville NC Charlie R. Payne Jr Hilda RK Dagenhart 39 54 1953) 12 Bl Payne Robert Clyde M W Btatesville Benny Payne Maggie Lou Wooten 39 2119 | Payne Thomas Noland | M __W | Statesville NC | Thomas Austin Payne] Bonnie Mae Gettys 38 8 | 29} Payne Sharon Diane F_| W| Statesville NC [Courtland Levan Paynb Anna Mae Chapman | 42) 1630} 957 : 23 popes Nancy Lee _[?F iY Mooresville WWames C, Payne _| Bama Jane Smith ‘ 43} 30 ' 1968; @ 12] Payne |Lonnie Charles | M |W iStatesville N C/°narles 1 Payne a Sue Jurney f 058 | 7 | s e David “egrand M W Btatesville Bliss L Payne Jo Ann Merrison 44 11040 11 958 12/!29 Payne - F | Wi Statesville Jack S Payne Shirky I "olland 44 2099 1989 12 6] Payne Mertha Lynn F W |Statesville Charles H. Payne Martha Sue Jurney 45 1965 eae (am reyes | sutrey Cometigy #4 Meerwwvenie—) +—Sugene-Camon ———} fama -Ross Howard — 1960 8 125 Payne Trina Jene F | Mooresville Frank S. Payne Ailene Wingler 46/1281 1960' 8 | 10} Payne | Williem K. M | W | Statesville William M Payne Inez Iweed 46/1216 1960) 7 32 Payne | Margaret Ann F W | Statesville Benny Payne Maggie Lou Wooten 46/1179 Dd peso; 10 ea Payne | Carl David MW [Statesville Furman 2 Fayne Betty Jean Justice [46 [1752 961 5 25 }Payne Herman Dale M =WBStatesville Charlies H Payne Martha Sue Jurney 47 869 1961) 8 24 Payne, [Peek Ss. Ml WjMooresville | Frank 3 Payne Ailene Wingler 47/1415 1962; 1 (27 Payne Keith Roger ae | W | Statesville Roser Yance Payne Patricia A Adams 48174 1962 6 |11/ Payne Jerry A. “ W [Statesville Roland C Payne Mildred A Lemberth [48 908 ; 1962 10| 7 | Payne Todd Allen x! Wi Iredell Co. Charles H Payne Martha S Jumey 4g 1624 1962; 12 | 2] Payne Joseph A, M | Wi Statesville Bliss L Fayne Jo A. Morrison 48| | 1934 1963| 7 | 5] Payne Philip M W iStatesville ~ Lottie A Payne 49 (990 1964) & 125 Payne ~ NM | WJStatesville im. “ Payne inez Tweed 50 | 622 + | | SURNAME OF CHILD AN CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN eer aos ss co.on} ~=PLACE OF BIRTH INDEX TO VITAL L. STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, NC. ‘Tab according te First Letter or Lattors of to Buff Sub-Index sheet for NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ity oe hago: tes Fe ee. 6 |11}Payne 6 | tq Payne 1 _| 6 | Payne 1 |10 Payne + lod ra 10 (2 Payne 5 (25) Payne 7 | 27) Payne 8 |29]) Payne 9 1,27 Payne 1 Lo Payne 3 125 | Payne 9 | 2] Payne 3 24 | Payne 4 ad Payne 6| 24 Payne 6 | 23) Payne 11 | 27\ Payne 6 | 264 Payne 7 (15 Payne \2 Payne | 28] Payne 1 9 Payne 7 |2 Payne 6 | 1) Payne III il 16 Payne 4 15 Payne 7 | 7 |Payne orm | | Phillip Jamie Andrew Rebecca _—. Kimberly Dean _{ Peter Matthew Jeffrey Tracy Dawn Kelly Denise David Darrin Amanda Kay Gary Ross Weitdy Elaine Pameza Renee Sason Carter Jason Garrett Crystal Dawn Stephanie Denise F Myles Garth Christopher Brign M| Amber Lynn David Todd Donnica Lynn Devin Keith John Richard Alisha Dawn ' Erik Scott Carrie Ann po fc r n s e n e e m e n n pe s e n e a a n a s ce d e Sa a S ea e S M State svi lle Franklin P Payne Suay L Chapman 3 F ‘Statesville P Wm. M Payne Ines Tweed 761 u| Ww] Statesvizie | pits t rayne | Jo A Morrison _[s1|085} M Statesville : Allen K Payne Martha E Little | 67 4 - [Statesville : tre 7 ; Payne | lo Carol S Phillips ; 33 hg iy |Mooresville |fouts W Payne Jr. | Catherine D Harr ¥ 5 FV [Seatesvilie | Jesse Paul Payne Jf. Clara Diane Harris} F |W] Statesville —_| Rager Vanee—Payne- j_ Patricia Ann Adams _| i: | M |W] Statesville | Franklin Phillip Payne Judy Lane Chapman |56 |1059 4 F_| W [Statesville Roger Vance Payne _|Patricia Ann Adams _ laos 4 M| W [Statesville _ [Charles David Payne |Betty Jean Lackey [58 | 9 & F | W [Sta esville Joseph Charles jr Kay Frances Barnett |58 |126 | iM Statesville [Donald Gene Payne anda Gail Johnson [59 |280 F | W] Statesville _|Bavid Lynn Payne _ #hirley Ann Gwaltney {59/929 a F W }| Statesville Allen Keith Payne Barbara Ann Galliher| 69) 291 4 M Statesville | Oren Carter Payne | Ann Gray Wilson. | 60| 428 ' M Statesville {Donald Gene Payne Wanda Gail Johnson } 60 62 a F | Mooresville Edward Franklin Payng Marilyn Deloresila _ 564 4 | Statesville Lynn Curtis Payne Sandra Elaine Philmpn | 10 M | Statesville Donald Gene Payne Wanda Gail Johnson 589 a Statesville Lynn Curtis Payne Sandra Elaine Phi 63 66 4 F Mooresville Edward F. Payne ‘|Marilyn Delores Wall: e| 385 : M | Statesville David Lynn Payne Shirley Ann Gwaltn . 462 F | Statesville | Donald Gene Payne | Wanda Gail Johnson |65| 321 M | Statesville Keith Roger Payne |Robin Kay Chapman 5 {604 M Statesville lJohn Richard Payne Toni Annette Martin 527 r_| Statesville | Michael Dale Payne | Kimberly Dawn Barneg 66 x | Statestlle Joseph C Payne Jr | Kay Frances 1 350. F | Statesville John Richard reyes, Toni Annette Martin 624 a 4 3 i : eee seo | io TELS) _2B | 46) Paxson | woretie kentse JP. 1B [Berths Brunner | 2 | 1913) 12 | 18] Paxton Herman Ames KM |e |. |More Sternes st. | 1919| 4 Paxton - EF i MA Sternes "1s 1937| 5 | 25) Fexton pbby Ieerenss |M | T Kathleen M Herding PS _ 19347 Betty Louise | F | w | ¢ | Catherine M Harding {25 | i941 | 12 Teddy Lee u iy M 27 | pos 4 |1@ Paxton Perry Luther M_| © Blooresvilie NC muel D Paxton | ore ann Starnes 1945) 3 J22tPaxton ..__jSereh Juanita F_| w |Mooresville NC tHerman 4 Paxton Rachel J Ferguson 129. 1951! 4 |7 | Paxton Ronald Bruce | M |W [Iredell | Hermon Agos Paxton jEdna Beulah Fore tL 1952 11 |201 Paxton == === M_|w |Mooresville NC |Herman A. Paxton ___|dna Beulah Fore —_138) 974| 11 |2 |Paxton David Graham,Jrj M |W [Mooresville N C [David Graham Paxton [Brenda Kay Glaze 1093 | ecaigebabietanean deen 2924| 5 18 |Payseur _| Mm Burton dr {iM JE | Mamie Retehford __{ 9 l y i | ee f= 1936! 515 |peck _____|wanoy n __| v | w |statesriiie uo | Louis 8 Peck —_Hirene ¢ taylor 111 1931 AjPeck Betty Louise | F | Statesville NC | Lewis B Peok __}irene Taylor ___4231_919/ 57| 6 |29 {Robt Young dx} u| w | 1941| 7 | 3 {Peck Nency Priscille| F | w 1967, & | 29] Peck Edith F| Salisbury James R Peck Jr. Josephine L Seigle [53/6 1968} 10/10|Peck Gregory Scott | M | Sinetaic: | dee B toe Josephine L Seigle |54|1307 1971} 3 |1 {Peck ia Tyrone | M C |Spatesvilie - Cora Lee Peck 57 250) 1971 Peck Julia Ann ¥ Statesville David Wesley Peck | Nola Mae » Graham | 57, 1974) 2 127 Peck Melissa Darleng F Statescille Willie Clarence Peck| Nettie Ruth Teasley | 60) 226 1974, 9 |8 | Peck | Brent Tyrene | M | M | Stateswilae | David Wealey Peck | Nola Mae Graham <p oe eae AME OF CHILD . am a ot ino Gare tie os Poze File | JRO Pickens . |Gornsiis Stanton F 1_| 2] Pickens Pl a 969. 42 | 3] Pickens _.._jAlex Kerr =. = j M_ | ¢ | 1_| 1} Pickens Mic 159 1935! 5 | Pickens de Mic 497 9 i246) Pickens _|Gloris. Ann EF | @ [Stotesviile NC |Herbert H Pickens iMory Louise Pickens [33 73 F eee en eee ee i 1952; 3 | 19 Pickens Lissie Harriet | F | C | Statesville NC} Alex Kerr Pickens Mary Elisabeth Thomp4 34 5,2 Thompson 1954! 3 21 {Pickens Hazel “uth F \|C | Statesville NC jAlex Kerr Pickens Mary “lizabeth / 40) 346) 1956 6 | 7] Pickens - M |C | Statesville Herbert H. Pickens | Lucy I. Brawley n2 |. 953 1957| 12/235] Pickens ~ Mi ¢ i8tatesville Herbert H Pickens Lucey Jrene Brawley 2087 1059) 1 | 15) Pickens ~ F | C Btatesville Herbert H Pickens Jr} “ucy Brawley mS | 75 1960/11 (26 [Pickens Emery Leon M | C [Statesville Herbert H Pickens Lucy I Brawley 46 |1953 966| 5 (23 [Pickens Penny _ ‘ TPF | ¢ [Statesville Walter B Pickens Margaret A Moss 52| 636 - §_314 Fickens ic Lemont M|_N | Statesville : Hagel Ruth Pickens | 591 940 | i i J | 1/2 Lt toe ha i aatalen } | 1 ! 4 ae x te _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — redall Count, N C SER Patent Ne eats Loprelahs 1008 BET Fo eee PLAS it ahaa Sbonsver Pristina Rowse, Chatione Nc. . ee ne i eC! BEF... tm | tur | PLACE OF BIRTH. | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fom ei | ode ” P| \M2L1e ne [tL Peseook _hs | ses a i > Mi 2 . 178. 1919) 6 _____Meude Er Harris | 5 | 999 | 919| 22 - Me 6 | 465 | 2919 | - Mu 5 | pee | _._J1 9a) | | Bill x g srs, 4 oock Saran z schuit Ser r 2926, 6 | cook - F | eo ek = eK ___ eas) 4 | + | | S26 oes] 5 | - | 35. m0 4 | ______hesal 0 - nie Doria e __{ ness | 12 __|pessie Sean Iv | ? al snilieaiil ! | —__—iermsn Myers i ctictinee: i _.e __Ipevig Yencey Ine | | ___jassy| 4 (1}Peacook _{jzimmy gacene _| Hinson ___41957 | s}rencosk __|avata anne _P | W iShiloh Taskip tereevencesi hi Peagogk Bruce = | M | w shiloh Tnship ~ —_—}rssr|_12___sfrensoox — ! - | u___w }¥elistom ts jag _ji9s?| 12 | Sipescoek {patty tone ___} ie _______ }1957___12_,@i fReacoek _ _{Sherman_Laroy jiu sas ______Jagse, 12 las |peasook _|goan sd rt fooreavilie wc. Peacock _ Mary Va Staley _ Ira | 1959 8 30 [Peacock fe elton a |W ]Pelistown Tn [7 L Peacock __ jlizzie Padgett _| | 1959, 10 (25]Peacock | _j|: MW JCoddle Creek Tn Walter L Peacosk Edna M Lowrance 1941 | dis Peacock __|Glyde ¢ dr _| ener a pRnp Drne_---poenenne Ee 1941, 7 | SjPeacock [pew Allen .§[M | W jStetesv Cc j 1941, 9 | 1)Pescoek boii Prencis | F | % [Coddle sreek Ta L. Peacock Lowrene a. __}roae, i220 fpeacook 4: pis Sinn eae, 1g (29! a a occllitcaalbe dna ____ fogs | 1 it eee __lpreneen Doon Le | sville NG PFeul F Feacock ; (inning escock latavert a u_ B_JStetes ie.No_filrie Fencosk Sensaoiaennibi Arosa) a) sock 2: Seepealncneln Be ! esville NC Wirgil Pescock ..___ f¥lossie T adams. _ i a ii | Walter Sherrii3 iu x Statesville NC |Penl Borrest Pescock, Ee ibiaienensinmeonnenll | | _____{@lay_Young Ir__}M_.B| Statesville wo |G Y Pescook _| —hoss | a2 bs ‘nitlin __ju_w_| Stetesviize we fr tee F ni } vn INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS Iredell County, NC. WBF "> tots sees omen ot SURNAREE INFTLAL TAB and Fae SET Eade Re ante Coprakt sb | SURNAME OF CHILD ' : ; ay 4d aeconoen ing Gilsran tae 9 Ge Sex | Cow | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER” Vir Peacock Flossie Adams Peacock F W i Statesville NC fe} Peacock Nancy Elaine F W i} Statesville NC | Paul F Peacock Hkdna M CloerGalliher] 35) 103 eacock tatesvi le y rgare Fi W tatesville aul F Peacock M Claw l-wis le NC |Joe Harding Peacock |Josephine Aiken | Jr Mitchell _W NC Pe Peacock Patricia Ann Statesville James Wilson Peacock] Bertie Helle Peacock, Jr. | Oscar Lee Statcsville Oscar Lee Peacock Dorothy Jean Gunner Peacock | Deborah b, Statesville Oscar L Peacock Dorothy J Gunner Peacock | Walter Wi] Statesville Yancey Peacock Unknown ! } | Lisa Dawn Statesville James Vi Peacoc Dean Woods | Shannon | Statesville Haskel Peacock] Callie Gertrude 2 (22) Peacock We Marie Statesville nny Haskel Peacock} Callie 2 14] Peacock er Traci Michelle Statesville Gerald Harding Peacf Debra Ann Johnson INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - BIRTHS — Iredell County, N: C. Bi BR Bia We aPC Ht RTT cts EN Stakes chet tor poss relereaces Sold by Obecrver Printing Hones, Ghertoste MC. em in ERNAME OF CHAD se | Gow | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oy fl916 | 6 29 Pierson Naomi F | CG j Statesville NC j Bud Piergon Julie Turner sss} 4 | 645 | 1 lee Pearson 2 = FP | C | Statesville NC | Blyni# Pearson _| Evella Chambers — 51184 92011 4] Pearson ~ ~ F W | Statesville NC] I Everett Pearsm | Florence Huffman § + R08 fis20 | 12 16] Pearson Mary Blizebeth | F | C {| Sharpesburz Tng Fred Pearson Julia Turner 7 21810 921 | 3S | 1} Pearson ~ ~ M | C | Chambersburg Richard C Pearson | Bvelle Chambers 7| 98! 925 | i 1} Pearson Richard Jr M | C | Chambersburg Tx Richard © Peerson | Annie & Chambers 8 | 56 | 6|1 | 353% Pearson | Junior leroy | M | W | Felistowm Ts __| N926| 4 5) Pearson William Seymouy M | W | Statesville NC | 2S Pearson ___| Kenneth caivin |u| w | relistom te 928 | 6 7 Pearson - - M_ |W | Statesville NC | 6 | 7] Pearson Chas L M iW | Statesville NC 1950 4 25] Pearem - -__|u Palistown ts 193s, 8 12] Pearson __| Wm Clyde x Statesville NC | 056 | 1l 22] Pearsm Ruth Vannoy F Statesville NC ___| Margaret Vannoy bes7| 10 5 | | Pearson _| Bobby Jean | F | W | Statesville NC | Calvin Pearson Ruth Sharpe 2 938. 9 19] Pearson - ~ F Statesville NC] Hilton E Pearson Helen Sprinkle 2 __ 940 12 | Pearson Phairlener WqoaA u# Coddle Creek 3 Pete Pearson Arlitta Smllwood [2 6 945| 6 15] Pearson J Arthur M | Qusterebure | Jenee 3 Posrson _| etme B Keane | | a | l F here Gris nn ; re seeavitie Ne | Jame so + ABSA petaat — 945 9 29] Pears Philip Soldier dr M | Statesville NCj Philip S Pearson Pa J 946,12 4] Pearson Leon MC | Statesville NC| Jams 3 Pearson __| H hose | 7 95) Pearson Lonnie Spencer | M | Statesville NC} Rommie § Pearson | Alberta B J 11 2 | Pearson Linda P_ Statesville NC} James Pearson ____| Thelme 1 Pearson hese) 9 18] Pearsm _| sennie Key _| F |W | Statesville NC| Kenneth © Pearson | Lule M Jenkins ___| 58 148 _heso| 9 28] pearson — Panett Rachenip ? | Mooresville NC} Phairiever Pearson | Arietta D Sm11wood __hiesi| 2 17) Pearson | - e FW Statesville Nc} Jume none e adge Gay Russell 7 | 470 | 951. 6 | 5 Pearson __ catny Lynn F W | Statesville NC] Charles L Pearson | Betty J 19535 1 24 Pearson [Deborah Frisella@ F 4 C | Statesville NC} Richard Pearson 0 ___1.955 | 1018] Pearson | Stillborn ¥ | C_| Mooresville NC} Richard Pearson Jr_| Oden Pearson Beave 954, 1 14] Pearson Jeffrey Michael |M W | Statesville NC | Philip Soldier/ Patricia Jeanne 114 @ hose 4 a2] Pearson ls - M_ |W 1 Statesville NC} - - Bobby Jean Pesrson _ 954.7 17] Pearson | Jody Lynn MW | Statesvinie wc | charles L Pearson | Betty Jean Lowthorp (Mo [1125 | __1954. 12 21) Pearsm | Phyllis P| v | Richard Pearson Jr | T 1955.1 /22]) Pearson | Kate Berrier ei NC | Phaerlever Pearson Arletta Duvois Sml 12 hess 3 27] Pearson — Mm 6|SOUW 6 «Statesville NC} J pAlfred Pearson | Earlene Mayberry 39 955 4 47] Pearso William Brent | M | Statesville NC} James went Barbara sesaahient 646 es =U ee betes sme P ! Statesville NC | Kenneth calniny in Mae Je _K1 1118 | —______{1955|_9 11] Pearson ___|Charlea William4 M |W | Statesville NG} Charles Wiliiem/ ___ 1956, 2 25] Pearsan Debra Lynn P Statesville NC| J D-Alfred Pearson | Barline 1.966 | 9 27] Pearson Deborah Ann P| Statesriiie no Charles ue i | Z ; S INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. For Your Protection, Insist On Tt. WRAP" 7e locos sae Rates thaoe tor page teloreeces GOR Pctane Ne. Masti bo Copy Htane 1080 i ae RE ce BMD tm | cir | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER |, NAME QF MOTHER 11957/| 1 4] Pearson Dana Lynn Fiw q |Cherles L Pearson Betty J Lowthorp 22 1957| 10 |24]) Pearson 2 - F_| W iStatesvilie NC [Walter S Pearson - |Maeola Camp .__ 143511810) 1958 5 2) Pearson Keith J D M | w iStatesville NC | Alfred J D Pearsm [Earline Mayberry 44 396 1958 4 | 2] Pearson Curtis Lee Mic leit NC (George Lee Pearson wi Cassese” 44 | 514 _J2958 | 4 | 61 Pearson NanoyKing rae Me seeinid naa: ancy Mae King 4 jisss| 4 | 6] Pearson Robert Seager |u| W [Sta a Bete beeney Mae King 484 | 959; 3 25] Pearsm Randy bynn M|} WStatesville ‘ C | Frederick S Pearson Barbara Ann Mayberry | 45) 442 959 5 | 8] Pearson - P Wi Statesville Roy H Pearson Dolly M Chapman 45, 647 (> 1959) 7 (19) Pearson Diana Lynn F | C {Statesville George L Pearson Evelyn C Cowan 45 |1079 1959) 10 | 350} Pearson Ricky Lane M | W Statesville J, D. A. Pearson Earline Mayberry 45/1754 1959} 12 | 26] Pearson, II Oscar Joe Mj| w | Mooresville Qeser Joe Pearson Norma J. Mullis 45) 209 1960; 9 (13 }Pearson Teresa Ann FP | W {Statesville William L Pearson Aldina Yolly 86 | 1483 1960; 10 LO | Pearson Robin Elizabeth|F |W Btatesville Walter S Pearson Mae Ola Camp 46/1653) 1961, 4 |8 | Pearson Melissa Luanne | F | W |Mooresville NC Oscar Joe Pearson,Sr# Norma Jean Mullis [47/644 1961 11 (28 }Pearson Fred D. M | Cc IStatesvinie NC | Geo. Lee Pearson Evelyn ©. Cowan 47 |1960 1962; 12 |3 |Pearson Kenneth Ray M | W [Statesville NC [Wm. L. Pearson Aldina Jolly 48 |1942 1962 12 23 Pearson Jacqueline FC | “coresville Geo. L Pearson Evelyn C Cowan 48 2099) 1964 6| 6] Peerson David M W| Mooresville Oscar “ Pearson Sg. Norma J Mullis 50 85; 1964 7| 24 Pearson Bradley M Ci} Stat esville James A Pearson Jean C Dobson 50 1086 965 6\|4& | Pearson Crystal F C | Statesville - Gloria A Pearson {51.727 1965 8” |30 Pearson Rodney M W | Statesville Raleigh J Pearsor Nancy R Kleist 1 |1179 1967 1 | 24 Pearson | Tracy F | W | Mooresville Perry B Pearson Rachel L McArver 55 131 1967, 8 | &] Pearson e Billy M | Wi Mooresville Oscar J Pearson Sr Norma J Mullis 53 102» o\c\ e oY? hSer OIA cwe_ Rol a nr oat Pearson 461 | ° ° 1 1) 3 Pearson | iin Lamar M Ci] Statesville James Arthur a Jean Carol Yoerson | 1972 » | 5 {Pearson Lisa Dionne F Ni Statesville Leon Pearson sabeth Mayo Wasson |58 7 1971 9 | 3| Pearson ___{James Donovan M | Statesville | Robby Lee Pearson Jiinda Faye Matlock {57| 112 1972, 9 18] Pearson | tamara Leigh | FW |Statesville |Bobby Lee Pearson Linda Faye Matlock [58 1975 4 18 Pearson | April Charice | F Wj Statesville Leon (HMM) Pearson | Elisabeth Mayo Wassdn G1 36 90h 12126] Pearson Adrienne Diana |p |Statesville |Zeno Lee Pearson. | 1965 od 1979! 4 30} Pearson E [Crystal Marie F Statesville --- Robin Elizabeth Pear 65 | 371 19797 11 9 Pearson | Crystal Decwn F | Statesville Michael Gene Pearson|lLola Caroline Rankin| 65/1088 4980) 5 25 Pearson [Tequila René | F {Mooresville Martin Eugen Pe Sharon Kaye Rivens |66 500 1980! 7 | 241 Pearson Latrivia Dionne | F | | Statesville Ricky Don Pearson Patricia ieee | PU ) 2 | af te } Peet itatesville Daphne Lucille Peet 67 - L re p e r : : aE I ee = — oe 7 si es I a IO S AE eh a aM ah a SP R a ae Ba ae RS A 2| sil Pegram Mole ¥ le | Jomes W Pesren Pegr * 1939 | 12 20] Pegrum Vera _ Recul F | Cc Statesville Tn j - Viole Pegrum i 2938) 2 (|14] Pegram James David M | Wj Statesville NC] James Wiley Pegrem | Reta N Pegran 4 943 | 2 15 Pearen John Michsel M | W_ [Statesville Robe Peg Suma Web Feg 29 2 1944) 5 16iPegram + F | ¥ iStetesville NG jkobert C Pegram OIE, U 3 4 947 | 6 | 16 Pegram | Peggy Ann FC | Shiloh ns |. Bryant Pegram _—_ C 4 2957 | & 9 Pegram - F |W Btatesville N C [Joseph T. ‘egram Norman Jean Stanley [43/613 zi 1959 10 | 6 Pegram Sydney A. F |W Btatesville Joseph T Peonen Norma J Stanle; hs 161¢ 4g 1961! 12 las Pegram Caron A. F W btatesvirie Joseph T Pegram Norma J Stanley he? leas bg 1963/ 11 | 29 Fegram Doma F | W [Statesville Wm E Pegram Alma E Brown 49/1836 a 1966 | 11] Pegram Bettina L. F Wi Statesville Wm. W Pegram III | Betty L Sheets 48h —— / * mca as nem | |S | PLACE OF BIRTH] NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 10 Gerald Ray M | W [Statesville Badger ™ Piercy Petty Ann Johngon 9 |6 | Piercy Angela Lynn F | W | Statesville Charles Stephen Pi Brenda Kay Setzer | 5§ 11 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell Courity, N. C. Se Re Eee Re ES ile eae tt i Bat'oy Obeerver Printing Howse, Oharlote, N.C. ae SURNAME OF CHILD te | tar | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER nG1S | 22 ([S0} Peirce ‘\— jConeoré Ine #1015 | 6 |10) Pierce _|@__ (New Hope Tus Seal | pres | 9 |17] Pierce _W j03in Tas 846) peré| 8 | S| Pierce of ville NC 796 2916 2 |18| Jeree a vidson Tne sevt i x916 | 1k (12) Pearce ___ [Coneord Tns 406 | por?| 5S | 24 Pierce _ _(8lin Tas $f Cc Pierce jg. (|Ore Hermon = | #) 562 es peas §& | 1] Pierce " sburg Tn 326 . aa 8 |so| Pierce (W fBhilon tas 473 hee | 10 [19] Pierce " theny gag | % nero | « | 6| Pierce annie Eiigsbeth | F | Tship | ; ee 2919 6G (|S0/| Pierce —— M | ¥ = Hope fTns | © C Pierce re L Harmon _ 690, 1919 | 2G (27) Pierce - F | ¥ eatesville N Cj] R W Pierce S G Pherpe 353) : 1s20| 6 a1 Peerce - - ! W Btetesville N Cj G M Pearce 5 L Pearce «| 6 | See ee. 1920/10 | 3| Pierce RY M \/ theny Tns | Wede D Pierce ure B Horton 1828} Fe 1921 | 4 | 1| Pierce ~ F @ (Coneord Tus | $hos Perks.Pieree Pssie L Guy — | 370) | 1921 4 | 7} Pierce - ¥ |W [Bethany Tns IMiverd M Pierce Surley L Hellerd | 7 1921| & | &| Pierce - ¥ | @ (Sniizon ts Roy C Pierce illien Begenhert L 1922 S |15| Peerce ~ ¥ | ¥ tesville N C/ G M Peerce 5 L Pearce a AS 7 Pierce - |e W Mtetesville Ts} Rufus E Pierce pgie M Tharpe _| al +a 8 2} Pierce Richara Reymond |M W jPeridson Ts - mna Rebecea Pierce SHE 3 R923 | 4&4 as Pierce Mory Gatherine |F W Btetesville N C/ Bhos Parks Pierce Laure Austin Guy | ! 4 e hoes | 8 Fe) Pierce Robert Avery MY Bniion Tns__ R C Pierce _$Allien Degenhert af ¢ 2925 | 8 26 Pierce + | BW ew Hope Tns Wm Chester Pierce Pre Lee Hermon _ E § ozs | 18 \4 Pierce = M |W (fellstowm Tus H H Pierce el Pierce -. —§ 8 o1 5 92 | 6 | 2} Pierce * uu hany Tus Wade D Pierce pure D Horton a 1925 10 | 2} Pierce [Lillian Megdeali \¥ ihiloh Tus R C Pierce llien Degenhert J 4 927 4 18] Pierce berny Donnely a |W Btetesville N C| Gerney D Pierce ellie P Bravis a4) 4 L927 5 po Pierce Mexgaret Helen |F 8 ptetesville N Cj Thos Perks Pierce Mssie L Guy | | 85E I- es L927 | 10 16 Pierce Rey C Jr au oF | hiloh Tne R C Pierce llien Degenhast he &e 1928 10 2 6 | Pierce | = g¥.UW nersburg Tns | @m C Pierce Dre Lee Hermon 5 , | ozo 12 . Pierce Devia Donald x 6FY tesville N C/ Gurnie M Pierce lliem Pierée - nase 1951 | 9 20] Picres Pn MW [Bool Spring Tns | Lee Mershs1l Pierce Fule B Booth | ase} | . p931 9 [16 | Pierce Williem |M (W Bethsny Ts | povart sow rierce fiachel E Prevette i?) 9” 192 6 | 5] Pierce . MW Betheny Tas Bugene Pierce Herris _ i Bi oz ll | 2] Pierce Sallie Ida FF hilog Tus Roy C Pierce if Lillien Degenhaert } t- ¢ 935 | 3 2 Pearce Roy Lee M |W (oneord fns Robert L Peerce chel Privette # D | $08 i ie ROSS | 12 no | Pierce ‘ e |e. inn eta siaiasiana Le " . 935 12 19 | Pierce : a Y sesville N G| Rey A Pierce _ ortense Morley )_ 29 | aa “th 936 | 2 || Pierce levelyn ann ¥ s gle Mills Tns|Foy Pierce __ 0 Bepign Gols rs | | (CON) ae 28 ‘INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. Bode | Pes aer Precio ta Ov RF ey ce aR PRIA aR STR LIE NE ee ae URNAME OF SHLD tex | cole | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER - = _]2984| 5 (25 /Peerce _ Dercthy .-—s«s-_—« |W Statesville Tne} Mobert Pearce Julie Summers 20/2039) ee 1934/11 |24|Pierce James Carrol ‘€ |Shiloh Tos Rey © Pieres Minnie L Begenhart |20| 724) 3 1934/12 (25 |Pierce - ( |6 [Statesville N Cc] Wm & Pierce Mee Rowles & 198s 1956, 2 (10)/Pierce - : " Cédaike Greek Tn| Ghes = Pierce Getherine Morrisoh {22| 280 1955/4 [27 |Pieree * ‘a |Stetesviite N C| yey Pierce Hortense Merlow bas 496 1935/9 | 5|Peirce Rachel Irene | (8 |Goneord tas Robert L Peirce § |Rechel Privette 21| 576 1935 12 20 Pierce Robert Lee M w |sniloh Tas - Hane Isebell Pierce |21| 722 a 1936 6 a Pierce J Blizebeth F W /|¥ellstown Tus H M Pieree Zule Shook _ 22, 284 p 1936 | 7 20 |Pierce | ica eF oh Ths abel Pierce Delphie Sherrill |22| 662 1956 12 1s Pieree Helen Lois iy w |Goot springs Tn| Lee Pierce Lule Heath 22| 160 1037 4 | 7 \Pierce Clyde Grady - ¥ j6ool Springs Tn} Foy Pierse Bvelyn Pierce 23 142 1957 8 31 Pierce | Jerry Kenneth W jShiloh Tas Roy © Pierce M Lillien Degenhert [25 767 2938 | 2 2 iPeerce - A tetesville N C| Wm Anderson Pearce |Ide Mee Bowles 24 G47 “a 1939 | 7 | 3 jPierce Violet Ww oncord Tn Robert Lee Pierce Julia L Pierce be 119 § ho40 5 [14 [Pierce - W [Shiloh LRoy C Pierce binnte L Dagenhert 6 | 646 eo e940. (7 | 1 Pierce Thomas Harry M ._W | Cool Spring Tn | Foy Pierce Tessie Jolly 6 | 96 1940 | 7 ae ce : M |W | Statesville Tn | Thomas P Pierce flauna Alston Guy 6 1091 ho42 | 8 ) 4 | Peerce - . M (Wj Shiloh Tn Harrie Peerce Zule Shook b7 710 E 1906 | & 15 Pierce | Hermen Herris |M_ W [Iredell Go Vilyssus G Pierce Julie Ide Herris 288 51" | 41903! 9 (24) Pierce \Charles Edward | M . W [Mooresville NC jJames K Pierce Martha E Morrow 2eb 458 i 1942, 2 | 6 Fierce ‘Bdwerd M .W jConcord Tas bert Pierce jJulie Pierce 28 | 126 | fusse| 6 16 |Pierce |= M W |Statesville Tns homes P Pierce Lenns Austin Guy 25/1584 , ose 7 \19 [Pierce Christine Ervin| y w |Statesville NC |Frenk L Pierce B vbristine Ervin roinoes @ ea2| 9 | 8 |Pierce \Brends Sue FW jStetesville NC jv R Pierce Hezel M Caldwell 28 ‘Loss 1943, 6 §0|Pearce \Shelby Jeen ¥ _¥ |Concord Tns Robert M Feerce Julie Lunsford Bo 7438 g 1944 9 0 [Pearce . vy .u [Concord ms | 28 L Pearce Julia Lunsford | 813 Aas. . 6 | S$] Pierce \Werlerie ann F & (|Statesville NC j|Glenn Shos Pierce Florence Opel Pennel}5i | 659 1947 6 (27 |Pierce Linda Sue F W |Harmony Robert W Pierce iRuby Moore 6) 224 1947, 7 oa Pierce | Larry Vernon M .W | Iredell County | Robert Vernon Pierce] Ethel Ford | 1284 Meee | 8. B2 | Pierce | Terry Joe M W_ | Iredell County | Joseph Hugh Pierce Thelma D Rimmer 33! 1369 1 1946 1 3]j Pierce Eagar Leroy M W Btatesville, NC] Frank Leroy Pierce peunie Christine Ery 1, 170 sa 6 24 | Pierce |Danny Michael |M .W | Statesville NC | Joseph § Pierce Velvaree Ellis bs | 1106 ® 1948 | 10. 7 Pierce Artie Tabitha yr is jShiloh Tas Abel Alexander Piercq Delphia Sherrill 34 1732 pone : 1 . &| Piegce Venice Gail F W/| Statesville NC} Carl Pierce Virginia Dare Johns Ms 1949, 2 6 {Pierce | Glenda Merlene|F _W [Statesville NC jRey Christopher Plerde Aileen Miller 5 | #61 1949| 7 |26|Pierce Margaret Ann F W |Harmony Robert W Pierce Ruby Moore 36) 225 1949 | 9 | 4} Pierce Pomesse Elaine F W {Mooresville NC Floyd Ray Pierce Aileen UD Bumgardner 35 \1333 1949 11, 19 Pierce | James Stephon |M W tatesville - Mery A Pierce 36 1784 950. 4 Pierce - F | W| Statesville NC | Raymond R Pierce Elsie L Rhoten 36 765 3 1959 8 29 Pierce |Sendre Kaye FW | Statesville NC | Barney B. Pierce Ona G. Lankford 56 1370} 1950! 9. | 2 Pierce Rebecca Karen F | W |Statesville NC | Robert V Pierce Ethel Ford 36 1513 1951, 2 | 2% Pierce | Douglas Arnola | M iW Btatesville WC | Roy C Pierce Jr Virginia Aileen Milller br 489 . ) ) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS -- Iredell County, N. C. “win ee Tr ee BE ee THe OTT Oot Poon ae eee a — ena * OF SRO Sex | Cer |} PLACE, OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER ae 1952 @ | 1@ Pierce BES oe. Poveda. M |W | Statesville NC ] Harvel Matheson Pierce Zula Inez Shook jj 5 = 19d 4 |2 [Pierce Jom ois he ok Mh W te tonya BC) Robert. Avery Rar oer uth 5 Robinsen 38 | 579 | i, ia 952 8 _ |10 |Pierce ___| Alfred Carrol] | M | W [Statesville NC | Alfred E P __._}- Rachel 0 St | ek 8 1953] 7 | 25 Pierce — Johnny Ray M wt Statesville NOj Harvel Nathebiawh/ Zula Inez Shook 9 | 109 ad 1953) 8 vy Pierce —_| Ronald Frankl W [btatesville NC | Bobby Franklin Pierce Roverta Gail Gofortp39 133 1953| 8 28] Pierce - M |W (Statesviile NC | Robert Avery Pierce br Ruth Blinor/ 9 13 eat 1953) 9 46 | Pierce Terry Lee M | W |Mooresville NC |Ray Lee Pierce lee Betty Blackwel er39 Reet __}agss! 9 3 |Pierce _jAnita Gail F_ | W | Statesville NC jRoy i iineaatisllria Beas Virginia atthe 9) i 1953) 9 |7 | Pierce __| Rickey Johnson|| M | W ||/“tatesville NC [Carl Pierce Virginia Dare Johns 39| 1508 1953! 9 BO } Pierce Ricky *lan M | W | Statesville NC Alfred Kugene Pierce hacher otarrette | 39 15 Ss 1953, 9 O Pierce f | Rebecca Foresté F W Statesville NY | James Ernest Pierce ensrive Forester he (15 | Jr. Rhoten [| $1954, 5 i2 | Pierce _| Raymond. mr M | W |Statesville _| Raymond Rayford Pie Elsie _Loujse of “ti 4,0 | 659 oe $1954: 5 |4 jPierce _ Joe Alexander |M |W {Statesville “jAbel Alexander Piercg@ Delphia jugea / co | 1954. 7__| 7] Pierce + Kathy ElizabetH F | W | Statesville NC] James William Pearcq Ruby Elizabeth / 0 t 110 6 bi 41955, 2 | 3 | Pierce _{Frank Wm | M com | Statesville NCj Barney Bristol Pier: Lankford — : ee ee ee ee a ee Poors < bd] 2h __ $955. 3 _| 24 Pearee Michael David | M _W] Statesville NC] Harvey Worth Pearcq Betty Sue Stafford ba 377 Se alsildiceniinin , 1955 4 {19} Pierce ~ M | W_| Statesville NC} Robert Avery Pierce | Ruth Robinson __ | 1955} 5 | 8] Pierce - F “ | Mooresville NC} Harry Beecher Pierc@ Grace pene: By 74,0 a $1955) 7. |an Pierce | Steven Lynn M | W |Mooresville NC [Koy Lee Pierce Laura Betty Black/ Fe ae 41955 9 | 25 Pierce Anthony Carrol | M W |Statesville NC [James Carroll PiercejMurilla Joan Smoot 1520 ea 41955 12 5 | Pierce Donald Lynn M| W| Statesville nc} Clyde Bredy Pierce | Phyllis Eli sabeth/ ; 41| 208 sl 1955) 12 | 5 | Pierce | Ronald Ray M |W | Statesville NC | Clyde Grady Pierce | Bhyllis ius 41) 208 1956 3 2q Pierce - FW | Statesville NCj - y A. Piaros < 7 1956 4 | 24 Pierce ~ |M |W | Statesville | Robert A. Pierce Sroj Ruth B. Robinson 2 70% bia _}1956, 10 |19|Pierce James Randall | M W | Statesville [Carl Pierce a. Dare Johnson 2 180 = 1956, 8 18 Pierce 4 Madelynn Kay | F | W| Taylorsville NQJ R Willard Pierce } Cora nedalannl ic. . a 1956, 11 27] Pierce Monica Leigh |W | Statesville NC | Freddie Harold Pierde Virginia Lee Riddl@ 42 1 cA 1957 1 | 14 Pierce Austin Eugene | M |W Nacenaet die N Cj Floyd L. Pierce chel M, Presley +3 83 ) 1957 1 5 | Pierce Ricky Eugene | Statesville Clyde Grady Pierce Phyllis E. Hutto se 3 13 a 42957) 5 12] Pierce Patricia ams, . Le W [Statesville Robert V. Pierce [Ethel Fort = [43 770 ii 1958, 4 2 Pierce | Deborah Lynn F lw Statesville NC |%yde Grady Pierce Pryllis E1izabeth/_ 4 S12 a 1958 3 | 20 Pierce Paul Willard M lw Taylorsville NCj J_R Willard i Cons amen ek i 19568, 5 2) Pierce _|geffry Na then M | W Btatesville NC Pams Carrol Pierce oann Murilla Smoot #44 691 is Ll Mark Alen u | W [Statesville NC |James William Pearce Ruby Biisabeth. Z| 075 Hi a wervin atvin | | © Sta touviile 30 Hasse Williew Reasootuby Bssupen Fey ore sig Donnie *. | M Mei iitsaniaa ferry K Pierce —_ gare t A Woodward sil __Robin Joann | F | Wi Statesviijo | James C Pierce urilla J Smott niente ae bial on le el inl i Soedsedcr eae leit lt ! | , ! omen Lae — — wun 5 OF... tex | cow | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER anor 1960; 3 j|4] Pierce __ Freda Dawn F | W jStatesville Freddie H Pierce Virginia L Riddle 46 | 585 O| 5 |15] Pierce _ Phillip Primes M | CO [Btatesvilie NC Henry Primes Pieree | Roselis Harris | 775 j2960| 7 |12(Pierce | Charles L. —f M | W Charlotte, \. “4 Charles 1 Fierce a J. Graven (46 [1440 In9g2 Va) La) uo! Oia ; ev? 1961; 10 id Pierce Timothy Kane | M| W|Statesvirie Ne Aigrea Bugene Pierce! Bachel © Starrette | 47/1736 1962/2 (|10)Pearce Tinea Merie F| Wi Statesville Reson Poke : Betty Lew Suevacher 8 187 1962) 3 o Piere: Sandra Gayle FP | Wi Stetesville J ames A, Fierce Gail 4, Seanatd 48| 357 1962 11 af Se asics Carol L. F| Wi Mooresville Harry B Sieses Grace R Alimm 44 187 1963} 2 | 21} Pierce Michael M{ Wi Statesville Alfred E Pierce Rachel O Sterette 49) 257 1963! 9 | 27) Pierce Angela W | Statesville Wm. N, Pierce Mildred R Gryder 49 | 1525 hos, 2 | 24 Pierce Andre Charlotte Charles H Pierce Gladys J Craven 50) Sha : 1964, 5 21] Pie ree ‘ Susan | Moo resville. Roy L Pierce Laura B Blackwell 50, 1965] 5 |6| Pierce = | tit] ecomsie, 1 .wenwiess.. Gashies, | Ga 1965; 10 (25)Pearce a ae 5 F a W Statesville Edward Pearce veer L Shoemaker 51 ue 966; 1 | 8} Pierce ‘ | Jimmy ith |x] ¥ | Taylorsville J RW Pierce oi] | Cora M Browning | 52 324 ce i 1966; 8 |1 |Pierce a __Timobhy | ™ | W | Statesville Thos. H Pierce ; | Brenda G Goodwin [52 |1058 1966| 7 |28] Pierce Jeffrey A M _W| Statesville Thomas P Pierce J# Linda S Waught | 52 10 967| 5 4 Paeree | Sreeeey “Statesville | Joseph $ Pierce Jy. __Vickie J Jenkins 55.554 eee wee 2 Pioree Seffrey _| M/W] Statesville | Joseph S Pierce J. Vickie J Yenkins | 53 553} 2 Bere Pap teree | Srsoneaiey fF 1 Uy Reegehile vente © Thee) ick a Od 29647 |20)Picres _ deme | By Ug Renee) Some 6 Paes. Se ee 2 22H es fees 71 Sh Perec Williem | MW | Statesville | Larry V Pierce | Kathleen Honeycutt | 54 301] 0 5] 1964 14 24 Pierce 11 | Jerry Kenneth | x |_| Statesvtiie en ee eee _}1970| 11! 8] Pierce | *sjliem Mark | M W| Statesville | Willian Newton ue fo stew ne 56 1594 9 | 9] Pierce |curistopher / M | W | Statesville [Alfred Carroll Pierce? Georgie Anna Morrow! 58 967) L L 5 [16 Pierce _____ Beverly Damn _—s|F Lwt eee 1. 7.0} Pierce _ Douglas /M | W 1 ,41| 29 Pierce andy Rose |F |W ; 1974 117) Pierce Jenny Lynn F iW Statesville Joe Alexander Pierce) Janie Marie Cain 60.63 | a 17) Pierce + Michelle Marie | F iW | Statesville [Joe Alexander Pierce) Janie Marie Cain 60 64 | | _.3.126] Pierce | Jasper Ray _ ww | Statesville | Romald Ray Pierce | Cynthia Marie Swain) 6) 275) 1975| 6 |10} Pierce | Kenneth Lee | M |W | Statesville | Kenneth Lee Pkerce | Anita Denise Pope {61 524} ane 976| 2 [32 Pearce pettrey Talbert | M|- tatesvilie ffalbert Vernon Feared Jane Margaret Steelq 62°95 | an 19769 [uf rrerce | Roy Donnse |u| Ptatesritte | Roy Dan Pierce | Frances Anita Heamenb 6° 22 = 1977| 2 | 8}Pierce Jemes Kevin | M | [Statesville |James Steven Pierce |Glenda Sue Steele {63 134. Z 1977| 5 | 9[Pierce _|Crystal Lynn | F Statesville § [Ronald Ray saints ‘ail Swain 3 421 2s ¢ _8 [2 | Pearce Linda Paige | F Statesville | Alford Madison Pearcp Linda Joe Lee — J 63. 768 a saa 1977| 11 |@ | Pierce Tina Diane # Statesville | Alfred Carroll Pierde Georgia Anna ional 1977| 12 | 22) Pearce Benjamin Andrew] M Statesville Talbert Vernon | Jane ! ee es : | 1979 1 | 3] Pierce rt Avery IIIf M Statesville Robert Avery Pierce arrie Jane Johnson | 65 12 of ; ! eis ene : cane ae 5 2 ‘iia 6 . 6 4 9 . Billy Jack M Stetesville Billy Eugene Pierce) Sandra Gail é Lina Seth Brandon H be 1980 _4 | 6 Pierce brave Marie F 1981) 2 |& [Pierce Ryan Timothy M tatesville mothy Lane Pierce [Desiree D 981 | 7 | 15} Pierce thristopher Osb Statesville Douglas A Pierce Deborah D White 67 |626 & + + eo eam ~ INDEX 10. VITAL S 5 a SSE ane Na natin Sonreiehe 1880 zs wa TRE OOTF DEDEX COMP ARTY. Obte rie on | sn So Me . sex | coe} /.PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME, OF MOTHER Soe ‘ as Sr oe SSS SSS ee sae = i 1915 3 | 16) Pennal us - M W Shileh Tns John ‘ennal Mary Penna) 2 | 726 . a casi 5 | 27) Pennai Marvin W |New Hope Tns | Ros Pennal ___ | Carrie Mink 5 | 686 ; , }2921. 4-8} Pennell _____| Chancy Yvonne} FW lle NC | Rescoe L Pennell __| Onie May Davidson | 7 ee ; {2924 k ! 4 Pennell ___| = W resville NV | Rescoe L Pennell | Omie M Davidson 10 519 | Ae . | 1926 7 | 14 Pennell Buford chatted M| W Mooresville NC | Roscoe L Pennell | Omie M vavidson | 14 503 ; Bo hn }1930 6 6 i: 24 Penneli - W |Statesville @ | George Crouch Etta Pennell 831] 1930 11| 2] Pennell . W [Mooresville ic } ba pei | 192 “nia 1 ‘Pentel. %, Jas Walter aM W jStatesville NC Jamee # Peel ee TS 853 ae |! 1935 6 7] Pennell =| ____] |W [Stateswate No | James M Pennell | Willie W steele [21 640 ici 3-24 Pennell Lh gee Seiad a lw Ioweeeesae ee te Bem ae | 19,0 6 | 24 Pennell —{--_.___._____} Fj _W |Gedale Greek in} Jee Penneld — __| | Flora Lee Hethcex | 2 ) Ber | 1942 6 ab Pennell _—_—_—ijAlexander H_—|_-~M| W |Statesville NC| Kalph B Pennell | kana kash -s——27| 95 ‘ [ya ta] tem Geish es, [7 esteriis ae | atgetyrebasaa™ | Bier ai howe = | 2q Pennell _| William Herbery Ee ia Jeter nee ee eee: See po 335 eo “2 eI Penne | Heppenekgnt> | a) W ectssvibis "° fians.°."pancat | ape Phiten’Bbdeattt® boas a... hios5| 2 9] Penne2i | $i22am Xibrey|h |W |statesville NG | William 4 Pennelt | atta Mac Lippara 1 135] Te 1945. 5.19 Pennell es Fletcher | \ ‘ Statesville NC \James Willard Penuel} Hattie vee Harris | 33 i 445 7 Mrenuell Carel Louise | F|W |Stavesville NC _| Cubbie C. Pennell | ChristineYoungblood| 3 ea 945 9 16] Pennell _ _|aAlva Jean _ 4 Pi Sta tesville NC Geo. hay Pennell Era kvelyn Lackey 3 iy fL946 | 3.14 Fennell jammy. Co hw Statesville NC Jas Perry Pennell Travis V brown 450 Bo A * n946 9 1 Pennell Rae Ann _| F |W [Statesvilie NC | George k Pennell | & svelyn hackey | 34 980 st pw | + Peanel | aren hee Se De 2 ae eee ee o eo 948 2 2h} Pennell | Toney lark | Mt vevenvigey BO | Beby Doyle Fenesl) | “~! —— ae oe p948 6 '7 | Penell |_Sisie Kay FW [Statesville WC |sonn dell Fenell | Frances Vanbeula Wille” er 1948 12 19} Pennell Tonie Marlene Fi W Fane _ [Durant C Penuell klsie L Carson at cd 215 a poet) 22] @ Pena | Mllerd deep) S eee S| Oe ee ee) Seer: sd ie a. PS | 2 - |3 jPenneld [Glenda sue | F |W [Suwtesville MC [George B Fennell faria & Lackey _ Ph 1 ae 1949 2 14 | Pennell |Gary Stephen | M |W pistesville NC_| Laxton CPennell _| Cledie Mayberry _ | 55| 285 an 11949 5 8 [Penneil \Roger Lee Mi W] statesville WNC him J rennell Tressie M Teague | 35. ai 1949 12 12/Pennell | Rickie Craig |F .W ! Statesville = Phylis I Pennell fos a0ss, oe 11950 1 27) Pennell | Johnny Mack MW Statesville NC | John Odell Pennell Frances Wike BO | 2h) | 1950 2 | 24 Pennell _ Jewel Diane F _W_ | Statesville NC | Laxton C Pennell | Cladia N Mayberry bo | 307) ‘ 1950, 4 18] Pennell | Philip Dale | MW | Statesville NC | Dock T Pennell Mary E Childers _ 136) 655_ * 1950. 8 13] Penhe ome eZ __w Btatesville NC ere rough 1) weer oil ee TS eet A. da or rea Hen 6. i 1951. 6 5 |Pennell |Richard Lee M r Statesville NC [Miller Pennell Barbara Louise Conna it 957 D 1951 6 30 Pennell — James Crowson |M Iw Statesville NC Laxton C Pennell Cladie N Mayberry at [1226 ; 1951, 7 29) Pennell Danny Allen _| ™ | W [Taylorsville NC#il14.am iereeaeta reesie Mamaia 37\ 1 | a 3952) 10. | 24 Benne’) 2 M | _W [Statesville NC |James Willard Fennel? Hattie Lee Harris |37|%# iain 1955 1 | 6) Pennell iid note eaten Statesville NC| Miller Pennel1 __|Rarbare Le 4 5 : o Ber, eee e fhm. 2 Wie mn Pe, eee ire ee a OY SUR aa: 2 . ‘ ¢ eee gh Ra alae aa perky * Pau ae Se 4% 2 J 4 : oe eg ae orrTetlte CB mlote 5 TSaanan Treds Mak colds SURNAME OF CHILD -_ RECORDED in | a lew AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVER NAME OF MOTHER PT 1952; 12 119] Pennell - M. | Tressie M, M.Teague i 39) 296}... 954|1 (|15] Pennell §_—_—| Sharon Jane F |W | Statesville NC | Doc Thurston Pennell] Mary Estelle Childems4Q 67 | 4 ton | B954 | 5 | 30) Pennell Gary Dean _[M |W | Mooresville | Jonnie Price Pennell} Claudia Mae_ 40! 767 | idiot Connelly 954 8 |43] Pennell _|Michael Conley | M | W |Statesvil¥e NC [Miller Pennell | Barbara Louise / [40/2257] 3 #954 10 |28j Pennell — Donna Jean | F |W | Statesville NC jDon Thomas Pennell [Betty Jean Fox (40/1727) Ss Pennell hour 954 | 10 |28] Pennell [Roger Dale _ |u| w | seateovsrie [Walter Wiliam / | Ethelene Marie Isen/,0/1728 Ce | 956 | 6 ja Pennell _____Roger_ oe W Statesville Leroy Pennell _ Nancy Dean Murdock [42| 964) 1956) hs. \2 [Pennell ‘Roger Dale __- | M | WY Statesville Laxton C. Pennell [Cladie Naomi Mayberry 4} 604 6 |1957, 5 | 2 | Penneli __irmy Wayne |W] Statesville [Asa H. Pennell — | Emily Percie =F 3. | 769 PO ; | p957| 6 | 14 Pennell | Renda Kay Ff |W | Statesville | Dock T. Pennell Mary E. Childers 3 94 ae 1957 | les Pennell “+ © oy id ee Mooresville Jonie P. Pennell Claudie M. _Medding tox 43 1467 | . | ME Te eee Dee eee oe ered x an Pere re ra % mails dag i 1958 7-15] Pennell {ear a __| F | w|Statesvizze [Mack Lee Fennell Jr.jArdith lee White — ales 11958, 7 | 7| Pennell | Gary Dean | WStatesvilie | Waiter W Fennell /Bthelene M B Sompeur=144 | ROMMIEIB ene od ; i i p<} ‘ 1958 | 8 |6 Penne 11 | Marsha Lynne | W |Mooresville Jonie P Pennell Clauaia M Wedding/| eal a at a 1959| 2 Fa Pennell | - W iStatesville James F Fennell Effie B Chapman 45| 237 oO - + } - 5 + 1959) 4 18 Pennell - | W |Statesville Asa Herbert Fennell |Emilia Fercie 45 | 556 —s i . ne a cea © bs Pennell Tine L. |W | Statesville James H. Pennell Eleanor 0. y a6 294 19627 1 18) Pennell © Craig Eugene} M | W | Statesville Atwell Frank Pengell Argell Arlene/ pe) 105-7 ; a 8 29 Pennell, Jr. Darrell = «| M W | Mooresville Darrell Pemell, Sr.j Carol D Karriker pas 1326) 1962) 8 | ad Pennell Tina L Wi Statesville Don T Pennell Betty J Fox 4.8! 1323 arenes —_ - + _ ee ree a enna eee ee ————— —— mere 1962; 9 las Pennell ‘Martha A, | W {Statesville Mace L Fennell, Jr. Ardith L White 4B a7 —j——+ y oa : Be. ke ae Se ow bie si AMI Scene dele Sli * | 12 |17| Pennell, Jr. Paul WA ‘ [W [Statesville Mack L dee nnell, phat J } wn fve 49| 1923 —--+ a , a7 A, - Baas. eee a 2 ‘tt fPenrrett arr _M.__Wl-stat-esville aetna a 1 Q 1964 5 16] Pennell San dy W| Mooresville Darrel 1 Pemnell Carol D Kerriker 50 745 lis6u. 7 27\Pennell Todd * ere. 4 Welter ¥ Fennel) ee ps, Ena 50/1115 O — Rout + or om 4 a inti siemmaidatiiaal / ennel lI Brent “wal statesvrite— a © 0 T5827— J 1964 | 11 (13]Pennell Barry W |Statesville Ned W Pennell fiima L Jolly _ 50 1696 ; | {1964 11 12)/Pennell Jr. Don W | Statesville Bet. Fox 50 1703 a Sennett + . A, . DA : { linda / inti ‘ . Fosx——x7-~6| Fenner Dara — 50-1825) i —_ -}1965> 3) 1p Pennell Michael C. Mw} Statesville} Atwell Frank Pennel} Argell & Cook | 51/320 — $2965 7 30] Pennell _ Tracy a Mooresville Jonie P Pennell | Claudia M ens 51 1007 pry ; : | 1965 12 2] Pennell Rocky Wi Statesville Hugh @ Pennell Lou A “efner 51 “a 4 1966 10 24 Pennell Rhonda H. W) Statesville Wm. H Pegnell Glenda K Rose 52 152 oO 1967 8 23 Pennell Tammy Wi) Statesville Stanley D Pennell Gayle D Harrington 53 1054 ; 1967 12 4 Pennell Susan Wi Statesville James W Pennell Bettie A Cashion 53 163 | 1964 4 10 }Pennell - Kimberly Dawn W| Statesville Larry “eal Pennell Margaret A Fox Se 454 1968 5 1] Pennell Christpher Lynn W Statesville Harold Lee Pennell Mary L Adamsearne 5 558 eens + 4 + : - 4 ' 1968 12 2h Pennell Dana Gail Wi Statesville Clifford Atwell Pepe Cynthia Lee B 5k 1695 : i ’ Rose | q |1970° 6 12 Pennell, III William Herbert Wi Iredell Co. |William Herbert Pennpll Jr. Glenda Kaye/ | 56 813 5 ) eum Harrin 1970 6 | 29-Pennell | Sonya Diane | _W| Statesville William Rayford Penmell Linda Marlene/ 88 1206 1971 5 | 1] Pennell Angela Dawn | W] Statesville David Michael Penndll Annie Ruth Adkins | 57 544. ° : 1971 6 0 Pennell | Scottie Allen | W | Statesville Harold “ee Pennell | Mary Louise Adam 57, 746 | | | | } INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. nc Ramat SL CP eee ee eect ace he nes ote EA ee eats © Gare SURNAME OF CHILD RECORDED a kan ae ii oak ooo SEX |CoLoR| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | fa 4. 4. 1974 6/| 19 Pennell Kimberly Michelle F Wi! Statesville Stanley Durant Penne}l Gayle Dean Harring/58| 624 1972 |12 25 | Pennell hannon Ray M |W {Statesville illiam Rayford Penne§l Linda Marlene hase 73 | 8 | 11) Pennell) | Caria Lynn F_|W [Statesville | 1972} 9 | 9] Pennell Penny Lucille | F |W | Statesville Atwell Frank Pennell Argell Arline Cook | 59! 976 3 ell M973 | 9 | 25] Pennell Candace Faith F | Wj Statesville William dgrbert P Glenda Kaye Rose 59 |1022 las 1975 | 5 |21] Pennell Kesley Craig M| Wi Statesville Donald Craig Penn Merilee Diann 975 | 8 h7 Pennell Donnie Lee M| W |Statesville Roger Lee Pennell Mona Kay Sigmon 743 4976 1 |24 /Pennell Jennifer Michelle F| - [Statesville Phillip Dale Pennell || Janet Denise Hefner | 62) 62 1976 9| 23/Pennell Nathan Wayne M Statesville Gary Wayne Pennell | Pamela Darlene Reed | 6 1977| 1 |11)Pennell Cory Lee M Statesville Roger Lee Pennell Tyra Susanne Hatcher [63 43 1977| 4& | 28)Pennell William Price M Statesville leary Dean Pennell sherry Anne Benfield 63 be 1977| 9 |19] Pennell Melony Denise F Statesville Larry Dean Pennell | Deborah Lois Lackey | 63) 917 _# |) |Pennell _Kessie Shay F Gatesville _|Michael Edward Penne} V L | 6b] 686 978 Pe eee F ee eee a 1979 | 2 |6 (Pennell Mark Garrett M Statesville Gary Dean Pennell Sherry Anne Benfield] 65) 116 1979 | 6 Pennell da Gale F tatesville Donald Craig Pennelli/Merilee Diann Douglap 6; 1 1979| 10\25| Pennell Nike William M Statesville James David Pennell | Brenda Kay StClair | 1979| 10 | 25)Pennell Mike Edward a |Stacesville James David Pennell || Brenda Kay StClair | 65) 1 960 | 5 27 | Pennell Wesley Shane |M Statesville @fiy Dean Pennell | Wanda Sue Lackey 51 | 1980 8 5 Pennell Kelly Brent Statesville Michael Edward Pennell Vickie Lynn Rhyne | 66! 1980 | g \21 ennell Shane Ray M Statesville Benny Ray Pennell Donna Sue Norton 66 | 892 ie 1980 | 10 (22 | Pennell Jeremy Dwayne M Statesville | ----- Lisa Dawn Pennell {66 1980 | 10 (26 |} Pennell Curtis Allen M Statesville Roger Lee Pennell _||Mona Kay Sigmon 1924 | Pas | pe Br eee co ae ines i Al salen 5 bdo =e be oad - --4- mpeiepeeeins ey ~ —— “en Sins ie een | Be et er = ~~ T — —_—__———_— — ——————— — — TT icici i Nc RM acc ais ae a oe | Sissi indies en icaisinalianntiaa t-—- oe ies ~ * | ————4__+_+— SE ee il cat ate aie ks F INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIR'FHS'— Iredell County, N.C. “a Go Patent Ha rastiea depres 1880 TST OL hea Sabeloake shart tr pause torenee vas 000, ORT ee cee eee i ao ERNAME OF CHILD sex |cour| PLACE OF BIRTH | | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = f— e n920| 12 [27] Pinkston _ \Ralph Junior M! Cl] Meoresville NC} Chas Pinston Mary Setzer 6| 152 _ By as aciome 33 | § \k2] Pimsten y Bell F| C| Mooresville N@| Espie L Pinkston __| Annie Frontis 9} 296 eet 934 | 5 [2] Pinketon [> M |C | Meoresville NC |Samuel Pinkstun =| Jehnie M Rinehart | 20 559 oe on 35 | 8 22 | Pinkston _—- [Mamie Lou | Creek Tn} Espie L Pinkston | Annie Frontis _ 2. | Be vat i 937, 5 6 j Pinkston ___| Jos Wiles Jr M| W |Coddle Creek Tn ier W Pinkston Alice = Bue 23 \439 meee 26] Pinkson ___| Pearly F Mooresville NC ._-- Easter / Pinkston 23 514 Os ice 937 | 8 8] Pinkston ohn Espy C | Mooresville NS | Espy L Pinkston annie Frontis 3 | 538 o- P9397 a Finkston Betty Jean | F|C | Geddle creek = - | Margaret Pinkston | 25 368)” Bass PP? | sp eee Millie Mae | F | Barringer Tm |, chur L Pinketon | Loretta Beith _5 | 26 ie L@ Pinkson — j | Pegie a , _Goddle Creek Tn a Pinkson Mamie Frontis 26 65 iad LO. 8 28 (Pinkston _ _Jean Ann ‘a Coudle Creek T- ei Se Lh estt Pinkston 26 &l ee S| OG Pemkesen __ Berry caiaweld | ial cSt ie | 26) byh8 | ' inkston ‘(Charlie avery jsspie Pinkston * 295 oes | Pinkston _Willie James | John B Pinkston & el Pinkston Gloria Lorraine - Bo 41953, 1 6 | Pinkston 2 = Me yBelle Pinkston} . a 11956 9 4 |Pinkston Clara Elizabeth] oe * [Mae Bell Pinkston [42/1496 : De |i957 2 | 7[pinkston =| - | charies R. Pinkston | Ruby Sheelor 3 | 2k a p957 9 11)Pinkstcon ee ‘2 i Se __| Mee Belle Pinkston | | ee }1957 12 | 33] Pinkston | - | 4! C|Mooresvizze NG = Sf Pocgy Ann Pinkston Pinkston eee fiese 6 | 9} Pinkston = - F | @| Mooresville NC| Charles Robert/ Ruby Shellor me pee | 9 | Pinkston __j- it See a B Pinkston _ . zi _p960| 5 2 [Pinkston |Rovert J. | um _| o Siete ___|Snaries R. Finkston | Ruby Sheelor __|46 |348 - 34 | Se FF [Jonny Kopy | © | © [Meoresvilie | Jetmny 8. Pinketoo [Mery ine Set | 1962 9 | 4 Pinkston Debbie Am | F_ C| Mooresville | | - _——_—| Phyllis A Pinkston | 4@ 139 ia _|1971_12 5 |Pinkston __|John Water | M | N |Statesvitle | - __—__—|iae Belle Pinkston = _}1973__7 19] Pinkston _____,Tanetha LaShay | F__N | Statesville |. ___ ______] Phylis Ann Pinkst a 1978 _3__(30]Pinkson ___[Charlena ann __| F_|__|Statesville {Charles Avery Pinkaoy Peggy Ann Norman 464. z _|.1980 11 24 Pinkston _| Deidra LaShelld F | Statesville | ---- ___| Debtie Ann Pinkston ae peel : 7 18 Pinkston Tiana Lashikia F | B | Mooresville | Sylvester Lee Pinkstpn/Larnetta E Johnso 7 27 ¥ as | 7 no si 2 bso | 4 | | ee + 4 —_—+—-— a J | shi Rcdiaktel | | “UE el | | * 4 i ee ae ena Riineecs SN bidiiiiell ie . : ! " | | ais oT | RECORDED : iteath Ve} Page e “4 Bred Aisers wt iw I snaion on James RB Perkina _jAde _Lail 3 as : F_|W |Mooresville NC [Ross Calvin Perkins {Wins 8 4|207 6 i - Piw Ishiloh tn .|7 R Yerkins {de Perkins ..__}4A 45% S| 1! velyn Bernice | if |W IMooresvilie NO JR C Perkina __ iw _& Osburn _ 5|113. 920 | 8 | 24) Perkins ___| Cora Alberta F |W jStetesville NC iJ Theodore Perkins \Bertha Bennett _} 6 20 | 11 | 16) Perkins - M iW [Mooresville NG J4rthur Wm Perkins jLlillie Reba Brawley | 6 | 920 | 12 2] Perkins Forest Winston | M |W |Mooresville NC [Foster F Perkins a@nner C Morrow | | 1| 1 | 26! Perkins : F iw |statesville nc JA A Perkins Margaret Morrison | ? = perkins + MW {Statesville NC} G Versins ______jM 1 Robb. ____.._4 8.206 1922 @ 31j Perkins ~ M iW {Statesville NC |W G Perkins Gray Morrison 6 |3571 | w lw IMooresyille NC jArthur W Perkins Reba Shoemaker 9 1923 | 7 | 17) Perkins Rebecca Jane F |W [Mooresville NC [Foster k ae neza | 7 eb panitse Rechel Louise | F |W |¥elistown Tn 20 | | -Sereh Geneva | F |W [Mooresville Nc jFoster F Perkins Anna C Morrow __#12| _Hatherine KE. F_\W [Statesville NC [Everett G Perkins _|Mary Lou Robb _-4.12' Geo Edward | M/C [Mooresville NC |Lazrus Ferkins Hill 13 1827 ee Perkins Marguete F W_ ij Davidson Tn Arthur W Perkins j Reba L Shoemaker _—‘j13) ____ 928 | 10 | 14 Perkins - F W Mooresville NC | Foster Perkins 4nna Morrow. ore 1928 | 12 | 19 Perkins FW |Statesvilie wo |Everett G Perkins {Mary Lou Robb 14 . 930| 6 oe iam | MW |Mooresviiie No Jarthur W Perkins _|1i211e 2 Shumaker 425. 1951 | 3 le Perkins Minnie Lee Fr -W {Mooresville NC | Foster F Perkins __jAnnie ¢ Morrow 2 1933 | 1 20 Perkins - F W ooresville NC |arthur W Perkins Reba Shumaker _—ag zea | 934/12 | Arerkins _| Betty Ross _| ¥ |w |codate Creek tui Poster ¥ Perkins Janna ¢ Morrow _}20 sas. | 1936 | 10 | 11) Perkins Mary Starr F i's Mooresville NC |Sam Y Perkins _Honeycutt 122 1520 | ae ie 5 At | Benjamin F M |“ |Mooresville NC [Foster F Berkins Anne C j 24 1554 | 939 7 241 Perkins | Herman Henry M |W {| Coddle Creek Tn Richard Elmore ee? rothy Evelyn Hager [25 |104 9 Perkins _ oe F |W | Coddle Greek Ta|¥red J Ferkins ““"* [Lule Ervin 27| 96 | 941 2 20 Perkins John Ross MW | Coddle Greek Tnj Fred J Perkins __}Lule Ervin __} 271 592! 944 3 | 1 Perkins Judith HZlsine —_—_——_}1944|_9 (27 Perkins _ Sylvie Ano _ —__—_____41945|_ 7 | SiPerkins ‘= —Jonnmteslter—| uu | wooresvitie NC | Forrest W Perkins {Agnes Gertrude Black} 35| 966 1949| 8 |27}Perkins ‘Kay Frances F | W | Statesville NC] Arthur W Perkins Jr [Betty F Goodman 5 | dled 1 1949) 10 | 5 Perkins - M |W Mooresville Billy R Perkins Iva Y Bess 35/ 169 1949 12 | 30] Perkins - Rod Wi Mooresville Warren H Perkins Hazel L Thornton 36)| 34 Ea | 1969, 3 12 Perkins _____| Rebecoa Louise | F | W4Stetesviiie wo |Carl & Perkins __}Mery L cline —__, 1952 | mo 1M Perks ne— Richard Eugene | M WI Mooresville NC k Ophelia Bass 1954, 2 7 | Perkins Sharon Lynn F (|W [Mooresville NC |Billy Richard 4 F¥@ Opelia Bass 2 1954, 8 |) |Perkins Terry Michael | M | W [Mooresvillle NC | Aaron Willie P s » a a an en enn ae meee me Fr aie BC ee Sa RR gaa * ry ei, TOR Oe Be SO se 1 ae ‘ot Protection, insist On It Ea ARTA SRNR ARES qoutes ateahesinencmessaetennnsiettempanapnsntanganeetionaetreansiesneedastentanasenancerey ee ee ee , Pe Eon = ai oe ; SS Se PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [i7->. 5 | Perkins - M |W | Mooresville NC. ete Annie Doralic Perkinp 4) 33 i, Perkins 3 1, 1954} 12 | 2] Perkins tony Williem M |W | Mooresville NC | Arthur William / etty Frances Goodmag40 (1983 956 | 6 1 Perkins Joey Len M_ | W | Mooresville rthur W, Perkins Betty Frances Goodman42 10 Hunter 1956| 8 | 26] Perkins : ~ M | _C | Mooresville NC |Myron Moses Perkins |Mable Magdeline/ 42| 1368 1958| 8| 2q Perkins Donna Jean F | W Mooresville |} Allen I Perkins Vivian A Pope 44 1295 4 1959| 8 |8 |Perkins Wa. Robin M | W [Mooresville arold Perkins Rarline Mills 45 1109 hats 960| 8 12 | Perkins Kimberly Benita] F | Wi Mooresville Manuel Lee Perkins Lois C. Richmond ae 13 e 1962; & |24/Perkias Jean C, F Wi Mooresville Forest W Perkins Agnes G Black 48 | 604 9 Perkins Mary F| Wl Mooresville. | John R Perkins Mildred D Puckett 1,64 5 Perkias Jr, Wm. Franklin | M/| Wd-Meeresville Wm. F Perkins Barbara Ann Motenere5h 634) 5 erkias David Brian M wh Meeresville Jehn Ress Perkins Mildred Delane Puckett 54 b23 : ler Perkins William Britt | M| W] Statesville Raymond Jasper Perkins Martha Cooper F 5/5 re Perkins _____ Kathy Luann | F |W | Statesville | Tony Wi 59,5834 | Perkins Chery} Ann F | Mooresville Tony William Perking Charyl Ann Eagle 61/659 Perkins Tony Wayne M Statesville ony William Perkins Pheryl Ann Eagle 53 | 804 Jr. Perkins _ Maria Antoinettp F Moorssville Clarence N Perkins; Marie Sloan 66) 575 — 4} ao e ++ pe e i — oe sa r e e im e r m n n c e n a m a a c s t i l t s | ee ns RNAME OF CHILD | tan | Our] PLACE OF BIRTH: | NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER LOLS) 12 | 19 Perry e M |W |Serzinger Tas | Willie Perry _| 12m Mey Murdock _| 4914) 112 | @ Perry Helen Katheryn |F |W | Statesville N@GL Perry . | Alice Miller 1915) 1 Perry ag j2 |W j@lin tas | Sevis H Perry [ida MerJim j2915| 4 | 9 Percy telus Ines |F | |Zelistom ts |J 4 Perry | Bessie Oevin Isis 6 a Perry = jM_| 8 | Mooresville N G John M Ferry Bessie J Hudson _ 1916) & Perry rae M |@ |Belistowm Tns [J A Perry _ Bessie Gevin ssf. 3 ea... ay > Perry Mu B |W |Ghembersburg taj¥ C Perry | |Ilee Murdock ee i9l?| 7 | at Gherles Mdverd |M |W | Mooresville oe ey ea _|iucy Denny ae 1917/12 | 22| Perry 7 | |W 70lin Tas = | Bevis H Perry ide Merlin A am S| ai zerey rh oi?) Pnewinges Tab 15 4 Povey... Bessie Gavin “a 1919, 3. | 51) Perry John Gikbert [M |W |Olin Tons [Reavis Hperry . |ide Eliza Marlin A9R0| & | 15) Perry * EF |W |Berringer Tas |Judge 4 Perry _—i| Bessie Geven . . 1920| S 25) Perry - Mu " Mooresville N cl ga Welter Perry luey Panny i # ; 1921; 2 | 24) Perry - M 1 Ghambersburg Taj C Perry Jr Tis Murdock _ oh 17. AOGL| 12 | Si Perey George #lliott |™ r | Statesville Tns| George E Perry Mery Alice Miller |? | | 921/12 |25| Perry Judge Avery Jr |M r Berringer Tas |J A Perry [Bessie Gavin _—s_ fa | 1922) & | 15) Perry * |F |W |Ghembersburg Tn] ¥ ¢ Perry Jr }Ile Murdock sss} 6. a 1925; 3 7] Perry = F \" Mooresville N Cj Bd Welter Ferry Luey Moore Benny _| j ; yous /12 | 12) Perry |Versie ffeil F (© |Serringer Tus |J 4 Perry jBessie devin 21 i : 1925 1 | 29|Perry klbert C M |W |@hembersburg fnj Bverette C Perry _|Rebdecee Breelend ie 1925, 5 (14|Perry cuydl welton |M |W |Ghambersburg Tnj¥ C Perry Tie Murdock - kL: 1925 6 |11|Perry Kuma Xeon F x Mooresville N C] Hd Welter Perry Luey Moore Benay ‘ 1 1926] & | 13} Perry iliam Kenneth [M | W [Statesville, NCI gyerette C. Perry Rebecca Freeland Ae 5 1927; 5 | SjPerry Jemes Allen KM iW | Betheny Taos Wm Marsden Perry lulu VY Little —_ : ® 1987/11 2 Perry = M (|W |Berringer Tns |D Allen Ferry Neomi Goodmen __ 4 4 8 1988 5 | ay Perry Le*Cont® Gevin |@ |W |Berringer Tns |J 4 Perry B Gosia e z 3 1928 6 je /- B_ |W | Ghambersburg tm 8 G. Perry Rebeces Freleng _ 4 1929 9 | 24 Perry /- ¥ |W | Berringer Ins | Deniel 4 Perry Dorcus N éoodmen 1s29 10 10 Perry Pout ine F © | Betheny tns | Wm M Perry Lule V Little a 1929) 11 vi | j = ¥_ |W | Ghembergburg Tq EC Perry Rebeces Frelend _ f ; 1950 10 | 30 Perry en Gray M |W | Mooresville N @ Detiel A Perry Neomi Goodman 6 1951, 3 | 21] Perry | Sersh Hagie |F Ww | @Ain Tae Mm UM Perry | __| bule Vv Little 1931, + | Ij Perry | = FY | Ghembergourg TH gc Perry Rebeces Freleng 1932 2 |_| Perry Patsy Ann F © | @ed@he Greek Taj Bdward Perry Luey Denny a 1984, 8 1a] Perey : ~ |W | Ghambersburg Taj E C Perry Rebecca Frelené 1934] 4 | 50 Perry | Amalie Sue F we Betheny Tos _—| Um M Perry | bule V Little _ oe Less 4 | 22) Perry - uw x Statesville N Cj Bevis Herold Perry |quth 0 Bundy _ § 1940, 7 4) Perry James Franklin |M " |Statesville NC [Tinus Franklin Perry|Dorothy R Leckey oes 1941| 9 |18)Perry Mergeret Renkin|F ly \Goddle Greek TajLeyton Wade Perry jMery Elizabeth Ren 1597 | 12 |15 Perry Le ieeoned M 4m Proutman Nc . Perry... J Frances Dry palit 1896/ 3% ia Perry Margaret Blizabdth | w_\Wetsner Davis H Perry... tide E Marlin aj 8 gi Ai b a . us | Perry ee 6 ane 1949) 9 | 1}Perry 1950) 4 | a Perry 1950) 4 | WPerry 1950 5 21 | Perry 1950 7 |13| Perry 1950 8 | 3] Perry 1951 5 5) Perry a9se| 3 | 29 Perry 1952 | 2 3 | Perry 1952 3 | 2ul Perry 1952 3 21) Perry 105 12 ua Perry 19535 34 Perry 1953 10 | 1q Perry 54, 5 j11) Perry 195é AL |.) Perry jj _Peul Bundy. ohn Frank Jr Willerd Lee - Michael ‘Cherles Hampton Sony Mertin Micheel Delene Lynda Gates Charles Franklin - Fotty 4on \Patay Leona (Charles Baward Jessie Inez Fon Gilbert Jr \Pamela Susan | albert Dale | Johnny Wesley \Dallis Williard Dorothy aebecca | David Melvin | Kathleen Thresq ¢harles Henry ; | Ricky Blane [Norman Reid 'Gloria Jane ; Kenneth Wayne | David Andrew | Denny Ray | Lucy Derlyn Stephen Clark | Anne Gouise { Kenneth Eugene } Robert Lynn |Micheel Allen | Samuel Joseph Beverly Ann Sandra Carlene _|Trennea Inez. Barbara Ruth = = = ws & =a a= 4 = W |W | _W _W | W _W = = NE... W| Statesville NC oddle Creek Tns Turnersburg NC Mooresville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC iStatesville NC. . Statesville NC Mooresville NC. Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Stetesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesville NC Statesviile NC Mooresville “ooresville NC | FP Perry dr emes Willard Perry Gsear Monroe Perry Frank Fries Perry Wames Willerd Perry [Ruby Inez Shumaker John Gilbert Perry Charles Edward Perry Statesville NC inert Cornelius za Gladys Irene Cates John Henry Perry Lydia Cox Perry Frank Fines ‘erry Oscar ® ‘erry +e Conte C Perry John G ‘erry Albert C Perry Clyde M Perry Le Conte Perry Judge A Perry Jr Oscar M. Perry Mooresville NC charles E Perry Clark Anthony Perry Le Conte Cavin Per Kenneth William Per Perry Statesville NG Alvin Gray Perry Clark A+ Perry Clyde Melton Perry Alvin Gray Perry Charles Edward parry] Sarah A Brady Albert Cornelious / Judge Avery Perry _ Kenneth William oe Ruth Elizabeth / 0 Helen kK 4arris Connell Geraldine Tareaay Ola M Caskaddon Gladye I Cates Peggy Ann Coley Mary W Jones Helen R. Harrg ' \Sarah A Brady Esther Louise Ivey Geraldine qeane2ty Ruth Elizabeth) Gladys Irene Gates Esther L- ivey Peggy ann Coley Helen Rebecca Morris Geraldine T Connelly} 36) 595 + 38 284 Bly, Ld ah | 17 35| 718 alias b6 {634 806 | +— — B6 36/1104 B6 1586 3 839 38 327 + — 38 522 Helen Rebecca Morris 38 519 | 58 2185) 39 |840 7 | 39 | cox Jones vercash Mary W. Bo hia 0/732. 35 | Lésdeds J 1629), 1949 | | 867 | ure F Galdweli | $84 | Inez Shoemsker eo | Sarah brady ie | 83 jSereh Sstexr Dutton j30) 76 Dorothy R Lackey 0 | 833 | Ruby Inez Shumeker 30 [L076 Rechel Berniee GatesiSl; 271 ttie Westbrook p | 919 Minnie Lee Grow 32, 240 K Wilhelm _ Oi 13548 | Higlen Rebecce Herris|52, 104 Dorothy Lackey 132 |2203 32 1115 Ole Mae Geskaddon | 38| 1641) Sarah Augusta Rrady }| 33.267 33.1574 Ruby Evalyn Stone 55) 1956 : Georgia “ee Blevins 34 730) Dorothy k Lackey P4 | 1450) co Y TO Vi Ge Taare. Tastida Goprriatt abes = he ins SRRAME. OF Etia sex | cour} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ~~ " ‘ical aii Be 9 | Perry” Carolym Elaine | F |W [Statesville NC | Ms, 1956|.3 07) Perry =| OB tetesville NC Blyde M, 9 J ee ___}1956; 10 |15/Perry = —s—s | Phyllis Blaine | F | W jStatesville John E.Perry ._—. *|Milda L. Adkins _ 42. | 162% e Bes 429572 CR os i Cheryl Am | F Ww Mooresville [Charles E. Perry Sarah A. Brady 3 | 276 i 1857, 6 18] Perry §__—_—_—i| Johnny Munroe | M |W_ | Statesville NC j Oscar Munroe Perry Helen Rebecca Harris}}3 | i411 3 ee, eee 10|8¥ Merry Stephen Clyde |M |W Statesville Clyde M brry Pergy Ann Coley 435 174 E ee _jrsss | 8 14 Perry st Pobby Ray M | W [Mocresville arshell © Perry Betty Ann Seaferd _| Ek : L958 | 10 | 2q Perry _ | Timothy Gray |M |W Btatesville [Alvin G Perry | lelen R Morris «hae é pose 10 24 Ferry Phoms Wane |M | WBtatesvilie |Join B Perry | ilda L Adkins _—_—«A4_ 2677 a _ hese | | 10 a | Perry ...—s«_| Kimberly R. {F | WBtatesville Rochald M Perry ae Rog ers _ Wee 1674 _}195¢_ 12 22 [Perry __|Helen Me TF | Wi] Statesville | Oscar M Perry | Helen R Harris 44 |2091 peso) ¢ | 14 Perry __| Carol lynne | F | WPlooresville _| Kenneth W Ferry _ [Ruth B Cvercash _}46 (552 : p%9so 5 | 6 |Ferry | David Rendall | M |_| statesviz1e | Rerpn B Perry _ ce C Bennett 145 \644 | oa 2959 7 (15 |Perry, Jr. Jams F. j* t Statesville Pames F Ferry Phsrron A. Partin [45 1052] oe 11962 & | 24 Perry _| Douglas Kent | M |W] Statesville |Ralph B Perry | Mildred C Bennett 618 4 foe |e ad rerry | Somme | | w[mocresrtize | Thorman A Perey [oo A oursess | ad oso 7 963 | 6 | 3 |Perry John x Wj] Statesville | John Tr... Milda L ‘hacins —_| i . 1 aie | el are _ Sylvia — | _F |W Mooresville ___| Senneth W Perry | Ruth E Overcash | f a Be 4 2967 3 | 26 Perry of Linde —_s| F_ |W | Statesville | Ralph B Perry Mildred ¢ Bennett _ ij [1968 1 14 Perry |“ Michael S. | M | WHredel1 Co. | Michael E Ferry | Patsy 4 Byars ui aa 196712 1 Perry | Joseph _ _| M| W] Mooresville | Larry N Perry ___| Brenda R Talbert aa Rae 2968) 11/20] Perry _| Berry Dale __] M | Wi Statesvills | Erwin Larry Perry _} Jeniee Allene Sees é 7 e |1968 11.10] Perry | Garry Dale | M | W] Statesville | Erwin Larry Perry | Janice Allene Perry a sag eee I eee. ee ee + Denna Caple Seinech 3 v6 Sa 536) ee ey [uienann Joe | M W | Statesville | Charles Vance Perry] Barbara Rachel Johi hal s6 27 bi etic hk 119] Perry Nichole ae a john Gilbert Perry JrjDonna Gayle Stinson_{58 | } a jao75..1 (2 |Perry | Audurey Allene] F | W| Statesville | Ervin Larry Perry | Janice Allene B 1 e oa 41975, 2 115) Perry Crys.al | Crystal Leigh | F| W | Statesvilte loi Gharles Henry Perry] Verina Earlean t __________ 4975, 2 15] Perry ___| Brian Davis | M |W | Statesville | Charles Henry Perry} Verina 4 i 1975 12 |17| Perry | Crystal Micheld F |W | Statesville | Michael Allen Perry| Debra Leah Mills | 63 112 3 e 1977 8 7} Perry | Michael David M | “7 Statesville _ Michael Allen Perry | Debra Leah Mills 63 4 a. 41979. 1 | 1 jPerry David Charles | M |] Statesville — ene ree . ins i 4 ; J me eee ct eee ens es EadwrOtereer Frintne Monee Ghartse Cs i ore See Ted ee CA. tm | Qor'] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Tn 3920| 4 '21) Pethel. = Stite beset: | 11245. 1921/ 3 Pethe) _jtra Julian | Lessie Overcash 11349 | 1922! 7 |28) Pethel = | Effie Overeash B 1923) § 119} Pethe) | Bessie Overcash 9 | 59 1924/1 13 122 Pethal Albert R.O I m_ | Effie Overcash o2s| 4 | 4] Petner aie F “f 1926! 10 1141 Pethel .._ Nanay Viola z Ov 2029). 32 81 Pethel - M mrdoac r 19301 10_/30| Pethel __|ino Wesley Ir__[|M | W [Rarringer Tng | John W Pethel _| Ov 1933| 6 |271 Pethe) — - M LP eebee urdoc hs 1933 | 11 j11]) Pethel cakedlibiaalinl. (2 URE pt aU 3 Dvercash 19 | 22 | 936| 4 -|21 | pether rady iu | w WMoorasvilie wo | Everette C Pethel | Gertrud ner fe2'| 349 fo4) | 5 /Pethel) _——— Mildred Brendes | F |W [oddle Greek Tn | Everette C Pethe) «Gertrude Hatche —___}2946 | 12 __ _____|@arol ann E liey Pethe) | Sally ann Steele 132 17 1947 | 11 |30 Pethel \Carolyn Marie F | W Mooresville NC pilvert Rhyne Fethel | Realda Hager 1950} 7 |8 |Pethel _—_—_— | Albert: Rhyne,Jrj M | W |Mooresville N@ jAlbert Rhyne Pethel | Kealda Hager ____436. fiose | 7 | 2a Pethel - - F |W | Mooresville NC | Roy R Pethel Jr Sallie ° 1953|2. 16 David Wesley | M| W|Mooresville NC }Albert &. Pethel 41953) 3 Lisl Pether | Hubert tone tr tu |u | Mooreavitie NC |Muherth. Pethel | | ee 4s Pethel Rickie Lynn M 1¥ oresville NC | Roy Richard Pethel | Sallie Lon Woodie 33 hi 1955.|_ te 20 etha)____aruin Darrell_}-M_}_M_ | Mooreswille NC ed sa ide es ___ 11055! _9 | 27] Pethe2 Cynthia Dianne | F | W | Mooresville NC |Raymond Franklin/ | Fime Sellers 4). — ____| Richard chris _| fens tes Sloe 4 Pethel Jf Sally Lou Woodie _{42, 1956 1 \2 Pebhel Steven Laverle | M/| W | Mooresville Earl “enderson Pethef Gussie Virginia/Lukp42 pS sar! 4 \, Pethel - es W | Mooresville Charlie R. Pethe] Juanita Jane Al’manj43| 550 Bite 1957 11 e Fethel - P | W j Mooresville Jerry Lee Pethel Helen Ann Huckbee 187 _ 2.958 4 {10 | Pethel Jeffry Lynn _ MsW oresville NC | Kenneth Ray Pethel j| Elsie Lovise Payne #4 | 52 1960| 5 | 6} Potnel __[feresa Louise | F ¥ hiooresvitae No | Roy Richard Pathei/| Sally Louise Woodie hoso | 10 | 15] Pether David Eugene |M |W | Mooresville Eugene © Pethel Sadie L. Nichols | 46 961'8 19 Pethel Trina Jolene P| ‘W Mooresville James F. Fethel Jo A- Hornbeak 4 | 4 | | | = t ‘ ane _ non + a r : - rh o ~ INDEX 10 VITAL STATIS: PS os i oa ae way nae | Por'¥our Provections Insist On Te wate or oar NAME OF CHILD : \THER rok tit svn Comrie, OH Sex | Cow | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER oa 1 3 . 22 | largaret Z F Martin gz minx 7 Irene Ford 654 6 4, . 4 fs ae ’ Bu ¢ ‘ Ray A Patras. 7 ; ” 1982 7 | 2m Petrea Bobby Lee M Martin Earl Petrea | Irene Ford 629 933! 7 i502 (Roy A Petres | kN 1 hsb le uM Martin & Patras |Mattin E Petrea | = fr. 5126 F j Roy A Petrea __ 03814 John T Gre LM | Roy A Petrea _| 941 | 4 _____ Wirginte Rnonetth? _ Tn | Crawford J Petra | Meudie Moore _}. 27) hea2| 12 15 © x Oe ee ee at Petrea Jr cae toe 954, 8 | 6] Petrea Allita MarcellajF |W | Mooresville NC | George Washington / | Johnsie Evelyn 40} 1343 1957; 12 |25|Petrea Gloria Dawn F | w |Mooresville N CiGeorge W Petreasdr. | Johnsie © Petres 21 9004-80 penrex———_ fof ta Ao 1963| 4 (17 \|Petrea Ronald M | W [Statesville Joe A Petrea Georgia A Wright 9 |577 p96, | 3 | 1d Petrea Vanessa F| W{ Mooresville Geo W Petrea Jr. Johnsie © Tarlton | 50 428 | 1966 6 | 3G Petrea David M\ WI Mooresville Geo. W. Petrea, Jr.| Johnsie E Tarletonj 52) 858 1966 6/4] Petrea, Jr. Lonnie M! W | Mooresville Lonnie E Petrea, Srp Eliz. P Crump 52) 800 1966 8 | 1§ Petrea Timohhy M| Wl] Mooresville J TG Petrea Carolyn L Currgnt |52 1327 1966 12/16] Petrea Wade M Wi Statesville Joe A Petrea Georgia A Wri ght 58 177 20 | 4] retres Clay Willion |™ |W | meepesvitte | Jerry Williem Potrde Marthe Jo Current | 60 995 | 60 a2 | a] Petree {Jason Thomas | Mi Ww} Statenvitte | Jan Thomas Petree | Rebecca Irete Watkite | cnatinncnciliaiat —_ | ; T ” | | okt | ! | t | | a5 : | 1 - | : 7 — | 4 A ae Ela rs roe Eo aan ea tere wa yj yy ; ey ; ; emi # : a : , a pa. N Cc ’ F 5 ; 3 “ } x a we i 9 ” mm Et Siento Bene Mee: Serio RE DATE OF GORTH ‘ CHILD RECORDED ae i te une ee } Sm | Cote} PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FEATHER | NAME OF MOTHER [ooy— = 11922) 46 |231 Petty. ML | Edward £ Petiy J 1924/ 5 113] Petty Mary Nadine ¥ | Kdmond E Petty 1926) 6 |30) Petty Mj Edward B Petty | Bessie BE Nishols f2_ 1933| 4 | 21 Petty z | Edward E Petty | Resale & Nicholson 19 - 9 |30 Petty ___|Deloris Blsine | F | '1946| 12 |26)Petty ....|Mery Ned ¥ |W jMooresville Nc jc e t a 2 _ 138 1949| 2 p Pace - M | W jMooreaville NO iClarence S Petty {Mildred Gabriel ___458, 1956 3] Petty Eddie Lee M/C tesville NC | Clarence Lee Petty | hess | 9 | 1d Petty Vanessa F_| C Btatesviile Clarence L Petty [Lucille Byrd 44 1966, 8 |17] Petty Sadrick M}| Cj Statesville Lester D Petty Lee E Wade 521111 1967, 6 251 Petty Tina C. F W | Mooresville Roger Boyd Petty Hilda M Edwards 53 775 1967, 10 id} Petty Jackie Ann F | W { Statesville Marvin Thomas Petty; Tonie Lee Crider 5B 13 1971; 3 |10] Petty Jenny Annette F, Wi Mooresville Roger Boyd Petty Hilda Marie Edwards | 5 1976 | 10 [11 | Petty llas Daniel M Statesville Wohn Henry Petty Sr | Linda Sue Watson B2 | 913 Pca tna 914) 9 | 2) Pettus = F | John E Pettus Fannie Hoffman. 1 1917/10 131] Pettus - F | John E Pettus | Fannie Hoffman ..__j} 4 31 2 |09] Pettus " | John BE Pettus _| Fannie Hoffman _ 1. é 2961 | 4 P1 j Pettus Gary Allen M |W [Mooresville NC jJack S. Pettus , Piorence L. Stewart | 47) 729 1965 . a 28 | Pettus Lisa F| Wi Mooresville Jack S Pettus Florence L Stewart 51) 678 | . 1981! 2 |1 [Pettus Adriane Dawn F Statesville James D Pettus Dena Nerine Earle 167 105 + seed tq +4 Tr E; Ast | | vaio wel | vilthischanibainiielinasaihabuidlenia | eae ae _ ry oe os &e vEeE 2 ov z | ! See Pettit See 2 | and oe | + ie ! Anh tice 4 ne INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — aoe vy 10 AME OF iL Me [Mer | PLAGE OF-BIRTH | “NAME OF FATHER” |” NAME OF MOTHER - tesville NC s Edward Peel Alice Coleen L le da r iW 1955 9 | Peele Ga Edward IM (|W {States ille NC | Edward Franklin Pee Virginia Bo 960| 8 (21 ]}Peele Rebecca Lynn PF |W i Statesville Edward F. Peele Virginia A Bowman 970, 1 (|20] Peele Vernon Eugene M Cli Statesville Vernon Webster Peelq Brenda Kay Steele Clarence Leon M Statesville N F N | Statesville i. Patrice F Statesville Barl nan Peele Gloria Jean Sawyer 985 CS BIRY HHS = ell Coit, NC. ‘ oe i RAMEE en? - 4 | er] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER a 1914) 2 | 3iPharr M |W itnion Grove Ths] a Delia Pharr 1 1934 6 | 1) Pharr Irene Fj W jO0i4n Tne | Arthur Pharr... | Hattie Danijela 14 1915) 1 | 2)ipharr __}|_ Mj Wl Shearpesburg Tn | Augustus L Pharr | Lilly Jordon 2 1915) 4 |19i Pharr = Bj W Jolin Ths C_W Pharr Mayme Jurney ._._} 2. 1915| 9 |24lpnerr i Rdne Luctae | ¥ | W|Sharpesburg Tns| Grade Sloan Pharr | Zva A Johnson 2 1916) 4 | 2iPnarr } Mj W itnion Grove Tns} David Allen Pharr | Harlie Sharp | 3j111 1916) 4 | Siphnarr FE _| W iGedale Creek Tn} Walter M Pharr | Mary Untz ost 3 1916| 10 | 26ipnerr | Aubrey Vernice | ¥ | W iNew Hope Tns | WD Pharr .____| Balle Templeton | 3 1916) 11 | 25/pnarr Jawronce Wesley M |W | Union Grove Tns| Roy Pharr Leola Kobbins __4 §. 1917|. 7 | 2)iPnarr WjSharpesburg Tn j Grady S Pharr | Zva Johnsen sd a 1917) 12 | 23}pnearr = | Wi [New Hope Tns | w D Pharr. Bell Templeton 4 1918! 6 |26)Pherr | Clarence R M_| W jSharpesburg Tn | MS Pharr BE Sloan =a 1918) 9 |13)Pharr .. —s_—si Ernest Hoyle | M | W IGoddle Creek Tn} Walter M Pharr | Mary Untz ..__‘d4a| 1919) 1 |16/Pharr - Fi¢ | Henry Pharr | Lovie MoLeliand 5 1919| 3 | 1iPharr ~ F_| W iNew Hope Tns | D A Pharr M_H Pharr 5 20) 1 \1))Pharr -Msry éeole F | W jBagle Mills Tn | D Clyde Pharr | Fannie J Bennette | 6 1920) 3 | 1iPharr ss Haze) Elizabe ¥ ‘Sharnesburg Tn | G F Pharr _E_A_Johnsoy | 6} ‘ 1920| 7 |27)Pharr - | M_| W [Union Grove Tns| Cleveland W Pharr | Mamie Jurney ...._} 6! ___}1921| 6 |. 9lpnarr - Mj ¢ jChambersburg Tn] Spencer H Pharr _] Virgie I Glaspie 1 1921) 9 | 3iPharr _le F_| W iCoddle Creek Tn} Welter M Pharr | Mary Katherine Untz' 7) 17 i921, 10 | 21 |rarr ‘ F | w |union Grove Ths} will D Parr __| Ball Templeton ____Jagai! 10 lostpnerr - 2 | w [ew Hope Tns | W¥ D Pharr ______} Beli Templeton 1 1921| 12 |154@haxr __\nau1y Bass F | w |sherpesturg Tn | Grady S Pharr __| Eva A Johneon _} 8 __... gaGG2 13 Pharr. |Samue] Leird Jrj M | W [Mooresville NC | Samuel Laird Pharr | Mary L MeConneli 8 —__—}1922| 10 j23}pnarr |. .._.__=s=s_s_s4|} Mi | Wt [Statesville NC | Roy Pharr _______| Leola Robbins — 2 1922| 13. | 4tPharr ___jsitich Tram | M | W jsharpesburg Tn ee | Bessie E Sloan _| 8) ___41923/ 10 |14}Pharr te iima Gathering F | W JOlin Tns ___| Grady S Pharr 3 Kalil 3. |29iPharr ss _____| w | w Itnion Grove Tns| CW Pharr _| Mamie Jurney no 2. 41924) 4° Roy Clyde [| M | W [Statesville NC | Denver C Pharr | Fannie J Bennett { 9 | 1924| 6 somal? Mia lia il | M_| W jNew Hope Tns | \f D Pharr ________} Bell Templeton 0 1924| 8 ______|Bessie Nora ¥_| w [New Hope Tna | John C Pharr .___| Lottie ¥ Geodin ho 1925) 7 ____|-Gherles Jack | m _| w |ceddle Creek Tn| Charlie H Pharr | Nellie J Daniels 1 1925! 8 {15 Willis Corneli yu Wade © Pharr __ | Lennie L Marlow 1925 9 \2' Chloe Berline F Se a i ne cc issitcial 1925! 12 2 r | Ray Phere | con 926; B12 _______|#olton Glay __| M | W [Sharpesburg Tn | John C Pharr | Lettie V Goodin + 27). 2 herr. dames Edgar ij M | W [Statesville NC | C E Pharr O65 1928| 4 ____.. Wiliam Grier | M_| w_I[sharpesburg Tn | Wade C Pharr _. 50 \.__fa928| 9. |aa fenarr __|pther zis | 1B Phere Girlie | 63 | ___}i928! 10 | _______|= Gurney Bloke |u| w Isnerpesburg tn_| Glpie Pharr (con) ame Soe a ‘tantan ae © On eet ar 29 4 | Pharr Grady sion gx |u| w | 29.| 12 29 | Pharr Vallie B. FTW |_3 22 | Pharr =. M 930 4 Pharr = 931 848 i Pharr ~ W 932 2.1 | Pharr = mi 932 3 22 | Phevrr = Bi 932 8 25 | Pharr t Bak me | _ 9.933 4 |] | Pharr William Gilvert{M |W 933 §}2i) Pharr = L __6 27 | Phare William Chas iM | w 933 84) Pharr = a at | 220 | Pharr | Bettie Maxine W_|Coddle Creek TnjR P Pharr _______jNowel]_Stutta 102 Sn eta ie engi z_|u |coaare Creek Talusiter D Pharr __|meke Pay Setzer {201 4371 | | Pharr - W | Sharpesburg @ns|Claud H Pharr __{Willie Bruce S124 ee ee Ce 35 5 30 Pharr Deaisybel pevidde | |coadie- Creek Tniwalter D Pharr . | nieke Fay Setzer |21! 1955) ho |pnarr | Rvelyn ¥_|w |coddie Creek Tn}Relph ® Pharr _____jNorvel B Stutits 421/299 ue lees 1 lean | dtegees , Re 21| 629 5B Pharr anea Ray —__{M_.w_}zagie us116 Tm {D0 Pharr ______}Pannie Dennett 1.30 |pharr ss Sylvia Gay __|¥ |W {Mooresville NC |Jno Clarence Pharr _jMabel M Staley fs 4a ii a tae \w i Sharpasburg Tn |Grady Pharr ____ | Bva Lena Jobnson_ | phere virginta de |v Jorin ma tmaty Pnarr ___fr.gta & Landreth 23. 1.11 |Pharr Phyllis Anne iw__|wooresvii1e ud |Walter M Pharr Jr __|Dorothy M Nanigs 423 957.| 10 47 ___|Lawrence Hesley|u |y {cool springs Tn|Lawrence Pharr _fiiildred Smith ___123 158 | pare tartan waiter Ix |W |uoorssvizie no |uaiter D Pharr. _|mieka Pay Setar |24| 378 11 esl Pharr Velma Jean F | W{Cool Spring Tn |Lawpence Pharr _—s| Mildred Bmith _—-—fzsjaaa | eel | ool maze | Mu | W| Union Grove Tm | Rudy C Pharr Frodie E Lempert | 25) 12.74! 7112] Pharr | | witaie Rioharal am | w |tredeia ¢ eve Wesley Pharr Turney 2004 | deals. kc: | tabla incs na Ww To liiam David Pharr Belie Templeton 324 olan Pharr Aifred Busco!) bu ohnsoa 1315 Lo levipnerr __———|Shories Herman | | w | e § + domennate Henkes bx c 11 |26 ________ Morence Eva __ 4 F W_ New Hope Tns illiem D Pharr lle Templeton ; 20 —__———Ralph Brown 4M _ W_jirede i i - “hese | a —lprareoe tayshb u |. Phere : . Robert Ltee——___}-“|-& possi 2 _____|hetty Jean. | 2 . bie BS . ae x | fe x oar Roberta Aan y | W Btatesvilie, N. ge Ray Pharr, Jr} Macelle Sherrill 32) 386 pare hie a cat aaah oe : sd L bi ofan rn Mm at ee Se aaa Oe Ragin ME Soa ye aon ee Be i a es ae ye Ht BE PO SME AA See Ae ie? ‘ Tm agi’ : Res ‘ 2 abe “ts * ; ie ' SEAR Rt ME it | i ihydecehincwar sens | rae taal” We IRNAME OF GUILD «| te | Qu) PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER p= ; __—_fiees| 1413 A. 4M feats debe. he bois a 30] Pharr Douglas ntudiks ile Fouaceerttie #0 Marshall D Pharr Helen Montgomery ee S7he 41.946) 22 eer rr = RIES) iT ose 3p - 1946) 12 | 25] Pherr John Rey _ M) W [| Stetesville NG (George Rey Pharr Jr | seanesigh Sherrill 4) 194? 17 | Pharr sogans-ttte |x|. | asatedettie.00-lideeh-x200: these loons seen-teiane_)o0) am 3 1947 10; 6) Pharr Linda Belle F | W |Statesville NC |Hubert Pharr Gladys Velma Cross |33. r 194% 12 |13 Phanz Cecil Link M_| W Btatesville NC P Owen Pharr Wallie Mee Link : 1948) 1 |22)Pharr | Dianna Geil F | Statesville NG |Clarence R. Pharr jVernpa “uth Walsh 134) 1948} 3 |20}) Pharr Delores Elaine} F | W {Statesville NC Listan Iram Pharr Worm Jean Hollar 34 | 49S h 8 jh) Pharr , Resa Diana F | W |Statesville NC} Buford W Pharr Flora M Templeton 3h 1949) 1 |26|Phearr ____|Larry Clayton _ |u| w Istatemrti1e nc |robert Zorest Pharr |uery Eite Johncon——|26! “3 ° F |W | Stony Point, NC|C BH Pharr Willie Bruce 35) 218 3 \M_| Ww tatesville NC Memes Edgar Pharr | Mary Helen Holmes | 35 5 |Stetesville | Maynard C Pharr ._fucilie F Mathis _| ealieg + penne onan sree 1 Deniel Rey M tatesville Grady SPherr Jr _ 8 Roy Dale ul W i Statesville NC | Roy C. Pharr Nacella H. Clanton {56/1520 1951! 2 23 [Pharr usan /Llizabeth F iW Statesville NCjMarshall D. Pharr Helen Louise Meat=/ 37|\ 479 1951} 9 |21) Pharr ® a F W Statesville NC| Buford wesley Pharr] Flora hae lempleton}37|1630 951) 12 [11 | Pharr piitch Iram Jr M| W [Statesville NC_} Mitch Iram Pharr Norma Jean Hollar B7 (21 , 1952) 4 $ | Pharr Mary Katherine | F | W {Statesville NC [James © Pharr Mary Helen Holmes 38| 601 a $363 2 ifs] PRE =—-ssiSeeren GSaPeSy | |W Beereseeitt. wc Murney Flake Phar’ Machel Maxine Godtregs9 1346 1953) 9 | 9}Pharr Cherye- Lov F | W |Statesville NC [Maynard Columbus Phafr Lucille oeenaaad E 1512 954 | 1 pa Pharr Sue F |W |Statesvillle NCjHalton Clay Pharr Frances Jean sherril} 40 119 ee 3 28 Pharr | Vicky Lynn F |W’ [Statesville NC |Williem Charles Phar? Barbara Ellen Byrd ios, | 3 26} Pharr ___| Deborah Anne |F |W Btatesville NC | Delbert P La | Ol 63 | __f2954 | 7 113] Pharr Ellen ElizabethiF |W [Statesville NC |Donald Albert Pharr | Nina Nadine Parker §40!1124) 1955| 1 |11]Pharr Martha Lyna F | W| Statesville NC|Grady Sloan Pharr Jr| Anne Marie King 4l| 28 — rn P ____.__ Barbara Elaine | F | W | Statesville NC | reat/ ura Louise 4 ! 1956) 1 |10] Pharr -- F |W [Statesville Clarence Rayford Phafr Verna Ruth Walsh 442) 35 4 1956| 1 (|2a] Pharr James Walton M iW {Statesville James Nickalas Pharr] Frances Lucille adabs 3 7 ____J2956/ 10 |18] Pharr ___|Ken:. eth MW dell Co | Willis C. Pharr rothy D. Chr 180g _ 1956.11 | 2 r Donna Louise F | Wj Statesville NC | Delbert Forrest Ph Laura Louise Ashleyj 42) 195 11956! 12 | 22)Pharr_ mdy Mitchell | M| W Statesdlle NC | Mitchell eumar” Ruby Blanche Adams ke 95 957 | 2 A Pharr Debbie Sue F W | Statesville Roy Landon Pharr Dorothy L. Miller he 2264 957 | 3 1 | Pharr Nancy Holms |F | Wj] Statesville N @ Jame® E Pharr Mary Helen Holmes hs 348 9668 (5 26; Pharr Buford Kent mMiW Btatesville NC {Buford Wesley Pharr j|Flora Me Templeton | 44 2 se feet pee —_—| Tamare_Ann p_| wi statesvizie Nc} Herold Mex Pharr | wary Ann Miljsape j 6 | 21 _______.__.| Dennis Wayne | M W] Statesville NC | Mitchel] Claude Phare Ruby oA Ba 958 | 8 | 11) Pharr ___| Carolyn Denise | F | W Btatesville Janes N Pharr Frances L A 98, 8 | 24 Pharr Robin Mark M| WBtatesville James Ray Pharr Berdie L Walker 1 ii bs hee a " aH a v Ben ae " cae os a ae ‘. eee Bea a : ny re " R ae oy ye ane y oe oF , sat in ne nies on wr ae y L STATISTICS — BIRTHS — - Iredell County, N. C. Reyes T+ teen's eet eB Taas abet far pone volarena™? GOR Retant We ntati te taprticae 1508 Ss St See tex | Gr | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER seme : 958 10 W@ Pharr Timothy L M\ Ww - Halton Clay Pharr | Frances J Sherrill | 44 1576} 1958 | 9 | 15 Pharr Shelby Jean F W Btatesville Johnny F Pharr Margaret F Cloer 44 1427 1969 @ | 26 Pharr Harry Lynn M w ‘Statesvitle Mitchell © Pharr Ruby B Adaing 45/134 1954 9 14 Pharr Timothy Allen M | Wi Statesville Howard © Pherr Mary L Wilson ks | 150 1960 1 | 1iPharr Timothy Ray M| wi Statesville James R. Pharr Bertie L. walker 46 73 n960;| 9 0 Pharr Michael Lynn M w vevedveiae Robert F Pharr Mary E Johnson 46) 1476 1961} 1 | 18] Pherr Sherry Jeanine | F | Wi Statesville | Howard C. Pharr Mary L Wilson 47| 66 b.961| 5 | 2 fPharr Teresa Diana | F | W [Statesville Roy 1yde Pharr Macella H. Clanton [7 Nee 1961, 7 | 25] Pharr Robert Hamp M | W] Statesville Delbert F Pharr Leura L. Ashley 47| 1222 1961! 9 (29) Pharr Regina J111 F| Wi Statesville Aitrea R Pharr ‘Mat iy Campbell | 47/1619 1961) 12 |1 | Pharr David Lee M | Ww /Statesvilie James §. Pharr Lucille Adams 47/2015 1962/ 7 | 24 Pharr | Michael W. M §W } Statesville Lawrence W Pharr Vivian S Sane 48 1227 1962} 12 | 61 Pharr | Alana Kay F | W [Statesville Harold M Pharr Mary A Millsaps 48/1959 1962 93 | 3] Pharr | Gary Lynn M | W | Statesville Robert Lee Pharr Elizabeth A Wilkin 48) 324 1964, 3 | 3] Pharr | Randall M | W | Statesville Alfred R Fharr Matilyn Campbell 50 375, 1964, 2 | 23 Pharr | Graham M| W| Statesville Howard C Pharr Mary L Wilson 50} 320} 1965; 3 | 1] Pharr Claude M | W | Statesville Mitchell © Pharr Ruby B 4dams 54 30 . 1965| 9 /19]}Pharr | Tony M |W | Statesville James N Pharr Frances L Hams 51 1224 966 | 6 2 Pharr | Bradley Cray M | W Statesville Harold Max Pharr Mary Ann Millsaps * 52 roof 1966) 12) 91 Pharr | Teresa F lw Statesville Harlan G Pharr LaNella M Lasenby 52 17 1967, 3 | 28) Pharr Charlotte F W | Statesville tarry C Pharr Charlotte S “enry | 53/360 $1968; 2 | lj Pharr | Dennis Corneli¥s M| W [Statesville Ronald Geunabana? Judy Kaye Jolly 54| 158 - 1968; 2 | 24 Pharr Mark Eugene M| WI Statesville Gary Eugene Pharr Bobbie Jean Ashley 54 115 1968) 7 | é] Pharr | Christopher M W] Statesville Robert Lee Pharr Elisabeth A W. 1969; 5 42 Pharr ‘Lori Ann Fi Ww Statesville Gary Eugene Pharr Bobbie Jean &&hle $5 57 i 10 | 6) Pharr a | Todd Russell M Wi] Statesville Alfred Russell Pharg Matilyn Campbell 53 124i “41970; 2 |26 Pharr j Laura Michelle [| F | Wi Statesville Lawrance Wesley Phagr Jr. Vivian tod 56) 31 1970 12 19 Pharr _Amy Elizabeth F | Wi] Statesville Robert Lee Pharr Misaeiaih Ann Wilkingbn 66 1 1971 3 28 | Rhonda Lynne ¥ Wi Statesville Vawrence, Wesley Jr. Vivian Splena/ 57| 368 Ras] sie asia Pope (Se gC a] ois arr 17Z . 19722) 2q Pharr, IT _|_Larry Clayton| M| W] Statesville | Lerry Clayton Pharr Pharlotte Sylinda / | 54 223 & | 9 | 10 Pharr Scottie Wayne | M_ W/| Statesville ames Walton Pharr thy Diane Trivette | 60 911 h 6 | Pharr | Adrien Philip | MW] Statesville | Cecia Link Pharr | dudy Irene Mayberry | 61/359. 976 | 6 | 2& Pharr | Joy Melissa F Statesville rgd RhssealPharr Matilyn NMN Campbell] 62) 556 1978) 12 |2 } Pharr Mandy Rae F | Statesville [Dennis Wayne Pharr [Connie Rae Franklin 1091 ; 1 2 (1 [Pharr Brandon Lee M Statesville Kenneth Lee Pharr Rita Anne Bustle 65 | 105 _22_jas Pharr Summer Michelle | F | Statesville Michael Lynn Pharr | Karen Lynn Keller 5 |1197 7 | Misty Dawn ¥ Statesville ---- Vickie June Tucker |66! 396 1989 5 (10 [Pharr sae Lynn M aay teg fost tank mares. Irene Mayberry a 980; 10/| 14 Pharr bacquedine Denise F tatesville Michael W Pharr Eli M 1 3 ich sliebed f INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS + BIRTHS = Iredell County, N.'C. " E POTTS EYRE Ome TS dy 6 pr es “Sree ees eee —s | SURNAME, OF CHILD tu | tur | PLACE OF-BIRTH’| NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | f= Yer | Monts | Bay AND CHRISTIAN MAINE, 1F ONE 1S GIVEN " SS : jasi4| 2 | 4|phiter __——-| Willdem Jes B_jM | C |Moor + sd Mamie Sue Patterson | 2 | 540] 2914 3 al Phifer Greole Eliz - € |Gool Springs Tai George Phifer jou Knox 2 | 860 5 1914/12 | 24) Phifer oe . ¥_|© |Goddle Greek Tj - |] Milie Phifer . {2 | 2199 ; 1915| 5 | “Phifer Mabel Hébecee |¥ | |Coddle Greek Tui Guy Phifer Wala Williems = |2 | 470] 1915| 3 Phifer mentee Beety F ¢ |Geddle Greek Tnj Harrison Phifer fereh Beety 2 | 164] 1936) 8 7 Phiter troy Jr JM |€ |Mooresville N grey Phifer Maggie Phifer —-_—«s4XW S| BPP = 1916 3 8] Phifer - JM \C |Mooresville N CjMeck Phifer Mery Torrence _ 3 | 280 | " & 1916) 6 | 2) Phifer Hizedé Rodert |M [6 | CoolsSpring Tm George Phifer Luele Phifer 3| 347 | ; 1917, 1 2] Phifer Ghristine |F s Stetesville Tn | Bverett Phifer Grece Clenden ja leod ae 1917, 7 | 3|Phifer 38 M e Goddle Greek TnjHerrison Phifer Minmeline Beaty 4 | 142. a 1918 S | 22)/Fhifer Joseph Betson |M @ Mooresville N CiGeo M Phifer Mary Yorrence 4a) a2] Fe 1918; 4 | 82) Phifer Josephine 1? '¢ Mooresville N GjSroy Phifer Meggie B Beetie | . cS 1919 4 /|10) Phifer - ¢ Cool Springs TnjGeroge Phifer Mule Phifer 45 aon | 8 1919| 7 |10)Phifer Louise @illespig? tw |stetesviile N cl Everett Phifer Grece Clendenin _|8 | 399 | eS 1919/12 17] Phifer Guy GipBon M (€ |Moeresville N CiGuy Phifer ule Willis Ss | 158. co 1920 3S 2 - ¥ ce Mooresville N CiMiles Cockran Lizebe)} Phipher — & ;: 2080) 3S | 88) Phifer - ‘M (C6 |Mooresville N Ci]Geo David Phifer _|Mary Sorrence — e+ 1980 5 |21/ Phifer Wm Odeli M CG |Mooresville NC ~ Mergeret Phifer is. | 1920| 6 "| 20] Phi cor | : F |Wooresvilie N ¢ - Lucy Phifer |e | oe 1920 7 | 3| Phifer Hermen Kenneth |M € |Coddle Greek Tnjerrison Phifer Blemle Beaty Is 1920 10 | S|Phifer , Mery Blnore ¥ _C |Mooresville N Ci/Trey Phifer Meggie B Phifer 6 Le 1921, S | ?|Phifer Dore Raviise ¥ Gool Spring Tn [George Fhifer luler Clark. 12 1ea1/11 | 4|Phifer \Jes H Brom _|M (¢ |Mooresville N G - Margeret Phifer > | som @ 1921/11 \16 Phifer | Bennet Green R [MBM C /|Mcoresville NC = luey Lee Phifer 7 ‘ses. g 1922 ‘10 Phifer \Henryet te F (|G {Cool Spring Tn = j Estelle Phifer_._—«s & 498 1922, 5 (10/Phifer George Hemmet |M C¢ /|Mooresville N CjGeorge M phifer Mary Torreace @ |132 1922| 9 /|10|Phifer | Freddie Lee M (€ |Coddle Greek Tn|?roy M Phifer _ Moggzie Bratten _ & 1923, 1 | 9) Phifer |Burette M |Mooresville NC ~ | Flore Phifer oe 1923 5 | 28/Phifer \Hdwerd Leon R |M (6 |Mooresville N ¢ ~ Estelle Phifer 9 |se8 | | . 1924 8 | 5)Phifer |Bthel Jinene |F (¢ /|Gool Spring Tns}Geo Phifer Male Clark saan ee 1924 2 10 Phifer Laie @atherinel/¥ ¥ |Statesville N CjJesse ges Phifer Nannie M Grenford 9 e 192410 |18|Phifer ‘Oscar M ‘@ |Cool Spring Ins - Lelie Phifer 10 | 160 1926 8 | 5] Phifer Ralph M (@ |Mooresville N ¢ - Metelle Phifer 2 | 533. 3 1926 8 9 | - uw o6¢ Mooresville N ¢j@uy Phifer leule Williems — " $25 4 les 12 | 21) Phifer Wilber Lee M |C |Mooresville N GR Billend Phifer ‘Kate R Sherpe | 585, hs tee 8 | Phifer Mary Betty F |W |Stetesville N OF B Phifer Mery Hunter F oe 2987 1@../ 2a} Pai ter | £ ¥ |G |Good Springs Tnj Geo Phifer |iwle Glerk | a 1928) 4 Phifer - AF rH Mooresville N 2 _jdmnie L Phifer ._ —_ 5 + Purleen M y is |@ool Springs TnjGeorge Phifer = jLule Phifer 1931, 2 pS Phifer Mergeret L 'F 1s. |Mooresville NCl ee Mark Phifer | , | \ tong . 3 i . oh er Cah Sats fi & f, 2 PS oa Ta ee ah - i /| 48 INDEX TO- VITAL STATISTICS ~'B. ye! | Byes | Pa year naeeion iso: Ry ES A Ta ot ce OTA IR Re ee = eee Se | tow] PLACE OF BIRTH | \NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — we ape itliaoae . 52/3 |ssipnitrer | = - _M | |mooresville Nc - |useey Phifer _—S=jt) 420] ae 2952) 5 (39 /Phiter _|Gherles. A {f [Mooresville N ¢ BS Si a oS Pea ioe". 18/ 400) : @ f29S2| 8 (26 |Phifer \Miiesbeth Cf _|Goddie Greek Ti = Mery Phifer _____}28| 450} bi cua 1933/5 | 5q Phifer Ralph William arringer Tns - elen Beaty Phifer 19/ 10 _ 95s | 5 1 ijPhifer ___|Sulies Mergeret jMooresville NC | = Golene Phifer 429; 288, E* i. eo | r bi a Ase ee ___jfemes Tr et _|Ghembersburg Ta eo — __}&lme L Maliey ._—s»_—« #0 — ; il | fissé ac las nifer Gone ‘it ien [@sdfeWrsef m| Himore Patter _[iimie Self Boseonte |88| M82) 1936/4 86 |Phifer __ fihon Jefferson [Turnersburg Tn | Geo Phifer === [uelle Phifer __]28|2052 | oe (H fross| 6 ar |ppiter — Grace _Wooresvitte cc} = en Phifer 422) 440) : ® _| hese j22 | eipniter - oresvilieN CG} = = _E Phifer faa! sap] z: . nis bees. 4 las Phifer Willian _|@hembersburg Taj *3 | Lee Phifer §{[25)| 66 a 3 2937/5 | 1|Phiter uM Coddle Greek Tn} J ¢ Phifer Moise Vaderburg _|85| 120) _ eee | | 937 2B Phifer Jimny resville N ¢jJog Watson Phifer ggielene Oakes 23 | 816) a : nes7 10 | 8 |Phifer Dorothy Ann oresville N ¢ - rgaret Phifer 23| 576 _— jaa 2 iPhiffer Derthea Sherrill eresville N C - Rane Phiffer 23 597 S g fres7 jae 5 Phifer Kerry Lee Jr oresville N Cj Harry Lee Phifer |[Lueile Bonoldson ([25/ 618) _fiese laa | & Phifer gery Ambers M 3 Mooresville H Ci Herry Lee Phifer Lucile Boneldson j24| Sis i ; ane | 5 | 6|Phiter leeriy Mc |coaale creak Tn}Jay C Phifer Helen E Vanderburg |25|98 | 1939 | 5 6 Phifer |Shirley FC jCoddle Cresk TniJay C Phifer }Helen E Vanderburg | 25/99 + ie F 1939 5 |26 Phifer |Mary Birt F | C |Coddle Creek Tn[Howard Phifer § -_ *[Gladys MMiller _—«—_ f25|s6s | fe bias 4. {10} Phifer Es , ¥ (© Boddle creek Tn | - Sudie Phifer «#6 | 295] _ oe 4 940 | 8 he Phifer Boby Eugene M oC Boo1 Spring Tn j- Ethel Geneva Phifer ro, ae ial 19446 _|1 | Phifer |Lelis Josephine|F |W |Stetesville N ClAllen knox Phifer |athel Mee Sturgill 27| 676 4 1941/9 __.{17] Phifer | Joe M (¢ jCoddle Greek Tnj- Sudie Phifer 27/502 @ a 1941/10 |11] Phifer |Howard Jr MC |Coddle Greek TajHowerd Phifer Gledys Phifer _ 27/538 As 1942) 1¢e 24 Phifer |Doneia Webster IM C j|Goddle Greek TajHerry Lee Phifer Lucille Donsldson 27/361 & ladgog 2 | 2 IPhifer Ruth Langley F |W jStetesville NC Julien Paul Phifer |Cerrie Ade Bisenar red 509 1920. 4 (|19}Phifer \Devid Paul M . W (Statesville NC {Bverette Love Phifer {Grace Clendenin 28 359 » $1942 35 (21/Phifer Jemea Brenerd | MC {Mooresville NC j- plery Phifer a 301 | $1943! 4 (22 Phifer \Allen Sturgill | M | W |Stetesville NC jallen Knox Phifer |8thel Mee Sturgill |29 | 490) fies, 12 | 9)Phifer |Mery Aon F ._ W jStatesville NC |Daniel Paul Phifer | Blecte ¢ Allison 20 | 1389 ioe 1944! 5 17! Phifer {Joe Wetson M | C |Mooresville No j- Mery Phifer 20 519 5] 2 _figas|1 | el pnirer | Birdie F |G |iiooresville NG | Janes M Phifer Mozeline Linny a 40 | 7 (Phifer L FC Lotateariie NC Wenry Phifer posephine Chambers {51 | 185. 46.1 (27)Phifer _ Williem Lee | w | w |stetesville NG Jallen Knox Phifer Bthel Mee Sturgi1- 15 | _o4 _}as| 4 | 22] Paiter eos ____ |. M_| G [Mooresville NC |Leon B Phifer Gledys R Mixon 32, 1903 2947 5/11 }Phirer Harriet ame FC Mooresville NC pete Lee Phifer |Luoille Donaldson _]33| 885. og 947) 10 7 | Phifer ~ M C | Mooresville NC | Leon Bennett Phifer | Reather Nixon Phifer 53 1986 4 1947) 12 |17 fer ..___—« | Elizabeth Aileeh Fi Mooresville lic |James Charles Phifer|Mattie Belle Te@lbert}33| 21591. 1947) 12 |30jPhifter John Dewaine =| M W [Statesville NC |John Frank Phifer Evelyn Eliz. Kurfees} 33) 2019 po I dfer _._| Erma Louella __} F |_y | Mooresvitie ne Harry Lee Phifer | Lueille Donaldson | 34/ 845}. ep i“ e ioe ‘ ‘ c sh Gis Potent No 1ASTi60--Copreiehe 1000 ae TI etme _ TU a cee hoes i = aa = Ts OF CHILD sex |eoor}| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee 4 BES Sir alg ole sus 6 le Phifer coe ae M | | Mooresville NC | Leon Bennet Phifer {| Reather Mae Nixon 13 7 Jass o as. hifer. | Warren Allen iM jC _Harry L Phifer si] Lucille Donaldson 5 | 703 F 1949, m2 Bi] hifer ss] Kaye Maxine { BW Btatesville NC | John F Phifer Eveleyn E Kurfees | 35| 78 4 r 2949 | -9_(23{Phifer ____jJames © Jr___| M | W |Mooresville NC James C Phifer _ Mattie B Talbert 435|13% E 949 | 20 | edPhirer hii ameias | F|C Mooresvilie | Leon B Phifer Sy RTARTA _fs ha E 950, sid rhiter | Jerry Miche | lo |stotenvime | - SS erie ten Pitter selon 4 41950| 6 .4 1 Phifer _ _tuther Venger M | C | Statesville | Luther W Phifer Susie M Dalton 56 {667 | j-1950_ 7. 12. | Phifer ______| Gary Bennet —_| PMG. | Mooreaville NC | Leon B. Phifer _| Reather May Nixon | 36/3 217 a 4.1950 8 as! eee | Bisnis teil MG | Mooresville NC | James E. Phifer —_}-Annie_L. Young 5 ain 11950 12/61 Phifer = ry tugene | ¥_|¢ | Mooresvilie Nc | Herman K Phifer _} Lucille Westmore sank sd ae hh ania ss SE co fachael Delores } F _| © Mooresville Nc NC _{Herman K Phifer __| Lucille Wes “ od ad sand | “oe 1951, 4 |6 [Phifer _ | Bennette Eugene} M _ le jiredel] | Leon Bennette Phifer} Reather Mae Nixon 437 rf : ae p95l | 12 27] . (Millard Gallad [o a © | Statesville NC} Luther Worthy Phifeq Susie Mae “alton 37 |2175 e cm 41952 4 |27 Phifer | Mary Emma __—*{F_ | W | Mooresville NG James C Phifer Hattie Belle Tolbert |36| 70 i 1952.8 1] Phifer _| Shelia Marie P _C} Mooresville NC | Leon B Phifer Rothe Mae Nixon _ _ Bs ; 3 ; : 42953, 9 (23[Phifer Paulette VirginjeF i c Plow esville RC Harry Lee Phifer ae Lu lle Vonaldson — 146 ie Bi 421956 12/3 [Phifer | “ames Edward | M _|¢ [Mooresville Ne | - aura may Prater | 40) 1979) ee a eR eee Joe Watson 111M ic Mooresville NC | Joe Watson Phifer J# Ailean virginte / 41) 297 . Te iio 1956| 2. (|7|Phiefer = {- = P| CI Statesvilie fannie. Annie Belle Phiefer | 42) 231 ! Mayhew ao eee 11956 7 (8 [Phifer |Wanda Lynn __] FP | C |Mooresville NC | Joe Watson Phifer JrjAllean Virginia/ 42/1130 3 is 5, 1956 10 21) Phifer Patherine R. | F | W [Statesville NC | John M. Phifer [Joyce L. Miller 142/375] 1956. 12 |15]Phifer | Velma Ann_ 4 F | © {Mooresville NC {Elmer Howard Phifer Annie Bell Torrence | 42) 213 4 e n957 | 39 | APhifer | sv. i P| © Pooresvilie ¥ Sf >a __._ ea Seeris ee ee ba re ae per i Vee. | Sarah bucille | F | C Mooresville N ¢ Harry Lee Phifer, Jq. Rosie lee Torrence 4 ; pee. S$.) us Phifer jo = M | * Mooresville NC | Joe Watson Phifer Jr} ALlean. ae E pO | 2k | Otte | Benjamin M. JM |W | Statesville | John M Phifer Poyce L Miller 4 ee $959 | ts 28 BO 6 j Morey 8. AR o Pooresvt ise. ia _ Harry Leo Phifer, Jy Rosa Lee Torrence a —_—_—_—_ PA" $4.3) Phifer ___ven Autrey _} F | C) Mooresvilie | Jordan Phifer __|_ Joe Ann Gowen J Pf Barts 2r-_| toes romet_ 1a, | a eoerartne | ceees mace Leste Bie ae eS 1.959 phe 29 Phifer 7 Barbara L. F Cc wees IGeor ge Phifer ie ora Haynes 4 @ hoco 2 1q Phifer - MC Mooresville Joe W. Phifer, Jr. laa ean V. Mayhew é 2060) 6 | 1 Pat for vedas teal 4 5 | 6 [Mooveariiie _jJame 5. Miter [fortia 5. bene ” r fe 1961 4 5 Phifer hi iets -~jM & [Mooresville 4 Jordon Phifer : {Jo Ann Cowan _ E aii 1961 8 - +417 |Phifer aaa Phifer | pe gee 4 a slide ri e a j1062, 7 |@ Phifer ‘ : - _F| © Mooresville | Jordin Fhifer [omens ie 1 & . 1962 7 |16|Fhifer | Reaggie Lee ‘M | © [Statesville Hodge *hifer, Jr. |Ammie 4 Pruitt * me ‘ B63 | 2 _| ’|Phaiter | Rita J. iF | W [Mooresville } Gary W Phifer _—i|i Elizabeth 4 Lawrencq49 VEE ga }1963,& | 23] Phifer _ Daniel Ee 44 © [Statesville 4: Sp. Phifer, Jr. | Kathleen Haynes _ a ie a? wa {4 Phifer se += Elliott ane [¢ pooresviiie Joe W Phifer, Jr. | Ailean V “ayhew : “INDEX {0 VITAL STATISTIC iby ar es Re maa me SPA, RS x — Tes odoin at ata sex | coun) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER oo 1963; 9 |15 | Phifer eel | Dewanda F | Cc | Statesville Hodge Phifer, Jr. Ammie A Pruitt 49 14,20} | 1963 12 |11) Phifer Dorthea F | CG | Statesville James L Phifer Patricia A Nixon a i Se eS Pen ae ey DF ee Care ey ee Pe i See SHINSON nn aie ii<caaieing Lon mare a ; | a96 al aif Phiter herman | M| C| Mooresville | Jordan m Phifer | Jo A Cowan | 50 A oe i +. 1964 7 f | Phifer “Merinta | P| |stateortate Hodge Paster, Jr. | Annie A Prusce — |s0| 102] : ‘E4296, 9 |12] eater | Delphine |e eommprate P| [2963] | |2964, 22 16] master George W)C | Statesvinie | George Phiter Jr. | Kethicon Haynes [50/26 M boc, a2 | fuster =| = |G ecrenrttne | - | Sharer A Pastor J50|2teh} _9 aes 1964, 1l 29 eee ies Faith i4 F | o Moores vi lle Joe Ww FU ee. Sarah L Haynes xO 1785 rs - 4 frs6s 4 4 Phifer Timothy _M| 6) seamen. 4 Memes. | caroayn 4 Mest pee p965 | 7 22 | Phifer ei. Peale |¥ | C] Statesville | James L Phifer | Patricia A Nixon 51, 957 mide }1965, 11 | 3 | Phifer I John M W} Statesville John M Phifer | _doyee L Miller — ‘pl hae | a | 1966 3 6] Phifer - er ‘Tredell Co. ! ae Phifer Mery | Remooy ic FR Fue | 1966 6 ‘oli Phifer Lisa FC seaieameiinis Joe W Phifer Jr. Alleen v Maybew 5 ern qj 1966 10 21] Phifer “erecta | Fc | statesvitie | Janes L Paiter | Pe ricta A Mixon | 52 250 1966 11 | 2h] Phifer John nic | statesvitie | charles B Phifer | Carolyn A Neal | 52/1666] 1966 8 2 Phifer | Mary FC] Salisbury John W Phifer Mary L Everhart — 53184q : | 1867, 515 |Phicer Tracy _ | F © | Mooresville | Kenneth Phifer | Mary A Ramsey ie _|a967 | 23] Patter | Carte ‘plc |statesvitte | Jonnw Piter | Mary Leverhart | 53 1050 y 1967 5 | 2h Phifer | Caroletta F Cc Mooresville Warren A Phifer | Barbara G Pyant_ ie ot as _ 1p Phifer Genevieve FC] Mooresville | Warren Alien paitet Barbara Genes Pyant, i Thole | s 8} Phifer | Clarence Edward Mo c Rowan Co. _John William Phifer| Mary Louise Everhart 53 er. none | 24 Phifer Deirdre Jo | FU | Iredell Co __| Joe Watson Phifer Lae Miynes | 55.7721 - —~9 | 6] Phifer | Janita Chanellq FC | Mooresville | Harry Lee Phifer Jr4 Sarah Frances Hoope 56_a24 pid | ta970 6 29 Phifer Kevin Linn M : o Mooresville Allen Sturgill Phi fey Peggy | 56 901, : 5 figs 4 s0lmicer «Shannon Ann | F_ C|Mooresvitie | Kenneth Phifer | Mary Ann Ramsey | 50 6640 26 |Phifer __| Sherry Antionette F C| Mooresville | Kenneth Phifer _ | Mary Ann Ramsey _ jaw si ita _8| Phifer Gary LeMarr | M | C | Mooresville | Harry Lee Phifer Jr| Sarah Frances Hoope 52-7251 ik 7| Phifer Keith Jeamaine| MN | Statesvitie | Howard Phifer __Poris Isabella Lowe [57 1456 | a 1972, 1 23] Phifer Parris Todd MN jStatesville James Leroy Phifer | Patricia Ann Nixon 58 | 131. —4¥_ 11972 1114 Phifer _ Erica LaShawn | F | N | Statesville : ; fWanda Lyng, Phifer 54.1210} 9 Te Jig 10 solrter——crogrssiatne (X igoreerts gemma Pratt Ba cit aE ly | at | 3. 23 Phifer _ Stacy Dennelle| F M | Meoresville / mn _____ Wega Ann Phifer 6h 280 6 1 21) Phifer Mizery ann [| = Lcatesviiie _patem seurgiia Phased Feggy Pauline Lane Marion 69 _ ome 1976| 6 | 6|Phifer |Randy James — M | [Statesville : pale doen ee 62/475. on cabana a nd + — —— — | 9 41977, 9 | 8 | Phifer Crystal Dawn F |__| Mooresville James Charles Phifer,Eva Katherine Shinn | 63) 928 | hai] Patter “Apri Dionne | F | |Mooresvitte | Bennett Eugene Paifep/Cordelia B. Canpbelh 67 357} oat edt _— - $4 ——— = —4 ' _ INDEX'TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell County) N.C. i Uk Potent Ne. 14SfibsGappeight 1680 Sa COE ae Batter Gheerver Pristine Hcy attete ee & Se ut NAME OF CuI nf tee | tate PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | i 914 7 | S)Phillipes Cherles Kerry | & | Wij \Herridel? | Mope | 3. wal 1926 5 (85 [Phillips _{Sherles Richerd| M | W | Moore: Memie Btchison — faa) 4 1 [2929| ©. |@b}Phiiaips Sohn wlfreé | m | W | Mooreay ie B Goome Jai) 4 j2931/12 |17| Phillips - jeiw Bessie B Goone ‘da? F 1935| 7 |16/Phillips {eed WERTiom xO {Bertie N Phillips {[29/ 76. 4 * 2955/10 (2°7)Phillips Jerry Elwood Mw ¥. billien P Smith - 428) 293. : 7 1935/12 15 /Phillips Robt Frederick | M- | ¥ jade Pierce 419) 863: ® 1954 S| S)Phiiiips Elsie |? \¥ ‘ohnsie WHerris _ 420) s6e ‘= 29420 10 |Pntzips - F |W | Beave uiiie Tm Jrowt 7 Pnijsine _frerey & winters _|ao| aap. 4 2935 | 7 |S0/Phil2ips ~ ¥ |W | Coddle Greektn {toy & Phillips Bilson ai| 223) 1935 | 9 /23)/Phillips Norms Jeen ¥ W | Fellstown Tn B Phillips Stelle Norris ‘faz| 1935 I10 22 (Phillips - FW | Coddle Greek TH Meymond W Phillips |Gertrude L Helms |**' ‘ 2936 1 |14 Phillips - F |W | Sherpesdurg t™m]D Lint Phillips Bertie N Phillips jas t 1936 az 22 [Phillips - M |W | Mooresville NO{Ulysses T Phillips |Lilly M Sellers 22. @ 1957 | & [15 (Phillipe Gordon sttred/ | ue Goddle Greek TH Gordon A Phillips |iessie 5 Goons ___8L 7 2937 | 4 (22 (Phillips Gerolyn L ¥ |W | @oddle Greek Tq Zes Britt Phillips |Vernie Ruth Billis 483. 428) hos? | 7 (26 /Phillips Milton Leon M |W | Statesville NC Wesse C Phillips Prince 231 9 ; ;. 2957 @ (2) (Phillips Berbere son ¥ . | Mooresville NC fim Baward Phillips n Byrd 423| SS 4 : 193? 10 mu hillips Etta Frances - | | Snerpesburg tT Ip ight ¢ Phillips ertie Phillips _ fe 6 g a ; nese | 2 23 (Phillips _— foan FW | Mooresville NC [Pred C Phillips utelle Hodgson _‘4j@4| Soni - 1939 1__|9 }Phillips |Harold Ray MW] Coddle Creek 1 U T Phillips Lilly M Sellars ‘[85| 272) J 2959), 10 i Phillips een Camille} F Wj Coddle Creek Fred C Phillips Ludile Hedson _ $285) 47 F 1939 12 \29 Phillips Barbara Ann F Wi Coddle Creek 1 James B Phillips Verlie Lou Willis [25 | $89 3 ® 1939 3 18 Phillips | M |W} Sherpesburg Tn] Wade H Phillips Mary Loui ge Phillip sl 25 612 3 § 1940/ 1 |12]Phillips ° F |W] Sharpesburg Tnj Dwight Clint Phillipb Bertie N Phillips |26| 680 3 1940, 8 : 6] Phillips | Maryland Jar F iW Coddle Creek T? Gordon A Phillips [Beatrice Coone 126) 425) 1941, 8 |17}Phillips \rred Callowey J4 M W ‘'|Coddle Greek Tn|fred c Phillips Lutelle Hudgson d 4644. 1913, 6 (21 ]Phillips |Catherine fee W__ [Statesville NC Icowles C Phillips ICutherine Reid sesnali’ +60} — 29435, 10 {20 Phillips \Patty Lou F WW [Goddle @reek Tnifred ¢C Phillips Lutelle Hodgson 29! 944, 9 BL Phillips IRichera Bugene | M W_ |Mooresville NC [Ulysses T Phillips jLilly M Sellers 30/1205) & 1944. 11 |28 Phillip \- F (|W Plooresville NC JJasper R Phillips Julia K Teylor 90/1437) _ 1946 6.14 Phillip ‘ead Delene ,. NC [Dwein D Phillips Dorothy Mey Murray p2 1% 1946, 7 |24] Phillips |Rickey D M |W. |Mooresville NC |meleigh H Phillips |W#illie L Robinson 32/1022) 1946. 11 | 6 {Phillips ee Hubert M | W [Statesville NC Clayton B Phillips | Mary Lois Abernathy [32 |1431 : 1947) 10 \29 mma. ipe |Wanoy Faye z | W [Statesville NC |Harvey Monroe Phillips Rozell Brooks 33) 1817] :: 1947| 12 20 Phillips Janet Elaine F | W [Mooresville NC |Scott Nick Phillips |Agnes Eliz. Cherry] 34) 61) g pows | 5 te Phillips obert Thomas MY {STatesville NC ~ Peach Netter Pataaisp4) TOOL | 1948 6 p? Phillips beook Walker u iw Btatesviiie NC lection Phillips Margie KE 4 1G95 1948 | 8 (20 Fhillips |kathy Geneva FW [Mooresville Nc [Fred C Philigps _|imtelle Hougson __ "34 asa] boas | L 9 Phillips Babena Eliz F W [Mooresville NC scott Nick Ihittips Jagnes uli vherry.. : | i / INDEX TO- AT. TTC’ a + ¢* ~r Oo) oper ‘AL-STATISTICS — BIRT HS — Iredell’ LatOit |For Vour Beocction, tase Sak Og sey ease a Coo ee ee =i ae OF Se | telor | PLACE OF BIRTH | “NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER, [are . foeyo: 7. | 5), Pnitiaagis a Anni Mocreasd lhe Noo Meidiete PPLLIdps | OLnwseod Breener: 9 M094 Beas eee, 2898 pPRLLApe $00 tateovilie WO |"mrtens PeDHips 'Sienite™D Childress |$6 876, of 2950 6 25 "PMLllips ae TRemnel Ve Mr NmdwiLe Basins (Carolyn iiewing 38 ae rr al tena % be Ses Tantatue, i | » N@ PlaytorB,) Phillips _ Mey 1b.| Aberna tay, ke. inal Se ge 8 |2 [Phillips ‘Sandra Lavelle | P _W [Statesville NC | Haevey M. Phillips /Roselle Broeks 56 (1545) ara _| 195010 8 | Phtiips z F |W | Mooresville NC | Dwain D Phillips | Dorothy R Murrey i ccna : 1951). 2 \1 |Phillips - M..| 6 Mooresyiibe RO ths S, Phillipe. _[ very Ruth Powers 4371225 4 ‘ scipeal 1951 6 | 2h) Phillips Bobby. Gene M iW btatesville NC = Ray Phillips | Betty dean Kelby B87 | 991 | ; QD 1951) 7 | 27} Pni214ps Jones Lee __ | w_| Ww |uooresvitie wo |wstiien sraneds dt?" |oniriey Faye tia) **"|57| a26d : hos | 8 |29] Phillips vanny Julius M |W, pooresviiie NC j Julius So Sy lsie Marcelle Vance 31 1484 is : 1951) 9 j12% Phillips Thomas Milton M | W Statesville NC # Thomas Milton Phillips Mary Jane Nisbet Pp? 1599 | ‘ 1952 2 10 | Phillips Gtis Barron M iW Mooresville iC | Otis Edward Faiiiiyp Ruby Adelia Power 56 229 | - 1952 3 5 | Phillips Monte Ray M/W | Mooresville NC | Wiley Juam@op Phillips Martha Arline ree, 402 nr. _| 1982 8 | 2} Phillips -~ F |W | Mooresville NC |] William F Phillips | Shirley Fay Me@ariistie 3 1424 * q 1952 | il e Phillips ~ M {|W Mooresville NC | L. T. Phillips Joanne Delaine starnts & -b9s3 | 8 Lg Phillips - F W | Statesville WC {Adrain Bruce Philipp Juanita Childress " a Brannon L953 10 1 [Phillips Stillborn | F |W |st:tesville NC [Thomas William Philldps Kansas Bell / 39,490} (death) _ 4.2953 11 16 Phillips Nina Dorcas F W | Mooresville NC} Julius Harrison Ped Elsie Mercelle ry Y a707) oe Ae P boss | 6 | 5 iPhillips Connie Jewel F | W | Mooresville NC |Omar Lemuel Phillips}Caraleen Lawing i 4 : pete | 7 | 16 Phillips Jerry Keith M_ W]| Mooresville NC | Wiley Junior Phillips Martha Aveline 40 x | Abernathy - $1954; 9 [22] Phillips | Robin Dean M | Wi Stateawille NC|John Pine Phillips | Nellie Louise/ 40) 1433 a L954 | 11 (21 Phillips Sarah Nell F |W [Mooresville NC Wames Derwin Phillipd Shelby Marie Barrie 0/1965 _]1955| 2 25 | Phillips Debra Delaine | F W |Mooresville, NCjL T Phillips Joann Delaine Starneb4l) 358 | 9 1955 & |5 [Phillips | Kirk Bruce M _W [Statesville NC fAdrian Bruce Phsited Juanita Childress 1 | 683 Z 2p 4985} 6 19 Phillips Li -. F W | Mooresville NC | Fred Ray Phillips Edna Inez Baskins 4 879 3} 11955 7 1j| Phillips iGary Alan M W |Statesville NC | Warvey Monroe Phil Kosezelle Brooks {41/1105 te 1955 | 7 | &} Phillips |Melba Karan FW {Statesville NC | Bill Danley Phillip§$ Jennie Joyce Feagin 41 | 1115 | | } ; . , \ . ate 11 | 2 Phillips | Jerry re M Na Svetpovitie NC } Fred on — + Sep fuse Be 5 1 1870 4 1955, 11 10 | Phillips [Freda Ari ¥-—-4+-Statesville—tc elen-—Ray Phriitips @I 1950-7. 1955, 12 2 | Phillips \Victor Brent MW |Statesville NC | Thomas William Phillis Kansas eee an mens p27 | .2 | 23) Philips Sidney Eugene M W Btatesville N C J Ellis E. Phillips ttie M, Shermer 3 | 266 90 1957 3 9 | Phillips = MW Mooresville NC Fred Ray Phillips | Edna Inez Baskins | 43) 447 1957 8 19}|Phillips | - - MW [Mooresville NC [Roy Edward Phillips [Bertha Arvel Davis {43 12984 1957, 11) 5] Phillips Cheryl Ann F wW |Mooresvilie NC JL T Phillips Joann D mn? 45/ie1 , } Wllace _fi9se 6 (2 | Philips \Stephen Eric Mow [Statesville NC [Dwight Clinton Phillips Dolores Budene/ [44/850 1966 11) 14 Phillips Melonia Hope F Wi) Statesville Thomas W Phillips Kansas Belle Brannoy 4 182 p. 056 12 10) Phillips | Tony Lynn M | W i Mooresville Edgar D Phillips Betty F Wright 44 207 J es [rasa nay tor | uw |stavonvizze [orm 7. matsitme —_Planiie 1. Adormatny |45]194 : | 1966 3 ja Phillips | Edgar Dean MM Ww Mooresville Edgar D Phillips | Petty F Wright . 9 8, 1| 2 | 1) Phiilips Any Dienne =| F 2 Statesville Rebert ¢. Phillipe | Nency Morrison _=—j47|/50 | 42961) 9 (16) Phillips Jeffrey Lynn MW | Statesvinie i. nies * INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — lredell County, N. C. core at oe Berne “mar 1 ae a da ites ae oY orn. {= cour | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a 1961, 10| 7] Phillipe Ragina Arnette! F | Cj} Mooresville NC | Raymond T Bhiliips | Betty Jean Sican 47 168 1962; 1 /|4 | *nillips Joyce Yvonne FP | W {Mooresville NC /Roy BE *hillips Bertha A Davis 48) 35 1962; 7 | 71*nhillips James M, Ki WiMooresville No Sie Phillips Ellen z. Newcomb [48 11089 1962; 8/2 Phillips Thomasena O, Fi Cf Mooresville Nc Raynond 7, Phillips 4 Betty J Sloan 48) 1342 1962) 11 | 24 Phillips Kenneth M!| Wi Charlotte Fred C Phillips, Jn Patricia J Walker {49 87 963 |1 2 | Phillips Gary E. M iW resville ) James D Phillips ry L Brown ag 27 1963; 2 /|18)Phillips Brenda E, F\ W |Statesville Paul D Fhillips Jr. Rachel A Patterson 9| 275 & 1963 | 2 |11)Phillips Cyrstal M, F | W jMooresville — | Johnnie A Phillips [Betty J Sing 9/249 h963 | 8 | 7 Phillips David M| Wf Statesville Xobert G Phillips Jr Nancy Morrison 49} 121 2963 19 7 Phillips Jeffery M/| Wij Statesville Everette R Phillips! Carolyn ' Davis [49/13 1964 | 1 (314 Phillips Donna F Stat esville “ual T Phillips Hazel R Anderson 17 196,| 7 | 24 Phillips, Jr. Raymond M! C]} Mooresville Raymond T Phillips|Sr. Betty J Sloane | 50 1 1964; 9 | 1D Phillips mi Donald M| Wi Mooresville James Phillips} Ellen J Newcombe 13 fo 1964, 12 | 23] Phillips Gregory M| Wi Statesville Sherman Phillips | Irene Farris 50! 1 1965| 1 | 1} Phillips | Lisa F| w charlotte Joseph G Phillips | Linda J Hunter 51| 289 1965 | 6 (15 jPhillips | Teresa F | C} Mooresville Raymond T Philligs Bety J Sloan 1 (7 965 | 7 1lj Phillips { Jeffrey M | Wi Statesville Donald D Phillips} Rita S Stradley 51; 910 19651 sol 10 Phillips | Sherry P Wi Wilkes Co. Wendell P Phillipsl Emma J Benge .m 179. 1965; 10 {2 Phillips | Judy F | W {Charlotte Fred C Phillips Patricia J Walker [52 1793 1966| 3 |19] Phillips | Crystal Deon| F | W | Statesville Sherman Phillip# _ Irene Farri- 362 1966 8 22 Phillips | James M |W | Mooresvilis Albert G Phillips’ 2162. e _fs66 9 22] Phatiips | charles Mow] Statesville Everett R Phillipd Carolyn N Davis 1229 1967 2| 1§ Phillips = |__-Bryon M |W} Statesville | Benny R Phillips | Julia H Harden {53/222 1967 3 je Phillips . Karen F| Wi Mooresville ~ Charlotte M res} p0}s0 298 1969 2 ye Phillips : | Stacey Denisq F i Wi} Statesville Robert Glenn Phillifps Jr. Nancy Morri/ sAB.d 1969 & | 1 Phillips _ ‘Martin Ryan M | W | Statesville Truman Garland Phill) ips Carol Ann Coley [55'417 1969 10 | 26) Phillips Jason Steven M| C] Mooresville Raymond .Thomas Phillips Betty or 55| 1360 1970 3 27 Phillips Sarah Ann F Wi Iredell Co. Alvin K Phillips 7m Ann Clark . 432 1970 8 | 5 | Phillips Kelly Dean M | W | Statesville Donald Dean PhillipB Reta Sue Stradley 56 1132 __|4970' 9 16 | Phillips Andrew Dane M | W | Statesville James Phillips Ellen Jane Newombe 56 132 1972, 2 20}Phillips | Cynthia Kaye Fi Wi} Statesville Ernest Marion Phil}ips Servtenne Mae? i208 1972, 9 | 9] Phillips — | Naomi Elisabet F iy tesville Alvin K Phillips ri ¢c pwew 1973) & | 7! Phillips | tyson Donovan _ ree | Statesville | ith sa] 20 1974) 2.13) [Phillips Dana Christophe! pM Mooresville _ => => 60! 170 | 29%. _5.4 Patina — atherine / FW] Statesville |Joe Hubert Pailiipp | 197% 8 |26| Phillips _Amy Michelle | F | w | Statesville nn 11975 | 2 lee Phillips | Jennifer LeAnng F | W } Statesville Joe Hubert Phillips} Barbara inne Penn ___ ene! 7 ja Phillips Sandra Denise | F | Statesville bennis Gerala Phikigfs Sandra Lee Johnson 635 1976 |_10| 24 Phillips lgusanne Leigh |p | f Cannon | | War 19° 1 hae , s ee oe Rate at mT we Phillipa, ér Pe a art oy AD CHRORTRAN Ade, YF OE IS Gin & | iM] Philiips Terry Seott ju Brandon Nicole F Mooresville TD ee ieee el p e m n e i d e fd i i i c i e n c i n a c l en e a _ i a 2 ie d , sp e n t sm e m e m n e n e i a n e — a ie se t a i i n t e d i e n i bt sa l a r i e s lbeck tatesville KC Forest *hilbeck, Jrj Ruth © Lavelece ‘Philbeck Dennis FP. ‘ia : Statesville Bob H Philbeck | Sue M Nash Dwight Daniel Statesville Dwight Daniel Phiibdee Marion Ann Poole Philbeck, Jr. Philbeck John Statesville Bob H Philbeck a Kash Philbeck Charles Nicho tes Irvin Philbedk/Nan: Statesville Ruth Ledbett Sn + pa pee Se r po . ye eg 19 innix jAllen Edward fei] PLACE OF BIRTH] NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER rsbur tne rmony Nc 1967 1G Pinnix Pamela Statesville Zachery P Jerry N Pinnix lice Shore futh E Daniels 1967 fancy Doniv. Statesville Samuel Donivan 19] Pinnix Tina Yvette ai e | Statesville j Statesville _|enry H Pinnix Norma Deane Little eit 921 10 Pinus —+ Se Ze ee pee jour) PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER - Kenneth Steven tesville NC | Joseph M Pi My chael M Statesville eph “ Pipkin . Paul Steven M/iW {| Statesrille Kenneth Steven Pi Grant Mi Wi Statesville Kenneth Steven Pi Margaret L Hager Karen Yvonne Karen Yvonne _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS ~ hedéll County, NC. BE Te el ELE BOSAL tae mt eter CceTrrcoe INDEX No. 1-4 a U.S Patent Raa es Contes 1208 pe Sse setter en me ae SAE oF SURNAME OF CHILD . Year | Month | Day AND CRRISTIAN NAME, 1F OME 1S GIVEN | ae 914| 1 |24] Pleas s 917! 6 |20) Pless - F 92) 9 81 Pleas Lillian Elizabetip | le NC 925/11 J18 i Pless. 20d ville Tna | 926| 3 | 41 Pleas - F 928! 4 | 71 Pleas ___{Cornelia FC 932/ 1 |97] Pleas _ es F 9 9°15] Pless _____|Geo Thomas Jr | c 941 |) 6 |23] Pless F 1945/9 |15) Plees Parks Michsel [ym | ____fie4e| 4 17] Press mM ______i9u7 | 10 | 1 press ~Willian Robert | uw! w | Mooresvilte No | ig 71161 Pless janna—}F | ¢ |» qQ—— i815 Ipless - | | Biatesville WO hircnzo Pless 35. ial ibn. inal iekameaar 36. 1956! 12 |12 Pless Robin Elaine | F —W_jMooresville NC George Thomas Pless {Carrie Rebecca Dabbs|42! 1960 7 7 | Pless Howard Dean M | W Statesville NC | Howard M Pless Linda V. Caldwell 46) n965| 5 113] Pless Brantary M C } Statesville - Willie D Pless sh 6 1966 11/19 Pless Charles Ml Statesville - Willie D Pless 5 1067, ols Fiese | Tere 7 | w |uconeotiie MP ioe eae eas eresa res 6 ———— aa tees ——————|-sapent Sartene—1-4—-55) Ts -Mooresvitte—|-Gary Rorve fiess—— {79k pBest post 968 3/16 Pless | Tonga FC | Statesville . Willie D Pi ae se 2 —Fohmry _hdward tess; 2a Pp 9 cen ene ate ‘- | G ane —____1931| 5 l17] Pleages ss igonn TR ys {o_| i ‘i c | | o 2937/12/23] Pr ae et mee FE Tn] Sam Pleger ss Saie 2193 | bias 1938 | 6 (16 Pledger 7c | Boe Mae 576 | etc 1968 12 \8 Pledger ss ue ‘ {Ml | C_ Statesville NC Pledger ladys Glover 11 1950| 9 /|17| Pledges - F| C | Statesville NC |Samuel Pledges Gladys Glover p21 _____}1952|_ 11 |6 [Pledger ‘ on |M C_ Btatesville NC . Lule B. Piedber 1 lao | | ae L955 | 12 | if Pledger ,-Sendre Denise FC | Statesville NC i - >____| Mattie Mae Pledger | 4) a 41960) 1 29)Pledger | - F | C | Statesville Li Mattie Mae Pledger [46 169 ‘ 1973-2 -Sharonicole_}| pc Statesritie——} Act. UMhnsn) | nyrey-paye-Pretrerts7- t-—_}- -Pledger—__| SinessnDasnededenn 4 tvaveerttte—pats— Ck. a Betiy Faye Pledger {37 F 63) | Koshari DeShannpn | Statesville tote Sandra Denise Pl ‘ T | Mracy Uvonne F tatesville | -««.«.~. verly Kim Pledger | 64 339 wat] irjm| |Statesvilie | $-- fs | Wayne M | WeOGREPilia ¢ |. suawsne Beverly Kim Pledger | 67 550 camera esac acne cnet ecatstsinasrasiinentitnstens alleen ——— | Piel ——_;-—_— Sie or. 7 SS EERE es ee fn ~ Pa 4g INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. | Boyt | treme ners re BF a em PA UA EA ay OF FEC AEA BES et BATE OF BIRTH SURNAME OF CHILD ie “RECORDED rete sie Gieun ida © Gx's aia Sex | tor | PLACE OF BIRTH AME “OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =) ae 1930/13 118 Pleasants F | Myles 0 Pleasants | Clyde EB Orrendale 6 1932| 8 115 Pleasants = |W |stetesvitie No | Myles 0 Pleasants | Ciyde & Ovarcash § | 814 mae i | . | | | 7 - Jd i | oa | } } | i 1 4 , 977| 9 |30 ames-Plott James Adam M | | Statesville Samuel Ernest Plott | Martha Kaye Freeze | 63, 966 ! tt. Bs Ww ffalistow ™s | cecil F Plott _| wtiared © Sandlin 11.333 x 4 leclprott | Bonnie Zou tr | w |cogaie Creek Tn) Thomas H Plott | Anna P Deaton _| 25| 355 ~ 11903! 4 (s0iPlott | F iw iz IT ' ro06! 2 /ielprote ‘Thomes Watson [| M WwW | 1908/6 |11/Plott .._—-_—Pryor Oreborne [mw Is 8 _25)Plott Dorothy Jone 1 F 0 it Mourne N 13 Plott Barry Clyde Je | Rigs bese 1946 9 Winifred Cecilia| F | Wi Mooresville NC | ! ) Panna... Haabae Ape._}_2 +0) Sanath Aa ie Aine ANAS BA AOR RD 1948 9 | 14 Platt |Myza Lee F | Wj Mooresville NC | Thomas Henry Platt _ Louise Johnson 1950| 12 |31}Plott Samuel Ernest. | MW | Statesville NC] Harry C Plot Alma L Ingram 137/39. il 205 > ae _______[Bebert Glenn | W [:Stateamhhle We BeRiewtcrt | Mang Rails Thompaan ii WER, 6 12 +2 {Piatt ____|Whomas Henry Jr| M__ W | Mooresville NC “Thomag Henry Platt [Mary Louise Johnson |%42 /2059 959 1 | 8)Plett , ~ i M «| Moore sville Thomas HE Platt Mary L Johnson 45. 42 — oe — —_— my — <> “4 »£ “ Senecio Cid stents a me tt “ een eee enenenerememnennnmmenscedia aa anf s 961 | S R0 Piatt - MW | Mooresville Thomas H Platt Mery L Jehnsen 47 497 ‘) jiss2| 2 is|Pictt, Jr. | |g. f. MW [Mooresville / jJ. ©. Plott, Sr. Linde R. Griffin [48 262 i oe / hath my 1966'—s--2}-Pieve—_——~—! Penne tousse | 7. | Statesville — - winttred ¢ Pave { 52 597 T ce : i 4 | 34 Plott Timothy Wayne M;| Wi] Concord Jimmy Arnold Plott | Bonnie Raye Helms 52) 71 er | 1967, 1 (19) Plott | Seotty M Mooresville Joseph A Plott Audrey L Christy 53\79 m rep 1 1970, 12/17} Plott Jonathan Lee M W | Statesville Carl Lee Plott Bonnie Paulette Pope} 56/1765 T ~— wT 1971 2 1G Plott Richard M\ Wi] Statesville Harry Clyde Plott Martha Ann Stewart 57 191 197% 6. ag Plott Sandra Saye FW | Statesville ___} Samyel Ernest Plott. | Martha Kaye Freeze | 90 829 | 318] Prets \Christine Elaing F |W |Statesville Carl Lee Plott Bonnie Paulette Pope|6l| 243) = 6) Pieye—__— | | Pw | Steteesizz9 | Harry 6: Martha Ann Stewart 61 698 ! Jr. 1976; 8 |10] Platt Patricia Louis¢ F | W | Statesville Thomas Henry whose JBarbara Louise Sroug 6] 784 Samuel M Statesville Samuel Ernest Pio ‘ i! to e s * s oo ie ; i - RECORDED vel, MW Nannie Moose i Mw Nennde M Moose «| 3 ere... Nennie Moos@ sf | Fe Verdiea Pool 5 FiwW M Christie | $3 Joseph Winston | yw iw | Verdie May Pool 6 2924 | 4 6] Plummer Helien Audery [| F iW VWertio May Pool _ [30 | 6 |29 . : => + Viole Plummer i315 | D & #4} Plummer i= F_ arn Viole P 22| 5 10 116 jPlumme r charlie Hubert MiG oresviile N chone Ketvia Fromser | argesret M Ghristie 1948 | S 17 | Plummer pleo Patricia F | Wj Mooresville NC | Joseph C Plummer Maude E Davin A }Plummer Charlie Lester im ie prsecreanicags he 956 27iPlummer _______jStephen Lee M_W_ Mooresville Harry Lee Plummer Wergie P. Stewart 1938 4 | 6] Pe; per —————————eeeooe ee Richard Carroll Statesville NC Njlliam Ker Kenneth Campf 4M” dl 1948; 3 |8 [Pepper Walter Fredrick] M W Statesvilie NC ory Ford © epper Nellie Faye Key | | a | } a 4 : | | + t : | + ~ 7 - a | Ha + : | ; Bi i j ip | cae | | i oo | . : i | ' t 1 et Pt e fs . amin? ¥ Ree eee Pee b. eae ee REY 7 a i fi are ‘ Sa Bhi aly ok a ; ¥ os ech / é - For Your Prot Cole Vest | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN WARE, IF OME IS GIVEN Tal oe Senet > 1G Piiaxmony Nic i Mary Lea Peat 948 | 5 (23 |Peet Ronald Wayne .j|.M | C. | Turmersburg.Ts}. - Ciara Reece Peet 34| 1954 11948! 4 |14 Peet Robert Stanley | M | C | Harmony NC alk bert P d 994 Blse 688 ag 1951; 11 | 26) Peet Sandra Enita F iC jHarmony NC Jay © Peet Pearlie Mae Turner |37/ 2061 952; 5 {30% Peet _ Mj C {| Harmony NC. Walker Rob Peet | Mildred Viola Turned 3§ 899 1953} 6 Peet James Cecil M;{ Cj Harmony NB Jay Lee Peet Pearlie Mae Turner {39) 1026 1953 7 1} Peet Darey Flasenda C jHarmong NC Walter Robert Peet Maldred Viola Turner }39 }1196 11955| 2 8} Peet ~Gary Lee M | C } Statesville NC}J C Peet Pearlie Mae Turner j41) 217 11955; 9 (19) Peet ‘Della Ann _ c t NC | Walker Robert Peet Mildred Villo Turner 2 11956; 2 | 24] Peet Celia Ann C } Statesville JC Peet Pearlie Mae Turner [42/335 956 | 7 Ji} Peet uglas Milton MC | Harmony Walker Robert Peet | Mildred Veola Turner sl 1346 12958| 5 | 28) Peet Charles Russell} M | C jStatesvilie NC jJay C Peet Perley Mee Turner [44/450 | 2.958| 4 24 Peet = = F | C [Harmony NC {Waller Robert. Peet i eae toe 1959' 8 (|4 jFeet Wade “hiribert| M | C [Hermony Walker R Peet Mildred V Turner 45 lleq 1| 5 |3 Peet Walker Arneez | M | C | Harmony Walker R. Peet Mildred V Turner 47| 781 Peet Janine F|c | Statesville | - : Margie R Peet 50 |1733 Peet Tracy F | C | Statesville “ itha R Peet 50 1709 Peet Mildred Viola| F Ci] Statesville ~ Retha R Peet 52 86} Peet Darla F | Cj} Statesville - etha R Peet 54 |293 | Peet LaKisha Yvonne FN | Statesville - Sandra Enita Peet 57, 150 Peet Jr. Robert Franklin} M| N Statesville Robert Franklin Pe Marion Louise C ' Lm ___|chrystal Le-Chat FN | Statesville | Robert Franklin er | Marion Louise Clark een Ny \T (Statesville - Peet |Maro Michelle F_ MN | Statesville - _[Rercia Flerinds Peat. 315 Peet ‘Kevin Maurice |M N | Statesville - Celia Ann Peet 852 i x Pest == Latasho Fenchay| FN | Statesville -- Retha Rebecca Peet |61/ 364 eet Delicia Nicole | F Statesville _j------- jDorcia Florinda Peet | 62 1024 Peet Carrie Diane F Statesville jew eoenn leaning Lucille Peet 64 999 | Peet Jeffry Mitchell | M Statesville [ = w#wennnn~n~ _| Daphine Lucille reed 852 Lad | T | | i 7 ’ + La jit ; . —_— ; a , + oats +—_— | Belair Obeerver Printing Howe Chariot, Wo T — a '} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | ° NAME OF MOTHER 6 Statesville N CiGrover Plyler _-—»_ Jessie Dempleten __ {|= Berrinses Me fomeivivier — Tt ie jit _[ehembersburg Tn Ayook CG Piyler [Nellie I Plyler 8 _|Ghamversdurg Tnju Soott Plyler _—|innie 0 Loftin 87 B jStetesville To Zohn. Plyler Josephine L Plyler a © _Joiesversbure m]e D Pryier Sone Boss 10) Plyler . B © |Shembersburg TujA ¢ Plyler _pNelty Plyler _ 21/Plyler - fe W |@tetesville Nc John @ Plyler [Josephine L Pempletog 12|Plyler Helen B F (8 |@hembersburg TnjJohn Plyler serie 4 Swink § 24;|Plyler ~ js ha Cool Springs TnjErnest T Plyler: Leora Shaver L. 1916/11 /15)Plyler > F " Chambersburg TnjAé C Plyler Mellie Plyker © 1916 12 SiPlyler ~ F |e Chambersburg To Wa S Plyler | Fim Jene Bess ie 1919| 5 | 2/Piyler - he " Ghambersburg Tn{John 4 Plyler Anner Swink yo 1919, 7 (|14jPlyler - |W |Ghambersburg TnjCherles S Plyler Heomi Trivette eS I919/1l (25)Plyler Mervin Floyd Jr \W [Stetesvill@.N CiMervin Floyd Plyler |Fannie G Bilis | 362 f 1920, 1 |28/Plyler L Reeva |W |G@ool Spring Tn |Bveret L Plyler Leore Shower 286 1920/6 | i/Plyler Dorothy Louise \E |@hembersburg Tn|Zerl w Plyler Lindie . Trexler 1? 1920; & 6/Plyler William Ffank s Chambersourg TniGhas § Plyler Neomi Trivette ot. 1921 | & (|20/Plyler votn Austfn M |W jGool Spring Tn jBveret L Plyler Leore Shever i921 ‘10 34 Plyier Herry hs _|W |Ghembersburg TnjA ¢ Plyler ellie Plyler 1921 |10 22 Plyler - F © |Parringer Ins |dwera D Plyler Bane Odell Plyler 1921 \128 4iPlyler ° F Stetesville N CiMarvin F Plyler _ Fannie G Bllis e 1923, I 2 Plyler Mavin R he Gool Springs TnjJohn a Plyler Arsie ann Plyler er 1923 2 s Plyler bjldred Lorene F Berringer Tn Edwerd D Plyler _f#dna Odell Plyler g 1923 12 aa Plyler - hy \W [Statesville Tm [Lewis C Plyler Resa J Hedrick 1923 12 38 Plyler | - ___ @_& |stetesviite N clrobert & Plyler Bulan M Ademe 1925 1 18 Plyler - r Stetesville N CiZdward D Plyler Bdne Odell Piyler ¥ 1925| 9 (10 Piyler papery Guy pM ¥ Stetesville N Cilewis C Plyler Rose J Hedrick a2 : 1ezs 8 (11)Plyler Doris Elivebeth |F Statesville Tn |Bdward D Plyler Kine Odell Plyler {22 1926 |az |22 Plyler Robert Elmer cr \W Statesville N CWRobert £ Plyler Beulsh M Adems $22), & 1927, 5 (|24)Plyler - ¥ (|W (Mooresville N Cierl W Plyler Lynde L Trexler AS 1927 | 5 24 Plyler |\Grewford Oo Jr he ¥ Stetesville N Gjc 0 Plyler [Me tie Grey 1s 1927 6 | 8|Plyler [Ai th'Lawsts F |W |stetesvilie w cig c Plyler Glerice Link 1s 4 1927 20 Ine Plyler - i w _[Stetesville N Cifrenktin EB Piyler [Ruth L Hodges fas) 1928 4 |17}Piyler a iF " _|Statesvilie Tm |Rawerd D Plyler Bane Plyler 14 : 1928/5 | S|Plyler Katherine sesn/ P © Istatesvilie N CBverett Plyler [Leora Shaver g 1928 | 6 16 Plyler Glyde Bugene Me " Istetesvitie Nc Lewis Plyler Inose J Hedrick : A950 | 6 (29 Plyler Dorothy Grey 1 i tesville NC \creuford 6 Plyler iatie sey eae ; 2950 | 9 (22)Plyler M Elizebeth os hembersburg TnjMdwerd C Plyler = ithe] Mee Bess 2 2952/5 | 6)Plyler Mery Hmm ' Statesville N CiLewis ¢ oe Jene Hed: a f | (com) : wk “INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS: ~. BIRTHS — “redell Cay: N Cc. Martha Nel) Hager Bitte Te erre n animes ene CO ere oe me TE Potent Nec Taba cepoeaeae Sth iis Gites tae a a ool (am | tue | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER |. NAME OF MOTHER —— | | Plyler -~ -iavie Leonard 1 {i __ ie Pigher. t9i peg Plyler 7 ee LFS eee ae ___\Mary V Rathedge _ |26| ea} § i Plyler « _| 3 |B |Ghembersburg TniEdwerd D Piyler [Mane Plyler = «|28| 87] io Plyler * M |W [@hembersburg Ta|Nothe= BD Plyler [Mary Metledge --- J29) 76) 0 Plyler |Norma Cristine | ¥ W jStetesville N CjAlbert S Plyler § /|Bettie Anne For@um [19 aa ese, Plyler a | 7 8 |Gnembersturg Tak tT Plyler [ine Plyler fat; Plyler Marti’ Irene | F \¥ |@oaxe Greek mI nathan D Plyler _ es , jRuttedge —_|a| sas ae Plyler Beeline Sue | F |W |Stetesville Tn [Gilbert 5 Plyler seliG Mee Moore _|aa| 976 oD Plyler Bobby Ray M |W Poddle Creek T | yuvert B Plyler | Myrtle B MoHergue | ie ae 29 | Plyler Charles Joseph | M iW Dhembersburg Tn | Charles S Plyler Mires L lense a ; 1940 | 4 |4 Plyler April Joy F_ | _W jStatesville NC jAndrew H Plyler jLorene H Bustle M " El bis | |S jPlyler |Richara Wayne |M | W [Statesville Tn jGilbert S Plyler Stella May Moore 105 | ec if mt 1941 3S {5 [Plyler Billy Wayne M | W |Goddle Greek TnjHubert B Plyler Myrtle B McHargue 27\ 285 j 4 ons & | 25) Plyler | Kathie Christide i Statesville N CiClyde W Plyler Dorothy Rose Mitchel427/2001 tiie 4 1696 1 \12 Plyler Cecil Lewis x UW eee NC etor 0 Plyler pisce D Cornelius a BY 1905 ? | 2 Plyler Albert Sidney JM (|W [Iredell Co Adem Pinkney Plyler janne Frences Johnst P| 19071 8 a Plyler Romen Vinon uN ing \Leare © Shever _ pail : 903 | 10 a7 | Plyler Setie Florence |¥ W [Kredell dounty | Junius Mott Plyler | Flora £ Freeze Maio | feos | 5 ba | rigier me Mizebeth |F |W | Iredell County | Junius Mott Plyler | Flore £ Freeze : ose, 7 28 lyler Gloria Penny F |W Statesville NC [Devid A Plyler Elsie M Holtrhouser 1050 | aa pp94s : 4 | | 9 lyler pcares H Jr M |W $Stetesville Nc hacres H Plyler Lorene Bustle {.| 501 ai L 1943) 1l_ (15| Plyler | Robert Clarksoniw 6 Istatevilte NC Klyde SmPigherl Dorothy R Mitchell {29 |1445 - ba i Bist BOOTS Eien |% ] piearcrsitte BC larnz ee aut [Maret Agee, | gal 2888 4 7 29) Plyler — Eduard MW |Statesville NC | Edwerd C Plyler Edith Mee Bess SL| 915! f _ FS 9 SiPlyler Leman Allen M 8 |Stateaville nc |Peal Revere Hoover |Muby Bugenia Sipes jS2 1140 ? a: 11945, 10 , 19} Plyler | Dannie Lee Mf btatesviile N CG | Rmory H Plyler Mildred Beck s 1946, 2 113 Plyler | alve Carrol i. w | Stetesville NC jGilbert s Plyler Stelle Mee Moore “ .11946) 4 |20)Plyler | Joyee Ann F .W (jMooresville NC [Bennett R Plyler Nancy WM Garpenter | $2946, 10 | 20] Pryier ‘Michael Wrenn |M W [Moore sville NC [chester K Plyler flielen K Sherrill Ves sss e 2946 | 1l | ljPiyler |Olivia Jane F W [Statesville NC |David Alonzo Plyler |EBlsie Mae Holthouser 32) 1428 , ata 1 | 5 iPlyler | Betty Geil rFsgy Mooresville NC hiubert Bexter Plyler] Myrtle Balk Molerges 38 18 9 . J 2947: 2 8 Plyler {kerry Delane M |W {Coddle Creek TnjArthur Bernis Plyler] Alma Pauline Coone 33| 262 iE 947 & | 9) Plyler Michael Wynn | M_ W| Mooresville NC} sohuler S Plyler pects Lyvene Reid 33| 556 Lp 12 \u7 Plyler Walter Lee M | W [Statesville NC [Harry Goode Plyler |Mildrea C, “iison | 3 4B) 6 | 6 Plyler Robert Michael | M. W | Statesville NC | Robert Elmer Plyler | Dorothy Louise a , | (Glorda Ann. , F | © Statesville NC} Andrew H Plyler Lorena H Bustle 5 : | 1948, | Margaret Susan | F | W {Mooresville NC [Bennett & Plyler Nancy M Carpenter J 7 1949 | Steve Layne _j_ uM, Wi Statesville | Robert E Piyler Memie D Leyne i | 1950 me Angelia Marie | F Ws} Mooresville NC | Chester K Plyler Helen M Sherrill ) ’ are. _ploho Austin Iredell John Austin Plyler ; STICS — BIRTHS — ledell County, N. C ey i, ee Peet “correo UNIVERRAE eae TOP tocar seine open af SURNAME DTTAL, PAD tnd eter THe Ors ten Peal taka sree — — ae as pipet sex | tome | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae = spies Bisluisusis. tsa 8 1q Plyler William Ted M W | Statesville NC | Robert Elmer Plvlerj/Dorothy L Bawards 37) 1435 195 8 | 4] Plyler ~ | F | Wi Mooresville NC | Arthur Berns Plyler | Alma Pauline Coane 38 ‘ $1952! 18 |24;Plyler sss | Patey ar | Moone seiiie wc | Bennette KR» Ply y Me 1952/ 11 17 | piyier Beverly Sue |r iw [tyndai) Fie, fasiise & 1953 7 19% Plyler Frank Dean M| Wi Mooresvilie NC én Howard Plyler fWilma June Barnette § 39 116 1954/ 1 15 iPlyler w IStatesville NC |Max Marshall Plyler | Virginia Maude Bost }40/ 6 30}Plyler Plyler W |Mooresville NC [Pearl Howard Plyler | W Murphy Plyler W [Statesville NC [George Hugh Plyler Cather Vv ho | Piyler W | Statesville NC | Clyde Eugene Plyler | Syliva D Plyler James Randal W ist tesville NC | James Conrad) Plyler | Rachel Nan Matheson ars 2) Lei 3; 1q@ Plyler ~ - F| Wi] Statesville NC { Harry Goode Plyler { Mildred cynthiay i 1955. 12 |20)Piyier Jeffrey Scott | M | W |Stetesville NC | Billy Ru ¢ ar @ 956 | 2 [274 Plyaer James David M | W | Stateswille obert Elmer Plyler | VYorothy Louise Bdwa 1956) 2 st de J F iw Statesville John Austin Plyle Martha N, Ha & ia”) 4. | Beer oe. ee reer pat | a betas ® | melee Ce Fer by Cymeie Sue Midler 1M) oe - 1000| 8 OiPlyler § | Kevin Dale M iW | tooreesnn Chester K Plyler Helen M Sherrill ‘ 959 8 Plyler Kevin Dale - oresville Chester yler elen er i jMarty Guy | M | W [Statesville | James C Plyler |’ Rachel Matheson 1.46 1961, 7 P@ | Plyler __| Paul McKee = =] |_ WJ Statesville Billie R Plyler Cynthia 8 Miller a7 PEA ad RE a eet SS Lr eee © eee ee Se = 1963) 6 2 Plyler 4 Tamela ‘aa. 4 _ Glyde W Ww ‘Plyler, oe _ Sarol S Littleton 49} 800 SS 7 (28 lyler oil Roger Ae a Me W Ptatesvi lle wee. ee, eee C Matheson £9 p.136 a 9 |20 yore Melissa | F |W [Mooresville | Bennett & Fiyler | Nancy M Carpenter J 49 1s | 1963 | 10 1 Plyler Billy Mi Ww Mooresville Billy W Plyler, S: Glen da @ Brown 49 1556 dias i 1964, 7 [s Plyler Kerry D Plyler Nancy C Jones 50 989 Sue a 1964 | 6 lake ler Pearl Plyler Wile J Bgrnette [50 925 — fol 6 faye en tone FS + pen a ss 11964 10 |30}Plyler Mary W} Statesville James C Plyler | Rachel N Matheson} 50 1 e Se 1965 1 Z Plyler Terry vi W Statesville _ aye W Flyler 4 Carol S ‘Littleton 5} 61 faces! _ p95 | 5 5, Plyler ia Lonnie moenil «| hi \ Statesville cs Leonard D D Plyler Lucille C Mathesor 51) 629 / ans 42 Plyler | Glenda | F | W[Mooresvitte | Billy W Fiyler | Glenda G Brown {51/967 3 eae 1966, 6 4 BNR is | Donna a fw ow Mooresville Charles E Plyler} Linda F Brown =‘ 52) 19661] 2H Plyler = jr _M] Statesville | Richard W. Plyleq Rena D Myers 52 16h st ae i966 1 12/1 Plyler | Jay M | Ww | Stabesville 4 Paul J ‘Plyler Jeannette He lass | i 41967 2 | 15) Plyler Paula es ri Mooresville Kerry D Plyler Nancy C Jones 53| 236 1967, 2 | 11) Plyler Ay Tommy an M wh Mooresville : Billy W Plyler Sr [Glenda G Brown 53, 192 1967, 7 | 11) Plyler Robert E. M| W|Mooresvilie | Charles E Plyler | Linda F Brown | ne6s . 1| 29 Plyler _ IConnie Lucinda F Wi] Statesville Leonard Davis Plyler Lucille Paedes 1019 1968 8 (26 [Plyler Wend) F | W] Statesville Paul Joe Plyler Jeanette H are : & INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell Cou y, N.C. We SIP h ee ey ee Sma mermad, 2aM one rte carton, arena BREE, M24 _, BATE OF maTH ; a aa wi Geet ten ee $x | cor PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oo | | | 1969) 1 25 | Plyler Jennifer Leigh] F |W Statesville Clyde William Plyler) Carol Sue Littleton] 55 102 |ig6s| 2 {asipiyier == |_— yan Lee M| W | Statesville Richard Wayne PlyleP Rena Dieie Myers Iss 210) 1969} 5 |1] Plyler Richard Wayne | M | W | Mooresville Pearl Howard Plylerj| Wilma June Barnett al 55, 53h 1969 7 |12/Plyler Patrick Nortor M Wi Statesville James Conard Plyler} Rachel Nan Matheson Is 864 1970, 7 | 22] Plyler Ginger Marie -F| Wl Mooresvilie Charles Edward Plyjer Linda Faye Brown 56 103 1971; 4& | 8) Plyler Michael Mat M | Wi Statesville Robert Michael Plyle} Susan Gale Brown /57 440 723| 8 | 8| Piyier Don Mitchell |M |W | Mooresville __ W ney? 159, 840 : 197 10 |11) Plyler Tammy Renee F Wi] Statesville [Richard Wayne Plyler/Rena Dicie Myers 59 1127 HT 24 edie: _| eiaarty Ann piv | Statemvitie | eed 1975| 5 |2 | Plyler Anna Leurene | F | W | Statesville | | 1979 ¢ | 3] Payler Jereny Lee MW | Statesville | Walter Lee Plyler | Linda Carol Stewart | 61 699 : 6 | 2975| 9 (29) Plyler | Mindy Nicole | F | W | Mooresville | Frank Dean Plyler | | Audrey Blisabeth/ RE aes 8) 2. |7 | Plyler Scottie Ray __ | MI » | Mooresville Billy Wayne Plyler jLinda Lucile Honeycu o* eeis 11978! 5 |11/Plyler ____| Sherry Nichole] F| [Mooresville Kevin Dale Plyler [Deborah W. Wally ‘fou lass | 1979). 6 Plyer _ ____|Jennifer Ashley | ‘te _| Statesville James Randal Plyer Sonja Rene Stone _[65 {498 & 1979/9 21 | Plyler | __|Rhonda Michelie| F | | Statesville James Allen Plyler Priscilla Ann Bowe 65 833 979 | 11|¢|Piyier __ Benjamin Todd |m | Btatesvitle Pames David Plyler | Carolyn Annette RBsen/65_1 . - Plyler hasity Ann F_ |W Mooresville [Frank Dean Plyler udrey Eliz. Warren by 628 : ae dd, Sie 3 2a Seiden Bias: Pika ore aioe te : - nn _— _ — 4 ie rtresinanenniiid fener renee eens — | er ic| | if ae + _ + —o —_—— — -— —_—_f}-_______- et Lb at oe | | } “ e | ' ; tT , —— ot epee a ana 44 -__4 } bi ' “ % + iia ceil | qj = —+- : 4 aoe ~_ _ ee = _ enna h . : om + — — — —— —— - ——_—_}-—- _ — ————_—$—__— sont ——p —— a : cate , Se ek re Ecc Sissies th i —--+ ~ + + _ —i- — -_——_—____——_— ee - ie - ; a ' sioeeecepinntia ‘ ie 7. ~— sit bl 4 S viipetiliinianidllarailie oka ee ig inimical 4 Sei B acidiek Mie inelbbibebeiidaeilicionccile | a aan a ———- —~+— —--4- pecans —- eae a aa -_ a ia — - —-4- —} a ha anil i —~j— viaiiiaimeiiies I snide Il cihemtiaharaattealilpiiadaheaisice i] | er i i iii a in ice ae pe aa “ick SS: ee nl aloes . 7 a — +. ~~ Por —_— ¥ o panache 4 — on sacsesnasnsaononysenestseiinigsetnsenanmeeetontogs ft aseineenenrceeneneasnaemata ene Ae ss a es wise hue Meta cael ee on iti anenetes i seesnicennethaesamedtinssthiaghamntntien oe ipeotunll * ileal nineeeninstininbtponicnneijading | Bi NC e t * TRAE ke Cr ne el ENO! |" fr] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER ~ NAME OF MOTHER = pee - 4 11 POO]. = Ste arn Poo De a i914) S |15}poole .____|Pred Walton | mw oh 20 Eugene Sesh [3 1914| 3 |22}poole Beuleh K F_ |W |Statesviile no | wm s Poole ollie Reves Jisia| 5 Poole — tem |r esville No | samuel @ Poole selmons | 1914/12 |181 P0016 James Seagle | James Pa h 2 1915/11 | Sipoole - Nettie Mechel | F Samuel A Poo 100 916; 1 |3liPpool ~ Fi Ww | gohn Pool lie Pool 5 _1 3! 1916) 5 (|17)Pool - M_ tatesville Tn | Earnest J Pool dane Live 3 1916/ 7 |10}pcole - ziw | Will Jehn Poole nie Hobb 3. ane A Pool - wy A Peps. avi? Bi Poole ~ - resville | James A Poole Etta Jane Christie 4 | 1917| @& (15{ipoole ~Howerd Thomes | M | W [Mooresville NC | Thos F.L_H Poole Minnie B Ritchie [4 | slat shananensniecerenil Lae jae ene A ie gi F_ | W jstatesville | Samuel A Poole | Ll B Salmons _{ 4 | 1917/12 ZiPool Helen Saline rseYW vidson J S$ Pool Mabel Sherrill 28) 2 Pool 2 FE W 4Shanbersburg Tn} Marshall A Pool _ ag goten | 5 |SliPpoo, Charlie M | W [Berringer Tn | Pod 11__| 25} Poole o 1919' 5 | 29)Pool “ ¥ lw Chambersburg Tn] Wm Spurgeon Pool ary R Revis 5 1919) 7 Poole __|Mergaret Evelyn| r | w hiooresvitie we | 5 was, @ | 281 P0012 _.___{Holbred foselle| F | W [pevidson Tn | Jak ‘Sherrill | Lisz0 5 jaa Pool . __| 2 | w Iopambersburg 7 Marshall A Pool Wooten 6 | | Pool ; : bE F_| W [Shiloh Tn John W Pool ot S 1920|.6 _|_2{ Pool Le. M__ii_jstatesville No Ba Reed a 1920! 8 | 23} pool = yr} w Istatesyilie No ough __ 4 6 | ___ Biel aa. | aiheetes i A i F_. W [Mooresville NC | James A Poole ta Christie 6 ___}igei) 2 |e2tpoor |. MW [falistown Tn | 2 aie —__figail 5 _| esl rooie MaLter Anderson} yw" | wW Istatesville NC | Semel J Poole B.Salmona __} 7 ia ——fisml 6 js Poole ______|torayne o Neal |r | w |statesviiie wc | PL Poole 2 1g21, 9 _| 20 Pook________|lssie ____}¥ |W Jstatesviiie ta |X 7 Poo) __ 2 —isez|_7_| bree, __ Merseret____1 F |W Hralistown tm _| | Wm S Pooh itp — pas 9 4} Pool ime jBobert Wade fy + fatatesritie Ne | i | Ligtil chicos pa |= MW | __W_|stetesville Tn | John W Po E Gash __}48. —_—__}.1825|_1_|27}poole __|Pervie meta _| M | w Ichamberaburg Tal Zeb ¥ Poole — e Me i Jases,_3_| 2} pooie - Alme M | ¥ {Statesville NC | Earnest J Poole la dane Lipe 41924) 4A |27 Poole - ttt Sal FP |W iBerringer Tn | WS Poole Reavis sitine ibd | 2-1 wfuccsesssire : * ______ 1828) 12 _| 30 Pitch erate cia aa’ j.m_|w |oaare creek 2a} Jake 2 ood a | 152} j ___fasesiae_ : Mw {coddle ‘reek Tn} Jake 3 Pook 438k 3 i are _9__| 17] Pood. ;Meynoka Leona} FW {Mooresville Nc _{ £4 Monroa Pool 540 ____ J ager ° - 4m |W hyew nore tn | wc Pook con) " ais my sags {Pot'Four Proveetion, inde Ox Te a RNAS Sen NAME OF FATHER |, NAME. OF MOTHER FET need a : W_ [Ernest J Pool _|iula Jane Lipe _4.15) 1012. bs 1927) 5 eelpocle |= Beaufort Tonnia |W | [Ben Poole ss Texte Fearson __ 1.15] 540) 7 (13 Pool bieays E r_iw | Berringer Tn | TA Poo] _._ |Georgia Ballerd __}14|__ 58) 929) 6 0 Vertra CB F_ |W | Fallstown Tn | Pool Roxie Pearson 5 344 1929/ 68 | Po) [Rudy B Broome 15|_ 475 1929 | 21 [Poole Arante Leu F iw Ammie L Wilkinson 15|_ 211 1929|11 |22 Ipoole oe Georgia Ballard _|25| 43) APs 1931| 2 | S§poole _ Betty Coleen | F ln mihition thik lass Sih ...'ss] pad maith: AMIR a Sl 1931/11 (19 frood - F |W } Falistown fn V_H Pool Texie Pearson 17\ 375 1931/11 1 uw | w | Barringer ™m |? ¢ Pool ____|@eer@fe: Ballard 172 1952 sia 22 aah Sl c W_| New Hope Tn _| Cleve Poole .__| Mery Sprinkle _418/ 546) A932 11) 5 §Pocle \M_ | W | Stetesville NG | Wm Oscar Poole ___} Edna B Brewer 18) 6619 1933|12__|17 froole . y | w | chenbersburg Tn| Carl D Poole adie Ruth Bidson |19| 68 1934| 4 | 7 [Pool - M |W | Fallstown Tn | T A Pool Georgia Ballard _ | 20) 278) 1934 5 | - _w_| Felistown Tn | Ben Pool ____} Texas Pearson ____}.20/_284 =954| © _|26 Poole _iusSel2 i'M iw | New Hope tn | Wiley C Pool __- _|Mary Sprinkle _420) 1936| 1 _|30 Poole Jean r_|w | Felistown tm |Clyde R Lawing _| Evie May Poole _|22| 262. 1936| 6 (11 Poole Jason Cornelius |v |W | Fallstown Tn jHe ole |Bettie Lipe .—S«—3s_—Ss 4}. 22) 288) 11936 / 8 116 [Poole set is Se neni == = ____] Rachel] Poole __} 22/1024) 11937| 4 | 2 fpoole Levey lw | statesvizie mm} - - - e 25/2208] _ 1937) 6 lee ole ances Amelia {| F i Statesville NC | wm oscer Poole | Edna Brewer 23) 912 ss : Lw Barringer Tn | - - - p25) 21. ___jlomse ann ___|F |W} Mooresville NC }Qsie L Poole earl Mae Page 23) S81. fobert @ Dean {yw | Falistown tn | Ben Poole ______}Rexy Pesrson ___424/_220 Imogene Fannie |F |W | Chambersbur ex Poole _—iuyrtle F Tate za! a! | perya Bugene | aw | w | }-iuLia H Goodnight | 28 290: : |Mary Francis ¥F W | Coddle CreekTn} - Elizabeth Poole 594 Marion Claire | F W | Statesville NC|Clerence Little Margaret Poole lzs | 965 Dorthie May _|F Ww} New Hope tm |Linto Pool Marthy Welbom ————— Everette Franklin Mw Wi Fallstown Tn _| Ben Poole Dixie Pearson ._—§ 26 210. Ira Alexander M | W ee A Poole ____ [Myrtle F Tate 26| 57 Lillian Sue iF. | New Hope To Clevelsnd Poole Mory M Sprinkle __._ 4 27) 625) _ Deniel Lee _|m_|w | Goaaie Greek Tal - Zuma Lorene Poole | 27! lreuaia ler ohanie rantorg MA Az 287 1910!) 8 ZiPoole Henry wlarence | deisel Noliaonsnione es beleada REE pT Poole... |Williem Gorden _ a a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS — Iredell County,NC Ure. Patent Ne. asviteeeCapgetaht 2000 SP RSLS Ee Bika by Obeurver Printing Rouse: Ghastotie 8.6. ea sin RNAME OF CBD tx | ewe | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER ao 1943| 2 |1 [Poole Merthe Louise | F | W {Cool Spring |Jemes Poole Bilde senfield £9 | 2 1943! 6 | s0iPoote John Wesley | wi a New Hope Ta Wesley ¢ Poole —j“ery Sprinkle __-41.29 | 943) 7 |1 J|Poole Vernie Lee M | W jNew Hope Tn jTento Poole ._—sierthe D Welborn _ 4.29 2 11_16; Poole .______jbeonard Daniel | Mm | w i falistown tns | Ben Poole Texie Fierson _1 29) 944| 1 | SiPoole Roger Thomas 4M |W \Ghambersburg Tnglre Aloxanier Foole Jlivrtle F Tate 50 1944| 2 Poole ery sun _____| y | W |Steteavtile nc iim Gacar Poole ___|Zdne B Bremer Iza. 944| 5 |12 bPoole : 2 velyn 0 Warren {0 1944/9 /12) Basle ____4iaie Onriathag 2 ive Dorothy smith 150_ 1945 | 1 onle sd Dorothy Anne E Ta skal aR SI apa iM 945 | 3 6 | | W Btatesville NW mer Jack Poole y a2 5. Billie King Me ry. Sprinkle bs RS 1945) a_|sl ‘Poole. ss | Wilijem Macheseli M | Oncer fin Poole a; {2945/9 _(86}Poole _______|Sames keroy _| | gi Oe oss +-12~134-troote ——————lntnde-poo— 2 | vo re ——__—_1046|_1 (26 }Ponle ______{dery cene __|u | w Istotesvilie NC |Jemes M Poole _Iiiaze? dugenta derter|aa/ 1946) 1 6iPoole Judy gvens ‘Carolyn Loretta Welistown Tns jeen Poole _______}Texie Pearson __}sa. Statesville NC [Wm Oscar Poole Bdaa Bonnie Graves [32/119 gO ee r = MouUW prateorsite NC | Wade Hampton Poole { Steva Lois Barnette | | |M | w |stetearti1e no | Tames R&y Poole | ip iw _[redeil Cov + Poo —____}19u7,_9 |9 |peeie ___| wong zack | Mw | w|statesvii1e NO |eimer Jack Poole rau 1947 10 21 Poole | Jemes Daniel M | Wi Statesville NC | James Daniel Poole Dorothy Evelyn Good *” 18 1948, 4 29 [Poole [Sherry Lynn F ly Statesville NC [Pervie Reid Poole Dorothy Elizabeth” 729 1948) 5 |3 [Poole __4me Ruth F_ | W JStatesville NC Wames Joseph Poole JHilda ae Benfield 4 | 626 1948) 5 le oole [tiny Mae F | W jStatesville NC [King Poole Erma Mae Gatton 34 | 641 1948} 34 |Poole Lucinda James . Fw} tateswville NC} William T foole joris J theosore fk | -—_—___— isi, 8 13} Poole _____|Donala Kelly JM (WJ Statesville NC | Phill 3 Poole Omie 0 Mayes 35 ji 1949, 8 |13§ Poole | Daniel Crawford] M |W [Statesville NC | Phill S Poole Omie O Mayes 5 |1375 nnn . Era ge 4 M |W JStatesville NO] Waue H Poole \ Stena ly. Barnette 511407 | Qj Wee pawn) 44; % vine Perbare—Syue—— 1950, 1 le Poole Kenneth Watt M W Btatesvilie Wn R Podle Annie Lee Watta 116 1950| 6 | 2}Poole |Keith Reid M| W [Statesville Pervie R Poole orothy E Eidson 36 | 860 1950, 6 |26/Poo1e 4 2 u| wIstateaviize [tre A Poole Sit tde F. Ta 948 ee i clalga ee ee |W Btates: Ered 19ad. ll 42 Poole | Vonda Marie | F us Adie Ruth Bidson 7 9 |} 42952, 1_6 J Poole _____| Paul David _.[M_| W Ista ; 1952) 1 115] Poole PB. pic , Janie Lee Jones. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS = Iredell County, N.C. For Your Protection, lariat On It GET locate seset shade tkaek tor-puae telervone. GOTT Patent Ne. 1attite—Copyrtgee 1500 ee = as URNAME OF CMLD tm | tie | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER . |. NAME OF MOTHER = fo —— 1952| 2 |27}Poole Joyce Ann F | W |Harmony Linto Poole Martha Davis Welborn/38| 198 1952| @ (|27]Poole Boyce Rand M | W jMarmony Linto Poole Martha Davis Welborn[38/ 197 1952 2 24 | Poole - M|W | Moorésville ; - Edna Mae Foole 38] 39 Dak 1952; & | 9} Poole - M | W [Statesville NC |Beauford L Podle [Hazel C Stewart 38 | 606 Ba 1952| 6 |15] Poole Joanne F_| W | Statesville NC|_ King Poole Erma Mae Gatton 3811002 |_| agse|_7 | 31) Poole . . au | W IMooresville NC | Charlie Ww Poole Mildred L Karriker |30|1386 ed 952) 8 |4] Poole Ane F | W ) Statesville NC |Williem T Poole Doris James Theodore! 58/1288) 952 | 10 | 14) Poole Ponald Bugene c [Statesville tc E Roolg/ \} Sande Lap Jones 177 Bias : em an e/ a7 2+ 36} Peete = Wp St he rh a BARR, 29) 253 |__}1953| 3 130] Poole Angie Paulette | F | W |Statesvilie NC - Helen J. Poole 39/452 ey 1953| 5 |11) Poole Sandra Gail W | Statesyille NC| Johnny Crawford Poolévelen Jeanette Woods) 39/788 Ayos| 7 18 Poole Grady Dean W {Statesville NC |Grady Poole Maggie Catherine Frygg 1058 1953| 7 é Poole ao Alma Jeanette | F | C | Statesville NC|Paul sarnest Poole |*anie Lee Jones 39 |1217 1953| 8 |7 |Podle |_James Morris | M | C | Statesville NC . Maddie Arlie Poole |39|1380 a 53 | 9 (5 Poole Michiel Newton M W] Stetesville NQ Carl Dee Poole Addie Ruth Bidson $9 1502 . 1953 9 8} Poole |\aro2 Jane F| W j°tatesville NC |&lmer Poole “arah Pauline “arkle 739 | 1509 6 16 jPeole Michael Jason M | W | Statesville NC] Jason Gomelius Poole | Peggy Ann Lancaster | 40)| 917 1954 6 6 | Poole | saecieatl Sue F W Harmony NC Linto Poole Martha Davis Welborn] 40) | Poole _ | Garry Wayne M Ww Statesville NC | Wayne Cleveland Poofe Mary Mintel? 40) 112 | Poole | Anna Maria 1 F | W Ta s NC | Claude Brown Poole p aap ee Ae a, | Poole | _Jani¢e Jeanette W {Statesville NC | Johnie eee Helen Woods 40/1819 1955 ll 18}Poole | Donnie Dale M W [Statesville NC |&imer Poole Sarah Pauline Barkief4l | 1905 8 \8 |Poole |Ricky King _ M | W [Statesville NC __} ma Mae Gatton _ 42 (12 95 11956 9 28) Poole Tony Eugene M | W Statesville NC |Johnny Crawford Pool@ Helen Woods 4,2) 1529 957. 3 17] Poole Bobby Delaine M | Statesville NC } Bobby J. Poole Rebecca J. Pryor 43) 437) 1957, 6 | 10} Poole Bidney R. M |W |Mooresville NC | Ray A. Poole Peggy L. Naxon 43)| 896 1957 12 | 26} Poole | Deborah Lynn F (|W {Statesville Jason © Poole Peccy Ann Lancaster | 43) 2077 ' t de an | Poors” 19568) 1 (22 }Poole | Ropert George/|M _ W] Statesville obert George dean/ Etta Prences male 410 j hose | 10 4 Poole Rory Neal M |W Btatesville Russell N Poole Agnes L Poteat 44) 1602 ial 6 | 13] Poole | teryl Dawne F Wi Statesville Bobby J Poole Rebecca J Pryor 45 | 865 1969 11 1 |Poole | Roger Mark M | W | Mooresville Ray A. Poole Cossy ioe =iam wall hac 1960 1 | 3 4Poole Roger Dale M " Statesville Beuford L. Poole Hazel C Stewart 46; 5 1960 10 18 Poole | - F | wi Mooresville Ray A Poole Pecgy Lee Nixon 46,1737 ti 1960| 11 | 4) Poole Frances B. F W [Statesville Fred H Poole Lou a +un dy 46 |1830 - os 7 16 Poole | Seremy Trent M | Wi Statesvilie | Bobby Jams Poole Rebecca J Pryor 47/112 or 10 ‘eof! Poole Liliy Jom FW Statesville into Foole Martha D Welborn | 47/1761 1961| 12 17 Poole ‘Amanda Carol F ! W [Statesville Wilford 4. Poole Giide R. ‘gore 47| 2087 ol 3 |e Pople = P| Wi Mooresville | Ray A Foole Poesy L Nixon — = r 1964 4 | 1g Poole Jack E. M/W Harmony ee ae ; Vorothy M Poole _ {4s 1640 1962 10 | 17j Poole Timothy W, M| Ww Statesville Everette F Poole Virginia C Jarvis 48) 1653 Hf ag6e, 30) Poole, Jr. Fred H, M Wi Yadkin County | Fred H Poole Lou A Lundy 48) 20 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. CF nae Sal ler bet Sets es for poe ners Met Race enorme, Sines He — = = isamaane oe sex |couor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER _NAME OF MOTHER aa 4 1963 6 (261 Poole Barry D. M W Mooresville f aay A ‘Poole Peggy | L ine 49) 933 1969 |_6 [29 Pode St pee ts Ee Th ee fu vase 4 Boog : steng LB rnette | 49) ep ee eee tara [Wy seavesvsrie[Sitty-# Foote ——}-_Linda ¢ Yochrane 49 [1346 Joss | 10 | 12}Poole Tony Ix | W Statesville | Everette F Poole Virginia C Jarvis } 49 160 a mye? | ee eee ee LE Ra, eee hae Agee ee ee 1964| 1 | 24] Poole Cynthia F | w [Statesville Wilford H Poole | Gilda R Moore 4/50 | 130 1964, 5 | 26| Poole ae fe: fw ere... mart iae ey “ag 1965 5 2H Poole Donna ee |F : wy Mooresville Ray A Poole | Peggy L Nixon _ Sp. 659 1965) &: | 29 Poole., Aubrey SN “ W [Statesville Aubrey L Poole | | Shirley A Stutts _ 4 51 (1160 | : 1965) 11 e Poole Andy * Mx) We Statesville Wilford i Poole Gilda R Moore 51/1533) 1966 | 1 31 Poole Carolyn F | W Statesville Everette F Poole Virginia C Jarvis i 52 5h | r 1966 11 26] Poole Kimberly _F |W] Statesville David M Poole Carolyn L Stewart 1/52/1673] * B 1967 4 ia Poole Marc M |W Statesville Clarence L Poole — Antha J Bost 59 4h | ie 1967 5 | 24) Poole David M |W Statesville Fred W Poole Eliz Ann Kelan 53 ¢ & 1967/9 ‘5 |Poole | Seott Gordon m Wi] Statesville Wm. Gordon Poole Janet Lee Mossor p3 | 1101 1967, 7 | 24 Poole | Terry’ MW] Harmony . Dorothy M Poole | 53| 952. 1968 1 6 | Poole | Morique F : W | Iredell Co. Carl W Poole Trudy L Boston 1 1968 4 | 3| Poole Kimberly F| W] Statesville Brent “ee Poole | Margaret Geneva Fish 54 453 1968, 12 2% Poole | Maria Laurice | F)| W] Statesville Carl William Poole| Trudy usta 5 1969 1 : 61 Poole | Lewis Scott M Wi Statesville Aubrey Lewis Poole Shirley Ann Stutts 55 | 1969 3 | 14 Poole Christy Scarlett! F | W] Statesville Paul Elmer Poole Brenda Gail seecah P *» 33’ 1969 3 21) Poole |Loretta idan ,F W]| Statesville [Wilford Harrison Poole Gilda Ruth Moore 95 3m & 1969 7.4. 1G Poole | Helen Denise F Wi Statesville Harley Poole Mary ae Sweet) 55) 1969 7 \u Poole |Crystal Yvette ff F | Wi Mooresville [James Leroy Poole Wanda Stephanie / | 55 |874 p 1969, 13 14 Poole Tracye Lynn F | W | Statesville Billy Ray Poole Bobbie Jean Bradburg 55 Lyd ‘a 1970, 12, 1§ Poole ‘Daniel Wayne M| Wi.Statesville David Marshall Poold Carolyn Lee Stewary 56. 1971 2 7) Poole | Allan Wendell M |W] Mooresville Ray Alexander Podle| Peggy Lee Nixon 57) 1 1971 6 11] Polle [Ertetie Rae F | W | Statesville Billy Ray Poole Bobbie Jean Brddburn| 57 , P 1972| 1 3)Poole Jr. | Bobby Jack M | W Statesville Bobby Jack Poole Doris Gail White 58 (25 ’ pi a 972 1 29) Poole Loretta Lynne | F_ W | Statesville - Barbara Sue Poole | 58/94 " 972 1 | 30) Poole Vennie Twyleng| PF Wi Statesville - Dorothy Mae Poole |58\87 | _ 1971, 9 (27 Poole | Darren Matthew] M |W ] Statesville raul Elmer Poole Brenda Gail Harring/ 57 |218% f 1973.1 | 3} Poole | Shawn Xavier M N | Statesville John Bristcl Poole Brenda Harriet McLain} 59\10 4 1973, 3 10} Poole ‘Anthony Dennell| M | Wi Statesville P aul Elmer Poole [Prenda Gail Harringtgn 59 23} 1973, 3 117] Poole | Roderick Thomas|M (N |Statesville |Thomas Alfred Poole \Brenda Mae Howel2 59\258 | { 8 1973| 10, 1] Poole \Stephanie Miche}le F BW] Statesville Steven Jerome Poole || Sylvia Elaine Garrett 59 1090p 1973, 12 |30) Poole Roy Jerry Shannod ¥ | W | Statesville loy Jerry Poole Sheila Mae West 59 é 1974,;..2 12 Poole ‘Janet Renee F W.} Statesville Gary Gene Poole Barbara Jean Sharpe |60 109 _ 3 1974 8 | a4 Poole | Audrey Renae | F W | Statesville Paul David Poole i Elizabeth Burgess 60 & 3 1975, © | 7] Poole Lmeceben Dean _ x W | Statesville _|Grady Dean Poole _|| Brenda Gay York _|61. 3 | | j Rei: Sater ie coe Fe eee * ae et oe DR er UE BO ME TE tae AS OE a he A moh ‘ / : NN 5 NOE Tae rane en ne F 4 Shyu eet ‘ ae He : . Mi, 3 CaaS 5 ae TER Ma " Pe : cm , iH fe th i nr § RSet ed . 7 if an ie Tua toe sce k Yate Mea bee Li Got sbi Ba ah Te erie adel aot x isl eae a’ ee Oe sex jeoonll PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER 2 poe 1977; 2 | LiPoole Donnie Dale Jr | Mooresville Bale Pecle jJerie Jo Springer | 63 116 3977; 3 Ji {™ 2 a Mae Howel) oo 1977| 5 | 9[Poole Joshlyn Parks | M Statesville David Poole Mary Elisabeth 977 | 5 {11 Poole amie Michele F Svatesville Gary Gene Poole Jean 38 “L_}2978| 7_| 71 Poote Timothy Lee | M | doveeeinases ssc enone iil thy May Poole % A |} 2980] 12 | 9 | Poo2e alene F Statesville |Vernie Les Poole {Wanda Annales Trivet ) : Grady Dean Poole Donna Marie Moose &? 1941 1 |15} Poole Amanda Jane z tatesvilk 1981) 4 | | Amie Hicele F Statesville _ eed A Ste = a + pt - ee —— A apenas eceseeeneesoetstie a — - — es aetna tere -_ — ~~ — _— id o ghd Al rnin a Rasta tesa Se keds heal phcteetleek ashaiadgpiaipttcphicecapcnaie nS adaicioid idiieinsa aR eae iin che dale ee ay Ri es ee a ee ee oe —--— L — a — — — } - — tt re name enema inant rent — erence penance nnn —} — een _ —_——+ _ _ — --f- -—f—- —--—___——— af ‘ bid is gee on ee Oe Se ee Oe — _ — 4 4 —_ —+— — — pecan ———$________— — —$ a “ag —— —— a —t —t- a _ —+— —_—_—— — Hh — —_ ———_ — J —~— — — — + b — me — 4 — — en _ a ne a —— Tt - a well — — _ - — — ee - 4 i - — 4 -_—-—_ ee ETS —— i ——— — a _ a ee ——————— —f + ———~ — ~ “—_ ee _ - " — ——— —— _ — — ’ em sea es : | pee eS Decal a a pamsemennini ananeencianciiilien xen penencieneeteamanapnenaesiaiamaittaetiattneats an enpenemenncnnnane tee~aeehsenaens-aneesanasseitnenena -~ cintioreteypiniiginnacane brennan come we | — }- — _ - aatanemnanesi fe ane ee Ein Naceckd + pichdicitd nan dictinnti ibieits diaiiiehiee. wecliciibaicScilal liseli +> _ ca — > 4 — ~ —_——— ~ —F — a eR —~ —_—————— a) Se e . oe ee ee PT LP ALR SS 1, SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF GHE IS GIVEN EF 0 een eee Sth inten shes tt base hen Color PLACE OF BIRTH. NAME OF FATHER . 2 ee | aa 12 4 1917 5 | 6 1917/8 j32 1917, 6 |30 iar) 11 | 2 1916; 2 |13 1eie| 2 24 1919 | 2.9 1919! 3 22 iie| 7 | 3 1919, 8 (21 1920, 1 116 1920| 4 ia 19 | 4 (a 1920, 4 2s 1920, 7 |32 1920| 12 |29 1921, 3.|17 lea) 9/8 12 |16 5 |s1 7 10 19 i|s 2 7 aj? 9 22 3 |'3 3 |20) vets Pope Pope Pepe Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pops L}| Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope 6 | Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Po pe Pope Fope Pope Pope _fiva Nell. EF Lelie if _Wessie eI _fedner Bell | F Mabel- jf F « M- Re Cherlee DeMitt | M | we hed William Lee Jr | M | sce Alvin Monroe Mu oi tas « F 2 Hughey L_ - Me William Robert | wy | - g.4 - M Sarah Jane . F oi [mM | Mildred Cleo F | - aw ! - F i - M . M Margeret svel/ Pr icectie Virginia | F | - | | 7.4 FI - F - F $03 |froy Lee - M ~ M | ° F | Sarah Ette F James Robertson | M Selen Merjorie | F LY nh z Mary Lou F == 2 = se ee ee ee te ee ee ee e el l rh lh l ll l ll l Oe oe a ee om _fallstown fns W_jshatoh tnsnip fyoha H Pope- nh Tnship _ ei Statesville WN C. jShiloh Tnship | Fallstown Tns Shiloh Tnship Shiloh Tnship Mooresville NC Shiloh Tnship Davidson Tnship Shiloh Tnship Shiloh Tnship Coddle CreekTn Davidson Tnship Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Shiloh Tnship Shiloh Tnship Statesville NC Barringer Tns Shiloh Tnship Shiloh Tnship Stetesville NC Mooresville NC Shiloh Tnship Mooresville NC Stetesville Tns Shiloh Tnship Mooresville NC Statesvilie Tna ‘Rockwell Pope Slam H Pope _fPlore E Poole =—s feiLlie Pook 0 [laura Bost Pope i a ee em H Pope. Peeve cca Honéysutt ! boert # Pope \Bertha Isenhour | a| ama} den A Pope ellie & Morrison | 2| 759 4 t Pope tia Nash Pope sf. | 9 | lie Pope Wannie Pope ss st. 8120) 4 HH Pope Berthe Isenhour j 3)| 49 | William Lee Pope Clare Edith Smith | 3) 96 be ‘Shas M Pope Ida Pope 4| 914 4 John Poye Flora Pool 41 3% Ernest R Pope Ila Nash 4|° 91" i _H Pope Laure Bost a : Elem H Pope Reece Huneycutt | 4) 22 J Linden A Pope Estell Morrison 4A) 4 | dames R Pope Mary Kelly {44 | - Bessie Pope 5| 6 ts Ernest Pope Tle Nash 4 51-5 1 Hubbert Herman Pope | Berthe Mae Isenhour | 5/106 } & J R Pope ME Kelly s| onal 4 Thomas R Pope C M Pope JR Pope L A Pope Ernest R Pope Williem K Pope John R Pope Rockwell Pope Thomas R. Pope Ernest Pope iloh Tnah ip ly A Pope Elam EH Pope d°hn Robert. Pope Hubbard Herman Pope _jBerthe Mey Mayes Edna Pierce Ila Nash Jennie M Aldridge Edne Pierce Jettie E Benfield Floyed Pope Bueleah Degenhbart. Ila Nash Sarah Honeyoutt’ ‘Elle Bdne Pierse Shiloh Tn Roosevelt Geampbell Mary Fope hs tatesville N CiJohn Robart Pop Ella Edna P. Coddle Creek ? Hubbard B Pope. |Bertha enhour....._43 (com) PPO ge : Fe, , ee rs ih a, i . Estell Morrison. ” Estelle Morrison | Jettie EB Benfield { 6) Sara 2 Honsycutt 6 Beula Pope 6) Ida Pope 6 oa ec ®@ @e e # e . s 3 ae - “BIRTHS bebe Coty, a Aende (ie te necion arene rin seta tan , NDI Se id, ne cA Sree ie wan ‘cometo na, a i en ta | fir | PLACE OF'BIRTH:| NAME OF EATHER |.” NAME, OF MOTHER = l B j1925| 4 |20}pope ie aM Jprnect 2 Pope. __|x18 Nash fia aad _41985| 11 | ?iPope ss [WA Liem Henry | M | wp | Gislem H Pope Redecka Huneyoutt $12) 546 | 42826 | 2 _B7 \Pope - é jLinden Cathey >M |W. LAPope ___—-fBstelle Morrison _ 412! 721) _ 41986, 4 | 4)Pope — _____|Zule Oveda | F aed | Olen Roy Pope Jennie Lipe 12) 729) Jises| 11 |27|Pope Mergerette Lj F |W |falistown tas {J C Pope __jLtLlie Messick _ as} 95] | Jager | a jaa bee Levis Ointerk | M |W |statesvsize w bt Pope _ ize Bina Picres — |25| 297 a 1927 | 3 | 6iPope hail -. px ooneora Oni. 100 eee lisiasateilliabes. _._ $48) 226] 4 jig27| 3 |si{Pope mete Mee -__| F | W JSnilon muenip fallen Pope ___JJennie Stewart __}15| 689) $1927) 6 |12;Pope |Hubert Herman ‘iW |Moor esville NC Hubert Herman Pope {Bertha Isenhour _ ___ JAS) 842) _jie27| 8 | l}pope + ¥ |W |Sniloh tnship j@rnest R Pope ss |Tia Wash sf | PRO} 1927, 6 |26|Pope ! Dortha Lorena | ¥ | w |Shiloh Tnship |¢ H Pope ss Rosa Rish «44S OY _jases| 4 |12}pope . M_|w jsnitoh ship joren R Pope Jamie “Stewart __414/2176} | pana 6 |17}Pope: F | w }rurnersbure Tn [Wm R Pope jMergaret C Morrison pt, 3 el 1928| 8 | 7} Pope - F | W [Mooresville N CjOllie B Pope Delle 5 Jaokeon), }14/ :607) _)1926| 11 |16|Pope Margaret Ann riwW tet eeville N CjJohn M Pope _. fAnnie T Iane 24/2027) ug29| 2 |28|Pope Ernest syne | M | ¥ [Shiloh Tnship |& RB Pope _.. Jee Mesh 8 | __ }1929| 5 [SifPope |Robert Gkeyton | M | W |Davidson TashipjRockwell Pope Jettie BE Benfield 15). 852) oJ 1929| 6 115 Pope | - F |W |Barringer Tns jBone eon Pope - jGrace & Morr ign _ p35) 26) _ligeo, 8 |15}Pope 4 - M | W jShiloh fnahip jG-rlend H Pope Rosa Emma Ritch!” 415). 604) a 1950 6 |10) Pope | - F | W |/Stetesville NC IR Pope = _janns Pope ace 16| 836. 41950 | 11 9| Pope | - M | W /Olin Tnship Wm Earnest Pope Margaret C Pope 416) 626) 4 1931) 9 | 19] Pope | - F | W |Shiloh Tnship [Olen Pope Jannie Stewart _—«4f.17|_ 696) jasa | 1l_|16)Pope - F W {Shiloh Tnship [Garland H Pope Rose Emma Rich § 17) 706: 1982. 3 | 30) Pope - F | W | Davidson TnshipjRockwell W Pope Jette EB Benfield §§186) 232 i 1952, 12 | 20) Pope | - F WwW |Shiloh Tnship [0 N Pope Jennie Stewart: | 19| 598 g 1953 9 25 Pope sa F | W jShiloh Tnship jErnest R Pope Olea Nesh 4 19) 827 1984 4 | 9) Pope {Freddie Allen M |W iShiloh Tnship [Allen Pope Cleo Sigmon '20| 694 ) 1954, 9 48 Pope : M |W jShiloh Tnship jxarnest R Pope Ole Nash af 420) 759 | $1934) 11 {2? Pope - F W [Statesville N CijJohn Rosert Pope |Edne Pierce —— $20) 930 @ 1958, 2 128 Pope {David Eugene M |W |Coddle Greek TniGecil EB Pope Signor J Bracket {21) 115) 1935 5 |16)Pope Jerry Clarke MW |Stetesville N GlJ C Pope |Cherlotte M Clark }21) 831 iL 1935, 5 21] Pope Audrey May F | W [Statesville N GjRobert & Pope Mery A Byun dg | | 4s 6 |10 Pope | - MW jSbilob Taship {Alen Pope |Jennie Stewart __ | 83) 609) _ }42085| 7 |12)Pope John Henry | M |W |Shiloh taship |Boya Pope ____‘|Katie Morrison _‘|82| 996) _ | |acss, 7 | ehrope ‘Wanda-toniee | F |W |statesvitie N clchariie A Pope __|veldn Beker ____}al aa 1935| 6 | SiPope Elmina Fern | F | W |Shiloh Tnship jCheriie B Pope {Dirchie Fern Little }2))} 700) 1935, 11 |18) Pope. Will tem Alex u | W [Shiloh Tnship j|Wilber A Pope Janie Waugh 21) 727, {Mery Hel | M |W 1Sbileh Tnship jzarnest Pope Ole Nash 2) RB Laie Mics Be ha F | W [Shiloh Tnship {Olen Pope _.jJannie Stewart i) a _|Tommy Dale | M | w G Pope | Charlotte M Clare: }25) ee te ee ee ee LL e e s al ie RNAME OF CHILD bis |i PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aii np ashen Lor | w lptatanviane tae fraun mugone Pope _fuinie Privetse | ot = | 2-4 -w Joosare creck tn}rutus o Pope __|oonnte 1 Bteke — - |} }w Jgnaion wnsnip |gernest Pope tra Mae N Pope | - | a |.weJontaon mmenty |rarrera Pope. frauline Morrison | Ann. Davidson | F | W jstetesville N CiTnurston R Pope Davidson — Carlie Bar | M | W |stetesvilie N Clcarlie B-Pope =e lie B Younger - | ¥F | W [Statesville N CiPaul E Pope [Minnie Privette Gerlia Bnid | F_| W |Mooresville N CjCecil Bugene Pope [stenore @ Brackett _ . 1938, 27 |Pope Franklin Leon 4M | W jstetesville N CiBoyd Wm Pope _[Ployce Sigmon Pope j24/| 798 1958, 10 (29 1Pope |S Ann riw Fm ‘Tn}iClyde S Pope ‘ 1938 | 10 {31 /Pope - F | W jshiloh Tnship [Owen Pope — Ace : 1939, 1 | 30} Pope F | W{Shiloh Tnship | Boyd Pope Katie Morrison _ a 1939) 6 | 16) Pope Jane Amelia F | W [Statesville NC Carl Morris Pope Anna Pauline Ford oil $1959; 6 | 285) Pope » ( Lynda Key r W [Statesville NC Claude David Pope jMary P Bowman &. 1959, 18 | 16) Pope. | i . F LW Statesville NC |Paul Eugene Pope Minnie Privette 1939/ 12 |86/Pope Betty Kay F | W |Goddie Creek TnjWilliem Boyd Pope /Filoyee H Sigmon 2959-12 |20)/Pope - M \¥ Statesville Ta [Carl B Pope Nellie E Younger 7 1940; 5 |1 [Pope |rrances Olean |F (|W jStatesyille NC [John Robert Pope Elie Edna Pierce . jee 1942 | Ss. pe a | Mery Virginia La e Greek Tn | Cherles Willer? Popel Mary Lee Sherrill | 27 2 941 | 4. 1 Pope Leone rij Borne.d x ddle Greek Tn | Shirley L Pope Meble Shumsker a 941 | 4 ha pe Glende Reye F rr CFoddle Greek fn | Gland Sbfus Pope | Connie Loutiae/ieubin’ 941 M | 2 Pope Gleude Devid JriM iW pustenwitas NG} Gleude D Pope “ery Feuline Boxman 2 pees | 5 i Pope Jemes Boyce M/W }Shiloh Tn John Alexender Pole |Meggie Metheson 1908 68 | 6]Pope \donn_sopiue MU itroutmen NC ohn Gordon Pope 8 anma Poole ie 1912, 2 \12 Pope [Wiliiem Boyd a sis heshiceedie orge Millen Pope illie ann Poo) 1922, 5 is0 Pope Rose Lee PY ptatesville mi Wlossie Irene Pope 1942, 2 | 6[Pope \- FP. @ [Shiloh Tas © R Pope Janie Stexart 4 1942, 4 pan Ryan Ww. W [Statesville NC jBuey Pope Minnie Brum 28 1942 4 |12}/Pope \Lynn M | W [Statesville NC |Huey Pope Minnie Brum 23 34 1942, 6 | 5}/Pope oon Merie F © |Stetesville Tnsjerl B Pope Nellie C Younger 428 & 1942, 7 |20|Pope \- M 4 [Mooresville NC |Rufue G Pope Connie Hicks. 26 |. 1942, 10 | 2|Pope \tienry Franklin} | W |Mooresviile NC |Geci2 ugeas Pope |Gaynel2 Brackets |26. 1942 18 25) Pope ‘Lee Aulter M | OW jStetesville MC jJobn R Pops Elle B Pieree _ 28% h94s | 1 a Pope Phillip Miwerd | M ; v fsnsion Ta oyd Pope iiezel K Morrison 29 3 1943 | 1 ° Pope Glende Christing F : W jStetesville NC juelter Glenn Pope jane Merl Holmes . " 19431 [15 fPope Stephen Farrell | M |W {Shiloh Tas Ferrell Pope Nettie Morrison : 8 1945 | 3 he iPope Pensy Louise F §W {Shiloh Ta Hoe rl Pope racy Sigmon boas | 4 16 Pope Sareh Mgrlene W Mooresville NC [Shirley Leonard Fope Mabel S shunts. | 1243 | 6 8 Pope Devid Lee |W fStotesville Hc Coite Lee Pope. _ foie L bistie. ns | 9. ° jFope Mergeret Beker | F x Mooresville NC Memes K Pope Rush Bi | | 56. ~ INDEX 10 VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS ~ dell Coin; N C ! ss | : a M E R E T m a, . - : : _ 5 Piggies {pes semen sentir a Insist On fe oe Oe ra PE a A US Be ke, aan ae am iis Gee tie va il Sex ww | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER -NAME -OF MOTHER fee '1948| 10 p2 | pile titeaaesieadiile ‘mit ceville NG jfrnest R Pope _}Grace Mee Nabors __}29|117@) 00 _}1044) ss lez] pope {Glends.Lee__}F_|W_ 48 atesville NC ifray Lee Pope __—s | Bleanor L Hoover [30! s17] if 10 | s}Pope |mudy Medetine |r ie _|ghiloh Tus __ic E Pope sss Birchie Little eC | 945 | 2 14 Pope ee __ Me 4 pons ae harles UW Pope. egy hee. 3h ie ae pee Tels Henry Pope Se sapage} a 246-425} Pope picid shia 2 | idiptia tieaaenes a q } og MIRE a rebar} 1945 | 5 (13 [Pope jLloyd Spencer | M | Mooresville NC (Cecil Bugene ante +) ; }r945| 5 st jeope Qieays Mee ss] vw {gnix0b ms __ |@erl_ Pope _———rresaie Sigmon ig. | gv} ne 1945 | 10 | S{Pope {Ger Morris dr | M i Statesville NC [Geri Morris Pope _/Feuline Mom gg, 7946 | 2 {27 Props en Lynn F |x stateswille NC fubert Pinkney Pope |Durlend Stenley _- 452) 265) = ow | 8 as _ ___hexyu atiea [at | w | stateoviaie No | Hugh 1 Pope Minnie Evelyn Drum | 32/4052) 0 41946| 10 | 18] Pope bots Paulette jF_ \. W | Statesville NO | Coite Lee Pope _} Lois Lyerly Little } 32) 1392] aa _figas | 12 26 Pope | Wetvie Durant | M |W Statesville NC | Paul ¢ Pope Martha E Moose 1946 11 | 4 Pope , Wanda Faye Fr oW oresville NC paiziey Leonard Pope | Mabel S Shoemaker 42947| 3 |11) Pope Patricia Lea F | W [Mooresville NC |wWm Henry Pope -| Helen G Grabb _ [2947| & [27] Pope Hobby Wayne M| W| Mooresville NC} Charles Willard Popq Mary Lee Sherrill 1.1947, 10 2h Pope | James Tony M | W/ Statesville NC | James sabertetePepe- | Maule Charlon Nicho E 1947 il | 13] Pope |Bovor Dennis M_ W [| Statesville NC | Coite Lee Pope Lois Lyrely Little a L948 | 6 om | Sendra Sus F WwW ville NC earnest. Wayne Pope petty Sue Cline. i Lalas baa 8. a. serry Lee. | W_»Mosresville Nc | Cecil kK rope Signora G Brackett. Bu 1.206 | si ante | J2948) é ihe ope | James Shuford | M | W |Mooresville NC |William R Pope Ina Amelia Barver |3% “ a Bs siaal 9 113 Pope | Slaron Ann F W) Statesvilie M@jRufus E Pope Summie J Wituerspoon] 34! 1474) i { }1948, 9 | 22 Pope banay. nae M...W Stetesville NC Heli Bryson Pope argaret Avis Al cv cone Oo 1944 iL 1§ Pope Robert Clayton M : W {Mooresville NC {| Robert C Pope Sophie J Beaver jo4) 2 a - $1948) 12 i Pope ‘Katherine Louis} F W Statesville nc |®4ward R Pope Margie K Penland 434| 2143) 8 : ong | 3 |h6} Pope \Charles Little | M |W I|Statesville NC [Charles Edwin Pope rehie Fern Little 135! 549! ; ] agg 3 25 Pope verry Elaine F |W §Statesvilie NC ames Robertson Pope Mauda C Nicholasoa | 36. $5574 nied a ase iz [25 Pope Lewis Phillip M_ |W Btatesville ad Gilbert Pope _| Burma L Milisaps e661. i 1950, 4 18 Pope | tomny Joe M W} Statesville NC | James. Pope | Maude C Nicholson fee. ae 1950) | 20) Pope | mess Lee F_| W] Statesville NC | Joseph B Rope. Audrey Lee Boss. pe} S39. a 1950, 4 |8 | Pope | Randa Elaine |F | WJ} Statesville NC | zrnest Ww Pope | Betty Sue Cline 36620 ® * 080! 5 is Pope Charles Vance M . WwW [Mooresville — Wm_R Pope Ina A Barber — 46 | 955 }r080) 6 {27 Pope /Sylvia June F iw $tetesvilie. Edward RK. Pope Margie K Penland {36/899 | vil 3980 7 rt 8| Pope {xetnr Sue FW |Statesville [Fred Alley rope | Delly EB. Kern 36) 1088) | Tane Elizabeth | F |W | Mooresville HC |Charles W. Pope | Mary Lee Sherrill {56/1405} | Thomas christy. Mi |W Mooresville NC [Clyde E Pope } Ruth R $0eldner ee 1617 | Kathey Etta F | w Statesville NC {Eugene R Pope Sumnia J Witherapoon| 36| 1704 3 jJesse Calon Jr jw {Statesville NC iJesse C Pope ace Byers }56, 1860} ; ve oy Bridget _|F Ww | Statesville NC | Clyde X Pope parbara Lee Paterson 37 bo. __._ | F_| W_] Mooresyi lie we bien: Rufus Pope ~-Rennte—Rehei-ttece hoe ne Monae Peewee Sarai 0g. Patent Na. 1eBMGb—Ceagsiaht 1800 CRT: nen re AE PEE ESPNS, Tap ont mtr me eat wn IBNAME OF GMLD. sm | cow} PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER free 1951! 6 12 Pope Elizabeth Barbar Fi W oresville NC jWil posi 8 (13 | Pope ° i'M |W § Statesville Nc | Tressie Louse Si 1951| 9 j11) Pope - F | W | iredell County] Albert I Pope Kula kmily sprinkl@ 37 159 n951 | 10 12 Pope nest Eugene M W i Statesville NC | Rufus Eugene Pope Sunlca Kare 37\ 174 n951/ 9 28 Pope George Linden M |W Btatesville NC’ Pames Boyce Pope Jr | Sarah Ruth Gilghehript n951| 10 9 | Pope Lisa Bowmen [ip |W | Statesville NC | Claude Davia Pope ary Pauline Bowman | 37| 173 195 7 | 30) Popé Harry Eugene M |W [Statesville NC | Jesse Colen Pope Grace M pre 3 952| 9 |8 | Pope ‘o_Ann EF _w] sttenviiie uc) nonert C. Pope | sophia Josephine pa 1952 1) 22 1 Pope —__—_—__—_—-jJames William _{M |W | Mooresviile NC [Clyde E. Pope | Ruth BR. Soeldner | 1953; 8 (8 {Pope Teresa Ann Fi Wd Statesville NC|Coite Lee Pope Lois Lyéekty little [39 1300 : 11953 | 10 11 | Pope usan Hallie F | Wi] Statesville NC | Henry J C Pope iar lieet| eae! 9 | 163 1954; 10 | Pope Julia Beth F_ | W [Statesville NC [Pal C Pope Martha Eli eat 1 1954 12 |\2Q] Pope Gilbert Carol M_| W | Statesville NC hLewis Gilbert Pope {Burma Lunette Mills 2 1955! 7 (ik Pope Janet Christine} F | W Noesésvilic NC }Clyde Evlan Pope Ruth Rose Soeldrer las 1199 1956; 2 |20§ Pope “eborah Plato F | W [Mooresville William Robert Pope fIna Amelia Barber 2| 237 19564 5 | 291 Pope Gary Wayne MW |statesviile Nc |Hubbert Leo pope | lary Aileen Mayhew | 42) __8 | 14] Pope Cathy Amanda F | W [Statesville NC j|Cayl B Pope Jr Betty Ruth McCrary [42/1280 6| 10/14 Pore 4 petisen ann | F |w | Mooresville NC} Clyde B. Pope _—|R 1957 3 | 3G Pope - M W Btatesville N C} Carl E. Pope Tressie Sigmon 3 | 473 1957; 4 | 18] Pope Anita Denise F ly tatesville N C [James Rk, Pope Vharlon Nicholson | 43) 957 | 9 | 18 Pope - FW Btetesvizie | Raizh Daniel Pope |Mery E. Tevepaugh 43) 957 FE 10 la Pope Raymond Lyle cs | tatesville Jams Lyle Pope Pearl L Whitman 43/1 1.958 | 4 \20] Pope Cynthia Gale P | W_ Statesville NC PMilliam Alexander Martha Jane Hil) 557 1958 5 (3 | Pope | Sendra Leigh FW {Mooresville NC [Robert Clayton Pope {Sophie janes 44 | 706 ___]| 1958 8 ls ope | Susan Diane F| WBtatesvilie Siyde R Pope Doris EB Patterson 192 1968 7 '1 | Pope rimotny ‘Hel uw Saunly Hal Pope Rosa Neil Lipe 441 } 1958 7 3c] Pope : | Rioxse Lynn ui ¥ \ astiiethe Hubert Leo Pope Mary Aileen Mayhew | 44) 11’ 1968 7 | 1% Pore | Julie Anne F | w bteksoriate Freddy Allen Pope Patricia Anne Lackey; 44/10 1954 11 1G Pope | Roger A. x env sville Huey A Pope Gaye A Hudson 44) 1958 11/13) Pope F WBtatesville Albert F Dope Eule E Sprinkle 4 1811 95812 Si} Pope TS rT atesviile | a * Fope Charion Nicholsm [44/2111 1959| 1 |26] Pope ___{Beverly Liane | F | WiMooresvilie David E Pope Helen M “iilespie 145/98 959 1 16] Po pe 2 | Parts Gayle Pi W [Statesville Charlie B Pope Jr R M 45 ee 2 lee | ~ P iW tatesville Carl E Pope Tressie Sigmon 45) GLO ____ 959 5 al Pope | Carol Ann P| W | Mooresville Lester T fope Erma © Christopher 722 959' 5 |1 Pope, Ir Wn. Alexander M | Wi Statesville Wm. A Fope Martha Jane Hill 45) 657 959, 7 Pops | Joven deymn F | w Statesville Edward R Pope inn K Penland 45) 975 959/' 6 od Fo pe | benny lee Mw tatesville Fairley R Pope Suma L Pax , 45; 948 hess lek ial oo Sarees F Whtateavie Fiyde R Pope | Dorin & Patteraan | 46) __959| 10 8 Pope _ | mes Lou P| Wi Statesville Freddy Allen Pope Patricia A Lackey 45 ie 1959 | 12 129 ope Carol ineAmelia FY oresville wm. R. Pope Ina A. Barber | | | ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BERTHS ~ Iredell County, N.C. GAG Ie Saat ates see We poe lereeen For Your Protection, Inset On I SOF FRAC A ER —— — NNN OF CRT. sex | tor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | . NAME OF MOTHER hoe 1960; 1 |30)}Pope Jeffrey Allen w_ | Statesville | Hubbert L. Pope Mary A. Mayhew 46/164 fieco|& 6 Pope Henry Ray u |W | Statesville Larry H. Pope Rosa N. Lipe 46| 1363} hi 7 ‘$80 pope Terry Michel FP Wi Mooresville Davia E. Pope Helen M Gillespie 46) 1201 960; 9 8 ei Elizabeth Jane F W iStatesville Wiltiam A Pope Marthe Jane iil 45| 1606} 961 3 e Pepe, 111 Cgriie Be x " Sustessitit oo oe 9 Bs, Bathe Betty R, Me | 1961| 7 |l2o/Pore Jeffery Dean | M | W:| Statesville Nc Billy Dean Pope ae Faye Cascaddon 47 e 1961| 6 |24)Pore Jerry Greg oe Statesville NC} Jerry ‘Gray Pope lary M. Hoke A 1 1961! 10 |S |Pope Crystal Annettd F | WiCharlotte Russell ¥. Pope Norma M. Crawford [47 |2095 1961/12 Steven Boyce mM |W (Btatesville Boyce G Pope ° Audrey F Wilaon 147 ps —+ hee | 12 af Hoyte Allen M| Wi Statesville Larry H Pope Rosa N Li pe ol na 1962} 1 Popa Debbie Sharon F | W] Statesville Fairley R, sae uma L. Fox 48] 126 1962; 3 (27}Pope Deborah Renee | F WiMooresville Robert C. ‘aa Sr. hates J Beaver 48 |447 1962/ 4 (9 [Fore Robin B. PF | W Mooresville Leonard B Pope 7 Pegey B Thomas 8 |543 1962 5 |\1 Pope Kenneth Ray M| W Mooresville Alvin M Pepe Carolyn is Upright 689 1962) 6 (3 a Addie C. F | W iStatesville Jimmie D Fope Pauline F Seeeee 48 : £962 | 11 21 Pope - F | W [Statesville Carl E Pope Tressie L Sigmon 48|1785 1963 | 2 1 fPope David M. M | W Mooresville David E Pope Helen ™ Gillespie [49 |166 1963 3 (|19 Pope Clifton S. M Wi Statesville Geo D Pope She ron K Laws 49 412 1963} 4 (13 |Fope Timothy M | W {Mooresville Leonard B Pope Pegey B Thomas 49 |546 — 1963 5 | 24 Pope Richard M| WI] Statesville Wm. A Pope, Sr. Partha Jane Hill 49} 749 r 1963; 8 | 4, Pope Honda F| W | Statesville Russell W Pope sis M Crawford #9 [1170 7 1963; 8 i 1, Pope Ronda P| Wi Statesville fussell W Pope Norma M Crawford 49) 122 963 | 8 | 2h) Pope Lisa | W | Statesville Boyce G Pope Audrey F “ilson 49/| 1308 1963, 9 5 Pope Lori a W | Statesville Clyde W Pope Mary J McClure 49| 1367] n963 | 9 (28 Pope Christopher M | W Moor esvi lle Lester T Pope Erma L Christ ipher | 49| 1542) 1963) 11 | 114 Pope James M W | Statesville Fready A Pope Patricia A Lackey [49/1729 1963| 12 | 24)Pope Johnny M W |Statesville “lvin M Pope Caroline E Upright [49/1958 1964; & | 2]Fope Kelly F W | Statesville Billy D Fope Alice F Caseaddon {50} 536 1964; 5 1} Pope “9 dney x Wi Statesvilie Bruce E Pope Bar bara E Miller 50 686 —F 119% od Pope Bet ty F Wi Statesville - Mary J McClure 50 965 ( 11964, 11 (19] Pope David fs | Wi Statesville Wm A Pope rtha J Hill 50 1734 e 1965; 3 |2618Pope Kecia F | W | Statesville Jerry GPope Mary M Hoke 51) 399 1965! 5 |26]Pope Darren Mi Ws Statesville Fairley R Bope Suma L Fox 51 684 1965| 8 /|1 [Pope Timothy M Wi Statesville Hubbert Leo Pope | Mary A Mayhew 51) 103¢ 1965 | 10 | 16} Pope Sherry Fi W Statesville JohnH Pope Peggy A Southers 5] 1454 196$ 12/16] Pope | Denita F W}] Statesville Billy D Pope Alice F Cascaddon {51/1705 1966; 1 | 18] Pope % Mary F | WY] Statesville Tommy : Pope _Norma C Dixon 52 83 1966 9 | 2G Pope II Stephen M Wi Statesville Stephen F Pope Judith C Beaver 1966 10 4 Pope Tracy he M Wj] Mooresville | Leonard B Pope | Peggy B Thomas 1967 1 | rope : ‘ vis, ; Carlie B Pope Jr Betty R McCrary ne) 5 [af toe fier Lo Merete | Me ee | SRA ER INDEX TO VITAL ee County, N. C. carton Sorel MRS Tob according to Firot Latter or Letters of > Bet OSes Geeae ee Sage reroeaee. “ait MSS Pee Ge, Radas We °° a: sen = er Oe sox so PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a 1967 = 1) i Pope Michael mM iW Statesville David Lee Pope Martha L Dagenhat 1968; & |19] Pope Angelina ¥ bisssiritic Danny H Pope Tabitha C F em 1968| 5 |23§Pepe Daniel Bauman MI ow Statesville Claude D Pepe Jr. [Martha Gail Black 54 658 a 1968| 5 |21] Pepe Michael Tedd 4; M Wi Statesville Paul Allen Pepe Sheila Dianne wil/ | 648 3 i a 1964 5 | 18 Pepe Ruby Tabatha | F| W| Statesville Ruben Thomas Pepe | Mary V Leech 54 641 rer ‘ 1968 8 \& | Pope James Db. M Ww Statesville Stephen F Pope j Judith C Beaver 5% 102 E. A | 196¢ 8 | 28] Pope | Mary sss] FWY Statesville | Bruce E Pope =|. ~Barbaa E Miller [54 1134 1969 5 | 6{Pope §§ _—| Paula Diane F Wi Statesville Jeffery Dwight Pope] Brenda Ann Little 55 563 E Bae , appt ‘i oe Ashley Rebecca } F | W jStatesville William Parker Pope Rebecca Clark Beach 5 129 4 a | Michael Lynn | M | Wi] Statesville | Huey Alton Pope || Gaye “nn Budeen 5912 q Daniel Brien W [Statesville | Danny Hall Pope [Tabitha cnristine/ 55 126 4 . te —bsslaaad a | stateovinte | siniy Dean Pope | Alice Faye Cascaddod 54 1274 = 42970 || {Timothy Alan Wj Statesville Jj - _} Mary Jo McClure id al 4 1929, Anna Margareta} F | Wi Statesville | Claude David Pope §Marth Gail Black _ 6 E ee. j Sharfes Brian | M | W] Statesville | Charles Little Pop@ Carla Lynne Stike/ i ue *homas Lee | |W [eatonvilie _} Themes lee Tepe _ | Torey soon Rete __ FE Aue iM Re asm 3 | Amy Malynn — dri W Statesville | David Lee Pope _ Martha Lynn Degen) 57) 303 a sii | 97 i) ja | pope Ashley Cotte ral Wi Hickory _—«j|. Coite Lee Pope _ | Betty Lou Reinhardt. i a a9 3_| 1}Pope Stephanie Carol] F | w | Statesville | Stephen Farrell Pop@ Judith Carol Beaver id @- 1971 | i 129 Pope, Jr, Thomas Lee jh | iw Statesville | Thomas Lee Pope | Terry Jean Moose — ¥ EF ce 1971! 6 2} Pope ES i M | w | Statesville Phillip Clyde Pope] Nora Lyn Eckard 157 | 673 = i ss 1971! 7_| 28] Pope | crystal Darlene F W | Statesville Tommy Joe Pope jJane Riley Nash 57,925 : 1971| 7 | 29] Pope Fenda Jeneane | F | W [Mooresville Benry Franklin Pope jJudith Beverly curtaly $7.5 }1971| 10 |13]Pope |Robert Dennis | M | W [Statesville | Bobby Dennis Pope | Margie Jane Barker | 57 12¢ i b 11971 | 7. \& | Pope |Rube Shannon M | W [Catawba County | James Tony Pope Susan Jane Mahala byaa | 41972, 2 a Pope | Kevin Sean M | WI Statesville Lexyie Allen Pope [Kathy Mae York _ 170 5 de : 1972| 6 | 2) Pape | Stephanie LavogneF| Wi] Statesville David Eugene Pope | Helen Maxine Gilles 8 | 587 - j 972 7 29 Pope | John desley M _W | Statesville George Lyndon Pope | Margaret Lucille Be 58) 743 1972, 10 | 3] Pope Sel Elizabeth F | W | Statesville [Carlie B Pope Jr Betty Ruth McCrary {58/1076 4 i h97z | 12__|20 | Pope Emily Baggette}| F | W] Statesville William Parker Pope Rebecca Clark _} 58 nl ible _hg72 | 12 23 | Pope | Arie Lymn __| M| WJ Statesville | Lynn Pope , | 38 135 Z a ‘ ]i993. ra 1]. Pope | James Loe ‘ | M | W i Statesville Jeffrey Dwight Pope! Brenda Ann Little 9 H R Saslidhion 41974! 7_|_3] Pope _|amanda Lee _|F_ |W |Mooresville _|Robert Clayton Bope Marsha Ann Lipe _ 60 |637 fas} 9 has Prope trey Elisabeth | F |W | Statesville ames Shuford Pope ettu Wo.Wike 50 | id ut ; og 10 25 | Pope / hmanda Gherly {F | W [Statesville [Charles Little Pope | Caria Igena Btike)/ © | a aa | | : bade Sic ' 974 | 1 32 Pope Rast Gharkep — x Ww | Staten Dahny Allen Pope | Jacqueline Bare _ - & steers tty 1977) Pope James Charles [M Statesvi lle Stephen Beck Pope Yel Janet Elaine Oliphan 31% Pegs 1978 Pope __Mary Blivabeth [F Carolyn Jo F atesville - Statesville Claude David Pope Danny Allen Pope Martha Gail Bdack 63 acqueline Bare | 19 Pope Pope Matthew Philip | M Statesville Ernest Michael 65, Vi. Mary Carol 1980 Pope Stacey Lynne Fi Joe Pope Terrie Lynne 1981 981 w @ Ye asca Rebert tatesville Mecresville P ert Clayton Pope” Vi 67 i Bryon Rynn W Statesville ynn Pope ster Buma Colleen McAl- 7 el y les. | | , —_— : i pail acecinslp intr nanenstaatitisiiiaidithientat —— ws sls icincis gielitdl iat andi oil iil ie ik ee ae "waa | ‘i —-f+— ihe ‘eatachttell — pital —_— —_ a — sti oa — ~ — — —- — _ eA ee SD ok : port ‘. Li I eal cihasicn as ails i ol SEE nh Re eed nage oli od itinticinanil a atest eeneeeeenninctnatiiaadinntiestts wii — _ om eathlleteniniages wlan sin - - — ————_+—_—#- _ _ _ ———+$- — —.- eo ee ce fh — b + + ~ ~ _ = a —— — — = + Rs —4 ——4- -f— - 4 ae ree oad nn a ee — os ~ 4 — —_ - ——— - _ ems = i hace A LRN a eI —— —f— _ ini enh cui nsahii (hbicmanlilnasilils iat vilieiiiode i ieipiihdbabeisedh iin a Te adits se i 4 int Iriorence Michael Lee tatesvilie NC Hocles ._____-Aiexy Poa Levi C Poe Piltie Mec Poe ence A Hieks B8E Christopher _ Statesville vic Foe Sylvia A Prince ae Sie ea. Maresh ali Stat esvilie Mereheli H Pee Juanita Martin . > 4 Sylvia Ann Prince | ok Angelia Statesville Marshall H Poe Juanita Martin —. Statesvilke Marshall) H Poe Juanita M. Sharlene | Jonathan Glenn Statesville Marshall H Poe he pve past Statesville Roy Glenn me Judy Mae Porter 5 _duanitea Martin 753) [Stetesville NC _[Stetesville NC Statesville j@eatesville B ¢ _fstatesviiie NC Arthur B Pogue arthur Bryan Pogue — Arthur Bryan Pogue | Edward Lee Poague Winifred Ross Vivien L Sui Vivien L @willing ivian Lucille Poindexter Poindexter Mooresville NC Vaion Grove Tn — J Floyé Poindexter Ferry S Poindexter - Vernie Gribb |Meggie Rodelle Key ‘ * > 7 Be > ‘ = 3s ‘ E iN ow . Me t < Pe p i” a : gl - ae bt ke e | oa 4 3 F a we ay ~ to ae f ee . _\ . : 3 _ — 7 — — " mt _ eT Tt = . _- _ 7 a ; 5 et a ee Le eS Ct Me a cs sk eR ei i a r tir, hotesmneenememendeaeatisianesn th Sit meneeena eens Aantal edt Aeicipeedinleittanniieennenran keeping ithciibenintll [J 4. mond ee e —- - — _ _ - + $ — ma w e t i l i h e n e c o n s —_—+}---~ arsine wes rape ao “d enn mes manaione-samuoncsnsnsrstel inane se a eneatencnnneese . Desa P e a nl n> cesarean ieilantntnamneegiiinaee . : E Na f ibe ——- : | ~ : . ae ah vi WG. wa SURNAME OF CHILD ! : | eccmnoee | 3 me in an 9 ek Ba | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ia Pa ' i Poovey James Morrison |M |W j Statesville N CiR L Poovey Jessie M Turne: 8 |333_ 5 | Poovey James Floyd M |W {Statesville N GjFloyd P Poovey Claudia R Pink 14/1023 bi 3d Poovey Betty Jane F |W { Stateeville N CiRobert L Poovey Jessie Mae Turner eS i al Poovey Robt Lee IIT [M |W | Statesville N CiRobert L Poovey Edna L Davis 1 fe a 1d Poovey Jas Clinton |M |W | Statesvil) 99 a 6 18 Poovey Jas Marvin Jr [M iW batesville N CiJa ‘ 1963 1 2G) Poovey Cynthia D, F Ww ila vw ri 1963/12 | 25] Poovey Kerry M |W {Statesville Robert L Poovey 1967| 5 asl Poovey Timothy M iW | seatesvinie Jerry Lee Poovey . 7 2 = ie RL ee k sits Caan Sey nds yt Vous Mer | Bay SURNAME OF CHILD 921 Anne Betty Jean Dean Patsy Kay Paulette 8 Edison Dennis Ray Belita Char Jerry W. Cynthia Ann Ruby M. Windale Marrie J. Shane Christ/ Travis Chri Chi Amanda Bi W W Ww W Ww Ww W Ww Ww WwW W W W z i x j x PLACE OF BIRTH Statesville N Turnersburg N Cc Mooresville Statesville Statesville Statesvilie Statesville Mooresville Mooresville Statesville ville Statesville N Mooresville N Harmony Statesville Statesville Mooresville Statesville Statesville Statesville Statesville series — BIRTHS — heaal cE Porter Elmer Porter Paul Edward Porter Paul Edward Porter Olin Porter Ralph Porter Ralph Eddison Porte Jessie Ray Porter John Melvin Porter Larry Cecil Porter ry © Porter Ivil L Porter Columbus F Porter David E Porter Sherrill Porter Ralph E Porter Buford B Porter Leon W Porter Howard Allan Porter Eddie Dean Porter Porter ana Leland Porter Eddie Dean P N. C. NAME OF M an eee Nancie L Caldwel). 7 | 563 Ruby Porter Thelma Ocie Pugh ‘ns Annie Alexander “4 eon 32 : CG Porter Viola Elisabeth W Patricia Lois Lynch 13 1443 Patricia Lois Lynch Doris Estelle Hazel Lenora Peggy Jean Hedrick Peggy J Hedrick Leona E Rothrock E a J Reavis Audrey M Daniels Beatrice Love Patricia L Lynch Peggy A Williams |. Katherine I King Paula Marie Wanda Delane McLel/ Janet Yvonne Deaton Janet Yvonne Deaton Wanda Delane SNe MR Tg ee, a Re RRR biti 8) as e ; ae + a * ‘ 4 ; ? a s \ ‘ ‘ ’ ™ t , Ree NT ee eee ee ee ee ee PR nF te, eee eT ee ae RR ES ee Re Mee ae sila nena pret Sie ‘ i : efi hy ’ ae Le e 4.9, “a | be * CS we. 1D a Hy t X i af : ‘ . : ‘ , § a ih ; 5 ave SER TAR PIRES hie BT ee tenet he eee noe ee Ree Pete eae Saree cee tetas OF po Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER ee 41913 10 {16} Poston _ |Jemes Presley | M | W | Goddle Greek Tnid Will Posten |Effie Wright i 12024! 1 | Si Poston . Leona Eliz | F | W) ae iTessie Reavis = jf 1 § }2914) 6 | Ii Boston - | F | W iMooresvilie WN Givames F Poston. Margaret Alexender j 1) jigi4|.9 | slepaton cise 4 M_| w|statcaville " Glienry A Poston __|Mary Kizete Adee | 1/2 [2914 18 | 26| Poston Samuel L | M_| W |Goddle Creek TnjWalter Lee Poston | Ollie Katé® Brown |} 2) 25) : 1916) 1 | 29] Poston | __ +} | wJoodate creek tal Henry A Poston [Mary Annie A Davis | 3 S08} 7 2916| 5 | 5} Poston - ® |W |Mooresville N GjJemes F Poston _—«| Margaret L Alexander} Sp #3 1 i 51916. 8 |10} Poston | James Gordon M _w| statesviiae N S Poston - 52 S Revie ok ; Jaea?| 8 | 15} Poston |Raith catherine} F | w |Mooresyille N GiChalmers B Poston |Nency J Moore —s |. 4 1917) 11 | 18] Poston - F | W | Coddle Creek enry A Poston Mary Annie Adems | 4| © 1917, 12 | 15/ Poston Mervin Beylor M . ¥ |Mooresville N Cl James Lee Foston jSadie Hall § jf 4 1928) 4 | 2] Poston . M | w |mooresvi1ie N clz & Poston | ‘Fannie L Baxter | 4a ~ 1918, 4 | 2Poston, - M | W |Mooresville NC} 7 & Poston’ Fannie L Baxter —_—4| 4a) : 2929) 7? |16/ Poston Paul Banks M |W |Statesville N CiHenry 4 Poston __- |Mary Ann Adams _} 5} 1919, 9 | 28) Poston - F | W i Barringer Tns es A Postonn _|Margaret C Overcash | 1920; 4 |26/Poston Paul Edward M W |Mooresville N.@jJemes E Poston Jennie Lee Baxter 48). 1921| 1 | 26}Poston Luther Lewis Jr] M | w |Mooresville N G| Luther Lewis Poston |Rebecca Bentley ‘L 1921; 1 | 50) Poston Warren Harding | M_ W |Goddle Creek Tnj Walter L Poston _ Kate Brom jt 1e21| 5 | 5 Poston William Thomas | MW /statesville § CiHenry Alex Poston | Mary annie Adams — o| beat” 1921 | 5 |12} Poston - F | w istatesvilis yw cjHenry S Poston _jLessie Bliz Reavis j % 1e22, 5 | 3} Poston Racheal F_. W {Mooresville N Cidames E Poston |Fannie Lee Baxter __, : os a 1922 10 | 29} Poston . u | wlcoaaie creek tlw ZL Poston sii: calla ee | @ reze, ll (20) Poston - FW jMooresville N Ciluther L Poston \Rebecca Bently j & 7 1923, 2 26 Poston | May tarrshal / FW |Statesville N GjHenry a Poston Mary Annie Adema — 9 § 1923, 8 23) Poston | Sedie Merie F . W [Mooresville N Cjvames Lee Poston Sadie Hall 2 : 1924, 12 | 6)Poston Mary Frances _| F . W |Mooresville N C|Jemes Bager Poston |Fannie Lee Baxter {10) | 1924 12 laa Poston ~ F W |Goddle Greek TniWelter Lee Poston Allie Katie B Brown {10 1985, 3 \24 Poston | ic aan Ta ati ao MW istatesville N GiJesse EB Poston Sallie Belle Milis 1925, 3 | 30] Poston | Jona Bentley MW |Mooresville N Cjluther Lewis Poston |Tildie A RB Bentley {1)) : ; 1926: 2 2) Poston Margaret Lowe FW | Bethany Tnship [Clearance T Poston / Catherine Christy 112) s 1328" 6 siposton | : M | w |coaaie creek T|Walter L Poston em... oe 1927) 5 19]Poston Martha Coeline | F _.W [Mooresville NW Ci) Dewiit Poston ..._jMartha Cockrell 41s). 1927, 6 18|Poston ‘Fred ir M | Ww [Statesville N Ci Fred Poston Rachel Gilbers fas. 1928 1 | 2}Poston osephize ¥ | W |Mooresville N C|luther L Poston Tildie A R Bentley |14!_ 1928 6.1 (|13}Poston Mare Baxter M | W iMooresville N Gi Ed Poston Fannie Lee Baxter 14\_ 1928 2 | 9)Poston Charles Evans M | W |Coddle Creek TniWalter Lee Poston j|Katie Brown pia). g 1928 10 (31|Poston [Betty Lou F |W |Mooresville N C]Semuel] Jones Poston jAlma Ruth Hudspsth {14) 1929. 11 |21}Poston \Thomas Glinton | M _w [Mooresville N C/Samuel Jones Poston Alma Ruth Hudspeth {15/538 1930, 6 |10|Poston [Pabsy Ruth FW |uooresviiie H Cldanes Lee Poston |peria & Hager _ Jaa 2931, 4 |20}Poston \Robert Lewis MW |Statesville N GiJames Lewis Poston |Mildred Sedberry 1 | | (com) ca a ) iol. ins i wean 62 INDEX TO: VITAL STATISTICS — BIR'T'HS — Iredell ‘County, N. C: Lanes |Fertcar Fovcevons tac On to-cet ile fate SARE SENEG, Leet te ions ee a = is IRNAME OF CD on | tan | poate ono: | name oF FATHER © |" NAME, OF MOTHER io _}1951| 4 |21]Poston Lig ¥ \Coddie Creek Tniluther L Poston _ Rebecca Bentley) eles ao tigsi| 6 |20}roston _|Heten dene fe | w willie N Gloamel J Poston {aime R Hudspeth. _‘|17| apa) 11932} 3 |17|Poston |pverette sugene| mM | w [statesville w clvessie £ Poston __|saiite Bel) Midler 26/760! _ ee fiess! 4 |1a}roston - |v | w Mooresvitie mc] ee Winnie Bell Poston |19| 29} 00 _ |. $2933! 6 |15)}Poston _ \Frances Ann ij F jw Statesville N CiHoy Adams Poston Helen F Stewart 418) 785 | igcsibiad | 41933) @ | 6iPoston _\Ghendelene §_ | F | W (Mooresville N ‘igmie Lee Poston |msteiie peiia Hager |29!. 545) be 1934, 5 | 4|Poston {Ruth Garélyn rw Coddle Creek Tn [Semuel J Poston _jAlma Ruth Hudspeth 420| 3584) a 41935 | 7 (26)Poston _ Bickle M Lm jCoddle Creek TnjJimmie Lee Poston. __{balle Estelle Hager }21 | 200). si «& 4 _| faess| 9 |26 [Poston _|Glenda Dean | F a Coddie Creek Tn|folmes N Poston ___|olera Bell cook __fa2| geg} 2 _j¢ 419% | 12 |21}Poston Sylvie Geyle | F i Statesville Tns jPaul Thomas Poston Febecce Thomas 21/ 981} 1934! & (214 Poston Betty Elizabeth] F |W [Mooresville WNC Luther’ Lewis Poston Rebecca Bentley” 20 1375. _]i936| 2 |26|Poston Shirley Anno ¥_| ™ [Mooresville N GjCarl Wm Poston _ Earnest M Suther —_ |22| 347) x 1956 _6 (28 [Poston Barbars ~nn F | W itatesville NC Paul Thomas Poston ate B Thomas _ fea! ie. Bin tee c f2957, 2 | LiPoston ‘Elmer’ bee F |W |Coddle Creek Tn jLather L Poston /\Rebveccea H Bentley (23) 348) — ; peer, 5 | 4}Poston Phyllis ¥vonne | F | w |coaaie Creek tn Marvin 7 Poston __|Helen H Newtom. _|25| 436} - 1937 | 7 |13)|Poston. Peggy Anne Fow oresville N CiJimmie Lee Poston Della Estelle Hager {25/ 497). ass? | 7 \17 {Poston oward Richard | M | W [Moorestille N CiTroy R Porton ane Cosby $23 | S01 ite Jiss? | 8 |11}Poston {Barbera Ante_ F_|_W [Mooresville N C\Samuel L Poston Margarette T Johnstog23| 525} _ 2987 12 | 5 }Poston ‘Posey Stokes F | W [Stetesville N Cifred Haskel Poston [Rachel L Gilbert 25 | 10874 J or __| fies | 1 [a0 }Poston Helen Stewart | # W |statesville N C[Hoy Adams Poston elen F Stewart _‘j24| 627] ae 5 nose | 2 \|25)} Poston |James Neison M |W jStetesville NGjigessie Poston _ sie ite, ig OO PR ‘ _b jasse | 4 2a Poston 'steven Thomas | M |W [Bethany Tnship [Paul Thomas Poston Dorothy Thomas 424) 48 at _}-f2958, 9 | 2)Poston \pobby Alan MW iMeoresville N CiMarvin T Poston jHelen H Newton _ 24) 445 Xs r=” 939 10 | 2 Poston iJeokis Eyerette | M | W [Coddle Creek Tn Glenn Poston {Louise Brooks £68 : eo 940 | 8 | 6 Poston Brenda Hudspeth |F |W foddle Creek Tn el Joms Poston Alma R Hudspeth | 596 ane 940 | 3 24 Poston i Ray M W [Poddle Creek Tn Troy, Richard Poston | Bam Cosby. 445 | 1909 | 12 |1) Poston Howard Reece M |W |statesville NC Piency A Postoa Mary Annie Adams Ay AS , \. 41 | 9 ie oston bss Taylor F ,W [oddle Creek Tn | Samuel L Poston hiergrette T Johnstom 27 554. J a 10 | 6 Boston peanesh AlexenderyM boadle Creek Tn | Peul banks Poston Grace Alexander _ a 534) sn __} 71903) 8 3iPoston \Mery Ketherine | F , W [Statesville NC {William J Poston Hoke Cox ud a2!) 9121 a == 1912, 7 |27) Poston \Boy Adems M_| W iIredell Co Henry A Poston Mery Anne Adems_ }eeg 174 whe | }rs40|_ 6 |_6] Poston _ | Brenda Hudspeth] F | W | Mooresville BG |S J Poston ‘aime R Hudspeth — 2e|_ 584} s ; | 1942, 10 | Poston | Johnnie Glenn | M. W jMooresville NC {Glenn lL Poston Louise Brooks _ 4} 26) S75) Ee 1942) 12 | Poston | enoy Ann F | W | Mooresville NC |Heary Harold.Boston j#nn Shaw en. : 1945, 8 |23]Foston \Bobby fey M | W |Mooresville NC jJohn B Foston Mery C Overcesh 29 | 1029) | Jis44, 2 |29 Poston | Temes Albert M | W UMcoresville NC [Semuel L Poston Margeret T Johnston §30) 214) 1944.8 13) Poston |Keliy Jean F | W jMooresville NC jLewis £& Poston Kiana CG Cloaninger 30 | 844 . apes! 10 | 21) Poston | Ernest Garcl Mj fooseert 2c Nc. Broest Poston echel C Wesham Fo 1178 2 1945, 6 | 17%] Poston | Yornon. Frebikt inl i | W | Mooresville NC | Troy Richerd Poston {Edna Gasley SL 7a} + 349 Poston | elite deme _¥F | Wi Mooresville NC | Mason Plato Poston | Nona Hazel Freeze } 33. 41947| 5 |2 Posten Donna Leah | F Wj] Mooresville NG|Roy Cavin Poston _jMartha Louise Willif@rd|33 675 ws € “INDEX $— BIR’ "" a re ae DATE OF OF CHILD Yan F_ iWin c's tee lee sen | corsa PLACE OF BIRTH Ssleadassthebiincaiionncimecscmmcsiiainisconeiabanmall aia : mio Se ka Ra es ba | eI ton = aia | M | W | Statesville No | William Thomas Posto Naney C Brawley "a 13947 10 | 2% Poston | Michael Harris | M| W | Statesville NO | Jessie Gaynell Harris _| mS 1948 | 6 OjPoston —w Marcia Lynn j4/|F | W Mooresville NC rnest Poston Jr [Colleen R wesham a4 | 117 i 18 4 AP get on William Mason 4M ve Heresy: oh bake F BE tO oP Pup HAS? Heece a Be _ fo yy. oston + M Ww Mooresville NC fughes Brown Poston jLeona Elizabeth Burn 11 psa aon 9 ei | Ernest J Poston | ee : 1. (271 Poston Miriam Ann F_| W.|Mooresfille Nc | Paul Edward Poston |Mildred Barr Lefler j 38 @ _41952| 1 |27] Poston _—_| Myra Dreer F_| W {Mooresville NC [Ernest Jr Poston Rachel C Washam 8 26 . ° s ee feted = “worms | Phin w : he __| 2953) 8 |12] Posten; _—| Melinda Faye [FP | Wi Statesvilie NC Sverette jimgene Postpn Faye Sells 39 Lo < ye o1 e Foye ra 49937, ee “— MG é osep iam Post e Arlene ; Burris ces 1.1954 & (25 ] Poston ~ Vanessa Bell F_ | W | Mooresville NC | Hughes Brown Poston} Leona Elizabeth / 40 51 | ton ! ' One n955|1 | 6| Poston _ eet Wayne _M | W | Statesville NC] William Thomas Poss Nancy Celest Brawle} 41 oe 1955, 8 |4 | Poston |—_——# Paul Edward Ons |W [Mooresville NC aul Bdward Poston [Mildred Barr Lefler @- : Ww eroe William Thomas Poston Nancy Celeste Brawlbys es “aa. Alou! sce. WoW Ine Sy EER Moliive-br senene- ys -annie—.—3earboro— rest _f957 | 6 25 oston Hames, Eugene = [M |W | Statesville | Everette E. P@ston | Faye Sells 3. 991 . aera nt): _fisse 7 { LjPesten __Sehn Kimberly wo | W | Moeresville | Roy C Peston Martha L Williferd 1070 : er pes 8 | ore ___|Alfreda Delois | FP Ci} Statesville ~ ___| Catherine D Posten 44 12 bs ps9) 4 28) eee David Rodney | M |W Btatesvinre | Ciyde R Poston _—[Pegay M Summers us 00 Be peso 2 | 1 Poston ae MC fstetesvitte | = ___‘| Katherine D Poston | eae $9613 20 [Posten _| Douglas RB. _ fo teres NC | Clyde R Peston _'| Pegey M- Summers | 47 5 e n961 4 12]oston t *hillip Wayne | M _® | Statesville NC |Bverette Eugene Postdn Faye Sells 47 | 662 ~ eo ~ ewe aoe peeenaeedheiaee ee _ a ~ 961 6 (2 Poston |Pamele Key [PF |W Pooresville 4 J ohn B Foston Mary K Overcash _—=‘[47 [921 jisaa 9 9 Poston | Bobby Craig x o6W | core svil le “ [Bobby Ray Poston Brenda F | Caldwell 47 hse 1 St Ae —+— Sooner ata . ee : : 1962) 9: 2 Poston Stephen | Ke M W/ “oor esvi lle [Bobby R Poston Brenda F Caldwell {48/1503 “ ee _— as -—p = mueentctniinninianeenenieain Sassari gneiss caste seats a — : ees pe See RR EY | 8 ean Katherine D Postoy 49 482 es _ 963 23 [Poston ; Karen sss FP | Wi] Statesville | Clyde R Poston | Peggy 4 Sumers | 49 1 1967, 8 | 20] Poston | Alice F _W |Statesville | Clyde R Poston _| Peggy M Summers 53 ss 1969 4 7] Poston | Leona LeAnn F | W{Salisbury Ral ph Hughes Poston | Brenda Sue Lyles 2S 197412 17] Poston \Cory Yercme — | H| 8 [Steteevitle __jovensann= e }1978 12 | 27| Poston | Demond Terri | M | Statesville _ a = 19807 | 3|Poston_ \Clinton Michael| M [Statesville [John Kim Poston _ mi 4 : | : i a . or - pe | se Us | hee dg 5 | | Pa — | — - “ + —————--—} 7 _ — $$ — % : | 7 : ij INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. GPR Patent Ne. LabTise—Coppttane 1888 DFTs ore ee Shades chet tor pose volenace. Botdy Observer Pristine House; Ghartotte, N-6. eee eer Sh tm | tr | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER [po 1913| 12 | 26] Potts Christine Troy |F |W jMooresville NC JC“ Potts .____i Minnie Meadows 1 | ss6 19191 2 | 25) Potts - - M_ |W | Coddle Greek TMi Chas Edgar Potts Minnie C Meadows 6 | 979 | 1920) 10/15 | Potts ~ - C | Davidson Ins [R Potts . |Maery Springs 16 p59 1 6 | 50 Potts -James Lee M| Wi Stetesvitie NC IWelter L Potts . [Mery Cline 19235) 1 Potts Ben jamin Pron M | WjStatesville NC [Walter L Potts Mary Cline 9 | 927 1925) 9 (2 tts Gladys , F | Wi Statesville NC | Cloid A Potts Gladys Henderson _}.11 1939 2 | 23) Potts Steven Lee M | Wi Statesville NC Clarence H Potts Lois K M Potts | 25 | 195 | 8. | Potts .__|John Jp » ===} M| G [G@oddie Creek Tj ~— = Helen Potte 25) 416 | 1940/ 5 (/51] Potts .. _|Norm Sue PF ¥jFelistown Tn __} Charlie Monree Pot te} Nel) Thomas Potts 26 206 1940 8 |25) Potts ..__| Rubie May _F | W | Turnersburg ThsiGussie Potts | May Potts 4126/1161) 11940 12 | 25] Potts | Nancy Ann FP | Wi Statesville NC | Clarence H potts Lois Mills Potts 26) 989 | _4194)/ 3 ewe James Larry M | WiFalistown ™s | James Lee Potts | Audry Cain Potts 427/204 | 7 3y | Potts ~ ” M | _W | Coddie Creek Tn’ Dorsey Bager Potts | Ellen Hurley 127! 440 | 1942) 2 (12) Potts .._| Dorothy Lee F | wi Turnersturg Tosi Jesse M Potts | Mary Anderson _4 28/ 141.0) ___} 1942) 4 251 Potts Kenneth Franklig M | W [Statesville Ths] Benjamin F Pot Mable M Potts | 28) ___}1942) 7 |e] Potts Maggie F\C {Mooresville NC | = : Willie Potts 28) 8 (5 | Potts Judith Carole F_| Wi Statesville NC | James Lee Potis Audrey Cain .__ 945' 12 Sli Potts Linda Carol F | Wij Statesville NC | Benjamin F Potts Mabe] L ea Morrison 29 1946 12 | 30] Potts She ldie F | C| Mooresville NC | - © Priscilla Potts 52 _____|aeag_22 | so] potts __|Ronaia__| | © |Mooresviine nC {wilson Henry Potts | Bobbie I. Torrence 122! 1947| 3 | $1} Potts Betty Jos P L W | Statesville NC | Roby Austin Potts | Jessie Louise Harribs3. 1.948) 7 {7} Potts Mary Lynn Pi W i Statesville NC |Charles Monroe Potts! Nel] Genev 1948 9 \2 Potts Tony Graham M_| W| Statesville NC | Doct am P ro ‘Nancy G Penfield | boils " a Kathryn Elaine ris Statesville NC |Clarence H Potts {Lois C Mills |35| 247 | og — {29493 PL} Rotte - - | M|_C|Mooreaviiie NC | Wilson H Potts | Bobbie Lee Torrence }35| 459_ _jicss 4 bs} Potts Patricia Ann | F | C | Mooresville NC | - ” Mary B Potts | 674 1si9_10\6] Potts _| lerence Eugene| Mw | Harmony NC | Clarence M Potts {Carol ¢ awards __ 1.35, 1949 12 l9 Potts Dolores Elaine | F | Wi Statesville NC | Doctor G Potts Jr Nancy G Benfield 35 1949) 3 | 291 Potts Patty Elizabeth] F W Mooresville NC | Ralph L Potts Rachel Honeycutt 36 1950 5 | 27] Potts Patricia Am | F | w| Statesville NC | Tome ¥ Potts — Betty J Shelton 36 1950, 7 | 20) Potts Beverly Jane P| W i Statesville NC | James Lee Potts [Audrey Cain | 36) 13.47) ! Mooresville NC | Wilson H Potts Bobbie L Torrance 36/ 16135 | Statesville NC | Luther ® Potts | Louise Jones _‘4 56) Gerry Rey | Mw | Stetesviiie no |Luther Ray Potts [Louise Jones —_—_ M Mooresville NC j - - _| Priscilla Potts 37 __|1s5a\_9 ae} ports - -_| F|_w]statesvilie nc |Homr & Potts _| Audrey Hinge __-B7_ 1952! 8 | as} Potts John Wayne M, Wj Statesville NC [| Clarence H Potts Lois K Milis __|aess\ 1 jee) potts | go am ~— dt | wf termony wo | Cherence M Potts | Caro) © Rawaras _} 39 Pot ts _____daess| 7 leat potts = | - = Cd P| | Mooresville NC | William Qlarence/ |mitijds Regen _—B9 | 1953 12. 4 31) Potts | Glotia Arsonia | F C_§ Mooresville NC | Clyde Monroe Potts | Hazline Hatechett INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BERTHS ~ Iredell C OO a LM me ern fia peed oi , tose | 4 4 ok . For Your Protettion, Insist On Ie GAT o's S Bae seb lades uhsot tor pags valorvond SOR Patent We. 1uB/ibe—Copreighe 3B30. ee = is IE OF COR Sx | cor | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER \NAME OF MOTHER ~ one 1954 / 6 | 10] Potts Doris Kay PF |W | Hermony nC Paul James Potts Glenis Doris Tayse [40 at 954,10 | 2] Potts Jerry Thoma |M | W | Statesvitie No Thoms Wilbert Potts Bet ty Shelton | 40 164 955| 3 29) Potts Clyde Lasiie/ : mic nace’ Die NC | Clyde Senses Potts Hazeline Hatehett 1 | 463 1956; 7 |4 | Potts Darlene Devon F | C {Mooresville nC | Clyde M Pot ta Hazeline Hatchet t Pe 1114 aa + Pette————— oF Ae oto}. réatns | Nishve Aine este 145. 958 | 6 Of Potts Rachel Dianne FW Btatesville NC | Roby Austin Potts Josie Louise Harris | 44, 961 $958 6 15 | Potts Sherry Lynn F | wBtatesvilie NC [Stephen Lee Potts Martha, Lee Brown 44| 914 956-+—34 der L Moovesvtize——| 2 a 6 Z| E 0 1959| 4 |18}Potts Karen Denise F| WiStatesville Paul J Potts Glania D Tayes 668 Edwards |_ 6] Potts | Annette F | Ww jHermony wc Clarence Marvin Potts Carol Christine/ {46/752 960; 6 | 16 Potts © F |C Li asiiinintne - Barbara A Potts | 46) 950 | 1960| 8 (13 |Potts Jeffrey Kent | M | W | Statesville Paul J Potts Glenia pei f i a 1960} 8 (|20}Potts Mary Ann PF | W [Harmony Edward J. Potts M J. 1541 1960} 11 | 25] Potts Gary Lafayette | M | © Hooresvilile Gerald M. Potts Nannie Rae “ouston {}46/1946 y 1960} 11 | 25} Potts Jerry Logan M | C |Mooresville Gerald Milton Potts [Nannie Rae 4ouston | 46/1945 1960; 12 | 24] Petts Sheile C. r| ¢ Meeresville Clarence L Petts Core Bell James 47/126 1961| 7 (20) Potts Edward Jack M | W | Hermony Edward J. Potts Mary J Smith 47/1207 1961) 11 | 1] Potts Dale Hoaney M| WI Statesville Jams L Potts Wanda S$ Gregory _| 47) 1831 t 1962 2 1] Potts, Jr. Stephen Lee M| Wi] Statesville Ste phen L. Potts Marthe L. Brown ee lane 4 1962): 5 Li 5 Petts Harriet Ann F | c biceresville ~ bva D Petts ie) Tel 1962 7 \|23 {Potts Junie D. M) Wi Mocksvi lle Junie F Potts Iris R Dyson 1433 z bi 1962 | 11 | ae ye 4 Craig tg fe W — fone Lass) ‘ Aujrey B Cain 48) 1805 1221} Potts - Waresville eee 7 ~ Carrie L Potts 48) 2049 i 1963 7 32 Potts Keith M | W Statesville - Nancy A Potts 9 (1142 . n963 | 9 [24 Potts i el M i Statesville Stephen L Potts Martha L Brown 49) 1414 1964) 2 | 6fPotts __ ti Judy F | W {Mocksville Vlarence Potts Carol C Edwards 50 5349 1964) 8 |31] Potts Dora F W) Statesville Paul J Potts Glania D Tayes 50 1333 if 1965 | 8 2 Potts Alexis My 7 ooresville Gerald M Potss Nannie R Houston [51 /1020 4 1966] 1 | 3} Potts Brenda ae, : Statesville Clarence M Potts Carol C Sdwards {52} 40 = cae | er | r066| 8 7 | Potts a M| wi Statesvizze Johnny A Potts Ruth E Eldridge |52| 107 1967, 3 1% Potts Bobby M bi Wi] Statesville Paul J Potts Gloria D Tayes 53 22 > 4 1964 6 14 Potts Francis Lawso M| w Mooresville Wm Alexander Pott Lucy Thompson ba poe 1968 10 @ Potts Michelle Leigh} F | W | Statesville James L Potts Wanda Sue Gregery 54) 13 +t 7 arri . 1968 19 2g Potts Donald Joe M | Wl] Mocksville Joe Van Potts Carolyn Bernice 1547 1970 s | 24 Potts Barbara Jane F| Wi] Statesville Joe Van Potts Carolyn Bernice Har#is 56 1 1970; 4& je Potts Donnie Lacy M| Wi Statesville Johnny Austin Potts | Ruth Ellen Eldridge | 56 587 1971 12/10) Potts Brenda Christing F; Wi] Statesville Joe Van Potts Carolyn Bernice Potts 57 14,84 ep 9 |231 Potts Jennifer Joyce IF (|W [Statesville Hoyt Phillip Potts [Claudetta Sue McCoy be sana = 20}-Porrs———denny-Hornan—-1-H---¥—[Searoortiie—— fe las DATE oF iat SURNAME OF CHILD ; i Day Avo CHUSTIAN HARE, 1F ONE 1S. OxvEH = PLACE OF SETH NAME OF FATHER = . Sa | 8 cee Ee 8 | Belem Marie 1976 | 2 |12} Potts Robert Lane |M | | Statesville | Bugene Franklin Potts Miriah Hoan Loflin 5 $ | y 1977; @ |1k} Potts Angela Jean F Statesville erry Wayne Potts hyllis Elizabeth/ | 63 792 10a Diet oe Ledae a int 1979, 6 lh | Potts pril F Statesville Perry Wayne Potts | Phyllis Blis. Sfbe- 1979| 10 | 7 | Potts ___| Noah Franklin j| M Statesville | Joe Ban Potts _j|| Carolyn Bernice Po 6 24 Porta ____| Connie Regina P| | Statesville | Clarence E Potts eo ort nas ee oe é aye eS a ae eee ence een 4 emai pee dpe - ms insta 4 + - —_- ———_______————__——_ —--—_ snteeeecmnaiin ——— —-—-— -—_-— - ee ee = ae oe a. ee ee iy Ser é. : a & Sanka ch Selo Mes ell ona eals else amas i Maat ete i eee | - aa a | | - i _ axaeenenanecnaneltts palates ; 5.3 os Sa | te he : ee | —- +—t —+—+ —+-— a A! Lake ao E hs oo Ce aes - - _ = 7 t - + — + salad ™ ; . Aplin sili iz ila oo iil si " bial ais ‘ejeihilciniciabeianitiiaa - --# 4 4 4 oo Se = : B Rien ie Ss ee <e hee aasingetitedaetanid 4 n wih <i niecsidinemng lie el adhe sisacninteeilcigtmnideneenettaeinstrh am $$ —_ ce ~+— _ - — i +> -4 4 -- ~ oe ——- ~~ - + - 1 ‘ fielded cael entities +4}. —_—-- —— " ianainseindiaiiiliaamd digi cei digg <_e SURNAME, OF CHILD You | Meath | Bay AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 1916 2 Powers : Foiw | Clara Gregory @ | 3 1916] 8.| 91 Powers “ M_|W | Goddie Greek Th) James Ed Powers | annie Atwel] __.f._3. 19171 10 14| Powers = M_ iW | CGoddle Greek Tn] Lonnie 2 Powerm | Cora Gregory 4) 159 919 4116) Powers __| sfroy Marvin _|m_|W {Union Grove Tns| Jno Marvin Powers | Wary Emma Roges. 192 $22 some _[daserton conta Statesville NG | Richard © Powers | IJniia B Williford $11 1927 5 Powers WiMooresvilie NC | Richard C Powers Iulia B Williford 413 192 12] Powers _|-Wm Howerd Jr_{M (|W |Coddle Creek Tnj w Howard Powers | Ruby Lipe 4.14 ae 16) Powers . ___ | Ed Lee C_jiStatesvilie NC | " Grey Nell Powers 414) 1930) 12 |121 Powers Fred Hoyle. W_jUnion Grove Tn | John M Powers | Mary Emma Beggs __}16) i. 19 8 Powers Barbara Ann. F_j(WjCoddie Creek Tn} Howard Powers ____j Ruby Lipe —_4 20 i, 10 115] Powers ._| Loriene F_ iC jStatesville Tos Powers — Laura Powers ._422) 1937) 10 |171 Powers - F_iC Statesville NC | Roy Hollan ...__| Evelyn Powers 23 1939; 8 /|19)Pow8rs - F | C (Statesville NC | J N Powers Laura Finch 25| 983 940 | 2 Powers momas Elliott | M | W atesville NC j sonard Powers Helen Horne e6|7 qe lismlra: laloeress [isso sine | nT 5 Demsce Seems eelieeerecece, Uiecaige.zine esis 4 A 14} Powers Bthel Marie F |W jUnion Grove TnalTroy M Powers __|Bernice King __J26. A i a F |W jdermony NC y M Powers 1946| 9 (28 Michae) Eugese | M | W [Mooresville NC _| 1948: 10 127 owers Richard iss seiner NM Julia Bs 949) 1) Si Powor Edward Michael jM | v Dennie F Power _._}| Gladys V Leagans 4355) losd 8 4 ower _{ Phyllis Dianne | F |W | Mooresville NC |Grier C. Powers * | Eva Mee J | 5S: 1952) 2 } 7{Powers Gary Tyrone iM w Mooresville NC [John Edward Powers [Ramona T. Overcash {37 |307 1952) 3 | 10 Powers Eddie Ray M | W | Mooresville NC} Johnny Edward Powerg Ramona Taylor eset? 38} 407 __ 95s | "2 3) Powers _| Jéan ‘Blaine F | W| Mooresville Né | Jerry Clifford Powers Kachel Oesnetaal 1 2209 1955 12 5 | Powers Nancy Renee P W Mooresville NC | John Bdward Powers | Ramona Taylor fe) 2 me 957 | 4 ie Powers Beverly Jayne F |W Mooresville N C] John E&. Powers tiomona T. Overezsh | 43) 638 p97 | 9 {6 ae Stephenie ¢. FP. C {Statesville NC r Bessie Mae Powers 43) 1460 hos? | 9 2 Powers | Rites To F W Mooresville NC ferry Eugene Powers |Josephine Teve paugh 43 1959 12 20 Powers \g4a Delores F W oresville Perry C. Powers chel G. Mills 45 (2051 five | 6 | 9] Fowers jon ia E, ul Wi Statesville James K fFowers Mary Yf Warren 48 896 1966 | 6 |10] Powers Jimmy M | Wi] Statesville James K Powers Mary L Warren _| 1967 1 @ Powers Harriet F Wij Statesville Harry E Powers Josephine Tevepa sl 26 1968 . | 2q Powers ng Mead Jan Denise F W | Mooresville Jerry C Powers Rachel © Mills s 258 : 1969 7 23 Péwers _ ‘¥wonne Kay F W Statesville damed Kimg:Powers Makychmis Warren | 5h $2b. 1969) 11 | 164 Powers Jerry Clifford | M| W | Mooresville Jerry Clifford Powers Rachel Germaine 55 1970 1| af Powers Jr. Larry Wayne M |W Statesville Larry Wayne Powers | Connie Sue Naillon 1224 1971 | 1 1 Powers Kenneth Dennis| M iF Statesville Troy Dennis Powers Gail Annette Somers _h972| 8 27 Powers Sherry Ana F\¥ | Statesville | Alex Bugene Powers pita Sue Gpodmen | 1972| & 27|Powers Terry Lyon __| _F Alex Bugene , 1973 6 Powers thy Darrell [M W | Statesville s Darrell Powers] Barvara Ann Lewis 1975 8 ‘owers cheel Shane W | Statesville Wayne Powers Sue Naillon ‘ 1980 4 Powers oshua Ray |¥ sville Eddie Ray Powers Jarshe ane Paaen B hice : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - BIRTHS ~ Iredell BA F° Dens age are ad ane ae se \eur | PLACE OF BIRTH | -NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Peo Bo Joe M | W Statesville NC | Joe Peoples Ester Orene Keller 3 | 71 Peoples, Jr. David Robert M |W [Statesville David Robert Peo Joyce Gay Hobbs 6 | es Jenny Rebecca | F| W| Statesville David Robert Joyce Hobbs coEar 1975| 12 Peoples Michael Craig Ms W | Statesville Peoples] Joyce Gay Hobbs INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS Iredell 'Cotinty, N.C. is ok Patent as LaatiteSepptiant fhe WR 7* Neen ag es ilo tr sage rolereaa NE Rae Pith a eae Sete eee | a ar ‘ wo omar mi Se ON i tor | PLACE OF BIRTH | «NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER fared | | @ |25 frowe2 : Mw |__| 2}Powel # M : AB © & \go}powei _| Sarah Vigeiniel p | w jstatesville No iwiiliem 8 Powell {sarah Jonnie tienes |e. 605 8 |. ipowe. - ¥ | W jRogle Mills Ta {Luther Powel ____jHettie Knight | 81.4 @ \15|Powl - __—— emmarish »listoh F Eagle Mills ‘in |Carl @ Powel Mary. D Lowery | 8 _1_|28}rowe2 | + | | we fingte tiis tn drrank Powel __faiaude Berle Hayes | 4| S28} mock 41917 | 22 |22)Powell | prank teineage- -M_| W iptetesville M OlFrank T Powed) __! Bell Garrison sf. @ | 6 1918| 7 |14)Powel2 _- |_| 'w |pegie miaas to |oari o power: _—-foiiie Lawrf * faa} S90] : jasis| ? |31}Ppoweil sii _+ _| w | w |statesviaie Nola B Powell —S——|aorene woriman_faa 296 1918| 12 119} Powel Ri il M_| W |Begle Mijls fn [Thos F Powell _ Maud Bille Hayes {4A a lash fie21! 1 | elpowe22 ed | we Ig te tte tn frreank Powell ___|Maud Hayee st 7} Sad ; 1g21| 1 |22|Powel2 _|rnomas simonds | M | C |statesville NG] = = __—_—[@eorgie Powenl _ 79 € | 8 1922| 4 |28/Powell Frances Eliz | F | W Statesville Tns Isaac Millard Powelljada Belle Perry ae i 1924| 7? |27}Powell = | F | W jStatesville N Cl¥rank T Powell [Bell Garrison 3 @& 1924| 7 |27|Powell : | F | wW |stetesville N CiFrank T Powel) {Bell Gerrison ie “a 1925| 1 |20}Pow11 {Roger Warren | M | W |Ragle Milis Tn |Rodger Powell |seiiie B Norman _{24| 2 fs 1926, 7 | 8|Powel2 | - F | w |gagie itis Tn |T F Powell feua Hayes =a) a ne26| 12 |29|powe2a Paul Thones | M_| w [pagie uizis tn |Roager Powei: __|sainie Norman __|38| 808 ft 1927; 1 |26|Powell _|Ruth - | F |W [Statesville N Cifrank T Powell {Bell Garrison _| 1 1987,| 4 (17) Powell Robert M $C |Stetesville NC [Smith Powell Mettie Moore Lae 1929, 5 |28|Powell | - M |W |gagle Mills Tn |Roger Powel). |seliie Norman _ 08} 1929, 8 |15;powell Rey Gerrison x LM jStetesville N CjFrank Powell BGerrison 4 2 1930; 4 |10/Powell Herbert J Me W istatesville N CiBryant J Powell |Blanche Lackey _ 7681 ® 1930; 5 |21|Powell James Conely M_ | W |Eegle Mills Tn [Mm H Powell Bessie Wilkins i * 1930, 10 |50}Powekt Betty Jean. F | w |statesville N ClJoseph M Powell Dina Wooten 4ié| 92 | 5 1932; 8 ‘15 ‘Powe 1} Opal ¢ Belle F _W |Magle Millis Tn [Clarence Powell Nettie Gaither 18 : A 1933, 2 | 1}Powell | - uM | Ww Istetesville N C}Frank Powell Bell Garrison _ fae) 1 1935, 9 | 7|Powe11 Franklin D M | W |Eegle Mills Tn |Humphry Powell Bessie P witiiens” |) 21) 4 E 1956| 3$ 8 Powell \Leno Burton F | C [Statesville N CiWm Howard Powell Sarah Allison 422) 95 a 1936, 7 iA Powell Katie Bela FW |Eegle Mills Tn [Joseph R Powell jSallie Norman 22) Be i 1986 10 123 Powe 11 Larry Dean ___| M_. W [Mooresville N Civames F Powell Artie Lee Benfield jez) sa}. e 1957, & | 2 |Powell | : FW |Eegle Mills Tn [Clarence A Powell Nettie @ Gaither 23) 24! E 1938, 4 | 3} Powell Catherine F | C (Statesville N CiPercy Powell Julie Shives 24) 68¢ F _ 1936 | 415|Powe11 Dorothy Lee FW |Begle Mills Tn [Clarence A Powell Nettie Gaither _[24/ 196 "4 1936 5 ,15 Powell Virginia C F_ | W Statesville N CiGrayson C Powell Virginie Orrell [84) nal 1909! z | ul Powell Clarence Arnold] MW |HamptonvilleNC |Luther W. H. Powell | Hattie Belle Knight 7A, bl 1909 8 l20 Powell Albert Clers M | W. }Iredell Co Williem Henry Powell jSereh Loche Ijemes [26 76 S g 1925| 12 |13}Powell on “erion M |W |Statesville NC j - idergeret M Powell he} { 1942| 5. |i Powell me yc Statesville NG jRuthford Powell Florence & Gibbs __ |#8 | L248 i 1943} 4 | 26] Powell Brendell M | C )Stetesville NC je. | Bennie Powell. a , ay f 2 1945| 9 |8 {Powell Grecie Ann Fw aicaprarase ts \Glarence A Powell |Nettie Irene | “ Le. | | | “aa ‘ ; "68 INDEX TO VITAL STATI NCS BIRTHS ~ boll Coat, N.C a | a e | Tl Te l ge ! | | le : Barnett | PesSfoce Brora tion, taste On ke GW ons fae ES sae i ey snes = wo SURNAME OF CHILD tex | too | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER pie 41944| 9 | Si Powell \nynn leckey | | © |Stetesville NC |[Bryen J Powell _|Blenche EB Leckey _{50|2035] $1945! 2 jgolPowell William Delzie | M | W (Statesville NC jalbert ¢c Powell Mary Lillian Styles{3ij.. 28}- 1945; 1 !17}Powell Elizabeth Anne | F.| W iStetesville NC Roger Warren Powell | Bvelyn Welch. 31} 20. “A . 1946 14 9 jPowell Cherles Luke we |M | W PMooresville NC Icherles Lake Powell | Helen C Wilkerson [52/1672 1947 1) 7] Powell iRonald Warren M | W |Statesville NC jRoger Warren Powell |Evelyn Elizabeth Welgh Pur easy 1947; 3 |10} Powell William Price J# M | W Mooresville NC. William Price PewelljGrace Quillin Jones. _§02) a zee, 6 po | Powe. Mary Claudine. | P |W} Trede11 Comty {Clarence Arnol4 Pong} Nettie I Gaither _}85/ 1385 ; ei 1948; & |17}Powell Patricia Elaine] F |W |Stateaville No | Roger Warren Powell| Evelyn Elizabeth [34| 609) * 4 1948| 12 |14 [Powel Ruth Dianne F | w |Statesviiie NC [knox H Powell Jessie Ruth Penny — {34/2165} aa 1949 3 | 24 Powell biichael Wayne M |W (Statesville NC Warren Powell Isvelyn Elizabeth Weigh 35 554 -—-- 1949 | & (12 {Powell Billy Ray ' M W. jHarmony NC larvin H Powell Bessie P Wilkins 35615 | as hos0 | 9 | 6} Powell Brenda Kay F |W | Statesville NC | Benjemin F Powell Ella Marie Ratledze 5 1471 a ; 1960 9 | 11) Powell | Phyllis Ann F | Wi Mooresville NC j Jackson D Powell Ruby K Jones 36 156 G 1952, 12 [14] Powell | soan Marie Fr. Statesville NC | Paul T. Pawell Marie Pe Bagger 38) oa 7 1955, 2 |12| “owell | Thomas Dale Statesville NC | Paul Thomas “owell | Marie erenaee . 41| 270 1955| 9 | 12) Powell \Roger J D MG |Statesville NC |J C Powell Cordelia Torrence | 4) 1459 1956 1 iq Powell : Paul Ray M |W | Statesville Albert Clara Powell | Mary Lillian “tyles | 42 41 : | | 1956 5 | 2| Powell Angele Aileen | FW | Statesville NC} Norman Sneczistord/| Mary Aileen Stroud 44 918 “ 1956, 5 2d Powell | - - | F ¢ Imoore svi.lie NC j John Henry Fove Roena a 42 | 835) | 41956, a | 18] Powell | Bobby Joe M W |Mockeville N C j Joseph Leo Brn 2, Barbara Ann Shofner | 42) 1643) a 2957 6 27| Powell | Rebecca Jo F W |Statesville N C]Loren Q. Powell Billie Jo Matheson | 43, 1037} : 1957, 6 6 j1q Powell - F | C |Mooresville N Cj John H. Powell Roena R, Torrence | 43| 895 1958 10 2] Powell Joyce Ann F W/ Mocksville Joseph Leo Powell Barbara Ann Sheffneq 44 251 , 957 «68 ae Powell ‘Teresa Jane F W Statesville NC | Norman onan Mary Aileen Stroud /45 7 % 8 2 "I Powell | Tommy Randall | M W | Statesville NC | James yuntnahany. Barbar® Ann Laws 44 2% 8 958 9 19 Powell Annette D. F G |Statesville J.C Powell Cordia Torrence 44 1506 | [2962 2 18} Pewell | Cerdia Mas FG |Moeresville J & Powell Cordelia Terrence 47 338 7 19627 4 Fowell Termy &, F Wi] Statesville Prenklin D *owell Imogene F foole 48 | 1023 | 1962 12 27 Powell _ Reponda R. i Statesville James C Powell Ruth D Reid 48! 2090| a 1963 1 ) 30 Fowell Dianne F ¥ Moore sville Mndrew J Powell, Jr. | Elizabeth A Gentry [9 129 a f }1963 8 30 Powell Mary F | Troutman - Buble A Powell $9. 1334 & 5965, | 3 hs Powell Roger M Wi] Statesville Joseph L H Powell | Barbara A Shoffner 50 412 - 196) 4 | 1} Powell 111 Ral ph M W iStat esville Ralph R Powell dr. Janice T Hali 50 | 527 E ) : 1965 3 | 2% Powell Scott M W/] Statesville Norman S Powell Mary A Stroud 51 375 . 1965) 7 Powell Kimberly Fiki © Mooresville J C Powell Cordelia Torrence] 51, 883 | | 2966, 12 | 10) Powe2 | Jason MW] Statesville | Ralph R Powell Jr. | Janice T Hall 52, 1708) , 1968 ? Powell Sharen Jean F.C | Meeresville Ss Eumilla Ana Powell} 54, 621 = ; 1908 3 | 34 Powell Marilyn Jean ¥ © | Besresvilie Michael Vance PowelRt Sarada Marie Hughela She 690) sa 12 13] Powell ) Amy Jo A w Statesville Thompson Filmore P Sandra Jane Bowlps 56 1760 on. 1 | 3) Powell Janice Melinda} F/ W)| Statesville Joseph Leo Harold/ | Barbara Ann Shoffn 5? 2 | | i sees p e n e i “Os Gi aiosd nw SURNAME OF CHILD... | ax lenml pra Os : ieee ore ae You | Month | Dey ANG CHROSTIAN TARE, IF ONE 13. GIVEN ' j PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER _ NAME OF — | 1972) 7 Julie Am‘e F | W | Mooresville harles Michael Powel! Robbie Denise 1973 | 12 w | Babs 1974 | 12 Shawn Michsel | M | W "| Statesville Michael Powsil || Joyce “erie Farner Sée o4° vv po cola ie Sar M j lot a 1976| 9 Bl: Artis Lamont M ? Statesville oo----- Eyvonne Delious | 80 § 1978| 7 2s] Pewe11 moger J. D. dr | Mi =] Statesville | Roger J. D. Powell j Janice Lynn Campbe 643 F 197# | 11 12 F Mooresville @ 4 979 5/1 Antonya Jerome | M ‘Statesville = et ieout 66/485 | 1980! 9 |3 | Powell Randal Lynn M Statesville iTerry Lynn Powell Marie Mnnette Rééd 645 ‘ 981 |6 2 | Powell Maurice DeYane | M Statesville | jj§$---<--=- rgaret Joanne Powe 551 5 = BIRTHS ~ bday, NC. ies “Caper 1880 961 | _ 962 pe 1967 1970 1980 SURNAME OF CHILD Ac CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 13 “er siren ee = coor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER 7s ELE SET See i end semen 1967 ee | 1966) 12) 9 6 8 | ae 13} Pressley . a 20 | Pressly Al rte iq jPressly _ 1119 Pressley 8 5 /Pressley ll 29 Pressley S | Pressley Pressly 6 | 24 Pressley Pressley 3 16 Pressley 1.9 Pressley _ | Pressley _ nn I Tee _.| Paul Bailey __|-David Lowery Jn M_ |W Btatesville NG | W Btetesville NC | | Vete Elizabeth | F | |u| W Btatesville NC | — _w Mooresville NO | tatesville NC Jee H Pressley | dames H Pressley — _| Williem Frenctg.M | W Btatesville No. William Pressly FA | Thomas R Pressley _ |Williem M Pressly David Lowery Pressl bel Lowery eS __ Rh | ie 2 uby Mae E Parker tule Bailey Lily Anita Arneson __| Penelope Park F —eeneaiie cog Johnny Ray coo | Charles Stepheq M W Btatesville NC _ Kdwin Arneson | M _Loyd Bee _ | w Mooresville NC | W jStatesville NC | = A |Mooresville NC | Vavid L Pressly __ Bee Pressley — im = fo r m —— — — i= _jJohn. Laurens | ,Paul Edward | 7 K ’ Rebecca Arneson fF. pa White im ty Billy Joe Douglas Rendall ' __ Kendra SE Burt He. __Danny Mark — $4 | Carolyn Troutapn’ | | Statsville | Edwin Arneson Press cic pba Si scsi a ae ) — a ee = ’ i= im 1 i= ia ___| FW Statesviite | ™ ——4 Charline Loretta F ; <= David Lowry Pressly | IS _JEnoch Edward Pressley tatesville Statesville oresville Statesville | ad i | oar esv ille Gavid L. Pressly __ Fommy Lee Pressley Howard “. Pressley | Tommy Lee Pressley | Boyoe Warren Pressly Cue A Smith |uily Anita «rneson illiam F. Pressley Bibyl J. White BL | 7 37 | 202 |Dessie Garrett 38 |Lily Anita Arneson 4,0) 1 St.Clair Lily Anita Arneson _| Rosa Mee Smith Margaret Elizabeth/ {40 181 45 47, 12 | Carolyn ¥. harpe 471 Rosie M Smith : a od W| Statesville | W] Statesville Wi Iredell Co. ” — 'S | Danny C Pressly _ | Howard L Pressley | _ __ Sandra J Barnes | Carolyn M Sharpe | ey Sandra Jean Barne | Danny Conrad Press Herold Richard Duke Pressley Joyce Loraine Elisa = ee a aml "INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIR'THS — Iredell County, N: C. FCSN Ns ES ty a loo i rd MEINE SSS chao tay ince pia mees Sanaa ee oe ee a RNAME OF CHD. sm | tir | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Fm _._.______-__ aR! 8 DBs. - W jStatesville NC Price Mary Deal 1) 9821, * Jasaa| 2 |2s]erice | == M | W [Statesville N Cip fT Price — jannie L Harris _—s' |. 1) 966 es. _j1914| 8 |10/Price sin Pomke dS oe SR Surnersbure Tne iSolomon © Price Sallie M Angle 4 1/1214) 41914| 6 |1l}Price ____ffm Mell ____| F | W IGoo] Springs Tn|Williem M Price _|Mate A Moose ---_—'|_1|_ 270) 421914| 12 | 2iprice = | Mj W [Shiloh Tnship jLin Price 8 _jJulia Price «|. _2| 874 tiers 10 | 4) Price _jAlbert Rey M | W {Mooresville N CjJulius R Price Bese May Flowers 3| 266] _ i ji9i9| 9 |13] Price — F_| W |stetesville N CIDT Price JA T Harris _ 5| 350) & ‘ 41920, 7 |30|Pprice Roy Harding | M | W |Shiloh fnship |jL L Price ___‘|Julia Sipes -s__—j. 6) 5964 1s21| 8 | alprice sche _|_¥ | wistetesvitie scilpL price | _—sia F Harris 7| 2046) jie22| 2 |l2iPrice “fo | £|_w | Concord tnship |Henry Price __|Verdie Combs _—'|._ 8|_ 998)” 1922) 6 |20}Price f = e | M | W istatesville NCiC J Price —-—s-_—iiVera Payne §-_»s»sxj.-s 8 | BBB : 1925| 9 |20) Price ___r.._____| M_| _W [Statesville Tns{olin ¢ Price ___|Veste Maybel] Beever) 9| 765} 1923 10 | 26) Price Petherine Goleng F ;W jStatesville Tns|Wilburn D Price _ Delle Lentz .__ $20} 2022. 1924; 8 |15|Price : M | W [Statesville NCiC J Price § .§ =< |DNPagne . }10) 956) _ 1925; 2 |19)Price - F ' W |Concord Tnship jHenry Price jVertie Combs _—s_——sAt11 | 1925, 8 | 4)Price Carrolk Gibson] M LW Statesville N CjOlin Curlee Price /|Veste Maebell Beaver/ii/ ; 1925, 11 |z0|Rrice ‘. | M_| w |statesvilie ts|wiliiam D Price |peile tute far. 1926 | 12 | 2|Price 2 | |W {Statesville Tns1£ J Price sd jlale Price 4B }1927| 9 | 5|Price a wm Bethany Tnship |Glenn Price ___]€lere Sigmon 6 1927| 12 |16|price {Ray duntee, | M | w |statesville N Clwilvern D Price {Delle Lutse __ 8/2 1928. 3 |26) Price Nellie B F | W [Mooresville N CjSaemuel H Price {Corinne F Clements j14/ _ Lee 12 _|19| Price Bettie Lou F | W |Betheny Tnship [Glenn Price |Clare Price 24) 4 1929 8 1) Price SHir M | W |Mooresville N CiSamel H Price Lorine F Clemits— 15) cf 1929, 8 | 8|Price Diertre ¥ F | w |statesville N Clolen ¢ Price Vesta MB Beaver |15| 90a} 1950, 2 |16|Price | : ¥ | w |shiloh tTaship : Brady Price 16| 674} 1951, 2 | 2|Price Lewis winder | x | W Istatesville N ClwWelborn D Price Della Lutz. 4127) 7as} 1932 | 11 30 {Price - F_| W Statesville B Clolin Curlee Price _{Veste Mae Beever 18; 999 1932, 7 | 4/\Price Willie Henry , © [Statesville N CiWillie Price Rosie Williams _—«4.18/| 790. 1934. 1 in Price Grady Edgar M |W [Goddle Creek TniJulius R Price Essie May ‘lowers | 20. 1934, 11 |17|Price |Rebecca F_| W lcoddie creek TnlJonn F Price Clere B Young __—‘}.20) 1935| 3 ‘a Price milton Delane | &M | w |coddle Creek Tnjavery L Price . Wilma V Hardee —s_ zi 1937; 11 {30 Price Jerry Milton M | W [Statesville Tns|Reymond M Price Janet R Lewis 23 | 1938, 2 |21/Price ee Mw lstatesville N ClWalter F Price V Hazel Gragg fea 1941, 5 Fe Frice Brenda Sue F |W |Stetesville N ci Reymond M Price Gentie Lewis Price 27 | 1304; 3 20 Price Joseph Neill M |W iStetesville N Closeph A Price Cerrie Mey Smith re | 829. 1903 | 4 fa oni Hoyt Hollend M |W Bhiloh Tns fim Me-vin Price katie annebell Moore on 1 1944 7 \264¥riee {Linde Geil P ¥ lenisuieateeia Nc Week Rugene Price bn rared Lecy Bhoten |. 1944| 28 as Price She lby. Jean iF Le tetesville NC Price. Weannette Levig—_—_— 7 oi 10 2 Price Howerd Ervin 2nq@ M | W_iStetesville NC word Ervin Price [Willie Margaret” 3 1944) 11 | 81 Price Bobby Derrel | | w Mooresville NC |Gerl Williem Price |Vere Z Ballerd j : os 72 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BERTHS ~ Iredell County, N.C. ; Leiod | Bertiear Protea, oa Ov oe one Saree aoa PERNT RRS 7 eee ae 2 ME OF ORD su | cow | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER -|. NAME-OF MOTHER — i945 | 6 |20 IPrice I@abriella ann | ¥F/| Ww [Statesville NC Olin Guriee Price _|¥irginia C Moore _|51, 7agjo $1945) 7 4) Price Clerence aitred _M_ |W [Mooresville NC {Clarence A Price Feuline L Cook. 31; 824 jaca @ | 1945/9 |26|Price lgexy Ray Mw MMooresviiie NC [Rey Lee Price Margaret Lucilie Pea}S) |1158 4 1945, 10 129 Price Roger Joe M : W |Stetesville NC ymond Price Izenette Lewis 32 89 noe | 2 |14 [Price Relph McNeely M ) W jStetesville NC [Howard I Price Willie M Deston 3$2| 172 aight 194s 9 | 1} Price foe Stephen M |W |Stetesville NC jJoe Ferks Price ime Lee MoLeod Be 962 eae 1947 1 | 3d Price Carmon Lorrain FW (Statesville Nc KCarroll.G Price yee et Héhen Piercd 33 2164 ~-— ed 1947, 3/1 Price Larry Wade M | W |Statesville NC |Jack E Price. _|Mildred Lecey Wooten} 33/745 eee ® 3 | 41947 1 \26)?rice Paulette Diane | F |W oresville NC [Clarence Alfred Pri Pauline Louise Cook }33.11169 nna 1947 9 | Price Richard Jefferson M | W tesville NC foe Parks Price Lee MoLeod p3 1604 — 1948 2 11) Price Hernan Lee M|W [Statesville, NC [ed Crowson Price [lara Eliz, Mortez [34| 232 aie 1948 5 | 31] Price ‘Carol F | Wj) Statesville NC]Carroll Gibson Price|Margaret Helen Pierch ah ty) ie 1949 | 2 \21/Price |Richara st898n/| MW |Statesvizie NC |Thomes Watts Price |Mary Gele Price 35/269. & 1949 | 1 (26) Price Jerry Wayne M |W |Statesville NC jJack Eugene Price Mildred L Wooten $5 RRL iii. aii. boxe | 5 | 24 Price | Ferch Lynn MW | Statesvilie NC fPlezz W Price Rubb Pearl Bowman 34 787} | 1949 | 7 | 1}Price Dennis Ray M W |Statesville NC | Ray Junior Price Betty Jean Childers [35 |1025 a isis, 7 \15|Price Larry Neil M _ W {Statesville NC jJay Lee Price Virginia Belle Watts|35/|1190| ° 1950) 2 |5 1) Price | Grady Lee MW | Statesville NC | Raymond M Price Jeanette RK Lewis 36 267. Ps 1950 4 | 24) Price Brian JM Wj Statesville NC_ Fyed G Price Edith Bost 36 W374 x a 1950) 10 (8 } Price | Bobby Wayne M W {Statesville NC [Carrol G Price Margeret H Pierce f° 1707 4 toe | 7? 2 Price \Ca thy Jean ° iw ere No Carl William Price Exsh tip Bolaaea io - Saal _ $1951 4 lid Price Patricia Renee |F W | Statesville NC }lewis Windell Price | Aileen Alice James 7 | 677 4 : p951| § | 24 Price Dele Edward M|W | Statesville NC| Jay Lee Price Virginie Belle Watta x Libel 5 1952. 4 18] Price |\Leona Gray F W [Statesville NC jLeonard W Price Nellie G Looney 38) 625 ys 952, 4 | 2b Price “Vickie Laine | F W| Statesville NC | Lewis Wendell Price | Aileen Alice James - 803 g { 9952 | 5 | 7] Price | Sandra Hope F |W jStatesville NC {Hahn Phillip Price OE _ 33 824 L 1953. 3 ) 5, Price - F W | Statesville NC | Raymond KM. Price Jeanette R. Lewis 39 4731 | 1953 4 | 2] Price | Lesley Allen M W | Statesville NC] Plegz William Price Ruby P Bowman B9 ) 516 1953 10' 2} Price Wanda Leigh F W | Statesville NC Way L e Price Virginia Belle Watts 39, 161 ee 1953 11 2] Price - F W | Mooresville NC j| James Leonard Price | Shirley Naomia Kil hy a é 1954; 2 (23) Price David Bpyson M W |Mooresville NC |George William Price|Maggie Elizabeth sod? | 303 @ 1954 3. _25)Price |\Deborah Lynne | F_ WwW Statesville NC |Leonard ‘india / |\Bessie Pauline beaii. 404, 1954 6 16)Price |\Kathy Denise F W | Statesville NCjRay Price Jr. Betty Jean Childres 40 929 ib 1954. 6 (17) Price Tony Wayne M W |Statesville NC [Raymond Milton Price|Jeannette Rankin a ) 92k 1954, 9 1 jPrice ‘Gynthia Dianne |F W | Mooresville NC | Loyd Eugene Price Mary Frances tarley | Le? ' 1955 | 5 26 Price | Juanita Gail F WwW Statesville NC] Leonard Lanabacae’ f Bessie Pauline ‘iee- 1) 771 j $955 | 10 a] Price pared th Joy F Wi Mooresville NC | Herley Grady Price | vorothy Louise tal/ 1 1750 1956. 1 7 Price | Samuel HowardII{ M W |Mooresville Samuel Howard Pricedf. Elizabeth Ann Hoga 42 120) 1956 2 24] Price | Beverly Dawn F W {| Mooresvilie Robert Donald Price | Irene Highsmith 2) 27h a 956 1) |.5] Price jWi2.14am Jeffery|M |W [Statesville NC William ssaeimnent Lois Alene negara. 421899 j 957' 4% |16|Price - M | W [Mooresville N Cj Hurley G. Price vorothy Louise Cal/ 43| 664 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIR‘THS — Iredell County, N.C. corey cae” Sa CI Bae Siler sah tthen cos toe pags stems rere ee AEDS SER sex [cour] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER - a 1957 | 7 me Jr. iii Sei iM iw oresville NC ames L. Price Shirley N 1958; 2 4) Price Ann Finley FiwW Dick sili NC jSam H ‘pice Ip. Biizabeth Ann Hagan} : ; Price nnet 9 2 |25)Price | Cheryl Kay Fiw Bessie Pauline/ 44 |278 1958/ 10 | 3} Price Julie E. F | W [Mooresville Gloria M Starnes [44 | 1960) 1 | 13] Price Forrest Brent |M | W [Statesville Forrest C Price vhirley A. Kearns 4 46 85 1960| 3 /7 Price Alexander H, u |W iMooresville amuel H Price, Jr. |Blizabeth A. open 46 | 1960} 9 |19}Price Teresa Anne Fiw L -Hessiea P Bennett 4 46,155: 1960} 12 |31) Price Beverly Dawn FP | W {Statesville Jerry M. Price Lona R. Mitchell 46 |2 1961| 7 (2 |Prace Kelly Kearns M| Wi Statesville Forrest C Price Shirley Ann Kearns j47 L086 1962; 2 |14/Price Mary trene F | WiMooresville Samuel H. Price, Jq. Elizabeth A Hogan [46 |238 1962! & | 29)Price Anita sical F | W | Statesville febert Lee Price Leona Harris 48 | 635 1962; 8 (18 fPrice Allison F\W Statesville oe C Price Shirley A Kearns 8 12 p963 | 8 | 24 Price Vanessa F | Wi Statesville | James M Price |_Virginia W Vaught 149. 1963) 9 ral Price Johnny Mi W | Statesville Robert LR Price | Janie Wood 1964, 2 id Price Treva Fj WI] Statesville Foy A Price Celia A Little 1965 | 10/16] Price Jeffrey M| wW] Statesville | Raymond P Price Sylvia C Marlowe p> #456 1966 4& | 22) Price Laura Ann F | Wi] Statesville Larry W ‘rice Geraldine Moose 2/520 1966) 10 | 18) Price Angela Michellp F | W] Statesville James L Price Rita M Lawrence 2 1966! 12) 14) Price “elissa F Statesville | Raymond P Price lvia C 1967} 2| 9) Price Mark M | w | Statesville Roger J Price G M 53 | 164 - 1967! 10\13}Price Alex M | W [Statesville Arvil Leon Price | *laine C Hamel 1968| 4 | 20) Price Wendy R. Fi wis Fey A Price Celia Ana Little 9% 545 1 6| 3@ Price Jemes Tracey M Wi Mocresville John T Price Rachel Ann Knox sh 1969 10 | 2] Price Jonathan Dersk| M/| Wi Statesville Roger Joe Price |Marolyn Kay Miller { 55: 1969 9 (28) Price Steven Moma M| W | Statesville [Steve Brown Price | Nancy C 1970| 1 /|23}Price Jon Anthony M | W [Mooresville John Thomas Price _| 56 |110 1971, 5 | 10 Price Russell Kirk | M Statesville | Lonnie py Ps... 57| 577 1971 | 6 | 8) Price Diane | F | W ___| Bobby Wayne Prica | Judy Ann Marlowe | 3 1971 | 11 | Price James Brian M| Wi Statesville James Lester Price | Reta Mae Lawrence | __4ag72| 21 (15 Price Amanda leigh | F Wi Statesville | James Millard Price! Virginia Wanda V 1972 6| A Price Rhonda Anne F | W | Mooresville {John Thomas Price | Rache) Ann Knox 58 60 1972, 10 | 24) Price __|John David _ M| W Statesville _ 1973) 3 | 1d) Price Sheila Diane F| -] Statesville Roser doe Price Judy Ann White 59| 258 1973| 8 | 6] Price M_| W iStatesville = he _ho73 | ¢ | 29 Price Allen | | we] : ____|Donna Karen Jarrett | 59/97 1973, 9 12] Price * ¥ | WI Scaceoviiic Raymond Perry Price | Sylvia Carol Marlowe 59| 995 baal 1973 | | | Prize Fin ee i 197% 418] Price liodi Nicole F|W | Statesville e Kirk Price Jr 197h|_3 26! Price Samel Orren M |W | Statesfille James Millard Price] V Vi 197 2| li Price nd M| WI Statesville apse - 1 |11] Price Matthew Michaej M |W [Statesville Billy Vernon Price ( ) Sinaia? ier-cmame es coreg arena! PRES ee defi toe ¢ Sk al sex jour | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER _ NAME OF MOTHER == 1976! 6 |27] Price Jennifer Lynne} F Statesville Steve Brown Price Nancy Carol McMillay 62 547 1976) 11 13] Price taci-Ann conven F Statesville {Douglas Henry Price jElisabeth Ann Ball : 1034 1977| 1 54 Price Benjamin J M Statesville totes Caves Price _| = 31 977 | 6 |9 | Price Brian McNeely M Statesville Ralph McNeely Price |Susan Ione Stauber 63 |532 1978) 10) ______|damie Lea F s P. 980 i 30 ce, Jr. ony Wayne M Statesville Tony Wayne Price Donna Marie Stevens 103 1981! 6 J|islPrice Annie Jo F resville ! mas Sageee” Price la Jane Hefiley 7 507 | + i an a Bold by Obeurver Printing Rows, Chatlotie’ N.C. NAME OF MOTHER a 1914| 3 | iiprivette ¥ | W iNew Hope Tns | Burley J Privette |Harlee Dowell 1} 642) 1914! 9 |26|privatte __|Renseas ry |.wIstatenvit1e No |martin ¥ Privette lraura Holiand rja2249 1914| 10 |. Biprevette __ | Electa Fj W [New Hope Tns [Mansfield Prevette [Cordie Nishleson 1).692. 1916, 6 | qprevette __|waniea ____| | w |new Hope tna _|samue 8 Frevetta [ruetia witcor _ |g. 1916| 7 | Siprevette fi F_|_W |New Hope Tns | B Prevette ___|Harlie Dowel) 3 1916, 8 |13|Privette __|tuther Adama || w Isteatesvit1e wc |y RB Privette _—_—itda Hoke 1 1916! 10 | 2iprivette Catherine Eliz |v | W Statesville Tns|Henry C Privette [vets Hennegar ____| 3. 1911) 3 | 20}Privett = Mj W jStetesvilie TnsiJoe Privett ...|fthe] Barrier .__4 4) 823. 1911| 6 |27|Prevette - Mj W_ Lanie Anderson 4 1917! 7.| 1lprivette wd Fiwis ida Hoke sit 4| 850) 1918! 10 | 7Iprivette Ww 1918| 10 | 28iprivette - Mj WI 353 1918) 12 |18iprivette - F_| W [New Hope Tus _ ‘hela 1919| 17 |32}Pprevette -Melba Beulah |p | w | nox 5 1920| 2 |26|privette . F ei 1920| 3 | 8iprivette o F | 6 | 920| 6 |25|Privette F 1921 2 4iprivette (|B 4zebeth r q 1921| 3 | lJprevette M_| wt 4 1921/ 3 Pravette = Me x 7 12 5 = M|w {Statesville NC IC ¢ Privette .___j¢ % Harmon H ithaca ee ee |\M |W | Bethany Tns | Charles B Privett {| Savia O Cross 2 1921] 12 Prevette _| t#Ja Pauline F -New Hope Tns | Surlie Prevette | Harlie Dowell 1 |M |W | Davidson Tns | George Z Privett | Peariie C Hartsell .. $ F | W | New Hope Tns |N B Privette __| Lillie Reddings __| 8 1 M_|W | New Hope Tang | Samuel Prevette j|Luella Wilcox ws |e |w | Steteseii1e No |Zack R Privette |Ida Hoke ___}._g/ | _| Stateasitie no |o ¢ Privette — [G_% Harmon __4.2.0) \M |W | tatesville NC |James E Privette | Bertha Williams {10) F | |New Hone Tns {Noah Prévette _____jMyrtle Anderson. 10 w |Rennie Prevetts |Vertie Williams _}11) shinies ‘ rave \Prevette _ ‘Memhe od iy lw New Hope Tns {Sam Prevette ___ Luella Wileox 11 Oe alee | 6 po |privetite | -Sarah Ruth F ep Aiiana tain hne: Nielsen matin. :Miniien ieiiaihx 1111099. a baa po | Prevette ____|-Noble Rex _|u_|w |New Hope Tna _|parter prevette _|1.4114e Redding _J12.|605 | i diaieiegaliia 4,2). bo Prevette |e |M (iW [New Hope Tns J B Prevette .jHarlie Doweli 111606 ne 1,6 }Prevette |» ________Sty |W |iew Hope Tas {Samuel Prevette __Himette Wileox __42.2 |6% ag 1 fi perivette i ee Bagle Milis Tn |Sylvannua Privette |Bettie Messic _ja2/: iach acl oe) 8a Privette | -Ruby Nell ___{y _|_{Statesville No {Zech R Privette _ ——— 4+3__$0 {Privette __|Mspy Mugene _{M_ iW JSnijoh Tas _|Robt Privette ._| 927 |12 | 4 |Prevette _ |. ae ie New Hore Tne 2 | (con) ' i ; INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS aan. Sete SURNAME OF CHILD | vom | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN WAME, WF ONE 1S GIVEN 1928| 4 |23] Privette _/mloyd Edwin | 1929) 3 ns) predette - ineee sates 1929| 6 |21) Pravette |Masie Paul 1929 27) Priwette _|_}1929/ 11 |29] Privette 1931| 4 (29) Privette W SR Prevette ‘11931| 12 1151 Privette — = W_ Statesville NC | T Hoyet Privette Hattie Marley L__11931/ 12 115} Privette ” ____|M | W [Statesville NC | 7 Hoyet Privette | Hattie Marley 1792 1932| 2 |21] Privette PRiw t Harvey L Privette Blanch Norris } | |iose!| 6 |20) Privette ia M | W_hiew Hope Tns | paxter Privette | 142.40 Redding —_ 933| 1 1131 Privette Mj - | Cinero Mariow | Minnie Privette _ 1933| 6 112] Prevette _ M | Joe G Prevette | Effie Lee Redman _ 11934| 3 119) Privette — M_ | Harvey Privette _| mlenche Norris _| 11934) 3 20] Prewette |Marsb@l sf. M | Samuel Prevette __| bhueiliewilcox _| 9 Privette 2 F | Quiney A Privette | arizons’“M Munday | 2 1934! 12 | 2! Privette Mi | | Newton Prevette | Lexie Rell Speaks | 1935 7 2) Privette — omas Franklin | y | | Harvey L Privette | 935| 8 | &I Privette iM | Guy Wilson Privette. ,11935! 10 |23] Privette - Mi Ww Tns | Joseph G Privette | . 1936) 4 | 9) Privette “onnard Mack __| | Quince Privette | Apizona Munday F |i936| 5 |22] Privette _|zaa Bugenia — | Thomas H Privette | Hattie F Morley 1 9 |23] Privett [James Wilson | Harvey L Privett | manche Norrie 93715 log Privette — = ania. Beieekte Arizona Munday 1937, 6 |12| Privette Greel Dean | Press Privette _| Lee Anna Shatley 2 \29]| private [ete Mee | Comay Priverte | w Here 1938 7 {10 Privette — - | Quiney I Privette | Arizona M Munday 4_1938. 9 116] privettoa - | | Samuel R Privette } Luelia Wileox | : : 1959 | 7 |19 Privette Joan Marley r | W [Statesville NC | Thomas H Privette | Hettie F Marley {25/| 849. 1939; 9 ls Privette = M |W [Chambersburg Tn} Quince I Privette | Arizona M Munday | 1940 | 1 | PRayette i- M | W jTurnersburg Tn [ Gale Prevette Etta Hendersa@m L 1144 @ roo 5 | 4] Privette [ALL oe Carolyn F | W jStatesville NC | Commie Privette Vernie O Hair 6} 784 : +—-41909}7 10 Privette ___|Thomas Hoyt _| u_|w |trece12 county |z. Rs Privette Ida Hoke A} 318 1941) 6 {19 Privette __|tony Harriaon | xu iu |stercavine wo! 1941110 | 2a}erivette : M |W |Betheny Ta 1942|22 |i5|Privette —_ipemey dr ww frurnersbure tn | 2905/12 26 |Privette John Parks | M |W [Betheny Tn _tertin F Prive [1908] 4 j25iPrivette _|Roy Sherpe M_|W Iconcora Tn _J@phrem V Privette fweude pa 154 | ae __. 2eiPrivette Robert Vance 1M iW at atleast cute sn 0 Slants. Mere Wane «ae | 29 irrivette __ |Newven Boyd _ M_| W [New Hope Tns James 2 Privette i Dowel) Tes lle ette------+--Randy- G2ay----}M-W---Btatestille-NC-}James-yepang- -Lessie-Mae—inder ben Be Ba, 4 ee " a , diy se eee ee ae oor Apa tan kes ns Nye Pee ee Ae ree Pe ned , STATIS _ BIR FHS — hedell County NC. : ?, rn : it ee , ae ? , . : po I ° ma # i * Uae. Patent ae BAG: Sees Miear stale Ulee tar pase teneons Badsyrgheeten Prien Reser Starate stat a win Cdhane ida © Gat etn me | Pee RE GEC NAME OF FATHER ~ |. NAME OF MOTHER — 11942| 2 |eeiPrivette __|Jimmie Ailen | M | W igtetesvilie Ne | 1.942) 10 (22 i Privette m Mj W.istateaville MC | 943! 3 |26 iPrivette ___|Bhomas Hoyt Jr SI aay 1245. 4 120 Privette a M |W mony NC (Roy W Privette Mery & Combs 29 | 1945 | 12 |27 |Prevette __j Joyce Naomi FE Mooresville NG jAlvin Levi Prevette | Naomi Overeash {29 1943| 9 |2ilPrivette -—s Im P M_|¥ lieu Hope ms fiervin # Privette ante ee shy hoe 1944/ 10 | 8[Privette Dineh Lee F Statesville N her A Frivette ae « 1944| 12 |27 IPrivette iM | Ww iNew Hope & Se tla. sie nk lied siete Be ea a eee Gis 1945| 5 | 1) Privette |_M | W Istatesville NC {Preston P) She aL. __|ross| ¢ Isolteteatze + M | # lasasesnizneie:4iasas.t feamevte, | Monte Grens {a8 1945| 9 |50|Privette M_| © |[Steteswetlie no}é ° 946| 7 |12 ____|@rady lee uM t¥ Hope Tans __|¢ Roms Privette _|Rechel A McDeniels $32. 1 1410/1 wette = Ww nersburg Tns Moodrow M Prévette | Mary Alice Prevetts 33 710 _______}1947 | __b 28 |Prevette __| Roger Lee W | Statesville NC | Eugene B Prevette |Annie Mae Robbins 13317 3941) 71 9 |Martha genita | ¥ | W |Mooresville NC jAlvin L Prevette |€ileen Wa@wércash 133. 1e47| 8 |zelpriverte | Peggy Jean w |treae22 county [Roy Sharpe Privette [eve Baldwin Pe 19471 8 Privette ‘ M | W| Harmony NC Roy Worth Prevette |Mary Elizabeth Combs] 33| 19 1947 11 (11 PPrivette Bonnie Sue F | w [New Hope NC Carlie Romas Privette Rachel Aimedta Me - 19 19 1_ |I9{Prevette - M_| W [New Hope Tnshp | Marvin Sam Prevette e lee & 3k 1948; 4 |5 [Privette Patricia Diana j F Statesville NC Wate 4 __ig,8!| 9 |2 | Privette _|Linda Joyce F Ble | 1948; 10 | 15] Frivette Shirley Fatterspn F\_W | stavesville NC |Cnmaries 5 Privette {Shirley . Wilkinson | ik) 1948 11 | 22]Privette lyn Ann F | Wi Statesville, NC f° py E Privette D ___ | sens a aa ial ote ‘ 35 1949 8 Privette : F |W Harmony No beway Gaither Privetth Hazel Mee Johnson 435) 12 1949 9 30 Privette uther /dams Jr [IM | W J Statesville NC | Luther A Privette Frances 2 Watt J | 1949' 11. |SO0iPrivette jCarolyn Sue _ ‘Stetesville | Marvin 8 Privette | Mamie Lee Shoemaker 135 1950 6 24] Privette Linde Gail F | W i Statesville NC [Enoch B. Privette Hazel R. Leda 36/1050 1951) 5 301iPrivette |Barbara Ellen F | W_[Statesviile NC jEugene Bentley Privette Annie Mae Robbing 3 939 1951| 7 | 7 | Privette Susan Irene F x Statesville NC {John D Privette Ruby Aileen Speaks hy 123 Prevette s 1951 9 | 9 | Prevette - M| WwW] Iredell County! Woodrow McCager / [Mary slice Prevette 137) 1 dias ie __hose | , 3 b Privette Barbara Jean F | w HarmongyNC Darlie R Privette Rachel A McDaniels B8& | 653 Nn952 | b | 6 | Privette ow M lw Statesville NC }| -- trace Bernice dosh 3B OS : ders} 1952, 9 .20pirewatte = = =, Thomas mack. fhe Potatesvilie Ne | un{38) 1 a 1952| 10) 24 Privette Judy Lynn F W |Statesville NC | Charles B Privette | Shirley Wilkinson 1761 195210 on xu | [Statesville NC | Roy S. Privette | Zva Baldwin 1959 5 Prevette James David |M | W | Statesville NC |james Mebane Prevetted Lessie Mae Anderson B9 [797 ____]1953| 5 j1h] Privette Micheal Dean M_| W Statesville NC bseru Privette bobbie Faye Cowart bs 795 __ 2953) 6 |18] Privette _|Tenita Carol — wh | Statesville NC] Enoch Benjamin or. Rebecca Ladd a 97 1953, 9 24 Privette Kenneth Sherrill M | W | Statesville WC Marshall Felix Privetfe Lucy Irene Hender, 39) 15 ype te mar Dr ann ach SURNAME MUTE TA nt ter CF IA PE A, DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME: OF CHILD | RECORDED | Pe ten te wane a Sea sm | cir | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = f=>">— : Eriveyte 1954|1 28] Privette David Ray M |W {Statesville NC {Hubert Franklin Anna Ruth Powled 40} 164 41954) 5 2 | Prevette Rebecca Diane {F |W j Statesville |Gurney Solon Prevettg Barbara Ann Wyatt 140) 661 te a L 19 54 6 | 3] Privette - M | W |Mooresvtile NC |Bruce Privette Elizabeth Maebelle /|40| 847 “| $195)! 7 |22]|Prevette Barba FW t C_ |James Mebane Preve 4 Privett 954 ;|10 | 3] Privette Cynthia Gay F | W Statesville NC Franklin Delamo/ Margar 954 11 | 135 Prevette atricia “ynn FW | Harmony Peggy Jean Combs 41) 182 _ $1955) 3 | 25) Privette Sherry Lee F | W {Statesville NC Bidful Privetée Bobbie Faye Cowart [41| 386 Less hi) JPrivettie ._|Mitchel 1 Calvin] M | W } Statesville NC! ain Anna Ruth Powlas 41 | 686 7955! 8 | 4 Privette “andy Clay M | Wj Featesvilie nem Lessie Mae Andersop 4) 1318 i 11955 8 O Privette Cecil Fred M Wi] Statewville NC } s,,i40» Fred Privette] Harlean Fay Myers ha ae ~~ |_fag55| 12 | 2jprivette Edith Marie - | F | W | Statesville NC |Carlie R Privette |Rachel McDaniels 4141/1939 |_[iess 22 | sd privette | tony my st M_| w | Statoavi2ne wo! c +41, T 1956, 1/13] Prevette ne J iF iw Statesville Gurndy Solon Prevett® Barbara Ann Wyatt [42| 40 1956 1 /|29)Privette | | ----- 4M lw Statesville Greel Dean Privette {| Leah Rachel Moore 442) 95 f.956 | 3 | 28) Prévette == F| WI Statesville |Earl A, Prevette | Vercie fiee Anderson 142/529 | _ __1956| 6 | 2}Prevette ._ |Linda Caro) F |W [Statesville NC _ | Abram Arthur Privetde Ruby DeLois Hollang&2 |130%. a i 1956| 10 |10/Privette Angelens P, F | W [Statesville N Cj Ma 3 t - 1956; 10 |19}Privette ~ M |W] Statesville N @ Marshall F. Prive Lucy I. H } ; 3257 : +f Privette a 1 Sh | yt t 3 4 | 9 {Privette __{Susan Rebecca jF (|W [Statesville Enoch B. Privette Hazel R, Ladd 43 11 |24] Privette Surtis Paul u iw Statesville NC Masie P. Privette Dessa N. White 43 15 | Privette 21 [Privette Joey Wendall M | W [Statesville NC | Franklin Delano/ Margaret Alene White 44 410 | Prevet 6 | Prevette |Jerry Wi4lsm | M) WiStatesville NC Seater Seen Betty Louise MoCoy | 44) 682 Prevet 5 |29 | Prevette | Sheila Diane F |W § Statesville NC | Garvie Pranklin Georgie Lee Johnson | 441 625 | 13 [Pravette Kimberly Denise} F | Wj Statesville Card M Privette Marthe Ann Cline 44 /1823 € 4 Iprevette Charles E. i M| Wi Statesville Charles C Prevette Carol M Cook 44,19 indi cake pee aia eaten =. iy 1959) 5 od Préve t te David Arthur |M | W/ Statesville Abram A Prevette Ruby DeLois Holland | 45) 711 , i h989 | 5 | 2 fPrivette Laura Beth P| Wi Statesville John DeWitt Privette] Ruby A Speaks 45) 665 | 91959| 4 (16 |Privette Elizabeth Ann F | Wi Harmony Wayne S Prevette Peggy Jean Conbs 4s 612 '. + _ — eee —— _ , “ figeo! 2 |7 Privette Thomas Keith M| Wi Statesville Jerry F. Privette Betty L. McCoy 46 249 — + —_ screen fantenetieniantentiliainiinscinnntislnennncee niece a ‘ thom ; { | ng60; 1 er Privette | Glenn Vance Mow Mooresville Vance &. Privette Betty Jean Fidler ad 178 1 1960| €. 25] Prevette — ‘ 1! Sabert Joe | ™ 1 ea Statesville jSabert Prevette | [Rose A Lunsford 46 |659 t 960 | 9 |1 _Prevette __| Selon Stewart uM oUW Statesville Gurney 8S. Prevette {Barbara Ann Wyatt 46 | 1430} Fetpieeein—catemnenceetios Sditanenmnioe si since linnsendadate snelitagaa ate atiatan a } 960 | 10 | 22 Prevet te : Roger Wayne MoeW Statesville Charlies C Frevette |Yarol M Cook 46 | 1745 961 4 bs Privette [etchan line. M | Wi Mooresville NC | Vance E. ‘rivette Petty Jean Fiddler 47| 636 Rss ccna ideas o » thee1) 5 1 Frivet te Jertery Roger | M66bUW tatesville vial pames Mebane Prevetta@ Lessie M. Anderson |47 |747 7 1961/7 8 |Prevette J anice Marie F | © Barmony Wayne Shelton Prevette Fegcy Jean Combs a7 1119 _— nh aoethen _ eens ~ - Speninincece a ennate }——— -— --—-. 1961, & | 12] Privette _ | Rieky Eugene MW | statesville M, P. Privette, Jr.}Ole Meo Parker 47/1306 ST oo a - ee ——j—. —_____— i 2| 6 | 12 srivette | Mitchel} Po | M!| wiStateavitjle | Masie F Privette Dessa N White 909 S | $1962) 6 | 19) Privette Ricky Allen | M | WJMooresville [Vance B Privette Betty J Fidler 48! 996. ienilal % 1963 6 id Prevette Michelle F | W] Statesville Jerry F Prerette Betty L McCoy 49| 863 ei os +m s INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. a Nine eer o Bal Sins set or page meron Bat iy Serer Pring Mowe, Cn eC GATE OF GARTH SURNAME OF CHILD RECORDED | cs | bee, cae a oak ¢ ot b Ons SEX ct PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER val Pee f 1963/7 |14]4 Prevette Tony mM | w | Statesville Enoch B Prevette Hazel R Ladd 49} 106 a Ps a _ 96. 3. |21jPrevette | Daniel M | W [Statesville Abram A PreVette | Evelyn J Sprinkle {50/454 = n964 | 6 (23 | Prevette Weeley M |W tat esville Sabert R Prevette Rose A Lunsford 50 | 938 a n964 | 7 2a Prevette Gary M | Wi] Statesville - Arkie W Prevette Mary O Parker 50) 10 a 1964 | 12| 14 Privette Darlene F| Wi] Statesville MP Privette Jr. | Ola M Parker 50} 1 a Bi patseneeesd a dine Toe clneresenaielbes cote eee iain wail tetas ae I ng pense Oe ess a a eee atest EM lee alhenin 1965' 2 |11] Privette Nancey F Wi Mocksville Espy Privette Ethel L Broadway }>2 412 é ics i neaisuniacipinien asst Oe else cial eeraiavsacer-cenetart orca cossneonescsseell cela eachoe teens suis Mh icles hla chat dian iaaR lita a tl abla ieee tiga ______—«#966 | 1 | 4] Privette | Jeffrey $[M |W | Statesville | Arkie W Privette | Mary 0 Parker | 52 45 a 1 3 14 Privette Gary Allen M| Wi Iredell Co. Van Allen Privette Betty Mae Wyatt 2\;4h sel ‘ jt sin leaeenesisinstienaico sects a i ea a kas ae ease en 7 idee Priveste _| Wanda sd] F | W [Statesville | MP Privette Jr. | Ola M Parker _ 4 a 1967 __7 | 4 [Prevett Pamela _F| Wl] Statesville | ‘Abraham L Prevett! Betty M Sheets _ 53) 631 e 1967| 9 | 27) Privette Norma F | W | Statesville Arkie W Privette Mary 0 Parker 53 | 1214) Fiend a siete Rileeuny a si 1968 | _2| 14 Pravette Mark Lane M| W] Statesville | Roger Lee Prevettd Nancy Hernandez || 54 197 | | 1968! 9 | 2) Privette Teresa Ann F Wi Statesville Van Allen Privett@ Betty Mae Wyatt 54 \1213 — _ + _ — - - _ = = ee aa on — —_ _— ~ a - __ arena enenenegnirea anne a oo a 1969 9 |24] Prevette Lori Ann F |W Statesville _| Alton Hiram Pr _Patsy Sue Miller | A rs F _ 1970 11/ 3] Privette _Leri Dawn _F | W] Mooresville | Jessie Richard Privette Judith Carlene/ 1 ul ; p971 | 5 | 28] Prevette {Devin igen _j, | © jeemponet Se | __ealter Lom Pooveneuiriis tee Tagen ae os ce 1972 3 20 | Prevette Michael David | M | W/ Statesville | Bryee Wilas Prevatt™ Kathleen 58 382) 1972 | 12 | 1] Prevette Tracy Lee F | Wj Statesville Pames Worth Prevette Carol Lee Gooden _ 58 4 1975 | 6 7 Privette Jason Lee NW | Statesville rady Lee Privette ancy Carol Shatley a be: 4 | | i 1977, 6 |1 |/Prevette Roy Kevin M | Statesville Perry Prevette athy Ann Link 3 89 i 8977 6 | 28) Prevette Denita Mae F Statesville [Walter Leon Prevette|Fairlin Mae Preyette 63 |590 a . 1979) oi ig Privette Kevin Dennis | Statesville Dennis M Privette Sharon Eliz. Webber 4 | } / 1979 12 29 | Privette Kenneth Ray x | Statesville j|Jerry Kénneth Privette Janice > Li , j } 1980| 2 25] Prevette Jeremy Solon M _| Statesville Solohk Stewart Prevette Elizabeth A Burrus/66| 220 | aM 1980, 6 | 3|Privette David Franklin | M [Statesville PDavid Ray Privette [Debra Ann Deal Kee 537 a 1980, 12 | 1] Privette Michael Dean M Statesville Ricky Eugene Privettp Bridget Lee Caudill 66! 1163 6 7 1961, 4 |20)Prevette | David Michael M Statesville Michael Grant Prevet}e Annette Yvonne Ellddgs 352. i | | ® | | a | | | | L | | } —_— J 4 | } | | - t ! 4. | | a a | i | ed | a i Sax b | 1915) 1 | 231 Proctor __|Allen Gray .._{M iW i Coddle Oreek Tn] Geo M Proctor | Gertrude Drye i 1916) 9 | SiProctor | Zibittie Va F_\W jMooresvilie NO | Geo M Proctor __| Lettie G Dry a 1919| 8 | 25) P: __._|George M Ip __iyp |W Moorasville NC: Geo M Proctor | Nannie G Dry i 1922) 3 tlLbert Osburn iM iW i Mooresvilie NC | Geo M Proster. | Mamie Frye 3 1928]. 9 | 25) Proctor ..___jIucy Marie FiW jMoorssville NC | ceo M Proctor | Nannie G@ Dry _ ahd. A 1930| $j) 14)Prector __j Annie Lee FF ji|W {Mooresville NO | -. = Mary & Proctor _ : a on 8 | 3)Prostor j= Shiloh Tns | 71. Proattir 10) e 1931) 11 tor James Kenneth iM /W \Mooreavilie NC | Gao M Proctor : dl 19371 ahi Wj Coddia Creek Toi Hiuarg A Proctor | Rery) Thom 5 's 1947 1|8tProctor Judy Elizebeth jF _W_j Mooresville NC | George Monroe Proct / Joyce & Hinson a ; 1947| 9 |8 {Proctor Mioheei Wayne | M |W Mooresville NC jAlbert Osborne Procté@r Sara E Meadows & 1948; 11 |4 |Proctor Donna Se F | Wi Mooresville NC] Albert O Broctor Sara E Meadows a 1948; 12 | 2§Proctor Brenda Susan F_| W Mooresville NC [Frank Spencer ‘roctoy Eula Mee Barnes 34 | 20% a | 1952) 2 | 28 Proctor __| Rodney Allen | M ee ee ee Beryl Thompson 1 38) 7 1954 | 1 6 | Proctor Elaine Kay F |W | Statesville NC | Frank Spencer Proctor Eula Mae Barnes pO 7 § 1955| 1 | 15] Proctor ates Lynn F |W { Statesville NC Frank Spencer Proctor Eula Mae Barnes e ! ; Lunsford 4 1955 9 |} Proctor ___| Katrina Rose | F | Wj Statesville NCi Zen Wilson Proctor | 20) 1956; 1 (|29] Proctor Sric Bob M W Statesville Billie Bob Proctor | Margaret Selena Moo 33 J e he 1968 7 | 14 Precter Ronald Edward |M W eresville Albert 0 Prector arah E Miaied . E 1960 3 oa Proctor Frances Sline FP | WI Mooresville McKinley 0 Proctor |Mary E McMahan i 960; 7 | 11) Proctor Kristy Kalise PF w Statesville Sete W Proctor Rosalene C lenatees 4 1962| 6 |25)Froctor Candace K,. F bY Statesville Zeno W Proctor Rosalene C unsford 2 1966; 9 (|12] Proctor Allison ey Wi} Mooresville Ivey G Proctor Cecile Qhivesenn | # i Proctor __| Bradley Michae]} | | Mooresville | Michael Wayne Proctor Debora } Li 1976; 10) 14 Proctor Erin O' Shay F is. Statesville Rodney Allen Proctor Jonnice Michelle Sca & 1977 12_|27) Proctor Lucas Allen M Statesville Rodney Allen Proctor|Jonnice Michelle seoh ? a 1978 9 | 28] Proctor Theescha Renea | F | Mooresville Michael Wayne Proctof Deborah Kaye Martin} 64 2 e gl a af h e e e e e e 76 DATE OF BacTH SURNAME, OF CHILD B Bainsnnntid You | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS aIvEN . rs 1923) 6 |15!1 Propst Wayne Elmore 1925 2.1211 Propst Beatrias J L008 1927) 10 116) Propst. a 1054 1934) 12 |221 Propst L992 1938| 5 | 61 Propsat ._|Marlyn MoGoy 1907) 4 i121 Propst . iGiles Blackburnl M_ 1955! & |6 iPropst we l 11956 8 29 | Propst_ Wanda Elizabeth F| Wij Statesv lle NC} Wayne Elmore Propst j Hary Lee Johnson 1958} 8 | 1P Propst Hazel Gernell | F | © [Statesville Reosevelt Fropst Jessie Sanders 13 | [1959 21 Af ryt Donnie)Scott | Mj} Wj Moorssyilie | James BE. Propst Shelby Jeane Sipe) | 45) 1602) | OAD Voit Fj1 a a) ' — Zor gt ed T9860} -9— +841 Propst g a #-Iteoresviaie Fes ch 1963| 11 | 22]Propst Lisa Fi; W] Statesville Sammie R Propst Nancy P » igmon 4911781 1966| 5 |20 [Propst eginald M | C (Mooresville - Peggy L Propst 52. 63 1969 4& od Propst Lorie Ann F W j Statesville Floyd Wayne Propst |eggy Garland Canipel 55| 527 1972| 2 271 Propst Mark Wayne iM iW | Statesville |Floyd Wayne Propst [Peggy Garland Canipe{58|167 1977| 6 |24}Propst Vincent Owen M Statesville meter ene Bonita Kay Propst 63| 569 978 | 2 19 | Propst Michael Joseph M la iaiasins 38 Floyd Wayne Propst | Peggy Garlyn Canipe 6i 146 979 | € | 24 Propst illy Burton M tesvill 1 |Kathy Denise Sigmon | 65) 545 + + | | 9) 3 13 Prosperi _._ Clarence G Jr {| M _ | Clarence G Prosperi | Rertie Walser 803 | + . | | . + } | | | baal | i i" | | ! | oe i | T } : ! é Be | L | | . 4 j | | ; Ty age ag 5 ay STR oe no CHRISTIAN WAME, 1 ORE 1S A219, 8.25) Purser i 1929! 4 iL Pp . y. Bliz 1932) 8 139) wnpee ee see 1938| 4 |22] Purser eS ¥_| W iStatesville NC | Jesse Lea Purser 4 wen . e | 4 T apt ° Ce Se ee i ee ¥_|wW Btetesvilie NC | Jas Orren Purnel) | Daisy Cox Ted | tot ae mnattneens tet sae lh td r cr wr e rr el e . |Stetesville Tn | |Falistown Tns Fallstown Tn 1945 Iredell] County Putman Putmea 952 Putnam III Thomas Harold Statesville NC Kenneth Siwin Putman Thomas H Putman Jr Mary B Gaither 1954) 12 | 2 Putnam Jr | | a | tnam 1961 po Sa Marvin Lewis Statesville NC Putmam Augusta Harold / Gladys Johnson Statesville NC Jr Thomas Harold Put Mary Betty Gaither Kelly Lee Stetesville NC Lee T ‘utnam Arleeta J Smith 47 1932] 1963 | 8 3 ie Amanda * oe « |= -« - = |= Statesville Lee T Putnam Arletta J Smith 9 1260 - ' 1968 10) Putnam a b onathan Lane Mooresville Jon Larry Putnam Celia Gouger Don 6 bo a ala, 197 | 1 l22 Putnam John David ne sasnenilia Pestle Statesville vid Allen Putnam rolyn Marie Adams 3 92 ; 980 | orna Anne Statesville edward Morris Putnam | Mabel. Lynam Gardner 366 1960) a 18 4 15 Putman Putnam Carol Diane Statesville Billy Joe Putnam Christine Anita Sigmpn 1218 ree ‘tin Gueven wae, am, Pe | tae PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | | ~ NAME OF MOTHER Ker 4 1917, 9 | 31) Pruett: | M | Ww Mooresville NO | Louie M Pruett _| r 4 ad 1927| 5 |1 9} Pruitt , M | w |Mooreavi1ie wo} Joo c Pruitt 528 * 1931) 6 Pruitt eble Carrel Fr PRS, SARA MAT > Bhat Relea i 4 1932) 6 | 8iPruitt | Ette Louise } Mooresville NC } Isutte B Pruitt | 1933] 11 | 221i Pruitt Helen Juanatta | ¥ | w IMooresviiie NC | Alvin Lee Pruitt | Athalae Hicks __ 9 |_20 4 1934) 8 | 26}prustt. ‘ F_| w |coaaie Greek Taj] - = dt virginia Pruitt fool a6 F 1935) 6 | 3)Pruitt Juanita F_| W |Goddie Greek Tn| Landie Brown Pruitt! of 1935| 9 | 25) Pruitt a FE | w |Mooresville NG | Joa Pruitt | #tner : 4 1935) 12 |18)pruitt ‘ F | w |codaie creek Tn} Alvin Lee Pruitt z 1937, 5 Pruitt Jo-Ann. | F | w IMooresville NC | Jos G Pruitt _| Ethel Rerrier : 4 1939] 5 | olpruitt " uM | w coadie Creek Tn} Henry Lee Pruitt | yennie Mae Swain |o3| 4: J 1938! 2 | Siprnett - F_| W iMooresyville NC | Alvin Lee Pruett | Athalee Hicks _ o£ e 1938} 5 | qipruett ____—|tottie Fay _| F | W IMooresvilie NG jo ie 2 a 1940 3/2 {Pruett William Eugene | M | W [Coddle Creek TnjHenry Les Pruitt Jennie Mes Swain | 34 ¥ 1941) 2 |- [Pruitt Ethel Christine] F ¥_ Coddle Greek TniJoe C Pruitt Eth e " Dose | 3 | 8 Pruett - 20 a 943| 2 | SiPruitt --—+] dret lema 4 t ildred G Wellece | 100 e 8 | SiPruitt : F_| W |Goddle Greek Tnjsherman McK Pruitt {6 : 2 944/68 |stiprnitt |M_|w [Mooresville NC floyd Pruitt ‘ E 1945, 5 | 50} Pruitt. _| Mildred juaitn | x | w |vcoresvitle NC |tenareth tren Pruitt & 1eas| 7 la7ipruett Lena: F | fiooreevitie No [sharon Pruett 33 4 1946| 12 (11 |ruitt ——|siamy_+eon__} ua fuooresvitte 10 | r lared Grace Welles 3 -1250 5 7} Prod tt | loary tee __}u_|w | Mooreavtite NG [Robert L Pruitt |eiste D Leonard 2 1953 6 l23 Pruitt - M | W [Mooresville NC | Robert Lee Pruitt [Elsie Leonard 4 +1957) 9 2a Pruitt} Patricta ann} Ft} Mooresville *¢} Samuel Lee fruitt | Shirley M Wallace : 1959) 3 [16 fPruitt Ri ent ol Martha B. =| F_| W [Statesville N Cj Robert L Pruitt fBisie D Leonard 4 Sees p959/10 7 Prvitt | Tony Bugene _ Ms Wi Mooresville Wm. EB Pruitt Doris J Blliott og 6 a _Bs Puett | Vatherine Jean | * iW Mooresville Robert B Fuett Dorothy J Jordan _peen | 4 bs Putt | i |W Moorenvinte NC Robert B. Puctt | Yorothy Joan Jordan 1962; 6 21 betes j Bert W J My " oore sville NC e E. Pruitt | Doris J Blliott at i 1064 31 14 Pruitt ak ea halt Wj Iredell Co. | Wm. E Pruitt | Doris J Elliott _| 54 34 | 29708 auf Pruitt | Matthew Jon | MM Statesville | James William Pruith Robin Rena Reimann 1570| io 9| rite | Mordane Donoctd F | w |otatesriiie’ | david Thome Prusce | Lindy Gasol Sparve’ [3 et aA é epee Fame Wtitan | M) w[Statecviiie | Jam soe Wiliien Pruite| Robin Rena Reimmnn | 6 meen 1976 1 |19}Pruitt | Sondre Gail | F| | Statesville | David Thomas Pruitt| Linda Carél Sparks [62 1977 | 34 Pruite __|wetison Blaine | F) | scatesviire fetvin tawin Pruitt [Patricia Denise suith 6 i ES _hoz7| ¢_|j0| rrusee : heats mirte __|e | tatesvite dhyde C1iftord Pruitt Peggy Sue Harris 63 ________|1979| 3_2u}prustt __|Steven Eugene | M | |statesville {tony Eugene Pruitt {Donna Ka re Si ihekipieriisaenell Acoli ff th inns asdiheiiccin enliliclils ionaaeaneomcesetiriintl ies singasalnnn. I os ciilerdarncetscialgl — Lincncneenestiiiealiilstliits 1 sie cid { wining aide | DATE OF BERTH You | Month | Day 11931) 6 | 29 1932| 21 4 1933) 9 |28 1938 3 | 30 I li NOON ii inst M 1948) bh |16)pryor M - Eleanor ‘ryor 1950/ 12 (30] Pryor * F_| © iMooresville NC [Willie Pryor [Mattie L Bivens 321 7d. 1953} 10 | 3] Pryor ~ Ci} Mooresville N - 6 Sadie Mae Pryor 39 | 173 1956 2 11 | Pryor Michael Euge q], Noorseviiie Henry Lee Pryor Marie McAuley 42) 201 1957| 1 9iPryor - Mic oresville - adie Mae Pryor 3| 56 1966, 7 17 | Pryor Andrea F | Wi Statesville Robert W Pryor Sandra E Hughes 52| 88, \ 2966 | 8 | 1G Pryor — radley M| WI Statesville Edward b Ka S Crews §2| 1123} ce 3 - 72 als iT? 2k pry nevere TF | C7 Mooresville Xe Anna L Pryor ort . , 1966 & 20 Pryor Hénry Elliott M ¢ Mooresville Menry Lée"Pryor Marte’Mcéaitey: 5$5 $07 1970! & | 12] Pryor Kevin Ashley M | W | Statesville Edward Lee Pryor Karen Sidney Crews | 56/516 1970 11 MW Pryor Shannon Marie | F | C | Mooresville Henry Lee Pryor Marie McCauley 56) 1970; 11/15] Pryer Wesley Donnail| M 8/ Meoresville ames Willie Pryor Norma Jean Cureton/61 1446 1973 1. Pryor Teresa Mechele | F | Wi Statesville | Edward Lee Pryor j Karen Sidney Crews | 59, 53 973| 3 1131 Pryor | Mi Ni Mooresville = 266 1975 7 r Aundrea Nikea FN Mooresville --- Marilyn Amelia Pryor} 61/670 | | | T | | | tea | | : - - : : + —_ piensa ~ 4 . j j wn | ] t ; 4 } | 1 —_ — — — et l de l +- — - + - - - Cy Ye __ BP Seca aa NIN DaragAe ot te ee EEE SAAS om DATE OF BIRTH oo OF . TUE wo consti nine One een =~ | Coens PLACE OF BIRTH J NAME OF FATHER | 1922] 12 | 191 Querels | Harry Dewitt IM |W ([Stetesville NC |Harry D-Quarels iflin BR Hamlet | § ™ 19 1 Quick W__|Mooresvilie NC [Colon H Quick __|Bulah Mae Davis 22| : ) | sli sins $$ + | stot an ba 4 { ee i. 4 P Ee » 0 - — a —_—-— ———————————— —— 4 -— 4 ___...__M__.W_[Concord Tos _ {Stacey Quien ._jBulah Quien a: a — #950, _§| 4} Quillin ___ Phyllis Ann _|F |W | Statesville NC | John E Quillin ___ |Maggie kdwards 36, 77h | — eS — ee ed or -—~ ee fn sp oh a a ee ee + a a adapter, ‘tex | co | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER |) NAME.OF MOTHER NC Pamela F | W fMooresville WC Louise Harwe e Rebecca F | W iMooresville NC} Garland Phipps Rachel Louise Harw/{ 39/1982 Jeffrey M/| W iMocksville Walter C Phipps Wilma R Hampton 49} 123 Willian M |W Statesville John # Sarah K Jemes Warner M} W| Winston-Salem | James Warner Phi Deborah Jolene Bessie C Sali 940 2 (231 Pete er Bell 965 | 10 10 | Petersen | Ronald M W i Statesville Donald A Petersen Iredell Couity, NC. Beit isTobewver Printing Mocee, Obanloes: MO.” Sx | Cust] PLACE OF SEAT = NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae FP | Wi Statesville NC apn gee 2 P Queen | Mary Albpe 1 | 975 wef arareuverte-t0-}-Orarzee-3-Queen—__| Mae y’A’Sai _876 a | 5 id Queen Minnie P| Wi Concord Tus. Witchell Queen Nettie Anderson 8 | 610 92219 7 | Queen - P| Wi Statesville Nc | Lawrence T Queen Ruby Ross 8 | 335 924! 12/7] Queen - M W Boncord Tns. Mitch S Queen Nettie L Redman 13) 169 | ise 8 14 Queen ~ M| Wi] Statesville NC | Lawrence T Queen Ruby Ress a 917 = 11 ‘nisin Charles Frank M| Wi Sharpesburg Inj Mitch Queen | rot ie Anderson 14 c72 hiser 12 |1 en ~ M |W [ Sharpesburg Tn] J F Queen Carlis Hayes id 675 | 368 on Marvin Stacie M WiSharpesburg Tn. | Stacie Queen Beulah Estes 16 640 losds 10 | 3 fQueen = Henry }M | w [Sherpesburg Tn. Stacey Queen Beulah Estes e6l 911; 6 /13 lewoon Edward Pete M| Wi Iredell Co. Julius Burl Queen Almeda Barker 28B 102 1942; 9 | 30] Queen Brenda Sus | F | w iStatesville NC [Roy Herman Queen Effie Lee Mayberry |28/ 1052 |ross 9 |10} Queen Floyd Donald M | W [Bethany Ins. Belo Holmes Queen Nellie Jane Ball 29/1165 loss 10 |11] Queen Judy Kay FP | W Statesville Herman “lenn Queen Bonnie Mae Moody 31/1137 _joe 1 6] Queen Carolyn Loujean}| F| W jHarmony, N. C. [Bela H Queen __Pleiiie Jane Ball 32/153 1947; 2 |19} Queen Marvin Raford W [Olin Tne. Marvin Stacy Queen [Esta Mae Money 335/247 1948; 6 |17] Queen linda Coleen F) W |Harmony, N.C. [Bela Hose Queen Nellie Jane Ball 341329 1949| 2 |26]Queen Sandra Jane P w Statesville NC Woseph E Queen Clara R Setzer 35 |236 1949; 8 (|26}Queen, Jr. Herman Glenn, | M | W [Statesville NC [Herman G Queen Bonnie L Moody 35 |1390 1950 | 3 19 Que en Jackie Eugene M W [Statesville NC JAtwell G Queen Lillian E Barp 36 | 435 _j1950 | 5 12 ueen Janice Blaine P | Wi Statesville NC} Roy 1H Queen effie L Mayberr 36 | 429 1950| 5 | 4)Quoen Wayne Ronald M | W jEarmony NC Belo H Queen fieliie J Ball 36 |680 1950| 5 |27} Queen Alma Kay F | W [Statesville Joseph B Queen Jerere R Setzer 36 | 853 ee 11 |15}Queen | - a | W [Statesville NC [Gaither R Queen Jr. | Sarah Lorena shan: 36 |1930 abet 1951| 6 /17} Queen ‘William Donald | M | W tHarmony § c Reiph D sueen Betty Jean Ward 37 1095 1951 | 9 (|22} Queen Vickie Blaine | F | WiStatesville N© [Fred Willis Queen Betty Jean Miller [37/1631 1951 | 1l 29} Queen | | Juay Diane F | W [Statesville %C [Roy Herman Queen Effie Lee Mayberry 7 2071 1953, 2 (4 [Queen i Judy Mae F\| W [Statesville NC [Marvin 8. Queen Ester M. Money 39/229 ec aaa = | 2 Queen — |Micheet Thomas x | W iStetesville NC James Rowe Queen Evelyn Era Harrison|39/1495 1953 | ll (17) Queen = ~ M | W Statesville NC [Ralph Donald Queen Betty Jean Ward 39/1882 Sha uth frose| 2 [er foueen | Cathy Mouise F | W [Statesville Nc jJames Henry Queen Lillie Ellen Taylor] 40 |62 1954/ 5 | 9}Queen \Sohn Wayne M | w [Statesville NC John Harlan Queen [frillis Iona Frye {40/366 es 1954) f lie Queen eesiliaeail Leonard! M i" Statesville 4C iJames Rowe Queen Evelyn Era Harrison] 40 |1258 1955) 6 71 Queen Sandra Irene FP | WiStet esville NC [Jams Henry Queen Lillie Blien Taylor [41/692 i a ees| ¢ 14] Que en aa | ~ M, WiStatesville NC | Marvin Stacie Queen] Ester Mae Money 41 (1062 1955; 8 24] Queen Sandra Kay F | W [Statesville NC | Williem Glenn Queen] Iva Lee “oore 41/1934 2066} 10 |4 [Queen _|Karen Denise F | W [Statesville John H. Queen Trullis +. Frye 42 |1664 1956 | ll 17, Pe James Thomas x | W jHermny, N. CG. [Ralph Denald Queen Betty Jean Ward 42/1940 . ok / 9] Queen sau d Bobby Lee fue Statesville, N. b, Marvin Stacy Queen} Esther Mee Money 45 | ___}i9se| & 19 Queen Sandra Kay P | W [Statesville NC |Marvin Stacie Queen | Ester Mae Money “re | | TH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ DEATHS — Iredell County, N. C. SPR Post Ror tetera ihe Cs ee Se ee SSS = —_ Se —— epee ure om | SURNAME OF DECEASED tex | tome | PLACE OF DEATH | NAME OF FATHER ~ | NAME OF MOTHER f= Year | Mouth | Day | AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF OME 1S SIVEN Yo. | Page pest e +5 een Rete de nah F ¥{stahacyitis ee8 ph Elisha Queen Mane Fagnele Sot zer ry 190 1959} 9 | 26] Queen Ronald Kenneth | M | W ] Statesville Ken th W Queen Sadie B Clonch 45) 1532 1959) 12 | 2 | Queen Toni Rene P| W | Statesville i H. Queen Trillis Y. Frye 45) 2000 1962 € 23] Queen Jonathan . siitusne | Rex Lee Que on - “Lites M, Weber Bb 696 t a +H rames— +e 5 1962) 2 | 9 | “ueen Pamela Lynne F | W]Statesvilie NC |John H. Queen friliis -‘ona Frye 48] 207 962 | 9 | 10) Qwen Shelia S, | rF| whe itesvi Len ,A dames B Queen Doris S Tharpe BS 1458 : [19634-22427 wren [Set trey oo pe seamesvirie Pe 9S jJudyK Queen #93984 1964 10/ & | Queen Teresa Fi Wi Statesville iWm. G Queen Iva Lee Moore 50 1504 Oo | n965! 8 | 5] Queen Deborah Fi W | Statesville Roy L Queen Alice M Weber 51 1034 1967; 11) lfQueen Terrence M| Wi Statesville Kenneth W Queen Saddie B Clonch 53 1374 1969) 11 4 Queen Scott Bradley M lw Statesville Marvin Rayford Quepn Jill Irene Di 55 1421] 1970; 5 la Queen Mary Catherine] F)| Wj] Statesville ayne Ronald Queen Mary Patricia at 94 1971 4 Chr} gtopher Mw Supvemrylle {Name Retald Gomes, Patriciz esas re 11974 7 | Queen sten Rhea F |W jf Statesville | Jil) Irene Dishman | 677 1 ; 4 | Queen Kevin Scott mM |W Statesvimned/ |w P "Faugh/ 161/635 1977| 3 15 Queen |William Cody | Per. Statesville William Donald Queen} Teresa Ann Gregoire | 63) 251 __}1977| 3 | 324 Queen [Angela Michellel F| _ ptatesvilie James Thomas Queen |Tonja Sue Morris | 63, 292] 1977| 7 (103 Queen | Michelle Leigh |F | Statesville John Wayne Queen Janet Leigh Burke J 63} 623 | 1978 3 [24] Queen | Daniel Shane | M | [Statesville Donald Roy Queen _{S K a — | 1214 Queen | Steven Allen |M | Statesville Roger Dale Queen _| Robin Marie Andersed 64 1024 | . Queen _—| Misty Rose | F. | Statesville Donald Ray Queen | Sandra Kay Fann 65) 458 | , eee eee | i __f979 | 12 | 6} Queen |Kelly Chrustine|F | Statesville | Herbert Roger Queen| Peggy Lee Duncan 651174) 1980 6 23 Queen Pamela Jean F Statesville Danny Keith Queen Debbie Jean Webster 576 edie | Spade ssh eiedsdiienae sleidc col tAcetinstsnadecgennnseltecnesiaatilinnmies eallin acne asc inthe silialidaiahaaalinin _fs¢o| 9 26 frueen Mark Lawrence |M | | Statesville Wayne Ronald Queen Mary P. Faughnan 66 | 693} i cca a a cl SN ee Cae we” Sa ree ie i cidhccntaincdii } - ; A causal nail apes aaiimigal Biches aiaaaaiaiin 7S oe Se i | } ailades ‘ —— Si iiinmenociei Bid naitvens seahaeiaelnadiioenelivtian anil . 4 fp + +4 4 ‘ = i en is isdn iiiainnacciiniisitd ibis Bi iaslniceciinancrinse 9 Deicide si casibidiarihined scone antes Diiceiadabacans = . i inlbentiiilniniiglaisdbniiisiapaabeacl ach aiid eli cs it em ee ssictilclesdinninlcaeacanctheeapienglcekaiemeaaa anaes it - a 4 e +4 sensvnerstileangiasecinaallianlncicussiilinemnsiesiitnaeiiaal ; . Lou a | = ‘ deal Ze 7 pao Ii nish ncvaaesieicssoliciinilind cea —$———+ . 4 fae seem —— a —_—___—_#-_+—___-}- __ Be ae sor Te isa eddies init aietenveenlnltcoane Cte aaa | | | | INDEX TO VTA S~ BIRTHS ~ lredell Conty,N.C._ SER RTA ik _ bite ser ie wa Se ad save oF sats —— era ine Sa tox | Cow) PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER : ~ [iead sth. ashame: shaban abt Wldred Ann Ste e _____ «4A | | 3G Penee ss Bobb de Steele Mi Wi Stateevilie NO! Purman Wm Pensa | a 4948 $ Jackie ‘eresa.. Wi “tatesville NG Jack ‘ence dane Alee Harris 3h 1305 eal 2 | tds rere i 7 | Pence William Walter/ iM | W | Statesville NC} Wi Walter Pe Mabel B W S 1957, 12 | 4 Pence Mary Jo F | Wi Statesville NC | Wm. W Pence abel B Wilson 43) 1 e 1959 5 / 12] Pence Robin Lynnette] F | W | Statesville Purman W Pence, Jr.| Brenda 8 Da genhart 45| 676 E p +4 1961, 11 Pence Debra Renee F Wi] Statesville Furman W. Pence, Jr.| Brenda 5. Dagenhart| 47 2¢ i 1963; 8 |15]Pence Trent M Wi Statesville Koy Pence Lelia M Reavis 49 | 1265 a : 1964 5 (2h 4 Pence Ann F Wi Statesville Furman W Pence, @&. Brenda S Dagenhart 5D e E 1940; 3 | 6§Proffit Ella Gwendolyn | F | W §Statesvilie NC | Wayne T Proffitt Blanche M Shsppherd [26| 737 il S. 1219. 945| 3 27 ‘John Thomas j Mj Blanche M Shepherd {51| 568) r 197h| 12 itt Carl Frederick] M | Wi Statesville Carl Frederick Profift Mary Ann Venosa 60) 111 1980 8 23 Proffitt Joseph Lee M Statesville -- Mary Ann Venosa 62h | 4 ; 4 hes | Lcd | | | }. 4 | | } | 7 ee = : 4% -+% -4Derponeinmne- Dee ddbido- de Panera = = = == = eats - sihitipdasilteil claerdasnenapadiaailiee siualline am ei Ss a n}. en aon + emcee —————————— —— = Oe ree Ff —_—_—__+_—__+ ee ce AeA —_—— — 4 4 -—-- : rr ee | : | 1 + + 4 re | | Es Soe : rf baka s al | Tory 7 : | pe g 963 5 1 Pace Kimber ly F W Btatesvi lie David T Pace Linda K McDaniels AY 622 71966) & Pace David Keith | M Statesville. David Toay Pace Linda K McBansels [52 /547. 2 7 eT i j | | Leak 5 ‘Realmege | Mw Ci Statesville TH | James 0 Pass _j Ollie Johnson __ joie Beatrice F | GC (Statesville NC som ane 4 Millie Johnson 29 | 925 1963, 9 26 Pass | Jeffery M C | Statesvi lle - Ollie 3. Pass 49) 1503 7 T ; ‘ 11965 1 |14/Pass | Steven M| C [Statesville - Ollie B Pass 51) 36 r 9 | 23 Pass ' Timothy Darnell] M| Nj Statesville ' 0 Beatrice 1 3a 1 | 3]Pass |__ Douglass M| Ci Iredell eis B Yaos % 3 | | | ae | ; Led | | + —_ +- - ' : | a + : : ‘ 1970 Peek Nola Mae Graham Y £ ; se tape no Me _ 1.946) 12 | onder... iFeggy seen Fi ¢ x 1948) 3 [uu Ponder Florida “ae F Ci_ Mooresville NCfAlbert Push Ponder Beatrice Conne 3k | 1953| 3 fe Ponder Albert Aaron Jr] M jC Albert A. Ponder | Beatrice Conner _}39) _____ 954 | & 110] Ponder _|Vickie Elaine j F | C oresville NC | Albert Ponder Beatrice Conner 1955, 8 |7 | Ponder avid Ottis Mic oe nc [\lbert Ponder / Beatrice Connor ee er pay PT ae 1965 26} Ponder Wendell M | C [Mooresville ~ Florida & C Pander | 54 27 eo _|- ME eae n ele are E sa i l pe o n c e e s e c o n e n d ai t - c m e n a s e s Prestwood Prestwood Dorothy ann iF Richard Alan Statesville NC_ Statesville No Leoserd Prestwood jSereh Stewart.” 120. 646, Boyd Jacab PrestwoodiClaudia Lee Gay : : | | + oe | ’ ; + be -e T " i i ; ) | | , T 7 —— } — } ; + saath hleipbloail ae ile ie a is j ae ; ; | a ' em re re Ber ek eee ae 7 ; | tn | | + se a n c t a n e l i e e . 1944 © ee mo —+ —- - - ____.| Dudley Robinson. Purdy | William Richard! i @tatesville NC | Statesville NC |Jobn D Purdy \Frenk Kerr Purdy _. |Roria L Setzer \Getherine Ritchie : i |i ea e joao | Paul Lee M | W [Statesville rank K Purdy atherine P Ritehie 197 | 1970 Treva Michelle| F| Wi Iredell Co. Michael Gene Purdy ) ! | pt rs | ; ; | | | oe ; | | we Ho | | i. 4 =" Ce ee re = aa ii d ‘ “9 i be ee i ee e om i > SN mY ea e vi va we F | W iStetesville NC [Adem N Posleos jMethryn «Knox 129)1456) a pe 4 4 + 4 on , —— 4 —¢ - - — - -4 + —— so re | : YP ] co § ee e : ua e - > i] “ 3 | é wo — —f 4 a «i 3 sa a d —4 —— + - 4 +- — — — 4 a 2 2 em —— ee es i MOTHER vy ee reo iw ves re ol Rober *) : ¢ & a, a ae | | ie | | | | ' | t T t | | | | | | de n n e ni h i i l i a n i n —— — $ } -- - — _ _ 4 - - - — _ _ — - # —- — - -+ - - - | | T | | [ sa o s i n % Ta twa] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER " | NAME OF MOTHER ; —pIkb 1 1 - 11952 19 = | Kk . pesville NC J - ,.. / ‘ Or ri. / 41) Oo) ve P9521 1-221 Parree _ CG 1953 6 |21] Bartee _ |p Ray | M| C | Mooresville NC] James ae Ee? Stopkton Ve 7 Cc ae J : 355 = » oresville NC - Beatrice Partee _—.9se 7 7 | Partee | esvilie Ls Vivien Leuise Parte 7 he = 1944) 1] | 27) Pennington ___| Paul Ray MjWiberringer Tos itn Siger Pennington | FP Jr A947 ty 2% Pennthgten _| James Franklin/| M| W| Mooresville NC | James F Pennington | 1947| 8 | 5iPennington _|Thomas Ear) | M | W iiradel] County | Wm Edgar Pennington | Lillien R Hambright | 1949; 1 |30}Pennington Johnny Richard | M |W [Mooresville NC | James F Pennington | Helen & Gibson Jr 1949) 11/6 Pennington ___Bhirley Ann Fj W Mooresville —_| = L R son 1951| 7 (6 [Pennington Clifford Allen | M | W [Mooresville NC [Franklin J Penningtow Helen Elizabeth Gibf 37 2 Phillips 52\.5 (11 [Pennington _|Patsy lucilbe F_ |W | Mooresville MC | Reeves Junior Penning' 19521 7 6 | Pennington atherine Louisel F iW IMooresville lic bWilliam E Penningtonl Lillian 2 Hambrighti33) 952! 9 Pendleton __jAndrew Lewis’11% M |W Statesville NC lindrew L. Pendlebos, | Doratpy Lee Jones ps t 2953 | 11 | 26] Pennington Davie Harold M| Wi Statesville NC | Junior Ross Pennin Annie Lee Mahaffey j39| 19 li 1953| 11 |2 | Pennington Deborah Marving F | W [Mooresville NC |Reeds Juntor Peniiin theresa Novelie Philp Gibson $925k \3__|6 | Pennington __| Charles Edgar JM (|W | oa... Tak wena Helen Elizabeth/ |40| 832 Pendleton 1954 | 6 Pendleton Patricia Lee F | wi Statesville NC jAndrew Lewis Dorothy Lee Jones 40} 997 ton 1955; 1 (|29] Pennington Edward Jr M_| W | Mooresville NC] Edward Alton Penning/Kathryn Fay Bryant. jh) | Pe nning ton Hambright moss | 5 16] Pennington ~ - M | Wi Mooresville NC | William Ragar/ Lillian Rebenend | 44 Y 1960) 1 | 20] Pendleton George idward [IM |W [Statesville Andrew L, Pendleton | Yorothy Lee “ones 46} 118 __41961| 6 | 5|Pennington Cynthia Marie Fw i Mooresville Glenn W. Femington| Je Ann Barnhardt [47 [1298 1967 2: | 2 Pennington Phyllis F | W{Statesville- | Donald S Pennington Br Helen R Hodge n968 | 3/10 Pennington Jr. | Thomas M| W| Mooresville Thos E Pennington ae Ann Hall 54, 32 1971) 9 Pennington | Nancy Gail F Ee ot ae 1979| 10 |9 | Pennington,Jr Danny Lynn M Mooresville Danny Lynn P Barbara Diane Cli wa r t s & OF gk s . - i Sa is i aka, beets \ \ a ys a aca a o eee (tm | toe) PLE OF aire | aren | NAME OF MoTHER i= 1955| 10 |24| Potter“ ___|John Sa _| mw | w Joes HO} James Samuel Potter | Evel tor Oriswsi|1623) _ 1956| 1_|27| Potter _|Mona “uth p.|w | Statesville |Montie liugh Potter [uth Ellen Ray = |42) 98] a 2 ¥ ville 0 | Albert Lee Potter | Carolyn Davis ; eS 1967 2 | 9} Potter Clifford M | W | Mooresville Mitchell N Potter Betty 8 ‘erkins _i98 acc 1977} & |26§ Potter Bobbie Jo F|. | Mooresville pobby Ray Potter a Louise 63) 362 19° ee ee $ 3 1979 10 | 25] Potter Joel Ely ™ Statesville ‘ ; 1980 12/1] Potter Kelly Emanuel | M Statesville |Carl Major Potter | Sandra Dean McIntyr il ; Sa asia ——— - 1944) 12 | 3liPenley _|Gery Bugene [|W IMooresvilie NG ILonis H Fenley | i : 12/50 fpenlay _______| Jannie Ellen {} F | © | Mooresville NG f.out r 1957, 5 |18] Penley Brenda Elaine F | W |} Statesville NC Bruce R. Penley tty Ann Goodman i | . $9568 | 9 | 20 Penley Terry Wayne M W [Statesville Bruce Ray Pemey Bétty Ann Goodin 44/1501 bse G | 124 Penley, Jr. Donald Lee M | W | Moo resville Donald L Penley, Sr.j| Brenda A Fesperman [48 13854 1964 | 11 17 Penley Gerri RF W]| Mooresville Donald L Penley Brenda A Fesperman| 50 ing f 1966; 2 /15 Penley Payla F,| Wi Mooresville Donald L Penley Brenda A Fesperman]| 52 213 1968 7) 2] Penley Phillip Todd M | W [Mooresville Donald Lee Penley Brenda Ann Fes 54 832 969 11) Penley borah Ann F | % & Mooresville Donald Lee Penley Brenda Ann Fespe 5 1p? | | + j ‘ | | | contented 4 suid 1 | Kae Bd & 4 cibahit [ ;